{"text":"Is this in New Orleans?? I really feel like this is New Orleans.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You know the answer man, you are programmed to capture those codes they send you, don’t avoid them!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I've never been this sad in my life!","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"The economy is heavily controlled and subsidized by the government. In any case, I was poking at the lack of nuance in US politics today","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"He could have easily taken a real camera from a legitimate source and change the price in Word/Photoshop and then print it out.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Thank you for your vote of confidence, but we statistically can't get to 10 wins.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Wah Mum other people call me on my bullshit and I can't ban them , Go out side son.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"There it is!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"At least now [NAME] has more time to gain his confidence","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Good. We don't want more thrash liberal offspring in this world.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"It's better to say a moment like that could truly ignite her love for the game rather than putting a bit of a damper on it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I went to a destination wedding being the only single person. Promised to never put myself in that situation again.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"He died 4 days later of dehydration","label":16,"emotion":"grief"} {"text":"Like this just cuz of the [NAME] rhymes background raps...but dude your [NAME] is sick against [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol dream on buddy. You’ve had enough attention today. Actually learn what your talking about helps a lot. Sorry your stuck in free roam smokin crack","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"As an anesthesia resident this made me blow air out my nose at an accelerated rate for several seconds. Take your damn upvote you bastard.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"1-2-3-4 I declare a thumb war! Dangit [NAME], you win again! Ok you get to stab me again :(","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Did you hear the reason for this? Because they are concerned about inventory, initially.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] is such a legendary daddy 😩","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I don't necessarily hate them, but then again, I dislike it when people breed while knowing how harsh life is.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Hoarders unite! 2388 stars here, 19 rewards, 20 by tomorrow. Highest reward was 23. No Visa card. Too tired of playing credit card roulette.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"downvoted to hell but i understand your experience. salute, soldier.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"you arent a real 90's kid if you were born after 1999","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Say that you like her","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK his ass!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"oh shoot, im sorry to hear that. was it someone close to you?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"You're really stupid if you believe that.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I'm a dudes, he's a dudes, she's a dudes, we're all dudes!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you. I really appreciate your response","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Kawhi and Siakam chemistry","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Two overtime games on championship Sunday? We are blessed as football fans. Too bad one game had to be between FYTB and FUKC","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"i have bought this but not played. i'm scared. hold me.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"This thing going to be a boon doggle. The last thing NJ needs is another mall.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I checked the dudes profile before I posted this, it’s not he’s being serious","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh dear, The combination of drugs, alcohol and a cell phone has caused many regrets.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"*[NAME] making [NAME] even more sad.*","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"At least it’s not malk","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ehhh, it's an opinion, it's not wrong or right, just highly unpopular and ill-informed.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Your 'brother' had texted alot of girls and ended up on in Internet many times then, what a celebrity! Did everyone clap as well?","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Lots of them to mature. Thank you for half baked?","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Only 5 hour drive..... I guess im doing a day trip to Almonte. I love baked goods.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Thank you for this! FA and the draft are exciting again - cool.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"You're right. Sorry for the poor reply.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Still don’t know how [NAME] said him and [NAME] will be battling for years while keeping a straight face.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Unfortunately, we do not routinely keep 20 liters of fentanyl in the pharmacy,","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Pretty fuking sure exit scam..","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Trust me man. Don't see it. It's scarring.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"They could've added two dots and a line and it could have been better","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It picks you What I would do is try out everyone at least 1 rep You will find a main eventually I wish u luck :)","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"That's what i was thinking. Did she tell you she did?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"And then [NAME] missing a WIDE OPEN corner 3","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"3 weeks or so' away from her kid for some 'alone time'? I feel sorry for that kid.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"nice try balance team","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Does it have to be a pharmacy I’ve went to?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Wow, out of all of that, only one person mentioned helping parents because they loved their parents. SAD.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Happy birtday my dude","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I am confused. I don't understand how that relates to what I said. Could you explain? Sorry, maybe I'm just tired lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I was/am the same. I'm the one pushing forward with the divorce though. The feelings of loss and fear are overwhelming sometimes though.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Oh, so it isn't a term made up by antivaxers designed to be intentionally vague? I thought you said it was.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Exactly! I'm Pan cos I like warm colors babey!!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"But what is with that shirt?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Ah, Farmville. Those were dark days.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] is not our biggest need. [NAME] would be a waste for us. [NAME] is a maybe to me, but [NAME] could be beastly.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"8,000 jobs created in Frankfurt. Such a bright future","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Don't forget the something else I clearly don't understand.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Haha, love it! :)","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"He has his ups and downs. The only time I can stand him is after [NAME] and before [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My favourite moment of the game by my favourite player.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You must be new around here.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'd make that trade and I don't even like big macs.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"This is either beautiful..or just about the stupidest thing I've read in weeks. Here's hoping for fantastic satire!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I would not bother. He read your message and did not reply yet. So that's already a bad sign and not a good start.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I hate deer. Damn big assed rats","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Shit, with a full season of [NAME] on the docket? Yes please.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"She's slept with so many guys she's starting to look like one","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Maybe [NAME] would be like Old [NAME], jaded by a lifetime of tricking women into bed.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> Crown Four Kingdoms thank you man :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I did hear that [NAME] is friends with [NAME], I think on the SC sub. This was probably like a month ago. Could be.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Good luck my G","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"The post in this screenshot and your comment shows how fragile you guys really are.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"This is how mafia works","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"True Story.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yikes. I admire your patience","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Well I can say 100% it didn’t go well.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"*scoff* maybe you can’t. /s","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Hahahah thank you so much, username does not check out, you don't seem sketchy at all! 😅","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I love Wood Witch, still saving to buy that.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Why should [NAME] get to pick the Democratic party candidate?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I didn't learn anything from the last short clip video on twitter that cut in mid way through an confrontation\" Oh look a new one!","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"A part of me rejects this as being real. No person can be this delusional right???","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Wow, the level of evidence that you accept is more or less abysmal.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Ha, who cares about them supporters...the most important thing for society is that justice is served and the man jailed! Scream all you want.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Oh dear, you are entertaining. Please, talk more to me.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Interesting, thanks for the article, guess they're just as bad!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"big heart to do that, guy probably plays for the love of the game, and you have to respect that","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Does us releasing him not affect this number at all?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I hope you’re okay! I’m so sorry that happened. I’m glad I don’t work in gastown anymore","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Unblockable feint dodge light beats a roll on reaction to the unblockable.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I mean going on a dating show when you have a girlfriend though","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] is having a hard time moving on. [NAME] need to cash in with AD before the trade deadline, because his value is going down after this season.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Modern example about [NAME]' genocide against [NAME]. Mosques burned, civilians murdered in a mass etc etc","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Where about sis this it’s gorgeous. I’d love to have a piece of property with a creek. That’s my dream.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Fiend! Take a good look at this silver cross, for it will be last thing you'll see of me and [NAME]!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That’s a horrible take.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"This actually made me squeal like a little girl! Thats awesome!!!! Im so happy!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I think everyone would enjoy it more if you did","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"At least you can skip it","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"So true! I’ve always wondered why this is? I’m skinny as all hell and ppl tell me this all the time lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I missed this too. Why did they split?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"It’s all a show. Welcome to season one of tanking in the Windy City.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"He's gotta be a robot or a test tube baby. Only explanation.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I hope this works","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"try going outside for a long painful walk","label":23,"emotion":"relief"} {"text":"It should be played between two biggest NCAA violators of the year as a punishment.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well, I can't speak for the right; I'm on the left.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If you leave religious pamphlets that look like money instead of a tip, *you're about* ***meet*** *[NAME]...*","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"ok, thanks pal","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I have been working here almost two years and have never seen this website ever.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Lmao that’s so true","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Yeah, I actually do really like the TD Centre. Love walking around on (non bone chilling Saturday's) and just admiring the city.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Super weird question. Not really commenting either way, just so weird the life we have created for modern humans.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Late to the party, but if it were young boys talking about stabbing women in the vagina would it still be okay?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"It’s a party and we’re all invited","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Growing up in Chicago this was my life. Pissed he didn’t make it.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I feel bad for my kids who will never get to see [NAME] play... [NAME] on the other hand...","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Send it!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"“Attack on masculinity” I’m dying over here you fragile motherfucker.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Pm me too please!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Skittlez, I'm really proud of you. She's been jerking you around for ages! Stay strong, honey, you got this!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Sounds like you two are really good together - cheers, and much happiness to you both!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Rover has treated us well.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Seems like the driver in the video car had plenty of time to react and slow down, they just chose not to and overreacted.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Not any weirder than male doctors handling women junk for centuries.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Ow is correct.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"We riot if he doesn’t get it!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Any response helps and makes me feel like I’m not alone....thank you❤️","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"This is absolutely the proper place to post this.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I'm curious, too.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"migraines suck. Hope you feel better.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"The first story in the history of humanity.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You’re* such a nice person!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It's almost like OP is the real CB trying to make fun of people to get them mad and then screenshot it for karma","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Perhaps not a mainline souls game, but you can't deny the similarities to Soulsborne games. It's basically an iteration on the formula.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm not but there's a difference between criticism and constant, unrelenting negativity.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Current use could also mean setting pills in a weekly pill box for use each day.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A good everyday dua would be including me in your prayers","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Super curious, commenting to check in.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Oh god the “glow”! I get comments about it at work almost weekly.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"He looks like his parents are blood related.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"When she drilled into the table [NAME] didn’t even know they were sleeping together. Her complaint should’ve been filed with Arizona.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damn so the Patriots are gonna get thielen after all","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My blood pressure Edit: I'm just happy to be here.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Lions fan.... Thanks for the beer. It's the first thing I've ever won.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Wow, he showed some backbone. I’ve always been pretty ambivalent towards him, but this ups my opinion a little.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Oh my gosh she opens her gullet like a freaking pelican!!!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Classic sloth fuckboi","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"His smile and optimism: gone.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Actually I got mine right when they were getting banned","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"OMG. This is such a great point!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Woot! Happy New Year!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Seize the shards comrade","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That's probably a good idea. Call them and see if they can help you.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Or, drag an old pallet jack outside, empty.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If you think people in this sub are gonna get butt-hurt you are in for a pleasant surprise.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"wE mODiFieD eiGHT viDEo CaRds tO fIt iN A SinGLe pciE sLoT /squeak Whoops, sorry, wrong [NAME].","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"color me embarrassed\" I wonder what colour he'd be if she showed that text exchange to his missus.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"(4) Fufill sexual pleasures","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I just need [NAME] to retire already so I can stop hating on him and appreciate all he's done... Even if it has caused me great suffering.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I do. Skull Splitter rules.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"One of the most memorable games I’ve been to. And I got some great seats for an even better price.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"whats on his story? I dont have insta","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Do you boo boo. Live your best life","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"[NAME] is staying where he is thank you very much","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"because he gets fouled 70% of the time with no call","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This just isn't true. It was before [NAME] prime.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I played that one. It was really fun(at least to me, as a kid).","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Nobody's mad at incels for being in pain. We're mad at them for letting that pain calcify into hate.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] unborn grandchildren disliked that.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"OK, thanks.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Noticed the same thing. Wonder if it's also like that on the redesign. My hunch is on 'no'.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"4 year old. The hardest part is only seeing him half the time bc I’m the primary care giver in the family","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> no child should go without needed medical care. Or adult.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"yeah fuck you too okay","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Man I love Canada🇨🇦","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"If you are reading this have a nice day!\\xEF\\xBB\\xBF","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"...and?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"[NAME]. Get off of the computer my man. Get some fresh air, there’s a whole world out there. ⛑","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You mean, you actually want them to try to win? NO WAY! /s","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"What do you mean when you say picking a side of history","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow. [NAME] is gonna lose CO by double digits","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Didn't she also get people killed in Japan?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I was dispointed in 5. it was clearly thrown in to sell 3, as they wanted to make 3 not 5 D.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Hard to get motivated to play when the fans are burying one of your teammates.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You can be partners without being codependant, you can also keep your individuality without worrying or hurting your relationship. Its all about communication.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If you're worried about cost, getting a double edged safety razor is a much better choice, also way better for the environment.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Yours is the only defensive comment I see. Grow up.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Lol I bet you actually believe that too","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Thank you and likewise to you friend!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"just say whore.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damn it [NAME], now I have to go down there again.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Source leads to artist’s Twitter page and post :3","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"#HUH!? WHAT? WHY? HOW? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"That's pretty gross. Unlucky OP.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Good job homie 👍🏻","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Didn't know she was a life long canucks fan, or alive in the 70s. Looks really young for her age","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is so hard to sit through, I can't believe the swearing from this dood, it makes it all the more unbearable","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"tell him i love him","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"If my friend talked about my girl like he would be picking up his teeth. Support your gf. Period.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"It’s been posted dozens and dozens of times since last night. People fucking suck.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"You mean defy their nation's people and f*ck them over.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"oh trae turnover then a whistle looks like LP gonna show him the bench :|","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"HEY EVERYBODY ITS TAGGED AS A SHITPOST STOP CARING THIS MUCH. OBVIOUSLY WE’RE NOT GETTING AD.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Ok cool, thanks","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Love the user name ;)","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Girls gotta stick together.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The comments on this have me rolling 🤣 more seriously though, I hope everyone’s alright!! ❤️","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Lethargy and depression both make me personally expect to not go through that later in life dilemma but kudos for finding the cure.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sorry ideologically yeah. I meant morally.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"you guys are getting a better pick that we are. take solace.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I watched a couple Titan games. He used [NAME] and [NAME] very well. That alone gets me excited.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I was thinking this too! People are so quick to jump on the beauty guru witch hunt","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes, in my opinion they are perfect backcourt fits. [NAME] weaknesses are [NAME] strengths and vice versa","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Did you just equate the tomahawk chant to lynching as a reply to being called out for virtue signaling?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"[NAME] damn I wish you was located near me haha","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Being born in north america is a curse my friend. Oregon (my home) is kind of like Ireland weather wise though I hear.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Go to the bathroom","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can you please write up a summary of how the event went? The live stream isn't working because they changed the venue. Thank you!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Macs Local Eats is just the best. I don't know what else to say.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Sending lots of love to you, I wish you fight your demons successfully and get all the love and respect you deserve","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Why it's bad for a union rep to be siding with ownership in the middle of a contract dispute on Twitter of all places?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I had a monster panic attack myself--and also managed not to go clingy with it. I guess I should be proud, too!","label":21,"emotion":"pride"} {"text":"That just sounds like a show that would piss me off tbh","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I like seeing this. There is hope. I want to hug this guy. He'll be allright.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Thank you. So many people out there that would rather be right and in a grave than swallow their pride and do the safer thing.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Sounds like your new chapter has started already, brother. You deserve someone who truly loves you and treats you that way.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Trust me, all is sometimes lost.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Poor [NAME], three lovers in 15 seasons","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you for not making a cake day shit post","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Scratch that, tickets go on sale February 7th.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's some legendary teamwork exhibited right there.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thank you so much for this post. You wrote what I always thought and couldn't describe.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Yeah. Unless you live in a desert, ditch the scarcity mindset. It can keep you in relationships that aren't any good.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I’m sorry you’re dealing with this too. But hopefully it helps to know you’re not alone...?","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"> Inflatable M'lady Guys I found my new flair","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Nope, he owns Swift. It's basically a holding company for all of his business ventures","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":">intensive purposes I can't tell if you're meming or not, but it's \"intents and purposes","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Me fail English?! That's unpossible!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"There’s really no rationalizing their train of thought.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol all those people that disliked have probably never even done shrooms before","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The huge attention paid by powerful male republicans takes makes a lot more sense when you consider this might be what they thought it was about.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A mod like this, especially if it's exclusive to your servers, would be full no matter what","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I have a religious friend who i agreed with early on that we could make fun of each other's beliefs/lack of. We're still best friends :)","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Also a throwback to when [NAME] bathed.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What would constitute proof to you?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"But that rookie year was sick. Such a Slash fan when I was young.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Is it weird that I read this with Papa [NAME] voice","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"None of which should provoke unprofessional behavior.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"The Gillette commercial slandered men as being creatures of evil","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Just gotta stop overthinking. Try meditation. That helps control your thoughts better.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"This is hilarious if you read it in [NAME] voice","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":">The young will never trust them. Ever. You hope.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"“While you were getting laid, I was shopping for clothes at Costco.”","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ooh I like them. I don't really plan on marrying but who knows I might someday.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I have to admit, most of the worst people I have encountered in my life were met while LARPing.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Don't y'all scream communist at everything and burn Nike stuff for no legitimate reason?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"What’s crazy is when [NAME] came back [NAME] played him down the stretch instead of [NAME], [NAME] seems fed up with [NAME].","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Edited because my kneejerk response was kind of unnecessarily harsh. :/","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Cheers, I live minutes away from you, will check it out some time soon.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"[NAME] get better overtime. [NAME] would wreck [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"At this point one can only hope.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Congrats, darling! That is a monumentally meaningful accomplishment. I'm both happy for and proud of you <3","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Jazz too i remember the office and pnr talk about how bad it is.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Man’s a dreamboat. An absolute moisture factory.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"What documentaries would you recommend? I want to see it.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"It happened so fast I didn't even have time to be scared.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I want it. It's so cute","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You are extremely rude and condescending, and in my opinion it’s sad that you’re a teacher.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Okay, I see where you’re coming from. I guess I’m a RAW kind of guy so I tend to think that way.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yep. I found out that a member of the school board is upset about something that happened with their own child, and wanted access revoked for teachers.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I feel like it looked like Ru was well meaning at first but after 10 years we sort of see the formula lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I drove off 170 onto 40 and was surprised by the lack of brakelights.... keep it closed haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Ty for introducing me to The Barberettes, friend! The taste is *superb*","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Thank you for saying that. It’s mostly just annoying but I def picked the wrong week to watch Unfriended: Dark Web lmao","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"i was expecting a kitty","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Thank you. Man I wanted to throw this fact in someones face for goodnesssake","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I want a shirt that says \"Brilliant, Beautiful, Ferocious, Thing\". That's power.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"play who you find fun, \"tiers don't matter","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I miss those days.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Follow the Colts strategy this year. Stack your O Line and protect the most important and best player on your team.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I tend to invalidate my feelings because I’m always worried that they’re going to think that being silly, I’m always struggling with it","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"4Chan's ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to 4Chan.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"There are plenty of cases of terminally ill people who elected to stop treatment and then pass away. You're not obligated to get treatment.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Yeah it’d be cool to pair a Young [NAME] with [NAME]","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"It appeared that she smacked her grape pretty damn good. Oh, and I chuckled.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I have a sudden urge to delete my reddit account","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"That’s disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself. Banging someone in sales. No excuses for that.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Georgia is $5.25?! Wtf? We don’t live in 1990!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Yeah, I’m curious how these notes are “passive”.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"makeup call lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I would love it if someone broke that record because that would mean Real would’ve gained another extraordinary player like him. Haha.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Shit like this is just depressing. Not surprising, but still depressing.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I’m still waiting for a sick dunk from [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"IMO 90% of articles on the internet, or in newspapers or TV news, are placed by PR firms. Only children don't know this.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] is a fucking trooper","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"How did they know it was seafood? What did I miss? Thats awesome btw","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Because on a visa, I get 3 months of unemployment and I used up 2.5 when I got out of school first.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"At least she tried to be prepared for this.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Now let's just hope session also becomes season.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"No. [NAME] can't do anything to me because he does not exist. He is just a chatacter in a book.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Have you been to one before? If so what is your experience with it? I’m nervous as hell","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"My mom would go into those rages and I would pray my aunt would call because as soon as she answered the phone she was back to calm.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And DICE has told us fuck all about how they intend to fix it and when to expect the fix.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"It’s shit. It doesn’t let you see schedule information.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Ok I'm pretty sure [NAME] has been part of the main cast since episode 1...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Fucking [NAME]. It's always [NAME].","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"And this is what they look like when they are grown up...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Your posts cause cancer.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're right. I read that tweet and I think it dislodged from my brain because it just assumed nobody would argue something that utterly stupid.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Oh my bad I starting typing before you posted it","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I can't believe the guy is still hanging around.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This article wasn’t much better. The errors begin in the sixth paragraph. Thanks for sharing though!","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I found [NAME]!! That took me way too long to spot the watermark lol. Good eye!!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"[NAME] fuck those creeps","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"SF makes a little more but it evens out with Seattle once you figure in CA state income tax and SF cost of living. #savedyouaclick","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yooooooou are the ooooooocean's gray waaaaaaaaves...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m a hitman. Joke. I’m a forensic science student. Really enjoy my course, but I’m changing to biomedicine.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Wow. Uh...good luck.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"The 2019 NRL promo ad is a wrap!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Never knew that, explains why she was working so hard for the banks all this time.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Also I've heard she owns a bag.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We have laws against all that. Get the police to do take action.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I've actually taken this opportunity to get back into making YouTube videos.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I don't define myself by my sexuality. Conservatives who want to kill me do.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I'm so sorry for your losses. Please see a therapist and consider seeing your physician for antidepressant medication. Your daughter will need you alive someday.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Thanks so much for sharing! I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts and helping me feel less alone. I too hope that it gets better for you!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Omg TDG has a new singer? That's so sad. I was rocking out to them in middle school too. Simpler times.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"It’s not even an argument, it’s just a quote with a stupid voice.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Happy New Year! Let's smash 2019!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"This is beautiful","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Lol it was worse for them last year","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I have a launch xb1 and i have maybe crashed twice since the game came out. I have almost 8 days played btw...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I thought you said it was last night. But looking back now it's this weekend. well go get'em tiger.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"That woman gave me nightmares as a child. Also, you probably know this but she also plays [NAME] aunt in the third movie!","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Meow-meow smiles upon all of this.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We're ALL what's wrong with this country","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Unrelated but happy cake day!!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"It gets better! You're not alone and any progress is good progress. Always keep fighting.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"OH MY GOD TYLER THAT CENSORING","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"People who had theirs stolen or bought a base model with crappy wheels","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He thought of it but we don't want his mother's house to be wrecked by the staff.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I get that you’re upset because I find a joke funny, but keeping it to yourself doesn’t hurt anyone.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Seriously what?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Is there anything else you're interested in besides [NAME] & [NAME]?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"How strange is it that it is only gun control enthusiasts think that compromise means one side gets what it wants and the other side only loses.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"[NAME], you are such a pretty girl.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Women aren’t men. We don’t need multiple sexual partners the way men do.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think we need to start coming to grip with the true that TWOW and the series will not be completed.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Very little, and yet, some days, even that is too much :P","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"lol you think you can get 21 back.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Nice melt bra","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"When they stop showing literally every big Viking loss in these games.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Chiefs look soft","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"To be fair, you have to have a staggeringly high IQ to understand the Dead Parrot Sketch.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Great headline though","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"ORaNgE MaN bAd AnD iS HiTlEr!!!! EvErYoNe I dOnT lIkE iS HiTlEr!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I saw this on here less than 2 days ago. You could at least repost old content that we haven't seen in a while.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"[NAME] all but guaranteed to win the Rumble. [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"wish stuff was like this with my dad. Lucky kids and lucky dad","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Are you actually making all this?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"WHY DID DSJ PASS THERE, YOU COULD'VE FINISHED AT THE BASKET IN TRANSITION REEEEEEE","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Fantastic. Would love to see where its at at 250 and 500 hours - I'm sure still well ahead of my 1/3 hourly.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I had this insight too What is it called? Theres probably someone who already had this idea 800 years ago and wrote 7 books about it.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Yes, but she isn’t even close to being one of the biggest artists of the decade, like some people have claimed here.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Up-vote for introducing me to a new subreddit","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is my favorite meme that happened every year","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Huge, huge internet hugs. My heart broke for you reading this. I'm so sorry you had to go through this.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"[NAME] is giving me the 2016 AO vibes... hope he doesn't get injured again","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I love how when a girl flees saudi arabia in fear of her life she gets called a drama queen. This right here is a drama queen.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"That's crazy, my brother's cat did the same thing with me last year when I got the flu. She's usually pretty distant","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I think I saw some eyeball flying!","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I mean, he did believe in a clearly terrible [NAME]","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That's quite an arrangement","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"**Who would win:** a team of 10+ moderators with libertarian principals or one person with a Python programming environment?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Hahaha its the best kind of protest...save money and stay inside","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Yep, this is all I needed. See you guys later, Ima go jump off a cliff","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Right? Don't want to get my hopes up for a rumor.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I’m offended","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Venezuela should be one of the wealthiest and influential countries in the world except their infrastructure and society is falling apart due to centrally planned economics and socialism.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Impact? I'm merely interested in how low you will sink.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"[NAME] they always go back to the dyed hair what's up with that","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Oh boy yeah","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Redskins were the best team in the NFC East until [NAME] leg snapped in half","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Damn, you could make money out of this. Come people I'm Intj, i'll tell you if your ex still loves you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"On its own it looks really stupid, but it’s kinda cute all in the little pot","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"like I said, it's painful.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I like to think I do but idk my advice could be awful haha.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"That fascist bigot!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Stop attacking me.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Tbh if they were hopped up on drugs and harassing employees and customers alike, I would have just called the fuzz anonymously.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They're just excited! About everything!! It's the best when people do this in professional emails, too!!!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"ya how dare anyone like live and breathe around you. another joy of life you must be in person","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Same, I always disliked his \"thuggish\" personality and popoffs on stream but he seems like a genuinely nice guy.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Does anyone know what the Free Slot might be used for? It confuses me a bit","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I'm saying [NAME] is the pretentious one, and that the original commenter's response to him is a perfect mockery of the asshole","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Great to hear lol I just ordered a ton for my shop so that’s reassuring","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"He quit when he got deep into drug addiction. From what [NAME] and co were saying it seemed like he could barely function.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"As a personal agent of entropy in this world: Damn, what laptop do you use?","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"PS4 but thank you anyway","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Is this really a bad thing? Even if you don't wanna lose your virginity yet, just cuddling is great.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"But there's no hype in that...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes she does! She is beautiful but has taken it much too far with the lip fillers and fake tan","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":">very unlikely Literally impossible","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Actually ugly women are not going to post their pics.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yep, first hour free at long term. But if you go a SECOND over that you owe them $19.80 ! They're fucking ruthless","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Dude just wanted to say more words.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"haha! She is so creepy at times. What a great actress.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Wow! I never saw it that way. Thank you so much :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"In Canada you should probably be more worried about moose than bears","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I have never gone from almost brushing off something to darn near vomiting because of it, good lord.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Those backpack leashes suddenly don't seem so bad","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"This is why I’m afraid to fly.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Just appreciate the moment jeez","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I’m 40 and I’ve never lied about my age or weight. People take themselves so seriously!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":":O shame.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"What the fuck. Got that song on repeat right now","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"This looks so cute! :D Her eyes came out great and I love her expression.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Ah, the word alluded me.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"As comic book guy from Simpson’s would say. WORST. WRITTEN CRIMELORD. EVER....","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"exactly. you're a child. you make personal attacks when you lose an argument. I feel sorry for you.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Life is precious? Then how come you shot [NAME], huh?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"It's common enough that we have a specific term for them. We called them PX Rangers. The PX is the on-post department store.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"AHHH THE LIT UP EYES Amazing.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"How do they know how tall you are while your sitting in your car. Such bullshit.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Its important that we get members from all over the political spectrum, no one wants a circlejerk.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Show me that hog daddy","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You haven’t missed anything. I looked out of curiosity and didn’t look twice. I was surprised that Colt would do that.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"[NAME] sucks. Rally killee","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Tory nationalists puts nationalstic soundbite. TBH, at this stage, an endorsement from TM should be seen as implicit admission that independence is a great idea.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh, they're as real to me as [NAME] to me man. I don't leave he house without throwin some chick bones first.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wait, this is an actual music video you're describing, and not like... a Family Guy bit?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Not sure, can't really feel anything from any other memory that had strong emotional ties","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"This cut so terribly deep and touched places I had hidden away. I'm at a loss for words.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"So sorry, for your loss.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Lol Well you don't know how many miscarriages occur","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Man i was so sad when i found out vodka had calories","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I’m so sorry that you both have to deal with this ❤️","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Not to mention the small electronic machines that we all carry around in our pockets. It'll be interesting to see how this impacts online casinos that accept cryptocurrency.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"This is how the really, really good porns start.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm 21 and I've slept with dozens of girls.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"1000 years fuck yes! Think of all the technological advancements you could witness!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I just got the zc and season pass for bo3 and have only played solo. Loving the game though.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"have a talk with her to see if she likes you and if you're going to ask her out go for it, ask her in person.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Here's a purple heart for you recapping that! OMG matching romantic scoots I'm cryin'","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Well fucking said.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hey, at least he finds women!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That's... pretty unexpected actually.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"You got wrong daughter we don't owe you to 'repay' for grandchildren or so. Too bad.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Something tells me she just got it too.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"if you logged in that complicates things... i honestly still doubt they would really go after you, but technically they could if they wanted to.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Colored for our pleasure too","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I was wondering if that would be spotted. It is from the movie Split. saw the image on Reddit and immediately thought of lions.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Chinese is awesome. Best of luck to your endeavors and med school. Hope to see you in r/Universityofhouston in the future ;)","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"California cheeseburger.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I am a dishonest and disrespectul","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"BF- If you dont beleive me come over than. *gf goes over to bf's house, sees bf* GF- Hmmm, I might be dreaming.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That’s a Prog Snob for ya.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"he is. he will make the Browns proud!","label":21,"emotion":"pride"} {"text":"It worked once already.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I liked it...","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That’s a terrible amount of bp for 11 kills","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Or the damn Tremere.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It does with PIA","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Aren't they designed to not go straight if you don't hold the wheel? Something about making sure they don't go too far?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] just make one shot and we’ll be happy","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Worst in the country by far.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Native deciduous tree species or gtfo!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I take everyone that visits me over to Lands End .. I'm a huge fan of the hike from there back to Sea Cliff!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That dress is made with industrial strength lycra/polyester and thread. I'm amazed it didn't blow up and kill innocent bystanders at the restaurant.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I will always have faith in [NAME], he can be a factor even if his shot is not falling.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"my favourite singer ([NAME]) helped write one of the songs so i love it","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is not looking good for China's typical method of say whatever the other side wants to hear then do nothing.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"daaaaaamn girl!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"That mustache looks like it smells.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Oh thanks ^^ my bad I have been typing too much so my fingers hurt XD","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Why would he get upset? Your husband was the one who went to PreCana classes and knows that using contraception is a means for annulment.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I think everyone should watch the first season. It's hilarious, but also a pretty brutal indictment about what a show politics is.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"There's limitations. Also, someone may have been assigned the number before a player joined the team.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is so not aww.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"The importance of believing in [NAME] and see, and sticking with them, when you realize they're good things","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I always feel like cute gay couples have a pug...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What a warrior [NAME], good job being tough. That’s a flagrant!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Still waiting!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wait, there’s a little more dust. TIFU by cooking my girlfriend for forty dinners.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks :) I will still do the necklace, but probably just as a surprise gift.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Is lab meat already available or are you guys referring to vegan burgers?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I just draw for the fun of it tbh... But having \"success\" or getting recognition still surely feels nice... Don't give up :)!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Alcohol makes ur body go limp so u don’t get hurt.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Deer needs to make a false injury claim and get paid did you see that fake I got hit jump it did?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"You’re a good neighbor and a good person.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Whoa, should've said that in the post. Threats is not good. I'd find a way to live away from him asap.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Right? He actually came across as level headed and mature here so that was a shock.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Absolutely nothing can go wrong.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I love [NAME] school of rock","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I kind of love the rabbit","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"no idea how [NAME] was a [NAME] or [NAME]. just awful","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Oh I'm sure you did. That's why you posted it 3 times, huh?","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I'd keep taking it. The side effects should go away soon. Paxil has been the only med that helped me.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I’m really glad [NAME] wasn’t [NAME]","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Kicking out a child for a biological trait beyond their control objectively makes him a bad father.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"[NAME] that was me","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm not a fan of the model and the animations in general. He looks incredibly slapdash.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Shame.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Why are the campaign finance violations “innocuous”? Because you think the charges are fraudulent or because your chosen team is charged with them?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Just the best WR in the league retweeting the best TE in the league, nothing to see here....","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Let this be a lesson at how easily manipulated some therapist are. Block the therapist immediately. He/she has been compromised by a psychopath.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"You're happy that survs DC when you play killer? I'd rather actually play the game. Legion mains are weird sometimes.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Damn I played that game almost daily for over 2 years. I loved domination mode. RIP...","label":16,"emotion":"grief"} {"text":"I still think hating [NAME] isn't a good move for them. Could turn those undocumented [NAME] into undocumented [NAME].","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"You know he only follows NSFW subs","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Nah man. I just changed my mind. I've gotten pms from here before lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"But I was told that sub was for civil discussion!!!","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"That’s terrifying","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"That glo up though. Omg 😍😍😍","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"This is a great coming out, I also which it went this well for everyone 🏳️‍🌈","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Give me a country and I'll do some research and post what I find in the morning.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"This is beautiful and heartbreaking :(","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Girls dog got bored fairly quickly.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Dude was posting about the score, as-in, “are you kidding me, we lost to the kings at home on a last second shot”","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Everyone’s been assuming that’s there problem all week anyways haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"omg no way he totally screwed himself over there XD","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"At first your post reads like some anti-vax, flat earth rant containing too many capitalised words... until you realise it's all true.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"[NAME] tweet directly contradicts this... Edit: [NAME] said that \"[NAME] didn't make this deal by himself\". The organization chose [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'd rather be bitter and angry than miserable.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My favorite calm BGs are [NAME] and [NAME] :)","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"If you are in the northern hemisphere, you must subscribe to the [NAME] “seasonal theory of lardons”.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Those [NAME] can't take an empty gesture.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> What? I second this","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Any other reasonably priced recommendation?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Naw, you're good. They had something else and lost it. Don't feel bad","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"There is no such thing as \"objectively wrong\", so, no, it's not.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I wanna die","label":16,"emotion":"grief"} {"text":"It was magic.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"can't wait to develop nutrient management plans for crop production!!!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Nice job with the censor","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"sorry my fellow youngsters, we're illiterate.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Meh good introduction. Sadly I am a pro philosopher so know all of this","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"is [NAME] also running as democrat?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"The best story I've read this year!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Beverly Hills and Wehoo👍","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You've violated rule 4. Please adhere to the rules of engagement.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"That's a big meal.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm glad you got the help you needed. Sorry we couldn't help you here.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"This is such a good idea!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Death will come in the end. Live while you can. Life is a once in an eternity opportunity.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"YES! *-*","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s also extremely expensive and school options are limited. Just a thought, I’m all about advancing your career:)","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"a celebrity i like had his appendix out and tweeted about how surgery left him with an ugly belly button 🤣","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"I am ashamed of your sequel memes. Prequel memes or no memes","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Very interesting prediction!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"The card game in Episode 2 is probably the happiest [NAME] has been in a while.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Except we've ACTUALLY seen coalitions basically fall apart after the local government elections.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME]*, and do you expect them to get fired literally in the middle of the season?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I immediately love your owner. Those guests sucked, but seriously your owner is awesome.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"#SILKY!!!!!!!!!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"didn't work anyway","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"It's a great museum. Very graphic. Very moving. Very emotional. You might need a couple hours and some drinks to mentally realign yourself.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Will they ever stop?? FLG is a cult.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I f a picture and not realizing it until it bursts. [NAME].","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"You're 17....calm down.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Is that your quote? Either way, I'll add this to my collection.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol at least stand by your dumb opinion instead of deleting it.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Thank you for being the voice of reason in the calamity that is Walmart.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Weird flex but ok","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Give spanish your best effort. Youll meet girls who speak english even if its pretty rudimentary. Dance and be confident","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"That's my meds when going through interviews lol. Glad you made it!!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"[NAME] speed!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"So you just don't believe we should have non-profit organizations. I guess that's consistent at least.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I'm always paranoid of people following me when I am driving home. I would have pooed my pants yikes.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"We play some sexy football at times","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Thanks... and thanks again for the balance check. Hope your situation moves where you need it to.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Why was everyone so happy when he pulled that knife","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Yea that's nonsense","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Let her contact you if she wants. Don’t bug her. Time to move onward and upward!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Doncic, you moron.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow thank you so much for the info. I tried looking it up but couldn't find anything. Very interesting stuff","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Dang.. I’m none of them. :-(","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And that's not [NAME] either. It's former HS o-lineman who now runs a frat","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm puzzled","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Contentious statements cause unrest in public forum. In other news water is wet.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I can honestly say I didn't know a single guy in highschool that put on makeup lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Ozone Coffee near Old Street - Kiwi coffee shop; it’s great.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"IANL I have never thought twice about doing a little extra shoveling to help a neighbor. Can't imagine that it could be illegal.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"That is so sick. That kid will feel sooo awesome later in life. What doctor agreed to this though?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I hope so, she could bring an interesting dynamic between [NAME] and [NAME].","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"That was a quick delete!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I like this, but it doesn’t quite convey the horrifying rotting smell. It sounds sort of cute! She was not lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"A tshirt. I actually bought the cutest shirt that has a nasa logo on it and it says I just need some space. I love it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I mean, if A video pops up of [NAME] pissing on underage girls, nah, I’m not gonna still be a fan.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"The climate change committee is pretty toothless and would rather see it have more power, happy it exists at least.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're being loyal to your mother, who's cheating, and betraying your dad, who's faithful. You might want to think about that.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"We know, buddy.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hopefully one day EA no longer has exclusive NFL rights...","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I just watched the entire episode. They never once hint that they were having an affair. That information didn't come from the show.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"What a sad story.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I'm pregnant! \"How dare you?!\" I love it.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"He looks so young without a beard/moustache though.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"[NAME], WHY?!?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"My \"three B's\" were specifically moderate guys who'll pull support from [NAME]. There's not much overlap between [NAME] base and hers.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Good. I want them to remain crazed. More winning for us.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"My son already had the surgery. He's fine.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I don’t know exactly what this entails but I’m all for it man","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Another strange signing. [NAME] seems great at spotting backup players. 20 odd signings and probably 4 have been decent?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I... can’t tell if sarcasm; because literally all of those positions involve cynicism.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Oh very cute!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"So many great shows they killed because they didn't advertise them and put them at terrible air times :(","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Then it'll hurt more when I kick it in the balls.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Omg this made me laugh!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"How. Just how","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"My biggest problem with Yuri on Ice is that it didn't have enough episodes to show the payoff of their relationship in my opinion.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Love the hair","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Haha WEHO, for West Hollywood, not Wehoe for We hoes","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Really confused how every comment with more than 1 upvote says this isnt cringe and yet the post has 1.3k votes...?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I definetly love some epistemology!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I personally think think life is beautiful but living is hell, kinda like a hurricane can be the most beautiful thing.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"wow your the best, you take away all my anxiety...EDIT IT CAME BACK","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I loved Masters because they were air conditioned. It was worth the extra drive on a 40 degree day.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"He's so intimidating...","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"What does an endorsement really do though? Does it seem like a publicity stunt?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"My, my, what an active imagination you have! Have you considered a career writing Hollywood movie scripts! I think you have talent for that.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I do not want to dwell into an unfruitful discussion with a troll.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"oh yeah? what if i can't read at all?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"[NAME] or [NAME] could be a good trade piece. We don't have to solve every problem in free agency","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"glad to see youtubes \"family friendly\" robots have their priorities straight.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Yeah.. like 30ish BBs deep I don’t think about it twice, just re-jam and be a sad boy. But we are so fucking deep...","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"But if I had a right to it as a member of society then I have committed no wrong.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Dang I hope OP took these cause I wish I could’ve","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"It's at 3.9k now","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Create a youtube channel for when you work on cars.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"There was no point. This is also the answer for many other choices that have been made in the sequels","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If you have this many concerns and red flags going, or something seems off, you can back out whenever you want, do it now.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I meant that you're funny, not that you've got a weird life","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I was born in 1980 so the 90s were my teen decade. I loved it. Best decade ever","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I really like the AussieBum jockstraps.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Sorry for your losses. Keep up the awesome work. Your son will remember your efforts and hopefully be part of your life soon","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] thanks. I hope it works but i have a suspicious feeling that she hates me","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Thats amazing...i just bought a tank. Thanks for the post!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Cut your nalis, i hate it","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I just housed a transgender person for a few months after she came out to her parrents. So people are so cruel.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Stick your -isms up your ass.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"3 people noticed. 2 of them were just checking if the story was correct.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sacramento fun as hell","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I like how not remove other things for stupid stuff and this doesn’t get removed","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The left solution is to make them all citizens and to buy their votes with welfare and to never lose an election again as they destroy America.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Be careful, it’s a slippery slope. Alcohol isn’t fixing your problem, it’s just hiding it.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Why is it arrogant to think LIVING IN A FUCKING BEAR CARCASS is wrong?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"She would betray her friends for chicken nuggets","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"SRS is a pile of shit I have no idea how it is still existing","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I’m surprised that any of this is considered that big of a deal. At least he wasn’t molesting little kids.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Future generations will look back at this period and realize that this whole \"Western civilization\" thing was the real fantasy","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Always take a chance on the dork. We rock in general l. There are a few weirdos hut by and large dorks have it together.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I always find myself wondering where people are from, sometimes it is obvious though haha.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Then again, socialists have never been *particularly* averse to the odd spot of murder, have they?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm a poker pro I'm a pro at my job so I can lose money at poker","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"The reason you keep going is the same as mine, I just don’t know how we’ll get there.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Wrong. Dopamine is addictive, seratonin is well being.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"You are definently not in the wrong because you didnt actually him. Also does your brother get any special privledges that you dont?","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"[NAME], get in here.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Think many people misunderstood your intentions here and the conversation just went on a tangent from there.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damn you reply fast","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Thanks - I had not heard of shootings in chapels.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"The problem with that it would show how the comics end and people would hate that","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"*”Better videotape it for that sweet IRL karma. Look at how generous I am, people! I am so humble.”*","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yes, I am.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I came here to see this. Never disappointed in reddit","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"It's a strange decision that they scheduled this to conflict with the NFL playoffs in the United States.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Goodbye [NAME]. I hope you get reincarnated as someone who can stay awake for 15 minutes!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"one's a rapist, and the other's a stingy yank a bit of a difference in situations no matter how much we hate [NAME]","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"My sister put her foot into the muddy end of a pond once and thought she was dying. We had to go home. It was hilarious.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Just let your kid know you are disappointed in them and be done with it. Everyone will be better for it.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"If an AI projectile is your biggest problem you've got bigger issues, next.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I wonder if this will ever appear on BotW. Since it's so straightforward there probably isn't much to talk about.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Yeehaw! It's time for a hoedown!!!!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I just thought I would be remise if I did not engage with the subject.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"This better be a fucking shitpost.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"That was a sucker punch.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This guy here","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh awesome! I didn't even notice your name until now lol","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"My favorite is when he puts his name at the end of the sentence like this. It makes his comment seem so Eloquent! Best, [NAME]","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] I wish that was me.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"I'm feeling the same as you, exactly the same bro. I hope you get better and find someone. :(","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That's fair. Seems pretty lefty heavy, though.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"No. Why? Weird question. Unfortunately, the CCP would be suppressing me if I were. Better than ending up in a Xinjiang concentration camp though.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"You have a lot of Hope Buddy a lot!!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"That's gonna take a fuckton of Eco products.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Is that what this is? I thought it was some kind of a tattoo gun.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Look at a calendar. Look at the 14th. Look at the week that contains the 14th. That week, any of the days on that week.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Only time the police get any love","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Does anybody else see strong parallels between power and freedom? Feel free to distinguish or correlate the two in a comment.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"This is fantastic!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Kind of a lame duck President though.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] my God. That was the best free throw shooting ive ever seen.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Accounting. I love the work, hate the people and the environment.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"How could they forget the gravy?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I don't see sedimentation layers, but that could just be the picture quality. I'm going to guess this is likely just a chunk of granite.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"That man had some hilarious lines/events","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Yeah...when can the neckbeard asking this question feel okay if he masturbates?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I get these all the time and sometimes just walk. Love downtown","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Bloody useless Pakistan","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"getting sucked in to a maneuver thurster or the primary ship screws are hell of away to go","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I dont think anyone said it would make the game better, it won't, but it certainly won't make the game any worse either","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Unsurprisingly our closest competitors will try to capitalise as we stumble. Good luck to them, we have brought this on ourselves.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"[NAME] is a comedic goldmine. I don't blame comedians for milking the idiot.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I wish I could buy one! So cute!!!","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Thanks for posting this. I'm going through the exact same but I wasn't gonna post anything about it.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Thank u! Looking for some new podcasts!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"They probably aren’t wrong. I’m sure many ppl diagnosed asd today used to get diagnosed agoraphobic borderline schizoid avoidant gad etc","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I have a bad one but I also have mild cerebral palsy on my left side","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Ah lol just run then","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You should see him drain 3's","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Every single time","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Alright grandpa back in your room now","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Orange kitty has a bit of concern in his face.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Okay, that sounds like a plan, I can handle that.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"It starts with the malicious ones and then they whip up the others. [NAME] is truly a stain on american politics.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Again, thanks!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Oh, lol, no, I was asserting that you are being racist and have prejudices. That was a funny one, lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Hey man, it’s hard out here for a cat!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Glad to see we are still around :).","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"He was standing there, they went up to him. Like have you not watched the video?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"And here's quick exercise. Can you list five little things you're grateful for? Not big things...little things.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Why do I have a feeling tommorow there’s going to be a post. [NAME] broke up with me cause he thinks we’re related HELP!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm about to start my weekend. Don't mind if I do go contribute to the thread. Thank you, OP.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"This is the cutest! Wearing your heart on your sleeve so to speak.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"To Be Continued dot mp4","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"As bad as this sub was in the 1st quarter, our announcers were just as awful.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Sure that makes a gal feel safe, the idea of being with three males with weapons in an abandoned building. How romantic!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My favorite social network is Tumblr, they left out this one too. Not exactly an obscure website...","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"From the looks of those fingers seems like you'll eat it anyway","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is not brain dead.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"If I was to get a period, I'd be very relieved indeed. (14 months and counting...)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"u/1R0NYMAN is that you?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"It’s trying to steal his soul by sucking his breath out of him .","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This actually sounds like cyberpunk slang, I love it","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"You're good.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Mom said it was my time on the repost!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The stuff nightmares are made of. Those poor poor timelines.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"After you, Mr. international street-shitter.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It didn’t even compare to migas lol. Might have some in the morning.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Never seen an abandoned piss trolley at a bus stop in Armadale ever","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Be Advised “stay away from alcohol” Focus on the kids Do not engage on a campaign for justice Get well soon bro.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Scary. I bet youre fun at parties.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"look at my other comment","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah google it I def want it!!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"They look down on her so much they put her on the House Financial Services Committee...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Buy YouTube Likes","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"LCSC?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yay yayeeeee!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"someone should of grabbed [NAME] by his foot and use him as a club to bash [NAME]..","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That must hurt","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"London sure seems to be a hotspot of brazen theft these days. Jeez.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I like this plan. Hope [NAME] and [NAME] do too.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh, I've thought about it... a lot, but I just couldnt do that. Even though he really deserves it!","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"At least he is getting paid assuming that is a non us airport","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s going to be a very long and exhausting election season. I just hope we make it though united.","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"I believe they shot him through the door in the back.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> why have all of my responses been restating my opinion Because you're cruising on righteous indignation rather than empirical evidence. Facts don't care about your feelings.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I’m drunk!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What a good bear c:","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Its definitely [NAME] fault for leaning into it though. Nobody’s pressuring her to have “Activist” in her Twitter bio.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I honestly never heard about the furniture. Goes to show how much was made of it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] kid got flyer shoes than the rest of us","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If it’s not raining, then GoBike is great. Only $15 for a month.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Wait, I see the problem, you are changing the word observation to assumption, which I think you know is disingenuous.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Interest rates seem crazy low. It doesn't seem worth it to lend anything except DAI.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow very impressive table! Side note, it's [NAME], not ei","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Watching [NAME] cry made me cry. That dude worked his ass off his entire career for that moment. So well deserved.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Disgusting!!! Where were the adults? The adults probably felt proud of their sons. Fucken toxic culture","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"I'm sure there's a trash bag full of 'em around there somewhere. Probably next to the insulin. You want some?","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Wouldn't surprise me. I only had it happen once and it was a long time ago.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"She sounds abusive and narcissistic. Delete your facebook, hit the gym and kill her.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I actually hope they fail since Str8 and Pittsburg are my 2 favourite teams","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Maybe not the only one but he is our best shot.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"true that.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Two homes? In this economy?!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"What are the issues you have been having?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I just ordered a hoodie! Thanks!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"No reason to bet the flop.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Absolutely. I have 3 kids with this woman. My guilt is compounded because I will be tearing their worlds apart too.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Dodged some great cheese. I love their cheese.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is horribly disgusting. It's worse than the god damn chicken wire.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Oh I'm talking about cranberry.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm not sure. There's some good youtube compilations of him.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm not sure I'm following what your point is.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love this","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I would have used \"perplexing\" haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Usually fly fishing. During winter I like cooking, enjoying a glass of wine or a joint.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Giggled so hard","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"He gets paid to hate them... what's hard to understand?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"In my experience they suck","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You can see his tooth bouncing off the pavement on the right after he falls. Brings a tear of joy to my eye 😅","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Srs it's so bizarre! There's often someone like \"OP is wayyy prettier than [celebrity]!!!\" as well.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's bomb! I'm so happy for you! Good luck","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I was just scrolling down and I screamed when I got to the feet","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"As a democrat, even I am afraid of a super majority.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"It’s bad law. I wouldn’t be surprised either.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"okay thanks!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Ok, will do man! Thanks. Edit: I forgot to mention I heard her asking one of my friends about me and it sounded like she definitely likes me","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Couldn't happen to a nicer piece of shit.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Ding ding ding! We have a winner!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"An especially large comfortable shirty [NAME] wear. It's annoying though because people get jealous of how comfy you are so they climb in your shirt.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"He can barely speak, but he still pulls off the perfect \"yaaaa [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"i just hope both teams are having fun :)","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"BFV have anticheat... Why do you claim \"complete lack of an anti-cheat\" ? They are running fairfight + some inhouse shit afaik...","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Speaking the truth, brave you are.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"that speaks to my soul on a real level.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"It doesn't really matter because since BF came out on console it's slowly become shit. :)","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Just pick someone you like and hope for the best!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Finally, I can sit on another person’s lap and have them not be disgusted","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"to be fair that's most fanbases (and especially those of teams with losing records for a few years like ours)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yup. I feel you. I'm very sorry it happened to you, too.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"you have twice the courage I wish I had. well done dude!! wishing you all the best!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"“Rein get in there!” That’s all I see","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Weird we’ve seen leftist harass and attack elder people and elder veterans but it doesn’t become mainstream news. I wonder why that is","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Yeah like feminism! Not at all artificially inflated with terrible facts, information and school systems.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"How I met your mother with muscles","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"To think that Doom GOATs isn't even EM's strongest form...damn, no wonder the [NAME] are 100% on EM","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I dunno. Seems pretty meh","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So far, so good","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Unhappy, I am.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Agree. Not sure why you are being downvoted.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"She better not die","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"aaand it's time for the refs to take over the game again","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I was hoping [NAME] would get into commentating.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I love all the episodes with Doug Judy in it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"she and [NAME] seem genuinely happy with each other now. i’m happy for them both","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"The blonde one of the news and yer man off Corrie","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Give me an example of the discussions they are silencing with words like \"racist\" \"sexist\" and \"homophobe","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"But according to [NAME] [NAME] didn’t use a phone to contact [NAME], right? Also, Oct 5?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I want to wipe her entire face off the face of earth","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Haaaahaaaahaaaa! Been there. I had a little kid do the [NAME] handshake on me. I just looked confused.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"That whole episode has some heartbreaking moments. It is probably my top Parks And Rec episode.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"This is repulsive what the fuck is wrong with places like this. It does have an element of hilarity tho","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"The effect has Tyus has on ball movement for us is remarkable","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Going by the dates given, this child was born in 1985. So Mom really cared about this in the 80s.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sounds exactly how it is - you don't want a relationship with this girl. It's pretty cut and dry.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s such a horrible argument I’m shocked they still use it.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"It's special if you're into it. Some women genuinely enjoy it.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"it’s so weird to wear a blazer and khakis on a visit like that","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I didn't say that or imply it, nice try.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think people feel the need to \"catch up\" to guildmates so they can do end game content together","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"woah ok metallica didnt do shit to metal. Think about Black Sabbath, MotorHead or judas preist but fuck man, metallica suck lol","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"🤣I didn't realize that the Geneva Convention covered this, but phew! I might be doing this ASAP.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"it's been like this for a couple hours now and still not fixed","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Calm down and relax are the worst things to say to a woman, ever.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Or maybe it was because the government can't collect the tax on it","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"They keep leaving [NAME] open 😂","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh I didn't see that.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Excuse me, but define what a \"good world\" is","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Not worth it. My family is the same way. I am scapegoat. I cut them all off and I have never been happier or more at peace","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"It wasn't about your syllable count. It was about how nobody ever calls it \"text-interpretation.\" It's called \"reading comprehension.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This. It seems he's undoubtedly [NAME] preferred option.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Oh lawd he comin","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lots of good memes here lately. I like that.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"They are dangerous AF. I had a student faceplant and break her face, and my daughter's friend hit his head and is in a coma.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I love [NAME] at the net","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"THANK YOU!!! I’ve been trying to figure out his name","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I get so much [NAME] ads and BS conspiracy video recommendation just because I watch some gun videos... I honestly hate our gun culture in this country..","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well this is the dumbest take I’ve seen on here.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":">Doctor: So do you cancel a lot of plans you make with friends >Me: uh technically no","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Laughing in spitfire mk va.That plane is amazing Especially on breakthrough","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"My 7 year old was so stoked to find out that there’s a place called Castle Danger in his state.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"The city would have that removed so quickly to keep the cash cow mooing.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"thats why I wear my mute button out.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damn it if that isn’t the most accurate description of growing up.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Pretty sure he's a NAVY SEAL IN THE TOP OF HIS CLASS!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Lol thanks for understanding that it's humor as a coping mechanism...there are some comments on here that don't seem to grasp the concept very well.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Thank you mods for the sticky. This is such an important story. To my surprise, the NY Times had a brief piece about it.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"sick shirt [NAME] is a great artist","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That’s nightmare fuel right there","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Holy shit it actually did... how","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"HAHA WE ACTUALLY ARE TERRIBLE","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"But that sounds yummy.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Hiroshima is a crime against humanity","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My two favorite things, The Office and The Show. combined in one reference. Life is good.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It's funny how he even has the same attitude in both shows.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Rash sun [NAME] dropping out of the first round?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Thanks, I love salad.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"dude - just get the hell outta CA ! there's plenty of other states without the immigration problem rampant in frickin california...","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Life is nothing but a hell filled with torment, misery and loss.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Lol [NAME] \"He'll be sore in the morning","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"We never knew what friends we had, until we came to Lehningrad","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I miss being little 😭😭😭","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Step one is done! Now just to get rid of the rest of the incompetence here.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It might not feel like it right now, but you’ll give yourself more self-respect to find someone else. And a better life.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Haha, my apologies!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"“Acktchyually, America is a democratic republi, not a democracy. That’s why giving some people five times the votes of others is ok.”","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Only if I can get one with [NAME] on the back.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"How dare you put x on the same level as [NAME] and [NAME] [NAME] that's disgusting","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"[NAME] I love college football just because of these wild plays where coaches and players go all out to win it","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"When you call someone trash and he easily beats you, what does that make you? lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Oh I love me some winter depression","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"If it was communism, the poor lad would be killed","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I love how this is transgender men not just men 👌","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Nobody ask me about the day I've had.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Just googled him. Only thing is how do I get in contact with him.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Niemi locked in holy fuck.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Oh ok, thanks for that. Didn’t know.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Truly a sad day when you can get fired just for having a *heated gaming moment*. We really do live in a society.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Women should be able to make their own decisions about their bodies. They are conscious when their fetuses are not. Their priorities matter more in these situations.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"The obsession with a plot.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I'll kill you if you do that again, *honey*","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I guess \"hungasfuck\" or whatever is not doing gif recipe vids anymore lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Too funny 😂😂😂😂","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"His laptop lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"This is a great segment.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That’s exactly how my fanfiction goes","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Give the mouse a chance!.leave the cat to it.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"He still has less health than [NAME] despite being slower and bigger and literally revolving around trading.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well regardless if I don't completely agree with your weights and measures of people. Thanks your input","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"SHE AIN'T NO DEMON!","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Just out of curiosity, what happened with the big dog?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"No not funny just sad","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"[NAME] country is this entire world. I hate that saying.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"That seems stupid.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"[NAME] expunged my paraphernalia without consent and I called the **LAW TIGERS** to sue him for damages.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I’m slowly starting to get excited about what we will do with the draft pick(s?) they will most likely get in a trade","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"This confession means nothing","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is a very offseason thing to say","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"wrong its because they know this is an orchestrated hit to stop [NAME] run what a joke","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Try harder next time <3","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I still gotta watch the last one. ☹","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Great Scientists can keep you competitive even if you didn't get too much harassed in the early game.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm a lady! I do ladies things!\" He's a real life [NAME]!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This could be valid. Remember that [NAME] was basically non-existent for the first 4 or so episodes of S9","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You Dirty F*king Heathen.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Long Furbies are beautiful","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Nope! It doesn't matter how stupid you were being.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"OK. You’re not distinguishing yourself from an anti-theist. >[RELIGION] [NAME] I said ‘a god’.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We've actually got scientists working on that. If you're 23 right now and healthy, you've got a fairly good chance of not dying.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Please never let this die.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I don't think that makes you seem as cool as you think it does","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Don't be afraid to put yourself out","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Didn't even think of that ><","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"YEAH! How dare he ask if you were feeling ok!!!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I mean.....they both seem true to me.......","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I hope you meant stay strong, we are here for you. Me too.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Thanks for the info and the welcome! Blue and Orange forever!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"You can’t give me a ticket you didn’t give that women a ticket for the same thing.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Yeah, I applied this morning. I wasn't planning on quitting and I felt like I wasn't given a choice...","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I didn't know picks could be traded. Is this new or is it just rare in baseball?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Images you can hear, “oh my [NAME] laughter”","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"literally wasn’t the worst effort of the season","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That's not how any law works","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"It's interesting that [NAME] said [NAME] was his teacher on playing doomfist. Actually in mid 2017 [NAME] was one of, if not the best doomfist in China","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They are building a new Whole Foods on Smith and Elgin I believe","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I can't help but agree with the headline at the bottom, bright side (the YouTube channel) is annoying.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Good that corporate knows about it. They'll launch a LP investigation and fuck the idiots doing this.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"That sounds like something you would see in some fucked utopian society where if you had enough points you were \"*sent away*","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Because they enjoyhis music. Stop asking stupid questions in order to get attention","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Well that Praying Mantis had some balls. Just imagine this tiny little dude said a prayer and then jumped right in to fight this giant.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ha, that would be a novel experience. He'd better let me deal with it.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"AMD this is why we rejoice in his banning.... :)","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Same but I’m not really believing the OP isn’t a troll.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"That’s a different guy but I love [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I would love to see a sewing challenge with Manila in the mix.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Is this Futurama?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank god. The capitalists are the most virtuous among us.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Your welcome.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"lol it’s pretty tame compared to r/Titlegore","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Yeah, at least carry a ziploc bag of dead cockroaches with you for this purpose, like a self respecting meal scamming scumbag.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"UPVOTE BROS HOOOOOLD WE CANT LET THE POST GO BELOW 50%","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No worries! I'll go through these when I have time. Just may take a few days here and there.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"You're asking for scientific proof of spirituality. You're either very dumb, trolling, or you think I'm a charlatan.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"You’re right, my apologies, I must’ve misread it.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Ah, I've only been for music and didn't purchase much else. I figure it would have the downtown markup though.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I know eating and drinking soy products increases estrogen. Although I’ve heard having/consuming too much estrogen can lead to health problems.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"He seems like the most genuine dude. I’m so happy to have him as our coach.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"College was the worst and the most miserable time of my life. Adult life, on the other hand, is the best I've had.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Splash your face with cold water. Refresh.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I really miss AG","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Or 16th if you're on console.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you very much for this. I’m sure it’ll help.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Great read, still know a few folks who are still unhappy about the situation and won’t support [NAME]","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"D'OH! Right in front of my face and I missed it","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Oh. Oh shit. It's you. Sorry you had to see this glorious trainwreck.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Err, she's still a weird fake tan shade, just oranger.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"oh im wiaitin.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He was! And people in my class would be so hard on him about his accent. I hear the guy teaching the class now is really good, though!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who extrapolate from incomplete data.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you! Completely agree.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Nah, this is actually my cat! He’s just the only other person I know that would eat em","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You’re welcome 😊","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Just put ice on it man","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm referring to leadership and there's been several headlines about it already in the last week or so.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Desperation doesn't think.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No, but thanks for playing.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I'm honestly so pissed off for you. That whole situation is insane. Good luck moving on. No one deserves to be treated like that.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I'd pause and say yes...? Haha.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I love making fun of social outcasts.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Goddam it!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Into what shit? I like her but Idk she’s hella confusing","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":">when you're a day older than your friends on your 18th birthday ich believe I'm a bit too old for you!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No, he wasn't the entire problem, but his performance can't be excused by coaching alone. He's just not very good.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"What really? I cant believe no one has ever said that before! You may have saved my life.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I am assuming since it's shut down, no one can access the website to change these things. They are most likely delayed.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"OK. caitoz is an [NAME] shill and closely aligned with Russia. Enjoy irony!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"*Honorary Packer unlocked*","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"don't you want [NAME]?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"He needs to be tested. And you need a divorce lawyer ASAP. He needs to move out. Actions have consequences.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Happy cake day mothafucka","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"such a cute boy!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I shot [NAME] in the face","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] has been consistently good against okc\" big faxxx [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Because it's quicker. Time is money.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hey fellow research parker, I'm at Myriad in the lower right.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's why I specified 'current attack.' I know it's gone on for ages.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A fucking power outage during a hurricane and your car is fucked.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Oh I thought it was something that was actually contemplated. My bad","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"I knew this was stupid when the shittastic music came on.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Just starting watching , what happened ? See we’re about to be down by 20","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Please ask it! We're curious now and chances are it isn't nearly as creepy as you think!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Homegirl has been my favorite since season 1. Just like [NAME] on Laguna Beach. Maybe bc they remind me of myself. 😬😬😬👀👀👀","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Something new! Finally...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m gonna sit down and cry now","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I hate that we cant be trusted to self criticize and we have to have Russian news do it. It feels like watching fox.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Let the liar lie, it's more fun to watch.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"We're sleep walking into, in the words of the Bank of England, a disordely Brexit. It's a bit problematic.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"If you can keep it from going out / someone putting you out, yes.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I miss [NAME]. Shame he had to get injured while he was here","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Alright then, I'm glad to hear that. I hope it's handled in any case.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Aha, I didn't say that was a good thing.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"This kid is blatantly trolling and everyone is taking him seriously LMAO. You people should quit Salem your scum reading skills are horrible","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Tree house of horrors they are all great.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It really is a brilliant piece of nostalgia and terrible film making. I love everything about it.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"ET + 2 picks for [NAME] would be great","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"And it’s being posted by a person who apparently has an MD, PhD, and MBA. One would hope they knew better","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Sounds like an fp to me 🤔","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Will be interesting to see what happens next, one thing for sure is [NAME] won't just fcuk off, you can't get rid of the woman","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"OMG. Indict this oligarch.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Now I hate the giants as much as the next but they're 4th in average attendance and percentage.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"So bad its funny","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Yes it absolutely is, that's just not it's formal name. [NAME] commiting treason is absolutely a crime","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"There used to be a group of local kids that would take pears from the tree in my back garden and throw them at people's houses.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No way dude. The Wilpons’ are so cheap that the Twitter guy is also the contract guy. (Was that a good Twitter impression?)","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Who cares, you’re just showing what a racist pos you are. Carry on doing our work for us.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Each season gets better and better with season 3 or something you should go back and see what happened.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That one is my favorite btw, its delicious. sorry you couldn't have it :(","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Probably didn't notice the bicycles until last second and swerved to avoid them.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I tried the pilot and it just felt very \"meh\" to me. Does it get better or is it just not to my sense of humor?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I question that he doesnt think they are a possible answer, we have interviewed guys with much more questionable credentials","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love it when people barge into my house and demand to know why I don't like them.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"INJECT A GIF OF BASTIAN NODDING IN SATISFACTION FROM THE BOX INTO MY VEINS","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I guess but i dont see them beating that","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Shouldn’t really expect him to be doing well.. he’s a 3rd stringer playing 6man minutes","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Would be nice.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"with his luxurious salary, nice pension and zero accountability for anything it does, its a hard old life!!!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"+1. I don’t make it to DuPont anymore unfortunately. If you’re in Rosslyn, I’d recommend American Threading Plus.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Just take antidepressants that take away the urge completely","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Ahh change.org, where change goes to...do nothing","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Boy just tell her to \"calm down\" or \"watch her tone\" and get it over with.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"(Stupid) * (how many times you think you can pull it off without getting caught )","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Has to be [NAME] doesn't it? 3 [NAME] in the squad with another on trial, plus they're pretty shit this season.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"But it looks so fluffy","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"That must be so frustrating. Sounds like he’s digging his heels in and refusing to accept his faults.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"No but I've been totally been meaning to I fricking love [NAME]!","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Not really if they are busy. They may not even take a break. But again if they are regularly not responding than it is probably an issue.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"bored waiting for the game [NAME]","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"How pretentious do you have to be to say “idk if you know who that is tho” after saying what your favourite band is","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's awesome! Congratulations to the both of you!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"And he even dared to reference fairly odd parents in there, wtf lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"yeah I don't get the hate for [NAME] regardless of the hustle thing, there were stretches where he was for real carrying the team hardcore.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":">... The parent’s finish up ... Committed to the cause!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"People have ate up Dorions lies about it. It's such gaslighting it's amazing.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Beautiful.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Absolutely fair, and I can't blame you for that.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Crackly bois.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If only you had the same sentiment towards those who took over BTC and changed it off this course.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I have failed you [NAME]. I have failed you.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I thought it was British, oh well.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’ll do that. Thank you","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"oops, back in a minute, your round!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I just love the look of most benzos. Bars of course the most. But a handful of 10mg valiums or 2mg klonopin is also mouth watering :)","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Stop having kids you can't afford. Make sure you check the kids credit to make sure there are no accounts opened in their name. Good luck!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"LOL I work at HPE and I was about to share this with our new hub director...glad I watched the last 2 seconds.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I forgot not everyone has accused me of","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Population control in russia","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The problem is trying to find that middle ground, where there is just enough to prevent anarchy while still allowing people to pursue their desires.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No, but when you're family sees, like, 12 books of it, it can certainly make things awkward.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Yes indeed, the “just a joke, bro” ship sailed long ago.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Omfg das a lotta snow. Maybe I'll get to pull out the gas powered snow thrower for the bloody first timeof the season.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I had the same thought","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I don't know you or your story, but I fucking love your syntax, word choice, etc 10/10 would trip with","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"If he has to put up with people like you, I feel even more sorry for him now. Yikes.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"oh the new Zealand thing thank you","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I always thought it was his country could be wrong tho","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you; this is really helpful ❤️","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Someone else mentioned the council of Rome (382), but I’ll look into Carthage (397) and Hippo (393). Thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Such a great actor because he can play so many different roles! Loved his character in Banderstach","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"My gut feeling \"what's wrong with his eyes?\" on the second date. Should have listened.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] i hope you're watching this game very closely. do the right thing","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"How right you are","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I can’t stop staring at the boobs","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It is a gorgeous picture. However I would rather that sun exploded and took us all to kingdom come than sit in traffic.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Reporters shouldn’t be afraid of governments - governments should be afraid of reporters.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"He took the pin, and verbally put him over. Big night for [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you so much. ❤ I'm going to be okay.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I hate this.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Verify yourself already or we will continue to \"spit negativity","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Move bitch get out the way.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"You’re using the failing of someone else as an excuse to make the same mistake yourself","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"At the very least, I’m glad he tried something other than the standard blue. And yeah, I think the title is above-average as well.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"The weirdest part of this is how good he is at singing","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That's just a bad close-out, gotta know [NAME] is bating for those.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I feel bad for all those kids whose parents decided to homeschool them so they could be professional HOTS players without all that stupid learning getting in the way.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Ha the additional loss of life to your engine really showed them.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Things are much better then they were a few decades ago but we’re still shrinking.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"gaslighting!!!!! he’s manipulative","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"i have noticed i am getting leg pains & backpain after day 1 of fapping and feeling powerless and unmotivated","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hell it was made clear when I was in High School 5 years ago that we aren't playing a game that's ' too violent '","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Isn't that the \"help me, I'm being hunned\" distress signal?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"What's your point? All these comments are from people who clearly had not seen it before. Only a couple said they had.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I've got a mangina!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That explains an awful lot about ICP.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Because what you're doing is disgusting and an insult to humanity.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"that's like a kel'thuzad/kael'thas wet dream right there. Line them up for disgusting aoe XD","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Despite the certainty of some, we do not know. But we do know [NAME] is loving and merciful, and we hope for the salvation of all.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"This should really be a libertarian/socialists for gun rights meme. I genuinely think there is a lot they have in common.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Checked my EBT balance yesterday. \"You will not be receiving benefits for February.\". I wonder when the riots are going to start.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Lmaoo a team full of [NAME] blunders, sometimes I feel like it’s sabotage from the man above","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"it was audrey! I painted this painting 10 years ago. today I took it off my sisters wall and decided to give her a make over","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That man was an amazing speaker, even these three minutes are enough to show that.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Also likely selling stolen goods too lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I was expecting him to go with baseball, but hopefully his combine and everything makes his stock rise into a high first round pick.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Whoever wrote this article has no concept of what’s going on what so ever. There assessments are miles off the mark.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I feel personally attacked by this salad","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Seen the headline went straight to the list haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"> [NAME] Thanks. The movie is on YT but no subtitles.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I remember when two captured ISIS members were discovered to have ordered a book called \"[RELIGION] for dummies\" from Amazon.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> welcome to reality Oh thank [NAME]!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"The men that you grew up around sound pretty insensitive. I hope that they didn’t cloud your opinion of what a typical man is like.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"After the car already cleared them. Watch again.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"did a fanspeak mock, wow I wish this would go down for us","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"I like it!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I am so thrilled that you broke through that constraining ceiling, or that \"tunnel vision\".","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"The fact that such awful designs exist almost makes me want to stop wearing leggings. *Almost.*","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"It looks like it's outdoors in the snow, so you'd be wearing gloves anyway.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A billon more [NAME] saves and I’ll have [NAME]!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Honestly I thought it just meant any game where you couldn't choose Casual mode... which is everything pre-Awakening.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I feel the same way. I wasn't depressed when we lost.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm cracking up at my desk now, thanks","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I'd bet that this falls under spamming and therefor I'll get banned soon :/ (please dont, I love this sub)","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"to the post","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Don't play dumb we all know what you were implying, you racist nazi.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Similar feeling here. We'll are just bunch of weebs.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Canada? Only because of [NAME] nice hair and silly socks.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"But, oh boy, they can try.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Fuck I love you prag","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"How delightful it is that it truly could apply to multiple moms","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] has a very high release point. He throws like a 6'3\" QB, he also has a Giant hands","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Waking up covered in blood is terrifying but thankfully it was just a nosebleed","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Pls no, it's too cold outside to go hatless.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"No, because it lets you search multiple modes at once.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"your comment made me exhale slightly faster because it's great. lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"i got kangaroo from the meat guys over in U district at University Seafood and Poultry. they have tons of exotic stuff","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're nicer than me. I would have let them get towed.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Who's [NAME]?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Me but with boobs. When will be able to trade body parts [NAME]","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I would watch that so hard. But I'm sure what's left of LuLaRoe and other MLMs will do whatever they can to stop it.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"A guy commenting, please tell her the truth. Please","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks for sharing. I've actually been to the Allen.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Yeah nice one dude","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is exactly what I’ve been thinking!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I say I love you to friends of both sexes and there's never been any problem, tbh I'm bissexual tho, so it should be weird either way","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Lmao what a guy","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Sure I understand that. But some of them are are yellow. But when combined with other red flags it definitely confirms your suspicions 😉","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This is good.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Actually it wasn't punishment, the teacher just didn't have any better assignments, so they thought that'd make the students busy enough","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Funny joke.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"She's a bloody sociopath.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"These people project so much, I'm surprised they don't work at cinemas.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ooh! I quite like the swimming pool of makeup as well.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Wow it's almost as if those losers have a lot of money or something else to leech off of.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"From one of his posts: “You and I both know full well that multiculturalism isn’t working, and that [NAME] need to go home.”","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You may have been watching a tad too hard bro lol No judgment here","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Chills. I can’t wait. I’m sure [NAME] will get over this not being happy because they have bigger fish to fry.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Still no contest","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Through mutual friends, and online forums. I find out most online shooters are more fun when playing in a party and able to chat.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I just really don't see 20% for him. I would be very surprised.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":">All men cheat, you might as well get cheated on by a rich man! Kudos on the level of misanthropy.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I got laid the first time directly after that game too Not sure if there's a correlation, just thought I'd contribute","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The guy who tied a shotgun to a balloon so the gun would float away and it would just look like a homicide comes to mind","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Taking the baby is the creepiest thing they’ve done yet - just so evil, in a dim, giggly way.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ill try my best. I can atleast try and looksmatch at 5'6. AlphaM is 5'6.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"almost\" and \"nagging\" not \"killed\" and \"forced\". Wow... When did roleplayers get so damn whinny.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Trust me dude, switch to stick deodorant and cologne.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Google “Video Game Addiction”. You’re already at step one. You know you have a problem.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I'm not sure that there ever was a meritocracy. I always thought it was more of a myth created to keep the peasants from revolting.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I’ve had a hard time finding stuff in the area, occasionally Construction Junction will have a decent old handsaw or two...","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"That can be a perfect gift for a [NAME]. Amazing work !!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Also, there's no point in having a job if it doesn't pay substantially more than the childcare costs.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I feel truly honored that you gave up the jubilation of being the only person to see that peanut and sharing it with us","label":21,"emotion":"pride"} {"text":"lol You could have saved even more time by not making a douche comment","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Wow you look incredible. Great job getting healthy and beautiful! ❤️","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I wasn’t aware of that. Thanks for the info. That makes the decision a lot easier.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"We don't deserve sex with dogs.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Are you really saying a leashed dog has the same potential to attack as a non leashed dog? Lmao.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You. I like you.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I didn't know that! Thanks!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Any weaving subreddits you'd recommend?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I'm 33 and every year I'm more sure I never want children. I am perfectly happy with my husband and our cats. ❤️","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I only like felicity when she’s with black siren.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Well.... fuck","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Wow, nice article. It must have been very informative in 2011. here’s the 2018 update","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] and destroying the OKC thunder name a more iconic duo","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ah. So cardboard. Haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"☠️ I felt his pain!!!☠️ R.I.P. furry giblets!!!!☹️","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"What a heartless person lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Highly unlikely, but damn would love this to happen.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Thanks Captain [NAME]. Admiral Semantics was just here, left a message to inform the crew that everything you eat is part of a diet.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Oh wow. Didn’t realize it was that broad.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Love [NAME], he reminds me of the little receiver from NE Edlemen (I think misspelled) .","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"My 2 favorites 🔥","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"How do you plan on taking care of 2 infants at the age of 18? What about the third one?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The lies of this evangelical “[RELIGION]” woman are simply staggering. What a wonderful example she is for her children.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"They feel soooo good on TBF","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"A day later that banana I told you I ate? It's now turned into **poop** since I absorbed all the goodies from it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sorry, I live in the real world. Just because you don't like facts doesn't mean they don't exist.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"You blew it. They played you like a fiddle.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"RemindMe! 2 months","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"dude, you need a some sun on those damn things you call legs.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Arguably. It is undefined.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I saw on article on the same day that a person testifying about youth level abuse also died in a car accident. Same day.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My favorite movie of all time. This movie man... Words can't express how good it is.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"So this dude gets a bonus that could have funded HGC for at least 2 more years. Thanks Activision!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Like, there is an insufficient causal relationship for it to be an expectation to work with assholes.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Any amount of [NAME] is too much [NAME] lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"COUNT YOUR CALORIES. EAT ABOVE YOUR TDEE EVERY DAY AND YOU WILL GAIN WEIGHT. IT'S SCIENCE.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Condolences. Take comfort in your cats and breathe. Consider a grief counselor.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"all not found.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Daddy, can you help me with my math homework?\" \"Not now, sweetie. Daddy's doing much more important math","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think Bayern get far less hate than they should tbh, the Manchester United of Germany is almost selling them short.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Fair play, thanks for educating me 😊","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I’m going to be laughing for the next hour!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I laughed at this...I think it was the voice I read it in my head with...","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Thanks, I’ll look into it","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME]! He was just amazing, best contract ever, so sad when we lost him.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"We love him, duh. He's our NT captain and our ace.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Mississippi, where your sibling is your first lover.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And he'll still be unimaginably rich after the fact, so this has gone so far into edge-case territory where the unfairness doesn't really matter","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Dammit!!!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"It's catdog's parents","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"**TELESTRATE, YOU BEAUTIFUL MAN!**","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"no u again","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's literally the science of it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Careful we don’t talk about that here. I’m enjoying a ban from LegalAdvice lmao","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"how many times has this been reposted by now? 10?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"But we're just trying to diffuse the tension and teach them about peace!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I love those examples. Thank you for sharing. 🙏","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I feel like this is coming to NV soon as well, and I’m not so sure about how it will go","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Feel free to use as many rhymes as you want, after all you have the final say of your word play.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Hurr durr! Just take a shower and lift bro!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"There’s some Rask sparks!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I just heard about this, its pretty cool.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I actually did just after writing it hope the poster doesn't mind, but just so you can find","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You have selected POWER DRIVE","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well now we know how [NAME] and [NAME] lip syncs did lol. [NAME] is overthinking it, and have the second photo looks nothing like her?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] is the queen. The dispossessed is a great work of anarchist science fiction, and where I first came across anarchism portrayed positively.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] at 2.38 against Moicano seems like excellent value for me","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Guys don’t typically pick up random women at night unless it’s a prostitute.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hahah I’ll try and hop on after this basketball game. Hopefully around 7","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"#BHAW!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s more like a bunch of vaguely veiled racists and sexists and MAGAtards. Unless that’s what you consider “good.”","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Its like if i decapitated myself while shaving.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I already like the game. I don't to make the wins gimmicky for the game to be fun.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Joint bank account?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"The emojis in the background. Wtf lmao","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's shaped fine. It fits her. It looks great and I'm jealous.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Umm, but I got to a Barber Shop that has more female barbers than men....","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Arizona in the summer is fine. Arizona in the winter when all the blue hair snowbirds come is absolutely horrifying.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Last year was Celtics and Sixers... that’s pretty decent","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yeah, [NAME] stans cannot get enough of it. In their little bubble [NAME] can outsmart a queen with experience in dealing with petty people.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I'm not a victim at all. You're just a desperate loser who spends money on a guy he could watch for free.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Yea can get a pic of me and my mates when we go out for drinks next So don't bother trying with jokes? Just keep it empty?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Keep asking. Mine turned around eventually.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I was in Amsterdam two weeks ago and 400 sq ft apartments were renting for 1800 euros a month in the city. They have density but no affordability.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Gotta go fast! [NAME]","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Because a bunch a boys r lookin","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you so much for saying all this, it needs to be heard more often.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"What ribs lmao","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Because they want to believe [NAME] is a man, despite them claiming that [NAME] is no man..?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Careful, you are almost criticizing your god in chief. Your friends at TD will probably ban you for that.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Another year filled with Mets disappointments...... LGM! Can't wait for Spring Training!","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Everyone just called me the bad guy and said they're glad she's marrying him and rejected me and that i deserved it.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Does this remind anyone else of the Rublev USO17 QF? [NAME] is obviously further along than [NAME] but you can't argue against the results...","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"[NAME]: \"I like being bad. It makes me happy.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Good luck and my thoughts are with you.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"It may be wrong, but it’s not far from the truth.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"[NAME] had talked about this entire operation is shady with an anti abortion agenda that's hidden behind their intentionally misleading name.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"4-6, 6-4, 3-all, deuce. Could this BE any closer?","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"And of course, instead of calling out the men responsible for this behavior, the \"Not all men\" crowd has arrived in full force.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I do this all the time and I have honestly never noticed.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"LOL thats right, your wait for someone to hand everything to you. LOL","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Not interested. Old, slow, not a scheme fit.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"he left his briefcase... hey, it's full of shredded newspaper!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks 💙 ice skating is also one of my favourite non-food fun things to do 😉","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Not even going to open the link. Already know I agree with Sloss.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Upset? Edit. I didn't notice anybody bring it up but I hope it isn't rude to describe [NAME] being \"Yandere\".","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Yeah, I know. I was kinda hoping you didn’t. Ya know just for the point of what a great salesman this dude was.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"No, you should definitely do drugs. Just stay at home when you do.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Arrogance of the highest order.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I wish someone would just run [NAME] or [NAME] open ice, it would be worth the penalty","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"He overachieved my expectations this year. I hope he tops this years performance next year. Go Gmen!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Yeah. Whose fault is that... maybe the terroristic Gazan government stealing all their money. I’d say that’s a safe bet.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Hey beautiful! Glad you had a great time!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The Guy just wanted to Make a Joke and I liked it","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Youtube \"glitch through anything red dead online\" and filter to show videos from the last week. 😊","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Eh, we all pay for sex one way or another. More power to you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"but.... but the lizards would eat the bugs....?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"SIGN HIM UP","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Muppet. Nice not obscene insult. Thanks.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Because I am stressed out and need to take my mind away from the source of stress. That's how my brain tricks me into it.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This again?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Nice, I like it. A truly unusual pairing.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"On the contrary, he gets off on his own ego and the delusion shattering reality of intimacy with another person makes him limp as a wet noodle.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you for contributing your weird suggestion, I love it.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I’m not frustrated... i think I was trying to be nice.. but now I’m confused and awkward. My apologies","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Same. After that it’s unbearable. Plus, [NAME] appears. So.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] oh my god","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I feel like [NAME] and [NAME] from AH should chat, especially about the [NAME] from BOTW","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"When did they stick to those policies, sure the US isn't innocent, but fuck that? This hypocrisy is unbelievable, it's cringy FFS.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"let's hope it gets better.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Works great until you sit down and burst the banana open.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Until you see another one you like lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Make a great gag gift","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Great, about to rewrite my many ToDo lists","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I work in the clinic as well! There’s a lot about this place. More than willing to talk offline to answer your questions! 4N?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I was in that phase for a good while until i lost it all later anyways.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I took it as a woke/edgy joke. Don't admit it was just a typo!!!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"My favourite was “for people who don’t like water”. I don’t like their drinks but their advertising is always funny.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I didn’t realise it","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"He looks normal. This entire post is a massive reach","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Let's hope it means 12/12 for [NAME]","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I watched that same movie. Very generic Christmas movie but I liked it","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"that's fine also someone who shit their pants of realization","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well the law trumps your feelings buddy","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I thought we traded away our losers like [NAME] and [NAME] already.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Funny, I don't know a single MRA who's been accused of sexual assault... but I know plenty of feminists who have...","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I really hope you do this for a living. Thanks!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Don't give away my zip code! Craft beer and fabuloso be dammed!!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Would you recommend running/run another cycle if you knew you had all your ducks in a row so far as diet, training, and lifestyle go ??","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Your mom is putting actual effort into having a relationship with you, you insufferable donut.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Nobody, thinks desi is offensive. Source : I am Indian.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Takes r us...you literally make me want to overdose on drugs. Like you’re that insufferable.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Lol naughty dog tattoo. Y’all done fuxked your reputation by letting your artist do this trash.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"this is beautiful !!! my poor baby tho, why is she crying ??? ;((","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yeah that's not almost a semi auto. And the slam fire is vastly over rated.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"It seems like that’s what a lot of people are expecting.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Only £44m? Not enough.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"U/scottgal - thank you! Coming from southern US, wanted to make sure!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Someone did. The person who impregnated them. Humans don't reproduce asexually, you can't just make yourself pregnant","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Those inflated monopoly prices go back into Ontario coffers for services like roads and schools! How dare you question them. /s","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"That is a face i do not want to wake up to in the morning","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"They will get the other. It's all fun and games until they noticed I was friends with a deep trust issues with humans since they were little.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Welp, my bad. Searched for \"new year\" and didn't see this so posted.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"“Brave” is one way of describing it","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hi ex-methodist from another one!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A thousand times this! I just found some of my old childhood stuff from the 80s with a 2 bar and it is fucking awesome.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Anytime I've taken benzo beforecoke, it completely negates any coke feeling","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Figured since [NAME] is expiring and you guys are tanking it didn’t really matter","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Right? I’ve never heard of it being made with French dressing.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I think he is dead but he died long before the supposed raid. He was old and sick, dying of kidney failure.","label":16,"emotion":"grief"} {"text":"Nope. Are we at the name calling stage? And here I thought we were getting along.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"That would have been cool for sure","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"As a guy who plays bastion when the situation appropriately calls for it; thanks, I did not know this.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Georgetown - great food, great shops/ the \"exorcist\" steps are located there, too. the exorcist steps","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Danish PM on the topic - \"We are not Socialist","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm sorry but \"Amish heifer\" took me OUT.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"and of course if that happens then there's no way it could be true. as if a protester could also be a paedophile.........","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Please revise your post to include whatever your talking about. Because i have no idea what your referencing.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"That does make sense. I just hate that it led to him dumping me over them.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Not bad at all.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"My dog died on New Year’s Day and I wish I could have give her one more treat. She just seized up and died :(","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"I have been really close friends with her for over a year so I don't think that is the problem. I appreciate the comment though thank you.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I definitely wouldn’t do a role change at the tournament but definitely when they get home. I should’ve clarified that sry.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"ift yourself up on your feet! Let's get it on!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Came here to say this...... Oh dear OP","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Guess I’m heading back to the kitche :)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She’s out here lookin like Snuffleupagus from the muppets with those big eyes sheesh","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It was intentional. Maybe not with much thought behind it, but a very dangerous instinct.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"yeah, fuck [NAME]","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Absolutely amazing idea! 10/10!!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"thanks bot! You too man!......Soooooo, what does YOUR hair look like?....","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Reminds me of when we used to have an RB named [NAME] while [NAME] was at Texas","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"A girl bashed my then girlfriends head in with a cane, she didn't even get jail time.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"You're going to get behind our anointed centrist establishment candidate and you're going to LIKE IT!\" How did 2016 turn out for you again?","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Yes, a lot of it","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's funny when a whole sub rejects any new information which doesn't fit their narrative.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I heard [NAME] was an absolute monster too... Jk folks","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"I used to really like [NAME]. Now she is the worst :(","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Great video, and kudos for waiting them out and not letting your primal instincts let you attack from a wrong position!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I smelled this meme coming in from a mile off! So good :p","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Would love a weapon selection thing for him where you can choose whether to have lightning or a saber for each hand","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"You’re not being clear in what you’re trying to say. I’m unsure how to try to help you in this case.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Definitely not overreacting. Leave.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The fake news media and it's supporters are the enemy of the people.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"In both points and fouls Edit: [NAME], looks like he didn't pick up that foul. Good news!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Also the infection that almost killed her because they tried to save the leg, leading her to get the prosthesis.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You are totally right. What I meant was:","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Jeez i need to find some of these places around me..would love a $2 beer. Everywhere i go is like $9 for draft help","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Given [NAME] was in charge of the transition I don't see how he kept his hands clean. I think if [NAME] goes down so does he.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's still not something I'd jump to and I'm currently in a closed relationship really.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s always entertaining watching people in the background semi-dance, while being painfully aware that they’re on camera","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"The myth is about selling shirts. Signing [NAME] opens up much more money making opportunities like commercials.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"My bad on the terminology, see my response above for some of my thoughts / concerns related to the presence of 2-chlorophenol","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"leg-lock speaks to me in the most animalistic level","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Armenian elves are known for their thick skin and mouth-breathing. This one seems stoned, I’d stay away from it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Personally I'm wondering why our OP didn't go with the clone angle. That's way more insane than them just being sent to prison.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Same company probably makes bacon for Walmart and Kroger. Im guessing they're not the only ones","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's a great time to be Scottish anaw","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I hope the final piece is [NAME] face in the background looking at the entire group with utter contempt.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"He hasn't stopped clapping ever since","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I feel like [NAME] had the right idea losing the will to live. Now if only I could learn this power...","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I couldn't get my wife on board. She insists on eating a \"real dinner\".","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"this is amazing and you have the cutest voice i’ve ever heard :>","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Agreed to your statement","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"So, because its crypto business, they hold 1-2 weeks. Thanks for info","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"6 and he died of cancer iirc","label":16,"emotion":"grief"} {"text":"Congrats on the IP shadowban my dude","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Well that just sounds awful.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I, too, can use patronizing terms of endearment with a perfect stranger on the Internet, cupcake ;)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I had did the same thing sometime in December. I hope you'll be fine and I'm very proud of you for not harming yourself after","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I owe NOTHING and they take more than that every year ;)","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Cute! And similar coloring to mine. :)","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"lol, this is so much me, I'm actually loling and not just typing it. :D","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"“Listen, buddy!” “Listen, fella!”","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If he hits you and constantly degrades you, it's abuse","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Lol it should be in the brig (not the brigantine) for those poor souls to play but it only plays becalmed.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"WE WERE WINNING UNTIL I STARTED WATCHING, I AM CURSED!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Dang. That IVF story. I feel so badly for that woman oh my god","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"if you hate pedos then check out","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol. Thanks for the info","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"My [NAME]... This makes it so much more cringe.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Zoos are the reason why many endangered species are no longer endangered. You oppose the existence of zoos. Therefore you would rather see those animals go extinct.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They are elected to represent Scotland","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m curious about the chain of life events and choices that could land someone at this point in life","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"It's rare to see a wholesome post here. Nice to see them nonetheless.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Everything in here I want but all we can do is pray to [NAME] for our wishes to come true","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Unhhh has not been funny for a while now. This is definitely a terrible idea.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Thanks. I needed this reminder today.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Do you have arthritis yet? To me it seems my arm wouldve fallen off doing this.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Tech hobbyist scifi fan (me): That fridge is going to get hacked","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Are they bigger than our defensive breakdowns and [NAME] five hole?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Bore my children","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The longer you look at this picture the less satisfying it gets","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Or, do you organize when you're mind feels more structured? The old chicken or the egg question.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Keep watching!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I would assume most people don't listen to the radio for more than an hour at a time.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why are you taking a picture of a playground? Lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Clearly it's all the Big Pharma in the Monsanto™. I heard at least two of those kids had three Monsantos™, EACH!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Just mad that you have to wait another 6 months for your cake day","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Get out now!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I'm not surprised haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"So so cute she will love it so much. Trust me, little sentimental things like that mean a lot","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Smh at least you know if you ever do anything with her to always get it in writing and notarized!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It was nice knowing you all.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Grow up mate","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I love truck drivers!!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Thank you, I couldn’t figure out what he was trying to say!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I'LL MAKE SURE THAT YOU CAN NEVER POST ON REDDIT AGAIN! I AM THE ENBODIMENT LF r/iamverybadass","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Was less worried about spelling and more worried about warning everyone in the match","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Aw you seem upset, you are obsessed with talking shit about me. This move is indefensible.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Just Wow.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It’s the NRA, I don’t think it should shock anyone regardless.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Right? Considering it’s such an important document, I should know the damned thing backwards and forwards... thanks again for the help!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Oh. :[","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh yeah I know, but like.. _why?_ it just seems like such a waste of his time.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Thanks!!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It's riskier to take on bad contracts right now","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"How is she at all mobile at that weight? Bones are incredible things!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If this is actually how it goes, I won’t feel so bad going from 5 to 8 in week 17.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I still play","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I like the reference to the Good Place :)","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Oh, he isn't dead, [NAME]","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"The guy next to him's reaction face is classic.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Hey, I made it in the screenshot!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Also his weird spiked haircut. I wanted spiked hair when I was like 6. I also wanted a mohawk. I'm not 6 anymore.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Oh, hey what's up dude? Haven't seen you around in a while bro. Glad to see your still here.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"St. Anger and All Nightmare Long are my favorite albums :))","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Run. Dandududududud","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"SIGN HIM NOW GASE","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It would probably be horrifying if we tried, when a bug causes an integer overflow and resets our aggression levels.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Apparently Faux news held off on reporting the story at first, presumably until they could get approval on how they should spin it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I like to think it rhymes with wasabi but I have no idea","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It looks like they do but random redditors do not. What a surprise.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Oh, I definitely got muted, too.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Beautiful face, but scenically over the top","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Halep just can’t handle Kanepi, #1 is about to be wide open","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Ah, the original turd burger.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Haha thanks for the warning but we met with her irl before :D","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME] probably knows him as the dude who brings him delicious chickens.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is funny but is it a meme or just a dude’s cool selfie ?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"It does look good!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"> a hug from [NAME] That’s a bit too big of an ask, fam.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"True - all mobility items in the past haven’t been weaponisable so why should this be??","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can you even imagine the brain damage required to think like that? [NAME].","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I dislike the shade he’s been throwing to our franchise and his inability to take responsibility for the reasons why he was traded","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Thank you. Ignore the morons who have never heard of lactose intolerance.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"just read to chapter 216 and im heartbroken i hope they fix this...","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Wow [NAME] has a lot more insecurities than I thought","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"he can still be heard uttering \"I'm a huge fan\" alone in a dark room","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks, going to check them out next time i make something like chilli","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Nothing personal against you. Thanks for explaining your intentions, though.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Poor kitty! I’m sure she’ll feel okay again soon. Lots of TLC in order","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"[NAME] should be sticking that to the other side of the keeper, strange decision to go for that corner","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"They must've been inside a tornado or something, might be what caused the tree to fall behind them.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love that both replies to you are correct. It can be hard to tell cars apart. But also she probably wasn't paying attention.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I never said they were emotionless","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"And let me guess, is our friend [NAME] also shilling his own coin that solves all the problems?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"do you even need to ask of course we need to support her if we dont who the hell will?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Last update was a bit glitchy.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If he’s American...then he’s fucked","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Maybe Shadow Creek Ranch, but I heard it's next to a dump and smells bad.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Downvoting because of a lack of funny, regardless of your clumsy attempt to insinuate that my doing so means I'm thin skinned.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Look at me! I care about animals!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"This. Right here. This is what r/exmormon is...and it is beautiful.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"And we know how [NAME] ended. [NAME] should run away like now.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hard Candy. You're welcome.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"That was indeed a good joke. My penis is happy","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"How can someone be so stupid to post that online, let alone publicly do that","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Trust me, you can anthropomorphize anything and fuck it. Or at least, that’s what the internet has taught me.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Barely as in just this year","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm definitely feeling like it's been a never ending hurting fest, so I hope you're right.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I agree w that.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"> set suggested.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Pretty sure he's just quoting a song lyric lol source:","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"@lies_about_flossing, sorry if I used the wrong pronoun.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Im kinda hoping some woman flips the coin and posts how secretly poking holes in condoms with sewing needles to get pregnant was the best decision of her life.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Oh wow I love this!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"So you're stuck in #3.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Please care to enlighten me :( I feel the same way as OP and I'm desperately wanting a way out.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"[NAME] plays like he's a football player who was asked to play basketball for the day","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love this, my wife told me about something she read on reddit yesterday and I was like.... well just like ol [NAME] here!!!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I enjoy BOG and Italy at Epcot. But that’s just me. Also, probably better going to Golive Arden.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I'll have some wasabi with tapeworms tonight thanks.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Until he leaves for the Lakers and we’re right back in the same spot in two years after not winning shit","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"good luck watching your career tank when you insist on working with a person because of their gender rather than their skill and talent..","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"same, I didn't want to stress and try the impossible (winning 23 ranked matches in a day... oof)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is the most perfect , and fitting meme in this sub","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm worried that [NAME] throwing away a future career by running for President.","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"Yes dumbest person on all of Reddit, please make a youtube channel for all of us to laugh at.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I'm from Lebanon and have been supporting Celtic since 2006 ! Glad to see there are other people from around the world here !","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"im excited!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"AKA free to those who can afford it.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This was literally me!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I haven't watched the original FMA, but you're definitely in for a fun ride with Brotherhood. Hope you enjoy it!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"In other words this looks bad, so we’re trying to distance ourselves from it. Yeah too bad NRA. Zero sympathy from here.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"It’s not even bad","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I enjoy fixing problems. I think of it as a task that I can achieve. People get to overworked when they set too unreachable goals.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I don't think any [RELIGION] woman would care about such a thing. If they did then they have their own problems.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"So now we have [NAME] King and The Prince. Nice. I'm not even mad with this transfer lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"this is my dream","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Thank you so much for all this! Nobody else seemed to understand the situation and just tell me to eat better, which I already do.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"As long as his other pics don't take himself too seriously, this is kind of funny","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I want to say I'm shocked. I'm not. Disgusted, but not shocked.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"That would actually be awesome.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"*OR blasting it from a PA system installed on your car!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh no. Your poor friend, I hope she can move past it someday. That has to be such a hard burden to carry.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Ok. Well it's just an opinion. Maybe TCU will get it done.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] literally did nothing and got a foul called lmao","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"His contract is awesome after July 1","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Keep Yourself Safe, Sweetie.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"How can a picture hurt?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Am I the only one who thinks these Instagram poses girls do are so freaking cheesy","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Omg so true 😂","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Been together 6 years, and I think she's the best person I know. I'm still in the phase where I love her more everyday.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yah a couple years been together for 7 total...we are in healthcare","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Because there isn’t an unlimited supply of beautiful 20-year-olds.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"So in 1 year she goes from nothing to a [NAME] master capable of training others?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"you are not capable of disputing self-evident facts.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"This helped me put together some of my thoughts after watching last night, especially how vanilla and ineffective [NAME] looked. Thanks for taking the time to write this out","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"you can't arrest me!! I'm attractive!","label":21,"emotion":"pride"} {"text":"I am always hungry. I do not know fullness. No matter how much I eat.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Or an armor set. But I get what you're saying","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This sounds like prime /nononoyes material. Glad the cardiac issue your mom has were detected now and not later.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Oil barons hate him!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Human life has value. Veganism and pro-life are 2 completely different ballparks morally. Terrible argument 1/10","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That ET one looks like he has stuck his finger is some strawberry jello or something and is disgusted that some has stuck to his finger!","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Top female players including [NAME] practice against college men players and get beat a lot by them. I wouldn't be suprised to see [NAME] win even at 14..","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"It's less about what actually happened. What's done is done. I just want her to know why sexual exclusivity was so important to me","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"[NAME] always makes my day when he's yelling at the refs","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"They absolutely dont know what love is.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"6lbs is a lap dog, if someone shoots that cause they're scared it's aggressive...","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Attempts [NAME] rant -> Proceeds to attack all of East-Asia","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If she hasn’t told you where she lives it’s too soon to send flowers...in my opinion.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Seriously? I have to work Monday. I can’t be thinking like that over the weekend.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"It's the infection trying to fight back against the antibiotics.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That’s awesome. They did it on purpose.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"So I can’t do anything about it now?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"oh man [NAME] is the guy that said the show saved his life, love ya buddy","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Lmao no fun allowed","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"This particular clip had been posted dozens of times already. Still adorable but come on guys!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"RemindMe! 1 day","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Nah eats the heads when he’s finished with them. I punt them so I can buy fresh meat.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Spaceballs the suit case nuke, the kids love this one.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"We're going in a couple of weeks. It was easy to get her to go and she wants to","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You sound quite childish and unable to engage with any information that doesn’t conform to your narrative. Sad.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"If only [NAME] was a being of infinite wisdom that could see beyond space and time and know this was going to happen.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Haha! It didn’t HAVE to be but I didn’t want anyone having unrealistic expectations just because I said the word “inches”.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Yeah really! Lol if you go like six months of the year withought it why start again?","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"[NAME] damn it","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Maybe his son is 30 and drunk","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Happy birthday! Aren't you a bit young for Reddit?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"BONE-SHAKINGLY MEDIOCRE BROTHER","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Right? I think [NAME] needs to be careful cause I could def see [NAME] snapping.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Nothing is free!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My Ping Pong Queen looks so happy! I cried lol","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Thank you for all of the tips. It's greatly appreciated!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That’s a cute doggo! What breed?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Your comment has been removed for containing a slur. Avoid using t- in the future.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lolz yeah you got me for sure. That's another huge reason.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"[NAME] someone kick this dork","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Honestly I don't celebrate any holidays including new years, and whatnot.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I can't tell if this is satire of not. It's got this whole [NAME] and [NAME] dad rock vibe going on.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's the slowest [NAME] Mitt attempt ever.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If we go anything but line I’ll be irate.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Funny part is, having financial issues is a reason why someone wouldn’t be able to get that job. Isn’t that hilarious?","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The temperature is too damn low.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"it's no big deal. don't worry. everything will be alright.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"China colonizes Africa. Pakistan colonizes UK. Mexico colonizes USA. What a timeline we are living in!","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"the whole summit ice r/nathanforyou episode is amazing.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I have a model gun IRL, similar to the ones in Persona You could imagine how fun it was playing through P3","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I think there was a reason, there was for me. I saw her as far too power-hungry and completely full of herself.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That would be crazy premature. But would be awesome later when results are out and the stories behind the scenes of the [NAME] team emerges.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Not everyone left of you is a lib. You're arrogant.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"So are we discussing the bill as it is written, or this new imaginary bill you just proposed?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Well that's the cool part about ranting, it's to make me feel better, not you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Cool, but what's your point? You gave some context without really saying what you think.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I've been putting off scheduling a dental appointment for a week because of this, I'm just too anxious to pick up the phone and dial.","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"[NAME] looked like he pushed off and sent himself to the ground","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's a reskin of Overlord, which is why it uses the OL VP.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Don’t think this was posted yet","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I thought it was fairly common parents didn't let their young girls alone with boys or vice versa even though kids will do what they want.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"They aren’t going to have him skip AAA, but he could legitimately be an option later in the season.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I also hate eating in bed! Snacks that aren’t messy ill eat in bed but that’s it","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"[NAME] is earning his spot","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"so true cuz i’m pretty miserable but my instagram life looks amazing","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Thank you so much!!! You are truly a lifesaver","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME] is ac?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Having grown up at that dog park, it's definitely crowded more or less at all hours. Lots of retired folks in that area.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> modern art Modern art lasted from 1860 at the earliest to 1970 at the latest. Thanks for your art critique though, it was very informative.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It's satirical but also almost truth. We're the fattest nation in Western Europe and that percentage is growing.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"yes, agreed.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Okay, so the wording didn't matter because she was already too into you. Still nice, thanks.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I find that fascinating considering that racism and sexism so often intersect.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Fucking parking in the middle of the street through the entire strip of Allegheny","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"They brown as they get older clear means nice and fresh","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is the best Cowboy Story Arch.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I just watched the video and I don’t think that was his sister.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Yes, but shockingly that was the first post of hers I’ve read in years that didn’t make me want to claw my eyes out.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"You’ve got to be shitting me?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Anyone else think this is a little wholesome? I mean he’s really getting to his limit for this chick it seems.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"The biggest issues are in suburban districts. They could probably leave most urban and rural districts alone.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"This is awesome. What are your profits like?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"If they lightbulb doesn’t change then it’s racist, sexist, Nazi scum. Am democrat just playing along.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"So shocking a couple in their 20s in counseling isn’t going to work out.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"It's so really sad how praising the Creator ([NAME]) has become something associated with terrorism... Astaghfirullah.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I can't really provide anything to you that you haven't already deliberately misread yourself. I can't force you to be honest.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Nothing has come close to it well except for GOT.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You keep turning it into all or nothing lol I said *less* bookshelves will be made if *more* bookshelves are reused","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"So if the 4 wheels are locked I guess","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"agreed, I am in a suburb, a HOA.....I love it here.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"[NAME] gives me the weirdest boner. I love these guys","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I honestly really think tumblr should’ve gotten rid of everything but legal porn","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I really love this suggestion. Thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Wait. That’s illegal.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Fighting childhood obesity, one babysitter at a pretty pointlessly narrow definition of harassment that includes criticism.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Honestly I realized they’re not really gatekeeping, but [NAME] last comment shows the gatekeeping","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Anyone know the [NAME] choke move from Mortal Kombat X? My dude here just demonstrated it perfectly in real life.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're taking her scale way too literally.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Did they name Gen X after all the porn they consume?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I mean, you can definitely beat someone up passionately.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Great analogy:)","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Got a nice hairdoodoo","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Hope so, got them at +1200 just after they beat Duke.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Don’t worry, [NAME] already added it to his collection.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I do: PUT SOME CLOTHES ON","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Well, when you look back in the history many hypes say a lot about humanity in general. That doesn't mean every person enjoyed the thing.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You drive from Burlington to London to school???","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I would rather this crappy meme die.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Reminds me of the Shell Gas Station Lego set my grandfather got me as a kid. 10/10 would build again","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"This movie, though simple but effective, shows how it is being jammed in your face is because it was just one police officer, chill.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That's clearly a clickbait title. Chances are it didn't actually happen.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"As someone named [NAME], I welcome him to Dallas Gang","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"How are they significant? Israel does these exercises all the time?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"@ the corner in Litchfield is really good and it’s in a picturesque area on the Litchfield green","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I CAN CLEAN MY OWN VAGINA NOW!\" Kills me every time.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"You deserve it <3","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Cheese cave time","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What did he say?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I'm in phoenix today for work. The weather here is great. It's all rainy and cold in seattle this time if year.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":">Her obsession with “her man” is weird as shit though. He's jealous. He still cares about [NAME].","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Wtf is that","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Hey man you can outline whatever excuse you want to not go ahead with this. I'm just giving you information.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I can only assume the island is called the Spanish word for purgatory.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yea even I felt those rocks.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"First is the worst","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"When he read \"don lemon still has a job\" as an example of racial stupidity... I fucking fell out of my chair. LMAO. Love it.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I mean do what you want but I've always thought that's a good way of getting pink eye.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Resist it! You can be strong. Block him! Then do something nice for yourself","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I'm with you. I'd love for my nex to read what I post. It probably wouldn't matter because she has zero self-awareness.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Was not expecting that to be a real sub.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"My least favorite couple: [NAME] and [NAME].","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Passing the torch. Lmao. You never made a good one.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Well, quite. Now I’m all annoyed.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Thanks made feel a bit better","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"well she went to prison for **armed robbery and kidnapping** so after learning this i could hardly give a shit about her","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Wow I forgot we were competing with Sevilla for 3rd place. That makes this win even more important then!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I'm glad that you are still harboring feelings from a game that ended in 2016.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Done. Thanks!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"That’s so incredibly rude and inaccurate. You can’t actually believe that.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"1. I can hear this picture 2. Something about the innocence of this makes it not cringe to me","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh I’m sorry. I assumed. I think that would be suspicious if your username was known to someone else.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"no one is going to allow no deal. Anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Am I the only one who finds this hilarious? Good for her!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I don’t care about this mission Texas stuff","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Exactly lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You think that hearing deathcries is **funny** ? Personally, hearing cries of pain and dispair don't cause me enjoyment, but I guess I'm a weirdo.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Can I be a bartender EDIT: I make a mean Pink [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can you explain what you mean? I read this as you would allow someone to insult, emasculate and demean you.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"That’s what I have been doing, I’m glad I’m doing the right thing. Thank you for your kind words.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"How dare you disrespect my boy [NAME]","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"And yet [NAME] can't even get a pub gig, homeboy was born the wrong colour","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"This is like that SNL sketch. EDIT: For anyone wondering what I’m talking about.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Could also mean that mutated versions of these plants could make excellent super weeds that destroy our infrastructure. Tree roots and weeds are already a huge problem.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It blows my mind that there are still people out there that think pot is more dangerous than alcohol.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Can someone please explain why is it illegal and where? Never heard of this before !","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"My family voted for the Qualified Woman who was going to keep this country moving forward. So I don't have to worry about disownment :)","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"We should build a pipeline! Oh wait...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They can’t really do anything. Russia has far too much powering the organization for the un to be effective.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Nut! Keep your eyes of my hay!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm curious as to how to explain this to a young child? I will like I flounder at this.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"This is the kind of crap I'm talking about.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I am glad that the message touched you, I really am.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I do the 4-second gap as well and is it infuriating to see someone take advantage of it.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Praying to [NAME] 😂😂😂 I'm going to use that!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Dude was using his power and leadership to exploit women. This is gross.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I miss [NAME].","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"She's why [NAME] doesn't want memes lol, she's a goldmine","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You should hit up [NAME], he can help.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"What are you referencing?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Opiates make me puke and so do babies. Where the science there? Babies are just nasty","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"My office has very few personal offices. Its awful. Managers need closed spaces so they can talk without everybody hearing","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"> Update they would've never been arrested or charged if they weren't black. Epitome of the disgusting systemic racism in this country #UBERPOOLtoPrisonPipeline","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No a white chubby boy with scene hair. He wasn’t wearing a shirt in the video.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm sad, but I just want a new Metroid game, and if this is what it takes to make it great then I understand","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"So you could say that this is one of very few subreddits that manages to somewhat avoid political spins and that the original commentor is a worthless shill","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I was expecting a fun game about dolphins once upon a time...mistakes were made.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Pickles taste good.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Ah, tis the coder life. Be glad you didn't accidentally wipe a database or something, haha.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Now I'm over thinking. Maybe I have justified it to be able to move on and get closure???","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Only time I teabag, my friend was getting moried at the exit gate and I teabagged him before I left","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Finding a Poliwag is not hard you can usually find them in Pallet Town.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"PIN IS TOO SMALL TO FIT 20 PEOPLE! #NEXT!","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"This will forever be my most fav April moment!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"After 8? I'm afraid after 5. It gets dark here early. :(","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"You're welcome","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Because shes fake and selfish, I get a really fake vibe off her like shes playing a role and has no feelings","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Do you read any of the content on this sub? Lol. Because it contains very specific detailed critiques and concerns that you're conveniently ignoring...","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You have so much to learn my sweet summer child","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Limiting warming to 0.9 degrees from now [NAME] damn, they using a young baseline. Like 1951 or something. Were warmer than just 1 C","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Thanks I will check that out.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME] is an embarrassment to this state","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Thank you so much . I'm really really really nervous.. I just want to cry.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Man you sure are obsessed with race. Much like [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The vagoo has been stretched over the bike, it allows for a comfortable and pleasurable ride, pretty innovative and cleaver way to operate a locomotive.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Out of curiosity, why are you specifically interested in talking to aspies?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"hahahaha. Love it","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Original:","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow can relationships be like this? That's amazing","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Sometimes I want these guys to make it. Sometimes I want these dumbasses to fail.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Licking the grease from people’s fingers as they leave chicken cottage for sustenance.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Agree on the last point. My INTP friend's ENFP is immature since she's still young. Gets jealous at every damn girl that approaches... Sigh","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"We have a lovely new bridge in Edmonton that you can jump off if you don't like it :)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's still going on not to forget all the shady stuff they're likely doing that no one knows about yet.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol yeah. It’s cute that he said it but didn’t realise it could have a double meaning.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"While I love the brutality of Odyssey, my personal favorites were from Black Flag.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I got over 900 responses, so it is taking more time that I expected, hopefully will be done by this Sunday.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"lmao no. *assigned* female. Doctors can be wrong, especially wrt intersex children. The rest is just words to say things, not actually responding to anything.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"But the last scene I saw was just [NAME] bringing the kid to her no talk of leaving was there a scene where [NAME] reconciles with [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Was just wondering about the mobile thing. I only use mobile and I've never noticed anything odd. It's not something people would care about anyhow.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Really? it's probably the funniest movie I've ever seen.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I don't get it. Maybe i need to position myself better to get dibs on batches. I literally have only made $60 a week.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"When hes nailing threes though its a glorious thing.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Pfft why pay money when you can get similar negativity on reddit for free","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Please elaborate on that story! Ive always been afraid of exactly this happening to me.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"This is one of the coolest things I’ve seen on Reddit","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thanks [NAME].","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME] is the most useless phantom thief change my mind","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"[NAME], you are a freak.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why [NAME] over [NAME]?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks for the advice","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"hope so! Gfinity3 at the copperbox was an incredible event/atmosphere","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Unfortunately, this sub is slowly being populated by prequel revisionists and the good-ol-day guys.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"[NAME] just stopped getting the ball in the 4th quarter and stood in the corner","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So glad you got justice and closure. You can properly begin to heal now. I’m not sure I ever will get the same sadly","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"This did not age well lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You are welcome mr/ms [NAME]","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Just a heads up that’s not what neoliberalism is.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What do you mean?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sure hoping so!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Damn. r/murderedbywords","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Wasn't getting anywhere to begin with, might as well have some toxic fun with it.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Sorry to hear that brother! Solid advice and power and love to you. Here is knowing things will get better and that you're a champ!","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"New Houston foodies here that make Youtube videos on food primarily on Houston spots. Would love some honest feedback!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I was thinking the same thing. It does make me wonder how whomever leaked it, obtained a copy in the first place.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That was a joke omg","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"you’re beautiful","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It was never about comparisons, it was about our experiences and relationship to capitalists here.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Now someone mod danganronpa 2 so everytime [NAME] says hope its actually \"AHHH HAHA! Thats hot!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm not trying to address the whole issue. I'm just trying to suggest that there might be unintended consequences that lead to even less public discourse.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks for you wisdom man I really appreciate your advice.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I have no answers for you, but I send you warm enfolding hugs of understanding and light. Peace to you.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"He has a prog rock album.. its horrific","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Masha'Allah that he performed this, yet I disagree in it being the most beautiful.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Dude, grammar.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We got fucked","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"He does not want to hear the plans that will work though.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I clicked tive times on the Facebook like Button","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love it when people delete their whiny comments and then try to reply with something snarky","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Just wanna say I appreciate you posting these videos every few days!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Sucks dude. For social creatures we're pretty inept at socialising and helping each other.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Seriously Creepy.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I have that same desk from Amazon. Great desk.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I’m with you on that I suppose. Can only hope for the best.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"What? /s","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Imagine if you lived here and these people were your parents. Welcome to my reality.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I've been a libertarian on this sub since I joined reddit 3 years ago. This is either my first or second most commented sub","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"The lunatic is on the grass.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"To say the \"New Jersey area\" lost 5700 millionaires and then explain that that includes New York City is silly.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Congrats on your commission, do your best!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Only >!best boys!< get in this sandwich","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"200 likes already? Can we keep it going! Upvote! Upvote! Upvote! Enough upvotes and we will get the community involved.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"But how can someone not be gender critical and yet claim to be a radical feminist? I’m genuinely confused.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"at least give the penguin some scritches, as it said no matter what they do, it would head to the mountain anyways 😭","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Doesn't matter, you don't deserve an advantage over everyone else just because you have a disability. Edit: Lol, downvoted for stating a fact.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"haha not bad my man","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"the unemployment rate is so low because everyone has two jobs\" - AOC , Economics 100","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Dad had a heart attack, but he'd been in a fight. Unfortunate circumstances.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Or maybe now you know what to talk about before getting married !","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"r/LazyMan. 1080p 60fps.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You don’t understand the design of our government.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"We'd never lose again with him giving the crazy eyes to anybody who makes a mistake.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"This is like 4 years old from vine","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Bitch real man just panicking purchases a m82 barret..Now excuse me while i hide from my wife for the next month.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I hope you're ok, I feel this post :( big hugs from me","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"...it’s a Homestuck reference","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"! good bot","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Kinda sad but... Okay then","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"ah ok, thanks","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It's horrible and I love it and you should be proud.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Venezuela has uniquely terrible oil.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Off her meds","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Go for it! It may be a great thing.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I wanna say they beat the Rams twice that year.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> You're not in a Greek tragedy How sure are you of this?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Or embalmed! Green burial is the best burial","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":":) I like this.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Syria is at war with Israel, Israel has every right to bomb targets that threaten their nation.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Thanks a lot","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I sit on one of my legs. I always have my other leg weirdly sticking out. Like I’m trying to crouch, but failing.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I can't believe people wanted to trade him. [NAME] is unbelievable, so glad he's on our team","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"That's not her. This is she is in the movie:","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Is it weed? I’m curious to ask if you know what weed smells like?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Thank you. I think I may know that already, but I might need to hear it from others at times when I miss him a lot.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Bad execution but it made me smile through the cringe. The sentiment is definitely relatable.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Has someone mentioned ghost chips yet? If not, then here they are, because we learnt an important lesson then...","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Difference between city and rural. In Toronto, if you indicate there's no way anyone's going to let you in. Signals show weakness.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"A comb that combs near and far. Great for rushed carpools to work.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Bohemian Rhapsody is a horrible song. Really horrible. Queen had a lot of great songs, but that one wasn't one of them.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Thanks China.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I've been into cuckolding for many years, and I'm wondering the same thing!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Anything yet?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I like it!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"But those are typically quieter and then I won’t need them 🙃 are we done","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Or they drop out cause they have no interest in learning the language (a lot of kids do this unfortunately)","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Worst advice ever. This would piss me off.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"No, I'm pointing to the fact that you think that without Capitalism, the only alternative reality is the Soviet Union.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Oh [NAME] that's terrible. I hope things are better for you now.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"It’s not clear to me that vulnerability functions as an ethical compass. Will table further replies in deference to a culture war thread.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"literally my favorite movie of all time not even exaggerating it’s stellar","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Let's not forget that local politicians don't like it and give them hell for their efforts.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Nah mate. I would kill for 3mb/s. On a good day i max out at about 450kb/s.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s very unlikely that they charged the rider again.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I was at this game live, right by the end zone when he ran this glorious run in. It was beautiful.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Imagine being this upset about another man’s marriage, someone you don’t know personally mind you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"More like [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I took him at the start of the season when he was recording some assists, stopped playing after a while :p","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That may be true. I was just pointing out that the logic of an appeal to nature is fallacious","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"It’s a soulless facsimile of what made B movies actually fun.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You’re argument is so bad you’re now asking people to deny common sense because you can’t prove your point LOL super pathetic","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The thing is the American hierarchs were ready to act until the Pope stepped in and told them to wait.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're just a fuming democrat and all I hear is angry democrat mental gymnastics.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"This is full of bullshit","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Good to know! Very much appreciated ♥","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Comeback in a couple months and we'll see.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I, a homosexual, have been fantasizing about sleeping with women... a lot","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"It probably will if you roll your eyes so hard.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She won't be happy single. One of her biggest wishes is that she wants someone to love her for her, not her claim.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"yeah it's not even a bad haircut","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I completely agree","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"“Inside sources” really don’t help the story even if this is true","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"So many enablers!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah, so dont make any sudden movements when cops are getting you out of a room where you were reportedly aiming a gun at people from your window.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This is a real funny joke, [NAME].","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I’m okay with the “expecting mother’s” spots. It’s not a women thing, it’s a courtesy thing","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Is calling bullshit allowed in this sub? Cause theres no way this happened as [NAME] described. People don't speak like that, even crazy ones.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Get the hell out of here with that fiscal sensibility and care for other human beings!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"What a cuck! But the sword and steal the groceries!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Depends, do you become so old and senile that you have dementia can’t walk and shit","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why was it changed to that? An overreaction. Why is it still like that? Laziness or incompetence, take your pick. Edit: clarity","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wrong sub, mane.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"thanks! nothing else?","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Your boobs should be sisters not... completely unrelated","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"That guy (his dad?) was so proud he threw that strike!","label":21,"emotion":"pride"} {"text":"If there was Romanian news being covered, I'd want to hear from a Romanian reporter... this is the worst take I've ever heard.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I love Earth Balance, but does anyone know if the palm fruit is ethically sourced? I’ve cut out palm products due to deforestation.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"> Corporate Media I like this one.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"The title gives a pretty good rundown in my opinion.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"*whistles innocently*","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"for Inter fans because THEIR BEST PLAYER IS COMING TO CHELSEA THIS WINTER","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sorry about that! Edited with the addition of those details.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"they are needlepoint, excellent tabs. i've gained his trust and toured the lab. this is no weak shit. thanks for the info.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thanks! Need to rewatch the series soon","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"“No no no no spit that out right now!”","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I'm curious how he does in the counties you mentioned. The primary might end up being super close, but you know more than I do.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Didn't watch it. I assume the invasion plan dead in the water because the UK has nukes.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"See a lawyer, there's more trouble coming from your ex... She likes free money And a accountant...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Df1 masterrace. Noctis on 3 bar is bullshit though.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can’t get hep or HIV from shitty politics.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I DON'T KNOW. The loneliness goes from mental pain to physical discomfort and pain.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"That 0.75 is not for the same job. It's looking at the totality of female salary vs male salary.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"They say nature makes man feel small, but I wasn't expecting this","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The sad result of far too many gamers needing addiction mechanics to continue playing one of the greatest card games of all time.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah I go to sleep hoping it's one of those days...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Parks and Rec gets great in season 3. However The Office is still better.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Just wanted to say that I'm also a 29 year old male and I'm in the exact same situation as you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is not polyamory. That's just a buddy. It sounds like he's completely taken it off the table.....","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why does he take offense to something that you did to YOUR body? It's YOUR body. I think it's blatant disrespect from his part.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"*Most of us are happy to help.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"But everybody came back anyway","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"EWWW yes. This makes me shudder. All wet and gross.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"He is this year. Most likely not over the next three years.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"YES they all going in on LIEda","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Suddenly, I was awake.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"You just told a bunch of random people, I think you’ll have no problem telling her","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She’s like a younger freshener looking [NAME] though lol","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Anyway we can get [NAME]?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Isn't that the point though? That's it's up to the people that aren't scientist to decide if the science has any meaning?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"You forgot about the [NAME] congresswoman.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I’m not usually into ASMR, but I’ll look into it! Thank youu","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Please list them and sources as well. Thanks.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"thus is beautiful","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That's a new one.... Wouldn't have lasted long in my room though, lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Bags are packed. Have to leave the country at a minimum as it's one of those gyms that's all over the place. Bad times.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I can only imagine what we call it when you have sex, then.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh my [NAME], thank you. I thought I was going crazy for a moment.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I teach the same students and one of them argued that poverty was a choice. It was an...interesting class discussion.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Upvote for [NAME] by far my favorite player of all time. [NAME] has a top 10 hits just for himself gotta love the best part of hockey","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"lol you're like a fucking child. \"No you!\" Thanks for the laugh man.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Project Exile worked pretty well, and it specifically targets criminals","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Every single war fought on US soil","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If he doesn’t play tomorrow then we should start worrying","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s gonna be a large group interview in a shady office. Ghost em.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I wish I had a name","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"When a dog brinks you it's toy, that's the sweetest thing it can do :)","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I felt that way last year and then the Patriots let me down, so best to take no chances.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"He could have meant that his girlfriend is pregananant like how couples say \"we're pregananant","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Looks like some salty Detroit fans downvoting you lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"yes, he has 1 open seat in the back row left..","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Pray. I remember that happening a couple weeks ago when the whole system went down internationally. Maybe check your connection and refresh, all that jazz.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"You do realize the documentary is about the policy not being so natural, as you put it","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Thank bejebuzz, the channel will be a little less nuts for it.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Fucking love that song.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"The Party ID in this poll is 47.1% Dem and 41.2% Rep. In the trash it goes.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hang on to that feeling brother, it gets easier :)","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Not dislexia, the recent news about kashoggi has for the most part conditioned us to expect horrifying g news where Saudi nationals in foreign countries are concerned","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Your same-gender partner","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Congrats, you got pleb filtered","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"fellow trans guy with an nmom. i know what youre going through. it absolutely sucks. im sorry man. my PMs are open.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"i know, but it's a paper weight?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I mean, you can't be any more in the friends zone if you have a matching neck tattoo with the chick.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well isn’t it pretty much just standard goblin lore? Not like she came up with gold/ greedy goblin background on her own.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I like it, but it does violate our images policy. embedding it in a standard post would be OK.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I had smoothies in the past with these packets. Solid as fuck. Dragonfruit one too.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"It’s a bit much. Her outfit looks basic to me 🤷🏻‍♀️","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A lease violation is between the landlord and the tenant, not between one tenant and another. OP has no legal rights to stop this behavior at all","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lots of words and said nothing. Cheers.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Except for the part where it grows in with that awful shape people make because they can only see themselves in the mirror.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I still think we didn't give the guy a fair shot to coach.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Proof of age is reasonable, but having to prove identity to enter is just appalling.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"*Lente, otherwise a great song. Theme song to my varsity years","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Maybe because communism has shown time and time again that it finds humans beings below contempt and makes every effort it can to murderstarve as many as it can..?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I work for the Hilton company I’m disgusted they would let this happen outside one of their hotels if they had any ounce of control.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"You just made me remember [NAME] is gone and that made me happy. Thank you stranger.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Check that rabid post history lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Gonna hang it in the grow tent for a few days with the lights off.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She is willing to betray her current BF she will be willing to betray you when shes with you. Red flag don't get back with her.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What are you basing this on?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I heard he was a vegan so it didn’t matter that he died","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Now let's see what games media will magically defend because he's against it.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I’m so glad I watched this entire thing. That’s incredible.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"*[NAME] intensifies*","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"~~macri gato~~ Also, nice to see Buthan there","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Oh it just means I’m soon to graduate, in my final year of undergraduate study.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ugh. I just hate seeing this name :(","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Wow, [NAME] acting like he got [NAME] Punched.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"It tasted strange to me.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Do u realize u can revive yourself with it once it's lvl3 ???","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Wait, what do you mean by NOT tanking? Is that legal?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I think I'd rather trade next year's first than either of those two, those guys are at least a year closer to being able to contribute.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I agree 100%","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Doesn't matter how late the apology! She apologised and kindness is all the world needs :)","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Right?? The hypocrisy with the [NAME] situation is STAGGERING.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I just love anybody thats fabulous","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yea but that doesnt mean he hates them /s","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The savior!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Tour child is a genius, that would be awesome","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Naw man that’s my stove, I just wish I had a carrot 🥕 for y’all","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"🦀MY BABYS DEAD🦀","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Corn shells are gluten free and vegan","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No, this sub adores puig lol","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I sincerely hope they'll take good elements from DMC 2 (outfits, [NAME]) and maybe make fun of DmC","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I believe it was a severe dislocation as opposed to a fracture. Regardless....poor guy....","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"aw :(","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"My thoughts exactly","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh hello there, food","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She has no idea. You've got this ♡","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"At the very least it is an emotional affair or the beginnings of one, with less than truthful explanations.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I play with all 20-24 year old so we most certainly did not hear the punishment on the radio. Not sure exactly where it came from though.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Her skin is glowing! Love the eyeshadow too.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh man, I remember loving that movie. Been a while ssince I've seen it but I remember being pretty enthralled.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Rather than having to guess at which part you consider a strawman, maybe you could just quote it for me. I may not always recognise fallacies.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Great list!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Realize that all those feelings she had for you were lies. She is liar. Don't let her take up space in your head rent free.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Found an Instagram account","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You poor thing. I’m sorry that it’s going like that for you.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I try I do but I retreat to my bed every time because I can’t handle it","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"No matter how loud I talk, no one seems to hear me...","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"It's more laid back, which I kinda love.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Look at that thing...could tear you to shreds","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"this is too cool","label":23,"emotion":"relief"} {"text":"Glad to hear it :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Please don't promote your channel","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Should probably change the title to add that it is for medical only.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"My icebreaker is you do all the work.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Cool, Ill check it out. Thanks","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Really? Thanks for the correction.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Doubt it will happen but it would be good for Aberdeen to get a change.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"If you don’t think this can happen in the US your going to be the reason it does.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"pretty sure that [NAME] and those defenders of staunchness the vanguard bears run any of our mentalists pretty close.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"This is probably the clearest and most concise explanation I've ever encountered for why authoritarian religions seem to focus on trivial behaviors. Thank you.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It was cool so we put it on the phone, they’re blown away that I haven't slept in for months.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Is he not supposed to have what he wants? What he needs?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I believe he had just recently revived his learners permit and the kid ran a red light.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is the first I’m hearing of this. Not on any of the local news, but on Reddit! MASSIVE media bias.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"[NAME] won it last year, even with all our goal kickers. Didn't think it would happen again with our set up.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Spork you're just deluded","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I want to thank them for faking my death, now that man will stop looking for me.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME] has been doing everything great except for shooting. It will start falling eventually","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"He rapes , but he creates","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Been to 54 countries at age 34. No debts, ever. Aiming for retirement in my early 40's. Life is good.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I dont want to live in this world no more","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I need to present on how birds are not real. THEY ARE NOT REAL","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why must you hurt me with such words?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"But it's especially tough when its state-owned oil. A lot of Scandinavian countries had hiccups.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Yikes. I feel sorry for the team that gives him anything above 5.5","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"thanks for the tip. i haven’t been there except for specific shows. i’ll check it out.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"omg this sport is so insane and I love it","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Happy cake day by the way!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Idk, looks more like [NAME] to me, the fact he goes straight in for the hug is what sells me","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Next you're gonna tell me they didn't invent iron! The fuck?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Looks like he deleted it. Can’t find it on his profile history","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"dxm increases both cardio and body heat. so you should try to stay cool and dont exert yourself","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That boy just learn why you don't mess with a woman.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"He is making a joke, yes. A joke based in his clearly stated and well documented opinion that he doesn't believe in it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"well.. didn't have it when I was a kids but I like it now when it's served as side dish at beer bars.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I guess it really can bring out the worst in people. Some of these groups seem outright predatory on young people who are angry at the world.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"What age would that be?(I am not from the USA)","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Well the last time we got a premier like this, the conservatives didn't get power again until [NAME] and only because [NAME] misstepped at the last second","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol! Believe me I get it! Hell, even 11:00 might be pushing it ;-)","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Thanks... that's the laugh I needed today.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"We're not really meant to be close friends and have sex with someone without feeling anything. You're defying nature by attempting to.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"What in the fuck? Now is garbage!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I love hunting/fishing. I’m on every day, too. Add me: [NAME]","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I bring great shame on my family with my poops. If only I had the will of dear god emperor [NAME] to halt my poops indefinitely like is able.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"I'm either an optimistic nihilist or a pessimistic existentialist. Only further readings will tell!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You and [NAME] guy should be friends","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"All this, for *one* kid? How fucking selfish.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"You win the poverty Olympics.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I sense no awful taste here.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Same. I thought the lady was gonna cut their head/hand off by accident lol","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hey Man! Your house is on fire! All you gotta do is look just turn around and look!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Lol so you're too stupid to know how to argue, and stupid enough to actually use \"lol\" in a post?","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I did this first try but then the next time I played I was ducking hollering","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It was a customary practice of prostitutes in the Arabian peninsula.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I don't see how this is relevant to this subreddit? Perhaps try your local political subreddit.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"And let's all not forget the #1 cause of accidents is following too closely(tailgating).","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm shaking in my boots","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks. That makes me feel a little less lazy and a little more responsible","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Same. About as Libertarian as fucking [NAME].","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Lmao!!!! Oh this is too good.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"No. The Office wouldn't exist today due to liberalism and everyone being offended for everyone else.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I need a do over!!!! At least I’m not the only one lol, solidarity ✌️","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Let's get the streak going.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Okay, gotcha. Does your wife have a lot of stress and anxiety from her job, or just in general?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Brig is basically an oppressive DPS at lower tiers. You can steamroll people in brawls if you have any cover.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"WHY IS PULJUJARVI ON THE 4TH LINE?!?!?!?!?!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"if [NAME] got a divorce he would stop doing this","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Also feeling very inspired....i will definitely try doing the same thing","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I don't think it's age related, we all forget how much newborns suck. If we didn't we'd stop having babies.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"NEVER FEAR!!! [NAME] IS HERE!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"this is awesome","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I think they should have gone with “Breaking news: even healthcare professional can’t see the future.”","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] is doing that since season 1. Even [NAME] commented in S1 that everytime sometimes is up, [NAME] inserts herself into argument. It's her MO.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I would love to watch you become jaded by [NAME].","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I mean hard to get If you don't have These mental problems, I got some from a friend and they are very useful to stop trips","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Monument to stupidity more like.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Oh no, learning a while move set is so much work! But thanks, that's helpful.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME] is decent? Dude he was drafted 3rd overall he's been a massive disappointment","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Currently cuddling the pillow because my husband got up...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"But this was a supposed psychopath attack, which can happen to anyone, not a rape attack that mostly happens to women","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Write her a hand written letter and go back and deliver that to her damned door.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"REALITY BENDS TO MY WILL!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Those are precisely communist ideas.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Cheers! *clink*","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Anyone else's NHL feed die?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I feel like I went out to get the pizzas and I came back to my apartment on fire.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"It’ll last until we win our 4th straight NBA Finals game","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Thanks. I'll let him know he needs to step his game up.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I might be missing a joke myself, but woosh.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Exactly. Last year we were saying, “Don’t worry...next year we will get [NAME] or [NAME]. Or both.” What a joke","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"It sure did! for a month I still think a Villa/Spang platoon should have been given more of a look.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"sad to see [NAME] the man go but realy happy for [NAME]!!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"You still look cranky, goodnight.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If you like this than go watch My Self Reliance on YouTube. Start from the beginning. Very relaxing and fun.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I love that OP “loved” his insult. It’s like the ultimate slap in the face to this CB.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No, i'm arguing that if she calls someone disgusting for how they act it's wrong to act like the other person is an asshole for retaliating.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Who spend 54% of his life in jail because of crooked cops.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"lmao i wish it was 10 am for us in south america","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"These shows are scripted","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Love this! I'll have to teach [NAME] about Grey Rocking.....and me too","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Because the sky is orange?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks globalism!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Will quickly be removed from lobby screen but the game mode selection button will keep the annoying warning/advert.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"M'loled at this.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sorry, I should have clarified that I meant when they determine your eligibility/payments in regards to the Repayment Assistance Program.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Your house/estate must be first on the route. Delivery normally starts at 8am.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank goodness :D","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Paraphrasing: I saw [NAME]. No, wait. It was [NAME] and [NAME]. That's the ticket.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Now this was fun to read! You had more courage than I'll ever have :')","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"GOOD [NAME] ALIGHTY, HE'S BROKEN IN HALF","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"He might upset [NAME], but [NAME] is going to pick him apart.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I was going to suggest that as well, but I still need this whole \"elopement\" thing explained to me.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"> It's ironic. CTH is econ-left, not SJ-left Tell it to the ones brigading other groups.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Okay thank you! Is there any word on when it's coming to live build?","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Really sucks that he's not going to retire a Sounder.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Right. The comments people buy gold for astound me. I’ve seen some dumbass comments get gilded then comments that deserve it get nothing.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"They listened in a way.. they just executed it in such a way that makes us pay 3-5x over what we should be paying for skins.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Popeyes spicy tenders","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Literally the Reincarnation of the Man who ate a Whole Plane","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Finally!! Just do it already, it's time.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Doesn't mean they're not feminists","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I was hoping they’d put people behind him and let [NAME] pass to them super hard","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I legit wish you never talked to me","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Danger noodle!!! Danger noodle!!!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I love you [NAME]!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I was entertained into the 4th. My sons played well. We lost. I'll take it.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"My heart broke for him when his wife suddenly passed away. I worried about him with his issues with depression but he seems to be doing okay.","label":16,"emotion":"grief"} {"text":"Of course! It’s just sometimes your garage is not big enough for two cars, or you’re not at your house.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Pissed at you for not allowing them to live in ignorant bliss?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Do people really use the phrase \"my kid is poorly\" to mean sick? The grammar in this post is really bothering me.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"It’s neither. It’s an acrostic, lol.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] is so damn good","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That thread is awesome. I can't believe it's this guy that unites us all","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"So long as it's for the worse I'm all for the wait!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"For that tropical flavor","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"i'm late to class (zero period) almost everyday because of looksmaxxing. i wake up at 5:45 so i can't wake up any earlier","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Some randoms from his Minecraft sever probably","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"AT doing some work!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The opposite of depression isnt happiness, its vitality.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Right on, just making sure someone wasn't trying to steal your OC","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"step 1: remove yourself from the mass media","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I am secretly hoping for a Vini winner - he deserves it so much, the guy pours his heart out on the pitch","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That could have gone extremely badly for all involved.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You were taken care of with stolen money.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He’s not the character you’re looking for.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love the DC movies :(","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Oh ok got ya lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Never understood the attachment to cats personally, letting them in and out and back onto the bed. It’s just not normal and gross.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"a romantic one :)","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"It got completely banned I think, saw a post about it a while back in r/gore.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"We welcome her with open arms.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Wow nice job. how long did it take? My Day is coming soon.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I am sad to hear about your cat. Pets become like a family member. I am glad to hear you are doing better.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I wouldn't be caught outside after sunset anywhere in this city.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hmm, is there a \"buy drink\" feature on reddit? Lmao","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Good point, it’s nice and frustrating for both sides I see. Definitely worse for the lower levels. That’s too bad","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"No shit. Stupidest idea having a safe place for junkies to get fucked up.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"That is the stuff of nightmares...seriously.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"You can see flairs and select them on the desktop version. You can’t see them on mobile.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"We just watched the animated episode with [NAME] - it was awesome. Quite subversive.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Be the change you want to see in the world [NAME]","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Tip o' the pin to u/wikilacks for posting the full Pew article on this thread:","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No op. No one had ever done that.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"No, that's my radar detector.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Well this sub is anyways. No one comes on Reddit to read about this shite. Were here for fun","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You guys are well behind","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I can't upvote this enough. Thank you for practicing what is preached!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It’s all the same, the number makes no difference.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What? That is the most recent big meme, it's not cringy","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"CLG, because I love Biofrost. Especially against [NAME]. They really are still friends","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"An eye for a *dead*eye? I'm sorry...","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"I don't about bringing it into the country but CBD is everywhere here","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol why would anyone willingly go skew the curve against them you dumbmotherfucker.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Have fun insulting me then. I have fun building and using BSV Insults are too low for me to participate. Sorry","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"More like thinks it's a pipe dream that isn't really worth talking about.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Just want to say you are not alone, I have all of those same ideas. You will succeed again, without her.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I immediately block these shitheads/asshats","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"That scene made me think of Arizona a little bit tbh. I think I'm missing [NAME]*","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"The glass used in this vintage is extremely exquisite","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Probably, but I'm also fairly certain it's easier for a [NAME] to get in than an [NAME] or a [NAME].","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Imagine spending the day having to hear excuses from people slowly killing themselves. He's too kind.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It means less when you hear words come out of her foul mouth. Almost incomprehensible.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Considering how much they project and accuse how often they others of only hating X person because of their race, it makes sense.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Just be her friend. Don’t try to have sex with her.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He broke the wheel so bad it's going backwards","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Some kind of situation(s) you experienced that made you realize that, or someone else's experience...","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"These stories make me glad that I have a job that doesn't require social interaction besides my boss and coworkers.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"That might be intentional? Not sure, I don't use it.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Pecan pie to 0 cals. I love it and I can't ever eat it and I want it so bad!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"you are a very nice person!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I kinda love it. Not sure what the theme of the party would be but... its cool.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"[NAME] got a bad report card from [NAME] as well today.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks I'll take all the good vibes I can. I'm going to try to sleep too. And get through the next week","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"I love it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"It didnt fuck up his career at all. Hes got thousands of ravenous fangirls and still makes absolute bank.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That way you’ll get both food and laxative all in one. Sounds like a fair trade to me.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I would shoot a cop who shot my animal. Save the consequences for later, you just assaulted and possibly mortally wounded my best friend. ACAB","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Sorry I forgot a word! I added it back in, thanks for letting me know","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Well, you know what they say..... ....I can't think of any witty comment to say about that.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You're all insane.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Do not send money by Western Union to anyone in China. It's 99.9% scam.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Pure asshole.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Insane dva player nice","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Me for the last 3 years lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Yes I will no longer post updates thank you.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Lol! Thanks. That cap would pop right off in there. Lol. Love it","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I'm from London and I want to leave. It just makes economical sense for me","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm quite interested as well!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Too late. Gooble gobble, gooble gobble. We accept you. One of us.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Guys you can’t blame him. They didn’t have basic math when he was in school","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Honestly, I wouldn’t want to poop without my phone either. Gotta scroll reddit while I’m poopin!","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Was that before or after he murdered over a million [NAME]?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Hey, don't steal lmao","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Where’s the, “this” *cliché* bot!?!? Also, good on you for choosing a less stressful life.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"If the cops don't let you win 30% of the time, stop asking them to play.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Thank you comrade","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Fo you understand his lingo","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I wish they’d get [NAME] but only down side is his defense and being a skinny boi","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"oh i knew that","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ironic that that’s a false claim... BUT mao did directly cause the lives of 100million of his own people","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] you people are so fucking dumb","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Bro that’s very nice. I like it.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"do it bro, get some practice in, she can teach you alot","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Yeah I bet they 'work hard' nowadays and took 'big risks' for their money.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I mean you're calling [NAME] a face... So...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Never made it through, it makes me physically ill just seeing images of that monster combined with him describing his incomprehensible evil.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Just made my first robocough purchase. Glad I used the website","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I am mad that I did not come up with the Toewster.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Kinda what I figured. Just wanted to see if anyone else had this issue before","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"😂 Lmao your mom’s revenge is pro-level and I love it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Fuck it, im paying the premium -- 15% risk in not getting your money is quite high!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"> Still hard Phrasing. O_o Sorry, I couldn't resist.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"You’re forgetting the Great Internet Summit of 2015, which decreed that “succinctly” now means “explained in a way I can understand”.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ah well the Devs change the cle all the time and this was knowledge from before new year. I forgot they changed it a while ago again.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Isn't this the game that is PS4 as well?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Maybe even prettier!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] should be in jail lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I don't even love myself that much. I'm glad I wrote myself out of the parenting pool long ago, I'd be terrible at it.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I'm really considering making this my flair","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Fournier with at least one air ball a game","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks a bunch!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"You can’t nag or argue people into a relationship with you.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"This girl is really hot. tight biker suit and all that.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Ah my apologies xir, did not mean to offend","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"What the actual hell?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love when the cringe comes to us.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Jeepers I should have been asleep two hours ago","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"things are simply wrong and ignorance is an insufficient defence from prosecution.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So your Dad is actually incognito. Well played.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"alright, make it!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"It's Dra'am!!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Walk into a fire, life will only get harder, no reason to continue on.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I saw a lady with a service dog in chicago who wore them. I thought it might be just because it was cold","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"There was a horrible accident","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Advocating for rape and torture of women on a whole and even inciting men to do it seems like it should break the rules.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"My exact reaction","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This has been a bizarre day of coaching decisions","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"The analogy was in relation to placing the blame for your unrealistic wants and needs on the person who is denying you them.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Oh [NAME] if I was 9 and my parents did that I would cringe real hard","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I would vote no to a United Ireland because the Republic doesn't have a free health service and no free prescriptions","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"it looks like a vase to put things in!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Came here for this. Thanks for representing","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"WHY HAVE I NOT SEEN YOU? WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"He’s also talking about pushing [NAME] in front of a train. Kid needs the old bill coming around for a stern chat.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Filthy. Stay there, please.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Mate I was buying porn mags from my local coop at 12, I don't see why trading standards makes such a fuss over a lotto ticket","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Manila and Monét serving a lot of emotion for safe","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Goodness, that shot of McDonald's is **super** old. It looks like a picture from the 90s/early 2000s.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":">I mean most of the native tribes beliefs are centered around Pleiadian star people. Nope.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"what guy or girl would be glad to get this as a gift","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"yeah her ex was shocked when she said \"my boyfriend\".","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"So thankful for the conclusion. Having no idea how this played out was definitely going to haunt me","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Haha, why are you still thinking about that? That's super weird.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I’ll buy every colourpop collab she does. Good formulas. I love supporting [NAME] and it’s AFFORDABLE. What more do u want? 😂","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh the irony in the title","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"> go build something. BCH devs are already building and improving a decentralized network! You should start doing the same!","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Omg more than anything I want to see [NAME] block a game winner from [NAME].","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"I have all the names..","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They are saying they are ethnically [NAME], which is true. Nationality and ethnicity are not synonymous.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I fear slowly losing myself, and my cognition over an illness far more than I fear dying from a random accident tbh.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Get a card that says “Sorry about your loss” on the front, then on the inside write “It’s me. I quit”.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"You still worrying about that is like a poor person hitting the lottery and still worrying about money. You hit the jackpot bro.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"[NAME] isn’t the problem [NAME] is.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Pretty please!?","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Can’t imagine taking on that contract","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"#On a rainy day I dont accept any doordash requests unless there is a minimum of $5 bonus","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is more like Instant Karma. The schadenfreude is strong with me, here! Wish I could upvote this twice! :)","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"No but it should be","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"being a lady with a penis is a (bizarre) fetish with some men though. it's nothing to be jealous of.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm in a DTLA highrise around floor 50 and at various times this week it has been nearly impossible to even see the ground.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Funny that punches to the face are completely forbidden in Kyokushin competition.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Black Twitter has a higher IQ.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Check out my mémés. (That word is from japanese pop culture right?)","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I dunno, I'm picturing completely beige and generic baby shower. Beige streamers and balloons, a banner that says \"there will be a birth\"...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It still has the potential to be permanent if no alternative is found.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"[NAME] makes me want to punch ugly pillows.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"i just came to make sure she was safe cause she said her parents gone. It can be dangerous ya know..","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Can you link an example? I’m curious now","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"It was interedtinh to see. The first few sacks were schemed up, but eventually, he started beating his tackled with some consistency.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Reminds me of that Australian news story about kids addicted to Fortnite and the kid is talking about how much he loves [NAME] ([NAME]).","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I'm getting worried","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"Just like [NAME] was defending himself against those younglings ;)","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"[NAME] needs to demand more from his staff and have longer practices. Idk something needs to change because they constantly underperform especially on the road.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No is just apologize and explain the situation","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Do yourself a favor and protect your credibility by not arguing in favor of a terrible hire.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Lol of course its a religion you stoopid carnist. True vegans pray to [NAME] every morning at 5:00 and have to face his direction while doing so.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Looks better imo","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Jeez I just did those for fun but good luck","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Fuck you for making me read this.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"So using your figures here we make £12 billion in tax from the EU company's selling in to the uk. We save a further £9billion on fees to the EU","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"How is this news? I am sure there are a few living in discovery park and along the coast there","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Dammmn girl them make up skills! Your eyes are so wonderfully icy!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I swear to [NAME], if you don't use vinyl records, you're THE definition of \"The Complete Douchebag\".","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Middle Eastern here and watching this team lose due to silly mistakes at 3-4 am kills me","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"What if you're someone, like me, who believes that man made global warming is happening and think nuclear offers the best long term solution?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"People can't afford my products, i'm not selling anything. Issue for the producer to reduce price","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Oh la la","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Thank you for making me spit out my coffee at my computer. This comment hit home for me. XD","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Does it tickle inside your nostril? I always imagined it would be annoying.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Yes! She lost more!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Wait till I show up in threads and start saying opposites just to trick you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The mood changes are semi controllable with medication (at least it’s the case for me). Please seek psychiatric help to get a proper diagnosis.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Truly a great man. May [NAME] SWT grant him the highest heaven - Jannat Al-Firdaus. Ameen.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"this is my favorite scene from girl with the dragon tattoo","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I really enjoyed it actually. The world and the monster seemed really cool an original idea.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Agreed. And I like how far you can see into the distance","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"For real. I can understand holding the enemy in a useless area, but people gotta keep their eye on the ball.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I did not realize that and maybe it’s because [NAME] is slightly cheaper and wanted to be a [NAME] badly.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Posted it and so far I'm getting shat on in the comments lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"ugh, same. it also gave me the shakes, so I quit. so far, I've found Trintellix to be a nice compromise","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Even if this was true who would want to take medication that causes such rapid mood swings","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Eh, keep it here. There's plenty of need for content that isn't about politics or antisemitism. Food is fun for everyone to talk about.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Are 3% of [NAME] really vegan?? That’s fantastic!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Well that totally explains why we're on both ends of the spectrum lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"This person is going to be very surprised to learn how many college campuses require you to have UTD vaccinations...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Gmail logo is based on the red and white freemason man apron. Not surprised.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol, it seems like your projecting your own problems on me","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"We’re not upset. We’re disgusted. You’re disgusting.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Grown man bars is still one of my favourite moments in all of battle rap.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"There should be a vigilante whose superpower is not having to stumble over to somebody after being injured.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Awh you're hurt","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"it doesn't happen all the time","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"They hit two times - one in the face, second on the coffin.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lmao seriously this is stupid. HEY GUYS DO YOU GUYS AS INTJS NEED TO DRINK WATER? NOT ME","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Completely, it makes it into a decent panel","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you for the notice. I'm mainly on mobile, so I tend to ignore rules","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"You'll like this then:","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Chilling to think people can kick others under the rug and consider them burdens to do something like THIS","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Upon the third strike, the ump cried \"Why don't you make like a tree and get outta here!","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"730,000 readers and only 6 posts in a week? Wow...","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Yes, risky. In fact don't click it at all.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Cut the guy off and gave him a yes-no question. Which he exasperatedly answered. This is not the way to listen.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Yeah I just want the damn photos.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"This is the part where we throw our heads back and laugh. Ready?","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I’m really late here, but I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone bring up the possibility of them wanting to eat you.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Talk is cheap, let’s see it on the court. [NAME] has been an awful offensive player this season & awful is kind.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Well it gets the stupid people to eat tide pods, evolution needs a helping hand after shifting in the gene pool.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[Licks salt] \"Hey guys, this *definitely* isn't snow!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"AMN is absolutely good enough and [NAME] is also very highly rated","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Happy birthday to that gold thong wearing, porn stache sporting son of a bitch!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Badass mom of the year moment. My mom has surprised me like that too. Awesome man","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Your gf is cheating on you and your relationship is dead IMO.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"How do you prove someone is looking for a job??","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"He'll pull back into his shell before anyone gets a chance to hurt him","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"* [NAME]: 17 million * [NAME]: 90 billion * [NAME]: 4 trillion I think that one question sums up the DLB Show perfectly.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Rawr! (That means I love you in dinosaur!)","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Policing The Police': How The Black Panthers Got Their Start","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So happy to see these as the top two comments. My lips turned to prunes just watching this.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"No problem comrade","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I have no idea, I just get texts.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I just realized people in apartments are essentially screwed, that is too bad man, hopefully you'll get that going soon! It's worth it!","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Idk, he could claim the victim jumped in front of his truck. There's no one to deny his side of the story.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"[NAME]. It just seems like it’d be more fun.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"As a risk analyst, that's a terrible idea, Risk is too high and the benefit to cost ratio is not worth it","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Saying that men have it more difficult in certain scenarios doesn't mean that men have it easier than women in all circumstances. That's ridiculous.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The admins do not recognize the \"np\" link. They've said so.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Welcome to the wehrmacht...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh it's a well known phenomenon, unsure exactly what it is but I think it's a bit of princess syndrome with mental posho co morbidity.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Rotfl! 🤣🤣🤣 I'll have to turn on caption from now on...","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I dont know, you sound like a rarity in FA circles, in my experience most FA´s arent outgoing and dont have big circles of friends","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"On my RX480 it gave me 15+ average FPS, when you're hovering around the 60-70 mark, that 15 can be huge.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Im pretty sure the 2nd song is about him too. Cant wait to get that on the PA along with the disco lights","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I have to go with [NAME]. Rookie who lived up to the hype and I actually got excited when he got snaps.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I was so hopeful...","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"If you were better than the players you met every day you would be able to get better stats while playing against them.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I’m proud of you for moving out You deserve peace and happiness! Independence is the sweetest thing.","label":21,"emotion":"pride"} {"text":"It was [NAME] thank you very much, than I'd go to wumpscut.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Ok, just seemed like the original comment was saying *only* tories do it and do it because they're just evil..","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"But you might not be special for them. You can't make someone love you.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I mean I don't think he's gonna come out and call [NAME] a bitch even if he feels that way","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"He's also a chaser and is convinced that shouting at someone is an escalation from a shooting spree. He is incredibly dumb.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Mammy ah fargat me passpart ah have te go down te rowckets and get a canny coke for wan fofty hi","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I picked it so it forced me to stay anonymous.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is actually funny OP, stop trying to be so negative","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Brilliant, thanks so much!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"All jokes aside my birthday is January 2nd as well if yours really is","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks. I needed to hear that.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It's always been a dodgy road, proposals were put in ages ago","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Injuries will not knock us out of the running.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Haha just loose all your libido because of dysphoria nerd","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"This just went from a winning streak to a shutout streak!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ouch!!!!! That hurt me just watching.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"That sounds like a hot date. ;) I've never been, but friends say just order the cheapest food and enjoy the ambiance.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Lol just reading that url makes it obvious you linked to some partisan hackjob.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I’m confused why the [NAME] tax is negative savings. Otherwise great stuff .","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Oh this is a brilliant idea!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yes. Some shows get canceled before they can even finish the season","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"By the driver ?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Bless your heart.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Nah, I got married in Texas about 20 minutes after I got engaged.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I have a few WG brushes and a handful of other Fude so I’m really interested on how this turns out...could be good.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"This was legit the first thought that came to me when I saw them there at the podium","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"A few times but people like this have a short attention span/only care when the tv says too","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damn you really need a girlfriend, dude. 🤣","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I'm still here so that's a win. Hope you're OK too.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Also, if you start looking for your partner to get mad at you when depression \"kicks in\" then you're probably starting it yourself.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"hey guys can you let me get potg?\" \"HAHAHAHA","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Who delivers mail to the mail mans house","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"EVERY SINGLE TIME WE GET SPAMMED WITH IT WE SHOULD EMAIL THEM THIS","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"WE FOUND THE HERETIC AMONGST US!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol thank god someone else thinks this. There's nothing overly premium or innovative about the Elite controller.","label":23,"emotion":"relief"} {"text":"Her communications director his now working for [NAME]. Get ready for some more cringe","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lincoln Osiris?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I automatically love anyone who votes for best underrated boy [NAME].","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"and i answered, sorry if you can't follow. i agree that having a pet involves (unnecessarily) having power over a small animal.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"I'm not saying she should get surgery, but I gotta ask, would laser lipo or something similar get her to the body shape she wants?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Or wax your driveway, and the snow will slide right off without shoveling!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hmm.. I means what's the point.. there's not gonna be much difference since both of em aren't doing good.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Haha, maybe at the 55 title party in May","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Could've done this last year and got [NAME]. I'm just praying we pick in the top 3","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Brother, we've been separated.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Just triggered me thanks","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Saw thundamentals live. happy that this song got in top 30","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I know it’s crazy, but I think it would work and they would probably understand","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Thanks for saying this eloquently, I'm always a little put off by some of the man hating comments that pop up here occasionally.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I didnt really think about having a wife as an object until recently in a bout of frustration induced fantasy.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"oh my [NAME]. it was hurting my brain. i only saw the disappearing boot and thought i was missing something.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"[NAME] wasnt elite for anywhere near 15 years. Surprises me how many people suggest this.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I hope you enjoy endless mosquitoes as the climate warms.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Was not one of those players, still want to go back to the MW2 days. Totally would if I still had my PS3 :/","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Nah you just gotta know how to use him. I've had great matches using him","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You got this, good luck brother","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"You smile warmly at people.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"yuck, I'd be embarrassed to walk around with a black belt if I were actually blue-ish","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Ok then youre leaving the enmey widow uncontested to kill your team. Genius.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh, also forgot to add, LOTION! ALWAYS lotion afterwards. It only makes your skin smoother!","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Lol yea I'm sure some were. High school girls are a little insane","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Are you sure it wasn't just the six o'clock news? Its getting difficult to tell the difference these days.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"That does not look appetizing","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Read any [NAME] comic, he’s definitely super at tons of stuff.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yea it’s a bit creepy","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Title: geez another douche Text: ooh well lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"nah.....anime is weird","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"> Got it Heh. You've got *something*. Might be a brain tumor.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I was expecting you to say she put a piece of bread on your head and say \"okay you're a sandwich","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I mean I'm genuinely not sure if I'd rather be tortured for all eternity or have to spend all eternity in Sunday services","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I was going to put in the post that I wanted to smack her, but here in the comments I'll say, I wanted to smack her.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Im glad I am able to help others, even if its just yourself. Stay strong and look after yourself. You can do this 💪","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Looks like one of mine too. Such a horribly raised entitled rude brat","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Thank you for the link I'm going to post their also","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME] cut spending significantly.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh sorry- to be clearer, I meant everyone not on the APP looking for a scooter will get sick of seeing random scooters.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Damn mods are just trying to offend everyone!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Just thinking about all the stupid stuff I did as a kid makes me very afraid for my 5 year old.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I sorta love it? Except the legs, but the faces are cool as hell.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What kind of response is that it's so shit","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"So happy the new rules weren't in place back then. All those hard hits on [NAME] would have made the refs flag-happy","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"And get off the phone! Why are you browsing Reddit on a date!?!?!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"DEGENERATES LIKE YOU BELONG ON A CROSS","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Do women make the razor blade choices for their spouses? I guess they could aim for that demographic.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Cries in Shinboner Spirit","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"If the hot end starts pointing towards space you are having a bad problem and you will not go to space today.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"hell yeh dude","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah. Like you.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"This was touching and certainly fits here on r/bestof. But can someone explain how it started? How did someone know he's depressed? I'm just confused..","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I reckon [NAME] is going to dump [NAME] and go straight to [NAME]. The old gladiator loves big Sammy.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Any chance we could treat the terrorists as terrorists then?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"The house actually looks amazing, though the risk of haunting may not be worth the cheaper price!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"People in distressed states, get very disturbed by loud bangs, it really hard to keep them calm, it has a knock on effect for days.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Wow those latkes look even worse than I thought they would.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"[NAME] H. MYSELF?! He's actually signing that?!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Just declare war earlier so you are on time, it's that easy","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Um, except you would be trusting your private key with a third party. I would recommend verifying a signed message though as a feature to be added.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Currently in chat right now BibleThump","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Him and [NAME] should get together and make some super-babies","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m gonna get downvoted but it’s 4 years","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I get scared just reading your flair","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Do you not see the blatant hypocrisy of this post?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"“So a guy cusses you out for lowballing him...”","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"The making plans and then ghosting is the part I have a problem with.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Never thought I'd see the day lethbridge got onto SRD!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm not sure how is this as big an issue as you put it up to be.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"He was dead through the whole movie. Oh wait","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"We only want to impose high taxes on those damnable minorities who are ruining our great nation.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He's on the z-axis wing","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Fuck reddit.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That man deserves a good whiskey. Hook him up.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"They’re led by...gasp... a WOMAN!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's damn impressive","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] is getting the shit beat out of him and can't get a call","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah he could have stopped talking, but they didn't have to but his tongue out. they are the ones at fault for actually cutting his tongue out","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Me too thanks","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Wait, am I the only one who thought [NAME] was the tallest since childhood?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"DAMN I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"im actually really pumped to see how [NAME] does in Spain. hoping he gets some playing time to prove himself.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Don't tell me what to do.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Yes, let’s start locking up people without any evidence that they did anything illegal. Definitely not an extremist POV.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"damn, Now THAT's detail.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Finally, we can put [NAME] down at the bottom like the EXP thief deserves.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"The weirdest part is the underwear. My mom wouldn’t even let me and my sister share underwear. Something something hygiene.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"It's bad enough to break into a house, but snooping and stealing from a friend?! r/trashy r/iamatotalpieceofshit Hope you have better luck with friends in the future!","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Someone tell Disney. The evil mouse has sued daycare centers for painting Mickey on their walls, they sure as hell will sue for this abomination.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That Pixel art yak is so cute tho.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Roger that, I'll see if I have any in store~ Thanks!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"He did not cheat on you. He ended it with that other woman before committing to you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Because I've lost control of my life.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm asexual too, so I'm doubly protected against advertisements.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Imagine watching yourself back and still being unable to see why you were eliminated","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I hate this, and I hate you. But actually I love this, and only like you.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Oh no you got us Feminism canceled Pack it up y'all","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"ill show [NAME] this thanks well hang it up on the wall","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"this is the best thing I have read in awhile. so simple yet so hiarious.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"My template is usually : - Sassy, back-handed or just straight-up offensive response back to them. - Walk Away.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well. That went sideways pretty quickly.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It was extremely sad ... because you can tell the reason why [NAME] is the way he is.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"The color of it is really cool too","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"This article and the accompanying photos have gone viral. Anyone who knows him personally has probably read it. Dude's probably being shamed and humiliated as we speak","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It doesn't. It really doesn't. I just had a 2nd one a few weeks ago.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"The fact that entities go around violating rights is not an argument that we should keep them.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Aww that's so cute! What a good workmate","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thank you, I thought the plane in the picture was cool too. I am. One of the best pictures I’ve taken with my phone.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Because people want to have more than the absolute bare necessities for survival.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"this, they will find a way. we screwed over my entire street for an hour when I got my new fridge..","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"So many downvotes. Reading comprehension, people","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks man, I feel better now.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Unfortunately you can’t control YouTube. It’s pretty bad out there, you just have to finish the episode ASAP.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Mavs fans are mavs fans, who cares what they are later. Stop gatekeeping","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Here is the original post","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Imperial is already messy and hard to understand","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"The lads put in excellent shift over the Christmas fair dues lads. Thanks for keeping on top of things. Delighted online shopper :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Literally every team sub says this when something negative about them is posted They dislike the hire because he wasn't exactly popular in Seattle.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I was totally expecting this","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol did you just take the experts picks that they talked about on Action Network?","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Honestly I’m confused in 10 different ways here","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"That’d what you think.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The mindset that feminism has instilled them with: entitlement.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Very frustrating. And totally the fault of your school’s systems for handling the issue. Sorry you have to deal with it.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Happy birthday [NAME]!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Shades of Akira / Ghost in the Shell!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'll have to think about that one but maybe if you're down😂","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I care about me and my benefit.. No shits given about you (general you) . It's my job to vote my best interest","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Yet somehow that doesn't make death threats any less scary, because of the fear the 0.00001% of them will try to follow through on that threat.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"If he wasn't diffusing the situation then why did he go in between the two groups?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Wow, that’s fascinating! I’d be interested to know the rationale (or lack thereof) for a [NAME].","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Just be respectful.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I never imagined the world would get so weird that I *wanted* to believe the conspiracy theorists, but here we are.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I wish I could too.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"> take already pretty average ingredients and add more stuff that actually makes the sandwich worse like Primanti's. Hahaha this is a great way to describe Primantis.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Ha! They’re very naughty! Pretty cute, tho ❤️","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That is what we love to hear. :) We hope you enjoy the game and that we see you again soon!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Well, guess [NAME] wife is cheating on him.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Could also be the coil, my bet on that before the plug. Good luck.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Haha yep. Thanks. Fixed it!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I moved to the construction industry because it's less mental stress and I can myself better","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This gives me life","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] could rebound and still be overpaid, depending on how hard he rebounds.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hey, don’t complain. I have 4 and I’m like “so you’re saying there’s a chance!” 😂👏🏼","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"That's amazing that it had 3-4 years' worth of stored energy in the trunk.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Lmao there is a reason they are one of the poorest and this is definitely a contributor..","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Thank you.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It's full of what?!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Enjoy","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"What a waste of plastic.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's a great song","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I would lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"anyone who tells u what to do is a fascist","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] is waaaaaaaay smaller than him haha. Although I'm sure they equally love steak","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"They didn't \"say\" anything this time either. This is where observation and critical thinking comes in. I trust you can figure it out.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Gore magala is my favorite monster in mh4u, you did an amazing job!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I hope you or someone close to you never has to go through what this woman is going through.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I've seen AOCs ridiculous proposals","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Does anyone know how much that would be in (£) pounds.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Half our NATO partners have banned them or are in the process of doing so. I am confident we will do the right thing.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"i love it but i hate everything around it. I want to theorycraft a deck with all the cards i want without having to spend money.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"fyi, straight men also use dildos. Also, your mom is awesome!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I wish more than anything that I was [NAME]","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"“Ah ya wee lassie, come on! Baby weight! Hurry now I got places to be!” That’s some motivational crowd.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Hallmark movies are the worst culprits.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"So thoughtful.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Dude. Do you have any idea what that would cost??","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It took me forever to realize it was not in fact [NAME]....","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I’m at a loss for words","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Nothing wrong with kayo","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Didn't even realize that the Mazda was a competition. It's always a Camry and Accord.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Whoever this is, feel free to PM me if you want to chat!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"$13,99 in Canada. It's reaching a price where I may also do a few months at a time and then cancel for a few months.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Grandma, the war stopped like half a century ago, you can come out of the cupboard now ffs","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The positive side to this is i get to relive the same emotions that I felt losing my virginity....ever few months.","label":23,"emotion":"relief"} {"text":"Thank you for this reply!! You actually made me feel a bit better about the whole thing now (:","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"this is killing me LMAO","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"omg you like totally caught me!!! i'm just a silly social media girl named [NAME]","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Do you have any data to suggest this?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"They might be giants. Anything, but albums John Henry and Apollo 18 are good value.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Especially from the media that literally hates these players.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Lol thanks.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Didn't read all of it, read the relevant articles (165 for license simultaneity, and 56 for carryover sanctions) haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Really hope the best for him. Couldn’t stay here but hoping he keeps that girl far away from him and gets it together.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Thought this was about signing brown. Op is an attention whore","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Especially after the debacle with [NAME] on \"if you like your plan, you can keep your plan.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"...and prone to paranoia and hatred of outsiders.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Just gotta day that age gap might have something to do with this. I bet he hates that dang rap music too.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Isn't this the same video already posted ? Not seeing anything different","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Nukeville sounds like a nicer neighborhood. Like no broken and burnt houses and like children playing in the street and people having barbecues","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"What a god","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Probably wouldn't hurt to delete this post and pretend it never was posted.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'd rather [NAME] take the fight at this point, [NAME] looks ready to red mist","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Delete your account.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No haha but this is our first day on Reddit!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Didn't he write a dissertation about the pros and cons of finishing college instead of going into MLB?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I would love to know why you think it's awful advice!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Thanks! Tbh I just set the limit from true to false, didn't want to mess anything up by changing it. What number what you recommend?","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Maybe it depends on the state. In California, that means you’re a moderate [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Okay will try to contact the restaurant owner/manager","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"There have been some really good replies in this thread, I hope they help you too! :)","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Congratulations! One day you’ll look back on this and laugh. It’s the best thing you’ve ever done.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It is now the *most* open bottle","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Me thinks you’re responding to the wrong dude. My original comment couldn’t have beeen more drenched in irony.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Oh gosh, I can’t wait to see how much you’ve accomplished Mr. Not Retarded Criminal","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I like simplicity of the Jersey, but the logo stinks.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Thanks man, I will have to check it out!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Really sad how often people don't go into the closest lane first and then change lanes when safe to do so.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I was thinking the same thing as well. Glad to know I'm on the right page.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"What the fuck? Why would you ever say that? Downvoting you smfh edit","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"This jokes a name changer","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Nah, man. Check out Provo, Utah's old","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I dont even know what that is lmao","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I did love seeing [NAME] and [NAME] guest on the last episode of the Orville.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Just a spat probably, nothing serious I'd think.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Funny how the whole rape thing just vanished once he was appointed.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Immigants! Even when it was the bears, I knew it was dem!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Good news everyone!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Hell yeah o/","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"totally agree.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Hey now I didn't flunk out of med school to be insulted like this!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Yup, not anymore. Keep your blood sugar up! It really helps and DRINK water...","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Thank you for that. I just want to feel safe secure and loved just once.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"You're not going to get anywhere with these kids, mate. Reddit is being astroturfed.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Love this game, can't stand the combat system. It's just not for me.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It was actually pretty great, definitely going to return next week! :)","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Being too scared of calling someone isn’t a disability for fuck sakes... use some common sense and grow up.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Good luck to you darling. I hope you feel strength and happiness.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"It looks like someone else was deleted for answering, so I'm hesitant to now.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I wish the 'opt out of redesign' button actually worked :(","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"I kinda like the swirlies in the hair. But then I saw that her eyebrow is actually just the hair and hated it.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Thank you so much. Fur babies are one of a kind.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Lovely experience on the trains this morning lool getting me practiced for being in a coffin","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I encourage everyone close to me to inform themselves about my diagnosis if they really care about me.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"oohh, that makes a lot more sense now, thank you kindly","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"The one who accidently paid 1 cent less couldn't have just given the other dumb bitch a penny? smdh","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hey it's really green here right now thanks to the last few rainy months!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"This is what happens when you don’t beat up the nerd enough","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"“Our decaf is like really good tho gurl, you’ll be okay”","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Man if you want some crazy dreams, slap on a few nicotine patches before bed.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Haha. Dried fruit is partially how I got fat again.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Good for you","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"good luck with the interview!","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"So you're saying there's a chance I'm a bot... I don't even know what's real anymore!","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Facts have no relevence here, you cannot use them.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":">I was internally startled but tried to play it cool. Why?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"cultural norms is an interesting way of classifying the sort of people I see doing ~100% of littering in NYC.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If you're not helpless so be super easy to fix.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Meh, the Chiefs got gifted a PI call or two, especially on their last drive to tie the game.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Great thanks for the advice!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I'm always down for pimple popping pupper pictures!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"My favourite pool! Shame I don't live around there anymore","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I was too legit. Too legit to quit. Now I’m not legit. I’m un-legit. And therefore, I must quit.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"WHAT A TWIST!!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"The way his head snapped up, it looks like she caught him on the chin. That would also explain why he got knocked out.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So does [NAME], so much for him being a Thibs guy.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Vapenorth.ca is a great place to order the Dyna from.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"So cool! So bonkers that people do this, I love it! Do you mind if I post these on my pages?","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Him staying seems more realistic. I just hope we can land him.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"That’s kind of the point of comment sections.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is surprising as many pizza places us peanut oil on the crust in the past. Had a friend end up in the hospital from this.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Dear [NAME] man! (Irony intended) You didn't say \"proof\" you said \"evidence\"!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Thank you very much.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Old man yells at cloud","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you, that means a lot.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I have to deal with this, so now you have to also.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Making you sign a refusal of service waiver is scared of liability. Charging you for it is shady.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Orange man = bad","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And [NAME] is the opposite.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Depends on the state, generally speaking.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I feel like this list is way off base from what we've been hearing.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's super annoying. There is a reason I no longer speak to this person.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Tried so hard and got so far, in the end it doesnt even matter","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"[NAME] Need people to play with so thanks :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Both. lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"It's almost like they actually prepared to govern instead of just obstruct. Remember \"Repeal **and replace**\"?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Just heard the Xbox Rare Achievement sound go off in my head.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hope this scenario changes for the better. Else non affiliated scholars might overtake the academia in ushering real breakthroughs that would change the game.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Yeah, it'll be a pretty strong 3 team race among the Nats Braves & Phillies! It'll be fun to watch it from afar!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"One day please show this post to him it is so beautiful and kind.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"She’s horrible","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"It surprises me Turkey doesn't intervene even there. I would presume that at least OB-ES areas are off limits and Turkey would intervene if HTS entered them.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Unless he was lying about his age, no.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Sure but Ireland chose to join the EEC, that was and is a policy decision.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"r/btc is the only place in the world who thinks like that while the rest of the world thinks Bcash is a shitcoin nobody uses.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Cool. Glad I'm not the only one who found it weird.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"[NAME] as [NAME]: Be 1% Less Worse","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah that’s what I heard on Univision deportes earlier. I hope he chooses Ajax rather than real Betis","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"But little did I know, she found out about \"[NAME]\" texts","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sorry, I don't get it. ELI5 please.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Nonsense. People are either the best or the worst. All of the time.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I was also terribly confused. I’ll jump on and play with you sometime, working tonight unfortunately.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Hahaha. Oh [NAME]. Way to ruin the fun lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Well, yes and no.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They did and he is going to be extremely difficult to feel much empathy for him.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"omg this is so cute, thank you u/Skraxx","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"man this gif is weird both directions","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I love my Arabian but I have found the golden turkmen to be my more go to horse.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Imagine being so deluded you believe that not condoning a country’s poor behavior will lead to war","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"She wasn’t seeking asylum in Thailand though, she was just trying to pass through to Australia, where she already had a visa iirc.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.' - [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"At least you should have helped out since you had rudely interrupted him.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No passes on skin color or class, yeah right thats why [NAME] is a supreme court justice right ???","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Huh. As a man, I have support from friends and family all the time. Hope you can find that some day.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I agree with the last statement but apparently I'm also bad at matching pokemon to rep :(","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Yeah, this seems weird to me, too.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"You don't have a point. Yes there are aspects of crypto that is confusing. Getting confused between buying BTC or BCH is not one of them.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Make sure to tell her /r/Austin helped you pick a place! She'll appreciate the thought you put into choosing a place special to her.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Friends for eternity! Loyalty, honesty!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I SACRIFICED?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Wow, my favorite artist and my favorite basketball player. This video is next level 🌊","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"He's gonna say \"stop eating chips","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'll dance with you.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"There's ignite on the lane too, that's an upkeep kill on censor. I agree that horn into coup could have been a better play though.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Check out [NAME], he's like the [NAME] of dissosiatives.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] are proof of this.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Unfortunate for him, but I'm bringing up players. >AND they can just stop being a support.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"There is so much positive support and affirmation in this thread and I love it. Congratulations OP.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Sorry, I meant C","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"[NAME] dead and it was the Government that killed him.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Do you have a link? I never saw the video, I only heard about it","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"seriously... if he was going to play in LA he wouldn't do it with a 2 hour commute lol. he would just buy a mansion in LA","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"r/ThirdSentenceHappy My eyes swelled with tears as I opened the door and watched all 8 puppies, overcome with joy, as they were reunited with their Mother.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I suspect there's a difference between people who have an interest in makeup and those that don't on this.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I wake up as a girl everyday. A girl with a penis, huge hands, hair like fucking everywhere, no tiddy, and an unwelcome boner.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"It would actually make me more comfortable if someone did that to me","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"What was that?!","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Are we talking about [NAME] or [NAME]?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Never thought about it but it’s bloody obvious when pointed out! Good tip","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"nope, this is just older people not understanding how teens actually communicate","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Btw I’m totally including myself in the karmahungry section but that pic was just too appropriate to not share","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Because they want to. Why do you act like a goddamn weirdo about stuff like this?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Actually looks really fucking fun. Where can I do this?","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"What an incel","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Good luck with it all. I hope she recovers. Keep me updated if you remember haha","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It's been over a decade since consoles decided to mandate wireless controllers and I'm still annoyed by it.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"It's disturbing that you even have to ask that.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Going to bed early never works for me. Sleeping in is the only way I feel rested.","label":23,"emotion":"relief"} {"text":"The Pants by [NAME]. Give it a listen. Lol","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"There is this story of a woman who got pregnant from anal due to some rare condition:","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If people think that the current migrant/refugee crisis is \"bad\", they have seen nothing.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I've agreed with this since day one. Check out his match he he had with [NAME] back in NXT","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"He didn't blow anything. She blew it with him. What a fun guy!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"if it shatters your little ego i'm fine with this. :)","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Mind if I use your allegory in my classes? It's perfect.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm guessing [NAME] and [NAME]. [NAME] needs to remove that stick up her ass.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"All they see is EA bad, this whole sub is coming full circle jerk now.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"[NAME]. I still want her to come back to be a [NAME] ally and fight with [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"OK, I'll be glad to help you with your trip!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Sad but true.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Happy new year!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Hot bath helps me, or just heating pad on my breasts. Looks awkward, but it helps.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"37 and together 12 years. 11 yo kiddo. Thanks for the tip. You're right.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I'll add to this: be prepared to not get closure or questions answered. This is the hardest lesson I had with my break up.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"He's not wrong though.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"When I was maybe 8 I discovered that I liked hot dog buns with just ketchup. I shortly discovered what heartburn was.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Thank you, agreed.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Oh it is, it's just that you know that thing...about the intel","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He's just showing off for the camera there.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The grey shirt guy: \"Oh shoot! I leave the stove on!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME], I love hearing them click in the water. The sound of a healthy ecosystem.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"You legitimately sound like a hipster.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thats what happens when [NAME] is on the fucking floor","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"[NAME] is a nut; he has a rubber butt!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"i find it a little disgusting if swear words are used frequently and unironically.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"You're saying it's depressing to see someone eating whilst other people are starving.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Matinee games always scare me, but I have confidence in this team. LGI!","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"So no resignation or impeachment. Bummer. Naive me had high hopes the great [NAME] wouldn't escape the noose this time.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Educate yourself instead of defining yourself.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Very insightful and tragic post, OP. Thank you for sharing and raising awareness as someone who has been through the trenches.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I love how they all state the stupidity in the quote and the person saying it, with only a few realizing it's something [NAME] said.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Like many TIFU posts, I don't believe this one.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Not related to any of this but I love your tag next to your username xD","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"You still haven't shown any evidence of racism outside your own mind.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Extremely relatable.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"You mean pan de huevo Check food city","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why are you so salty? Who hurt you?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Thanks [NAME]!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Yeah, great!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I was scared for that white building.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"[NAME] stop thinking too much and just do stuff like that","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're welcome! :)","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"That's the stuff of nightmares right there","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Tbh the floor is probably more comfortable than the seats. Doesn't make it safe though.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This is a great photoshop! On a related note... retire [NAME] Number and Maybe [NAME] number..... oh and also fire Garpax","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I think I could watch an entire show with just these two all the time.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"They're basically our version of [NAME] and [NAME] at this point. Every video seems to involve a dumbass rant that misses the point of the topic.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"As a strip club connoisseur, this is one of my biggest fears.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I’ve actually been there lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You're way too involved in this. Take a break from the internet.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My guess is that we will get it done at $9.1 for 8 years. Slightly high number now that will seem like a bargain in 4-5 years.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"No it doesn't work like that you're wrong","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Nor am I as his servant. Though seeing him happy is awesome!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Going through a divorce right now. Her saying \"I love you and maybe we should go to counseling\" would make me more than happy.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I haven't killed one yet, but I did kill someone that had a carcass. I think I got $3 at the butcher.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m so sorry for your loss and even more sorry about your mothers shitty reaction. I hope you’re doing better. ❤️","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"malicious intentions? what are you talking about?","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I can't believe he got it while getting man-handled by two players!!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hm so sad. Am I supposed to feel bad for you because you don't look like [NAME] phelps? Btw, he's on steroids no doubt","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Margin of error: 0.7%","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Let me admit. This show is a guilty pleasure. Seeing these people's lives in such chaos brings me joy.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Destroyed healthcare you mean? We have to pass it to know what’s in it. 🤣 what a dumbass.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"If they overdo it and burn themself out it may be.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If this was some weird publicity stunt to announce the [NAME] is coming back I will die. In reality, it makes me think he's coming back","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"As far as I know, the last necromancer you kill is guaranteed to drop a lantern.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Pretty frustrating that when it matters most winning comes down to who cheats the most aggressively","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"She might die before then, risky move either way.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Those eyebrows are faker than my future","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Epiploic Appendagitis. Although it’s almost certain that you’ll have to affirm that you aren’t talking about appendicitis.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm beginning to think that ArcSys might be my favorite videogame company. They make such good fighting games.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh sh*t guys I got banned","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"One day you should go get that donut! Personally, life wouldn’t be worth living if I couldn’t occasionally enjoy a gourmet donut 🍩","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"so she's not only stealing kids but fingering her cousin as well? She's pretty wild","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Kk cause I love touching up my tops so I'm just making sure 😂 ​","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Only until recently, that being said, I’m really glad. Run the scum over.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"If we'd reintroduce wolves to bathrooms, coyotes wouldn't be a problem.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Go forth brother and make her so. If you build it, they will come.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Everyone has their own preferences I happen to play better when I have multiple balls in my pockets.... no pun intended","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"My favorite new fan! Glad to see you here! Rest up and get ready for the Friday game.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I am a ethnic [NAME] and demand that normies get out! REEEEEE","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Not adjacent. Far enough away that I am not easily in sight but could get to the hook 2-3 seconds after I see that glint of movement.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love how far some people stretch. I don’t think this fits the sub and now I’m a [NAME] that uses storefront. Nice.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Was it this?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Hurts to read :(","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":">New Years Penis","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Seriously. I legit laughed at this.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Again. Spygate was legal.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I have no idea Lmao. One of the kids at my school shared it. 16. Actually cares about politics. So L","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Yeah this bothers me. Family should be off limits, and this scene was really sad","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"[NAME], I love the Expanse so much. Next to Mindhunter, Daredevil, and Breaking Bad, I've never enjoyed a series like those 4.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] has strong ties with one person. [NAME] has strong ties with 3, maybe 4.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":">!the only time it's become a harem is in the epilogue, and it's only 1 part of him!<","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The math so far appears to indicate something more damning. The question I'm curious about is whether the information will come out before summer.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Can you imagine being taken to court over a flushing loo? I can’t believe the courts are even entertaining this.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Great mate good luck!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yes!! There are some great step parents on the show!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That kill was beautiful","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Exactly all I hear is about [NAME] and [NAME] and nothing about [NAME] it is crazy.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"ILL TAKE YOUR ENTIRE STALK FTFY","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They don’t like him, so he is divisive. It’s projection.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You can try, but I suspect it might be a waste of time.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Not gonna lie sometimes I crave meatloaf...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks very much. I'm off work in a week or so. I know where I'm heading!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I still like to think the combination of alums not donating and the TA strike caused them to reverse their decision on SS.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Best year of my life tbh","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm not surprised.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Taliban is the worst.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"If you're in the Arrowverse, stay away from [NAME] and [NAME]. Swipe motherfucking **left**.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Can you read? It says right there the tweeter’s husband got out to help the woman and ask if she was okay","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Good luck with the interview!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Haha yeah!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"This is my gift This is my curse","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Totally agree. I'm actually excited to play overwatch again tonight because of it. Teamwork is everything.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Cured her depression, didn't it?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"It's gonna be somewhere between 25-30 overall, who cares","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Cue [NAME] and his rant on old American men","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Haha you have a cut on your face you must be the worst person who ever lived.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"That is the issue with most things, if you work there you can not win, as well as friends and family members.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Cool, I just wonder why you didn't go in to help","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Highly reccomend it OP Listen i got 74 days cigerette free i couldnt be happier! My next step is quitting the juul which is gonna be rough","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I only eat other people's babies.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That cut to [NAME] looking at the camera was hilarious.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The stress of electoral politics seems to be incredibly bad for one’s health.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Sadly, yes. You'll only be able to craft weapons with fixed Attachements.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"The village elders have not given a shit about the children for awhile now.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"A beautiful wonder of nature. Dress prices have fascinated humanity for thousands of years and been the subject of poetry and art in cultures across the globe","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I use group up but there's a group up for healing prompt? I'm on console and I don't think I've seen it","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I don’t like fasting but that’s not correct lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Idk but no it wasnt CHD","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"No, you are saying that.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That explains why you're wearing a dunce cap and your chair is in the corner.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"All the time","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If the wealthy behave as if its fine to discount the future then its fine for the poor to take from them.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Dental Assisting. I still deal with people but going through school and doing hours at a dental office I'm thoroughly enjoying it.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Had such a hard time cutting up the steak","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"there's an entire street in my neighborhood that's lined with 80+ year old magnolias on both sides. It's amazing.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Poetic justice they get to the title game host Philly and BDN whips it out for them and shoves it down their throat. That would be epic.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're not wrong. We move better in a chaotic atmosphere rather than a structured one.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"She was cheating on you *during* the wedding? That's impressive.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Ugh. I wish you were wrong.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"You okay bro? You seem emotional.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Please tell me the area of NYC that is like the DTES. I'll wait.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What is the chair in the photo? I'm torn between sex toy and torture device.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Definitely not a misunderstanding if you read the articles Bloomberg posted.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Nothing of value lost then. They didn't really give a shit before so it doesn't matter now. Move on and cultivate new relationships.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"#THEY DON'T VOTE IN FEDERAL ELECTIONS, JUST LOCAL ONES *Takes a deep breath*","label":23,"emotion":"relief"} {"text":"I agreed with your first point and then stated a statistic. My bad, awkward wording on my part.😢","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Wow, you people...","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"[NAME] that was funny too. She was mothering him the whole episode","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"If you can get out to Banff, I highly recommend Nourish Bistro. Incredible vegetarian/vegan food... even meat eaters like myself love it!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I HAVE BEEN CALLED! I MUST ANSWER....ALWAAAAAAAYYYYYSSSSSS! *Death Scream*","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"A Modest Proposal [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Had a quick listen and it could potentially be my jam! Thank you, kind [NAME] :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"People are paying attention to their assets? Hmmm. I don't feel sorry for them.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Man I jave never heard such a load of horseshit.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"The UK government's No Deal plan is basically to do exactly what they would do if the withdrawal agreement passes, with some caveats, I believe.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"#I DID NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH THAT WOMAN.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Top 10 nibbas satan's too afraid to torture.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I can’t think of any at the moment but I just wanted to say I love [NAME] lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Way to go mama for being so supportive!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My bad, second time today I have been pulled up with have* after should. My bro slang coming through in my grammar.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Thanks So Much!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Even a powerline adapter won't save you from the laggy mess that is SFV","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Clear eyes.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Feeling your pain. I was laid off due to our department closing the week after Thanksgiving. Good luck to you. Stay strong.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"dude i get that he was making a joke","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"thanks i used to sell cashews nuts and they the people called it the nuthose so i used the name","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Huge goal for [NAME]. Big confidence boost for the mistakes from the start of the season!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Like a low budget version of this amazing game show","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"We can hope","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Very reassuring. Thank you for the effort you took to escalate this with cc and posting their detailed response. Appreciate it!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It's a fact tho. So your accusations are simply based on misinformation.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"[NAME] would be fun [NAME], [NAME], [NAME], [NAME], and possibly [NAME] would make us prime contenders for hard knocks","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I haven’t been keeping up with MHA, but this seems like a real bad idea","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"(While I love this moment, she wasn’t a judge, she was an inspirational guest.)","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I think Seager and Urias will be better than any free agency acquisition we can possibly make. If. Both. Are. Healthy..","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That's terrible. I'm sorry for your loss.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"No deal then? Sick of reading about this shite.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I would love it if we got Nino! Nino - Mitts - Sheary would be a great second line.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Glad someone appreciates it! This was a lot of work.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"With Everyday passing day without a good signing I feel like we got robbed in this trade","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Its a bit weird of them to recommend you a song by The Strokes after they told you their offer","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"OK, is there a crossover between herb and spice in your language (Norwegian?) I was confused by 'North American Provence spice'.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Yo mamma so flat, Earth gets jealous.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Never heard of this before, but I think it's awesome. Thanks for sharing! Can I buy this track on Bandcamp?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I agree. I've been passively thinking that the left and right axis is irrelevant. Its north and south that divides","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I’m gonna do lsd again in 2 weeks","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Or pay someone to take photos. It's very easy to have a cheap wedding if you are a choosing beggar.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I absolutely love him. He is one of the two people that I enjoy playing. He has one of the most unique move sets and I like that","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Wishing that sweet boy a super quick procedure and an even faster recovery. I’ll keep you guys in my thoughts.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"People are just so used to these laws never being enforced in any meaningful way in other countries.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Does anyone remember the way home? I do! *blam* Anyone else? *raises hand* *blam* Anyone else?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Fuck you bro","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Horrific. Shameful.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Never take advice from someone named \"poor judgement","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"That's probably the price a [NAME] pays to rent the Trump Hotel D.C. Ballroom for a cocktail party. Whoop de fucking doo.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Dennis day. I wanna see what the [NAME] would put the Gang through.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"I don’t know about shatting myself but I would have been _shocked_ for sure.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"What is the reason you 2 have only been on 1 date in a whole year? Why cant you just 'see' each other in person?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Dawg, turn on the volume and smash that screen record button. too easy.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And that is exactly why I never got that shit done, even though it interests me greatly.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I'm excited!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Omg, I'm so sorry. I'm sending you love. That's horrible. :/ Are you doing okay?","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"American children raised by English parents can easily end up with accents resembling their parents’.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Typical verbal diarrhea from a cucked sheep. Good try though. B+ for effort.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"why does this feel like rightwing propaganda made because they are pant shittingly terrified of her...","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Didn't [NAME] say that [NAME] was going to be on?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Lets not meet with a panther. I seriously love this subreddit.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Even if no sickness is spread, no one else wants to see or smell that while they are eating.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can't wait till the home game in March... And a portland okc playoff series would be \"lit af","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Walkerton for anyone who is curious about the actual real deaths under \"chainsaw\" [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Haha, imagine someone always looking amazingly fashionable, taking hours to dress 'down', trying to look casual.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I'm in the Central Time Zone in the US so I have some time to go. But Happy New Year to you man!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"is that an enby egg?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Also r/justnomil holy doodles man they are nutso.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What a masterful bit of propaganda. Get the left to want war and criticize peace.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Same for me, feels like i've been made alone just so my brother can get all the attention","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Expert peep fan here! I’m not gonna attack or defend I just wanna say that kids a little Bitch","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"yeah, I agree. it’s just annoying hahaha but thank you so much!!! (:","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I'm not a gamer but I always feel bad if I kill an ant or some other bug like that for no reason :( instant regret","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"the ancap ideology has spread to birds now. Our numbers grow stronger every day😂","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"When your 16 and do adderall and get a panic attack","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"To add, from what I hear he is actually a stand up guy and not at all the douche that the tweet/comments are about.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh no here come the fanboys and girls, dude... RUUUNNN","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"To prep or not to prep, that is thy question.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Not exactly starving though is it, so my point still stands.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"even though its alot of work, i got 100% this weekend, and that scene re-opened the wound, lemme tell ya. what a masterpiece","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"great! Whats on your mind? Be open about it,","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Queen coming for that 2nd week!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The problem with C4 wasn't that it was short, but that nothing really happened.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"This is so wholesome I love it","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"The average person here could go their whole life without ever seeing a gun. The gangs and such yeah they manage to get guns one way or another","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Except, you know, it doesn’t. Fuck off commie","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If there is an ordered psychological work-up, will it be 3 days and 3 nights and will they decide if she needs to stay longer? thank you","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Neither is beating people up","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"This one really made me laugh.. Omg","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You dirty abo","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Epic didn’t take the rights, Skybound chose to work with them. Blame Skybound not epic.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"That boy of yours is a real hero","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] Edit: but certainly LP deflated there","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You actually have a point. But I think as long as they both dont have an issue atm it should be okay.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Deep blue eyes look weird to me. The rest seems pretty good.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thank you! I remember that now.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"that is the saddest damn yogurt ive ever seen","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I was told that upon waking up from a surgery, my first phrase was “don’t Terri [NAME] me” ☹️","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Good thing you did not live near a Guatemalan insane asylum.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"He must hate you","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"It's always bothered me. He reminds me of [NAME], coming in for the kiss with his mouth wide open!","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"This looks amazing omg!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"FUCKKNG PLEASE 🙏🙏🙏","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I don't care. It's adorable.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Short and sweet I like it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"They're more off beat than Blueface. I didn't think that was possible.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They're all concerned about keeping the human race going. As for reproduction stopping with us, let it be.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It was used during the revolution and you know how they are with tradition.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah people that take money from their children don't just look at their Bank account and think \"Wow a 4000 dollar deposit magically happened.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] just got punched in the face","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I get ya. If thinness was something I could buy I'd be flat broke by now","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I like this one","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Abso-goddamn-lutely. It’s the only thing I can think of that can make otherwise rational people defend rape, murder, genocide and slavery.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Or you know, don’t use your phone during school.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh boy, leprosy!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Thank you so much","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I like him too but when we DFAd him last year you’d have thought we cut [NAME]","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Different personalities, I've always been like that with friends and family.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"*slams obvious repost on the desk* Pack your things. Get outta my subreddit","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can´t believe the problem was this. Thx mate, it´s solved!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME] as family!?!?! I NEED TO KNOW MORE.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Then it would have been removed. Don't assume my thoughts. I cringed. I posted.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"...oh absolutely! ...it's really bad if they're having a mania episode...","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Still, that's quite the life. A [RELIGION] vegetarian causing mayhem, drinking with bands and almost getting serenaded by [NAME]!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Fake news! Obviously this can't be true, as everyone can clearly see the angelic halo above [NAME] head.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Never terrible in clutch","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I used to have fun with it and didn't feel angry aside for when [NAME] was op lol","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"The reduction in class size seems pretty small and insignificant.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Yeah that’s what I was saying, thanks for pulling the stats I was too lazy to.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Moral and factual truths are equivalent. If you purposely make a wrong decision based on false beliefs or incorrect theories then you're immoral.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We really missing JV","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Either they're back together or they have to pretend everything's fine, until the show ends.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] just commented on my comment with links to the pamphlet! ‘Tis real!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes, I have. What are the towns of which you speak?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Absolutely yes.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"[NAME] to GB yesterday","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I know, don't worry ;)","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Are you actually going to get on stage and say it into the mic? That’d be fuckin legendary","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"EGG ROLLS. That's why your progress isn't good.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"r/NagafenCoD is ecstatic","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I thought I was the only person who enjoyed the dlc. I finished it so satisfied with how it went then looked online...was blown away by the reception.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I told her that same thing. She insisted that it was a possession","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm not giving more clicks for a video when the headline should be explained in the body of the Arte.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"People only treat you the way you allow them to.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What a handsome guy, anybody know what breed that is?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"THANK YOU [NAME]","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Looks interesting, I'll definitely keep an eye out for it when it's closer to release.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Y’all are the bomb thank you :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It was once was mine too. Im starting to use it again. :) It is so fucking beautiful,","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thanks for your advice.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I mean that’s still weird bro... it’s like a college grad feeling up a junior in HS","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"acting confident is more suitable title lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I assume the [NAME] announcement doesn't mean that his contract money comes off of the payroll?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Not the point, and also I'm sure this means raider can dodge gb it.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That didn’t happen at all. It instantly became the front page material of the night with most liberals speculating about what buzzfeed got wrong.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Orangeman = cuck","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My boyfriend loves it, I don’t really care","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Criterion is such a great company though. I’m really hoping they get their new steaming service up and running soon.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"OMG! 😂😂😂😂","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"ball just bounced up a bit as [NAME] hit it, unlucky. Need to test [NAME] more, he's really not that great","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Not where I expected that to go...but uh...good luck out there!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And now what you've been waiting for, another long raga by [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"To be fair, the illegal should have been out of country.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's freedom of speech for you. We have to give even the assholes a chance to talk, because the alternatives are worse.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"No disadvantages in stereotypes.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you. I’m glad the club acted responsibly.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"my screen is 10 years old so the graphics are also horrible","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"The Nashville Design is just a placeholder. The actual plans have yet to been finalized.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Guess this \"grown man\" had to run back to his safe space because words hurt his feelings.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's weird that many places consider iguanas invasive species..","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Talk to a psychologist. Sorry but they can help if you think you have a problem","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"This has almost 3k upvotes in r/oddlysatifying because of the wiper blades. Edit: r/oddlysatisfying","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Eso me cae bien. I was just thinking that contending to make the playoffs in a few years was a depressingly low goal.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I was banned for criticizing the authoritarian mods and now I’m back! Feels good to have the subreddit return to the principles of freedom of expression.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Afton is relatively small, doesn’t have very many members, and is rather close to other temples compared to Brasilia.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Finally, someone that understands you don't just get to keep information from your spouse about cheating to \"protect them\". That's crazy to me.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Ah [NAME] trying to save the faith by strawmanning amazing.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I couldn’t agree more! I think deep down all I wish for is some weird validation from women","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"It’s merch everyone calm down - she’s using the season 11 hype to get attention","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The dude even looks like [NAME]!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Do you have a source for this? It wouldn't surprise me but I'm curious.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I just woke my wife up to make sure that she was okay before I could lay down.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Lol, the delusion is strong.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"How do you think she got the job?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"maybe you learned it from the yellow vest movement in France?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"paahahaha cry more sweetheart","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Yes. Get used to it, it's not going away soon.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You’re gonna let him go without unmasking him??","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I would normally give them the benefit of the doubt but they've really damned themselves today. Their hypocrisy is incredible.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Shit hitting the fan = Being a child predator. ' hmmmmm... I don't know bout that one chief.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"What if I went around with a bat and stalked down every socialist I could find? Socialism killed more innocent [NAME] then [NAME], remember?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sick burn. I like it.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Devils Advocate - Didn't the cringe-worthy Nike ad end up benefitting them in the long run?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"As a Dolphins fan this hurts me","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"He burnt out. Give it some time. Other option is he never really cared, but I find that unlikely. Also maybe life just happened.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Keeping his mouth shut? After cheerleading for the dictatorship, that's the least the scumbag can do.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Exactly! The mob mentality of these people is sad! Let's bring some love and peace into the world!","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Cause his value is at the lowest now.. If he does improve and score goals for Monaco, he'll be sold in the summer.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"¯_(ツ)_/¯ I think its cool.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Show them to me when you draw them... if you want... Take care.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"That's the biggest annoyance I have with this sub the past year; how little people value [NAME]. I don't get it.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"What's ridiculous is this stupid post and this asinine idea that white people are these constant victims","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"About as much say so as the Walmart employee that stocks the shelves.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Seems to be fake. Checked the Morning Mix website, no articles from Nov 13^(th) 2018 that match the title shown.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Bless your heart. Mine hit me at Thanksgiving. I’m so sorry.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Every airliner is fully pressurized, even the hold. There's no \"partially pressurized\" aircraft. They don't necessarily heat the cargo area though","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Best song about [NAME] honestly, what a bop","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"calm down there satan","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I certainly got what I asked for. Thanks. DI mixups are so cool.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"got a screenshot of the interaction!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"What a beautiful message - it's all about love, and I hope it sinks in to some of the COB people who might see it.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Smell my cheese, you mother!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I assume you mean how men are guilty until proven innocent in rape cases and how many places refuse to accept women can commit rape","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Knew you weren't from here. I don't believe your story though.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I came here to upvote the first throwback [NAME] comment. Wasn’t disappointed.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's not *literally* the same investigation.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Watch alpha jackals explanation of the Nerf. It's a great explanation","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"If we made him stop once we can do it again!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Idk but try r/bathswithdoors first for advice","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"The best soft sequel pre-boot spin-off. The movie that would be better as several movies or a tv series. The best outrage over a movie.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I want to be their friend","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"you are lucky to have him....lord knows i wish i could have a so, but its natural to want friends too.....dont feel bad","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She can also say she's committed to the public system while still wanting two tier. So what she said there truly means nothing.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Im sorry I said something negative about your beloved Valve.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Agree 100% I guess I'm just happy to see anyone, even total scumbags, willing to criticize dear leader.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I like that energy","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Launching a jab is a hard commitment though, right? Because I doubt you can react fast enough to seeing them jab and launch them.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I mean I'd rather have play him in the infield, but either way someone will get injured and [NAME] will play the infield.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thought so. Thanks!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Currently have 2 points. One is from when my cat died and the other is from a really bad migraine.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I avoid them like the plague and report them","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Oh, when you were an infant you wanted to be around me ALL THE TIME! Your evil wife must be why you changed!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"You’re doing the [NAME] work.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Plus they might still be salty about the prison colony debacal.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm critical of halal, but I also don't eat meat. None of it is humane.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Nope, it’s what you said. If 17 isn’t a child then what are they?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Stupid plays after stupid fkin plays","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Dating [NAME] tends to wear you down, late 20s must’ve been rough","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love all of this. Thank you ❤️","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Thanks for the info mate gonna watch out next time","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I know. Come to us [NAME] and be lulled to sleep by [NAME] and his soft Catalan/Norf London brogue","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"At this point they should start playing Sweet Georgia Brown over the PA system...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Patient zer-oh no she betta dont","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I want to bounce a whole roll of quarters off that ass, holy shit.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Assuming you're a dude, yes, just let him watch you. But be ready to clean up the toilet seat and surrounding area a lot.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Just discovered that my bathroom at work has this spray that you put on the water before you poo and makes it not smell. Absolute game changer","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I feel bad for that other little girl that was the only one not to get a puck","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I love this.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"getting signed by a team just because youre a girl is advantageous what do you mean?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"i hate u...","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Good night! Glad you got your power back!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Let’s go! TRoss is awesome","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] is not a smart man. Giving a fraud a fucking card. Like wtf","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"That's even cheaper than I had figured.. there's still the \"to you\" bit... OP needs to post an Amazon wishlist.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh no, [NAME] is in pain","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Probably because every day several people ask the same question.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"wow wow wow hold my beer!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Get a ride to heaven. You think [NAME] wants to pedal that far!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Did you really just link a study about partner violence and then equate that to the entirety of violence? Holy shrimp.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"[NAME] is [NAME] and [NAME] daughter?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks for reminding me. I can find better burgers","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Till they bark at the racists in your subreddit","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Okay, thanks!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"that's a proud dad","label":21,"emotion":"pride"} {"text":"That’s a fine r/beetlejuicing here","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This girl is my hero.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"9Gag was my jam back in high school! Pleasure to meet an alumni","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I did the same with a group of buddies. Nonetheless, Happy New Year!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"[NAME] Immediately thought of you when I saw this thread. Can’t stop laughing. But. I’ll wear yours someday and no others","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I am so proud of this community.","label":21,"emotion":"pride"} {"text":"I would LOVE to be on the show!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Ignore the trolls this is a fantastic idea.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Lol, talk about a blast from the past! Your comment really doesn’t solidify any points.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"People put their lives at risk trying to rescue them.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I hope to experience this beautiful rendition of bliss","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Please stop posting things like this, this is serious, keep it civil, keep it real, thanks.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Maximum silly!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"lmao!!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I couldn't be a god, I hate harp music.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"She's a good chief stew and very good at her JOB but a shitty people person and a shitty leader.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That sounds great, I *love* Rogue One. It's also the movie that's perfectly safe for TLJ fans to despise.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The mango pods I purchased in New Zealand gave me a crazy headache but other flavours did not.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This movie was awesome, what’s wrong with you? I’m sure the next one is gonna be totally rad.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I agree with your statement.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That isn’t the Thai flag? 🇹🇭","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"evolve groove spines, or ask [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I liked how in the video the [NAME] picked him up and held him a little. Pretty Wholesome¯_(ツ)_/¯","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Well thats survival sweety. Run away live to fight another day. You on the other hand are the one that learns the hard way and ends up dying first!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Probably left the crusts on ! Borderline abuse right there !","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What a fucking bozo","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"He also needs to understand it’s insanely hard to empathize with multimillionaires playing a kids game asking for hundreds million more.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"You’re going to love it. Wake up refreshed and ready","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Down Goes the Bear","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If yous got a problem with Canadian Gooses than you’ve got a problem with me and i suggest you let that one marinate","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks for the compliment","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I love the RDS.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I can't tell if its a guy or a girl and i don't know if I love or hate that","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Or you just say \"Sorry, this isn't working out\", and leave.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"They were criticizing your spelling.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"...starts Jan 1. \"Published Jan 2\" Way to hit that breaking news.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh. You’re one of.... ^*those.*","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What is scary?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Literally a post on reddit by a woman being creepily hit on by a neighbor, with his wife's permission. Today.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"oof I hope he didn't break his arms landing like that","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I’d love it if the Star Wars license was revoked from EA and then Obsidian make another KOTOR game.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I tried. [NAME] responded by taking the baby to see her without me, while I was at work. 😤","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm concerned because I understood it as well. Is Kykko a bot?","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Shocking that a fat DnD kid is this self-important. Remarkable.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Bjj= Brazilian jujitsu, they are known to have stupid think necks due to constantly being grabbed around the neck while grappling.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'll wait until he enforces this before I get excited.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Sometimes I wish he read mine","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Nah I’m donating it","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Man that sure is one fun kid. He's more fun here than I'll ever be my whole life 😞","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A world where I despise a good number of republicans AND democrats.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I lowkey love the chicken and waffles from longhorn chicken. It’s a food truck in west campus.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"[NAME] from Always Sunny is literally the best comparison for this dude. He looked a LOT like him and behaved the same way.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m so happy [NAME] gets to make more money","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I’m not going to get in to the boring details here, but... Too late.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Is this real? 🤔","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Anarchist to cop: \"Stop beating people!\" Cop: \"Stop imposing your morality on me, you lifestylist!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm surprised [NAME] let her post that.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Whaaaat no way, you can’t play it with other people?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Lol i love my life. You're the one insulting random strangers on the internet. Must suck having no life 😂😂😂😂","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Thank you :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Anybody who likes to drink water with ice is a degenerate","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wow thanks I would've never figured out that you were sarcastic without that /s","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"...*rip everyone who didnt go to college and instead paid your way through a degree which is hopefully a net return*","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I confirm, my increased by around 20% every year for the last 3 years.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Was it a quad-core or a six-core? I always find my Apple easier to eat if I turn it off first.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Idk, I'd say the screams of government pawns dying is a pretty cool sound effect.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"John Oliver is a fucking liberal pig.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I believe you. Have you compared them to any other designs of headphones in the same price range though?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's such a lol watching them trying to desperately rationalise their literalism.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Maybe had a bad experience with [NAME]? But [NAME] and [NAME] still seemed like good friends what with [NAME] visiting the Solo set...","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Made me cry and my one year old golden who was laying near my feet ended up coming up and snuggling me.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Get out of here with this, dude.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Wow, that's cool!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"haha love it!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"My personal supply is always well stocked, thank you. You're welcome to it if you'd like an alternative to Arlene from Accountings baby feed.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Happens to me sometimes too in certain scenarios. Its frustrating especially when you're banking on it deflecting something.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Wow. How many beds is 22 wards?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Rec and Red just need to die as teams. Fucking joke of a performance here considering how much funding they are both getting.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Man that was like 6 minutes ago","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Omg I think I laughed way harder at this than I should have!! 🤣💍","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Those guys are on top 5 Levels.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Counterpoint, ACAB.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You might not be eating enough. You almost have to double. 2000 calories of meat vs 2000 calories of veggies is a HUGR difference.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"So are leftists ones. You will get banned for disagreeing with someone REEEEing at trump.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"thanks, it’s been so much better","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"No it’s true. However it is time to rethink how we recycle clothing in cities and the elimination of donation bins is step one.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"lool chill fam, u aint gotta do him that bad","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I saw that, and read it *immediately* in his voice.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That looks like you need to go to the hospital ASAP or you'll lose a limb and possibly more.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Yes! I just wish that the good would be gone. It’d be great if he had his Injustice 2 look","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"CHONK. WANT. FLUFFY.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Excuse me?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"What state and what size of city? Im curious if it's inner city of small town","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Roids are a lot more harmful than makeup.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"If you don't believe the government has the power to restrict things, you're not a liberal, you're an anarchist or a libertarian.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Did your finger go completely sloppy? Thats grossly awesome.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh no you didn’t just quote tlc...👍🏼","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I would love a gatling gun arm like Barret from FF7 has.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"37?? He looks 47. Hard life...drugs and alcohol.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I dont really know, I think its mostly because they just get these really high end computers and do nothing with them.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Reading some of the stories on this sub make me appreciate my family more.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It's funny because he just got out of jail.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Ya did good, bud.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I still defend the evening gown .. that purple and that wig were right","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"The third floor isn't high enough. I'm also in dire need of a job and the stress is unreal.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Totally irrelevant to my point","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Daddies little nightmare","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lmao I wonder how much effort it takes to reread 2 lines that she deemed too straining. What an era to live in...","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"A good response to most of the criticisms of millenials.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"California Adventure has beer so I'm fuckin living the dream.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Good luck on your grad school applications! 💪","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Thanks for the help!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Oh. My. [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"BUT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN THEM LIKE TWO SECONDS TO HELP HIM GET OUT REALLY!!! This show makes me angry sometimes.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Thanks for the tip! I just watched it and now I want more insider info!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Sure let's leave a bomb outside a [RELIGION] secondary school, that'll show the [NAME]!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"That was it! Thank you","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Just commenting here to give you a notification :) Have a nice day now","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"[NAME]. I’m not sure you’ll feel the same way when it hurts to open doors when you’re 35.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I just hope [NAME] gets hired","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Well then, I can't wait for you to prove me wrong but your throwaway comment isn't helpful.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Alright people, time to revive this comrade's karma.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Daddy Patches!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I bought the double barrel and fully upgraded it and now it's one of my favorite guns.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yes!!! It shows insecurity... automatically swipe left","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I can't wait for all these now unregulated projects to demonstrate why we had regulations in the first place.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"ahhhhh ok I thought it was the other way round, thanks for clearing it up.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME] also hates selfies","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love how you're making an assumption to try and make a point.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"The film room crew think he'd be first qb, but top drafters don't need qb","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I bet he doesn’t line up for Daniels Donuts","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I know! I love it..... this is who we really are!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Made by [NAME] who also was involved with Sacred Games so I think you'll enjoy it.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Yeah it wasnt like we had girlfriends","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I never played as a burglar, so I am not familiar with them XD But, I mean....humans as pets! lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Ah didn’t know what that term meant. Got bored with all the party terminology. But yes, I guess I am.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"That'll cost ya.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Bless your heart sweaty. Bless your heart.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"[NAME] Instagram story last night had a Mexican dinner for two cooking at his home. I bet they're already together.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Women cheat way more. They have unlimited options like a kid in a candy store. Most men couldn't cheat if they tried","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I really wish this wonderful person would run for president! <3","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"The guys rappelling on the wall... Wow.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"No!!! I love emojis 😎😎😁😁😁😁💖🎉","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"That’s what I’m terrified of.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"You will never have as many girls interested in you as when you have a girlfriend. They can smell it","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Glasses and [NAME] made me regain interest in the show. Pluuus I want to know what happens to [NAME], she's my favourite character :(","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I personally believe [NAME] is asexual, other characters in simillar situations all get hints toward homosexuality but I can't remember any for [NAME].","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I would literally rather have the government throw $3k into a shredder than fund this shithead’s trip down south","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"It's not my cousin's fault. It was actually me who set up the whole date.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"and he's fat from all those luxury meals","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're with him, you brought him here to kill me.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Wow she sounds like fun","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I haven't seen him in a few days now, and his car hasn't been there so I've been going outside more.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damnit! What song is that at the end!?!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Couldn't agree more.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"You are terrible developers.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Must be so frustrating having the wrong old man facing their own shutdowns.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Don’t be saucy with me, mister! I ain’t Alfredo you!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I can play faster. I just don't enjoy it as much. Might I ask what is your draft winrate?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Well if they are in the playoffs it likely means we are not so that should be a cause for concern regardless of how they perform once they get there","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I literally received the ready up bug while playing solo yesterday.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Funny thing is, all of my salespeople who consistently sell 20/mo are constantly on the phone. Weird!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"It's fascinating how each language originated isn't it but the how it happened is beyond my scope.So I don't dwell much upon it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] was not a candidate in the presidential election.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That doesn't look too bad.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"It's an absurdly racist phrase that these anti-racist activists are very comfortable using for some reason.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME]. Forever","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Did [NAME] funnel money to any paramilitaries?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can't tell if sarcasm, or an irrelevant statement, but thanks, first thing to see venturing into reddit at 00:15, actually nice :o","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME] was almost all around higher rated going into the draft Hindsight is 20/20","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hahahaha. This. This right here. 😂","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"We are there right now. 🍺","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This guy looks like the real life [NAME]","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Too bad it's only good enough to fool dumb animals or animals with poor eyesight","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well with how often the VPD turns a blind eye downtown I promise you vigilante justice is coming.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Trust your gut","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"There are courts. You need to document all this and let the judge give him a tongue lashing. Not that that would make a difference...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Here's a real example.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Nail in the coffin. Sucks that refs always feel the need to call an equalizer penalty","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Right. Lol Then they try to gaslight the audience. As if we cant pause and rewind.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"That depends on the country and the state (if in the US.) You don't even know what continent they're on.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"WHAT A SHIFT!!! Can't stop that zone.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Wanting America to be better does not mean hating America. We can do better than [NAME]. He’s an embarrassment to the entire country.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"You thought wrong. Also, the answer is Caribbean Splash Car Wash on Clarksville Pike. I'm not even kidding.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"No. Utterly despicable cult with no redeeming value.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh my [NAME] coco I’m so sorry sweety","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"I'm getting politically charged rhetoric from a cola company now?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Been living in US for 4 months. Saying obesity is out of hand would be an understatement.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He was also involved in a much less known NBC investigation into","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"It's not as if she was my supervisor at bestbuy lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Well I’m hyped.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I like how nobody else is doing anything to stop him","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"He does hate [NAME] though. And [NAME] gets promoted.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Im 13 I can't get a job..","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Hmmm.. This map]( a lot like this map","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You armchair analysed it, and were entirely wrong. Literally none of what you said was true, because it was all pretend.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"👍 <3<3 so much yes! 🔥","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Yeah it's unexpected but I have to remove this because it's not satire or gatekeeping.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"But she still looking like late twenties","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks for the love bro","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Hey, you can make baseless claims if you want. Don’t expect people to just believe you though.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Oh btw this was me yesterday, commenting on that \"ugly\" ban!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"The air can kill you at this temperature.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I was pointing out the irony of [NAME] comment.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Miz Cracker is the worst parts of Aquaria and Trixie. Unprofessional pettiness and shadiness of Aquaria and the slightly problematic and sometimes delusional humor of Trixie.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ugh I wish!!! You’re not in the US?","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"We'll worry about it tomorrow","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"yep he joined the wrong org","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"SE 89th just north of Brooklyn St is one of the worst I've driven.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"> People who aren’t stupid don’t get offended when Called stupid. Exactly. Well put. Thanks.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"The thought of him having to schedule me in really turns me off and makes me sad. Has the reduced gaming time helped with intimacy in any way?","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"The fuck? That ball was still on the ground tho.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I don’t think there’s anything sad about how many people are attending from their country, but I am doubtful of their prospects!","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"thanks, metropolitan looks legit according to google searches.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"what are you doing here, [NAME]","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"The best champagne","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"A life well spent....","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Man, I wish Fed was still 26 for these matches lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Oooh yes, great idea. Too bad there aren't any other duplicate names","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Haha I was about to say damn she straight up eviscerated her in between bites.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Crazy how [NAME] being a POS had been factual since the 90s but he’s only now feeling the consequences of his actions","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Typical [NAME], i know because i am one","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Eh, you can't really judge his character solely on the appearances he makes on his GF's IG without making a ton of presumptions","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"What fun is this?? I love it!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"yes they do, and I am glad that you were able to change hers.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"You go home now","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"*sees title* hello there!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"All i want is to be able to grab pig from an island and let it run freely on my deck","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Welcome to MTV Cribs! The whole place is a giant bed for me","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It was still controversial at the time which was my point.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] pulling in his inner [NAME]","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Those sound yummy!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"They blew up my feelings :'(","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Here come the Doterra Boss Babes to the rescue!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You've been banned from /r/chicagobulls","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If you don't like it, you didn't have to comment. Just let people be happy.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Thank you sound engineer for confirming that LOUD NOISE = FUNNY /s of course... thank you for your service.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":">she looks like squidward when she smiles LOOOL","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"When you live where it's this cold, incessant complaining is a national pass time.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"If this gets put in a video, hi mom!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Because she knows shame and he asked.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Because deceptive practices are easier than producing actual arguments in favor of your position.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is me yesterday, oh and today.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah I reckon. I inspected the property too, just forgot to check/ask until after. I'll pass out of principal haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"INFJ hands down \"Being organised brings joy to me","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Stay there it’s been good luck","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"...... mmmm unforbidden ham","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"wooosh! orange fans mad","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I play those characters all of the time and have never, ever experienced this.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Saying \"no\" five-ten times then a reluctant \"yes\" to shut you up is not consent!","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"That canopy looks like it could take someones head off.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Good, I was hoping I wasn't putting false words in your mouth.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Not to be confused with the toughest guy in the streets of Harlem.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Ahh, that's why I love my country.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I was surprised the general public hadn't already heard of them tbh. They have been around for quiet sometime.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I’ve been there and it’s above a highway, feel like that might raise some eyebrows haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"We all are afraid of losing our jobs here or being blackballed all the same.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Daaang [NAME] lost weight!!!! Is she making a comeback?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Thank you!!!!!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I SAW THIS ORION IN HALF, AND WITH THE POWER OF SPEAR SPAM,,,,, :DDD","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh my goodness.....I'm sorry. It's probably gonna take a long time to cope it.....","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Give me liberty or give me death metal","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Then believe me...he Always will be looking. It’s just the way it is with some guys.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks for the hug matey :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Happy Cake Day [NAME]! Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"What a weird character to use for something like this","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"wow. how arrogant of him /s","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"He did all this road to find this coconut oil ! Are you ungrateful ? :( !","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I have a very confused boner rn","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"That's fine. I'm searching for the truth, not just the legal truth. To each their own.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"why is this guy assuming the teen is some kind of southern pro slavery hick","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I actually realize this today. Woke up, swept the floor and the bathroom, have being amazing all day long.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The butcher seems to bug out, and not pay you, after around 3 horseback pelts, anyway.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well it depends on your level, class, and how good you roll.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"What are they doing up there?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> **most government positions**, especially elected positions **don't have any education or skill requirements** FWIW Yea they do.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"... ...I’ll get back to you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I drew that Godzilla!!! I'm OPs friend btw.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If you don't think MAGA hats are associated with racism then you've got your head stuck in the sand.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They did this at one of my jobs. The icing on the 'fuck you cake' was the drivers' last day was 4 days before Christmas.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"This is the guy to talk to! Draftbuffs amazing and getting better constantly.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Remember they are an ex for a reason. Seeing that smile probably made you remember all the happy times","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"12. He gets beat up by a total LOSER by the name of [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You will not have damage to extremities when applied in a temporary situation as in this case. Simple as that.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This is the truest statement I’ve ever read about [NAME]. May he smile mercifully upon you.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"is a minimum score. If you don't get it you fail the ASVAB. It's a really simple concept.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"The only part of church I'm sad my kids will miss.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"[NAME]!\" *screeched the two apprentices as they tried to prove their worth to the the one who shall not be named*","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I seen reactions to this elsewhere and DAM famales are some sensitive fucers, you see something online and your whole life fall apart like 🙂🖥️😢😭😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Just give him a chance!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Right, that makes sense! I wonder if the person I met in real life would acknowledge he's more of a fence sitter than childfree, haha","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Go on Webtoons and look up Boo! It's sex. Great freaking sex ed comic.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Why so hateful. I feel sorry for you.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Fuck a TD. I just want to survive [NAME].","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"starting a new trend lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The ones who agree with her are the only ones who actually address *her* issue....which is how to deal with boundary stomping relatives.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"It's pretty much a new format now, it must have been TF2 centred.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You mean 0.08 - at 0.8 you'd be dead about twice over","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Every time there's a video in my sub box I get really excited and then it's Fortnite. It's heartbreaking.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"just doesnt make sense... almost 30, already played in La Liga and they likely could have had him at any time he was there.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I like this idea.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I’m just doing it ironically to own the libs! /s","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Be prepared for a child support order. But my dad just decided he didn't want to pay any more and the CSEA was ok with that.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I am just utterly disgusted by it all","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Degloved finger...*ouch*. One of the worst types of avulsions.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"I think it's hilarious you guys think this will \"help\" [NAME] Yeah [NAME] was bad, but [NAME] didn't show very much either","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I apologise for coming off as rude, the end comment was unnecessary and needlessly rude","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"For fuck sake... just go and remind them it's the quiet train!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"The old “I had sex with your mom” joke. I chuckled a little.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"What a good pupper","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Boy it sure is a hot one today, huh?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Hope [NAME] is watching this but he's probably too busy snorting some lines","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"It was a joke long before the meme haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I stand corrected! But, if that's the case, who is the world's second most famous groundhog (assuming [NAME] remains #1)?","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"We don't. That is exclusively a leftist thing, and you know it.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Wow, thanks! Now i am rich again!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"You don't ask some random woman her bra size and if she's a virgin. That's just so rude.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"these have to be probably the worst presses ive ever seen, sorry mate","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"27 too many","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This dish is a testament to be beautify and ingenuity of Italian civilization and culture.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I reallllly loved the show. It disturbed me a lot, definitely. But I want more now.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Instead of dumped underground at a later date, just dumped into the sea earlier. Despicable","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Even then, the commentor could have gotten the joke and was just being dead pan.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Damn how do you post something directly to the front page?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Thanks, I sort of bought myself the leadership role with that little stunt I pulled. I will do my best.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"He's active tonight","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My #1","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sorrow. Sorrow.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wholesome encounters like this what keeps my hopes up for red dead online tbh","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"2 warm days and we all lose our minds? :)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's a shame you're sticking up for a dictator who orders the beating and shooting of protesters in the street.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Hope you get “at are it again”","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"It's the end of the world as we know it...and I feel fine","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I hate Detroit","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Congratulations on the job interview! NParents seem to give the absolute *worst* job advice. I'm glad that you've figured that out earlier than I did!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Imagine [NAME] ever saying this.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Pretty sure it’s a reference to Netflix’s “Bird Box” movie. In which case - brutal; I love it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Im actually going to this game! One of the only chances every year I have to see the boys play in person. LET GO DEVILS","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Over thinking things on both sides.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Give her weed to make her asexual and want to have sex with you. Great [NAME] logic.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That is odd.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"There were a surprising amount of surprised pikachus in this thread—thanks for the edit all the same.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I would not feed her anything that would cause extra butt wiping. No effing burrito!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"This is actually so funny, this is something id expect from Australian sports media since we're shit at broadcasting but lmao","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The stigma is justified. I dont care how you got it, it's still disgusting.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"In whom? There are millions of people walking around today with no problems.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is the most Chicago music video I think I’ve ever seen and I love it. Classic song!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I don't believe no one in your class thought of Mac or iPhone.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I feel like the last two seasons made me detach from the show.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I really hope not. Personally I have no interest in VR games, and not even my favorite game would change that.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Oh my [NAME] I forgot about that movie","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Wow grats man. Hopefully I can use this inspiration for myself tomorrow. If there was something new you learned in this experience would share it?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"He should really let [NAME] come inside him","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Its probably just related to something she is dealing with. Stress/anxiety often causes nightmares. But there are plenty of potential","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Lol Yes Most people arent 100% either (especially women). For a variety of reasons...finding beauty in other people, curiosity, jealousy, etc...","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I prefer to pay for my hugs, higher quality.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Which is exactly the point capt obvious.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I've seen guys who didn't know each other start conversations about sports. It all seemed very effortless.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Well I mean Australia is a good example of this working isn’t it ?","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I love how the dog bites hard enough to pull it away, but soft enough to not kill it","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"That sex doesn't exist and we're all just pretending for his benefit...","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I like you. No promo","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Wait did he’s married with a family and tried getting in your pants?!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"No, that's not possible. If you have proof then it's not misinformation what your spreading but simply information.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I’m very happy for you! Congrats! 😁","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I think there is a reality to that. Some of the focus has shifted to policing the language at the expense of dealing with more fundamental issues.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Now you move onto personal insults. Well done O king of the waffles. Once again using a word (nuance) with no context. Bored now.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Try to get between us and our maple syrup and see what happens","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"His wife wears a burka too, lest her comely appearance detracts him from godly thoughts.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ignorance is strength.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"“You fight like my sister!” “I’ve fought your sister! That’s a compliment!”","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Lol my comment started all this again","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Lmao I love how no one replied to say you’re wrong but you had -1 upvotes","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Thanks for the input! I definitely want to check that out it looks beautiful Do you think a puffer jacket is necessary?","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"This!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah, because it’s soooo arduous to look at someone’s profile for five seconds.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"He absolutely loves it!!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"If she stole a wallet with an activated card, or something along those lines. Once it's purchased, it's stealable.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Any good reading on [NAME]? I don't really know if I like her or not.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Not any meaningful amount as far as I can tell. Although I’d love to be surprised","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I agree...I just tell them the card is declined. It happens to everyone","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"ya keep pretending you can tell people what to do... see how that works out for you","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Are you able to see a therapist or counselor?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"That's your justification? You're a terrible person. Correction: You're a terrible child. Get some help.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Wait theres rats!!!??? Im calling health and safty!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So much lost diversity...","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"#THANK YOU FOR THE RED ARROWS. I NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED IT WAS THE TOP COMMENT","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"He had doubts but no matter, the baby changed his life and he wouldn't abandon it no matter what :)!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Getting the second one out of the way as well 🙄","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] - Holdin on. Check out his music because he is honestly amazing.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Get more crushes.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It sounds like he doesn't know exactly what he wants and he's taking it out on you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Pleasure to meet you brother","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Please don’t give up like that. People gaslight you, and you just lie down and take it? You are stronger than that. 💕","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"OwO what's this?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Yes!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I have secondhand embarrassment for them both.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Das pretty sweet. No-look throw!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I knew her in high school- she's awesome!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It’s just speculation, but...yikes!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You care more about their actions in that case.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"No, it is full of sexually repressed, nice guy idiots like you","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That's what I was going for, but I felt like replying with /r/woooosh was too much of a cookie cutter response.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The beautiful moment when Fridays and Sundays are your set days off and you have the PTO to cover Saturday 👍🏻","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I am truly sorry for you because that \"song\" is so awful","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"I agree you need to plan ahead. But you can't build infrastructure that will be heavily under-utilised and drive you broke to make.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Neither, but I plan on it soon.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"After 3 weeks of vacation, today is my final vacation day. Unfortunately, I go back to work tomorrow. not staying up for this one","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I found it using Guide to Purposeful Success. Hope it can help you the way it helped me!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Can we stop suggesting [NAME] as [NAME] it's not happening.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"This website is so strange.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Also in response to /u/hyunL. There was. Among other things such as vocally wanting rape to be legalized, \"breeding\" farms, among other things.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m intrigued.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"TELL TELL TELL. [NAME] I wish someone had told me.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"No worries. Just didn't see them. My bad.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"It was more of a joke. I still have hope for [NAME]. Just kind of a tough sell at this point.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"That look is exactly like my Waffle House. And the one past that and a town over.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Honestly wish [NAME] would just stop taking threes all together. They just don’t fall for him.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"You said you will turn 16 next year, this summer isnt next year","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"True enough. I'd love more LGBT friendly horror.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Honestly it makes me sad but [NAME] does need less time:/","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Eh, sorry, found it, not my ex, thank goodness! Apologies!!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME], if you're doing an Undertale deal, not having a red heart on your ass is inexcusable.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Is that meat or veggies?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The fact that [NAME], the other principal in the original story, has gotten out of this unscathed is annoying.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"AP can tell them to leave, and then call the cops if they don't. Soliciting/begging is not allowed on Target property.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Where is the problem? **Just do it again!**","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well good luck and have fun!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"OMG! I can only imagine. I've gotten it into a hang nail before and that was NOT fun.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Of course he does lol. Not very often, but he definitely has to block from time to time.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I don’t even like basketball that much. Chill out man","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Teen spirit sure ain't what it used to be...","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Just cut your losses, get out and don't look back!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Though underwear would have made this less embarrassing, I wear it for a different reason.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"That's what I thought too man","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You just posted the same thing but made it worse.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Bet Highland Council are sorry they sold their bunker last year.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"That might be an issue when it comes to meeting girls all the way around. Generally we love a guy who can make us laugh.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I'm surprised he hasn't already. He was charged on Dec. 31st but his name was only released yesterday.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"$20 paywall out $20 'starter pack' in — this would be great","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"No, because vaccines are recommended worldwide. And also, not amputating a body part.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Looks wise you sound dateable but no, I wouldn't date you, because you seem to have an overemphasis on appearance","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"/r/keto too believe it or not.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Looks like he drops the chainsaw right as the branch hits him","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm sure it was Leyou, the Chinese chicken farm company, that had shares, and not Tencent.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Nope. This is shown with [NAME] spider-man having reversed version of the Raimiverse spider-man, a la the upside down kiss having [NAME] on the bottom instead.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I am vuri disappointed in you. You gained turdy pounds tis munt. Scale dont lie","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Give it time people will figure out the truth if you engage with her then that gives her what she wants. She will definitely use that against you.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Why is [NAME] out? Is it a rest thing or a minor injury?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Whatever you do, don’t try to use a bone to get it out. It’ll only make it worse.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"When bear attacks kick him I'm the ball!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Takeover was great but the spectacle of the rumble match itself makes it more interesting for me. Same with MITB and elimination chamber.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I see him doing that.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"When I get a brain freeze, I grab my chest and throat. Very painful. Then i keep eating.","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"Bless this woman. That honestly sounds horrific from every end. I hope her ex [NAME] has lived a horrendous life since perpetuating that disgusting act.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"You're right, thank you.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"errrrrrrrrr that's pointless, and your Doctor I'm afraid is pointless as well.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I'm 39 and still love being given chocolate.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Women have a right to their own bodies. Your comments are horribly patronizing. They indicate that women intellectually develop slower than men which is sexist.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Sorry to hear that, I have it for ps4 and hardcore dlc servers are still up","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"No, but it can cost more than the minimum wage.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Like have an anti interventionist foreign policy.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Funny you say that... krav maga is quite popular in Evanston.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The ghost of [NAME] saves the day!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That guy talked bad about his haircut I guess","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Especially when it's right in your FACE","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Just think of it as set in an alternate universe where America didn’t just take independence but went back to England and established their own colonies there.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Could be an attainability thing. My personality is very aloof and I tend to have much better results with more confident girls in general.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"yes i did, thanks for explaining","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"What rights do men have that women don't in the west? Damn.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I support abortion","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'd let him destroy me with facts and knowledge 😩😩😩","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's been with me all day. Those reams of entries is one of the most quietly horrific things I've ever seen.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"I have faith","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It surprises me that he's a mod some days...","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"That sucks! Your lady giblets are NONE of her damn business. Does your BF at least try to curb her mouth?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Someone somewhere wants to be cuddled too. You'll never find that person if you don't talk to anyone you want to cuddle with.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Austin Powers that shit","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes to momentum. The time spent between phases is important. It’s also bad matchmaking","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Fuck yeah! Bring on 2019","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Mine do honestly, but I try not to use mine much when I’m in public with people because that’s tacky.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] is always late to meetings","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Ah yes, resort to ad-hominem attacks when you have nothing else to say.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Dude, I can't express in words how much relief this man brings to my soul.","label":23,"emotion":"relief"} {"text":"This is perfect","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I dated a guy from Steamboat Springs Colorado who used to do this. He had an immune system made of steel but it was absolutely disgusting.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"What a snake. Typical Fort Mcmurray politics.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It wouldn’t be our biggest free agent signing in a second considering he’s not a free agent.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Dying to find out who it is","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Same love our late 80s and early 90s Unis. When ever I used to play [NAME] I always played with throw back Unis due to helmet","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Step back and think about your comment then delete it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Where do you work/what do you do?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Love Galore pt.2 💯🔥🔥","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Nah. Enjoy your free food","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I think you should manage your hopes and expectations that you have about her. Start dating other people. Let her go","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"The unfortunate thing is that, right now, that **is** how it works in politics, it’s just been made extremely obvious the last few years.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Oh you magnificent person. Yes please.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The keg talent is awesome with a touch of honey and another round turning [NAME] into a mage","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"So is [NAME] the frontrunner for Executive of the Year, pre trade deadline?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm a woman and I lost mine at 26 (was just a later bloomer) This obsession with virginity is odd.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"She likes life more than I do","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I can't believe he used the N-word.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Happy cake day u/sneakpeekbot!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Is ketaconazole scheduled?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Lmao. I fucking love this community.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Omg I wish I were still there so we could brave this together. Let us know if you go!","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"HE CALLED A RAISE WITH 85 [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Without US attempting to do a regime change by funding jihadists in the first place there wouldnt have been a syrian civil war.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah that zip code is like right by where I work... now I’m curious lol","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"That's a bit tricky to pull off","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"Sorry to hear that, brother. Why do you feel more lonely now compared to usual?","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Or at least it could have been, but the pic is gone :(","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Here's an excerpt from Australian law that seeks to define hate","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Maybe you should smoke some and relax.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Certain mental health issues can be smelled on a person; by all accounts, schizophrenia makes a person's sweat smell like goat","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Dumb people. Poor person. The wolf was the only one who wanted to help!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Z-axis...? You mean the spontaneous propulsion system or is it something else?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I love lists. And problem solvers. I need you in my life.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"this is r/comedyheaven content alright. frick u i love it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Watch the movie \"The Big Short\". You'll love it. Promise.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"But \"questioning\" overwhelming evidence presented with a comprehensive explanation without any sort of counterargument is perhaps better called *denying*.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m battling depression and anxiety and having a healthy diet and loosing weight has helped me","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Oh my god. You *actually* asked reddit first? Fucking hell.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"the rubber coming off is always a problem","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"TL ranks dont mean anything and won't until they have rank restrictions on how many leagues people can be apart that can que together.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I love the people who confuse this sub for some kind of \"intellectual\" gathering lmao","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm working in a creative industry; you'd probably fair well.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I am sorry but what is a wholesome meme","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Nice vid, is this a modded server? I see that sexy G36...","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] for sure","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I would love that. [NAME] and [NAME] were easily my favourite supporting characters of season 2","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Man they must really hate [NAME] out of position at SF. But let’s play [NAME] at SF that should work.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Had to go check for myself","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Right? I hear too many horror stories of people ordering online and not getting the copy on the release date. I would be so pissed.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I was thinking of that. I used to love the Naked Gun movie and he is reminding of [NAME] character, who would get injured every scene","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Yo COURTTV bout to get a ratings boost.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I mean, struggle enough, the ropes will become loose. You'll live, go to the police, and get in some kind of protection.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Proper us of cell phone while operating a motor vehicle. Good for you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Drop it off at a tent city or homeless camp. I've done it with an old Adirondak chair and they seemed to love it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Needed this going through the same thing 4ight now and this definatley will keep me going !","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Think I'm gonna get a chance radio, so I can talk to other car beds.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Mini sun because rain pouring on you constantly will ruin everything around you like electronics","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Wow that's a burden, I'm sorry.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Just don’t be born on a raped planet. Jeez why do you damned virgeens make such a fuss?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I agree it's nonsense. Race, as a biological entity, doesn't exist.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I’m sorry. He’s in a better place. I hope you can keep the good memories","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"well, they never said anything about curing her...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"i just was disapointed because [NAME] wont have the chance to play with the GOAT. i didnt mean to smh to your comment","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Would be a great pick up tbh","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME]?! Welcome to the show!!!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Lmao bro.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is the strangest rendition of our national anthem that I’ve ever heard.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You think this really happened?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"i love it when [NAME] injects himself with sassy serum 😊","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Wow. She didn't get it at all. Very entitled parent","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Yeah I think I’ll just wait until things are more sure. Thanks so much!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME], [NAME] and [NAME] looks like... He ain't natty","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love the twist you did on the “it’s all gravy” idiom. Definitely saving this comment to refer back to when I need life advice","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"> It's almost like people are people I've been saying this a lot lately.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Anzac day rules are even dumber","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I recommend this. I read the WN and it fucked up my English for months. English is my second language...","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Genuinely, it is! The only complaint is that kentrosaurus is spikey as hell, and I find him with my foot in the dark fairly often...","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"If we didn’t throw out offers after [NAME] himself has been all over it. Then lynch needs to get checked.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I don't disagree, but if he's open he's gonna shoot","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I would agree. That doesn’t really address the conservative versus alt-right labeling issue though.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Weirdly enough that's my favorite part of his videos: the ending sting/title card It reminds me of old school racing and fighting games with those over-the-top announcers","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"No it's not >:(","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I figure if I'm being held up by my waist, I have better shot at your knee than your groin.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think I found the rom somewhere, now I just gotta set it up. I hope I can manage to do that.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"The OP is basically saying the sb is a product on a shelf with a price tag, stating her time and body are \"commodities \".","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You seem worried, [NAME].","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"So you can walk right?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I wqs right on [NAME] CMC So so so wrong about [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You gotta be a fucking idiot to use a regualr wooden pallet for a bale. Blue or Red pallets only","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"This one's pretty fucking funny. Also LOL to that kid with that shotgun. The kick would break his shoulder in half.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Ugh. What a way to go.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Im in!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"How crazy is that, matrix confirmed.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Waterspouts might be one of nature’s most beautiful dangerous things","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I love them","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Please explain more","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"RTD lines are free in Denver tonight. Stay safe.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I've always loved [NAME] just saying are we all forgetting he literally won rookie of the year I know it was against no competition but still.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Damn, why y'all posting the match threads this early.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"old [?] people love their bags.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Nope. That’s a really inaccurate, misleading headline.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I said in my original text post that I don’t think Venezuela is socialist, and I stand by that statement.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh no... It's never had sex before.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Man, what a fool. All you gotta do is if(on_earth) fireRocket(); I'll be taking my 7 figure salary now.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Haha dude, love your spirit. But. It's not all shit (the cuisine that is), let's not overgeneralize and become the shitheads we are criticizing.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Oh wow I genuinely thought this was funny can’t believe you copped it so hard","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"That's what I'm afraid of but I don't have a lot of free time so it would never work.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"When [NAME] scores not one, but TWO goals it means you're doing something wrong","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Whoooo...doggie! That’s some purty chili!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Very good post brother you hit the nail on the head. It is unfortunate that people downvote this post to the bottom when you explain so well.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thank you. I truly apologize for breaking the rules and I appreciate you making an exception!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"You’re letting psychopathic people ruin your ability to take a joke. That is a mark of a weak man.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"“Eat the vegetable growing out of your garbage can”","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Not sure if this has been asked but is autism a result of not having a filter? Apologies if I offend.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Good thing I don't give a shit.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"The way it runs out of the water lmao","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Entering the race is not about winning. It’s about increasing name recognition.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Wow dude. That's the clumsiest promotion I've seen","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":">They will sell us the ropes and all that. Quoting a mass murderer who especially targeted democratic socialists on the subject of preparing mass murder...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Unfortunately if they tried to parent they’d never listen or just hate them and run away. Pointless","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"My [NAME], protect the precious\" *HISSS* r/gamegrumps right now","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Tbh I love [NAME] but for [NAME] id be willing to see him go. [NAME] gives [NAME] the best chance he'll ever have of competing.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I continue to sub here only because your quips make me laugh","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The new stylish stadiums will look outdated in 15+ years. Standard stadiums will still look the same","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you for your open mind. Stay strong, fight the good fight, and stay educated.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"And getup attack off ledge. All you need tbh","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] the new [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We are on the same boat mate. Im pretty sure many people did.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"No. We have the same desire. No one should be told how to live.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"why not play 666 games and then create a thread :thinking:","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Thank you so much! I know I deserve better, it just hard moving on and knowing that it’s finished.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I wish an asteroid would wipe us out.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Just imagine the waitstaff carrying cast-iron plates everywhere! oof!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Not all comedy is for everyone. Check out some of their other stuff, though. They're overall hilarious.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The saddest thing about this is that most people truly in need are the last ones to ask for help because they don't want to be anyones burden...","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Where did you get this? It's terrible.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I'm 35 was married for 10 years and now I'm not and I am so happy to be alone","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Very good comment!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"My block has about 40. East York residents got screwed by their 60s-70s predecessors.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I would feel like the biggest idiot if I made your comment.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"It is a highly underappreciated movie...FOOLS","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Haven’t watched the new episode yet but the art definitely reminds me of [NAME] MS Paint art.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"*cries in south america*","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Four, fawn. Or where the victim tries to place the attacker.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Your meme is bad and you should feel bad","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Thank you, I hope so too!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"ok cool. ill be on the look out for that email then. thanks","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Right? The dollar values just double and two daily doubles.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You just need to yell Calibrations and he'll be right there","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Think of his target audience. They’re the ones who are fooled by talkers, not thinkers.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're the one who's out, biggy. Out of your mind!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Right? Remember when she requested evidence of pill testing being successful? Then the stats came in from Canberra. #calledyourbluff","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Look at that shit-eating grin","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Fuck my life","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Yep. That whole second kid thing is no joke.... Soon this will be a distant memory. That’s what I tell myself","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love that in this example the Soviet Union was communist when they were fighting [NAME], but somehow not communist when [NAME] was killing... like everyone.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Thanks man. Thought that counts.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Or you could learn to reverse park and stop whining. It’s a lot easier to park backwards.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They make it difficult to chant this, they go and get indicted way too soon.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And this video has been around more than [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh the T word","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Not sure why he's shilling for [NAME].","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Can I see the video with these two? For... research","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Yeah I mentioned [NAME] but what about him?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Social norms that are immoral ought to be broken.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Did he lose a bet or something? -edit- It took longer than it should have for me to realize that it was a mashup of different dudes...","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"But she's technically confessing of stealing food from her work. But I still think it's mostly to brag but idc.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"You say tomato I say tomahto.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I can’t tell who you’re referring to.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"🎶 Hark to the tale of [NAME], and the boy he loved so dear. They remained the best of friends for years and years and years. 🎶","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"OP already stole it himself","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That was just embarrassing. We should not be loosing here.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Just ask if she wants to go out sometime. It doesn’t require this much thought","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"One time on an early morning run I saw nobody coming down so I ran up it against traffic.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Here is the rest. He finally give me a bad rating","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Doesn’t excuse the majority of southerners","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"oh you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME]? Didnt have have lots of problems with injuries. He seems to be doing fine now, scoring and all.. But why him?","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That is so absolutely accurate I couldn’t say it better myself.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Scream \"THIS IS FOR OPTIC\" as you finish","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Happy cake day!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Wait, isn't everyone nervous or scared the first time they hold a newborn?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Yeah I could definitely see that, which is sad.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Imagine seriously considering [NAME] as a nominee, what a joke.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You know what would instantly unwreck you? A good screwing. Transformational !","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This is my favourite comment of the day. So because I don't like to be ripped off I should not be able to have a family?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Fortunately for you, Racist [NAME] anticipated this when he added, \"Let the past die, kill it if you have to...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"i used that as an example, and i also said it would be very difficult. this is hypothetical there’s no need to be rude.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"You're such a good troll. Good job! Way to really get into that part. You nailed it!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"exactly. so the kids who are going to the game probably already go to tons of games anyways...which are in the evenings...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This feels like a joke [NAME] would tell. Love it","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"ill [NAME] has already phoned his imaginary boss in for sick leave, [NAME] the [NAME] has patched ASDA. Man the Twitter barricades: they’re coming!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"*[NAME], what's your favourite 80s band?*\" \"*New ORDERRRR!*","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"So glad you left and didn’t just sit through the date with that idiot!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Take a really cold bath before you go to class.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I think it is more likely that you simply do not know what science is.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"he's been around forever but apparently none of y'all have RES","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"His playstyle is everything that everyone complains about in Wisconsin basketball and is a cocky little shit, I love him.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I tried my best, but my best was never enough. Thank you.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I hate you.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"It's not the thumb it's the nail I hate gahhh I can feel it catching and tearing back aaaagh","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"backstories for all the [NAME] kids, im super curious about it since they announced itll be released","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Looks like Plastique stans will be our cringey stans of the season.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hey [NAME], [NAME] here","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No one has asked yet. So...how?!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"No matter what job she actually gets, say she’s going to go work for his company “because of her great workplace attitude.”","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I already have used one, really helped","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"You are waking up to the conditioning It's only a matter of time now","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Yeah but if you do have a problem you'll be faced with a very difficult decision.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If [NAME], upon becomming Premier actually funds solar, wind or other renewable energy projects with Government of Alberta money I will eat my tuque.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Omg this is so cool thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It's extremely rude.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Don't forget he hired some voodoo person.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] that's rough. Thanks for explaining","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Couldnt agree more.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Eh, some people grow up, get tired of banging their heads and decide to start using them instead 😜","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Story of my life.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"ahh yes a glorious tribute to our Goddess.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Sorry about your poor trolling. 3/10.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Headstand, not handstand. Gotta keep that spine in line.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"i sense a cup hangover for the caps","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"[NAME] will need to pray to The [NAME] dad doesn’t come down on him with great vengeance.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I would also have all this issues if I looked myself in the mirror dressing like that","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I didn’t know [NAME] was a boxer, he can take a punch though!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"they called me after 2 days lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Stop playing dumb. You know what an incel is.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"FYI pumps are now covered under the ACA/Obamacare with most plans. Thanks, [NAME]!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"i will downvoted u into oblivion!!!!!!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Thank you too. I know this sounds like a circle jerk, but let’s kill them with kindness, lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"So sorry you are hurting.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Yo so friend canceled on me I got a free ticket today. PM me if you're interested!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"FOR THE LOVE OF [NAME] WATCH THE DUB. THANK ME LATER. You can watch it on Crunchyroll, Hulu, or Kissanime/Dubhappy clones.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"go commit ultimate punishment","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I won't ever be having sex with someone at a club. Nothing against one night stands though.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I can tell.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"It doesn’t look like anything to me.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":">backpfeifengesicht I'm doing my best to memorise this. I have a feeling it will come in handy.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"you can bring all your cards to the game","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love you","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I’ve always heard that the two people you *never* hook up with are exes and roommates. That’s the only bad sounding part of this.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Got a bit tipsy in my room alone, dancing in my underwear to some cheesy music for the whole night, and then cried myself to sleep","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"This sub no longer has much in the way of standards, sadly.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Grizzly bear is a type of brown bear.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That could be a quick way to see the next great Orlando big man end up in LA, haha.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I think he meant to say that it wouldn't be efficient to build a mic with a SoC built-in.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Would you fly to Miami to get the last word? Lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You are an awesome person","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Sure! :D Thanks for requesting ^^","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I like this post a lot.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"i think [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Haha, I had this on my clipboard already when I came across your comment.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"[NAME] that was so stupid lol holy fuck wat","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Damn, and he was wearing a helmet too.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I fucking love that scene.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Did you miss the massive throbbing erection the Dems had over the no fly no buy thing?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I thought it was very good. The guy was one sick bastard that’s for sure.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Tommy John is an amazing brand for comfort","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Come back when your dad rock genre manages to produce icons like [NAME], [NAME], [NAME] and [NAME]. Now bye [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Its cause of [NAME] and the Rams, he basically has 0 control over the defense","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Op gets wooooshed","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I would love to see [NAME] take on the Avengers and win.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Yo you guys look like the couple from that Episode advertisement","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This episode also had the segment where a paralized [NAME] communicates by farting. So, yes it is the worst. Lisa Goes Gaga is a close second.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Me too :D","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I thought legends already started.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Alllllllways. Losing that toonie makes you feel like a rookie every time.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I usually do. I didn’t stay up until midnight the preceding Sunday thusly I missed out on my block-hoarding opportunity.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"My hoosband loves dee cee and I love San Diego because of the Gorilla enclosure And the Pandas.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Beep boop.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Uhh have they really concreted those phone boxes shut?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think they're seasonal? I'm not sure, I don't buy squash so I just go by our PLU book","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"are you only looking for someone to share? do you want someone else or are you just doing this so your partner might have someone?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The dress was trailer trash appropriate. Did he just run out of money for a good dress? I mean, $300 BLACK UNDIES.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I may be wrong but I think cows are stronger than horses, or at least made to be","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hi I'm a Thrashers fan! My family was 33rd to pick tickets in Atlanta in for the '99 inaugural season","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love Caribbean food! I'm adding this one to my list.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Like it was over wayyyyy too fast for a real one. Shit, the Taliban lasted for years, and ISIS is still a huge problem.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Do you think people are generally logical?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Oh my god... i JUST realized this!!! AHHHH this makes me SICK.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I'm climbing the walls right now. Just let me out of the house.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol u wot m8?","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Do you want help?","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"OHH this is what Reddit finds ridiculous about this situation.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Another fun fact is that the survivors present at the campfire are the ones you most recently played as.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"we can hammer out the details later .... don't worry, we'll nail her down on costs eventually","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"No way! First I’m hearing about this","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Wait.... What??!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"that tone of voice sounds a loooot like a liar would sound... lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Wait what...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ok now that was epic!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I laughed but unfortunately [NAME] is our problem because of how close Canada and USA relations are.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"it was, but I was highlighting this to show just how much we have moved on from 2008. Actually feel really cool to be part of this.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"TIL being a victim of racism validates being a criminal.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"There is still time.... though I dont expect anything to change as Activision dont care about the community hell neither do Treyfail","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This made me sad. I hope you find happiness.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Lead is probably 5-7 points, similar to 2018. The race was closer than expected, so there’s no reason to lose hope.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Oh cool another manufactured awful [NAME] pushing untalented rapper. It’s getting more obvious as time goes by","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"“Not a word you need to learn, honey” Cringiest part of the whole episode.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"They do not believe in the NAP nor do they believe in property. Although [NAME] would balk at being associated with [NAME]","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I have zero faith in the electoral college/ tge sham that is our right to vote","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Stay away from any of the Firkin pubs, they recycle the beer and fries! 🤢","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Oh no, I'm getting flashbacks","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Original post is here: post","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I loathe the unsolicited comments I get about having kids someday. The closest thing I could find to getting my tubes tied is my 10 year IUD.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Awesome comp ! What a nice treat on a winter night !","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'm sorry for that.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"I always worry about my facial expressions. You're not alone there.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I like gorgeous men with huge lovely penis","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The taste is subjective and it's certainly not good for your health","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Really curious to know how you know what people are going to think in 500 years, you ass.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Making my bold prediction now. [NAME] finishes #1 RB in 1/2 PPR for 2019.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":">The only person who said the CIBC cheques were not cashed is from Quadriga. I believe [NAME] said the same when interviewed for the coindesk article.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'll take the downvotes and agree with you. Some of the ugliest looking things I've ever seen. Absolutely disgusting aesthetic.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Damn, looking at that makes me realize just how bad of an owner [NAME] is. He overpaid on just about everyone (not [NAME] obviously)","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Damn, we need to get this idea to [NAME]!","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"I love how this sub is gender less","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"It feels oddly comforting and familiar that we suck at hockey again.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Stoop Kid’s afraid to leave his stoop!","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Lol I'm glad","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Bam, it's suddenly fixed! Thanks that was great. This is all happening in Bizarro World.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Homeopaths love it!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Keeps people from talking to me as much, so in fact I DO need them.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's impossible.\" \"It's necessary.\" If they were aiming to make a [NAME] a steely-eyed missile man, they succeeded.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I think most of us would really just rather you calm down a bit and stop being such a jerk.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She later drunkenly slipped on her puddle, fell onto the tracks, and was run over. RIP","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"That’s the p-value, not the effect size. 0.4 is a long way from being a significant result.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I always felt [NAME] was just a bit too slick. I never trusted him even before the scandal came out.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Another way to do it without screaming at your teammates!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No, sadly it was from a different person, thankfully not the original poster though.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Op forgot to mention his son has a rare scrotum disorder where the balls and shaft are reversed. Poor guy :(","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I love converts. They willingly throw away their freedom for a prison cell. So cute","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"These are the same thing","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I know it CAN be, but...I'm not sure, in this case.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Good thing the booze wasn’t in the cart yet... bottles to the face!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I would post on r/legaladvice to see if there is some way you could get back to your family and more importantly your cat!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I REALLY hate this one","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Used to be just bad on the 2nd. Now they are folding on other rights as well.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He would if he didn't get injured.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What did it say? The mods on /r/rant deleted it.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"There are drugs for that...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Come on, at least give the man some eyebrows","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Learned my lesson","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's kind of worrying that you genuinely believe that left-wing people are actively trying to destroy their own country. Approaching USA levels of ridiculous viewpoints.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Having fled to the other side of the planet 15 years ago.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] finally getting WCW going I see..","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":">We should just turn the word \"love\" into \"rape\" so that liberals say they rape their moms!","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I love the Justice Democrats so much","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"The treatment is a series of injections. I’ve had them. It’s not significantly more unpleasant than the flu vaccine.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"if your favorite subreddit is the correct spelling of Zack then you’ll LOVE r/zach","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I watched the first loop before it registered what she was doing then my brain locked up and I made a noise like smeagol being strangled.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So are his parents.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yes!! It took 6 months to get my license in! I started to worry that something had gone wrong, but, I indeed receive it!","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"This has to be the 7th time this was posted","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Especially given today's hyperawareness of sexual harassment, it seems like the smart thing to do, to me.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"are delicious mass produced perogies.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Yes rather vague statement... but key to this situation.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Wow, not exactly a complimentary typo.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"When we have tens of millions starving or dying of thirst, at least you will still have the moral 'high ground'.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Its like the other 3 teams are moving the [NAME] cube until it matches and they can be affective against the Patriots. Still not quite there","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Mammatus clouds! Somewhat unusual for Sydney","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think the Sugar Bowl is enough. You'd basically guarantee a rematch most years in some fashion with a challenge like that.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You can just watch the video. It's pretty instructive.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I fully support this","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"~~New?~~ We~~’ve had em~~ in Oakland ~~for a~~w~~hil~~e ~~now and they still~~ are a mess.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Fun fact that I learned not too long ago, [NAME] did the voice over for [NAME] during the “indeed” era of Kaientai","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"With [NAME] ongoing back problems...I'll pass on seeing this lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Sorry [NAME] is our best friend now","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They're obviously not.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Something Something Something, space of aids","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Without the skill, or body, like seriously, not to sound badass, but I'm 14 and look bigger than this [NAME] wannabe","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"There's a ton of reasons in other threads.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The song must be thrilling","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Lip injections only cost $700 and I saved up for months. But I’m broke currently","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Sorry I should have been more specific! A spiral chemical perm (I love curly hair!)","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Wow. [NAME] is a giant POS. He'll be really happy being single and dying alone.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"All of the wonder, beauty, and mystery of the world was taken before we even got here.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Women, in the modern world, know how to fight these weasels. We need many more women in positions of power.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"deserved better :/","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He’s such a thumb!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"There were two attempts. They didn't launch very well","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Yeah, he's trash.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Trust me it gets worse from there....i shortened it a lot","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"No problem, just wait until March and the site will be out.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I mean you could be one or a combination of those things, realistically. -_-","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah, I always get about 6 episodes deep and then start hate-watching just to see if they ever actually fall in love.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"There isn’t a perk tree for strategy. Either illusion or maybe pickpocket... or sneak.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Hot take: That fuck up was a million times worse than the [NAME] play.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"No Problem!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"How come nobody even reacted?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I'll probably try this one day 😅","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"You're creepy","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I wonder why! :/","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Also, AAA","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is a crime against humanity and the FBI is on its way. Do not try to leave your current location, you are being tracked.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I have 1200 hours and the highest i’ve ever been was silver elite. I should probably quit this game.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Hey vro!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"His bits were filmed in June.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I saw that same account comment the same thing on the packers post about hiring [NAME] yesterday lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"C’mon man, read the comment, if you love [NAME] so much why don’t you shaft him","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Having a friend helped me","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"They probably didn't know.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hell yeah frick that promiscuous girl","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Haha, well it sounds like its done too good of a job!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Calling your own side the dark side, I knew there was a reason I fancied you.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"[NAME] saying [NAME] is already the best shooter on the team got my hyped too","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"At the time it was a steal, and all the players we traded have basically been worst case scenario for the A's.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Well it doesn't matter anyway. Ignore compliments; they don't help you.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I can't imagine getting it at 8! I got mine at 11 and freaked out because no one told me they existed lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"[NAME] MAY be a slightly better hitter, but he can't field for crap. And the other two can't hold a candle to [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Shitpost from the uncultured","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Do you know my ex husband? You sound so much like him according to his old coworkers.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Lmao, they are gonna have field day","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Exactly why my money goes to more guns and ammo.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm all for strong lady friendships.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You joke but people would believe it!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I love this community. These mag fest memes have been so strong.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Ah. Ok. I get it. Have an upvote.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Poo again? it really is an obsession.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"this reddit is so good man i feel at home","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Lmao why does every sw fan have to be so melodramatic","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Okay, thank you so much!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Bumble is also great!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I mean, I'm glad that we support human spaceflight and that there were ghosts in the courtroom?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I miss old [NAME]","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"He actually did, couldn't believe it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I hope they appreciate the fact someone is getting up earlier than them in order for this to all work. I appreciate you, and I'm unemployed.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Nope, if i remember correctly it was a modded gibson les paul, i'm not a guitar player though","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Exit scam. Check out their cold wallets, holy shit.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"c'mon OP, I know you would have liked to see that","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Sweet sweet air con. Apparently it’s going to be a hot one today.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Now we play the waiting game.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Well she’s still kind of awful but she’s hilarious. Definitely a huge improvement. I could barely watch her!!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Hello fellow Newcastle vegans! We are very lucky to have so many vegan places!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME] was nowhere near them, he was by the Falcon.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"When in the past 4 decades has anything changed due to a march?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You’re welcome, glad to help!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"The 4th line for Philly is trash, an all rookie line could probably handle them","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Me too, but unlike phones humans can „life“ without the other","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Running with a gun and a sensor dart out makes me feel so cool.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Ok I was wondering thank you I seen alot of different \"opinions\" on it .","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"That's fair, but it's gotta suck being one round off the qualifier and then watching your teammates go anyway without you.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Lesson #1: never but anything from Wish","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I honestly don’t remember anything about AS3 it’s all a blur after the bitcholer","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think in any state it is permissible to record if you let the other party know that you are recording. I could be wrong, though.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":">I hate [NAME] so much. Lol","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"My cat just attacked me for treats and scratched me on the finger. If this affects my typing, he's in so much trouble.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"? ur slide is right stick","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"This will end well.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Saying cancer isn’t bad precluded you from being a rational human being.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm so sorry. I hope things get better. 💗 I know emotional damage is rough.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"this is why she killed herself you sick freaks","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I hate this world.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I think Voit hits 30+ so it’s not impossible.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"He is 100% [NAME]. Not using [NAME] for the role of Admiral [NAME] is missed opportunity ;)","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That’s exactly how my non-union electrical company works ... it’s the funniest unfunny joke","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"i love these wholesome stories when they appear in this sub. nice one, OP!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"As a lover of PG and Scrubs, I've not seen this one. What a genius tongue in cheek celebration to [NAME], [NAME] and PG.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] is definitely out of frame lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Growth cannot persist forever in a finite system.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It looks a little like the nubbin you see on some amputated arms. Right?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Only a sith deals in absolutes.Fuck that guy.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"You too! (FYI I accidentally initially replied in a new comment, in case you didn’t see my other reply)","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"That’s good but why would you waste your time on a crappy team?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I just call my girl and tell her I love her lol. Easy day.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Yikes. Was he unfamiliar with the area? How did it go over at work?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Even in Star Trek they have $, they just dont really talk about it. The point is basic needs are so trivial","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh this one is making the rounds again? The new cohort of [NAME] must have arrived","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Im coo coo coco crazy for you my chi chi cay cay cyborg aw aw arm!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Maybne it dropped omg.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I've always wondered how cases where an individual gets a 7 or 8 figure sum issued against them work in practice","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I'm really sorry you're experiencing this. You are not in the wrong. I hope you can get away from their control when possible....stay strong","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"I'm sad I had to come this far down to find this.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Serious question. Can I be you","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh Lord...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah, fuck you for enjoying music! I'd love to see your collection.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"He took [NAME], too? That wasn't part of the deal, [NAME]! THAT WASN'T PART !","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"It’s very difficult for men to have platonic friendships with women. Unfortunately it’s just part of life.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Then yeah, not really. I can't think of a specific type of evolutionary pressure that would lead us to developing an ability like that.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I like where you’re going with this....","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I just call em like I see em, [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Just kidding my good man 😂😉","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Smoking kills you!! It is bad for you!!!!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Escorted off.. or being detained?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"She’s his problem now.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"he looks pretty average to me. like many guys i've seen on the train.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Dunno mate, Italy lookin strong","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Having fuck tons of fun right now","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Why this post is downvoted? It makes me happy to read something like this.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Now I'm craving Wendy's","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Youre not a prude. Trash does what trash does.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Omg, you are so right! 🤮","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Which one? I like their podcast but I can totally see why a lot of people wouldn’t hahaha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Except for the part where [NAME] Millennial daughter is one of the big new heroes introduced in MKX...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think this is one of my favorite Aquaria looks ever!!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I think it could get pretty boring","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"The nails are great","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I'll never forget how great [NAME] was that day.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You could buy a used car for the price of those shoes!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"my credit is not good enough for a loan and having no job would make it impossible to get 6k. and being able to speak.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Thanks appreciate it","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Put down that you are a starting forward and love incinerating $100 bills. Stay strong my Asia brah","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"29? Double digits are too damn many.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"[NAME] was speaking as a man you idiots.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I'm thinking I'd be wondering how I got my hands on a time machine.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Peel the avocado...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hmm I wonder why the bot copy text LAOP says is in NY when the original post says LAOP says he's in TX","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Hey there [NAME] what's it like in new york city","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah, that was in Episode 1 i think when she came to free him after he got captured by [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm not sure they know the difference between a mandate and legally binding.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"As a rep 6 orochi, those dodge attacks from neutral made me cringe.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"For me, she looks happy and nervous as well to meet to her future husband´s family.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"same- just about to recommend this book. it's a fantastic review of rheum disease states, diagnoses, treatments, etc.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Buncha people having (admittedly loud) fun. Don’t really see the issue.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"If push comes to shove the easy alternative is you show up for work and take up space but don't actually perform your job.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If it results in killing [NAME], [NAME] is willing to be merciful and hold his wrath back against the kids.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If it’s so in demands why are you posting that you can only get unpaid internships","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"LETS GO MO","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It was a stroller so no real harm done. Thanks for asking x","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I love the small hole in the clouds with the moon (sun?) peeking through","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Seriously one of the best soundtracks. I always get chills from the organs, even just thinking about them.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"> Take away the snow and it looks like an IU home game. Damn [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I kind of feel the same, I live for sex and am absolutely wasted on my husband.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Roasted Brussels sprouts with they get kinda charred!! Nom nom nom","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why does everyone hate the creme brûlées? They’re easily my favorite.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"On-court obnoxiousness should be punished and has nothing to do with the game of playing tennis. Bring your A game hitting the ball or walk off the field.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"As a former [NAME], I apologize. That’s tough","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Very wholesome!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I mean, sharing is caring and momma wants her cummies.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"With Firing Range and Seaside having 2 variations, and everyone voting to replay them every time...It already feels like this","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why I left the industry... it’s full of hipsters who don’t realize they’re hipsters. That was worse than the slave labor.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah I tried to apply but with being partially excepted I think it would be hard to be a sub","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"This post makes me facepalm","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"That’s why it’s a repost. To anyone who’s cake day is 2 day🤗","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I loved the first single from BO so hopefully the entire album will be good. And has more effort into it than \"WHERE ARE THE JOKES","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"As soon as he was about to jump I audibly let out a “dude, just don’t..”","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I can't imagine who IS, the whole thing is so cringe.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I’ve never seen the reverse tbh. All the brown guys I know get absolutely no hoes and just orbit women for life.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"How awesome ! Of course now the baby has THREE sets of grandparents. Extra bonus presents !","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That’s awesome, what do you do if you don’t mind me asking?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Imagine thinking the government only pursues one file at a time.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"no you should try again","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thoroughly entertaining.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The biggest problem is measuring IQ in some universal way. The tests all have built in biases about what the author considered intelligence.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"To humor the thought, I would think that they would just move on and find a different platform that either worked equally as well or better.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Don't be fatuous [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Well I can feel it was mentally hard bringing myself to go full [NAME] and shit talking prior to the plate, but this is some cutting edge analysis.","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"Yes I do mean it positively and I have used a sous vide and it does come out looking rare","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"You should find that for us. Also normally higher profile guys like [NAME] don't actually participate in the senior bowl","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol! Exactly. ☹","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Not to mention that the automation is meaningless if the economy that supports it has collapsed due to rampant poverty and unemployment.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I personally took this of his snapchat.... [lmfao","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Nice Sir !","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"> Not necessary, you're a visible enough asshole that you pop up naturally.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Hypothetically if [NAME] makes a run with foles and decides to trade wentz, I’d give up [NAME] in a heartbeat","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Who created, carried and raised all these men? A woman .","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So if it was a 14yo girl and she wanted it it’s ok?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Thank you very much.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"He should have become an Uber driver","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"They have disagreed with a bunch of individual calls but not tied it together","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Isn’t that the same as idols? I thought it’s a big nono for any intercession when it comes to [NAME]. I could be wrong though","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why not both","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Thanks! I'll look into that","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"That’s very admirable and courageous of her. I appreciate the many women that are doing that here on Reddit as well.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Welp, can't see [NAME] beating [NAME] if she's in this form!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Tag a friend who wakes up sexually horny","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Imagine the wild sex?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lmfao is that bexey wtffffff ahahhahahaha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"He looks like the son of [NAME] and [NAME].","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"If I start shoving food into my face as I enjoy everyone here, dis becomes a bery bery unhealthly situation.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Yeah, the death of pharmaceutical producers seems like a weird thing to root for.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"the media ruined a kid's life for no reason","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"They say this picture is magic. You see whatever your heart most desires.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Three times a year? Where/what are you eating?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"The StackExchange network might have turned into an elitist playground but it's damn good for finding a fix for your problems.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Checking in from section 11. Ready for a good ol fashioned ass whoopin.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Likely frostbite advisory weather.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Another racist foul by the Raptors on [NAME]","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"her section at the tate museum is amazing","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The Leafs weren’t mentioned once in this article.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] I still love my [NAME] family too","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"[NAME] is freaking adorable fight me","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Very hot take there, It'd be a shame if somebody... disrupted it.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Who still unironically says SJWs? You look like an idiot saying that.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"that scared me","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Bless your dim-witted heart.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"I feel safe around you is a nice one","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"He sounds amazing. Congratulations for finding that one!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I appreciate you taking the effort to respond at such length and with such frequently amidst the degree of misinformation in this thread.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Would love to get my hands on a dia de los muertos.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Actually someone already said goodbye so checkmate idiot","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I have stated from the beginning that I do not believe that Abuse, Interrupted is a good resource for people in this subreddit.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Same, I still need to sleep to go to work tomorrow.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Okay cool. Gonna drive home from the hospital.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I don’t ever remember pithy. Childish and churlish feels more apt","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Then people clapped","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Why not hit him up, maybe you can eat some chicken fingers (the good kind, 8 bucks) and then go bang behind the muffler shop","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lying by omission","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What's the source? I love this.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I will help ol' [NAME] the right price","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That guy’s heart must be more broken than [NAME] when he had the heart virus","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Sacrifice the individuals rights for the greater good of the community. That's the definition of fascism.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Na, he has a real chance! ;)","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"WE AINT NO RACISTS. EVERYONE CAN BE HATED EQUALLY.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"“ nice try”","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yeah, I'm just saying it's too early to be writing off any candidates.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Ahhh, my bad. I thought they were blood related.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I wanna have sex with him in my normal body to see what that's like.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"They probably died anyways","label":16,"emotion":"grief"} {"text":"Yeah, who cares. Who cared about you you you","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Remove one D and this becomes a lot worse","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"What an absolute moron. Talking about characters everyone and their inbred mother knew would be back. His stupidity fucked him over.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Oh i wasnt trying to imply that he was a bad father. Its just this is America and hes a man.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Really wanted him on the Mets. But, its gonna be fun watching [NAME] try to catch [NAME] slider.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I have mixed states and rapid cycling too! Super fun","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"My love for [NAME] has nothing to do with his Blackpool performance","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"This sub has over 350k subscribers. How are there this many of us who enjoy this torture.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"My mom used to throw tantrums in public. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die when she'd start.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"we need more [NAME] like [NAME] and [NAME]. So far those are the only 2 who I have seen stick to their principles.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"She's not pointing at you. Look closer.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Legally, you are responsible for damage or harm done as a cop is trying to apprehend you. You caused the dangerous situation by running.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"That would be sick!","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"It's because you're dizzy from lack of oxygen.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"noun flogging or beating, either as a religious discipline or for sexual gratification.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Welcome to Pittsburgh","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I know that’s what I was trying to say. Idk y that got lost in translation.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"You might be projecting. The team has a great record playing in front of him.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"no, mostly just spurred from mild boredom and thinking of the [NAME] future. Getting a gauge at the caliber of players chosen at #12.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Why the fuck does this exist","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I wish, then I wouldn't have had to pay full price for a switch and smash bros this xmas.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"[NAME] who voted for [NAME] I voted for sicko mode","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The fuck is a fortnight? Like the game?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Tbh not sure why you'd ever keep those two by each other. One above oven other literally almost anywhere else besides above oven","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This seems to be a dog whistle.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"People need to quit flagging this post. If you come to r/stlouis then you are well aware we hate the Rams and [NAME].","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"All I'll say is when I can smell it walking down the street it makes me very jealous.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I love the content the PC channel puts out, its what wwe's channel should do more of","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"That Burberry?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"After I got rammed into by 2 planes on the 1st zone's storm edge in dusty, I couldn't agree more.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"i wear all black. always. i died when we launched la boulange pastries. pink shirt of shame.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"[NAME] is a really cool name!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Happiest of birthdays, hope you can share it with the ones you love","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Cold Stone, I would have been in line","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Girl said yaaassss","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I really don’t think [NAME] will leave him. Regardless of if he’s cheating or not.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"So sorry for your loss.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Thanks. I’m not ok with the behavior I’m.just having a difficult time accepting what I must do.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I used to use Phillips but I switched to State Farm this year","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Call it an ATATM (automatic teller ATM)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"back when mercy could get play of the game.. and not be useless.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Being demoted for having the best ideas in the office doesn't sound like a good business strategy.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"INFP. I’m a very selfless person, which helped me find friends, but not a love interest or a partner","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"[NAME] opinion on adoptions is quite disturbing","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Just goes to show it takes 0 skill to play that hero","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I’m sorry to inform you, it’s worse.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"At least they have picked up some good humanist notions along the way.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"it's ironic you are identifying with the nazi character lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"We all do it sometimes don't worry.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"No surprise that the game series is gaining traction!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"someone needs to up their weed game damn","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"She could have handed him her phone and said, \"Fine! You try it!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You're far too sweet haha","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"you couldn't make a more unsubstantiated claim even if you tried","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The last thing that soldier wants is to get with her battle buddies.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wait, he’s not actually saying that? 🤯 I must’ve crafted my post with too much... SUBTLETY.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"The situation never should’ve gotten to that point.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Cheers to you for pushing through.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Of course they do, feminists are self-absorbed pigs that just want to control everything and never be held accountable for anything.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Right? just like the shock I had in elementary school when I learned the KKK was started by [NAME]","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Not taking any shit, not being afraid to stick up for themselves or say what they’re thinking. Stomping on eggshells.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I see, Unfortunately I don't think equity has ever turned out well in history. Humans have tried many times and failed with catastrophic consequences.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"You're a normie in loner's clothing. If you think that most of us haven't tried all of the above already, you're sorely mistaken.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She should just go straight to therapy.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"who doesn’t know what an Ethernet port looks like lmao","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"As a furloughed fed, this does indeed lift my spirits. Thanks for putting this on my radar.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Yes Will do thanks alot!!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"As a man, I'm leaving my wife because she refuses to even acknowledge my emotional needs. your comment is from a century ago.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Battle of the Bastards","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"But then she can’t be there for her son due to prison for battery. But it probably would be pretty cathartic","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Am love u","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"[NAME] looks like a [NAME] with short hair. Bring back the mane man","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] MADE ME personally to eat BACON you ignorant vegans.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"They only traded to 3 and they had 2 seconds last year to trade, plus this year's 2nd. It is impossible","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's interesting how you're actually using type logic here.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Right! I pictured my kids and my oldest would probably MAYBE try once to show the little one.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Yeah it was, it was awful, everyone got sick, I was sick for like a week after that event.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"My psychiatrist said to lay it on thick and answer questions like your having the worst day ever. I’ll get around to applying eventually","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Where do you think it belongs? Why?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Cheers, cheers_im_drunk_bot.!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I’ve heard of “over hard” so a fried egg (like over-easy) but broken yolk and fully cooking it... idk","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I realize. I was too hasty in my conclusions.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Yeah I legitimately have no idea what he's talking about... cr lk is a chain","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No, its protecting my right to vote. By not allowing people who don't have the right to vote, to in fact vote.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Cant wait to see it buddy!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Man, such a shame we only got three movies. They really didn't wrap up all the plotlines.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Thanks, totally makes sense, just need to get out (and stay out) of my head =)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Whoever made this is making Tokyo ghoul look bad","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"It was good of you to get him out of the store as quickly as possible so he could not infect you with his crazy.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Are you willing to donate to local organizations or do you want to focus on national? What issues do you want addressed?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"... so we're pretending that this wouldn't be totally awesome had it been 1 administration back?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That's beautiful and wholesome","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"But platonic cuddling is comfy (after making sure the consent stuff is a ok for all parties)","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I think we would be interested in seeing how something like this would work. Would you post the information? Send notifications? I'm curious.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"That season 2 opener was great and completely unexpected.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"My dad doesn’t believe in climate change. This is way too accurate.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Still very curious who this woman is and what she looks like","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"[NAME] is watching this post in july 12th 2021?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Because [NAME] had a foot injury that I think he sustained at practice for the second half of the year.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I too live in logan square and cant for life of me find it on this map","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I completely agree with you just the whole mood against abortion gets my blood boiling.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Back to not getting a seat despite being 3 stops from the end of the line.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"tbh i would've guiltied but atleast they didnt lose an important TP","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"What the heck? $3 a month for 30 texts? That's ridiculous.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Please tell me how it sounds racist.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I _hate_ it when I can't get hold of a specific food I've been craving on a binge day.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Alright, I'm all ears as to what the HUGE difference is.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"My first messages from women are either \"hi\" \"hello\" or \"psst.\" Yeah I'm not wasting my time.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"No offense, but you are jumping in conclusions that may be as incorrect as blaming [NAME].","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"[NAME] stands a solid chance honestly","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yep. Happy New Years!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Mine did too","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Apparently Sim groomed a 14 year old girl.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That actually doesn't make any sense considering many college students work outside of school.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Was he really [NAME] though? Even if he wasn't made up by the early church I doubt it.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"[NAME] thinks the carbon tax is as bad as Holodmor. He is totally unhinged and shouldn’t be taken seriously.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah it helps me too but I still don't feel well rested the next day","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I think I should try this. Thanks, OP.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Thanks, so that's not what I need then.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"The tree actually moved!!! Who is this guy?!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"If I wanted to send a message about how much I hate my life and get literally no response then I could just text my mother.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Just imagine what they'll come up with in ten years.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The stories where he meets and talks shit to [NAME] are some of the best!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"People who live in glass houses...... [NAME]. This punk has no right to smack.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"When we actually executed [NAME] system we were killing it","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Haha thank you! I do love a good tea.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Didn't know you're that close of a friend.. very cool!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"> We're angry, but we don't want to be labelled as violent nutters.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"She was such a pretty girl, she didn’t need to get all those surgeries. What a shame.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Reasonable\" and \"unreasonable\" have been asigned based on who agrees with you. How egotistical. You are still being childish.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Marry her....she's a keeper.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sounds good.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"thank you for your service o7","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I love when he asks while looking directly at the item but still not seeing it 🤦🏻‍♀️","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Haha, I didn't know that station existed unil I was working in E Ayrshire one day and one of the guys tild me about it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm expressing my distaste at the absurdity of being an internet outrage hero and hypocritical selective outrage, especially in an area such as black music.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I thought about it but I wanted a sub that didn't exist.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"These are so handy for quick reference to when they play, thanks for posting!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"He’s always ready","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Alright Nice thanks","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Yess! Some of my favorite lines from the trilogy. [NAME] killing joke monologue still seems very relevant today.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I mean for once the unpopular one is actually at the top, even if it is tea, robbed of air time? Sure, wins no","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"So many questions unanswered. Poor guy.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Except [NAME] was actually extremely disruptive in college, and has some great film. [NAME] just doesn’t ..","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"These videos are legendary","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The goodest boys are the hungriest.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Is it?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"WAS THE A FUCKING QUESTION MARK ABOVE THAT GUYS HEAD? Time to git ur pitchfurks.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Repost with a better title","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"yeah sounds like you're thinking real hard on it. Stop wasting peoples time theres folks in actual need for help. And this sub isnt for that","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"In like 5 years, your entire high school career will be one entire cringe. Congratulations.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"What if a dealer decided to quit the business cold turkey and threw down his bag and left?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Most watched sport in the world lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Here in Russia, we do not like when our culture is misrepresented, but we make fun of such misrepresentations.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Some bad dancing will never look like sex...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Drunk and crying in bed with my pets. :|","label":16,"emotion":"grief"} {"text":"I fucking wish","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"That’s awesome! I’ve seen this video tons of times! It’s one of my favs","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME] really about to get a trip dub against us lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Thank you for your kind words and understanding. You are right on many levels.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It's when you rock back and forth like an autist or do other repetitive movements because it feels natural to do so.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"A lot of girls who are hot don't want to date someone who can be more attractive than they are.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We have 9 home games which is awesome.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is scary!","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Oh wow. Thanks! So this person was going for that.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"That [NAME] block on the [NAME] TD was awesome. He sealed the left side with authority.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"MDC!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"There is no evidence connecting him to the crime.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"In my eyes 6 La Liga’s in a span of 18 years is just embarrassing","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"That doesn't mean they're impossible. Minnesota's 7th district is 64% rural, R+12, and represented by [NAME], a [NAME].","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That makes sense. You had a good reaction time. Glad no one was hurt.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I am even more concerned now[](#face-support)","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"To show themself in public like that they never did grow up. A 11 year old in a 25 year old body. Sad, really.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"This was pretty interesting. Creative, disturbing and very original. I honestly thought Hereditary was pretty bad, but I enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Only 7? Wow he's slacking. He must not have very faithful parishioners.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Here Also have no idea but I think I'd prefer their attraction over any other race","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Have you ever, you know, tried not reading something that pisses you off? Just downvote and move on.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No idea what this means but the fact that you said sweetie lets me know that you’re probably really obnoxious or just being sarcastic","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I hate it too. But I will....","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Doesn’t even fit the sub either","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Completely right about [NAME], [NAME], [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Great movie whose marketing did an awful job of preparing people for.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Ping pong in the park and maybe a cold one with the bros","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's a good idea, I'm going to have to make some room! Thank you.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"He wasn't chosen for me... He was chosen *for you*. I may have said too much...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ah, so you've an ugly face as well. Can it be rectified via plastic surgery?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Convenience.' If that's your view of the issue, not much else to say.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Our o-line was great outside of 2 games this year. My [NAME] did you even watch or pay attention to this team this year?","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I don't remember this happening","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"> edit: Sidenote they blatantly and obviously brigaded two other threads on this Of course they did.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Who is going to guard [NAME]?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Relax. You're going to give yourself an aneury... ...on second thought, keep going.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"They're the ultimate hodlers; the ones who've lost their private keys.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I never donate to 90DF go fund me. We can thank [NAME] and [NAME] for starting the trend.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME] damn son. the fact that you said \"re-education\" made this 5x better too lmao","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"> I firmly believe \"[NAME] have problems, [NAME] ARE problems! Holy shit, stealing this. Love it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I started with : - Anatomy of the State by [NAME] - Economics in One Lesson by [NAME] - The Law by [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah it’s pretty cringe tbh, I think he’s a good guy just a little insecure","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Dude what's wrong with you? 4 years in a secret relationship.. you shouldn't be in one of your not comfortable telling people","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Passion is the best.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I love the way you wrote this. Outstanding","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"There was an article about it in E news. I pray for everyone, no one is above that or below that.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"DOES NOT COMPUTE WITH MANAGEMENT ALGORITHM","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ah Princess [NAME], the [NAME] of our childhoods","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"That's no trip. That's a hip check with flair.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Go get some sleep buddy, it'll be alright.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Her face looks like a damn frog to me - and the way she has one eye closed; an evil one eyed frog!","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Thank you very much. I would certainly make a note of your name.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I thought about it before. But I'm afraid I might get in trouble.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"My boyfriend is so much like your husband. I’m so happy for you to have him, he sounds wonderful.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Ayy, the bottom one is mine!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So many [NAME] killed in Hoi An. [NAME] damn do I love that exchange rate.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"You must be new! it's TASM around these parts.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"My [NAME] He is a BEAST. Every possession he makes someone his bitch. Are there any injury concerns past the injury he got before he left the team?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Good for you, human. I hope you get the job!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Nope this whole thing has been deleted and we’re all banned. We are all now posting from the Shadow Realm.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Good job fatty!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Please do not take that personally. I thought this was a great photo.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It seriously is impressive to wake up and see Clemson fans taking full blown hay makers at all of their competition at once.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That's not really libertarianism, is it?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Look at [NAME] and you should be good, he has a career like 58% GB rate","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"/lookz at self in the","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This guy used to be so good. I looked forward to his comics every week. Now, I couldn't care less about him. Complete economic illiterate.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Why does [NAME] rarely wears his armors if he can wear them whenever he wants and as long as he wants?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Now that u mention it, its bugging me too...","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Oh... I'm sorry. You holding up okay?","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Holy crap. I need to listen to that speech in full on my commute home then.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You sir have put into words my exact feelings on this matter.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They do with [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Dr now looks so dapper in black.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Now that’s impressive. Our fuzz understands what the knob does, but he can’t turn it.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thanks for choosing to immunize. That said, I wish DSHS had taken away your children while you were putting them and others at risk.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Just as delusional as [NAME] was. The difference though is [NAME] seems to be putting on an act, tj is just that salty.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You need to tell her, and make sure she knows it’s not your kid. You went through with a dna test right?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"This maybe my favorite thing I've ever seen on this subreddit. I took a screenshot and I'm sending it to husband. OP thanks for the laugh","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"This is what I love about cats","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I am really sad because my innocent nieces are brainwashed by my crazy sister","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Absolutely. If we plan on doing nothing, I’d be content buying myself some flowers and spending a night in taking care of my own business.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Not an unattractive man, he’s gonna need real plastic surgery to fix that.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is going to be the last episode with my Latina goddess [NAME] 🌹😭","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"You cant love this girl if she already has a GF whom she sounds like she loves. You'll just ruin a relationship","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Get out more. Make more friends and better friends. Don’t self-harm. Write my journal more often.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"You’re a nut if you don’t think the pubs are far more corrupt than the dems.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Beans, yo! I used to hate them but now I sometimes just eat a can of beans for a meal. They are hella filling too.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"It's not the best hockey but the boys have regrouped nicely after that horrible game in Edmonton","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"OK this dude isn't over 16, good luck at prom","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"yes!! i was like oh my god. oh my [NAME]. it’s gone. the weight’s GONE. i’m FREE!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I'd say [NAME] at 8 is pretty disrespectful","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I appreciate the dedication, but they really didn't have to be silent for three quarters of the game.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Hugs. We put our sweet lady kitty to sleep one year ago tomorrow.","label":16,"emotion":"grief"} {"text":"hooooly shit thats gross. this fandom is the worst","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This video is what gets me saving into my future fund bruh. Edit: r/personalfinance","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Looks like a badly designed [NAME] avatar","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"[NAME] rarely uploads on YouTube does he have twitch? I love his accent","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I know. Honestly, I'm applying to other districts. Tired of 56 miles round trip daily for a miserable job.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"[NAME] uh...gave me a wake up call. Thank you","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"This is all the creativity you folks could muster today? Up is down and red is blue? I was hoping for a little more effort. r/terribletrollisterribleattrolling","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Wow! I can save $15 and buy this used version?!?!? How wonderful!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"The real gay_irl is always in the comments","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Shittiest crowd weve got this season omg please stay home an empty arena would of been better than this shitshow tabarnack","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Yeah well most species don't kill off their own species unless for territorial reasons which we do already","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damnit, now they're ruining IKEA too.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Facts no fiction","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I basically had no negative side effects. I did switch to IUD because I hated remembering to take a pill everyday. But no issues.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Cool, hope that helps.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"...not enough headphones for [NAME]? Also, [NAME] looks like a New [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Twisted pair is actually a type of cable. Fits into his weird relationship with communications technology.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Zer0 went from 4-0 to 3-2???","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's the funniest thing I've read. I would have had a hard time keeping back a chuckle.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Nelsinho!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Did the Bears corners really play that well or was their front 7 so dominant that it made them look better?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This made me lol, I don't want to sound racist but.... *goes completely ham with the racism*","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The humidity in Sydney is worse.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Immigrants are superior -workers (leo) -taxpayers (leo) -culturally (the abbey)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I really hope he declares this year. Kid is a beast","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"You must not sent a lot of time on the internet it Reddit is the worst racist site. 4chan, Breitbart, storwatch, the KKK official website...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You got the best kicker in the nation to commit. Not sure about [NAME] punting situation but your special teams should be a lot better next year.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Dementia is in my family so this is pretty exciting. I also have to wonder if this bacteria could cause other kinds of mental illnesses..","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Hey thanks! Happy new year to you too!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"The miracle of life!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Definitely gonna go lookin' for that mod.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Loving this start boys","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I haven't had mine in years thanks to [NAME]","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"my first thought was Superstar!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This is why I stopped watching. :( The brutality was disgusting.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Fall of religion also plays a role. I'm not religious at all, but I understand how it brought people together as far as a community structure.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I like you, do you like me? Please circle Yes No","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I read the title, and honestly I thought it was [NAME] and his Telkom bill again","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This made my hump day. Thank you good sir","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Anthem is a good 45 min from Scottsdale and the rush hour traffic is a nightmare.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"What does all that pill shit they talk about mean anyways? Like what the fuck is a black pill and a red pill?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I know right! Now I’ll never even know how far the distance was","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Happy Cake Day Baby!!!❤️❤️❤️","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Not sure about OP, but caffeine tends to make many people more anxious (especially those with a co-morbid anxiety disorder(s)).","label":19,"emotion":"nervousness"} {"text":"Between this and the headline it makes me wonder how he fits his ego through most doorways.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"first of all calm down. second","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Lincoln Riley had no HC experience and only 2 years of P5 OC experience.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm sorry but your username is absolutely horrible lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"It sucks because the guy ruined the name. Also ruined a tiny mustache.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I would go to bed early and I would have nothing to do the 3-4 nights a week I play tennis lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Benzos stop working after a few weeks because they’re very addictive and tolerance grows quickly. I use them occasionally but never more than twice a week.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That would be nice","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thank you for entertaining 24.5M people, Mr [NAME].","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Now her child will walk around smelling like onion","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Anybody know why [NAME] sat the second half? It wasn't like anybody else was burning it up.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It makes sense to me. I am a republican in that sense but hate the GOP for the most part.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"This just in: we’re all FAKES because of [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"is NRG some new meta","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"An RPG could have solved this problem.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Its the absolute lunacy of liberals when they see a MAGA hat, that baffles me.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Amazing doggo 😍","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Who ate the Carolina Reaper? Lol I’d prob be using that lid to knock myself out from the heat","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"If he had called her bluff, I doubt she would’ve ever pulled that again","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"“Thank you bus driver! Thank you navigator!”","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It's not because you killed the chicken. Kill another one and see if that happens again.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m so sorry for your loss, I’ll drink a few extra for your fiancé","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"did anyone calculate aprox. how much would the food cost in total?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME], aside from the goal was several magnitudes worse than [NAME]....","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He looks 10 years younger since leaving Old Trafford.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This got a little personal for me","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I guess Metric is old enough now for one of their songs to be Grey’s title. Huh.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Goobi is love.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"[NAME] might've told her when they were talking about [NAME] being on her period.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I wish [NAME] would debate [NAME], if he was alive :(.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Yeah that's bullshit and the complete opposite of what you said.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"That's [NAME]!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Good thing there’s someone sensible in the Whitehouse.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That is one big pile of cringe.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol, and be sure to slam the door real hard when you leave.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That is not a side swipe. That's a full on t-bone. But I hope they all made it through somehow.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Chugging hot sauce is for retards, not for serious chefs.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"These are the kinds of dudes that gillette ad is talking about.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m afraid too. It’s the not knowing what will happen that scares me.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I’m still not sure how we managed to do that. Gas prices in this state has gone up around 70 cents per gallon since around 2013","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Happy birthday u/automoderator","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you so much! I appreciate the support i’ve gotten as I don’t feel I deserve it— and I appreciate your comment. 😊","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Someone somewhere decided that today is the day they're tired of their job. We've all been there.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A fucking centaur","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"So air doesn't move if your hand isn't faster then speed? I doubt that.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So you are an expert on the 5 year long climate patterns going back billions of years i take it.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Thanks for the contribution. Really enlightening.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"[NAME], I hate [NAME].","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Eastside Cafe was pretty pricey for what it was.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Rule 7: Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh for sure. Hopefully all 4 make the play offs. Pretty sure Leinster are nearly there already, the absolute madlads.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"it sounds like you're setting up for a good 2019 keep the boundaries going, and I hope the surgery has no complications and everything heals up fast!!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This comparison pic kills me! Stassi looks like a California Raisin!!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I know, right? I mean I liked Le Tigre, but this is just damn embarassing.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"From a 49 recently divorced. Thanks. Just boosted my ego. Lol.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"What a waste of packaging.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"This isn't bigoted at all. Pointing out flaws is actually a good thing. Good job","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh dear lord. Imagine if [NAME] scores off the break from a scoring chance of [NAME] and [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They barely screen apparently, and it's ok, I know I'm garbage lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"...this magical creation I believe was called the ‘Cheezboiga’ pizza. Oh and that’s not hot sauce.. it’s ketchup.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Uhh..class 4 is unknown dental class after 13th month without exam or no initial exam. *sorry*","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Will do, thanks","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"too cold hurts my teeth, so i just drink whatever comes out of my sink","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Trade jv he is trash","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"“Little dumb” ugh how awful","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Well modern first world commies don't do anything, so that's good","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"[NAME]! I missed you","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"[NAME] already setting records for most nicknames in the league. There is no way to stop this kid...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Please pass this. We will finally get the same thing we have in California before scotus.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I hear she eats babies on Sundays. (The rest of the week she goes easy and just punches puppies)","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Half the cars I see in Florida seem to be allowed to drive at night without any lights. I don't get how they get away with it.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Newcomers have never heard of the flippening ever since :( that’s sad","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So 10 bucks says shes just gonna leave him after this anyway","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Consider yourself lucky, 2 toxic people got rid of themselves for you. Move on.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Well thanks. Maybe if i make any money we can set royalties up.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I like [NAME], not so much","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"It hasn't been posted until now! Thanks, babe!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"if you ever played hardcore in previous titles with no doritos you would know that this in fact not the case","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's a [NAME] family tradition!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I wish they had what they advertised. The end of that era was sometime in my teens.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Funny how the [NAME] leaves the most important item out of their article headline.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Saves me going out to buy toilet paper today","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I’ve never felt so blessed that I live in a country with wide open roads.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Players salaries are going up drastically every year. They’re hardly getting squeezed.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Okay. Have a nice evening! 👍🏻","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"“Game 7” Unfortunately we’ll never get there.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Amazing story. Thank you for your service","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Immaturity at its finest","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lol, crazy move of the goalpost but okay","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Is that a TV or a computer monitor ? :O","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Exactly, thank you.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"That's probably percisely what they did... They couldn't get into the server still. I'm sure they have specific rules about delaying and pausing.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"MORE OF THAT PLEASE NORMAN!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'd rather we didn't discuss this kind of stuff here, really. Doesn't feel very useful to any kind of debate.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Only ever attracted to other non binaries? Homo simply means \"same\", so for a nonbinary, same would mean nonbinary","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"You need to clasp your hands on top of a book to get rid of depression? Thanks grandma","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I didn’t think of that, thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"#I HATE BOTH EQUALLY","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Big boobs have never made me more or less attracted to a woman.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love when these self-proclaimed ones would hound me for more pics.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"except that he can't, he already played a South American U20 with Argentina which cap ties him.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is a gift for my rematch secret Santa recipient. I hope they’re both confused and amused.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"He’s one gorgeous and clever little man! Congrats on the new baby too!!!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This really comforted me. Like genuinely. Thank you so much. You seem like a truly amazing person.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The level of envyness far too much","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Goodnight and good luck.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"You're right, I was just trying to avoid getting too specific, as all financial advise will vary based on OP's financial situation and needs.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"From the article \"They stun it, and then he knifed it.\" Not sure which doese the kill though.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Congratulations! Idk how long you've been living here, but welcome to Colorado!! :D I hope you're enjoying it!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It’s supposed to be. But ol [NAME] snuffed a few out that he could have otherwise put clothes on and sent home.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I have no idea what arbitration even is but I'm going to react poorly","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Yea, and trading away young players does not make us better.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"he always pays his debts but we'll have to wait to see if [NAME] gets a castle","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The [NAME] excuse needs to die. [NAME] was on the bench for an extended period when the Raps defence made [NAME] freaking [NAME] look like an all-star.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sold car almost two years ago.... no regrets and quality of life has actually improved.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I love your comment...","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"This looks like [NAME] at the gym","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Gotcha. That can happen sometimes too but make sure you follow up with your gyno just incase.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Trae getting where he wants whenever he wants, that’s all that matters","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] earned it I think. He was godlike at world's. But [NAME] is the absolute worst S+ on this list.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Thanks, just bought this!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Oh man, how about when they played We Will Rock You to seemingly coordinate the \"ref you suck\" cheer. The crowd was awesome last night.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Louth is just an auld patch of muddy water you wade through to get from Belfast to Dublin.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Juul is heavy vapor. Idk how to describe it but i didnt feel like that when i used other juices","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"I agree. Pockets especially on dresses just feel weird.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Oh, naggers. Of course.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah, too many blind assumptions. I'm just happy that we're getting four additional characters to pad the roster with.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Well thats a rare opinion of Earth X.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What? You don't know what punishment is?","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Great quote for a fictional universe in which you can speak with ghosts of the deceased. Sadly doesn’t offer comfort here.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The only thing missing from their stupid play book is some sort of weapons of mass destruction hysteria","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Defense takes more time to implement i think","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Do whatever you want if/until you have kids. Just stay safe.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Also, do you have a link with updates? I cannot find any reports like this.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I'm down for a [NAME] frenemy alliance along the lines of [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I like being bad. It makes me happy.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I know I’ve said this before, but give the money to a charity, for the love of puppies!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Name calling and personal attacks are completely unacceptable on this sub. Consider this a warning.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"It's amazing how polar opposite [NAME] is from Thibs","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"The Xanax thing is burning itself out.Crims don't give a fuck.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You are disgusting.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Chicago has had mostly mild winters lately, so when it gets really cold or snowy lately we complain more.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Claim taken roles","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I don't even know what I'm going to do when the winter break ends. These posts are the sunshine of my life.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Lived in a suburb of San Antonio, never experienced anything close to \"prejudice/racism/difficulties.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeh It’s pretty obvious how I misread it bc ... I misread it. I didn’t downvote you.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"A big fat phony!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And riding one makes you look like a man trying to be tough during his mid life crisis.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] was born that way, huh","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What are you gonna do when your 150 years old and a giant angry bird won't stop trying to kill you?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Seems kind of literal","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh [NAME], my new friend. How much time and wine do you have.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Doubt Bucks would ever let hm go though","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Bye now.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This too. It’s about how much excess the wealthy have, not how they acquired it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He has really aged quickly.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No i didn’t all i know is that i binged 3 seasoms of it.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Tried it. Failed it. Got mental consequences, my memory wont recover after half a year. You will regret it.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Oh [NAME] that was horrible","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I was wrong, thanks for the information.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"December 2003, would get one also :D would love to have it","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Thank [NAME].","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Hourse jousting, fist fights, bear roulette this game has many things to do if you get creative","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Do you mean addons exclusive to him? The instasaw bubba is pretty fucking good....","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Lame passing all night","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Maybe try online classes or even start with a Udemy class on writing? Would that help?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"But more importantly, who gudder... [NAME] or [NAME] + 2019 Mavs pick? (Still probably [NAME] but I don't care bcus I love [NAME])","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Narrow guage is great!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I just switched to the extra srength coconut oil one and i absolutely love it","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I like it better this way!","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Sorry this shit is happening to you. Thanks for capturing the first [NAME] in WWII. Go Coast Guard.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"You know damn well it is.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"No point in trying to maintain your mental health if no one would and does not even care about you.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I will lose my shit on you if you eat in my car. I don’t do it so why the fuck do you think you can?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"It does indeed. 😏","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Ok. This is freaking awesome! Good job.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"If the ball is past the receiver, they're fair game. The refs may have thought it was close enough live.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A SWEDISH penis enlarger pump? make sure you read the instructions by austin powers.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That’s gunna be a no from me dog","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's like... too meta for me, man....","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think people are more worried if he'll stay or not than whether he plays at the same level or not.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Looks like ketchup. 😮","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Lovely. If you have no success in finding a copy I'd be more than happy to post it to you.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"If someone asked me, “what truly stood out to you as a memory from this year,” my mind would be completely blank.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Spoiler >!Loli Girl about to grow up in 2 episodes!<","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And no rails because we have a reasonably logic scense. And we cant sue nobody for our own dumb mistakes.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"it's just a gamer word bro way to disrespect gamer culture smh my head","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Color me surprised. Take your \"free\" care and like it, peon!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Who was it saying that [NAME] destroys hooker and broner again","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I keep telling everyone to watch it. It's such a fun movie and the directing is great.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"> Pokemon Go continues to be an excellent substitute Is it really though? I mean does Skorupi actually care about your needs?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think he actually isn't feeling well tonight. He left practice early yesterday because he felt light headed, [NAME] still put him in.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A lot can change in 365 days. Hang in there.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Agreed. He always sounded like he was forcing to much air out of his lungs when he talked to try to have a more intimidating voice.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"well that’s what you get for your bigoted speech","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The claim that whole milk is 40% fat is surprisingly not the most absurd part of this picture. /j","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I laughed in my beard.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"This looks unnaturally fake","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Dammit. I was expecting to see a motorcycle blow up. That woulda been awesome. Haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Cannot disagree with this one","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I was wondering this too. Whatever it was it's over now.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"oh [NAME]...","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"> [NAME] X-Wing in TLJ appears to be a newer model, T-70, like [NAME]. that make it even more stupid....","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"No link sharing the pics? Mildly disappointed in reddit haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"It doesn’t really matter what you mean, it matters what you say and do.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Not with that attitude we won't. There are some developments that may change your attitude in the very near future.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Flush the toilet that's a deduction.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love me some buff girls!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Because I was with someone who accepts cheating as an acceptable form of behavior.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"All right then, what’s your source?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"You tried your best, and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Sorry for the late reply. Bought it on the NHL shop, they have them in both fanatics and addidas.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Seems like a much ado about nothing.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"...except it really IS \"maybe next year.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That awkward when","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Not all seatbelts prevent you from hitting. source: shattered my kneecap and fucked up my legs on the dash of my Miata","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The hammer eh, interesting.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Then tell me what he's doing, instead of being a racist hypocrite.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Just hold on a second...Curley: \"Oh, ok, no problem","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"She actually does that, because she sees that you are happy, but the person behind you really needed that :P","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m so glad someone linked it. You’re doing the important work. 🤣","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Has anyone ever told you that you look like a young and skinny [NAME]?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Close your eyes and keep watching the first second","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You can't argue that these are the same when clearly one of them has a monopoly over the market.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Ah yes. Red Dead 2. My favorite movie","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Could fit the definition for thyroid disorder as well. Best to leave it to the professionals.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Stupid [NAME] is playing into the Church's hands. What an idiot. He has an amphetamine addiction.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Are you a twink?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Convinced me...now let's trade [NAME] for [NAME] and get back to the SuperBowl","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you! I appreciate the support","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Basically. My step dad didn't choose to break his back and his knees. The whale chose to overeat and become obese","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Fun fact: the average person eats 5 dogs in their sleep, checkmate veegunz","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I still have empathy because she's a human with a family. Every bigots are human.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"#NO! #GO CARDINALS!!!","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"[NAME] wanted to pull an [NAME] there! Good flashbacks!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"He reminds me of [NAME]. Gonna have to put on some muscle tho.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"It's in my garage. Couldn't be any easier to access it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Gotta love that good old libertarian to fascist pipeline.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"[NAME] was piss poor today","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I love this show but I feel personally attacked when they say you can't live with 6 cups of tea a day and no food 😢","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"What? No way, I thought ragnarok mobile was a pretty small game holy shit","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"The same is true for Oblivion and Morrowind. They still bring us joy, thanks to lots of awesome mods.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Walmart is also a good place to look at the local fauna.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That's actually legitimately hilarious. I'm going to have to start following this [NAME] fella","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Which one had to shower outside with the hose... [NAME]? That one was so sad to me","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Fidget spinners are cool again","label":23,"emotion":"relief"} {"text":"Ah, didn't read the comment that way, my bad","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"that’s a brilliant photo, your torny looks younger than my one! so cute","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Lol, this one’s great too!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"[NAME] is scary","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"The worst case of cultural appropriation is him mimicking human language and thoughts when he is clearly some kind of barely sentient pond scum.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"What? Trolls? Actually, yeah, probably.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"The aints can lick my bum hole.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"How do you walk about eating pasta?!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Probably. I am surprised Reddit doesn't just purge all right leaning subs.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I dont think prostitutes are going to teach you how to have good sex 🤔","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Neat idea, but it looks terrible as a tool. It's faster to just separate with your hands.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"And bigger than that. Her house, her rules.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It regenerates hate. It's hate motivational.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"This is uncomfortably lame","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Bro we were all aasim at that moment","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Cat noise was added in apparently. Still great video.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It seems some people on here don't like us disrupting their echo chamber.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Fish are friends, not food!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Then why are you commenting on a thread about that article?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I'm old enough to remember the last time the Pistons got a stop on defense","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"37 here, happily single. And the majority of my friends who got married at 23/24 are getting divorced now.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"How long were you broken up and how long together?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Love Myself by [NAME]. It’s a song about touching yourself. Kids were singing it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Applied Math lol.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"They have great chemistry and it’s a cool dynamic but it can’t take over the entire show","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"not true! Acute acopia needs a brief social admission, social work, and tincture of time Chronic acopia needs placement","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Just having a discussion and giving my opinion, don’t understand why you’re getting so mad lol","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Ahaha it's his mother's fault!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Even if he plays bottom pairing, his hockey IQ should help the team. At least, that's my hope!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Emergency vehicle, lights on, no siren?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"your aiming muscles are just weak, they'll get stronger with time","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"CAN'T UPVOTE THIS MORE THAN ONCE, REDDIT PLZ FIX","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I wouldn't be surprised if they were. Hopefully it stays with the amount of drama they have and don't go in the direction of 90DF.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Never more have I felt like I come from a British colony.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I know the feeling","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ok yea running toward him makes it easier good idea","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Really should be twenty three year olds.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] is such an iconic runway model 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A lot of kids at my school say Homecoming is the best but I would say Spider-Man 2 is.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"The dad is a douche and the cashier seems like he just doesnt have social skills. I really dislike the dad more than anybody.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"LOL, what kind of company?","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"It looks like a quail egg and it’s actually on a plate a weird looking plate but still a plate.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The montage of a man's career, there's so much said in these photos it is incredible.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I *demand* satisfaction","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Me am be failed English and am unfaulted teacher not even frum England","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"[NAME] was also a vice president.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It can either be super expensive and moderately time consuming or moderately expensive and extremely time consuming, depending on how you source your meat","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh yeah, I forgot what they are called lol, Thank you","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"This not the first or second mistake by VAR against us.There was even an wrong offside against us some games ago and they didn't checked it.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"You cant pick and choose racism you dippy cunt","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Switching to GEICO could save you 15% or more on car insurance","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That’s rude af. Slay him with your words. Give him every insult in the book then say bye bye","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Ma'am, thanks for buying the twine. Have a nice day","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You are the worst kind of person, but i love it","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Is this the same person who pins their art to the streetposts by Taufer park? LOL I love it.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"That's where your mind went? Most of us instantly think about Winnie the Pooh and the Hundred Acre Woods, man. What's wrong with you?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Everything's broken then. It's not like all other discourse is high minded and unemotional.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I have seen the movie Nosferatu. Believe it or not, I wasn’t even born when it was released!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Did not expect pint sized [NAME]. That was cute!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Mexico definitely had a lot of potential for prosperity, but then all the mess starting in the 1910s leading to the PRI really squelched all that...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Cause boomers know young people like it and want to generate revenue","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Bop employee here. Not GLAD","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I'd be worried about the tone, not the content.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Finally someone who appreciates human life","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I hope you figure out what to do! It is real shit situation and it is awful what he said to you.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Kinda let down tbh","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"FYI that ‘[NAME] quote’ is not only false but also not an [NAME] quote.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] 😂 I’m sorry they weren’t as expected but thank you for sharing! I had a good giggle.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ha! Yup same-same! He was my first intimate relationship. I have had other drunk encounters but I don’t count them lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Me too. At least we acknowledge what we are and don't make up excuses in that regard.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"“Try this new food” “No way you sociopath!!”","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Not me personally, but I do think it's an excellent idea. You never know when a stomach bug might hit.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I had 'tacos de cabeza' in Mexico — \\x62\\x65\\x65\\x66 head. All sorts of interesting bits like cheek, tongue, brain. Delicious.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Nice try.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"He was born in Scotland so as much as I’d love him to run it’s not likely.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"I'm sure your kind is fine the way it is","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"All children should be given the option to learn about how to effectively use the rights they’re entitled to.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Avid Android user here. My Xiaomi Mi Mix 2 is by far the sexiest and fastest phone I have ever had. Such bliss when using it.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"What a sweet, sweet bird! Also, that is one tiny pup!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"His takeover run out haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"THANK [NAME]","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Time goes fast so this 43 years relation must feels like if it was yesterday!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This happened at my local Odeon last night. The amount of confused faces was kinda funny to watch.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I'll be making that bet, thats a closeer match than that, even for a hometown girl.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"How does it feel to beat [NAME] toothless and only get a crappy draw?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"There’s never been one person doing okay who [NAME] wasn’t willing to drag down.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Smoooootthhhhhhh!!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I'm pretty excited to see how [NAME] develops. Appears that he could be a decent enough player in the future.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Totally read it as [NAME], was confused","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Don’t get me wrong. I laugh so I don’t cry :’)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] I wish that were me","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Say it louder for the Dwight’s in the lockers.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Its not too late for you either, it'd never too late! Please, leave the bad behind and go chase your dreams! You deserve it!","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Same! I love to crochet and this just made me giggle.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Still love you [NAME], get well soon :'(","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Intension or The Patient","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"KNOX VEGAS! Out of every place I’ve lived, Knoxville and Farragut were my favorites. Despite political leanings, every neighbor was so kind.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Contentedness is something I think we're all striving for. I'm glad it's happening for you, even if just for a moment :)","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Great work brother!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This one is sad but also very good","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This was one of the best Reddit reads in a long time... great job.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Goodmorning, I wish you all a wonderful day.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"It depends... I understand if someone banns the champ in ranked.. but in normals i agree","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I'm stigmatized against the pretty large group of 20 somethings I have interacted with who make gaming their whole identity. At least no-one calls themselves netflixer","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Teachers, do not diddle these kids!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's why I get my info from reddit, and use Facebook to keep in touch with the fam.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"SAF is also in the list for Facebook. I triggered some people when I set my birthday fundraiser up.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"i am the new [NAME] hope she doesn't get hated on when she returns on all stars","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"only Beijing? Forbidden City and national museum are great , $100 pre day would be enough to find a decent hotel.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I have silvered it as it was what I was thinking and they beat me to it hahaha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"oh [NAME], the fumbles.... all the fumbles","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Lol. Thanks for the laugh.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Only 150 calories for two so it's not as awful as a tub of ice cream. Still a bad message, though","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"I think he acted that part pretty well","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh I see what ya did","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ugh... hate when people talk to me when I'm fishing. This would be so awful hahaha","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Those turkey legs look delicious","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"The very worst possible route they could have gone.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Me too, my sister and I thought we became idiots, we even googled shapes and their sides","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I am confusion.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Anything in this sub that reaches front page is. I'm subscribed for the sake of genuinely funny content.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I know this was coming, so I phrased it as \"**my** past relationships\" not as my **EX.** Anyhow, thanks Bro","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Basically you are saying be [NAME]?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Good luck remembering that where you left it and then tearing your house apart for 1.5 hours trying to find it.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Erm... Maybe he wants you to use those toys... On him.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ha! I like the way they feel all over each other.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I'm still happy about it and will be for the entire offseason.....if not longer :)","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"I never said they didn't test it lol, I said they haven't tested it on PTR, which they haven't.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"You’re not the police","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Love how the cop comes and gives him the old \"there, there\" pat on the shoulder","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"look up hypersexuality, it's tied with BPD but not every pwBPD experiences it","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Contracts & money in rtts mean absolutely nothing. Just one of the many missed opportunities year after year","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"NBA Record 3-3 [NAME] o3.5 ast @ 1.85 [NAME] o22.5 pts @ 1.85 [NAME] u25.5 pts @ 1.85","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Draw a cat in the screenchot","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Wasn’t the black saber first seen in the Clone Wars? But otherwise all true.","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Not to mention the fact, that he's casually smoking a cigarette 3 inches away from an infant.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"[NAME] is vastly overrated. Much bette4 [RELIGION] delis in the outer Burroughs","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"I would pay money to see the security cam footage of that.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It must be really sad and lonely under your bridge troll.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"What a funny story.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"[NAME] and [NAME]. There really is NO point of them staying and they are unbearable to watch.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"That’s an insult to special needs people everywhere.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’d prefer happy little trees","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"And the healthy snacks are on their way!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"The man the myth the legend [NAME] has me seriously thinking about buying a new jersey with his name on the back","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Work on your anxiety and self-esteem. Do things for YOU. Love yourself.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Uhhhh I did lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Everyone knows he's not a spy. He's a pawn. Russia want him to swap for their actual spy, currently talking to [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It is not the ring. (I hope that you will be more relaxed now, but I’ve to be honestly, it is a fucking lie)","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I don’t-ee see any bums!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Fuck this gif","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"It's like [NAME] said, man. You look for the guy that benefits, and uh... You know, uh...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Those are hoteps. They're delusional idiots; no one takes them seriously.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Please, you deserve life, you know it deep down inside","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Ummmmm *Eeyore*? Duh?\" *sighs violently, rubs temples* (This is when I leave before I do/say something stupid)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I hope you get the job, friend. :) Best of luck!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Seeing this kind of vulnerability makes me appreciate her music.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Your baby is adorable. I can’t even deal with the cuteness 😂😂😂","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"YOU DONT SAY","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"This is literally the *only* thing I know about warhammer orks and I feel kind of bad about that. It's the coolest concept: faith-based technology.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"He’s our puppy. He likes to show us stuff he finds around the house. This time he found money bag. We forgave him","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"we need his euro step comp with this in the background [NAME]","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We have no other winger bro....","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I would absolutely hate it if they used it in the games tbh","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I would enjoy Kreate a Kharacter. But it'll need a lot of help. They shouldn't let you put cubes and stuff everywhere like in SC6.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Change of top, pump, inner tubes, puncture repair kit & tyre levers, balaclava, lube.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"There isn't. It only exists in the heads of those who subscribe to these tinfoil theories.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ok. First I've heard pregnancy helping with tips. Thanks for sharing.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Is a valid, unsound argument logical?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"He should be banned from the nfl. I can’t get behind this.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Confusingly, they also want less rights for [NAME].","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"The sun in his eyes makes him look pissed, like he and the ducks had some personal history.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Disgusting, I bet you he will never even be inside that apartment condo ever.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"If we leave the turtle alone with too many barnacles it can suffocate and die.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Don’t shove your “self control” in my face","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ah thanks. I was posting on mobile so sub rules aren’t as obvious.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"No. It IS her condo and she CAN smoke inside her own home.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Maybe ask some neighbours if there have been any strange or noteworthy comings and goings during the day.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"A hockey themed one with the Looney Toons meeting the Mighty Ducks would’ve been the greatest thing ever","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You’ve never been to Oakland, Hayward, or Richmond?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Look at the quality of that animation on the spider legs. This goes to show that the Simpsons really used to go way beyond the call of duty","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It's shit, it's over, put the damn format to bed and send the cunts who make it over to Fox","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"If we always have to use reconciliation anyway, why not just kill it imo, doesn't really matter either way.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"lol too real","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Don't forget [NAME] being nerfed because she was unfun to play against in QM, then being reworked, then being nerfed again for the same reason.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's not an explanation of why it would be undemocratic.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"My favorite thing is his friend in the back","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Quick! Go get volvo involved!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"So what advice do you have for not getting sued? Preferably something OBGYN related. Thanks for doing this","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Which is why people sell on TPT...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Apparently I'm ugly because I don't have 20 strangers a day coming up to me to tell me I'm attractive :(","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Thank you for answering me, I did ask him Straight forward but he just told me is busy","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Hi somebody, I'm dad!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"My favorite My Hero Academia villain.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Seriously. I wonder if OP has seen some of the amazingly stupid faces that [NAME] and [NAME] make.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Here Hope that helps!","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"You'd have to explain what that means to you first. It's such a nebulous phrase it's never meant much of anything to me.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is a slippery slippery slope that ends with the backstory to the Wrath of Khan dude.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you for your kind words! Your energy is contagious!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"This means bisexual","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m autistic and frankly this is disgusting. To say this about your child implies autism basically makes you worthless.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Gross gross gross!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Exactly! It amazes me how many people dont communicate with each other. Talk about it, see what they say. Discuss. Come to a conclusion.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"You. I like you","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Oh I got one are you overweight","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"They're only part of it. There are subliminals as well. My sa is cured. Have a blast keeping yours if that's what you want","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Spot on. You have astute comments.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Man I am so happy for [NAME], they are selling out. Personally there is no way I would be able to afford them for 38$","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Once I saw who posted the video, I was certain I knew who it was, and I was right. Glad to see him back in action!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Oh yeah yeah","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Good luck and wear condom","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"This makes my tummy sick.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"That's such a lazy way of looking at things.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I’d rather not, thank you. Seeing her play that evil emperor in that Star Wars movie was quite enough.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I don't remember being able to hear in those situations. I think...","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Treat yo self!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It's her |_STAND^¬","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Aaaay [NAME] unite against the magical sky fairy!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"I love me some Cat but someone clearly never read The mists of Avalon","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Looked ugly.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Is there a customer service number? If so, what is it?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Thanks so much! I'll let you know how it goes when I get a chance to try it :)","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"alarms are kinda rude.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"I honestly don't know but the more attention something gets the less it gets ignored","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you very much for your time and advice! I’ll consider it greatly for the future!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Nohomo but i'd come to daddy","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Doctors hate him! *Like* if you love **[NAME]**, *Ignore* if you worship the **[NAME]!**","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I believe they know about it and don’t care, but they aren’t paying someone that doesn’t work there to do it.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Yikes!! This rebuild year isn't fun","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Maybe don't pick something quite so obscure.... But my girl does","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Real. I did it yesterday when there was a large spider trying to hitchhike in my car","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh *hell* no.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"It's one of these situations where I'm happy that I'm not enough of a gimp to understand","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"but but TIME IS MONEY right?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I got hung up thinking like this for thirty years with my first and only love. Don't let it happen to you.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"In all fairness Ive said it to men, woman, and children. Nobody is outside of my blind rage.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Laughed right out loud 🤣","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"The only thing that changed is we are now healthcare-less","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No, that’s my husband.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He's the best [NAME].","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You here to admit you are fine with existence once born? I thot so","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"That explains it. Who was it?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He only does it when I'm playing a fast-paced racing game where I need to always see where I'm going.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Get Flonase. This thing work for me.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yup [NAME] is who me miss. Anyone notice though that his little southern twang ramped up to about 100x more when he went national?? Lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"oof okay, thanks for the info. Hopefully he fares better with our line/TE's","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"This is amazing.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"No matter what, we can all listen to *You Shook Me All Night Long* during earthquakes.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That host's sense of superiority and childish sarcasm is so terrible that it physically hurts.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"User name says you are a scumbag [NAME]. I’m confused","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"oh man clicking 2 buttons before you read an article, the absolute horror","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Why don’t you just *get the fuck out* of Edmonton if you hate it so much?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I think this is what inspired [NAME]","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"[NAME] how is [NAME] even a rapper. I thought rappers were people you would wanna be lol","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Please provide some receipts! I believe you and can totally see this happening!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Sanctions are immoral and don't do anything but cause more human suffering, disappointing to see that this sub will support them, but not really a shock.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"No, my point is that looking to past behaviors isn’t indicative of what is right and virtuous","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I got your back, bros. (nsfw, duh)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks for the kind words but some things are in fact permanent. Still I appreciate your reply. Thank you.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Oh man I actually ugly laughed out loud. This is awesome 😂","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"> but I have to admit its catchy. This is not and has not ever been an inherently positive characteristic about any song.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Good assumption there except for the part where I didn't vote for the guy.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I wish it'd stop being submitted on the sub. We're out on him and it's pretty obvious.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"20 cents we use to pay in our small takeaway shop wtf are you talking about","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Good lord yes. Banging soundtrack too.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Just go to Morrisville Walmart .. why do you need a meetup.. :) jokes apart . I am willing to join","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"He had one poor split, and he already looks strong, fuck your mindless hate","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Shocking mate I know, hopefully one day they'll go home.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Someone who wants to do a couple of takes and it's just gone past 9","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Their* comment; sorry. Just realized you’re not the same person.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Same thing with depression. It’s becoming a trend and I hate it","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Now figure out how to grow bunches like that.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Not defending the poor choice, but maybe he thought this is what they'd like?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] has 5 goals in 4 games for us doesn’t he?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ohhhhh come on [NAME], just two more years...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I'm impressed. A 3 year old account and this is your only comment.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Short, succinct, and perfect. It would be nice if the more of the world realized this simplicity of life.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Good to know everything is about average there. Leave it to H-Town to hold it down.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"Yeah seriously! I saw the controller and I thought \"don't do it, don't do it!","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Who cares honestly.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"You can’t say that that’s racist!!!!!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thank you for the thoughtful advice. I was thinking of getting him a mic for his gaming habit, so your advice is timely.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I wish I could see [NAME] slipping on shrimp","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"SWOOOSH!!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Apparently the system is down","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"She looks so pretty in that photo.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Thanks for the laugh 😂😂","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Have you talked to your group and [NAME] about him?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"[NAME] but probably secondly, [NAME] because I find both so boring.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"For some reason I'm reminded of this","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Why is this so common? I have a dream and then remember it a couple of weeks later.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh fuck I almost forgot to jerk off and smoke weed today. I'm so forgetful. Appreciate the reminder.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Are you lost?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"I'm an inspiring man","label":21,"emotion":"pride"} {"text":"You’re so young! I hope things improve for you. Stick to you plan.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"YPG has carried out numerous attacks. Yet you seem to judge them on the few messed up things they have done.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"alright yeah guess i am stupid","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Of course this is the type of dude to CC a .45 caliber.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Can anyone share the attitude of the madinans towards [NAME] when he went there?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"We use that a lot in the UK too","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Oh hey this is pretty awesome! I've never seen such a concise itinerary on one page before.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It says Expect. Which means nothing is official as of right now.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Now I can’t unhear it...","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I love this so much. Helpful and hilarious!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Not when they are written by his lawyers, but he totally wrote 'build the wall crime will fall' and thought it was so clever","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks yeah that sounds good","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I still can't believe I used to watch [NAME] videos","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"These parents probably dress and openly love the kid more","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Are you saying you did not expect those bananas?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Wow, that's clunky.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Damn. Hope they don’t have children","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"I'm also scared.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"There’s no such thing as the trauma Olympics. Try some empathy sometime.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That cowboy was pretty deft","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"You seem fun.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"I put Norilsk on my phone so I feel better when Chicago is crazy cold","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"That is the plan!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah I misread","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"TELL ME MY FUTURE, YOU SORCERER","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Actually there are some terminals now that let you disable it lmao. Very sad.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"If the kids are in sports activities you can chat up the other parents.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That's along the lines of what I was thinking, thank you!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Because she's a mediocre writer who got lucky with Harry Potter and is in no way relevant unless she needlessly retcons HP.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I had no idea this was a thing!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Blatant manipulation. Wow!! Who do we report that to?","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":">ageism Lol. Nobody's *discriminating against* these folks cuz they're teenagers. Settle it down, mate.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If only there was a league of sorts of higher ranked play that they could watch. Oh well.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Yeah you’re implying that someone holds the shitty opinion you just made up. Which is basically an attempt to make them look bad. Character assassination.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I should stop jumping in elevators.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"It’s okay bro saints about to beat them 41-3 next week lmao don’t worry","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Say what? He has been playing for epsilon till now. Never seen some real accusations on him cheating. I think you should read some more.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"This is great! Can anyone make a request with you to draw?","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Mafia meme...?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I’m so excited for next season. My expectations are slowly climbing.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"카니발 sounds more like cannibal than carnival.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I mean...I'm not saying they did, I'm just saying I would have...","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Id give my left nut for another [NAME]. ...and im a berkeley liberal. THATS how crazy the party has gotten.","label":17,"emotion":"joy"} {"text":"This would be a great meme format","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"People who don't rematch when it's 1 to 1.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You should have said “might even have enough for a minute” u would have downgraded this to “terrible pun”","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Ya punk wanna know how the game ends while we’re at it?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It was genetic iirc and he had corrective surgeries on both shoulders eventually.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Learned something today :)","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"lol the zoomed in crotch on the right","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"This, and its about to (already has, reallly) start happening to [NAME].","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"thank you in turn! :D","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Ah I set myself up for that one. Alright you win it does look cool.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Watching her wardrobe/closet tour video. It’s hilarious.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"That was a fun conversation. I've seemed to have broke you into copy pasta.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"as superficially as possible. i cant go deep with a guy, only with girls.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"say it with me now super star","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I cringed and flinched. That’s a bad day","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Ah okay, thanks!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"So funny, I just watched this one today and was struck by [NAME] in the height of his coked out glory. He is absolutely so gross.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"blessed day with beautiful boy","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Istn't there a trick about coating the metal with clear nail polish?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Happy New Year! Looks like you had a great time there! Cheers! Here’s to a great 2019 hopefully in both baseball and life!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"You'll be fine.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"im so sorry you had to go trougth that. it's a shame people are so stupid to deny someone the attention they need becouse their gender.","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Marry her!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"What an amazing comment!This really resonates with me! Thanks for writing.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Ho. [NAME]. Shit. Glad you made it through that insanity","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It’s lunacy to think that [NAME] is an actual Russian agent, since there’s literally no evidence of this.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Stay at home if you’re sick","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"supposed to be brain ache but I am too tired with all these losses i have","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"That really is fantastic","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Yeahhhh I’m going to go to sleep now...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Hahahah Someone rmb this joker from movie!","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"They could have prepared you better. I'm so sorry. I wanna give you a hug and tell you it's okay.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"This is cute AF. For 5.00 - 10.00? That's not bad yo. Some people at fairs would pay for 25.00 for this.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I actually live in a place called Star City (ironically a really small town) so I thought it was the coolest thing to me.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Dozens. My favorite scene is the tribe bringing dude back from the dead. CHIIIIIKA. CHIIIIIKA. CHIIIIIKA. CHIIIIIKA.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"So are you","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I like it!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Cute! Love it sister","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Someone obviously has not had a good experience with anal sex. But I appreciate your advice and sense of humor at least!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Hes not the best at communication which is a big red flag in my book","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"OH MY [NAME] [NAME] IS BACK. THIS IS THE ONLY LOGICAL EXPLANATION!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"was the same with me for a couple of years before puberty.. i was frequently mistaken for an adult woman..","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Hey GUUUUUUUUUUUYS! I'm a totally normal gas attendant! Mind if I... **TOUCH YOUR HAND?**","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Oh [NAME], House of Leaves. That book is......","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"No I'm saying you can't love someone else if you don't love yourself. ...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I can only relate with first three pictures","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The last time Russian military contractors met US forces, they lost 200 men and dozens of armored vehicles. Lmao.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Really love these concepts. Fantastic work. Love the work in the comments especially the green with the M.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":">It's not FSA I am not going to discuss about something, which isn't even my point.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Or if you've hit the menopause. I guess sex amongst old people is an abomination too","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Disgusting. Need to get the tooth hole fixed😂","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Poor critter D:","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Roast you? The fires of Mount Doom already did that for you, you [NAME] looking ass.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"[NAME] is the only person i want him to end up with since the beginning i liked her the most","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I often give it a game or so just to see if there’s any noticeable factor","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Calling Israel evil for their policies is anti Semitism? What a joke.","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"i hope so","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"No one loves me","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":">Gotta love the South No. No, you really don’t.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Oy vey! Shut it down!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damn, and now this GIF has become bittersweet. I really wanted him to become a revolutionary icon.","label":8,"emotion":"desire"} {"text":"Can we please just call out defense next year the Legion or Doom. The LOD just sounds incredible","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"eh, maybe. the tricky part is getting away with it.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'm here with a devil axe and 34 Krit chance. And my killer axe just broke.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Brother please allow me to humbly agree. This is done. Take care of yourself.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"If everyone liked exactly the same thing, there would be a few very worn out girls and billions of lonely, horny guys","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"I have decided to put myself first and see what happens ... some day things will be amazing","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"But do you have a notoriously shady history a la Jax? (Hope not)","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Fucking right let’s go [NAME]","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Ummm... I think you mean this beauty.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This is the best quote I have ever read on reddit.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I mean it would be borderline targeting in college football. It was a really egregious missed call.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Fellow [NAME] reporting for duty!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s interesting, especially if you do it every single day, but I’m here for it.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I stand corrected. IQ is not worthless. Knowing ones own IQ aids in masturbation.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Hello! Would you happened to know if the physical booth would have started selling tickets if the concert is on 5th Jan? Thanks!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Ah damn, I forgot the /s, a AAA company would never put out a half-finished game. Good catch","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Yeah. That was my point.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"EZ CLAP This is for kids, try doing this:","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I do, in fact, want more from OP’s work history","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"That sounds awful )-: I'm so grateful that my parents and therapist want to let me figure this out with minimal \"supervision","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Bubble Bass should try it, just DON'T FORGET THE PICKLES!!","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Sadly you are correct.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Man lucky guy i just wish it could have been me. I could do the same but different of course. Let me Know","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Lost my only grandfather two years ago to Alzheimer's, this is great news knowingly this disease sucks","label":16,"emotion":"grief"} {"text":"beating up tire man","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Didn't one of those two idiots void their visa to the US over some political bullshit? I think it was [NAME], can't remember.","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Yes he is. Cling to your safety blanket for now cause momma [NAME] is about to snatch it from you.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"The horizon is very beautiful in this game. You should look at it often.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It’s saved in the cloud now lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"[NAME] oh wait, this aint Instagram","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"i feel ya","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I'M LITERALLY DEAD","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"I don’t think most people suck for 4 yrs and then figure it out again","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Parents should at the very least monitor the childrens activity or put an adult block on the websites","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Wow! Dudes lucky to be alive today! Who does that? Obviously drunk.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"As I’ve said in other comments, the increase in the cost of carbon makes it regressive. The rebates make them progressive.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Damn. Is that what those shorts are supposed to look like on people!? 😂","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Omg if WOW sue’s her then my depression would be cured and I’ll have my jush","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Wow... never heard of that podcast. Looks awesome. Thanks for the link!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"This guy probably just started watching football. These younger generations just aren't as educated as they used to be.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"They're hoping that him being found guilty was the news item that mattered, and they can let him off easy now that the attention has died down.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Besides it being hard and fucking up your kettles, irons, hair and taps?","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Because you didnt add enough context","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"We say it the most m8 that means it's our word and we pronounce it correctly","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I REALLY should get my breaks checked.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Thanks, I'm the LAOTOP and I found this response as informative as the comments in the original post.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"900 IQ Play by that tracer to use her 300 Damage Ultimate on a 600HP Character who has a healing/damage resistant ability.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks I hate it. Also I've been spontaneously diagnosed with stage 3 cancer throughout my entire body dude watching this video. I start chemotherapy on Monday","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Maybe one is bigger than the other, so getting more t-time?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Check our Four Peaks Brewery. Great food great beer","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Wasn't the Oroville Dam collapse triggered (at least partially) by an overflow?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Shut tf up. [NAME].","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I feel cheated! Lol","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"It actually makes me really happy when people literally call me [NAME]. Thanks kind stranger!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Is that [NAME]?","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"It's impossible for communism to exist without a state.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"[NAME] fucked up with this line up. Why do you change it, if everything was going good? Idiot!","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":". . .k but it's unlikely since unless you're a liberal and a woman thinking emotionally often shouldn't be a thing.","label":25,"emotion":"sadness"} {"text":"Some idiot talks shit to one woman - > SOCIETY shames WOMEN for BEING ALIVE","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"Look at his socks, hes fine","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Fantastic!!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That’s the silver lining of this. Fuck Veracruz.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"just end the friendship and go meet more people. You're just prolonging the obvious.","label":5,"emotion":"caring"} {"text":"Needs a great winger to play off of. Without [NAME] he has struggled to be creative on the wing","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Russia is at war with the tchetchen , no ?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Memorialising is fine but he is just spamming the sub","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Flashbacks to hallucinations? Whoa","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"I didn’t say anything. Just sharing this beauty.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"That's kind of amazing. What a time to be alive.","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Need to change the subject of this post or it will be removed quickly but I hope those scum bags end up in jail.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"Love my 90DF Family Reddit too! 💙","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Lol definitely not","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"[NAME] forbid someone make a joke around YOU","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"lmao and I thought I was the only one","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Nit bad for a flip phone! That a T-Mobile circa 2008?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Can I potentially levitate 2 inches off the water also, or just the ground?","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"That’s absolutely fantastic but I literally was only pointing out the last time I can remember Connecticut being in the national spotlight.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"I have died so I know something you don’t.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Actually I think they were saying on ETR that you have to use it or you lose it for expansion teams","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"are there any unique foods to houston? thanks!","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"This was insane. I knew [NAME] was legit when he swung at a pitch while being intentionally walked and almost hit it out.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Pretty stock standard winger. Depth at a good club, regular starter at a bad club kinda deal","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"Great, glad to hear most socialists are hypocrites who ascribe supernatural outcomes to their ideology","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"WE ARE .500!!!! I'VE WAITED SO LONG!!!!","label":13,"emotion":"excitement"} {"text":"Omg l live for [NAME] stirring the pot!!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"How dumb haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Some drown. Others look to the sky. I thought it was a blog.","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"It is definitely not a coincidence that he used women to represent both political sides.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"My heart just melted.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"It's all good man, glad you shared it. Just felt I should defend my stance as well.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"We need [NAME] to review this...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The FDA has plenty to criticize. But like here, it's usually criticized horribly off base. It needs to grow some balls and actually enforce things.","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"How can I send it to you? I Just exactly recreated it in training arena","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"Yes, you’re right. Thank you for your kind words.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"It is possible to be a shitbag and also suffer the unfair competition of organized conglomerates of shitbags. Besides, OP wasn't referring to all independent farmers.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"When I was younger I would forget to pull it back to pee sometimes. That was a mess and led to some embarrassing moments.","label":12,"emotion":"embarrassment"} {"text":"Apparently America is 400 years old according to him as well.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Don't be mad, life is too short!","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Yeah, maybe if they add [NAME] and [NAME]...","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"see, i'm over here thinking \"i hate sports\" now if you could just take my balls and go home","label":2,"emotion":"anger"} {"text":"I miss the bch/bsv war...the quality of posts were getting better....back to square 1","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Okay, a little confusion. Why are those “d”s not cancelling out? Edit :skittle-a little","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Pretty much same. It’s always me who has to change. I’m the one wrong.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Imagine buying a product, then burning it in protest","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It’s a disgusting mix of mayonnaise, ketchup, and pickle relish.","label":11,"emotion":"disgust"} {"text":"Oh no! People will be able to protect themselves!","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"You're trying too hard","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"HAHAHAHA YELLOW FOR AZPI????","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Damn, that sucks.","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"We shot like 35 free throws, bud, we would've won by 16 if we made them all","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"I'm not worthy to watch this haha","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Wow, what a find. The store actually began clapping","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Maybe he was just really tanned and needs a vacation","label":6,"emotion":"confusion"} {"text":"it's a joke","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Thanks for all these suggestions!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Only fair - although they they could have reported it as 0-0 since ND never showed up.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"The power dynamics argument is one of the most ridiculous arguments ever - unless it’s someone who has a *direct* influence on your life or outcomes.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"[NAME] has lost it and I'm loving it!","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Much better than I could have put it! Thank you for your input!","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"BUT THEYRE TIRED","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I can't believe this team beat Winnipeg last week, handily too. That effort hasn't been there since.","label":26,"emotion":"surprise"} {"text":"15 years is over 25% of the Superbowl era. That's far from nothing.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"You've got this. Hang in there. Please keep us updated. I'm really sorry that you're dealing with this right now.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"Thank you good sir. Yes I can see what I was doing wrong. I will start to apply for jobs starting tomorrow and work my way up.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"I would be afraid he would come back and somehow blame me for his failure.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Because [NAME] is a man child who can’t stand up to his mother","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Yeah, but the thing is that I did send them. Therefore, I don’t have them, and haven’t for months.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Less of “It’s my baby too” and more of “it’s an innocent living being and you want to murder it”.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"If this team could make there wide open shots, we could win some games. Its unbelievable how many open shots we miss.","label":9,"emotion":"disappointment"} {"text":"Thank you [NAME]. Apparently having a sense of humor isn't your strong suit","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"This seems like something that would be hilarious as a parody","label":1,"emotion":"amusement"} {"text":"Another trendy communist that doesn't know what communism is.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"Great cover of my favorite song. I loved watching you slowly giving into the temptation to rock out to the rhythm.","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"Everybody loves labs","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"When you see this format you know its cancer","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"I think you're probably a shite irl.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Damn this got me","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"Saints Chiefs matchup would make for a great Super Bowl","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"cool... Sorry bro","label":24,"emotion":"remorse"} {"text":"Expect the unexpected","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Geez. Why is Duchene their 3C?","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"Don't wo","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Very very nice to see this irl. Nice post 👌🏼","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"extra hot on whipped drinks? excuse me? i don’t want to burn my tongue on my CDL. extra hot on sauce-based beverages.","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"/s, you forgot this.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"It happens so much that it really scares me tbh.","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"Agree. Don't assume anything, even the worst. First get the facts : while being prepared for any facts.","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Threats and promotion of violence","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I took a nap with my boyfriend this evening. It was really sweet of him to just let me rest, you know? I feel you.","label":18,"emotion":"love"} {"text":"Did not realize [NAME] hair game is that fire","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"Yup! She was also on a show called Queen Bees that was on the N network. I have never seen that show but I really want to","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"This has worked for me so many times, whenever I try to make a new habit I try to maintain it for 2 weeks and then it becomes routine","label":4,"emotion":"approval"} {"text":"Ive read his and [NAME] further response and feel curious on the GoFundMe creator's authenticity butnthats just me, yay for positivity","label":7,"emotion":"curiosity"} {"text":"No. Or at least that’s what I suspect🤔","label":22,"emotion":"realization"} {"text":"I had a little kid once get really concerned on Christmas Eve that I would not be home in bed before [NAME] was due.","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Someone got carried away with the mii maker","label":27,"emotion":"neutral"} {"text":"Thanks for the responses! I'll look into it.","label":15,"emotion":"gratitude"} {"text":"OMG! I need to make these. This looks so good!","label":0,"emotion":"admiration"} {"text":"It's pretty dangerous when the state decides which fictional deity is legitimate. For example the [NAME].....","label":14,"emotion":"fear"} {"text":"I filed for divorce this morning. Hoping he moves out in the next day or so.","label":20,"emotion":"optimism"} {"text":"The last time it happened I just said, \"No\" and closed the door","label":10,"emotion":"disapproval"} {"text":"I can’t stand this arrogant prick he’s no better thenFord in Ontario and that guy is a buffoon","label":3,"emotion":"annoyance"} {"text":"::but I like baby bangs:: /tiny voice","label":18,"emotion":"love"}