[ { "task_id": 1, "task_type": "easy", "task_zh": "在12306中进入“我的”页面,在常用功能中将app从标准模式切换到敬老版。", "task_en": "Go to the 'My' page in the 12306 app, and switch the app from standard mode to senior mode under common functions.", "applications": [ "12306 (China Railway)" ], "preparation_zh": "切换到标准模式", "preparation_en": "switch to standard mode", "total_milestone_scores": 1, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 5, 5, 8 ] }, { "task_id": 2, "task_type": "easy", "task_zh": "在B站搜索“高等数学”并播放第一个视频。", "task_en": "Search 'Advanced Mathematics' in Bilibili and play the first video.", "applications": [ "BiliBili" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 1, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 5, 6, 5 ] }, { "task_id": 3, "task_type": "easy", "task_zh": "使用相机的夜景模式拍一张照片。", "task_en": "Take a photo using the camera's night mode.", "applications": [ "Camera" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 1, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 3, 4, 3 ] }, { "task_id": 4, "task_type": "easy", "task_zh": "关闭最早的一个打开的闹钟。", "task_en": "Turn off the earliest enabled alarm.", "applications": [ "Clock" ], "preparation_zh": "设置并打开数个闹钟", "preparation_en": "Set and turn on several alarms.", "total_milestone_scores": 1, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 2, 2, 2 ] }, { "task_id": 5, "task_type": "easy", "task_zh": "查询《人工智能》这部电影的豆瓣评分。", "task_en": "Check the Douban rating of the movie 'Artificial Intelligence'.", "applications": [ "Douban" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 1, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 5, 4, 5 ] }, { "task_id": 6, "task_type": "easy", "task_zh": "在谷歌日历上创建一个新任务,标题为“论文写作”。", "task_en": "Create a new task on Google Calendar titled 'Writing Paper'.", "applications": [ "Google Calendar" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 1, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 5, 5, 5 ] }, { "task_id": 7, "task_type": "easy", "task_zh": "帮我查询我的华住会会员情况,并告诉我最晚可以几点退房。", "task_en": "Help me check my H World membership and tell me the latest checkout time.", "applications": [ "H World" ], "preparation_zh": "登录账号", "preparation_en": "logging in an account", "total_milestone_scores": 1, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 3, 2, 3 ] }, { "task_id": 8, "task_type": "easy", "task_zh": "在京东搜索麦克风,并将第一个商品添加到购物车。", "task_en": "Search for microphones on JD and add the first product to the cart.", "applications": [ "JD" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 1, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 6, 5, 6 ] }, { "task_id": 9, "task_type": "easy", "task_zh": "将麦当劳app的语言切换为英文。", "task_en": "Switch the language of the McDonald's app to English.", "applications": [ "McDonald's" ], "preparation_zh": "切换语言为中文", "preparation_en": "switch the language to Chinese", "total_milestone_scores": 1, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 7, 6, 7 ] }, { "task_id": 10, "task_type": "easy", "task_zh": "查看明天的天气。", "task_en": "Check tomorrow's weather.", "applications": [ "Weather" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 1, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 2, 1, 1 ] }, { "task_id": 11, "task_type": "medium", "task_zh": "在时刻表中查询明天从上海到北京的编号为G104的列车预计几点钟到南京。", "task_en": "Check the timetable for train G104 from Shanghai to Beijing tomorrow, and find out what time it is expected to arrive in Nanjing.", "applications": [ "12306 (China Railway)" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 3, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "进入时刻表查询界面", "车次正确", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "enter the timetable page", "enter train number correctly", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 13, 13, 9 ] }, { "task_id": 12, "task_type": "medium", "task_zh": "从B站“热门”页面进入排行榜,播放排名第一的视频,关注这个账号并添加这个视频到收藏夹中。", "task_en": "Go to the leaderboard from the 'Hot' page of BiliBili, play the top-ranked video, follow the account, and add the video to the favorites.", "applications": [ "BiliBili" ], "preparation_zh": "取消关注这个目标账号,关闭自动连播功能", "preparation_en": "unfollow this target account, turn off the auto-play function", "total_milestone_scores": 4, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "进入排行榜", "播放视频", "关注账号", "添加收藏" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "enter the leaderboard page", "play video correctly", "follow the account", "add to favorites" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 6, 6, 6 ] }, { "task_id": 13, "task_type": "medium", "task_zh": "设置最长延迟的定时自拍。", "task_en": "Set the timer selfie with the longest delay.", "applications": [ "Camera" ], "preparation_zh": "切换到后置摄像头", "preparation_en": "switch to the back camera", "total_milestone_scores": 2, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "设置延迟", "切换前置" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "set delay", "switch to the front camera" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 4, 4, 6 ] }, { "task_id": 14, "task_type": "medium", "task_zh": "在世界时间列表中添加香港。", "task_en": "Add Hong Kong in list of world clock.", "applications": [ "Clock" ], "preparation_zh": "从世界时间列表中移除香港", "preparation_en": "remove Hong Kong from the list of world clock", "total_milestone_scores": 2, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "进入添加界面", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "enter the page to add a city", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 6, 6, 6 ] }, { "task_id": 15, "task_type": "medium", "task_zh": "搜索并进入“豆瓣电影Top250”榜单,给排名第二的电影最顶部的短评点赞。", "task_en": "Search 'Douban Movie Top 250' leaderboard and like the top comment of the second-ranked movie.", "applications": [ "Douban" ], "preparation_zh": "这条短评没有被点赞", "preparation_en": "this comment has not been liked", "total_milestone_scores": 2, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "进入榜单", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "enter the leaderboard page", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 11, 5, 8 ] }, { "task_id": 16, "task_type": "medium", "task_zh": "在谷歌日历上创建一个新日程,日期为明天,时间为全天,标题为“公司年会”。", "task_en": "Create a new all-day event on Google Calendar for tomorrow titled 'Company Annual Meeting'.", "applications": [ "Google Calendar" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 2, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "日期时间正确", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "correct date and time", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 8, 6, 6 ] }, { "task_id": 17, "task_type": "medium", "task_zh": "在华住会app上查询评分最高的汉庭酒店的起价。", "task_en": "Use the H World app, search for the starting price of the nearest Hanting Hotel to me.", "applications": [ "H World" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 2, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "使用评分最好排序", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "sort by highest rating", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 7, 5, 8 ] }, { "task_id": 18, "task_type": "medium", "task_zh": "寻找京东商城中最近待评价的一个商品,给出满分好评,并写一段评语,添加两张照片。", "task_en": "Find the most recent product awaiting comment on JD, give it a full five-star rating, write a comment, and add two photos.", "applications": [ "JD" ], "preparation_zh": "有未评价的订单", "preparation_en": "there are orders that have not been commented on", "total_milestone_scores": 2, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "进入评价界面", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "enter comment page", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 14, 8, 12 ] }, { "task_id": 19, "task_type": "medium", "task_zh": "给最近的一笔麦当劳订单开发票,并选择“上海交通大学”抬头。", "task_en": "Invoice the most recent McDonald's order, and select 'SJTU' for invoice title.", "applications": [ "McDonald's" ], "preparation_zh": "有未开发票订单", "preparation_en": "there is an order and no invoice has been issued", "total_milestone_scores": 3, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "进入订单界面", "选取抬头正确", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "enter order list page", "select invoice title correctly", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 9, 9, 12 ] }, { "task_id": 20, "task_type": "medium", "task_zh": "查看今晚日落的时间。", "task_en": "Check the sunset time of tonight.", "applications": [ "Weather" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 1, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 4, 2, 3 ] }, { "task_id": 21, "task_type": "hard", "task_zh": "购买一张明天从上海到北京,出发时间在九点到十一点之间的高铁票。", "task_en": "Buy a high-speed train ticket for tomorrow from Shanghai to Beijing, with departure time between 9 AM and 11 AM.", "applications": [ "12306 (China Railway)" ], "preparation_zh": "出发站和到达站与首页展示的不同,且有直达余票即可", "preparation_en": "departure and arrival stations differ from those on the homepage, and direct tickets must be available.", "total_milestone_scores": 5, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "日期正确", "车站正确", "车次选择合适", "添加乘车人", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "correct date", "correct station", "suitable train selection", "add passenger", "complete task" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 20, 20, 18 ] }, { "task_id": 22, "task_type": "hard", "task_zh": "在B站搜索并关注“X-LANCE实验室”账号,播放最新的视频,并撰写一段友善的评论。", "task_en": "Search in BiliBili and follow the 'X-LANCE' Lab account, play the newest video and write a friendly comment.", "applications": [ "BiliBili" ], "preparation_zh": "取消关注这个账号,关闭自动连播功能", "preparation_en": "unfollow this account, turn off the auto-play function", "total_milestone_scores": 4, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "进入账号主页", "关注账号", "播放视频", "撰写评论" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "enter homepage of this account", "follow this account", "play video correctly", "write comment" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 12, 10, 10 ] }, { "task_id": 23, "task_type": "hard", "task_zh": "将相机切换到视频模式,打开补光灯,画质设置成“FHD 30FPS”,录制时间超过二十秒以后停止录制。", "task_en": "Switch the camera to video mode, turn on the fill light, set the video quality to 'FHD 30FPS', and stop recording after more than twenty seconds.", "applications": [ "Camera" ], "preparation_zh": "切换到非视频模式,重置所有设置", "preparation_en": "switch to non-video mode, reset all settings", "total_milestone_scores": 3, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "打开补光灯", "切换画质", "完成20s录制" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "turn on the fill light", "switch video quality", "complete 20s recording" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 9, 9, 8 ] }, { "task_id": 24, "task_type": "hard", "task_zh": "创建一个十点的闹钟,标题为“上班”,在每周一至四使用振动提醒。", "task_en": "Create an alarm at 10 o'clock titled 'Work' with vibration reminders on every Monday to Thursday.", "applications": [ "Clock" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 5, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "时间正确", "标题正确", "周期重复正确", "关闭响铃打开振动", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "correct time", "correct title", "correct period repetition", "turn off the ringtone and turn on the vibration", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 14, 45, 15 ] }, { "task_id": 25, "task_type": "hard", "task_zh": "在豆瓣中搜索电影《肖申克的救赎》,标记为“看过”,给五颗星的评分,并留下一条称赞的影评。", "task_en": "Search for the movie 'The Shawshank Redemption' on Douban, mark it as 'watched', rate it with five stars, and leave a positive review.", "applications": [ "Douban" ], "preparation_zh": "删除这部电影的之前的标记、评分和影评", "preparation_en": "Remove the previous mark, rating, and review of this movie.", "total_milestone_scores": 4, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "进入电影详情界面", "成功标记", "成功打分", "留下影评" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "enter the movie details page", "successfully marked", "successfully rated", "leave a review" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 10, 10, 9 ] }, { "task_id": 26, "task_type": "hard", "task_zh": "在谷歌日历上创建一个周期日程,标题为“计算机视觉课程”,时间为每周三晚上六点到八点,从本周开始,重复八次。", "task_en": "Create a recurring event on Google Calendar titled 'Computer Vision Course' scheduled for every Wednesday from 6 PM to 8 PM, starting this week and repeating eight times.", "applications": [ "Google Calendar" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 3, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "时间标题正确", "周期重复正确", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "correct time and title", "correct period repetition", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 20, 52, 21 ] }, { "task_id": 27, "task_type": "hard", "task_zh": "在华住会app上帮我订一个成都的酒店,在天府广场附近,今天入住后天离店,选择价格最低排序的第二个酒店,使用微信支付。", "task_en": "Book a hotel in Chengdu on the H World app, near Tianfu Square, check-in today and check-out the day after tomorrow. Choose the second cheapest hotel listed when sorted by price, and use WeChat to pay.", "applications": [ "H World" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 6, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "日期正确", "城市地点正确", "价格正确", "进入预订界面", "提交订单", "付款方式正确" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "correct dates", "correct city and hotel location", "correct price", "enter booking page", "submit order", "correct payment method" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 17, 16, 15 ] }, { "task_id": 28, "task_type": "hard", "task_zh": "在京东搜索“思必驰办公设备旗舰店”,查询并购买其店铺中最便宜的麦克风,选择浅色款式并购买两份。", "task_en": "Search for AISpeech store on JD, find and buy the cheapest microphone in the store, choose the light-colored style, and buy two.", "applications": [ "JD" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 3, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "进入店铺主页", "商品选择正确", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "enter the store homepage", "correct product selection", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 10, 12, 12 ] }, { "task_id": 29, "task_type": "hard", "task_zh": "点一份立即到店取餐的“随心配1+1”超值套餐,选择麦香鸡和迷你朱古力新地,加入购物车,下单并选择支付宝支付。", "task_en": "Order a '1+1 Mix & Match' for immediate in-store pickup, choose McChicken and Mini Chocolate Sundae, add to cart, place the order, and choose Alipay to pay.", "applications": [ "McDonald's" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 5, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "找到套餐", "选择餐品", "结算订单", "付款方式正确", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "find the '1+1' meal", "select the meal", "place the order", "correct payment method", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 15, 13, 15 ] }, { "task_id": 30, "task_type": "hard", "task_zh": "在天气应用中添加“成都”这个城市,并告诉我明天的温度区间。", "task_en": "Add 'Chengdu' in the weather app and tell me the temperature range for tomorrow.", "applications": [ "Weather" ], "preparation_zh": "城市列表中没有成都", "preparation_en": "Ensure that Chengdu is not listed in the city list.", "total_milestone_scores": 3, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "进入城市列表", "成功添加", "信息正确" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "enter the city list", "successfully added", "correct information" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 9, 4, 5 ] }, { "task_id": 31, "task_type": "indirect", "task_zh": "帮我订一张后天的高铁票,18:00之前回北京。", "task_en": "Book a high-speed train ticket for the day after tomorrow, returning to Beijing before 6:00 PM.", "applications": [ "12306 (China Railway)" ], "preparation_zh": "需要使用当前定位作为出发站", "preparation_en": "should use the current location as the departure station", "total_milestone_scores": 5, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "日期正确", "车站正确", "车次选择合适", "添加乘车人", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "correct date", "correct stations", "suitable train selection", "add passenger", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 20, 20, 18 ] }, { "task_id": 32, "task_type": "indirect", "task_zh": "没流量了,现在手机上有什么能看的视频?", "task_en": "I'm out of mobile data, what videos can I still watch on the phone?", "applications": [ "BiliBili" ], "preparation_zh": "提前缓存多个视频,关闭网络连接,可以使用其他视频应用", "preparation_en": "download multiple videos in advance, turn off the network connection, it's ok to use other video applications", "total_milestone_scores": 2, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "打开视频应用", "提取缓存视频信息" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "open video application", "extract downloaded video information" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 4, 3, 3 ] }, { "task_id": 33, "task_type": "indirect", "task_zh": "把刚刚拍的最后一张照片删掉。", "task_en": "Delete the last photo taken recently.", "applications": [ "Camera" ], "preparation_zh": "拍几张不同的照片,并在其删除多张情况发生时手动停止任务", "preparation_en": "take several different photos, and stop the task manually when multiple deletions occur", "total_milestone_scores": 2, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "删除照片", "删除一张照片之后结束任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "delete photo", "end task after deleting one photo" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 4, 5, 4 ] }, { "task_id": 34, "task_type": "indirect", "task_zh": "两个小时后提醒我。", "task_en": "Remind me in two hours.", "applications": [ "Clock" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 2, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "进入计时器界面", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "enter the timer page", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 7, 5, 6 ] }, { "task_id": 35, "task_type": "indirect", "task_zh": "帮我看看电影院即将上映的电影中最热门的是哪个?", "task_en": "Help me check which is the most popular movie among the upcoming releases in theaters.", "applications": [ "Douban" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 2, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "打开豆瓣", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "open Douban", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 6, 3, 4 ] }, { "task_id": 36, "task_type": "indirect", "task_zh": "记录我明天上午十点到十二点在上海交通大学闵行校区上的“自然语言处理”课程。", "task_en": "Record that I have a 'Natural Language Processing' class from 10 AM to 12 PM tomorrow at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Minhang Campus.", "applications": [ "Google Calendar" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 4, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "进入创建日程界面", "时间正确", "地点正确", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "enter the calendar creation page", "correct time", "correct location", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 16, 40, 17 ] }, { "task_id": 37, "task_type": "indirect", "task_zh": "告诉我附近可以入住的最近酒店,并帮我订一个。", "task_en": "Tell me about the nearest available hotel nearby and book it for me.", "applications": [ "H World" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 4, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "选择当前定位", "酒店选择正确", "提交订单", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "select current location", "correct hotel selection", "submit order", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 10, 10, 10 ] }, { "task_id": 38, "task_type": "indirect", "task_zh": "帮我问一下客服,购物车最上面的那个商品有没有优惠。", "task_en": "Help me ask customer service if there is any discount for the top item in the shopping cart.", "applications": [ "JD" ], "preparation_zh": "提前将商品加入购物车", "preparation_en": "add the item to the shopping cart in advance", "total_milestone_scores": 3, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "选择正确商品", "进入客服页面", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "select the correct item", "enter customer service page", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 7, 8, 8 ] }, { "task_id": 39, "task_type": "indirect", "task_zh": "点一份“麦辣鸡腿堡套餐”堂食", "task_en": "Order a McSpicy Chicken Filet Burger Combo for dine-in.", "applications": [ "McDonald's" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 3, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "找到套餐", "结算订单", "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "find the combo", "place the order", "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 13, 13, 13 ] }, { "task_id": 40, "task_type": "indirect", "task_zh": "明天我需要带雨伞吗?", "task_en": "Do I need to bring an umbrella tomorrow?", "applications": [ "Weather" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 1, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "完成任务" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "task completion" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 3, 1, 2 ] }, { "task_id": 41, "task_type": "cross_app", "task_zh": "帮我把最近的一个火车行程添加到日程,标题格式为“{出发站}——{车次}——{到达站}”,并设置具体时间范围。", "task_en": "Help me add my latest train journey to the schedule, titled in format of '{Departure Station}——{Train Number}——{Arrival Station}', and set exact time range.", "applications": [ "12306 (China Railway)", "Google Calendar" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 3, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "进入车票列表", "标题正确", "时间正确" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "enter ticket list page", "correct title", "correct time" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 23, 10, 12 ] }, { "task_id": 42, "task_type": "cross_app", "task_zh": "在B站播放“豆瓣电影Top250”排名第三的那部电影。", "task_en": "Play the movie ranked third in the 'Douban Movie Top 250' on BiliBili.", "applications": [ "BiliBili", "Douban" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 2, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "电影正确", "成功播放" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "correct movie", "play successfully" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 12, 13, 12 ] }, { "task_id": 43, "task_type": "cross_app", "task_zh": "打开相机并告诉我镜头前的物品是什么,在京东搜索这类商品,并选择较为相似的一项加入购物车。", "task_en": "Open the camera and tell me what item is in front of the lens, search for this type of product on JD, and select a similar item to add to the shopping cart.", "applications": [ "Camera", "JD" ], "preparation_zh": "后置摄像头对着一个常见物品", "preparation_en": "point the back camera at a common object", "total_milestone_scores": 3, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "回答正确", "成功搜索", "加入购物车" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "correct answer", "search successfully", "add to shopping cart" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 10, 8, 8 ] }, { "task_id": 44, "task_type": "cross_app", "task_zh": "使用长焦镜头拍一张照片,并分享到微信朋友圈,写一段话,并在最后加上注释“这是由MobA手机助手自动发布的朋友圈”。", "task_en": "Take a photo with a telephoto lens and share it on WeChat Moments, write a few words with the note 'This is an automatically posted Moments by MobA Mobile phone Assistant' in the end.", "applications": [ "Camera", "WeChat" ], "preparation_zh": "提前登录微信,镜头对着远处的物体", "preparation_en": "log in to WeChat in advance, point the camera at a distant object", "total_milestone_scores": 4, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "拍摄照片", "从图库进入分享菜单", "文案正确", "成功发送朋友圈" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "take a photo", "enter share menu from gallery", "correct text content", "successfully send moments" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 10, 10, 10 ] }, { "task_id": 45, "task_type": "cross_app", "task_zh": "我明天几点开会?定一个提前两个小时的闹钟提醒我。", "task_en": "What time is my meeting tomorrow? Set an alarm for two hours before the meeting to remind me.", "applications": [ "Google Calendar", "Clock" ], "preparation_zh": "设置一个明天早上十点开始的会议日程", "preparation_en": "set a meeting schedule that starts at 10 AM tomorrow morning", "total_milestone_scores": 2, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "回答正确", "成功添加闹钟" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "correct answer", "add alarm successfully" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 10, 11, 12 ] }, { "task_id": 46, "task_type": "cross_app", "task_zh": "我在日历中记录了我的日程安排,现在请你告诉我去深圳旅游那天的天气情况。", "task_en": "Check my calendar for the schedule of my trip to Shenzhen and tell me the weather forecast for that day.", "applications": [ "Google Calendar", "Weather" ], "preparation_zh": "在日历中新建一个后天的全天日程,命名为“深圳之旅”", "preparation_en": "create a new all-day schedule for the day after tomorrow in the calendar, titled 'Shenzhen Tour'.", "total_milestone_scores": 4, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "进入谷歌日历", "成功获取日期", "进入天气", "成功查询天气" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "enter google calendar", "correct date retrieval", "enter weather", "successful weather query" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 9, 6, 6 ] }, { "task_id": 47, "task_type": "cross_app", "task_zh": "查询我最近的一笔华住会订单地址,并在B站搜索一下那个城市的旅游攻略。", "task_en": "Check the address of my most recent order in H World and search for travel guides for that city on BiliBili.", "applications": [ "H World", "BiliBili" ], "preparation_zh": "有一个订单,可以是未付款或取消付款状态", "preparation_en": "there is an order, which can be in unpaid or canceled payment status", "total_milestone_scores": 3, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "获取订单", "进入BiliBili", "成功播放视频" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "retrieve order", "enter BiliBili", "play video successfully" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 10, 10, 10 ] }, { "task_id": 48, "task_type": "cross_app", "task_zh": "把最近的一笔京东订单的商品链接分享给微信好友,并写一段推荐语。", "task_en": "Share the product link of the most recent order of JD with my WeChat friends, and write a recommendation message.", "applications": [ "JD", "WeChat" ], "preparation_zh": "有一个订单,可以是未付款或取消付款状态", "preparation_en": "there is an order, which can be in unpaid or canceled payment status", "total_milestone_scores": 4, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "进入订单界面", "订单正确", "推荐语合适", "成功发送" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "enter order list page", "correct order", "suitable recommendation message", "share successfully" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 12, 9, 10 ] }, { "task_id": 49, "task_type": "cross_app", "task_zh": "帮我在麦当劳点一个麦辣鸡翅,如果现在天气不适合出门就点外卖,不然就堂食", "task_en": "Order a dine-in Spicy McWings at McDonald's. If the current weather is not suitable for going out, order delivery instead.", "applications": [ "McDonald's", "Weather" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 4, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "查询天气", "选择餐品", "结算订单", "取餐方式正确" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "check weather", "select meal", "place the order", "correct dining option" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 15, 15, 14 ] }, { "task_id": 50, "task_type": "cross_app", "task_zh": "如果明天下雨,就定个早上十点的闹钟叫我起床,不然就定八点的闹钟。", "task_en": "If it rains tomorrow, set an alarm for 10 AM to wake me up; otherwise, set the alarm for 8 AM.", "applications": [ "Weather", "Clock" ], "preparation_zh": "", "preparation_en": "", "total_milestone_scores": 2, "scoring_milestones_zh": [ "成功判断明天天气", "成功设置闹钟" ], "scoring_milestones_en": [ "correct weather prediction for tomorrow", "set alarm successfully" ], "human_expert_steps": [ 9, 8, 9 ] } ]