{"text":"I’m really sorry about your situation :( Although I love the names Sapphira, Cirilla, and Scarlett!","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"It's wonderful because it's awful. At not with.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Kings fan here, good luck to you guys! Will be an interesting game to watch!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I didn't know that, thank you for teaching me something today!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"They got bored from haunting earth for thousands of years and ultimately moved on to the afterlife.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you for asking questions and recognizing that there may be things that you don’t know or understand about police tactics. Seriously. Thank you.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"You’re welcome","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"100%! Congrats on your job too!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I’m sorry to hear that friend :(. It’s for the best most likely if she didn’t accept you for who you are","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Girlfriend weak as well, that jump was pathetic.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"[NAME] has towed the line of the Dark Side. He wouldn't cross it by doing something like this.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Lol! But I love your last name though. XD","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Translation }}} I wish I could afford it.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"It's great that you're a recovering addict, that's cool. Have you ever tried DMT?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I've also heard that intriguing but also kinda scary","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I never wanted to punch osap harder after seeing that However not too hardly I cant afford them taking everything away","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"The thought of shooting anything at asylum seekers is appalling.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"if the pain doesn't go away after 4 hours or so, it's broke.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Triggered:: Welp guess it's time for me to re-up lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I'm autistic and I'd appreciate if you remove that comment. Thanks.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I know you're joking, but there are people here either stupid or desperate enough to believe and perpetuate such idiocy.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"May regret asking but foid ?","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"After he left the bus, the two harpies sat next to each other and discussed why they were unable to find a decent man.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well, there's cubs and otters too.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Watch Vegan Gains’ video on that, he had it when he was like 13, highly doubt he was juicing then","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Again, overall, not just for me.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This guy is a little turd but I love him so dearly. I'll pass on your kisses :)","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Possibly, but not if it actually succedes","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Same here but it seems like that will make it more rewarding to actually build a base with gardens and stuff.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What's your source for that? Just curious (and yes I know it sounds like a tired contrarian statement).","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"NJ has zero of their own picks from the 2010 draft still in the org","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What's that like? Like what's the thought process? I dunno. I know what's a weird question..i just can't imagine","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Imagine having to pretend you didn't edit your link. The inferiority is dripping off you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm going to hold out hope for something minor even though it looked really bad. Just going to wait for the official news.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"i mean, yeah tbh.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"We need more content.\" \"OK. here's some ballerina shoes.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I totally thought the same thing! I was like, oh honey nooooo!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hey that's a thought! Maybe we need [NAME] to be the celebrity vaccine endorsement!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I like to bring up the fact that all of these pyramid schemes have corporate offices that have the exact same structure they are railing against.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"in what universe? lol the mr. blue sky cover is one of the best on the album imo.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You didn't watch it to the end.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"please dont bring a woman in as a sex toy for you both. hire a sex worker instead","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I think the fan base is mostly past that at this point. Almost everyone has MASSIVE problems with some of the decisions Nintendo makes.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"so wont back up your words? thats how i thought this would go.justifies *everything* I HAVE SAID.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A surprise turn of events! I'm so glad you heard such great things about yourself!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Despite having lived here for 10 years, i've never been to portillos, and given this, it's somewhat unlikely i start going now...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You sure? They seem so much brighter on screen lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"This is honestly the cherry on top of the cake with this story. That's absolutely hilarious!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You take that back right now! [NAME] does not deserve this.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"OP is just a kid. Let's just move on.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"They started seeling alcohol a while ago, when she called her mafia friend to get help for the speakeasy.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Get back on your meds mate..You aren't funny at all...","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"But Aunt [NAME], I don't *want* to send Grandma back to Italy!","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Even the royals aren't immune to it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I thought it said “now my biggest fear is the thing living inside my casket” like, *weet doo feek?!*","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"It's real and it plays SO OFTEN I CAN'T STAND IT!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yea... I'll have to pass on the carpool with a username like that","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"HUGE difference e b/t “seniors housing” and “nursing home.” HUGE DIFFERENCE.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm sorry that's what you read because it isn't what I said.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Thank you for articulating this for me. It's just like that.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I didn't know this was a \"reveal\" he'd been talking about for awhile.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Loving everyone so far. This is going to be a great season.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"If you have any other links handy I'd love to see them.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"And some of us wish to die first so we don't have to deal with the loneliness.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks will check them out!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I’m so sorry 🤪","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Help, help, I'm being repressed!","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I know people around here may mock me from my optimism but what if we get actual desings for the crusaders in Heroes?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Crap. I need more Excedrin. STAT.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Borrowed time is stupid","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"My only issue with private schooling is it discourages those with children in private schools from wanting money to go towards public education.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Boomers ruined the world","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s Woosh with 4 o’s r/woooosh (The most popular one)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol looks delicious","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You gotta work on you dude!! If you're not confident you're not ready, get yourself straight And all will fall into place.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Man I hate double standards. I love the show but change the word ‘white’ to ‘black’ and it’s suddenly not funny anymore","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Some great advice right here!!!!!! I forgot about this","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"death of fear is certain.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I agree. His parents were very supportive then. When they did a cast change, they decided to make his parents jerks!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Eff your video - love Canada 🇨🇦 Stupid geolock","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"New Haven has tons of locations that have strong cyber punk-y vibes at night!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"If he was stuttering the words \"I sell to others and we need to do your time on.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Thanks for the good news!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"What you mean you weren’t looking forward to that scene? ;)","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"If there is no goal on this powerplay it will be difficult not to be hopeless","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I'm not sure I have heard of this. Really interesting.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Not at all. I'm not going to argue with someone who doesn't understand what a strawman is.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I feel you mate","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Fucking love [NAME]. [NAME] best couple don't @ me","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thank you! I call on Monday to find out when I have court","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":">happily live in any hole they find. What's my love life got to do with this","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Not really cringey. Its not really embarrassing for you i think people might just feel bad upon reading it.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Papa Johns in my area basically gives away their pizza. I can smell the desperation in the store","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I had to write in the Swangas. Seems far better than the choices given.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I thought this allegation was squashed when it came out. I was surprised to see it still making headlines. Poor guy.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"BOOM BOOM BOOM (not Bitton related)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Because of this bad situation some people are afraid of becoming youtubers because of this","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"That’s how you know they’re happy.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Incoming 20m a year contract [NAME] !!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m so proud of you for taking care of you and your babies, mama! We love you and stay strong.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Wouldn't wipe my arse with it.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Not sure how anyone whos been paying attention could","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 you got the wrong [NAME] —","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lovely places to buy from but very hard to get a good price as a seller because of their high rents (and bargaining expertise!)","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"That's too many pills","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"it is actually called a mechanical bull","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"No point in getting rid of Keemun for another Keemun.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Based on what I've seen, all the INFJ girls seem to be blue-haired damaged moonquacks that got abandoned by daddy.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Talk about an oldddd school shit coin.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"You could still pay them... Just saying.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm on board the Saints hype train. [NAME] is an amazing QB.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"TFW a sorceror cuts you root and stem and you hear someone's voice in flames as your junk burns.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"All the ladies can stay at my place.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"My girl has slowly been getting more and more into different [NAME] music, but she will always make it a point to play this track. I love it","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"No no she was \"[NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You have a nice bro.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] ruled out due to injury. [NAME] starts. [NAME] to bench. Doubtful of a win now.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I would hope the guy is genuine and honest, but in my circumstances, there's not much closure.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Hi, [NAME]! I thought I would stop by and wish you a wonderful and prosperous year! Have a good one! -HappyFriendlyBot","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Ghost them. It’ll drive them crazy and give you the satisfaction","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow, an [NAME] sighting","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"get the packages sent to your work or a relatives or trusted friends home nearby ???? parcel locker ??","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"i love how the caption implies that the only unrealistic thing/ the only thing that gives away the photoshop is the sleeve lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I agree with the concealer part for the cut crease but that's it.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Ha. Do you have evidence of his cheating? Send it to his family and don’t say another word.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"When I die Im gonna ask satan for a job in hell whipping all these cunts","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"[NAME] stopped napping at 18 months. We’ve been implementing quiet time since. It’s wondrous.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I don’t think that would be an issue with [NAME]. He doesn’t seem like work ethic is his problem","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"> one of the better diss tracks out there Lol okay","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"It depends on who you ask. i didnt downvote you, im answering now","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Do you have the link to that ? I would love to hear the story from him","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"What happened to one of your star players?? i saw the headline 'freak injury' or someting like that.. but i was too scared to see someting gruesome..","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Or finishing in 91 minutes and sitting there for another half hour, bursting for a piss","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I've found that carrying 21 chromosome's is the sweet spot","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Hope gallery for sure, had [NAME] do mine and a good friend back in 2015. Not sure if he’s still there, however.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"men who drink almond milk regularly have more ejaculate fluid and experience multiple orgasms.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow that’s scary, she’s so young and healthy. I hate that.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"The worst bbq in Texas Edit: Some of you are getting seriously r/wooooshed It's their slogan.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"How dare you! Don’t you know seatbelts cause autism!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I just need a quiet place to hide.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"i think people are just getting more and more fed up with playing against him","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Only bet on games you like. Sometimes go a couple days without action. Betting just for the sake of staking something is never smart.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Life Hack Attack has become Attack Everyone's Life and Hack. I love it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Ok, fair enough. From your original post, it wasn't really clear that you looked at sources other than YouTube.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Exactly, but I guess I've gotten used to people forgetting the club exists haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"This sounds an awful lot like khorne......","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"I’m glad you had a great time here! Wishing you safe travels!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Did they really have overhead projectors in the late 00s/early 10s? If so, how underfunded was your school?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Just rumors online, it most likely won't happen","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Don't say \"no comment\". Say \"I would like to talk with an attorney before talking with you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What? A [NAME] supporter purposefully misrepresenting the facts? You don't say.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My dog is less uglier than this.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Must be why I'm alive. That sucks.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I was teased for being a virgin when I was a 6th grader- in 2005","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"I love that quote, thank you","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME] $120 million grift allegations in bombshell Forbes report - Business Insider","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Works for me. The video is called : The great porn experiment | [NAME] | TEDxGlasgow","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh boy 🤣🤣","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Unfortunately for us it’s not too early. But if you want way too early 2020 draft discussion I’m really high on [NAME] from Wisconsin","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"helpful quad helped him to his feet!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Me too buddy","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You also can’t prove it happened so logically this doesn’t exist and is a paradox that never happened therefore pi = 3.14159","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"So she spat in the face of [NAME], nature and you by violating your health.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I have a bad feeling I’m gonna regret not tuning into this","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"How was the problem resolved??? Having the same issue????","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damnit Morty! D'you see wha-rrrgh-t you've done!? We're fucked Morty, the squirrels - they're recruiting dolphins now Morty.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Does that work for the WSJ? I haven’t read an article from there in a year.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I can't watch Isco rotting on the bench and LV playing instead.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Fuck you.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"$15 a month for a music service is more than Netflix. Thank u, next!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"The goodnight sir cracks me up every time","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well what would make us special? He's vouching for his friend.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"The original is funnier... or at least it's funny, to begin with.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Wow what a disappointing game. Wish we would have showed up","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Point proven. Thanks","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That’s normal for girls, lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Wife just had our baby, and this story freaked me out. I can't imagine going through something like that.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Just be honest with this person. Sorry I didn’t read the whole thing I don’t have time rn :(","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Proud of you.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I pulled over at a Walmart on my way home from work to chat with all you beautiful faggots while I listen to the speech.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No, what’s sad is saying the same message like it’s news. He’s a copy paste machine. No original thought.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Yeah, even though I give it to him that it was confusing that they designed Crysis 1 for PCs that wouldn't come out for like 5 years.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"And [NAME], would again like to apologize for any misunderstanding.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"He has a girlfriend. Unfortunately she is not thick. He needs to take a page out of [NAME] book.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My dad also told me the car went underwater the first time we went to the Eastern Shore and I completely forgot about it until I read this comment.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I hid there just about everytime. Was often the person complaining about, \"stop dying\", and, \"hide BEFORE he hits 4 meat\".","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I didn't know that, thanks for the clarification.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"That's a weird way of spelling Disenchanted","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"He was so close to me x","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hey! Your mom sucks.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Didn't know that sub, thanks!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Yea, very rude. Avoid anything with a strong smell like fish and popcorn, curry is just as strong.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I got a lot of withholding to throw me into anxiety.","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"Nah, he's much smarter than I am about soccer.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"My friend and I have been having good fun queuing Mei/Winston, trololo, and 2 bottles of whisky.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Praying for me family.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"[NAME]. Gave up in October and haven’t looked back. I can’t believe how easy I’ve found it.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Call it whatever you want. I’m just clearing a meaning that many atheists aren’t aware of or don’t consider.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hhhhhaaarrryyy [NAME]!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Gotta keep losing to make sure 5th is our worst case scenario","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Not shocked by the subs [NAME] is active in...","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Who needs sciences. It's most fake news they peddle in anyways...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] can’t space and [NAME] is getting worse defensively","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Hes a daywalker!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Remindme! 243 days","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"that's why r/theredpill is such a thing. you arnt the first. you're showing a few nice guy warming signs bud.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Students: North and South Dakota have finally settled their differences and become one big D, for Dakota.”","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's the purpose of the experiment.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I am generally a happy person. If you like to pay millions of dollars to semi-literates to represent your government, it's up to you!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"That's what I'd hope for! Retool the D day 1, if we could find a gem at QB day 2.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Yes, oops","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Tl, dr - Take the abuse. Squirming only gets them off more.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"You're probably joking but [NAME] has been pretty insightful regarding the yellow vests in France. I was impressed.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Thanks! Do you think I should talk to her or drop it for now?","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"FLY EAGLES FLY!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ride in trunk","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love koln","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"That’s cool. I had a few baby teeth dipped in gold and made into charms for a bracelet. Gorgeous work.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thank you, that is interesting!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I only eat cronuts cuz I'm sophisticated!","label":21,"emotion":"pride"} {"text":"That was an incredibly dumb thing to do. [NAME] is an idiot for trusting her.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Fascism doesn't even exist in America. [NAME], these kids are so sheltered.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"This viral video of her gets posted every once in a while too: Her legs are ridiculously strong.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME]... I'm sorry. This is just wrong. I, can't.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Better ye, make some Pho and use lots of sriracha. Things will definitely get heated.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She also takes it off to shower, work out, wash dishes, etc.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hate to be that guy, but that's not DDR, that's Pump It Up, the Korean DDR rip-off.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"It turns out he works for [NAME], so maybe your instinctive distrust might not have been the worst first reaction.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You aren't important, just impertinent.\" That's a third degree burn","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"The paradox is not working, then also collecting entitlements is still theft.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes, he did.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":">if your car is so great why do you have to fill it with petrol all the time This is how stupid you sound","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I dunno. Backhanded compliments in girl world are like professional sports.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Not sad enough fo here the skeleton is dead so he can't comit sucide","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well done dude! Seriously :) But keep it up, don't lose this momentum.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"who tf is the middle guy? [NAME] is supposed to have sunglasses and a clown car like in FE6","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"*holy shit* I'm pretty sure the panther thought the same thing","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wait, you don't believe he's infallible? Give an important instance where he has been wrong to prove that please.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Also, allow athletes to come and train during the year, but grant a blackout period before the Olympics or something,","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"One does not simply Steal kidneys on my watch","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We need another goal to show for it. Come on boys.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"*10 minutes of awkward roleplay*","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"I love you, brother.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Oh because all fruiting plants were bred by humans, ok TIL","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's on here daily. Karma whores eh?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"It’s a problem because that box of apparent bone fragments could literally have been found anywhere.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Pretty shit tbh with you","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"thats amazing!! Congrats!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"CAPTAIN!! ye-yeah? LOOK!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I did twist my ankle trying to play that on DDR.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I genuinely think that would be an iconic shot if it was in a famous horror film. The way the legs just keep on coming is terrifying.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Not journalists...media activists.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m only denying what’s not true, and [NAME] being my name isn’t true.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"i know there were talks about it, but its doubtful :(","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"As a Kentucky fan I’ve watched [NAME] all year and he is legit. Just wish there were a scenario that GB could pick him up.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The sad part about this is that these memes are more Gen Z if anything...","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"> it will not make her look like an idiot It would be hard to make her look any more like an idiot than she already does.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"This happens to me a lot. I'll also sing the same phrase over and over.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"In my experience its always [NAME]' Mine","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"“You have no clue what fascism is” Goes on to promote literal genocide tactics. You’re despicable","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Clearly not well enough","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"If everybody put down their camera to help, what would you be doing right now?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"From [NAME]: I T ' S S P E L L E D O U I J A Goodbye","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yikes that's cringe","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"No I wish. They don't come to Texas very often.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"im aware. im trying to figure out how the heck you found it in what i said. even after given context to the situation.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Ouch. That hurt the ego. And that’s not easy to do.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Yeah, without the music that scene would have been much worse.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Interesting. I thought so too. I’m just thankful I have another parish I can easily drive to for mass. Thanks again","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Honestly I agree. We should shun vegetarians regardless of the [NAME] thing. /s","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Thank you! I ended up assigning a dbq and paired students up","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Combination of lapses in defense and the continuing saga of the Sabres' god awful PP.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"I'm sorry you fell for the carnie, bro.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Lol dont mess with [NAME]!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I've always wanted one of those but like worry it'll make a huge mess in my washer","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"[NAME] YOU SLIME","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You don't have to watch it if you don't want to. Nobody is holding a gun to your head.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I ate my mommy and daddy","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m a fan of them in the wild, weasels are interesting. Not as pets, nope.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is scary and so very sad. Eleven??? A baby! I was still building forts. I weep for this child.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"The hell? That’s like one-in-a-million chance! Only thing that’d make it crazier is if we’re in the same city lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Holy no punctuation, [NAME]!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"MeToo is about sharing personal stories of sexual assault. Reframing it as accusation based, and as furthering a kidnap, is fucking disgusting.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"If [NAME] is being considered for all defense, [NAME] needs more love too","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Yeah cuz it's not like eggs ever roll over or anything. /s","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I have a really nice tempurpedic one and about 6 king sized fluffy ones that I use to just fall asleep hugging","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It's actually remarkable how universally disliked [NAME] is as a commentator in the community but he still commentates at practically every big melee tournament","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Today is the only day I really hate my job as a dog walker","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"That jawn looks lactose free. Get that cheese mixed in that jawn.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"For games starting at 7, the bus was leaving the hotel around 4:30, I think.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What was he “healing” you from?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Now I'm wondering if [NAME] drinks, and if he's ever been inebriated during one of his deals.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"wh is that undertale","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And oops AND a yikes. Maybe even as much as an OOF. Definitely a wow from me","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"This has already been posted on this subreddit but thanks.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I'm confused. Where did I propose anything? I'm just describing how things currently work and what to consider...","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"They NEVER guard against that!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Let it go, look to the future, do not live in the past","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":">it promotes the idea that an individual's vote doesnt matter An individual's vote doesn't matter, though. That's just fact.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They're off thinking about ways they can avoid topics and deflect more, since they seem so good at that lately.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So she knows of 3 languages, Wonder what they are?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Well i know this much is true, there’s unspoken truth amoung us men, we secretly love hairy vaj. No? Just me?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"just when you think it can't get worse...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] will never do anything to help you. You must stand up for yourself.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s endless the amount of white papers written in the last 3/4 years. Not one has been any good or any use","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I just see two inflated peacocks with a dumb and disgusting look in their face. But unfortunately I am not the gender evaluating them.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh [NAME] it's happening again!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"209 comments and we don’t get to read any? All that good pasta advice going to waste. Shame.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I'm going Saints and Chiefs. Although I think the Chiefs-Pats game could go either way","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"So clearly you have vast knowledge of linear algebra and can fact check the entire paper Nd disprove it?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I **LOVE** that the players are finally getting into the game. People feel invested! I like that!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"[NAME] was actually asked whether he’s peaked by a Philly sportswriter last season. His response was pretty interesting:","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Verisimilitude, which here means, utter bs meant to help justify terrible favouritism.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"When religious freedom is limited, then you don't have religious freedom. Secularism is a religion, and trumps other religions in secular lands.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Despite all the [NAME] hate in/on /Melbourne, here is a beautiful Indian song for you all","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"What is beautiful about this planet? Nature is cold, harsh and full of suffering and pain. There is nothing beautiful at all about it.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Our father will protect us <3","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Everyone knows the good [NAME] are the dirty little devil's","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"“For the holidays” you’ve been in America ages Im guessin..","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Looks like he has a history of being an awful human:","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Thank you for this. This sub isn’t a rating or selfie sub. There’s literally no poly content on this post.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I think teams will still cut the cross-seam that made [NAME] and [NAME] so deadly last year. This is awesome nonetheless.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I mean they still managed to say [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Less than 75 years ago my grandparents had swastikas burned on their front lawn in South Carolina after fleeing from Germany.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Seeing how I was as a teen and how most teens are, nope! Dont want to deal with that.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I think the real reason is good press and booze","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It’s a joke.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"No! They’re still on the sidewalk right there! With literally absolutely no way around them!","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Time flies when you're a semiprofessional quotemaker. I wonder what he's up to these days.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"thank you !","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I live here! Apparently I need to be keeping my eyes open.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I much prefer when the CB is given a taste of their own medicine. Far more satisfying than being polite. This one is great!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Shes awful and its all about her. Try again. And when the show has awful ratings thatll be confirmed.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Claw since AW and logged a fuck ton of hours and no discomfort","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Bit like Dundee United trying to not concede 5 against Ayr United.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Not yet! But I waiting for a miracle any year now!!","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"And then you're stuck on that medication for life, sounds like a scary trade-off.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I'd love to collab with some reddit folks on NFL Draft prospect scouting, rankings and mock drafts if anyone is interested.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Well I heard advice everyone to listen to this episode it was extremely interesting.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I downloaded this album yesterday, and love it!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Thank you; I tried.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Me either. But I sometimes fantasize about it.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Ahh, so the exact same place he was last time. wonderful lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Please explain “Hoover/ed”. Not familiar with the term. Thank you-","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Probably, I knew this lawn chair was a bad idea.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Get ready for one of those tail butt plug things","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He’s going to the Bengals at 11 and I hate it so much","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"100 chapters of relationship + 50 of build up after [NAME] left [NAME]. Damn you Sasuga T.T","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Have you tried having wealthy parents?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Before all of the BS lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Make fun of them all you want; fact is they won during the regular season when we couldn't.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"At that point [NAME] was no longer a virgin! No seriously, ask [NAME]!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm so doing this!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Losing my identity, wondering have I gone insane...","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Sounds good.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Because in some cases parents are basically having their own children kidnapped and held against their will and forced into these programs. This is child abuse.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Excitement for new regulation and taxation in the ancap reddit?!?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I've picked scabs bigger than most aborted fetuses get. I don't see the police knocking on my door for committing assault against a human being.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ours came today too :). We got 22 hbu?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If this thread turns into a shitshow like the last it will also be locked. Fair warning...","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Welcome home!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME], [NAME] is starting a marriage with infidelity and drunk proposals. I hope a happy and long married life for him.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"It's kinda odd that people are downvoting you without providing well-sourced counter-arguments to the points you're making.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I wish this was real but for girls, so I don't have to taste the bitter of being rejected because \"You are not my kind\".","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Welcome to the freedom and democracy circus that is 'mercuh! 👍","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"[NAME] from HR is drinking again guys..","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Rematch against UVA, eh? First one to 40 wins!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Yeah. Basically Sky Germany and Sky Sports aren't reliable at all","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"The UN said the election was a sham. The man is causing death destruction and starvation. Your morals are completely and utterly fucked.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"You should take the time and go to the doctor.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"This just reminded me to continue designing that bloody website.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Now it's 7","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"When [NAME] pisses off his daughter and wife. Daughter: “You’re not my Daddy anymore” [NAME]: “You’re not my Daddy anymore either”","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"lol why don't you read about the Iceland one and get back to me.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I have no faith, but the theodicy problem has multiple answers, I’m not too concerned with it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Holy shit that’s nothing","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Kind of strange when one country was nuked and the other wasn't.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh god another injury","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"(*ノωノ) O-okay senpai OWO *Nuzzles* Frick off I write whatever I want!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you for sharing this. I found my house in 1938. Very fascinating stuff :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Narrator: \"They did not","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Loook all around youuuu. All throughout Nature is evidence of a creator and his love ❤️for us","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes, you selfish prick.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"[NAME] so cool","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I always fall for this joke on here..","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"[NAME]?! Is that [NAME]? I know \"meegwetch\" means thank you lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"it's hurting my heart :( why did you leave me","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Other than a lame attempt of being insulting, what part of anything you said has anything to do with what I said?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Not alone my friend","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You need to recheck your science. A simple Google search will yield research articles showing a biological and genetic basis for being LGBT. Happy reading!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"[NAME] fucking practice and watch some tutorials before fucking up a $100 bottle of French champagne","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"While that is cute-try to do critical thinking while u are reading. Prove your god exsists-let him smite me. That mighty smiter.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"yep, you don't hate Mondays, you hate capitalism.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wowowowow!!!! I’ve been campaigning for [NAME] too!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"But they didn't because it's fake.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Happy cake day to him","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"This counts as a problem if you have that many in one day or something","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"To me it’s sounds like he is trying to find fault in her to make himself feel better about leaving her.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes. Ignore and move on","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Happy? Not really, but glad we can come to a conclusion to my offhand semi in jest reply.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"This doesn't belong on the competitive sub; it doesn't have anything to do with the competitive aspect of the game.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Naaah, that is and always will be [NAME], especially since her redesign in MKX. perfect waifu.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Lmfao lonzo? That guy is not nba talent. World is gonna spank that ass","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I actually did talk to him. You can see his response to me, I linked to it in a comment. He called me a land whale.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I though [NAME] was the offensive guru? Why would he get an established guy who has an offense?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This sub doesn’t like the pro sports teams until they win a championship. Then everyone becomes a die hard fan.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Had one good year that was it, then joins a god squad that struggles to qualify","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Break up and be firm about. You’ve already admitted to being dishonest. Why lead him on?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"That would look enormous if [NAME] ordered it!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m not a fan of that hire at all... I’m also not a fan about how that all came out. All around bad.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Thats absolutely disgusting.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"No, that looks h*ckin delicious","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Don't listen to the idiot, we love your posts!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Ha! Getting him back with his own schtick!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Open a ticket and wait. These next two weeks will be very telling. All we can do is wait.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I want to see this a a movie!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Man, never underestimate the power of a crock pot, some frozen chicken, veggies and cottage cheese.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Where were they? I was trying to track them down and couldn’t remember where I saw them.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"There is also no dog in the white house. Why? Because dogs can smell an asshole a mile away.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Lmao I hope I’m not the only one who gets this","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"*looks at YouTube comments sections* Um. I'm not so sure.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"This man makes aggressive grunts while breathing","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"My boy [NAME] <3","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow! Now that's some propaganda we could use more of!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"They seceded because [NAME] was elected despite not appearing on any slave owning states. How is this anything but under representation of ideology.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes! My Big Fat Fabulous Life","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Author thinks that a guy who bounced back and forth between a bench role and AAA will bounce back and forth between a bench role and AAA.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ironically, I just sense that they are working in an area where this is a ready stream of revenue just waiting for them.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My mom used to think [NAME] was the handsomest NFL coach for what that’s worth.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"No if anything the exact opposite. Couldn’t be further from the truth","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sorry your right","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Well, 1/2 has been done already!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I trust Safeway over Great Canadian Superstore for my meats. I know I'm not alone in that regard. Safeway has some pretty good cheaper meats.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I missed that part unfortunately","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Market ≠ Capitalism Just because something operates within the Capitalist system doesn't make it Capitalist. Just because [NAME] was (supposedly) elected didn't make him democratic","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Takes all characteristics, good and bad","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This.. im sorry but this is a dumb reply. Ofc it was fake kindness golly","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"I hieaa i just trip out how your lds and not know or here. Nevermo here a d hears when i was a kid","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes had the problem a month or so ago but has since gone away","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"China cheating the rest of the world is horrible for the economy and society.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":">overt racism of that level would not be tolerated in America My thoughts also. That's why i needed context, its very VERY odd.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"I'm not apologizing for it. I just didn't think there was something this blatantly immoral in the new testament.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"So handsome","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Are they dead? I don’t recall this bit of the Nativity play.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I am embarrassed to admit that I was shocked to find out that his books all had the same exact weight and that you knew what that weight was...","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"No superbowl @ lambo for this generation; hopefully global warming will make an impact in the next 30 years. :)","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I know. I didn't say I agreed with it did I?","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"The only thing that stops a depressed guy with a gun is a physiologist with a gun. << [NAME]","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Wow, 5 downvotes in 3 minutes. Go you!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"All I want for Christmas is a broken home","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Well I'm trying to improve, man","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Thanks a bunch <3","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I just want tk be a random scumbag","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Very possible but there's absolutely zero indication were working on a deal to trade [NAME] currently. We're not just going to trade him away for peanuts.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I agree that you need more time in the later turns. But most games it feels like people wait until it is their turn to start thinking.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Hopefully you saved that letter!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"LIGHT THE BEACONS!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Would I love to be a fly on your wall right now and watch this whole debacle.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"How do you know this?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What do you think women do? I’m quiet as a churchmouse when I mastrubate, too","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That's what they want though. So if you really want to 'win' their battles, simply ignore them :)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He keeps saying this in my playthrough when that's definitely NOT what I'm doing. I just suck at hunting!!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"One dumbass who hasn’t watched Hereditary complaining about meaningless awards on the Internet means... eh. I lost my point. Go watch Hereditary","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"This was so touching ❤️❤️❤️","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Has he done this with other world leaders, too? Or only [NAME]?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Wait... dogs can’t use ladders!","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"That’s just fucked lol talk about cheap.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"What the fuck is this about?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"You could notice he was a little bit nervous, i think that was the main reason for his way of playing in this game.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I didn't realise this was happening! Thank you! It was hard to tell from OPs photo what the changes were","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"She does NOT love you. Try to ask yourself why you are accepting this treatment.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Lol omg yesssss. Probably the best suggestion anyone ever told me 🙌🏼","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Wich stinks for you","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why would I do that?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Another day, another Newsweek article reporting what some commentator said on TV.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks so much for the advice! Will definitely keep that in mind","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Subscribed to sjwstories, thanks for informing me about that one!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I wonder if truly might be work stress. He works long hours at a prestigious law firm. I need to five him more credit.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I like this feeling","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Trusting readers is something we cannot afford in this day and age.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Not really, just wanted to know why specifically you thought he was on gear. (Because I honestly don't see it)","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Don't include me in this us! Just kidding.. We need some love and fast.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Why would they stop magicking away their shit. That seems more practical than a giant plumbing network.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"[NAME] can’t hurt us anymore.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You beat nerfed [NAME]. Sounds like tier lists do matter.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The [RELIGION] Church has been raping children for decades, that we know about. More likely hundreds of years. Probably since they've existed.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Other than the jerseys, optic merch is like an after thought. Wish they would step it up more.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She's not an hero we deserve, she's an hero we have.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"out of everyone why AC?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"SO MUCH.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] and [NAME] going on a bike tour is awesome IDK why I love it so much","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Putting on head phones with a neutral song","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Are you fucking serious? That’s a foul??","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Surely you meant isn't. XD","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This man looks so much older without the cap","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"how does asperger feel like","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"#cooking #uni #urchin #local #tidetotable #truecooks #seafood #cheflife","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Agreed. There is r/clevercomebacks but this is just not even that.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Dark Crystal, Neverending Story, Labyrinth. My holy trinity of movies I both loved and was intimidated by as a child.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"All it takes is just a bit Practice and thanks!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"As a lifelong single person, [NAME] offends me. Feels like I'm apart of some demographic that they can live without :(","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"So creepy. Made me check my locks.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"[NAME] I hate my hometown","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"You shut your mouth","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":">I mean look at socialist Germany. Look at Night of the Long Knives.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oof that’s terrible","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Which side story? Thanks for the info!","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"People like you with premature ejaculation and poor hygiene should not write long posts. Am I doing it right?","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"If only buses had lights or something","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"yikes I am not reading that, the napkins are over there sir, have a nice day","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"No, it's not that one","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"ah maybe next time","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well someone posted the ingredients in the comments below. I’m still new to the whole vegan thing.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're in luck!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Go look at the top posts of those subs. How far do you have to scroll to get to a \"men are trash\" post?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Whammer!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Of course I remember a time when I didn't know what calories were. I was a child.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I've had a few blisters from hot welds, but nothing that bad...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you, its like if you looked a camera that was taking a picture of your ear, you wouldn’t be able to see it.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Just know that you are the man. Go Isles. Go Flames.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Who says they weren’t? If they were, they were probably ignored, or drowned out by the [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":":) thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Maybe try living a little longer before you talk about things you don't know about, sweaty. NEXT!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Well if you read my other posts you’d know I did try to end it in a responsible mature way and he refused sooo","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Awesome, love the input! I totally get what you’re saying!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I would hate to see another [NAME] situation where [NAME] gets hurt again because he wasn't fully recovered.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Much love half purple homie","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Molon labe!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The [NAME] did send his only son to score for our Pens! We are REDEEMED!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I know a couple of people who are. It's amazing to watch.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Must be a tough life when all you can think about is sad stories to keep you from enjoying anything.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Should I watch this? Will it aggravate me?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I believe in you. Do what is right for you. I hope you feel better soon too. ♥️🙂","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"That was one of the things that I didn't think about and I already gave a delta for that.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's sad. I'm 16 and where I am there are loads of athiests my age. It's great.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Same here! I thought too long and hard about whether or not la jolla/Encinitas was known as the \"treasure coast","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Do you have any non anecdotal stuff to say or? Also burden of proof is a thing, you made a claim, prove it or fuck off","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I think they are being sarcastic, notice the /s","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"i suppose it did, but the kick follow up whiff is what i was really pointing out","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Toxic feminism is ti blame","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Turns out they weren't wrong about [NAME] either","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Now we need [NAME] to reunite with [NAME]","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Yea, I'm willing to bet the auto makers have known about this technology for quite a while.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Rest in peaches J2D or whatever his name was, nice meme","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Raise them early in the way of the Braves! Congratulations!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"so glad we picked this guy up. was absolutely terrified when we played against him. dude was in the zone.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"You completely missed the point of the meme...","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I was there in 89-91. Some of the best years of my life.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Wow, you folks sure are salty about losing the midterms! Pathetic?","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I'm using mine on the Consumer Cellular customers that come in mad at me because they have to set up an Apple Account to use their IPhone.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Lol what a terrific audience. Maybe rich people saying \"come beg\" is kinda like wtf bro.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"for full video","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yep...this sub blasted me for hating the casey hire and still refuses to admit his big faults","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Hey, you ever watch the sopranos before?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I will do what I must.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I would love to see some encouragement and smiles on the sideline instead of yelling and whining.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Thank you.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I want to be a sister ♥️ I have lots of nail polish I'll help!!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"It’s a terrible thing when someone who doesn’t let themselves laugh has a reddit account","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Thank You, that does seem to be the consensus.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Did anyone else read this and say \"Fuck yeah!\"?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I'll pass the \"I'm not crying you're crying!\" part. Yeah I'm crying.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Thank you very much I appreciate the enthusiasm btw do you know more or less how much space will I need to install it?","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Oh ok that makes sense then! Thanks for taking the time to explain. 😊","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"That specific block is probably one of the worst in the city.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"When is the battle point for squad spawning back?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He’s a way worse version of [NAME]. I don’t think anyone is putting him in their top 15 besides Bears fans.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"You're disgusting","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"1. Use chicken thighs 2. Dryness doesn't matter with this much fat.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Exactly. We’re only here for the money, assholes.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"She is probably cheating on you. :(","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"at least you’re getting hit on","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The reaction was contained under the bandaid due to big pharma’s nanobot technology to help disguise the TRUTH. :P","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"It would be mostly home-grown terrorism, angry at all the people fleeing from overseas terrorism.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Ah good call - I dont plan to take submissions for that reason","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Personal insults aren't allowed around here. 1 week ban for first offense.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I've been watching it recently and it is such an amazing show!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Why would you mention [NAME]? Lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Don’t tempt me!","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I hope you get the help you need. Truly.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Not sure if we can call him ginger anymore. That hairline went into a recession that'd put 2009 to shame.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I love this ahahah","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"U guys are like match made in heaven ♥️♥️♥️","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Ah yes I used to enjoy those. Before the dark times. Before the days of a FOX less Netflix.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"First [NAME], now [NAME]. Stop the conks. Please.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"This is one of the worst I've seen...","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"[NAME] for reasons of his ACL. Although, assuming everyone on the list was fit to play, I'll say [NAME].","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Almost like being in Love by [NAME].","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"[NAME] was *actually blacklisted* by the \"victims\" but yeah *he* must have had the power to blacklist *them*... what?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"RemindMe!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I regale them with stories of times when the dfaq runs out of chocolate cake, reminding them that we too can sometimes have it rough.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Your username makes me think you would appreciate this joke of mine.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"SCREENSHOT THIS.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Apparently, you'd want an Alberta with a censor on what we read. Bully for you.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I sure hope so","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"You seriously reposted your repost of the same repost you reposted again.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Let’s gooooo WHI","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"made my first reddit account to downvote this. thanks?","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"thats some very advanced way of thinking - and I dont think I was able to do that when I was 18","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Mmmmm tasty 🅱️estrogens","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damn. I'm sorry. What misery.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Oh interesting username","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thank you for saying this. It is disrespectful to me. And it hurts.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"You should've smashed his head into it.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Looks like emotionally and physically beating the shit out of his wife and children was not wasted then.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> don't tax anyone what a stupid idea.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Before telling you anything....what exactly do you want out of this?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I just tell myself that I'll be put together for some girl. She won't have to treat me like a fixer upper.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The only cringe is some of y'all obsessing over every little thing Eureka does.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Don’t wait. Take control of your life back and leave. You know that’s what’s going to happen.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Aww, thank you [NAME] for capturing me!!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Ohh.. Thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"And *they are the ones* talking about NPCs!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well thanks for sharing. I loved it. Do you know of any others from them that aren't well known?","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Petey ot [NAME]. Let's go. Hockey gods cannot forsake us this much","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And yet it looks like one thing you can't is read. Shame shame.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Shit you are right! I can't believe I forgot to mention that as well! Thanks for pointing that out ;)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I get wound up over completely imagined conversations too 😅 I'm trying to meditate and learn to stop myself from going down the rabbit hole.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"If a woman forces a man's penis into her vagina, that ABSOLUTELY IS a crime. Not sure what you're smoking.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"[NAME], he’s who I’m most excited to see develop","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"no one cares my guy","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Contractions is equivalent....body can only deal with...us women with labor.....I don’t like the way this person speaks.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"As a Jeep driver, I constantly have to remind other Jeep drivers that 4WD/AWD only makes a difference when driving. Everyone has 4-wheel stop.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"making photos look pretty","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Maybe [NAME].","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"But they are spectacular.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"She's absolutely stunning in that photo","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Dummy I'm disagreeing with you","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I would try rubbing alcohol, high percentage. Looks greasy to me.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Gross. I hate using those reusable cloth ones because they retain smells. You've got cats? I know, I can smell them.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"I don't know any but my own I'm afraid.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Most valuable comment","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME], learn some fucking grammar and punctuation. Maybe use some paragraphs. Just an idea.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Yeah. If you try not to ignore the photos it's right there.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This internet stranger is also super proud of you! Way to go!!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Man, I assumed it was already out and I'd missed it.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Idiots are downvoting your correct comment.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"If that’s true it’s very desperate. You would think he had some better way of communicating.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I believe that you can search for providers here. Good luck and good on ya.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Because the hierarchy is afraid they’ll get burned.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Nah I dont think the panthers are good enough","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"[NAME] what a dork you are to think the above comment means I am daft to the behavior endured by women for way too long.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's cool.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I came here to say this.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh man, what was the name of that show. It feels so familiar. Haven't watched MTV in, I don't know, 15 years?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Life beat you to it by years","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I hope so but doubt it...","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Oooh. Look! Big man over here!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"2010. [NAME] being all desperate, [NAME] return. Shit was gold","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I wouldnt go that far, but paranoid schizophrenia can definitely do that to someone. Even mild social anxiety can also cause it, though","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oi us cancers don’t want him either! We respectfully pass his birthday to April","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This almost certainly should not have gone to OT. SEC refs are bad CBB refs are bad","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Normally drop n roll. In this case I would remove my clothes because I doubt rolling would help.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Let's go boys","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Not at all. It's great of course for financial reasons, but it then makes me worried about how much time she'll have for a relationship.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I agree!!! His character has grown so much throughout the entire series and I was very disappointed that he ended up with her.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Matchroom squad dismiss [NAME] as not existing anymore, the sky media influence is scary","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"[NAME] didn't want to deal with [NAME] (reasonable) and [NAME] had more foreign policy experience and credentials than [NAME] did at the time.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love you guys. Beers on me","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Unfortunately for you, no one of importance cares about your absurd views.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"making us look like punks, disappointing","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"End this relationship NOW. And please learn from it!!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I’ve legitimately never heard anything about disabled men relying on prostitution, nor have I heard any arguments using disabled men as a rationalization for prostitution.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ah, the old [NAME] to [NAME] to [NAME] to [NAME] pipeline.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"iirc they were changing a few servers names, tht might have caused a few issues","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] vs. Being an actual coach","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Probably the most rational way to look at this entire scenario - thanks for posting this my dude. That comment set me straight again.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I provoked by breathing too hard. And yes, I hate that.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Someone made a similar joke and got 500 down votes.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"[NAME] was a great coach","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Fuuuuuck. That’s the worst I’ve seen.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"It is. You generally need 5 down and 5 up to play reliably. Also wired.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"[NAME] that website is cancer. Also I love how the main \"entertainment\" in it is straight up harassment.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"This is really cool and well made!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Surprise my what now?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I will always love ohare because it is the home alone airport","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Go play Farmville if you can't keep it up.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"He is nearly 25, can't shoot, can't dribble and does nothing great. He wont improve much.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"So [NAME] is really a fan of playing the bench vs the other team's starters at the end of halves. Really finding every tanking edge possible.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"yeah, those seem like they'll flop around quite safely...","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Glad you enjoyed man, yeah it was pretty spontaneous too, I was praying I wasnt about to pull some bartard move and get jammed lol.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm here again to say I love your art and it brings me joy when you post it on this sub bye!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Hmm... [NAME] looks like [NAME] from Nickelodeon","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Too easy. I’m selling at $18k on Jan 12, 2021 so I can be pissed at myself for not selling the top","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"College is a very lonely place. Very stressful, very lonely. [NAME]. Good luck out there man.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"That feeling when your mascot is there but none of his players. Sorry Youppi","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Omg, thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Interesting. Even if most disagree with it, I'd love to aee a resurrection of some sorts in IX.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"True! He probably is just lonely. Thank you for the kind words :)","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"This is amazing","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It looks like how [NAME] is introducing the comedians in \"Whose line is it anyway ?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"clearly no one is getting my joke oof.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Adoration is definitely something I could do more of. Thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"That’s pretty accurate","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Also one of my favorite parts of this story.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What was the end result of this?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"They have directly targeted civilians. It's disgusting.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"looks cool, i want it now.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The applause came from [NAME] and his group.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Um, excuse me? I'm a *rolling* rabbit hole, thank you","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"In the first combo if you just do the b+k instead of even bothering to kick it does 1 more damage Not much obviously but yeah just a thought","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I don't find anything about women appealing.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"-30°, then again I'm only 16. Been a while since these temps have come around so it's not pleasant.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"TOO. MUCH. HESITATION. [NAME] should've gotten that on net a second earlier","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"How did you get them for free?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Very cool.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Resetting a dislocated knee hurts like hell but it feels a lot better immediately after.","label":23,"emotion":"relief"} {"text":"I know I am still going to frequent Argonaut and my other neighborhood family owned liquor store.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Someone with erectile dysfunction already can't (conventionally) orgasm. What the fuck are you talking about?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Furry and scaly damn","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This whole comment is just reeeing about reeeing. Reeeception","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Maybe with spelling, but his dad watches SNL every week I betcha.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow! I’m barely 2 cities over and it isn’t even nearly that cold :o","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"This is creepy.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Would love to donate as well!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I think my worry would be if another dog attacks mine, they wouldn't be able to defend themselves","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"What a charming puddle of smegma.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm flattered but I'm a good [RELIGION] scarf","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Result of \"I have camera so I'm invincible\" syndrome.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why is neighbour spelt incorrectly?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"That would be okay, I guess.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Paraphrasing [NAME], this brought warm feelings to my heart.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"That's interesting. Have you used it to register on many sites/services?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"And big boobs! Like, what?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You’re not a loser. You’re a whole and complete person unto yourself.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"We've been linking that dodgy-as-hell Ukrainian site for years, so go nuts.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"For liquids I might leave the \"7\" out and make sure your citizens are the only race that can spawn in highly savage areas.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Excellent collage, I learned so much from all these guys. The community is great, the unconfiscatable conference was awesome 🙏🏽🙏🏽","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Lol you're so close to getting it, dude. So close.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Yeah mason wasps are nasty little Tucker’s.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you for clarifying. I was just thinking about how picky a lot of my family is (adults as much as kids).","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Actually maybe the OP is not an INTP, have you thought about that!!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"With [NAME] and [NAME] back, and [NAME] waiting in the wings, would you still want an EDGE in round 1?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So this is what edging feels like","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sorry you had to live there. Good news is they are demolishing it in 2020.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Considering how beautiful every single person is, there is far too much ugliness on Earth.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"/u/897w346354365fdddfs said: > You're funny You're shilly","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Yes, I'm just banking on the fact that there will be a bigger idiot than me out there. :-)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Perfect! Put it in a form they can understand!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Because your considered “boring”. Girls love drama. It’s a thing.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That made me smile. Thank you!! And yes, definitely replacing her on my reference list lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Logic and facts are verboten on that sub. Truly bizarre that people are that sensitive.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well the good news is once all the boomers die off you won't have any pesky old people to blame anymore.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"What a cute little accident you turned out to be","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Just wanted to mention--Brazos Bend is closed due to flooding until next week.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Because making 44% of the team's total TD catches is not enough!?! Please tell me this is BS.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's horrible, good to know she is with an awesome guy.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh bb please tell me about possible sanctions","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’ve been using the Greiss poke check on [NAME] as mine since it happened.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah thank you you ungrateful bast.....","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I don’t know who the hell [NAME] is but I am now curious after seeing the word “again”.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Great idea! Thanks :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Yeah I sympathize with this sentiment. The flow of Michigan fans into the cfb subreddit this year was overwhelming. Even as a fan I was irritated.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Well [NAME] made me laugh","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Ah, a classy man","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I swear to [NAME], I'm going to approach you. Instead of running away, I'll come right to you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I always give my disclaimer when he asks for my phone number. I understand and respect my situation could be a deal breaker for some.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] funny, girl.. not so much","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"My coworker got cheated on by her boyfriend of 8 years and needs a night out so I can't even get out of it sigh.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The DPRK is ethno fascism","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Da real MVP","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Best NYG draft pick EVER!!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Holy smokes, good jobs!!!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I know, that's why it's a little unfortunate they don't have a test.","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"Ok, we get it. You're a top.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"We finally lost a game while I was shuffling my tarot deck and now I can’t decide if I should try again or if the luck ran out","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Stick your head in a blender and leave it on for all year. Turn it off for October and half of November...then right back into it","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I got bad news for ya'll. I picked Chargers, Colts, Saints, and Cowboys to win. So Eagles might be winning :/","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"At least she's correct","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I believe the term is grill inspector","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] death is just so..... senseless. Why? WHY??? The based gods have forsaken us","label":16,"emotion":"grief"} {"text":"You're not really pissing anyone off. Mostly we just pity you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Interesting. Such a different approach than the evangelist efforts I’ve experienced from “mainline” [RELIGION].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Of course man, I really appreciate this. But it's okay, I can just message you through here. It's fine:)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Dave & Buster’s is a great suggestion!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I can’t help but notice they didn’t show [NAME], [NAME], or the most dramatic transformation of all, [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"In other news; Water is still wet.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Here's your fucking well done with pink in the center [NAME], jsut like youre stupid fucking table wants!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Same. Right after I replaced the screen. So now I have a cracked phone","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Saying that combo with a straight face after the fucking mess that went into the last UFC event should be hard.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Got it. Sorry you feel that way man. I hope you find your own way to impact the game or enjoy it next year.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Good luck and have fun","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Honestly, I'm just happy I got traded to you guys, rather than a team like the Leafs or H*bs","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Right now it sucks ass I gotta squat in snow in the freezing cold in the back yard of my apartment complex holding a little bong","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Ah yes, downvoted somebody for being different. Ever acceptant.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If it's true i'm sad he's leaving but I wish him nothing but the best.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I mean, they did just that in Djibouti I believe, and Sri Lanka before. Hopefully Kenya can avoid the debt trap","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Congrats! Enjoy a free slice, I think you know what to do with this 🍕","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME] is pretty cute...","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Interesting read, but horrible format on mobile.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"30 bombs won’t be enough for me to feel good running [NAME] and his career .291 OBP out there every day","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You mean I shouldn't be doing treating it that way now?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Oh hell no","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"[NAME]! Fun fact, it was [NAME]. who led the stacked 86 Mets rotation in wins with 18.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] wept.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I hear you buddy. I rage so hard my jaws lock","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I haven't seen a single [NAME] article. But there have been a few [NAME] articles around recently.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"It still wouldn't make sense. The problem isn't the looks","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"they already ruined their own lives by having an affair. the other spouse knowing is just a consequence of their selfish actions.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"If I ever see that in my area, that will be a bullet to the head. Fuck Reddit's rules.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I will thanks :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"He's protecting and defending the angels now 💚","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Fixed That For You","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"And then they got shot down","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Maybe it’s flaccid and shaking it makes sense when you’re being put under in the comments. loool read a few pounds.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"... [NAME] derangement syndrome sufferer spotted. What drivel you crazy lunatics say... The lies and falsehoods along with the out of place fearmongering is getting really annoying...","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Those fingers disturb me the most","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Thanks man 🙏🏽","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Do not use logic dude. Not cool.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"AOC used the exact version that [NAME] had been pushing for years. So it's no surprise that its nuclear-phobic.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"4. Go out and show [NAME] is still a stud and free agents should want to come here and play with our young core","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Maybe she'll finish Wardenclyffe Tower and stop Slappy and his monsters!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Want too big and lean to be naturally achievable.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Absolute queens! ❤🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Drive safely now.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Uhhh I want someone to do this for me!","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Really? First I’ve heard of it lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Team Hina FTW!!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It will be carefully tailored to piss their parents off, which I will enjoy greatly :-)","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Please treat me with modern medicine. I have gastroparisis.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Again it's weed not heroin. Smoke it. Or sell it.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Try nonchalantly handing them your card as if they had dropped it. I think its normal to be shy. *handing on exit, otherwise it could get awkward","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"My ETL been trying to tell us every box should take us 30 seconds max, and everyone ive asked about that has laughed and called it bullshit","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Praise the [NAME] for REALITY! WOOF!!!!!","label":23,"emotion":"relief"} {"text":"No, it means you have a problem with homophobia and paranoia. A big one. No pun intended.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"You have to have a high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"One of the most posted things on reddit. Please delete","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Not sure if guys like that are better or worse than regular Incels.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"xD Add it to the meme list guys","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Then why isn't he the one wanding people?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"The [NAME] finger wag was sexy as hell.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"What a finish","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That’s funny to me because all of the teachers of the month this year (with 1 exception) have been science.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"These refs are remarkably terrible tonight. So are the sabres but wow some terrible calls.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I'm glad you have someone to help you out! Perhaps over time you'll find it easier.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"What a nutbar lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Oh I wish. 40.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Guilty as well!","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"I have crowns and I thought I needed a mouth guard but it seems like I don’t anymore.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Thanks so much, I appreciate the feedback and will send it along the way.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'll be surprised if *Monty Python's Life of Brian* wasn't one of those.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Well that's disgusting","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Like at the time, he wasn't one of the best defenders in the league. But grew into one.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yeah, and in Brazil we write only in cursive so I don't get those people.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"It hasn’t happened yet. Just talk to the supervisor or HR. In the meantime don’t borrow trouble.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Also looks pretty ♭","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It'll get you 9125 CENTS. Poor soul multiplied 365 by 25 without realizing the mistake","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They are both good in their own way. But the us is funnier lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Did you kill the shark to get the shark teeth for your necklace yourself or was it premade? Thanks [NAME]!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I’m starting to worry that [NAME] is not okay","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I'll see what I can do, thanks man.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Sign my name to it too lol it was so awful we deserve pain and suffering for that!","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"well, most of them won't even get that far because the second you start explaining it they plug their ears and start screaming about socialism.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Moose killed my parents.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I’ve exposed on social media. It made me feel better so I don’t care what anyway has to say about it.","label":23,"emotion":"relief"} {"text":"It doesn’t work as well as you’d think, but thanks either way","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"This was very helpful to me. Thanks for explaining it so well.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"This made my rainy day","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I was hoping you could. :)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Some people just need reassurance that they are, in fact, dumb.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Softest fans in sports","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Before the camera was on him, he noticed the atrocious fake jersey on the nimrod beside him.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"at least it wasn’t the evil [NAME].","label":23,"emotion":"relief"} {"text":"Thanks for having that self awareness, as a physician in training I feel stupid daily. It's a very humbling job","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Yes, your trolling is very good. You’re so brave for giving us the opportunity to downvote your sock account to hell.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"me too, always smoke a cig with the joint, they are best friends","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's real enough sadly. Kin have been around for awhile in their own corners of the net.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah I wish they could just finish 9th every year in the conference","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Thanks, saved. Will watch it tomorrow morning :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"oh cool! Must be tiring for [NAME] though. Looking forward to watching them!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":">Pay workers more and charge customers less. I mean, they're a publicly traded company","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Apologize to [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That took a turn.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Seems like [NAME] got shot by the **japanising beam**","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The [NAME] story is pretty amazing. Excellent stuff! My ears are both firmly attached. Thanks.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"So no. All you have is lies and delusions. Thanks for the confirmation","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Ouch. Hurts because it's true.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"> no money at what normal, un-secterian people want! Surely not being sectarian should be considered normal in a civilised democratic society","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No worries! 😊","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Added to my meme folder. Thanks!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Thank you for the great recommendation. I'll get on that as soon as I can, and keep you updated.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Protestantism never cease to amaze me with its joke of theology and non existent historical justification.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I like having roads, schools, and drinkable water? You confuse a man for a paranoid.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Feels good man","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I'm legit posting this everywhere. It's hilarious. I've given you many chances.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"So... she just won the lottery!!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I'm struggling to find what you're referring to here, could you maybe add something that points to it?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Thank you, I know you’re right, I’m just overthinking for sure","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Wait so I shouldn't try to sell my shavers by telling my customers that they aren't good enough and could do better? Damn.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I’ve woken up next to some shocking things but just imagine finding the top of a police car in your room.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I met bf of 3 yrs on it","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Not really, more of a fence...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He did. He needs the facial hair, and that haircut is horrible he should just shave it and start over.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Saints Moderators are busy banning tonight!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Tell me a couple","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Best not let [NAME] near him, what with her oils and all...","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Too many injuries. I predict he will be off the roster by September.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"What was that behind the back nonsense, criminy. TO THE BENCH","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Trinity: Ru: >THIS IS THE TOP LEVEL DRAG YOURE DOING IT HERE RIGHT NOW","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’ve learned to just laugh these off, and try not to dwell on them.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s a nice basket.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Maybe he *did* leave the building. If you can't find him, he could've left without you knowing. Is that better or worse?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Threatening to drive your sisters into the ocean is illegal. It's called making a terroristic threat or menacing and can cause her to lose access to your sisters","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Ok google it then. 🤦🏼‍♀️","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Haha yes! Ill do that to my cat all the time. He seeems to appreciate the assist","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Yep, minimizing massively","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"But a worker who earns wealth can invest it and become a capital investor. In that case he is literally providing the capital.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Thanks very much, so do I! :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"To be fair, I’m not slaughtering my own food","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah, I always thought [NAME] would be an improved [NAME]. It's a damn shame we haven't thrown to him more often.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Been saying horford has been overrated since he got that fat contract","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Wow you think 15 downvotes in Reddit from the YIMBY cult has any meaning? I didn't say anything pertaining to economics.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"It’s funny because this is the summary of most discussion posts on this sub","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Wow they got them [NAME]? Those US agents are some lucky guys","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"The black beans were there hidden within the rice!! :) gotta love those legumes","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Anything intelligent to say, sometime maybe perhaps?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I’m sorry but [NAME] has better memes","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Ranked #3 edge defender in the NFL, 25 years old, and makes our division rival weaker","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Loved it!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"“[NAME], I tried to make ramen in the coffee pot and I broke everything” - [NAME]","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"This made me snort while laughing. Well done!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Congratulations mate!!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"She looks just like that dude from Santa Clarita Diet","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> pushed all of them Hey dumbass you pushed the emergency button","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"shes married to the [NAME] the singer from silverchair","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The edit... what? Why is he playing on an account that was registered by someone else?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's still interesting to watch though ... from far away, with no personal involvement whatsoever.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Shaving her legs, hoping the video didn’t cut short and that’s all she shaved in there....","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"THE PACK RUNS DEEP AND HARD. I WOULD SHARE MY KRAFT MAC AND CHEESE WITH YOU ANY DAY. AROOOOOOOOO","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I know, there isn't even a 7 in it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Great post thank you ❤️","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"what you want\" is a populated, limited set, and thus discrete.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Thanks man, my brother and my girlfriend just told me to laugh it off; but the thought doesn't stop haunting me.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I dont think thats too far off. There are 200k homes in most suburbs.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It would be really bad for relations between the two cities if we took Memphis' NBA team.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Really? wow. I just reinstalled chrome from scratch, again. So it was Ghostery that caused the full screen issues?","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"At home with a viral infection right now! Praying for death and to the god of paracetamol. Ugh.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Thank you for posting this. I never heard this particular interview before.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Just got a bit worried because it's always showed up instantly for me before","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"As a Cardinals man i agree, makes me want to deck the cunt but hes huge and i love him, so conflicted","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That windshield crack from his skull!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yay, coming out is hard, you're lucky that they didnt avoid you for the next month, I'm happy for you","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"i hate [NAME] and 20 good men","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Personally I would take some time to myself and work on spending time with my family since I love them more than my job.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"She is during her week of taking sugar pills. Yea I do wish she had mentioned it anyway, I can’t sleep","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"She’s gonna spend all her time whining about [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you. Edit: I have cancer now","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"As it should be. Great.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"i should just quit yikes","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That was what was most nauseating for me honestly. Not a single period used once.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Well that sucks. But still if you refuses the test you'd probably have been charged, which is worse.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I didn’t know I’m sorry","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Tbh I think there are a lot of parts of chicago that are way shittier than memphis","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"You always choose mum bro. What are you thinking","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We need [NAME] to take a 7 year deal or less. I can picture the Dodgers giving [NAME] 7 years","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Brilliant! I have absolutely no idea what's going on.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is too accurate 😂","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Cheers for the reply ;)","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"*DRAINS, CLOGS, BACKED UP LOGS [NAME]!* *OH, NO, TOILET OVERFLOW [NAME]!*","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"you really think the walls gonna cost 5 billion?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Yeah, that changes everything.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Is that a tooter lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Don't apologize. Go grab your favorite drink, some popcorn and watch 500 days of summer instead","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"oh.. actual physical mail, hehehe I hear ya","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Ah, good old single level LAX. I barely remember it except traffic was a nightmare.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Would you like a friend? I sure could use one.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"None, I know nobody or have anyone nearby who can help.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"[NAME]. Go on Chapo.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hi Mom I accidentally adopted 20 traumatized nerds. -Betty Darkness Dementia Raven Way","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You have to live for you. Go get that education, go get that career. Rediscover yourself.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I felt bad for laughing","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Lol you could have just said that","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Ah yes, the United States Mutant Ninja Turtles. They would dominate every sport.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I binged that podcast in about 2 days at work. Amazing. The convention for Limelight, and how emotional they got for those poor women was heartbreaking.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Lol just leave it bruh it adds character","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"She looks like a petite adult to me, her face is obviously adult","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'M ON A HIIIIIIGHWAY TO HELL","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"just wait till [NAME] gets his less than 10 years deal.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Link pls, I need to see this! ( I bet he dropped it)","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Back up, [NAME]!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"cant wait to go through a rebranded version of this pain again in college too","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Baby rape. Can’t make a funny joke about it.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"For unrelated reasons, school is another mess. But vaccine injury in definitely represented through absurd levels of special ed.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The reason most people don't get the joke is because it's such a bad one, that they think that it's not meant to be one.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Laxatives in brownies. Itching powder in shoes. Remove toilet paper from bathroom. Kill him Sharpie his face when he goes to sleep Put a stink bomb in his booksack Steal his girl.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What's the streamer's name? I want to find the aftermath of this","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Hope so but deadshot was her man too bad they had to kill him smh","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"The complete series is on Hulu just finished watching it. Definitely recommend","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah... I get that. it's like the conversion has already been had before you entered the room and your opinion has been disregarded...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He's really likeable but has some flaws. I hope I'm wrong but i don't see him being a phenom like [NAME]","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Any one of us could be a journalist, and that level of journalism feeding the masses is mildly scary.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Somehow I got banned for replying to a troll. The mods over there have itchy trigger fingers.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"How tf do you not expect people to find them they're the first things that show up when you search joji","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"says you, too bad you're totally wrong.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Thanks for giving advice to the people who need it 👌🙏","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Where did I state I wanted to keep Syria going? Is making things up just a usual part of your arguements?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Good kid.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"What a legend","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"the knock off names are super cringey but i love looking for them","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"It WaSn'T TrUe CoMuNiSm !!!!! Derp It WaS StAtE CaPiTaLiSm!!! /s","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They literally don’t have enough time on the planet to regret their actions.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"The best advice I have, which it seems most people completely overlook: Have fun.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"But one-third jokey, one-third pissed and one-third dead serious just doesnt have the same ring does it?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I love miramar","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Don't you're making me paranoid man","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Lmao the brigading is real","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The barriers in large only exist with respect to Canadian oil. Other producers (with the exclusion of Venezuela ) seem to be enjoying a very profitable time.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I can't wait to tell my daughter how she used to love me so much she even wanted to watch me poop.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Thank you, I will tackle those too!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Was she? Oh, never been good at picking up on stuff like that. Thanks for letting me know!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"From super smash bros melee?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Isn't she like a worse version of [NAME]? I always hear from everyone that she is pretty trash.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"I was using story of the tower of Babel to say that from a [RELIGION] side people would all have the same skin colour anyway","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"[NAME] will love [NAME]. I wonder what the deal will look like if it happens.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"He's not interested, blessim...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"LN is flawed by design and BTCs limited on-chain capacity cannot carry mainstream LN onboarding.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Because it’s more fun?","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Where can you watch community? I can’t find it anywhere and it looks great.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Gotta pay sincere condiments for this rant... if I mustard the strength I'll ketchup to the topic.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"For free? Tell him you ain no prude. You want $100","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you, I hope you do too. You can always message me if you need to talk.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Nope, you're right, it's the same tweet you're thinking of, check the date.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Your hairline is further away than [NAME] hope of gaining subscribers while still having beef with you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Is this a mood?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"what does dw mean?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Because they're having to compete and so we get exposed to the weakest of the bunch.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Same old b.s.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"oh pls no","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"My son isn't old enough to remember his brother and my husband and I feel like that's a blessing.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Is she single?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Still haven't heard a good reason why the delay isn't shorter","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We really didn’t!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wtf? Really?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"But but r/49ers said it was just bad luck!","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Guys how are we doing? Asking because dumb TV in my country prefers Copa d'Italia to fucking Real Madrid lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You're right, it's relatable. Hope everything's OK for you","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"So You're going to become India... Because immigrants... Dude... If you got nothing just say so.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"then never drive because the person in the other lane could swerve over and kill you","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"In collage. Now tell me that ain't insecurrr...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks for your response","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I'm concerned for my fellow redditor. You seem to not be feeling well, and hallucinating. Shall we have a mod come check on you?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"That’s impressive you can tell that from the back of his head","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I like you.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"What's where the underwater level is.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sorry. I am avoiding arguments today. Enjoy the video.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Nope. Don't need rewards at all.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"If this is serious mate it’s not the kind of shit you should be posting on reddit","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I had the biggest smile!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Welcome to religion 101","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're right. Respect and honesty has never changed for me, though I realize that's naive","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Eh, I think that i'd rather jerk off tbh..","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I'm gonna think of a jojo reference for every situation, just you wait reddit. Just you wait...","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Says the guy not replying to any counter points lmao","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So word is we have eyes on [NAME]... I would be pretty amped to see him with a Jet on his shirt.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What was I expecting smh","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Yup, the cammer is at fault here.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Vitamin C is water soluble, you literally piss excess amount.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Truth. If he had time for another relationship, he has time to pay for it.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I had to watch x3 to make sure I didn't miss something 😂","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"They are new but got over 100 reviews in less than a month so I'm assuming they are just slammed. Thanks for the input","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I didn't say it was proof that anything was a scam with no future, perhaps you're projecting.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Anti-vaxers aren't funny anymore, now they're just scary...","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I can see why you’ll never be in a leadership position.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I'm sorry, I can't hear your useless badgering over me drinking my 38' from a wine bottle and enjoying my extra $200.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"You deserve WAY more upvotes","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It was a tweet a while back.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No! You can't have that one! That's a coconut cake!","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Thank fucking [NAME].","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"No or low contact. I don't have time for \"family\" that doesn't have basic courtesy for me.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I’m sure the hornet will be happy if their curse is over!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"i’n on a diet for my disease AND to lose weight therefore it cancels out boys, i’m scot free","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I do have few friends from there and it's a lovely nation too.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I never think someone is sincere when they say why “would I care if I’m being lied to” constantly?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"NEVER RUNNING FROM A REAL FIGHT!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"You should call the police and tell your friend maybe you can Stay over at his place","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] being 50-33 against winning teams kinda suggests it wouldn't matter that much if their division were better. Maybe have gone to 7 superbowls instead of 8.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I LOVE IT, I would love if they will make season 2... I really enjoyed it","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Its kinda odd,how theres always kinda a war between \"Party music\" and \"Feelings Music","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"It really do be like that","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I don't need to tell you how you're a paranoid conspiracy theorist you are doing an awesome job of that already!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I love this. you get a favorite.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"As a Florida girl I have no clue how you all have not died. I could never live there.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"So what you are saying is that you are not a serious guitarist is you use finger guards?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I want to keep [NAME], [NAME], and [NAME] (also [NAME], but he doesn't want to stay). Everyone else can go.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Knowing [NAME] he’d probably give [NAME] up for a 5th rounder smh","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I miss [NAME]","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I have no objection to nudity, but why is this a thing? So dumb.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"you're hilarious. Thanks for the entertainment this morning.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Unexpected Hail corporate.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Myers Briggs test is like the star sign for a different kind of nerd","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Leave it to a maintenance technician to not do it right the first time.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is a new level of entitlement. THE BATHROOM IS OUT OF ORDER! What makes you so entitled to use an OUT OF ORDER bathroom!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Damn Replays was pretty solid last year. But maybe he should go back to coaching.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"If a greedy and powerful few can make a buck they will.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you! And yet he's called about 5 of the same on Laca","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Reading this made me happy and I don't even know you. Keep doing your thing!🙌🏼","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Exactly, you need a Hollywood woman of age to pair off with him. Past 35 should be fine right?","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I wanna die!","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"You make it hard","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What about, hear me out now, 2max? It doesn't sound cool though. Could probably call it something else.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"thanks for the reply jzplayinggames, have a great weekend.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Now go to Gulag!!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This post made me smile, cute doggo","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"those comments are perplexing","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Girls screaming alone gives me horrible flashbacks","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"He already has a baby with his girlfriend who’s gorgeous","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Video games are great, but sometimes it’s nice to unplug and play a game of Jenga with your cat","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Dipo always be in our hearts. The one that got away","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Because they claim to be against [NAME], and they need something called \"votes\" to beat him?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love [NAME], but man I wish I knew what [NAME] would have been like here.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"stay strong!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"[NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I meant I wouldn't bring up wanting it to be vanilla and changing terms.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Parliament won't let a hard brexit go through, there are far too few MPs who would accept it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow... I’m so glad that my dog is lazy like me.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"This really tickled my anxiety. I hate it","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"That’s great! I hope s/he gets better!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Damn, that was brilliantly put. Thank you. I screenshotted it to use on Twitter. Is that ok?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Peak Ancap","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That may be — we are talking about the stock market, though. :)","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Trade up for Haskins. If that doesn't happen give me Greedy.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Good Job","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"If \"everything is political\" then nothing is political because it's all the same. You know what I meant by \"political\".","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Themmuns have everywhere infiltrated so they do !","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"From an Instagram post about the judge critiquing [NAME] look","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"When is EVO","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"No wonder why their logo always looks pissed","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I love it when people assume things.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Can’t wait to go to the Kings game. Especially if they bring this level of fire.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"This caught me off guard for real. I actually off my bed laughing. +1","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Oh I know. I was just pointing out that our current number one has consistency issues as well so we are used to it.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Thanks for the info! Great pic. I’ve saved it.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"cause he constantly hates on [NAME] for no reason other than Petry having the puck on his stick more than anyone else on the team","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Should be Colt Wesley Small Johnson","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lmao. Fuck, you got me good.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I went to your profile to see the other pics & saw your kitty. He's super cute!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh [NAME]!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Don’t I know it! I can’t believe this breading station thing is so enormous.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"That whole chart looks like something someone made up to post on incels.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well let’s hope so.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"r/patrig Edit: looks like someone already cross posted it there. That was fast.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Beast milk. My favourite!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"[NAME] was such a nice and calm person, he makes everything wholesome He was just like his paintings Realistic, Hard worked, and with tons of love","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Happy Birthday [NAME]. You wont read this message but itll be here.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I think I’ll go ahead and continue criticizing silly unfounded and harmful beliefs","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"She's still looking for her [NAME], maybe? :)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oscars are trying to be more hip and contemporary now, so don't be surprised if [NAME] and [NAME] win.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"that offense averaged 20 points a game. the same as this year and look where we are.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"-9 and I’m out shopping. Sun is out feels great.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Having good people around you is the most important part i am glad you found some good friends:)","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I heard the ostrich was sick.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"ah, it does me heart good to see NIMBYs in the wild","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Tf is a smartpass+?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Mongoose actually mate for life, and he can't leave his girl behind!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'M HERE","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I listened to this song the other day for the first time and... oh boy yeah","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"that's awesome-sometimes getting in the shower seems like an impossible undertaking but you did it","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":">!Did the name of the trophy gave away the twist to you?!<","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I will, Thank you!!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"WHAT!?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Nice, I saw them during the Demo and was pretty impressed","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thank you! Very cool!! 😎","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"When [NAME] dated the nurse just for drama with the STI....","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"For my next magic trick; watch me turn this bottle of fireball into domestic abuse","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":">slaps windshield This bad boy can fit so many Leds on it","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Surprised he's in. Imagined he was concussed. He was on another planet for a bit.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Hunting would at least be more rewarding and fun. Every time I wanna meal prep in RDO I just horseback ride and lock-on to deer.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"At some point, we all hate it. Hey it feels good to be real sometimes.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Can we forget that this moment happened","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"It smelled even worse than it sounds. You learn just how quickly someone's feet can rot and really stink up an entire bay.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Who said that","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He looks like [NAME] in Jackass 2 when they glued pubes to his face.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Awe that one was just for me but I really like the post","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"So they are up thanks","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Lmao. I still sing fun with the funk sometimes.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You probably just have a fashion preference, if you arn't dysphoric about it then you don't have another gender really.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Oh sorry my bad, didmt know","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"[NAME] career ended after he broke his foot when he kicked a seat while blacked out on a party after a Vikings game.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I would hope that Cartoon Network would have nothing to do with it. Would hate to see them \"Teen Titan\" ASOIAF.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"That’s exactly how mine is ! Wow that’s sort of funny there is an actual name For it 😳😔","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"It’s showing up on mobile aswell, the double slash is weird for me though, probably on his end","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"And no fall damage","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Same here. There's so much good to discover in any decade really.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I LOVED having him; every time [NAME] takes that 18 footer I expect to be automatic only to be very disappointed.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"is your dad very wealthy by any chance [NAME]","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Why is this still not banned","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Our soil needs the help! That would be a really unpleasant job.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Yep i always say this. Absolutely best case scenario is a foul ball. If he puts it in play it's probably a dribbler.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Haha I was thinking Utah but... Florida makes sense too. There’s a few crazy states 🤷🏼‍♀️","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Can’t believe a club paid $550k for Sandow that’s absurd.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"By not using Facebook as a barometer of success. Look at Facebook as a highlight reel and not what people are actually living,","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wiggins midrange magic!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Not from but I lived there for 12 years until very recently","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I do remember this and wanted nothing more than to kill that guy","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"For drunks is a paradise!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ignorance is unfortunately a part of mankind. We are still so Un-evolved","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I am really sorry for you, but oh my [NAME] this made me cry laughing. I hope the cat learns to like you eventually","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"nice!! I'll try this one","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"giving great [NAME] vibes","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The good [NAME]","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yes, would love a list of your favorites! I downloaded the app and it’s pretty great.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm talking about statement in 11 july, not 14 july. I think you are confused. I posted 11 july statement","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I wouldn’t mind [NAME] on a 4 year contract","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Pretty nice to see CONCACAF signing for the CPL.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"They were just gonna do a review parody of their favorite movie. What’s hard to understand?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Into another environment?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Man up and get yourself a date with a different woman.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The inventor of the joke came up with it during the [NAME] administration.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I think it’s [NAME]","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Yes because there is an optimal level that does not occur naturally.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They don’t. Conservatives want to characterize any scoopy news organization as unreliable because they can’t get ahead of them easily.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Did he actually knock himself out?!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"She’s way too gangly to be thrashing around - I was waiting for her to take out a light fixture.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah, I took it more like “not us, but the radicals” mb.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Left or center is more aesthetically pleasing than right justified.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"not writing some stats today [NAME]? just curious xD","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I wasn’t being sarcastic, I was just asking if you are morbidly obese.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're welcome, I think.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME], just keep doing exactly what you’re doing. I LOVE YOU SO MAAAACH.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Pick them up and put them outside.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is like aliens coming to this planet, taking you in as a pet, then surrounding you with mannequins. I’d be freaked out too.","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"Omfg. I meant [NAME]","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Waiting to see angry “pedos” or whatever they call themselves thinking this is fact and melting down over at t_d","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Because [NAME] base are also the kind of folk who like [NAME]. In the end it only helps him.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A horrendous amount of Sesame oil, god, that would be awful.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Bet you $20 she had more in her than 0.05 hell, more than 0.08 hmm...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sorry, realized I hadn’t answered the question lol. Was typing that when your response popped.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"His plan would have worked if [NAME] was not teleported by the writters for that dramatic (And nonsensical) part of the episode.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] is not fascist. Heck,she's not even alt-right","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"[NAME] you are a freak...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You conveniently aren't speaking to my assertion.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can't relate because the sadness and loneliness is constant 😎","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I love the night shift environment, but hate the lifestyle. I just can't do it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I think you should nourish it with activated almonds.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I wish that too.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"You know a giant lady as a character would be very interesting in my opinion.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I always keep my purse by my side. She is asking for trouble.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Stop crying already","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"That theater is huge","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Great! I love hotsssssssssssss","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I wanna see her debate [NAME]. He would shit all over her.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"oh gosh [NAME] had issues as well with someone and his leg i forgot.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I THOUGHT I HAD MY WILL ALREADY COPIED AND FORGOT I HAD THIS IN MY CLIPBOARD","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"In da club- 50 cent, when you need that extra motivation to finish the cake in a time crunch","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Heya, how would u rate this story? Esp compared to 2 before? ;)","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I would love it ... how does the chat thing work I’m pretty new here","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"That's way dangerous to keep then together they may break out and start feedig on the other ear buds to gain heir strength","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"It's good though because itll make you cherish the happy times while youre in them, instead of lookinf back on them.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Meditate. You may need to seek medical help. Good luck, friend.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I mean, it’s kind of her problem. She blithely makes so many mental errors.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"You are neither.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why do you feel like you have to figure out what life is alone?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Can't decide if that's because we're playing gritty basketball late or getting kinda lucky and an inevitable regression to the mean","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Pretty much yeah, it’s crazy that 2 years later that someone picked 56 picks later is better as a player","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Holy shit bro","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"If the answer is No, the kid dies. If the answer is yes, the kid also dies","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That poster is amazing. He needs to sell these online!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I hate people","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I guess u were right since [NAME] just posted on ig the Dress made of tampons and pads lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"What makes you say that?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] has the same amount of points as [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Alright OP here, I'm an [NAME] and this is not even close to how coupons work here. Didn't realise you [NAME] had such extreme coupons","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love [NAME] as well! He seems like a genuinely nice celebrity","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You should watch DS9. It's fantastic, and has a long story arc to follow.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME]. Starring [NAME] as the goofy and lovable [NAME].","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"The people that use the image and leave that braindead comment are sheep, nothing more nothing less.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Tiki Lounge always smells like sewage. I'm surprise it's lasted this long.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Dude, its **life** it's not **trauma**. Grow up","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Just reading this makes me sick","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"You can't jelly a ding-a-ling up the buttocks","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Bruh if y’all haven’t seen ‘Into the Spider-Verse’ yet you gotta stop what you’re doing and go see it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Remember, we still have freakin' Alaska","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"What bothers me is not the fact that someone disagrees with my lifestyle, it's that they constantly go on and on about..that would annoy anyone.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Right? Most days I wish I had really small ones so guys would look at ME instead of look at my body.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Wait, you don't love reading people's blog posts on Reddit?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Thanks Harvard!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"What makes it ok as it is?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"i am a man and i disagree. i mean you logic is worse if you believe it.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Thanks. And wow! Nice burn.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Wow those girls in the corner \"twerking\" were the best (worst?) part.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I love this contract structure especially since [NAME] is only 31.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Who wrote the IQ tests?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I remember running into teachers at the grocery store or whatever when I was a little kid and having that same feeling!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I'm impressed you found a non troll post of theirs.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You can always tell from the vote counts lol. They're way too blatant","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"> Iturriaga (Mexico) Oh yeah. that was a thing. How was we?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He also lost a QB battle to a 40 year old and rookie \"project\" QB that everyone thought needed to sit a year pre-draft.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Freedom is a cage\" -[NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hope his bare hands are as clean as the griddles. Ready to eat foods need to be handled with gloves . Very cool machine though .","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Yeah I think this is a well rounded pov. Agree.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Disgusting of you [NAME] you filthy who're you pedophilic scum trying to beguile our children it's not gonna work I got [NAME] castorated","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Watch the FO not sign anyone. That would be the most dodgers thing ever.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Oh, it's definitely working and that worries me a lot.","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"It's a repost but this space is too kindness for a downvote, take care","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"> Sure it might make the population 4:1 [RELIGION] but it's still an awefully large mibority The population already is 4:1 [RELIGION].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Everyone except [NAME] dying and [NAME] doesn’t know what happened","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"When giving birth is the only thing you’ve ever accomplished","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Can some hero type out all the rosters?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"IM DEAD WHERE DID U FIND THE HS MATE PART","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"22s. Good save. Doing [NAME] work.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"r/forhonor leaking again?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"No problem at all! If you ever want to talk to some internet random again, feel free to talk to me.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"They’re both in Austin..I don’t see [NAME] being someone to hang out with [NAME] more than the other way around.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She is :(","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol for real tho. But hey, we’re a football, soccer, and tennis school now","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Legit I just go to places and tell them to surprise me. That way I get to keep trying new types of food 🥘","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"[NAME] is the worst coach in bulls history","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Maybe she was attempting to be ironic? I dunno, man, people are just an enigma.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Im hoping for a relapse too. I like her better, her hair gets darker, her leather jacket comes out. I miss private practice [NAME]","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"No one drinks Old Style","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No like its legit cgi Edit: this comment has some value the entire thread has things to pick apart in it","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"When [NAME] and [NAME] left because they were a bit too male, I guess. Get woke; go broke.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is terrifying","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Joining the server when everyone's at 1/4hp and out of ammo, with no damage to your...uh...living room. Yeah, ggwp.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"not in the slightest. im actually dumbfounded.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"He's talking about the semifinal game between Bama and Clemson which Bama won 24-6","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I was there on the opposite side of the field. I did not believe he made that catch until we saw it later on tv. Unreal.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I don't know who wrote what, but good call - the d's are completely different from one to the other.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"So you're male then. Ps ur wrong bud","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Is that [NAME] as the commentator? EDIT: just finished the video, feel stupid now","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"This movie is highly underrated. Part of the problem it has is that Rogue One was SO FREAKING AWESOME!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"*oh god oh fuck*","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So you're gay, but you hate men? Yeah, good luck with that working out for you.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"[NAME], with his 8th appearance he's the most veteran player there","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I literally just finished watching the second episode of Daredevil. This pains me","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yikes. This kind of freaks me out.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Nope, my current response is that both the means and the ends are independently justified on their own accords.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Super excited to watch them in Syracuse next year. Might actually spring for season tickets","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"It's ok, it's just Gypsy Danger","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"becasue [NAME] is a propaganda meister, its his job. Come on now","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah, considering guns by themselves aren’t an issue (like I so thoroughly explained to you), that’s a valid argument.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Oh I thought this was about the Pistons making the playoffs. Since I wasn't paying attention to them, I actually thought it was possible. Ahahahahaha!","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"They’re just idiots parking there. No clue that it is a designated bike lane.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You got the true ending don't worry, you would only get the bad ending if you rat out your friends or accepted the deal","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Read divorce busting and kill all marriage counselors. As much as it sucks...youve been given a gift by him giving you time.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"There are plans to widen Parmer during the next few years.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"There is no assuming the worst. Its experience and taking things at face value.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Fcking disgusting.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Expected that. Thanks for your valuable feedback.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"oh, rich people loooooooooooooooooooove to prey on the poor, they couldn't bear not raping, mocking, humiliating, profiting from, the 99%","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"That’s how I outfitted my team in that awesome red and black colossus armor.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You know that mista mista lady? I think I just killed her. - [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Me too, [NAME]. Me too...","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Thank you for the info and source. My source is only from guides, experience, [NAME] videos, and [NAME] videos.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"They will be more than happy to hand you the matches, followed by the cuffs.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It is genuinely hard to imagine what the Magic basketball experience will be like when these two legends are no longer in their roles.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"you’re too lazy to google","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"It’s not unlikely that his family was already imprisoned or dead, which gave him the window to run.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"But I do I still love him and he still loves me but he says im too immature","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"would be US Biggest error ever","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She can take her boring, drunk husband with her. He's not interesting at all.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Petition to smite BuzzFeed and Vice off the face of the internet for the bs they post Thank you","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I honestly hope you do that","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Shouldn't be getting downvoted that's exactly what I thought the motive was","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Difficult to see how this video wouldn’t have been much more interesting if properly shot in landscape.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"“An eye for an eye” Proceeds to take 2 things away from killers","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes, we are going to kink shame you.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"You must be wrong, because this is the sub for intelligent people!!!","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Happy cake day!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Fantastic thanks! If there’s anything I can do to help you out with the interview or your first year teaching let me know!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Wrong. And UBI sucks unless you include an expansive social safety net too","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Just get him out of my sight I’m tired of losing and those who contribute to it","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":">Dumb, but wonderful. That's my kind of a pet. Silly,soft and adorable.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yo where they at, I want to celebrate with them.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Shut up about the sun! SHUT UP ABOUT THE SUN!!!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Imagine what he thinks of TLJ...","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Please post any news you may find about her fate. This is so sad and so wrong. We need to know what happens to her.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Why pay so much character and it feels so good. In the humble of 1996, the website was a skinny stoner with long hair.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"F then.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m so happy for you. Congrats and thanks for the advice","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Except it seems like the constant jerking off about DMC was one of the several things that could have led to them drifting apart.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Those words you used. I don't want to believe that exists.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I have the worst memory ever. Idk if it's from all the weed I smoked but I also have a blank mind like all the time.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"oooops... now you tell me???","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Upvote for buttfuckme.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He used to be a science teacher!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Calm down or we need to call the Senate to take further actions.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME]. Im sorry","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"I must've missed them. Looking again but if you have a moment can you link it?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Ain’t nothin good enough for her","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Lol, right? Who says that before banging? “Is you ovulatin?” SOOOO repulsive. 🤮🤮","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I have stories about some, lived in one that was $3500 a month and you had to sign a 3 month contract. Also not covered by insurance","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If you don't enjoy watching sonicfox compete can you really be a fan of the competitive scene?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Easy breezy beautiful cover girl","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Generally you are still a “teacher” but I’m not sure 100%. I know my instructional coach role is still “teacher” contract/pay.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I love your username...","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"His sister likes his Cox","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"THIS IS TRAUMATISING","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"What in the actual fuck are these refs doing right now.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can you please update me! I'm in the exact position! 24FHL with 21MLL","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Or getting lucky. Most [NAME] have jobs so their must be a way.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"They did that already","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'll take PVZ. Your flair: \"Maybe necks time","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you. Yeah this makes sense too. I could be blaming myself more than I should","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Get it out of the way as quickly as possible. Some people claim to like it, so maybe you'll be one of those weirdos.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Getting outplayed by the Cavaliers LOL. Maybe [NAME] and [NAME] can take more bricks this quarter, seems to be working so far","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I don't know why you even talk to human trash like this. Instead you should motivate him to leave her - at least that would be productive.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Excited for this project to be finished when I retire in 30 something years.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"So you’ve never had a fwb situation and if you have it made you worthless for a real relationship to other women? Hope this goes both ways","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"What’s the motive for doing this? To save on fuel by transporting as many people as possible in one go?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Thank you...next","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I saw in another thread that the kid had previously pranked the barber, and this was his way of getting back at him.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Are you an [NAME] or [NAME]?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wack. Oh heard some 17 year olds are doing it too.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Lol I always go with public speaking (\"but I'm trying to be better at it!!\").","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Oh right I was for reason thinking it was just made out with. Sleep with is even better. Sleep with [NAME], [NAME]!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Interesting. Never heard of it. Do you like it?","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Then I'll be accused of being a racist.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Yet, the Blue Bell crowd still worships this half ass ice cream, full of artificial flavors and HFCS.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol it's a public sidewalk, I wouldn't call it their set","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Love me some sushi! Have yo give this a try!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"That's literally impossible.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"What a game.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Hey quick brag, this post was read by [NAME], episode 63! I'm actually really excited, he's one of my favorites.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Ah TDS victim, got it.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"What a horseshit response","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"It still hurts 15 years later. I don't know how people can be so callous their own child","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So he is half decent. Glad to see your finally making some sense.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME] I wish that was a more active sub :(","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Asides from the max number of choices each share, probably being shamed on the internet","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Just borrow against your 401k, it would be stupid not to. Unless you plan to retire in hell.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Recently Retired cop here. I love to see this. This is what he’s fighting to stop.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Best sub ever","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I want Cowboys and Bears to win so the Raiders draft picks are at best picks 25 & 26","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"oh the irony","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"They would be part of a nation controlled by the media.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You can't expect him to like food","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Good idea, brought to the table by a questionable at best minister, likely for the purpose of shifting focus away from his failures.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"i think the telekinesis could make a great card. sth like: move an enemy card to another position and stun its new neighbors for this round.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thoughts and Prayers... Go get fucked, fascist redneck scum!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Maybe you can't, but plenty of other people would be able to.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Trier is low key an awful defender","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I cant wait. I'm curious if it will give us any more insight into the incident other than what we already know.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I remember when wall Wal Mart tried to \"overtake\" the German market. Eat this Wal Mart.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Omg I just looked it up and all the places look so beautiful there 😍 also I’m sorry that it’s homophobic","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is something kids do on their twitch streams to get subs, pretty sad.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Yikes I cringed hard","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Every time, lots of people overwhelm me. I have light sensitivity to florescents so that doesn't help.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"What does Obamacare have to do with that? [NAME] dropped the employer mandate because he was afraid that [NAME] wouldn't like it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow you really can’t handle losing can you?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"ATTACH THE STONE OF TRIUMPH!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No idea but as of last year there was a cat that liked to hang out there. Hope he’s okay ❤️","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"[NAME] can be my friend!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Cheers to that, girl. 🥂","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It inhales you ignorant octorok","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"How dare you, she's in your flair too!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"You don’t know how many screens it’s playing on in his room","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"But the best part is the struggle snuggle as we like to call it.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Seriously?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"That's a maryland fan comment. You should be ashamed of yourself.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Bless you.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Dumb question: what's a gilding train?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"The wage, you Fucking troll. But you don't care do you? See your post history.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Happy MLK day","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Good point. Thank you. My condolences for your own loss.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Same.. If I'm particularly stressed out someone just walking down the same road as me feels like they're invading my space.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Why yes that ass is flawless","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"im done with my break im going to make more i promise","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No, he's fine. It doesnt compact","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"RNG-based access to very important mechanics is frustrating for some people.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"It is. It’s so bad. Then I start blaming myself for liking them. It’s like I have no control over this.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"True.. but it just seems weird that of all the ways [NAME] could have died in that throne room, he was killed by being cut in half.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"As in when totalitarians show up in solidarity with those \"normal\" people? If you're attracting ANTIFA, you're not normal.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes I keep hearing it’s a great and eye opening read so it on my to read list. thanks 👍","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It is certainly interesting.....but is it anything?.....","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"2010: The Year We Made the Super Bowl","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love this cross-over","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I’m scared of shots, but I’m more scared of dying. What Anti-vaxxers are scared of is autism","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Have you pulled an updated Batch Guidance sheet? If your tossing a lot of coffee out, it sounds like you might be brewing too much.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It would be cool but I like his commentating too much lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Gotta love acid","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"nothing special? I drop stuff like this mate","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"This does not have to be juice I don’t think. Six months is a long time","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Some very fine, well developed grade school humor right there.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] is clearly our 5th best player","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Thanks [NAME] for holding on to our $17.5M. We will be needing that back though.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Wow. Thanks for this.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Maybe I’m unsure of that","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I agree with this, but I'm guessing it's because he works from home and can work anywhere while she can't.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Well everyone is entitled to their opinion but I think you need to be a bit more mature about everyone having different bodies","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Try honing I’m on your art skills! Wood carving, wood burning, mosaics, stained glass, painting, etc. Sell your work!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm as big a packers fan as the next guy, but that car is ugly lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I'm guessing that it maybe due to being overwhelmed w/ responses and having a relatively small staff to go through all the forms.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"American democracy is weak but it's not dead. If the intention of your comment was to discourage people from voting then you are the problem.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"This will not happen bru","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well done! Keep it going mate. If you’re struggling reach out to whoever you can!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Glad someone brought that up.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Ahhh, I see it now. Thanks.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"You’re a life saver, wish you a blessed new year","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Congrats on the sex!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Nasty, nasty, nasty... Really *can't* understand why she is a 300lb human. s/","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So which is more profitable for producers, brick n mortar or digital distribution? Which makes more money?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"yeah I agree w you, just annoying that the limit is so small","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That doesn't answer my question.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I'm sorry you needed to add this. I thought your humour was pretty obvious, but this is reddit....","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Firm, but gentle. Baby hamsters or live goldfish. Soft female hands caressing my balls is a wonderful feeling.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"All the people in this thread are fucking disgusting","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Sadly enough I was thinking the same.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"you dirty karma theft","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I do but I like my job. I just hate the fact I HAVE to go do it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"College basketball just big leagued the UFC. We've to wait for it to finish I think.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"SHE. IS. THE. FUCKING. WORST. P.S. You’re not fat, you just need a stylist. 🙄","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I've seen that profile picture before..this guy is a repeat offender","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Yes! My SO does that, unfortunately the requirements are stricter and I can't :(","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"No because thats stupid","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Lol I hate this too!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I feel a sense of unease tbh","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"middle of lane is dumb that’s where all the oil pools, lane split seems like no one likes it but that’s more understandable","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"That doesn’t even look like her! Except the [NAME] in the background, now that’s the one we know and love.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Oh that's good!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I believe it was clear I disagreed. And I don’t play wow.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Let's get things back on track! Happy new year!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"This is exactly what it's been like. I feel personally victimised by it all","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Enjoy it! You have a good one for your first!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"When I get real pissed I just do R2 then R3 after lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I love how their comparing [NAME] one shtick (not including highlighter) to the comedy skills of queens with actual performance talents.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"You mean anti-intelligent","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"That's not cute","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I'm glad you did because this was the comment where I stopped my fast scroll haha.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"damn that kid can jump","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Yow thats gnarly.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Trade [NAME] and see if he plays [NAME] over [NAME]. let's see what kinda coach we're dealing with here.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He’s had nightmares ever since the storm","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"you in the wrong *childhood*","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"shockingly close to reality.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Hold up you saying you wouldnt do that to the necromancer?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Don't chase after out of position teammates. Your life as a Mercy is more important. Let them fools die and learn their lesson.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"But what’s the point of not having the brakes?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Great post! I have tried online dating in the past and I've noticed these things before.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I’d be verrrrrrrry nervous if we hired him. Would love him as an OC tho","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Everyone’s ageing on here like the milk my flatmate left on the kitchen counter over the holidays","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"GINO!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Out the playoffs [NAME] already showed he can't lead that Pacers team when [NAME] went down.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Still can't see. Thanks.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Your TLDR sucks","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I wondered the same thing. I never knew that this is a thing.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I like this new trend","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I'd buy this and use the \"wash, dry, fold\" setting exclusively. Sounds great to me.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Best bedtime Christmas story ever.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Hey it’s not bad though! Quick recovery, just follow their rules! Good luck!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Hmm, I didn't notice that change ... will pay attention ..","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"... that's simply wrong.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I think for some reason she thinks the money out weighs a normal childhood for her daughter.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is like the timeline from hell.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Really worried about NISA translating it, but at this point I don't care any more, as long as we get an english version of it.","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"Don’t forget to re-equip them for every specialist every time you prestige too! Oh and the emotes too if you like donating kills!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's also complicated because a lot of videogame media outlets quote him","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"It was some other girls","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No because it's been a steady decline over 20 months.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Witness me, I will ride historic, dusty and lacquered, on the country road","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The food you are putting in your mouth is causing obesity. Stop abusing it. A higher body weight is the cause of your increased risk of ILLNESSES","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"She's been fired and shamed out of existence. Good riddance.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"They r playing","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"There's no excuse for him not reciprocating it's pure laziness. What about a 69?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Mmm... chocolate weekends are my favorite.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"R4, 9. You’ve had many chances. Banned.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Aw thanks!!!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I love music but I haven't given a shit about the Triple J's Hottest 100 in at least 10 years","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Does windows xp count as odd or even?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Quite superpower you got there, op. Reminds me of [NAME] in Unbreakable. U beautiful person!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Keep going man. I’ve been enjoying reading your posts. All the best!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"This thread was actually inspired by one of your comments","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I saw it when it was at the Mackintosh Church in Glasgow, it’s pretty impressive.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Ghostbusters 2: ghost-bustier ?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Cheers! :)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh, the show that had [NAME]? Yeah screw him.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"That’s better:-) now go get em tiger","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This would be very much appreciated.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Damn, sometimes I love people here.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"> If you actually believe they are still a threat oh, if only it *were* up to me...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"ha ha LOL guys aren't we so QuIrKyyyy","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Grant us pies, grant us pies.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's what I came here for, thanks","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"He doesn't actually run a 4.49. It's a little deceiving because he's pretty sneaky, so I can understand you being confused.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Please enlighten us","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"i got the auto reply a day ago","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I like her too! I hope she does well and stays away from [NAME].","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"What u doing dame","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Thank you so much. I fixed it","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I have already played with one friend, and we get along. But there was another guy i haven't played with before.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No thanks probably stank af.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"As someone who has polluted their body with copious amounts of sugar, I somewhat doubt steroids are any worse. Abuse anything and it will hurt you.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":". I’m a dude so I took sleeping medication and meditation alike, not respect/reverence for one day dammit.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love [NAME] already","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I really like this ring so I’m glad to hear that.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm just really sad all that cake was wasted.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"wow this seems like a huge ᴡᴀsᴛᴇ ᴏ- ᴡᴀɪᴛ ᴀ ᴍɪɴᴜᴛᴇ. ɴᴏ, ᴛʜɪs ɪs ɢᴏᴏᴅ","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Okay rude. Leave [NAME] alone and where he is please. I’ve been rooting for this kid since his first match.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"there's a lot of lol revs people whenever [NAME] tweets something like this","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Keep your head up","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie. #peetoo","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"... I don't feel like your comment is from an objective point of view... Thanks though.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Not sure why [NAME] didn't foul to stop the fast break there","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"*french canadian fuck. They are the only ones who use it even though pretty much any french speaker knows what it means","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Honestly right now I just need to know why our usernames are so similar. Haha...","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"What a beautiful memory for you to have found. So sorry for your loss ❤️","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Thank god I'm not dating anymore. I wouldn't want to risk some girl I'm trying to bang seeing my reddit history.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Yes, thank [NAME] the wisest of [NAME] live outside your country","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Dam 😣 that was awesome!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yes owe I believe 13,000$ something on it currently.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"You give me too much credit... That comment is as trash as the meme","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Just keep a spray bottle of rubbing alcohol on hand! It melts the ice and doesn't freeze.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow, really have to hand it to you on knowing 6600 S Harvard beautiful big old homes down there!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"“I couldn’t, I wouldn’t” you said it ;)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Is this coming to ps4 at same time?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No thanks, he’s already been flushed","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Honestly his post was a little sad. The fact that it got upvotes makes me want to avoid this sub over the summer.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"At my job I can/Do get laid a lot so the second one!!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Wtfffff why can’t I have all of the benefits and none of the consequences :( :(","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Yeah that was inexcusable","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I made one comment, and you came in to call it childish..... like, what else are you doing besides badgering?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"How generous :) you must really make them happy. Good on you for that","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thank [NAME] for the person walking down the sidewalk otherwise i would have thought it was a loop immidiately","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Taking deep, measured breaths usually helps me regain my composure","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol they’re so caught. “It’s not what it looks like! We hate each other!”","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Haha I didnt even notice. I guess it does.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Thanks fam jam.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"You will have symptoms for a few more weeks while it kicks in, good luck, glad to see youre doing better","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Omg actually?! I mean no judgment , I am just SHOOK","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"He loves buying people beer. He got into that industry to buy people beer.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Nuh uh. She didn't go to Gudger College.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Offense does too. Love [NAME] but he's hurting our spacing being out there so much.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Yes, you do live in a clown world, laugh it up, degenerate.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Online gaming is toxic. If those cuts were ever tapped, there would be lots of people in jail.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Thanks. I'll be phoning the psych tomorrow (maybe) about med increase since I'm on the lowest anyways.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"CANADA! HOW ARE YA, NOW?","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I can see the place where I grew up on here :)","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"TURN OFF YOUR ELECTRICAL DEVICES AS FAST AS YOU CAN","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"...I mean, that part isn't necessarily wrong. It's Iowa...","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Nor are they common in the UK. Never seen one in the middle.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They should just give us the cup now and save everyone some time","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think bluey is quite possibly the greatest kids s how I've ever seen So quintessentially Aussie, nails family life, funny as hell. Love it","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is gonna get worse before it gets better.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Do you.....have a certificate showing you're not a donkey-brained man?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"As a whole, yes, if it wasn't for Classified being the greatest thing to come to zombies since bo1, then I'd have to agree.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"what a beast","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Love this guy, love this team","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Right on [NAME] having a big year, but [NAME] was super disappointing this year.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"It’s not even bad. Some people love dark humor, especially when delivered in a super serious way.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I only watch bad animes sorry","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Man I love this team. No I hate this team. No I love this team!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Thanks for this.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"You have a talent use it, take your time would love some pop kids melodies etc subscribers will come for sure","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"woah this is a reversal of the norm you took a meme from instagram to reddit","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"[NAME] and [NAME] = The hero's we need, but not the hero's we deserve.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yep, just back to how it was before, but this time with little public support as we are all pissed of with it all","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Dude this is a repost from [NAME] you can see When you go into the comments","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Nice try Mommy shark","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"And ignoring how \"magic\" works in the same way you support your arguments.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’ve still not noticed the kid","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"But for real. Like, phones, you guys. Am I right?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Wonder if it’s possible for [NAME] to engage with a polite fan in a magnanimous way.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Also op I have my associates on top of my bachelors? Whatchu mean","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I for one am happy for [NAME] ballin out. Now let's go win this game !!!!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"If you think all manufactured foods haven't got those contaminants then you're sadly mistaken.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Just search her in this group you will find tons of info to see why people think that. I don’t have time to type everything out","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"4 x zero traction is still zero traction.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love how he looks around for a flag and doesn’t celebrate at first","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"This a very obvious joke. Also the old facepalm picture doesn't make your post better.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Stay in bed and binge watch a new show, my suggestion Brooklyn 99","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Way to go! I know who this couple is! they appear really happy!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"He is but he's a normie. A 2/10 would be treated like a pariah at a dance class.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"O cool noworries ya I don't actually hate [NAME] he's now my favorite player for Vegas.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Could you explain what you mean by \"both sides\" crap?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Omg I commented on your original post. I hope you’re doing better and I’m glad this all came out and you got closure.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Right. He didn't even say a word. I feel like I've seen this before tho.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"And we'll be surrounded by friends","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The Future is BIG!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] have a solid minute lol. [NAME] can’t sit at all tonight","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Intersectionality might seem strange at first, but it really is a good framework for understanding people’s individual struggles within the context of society’s biases.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"We’re used to crazy cold weather but this is much worse, a lot of people are just staying inside till Thursday.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"ironic/profoundly tragic. tomato/to-mah-to","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Personally really enjoyed it. Have it in my top 3 AC games with AC2 and Black Flag in there too.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Did anyone see [NAME] get pushed around by [NAME] and [NAME] in the post win lineup? I burst out laughing!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Your friend must have had a horrible time writing papers if adjectives like that were off limits","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's quite a lot worse tbh","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Listening to his speeches are truly moving!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I know right. It feels really good when someone acknowledges your existence. I hope more moments like these come for you.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Sad, but American","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Wish they would of given air vehicles some love. A lot of ace pilots hated the game.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"I love it","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Not in the slightest. Who would have guessed the [NAME] would do this LMAO.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Wow. Did u say yes?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"His returns or his W2?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Wouldn't the powder be derived from the crystalline MDMA?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Omg two little blankets for your penis. LOVE THAT.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I like how people are downvoting when this is how so many military coups have happened. I challenge those who downvote to prove me wrong","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Yep. In Sixth grade a boy named [NAME] just stabbed me in the stomach with a pencil.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow, I remember having this kind of meal a lot as a kid.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Wow that’s like - sound porn.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"if only we could blast this type of stuff out there for everyone to hear, then we might just get get those neo libs to the realization.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"lmao I love this, I love speaking nonsense to myself as well","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"R&M is still a good show but it's fans have driven it to Fortnite levels of annoyance.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Personally though I like to think of myself as a normy or a snowflake just without negative correlation. C;","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The bitch doesnt need drag race (bc shes amazing) but im still sad.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Download it again.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Being lonely without him is far better than being lonely with him. Good line. I'm stealing that one!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I don't think either of them took that bump outside any worse than the other. That was jarring.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"some people just want attention..lol","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Youre right...shes one of my least fav characters. I think they use her as a straight foil in alot of episodes.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"i'll take 2","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"FANTASTIC, was watching this episode last night. [NAME] is great.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"BUT SHE WENT TO A HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGE AND IS PART OF A BLACK GREEK SORORITY!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"PS4 with pure vanilla setting, after a little practice counter GB and feint is the easiest thing to do","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"We’re a second half team. We got this. COYG!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I mean, sept is a prefix for seven. Even if it isn’t the right one for that problem...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Correlation is causation as long as it doesn't lump me in with them!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sorry to hear about that and hope you have moved on.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Canada is full of nice people, but has also produced some pretty gnarly serial killers, so...","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Nobody should keep any around that is this ass-cracked to oblivion.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Presuming you are in the mitten as well. Solidarity sister. My house too looks like a bomb went off and my toddler hates clothes.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This. This is too realistic man. Too late for this too.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Organs are literal superfoods and it weirds me out there hasn't been some fad diet with them yet.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"You too huh?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"toxic players will sure show you the ways soon enough. Hope you got the game for free.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"[NAME] is Television. Got it. He's too misogynistic to be the Patti Smith Group.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Great! I hope we can make our loan system work better","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Super glad this is now all nice and official! Really looking forward to working the NGS peeps!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I have 3 words. More Material Needed.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Word salad. You want America to do Afghanistan's job for them. It's not happening, those days are over.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I could but it's been a few months so you'll have to one","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Rice grad here, can confirm, am owl.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I’ll join your cause brother!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Yea no problem just be aware that when you are trying to aim at someone it can lock onto the wrong target because of the bigger lock on area","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"It's good if you hate workers and love pollution","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Is anyone forced to work in prison?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Has he?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"You should be so lucky.\" Bonus points if they get confused.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Outrage over something that isnt even true. Thats sad man Edit: well the bandwaggoning part is true","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"he's a con artist. they're pretty good at making themselves sound smart and capable.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Some Leftist ideologies frown upon SocDems as counterrevolutionary. Don’t agree with it, but that’s the thought process.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Same...except that I'm not good looking :","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Dump her. Shes not committed to you","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] sweetie i’m so sorry","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"His army of Swedish blondes are going to be upset.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":">Sorry, but any city that had any kind of ~~epidemic in its~~ history will have bunches of dead people buried under it.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"I agree. There was just a big disconnect. They weren't talking specifically about masculinity but about certain situations that are toxic.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Similar but I don't think identical to this","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"This makes me so happy!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"our boi famous","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yeah... THEY are the one looking for attention. This type of comments should be ignored. I hate troll comments.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I saw a lot of it on Tumblr. A lot of young girls doing the \"ana-butterfly\" thing.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] fan mad, very mad","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I disagree. In that I believe that season 3 was also very good. I think it's better than season 4.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"We're one in the same!!!!!!!!!!!😂😂😂😂","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Nobody likes you nonhuman mimics and everyone knows what you are.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Hold my wine, I have to go vomit in sorrow.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"The Mavs would probably have to give up some picks as well","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Good. They can afford it.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You'll find a few down South, too. No surprise.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I know, I know, but CAN YOU BLAME ME FOR BEING NERVOUS","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"You are. It's the cat. She looked away right when you turned the camera over towards her. She'd deliberately trying to mislead you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My wife would say that all of the above and another dozen more are cheating...and she wonders why I’ve fucked other women...","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that the name changes had more to do with legal issues then geographical ones.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Exactly. So many people live here because they love public transit. It is an ammenity. NJ is not trying to make a profit from the PATH.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"And that he’s not white","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Didn't even take a sip of the wine, and he still got wasted.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This really circled my jerk","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I try to get close but I get pushed away. I try to back away and now I've just backed away.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"To match the Mets green st paddy’s jerseys","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Got me spitted coffee all over my phone🤣","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I'm my parents' first and only child.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I honestly loved her performance as [NAME] in Scott Pilgrim. But then again I also love Scott Pilgrim so...","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Just like that fucking idiot that was just trying to kidnap that woman, and chased her into a Karate studio... turned out just about the same.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Love the alliteration here.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Try Venezuela. It's your communist utopia in action.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I'm not saying to hate them, I'm wondering why this sub just started worshiping them.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Had to sober up before I could figure out YouTube, but that was amazing.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Ugh. [NAME] [NAME] (another British celeb)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why is it that EVERY SINGLE TIME ONE OF THESE HAPPENS I’m only like a day late","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":">Shouldn’t the Bible be infallible No. That would be idolatry. Only [NAME] is infallible,","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks for the help.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It’s the format. It’s like one of those bad [NAME] memes","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"He's not sure it's still relevant.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Sorry you can’t enjoy things cause other people enjoy them lol. Your loss","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"My jersey has the great number 10 on it!!","label":21,"emotion":"pride"} {"text":"No doubt would start at wing. We need help there and it would help ease him in","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She was 100% more likable on the tell-all than she was in the show. She may deserve that sweet husband of hers yet!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This just makes me feel inferior at this point.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Terrible shade of lipstick she's wearing...","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"If a crime is committed, you can contact the police and report it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Right. The mantra at my school is that we don't give grades, kids earn them.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lmao, your joke did not go unnoticed to me!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"All I can say is.. good luck bro","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Hm, I haven’t heard that opinion before but it sounds good. Thanks for the advice!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"We were all that way when we were 17 too","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh of course!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I think most of these pictures would be much scarier if we had the perspective of the guy","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hurr durr everyone needs to worry about other people’s problems","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Before he was riding a Bronco he was riding your mom.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Physical copies at my preffered online retailer actually sold out. Its crazy. For all platforms.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Officially worse than Telkom. Well done vuma","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Parents drugging their kids to prove a point. I love it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Wasnt much to ruin.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wait, they're not? *looks closer* Huh.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Article is behind a pay wall","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"In many states the law prosecutes the server just as harsh as the lawbreakers when it comes to alcohol. Dram shop law","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"You're in the wrong subs","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Haha, some days I channel Dory from finding nemo- \"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming\". Glad to hear you have a break coming.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"[NAME] being discussed as top 15-20 pick, [NAME] top 5 and [NAME] early round 2. This would be the most amazing draft ever though lol","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yet we keep supporting this race to the bottom to the worst tolerable option...","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Yeah that's what I just got. Fkin annoying.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I love reading positive stories!! Happy for you, OP!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"You’ll struggle to get premier league tickets (without paying a hefty premium) so concentrate on the lower leagues.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Between POM, Mata and Stockdale for me","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I believe it was the \"Master Batters.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And I taught my room was dirty and that I was not taking care of my self. Good job op","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Pretty sure it was New Orleans.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"KUBIAK WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN US???","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I agree. I was merely attacking the fragility and ineffectiveness of democracy. Thanks for the example!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I never understood the part where he dives into a pile of money, even as a child. It seems wildly painful.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Oh alright fair enough haha. If the sabres dont pan out I'll root for him also!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Please tell me that's not real... I haven't played the Assassin's Creed games... But do they really include such an obnoxious disclaimer?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Eh, says who? Anyway, I like being by myself. I'm by myself right now.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Ur a silly goose","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Funny how that works! Thanks for digging up the link, I've been on a 90s ska nostalgia trip ever since I clicked it :P","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"It's actually pretty cool in here today, not hot at all","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thanks, I find your poor implementation of punctuation to be very amusing. It's good that there's something we can enjoy about each other.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"This has to be a joke. Your written word is atrocious.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Hey mods... let's not allow articles pushing unsubstantiated rumour from poor sources","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Why not? Just go for it. It'll make a great story to tell at your 50th wedding anniversary party.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I've said it before, and I'll say it again. \"I don't want fucking unity with racists who put children in cages\".","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"This is an uninformed and incorrect statement. It doesn’t take even close to that long.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Nah man I prefer endless cause of the part where he goes WOMWOMWOMWOMWOMWOM WOOOOOO REEEEEEEEE like that's lyrical genius right there","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Feeling is exhausting. They used to feel those things and now they feel nothing because they're so burnt out and tired","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"lol, as he goes down on you he suddenly screams into your vagina \"THE BEES THE BEES\".","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Same outfit as the cute art school barista that works at my coffee shop","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That looks like food for a 12 year old.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I have been abusive.\" This was before I even realised his narcissistic characteristics.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"What GDP growth? The one that barely broke 3-4% since 1984 and has dwindled to 1-2% to 0 to negative 1%?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Ah man I finished RDR2 twice, so decided to try out GTA V and ran into [NAME] last night! Awesome character!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Ah yes, the poison. The worst part of any poisoning.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Surprised to not see Three Arrows on the list when he went from no videos at all to over 100,000 subscribers just in the course of 2018.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I don't remember, it was all very hazy...","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Scary stuff.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I love this!!! You got it!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Do you think the kid was crazy or was the mom crazy? Or do you think it was a bit of both?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"But he makes her vagina sing! How else is she supposed to act around him. Haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"are you a genji main cause i feel the same way","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He was a part owner but did he also make videos promoting the sites?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I like your style, let's not wait on any historians to miss any opportunities.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Huskies are better than Malamutes fight me [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Starving in the belly, starving in the belly, starving in the belly of a whale","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They had a similar panel last year. It's definitely worth a watch.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Better hope nobody steals your keys","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"What about fees? Much of the hit for a payday loan isn't interest, technically, it's fees.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"that's really good","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Every time I see someone walking around with their toddler now all I can think is *poor basrard, he has no idea what's coming*.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"ooohhhh when he look at the camera at the end it's the cutest shit ever","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"But I think his feelings care about the fact that he's still not tall enough to ride any of the roller coasters at Disneyland","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I love how serious and mad cats get when the dog starts messing around with them all playful","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"That sucks man, I'm sorry. Things will get better, they always do in the end","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Ah ok, that makes more sense. I don’t think most [NAME] would see your last name and try to make it French, lol.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Doubt that. Skins for [NAME], [NAME] and [NAME] don't change the shape of their wings, so why should they for [NAME]?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"More accurate, relevant map","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"1.283 on a comment but I don't really go after normal posts for karma","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I sure hope so! Otherwise, I've been in the wrong sub.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Yeah, sadly, looks like this champ will be pretty opressive.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Just a minute... I’m late for GOLF!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] is another worthless [NAME]. Utah is unbelievably stupid for voting for him.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can’t wait for the saas drama!!! 😂😂","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Yeah I know what you meant. Fuck the police, most of them are vile pieces of shit, they deserve every kick in the back they get.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"What a turnaround.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I don’t really have much to say. There’s a bad idea, and there’s straight up disgusting.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"You should like a troll. Not saying you are.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Meanwhile my sister won’t even hug my goodbye when I drop her off at school.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"She does it again in last nights episode, it’s so shady!!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I definitely saw a tweet where someone threw their razor in their toilet. They’re gonna have to fish it out sometime...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's not free, though. It's ridiculously expensive.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Heh, don't know how it was back then but I'd really suggest giving it a spin now - it's like life-consumingly good!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That is patently false, considering his history of driving multiple businesses into the ground.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"It’s time for some moderator field work!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Pretty sure you could do that with a cargo ship too, so I'm not sure I buy that argument.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"[NAME] has some great videos on the guy. He's definitely a piece of work.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Hahahahahahahaa (Sorry, that is all I can say, it does not require a more intelligible comment.)","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"A lot of software guys are. Source: in software","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh. Damn.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Don't do that.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] damn hippies","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Haha fair enough. Lucky you :P","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I'm happy I live in a country where machete attacks don't have to be a real concern.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Game of the conference season so far and ESPN screws up the stream with only a link to the game in Spanish?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Right like interacting with each other having a normal evening? Ugh they’re both so trashy I’m sorry.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Thanks so much! Im not sure if its directly from youtube its","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Now this REALLY sucks","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Looks like this person just solved the world’s starvation problem. Get a Nobel Prize ready for them!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I wish I had known this when my kitty ran off years ago. 😭","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"he's still alive?? didn't he die?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"THIS BULLSHIT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER. SIGNATURE WIN. [NAME] SMELLS LIKE SHIT AND DOESN'T RECYCLE.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Pfft, you should see fortnite. I know people who have spent thousands of dollars on llamas and skins.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That would involve reading, and redhats aren't so good at that.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This makes me very happy, thank you for sharing!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I was just gonna say this look like fake karma.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Furthermore the kids are staying with you and wife can move out of the family home and back in with MIL.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sooner or later you're both going to have to make some choices about your priorities.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you for your service","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"*OOH* *AH* *OW*","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"They just need to clean the bathroom better.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I don't mean at Blizzcon but shortly after, like a week, imo that would have been for the best for the players and everyone involved","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Hello fellow Nashville Lions Fan!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He said sexist not sexiest.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Anyway, it's 00:33 am here at the moment, so I'm gonna head to bed. Thank you for reading and good night :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"On PS4 it's very toxic. I would imagine it is the same over on Xbox One aswell","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Did you maybe get Tag and Hide and Seek confused ?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Honestly could be faster to just install ublock real quick.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No it’s definitely you. Time for you to grow up.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Sorry if this has been covered a bunch but what happened on the play where [NAME] got injured?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Butter bronzer-physicians formula and I HATE the smell. I haven’t really played w it but wow, so scented.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I wanna take the hardware out of that guy's face with a pair of pliers.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] follows me on Instagram so it's ok.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Girls super-like?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Some aren't. Either way it's a mystery how they obrained so many M1s.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They don't even have that anymore, since [NAME] up and left the party.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Definitely not just on this sub. I keep seeing them on Instagram too.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Do your research = listen to anecdotal evidence from users(totally reliable!) and try it out, just be comfy!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A good therapist can lead you to talking about what you need to talk about once they get to know you and your emotions and trends","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Idk if I’m wrong but I think they gave her some piercings on her ear which are cool too","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"As soon as I read the title the music for this game started playing in my head.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We're not a democracy. WE'RE A COUNTRY","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Needed a good laugh today 😂","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I'd rather die than drive a Volvo!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"cars don't start, sometimes car doors are frozen shut. that's the worst of what i've experienced.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Best of luck mate. I’ve yet to reach my limit but this brought me closer","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"These damn kids with their Rage Against the Machine and their nae-naeing.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is absolutely precious","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Lol that’s incredible! PLO is such an amazing game, so much more entertaining than NLH. Good job pal.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Unpack it, spread it around, share your fatphobia with everyone!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol nope. She helped me alot through it. I'd say [RELIGION]/parents made me miserable","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You really shouldn’t just pat wolves you know...","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"[NAME] has continued to show how selfish she is throughout the years..we shouldn't be surprised at this. [NAME] forbid she be the bigger person for the kids.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"thank you SO SO much for your help <3","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"How autistic.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You say only other escape but it's almost guaranteed to save you and makes [NAME] way safer than any other assassin","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I appreciate it! I spent a lot of time crafting a story I wanted to tell.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"oh yah, no worries. I appreciate your time and thoughtfulness.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"THIS MADE ME CRY","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"This is the most high school post I’ve ever seen on this subreddit.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh I know lol I overdid it w that comparison. The point is singers have shit vocal nights but that doesn’t make them unprofessional. Shit happens.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Idk it’s your choice","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He’s gone soon I would imagine, hope we can get a late-mid round pick for him, like a 5th","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I like him 1.thats why I agree to go on a 2nd and 3rd date, 2. we text a lot. I just take things slow.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":" Alright Little orphan [NAME], it's time for you to start earning your keep around here!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Yeah that's not nearly as dramatic and aggressive as the ball in the above video.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I doubt I'll ever own one of those, I'm a bookworm and I love the smell of old books. Thanks for the info, nonetheless.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Lol there you go. Forgot to switch back from your alt for a second there.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I love [NAME], but this sounds like he’s claiming signing a 26 year old superstar is stupid. Come on.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"This is his speculation or a leak?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I live downtown and walk around at odd hours of the night all the time. Love the empty and abandoned feel of the city.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Got a good laugh out of that. Plenty of wall of shame material.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"FYI… the [NAME] has these in their kitchen in “ That 70s Show.”","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Some of them will have to get new vehicles to meet the requirements. That means we get cleaner air. Where's the problem exactly?","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Awesome! Thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"They cannot bypass racial discrimination without facing a serious backlash.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Humanity is doomed","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Probably vallied out man haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Maybe you'll get lucky and it will fall apart before they go through with it.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"He's 38 he should retire I hope he at least gets traded to a contender","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Thank [NAME] she did the math for us","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Y’all out here really believing this and I think that’s the funniest part","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"They were barely given a chance","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh absolutely. No way he should run in 2020. I don't know what alternatives there are though.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"how blurry this photo is r/mildlyinfuriating","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"We also one because [NAME] straight took that game over late.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Always thought [NAME] spear look lethal...especially compared to someone like [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol I can’t wait to end up on this sub one day.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"And why would I do that? Edit: Thanks for setting up that Walder Frey line for me","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Plot twist: they don‘t Want to Go To school","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Firemen make roughly 30000£ in UK today.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"2-4 minutes is not enough time to wash long hair. 10-15 minutes minimum. Stay strong!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Total non-reaction by the trio of guys. ‘There goes [NAME] again. Every time we come out here.’","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] and [NAME] Funny thing is they both had a feud too and were in the ring at same time a lot","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's not a healthy way of thinking. Obviously that dude was troubled and, without proper help, he would have done these things regardless.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Unless you're the type of person who rolls through relationships every 3-6 months like clockwork","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I’m glad I’m not the only one who was pedantic enough to notice.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Are you daft ... ? That is and always has been the proposal. [NAME] don't listen and don't care though. Fucking dumbass.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Fun fact. If you combined North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana into one state it would have roughly the same population as Puerto Rico!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"[NAME]. Think there’s some controversy over how common that was though","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is the reason why I don't have friends. Not even skinny ones, you never know how they will be in the furure","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"learn to say no more. After a few times you have something you like destroyed it gets easier.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"My favourite is peeing in restrooms and your feet can't touch the floor while sitting on the toilet.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love how many penguins stopped and waited for him 😍","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"ok? dont really know what that has to do with it. [NAME] designs the offense, [NAME] just runs it","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sounds like he's lying to you both. You probably would have a lot of heart ache if you continue to be involved with this one.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you, next!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Going to the doctor tomorrow for a checkup to make sure everything is normal and hopefully this shit is just in my head.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"you guys got hate in your heart","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"DAE hate unnecessarily salty people like OP?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That’s adorable! He probably wants them all in one spot so he can make sure they’re ok and not getting lost or hurt.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I think you'll find that dating is really difficult for poly men. It's the biggest reason why I'm monogamous.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"It’s perfect. You’re perfect. Never change.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"are you related?\" \"No\" \"Are you ?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"“Lol that’s Sammie coates replacement not minds take it how you want to I am back”- [NAME] - AB","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Apparently, they couldn't believe a massive corporation (that they're loyal to) finally called them out.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"THIS IS SO GOOD. Thank you!!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Nobody is mad about that.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Mr. Met is a legend! Outrageous. Now... If you wanna talk about hateworthy mascots... The Phanatic fits the bill.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"In the letter I told her she was disrespectful and that we will not ask her to housesit again.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So true! My brain always goes to these places when buying a car...","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This is the worst take I have ever heard on cooking ever.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Glad he survived or it might have become a *dead*lift.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"> It's not like Bonds use was worse or anything list would beg to differ.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"A little too old to be skateboarding","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I will absolutely tell him this. Thank you. Congrats for making it out of the fog yourself.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I usually say , DON'T BE EMBARRASSED ! They don't know you anyway...mm","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"It is a kayak","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"that's the only thing i remember from this book","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What Internet?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"There’s always that one friend 😂","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"This is a very good point, which I hadn't thought of. Thanks dull!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Was he transporting animals?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Awesome! I look forward to updating.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"He must smell terrible when he sweats. That's honestly pretty gross.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"No R movies or tv shows, no buy from me. But I’m sure people with kids will love it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"lol classic [NAME]","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Awesome! Welcome aboard! I'm glad your first game was a win!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I am proud of you random internet stranger, you peopled good today.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Well that explains why [NAME] was able to win","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"It is so ugly I felt personally attacked by it, what can I say","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Thanks for this.😊 I like to learn new things. #experiencematters **Themoreyouknow**🌈","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I never really thought of myself as an ex-[RELIGION] until recently, so many no.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Thanks","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I never went back to the post to see if it was BOA, but I’m not surprised if it was. That was my first guess.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I like it. Ending made me cry happy tears. I don't cry often","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"It's a contract / vendor management position more than anything","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I just came","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I just found my new flair. Thanks [NAME].","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Yep. He also said it’d happen on a Manbij patrol","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Usually they dont even show up when you call them and they are a rare sight in the city. Good luck finding one.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I hope everyone has a nice day.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Fair enough, but that doesn't mean she won't in 2020.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Oh I wasn't offended. ITA with you on the rest.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"They are high pressure hoses, think about getting waterboarded.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I stand corrected. As I said, wonderful charities. I will always enjoy GDQ, just not revalant to my experience.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"my god quit getting blocked","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"This. It IS a minority here, but they are very vocal and very active, exactly what you would expect from a PR team","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're* Stay in school lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I didn't know of [NAME] before I saw that episode. I fucking love that man and have watched an unhealthy amount of him since.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I'm sure that's a really important issue to you that consumes your daily life...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow I’m sorry. Can you take pictures of your bruises? What was she nagging you about?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What part of \"Yeah but still\" do you not understand dude?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Your link won't load and are you seriously citing fucking Syria as a successful example of anything? [NAME] holy motherfucking pecker.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Well one of them is a dirty kimono wearing weirdo","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"No one wants the wrong person executed for a crime fool","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Also wanna point out that it’s just for like 10mil+ iirc","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I totally thought that this match would be a draw due to [NAME] interfering. I should never make any picks in the pick'em contest ever again.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Excellent, I was wondering about [NAME] the moron recently.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I hate you for that title. Thanks a lot. /s Right as I’m about to go to sleep too.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Wow. Forget the separation, lawyer up and go straight to divorce.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Eh, it'll be alright. Just another battle scar haha. Best of luck to the both of us!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I don't feel so financially secure","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Dude you really like The Strokes.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"It' kinda ironic that \"Winners\" are actually losers (they haven't realised that yet)","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"You still didn’t answer the question. Sorry it’s bugging me :)","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Because I am a human, and I can do whatever I want, as long as it's not against the law","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I cant think of anything funny to say so upvote to give me free karma","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"How did [NAME] just give that beatdown to Attach, the other player was so far away.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No one makes it through. We all die. Just some sooner than others.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"It's great! And it's his own choice, you don't force him.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"So true. The chicks I pick up from clubbing are nothing compared to the love of a good woman.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"100% correct. Seriously, listen to [NAME] talking points when she mentions Syria. Matches RT propaganda exactly.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I can't do that....I don't know how to hard boil eggs sooooo","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Oh, I don’t work there. My bf is in a band that plays there often.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS this is what I tell my 3.5 year old on the daily","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's nothing, before BSE we did horrible things with bone meal animal feed. Cannibal cows.","label":21,"emotion":"pride"} {"text":"They’re not exactly tiny creatures. Patch that hole up, my dude.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"😂 i need one too i’m on break and honestly my life revolves around reddit at this point, cake day is special enjoy it!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I shook a hand that shook his hand once","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Despite the fact that they've been writing it for millennia.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Uh... What's stopping you from just throwing it away?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I've tried the \"peanut butter\"...I almost vomited. NASTY! It went straight to the trash.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"[NAME] would be really pissed off to lose c3po and r2 to the fucking destroy ending","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Episode IX is apparently about [NAME] going back to Jakku","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I really love how this team responds to injuries","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"His opponent got DQ for pinching off [NAME] air tube. His first opponent is why [NAME] had the air tube in the first place.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Politics are boring. Vote for everyone. -[NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Take him to a family holiday and I'm sure your family will do all of the work to hint that you guys should get married.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I actually find it easier to place spawn beacons in stupid spots like this than a nice flat empty piece of ground.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"If you can't see how the mass killing of Landlords is related to Communist ideology, there is really no point discussing further.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I... don‘t see anything wrong with that?","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"y i k e s","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Franchise QB's are leaders who set the tone for the entire lockerroom. [NAME] is a terrible leader.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] FIRED.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I grew up in the south and we ate casseroles all the time. So I share your \"what?!?!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Except [NAME] still went with the happy ending instead of ending it at the Aningaaq scene.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Yeah this is downright spooky; she's not even using that face mask.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"YOU LIKE TURTLES? Gimme a second.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"You can't stop me\" Ah yes, those playful words when referring to a sexual act...","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Yeah, I wouldn't be too surprised by that either. I'm so excited to see or hear SOMETHING though.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"This is a toxic behaviour.. get rid of him as soon as possible.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Wouldn’t be shocked for a lot of those guys to follow him to TB.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"[NAME]? Y’all [NAME] are weird AF (and I love it).","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well, he promised [NAME] it was over and he was out for good, right. So, no.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow that's amazing, I hope my situation is as good next year.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"My dad loves playing sport......the sport of slam dunking my arse for a touchdown","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Wow! That's awesome! Congratulations! Its wonderful to have hope of being off medications one day.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I did this v recently and now my legs are covered in ingrown hairs >.<","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I feel so bad for [NAME]. It was probably hard to concentrate on this match with the things going on in his personal life","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"You credit yourself with acheivment you do not deserve. Not a first and defenitely wont be the last time.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I needed this today. Thanks stranger","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Coming for dat golden state ass!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I said to myself \"It's going to be reefer madness\" Clicked the link and it was Reefer Madness.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"shaved definitely makes things more swampy for me. I need the hair to soak up the swamp","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I get hella pissed when people who are shorter than me complain about being too tall.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"This droid has a bad motivator.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I would play the fuck out of this game","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"It's fairly modern.. It opened in 2007.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah after I showed it to my friend a few minutes later I realized what he meant but I forgot to remove my post.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Those are different, you don't tie that shit to the weakest part, they just stay on there by magic","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I never knew cringing could be so ...cathartic.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"The co-worker thing is generally for the best,the rest I agree.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Wtf if this is true it’s the funniest thing I’ve read all day.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Change your mindset to not expect anything in return, if they do great if not...their loss","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"I agree with you, I just don't believe it will happen.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"You missed the point 🙃","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Wow, so he was pulling his own little mini [NAME] scam. Explains why he couldn't use your reporting tool.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I just renewed my license today and they didn't check my proof of address, just looked at my us passport, license, and debit card","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Watching now. Oh wow we both didn't realize how much we hated this guy. This is one of the most quotable episodes by far.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"WHO WON THIS FIGHT My thoughts: neither side did a good job at explaining their positions and this entire interview was mostly useless","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Thanks lol someone else just filled me in on the backstory haha 😂","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Best form of government is 150 people tribe in a situation where there are no non-perishable goods, just food an clothes.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And they went to therapy. At least they made active steps to work on their problems unlike a lot of other people.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Why GPL instead of AGPL?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No one is holding a gun to their heads telling them to moderate the sub, either.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm really happy he and [NAME] are finding success","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I just say I don't know shit. I'm just a ape man on a rock.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Mexico didn't start the war. Thats probably where you are confused. The US invaded Mexico in both occasions, Mexico only defended itself in both occasions.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"What is everybody obsession with trading away young players in this sub?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I would not recommend contacting her. That would probably creep her out.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Audio on RiF. You have to manually turn it on","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I suppose it is quite frustrating to have someone telling you the sky isn't blue","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Yeah, sure, but it's beatable. It's made to be beaten, not otherwise. That's what I meant with my speech.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I love your art style, that looks fantastic!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Actually the Bills’ current uniforms make them look like the 1980-1999 Giants","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Welcome to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, where families can be SEPARATED forever","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Kinda reminds me of that pluto pic from nasa","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"You know it doesn't use the word \"boycott\" at all, right?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This happens to me all the time I’m so sorry 😣 it’s always with burgers, too. So painful.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"my good girl","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"BEN \"[NAME]\" LOVEJOY!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Guy got the looks","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can’t stand that dwarfism [NAME] she is so cringe","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I punch them in the throat before they get the chance to speak.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Congratulations! Hard work always pays off! :) Hope you enjoy your new job!!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"This is awesome. But also r/dontdeadopeninside","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh my [NAME] that's so awkward","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"[NAME] and [NAME] are my favorite gay couple","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Nice bosses are still just bosses here to exploit you, just to also make you feel bad for, instead of afraid of, defying them","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Very cool toys, very cool video, very cool hostd","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":">the decades after WWII That includes 1950. If you want to insult me, read your own fucking post first","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Its mr. Clean your room. This guys pretty whatever but comments from people who love him read like copy pasta","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Try wearing something unattractive when that student is around.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"!remindme 7 months","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Its a half baked RP. If they wanted to kill each other they oculd have just started shooting.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks for the heads up! I’ve been wanting to see this for a while.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"and the duck shaped nozzle makes it easy to slam entire bottles!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I left the business never to come back. Then I met the owner of this place. I love this job.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"He’s 60 and never had a HC gig. That should worry folks!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why? You can tell me all about it.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I really havent found any of these so far that funny. Although his backflips and other stuff are pretty impressive","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I want to go scuba diving so bad, but swimming in anything bigger than a pool terrifies me.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I'll see if I can find it Found it!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I like how everyone is being so mysterious about the proof that has convinced them","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Ha ha ha, thank you so much, he is a total gentleman. Ok, bull by the horns time!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"It's a tool that idiots install so they can tag users who post in subreddits they disagree with and immediately discount or attack said users","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Funny how some people criticize people for not following those laws, when they don't either.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I hope that you still send her a bag each Christmas?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I love how you only see these types of comments on Japanese games, brings out the inner weep.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I dont get into politics much but if they want to echo chamber leave them alone it wont change them they will only get more angry","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We don't know what would have happened if she'd said no, which is why most guys wouldn't ask.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Don't worry, [NAME] is there.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"i actually laughed at that lol good one man","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"He meant if the comedian made a joke specifically about his grandpa, not any old grandpa, its when it is personal.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ive got these too, any tips on how to remove/make them less obvious?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> the ruts laid out for you by the people who raised you I like that. It's the perfect imagery.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I did something along those lines almost 2 years ago and got to 67 upvotes before I got banned","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I don't mind posts bashing NOED or DS. But I wish this one would make sense or would be funny.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Sorry. I know I should be grateful and happy.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"That is so cool!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Wow look at this deep pockets eating a lentil a day, I have to slice mine to last me a month!!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I enjoy that general area. Sections 203-205 are good sections pricewide and view wise","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Did you check the bowl?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"KNC is [NAME] syrian political party and a manifestation of the KRG, so yes indirectly.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I mean, a lot of animals I've seen get terrified of regular stuffed animals, imagine having your fears super sized like that","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Did I present a braiwashing sect as something positive? Both are bad, but at least you can therapy your way out of emo.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Same here. I just don't understand how NOBODY at Lucasfilm said during the production, \"Hey maybe this is a bad idea.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"They've provided plenty of evidence that you have only supported so far.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Fine. I hope he has a fine wife and she’s fine if he shall need to pay a fine.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"It's refreshing to not see comments with anti-china sentiments here every once in a while.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sphh, that was badass. I say that went well.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Arguing the semantics of the word argument. Clever girl...","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Seriously, I’ve been catching and loving this one since it first came out.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Was not expecting that spongebob reference","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I do not trust our defense at all. I do not believe you can increase the range of Andujar.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"At the same time, if the camera quality is so shitty you can be certain the mic is too.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Meth and booze.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love it when kids shut down these tired lines we adults feed them. She probably needed that. Well done.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Pam Beesly and Jim... What a waste.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"They lived a good life! I honor them by using all their parts","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I think that had to do more with not wanting to hurt the old man lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The banana speaks! Do you just type one to three words in your comments or do you get an integer overflow if you go for four?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I don’t cry, either. It’s weird. I think it’s a personality/mentality thing. Just depends on how your brain is wired I think","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Oh no that's so awkward, I don't understand how people don't understand how weird things like that are!","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"She had really bad chronic back pain from what I can remember, so was self treating with alcohol","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh [NAME]...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You freakin wizard, I love this.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"a weird way to spell Boys Don’t Turbo Grafx 16","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Cheers, mate! I know you can do it! :)","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"K... I guess I'll just take your work for it.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This was not only true, but pleasing to watch.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I know he comes with a lot of baggage but i’d probably go with [NAME]. Just look what he did for [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I doesn't have nudity so i didnt NSFW it, but i get why you'd say that. thanks for the compliment tho","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Seriously. The only thing that gave it away was no spelling errors.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"That’s always my worst fear when the idea of leaving during January comes up. I wish you the best of luck in unthawing them!","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"He looks so dapper.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Ohhh lol, gross and funny","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"> Clothing predates religions though Can you cite that? It seems like a somewhat interesting question.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Yeah I can understand there their confusion more but yeah. Reminds me of [NAME] haha.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The more unattractive the leader looks now the more attractive the new one will look come 2020","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’d go [NAME]. [NAME] gets raked on any mistake I throw personally","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I have always found them grating","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"sadly it would take wayyyyyy more than this to ever change custody agreements. documenting it for her own sanity is a good idea, though.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"It was SO hard to click the upvote button on this one. It's one of those \"I hate it. Well done\" moments.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"hahahaha!! the seedy underbelly of the competitve choir world - exposed!!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Lol maybe he is not but I think my point still stands 😄","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"They needed to insert the phrase “over maintenance” in there.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah it isn't the same singer. 'Don't hug me I'm scared' is voiced by [NAME], the lead singer of KKB is [NAME]","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"My best friend missed the play using the restroom too. He thought there was a halftime-like break between the 4th and OT.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Holy shit nice block [NAME]","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is amazing. WTF.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"That’s the chelsea board will all know and hate.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"This whole episode is one of my favorites; it has this AND \"Requiem for a Tuesday\" AND \"the Low-Cal Calzone Zone","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Clearly not Cubs fans.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Then feel free to link to that data rather than politico.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hell yeah, i agree ☺","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"He wants to be free to hit on other women. He may not take it any farther but that’s what it looks like to me.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I doubt people are *happy*, but they probably aren’t sad about someone who was potentially endangering others through their anti-science views.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"What a quote. Very perceptive.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm glad I could contribute some positivity! All the best to you and your kids!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I love this; now when commies say they had the word \"libertarian\" first, we can say we had class analysis first!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"This has to be a joke...","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"When they hire him","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sexy teeth.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"If the cops arrested him, he must be guilty! (Good luck!! You got this!)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"he left the company 2 years ago. he is not listed as a shareholder in the parent company.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What a grim statistic for Canada.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"And I’m just sitting here wishing my cat would come at least sit by me.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I just want to live. You're the sad loser for going out of your way to comment something so completely stupid","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I wanna die I don't wanna live anymore I really wanna die so bad Please return me to the dark abyss I long for death’s sweet kiss","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"You look the same to me, but I'm happy you had a goal and accomplished it!! You're a cutie !!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Nope, it’s love.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Lol I didn’t mind group projects much, I only did when I didn’t have friends in the class.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"And here I am thinking that the animation after surrender/Victory is annoying ;-;","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I clearly recall being told the same thing in ‘97, when I was driving a ‘74...except the years were different obv.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I actually do that","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sure but the news article with [NAME] vanishing has been there since the very beginning.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"YOU GOT FAT!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"i said first world :)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Xers and [NAME] would be more of age in the 90’s doh, signed [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Maybe so. Should I try to ask her about it? I'm worried that will only scare her more","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Is that you, [NAME]?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I'm guessing \"Corporate Stooge\" didn't focus group well.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Buttons by PCD. I never stopped playing that song during summer of 2006.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"#RejectingIslam because it is the *ideas* [RELIGION] promotes that turned me away from it.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"abattoir = slaughterhouse","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"How close I was to retaining last year","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Stands to reason. Those with the biggest stick(weapon) and all...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"More camo pants!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Did the words get unbanned?!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I am removing this post because of sourcing. Read the sidebar.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Read his post again. 'It's more fact based than Fox.' I'm sorry but you might have some extra chromosomes.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Thanks for further justifying my support for Tulsi, Daily Gross.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ahhhhh you should start screaming and flailing. What a piss poor argument. Now I believe in invisible dragons.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"No he's right, and you're deflecting from his argument.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This is stupid","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"why I wonder?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Gee...what a guy...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Just watched the ET interview and it really was good! Love that hoodie strategy haha","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"He wasn't beat over the top all season. I think the longest pass he allowed was around 20 yards.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Adapt and overcome","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"This is garbage. No. My garbage has more compositional worth than this. Hipster pepto bismol vomit looking trash.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":">tfw she was explaining to him what a nuclear explosion would do","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Going to my favorite greasy burger place in Madison tonight to celebrate my ability to eat delicious burgers whenever I want because I'm in my early 20's","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I still maintain the packers were a worse team this year.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I love this. I really want to hug [NAME] now.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"They call it the hub and spoke system. They neglected to include a wheel.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I’m always reminded by my relatives on my birthday asking me if I have a girlfriend yet. Sorry bro ima yeet out of the social norm.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Nah hes just setting an image.. Hes backed by ps to play this tourny...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks for showing me your red flags within the first 10 seconds of interaction.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I live in Canterbury haha","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"you wear a headband, what are you a girl? /s","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Happy Together. It feels so natural.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Thanks for the clarification, appreciate that.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I just come right out and admit it. Saves on disappointment.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think [NAME] said it best. When two people watch the same video and see completely different events....there's no fixing that.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Looks like a poached egg.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Glad I tend to post pics of my cats and not myself.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I don't think WI is lean red, after 2018 I'd argue for it being either tossup or lean blue.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Is he your source?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"“I do too. One of them is Hulu.”","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm here for the strings\" I like this.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Had my suspicions but didn't want to mindread such a civilized honest actor.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"It’s always nice to say something [nice]!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Oh hell yeah","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Dam boys, we announcing players back in training like new signings!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"They are very heavily scripted which is why it can be borderline unethical.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"No worries, thanks for replying back! Rotary means you teach one subject and see different classes instead of teaching multiple subjects to the same class :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"i'm enjoying this so much","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I thought V had great gameplay, but the big character switch that no one asked for really held it back.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Worst dad ever!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Or just spend ten seconds around some fire and realize that it's super hot.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Thats How femboy works","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He was already hard when I came in","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The loading screen has the circle at the bottom that just keeps spinning. I tried uninstalling the app and that didn't work either.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"No particular sauce, I'm just kinda tired of having to search that tiny lil speck of pan for at least 2 minutes before I find it.","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"I don’t like [NAME] in the slightest but I hate [NAME] even more. Get her Belcalis","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Kick him out. Overgrown baby.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"[NAME] looks veeeery nervous","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's like an Arts school but with dangerous, easily weaponizable spells being flung all over the place!","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Man of the people....","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That sounds like an appropriate response. Thank you for saving me the time.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Wouldn't it be easier to find 10% then multiply by 2?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Funny part is There ISNT a wall (but maybe should be) and there ARE already plenty of \"Sensible\" Gun laws","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I do this but but feel better in the end because I use it for procrastination. It's a weird combinational to feel better and worse while cleaning.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I have worked at a shitty, south side smoke shop before so I can imagine all of these interactions perfectly hahahaha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"If Studio MDHR did this, I'd buy it.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"KAMALA 2020!!!!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Such bullshit. Reloading components included? Not that they'd let that stand in subsequent laws if it is.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Thank you, I appreciate it. It was, and still is hard to deal with.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Feeling insecure now","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"Thank you so much. I am sorry for what happened to you.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Wow, your ex partner sounds exactly like mine.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Found my flair.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"it's so funny how the mods in that sub behave in comparison to the mods in this sub","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Ask him if he’d consider opening a makeup store if you gave him $6000","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"just realized the pic is unrelated kinda, whatever though. proud of me despite my anxiety about puttin myself or there","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I've realized after more than 100 hours that you can dismount a horse without jumping off","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"If too many medical professionals die then life will be worse as we cannot get medical treatment","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Aha thank you!. I didn't know there is a ca one","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"We had 3 whole pallets of this one doll and I'm like \"wtf\" so I checked and the location said 8000 something lmao.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Stop giving this idiot attention.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Wish I was this happy","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Good luck with writing in the future :D Everyone has to have their critics...right?","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"This isn't even his highlight of his week. It's the highlight of the last few decades. Damn onions.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oof nice one bro","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Greetings, fellow resident of a rectangle with a pointy bit in the corner.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Way too much fuuuck","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Wondering why they change it","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Ok im om the hunt thanks","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Well since they hate cops and love criminals... this fits for them","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"make those damn lazy millennials find a job sooner /s","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I wouldn't ever make a broad generalization like that. Typical honkies, assuming stuff","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"What’s populism? I’ve seen it a lot lately and it seems to have, as far as I can tell...no meaning.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I don't think either of them is a bad director. They are both bad writers, though.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"As an [NAME], I apologize for the cranky old conservatives who are probably making ridiculously uninformed comments about your country right now :/","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"That poor snake","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"How many surprise Pikachu memes are we gonna have this episode? Like 6?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I saw a story last month about a lady who was so big she killed her boyfriend with her fat or something. I think that's their plan.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Uh, loved and lost, for sure. I’d like at least one pleasant memory to look back on.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"They stole my joke, damn them!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Just keep it. You’re going to go through more brain damage than it’s worth.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sorry my teams gave you your only two losses this season ;)","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"A few coworkers think [NAME] will mount a challenge with fairly high effort on his part. No one thinks it will succeed as long as there's no massive events.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why the fuuuhhh","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"whatup [NAME]?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Good luck!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"The worst thing is when you find it in a place you know you looked first.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"See my other responses","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He a cute sneck","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Anyone know how I can tune in. Without paying for Blaze Tv subsription. This gonna be good.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I haaaaaate vanilla scents and they are a 100% NOPE for me. I wear more neutral/woodsy scents and boyfriend loves it, so win.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"If we can’t close these type of games at home, we don’t deserve the playoffs.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I will say that her housing bill left a very bad taste in my mouth, and this is coming from someone with a very high opinion of [NAME].","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Yep, you can go around crashing into things and run people over and completely get away with it.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"You said it baby, can't wait to see what marvelous wonders the rest of 2019 will bring!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Couldn’t agree more","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Like wtf how is that angle 114 degrees","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I'll have one in front and one behind. Please and thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Literally arrived last week solo. You can use Hellotalk to meet people or go to social events on","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We really need to stick to having helpful titles or a quick tldr.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Of course, us first borns gotta stick together. ❤️","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This hits hard, sadly both of my relationships have been toxic so I've decided not to start any new ones until I start going to uni","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"This!!! 🐃 and 💍 for your hard work!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Is that going up? It seems like back in the 90's it was 16-17.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Kids can't have fun anymore...:(","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"SHE SHOULD BE ON A HILL SOMEWHERE WITH THE SUN AND THE CLOUDS ABOVE HER!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'M MR. [NAME]! HOW DID WE GET ROPED INTO THIS?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Anyone else feel like [NAME] came dressed as [NAME]?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"The USA welfare spend is quite low per gdp compared to first world countries. The safety nets are ridiculous or nonexistant and the inequality is ridiculous...","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Live about 2 mins from there. Love the view of Waramaug from Tanner Hill.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Well done OP for acting on your words. I hope you have a great day together!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Why? I love it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"> It leads to touching and doing inappropriate things with the opposite sex I prefer the same sex, so are these things not inappropriate for me?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"You don't really work for the TSA if they aren't paying you. You are a slave. Go home.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"It’s shocking isn’t it? I paid less for a flight from London to Manchester than it would have cost for the train.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Alright now you're intentionally misinterpreting what I say. Whatever.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm more worried about it randomly saying daddy across the top ... Like that's normal","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":">!I always assume that Motoyasu's team changes once every week or something.!<","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Not watched it yet pal. You?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"air supply? the irony of life","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"yeah this doesn’t represent our fan base well. gg guys!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> It’s generally viewed upon as being one of the worst [NAME] games ever made. No it isn't. Source that claim.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"My house. Excluding that since it was bank money, we plan to pay cash for a kitchen renovation this year that will be about 7k","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Its hard to explain i feel everything is distant.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Standing ovation. Nicely done.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Noooo no more NEXTs anymore! They are obviously just a kid who is excited to discover music. Give them a break! :/","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Subway is the smartest option unless you have tones of stuffs to carry !","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"He’s really good.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It was this one apparently it was for forever ago. I’ll delete this post If somebody says so.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"* yes * yes * yes * yes","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I thought we were unlucky for having to put up with [NAME]. Man, you guys got the short straw with Ninja.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is awesome! do you have any more artwork on a website or social site? Is this for sale!?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Did you see that ludicrous display last night?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Free weed lol don't get what you're complaining about.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Can't wait for it.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I can't wait to see what us skilled workers get. Thanks government for telling businesses how to run and wrangle unskilled workers with no ambition.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Nice rifle. I have a T3 in 7mm rem mag. N Mine would suck as a SHTF rifle, but it's great for hunting.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"See you all tomorrow for FIN - USA! End of the evening iguana","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I used the call screening on my sister for a laugh.. she was not as amused as I was :)","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I realised after I typed it, but I left it up. I feel sometimes in life, you just gotta take the L.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"yeah you're right. i just glanced over and thought it was a swish haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I love that you made sure not to let the last 4 or 5 fall over. That’s important.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"want* a source on that, sorry.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Mom used to do it all time when I was a kid.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We had so much pvp before, during, and after this alliance was formed.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Seriously, it really made me happy! I hope when OP scrolled through she felt a little tingle of happiness too.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Her lying, narcotics addicted, pedophilic grandmother with physical ailments that cause her to be a serious lethal danger on multiple levels.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Same. I was not rooting for the Pats. I WAS rooting against the chiefs. The AFC West is ours and ours alone :)","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Oh, [NAME], don't bring THAT story up!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"[NAME]. The third generation [RELIGION] stripper!! Hell yes I watcg 90DF!!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Didn't know they were doing matches on smaller pitch in the combine to see how they do with less reaction time. Thought that was interesting.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Fat is always unhealthy, and never a sign of beauty.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"That looks like an expensive hobby.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is not r/lostredditors material if we just try to find something stupid on it.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I always move back and always regret it.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Digital Wellbeing","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I knew you had kids, i didnt know they were old enough join the military lol. Well happy bday to your son, dad.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Ah, that's why they say don't run in the corridor","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"apparently since you won't do it","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"he's being immature","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Old timbermill. Was that the long payload defense and attack?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Okubo thanks JP/EU for their work over the weekend on the patch notes, and then EU doesn't post their patch notes :-/","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"That all-star who won the calder","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"> if i no longer lived in a nuclear armed/~~major power~~ a *somewhat important but nowhere near as important as they think* power FTFY","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"not the traps","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We don't have any options. Having said that I think [NAME] should have started.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I hope your daughter gets the help she needs and someday gets better.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Yeah super confused about that considering it was only [NAME] she had beef with lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"It's MLK Day so we're offering our best deals on our Ford F250s!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Does negging ever actually work?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Tell [NAME] it was me....","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"there is also r/foreskin because why not","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"LOL how he not amused?! They dont like the truth haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"36 and definitely not what I used to be... still ok though!!!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Oh yeah, from the vulcan council","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Art degrees are useless! Now excuse me while I go watch a Pixar movie. /s","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Orange you just soo cute.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Damn, thanks for the source!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I'm really sorry for your loss friend. I hope everything is okay on your end too.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Noice! I hope to improve my Mika with this~ Thank you and may the Muscle Spirit be with you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Whoa am I reading this right? The lowest cost is $3.66 now? and not $2.66?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Man we are sloppy","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I literally didn’t but ok","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Living with her, he just might be!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hey, [NAME] isn't *that* annoying","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":">I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike Ah yes, truly makes you think","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"I love that this is written on notebook paper.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Is that [NAME]?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You missed a golden opportunity here 22meirl4meirl42meirl4meirl","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Okay but how about someone who doesn’t believe the Wifi signals are going to kill us?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"We should have just taken him regardless and told them to deal with it but we also might not have [NAME] if we do","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Enjoy :) You won't regret it. The first couple seasons will be a little confusing but wiki helped me understand this show a lot!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Yeah, it's pretty funny how incapable most of them are of actual satire and subtlety.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"IT'S NOT FUNNY HOLLY.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"This thread is loaded. Never seen so many coins exchanged at once :) it's nice to see friendly internet interactions.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I have no idea, lol. Have my upvote.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Don’t indulge OP’s master hacker fantasy","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] hilarious","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I’ve always used a medium sized screwdriver but it can mess up the prongs so use a chopstick and you should be fine","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Well they got removed so I’m not sure if I want to see it anyway.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"He is sacrificing himself for our sins. [NAME] bless.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Made me think of that video from the BBC about dating in Shetland .","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about stars to dispute it","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Well don’t complain here about another media outlet lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Look on the bright side, you might never need to worry about that ever again.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"This made me gag lol","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh wow this is good to know, it was always my go-to spicy ketchup when I make frozen fries at home.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"The frequency with which I hear “gone overseas to defend our country” without a hint of irony should be criminal in itself","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I didn’t understand because it’s not dark mode","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"yes please, would make thing less overthinking and stressful","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This is a hate sub","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I felt the same guilt when I stopped believing in [NAME]","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"So kinda like an assistant? Interesting","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I I'm so honored","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Split ends on leg hair is how I determine when it is time to shed my winter coat","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You are gone right now probably my trip is just kicking in i took half that amount lol cuz im low you are having a hell of a ride rn","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Very clever!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Can Dr. [NAME] confirm this? Edit: Doesn't matter. T H I C C D O N is actually zaddy af.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I was JUST thinking about how much I enjoyed Swalla la laaaa last night too!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"That number seems a bit low to me","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I think it was [NAME] and I'm not even convinced [NAME] caught on to it lol. Then he was made to be the moron.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Approaching doesn't work unless you are [NAME] or something. I've only seen 2 approaches in my life and both were rejections.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Great. Now some girl in Utah will appropriate it for her prom this year because she \"appreciates\" the culture.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"So more [NAME]? No thanks. Love the guys, but that’s for side projects.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Leaving [RELIGION] and planning to FINALLY live MY life to the fullest without white men in white shirt telling me what to do every second of my day!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Op is likely young and clueless. There’s likely a reason they’re in retail.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"They are all good right now. Pick the one that interests you and enjoy yourself.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I rarely like or comment on YouTube. But I make hella playlists so I guess I use it more as a tool than a community.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I think ignoring intentions is ridiculous too, but I also think that only looking at intentions (and at face value) is a bit naive","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm just glad we'll be getting either [NAME] or [NAME]. They both seem like they'll be beasts and it'll fill our greatest position of need","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Unlikely, but who knows? Memory speed rarely makes a difference in gaming, but I've seen stranger things.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I like waitresses. Aren't they swell.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Text ain’t a great medium for sarcasm.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"by deep pockets do you mean the Fleshlight?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Damned if nobody knows who they are, damned if they do","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's delicate, so it's clear for those flesh toned jeggings [NAME].","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I love it! Cute sprite work....","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Was already mad when it wasn’t center. Then when it got knock over, i was furious. Damn machine has no brains.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I see notifications of people commenting the source but this sub must auto delete or something. Sorry, guys. I binged her and found me quick though.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"There are good reasons but you potatos just brush it all off with \"hurr life is bad cause bad things happen sometimes","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ya I’m not opening any PDF from The Company. Rather get my malware the old fashioned way....from porn.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is amazing!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Hey buddy, wear did you ear like van-go.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"👍 excellent! I was wondering if anyone else knew this little known nugget from history.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"i mean I love the smell of race fumes","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"It's the [NAME] of hot dogs","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"People who don’t want to own houses","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're my mvp for the night haha. I'll drop by there tonight, thanks!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Good luck on the change.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"He had to much red dead 2","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I know it's like this hipster phrase it's so stupid like you're not from the south you dumb motherfuker.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"It’s not about the money, it’s all about the love of the game.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"It kinda makes sense. What’s the debate here?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"The one where MIL flooded the whole house","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damn you [NAME]!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Theres not really any structure or composition to this. The color scheme is tight but it's just kind of thrown on there without any direction.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks for the reply! I’ll probably just smoke, as you said, once maybe twice a month. Thanks again!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Sometimes those are the only options. Laughing makes other people feel better at least so that's what you gotta do.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Not my opinion either, but the soundtrack is easily one of the best parts of the game. It’s incredible.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Text to speech is a very very bad idea. You do not want to give 4,000 people full control over what gets said out loud on a stream.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Some of them are delusional and believe their victims want it","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Thanks I hate it.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Title made me think I was on r/boottoobig for a second","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"what the fuck do you learn in first grade that’s so important anyway?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":">Have a good time debating the people in your head, looks like you're having fun.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"You're telling me you dont get your meth from there?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] revealed that's what [NAME] called it at a reunion. [NAME] was backstage with steam coming out his ears 😂","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Big yikes. Biiiig yikes. I do feel your pain. I wish I could upvote you more than once.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Srs that shade range is abysmal smh","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I am [NAME] total lack of suprise","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"It kind of replaces the home button, you use it to swipe up and out of an open app","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They said Texas! #Woooooo TEXAS","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Thank you! 💓❤","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I bet you could get away with this at work just fine.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"From your username and the fact that you had to type that you’re NOT underage: now feels like you are","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Enough food to feed the whole village just wasted","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"We've been pretty good for the most part the last 5 years. I mean, [NAME] saying [NAME] betrayed him isn't ideal but could be worse.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"The ending was so badass as a young kid! He wasnt even in his mech!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"She’s had her ass pounded before.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Signed up! This is brilliant!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Leave they don't deserve you and you don't need those sacks of shit","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Well you wrote out this big comment, and it reads well but when you actually think about what you’ve said, IMO it really means nothing.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Damn, I really been playing this series all my life...and I ain’t got any regrets.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I tried to but i ended up booing the postman","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"!RemindMe 10 hours","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That woman is on the fast track to being ostracized from that group real quick.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Former [NAME]? I've been scared already by [NAME] who were former d-line","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"[NAME] is known to make a short video hella fucking long. Not many want to see even more people do that. I'll stick to [NAME].","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Don't eat pork! Not even with a fork!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The uncanny valley of creepy.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Right its not because they look ugly but their personality is ugly. That’s what’s driving everyone away.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ask him out for a drink.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah I’m working with my therapist to help me identify certain behaviors early and pay attention to the red flags.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I want to thank you for seriously entertaining me today. Best clip ever.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"As a society we should be ashamed of the fact that this is even a question. Let the suffering stop obviously.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Which one is he playing?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"If people don't act the way I want it is because they have bad reasons. Lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"This article is stupid.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I would think that I hope the Wilpons die.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"It’s a cruel thing to say to someone with depression.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"I mean, she is","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Garlic butter baked chicken.....put garlic butter on chicken and bake.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Still makes no sense how [NAME] beat corrupted [NAME] while [NAME] and [NAME] couldn't beat his normal version","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That’s so scummy, I’m hoping the pepperoni just slid down?","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I’ve never seen such dramatic tongue involvement.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Us girls are taught to always be polite. Screw that, safety is more important.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I wish I could be desensitized to my sadness sometimes lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Because they're all done by the same, really, really old guy","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I realize that, but the picture is still funny","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"At least she showed a reaction...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Omg rattos are the best aren’t they<3","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Good luck with your procedure! Be strong and don't try to let anyone even think they can try to change your mind. This is your decision.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I really relate to this.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"[NAME] wouldn't breathe the same air as an anti vaxxer, don't slander her like this.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Women are more neurotic.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well how’d the planters pull this off? Step by step.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I didn't downvote you but Emirates 1st class suites are ridiculously nice.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"What a horrible way to find out, though. My sympathies to the dead man.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"For me it's New York City FC since it's just a train ride away","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Oh my [NAME] yea!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Thank you! I need to practice these things and change the dialogue within my head","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I had forgotten it was coming up until I saw this. That us my level of excitement and anticipation.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I'm [RELIGION] and I'm disgusting lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I barely recognize a picture of current day Pearl Harbor.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I hope you are not living in Australia. That heat has been killing Masturbators left and right.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I'm replying just bask in the glow with someone else! Yay!!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Uh, people kept asking me if I was jailor and I said no, and based on this chat you can also see that jailor is not smart.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Now this exactly what I came to this sub for","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Does that caption say [NAME] and [NAME] are planning to move to Austin....? Dear [NAME] PLEASE no we already have [NAME]!","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I agree totally. Talk about fucking insanely bizarre. He's stuck in the shining","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"It was received on Jan 25th at 9:22 am .81627 BTC and $3800. for it with a $600. fee. Happy!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"When I think about [NAME] and [NAME] at the same time I get a fucking aneurysm from the stupidity.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Not needed position? What team have you been watching?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Yeah well first god says it’s an abomination. Also if people find out everyone will hate me and my parents will be extremely angry","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Was going to say, that’s common practice for most women’s health appointments to help deal with relationship abuse.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Conservatives never believe a word they say. They only believe they do.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Lol the outbreak is gone but I'm still stubborn. With this conversation I'll make my effort to come back as soon as I'm ready.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Good meme, but unfortunately the pic is fake.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"OP, u/christiangreyisdraco and u/lurkerturndcommenter, thank you for trying to make the point about focus. I appreciate your many attempts!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Ded game we should be happy we have a new hero","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Are you okay?","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"[NAME] bless them and their racist logo","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"[NAME] doesn't believe in tipping.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm shocked! Shocked! Well, not that shocked.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Because it was a common age for women to be engaged and married at that time.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Great post. ( you are learning to let it go)","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"We’ve bombed plenty of innocent people. How is it any different?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Yeah! Despite being from the east coast I've never been in the car when it's hailing so it was a full on argument. Thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Well I WISH SOMEONE WOULD'VE TOLD ME THAT","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"You have no regard for due process or the law if you're suggesting [NAME] be charged with evidence tampering because there is nothing to back up that claim.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ironically every /pol/ meetup is more diverse than the people pushing diversity and race mixing. Weird how that works huh","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Did you noticed they removed my post? Yep.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"No you don't. The average opinion of ISIS for example is way below zero.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"good luck, little 3 year old","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I love animals but I hate PETA.\" - [NAME]","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Not pay for the child he helped create? Wow... great advice.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"her in the causing a commotion lsfyl is one of the best lip-sync performances in s8 change my mind","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is not unique to [RELIGION]. There are various sects and denominations in every world religion.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"can't remember much of what happens. All I do remember is I was miserable. Good performances, but it was a bit dour for my taste.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Hruska is amazing. Their sausage kolaches or I guess klobasnik have the best sausage I’ve ever eaten. It’s in Elliger, TX.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I equally love and despise them when they talk about a player diving as \"flopping","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Can't look at batting average. [NAME] 90 wRC+ in 3799 PA [NAME] 92 wRC+ in 4917 PA","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Right. All a delusion in order to control people.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"When my Dad ([NAME] all the way) is Tsar of the Earth I'll have him make doxxing a crime with mandatory sentencing to terrible things.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Waiting until Saturday or you test the method on someone sick.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Worst bit is that it keeps snowballing, and growing and suddenly it this mess you can't make sense out of or clear up","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"gotta love the random spidey head to the left on the third shelf","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Your repeated need to retreat into victimhood is a snooze.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They put whoever has the highest gamescore on a winning team that night, and that happened to be [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"the 12 steps of AA are not the only rehab programs in the world.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Better than mine.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Well duh. The Chinese government control all Chinese language media in New Zealand. That's a fact.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I sent this to my mom and she actually watched it","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I friggin love the [NAME] hug!!!!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Dude your source on the school says they would investigate. Not a condemnation. Not in any stretch.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"His smile is so damn creepy","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Gotta think [NAME] was also tired after all the hard work they put out Most likely it'd be easier for a fresh player to run passed players","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s amazing what can happen if you work and want to win.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Just spend the next few months emotionally detatching, it makes the break up less debilitating.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"No, but it changes the expectations that people have for you. You have so deliberately change who you are to play to your target audience.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Got damn look at that body","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Any source on the college split the second time that outlines the stats? Interested to see.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"It's when you least expect it that people hit you in the face with life It brings you back to earth","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"You really dont have a day off do you","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"This was definitely worth the $1000+ it cost to do","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I would say make it NSFW but I won't joke. We don't work here","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"is a recent article interesting read.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"BOUNDARIES. have some boundaries. say no. don't go. this is frustrating to read, honestly. don't do things that you hate doing.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I feel like this is just a really old meme lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Yo infected turn into evil clone troopers !!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Downvote because prophet","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I met my partner online. It was romantic interest right away. No friendship period for us.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"> [NAME] doesn't even agree with you. What does she not agree with?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And you were too stupid to find your own sriracha, or you thought that $7.50 entitled you to your personal dancing monkey.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"[NAME] a pro","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I feel this!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"100%. This is made up. If her claim was true, she'd have it on video.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I agree. This is assault. Leave the ignorant hill [NAME] alone.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Literally one visit to that subreddit is proof enough it's mentally addictive. Brain craving dopamine when it's not producing it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"How hard is it to kill 9 year olds!? One of my favorite movies.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"This is **NUTS**!!! I still use both of these on my boyfriend, who thankfully watched this season with me and also hated [NAME].","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Bless you.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"And he was like “umm you woke me up for this, [NAME]?!” Lmao. That made me laugh.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Tell us your story, too, [NAME] :) Sooooo many more details to mine, ooooofffff... i tried to be brief","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I love daydreaming because I daydream about having conversations with people and it is the most pleasing feeling in the world when the conversation happens.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Idk why you got downvoted but heres an upvote","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Someone tell me how to feel about this","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Gulags... Brexiteering. The mental condition where delusional and psychotic thinking occur simultaneously.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"How many wins are they into those ranks and at what winrate. Regardless thanks for the info.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Keep branching out guys.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The constant pressure definitely isn't helping. I'm already on anti-depressants, but I am terrified of PPD.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"My uncle was hit by some kids doing the bird box challenge a few weeks back. It’s ridiculous.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Yea this past season her outfits were horrid","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"I call [NAME] fraud! That's not the first time she saw [NAME] after prison.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love it! Mazel Tov you crazy kids!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"To quote [NAME], \"What an eyesore!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I rarely get full manic. Lithium just took away my mixed irritable angry episodes and I'm pretty sure those aren't superpowers lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I disagree with many picks in this list","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"[NAME] is the gift we all deserve","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Stay at home dads are awesome gender non conformists.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They both have water wings on is she trying to kill them","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I do have a drain beside the water heater, thanks I'll look into getting a drain pan.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Standing O for the biggest Knick loser in franchise history... and that's saying something!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wondering why this hasn’t been made a thing yet 😂","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Its more about Russia not making such overtly antagonistic statements about Iran.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love your response. I wish I were this witty.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"The hardest part is trying to figure out what anyone is talking about with all these F degrees.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The beauty of the horseshoe effect.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I just say i appreciate the depths of these Boiler Room vid are like this.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yes! Adoption is an amazing generous gift you can give to people that really want to be parents.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Is that her phone in her back pocket?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Haha Orange man bad","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"My cousin is coming back as interim exec chef this week until we get a new chef. If you are my cousin the answer is NO!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"One thing I appreciate about the Prequel trilogy is that it explores the rise of fascism better than *Fantastic Beasts* movies could do.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I like this one","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Most vancouverites know of these scams. Especially #1 broken credit card machine. Complaints go unheard.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"beautiful by [NAME]","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This guy was my high school government teacher. This stuff is all classic to read about","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"do you......do you actually believe this!?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Hey congrats man, that’s what I’m hoping happens as well!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Grow a beard.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I just rewatched season 5. My god, I had forgotten how horrible [NAME] is.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"A friend of mine is like that, and they seemed quiet upset when someone form middle school said hello after they hadn't talked for 13 years.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> I don't understand why a reasonable person would perceive it as being objectively mean. Simply put, journalists are not reasonable people.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s one of the nine characteristics of BPD. Probably most people in this sub have struggled with some sort of addiction to a degree.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"These were one of the worst commentators I have ever been forced to listen to. The jokes were so cringe-worthy.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"It would work just fine. I wear medium shirts and a small or medium jersey fits me great.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"#YES.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I haven’t read the Quran and I doubt you have either so I can’t agree or disagree with this statement.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"And just the “stop looking at me” was so old school. It was nice!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Triple P Positive Parenting Program is excellent.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"LOL you are mental ,love it","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I think this qualifies as r/prorevenge, honestly. Dude needs to face consequences more often, otherwise he will keep trampling over people’s boundaries.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Omg enough of all the damn hashtags, it’s not 2016 anymore","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"No, not related to [NAME]. I forget where we found it. It was in some legal documentation on WISDOJ (I think).","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I was more concerned that your comment held a frame of reference assuming it was real.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Beautiful. Up there with that retro '14 Timbers kit for my favorite non-Atlanta MLS kits.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is adorable! But I don’t understand how he does that😂","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] is a warmonger. Other than that, he’s pretty libertarian.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Omg I love it","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Lucky for me the yellow ones are my favourite","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Considering you could do it and be out over a highschool summer vacation, why not?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Too greasy.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Or you end up getting innocent Chinese civillians who were just browsing reddit arrested and have their organs contributed to the system.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] and [NAME] aren't cousins in this timeline, I believe. Just best friends.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Oh well that's that then :)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm really excited for [NAME]. He seems to be continually improving in this stretch of games. I'm hoping he stays up once [NAME] is healthy.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"It kills me how much Oklahoma State and Iowa State are able to beat KU but [NAME] and [NAME] just couldn’t regularly get the job done.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] should worry you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"will do, thanks for the heads up!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"The last hour is great, but I would definitely say to at least leave 15 minutes before close so you can avoid the crowds in the street.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That has gotten me killed a few times lately.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Luckily for her former therapist maybe she can no longer leave her home.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I didnt know that sub existed,im faaaaaar too excited, thats my next hour of skivving work sorted!!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Saving this. Happy 2019 to ya!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Not sure how kittens “lol” but I’ll take your word for it.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"wow - resonates with me.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I literally cried out IS THAT MATT BERRY?!?!?!?!?!","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Oh and I forgot to add: he doesn't take your money and become a financial burden on your life","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Good luck and Godspeed.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Ok but it’s easy to worry when the legal drinking age in your nation is one of the lowest among first-world countries.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damn. As a [NAME] [NAME] I fear who the last Greek restauranteur in this death triangle will be :(","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Take a note to PM me if you do, I'll happily pay for one!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"2 weeks! thats my dream!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I feel like its got to do with the bad desync in the game right now.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I mean, ya, but this has been his stance for as long as I have been a fan. It isn’t really new for him.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Cinesphere and Trillium Park are both fantastic spots and I see absolutely zero reason to change them.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"How is [NAME] fleshed out? His entire role in ep1 was that he cooks. He's about as important as [NAME].","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Bad sarcasm in response to a bad joke seems about right to be fair.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"How offensive. I, am NOT a duck!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"So then use shotguns?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I mean, I hope so. I bought his jersey, which would be embarrassing if he was out the league in two years.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"I think she said he hit her through the car window","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"trailer fabulous!!! i miss it","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Chattel slavery is uniquely different from other types of forced labour and indenture.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"bcash is not bitcoin. its a fork if bitcoin, and you brought up [NAME] yourself which is pretty odd considering you think of him as a distraction.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"As a woman, I have to say I think you aren’t wrong about this.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"My turn should arrive this year. At least this place will allow me to leave my last words.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Omg I thought you were paraphrasing. I'm so happy that those were the exact words they said.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"What a perfect timing though.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is my favourite game of all time and I miss it dearly. I made most of my best friends playing this game.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Gee, thanks for waking up after being told for over a decade.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Can't wait to see her looks in S11!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Then you get home and realise they managed to bill you for the booze. That's half your winnings gone.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm sorry your trust has been that badly broken.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"But you ARE!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's going to get awfully dark and cold at night.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"That means nothing beyond the fact that I couldn’t be asked arguing with you. It was a no contest essentially.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] gimmie more, [NAME] more. “[NAME] is making you all this money and all you do is talk crap about her.”","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Utah is a beautiful state. I’ll give you that. I spent a week at Bear Lake and it was pretty amazing.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I love that username","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"so basically free money for those wealthy enough to take vacations annually. wonderful.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"There’s no evidence that 12-step programs work any better than no program, so you’re not missing anything if you quit. Good luck.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Great game. Love winning in NOLA.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I personally wish that they stuck with the spin offs but if their happy I’m good.👌","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Especially the Lexus peeps. Just baffles me how they dash in their nice cars.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why's it called going into 86'ed mode though? I've never heard that before, it's interesting","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Wow that's some great facts and logic you're arguing with.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Studying something doesn't make you bright. Getting a degree does.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"How is this world politics?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"bushwick, and playing a drum doesn't mean someone cannot work a job.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Cue uncontrollable giggles.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"What's does the future hold for you two? You're not happy with him. You deserve better.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Y’all are just jealous that this individual identifies as a fish hook. On a serious note though going through an airport tsa must be a nightmare","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"This is why I came to the comments section","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hahahaha. Wow. Pure gold!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"None. If you get anything at all, it's a bonus, but don't expect anything.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"(#1)Just love him/her (#2) Be forgiving","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Praying for the one who wrote that, that he isn't gonna caught...","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"He can have his opinion, but he doesn't have to state when *no one* asked.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"This isn't meant to be a diy thing I think it's a YouTube craft channel they exist because it's calming to watxh","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s true. Icebergs can’t melt steel beams.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"thats why she is going crazy lmao","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I absolutely thinky wife is more beautiful now than when I met her.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Those Boys risked their lives for a strong independent woman.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's a nice way to say \"being forcibly removed as illegal immigrants.\".","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Yeah would be exciting!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"His music is bad starting with that yeezus album","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"My nipples are rock hard right now, just ruined my shirt.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Calling (some) media the Enemy of the People and Fake News - is that not impeachable in a non-bizarro world?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I didn’t know [NAME] disliked Pittsburgh so much","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"This is so bad that I immediately retold it to everyone I know.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"!RemindMe 10 days","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Even if it was true, what would they actually gain from misrepresenting the data?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"JFC, they can't help themselves.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Bike snob here. $400 is hella cheap for any bike that gets raced.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"wasn’t it just reported that the [NAME] report will be “anticlimactic?” Don’t like [NAME], I’m just keeping it real.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Crap. Absolutely missed that when typing my paragraph mountains. Fixed.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Lol sounds great but that's probably not what the OP wants to hear 😉","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] [NAME] Bros are losing their minds over this tweet.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Honestly? I dont know. My parents told me that itd be seen as suspicious","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"For example, I think this picture of [NAME] character from southpark) is soooo cute","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Via Napoli in Epcot is amazing, but no garlic bread (the pizza is great though).","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yeah, that one. I forgot the name earlier.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Downvoting in hopes it will make this news go away","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Take your pick bro.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hello, Could you try exiting the game and restarting? Please let us know if you're still getting the pop-up afterward. Thanks!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"If you have schools in your city, I got bad news for ya champ...","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Vr chat is free and you can play it without vr","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's just, like, your opinion, man","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is some of the worst passing I've ever seen.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Maybe they'll change their mind one day! That sounds good, I'll give it a go some time!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Wait, what? [NAME] wasn't allowed a *bank account*?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"FYI not all skinheads are racists. [NAME] suck and should be confronted.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Reminds me of \"It's your city!\" back in The Flash 2X08.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks; it is a major turn-off because there's no reasoning - he \"knows\" it's a fact. I appreciate your perspective.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Thanks for adding the link. I'm not that reddit savvy","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Adoption is an option. You don't have to force someone to exist but you can let them have a good life.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can’t believe [NAME] era is coming to an end... feels like yesterday I saw his 1st win against the cowboys with tiki breaking the rushing record.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I WANTED GENERAL LUCK TO MARCH TO NEW ENGLAND AND *THEN* GET SPANKED UP AND DOWN THE FIELD FOR 60 MINUTES.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Are you saying the ones who suffer most are billionaire psychopaths? I’m confused by the wording.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"You know even when women wear their hair natural they’re still putting products in it right?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A best friend would get me a vibrator. Not something that’ll make me feel like an oily, ugly piece of shit.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Looks like goodfellow","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"He's been playing better this season though, in my opinion.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Great to hear you're so loving together! Wishing you all the best. Feel free to PM me anytime!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Those are sexist theories not facts.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I find this aspect of the law so ridiculous. I suppose pepper spray is lethal to people with respiratory conditions like asthma or certain rare allergies.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I HEARD SOMEONE SAID THE F WORD","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can’t really do much about it since our only other ball handler available today is Napier","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m always weirded out whenever I see him without a beard because in my game I got the longest beard I could","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You spend time in The Donald, do you not understand irony?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"AS..... YOU.... WISSHHH!!!.. Inconceivable! My first ever silver. Thank you kind stranger.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I will! This is a great new excuse for never leaving my house","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"They really dont understand the value of an inch do they","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] I loved [NAME].","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I love how having high standards is used as an insult here.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"You’re an inspiration","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm glad it only sprayed soda when his thumb went into the can, and not blood everywhere.","label":23,"emotion":"relief"} {"text":"[NAME] has consistently being volatile. It's just a matter of time until she's being rude to [NAME] again.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I think they might be! I'll let her know - thank you :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Thank you! Good night!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It isn't incorrect to use 'they' even when a person is explicitly a women/man.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Glad to see you were able to get this worked out, thx for the update!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I thought they were talking about the cat.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"looks unreal, like it's a toy or something.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"The attraction and the action are two separate things, and you know that. No one chooses who they are attracted to. Stop it.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Interesting theory.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Im there as well, You get into these habits and become complacent its like your watching your life in 3rd person. For me that is.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I mean yeah we were the best counter attacking team. That counter was so disappointing","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"There are Cubs fans that died at 95 without ever having seen their favorite team win a title. At what point is the LOILTY worth it?","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Also. Read the sidebar, thank you.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"he was stellar the Memphis game down the stretch. honestly forgot about that","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He’s been going to a restaurant for 40 years and forgot what it looked like and where it was.. uh huh.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"PC Plod. The old bill","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"There is clearly something really goddamned wrong with the policy then.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Don’t blame us because you’re a dumbass..","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Oh my god are you [NAME]? If you are I am huge fan. I completed the IX EE earlier today using your guide","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Stay strong dude","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"That's what everyone says but they are ugly. I want a Diavel, m109, or a Vrod.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"IIRC there is a Simpsons episode where [NAME] has programmed the emergency button on the phone to call the pizza place.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":". . . Wait a fucking second","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Wondered 'why doesn't it seem like theyre making any progress' before I realized how short the loop was....","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"[NAME] is amped, I'm excited that he's excited","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"“[NAME] you’re still here? Geez you really are slow.”","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Thought you were gonna go steak with ketchup in that last bit, ya pulled a sneaky","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Oh I'd wager it was as addictive :-) 7x70's :-/","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Did you taste it","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Marriage takes 2 to be successful. Love him enough to let him go.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Besides a petty theft conviction out of Florida in 2003, there's nothing. No other convictions.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Reminds me of the podcast Welcome To Nightvale.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"You came here to cry","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"The best part of froyo is getting to do it yourself. Robot is useless and bad at it's job.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You guys can downvote me all you want, but this sub is every day looking more and more alike r/gameofthrones","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"But should I? And who would I report that too? since none of us 3 are in the same country","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh wow I forgot [NAME] and [NAME]. I have not read it.. have a link?","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"It’s a metaphor. No one cares how big his anatomy is.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Perfect! Thanks","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"If [NAME] gets the better of [NAME] today, EV should learn not to start [NAME] at RB against pacy attackers m","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I can't stand having my motives questioned.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":">The only way change will happen is when the national media actually focuses on them. Precisely what a protest is aimed at engendering.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I believe that this may be meant for the person above me, for I have moved into the realm of monetized bananas.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Make nachos, get a beer, and get ready to yell SUEY!!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"One post, 155 updogs. I've seen this raw power only once before.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"For the people and finding out how they end up? Sure. Other than that, it’s not great. Frustrating at best.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"[NAME] - I misspelt and can’t correct it now","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":">cat beby the fuck is wrong with you","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Alberta needs to get with the times.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Just relax, take a deep breath, let the blood flow. Everything's going to be fine.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I said this somewhere else.. but I swear that man in the hood is caucasian... But that was actually hilarious","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You da real MVP","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Omg, *please*","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Omg what the ever loving bloody hell did I just read?? As an artist, this was extra painful to me.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"This video was uploaded in October 2013, over five years ago now. This just feels like an unnecessarily inflammatory post for karma to me.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I got mine on the exact same mission!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Nice! I haven’t listened to them or Tool in so long. Will def be getting back into them now.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm not being told I have issues by a guy who actually and genuinely has an interest in coprophagia.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Nothing against bartenders at all. Dumbass people like [NAME], I make fun of because I can.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The west is so unfair :(","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Don’t worry about it I meant what I said thank you really","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Things were significantly worse back then than they are now.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"ELABORATE plz!!!!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I've probably put a couple hundred miles on my space saver tire. It's still on there right now.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's 2019 and people are *still* saying \"SJW's?\" Ha! Hahahahaha! Oh my life. [NAME].","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"[NAME] is trying not to laugh through his lines and hoesntly I love it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Oh ok I never watched that show. I love that judge though.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"If you want any hope of getting better, you must stop everything and anything with underage girls...forever","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"No offense taken, and I agree with your last statement.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Same clothes and the door is black on the other side - looks so real!!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I don't doubt that, but there's a difference between doing something as a social activity and a psychoactive drugs that actually makes you feel more social.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I've always found it weird how popular Nandos is in Britain.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"We tell our girl friends too when we get asked out :)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I can relate. It kind of breaks your heart and your spirit, doesn’t it?","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"My 2 best girls in the series combined into one and [NAME] with [NAME] colors is so beautiful :)","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The more I look the worse it gets","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I liked [NAME] updated “I thought this was a teaching hospital!”","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Neither am I. I'm mocking her alongside you.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Thanks man, I appreciate it, I love her but this was way to far, thanks man 💜","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"So get a job and leave. It's just going to get worse. First the tv then you. Get out while you can","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I hate it and I love it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Bdo is love","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Very sweet of [NAME]","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"They are the modern day Nickelback.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"America is not a country, it's a fucking business. if you have zero money, no one cares about you.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Eat the apple butthole first. It's the best way to eat the apple.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Its onky been 6 years i think you read the second line","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I am. I do! You're welcome.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Thank you! I’ll contact you tomorrow! :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Wow damn this some good words","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Do y’all consider Cadillacs as “luxury” cars similar to Audis, BMW, Lexus ?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"WHAT THE HELL!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Hey, thank you. :) I appreciate it.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm more saying that I think the south is a joke.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"What about Governor [NAME]?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"After he did the one year contract last year I'm not seeing him staying here with no improvement from our team.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Pets are the best ❤","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"dom will be used as outfield depth","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If you look at her from a distance, she's super cute. Then you get close and it's a [NAME] painting of tweaky, delusion.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] for best actress","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Is he really your buddy if you have to ask us how to talk to him?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Yeah 150 is a little much. Reverting to 125 would be perfect","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"[NAME] has cast a Magic Shield of Jesus [NAME] Claims He Cast “Shield of Protection” That Will Send Hurricane [NAME] Back Out to","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Caution: [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Um... I’m extremely concerned as to which one’s business and which one’s casual.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Thanks for being here. :-) We can always use allies.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"congrats to everyone who picked the over","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"My point is that IQ basically works. As with literally everything, there are flaws, but it's not junk science.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"We already had that fake news before. There's no such discussion.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"And the shit like \"like for [NAME], Ignore for satan","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"you are so welcome. I’m glad I could bring sunshine to your day.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Thimerosal isn't even in vaccines anymore, due to the controversy.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's all greek to me","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"There is no such Thing as [NAME] or an Almighty !","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Both Islanders goaltenders support [NAME] and they are having career years, coincidence? I think not.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"That sounds so awesome. Thanks for talking about it.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh. Sorry.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Oh wait that's tonight?!?! Totally watching 😎","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"they dont pay shit","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Looks like you just finished eating a shit covered ass.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Sorry, but [NAME] is too POWERFUL, not to be his own character. But seriously i definitely now want this.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"hey the 5 riders per van per day are upset","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Hello autism my old friend","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I'm guessing HIS blood type is mountain dew","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"yikes i thought it was just a joke transformer [NAME]","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Fight milk 🥛 lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"wow. thank you. you dont know how badly i needed that tbh","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"“Hello darkness my old friend...”","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh no way is it miners, it's blockstream fault they bought every developer that had commit access to bitcoin's repository. End of story.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is bloody disgusting.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Is the use of stone that common for the medical field in the UK?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"oh yeah? Mines real","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Rip the guy from psych","label":16,"emotion":"grief"} {"text":"That’s a good idea, thanks","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"My ecology professor hated outdoor cats for that reason. They're extremely destructive animals.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Don't doubt yourself. They're wrong.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You love her knowing her limitations, adjusting your expectations, and keeping boundaries firmly set and enforced hard.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"When people say [NAME] should be an All star just show them that last possession","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Weirdly enough Salad Fingers is one of [NAME] weaker animations, highly recommend ‘The Unfixable Thought Machine’","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Nahhh just as they came to me","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The itching probably happens when your skin vibrates from the brush.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Lots of internalized rage and mom guilt daily leading to a good shower cry once a week or so.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"happy new year buddy!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"All these years I didn't know he escaped just to go to florida and kill some more smh","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you. [NAME]","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Thanks [NAME]. We hardly knew ye","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"She’s sexy I’d hit.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Just out of curiosity, what age group are you? Your boyfriend seems real decent nut the scenario sounds like teenagers I'm confused!","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I sure do.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Ooh, [NAME] not happy.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow that was such a beautiful drive by [NAME]. Really wish we could see more of that","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This whole ordeal seems entirely pointless, but i don't want to turn away in case i miss some drama","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"most conservatives have been pissed at cities in Minnesota raising the age to buy tobacco, I guess i'm a little confused on what you are talking about.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Ahh, I see. Well, he wasn't wrong!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"A crappy situation... Man oh man...","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"You're going to be free one day, but never if you stop trying. Every weeks a new week, goodluck !","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"He wasn’t hot to me but he has that attitude I find attractive af.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I’d say her knee is more done, ankle looks ok but I’m n doctor lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I haven't gone by the name [NAME] since, oh before you were born.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yah. I unfortunately was sitting and watching this documentary with my Mother. That was very awkward.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Being a nice, interesting person has helped me get a lot of friends but hasn't really gotten me anywhere with regards to women.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I like it","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Good potatoes, good pasta.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"If y'all didn't like OKC before, you hate 'em now.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Yeah fuck all of them down votes xD instantly had this run through my head when I saw the post. One of my favorites as well...","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Okay. Thanks for the information, I guess? I'm not really sure what your point is.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Funny how we get more anxious about our heroes than their victims","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"If the fan doesn't work, then I'm fine with it.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I’m hugging you back!!! Not in a weird way. :-). Thank you, internet stranger.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Canada here, yup..... gods damned homophobic leftovers.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"16-37 and 25 fta. [NAME] is so fucking overrated. Volume chucker/flopper in a fast paced no defense league.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"This made me laugh so hard I farted and woke my dog up. Only thing missing is the confetti.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Wasn’t it 99% of the WORLD’S population? Like how in the fuck is that even possible...","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"The thing to understand about [NAME] is that he's a complete moron.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"His main goal is attacking KSI's comment section","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Like you said your tired probably mentally and physically. You need a dam break is what it sounds like my friend.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"It's alright old man we're almost to your room","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"[NAME], [NAME] mother. I loved her in the one episode. She had great chemistry with everyone she met.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oof, thanks","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"If she deleted your Snapchat just because you showed up to a bingo, then it seems she's a bit of a bad person","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"A *Pontiac* Montana?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"The new persona is only if you get the true ending. Not sure if the thread poster has but just in case he didn’t","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Love your username","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"If you’re a solo player, then I understand...","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Thanks for your comment. This makes sense with the time frames too.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I only wrote it down as a last choice if I have trouble meeting people on campus.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"On days like this you can get an extra scoop. Just to make sure you have the finnnnnessst meals ;)","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Well banano is pretty memeorable","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"1. They don't understand football fundamentals. They play [NAME]. 2. They are short and want someone to identify with.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Truth is hate. Men are women.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No, the full video shows that the kids surrounded and berated the native elder man","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Finally Mesut!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Don't endorse violence against people.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"It's your boy [NAME]!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He was young and he thought he was doing the right thing. No need to be rude about it.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Exactly. It’s all about control","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"YAAAS! Even though you're a stranger on the internet, this has made my day.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Today's Recaptchas were fun. I'm very good at identifying store fronts, apparently...","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Say you ate something or say things they cannot measure.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ok! I like making friends","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"That is in no way sexual harrassment...","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Right, but we want to shit talk them directly. Not agree with other people shit talking them.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Look on the bright side. I dont know what your bright side is but just look at it.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"We mess up on a draft so we just nvr draft anymore?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yep just googled it and she’s freezing her eggs and telling EVERYONE how I missed this...who knows","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Before.revolution can happen in the streets it first has to happen in their minds - Stuck Mojo","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Last game I think someone said it well, \"[NAME] like a toddler in an NBA Pro's body.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Just in time to get excited for a mediocre Twins season!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I feel like I have to call bs on this one. I hope lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I just physically *shuddered* at the idea of redoing middle school..","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Probably [NAME] tbh. I feel like what [NAME] did in the long run was a bit scummier, not by much tho.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hi everyone!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Get a second opinion from a different doctor. Eczema can get exacerbated by home remedies sometimes, so be sure to check with another doc first.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Just saw your history. Makes complete sense now. Your a trumptroll. Bye.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Do you people just sit in meme economy and wait for something new to come up?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Cheers lad :)","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I’m ready to unsubscribe from this sub","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"If you bought it from Levi’s I think they do it for free at their flagship store","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And how long ago was this?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Makes sense. So I need 2 USB drives according the the TAILS website.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks!!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Will try. Thank you","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Alright imma set small goals for myself thanks for tip man!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"That's a little girl, not a sandwich.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Wiggins and towns pick and roll use it more","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If we're talking about the person in the middle, that's a man. [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Reminds me of the old lady in Police Academy 4 shooting the .44 magnum. Damn that was fun!","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I bet we'd all die. Thank [NAME] for colds and germs or we'd all be dead upon birth","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I think he's in it. I know [NAME] is killing me on my fantasy team right now","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"You have your opinion and I have mine why does that make only one of us a victim?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Thank you for writing this, for letting us into your world so that we can better understand our own. I am very grateful for this gift.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Play hard, but we don't want to reveal our secret raptor killing strategy until the playoffs...","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Weird flex but ok","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm a little disappointed that the tier markings werent' just different shades of green.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Thanks for your input into this discussion. It has been very productive.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"If we can get a 1st rounder it is without a doubt worth it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Autism (mechanistic thinking, lack of theory of mind) is the opposite of intuition (thinking without thinking).","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] ! Glad that we helped you.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I don't wanna be controversial, but the streak might end...","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Make sure you actually try sativas. Don't just listen to people bsing about Sativa causing paranoia/anxiety etc.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Some people are just very special lmao","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":">Feminism is how we get to equality how do you know that?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Rapists can have parental rights in some states, assuming they find him.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Same here, after she initiated the divorce and acussed me of not doing anything to stop it.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Horseshoe effect going on with FBPE and the no deal brexiteers, basically if you're soft remainer or brexiteers they hate you. The irony ha","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Greatest part of that goal is the pique backheel for me. What is he even doing there :))","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Thanks. I guess.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"For me, the only thing that makes it cringe is [NAME] covering his mouth","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wrecking Ball clips are the best","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"We know blocking [NAME] was [NAME] choice because he said it was.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The only death that made me feel any emotion. And it wasn’t even the death itself.","label":16,"emotion":"grief"} {"text":"Lol ok 👌🏾","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Mumbling on twitter and r/politics. Also [NAME] is getting annoyed as well. He is mr appropriations after all.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That is amazing!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Lets see how [NAME] goes in Round 6","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"When her daughter says she wants to take all the weight from her and put it on her own body so her mom can go outside and play 😢❤️😢","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Omg didn't even think of that! So clever! Yes!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"To me his not doing it right because he is breaking contact with the skin. Keep contact and go back and forth!","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Here we go again I hate [NAME] *becomes a Dodger* I mean I love [NAME]","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Wait a minute, the rich own ranches.... You're one of them!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"NOT TODAY REINHARDT","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The third period is going to be uncomfortable and I preemptively hate it.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I'd imagine the confusion would be far greater, especially amongst the [RELIGION] community considering there is no aspect of Ramadan that prevents [NAME] from doing exams.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"holy shit that's bad, maybe the extremist right can't meme either?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"fake gamer girl didnt know [NAME] is already a rapper","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The last thing you see before entering Hell.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"And desks clapped","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I didn’t know they ventured outside Facebook","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That’s because [NAME] thinks he’s the man oin this team. [NAME] I can’t wait till he’s gone","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I'm saying your question is irrelevant to the post's topic. Stop being passive aggressive.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"OMG she reminds me of Ginger from Ginger Snaps! I'm in love!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"To be fair how often has someone drafted in the top 5 not immediately joined the team.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"They forgot the part where everyone started clapping.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ok, care to elaborate on what your mysterious link is?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Only 2 days ?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Sacrilege! :-P","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Once some joked that I was a [NAME] just because my family had moved to West Germany for a couple years when I was a infant.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I love this. Thank you","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"None. If she has insecurities, I latch onto them like a barnacle.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh my [NAME] I just noticed this too! I just rewatched it recently and noticed him just drinking some tea next to [NAME] and [NAME].","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Leave chicken in a vat of blue dye overnight and you'll lose all the pink","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This guy doesn’t physics.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I just got banned from one of his subreddits, I haven't been this excited for a ban since the snap from /r/thanosdidnothingwrong!","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"[NAME] has been a pleasant surprise","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Has Medicaid stopped? Most people I know who support this want Medicare or Medicaid for all.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"eh, no. Maybe wood can be an alternative if thon is out of the option, but i will never get the allure behind ersan","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I didn't read the entire article. That's great. Thanks for letting me know. Peace and happy 2019","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"When it didn’t work in r/aww r/funny or r/animalsbeingderps he came here","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Just ride the subway in NYC and watch how everyone behaves. Don’t stare, though.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I just started watching Brooklyn 99 this week and was looking for this reference. Thank you.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Do you ever get extremely inspired at night, make plans and then wake up with no drive at all? Or is this just a general thing?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Love and marriage","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah odd, as those items would identify her. And it would seem like an easier job to burn them to unrecognisable remains.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Such a good doggo, and no one gets to pet her and let her know.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I don't have a smart phone; however, I wouldn't need one in this case.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's a good thing that liopleurodon was actually only about six meters long and went extinct 155,000,000 years ago...","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Well, at least you'll have plenty of company","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Call your attorney general. 615-741-3491","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm so glad you have access to that trans group. You will make friends and be able to support each other.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I understand the confusion","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"How is the JC-01 with juul pods. I've heard mixed reviews.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Is the misspelling on the cake the only thing you see wrong with this post?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I unironically agree with everything on the left side of this.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"You will find the words that work for your dynamic. The fact you are worried and thinking about it is 75% of the battle","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Checking in from Nashville, a merged city-county that’s thriving precisely because it’s a merged city/county.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The furthest thing from my mind and likely everyone else since you’re the first to mention it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I loved [NAME] as much as anyone but he started to become really inconsistent in his final stretch here before he ended up in Charlotte.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"The god of metal does not approve","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yikes, maybe [NAME] can pull some [NAME] magic with him","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'd be careful with that, could be construed as cybersquatting which is illegal.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Or just use a fast weapon. He's pretty predictable once you get his patterns down.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Omg, unbelievably scary. Insane","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Happy birthday!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"you are a good man","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"And the ability to get time off for all these trips","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Went in to the comments to look for this. Thanks!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Thanks for your kind words. They made me tear up a bit.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Ooo... \"authentic incel porn.\" Not gonna lie, I would watch an incel lose his virginity if the production value was even half decent.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"RUDY! RUDY! RUDY! RUDY! RUDY! RUDY! RUDY!\" Come on, gimme more [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ah, pillars of society. No wonder MLS is so highly regarded.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That escalated quickly","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The leader of the revolutionaries would be exploiting the labor of the revolutionaries below him!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Is there a link for razz discord?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"For the record I don’t necessarily want him either. I just think he’s a compelling person.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"So ungrateful. I wouldn’t have even offered that bc ppl who try to argue with closing times are not people who settle.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Fackin foreigners trying to steal ar players! #WeAreAllTommyWright","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You are stating your opinion as if it were fact. [NAME] has face tattoos and I think they are incredibly sexy, attractive and appealing.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What is the $250,000 figure based on?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"They'd never give her a crown but it would be so good to see her back on my screen.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Care to explain?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"...be careful, guys","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"You’re a liar. 😂","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"We will welcome you with open arms <3","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I tried to google up another but they were the only one reporting at the time.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] IS girl number 3","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I have trophy jeans and a trophy bra! Although RIP my boobs because they were the one thing I liked about my body back then :)","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I think the biggest fucking thing is that apparently reaper has a goddamn family himself.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Don't do [NAME] dirty like this smh","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"> complains about fun > plays game mode with the most fun > loves it FTFY","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Thats great... Here same with me","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"THATS WHAT SHE SAID...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Nihilism makes me happy, but I know that’s just my opinion.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Uffda. What a hero.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I got that reference","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME], what? That's pretty hilarious and disgusting.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Oh no [NAME] bb what is you doin?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I mean, this just looks more like a case of a guy being overrated coming out of high school.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And it’s only 100 degrees with 90% humidity.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Actually that specific detail is one of the few you can actually use as Lucio. Because it has a horizontal aspect you can wall ride it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes, because I've always wanted a father figure who throws a tantrum every time he doesn't get his way.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"I don’t know ,I kinda find this funny","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Yikes. Be careful out there.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Still helpful. Thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I used to do shit like this...back when I had a serious drinking problem I was in denial about","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Glad I took the 1st half spread","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Thank you for your message, I read it when I woke up and it helped. Thank you for showing kindness to a stranger","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Both of you should!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And leave a beautiful corpse","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Fuck a newspaper","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Didn't realize I'm so famous!","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"WHERE IS THE JOKE","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Doubters. I'm still waiting on a status report of the 2 fluffers from a few weeks ago. WOOF!","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":">Eat more salad Might I also suggest some vegetables too. You'll feel infinitely better","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"They always blab about IQ and other garbage but they have the intelligence of a bag of hammers.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Shoulda picked up [NAME] smh. Y’all had a golden opportunity to pick up the god himself as a sub.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I've invested 9 goddamn years watching these twits. I'm going down with the ship.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Found the militant long time Southwest employee? ...and if not, I am constantly amazed at what random people will get mad about these days.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"It's actually somewhat maddening to me that there are people who watch his video and actually think he is doing a public service. Yikes..","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I do not disagree with any of this. Good take, sir.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Flair checking in! I love it when they don't change the template messages!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I’ve never heard of a vet adopting out pets before.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Miami - Dade","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I don't like football but the 10 minutes of actual football has been pretty entertaining so far","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Sadly, it ran. :( I hope you're enjoying your trip overseas! :D","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"59 days until opening day!!!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Totally agree, except I usually (this occasion included) lack the pity haha.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Still is glitched to this day.... sad","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"POINTER!!!!!! YOU DA REAL ALL STAR!!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I just love that this is appropriate for football now/again. #FuckLA","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Boner. I'd have the weirdest boner.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"It's also not worth the costs because most of the time people are being petty don't actually have a claim to make.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I enjoy gameplay grind. Don't shoot me lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I was not expecting the giant \"POLICE STATION\" sign. That just makes it all the better.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What was the \"injustice?\" Nothing happened to him. Assuming his story was not hugely exaggerated to fit the victim card.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Maybe so , i just dont know about him, team has enough turmoil they just dont need any more distractions","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"That is insanity","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"#29 GINNNO ODJICK","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I wanna put baby shoes on my giant adult feet and baby stomp all over a cheesebreather's fucking toes","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"they will also hate the eagles for years to come because their fans were a bunch of meanies","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Y'all i have option one. Lemme tell you. Sex is important. I miss it","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Other form of distractions such as shopping, reading, media, being here and also being surrounded by people I find attractive :-/","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You have an amazing instinct to protect him. It’s beautiful","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Tu eres very nice man","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"But you appear to think you have some amazing insights on how to handle a pwBPD. Have you considered the possibility that you don't?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Keep going! Every day you stick with it is another victory you can cherish!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"No no. totally justified","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"What happened? Did something set you off? THough sometimes we can have good days and bad days, don't let it offset the progress you've made","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Well ya ideally should be cleaning piercings with sterile saline anyway sooo.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you so much. That means a lot. ❤","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME], this is your MLA, right? Dude *does* seem like a plug.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"lmaooo you're right I did mean [NAME] by that haha \"she\" lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"But sweat pea it’s a MAN wearing makeup! My gay bestie BABES 🍭🍆🧖‍♂️","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"When you decide to root against your favorite team, for a better future “The hardest choices require the strongest will”","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Wow. These people really deserve some *clove*, especially on subshops.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"He is a right click bot now lol, but seriously you do the same but with worse mobility.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Cant wait to draft my man early to mid second round next year. If I'm drafting late first I might really go wr/wr","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"See, guys??? It’s happening!!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> If it concerns you a lot, after 3 times you can actually just register another card. Good idea.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Yeah he's a cunt but that doesn't mean he should be prosecuted for a joke. No matter how bad taste it was.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Lord [NAME] called, he wants his style back","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"YES CIZ so glad I saw this here, really well done, there is no end to your creativity.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"To much of a good thing is a bad thing","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"(i'm tickled to see the tag Kalamity catching on around here)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh no! No, there was nothing wrong in your comment. I appreciate you taking the time!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You’re so perfect :)","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Situation in chess where it is better not to move or you will end up in a worse position is called Zugzwang.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Welcome to Reddit!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"RIGHT?! My mom would literally never forgive the bitch 😂","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I know they don’t want it. I just wish they did.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Oh sure. I bet [NAME] is sick. Sick of Skyward Sword.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"okay but where to find bara that isnt fetish/sex stuff and is more wholesome and romantic?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh wow. You really know your stuff. Luckily I don't have diabetes yet so that's something","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Is it weird if I said I forgot how brutal things could get? Like what happened to [NAME] oh my-I was appalled.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Bro, he left his team in the middle of the game... idc what argument you have with [NAME] you still left your team.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"That partially explains why season 4 was such a fucking mess","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Edward Lear, lovely chap.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"If he moved on, it’s time you do too. Plain and simple... your 15 years old... lots of time to find someone new.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Viral marketing for [NAME] new tour?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It was a beautiful week","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Correct. I still play NHL Faceoff 98 and I always turn that rule off, because it's terrible.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"You are a great grandmother.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"A blanket. My friend crocheted me a blanket a few years ago and I use it every day. Love this thing!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"[NAME] loves rui too afterall","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah, he does. Just because he draws different conclusions than you doesn't mean he isn't reading [NAME]. Get out of your little bubble.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"That’s awesome! Heal up quickly","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Politicians be like yo we cant raise minimum wage because then companies will just replace all their workers with robots...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I don’t understand how her parents were able to take kid when she claims they are horrible alcoholics","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"Irrelevant, actually You're both talking about different things","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"This comes to mind.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks, it’s funny how to me this seemed a leap but not one person agrees, lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Yea I would've lost it there","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"“Those floors with *that* paneling? Ugh! Disgusting!”","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"[NAME] deserves better","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You sound like you're going to be a great PA! Good luck in your new career.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It was at that moment she decided to go back to college.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Like this game from a week ago? 26 points 14","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I wanna know about the sky being LCD! You ever hear the one about the [NAME] faking the return of [NAME]?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":">They played three games in a week three separate times. [NAME], that's absolutely brutal","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"oh man. it took me so long to figure out what you are saying. its literally [NAME]","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Yeah their passes are crazy.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thought he dislocated his shoulder at first","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’d like to know too. How lucky am I that my first ever relationship was with a pwBPD. sigh","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"For I second I thought he was a sophomore learning to drive based on that figure, baby face from a distance and choice of clothing","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Personally, I prefer my seafood not tainted by oil spills. But you do you!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Please do. lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"OMG [NAME]!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"She’s clearly hanging at least part way into the space. She’s so dumb","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Grew up watching avatar and [NAME] is one of my favorite video game protagonists, especially when RDR2 came out.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I’m in Florence right now on a holiday and my [NAME] does it make me want to replay that game","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"They'll just confiscate it here. I remember I had a pocket knife in my bag that I forgot about. They just took it away.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"When you open Boost for Reddit in dark mode and you're greeted with this post","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Fuck so obvious","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"So you then took that lie and began aggressively cheating on him? Your post history. Wow.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Really visually haunting though. For me, it makes me think of strange alternate futures and dystopian sci-fi worlds.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"It's probably easier when they're stuck on an island","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"good luck with your baby! i hope everything goes well for you and your SO lol","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Aaaand I'm still here. I don't have a alt account but whoever you reported I\"m sure is alive and well. You're terrible.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Is that what happens is [NAME] route? I chose [NAME] and he only does once.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Idaho lot rather we stop with these amas.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think that’s beautiful, and it looks so easy for whoever has to clean it, no fiddly bits.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] is my life!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can't stand having sex with you...?? Just horrible thing to say... You deserve better!!!","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"It's fishphobic!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Glossing over [NAME] doesn't do justice to how crippled my team was after picking him","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Vote every one of them out that was quoted as being upset about the wire and not the corruption.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"The lead designer, not the producer :)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sorry, but anarcho-anything are bot welcome there","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Where did he say he's superior to [NAME], anyway?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Same reason the KKK, a radical [RELIGION] group, burns crosses.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"i never thought i would read the phrase 600 lb cinematic universe but i am glad i did","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I mean I would be a [NAME] and I’m pretty reasonable.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Probably yes. Impossible to say without details. Has he tried giving the bill to his insurance?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Im so sad how that movie turned out. We could have achived something good","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Well, only the fringe dissipates into the ether.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ty! I was going crazy tryin it, canging things... i'l wait then :-)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Try really warm water instead. It's awesome.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I now live in the Mediterranean, which is nice.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"What’s with the video being off?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you for the support!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"ok now you are being adorable on purpose i see what youre doing","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I worked at a hospital in northern NJ and float pool was only $4 extra","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"lol Whatever that proves, sure.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Wrong. Im a [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My condolences.","label":16,"emotion":"grief"} {"text":"I beat my dad","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"This hits a little too close to home","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Red, Green, Blue. It's like a Christmas tree Edit: lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Has any news been confirmed of whose playing [NAME]. I hope we see him soon to grasp how charasmatic he can be","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"We should strip [NAME] of his Stoney badge for being so soft.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"yeah I figured, that's actually incredibly annoying. that only flies because they don't care about bf4 anymore? time to start favoriting servers I guess","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I am still missing money from a August 2018 withdrawal with no update and no success. Quadriga - give me back my money!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Aww!! Thank you! I had fun making it, I also ADORE [NAME] 😍","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Except forming an opinion of a topic without even having basic knowledge of said topic makes you sound pretty arrogant and entirely undercuts your opinion.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Sorry I'm a reddit noob but why do I get notifications of comments on my thread but then they disappear and I can't read them? Lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Wonder how he feels about [NAME] now","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Triple single son","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Folks are complaining about the new buses.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] boxing gym in Ross is super inviting to everyone! It's a legit boxing club that is also friendly to folks just looking for a workout.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"What made you so interested in great whites?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"There are far more bad ones than good ones. Stepparents that treat their stepchildren as their own are noteworthy for a reason.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"By far one of the best\" Mmmm","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Also part of the idea is that it’s nothing special. It’s just our flag. You don’t have to order something different.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's perfectly fine","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Glad I'm not the only one","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Dude the speed which the cop came running is amazing","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It's realistically his last chance to get a big payday.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Watching a friend go through her wedding made me decide to marry at city hall. I wanted a marriage, but not a wedding.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Worried me there","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Bzzzzt, try again","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I own literally no red shirts, would grey, tan, or purplish be okay?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's a really cheap cop-out for rather common criticism of those games.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"So can we all collectively accept that [NAME] has a high placement for this week? Okay thank you","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"So America and the USSR are the exact same thing to you? Sorry you're so small minded, hope you learn to grow in the future.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"It’s not even news.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Refusing to pay someone for work that they've done is theft. You can try to justify it any way you want but that's what it is.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I've just listened to it on my way from school today! [NAME] anatomy introduced some beautiful music.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is my ex and I rib about this all the time","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Great pick! Especially when I realized she was meant to lose yesterday...good luck!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"As long as you don't kiss her whole face you will be fine. If you both want it, it shouldn't be awkward.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hahahah this is awesome.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Fake news! but really, that's awesome to have a parent that actually understands how to teach their child accountability.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The music caught me off guard","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"i passed thanks everyone","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I gotchu bro, house By Gucci Mane I’m a huge Gucci mane fan.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"The description of the cut marks that KZ gave in MaM sounds as if a sawz-all was used.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Absolutely glorious morning. There is no better weather.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm not seeing eye patch guy","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I recently came upon the term \"that slaps\" in reference to delicious food, or simply an enjoyable experience.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Help me [NAME] I'm bully in high school for no reason.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Rose coloured glasses get rosier as time goes by :) You'll move on eventually. Treasure the memory but be present in your current and future relationships.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"that was so sad :(","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Reminds me of [NAME] in IASIP","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Fair enough. I considered it malicious compliance because I followed the letter if the rules while purposely not following the spirit.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"people have built such a stigma around it that it's what comes to mind first instead of positive thoughts.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I thought that type of camouflage failed horribly because the high contrast and defined shapes made the ships really stand out.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I'd say Rick and Morty fans. I'm a fan of both but I feel that Rick and Morty fans take everything way more seriously.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Honestly the rarity is fine, I find it once every 25 games but the health needs work.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Seems like cutting out the middleman. They already know they are fat so no need to go to the doctor","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh my. Bless this dog. He is a big boy. I love him so much. Tell him I love him.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I thought there's a top 5 and they filmed each elimination? What makes you say [NAME] isn't there (though I'd love [NAME] to be)","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Best thing about making moonshine is the ether vapors you get to collect :)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I came.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Look like when i wake up in the same bed with my uncle","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And AI will somehow be magically more disruptive than the industrial revolution. Because... reasons.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Something is eating this poor redditor and I don’t think it’s the injustice of society at large to accept face tattoos.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Have you ever consider knocking three times and that hide and seek/stalker vibe is terrifying. It's the most disturbing thing I can link you my AR 15.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"> we can't john beard that big","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I'm literally screaming.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Weird as I do know I've seen CoC waste/recycling services trucks picking up bins as early as 6:30AM.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"[NAME] scratched again lmao. Lines are good though. Pretty optimal considering what we have imo. I like [NAME] playing with [NAME]","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Super [NAME] with a hat, or providing a buffed hat sounds really funny, if incredibly useless.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Yeah you better hope. I just switched to combat pro from standard and I gotta say my builds are 🗿","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"What exactly is insane about this","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Analytics and instagram... are you joking?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Ah to be a young teen again","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"This is the first time in the last two years I've seen somebody compare current politics to a series other than Harry Potter","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No you are providing more than enough evidence. Post histories do exist. Now fuck off.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"> he might not have seen the truth by the time he had posted the video That's kinda the *whole fucking problem.* Fake Motherfucking News","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"What the hell kind of university schedules a class at 6am?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"OMG... Dad!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"That's exactly what I thought too!!!!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Wise choice. You had kebab.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"[NAME] and [NAME]? High five on the cheers tho","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Listen to only [RELIGION] music.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Saw this on r/teenagers first haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I guess some people just hate fun, lol","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Can’t even tell what’s happening here. This isn’t cringe.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Post the shaved [NAME] bro! #1 guard all over!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"For both of us to be done school. To be in a secure spot financially.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm just too lazy to count a subreddit for 20 characters every time I see one","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"True, but it is deceptive when dealing with c diff, it may give them a false sense of security.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Yeah thats exactly what I said. Im too weak to do it.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Probably not, and I'm fine with that. Not exactly the position nor type of person a rebuilding team needs.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Shut up and dance","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lmao servers in America make like $2 an hour with no tips.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"That sounds really cool! I'll be there","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I was a [NAME] fan for a good bit, so that swayed me a little towards his teams","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Maybe when they get away from David cage finally the plots won't be so Melodramatic and on the nose.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Just keep going and don't lose hope. Stuff like this can happen all the time to anybody. It's just bad luck","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Oh, I see what you did... Trying to confuse me.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Yep. I did this in uni, got mad respect for holding my \"booze\".","label":21,"emotion":"pride"} {"text":"You can't see me, Vern.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're an idiot and no one believes you and your telegram jerk-off buddies.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"This is good. Thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Anyone else think [NAME] talks too much in this and drowns destiny and hbomb out My man be talkin","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Be single for a while and get your mind right before being with either of them or anybody else.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Chat Room or Messages??","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Man you take your sims really seriously.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"You’re doing so good! We’re all so proud!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh, what a tangled web we weave When first we practise to deceive!","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"The only one I'd recomend is [NAME] to be honest","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What kind of behaviour is considered unattractive? I'm pretty clueless when it comes to dating.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"You can make a complaint and get damages if this happens. They are required to not pester you for two years if you fill it in online.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I thought my [RELIGION] boarding school was weird but now it seems pretty tame and mild in comparison.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"My bio is pretty funny... I got ‘If you’re a Catfish then you’ll be charged a call out fee of £120.49’","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Damn [NAME] is KILLING it","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Memes that were made 2 or more years ago don’t count. They were probably funny back then, just not now.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Thank you for sharing this with us","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Oh. I have anxiety for her and this conversation.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Also, [NAME] has reached the \"retweet fans pressuring him to run\" stage of unofficially running.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hoping LSU can kill 2 minutes and 20 seconds of clock here and not let UCF score more...","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"One more thing don't try to like eavesdrop or anything just kinda bring it up organically","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well it obviously helps you rationalize your total unwillingness to take action to make the world a better place. I hope that you grow past that.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I recently got a job that I wanted so now I don't have to live paycheck to paycheck.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Thanks [NAME] for winning so we don't have to see so much of [NAME] laughable career dwindling away.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Sadly no... I’m in Delaware 😩. But I’d love to help in any way I can. Keep me posted.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Watch it! He has the diabeetus.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Holy fuck. Best idea ever. Thank you.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"That facial hair....guy just finished playing red dead redemption 2 probably","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"good news is his fall was cushioned by [NAME] soft hairy body","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sadly there's a good chance that you still need a car anyway because that affordable neighborhood will involve a one hour commute.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I would never have believed it. Having experienced it, it is true. Completely. Different. World.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Deep down you know pain is temporary and you'll do it all over again the next weekend","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No justice with a cop's bullet in your head","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You fool! Now look what you've unleashed!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"[NAME] will have to redeem himself by getting a hatty. LGP!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Guice was a fuckin monster.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Just take them and get them vaccinated without his knowledge. Only one parent is needed. Dont even tell him after it's done.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Yeah, be sure to choose an option that won't be painful and has no chance of survival. And make it quick.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"This is really helpful to point out!!","label":23,"emotion":"relief"} {"text":"nah it takes it a lot more than one time, I reckon you'll be fine considering your aware of the risk","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I'm in the UK dude. It's happening everywhere and most people are either busy hating or living in a bubble so are oblivious.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I see you with Zangetsu, and I like it","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Because physical contact promotes bonding. Healthy relationships increase both partner's wellbeing. Routine can be frustrating. Especially when you want to try something new.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think it's normal. Don't analyse how you look like and worry about it btw, those idiots sure don't when they say their bullshit","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"welcome to a whole new world, my friend","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If by probe you mean “ask questions” then it’s To fully understand what you’re trying to say — why else?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Looks like backyard [NAME] and the gang have a new member... [NAME]!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"There is literally NO reason as to why the Japan ratings are necessary in this post. Zero.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Also N.e.r.d and [NAME] reference lmao","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"She has a good voice for a yoga teacher","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Lmao, this guy is a tool.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Sounds like a great chap","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] is 110% 24/7/365 all the time Swag, I just can't fathom.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Unfortunately, successful and rich people blame foreigners too :(","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Kid thinks he’s [NAME]! Mmm... Pound cake...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What happened in his personal life? I know he had a bunch of head injuries; is there more than that?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"When you insult someone you might want to start by insulting them to where they can understand what you're trying to say...who givES A fuck .","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"[NAME] will be livid if he does not get a burger but see [NAME] stuffing his face.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm surprised he survived the primary.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"The altcoin thread!? This is the first time I've seen it in 6 months.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Can we not say \"Team [NAME]\" or \"Team [NAME]\" etc. That's too close to us style politics for my likes...","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"The cognitive dissonance is strong with you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I find it unfortunate that you use gender-non-conformance as an insult.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"The only ignorant person here is you, and the Pope who makes the same baseless claims as you.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"It's the issue with a lot of 'activists' who think all's they have to do is exist.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh, I realized that moments after rolling down my window, when his hand came through the space.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"[NAME] is a MOTHERFUCKER","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Oh sweet I get [NAME] powers","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This response is highly unexpected yet logical. I’m fixin to chew on it for a spell.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"hahah if only he had reddit","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Not a fan of Hot Space. I like one song on there and that's Under Pressure.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I love it! It’s strangely charming lol!!! Especially when she comes back to camera speaking normally.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Having a good list of alternatives would be something great we could produce","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The must be on the prowl because I've been getting these calls a lot lately.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"People are disgusting and insane.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Quite enjoying this tbh","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"UNLESS THEY ARE ABUSIVE OR IT'S AN LDR!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"0.1% is a 1 in a thousand chance there, dumbass.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Just a simple man trying to make his way in the galaxy","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damned asshole trouble maker!! Someone has mummy issues. 👀","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"What reason do you have for not already having been prepared?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I am shocked they don’t have a vanity plate that reads “Beer Cheez”","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Gotta love how \"QUESTIONING\" is front and center in the list of things these warriors for [NAME] consider brainwashing.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Imma say this didn’t happen","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Soooo [NAME] is f**ked","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Intp:(","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Just report his comments let the mods take care of this misogynistic twit","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] has had this problem forever. Hopefully she fixes it, because it gets old and is a relationship killer","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"They're a Queens family. [NAME] would be one of those dudes who sits outside of Bodegas and bothers high school girls when they walk by.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What a brave man.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"he's clearly not equipped to argue, i can't decide if he's a dumbass teenager or a dumbass boomer.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Wouldn’t doubt its for good reasons, just didn’t understand what the were.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Mirror","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Never heard of anything other than brain freeze. Are the cheese heads moving south?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"...Nobody ever remembers [NAME]. If you could see those others, you certainly could see [NAME], which is the second biggest of the lot.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That’s a pretty high amount to pay per week over here, don’t know about the us though.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh well maybe your cousin gave his account info to someone lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"My thoughts exactly, I hope [NAME] doesn't get too much hate.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Good luck! Let ~~me~~us know how it goes!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Yep, she's completely isolated. Part of the abuse.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And then if you don't go out and actually sin, you've done nothing wrong.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What a deliciously glorious rant. I suspect he is not alone in his opinions.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Try your luck with ranked. it you stick it out enough you'll get high enough to play with good players","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"No I am still friends with the person I value his friendship he can just be...judgy?","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"[NAME] is soft as hell boi got bullied in Minnesota","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wonder what [NAME] [NAME] thinks about all this","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I havent done a full rewatch since the finale. I think I might be ready","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"FUCKING RIGHT COLIN WHITE AND OF COURSE MARK STONE","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Hands to the back","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"hard working, alpha male, jackhammer, merciless, insatiable","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Laughing at \"indoctrinated by traditional values\". Good luck in life.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I’ve massively improved but it never really gets cured. There are always situations that will give you anxiety.","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"In Rainbow is super amazing album as well.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] sub, dolphins sub, and [NAME] subs are having a field day right now lol same old jets","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Your heart stopping is technically a natural cause.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"How about texts between them? \"On my way home.\" \"Ok, see you soon.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I'm not too excited to see [NAME] and [NAME] throwback offense again. Run 3 times punt and play great defense. Zzzzzz.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Is this a real thing? I'm a terrible stoner.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Probably also saves money. An extra 3 napkins you dont use each time multiplied by thousands of people per day adds up quick","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Idk why you’re getting down voted I also pick it every time and almost always get it done on that initial skirmish","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Congrats! How long was the journey? Did you stick with [NAME] the entire time?","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME]? never met one those.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":">Pri*toiletries*","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Is [NAME] okay?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Not when you compare it to CW though.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My dad wears that sweater every game day! It’s in much worse condition however","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"I like the way you think!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh. So you are actually full of shit. Okay, noted. Thanks.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Why cinnamon powder instead of bark?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Why? I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone not like [NAME] irl or here. Witten I can see though.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"You could always try the too faced born this way foundation. It has 40 shades now and it’s hydrating.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"fat people want to be oppressed so badly. I guess it's because they need an excuse to emotionally eat.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] and [NAME]. [NAME] podcast is great.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"No one ever laid on their death bed and said, “I regret not working even harder.”","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Is this about [NAME]?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Also since so many are forgoing children or having fewer the is less needed to purchase very large homes.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Thanks for understanding","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"BCH has mostly stopped doing this too. No one who matters fell for it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Funny thing is, I got mine today. Maybe it'll stop tonight?","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"They have a huge problem with rich freaks diddling kids, that's pretty libertarian.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"here's a nice little introduction video for","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"that’s awful🤣🤣","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"People have gotten triggered on this sub the past month if you didn't call [NAME] a [NAME], so I think we can handle it.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"And motherf'ing crack!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Stop being disgusting. I dont know if you know this but all dogs are naked.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Have you guys played Vancouver recently or has [NAME] found someone else to cut his hair?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Also pretty fantastic in Good Girls Revolt","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Ok I love [NAME] for making [NAME] fist bump 3 times. He was so awkward with that haha.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"$20 too much","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Goddamn. I'd tap the fuck out if I was that other guy.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Thanks for this video. It was just what I needed","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"**LET’S GO HAWKS!!!**","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"It's honestly the best news I've heard all season.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I can't imagine buds being very hard to find in Hawaii","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Hopefully he gets traded","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I already told him off and typing the number into Facebook came back with a whole bunch of nothing.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Excuse me?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I don't think you can really go wrong with any of them, but I would suggest to watch him against South Carolina this year.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"but you won't hear that from most of the press or people on this sub WHAT IS THEIR POLICY THOUGH lmao","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"A friend calls this shadow work. I think you're right. It takes a lot of courage and persistence.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"You know it’s bad when you grab the toothpaste and start reading it","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Who was it? I got here after it was deleted, and I'd like to read the comment history.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"On reflection I might've been harsh on [NAME], but Bandai's existence was forgettable like a swing flashback in Naruto.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I'm surprised that this is still happening despite the threats of an invasion of manbij.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"And then everyone clapped","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I have little to no anxiety and it really helps me when i have to take a test.","label":23,"emotion":"relief"} {"text":"Thanks for the P.S","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"This cheat... what would that be? I may have made a choice I'm currently regretting.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Didn't that used to be the Northern Bank building? Never been troubled by pickpockets in Bangor but probably because I looked too poor!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"BALL DONT LIE.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> People on the team needs to be cool. yup, totally 2016(my csgo trading days) in a straight line.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"The Ethical code of conduct. However it's subjective in many instances. But its based on impairment","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Goodbye my tank commander!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It would be a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"It's pretty obvious why they're filming dipshit","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"What the frick. I ordered a x box card","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"[NAME] is his ex.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Tranlated: Wooooo be afraid of the spooky \"shadowban\" so don't do the thing that gets your message to a wider audience. Smh","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"My mom sent it to me so I knew it was bad but I didn’t realise it was already here","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Downshifting in a manual to accelerate quicker","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I honestly miss [NAME]","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Thanks for the advice I really appreciate it and I hope you're doing better now!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That dad must love monster high as well.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I’m curious what is their concern and their purpose to be plus-size people influencers regarding the fact that they do not belong to that group?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Watching [NAME] flip his head back every poke of contact is possibly the most frustrating thing to watch","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Also them dealing with mean and petty people especially in school","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Okay. I mean 18% of the words in the comment you replied to were \"Times\", but okay","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Street Samurai Koji and Ojiisan Koji are my personal favorites. Greased Lightning Koji is pretty fun as well.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"THIS!!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"That was my mistake. It should only show your First Name and The 1st letter of my last name.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Hasn’t hurt me none","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"They never seem to think this when the police arrive, with their guns, to end a terrible situation.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Honestly, if you did not, then you were watching the video incorrectly.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"This is why I love politics. It really shows how stupid people are.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Good point, thank you for the correction","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I appreciate it my guy! I try my best to really do research behind my opinions so I appreciate the call out.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Not sure what makes me a nimby but ok?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Interesting user name :).","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"^ but she ain’t a traitor","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Try to think a bit harder.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"No, because asses that hot don't come in trenta","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Chi snowing. Can't get a break.... Also I'm crushing it.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Most non immigrants won't do farm work for peanuts either","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Shaming men for trying to solve a problem on their own is actually an example of toxic femininity","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Calm down snowflake. Comment stalking from a week ago is really sad, especially when you're whining about something that I'm 100% right on.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"It really sucks people are downvoting you just because they were worried about blowing themselves up just like us nova bomb users.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Downvote. These slippers cute as hell.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ah fair enough. Thanks for elaborating","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Tough times don't last tough people do... Die'n is easy, living isn't, make the best of it","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"thats even scarier haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"He may be jealous that you were able to do so","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Omg yes lol it’s the story of my life","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"[NAME] is always the dirtiest psychopath","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Was looking for this comment, thank you! Every so often someone will freak out over dilated pupils and post a pic here","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"“I use to work here and I remember our policy was this!” Did I nail it?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow, that's crazy. Ever tried DMT?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Isn’t it the worst feeling ever?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"It did! Good luck on yours!! -[NAME]","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Feels good getting a number next to our name again.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Dont mind him/her, they have decided that anything which kinda speaks against the whole Apartheid is to blame for everything for the next 150 Years is bad.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"3 under 3?! You are a true hero.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Iirc she's alive but an alcoholic.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"would love to see a win here","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Wow. Did not realize [NAME] was a top 20","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Yep! The artist also has one where he's plowing a blue Incineroar and it's one of the best things I've seen.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"More then a handful is to much anyways. You're all good lady. Confidence is sexy","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Evil spirit! Leave from this place and never return!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] is such a disgusting champ to play against ....","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Part of me wants to say \"Yea, that happened.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That and he’s sneaky dirty","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Gah sad high five. I tried once for a few weeks and will never try again. I need that support in my life.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"You played torb....... that’s why. Just kidding that’s really weird though","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"So this is how democracy dies... With thunderous upvotes.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Yes, I’m sure [NAME] biggest concern is New Japan getting criticism on Reddit.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Why do you keep going back the them? Why should care about hillbillies?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"The first sentence alone sums it all up 😂","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"He was only thrown in there so we could have [NAME] get heroically saved by him and so we would hate [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"EDIT: wrong link sorry here’s the right one I hope","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"I plan on being respectful lol. I hope he’s there.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"tape up those laptop cams y’all","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That amiibo addiction is real man....","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm doing my best to apply that. Thank you for commenting","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Good luck for everyone pronouncing [NAME] name. If he keeps scoring like this, i'll have fun listening some commentators around NHL.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"No I’m not","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Some guy that I went to hs with 7 yrs ago but haven't seen him since.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The username makes it even better, sucking a dudes toes, who is [NAME]. Man I'm jealous","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Hmmmm this is so familiar but I can't quite put my finger on DJEEEOOOWWWOBRRRRBRBRBRRGRRRRRRDRRRRRRJRHRRJRRERHRJRGRHRRJRHRHRBRJ","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I want someone to take me to the hospital","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"We are by far the greatest team the world has ever seen, we are just having a rough patch.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That's the laziest bro I've ever seen","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I love [NAME] goggles.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"yea I was gonna say that looks pretty good to me","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The [NAME], a great bunch of lads","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I watched the CWC from the stadium and boy is he amazing.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is the greatest thing I've read in my entire life","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Best of luck in Cleveland, Plaw Dog!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"You specifically believe that if a mortal sin is not confessed a person is damned.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That’s awesome!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"She's married and I respect her family and husband too much.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Huge office fan and I agree. [NAME] and [NAME] are annoying.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Fuck [NAME] pai","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I literally got the same bug","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I agree with your guy. Sex can sometimes improve with the adulterous partner, because he/she feels desired and sexy again.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Someone get us a [NAME] version of the [NAME] nice lead meme!!!","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"He’s probably just getting stressed out that it is now getting dark and he lives in the countryside","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That’s an insult!! To fecal matter.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Chicken and the egg argument. Gun companies don't donate to [NAME] *because* they have gun control on their platform. This goes back decades mind you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I have to cuddle my dog so hard right now.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"People on Reddit barely know anything about law but they love to get riled up about the little that they do know","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I admit I’ll be fairly happy if we continue to invest in young internationals and sign a $100+ mil free agent every offseason.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Any rap song because I hate it","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"BERNIE OR BUST","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Before the trade happened I knew [NAME] was [NAME] but [NAME] beauty had not reached me yet","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"That’s horrible. What country? If you don’t mind. My [NAME] was abused by her heavily religious (Pentecostal) father.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I thought they held hands while they and [NAME] were watching TV ([NAME] was pretending to be sick in that episode)?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I wondered where the quote about “supporting your azz” and was very pleased to finally find the train wreck that said it.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Reacting to [NAME] at this point just makes me feel worse about the artist.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Ok, thank you and thanks for the LPT. Cold leftover food is great sometimes like cold pizza, cold meatballs, etc...","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"What's up with all the gloating.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"[NAME] x [NAME] sounds cute for some reason.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thanks, now every highlander I run into tries to do it 100% of the time and I just bait them into a light parry","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I know man, however in some ways it's a good way to act out a martyr complex.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"> punishment for saying no to rape Surely if you wanted to rape someone you'd have to punish them for saying yes...","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Weird, I checked again and it works for me now. It wasn't the first few times I tried to click.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you for the detailed response. It’s about time I worry about making myself happy rather than them.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Used to love Thai-tanic. Haven't been in ages.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"republicans and their hatred of Nordic countries are hilarious. \"Oh no some place has a much higher standard of living than us let's bash it!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"These aren't [NAME]... they're [NAME] that like to pose in the form of a hexagram for some reason","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Yeah, I was thinking they would be super cute with black heels and a snug black crop top.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"What is up with the phone tho","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I like Shred 415","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"So you’re telling me [NAME] hasn’t got a baby face?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] gets a lot of unfair criticism. [NAME], too","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Sending you some Ramona wine as thanks!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME] taking a backseat this episode but it sounds like he'll join the fray once [NAME] goes completely crazy.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"What the hell was that","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"You are fucking retarded","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"To be fair, I will also continue to jerk off to pictures of [NAME] in shorts He looks so good in them","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Seinfeld is one of the only pieces of culture that I feel like I could be competitive in a trivia league about.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Filthy birdbrain-loving scum barely deserve the bullets needed to boot them off the mountain. Moreiya 4 life","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Yes! I binged it (I was a late adopter) and then all of a sudden nothing!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"[NAME] was awful last season. Let's sign [NAME] instead.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lost finger how?","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Bahahahahaha the life of a fish parent!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"He killed... YOUNGLINGS","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Swear i have seen this before? had it been reposted?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Lol.... i guess your personal experience explains everything.... personally I've seen this play out numerous times in the work place..... so.....","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Super unflattering. [NAME] is not overweight but this ensemble made her appear chunky.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Wow that's a really great explanation. Makes sense!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Your manager sounds like an idiot. Not saying he/she is. Just sounds like it from this.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Do you have any tinder picture or bio advice? I have no selfies or mirror pics but still not doing very well","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Wow, season 3 is actually out already. Need to check it out","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Am interested in responses as I'm in a similar situation, though my tech school is a TDY","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"You're easily as classist as her.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My adopted daughter told me, \"You can't tell me what to do. You're not my dad.\" While true, it still stung.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Thanks for the kindness; it’s all good enough- I’m hoping to move out later this year","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"i did, but it was at 3 am before i went to bed, so i’m gonna cheat and count it as 2018 LOL.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I find it telling that a very known Russian media uses [NAME] as an exemple....","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m so sorry the internet has inconvenienced you","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"You should have gone and joined her for a drink.... That’s my dream... Eventually sit down and enjoy a drink with my siblings.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"who tf has twitter on light mode","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I mean everyone already knows what u like so its gonna be weird","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I love many fanarts of this paring, but this is one of my favorite ones. :)","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"That's the worst feeling haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"No. It’s slower and takes more calculation but it can be done. That’s why it should be practiced.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Please dont put words into my mouth.I never said rape isnt a problem.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Why would they stop there with like 15 feet of visibility? It clearly isn’t just the truck drivers fault","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"agreed....seems that due to plot force shes starting to slip","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Fortunately, finding yourself and deepening your spiritual connection with the world only takes about 4 days in a beach hut with a thatched roof.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"they do poorly making me feel otherwise","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Now, can you make another applet to change his wallpaper?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I did and found it basically the same except I was getting drunk very easily.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Weird, though. So many people love to identify themselves by their corporate loyalty.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks, I love it.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Ok, thats my thinking too. If [NAME] really only gets 180 anyone who didn't make that deal (like us) is pretty dang foolish.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Highgate Hill! Close to westend and has a lot of cute houses. :)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Right now I’d have to say [NAME] new restaurant UB Preserve is my favorite place to eat. So good.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Haha i have 2 chinchillas from a manic episode about 8 years ago. They're sweet little things.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I think she has a good chance","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Henlo little alligatrr. ou almost slipped there. OH FUK NO NO NO NO ALIGATRR PLZ DONT EET MEEEEEEEE","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'll look into it! I don't mind language but misogyny can be pretty intolerable","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"His entire face is covered by a beard and sunglasses lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"PLANT LOCAL WILDFLOWERS!!!! They come back year after year and the Pollinators will Love it.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Totally agree with you. Just saying that [NAME] is not a stupid person. A smart person that will be spending the rest of his life in prison","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"You can't post a Sons pic and then say \"I got this\", that just hurts.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Yes - thank you for stating it this way - perfectly said.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Congrats!!! Happy for you.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Pretty sure the legislature needs to change laws","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh dear, I'm so sorry you are going through this. I don't have any sage advice but I hope things get better for you.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Yeah this is pretty eye opening. I’ve had pretty weird relationships with my reflection in the past but thankfully it’s not always this way.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Nope, from Nebraska why? Lmao","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Terrorism is the systematic use of violence to achieve a political goal. [NAME] has not used violence.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"TIL I learned there are no drugs or violent incidents in prisons.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's finally official, we got [NAME]","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"If you know it's the right thing to do, it's better to \"lose\" that person than to \"lose\" that opportunity.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Thanks for posting this OP. Many times people change their minds and do the right thing but unfortunately we don't hear about it.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"My feelings exactly. First thought, a sarcastic 'Thanks.'","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"the most romantic thing that can possibly happen to me","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Every day in everyway. If I am to happy with anything next thing I know I'm actively destroying it.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"[NAME] doesn’t roll his ankle on a 🎾 in 2011 and we win a premiership imo","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"True. Icing all three of your villains for the duration of the film is a bad idea. They need to be making moves.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"2 more trae assists pls another 3 would be delightful as well","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So happy for you :)","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"BT In the commentary booth: \"Where's your god [NAME]?\" As she's being mauled by a lion","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"It’s a facepalm just for the wrong reason","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Because there's such a thing as \"too good to be true\" and some people are still skeptical of that.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He seemed like he was about to run away and go do some meth.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Don't know how that was missed. Tragic really. Considering the title.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I’m just worried about his attitude and approach with younger players. Edit-re worded","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"This is really well put. I saved it.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thank you. ❤️ I really appreciate your comment","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I've seen so many of these and I still have a massive amount of difficulty believing it is possible.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Why so much green though lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Unemployed now re: those crummy health issues. So that probably helped.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Sounds fun from what I’m reading on here.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Just wait till they see what British capitalists have in store for them now we got \"arr soverinity\" back","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I carry on an empty. But I also carry a single action. So don't make my mistakes.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I understand that but I enjoy the silence and lonely feeling I have.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Is it Amazon brand? Genuine question as I didnt even know those existed","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"He'd have to ask his mom","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And you got it, a federal tax cut. If you want to pay less taxes overall you need to stop electing democrats.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No, I have been avoiding doing anything until it's actually fixed because I don't want to give them any reason to drag their feet.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I think most people have listened to bohemian rhapsody at some point thank you very much","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"We didn't screw it up!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I wouldn't say age would stop it just lessen the affect of it but probably start to notice it around mid to late 30's.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"You should be embarrassed. Not only because you are a adulterer but because you are a pedo for thinking of your son.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Most likely. If he falls to our 3rd round pick ,I think we should definitely take him.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I don’t know why but watching this makes me super happy!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"They don’t like to be excluded from anything","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"One of my worst nightmares. Ugh.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Don't kink shame","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Damn, still hoping...","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Stuck on icy stairs.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My wife is divorcing me because I glued [NAME] face onto all of our family photos He looks good with her body","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I’m gonna need to see that in writing before I celebrate.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"You didnt!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ironic, since cleaning your room is what [NAME] is always on about.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"WHAT IS HAPPENING","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Your point? That doesn't mean it had 2 of EVERY FREAKING LAND MAMMAL on it!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Sending love and strength vibes <3","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I tried Guinness the other week and it made me gag, what’s different about it to other beer","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I just saw this on netflix..... Now I'm Watching it... Then you post this.... It's like we almost watched it together...","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Don't underestimate him, he can do it in 2","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I wish I was [NAME]. Source (deleted):","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"He also had bipolar depression, which was a major driver in his mental states...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Falcons fan here. I love you guys so much.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"While I agree with you for the most part, I also have cats and upholstered furniture.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Have nobody thought of the giant tech corporation selling overpriced, inferior products to sheep customers? That's odd.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Good for you! I wish I had run for my life at 18, but brainwashing is real","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Care to share your thought process ?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"My poor space bar takes an awful bashing with all the pausing in a Squidge vid","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Not sure if very professional image journalist or avid porn enthusiast but good job all the same!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Then he is innocent. I'd rather have a president that we know for sure isnt undermining our democracy by conspiring with a foreign nation.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The problem is complex but in the 60's til now we where facing major propaganda against marijuana and this stuck to the head of most poeple.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think this is the clearest that it has ever been described. Thank you for this. It nailed it, for me anyway....","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"What kind of frankenshoe...","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Every time I get a staff kill, it feels like seeing a shooting star <3 Yeah, it definitely sucks.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"He looked so shlubby on that show, it was like he was the [NAME] version of [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I hate these memes because [NAME] never cared if he did or didn't have a nose.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"And look like big tracts of land.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The miracle was just that. Because we all know the Vikings would fail the next game.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Big ol fesh","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No problem, glad to help.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Honestly you should have gone nuclear on him","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I love [NAME] and how openly she is in supporting him to run","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"How many hours of maintenance do they really need to do every night? I feel like they just want to cut costs and tell us it's impossible.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Possible maybe, not at all plausible.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Organizational Change Manager and I fucking love it and have for 7 years. Still enjoy going to work every day.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Wow he is... ugly.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I love you like a love song, baby. And if you know that song, it's now in your head.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I would focus on being an enlisted Marine first. That’s what you’ll be doing for the next 4 years.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"its funny because they dont even do anything at the look out tower but stargaze","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Am i missing something or is this an antijoke that doesn't belong here?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"He's always had the tools to do this, which is why he can be frustrating at times.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Welp , that statement is not very wrong.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"[NAME]: I'm sorry that happened. I hope you weren't totally friendless on your 30th!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Every other way sounds wrong. SPR for life.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"That was hot!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Vaccines turk err jerbs!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Best doggo ever","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Dublin, Ireland","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I can help out, pm me :)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Your name needs some work LOL","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Huh... I'm left handed and have never realised I do this.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Don't meet your heroes","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"100%. Please ignore him. He's annoying af and survives off attention","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Hell yeah. Happy they pulled it off together for their city. This is a great story in [NAME] eventual great career","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"As someone from Louisiana I am always thankful for Mississippi and West Virginia for holding down the absolute bottom","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"if my dog dont like u i dont like u and if my dog gets into a fight u know im jumpin in there with him","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hi 28, I'm dad!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So much to do, So much to see","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Intelligence is to know the difference between MB and Mbps. Wisdom is to not be a cunt about it.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Wrong, it's not 365 days a year. Once every four years, it's 366 days a year.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"#LIES. NO STACY CAN BE A GAMER. #RISE UP","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Consider this a digital hug. Not too long, not too short, just enough to make you feel a human connection and some comfort. :)","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Thanks for sharing. You could definitely post some of your other tales.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"We're not exactly short on white homophobes either though.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Whats your height and weight out of curiosity?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Gotta get 'email all! Edit: stupid autocorrect","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Rule 10 is to make it clear that people who violate the spirit of the rules without breaking the letter will be punished in the same way.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I honestly don't understand why everyone thinks he needs a rework because he's not \"fun to play\" in the worst game mode.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Really good point here. Thanks.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Is that bottom trey filled with beer? If so, how did he acquire them?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Of course he will lie cheat and steal to make him self relevant to the public. Horrible person.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Id rather have them be physically ok and make amends with [NAME] later than have one without the ability to communicate efficiently forever but have their feelings alright.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"You're cool","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No problem. If you read it let me know what you think!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They put him on a minutes restriction for some reason, guessing cause he's not in really good shape?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I don't believe humanity is capable of running *any* system for the greater good of all. Regardless of population..","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"TIL cheddar cheese didn't originate in the U.S. Thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Like I said previously I realise they weren't commonly called asylum seekers until recently. However that doesn't mean that previously they weren't asylum seekers","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Thanks! I had a more standard name but then realized I didn't want to be findable on Reddit.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I SAID, [NAME]!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] is a hungry little bastard.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I had no idea it would hit me as hard as it did. It really changed my view.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"His best season was a luck filled one. He'd be nothing more than what [NAME] and [NAME] already offer but with worse defense and a worse bat.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Meh, it just keeps players from diving in taking stupid damage. (At least it should.)","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I’d love an ג׳‬וליאן if you have time! Good job keep up the hard work","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Attempt to con the senate. This should continue to be entertaining","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"It’s not satisfying at all. If this wasn’t [NAME] it wouldn’t be popular. Interesting timing considering the [NAME] debacle too.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Same boat here, man.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"What a baby...","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yeah I think it largely depends on how you fall. In Judo that’s one of the main things they practice.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And it needs to keep pushing harder and harder to the left in order to wash away all the crap that's been enacted since [NAME] got into office.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Actually there were blacks in the SS. Kind of an odd analogy.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I never understood the point of parole. Seems to me like an expensive way to increase recidivism.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"No way society should pay for your child when you are perfectly capable.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Lol he was actually roasting OG fans that lick his arse, not [NAME] himself. Take the upvote.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"AA is BS as a whole. Meritocracy or GTFO.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thought this was r/monkeyspaw for a sec. Mind if I grant your wish anyway?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Awesome, let's celebrate! Send the free pack over here ;)","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This says more about what [NAME] thinks about facts than what's true about music.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And there you have it, the left who argue with personal attacks and cnn buzzwords.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"His wounds weren’t that bad, but probably got infected. Antibiotics fixed him. Good as new.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Yes of mine worry, no one liked mine either.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"This sub absolutely gets personal within seconds of anything he says being postes","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I’m going to die right now I’m so scared tears and snot everywhere","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"True. I don't know the survival rates of the women in ancient rome but I can't imagine it was fantastic.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"It doesn't matter if they are crazy stacked. We definently shouldnt be last in the league.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"BDS is a discriminatory bigoted hateful movement. It's not just \"Oh, I disagree with some things that Israel has done.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Cool. Good luck!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"You can't rightfully earn a billion dollars. Your employees can, and fifty thousand people in sweatshops can, but a single person cant","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Look... they are pretending it never happened. Lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Lol. Thanks for the link.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Not as nice as [NAME].","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Love is war","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I met him! He graduated from my high school and came back when I was a freshman to talk to us in PE. Really nice guy.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It's actually illegal to do this. Only allowed if absolutely unavoidable.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Idk, r/Tinder has plenty of posts to do with awful men too lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Wait one of the posters responding is using makeup from ten years ago.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Because they enjoy their toxic umoderated cesspool, apparently. Either way i'm done trying to care.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Haha. Got ‘em. Also this just in: Los Angeles is expensive. In other news, unrest in the Middle East.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You must be ecstatic, I'm really happy for you.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"The irony of the photo is that 60% of university admissions are women","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Girl I went to school with was killed like this.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Honestly, fuck [NAME] after the bounty gate shit","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Dont blame em. They should force change to get done what needs to be done","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"“I hold that the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man” -[NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You just watched a commercial that blatantly explains it to you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"By law, China must accept the South China Sea ruling, period. Stop trying to help China weasel out of it.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"This is something that has to be learned from experience. Don't be hard on yourself!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"i know the feeling dude","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> His face, mate. He thought he was a goner. Properly lol'd at that and reading all [NAME]' bits in his accent","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"No because to them this disabled boy is faceless. It’s easier to digest our hate and vitriol without thinking about it.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Fucking hell they're bringing on all the giants","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Weird flex, but ok","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Definitely fake. Looks like bad CGI in a movie.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Or better yet, on the woman who will let ME play with them!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yah that's what is stopping me. I would have to wire all throw my car or go into my cars electrical which doesn't seem worth it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can we all pitch in and buy this place instead of the Baltimore House?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Dirt bar downtown is pretty sweet.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Such season 1 vibes and I love it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Lol, like I said, not everything is about you","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"He looks like a model tbh. Very good looking man.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Me me big sad.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Can holiday just stop fucking shooting? I can’t wait till he gets traded.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"And you assume they are part of the dominant culture because of the color of their skin. That is self evident racism.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Grab your Glock when you see [NAME], call the cops when you see [NAME]...","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"[NAME] is fucking destroying Bama and I LOVE IT","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Going by it's [NAME] rating though, the district should be leaning blue.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Now you're lying. Suburbs = more than Bellevue and Kirkland.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Debating whether this is a troll or gross overshare. Going to go with troll since you just also made a new account","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damn who died and gave u the Broncos","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hey what a coincidence so is a human head!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"PS. I love my aunt! She’s one of the reasons I went into “nursins.”","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"That’s amazing!!! We average 30 OTW but our half hour transaction count during peak is usually 40-55. Low volume store.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They never will until it affects them directly, and by then it's already in the end game for us :/","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Indeed. I thought we are just spoiled, but apparently the phenomena is not exlusive to us.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh my gosh. This woman who died also had a son who died. Holy tragedy","label":16,"emotion":"grief"} {"text":"And people still support him....","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think that's just natural, humans weren't really intended to fly by nature so I guess it just feels wrong or something, idk","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"This isn't really petty, it's actually brutal. *edit* but well done. I love it!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It was squirting all over my kitchen n the nurse. Who then said oh nicked an artery.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> you're probably a little bit of a closeted nazi yourself. I'm just SHOCKED that someone named [NAME] might be a fascist","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I despise [NAME] and all his cronies","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"If you feel like venting, I am happy to listen.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"looks like we got a double win today!!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Don’t do a long distance thing, not worth it and a waste of time","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Yeah I'm not arguing there isnt recreational potential though it can certainly mess you up. Doesn't help most products with dxm have other active ingredients.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Same here. I had a lot of swelling but not abnormal pain.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"How illuminating.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"P o R Z I n G I S","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"But how's that a facepalm? Editing the hands is not that crazy.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Same, ASMR is nightmarish. My skin crawls just thinking about it.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Oof, what a bad and dated meme","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Looking cool [NAME]","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":">the silent majority This is the most ignorant thing I've read so far today","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"So where are all these [NAME] lining up to be landscapers and farmhands for minimum wage?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Idk why ur being downvoted, I thought that's funny","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"ahh bro I jerk off to [NAME], does that make me a future murderer or torture enthusiast in waiting? didn't even know!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I guess her Bad breath turned him off","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love this post. Are you with park services?","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I look at him as a performer but he's still human tho.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Does [NAME] or [NAME] look happier that [NAME] chose to put his hand on [NAME] leg?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I wish more people enjoyed that sport.. when that clay explodes you get that FEEL","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"This makes me want to get nipple piercings but I’m too scared to :/","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Love the gif but I bloody hate these kinds of captions. It's as annoying and cringey as a fully grown adult doing baby-talk.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"That's not what is being contested here. Telling your kid something like this would certainly make you a bitch.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Hang on to all sorts of things just in case. Eat inexpensive food.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Their heart rate and sats are great. Don't know what you're worried about.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Glad to have you here :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"He's not even HC, he's interim... relax chief","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Good times, good timessss lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"ITT: Hipsters. “I liked this band before they got all popular and shit.”","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Ok shady flags are flapping so hard I was knocked out of my chair.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"thank you!!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Wow. That was deep. I hope you make out well move on and find true love. Be strong","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Whatever conclusion they reach now or in the future, the only constant will be that \"nothing should be done to stop it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah, but I mean, you need to actually be motivated for the climate and not just wanting to skip school","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"80% of the country is putting their faith in a man who doesn’t even have personal awareness of where he is.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"well we all know what a complex meal sandwiches are! hahaha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I don’t love prison- I love the stuff that leads me TO prison. Get on board, [NAME].","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I forsee success in your future endeavors.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Yay! Congrats!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I’m sorry :(. Lol. For me, after the ending of 3, and Andromeda, I have zero interest in ME.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Ahh well too bad, thanks for sharing.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Except for all those companies brushed off in the \"and many more\" category. Wasn't as lucrative for them.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I also wanted to point this out! I love JJGO!!","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"I'd piss right on their floor. Fuck this.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"This should in r/funny not here, very expected","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I read it as \"so long suckers\". That's how those words translated in my mind..","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"WERE* protesting This is not current. Misleading.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Wer was u wen sec is kill","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"She muctb not really be that into you","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Alleviate' meaning what? Make my working life suck less?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Not really cringe. Just sad.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I love [NAME] can’t wait for the full circle version of him","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Go to your room.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Your girlfriend accepts gifts in exchange for sex? I got news for you homie...","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Wait that... that doesn’t happen","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Go easy on your mom; this letter sounds like it was written from a place of deep love.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Eh. I think either works. But sure. Replies is probably more accurate","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Who's cutting onions?!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I try to keep my hands busy. I would do better when I have acrylic nails because it wasn’t as easy/just wasn’t the same.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Time heals all wounds :). Get this man a ring!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"best to add a **/s** ......almost sounds like you're being serious!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] and [NAME] were my two. [NAME] :)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"At least it isn't too terrible? Actually it's not bad at all. Still VERY delusional!! Good post","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Great quote.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You shouldn't see a lot of lightspamming conquerors, because lightspamming as a conqueror is just begging for a parry.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The only thing wrong with her is her face. Maybe she has a giving personality?","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Wow! Congratulations on taking your sex life back! Nice to wake up and see such positivity.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I've always wondered how much of this stuff doesn't end up on the internet","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"You'll miss a begging old man asking for a spare coin. RIP","label":16,"emotion":"grief"} {"text":"Wow that's not how you resolve things. Escalation is the last option.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Happy Mic Day!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"On the surface, yes. Deep down, probably not.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol, pinches narizones.. Their physical game is on another level. Would rather play with a guy like that instead of against him though that's for sure.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Happy that you're happy, and good to see someone highlighting the good parts! Any particular streaming service you're looking to get? :D","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"You are an amazing human being","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Can't believe [NAME] has been in the league that long...","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"[NAME] doesn't want to leave St Louis, his family is there and won't move away.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I heard her affair wrecked his marriage. His wife saying anything about that would wreck [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Tell your husband. Its lies by omissions. Who are you to pick and choose what HE wants to know.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Happy to see that you're in recovery","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Because they are triggered. I’m just stating my opinion. It’s a bit fun.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"That's the problem I'm pointing, the media use stupid clicbait names and people get dumber and dumber.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I think the driver had the heart attack. She did not even give him a wave and a thank you for not smashing her precious child.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"One of the best pubs in London. Even more likely inside!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You're my best friend in the whole world Mister [NAME].\" *meows for food*","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"You know what to do. Start telling people.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Hope all is well now xo","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Ugh I'm sorry man! Jerk off until your heart is content and don't apologize for it!","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"HER VOICE IS SO GOOD no wonder she likes phone calls","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"But it flattens the whole thing out.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Deathly afraid, the undersides of boats too. I can't look if I see them in a picture or movie","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"If everyone else can figure this out, then I don't see why it's so implausible for the US.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Does a civil suit create legal precedence? Edit: I'm assuming it's a civil suit.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Also Strike Anywhere. This thread makes my heart happy. <3","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I’ve not had it happen on mobile but that is because I use apollo. This happens on desktop","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Conservative is massively brigaded on an hourly basis. Unfortunately, it requires strict moderation or else it is unreadable.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I love [NAME]. He’s just going to keep getting better.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Omg, your screen name made me lol!!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"That is not accurate based on the conversation i had with Mr. [NAME] today.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Ah does look fun","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"My point was they had no choice but to pull social levers to try and improve health, as they didn't have anything else at their disposal.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'd smash","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"How can we send money to you?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Enjoy the void","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] is still mad at [NAME] either way.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That whole thread makes me want to shake babies.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"As a Ringwraith this offends me. Please build me a snowfort.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"i would agree with that. i still dont see a good reason not to provide daycare though.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Glad you came to your senses. Go feel uncomfortable about Lola bunny in Space Jam again.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Yep California, I would've been surprised if they cleared him.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Did you even read the post? Literally the first line says she doesn't do anything remotely house wifey.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Psst, your spoiler tag is busted. Don't leave spaces between the ! and your text.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"so true lmao","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"LSD or the fungal kind? Out of curiosity","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"That doesn’t seem like very responsible presentation of findings.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Sure that's a good way. Unfortunately, I am not a gamer per se.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"god damn this is some major league pathos","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Tell him his Gospels lack integrity due to their anonymity 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Nope, not a [NAME] fan at all.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I know they are treated very well, but some of them do die.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Left or right, doesn't matter, just laugh at statists on all sides","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I love how his armor got bigger and bigger as he got progressively fatter.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"These memes are either on a 9gag level or r/funny levels of comedy. And I can't tell which is worse.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"talking about me again?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes! Dont you love to let babies suck you with a perfect jawline!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"[NAME] said that it was recorded the monday after [NAME], that's why his voice is like that.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It doesn’t look cool","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Sorry, new at","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Feel free to leave.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Sorry for the bad analogy, yours is way better","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Shotgun! But do I get to play with all the buttons too?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I apologize, that sincerely was meant for Askreddit. If you look at my history you'll see that's where I always post. My mistake.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Well 216 is out now and Im crying. [NAME] why?","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Bless u x","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'd enjoy a nice warm hug. Along with a delightful conversation. But that works too.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Ohh I love bag designs","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I'm tired, but I can't sleep.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Doesn't NY and NJ have reciprocity? Why did he have to take the NY bar at all?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"They are so old and so predictable that they can NOT see how “silly” they look when they post articles like this......","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Then I’m sorry but this game really isn’t for you. Progression like that would ruin the base of what this game is.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"[NAME] is not good enough to get that angry.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Just leave that school go to a new one","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's a very long way of saying \"I'm a moron","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He also stepped in when seabs got suspended in the 2014 playoffs","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sounds like you are the one with salty tears mate","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I've never seen [NAME] dad look this relaxed ever. :D","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"YOUR momentum doesn't help you, its the direction you're aiming and THEIR momentum that does. they were probably backing up when that happened.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Sorry I dropped this /sノ( ゜-゜ノ)","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Men are the worst.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Kinda both, they maintain a pin-up section in their newspaper bizarrely enough. Not like any of the credible newspapers in the province ever needed that.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You've never been to England have you?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Just tell her how you feel and make the next move","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Okay, I'll admit it. I laughed.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Then do lemon tek....trip last 3-4 hours but is very potent","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She voted against the $700 billion budget last year. Her national security views are kind of hazy overall though. I don't know much about them.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"BECAUSE THERE IS A SHUTDOWN ATTACHED TO IT! HOW DO YOU NOT GET THAT?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Hi, everyone! This is my 13 minute action/comedy short film, JUICY! I hope you all enjoy! Feedback is welcome.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"CBP are doing great work here. Well worth giving them some cash, can't wait to go visit","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"We either bout to get a road win or have another historical collapse","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What a pretentious, self-promoting post.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Somebody gettin fired","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I don't date women who smoke. As for pills or syringes etc, I don't find recreational drug users attractive. Similarly for being drunk.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"wow, we really live in future","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This, in top of my already terrible mental health, is the reason why I'm severely underweight and need help.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Happy cake day!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Since you called me out for saying that I am defending the attacker, then just point out which sentence I wrote led you to that conclusion.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Plus you forgot the best part... I can hang my hands from an outer vest","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh my [NAME] I almost forgot about the hot dr pepper in a glass glass made of glass","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Looks like I posted it. Oh no!","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"LOL no its not all in the video. We have all seen the longform video now so its obvious that I was right.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I mean...that’s quite obvious. I’m just left wondering what the other item is. 2/10","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Over under pistons score 87.5","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Those guys are TOUGH. glad to see Blackwater back in business to keep the peace over there","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Also would like to point out to you that fighter is actually a synonym of soldier.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"State or freedom, either way PR would be better off than the shitshow that was [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"thanks. I will read these","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Honestly Texas deserves to win with they way they’re playing, they clearly came motivated and they’re outperforming UGA on both sides of the ball.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] instead of [NAME] for me, but glad to see [NAME] is doing well.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Because she wanted to look at the American girls lol","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I pose you this question, \"How do you know [RELIGION] is not the right religion?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Haha, looks like it.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I have no shame in saying I still have my blanket from when I was a child. And a favorite [NAME] plushie.","label":21,"emotion":"pride"} {"text":"DID YOU KNOW THAT CASHEWS COME FROM A FRUIT!?!?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"If you hold the trigger after you shoot you don't unscope with bolt actions","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ahh okay, that makes a lot of sense. But you're totally right, we've just gotta work as hard as possible.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Dude this is definitely an exit scam. I went thru the crypsty collapse this feels exactly the same. It shouldn't take 30hrs to get 1btc out.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I never disappoint, just ask your mother. ;)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can you go see her in person?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"He'll have to leave at some point. So might as well get him to a club where you don't have to despise him","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Am I the only INTP here who cared about deadlines. It's how I got so good at crunch time and working last minute.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I've only been once but we parked at a Publix a couple miles away and had Uber drop us off at the gate. It was perfect","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The emblem on the left looks like a killer mrs puff from spongebob.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I find that relatable: I too am terrified of myself.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Been off since November 29th. I would rather be working and making money. Home gets boring","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Terribly sad story. I loved it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"spark up bro. Welcome.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Yeah, this just sounds like the usual Seattle understatement.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Dilly dilly!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is really helpful, thanks!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Pft, don't kid yourself.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Right now, it feels like a good thing but not a great thing. I don't love it... But I don't hate it.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"My kids graduated college two years ago. Guess I missed it?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"we can only hope","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I got banned on an old account for no discernible reason months after I had last posted there.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"They get a bottle or i get a bottle...may as well share the wealth","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Looks like we found his natural position.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Yeah that helps. Thanks :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"WAS can always pay the trade kicker. But am only willing to dump [NAME] for him. Not down for giving up DFS.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The bottom comment: >Passing is the gold standard that determines whether you fit the social role of man or woman. [NAME], how regressive.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"You now have 3 threads about this within the last 10 hours. Pick one and stick with it.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"[NAME] fucking [NAME] are you done yet racist motherfucker, you’re not helping society","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"I'm 5'6\" and three quarters haha. Have hair though.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Awesome use of open data. Love the app.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"oh, my bad","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Whatever it is it’s not even worth hearing","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ugh I love Stapleton. [NAME] has always really been loyal to the authentic sound though IMO, he definitely stands out.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"It's good worrying about things that can be helped. Lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I found a dentist (Aspen Dental) that text or email confirms every appointment and my doctors office has an app for everything from appointments to prescription refills.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Guys should also know that not every woman is a size queen. Average doesn't mean substandard, average means just right.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A bash that doesn’t guaranty anything? Isn’t that a bad thing I mean it’s one of the complaints of heard about lawbringers shove","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Not sure, I'm not good at expressing my feelings, and sometimes I get angry and say things that very hurtful","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"America will lose. You are mentally-deranged and the enemy.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"As sure as gods got sandals, it sure beats fighting dudes with treasure trails","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"What? Even his follow up comment was related to dog hair.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Man, that sounds like a big stuff around. Good luck getting it sorted","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Lindt is premium brand, im not surprised by this.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Give an example of one with an entirely different meaning please. The context of what you mean by different is lacking.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's got what plants crave.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So you're saying [NAME] doesn't have a personal vendetta against me?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Cats are repulsive and they don't deserve to be pets","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"No that would be yet another mistake.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"That whole [NAME] bit of \"I'm not gonna rape you. I'm a little boy.\" is oddly on target.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm sad for the bot. They only want a purpose","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Their official logic is that it reduces turn-over, but yeah, the other reasons are kind of obvious.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I like this response. I can’t give you gold but have some honorary gold.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"People got angry about Apple getting royalty free photos as part of the competition so now Apple is actually paying people.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m sooo excited for you!! I’m not dating right now but I love hearing someone be all verklempt.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I was actually introduced to hbomb and breadtube in general Becuase of [NAME] vid on ds2. So thanks [NAME]?","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Why the assumption that Kitchens will turn out better than JBC did? The scenarios seem very similar","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"> The porn that I downloaded was Brazzers produced. In case you don't know, Brazzers is ***anal*** about their IP. Ha get fucked.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I hope you get the mental help that you clearly need.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"[NAME] is phenomenal. It’ll be a sad day once he’s gone","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Those meddling kids will catch the 'spooky ghosts'","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Maybe you’re just extremely boring and bland, and outright refuse to learn to take photos that don’t suck.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"It was righteous","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"D'oh, it's even in the title! Thanks.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"No thanks.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"> Out of curiosity have you read The Great Partnership by Lord Rabbi [NAME]? I have not. But I do listen to his parsha podcast.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Interesting, I did not know that. Thanks for the TIL! Could you recommend any resources that discuss this further?","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"> This is just a waste of time. Just like making portland denizens use their tax dollars to built a stadium","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"What a respectable women.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It’s beautiful. I think I need to move. 😊","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"We have reached the stage where below 2 million is good. There truly is no bottom to this pit.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Aaaand yard sale!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Paying for the drinks doesn’t equate to drinking the drinks.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Left handers are rejoicing over this","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Take a seat young ragewalker.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Brooklyn-Boston playoffs would be the most toxic thing of all time. Only Sixers-Cs would be worse","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Because they aren't different subspecies","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s not violence against political opponents if it’s against a tyrant, which you define as a political opponent","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Great site. Never heard of it. Thank you for passing along!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The only problem is that what you will never hear pf their relationship through sponsorships.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I've been really into reading nonfiction lately and ancient religious history sounds fascinating! Do you have any books you recommend?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Probably smashed his oil pan too, I'd give that car 3 miles to live.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Nah I think you're just feeling confident because you got a slamming deal on those clothes! I would feel the same way!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Kids at heart.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Twins.. my first time having having a child and I get twins. This is gonna be a ride lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I've done this my whole life though...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Haha yes. Thank you. No accidents, so it went well 😂😂","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"My husband and I have been circling the drain for years. :(","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I had a GB in 1999 and it was worse than birthing my son. I would have loved to have had the sleeve....","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Holy balls! I hope that's your neighbor.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"It's because attractive people don't have to work on their personality usually","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They dont mind a second trump term if [NAME] 2020 looks likely","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"For the sake of sexual contrast.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Are you talking about equalization payments? Because BC doesn't get equalization payments.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I’m more sorry that there are actual [NAME] fans...","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Sapa is pretty good, but Takashi is by far the best quality sushi in Salt Lake.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Well two other close testers are really upset about rolling","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"This hit me with de good ol memories","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I enjoyed this nearly as much as I enjoy too many pints.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"THE ONLY RUMOR I'VE EVER HEARD IS WHETHER OR NOT THE SEARCH FUNCTION EXISTS. SPOILER ALERT: IT DOES.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Nobody claims that 20th century socialism was a utopia. Please remember your own comment before replying.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Unfortunately if you’re looking for game info about the Detroit Basketball team your in the wrong sub.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"That is disgusting. He should be embarrassed.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"This is just so sweet! That's all. :). So sweet.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Nobody left Milky Way yet because of reapers. It’s not possible nobody got in for the same reason, or a similar more localized reason","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I found it interesting that [NAME] wasn’t addressed in FA or until the later rounds of the draft.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Grim Reaver!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why make it a video? Could have just been a text post.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Please seek medical help","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"700 euros per week for 16 hour days 6 -7 days a week is shite and well below minimum wage if you work it out per hour.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"If they actually have more evidence that he was deeper than originally suspected, then I have no sympathy.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My friends that were badly injured from the first fight. Read my backstory comment.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I don’t know why but this made me crack up so hard!","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Wipe them out, all of them!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well, no- the person serving you already provided ID to get the job, so they’ve already confirmed their age","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh yeah. Here's hopin to Persona next.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Break ups are hard. Hope you feel better.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"These are the same people who thought liking hot sauce was a major scandal","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I wish that were a thing 🙄","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"I'm just gonna take this as a metaphor for idiot units.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah I'd recommend it, definitely an easy watch","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This reminds me of the Percy Jackson series :P they do the same thing at one point when they visit a dam :P","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He has 3 years as first team manager, he signed the contract in November, but it doesn't matter","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My point was that it’s creepy. I never said it was illegal.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"That's a great comparison","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Well first, im against government period, and second im conveying this under a layer of satire to make the ideas spread more easily","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Btw- I love your flair!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"omgad that monster!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"um what about just not engaging and leaving?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"[NAME] got a thing for redheads? [NAME] would love to have a word with you.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"This girl wasn't molested. She was a young (legal) girl who thought it was cool to get with someone her dads age","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"[NAME] today is great, when he plays like this he is a rly good player","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Do you have the voting link? I went on the NHL website but I didn't see anything.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"My dumb ass thought it was meant to be a magic wand and he was reversing time and I was really confused.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Buddy you are mad online right now. Take a deep breath or a Xanax","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"One of my favorite moments","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Just dump it on the other side of that fence down there...ssss","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I thought they were motor vehicle accidents.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m sorry to be that guy, but I don’t get it","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"i curse you","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Not enough accurate data on [NAME] civil to stay true to their identity unless they want to make a Spanish invasion related storyline","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh that’s actually seriously a relief, how do you know that though?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"My guess is they work with older folks","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The junkies that hang around there can make some good jokes about getting blitz'd","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oooo I see, I was hoping it wasn't a troll thing, it seemed really tasteless.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Can anyone confirm the [NAME] likliness? Asking for a friend.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's when they brew their second cuppa before work haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"GO SUB TO HIM HES THE BEST","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That sounds awesome! So good to have someone able to teach you their skills 😊","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"All women are useless - maybe if you made better choices it would be better for ya","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Get ready for another wasted season","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I have no clue either","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Cats/dogs for sure. It would be refreshing.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Awesome, that's super good news :D","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"haha packing it in already after a regular season loss","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"There is a guy that looks like [NAME] in my local Walmart","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My opinion is that anyone smart enough would simply not work for [NAME] in the first place.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"It's okay. One day you won't be so sad and angry, and people will still accept you.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"It appears [NAME] has come back as a cat.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's a surprise from this guy.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"What a wonderful story! Thank you so much for sharing that just made me smile .","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Does anyone know how much the skin is supposed to cost? Edit: And does it put the lotion on it's skin?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I love my kids. I don't always like my kids, but I love them.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":">![NAME] get the crossbow before it's too late he can't breath oh [NAME] please hurry im shaking and crying rn!<","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"Thank you, man🌱","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Is that not with mice though? I could be wrong or maybe its rats & mice. Edit: field mice in particular.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Super dumb that people are downvoting you for asking a question in good faith.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Daily would be great, but...life stuff like work sometimes get in the way.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Waahha, ohh, they massawaaa... STOP IT. YOU CAN ACT LIKE A MAN.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Yeah lol, my bad.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"[NAME] living her best life in Germany.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Missed that, wishful thinking, I was hoping they would team up for a little","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"No I don’t want it to be unhappy or unhealthy AT ALL, just more like a normal/fussy baby.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"[NAME] was so much cuter then. Also WOW that interview is cringy","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Very legal and cool","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I like all of them, depending on what I want to learn. I really like [NAME] and [NAME] style, because they are such trolls.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"What camouflage?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"And you better fucking get there early too! Bargain shoppers don't fuck around.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"And she has ignored every single one of them, as expected of course.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Make sure he gets some glucosamine(!)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Bi people can be attracted to trans and non-binary people, too.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I think its his brother ?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"By his comment I would say that he is in fact, a simpleton. So, too late.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"It's even worse when you get someone from NJ who has no clue how to drive in the city environment.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Thats....that's pretty normal...prolly somewhere in the ballpark of 280miles...If you dont have a fuel efficient car its not hard to do.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I had a huge crush on the lead singer back in the day. Still have no idea what this song is about but love it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Really? I love that show","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"correct. [NAME] was our 3rd round pick. Hand lookin like the steal of the draft","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I think a [NAME] government would be far far worse than Brexit.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> eaten out by their coach","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The fact you have to explain this at the third grade level is pathetic. People think somone preventing his own murder is a tragedy.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Gonna be sad when Gameday is inside a gym for shooty hoops. I already miss CFB :(","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I would have thought so yeah.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"one of us will be right!\" Or...ya both wrong and wasted your energy being dumb asses instead of enjoying it.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"You seem pretty upset about this. It's not an email it is a formal filing. It doesn't surprise me you don't understand that though.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Looks like something you would see in a comedy movie.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Don’t regret the time, had it been sooner you might be absent a kid or three!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I agree with this","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"> As long as they dont bother people or start a mess. When are they not?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"My ex with BPD said this to me about her ex. They have been apart for nearly a year.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You ain't wrong","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I loveeeeee Perth!!!! Why isn’t anyone else gushing about this town?","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"You are correct, this happens everytime to me","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Yeah that does not mean anything It’s a wallet that they have been using with another exchange and they use it to send money to you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Is that Arcade club i spy? I love it there!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh hey I have those jeans","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"then youll do just fine!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"They do sound kinda not worth it then. At least large ones don't sound worth it. You have my sympathy.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Same reaction I had last week when I learned that [NAME] was once engaged to [NAME].","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"This is not porn lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"No I meant like did they then forget and ask a follow up question. Basically making the situation more funny.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Please do!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm full of envy. Would love to be on that sort of money! But I fail to see the problem with it.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Awesome! I just recently custom made some art for my razer panthera! It certainly is a lot of fun to do! 👍","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yeah they’d probably want more than [NAME] and [NAME]. [NAME], maybe [NAME] can finesse them too lol","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My fiancé and I went to a friends house and just hung out until midnight and watched fireworks, it was so chill and perfect!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Well that made me want to continue to live in Alberta.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"She likes sending nudes? I mean, just go with the flow and see what happens.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":" Personal responsibility\" code for \"if you aren't rich, get fucked!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Even this tweet reeks just from the description provided (and the way her friends must look/smell). I’m gagging.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I have but I sugar discreetly and I’m genuinely afraid to have that compromised due to the field I’m in","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"You forgot to put \"armchair\" in front of your name.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m having a counseling this weekend ... nothing to be scared.... just tell them about your feelings and what are you worrying about..","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"It's racism. It doesn't make me angry, it makes me feel sorry for their ignorance and yours.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Just get in front of him and stop","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks!!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I agree.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Is...Is this a Hitman themed FE Shitpost?...I dunno whether to be happy or impressed by this.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Hahahahhahhaha!!! Thats the right wing in a nutshell.....","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"“Guys watch out, the scary looking kid is coming down the hall”","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"They are both owned by the same parent company and they probably wanted to get their money's worth since Taco Bell isn't really prevelant in EU","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"i feel like slapping /s after everything sucks the fun out. it's not my fault people are autistic.... /s","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I did! Never moving back, I love my life in the \"big smoke\".","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I can’t believe sb found this even remotely funny.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Ah, yes. Again with those goddam ballbusting monkeys. If I had a dollar...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You can get a penta from 30 seconds after the quad.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"How did they get away from everyone. \"Fillies and gentlecolts,we are gathered here today to honor the nation of England for this Oscar.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Great! Now down with [NAME]!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Nah... i think he made around 90... i tried searching up his pocket, and fuck me...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A Buzzfeed article about 20 perfect pairs of boobies","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So much lonely","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Apparently we are tragedies!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Now [NAME] is the popular one!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He was a US Attorney and Mayor of NYC. He's not an idiot and knows exactly what he's doing.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Yep, this cunt again.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I do watch legends and lol yes we all know she existed/originated in the future. I also know that this is a different [NAME] from the [NAME].","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"That's weird to hear since in Hebrew \"Son of man\"- Ben Adam, simply refers to humans in general.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Your \"other people\" comment was.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"but it's [NAME] saying it so sorta disappointing","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh [NAME]. But I'm sort of confused as to how the pic was taken, sorry if you said it but I'm a bit stupid and tired","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Oh! Im also Chinese (Singaporean) and due to the laws here my boyfriend and i are looking to go elsewhere...","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I love her doctor. You need to send him some chili and cornbread","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I have an issue metabolizing medications fast. I'll wake up during surgeries so they give me a lot of drugs.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I am inexplicably excited by [NAME]. I get so excited by how he curls passes","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Isn't this researching online?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh oh oh","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damn, ultimate efficiency.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Monero enthusiast here. Make me happy and call me a liar again.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Don't worry you'll outlive them.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"oh no I agree that its edited, but I think she has other things going on too.. BDD at least","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I don't know, they'd have to reduce the accuracy of the NPCs a bit then cause I sure don't like 1-shotters using aimbot","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"When he puts it in too fast and you don't have time to let your walls expands, this is exactly how it feels...","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Ooh you made them?! Awesome!! I hope you enjoyed them. 5 cheeses sounds like a great decision.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"That's a pretty laughable response. Pretty r/iamverybadass actually.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":">While Austin is a great city that should embrace its first major pro franchise, What is this conformist nonsense?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks mate. It's just a process now. Fingers crossed that time will heal all (or most) wounds!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Right, ok thank you.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I went skiing in another state and ran into a gaggle of students. Distance guarantees nothing.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Weird but effective","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"I dont blame you I have a stuffed otter my gf and I got in Catalina I wont even let my niece play with it","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you very much, I must have missed these while I didn't have regular Internet access. Sorry for putting you on the list in error.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Sad to see this as a one-off. [NAME] seemed to be really enjoy the game and itself. Will give the game a try.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Excited to see this kid in red and black some day","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Congrats and be well. Peace and tranquility to you. !","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"These are both beauties. Those big dark eyes and that smile.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Tell her boyfriend and send him the screenshots of her saying she’s having affairs for proof. Then cut this toxic person out of your life!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So I did. Good call.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm ugly and able to bump uglies with someone I can make laugh. Mission accomplished.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Thank you all for the karma I’ve gotten!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It's the app, you get daily readings, you can communicate with the other members, reminders, etc, download the app you'll see","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] didn't refuse to trade [NAME] to the Lakers out of spite. He saw nothing he wanted.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Seriously, I spit up my drink reading \"The GOP not the ones threatening children\". I know a few thousand kids in cages that might disagree.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I don’t know how to link but if you search within this page there was a whole thread on it","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"A girl came into him recently and he pre maturely ejaculated. He had to type this.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I've have a serious fear of getting winded, this video made my balls fall off","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Done. Good riddance. Thank you for your comment","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Yep. If we don't come up with a solution, there is no need for solutions to anything else.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That’s only really annoying if it’s excessively slow","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"The comments on this thread are what I expected and that makes me sad.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"yea he had 6 assists which created 13 points, if he had 13 points and no assists people would be calling it a great game for him","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"The Lidl ones definitely don't taste like Weetabix, if they are make by Weetabix then they must be using different stuff!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"it’s not something you get over, but it’s something you get through","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Doing my part","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And chocolate comes from child slavery.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Nobel prize, u/Otomyre, Nobel prize! I’ll see you in Sweden!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Bold of you to a̢̢̘̜̹͖͓̣̼̰͎̞͚̖͟͝͠s̷̻̮̝͍̕͘͝͝ş͏͕͈̻̺̬̻̱̫̙̠̜͚̗̯̤͔̙̫ų̖̰̭̺̳͕͔̥̳̟̻͖̗̪͙̕͜͝m̨̢̲͚̪͢͝ͅe̹̣̻͙̻͕̦̕͠","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I want this back \"I want us back\" I missed the part where that's my problem","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"If you’re working out, juicy AF, and needing to pay for escorts you must be got damn ugly in the face.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Just curious, how many supplies did you take?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Dive into that sweet sweet goodness, buddy. View the meetup the woman being lucky to be around you, and it gets much easier.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"This r/dbdgonewild/","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm a [NAME] and tripping has only strengthened my faith. To each their own.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why am I seeing this everywhere now? This wasn't in my vocabulary last week.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I honestly predict a riot on the scale of the 2011 ones if we undergo a no-deal brexit - possibly even worse. It's terrifying.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"*Hey just noticed..* it's your **1st Cakeday** Spottedgriffin! ^(hug)","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Wow that's not OK","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I’m with you, like shouldn’t we call someone or make sure this was followed up on? This poor guy.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I'd like to add spontaneously experiencing unending self-loathing because you suddenly remembered that embarrassing thing you did 3 years ago.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"i'm calling [NAME] noms with [NAME] [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It won't be anything with \"Last\" in it, because TLJ. But it miiiiight be something with \"Final\" in it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's where cap 2 sleeps. Leave it be","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's in case he suffers from amnesia and forgets his name.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"No it doesn't. It's a lie. [NAME] is not far right. The US hasn't \"installed\" anyone","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why are you trying to do that? What’s going on?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I have tried to stay away from using the word “[RELIGION]” as much as possible to stay agreeable with the current styling guide of the church.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You better be!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What a combo of food","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh man that hurt to watch","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"You asked if I verified. You set the goal post, not me.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They don’t have that on iOS unfortunately 😭 but thank you for the suggestion!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME] throwing the ball to Spain","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This must be what you get angry about when you don’t have any actual problems in your life.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Jealousy is unbecoming","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"good luck! I wish you the best <33","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Thank you!! Makes sense, I was deciding between laxes and stool softeners so I think I'll just go with the lax teas","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I don’t know what I’m to say I’ll say it anyway","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I was just explaining why the whole vote with the wallet thing doesn't really apply.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Nah the highest voted stories on nosleep these days are about sexual abuse or something along those lines","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"GAA' isn't a sport...","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Thanks man, I managed to feel better by letting loose with some music - definitely a *much* better way to pull out of a dive.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Don’t forget Kylie 1.0 was in it !!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Big ups. The small things make the difference.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I dont know.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Who are these women messaging [NAME]? He looks like a very average-looking teenager.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"mystery solved.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Did he beat all the bosses solo? If he did, he's less of a scrub than I am.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":">Make I've never hated a commentator more in my lifetime then him","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Its very popular in the not comic book demographics.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yea, husband learned his lesson quite quick. Thank you! :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"They must have seen you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Let's kill and eat them all. That'll stop those damned animals from deforesting my forests","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"It was a terrible, terrible thing to do. He did every day of his time for it, has expressed regret, and has not repeated it.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Real nice guys are just kind people.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Pretty much every Punjabi dude I've met.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Now you're appropriating the Bullingdon Club's culture.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No response after a week? That's something to worry about.","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"Thats exactly what a J-word would say","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well if we just started in the second quarter in both games...we would have come out ahead!","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I'm sorry it happened like that for you. I really can't imagine.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"C'mon Mr [NAME], you're not going to eat all that watermelon.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Op you're fine, anyone who's actually been in your situation would have reacted the same. This commentor is just trying to make you feel bad.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"It's simple, I asked, and she lied.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I am really excited for you! We texted a few weeks before we met too! The first hugs and kisses were the best!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Your harshest critic will always be yourself","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's a lot of words to say \"I'm upset that women don't want to date me.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"these are quite normal thoughts for depressed people","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah cause no man has ever been falsely imprisoned due to allegations proven later to be false","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"We give them too much money.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"There's so many! Auntie [NAME] and Dame [NAME] are two of the best. But personally, the bass player from Spiderbait, [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"OMG, my two favorite franchises and the two best girls!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Damn video made me think there was audio!!","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"You've described my parents who have been happily married for 36 years. You are good dude.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Upvoted for visibility. Disapprove of the poll results.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Don't wear out our [NAME]. We need him if this season is going to amount to anything.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Where can I get some? These are awesome!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"If you’ll check my medical records you’ll see I have a crippling arthritis in me index fingers","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME]: [NAME] is your nephew [NAME]: is this about your dad and bro?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I can't understand why Pepsi and Coke are the two most popular sodas. Or why fans think they're so different.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I think we should conduct a study and find out, otherwise I don’t know and you don’t either","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Yeah, I'll admit I like Kuzma. [NAME] does kind of remind me of a less talented [NAME].","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"There's a correlation between how corrupt a country is and how corrupt it is perceived. edit: DOI:10.1023/A:1013882225402, If you can't acces, scihub still exist.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What a loser, sad.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I saw a slightly longer clip where a woman came and shooed them off.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He couldn't block a shot if it was from my dead grandma","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm afraid of having a sit down with them amd not being heard. But I might have to for my safety.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Why can’t we do both, approve wall funding and more border agents now and stop holding 800k federal workers hostage.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I crave physical contact. I get irritable if I go too long without it, which conflicts with the fact that I also enjoy being alone.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"From that angle his face looks like the big built guy from jersey shore.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Welcome to switzerland 😂 I see it everyday, when I'm on my way to work.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I love bein' inside u, baby","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Wow, who can afford this one?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Oh hell no. Shes blind!!! No way in HELL is she ever being left alone with it.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"More admired than [NAME] [NAME] is admired by starbucks baristas. Unemployed kids. And cat ladies","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Too bad he went back home to Nepal, it's always great seeing these young spinners getting a go in the BBL.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I do feel sorry for the squirrel, but I wouldn't say the dog is a jerk for acting on natural instinct.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"If we can’t even score on the power play pulling the goalie made no sense","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"You are goddam funny sir","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"would you kiss a girl if you're drunk tho? Edit : why the downvotes? It's just a question, geez","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Just mild burns and witty comebacks...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The 10 game rule for expansion also includes AHL games, so regardless of his stint up here he was going to be made available in the Seattle draft","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think some of them expect there to be a cashier standing like a statue at every register at all times no matter how slow business is!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And those offences are not Criminal Code offences. Criminal Code offences require it be established \"beyond a reasonable doubt\" that an accused actually committed the offence.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow, I don't know how [NAME] handled that","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"She said she was ok moving out ... now she isn’t. I have no idea.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"LPT: Make sure your chickens aren't pink anywhere by just chucking them in a 1000° oven","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"There was definitely 90s-drama-film-esque piano music playing when this unfolded.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I woulda \"sneezed\" with my drink in my hand and launched it right behind me","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"BASED AND REDPILLED","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"What about from the POTUS?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"my parents did this for 8 years. apparently it’s a lot of fun","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"*sigh* just take it ⬆️","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This is true, but For THIS situation, it's time to take notes on the situation and do better on the next one. She deserves better.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"[NAME] is a damn fool. No wonder his ex-wife is his boss and his babysitter.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This question was on here like 2 days ago with 95/5","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes. We actually just talked about it too. Dont know if he took me seriously, but am trying.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Just read your list, sounds great!! You have some creatures even I didn’t think about 👍!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Sitting at home drunk waiting for my tech to charge so I can sit out back and listen to music lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"We just let a guy go last month - voluntary resignation. He was a great worker but didn't want to train others.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Really? Wow. You’re either hopelessly ignorant or you’re trolling. For your sake, I hope you’re trolling.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Now *I’M* angry","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"You're a turd","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"That’s her way of saying you aren’t getting the job","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why did we have [NAME] that one year shoot against Draymond. I dunno because its entertainment and story lines.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I'm trying to get you laid. Maybe then you'd stop acting like the giant douchebag you are.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Shhhhhhh ... It will be ok, honey.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I never thought about that. Good point. Cursed and wilted rose, unlike [NAME] rose emblem.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I thought you were suggesting a bigger knife for a second.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's not an conscious choice to be uncomfortable about something.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] shot has been quite frankly terrible tonight, wayy too strong on most of his looks","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"They had [NAME] on MSNBC and he said the same thing. This is the next phase in operation freakout.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"smell that? desperation. You can smell it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"12 inch","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So they're just not going to change it like they did in the Louisville game? That's cool..","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow. This is messed up.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Meanwhile, 1500 a day continue to die from cigarettes","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Beautiful place, been there in September!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That's awesome. For the record, I do get anxious over very non intrusive questions, I really have a tenancy to read too much into things.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Sounds really boring so I hope you like it","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Oh nice, gonna add that to the list. Thanks!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'd very much doubt many people believe there was no awareness or complicity.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Whoever told you that is lying.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's pretty warm in Australia during this time of year.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'll take a window seat for lmao at this.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Before things like that can happen we need to first atleast make it stable and usable for the people that actually do pay","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes, that is exactly what happened.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Please make a separate post that includes these territorial changes and not one for each village. Thank you for your efforts.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Omg. I just noticed that! Holy fuck, how does she smell?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"He must've done something real bad. I played with a guy who by all counts was an asshole but never received more than mutes.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"I think it's time to let him go, for your life's sake!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Problem is fornite kids are playing fortnite.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Crippling? How so? It’s with Fox Sports right? I figured they probably had a good deal with them, but maybe not.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And still our government is not responsible enough to pay its bills. It's rather pathetic.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Thank you 😊","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"This made [NAME] [NAME] verrrrrrry famous this year. She was always famous but this year her sounds and food descriptions won her the top award!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I've been watching too much my 600lb life...I instantly hear dr. [NAME]","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"It really do be like that sometimes","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Respect my authoritah! Demanding respect sounds like a guarantee of not getting it.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"IM GOING TO GO BACK TO INDONESIA UNLESS YOU STOP PAYING CHILD SUPPORT YOU SHOULD BE SUPPORTING ALESS AND [NAME]","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I'd be down with the big baller himself.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A waste of money to you is not a waste of money for everyone.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I just unassigned and left","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"What is a punishment if not an undesirable consequence imposed by others?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's a shortcut, dude, he just knows the map!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Midland has a ton of smart people. A lot of petroleum engineers.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"nice to see that more special needs are out in the work force. go get em pal.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"on the rim","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Boy what an accomplishment, so proud!","label":21,"emotion":"pride"} {"text":"Now you have to make up all these downvotes with some low-hanging-fruit criticism comment of [NAME] or [NAME]. Good luck and cheers!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Please give us updates. Oh wow.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"That isn't normal or healthy. Stop obliging her obsession.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I once went alert on N1 and killed 3 people.. 2 maf and a doc. Doc got resurrected later thankfully","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I’m not sure are we now taking the word of the FBI and Navy as legitimate sources or what’s happening here lol?","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"They are awesome!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh 100%. And I could see [NAME] & [NAME] both picking [NAME] cause of how she wanted to play the game.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Could not agree more. Personally, I love watching any comp at pro level. GOATS is fun to watch the micro play and ability timings and synergy","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"The reaction is incredible. I’m quite certain it’s satire as well, but its impact is depressing as hell.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Doesn't mean we can't improve on what we have","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Interesting. I wonder how does this work. Does it do swaps itself? Does it utilize the currency exchange listings? I'll check it out later.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"It's a seemingly a pretty heavy duty trailer but definitely putting some stress on bearing assembly slamming a log into it sideways like that.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol the actual state of this Nothing wrong with pointing out [NAME] was a cunt snowflake Suppose it makes a change from your usual woman hating posts","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The lack of stick skills [NAME] lacks is actually astounding.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I'm sad can someone make me feel better Feel like shit rn just want [NAME] back","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Excess of 300 partners and not using protection is unappealing to me, I dont want catch anything","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Seen this result coming. Best result for us and rangers unfortunately.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"just apologize. what other advice could you possibly require? you fucked up, now deal with it.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"What do you mean by delicate flowers?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"But we did get an awesome transit line from downtown to the airport, plus most of the Olympic facilities existed before the games.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Am I not supposed to have what I want? What I need?!?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"What are the Four Agreements?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Which one?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"*Not wearing makeup the next day* \"Are you okay? You look sick.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh my [NAME] why did I look","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah, I mean it's not like anyone else has ever shut down the Government.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They are taking advantage of the fact that you found this thread and realized you have to do is one more day until you get it.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Only for a week? You are a great optimist!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"What a block by [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It won't, it will stop the ones who cross the border. Not a very hard concept.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Yikes. I was kind of excited to get a new [NAME] if he gets last man in but I'll pass on these butt ugly jerseys.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I love this wow","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"This could have been done in two panels and that’s honestly what annoys me the most about this","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"One of my coworkers made the wait list. Great guy, but yeah, it is a rich getting richer situation.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Okay, I'll try to find one. Sorry about that.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"I destroyed about 1/2 of them because black snakes are actually a good thing to have around. I just didn't want too many of them.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"You don’t have to hate players just for being on a different team. I hate that [NAME] is an [NAME]. I don’t hate [NAME]","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Go with her, eat healthy food with her too. It may help","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"we go!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh, my [NAME]","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Dude got owned by a glass of cider. He spent a full month roiling and gnashing his teeth in an existential nightmare because of sulphites.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] just wants to post pics of her facetuned of herself for attention while acting morally superior to those other girls. fuck off","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"He’s also got a girlfriend that he really seems to care about....","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Maybe they are jealous that you found happiness.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm glad you made a Reddit account to inform us how much you totes don't care bro","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"On to the next one!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m kind of scared to talk to my manager about it","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"They'll investigate themselves and nothing will happen. Detroit police bully everyone. An they wonder why no one likes them, Respects them, Or why people run from them.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"[NAME] has been attacking the basket a lot this game,good to see.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"This is an old carnie trick. There are sites that have debunked this guy.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The best losers of grand finals cod has ever seen","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Everytime I get to hug someone.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Oh, grilled nuggets. Haven't really seen those at fast food places so I thought they were just the regular nuggets","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"This is amazing, man. Kick some ass, make good food, get paid. Congratulations","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"What are you talking about?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Look [NAME] is here \"Where the fuck was he an hour ago, gary, where!?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I saw that fan art once, where [NAME] is drawn as [NAME], and its funny cause they're both my favorite characters in Persona and Jojo","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Congrats!!! Thatll be me in May and I cant freaking wait!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It was a painful cringe, too. Are we masochists?","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"And they won‘t until it hits them - or not even then, somehow blaming it on others too.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oof this hits home","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"still would be great. especially if we get [NAME] from denver aswell in FA","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m sorry. Can you please explain what are the 2 accounts of the order of creation are contradictory?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Itll happen. Im 36 and i think i finally found the one last year 🤞","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Your smartly worded refutation of the whole of the rest of Christendom has swayed me completely, Rome is the only true home! Hurrah! Hurrah!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I believe he means he was a very pretty child to become otherwise after puberty...","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is a bit of a political post but I just felt like venting.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They cant see me, bc I cant see them!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He’a establishment trash. I despise [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Them boys smelling even more blood in the water. Rack them fuckin points up boys!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Not having social media is such a blessing for me, it’s weird he messaged your mum though! I bet she loved hearing from him!","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Let's hope January treats us a little better than December.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"For [NAME] sake, they used OFFICIAL ones , my god. Fucking animals.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Rule 2 of firearms: Never point the muzzle at something unless you’re ready to poke tiny holes in it.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Thank you so much kind sir, now im excited to start reading the LN!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"2 Minute [NAME] is the scariest [NAME]. I fear they have yet again, like the regular season game, scored too soon.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Thank you so much, this is beautiful","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thanks! I'm now quite excited. Unless of course they all decide to skip straight from Chatswood to Gordon.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Hope you're not [RELIGION], 'cause that ain't kosher...","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"You really don't comprehend anything my man, now do you? Goodness gracious the amount of stupidity.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"But hes still in love with me just not as much as he used to be... and he calls me.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Thought it was StuPOTity when I first heard it....","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's over! Move on and find a better partner.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Lol i got bottled by one of them in a brawl with a bunch of the nazis","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"That shit sent me on a fucking journey to read.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Your comments have been removed. This is a community for support. Repeat violation will result in a ban. Thank you for understanding.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So the article is pretty much nonsense.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"There are quite a few hideous high rises in dallas. But also some beautiful and iconic ones.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"17.5 i pm what i got at 18","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sounds weird but dont swallow","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"It's absolutely beautiful","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That is even worse. No tax from them and we provide them with services.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Come on really. I’m for gay rights.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Holy bait-and-switch, [NAME]. I’m so sorry, that has to be incredibly stressful to have to be around and deal with.","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"[NAME] should have come back. I'm surprised you could get any worse than the s10 one but shit i was wrong.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Hahaha for real..","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"It's so weird having HGs up this early, but I love having something to watch before my 8am lecture starts.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I want to know how she thinks you can convert fat into muscle","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I'm a woman, 50-adjacent, and a descendant of slaves. I like hot sauce but I hate [NAME].","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"You're naive if you think they won't balance it out somehow in the future.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Correct, you eat to survive, but you you eat animals for pleasure.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I gave him a hug and told him how glad I was that he was okay after the police assault. He’s amazing!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Of course these are all conspiracy theory shitposts BUT just because he got squeezed out, doesn’t mean they want him playing for a rival team.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"You're a hottie!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That's the impression I've always had, but man the owner gets snippy if you disagree on your review!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I appreciate [NAME] diving for that, but because he did, it lead to wide open Korver transition 3. About as automatic as it gets","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"wait they actually lost lmao. i stopped watching halfway cuz i thought SPY had it in the bag ^^^^andigotmywatchrewards","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The best ever you are the [NAME]!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My only criticism is xhaka, too slow on and off the ball.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Thats the high life of empowerment.","label":21,"emotion":"pride"} {"text":"Never let facts get in the way of a good story.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"feeling like im not normal and that im shameful and wrong and other people telling me those things are what have done this to me","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"I spent a good portion of my childhood in Arizona and Colorado. I love the rain and greenery here in Oregon","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Hip hop has fallen down so far music in general, since the 90's.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"why is this hard to believe it’s totally believable","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"If only they were more like [RELIGION] amirite?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Probably when they fired their cartoonist a few months ago for having the wrong opinions.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Really not sure how that’s your takeaway.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"This is where [NAME] loan becomes a bad idea. I know he wouldn't start but now there's no backup RB.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So it's we now eh jerk-off, as in troll farm to creat FUD and drive the premium up on the order book. I knew it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What type would you classify House from House M. D.? (T. V. SHOW BUT OK","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hysterical!!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He's not my type but [NAME] is handsome AF. /s","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"If they want to attack [RELIGION] they should be honest with the website title Imagine a [RELIGION] creating a website and calling it WikiChristianity and constantly attack [RELIGION].","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Interesting isnt it?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"This is clearly the world's most dangerous gang","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"[NAME] SHOT THE PUCK *AND* WE SCORE Who woulda thunk","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I used to know a guy back in HS, and college. Every male in his family had been struck by lightning, except him.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh! Thanks for clarifying. The entire time I thought it was written by a child to their OWN parents. I'm thick.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Looks like these guys were sold Brexit lies","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We can’t have that","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Nothing special, just love a good knife fight. Bonus Revive.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Parliamentary systems don't have the same separation of powers anyway. But it's the executive of Bavaria, not the federal executive telling them how to vote.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm afraid I'll pick something else.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"You got any more of that weed?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"A fork and spoon could be a fapoon?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"More Nice Guy IMO.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY HANDS","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Super righteous.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Not gonna lie, kinda looks like a unicorn sneezed on waffles","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol. Unfortunately, yes. >sigh<","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Depends. Are your \"toys\" dildos and butt plugs? Or needles and strangers?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I have basically that print on a t-shirt, it's definitely coming out of the closet more often as soon as the campaign is official.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I’m here, I’m here! Thank you all!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"The self righteous feel no shame","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Reads like a movie script to me.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Way too small, what a bummer.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"May live in Florida, but [NAME], NJ born and raised!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"For both of you together? The fuck company are you using.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"That's that frequency dying in your ears. Enjoy it, because you will never hear that exact frequency again","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Who cares? 2019 season hasn’t even started","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I never said anything about that lmao","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Lack of a dart board.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Surely hope so, buddy. Surely hope so.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I don't think you're allowed to administer a vaccine to someone who is sick/injured.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Sorry for your loss yesterday. Your team is poised to do even better in the years to come and hopefully they will.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Certainly not haha","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Happy cake day!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I don't always do this, but when I do, I'm listening to the unedited version of \"Killing In The Name Of\".","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You look better when people can’t see you <3","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Can you imagine being the person in this costume #mascotlivesmatter","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Every single time a person has demanded to see an MD rather than me I have appreciated the dodged bullet. It's never fun for the physician.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"please report the physical and emotional abuse to the police so there is record of it. And get a lawyer ASAP.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I feel sorry for people that think Reddit (or even some random sub-reddit) is \"an international stage\".","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"May [NAME] bless and keep the President... far away from us!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I think years...I'm not ready and I know it, but I know years","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"i feel betrayed by the community","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"It's hard to have a nuanced opinion, innit? But I don't like everything he does. This is one if them.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Stocks have less market friction...there is also more chaos due to the amount of individuals vying to make money there, compared to here.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Just speak with a Sheffield accent lmao","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You just made my point, you obnoxious whining kid","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Oof.. :(","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"sounds like you are a man who is uncomfortable with women's sexuality.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This was my biggest problem. And I'd want a nap too. That's why I have to shower at night.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"no phone in the site, just some dragons enjoying the moment","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"very pretty lady.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This was extremely helpful, many thanks!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"auto play really sucks but sex education was a really good show ngl I binged the whole thing in like two days.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think in 1.0 it's a lot harder to SDI out of Fox's dair, but I forget why","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Insomuch that I'll probably avoid any Stahly products in future :|","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Won’t Molotovs create more waste?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Follow up #2: Story has been removed","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"At least he's finally done one thing right. Utter fucking disappointment at every level, by every metric.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Yeah that dragon one with the same style ? Mesmerizing. I believe there's also one close to Civic center","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I don't drink at all specifically because the next day is sheer terror.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"What? I didn’t understand a thing of what you said.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"[NAME] better see the floor today","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I saw that comment and wondered if someone was going to post it here. I almost feel bad. Maybe they’re lonely.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Submissive? \"she’s a [NAME] so literally it’s like a brand new car [NAME] has blessed me with.\" You're disgusting.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Justified or not he'll probably go before [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hes looking for a handout of 3 free meals a day, education and skill training and a roof over his head. Jail, it works.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That guy who said that it's a good idea to never smile towards women you like? Pass, the book was ultra-overrated","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Does that person only eats rocks? Because if you put bacteria and human beings on an equal footing, everyone is a fucking cannibal.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She's reading Canada's extradition act but not Canada's extradition treaty with the USA. I've had this argument before, it's pointless.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I have a 17 year old friend who just googles \"memes\" to get his fix","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Rip I guess.... Hope op does that Also happy cake day!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"ok so that was fucking sick","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"You’re wrong. Source: I looked before I commented the first time.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I’ve thrown up","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] is an awesome film school...not surprised this came from Dodge","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I’ll be honest I really don’t care. I’m happy to know that others care about this, but eh you do you","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I’m sorry you have to deal with that","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"It was done before and it was terrible","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"As a person that regularly down votes people that repost front age gifs, I will award you an upvote because this makes me laugh every time.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You mean hormonal differences?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Explains why I couldn't connect to their forums.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Child labor laws are ruining this country","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I want to so bad it hurts. I guess I'm just scared.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I never said she wasn't a downgrade. But on r/political_revolution the complaint seems to be that she didn't endorse anybody in 2016.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Just saying he could of said maccathy, kingsbury, or caldwell was his favorite. [NAME] had choices.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The jockeys one is amazing I don't know what you're talking about.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Gotta boost that self esteem.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s amazing how buggy this game is. Itd [NAME] buying a new car with most of the parts broken. We will fix it eventually.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yep. Id say ever since Diablo 3 it was shown that the company was no more. They no longer were gamers making games for gamers.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you!! That’s me as [NAME]!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Help, I'm scared and want to go back.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"thats not good","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Become friends with people who work night shift. We are always up at crazy hours and need a distraction from our work.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"So... are you for private businesses doing what they want or not?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So happy for your strong stance and to help him on his way out of your life.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I sort of did lol. I think what I mean is that you cant look at it as an alternative to rdp","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Only after the initial vote is honored and brexit is implemented.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Now I wanna know how the hell did you stole the body of an NPC :o","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Fuck the haters [NAME] > Everybody","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"The cruelest people in the room are a pack of gormless dullards. It's the banality of evil for the 21st century.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Yes. We're finishing the script out now. Shooting starts in February.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] was actually wrong all along. JAH > Jokic /s","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"i love this subreddit","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Omg yes!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"literally I feel like crying","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"*Duck Tales! whooh ooh* *Every day they're out there making* *Duck Tales! whooh ooh* *Tales of daring do bad and good luck tales! whooh ooh*","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Less to keep track of","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damn, I didn't know that you used to mod there.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Hey I said that to my grammar once","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Does everyones dad/grandpa have this exact one? Mine do.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That is awesome.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"if they that lame then disprove them mate.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The space between the M and the E always looks a tad too long with these cheaper jerseys.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And you act like [RELIGION] wasn’t used to fuel slavery and control slaves go off tho...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Employ the son of your biggest donor?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"too damn often!! and i’m cute as hell! i’m mad!!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Please stop talking [NAME].","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Kids are like pets. They just sit by a locked door and howl.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s 8 rounds on all different topics organized by check it","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They did, donated a penny for someone else’s happiness/luck.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I giggled. Then looked at my corgi and imagined him stuck butt first in a big wine bottle.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Feb ‘06 [NAME] But your point stands","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME], you're annoying. Did [NAME] steal your girl or what? Everytime someone mentions [NAME] on this subreddit, you appear to trash talk him.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Apparently the bull shark is hyper aggressive due to the amount of testosterone it has. They're basically roid-heads in perpetual roid-rage with massive teeth.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love this! It's nice to hear of a positive outcome on here.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I mean, it certainly is weird but don't kinkshame","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"What...? That’s some real mental gymnastics to justify him assaulting her","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"so lucky. im afraid to tell my [NAME] gf. :\")","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Day 1557: people still complaining about a commercial","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Glad to see [NAME] back","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"You have to spit into a plastic vial. It would take some decent effort to pull that off.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I mean retirement age was set at 65 because it *was* the average age people died. Living beyond retirement was never supposed to be a guaranteed plan.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Attempted years ago. Blocked by crooked politicians in bed with InBev and big beer. Gross.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"At least london fans got a somewhat exciting game","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"YOU MUST CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PYLONS","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This reminds me of when it came out that the Hello Kitty! character is actually a human girl.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That sounds like a reasonable estimation. So what are YOU going to do? Because you can’t force them to treat you like real people.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I get ya man. It happens to the best of us.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Just gotta injure 3 more","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"neat, thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Lol found the neckbeard","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Oh? There's financial trouble in heaven? Lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Oh yóu!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's 3 Calling Cards I believe, and one sticker for getting Flawless. Other than that, no (unless you wanna count bragging rights).","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"How about a downvote for the update?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Oof the way he just tossed the cat aside oof","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Thanks for this, got a mate in Germany.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I could have gone to a party, but it's 10 outside. Sue me.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"There mostly isn't any. Nature merely found a way to encourage the behaviour that leads to babies aka sex.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I was going to ask what temperatures are like where you live. The beauty of losing refrigeration in the winter is having the great outdoors.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yes she was, but I'm here now.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Go on...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Those are literally the only possibilities.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Malhama Tactical has been exposed as a sham FYI","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can you link the apologies? Or do they not actually exist?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I'm not sure losing billions in trade is in anyone's interest other that political zealots.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I always plan that, my wife usually has other ideas though.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The way him and his mom talk to each other is like a little boy and his Mommy!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I really hope for it to fail miserably, so we can all agree on the sequel trilogy never happened.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"A crossover I never knew I needed","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This comment is very good and all but it got me thinking, *are* pizzas a type of tire?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Refreshmentos! What's that? It's new!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Wow there a lot to choose from for 10 bucks or less too","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Hope he gets rich from this too!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"UN report says population before war: 300,000 [NAME] population before war: 2,000,000","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And if [NAME] had any impact he would likely be playing in a 3rd next week","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Calm down, dickwad","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Going for that most hated title with stupid posts from his \"fans ","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"There is zero conclusive evidence supporting this position.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"LOOOOOL, Just exposing the man! Also happy cake day","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Same. You all tried to save me, but I rewatched with the sound on and... I have regrets.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"You made me cry. That rarely happens, it's like poetry. Someone gets me. Someone feels my pain. Thank you.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Dad doesn't need to be there for 12 months. But way too step up!","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Definitely the current worst, hence 20 actually buffs coming her way.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I saw gluten free cat grass at the pet supplies store once. Did not know that was a thing","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes! These people are allowed to vote and drive and do other things that affect our lives!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I was in awe the whole hour I spent in there.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"The current situation is one of cronyism, it doesn't represent a few market, which has other tools to deal with such things.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"We live in a completely different world than the 70s and 80s now","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"See that's what I figured, but at the same time academy is such a hindrance 😂","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Same, I just love games so it helps to calm me down by taking my mind off it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I will then be singing \"The hills are alive with the sound of music.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Most rapists aren't, unfortunately.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ah, [NAME] and his random crap again...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Everything mentioned below, plus when [NAME] dicey Walmart convict boyfriend changed [NAME] diaper. [NAME] found out and went ballistic, and rightfully so.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hah hah I got the quote was mocking him - it was so perfect it thought it was genuine. Quality work :D","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It was my wedding song!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Nope, works just fine. Was just there.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Its had enough of this life and ending it all.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"That was the most remarkable thing, how fluid her conversations were, without a trace of shyness.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You can just go to their subreddit and there's a lot of things people are saying that we've been saying all these years.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hell yeah I got the 420 upvote","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"29 and 39. Didn’t get to see my fathers parents for too long. I definitely got my condition from my Father.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It was an edit friend - they are the same kid. No children were hurt in the making of this gif.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's the universe trying to kill us with radiation :D","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"[NAME] fits at 3 separate funerals plus almost every very serious uncomfortable conversation I've ever had would indicate you're not alone. [NAME].","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"> Egalitarianism I always saw it as a feminist could still be a racist...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So now I can't get defensive when you're being offensive? lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"the longest week (2014) I don’t know if it’s still available but it was pretty good romantic comedy","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Cool! Glad to see some cooperation.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Got it! Thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Congratulations. You posted the famous very first lolcat picture.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Op literally listed the OS requirements. Those are fairly current operating (last Gen more or less) systems are they not?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Everyone in this video is annoying. This seems like a terrible place to go hang out.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I was about to explain that the one with 8 h's was taken until I read your username. Beautiful.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"what's an alt right?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Why is anyone surprised. It has never worked.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Or the one scrolling channel? When you’d accidentally look away and miss what you were waiting for and have to sit thru the whole thing again","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you kindly! I'll update my resume!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Don't stress it. Good Luck!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Aww man this sucks, but at least he’s going to Europe, so I’m happy for him! Goodbye [NAME]!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Is it because of the accents you thought they were the same?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Nah, I it was cool to be a pedo back in the old days, ask [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> Humans are empathetic and do this daily. I have to remind myself of this sometimes.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Well I am a lady, so that would probably just freak them out. Oh, Reddit. Everyone is a man haha.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"No. You're not the only one.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You just gotta have little faith. They are gonna need more money and maybe then we can get to Tahiti.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Thank you and your upvoters","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Oui baguette senor","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"In my opinion, there should have never been a canon character... Maybe keeping it a mystery would be the BEST!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Who’s that cutie","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I want to change though. If I'm around those people I will remain the same way. Right?","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"This is the only viable way out of Brexit.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I hear that if you say you aren't doing something, when you do it, you're not actually doing it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ugh...terrible.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I got angry briefly, made a post and got over it quick. Thanks for the diagnosis Doctor. 😆","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"You can find something sexist or racist or disparaging of some group in just about every movie or tv show.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"US team about to get a beat down","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks. Appreciate that perspective. I'm just saying it as a counter to the \"rope is the only cope\" mentality on the incel subreddit.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"You can't stop [NAME], you can only hope to contain him","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"This made me spill my drink.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"There’s tons of stories of animals taking care of kids....I believe the story! :)","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I understand that. My question is more if anyone would be excited for it or interested in helping","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Thanks, I hate it","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Ha, you must be in Wisconsin. I remember TYME machines.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What is normal? It should be tho....","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Maybe divorce is a little extreme but I really dont know how to Express my feelings, and she doesn't get that","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"What does it matter we're just going to take another bust in the middle of the first round like always","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Blow me you feckless moron, I was out of state.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I thought that was gonna be the Pelicans after [NAME] is gone(sorry Pelicans fans)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Jeez, I was joking","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"LOL, level up your life. My life is already at up level :))","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You're right, I completely forgot the title","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Smh bro you cropped the answers, I gotta know!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She sounds like she could be depressed. People who have depression need care, love and help to get better, not internet shaming.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"You sure seem angry. #itwillbeokay","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Back in my day, we didn't even need language to survive! Animals just roamed around, making different sounds depending on context!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I once heard the rotting carcass of a trash Panda works also thats if you cant get your hands on a fresh chinchilla","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yaaaaaas! I need your curly hair routine!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"TAKE MY MONEY","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"The entire culture of NE is win at all costs. Not sure where you live but if that kid shovels snow..tell mom to him bring home .","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"thanks for apologizing","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"This happened to me at Walmart. I was literally there for 10 min using the coin machine and now I have a cart shaped dent in my door...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I just spent the whole week sneaking away to smoke, and trying to get into some girls shorts.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"thanks, I agree","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I can feel his cheeks puffing out.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"2nd one resounds with me so much, I rarely realize how little I trust other people to do any task lol","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"[NAME] and [NAME] had equally good chances when they were on the same line in the first/second period - they just didn't convert.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"You are my own side. I feel an affinity for this sub and want to make it a good experience for all.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"How old are you?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Can't lose if you never stop appealing. Or at least that's what I'm told by your cohorts.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"SKAM was great. I literally binged all of S3 as soon as I got home last night.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"TeamViolet going strong fam!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm laughing hysterically at midnight Thanks LMAO","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Yeah fair, plus this sub tends to go hard in different directions so it becomes extra hard to know if someone really is just that far gone.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"And it’s always so uncomfortably awkward when someone says shit like this to you.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"[NAME] isn't exactly a lyrical genius set's be real: that dumbass just couldn't come up with a different rhyme.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damn that’s sad","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Everyone started making remakes. Here is my favorite Lineage, too want, but why? People who love this game will also play it","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Haha this is one of those moments that makes me laugh out loud","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Pull your fucking pants up oh my god","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Most athletic play [NAME] ever made. Wow","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Love the idea of these birds showing up during family gatherings and puking up trinkets","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Maybe it's fantasy.....I just feel like the stock for a lot of these Ducks is reallllll low right now","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Oh there's still bugs? Weird","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Damn, [NAME] us just 2 steps behind all the time. It's just a matter of time before he gets some great shots in.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I am trying they try to say I’m fake even though I’m trying it’s painful to talk to them sometimes","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Teeth. I really want good teeth and my hair is nice and easily maintainable atm","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"So. Fucking. Tone. Deaf.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Well fuck. I didn't think anybody cared at all...it's order than that?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I know it's Nightengale but he's saying upwards of 12/350.. ya no thanks.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank [NAME] for RT Audiences scores! The **REAL** objective quality metric for kinos!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It's not a world view. It's a single position on a single subject.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I don't understand how her hair is 'too light' or how that effects the concealer.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"So. This is scary as fuck.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"You can't choose what genes you pass on.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love your work, it makes my hair cry","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Oh boy do I have some bad news for you!","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I love how they didn’t really react negatively","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"And that smilie she gave the fiancé when he sat down with the sandwich....I would be scared if I was him.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"My mom thinks this neighborhood is safe, and I kinda don't want her being more paranoid but I feel like I should do SOMETHING.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Getting some sick high school nostalgia from this shot. Thanks for that man!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"SHE HAS NICE FEET!!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I appreciate your post, I’m just nervous is all, thank you","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The first step, is to put on a set of vicious stilleto claws. This doesn't make things any easier, but it does build character","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"And I thought Honda Civics smell bad on the outside!","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I see you utilized it. 3.5? Sad.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"BAT OLA?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"MR. STEAL YO' GIRL!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What?! Now you are just reaching bro. He's not even the best bodybuilder named [NAME], [NAME] has him beat.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"That and losing [NAME]. The two of them had instant chemistry. Excited to see is he can become a big part of our offense next year.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"The questions are normal enough, but all at once and leading with them is a little weird.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"[NAME] were the peak memes back when I first started on Reddit. Honestly none of the meme subs are good, they're all pretty cringy.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"I think all coffee is keto already....","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Great. My existential crisis is back.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Gotta love that bison","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"So [NAME] thinks the AFLW has been both elevated and shafted by the AFL in terms of promotion?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Sorry misunderstood you! I’m talking about viruses and bacteria that can kill you like the flu etc","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Stay strong friend.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Yeah.... I've always sucked at smiling honestly. I hate it. I hate selfies. I usually don't smile.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I'm loving the possibility of fighting a Chimera in the DLC.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"It's sad how long it took me to get that. Haha got em","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I go to a neighborhood mexican restaurant monthly for the past 2.5 years, but nobody knows my name ☹","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Thanks for remembering. I have since added to my post :-)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I don’t know about romance, but I can certainly speak for the [NAME]","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Omg you’re so cute!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yeah if you’re able to fulfill that. Hopefully the bonus is worth it","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Do you mind me PMing you for some help w/ dealing with the busy season? Thanks.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"> a complete ham sandwich Love this. Using this.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"WHY IS THERE WOMAN ON MY ENTERTAINMENT??????????","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"As we shouldn't. We are trying to win a SB here not showcase another star player.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Air Vooch oh my!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's too bad that you think helping out the less fortunate is sad and make a joke about it . People like you are the problem.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"My kitten just got very happy when Pasta scored. Such loud purrs! I was happy too.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"The best LGBTQ+ FILM i have seen in years.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm glad you have your kids, but have you seen Brooklyn 99 like the op stated? It's worth living for too.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Right? It’s not like her family seems like they wouldn’t have helped with her son.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"not sure I agree. whispers of madness can set up [NAME] signature and being card draw is always useful in the first lane.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I actually felt my ballsack jump up a bit when he face planted","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Winter isn't even that bad here.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think this is the only place on the internet that is happy with this commercial hahaha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"This. We already have so much more OL talent. We need another WR and TE, but I'm kinda excited","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Wait his nostrils are plugged? Isn’t that the opposite of breathing?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Get her professional help.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Almost in tears watching him celebrate, true captain ❤️","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"She always looks sticky.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"that is one very expensive mistake","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Don't make me kiss you!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Germany is the first country in Europe I've been to! Planning on Ireland next, and maybe Croatia(hoping for Germany again, though :) )","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"He knew what you meant. He pretended to be confused to save face. that’s disgusting...","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Oooor maybe it is just a catchy term and y’all are overly sensitive about race and sex....","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Could be depression with psychotic features. Talk to your doctor asap!","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I still get goosebumps every time i hear this track. It's just beautiful .","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Follow rules 1 and 2 and you can have lame openers and you'll be fine.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"are your feelings hurt?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"In what ways has [NAME] out-coached [NAME]? I see this all the time and yet never any examples.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She looks like her face is pulled back with ''face lifts'' tape. Or like she's pulling back her face like that scene in MIB I.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Not sinking in is it. I'm hardly speaking in riddles. Good luck","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Southern Mexico tends to always get fucked in the ass as well","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"epic soy moment","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That was my first thought too 😂","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Should of said athlete","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're never too young to have a Vietnam flashback","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I got sucked right back into the vicious cycle of love-bombing, gas-lighting and degradation.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Ahh. Both of those are very good. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I think I translates more into \"Waiting to see what kind of Brexit turd-burger Westminster eventually vomits up\".","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Yours is censored though.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That is one adorable meow loaf","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Why do you think he's right? What reason would a nonprofit newsroom have for publishing sensationalist headlines?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"He looks like he's 10 years old...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes, and I looooooove it 😂😂","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Maybe server related? I've got 2 cars in a low pop server and they work just fine...","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Contacted the hospital I was born at and I’m getting my birth certificate! Thanks for all the help this was a big step forward","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I guess there's this, but that's all I can think of.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is awesome! Does anyone know if an EST version is available?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The original video was debunked. Do you agree or disagree?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Love the username <3","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Another day, another destiny!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"shits awesome!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Sad thing is it would probably forcibly ground the plane.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"So you agree.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Uhh don’t you mean [NAME] and [NAME]? They were so sweet together! /s","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Stick with us. If only for one more day. Then let’s try again tomorrow.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This whole sub makes me sad.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I always feel so bad for [NAME] when I watch this scene.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Ay i saw that live. You have amazing movement! GG bro!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The other cop left a fucking animal ordinance notice on his patio chair","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Would any gathering of the Knights of Ren count? Or would they have to officially organize a thing.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"5. Puts you in debt 6. Isolates you from all social interaction 7. Leaves you with nothing but a product you can't sell","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Lawson’s Sip of Sunshine! Excellent Vermont beer.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Ohh looking cool Jok- Get out of here side character.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Here, kiddo. Happy cake day. You need it more than I do.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Hang on is that allowed? Geez that guy seemed really angry.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Found the douchebag","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank yous in the form of hand gestures you carrot cake","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Don't worry, no one ever will","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Now I know where to do stag party for my friend, finally.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Someone hold me","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"HOLY SHIT CHANCE","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I am unconcerned.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Oh, give me a break, it was worded like an insult, clear as a day. A mild one, but still.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I was pretty pissed when [NAME] was hired for exactly that reason but he at least had worked with [NAME] before","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Still awesome. I skateboard, ride bikes, and hang out with my friends. Edit: I'm 40","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"He referenced us!!!! And we're gonna have to do something about delicious","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Moonbeam was trash but I am sort of biased because it's 16-17 a gram in Alberta","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"In the voice of [NAME] from The Office \"Incorrect. You didn't *Pin* anyone","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It is though, you just want that to be false.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I feel sorry for this little girl. She's legitimely scared.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Dang... I’m learning all the secrets!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I have my kids signal baño, the letter T in ASL so they don't disturb the class while asking.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The way it took out that tree!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Shame ,your quite cute","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm laughing because this exact thing happened to me.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Yea I’m into this I guess. So thanks for that(?)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Doing something you don’t like can be hard for anyone but if you just keep your end results in mind you can do anything!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"iS thIs a MeTapHor FoR LifE?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Or just get the fuck out and never look back.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"maybe now it'll go up to 3 an hour😎","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] is such a gift. I love him.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I’m super excited and waiting for the FOV slider to put on the live server.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I heard it's because of florida crime reporting laws - I.e. the same stuff could be happening elsewhere but it wouldn't make the press?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I came here once accidentally, saw your commend and now, 2 weeks later, I totally understand.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"When people are insecure, they'd rather have somebody who is strong and wrong than someone who's weak and right, - [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Her little baby frown is adorable","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This... I don't think this is Ohio...","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Oh look, they’re little footballs!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Okay, I’m honestly curious as to why it is you’d assume that?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"That's really interesting. Thank you for the information. It's just hard to imagine lives you'll never live.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"True! I guess we all cheer for salt lake? Since they are directly affiliated with us.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"agreed 100% if's freakin ridiculous! I think YouTube pays them to influence you to pay for the You Tube subscription just to NOT see these ads!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Shhhh let them have it, they need this. They are still living in 1990 lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"This is disgusting.... please make more.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"she also goes on to claim her memory started at 10 months old","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"we deserve to lose after that","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I'm Tent","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damn. Also awesome for the victims and others who spoke out about the abuse.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I will have one of each please. Not just far left and right. All. Any doubles you might have as well. Thanks byeee","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Really? How would they know what pharmacy you want to visit?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"excuse me what. [NAME] played midfield pretty much the entire half of last season for Liverpool","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"She better!!! .....nobody else will","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It also makes me cry! but because it shows how far [NAME] has fallen...","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Intended as a \"it's funny because it's true\" not \"this is hilarious","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Concas! In vic park. Been closed down multiple times for health and safety violations lol","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That beat is mad smooth","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Tbh, I think that sub was created because they got bodied here in arguments.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I am proud to be racist No one in real life will know this","label":21,"emotion":"pride"} {"text":"I feel like you need to get out of your current situation for the sake of your own happiness.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"They scammed you by wasting your time","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"why are you a detective all of a sudden","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Hi, this is ISIS. Yes, we did that.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Binge drinking is a big problem in VN right now, unfortunately. So I wouldn't be surprised if drunkenness was the main cause of this.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Muddy Rudder has Irish music on Sunday evenings.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You've shifted the goalposts from first novel to first modern novel... You people always complain that incels don't provide any support for their claims.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"aye they buggin for no reason im just saying good job keep it up.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"And publicly claimed he banged [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Note to self - Stay out of the water.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"These style skins remind me so much of hollow knight","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh god, the one common denominator strikes again and is rubbing off on the other players. We're doomed, back to the drawing board in 2020","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"for when [NAME] cries to Medium","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"In looking at the questions answered in the AMAs following the [NAME] podcast, I don't see any related to [NAME] or race/IQ.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Hopefully we can get this solved soon.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Was that an airbag at your legs/feet area?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"This made me spit out my coffee. But I feel [NAME] is too regal. How about [NAME]?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I’m surprised by how quickly they were able to get a graphic for Kent.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"i disagree with that, you cant say everyone in the country does that, you dont know every [NAME] and their entire life stories stories","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Mostly because they're not completely stupid. They don't have the support in the senate to pull it off.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Correct! Unfortunately, we're looking for a bit more computing experience than knowing what site you're on. Thanks for your interest though.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Chill. Not everyone is perfect.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I don't think you can find a better support line in contenders than alarm and elk. absolutely insane and clutch it's unbelievable","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Good for you for shutting that door! You are not responsible for him. He’s a grown ass man who made his own mistakes.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I always laugh at the statement above. \"Qualified to give a urine sample?\" \"Huh?","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"What's your best [NAME] story? You rock btw!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"If [NAME] was looking out for him why did he let him get into the accident in the first place? Guess he wasn't paying attention.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Limits... vote yes.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s tinder no one cares if they get blocked cringe to you is funny to them","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I can't tell if this is a happy or sad ending. 😐","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"i’m so proud of you!! good job dude!! :)","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'd say the key difference is probably vegemite consumption...","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I miss the confetti cakes :(","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Its an mlm in disguise, branded to appeal to the college demographic. I got the fuck out","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"LOVE THIS!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You can go on the offical league forum and look for people.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"You misspelled Eastern Russia","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Looks like a bookshelf to me","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And I can't call the capitol switchboard to express my concern about this because the government is shut down. Awesome.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Only good ones.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wellllll...it's a look.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Nah, girl, you did great. I'm also shocked by guys who want to hook up without a condom.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I have more faith in [NAME] than anyone on the court to make a 3. Strange world","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Shes 43 with 4 kids. That's so far past the wall it's not funny.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ah yes, the romantic concept of a meal in bed.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Im not 😀 Glad you realize your mistake and why I was confused 😉","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"That sounds like a good system.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It's a loooong story with some awkward weirdness haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Big OUCHIE!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Your Mom was ruled by [NAME] dynasty that happened to be Macedonian for the next three centuries.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"High IQ post. I imagine this is exactly what’s going to happen.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> [NAME] That is going to get sooo confusing if he does join our division.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I'm sorry to hear this. I hope you can find something to make you feel happy in the new year.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Awesome guys! Thank you for the ideas. It interesting to see what people will do depending on whether they play killer or survivor lol","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That is interesting. Can you site some sources or anything on this matter ? I am genuinely intrigued .","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Really? I had no idea the bioavailability was the same","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Awe man thank you ♥️♥️","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"So is she worth switching from Skye","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is so cringey it hurts. I feel so bad for whoever sent this because they are so stupid.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I understand your point. But I’d still rather get some stuff stolen than lose a member of the family.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"My hunch is, this is not the first or last wedding this bar has seen","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you! [NAME] seems to realize how toxic this fanbase can be also.. Now lets hope you all keep your composure whether we win or lose week 1.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You'd think, but people are given a lot of leeway. Hell, in the South, public schools are allowed to spank children.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What kind of insider only has 250 followers?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Annoying isn’t it! Thanks, I guess I’ll have to stop responding too!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Glad you’re doing better internet stranger, and I hope you continue to know peace and happiness. Be well.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Apparently my state 😔","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're right, thanks for pointing that out, I've edited it now. Carry on.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Oh for sure. Sometimes I wonder if they are actually harming there cause with the over the top hypocrisy the newcomers seem to see it quite quickly.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Just don't cross the Tigers, hmmmm?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Fantastic pub, went there last year as part of the liquid history pub tours.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"32nd? It felt like 99th or something...","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"You get her off 3 times and she doesn't finish you? That seems very selfish.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Here in America too. Those counter protesting fascist get thrown in jail and pepper sprayed like animals. It makes no sense that this happens.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Sweaty little incel virgin","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Gotcha. I was married a few years before that, but you might have known my sister. She dated a guy in your branch named [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Food must be good then. It looks good. Besides the wood plank lol","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"TAMAR ESPECIALLY!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It would be a little less irritating if the 10 cents you pay if you want some paper bags didn't go to the government as a tax.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I'm a little sad that there's not actually a video called Dance of the Hillary, virus or not.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Loathing Big Pharma has nothing to do with being anti-vax.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Okay this is really promising stuff. I'm definitely excited for this.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Yard goats was awesome. Almost a major league feel to it when it’s a packed day","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"He doesn't realize she's banging the ukulele guy.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] dumb friends wanted him with the little baddie. and now he's gonna end up back in jail. Oh [NAME] I love [NAME].","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"So people will support him in this fake news quick reaction political environment","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> You don't own them so that they will give you eggs, you saved them and now coincidentally they give you eggs. This!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Does that idiot not realize he's roasting himself by calling [NAME] a bad lawyer? You worked with him for a decade, moron.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Put the dip in your butthole. Better buzz and no risk of losing your jaw","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks for sharing. Lies like this make it harder for the real ones to share and get justice","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"This seems like a good as time as any to ask, what's some hype super robot stuff to check out? I've only ever seen Gurren.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Do what your username is. They aren't comparable is the slightest.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He's messing with my emotions and my fantasy hockey pool....","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Didn’t know he had his initials on his thigh pads too","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"You beat me to it","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I hope for Irelands sake you're right.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Can't you tell that [NAME] is a serious threat to apprehend. All that alleged lying makes him a serious threat to others.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"That’s an interesting take. Thank you for giving me some perspective, never saw it like that.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I feel extremely bad for people in this thread who are in any way shape or form relying on the federal government to improve their situation.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Okay, diet is important that's true. Do you take any medication? Do you have a psychiatrist or doctor who you see for your mental health?","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"every time it gets a little wet and windy","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol I lol'd *I too am down with the kids. But not like that because that would be illegal*","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Kind of uncool dude","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Your kind honestly need to fuck off out of Ireland. Nobody wants your dumb fucking antisemitism here","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Alllllllllmooooooooost got ittttttttt.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"By all means, go for it. We'll all be much happier when you're not dragging us down anymore.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"She’s cute in both pics but whats up with the triangle chin on the left","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"you are about to be beamed up","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Me too, I just stood there clapping the whole time.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I had a friend send me a 3+ hour paranoid conspiracy documentary, zeitgeist I think it was called... Wasted 10 minutes before I noped the fuck out..","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Ah!! Was not expecting to read that this morning on my commute 😭 lol Just so beautiful!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Is it possible you've been banned from them? I dont know how I feel about having the special privilege to view that sub lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"In Catholicism, old is good. Truth does not change with the times. Malichi 3:6 \"...for I am the [NAME], I change not\".","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Crime in the park is the only kind of crime that matters for the sake of this discussion. Your generality does not apply here.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Wife left me and I am just broken. relapsed tonight from 7 years clean and just not seeing a point anymore","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"its not about claiming its yours, its just about where it is from","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Rich is also a name","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I really pity those unfree Cuban babies. It’s just sad.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Even worse.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Damn, we need healthy PGs.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Ik I’m crying rn","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Completely valid point but [NAME] is better than anyone [NAME] had to work with.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"FWIW this was also posted yesterday","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"[NAME] had them a few months ago. Friend bought some for her sick dog.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"oh c'mon - i wanna see you defend old testament slavery some more!!!","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Everyone's probs already said it, but lats and chest, legs are big quad energy. Keep up the good work","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Of all 3 trilogies the Prequels pander the most to children. Even with its monotonous political banter.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Don't get insulted by it","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I agree! I loved him as [NAME] and I wish the writing had been better. He's amazing.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Is there any way to somebody can please translate the notes into doc form or something? I am having trouble viewing them :(","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"How do we know you're not a Mossad agent? I mean, not right now but, what if you joined in the future? /s","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Big and smooth as a marble.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"RantGrumps in a damn nutshell","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] might actually be able to pick her up and carry her without huffing and puffing now? 😳😓","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's my dream to one day have a completely black wardrobe. For now, I'm stuck with the clothes my mom picks out for me.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Look I'm not saying that I agree with them, theres no need to be an asshole","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Maybe you just enjoy the process of digging? Does it have to be somebody you’re attracted to or have you tried stalking a random person?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Gotta love these kids! When they do or say the cutest things like that, it really makes u melt....... Enjoy OP!!!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Looking forward to seeing these people have their characters die in sudden and extravagant ways.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"INTP or not, that’s the universal language of interest, at least in my book.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This... This is where my journey ends. I was not able to make it to the end, good luck future redditors!","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"People say 'confidence is attractive' which is definitely true. That doesn't mean that being arrogant or pretending to be confident is attractive.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Please ask questions about moving to Denver in the Q&A sticky, thanks! Short answer: no","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I've heard how hard it is to get into nursing programs, congratulations!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"If I had that I’d stop working and travel full time. I do not understand the avarice of the wealthy. It makes no fucking sense.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I'd trust someone who is bound by regulation over [NAME] from Essex who blames immigrants cos he was fired for sleeping on the job","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm more interested in why there are goldfish in the picture...","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Man I know youre joking but they swept us and still got the better pick. Pretty lame.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I don't think this happened at all tbh","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I truly hope so","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Very good advise, I did not realize this. I guess there is more risk in a lease than what I initially thought.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"You think people want to marry me. Joke's on you homes.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Don’t you just hate when they deforest the Sahara desert?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wait a second what? The asshat found the story? Can someone teach me how to use the way back machine so i can read this?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Tiny long whiny mewl. Hangry doesn’t happen for another 6 hours.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why is [NAME] smile at the beginning the best part of this whole thing?!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I fully agree. What works for one doesn't worth for another. Good luck.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I never even knew there were bullies in school unit I was out of school and read about bullies in school.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Ohh, whoops. I still don’t agree but I see my mistake","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"He’s such a little bitch, impossible to like","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Don't see a W tonight. We need a miracle.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"The sea was angry that day my friends...","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"What a beauty","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The other person was [NAME] on Hell's Kitchen. Shot herself in 2007.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> the adventure starts in the year 776 Fuck, wait, really?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Incredibly frustrating.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I too am a vaginal flap surrounded by useless flesh. Let us fly into the sunset and get raped.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Enjoying Mummers. I'm from Philly. I kind of terrified as they just used Skyrim music....","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"That's good eatin' mate.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yeah imagine if he had been as efficient as the beginning of the season. We would have at least 2 more.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Bide your time, keep your eyes open, and build the reputation and relationship needed. The opportunity will come.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Me, joining in everyone in the room saying it when she appears....","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Dammit, you know I proof read this and I thought it changed correctly but I guess it didn't.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"No it isn't. Not much than your OP. You just have nothing outside of your feelings.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sure dude. Although I’d say my rate at dispensing profound wisdom is lesser than the rate at which I can talk utter BS haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I heard of people doing that in the dorms freshman year and hadn't thought of it since. People said it worked.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I like it","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Can't believe me and my family were gonna leave five minutes early to beat the traffic. Honestly the best game I've ever seen live","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Now we just need to kill [NAME] if [NAME] wasn't saved to really even the odds with her, similarly to [NAME] with [NAME].","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I was forced into college and I wasted my gpa :(","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"4 5 everybody in the car, so come on let's ride!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ok. Good idea!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Hahaha so I’m no longer going to worry about it then lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Sorry I forgot you guys beat Pitt. Congrats on your 2 win season.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Sheet cake did *nothing* to you, man","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If this happens in my dream then I will get up and do this.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"And now I'm hungry. Thanks.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I don't think playing with her hair would work. Thats just creepy.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"as a kpop stan and a army, i am very disappointed","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Yeah, and I don’t know why, it was totally out of character for me...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"what a psycho","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"This will be me a year from now. Not fair at all.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I know, right?! I was literally in tears Saturday night 😪 It's only 3 years old!!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"They are children, they have no souls.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I would love a game with either of these two!!! 2nd choice being Caracalla!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"That’s what I’m thinking too, so I may just go with the referral after all. Thanks again for the help!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"The essay is optional.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My mom works for Nasa and apparently no. They gave them pamphlets with numbers for credit agencies and tips on getting loans lol. Its kinda awful.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Waiting for both of these things is torture","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Easy just include [NAME] to continue to torment [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks. I was diagnosed with BP 1 after the hospitalization as well.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Well that makes sense.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Daddy issues [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So glad I discovered that subreddit a couple months ago. So good...","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Had to watch \"Elmo in Grouchland\" one time too many when my kids were little...musical Elmo / Oscar overdose...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"}