diff --git "a/cr3-dm-player-solo-v1-test.json" "b/cr3-dm-player-solo-v1-test.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/cr3-dm-player-solo-v1-test.json" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Ireena and a passing Crownsguard both seem to think that keeping a lot of money on their persons was pretty stupid, and under Jester's Zone of Truth Ireena denies knowing anything about it. They decide to visit Rissa's father, and to investigate Ashton and Fitz, the two gnome boys who were taunting Rissa the previous day.\nDM: \"No, it's just me and Syd.\" At this point Syd brings out the last of the food, the male gnome who you saw when you first entered. He's like, \"So, all of your food is ready. Enjoy.\"\nPlayer: You mentioned being able to get us friends and other type of services. Where do you find those resources?\nDM: \"Through a friend of mine.\"\nPlayer: What's her name?\nDM: \"Why are you asking me all these questions? I didn't send anyone up to your room, and I'm not going to spill all of my business propositions your direction.\"\nPlayer: I don't think you did any of that at all. I just think you might know who did. Even if you don't consciously know, I think you have an idea.\nDM: \"Not really, lass.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th.\nDM: \"Well, because it's--\" and the voice stays very hushed, and she adjusts her glasses, the closer she gets \"--because it is technically not supposed to be here, it's a bit pricier. That one runs you about 15 gold pieces.\"\nPlayer: I'm still interested. I would like to see the quality of the book. You know, see if it's in mint condition.\nDM: \"Of course, it's not a worry. Just a moment.\" The other books, the regular books--\nPlayer: Did she walk away from me, by the way?\nDM: Briefly, yeah.\nPlayer: I cast Detect Magic.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The chained being replies that he caught the attention of their master. you tells them that the white one belongs to her.\nDM: \"Hm.\" You hear the chains intensify with the rattling and clanking. \"Perhaps you should walk with us.\"\nPlayer: Where are we going?\nDM: \"To the one who wishes to now know of your ownership.\"\nPlayer: And if I decline?\nDM: \"Then you will no longer be able to stop us.\"\nPlayer: I'm sorry, I still didn't catch your name.\nDM: \"You do not need our name.\" And that's where we're going to leave tonight's episode. (all groan)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There was a cart of horses pulling a group of four gnomes that all eventually revealed themselves to be family of Pike Trickfoot. After taking them in, whether or not Vox Machina was excited or eager to, nevertheless they treated them with hospitality, gave them a place to stay, gave them food for the evening, conversations were had, and information was passed around.\nDM: 18. Yeah. He seems fine. As a magical snake, it can transform back and forth. It doesn't appear to require food or water when it's in its belt form. It wouldn't necessarily be conscious of the time in between. So as far as Simon's concerned, it's been a very short period of time.\nPlayer: Kynan.\nDM: \"Yes, Vax?\"\nPlayer: You are happy here-- happier here?\nDM: \"Very.\"\nPlayer: I'm very glad for that. You seem happy. And everybody deserves a second chance. And I guess what I'm asking is: can I have my snake back?\nDM: \"Of course. Yes! Here, I mean he was-- I was just borrowing it for a while.\"\nPlayer: Okay. I feel silly. I mean, I gave it to you a year ago or so, but, I don't know, I missed him. I think I missed him.\nDM: \"Okay. Yeah.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He thanks her, pays her, and says Scanlan sends his regards , making her blush. you goes to the Temple of Sarenrae to pick up his Decanter of Endless Water that he was having Father Tristan enchant.\nDM: That would run you approximately 700 gold to create it as a plus-one magical item. Would take one mage a week to do it.\nPlayer: Okay. So I'll do that.\nDM: Okay, so for the week it takes, you pay 700 gold pieces. Your quarterstaff with a couple of daggers tied to the end is now considered a plus-one magical weapon.\nPlayer: I stop at Gilmore's and I drop off my Ring of Protection. And pay whatever that is to add a plus-one to make it instead of a minor, an actual Ring of Protection.\nDM: Unfortunately, the thing is, an enchantment cannot be progressively enhanced. You would have to disenchant and then re-enchant the entire thing.\nPlayer: I thought Gilmore said they could do that there, before. That's why I was going to cough up the green for the Gil, as it were.\nDM: No. They can enchant the item with it, but it would be the cost of basically re-enchanting the item.\nPlayer: How much would that be?\nDM: That would cost approximately 25,000 gold pieces.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She Dimension Door'ed her way into the ritual room, which Vox Machina followed over the wall. She seemed to complete the ritual, creating this small, vacuous, spinning black sphere that is locked in place.\nDM: Eight! Yeah! All right. First and foremost, Vex, you're up with the initiative on this. You go ahead and you bring your holy arrow and you release it.\nPlayer: Is it a surprise attack?\nDM: Technically, no, it knew you were there, it was very aware of everyone's position. And was essentially after being forced out of his body at the moment preparing itself for some sort of assault, so not a surprise round, unfortunately. So go ahead and make your attacks with your arrows, if you'd like.\nPlayer: Yes! 28 and 27.\nDM: Both of those hit.\nPlayer: Awesome. Okay. These two... balls. So 15, 16, 17, plus holy damage?\nDM: I'll consider that, do 1d4 radiant damage to it. In addition to that, so 17 plus--\nPlayer: 17 plus four is 21.\nDM: 21 for the first one.\nPlayer: And then ten for the second.\nDM: All right. So--\nPlayer: And then I Hunter's Mark him.\nDM: All righty.\nPlayer: I didn't say I Hunter's Marked him at the beginning-- I'm explaining this to you guys, because I'd already said I shot at him.\nDM: You did.\nPlayer: So I was being honest. I'm looking at the chat room, because I know they're going to tell me I forgot my damn Hunter's Mark.\nDM: That's okay. All right. You pull back and release the first arrow. As it goes and hits, you can see the smoke itself is obscuring its place and keeping it hard to hit, but you still strike true, the arrow striking into its form. And there's a flash of radiant energy as it hits, and you see the creature takes from the impact and stares down at its chest. As it looks up, its face turning towards you, and it is this formless humanoid body, but the face itself does pinch into this elongated crow skull--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fortunately, the party is able to kill them with only a few injuries. The noise, however, attracts a pair of slow-moving rock monsters from opposite sides of the river, but Yasha and Jester are able to paddle past them and the boats escape further down the tunnel.\nDM: As you move in that direction past the rock slide, you get a faint source of magic further beyond that rock slide.\nPlayer: Beyond the rock slide?\nDM: You get a better look at it. Actually, you don't get a better look because you don't have light.\nPlayer: That's on one side of the passage that we are in?\nDM: That's on the north side of it, yes.\nPlayer: If I crane my neck in the other direction, is there anything on that side?\nDM: Nope. Nothing of magical essence on that side of the chamber.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors.\nDM: 17. Trinket crushes the other orc who'd already been softened up from the blow from Keyleth's earth elemental.\nPlayer: Yes, good job Trinket!\nDM: As Trinket rolls past, you can see this crushed form of the orc on the ground in the snow, crushed in place.\nPlayer: Good job, buddy!\nDM: Most of the bones broken and turned to dust. The third one, however, sidesteps and is going to go ahead and take a swing at Trinket. That is going to be a 19 to hit.\nPlayer: 20!\nDM: 20. Right across the top of Trinket's armor, no effect.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She rents them a boat called the Shore Shanty, helmed by Captain Santy, for three days' use. After about two hours of sailing, they arrive above the undersea volcano.\nDM: You watch as Vax disappears into the liquid. The pressure is a lot. I need you to make an athletics check first.\nPlayer: Okay, that's what I'm best at. Athletics. Natural 20. Thanks, Matt Colville.\nDM: You swim down into the darkness and you're using your sense of balance to keep tabs on what is up and what is down, because once you dive into the middle of this pillar you see nothing. And you begin to swim down, feeling for where the gravity is pulling you and the force against you, and use that to get your bearings.\nPlayer: I know it's probably fuck-all, but I'm going to pull out the Flametongue Dagger and try to use it as a shitty-ass--\nDM: You can faintly see a little bit of it there. You do take three points of fire damage as soon as you enter the water, reduced to one. So you manage to push through and descend about 15 or so, 20 feet. You suffer another six points of fire damage, reduced to three. Need you to make another athletics check, please, as you're pushing further and further down.\nPlayer: Use my first Luck of the day. Oh, not good. Same thing. Just a six.\nDM: A six? It begins to push you up, you lose a little bit of ground. You take another one point of fire damage. You begin to make up, and you get partway down. You get another 40 or so feet down into it, you think. Still unable to really see anything. Occasionally, you see a glint of that light that you saw before. The little bit of glow. You take another three points of fire damage, reduced to one. It is a lot of heat, but you continue to push further. Make another athletics check, a third one.\nPlayer: 20, total.\nDM: 20? (grunting) Pushing along, still making your way down, making your way down. You get probably another 80 or so feet before it seems to curve off a little bit to the side. The force of the water begins to shift a little bit. You take another three points of fire damage. You begin to see a faint bit of that glow that you were following earlier, and as you head towards it the heat gets more and more intense. You begin to push past some of the smoke, and you can see right there, looks like there's a glowing ember of rock about five or six feet wide that is molten rock that is slowly cooling as it's being pushed faintly out, but the force of the water curves off to the side and you continue to swim away from where that glowing ember is and following the path of where this push of water is. You take another two points of fire damage.\nPlayer: Okay. I'm Ed Harris, sinking down and down and down.\nDM: The temperature is going up. You continue to swim, continue to swim. Further down, further down, further down. Make another athletics check.\nPlayer: 16.\nDM: Okay. You're slowing down a bit, but you're still getting ground. You also take another three points of fire damage. This is getting hard.\nPlayer: Yeah?\nDM: And even your form, you're getting a little tired, having to go against this force. And you're not quite sure where this is going to lead you. You're not going to stumble across an opening where it's fine to walk. You're continuing to swim down a superheated--\nPlayer: I'm going to push it just a little bit more.\nDM: Okay, make another athletics check.\nPlayer: Okay. That's not good. That's a seven.\nDM: Okay. You get pushed back about 15 feet or so, and you take another three points of fire damage.\nPlayer: And I'll go with it, up.\nDM: Okay. You ride up. Before you can get entirely out of the column, you take another three points of fire damage and eventually emerge from the side of it. Uncomfortable.\nPlayer: Back into warm piss water, instead of boiling hot.\nDM: Yes, which comparatively is much more comfortable.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you then heads to Uriel's palace, but is stopped by guards at the edge of the Cloudtop District. He asks if they have seen Simon, his Serpent Belt, but they just tell him to leave.\nDM: 17. Okay. Keeping an eye out, you do eventually come across a boy that looks about his age. Late teens, maybe early twenties. Comes by and gathers a little bit of meat and rushes off and you stop him.\nPlayer: Excuse me, I'm sorry to take you away from your day. I'm sorry, what is your name?\nDM: \"Jameson.\"\nPlayer: Jameson.\nDM: \"Yeah, can I help you? I've really got to get home with this.\"\nPlayer: I understand, I'll just take a second of your time. I owe a boy who lives here named Kynan, I owe him a few silver and I want to see that he gets it. Is he in town?\nDM: Make a deception check.\nPlayer: I'll use the meteorite. That's a 15.\nDM: 15, gives you a look over and goes, \"I'm certain you've given him silver, but Kynan's been gone for the better part of a week.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, One of them breaks his ankle and the other slams his hip into the ground, both falling prone. As the guards run out the door, Trinket claws at the one that Vex'ahlia had marked, causing him to cry out in pain.\nDM: 24, yeah. You leap in the air (whoosh) like slow-motion (whoosh, explosion) down on top. Go ahead and roll three attacks on him.\nPlayer: Amazing, that's 27. That's 26.\nDM: Roll damage on those.\nPlayer: Okay, not a problem. Ten, 19, 29 on the first one.\nDM: 29 on the first one? Okay.\nPlayer: And 28 on the second one.\nDM: So as you come down, the hammer blow slams into his torso, his actual metal armor crinks inward, and he goes, (screams) gasping in pain, as you've now jammed his own ribs into his internal organs. As you pull the hammer up with a sludgy, sucking sound you see him look at you with this look of, \"No!\" and the hammer comes down again. This time on top of his head, which, Gallagher watermelon, just (boosh) across the floor of this. Done, you look over at his friend, who is like, (gasps) trying to back up with his broken ankle. With your third attack, he's within your range.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord disappears upstairs to use the facilities and doesn't come back. Molly uses Purgation on Beau to slightly sober her up.\nDM: He grabs the barrel from the person and fills his own last tankard, hands it off. \"Let's go.\" Take the roll.\nPlayer: Can I drink this with Mage Hand pouring from way up there?\nDM: If you really want to, sure.\nPlayer: I do.\nDM: So you're like, \"Ah!\" catching it underneath. The crowds like, \"Yeah!\" clamoring. Go ahead and make your roll.\nPlayer: Only 14.\nDM: As it's coming down, it's splashing on your face a bit. You're trying to catch it all.\nPlayer: I got too cocky!\nDM: You manage to catch most of it and you finish it. You realize that the liquors that you've been having are not been mixing well with this particular drink. You're starting to feel-- oof. That's a victory on his end.\nPlayer: Oh no!\nDM: All you hear is this subtle (chuckling). Roll for the next one.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They are pulled into the center and announced as The Mighty Nein's final round. Knowing the Stubborn Stock is watching from behind the distant doorways that lead into the central arena, the members of the Mighty Nein all scattered about the sands as the sun begins to get close to dusk, shouting out their various plans and then abandoning them last minute.\nDM: That does not hit, unfortunately. It just misses. As you see once again, Molly on the ground and Yasha barely making an impact. Nott gets a couple good hits off, and you try to fire. Unfortunately, as he pulls back to grasp the face, the Fire Bolt goes wide past where the head previously was.\nPlayer: Yeah, I'm going to use my movement to back up behind that column.\nDM: There?\nPlayer: Ja.\nDM: That would put you about there. That ends your turn, Caleb?\nPlayer: Ja.\nDM: Jester, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You began to look throughout the room. You found a sword across the upper ceiling, an ornamental blade of some kind.\nDM: You have darkvision, so as both you and Jester glance inside, you can see there is a small five foot by five foot chamber inside, where there are a number of pots and small cases. It was a small burial chamber of some kind. There in the center, you see this large urn, about a foot and a half wide, squat, a dull gray color. You have no color depth in this darkness, unfortunately, with your darkvision, but it's this very squat, well-made vase or urn of some kind.\nPlayer: Mm-hmm. Two shots.\nDM: You're having to put your arm through and swing towards it, so disadvantage on each strike.\nPlayer: All right. First one is 13 to hit.\nDM: 13 just barely hits, but it's a hardy urn. We'll see how much damage you deal.\nPlayer: That's eight points of damage.\nDM: Eight points of damage. You make impact, and you see a part of it crack from the blow, but it's not enough to shatter it.\nPlayer: I'm taking another swing.\nDM: As you pull it out and jam the other arm in to go for a straight strike with your scimitar.\nPlayer: That's 17 to hit.\nDM: 17 hits. Roll damage.\nPlayer: That's five points of damage.\nDM: As you reach through, you feel the urn break beneath the blow. There's this moment of silence as you hear this (low gasp) dully filter out. The entity slowly shifts from the ceiling as you watch it disintegrate. Not vanishing like it did before, but slowly dissipating. Its form suddenly goes from extremely menacing to almost sad, as you watch it turn to nothingness.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you is able to relinquish it, along with Arkhan's hand. Meanwhile, Percy has been sitting in a corner contemplating Ipkesh's contract from the Nine Hells.\nDM: At this point, you can see two of the other Scalebearer guardians have flanked the sides of the Highbearer. As he removes his foot from the blade and steps back, they both carefully lift it with a gauntlet and present it before him and he glances down. \"So you say this blade aided you?\"\nPlayer: Yes. That blade, careful with it, very powerful. He is bent on the destruction of one thing and one thing only. Vecna.\nDM: \"Good to know. We'll keep this within our vaults in case the day or time arises.\"\nPlayer: Wait! I have something else. Then I show the hand of Arkhan.\nDM: \"Yes?\" It flops limply in your grasp.\nPlayer: Oh! The person that owned this hand-- okay, stay with me. Chopped this off and took Vecna's hand and stuck it on and then this got left over. So this is not his hand anymore and the one that he does have is Vecna's. So if you use your noodle, you can use this to trace him.\nDM: \"There are limitations to the use of such objects. It may be of some aid to us, but the knowledge of this individual is far more important. However, we will accept this thing.\" And he ushers his hand forward and another servant comes forward and retrieves the hand from you and folds the fingers up and places it within a small pillow. Backs away.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, Molly douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls you out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: 18. With a quick, rapid movement of your Mage Hand, you watch as the ropes on one come free. One of them (breathing heavily) looks at their hands and doesn't know exactly what happened but is apparently now free of the ropes.\nPlayer: Are we in a weird in-between combat and non-combat?\nDM: Yes. We're not in combat yet, so what are you guys doing?\nPlayer: I would like to hug the wall and slide along it. I would like to think I can hear my friends breathing-- and stop, yeah that's good-- and hold my action, and if anything comes this way that is not my friends to cast Burning Hands as a tripwire. I'm the tripwire.\nDM: Within range you mean?\nPlayer: Yeah, of course within range.\nDM: All righty, anybody else? What are you preparing for?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, This isn't going to hold for long! Let's get the hell out of here.\nDM: You look up at Pike and smile and you look over and see this large column of magma that's now cracking through stone and pouring into the throne room again.\nPlayer: Is there anything else we can do? Is there anything else I can do at this moment?\nDM: No, this has been a heal, this has been-- no, okay, you can move, that's about it.\nPlayer: I can move? Can I take anyone with me while I move?\nDM: I will say you can drag him. You'll be at half speed.\nPlayer: Can I try to drag Tiberius away from the magma?\nDM: You can try. Make a strength check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At that moment, Caleb spots a bookstore, but it's closed and he can't see what if anything they have for sale. Jester buys flowers from an adorable little gnome girl.\nDM: At that point, everyone goes, \"Whoa!\" With a flourish, you place the rest of the 30 gold piece pot on the table. \"Ooh.\"\nPlayer: So you'll all be giving me a little bit of gold for this later.\nDM: \"So?\" Turns back and looks back at the miners, and they all go (heavy sigh).\nPlayer: We'll be out of town in a week.\nDM: They gather their gold off the table back again, and Irena goes, \"Well, if that's it, it looks like our contenders for the night are-- (quietly) what are you called?\"\nPlayer: The Mighty Nein.\nDM: \"The Mighty Nein!\"\nPlayer: If I want to be known for something, this is exactly what I want to be known for.\nDM: Cheers and clamoring continue around, and everyone starts shouting and yelling. \"All right, let's set up these drinks people!\" With that final slam on the table, she leaps off onto the ground and starts heading off towards the bar on the side. The other bartender-- the gnomish gentleman there is rapidly clearing out tankards and drinks, and he's starting to pull up bottles onto the countertop. They start pushing tables into the center again once more as the crowds begin to circle around, and Ol' Blemmy and the rest of his rather rough-looking crew that have seen some life in their time--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She Dimension Door'ed her way into the ritual room, which Vox Machina followed over the wall. She seemed to complete the ritual, creating this small, vacuous, spinning black sphere that is locked in place.\nDM: 14 unfortunately misses. You fire and (ricochet noise) it seems that, in a strange way, the gentle pink dust is actually obscuring your vision with the dark shadow in that vicinity and it blasts a piece of rock off the side of the wall.\nPlayer: Firing again.\nDM: So fire, reload.\nPlayer: Better! 26.\nDM: 26 does hit. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: That's... That's pizza! I'm looking for my dice. I didn't think this through. 25 points of damage.\nDM: All right, good to know. This is piercing, right?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: All right. The blast hits, but it appears that the expected impact from the blast of Bad News-- a bit of smoke dissipates its impact and it seems to not be as damaging as you expected it to be. All right, that brings us to the next person who was holding their action. I believe Scanlan, you were? What do you want to do?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He asks to know what Vox Machina have been doing over the last week, so Vax'ildan gives the account of what they accomplished underneath Kraghammer. Kima vouches for the account.\nDM: It's a female dragonborn paladin. She is adorned in full, silvered platinum plate. That has currently carved multiple symbols of Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon. As she looks up and notices, you can see she gives a hand up, a symbol of greetings towards Kima. As Kima also gives her hand up and they both touch the front of their armor in a symbolic holy way, they both being followers of Bahamut. You immediately make that religious connection between the two of them. She looks across at the rest of the group there that she doesn't seem to notice, eyes meeting with Tiberius. This is strange. You haven't seen very many dragonborn at all within Emon, and as soon as she meets your gaze, she gives you a look of deep, deep stinkeye.\nPlayer: Hello. My name is Tiberius Stormwind. Of House Stormwind, from Draconia. Tofor: \"From Draconia, you say?\" Yes. I'm sure you've heard of my father Kravanas, my mother Penelope? Tofor: \"And perhaps you should close that trap and sit across the table as far from me as possible. \"\nDM: She seems to spit the words almost, and sits back in her chair.\nPlayer: Mind your tongue.\nDM: The rest of the council's talking amongst themselves and hearing this slight discussion. Next to her there is a halfling male, in a ranger-ish garb, wearing what looks like some really fine chain shirt, with a thick dark black cloak. He is shaved bald with tattoos on one side of his face, and he introduces himself. \"I'm terribly, sorry. I did not mean for there to be any sort of misunderstanding here.\" He gives a slight nudge to Tofor. \"I do not believe we've met at this time. My name is Seeker Asum Emring. I am the master of secrets here within the council.\" He extends his hand towards you, almost like alleviating the tension.\nPlayer: Hi. Stormwind here. Seeker Asum: \"I assume you're the ones we're waiting for, please have a seat.\"\nDM: At which the sovereign finishes discussion with another human which you have not met. He is a built and armored individual, stands probably the tallest of the entire group, thick square jaw, unshaven. At which point he puts his hand on the sovereign's shoulder and says, \"I suppose I should introduce myself as well. I've heard much about you, Vox Machina. I am Arbiter Braum Goldhand. I have recently taken up as of three months ago the position that General Kreig once held within the city. Since he was unfortunately lost to us, there was a need for a new master of law. As since I've had a lot to keep up on. Unable to meet you personally until now, but it is a pleasure. I've heard nothing but great things.\" He sits down in his chair. Allura finds her side of the table and gestures the rest of you. \"Please, have a seat.\"\nPlayer: I stand. I don't sit.\nDM: All right. The overeign finishes writing some papers, rolls them up, snaps twice, and a gentleman comes by. He hands him the papers and says, \"Get this to Lady and Lord Briarwood as soon as possible, thank you.\" \"All right. First of all, I want to welcome you all back. It's been a few weeks since we've seen each other. I've been recently given word that you unceremoniously appeared in the center of the Lyceum not but twelve hours ago, worse for wear. So I would like to know, first off, why you've returned in the center of our city. And I want to see how you've all been these past few weeks. I apologize if I'm a bit scattered I\u2019ve had a few things on my mind as of late. But yes, how is Vox Machina.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: All right, so. As the gust of wind fades, the table begins to shake, and he glances in across the outside of this inkwell amongst a bunch of other random knickknacks scattered around it. He looks at it for a second, this flash in his eyes. He goes, \"Hmm. They seem fair enough. I would say, include these in the transaction, I would be willing to drop the cost by about 500 gold pieces? An even 6,000.\"\nPlayer: Darling. I snatch it away and say, do you have any idea how much these are worth?\nDM: \"I do, actually, I'm quite the appraiser. It's part of my business.\"\nPlayer: I know when somebody's trying to swindle me, darling.\nDM: \"Well then, step away. You don't need my business, obviously. Is this how your 'Shiny Manager' deals with your shinies? Or would you wish to deal with this face to face?\"\nPlayer: Tell you what. Take two thousand off your asking price and we have a deal.\nDM: \"That is ridiculous! No.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There, they find a cave filled with magical darkness. Keyleth shifts into an earth elemental to scout the cave, finding that it contains a strange planar rift and a group of grick.\nDM: No, you're not on the boat. You guys have come into the cavern after this point, when you gave chase. You guys are in the cavern.\nPlayer: I started heading back to the boat.\nDM: Oh, you did? Then yeah, you're still out by the boat.\nPlayer: So I just heard someone yell, \"run.\" So I'm going to start unhooking the boat. I'm getting the boat ready to go.\nDM: You take the butt of your gun and you start bashing against the ice that you set against the wall. It cracks, and eventually you get the rope free from the side of the wall.\nPlayer: And I'm bringing the boat around so that people can get on really quick.\nDM: Okay. That brings us to Grog.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There was a cart of horses pulling a group of four gnomes that all eventually revealed themselves to be family of Pike Trickfoot. After taking them in, whether or not Vox Machina was excited or eager to, nevertheless they treated them with hospitality, gave them a place to stay, gave them food for the evening, conversations were had, and information was passed around.\nDM: As you guys approach, gently, as they're preparing for the next shot, you see Kynan bring up his arm and look over and see the rest of you, and immediately changes his posture. He was already in a formal leader position, but as soon as you approach, it's almost like, oh, the boss is here to watch. And he kind of (inhales). \"Hold. We have company.\"\nPlayer: At ease, at ease.\nDM: Turns around and jogs up to the edge of the perimeter of this training ground. And he goes, \"Hello. By what pleasure do we have you--?\"\nPlayer: We are giving a very rare tour of the grounds and we thought that, these being Trickfoots, as in the family of Trickfoots--\nDM: \"Oh. Oh!\"\nPlayer: -- we would show them one of the things that makes this castle so special, and one of the things that makes this castle so special is you and your company.\nDM: \"Well, it is an honor to have the Trickfoots among us. I am Captain Kynan Leore. I am the, as to recently assigned, captain of the Riflemen of Whitestone.\" And you see him go from-- his whole, structured presentation begins to quickly fade as the nerves kick in. You can see his voice get a little quivery and his posture begin to fall a little bit. \"These are my Riflemen... and women! It's called Riflemen, but it's men and women. It's a formality.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You had discussed with them, last time, a plot - fixing their seemingly not-very-well-put-together plot into a better direction (thankfully) - to acquire a wax seal within the home of Lord Sutan, to create a letter that you feel would be incriminating. Then to infiltrate the High Richter's home, do the same, and then report them to the Lawmaster or whoever else you think would be of higher estate...\nDM: There's not. No. There is one cross bar that is maintained, it's more to support the four panes of glass, but that's it.\nPlayer: All right. I'm going to peek out the door to see if anybody's coming for a minute.\nDM: Peek out the door?\nPlayer: I mean the little door window.\nDM: Sorry, there's no window in the door.\nPlayer: No window in the door and the door is locked. Okay. I'm going to start gently meditating on breaking the window, or opening the window if it'll open.\nDM: Okay. While you're meditating on that--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group of adventurers, Vox Machina, had found themselves in the Feywild, intent on discovering another one of the Vestiges of the Divergence, one of the many artifacts that they hope will aid them in their struggle against Thordak the Cinder King and the rest of the Chroma Conclave. They've defeated two of the members, three still remain, Thordak being the seeming powerhouse head of that troupe.\nDM: Garmelie, at this point, watching this whole circumstance, walks up to you and goes, \"It's good to see you again. I don't know where you went away last time, but I hope you enjoyed the last sketch I did. If you need any more, let me know. I got plenty of paper.\"\nPlayer: Okay. What was that? Who were you?\nDM: You look down and see the small faun who you previously had commissioned to draw--\nPlayer: Yes. I really love that piece that you did.\nDM: \"Well, thank you kindly.\"\nPlayer: You're so welcome.\nDM: \"Let me know. Your form's closer to mine, so it's easy for me to get a full view.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The bone devil flies over Vax and lands behind him, attacking with both claws and tail, but the half-elf dodges all three strikes thanks to the devil being disoriented from Percy's attack. Two bearded devils come through the gate at the end of the hallway and rush into the central chamber.\nDM: Full movement, with the double dash, that guy will get there, this guy will get about there. That's as far as they can get. Not fully up to anybody yet. All right, we have Utugash. Stands up in the flames and looks down at Taryon Darrington.\nPlayer: Good day to you, sir. Do you know my father?\nDM: You hear the voice echo in the center of your mind, \"Good day, and good night!\" It's going to make a full round of attacks on you.\nPlayer: Oh boy.\nDM: So that is 30 to hit.\nPlayer: Yeah, of course. Doty will save-- Nope.\nDM: As he leans forward and takes a big chunk with his bite out of the front of your-- tries to get to the helmet and the jaw sticks under the chin. That's going to be 24 points of piercing damage. However, you are immune to poison so you don't have to worry about his poison right now thanks to your-- So, the helmet catches most of the brunt of it, and one of the teeth jabs you right underneath the jaw and you can feel it pierce and begin to bleed from underneath. As soon as he pulls back and shoves you aside and releases its grip, as its claw strikes out from its left arm. That is a 16 to hit.\nPlayer: Because I'm hasted, that does not hit.\nDM: It rolled a two to hit. You just manage to duck out of the way.\nPlayer: Haha!\nDM: As you say, 'Haha!' the axe comes from the other side-- That is a 22 to hit.\nPlayer: I have ve-- Ah! Yeah, that hits.\nDM: Double nines. That is 28 points of slashing damage. The flames that currently engulf the axe-- The axe has burst into flames. He swings with it, deals an additional 16 points of fire damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the sidelines, Scanlan yells inspiration at you and Cutting Words at Kern. Keyleth attempts to heal you from a distance, but gets caught by a nearby Bastion.\nDM: Six, all righty. So as you have a hold of his head, you grin as your thumbs push into his eyes. He yells out in pain, and before you can damage the eyes permanently, he slaps off of your hands so hard and with such an intense push that you can't help but feel your actual forearms be blown back. However, he's clutching the side of his face, and for the next round, he is blinded.\nPlayer: Can I move?\nDM: You can move, as well.\nPlayer: I just back straight up.\nDM: Back this way? He currently doesn't threaten you because he's blinded, so you can rush past him and not get an attack of opportunity.\nPlayer: Oh, really?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: I'll move along the wall to his left side.\nDM: Over here?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: To there?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three fire towards Trinket and the other seven aim for Grog. One bolt bounces off the bear's armor, but the other two hit flesh.\nDM: Are you going to dash? Because you can move, you can double move, using your action to move, if you want.\nPlayer: Oh, I can?\nDM: Yeah. Unless you want to use your action to yell out for Trinket to attack, in which case, you can give Trinket a round of combat.\nPlayer: Oh, I do want to give Trinket a round of combat, so yes.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: And he gets a couple of attacks if I don't attack at all, right?\nDM: Correct. Yep.\nPlayer: So that's good. (screams) Okay, Trinket gets two attacks because of bestial fury.\nDM: Correct.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Its first action is to rake its scimitar across the stone, causing an echo throughout the chamber, then resheathing it and pulling its longbow. It is a strong opponent, managing to cost you over half her hit points with one arrow.\nDM: Okay. Back a few steps. Make an attack with disadvantage, if you're going to be doing something else.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Are you doing another Inflict Wounds?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: At 3rd-level.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Ah, fuck me. It doesn't hit. Nine.\nDM: You go to release. Spell is expended, but no impact on the creature, unfortunately. 3rd-level spell used.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Across from the entrance is a set of wooden doors which he listens at. He hears nothing, but notices that the door is unlocked.\nDM: All right, just a second there, you're still holding, let's finish Keyleth. So Keyleth, what are you doing?\nPlayer: Well, is Grog in my way?\nDM: Grog is there. You can attempt to leap over Grog.\nPlayer: I was wanting to vault off Grog's back, is what I was wanting to do.\nDM: You can do that without asking him.\nPlayer: Yeah, that's what I was going to do.\nDM: No, you were saying you wanted to tell Grog you were going to do that. But yes, you can still do it. So go ahead and roll an acrobatics check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Really nice boat you got here. \u201d\n \u2013\n Nott greeting Avantika 1 edit \n She takes possession of The Mistake, tells her crew to repair it, and tells the Nein to bring their things aboard, they're remaining.\nDM: \"Respectfully, you're not in a position, once again, to negotiate. You tell me and I'll tell you, a little back and forth. Honestly, the one who has to prove their loyalty right now is not myself.\"\nPlayer: You're correct. I have it on very good authority that an island that is surrounded by the Deeprow Reef is housing the item you seek.\nDM: \"I wonder how it found its way there?\" Make a deception check.\nPlayer: 20. [cheering]\nDM: \"You know precisely where it lies in the reef?\"\nPlayer: I do.\nDM: \"Show me,\" and she pushes forward the map, the same similar map to what you were given. You have it with you?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He wakes after a very restful night's sleep. Fjord accompanies Horris to the city gates only to find that the crownsguard are interviewing everyone leaving the city.\nDM: You look behind Fjord at this point, and in the doorway is Horris, arms crossed, biting his lower lip.\nPlayer: Horris?\nDM: \"Yes?\"\nPlayer: Do you know where Kara is?\nDM: \"I honestly don't. We scattered when the preparations were done to make sure we were far apart so we couldn't be traced together.\"\nPlayer: Do you know where she lives?\nDM: \"I don't, actually.\"\nPlayer: Do you know what she does?\nDM: \"She says she occasionally works out of that really terrible bar, the Evening--\"\nPlayer: The Evening Nip? She works at the Evening Nip?\nDM: \"I don't go there.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Neither of them want to go back to the criminal life. They decide to find someone to take over the persona of The Meat Man so Kaylie can go to a top school.\nDM: \"Would it be enough to pay for a right top-end education so I can gloat over all the other kids that are raised by the various lords and ladies of Emon? Become one of those privileged kids.\"\nPlayer: You can have the best education.\nDM: \"That's what I want to do. I want to rub it in their face.\"\nPlayer: All right. Education for spite. I like that.\nDM: \"That sounds like a Shorthalt endeavor.\"\nPlayer: Sure. Whatever you need.\nDM: She stands up from the bed and walks over and puts her hand on your shoulder in a pat, pat. She pulls you into a hug and rests her head on your shoulder and doesn't say anything.\nPlayer: You won't have to worry about me anymore.\nDM: \"I'm going to worry about you every day.\"\nPlayer: Thank you. Thank you for coming into my life.\nDM: \"Thank you for being enough of a shitbag to bring me into it.\"\nPlayer: I'm so happy. I made so many mistakes, but it turns out that some of them weren't mistakes, after all.\nDM: \"I'm still young and unlearned. Time will tell.\" She pulls you a little tighter in.\nPlayer: I'll snuggle and fall asleep in the room at some point.\nDM: She smells the alcohol on your breath and (groans). \"Go lie there. I'm going to--\" (groans) She winces as her wound in her shoulder flares up. \"I need some fresh air. You go to sleep.\" Exhaustion hits you, and you end up passing out at the foot of the bed.\nPlayer: I'm in my room now?\nDM: Yeah, your old room.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party goes to bed in spite of the raucous partying, exhausted from the day's ordeal. The next day, they stop by Tinkertop Inventions and pick up you's new crossbow.\nDM: 22, yeah. My brain. I was thinking of unlocking. It glides past over you. The guard\u2019s none the wiser.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: It is loaded with a single shot.\nPlayer: Great.\nDM: So you have a single-shot pistol with no ammunition.\nPlayer: It's loaded with a bullet, though, right?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: Okay, cool. Great. That's all I care about.\nDM: All right. With that--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax sneaks ahead to get a closer look around the room. As nothing happens, Percy then leads the way forward onto the platform.\nDM: The anvil is right in front of you. He's on the other side of the anvil. You only see the upper part of the torso because he's standing off the platform below it. So you see him from the waist up; he's about 20 feet tall from top to bottom, you only see ten feet of his torso there. The blade's out in front.\nPlayer: And the hammer is somewhere between me and him?\nDM: Yeah. Make a perception check to see if you remember which chain it was.\nPlayer: Seven.\nDM: There's four chains on each side that are dangling off the side, and you are not sure which one it is.\nPlayer: Oh, it went hanging off.\nDM: It went held off the side, so now there are four chains that are taut on each side of the anvil that are vanishing.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Got a copy of Kevdak's bear tattoo done on his back, because that shit's behind me, and made Kevdak's skull into a mug. Returned to Vasselheim and defended his title in the Crucible.\nDM: However, he did come back to you, requesting to learn and train under you, to teach him your ways. To which you said--\nPlayer: I forgot. No. Yes. I said yes.\nDM: You said no.\nPlayer: I said no.\nDM: That's what you told me, at least.\nPlayer: I said no. I said no, because I was like, you've got to drink, all the time, and this, and he just wasn't up to snuff. That, and I should not be teaching anyone anything. So then I went to the Slayer's Take, right, in search of big game. And I had fun with that for a while, but it just wasn't quite the same. It wasn't crazy-ass, you know, ancient dragons or nothing. It just wasn't quite up to snuff. But I did have my curiosity about the Deck of Many Things piqued. So, at some point along the way, Vex's warnings ringing in my ears, I found a nice drunk sap to--\nDM: So, so, as you are wandering down an evening byway in the Quadroads of Vasselheim, a number of cups in yourself, you hiccup loudly and glance off to the side to find one gentleman who's been far deeper in his cups and is currently trying to steady himself against the stone wall in an alleyway.\nPlayer: Yup. Hey, you!\nDM: \"What?\"\nPlayer: You. You look like a mighty warrior. Do you need another drink?\nDM: \"Oh, if you're buying, yeah.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, I do. I have one. And I pour him a little bit from the keg. Hey, do you have like, a wife, kids, attachments? Anyone that would miss you?\nDM: \"You think if I did I'd be drinking this hard?\"\nPlayer: I'm going to take that as a no. Cool, hey, look, I don't know if you're interested, but I have, in my possession, something really cool. And I take out the Deck. Do you know what this is?\nDM: \"I have no idea.\"\nPlayer: Great! Great! We're in the street, right?\nDM: Yeah. You're near a thoroughfare and there's a small alley off to the side.\nPlayer: Good. Follow me into this alley and it'll be a deal. Just follow me over here.\nDM: Make a persuasion check. With advantage, because he's really drunk.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With the giant asleep, Keyleth has enough time to cast Geas and bring it under her control. When it wakes up, it agrees to stay with them peacefully and help attack K'Varn when they are ready.\nDM: Same wooden shaft, all of a sudden, sprouts these nice, thorny, jagged spikes on the sides, as you release the arrow.\nPlayer: 26?\nDM: Hits him.\nPlayer: Okay, so that would be-- I'm doing it at a level three, so that is 3d10.\nDM: 3d10 damage. Go ahead and roll that.\nPlayer: 15, 16. That 16? Yeah, 16 damage for that, plus my Hunter's Mark. 17.\nDM: 17?\nPlayer: And then my second attack?\nDM: Second attack. Go ahead and roll it.\nPlayer: All right. 17?\nDM: 17 does hit. He's pretty big. He's a big ol' sack of hit points and no armor.\nPlayer: 15, 16, 17.\nDM: 17.\nPlayer: Oh, plus Hunter's Mark!\nDM: Yep, don't forget your Hunter's Mark.\nPlayer: Five for Hunter's Mark.\nDM: Okay, so 22. Nice. All right, so, one arrow hits him in the elbow and it looks like it pierces the sinew that holds the arm. Almost goes slack for a second before he flexes and tenses. You hear the actual wood shaft snap as he brings his forearm up. Grabbing his club, turning around, you shoot the back of his elbow, causing him to drop the club on this hand. He looks extremely frustrated at the process. Now he's got blood streaking down both arms.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The dragon hits them with a second breath shot after Delilah Disintegrates the wall they are hiding behind. Percy knocks her wand out of her hand and pushes her and Silas off the dragon, putting them in easy reach of the melee fighters.\nDM: 23 points of damage? Are you rolling extra undead damage on this? On these attacks? Because she's not undead.\nPlayer: Nope, nope. 23 plus-- I wasn't even adding-- I was so excited about the sword damage I was forgetting my rage damage.\nDM: Right, but you rolled 3d10 there.\nPlayer: I did, yeah. The d10 plus 2d10 slashing damage to undead right?\nDM: She's not undead though.\nPlayer: Oh, she's not?\nDM: No.\nPlayer: Oh shit.\nDM: You've been adding that to all the attacks? Okay, noted. Roll--\nPlayer: I figured she was dead, then not dead--\nDM: Roll 4d10 for me right now. I'm going to retract that from the damage she's taken.\nPlayer: 22.\nDM: She's still wounded, but she's not hanging on by that thread. Okay, so the damage you rolled for that attack?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They agree they will return in two weeks with word or else the Ravenites will go to Vorugal. They visit the lair of the dragon and find one of the spheres akin to those they saw in Brimscythe's lair; they don't mess with it.\nDM: Yeah, the reactions you get from them, you gather most of these don't speak Common and none of them seem to understand what you're saying.\nPlayer: Here's the thing. You're being attacked by a white dragon.\nDM: \"The white dragon came, and he tore down the Sky-walkers.\"\nPlayer: So you're happy with it?\nDM: \"Well, it's put us in a better position.\"\nPlayer: Right. But now that the Sky-walkers have already been torn down, do you want to keep the dragon in charge?\nDM: \"We owe the dragon for the freedom that he gave us.\"\nPlayer: So you serve one.\nDM: \"For the time.\"\nPlayer: And he doesn't punish you at all? He's a good master?\nDM: \"Those who deserve punishment get it. But we hunt with it. It brings us power. It promises expansion of the Ravenites, and we will no longer live under the boot of those in this countryside and this continent.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You had discussed with them, last time, a plot - fixing their seemingly not-very-well-put-together plot into a better direction (thankfully) - to acquire a wax seal within the home of Lord Sutan, to create a letter that you feel would be incriminating. Then to infiltrate the High Richter's home, do the same, and then report them to the Lawmaster or whoever else you think would be of higher estate...\nDM: As you rush down the side, whack! You hit your head and give out a natural instinct, a pained squeak. As you do, the guard who's talking to Jester goes, \"Wha--\"\nPlayer: (fake coughs loudly) Can you help me? I think I\u2019m choking.\nDM: Make a deception check.\nPlayer: Oh no. Seven.\nDM: Seven.\nPlayer: (fake coughs loudly)\nDM: \"Hold. Just a second.\"\nPlayer: Oh no, I can\u2019t breathe at all, though.\nDM: He begins walking over to the sewer edge. He steps over and begins to glance down--\nPlayer: I fall over on the ground and really like (choking sounds).\nDM: He\u2019s looking back at you like--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb ignored her and continued to examine the area around where Fjord vanished. While there are no buttons or hidden doors, there is a large red leather-bound book with sapphires embedded in the cover conspicuously placed in the center of a bookshelf.\nDM: You look it. You're like, \"This is not moving.\" You're not sure if it's trapped, necessarily. But glancing at it, you're like, \"This is locked,\" and it's locked in a way where you're not entirely certain. You could try, but it's going to be a very hard lock.\nPlayer: I'll try.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Natural ten.\nDM: Total of?\nPlayer: 20.\nDM: 20? It's not budging.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, you douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: Okay. Dodge action. You're just being careful. All right, ending Beau's turn, Molly, you're up again.\nPlayer: I'm going to rush the undead one.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Spinning swords at bloody high speed and take two shots.\nDM: Go for it. Do you want to be on the higher ground here or--?\nPlayer: Ooh! Can I do the higher ground?\nDM: Yeah, you can.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, This isn't going to hold for long! Let's get the hell out of here.\nDM: Okay. So, you grab onto Tiberius, you rush over after healing him, grab and start dragging him towards the entrance. At half-speed you manage to get him three squares, that's as far as you got. As you're pulling back, the king, as a reaction, gets one strike on you with his sword. That's gonna be a 19.\nPlayer: Get outta here.\nDM: Your AC is 20?\nPlayer: It's 20.\nDM: So the blade hits you--\nPlayer: I just flip him off.\nDM: The blade comes down towards you, but with a flash of divine energy in your shoulder armor, it just gets deflected off the side and you glare at him out of the side of your face. And continue to drag Tiberius out of the room.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There was a cart of horses pulling a group of four gnomes that all eventually revealed themselves to be family of Pike Trickfoot. After taking them in, whether or not Vox Machina was excited or eager to, nevertheless they treated them with hospitality, gave them a place to stay, gave them food for the evening, conversations were had, and information was passed around.\nDM: All right, so. As you guys approach, making your way towards the northern barracks of the city, you hear a cluster of small, controlled explosions, at which point the gnomes all kind of shudder for a second. In that moment, Ogden goes, (incoherent yelling) \"We're under attack!\"\nPlayer: It's all right, it's all right, it's all part of the tour. No, it's all right. Oh man. It's okay. This is Firecracker Alley.\nDM: \"Okay.\"\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: \"All right.\"\nPlayer: These my people.\nDM: JB wipes the drool from his mouth. As you guys approach, you see there's a line of ten men and women in armor with rifles; they're currently in the process of reloading them, and there you see at the edge is a leather-clad Kynan, who is in the process of instructing loudly the reloading process, the use of black powder, and the preparation for the rifles for a secondary shot. As they all prepare, he goes, \"All right. And aim!\" Arm up in the air. They all (clatter) up in front. \"Fire!\" (gunshot) They all go off again, these big plumes of smoke shoot out from the front. You watch as across the way there are a dozen or so hay targets with what looks like cloth and some figures drawn on them that have a number of holes blown through them in multiple places. The shots don't have extremely good aim.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A couple of hours later, the ship comes upon an unnatural-looking fog bank in the ocean. Adella tries to veer around it.\nDM: So you're-- we'll say you're up over, you kind of shimmy your way along the edge of the sail, and you're looking right down below him.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: This guy right there.\nPlayer: So, advantage on this.\nDM: The guy closest to Grog, or the guy who's alone right there?\nPlayer: The one that you are touching right now.\nDM: Okay, gotcha.\nPlayer: Yeah. So that is a 32 to hit.\nDM: That will hit.\nPlayer: So this is Assassinate, it's an auto-crit--\nDM: Did you roll at disadvantage because of the fog cloud?\nPlayer: Well, no, but I'm at advantage because of Assassinate, so the first roll was a 19.\nDM: Yeah, so you're fine.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog convinces Tary to eat a mouthful of dirt, saying it's a local custom. Keyleth transports them from Terrah to Greyskull Keep in Emon.\nDM: --but we're in the process of trying to recover the economy of what was once a very strong economy, of a town that has been under attack. Now, we cannot offer discounts to anybody because right now, we're all in financial dire straits.\nPlayer: Understandable.\nDM: So, if you're going to ship, if you're going to move, if you're going to charter, if you're going to purchase, it's going to have to be the ask--\nPlayer: We're looking to charter a ship, full of sailors, who can get us to a circular reef to the southwest, near the Hespit.\nDM: Captain Adella. That would be your best bet.\nPlayer: Captain Adella.\nDM: \"Now.\" And he points off to the end of one of the nearest docks, there's two that are close by, and there's a long row of various ships that are in the process of being loaded and unloaded, but there appears to be one sailing ship. They have some galleys and long-ships along the side, but there's a sailing ship with the sails currently tied up and bound to the mast, and a crew that is lounging on the deck. There is a woman, towards the edge, that's just walking past. You cannot make out a lot of details from this point, but he points over. \"That is Captain Adella. She will be able to help you.\"\nPlayer: Thank you so much, Dockmaster.\nDM: Of course. Now, if you wish to charter, speak with her. Let her know that the Dockmaster is the one that brought you that point, and all shall be well.\nPlayer: Wonderful.\nDM: \"All right. Good luck, travel safe.\" And he turns around and walks aw--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They continue to attack both gators. Yasha is held in the jaws of one, and Nott by the other.\nDM: That is a 16 on the saving throw for the blind crocodile, so it does resist the blindness. Its vision comes back. However, it fucked it up for a round. Beau.\nPlayer: I'm going to do a parkour off of the rock and come down and try and get it right in its mouth to try and get it to spit out Nott. So the first attack. That's good. That's a 21.\nDM: 21 hits.\nPlayer: That's better. That's 22.\nDM: That hits. With two strikes with the staff.\nPlayer: Spit it out! Both of those are the same, which is seven.\nDM: Seven damage each? So 14? Cool. It's 14 points of damage with the two strikes?\nPlayer: Uh-huh.\nDM: Slamming into the side of its heavy, thick, scaled hide. It's hurting, but it's definitely a resistant beast.\nPlayer: I'm going to spend a ki point now to do two more, flurry of blows.\nDM: You pull your staff behind and then you go to a punch and a dropkick.\nPlayer: That's an 18, and they just keep getting better.\nDM: Way to go. That hits.\nPlayer: And that one's not great. That's worse. That's a 12.\nDM: 12 misses, unfortunately, but you do get one punch off. After slamming it twice, you go for the softer part and whack!\nPlayer: You know what? I rolled the wrong damage die for those first two, but that's my fault. Six damage. I rolled d6s instead of d8s.\nDM: Oh, gotcha, but there you go.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Wohn rushes to the front door and spots Nott, but falls victim to her Hideous Laughter and is knocked prone, while Keg finishes the second guard ( Phil) and rushes over to attack Wohn. When Wohn shrugs off the Hideous Laughter, she retaliates on Keg, attacking her with Yasha's stolen Magicians's Judge, dispelling the Haste and stunning her.\nDM: These are still darts, they're modified darts. You would need to get daggers or things that are considered monk weapons to do additional damage.\nPlayer: So the first one is crap. That's five damage.\nDM: Five damage. Second one, with advantage still.\nPlayer: My second one. 21.\nDM: 21 hits. Roll damage.\nPlayer: Ooh, that's better. Eight damage.\nDM: Five and eight. As you're there, getting your brain back in the space and the strength returns to you. You look up at the time the barbarian is pulling back for another round of blows, the giant blade still crimson with your own blood. These two serrated blade-like discs into her chest from over your shoulders. You glance over quickly and see Beau waving to you through the doorway.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott says that they've been very clear that they're in this for what they can grab for themselves. She corrects Fjord's assumption that she relies on Caleb for protection, saying it's the other way around.\nDM: So you strike the one. Angrily spin around and then catch it behind, where you see him appear. Filling the spot where his shadow clone was.\nPlayer: That's 21 to hit.\nDM: That hits, roll damage.\nPlayer: 22. Oh god. I don't get the d6 on that, so that's five points of damage.\nDM: Five points of damage. How do you want to do this?\nPlayer: I'm going to bounce off the wall, after the other one hit, and spinning around and finally taking him, and knocking him out with the little spike on the side of the sword. Right in the helmet.\nDM: As you spin the sword around, coming down (crack) you hit across the side of the head and the body collapses and falls to the ground unconscious.\nPlayer: Someone go deal with Beau.\nDM: The darkness vanishes.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Gentleman managed to smuggle out Horris Thrym , who needed to be away from the town for the time being while this investigation was happening. In doing so, also managed to clear their names of the death of the High-Richter.\nDM: All right, everybody. Yasha, you napped in the side alleyway in the open air, sleeping with one eye open, being careful. As you wake up in the cold morning mist, the mist has caused this dampness around your chin and hair--\nPlayer: Around my glorious beard?\nDM: Your glorious beard, right there. Frost beard.\nPlayer: I don't have a beard.\nDM: No. It gets really cold in the early morning and bits of frost have gathered at the edges of your hair, so you brush off it a bit. As you gather yourself and look out past the street, the music's already starting to swell very strongly from a distance, and a few musicians come by playing on their own. Some folks are starting to rouse and begin cooking things. The smell of meats and fresh morning meals are beginning to find your nostrils, and you decide you probably should check in.\nPlayer: Yeah, I'll go check in.\nDM: You come in, the rest of you all gather in the bottom tavern area of the Leaky Tap. What would you like to do?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While Beau throws wild haymakers, missing with her first hit, Dairon retaliates with only very light, disciplined taps. Beau's next few hits land hard.\nDM: \"Oh, I create all sorts of means of tending to wounds and loss of stamina. To be honest, a lot of people come around here for performance-enhancing fungus.\"\nPlayer: I don't know, I feel like you can excite me. I feel like there's something that you have to show that's really exciting. I'm not entirely sure it's all about stamina, I think you've got something-- you did that on purpose. Talk to me like I'm a child, show me something I've never seen before.\nDM: Make a persuasion check.\nPlayer: Not with advantage, because I don't have it, but I was so excited.\nDM: Nope.\nPlayer: Persuasion check. 19. I'm fishing for drugs, I'm not going to lie. I've been on the road a long time, I don't remember how to do this.\nDM: He leans in close to you. \"Mind closing the door?\"\nPlayer: I skip over to the door and gingerly close it.\nDM: \"Keep curious company, that's true.\"\nPlayer: Yes, I do. And we're leaving town today.\nDM: \"Those are magical words for a man of my business. Are you a fan of skein?\"\nPlayer: I don't actually know what that is.\nDM: \"Well,\" and he goes back into the back chamber, comes back with a small satchel. There's a finely dried, dusted material on the inside, it has a grayish-blue color to it. He goes, \"This is a dried and ground fungus called skein. It's called skein because when you eat it you can see the weave of time.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny you, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: You all slowly make your way to the very mouth of the cavern. You've been at this point, as well. You wanted to go ahead and make an investigation?\nPlayer: Scootching in, yeah.\nDM: All right, go for it.\nPlayer: 24.\nDM: 24. Feeling around the exterior, there are two rocks that are nearly identical, placed at each side of the cavern entrance. Upon approaching, their texture and their weathered appearance is far younger than the rest of the stone around them, and that catches your attention.\nPlayer: Do I need a further investigation check to discern their nature?\nDM: The nature is some semblance of a magical enchantment. This is a little beyond your understanding unless you want to try and roughshod it in the way you know how.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex'ahlia and Vax'ildan both do some damage to him before skeletons rise from the debris of the battlefield, attacking whatever combatants are not airborne. Scanlan 2, having seen his signal\u2014albeit rather earlier than expected\u2014now climbs up to join the fray.\nDM: All right, so 37 points of slashing damage. All right. With that you toss the blade up into the side. \"Oh.\" And you see for a second, there's a brief flash of recognition and a slight sliver of worry on his brow for but an instant, before his hand reaches up and grabs towards to try and pull the blade out.\nPlayer: I pull the chain back, catch it with my hasted action, throw it again. Reckless.\nDM: Okay so you pull it back and make your attack.\nPlayer: That's 27.\nDM: 27? That hits.\nPlayer: 20. That's a nine so 34 plus one. 35 points of slashing damage.\nDM: 35 points of slashing damage. As you draw the blade back for the second swing and you rotate it as it goes, \"I can taste him,\" and you fling it upward and it pierces once more into the abdomen. Each time, you begin to grow more and more nervous with the proximity of the blade towards the currently unconscious and contained little girl inside the chest.\nPlayer: I do?\nDM: Others may. You may be fine. But it's passing within like a foot of her each time.\nPlayer: Where is she in relation to him?\nDM: Inside the chest cavity.\nPlayer: Right. Got to keep that in mind.\nDM: Second time as it hits, there's another flash of dark energy. Are you withdrawing it?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: Okay. Make another check to pull it out.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A scuffle ensues as they chase down a necromancer, a number of cultists, and some creatures from the Shadowfell. During the fray, Scanlan gets Sprigg back on his feet, and you kill a couple of the cultists with a Firestorm.\nDM: You know what? It can move through a space as narrow as one inch wide, so I'll say yes, you can maneuver through. Only if you want to, can you set things on fire.\nPlayer: I'm going to go into this guy's space, engulf in flames, and do my multi-attack, two slam touch attacks.\nDM: Go for it. He is now in flames.\nPlayer: That's cocked. Ooh, that's good, that's good. 21.\nDM: 21, yeah.\nPlayer: And 16.\nDM: 16 just misses.\nPlayer: Fucking balls. Okay. No, plus six to 11. That's 17.\nDM: That hits. That's what you needed.\nPlayer: So both of those hit. 2d6 plus three. First one is eight. Plus ten. 18 fire damage.\nDM: He's looking pretty hurt. As you slam him with both of your flaming hands and claw across his body, where the flame hits, you see it (hissing) singes through the flesh and drags charred remains of where the muscle once was where you dragged your claws through. The body's starting to shake as it's holding its form together.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party, after essentially forcing this individual to reveal themself, the rakshasa fled through a tunnel underneath its room into a long subterranean tunnel fraught with traps that were set to protect it. The party managed to avoid these rather deftly until the steady decline of the hallway, combined with the increasing moisture and scent of refuse, caused a slick surface and our fantastic cleric, Brother Kash, Kashaw, slipped and fell down.\nDM: 16. You can feel the diseased liquid that fills the inside of the otyugh's mouth begin to pulse into your arm for a second. You tense, and eventually the pain and numbness tends to fade within a few seconds. However, as you take that moment to yourself, as it's still grabbing you with the one tentacle, it's going to reach and attack twice towards Tiberius. That is going to be a 16?\nPlayer: Nope.\nDM: Okay. That'll be a 19.\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: So the second one hits you. That is eight points of bludgeoning damage and five points, so 13. Half that because of Stoneskin. That puts you at seven points of damage. And you are once again grappled and wrapped up by it.\nPlayer: I think he likes me!\nDM: I think you pissed it off when you set it on fire multiple times in a row.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He admits that he is a scoundrel, to which Kaylie retorts that he is a scoundrel who has no boundaries and leaves a wake of people hurt. She demands that he draw his blade.\nDM: But yeah, as they're changing over, you walk over and ask them. And Shayne goes, \"Yeah, no, we had a messenger come by and drop something off for you guys.\"\nPlayer: Where is it?\nDM: \"Well, we gave it to Erwen and he brought it inside, but you guys weren't home.\"\nPlayer: What did it look like?\nDM: \"A small wooden thing, right?\"\nPlayer: Where did Erwen put it?\nDM: Cordell's like, \"Yeah, it was like a small wooden case.\"\nPlayer: Where did you put it? Where did you put it?\nDM: \"Erwen took it in.\"\nPlayer: Where's Erwen?\nDM: They both look at each other. \"Look, our shift's over.\"\nPlayer: Just tell me where the fuck Erwen is.\nDM: \"Probably inside the keep! I don't watch your little old man-servant. I'm sorry. I'm supposed to watch the front of the gate.\"\nPlayer: Fuck. I go inside to find Erwen.\nDM: Okay. Erwen, who's dressed up in his proper servant attire now that he has to entertain guests. His hair is slicked back and is a scoop of a balding male dome. \"Yes, Vex'ahlia. May I be of service to you this morning?\"\nPlayer: You look wonderful today.\nDM: \"Oh, you.\"\nPlayer: Box, box, box, where did it go, box? The box that came last night.\nDM: \"Oh! Oh yes! No, there was a delivery.\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"I was looking for you all, but no one was home. So I asked around if anyone had seen you and your guests said that you would be coming and that they would hold it for you until you arrived.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having regretted accepting an allyship before, Vax lets Cassandra know, on behalf of Vox Machina, that they are wary of her and her assistance. She understands their caution, and answers the question of what became of her after she was shot down helping Percy make his escape five years ago.\nDM: \"Most of the ziggurat construction happens during the evening, when Sylas is not resting. And for the most part they journey together-- for the past month, at least. No, I haven't seen them apart, really.\"\nPlayer: Can you think of any reason why they would separate?\nDM: \"Not unless something in the sun required their attention.\"\nPlayer: Something sudden that required their attention.\nDM: \"In the sun.\"\nPlayer: In the sun?\nDM: \"Sylas does not appear to like being outside.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They reconnect on the other side. The right and left paths have rubble and weblike threads hang from the ceiling covering half the path.\nDM: Pike is going to reach forward to you, Grog. Take a step this way. Pike's going to reach forward and cast Freedom of Movement on you. At fourth level.\nPlayer: Oh. I was going to rage and shake it, but--\nDM: So for the next hour, you cannot be paralyzed or restrained, you can't have your speed reduced via magical effects. You're still feared, but--\nPlayer: I can shake that with a rage.\nDM: You can shake that with a rage, yes. But yeah, for the next hour. It's not concentration, either.\nPlayer: Thank you, Pike.\nDM: She says, \"Go get him, Grog.\"\nPlayer: You got it, buddy!\nDM: All right. That ends Pike's turn. Grog, you're up.\nPlayer: I might as well do what Pike says. I'm going to bum-rush the sphinx.\nDM: Straight-up?\nPlayer: Yup.\nDM: All right. You rush up the stairs.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Many of the townsfolk gathered at that square were immediately killed. The party, as well as a few other straggling survivors, ran away as both the gargantuan black and green dragons began to chase them down.\nDM: As you look down at the skull, which you guys still can't get through because Grog's holding the door, and you don't have a visual in there because he's holding it pretty close to completely shut. As you look down, you can see now in the gem, formulating in the middle of it, this swirl of a face that comes right up to the front. You can see in the midst of its coloration these energy-based eyes and grin, a toothy grin that goes, \"I wish to be freed. That is all. I've been here far too long. I grow tired. I want to finally pass.\"\nPlayer: Are you Vecna?\nDM: You hear a chuckle. \"No. Vecna has been long gone. I am not a being of such power.\"\nPlayer: Can I insight check the fucking thing in the eyeball?\nDM: Sure, make a insight check.\nPlayer: Sure, no problem. Unless it was a natural 20, it doesn't matter, 15, no.\nDM: 15, you don't.\nPlayer: No. Way higher than 15, 21.\nDM: Okay. 21, thank you.\nPlayer: 22, I can add.\nDM: 22, okay, that's way higher. You take a look at it, but due to the fact that it's mostly hidden, there aren't facial tics and there aren't normal gives to what a person's intent is, and even the tone of voice itself is spectral, ominous and otherworldly. You have a hard time being able to read whether or not it's being honest or lying or anything in between.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While Caleb and Beau inspect and talk about the Archive, you feels the Itch strongly and sees a rich and stoic woman and a humanoid and well-off male and tails her to steal something of hers. Caleb and Beau both notice you is gone when they return, and Caleb starts freaking out.\nDM: One of them you see appears to be a woman, very well dressed, looks to be a high collar, a buttoned up blouse of some kind, a dress that just barely cuts off right where her ankles hit the ground with very nice shoes. Looks to be a very well off humanoid woman, a human.\nPlayer: Does she look grumpy?\nDM: She looks stoic. Leaves with a very--\nPlayer: Is she leaving or coming?\nDM: Leaving.\nPlayer: I will follow her.\nDM: Okay. The other one looks to be a man probably in his late 30s or so, also human. He has a cluster of small pieces of parchment that are folded and wadded into his arm and he's leaving like he just was either taking something out or just retrieving something.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The crew had been waiting a number of days, the repairs had been completed on Bisaft Isle. You guys decided to call it an evening and rest up.\nDM: She takes you around behind the meadery. There's a jungle path that leads through the very lush, green trees, and it's a very humid day. The morning was a little gray in the sky and it looks like it might rain in the next few hours or so. She leads you through and is talking about how many years her family has been running the meadery and it's a wonderful place. There isn't much of an interest in mead out here in the island so she feels like she cornered the market a bit. She has friends that bring it to the other island towns and it makes a fair amount of money. She's very proud of it. As she's doing the talk, she leads you around. There are a small sect of wooden hive setups. You can hear already as you approach the slight hum of them. There's a young boy, maybe 12 or so, who is wearing a very thick smock with a hood, who is in the process of scooping out some of the honey.\nPlayer: Whoa! Do I need to wear a thingy?\nDM: \"Oh, well, stay here, preferably. Do not get close enough to let them sting you and if one's on you, don't freak out and smack it, please.\"\nPlayer: Okay, but I really want to go up to them.\nDM: \"The tour is not intended to bring you that close.\"\nPlayer: Hello, bees? Hello, bees. Please come over here and let me say hello.\nDM: She looks very confused and goes, \"Okay?\"\nPlayer: I start walking very slowly. Hello, bees. I want some honey!\nDM: Do you say that?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: She goes, \"Well, if you want honey, I can get you honey.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, but I want the honeycomb straight from the thingy!\nDM: \"Ah.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb and you share that they both know how to waltz. When he asks her to name three more hidden skills she has, she lists painting, baking cinnamon scones, and the third thing is something that she wants to talk to Fjord about because if he's that inexperienced, maybe he should take some lessons.\nDM: \"The house is two buildings down that way and back one street. You could see it has the red brick on the base, by the door.\"\nPlayer: Red brick on the base by door. I'll come see you guys tomorrow.\nDM: \"Okay. What's your name?\"\nPlayer: My name is Jester. What's your name?\nDM: \"Tara.\"\nPlayer: Tara, so nice to meet you.\nDM: \"Nice to meet you, too.\"\nPlayer: Red brick by the door.\nDM: There's this pause, and she goes, \"Okay. Bye.\"\nPlayer: Okay. See you!\nDM: Then runs back and goes, \"Dad, dad, dad,\" and starts taking the copper and puts it in his hand and he's, like, \"Oh, that's a fine job.\" He pulls his hat up a bit and takes the coin. He looks over to you as you walk away and--\nPlayer: Does he seem like a nice dad?\nDM: Make an insight check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord tells them he sees visions of a giant eye, and hears a voice. The sphere reminds him of that eye, and he wants to know where the temple is.\nDM: You create the image of him walking back and forth. The guard notices. (spluttering) Pats another guard that you don't see on the upper side of the door. Guard's like, \"Is Cosko back? Go get the captain.\" The other guy goes and walks away, and the other guy stands there nervously looking back and forth. \"Jamedi?\"\nPlayer: I'll have Cosko moonwalk across the hall.\nDM: \"Jamedi? Jamedi!\" He goes and starts walking in that direction.\nPlayer: Okay, I'll make my run away, my getaway. (trilling)\nDM: Okay, you get by, you get outside of the door. Are you running to the right or the left?\nPlayer: Left.\nDM: You run to the left. You go running down the hallway, and you're now not that far behind the other guard, who was rushing off and heading up a small set of stairs that leads up to the captain's quarters. You remember this before. You're actually heading away from the cargo hold this way now. You're heading up.\nPlayer: Oh. I don't want to do that.\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: I'll turn around and go the other way.\nDM: Okay, you go the other direction, and the guy who's now walked up towards Cosko, towards Jamedi, is now rushing up to it and goes and is talking to him like, \"Sir, hello?\"\nPlayer: I'll have Cosko, is there a stairs or a ladder near here?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Okay, oh, that's a four.\nDM: You're not sure, you see a couple of chairs, a card table that's currently empty. You can see the hallway continues past where this illusion is happening.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th.\nDM: It has a very instructional, nonfiction, historical-type speech. It begins to talk of early empirical conflicts. It begins to talk of the post-Calamity. It begins to talk of elements of-- It begins to hint at the ideas of forbidden romance between sides that were not meant to meet. A lot of it begins like, \"and then this person led this army into this place, and these many were slaughtered.\"\nPlayer: Out of curiosity, if I flip through, do I see any boning anywhere inside?\nDM: As you begin to flip through, she (chuckles), \"I understand if that was enough of a peek and you're interested, you could purchase?\"\nPlayer: Yes, it's a high quality item, you can understand my excitement. I've been thinking in the space of time that you have left, and while I would like to purchase something here today, I'm very low on funds, and the nature of this book, and the trouble I could get into-- I mean, your secret is safe with me, but it is too hot for my hands. I was wondering if you had a copy of Shallow Breaths here?\nDM: \"That I do. And not a worry.\" She quickly folds it up and tucks it under her arm and hides it amongst her sweater. Right over here. She picks up a copy, the same copy the gentleman was looking through earlier, and hands it to you.\nPlayer: Perfect. How much would this run me?\nDM: \"Three silver pieces.\"\nPlayer: Three silver, okay. I take out the three silver. One, two, three, and I hand it over.\nDM: \"Thank you very much.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex asks one of the members Loran about the construction in town and he mentions that they are upping security after the dragon attacks. He says that the town isn't too concerned about it.\nDM: \"Not to my knowledge, but (chuckles) I'd love to get my hand on some of them scales.\" (blade scrapes)\nPlayer: What's your name?\nDM: \"Loran.\"\nPlayer: What? Oran? What?\nDM: \"Loran.\"\nPlayer: Loran.\nDM: Because... that's what I remember.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: \"--of the Clasp of Emon. Excuse the mess, we lost a portion of our territory and are currently caught in mid-adaptation. So, what can I do for you?\"\nPlayer: Well, you know who we are.\nDM: \"And you know who I am, now.\"\nPlayer: Yes. And you know my spotty track record with the Clasp. But that's all past now. The city's in ruins. You're looking at the right hand of Uriel.\nDM: \"Uriel is no longer with us. You are a hand to nothing.\"\nPlayer: Of course. We're looking for what to do next with this city. I don't think any of us wish to be the pets of the beast that's now roosting in the heart of Emon.\nDM: (chuckles) \"No, that does not do any of us any good. Business has ground to a halt, and we've lost a few good patrons in this unfortunate circumstance. We lost our entire northern tunnel structure as soon as the creature attacked the Cloudtop District.\"\nPlayer: Well, I'll be honest, our first thought was to flee this city.\nDM: \"Safer.\"\nPlayer: But before we make that decision-- yes, it is-- we know that you're the next best thing to a government in Emon.\nDM: \"Hmm.\"\nPlayer: And we want to know what's left behind.\nDM: \"Well, we're seeing to our own. We're going to see how many of our allies still lie within the city. Going to reach out to our friends across Tal'Dorei and see how much of a network we still stand to keep. Then we call in a few debts, reach out to some friends and, ah, we see if we can find some way to supplant this red thing.\"\nPlayer: Can I insight check?\nDM: Go for it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He shouts Loose! and all of the guards fire.\nDM: And ten to hit. Yeah. Six. Six crossbow bolts come at you. That's eight points of piercing damage. Don't halve them yet. We'll add them all up and then we'll halve that.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: So, eight plus 13. 21. Plus eight again, 29. Plus another nine.\nPlayer: 38.\nDM: 38, plus another 11.\nPlayer: 49.\nDM: So 49, and then another 12.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: 11? Okay. You glance around. You find there's an untapped ale barrel, there's an untapped water barrel, there's a hooded lantern that still has a functional bit of oil in it, though it's only about half-full and very rusted over, but you clear off the glass on the outside and it'll work fine. You find a sledgehammer that the handle is not so rotted to the point where it wouldn't be functional, but a fair sledgehammer if you wanted to break any rock or stone. The crowbar that you had seen earlier, that can be acquired.\nPlayer: We should write this stuff down.\nDM: You find a small lightweight rod about that long that has a short piece of waxed twine hanging from one end.\nPlayer: Is it metal, did you say?\nDM: No, it's not metal. It feels almost like a hard clay.\nPlayer: With wax?\nDM: With a waxed piece of twine on one end.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb confronts Fjord about his wager in the card game with the Gentleman. Fjord says it was his funds, not the party's, and Caleb tells him he is okay with calculated risks.\nDM: You start wandering over, but there's too much noise and general din in the chamber around you to make anything out.\nPlayer: There will come a moment when I can tell you everything, but... It's so complicated. Please just keep it quiet for now.\nDM: \"Of course.\"\nPlayer: Until I know that everyone's going to react the way that you did to seeing me.\nDM: \"Right, of course, Lucien.\"\nPlayer: I will tell you everything eventually.\nDM: \"Please, please do.\"\nPlayer: I give a hug.\nDM: There's a moment pause, and then Cree takes in the hug too.\nPlayer: It's been too long.\nDM: There's a faint purr in the ear, and then you hear the voice whisper, \"It's good to see you.\"\nPlayer: I'm sorry for everything. And I give the pat, and head back to the table.\nDM: \"Me too.\" As you walk away.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: With that roll, I'd say you surmise somewhere in the neighborhood of about 18 or so gnolls. From what you can gather on the tracks that you found.\nPlayer: Would my Hunter's Bane be useful for that? For tracking these creatures?\nDM: You can attempt to glean information.\nPlayer: Since they technically have some undead around them?\nDM: For the specific-- sure. Go ahead and make a survival check to see if you can even find those tracks.\nPlayer: Just a standard one? Standard survival check. All right.\nDM: Well, technically you're tracking undead, so you get advantage on this one.\nPlayer: 17.\nDM: Same degree. You find the tracks, you see there is the remnants of this gnoll horde returning towards a similar direction. You find three sets of cart tracks.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, All carts passing through are being thoroughly inspected. Fjord uses the dodecahedron, since he'll be doing the talking.\nDM: The crownsguard begin gathering the money from you guys and bringing over small chests to put the large amount of coin over. As this is happening, Gustav leans his back towards the stones at the edge, and his eyes are just wide in disbelief. \"I don't know what to say.\"\nPlayer: Say thank you!\nDM: \"Thank you!\"\nPlayer: I cast Wand of Smiles at him.\nDM: What's the DC on that? Is it a charisma save?\nPlayer: It's a charisma save.\nDM: That's a natural eight.\nPlayer: Oh, good, you have to smile!\nDM: He sits there, eyes wide.\nPlayer: Yay, he's so happy!\nDM: Norda takes the keys and heads over and opens it up. \"All right, punk, you're a free man. Congratulations. For some odd reason, these folks decided that you were worth a lot of money to not be here, so be thankful that somehow the great gods have looked down upon you and Erathis decided, 'You know what, fuck law! You're free.'\" So the guards escort him out. You guys all head to the outside. You all get led outside of the stockade and Norda says, \"All right, well, that's been a pleasure. I'm going to go ahead and go home, have a drink, and get some fucking sleep.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They learn that their movement and ranged attacks will be severely impeded, Percy's guns won't work at all, and Keyleth can't speak to cast spells. The party finish their underwater session and eat a Heroes' Feast (or, in this case, a Heroes' Midnight Snack).\nDM: Looking in your vicinity, you see clusters of ruins, you see broken pieces of very, very old stonework. And looking at them, they are scattered throughout the vicinity. Singular chunks of structures. Let's see. Percival, go ahead and make an intelligence check.\nPlayer: That'll do. 20.\nDM: Okay. Looking to the left of you as you pass by this one structure, you can see the chunk of wall that's visible, it is thick enough and tall enough where it looks like it's a sliver of the base of a larger structure that was designed for far larger creatures. The sense of the erosion and the relatively smooth edges of the various broken parts to it tell you that it's been there for a very long time.\nPlayer: This was for a larger creature, like, giants?\nDM: Giants or larger. It's hard to really tell. This is not a human-sized--\nPlayer: Did these ruins crumble, or did they sink?\nDM: They appear to have crumbled. The structure in which they're placed has intentional placement within here.\nPlayer: And is the stone-- does the stone feel natural, or does it feel like stone that would be underwater? Does it look like the parts of it that have been underwater are doing well, or does it look like it's eroding as something that should've been above the surface?\nDM: It looks like they're eroding as expected for something that's been there for a very long time.\nPlayer: And there's no writing visible.\nDM: No, no. They're almost extremely smooth. Just been there for so long and hit with various blasts of water current, sand, dust, and other things for such a long period of time that it's smoothed the entirety of the wall structure.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott puts one of the jewels in bed with him as they hear someone enter the room above, and they dive under the bed. The crewman above falls through the carpet-covered hole into the room with them, waking the sleeper, who stabs him.\nDM: A few moments pass. When you finish painting, the wood falls. While that's happening, that moment is occurring, you and Yasha, in the tavern, are keeping an eye. You watch as one of the crewmates comes walking in rather rapidly and goes and talks to somebody in the corner that you recognize from Avantika's crew.\nPlayer: I think I'm going to join in really quickly. Is everything all right? You guys need anything? I've been sober all evening so I'm happy to help.\nDM: \"I heard Waldok got stabbed for some reason.\"\nPlayer: Who got stabbed?\nDM: \"Waldok!\"\nPlayer: Waldok got stabbed? But Waldok's so nice!\nDM: \"I know!\"\nPlayer: Who would stab Waldock? That's terrible!\nDM: \"Exactly! I'm curious!\"\nPlayer: Where did you hear this from? Where did this come down from?\nDM: \"I saw him! He got stabbed! Right out there!\" and he points out the door and you can see him motioning towards the bar.\nPlayer: Oh, he seems okay, I guess.\nDM: You seem him bleeding out.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, K'Varn falls, but is immediately brought back to undeath by the Horn of Orcus. A ray from his eyestalk turns Kima to stone.\nDM: All right, you're now in the form of a mind flayer. Covered in rags, with a big old metallic head piece.\nPlayer: Do I-- actually, sans head piece. Clarota without the head piece. And what do I see when I get down there?\nDM: As you coast down you can see a group of what looks like three mind flayers with about seven slaves swarming in towards the front of the temple. They haven't quite noticed you yet.\nPlayer: How far away are they?\nDM: About 30 feet from you.\nPlayer: Great. You, over there! Quickly! And I get their attention.\nDM: They all stop and look up at you. A look of confusion, as mind flayers both do not speak through language, let alone speak Common out loud.\nPlayer: Look, I took the form of one of your own. Pretty much to get your attention. We need your help. We want to defeat the one who's taken control over your mind. We are the ones who disabled the crystal to begin with. Please come on this-- With me. We can go much faster. Up here, please!\nDM: You make a persuasion roll.\nPlayer: Damn right. Six plus ten. That's 16, plus nine is-- My persuasion's nine. Plus 16.\nDM: Wait, what'd you say? 20?\nPlayer: Six.\nDM: Plus ten?\nPlayer: Plus nine.\nDM: Plus nine.\nPlayer: That's 25.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth just barely dodges two Feeblemind s, with some help from a counterspell.\nDM: Okay. As the skeleton lunges towards you, you put the barrel of the gun-- Oh, this is the sword! I see. As you do, it cuts right through and bones go scattering off the side as it's destroyed.\nPlayer: 15 did it. That's fine. Next shot, I'm taking the shot with the skeleton that's next to Vex.\nDM: Okay. So you (sheathes sword, gunshot).\nPlayer: Yep. And I killed a thing so I get a grit back. That's 30 to hit?\nDM: That hits, roll damage.\nPlayer: All right, I have to switch dice. That's 1d10 plus 1d6 psychic. I'll burn another one point of Cabal into that.\nDM: For the purposes of this, this is Velora, plummeting down.\nPlayer: 14 points of damage plus five points of psychic and one point of lightning.\nDM: As it's scraping at your betrothed, you fire the gun and watch as the skeleton skull blasts clean off the rest of the body. It scratches one more time before it clatters into a pile of lifeless bones.\nPlayer: I get another grit back. And now, where are there other skeletons? Who's getting it?\nDM: There's three over there, one over there and three over there that are waiting.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog pounds the inside of the kraken enough to force a second regurgitation. However, with nobody able to heal him in time, Vax fails his third death saving throw and goes cold.\nDM: You're right here on the ground, you see Vax not moving. You see Vex currently grappled inside there, and Grog and everyone rushing in this direction towards the portal.\nPlayer: Vex is grappled, Vax is dead, and then there's me. How close am I to Vex and Vax?\nDM: You are ten feet from Vax and 15 feet from Vex, or ten feet from each, actually.\nPlayer: I'm ten feet from each?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Can I swim with my Alter Self, grab both of them-- Can I do that? Can I grab both of them?\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: With my swim speed--\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: -- Alter Self. Yeah?\nDM: You can, you can grab--\nPlayer: In between them.\nDM: You can grab Vax-- and begin to tug him toward Vex at half speed so that's five, ten--\nPlayer: No I've got Alter Self! I've got Alter Self!\nDM: Right, but you're--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott notices the snakes' eye holes are about the same size as the rubies she found. The water is pouring through grooves in the sides of the bottom basin through holes in the floor into the room below.\nDM: No. While you're all resting, too, Jamedi is carefully looking through the different holes in the side of the chambers and helping you plug them with some of the dead bodies. As you push them in, Avantika saunters up to you, Fjord, and says, \"So. How long has it been for you, eh?\"\nPlayer: How long has it been for--\nDM: \"Since you've been called.\"\nPlayer: Oh. Oh! Are people listening or are we by ourselves?\nDM: We'll say, for this purpose, you guys are out of earshot of most of the group.\nPlayer: Actually, that night after our convo, I had another dream.\nDM: \"Then it was destiny. What happened? Tell me everything.\"\nPlayer: I found myself under the ocean and then I saw these visions of people that I knew in my life: some that had wronged me, some that were very dear to me. I had to force my way through them up this staircase and when I reached the top-- Have you ever heard the word \"reward\"?\nDM: \"I am familiar with this promise, aye.\"\nPlayer: It was astounding. Incredible. Hard to believe. It was almost as if the oceans obeyed my commands?\nDM: Glancing at her expression, she's enthralled and there's a moment where her head turns and you see a flash of jealousy in her eyes, and then it reverts back and she goes, \"That sounds incredible.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They continue to attack both gators. Yasha is held in the jaws of one, and Nott by the other.\nDM: Well, that finishes the croc's turn. As the Haste spell snatches Nott from the jaws of almost imminent death, Fjord you're up.\nPlayer: I fucking see Nott fucking ragdolling all over the place. I'll use the rest of my speed to get as close as I can.\nDM: That gets you up onto the battlefield there.\nPlayer: Does that put me within 30 feet of that croc?\nDM: It puts you within 35 feet, it's just out of 30 foot range.\nPlayer: I'm 35 feet away?\nDM: Yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They are brought to meet Flamespeaker Cerkonos, the headmaster of the tribe. Cerkonos confirms that Keyleth's mother, Vilya, came through about ten years ago on her own aramente.\nDM: All righty. Go ahead and roll your Guiding Bolt attack. Against which guy? These three here are visible.\nPlayer: Okay. Let's do the guy right there. The big guy.\nDM: Big guy right there? Okay. Go ahead and roll your attack. You add your spell attack modifier to it.\nPlayer: That's only 15. 15?\nDM: All right. 15 does hit, yes.\nPlayer: Yay! Okay.\nDM: That's 4d6 radiant damage, and the next attack against it has advantage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group of adventurers, Vox Machina, had found themselves in the Feywild, intent on discovering another one of the Vestiges of the Divergence, one of the many artifacts that they hope will aid them in their struggle against Thordak the Cinder King and the rest of the Chroma Conclave. They've defeated two of the members, three still remain, Thordak being the seeming powerhouse head of that troupe.\nDM: Okay. In feeling any source of bodies of water, you're too far from the Gilded Run to sense any of that, and there is no running water within the actual Shademirk. Everything is a very slow-rolling sludge from the direction that you initially sensed. It's this perpetual billowing of slow, crawling death. What little bit of running water you would sense is deep underground, and probably still in danger, over the next 50 years or so, of being corrupted itself.\nPlayer: Oh. Okay. For my last question, can I get a sense on any big evil things that might want to kill us?\nDM: You need to be a little more specific than that.\nPlayer: Everything. More specific that I won't screw it up. Are there Twinkies? Are there any more large crocodile dudes living under the-- I don't know. Any more large things living under the swamp?\nDM: So you do a sense for large, dangerous plant life entities like that crocodile.\nPlayer: Yes, under the swamp. Well, wherever. Just blanket it.\nDM: As you extend your presence, you get no images or any sense of creatures like that crocodile. However, you do sense a rather intense presence throughout this bog at certain places of other corrupted plant life entities.\nPlayer: Does the tree in front of us count as a corrupted plant life entity? And none of the pixies that live in there are showing up on my radar as bad?\nDM: No. That's your final question. The spell fades. You climb your way back down out of the branches of the tree.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group eventually finds a place where they camp for the night. While they're there, Fjord convinces Jester to invite Avantika and Jamedi into you's Tiny Hut.\nDM: \"With a full group like this, and trying to be as quiet as possible. I give us about maybe one day. There will be a night of camping along the way.\"\nPlayer: And did you encounter any kind of threats?\nDM: \"There are dangerous things in this jungle, but it is easy to keep out of sight as one man. This many? Well, not as much.\"\nPlayer: Anything specific that we should be on guard for or prepared for?\nDM: \"There are lizardfolk that exist on the outskirts of this island.\"\nPlayer: You mentioned that.\nDM: \"They call the rivers, streams and the inlets home. Then there are the people of scale and fang, the snake-folk that exist further in near this temple. Variations of their strange physical--\" What are you guys doing over there?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester tries and fails to deface a statue of The Matron of Ravens. Beau and Mollymauk take skein, a shroom-like drug that could have had massive side-effects, but instead just allows them to see into the ethereal plane while high.\nDM: There are a few facilities in which there is a parcel system that travels between the larger cities and can go to outskirt cities, but those are a little more expensive. Yeah, that does exist.\nPlayer: How much to get a package to Felderwin?\nDM: To Felderwin? How big a package? For a week's worth of travel, it'll cost you about five gold, not too much.\nPlayer: Five gold?\nDM: It's a fairly upper end system to send a package.\nPlayer: Pretty good, actually. That's cheap.\nDM: For you guys, yeah, for the average person, it's not cheap.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The one charging at the prone Pike\u2014a wild and raging female half-elf\u2014leaps at her and cleaves her twice, the blows dealing heavy damage. you drops Hunter's Mark and casts Hail of Thorns as she fires another arrow at the paralyzed Kevdak.\nDM: And then one of them takes full damage at 16. All righty. So. That concludes your action. You want to move, or you going to stay where you are?\nPlayer: If I fly on my broom, can I go down and grab Pike? As an action? I mean, as a movement?\nDM: It's going to be hard-pressed for you this turn to pull out your broom. I mean, you've been clutching your broom with you this whole time, you leaned it up against the wall as you hid down there?\nPlayer: Okay. I'm going to stay where I am. And I'm going to hide against the window so nobody can see me.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Against on-- yeah, like that.\nDM: That brings us to the next in the initiative order, Vax.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She then yells at her duplicate and avoids Kylre's reaction. you tries to put her elbow into Toya's mouth but she continues to avoid her attempts to stop her singing.\nDM: As you run and dart, you see the giant arm coming down towards you, and you pull the shield up and it almost causes you to trip from the sheer force of the impact. But the brunt of it is taken by the shield as it scrapes off and you hear this horrible grinding of metal as its claws scoop across the outside of it. That ends your turn I believe. Beau.\nPlayer: Okay, so I've got the little girl pinned, and I am going to go, shh. I am going to take my arm and--\nDM: Are you trying to cover her mouth?\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: Okay. Go ahead and make an additional athletics check.\nPlayer: I want to jam my whole forearm in her mouth.\nDM: All right. Make an athletics check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog tells her to let her rage build and he will help her take down Raishan when the time is right. The meeting mostly consists of the group trying to figure out their next plan of attack, settling that they will go for Thordak before Raishan.\nDM: \"To remove it would destroy him as well, as the Arcana Pansophical saw fit. So yes, both came through. Waited for the Winter's Crest, had enough power and understanding of the ritual to open the entirety of the tear, and Thordak screamed through, flames in his wake. And he laid waste to your people, not I.\"\nPlayer: No. You used me. You used us. And my fear that I had originally appears to be true. A lot of this is my fault. I'm willing to accept my onus. The fact that you can't shows all the kind of person that you are. My promise still stands. I'm thinking it might come sooner rather than later.\nDM: \"You do understand that without my aid, you will not succeed?\"\nPlayer: I understand that without your aid, none of this would have fucking happened in the first place.\nDM: \"Yes, and there are quite a few in this room that fall in that category.\" She looks to Allura and Drake.\nPlayer: So it seems all of us can accept our part in this matter, except for you.\nDM: \"I accept my part in this matter as well. You don't think I feel duped by this? You don't think I have many things I wish to tear from the very corpse of that entity? You think I don't want to see him burn as much as you do? This vengeance that burns within me!\"\nPlayer: What would you do if you actually got what you want?\nDM: \"What all of us want freedom.\"\nPlayer: I pull out the Spire of Conflux. There are always many solutions to many problems. You think Thordak is the only solution to yours? This staff was birthed from the head of Melora, the same goddess who gave you that curse. What if you wanted me instead? Me and this staff. Maybe I can help you more than Thordak can.\nDM: \"Are you saying you understand the way to remove this? That you know the secret to burning this wretched disease from my form?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They make a circuit of the volcanic cone, finding a small hole that you is able to punch wide enough to admit all of them. They navigate their way through a combination of air- and water-filled tunnels, using water from you's Alchemy Jug to breathe through the sections that have only deoxygenated air.\nDM: Yeah. I pulled my leg earlier this week, so moving up and down sucks. So as you sit there in the silence there for a moment, just hearing the occasional (plopping) with the nearby lava that fills the nearby hallway, you don't feel any further rumbling. There's just the heat emanating from the corpses of these three magma bullettes. What do you do?\nPlayer: Can I look around for anything that resembles an anvil or a shelf or something that one might wackadoodle on?\nDM: Make an investigation check.\nPlayer: Nice. Watch me knock this out of the park.\nDM: I'd say more of a perception check for this. This is less of searching for details.\nPlayer: That's better. Still shitty. 11.\nDM: The pathway still continues to descend and curve around, but that's it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three fire towards Trinket and the other seven aim for you. One bolt bounces off the bear's armor, but the other two hit flesh.\nDM: The other seven against you, Grog. Natural 20. Natural one. That's not going to hit, that's a natural five. 18?\nPlayer: Misses.\nDM: Natural one. That's a 19, that hits. A 19 naturally, so it's 27. One more. That's 18 to hit.\nPlayer: Misses.\nDM: Oh, these all have advantage on you because you did a reckless attack.\nPlayer: That's right, I did.\nDM: So the one that would have missed is a natural 20.\nPlayer: Nay!\nDM: That does hit. Natural 20 again.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He says that they tried to warn her of the dangers and challenges she would face, and then he admits that he had you followed and observed by scouts for the first part of her journey to make sure she was safe. you asks what is next.\nDM: \"We tried, but you can only tell someone so much. Do you not think we spent days warning you of the dangers and difficulty? We didn't thrust you out in the world with a smile, going 'have fun.' We told you it was challenging, we warned you of the people you might interface with that you couldn't trust. And for the first legs of it, we had a few scouts keeping an eye.\"\nPlayer: What?\nDM: \"Just to make sure you were safe.\"\nPlayer: Okay. It just sounds like it was advice coming from people who didn't really fully know.\nDM: \"To be fair, when every parent has a child come of age, you can only coddle them so far. Every bird has to be kicked out of the nest for it to learn to fly. Not because we want to, but because that's how things are.\"\nPlayer: I know, and I thank you for that. I guess I'm just wondering what's next. Now what?\nDM: \"Now, as leader of these people, you go and learn how best we can establish ourselves in this countryside. Where once we-- (sighs) Gwessar, or Tal'Dorei as the humans call it, all of our civilizations are merging. Isolation that we've relied upon is becoming less and less viable.\"\nPlayer: I agree.\nDM: \"And so part of, I think, what you have already begun, is finding a way to bring not just the Ashari, but Zephra as well, necessary friendships and allies.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then encountered a very elderly goliath that Grog hadn't seen in quite some time named Shale, who spoke of the scouting crew that had been obliterated by the dragon. They followed Shale as she led them up the mountain, to where the dragon's current lair resides.\nDM: Okay. As you walk with him, within mere hours, almost like you picked up the scent on a hunt, you see a glimmer of short, dark hair, and you glance over, and sure enough, there is Kaylie, who is currently holding over her shoulder Dr. Dranzel, who is limping alongside her.\nPlayer: Oh God! Is he okay?\nDM: You can go and ask.\nPlayer: I'll go and ask!\nDM: They're walking across the street. They haven't noticed you yet.\nPlayer: Oi! Shorthalt!\nDM: There's a stop, and Kaylie turns her head.\nPlayer: Hi.\nDM: She drops Dranzel's arm and rushes forward and gives you a hug. And then lets go after a second and pushes away. \"Glad to see you survived. That's good.\"\nPlayer: You, too. How's he?\nDM: \"He's got a foot infection, nothing too great to look about.\" You look down and his left foot is all swollen. He's like, \"I've had worse!\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He casts fireball at the remaining gunner, killing her. Ripley's cloak takes in some of the energy of the fireball but takes damage.\nDM: All right. You take (counting) 18 points-- no, I'm sorry. He had advantage on the roll. So that would be 24 points of psychic damage as the claw rakes through your body, missing your corporeal form. It shocks into your system, your brain spiking with pain.\nPlayer: Do I get Retaliation? Is it a melee attack?\nDM: It's your reaction to do it, so you could run past and (whack).\nPlayer: Let's do that.\nDM: You run. You get raked. You spin with the axe and attempt to slam into it, using the momentum to keep charging forward.\nPlayer: 26.\nDM: 26 will hit. Roll damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The one charging at the prone Pike\u2014a wild and raging female half-elf\u2014leaps at her and cleaves her twice, the blows dealing heavy damage. Vex drops Hunter's Mark and casts Hail of Thorns as she fires another arrow at the paralyzed Kevdak.\nDM: All right, let's go ahead and do a shove action. Find myself on this one here-- all right, so, for shove-- I need you to go ahead and--\nPlayer: Strength?\nDM: --make an athletics check.\nPlayer: Athletics check.\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: I'm going to trigger the Luck right now.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: That helped it, yeah. That gets it to 20.\nDM: To 20? That's going to be a 12.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before this happened, as a part of a journey towards this Tri-Spire, both Caleb and Jester made their way there. Caleb unsuccessfully entering a nicer district of the city that did not seem to believe or respect his presentation.\nDM: So (fwoosh), and as you throw your orb, it skitters up the wall. You almost hit it, but it pulls out of the way before it shatters, the orb splattering acid across the stonework, burning through whatever outer layer of thick liquid has congealed there.\nPlayer: From where I'm hidden to where it was when it appeared, how far is that?\nDM: From where it appeared? That would've been 40 feet from you.\nPlayer: So I have to roll with disadvantage?\nDM: Yes, you do.\nPlayer: Ooh, not as good. 11.\nDM: Goes wide, no impact, unfortunately. That ends the spider's turn. Beau, Molly, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some are empty, some contain long-dead rotting corpses, but the first contains a fair amount of stashed gold as well as Tova's maul and armor, which they return to her. As the final cell door it opened a lemure bursts through.\nDM: As you're putting your armor on, you open the far door on this end, and as you do, suddenly bursting through is a lemure. (groans) Comes towards you with its horrible, fleshy mound just reaching out in your direction.\nPlayer: I threaten it down, and say, run. And owe Orthax your freedom. Run!\nDM: Roll an intimidation check.\nPlayer: Okay, can I use Friends to help with that or no, just go for intimidation?\nDM: If you want to.\nPlayer: Yeah, I'll use Friends to add to that intimidation. So, is that advantage?\nDM: Yes.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the city below, they watch as a group of devas join battle against a group of gloomstalkers, and both are annihilated by a single swipe of the titan's arm. Grog, hanging off Vecna's side, pulls out Pelor's Divine Trammel and drives it into the closest wound\u2014the first of their three trammels to be attached.\nDM: Nope. So this one, however, is going to land and is going to try make an assault on you, Percival. That's going to be 28 to hit?\nPlayer: Oh yeah, that hits.\nDM: You suffer 17 points of piercing damage and seven necrotic. 24 total. It's going to also claw you. And that's a 21 to hit.\nPlayer: That also hits.\nDM: Take 13 points of slashing damage.\nPlayer: All right, so that's (counting) 22. I'm at 22 hit points. That's fine. I can handle that.\nDM: All righty. That is going to bring us to Keyleth.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you scritches Keyleth behind the ear, nudging the heart aside with his toe, and then exits the temple. Simultaneously, Scanlan opens the door to magical laboratory, with a robed duergar inside.\nDM: So, you glance in this room. There's an open walkway and what appears to be another barrack section, also completely empty.\nPlayer: Screw that. Do I see a door for this room that's still darkened out? Then I'm gonna keep sliding along the wall.\nDM: Okay, as you slide along here, to make your way around to a door there.\nPlayer: Okay. Pressing my hand, just to see if I can check any for traps.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: 26.\nDM: 26, all right. The door does not appear to be trapped.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, Fjord attunes to the Wastehunter Blade. you, Yasha, Nott, and Fjord head to the Invulnerable Vagrant, where they buy two vials of holy water, a protection cloak for Fjord, two healing potions for Yasha, ink and parchment for you.\nDM: As Frumpkin's trying to trail behind, Dweez turns and goes, \"(heh) No! (heh heh)\" and puts a hand out and grabs Frumpkin by the scruff and holds Frumpkin up, and then throws Frumpkin back into the bar.\nPlayer: Okay. If I saw that, I would snap my fingers and make Frumpkin poof out.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: I'm going to bite my tongue and bring Frumpkin back.\nDM: Okay. Dweez is clutching the back of your hand and goes, (confused sound).\nPlayer: It's just a nervous tic. I'm a nervous fellow. Sorry.\nDM: (creepy laughter)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord seems confused and a little disturbed whereas Jester thinks it would be funny to set up a shop and only tell people what it was made of after they drink the tea. The Mighty Nein find one of the Iron Shepherds' carts and discover it has illusory magic on it.\nDM: \"Fetch it for me.\" One of the guards comes over and puts his hands on the glaive and waits for you to release it. He walks over and hands it to Ophelia. She grasps it and (grunts). It's got some heft to it. She takes it and looks it over, \"Very well. You are absolutely certain there are no signs left behind to trace it? No one saw you? No one followed you?\"\nPlayer: You know the one who wields that weapon?\nDM: \"I know of the one that did, yes.\"\nPlayer: This one broke his jaw almost off of his face, and then his skull was burned to ash. We murdered everyone in that house who was not a farmer. It is empty.\nDM: Make a persuasion check with advantage. She wants to believe you, but is--\nPlayer: Natural 20.\nDM: Her yellow eyes darken into slits as she inspects you. For that brief, pregnant pause in conversation, you feel this probing stare. You cannot see where the pupils glance, but you feel like you are being looked up and down, and then every aspect of your facial expressions and mannerisms being instantaneously processed. She leans back comfortably in her stance, now previously with an intense force of confrontational energy, she now seems to relax, takes the glaive and hands it off to one of her guards and says, \"Please prepare that for mounting within my collection.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb grapples it with Earthen Grasp. It manages to clean the tar off the lens, and breaks Caleb's concentration on the grapple by pinning him against the wall with a blade through the chest.\nDM: No, he did not technically move out of-- it's sticky. It's one of those weird things where he doesn't technically move beyond the range, but he tries to.\nPlayer: He tried to and I try to make a jab.\nDM: I'll let you have it, sure.\nPlayer: I'll take no advantage.\nDM: You have no advantage.\nPlayer: I thought I might be flanked.\nDM: Currently, no. You would need something right there in that corner to flank.\nPlayer: That's a (counting) 24 to hit.\nDM: That hits. Roll damage.\nPlayer: That's (counting) nine points of damage. Yeah, nine.\nDM: It angrily is going to open to do its shrapnel blast.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before this happened, as a part of a journey towards this Tri-Spire, both you and Jester made their way there. you unsuccessfully entering a nicer district of the city that did not seem to believe or respect his presentation.\nDM: Yeah, along the way and keeping an eye out, asking a couple questions here and there, you eventually find a very basic clothingwears company. Nothing fancy, but just utility. Pants, worker's shirts, gloves, and cloaks are available. So if you want to buy a cloak, you can do that.\nPlayer: I would like to get something that is brown, muted, nothing gaudy. Probably don't have that anyway.\nDM: Not in this one, no. Your choices are pretty much brown, black, and gray, so you're good.\nPlayer: I'll take the brown one. Yeah.\nDM: You're good on that one. I do not recall if they had any pricing put down for cloaks.\nPlayer: It's 50 gold.\nDM: 600 gold pieces, please. Eh, it falls under what would be general common clothes, so I'll put the cloak cost at two silver.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog slams his war axe into the roof, splitting it open. Grog slides down into the room below, Pike jumping onto his foot and falls to the side.\nDM: You just barely land on your feet, you do take fall damage, but you don't fall prone. You take eight points of fall damage. Percy, you manage to land fine, without any damage, on your feet. On the ground, both of you kind of three-point landing. Avengers style.\nPlayer: Do I have time to get a shot off?\nDM: You do, that was your movement. So what's the deal?\nPlayer: Wow, I'm taking a second, and I see that Vax is getting attacked, and I'm gonna just take a shot at the-- The guy with the hammer. The biggest thing I see.\nDM: Do you have your glasses or goggles on?\nPlayer: Yeah, that's right, I have a helmet. So yeah, I'm wearing the helmet. I'm cool with that.\nDM: So go for it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He tells her he wants entry to the library, and she shows him her Cobalt Soul belt saying she can get him in. In the audience for the competition are Lawmaster Orentha Stonegrasp, Dolan Thrym, Starosta Wyatt Fedar, and Headmaster of the Zauber Spire\n Oremid Hass, one of the two mages who attacked the two fleeing Kryn warriors a few nights earlier.\nDM: Success, it does not knock you prone. It bites and tries to throw you onto the ground, but you push off of its jaws and use the back of the wall to steel yourself and kick its mouth off of you and still stand there, resolute, with your blade in hand. The other one is going to attempt to break free. It does not like being held in place by there. What does it have to roll to break free?\nPlayer: 15.\nDM: 15? What kind of check?\nPlayer: Oh, strength.\nDM: Strength? 13 plus four, that's 17, yeah. It manages to break free of the hand.\nPlayer: That's its action, correct, to break free?\nDM: That's its action, correct. It will move over here to flank up right there. Beau, you do get an attack of opportunity as it moves out of the space, and if you hit it, it does prevent it from moving.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by you, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: So we'll say, for the purposes of this, it'll take an additional cast of your spell, so mark off a second casting of Conjure Woodland Beings. However, that brings-- What level is that?\nPlayer: That is level-- Oh, good. Level three.\nDM: Conjure Woodland Beings?\nPlayer: So I've got two level threes left. With my Pearl of power.\nDM: Conjure Woodland Beings is a 4th-level spell, Laura.\nPlayer: I have Conjure Animals, not Woodland Beings.\nDM: Animals, there we go. Sorry, so yeah, that is 3rd-level. So yeah, mark off your second casting there. You guys manage to make a short rest between the journeys, making your way up towards the dark, blackened rock peak of Gatshadow. We're going to take a short break here for restroom. We'll be back here in a few minutes. In the meantime we have an awesome video from Backblaze to show you guys--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you is quickly rendered unconscious, but uses Relentless Endurance to pop back up to one hit point. He is almost immediately hit into unconsciousness again.\nDM: All right. Well, you're going to be out in the open. Just so you're aware. All right. So you move over here. You can now see all three right there.\nPlayer: 'Sup, fish-fucks!\nDM: Yeah, that's as far as you can move there. They all turn, (growls). You see some of them holding what looks to be these large harpoon-trident things that are hooked on the end and they have some sort of thick cabling of some kind attached to the end of it.\nPlayer: Aren't y'all pretty? I look. In the space in between them, I see this ripple start to form, and I reach out with my hand, and I'll grasp at the space and tear a rip in reality, and I'll cast Hunger of Hadar, ripping this 20-foot dome on the ground.\nDM: 20-foot radius? Where do you want to place it?\nPlayer: I'll put it right here, so it's-- Actually? No, I'll stick it right here. Yeah, because it halves it, makes it difficult terrain, so let's put it right there. Ish.\nDM: You got it. So you watch suddenly as the back end of that chamber-- well, for those who can see, which Caleb currently-- it's mostly dark except for that faint, faint glow around the corner that you don't see the source. There's no light in here. That light goes out. You are blind at the moment, because what little bit of light there is has been consumed by this sphere of darkness that Fjord has summoned on the opposite side of the chamber. You watch as reality tears open in that space, and you see these strange, black-purple otherworldly tentacles whip out from the outside of it, and you hear this horrible slithering sound within the center of that chamber, with this faint underlying of whispers and chanting.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you grapples it with Earthen Grasp. It manages to clean the tar off the lens, and breaks you's concentration on the grapple by pinning him against the wall with a blade through the chest.\nDM: They have disadvantage, because it is restrained. With disadvantage, it's going to be an 18 to hit for the first one.\nPlayer: Shield.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: So it misses.\nDM: All righty. Second one, 16 and 18. 16 plus eight; it's going to be 24.\nPlayer: Oh, that will hit. Those will hit.\nDM: The first one, the shield (clang). It ricochets off and floats off in the background spinning. The second one, however, pierces through the shield and hits you in the chest.\nPlayer: That's not going to be good.\nDM: That's going to be 17 points of piercing damage.\nPlayer: Good, good, good.\nDM: And you are pinned to the wall. It actually pierced through your chest and is now holding you into the stone. Your movement is zero, and you are considered restrained against the wall.\nPlayer: I also have to make a concentration check.\nDM: You do. So go ahead and make a constitution check. With the damage taken, it has to be at least a ten or higher.\nPlayer: Hold on. I rolled a three.\nDM: No, and with that, the paw is broken.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He waits to hear wings but can't hear them. Vex however does and alerts him.\nDM: Okay, as you pull the scroll out and begin reading it, the sigils and arcane glyphs are ancient and convoluted, and you're trying to trace them with your eyes and you begin speaking, letting the ancient knowledge that you've gained through your existence of wandering Exandria begin to pour out on its own. You feel the magic take hold and your grip tightens as the script begins to light up with a slight bluish-purple tint. As it begins to light up around, I need you to check to see if you succeed in reading to scroll.\nPlayer: Okay. So I roll with advantage?\nDM: You roll with advantage. Highest of two.\nPlayer: (gasps) Not great. Okay. And what am I adding?\nDM: Your d12 to it. So roll a d12. And plus two.\nPlayer: Plus two?\nDM: Plus two because Jack of All Trades.\nPlayer: Plus my charisma?\nDM: Plus your charisma bonus, which is six.\nPlayer: 20.\nDM: Okay, the DC was 19. (yelling)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord responded they need some time to rest and would discuss future plans later. The Mighty Nein went to their quarters.\nDM: You can find a bit that seems a little more remote, but there are deckhands; there are folks that are always keeping watch.\nPlayer: I'll be right back. You guys find a spot, I'll meet you there. I go back and I go, Jeremiah! Give me that. I take bread or whatever he has prepared.\nDM: You come to Jeremiah. You eventually start shouting until you find Jeremiah. Jeremiah is this mid-40s halfling fellow. Pale, but well-dressed in colorful silks and vibrant makeup. From some of the theater productions you've seen, he seems almost made up for the stage, but just a cook. Big smile, big curled, waxed mustache, hair parted and curled on the sides, light brown, auburn hair. Portly halfling fellow, and as you're shouting his name, he goes, \"Hello? Are you looking for me?\"\nPlayer: Yep, Jeremiah.\nDM: \"I'm Jeremiah. What's your name?\"\nPlayer: Hi. Beau.\nDM: \"Beau, yes. You're one of the new kids. I am making food. Would you--?\"\nPlayer: What do you have right now? Something ready? I want to chew on something while we talk.\nDM: \"Fine, here you go.\" He hands over a somewhat stale loaf.\nPlayer: Thank you. You have sausage to go with that?\nDM: \"No, they are being prepared, and I wish not to serve something that is unfinished.\"\nPlayer: Water. Wine.\nDM: (sighs) Grabs a thing of wine, a small jar, and says, \"You can fetch your own water.\"\nPlayer: Thank you, sorry, I'm just hungry as fuck. I go back to the group.\nDM: All right. You guys patiently wait for Beau to return with a stale--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party leaves the kitchen and scatters. As he leaves the room, Percy hears the voice again, saying Yessss.... \n you follows Seeker Assum, and requests that he, as a fellow ranger, teach her in the art of stealth.\nDM: And as you all scatter, Percy, as you walk out, the same voice creeps into your ear, \"Yes.\" Now, as you step out with Seeker Asum, who now has a bit of haste to his step, arms crossed, looking around. \"So you wish to speak with me?\"\nPlayer: Yes, I do. You're a ranger.\nDM: \"I am.\"\nPlayer: You're very sneaky.\nDM: \"I can be.\"\nPlayer: I've only ever seen people like thieves, like my brother, do things like you've done. Can you teach me anything that you know to help me maybe be a little more stealthy, as well?\nDM: (sighs) \"We'll go over what you know, and perhaps there are a few tricks that I can teach you in the three days I have. I can't guarantee that it'll be extremely changing, as that's a very short time to train over what I've learned over a lifetime, but I can certainly attempt.\"\nPlayer: I appreciate it.\nDM: \"I require your concentration for those days, though, before I leave.\"\nPlayer: Utmost.\nDM: \"All right. Meet me at the morrow, crack of dawn. I'll be at the front of your keep.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"Very well.\" And he heads off, outside of the keep. The rest of you, what are you doing?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before this happened, as a part of a journey towards this Tri-Spire, both Caleb and Jester made their way there. Caleb unsuccessfully entering a nicer district of the city that did not seem to believe or respect his presentation.\nDM: 11 points of damage. As you leap and smack it in the face, it pulls up a little bit further away, screeching at the impact. It's looking pretty rough. It's still around, but that was not a positive hit for it.\nPlayer: Do I have room to still get one more swat? Probably not.\nDM: I gave you the one. You're technically just out of range.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: That was part of the risk. That end your turn?\nPlayer: Yeah, I guess so.\nDM: Molly?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percival shoots Clarota in the head, releasing Scanlan, who had been grappled by the turncoat. As the remaining illithids take heavy damage, the two of them Plane Shift out of the room in self-preservation.\nDM: You feel, once again, the teeth beginning to pierce the back of the flesh. You feel the teeth of the mind flayer beginning to scrape against the skull, the actual bone it's found in the back. Vax, you're up.\nPlayer: What did Clarota do with his hat?\nDM: Oh, it's somewhere on the ground over here.\nPlayer: Over behind--\nDM: Over behind this.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm still Hasted, I'm going to run down the center over Clar-- I'm going to step on Clarota's-- I don't know if he has nuts, but whatever's there, I'm going to step there, run around Scanlan, and place his fucking hat on my head.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: And then run up behind that third mind flayer, who I don't think has taken a hit yet, and just start stabbing him in the back.\nDM: Right here?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog, left wide open from his reckless attack, is struck by all seven crossbow bolts. Trinket backs up, gets a running start, then curls up and rolls towards Count Tylieri, who dodges out of the way and claws into the bear as it passes.\nDM: Okay. I'll let you do that because this is your full round to do that. Usually you would choose to cannonball--\nPlayer: Or I do my two attacks?\nDM: But because you aren't part of this combat fray and you're giving all of your round to him, I'll let you do it, sure.\nPlayer: Okay. Thank you.\nDM: Trinket comes out of the roll, turns around (roars) and strikes with the claw, swiping--\nPlayer: He's trying to bite his neck like a vampire!\nDM: Oh, bite him? Okay.\nPlayer: Oh, shit. Ooh! That's good. 27.\nDM: That hits.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth just barely dodges two Feeblemind s, with some help from a counterspell.\nDM: He is currently clutching on the side of this. So he didn't have to worry about watching the whip drop. It's the rest of the tower.\nPlayer: Is he in a place where he can climb, or no?\nDM: Make a general athletics check for him.\nPlayer: Seven? Plus four. 11.\nDM: 11. Does he want to try and inspire himself? It's an ability check.\nPlayer: Shit. I want to do so much other than try to hang onto the floor at this point. Shit. I guess he'll inspire himself.\nDM: Okay. Roll a d12 and add to it.\nPlayer: Wait, roll and add two?\nDM: No, add the roll to it.\nPlayer: Oh, well that just makes it 14.\nDM: 14 is just enough. It's not super hard to climb this, you get just to the edge there.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The goliath insists that they will come back for her if they succeed, but if she makes any noise after they leave, then she won't be making noise anymore. The woman shrinks back, huffs, then angrily sits down in the cell, telling them to go.\nDM: Okay. Looking about the cells, they all appear to be empty. You do catch a couple of rats skittering through some of the brush. Nothing that really is the source of that scraping metal sound.\nPlayer: This is the second room?\nDM: You go around the way and there's another set of cells.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Nobody else in the other cells.\nPlayer: This is where I heard something before.\nDM: You heard it echoing around the other hallway, so it could be amorphously from the same source that she came from, or near the cell.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They continue to attack both gators. you is held in the jaws of one, and Nott by the other.\nDM: 18 points of damage. How do you want to do this? (cheering) You guys have been plugging everything into this one croc since the beginning of the battle.\nPlayer: Am I actually able to-- If I have my hand on his jaws, just pull them apart.\nDM: Yeah, you can because you're inside of it.\nPlayer: Open the jaw, just stand.\nDM: You pull yourself, you pull the jaws open and step out of it, getting your feet on the ground as you yank apart. You put your leg up into it and (snapping). You feel the jaw pop. It falls back for a moment, its jaw now limp and its tongue lolling out to one side. You have your blade and you do the finishing blow.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Oh, I mean describe to me the finishing blow.\nPlayer: Oh, finishing blow.\nDM: Breaking its jaw isn't going to kill it. So how do you kill it?\nPlayer: Okay. I'll try to chop off the head as much as I can.\nDM: Okay. After breaking the jaw you step out, pull the blade from behind you and with a wide swipe, like an anti-cavalry blow, you cut through the side of its throat and neck. It doesn't get all the way through, but it cuts enough through the spine where it falls to the ground. This long, heavy, limp piece of luggage. We'll leave that there for its size, though. You going to stay where you are? You want to move? Because you still have movement, you've been released from its jaws.\nPlayer: Yeah, can I move towards the back of the other one? In front of Jester; in between the croc and Jester.\nDM: That's as far as you can get. Well, you can get there, actually.\nPlayer: Perfect. Yeah, perfect.\nDM: Okay. That ends your turn. Yasha's finished. Caleb, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They arrive without too much trouble at a point directly above where you senses the sword. Keyleth glides through the earth as an elemental, but is unable to find the sword, so you decides to look for it by dousing herself in Oil of Etherealness.\nDM: Your movement speed, at double movement, would be 60 with the double dash. You're moving 30 feet per round because when you're moving through the Ethereal Plane through solid objects and matter, it does slow you to half speed.\nPlayer: Can I sense Keyleth at all? I can't see her, right?\nDM: You can't see her, you can't sense her, but you do sense the sword. You sense the direction still, because Locate Object is still in effect, and you're drifting down, down, down. About a hundred feet. 150 feet. And then as you head down to that point, you suddenly emerge and you can see a small cavern, maybe ten feet in diameter. Looks like there's a bit of rubble. Looks like there may have been a path that led to here that long crumbled and was either intentionally collapsed or naturally collapsed by the movement of the titan. And as you come into this ten-foot little cavern space, half of the floor is coated in this brackish green fluid, and the other half is solid rock.\nPlayer: Okay. I keep going towards the sword.\nDM: Okay. It then takes you at a slight angle down into the liquid, and now you can see the tunnel continues downward. There's a small basin that changes shape as you go down into this murky greenish fluid, down where there's no light. It is normally pitch black here, but the etherealness allows you to take a little bit of the space in. Looking around, you can see that there is a thick residue that is gathered along the edges, and there at the bottom, you can sense, though you cannot see it because it is actually a few inches beneath the muck, you assume, the sword.\nPlayer: I can't touch it.\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: But I know where it is. Can I come up into the cavern, and you said there was rock outcropping that I can stand on? Can I get this shit off of me, the oil off of me, or am I stuck as an ethereal form?\nDM: This is going to be an interesting question.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party then retrieved their first artifact and then made their way towards the Pyrah tribe of the Ashari druids, the fire guardians of the gate to the Elemental Plane of Fire, which apparently Thordak, the Cinder King\u2014the great red dragon that helms the Chroma Conclave that has torn through all of the civilization of Tal'Dorei \u2014emerged from. The party went there, found a surviving faction of the Pyrah tribe including Cerkonos, their headmaster, as well as a few members of Keyleth's tribe, the Air Ashari, and her father.\nDM: 14. Okay. Looking over the broom, you can tell it's enchanted. There are runes along the sides of the broom. You do gather from the nature of the enchantment that it is an item that requires a spoken phrase from the wielder to initiate its magic. Short of an Identify spell, you would probably have to guess. If you know the Identify spell, that would be a way for you to.\nPlayer: I don't. Can I examine it to see if there's any markings, any hidden anything on it?\nDM: Make an intelligence check. Or, you know what, this would be specifically investigation. Investigation check.\nPlayer: Investigation. 21.\nDM: You do notice that many of the runes intricately carved on the side of the broom are-- they're part of the enchantment; however, there is a certain phrase that is not part of the enchantment. It's scrawled into and very cleverly hidden amongst the broom. It is not Common. What languages do you know?\nPlayer: Common, Gnome. Pig Latin.\nDM: It is not a language you recognize.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The spiraling tower of black iron and copper. He throws a square, metal icon.\nDM: The creature leans down toward you, the pit fiend's very presence itself almost causing the air to vibrate around you. Though it is not the largest creature that you've faced, there is something about its presence that is purely evil. A bastion of power across all elements of the cosmos that you haven't had stare you down at this proximity. As it leans forward, the voice once again pierces the center of your brain. \"It would do well to bring them forth.\"\nPlayer: (French accent) I cannot just communicate with them. Would you join me inside my shop? There you will see many other fine specimens.\nDM: \"What is your price?\"\nPlayer: (French accent) Well, you haven't seen what I have to offer.\nDM: \"I have seen enough.\"\nPlayer: (French accent) So you are not interested in the naga, the goristro, the other celestial beings? The orcs?\nDM: Make a deception check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord kills the one and the other loosens its hold, so you applies a Stunning Strike. Caleb uses Firebolt on it and Nott attacks.\nDM: Go for it. The words you hear are, \"Who are you? Help!\" as the shout is beginning to come out, but you go ahead and--\nPlayer: Uh-huh, 15.\nDM: Yeah, 15, that hits.\nPlayer: Stun.\nDM: That's a failure, yeah.\nPlayer: Uh-huh, he's stunned.\nDM: Stuns in the bed.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about you's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel.\nDM: Okay, it's his turn now. Now it-- (shrieks and growls) And goes running and rushes up towards you. You watch as previously it just had this large pole on its back? It pulls it and brings it loose as you see a large two-handed glaive come swooping, which doesn't actually-- it can get to there and still hit you because of its reach. As it runs forward, it brings it down. It's going to multi-attack you twice with it.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: First one is going to be a 21 to hit?\nPlayer: Oh, that'll hit.\nDM: And a 17 to hit.\nPlayer: Both hit.\nDM: Both hit. All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He admits that he is a scoundrel, to which Kaylie retorts that he is a scoundrel who has no boundaries and leaves a wake of people hurt. She demands that he draw his blade.\nDM: The gate opens. You guys come inside, and you find, as you enter the keep, the smell of a recently cooked meal is permeating the air of the keep. You hear laughter and a little bit of music in the distance.\nPlayer: At least they're having fun.\nDM: And as you walk towards the eating chambers, the central feasting area on the bottom floor of your keep, there indeed you see your recently discovered friends.\nPlayer: Is that little-- is it a halfling teenager that was picking pockets at the bar? Is he here?\nDM: He is, yes.\nPlayer: Can I walk up to him?\nDM: Yes. Samson right now, by the way, is asleep on a table. It's way past his bedtime. He's on the edge there.\nPlayer: I nudge him awake. Hey, Sticky Fingers.\nDM: \"Hello, miss.\"\nPlayer: Hey. So I saw you at the bar, getting things off of people pockets. Off of people pockets?\nDM: \"They told me they wouldn't miss them.\"\nPlayer: No, it's totally fine. I don't care. You haven't done that here, have you?\nDM: \"No.\"\nPlayer: No.\nDM: \"No, not unless he tells me to.\" And points to Dr. Dranzel, who at this point has been like, \"Scanlan! Finally.\" (chuckles)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The captain agrees, and they board, with you and Fjord going below. you searches the captain's quarters, finding a notation about a guarded package on board.\nDM: A number of shipping ledgers. There are books keeping tabs on payments to the crew and how long they've been hired. There is one paper you do find that is hidden in a locked compartment beneath, but you manage to find underneath this little bit that you can slip your fingers through, and pull a sheet of paper out on the opposite end of the shelf. This is a list of the supplies on the ship.\nPlayer: Anything of interest?\nDM: There is food and water for the journey. There are Clovis Concord spices, Menagerie Coast specialty dried meats, tropical fruits that are specifically frozen and brought so they're slowly thawing through the journey to get them as fresh as they can where they're going. This looks like this journey was intended to go to Marquet, to Port Damali, The Bay of Gifts. Amongst all the various bits of general supplies, cloths, clothing, and silks that are specific to the Menagerie Coast, there are some elements of Empire goods as well that are put in there. But the thing that catches your interest: there is one last addition. Everything else seems to be written in one type of handwriting, and there is a different type of handwriting in the final entry, and the final entry says, \"Requested package: guarded,\" and the amount that was paid for that was 1,800 gold. That was received by the captain on this ledger to keep on the down low.\nPlayer: I'm going to immediately look around. Do I see any of the safes where you would hide a guarded package in here?\nDM: In here? You do not, not within this chamber.\nPlayer: All right. I go meet Fjord and Norgul. Nope! Ipess. That's who's with us, I go meet them.\nDM: Okay. While you're looking, are you waiting for Beau or are you heading out?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While Beau throws wild haymakers, missing with her first hit, Dairon retaliates with only very light, disciplined taps. Beau's next few hits land hard.\nDM: Okay, easily enough, so you guys haven't arrived yet. You guys have arrived. As you enter the interior, it's a very musty smell on the inside, too. There's a lot of fungus being grown on the inside here, and you can see that elements of it may have expanded into the corners of the actual room and it's not necessarily the nicest space to be wandering in. It seems natural. Across the way, you see a gentleman of relatively tanned skin, with darker hair that's ratty and clustered. He's in his late twenties or so, looks to be upon closer inspection partial elven blood, partial human blood, and he's in the process of carefully carving a large stalk of what looks like a fungus off of a small pot that he pulled off one of the shelves. As you enter, he doesn't even make eye contact. He goes, \"Hello, please, just wait a moment. There we are. Hi, can I help you?\"\nPlayer: Yeah, my friends keep dying. Do you have any health potions?\nDM: \"We have a handful, that is correct. How many are you looking to purchase?\"\nPlayer: How many do you have?\nDM: \"Four.\"\nPlayer: Ooh. That will last us probably, like, a day.\nDM: \"What do you do for a living?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They throw down anchor not far from the home of the Water Ashari, where they can see lights coming on in the night. The city is built in the water itself, between three islands.\nDM: And the boy kinda stops and drops your hand and backs away with his hands kinda crossed behind his back, and he steps away, bowing his head a little bit and (splashing noise) away. The crowd-- and you can now see, all these different people, most of them appear to be human, elven, there are a handful of dwarves, a couple halflings, it's a spread of races here. You see two half-orcs that have these large tridents off to the side, and they're guarded but they're all deciding whether or not this is a welcoming circumstance, or a careful parlay. The voice that rang out, the crowd parts a little bit, and you watch as the water around you guys begins to spiral into these columns. Each one appears to be similar to the entity you saw rise onto the ship. A series of water elementals begin to rise out of the water, as some of the individuals in the crowd pull their hands together, and then you see four of them rise and begin to circle. Not closing in, but just keeping very close vigil around. And you realize at this point that, while the city is welcoming, they are also a carefully guarded people. The crowd parts, and you see stepping out, with the tiniest of splashes, a very tiny woman. Old, shriveled, most of her hair is gone and these thin wisps of white and gray, a wide oval-like head, the skin itself an olive yellow tint. Very wrinkled and pruny, the eyes are almost these tiny little black beads. Gnome, very old, with a long staff that's twice her height that just kinda with each step (squishing splash) kinda like a weird female Water Ashari Yoda. And just kinda steps forward through the water--\nPlayer: Rad!\nDM: \"Yulan, you are not to greet our guests! Now, you. What is your name?\"\nPlayer: Hi. (clears throat) Kaitiaki, I am Keyleth, daughter of Vilya and Korren of the Air Ashari, and I am here to complete my Aramente. I am--\nDM: \"Kaitiaki.\"\nPlayer: Kaitiaki. I am honored to be in your presence.\nDM: \"I am Uvenda, Heart of the Tides here. I had my own Aramente, long ago. And I knew your mother who came for her Aramente, as well.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There, they find the city blanketed in dark clouds and all the guards on alert for approaching armies. They notice one citizen, a father, painting a symbol of Vecna over his door in the hopes of protection.\nDM: The soldiers take a step back with a look of recognition across you as you step forward with your white dragon scale armor. They know not to approach and there is seemingly a sense of knowing who you are, at least from the legends that are told amongst the streets of Vasselheim. The father turns to you and seeing your lordly approach, and strong voice, immediately. \"The nightmares I've had, and I'm not the first. This symbol. It scares me, but if something comes like they say it is, I must it let it know we have no quarrel. To leave my family be.\"\nPlayer: This symbol will not protect you.\nDM: \"How do you know this?\"\nPlayer: Because I know his followers. They won't have mercy. They'll gouge out eyes, remove your hand, and make you one of them.\nDM: Make a persuasion check, please.\nPlayer: Okay. Hold on. 17?\nDM: Okay, he looks at you for a moment, his eyes keen with fear, and his face. \"You're certain of this, my lady?\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"Will you protect us, then?\"\nPlayer: We'll do our best. That's what we're here for.\nDM: He looks past you, the rest of your companions, all looking well-armed and definitely capable. Looks down and rubs the hair of his little girl, her sandy blonde hair curled up and a bit dirtied. Looking down from her gaze, up to you, he says, \"Then I trust you.\" He takes the tattered paintbrush he was using and smears across the symbol, destroying it. (applause)\nPlayer: Dear god, I hope that works.\nDM: He goes inside with his daughter. Before he closes the door: \"Thank you. Please, help.\" Pulls the rest of the cart in and closes the door behind with a slam. The two guards awkwardly look at each other and back to you. \"Thank you.\" \"Be safe.\" And they both wander off.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Lionel Gayheart Chod, a half-orc bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you reacts with delight as Grog goes into a rage. Grog flips a table and breaks it over you's head; you, with a big grin on his face, rages as well and starts to punch back.\nDM: I'm going to say, for the purposes of this, it catches you so off-guard and it's so unexpected that you're stunned for the next round. As you do that, you see him walk up and he starts pushing you away.\nPlayer: Does he let go? I can let go now.\nDM: You can let go, yeah. He's like, \"Uh, uh!\" You get a full other turn, what are you going to do?\nPlayer: Can I run back, and then do a (yelling) and then I just dive in with the biggest punch I can.\nDM: Go for it. You back away, you leap--\nPlayer: Yeah, everything I can put into it, all force, because I still want to get a good punch in there.\nDM: Yeah, go ahead and roll for an attack. If you want it, you can make it reckless.\nPlayer: Yeah, he's definitely reckless.\nDM: So roll twice and take the higher on each attack.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, Molly douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: If they don't know you're there, which this is currently what's considered an ambush round, you still have advantage on your first strike if they're not aware of your presence. Which means it would cancel out that disadvantage.\nPlayer: I can take my shot from here.\nDM: You can, yes.\nPlayer: All right. I will fire.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: Ooh! 17 plus a lot. Six! 17 plus six to hit.\nDM: That hits. You do not get sneak attack on this because you do not have advantage on the strike.\nPlayer: I thought you just said I had advantage!\nDM: You had advantage, but you have disadvantage because they're beyond the--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party then retrieved their first artifact and then made their way towards the Pyrah tribe of the Ashari druids, the fire guardians of the gate to the Elemental Plane of Fire, which apparently Thordak, the Cinder King\u2014the great red dragon that helms the Chroma Conclave that has torn through all of the civilization of Tal'Dorei \u2014emerged from. The party went there, found a surviving faction of the Pyrah tribe including Cerkonos, their headmaster, as well as a few members of Keyleth's tribe, the Air Ashari, and her father.\nDM: An ever-spinning top on the banister. At this point, Grog, you can see that the servant you had sent off comes up with a very large, somewhat spectral flagon, that upon handing it to you, turns into a solid metallic form, and inside--\nPlayer: Holy shit.\nDM: -- a very, very finely chilled, very nice-smelling wine.\nPlayer: I put my hand up for a high-five.\nDM: It makes contact.\nPlayer: It does?\nDM: A little cushy, but it does make contact, yes.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester then intimidates them into giving her all of their stuff, including their clothes, and they comply. The party finds that all of the bandits appear to be thin and poor townspeople, not professional or impressive thieves of the night.\nDM: All right, the one on the left, who looks to be a scraggly redhead, probably close to 20 or 21 years old, wins the bout of boulder-parchment-shears.\nPlayer: Step forward. Would you agree that the previous leadership of this group has probably failed you on some level?\nDM: \"You know, I wouldn't say so. Yeah, no, I mean, Trevor, he--\"\nPlayer: Look where you are right now, son.\nDM: \"I know! Trevor's turned to ashes.\"\nPlayer: It was a bad decision!\nDM: \"It was very bad. He was a very bad man.\"\nPlayer: Perhaps you should rethink your line of work.\nDM: \"Yeah. Yeah, you're right. You are right. Right?\" And all the boys go, \"Right.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They arrive without too much trouble at a point directly above where you senses the sword. Keyleth glides through the earth as an elemental, but is unable to find the sword, so you decides to look for it by dousing herself in Oil of Etherealness.\nDM: And as such, you don't have to make a stealth check. You're down below, and you follow their footsteps underneath. You guys continue on your current stealth run. You get forward about another 150 or so feet. Do you want to keep going or do you want to cast?\nPlayer: Is there an abandoned-looking building or anything I can duck into?\nDM: There's a handful. Most of the city has been long abandoned.\nPlayer: Okay, then I'm going to duck under something so I can cast the spell and then re-stealth before I come back out so I don't bamf in the middle.\nDM: Right. Okay, so you duck into a small alleyway. You guys are keeping out of view and waiting for the swarms of undead in the street, and as you come around the corner you immediately see about 12 or 13 zombies clattering past. As you're waiting for them to pass by, eventually they get quieter and quieter. You take a minute and you cast the spell Locate Object, and it's a much steeper angle now. You're getting much closer to it. So do you want to keep going?\nPlayer: Yes. I want to re-stealth and move until I'm directly over it.\nDM: Roll another stealth check. Both of you, actually, because we've gone partway through. Not that I have to worry about Vax.\nPlayer: 33.\nDM: Yeah, because you still have Pass Without a Trace from underneath.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus and Shak\u00e4ste investigate the back chambers, whch are holding chained, gagged humanoid figures. Lorenzo appears and casts Cone of Cold, knocking out Beau and Shak\u00e4ste, and wounding Keg and Caduceus.\nDM: You don't see anybody in there. You could make a perception check if you want to use that as your action. It's up to you.\nPlayer: No, I will stay tucked in my little closet. Is there a way I can hide but still see around the corner? No?\nDM: Maybe? Roll a high stealth check, maybe. We'll see.\nPlayer: Nope. I mean 15, it's decent.\nDM: Good to know.\nPlayer: I'll just hold my action until I see something.\nDM: Okay, good to know. What are you holding?\nPlayer: A crossbow bolt, ready to fire.\nDM: You got it. Beau.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax then heads back to the tavern as Grog is asking about Sand-kheg's Hide and is disgusted with the process by which it is made.\nDM: \"Well, let me show you.\" Over the next five minutes, she brings out all sorts of strange knickknacks. It's essentially a display from the most awkward of vintage Salvation Armies you've ever come across.\nPlayer: God, we've found a hipster.\nDM: However, you do catch a quick flash of what appears to be some small crystalline vials that appear to be strapped to some sort of leather bandolier.\nPlayer: Well, that's interesting. What do you call that?\nDM: \"This is for, well, a gentleman who passed through many years ago, who claimed to be a great alchemist, sold this off when he had come into a lot of debt within the city, so I made a good price. No one has really showed much interest in it.\"\nPlayer: Interesting. May I? May I take a look at it?\nDM: \"You may.\"\nPlayer: Thank you.\nDM: The leather's finely made, if a little worn. The chemicals inside-- one of them does have a familiar color, a deep herbal red. This looks to be some sort of a low to medium level healing potion, most likely, from your experience in the use of that. The two others are grayish and murky and don't really draw your attention or anything you're familiar with.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A scuffle ensues as they chase down a necromancer, a number of cultists, and some creatures from the Shadowfell. During the fray, Scanlan gets Sprigg back on his feet, and Keyleth kill a couple of the cultists with a Firestorm.\nDM: Well, we have dagger, dagger, dagger. Now we have attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack as our next t-shirt.\nPlayer: I'm dumping a level two Smite into this, against an undead. That's seven, 10, 11. Ooh, it's cocked. 17 for that hit.\nDM: 17 with the additional--?\nPlayer: With attack-attack.\nDM: Right. Well, but you said you dumped Divine Smite into that?\nPlayer: Into that one.\nDM: You did the additional damage for it being undead? Okay, so that was how much total?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He admits that he is a scoundrel, to which Kaylie retorts that he is a scoundrel who has no boundaries and leaves a wake of people hurt. She demands that he draw his blade.\nDM: \"Oh! Yes, we were making sure that it wasn't pilfered by any untrustworthy types. Of course, of course.\"\nPlayer: That's so kind of you.\nDM: \"We're more than happy to help. You being such fine hosts to us, it's the least we could do.\" And he leans over to Kent. (murmurs something) You can read lips.\nPlayer: I can read lips. What did he say?\nDM: As he leans over, he says, \"Kent, you better go get the box.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"Right, okay.\" Steps away, runs up to the guest room that they were staying, comes back down carrying the small chest.\nPlayer: Thank you so much! I open it up and count it.\nDM: Okay. It'll take you a little while. It's a lot of coin. You get, for about the next 30-ish minutes or so, you're counting through and you're starting to get towards the bottom of it and you've gotten to about roughly the 3,500-4,000 gold section, before Kent comes up to you behind and takes a small satchel and empties it into the chest as well and goes, \"And that as well, sorry. Keeping it separate, so in case--\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You had discussed with them, last time, a plot - fixing their seemingly not-very-well-put-together plot into a better direction (thankfully) - to acquire a wax seal within the home of Lord Sutan, to create a letter that you feel would be incriminating. Then to infiltrate the High Richter's home, do the same, and then report them to the Lawmaster or whoever else you think would be of higher estate...\nDM: We'll find out in a second. Now we have you spitting and freaking out. The two clerks that are trying to push Frumpkin out are trying to escort you. They see you. They're like, \"Sir? Sir?\" They start grabbing your arms and lifting you up.\nPlayer: (vomit) I'm still bleeding from the neck.\nDM: They start dragging you into one of the rooms on the side. They open one room and there's somebody in there already who was sleeping but is starting to come to, going, \"What's happening? Sorry!\" They close the door, go to the next chamber, and start dragging you into an empty room.\nPlayer: I'm going to immediately -- I'm going to go limp.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Then the minute the door's open, I'm going to make a break for it.\nDM: All right. They open the door--\nPlayer: I'm out!\nDM: You bolt?\nPlayer: I'm going to bolt. Full speed.\nDM: Make an athletics check.\nPlayer: All right. Athletics or acrobatics? Athletics?\nDM: Actually, this would be your choice.\nPlayer: Oh, yay. That's nice. Nine?\nDM: You try and pull away, but in the moment, they're genuinely worried about your well-being. They've probably had patients try and make big physical actions while they're in their care, and they hold you back.\nPlayer: It's magic! I'm possessed! I turn to one and go, (in a guttural voice) The power of Christ compels you! I'm going to use Devil's Tongue and I'm going to do a couple points of damage to him.\nDM: Devil's Tongue or Vicious Mockery?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Trying again, Scanlan casts Bigby's Hand to grapple the giant. you and Vax begin to attack it while the rest of the party run up from the beach to join them.\nDM: That was just to see how much hit points it would affect if it was going to put him to sleep. But a nice try.\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: All right, so that ends your turn. That brings us back to the top of the round between you guys. So we'll wait for the rest to arrive before we do full initiative. We're just running off of the sequence of events here. Did you want to move at all or are you going to stay right here?\nPlayer: I want to run as far away as possible from him.\nDM: Okay. So, as you start running backward, we'll say to about there, he has a very long reach with a club and he gets to swing at you as a reaction. So as you go bolting, he just takes the giant club around (whoosh).\nPlayer: You're not groggy at all, you little--\nDM: Streaks it across the ground.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Seeing through Percy's disguise, he suggests that the real Vax join him after the feast begins. Assum then goes into more detail on the reasons for his distrust of the Briarwoods and notes that Lady Briarwood is an accomplished wizard.\nDM: As the meal continues on, more conversations arise. A lot of bureaucratic BS. Anyone want to interject anything or ask any questions?\nPlayer: Is Allura there, still?\nDM: Allura is there, yes.\nPlayer: As we're eating I'm going to By the way, did you ever perhaps finish making that extra earring I gave you several weeks ago? I don't know how long it's been.\nDM: Allura looks, glances over to the side and says, \"Yes, it's been completed. No one's come by to take it from me\"\nPlayer: I had no idea, I'll send someone.\nDM: \"And as a note, I'm about a month away from completing the sigil in the base mentof your keep.\"\nPlayer: Oh, wonderful. Thank you, that's-- so talented. What flavor tea do you like, Allura?\nDM: \"I prefer a mint or jasmine, to be honest.\"\nPlayer: Noted. I walk away\nDM: You step up and walk away from the dinner table. (chair scraping) Tiberius stands up in the middle of the discussion and walks away from the feast\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The helmed horrors then surround Vax and while the first one misses, the second once again strikes true with its weapon and deals heavy damage to the rogue. Keyleth sprints down the hall, sees Cassandra, and casts Healing Word on her.\nDM: So one, two. He's going to attempt to grapple her. Go ahead and roll an athletics check with advantage because she's not expecting it.\nPlayer: 16?\nDM: Okay. Trinket grabs onto the scruff of her coat and begins pushing forward. They both get the rest of half of his movement because he's forcing her forward. That's as far as he can get.\nPlayer: But I can keep running? I can run all the way up?\nDM: What's your speed? Is it 30?\nPlayer: 30.\nDM: You get about there, right at the edge.\nPlayer: So I can shoot an arrow?\nDM: No, that's your movement and then your dash action to get there.\nPlayer: Okay, cool.\nDM: All right. Ripley is just going to stay put for the time being. She's held by a bear and being pushed along. She's just \"Ugh.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, the coin flip decides that they do not. Pike makes a deal with Grog that if he ever does decide to pull a card, he will come to her and not pull the card alone.\nDM: Yeah, sure. So you walk on down to the center of Whitestone, which is now far more full of life and bustling. A lot of the buildings that line the square have little flower boxes underneath the windows. Color has returned to it. Still keeps moody gray skies a large portion of the day, but overall the city itself seems to have sprung into life over the past year or so. The Sun Tree is beautiful. It's still a vastly bark-visible tree. It has that orange-brown color across it, smooth in most places, a little more textured toward the bottom, but you see the very lush green leaves up into the boughs. You can see little bits of white flowers that year-round reside up in the top. It stands there before you in all of its magnificence.\nPlayer: I come up and say, hey, Sun Tree. Casting Speak With Plants, of course.\nDM: \"Hey, Keyleth.\"\nPlayer: Hey!\nDM: \"It's been a while.\"\nPlayer: It's been so long. You're looking so good. So healthy.\nDM: \"Thanks. I've been eating right.\"\nPlayer: Yeah? Have you been working out?\nDM: \"As much as I can. You know, I'm a tree.\"\nPlayer: Sure. Yeah. How's it been? Whitestone seems so much better. Seems happier. Has morale been up?\nDM: \"I mean, yeah.\"\nPlayer: Yeah?\nDM: \"There's kids and stuff.\"\nPlayer: Yeah? Do the kids sometimes climb in you?\nDM: \"Yeah.\"\nPlayer: Do you like that?\nDM: \"No.\"\nPlayer: No? Oh, right.\nDM: \"No, it's uncomfortable.\"\nPlayer: Really?\nDM: \"Yeah.\"\nPlayer: Should I put a Do Not Climb sign on you? Would you like that?\nDM: \"Would you have to nail it into me?\"\nPlayer: No. I could stake it in the ground around you.\nDM: \"It's fine.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"But thank you. I appreciate the offer.\"\nPlayer: Anything to make you more comfortable, man.\nDM: \"Appreciate it.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Kashaw Vesh, a human cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: \"So please, if you would not mind making sure that they see their contract to fruition, taking them on this as you will, showing them the ropes of the guild, and try not get them killed.\"\nPlayer: And for me?\nDM: \"Well, you will be rewarded as per the contract. You will have done the guild a great favor, which you know favors can go a very long way in the guild.\"\nPlayer: I certainly do. You don't have to tell me about repaying favors.\nDM: \"Fair enough. Well, perhaps now would be a good time for this jovial lot of adventurers to know what it is they are to hunt down.\"\nPlayer: Is it an actual group?\nDM: \"Well, we'll see how well you can make it into one. Perhaps this is a test for you as well, fair dwarf.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, they cannot find anything, and Jester skips away. Molly buys a huge, silly tapestry of the Platinum Dragon.\nDM: Well, let's go ahead and see. Rogue proficiencies. It's a simple ranged weapon. You should be. I'm pretty sure you are. Yep, simple weapons. You are proficient with the short bow. \"Who's going first, if you don't mind me asking?\"\nPlayer: Let me show my daughter how it is done.\nDM: \"Of course, understood.\" Hands you one of the short bows off of the side and three arrows. They're all right in their construction.\nPlayer: Watch my form and technique. I pick up the bow, and I take the stick thing. I pull it back like this.\nDM: \"Oh-- I--\"\nPlayer: Yeah?\nDM: \"No, continue.\"\nPlayer: (sneezes)\nDM: Which target are you aiming for?\nPlayer: The farthest one, obviously.\nDM: The farthest? All right, with disadvantage. Add your dexterity modifier.\nPlayer: Oh.\nDM: I do not think you're proficient--\nPlayer: Aww, no, not at all. That is a three.\nDM: Well, as a wizard, you might be, actually. For simple weapons. Nope. No, you are not.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: I know. As you approach the front, you can see that there are two bouncers established at the very front. To the left, you see a meaty male dragonborn, bronze scale with painted face scars. He has a very, very intense look about him. He's thicker. He's built like a barrel. He sits with his arms crossed, looking angrily out amongst the rest of the folks outside. To the other side, you recognize a burly-looking female with short hair and some facial tattoos. The Siren, who you saw battle in the Cauldron, apparently works as one of the bouncers of the Velvet Cabaret.\nPlayer: I approach right next to Vax, as we move up. Scanlan. In Draconic I go, greetings and salutations, friend.\nDM: He gives you a look of confusion for a second and leans forward and the dragonborn looks very intently at you and says back in Draconic, \"Are you a member?\"\nPlayer: Not yet. We are new to this place. My master here is seeking audience with his kind. We were guided to this place. This establishment has a high reputation. We wish to inquire how to get inside.\nDM: Looks over to the Siren. Siren glances back and, \"What's he saying?\" And the dragonborn glances over. And he says out loud in Common now, at this point, \"He's saying that they're looking to come in here and talk to other elvish guys, I guess.\"\nPlayer: Oh, not elvish, but more people of high society. High society here.\nDM: Make a persuasion check.\nPlayer: 21.\nDM: 21. He gives a glance over. \"Well, if you're not a member, you can acquire membership, but it has to approved first by the owner.\"\nPlayer: May we seek audience with him to ask or apply, or however that goes about.\nDM: \"Let me get his assistant. Hold on just a second. Siren.\" She gives a look. \"I'll be right back.\" She rolls up her sleeves and steps inside as the door opens.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy goes with Keyleth and Tiberius to look for ammunition supplies. Though black powder is not a commonly-sold commodity in Vasselheim, Percy manages to find one eccentric older man who sells it.\nDM: Yeah, you walk to the distant brick building. The bricks themselves are made of a hardened, grayish clay material that's been made in the basic construction of this. The roof itself is a solid slab of stone. There is no pretty or elegant aspect of its construction. It's merely built here for purpose. The door is partially ajar, and as you peek in you can see there is a very active forge. There is a heat emanating from the interior, and you can see there is a man who is currently hammering something away at what looks like an anvil set outside in front of it. (metal clanging) \"Yes?\"\nPlayer: Mr. Samson?\nDM: \"Yes?\"\nPlayer: The strange fellow down the road sent me to you. He said you might have some ore?\nDM: (heavy sigh) The head sinks into the shoulders with a sigh. \"All right. If you dealt with that crazy old coot, at the very least I can offer you a brief conversation. Hold on just a second!\" (grunts) And you see he takes this visor off the front of his face and sets it down and removes these big leather gloves and this leather apron of sorts and puts it to the side, and he wipes his brow as he steps over. And you can see him now. He's a man in his late twenties. Muscle-bound, a little thick around the waist, barrel-chested. A little bit of scruff on his chin, but nothing beyond not having time for upkeep and focused on his work. He steps up. \"So what did the old coot tell you, anyway?\"\nPlayer: He said you might have some raw ore for sale that I might purchase. You'll excuse me if I don't come in; I'm covered in explosive powder.\nDM: \"No, please. Stay there. For the love of Kord, stay on that doorstep. Do not step into my abode, please.\"\nPlayer: Of course.\nDM: \"Please.\"\nPlayer: No. Yes.\nDM: \"Please. All right. What ore are you interested in?\"\nPlayer: Just some iron ore. Actually, I have a little invention which sends projectiles at great speed.\nDM: \"That sounds fascinating. I have ore for sale. Raw ore-- would you like ingots? I prepare ingots. They're a little more expensive, but they're proper and ready for any sort of use as blacksmithing materials.\"\nPlayer: Ingots would be preferable, yes.\nDM: \"All right, how many are you looking for? Five, ten, 20?\"\nPlayer: What could you give me for approximately a thousand gold's worth?\nDM: He gives you an arched eyebrow in surprise. \"I mean, I only have about 200 pounds of iron ingots at the ready.\"\nPlayer: I certainly can't carry that much with me right now. Let's say about a hundred pounds' worth?\nDM: \"A hundred pounds of iron ingots. I could sell it to you. Let's set the price at about 400 gold pieces.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth follows behind, but can't get close enough to attack. Grog charges in, raging, and runs up to Jarett.\nDM: That's about as far as you can get with your movement. You currently do not have visual on either of them. You're flying. What's your fly speed?\nPlayer: 60 feet.\nDM: You said that last time, and we found out it was 40, I believe wasn't it?\nPlayer: Was it 40? I thought it was 60. It was double the-- shit, hold on. I have a card--\nDM: You have a card and yet I find it faster.\nPlayer: 60 feet.\nDM: It is 60. You're right. Yeah, so you can go double. You are now just coasting down the stairway.\nPlayer: I'm going to attempt something I haven't actually tried before.\nDM: All right, go for it.\nPlayer: Because there's one to my right and one to my left, right?\nDM: Correct. There's one over here that has Grog and Jarett flanking. The other one has Percy, Vax, and Trinket all around it. That one's actually prone on the ground. It's hard to see normally; it's very hard to see now that it's swarmed.\nPlayer: Do I have visual of both wraiths?\nDM: You have visual of both entities, whatever they are.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. you managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: Okay, well, before that happens you do take four points of acid damage from the stomach before you take the form, because that would be the top of the round. So, at which point you turn into a small poisonous snake, now floating amongst the acids, and find your way along the surface. And you're heading towards the wound?\nPlayer: I'm going into the wound.\nDM: Okay, all right--\nPlayer: With a swim speed of 30!\nDM: Right, you do. Let me check.\nPlayer: But I don't know if it's swimming, it's more squeezing.\nDM: Through the acid, it's swimming. Once you get to the actual wound, this is more squeezing. And that's going to be more of a strength-based element. So that being the case here, a poisonous snake, I'm going to need you to go ahead and roll a strength check to push against the wound.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon gathering your supplies, after a night's rest, you managed to - through the trade of a bottle of wine - get passage across the lake onto the central island, which (at one time) housed the abode of a witch that had long collapsed. Waiting for nightfall, you approached the center of the grove that existed there on the island, and found near this ruin this same fiendish nergaliid, as well as Toya: the twelve year-old Dwarf girl, who had been affixed to him for their performances in the Carnival.\nDM: At this point, Molly, as you're ahead of the group and you're making your way through the trees, Toya begins to stir in your grasp. Her eyes open a bit as you're holding her and she looks up at you, confused, eyes lolling around in the sockets for a moment before they see you and clarify. \"Molly?\"\nPlayer: I know, dear. You've been through a bit. There's been some bad business.\nDM: \"What happened?\"\nPlayer: (sighs) A friend turned on us, but it's going to be all right. I'm going to get you home, all right?\nDM: \"Wait, where's Kylre?\" She starts trying to fight your grasp.\nPlayer: I'll explain it later.\nDM: She's going to try and break free of your grasp. Are you going to attempt to hold onto her?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He admits that he is a scoundrel, to which Kaylie retorts that he is a scoundrel who has no boundaries and leaves a wake of people hurt. She demands that he draw his blade.\nDM: As she goes to strike towards you, even in that moment, her will falters and the blade falls limp. It hits your chest, and you feel the piercing of something pushing into your flesh, but no more than maybe half an inch, as there's no real force behind the blade. As the hand releases her weapon, it clatters to the ground as her momentum carries her arms around your shoulders. As she holds you there, her tousled, short pixie brown hair, you can feel the wetness across the back of your neck, and you hear her voice trembling in your ear say, \"Why? Why can't I do it? All the years building up to this and I have the chance, and I can't do it.\"\nPlayer: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that you're going through this, and I'm more sorry that you're going through this by yourself, but I think deep down you're a Shorthalt, and there's something that you have that's connected to me and I to you, and perhaps I misread that as some sort of-- ugh-- icky attraction, and I apologize, but I've known for a while now that something is missing in my life, some sort of focus, and some sort of moral compass. Maybe it's just arrived at my doorstep?\nDM: You say that and her arms tense for a minute, involuntary, trying to pull you closer, then they relax, and she steps away, averting her gaze, keeping her head down. She bends down and picks up her blade. Doesn't sheathe it, just holds it limply at her side. She begins to walk to the door. She opens the door and looks back at you, her eyes finally meeting yours. You can see the wet stains across her cheeks. \"You're still a scoundrel. It's what's kept you alive this long. In some ways, it's what's kept me alive this long. I've got a lot to think about. I'm going to go for a walk. (sighs) I need some fresh air.\" And she closes the door behind her.\nPlayer: I sit for a moment and think about everything, try to remember more about Sybil.\nDM: There's a lot of faces blurring, this is-- You worked your way through a lot of Tal'Dorei in those days, you--\nPlayer: Yes. She was, she was. Yes, I think, yeah. She wasn't that giant. No, she was. Okay. And I have a very restless night thinking about everything.\nDM: Okay. And with that, we're going to go ahead and take a bathroom break. We'll be back here in five minutes.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You managed to, thanks to a very high roll from Keyleth, discover there was some sort of a waterfall or trickle of liquid near the hip of this giant titan. Its giant, four, swinging arms only managed to clip Keyleth and Vax once.\nDM: Second one does save. First one does not. Rolled a natural 20 on its saving throw. The first one rolled a five.\nPlayer: What did the second one roll?\nDM: Natural 20.\nPlayer: Oh fuck. Okay, that does. They both take 4d8 damage, and the one who didn't make his save gets pushed away, but he's right up against the wall.\nDM: So it doesn't do anything. However, it does thunder damage, which they are vulnerable to, so they take double damage from this.\nPlayer: Double damage?!\nDM: You watch as the blast of thunder energy slams outward. Both of them, you watch as their bodies are thrown into the rock behind them.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. you managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: The Interposing Hand interposes between you and a creature you choose until you give it a different command. It stays between the two of you, providing you half-cover against the target. So it helps from ranged attacks.\nPlayer: Oh. But it won't block an attack. So in that case, I'll just attack with it.\nDM: Okay, so you're just going to go and Clenched Fist?\nPlayer: I'm going to try to finger it right in the hole that I came out of before.\nDM: Of course you are! Go ahead and make a melee spell attack.\nPlayer: He's the Bigby and the dike!\nDM: That would be over here\nPlayer: What do I roll? d20?\nDM: d20, add your spell attack modifier.\nPlayer: Oh! 27. Oh! With advantage? 27.\nDM: 27, that hits. Go ahead and roll 4d8 force damage, as Bigby angrily jams the magical finger back into the wound.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He heads to Harold the Butcher's shop, and asks a young man named Jameson where Kynan is. Jameson says Kynan has been gone for a week.\nDM: 15, gives you a look over and goes, \"I'm certain you've given him silver, but Kynan's been gone for the better part of a week.\"\nPlayer: Where would he have gone?\nDM: \"I don't know. He just told us all he was off to find his destiny or some sort of bullshit like that. He's always had his head in the clouds, that one.\"\nPlayer: I agree. He ever talked about where he was going, how he meant to go about doing it?\nDM: \"No, kept to himself mostly. Sorry, I wish I could be more of a service. If I see him, where should I send him?\" (clattering)\nPlayer: I don't know who that guy is. If you see him, tell him that V. is looking for him at Greyskull Keep.\nDM: \"Well, I'll pass that along.\"\nPlayer: Thank you.\nDM: \"Good day,\" and he hurries off to continue with his errand.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party go shopping in the Quadroads, where Tiberius invests in some mundane weapons. Grog haggles with a merchant for a potion; however, he doesn't quite grasp the point of haggling and takes a bad deal.\nDM: Enchanting for a staff is a day focus. You can do it slowly over time to help offset that, but it'll take you a lot longer to do it on the road. It's more of like, when you get back and you want to focus on enchanting it, you can get it done. Cool. You go over your spells, you have that crafted, torch, anything else before you go to bed?\nPlayer: Do I get an up to my hit points at level 11? Do I get to roll more hit points at level 11?\nDM: Yes. Have you not done that yet?\nPlayer: I haven't done anything other than take my new abilities.\nDM: Okay, well let's go ahead and do that right now.\nPlayer: Roll a d10?\nDM: d10 plus your constitution modifier. Percy is now level 11.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Cassandra, in turn, contacts Allura. The next morning, Allura arrives to hear you's news.\nDM: You watch her get a little thousand-yard stare for a second, thinking. Her eyes are darting around a little bit and her brain is just running and running. \"All right. Well, unfortunately, I can't leave until tomorrow, I can only really transport myself once a day, but I'll immediately make my way to Vasselheim. That would hopefully be able to clarify some of these questions.\"\nPlayer: Do you need company?\nDM: \"No, I can travel faster on my own.\"\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: \"Besides, I can always go ahead and bring a friend.\"\nPlayer: How is Kima?\nDM: Make a perception check, actually.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Broker, a red-skinned, horned tiefling ambushes the party with the help of a sickly older lady and a scarred, masked humanoid. The Broker names Nefertiri, Nethspira and Bellenore , sisters of Lillith, as his quest givers, and hints that he is acting legally.\nDM: As Trinket goes by, since it didn't hit him, he gets an attack of opportunity on Trinket. Does hit. Trinket does take seven points of slashing damage from the Broker as he misses him and he hits as he goes by.\nPlayer: But he's got armor on. All right, fine.\nDM: He rolled a 21 to hit.\nPlayer: Okay, and then I'm going to shoot an arrow. Okay. That would be 26.\nDM: 26 against the Broker? All right, go for it.\nPlayer: 14. I'm going to assume-- I mean, it's probably way too far, but I want to keep my Hunter's Mark on Lord Briarwood for the time being. So I'm not going to break that, even though he's probably far away, so it's just 14 damage to the Broker.\nDM: All right. The Broker's going to make a concentration check. Maintains concentration. All right. As the arrow (whooshing) moves out of the way, hits the armor, and splinters past, not dealing any physical damage, but you see the Broker is now visibly shaken by the two members of the party and sweat is starting to bead. His confidence he strolled into is quickly failing. All right, that ends Vex's turn. Tiberius.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He warns the rest of the Mighty Nein as combat continues. A crew member unfurls the sail, which is plain, attempting to escape the area.\nDM: At that guy? You can look and see now he is not the Enforcer that went below deck previously. He's dressed similarly, but now that you get a better look at this view in the light, he's somebody else. There is still one person down in the ship.\nPlayer: (quietly) Awesome, great, good stuff. (louder) That's a 20.\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: 11.\nDM: That hits. Roll damage.\nPlayer: Oh, nice, okay.\nDM: Yeah, he has leather armor. His AC is 11; he's pretty easy to hit.\nPlayer: 11 points of damage on the first one and ten points of damage on the second, so 22 total.\nDM: Ooh, that'll do it. Both blasts take him down. The attrition is not working well in his favor.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the sidelines, Scanlan yells inspiration at you and Cutting Words at Kern. Keyleth attempts to heal you from a distance, but gets caught by a nearby Bastion.\nDM: All of a sudden, the rage pulls you through, and your whole body (whipping noise) snaps up into place again, and you can see Kern before you has this grin on his face that he's just watched victory come to him, and then it's torn away. His eyes open and that half-orcish rage suddenly fades for a second as you see, for the first time, deep fear take the heart of your combatant. Take your turn.\nPlayer: I look at my arms, I look at him, I spit blood into the sand, and I say, well, well. Where have I seen this happen before? Time's up. And I run forward and in a massive arcing uppercut, I drive my fist under his jaw with everything I have.\nDM: Go ahead and roll for damage.\nPlayer: Oh, damage?\nDM: Roll for attack.\nPlayer: Okay. Oh, shit. 18?\nDM: 18? As you rush forward he, through the fear, still brings his hand up and slaps the first hit out of the way. Second attack.\nPlayer: I look down and I say, (sighs) Very well, respect. And I take my elbow and drive it into his temple.\nDM: Roll for second attack.\nPlayer: 15.\nDM: 15. The second one, brings back and parries it to the side. (heavy breathing)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: All right, (wyvern noise) in there, and this one stays there and is going to unleash upon you, Grog. It's going to bite and tail attack against each of you with the stinger against you, Grog. That is a 21 to hit?\nPlayer: Hits.\nDM: And natural 20 on the stinger, okay.\nPlayer: Well, I have resistance against poison, so that helps.\nDM: That does help, actually, so it'll just do regular poison damage against you. So you take 11 points of piercing damage, reduced to six from the bite. And the stinger deals-- That's 12 points of piercing damage, reduced to six as well.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: The stinger, however, I need you to make a constitution saving throw.\nPlayer: All right. Ugh, 12.\nDM: That's a failure. Actually, it would have been an additional 12, because it was a critical hit on the pierce, so you take 12-- so a total of 18 damage so far, and then, as part of the poison, you take 48 points of poison damage. Because you have resistance, that is reduced to 24.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There were also four books, which he looks through: a study of alchemical compounds on corrupted plants, a record of public debate in Zeidel regarding experimentation on prisoners from Ghor Dranas, a discussion of theories on the ice fields of Eiselcross (a land mass north of Wildemount), and a spellbook. The party regather on the ship and head for the Gravid Archipelago.\nDM: They start diminishing the presence of the regular sails and getting smaller, more durable sails pulled up in there.\nPlayer: I pay attention.\nDM: You're probably helping them with it. It's an all hands on deck thing to get this going quickly. With that, they begin to pull the sails into place. The wind immediately picks up again once the sails are back in, and the wind is starting to pick up a bit heavily. You see Orly glancing over the edge, his large shell slick with rain smattering against the backside of it, as he turns around towards you and looks at you through the darkness, the little bit of light there is from oil lanterns being held across the deck. Goes, \"Captain, I think we're heading into a proper storm.\"\nPlayer: Damn, could you be more ominous, Orly? Were you trying? I think he was trying.\nDM: (more ominous) \"Captain, we're heading into a proper storm.\"\nPlayer: That was good. I think that was pretty good.\nDM: \"Smartass.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Meanwhile Nott steals a brass baby bottle and trades her current flask for a platinum flask, all without being detected.\nDM: You glance throughout the interior, and you don't sense anything magical, unfortunately, within the piles of rubble.\nPlayer: Besides the book he put down?\nDM: The book's not radiating any magical aura. But he answers. \"Oh! All hours! I don't really close. I don't really sleep.\"\nPlayer: Middle of the night, even?\nDM: \"Sure!\"\nPlayer: All right. Business is business. Thank you!\nDM: \"No worries. See you then!\"\nPlayer: Bis sp\u00e4ter.\nDM: \"Pee shmiter!\"\nPlayer: That guy does not speak Zemnian!\nDM: No, he does not.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tary gets knocked unconscious and Grog bolts for the rift, almost leaving Tary behind. Still waiting by the rift, Percy furiously casts Friends on Grog, reminds him that Tary has one of the lodestones, and convinces him to go back.\nDM: Okay. So, I'll say that between your movement, you'll have enough. Go ahead and 2d4 plus two to Taryon.\nPlayer: 2d4 plus what?\nDM: 2d4 plus two to Taryon.\nPlayer: So that's six.\nDM: Taryon is conscious.\nPlayer: Now, I'm standing at the portal ready to, yeah.\nDM: All right. It is now the kraken's turn.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb grapples it with Earthen Grasp. It manages to clean the tar off the lens, and breaks Caleb's concentration on the grapple by pinning him against the wall with a blade through the chest.\nDM: Nice! Starting to look pretty rough now, as parts of it are breaking down a bit. It's shaking and you see little sparks on the inside as gears are starting to connect where they\u2019re not supposed to and grind against each other. That finish Fjord's turn?\nPlayer: Yeah, can he back up again?\nDM: Five feet or ten?\nPlayer: Ten?\nDM: One more and it\u2019ll take an attack of opportunity. Up to you.\nPlayer: If he does an attack of opportunity, if I move Fjord back, than we get a Sentinel strike, right?\nDM: Technically, if he takes it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Sour Nest is a stronghold surrounded by a tall wall and dense forest trimmed back to prevent overhanging branches. you sends owl- Frumpkin to scout and sees that the carts have returned and there are at least five people visible inside at first glance.\nDM: It's the best use of Prestidigitation. Look at the red light! As you're soaring through the boughs, the leaves and the branches soar past, the wind past your face. You get that high view of down into the courtyard as suddenly you go into a steep dive. Within a moment, you're lifted back up and then dropped onto the ground next to one of the barrels. Frumpkin takes off. The guard glances over, and is going to take a shot.\nPlayer: Take your shot.\nDM: Natural five! It's going to put it at a nine. I'm pretty sure that doesn't hit.\nPlayer: Does not hit my owl.\nDM: (arrow hissing) \"Eh, shit,\" you hear muttered over the side. Seems bored and wanted to shoot at something that looked interesting.\nPlayer: You hear beside you Arschloch.\nDM: There you are in the courtyard now.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, To that end, they visit a mapmaker named Tyriok to get general directions toward the Sunder Peak mountain. After a couple days of travel, the party arrive at the mountain home of the Fire Ashari.\nDM: No immediate effects, but you find yourself unable to suppress an occasional cough. You continue up the side of the mountain. You guys pull your cloth up over your faces. You make your way. It's pushing almost midnight at this point in time, and you're getting tired, your legs are growing sore from the constant perpetual walk upwards at an angle. The path begins to become less of a switchback, and you can see it's beginning to pull inwards towards what looks like a ravine in the mountain range. There's an area where the actual mountain carves inward and leads into the mountain range proper. During that time, Vex, as you guys are making your way up to this slight inward path and it starts pushing into the mountain range, less dangerous and less pressed against the mountain as you were previously, you notice up at the top there are a few shadowed figures just out of your visual range that you can just make out over the backlight of the clouds in the sky.\nPlayer: Do they look--\nDM: You can make a perception check.\nPlayer: Fuck. I chose poorly. That's terrible. Yeah. Eight.\nDM: Eight. At this distance, it's hard to really make out any sort of visual on their form, their size, but you just see there's a handful of them and it looks like three figures that are moving in unison along the ridge a little ways up ahead of you guys.\nPlayer: Shut up.\nDM: Can I go ahead and get a stealth check from the group? With disadvantage on the ones that failed their constitution saves.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Wohn rushes to the front door and spots you, but falls victim to her Hideous Laughter and is knocked prone, while Keg finishes the second guard ( Phil) and rushes over to attack Wohn. When Wohn shrugs off the Hideous Laughter, she retaliates on Keg, attacking her with Yasha's stolen Magicians's Judge, dispelling the Haste and stunning her.\nDM: You can use your action to try and fast pick it, if you like. It's up to you. Because you can do that as a rogue.\nPlayer: Sure, I'll do that. I'll fast pick.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Pick fast. 12.\nDM: 12? It holds tight.\nPlayer: Sure. I have any more movement?\nDM: You have currently 20 feet.\nPlayer: I will run into the next room, as far as I can get.\nDM: (counting) That puts you right there. That ends your go. It is now Clay's turn.\nPlayer: Wait, did she give me any bonuses? No, right? Did you do your order of the totem thing?\nDM: No, she did not do her totem.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: Basically. You find your way to Cassandra again. She's waiting outside of the room. \"I hope he's been helpful, brother\"\nPlayer: No, he wasn't helpful, but it was very helpful the way he wasn't helpful.\nDM: \"Yes.\"\nPlayer: It's a strange, strange--\nDM: \"He's a very strange man.\"\nPlayer: Everything's going to be all right.\nDM: \"I hope so.\"\nPlayer: Thank you. I will return very soon. We will, again with your permission, hopefully be using Whitestone as a place to regroup and prepare ourselves.\nDM: \"Is there worry that these dragons might come here?\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"How will we stop them?\"\nPlayer: You'll hide. I have thoughts, perhaps of a weapon. I don't know. But we're going to find a way to stop them.\nDM: \"We have to.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you rejoins the group. you uses his ability of a sailor, he is able to get free passage on a ship.\nDM: One of the larger fishing vessels that can carry a group of your size, as well as a couple of others, has already been pulled in and most everyone has been loaded off. You can see there's one gentleman in his mid-forties, a little bit of a five o'clock shadow on his chin, a small scar across the bottom of it. He has a heavy knitted cap that's folded back onto the top of his shoulders and a long coat, and as he's standing there, he looks over at you and watches you approach, taking the rope and tying it around the edge.\nPlayer: Hello there. I was hoping that perhaps I could trouble you. We're trying to make our way out into the lake, some of my companions and I, for a small day trip. We've never quite been out on the lake, not this one. Is there a chance we could trade some work on your day's journey for some travel?\nDM: \"If you're looking for someone to take you around the lake, I could do that for a bit of coin, sure.\"\nPlayer: I'm sorry, we're a bit light on coin. Is there perhaps anything we could help you with around here in trade?\nDM: He glances at your hands as you're talking, \"You look like a hard-worker.\"\nPlayer: Indeed. Many years of my life.\nDM: \"Where are you from?\"\nPlayer: Port Damali.\nDM: \"I see you've been a shiphand before. I can see the cracks in the fingers.\"\nPlayer: They never go away.\nDM: He looks at his own hand. \"So you're just looking for a joyride?\"\nPlayer: Yes, it would help me look a bit more impressive in the eyes of my younger comrades.\nDM: \"I'll tell you what. I'll take you around. You get a bottle to take more out there, we'll call it even.\"\nPlayer: Much obliged.\nDM: \"All right.\" He goes and starts getting the boat ready to go back out on the lake.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matt whispers to Marisha and they gain the letters \u201cM,A,L\u201d. Grog jumps into the tornado and everyone reminds Travis that Grog can\u2019t read.\nDM: You can try and pull it out if you want to. Make a strength check. Roll a d20, add your strength modifier.\nPlayer: I know, I-- oh, natural 20!\nDM: And for the one who normally can't find the physical strength of activities like this, through the inspiration of seeing--\nPlayer: It reminds me of what happened to Pike before.\nDM: Yeah. And that clear image crystallizes in your mind of when that glabrezu snatched her from you once. And with that, you find the strength to persevere, you reach out and grabbing the jagged blade take nine points of necrotic damage in touching the outside of the blade, but you pull, you can see the blood forming at the edge of your fingers as you yank it outside of Pike's body, and it clatters to the ground at the base of Grog's feet. Grog's still seeing this all before you, eyes wide open, mouth agape.\nPlayer: Grog, snap out of it! And I cast Cure Wounds on Pike's stomach.\nDM: Okay, what level?\nPlayer: Level three.\nDM: Level three. So 3d8 plus, I think it's-- what's your modifier for wisdom?\nPlayer: Three.\nDM: So 3d8 plus three. And that will end Vex's turn. Scanlan, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They leave it at that and bring JB to see the castle library.\nDM: She's in the process of looking and she's like writing down, taking notes of the different sections, talking to herself. She's not even looking at you.\nPlayer: You are more than welcome to stay with me. I do have night terrors, so sometimes not fun, but you can stay with me or you could have your own room.\nDM: \"No, that's fine.\"\nPlayer: Okay. Wait, which one?\nDM: \"Staying with you. Is there something I should do if you're having a night terror?\"\nPlayer: Just wait it out.\nDM: \"Okay, don't wake you up?\"\nPlayer: Nah.\nDM: \"Okay.\"\nPlayer: Okay. This will be fun. It'll be like sleepovers. Maybe we can make a fort!\nDM: \"We can make forts? Out of what?\"\nPlayer: Just all the blankets. Tapestries.\nDM: You watch all of a sudden her eyes-- in this library, there are a number of old tapestries and you know carpet elements around. You watch as she scans the entire room for materials and goes, \"Oh, we can do this.\"\nPlayer: I have a feeling you are a great fort builder.\nDM: \"I haven't tried, but I have some theories.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After slamming his feet into the sand and preparing himself for conflict, he beckons you towards him. you faces off with Earthbreaker Groon.\nDM: Nope. So, the second one does hit the clavicle, and it cracks and he (grunts). You see a little bit of blood spill out the corner of his mouth down his chin. And he looks up at you, and for a second there, the whites of his eyes seem to almost dim ever so slightly into a moment of humanity you haven't seen in him yet. He's been this godlike entity and this is the first point where you see that pain show just a hint of any sort of weakening. And he kinda looks right up into you. \"Good. Good.\" And as you go for your third strike he literally puts up his hand and (heavy impact) catches the hammer in place.\nPlayer: Oh, god, it's so awesome!\nDM: He just holds it there as he stares at you.\nPlayer: (groans) Yeah, I'm checking reflexes.\nDM: Good.\nPlayer: I want you to know I'm not afraid to go down.\nDM: That is the first lesson. Let's see if your words can be put into practice.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, All carts passing through are being thoroughly inspected. Fjord uses the dodecahedron, since he'll be doing the talking.\nDM: She gives you a close look, not leaving direct eyeline to your pupils and hers, and watches you through the entire statement, and then, \"Very well. Move along.\"\nPlayer: We look forward to seeing you on our return.\nDM: \"Well, the inspection will be far more thorough that time.\"\nPlayer: Oh, I figure we're not difficult faces to remember.\nDM: \"All right. Stay safe.\"\nPlayer: You too.\nDM: \"The boundaries-- who knows what's wandering from the dark side of Xhorhas there? Eyes on your backs. Go!\" And the crownsguard pull away, and the ones on the opposite end open the space for you guys to move your cart along. With that, you pass through the gates of the Wuyun Gorge.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Meanwhile, Beau, Jester, Nott, and you sneak over to the tents where the rest of the carnival crew is located. you tries to get the group to the closest tent, which is Ornna and the Knot Sisters' tent, but gets no response.\nDM: The other tent you get to and you make the same sound? This would be the one that Desmond usually is in, too. There's a pause, and then you hear a very faint (bird call).\nPlayer: I'm going to very gently lift the back of the tent up and not go in through the front. And just--\nDM: Okay. You glance inside and you can see, leaning up from a bedroll, Desmond who is half-awake, and glances over and sees you. He's out of outfit, out of makeup, and he gives a nod.\nPlayer: (whispering) Do you know what's going on? (switches to normal volume) Assume we're whispering, because this is bullshit.\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: How is it? What's happened?\nDM: \"They've come around asking a few questions, we're trying to figure it out ourselves. Are you okay?\"\nPlayer: I could be worse.\nDM: \"How's Gustav? And Bosun?\"\nPlayer: They couldn't be worse. And then Yasha Yasha'd. I don't know. Did Toya see anything? Did she say anything?\nDM: \"We're still trying to figure this out ourselves. Are you alone?\"\nPlayer: No, I've picked up a few scragglers. They're idiots, but they're helping.\nDM: \"Well bring them in.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before this happened, as a part of a journey towards this Tri-Spire, both Caleb and you made their way there. Caleb unsuccessfully entering a nicer district of the city that did not seem to believe or respect his presentation.\nDM: No, you feel a little bit of stickiness when you step around from general fallen bits of stray webbing strands and such, but nothing that would impede your movement.\nPlayer: How is it to try to chop through it with the axe?\nDM: You can go try to either the one behind you or the one ahead.\nPlayer: Yeah, I want to try doing it and see if it sticks to the weapon or if it cuts through.\nDM: To the one ahead?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Okay. You come forth to the web there in front of you to where the two other figures that are massed there. They are both humanoid and you now look over at a close glance as a third one, small, looks to be another one of the rat creatures that is caught in there. You carve through. Go ahead and make an attack roll. Roll damage for the handaxe.\nPlayer: Seven.\nDM: Seven, okay. You carve through and a large part tears through before your handaxe stops and you're like (grunts) can't push any more. You try and pull back and as you do, you pull your arm back and it gets ripped from your grasp and it's now stuck and folded, and your handaxe is now wobbling in the web.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, All carts passing through are being thoroughly inspected. you uses the dodecahedron, since he'll be doing the talking.\nDM: That is a 15 to hit, which does not hit your AC. The other strike does not hit; that's a 14 to hit. So you just deflect them out of the way. \"Stop moving lady, bigger lady,\" is what you hear, while you hear, (gibberish). That ends their go. Fjord, you're up.\nPlayer: Oh my god! Oh Jesus, okay.\nDM: It's like right above you. You look up on it-- it doesn't see you. It hasn't focused on anyone in the cart.\nPlayer: So we're all doing the (sharp inhale).\nDM: Yeah. And it's looking right down at Caleb. One head's looking at Caleb and the other one's looking at Caduceus, and both weapons are raising up, one for each of them. What are you doing?\nPlayer: What do I do? I'm going to take two swings with the Summer Dance falchion at that guy right next to us. That does not-- that's a 13?\nDM: 13 hits. They're big. They don't have a lot of armor.\nPlayer: That's great. And 16.\nDM: Both hit, go ahead and roll damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny you, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: All right. So you manage to find bits of rock and pull yourself across the way. It's not too long a distance but enough to the point where I need you to go ahead and make a basic strength check.\nPlayer: 14.\nDM: 14. Okay. It's hard and you feel part of your muscles build up lactic acid from the exertion, from the previous round with Umbrasyl and you not being necessarily the strongest individual of the troupe, but you do manage to scurry your way up to the edge of this small opening in the mountainside. Getting inside, you get a look: this hole continues for about 15 feet into the mountain before it ends abruptly. The only other thing you notice is there are currently four long-dead skeleton corpses within this hole. Perhaps some sort of mountain-climbing expedition or travelers that found their way there, and couldn't escape. There are remnants of a small camp. Perhaps a small fire that is long iced-over through winters past. A layer of dust sits on everything and other than the occasional gust of wind that finds its way in here, largely undisturbed for a long period of time.\nPlayer: I want to look through the remains.\nDM: Okay. You rummage through the remains. You find roughly 85 gold pieces amongst their corpses and spare change in silver and copper--\nPlayer: I don't take that.\nDM: Copper. The pennies of D&D. Poor things. Copper dragons everywhere are just so disappointed. You do find an oil lantern, climbing gear for four people, some long-spoiled rations. And you find a very moldy diary.\nPlayer: I take out the Flametongue Dagger and give myself some light.\nDM: As you're scanning through most of the pages that are still intact and not completely molded over or destroyed, it appears to be a journal that contains writings of what was an expedition to reach the peak of Gatshadow, because there was some sort of movement, some sort of activity up there that nobody could really discern. The rumors speak of some sort of creature that would stalk out in the night and steal mountain goats. (belches) Pardon me. Goats! Steal mountain goats, steal or find and kill anybody who lived in-- there used to be a smaller village that lived north on the mountainscape that is now abandoned because of this creature the folklore of the time said supposedly lived at the top of the mountain. It speaks of the entrance, the place that Umbrasyl now calls the lair, and this leads you to believe that this is a fresh lair. Umbrasyl did not appear to always live within Gatshadow, but is only currently making it its lair at the moment.\nPlayer: Is this a dead end? Does it look like it goes further in?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: By the light of my dagger.\nDM: Actually, this would be investigation.\nPlayer: Investigation? All right. 20. No, wait-- Yeah, 20.\nDM: 20. Feeling along the walls, you find elements of the rocks that are easier to break off than others, but this is predominantly the end of this cavern.\nPlayer: It's a cave. Okay. I tell my sister it's a dead end. It's nothing. Coming.\nDM: So Vax finds his way back to the group.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before this happened, as a part of a journey towards this Tri-Spire, both you and Jester made their way there. you unsuccessfully entering a nicer district of the city that did not seem to believe or respect his presentation.\nDM: You do find another pair of studded leather armor that has like a sea motif to it. There's shells pressed into it, and a wave pattern on the edges. The person it's attached to has a bunch of tattoos across their body as well, that insinuate a lot of time at sea, different names of different ships that are different points of faded on the body. They may have been a sailor at some point in their life and has expired under here.\nPlayer: Yeah, I will quietly gather that up and put it into my bag.\nDM: Okay. Well, the armor's a full set, so it'll--\nPlayer: Am I able to carry that? I don't even know.\nDM: Yeah, I mean, it's a leather chest plate, leather arm bands and bracers, and then leg plates as well, so it's a full set. You could probably fit all that into your bag if it's the only thing that's in your bag.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: You stuff it all in there. Beyond that, going through them, for the sake of brevity here, you find an additional 85 gold pieces, 210 silver, and 45 copper.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The humanoid figures are traversing the bridge; with them are three dwarven miners. you gets the Carpet of Flying from the Bag of Holding.\nDM: You pull out the carpet and lay it out. At this point in time, they're a little over halfway across the bridge.\nPlayer: Okay, so we--\nDM: Which, you can see it swaying in a very uncomfortable way.\nPlayer: Scanlan, you better be stealthed.\nDM: You hear the stretching of ropes.\nPlayer: Oh, you can hear the rope?\nDM: As you hear the rope just tense as the bridge is slowly swaying. So you guys lay out the carpet. The two of you get on?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy drags Father Reynal's body out of his room and leaves him in front of the altar. After finishing his first carving, Vax goes to the door of the temple and carves Pelor lives in Whitestone .\nDM: Yeah. You guys make your way out of the temple back into the center of the graveyard. The sun is beginning to set. The reds and purples of the night sky are starting to creep in, as it just begins to crest on the far western side of the mountain range surrounding the valley.\nPlayer: I have a question. MATT Yes. What's the weather been like since we've been in Whitestone?\nDM: It's been spotty, cloudy--\nPlayer: The sun has come out during the daytime?\nDM: Bits and pieces. There is heavy cloud cover that seems to be pushing through. It brings colder weather. It looks like when you first got there, there was some snowfall that happened before you arrived. You've had a few days of sun, but I'd say about half the day is cloud cover.\nPlayer: Does it seem to be fairly natural weather for this time of year? Okay.\nDM: And this far north, too. All right. You guys--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you, Pike and Clarota come to their senses, but Vox Machina has lost any advantage of surprise they may have had. Vox Machina hurriedly searches the rest of the floor.\nDM: All right. So both arrows you've been firing over the top. He's kind of hard to see with the table and from being crouched in the corner, but both arrows still manage to barely make their mark. One kind of pins him against the wall, and he looks at his shoulder briefly, looks back at you, raises his hand, as he begins muttering something under his breath. As he does, your arrow (shnk) through his hand and he tries to shake it, and now he's pinned to the wall with an arrow in the middle of his hand.\nPlayer: Yeah! Trinket! Oh no, I used two attacks.\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Dang it.\nDM: You can still tell Trinket to move. What are you gonna do?\nPlayer: No, no no, I'm gonna hold him there, 'cause he's already in the room.\nDM: Okay, got you. All right, so what are you guys doing over in the temple?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Back at the bakery, Tary gives the Trickfoots the run of the shop (to the chagrin of Vex and Pike, who don't entirely trust the newcomers). Everyone retires to get ready for dinner.\nDM: The staff stops and goes, \"Friend Taryon, I'm sorry, but the lady requested specifically that the meal not be--\"\nPlayer: What lady?\nDM: \"Lady Vex'ahlia.\"\nPlayer: She was being polite. These are good people. They need to be treated--\nDM: Make a persuasion check. You're asking them to override the word of the lady of the house. SAM One. He goes, \"I am sorry, but--\"\nPlayer: Who's your manager?\nDM: \"The lady you're speaking about.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The nergaliid head does indeed prove interesting to her, though she is initially unsure how to handle the people who killed it. On Caleb's insistence that the creature is a fiend, she sends for someone who can confirm the claim.\nDM: Which I'm going to allow you to do. You stay outside of the outskirts of the torchlight at the very front of the tent and the back of the tent. The fire of the actual encampment has gone out because you don't see any other carnival members. The sisters ran. They fled. You don't see any sign of Desmond or Ornna. Make one more stealth check, for the two of you, with advantage because you still have the ability. You're at the cusp end of it though.\nPlayer: Ooh. 22.\nDM: You manage to pace yourself, just carefully wait for the right moment, dart out of the grass having her under your arm and she's like, \"What? Why? What is going on?\"\nPlayer: You remember. Nothing happened. Find Ornna. You didn't see me. You just hid and waited and you didn't know that anything was wrong. If people ask, unless you hear from me, you don't know anything.\nDM: \"Okay.\" You slip her into the tent and back out, none the wiser.\nPlayer: I'm going to start heading back to the inn.\nDM: Okay. You go back to the inn. You two. You're just waiting?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then made their way into the city of Deastok, to the Darrington Estate, and were led up into the study of Howaardt Darrington, father of Taryon. They all discussed the reasons of why Tary was brought back, the current financial state of the family, and the intent to resolve and remedy long-standing sins of the father through ' Taryon standing up and doing his family duty', from Howaardt's perspective.\nDM: 19. You haven't seen this kind of dress, but you've heard of it. It seems to be of Wildmount but the eastern side of Wildmount, not a part of the Dwendalian Empire. This more stems from Zorhaus, which is the other kingdom on the continent. It's actually in a tense existence along the border of the Dwendalian Empire.\nPlayer: You said it was to the east?\nDM: Zorhaus, I'm pretty sure that's what it's called.\nPlayer: It is now.\nDM: It is! It's whatever it's called in the campaign guide.\nPlayer: Oh! Oh man, that's right. Now you have to stick to what you wrote. That's crazy.\nDM: I know, I'll just have to look it up again. But anyway. As soon as you sit down at the table the four individuals look at each other and then get up from the table and then walk off to find another place.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before it flies away, the duck reveals that there are two other entrances into the mountain. Meanwhile, Vex has slipped away to follow the footsteps around the mountain.\nDM: All right. So you fly up. (flapping wings) 60 feet a round. It'll take you a good five minutes or so to make your way towards the top end of the spire. As you're going, make an investigation check.\nPlayer: Can I stealth as cloud?\nDM: Oh, you're going cloud! Sorry, I thought you were doing your wings. As a cloud, you get there really fast. So as you make it up there, you cannot-- I will say, for the purposes of this...\nPlayer: I'm wind. I'm not going high, I'm going through the treetops.\nDM: Yeah, so make a stealth check.\nPlayer: All right, I will. That is very good. That is a 35.\nDM: 35, okay. As far as you understand, no one seems to see you. Make an investigation check as you make your way up the mountainside to check for any sort of entrances.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th.\nDM: As you enter the small shop, the interior is beautiful and surprisingly busy. There's five other patrons that are currently perusing through various tomes and stacks of artwork. You can see it carries many books and different types of tawdry decor, like rugs, embroidered tapestries, candles, both scented and not, and you can smell oils and incense in there as well. It's this mishmash of scents. It's dark-lit in the interior, but as soon as you enter, almost every other person glances over their shoulder at you and goes back about their business. As soon as you finish scanning the room, a voice peeks up and goes, \"Hello!\" You glance over and see a human female in her 40s, mousey brown hair, wild and curly that goes past her shoulders, and she has a heavy sweater on and these big glasses right in front of her face. She goes, \"Can I help you?\"\nPlayer: That is a very handsome sweater you have. Is that from here in the city?\nDM: \"Thank you so much. It was a gift.\"\nPlayer: I'm sorry, what is your name?\nDM: \"Iva.\"\nPlayer: Iva. Pleasure to meet you.\nDM: \"Iva Deshin and this is my shop.\"\nPlayer: Iva Deshin. I'm new to town, and I'm looking for a bit of reading, and this place has been highly recommended to me, and I'm wondering what--\nDM: A grin curls past her face. She goes, \"Recommended? You want to go to that back.\" She points, and you can see now that she's pointed out, because it's one long chamber with shelves and a central table. The beginning has more of the accouterments, like the candles and the various knickknacks you can purchase. In the back, you can already see there are large scrolls that are hung up, with beautifully painted nudes. You can see rows and rows of--\nPlayer: I made you plan for this!\nDM: I know you did. Yeah, you did, buddy. There are stacks of books where the covers have their own individual paintings, where you can see--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Kashaw Vesh, a human cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party, after essentially forcing this individual to reveal themself, the rakshasa fled through a tunnel underneath its room into a long subterranean tunnel fraught with traps that were set to protect it. The party managed to avoid these rather deftly until the steady decline of the hallway, combined with the increasing moisture and scent of refuse, caused a slick surface and our fantastic cleric, Brother Kash, you, slipped and fell down.\nDM: This time, in an angry fury that you are being stifled by what is essentially sewer rats, you lift your axe up in the air as one rat has climbed up your pants bites you right in the crotch.\nPlayer: Don't touch it, don't do that. Okay. Yes, it does.\nDM: In pain, you drop the axe behind you and reach down and grab the rat and tear it in half out of frustration and anger, and I will give you a point of damage for that.\nPlayer: A point of damage? The rat bit through my metal codpiece?\nDM: It snuck up past the small little gap there and ate through your leather britches, and you are in severe pain, nearing prone.\nPlayer: Well, I mean us dwarves are known for our dicks that are sensitive to rat bites.\nDM: This is true. They didn't put that in the Player's Handbook, but I think they're going to amend it, too.\nPlayer: Oh, it's canon in my game.\nDM: And with that, Thorbir's turn is up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group of adventurers, Vox Machina, had found themselves in the Feywild, intent on discovering another one of the Vestiges of the Divergence, one of the many artifacts that they hope will aid them in their struggle against Thordak the Cinder King and the rest of the Chroma Conclave. They've defeated two of the members, three still remain, Thordak being the seeming powerhouse head of that troupe.\nDM: \"I don't know. It's time for me to go. Thank you guys so much. I appreciate this. It's been something.\"\nPlayer: Wait, before he goes, I want to give him a kiss on his head.\nDM: A little kiss on the head, and he goes, \"Well, at least it's been a pleasure travelling with you, my lady.\" He takes your hand and does a little bow and (kiss) on the edge.\nPlayer: As I was kissing him, can I give him a little pat down to make sure he didn't steal anything? (laughter and applause)\nDM: Make an investigation check.\nPlayer: 23.\nDM: 23? As you feel down, you feel this slight little bump inside of his fur, and you're afraid to touch it for fear of it being-- on the outside of his body! Not that you understand the physicality of the satyr, but still. It's hard and smooth. And appears to wiggle loosely when you touch it.\nPlayer: Well, now I feel wrong saying I reach for it and try to see what it is.\nDM: Do you reach for it?\nPlayer: Yeah!\nDM: All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, All of the party except you and Nott head back to the inn to avoid suspicion. Molly climbs up to the rooms from behind the inn and lets down rope for the rest of the group.\nDM: I believe you are correct. Yeah, it's in the southern portion of the Northward by where it borders the Lochward.\nPlayer: Okay, so I'll start asking questions to get us there.\nDM: Easily enough. You eventually are led to it, and you come to a closet that's affixed to another building. The wood used are almost driftwood and heavily weathered, and the front door is closed as you approach. It looks like a glorified storage shed that has been bolted and put up against another structure.\nPlayer: All right, well I will walk up to the door and knock on it.\nDM: Okay. (knocks) No response.\nPlayer: Is there any breaks in the door or the building or cracks that Frumpkin could fit into?\nDM: Visual glance, there look like there's that space underneath the door. Probably not enough for a cat to slip through.\nPlayer: Are there any windows or anything or is it all a big, dirty, dingy mess?\nDM: There are windows, but if you look at the back of the windows all you see is scraps of material, stacks of books, piles of boxes and crates, it's literally blocked out with things stacked up against it from the interior.\nPlayer: How busy is the front of this place?\nDM: Not busy at all, it's just the two of you, right now, standing at the front door.\nPlayer: No one's around us, though?\nDM: It's not on the main street, it's a little pushed back, recessed about ten or 15 feet from the main road so there's no one immediately around you. But there are people walking back and forth on the road behind but you're out in the open, per se.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiberius flies down the stairs into the middle of the hallway and casts Glacial Blast from both hands, at each entity. Vax and Jarett dodge out of the way, and the invisible creatures take the hit.\nDM: It would if it wasn't immune. However, as you arc down, the ice blast comes through. You can see Vax manages to pull down to the ground and get out of the way in time. Jarett ducks out of the way and it blasts over, hitting both these entities. Ice crackles around both their forms, but then the forms shift out of it. That ends your turn right there. Comes back to Scanlan.\nPlayer: Oh, where am I?\nDM: You are right there. Just entered the room behind everybody else.\nPlayer: Where does Percy do his tinkering?\nDM: Over here.\nPlayer: Because I can't see what's going on down there.\nDM: No, you just see, currently, these three down the hallway. You can just see Tiberius blast a bunch of ice, arc in the air.\nPlayer: Okay, so I know there's shit going on down there, but I can't really see what. So I would probably just Dimension Door into the tinkering room, because that's where I assume Percy is. And then I see what's going on, and nobody's there. Do I have line-of-sight on anybody?\nDM: Currently, you see Percy through this doorway right there.\nPlayer: Okay. Well, then. I can move also, can't I?\nDM: Yeah, Dimension Door is your action.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The others try to persuade Nott to join them in swimming down, and you casts Suggestion on her to convince her to try it. Nott, Beau, and Fjord join Yasha and Jester inside, Nott forgetting she's holding the weasel, who lives but isn't happy about it, joined shortly by you, Caduceus, and Nugget.\nDM: The tunnel goes on for about another 60 or so feet beyond that grate, before the tunnel opens up into a square-like chamber with a singular pillar that marks the center of it. It's still one foot of water all throughout this entire area. Once you go past this-- You can look past where this pillar is, the chamber seems to close off and another tunnel continues on, almost like this is just a waypoint chamber. On the right side, you see a much smaller grate: maybe a foot and a half, two feet across, with a more dense cross-lattice of bars.\nPlayer: Not able for Frumpkin to squeeze through that, I'm guessing.\nDM: Frumpkin's size? How big of an octopus is Frumpkin? An octopus, I'd say it would be about that big.\nPlayer: I'm imagining I am not summoning a gigantic octopus.\nDM: But octopuses can squeeze through some pretty small spaces. Yeah, so I'd say make an athletics check for tiny octopus Frumpkin.\nPlayer: And that would be strength-based, yeah? Because it doesn't say on his thing. That is a nine.\nDM: Frumpkin gets partially through but the nature of the lattice and Frumpkin's unfamiliarity with the octopus form reaches a point where it can't quite get all the way through.\nPlayer: That's true! It's only his second time. Okay buddy, forget that. Back it up. Is there anything unique about the pillar down here or is it just basic stonework?\nDM: Looks like basic stonework, it has a slight curvature to it but it's probably placed in here either as a load bearing piece since this is beneath a heavier city or-- It doesn't look remarkable or have any other purpose beyond just being a support pillar.\nPlayer: Are Frumpkin and I able to tell if this goes water all the way to the ceiling of this chamber or is it water with air above? Or it's all water?\nDM: The water only goes up to a foot, and then it's air for the rest of it. It's about ten or so feet tall, the chamber.\nPlayer: Okay. Is there anything out of the ordinary if he pokes his head up out of the water?\nDM: Make a perception check?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pumat Sol is out of healing potions, but Caleb buys 200 gp worth of paper, you buys a pearl of power, Nott buys two incendiary crossbow bolts, and Fjord buys an enchanted shield. The party discusses the Lawmaster\u2019s offer and decides against it.\nDM: \"Unfortunately, you guys have pretty much cleaned me out, and what little bits I had were snatched up bright and early this morning by the Righteous Brand.\"\nPlayer: We should have bought some earlier! Do you know of anyone else that would have some?\nDM: \"Generally, I don't like to plug rival purveyors here in the city.\"\nPlayer: Right, but seeing as how you don't have any inventory. MATT \"There is Grace of the Wilds, which is on the southern side of the Pentamarket. You can go ahead and have Jasna Bree maybe help you there if the army hasn't gotten to her first. But I digress. Respectfully, it's going to be real difficult this time of year.\" To get healing potions?\nDM: \"Because we're at war.\"\nPlayer: \"This time of year,\" like it happens every year?\nDM: \"No, but I mean it's that time of year right now apparently where war happens. That's a problem.\"\nPlayer: Are you going to go to war, Pumat?\nDM: \"No!\"\nPlayer: But you're such a powerful person, don't you think you would be helpful?\nDM: \"I don't think that's any of our fates right now, isn't that right, boys?\" They're all like, \"Yeah, no that's--\" \"No, warfare's not my thing.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There, they find a cave filled with magical darkness. Keyleth shifts into an earth elemental to scout the cave, finding that it contains a strange planar rift and a group of grick.\nDM: All right. It's going to make a bite attack against Tiberius and a tail attack against Scanlan. So it's the two that are immediately visible to it. So the bite attack against you, Tiberius. That's going to be a 21.\nPlayer: Yeah, that hits.\nDM: The bite attack against you is going to be a 23. (all laugh) The tail (whapsh) whips around as you're on top of the carpet, about to try to get everyone out of there. You turn around and see this thing go piercing by. It strikes across your chest. Your armor takes most of the damage, but you can feel the bruise underneath. It doesn't actually pierce the skin, but you take seven points of damage from the impact of the tail. Tiberius!\nPlayer: Yes?\nDM: All right, it comes out and sinks its teeth into your form, across your shoulder area, and it bites down. You end up taking--\nPlayer: You're ruining my robe! (grunts)\nDM: Ten points of piercing damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While Beau throws wild haymakers, missing with her first hit, Dairon retaliates with only very light, disciplined taps. Beau's next few hits land hard.\nDM: \"I figure I'll just move on with Bo and Ornna and make a new show. Something with a little less death. That's what I'd like.\"\nPlayer: You should make your way to the Menagerie Coast. I think you guys would have a lot of success in Nicodranas.\nDM: \"I haven't been to Nicodranas.\"\nPlayer: It's beautiful.\nDM: She looks up and tugs on the side of Bosun's sleeve. \"You know, I actually haven't been there either.\"\nPlayer: They're always looking for good performers. You would do well.\nDM: \"Hmm. Let's go ahead and make our way. That sounds like a nice change of pace, and this empire is getting a little stuffy for me anyway.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott puts one of the jewels in bed with him as they hear someone enter the room above, and they dive under the bed. The crewman above falls through the carpet-covered hole into the room with them, waking the sleeper, who stabs him.\nDM: You watch as Nott-- suddenly her eyes go wide and she begins to drool a bit, and the body locks up. You're unable to speak, unable to move.\nPlayer: (whispering) What? What's going on? Nott! Shit!\nDM: You hear now a little bit of raised voices and you can now hear this on the dock. One of them's going, \"What's going on?\" The other one's like, \"I have to get this guy to a doctor, he got stabbed.\" The other voice goes, \"By fucking you, you twat!\" He's like, \"I'm sorry!\" \"Oh, fine.\" They start leading him off the ship. One of the guards begins to lead them off the docks.\nPlayer: Can I cast Lesser Restoration on Nott? Nott. Snap out of it. Nott!\nDM: Does Lesser Restoration--\nPlayer: I don't know. I didn't even look.\nDM: I don't know if it does anything for this spell.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He confirms that Kylre was indeed a dangerous creature. Beau rather conspicuously hides her face while he is conducting his examination.\nDM: Yeah, there's two guards still posted there. Most of them have already left because they're carting off the rest of your friends.\nPlayer: Please, I can't seem to find any of my comrades. Have you seen where they have gone?\nDM: They look at each other. \"Yeah, they've been arrested.\"\nPlayer: I was afraid as much. Could I make my way down to where they are being held? I would like to be present, if it would be prudent.\nDM: \"You leave our watch, we cut you.\" They both flank you side to side and push you ahead a little bit. They are glued to your right and left.\nPlayer: Very kind of you.\nDM: They lead you to the stockade. As you guys are brought into this chamber, Norda sets up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party tear into the cherub creature while it summons lava from the ground beneath them, traps you and Grog in the earth, and attempts to freeze Vax in a casing of ice. As it takes heavy damage, the creature unleashes a burst of radiant energy from its chest, doing a huge amount of damage to everyone close by.\nDM: Yeah, that misses. MARISHA; Okay, but that one is a natural 20. As you reach up out of the ground from underneath, (impact noise) your fingers clasp around the celestial baby and (whack) slam it into the ground as hard as you can. Go ahead and roll damage on that. 2d8 plus five, so roll the 2d8.\nPlayer: And then you double the 2d8.\nDM: You double whatever you rol for the 2d8 and then add plus five. Crit that baby. It's our next t-shirt: Crit that baby!\nPlayer: Six doubled, which is 12, plus five doubled, which is ten, so that's 22.\nDM: The bonus isn't doubled. Just the dice.\nPlayer: I know. Just the dice is 22, plus five. So 27.\nDM: That's great. 27 points of damage. (wham) Slamming onto the ground. As your hand retracts up, you can see the wings are-- as it starts to fly up, it (gasps).\nPlayer: And I just want to hold onto it and be like, yo! Yo, air elemental! And then let my air elemental come over and do its thing. Double slam attack.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Slam attack. No, I'm going to do a multi attack. Two slam attacks. So 2d8 plus eight, once again. That's an 18 and a 17. Plus eight.\nDM: 18 and 17 plus eight?\nPlayer: Yeah, so 26 and 25.\nDM: Both hit. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: Which is 3d8 plus two. So the first one, oh! Six, seven, eight, plus seven, which is 15. For the first one, 15 plus two. 17. And then the second one is eight, plus two fives, which is 18 plus two, so 20.\nDM: Nice.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With a high-level Hold Monster, he paralyzes Zahra, Kash, and both their mounts, sending them plummeting back over the side of the tower. As Vecna's wounds again begin to seal, he telekinetically raises the central platform of the broken tower.\nDM: Putting you right around here as he adjusts upward and you're clutching onto Bigby's Hand. What are you doing as your attack of opportunity?\nPlayer: Am I within melee range to make a Mythcarver attack?\nDM: Sure. Go for it.\nPlayer: I would like to let the spirit of the sword overtake me.\nDM: It's an action to do it.\nPlayer: This is only a reaction?\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: So a single attack. Then I will use my War Caster ability to cast Bigby's Hand at level six and I will say, you leave when Burt Reynolds says you can motherfucking leave. (cheering)\nDM: Since I don't have a second Bigby's Hand, I'll go ahead and put this as Scanlan Two's Bigby Hand with you and where do you want to place this one?\nPlayer: Right on his fucking head.\nDM: There you go. There is the Bigby's Hand.\nPlayer: If he's flying up, I want him to go boop!\nDM: Three Stooges bops him on the head? Go for it.\nPlayer: All right. So this is 6th-level. 4d8 becomes 6d8, right?\nDM: Correct. Go ahead and roll to hit.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The room has become very lively, with music, people swinging from the chandelier, and scarf dancers on the tables. Envious, Jester and Nott start working up their own dance number.\nDM: As you approach the bar, the dwarven woman, who's in the process of cleaning a spill on the side, looks over and sees you and does a triple-take, like-- \"Well, would you look at this strapping mass of green and tooth.\"\nPlayer: Thank you kindly, ma'am.\nDM: \"What can I do for you?\"\nPlayer: It's a little early in the evening, but I thought I might get a head start and inquire what some friendship might run me.\nDM: \"Mighty forward, but I can't say I'm not interested. I've got a few more hours on my shift, but if you hang around--\"\nPlayer: I would hate to remove you from your duties. Plus, my companions are also interested in the same. You said there might be--\nDM: \"Well, it's been a while since I've--\"\nPlayer: Oh! No, yeah, let me clarify. (stammering) I need--\nDM: She goes and starts pouring herself a drink.\nPlayer: Multiples-- not multiples! I need individual companions for my friends, not just your beautiful self.\nDM: \"How many?\"\nPlayer: Three.\nDM: \"Three companions? All right. I have to go and connect with a friend here and see what's available, but that's certainly doable.\"\nPlayer: Great, and do you know how much that might run?\nDM: \"Well, that depends on what you're asking for. Is it only for the hour, is it for the evening, what the requests are--\"\nPlayer: Per hour is good, yeah.\nDM: \"For an hour? Three? That'd put you about, say, 20 gold.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Molly and you remain outside while Jester and Fjord deceive their way into the house disguised as Prucine and a crownsguard. Caleb, Nott, and Ulog sneak in the back door.\nDM: No, you heard a door down below. You heard them enter from elsewhere in the building, but you just heard a (creak).\nPlayer: Do I still see Frumpkin on the wall?\nDM: What?\nPlayer: Do I still see Frumpkin on the wall?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: I'm going to try and get Frumpkin's attention. \"Tell Caleb to watch out for Ulog.\"\nDM: (meows) Jumps down into the back and goes and catches up to you. You glance inside. Nothing magical catches your attention in the chamber.\nPlayer: Can Beau be casing and be full-on stealth mode watching for anything?\nDM: Yes. Make a stealth check? You, as you begin to set up busking, one of the other guards wandering by comes by, kicks your cards a bit, and goes, \"Hey, hey! Move along. No street busking, too late. Gala's on.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They are brought to meet Flamespeaker Cerkonos, the headmaster of the tribe. Cerkonos confirms that you's mother, Vilya, came through about ten years ago on her own aramente.\nDM: He seems stern, but honest. His words, genuinely, come from a place of worry and a tinge of regret at the knowledge that he's just received. \"Your mother was strong of heart and was very fierce. She could stir the heart of the mountains themselves with a word. She was very well respected amongst us.\"\nPlayer: She was better than I am.\nDM: \"I hope not.\" At this moment his face becomes a little darker and he says, \"Korren? I assume he is well?\"\nPlayer: He is. As stubborn as always.\nDM: \"Well, you come with compatriots. You trust them?\"\nPlayer: Yes. These are my traveling companions, Vox Machina. They've proven themselves time and time again. We've been together for almost over a year now.\nDM: \"Do you trust them?\"\nPlayer: I do. We actually have a keep now in Emon.\nDM: \"Good. You'll need trust. You are here to learn, then, for your Aramente. To be tested, yes?\"\nPlayer: Correct.\nDM: \"Then speak what you've learned to seek, what you wish to learn. What do you lack? What will be your death?\"\nPlayer: I have actually seen a vision of my death. From not having the will to do what is necessary, for fear of harming others, instead of protecting myself.\nDM: \"Then the test begins now, without preparation. Do you also wish to join her in this task?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then encountered a very elderly goliath that Grog hadn't seen in quite some time named Shale, who spoke of the scouting crew that had been obliterated by the dragon. They followed Shale as she led them up the mountain, to where the dragon's current lair resides.\nDM: \"I'll come with you. I'd like to see him one last time. We have no family plot. We were meager folk. But he spent most of his life working in that field. I think it's only fitting that's where he spends the rest of his days. Show me.\" And as you guys begin the building process, she follows you out to the field where she is shown the body of Reginald, and she takes a moment of quiet with him, and cradles his body. But there's a smile on her face, and she says thank you for letting her say goodbye face to face. With your help, you both bring the body back to the farmhouse where you had first met, and you spend the rest of the day interring his body within the hillside that is buttressed against the actual farmland that he tilled.\nPlayer: To lose a parent before their time is no easy thing. I'm very sorry for you.\nDM: \"It's all right. He did good.\"\nPlayer: That he did.\nDM: \"Let's go ahead and make sure the rest of these folk have more to look forward to, shall we?\" She looks at you for a second, and you can see she takes a general scope of your expression and your emotional state, and even for a young girl, she has a stronger insight than you expected, and she puts her arm out and touches your shoulder and says, \"You carry too much sadness with you. You've done a lot of good. Let yourself-- Let yourself understand and accept the fact that you've done a lot of good.\" And she starts walking back towards the town.\nPlayer: I linger for a bit.\nDM: All right. Now. You guys begin the process of building this subterranean bunker. You take the first day, scanning through as a group, clearing out whatever creatures lurk beneath the city. Nothing of severe threat lies down there to your power level, and you know, what once was a threat to you guys long ago, within the period of a day, you've cleared out a very, very sizable portion of the sewer system. And because it's been empty for quite a while, it's also not in a very terrible state either. I mean, it still needs to be cleaned, but that's also the specialty of those who can control water and air, let alone reinforcing the stonework that keeps the walls themselves sturdy, strong, able to support any heavy weight on the surface. Within the next couple days, you guys continue the reinforcing process. People begin actually moving their supplies down underground and begin taking bits of furniture and elements that would at least make life down there more comfortable, or at least, a ghost image of some of the life they lived above. Because when you're down there, the comforts are what keep you going. But the people seem, as more and more of it comes together, folks genuinely begin to get a little excited at the idea of having a safe place to live for a while. And you feel like this is doing some good for these folks at the very least. Whenever you guys would like to take your journey--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vorugal gets his breath back and hits Keyleth, Pike, Kima and you. Only Keyleth manages to succeed in her save and the rest take full damage.\nDM: 14. Yeah, no. You had to beat a 36 because of the damage from the ice blast. Yeah, your invisibility drops. You are now fully visible.\nPlayer: Okay. Is he within 120 feet of me?\nDM: Yeah, he's within 120 feet, probably.\nPlayer: All right, I'll punch him in the face.\nDM: Bigby's Hand?\nPlayer: Yeah. I will Bigby's Hand him.\nDM: All right. Bigby's Hand flies up to meet Vorugal.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party completes a short rest and goes back to the first room they found. Caleb uses Unseen Servant to insert the rod into the hole in the central platform while the party waits outside.\nDM: As you look going through, you see there are a few other stone cages that have been opened and left empty. That is one that has not been removed.\nPlayer: I'm going to open it and I will-- I'm going to poke at it to see if it seems trapped or anything.\nDM: Okay, make an investigation check.\nPlayer: All right. 16.\nDM: Does not appear to be trapped.\nPlayer: I'm going to open it and grab the stone out.\nDM: Make a strength check to try and wedge it from the stone it's attached to.\nPlayer: That's a six.\nDM: (grunting) It's not budging. Your lithe tiefling form is not quite sturdy enough to pull it from the stone.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, These stones are utilized, apparently, in both keeping the rift contained and keeping the city of Vesrah aloft and up towards the air. However, in the process of them researching where these lodestones came from, it was discovering in recent years that they were byproducts of one of the krakens that lives in the Water Elemental Plane.\nDM: Uvenda is around, yeah. You can find her. As you approach her, she's finished her meal and is half-napping in this, almost a high chair, though it's built beautifully of what look to be petrified bleach-white shells and coral structures. This looks to be her seat at this open natural gazebo-like eating space. She's half-resting off to the side with her staff, leaning off a bit, and as you start approaching, one eye flies open and rolls in your direction, and she leans forward. \"Young Keyleth. What do you require?\"\nPlayer: Sorry. I hope I'm not interrupting.\nDM: \"My nap, yes, but you seem intent. What do you wish?\"\nPlayer: I was just curious, I guess, if you had any advice for tomorrow morning. Is there anything I should know in particular about the kraken?\nDM: \"From what we know, the kraken is a very hungry beast. It carries with it a swarm of long, grasping tentacles. It moves unimpeded and destroys structures in its path. Seems nigh-unstoppable, which is why maintaining the rift is so important. To unleash more of these entities into our plane would be disastrous, not just for our city, but for the entirety of the Ozmit. Do be aware that you will be encountering this beast deep, deep in the fathomless depths of the water elemental plane, so be prepared best you can to swim.\"\nPlayer: Right. You mentioned it being hungry. What does it hunger for?\nDM: \"Anything that crosses its path. You'll see, the sand below the vicinity of the rift is partially soot, dirt, and sand, but a lot of it is sprinkled bone of things that failed to make it through the rift.\"\nPlayer: And I imagine it's pretty dark down there.\nDM: \"It's not the brightest place, no.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, K'Varn falls, but is immediately brought back to undeath by the Horn of Orcus. A ray from his eyestalk turns Kima to stone.\nDM: Kima lobs her maul on her shoulder and gives you a look and says, \"Yes, this day we save Kraghammer, Cliffkeep Mountains, and quite possibly, the future of Tal'Dorei. But if we fall, others will come to try and finish our journey.\"\nPlayer: Good pep talk.\nDM: \"Either way, we do this as heroes, we do this together, for Vox Machina.\"\nPlayer: Ooh.\nDM: She puts her hand out in the center.\nPlayer: Oh, Kima. Clarota, are you going to put your--\nDM: Clarota slowly hovers towards the center.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party then retrieved their first artifact and then made their way towards the Pyrah tribe of the Ashari druids, the fire guardians of the gate to the Elemental Plane of Fire, which apparently Thordak, the Cinder King\u2014the great red dragon that helms the Chroma Conclave that has torn through all of the civilization of Tal'Dorei \u2014emerged from. The party went there, found a surviving faction of the Pyrah tribe including Cerkonos, their headmaster, as well as a few members of Keyleth's tribe, the Air Ashari, and her father.\nDM: \"He's a little bitch, that one is. No, but you know what? I caught him sniffing around. I think he's keeping some gold hidden.\"\nPlayer: Really? Gold? This poor farmer?\nDM: \"Twisted his arm a couple of times.\"\nPlayer: Have you?\nDM: \"We could do this for old times' sake. Each take an arm, pull until he tells us.\"\nPlayer: Oh, like wishbone?\nDM: \"Yeah.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, that does sound like a good idea. Here's my thing. Why are you guys in this city? It's not really our thing to be in civilized places.\nDM: \"Here's the thing. Let me get loose here for a minute. I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable.\"\nPlayer: No, I don't think I will, Horace.\nDM: \"Okay. We were heading up north. We took out a small caravan just south of the road cuts, near the Silvercut Way, and all of a sudden out of the sky, we saw these streaking dragons come through. Largest I've ever seen. Dangerous as the day's long. So we fled. We watched them come here and tear into this city. Rend it, destroy it, smoke and flames and ice and all sorts of craziness. And they kept going. We figured, dragons come, didn't take the spoils, there's plenty of spoils for us. More than we could ever dream of. Most of it's pretty well-guarded, but there couldn't be much left over there. So we gathered up who we had, and mind you, the herd's swelled a bit since you left, my friend. We conquered another wandering tribe last year. Zanror took the head of their leader and commanded them to join. We're about a hundred strong these days.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Wharfmaster has heard of Marius LePual, a dubious sort of prick, and he's probably hanging out at a waterfront dive somewhere. The other party members go to the Mother's Lighthouse, where Gladys, the Lightkeeper, is a follower of Melora and admits them because Caduceus is, too.\nDM: You guys eventually gather in the center of the Open Quay. This is the western side of the docks on the city. Whereas the Restless Wharf seems to be a really busy dockyard that runs a very tight ship, and seems to be filled with elements of cheap entertainment and in that vein, the Open Quay, it's a little a little bit smaller. It seems to be less organized. But in the center of it is this one massive tower that looms over the entire district of this side of the docks. It's an emerald stone-- dark green with elements of light green flecked through it-- spire that seems very out of place amongst the rest of the storage buildings, and the various other small homesteads and businesses that fill this entire area. It seems to be dotted with a number of small balconies, and comes to a slight roofed peak that is like a sharpened point. It's very out of place here. You've passed by it a couple times before, but you haven't really inquired much about it, as most of your business here had been on the job, so you've not really cared to ask or question.\nPlayer: I was going to say, as we're walking, can we snag a passerby and ask what that structure is?\nDM: Sure, you grab an older fisherman, thinning hair, very sun-weathered face, is carrying a small sack over his shoulder, various supplies and coiled rope over the other shoulder as he's heading off towards the docks. Stops and turns. \"Can I help you?\"\nPlayer: (raspy voice) Yes, we're new in town and couldn't help but notice that structure there. Very unique. What is it?\nDM: \"That's Tide Peak. That's the tower of Yussa Errennis, the mage who owns this district.\"\nPlayer: There's a mage that owns this district?\nDM: \"Yes. To the chagrin of the Clovis Concord, yes.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nothing happens. you and Beau go back up the stairs, and pry out one of the glowing light rocks.\nDM: You move it the other way and it comes out, you have to put it back in and lock it into place, but it doesn't seem to shift or move.\nPlayer: What's the the top of the rod again? The top of that little spiral.\nDM: It's a small little metallic knob at the end.\nPlayer: I'm going to examine it, anything interesting about it? Just a small metallic knob?\nDM: Best you can look at it, it doesn't have any markings on it or anything unique, it's just a solid round knob end.\nPlayer: Like a lightning rod?\nDM: Something like that.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan then asks the final question, from one father to another. The questions having been asked and the magic fading, the body reverts to its lifeless state.\nDM: If you're doing a 40-foot square it could be like 20 feet lower for every 40-foot square you can do, yeah.\nPlayer: Yeah. Yeah. So real deep.\nDM: Okay. So we'll say over the two-hour period you could create, for a 40-foot square, like a hundred feet deep, 120 feet deep--\nPlayer: I want to make sure it's wide enough to cover the whole entrance as well.\nDM: The whole entrance? Okay. So you dig underneath. Stealth check to get close enough. Because in digging, it'll take you most of that duration to dig up to the gate.\nPlayer: Uh-huh. Underground.\nDM: Yeah. I'd say, so in order to do this, you have to actually get fairly close before you start digging down there.\nPlayer: I rolled a 19.\nDM: 19?\nPlayer: And I have a stealth of 11.\nDM: Okay. All right, so. You make your way up there, moving through the grass best you can. The guards that are there are partially (yawns) coming to, you begin to slowly manipulate downward into the ground using a relatively untouched patch of high grass for cover, and pushing your way through. Over the next two hours, you manage to dig a ditch, the width of this entrance is about 40 feet.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: So from end to end, if you just go straight down from there at 20 feet per section every ten minutes, looking at 240 feet deep if you wanted to go the full, although, actually, having to tunnel underneath would probably take-- we'll say 180 feet.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, the other members of Vox Machina interject and say that he is not free to go just yet; they still need him to testify in front of Sovereign Uriel Tal'Dorei III to prove that their earlier actions at the feast held for Lord and Lady Briarwood were justified (see:\n The Feast/\n Crimson Diplomacy). Rejoining the party, you wonders aloud why Desmond is still in the cell.\nDM: And you visually see a weight off his shoulders. He seems to shrink almost three inches from just the full exhale of his body, and a little bit of tears well up in his eyes and he says, \"Whitestone? Does it still stand?\"\nPlayer: It's beautiful. And growing.\nDM: \"I can't wait to get back.\"\nPlayer: Desmond, dear?\nDM: \"Yes?\"\nPlayer: Before you do, could we ask a small favor of you?\nDM: \"Of course. You kept me safe, you saved me. Most of me.\"\nPlayer: Would you mind speaking on our behalf to Emperor Uriel? Emperor? Sovereign Uriel. That'd be great. That'd just be wonderful.\nDM: \"Of course, I'd be happy to, it'd be my pleasure.\"\nPlayer: Thank you. And you can, you know, come out of the cell and eat with us, now.\nDM: \"Great.\" And he goes and off the little stone slab there he pulls his platter, which is already half-eaten, and eagerly walks up holding it with you, expectantly.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As they rush to catch up, Percy trips over the uneven group and landing hard on his elbow. One of the golden-armored imps hears the sound and comes to investigate.\nDM: Doesn't-- So as you guys are moving along, watching Vasa, Vasa eventually gets out of sight for a moment and you all stop and pull back. And you see a flash of light that signifies Vasa calling you forward and that it's safe. And as you all move forward, you watch as Taryon and Percival were both looking behind, keeping watch on your back, and by the time they look back you guys are already about 20 feet ahead. And as they rush forward, Percival straight up-- His foot hits the edge of where two of the iron rifts in the ground, the plating that meets up this part of the alleyway. He stumbles forward, landing hard on his elbow and giving out a (groan) of his breath. And as he does, you hear a (imp sound) and you watch as a small, impish creature in golden armor begins to crawl over the roof of the nearby building and look over the side.\nPlayer: I turn and break away from the group and head in a slightly different direction for a moment and sit and nurse my elbow, and try and just look like I'm dealing with my medical issue and really try to look like I didn't notice the thing that's watching me now.\nDM: Okay. I want you to go and make a deception check. No, you have to roll if it's intentional.\nPlayer: Meh. Deception?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Nine.\nDM: Nine? Okay. So you watch the creature (imp sounds) and slowly crawls along the top of the roof, as you go and split off from the rest of the party. You hear behind you the (imp talking) some sort of conversation, and then a second one appears. And one continues to follow you, while the other one continues to move with Taryon.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She Dimension Door'ed her way into the ritual room, which Vox Machina followed over the wall. She seemed to complete the ritual, creating this small, vacuous, spinning black sphere that is locked in place.\nDM: What's giving you advantage on this? Because he hasn't gone first in the first round? That is correct, yes. All right. So both of those hit.\nPlayer: The first one is eight and the second one is eight.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Keen dagger, life-stealing.\nDM: Right. Do you want to sneak attack with this? Because in theory, it's in melee range with an ally.\nPlayer: Oh, with Percy.\nDM: With Percy and with Scanlan.\nPlayer: Thanks, boss! Yeah.\nDM: Don't rob yourself of what you do.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Trinket turns around and bites at the vampire, sinking his teeth in and pulling on him to try and break Grog free of the grapple. Back with the other group, Vex runs in after Percy and her brother.\nDM: 12? Currently, in the storm, you're just not able to really make up any visual in the distance right now, no. You do not know if there is any fire going on or any signal, at this point.\nPlayer: Okay. Shit. Are there any other windows along the back side of the house?\nDM: Over here? Yeah, there's a window there, window there, window there.\nPlayer: Through the side.\nDM: Oh, back here? This side, there are no other windows. It is completely closed off.\nPlayer: No other windows?\nDM: Nope, there's just the one entry there that everyone else went in through.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Back at the bakery, Tary gives the Trickfoots the run of the shop (to the chagrin of you and Pike, who don't entirely trust the newcomers). Everyone retires to get ready for dinner.\nDM: As you begin helping Ogden, who, as you grab his arm, he's shaking, and he has his cane as he moves along. His skin is very loose.\nPlayer: Ogden, would you like me to help carry you, or are you all right to walk?\nDM: \"I can walk under my own power.\"\nPlayer: Of course you can. Feel free to lean on me, though.\nDM: \"At the stairs.\"\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: He's still looking off. As soon as you get to the stairs, he gets about two steps and has to stop and breathe, and another two stairs.\nPlayer: I put my arm down so he can put as much weight as he wants.\nDM: He leans into it and you eventually help him up the staircase that spirals up to the second floor and eventually lead him to his chambers.\nPlayer: All right, and I start talking to him on the way to his room in Undercommon. And ask him: How long have you guys been on the road?\nDM: \"Always.\"\nPlayer: Always?\nDM: \"By nature, we don't really put down roots.\" Big old smile as he says roots, darkened, some broken teeth. Heinous smell.\nPlayer: Peanut butter and pork.\nDM: Yep.\nPlayer: I couldn't help but overhear you talking to Pike about dreams you've been having.\nDM: \"Yes. Dreams.\"\nPlayer: What kind of dreams?\nDM: \"Terrible premonitions.\"\nPlayer: Like what?\nDM: At this point, he stops and looks up towards you as you're holding his arm, and he reaches up and pulls the glasses shakily from the front of his face and through his small dark brown beady eyes, you see the whites at the sides are bloodshot. He glances up and goes, \"The kinds of dreams that end a bloodline.\"\nPlayer: Well, that sounds terrible.\nDM: \"We're trying to find a way to stop it.\"\nPlayer: Well, that's good. I would like to stop it, as well. We all love Pike very much.\nDM: \"Good. Then we came at the right time.\"\nPlayer: Can I insight check him?\nDM: Go for it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On Vax's request, Gilmore procures a favor for him with the Lyceum. Vax also purchases three enchanted daggers, presumably as a gift for Kynan Leore.\nDM: You're working in the workshop, you're eating, you guys are going to Gilmore's. All right. So as this is happening, Tiberius, you make your way over to the Alabaster Lyceum. You come up to the front main area of the structure itself. It's an arcane college. You make your way to the front clerk, who looks up to you, a nice young fellow, looks like he's trying to work through his credit in school through his training. He's dressed in the ceremonial robes of somebody who is a student, who is currently stuck with the job of working as a clerk. He's like, \"Hi, can I help you?\"\nPlayer: Yes, hi, if you do not remember me, I am Tiberius Stormwind, from Draconia. Moreover, Vox Machina, over at Greyskull Keep.\nDM: \"Where have I heard that--\"\nPlayer: Well, we told you multiple times before. We met with you using your sigil of teleport-- it's fine. I've come here on a matter of business anyway, so that's neither here nor there. I was wondering if I may procure an address, or number as it were, for a sigil to Kraghammer. I believe the Thunderbrands would have some facility near theirs or on their own premises where their sigil could be channeled through the Circle of Teleportation spell.\nDM: \"If you're talking about sigils for teleportation, you would probably have to discuss that with Gatekeeper Xanthas.\"\nPlayer: Where is he? I thought that was you.\nDM: \"No. I'm the clerk. I run the front of the-- follow me.\" And he gets up and leads you further into the structure to the central circular room, the white-marbled room that contains all the doors around, and in the center there is the Traverse Junction. This is the place you guys have stumbled into every single time you've teleported back to Emon. And there you see the elven wizard who you recently bothered naught but maybe five hours ago, who is currently setting up some sheets, comes back. \"Oh. Hello, again.\"\nPlayer: Hi. I'm Tiberius Stormwind, from Draconia. Moreover, Vox Machina over at Greyskull Keep. I was wondering-- and I asked your clerk here because I thought he did what you actually do here-- if I may procure, for coin or perhaps some kind of favor of sorts, the address or number or code or whatever it is that would work for the Kraghammer sigil of my Circle of Teleportation.\nDM: \"I get an understanding here that you're seeking access to one of our many sigil-based rooms of transference. Those rooms are currently under very protected lock and key, approval by the headmaster Thurmond Adalum himself.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They looked above and they saw what looked like the entrance to a cavern where at least the dragon seems to fly in and out of. It's a ways up the mountain, and there's a smaller cavern towards the base of the mountain.\nDM: No. Because you have an entire band of seemingly advancing and armed individuals that are currently stalking towards what appears to be the home of these individuals. So unfortunately no. They seem unfazed, and the one at the back seems almost partially amused at this plea and you can see as he takes his axe and puts it up against his shoulder and runs it across the leather in a very aggressive, intimidating fashion as he stalks forward out of the forest.\nPlayer: (Grog voice) Can Grog move at all?\nDM: Yeah, would you like Grog to move? It would be easier.\nPlayer: (Grog voice) Where is he?\nDM: He is right here. He is hard to miss. Where would you like Grog to move? There is a giant rock there.\nPlayer: He is going to stay there.\nDM: Okay. Grog is going to stay up against the rock. His axe across the front. Right, that ends Grog's turn. Vex, you're up.\nPlayer: A moment of silence for that horrible thing I just witnessed.\nDM: You are over here. You just got up off the ground after being slammed with a boulder, and you have Trinket there.\nPlayer: I am very hurt. Can I get up? Am I prone?\nDM: In the process you've gotten to your feet as they lurched forward and began shouting at each other about the intruders. So you are on your feet.\nPlayer: Okay. I am going to cast Hunter's Mark.\nDM: Hunter's Mark. On?\nPlayer: On the one that took a little damage already. And then I am going to shoot him. All these are for like really large groups of people. I am going to shoot him three times. Can I shoot him three times?\nDM: You have two attacks.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon returning, the sun had set. A number of members of the city of Alfield began to thank you for what you've done.\nDM: You all find yourselves going about what final business you have for the evening before rest takes you. You are doing your--\nPlayer: Well, I first take out the silver thread and I cross it across the door and if there's any windows there, I do the same and allow for Nott to enter and leave. Then I draw patterns along the floor that spread up onto the table as well and back down onto the floor. I squat with my book since I am tapped and I begin to bring back my cat. An hour and ten minutes later, I don't know if they're asleep or not, I have this cat named Frumpkin and I wear him like a scarf.\nDM: You watch as you finish the incantation and the ritual comes to a complete cycle, in the center of where you made these markers across the table you hear this slight tearing sound and there is this slight ripple in the air right in front of you in the center of this and it's almost like a slight little tear in reality almost. From that, Frumpkin steps out and lands, looks up at you. (meows)\nPlayer: Come here, I promise--\nDM: Immediately leaps up into your hands.\nPlayer: I promise not to do that too often. I just scritch, for a long time.\nDM: He purrs against you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Unfortunately, their actions attract the attention of the undead dragon they saw previously, which comes to investigate. They hide in a nearby building, but Delilah and Sylas, on the dragon's back, find Arkhan hiding under his gloomstalker.\nDM: Okay. At the end of your turn, Sylas is going to use his last legendary action to move his speed without provoking opportunity attacks. He leaps off the side and lands right next to Delilah.\nPlayer: Does he get entangled? Because he did just land in difficult terrain.\nDM: He's not entangled, I don't think, because he wasn't there for the casting. Difficult terrain means he moves across at half.\nPlayer: He's in difficult terrain.\nDM: Okay. Good to know.\nPlayer: I have rocky ground. That's all I have.\nDM: All righty, so entangled... okay, yeah. Got it. Cool. That ends the legendary action. Grog, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog collapses the passageway behind them as they dash through one of the arches. Running ahead of the collapsing stone tunnel, the party finally comes in view of an opening to the surface.\nDM: You guys are maybe 150 feet or so from the edge, so you're toward the side of the city. The tower is in the very center, so it's maybe half a mile from you. It's not half a mile; half a mile is ridiculous. No, it's maybe 400 feet from you?\nPlayer: Am I able to tell, if this is a giant, domed-in city, are we in a little corner of it, or are we coming up somewhere mid-range?\nDM: If you were to look out at it from an overhead circle view, from the center, you're a little ways near the edge.\nPlayer: Okay, so not right against it?\nDM: Yeah, you're about 150 feet from the edge.\nPlayer: How close are the nearest of the gloomstalkers flying around?\nDM: At this point, looking up, you see about three or four that are maybe 70 or 80 feet above you. But they're doing passes. They're not being stationary and they're constantly circling through. As you glance up and look and nudge away, you can see their yellow eyes piercing from their black, lightless form. Their wings, as they expand and shift, you can see that faint glance, the beams of their vision, scanning across the rooftops. They're all very intent on seeing what's going through the city.\nPlayer: And do I see any motherfuckers on the streets?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Yeah. Use the Colville die, the meteorite. It's pretty good. It's 29.\nDM: 29? Okay. Couple things. One, as you glance through the streets, you can see now why the top chamber of Thomara was so bereft of undead. They've all been moved topside. You see, glancing through the bits of street that you have in visual range, maybe 35 to 40 dwarven undead that are wandering through open spaces, mixing with the various soldiers from battles long past, when Thar Amphala still existed in the Shadowfell. You've encountered those undead already. You also glance around past the gloomstalkers as you're keeping an eye. As you're scanning through the crowds, you see something different: larger, flying through the skies on the opposite end of the dome. It appears winged, with a tail, but porous, like a tattered sail or a ladder. A skeletal beast of long neck and tail makes a baneful circle over the city with burning green-blue eyes.\nPlayer: Is it dragon-shaped?\nDM: It's kind of dragon-shaped.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There is a defense being set up around the city to draw attention away from it. Vex asks if she could make another dragon slaying arrow and she says she'll work on it if she can get some resources from Percy.\nDM: And goes to Scanlan and goes to ruffle your hair, and goes, \"And you, you, my little bardish friend.\"\nPlayer: Little?\nDM: \"No, you're actually physically little.\"\nPlayer: Oh, I know.\nDM: \"You are a tinier person.\" \"Embrace it! It's what makes you different.\"\nPlayer: That's true, I suppose. I suppose. Yes, absolutely. We've been spreading the good word about you and your works.\nDM: \"So I've heard from all sorts of interesting folk. I only hope one day to wear clothes as fine as you.\"\nPlayer: Oh! That's a nice compliment.\nDM: \"Percival.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Journal promo for We're Alive: Frontier. Dry erase marker promo for Key Question\n How to Play: Grimm Forest\nDM: \"Ahem!\" You look and see that the Crownsguard are approaching. And there's the Starosta Kosh there with a rolled up piece of parchment which he presents with a broad smile. \"As you requested.\"\nPlayer: Thank you, kind sir.\nDM: \"Of course, it's everything I can do. Now, be on your way.\"\nPlayer: Fjord, it's your letter.\nDM: \"Go! Please.\"\nPlayer: Bye.\nDM: He huffs off, they all begin to leave as you guys go to your cart. The Watchmaster comes up one last time and they say, \"Sincerely, you've saved many lives and... A paltry sum I could get approved, but know that you have my gratitude.\"\nPlayer: Thank you, Bryce.\nDM: \"Of course. Good luck to you. I hope our paths cross again.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pike realizes she has seen this place in a vision, as well as a cavern of blue crystal beyond it. They decide to cross it.\nDM: 20? All right. As you focus your Telekinesis, the tentacle begins to shake and is pulled off her body. Kima wrenches herself free. She is not currently grappled.\nPlayer: Can I also go like, (bash) Stop hitting yourself! (all laugh)\nDM: The tentacle starts slapping around its body, and it looks confused. It's not enough to do any damage, but it looks unsure as to why it's having a hard time controlling its own limbs.\nPlayer: I give a nod to Kima.\nDM: Well done.\nPlayer: That's my turn.\nDM: All right, cool. Vax, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He tells them about his night with her, saying that he has now experienced the pleasures of the flesh. After a moment of talking, he pukes and confesses that women are not for him.\nDM: \"Yes, yes. We lost a few in the last altercations but we have a good long standing number of individuals who have stepped up and what was his name? The one that you brought in?\"\nPlayer: Jarett.\nDM: \"Jarett.\"\nPlayer: Is he still around?\nDM: \"He's been very useful. He's taken care of most of the low-end training but--\"\nPlayer: I would like to confer with him very quickly before I go to sleep but other than that we are back and I look forward to making this move forward tomorrow morning.\nDM: \"Good. Yes. Bring--\" She takes the sheet. \"Lady Vex'ahlia to breakfast in the morning and we shall discuss her position, responsibilities, and the necessity of the Hunt.\"\nPlayer: I will. Thank you.\nDM: \"Of course.\" She leans back in her chair and (sighs). \"I think it's time for bed.\" And she gets up and she goes and closes off the fireplace in the corner and throws a little bit of water onto it and puts out the candles in the room.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, To be honest with you, I thought we were going on a pleasure cruise. But you know, I\u2019ve met some people, and we\u2019ve had a great time, and yeah.\nDM: You do see two books that are laying on the shelf to your left amongst a set of candles. There's a small lantern. You see a set of navigation tools that are barely poking out of a small wooden box. Yeah, there are two books there. You can't quite see the binder, or if there is anything written on the sides. It's pretty plain-bound. Anyways, the door's closed. The captain looks to you and goes, \"All right, so now that you've agreed to become our friend, I would like to see the first test of you proving your loyalty. You have this item I require? You have it here? Where is it?\"\nPlayer: It's very dangerous. Before we tell you anything about it, we want to make sure that you know how to handle it.\nDM: \"Little goblin girl, trust me. I have a decent idea of what I'm doing.\"\nPlayer: A decent idea? We've seen it do things, scary things. We've seen someone melt while touching it.\nDM: Make a deception check.\nPlayer: That's a 12. Oh, minus three. A nine.\nDM: She goes-- nein-- \"Oh my goodness, that sounds terrible. Well, obviously we cannot have you touching it, then.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, \u275d'Cause I'm so bright. \u275e \u2014 Grog The duergar attack Vax, Grog, Vex, and Scanlan.\nDM: You look through the hole, and you can see pretty much the entire battlefield. You're just up here looking down through it.\nPlayer: Oh, wonderful.\nDM: You're currently the only one still up there.\nPlayer: Yes, I think I'll stay right here, thank you very much. And how tall is the roof? How high is it? 15 feet?\nDM: It's about 25 feet up?\nPlayer: Okay, wonderful, wonderful. So, let me see here. This is fun.\nDM: You are technically, because I can do it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: Un-grapple him? All right. I need you to go ahead and make a-- because this is not you in the grapple, this is him--\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: This is an athletics check.\nPlayer: Athletics check, goddammit Matt!\nDM: Acrobatics is to escape from it. To help somebody else you're having to actually physically force it off.\nPlayer: Plus-- that's shit. Shit. Luck. 11.\nDM: Nope. You try and grab, you're hacking at the side, but as you're hacking with the blade, you're watching as it's not quite beating past the hide of the tentacle around it.\nPlayer: Okay. I'm out.\nDM: Okay. Keyleth, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party awakens to a clean-shaven Caleb. They descend into the first chamber.\nDM: That's a natural one. You lucky son of a bitch! Through whatever grace your patron has granted upon you--\nPlayer: I'm in the water, man.\nDM: The merrow are too distracted with whatever they are in the process of doing to notice you slip and hit an elbow, send a pebble falling. You get low and finish tying it off. They don't notice.\nPlayer: Okay, great. I'll give it a gentle tug. Does it seem like the structure moves at all?\nDM: No. It seems pretty solid.\nPlayer: I'll take a deep breath and I'll use it to pull myself chest up towards the surface.\nDM: Easy enough. So after a few moments, Fjord emerges back where you guys are waiting.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you already vandalized with the Raven's Den and the Hearth of the Allhammer, and decides to skip the Valley Archive of the Cobalt Soul, since it's where Beau and Caleb are training and researching. She also decides against the King's Hall, since there are a lot of guards and it is the center of local law enforcement.\nDM: You vanish out of their grasp. \"What the?! How?\" Begins to just-- Pushing things over and looking around for wherever you may have gone. Next round, you appear ten feet from where you were. Where do you want to appear?\nPlayer: Out the doorway.\nDM: You appear in the doorway. The three guard are in the other chamber, and they are currently-- You can now see into the other room where you didn't run and it looks to be the bedchambers of the actual Kumas.\nPlayer: Oh, no.\nDM: You can hear him like, \"What's going on? I was trying to sleep.\" They're like, \"Ah, sir, there's a-- Wait.\"\nPlayer: I take off running.\nDM: As you go running down the hallway, at this point--\nPlayer: Oh, would I Blink again?\nDM: The two other crownsguard, who are currently guarding Nott-- you see now Nott is encapsulated in this bubble and is like, \"Ah!\" and one of them is pulling out chains and cuffs on them, and they're preparing to essentially arrest Nott once this bubble goes away. They both turn around in the middle of this scuffle, and see you running towards them.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She and Allura head out. Gilmore and Eskil also bid them goodnight.\nDM: Okay. You cast the spell, you reach out and touch the roots of the tree, the roots of which have more color than they did before. The dull gray has become more of a full brown. The earth here smells of fresh, damp earth. The tree, while still in the winter phase, is definitely teeming with life, to where it once didn't.\nPlayer: I reach out and I touch the roots. Can I just kind of feel, sense the arcane ley-lines that Allura was talking about that the tree's in the center of?\nDM: Mmm... not really. In speaking to the tree, you can ask questions, but you're not quite-- you find yourself unable to tune into that or tap into that source of magic. At this place, at least.\nPlayer: Okay. So I just reach out, touch the tree, and say, \"Hey, old friend. How are you feeling? Doing better?\"\nDM: \"Hey, bud. Much better.\"\nPlayer: You're pretty cool, Sun Tree.\nDM: \"Sun Tree, A-OK.\"\nPlayer: Hey, Sun Tree?\nDM: \"Yeah?\"\nPlayer: I was just wondering if you knew-- if you could tell me anything about this terrible cancerous tree in the Feywild, if you knew anything about it? He might be like your brother or something.\nDM: \"Tree cancer? What?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, K'Varn falls, but is immediately brought back to undeath by the Horn of Orcus. A ray from his eyestalk turns Kima to stone.\nDM: That's 15 points of psychic damage and is now trying to grapple the tentacles around the front of K'Varn-- The side of K'Varn's head. That brings us to Percy.\nPlayer: I'm going to hop on the magic carpet.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: And start heading in, and I'm going to get-- I'm going to get myself down and I'm taking a shot at the horn.\nDM: At the horn? All right. This is going to be at disadvantage.\nPlayer: Because I'm so close?\nDM: Because you're-- Because you're on the carpet flying down, making a specific shot at a very, very tiny object.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They return to the Blushing Tankard, where Ireena eplains the rules and introduces the defending champion team headed by Ol' Blemmy. The Nein outbid other teams for the right to compete, anteing 30 gold, and decide that Jester will sit out the contest, leaving their contestants as you, Caleb, Fjord, Molly, and Nott.\nDM: With that, the crowd starts picking up on Beau, and the name, \"Beau! Beau! Beau!\" begins to resonate through the crowd. You lock eyes with this gnomish woman and you can see there should be color, but the irises are gray-- slate gray-- and it puts you off. There's this intensity to her that you're like, \"Oh. This is--\"\nPlayer: Fjord, she has crazy eye.\nDM: Go ahead and roll.\nPlayer: Do I have advantage because people are chanting my name?\nDM: No. But people are definitely invested in this victory. Go ahead and make your first roll.\nPlayer: Don't fuck me, Gil. 16.\nDM: You both chug, slam it down at the same exact time. Both hold tight. It was a tie.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As Vedmire pulls back his sword to attack the hand, it slams towards him, shoving him off of the roof. you hears him impact with the ground.\nDM: 15? Okay. They both take 15 points of fire damage and the entirety of that space has now burst into flames. You pull back because the heat is intense, backdraft-style, as you're at the top.\nPlayer: Do my eyebrows burn off?\nDM: They don't burn off, but you feel they might be a little singed. You'd have to give it a few days to recover. And you hear screaming down inside the tunnel and both of them are currently dealing with the fact that they're on fire. So that's your movement, that's your bonus action. You still have an action.\nPlayer: Okay. I've got to get the hell out of here, guys. Okay, tell me this, DM.\nDM: Yes?\nPlayer: Dimension Door. Can it be used at higher levels?\nDM: Let me double-check on that, actually. I don't know if it can, but we'll find out.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon gaining consciousness, Grog drowns his sorrows in the familiar comforts of ale and whores. As Vox Machina are taking breakfast the next morning, they hear a horn blast signaling an attack on the city.\nDM: So you're drifting over here? Oh. No, you're just aiming at it. Okay. So. Back-to-back, you used the last of the sorcerer points to fire two Fireballs that explode, one after another. Go ahead and roll damage on both of them.\nPlayer: 20-- what is that?-- 29, 31, 35, 36, so that's 41.\nDM: 41 for the first one. That's almost straight sixes and fives. That's awesome.\nPlayer: 34, so that's 39.\nDM: 39. Were you adding five to each of those?\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: I don't think you're supposed to do that for Fireball.\nPlayer: It's any fire attack.\nDM: Oh, that's right, because you have the-- never mind. You do. Yes, that's right. I need a reflex save from Grog and from you, Vax.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Kashaw Vesh, a human cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: Largesse, you could use, yes. One by one, you make your way down until eventually you're, you begin to see towards the edge of your darkvision, floor finally begins to appear and rise towards you. You step off the ladder into what appears to be a small circular area that leads into another ten-foot-by-ten-foot tunnel, ten by 15 foot up, and continues forward. This is very natural carved earth, it's not smoothed stone, it just looks like a tunnel that was mined out of the floor.\nPlayer: Is it still dark?\nDM: It is still dark, there is no light source currently. And you all eventually make your way down.\nPlayer: Is there anything loose down there that I can grab a hold of?\nDM: You can't see anything. Mr. Human, you are in pitch-black darkness.\nPlayer: Well, that's why I'm wondering if I feel around underneath me to try to find some kind-- do I find a loose stone? Do I find a pebble? Can I find anything to grab?\nDM: Reach down, yeah, you manage to find a couple of small stones.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you shoots a Lightning Arrow at the prone guard currently being mauled by Keyleth the Dire Wolf. The electricity courses through him, and Keyleth and the invisible Sir Kerrion each receive a small shock as well.\nDM: Okay, 19. As it snaps and it bursts, the electricity shockwaves out, he shakes and on the ground takes in the effect. The blast seems to-- is it half damage if they make the save?\nPlayer: To the little prone guy?\nDM: No, it's to anybody within radius.\nPlayer: Anybody within radius takes 1d8 if they make the save and then 2d8 if they fail.\nDM: Okay, so roll 1d8.\nPlayer: One.\nDM: Okay. So one damage to you, and one damage to Sir Kerrion.\nPlayer: Oh.\nDM: You see a spark of energy around the invisible form as it wavers in place.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group eventually finds a place where they camp for the night. While they're there, Fjord convinces Jester to invite Avantika and Jamedi into Caleb's Tiny Hut.\nDM: It is going to move, jump down from here, and begin to move this way to flank you, Caduceus. Now flanking you, is going to attempt to strike at you twice. Good to know, I forgot about that. Bite, this one's claws, so it's going to be with advantage. Okay, that is going to make it an 18 to hit.\nPlayer: Why is it advantage?\nDM: Because they're flanking you.\nPlayer: Oh, goddamn it. Yeah, that hits.\nDM: All right, so the bite attack. You take six points of piercing damage and the snakes snap at you. That is going to be a 19.\nPlayer: That also hits.\nDM: You take another-- ooh, that's ten points of piercing damage. At this point, as you're between the two of them, the one behind you that just put Jester to sleep, all its snakes snap around you, the back of your head and your neck and your shoulders, and you feel the poison through your veins. Roll another constitution saving throw, please.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord enters first, seeing signs of a fight and spatters of weeks-old blood. A 30-inch hole descends below the tree, and Nott goes first, using Feather Fall when she slips.\nDM: Okay. Glancing past and taking a look; there's nobody that you've seen before that is amongst this crew. They all appear to be darkly dressed, generally to keep out of sight. You do see two of the members there that have an accumulation of neck tattoos. You've seen the ones back in Zadash that were almost full bands of designs. These individuals have only sections of it. You start getting the idea that the more they've worked with whatever organization that work this is, the more completion they've had of certain jobs depending on what the job is, a certain type of individual acquires tattoos as a sign of how long they've been there and how successful they've been.\nPlayer: That's cool. Okay. So they all seem like smugglers?\nDM: At one point possibly.\nPlayer: Can I do a quick round of their pockets?\nDM: Investigation check.\nPlayer: Okay. Just real quick!\nDM: With disadvantage, because it's quick.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Issue #5 can be downloaded from Comixology, the Dark Horse Comics app, and (according to Liam) LaserDisc. Matt will be flying out tonight for Lexington, Kentucky, so he can appear at Lexington Comic & Toy Con this weekend.\nDM: Yeah, but it'll be great. I'll be at the Lexington Toy and Comic Convention to hang out with a bunch of you guys out there in Kentucky! If you haven't already decided to go, and you're in the vicinity, please come! We'll have panels and signings and be around. We can hang out, swap stories, and be general nerds.\nPlayer: Are you leaving from here to there?\nDM: I'm leaving from here to home, to pack, and then leaving.\nPlayer: You haven't packed!\nDM: I had to finish campaign prep.\nPlayer: Oh no, Matthew.\nDM: It's a sprint every day! It'll be fine. Laura, you had an announcement.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex yells, Hold! Vax throws his Serpent Belt at the duergar, who ducks, slapping it away and kicks the door closed.\nDM: You are way back in this cell, and you hear a slam of broken wood and another slam of a door closing.\nPlayer: I'm going to run to the hall.\nDM: Make an acrobatics check to try and move through this cluster of people here.\nPlayer: I can do that. 24.\nDM: 24. You leap over, vaulting off of Trinket, land and move into this hallway. And that's the extent of your movement.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to try and take a shot and blow the lock.\nDM: Okay, with the Bad News or with your--?\nPlayer: Oh no, Bad News is away. This is just with the handheld, shooting at the lock at the door.\nDM: Okay, go for it.\nPlayer: Jesus H, 30.\nDM: Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: 9 points of damage.\nDM: 9 points of damage. As the door slams back and you prepare yourself to try and kick it open, you hear the familiar (zoom SFX) of one of Percy's pepperbox bullets as the actual handle of the door (impact SFX) gets blown off and there's a small hole in the wooden door now where its handle once was. The door swings open a little bit loosely due to the impact. That ends your turn.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, you douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: That's right, I forgot to put the undead guy on the initiative order which he would have gotten a round. We'll say you and him go simultaneously at this point since you engaged him.\nPlayer: That's fine because that's a 19 to hit?\nDM: That's a 13 to hit you. What's your armor class?\nPlayer: 15.\nDM: Yeah, even as it goes to strike at you with some sort of rusted battleaxe, you still manage to lift your foot out of the way and strike down towards it.\nPlayer: This is with the good sword, so this-- ooh, so this is (counting) 13 points of damage?\nDM: That's adding your wisdom modifier?\nPlayer: That's adding my wisdom.\nDM: That'll do it. You shatter it with a strike. As it attempts to swing towards you with the axe, you duck out of the way, spin around, and backhand it with your right enchanted scimitar, watching the bones (boom) explode and scatter across the ground. Like so many pebbles being thrown across the floor.\nPlayer: With my off-hand, I'm going to take a swipe for the hyena over there.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: Come on. There we go! 20 to hit.\nDM: That hits. Roll damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before this happened, as a part of a journey towards this Tri-Spire, both Caleb and Jester made their way there. Caleb unsuccessfully entering a nicer district of the city that did not seem to believe or respect his presentation.\nDM: Well, he's checked all his things, and he goes, \"Okay, I thank you all so much for your help. I really appreciate it. You've saved my life.\"\nPlayer: I'm going to do that lean up against the wall thing over the top of him.\nDM: Okay, as he's doing this, he smiles. You can see he's missing two teeth to the side and he has a septum piercing up in his nose that he rights and pulls back down again so it's visible and he's like, \"(sniff) All right.\"\nPlayer: You real thankful?\nDM: \"Yeah.\"\nPlayer: Real grateful? You feel like we did you a good service today?\nDM: \"I'd happily pay you, but your friend already took all my money.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He sees another statue, Vandran, which he also destroys. He ascends out of the water into a dark stone chamber, with a carving of a serpent with multiple carved eyes on its body. Watching.\nDM: He gives like a look to the Captain, the Captain's like. \"There are a number of lizard folk that patrol the outskirts of the island calling it home, hunting. I could not quite suss out the source of where their society is, but they seem to live on the exterior of the island. Further in, I did find the temple, but it is not abandoned. There are villages of snake men that surround this stone shrine. Their mutations are various and strange. I managed to avoid being seen and I made it to the initial interior chambers of this village, of this stone obelisk of a temple, but I surmised it would be best if I went further with aid of those who were capable of defending themselves. So I came back. I do have a path that I think is of, how you say, least resistance, so I would say bring what is important to perhaps deal with lizards and snakes.\"\nPlayer: These lizard and snake people.\nDM: \"Yes?\"\nPlayer: Did they seem nice?\nDM: \"No.\"\nPlayer: Did you see any snake and lizard women and children?\nDM: \"There were various of both sexes and perhaps between. I do not know the full idea of these creatures' physiology.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They decide to inquire with the dragonborn, Vax keeping an eye on the masked person. The dragonborn, introducing himself as Treev Bonebreaker, is visibly annoyed about being disturbed as you inquires about staying the night.\nDM: He's spacing out. As soon as you approach he goes, (groans) \"What do you want, bothering a fellow in mid-fantasy?\"\nPlayer: Sorry, sir.\nDM: \"What can I do for you?\"\nPlayer: We're interested in a room for the night, actually.\nDM: \"All right, well, what's your name?\"\nPlayer: Vex'ahlia.\nDM: \"Vex'ahlia. Treev. Treev Bonebreaker.\" And grabs your arm. As opposed to a handshake, like a full-on forearm, meaty grasp. Treev. T-R-E-E-V. \"Treev Bonebreaker. Current caretaker of this fine establishment. Looking for rooms? I've got three available.\"\nPlayer: Wonderful. Mind if I sit down?\nDM: \"At this rate, sure. I doubt I'm going to find myself back to that dream. Anyway, what do you and your rather scrawny-looking friend there have to say?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you casts Major Image to create the image of a manticore behind where the snake figure is. The Nein run out towards the temple.\nDM: Well, no, that was the last time. He rolled a natural eight, so he's still holding onto you. He's blind, but he's holding on to you. The scimitar's out and he's swinging it wildly at whatever's in the area now that it can't see and is (gnashing).\nPlayer: Can I take the sword and take a shot right at his wrist that's holding her? With the hand that's holding onto Jester?\nDM: Sure. It's going to be at a major penalty.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: So go ahead and roll.\nPlayer: 17.\nDM: 17? Okay. Go ahead and roll damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Meanwhile, Pike gets her hair done at a salon they find, and the group heads back to their rooms for the night. When you and Percy go back to their room, they encounter the two hounds and a terrific mess.\nDM: Okay. As you rush off to the front counter, you can see Guath, the Marquesian, is still there. He's in the process of going through the books, making sure he's keeping everything tidy and he sees you approach. \"Ah, hello! Is there anything of--\"\nPlayer: Who-- Hi.\nDM: \"Hello.\"\nPlayer: Who was in our room? Did you send anyone to our room?\nDM: \"Uh. Yes. Yes, there was--\"\nPlayer: Who was it?\nDM: \"The other who looks like you. He came by and said that he was supposed to put the-- We had to send--\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The next day, before leaving town, the party collects payment for their gnoll ears from Bryce. When asked again for their party name, they settle on The Mighty Nein.\nDM: As you guys are getting your stuff situated onto the cart, eventually you watch as four crownsguard approach along with Bryce and the small robed gnomish figure of Starosta Kosh. \"Right, I've been summoned. What is your business?\"\nPlayer: Yes. Hi! Starosta, it's so wonderful to see you again.\nDM: \"I've been told that you did a great service for Alfield and for that I am very thankful.\"\nPlayer: Yes. I was thinking a really good thing you could do for us in return is to give my friend Fjord here a letter of recommendation to the Academy.\nDM: \"What?\"\nPlayer: He did a great service to your city.\nDM: \"And you have been paid handsomely for it. As the Watchmaster has notified me.\"\nPlayer: Starosta, it's good to see you again. It's been a while, about, hold on. I get out my sketchbook and I look through it. Maybe like eight years almost? Your hair hasn't changed though, you should change it.\nDM: \"I'm confused? This is strange, but no I believe that our business is complete.\"\nPlayer: The Ruby of The Sea says hello.\nDM: You watch as his face loses color. His hand drops to his side. \"Um. I will be happy to write you a letter of recommendation, but I cannot assure you that it will be accepted as there are many points of acceptance within the Academy. And is quite a bit of travel to Rexxentrum anyway. Is this to the actual Soltryce?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, To be honest with you, I thought we were going on a pleasure cruise. But you know, I\u2019ve met some people, and we\u2019ve had a great time, and yeah.\nDM: Right now you look up and you can see through Frumpkin's vision, down on the deck, Frumpkin has a view from above and is present. The captain continues. \"Well, then my next question is, what are you planning here? Why have you gone to all this trouble to kill my crew, to bring the ship right back to me and then, to be perfectly honest, prostrate yourself before us?\"\nPlayer: Well I imagine there must be a hefty reward for the item that you seek. We went through great troubles just to acquire it.\nDM: \"Troubles?\"\nPlayer: Perhaps.\nDM: \"Do you know the purpose of this item?\"\nPlayer: Yep. [laughter]\nDM: She looks at you with an eye that has tore through a thousand lies, and gives a surprising smile of acknowledgement. \"Interesting. Well, you've proven that you are talented, at least, to have survived this far. But I'm a bigger fan of loyalty. Talent and loyalty, well, that is obviously my birthday. As it stands, The Mighty Nein, there are two paths you can walk. You, one, could live under the crew and proves yourselves as both skilled and as trustworthy as I hope you may be, if our goals are indeed aligned. Perhaps even join us, if the deeds please me. Or two, we weigh your corpses down with rocks and leave you here amongst the reef.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nothing happens. Molly and Beau go back up the stairs, and pry out one of the glowing light rocks.\nDM: This giant cat paw has grasped around and is holding the cube in place, its claws dug into it, made of earth and dirt and stone.\nPlayer: I have a question, is there any light in here at all?\nDM: Aside from the torch that Yasha has, no.\nPlayer: Okay so there's dim light then, from the torch.\nDM: There is, yeah.\nPlayer: Because my globules are gone.\nDM: Yes, they are very gone. Well, the torch has been your main light source since you--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A charmed Vax steps forward and shields Delilah from Percy. Grog hides behind a pillar and waits for an opening.\nDM: Leaping out of the smoke, (whoosh) with an unnatural speed, Sylas, jumping in the air, pulling from the scabbard on his back a long, onyx two-handed sword you've seen once before. Leaps and lands right before you, Percy.\nPlayer: He can see me? He can find me in the smoke?\nDM: He leapt out of the smoke.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: And has a really high passive perception. He leaps and lands right before you with this grin on his face, the blade out in front of him, and says, \"Boy, you poke where you shouldn't.\" And goes in for three attacks on you with his blade. That's a natural two, so 12? Oh, no that would be 14? That is a 34?\nPlayer: 34 hits. The other two do not.\nDM: Oh, 24?\nPlayer: 24 still hits.\nDM: And then that would be his turn, so two hits.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about you's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel.\nDM: All right, so the spear attack, it's going to, as it climbs to the top and lunges out with its arm. Go ahead and make an attack roll for me.\nPlayer: Oh, okay. Plus anything?\nDM: It is plus five.\nPlayer: That's a 20.\nDM: Sorry, plus four.\nPlayer: That's a 19.\nDM: 19 definitely hits. Go ahead and roll 1d6 damage plus two. Two hands technically, so that would be 1d8. Sorry.\nPlayer: Yeah, that's much better. Nine.\nDM: Nine. Nein! It jams the spear with both hands into its friend and the gnoll yelps and grabs it and pulls it out and looks at it confused and angry. Trying to figure out what exactly happened. As it does so, it's going to attempt to shove it off the wall that just hit it. Make a roll for the athletics check of the other gnoll.\nPlayer: Adding my modifier or its?\nDM: Its modifier.\nPlayer: 16 plus?\nDM: 16 plus two. It beat it. It rolled a 17. After it gets stabbed and looks back at the gnoll that you took control and Sparta-kicks it off of the edge of the roof. It slides and tumbles down, landing onto the ground prone right next to Molly. It does suffer one point of falling damage. Molly, you watch as it tumbles and hits the dirt next to you and it's like (groans). You watch as this mystical crown of weird iron horns are floating above its head.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: Nice. As soon as you empty those out, you get back and go into your defensive position, preparing for any sort of assault. Caleb?\nPlayer: The effect of that hasn't taken place yet, correct?\nDM: The ball bearings, in this moment, are now clattering down into the ground.\nPlayer: Did Fjord hit one successfully?\nDM: He did, yes.\nPlayer: That same one? I am just going to Fire Bolt it. From yeah, yeah.\nDM: Roll for an attack.\nPlayer: Fire Bolt. That is an attack range guy, plus six that is a 15 to hit.\nDM: That hits, just barely.\nPlayer: The damage is seven.\nDM: Seven points of damage. The one that you had hexed suddenly goes up into flames with a (dying scream) and falls back onto the ground.\nPlayer: I'll use my movement to back up about 15 feet just outside of the chamber.\nDM: You are just there. As the flash of red light arcs from his finger and lights up the path before it impacts and kills the gnoll, Caleb then steps back into the shadows, trying to get out of the way. Nott?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They learn that the corpse was killed by a woman who was not supposed to be there, some 14 weeks ago. The corpse has since seen others pass by, particularly a dwarf.\nDM: Okay. You (sniffs) and it clears your sinuses up pretty well. Much like a fresh dab of wasabi, your nostrils are a little more open. Because it's not sulfurous, it doesn't have something similar to what you'd find in smithing in your experience, at the very least. It's hard to really place where it comes from. You said you're going which way?\nPlayer: Towards that other door that they did not come out of.\nDM: This here? All right.\nPlayer: 23 I rolled, perception.\nDM: 23. You approach the door. This door is locked. It does not appear to be trapped.\nPlayer: Okay. Let's unlock it.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: That is a 21.\nDM: Okay. As you reach down to the lock and you place the picks inside, start fiddling, you look at the iron around it, and the actual metal seems to be frosting over. You pull back your head, and as you exhale, your breath becomes visible and the temperature seems to drop significantly, and as soon as you look up at the wood, something shimmers in the wood, and it's a humanoid face that just pushes out of the wood.\nPlayer: Can I use Uncanny Dodge to roll backward right now?\nDM: Right now?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: \"I've seen him around. Haven't really... I talked to him once. I'll level with you. Went to him for a little training after our first fight.\"\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: \"Um. Says I'm a little too angry to pursue his path.\"\nPlayer: Angry?\nDM: \"I got a lot of pent-up rage the way I was raised.\"\nPlayer: Family issues? Tell me about it.\nDM: \"Tell me about it. (chuckles) Well, half my folks are bloodthirsty, wandering barbarians in the Northern Wastes.\"\nPlayer: No way!\nDM: \"Yeah. What, you think being a half-orc's great? No! It's bullshit!\"\nPlayer: I know! You think goliath is any better? It's the same fucking thing!\nDM: \"At least you're made for this weather! It's cold out here!\"\nPlayer: That's true, it is fucking cold out here.\nDM: \"Yeah, it is.\"\nPlayer: I can only imagine. I'm really sorry I took your lip off, by the way.\nDM: \"Sorry I took yours off, too.\"\nPlayer: That's true. Mine healed better.\nDM: \"Yeah.\"\nPlayer: Hey, so. When you trained with him, because you were doing all that yoga pilates stuff. Did it help you out?\nDM: \"Well, obviously not, really.\"\nPlayer: Right. What did he ask in exchange for the tutorial?\nDM: \"He didn't ask for any pay. He--\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord asks Caleb to keep an eye on Avantika, and seems to be asking Caleb to take over for him if things get out of hand. At the end of the conversation, Caleb warns Fjord via Message that he believes Avantika will try to kill him, and Fjord agrees.\nDM: A few more days' travel to Darktow. A couple of moments here. In one night that you are in your room sketching your book, testing out some of your new paints, you feel a hand on your shoulder. You glance over and you can see the pale, soft fingers and a dark greenish sleeve resting there. You glance over to the side and you can see the draping hood and the slight curved smile across the angular chin of the Traveler protruding from beneath the cloak.\nPlayer: Hi.\nDM: \"Hello. I see you found a new toy.\"\nPlayer: I have magical paint!\nDM: \"Well I'm quite excited at the things you're capable of, Jester. How are things?\"\nPlayer: They're pretty good. Did you want me to make you something with the paint?\nDM: \"Surprise me.\"\nPlayer: Okay. Um, Traveler?\nDM: \"Yes, my dear?\"\nPlayer: Are you having fun on our trip?\nDM: \"Yes, I've been... pleasantly surprised.\"\nPlayer: We're pirates!\nDM: \"I know, your tenacity is impressive.\"\nPlayer: We stole things, but they gave something back just like you always teach, you know?\nDM: \"Maintain that balance. That seed of chaos.\"\nPlayer: Traveler, how do I make a boy like me?\nDM: \"Well there are many different enchantments that could achieve the goals you seek.\"\nPlayer: I don't know if I want to do it with an enchantment.\nDM: \"Trickery?\"\nPlayer: Maybe?\nDM: \"Listen. Listen to what piques his interest. And then happen to be the source when he needs it. If that fails, there are plenty of enchantments that can sway his mind.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan throws out a fireball, hitting two of the lackeys. The mage uses Misty Step and Scanlan tries to counterspell his attack, inspiring himself with fusaka.\nDM: Yeah, you can do that. So half damage. All righty, the other one who's in front of you, Grog, and is scared out of his mind is going to attempt to step back.\nPlayer: Well, that's one way to die.\nDM: So go ahead and take your-- he does not want to be in your face.\nPlayer: That's 29.\nDM: That hits. Roll damage.\nPlayer: Can I make that Great Weapon-- I have to say that before.\nDM: Yeah, no. It's too late.\nPlayer: 16 points of damage. One necrotic.\nDM: 16. You arc back. This time you jam it into the leg, and you see him now limping, one eye is like half closed and swollen, breathing heavy. One arm is busted and is still holding the pistol up, and points it toward you. He's going to take three shots with the pistol that's already loaded, now that he got rid of the big gun. The first one is going to be (shouting) 12!\nPlayer: Misses!\nDM: You dodge to the side. Next shot is 25.\nPlayer: That'll hit.\nDM: This one will be eight points of piercing damage.\nPlayer: Okay, halved to four.\nDM: And this one it's going to use all three grit points that it has to do a triple Violent Shot.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex tells Trinket to chase after her. The bear catches up to the devil and begins clawing and biting at her, causing her to scream.\nDM: Not an issue. You get up there right with Trinket, we'll say for the purposes of this tiny alley, you're in an uncomfortably close, due to your both massive sizes, you have to move to the side around Trinket and come down with the hammer if you want.\nPlayer: Yeah. Two, please. Reckless! 33.\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: Okay. Oh, I reroll that, because that's a one. That's a two. 18. 18 points.\nDM: 18 points of damage, all righty.\nPlayer: Reckless. 36.\nDM: That hits. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: 23 points of damage.\nDM: All righty. As you slam into it multiple times, the hammer reaching around the side of Trinket, it's being pushed against the wall and you can see she has this giant slash mark on the chest, a big part of the neck has been torn out, and you start bludgeoning her on the side of the shoulder, and she's (growling noises) is really, really frustrated. That ends your turn, Grog. Taryon, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As the surviving skeletons converge on Pike, you jumps off the wall towards her. Three of the skeletons reach Pike and take swipes at her, but the cleric's shield and armor easily deflect the attacks.\nDM: So, if you're just physically punching, this is strength-based. So roll a d20. Add your strength modifier and your proficiency-- although it's unarmed strike, so I don't know if you're proficient with unarmed strikes...\nPlayer: No, that's fine. so the first one misses entirely.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: And the second one is-- oh, this is probably fine for skeletons. 12, 13, 14.\nDM: What did you roll on the dice?\nPlayer: 11.\nDM: Yeah, you hit.\nPlayer: Okay, that's the right hand with the symbol.\nDM: The symbol of Sarenrae, okay. Go ahead and roll 1d2 plus your strength modifier damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy tells her that he forgives her, but he cannot let her leave. She attempts to cast a fireball spell and Scanlan counterspells it.\nDM: Right there? That will get you out of his melee range, but he will get an attack of opportunity on you.\nPlayer: That's all right.\nDM: All right. He will take his attack of opportunity on you.\nPlayer: At disadvantage.\nDM: Yes. At disadvantage, also because of the sunlight. So that's 25 and 19.\nPlayer: Misses.\nDM: You duck underneath. All right, finishing Vax's turn. Keyleth, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party continued in the direction Jester sensed the orb through Locate Object. Jester's spell fades.\nDM: You feel this small push on your shoulder and you see Nott drift upside down in front of you. As the merrow who pulled you in with this terrible, toothy grimace and starts going (chuckling) and is bowling over, chuckling. It's a weird moment. That finishes Nott's go. Caleb, you're up.\nPlayer: So those two are incapacitated in this second, right?\nDM: That one is incapacitated.\nPlayer: The one on top is not?\nDM: No, he's just held in place.\nPlayer: Okay. Well then, I will cast Slow on the shallow priest and the one that's laughing in front of me as well as I back away.\nDM: All righty.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With that, the two ghosts flee into the nearest wall. With two of their members now severely hurt, the party decide to take a short rest, Keyleth preparing a Heroes' Feast for them while they sit.\nDM: As you look inside, you walk up to the liquid. It looks like there is a very slow flow to it, coming at an angle. It's very thick and looks like it's melted through the basis of the floor and almost like it would continue under, around, and out of this room into whatever is beyond. You get a feeling there is something to why this part of the prison was probably abandoned.\nPlayer: Wait a tic. Wait a sec. I back out slowly, and I'm going to creep back to the other door. That other one, yeah. Perception check there, as well. That's 16.\nDM: Okay. The door is not currently locked.\nPlayer: Okay, and does that count for the traps, as well?\nDM: Yeah, it's not trapped, either.\nPlayer: Okay, so I'm going to open it an inch and see what I can see.\nDM: Look inside. There is a large collapsed pile of rubble. Whatever this room once was has entirely collapsed on itself. You can see, it's pushed up against the door. Something made this room inert, and it's not currently functional.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, When the pair reaches the outskirts of the walls, Scanlan casts Invisibility on them both. Now unable to see the eagle he's riding on, Scanlan holds her tightly around the neck.\nDM: -- human physiology. You get two fistfuls of feathers. And you really don't want an eagle to buck you angrily at this height. I don't think you have Featherfall so that wouldn't go well. Looking over Whitestone, you can see outside of the city there are some areas where the trees are carved out, and there is farmland set up specifically to grow food and to till to maintain sustenance for the people that live there. You can see that there's a small area that's also being cut for timber. Not a perpetual thing, but the wood here is, you've heard previously, one of the major exports here is very high-quality timber from this type of tree that is used for very exquisite woodcraft and furniture. So that's one of the major exports of Whitestone as well as the quartz from the mines itself. There are people in the city, but sparse. Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Can I also make a perception check?\nDM: You may.\nPlayer: With my eagle vision?\nDM: (singsong) You may.\nPlayer: 14, so that's 24. And I have Keen Sight, which means I have advantage on all perception checks.\nDM: Yes, you do.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb and you share that they both know how to waltz. When he asks her to name three more hidden skills she has, she lists painting, baking cinnamon scones, and the third thing is something that she wants to talk to Fjord about because if he's that inexperienced, maybe he should take some lessons.\nDM: Actually, as you guys are fogging up the window, you pull back and look to the left, and you can see this adorable little gnome girl with deep tan skin, her hair pulled in these cute little puffy buns in the side of her head, and she has this little basket that is just filled with these different-colored silk-material flowers. She's standing there, smiling, and you can see an older gnome sitting in a rocking chair behind her with a big old pipe coming out of his mouth as the hat is half-covering his face and he's just sitting there, rocking next to her.\nPlayer: I hop over next to her. (gasps) I've been looking everywhere for you.\nDM: \"Really?\"\nPlayer: Mm-hmm.\nDM: \"Hi.\"\nPlayer: You have the best flowers I've ever seen and I would like to buy some.\nDM: \"Oh, my goodness. Thank you so much. Okay.\"\nPlayer: How much is a flower?\nDM: \"Dad, how much is a flower?\" The guy sitting there rocking goes, \"Take them a silver apiece. Sorry, copper.\"\nPlayer: A copper apiece.\nDM: \"Yeah.\"\nPlayer: I will buy--\nDM: \"Copper.\"\nPlayer: I will buy ten flowers from you.\nDM: \"You will get ten flowers from me. Lickety-split.\" She goes and takes out a handful, counts them in your hand, \"One, two--\"\nPlayer: How old are you?\nDM: \"--three-- I am five.\"\nPlayer: You are five? That's wonderful. Does your dad take good care of you?\nDM: \"Yes. He's a good dad.\"\nPlayer: Are you a good dad?\nDM: \"What number is that?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog rages and takes two big swings at the door, cleaving it in two, and moves into the room. Vax pulls free of the mind flayer's grasp and stabs it with his Dagger of Venom, killing it.\nDM: All right. That brings us to Clarota, who's currently stunned and fails save, Clarota's still stunned. Tiberius.\nPlayer: I look through the door.\nDM: Look through the door.\nPlayer: What's going on in here? Are there any enemies I can see?\nDM: You can see over here, barely. It's very dark in the far corner, you can see just the shape of some humanoid there.\nPlayer: Oh. Okay, is he--\nDM: What are you doing, Tiberius?\nPlayer: How tall is the thing?\nDM: From what you can see, it's maybe roughly six, seven feet. Grog's blocking most of it.\nPlayer: No, like, we're in a bunker, right?\nDM: Right now, you're in this giant great hall with giant tables and stools everywhere.\nPlayer: And the ceiling is--\nDM: You can't see the ceiling right now, there's no light.\nPlayer: Oh.\nDM: The room is near pitch-black, like there's just very little light in there currently.\nPlayer: I will waltz in behind Grog.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: I cast Light.\nDM: Okay. The room all of a sudden bursts into view, you can now see the walls, the ceiling-- it's a smooth stone room. There is a large chandelier currently hanging from the top of the ceiling. It's about 25 feet up to the ceiling in this current room.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, To avoid showing his face to the Briarwoods, Percy disguises himself as Vax, and Scanlan casts Invisibility on the real Vax.\nDM: As you approach, you make yourselves known. The guards lead you to the front area of the palace. The sun's just starting to hit the distant side of the water of the Ozmit Sea to the west of Emon. As you guys finish talking to the front guard that you've arrived, Seeker Asum steps out of the front of the palace and sees you. \"Very good. Glad you could make it. Please enter. I will wish to speak with you briefly before the event this evening.\"\nPlayer: Of course.\nDM: \"Are you missing anyone?\"\nPlayer: Oh, yes. Percy wasn't feeling very well. He ended up staying home.\nDM: Make a deception check.\nPlayer: 11.\nDM: \"Very well. That's unfortunate. His skills could have been of use to me. Come inside.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There is the sound of stone grating once again, but the glass walls do not move. Instead, two large bronze tubes push outwards into the room.\nDM: Sylas leans forward and puts his hand to the glass and says, \"And hello to you, too. And welcome to all of you. Well, my dear.\" At which point Delilah steps forward and goes, \"I was hoping for a more formal reunion, but you insisted on riling up the populace and tying up the bulk of our forces. Rather unfortunate, really.\"\nPlayer: Now, the door's open behind them, right? If I use perception, do I see anything behind them, any switch or lever or anything?\nDM: Go ahead and make a perception check.\nPlayer: 20.\nDM: 20. Looking across the way, but barely able to peer past them with very little light in the distortion of the glass, you can see what seems to be some sort of a smooth stone placard that's embedded in the wall just on the other side of the door.\nPlayer: Just outside the door.\nDM: Yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party managed to make their way outside of Emberhold proper, and they've all taken a moment to breathe, at this point realizing that, thankfully, for the most part they've all survived, aside from the missing party member and a few in a state of flux at the moment.\nDM: Your mark? Wait, your mark, your Hunter's Mark, which you can feel, the magic of it is slowly waning as the spell comes to the end of its effective period, is moving.\nPlayer: (gasps) Where's it moving?\nDM: It's moving out of the city.\nPlayer: Where, which direction?\nDM: Best you can tell, it's heading towards the opposite side of the cavern towards where it curves down, deeper and below.\nPlayer: Wait. Where is that in relation to us?\nDM: To where you guys are? If you're looking out from next to the Emberhold, it's to your right, curving down and around.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Upon gaining consciousness, Grog drowns his sorrows in the familiar comforts of ale and whores. As Vox Machina are taking breakfast the next morning, they hear a horn blast signaling an attack on the city.\nDM: That was a little unfortunate. Trinket can still move and finish off the round, if you'd like. That was only one of your attacks.\nPlayer: All right. Can Trinket run up and fight alongside Grog? All right, he's going to do that.\nDM: Trinket runs up, runs up the ramp, claws out (roars).\nPlayer: Gets two attacks because of bestial fury. Jeez. Okay, I'm going to roll my Trinket dice now. Don't kill me now. Okay. I don't even know. 16.\nDM: 16 does not hit.\nPlayer: Cool. 19.\nDM: 19 does hit.\nPlayer: All right. (fake-cries) Okay. 13.\nDM: 13.\nPlayer: Does he get Hunter's Mark?\nDM: I would say yes, because he is your bear, I'll let that happen.\nPlayer: Yes he does! That's another five.\nDM: Nice, so 18 points of damage from Trinket. As Trinket runs up, one claw swings through the air, and as the head rears back, seeing this new bear that's joined the fray, reaches out and clamps onto its throat with its jaws, tearing a chunk of its flesh out.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina made the relatively grim journey back to the mountainside, finding it now brimming with volcanic rock and volcanic activity that previously lay dormant. Upon climbing the side of the mountain, you found remnants of the Pyrah tribe still alive and making their way up the mountain, as damaged as they are, in hopes of sealing this now progressively swelling tear between the prime Material Plane and the Elemental Plane of Fire.\nDM: Go for it. So you watch as this muscle-bound goliath comes leaping around the corner as it affixes a chain to the edge of its weapon, flinging a two-handed sword like a giant boomerang and--\nPlayer: Only 14.\nDM: 14, against the larger one?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Unfortunately, it makes an impact, but it just ricochets off of its plated body armor, and then tumbles to the ground. You can go ahead and make your--\nPlayer: Thing to pull it back. Strength. 18.\nDM: Okay, no problem. You pull it back with the chain and catch it mid-air. Ending your turn there?\nPlayer: Keeping my rage.\nDM: Indeed. Vax, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth polymorphs Grog into a gorilla, and she herself Beast Shapes into a giant eagle. Everyone moves through the bog canopy and enters a shaded nightfall in proximity to the giant tree.\nDM: \"You mistake. My intent is not to hurt, but to understand. I see lots of my youth in you. We are not as different as you may think. You have things I do not. Companionship. I have been without for so very long. And the ones I have let in have hurt me so very deeply.\" His eyes actually cast away from you for a second and he steps back into place. Almost seems to, his confident form withdraws into this almost hanging, sad position.\nPlayer: You've been betrayed.\nDM: We all have in some degree, yes.\nPlayer: Is that why you are what you are now?\nDM: I don't even remember. I just know that I'm alone and she left me there.\nPlayer: She? Who is she?\nDM: Memories have faded. I just want someone to understand me, that's all. Can you understand me?\nPlayer: Sondur. I understand.\nDM: \"Is there trust in you?\" His form steps forward once more, his head tilted, looking at you curiously.\nPlayer: You want to be loved.\nDM: I wish a bond. A companion once more. Would you embrace me? Embrace your rebirth? I could give you so much.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caleb moves into a sheltered spot and sits down, watching as one of the caged prisoners' hands slips out of its chain holding the long metal object. It is Shak\u00e4ste.\nDM: Finishing Shak\u00e4ste's run, Ruzza has darted to the back there. Let's see, that brings us-- Ruzza's going to hold her action. Nott, you're up next.\nPlayer: Is Protto still in the room?\nDM: Protto is out of the room, but Protto is moving through the hall further down that way.\nPlayer: Can I see him?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: I would like to shoot him. But first, I'll run closer so I'm within 30 feet.\nDM: You run to within 30 feet?\nPlayer: Yeah. Oh god. There's probably traps. Oh shit.\nDM: There you go. That's about 25, 30 feet right there.\nPlayer: Did I die?\nDM: No.\nPlayer: Okay, cool. I will shoot my crossbow. Oh, that's no good. 12. No, 13!\nDM: 13 does not hit. Protto ducks out of the way as it hits some of the stone wall, sparking before it lands harmlessly on the wall to the back.\nPlayer: One more shot, bonus action. That's better, 19!\nDM: 19 does hit, roll damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you asks if anyone has any blueprints of the Gear Warden so they can make a plan of attack, but Rissa doesn't like the idea of going back to her father. Beau suggests picking up a pie for Rissa's dad on the way home.\nDM: \"Maybe.\" He looks at Rissa. \"Rissa, would you mind bringing your old pops with you?\" She's like, \"Only to the door, Dad, then you can come back.\" She glares over the two of you. \"If that's necessary.\"\nPlayer: Whatever works.\nDM: \"Fine, come along, then. We'll close up behind, get your keys.\" \"Oh, I haven't been down for a proper walk with friends in some time, I'm so excited!\"\nPlayer: We should get some honey or something. I bet some honey on the lens would be a real pain in the ass.\nDM: He takes the last bit of meat pie and shoves it in his mouth real fast.\nPlayer: Do you have any honey?\nDM: (unintelligible shouting)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Wary of its toxins, they all stay out of melee range. When the troll gets to its feet, it moves closer to Beau and Yasha, hitting them both with its poison spray and poisoning Yasha, but she shrugs it off at the end of her turn.\nDM: As you carve past, with a third, final swing towards it, you cut through a portion of muscle and tendon on its arm there, which immediately slips, dull to one side, unmoving. The spray splashes back in your face for only five points of poison damage. And it's coming into you. As soon as that arm goes limp, the muscle reconnects and the arm comes back with strength, angrily. It's going to swing. It's going to take a bite and two claw attacks against you.\nPlayer: He's also going to, of course, Curse of the Eyeless.\nDM: You can't. You already used your reaction to attack him.\nPlayer: Oh, that was my reaction. Never mind.\nDM: Sorry, buddy.\nPlayer: That's all right.\nDM: For its bite attack against you, its jaws open, Fjord. That is going to be a 26.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Many of the townsfolk gathered at that square were immediately killed. The party, as well as a few other straggling survivors, ran away as both the gargantuan black and green dragons began to chase them down.\nDM: All right, as you guys move into the foyer to follow, you see Vax having this conversation with Laina. She and Erwin go head back down, to head down to the workshop. What are you doing?\nPlayer: I'm going to go stealth toward the door to see what the hell is going on out there.\nDM: Okay. Roll stealth check.\nPlayer: Yeah, it's a 29.\nDM: All right, good to know. All right, so as you go to the door and look out, you can see, along the top wall there are three figures. Takes you a moment to focus, and you realize that it is Kendrick, who's one of your general guards you keep around, as well as Cordell and Shayne. All three of them have crossbows ready, and they're yelling to each other and aiming them over the wall towards the front. However, what you can hear from this point is a chorus of 20, 30 or more voices muffled from the other side of the wall.\nPlayer: I'm going to start running up towards them. I'm going to join them on the wall.\nDM: Okay, so there is a ladder at the side, and you climb up the ladder, and as you get closer, you hear people shouting, different voices going, \"Let us in, let us in or we'll die!\" Voices going, \"What are you doing, you going to leave us out here?!\" Other people are screaming, you hear crying children, you hear people shrieking.\nPlayer: How many people am I seeing down there?\nDM: Well, as you get up to the top and crest over, you can see the three guards are all yelling at each other and yelling over, \"We can't, we can't do anything right now, we're waiting for th--\" They look over and see you come over the edge, and you can see there's probably close to 50 or so people that are all pressed up against the gates to the inside of your keep, that are all shouting to be let in.\nPlayer: If I look past, do I see anyone else coming towards the keep? Is it just a cluster and that's it, or--\nDM: You can see people that are fleeing from the town in little bits, two or three at a time, trails of individuals that are just now managing to make it outside of the city of Emon itself. Some of them are heading out into the distance, getting far away as possible. A few more are heading towards the keep, and you gather that this crowd has been gathering here for the last few minutes, at the very least.\nPlayer: All right, slapping my hand on Kendrick's shoulder. We are going to let these people in. The city has come under attack, everything is fucked beyond belief. There are at least four large, old dragons attacking the city, and these people need to come inside. I don't know what we're going to do with them, but we're going to bring them in now. And you and I are going to wait by the gate for those stragglers to come in. The rest of you, take them inside, join the others.\nDM: They all look at each other. Cordell gives you a nod, \"Right, sir, we'll open the gate, hold on.\" And you guys all, are you heading out to the courtyard as well? Or are you staying inside the keep?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan, worried that Pike is in danger, inspires her. He then attempts to dominate the monster near her and succeeds.\nDM: Both of its claws are at the edges of the lava, and it's pulling itself, screeching, its mouth and eyes wild with the severe pain it's feeling as it's slowly melting him from the bottom. The arrow (impact sound) into its shoulder and burst into flame. It's now freaking out. It looks like it's having a really, really rough time making its way out.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Do you want to move, or you going to stay where you are?\nPlayer: I'm gonna back up and get against the wall. Oh wait, that's me!\nDM: That's you there.\nPlayer: Oh, I was thinking I was Keyleth, I'm gonna come up next to Keyleth.\nDM: All right, so right there?\nPlayer: No, against the wall.\nDM: All right, there?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: All right. That ends your turn. Vax, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A couple of hours later, the ship comes upon an unnatural-looking fog bank in the ocean. Adella tries to veer around it.\nDM: You can use as many charges as you want that the ring holds. It should tell you up to a certain amount--\nPlayer: It has three charges.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Well, it says I can use an action to expend one to three of its charges. Okay. I'll do all three, right? (all laugh)\nDM: All right. So, it is still restrained, so go ahead and roll with advantage an attack roll plus seven.\nPlayer: Ooh. 19.\nDM: With advantage?\nPlayer: Oh. Natural 20. (all cheer)\nDM: Oh, shit. Well. Okay. Roll 6d10 force damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog then takes the first bead of divinity -- the one from Ioun-- smashes it on the Anvil, and folds the powdered remains into the first ingot. With aid from Keyleth and Scanlan in the form of spells and inspiration, he does the same with the bead from Pelor, but has trouble with the one from the Raven Queen.\nDM: All right, so reduced, so roll a d12. This is your last bardic inspiration, so you're done with this now.\nPlayer: d12. Six.\nDM: Okay. So take six damage off of that.\nPlayer: What was the damage? I don't think you said.\nDM: I thought I did, but I don't remember.\nPlayer: You rolled a 20-something to hit, but I don't think you said damage.\nDM: That's fine. I can't remember. Okay. (counting) 25 points, reduced, so you take 19 points of bludgeoning damage as it kicks you, and you are pushed 15 feet back.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They both fly down towards you and attempt to sting her but fail. you casts Shapechange and becomes a fire giant, her sudden growth pushing Tova and the imps away.\nDM: So, Tova and the imps get pushed aside as Keyleth's form suddenly encompasses most of the corner of the room. Natural 20. You grab Utugash by the throat. Grab the torso, lift him up, slam him onto the ground. Go ahead and roll just the basic damage for the fire elemental's attack. It doesn't knock him prone, but this is the flavor for the attack.\nPlayer: How do you know what basic damage is?\nDM: Look for the attack for the fire giant.\nPlayer: Well, it just gives me multi-attack.\nDM: And underneath that, it says?\nPlayer: And it gives me a greatsword melee attack.\nDM: Yeah, just roll the damage for the greatsword. The attack is the flavor of the strike.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pike realizes she has seen this place in a vision, as well as a cavern of blue crystal beyond it. They decide to cross it.\nDM: All right. As you chuck the duergar through the air, the creature who briefly had stopped, and you guys now see its motion stop, and you get a full view of its horrible form. (grunting, panting sounds)\nPlayer: As soon as I do that, I cast True Strike. (ftsssh)\nDM: All right, you cast True Strike on yourself?\nPlayer: On him!\nDM: On him?\nPlayer: What it does is, it allows me to see--keep going, I'll tell you. Go ahead.\nDM: All right, so it stops for a second. You guys all get a view of its vision. As it's looking up towards where Keyleth is, suddenly its head (shh) snaps back into focus as the duergar goes swinging through the air. As it does (snarling) it licks its lips and you can see now, where its mouth is, the lips curl back and the jaw splits open slightly with this horrible Predator-like fanged jaw, and the two tentacles that are currently up in the air reach out, grab, and (tshhh) just split it in two. Its torso then divides and sprays it with crimson as it (tongue flicking noise) licks it out of the air. (breathy growling)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you decided to put her and Jester's brainchild Fluffernutter to the test. She threw the keg of black powder behind her while running.\nDM: Got you, okay. So the two hit, so roll damage. The damage is going to be important here, because it is a waterlogged container of black powder and may not be enough to truly ignite or cause an explosion here, or burn through the barrel. We'll see.\nPlayer: But the barrel you said was mostly intact?\nDM: It's intact yeah, but it's wet.\nPlayer: Yeah, but what about inside?\nDM: It's soaked through a little bit.\nPlayer: Barrels are waterproof, you keep beer in them.\nDM: This isn't a beer barrel.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Nein hears about the Harvest Close Festival occurring in four days. They reach the Archive.\nDM: It's built off of one of the main roads that leads in the direction of where the King's Hall is. So it's not in a major square area, but it's off a large road.\nPlayer: Yeah? Well I am no super spy, but I would like to just look at the area and see what I see in the nature of security, other than these obvious robed figures.\nDM: All the windows that exist are at least eight feet off the floor and look to be a very thick stained glass. The only entrances you see are currently guarded by at least two members of the Archive and the dress of them actually is very close to the individual that helped in the trial that you had in Trostenwald who introduced himself as Zeenoth, the one who helped provide information that eventually got you off the hook for that trial. You can now see similarities in the color scheme of their attire and the way that it's worn. It's ceremonial. It looks like it comes with a ceremonial robe. They're all uniform to a certain extent with some being more intricate and longer with more jewelry and they seem to have a little more station.\nPlayer: And you said everyone going in and out was being escorted by one of these individuals?\nDM: Escorted by one of these, yes.\nPlayer: If I see one or two people going in or out what do they look like?\nDM: One of them you see appears to be a woman, very well dressed, looks to be a high collar, a buttoned up blouse of some kind, a dress that just barely cuts off right where her ankles hit the ground with very nice shoes. Looks to be a very well off humanoid woman, a human.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you\n The Voice of the Tempest, after helping Pike for a while in the rebuilding of Vasselheim, eventually retires to Zephrah to take up her duties there. She adventures with her friends when called upon, and reconnects with Kerrek in Westruun.\nDM: Yeah. He's a quick jaunt from Zephra, thankfully. Westruun's not that far. That's one of the closer large cities outside of Stillben.\nPlayer: Perfect. We're weekend buddies. We go to wine country. And then I work on the propagated sprig from the Sun Tree and continue to build it out, hopefully on the ley lines of the planet, and I take the feather that Pike gave me from Vax and I embed it into the trunk of the tree as well as any other relics from the Raven Queen I can find. Care for ravens as much as I can.\nDM: There is an uptick of ravens in the space of Zephra as well. Not many, but more than there would be, which is usually zero.\nPlayer: And from the branch of the Sun Tree create my own raven tree of the Ashari. Take a long, long, long, long, long time before I maybe date again. Maybe. But eventually, hopefully, after a long, long, long, long, long time sunset into the tree and become a part of this realm.\nDM: That's a ways off for you, Ms. Archdruid.\nPlayer: Ways off.\nDM: But you begin those preparations.\nPlayer: But that's the plan.\nDM: Okay. Well you, Keyleth, who many only once saw the naive druid girl have a level of respect now that's carried with that mantle that you hold. And the council of Tal'Dorei occasionally calls upon your wisdom and guidance. The alliance between the civilised and the natured world of the lands irrevocably in Tal'Dorei bound to you at this point, between you and the earth Ashari who reside up in the Cliffkeep. Between occasional jaunts to Emon and Whitestone, you find renewed joy in the protection of the people there. One cold Cuersaar the 13th, the tenth month of the year, the cool summer dusk day closes and you emerge from the quarters to find that the winds come and blow through your hair. You step out to the sound of children laughing as a dozen Ashari kids, elf, dwarf, orc, many bloods and creeds rush past as they play. It's a familiar sound. It's a happy sound. You glance over at this village you're protecting and the people that truly look up to you as their leader, both not just from a might source but as a guide. And you look to them to teach you things every day as well. Looking past as the sun begins to set, you see Korrin standing by the cherry blossom at the edge of the cliff near the amphitheatre where you had your ceremony. In pinks and oranges and purples, the sunset takes the sky. As you approach, he still looks out. He's older, not too much older but older. As he notices you approach, he looks over. \"In all my years, not a day passes where awe does not strike me at the beauty of this world.\" He looks over towards the sunset. \"Don't ever lose the memory of every face whose strength helped you keep this light from fading. Every single face.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She lands a blow with the Mace of Disruption, aided by her Guided Strike, and its powers strike supernatural fear into Sylas's heart. you'ahlia follows this up with another holy arrow.\nDM: 19 damage, all right. As the arrows (thud, thud), one hits the armor and streaks off and shatters against the green glass stonework of the top of the ziggurat. The second one strikes him in the back of the neck. You see a blast of radiant energy crosses his throat. He reaches up and tries to grab for the arrow, but the arrow itself is disintegrated by the blast of holy energy, leaving a gaping wound in the back of his neck. He's still standing, but you can see his form is now falling apart. Parts of ash are beginning to pour off his flesh. He's looking really rough. All right. That finishes Vex's turn. Unless you want to move? Stay where you are?\nPlayer: I'm afraid my flying potion's going to start to wear off soon, so I'm going to move. Is there a roof? On that middle compound building?\nDM: From what you can see, no. It is open.\nPlayer: Oh, really?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Can I land on top of the pillar?\nDM: The pillar holds a slight overhang, so you can land on top of the overhang if you want.\nPlayer: Yeah!\nDM: All right, so you land on top of the overhang, stopping there. Which blocks all view from beneath this line, there, but--\nPlayer: But I can still see--\nDM: You could peek around if you want.\nPlayer: Yeah, okay.\nDM: Okay. Percy, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: \"Very well.\" It takes a few minutes for that to be retrieved from down south of the tomb in the mausoleum, but nevertheless, you get four half-dollar-sized pieces of residuum glass.\nPlayer: Perfect.\nDM: Four shards of residuum glass. \"I hope that's of aid to you. Apology for the confusion. We have quite a bit of individuals to find homes for, and get them running.\"\nPlayer: Gilmore will be of great help.\nDM: \"Yes, as you've told me.\"\nPlayer: I'm sorry to drop this all on you, and I'm thankful.\nDM: \"I'm thankful that we even have an opportunity to offer aid to somebody. That's thanks to you, so it's nothing on us.\"\nPlayer: It will not be the end of it, sadly.\nDM: \"That's all right. Whatever we can do. Anyway, good luck.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Yasha and Jester are able to clear the rockslide, opening the way to a chamber beyond with a spiral staircase winding both up and down. They decide to head downward, and reach a long hallway at the bottom.\nDM: Okay, there is a section of the doorknob that will fit within that hole. You jam it in there, and you push and grind it in there until it feels wedged in the stone, and eventually you hear (ticking) (swoosh) and the door knob cracks for a second, and there's no more clicking. Apparently you have managed to break that device.\nPlayer: I am going to take the doorknob back.\nDM: As you pull the doorknob out--\nPlayer: Shit.\nDM: With disadvantage-- Oh, no that's a 12 to hit.\nPlayer: It shoots out anyway?\nDM: It shoots out anyway, but haphazardly, and then it breaks.\nPlayer: Great.\nDM: You hear a (clanking) on the inside of the wall there, and that trap is busted.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Meanwhile, the rest of the party arrive at The Shade, a lounge tavern with segmented spots that doubles as a hookah bar. Keyleth reveals that the Earth Ashari are super into hookah , which could mean that when she visited months ago, she had partaken in it.\nDM: \"Good, good. Lead on. We'll have a conversation as we go.\" As he stands back up after leaning down for you, you get a little glance at what appears to be a slightly pointed ear and what looks like a hint of a mustache that's grown through. Very similar in visual presentation as to your comrades: not full elf, not full human, though definitely a much darker shade due to the out-in-the-open lifestyle of Ank'Harel. You begin to walk with this figure through the street. We'll get to you in just a moment. So as you guys make your way to the older gentleman sitting on the ground, eyes closed.\nPlayer: We sit down in front of him.\nDM: His eyes are still closed.\nPlayer: Be pleased.\nDM: \"Be pleased.\" His eyes open, and you can see his eyes are snow-blind. They are clouded over with what would probably be terrible cataracts or something else that has caused him full blindness, but he stares past you as he opens his eyes. \"So you wish to be read, then?\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"Five gold for my services.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog slams his war axe into the roof, splitting it open. Grog slides down into the room below, Pike jumping onto his foot and falls to the side.\nDM: Right, I know, and he does have, he has three-quarters cover because of the distance, but you natural 20'd, so it doesn't matter.\nPlayer: I can ignore it, I ignore three-quarters cover.\nDM: You do, because--\nPlayer: I'm awesome.\nDM: Yep. (all laugh)\nPlayer: So that's double 1d-- I should have gotten some bonuses on that, I'm an idiot. Plus five. It's just double dice damage?\nDM: Double dice damage, then add your modifier.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While you throws wild haymakers, missing with her first hit, Dairon retaliates with only very light, disciplined taps. you's next few hits land hard.\nDM: \"Maybe you're an asshole. You probably are an asshole. That's all right, because so am I. Because sometimes you need someone to be an asshole to get shit done.\"\nPlayer: Being nice never did. What are we talking, stranger?\nDM: \"I am Expositor Dairon, of the Cobalt Soul.\"\nPlayer: Dairon?\nDM: D-A-I-R-O-N. \"I take it you have heard of our station through whispers.\"\nPlayer: Some people like to call you boogie men. I figured it was always real. In my opinion, the best way to hide in a secret organization is by having a boogie man.\nDM: \"We are the hidden strength of the library, you are not wrong. We wade in the filth of society. We weed out the corrupt. We pursue the secret evils of the world, and expose them to the light.\"\nPlayer: Wow.\nDM: \"We twist the arm of the unjust, until they spill their mysteries. We are the spies. We are the hunters. We are the watchmen to those who rule. We are not kind. We are forthright. We are truth. Do you, Beauregard, want to see the truths of the world?\"\nPlayer: Oh god, I'm sorry. I have this burn in my butt from all the smoke you just blew up my ass. It's just, oh god. Is that a magical talent?\nDM: What's your armor class?\nPlayer: 17.\nDM: You suffer ten points of bludgeoning damage as, out of nowhere, her fist hits you right across the side of your face.\nPlayer: It takes me to the ground. That takes me to the ground.\nDM: You're unconscious?\nPlayer: No, just takes me to the ground.\nDM: Okay. \"Are you listening now?\"\nPlayer: Do I have a choice?\nDM: \"Let me be your teacher.\"\nPlayer: Oh, boy. Is that what I have to look forward to?\nDM: \"No. What do you want to do now, that that's happened?\"\nPlayer: I kind of want to fucking punch you back.\nDM: \"Then do it. What's stopping you?\"\nPlayer: Now you have my attention. And I fucking punch her in the face!\nDM: Go for it. Roll for an attack.\nPlayer: Just a straight unarmed, right?\nDM: Yep.\nPlayer: 12 total, not good.\nDM: She dodges out of the way, and as you move past, plucks you in the back of the head with a knuckle. That hits. You take one point of bludgeoning damage. It's a very light tap.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: As you go and attempt to strike him-- You had advantage on the attacks, by the way, because he's on the ground.\nPlayer: Oh, well then it is a 32.\nDM: Okay. Good. That hits.\nPlayer: And then the second one is a 27 and the third one is a 17.\nDM: First two hit.\nPlayer: First two hit, and the first one is sneak attack with the blunt edge.\nDM: Right. Which is doubled because he's unconscious.\nPlayer: Yeah it is.\nDM: Melee attack within five feet.\nPlayer: Oh, I'm so sorry! Nine. Plus-- Whoa. That is ten, 16, 22, 23, 25, is 50? Plus the-- 59. 59 for the first.\nDM: 59. Hoo.\nPlayer: Ooh, that's the wrong one. And then the second dagger does ten.\nDM: Ten. So as you-- whack!-- hit him in the head, he immediately comes back to consciousness.\nPlayer: And I'm gonna use my movement to run around and to roll around behind Grog's buttocks.\nDM: Okay. As you move aside, even on the ground, prone, he swings his leg out to try and catch you as you're running past.\nPlayer: Acrobatics?\nDM: He has disadvantage on this anyway. That is still a 24 to hit.\nPlayer: To hit? Oh, that's an attack. Even though he was unconscious?\nDM: Well, he woke up after you slammed him, second attack hits, and in reaction as he sees you rush off, he kicks his leg up and manages to catch you.\nPlayer: Yeah, I'm feeling that.\nDM: It doesn't manage to trip you, but it does deal--\nPlayer: Uncanny Dodge.\nDM: So you deal half the damage on that. All right. So you take-- What would be 12 points of damage, you take six points of bludgeoning damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The other two spined devils run up and attack Vax, doing minimal damage. The bone devil catches up with the group and attacks Vax, but the rogue dodges every blow.\nDM: Two twelves in a row. You just (whoosh), dodging out of the way, being crazy rogue, evading. That brings us now to Keyleth.\nPlayer: Oh, shit. Can I change people as a bat?\nDM: Yeah, as an action, you can change your form, which is an action.\nPlayer: But can I stay as a bat and change other people?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Yeah?\nDM: It says here, \"On a subsequent action you can use your actions to transform affected creatures into new forms.\" So yeah. I don't see why you couldn't.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan offers to leave his employee, Chod, with Tary, who will be returning to his family home and needs people for his brigade. Keyleth opens a tree portal to bring them all back to Whitestone.\nDM: Okay. You make your way down there, and you can see it's still fairly dark in that chamber. Most of the lights have been snuffed except for a few torches that are set around the central platform that was built about mid-height on the ziggurat, where you guys had the council meeting with Raishan that one time, and where most of the research is being done there. Up top, you see a number of guards, the Pale Guard are assigned to keep watch. You see Jecht, the manservant of the Realmseer Eskil there, as well. Currently, you see Eskil Ryndarien is spreading out his thick scrolls and books, and they're all across the big central wooden table, and he has his thick spectacles on, and he has a number of candles already set up, and he's deep into getting his space prepped and acquiring whatever information he'd put away since the investigation was put on hold.\nPlayer: Eskil?\nDM: \"Yes? Oh, it has been some time, Lady Vex'ahlia. I've heard you've come up in the world.\"\nPlayer: Oh, yes. I'm a lady now.\nDM: \"Wondrous. Yes. What do I have the honor?\"\nPlayer: Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm afraid being down here isn't safe anymore.\nDM: \"Right, so you brought me all the way out here, and now I can't do my work? That's great. No, that's par for the course. It's basically most of my life.\"\nPlayer: Plenty of work up top, away from this orb of death. It's very dangerous.\nDM: \"Oh! You're right. I didn't know that. I've only spent six months with the thing!\"\nPlayer: We've discovered it's a gateway, and things can come through it, and there might be armies coming through because we just fought somebody on the other side of another ziggurat.\nDM: \"That's preposterous. Siphons only work one way, my dear. Nothing's coming through there.\"\nPlayer: She changed it. Did you know that siphons can be changed? It changed from one color to another.\nDM: \"You know this how?\"\nPlayer: Because I was there to witness it.\nDM: \"What, here?\"\nPlayer: In Ank'harel. And it looks the exact same as this one.\nDM: He looks you over really intensely. \"If what you believe you saw is indeed another one of these siphons, then perhaps we should take a little more care.\"\nPlayer: I agree.\nDM: \"Jecht, please continue. Gather everything. We're taking this outside.\"\nPlayer: Fabulous. You're so agreeable. I do love talking to you.\nDM: \"Wonderful. Good to know. Goodbye.\" They gather up the materials. The Pale Guard escorts them back into the hallway, and he's now talking to Jecht off on the side. He goes, \"Well, then we can go ahead and stage ourselves in the grand guestroom with the nice big bed. Yes?\"\nPlayer: The big ornate bed.\nDM: He looks over his shoulder as you say this. \"Oh, you're eavesdropping now, as well. That's wondrous.\"\nPlayer: I have wonderful hearing.\nDM: \"So I can tell. Yes, the big bed. The one that helps with my back.\"\nPlayer: Yes, that's terrible. Can you look at this armor really fast and make sure that it's not actually cursed or anything?\nDM: \"Looks fine to me!\" Keeps walking.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He admits that he is a scoundrel, to which Kaylie retorts that he is a scoundrel who has no boundaries and leaves a wake of people hurt. She demands that he draw his blade.\nDM: 16. You vaguely recall Sybil. She-- golden hair, very eager to escape her simple beginnings, and very clingy very quickly. You jumped out of there very fast, from your perspective.\nPlayer: Ah yes, Sybil. She was passionate, intelligent-- She really, lot of-- hands-y, sort of, I mean, I think I remember her quite well. And she was a wonderful person, and you should be honored to have such a wonderful person as your parent, and not someone like me, because I was a scoundrel, you're right.\nDM: \"You are a scoundrel.\"\nPlayer: I have been, in past moments in my life, a scoundrel, I've--\nDM: \"Do you even realize you nearly invited your daughter up to sleep with you?\"\nPlayer: I mean...\nDM: \"You don't care.\"\nPlayer: I feel like I wouldn't have let it go that far? I--\nDM: \"You have no boundaries. You take what you like and you keep walking on. You trick folk. Now draw your blade.\"\nPlayer: I don't want to fight you, if that's what you're insinuating. Listen, I know that I've made mistakes in my life. I've admitted as much before, and I don't know why I'm this way. I must need to do a lot of soul-searching to come up with an answer, but there is a woman who I love very dearly and who I would do anything for, and I'm trying to be a better person. I haven't been to a whorehouse in months! That's a big step for me. A bit step. I know that sounds callous and crude, but I've tried to be a better person. If you're here to fight me, I'm afraid you're going to be terribly disappointed, because I will just let you kill me, if that's what it takes. I didn't know you existed, and my heart is breaking a hundred times now for not knowing it. Every year that you've been alive is a year I could have been a better person and known someone who could have made me a better person, and I'm only sorry that I didn't know it. If there's anything I can do for you from now on-- if you are truly my blood, I will, because among my many faults, ego is certainly one of them, and knowing you're part of me makes me love you even more.\nDM: Make a persuasion check. With advantage, for that speech.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: You watch as the spark of energy from the arrow hits it the second time, the daylight obstructing your view, and the energy bursts around it. The lightning damage you're used to seeing from any creature it impacts, the lightning seems to just hit its blubbery hide and vanish.\nPlayer: Right, 'cause lightning-- it just did lightning. Obviously it's immune to lightning. Right. And I'm gonna use my motion to back the fuck off and try to get behind that rock outcropping. Laser pointer. Okay, yeah, sure. Just on the other side of it.\nDM: That's as far as you can get.\nPlayer: Okay, cool.\nDM: Because you don't have your Alter Self form yet. You're like (swimming noises). You're slowly swimming through this water, sluggishly.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: As far as you get Trinket, you want to give Trinket any sort of movement on this?\nPlayer: Yeah, can he back up behind that pillar?\nDM: Right here?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Yeah, Trinket moves up and guards himself behind the side. All right. Percival.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He tells her he wants entry to the library, and she shows him her Cobalt Soul belt saying she can get him in. In the audience for the competition are Lawmaster Orentha Stonegrasp, Dolan Thrym, Starosta Wyatt Fedar, and Headmaster of the Zauber Spire\n Oremid Hass, one of the two mages who attacked the two fleeing Kryn warriors a few nights earlier.\nDM: Technically, it's not plus two with rage, because it's not plus seven, right? Because you weren't raging.\nPlayer: Say that again?\nDM: It's 23.\nPlayer: It's 23, okay.\nDM: Because you're not raging, remember. There is two damage from that you don't have on the plus seven, so it's plus five.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Still enough to finish it, but I wanted to let you know.\nPlayer: Wait, what's the plus five-- break it down again?\nDM: It's plus three for strength, plus two for your Divine Fury, and then plus two for your rage damage-- that makes it plus seven, but you're not raging.\nPlayer: Okay, right, I see what you're saying.\nDM: It had 22 hitpoints left, so you still manage to carve it down. (relieved groaning)\nPlayer: Okay, sorry. I need to write all these down in my notes later so we don't have to keep going through this. I'm going to go over the top of his head and force his jaw open and then take my blade and put it through its mouth, straight through its mouth. Skewer it.\nDM: As the blade carves through, you hear it yelp, and its growl turns into this low, guttural (fading growl), and goes limp in your grip as you push it and draw the blade from its body. It slumps onto the ground, right at the base of Jester. Molly, you both take a step back as the body slumps to the ground, no longer moving. Hex is off.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Frumpkin saw warped metal, burned boxes, and other evidence of an explosion. you asked Jester to explore the captain's quarters with him.\nDM: You step through and look inside. You see the familiar quarters of Vandren, though they look tossed.\nPlayer: Really?\nDM: As you look inside, there's the table where he normally sat and read his books. That table is set over; the shelf is pushed over. Looks like most everything in here has been, in some way, shape, or form, tossed. You remember there being all sorts of decorations that he kept in here, metal candle holders. It's all missing.\nPlayer: It's all missing. Is there anything that I--\nDM: At first glance.\nPlayer: Is there anything that I see that is definitely out of place or changed that I remember?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Third one of the day. Let's go with this dice. Natural one.\nDM: Oh, buddy.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He admits that he is a scoundrel, to which Kaylie retorts that he is a scoundrel who has no boundaries and leaves a wake of people hurt. She demands that he draw his blade.\nDM: Okay. \"Vecna. He has many names historically. The Archlich. The Whispered One. The Dying King. The Lord of the Rotted Tower. The Undying King. Gods like titles, it seems. A bit arrogant, in my opinion. From what I heard, he was born a mortal. Used his capabilities to attempt to cheat death in every way possible, and then once that was acquired, naturally went on to the next great endeavor: becoming a god. He attempted to ascend six hundred years ago. But in that time his cult expanded across the rebuilding civilization. Nearly achieved it until it seemed that the remnants of good in society went and followed him to his place of worship and thwarted his ritual. He was slain, but as you've seen, when entities of such power get to a certain point, death is but a hurdle. You have enough individuals that believe you're a god, that willpower is strong enough to keep you enduring. So his influence exists and has for many years. I don't know if he's a god per se, not yet, but there are those that treat him as such, and that in itself is dangerous because that means he's probably still out there. And I'm pretty sure he's very interested in finishing what he couldn't before.\"\nPlayer: What was he-- Just trying to be a god, is it?\nDM: \"That's all I've heard. Not a scholar of the religious rites, and for the most part a lot of his history's been, well, destroyed and kept secret. It's his bailiwick.\"\nPlayer: It's his thing. Well.\nDM: \"But anyway. If you've indeed come across any of this foul business, I recommend you stay far away. Far away! Bad news.\"\nPlayer: Bad news.\nDM: \"Yes. Anyway, sorry, dour subject. Didn't mean to bring the mood down on that one.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you asks Avantika if she's met other chosen, and she has, one other, many years ago. She is convinced she is going to become the master of the Lucidian Ocean.\nDM: Removes the glove off of her right hand, and in the palm you see a familiar yellow eye emerging from the center. \"This is the blessing. It leaves the first stage. I have been chosen to be one step to his unsealing.\"\nPlayer: Like, a fucking eye or a tattoo of an eye?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: 16.\nDM: You hope it's a tattoo, but the way the candle light hits it looks smooth and somewhat glassy.\nPlayer: Oh god. Fuck, that's getting weird. [cheering] That's some Pan Labyrinth's bullshit going on. (clears throat) My, my. [laughter] Fuck it, I feel now you and I are more connected than I could've ever imagined. I'll summon the sword. [cheering]\nDM: With a flash and a scattering of ocean water across the far wall of the chamber, the falchion emerges in your grasp. [applause] It's what it's always done! [cheering]\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan, worried that Pike is in danger, inspires her. He then attempts to dominate the monster near her and succeeds.\nDM: That hits. So the first one, you fire towards it, except the arrow just (whoosh) into the lava and (puff).\nPlayer: All right, cool.\nDM: With a slight puff of smoke.\nPlayer: Can I have used my flaming bowstring on the second one?\nDM: On the second one? If you'd like to.\nPlayer: Sweet. Oh! And I Hunter's Marked him, because I can do that.\nDM: All right, so you moved the Hunter's Mark over, he is now your quarry.\nPlayer: 13.\nDM: Go ahead and roll the additional fire damage and your quarry damage.\nPlayer: 13. 19 and 22 damage.\nDM: 22 damage, all righty. The one arrow disappears. The second one, as you release it from the bowstring, you feel the slight tingle of the arcane energy released into the arrow. The arrow bursts into flame as it releases from your bow, streaking and piercing the front of its hide as it's trying to claw its way out.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He greets the rest of Vox Machina including introducing himself to Percy, whom he is unfamiliar with. Wilhand says he was worried that the Herd came for him, reminding the group of the story.\nDM: As you pull the boards off, what little bit of light has made its way from the window on the far end of the kitchen, you can see a bit of glimmer off a set of glasses that immediately recoil in the shadow and go, \"Oh!\"\nPlayer: Pop-Pop Wilhand!\nDM: \"Pike? Oh my goodness.\" And his hand reaches out and grabs yours and you pull him up and he's covered in dust and dirt and he's probably been down there-- the smell, probably been down there for a few days.\nPlayer: I give him a big hug.\nDM: You give him a big hug, he has long, ratty, silver hair that's bald on the top, bowled on the sides, curled up and matted on the edges of his shoulders. His normally nice light blue, sky blue shirt is torn in places and covered in dirt. He has been living under the house for quite a while. There's a little bit of dried food crusted on the side of his chin. But he's there with a big ol' hug. \"Pike, I missed you so much.\"\nPlayer: I missed you so much, I'm so glad you're okay.\nDM: \"Look at you, look at you. Where'd you get this scar? Oh.\"\nPlayer: Long story, we'll get there.\nDM: \"I want to hear this story-- and it's Grog!\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The beast falls with a gurgling yelp, dead and limp. The orcs then retaliate against you, but the blows are easily taken as you shrugs them off.\nDM: Let's see. First and foremost, the two guys that are-- in that motion, the two orcs that you just slammed rear back and then retaliate very heavily against you. They both have advantage because they have you flanked. That'll be 22.\nPlayer: Hits.\nDM: And a 14.\nPlayer: Misses.\nDM: Yes. All right. So the one with the buckler and what looks like a longsword strikes you for eight points of slashing damage, of which you take four.\nPlayer: Great.\nDM: That ends their turn. The one orc that's overtop of you, Lyra, goes (rggh!) and swings in a wide arc down towards you. That's going to be a 14.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows Nott, Caduceus, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. Fjord, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of Caleb.\nDM: At which point, the Plank King steps up towards you, now looming over you, a good two and a half feet of height on you. This imposing presence, wide like a mountain, glancing down at you with a grin. You can smell his early morning breath of rotting teeth and whatever he had the night before pulsing from his grin. He goes, \"I have to say, for someone so small, you've got some serious balls.\"\nPlayer: Thanks. That's not the first time I've heard that.\nDM: \"And if you survive, I'm sure it won't be the last. All right. Let's go see your friends.\"\nPlayer: Hey! I want a boat, and safe passage out if we're correct.\nDM: \"If this is right, let's hope you didn't blow up too much of her boat; it'll be yours.\"\nPlayer: Deal.\nDM: \"If it's enough.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They make a circuit of the volcanic cone, finding a small hole that Grog is able to punch wide enough to admit all of them. They navigate their way through a combination of air- and water-filled tunnels, using water from Grog's Alchemy Jug to breathe through the sections that have only deoxygenated air.\nDM: You glide down your own way. The air is extremely warm as it passes by you. Holding your breath at this point, because you are not near any source of water, it looks like, and you're not carrying one with you. You glide down, rapid speed past the lava, which eventually comes and cools in a clump, a small mound where it seems a recent hole punched out of and began to dribble down. It's been cooling and causing this extra layer on the tunnel. Everything here seems to be in this weird state of flux. You continue past it, and it drops into a tunnel below, maybe about 20 or 30 feet wide. Descends downward.\nPlayer: Straight down?\nDM: Straight down.\nPlayer: I'll go down a bit.\nDM: You descend about 30 or 40 feet. This cylinder-like tunnel comes to a halt; it stops.\nPlayer: Am I detecting any evil?\nDM: You are not detecting any evil, no. Do you have darkvision in this form?\nPlayer: I don't know! Where does it say?\nDM: It says truesight. You don't have darkvision; you have everything vision.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott advises you to play a little hard to get with Fjord. The party choose ship's jobs to learn: Caleb navigation, Nott powder monkey, Fjord quartermaster, you carpenter, Caduceus boatswain and Beau cooper.\nDM: 17. Picking up where the initial partial ink sketches were, you actually continue to fill in the rest of the upper torso. You do a very good job. You can see where the style does shift in the art, but it's not abrasive, it just continues, and it is rather nice.\nPlayer: Do you think maybe your mermaid would want some googly eyes?\nDM: He goes, \"Um, no. I appreciate that, but no.\"\nPlayer: Are you sure? I think it'd really make her look really good.\nDM: He starts to pull his arm away from you. Orly puts his giant tortle hand on your shoulder and goes, \"I don't recommend m-m-messing with the artistic vision.\"\nPlayer: I understand. I don't want people messing with my artistic vision, either.\nDM: \"There you are.\"\nPlayer: You and me, Orly. We're going to be fast friends.\nDM: \"I like the idea of that. Point of order--\"\nPlayer: Did you say \"porn of order?\"\nDM: \"Point of order.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"You don't happen to have any sort of gem dust, do you?\"\nPlayer: Gem dust. Like a gem that's been powdered?\nDM: \"Yeah.\"\nPlayer: Or like ink?\nDM: \"Oh, I have plenty of ink. It's m-m-more--\"\nPlayer: Wait, are you trying to make a sparkly ink?\nDM: \"M-m-more or less.\"\nPlayer: I mean, I don't have any powdered gems, but I could probably powder some gems.\nDM: \"I picked up this technique years ago from some of the individuals that spawned from the legacy of the island folk. It allows me to instill a m-m-mighty ink spot.\" As he does that, he flexes his arm and the tattoo shimmies every so slightly and his muscles bulge a bit.\nPlayer: Oh my god. Will you teach me how to do that if I give you some dust?\nDM: \"See, it's not so much something that can be easily taught; more that it's something bequeathed by an elder.\"\nPlayer: Do you want to bequeath me?\nDM: \"No.\"\nPlayer: What if you really like me, though?\nDM: \"We'll see how time goes by. For the time being, just let me know if I can be of service.\" He talks to you about it and he gives you an overview of his capabilities. For different types of gem dust, he can imbue somebody with a series of tattoos that can alter elements of their physical self. It's not inexpensive, and each person can only have it once ever, so it's not like you can have multiple. For 2,200 gold worth of a ruby dust he can imbue a permanent +1 to strength.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina made the relatively grim journey back to the mountainside, finding it now brimming with volcanic rock and volcanic activity that previously lay dormant. Upon climbing the side of the mountain, you found remnants of the Pyrah tribe still alive and making their way up the mountain, as damaged as they are, in hopes of sealing this now progressively swelling tear between the prime Material Plane and the Elemental Plane of Fire.\nDM: Failure. (gunshot) You see his fingers are pried off as one of his pinky fingers is actually blown off from the impact, shooting dark, deep crimson blood that seems to burn the landscape around as it drips, the trident tumbling to the ground and getting lodged in a piece of rock, almost ready to spill into part of the lava.\nPlayer: And that does seven points of damage.\nDM: Seven points of damage, all righty.\nPlayer: Third shot's going to be a sharpshooter shot.\nDM: All righty. So minus five to the attack.\nPlayer: That's probably going to miss. 14.\nDM: 14, unfortunately, misses.\nPlayer: All right. That misses. I'm going to take a run behind and hide behind that rock outcropping.\nDM: There? Okay. Got it. Scanlan, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then encountered a very elderly goliath that you hadn't seen in quite some time named Shale, who spoke of the scouting crew that had been obliterated by the dragon. They followed Shale as she led them up the mountain, to where the dragon's current lair resides.\nDM: What's interesting is, as you take the jug from him, it's empty but you still hear sloshing, even though it's empty as you hold it before you. You put water into it. It swishes around.\nPlayer: Can I tip it upside down?\nDM: Yep, you tip it upside down, and the water spills out.\nPlayer: Anything else?\nDM: Nope.\nPlayer: Can I shake it? Any more swishing?\nDM: You shake it, you still hear the swishing, yeah.\nPlayer: Can I put my head in the jug?\nDM: You do. (muffled) It blocks it, quite a bit. Your voice is ringing in your ears.\nPlayer: Can I shake the jug?\nDM: You still hear, around you (sloshing).\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The spiraling tower of black iron and copper. He throws a square, metal icon.\nDM: \"Haha. Well, it's been fine doing business with you.\" He puts the coins away, pulls out a piece of paper. \"What's your full name?\"\nPlayer: (French accent) Francois Bertrand Jean-Luc Australia. (laugher)\nDM: \"Here you are. Transference of ownership.\" Grabs the chains, unhooks them, takes the lock and hands it to you. \"They're yours to take. Now you two shove off! Do what the man says.\"\nPlayer: (French accent) Do they have names?\nDM: \"No! It's your choice to name them!\"\nPlayer: Au revoir.\nDM: So as the two of you walk back with these two chained boys who walk behind you--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Concentrating on the Wind Wall, Keyleth backs into the corner. Percy continues shooting at the guards.\nDM: 13 total. Okay. So (doosh) the last two blasts hit him, and you can see, he almost gets thrown off his feet from the impact. There's now blood trickling out from under his helmet from where one of the blasts got his chin. One into his chest. He's still standing up, barely, and he's still confused by this smoke that's swirling around him. Are you going to stay where you are?\nPlayer: I'm going to take a step forward.\nDM: Right there?\nPlayer: Up the stairs.\nDM: Up the stairs. Okay.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Just ominously stepping up the stairway. I like it. That brings us to Vax.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord wanted to immediately head towards the orb, but the rest of the party wanted to investigate Vandran's cabin further. Caduceus determined the creature that left claw marks was the same one that forced the box open.\nDM: As Yasha says that, Jester glances over, puts her hand out. This sparkling, radiant light goes through the water, leaving this vacuum trail behind as the bolt slams into the merrow, brightening up around its chest with the impact of the magical energy. Now its form is glittering with that light, making it very easy to spot its location. Do you want to move or stay where you are?\nPlayer: Yeah, I'm going to back up.\nDM: Back up back inside?\nPlayer: Yeah. Yeah, that's good.\nDM: You move inside the chamber there. Okay.\nPlayer: To be not within five feet of Caleb. I want to be against the wall of whatever that-- yeah, like that.\nDM: You got it. That ends your turn. Beau, what are you doing?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors.\nDM: All right. You take 16 points of slashing damage, reduced to eight, because you're raging, so eight points of slashing damage as the war chief comes down with its greataxe. It sinks a few inches into your shoulder and it carves it down, almost matching the scar you have across your chest, and grinning at you the whole time. As you grin back at it, his friend is going to come up with its greataxe and is going to come down, this is with advantage as well. That's going to be a 17 to hit?\nPlayer: Misses.\nDM: That misses. As it comes up overhead to try and swing down to go towards the top of the nape of your neck and head area, you notice out of the corner of your eye, bring up your sword and deflect it down into the snow behind you, looking over your shoulder at it. The bear is now going to come up alongside and is going to make a bite and a claw attack against you.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: That is going to be a 19 to hit?\nPlayer: That's 19, my armor class.\nDM: And that's going to be a 21 to hit.\nPlayer: Yep, both hit.\nDM: So you take nine points of piercing damage as it bites you, reduced to four. We'll say four, I'm trying to round down consistently going forward. So you take four points of piercing damage from that, and then you take 12, reduced to six slashing damage.\nPlayer: Okay. Ten total?\nDM: Total of 11 points of damage. Or ten, you're right. From the bear. Bear attacking you, actually no, first the orc attacking Trinket now.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Norda, satisfied that Kylre's fiendish nature has been confirmed, brings everyone (except Fjord, who has remained disguised and at a distance) back to the stockade for a trial. In the courtroom, the party is joined by Gustav, Bosun, and a recaptured Yasha.\nDM: \"I'm certain. You have a trustworthy face. What's the next bit of evidence you want to present, please? Anyone?\"\nPlayer: Well, first a question. Are you familiar with Occam's Razor?\nDM: \"What?\"\nPlayer: I figured. Okay. That one works for the circus. Do I look like I work for the circus?\nDM: \"Strangely, not well dressed enough.\"\nPlayer: No. I'm a dirty hobo and I reek like yesterday's garbage.\nDM: \"I wasn't going to go that far, but I'll admiss it.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors.\nDM: All right, Pike's going to stay up with you, since you have the bead right now and if worse comes to worst, she can help rush in and try and help at that point. All right, so who's doing what?\nPlayer: I'm going to start casting the door.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: And I'm going to do it back behind camp, on the treeline or whatever.\nDM: Okay, back far this way?\nPlayer: You know, just out of eyeshot of them.\nDM: Okay, I'll put this little dice on the corner to represent where the door is.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Day 9 vs. Clare Grant | Magic: The Gathering: Spellslingers They develop a list of suspects.\nDM: The food is being brought out to you slowly over the next 30 minutes or so. The crownsguard looks to you. He's human, a bushy, not really well-kept blond beard.\nPlayer: Morning.\nDM: \"Morning.\"\nPlayer: You go first, yeah. (breathing deeply)\nDM: \"You all right there, buddy?\"\nPlayer: We tied one on last night, in a harsh way.\nDM: \"I can see you're newcomers to the town, then.\"\nPlayer: Indeed. So much so that we seem to have been relieved of our coin during last night's revelry.\nDM: \"You don't say.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. Does that happen a lot around here?\nDM: \"To conspicuous folks? Maybe. It happens every now and then, we try and keep an eye out there. As with any place of business, there is always going to be some element of theft. Nothing we saw out of the ordinary, but we can begin to investigate if you like.\"\nPlayer: Well that might not be necessary. I believe it was our fault. But just out of curiosity, is there anywhere in town that, I don't know, there might be an infestation of this sort of problem? Do you know any common areas where folks engaged in this sort of activity might gather at night or in the day? Areas of trouble that you've dealt with before-- oh god, am I sweating?\nDM: \"You are, profusely. I can't say there's a specific region. If anything, the workplaces here are not teeming with that element. The industrious nature of the city keeps itself busy in a very visible place. Perhaps, somewhat here in the Idleworks Shelf, there's the residential areas of Silver Falls. Those are probably the more likely areas. I wouldn't look in the lower half. Up here in this shelf and beyond would probably be the most-- Are you sure? I don't mind, I could probably keep an eye out. Is there any information you have about these individuals who robbed you may be?\"\nPlayer: (sighs) We're a little light on details, unfortunately. You know what, I'm going to go eat a half a cow, and then maybe once that's soaked up some of this I'll return. If I remember anything else.\nDM: \"Yeah, I think you should go do that.\"\nPlayer: All right, thank you, have a good morning.\nDM: \"You too.\" He sits back into his post, looking a bit confused.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A breath of frost kills one of the giants before it is able to do much. Percy's engineering talent makes a showing, between a hand grenade and one of the exploding arrows he made for Vex.\nDM: Yes. All right, so. So you use the hand's strength score, so go ahead and roll a d20 and then add plus eight to it.\nPlayer: 18 plus eight. 26.\nDM: As the dragon brings its wings up, the hand grabs its wings together and forces it back down to the ground. It shakes off the effect, but it's unable to fly away.\nPlayer: You will leave when Burt Reynolds tells you to leave!\nDM: Okay. You also deal 2d6 plus five damage to it.\nPlayer: 2d6. That's another 18.\nDM: 18 points of damage as the hand crushes on it, holding it in place, it does not get a chance to move. All right. Angrily, in reaction to that, the dragon-- well, first off let me see. Does not get its breath weapon back yet, unfortunately. It is going to use multiattack, so it gets three attacks: one bite and two claw attacks. It's going to make all of them against you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, Molly douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: It hits? You take four points of piercing damage. Attacking against you, Jester. A natural 20, I'm sorry.\nPlayer: Could they tell it was my illusion right there?\nDM: They noticed earlier, unfortunately.\nPlayer: Damn it.\nDM: That's okay, it's not too bad. That's eight points of piercing damage.\nPlayer: Oh. Oh! I'm going to take it.\nDM: Okay. That ends their turn, Molly, you're up first.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Dwelma cast Dispel Magic ending the effects of Caleb's Slow spell and moved away from Molly. Beau was able to stop her from completely running away, but she was now out of the range of Lorenzo's spell.\nDM: Yep. As it triggers and the frost finishes off in the space there, Lorenzo, grinning, looks over his shoulder back at Keg and goes like, \"Am I going to have to make a lesson here?\"\nPlayer: Oh no, he's winning!\nDM: That brings us to the top of the round. Nott, you're up.\nPlayer: All right, I think I have to use an action to unlock this cage. To pick the lock.\nDM: Go for it. Make your lockpick check.\nPlayer: Fuck you! Five plus, I don't know. What is it usually, seven?\nDM: Dex and proficiency, so it would be seven, yeah.\nPlayer: 12?\nDM: It's not enough. You spend a moment and the lock is not going. These are pretty intense cages, and you look over there, and Lorenzo's standing there with the glaive.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax stealths into the kitchen and Vex follows. They go down a small staircase that leads to a cellar, and the rest of Vox Machina (excluding you) follow suit while the kitchen staff's attention is diverted.\nDM: Dr. Dranzel picks up his instruments and you guys start playing back and forth with your flutes just picking off-- improvising off of the classic! Make another perform check.\nPlayer: Everybody give it up for Zed on drums! 24!\nDM: All right. Kaylie is trying to keep up and you can see her face starting to go red. But she's determined on this, and she continues pushing this into an improvisational flurry of notes that completely walks around your performance, previously done. And you find yourself having to take a step back as she begins stepping up onto the table. And now, even at her gnomish height, is looking over the entire crowd, as people-- who were not previously as interested-- are starting to turn around and look towards you two play.\nPlayer: I can't be one-upped. I use Minor Illusion to create sort of a mirror image of myself, over myself, also playing the flute.\nDM: Make another performance check, with advantage.\nPlayer: With advantage? Not as good, 22.\nDM: 22, all right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Molly goes next and explains that members of the circus were protecting their own until Kylre showed his true colors, whereupon they took care of him. On Yasha's behalf, he explains that her running from the scene was because they knew the circus members would have no trust from the Crownsguard, despite their innocence.\nDM: The dwarf woman, Norda, leans forward and looks you dead in the eyes. \"I've known friends I grew up with who were carved down by your kin. Convince me why I shouldn't hang you tomorrow.\"\nPlayer: I'm sorry for your loss. Where are your people from?\nDM: \"Grimgolir.\"\nPlayer: That's not where my clan's from. I had nothing to do with it. My clan operates far, far away and--\nDM: \"Where does your clan operate from?\"\nPlayer: I'm looking on the map. Near the Felderwin Tillage.\nDM: \"That's not too far. Maybe we'll send some folks to pay a visit to your clan.\"\nPlayer: You can. Feel free. I'll even tell you where they are. I'm no longer associated with them and I can help you hunt them down if you'd like.\nDM: Make a persuasion check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th.\nDM: As he takes a deep breath on you once or twice, you feel your body warm up for a moment as he finishes the Prestidigitation cantrip and you are suddenly, immediately dry.\nPlayer: That is much better! Thank you, Pumat! That is wonderful!\nDM: \"It is, quite literally, the least I can do.\"\nPlayer: I had a question for you we found this armor down in the sewers and it seems to have some--\nDM: \"That's really pretty.\"\nPlayer: Right, yeah!\nDM: \"Yeah, no, that's really pretty.\"\nPlayer: Have you seen this armor before?\nDM: \"Haven't seen that kind, no, but I like the designs on it. It's really pretty.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, here's the thing. I spent a lot of time by the water when I was growing up, and when you live by the water, too much water theme in your design is overkill. You know, it's like the person that has the beach house and everything is shells and water and lobsters--\nDM: \"Yeah, no, that's just a faux pas, socially.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. I feel like this has some unique properties to it. Is there a chance that I could, I don't know, in some way transfer or copy some of that onto what I'm currently wearing? I have a little bit more intrinsic value with what I have.\nDM: \"Let me go ahead and have a look at it, if you wouldn't mind. There we go, there's a few other pieces right there if you want to hand those over--\"\nPlayer: They're not really attached, I'm sorry.\nDM: \"No, it's all right. Oh, that's a full set!\"\nPlayer: I don't know if shells fall out, so be careful.\nDM: \"I appreciate that heads up. Hey, mind helping me, me?\" The other Pumat goes, \"Oh yeah, no worries. Pardon me, sir, I'll be right back. Me, could you watch him?\" The other one comes around the corner, \"Oh yeah, no worries.\" Now the third one has entered the room and is looking-- this is a very strange sight for ye who has not been within the store first.\nPlayer: I forgot to tell you, there are multiple versions of Pumat. Apparently the other ones are called \"Me me.\"\nDM: The one who's in the back goes, \"Well, we only refer to each other as 'me' as we're all technically the same individual. There is a Pumat Prime, but he's currently not in the main chamber. Oh, I haven't seen you around. What's your name there, fellow?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three charge at Grog as one heads towards her. The three warmongers swarm Grog, four of their attacks landing.\nDM: Pike. So you're now surrounded on all sides, Kevdak's there before you, but you've now been completely swarmed in by three of these entities. Pike, this one rushes towards you, (battle-cry), this female half-elf, you can see a line of drool from her face with the sheer speed she was running and the froth that was forming at the corner of it. She leaps into the air, blade in front, and is going to come down on your tiny form. (counting) That's 28 to hit on the first one.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: And a 28. Rolled 18s on both advantage ones.\nPlayer: Okay okay okay okay.\nDM: Right, so two hits on you, you take 19 points of slashing damage from the first strike.\nPlayer: That's not halved? No, it's only halved because he's--\nDM: Only because he's raging.\nPlayer: I'm a barbarian, too!\nDM: 19 on the first strike, the second one is 13, so that's a total of 32 points of slashing damage to you. And that's going to end the barbarians' turn, everyone else finishes out surprise round, now we're back into full initiative, everyone's in play, top of the round, Vex, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord is quickly rendered unconscious, but uses Relentless Endurance to pop back up to one hit point. He is almost immediately hit into unconsciousness again.\nDM: You are. Well no, I'm sorry, you cannot move. You did your move, so you have to have an action, so you can only attack that one that you can see there.\nPlayer: Okay, I will throw two.\nDM: Okay. They're at disadvantage, because it's beyond your 20-foot initial range.\nPlayer: First one? Man. I'll take that 12, though, for an 18 to hit?\nDM: That does hit, yeah.\nPlayer: And that's-- sorry. Seven damage on that one. And then second one... ooh, those are double fours, which I don't believe hit.\nDM: Nope. Disappears into the darkness.\nPlayer: And then I'm going to take a ki point and cast-- I almost called it Uncanny Dodge.\nDM: You had to do that on your turn. You've only got an action you were holding. Sorry.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They join Avantika's crew at their table. Jester decides to fight a gnome seaman, Sorris Cade, at his invitation, and they have a friendly glorious bar fight until she decides that's enough and heals him a bit.\nDM: \"As far as I have been told, at the very least-- this was before my time joining the Revelry-- there was a disagreement, and the previous Plank King seemed to be in the minority of the side of this disagreement, and the current Plank King was in the majority. So they stormed the caverns of the previous Plank King, and tossed most of his corpse to the rocks below.\"\nPlayer: A little mutiny, eh? Did-- Hmm. Interesting. No, that's all.\nDM: \"To his credit, the current Plank King has done a very fine job of maintaining organization in the Revelry.\"\nPlayer: That's what I was going to ask if you were a fan or not.\nDM: \"He doesn't bother me, he leaves us well enough alone, we follow the rules, we maintain all of the benefits of being under the banner, and I'm left to my own devices.\"\nPlayer: Any foes of yours in this Darktow? Anyone we should look out for?\nDM: \"There are a number of unsavory types, but I've made a bit of a reputation of being a little-- eh? People don't like to tangle with that too much, eh?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The ship sails up the channel through the reefs, and reaches the jagged cliffs and rocks of Darktow Island, the harbor, and the hive-like pirate city built into the base of the cliff. They dock and the Mistake pulls into the other side of the harbor.\nDM: Winding through the docks, following the rest of Avantika's crew, the docks and bridges, it's this labyrinth to find your way beyond that to the stone and rock where you had kissed earlier. The city itself is a series of switchback paths and carved caverns and cave entrances that have since been outfitted with pieces of wood, with windows. Now, at this point, it's pretty much pitch black in the sky. What little bit of light there is from the nearby torch and lantern light gives just a hint of the mist that's rolled in across the outskirts of the island. The only light sources you have are those you keep on you, or the distant glowing smattering of hundreds of fire-lit windows, lit from the inside the warm buildings that make up the city. As you make your way to what you assume to be the tavern, The Bloated Cup, if you will, Avantika's currently standing outside talking to somebody. There you see this burly, rough-looking human man, probably a week and a half unshaven, this thick five o'clock shadow. Grayish curled hair that goes right about shoulder-length. It's slicked back, probably with his fingers to one side, but it's oily enough where it stays in place. Looks like he's wearing an officious coat, and they're currently in the middle of a discussion, and she looks over her shoulder to the rest of you and goes, \"Ah, my apologies. There is one bit of business we must attend to before we can celebrate. The rest of you continue on. My new compatriots, it seems,\" and the human figure pipes up and goes, \"Word has reached the ears of the Plank King that you've brought new blood here to Darktow. I imagine these are the new blood based on,\" and he looks at a sheet of paper that's handed to him and looks at the description that was written, \"and he would appreciate you bringing them to The Throne Roost and have an audience.\"\nPlayer: Who, who are you?\nDM: \"Well, I'm the assistant of the Plank King.\"\nPlayer: What is your name?\nDM: \"James Tybalt.\"\nPlayer: James Tybalt. Assistant to the Plank King. Do we need to bring any presents or anything to the Plank King when we meet him?\nDM: \"I'm certain he wouldn't argue.\" He smiles now. This is the first time you've seen his grin and there's, maybe, six or seven teeth. Most of them are blackening. \"I'd recommend y'all follow me.\"\nPlayer: Yes, sir!\nDM: \"You too, Avantika. He wants to check in.\" She sighs but gives a smile. \"Ipess, bring like 500.\" He starts counting out gold from one of the chests they had brought with them.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: It is, actually. It opens up to be about 35 feet across from side to side, about 45 or 50 towards the end and then it seems to descend into two different pathways.\nPlayer: Any signs of life? Anything?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Eight.\nDM: At the moment, no. But as you're glancing about, you can see that there are bags of supplies that are partially sundered and torn open. You can see tools, some that look pretty interesting, there's a crowbar on the ground across the way, there's other sacks that haven't been spoiled yet. You see some of the burlap is dry rotted and pulls right apart, and it looks like there might be some useful things in this chamber.\nPlayer: Okay. Real quick, I'll just poke through one of the bags.\nDM: Make an investigation check with disadvantage.\nPlayer: Oh, well then, okay, eight!\nDM: You glance through and find a bunch of mildewed rice grain. Right as you hear a (snort).\nPlayer: I will freeze and slowly turn to the sound.\nDM: You glance over, and from the right chamber you see as two gnolls have appeared in the entranceway and have entered up, called from the sound of the heavy impacting thud on the wall but a few moments ago.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: Yeah, it's gonna go ahead and make a tentacle attack against Trinket, who's biting at it currently. That is a 23 to hit.\nPlayer: That hits.\nDM: All right. Trinket takes--\nPlayer: How close am I? How close am I? How close am I?\nDM: 20 points of bludgeoning damage.\nPlayer: Halved. Because of his armor.\nDM: Because of his armor. And Trinket is grappled, currently.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He admits that he is a scoundrel, to which Kaylie retorts that he is a scoundrel who has no boundaries and leaves a wake of people hurt. She demands that he draw his blade.\nDM: You guys make your way back to Greyskull Keep. As you approach the front gate of your establishment, you see Cordell and Shayne keeping their evening watch over the gate. Cordell shouts down to the rest of you guys, \"You've got guests waiting for you!\"\nPlayer: Oh, shit. How long have they been here?\nDM: He looks to Shayne. Shayne looks to him, counts in her head. \"I think probably at least two hours.\"\nPlayer: (splutters) How many times have we told you? Don't let guests in when we're not here!\nDM: \"They had your permission.\"\nPlayer: Oh, jeez. Who is it?\nDM: \"Oh, it's a bunch of them.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A devil enters the room, similar to Ipkesh but thicker and burlier. He takes one look around the room, notices that something is amiss and begins turning to leave and tell someone.\nDM: I mean, it takes up the entire doorway, essentially, and it's just pivoting after it notices you guys, so you're gonna have to make a tumble check to try and make it past him.\nPlayer: Oh, okay, hold on then.\nDM: An acrobatics roll, but yeah.\nPlayer: I'll-- you know what, I'll do the acrobatics roll to try and shut the door, and--\nDM: Okay, so you're trying to, basically, as he goes to spin around, you dash forward, and roll into a tumble to try and pop up on the other side, so go ahead and roll acrobatics check.\nPlayer: That'll do. 22.\nDM: 22.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord takes the next watch that evening. He sees a shadowy, human sized figure perched up in the mast.\nDM: As far as size-wise, it looked like a human. You saw big wings and you saw legs dangling. It looked like a bird, but it was human-sized.\nPlayer: Where is Yasha? I go down; is Yasha still sleeping, or is Yasha still here?\nDM: Yasha's asleep. You go down and Yasha sits up. As soon as you enter the room, the chamber that Yasha has--\nPlayer: (shouting) Yasha, are you still here?\nDM: Before you even get to that point, the sound of the door opening, Yasha's like-- (panting).\nPlayer: (shouting) Yasha's still here.\nDM: \"Be careful, Beau.\" Puts the blade and leans it against the side of the cot and leans back.\nPlayer: Just wanted to give you a quick update. Fjord saw a thing with two wings, appeared to be humanoid, flying off the boat, and just wanted to make sure--\nDM: Grabs the sword and gets back up and walks past you and up the stairs.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, K'Varn falls, but is immediately brought back to undeath by the Horn of Orcus. A ray from his eyestalk turns Kima to stone.\nDM: All right. All right, so you chuck the daggers up, they kind of cascade off, one of them manages to slam into the side. You pull them back to your belt and get ready for the next round. Vex, you're up.\nPlayer: Okay. I'm going to shoot an arrow at him. Hail of Thorns as a level three. That is, doesn't hit. That's a 14.\nDM: 14, unfortunately, no. It hits the side of the wall. Explodes, sending a series of wooden spikes into the stone on the side of the temple.\nPlayer: Okay, cool. I can't do that again, can I? All right, then I'm just gonna shoot him through the flaming bow.\nDM: You used flaming bow twice already, so you no longer can use it.\nPlayer: I'm not going to use it. I'm just going to shoot him. This is fun, guys. 23.\nDM: 23 hits. Go and roll damage with your Hunter's Mark.\nPlayer: Okay. 13. And 15. 20 points of damage.\nDM: 20 points of damage. All right. How do you want to do this? (cheering)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: Uriel now goes, \"I am beyond confident that all doubts in the capabilities of those I leave the city to, and more--\" And it's at this point you start hearing bells going off around the city. Tops of walls in the distance. You recognize these. These are warning bells. At which point the crowd starts murmuring and getting nervous, and Uriel puts his hand out. \"Please, please. I--\"\nPlayer: Can I use my Primeval Awareness to see if it's actually dragons close by?\nDM: Okay. You begin to concentrate on that for the moment. Asum now steps up and says, \"Everyone, if I might ask you to all quickly make your way to your respective homes. There is a small emergency we must attend to.\" At this point, you guys hear this (whoosh) sound and you turn around just in time to see what looks to be a large, larger than you've seen before, white dragon just slam into the side of Allura's tower in the distance. Claws clunk into the side, digging into the stonework, wings unfurled, it looks into the upper window of where her actual parlor is and peeks in for a second before just unleashing a blast of icy cold magical breath into the inside of the tower. You can see now, screams start tearing around you as the guards start getting their weapons ready. At which point, the dragon pulls its head back and looks about at everyone screaming, and pushes off the tower. As it does you see the stonework crack, and the top of Allura's tower shatter--\nPlayer: Oh, my god!\nDM: -- and then begin to collapse, smashing into the city streets around you. At which point, the dragon (wingbeats) and takes off again above you. At this point in time: utter chaos has been unleashed, and you can see now the guards are rushing Uriel off the table. You guys are there caught amongst this chaos. At this very moment, as the white dragon heads deeper into the city, you hear a loud impact that silences the chaotic air around you, as the wall that the stage is buttressed up against now has perched above it an enormous vision of death: a grinning ancient green dragon. Its wings are curled around its form as it looks down at the rest of you in the middle of this open space and goes, \"Delicious cattle. Raishan enjoys the taste of fear.\"\nPlayer: Raishan?\nDM: At which point it leaps down onto the stage, crushing part of it. I would like you all to roll initiative.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you says it seems like a really reasonable price, and Pumat agrees that is the best price you will get outside of Rexxentrum. you asks how much for an enchantment that forces people it hits to dance uncontrollably?\nDM: \"Sorry. If you want just something that's pretty sharp and helps you hit a little better, I could do that for much cheaper.\"\nPlayer: How much?\nDM: \"Let's see. That one will put you back about, I'd say, maybe 400 gold?\"\nPlayer: Ooh! That sounds way better!\nDM: \"Could finish that in about four or five days, yeah.\"\nPlayer: Whoa! Okay, I'll do that!\nDM: \"All righty, just provide the weapon, and we'll get that taken care of for you.\"\nPlayer: Here, take this one.\nDM: \"Okay.\" What kind of axe is it?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm.\nDM: \"They had it coming. Don't know why, but I had a feeling somewhere in their life, they probably deserved it. Most men do.\"\nPlayer: Yep, you're right about that. Stay away from all men. Forever.\nDM: \"They were fuckwits. Their faces were so punchable.\"\nPlayer: I know that feeling. Listen, I've come to get you out of here.\nDM: \"Apparently you've not done that very well.\"\nPlayer: Don't worry. I've still got some tricks up my sleeve. Just wanted to make sure you're all right. Did they hurt you in any way?\nDM: \"Only one person's really hurt me recently.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With you's ceremony complete, the Ashari celebrate with Vox Machina into the night. Vex'ahlia asks you if she is allowed to leave now that she is the leader of the Air Ashari.\nDM: \"You are the acting head of law, like I've been all this time. If there is conflict, if there is difficulty, if there is a challenge that presents itself, that requires the wisdom of a leader to step in--\"\nPlayer: Right.\nDM: \"That's when you're called upon.\"\nPlayer: So, (sighs) I'm confused. Was the Aramente my training to be a leader? You apparently prepared me as best as you could before I left, I don't know how well you all did (sarcastic laugh). So I'm just wondering if I need to expect that again, is this just me figuring this out again? Or do I have guidance?\nDM: \"The nature of the Aramente is fluid. I have not taken it as I am not the leader. It is tradition and it is both, as far as I understand, a series of challenges and lessons tailored to whatever a person seems to be seeking or what you can draw from that, but also to interface with the other tribes and establish that connection between all the leaderships.\"\nPlayer: I did that . You're right, you haven't taken it, but that's been about 5% of my journey, all of the lessons that I've learned have been in the in-between.\nDM: \"That is part of the Aramente itself.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Inside is a long dining room with a double window on the wall and a second door that seems to lead into the main foyer. Keyleth walks over to the window and looks out, searching again for any smoke or fire.\nDM: You can try to. You reach out. (creak) It opens up and you can see now, a light comes pouring through from the foyer, and you can hear much louder now, the sound of combat, and Grog chuckling, and swings and impacts. You can see a couple of crossbow bolts go (boof) and scatter across the ground.\nPlayer: I would have to use my action to move?\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: You know... (sighs) Yeah, this is going to be worthwhile. I'm going to-- well...\nDM: What are you doing?\nPlayer: I hate you.\nDM: What are you doing?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She Dimension Door'ed her way into the ritual room, which Vox Machina followed over the wall. She seemed to complete the ritual, creating this small, vacuous, spinning black sphere that is locked in place.\nDM: You hear a muttering through your ears. (mutters in foreign language) And for a second, you feel your field of vision close down like it's focused entirely on you. You're currently marked by its Mark of Vengeance.\nPlayer: Marked?\nDM: Yeah. So, essentially, there's an effect that's intent on you at the moment.\nPlayer: Is it a charm effect?\nDM: Nope.\nPlayer: Damn it.\nDM: All right, that ends your held actions.\nPlayer: Is it a fear effect?\nDM: No.\nPlayer: Damn it!\nDM: You're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, All five of them leap from the balcony. Three of them stick the landing and rush for the door, but the other two don't fare so well.\nDM: Okay. Three of them land fine and begin bolting forward. Two of them fall. One of them (cracking noise) breaks his ankle and falls to the ground going (scream). The other one slams into his hip on the ground and falls prone. These guys are prone. These three continue to move forward to there. They're going for a full dash.\nPlayer: Does Trinket get an attack of opportunity?\nDM: Against one of them. He can only take one reaction per turn. They all rush out.\nPlayer: That definitely hits him, though.\nDM: All righty.\nPlayer: 27.\nDM: 27 hits. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: 11.\nDM: 11 points of damage. Across that guy. Okay. Trinket reaches out and strikes across one of the guys, the guy you Hunter's Marked, who takes the claw across the side of his head, and you hear him yell out in pain, (scream) as he makes it out into the rain. Hurt, but not taken down. He continues to run past, and they all dart outside into the rainstorm.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Kashaw Vesh, a human cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: \"The fact that that the lord had been staying at the Velvet Cabaret for some time, and we were feeling pretty close to possibly finding the source of these murders. Our bastion force from the Duskmeadow worked with the Quadroads and we actually raided it. Found nothing. Nothing but the patrons, no sign of any sort of foul play. We were forced to leave empty handed. That's all we've got.\"\nPlayer: I have a question about the bodies. Have you seen them?\nDM: \"I've only seen the most recent. The rest, I've just heard of.\"\nPlayer: Anything similar with them? Are they all men? Are they all women? Are they children?\nDM: \"No children. Most of them seem to be well off to do folk. Dressed well.\"\nPlayer: Wealthy men and women? And you say you've searched everywhere, including the catacombs?\nDM: \"Most. Catacombs themselves are sealed off. We've asked around, and there's been no sign of movement in or out. And gods forbid, anyone stays in those places. That's a nasty place to be staying.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: Go for it! So first strike against it, as you (whoosh) whip around the side of the building, blades out--\nPlayer: 25!\nDM: That hits!\nPlayer: And then for the dude by Scanlan gets a-- word, 19.\nDM: Yep. If you have both blades out, you get a third attack too, don't forget.\nPlayer: I do. Oh-- yes. So the third stab will go back at the wyvern.\nDM: Okay! So the sneak attack against the wyvern, first strike.\nPlayer: Yeah, and the last one was a 24 total, so that hits as well. Okay! So that's two, one, yes. That's 14, 17, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29 into the wyvern.\nDM: All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord tells them he sees visions of a giant eye, and hears a voice. The sphere reminds him of that eye, and he wants to know where the temple is.\nDM: On the way down the stairs, there is another floor that is the gun deck, that you do pass by and you can see the back end of these large cannons that are all situated. They're all angled up a little bit, but there are these doors that lead outward. There are a number of cannon balls, and some bits of black powder in small barrels, set up in that region. If you can continue down to the--\nPlayer: Sure, keep going. Looking for interesting stuff.\nDM: You head down to the cargo hold, and you see one source of lantern light. There is one of the various deckhands is down below, keeping watch. Has a single oil lantern on a crate. It is this small, handheld jug of some sort of, you assume, a liquor, and he's sipping from it. Leaning back and stretching. Just keeping an eye out.\nPlayer: I will use Mage Hand, and he's just got the one lantern down there?\nDM: Currently, yeah.\nPlayer: I will use Mage Hand to try to snuff out the flame.\nDM: Easy enough to do. (whoosh) Goes dark. \"What?!\"\nPlayer: I'll keep going, using darkvision to look around and see things.\nDM: Okay, so you start making your way around. As you do, you start seeing sparks. Of a flint.\nPlayer: Oh, he's trying to light it again.\nDM: He's trying to relight the lantern. He's like, \"Ooh, fucking shit, stupid little lantern.\" Make an investigation check if you wanted to look into the cargo hold.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Wohn rushes to the front door and spots Nott, but falls victim to her Hideous Laughter and is knocked prone, while Keg finishes the second guard ( Phil) and rushes over to attack Wohn. When Wohn shrugs off the Hideous Laughter, she retaliates on Keg, attacking her with Yasha's stolen Magicians's Judge, dispelling the Haste and stunning her.\nDM: (counting) You walk into this chamber and you see everybody else. You also see this weird spectral bear spirit that seems to have apparated in the center of this hallway that looks at you and goes (bear growls).\nPlayer: Hey. Can I see the barbarian through the door?\nDM: You can! You glance over and take in the scene. That's your movement and your action.\nPlayer: So I only have a bonus?\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: Hold on. I'm learning how this works. I can cast Healing Word.\nDM: You can, yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy and Vax walk to the door on the right. As they open the door, they are immediately hit with the smell of decay.\nDM: (creak) Opens up into what was Father Reynal's room. As the door opens, you're immediately hit with terrible smell of decay. And you can see, shoved under the bed that first appears on the opposite side of the small room, what appears to be the remains of Father Reynal. Long passed and left to fester beneath his bed.\nPlayer: Can I tell how he died?\nDM: You're welcome to go ahead and take a look. Roll an investigation check.\nPlayer: 23.\nDM: 23. Looking at the body, it appears that there are a series of puncture wounds. Rapier-based. They're too long, like stiletto, too long to be a dagger.\nPlayer: Not teeth.\nDM: No, they are inflicted by a weapon, a long thin weapon. And multiple to the torso.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There is no immediate response. Demistrik teases him for trying, then takes off out a window, never to be heard from again.\nDM: Okay. You glance through it. The book is a simple book, talking about the construction of barricades and it looks like it was less the contents of the book and more just the image of the book itself.\nPlayer: I'm going to hand him the book again and see if maybe there's focus to be found. Maybe this is--\nDM: Okay. Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Oh, lord. Ooh. Let's call that a 28.\nDM: When you took the book from him and handed him another book, there was a very faint vibration to his body as you pulled it from him and gave it back to him. Which you haven't noticed, but there's a physical vibration to him.\nPlayer: If it's all-- with your permission, I'm going to take his hands.\nDM: Okay. You feel them, and you feel this very faint vibration to his body.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you spends some time training Lockheed, his pet pseudo-dragon. As the party finish breakfast, you casts his teleportation spell.\nDM: Okay, so all of you who are going, you leap in. You're staying and you're staying, correct? And you're staying. All right, Keyleth, Percy and Vax. All of you guys step in and all of a sudden there's a familiar whoosh of some sort of dark transference, you feel as if gravity for a moment doesn't exist and your feet find purchase on some sort of a wooden floor. The room is dark. You glance about the immediate vicinity, and for those of you who have low light, there's very little you can actually make out other than the fact this is a basement of some kind, and you are amidst a bunch of sheet covered crates.\nPlayer: Light! (whoosh)\nDM: As the light fills the room, you look around.\nPlayer: I cast it on Lockheed. On his tail.\nDM: All right! Lockheed begins trying to shake the light off the tail, so it moves around a little bit.\nPlayer: Oh, Bensvelk! That means \"good\" in Draconian. Bensvelk. And I feed him a treat.\nDM: (chuckles) All right! You look around the room, there are about six or seven of these crates immediately visible to you. They have sheets put over them, they're different sizes, some sort of storage room. There is a staircase that leads to the floor above.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She tests the roots of the cursed tree for any illusory magic, but it is solid and real. you attempts to level up the Titanstone Knuckles by destroying the kitchen, much to Scanlan's consternation.\nDM: 20, okay. Vax and Percy, you guys manage to break free of the vines. Scanlan, you are considered grappled, so your speed is zero. The vines are actually holding you against the side. They're not hurting you or anything, but you cannot actually move from your space 'cause you're being held against the wall of the tree. That ends the legendary action. Grog, you're up.\nPlayer: Can I run immediately underneath Sondur?\nDM: Sondur, yes you can.\nPlayer: Are there any vines that are hanging from him? There are none?\nDM: There are vines hanging from the ceiling, but he himself just kind of sunk into the tree and then emerged above, he himself does not have any wayward vines that are just hanging.\nPlayer: Right. Are there any vines that look like they might be thick enough for me to try and climb up if I wanted to get to his height?\nDM: Probably a couple, yeah.\nPlayer: Could I grab a few of those vines to try and climb up to where he's at?\nDM: Make an athletics check. With disadvantage. And then you have advantage because you're raging, so just a straight roll on that.\nPlayer: Athletics. 23.\nDM: 23, all right, let me check and see how far you can actually climb at that speed.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The king speaks, You're kneeling before this false idol. This impostor- \n Silence!\nDM: At which point two of the other ones nearby kind of look at each other and look back at the one who's on on the ground. They put their hammers down, and they kneel as well. At which point, in the back, you see the two throned figures stand up. One of which you can barely see in the dim light outside of your Light spell that's currently gleaming above you. This long, almost-touching-the-floor black, braided beard that drags right over this heavy-set plate of jagged black iron metal. A giant sword in his hand. \"You're kneeling below this false idol.\"\nPlayer: Silence!\nDM: \"This imposter!\"\nPlayer: As I cast-- As I say silence, I blow a big plume of fire out of my mouth, and I cast Control Flames.\nDM: So the light (pff).\nPlayer: I don't cast Control Flames. I just do the Fireball for effect. I don't do Control Flames, because that's a concentration spell.\nDM: All right, so you do Fireball. Where are you casting Fireball? Or just doing it to do it?\nPlayer: Just (fwoosh).\nDM: Plume of flame. Roll an intimidation check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You had discussed with them, last time, a plot - fixing their seemingly not-very-well-put-together plot into a better direction (thankfully) - to acquire a wax seal within the home of Lord Sutan, to create a letter that you feel would be incriminating. Then to infiltrate the High Richter's home, do the same, and then report them to the Lawmaster or whoever else you think would be of higher estate...\nDM: You, however, you make your way to the Song and Supper, and on the inside, you can see, nervously at a table, in a dark cloak, Ulog. \"What the--?\" Gets up and meets you outside, shoves you back out there and you both begin to walk side-by-side. \"I was waiting here long enough!\"\nPlayer: We were waiting for you! It\u2019s so weird that we totally missed you, though.\nDM: Make a deception check.\nPlayer: Well, well, well, 11.\nDM: He goes, \"Right. Well, where\u2019s the rest of your team?\"\nPlayer: They are-- Here\u2019s the thing. How rich do you look? How rich does he look?\nDM: He looks down and he has fairly plain dark clothing for night-stealthing. He has like a single-- looks like a gold chain of some kind with a single yellowish amber-orange bead on it that looks like it\u2019s worth a gold or two. Dark green-brown cloak. It\u2019s hard to see the color, this late at night. He doesn\u2019t look super rich.\nPlayer: Can I put some of my costume on him?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: I\u2019ll put some of my festive wear on him.\nDM: You put some of the festive wear on him. It\u2019s all not at all fitted for him and it looks like a kid who has outgrown his snow-outfit and he\u2019s like-- \"This is humiliating.\"\nPlayer: It\u2019ll get you in the door, don\u2019t worry. Here, put this mask on.\nDM: He\u2019s seething beneath it. You can see him grinding his teeth, but he follows you nevertheless.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They reconnect on the other side. The right and left paths have rubble and weblike threads hang from the ceiling covering half the path.\nDM: Okay. You shout out, and the sound of Celestial being spoken has this echo to it, this, Lux, and it fades afterward. It has no immediate effect, the wind seems to swallow it around you from all the noise going around. The sphinx has no interest.\nPlayer: That's fine, I'm going to take a slash at that spider with my sword.\nDM: Go for it.\nPlayer: That's 19.\nDM: 19 hits.\nPlayer: I don't suppose that there's a keyword dragon in there anywhere?\nDM: A what?\nPlayer: I don't suppose there's a keyword dragon anywhere in that spider's description, but--\nDM: No, there isn't.\nPlayer: Pissing in the wind.\nDM: It's okay. It is a magical sword you're attacking with, right?\nPlayer: It is a magical sword I'm attacking with. That's 11 points of slashing damage.\nDM: This spider is scattered into ether.\nPlayer: With my sword out, I'm going to run down the hall and I'm going to take two more slashing attacks at the web.\nDM: Okay. Go ahead and roll.\nPlayer: 17, but really, how hard is it to hit a web?\nDM: It's more about finding the right place to do the proper damage, but that works, go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: That's 13 points of damage.\nDM: Okay. You cut through some of the threads, it limps on one side, but it's still keeping itself aloft.\nPlayer: 19.\nDM: All right, that hits, go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: Ooh. 15 points of damage.\nDM: 15 points of damage. All right. With that, the second strike, the thread dissipates and turns into smoke and vanishes from existence. None of the threads remain, it vanishes.\nPlayer: Is there anything written on the wall?\nDM: Go ahead and roll an investigation check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Beau, you, and Molly ran towards the treeline intending to get into trees. Nott hid inside the house while Keg stood her ground.\nDM: As you finish your attacks, you glance over your shoulder as you hear this sound. You look in the distance; you see Caleb-- who at this point has been this dirty hobo in the background-- all of a sudden, fire these three mystical arcane missiles that glow and arc off anime-missile style, through the woods, avoiding trees, and all three slamming into the sides of this creature. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: That's a four and also (counting) six-- I've got to change this dice, that is a ten total.\nDM: Ten total. (multiple impacts) It sits there for a second after the impact, leaving these large craters in the side of its chitinous armor where it's cracked and bits of liquid are spilling out of it. It looks heavily wounded, but it's still alive.\nPlayer: Was ist los?\nDM: You're going to stay where you're put?\nPlayer: I will go crouch by Nott.\nDM: Revealing her position.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors.\nDM: 25. With that, the first one hits the armor and streaks off and vanishes into the snow. The guy turns around and looks over and looks at you directly, grins, shrugging off the earth elemental to his side, grabs his greataxe and begins to move forward in a direction towards you angrily. However, as you let loose the second dagger, it catches him right in the center of the face, embedding itself between his eyes, and one wanders off as the momentum carries it forward three or four steps. (thudding) And grinds its face into the ground right before reaching you, into the fire. The body catches flame as soon as it lands, collapsing into one of the campfires and it begins to burn.\nPlayer: Sorry, sweetheart. And I feel the dagger go--\nDM: Yep, to the side of your Blinkback Belt. All right, do you want to stay right there? You have more movement if you want to use it.\nPlayer: How much left? Like five or ten?\nDM: Three more squares, 15 feet.\nPlayer: I'm going to walk up right up next to Keyleth in front of the bear. One, can I go diagonally?\nDM: Through the fire, you can if you want to.\nPlayer: Yeah, yeah.\nDM: Make an acrobatics check, go for it.\nPlayer: 27.\nDM: Okay, yeah, you basically run and leap up over the body of the guy you just killed, using him as a stepping stone, and you see ash and embers (whoosh) out the side as the pressure pushes him further into the fireplace. You leap in the air, land next to the one orc that's attacking Trinket and right next to where Keyleth is currently standing as the earth elemental.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She sees a flash of green light from the platform and sees Delilah reading from a scroll. All of the ice on the inside of the wall shatters and the walls appear to be writhing.\nDM: It's 150 feet, so yeah. There's no serious issue there. You can go ahead. You have disadvantage on the strike.\nPlayer: Oh, I do?\nDM: Because her image is still shimmering.\nPlayer: That's great, then 13.\nDM: 13. Arrow (whoosh) disappears into the darkness.\nPlayer: Can I hit her again?\nDM: Go for it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They continue to attack both gators. Yasha is held in the jaws of one, and Nott by the other.\nDM: We'll say for the purposes of this, at movement, because the space is not right here, so I'm going to get you on the edge of the map for your movement.\nPlayer: Am I within 60 feet of either of these?\nDM: Sure, you are.\nPlayer: Are we doing this? Well, we're doing this. I'm going to try and cast Enthrall on the closest gator.\nDM: The closest gator? Okay then. Let me pull it up here. That's a--\nPlayer: Wisdom save?\nDM: Enthrall. That's probably a bard spell. Enthrall. All right. You weave a distracting string of words (mumbles).\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There is no reaction, but, as he had moved closer to skid his sword, he is now able to ascertain that the object in the floor is some kind of oval gem or stone. you decides to skirt around the room, in an attempt to make it to the door on the other side of the room.\nDM: As the floor ramps down towards the center, you follow it along the wall. Making your way across, looking. You notice as you go across the wall, there are three more of these same opal stones embedded in the wall about shoulder height.\nPlayer: In the wall?\nDM: In the wall as you go across.\nPlayer: Is it one in the middle and then one in the center of each wall?\nDM: On just on your wall--\nPlayer: Just on my wall?\nDM: Just on your wall, there's three along the way. There's one in the center of the room in line with the central opal, and there's two to the sides of it about four feet from each other.\nPlayer: I've gone into a crouch, so I'm very low, butt dragging along the floor and just sort of--\nDM: So you notice that. You skirt underneath.\nPlayer: Leaning my back against the wall.\nDM: Okay. They pass overhead. As you make your way underneath the three opals in this part of the wall. Making your way up the other ramp to the other side.\nPlayer: Continued perception check?\nDM: Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Yeah. 23.\nDM: Okay. You make your way up this side looking about on the floor. Nothing seems to happen, nothing catches your eye. You get onto this upper platform, and there is the door there in front of you.\nPlayer: I check for traps on the door. That is a 24.\nDM: The door does not appear to be trapped.\nPlayer: Or locked?\nDM: Does not appear to be locked. It does not seem to have a mechanism for opening other than if you wanted to try and push.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls.\nDM: You begin to curve down the right path and there is a slight depression on one side that you glance over and look and it looks like some of the burlap that had been torn from the sacks earlier in the tunnel had been used to cover a three and a half foot wide pit that has been laced over to hide its presence.\nPlayer: It's just burlap over a pit in the ground?\nDM: Yeah, it's affixed with a couple of rocks in the sides, it's very light and would have fallen through. It only covers part of the path. The tunnel is about ten feet wide and the right side of it is where that pitfall is. You notice it and go. \"Oh, hmm.\" This one does not snake, this one continues in a continual curve for another 40 or so feet before you're starting to get a little far from your friends. You can continue if you want.\nPlayer: It just keeps curving and curving?\nDM: It looks like it's going in a downward spiral.\nPlayer: Oh, a downward spiral. Okay, I'll go back and report what I saw.\nDM: Great album.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jarett tells him to lean in and sucker punches him in the face, telling him that he now has to live to return the favor. you goes outside into the courtyard and marks his territory with his pee.\nDM: Yeah and there are a number of walls to choose from: varying heights, different levels of masonry. You have the veritable pick of the litter.\nPlayer: Can I find the highest wall with the most ornate decoration on it and go slightly off left? The way me member goes and make a little box right there? A little waterfall on the whitestone.\nDM: Certainly. You find the portion where the exterior wall has one little parapet-joining portion with the exterior of the castle itself. There, you can see the masonry is fine, the stones themselves are clean-cut and joined properly. There isn't a whole lot in the way of ornate craftsmanship on the exterior of the castle or the walls, but you feel, as far as your interest, Grog, this is a good wall.\nPlayer: Very nice.\nDM: You mark your territory expertly.\nPlayer: In a wide, arcing pattern, not like the one shot, like a nice, upside-down crown.\nDM: There you go, like a Cylon eyebeam. Yeah, totally. You do so with gusto. Congratulations.\nPlayer: Thank you. Home.\nDM: That's how Grog spells home.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She is just confused and disgusted by the display. As Vax begins walking towards the stairs, the woman begs you'ahlia to help her.\nDM: Okay, as you're going for the lock, she rushes up and helps you with it and is holding, like, \"Yes, yes, please, just like that. All right.\"\nPlayer: And then what?\nDM: \"You turn it this way. You don't have the proper tools for this--\"\nPlayer: I snap the thing into the lock. Oh no. I knew I shouldn't have done that.\nDM: \"Foolish girl!\"\nPlayer: I just don't know what I'm doing, but I will be back with someone who does.\nDM: Make a perception check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Further along the way, they meet refugees from Nogvurot. After the fourth day of travel, they camp and notice an overturned cart just off the road.\nDM: As you approach the white tent, you see a female halfling there who is wearing a leather apron that has some tools tucked in there. There's nobody currently at the station, so as you approach, she looks out to you. She has frizzy brown hair with some gray ones that are starting to sprout from the outside that's pulled back and held in this giant poof of a ponytail. She looks out toward you and points and goes, \"Oh, hello! Looking to buy something?\"\nPlayer: Actually, I am. How fascinating that you caught me right in the moment where I'm ready to spend money.\nDM: \"Oh, great. What are you looking for?\"\nPlayer: Well, I've got a couple problems.\nDM: \"Problems? I have, possibly, some solutions.\"\nPlayer: I've got a cart that keeps breaking down on me.\nDM: \"That's a problem.\"\nPlayer: If you've got a kit for something like that. Also, I was thinking about maybe putting some canvas on top of it, giving it a little bit of safety from the elements. I think I'm going to need at least four tents. I've recently come into a bunch of new companions and they really didn't have what's necessary to make our way through these wonderful, wonderful roads.\nDM: \"Tents, tents I can do. Two gold per tent. We have five ready. If you need four, throwing those all together if you're buying a tent--\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group of adventurers, Vox Machina, had found themselves in the Feywild, intent on discovering another one of the Vestiges of the Divergence, one of the many artifacts that they hope will aid them in their struggle against Thordak the Cinder King and the rest of the Chroma Conclave. They've defeated two of the members, three still remain, Thordak being the seeming powerhouse head of that troupe.\nDM: Yeah, it's not inspiring somebody. It is intended to distract the opponent. And this crocodile, probably having a rather rough time in the early 2000s, manages to provide even more bile from its stomach at the sound of a rehashed Hanson song. Go ahead and make your roll.\nPlayer: What do I roll?\nDM: You roll your inspiration die.\nPlayer: Eight.\nDM: No, it's a d10.\nPlayer: d10? Eight.\nDM: You were intent on that happening. As it reaches out to try and bite towards Grog, it hears the sound and its head quirks, vomits a little. Grog, you manage to get away, at that point, we'll say about that far. As you turn around, the daisy chain has not followed you. Glancing down, the rope that was once around your waist has snapped by the growth in size, and all the rest of the ropes have also been snapped. Sorry.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth, Vex'ahlia, and the lifeless body of Vax'ildan, meanwhile, materialize from Keyleth's Plane Shift on the outskirts of Vesrah.\nDM: Okay, so the scattered remnants of your transformation, the raven feathers that were shunted from your form, you begin to form into a bed-like place to set his body on. Okay. While you guys are doing that, Durent finally breaks the surface of the water, where you were originally brought down into the Aerie of Torrent. And after you've all hit the surface and breathed out, the bright midday sun is coming down, the smell of sea air hits you. You hear the distant cawing of various ocean shore birds. It's a welcome change of pace from the murky depths of the water elemental plane you've been facing for the past few moments. As soon as you emerge, Durent steps up onto the sand, turns around, shakes and brushes his hair off. \"All right. Well, that's the end of my watch. I don't know what to do.\"\nPlayer: Could you point us in the direction of where your healers would be?\nDM: \"Healers?\" And he points over to the large ascending central structure in Vesrah. The one above where you guys had dinner the night before. \"That's your best bet there. That's where Uvenda is, at least. She can help you more than I do. I spend most of my time on the outskirts, or down below.\"\nPlayer: Right. Thank you for watching our backs in there, that was real hairy, but we have to be leaving you now.\nDM: \"Oh, understood.\"\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: \"Hope everything's okay.\" And he gives you a nod and steps over to the side and watches as you guys go, as he retrieves one of his Waverunner sailing boards, and watches with a look of intensity and worry on his brow, as his dark dwarven complexion vanishes in the distance. You guys approaching, rushing in towards the center of the city. As you begin to approach, you watch as Doty, who's been waiting patiently off to the side, comes up to you and is holding the book out, and starts thumbing through page after page after page.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With a high-level Hold Monster, he paralyzes Zahra, Kash, and both their mounts, sending them plummeting back over the side of the tower. As Vecna's wounds again begin to seal, he telekinetically raises the central platform of the broken tower.\nDM: Okay. That brings us to, end of your turn, he's going to go ahead and use two legendary actions to cast Telekinesis with an extended range.\nPlayer: What?! Telekinesis? What's he doing? What does that do? That moves things, right?\nDM: Yes, but he has an extended range on all of his spells because of his-- yeah. For most of his spells, not all of them. So he looks down and begins to rise his hand up. You watch as the central column begins to shift.\nPlayer: What's on there?\nDM: Lift up higher and higher until about midway, there.\nPlayer: What's that going to do?\nDM: Going to adjust this a little bit so we can--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Dairon reveals how much she hates and distrusts the Kryn, and mentions she will be traveling to Bladegarden soon.\nDM: \"Good. I've worked hard to not be easy to read. I'll tell you one thing: being invisible can get you in some doors that otherwise you could not, but notoriety can get you in doors that you couldn't otherwise as well. Either path has its benefits; the choice is yours which to take.\"\nPlayer: You don't think the two could be mutually exclusive? Or best of both worlds?\nDM: (chuckles) \"With enough training and discipline, maybe. Two things, unfortunately, you lack.\"\nPlayer: Hey!\nDM: \"In time, perhaps. So why are you here? Just to tell me you're in town?\"\nPlayer: No, that I'm back and I'm dedicated. I figured showing up would be good, you know?\nDM: \"That is good. I'm proud of you. Do you wish to train?\"\nPlayer: Do you have time?\nDM: \"I always have time.\"\nPlayer: My kind of woman. Let's go.\nDM: \"All right.\" Dairon leads you out of the chamber and down below the archive where, as you recall, is the subterranean training boxes for the monks in which you have sand pits, you have all sorts of assembled-- essentially-- the word escapes me-- A series of things you have to climb--\nPlayer: Obstacle course?\nDM: Thank you! An obstacle course-- my brain is not working right now, at the moment. Obstacle courses, and places that are designed to help you gain more skill in advancing through urban and exterior vicinities. It looks like a parkour park a little bit, but not-- there in that space, you and Dairon spend the better part of the afternoon-- her essentially beating the shit out of you via these courses, showing you some better placement of your applications of Extract Aspects, hearing tales about the things you've encountered, and teaching you the importance of the specific bits of information that is most useful in the heat of battle-- advancing this training and giving you a little more focused idea of the path that you have been taking, and the path that you are going.\nPlayer: I tell her about the Xhorhasian spies and the terrorist that we encountered. Does she seem like she knew that knowledge or not?\nDM: She knew that they had come through; she is caught off guard that you had actually encountered them directly. Dairon says, \"Interesting. I will take this into my studies.\"\nPlayer: They said they were looking for an artifact. Something that the wizards here had stolen? Something that they said furthered their bloodline and made sure that they furthered their population. I don't know. Do you know anything about it?\nDM: Dairon goes from this very cold exterior. For the first moment, you see a brief crack of emotion, and she leans in. \"Whatever those things told you, do not trust it. Do not take it as anything but desire to conquer and kill.\"\nPlayer: Why else would they attack the tower if they weren't looking for something specific?\nDM: \"Oh, I'm sure they were looking for something. Do not show pity for these things.\"\nPlayer: I never said I show pity. I wanted to know what the hell this artifact was that they were after. Figured you here at the Cobalt Soul would know.\nDM: \"Unfortunately, the detailed business of the Cerberus Assembly is very carefully guarded and outside of our jurisdiction, but we're doing our best to keep an eye in case anything slips through the cracks. They do a lot of good, but I don't trust a mage that powerful.\"\nPlayer: We wouldn't have any records on some Xhorhasian artifact that apparently keeps them alive?\nDM: \"None that I've come across.\"\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: \"Keep your ear out. If you encounter another one of these things-- these objects-- or at worse, another one of these Cricks, bring what it has, bring it to us.\"\nPlayer: All right. Thank you, Dairon.\nDM: \"Of course. I may not be here in a month or so--\"\nPlayer: What?\nDM: \"I'm going to travel to Bladegarden. See what I can gather on the front lines. With these conflicts escalating, I wish to be informed as to who's in charge there and perhaps what dangers might be creeping further into the empire.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord notices a figure hiding in the trees. Beau sneaks up on it and sees it is a troll, wearing a bone necklace very similar to the wind chimes.\nDM: From behind the tree, one of the claws-- The long, stringy hair dangling, somewhat stuck to its neck, shifting with the light breeze that blows through as it looks back and watches the illusion turn and shift. Is it relatively close to the tree, the illusion?\nPlayer: Pretty close.\nDM: It sits there and waits, shifts.\nPlayer: I'm going to have her take a couple of steps away from the tree.\nDM: It shifts back in its space a little bit.\nPlayer: She's going to step back towards the tree.\nDM: As soon as it gets within about five or so feet, the illusion, the troll creature reaches out and swings out to grab the illusion, passes through, and the claws (slash) into the tree. It goes (frantic grunting) and then vanishes behind the tree. You watch it dart, the shadow of it vanish behind another tree, and it's moving further away from where you are.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Their parents Gilda and Wallace Schuster are gone, arrested months ago by the tithe collectors for worshipping Avandra, the Changebringer. They've survived by pickpocketing ever since.\nDM: \"Avandra. It's been in the family for a long time. Every six months, the tithe collectors come through, and they noticed they'd forgotten to put away their idol worship. They locked them up. They've been in the Gearhold ever since.\"\nPlayer: Tithe collectors?\nDM: You know about those. Those of you who've been in the Empire, part of living in the Empire is about every six months or so, there's a tax man, a tithe collector that goes through, usually with a couple crownsguard. You recognize them by black cloak with gold trim, usually dark clothing. They go building to building, business to business, inspect ledgers, ask about their business, look at the means in which they're living, and then make an estimation of what they owe. They then collect the money and move on their way. But you know this from your studies, this is also used as a means of inspecting for any illegal activity and anything that goes against the Crown. Often a lot of people get arrested for that.\nPlayer: You all brothers and sisters?\nDM: \"We are.\"\nPlayer: And your parents' names?\nDM: \"Gilda and Wallace Schuster. We're Schusters.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. you managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: This would be a very forceful hand. This would be the definition of Bigby's Forceful Hand. Go ahead and roll an athletics check for Bigby, which is strength 28, so add plus eight to the roll.\nPlayer: 12?!\nDM: Total of 12?\nPlayer: Yes!\nDM: The finger pushes partway in and gets about halfway up to its second knuckle. It is just chilling right there.\nPlayer: This is so embarrassing! Wow!\nDM: I'm blushing, man!\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex puts Trinket back in Raven's Slumber so they are stealthy. you goes forward to recon and tries Detect Evil, not picking anything up.\nDM: You scoot ahead, and there is a small break. You see that groove reappear in the center of this break, and you see three figures on the other side of this, seemingly in a conversation.\nPlayer: What do they look like?\nDM: You see, to the back, holding a large wooden crate, and is currently leaning against it and impatiently looking at the other two figures, a female goliath with a heavy scratched scar across her face, head shaved bald. She has a shield slung over her back and a big sword currently sheathed over her shoulder. She looks wounded a little bit. There's a little bit of blood trickling down the face. And then right in front of the crate, you see a younger man with a dark hood up and cloak, arguing with another woman wearing a very intricate cloak with a sparkling blue interior. Darker brown hair pulled into a very tight bun in the back with streaks of white in the back, and familiar-looking weapons dangling from her belt. You're too far away to hear anything, but you do see them.\nPlayer: So goliath, Ripley, and the third. What does the third look like?\nDM: It's too hard to see from this distance. Looks humanoid.\nPlayer: I go back.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Lady Allura once travelled with an adventuring party that included Lady Kima, Drake Thunderbrand, Sirus, Dohla, and Ghenn. Lady Allura's party sealed Thordak in the Elemental Plane of Fire at the cost of Sirus, Dohla, and Ghenn's lives.\nDM: \"That would have no bearing on this. The heart crystal is immense. 15, 20 feet in diameter, it's a gem of pure crystallized ruby and elemental power and energy. Lest you managed to find this and destroy it, which, I mean no offence, is far beyond your capability.\"\nPlayer: My people, would they be okay?\nDM: \"Depends on where he made his way through. The timing is rather conspicuous, seeing as how Winter's Crest recently passed, in which time the planes are the thinnest barricades.\"\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: \"Whatever it is, I fear that our ruse will not work twice, especially if Thordak has had all this time to obsess over his failure. I do not know our next course of action.\"\nPlayer: What do you know of General Krieg?\nDM: \"He's been gone for some time.\"\nPlayer: You were on the council with him, do you know anything further?\nDM: \"I think it was discussed that he had been killed during the demonic intrusion in the city, or deserted.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: You just move out of range of the kraken, but it does not see you because of your hide check earlier, so it does not get an attack of opportunity.\nPlayer: Awesome. I'm gonna have Trinket, for my bonus action, swim up on top of the kraken's back.\nDM: All right. We'll say Trinket's right there.\nPlayer: And try to claw through, because he saw Grog get swallowed.\nDM: Okay. There is Trinket, currently grappling onto him.\nPlayer: He's just claws, like, thinking he's going to get to the belly. He's going to attack him with a claw attack.\nDM: Okay, so make your claw attack against him.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Trent is curious about Yasha, who admits she is from Xhorhas and has been in the Empire only about eight months. During their conversation, she fails a wisdom save, but with no obvious consequence.\nDM: He reaches out and shakes your hand once more. \"I would like very much to talk to you some time in the future. You're intriguing.\"\nPlayer: Well, you see, you have to go through me, because I'm her booker. That's actually a conversation that me and you and the rest of The Mighty Nein can have.\nDM: \"You're Cobalt Soul, aren't you?\" Oremid goes, \"Please, stop this interrogation. I apologize. My friend is very studious.\"\nPlayer: No, I am Cobalt Soul. Yeah. Super proud of the work we're doing over there.\nDM: \"You have done much great work and have aided us on many occasions.\"\nPlayer: Everyone at the Cobalt Soul feels the same about you all at the Halls of Erudition.\nDM: Oremid Hass actually laughs and he goes, \"Look. I know that there have been tensions in the past, but, complete honesty, I really appreciate what you do over there.\"\nPlayer: Thank you.\nDM: \"Anyway, we must be off. The evening has grown late. Isn't that correct?\" Trent goes, \"Yes, that is correct. It's been a pleasure. I look forward to our paths crossing again.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Wharfmaster has heard of Marius LePual, a dubious sort of prick, and he's probably hanging out at a waterfront dive somewhere. The other party members go to the Mother's Lighthouse, where Gladys, the Lightkeeper, is a follower of Melora and admits them because you is, too.\nDM: Now that you've focused on this, there are no windows to the lighthouse. There's a metal structure that holds up the top, this faint 15-by-15 foot dome that marks the ceiling of it. Each of these openings between these metal rods that holds that up are where the light protrudes. You can see now the marine layer starting to burn away in the midday and most of the fog is receded towards the horizon, the blue sky having returned-- you see this rough-cut, quartz-like crystal that's about three and a half, four feet in diameter, that's set in the center of this top floor.\nPlayer: I'm going to compare it to mine a little bit.\nDM: \"It is my responsibility to invoke the Mother's blessing of the stone and each day, have its light guide the ships back to safe shore.\"\nPlayer: I have my own responsibilities to her as well.\nDM: \"I can sense. Even looking upon you, I can smell decay.\"\nPlayer: This place, it's so different. Was it perhaps a gift from the Lawbearer, long ago?\nDM: \"That is very astute of you. It was at a time when their temperaments were less in conflict. They two, the union, blessed upon this shore the gifts of stone that then built this tower.\"\nPlayer: It is beautiful. I will admit we have many tasks that weigh upon us that bring us here. I have two favors that I would ask of you, and I understand if they're not possible.\nDM: \"Well, I can maybe help with one and probably laugh at the other. So choose carefully.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On Vax's request, Gilmore procures a favor for him with the Lyceum. Vax also purchases three enchanted daggers, presumably as a gift for Kynan Leore.\nDM: She looks at you, and goes, \"You have been good patrons, and you have been much kinder to me than others. We'll put this one on the house. We'll call this on the house.\" And as she takes the vial, sets it down, and she pulls out another book that she shuffles through, puts it up, turns through a few pages, until, looking through, \"This here would be a Potion of Fire Breath. When imbibed, it should give you a temporary time period of the ability to breathe fire, much like a relatively young dragon. This one in particular is fire. There are many different vials like this that pertain to different colorations of dragon, but this one is specifically for the red.\"\nPlayer: Thank you so much. Thank you. Well, thank you so much. Two more questions, then I'll leave you alone. One: where can I go get business cards printed up, in this town? It's a calling card? Never mind! Forget it.\nDM: \"Like a flyer?\"\nPlayer: Yes!\nDM: \"Those can be printed. There is a-- actually, a pretty well-designed print facility not that far up the road.\"\nPlayer: Oh, great! Thank you; I'll go investigate that. And one other thing: you know those books that my friend was asking about? Could we maybe make those happen for her? I know that you had quoted her a low, low price of 25. I'd be prepared to pay even more than that for them. And compose you a little song about yourself.\nDM: At which point, for the first time since the entire time you've been in the shop of Gilmore's Glorious Goods, you see a slight grin creep across her lips. She goes, \"How could a lady say no to a song? 25 gold! The price stands.\"\nPlayer: So I have to pay you and sing to you?\nDM: \"We run a business, here, yes.\"\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: She pulls the books out.\nPlayer: I bring out my-- something. (sings) Sherri baby, Sherri baby, Sherri, won't you come home tonight? Come home tonight? You better ask your mama. Tell her you're without a gnome! Why don't you come home to my keep!\nDM: \"Pay for the books!\"\nPlayer: Okay, here you go!\nDM: You can see, her face is flushed and she, (clears throat).\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group continues on to the edge of the carnival grounds. you and Caleb decide to distract the Crownsguards posted at the carnival while the rest of the group goes to talk to the circus hands.\nDM: \"Eh, nothing yet. Mostly I hate this. Ugh, I just wish this whole fucking circus would just go. I need to sleep. Regular hours.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, have you heard heard? How long are they supposed to be here?\nDM: \"Until they finish this fucking investigation. They keep bugging people for information, but they're all just clammed up and not saying shit.\"\nPlayer: At least you're by the tent, they've had us walking the perimeter of the lake the entire time.\nDM: \"It's bullshit. I wish they would just go ahead and execute them. That carnival master or whatever and get it over with.\"\nPlayer: Did they find anything inside, today? Tell me, something interesting, please.\nDM: \"They investigated the corpses and found nothing yet. Still in there if you want to take a look at it.\"\nPlayer: Would you mind if we popped in?\nDM: \"I mean I suppose so.\" Make a deception check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They are brought to meet Flamespeaker Cerkonos, the headmaster of the tribe. Cerkonos confirms that Keyleth's mother, Vilya, came through about ten years ago on her own aramente.\nDM: As the actual protective energies of the Frost Brand gives this layer of cold across your armor and reduces the impact. You're still on fire, but the fire is doing less damage to you physically as the cold is counteracting it. Cool. Percy, what are you doing?\nPlayer: Okay, I'm pulling out the Pepperbox and I'm taking an ice shot at the little one attacking Pike. And I'm going to take a sharpshooter-- that's the wrong dice to roll. I'm going to take a sharpshooter bonus for it, so that's a miss. That's a nine. Actually, no. Shit. God damn it, that's a misfire. I'm going to spend an action to fix that.\nDM: Okay, go ahead and roll the check on that, if you could.\nPlayer: Oh, what is the check on that? That's a DC 12. Eight, nine, ten, 11, 12. I hit my check.\nDM: You just barely make it. The gun is not broken. As you spin, you go to fire, and something about the trajectory of the bullet is off, and as you release the trigger, all of a sudden the whole front of the barrel (cracking) encases in ice, and you're like, crap! And you have to chisel the ice off.\nPlayer: Fire again.\nDM: Well, it takes an action to try and--\nPlayer: No, I looked. It takes an attack.\nDM: Then yes, you're able to do that.\nPlayer: If it goes, then I'm--\nDM: Then it takes an action to fix it, that's what it is. Yeah, it's an action to fix a broken gun.\nPlayer: Yeah. Action to fix a broken gun. Let's try it again without the sharpshooter bonus. Better! 20 to hit.\nDM: 20 does hit, yes.\nPlayer: And I don't get the bonus on that because I suck. Seven points of damage.\nDM: Seven points of damage.\nPlayer: Rolled a one.\nDM: Sometimes it works out that way. All right.\nPlayer: And I'm going to back off.\nDM: Cannot use your attack again until an action. It is an action.\nPlayer: It is an action? I thought it was an action to--\nDM: It's an action to repair, and then if it breaks, you cannot use it until you're out of combat.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The next morning, they gather in the dining room for breakfast that is mercifully free of chicken, but initially lacking in bacon. Zahra Hydris soon enters the room and joins them for breakfast as they soon begin filling each other in on recent events.\nDM: She comes and sits down and spends breakfast with you guys, catching up on what has transpired and what your current plan of action is.\nPlayer: Zahra, it occurs to me, you come from a family with power, connections.\nDM: \"Kind of. Let's just say we're estranged at the moment.\"\nPlayer: Well, we're looking for any ally we could, and we were curious if--\nDM: \"You will find no allies where you're asking. Believe me, I'd be happy to offer if we could, but no.\"\nPlayer: I had a feeling. It just felt worth asking.\nDM: \"It's all right. I'm going to continue with my research, since the rest of the ziggurat clan are now scattered about or maintaining that barrier. Guess who has to do the research in the meantime?\" And she rolls her sleeves up; you can see the slightly smudged dirt across her reddish skin. She's been hard at work digging around trying to figure out what the basis of this enchantment beneath the city still is.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He wakes after a very restful night's sleep. you accompanies Horris to the city gates only to find that the crownsguard are interviewing everyone leaving the city.\nDM: If you die in the level-up, you die in real life. All right, so anyway, continuing. The hit points are the main thing, and your abilities, we can keep tabs on that if it comes into play, and we can define stuff after the episode tonight. But anyway. As you all come to consciousness in the morning, the day is before you. What do you wish to do?\nPlayer: I'm going to see Horris.\nDM: Horris is already awake and looking out the window, and looks nervously.\nPlayer: Horris, do you need an escort out of town, or do you think you can find your way?\nDM: \"I mean, an escort would be nice, just to have somebody I can work with in case things go bad.\"\nPlayer: Of course. Have much coin do you have on you?\nDM: \"On me? 20 gold.\"\nPlayer: Oh, you'll be fine.\nDM: \"It's enough to last me a while, yeah.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan then asks the final question, from one father to another. The questions having been asked and the magic fading, the body reverts to its lifeless state.\nDM: Because of the building, or the structure of it for about 30 feet on the outside of the wall it's mainly just hard-packed dirt and earth from patrols for hundreds of years going around the wall, whether it be carts, beasts of burden, or just people walking all around the outskirts of the town of Westruun, it's very heavy-packed and often-walked earth.\nPlayer: Zero cover.\nDM: Zero coverage within 30 feet of it, and the grass does thin as it gets close to that. Keyleth had to pick a specific area and get low and even then had to force her way under and use a good, you know, a quarter of her spell time to be able to dig well enough to get past that space.\nPlayer: Past 30 feet from the wall, from the edge of town, what kind of cover is there? Is there any?\nDM: Not really.\nPlayer: Not even the tall grass?\nDM: The grass at that point gets about waist- to knee-high, even less so.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There was a cart of horses pulling a group of four gnomes that all eventually revealed themselves to be family of you Trickfoot. After taking them in, whether or not Vox Machina was excited or eager to, nevertheless they treated them with hospitality, gave them a place to stay, gave them food for the evening, conversations were had, and information was passed around.\nDM: Okay. He's currently at the table, and he's tracing his finger on the side, while occasionally, JB goes, \"Uncle?\" and taps him. \"Oh. Right.\" She goes and takes a piece of bread and soaks it in the soup for a second and puts it in his mouth. He chews on it for a bit, and as you walk over, he pushes JB's hand out of the way and goes, \"Oh, young Pike. Hello.\"\nPlayer: Hello. Did you have a good time today?\nDM: \"I did. I haven't had a rest like that in a long time.\"\nPlayer: Well, that's good.\nDM: \"Your city gets very loud.\"\nPlayer: It gets pretty loud here. It's true. I take it you went to Firecracker Alley?\nDM: \"That's the one.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, it's real loud.\nDM: JB peeks over Ogden's shoulder, listening in. \"It was quite nice, actually. We got to watch them fire these-- Anyway!\" Ogden pushes in, not even paying attention to her. \"It's so good to see you.\"\nPlayer: Will you take a walk with me?\nDM: \"But of course.\" He takes his stick and stands up. JB's like, \"Oh. Where would you like to go?\"\nPlayer: Well... I just would love to spend some time with you alone, Uncle Ogden.\nDM: JB, you watch her face go--\nPlayer: I'll spend some time with you, as well, JB. I just want to make sure I get time with everybody.\nDM: \"Of course. Enjoy. I'll just--\" And she goes back to her meal and begins cutting it up with fervor or frustration.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Many of the townsfolk gathered at that square were immediately killed. The party, as well as a few other straggling survivors, ran away as both the gargantuan black and green dragons began to chase them down.\nDM: Okay, the second attack is reload, third attack. Another grit point to try and take it down, go for it. Roll for the attack.\nPlayer: 25.\nDM: 25 hits. It rolled a three, that is 17.\nPlayer: Drop, fucker!\nDM: Terrible, terrible-- All right, so that will effectively reduce its speed, or its height, by what?\nPlayer: Height by 20 feet? And I imagine that would throw it a bit.\nDM: It might.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Maintaining her Wind Wall, Keyleth asks what the mist is. Percy shouts back that it's a vampire.\nDM: 1d8. It's a plus-one rapier, so it's 1d8 plus your dexterity modifier, plus one, so it would be plus seven for you.\nPlayer: Okay. Then in that case, I'm going to bring my Hex up to the very next--\nDM: Right there?\nPlayer: And I'm going to put my gun away, walk up to him, and begin stabbing.\nDM: All right. One, two, three, four, five. At that height you're going to have to leap up onto the second floor to get to him.\nPlayer: Oh, that's right.\nDM: Yeah, so go ahead and make an acrobatics check, if you want.\nPlayer: I'm just going to walk up, not quite that close, but one step back.\nDM: Okay, so there?\nPlayer: Take my next three shots.\nDM: Walk up the stairs. Go for it.\nPlayer: That's 21.\nDM: Hits.\nPlayer: That's 23.\nDM: Hits.\nPlayer: I'm going to stop there in case that kills him.\nDM: Okay. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: Actually, I had to reload anyway.\nDM: So there you go. So your third attack is to reload.\nPlayer: All three was reload, attack, attack.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: So that's 16.\nDM: 16. All righty.\nPlayer: 14.\nDM: (gunshot) He is blasted out of place. You can see there's a gaping hole across where one of his lungs was located, and he (groans) crumples to the ground into a pile.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog runs after the devil as well. He hits her twice with his hammer, slamming her into the wall.\nDM: As soon as you run around the corner, you see this mass of fur that is Trinket, this mass of muscle that is Grog, and this tiny little bit of a devilish head of this female, as you're holding your pike.\nPlayer: Do I have more movement? No, right?\nDM: You do have a little more movement, yeah.\nPlayer: All right, can I get up to poke it?\nDM: Because it is a reach weapon, you can. Over Trinket. Go ahead and roll an attack.\nPlayer: Would it take my bonus action to say, fire, and light my weapon on fire?\nDM: Yes, you can do that.\nPlayer: I'm lighting my weapon on fire and poking it!\nDM: The front of it bursts into flame, and you appear on the side. So go and roll an attack.\nPlayer: Yes, I know how to do this! Attack plus eight, so that's 21.\nDM: 21 hits!\nPlayer: It's 1d12, ooh, four! Plus two magic, so that's six! Plus 1d6! Is four! Ten!\nDM: Ten? All right. The fire's reduced by half, so it's eight. Eight points of damage.\nPlayer: I'm hasted, I get another attack!\nDM: You do.\nPlayer: Poke again! 18.\nDM: 18 unfortunately does not hit.\nPlayer: I feel lucky. 24.\nDM: That hits!\nPlayer: Ooh, ten! Ten plus two, that's 12, plus six!\nDM: 15, because fire, half the fire damage. As you jam it over Trinket, the second one gets it in the throat.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Suddenly, Aldor reacts from the back of the room, alarmed and ready to run in the event that she is present. Vanessa tells him that it is okay, Lyra is currently away helping her uncle, Randi.\nDM: 27. He goes to try and catch it, but you change the direction of the blade at the last minute and find the side of his flesh, go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: Okay. So 12. 19.\nDM: He does make his save on that.\nPlayer: 29. Damn it, he does?\nDM: 29 damage.\nPlayer: 29. All that.\nDM: He's got a decent constitution.\nPlayer: Yeah, you think?\nDM: All right, so the third blade finally sinks in about two inches into his clavicle area and probably would snap the clavicle bone if he hadn't put his hands up and caught as much of the impact as he could, and then throws it back again and just kicks you away to get a little bit of distance.\nPlayer: Shit, really? Little distance, or?\nDM: It's just like a foot, just away from being clenched up.\nPlayer: Okay. Can I move opposite of where my two lads are so I stay behind him again?\nDM: Right there? Yeah, you can do that. Go for it. All right, that ends your turn?\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: Scanlan, you're up. Well, let me see actually if he resists the-- Nope.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There, they find the city blanketed in dark clouds and all the guards on alert for approaching armies. They notice one citizen, a father, painting a symbol of Vecna over his door in the hopes of protection.\nDM: Knowing the location, you're not that far from the Quadroads juncture between the different areas. You can go further towards the Trial Forge or back towards the center of where the Quadroads meets between that and where the Platinum Sanctuary and Platinum Dragon section is. There is the temple to Sarenrae, where you left Pike previously. What do you wish to do?\nPlayer: Is the crazy zealot still running around?\nDM: Yeah. He seems to be scattered through the streets. He's maybe 60 feet away, still shouting obscenities and weird doom-saying prophecies.\nPlayer: I walk up to him.\nDM: Okay. As he's shouting this time, \"He will come! He will destroy us! You! He will destroy you, too! I've seen it! I've seen it.\"\nPlayer: Yeah. I believe you. I've seen it, too.\nDM: \"Good! Then save yourself! Run! Run far!\"\nPlayer: Wait. How did he talk to you?\nDM: \"In my mind. In my dreams. He comes. He says it's inevitable. The clouds, they come as the first warning. The first seal broken. The sky has already left us. The sun is gone!\"\nPlayer: Okay. Yeah, no. Accurate.\nDM: \"Beware the Undying King!\" And he goes to run off, away.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As well as that, they do some other activites, with Scanlan helping to set up a library and commissioning a painting of himself to hang in Greyskull Keep. Vax also contacts Gilmore to ask for his help with reopening trade in Whitestone.\nDM: Other individuals come and enter and you can see as you guys are preparing for this event, you hear the rattling of chains nearby and you can see two guards stepping up with--\nPlayer: The other goliath!\nDM: Goran Vedmeyer, who you've seen--\nPlayer: The Duke!\nDM: Yeah, no longer Duke. Un-Duked.\nPlayer: Once you Duke something, you can't un-Duke it, Matt.\nDM: No, he's been thoroughly un-Duked, trust me.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Meanwhile, the rest of the party arrive at The Shade, a lounge tavern with segmented spots that doubles as a hookah bar. Keyleth reveals that the Earth Ashari are super into hookah , which could mean that when she visited months ago, she had partaken in it.\nDM: Yeah. You see a man walks up to you, long dark curly hair, bit of a goatee growing. \"How can I help you?\"\nPlayer: Yeah, I'm royalty from a far-off land. I pride myself on trying the fiercest spirit in the area that I'm visiting. What do you guys pride yourself on?\nDM: \"You want the Sandkheg's Hide.\"\nPlayer: The sandcake side?\nDM: \"The Sandkheg's Hide.\"\nPlayer: Oh, hide. Oh, is it a food or a drink?\nDM: \"It's a drink.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, then one of those'd be great.\nDM: \"It's expensive.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, well, don't tell anybody but I'm super fucking rich. Only because I have to check with my national treasury, how much is it?\nDM: \"Ah, do you wish to have a glass or a bottle?\"\nPlayer: A bottle.\nDM: \"A bottle will run you 350 gold pieces.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party managed to make their way outside of Emberhold proper, and they've all taken a moment to breathe, at this point realizing that, thankfully, for the most part they've all survived, aside from the missing party member and a few in a state of flux at the moment.\nDM: There's a softness that hits Kima's face and you can see a bit of a quiver to her chin and she goes, \"The guilt I feel for unknowingly putting you all in danger for my sake is immense. It's because of me and my actions that you even delved this far and nearly lost life and limb, merely at the behest of Allura and... I want you all to know that I appreciate it. I really, truly do.\"\nPlayer: That's great. If you can mention that to Allura, that'd be wonderful.\nDM: \"I would really appreciate it to speak to Tiberius.\"\nPlayer: (mumbles, makes spell sounds, returns to normal voice) I would really appreciate it if you mentioned that to Allura. I'm trying to get into her good graces and whatnot.\nDM: She chuckles a moment and says, \"All right. Allura is a good friend. Well we've known each other for... gods, 15 years now. Since we defeated the Scourged Rider, together. But she has always had more of a political mind than I do, so, when we were both offered a seat on the council of Tal'Dorei and Emon she stayed, and I... I'm a woman of action, and I knew my destiny was out in the world.\"\nPlayer: We share something in common, Lady Kima. I, too, have left my home and land because I did not want to sit on the council of Draconia. With blessings from my father and such, I gained ambassadorship on a mission for them, but really, just so I could--\nDM: Her eyes have glazed over and are staring off into the distance. (all laugh)\nPlayer: To get all the things out, and I saw this wonderful lamb in this field one time--\nDM: \"I was speak to Allura of your honor and deeds, Tiberius. We try to have drinks and swap stories every few months. She's a good one.\"\nPlayer: Yes, I think so.\nDM: She takes a moment to herself and looks around at the rest of you and says, \"The cruel king. Who dealt the final blow?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you finds Jarett who is eating to talk about their drug deal. Jarett is concerned about him wanting to pick up a bad habit and suggests he tries to stick with getting laid, to get himself back in the game.\nDM: \"I'm not judging! I'm worried about you. Like, if you don't even have a habit, why would you look for this? The Scanlan I knew, the one that hired me, he knew how to deal with this issue. He got laid.\"\nPlayer: I don't really do that much anymore.\nDM: \"Maybe that's why you're not feeling up to the task?\"\nPlayer: That is a very fair point, Jarett.\nDM: \"I'm just saying. Look, and I do not mean to talk out of turn.\" He sets his meal aside. \"But you are a man who walks, driven by his pelvis. Am I wrong?\"\nPlayer: You're not wrong.\nDM: \"Then what happens if the pelvis goes unused? Grows bashful?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On you's request, Gilmore procures a favor for him with the Lyceum. you also purchases three enchanted daggers, presumably as a gift for Kynan Leore.\nDM: \"Gilmore's in Westruun, currently setting up the expansion of the Gilmore's Glorious Goods business. If this is important, I can certainly summon him here.\"\nPlayer: I'd hate to pull him away from business. I don't want to get in the way of his business. I mean, I am rather sad not to see him, but no, I don't think that would be a course of action we'd want to take. Let him continue to set up.\nDM: \"All right, I suppose.\"\nPlayer: Can you get a message to him, though?\nDM: \"Yes, I can, actually.\"\nPlayer: Well, tell him Vax'ildan and friends visited. We're in the city for a week.\nDM: She pulls out a small sheet of what looks like a rough-around-the-edges piece of parchment, and starts the inkwell, scribbling down.\nPlayer: Vax'ildan. That's with an A, not an E. We're here for a week. I don't know if he's going to be back from Westruun before then, but if he is, tell him to get word to me. I'm very interested in exchanging news for the past few weeks.\nDM: \"All right.\" (foreign words) It flashes and disappears in front of her. \"Well then, he'll be receiving the message right about now. We'll pass that on, and whenever he returns, I'm certain he will get back to you and deal with whatever business is necessary.\"\nPlayer: Thank you. We're here late in the day; are you still open for business?\nDM: \"We are open, yes.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Across from the entrance is a set of wooden doors which he listens at. He hears nothing, but notices that the door is unlocked.\nDM: Okay. Trinket is enjoying the petting. All right, so that duergar's down, the current armory section appears to be completely open and at your disposal. There are a series of partially made weapons kind of scattered in a pile. There are some ingots, and even some raw iron material in the far corner. Other than that, it just looks like your general smithing workshop.\nPlayer: Is Kima with us now?\nDM: Kima is currently looking around this section with you guys.\nPlayer: Kima, do you see any of your equipment here that you wanted?\nDM: She glances around, goes and move some of the piles by, turning over the room as quietly as she can-- not as quietly as you'd like-- but quiet enough. \"No. Nothing's here.\"\nPlayer: Can't you just take one of these things and call it a day?\nDM: She glares in the direction of your voice.\nPlayer: I'm invisible, I--\nDM: \"This will do me just fine for now!\"\nPlayer: Oh!\nDM: \"Right. Let's keep looking.\" She leaves the room. She starts heading down this way--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They stumbled upon a small hive of basilisks that surrounded an obelisk of Ioun, which gave them their first clue as to the location where this sphinx could be found. They battled the basilisks, destroyed their underground hive, or at least the exit from it, via Fireballs and Stone Walls and other such endeavors.\nDM: 15 points of piercing damage. As you (gunshot) rockets off, the sound cracks through the air. All the orcs now glance over in your direction, as the bullet streaks past them, tickling the bottom of the feet of the guy who's strung up, and slamming into the chest of the armored orc. Lands straight on his back on the ground right there.\nPlayer: Cool.\nDM: All right.\nPlayer: All right. I'm going to move to my right six spaces and I'm going to take another shot at the guy who's right ahead of us, in front of the pit.\nDM: Right there?\nPlayer: Yeah, right there. I'm going to take a Sharpshooter shot.\nDM: Go for it. You reload and then the third attack for the shot.\nPlayer: Yep. Whoa, that's nice. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. 27. That hits. That's ridiculous.\nDM: Is that even with Sharpshooter?\nPlayer: Yeah. I rolled an 18.\nDM: (chuckle) All righty.\nPlayer: So that's a better roll? A better roll. That was a pretty good roll. 16, 17, 17, 27-- 33 points of damage.\nDM: 33 points of damage. You blow that orc's head clear off its shoulder. Spray of mist comes out the top of his form, as he slumps down into the fire in front of him. Two other orcs look over at you, who are now clearly visible. (grunts)\nPlayer: I put down the gun and I breathe.\nDM: (chuckles) All right, that ends your turn. Brings us to Keyleth.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth manages to magically hold Riskel in place. Pike doesn't succeed in taking Riskel's glaive from him.\nDM: All right, got it. So as you slam the daggers into each side of his head, you can see, cracking the side of the temple, blood beginning to pour out the side of where the impact hit. He's staggered momentarily from the impact, but after the third strike hit, manages to bring the glaive up to try and defend himself at this point. That would be it. That ends your turn, that brings us--\nPlayer: Did I use all my movement to get there. All of it?\nDM: You could try and get away if you like. With Haste you would have more movement, yeah.\nPlayer: I'll take-- I'll go back ten feet. See what happens. He's on his back, so he could probably take a swing at me.\nDM: He tries to, but it's with disadvantage.\nPlayer: All right. Yeah.\nDM: Yeah, rolled a two. That (whoomph) hits the tile. All right, that brings us to Keyleth.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan dimension doors into the cyclone and is suspended in air with no way to get back. After failing a constitution saving throw - you, Vax, and Vex(again) age spontaneously 10 years.\nDM: No, you-- in dropping the form, you've used most of-- I'd say you have one more square of movement left.\nPlayer: I'll step forward a square.\nDM: This way or this way?\nPlayer: No, the other way. Yeah, yeah. And say, Vex, catch!\nDM: Okay, so you throw the Immovable Rod to her?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Make a dexterity check, easy enough for you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The body of Sir Kerrion Stonefell slumps to the ground. The rest of Vox Machina stares at Percy, who now appears to be a humanoid entity made of swirling black smoke, with the pointed tip of his mask poking through.\nDM: With that, the little bit of wreathed magical energy you can barely make out an expression of horror on the face before the resounding blast sound rocks the room. The actual bullet itself a trail of black smoke behind it as it impacts the front of Sir Kerrion's face. The entirety of his head caving inward as the back splatters across the scarred wooden wall behind him. The body slumps to the ground immediately. You guys all glance over at Percy. You don't even see Percy, you just see a humanoid entity made of black swirling smoke energy with the peaked beak of his mask poking through.\nPlayer: Not 100% sure what's going on. Can I take my Faerie Fire concentration that I still have up and move it over top of the black smoke figure?\nDM: Can you move a Faerie Fire?\nPlayer: I don't know; can I move a Faerie Fire?\nDM: I think when you use it, it just stays where it was. Could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.\nPlayer: 20 feet; is he in it, perchance?\nDM: From there, it's 20 foot, no. Not from where you placed it right on him, unfortunately. That's okay. Yeah, no, it just happens once.\nPlayer: Never mind.\nDM: With that, you recoil from it and the voice echoes in the back of your head, going \"Yes.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They agree and make their way into the fray. Dodging through and around burning buildings, the party takes down a few of the gnolls, including a couple of undead ones.\nDM: There's cloud and ash, embers pushing into the atmosphere now, the nearby building are actually in flames and engulfed on the side here.\nPlayer: That was a double move?\nDM: That was a double movement to get to there.\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: As you and Molly are 15, 20 feet from each other, and ahead you can see the shape of Nott, and you can see the leader of them. You can now see from nearby buildings that about ten other gnolls are all gathering around the cart and they're all leaving. They're all carrying giant sacks on their back, dragging bodies and corpses behind them.\nPlayer: Ten?\nDM: Yeah. This wasn't the only gnolls that attacked the city.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, During the second watch, you is awakened by his Alarm and sends Frumpkin to investigate. Frumpkin sees a merrow has emerged into the chamber, who sees both the bodies and Frumpkin, and throws a spear at him, but you is able to bamf him out safely.\nDM: Both miss. Unfortunately, because you guys don't have any light in here, when it emerges, you're all swinging in the darkness hoping to hit it in the direction of where it is.\nPlayer: I have no lights up, so I should be at disadvantage, right?\nDM: You would be, yes.\nPlayer: I'm going to roll again. What does that say?\nDM: Is this Magic Missile?\nPlayer: No, I had to Fire Bolt so it wouldn't matter how long I held it. My lower is a 12.\nDM: That misses.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He sees in the distance Reginald's farmhouse and fields and the scarecrow in the center\u2026 only to realize that there was not a scarecrow there before. Upon closer inspection, he notices with trepidation that the scarecrow is in fact the corpse of Reginald being pecked apart by crows, the farmer having died between their initial meeting and their return.\nDM: 18, okay, so you find signs of his body being dragged and you start trying to find the direction it was taken. You dart along, once again keeping within the crops as best you can to stay out of sight. You make your way out of the northern side of it before the trail disappears. You do not know where the body was taken, other than north and outward. You glance over and all you see is the original farmhouse where Reginald was living, there's the crops out there, there's the big scarecrow that was in the center. There wasn't a scarecrow before. You look over real close and you see, strung up across a haphazard wooden spike, arms out, is the currently being pecked apart body of Reginald, who apparently suffered the brunt of the discovery of Horace's corpse in the time that has transpired since you last left Westruun.\nPlayer: Do I sense anything around?\nDM: At the moment? No. The patrol's probably a good ten minutes before it's seeming, because it's headed in the direction where you are but you don't know, probably take ten or 15 minutes before they reach where you are.\nPlayer: I'm going to stealth up to the body. Cut him down.\nDM: Okay. Cut the ropes off, he slumps down.\nPlayer: I shoulder him back to the group.\nDM: Okay. Make a stealth check with disadvantage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog almost succumbs, but the vampire's powers cannot penetrate the heightened rage that already fills his mind. Meanwhile, you also observes Lord Briarwood's withdrawal and charges him, divine energy radiating off of her blazing form.\nDM: Yep, when any creature within 30 feet makes an attack roll you can use your reaction to grant that creature-- usually it's against other creatures. Okay. War God's Blessing you can only use on other creatures, but you do have Channel Divinity: Guided Strike, which you can use on yourself. It's essentially the same thing. You give yourself plus ten bonus to the roll.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: So you use your Channel Divinity Guided Strike instead?\nPlayer: Got it.\nDM: Okay. So that would bring you to 26? That would hit.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Okay. All right, so you slam down onto Sylas with your Mace of Disruption. Go ahead and roll damage on that. He is considered an undead.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The next morning you and Vax go to talk to the tiefling gardener, Whitney. you asks if she can help them learn Infernal.\nDM: You've interfaced here and there, nothing too immediate. You were very young and you were still-- last you were in the village, being pushed towards this place of greatness, so a lot of people didn't interact with you directly too much.\nPlayer: Sure.\nDM: But you've seen her around.\nPlayer: When we were like kiddies? Oh, no, but she'd be forever--\nDM: She was older, much older.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: As you approach, she stops and wipes the dust from her hands, and turns, \"Ah! My lady Keyleth, I'm sorry.\" And she stands up and does, like a small--\nPlayer: Don't do that. The bowing thing is-- I've always been uncomfortable with it, don't--\nDM: \"I didn't really know what to do--\"\nPlayer: No! It's-- No, don't, it's fine. No. You're fine. You're great! Hi!\nDM: \"Hi.\"\nPlayer: Good to see you!\nDM: \"You as well, congratulations.\"\nPlayer: Oh, thank you. I was just wondering if I could actually just ask you a few questions, on behalf of everybody.\nDM: \"Certainly, what can I do to help?\"\nPlayer: Well, okay. (sighs) I don't know if this is a sensitive subject or not, I know you've been away from this for a little bit, but it seems me and my team are going to the Nine Hells. To the City of Dis. And, yeah. No. I know. We all had the same reaction. I just, I didn't know if you could actually help me with any Infernal language or any knowledge that might help, or if you still know the language.\nDM: \"I've not had to use it in a very long time. I don't know much about what you're talking about, I've lived here my whole life. I don't know what else I can offer, as far as-- I can read a little Infernal, and I can understand it if I hear it, I haven't really had to speak it in a while. What do you need?\"\nPlayer: Well, we were thinking of going in under disguise as, potentially, as tieflings, since they are more common there.\nDM: \"All right.\"\nPlayer: So I didn't know if you could share any basics of your language?\nDM: \"What do you want to know?\"\nPlayer: Well, you know, hello. Goodbye. Thanks. Sorry. Left, right.\nDM: \"Oh, all right.\" And she takes a minute and has to scratch her head, you can see it's been a long time since she's ever had to exercise her Infernal-speaking muscles--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The spiraling tower of black iron and copper. He throws a square, metal icon.\nDM: The highest number between the three rolls. But you can fold if you want to. This usually is done in a betting type circumstance, so we'll see how things go from here. Anyway, finishes shuffling. Tosses you a series of cards. Takes a couple cards for herself. Sets the deck aside, right in front of her. The two guards in the back, by the way, we hear them stepping away and retrieve their weapons, and head back behind you guys. Just keeping them at their sides.\nPlayer: So in this room, let's say you're her, and we're all where we are, and the giants are behind the group, is that about right?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: And how much room is there behind her and the wall?\nDM: Maybe 15 feet, 20 feet.\nPlayer: I'm going to slowly tippie-toe around the side of the wall, carefully avoiding giants. I want to stand not directly behind her, but off at an angle.\nDM: Make a stealth check.\nPlayer: 30.\nDM: Okay. You both take a look at your hands. Go ahead and roll a d8. Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The Nein feel sorry for the hapless bandits, who keep apologizing, and Molly gives them the hide armor he bought on the road. The party encourages them to find a different line of work and they run off.\nDM: I'll allow it this time, but usually, you have to decide that before you make the roll. It's not a lucky feat, so.\nPlayer: Deciding it now.\nDM: But going forward--\nPlayer: Not much better. At all. Nine.\nDM: Okay. You haven't learned that much about the history of Hupperdook. You know it's been here for a while.\nPlayer: This scarred pot-marked line?\nDM: This city. It's been here for quite some time, so while you're not sure of how long that field has been there, you get the sense that this isn't a recent testing ground. It probably has been their general testing ground for any technology they're developing.\nPlayer: Okay. So it's not new. Okay.\nDM: Glancing about, you see more crownsguard attire, though now you're starting to get to more gnomish crownsguard who are established there. And on their backs, as opposed to spears or shields at the ready, you see similar weapons to what some of the army moving eastward were carrying. You see long metal rods affixed with a wooden buttress at the end. These strange firearms that have been carefully relegated to certain individuals here are a little more in use here.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The fiend then attempts to bite his throat, but Scanlan begins shouting up at him. The bard's Cutting Words distract the pit fiend and cause his bite to just barely miss.\nDM: So frustrating. Okay. So, as he goes in to bite, you duck out of the way and it's going to grasp for your throat, however the shouting Scanlan causes his eyes to dart to the side and it just misses by an inch.\nPlayer: Love that little man!\nDM: It's going to go for its tail attack now. That is a natural 20.\nPlayer: I'd like to use my first Luck on him, so he has to roll again.\nDM: All right. Natural 20! (groans) I'm not even joking, you can come look if you want!\nPlayer: Go fuck yourself!\nDM: I'm not even joking! I'm going to take a picture, 'cause that's fun. That's fun.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: \"This is very disconcerting news. I will do what I can. Unfortunately, I'd have to get back to the Cobalt Reserve. That's where most of my research is completed.\"\nPlayer: That's Westruun?\nDM: \"Let me see. Jeckt--\" And he snaps his fingers, and you can see his manservant, Jeckt, who you've met before, slicked-back darkish red hair, mustache, very prim and proper-type manservant, well-dressed, steps out of the shadows. \"Yes, my lord? If you would be so kind, prepare me for travel, pack up this--\"\nPlayer: Westruun is no more, sir.\nDM: \"Well, that's really frustrating!\"\nPlayer: Yes.\nDM: \"Really.\"\nPlayer: Extremely aggravating.\nDM: \"Yes. I am unhappy with this circumstance! How am I supposed to do my research without a place to do my research?!\"\nPlayer: Well, we hope that you will find our winters here quite solitary, and convenient on that level. Things are looking grim.\nDM: \"Well, you can say that again.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Cree asks the others where Lucien is. Caleb lies that Lucien had his own business, and they parted ways.\nDM: \"It's apparently all right. Most of the business has made its way eastward. Things have gone back to normal.\"\nPlayer: Troop presence about the same?\nDM: \"Oh, most of the troop presence made its way out towards where the outposts were.\"\nPlayer: Any coming back? Any wounded, any--?\nDM: \"Not that I've been paying attention to at least.\"\nPlayer: No incursions, no security problems?\nDM: \"Not right now.\"\nPlayer: Thank you.\nDM: \"Of course. Come back and ask tomorrow, it might change, but-- Hey. Glad you're well.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The chest contains a seal, along with a small magical river stone, which Caleb nabs secretly while the others are arguing. They find some of Lord Sutan's handwriting and Jester forges several letters and seals them.\nDM: You guys make your way back up to the entranceway up into the crawlspace above the attic, pull it closed and latch it. You move the art piece back over. You make your way back to the edge of the roof where you guys had exited, climbing the ladder that's attached to it, making your way onto the roof, getting Nott up there, manhandled, Ulog following you as you get to the top. You close it--\nPlayer: Put some shingles back.\nDM: You put the shingles back in the space. For that, I'm going to have to have you both roll dexterity checks, please. Or, since you're helping, have you roll a dexterity check with advantage, because you're helping her.\nPlayer: Okay. Just straight dexterity?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: 15.\nDM: 15. Okay. You manage to find and arrange them in a way where they aren't going to slide off and even with a bit of rain that's in there you find the pockets where they originally, mostly sitting so they're not going to coast with any sort of weather shift.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away.\nDM: Which is, we'll say 24, so go ahead and-- can't remember what the number was but we'll go with that.\nPlayer: Come on. Concentration?\nDM: Which you have advantage on because of your Warcasters.\nPlayer: Which I have advantage, oh, I'm a Warcaster! That's 16. No, I'll take the 16. What?\nDM: Constitution saving throw.\nPlayer: Okay. 22!\nDM: Okay, so you maintain concentration.\nPlayer: Okay. And I find Grog.\nDM: You do.\nPlayer: And I Control Water.\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Is it watery in this?\nDM: No, it is muscles tensing, and a thin layer of acid.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The platform is in the center of an arrow-shaped chamber filled with gold, gems, and bone fragments. A huge mass of blue scales uncurled and revealed itself to be a young blue dragon.\nDM: You're not entirely certain where the pile of loot and the creature's body really begins. It's partially submerged into this nest that it's burrowed itself into. Besides from its neck that slowly begins to extend as its head lifts to meet your height, you can't really see the rest of it. It looks you over, its eyes taking in your shape. \"Where's the fun in that? Why are you here, little morsel?\"\nPlayer: Can I be entirely honest with you?\nDM: \"Oh, please.\"\nPlayer: I have recently been putting my hands where they don't belong. This time it sent me to you.\nDM: \"And what have we learned?\"\nPlayer: Probably to look and not touch.\nDM: \"Good. Tell me, what else have those grubby hands touched? I like to know the flavors to expect.\"\nPlayer: Well, you know I do have a very salty variety myself. I'll summon the falchion in my hand.\nDM: The falchion appears. At which point, the head curls back and one of the arms (loud impact). You hear coins scatter as the impact sends bits of its loot across the stone floor and into the shadows around. \"Ah. It's been a while since my food has played back.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord manages another kill with Eldritch Blast, leaving two up, including the priest. Caleb takes a hit that breaks his concentration on Molly's Haste, stunning Molly for a round.\nDM: Right now? No, the space right there where technically it is-- I'll say you can get up on there, sure. Using all your movement, you can get on there. It's a little wobbly.\nPlayer: Then, you know, attack.\nDM: No. Hold on, Beau was in the water. This technically is not a space you can get on. You would not be able to flank with it. You can get there if you want to. Because this is in the space.\nPlayer: It's not considered flanking?\nDM: No, because you have to be on the exact opposite. That space is currently occupied by the stalagmite.\nPlayer: That's fine. Okay.\nDM: You're in the water, so disadvantage on your attacks.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows Nott, Caduceus, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. you, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of Caleb.\nDM: That's what rogues can do! Yeah, whenever you have to make a dex save against an effect, take half damage. If you succeed, you take no damage. If you fail, you take half. You should read your character sheet.\nPlayer: Can I do fanatical focus?\nDM: Yes you may.\nPlayer: I'm going to do the fanatical focus once per day.\nDM: So you get to re-roll that. Once.\nPlayer: 19 plus two is 21.\nDM: Okay, so she only takes 11. However everything in this, for the next round, is difficult terrain as there's now giant hailstones and sleet slicked all over the rickety docks.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy shouts Traitor! as he fires the second shot, the bullet bending his breastplate inward.\nDM: This one (gunshot) into his chest, and you can see the actual breastplate bends inward to the wound and he's (choking noise) spitting out blood from his mouth as he bends forward. \"This land has a greater destiny. You and that fool Ripley, you place your faith in toys and dust. You seek the transient truths.\"\nPlayer: How close am I to him at this point?\nDM: You're stepping up to him.\nPlayer: Perfect.\nDM: And as you're doing this, as you're pull the mask down, he says, \"I die to rise again. We are his blood.\"\nPlayer: I put my gun in his mouth to shut him the fuck up. \"You're the face I saw when murder entered my heart. This is your doing.\" And I pull the trigger.\nDM: With that, a resounding blast (explosion noise) echoes through the room. The back of his head just scatters across the wall behind him. The top of his head folds in a little bit from the lack of a substantial base, and he tumbles backwards, releasing the gun with a limp (splat) onto the ground behind. You're still holding the Pepperbox in front of you, hands shaking. As you hold it there, looking at it, you can see there's a flash of purple energy across the barrel that has Anders's name across it and (fluttering noise) the name burns away, leaving the barrel blank.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance.\nDM: Aw, sorry buddy. It happens to the best of us. All righty. So. Currently with this guy up on top of the rooftop, Percy, you are first.\nPlayer: Quick question, is he in flight, or is he just sitting on the rooftop?\nDM: Just sitting on the roof, perched on the edge. You can't even actually see him, everyone else who's near the front can see, the few that made the check. You've got a little bit of movement up there, but you're just out of view with the building-- you're right in an alleyway.\nPlayer: There's no easy way up onto the roof, is there?\nDM: Aside from a well-placed acrobatics check. You could try.\nPlayer: That would be my whole movement, too, wouldn't it, though?\nDM: Most likely.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Kashaw Vesh, a human cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Being the adventurers they are, they took it upon themselves to leap out into the forest of the Vesper Timberland, found and hunted down this hydra, fought it, and upon slaying it discovered that there was another group also hunting this hydra. An actually sanctioned group, and hunting this hydra is considered illegal in Vasselheim unless you had actually been contracted to do so.\nDM: \"Yes, of course, friend dwarf.\" And she goes and rummages through a small bag and pulls out a mask. This little purple mask that seems to have small fake gems forming the outside, with a couple of ribbons that dangle where it would tie around the head. It's simple, but it's pretty. \"Unfortunately, not many people bring children to this side of the district. They don't sell very well. But if you would like one, I would be happy to part with for two gold?\"\nPlayer: One gold.\nDM: Make a persuasion roll.\nPlayer: 18.\nDM: \"One gold. Guess it is better to sell it than not at all. Here you are. I must say, I won't tell anyone, but purple is a pretty color on you.\"\nPlayer: Yes, it is. He walks out.\nDM: All right. A few moments pass as you wonder where your dwarven leader has vanished to, he steps out through the front of the establishment.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy offers to show Tary his library at some point, and does show off the mechanism of Bad News. Tary, remembering his fee, writes Vox Machina a check for 16,000 gold (50,000 originally, minus expenses).\nDM: It's in essentially a heavy valley of stone in the center of the Cliffkeep Mountain range. It is far from civilization, it's maybe a few days of heavy mountain-- constant hiking north of where Kraghammer is.\nPlayer: Oh. We'd have to hike to get there? No, there's gotta be trees that I can Tree Stride there to.\nDM: There are a couple that aren't too far outside of Terra that you can Tree Stride to.\nPlayer: We're druids, there's gotta be trees within that camp, right? And stuff?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: Like, nearby?\nDM: Yes, I'm saying that there are some that are like, just in the outskirts of Terra, none directly in it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They suspect that Vorugal was retaliating after Gilmore scryed on him. They also think that there is a possibility that Raishan has taken on a human form.\nDM: \"Come. I can definitely use that right now.\" You guys are led into the nearest open-- it looks to be an unused tavern, but there are drinks, ale and things that are at the ready. There isn't much commerce currently happening in the city, since right now everything's in survival mode, so there's no exchange of money, you guys are presented with drinks. The lanterns are lit on the inside from other villagers that are just happy to help. And the central table is set where you all sit around and quietly have a few sips.\nPlayer: While everyone's sitting, can I just pull him over to a corner for a second?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: How are you doing, personally?\nDM: \"Me?\"\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: \"Wondrous! I'm doing great! (chuckles) I'm exhausted.\"\nPlayer: Shaun, I--\nDM: \"I'll be fine.\"\nPlayer: You sure?\nDM: \"Yes, I'm fine.\"\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: \"It's been a long time since I put my energy and talents towards anything beyond making shiny things. Feels nice to be helping others.\"\nPlayer: Well, I feel we're seeing your true talents.\nDM: \"I'm at my wits' end with these. Do you want to see true talents? You should ask Allura to show you what she's capable of when she gets back.\"\nPlayer: She is pretty nifty.\nDM: (sighs heavily)\nPlayer: Well, come on, come and have a drink.\nDM: And he like leans on you a bit and you both make it back to the table. The rest of you--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the Platinum Sanctuary, the twins are greeted by Highbearer Vord. He offers to seal Opash's book in a vault beneath the city, but Vax, who doesn't entirely trust him, tells him they didn't actually bring it with them.\nDM: They have to cool and harden, but in the process of crafting it and heating it, you do have some decent ceramic plates that you think might work. They're going to be fragile.\nPlayer: That's fine.\nDM: Not like they'll crumble on their own walking, but, if they take any sort of chip and damage the ceramic.\nPlayer: Hands and face is what I was hoping for.\nDM: I'll say the better part of two hours or so to craft them, and then you begin to heat them in the kiln. It'll take you a while for them to harden and set.\nPlayer: Okay, and we're just figuring out a little easy armature that won't get in his way. And I'm peeking at him, seeing how he works--\nDM: All right. The armature, roll tinker's kit. Check. Proficiency plus dex.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You began to look throughout the room. You found a sword across the upper ceiling, an ornamental blade of some kind.\nDM: All right. You guys take the boats back onto the side. Where are you resting, here on the side of the river?\nPlayer: Oh! What I would have done if they left and I'm tapped, Caleb would have used a ritual to cast Comprehend Languages.\nDM: It's a ritual spell?\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: All righty, you're fine.\nPlayer: I am up to speed.\nDM: Then you're good. All righty.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After Vax tells him to follow you, Grog jumps in and meets her at the bottom. He continues down the tunnel to investigate and gets shocked and paralyzed by red algae-like tendrils mixed in with the plant life.\nDM: Or you can redirect the flow. Up to you. What do you want to do? The abilities you have to choose from are part water, redirect flow, whirlpool, but that's not really in your realm, or flood.\nPlayer: And how big was this tunnel?\nDM: All the way across, I'd say it's about 25, 20 feet across.\nPlayer: That's a big tunnel. I'll part it.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: So you dive back down? When are you starting to part it?\nPlayer: I yell to everybody else and I say, there's a tunnel through to the other side. Let's go. And I jump in and I'll sink and I'll start parting the water behind me.\nDM: All right. So.\nPlayer: Or, let me see, let me sink to the bottom and then I'll part the water in the tunnel straight ahead.\nDM: Okay. Do you guys follow suit?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Matthew will be at Otafest in Calgary, up in Canada, May 18th to the 20th, and A-Kon in Texas June 7th through 10th.\nDM: \"I respect your candor. I see that you have a keen mind for business relationships. However, I do have to turn a profit. So I can't do much for you there, my apologies.\"\nPlayer: I understand. Healing potions were how much again? 70 gold?\nDM: \"No, those were 50 gold apiece.\"\nPlayer: 50 gold. Wow, I got to work on my fucking memory. Great, I will take a healing potion and the enchantment transfer, please.\nDM: \"Fair enough. That will will run you 100 and--\"\nPlayer: 30.\nDM: \"30 gold pieces, that's correct. There's your healing potion. You get your basic one right there.\"\nPlayer: Okay, thank you.\nDM: \"It'll take about an hour to transfer this here enchantment for you. So be patient and come back in about 60 minutes. Should be ready to go.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, I take the breastplate part of my leather armor off and leave it with you.\nDM: \"Oh, this is-- want us to clean it for you?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group gathered together, rode onto a magically elevated skyship, and traversing the ocean, carrying the Horn of Orcus within this holy container. They found themselves, over the ocean, suddenly attacked by a band of what seemed to be wyvern- and griffon-riding bandits.\nDM: On the top of this fortress, you see three constructs that don't match the stone structure. These may have been constructed or built many years later and have been added onto the temple. But three ivory and silver spires, towers that ascend from the top of the fortress itself, almost parallel to the very steep mountainside that this fortress is built into. You come to the front doors of this structure. Two very, very large gray stone doors with almost what looks like white marbling through them, and you can see, mostly worn away but still barely visible, the symbol of a shield with a dragon head emblazoned on the front of it, the symbol of Bahamut. As the Scalebearer-- yes, that there-- as the Scalebearers approach the front, the doors, on their own, and open to the interior, the grinding sound of stone across the marble flooring of the fortress proper. You can see the interior. Did you have a question?\nPlayer: Can I see inside the temple? Or are the temples pretty enclosed?\nDM: You can see now as the doors begin to open.\nPlayer: Well, I was an eagle flying overhead.\nDM: Oh, yes! You--\nPlayer: And I was gonna do a perception check to see if I noticed, like kinda do a loop of the temple.\nDM: Go for it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog gets his money's worth with an aggressive elf and Scanlan gets manhandled by a dwarf. Vax'ildan, you'ahlia, and Trinket do some reconnaissance on Greyspine Manor.\nDM: The dwarves take a step back as the claw goes through the, \"That's all right. I would say if that's your animal--\"\nPlayer: Yes?\nDM: \"--don't bring it here.\"\nPlayer: Oh, good to know. Trinket, head back to that tavern, would you? People are getting nervous.\nDM: (growling)\nPlayer: I love you.\nDM: Trinket begins to walk back. A couple of other dwarves that are wandering carrying some packages to the side make a very wide berth around this armored bear that's slowly moping its way through the streets of Kraghammer. What could possibly go wrong?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Victor offers Percy some tea which has some gunpowder in it. He asks again about Ripley.\nDM: But it definitely cleans out the sinuses. And there is a hint of gunpowder to the flavoring. You get the sense that pretty much everything in this room is marinated in some way, shape, or form to be flammable.\nPlayer: (hoarsely) Victor.\nDM: \"It can put hair on your balls.\"\nPlayer: Ohhh, probably. Has a woman been by to buy black powder? (coughs) Has a woman been by?\nDM: \"Not in, uh, weeks, maybe.\"\nPlayer: Weeks?\nDM: \"Did you make her hand, too?\"\nPlayer: I did not. Do you know where she goes?\nDM: \"No. She paid well, though.\"\nPlayer: Did she? What did she pay?\nDM: \"Are you guys in a club now? How many people want black powder? Tell me! Tell them! Bring them more. I could use money.\" (others laugh)\nPlayer: How much black powder did she buy, Victor?\nDM: \"Uh... (mutters to himself)\" (click, click)\nPlayer: Only counts to two. I'm so sorry.\nDM: \"Maybe... 12 hogsheads worth?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, On the last shift, you and Jamedi share watch. you pesters Jamedi and learns about him, mainly that he was the sole survivor in a mining accident and that this was his second voyage with Avantika.\nDM: Jamedi stays up to also take watch with you. Oh, nice. He sits across the opposite way, and you're watching this way over his shoulder, and he's looking over yours and doesn't engage in conversation, unless you wish to.\nPlayer: Have you ever seen those cat things before?\nDM: \"I have seen them my first time passing through here, yes, but I was quieter.\"\nPlayer: Yeah, we're pretty loud sometimes.\nDM: \"You are correct. This has been a bit more challenging than I originally anticipated.\"\nPlayer: Have you thought at all about the Traveler?\nDM: \"No.\"\nPlayer: Do you want a pamphlet?\nDM: \"I am confused as to what you are speaking of.\"\nPlayer: (whispering) The Traveler.\nDM: \"You are strange.\"\nPlayer: He's everywhere.\nDM: \"And creepy.\"\nPlayer: He's really great. I'll give you a pamphlet. I get it out, and I walk it over to him. Here.\nDM: It takes a solid ten seconds of him inspecting it and looking up at you before he--\nPlayer: Just read it over. There's a lot of information in there. It's really important.\nDM: \"Much appreciated.\"\nPlayer: He's here right now.\nDM: Tucks it away into the inside of his vest.\nPlayer: Traveler! If you're here, you should show him you're here so that he will like you even more than he already does! Just give it a minute.\nDM: (farting noise) You're not quite sure who it was on that side that let one loose in their sleep, but the inside of the dome suddenly has a very fragrant air.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They've been hired by the Empire and invite Yasha to join. They'll be competing at the Victory Pit later that afternoon.\nDM: Okay. Make an investigation check as you begin to pore through the crowd doing this. You guys have noticed that Caleb's been gone for a little bit.\nPlayer: It's investigation, you said?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: It's a 24.\nDM: Wow, yeah. Within a very short time, asking a few questions and looking through part of the crowd, one of them points over to the edge of the Pentamarket on the northern side, and over in that direction there are two of the robe-wearing individuals. One of the monks that works within the archive itself and one looks to be wearing higher up robes. You're not sure what that means or what the ranking is within the Cobalt Soul.\nPlayer: I would like to approach them.\nDM: All right, as you approach--\nPlayer: Yeah. Excuse me! I'm sorry. May I trouble you for a moment? I know this is untoward in the middle of a festival.\nDM: The one that's in the nicer dress you can see is apparently an elven woman. You see these kind of long strands of blond, almost silver hair that goes in front of the ears and the rest of the hair falls past the shoulders. Beautiful, natural, no makeup. Even for elven standards, you can see a little bit of age. This is an older elf in comparison to a lot of the brighter faces that turns to you. \"Of course, what can we help you with?\"\nPlayer: Oh, yeah. Again, I am very sorry. I am a traveling writer. I am writing a history of the great cities of the Empire and I have heard wonderful things about the library that is under your stead and I don't know-- I have viewed it from the outside, it is a beautiful structure, but I don't know what it entails to visit it. I was wondering, do you allow outsiders? I don't know if it costs a fee or if you need some sort of letter of recommendation, but I am very eager to learn about the library itself and the city and everything that I can learn about it so I can write more extensive-- it would just mean so much to me.\nDM: Make a deception check.\nPlayer: It's all true, though.\nDM: Well.\nPlayer: It is a 13.\nDM: A 13? Okay. \"Well, of course. It is open to the public. You're required to come when there is an available monk to escort you through the premises. Of course, you cannot take anything from the archive itself, but you're welcome to read while in the presence of one of our various monks and/or worshippers of the Knowing Mistress.\"\nPlayer: The entire library?\nDM: \"Well, the public portions of it, yes.\"\nPlayer: Oh, of course.\nDM: \"Yes. Just need to come on a day in which the archive is open and available, sign in, and you will be assigned one of our various attendees of the archive and you will have the run of the public library of which to read and make notes of. You may take your own copy of notes, but once, of course, it is only within the public space.\"\nPlayer: It is far simpler than I had imagined.\nDM: \"Yeah. Well, I'm glad you asked.\"\nPlayer: Thank you so much. Forgive me, this is forward. What is your name?\nDM: \"I'm Jennah. Archivist Jennah.\"\nPlayer: It is a pleasure. This is a different subject almost entirely, but I was wondering, I mean to make a stop at all the great libraries of this city. I was wondering, is it a similar situation at the Hall of Erudition?\nDM: \"They are a little different. They maintain their knowledge for those who are actually there as part of the curriculum. You'll have to speak to the headmaster as well. They have, from what we know, as we are not allowed either, quite a decent cache of arcane knowledge as well. There has been some sharing, but they are particular.\"\nPlayer: What was the headmaster's name?\nDM: \"That would be Ornit, I believe.\" Let me double check here so I don't say it wrong. No, that is, no, \"Oremid Hass.\"\nPlayer: Oremid Hass.\nDM: \"Yes.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pieces of wood scatter into the foyer as you the triceratops slams through the door. In front of him is a rising staircase leading up to a balcony on the second floor.\nDM: As far as you know, no. And at first glance, based on the fact that he is wearing heavy breastplate and is wielding a giant two-handed sword, you get the feeling he is probably not as heavily inclined towards the arcane arts as others you have encountered.\nPlayer: As I quickly survey the room, do I see anyone else who is a threat greater than a heavily armed guard? Anything that is a creepy wizard or a weird old mage?\nDM: Currently, no. Currently, all you see are a series of Whitestone guards in uniform armor, all with heavy crossbows, currently nocked. And as you come blasting through the door, they are already arranged in what appears to be a waiting pattern, should anything try and charge its way into the house.\nPlayer: So they'll probably all shoot me, won't they?\nDM: In fact, roll initiative.\nPlayer: So directly in front of me, there's a staircase going up?\nDM: Yep.\nPlayer: Any other doors or exits?\nDM: There are doors on each side that are currently locked, and other than that, no.\nPlayer: Those are locked doors?\nDM: They are closed currently, and they appear to be-- There's a giant wooden beam crossed over the front of each. Then there's the outside which leads to the exterior, to the raining outside of the household, and the stairs that go up.\nPlayer: Oh, man.\nDM: Roll initiative.\nPlayer: Initiative? Don't I get a surprise round? Doesn't matter. 21.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: I don't get a surprise round because I sprung in there?\nDM: Apparently not.\nPlayer: Damn it.\nDM: You made a very loud noise when you turned into a triceratops and tore through the front of the household. All right, so Scanlan is up first.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Ripley uses her second wind to heal. She shoots at Percy again who manages to stay up but her next shot puts him back down.\nDM: She is not attacking you in melee. Seeing you in her face, she's like, \"You're next.\" Leans over and is going to fire at you, Percy.\nPlayer: Can she make a ranged attack while she's--\nDM: Yeah. She's in melee.\nPlayer: I feel like I'm learning things here.\nDM: Well no, actually, you used your reaction to hit Orthax, so she can move away from you without getting an attack of opportunity. She does take six points of damage from the run, but that gives her a better angle on you. She's going to use her--\nPlayer: She's out of grit.\nDM: No, she has one more grit point.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They get into the rowboat, Fjord and Jester swimming alongside and Nott trying unsuccessfully to hide from them before they leave. you turns Frumpkin into an octopus and throws him into the water.\nDM: All right. About 30 or so feet up, the water breaks. There's a surface, though there is no light. Does Frumpkin's octopus form have darkvision?\nPlayer: Darkvision, yes.\nDM: Yes. Okay. So does Frumpkin--\nPlayer: Yeah, crests up and pokes his eye nubs out of the water.\nDM: Okay. Frumpkin floats there on top for a second, and you can see now where it emerges--\nPlayer: Looking for anything moving here, while we're up here.\nDM: There is another set of bars right at the top of that tunnel, that Frumpkin has pushed and squeezed through to come through. So there's bars, like a grate, on the way in, and then a grate once you curve upward into the tunnel.\nPlayer: So he's come through a second set.\nDM: Come through a second set, and then breaks the surface of the water about a foot beyond that. And now you can see, it is closed off mostly, except for a tunnel that continues deeper in the same direction that the lower tunnel went. And that one continues on for a bit.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, As they move through the city, the group encounters clusters of undead from two factions: one wearing symbols of Pelor, the Dawn Father, while the other faction seems to be associated with Vecna. you, looking more closely at a group of skeletons as they pass, determines they must be at least 500 years old.\nDM: With the brief glances you have, it's hard to really tell. Plus, you're not too familiar with the overall weather of the Shadowfell. You don't know if there's enough weather to manifest as general decay, or if they've been beaten by the ravages of time, if it rains here or not. It's hard to tell. You gather it probably doesn't rain often. They're definitely hundreds of years old. That's the most you can really tell. They aren't fresh dead. These are long dead.\nPlayer: I'm feeling Foresighty. Can I creep up behind and do the same?\nDM: I will say you can do that, however you still have disadvantage, because she's already taken the roll and you're supplementing her roll in a very short period of time.\nPlayer: Would that be an even roll, then, since I have advantage on everything?\nDM: You have advantage on everything. I'm giving you a chance to do this when normally you would have none, so the Foresight's allowing you to have a roll with disadvantage. Go for it.\nPlayer: Oh, that's going to fail. Ooh! 18.\nDM: Or not. Getting a glance at the one nearest to you, the bodies seem to be fairly well preserved for as long as they've been here, so you get the sense that there isn't a lot of heavy weather here at all. And given that fact, the decay that's there, it is reminiscent, maybe not quite as old as the corpse of Purvon when you discovered the tomb originally, but comparatively ancient. At least over 500 years.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She dispels the effect, finds lose rocks to cave-in and attract the worms to. Vax uses dimension door to get next to Grog and throws a dagger while just out of range.\nDM: As part of the spell you can either visualize a place you can see, or one you can describe by stating distance and direction. So you've already been inside the room, you know what it looks like, so if you think you're somewhat close by--\nPlayer: So even if I've moved since I saw it last, I can still Dimension Door to where I think--?\nDM: In theory, yeah.\nPlayer: Okay, then I will do that. I will do that.\nDM: Okay. Where do you want to appear within the room?\nPlayer: I want to appear where Vex was before.\nDM: Okay. So, you--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you catches up with the rest of the group, releasing Trinket from the necklace along the way. She asks if they've taken care of all the enemies; Grog alerts her to the devil running away.\nDM: Okay. Because you're not actually attacking anything. So go for it. So it's two attacks. So the first one's damage?\nPlayer: Okay, first one's damage would be 14.\nDM: 14, all righty.\nPlayer: And the second one is 26.\nDM: 26 hits.\nPlayer: And that's-- eight plus nine is 17.\nDM: 17, there you go. So look at that. So Trinket rushes in with a double swipe. As soon as the creature backs around the corner, and it goes to turn, Trinket comes rushing around the corner and tears into it with a claw and a bite into this female devil who is pushed into the wall and torn into the chest terribly. You guys just see and hear this in the distance, you don't actually watch the impact happen, but you hear the screaming and Trinket roaring as it strikes into it.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pike passes the third and final trammel to you.\nDM: That's actually not what I did, but you can think what you want. All right, so what's the grand total on that?\nPlayer: 33 was the total.\nDM: 33. As you take the trammel, grabbing the bottom of the ribcage, curving it underneath, you thrust it up into the core center, it seems, of his chest, where the avatar arcane energy is amassed. And as the trammel squeezes in, you hear the guttural rage from the inside of Vecna, screaming, \"You dare!\" And as he inhales, the force of the voice is pulled back into a moment of weakness, and once again, you can see the fear flickering in the eyes. The burning rage of the green flame begins to diminish ever so slightly as the second trammel is applied.\nPlayer: Cool. I'm going to keep hitting him. I have my hasted attack.\nDM: You don't have a hasted attack. It faded.\nPlayer: Oh, that's right. Sorry. Yeah. My bonus action is a straight-up reckless. 17. That's a million. 35 is to hit. Eight, 24, 32, 42. Enlarge. 44.\nDM: As you're cutting through the body, you see bits of Vecna's avatar form tattering and falling apart. I would like you to make an intelligence check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jester remarks that she needs some diamonds too. Beau just got money, so she goes shopping too.\nDM: \"Well, it's ours. Well, it's his. Hey, Prime! You might want to step out of the workshop for a second.\" You hear some rustling and grumbling in the background, and the curtain opens and you see a third one of them step out, goggles affixed to the head, a little bit of smudges of dirt on the edges of the chin. \"What are you talking about? Oh my goodness.\"\nPlayer: You're all brothers, then? There's three of you now. Triplets. That's great. That's great! Don't see that very often.\nDM: \"Where are you from? To be perfectly honest, we haven't really run into any other firbolgs really since we came here.\"\nPlayer: Oh, me neither. I'm actually from up north. I'm traveling with these kids, working on something. It's nice.\nDM: \"Wow.\"\nPlayer: How long have you been down here? This place is great. This is great.\nDM: \"Well, thank you.\" At this point, the fourth one comes down from a ladder off on the right side chamber. \"Oh, is the order getting-- Oh, it's a whole party over here! Is that another firbolg?\" Comes down and the other's like, \"Yeah, there's one over here.\" The other Pumat's like, \"I'm impressed. I like the color tones. It's a great arrangement, visual perspective.\"\nPlayer: Impressed by what your mother went through, at this point. This is intense. There's a lot of you.\nDM: The one with the goggles in the back goes, \"Sorry about that. I should clarify. These three are arcane-based copies of myself. We are all collectively Pumat, but I am the original.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Tiberius Stormwind, a dragonborn sorcerer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Seeing through Percy's disguise, he suggests that the real Vax join him after the feast begins. Assum then goes into more detail on the reasons for his distrust of the Briarwoods and notes that Lady Briarwood is an accomplished wizard.\nDM: 19. No, they all appear to be run of the mill soldiers, nothing, no one that catches your attention. The young man who is helping them as they go through seems familiar, but no one that is jumping out at you right now. Someone you may have crossed paths with in the past but nobody that's really been formally involved in your life previously. Maybe a denizen of Whitestone that you've crossed before when he was younger. As they walk up the steps, you keep an eye best you can as they go. You catch a little bit of conversation that seems to speak about how long the journey's been, \"That's all right, we'll be in there soon to discuss and we'll be out as soon as we can. We won't stay any longer than we need to.\" And that's the extent you gather as they continue up the stairway. As the next hour or so passes?\nPlayer: I flirt with Allura.\nDM: Okay, do you want to talk with Allura?\nPlayer: I flirt with her throughout the hour.\nDM: Okay, she's grateful for the conversation. She laughs, and she's very attentive to all of you and excited to see you. She lets you know that she's been caught in a little bit of the bureaucracy in the city and despises that. She's taken some time off for herself for about a week or so.\nPlayer: Actually, towards the end of that conversation I would like to bring up a specific thing. We've been having such a wonderful conversation.\nDM: \"Of course, no, of course, Tiberius\"\nPlayer: I think when things settle down a bit, perhaps you and I and maybe Grog, and Lady Kima can perhaps go out. Break bread and have some wine and such on an evening with each other. I believe my friend rather fancies Kima. What say you?\nDM: \"Well, that's very flattering, Tiberius. I appreciate the invitation. I would say that particular mix of company might prove a bit awkward.\"\nPlayer: Well, of course. If it was awkward, nobody wants that.\nDM: \"Perhaps we might-- I mean if you would like to get some tea sometime I'd be more than happy to--\"\nPlayer: Oh, just you and I?\nDM: \"Yes. Kima's quite a ways off and I believe she's still in Vasselheim, last I spoke with her, and yes, tea would be lovely.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A breath of frost kills one of the giants before it is able to do much. Percy's engineering talent makes a showing, between a hand grenade and one of the exploding arrows he made for you.\nDM: So go ahead and roll regular arrow damage. With an additional 2d6. Sorry, 3d6. Well, with the arrow, it's 2d6. The grenade was 3d6. You're 2d6.\nPlayer: Oh shit. 16 and then 3d6?\nDM: 3d8, sorry.\nPlayer: 3d8?!\nDM: Sorry. 3d8 was the grenade. 2d8 for the exploding arrow. 2d8.\nPlayer: 2d8.\nDM: Sorry. It's a lot of numbers.\nPlayer: That's okay, I'm going to roll them both. Okay. Six additional. Did I say what my other damage was. Was I speaking out loud?\nDM: Yeah, no. I marked it down. I also need Scanlan and Grog to make dexterity saving throws.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tary, screaming, fingers fumbling, pulls a diamond off his ornate helmet to cast Prismatic Spray. Keyleth and Percy are reasonably impressed; Percy and Grog hold their attacks, while Keyleth decides to test Tary's dodging skills with a Fireball.\nDM: You hear the distant-- As you're walking up towards the front of the castle, you see, suddenly, this blast of multicolored arcane energy just, (shhhh) out from over the castle wall.\nPlayer: Take off running.\nDM: You start running. Through the castle?\nPlayer: As fast as I can get there-- The way I know to get there the--\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Would it be faster to go up-- Broom up and over? Into the courtyard.\nDM: Probably, otherwise you'd--\nPlayer: Let's do that.\nDM: Okay so you immediately take the broom, slam it under, and begin flying at dash speed. It'll still take you a couple rounds to get there.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: And as you begin to crest up you see a fiery explosion in the middle of the courtyard, now.\nPlayer: I make sure I take off my hat.\nDM: Okay.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the sidelines, Scanlan yells inspiration at you and Cutting Words at Kern. Keyleth attempts to heal you from a distance, but gets caught by a nearby Bastion.\nDM: Okay. So the roundhouse kick (whoosh) swings around, completely unexpected as you pull to the side. (smack) Hits you right square in the side of the face and jaw. That is going to be seven points of damage.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: And as you're reeling from that, he brings the leg back, jumps in the air and does a secondary jump, side-swiping kick to the other side of your head, as you're sent to the side. (whack, whack) Second one doing eight points of damage. (whack, whack)\nPlayer: Okay. All right.\nDM: And he's going to move slightly over here, basically getting you up against the wall. He's situating himself now where since you moved to the side; he's putting you in this pincer formation between the wall and himself. That ends his turn. You're up.\nPlayer: (grunts, pants) I see you've been taking some ballet. How very cultured of you. And I rush forward. I'm between him and the wall?\nDM: You are between him and the wall, yes.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She shoots twice at Percy and he tries to catch one of the bullets attempting to stay up. He falls unconscious and Ripley takes another two shots after his unconscious form.\nDM: She shouts over her shoulder, \"Finish him!\" And... she doesn't vanish. There's a shimmer, and she goes, \"Ugh! Curses!\" And runs (counting) 30 that way. Actually, not quite. Right there. She shouts over her shoulder, \"Finish him!\" This one over here, looking over to the side, goes and takes aim.\nPlayer: Is it his turn next?\nDM: Yeah. The gunners go next.\nPlayer: God damn it. Take it. Currently, I do have some AC because I have some cover.\nDM: Correct, and technically it is--\nPlayer: I don't know why I'm arguing with this, because I'm amused by this entire process at the moment.\nDM: This is with the pistol. (gunshot) Takes a shot. The third bullet (rushing bullet) sinks into Percy's form, and the breath fades to stillness. The necklace (breaking glass) shatters around your neck, the one that Pike gave you, and a sudden burst of divine energy fills your body, and you're restored to one hit point. (gasping and exclaiming)\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Trent says he would very much like to talk to her in the future. As he and Oremid leave, Caleb leans forward and looks at the ground.\nDM: As you guys are in the process of finishing this up and people are starting to leave from the lounge area and they're starting to close down, Darrow comes up with his troupe-- they're a ways into their cups-- and he's like, \"Friends, before we shove off and probably never meet again, I just wanted to say it's been an absolute pleasure to get to meet you, to watch you fight, for you to watch us fight. All the luck in your future endeavors.\"\nPlayer: Same to you. It was very impressive. Where does fate take you after this night?\nDM: \"Well, as far as I know, we're probably heading back up to Nogvurot and continuing with our contract of sitting around and being paid for nothing.\"\nPlayer: Is that-- remind me again-- north of here? Northwest?\nDM: \"Northeast-ish. East of Rexxentrum. That's where we've been stationed for the past six or seven months or so. Done a few jobs here and there.\"\nPlayer: Is this a contract that keeps on going or is there any set end date for you guys?\nDM: \"No, not until they cancel it.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The golem then aims for Tova, but misses her as well. It's fist actually slams into the door behind the werebear, cracking the door partially.\nDM: It doesn't look like it's feeding it more than just the chains are keeping it attached to the walls. The mass of the chains are still in its chest.\nPlayer: And it has eyeballs.\nDM: It has some sort of two glowing light sources within the mass of chains that form where its head would be--\nPlayer: Would a headshot to those eyeballs actually be a thing that might work?\nDM: You can try it.\nPlayer: I'm going to try it. I'm going to burn a thing and see if that does it. So. Yeah. Let's find out.\nDM: You're up next, Grog.\nPlayer: Right. Yeah, that'll do. 32 to hit.\nDM: 32 hits.\nPlayer: All right. That's a d10 and d6. That's 11 points of damage and three points of psychic damage.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: And it has to make a constitution saving throw.\nDM: It does not, actually, because it's not affected by that effect. Its eyes can shift throughout its body.\nPlayer: There's no snapping, breaking the glass?\nDM: Nope.\nPlayer: Man, you made me burn a Grit. That sucks.\nDM: Yeah. Even with its spell advantage against all those Sanctuary saves, it just doesn't have a very high wisdom so it just cannot make it.\nPlayer: That's okay. I'm going to take a sharpshooter shot at it and just keep damaging it. I'm going to do a sharpshooter shot.\nDM: Two more. Go for it.\nPlayer: That was shot one.\nDM: Shot one. You have two more.\nPlayer: Shot two. That's a 25.\nDM: Hits.\nPlayer: That's, ooh. 27 points of damage. And five psychic.\nDM: Nice. 32, all righty. Last attack.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, while everyone else is taking breakfast, Pike checks the front door and finds about 20 skeletons waiting outside. She and Grog charge out to handle them.\nDM: All right, so at the beginning of this initiation, with the orb now flaring this pale gray-white and Delilah Briarwood standing there at the top of the ziggurat, staring down and focusing on the group of intruders that have just rushed in. Keyleth, it's your turn.\nPlayer: Oh god. Okay. I am going to, under the cult hood that I have, transform my face with Alter Self into Sylas Briarwood.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Her husband. Her dead husband. I'm going to have his face, and I'm going to walk forward and say, Delilah. Don't. It is me.\nDM: Make a deception check.\nPlayer: Deception?\nDM: So as you step forward into the chamber.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth tries to dodge under the fiend as she runs back down the alleyway towards her friends, but he takes a swing at her with his large mace and hits her in the head. A burst of flame emerges from the weapon, dealing heavy damage and setting her hair alight.\nDM: You might actually be able to do melee on this, looking at where she is. She wasn't quite that high, so you could actually make a melee attack.\nPlayer: Really?!\nDM: I was looking at her stand for her height, but that's just her--\nPlayer: Can I make both my attacks reckless, Great Weapon Master attacks?\nDM: You can, yes.\nPlayer: 17. That is probably going to hit. That is a 30 on the first one. Nope, 25. Minus five. 25 on the first one.\nDM: 25 hits.\nPlayer: Okay. And that's a 27, minus five. 22.\nDM: Both hit.\nPlayer: Nice.\nDM: This is going to be nasty. Actually, hold on. Was it 22?\nPlayer: Yeah, 22 was the second one.\nDM: Yeah, that's not going to matter. Okay, so it still hits. Go for it.\nPlayer: That's the wrong dice. 28 plus ten is 38 for the first one.\nDM: All righty.\nPlayer: And the second one is (counting) 27. 37 for the second one.\nDM: 37, whew. That's nasty. All righty, so two heavy hits as you rush up, using the boots. You leap onto the rooftop, coming down with your axe into two giant swings across the armored lady. Each hits her, and you see sparks fly and a bit of blood begin to seep from some of the wounds. Definitely taking a nice little chunk out of her.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Everyone in town thinks its residents are strange, creepy hermits and possibly witches. They decide to go see if that person can help them, since they trust an unaffiliated person more than anyone in town.\nDM: As you crest around the second of these open groves, you notice how the ground itself seems to shift slightly, and you watch as for a moment it seems to almost pit as elements of the dirt suck inward. You know the antlion funnels that appear in the sand and begins to come in towards them. The ground almost seems to sink in for a second before righting itself. The grove stands flat once more, but thankfully, due to the survival instincts of your firbolg leader, you manage to careen past two of these patches without issue. Pushing on at a fairly intense speed, within three and a half hours, not even the full four--\nPlayer: Hey!\nDM: You manage to make your way to an area where the color notably changes ahead of you. The somewhat still purple-gray color that suffuses most of the natural landscape within the Savalierwood, gives way to a patch of green in the distance. This is the first sign that calls forth that warm sensation you got when you had checked this path within your smell bag. As the rest of you begin to gather up behind Nila, the closer you get you begin to watch as these winter trees, that comprise most of this northern forest, give way to green oaks and swamp-based plant life. The temperature, as you get to a certain threshold, begins to be not quite as biting cold, slightly warmer with each step. Looking around immediately, the first thing that catches your eye is this large wall of tangled vine and thorns. The same purplish-gray color. The green is still ahead of you. Do you guys want to continue on? Anything you want to do?\nPlayer: You said there's a wall of thorns?\nDM: It looks like a natural wall that curls up about five or so feet.\nPlayer: In our way.\nDM: In your way, yes.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Looking up, the entire ceiling is a sea of roiling chains from which drops a massive chain golem. The door that Vax checked has some sort of Infernal symbol that does not match the description of the fanged grin they were told to look for.\nDM: This one and this one have been inspected. So that's your movement to get up there. And your action to look thoroughly and look at the symbol in the low light. You have a bonus still.\nPlayer: Yeah. Is it possible to bonus hide?\nDM: You have nowhere to hide from. You have nothing obscuring.\nPlayer: Nothing to obscure the view?\nDM: Not really.\nPlayer: Okay, then I'm going to use my bonus to pop Trinket out.\nDM: Okay. Trinket appears out of your necklace.\nPlayer: I guess he was already out, wasn't he? Because we were running.\nDM: Yeah, but you may have pulled him back in. It's fine.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While he does this, he notices that there are three more opals embedded in the wall at shoulder height. Crouching under the opals, he makes it to the other side, he checks the door for traps, but finds nothing of interest, but notes that there is no handle or obvious way for it to open.\nDM: Well as you can tell, there's the one in the center of the middle of the floor. Then there's one on the wall that he walked across, and as you to the other wall, there are another matching set of three on both walls.\nPlayer: And they're all lined up.\nDM: And they're all lined up. There's the two in the center of the room that match the one in the floor and then there's one to each side of that about four feet apart.\nPlayer: Okay. I'm going to walk in a little bit. Are there any on the ceiling?\nDM: Looking up. Make a perception check.\nPlayer: Natural one.\nDM: You get lost in the beauty of the structure.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Seeing through Percy's disguise, he suggests that the real you join him after the feast begins. Assum then goes into more detail on the reasons for his distrust of the Briarwoods and notes that Lady Briarwood is an accomplished wizard.\nDM: \"Anyway. Welcome, and thank you.\" He reaches over and takes a small glass and clinks it with his silverware, the servants immediately muster up and start pulling glasses out and pouring wine into everyone's glasses and the conversation begins to naturally bustle about for this meal. Immediately conversation builds in about Uriel talking across to the Briarwoods talking about the bridge. He says \"Now, the Uriel bridge, I don't think the name was necessary, but it's appreciated from my perspective. Now in this union between Wildemount and Tal'Dorei-- do we have a confirmed trade route between the two?\" At which Lord Briarwood returns, \"This is indeed very true. We are hoping that through this passageway, we'd have means of rather quick trade between this kingdom and yours. Not to mention this would allow for individuals to travel for carried parcels very quickly and we're hoping to establish perhaps a very quick means of communication outside of the arcane for those who cannot afford these various luxuries.\" Lady Briarwood taps on his shoulder and says, \"Yes, and by the way, I don't mean to bring up a sore subject but it's come to our attention that apparently last Winter's Crest, there was an attempt on your life,\" and the table gets a little quiet for a second. \"We're sorry to hear that and wish to express our--\" Uriel puts his hand out and says, \"No, no, it's quite all right. It was but a paltry attempt, and it was thwarted actually by Vox Machina. They have been tremendous in keeping us safe and I greatly appreciate their aid in overseeing my family's good fortune.\" Yes?\nPlayer: While all this is going on, can you describe. Are the Briarwood couple together, seated next to each other?\nDM: They are seated right next to each other at the head of one table across the way.\nPlayer: I intend to be behind them, but what's behind them, like?\nDM: What's behind them is just open space and servants. There's probably a good 25 servants here that are just like sitting there patiently, lying in wait for--\nPlayer: And behind the servants is a wall so there's lots of open busy crowded space? Okay.\nDM: And tables. There's like other unused tables in this great hall that are just out there. Four other ones.\nPlayer: All right. I'm going to drink the potion of climbing that Grog gave me, and I'm spidering up the wall and I'd love, while listening to all this to make an insight check on them just as they talk, just for funsies.\nDM: To inquire about--?\nPlayer: Just to see if they seem like sacks of shit.\nDM: Okay, go for it.\nPlayer: Luck, oh not that lucky. This is going to be very low. Yeah, never mind, low. Very low.\nDM: It's hard to tell from this distance really at all. They're very charming. You were expecting this very dour, dark, evil couple from all the conversation, but they seem nice. They seem earnest. They keep to themselves definitely, they're definitely a very tight couple but nothing about them catches you off guard as being anything instinctively twisted.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. you managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: Scanlan, because you took the tail attack earlier, I'll have you roll a concentration check for Stinking Cloud. You have advantage on it though, so add your constitution bonus.\nPlayer: 20.\nDM: Yeah, you're fine.\nPlayer: Great. I've got my Stinking Cloud, still. I would like to move the Stinking Cloud. Oh! No, I can't do that.\nDM: You can.\nPlayer: You can move a Stinking Cloud?\nDM: I think it moves from a short breeze, actually.\nPlayer: Eh, it's fine.\nDM: Older versions, I think you could.\nPlayer: I don't want the Stinking Cloud to move. All right, he's right on us, he's got a legendary action. This is not good. Okay, I will reintroduce him to Bigby's Hand, (singing) Bigby's Hand! And I'm going to use it as an-- Ugh, so weak! Interposing Hand.\nDM: Bigby's Interposing Hand, all righty.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He wakes after a very restful night's sleep. Fjord accompanies Horris to the city gates only to find that the crownsguard are interviewing everyone leaving the city.\nDM: \"Okay, we\u2019ll go ahead and get started on that there. Full cost to you, two days' work, materials. That'll run you back about one and a half gold. One gold, five silver.\"\nPlayer: I think that is acceptable, yes.\nDM: \"All right.\"\nPlayer: Here. Will you also engrave it with, \"Love you so much\"?\nDM: \"It'll be an additional silver.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"All right. Come back here in about 48 hours. Should be good.\"\nPlayer: Okay. If we give you more, could you make it faster?\nDM: \"I could certainly do my best.\"\nPlayer: I noticed they\u2019re blocking up the gates, and I need to get it to her because her birthday\u2019s coming up.\nDM: \"I am but one small halfling, so you\u2019re going to have to wait one way or the other.\"\nPlayer: All right.\nDM: \"Sorry.\"\nPlayer: Okay. Thank you.\nDM: \"No worries, mate! Come back then.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you manages another kill with Eldritch Blast, leaving two up, including the priest. Caleb takes a hit that breaks his concentration on Molly's Haste, stunning Molly for a round.\nDM: If you want to start inspecting the area up the stairs, there's a platform above where there's more of the boxes and crates and there's piles of things gathered around some sort of rock formation, where that mist seems to be emanating from, which is still loosely drifting off of the surface of the water.\nPlayer: Yeah, I'll take a closer look.\nDM: Okay. Make an investigation check.\nPlayer: 14.\nDM: 14, okay. You can see scattered bits of gold and silver and copper that have been lost amongst the steps here, some of them covered in dirt or mud and can be cleaned and pulled out of there. As you ascend the steps, if anybody wants to join Fjord as well? You go with him as well? You also see there's a bunch of silverware thrown around. Very nice, fine silverware that is, in many cases, partially packed with more mud, sand, and whatever grime is here. It looks like everything was brought here, and largely a number of it has been discarded or left with no particular purpose. As you begin to pore through some of it, you see there's a crate that's partially open. There's a cache of weapons in there that are bound in clusters with leather straps around them. Looking there, there are four well-made longswords, four well-made shortswords, two battleaxes, and two halberds that are part of this cache. They're resting open on the inside of this open crate. There's a locked, dark wood case, about four feet across and a foot wide, that is currently closed and latched. There's also a locked iron box that's flat, a foot and a half by a foot and a half. It's simple, steel, iron look to it. Then there's the stone formation that's about six to ten foot at different places. It's a bit oblong and strange. It's not a perfect oval, but it's made to be this pool of water, where the mist is rising and sifting out of it. Around the edges of it, there are dozens and dozens of metallic objects of different shapes and configurations and designs. Make a religion check.\nPlayer: Natural 19, for 21.\nDM: You recognize a majority of the iconography here. It looks like one of these bundles-- one of these boxes that was gathered here-- was filled with holy symbols and religious iconography, most of which appear to be deities that are outlawed by the Empire. You see symbols and worship idols for the Archeart. You see some for Avandra, the Changebringer. You see a number of Moonweaver holy symbols with the two crescent moons across the silver cross. You see the hook and the wreath of the Wildmother, Melora, a number of those scattered about, some in disrepair, with actual pieces of dried barley and other grains around it. You see a number of symbols of Kord, the Stormlord. You see a handful for the Everlight. There are a few more dubious symbols as well. There's one that looks like a dark, horned crown that you recognize that is used to invoke Asmodeus, the Lord of the Hells. You see one that looks like-- you only see a few of these, but it looks like a series of chains and shackles that are across a coffin-like box, and you know that, because you rolled super high, to represent Bane, the Strife Emperor, who is a deity of conquest.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the sidelines, Scanlan yells inspiration at you and Cutting Words at Kern. Keyleth attempts to heal you from a distance, but gets caught by a nearby Bastion.\nDM: No. (whoosh) Parries it to the side after the first impact sets his jaw off to the side again. (crack) Snaps it back into place.\nPlayer: Last one?\nDM: Last one.\nPlayer: Since I'm standing and I probably whiffed, I see that knee that I've been working on, and I throw my heel out and try and pop it in.\nDM: Okay.\nPlayer: Yes! 27.\nDM: 27 does hit. Go ahead and roll damage.\nPlayer: Eight.\nDM: Eight. All right. You go forward and (pop) your foot finds the side of the knee, and the knee this time buckles under the weight (cracking) off to the side. Kern falls onto one knee, puts both hands out on the ground, and (coughing) coughs up this sputtering puddle of blood that then spills out on the ground. Kern looks like that blow is about to knock Kern over to the side, but Kern sits there and tenses his muscles. His head whips up at you, and that orcish glare, that sheer focus of fury that you saw once before, is holding him on the edge. Kern looks up at you. \"No, this is my town!\" (roars) and leaps up at you with a flurry of an extremely desperate half-orc. First strike comes at you. That is a 22 to hit.\nPlayer: Hits.\nDM: That is a 27 to hit.\nPlayer: Hits.\nDM: And natural 20. (groaning) First strike is ten points of damage.\nPlayer: Ten points. Okay.\nDM: Next one is eight points of damage.\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: Last one which is eight, six, 14 points of damage.\nPlayer: Right, okay.\nDM: What are you at?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She perfectly shoots the object, but there is no reaction. Percy then tries sliding his sword out onto the floor to attempt to cause a short if the surface is in fact conducting electricity.\nDM: What darkvision is, it's very black and white. You don't see a lot of color, and it's hard at this distance to make out anything. Without feeling it or seeing it, it's hard to get details.\nPlayer: I checked the door, but I didn't check anything else. Can I check the room for traps?\nDM: Yeah, if you'd like to.\nPlayer: I would like to. Rolled a 23.\nDM: Okay. As you descend the ramp, keeping a very close eye on the ground around you, or are you just doing a visual scan?\nPlayer: I'll walk up within a foot of the first line you referenced.\nDM: On the ceiling? Okay. Glancing about, you don't notice any traps. You do notice in the center of the room, the very center of the room on the floor there is a small variation in the color. You see what looks like a small almost oval-type smooth button. Or some sort of a strange object that is embedded in the floor.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina made the relatively grim journey back to the mountainside, finding it now brimming with volcanic rock and volcanic activity that previously lay dormant. Upon climbing the side of the mountain, you found remnants of the Pyrah tribe still alive and making their way up the mountain, as damaged as they are, in hopes of sealing this now progressively swelling tear between the prime Material Plane and the Elemental Plane of Fire.\nDM: And he takes your chin and pulls it up and looks you in the face with a broad smile on his face, he says, \"The road before you, Keyleth, is hard and fraught with loss and sadness. To live is to struggle against the void. But it's those moments of darkness that define the joy of the world around them. Learn from the loss and push forward as a beacon of perseverance, of hope for life after pain. This is one of the pillars of strength of a leader. One that I have learned with the loss of your mother. But you are my beacon of hope. And to many more than you even expect.\" And he looks back towards the four other members of the Zephrah tribe that are all just looking at you, and they nod.\nPlayer: I hope I do not fail you, Father.\nDM: \"I trust you will not. Go forth, while we stay here. I want you to grasp your destiny, vanquish this terrible beast that lies on the shores of Tal'Dorei. Complete your Aramente.\"\nPlayer: How do you know that this is my destiny?\nDM: \"Whatever your destiny is, grasp it. But you've chosen this path, and all destiny really is, is the choices you make, leading towards a goal that perhaps you do not yet understand. But when you've returned I wish for you to teach us the wisdom you've gained on this journey.\"\nPlayer: Kaitiaki, father.\nDM: \"Kaitiaki, Keyleth.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord asks if any other creatures or zombies had been seen around the docks. Rinaldo states that other than a couple of big snakes that come to shore every so often, nothing strange has happened in the area.\nDM: He has this puffy red 'fro going on. He looks pale, fresh to this, scrawny. He's stopped drawing his blade across the snake. \"Yeah?\"\nPlayer: Do you live here?\nDM: \"No, I live about three houses up.\"\nPlayer: Did you go to the carnival?\nDM: \"Last night? Yeah, I was there.\"\nPlayer: Okay, where were you at the carnival?\nDM: \"I actually snuck in under the tent after it had started.\"\nPlayer: Right, that's a good thing. Were you close to Enon? In the show. Were you on that side or the other side? Did you see the zombie?\nDM: \"I saw him a little bit. He was in the front and I had people in front of me, but I think I saw some of it. It was pretty cool.\"\nPlayer: It was kind of crazy, right? Have you heard any ghost stories around town lately? About scary things happening?\nDM: \"My grandma told me a ghost story years ago about these giant badger creatures that live on the hills of the Ashkeeper that can stand up on their hind legs, and they come down and they eat kids that don't go to bed in time.\"\nPlayer: Oh shit. Those guys are scary, I've heard of them. You should be really careful. Have you heard anything about zombies?\nDM: \"No, not since that.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you sees Toya being led out with the devil toad, Kylre. you makes a distraction by hitting a horse on the buttocks.\nDM: So going for-- not to actually hurt the creature but just enough to spook it, you hit it in the right place towards the back of its hindquarters to cause it to suddenly rear up (neighs) (cart clattering noise) and go into a sprint. The cart begins to bounce and smash onto the ground. You can see the wheels clattering into the rocks and the stone between the bits of--\nPlayer: I'm going to bolt in the opposite direction and try and loop around to the south side of the tent.\nDM: Make another stealth check, please.\nPlayer: Big dice, big dice. Okay, 19!\nDM: Okay. You dart around the north side of these tents and you're pretty sure you weren't seen. As the cart begins to bolt off behind this horse, you see all the crownsguard turn. The one that was currently staring at the devil toad glances off to the side. As he glances off, the devil toad takes Toya and just pulls her to him protectively and the guard puts his sword away. \"Check!\" Points to them and then bolts off to go after the horse. The other three stay, watching over the group.\nPlayer: Okay, can I loop around, kind of come up behind them?\nDM: I mean, they're scattered a bit but there's--\nPlayer: The devil toad and Toya.\nDM: Oh yeah. Make another stealth check. You're running through open areas each time you're doing this.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy moves closer and tries to shoot, but his pepperbox misfires, the barrel itself popping off and hitting the ground. He gathers the pieces and backs into a corner to try and repair it.\nDM: But that does not recharge its Lightning Breath. It's going to move here. It's going to go ahead and make two attacks. It's going to turn around and its head that's looking at you, now, after you stabbed it in the back.\nPlayer: Yeah.\nDM: Reaches down, its giant jaws open. You can see, like, this thick saliva that's coating its fangs, and it, with serpentine speed, bites at you.\nPlayer: Hey, rogue's Evasion.\nDM: That's going to be a 23 to hit.\nPlayer: So, Uncanny Dodge, I can dodge for half damage, so it was a what to hit?\nDM: 23.\nPlayer: 23 hits, but I take half damage.\nDM: All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a moment the voice hesitantly says Hello? again and then there is silence.\nDM: The only dim light is coming from around that corner, from the source of where that sound seemed to come.\nPlayer: Okay. I should be able to see, then, if there's dim light. Up to 60 feet.\nDM: Right. Nothing immediately in your visual perspective. If you go all the way to the edge, you can look past the corner if you want.\nPlayer: Okay. I slowly back up away from that and creep up the hall and stop at the corner before it turns and I just lean my head out and I listen.\nDM: Okay. Perception check.\nPlayer: 27.\nDM: Okay. Listening for a second, you hear what sounds like some shifting, like a body shifting over some sort of low crumbling. Sounds almost like grasses or hay or some sort of soft bedding is being shifted a little bit. You hear a clink of metal of some kind, you're not sure quite what the source is, and a couple of other small shifting and grinding sounds of metal. Comes to a halt.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Three locks' scratchings translate to the Common equivalent of 'open me', one of the locks' scratchings warns the party not to open it. you discovers that the lock saying 'No' is trapped, and the ones saying 'Yes' aren't.\nDM: A moment passes and you see stepping out of both sides of the hallway a number of hooded figures. Five. Ten. 15 individuals then begin to close in, all hoods up, cloaks around them, you can see through the dim light the crest of chins. Those of you that have darkvision, you can see some features, they all are humanoid, around human height, a few that are smaller, whether they be younger or halfling or gnomish in origin, you can't really make out their details in this circumstance, but they all close in as you guys all stand there in the center of the hallway.\nPlayer: I do start unlacing, and I say, I'm one of you. And I show the tattoo on my back.\nDM: As this happens, you can see there's a part in the crowd, and one much larger than the rest of the members of the Clasp steps forward, pushing others out of the way. You see a very thick square jaw piercing out from underneath the shadowed hood, and the hand pulls it back and as you can now see the crooked pointed ears, snarling nose and underbite of a mostly orcish half-orc, one you've encountered once before--\nPlayer: It's Modeth?\nDM: No, no. Modeth was human, you killed Modeth. The orc steps forward and looks about the group and goes, (grunts) \"Seems like you stumbled into an early grave.\"\nPlayer: I didn't stumble, I've been here before. I've a fucked up past with this organisation but I've come to tell you-- And I'm pointing at the tattoo.\nDM: He reaches out and grabs your arm and spins you around to look at the tattoo on your back violently. Like a ragdoll. You're being treated like a child. (grunts) Releases you for a second, as you fall off-balance for a second but catch yourself. He has his other hand at his belt side, and you can see what looks to be the the pommel of the dagger at the ready and he goes--\nPlayer: Sovereign Uriel knows you have Daxio here. Uriel wants him. You are in danger. This whole organisation is in danger with him here.\nDM: \"Silence! Who else knows you're here?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, My love, we're not ready, but the timetable's been pushed - we have no choice. She runs to him and wraps her arms around him, attempting to Dimension Door elsewhere, but Scanlan prevents their escape with a quick Counterspell.\nDM: At the end of your turn, he's going to use his third legendary action in this round to, without any attacks of opportunity, move.\nPlayer: Is that Lord Briarwood?\nDM: Yes. He pulls away, still trying to get out of the range of the sunlight.\nPlayer: Okay. The Boots of Levitation. It says it requires an action to levitate?\nDM: Correct.\nPlayer: Could I do three attacks? Or just two, and then have the action left over?\nDM: You could action and then you'd have your one bonus strike as a frenzied rage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She dispels the effect, finds lose rocks to cave-in and attract the worms to. Vax uses dimension door to get next to Grog and throws a dagger while just out of range.\nDM: 16, okay. You've heard of these types of entities before. You're uncertain whether or not it has a resistance to poison, per se. You get the sensation probably, based on the fact that it uses poison, you would think so, but nothing else about its body seems to be poison-related or of the essence of poison.\nPlayer: But it does use poison?\nDM: As part of its tail. The stinger you saw it use earlier does seem to have some--\nPlayer: Oh, gotcha. Okay, so it probably does have poison resistance. Okay.\nDM: You don't know. But you do know, also, that if you were able to probably do enough damage from the inside, it would probably throw you back up. You also get the sense that since you're currently underground, now would be a bad time to do that.\nPlayer: Well, I'm in a tunnel, right?\nDM: As far as you know, yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex interrogates Grog first, then goes to the front desk, where she learns that you had been let into the room earlier. She immediately hunts down her brother and sics Trinket to pin him down, whereupon they work out that Tary was responsible for the dogs.\nDM: Trinket is gaining on you. You watch as an older couple emerge from the room down the hallway and go, \"Nope.\" And close the door.\nPlayer: I see food trays left by other customers. I start knocking them down and dumping food on the rug behind me as I run. It's improv. It's real!\nDM: There are small baskets.\nPlayer: I said I saw food!\nDM: Yeah, so you knock some baskets behind you and you keep running. You just emerge from the edge of the hallway. You can see the beach ahead of you. You can see the little bit of moonlight hitting the sand in front.\nPlayer: What's around me?\nDM: Hallways and doors.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, Molly douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables.\nDM: Okay. Whereas the female manticore, (flapping). The wind picks up and dust begins to spiral and briefly obfuscates the area. The manticore flies; with an impact, lands on the opposite side, right where the ball bearing is and (sniffs). \"Company.\" All right, what are you guys doing?\nPlayer: I'm going straight for the Mage Hand to untie them.\nDM: Make a sleight of hand check from a distance. Well, this would be a straight dexterity check. Roll dexterity, not sleight of hand.\nPlayer: Dexterity check.\nDM: Add your dexterity modifier.\nPlayer: 18.\nDM: 18. With a quick, rapid movement of your Mage Hand, you watch as the ropes on one come free. One of them (breathing heavily) looks at their hands and doesn't know exactly what happened but is apparently now free of the ropes.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Having learned all that they can about Fjord's odd incident, the party embarks on their second day of travel.\nDM: You can do that without a problem. You leapfrog off of him, grab his shoulders, and land behind him, scimitars at the ready. Okay, ending Molly's turn. Jester, you're up.\nPlayer: What about the guards?\nDM: The guards already went. Oh, she didn't fire. Sorry, thank you for reminding me about that. The other guards did go, she did not-- They did not.\nPlayer: Aren't they going to attack this skeleton one that's right here next to both of us?\nDM: They throw their crossbow to the ground and pull out a morningstar, and does a sideswipe towards this-- That is a 19. We'll say that straight up hits. That does five plus eight points of damage to that one. I don't think you've damaged that one yet, right?\nPlayer: Yes I had. I did the Hellish Rebuke to it.\nDM: That's right, you did! That was the wrong one. All right, with that, they swing backwards with the mace and hit the side of the skeletal head, which shatters immediately upon impact, ruining its form, and is no longer part of the battle.\nPlayer: I am so surprised I fall off the wall!\nDM: You are. You tumble that way.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He then inspires you with his harmonica. Keyleth, under the thrall of the ghost, attacks Scanlan with her staff and hits despite the bard's Cutting Words.\nDM: You see Grog turn to you with this wicked grin on his face, eyes glowing a pale whitish-blue as he brings the hammer up in the air.\nPlayer: Oh god! Am I close by him?\nDM: You are. You're right next to him.\nPlayer: I'm right next to him?\nDM: You're right there.\nPlayer: Oh no! I back away from him. He's going to get an attack on me.\nDM: Yep.\nPlayer: But I really needed to put some distance there.\nDM: Make an attack of opportunity.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They decide to try to move away from it, and while they walk, Calianna tells Beau that she was raised by the Cult of the Caustic Heart, who kept her in seclusion and told her she was special and important. Meanwhile, the troll continues to keep pace with them off in the trees.\nDM: Both of you go, \"There!\" at the same time. Ah! (chuckling) \"All right, second one.\" Moving on, looking for the third.\nPlayer: That was a one for me, I don't see it.\nDM: This one takes a little longer to find. All right.\nPlayer: But I don't wander too far from everyone else because there's a troll out there, you guys!\nDM: Yeah. You find the third, Febron finds the fourth.\nPlayer: I find that last one.\nDM: Fifth one because he did not find it, but you locate it.\nPlayer: 23!\nDM: Yeah. With that point, he goes, \"Okay. I'm pretty sure we're almost there.\" He points ahead, and you can see where there's a cluster of trees. A new sight catches your attention. The first thing that hits you is this faint scent of rotting flesh. It hits your nose a bit and your eyes sting, water for the moment. As your vision focuses on the first corpse, a human man propped up on a spear going up through the side of his torso and out his left pectoral. His stomach is bloated and his skin is dull gray and glistening. His jaw hangs open, his expression this horrible, ghastly grimace. A few feet from him, stuck to one of the trees, you see a halfling woman with two blades jammed through her shoulders, pinning her up, legs dangling, but one leg is partially torn off. Her head is mounted down, hair in her face so you can't make out any features, and they're both placed up there right against this opening to a small clearing ahead, and this is where Febron goes, \"And that's what I'm talking about. That's the warning. Whoever did this is trying to keep us out.\"\nPlayer: You haven't gone past these--\nDM: \"Fuck no!\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, All carts passing through are being thoroughly inspected. Fjord uses the dodecahedron, since he'll be doing the talking.\nDM: \"Well, anyway, I don't want to take any more of your time. I just saw you coming through and wanted to say thank you.\"\nPlayer: Hey, Thadeus.\nDM: \"Yeah?\"\nPlayer: Is Bryce in?\nDM: \"They should be. I haven't seen them around very recently, but if you're going to find them somewhere in here, they're probably--\"\nPlayer: Broad Barn?\nDM: \"Probably at the Broad Barn. Or--\" Actually, Bryce would be--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, That spell-spitter lady from the capital took the book and left. Their group was all part of the same order at one point and splintered off, going north to Shady Creek Run and starting the Tomb Takers.\nDM: \"Much better down here. Speaking of which, a round please!\" The bartender, looking a bit frightened on the side, starts filling tankards. \"All right, so. What brings such esteemed adventurers to my pocket of the underworld?\"\nPlayer: Well, we sought an audience, and to be frank, we thought we might find a little bit more of a warm reception than the one that we're currently getting.\nDM: \"Oh! I'm sorry.\" They pull the rifles off you. \"Habit. Safety, you understand.\"\nPlayer: Oh of course, easily understood.\nDM: \"So. You have my audience.\"\nPlayer: We mean to make ourselves of service, whether it be for the good of the city or other endeavors. We're new here. We thought we would try to make as many introductions and have as many meetings happen as we could.\nDM: \"Interesting. I have one question, before we get too deep in this conversation. How did you find your way in here?\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth, touching the handprint burned onto Vax's back, casts Daylight as a light to guide him back from the darkness. Grog steps up, slaps Vax's body hard across the face, and tells him, I told you before.\nDM: I mean, most of the runic symbols and designs on here aren't formulated in a sentence structure or language. You do see the roots of them. Some of them are Draconic in root, but they've been changed as part of the enchantment of the armor. However, you do find a small, crumpled note on the inside of the armor.\nPlayer: Can I pull it out?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: What is it?\nDM: It's up to you.\nPlayer: I'm going to open it.\nDM: Okay. Do you want to tell her what's on it?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you arrives at the spot and looks around only to notice that the body is gone. Following the drag marks and tracks, you continues to sneak through the crops and notices that the trail stops, the last sign indicating a northward direction.\nDM: 39, okay. So as you guys wait in the back, staying low to the grass, you watch as Vax dives into the field and vanishes. You, darting in a forward way, find your way to the outside of the initial crop-grid. There does not appear to be any guards that are watching this property. You recall the various avenues you guys utilized in systematically making your way from path to path. It takes you a few minutes, but you manage to find an area that looks familiar enough where you find your way into the center of one of the crop lanes where the corpse of Horace recently was. Roll a perception check.\nPlayer: 27.\nDM: 27. You get there and you glance about. But the body's gone.\nPlayer: Fuck.\nDM: Body's not there, it's taken. You start following the trail, you see where maybe it was dragged off. Make a survival roll.\nPlayer: Survival roll? Well, I'm going to use Luck, because I slept. Yeah. 18.\nDM: 18, okay, so you find signs of his body being dragged and you start trying to find the direction it was taken. You dart along, once again keeping within the crops as best you can to stay out of sight. You make your way out of the northern side of it before the trail disappears. You do not know where the body was taken, other than north and outward. You glance over and all you see is the original farmhouse where Reginald was living, there's the crops out there, there's the big scarecrow that was in the center. There wasn't a scarecrow before. You look over real close and you see, strung up across a haphazard wooden spike, arms out, is the currently being pecked apart body of Reginald, who apparently suffered the brunt of the discovery of Horace's corpse in the time that has transpired since you last left Westruun.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They reconnect on the other side. The right and left paths have rubble and weblike threads hang from the ceiling covering half the path.\nDM: Okay. The water comes out as a column, doesn't appear to be coming to an end, you're not quite sure where it's being drawn from, it's this constant stream, and as it hits the flame (tshhh) but the flames aren't going out. It's all turning to steam and it's filling the room with steam and the more and more it pours into it, the more and more the room is beginning to become obscured and making it hard to see.\nPlayer: Okay, well, I stop that.\nDM: Okay. As you do, the streams stop water. The pools are still completely still where you've pulled it out of, seemingly unbothered other than the little bit of wind that's blowing, and have not lessened in their volume at all.\nPlayer: Good to know. Can I do some sort of check to see if I would've heard anything about this type of a thing in my druid time, is this like a different plane of existence, what is this shit?\nDM: What, this place you are?\nPlayer: Yeah, or would I know of what his name would be from the telling of the Second Spark and any of my elemental knowledge as a druid?\nDM: Make an intelligence check.\nPlayer: Ooh, that's good. 19.\nDM: 19. Thinking back about the stories you've heard, which isn't a whole lot necessarily. Are we good on the stream?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A breath of frost kills one of the giants before it is able to do much. Percy's engineering talent makes a showing, between a hand grenade and one of the exploding arrows he made for Vex.\nDM: You could get there. You will have to make-- actually, no, you can move through there without an issue.\nPlayer: Also, I have darkvision up to 60 feet.\nDM: You rush up towards the dragon.\nPlayer: I'd like to take my Firebrand Warhammer and activate it. Ignite it.\nDM: As a bonus action. Well, it's already been ignited, you've had it flaming this whole time.\nPlayer: Oh, beautiful, yeah. It's like a torch, which means I can see even better. I'd like to go into a frenzied rage and start swinging away.\nDM: All right, so three attacks on the big old dragon.\nPlayer: 19.\nDM: 19 does hit.\nPlayer: Beautiful. 25.\nDM: Does hit.\nPlayer: And 23.\nDM: All three hit. Go ahead and roll damage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus, Caleb, Jamedi, and Nott ran towards the stairs to the outside. you and Jester waited by the well for Fjord.\nDM: Top of the initiative order. Beau, you're up first. While you're in water, movement is considered difficult terrain. If I recall, attacks are made at disadvantage while in water.\nPlayer: Okay. Yeah, we're definitely underwater. Do we see the entrance or exit ahead of us?\nDM: Those are the stairs that lead upward, yes.\nPlayer: So, if we just book it, we'll go--\nDM: Yeah, that's an option.\nPlayer: We're just going to have these guys--\nDM: That is entirely an option you can do.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy starts running towards Grog, unloading his last two shots at the dominated orc. Both shots impact and down the orc.\nDM: First shot smacks into its thigh, and you can see where once there was an actual functional thigh area is now a splintered femur that is exposed through one side of his leg. You can see it's barely keeping itself standing. It roars out (raaah!) in pain as you fire again--\nPlayer: 32 points.\nDM: With the final bullet in your Pepperbox's chamber, the sixth bullet, you fire the last round--\nPlayer: You're going to make me change the Sharpshooter thing by the end of this round I get the--\nDM: No, no, no. Sharpshooter works well for a reason.\nPlayer: It's kind of spectacular. I keep rolling 20s! I keep rolling 20s!\nDM: That's what the dice does, man. It's worked poorly in your favor before.\nPlayer: Really poorly, normally!\nDM: It's great when it works awesomely. So with this look of confusion as this orc that's trying to do the bidding of this gnome that--\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Trinket, who had been sleeping outside Percy's workshop, attacks the one next to Percy. Jarett gets up and runs to the cell, unlocking the door.\nDM: 17 damage, nice. Trinket runs up, coming out of his somewhat sleepy stupor, goes for a bite attack and grabs nothing with it, and turns around and rakes a claw backwards, manages to get the back of whatever this entity is, and you hear it scream (gasping scream). You do, at least.\nPlayer: I have a technical dispute, really quickly. Could the wraith have gotten that far, since I knocked him prone?\nDM: Yes, it could've, because it uses half its movement speed to get up.\nPlayer: Oh, thank you. Never mind.\nDM: Its movement is actually 50.\nPlayer: Ignore me! 50?!\nDM: Not that you know that. But it moved far for what you think it should've been able to.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Lady Allura once travelled with an adventuring party that included Lady Kima, Drake Thunderbrand, Sirus, Dohla, and Ghenn. Lady Allura's party sealed Thordak in the Elemental Plane of Fire at the cost of Sirus, Dohla, and Ghenn's lives.\nDM: At which point, the dwarf steps up and still has his hand rubbing Allura's shoulder and says, \"We knew not what we were doing, other than trying to save it, don't blame yourself.\"\nPlayer: Allura.\nDM: \"Yes.\"\nPlayer: Would you consider us guardians of this city?\nDM: \"One of many. I believe the guardians--\"\nPlayer: Is this because of us?\nDM: Allura looks at you dead-on and says, \"The only guardians that Thordak would know of would be the ones that sent him away to that plane 15 years ago. This is my fault.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Caduceus tells him they may have that delivery, and Orly offers that Marius often hangs around the docks at night. you wanders over to another customer in the bar and asks about the mysterious tower, but she doesn't know anything.\nDM: \"Oh no, just passing through. Taking a break. I've only been here for about a week, and then shoving off back to this trade route towards Marquet, probably.\"\nPlayer: Oh, a fellow sailor.\nDM: \"You a sailor as well?\"\nPlayer: Indeed. Not for some time, I'm a bit out of practice, but yeah.\nDM: \"What's your specialty? I might be looking for crew.\"\nPlayer: Oh, I'm quite a strong back. Good with rigging, topsail. You name it, I've done it.\nDM: \"What's your rank?\"\nPlayer: Oh, I didn't quite make it up past making the crew. I'm afraid higher duty didn't quite suit me.\nDM: \"But you're looking to travel?\"\nPlayer: Could be. Do you have work?\nDM: \"I maybe got room for one more in the crew if you want to come along. Prove yourself a few days at sea.\"\nPlayer: I might stop by. Where is your ship?\nDM: She glances off to the side and points on the far left side of the harbor. \"I can't really show you from here. Follow me.\" She steps up and walks past you towards the front and points to one ship. \"Past there, the one with the grayish sails furled up. That's the Drensala Vis. That's my ship.\"\nPlayer: Drensala Vis. Your ship? Beautiful.\nDM: \"She's been through a lot, but she's stuck with me for many years.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex moves further into the hallway and shoots at it twice, the first arrow hitting but the second missing and shattering on the wall. Keyleth moves up behind Vex and casts Faerie Fire, covering the entity in a purple glow and nullifying its invisibility, revealing it to be humanoid in shape but with legs that appear to be shimmering and shifting.\nDM: 12. Got you. Okay. Desmond's eyes clarify for a second and he begins to breathe heavily. Still looking very wounded, but conscious and prone across the bed, as the entity that's Hunter's Marked is still looming over it, bringing its fists up for another round to try and finish its job. That ends your turn, Keyleth. Grog, you're up.\nPlayer: There you are. Hold still, Casper! And I run up and I swing.\nDM: As you rush up angrily, make your strike.\nPlayer: That's 28.\nDM: That hits.\nPlayer: That's a 27.\nDM: Hits.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They reach the worship section and find a stone tablet for sacrifices. Nott finds a trapdoor and picks the lock, the Nein heads in with Jamedi meeting them.\nDM: Okay. You all dart inside. At this point, as you are stepping inside, you see on the opposite end, rushing up the edge, you see Jamedi go, \"(huffing) Very good,\" and he jumps inside with the rest of you.\nPlayer: Where's Avantika?\nDM: \"I have not seen her.\"\nPlayer: Bullshit.\nDM: \"I haven't!\"\nPlayer: Are you lying?\nDM: Make an insight check.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Approximately twenty-five refugees survive and stay the night in Greyskull Keep's temple. As the party tends to the wounded refugees and damaged structures, Grog and Percy begin arguing about using the evil skull from General Krieg's house to make a wish to undo the recent disaster.\nDM: At this point, as you guys are having this conversation, and you guys are darting out, Vex, you stop, as coming down the stairs from the main floor is Erwen. Frazzled, but still put together as well as he can.\nPlayer: I tuck it behind my back.\nDM: \"I'm sorry, Lady Vex'ahlia, it appears you have a few guests, suddenly.\"\nPlayer: What? What kind of guests?\nDM: \"She's been here before. I don't recognize the other; in the dining area.\"\nPlayer: What does she look like?\nDM: \"Blonde hair.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you disappears upstairs to use the facilities and doesn't come back. Molly uses Purgation on Beau to slightly sober her up.\nDM: \"Well, good luck then. I'm happy to see how long you last, big boy. Fill it up!\" They fill the drinks. Take your first swig there.\nPlayer: 16.\nDM: You both finish neck and neck, but you still manage to get it down faster. As you both stand there, she looks at you with a nod of being impressed. \"Not bad, not bad.\"\nPlayer: Is that all there is to this?\nDM: \"Oh, we've just gotten started.\"\nPlayer: Fill her up!\nDM: \"Fill her up!\" Fill the next round.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There was a cart of horses pulling a group of four gnomes that all eventually revealed themselves to be family of you Trickfoot. After taking them in, whether or not Vox Machina was excited or eager to, nevertheless they treated them with hospitality, gave them a place to stay, gave them food for the evening, conversations were had, and information was passed around.\nDM: \"Thank you. It's a bit unbridled, I would like perhaps to... the word escapes me.\" And he takes another sip of his tea, thinks for a second, goes, \"I wish to be less crazy-looking.\"\nPlayer: Well, can I just say, I think you look perfect.\nDM: And he reaches up and pinches the edge of your cheek and goes, \"Well, can I just say that I never thought blue would be your color, but it looks fantastic.\"\nPlayer: It hasn't washed out yet, but it's fun for a little bit, just to try something.\nDM: \"Just to try something. Ah, I remember those days. Anyway. Don't be a stranger.\"\nPlayer: Okay. It was wonderful to see you.\nDM: \"Wonderful to see you as well. And please, do send me some fresher treats.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He then suggests, Listen to what piques his interest. And then happen to be the source when he needs it.\nDM: \"Listen. Listen to what piques his interest. And then happen to be the source when he needs it. If that fails, there are plenty of enchantments that can sway his mind.\"\nPlayer: I mean, right? You'll help me out with that?\nDM: \"I'll do my best.\"\nPlayer: You're not jealous, are you?\nDM: \"No.\"\nPlayer: You'll always be my number one love.\nDM: \"I know. So what are you making me?\"\nPlayer: I want it to be a surprise for you, I can't tell you.\nDM: \"I'll wait.\"\nPlayer: Okay. I'm glad you're here.\nDM: \"I'm never far.\"\nPlayer: It's a surprise!\nDM: What are you making him?\nPlayer: Oh gosh. Oh my goodness. Okay, with my magical paint-- Oh gosh. I was planning on fucking up some other things, but right now I will make a little shrine, like a little statue of the Traveler, that way I can pray to him.\nDM: As you finish painting it, it takes gravity. It almost seems to fall a centimeter and center itself. It goes from a two-dimensional shift, it's almost like blinking--\nPlayer: I want him shimmery green.\nDM: Sitting up from the edge of the bed, the cloaked figure walks over and lifts it and inspects it and places it back down.\nPlayer: What do you think?\nDM: \"You're getting better.\"\nPlayer: I could leave these around other places? What do you think?\nDM: \"Preferably where it would be the least expected.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"And the creepiest to find.\"\nPlayer: Okay.\nDM: \"I'm excited.\"\nPlayer: I've got to get to work.\nDM: \"Yes.\"\nPlayer: I can make so many of these.\nDM: \"Make me proud, Jester.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Seeing through Percy's disguise, he suggests that the real Vax join him after the feast begins. Assum then goes into more detail on the reasons for his distrust of the Briarwoods and notes that Lady Briarwood is an accomplished wizard.\nDM: You're escorted to the hall by Allura. She keeps chatting with you guys and asking questions about how Vasselheim was, and is Kima well? She stayed back there. She asks questions about why Pike isn't here and you tell her the story that she stayed behind and everything. You make your way into the great hall which seats a vast number of people. There are five major tables meant for like large feasts but there is one central square table in the far end that is by this giant hearth. This fireplace is probably a good six feet high and about 12 feet wide. It's a grandiose visual on the far end of this hall, and there's a long table right there set for about 20 people. You don't know if there will be that many there at the table but it can seat that many. At which point, all the different members of the council have their seats around it. You guys find your seats.\nPlayer: Can we get a feel for where the Briarwoods are going to sit?\nDM: With this many seats set, it's hard to tell, but you gather that they're probably going to sit--\nPlayer: Are there place cards?\nDM: There are no place cards but there are two ends of the table that have two chairs at each end.\nPlayer: Okay. Can I position myself when I sit to where I can see them? So I can read their mouths, specifically.\nDM: Certainly. You can probably sit on the center or the far end of the table looking in their direction, should be fine.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, while everyone else is taking breakfast, Pike checks the front door and finds about 20 skeletons waiting outside. She and Grog charge out to handle them.\nDM: But inside the sphere. I understand. I will say, as is the nature of the spell versus a Dimension Door, I need you, as you begin to pass through, your form folds through the magic, the very powerful magic and intent of this sphere. The dome of red hits you immediately. I need you to make a dexterity saving throw, please.\nPlayer: Two.\nDM: Two.\nPlayer: Oh, wait. Plus six. That's eight. Plus, I'm inspired.\nDM: You can inspire and roll on top of that, if you want.\nPlayer: Ten. So 18.\nDM: 18. Not enough. All right.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Then continuing to follow where this route led you, upward, hopefully towards the underbelly of the city of Thar Amphala. You uncovered a mostly cleaned out vault and did battle with some undead trolls that immediately rushed in and attacked you.\nDM: All right. You glance up and get just beyond where Keyleth is, pushing past. You have five more feet you can move if you want.\nPlayer: Well, I'm coming up the hole. I take a look. Oh, sweet god. I'm going to take a shot at the guy I see up on the table there.\nDM: Okay, go for it.\nPlayer: That's better.\nDM: Which guy?\nPlayer: Yeah, the gray. And that's 28?\nDM: Okay. (gunshot) You fire a shot and watch as it detonates against some sort of invisible wall that you didn't see was there before, scattering helplessly against the space in the air.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the morning, while everyone else is taking breakfast, Pike checks the front door and finds about 20 skeletons waiting outside. She and Grog charge out to handle them.\nDM: There are two of them that appear to be staff wielders. The older one has been destroyed with acid. The other one you haven't really gotten close enough to see the face of.\nPlayer: But they're holding a staff?\nDM: Yeah.\nPlayer: I'm going to bramble shot that one. No. Yeah, I'm going to bramble shot the one that I haven't seen his face yet.\nDM: Okay, so roll to attack.\nPlayer: That was a 33.\nDM: Yeah, that will hit. Roll damage.\nPlayer: Okay. (counting) Nobody's standing next to him, right?\nDM: Nope.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth races around the corner and casts Sunbeam, aiming it at Sylas and Cassandra (and incidentally hitting Grog, who is caught between them). Cassandra manages an uncanny dodge but Sylas is caught by part of the beam, recoiling in horror as part of his face is burned to ash, exposing his vampiric fangs.\nDM: Okay, so that ends Keyleth's turn. Back to the top, Delilah. Delilah is now going to step out of the cloud, which is now dissipating at this point.\nPlayer: Is she taking a step away from me?\nDM: Yes.\nPlayer: I'm taking my blade with the poison on it, and I'm going to slash at her.\nDM: Okay, as your reaction.\nPlayer: That is an 18.\nDM: 18 would hit her.\nPlayer: Okay, that had whatever that poison is that I sold my soul to a hag for.\nDM: Yes, it did. So roll damage on that.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The battle still rages across the square, and as the party looks back the way they came they see a large group of figures through the rain. As the sun sets and the figures approach, it becomes clear that it is a group of thirty to fifty armored skeletons marching in from the north.\nDM: Okay. (foghorn sound) The slow horn-blow comes out, and this fog begins to fill the area between this marching skeletal army and the Sun Tree where you guys currently are. Looking over your shoulder, you can see the zombie giant finishes smashing the last individual in that crew, picks it up and jams it into its jagged giant teeth.\nPlayer: So there's a big army coming down, filtering down a street.\nDM: Down the street towards you.\nPlayer: How far away?\nDM: You can't tell now. There's just fog along the way.\nPlayer: I can't tell how far away they are right now?\nDM: No, you can't see them.\nPlayer: I can't see them?\nDM: No, because Scanlan just created a whole bunch of fog between the two of you. The moment you saw, they may be about a hundred or so feet from you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord enters first, seeing signs of a fight and spatters of weeks-old blood. A 30-inch hole descends below the tree, and you goes first, using Feather Fall when she slips.\nDM: The hole has chunks of rock and dirt as well as a very interwoven network of roots coming down from the tree, so it's fairly easy to climb down. There is a little bit of that damp water and moisture that seeped into the chamber previously from just being near the swamp. It wasn't a thick layer of water, maybe half an inch or so in the actual portions of the chamber and some of it is now heading down. As you're climbing down carefully through this hole, you can feel it running down your back and it's this cold swamp water. I need you to make an athletics check as you make your way down this chamber.\nPlayer: Not great. Just a check?\nDM: Yep. Just add your athletics.\nPlayer: Seven.\nDM: Seven. Okay. You begin to-- (grunts) and you lose your grip and begin slide down like a slide.\nPlayer: (whispers) Yes. (screams)\nDM: (impact) You get about maybe 15 or so feet before the back of the slide leaves you. You have darkvision, so you see the interior of some sort of chamber in the ground rocketing towards you--\nPlayer: I will throw out a feather and cast Feather Fall.\nDM: Okay. And you gingerly land on your feet. No damage taken. And no noise made either.\nPlayer: (breathing heavily)\nDM: Looking around you, you see the inside of a natural rock chamber. You can hear in the distance a rummaging sound, some shifting over from around the corner. It seems like from where you're landing the back is around you and then it curves to the left. You see a faint puddle before you lose vision and beyond that, you don't see anything but you hear (shifting).\nPlayer: Coming towards me or just moving?\nDM: Just echoing around the side.\nPlayer: Cool.\nDM: You hear a (monster hissing).\nPlayer: Oh god.\nDM: Something clatter to the ground. What are the rest of you guys doing?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There was a cart of horses pulling a group of four gnomes that all eventually revealed themselves to be family of you Trickfoot. After taking them in, whether or not Vox Machina was excited or eager to, nevertheless they treated them with hospitality, gave them a place to stay, gave them food for the evening, conversations were had, and information was passed around.\nDM: \"What, you think I didn't get drunk and say the off thing here and there? Back in my day, I was a bit of a rabble-rouser, whether you believe it or not. Mm-hm.\"\nPlayer: You were. Well, I might as well just come out with it. I'm stalling. So we had some visitors in Whitestone, where we're staying right now-- I'm just really nervous. It was Johann and Ogden and JB.\nDM: \"Hm.\"\nPlayer: They came to visit, 'cause I had sent them a little money and a letter.\nDM: \"Well, that's very kind of you.\"\nPlayer: And they came to town to stay and to just see the town, and they told me something a little disturbing. Ogden said he's been having visions and dreams about something about a blood curse. Does this sound familiar to you at all?\nDM: \"To be perfectly up-front, I kind of escaped the Trickfoot lifestyle when I was maybe about your age. So I'm not as keen on all the familial history, but I can say that there's been more than one curse thrown at our family name.\"\nPlayer: This is true.\nDM: \"I don't know. I haven't spoken with them in quite some time, or really anybody else. I decided that you, there was something special about you, and it wasn't right to have you grow up in such an uncouth environment, so I wanted to provide something different for you. I don't know if I succeeded, but I did my best, and brought you into the light of the one that saved me. And look at you now!\" And he leans forward and grabs your holy symbol from the front and goes, \"Why, you're the brightest star she has.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope?\nDM: Unfortunately, the cliff ends right there. So you couldn't get in front of Scanlan without dropping onto a lower platform.\nPlayer: What about anybody else?\nDM: Percy is down there. You could fill some of Umbrasyl's space but you're not going to be able to guard anybody from an attack, unfortunately. Especially being an entity made of water, not a whole lot of defensive strategy in there.\nPlayer: Okay. I'm next to Shale as well, right? We're all in the shit together?\nDM: Shale's over here.\nPlayer: Oh, Shale's over there.\nDM: Flanking from the side.\nPlayer: You know what, I'm just going to stay there!\nDM: All right. Grog, you're up.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The pit fiend is not harmed as he is immune to fire damage. you hears the creaking sound of a gate opening and turns to see a bone devil entering the hallway.\nDM: But he took 23 free damage, which is nice. Vax, he's going to take three attacks on you. That is a 27.\nPlayer: Yeah, that kind of hits.\nDM: All right, that is a 20.\nPlayer: That does not hit.\nDM: And with the tail, that is a 24.\nPlayer: That also hits. I will use Uncanny Dodge for the tail.\nDM: Okay. So the first claw hits you, you take 11 points of slashing damage, and as the first claw strikes you across the chest, the second one, you manage to duck right out of the way, it slams into the stonework, and as you glance up, you try and dodge and roll out of the way as the tail scrapes you across the back. That is 18 points of piercing damage, reduced to six, and you would have the possibility of becoming poisoned; however, you guys are still under the effect of Heroes' Feast, so that does not affect you.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They have been watching him, trying to figure him out. Herd members are out getting ready for battle as Vox Machina walks through.\nDM: Okay. So you've re-attuned to the original circlet. You guys, walking through the town as you do, there is a bit of business, there are, some of the street lanterns have been lit, where previously at this hour they would be greatly diminished, there is movement, you see some of the Herd that are now wandering forth, armoring up, gathering weapons, you know this. This is the morning before a siege. This is the pre-dawn meditation before the Herd takes its next-- yeah. Warpaint being applied, breakfasts being enjoyed, people preparing themselves for the frenzy of battle, this is the pre-war ritual of the Herd of Storms. As you make your way southward, across the once-battlefield, returned-town-square outside the Margrave's home, to the front doors, the door is open and you see there are two individuals sitting at the front. One of which is a goliath keeping watch, to the right of him on the other side is a gruff-looking female human, humanoid, sitting there, arms crossed, watching as you guys approach.\nPlayer: I make eye contact with both of them. I seek an audience with Zanror.\nDM: \"He's expecting you, get in.\"\nPlayer: We go in.\nDM: So you guys walk into the house, you see the interior of the Margrave's abode. Across the way there is a haphazard throne that's been built from lumber and carts and things that were pulled from resources within the town. You can see this is probably where Kevdak sat once they had taken the home, the estate.\nPlayer: I grab my earpiece and very lightly say, Vax, keep your eyes about you.\nDM: Are you all entering with Grog?\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They looked above and they saw what looked like the entrance to a cavern where at least the dragon seems to fly in and out of. It's a ways up the mountain, and there's a smaller cavern towards the base of the mountain.\nDM: That is true. You leveled up after the last one. So with this short rest I will say go ahead and roll an additional-- for a bard I think it is a d8, correct?\nPlayer: I don't know.\nDM: What's your hit dice number?\nPlayer: d8.\nDM: And what's your constitution?\nPlayer: 15. Plus two.\nDM: All right, so go ahead and roll a d8 plus two to it\nPlayer: Four.\nDM: All right, so you add four hit points to your total hit point maximum. Welcome to level 11, Scanlan. (cheering and singing Super Mario victory ditty) You also get access to your first 6th-level spell.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group of adventurers, Vox Machina, had found themselves in the Feywild, intent on discovering another one of the Vestiges of the Divergence, one of the many artifacts that they hope will aid them in their struggle against Thordak the Cinder King and the rest of the Chroma Conclave. They've defeated two of the members, three still remain, Thordak being the seeming powerhouse head of that troupe.\nDM: (chuckles) You and Vax and Garmelie still hold your ground, but unfortunately, not a whole lot of physical strength in this daisy chain right now.\nPlayer: Can I ask Trinket to come up and help?\nDM: You can, yes. And Trinket rushes over. (moans) Comes up behind Vax and bites the back of his cloak and begins tugging on him as he's now being slightly strangled by the bear. Pulled back toward Trinket, adding his strength to that. What's Trinket's strength bonus?\nPlayer: Yeah. Four! He's stronger than me.\nDM: With a roll of a 17, that brings it to a 21. Whereas you began to pull them in towards the river, Trinket makes up the back end of it and manages to drag all of you out of the wake, onto the side. As you get up and cough out the water, Trinket comes up to you and nuzzles you on the side of your face.\nPlayer: Thanks, buddy.\nDM: (moans)\nPlayer: I get up and hug Garmelie. What! You saved me. You're wonderful.\nDM: \"What was I supposed to do, watch you drown? No! We're almost to the end of our agreement.\"\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Did some contracts with the Slayer's Take, but did not find it as exciting as fighting ancient dragons. At one point, while drunk late at night in the streets of Vasselheim, you found a random, also drunk, stranger and convinced that stranger to pull a card from his Deck of Many Things.\nDM: The drunkenness fades from him ever-so-slightly, and now he looks washed. And you glance over at the far end of the alleyway, and there's a guy there who's dressed in long, long tails and a coat and goes: \"Sir, how long are you going to be?\" He goes: \"Right with you. I don't even know what his name is. Well, thank you so much, stranger.\" And he pats you on the shoulder.\nPlayer: Grog. Grog.\nDM: \"Grog.\"\nPlayer: Grog Strongjaw.\nDM: \"Grog Strongthings.\"\nPlayer: Maker of kings.\nDM: \"Great.\"\nPlayer: Yup.\nDM: \"I still got one more of these.\" And he walks off and runs off to the carriage.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A strange woman is waiting outside the Slayer's Cake bakery when they go to check on it.\nDM: Yeah! You see actually, a woman in her late thirties or so, early forties, platinum-blonde hair, that's pulled up in a ratty bun. She's got strands hanging in the front of her face, that go to about just past her chin. She has a very simple dress, and a somewhat dirty apron, and a small satchel on her side, and she's leaning against the wall, her knees clutched to her, she's looking forward, she hasn't noticed you guys yet; you're a little ways up.\nPlayer: And I don't recognize her.\nDM: No, you do not recognize her.\nPlayer: Excuse me?\nDM: \"Oh!\" And she gets up, and stands up, and (grunting) her back creaks a little bit, and she stretches it, and dusts off the front of her apron, you see little bit of dust (poof). \"I'm terribly sorry, I wasn't sure when you were going to be coming back.\"\nPlayer: Oh, yeah, no. We were just off on an adventure, but it'll take a little while before the food is ready.\nDM: \"Oh, that. (sighs) If you have a moment? Fine sirs and madams, I'm sorry to bother you, you see, my husband Dathen has not returned from sea in about six months. And I'm not certain if he's coming back, and I'm without work and coffers he left me have come empty this month, so could you perhaps use a hand here at the bakery?\"\nPlayer: Timing is quite--\nDM: It was ridiculous timing, yeah.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, When filled with blood and given the proper ritual, it's used to acquire auguries, various bits of divination, and communication across the Divine Gate with the Scaled Tyrant. Caleb tells Nott it's of no use to them, but puts it in his satchel.\nDM: You pull under, and you're uncertain as to where it'll end, and that brief little peaking fear in the back of your mind, flashes and memories of being under the ocean, of the shipwreck, of looking up and not knowing which direction was up. That gives you this brief surge of vertigo. You stop for a second, and a couple bubbles escape. Go ahead and make a constitution saving throw.\nPlayer: 21.\nDM: 21. You push through, continue, swim across, swim. \"Learn.\" You come up, and all of a sudden you can see now, it begins to rise up once more, and you begin to swim up, pull across the front, and then suddenly your fingers break water, but you do so carefully. Take a breath slowly as your head emerges from the dark water in what is a large, darkened chamber. Make a perception check with disadvantage.\nPlayer: Six.\nDM: You see where this 15, 20-foot pool that you've emerged from opens up into this chamber that is filled with low water and a number of divots and pools within. The bars of land are limited and thin. You see from the peripheral of your vision, before it ends at that point, roughly five or six more of these creatures. You see a very faint glow in the distance, a number of objects that are piled and shoved into a central place. You see elements, old pieces of stone structures that have fallen in. This chamber inside here had a built or constructed purpose long ago, and since has crumbled as the earth has shifted. That's as much as you can make out.\nPlayer: I'll take a big breath, blow it all the way out. (inhales deeply) Go back under, push back.\nDM: Okay, cool. Making your way through, now you know the path is there, the confidence because you know there is air eventually helps you push through. You make it halfway through--\nPlayer: What's the depth like as I'm going through?\nDM: It's about 15, 20 feet.\nPlayer: So I can see the bottom?\nDM: You can see the bottom, yeah.\nPlayer: That's not so bad.\nDM: You do manage to come out the other side, emerge, and take your breath. Now that you've been through it once, and managed to go through it a little more confidently, you didn't have to worry about holding your breath.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The one in front of Grog quickly moves to his side and grasps onto his armor, pulling him in. It attempts to bite into the goliath, but its fangs catch and deflect off of the little bit of chainmail around his neck, given to him by Scanlan.\nDM: So this third one over here is going to attempt to come after you, Vax, closest to it. That is a 24 to hit.\nPlayer: Well, that hits, but I'm going to use Uncanny Dodge.\nDM: Okay, to reduce the damage?\nPlayer: Yeah, by half.\nDM: That's 2d4 slashing against you. Ten points of slashing damage.\nPlayer: Is the half?\nDM: Yes, it's going to try to claw you again. That's a 12.\nPlayer: Nope.\nDM: Yeah, so the first one slashes across the side of your shoulder, but you manage to pull out of the way just in time to lessen the impact. This, however, sets you up for the easily dodged second blow. You swoop out of the way just barely in time, feeling the wind (whoosh) above your head. That ends their turn. Now we're at the top of the initiative order: surprise round. This would not have been enough noise to wake you guys yet, so you're going to hold on until somebody can get your attention. Top of the round will be Vex.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Her limp form arcs through the air and crashes to the ground in front of Pike. The erinyes flies further away from Grog, who manages to get one last attack in before she's out of range.\nDM: Nice. Darts off this way and, taking the impact, you see she's starting to look a little rough. Pulls in the side with her longbow. She's going to take three shots at-- you're on the ground, you just fell out of the sky and impacted. She's going to take three shots at Scanlan. Actually, you're prone on the ground, so you're going to be harder for her to hit. Three shots at Keyleth. That is a 28 to hit.\nPlayer: Heh, yeah.\nDM: That is a 19 to hit.\nPlayer: Yep.\nDM: 18 to hit.\nPlayer: Does inspiration help negate? All three hit.\nDM: All three hit, okay. So you suffer, let's see. Each one of these is poisoned. I need you to make a constitution saving throw, by the way.\nPlayer: Just one?\nDM: Three, technically.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]}{"text": "It's a fantasy role-playing game.\n\nDM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog muscles a way through them, into what seems to be an ancient, emptied-out vault. Inside the vault, they are attacked by undead trolls.\nDM: Yeah, no, that won't hit anything but himself and the surrounding chamber. Go ahead and roll damage on that.\nPlayer: (counting) Can I get two more d6s from you?\nDM: You're doing a standard 8d6?\nPlayer: It's out of my staff. I can't do any more, right? Reroll, yep. (singing) Like a d6, like a like a d6! (counting) 35 damage.\nDM: 35 damage. All righty. (explosion) The explosion hits and bursts around. The flames burn, and you can see some flames are catching on the troll. (monster noises). Still alive.\nPlayer: Okay, I'm going to take my bonus action to do something I've never done before. I'm going to trace, from my staff, and pull out a flame blade. (shing)\nDM: Okay! So you guys watch as Keyleth puts her fingers across the top of the staff. Where her fingers arc around, it creates this arc of fire, and when she stops she grabs on to a hilt that didn't exist, but now does, in her hand. That arc of flame that stayed suddenly solidifies into a scimitar-like blade that's in her hand.\n", "actors": ["DM", "Player"]} \ No newline at end of file