import os import time import pybullet as p from surrol.tasks.ecm_env import EcmEnv, goal_distance from surrol.utils.pybullet_utils import ( get_body_pose, ) import random import cv2 import pickle from surrol.utils.robotics import ( get_euler_from_matrix, get_matrix_from_euler ) import torch from surrol.utils.utils import RGB_COLOR_255, Boundary, Trajectory, get_centroid from surrol.robots.ecm import RENDER_HEIGHT, RENDER_WIDTH, FoV from surrol.const import ASSET_DIR_PATH import numpy as np from surrol.robots.psm import Psm1, Psm2 import sys sys.path.append('/home/kejianshi/Desktop/Surgical_Robot/science_robotics/stateregress_back') sys.path.append('/home/kejianshi/Desktop/Surgical_Robot/science_robotics/stateregress_back/utils') from general_utils import AttrDict sys.path.append('/home/kejianshi/Desktop/Surgical_Robot/science_robotics/ar_surrol/surrol_datagen/tasks') from depth_anything.dpt import DepthAnything from depth_anything.util.transform import Resize, NormalizeImage, PrepareForNet from vmodel import vismodel from config import opts class ActiveTrack(EcmEnv): """ Active track is not a GoalEnv since the environment changes internally. The reward is shaped. """ ACTION_MODE = 'cVc' # RCM_ACTION_MODE = 'yaw' QPOS_ECM = (0, 0, 0.02, 0) WORKSPACE_LIMITS = ((-0.3, 0.6), (-0.4, 0.4), (0.05, 0.05)) CUBE_NUMBER = 18 def __init__(self, render_mode=None): # to control the step self._step = 0 self.counter=0 self.img_list={} super(ActiveTrack, self).__init__(render_mode) def step(self, action: np.ndarray): obs, reward, done, info = super().step(action) centroid = obs['observation'][-3: -1] if not (-1.2 < centroid[0] < 1.1 and -1.1 < centroid[1] < 1.1): # early stop if out of view done = True info['achieved_goal'] = centroid return obs, reward, done, info def compute_reward(self, achieved_goal: np.ndarray, desired_goal: np.ndarray, info): """ Dense reward.""" centroid, wz = achieved_goal, self.ecm.wz d = goal_distance(centroid, desired_goal) / 2 reward = 1 - (d + np.linalg.norm(wz) * 0.1) # maximum reward is 1, important for baseline DDPG return reward def _env_setup(self): super(ActiveTrack, self)._env_setup() opts.device='cuda:0' self.v_model=vismodel(opts) ckpt=torch.load(opts.ckpt_dir, map_location=opts.device) self.v_model.load_state_dict(ckpt['state_dict']) self.v_model.eval() self.use_camera = True # robot self.ecm.reset_joint(self.QPOS_ECM) pos_x = random.uniform(0.18, 0.24) pos_y = random.uniform(0.21, 0.24) pos_z = random.uniform(0.5, 0.6) left_right = random.choice([-1, 1]) self.POSE_PSM1 = ((pos_x, left_right*pos_y, pos_z), (0, 0, -(90+ left_right*20 ) / 180 * np.pi)) #(x:0.18-0.25, y:0.21-0.24, z:0.5) self.QPOS_PSM1 = (0, 0, 0.10, 0, 0, 0) self.PSM_WORLSPACE_LIMITS = ((0.18+0.45,0.18+0.55), (0.24-0.29,0.24-0.19), (0.5-0.1774,0.5-0.1074)) self.PSM_WORLSPACE_LIMITS = np.asarray(self.PSM_WORLSPACE_LIMITS) \ + np.array([0., 0., 0.0102]).reshape((3, 1)) # trajectory traj = Trajectory(self.PSM_WORLSPACE_LIMITS, seed=None) self.traj = traj self.traj.set_step(self._step) self.psm1 = Psm1(self.POSE_PSM1[0], p.getQuaternionFromEuler(self.POSE_PSM1[1]), scaling=self.SCALING) if left_right == 1: self.psm1.move_joint([0.4516922970194888, -0.11590085534517788, 0.1920614431341014, -0.275713630305575, -0.025332969748983816, -0.44957632598600145]) else: self.psm1.move_joint([0.4516922970194888, -0.11590085534517788, 0.1920614431341014, -0.275713630305575, -0.025332969748983816, -0.44957632598600145]) # target cube init_psm_Pose = self.psm1.get_current_position(frame='world') # print(init_psm_Pose[:3, 3]) # exit() b = Boundary(self.PSM_WORLSPACE_LIMITS) x, y = self.traj.step() obj_id = p.loadURDF(os.path.join(ASSET_DIR_PATH, 'cube/cube.urdf'), (init_psm_Pose[0, 3], init_psm_Pose[1, 3], init_psm_Pose[2, 3]), p.getQuaternionFromEuler(np.random.uniform(np.deg2rad([0, 0, -90]), np.deg2rad([0, 0, 90]))), globalScaling=0.001 * self.SCALING) # print('psm_eef:', self.psm1.get_joint_number()) color = RGB_COLOR_255[0] p.changeVisualShape(obj_id, -1, rgbaColor=(color[0] / 255, color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, 0), specularColor=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) self.obj_ids['fixed'].append(obj_id) # 0 (target) self.obj_id = obj_id b.add(obj_id, sample=False, min_distance=0.12) # self._cid = p.createConstraint(obj_id, -1, -1, -1, # p.JOINT_FIXED, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [x, y, 0.05 * self.SCALING]) self._cid = p.createConstraint( parentBodyUniqueId=self.psm1.body, parentLinkIndex=5, childBodyUniqueId=self.obj_id, childLinkIndex=-1, jointType=p.JOINT_FIXED, jointAxis=[0, 0, 0], parentFramePosition=[0, 0, 0], childFramePosition=[0, 0, 0] ) # ''' # Set up initial env # ''' # self.psm1_eul = np.array(p.getEulerFromQuaternion( # self.psm1.pose_rcm2world(self.psm1.get_current_position(), 'tuple')[1])) # in the world frame # # robot # #self.psm1_eul = np.array(p.getEulerFromQuaternion( # # self.psm1.pose_rcm2world(self.psm1.get_current_position(), 'tuple')[1])) # in the world frame # if self.RCM_ACTION_MODE == 'yaw': # #self.psm1_eul = np.array([np.deg2rad(-90), 0., self.psm1_eul[2]]) # ''' # # RCM init # #eul=np.array([np.deg2rad(-90), 0., 0.]) # print(self.psm1.wTr) # print(self.psm1.tool_T_tip) # init_pose=self.psm1.get_current_position() # eul=np.array([0, 0.,np.deg2rad(-50)]) # rcm_eul=get_matrix_from_euler(eul) # init_pose[:3,:3]=rcm_eul # rcm_pose=self.psm1.pose_world2rcm(init_pose) # rcm_eul=get_euler_from_matrix(rcm_pose[:3,:3]) # print('from [0, 0.,np.deg2rad(-50)] to ',rcm_eul) # #exit() # eul=np.array([0, 0.,np.deg2rad(-90)]) # rcm_eul=get_matrix_from_euler(eul) # init_pose[:3,:3]=rcm_eul # rcm_pose=self.psm1.pose_world2rcm(init_pose) # rcm_eul=get_euler_from_matrix(rcm_pose[:3,:3]) # print('from [0, 0.,np.deg2rad(-90)] to ',rcm_eul) # m=np.array([[ 0.93969262 ,-0.34202014 , 0. , 1.21313615], # [ 0.34202014 , 0.93969262 , 0. ,-2.25649898], # [ 0. , 0. , 1. ,-4.25550013], # [ 0. , 0. , 0. , 1. ]]) # #print(m.shape) # m=get_euler_from_matrix(m[:3,:3]) # print('m1: ',m) # m=np.array([[ 0. ,-0.93969262 ,-0.34202014 , 1.21313615], # [ 0. ,-0.34202014 , 0.93969262 ,-2.25649898], # [-1. , 0. , 0. ,-4.25550013], # [ 0. , 0. , 0. , 1. ],]) # m=get_euler_from_matrix(m[:3,:3]) # print('m2: ',m) # exit() # ''' # # RCM init # eul=np.array([np.deg2rad(-90), 0., 0.]) # eul= get_matrix_from_euler(eul) # init_pose=self.psm1.get_current_position() # self.rcm_init_eul=np.array(get_euler_from_matrix(init_pose[:3, :3])) # init_pose[:3,:3]=eul # rcm_pose=self.psm1.pose_world2rcm_no_tip(init_pose) # rcm_eul=get_euler_from_matrix(rcm_pose[:3,:3]) # #print('rcm eul: ',rcm_eul) # #exit() # self.rcm_init_eul[0]=rcm_eul[0] # self.rcm_init_eul[1]=rcm_eul[1] # print(self.rcm_init_eul) # #exit() # elif self.RCM_ACTION_MODE == 'pitch': # self.psm1_eul = np.array([np.deg2rad(0), self.psm1_eul[1], np.deg2rad(-90)]) # else: # raise NotImplementedError # self.psm2 = None # self._contact_constraint = None # self._contact_approx = False # other cubes # b.set_boundary(self.workspace_limits + np.array([[-0.2, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]])) # for i in range(self.CUBE_NUMBER): # obj_id = p.loadURDF(os.path.join(ASSET_DIR_PATH, 'cube/cube.urdf'), # (0, 0, 0.05), (0, 0, 0, 1), # globalScaling=0.8 * self.SCALING) # color = RGB_COLOR_255[1 + i // 2] # p.changeVisualShape(obj_id, -1, # rgbaColor=(color[0] / 255, color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, 1), # specularColor=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) # # p.changeDynamics(obj_id, -1, mass=0.01) # b.add(obj_id, min_distance=0.12) # def _get_obs(self) -> np.ndarray: # robot_state = self._get_robot_state() # # may need to modify # rgb_array, mask, depth = self.ecm.render_image() # in_view, centroids = get_centroid(mask, self.obj_id) # if not in_view: # # out of view; differ when the object is on the boundary. # pos, _ = get_body_pose(self.obj_id) # centroids = self.ecm.get_centroid_proj(pos) # # print(" -> Out of view! {}".format(np.round(centroids, 4))) # observation = np.concatenate([ # robot_state, np.array(in_view).astype(np.float).ravel(), # centroids.ravel(), np.array(self.ecm.wz).ravel() # achieved_goal.copy(), # ]) # return observation def _get_obs(self) -> dict: robot_state = self._get_robot_state() render_obs,seg, depth=self.ecm.render_image() #cv2.imwrite('/research/d1/rshr/arlin/data/debug/depth_noise_debug/img.png',cv2.cvtColor(render_obs, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) #plt.imsave('/research/d1/rshr/arlin/data/debug/depth_noise_debug/img2.png',render_obs) #print('depth max: ',np.max(depth)) #exit() render_obs=cv2.resize(render_obs,(320,240)) self.counter+=1 #print(render_obs[0][0]) #exit() #seg=np.array(seg==6).astype(int) seg=np.array((seg==6 )| (seg==1)).astype(int) #seg=np.array(seg==1).astype(int) #seg=np.resize(seg,(320,240)) #plt.imsave('/research/d1/rshr/arlin/data/debug/depth_noise_debug/depth.png',depth) #exit() seg = cv2.resize(seg, (320,240), interpolation =cv2.INTER_NEAREST) #plt.imsave('/research/d1/rshr/arlin/data/debug/seg_debug/noise_{}/seg.png'.format(self.curr_intensity),seg) #exit() depth = cv2.resize(depth, (320,240), interpolation =cv2.INTER_NEAREST) #print(np.max(depth)) #depth = cv2.resize(depth, (320,240),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) #image=cv2.cvtColor(render_obs, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) / 255.0 #plt.imsave('/home/student/code/regress_data7/seg/seg_{}.png'.format(self.counter),seg) #image = self.transform({'image': image})['image'] #image=torch.from_numpy(image).to("cuda:0").float() # test depth noise #if np.random.randn()<0.5: # instensity=np.random.randint(3,15)/100 #instensity=0.1 # depth = add_gaussian_noise(depth, instensity) ''' if self.counter==10: cv2.imwrite('/research/d1/rshr/arlin/data/debug/depth_noise_debug/gaussian/img.png',cv2.cvtColor(render_obs, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) plt.imsave('/research/d1/rshr/arlin/data/debug/depth_noise_debug/gaussian/depth.png',depth) for i in [0.01,0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2]: noisy_depth_map = add_random_noise(depth, i) plt.imsave('/research/d1/rshr/arlin/data/debug/depth_noise_debug/gaussian/noise_{}.png'.format(i),noisy_depth_map) exit() ''' #noisy_segmentation_map = add_noise_to_segmentation(seg, self.seg_noise_intensity) #noisy_depth_map = add_gaussian_noise(depth, self.curr_intensity) #if self.counter==10: # plt.imsave('/research/d1/rshr/arlin/data/debug/seg_debug/noise_{}/img.png'.format(self.curr_intensity),render_obs) # plt.imsave('/research/d1/rshr/arlin/data/debug/seg_debug/noise_{}/seg.png'.format(self.curr_intensity),seg) # plt.imsave('/research/d1/rshr/arlin/data/debug/seg_debug/noise_{}/noise_seg.png'.format(self.curr_intensity),noisy_segmentation_map) seg=torch.from_numpy(seg).to("cuda:0").float() depth=torch.from_numpy(depth).to("cuda:0").float() with torch.no_grad(): v_output=self.v_model.get_obs(seg.unsqueeze(0), depth.unsqueeze(0))[0]#.cpu().data().numpy() #print(v_output.shape) v_output=v_output.cpu().numpy() achieved_goal = np.array([ v_output[0], v_output[1], self.ecm.wz ]) observation = np.concatenate([ robot_state, np.array([0.0]).astype(np.float).ravel(), v_output.ravel(), np.array(self.ecm.wz).ravel() # achieved_goal.copy(), ]) obs = { 'observation': observation.copy(), 'achieved_goal': achieved_goal.copy(), 'desired_goal': np.array([0., 0., 0.]).copy() } return obs def _sample_goal(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Samples a new goal and returns it. """ goal = np.array([0., 0.]) return goal.copy() def _step_callback(self): """ Move the target along the trajectory """ for _ in range(10): x, y = self.traj.step() self._step = self.traj.get_step() current_PSM_position = self.psm1.get_current_position(frame='world') new_PSM_position = current_PSM_position.copy() new_PSM_position[0, 3] =x new_PSM_position[1, 3] =y new_PSM_position = self.psm1.pose_world2rcm(new_PSM_position) self.psm1.move(new_PSM_position) # pivot = [x, y, 0.05 * self.SCALING] # p.changeConstraint(self._cid, pivot, maxForce=50) p.stepSimulation() def get_oracle_action(self, obs) -> np.ndarray: """ Define a human expert strategy """ centroid = obs['observation'][-3: -1] cam_u = centroid[0] * RENDER_WIDTH cam_v = centroid[1] * RENDER_HEIGHT self.ecm.homo_delta = np.array([cam_u, cam_v]).reshape((2, 1)) if np.linalg.norm(self.ecm.homo_delta) < 8 and np.linalg.norm(self.ecm.wz) < 0.1: # e difference is small enough action = np.zeros(3) else: # print("Pixel error: {:.4f}".format(np.linalg.norm(self.ecm.homo_delta))) # controller fov = np.deg2rad(FoV) fx = (RENDER_WIDTH / 2) / np.tan(fov / 2) fy = (RENDER_HEIGHT / 2) / np.tan(fov / 2) # TODO: not sure cz = 1.0 Lmatrix = np.array([[-fx / cz, 0., cam_u / cz], [0., -fy / cz, cam_v / cz]]) action = 0.5 *, self.ecm.homo_delta).flatten() / 0.01 if np.abs(action).max() > 1: action /= np.abs(action).max() return action if __name__ == "__main__": env = ActiveTrack(render_mode='human') # create one process and corresponding env env.test(horizon=200) env.close() time.sleep(2)