import os from utils import read_jsonl_file, write_jsonl_file, parse ''' This is script is used to process the whole file of MKQA Every two sentences (QA objects) in a line share the same language ''' def preprocess(args): path = os.path.join(args.input_dir, "mkqa.jsonl") data = read_jsonl_file(path) ''' add add train/eval/test instruction and language chosen ''' locales = list(data[0]["answers"].keys()) pack = [] for line in data: for locale in locales: t = { "turn": "multi", "locale": locale, "dialog": [] } que = { "role": "question", "utterance": line["queries"][locale] } ans = { "role": "answer", "utterance": line["answers"][locale][0]["text"] } t["dialog"].append(que) t["dialog"].append(ans) pack.append(t) write_jsonl_file(pack, os.path.join(args.output_dir, "mkqa_preprocessed.jsonl")) if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse() preprocess(args)