0 Gina thought this was a great idea and searched online for hours . Her mother suggested she look online for a phone and protective case . 1 Tim got two ferrets from the mall . The ferrets are very energetic . 0 He 's embarrassed to go to the local gym because he is out of shape . Brian has n't exercised in many Year 's . 1 Marsha had trouble sleeping because of the clown in her room . She told her friend in the morning , who said there was no clown . 0 A few months later Erik and Felicia got married . They quickly bonded and went dancing together . 1 I am for the Denver Bronco 's but my husband hates football . He just called and said he wants to take me out on Sunday . 1 Then he went to pre-enlistment boot camp . It was terrible there ! 0 At the gym other people made fun of him . He decided to go to the gym . 0 Trudy wrote short stories in Bronte 's style . She hoped to one day be as good at writing as her . 0 Suddenly a mouse ran across the room ! We began to clean the dusty living room . 1 He showed his girlfriend Mars and Saturn . They spent many nights looking at the sky . 0 She and her mother set up a stand in front of a grocery store . She went door to door all over the city , selling cookies . 1 She dreamed about a monster chasing her . She could not run away from the monster . 1 She clicked the send button again . The ding remained as absent as ever . 0 They finally found one they loved . They looked at several they were n't happy with . 1 She could not raise a baby on her own . She decided not to abort it . 1 Someone knocked over a cup of soda . It spilled in the grass and on the sidewalk . 0 He took it home and looked it up . Charles found a black rock on the beach . 0 At first Magnus makes omelettes that are overcooked and too dry . A friend recommends he tries eating omelettes every morning . 1 Me and my friend were out fishing in the middle of a lake . We were seeking the largest fish we could find . 0 Then she looked out over the audience apprehensively . She went onstage and performed her routine . 0 One day , she decided to quit eating so unhealthy . She always ate fried food . 0 They were competing for the high score . Mike and Joe were playing a videogame . 1 She took all the green clothes and put them in trash bags . Jan took all the bags to a local thrift store . 0 Yet unfortunately they got shocked by a storm . When they got there , the weather was beautiful . 0 Tom took the scenic way home . Tom saw many beautiful trees . 1 Jose ran as fast as he could to the beach to see the whale . When he got there , he saw a small stuffed animal whale on the sand . 1 He was a bit early and nervous at the restaurant . All of a sudden a random woman started walking toward him . 1 After his grandfather passed away , Even helped clean out the attic . He found a trunk with some old books in it . 1 I accepted the challenged and he went on top of the roof . When he jumped off , he ended up tripping . 0 Next Sunday Bill confessed to stealing the toy . Later Bill felt really bad because stealing is wrong . 1 Lois was often bullied at his elementary school . His mom was very concerned about the emotional and academic impact . 1 Elaine claimed to be too busy to take the clothing to a charity . When Elaine 's family lost their fortune , Heidi was secretly pleased . 1 She found many canned goods to buy . Donna checked out and was happy with the food she purchased . 1 Neil was on a train heading south . He had left Paris and was heading into Spain . 0 His parents did n't think he was responsible enough . Sam always wanted a puppy . 1 The boys seemed to be tied . In the end Kris won the match and was thrilled . 0 He swore he would , but could not . His domineering aunt Mildred demanded he stop . 0 Samantha found out that it was the light socket . The light bulb in the garage door opener was broken . 1 She looked around for a good makeshift lunch . Then she found a great solution . 0 The couple left the doctor office broken hearted and defeated . The three options were not favorable . 1 I decided I would be better off quitting . I decided to be an idiot my last day . 1 I thought she was out of her mind . One day I got too hot and tried the Sage tea . 0 Her opponent was twice her size , so she had difficulty blocking her . Jill tried to defend her opponent . 1 Jessica was at a pool party . A girl she vaguely knew walked up to her angrily . 1 He began asking his friends that were very social for tips . After practicing what he had learned , he improved his verbal skills . 0 He was very startled ! Cal 's toothbrush snapped in half ! 1 Then , she mixed the powder and some eggs . Finally , she poured the batter into muffin cups . 0 She continued to eat at this place even after finding the hair . She talked with the manager who agreed to replace the dish . 0 She rehearsed the lines in preparation for the audition . Ariel wanted to be in the school play . 0 There were many homeless veterans there . He went to the homeless shelter . 0 He had struggled with it all his life . Otto always knew he was gay . 1 She happily brought one home . Soon they both began to love it . 0 Kim responded on Twitter and the real Jennifer Lopez showed up . Next , she tweeted something nasty about Kim , the television star . 0 He 's trying to decide where to get his degree from . Mark wants to be a doctor real bad . 1 Andy felt the same love for Karen . The two eventually were married . 0 The whole class laughed at Amy since it was the wrong answer . Amy gave the first answer that came to mind . 1 Paul used small bits of cheese to teach Bess to go through . He was very glad to both claim his winnings and have a trained pet ! 1 Gina was cleaning the snow off of her car in the middle of the street . She could n't reach the passenger side when parked at the curb . 1 He was having a lot of fun . A cop pulled him over for speeding . 1 I decided to skip to work today for old time 's sake . I got tons of strange looks . 0 Suddenly the baby began to scream and cry . She wiped his face with a cloth to clean it . 0 She could n't afford to buy new ones . She went to grab her tortillas and realized they had gone bad . 1 Craig snuck into his older brother 's room . He found some toys to play with . 1 She wore a ponytail . During the play her hair tie broke , and her pony tail came undone . 0 He was so nervous that he threw up on the table . He was very nervous . 1 Finally the answer to the last question appeared before her . She handed in her test just in the nick of time . 0 When she got to her car she realized she forgot to use her coupons . At checkout she was tired so she went quickly . 0 Last Tuesday he awoke excited . Sam normally did n't like mornings . 0 I will cherish the photo forever . I immediately took it and put it on my desk . 1 The challenge was to drink a gallon of milk in under an hour . Jen accepted the challenge . 0 He confessed that he 's a homosexual . He told everyone to not panic or freak out . 1 Paul was on the subway heading into San Francisco . He knew it was going to be busy , since it was Super Bowl Weekend . 1 William is waiting at the doctor 's office . He is about to get a flu shot . 1 He takes us to the park sometimes . Sal is always a lot of fun . 1 She was chasing the child through their yard . Suddenly , she stepped on a rake . 0 After high school , he became a great architect ! Gabe kept his love of designing things all through school . 0 The group would not perish from thirst after all . He had found enough water for everyone and it was very close . 1 I tried to convince her that I took the test . She looked through her papers and found an exam with no name . 0 The driver asked where he wanted to go and Bill just shrugged . Bill was tired of Texas so he got on a bus . 0 Jim accidentally hit John while playing . Jim and John were best friends . 0 He had drank too much coffee this morning . Barry was feeling a bit ill . 0 I was astounded , but I congratulated him . Tim won 9 games ! 0 She got on apple chat tech support . That was not happening yesterday . 1 He opened the container and noticed some mold on the pie . He brought it back for a refund . 1 He decided to prepare for the possibility . He gathered large amounts of long lasting food . 0 She decides to go shopping at her local mall to stay busy . Unfortunately she does n't have any friends to hang out with . 0 He drove a taxi and that meant taking people many places . Mark had seen a lot of things . 1 Sam always wanted a puppy . His parents did n't think he was responsible enough . 1 Her husband started to like his good manners . He went to an etiquette class . 1 I went downstairs to talk to my kids . One thing led to another and I was distracted for 30 minutes . 1 He tried to prove them wrong by watching a pot . He put water in a pot and set it on the stove . 0 The students had no idea who it would be . The English class at Salisbury high was anticipating a new teacher . 1 The zoo accepted and thanked him for the eels . Eddy drove home feeling good about his donation . 0 He remembered that he did n't finish it the day before . But he noticed that he already had a bottle of water on his desk . 0 I have read half of it and I am inspired to change my ways . My cousin bought me a self help book on gambling issues . 1 They each picked out a combo meal from the menu . The waitress arrived with their food and Luis and Luz ate happily . 0 But not matter how much he drank , he was still thirsty . Tom was drinking tap water . 0 It hurt , but did not burn me too badly . I accidentally squirted glue onto my hand . 1 Gwen was tired of her marriage . She sought adventure and excitement . 1 I was two blocks away from the bus stop when I saw the bus leave . It had arrived three minutes early . 0 A moment later , someone announced that the reel had broken . Suddenly , the screen went black . 0 After waiting a week , the package arrived in the mail . He found the controller online and ordered it . 0 He spotted many birds in the grass there . Billy was walking at Central Park . 0 Regardless , she splashed her drink abound the car . Her mom kept begging her not to spill . 1 Jen 's blog had a wide variety of news contents and opinions . Due to the wide variety of news on the blog , it became successful . 1 Mark , the baker , was desperate to sell the last three . A customer came in and he tried to sell them to her . 1 Eli was the lone survivor of the capsized boat . He 'd been in the life raft for days . 0 I was nervous to meet the interviewers . I went to an interview yesterday . 0 Her friend 's cat was taken to the animal shelter . My daughter 's friend passed away unexpectedly . 0 She ran as fast as she could to get the kite in the air . Her dad took her to the park that day to test it out . 0 She spent all day in bed . She had come down with the flu . 0 A big wave rocked the boat . Jay was not sure if he did . 1 He had found enough water for everyone and it was very close . The group would not perish from thirst after all . 0 She decided to travel to her grandmother 's house by train . Lucy wanted to visit her grandmother . 0 She really liked Tim . Alicia was going on a date with Tim . 0 The beach got closed for the rest of the day . This time there was a shark attack . 1 I played internet chess with my friend last week . We used to play constantly when we were neighbors . 0 There were cookies which belonged to their mom on a shelf . He opened cabinets looking for snacks . 0 She told the girl she wanted a makeover . Tammy went to the nearest department store makeup counter . 1 My husband and I remodeled our bathroom . It was a very dirty job . 0 She was appreciative for a long time after . The kids were dropped off at the babysitter 's house . 0 I decided I would take the city bus . One day , I was low on gas and needed to get to work . 0 Once , baked , Allison decorated the pie and added a candle . Allison gathered the ingredients to bake the birthday Apple Pie . 0 My mom was a nervous wreck because there was no one to help her . My dad was n't able to help me drive because he had to work a lot . 1 His grades got better . Tim got his report card and had all B 's . 0 His teacher praised him . He got an A . 0 The one who lost the most weight got all the money . Each person threw in five dollars . 1 She could n't decide between Traci and Roxi . My dad decided which name to name me . 1 The lawn service had n't come to mow or trim while he was away . He went to his neighbor 's house . 0 She cooked all day , making sure everything was perfect . Bonnie was looking forward to making dinner for her boyfriend . 0 They were finally home , safe and warm . They were both relieved when they saw the house . 1 She 'd gotten a sunburn as she slept . Suddenly she was struck by a volleyball ! 1 Later Bill felt really bad because stealing is wrong . Next Sunday Bill confessed to stealing the toy . 0 She thought that maybe she had been misinformed . They finished with the class and teacher awards . 0 When she finally finished , i was running late ! The lady at the bank took a very long time to process my withdrawal . 1 He invited his buddy wilbur over and they ate cheese and crank wine . They really enjoyed it so they did again the following week . 0 At lunch all her friends were asking to see her watch . Amy had gotten a watch for her birthday , but not the one she asked for 1 A bolt of lightening struck the tree in the her front lawn . She screamed and hid under her blanket . 0 All of his fans were resentful for this strict country music set . The radio DJ got into a big country music binge . 0 She was climbing a small mountain in her city . Sadie was on a huge hike . 1 She decided to brush up on her political knowledge online . She read many news articles the day before she voted . 1 I adopted a kitten today . I named her Sally . 1 The lady at the bank took a very long time to process my withdrawal . When she finally finished , i was running late ! 0 She helped the squirrel get outside through an attic window . Samantha found a squirrel hiding among her old boxes . 1 They both searched high and low for the shirt . The prop manager found it behind a box backstage . 0 The mobster thought for a moment . The poor man acknowledged there was a chance he 'd default . 1 He touched the hot iron on accident and dropped the iron . When the hot iron hit the floor , the carpet burst into flames . 1 Lamar wanted to cook on the grill . He was disappointed because it had started to rain . 1 She used the Internet to troubleshoot the problem . It appeared to be a problem with the chain assembly . 0 Elliot found a unique restaurant to eat lunch at . He enjoyed his lunch break because the area nearby was lively . 0 The people began acting silly . He saw people in the car next to trying to get his attention . 1 A great internet forum was visited daily by many people . Disagreements began to erupt between moderators and administration . 1 Tina studied hard for her test , in order to get an A in the class . She experienced no difficulty on the test and ended up with an A . 1 An archeologist named Jim went out to a new location one day . When he arrived , he immediately walked over to the dig site . 1 Finally he found it behind his bed . Relieved , Tim put the snake back in its tank . 1 The lie works until her parents come for a visit . So she hires someone to pretend to be her boyfriend . 0 He goes to the store to buy apples , intending to bake an apple pie . Riley decides he wants to try baking one afternoon . 1 They went to a bar and ordered Joe a beer . Joe sipped it and wrinkled his face in disgust . 0 Brandon arrived ten minutes early to the interview . He was so nervous he could not sleep at all the night before . 0 It was the best sandwich she had ever had . She put the ingredients together and made herself a BLT sandwich . 1 But he thought one day they would see eye to eye . Charles called his mom but her number had changed . 1 Her friends and family flocked to her door whenever they smelled it . She loved having everyone over . 0 He had to wait a long line . He was about to watch a broadway play . 0 The man liked the boat , so he bought it . The dealer told him about a nice boat with a large motor . 0 Marry dug up a suspicious pile of dirt in the yard and found it . One day , he no longer had his bone with him . 1 Jake had a new car . He wanted to show it off . 0 He was a man 's man , loved football and only wanted that for me . When I was a boy I wanted to dance , but my dad wanted no part in it . 0 But a car swerved into the lane and hit her . She rode in the bike lane safely . 1 Zoey was offered a free place to stay by her friend . It was an old cabin he had built . 0 Finally , he gave up and they had their parents come pick them up . The kids needed to get home soon . 1 The people who moved out did n't bother to clean before they left . She was absolutely disgusted by the grout in the bathroom . 1 He was being really rowdy and she was trying to calm him . Suddenly , he bit her hand . 1 Ali was suspended from school . She had been in a fight with a bully . 1 He practiced every day for the match . Devon scored the winning goal at the match . 1 Angry , the house manager implemented a lot of new rules . So Paul admitted the liquor was his and was kicked out the house . 1 Each time the waves hit , they jumped over them . They loved jumping the waves . 0 Then , they bought the dye and did it . Marissa chose the color she wanted . 1 Jane had a lot of junk that she wanted to get rid of . Her friend told her about eBay , so she made a new account . 1 Sean travels to NYC frequently . He never went to Chinatown . 0 Eventually they started a relationship together . They started spending time together and bonded . 1 They made him never wanted to make a story again . Until someone said that his story was not stupid . 1 She promised to give a dollar for every dollar they saved . Soon , the kids had big bank accounts , while Marge 's was depleted . 0 He tried different adjustments . The picture did n't look right . 1 His plane landed in Yemen . There , his guide met him at the airport . 1 He missed the target every time ! But the more he played , the better he got . 0 He bought new versions of phones or computers whenever released . Larry always wanted better versions of existing products he had . 1 Everyone complained that they were tired of hot wings . Kim went to the kitchen and took out every sauce she had . 1 Paula was hired as a consultant . She was given a simple task to get her started . 1 I put it on my hair for awhile . When it was done my hair felt amazing . 0 Rob denied , but he lost his job . Later that week , Sharron claimed that Rob had assaulted her . 0 She went to the pantry and looked at the options . Julie was hungry for a snack . 0 His mom and dad took him to the airport . He was packed and ready to leave . 0 His baby sister started getting sick and coughing . A kid in Ethan 's class had the whooping cough . 1 Jim had five dollars . He decided to go buy some snacks . 0 He tripped on a big rock . Ben was playing sports . 1 Mike decided he was going to find a different job . He looked online as well as in the newspaper . 0 She went outside but it was night time . She decided to get up and ride her bike . 1 I was mad because I 'd rather play chess . After about ten moves she was beating me pretty badly . 1 I am going to have to speed up my process as there is a storm coming . I decided to get some friends to help me . 0 He brought them to the curb to throw away . Jim boxed up all of his Christmas decorations . 1 The suggested he try one of everything that was in the bar . Dan was naive and so he took their advice . 0 When the two arrived at the restaurant , Dave surprised her with roses . David came over and picked her up at about 6 o'clock . 0 He 'd never been to a game before . Arnold was a lifelong Oakland Raiders fan . 0 Then her neighbor Even offered to show her some steps . But she did n't know any dances ! 1 She finds out that her dad is involved in a political scandal . She is torn about what to do . 1 She bought a bunch of fresh ingredients . She prepared the meat and vegetables . 0 He had practiced so hard so his team could win . John was so excited about his soccer game tomorrow . 0 Becky now has a dad . He decided to adopt Becky . 1 She started paying attention to her anger triggers . Then she worked through them carefully . 0 Lucy loved celebrating her day with everyone she loves . Her very favorite part was opening up her birthday presents . 0 She was celebrating her birthday with friends and family . Sadie was in the park . 0 His girlfriend wanted to watch something on a different channel . He turned on the tv , and settled in to watch . 1 Rudy was terrified to get the vaccine . She tried her best to be brave as the nurse prepped her arm . 1 The steps are always too high ! But Vicki , she looked and waved as she took her first step down . 0 It was bleeding all over the place . I was walking down the hall and I stubbed my toe . 0 His daddy was at work . He missed his daddy . 0 He convinced Rick to run away with him to Texas . Matt hated Kansas because of the chiefs and tornados . 1 Finally he just carved two eyes , a nose and a mouth . At least it was a little scary looking . 1 Annie had fun at the beach . She was sad when her vacation was over . 0 There , she did as many cheers as she could remember . She went to the tryouts . 0 He decided to break into a local grocery store after dark . Jeremy needed money for his drug addiction . 1 The kids needed to get home soon . Finally , he gave up and they had their parents come pick them up . 0 Kim realized she was over-watering\ them . They still got droopy and started dying . 0 She could not run away from the monster . She dreamed about a monster chasing her . 1 To her dismay her purse was on the front seat . So was her phone . 0 She did n't own any and her mother 's dresses were too small to borrow . Nina could n't find a dress to wear to the school dance . 0 The place was empty and small . So he decided to go to a burger place he was passing by . 0 When they cancel at the last minute he has nothing to do that day . Jim has been looking forward to seeing his favorite band for months . 1 In April of 2013 he overdosed on heroin and died . His mother is still in mourning . 1 Danny said he was going on the roof to do it himself . Danny went up on the roof and cleaned up the gutters . 0 He misses the beach . Ed is tired of the rain . 1 She bought the birds and everything that she needed . But , she realized that the birds could be very annoying . 0 She had to rip it off . The ice got stuck on her finger ! 0 He worked hard to practice . He wanted to join the team . 0 He rode it everywhere and always made sure he locked the bike up . Ben had a new bike that he got for his birthday . 0 He won the nobel prize for his work ! He formulated a machine learning algorithm to process words . 0 Soon the egg hatched and Daisy had her own pet dove ! She decided to keep it in her house for a short time . 1 After awhile she decided she wanted to give streaming a try . She spent a lot of time crafting a persona to use on her show . 1 He had to call security to escort the customer out . Unfortunately , he has to close again tomorrow . 1 I tried to reassure her but she was worried . Our daughter came home safely in January of 2006 . 0 He spent a lot of time organizing and taking care of it . Peter treasured his comic book collection . 0 Kevin wrote about an arcade game he liked . Kevin wrote freelance articles for websites . 1 Jake was studying for his math test in the library . His phone rang out of nowhere . 0 Katie regretted speeding and never drove a car again . She crashed into another car and killed one person . 0 His mom asked him where it was so she could come and watch . Mike had a basketball game to play in . 0 Janes was so worried that she would be quizzed . Jane 's teacher assigned ten pages of reading . 0 She put it under her pillow . She then realized she lost a tooth . 0 Marco sat most of the last game on the bench . He was n't naturally gifted at the sport , but he had drive . 0 The next day , we hurried over to my aunt 's house to play with them . We were so excited to see and play with them daily . 0 He was able to give her one that required less traveling . She asked her boss for a different position in the company . 0 When Tina got on stage , she froze up . She had n't practiced very hard and was afraid she might forget . 1 He ended up getting a cold . He still had to go to work though . 1 Beth was going to lunch with her sister . Her sister was recently engaged and planning her wedding . 0 Finally , Sam was able to buy the new headphones they needed . Sam sold the game for a lot of money . 1 Alicia was going on a date with Tim . She really liked Tim . 0 But forgot about the last 4 she left in the oven . She just got done baking the pies . 0 The kids starting playing in the playroom . Daddy was supposed to be watching the kids . 1 But people were still coming up to speak and say bye to her grandma . Gina waited patiently in the lobby of the church for them to finish . 0 It took twice as long to get there . I ended up getting stuck in traffic . 1 Unfortunately , Greg 's opponent took down all the posters . He found them all in the trash the next day . 1 He wakes up in a sweat thinking that he missed a deadline . He realizes he 's dreaming and goes back to a peaceful sleep . 0 We caught a boatload of fish . I thought there was no way there were fish here . 0 She heard a clink . She scrubbed under the rim of the toilet . 1 Her mom grabbed the scissors to cut her hair into bangs . The pimple could n't be seen at all in the pictures . 1 She found a bunch of affectionate . She brought two of them home . 0 He followed one bee back to its hive . A man sat in a field and watched the bees fly . 0 Suddenly , she picked up way too much speed . She started riding down a hill . 1 Jill pushed and pushed . Finally she made it to the finish line . 1 Jeremy decided his son was responsible enough for a bike . He took his son to the shop and they picked a cool one . 0 My daughter and I sang songs from the Sound of Music . The open road stretched out for miles with not a car in sight . 1 I usually do n't like country music , I think it 's so repetitive . I must be honest , I actually had a good time . 1 He would be battling his friend James tonight . The audience bumped their heads as Jimmy got on the mic . 0 Daniel decided to eat more before school to solve the problem . Daniel stopped bringing snacks , but was still hungry in math . 1 Each player is given only three minutes . The player who runs out of time loses . 0 They got ice cream and went home to watch TV . Grandpa realized the park was n't helping . 1 Maddie 's dad was setting off fireworks on the street . One of them fell over as it went off . 1 She was happy it was finally over . She had been given lunch detention . 0 He had left Paris and was heading into Spain . Neil was on a train heading south . 0 Sam grew bored and wondered why his dad loved ice fishing . He baited their lines and the two waited for a bite . 1 At night the campers could hear the wolves howl in the distance . One night the campers thought the wolves sounded closer to the camp . 1 Marsha practiced three times a day before tryouts . Marsha made the cheerleading team the following week . 0 She smiled at the thought of graduating . Going to high school meant she only had 4 Years left . 1 There was some that looked like lettuce . Others looked like meat . 1 She found one four-leaf clover growing in the midst of it . Ada picked it and kept it with her always for luck . 0 She later learned the customer was ok and had only fainted . She was relieved when the ambulance finally arrived . 0 First I toast the bread , which has to be wheat . I am very particular about my sandwiches . 1 She was very nervous ! But then she met the kind driver and aide . 0 She devoted many hours to improving her math skills . She decided to study a lot more . 0 The least expensive hides were $ 80 each and not very nice . The lady at the store told her she would need 2 hides for her project . 0 She tried all different kinds of things , but it never worked . My mother could n't make a good pie crust . 1 They told the waiter what they wanted to order for dinner . The waiter accidentally dropped a plate of food on Jean . 0 He browsed through four shops . He went to the mall . 0 I am glad I have someone that I can jump rope with this summer . She makes me jump faster and higher because I want to the best . 1 Henry was trying to pay off his credit card . He sent money through the credit card application . 0 We found one within walking distance . We checked the internet for reviews of nearby places . 0 To her surprise , it was n't that bad . But she screwed up her courage and tasted it . 1 It was always such a pleasant experience . She would let me help bake fresh cookies . 0 He enjoys riding his bike now everyday after school . Mike was eventually able to keep the bike upright and stay on . 0 Then one day at school he tripped over them . They were always untied , but that was his business . 0 The browned leather pressed against his skin painfully . It had been weeks since he 'd been able to rest . 1 I accidentally squirted glue onto my hand . It hurt , but did not burn me too badly . 1 Ike wanted his nose pierced . He went to the piercing studio . 1 Jason grew up riding motorcycles . He won his first motorcycle race at the age of 13 . 0 She started making big batches it at home to save money . Kay realized she was spending too much money popcorn . 0 Another car had slammed into the side of the car . She was turning onto a different road when she had an accident . 0 But one day , they realized they were not learning much . So all of his students liked him . 0 He was eager to fish at that fascinating spot ! He saw the hole drilled right through the ice . 1 He went racing down a hill on his bike and fell . The employee was not impressed . 1 Unfortunately , it was broken within weeks . Mark wrote an angry review online . 0 She decided to make a cookie named after herself . She made cookies all the time . 0 She decided to get a pet goats . Jennifer loves farm animals . 1 His old ex-girlfriend was going to be there , as well . He was really worried about the two girls meeting . 1 Lou woke up feeling rather sick one morning . He started throwing up . 1 My brother did n't realize I was n't looking , and hit me in the head . It hurt really bad and I had to put ice on it . 0 A rescue group approached her to help her . The stray dog looked dirty and thin . 0 We sold our condo in 2013 . We had trouble with noise , pest control , and heating . 1 Jim boxed up all of his Christmas decorations . He brought them to the curb to throw away . 0 She felt she needed a diet plan that would do the work for her . Diane did not like her current weight . 1 Lori went on a car trip with her family . During the ride she felt car sick . 0 She went to go look again , and found it hidden in the drawer . She thought her sister stole her money . 0 She was so sad at the thought of her things being gone ! Lola lost her purse in school one day . 0 His persistence and hard work paid off in the end . He eventually graduated from college . 1 At the store , it was deemed unfixable . Instead , I opted to buy a new mouse . 1 Ryan was heartbroken ! He looked all day but had no luck , so he put up signs . 0 After Drew left , his teeth was hurting . He filled one of Drew 's cavity . 1 Since I was hungry , I decided to go through the drive-thru . I placed an order for a set of soft tacos . 1 Carl set out for a trip to the beach . his bus was delayed and then broke down . 0 She thought she was able to handle it . Ava stayed up late to watch a zombie movie . 1 Someone was calling her since her phone rang . She tried to take it out of her pocket . 1 He said there was n't a problem . That night she caught Charlie sniffing glue . 0 He immediately began making sexual and suggestive comments . As she appeared at the office of her boss , she got a strange feeling . 1 He geared up and dressed well . Then he hired a guide to help him . 0 I lost enough weight in time for the marathon . Working out daily with more cardio for longer sessions for stamina . 1 I looked under the bed , they were not there . Found a jacket and put in on , still my feet were cold . 1 Then , Jenny started to boil water for the pasta . When the pasta was ready , she added the sauce . 0 He stopped by a hot dog cart and got a bite to eat . Tom took Lily to Central Park in the sunny afternoon . 1 Luckily he just left it at a friends house . Randy drove over immediately to retrieve his precious item . 0 After a lot of effort , we put the fire out and then he thanked me . The hot coals caught his yard on fire , so i rushed to help him . 0 She wants her family to meet him . Kim has a new boyfriend . 0 She accused her little sister of taking it . Emily 's favorite bracelet was missing . 0 He got sick last year . My uncle could n't afford health care . 1 I stayed awake in my bed . Everywhere I looked I kept seeing shadows moving around . 1 They followed tracks that led to a set of bushes . One hunter shot his gun at random in the bush . 1 She had been quite mean to them . Months went by with her in lonely misery . 0 He stopped the bike and got off . The rock popped his tire . 0 He scared her with strange stories at night . He picked on her when his parents were n't around . 1 A robber had entered her house . The policeman arrested the robber ! 0 well i also had been locked out and slept on the front door . one night we went out to different places and neither of us drove . 1 I went through the lunch line and sat with my friends outside . I took my first bite of macaroni and cheese . 1 I got out and called a towing service . Another driver was n't looking in front and ran into my car . 0 Due to the wide variety of news on the blog , it became successful . Jen 's blog had a wide variety of news contents and opinions . 0 She rehearsed by herself and with her acting teacher . She found a monologue that was similar to her favorite character . 1 The dentist put her to sleep . Then he removed all four wisdom teeth at once ! 0 She is devastated when her ex congratulates her . Jill calls her ex to let him know that her boyfriend proposed to her . 0 One day Fred got in an accident and was n't wearing his seatbelt . His friends and family told him he needed to start wearing it . 0 He went out to the rink and started rolling around . He was n't nervous at all as he laced up his skates . 1 Each dog was so cute and sweet , she could n't decide . Finally , she settled on a dog with only three legs . 1 He kept seeing Taco Bell commercials all night . It made him hungrier and hungrier . 0 During his last days at his internship , he tried not to make mistakes . Charles worked hard at his internship . 1 Mike had a basketball game to play in . His mom asked him where it was so she could come and watch . 1 May sits alone in her retirement community . She enjoys the phone call from the polite young man . 0 I bought the dress and I can not wait to wear it this weekend ! After a long day of looking , we finally found a dress that fit ! 0 Amy put the candy in the shopping cart . She was mad when she could n't have the candy . 1 Mary and her sister have n't spoken in many Year 's . Mary wishes she and her sister spoke more . 1 She grabbed the vacuum and sucked the spider up . Jill then could rest easy . 0 He made a fresh cup of dark coffee . Abe was thirsty , because he 'd been working on his laptop a long time . 0 At least it was a little scary looking . Finally he just carved two eyes , a nose and a mouth . 0 Amy could n't understand why he would n't call her . By 12 AM it was clear he was n't going to call . 0 Some of my friends had awesome computers that could do anything . The computers my family bought were always mass produced generics . 1 Brenda was driving down a country road one day . She saw a white object moving in the ditch . 1 Carlos and Ruben walked home from school together every day . They would terrorize the girls in their neighborhood on the way home . 0 He had fossil bedsheets , fossil placemats , and a fossil keychain . Harold was obsessed with fossils . 0 All of a sudden a random woman started walking toward him . He was a bit early and nervous at the restaurant . 0 We introduced ourselves and began talking about our project . Our teacher called on us to present . 0 Her first show received lots of views , and was a big success ! Lizzie was very nervous , but her brother promised to help out . 0 A big pot developed at the final table . She was really nervous , but she played well . 0 One of the elephants was hiding behind the feeding shed . Once they got their they had to walk to the back of the zoo . 1 Rob and Alex had thrown mud pies and Amy and Beth . When Amy told her mom she was furious . 1 I went to the amusement park with my friend today . I told him i would not get on the roller coasters . 0 Eventually he called to have someone come check . He tried everything to find a solution . 0 It did n't matter where he was , he would sing all the time . Avery was a very funny boy who loved to sing . 0 Suddenly a car hits him from the side . Brian was driving in his car . 0 He was disappointed because it had started to rain . Lamar wanted to cook on the grill . 0 I went to school and studied really hard . My parents worked hard but never had much money . 1 Beginning to feel discouraged they sat down . Out from the brush popped two deer . 1 When he healed , he was fitted with a prosthetic . Walking was difficult at first , but Owen persevered . 0 Tony was passed out from a bender in a local bar . One day the people of Bethlehem decided to stone him . 0 And Ian happily played with his pony toy . She gave him the girl 's toy with an odd look . 1 Rain drops began to fall as Kim searched her bag for her umbrella . Kim realized she left her umbrella in her locker at school . 1 He has hoped for a promotion , but he was never granted one . Finally Paul is promoted to assistant manager at his job . 1 But she only became more confused . When Remy arrived at her class , everyone was already leaving . 1 He went to the signing in Los Angeles and waited in line . Gerald received his copy and went home to read it . 0 But he struggled to concentrate . Ron had a lot of homework due . 1 He started making visits . He finally decided on the University of Mississippi . 0 He made cards and sent them and got rejected . He wrote poems and spoke them and got rejected . 0 When a stranger approached , Jan felt a flash of fear . After the appointment , Jan waited on the corner for her dad . 0 One day while in the garage playing , he tried playing his fastest . Tony loved playing his guitar , and would spend hours practicing . 1 As she was walking off the court , she fainted . Sandy was rushed to the ER . 0 Gina liked to sleep in late on the weekends . The other two corners were occupied by churches . 1 I was having a barbeque with a couple of friends . My friends brought soda , chips and dip . 0 It made Jasper wish that he , too , could play the instrument . Jasper went to a neighborhood bar where a man was playing banjo . 0 I took the film to the store and had it developed . I looked inside and found some used film . 0 It was blue with stars on it . Jill got a balloon for her birthday . 0 To this day I hate cicadas ! I dropped my bicycle and ran all the way home . 1 We went to the dog pound . We found an adorable black lab . 0 It flew through the air , almost as if it was floating . With a twist and a shout he released the discus as hard as he could . 0 Spotting a cute little kitten he wondered how he could get it home . Little Joey was walking in the neighborhood . 0 He wanted to be anywhere else but here . He saw a bird fly overhead and wished he could fly along with it . 1 She told a very funny joke . I laughed so hard . 1 Every year people seem happy and full of joy except him . He tells everybody that it 's a stupid time and people should stop . 1 Angela was in gymnastics . She tried very hard to perform on the balance beam . 1 Then the axle snapped . We had to tow it out . 1 It all changed when they went on their overnight camping trip . Harper explained he needed no compass and hiked alone without it . 1 Even though I went there a lot , she could never spell my name right . Finally before I moved she did spell my name right on my cup . 1 She worked hard stripping it and gave it a fresh coat of paint . Dora proudly showed off her flea market find to friends . 0 She brought some sandwiches with her . She realizes the trip will take hours . 1 I 've always been a big fan of Jethro Tull . I dreamed of one day seeing Ian Anderson in concert . 1 I wanted to take a nap on my bed . I went downstairs and saw my dog sleeping in my bed . 1 I looked around in the dead man 's coffin . I had dropped my diamond earring in the casket . 0 They were adorable but we did n't want to get near them . It was the sound of racoons going through our food we left out . 0 Luckily , Laura 's original friends were still there . They did not want her as a friend . 1 Amy met a co-worker she had never seen before . The co-worker told Amy she only worked during the holidays . 0 He found Mom and Dad sipping cocoa and waiting for him ! He woke up early and tiptoed downstairs . 0 He got so drunk one night he ended up in the hospital . Thad had a bad drinking problem . 0 The caged animals entertained the Smith family greatly . There was no line at the gate , so they walked right in . 1 I did n't believe in love until I met Edward . He was tall , handsome and rich . 0 Oliver also ordered a shake and fries . They each ordered their preferred burgers . 1 She crept into the woods behind her house . Jessie was startled by the shadow of an owl flying past her . 0 He took a train trip into Delhi . He heard that Delhi had a lot of history . 1 Her family told her that she was making too many swans . They said that she would have nowhere to store them all . 0 It all started with one day . After a while she became a full blown vegan . 1 So , I decided to travel to Greece . I learned so much about different cultures in Greece . 1 Barry decided he would change the single sink to a double sink . In addition , Barry would install a state of the art shower as well . 0 At 8:30 Josh began to worry because Dad had still not arrived . Dad was picking him up at 8 AM so they could spend the day together . 0 The store was closed because it was Christmas day . Jim biked to the store to buy a pair of drumsticks . 0 All day he tried to make his girlfriend avoid using the laptop . He went online and ordered a replacement to be sent overnight . 0 In deciding to cross the street , Jerry got stopped by a cop . He could not wait for the crossing signal at the crosswalk . 1 Janice decided to go to the orange tree in the backyard . Janice picked about 10 oranges off the tree . 0 Emmy was upset and chased the dog until she could get her bear back . The dog ran off with it . 0 He had carrots and peas left on his plate . Louis did n't want to eat his vegetables . 0 She was so scared , she could n't wait and took the pasta right then . While she waited for it to cook , she became anxious . 0 Victoria discovered there was a chest of buried gold ! As Victoria turned around , she saw a glimmer in the dirt . 0 After a few days it recovered and grew healthy again . Rob put the fish in a small bowl with warm medicated water . 1 May reminded Lucy it was rude to keep her waiting . Lucy stormed out to the car in a huff . 1 His little brother went into the room . He wanted to read the same comic also . 1 She seemed great , until she complained about her ex-boyfriend . She could n't stop complaining about his infidelity . 0 She laughed at her fear , and kept walking towards the forest edge . Sharon jumped as an owl hooted off in the distance . 1 Now Carter has no money for rent . Now Carter lives in the streets . 1 Before leaving for work she set her meal in the crockpot on high . Lucy learned when she got to work that she had to work overtime . 1 Ike asked for her phone number as if he was the character . Without hesitation she write it out for him on a slip of paper . 0 She stuck around for 1 lesson and went home . Unfortunately for her they were ballet lessons . 1 Alan loved Church . He wanted to be an altar boy . 0 He told the actress it did n't sell online . He received a message online from an actress asking where 's the mag ? 1 Her room was on the 18th floor of the building . She was afraid of heights but she had little choice for the room . 0 When I arrived to Universal Studios , I payed for a ticket . I went to a trip to Disney World during the first week of summer . 0 We were sad that we would n't see each other . However when we graduated , we moved out of town . 1 Lenny did n't know how to skate so well . He fell and broke his ankle on the ice . 1 Their mother insisted they stay in the gate . They could n't leave their gate for a week . 1 Last summer I went to the Hamptons with my cousins . We stayed in East Hampton and traveled to many stores . 1 They were calm at first . However , they started to jump on each other . 0 Cay 's mom lent her a perfect diamond necklace ! Then she asked her mom if she could borrow a necklace . 0 Sam was heart broken . Sam 's ticket was fake . 0 The man behind him picked it up . On his way his wallet slipped and fell out his pocket . 1 Bella pulled and pulled on the leash . Sam could n't hold Bella anymore and she broke away running . 1 The silence hung in the air very thickly between them . The detective slapped the suspect across the face . 0 We hid underneath the largest trees possible . My little brother was scared by the thunder and lightening . 0 Her friend , Julia , suggested that the enter a pie contest . Sally made the best apple pies . 0 Vera had trouble containing her laughter when she saw how mad Liz got . She started to make subtle gibes at it every chance she got . 0 He checks his to do list , but everything is already done . However , he ca n't remember what he needed to do . 0 The man offered Amelia a job , and she was thrilled . He started talking to her and learned about what happened . 1 Fiona came to trust me to take care of Marcus . Fiona and I became friends even though we were very different . 0 One said just like her . Many said doctors and nurses . 0 Eventually , Zeke had enough money . Zeke started to save more money at his job . 0 Mel heard a loud bang a few hours later . She got distracted with work . 1 Her hugs caused every student to smile . Jayna was able to make all the kids feel special with her hugs . 1 Her mom told her she needed to clean them and her dirty plates up . Jen whined , but her mom would n't let her watch TV until she did it . 1 Sarah needed to go to sleep for school tomorrow . She could n't sleep so she stayed on her computer . 0 Paul began to paint landscape scenes every day . He decided to buy a set of paints and a canvas . 1 He bought a can and went back to his work . He finished and realized the two paints did not match . 1 We went to museums and a theater show . By the end of the trips we had so many memories . 1 In that moment they stared deeply in each other 's eyes . They knew it was love but did n't say anything . 0 Once we decided to have a second , we got right on it . It was not decided that we would have a second for a few Year 's . 1 The friend drove her to her house . Kim went in through the window and got her spare keys . 1 Sam always wanted to be a cowboy . He booked a trip to Texas . 1 He decided to make a snowman . He gave the snowman a cool hat . 1 I did n't know if they were safe to eat . I tried a few anyways . 1 He spent months repairing the car . After many grueling hours he restored the car to perfect condition . 0 He woke up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning . Leo had too many drinks . 0 He spent all summer doing it . A man built a treehouse for himself . 1 Abe was thirsty , because he 'd been working on his laptop a long time . He made a fresh cup of dark coffee . 0 He was really excited to see the new movie . Matt really loved Star Wars . 1 He felt he could do a better job than the current mayor . His family and friends worked with him during his campaign . 0 When he was leaving the store he dropped some chips . Bob went to the store to buy snacks . 0 The dentist offered some advice to me . Although I was in shock , I wanted to find a way to fix my teeth . 0 The kids were watching TV . Gina 's mom and dad were out for the evening . 0 She tried her best to stay warm but it was freezing . It was dead winter and very cold . 0 I learned no one is making or selling my product . I researched my idea online . 1 The roaring fire started to pop and crackle . The boys had put all sorts of wood and brush in the fire . 1 Gary tripped on a football player 's shoe . The person threatened to beat him up . 0 But the dog bit Ned on the arm ! Ned stopped to pet the dog . 0 Allen and Maria helped by nudging the dolphin toward the water . The small crowd discussed what to do about the dolphin . 0 One year Jerome found the most beautiful girl in Tucson . He had grown up all over the country , and found himself lost . 1 When the game was over , they got trophies . Kelly 's said most valuable player . 0 So she decided to throw a birthday party . Hannah was turning ten years old . 1 Francis and his friends all attend the sampling . Francis is amazed at the wide variety of beer available . 1 My little sister was throwing the TV remote everywhere in the house . She also broke one of the windows by thrusting it there . 1 Mia decided to start practicing alone in secret . After a few weeks , she challenged Mark to a game . 1 It was because he loved to fly kites and March had perfect windy days . He took his kites out of storage and walked to an empty field . 0 She guided her kids to a little bench near the pond . They brought some stale bread to feed to the ducks . 1 It was a hot and sunny Saturday morning at the beach . There was only said to be a 10 percent chance of rainy . 0 He hired a lumberjack to cut down an elm tree . He decided to make it instead of buying it . 0 Bravely , Ray donned his yarmulke and prepared for criticism . But he feared his Christian family would n't approve . 1 All the weight was on me , and I pulled my low back . Now I can hardly get up off the couch . 1 Jon 's parents threw him a party in the back yard . When he went outside , his parents had gotten the puppy . 0 But she lost her job in an auto financing center . Tameka was a hard working woman and a mother of three kids . 0 He and his wife had three sons and seemed affectionate . My friend Jim seemed happily married . 1 To his surprise , he had no bed ! Instead , he was given a rolled-up tatami mat . 0 Now her yard is beautiful and full of life and color ! She planted roses all around her yard . 0 When he woke up , he saw Zach . After he took a sip , he immediately passed out . 1 I was impatiently waiting for the storm to clear up . Once the rainy toned down , I got inside my car and headed to work . 1 Gina wondered if she could now drive on the street . But the street was n't paved , so she continued to drive past it . 0 I walked outside next morning to look for it . Before night time , I placed it in the backyard . 0 In anger Beth threw her M & M 's at the windshield . The driver looked at them surprised . 1 Julie was at the beach with her boyfriend . He was acting kind of strange . 0 She went to the dealership and bought a new car . After a few months she had enough money . 1 My dad was n't able to help me drive because he had to work a lot . My mom was a nervous wreck because there was no one to help her . 0 Everything was going fine . I tried to make bread at home last week . 1 Going to high school meant she only had 4 Years left . She smiled at the thought of graduating . 1 My cute niece kept roaring at the lions . They did n't really do anything except look at her . 1 Mary buys her son Matthew an Oreo ice cream cake for his birthday . She asks the man at the counter to write Happy Birthday on it . 0 The apartment was full of fleas . The previous residents had cats . 1 Sue was able to buy the purse for only $ 5 . Sue took pictures of her purchase and posted it on social media . 1 I ended up napping on my floor . Now my neck is sore but I feel better . 0 Finally before I moved she did spell my name right on my cup . Even though I went there a lot , she could never spell my name right . 1 After the radiation procedure , they congratulated me . I thanked all of them for their help and walked away . 1 She lit a dry spaghetti noodle on the stove . Using the noodle , she was able to light the candle . 1 Sarah was leaving for college . She drove 4 hours to get to campus . 0 Even though they lived far away from each other , they always talked . John and Lacey were long distance friends . 1 Kayla was moving to a new school She hated the thought of not knowing anyone 1 Victor just loved the computer and its way . He later taught all his friends the wonder of computers . 0 Megan met Angela at the gym . She asked her friend Megan to join her at the gym . 1 Reese was engaged to Javier . Javier was in the army and had to move far away . 1 She got distracted with work . Mel heard a loud bang a few hours later . 1 But she did n't know any dances ! Then her neighbor Even offered to show her some steps . 1 Diane did not like her current weight . She felt she needed a diet plan that would do the work for her . 1 She had to cross through a forested area . As she approached it , she heard scary banging sounds . 1 In January she asked her manager if she could continue to work there . Her manager told her they would decide next week . 1 She tore up my curtains . She peed on my shoes . 0 They practiced every free moment they could get . They entered several different talent shows . 1 Joe found a cute stuffed penguin to buy his daughter . All I got was a stubbed toe from a brick left carelessly about . 1 His girlfriend always told him what to do . Wanting to avoid conflict , Dillon complied with her requests . 1 She made cookies all the time . She decided to make a cookie named after herself . 1 Jim had a dream about a talking chicken . Jim used this dream to write his entry in the school short story fair . 0 Eventually even Fred forgets that his hair is gray . Fred loves how his shorter hair looks . 0 The appraiser said the necklace was worthless . Jane 's husband convinced her to get the necklace appraised . 0 They measured and filled and prepared . Then she had an installation company come to her house . 0 Martha was extremely happy with her purchase . Her electricity bill became nonexistent . 0 When he woke up , he put on some clothes and left his house . Mike turned 21 Year 's old one summer day . 1 After a few minutes , Todd 's pole began to spring and wiggle . Todd , yelling with excitement woke his brother up and caught a fish . 1 They gather at their favorite coffee shop . Erica shows them the money , then happily buys everyone coffee . 1 He decided to go to Goodwill . He was able to furnish his place for $ 100 dollars there . 0 He decided to go get bread . Ken was out of food . 1 It was really hard for her to choose . Finally , she settled on the new iPhone and purchased it . 1 I am very particular about my sandwiches . First I toast the bread , which has to be wheat . 0 She frightened them so badly they all had nightmares . Cora was telling a scary story to her campers . 0 The cereal tasted very strange . Nick decided to try putting orange juice in his cereal instead . 0 Later , the teacher gave the class a poetry assignment . One day , she discovered the folder was missing . 1 He decided to go to the gym . At the gym other people made fun of him . 1 At the second shop , she found the most beautiful scarf . She knew her friend would love it , and was happy to see the price . 1 Kay was so relieved ! She switched the batteries and continued using her phone . 0 She assumed that there would be food due to the long hours . Mary was on a very long flight . 1 He formulated a machine learning algorithm to process words . He won the nobel prize for his work ! 1 She asked to be on one of those teams . They did n't allow her . 0 They liked watching the golf balls roll down the roof . A brother and sister liked throwing golf balls on the roof . 0 Caitlin cried and decided never to ride a bicycle again . Fortunately , Alyssa was no hurt . 0 However when he took it out of the oven , the dog ate it . He was making peanut butter pie . 0 After a few minutes , they found him reading in the almanac section . Caleb classmates searched near and far for him . 1 I noticed my laptop charger was broken . Alas , I needed to type an essay . 0 She spent the afternoon laying in the sun . Then she applied tanning lotion . 1 After awhile she met someone and remarried . Mavis is now happy again . 0 She watched the dog to make sure he did n't move . She decided to slowly back up , and walk home . 1 Dan 's friends began doing phone and text checks on him . Eventually , he decided to move back home to his family . 0 His mom decided that he was too sick for school . As he got dressed , he became violently sick and threw up . 0 He went to his backyard and set up his telescope to face the night sky Tonight he planned on using it . 0 They had both wanted to be friends with each other ! When she went to give one to Kiku , he gave her one in return . 0 His first day went well . Nate had been hired as a dishwasher . 1 Confused , she stood up and looked at herself in the mirror . She saw herself trying her coffee and reading a book . 0 Hannah decided to delete most of them . She realized this was because she had so many apps . 1 She put lights on it . Some of them did n't light up . 1 She found some adult coloring books online and bought them . Glenn was super excited when she gave them to him . 0 She 's hopeful because she has racked up a lot of student loans . She hopes that this play will get her name out there . 1 He talked to the owners and decided to buy the shop . Now he is broke , owes taxes , and is unhappy . 1 They only took cash . She did n't have any cash , only a debit card . 1 Rob was at this party . He suddenly sees a suspicious figure . 0 I missed the deadline for the contest . It took a long time to learn how to use it . 1 He did everything in his power to stay up to watch the show . After finally watching the show , he felt amazed that he could stay up . 1 Marie was on her Twitter . She saw that her favorite band was performing in her state . 1 She was very nervous . The flight attendant was very nice . 0 His boss caught him . He decided to write a script to make up stories . 0 I pretended not to notice her staring at me . The lady at the next table stared at me . 0 Betty had never played before . Lisa challenged Betty to a game of hopscotch . 1 Finally , he found a food bank in town . He was able to get enough food to last until his paycheck . 1 Kim has always wanted to go to Disney World . Her tenth birthday is coming up next month . 1 The person in front of her had paid for her coffee ! She felt happier then even though she had to wait so long . 0 Eventually the smoke alarm had to alert her . Laney was too invested in tv to notice . 1 My team was going against our rivals . As I was traveling with the ball , I passed it to Tim . 1 At home , he mostly slept and did n't do any homework . When he came into class the next day , he was surprised . 1 Chester got a call from Mr Jerry . Apparently , Mr Jerry messed it up even worse . 0 He was on the honor roll through high school . Adrian never studied in school but still did well . 0 She went back to see if it had been found . She had gone to lunch and thought it might be left at the restaurant . 1 Yet I still feel unprepared . So I should study even more . 0 We later figured out that she had cancer . She was then rushed to the hospital . 1 They needed something to cool down . They decided to walk to the general store . 1 She also recently had a baby . Danielle thought her baby should sleep all the time . 1 But he only had whole ice cubes . He put them in a thick plastic bag . 1 I took the dog to the bathroom and drew him a bath . I washed all the mud off my dog . 1 He was getting ready to go but could n't find his coat . He started searching every for it . 1 He was nervous and excited . Once there a girl asked him to dance . 0 A cop noticed and pulled him over . It frustrated him and he decided to speed . 1 Cathy wanted to be a Zebra for Halloween . Her mom took her to a local costume shop to get the costume . 0 The judges loved it so much , they gave Avi first prize ! She presented her data and charts at the science fair . 1 During the afternoon , the same number called . I picked it up . 1 The company got a call from an angry client . The representative dealing with her ended up crying . 0 She only went to class on some days of the week . She had to take the course in order to graduate . 1 After hearing the rumor he worked extra hard and made the sale . With that big account he never heard the rumor of being fired again . 1 She tried to figure it out all day , but could n't . Finally , her parents asked her to get in the car . 0 He then had energy for the whole day . He decided to drink six cups of coffee . 1 He tried to wink at a girl but lost his balance and fell over . He left the studio with more respect for yoga and no new numbers . 0 This time I created better characters , I thought . After a few battles , I started the game over . 1 Jane needed to leave work to pick Ali up from school . Jane was furious she would miss the deadline for her project . 1 James takes Fantasy Football very seriously . To prepare , he listened to podcasts on the best player picks . 0 However , something was eating her beans and tomatoes ! Once the seeds started sprouting , she could n't wait to harvest . 0 It was so delicious ! But one day she could n't resist a milkshake . 1 I was sad upon hearing the news . Then , I realized I should be happy for him . 0 He was sure they 'd politely declined to publish him . Then he eagerly waited to hear back from them . 1 He decided to talk with her and engage . They talked for three hours and exchanged numbers . 1 Mitchell grew up wanting to be a doctor , just like his father . In his youth , he spent free time reading medical books . 1 They arrived at the campground . Looking around they realized that it was not a great place . 1 Her race was in a week . She was excited and ready to go . 0 Emily practiced skimboarding every day . She was great at boogie boarding , but bad at skimboarding . 0 She struggled to make it through even twenty minutes . At first it was hard . 0 Marcia went home and tore up a picture of her friend . The former friend said she had outgrown Marcia . 1 I noticed that I was out of gas and had no money . I took a bag of cans and what gas I had and went to the store . 1 That winter , Gus barely moved from the fire . The farmer sat with Gus 's head in his lap till Gus passed away . 0 He attempts it and finishes it . He goes to Cheeburger Cheeburger with some friends . 0 His life 's work finished , he jumped off a bridge . Jeb put a video of him playing it on Youtube . 0 The Bruins lost in overtime . We bought tickets and saw a dull game . 1 Elizabeth and Ross danced and took pictures with their friends . The school dance was a hit , and they were both home before twelve ! 0 He came over to me and purred . On my way I saw a stray cat . 0 Rick told his grandchildren a scary story . They liked to listen to their grandpa 's stories . 1 However to her dismay , she saw that the store was closing . Allie was heartbroken . 1 The fall caused Ted to break two bones in his throwing arm . Ted was so disappointed that he ruined his chance at starting . 1 This makes me sad . I have started saving money for a new car . 1 He was hired to cut the extra branches off his neighbor 's tree . Unfortunately one of the branches fell and knocked him off his ladder . 0 Her great idea made her a small fortune ! Kids from all around came to pay to play in her maze ! 0 Sometimes I won a goldfish in a jar . We went to the carnival every year when I was younger . 1 Every weekend Kelly brings her cat named Dexter to our house to visit . Our cat Pete bullies Dexter . 0 It was n't long before i was registered ! After arriving at the courthouse I approached the county clerk . 0 She decided to run . After a few seconds , it started to rain . 1 The vast emptiness of space dotted with bright points of brilliance . I almost regretted not looking longer as I watched tv inside . 0 Went to check his bank account and found no money . He went to the cabinet and found no coffee . 1 She decided to stay up and watch TV . She was at her grandma 's and her mom was asleep on the couch . 0 Paul said it was to keep nosey neighbors out . The neighbor asked Paul why he was setting traps . 1 Gina did n't want to go there . After much begging , her mother dropped her off at home instead . 1 Tim ripped his shoes open on accident while walking home . He quickly stopped in a local shoe store and looked around . 1 Fiona was driving her car one wintry day . She hit a patch of black ice . 1 He slept like a baby that night . When it was morning , Jimmy ended up oversleeping for work . 1 Amy married Mark knowing he had been married before . He was happy to welcome her children . 1 They all had a blast jumping on the trampoline . One of them fell off , hit his head , and died . 1 His father agreed , and took him that very day . On the first day of class , Junior learned Brazilian Jiu Jitsu . 1 His friends had him practice for a whole month . When the time came , Tom climbed the mountain like a champ . 0 We swam for hours and jumped off the dock . We hopped into the lake water . 0 I must be honest , I actually had a good time . I usually do n't like country music , I think it 's so repetitive . 1 They drove to the marina and had to detour because of the flooding . Their marina was much further inland but the boats were all undamaged . 1 My first speech assignment is due tomorrow . My partners met up at our school 's library . 1 But he did not want to buy something too expensive . So he settled on a cheap one . 1 However , he ends up drinking half of the bottle . Therefore , I cold him to keep the rest . 0 Alas , I needed to type an essay . I noticed my laptop charger was broken . 0 During a game , he hit the ball very hard . Leo loved to play baseball . 0 It did n't seem that difficult . She decided to do it herself . 1 He started talking to her and learned about what happened . The man offered Amelia a job , and she was thrilled . 0 Then , I realized I should be happy for him . I was sad upon hearing the news . 1 Lucy 's grandpa had been napping . She was happy when he finally woke up . 0 She enjoys the phone call from the polite young man . May sits alone in her retirement community . 1 Jim had remembered to bring a flashlight and led everyone back . All the people thanked Jim for his preparedness . 1 She just turned thirteen this year . She was disappointed to find out she could n't trick or treat this year 0 He decided to approach him and say hi . Jake came into class one morning and saw a new kid . 1 We switched to a DVR box and they gave us another remote . We found a fourth remote in the building . 0 It took awhile for her to remember it . She could n't remember the password anymore . 1 Emmy bought a fancy water bottle . It was knocked on the ground and cracked . 0 She found an advertisement for a used sedan . Anne was reading the newspaper with her morning coffee . 0 Luckily , because she was not at home , the woman was not hurt . The house caught fire . 1 She went back over the recipe and realized there was a mistake . Grandma had written down 2 tablespoons of salt . 0 The next day , we went out for dinner with him when he asked . We all felt bad about it . 0 The company let me design my card . I got my brother a gift card for Christmas . 0 So I ran down and it was still there luckily . But then I realized I left it at the park . 1 Ariel wanted to be in the school play . She rehearsed the lines in preparation for the audition . 1 Tim 's mom worked hard baking cookies for his school party . She brought the beautifully decorated cookies to Tim 's class . 1 Joe 's class went to the orchard on a class trip . He and his friends filled up buckets of apples . 1 He wanted to hit on girls . He never got up the courage to do it . 0 Closed the door and lay on the floor crying . She walked to her room quietly . 0 During the play her hair tie broke , and her pony tail came undone . She wore a ponytail . 1 Maddie 's science fair was coming up today . To prepare for the fair , Maddie completed the project and got it ready 1 At checkout she was tired so she went quickly . When she got to her car she realized she forgot to use her coupons . 0 My wife said no . I wanted to buy a boat . 0 He argued all the time and they never had a good relationship . Marvin wanted a better relationship with his brother 1 Winston 's life goal was to hike the Appalachian trail . He spent months preparing for the ultimate journey . 1 She was really excited . But first her mom needed her to finish a chore list . 0 His mother is still in mourning . In April of 2013 he overdosed on heroin and died . 0 One day he accidentally slammed his brother on the fireplace . He would practice on his little brother in the living room . 1 When she turned to look , it was n't there . She heard a whooshing sound , though , and was becoming scared . 0 The audience bumped their heads as Jimmy got on the mic . He would be battling his friend James tonight . 1 Kick the can was all of the neighbor kids favorite game on my block . We would stay out until the street lights came on playing it . 1 She threatened to move out if he would n't fix it . He offered to help her do just that , and right now , too . 0 His mom got him in his pajamas and laid him down . He did n't want to go to bed yet . 0 In court , the dad won split custody of them . Zach and Trevor 's parents split up when they were young . 0 Months went by with her in lonely misery . She had been quite mean to them . 1 After reading the article , I realized the title was misleading . I closed my computer and went to bed in annoyance . 1 He felt a strange presence . Ryan quickly turns around . 0 Suddenly she was struck by a volleyball ! She 'd gotten a sunburn as she slept . 1 Kim has a new boyfriend . She wants her family to meet him . 1 We ran the water lukewarm , as to not upset her . Dropping her in , we began to scrub . 1 Everyone was having a good time . Bob was going to put a big steak on . 1 It frustrated him and he decided to speed . A cop noticed and pulled him over . 0 They performed two Bach cantatas . The orchestra played Baroque music . 0 Kelly was happy to have her . To her surprise , Kelly thought she was nice . 0 The dam up at Otter 's Creek had burst and the water was coming at her . Amber screamed and ran as she realized what was going on . 0 Bob was going to put a big steak on . Everyone was having a good time . 1 So he decided to take a break . But his break lasted very long . 0 Jan took all the bags to a local thrift store . She took all the green clothes and put them in trash bags . 1 He found a bird tangled in fishing line . He freed the bird as quickly as he could . 0 I still smoke , and many people are sad , but maybe I 'll quite someday . These folks believed they were helping me . 0 Tom graciously accepted . Jessica invited Tom to a gala . 1 Tina and her boyfriend went on an anniversary dinner last night . They had a lot of fun going there . 0 We hung out and ate lasagna and watched tv . I drove out to his place . 0 I decided to replace it . The lamp in my foyer broke . 1 The girls ' first stop was at the Apple Store . Wendy looked at the beautiful iphones and settled on a pink one . 1 Lexi began to feel uncomfortable inside the store . And she felt strange when Lisa brought goth clothing items . 0 She wished that he was with her because the day was beautiful . She missed her husband who had been on a business trip . 0 She was running the fabric through the machine . Judith was sewing a costume . 0 He found a few things that he needed . He was not in the habit of visiting these kinds of stores . 1 The team played hard and gave their all . Dan dropped the ball but a teammate recovered it . 0 To prepare for the fair , Maddie completed the project and got it ready Maddie 's science fair was coming up today . 0 When she turned 18 she decided to move to New York . She was always practicing in the mirror . 0 It was the most delicious thing I had eaten in months . Eventually , they convinced me to try a little bit . 1 He was not good at it . They came out in weird shapes . 1 At the meet , they race right along next to each other . Larry pulls ahead at the end of the race and wins ! 0 She would let me help bake fresh cookies . It was always such a pleasant experience . 0 She was feeling nauseous and ended up vomiting . Yet when they did , their daughter got sick . 1 I yelled ahead at my husband that there is something in the water ! We saw a giant manatee swimming right beside us with her baby . 0 I told them my son was a good guitarist . They had a bunch of guitars and a drumkit set up in the living room . 1 Instead of staying on the ground , she decided to face of her fears . Cindy decided to climb an indoor mountain . 1 She started writing nasty things about the girls on desks and walls . One day , Rhonda heard a girl crying in the restroom . 1 She had steered clear of trouble thus far . One day , her father went to prison for murder . 1 He nervously told Ann about his feelings . Ann felt the same way . 0 She wanted to take lessons . Alicia did not know how to swim . 0 Marcus has to buy a new keyboard . The keyboard shorted out . 1 They looked at several they were n't happy with . They finally found one they loved . 0 There were crawling all over a piece of bread on the floor . Martha followed them from the kitchen door into the living room . 1 I cursed at him and told him to go away . Naturally , this angered him so he evicted me . 1 They started to like each other . Before long , Nora was even calling him Dad ! 1 She had seen many picnics on TV . They always had a basket , and a red checkered blanket . 1 However , his friend cooked him a delicious mackerel to eat . Instead of being oily , he found mackerel luscious and buttery . 1 Chris moved into a new apartment with one of his friends . He was used to living alone . 1 Joe thought he was going crazy . He heard noises outside his window . 1 Ruby and Rick 's power went out in the middle of the night . Ruby wanted Rick to get her ice cream from downstairs . 1 One day the people of Bethlehem decided to stone him . Tony was passed out from a bender in a local bar . 1 His friend gave him some clothes . Matt was happy because he got to wear clothes . 1 But some of the teeth broke off ! Jessica decided to make him toothless . 0 As she walked to her car she tried to keep her head down . She was dreading going outside in that wind . 1 Ivy 's dad took her out for seafood . Ivy had never tried it before . 0 She stood in the doorway waving as he left . Gina 's dad had given her money to buy a phone card . 0 Elaine was contacted by a pageant contestant to make an evening gown . Elaine is a seamstress for her local community . 1 When this happened , Jane 's son was inconsolable . When Jane got a raise at work , she went to a car lot . 1 When drew came home , the door was locked . He tried to call Tina to open the door . 0 By the end of the trips we had so many memories . We went to museums and a theater show . 0 His friend got in a lot of trouble . Alex went home after throwing mud at a friends house . 1 Neil was visiting Japan . He knew his trip could n't be complete without a visit to see geisha . 0 A day after she got it she told me that she broke the new one . My daughter received a new laptop to replace a broken one . 1 Fall leaves are very pretty in the beginning of the Autumn season . I ca n't wait to clean them all up though . 1 Katie left the confessional feeling guilty . Now , she would have to confess about this lie , too . 1 However , now that he needs a job , he decides to cut it . Caleb goes to the barber for a short , professional haircut . 0 Amy checked in the storeroom and found a new box . The lady was upset there were only 10 available . 0 She decided to purchase them to save some money in her budget . Kim saw a new brand of garbage bags with a low price . 0 Their horses won . They watched the races . 0 To prepare , he listened to podcasts on the best player picks . James takes Fantasy Football very seriously . 0 He packed up all his possessions into boxes . Rodney was getting ready to move to a new house . 0 He looked all day but had no luck , so he put up signs . Ryan was heartbroken ! 1 Jim forgot to file his invoice for the previous week . Jim realized he would n't have enough money for fuel . 1 Cornelius decided to try eating pickles . He bought a wide variety of pickles and ate them all . 0 He decided to join debate class . He always won arguments with his friends . 0 She saw herself trying her coffee and reading a book . Confused , she stood up and looked at herself in the mirror . 0 Her father had promised her that she could get a pet ! Abby was excited about going to the animal adoption fair . 0 That is were normal people eat their food . You would think that I would eat my breakfast at home . 0 One day she decided to dress her kitten in doll clothes . Beth loved to play with her kitten . 1 Within a few months she had reached her weight loss goal . Sarah felt very accomplished . 0 However , he was afraid to eat beets because of their color . Marco had always considered himself an adventurous eater . 1 Paul did n't expect to hear that he owed money to the library . The librarian explained that several books on his account were due . 0 He was unsure of himself , but he still tried . Nick auditioned for a major role in a school play . 0 They ended up with 26 jars . Her mom quickly learned to can jelly . 1 He was dead and my car was badly dented . This year my car is rusty in the spot that the deer hit . 0 My step brother and I both had our very own horses . We grew up with horses at our farm . 0 She chased him until he fell . A boy named Dave had snapped Gina 's bra strap . 0 When he realized he was short on lights , he drove to the store . He only bought enough lights to cover 90 % of his house . 1 Gina was in the kitchen looking for a snack . Her sister ran past her into the living room . 0 Shannon returned the ring to the ever so thankful pizza eater . She realized that the person had accidentally given their diamond ring . 0 Tim got his report card and had all B 's . His grades got better . 1 They were both relieved when they saw the house . They were finally home , safe and warm . 1 Sally was n't sure if she wanted to go to the movies or not . She did n't like going by herself . 1 She finally decided to buy tickets . Before she bought tickets , she heard about a contest on the radio . 0 Lucy went into the Apple store and Microsoft store and bought stuff . She and her mother drove in the car and got there in no time . 1 He noticed he got tired after a short time . He found some motivational music that really inspired and fueled him . 1 Henry said his teeth hurt afterward . When they returned he had to see a dentist . 1 Neil gave his cousin some tips on how to stick up for himself . The next day , he walked his cousin to school . 0 They felt proud to be part of the event . They proudly rode their bikes in the July 4th parade . 0 Later her mother found grass on the bed spread . It looked clean to her , so she put it back on the bed . 1 We all wanted to eat burgers from the food court . I like to eat my burgers with a lot of mustard . 0 He sent her chocolate covered strawberries to brighten her day . Her brother knew that she might feel sad this holiday . 0 She got the nuts ready and roasted them . One thing she loved was roasting chestnuts . 0 He was abusing alcohol . Brandon drank beer a lot . 1 Bertha began to balance her time between reading and other things . Bertha and her parents felt glad to have worked things out . 1 Her daughter came every day to see her . She would talk and play music . 1 She waited in line for 15 minutes to get one . Her balloon dog was pink and purple . 1 Getting involved with a local charity gave her something to do . In her free time , she was able to give back to her community . 1 That evening they all laid in sleeping bags and watched a movie . Finally , the girls began to fall asleep . 0 Fred is no longer considered the family 's worst cook . His family is amazed at how delicious the brunch looks . 1 Arnold was playing basketball with friends . Suddenly he got a sprained ankle . 1 The only problem was , Blake could n't sing . Everyone knew this except Blake . 1 I stepped into something gooey . I looked down and it was concrete that had n't been set . 1 We saw so many cool views along the way ! After staying in California for a little , it was time to go home . 1 Joaquin had always been afraid of farm animals . His friends and family teased him of this irrational fear . 1 Adele decided that she did n't want candy enough to go drive . She still craves that candy to this very day . 1 She wanted a better view of the city . She sat on the hill for hours . 1 He went out to start the mower and left the door open . He started mowing and got close to the open glass door . 1 Amy went to her friend Beth 's house . She wanted to get her mind of Ray from school . 1 I studied for 2 exams . After I finished I went to sleep . 1 Tom had a new dessert called Ice berries . He gave some to his friends . 0 With their help , his work continued . He managed to find three people to offer him research grants . 1 She was more than pleased to find this out . All she had to do was wait for her parents to drive them back home . 1 The philosopher was named Hericlitus . He liked a part saying everyone and everything constantly changes . 1 A man went to an advertising agency to promote his product . The advertising man called his best musician to help . 1 She also tried hard to maintain the cleanliness during the week . After a month she decided it was too much work . 0 At the orchard he picks many delicious apples . He brings a basket to collect the apples and drives to the orchard . 0 He was going to dress up as the grim reaper and get candy . Damian was excited for halloween . 0 Suddenly , she heard her dog making a weird noise . Briana was watching TV . 0 He rides his bike all the way to the store . Marcus realizes he has no vegetables at home . 1 She was supposed to take all of her antibiotics . She did at first , but forgot the last few . 1 I got laid off from my job of 21 years . I was very nervous about finding a new job . 1 They were on the airplane a long time . When they landed , they were in New York . 0 On the day of the race he felt great and achieved his goal . Five weeks before the race he trained every day . 0 Jim did some investigating on the internet . His tennis shoes would always fall apart quickly . 1 He mounted it on his wall and began to connect cables . Once he was done he tried to turn it on . 1 He waited in line for his turn while adjusting his shirt . The photographer told him to sit down and smile . 0 She learned how to play beautiful music with the violin . She bought a violin and began taking lessons . 0 He asked his boss to exclude his personal phone from such messages . Nick was included in a group message from work . 1 She dropped her pencil and closed her eyes . She took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves . 1 I got my dog , Champ , at the pound 15 years ago . At first , he was afraid of everything . 1 Craig opened an e-mail that was too good to be true . Someone told him about $ 50,000 in a bank account he could withdraw . 1 I think the IRS is the most helpful agency there is . If you call them they 'll tell you how much you owe in taxes . 0 The animal got closer and Drake saw it was a mountain lion . After a moment of hesitation , Drake jumped over his neighbor 's fence . 1 He threw eggs at the house windows on his block all the time . But some of the families had a plan for him . 0 After the therapy , Mike began to feel better in life . Mike then began to see a psychiatrist a few times a week . 1 His family always asks him to make it for family gatherings . He makes the noodles from scratch himself . 1 Jim felt strongly about a social justice issue . He made signs and went with some friends to the local courthouse . 1 They gave Josh a promotion , a new office and fancy car . Josh likes his job now . 0 When she asked her parents the immediately said no . Tracey wanted to go to an overnight concert with her boyfriend . 0 The volleyball coach asked Jeff to play volleyball . Jeff is a great basketball player at his school . 1 They finished with the class and teacher awards . She thought that maybe she had been misinformed . 0 When all of a sudden his controller stopped working . One day he was playing a game . 1 Missey always had medical problems . She wanted Amber to work for her . 1 Sam was learning how to draw . But he wanted to try using a pen instead of a pencil . 0 Leonardo ate all the grapes . Finally , his crop grew . 0 The terrorists hurt many people , but John escaped . During her office Christmas party , terrorists attacked . 1 She comes home and bakes a delicious pie . Lorraine invites all of her friends over to have a slice of pie . 0 A coyote appeared on the path before her . Rita was taking a hike in the woods behind her house . 0 3 months later I found something great . I wanted a car right then , but decided to wait . 1 Tim blew a bubble very large . He was scared to pop the bubble . 1 Weeks went by and the hole was 100 ' deep . The kids kept digging until they ran out of ground to dig . 0 Two Year 's in , he realized that he did n't like his job . He had a solid five-year plan worked out for himself . 1 Rory , who is nine months pregnant , has a broken laptop . She makes an appointment at the store , but still has to wait . 0 Bill called Joe back , but Joe was at the store . Joe called Bill back while Bill was in the shower . 0 The tree fell over and damaged his mailbox . Lightning had struck a tree in his front yard . 0 She ignored it , but the car came back and did it again . While walking , a car began to slowly follow her . 1 He went to the top of a ramp and drove to the bottom . He ended up slipping on a crack in the middle of the ramp . 0 She tried to see if there was anything that she could do . Then , she realized that she had no formula . 0 That was until he saw the plume of flame rising into the sky . He thought nothing could possibly go wrong . 0 She could n't afford any food so she went straight to sitting down . She suddenly remembered that she had forgotten her lunch money check . 0 Then she took him to his favorite restaurant . She surprised her husband with tickets to the knicks game . 1 We walked across the Brooklyn Bridge . We had dinner at a deli that served big sandwiches . 1 While she went to use the bathroom , my family got together . They agreed to have the sleepover at another house . 0 She tried her best to be brave as the nurse prepped her arm . Rudy was terrified to get the vaccine . 1 Every day she learned something new about medicine . Anne realized she loved working in the hospital . 1 Lynn and her friends had come back home and crept in a window . They were now in the basement , and her dad was in the kitchen . 0 At first she seemed genuinely touched . I gave it to May , claiming I had drawn it while looking at her . 0 She asks her friends if they will go with her . Doris learns that there will be a special exhibit at the art museum . 0 I climbed under the porch to listen to Momma and Uncle talk . They said I was to little to swing and to go back to Momma . 1 Rae went to her friend 's house for rehearsal . She , her friend , and two others were in a stringed quartet . 0 He went home that night and cried . This mad Mack feel insecure and worthless . 0 They would terrorize the girls in their neighborhood on the way home . Carlos and Ruben walked home from school together every day . 1 Then he eagerly waited to hear back from them . He was sure they 'd politely declined to publish him . 0 They toasted each other and started eating . We sat next to a Russian couple . 0 She was disappointed to find out she could n't trick or treat this year She just turned thirteen this year . 1 I bought a plane ticket to El Salvador . I got on the plane and waited until we arrived . 0 The brisket had been cornered and now he retrieved it from the fridge . Henry pulled out the smoker and got the charcoal ready . 0 Baby smiles at the kids , they smile at him too , great morning . Mommy puts the baby in the highchair at the table with the other kids . 1 Today I took a job rating speech samples . Most of them were in spanish . 0 Mina felt super loved when she seen her surprise from her dad . When she got home she found a box of chocolates from her dad . 0 He moved somewhere he researched and is much happier . Eventually he was able to move out . 1 She ended up eating more of my food than I did . I was mad . 1 Lola was chubby and wanted to lose weight . But she loved her daily milkshake and dreaded giving it up . 0 Aaron wanted to steer clear of it . All of Aaron 's friends were big on drugs . 1 Charles found a black rock on the beach . He took it home and looked it up . 0 She came inside and realized that there was a huge mess . She was just getting home to her husband . 0 So she decided to go to the mall . She did n't like any of the outfits she had . 0 Eventually she decided to act in a play . She was torn between which to choose . 0 His nice teacher encouraged him to raise his hand the next day . But he almost always had an answer . 0 On the way to the pet store , his mother told Frank what they eat . His father finally talked his mother into agreeing to get him one . 1 Soon he had enough courage to approach a girl . To his shock , she smiled and kept talking to him ! 1 She took her apples home and started eating them . But after three days of apples , she found something yucky . 0 Eventually , he decided to move back home to his family . Dan 's friends began doing phone and text checks on him . 1 It seemed like only yesterday and they wanted to celebrate . They planned a vow renewal on their wedding anniversary . 0 There was no action . They were n't being believable . 0 He sewed up the gaping hole . He knew how to sew , and so he found a sewing kit . 0 Now Lovely walks to her wheelchair each morning . Perry built her a custom wheelchair . 0 He chewed his pencil . He sat at his desk nervously . 0 I hope Henry and Julia stay here for awhile . I gave Henry a few toys because I liked him . 1 On the first day of school , I saw the cutest guy . He was new at our school . 1 It was an incredibly hot day outside . Tara was working out with her mother . 0 But the pen Ian found was too expensive . So he looked for something more thin . 0 They had a falling out one summer . Jake and Daniel were best friends for Years . 0 They were chasing her . She immediately ran away . 0 She was surprised to see he grew 6 inches in 2 months . When he returned Amy checked his height again . 1 He sat down at a blackjack and bet $ 3000 on one hand , which was 21 . After turning his $ 3000 into $ 12000 , Tom paid for his friends ' trip . 0 So he defecated on the floor . Beth was late coming home to take her dog out . 0 He was working on a lab with a bunch of snakes . There was a scientist lab worker . 0 Gina waited patiently in the lobby of the church for them to finish . But people were still coming up to speak and say bye to her grandma . 0 She slept with it every day . It was pink and soft . 1 Brian has been going through a bad breakup . His girlfriend of three years just left him . 0 Finally , he decided to give up . He tried to find new music , but could n't find anything . 0 As she approached it , she heard scary banging sounds . She had to cross through a forested area . 0 She applied at a lot of stores near her home . She was upset since it took her months to find her first job . 1 There were n't enough tryouts to fill the team without Simon . Simon resented being stuck in right field . 1 She needed 4 more roses to complete the bouquet . She went to her inventory and picked the best four . 1 He was about to watch a broadway play . He had to wait a long line . 1 He asked his boss what the reasons were for the firing . His boss said it was due to cutbacks , not performance . 0 The inspector finally came to test her house for lead paint . Jess wanted to remodel her old house . 0 After a lot of discussion , they decided on a terrier . They both talked about what they wanted from a dog . 0 She felt happier then even though she had to wait so long . The person in front of her had paid for her coffee ! 0 I suspected Brain of fixing it and asked him about it . This morning I got into the truck and noticed the mirror was fixed . 1 By 12 AM it was clear he was n't going to call . Amy could n't understand why he would n't call her . 1 A bag on sale half off caught his eye . Ben bought two and put them in his cart . 1 He looked everywhere but could n't find it . He started to cry right in the restaurant . 1 Carla came over to my house to do a craft project . She brought her daughter Faith with her . 0 My neighbor mentioned that she had a mouse in the house . Egypt is my strong and fast cat . 1 Sam 's ticket was fake . Sam was heart broken . 0 Now , he loves them more than I do ! He gave in . 0 It had slipped off in the warm soapy water at some point . Preparing for bed , she saw that she had lost her wedding ring ! 0 Her mom took the girl and the cat to the hospital . She yelled for her mom . 1 Afterwards , he eagerly turned to his tester . The tester told him he had passed the test ! 0 Franny hid this from her daughter out of embarrassment . Franny accidentally cut a board too short and wasted it . 1 The previous residents had cats . The apartment was full of fleas . 0 Her mother claimed to like it , too . When asked his opinion , her husband praised it . 0 The kids kept digging until they ran out of ground to dig . Weeks went by and the hole was 100 ' deep . 0 Joe cocked back and let this second shot fly . Joe missed the first shot . 1 He remembered that saag paneer was a popular dish . So he ordered that with naan . 1 She 'd cut her ankle and now the socks were torn and bloody . Her mother promised to replace them . 1 Martha was very insecure with herself She had a boyfriend named Alain 1 Josh 's computer kept getting viruses and he did n't know why . He took it to his friend who was good with computers . 0 Unexpectedly she dropped to the ground . Tina went on the tower of terror ride . 1 I had a big meeting on Friday . I went to bed early and set my alarm for early the next morning . 1 Ed and Donna were playing frisbee by the edge of the woods . Ed threw it too hard and it sailed over Donna 's head . 1 It was pink and soft . She slept with it every day . 0 He turned on the coffee machine and went to use the bathroom . He changed the filter and put the new ground coffee in . 0 Ashley was so frightened she could n't speak . One day , the man 's dog broke loose and ran straight for Ashley . 0 John left the dog park to buy a better collar for his dog . John apologized to the dog owner and she said it 's okay . 0 Raggedy Ann had been with Bill the whole time . Suddenly , in walked Bill , Ashley 's dog , with the doll in his mouth . 0 She decided to play a game on her smartphone until it passed . The rainy turned into a storm and she felt bored . 0 Thanks to Jimmy John 's for being open on a Sunday at midnight ! I tried my luck at a nearby shopping center . 0 Jane went outside and rolled around the block . Her mom agreed that Jane only stay outside for a few minutes . 1 She begged her Mom to take her everyday . When the weather was nice her Mom drove her to the park . 0 He decides to try to make them paella . Carlos has always wanted to make a delicious dinner for his family . 0 In the end it looked like we had never even had a messy house ! We ended up having to spend hours each day cleaning . 0 None of them could figure out what was wrong . He called all his friends for help . 1 She had prepared all week for this presentation . She loaded up her PowerPoint on her laptop . 1 The stray dog looked dirty and thin . A rescue group approached her to help her . 1 Ben promised to visit and jan promised to come back . The car drove away as the both waved but it was n't goodbye . 0 They all seemed to be pranking him . Randy kept getting random calls 1 Billy was walking at Central Park . He spotted many birds in the grass there . 1 It had string yellow hair with a bow on top . Annabelle loved to play a game called Queen with Princess . 0 Bill stomped on the cereal to further his mess . The cereal box was open so it made a mess . 1 The car hit a bump in the road and its license plate fell off . The driver did n't notice and kept going . 0 I did n't like taking care of them . My husband got me some fish instead . 1 First , Dana counted out his rent money . He had twenty three dollars left for Christmas . 1 Nick was a student at a large university . Nick had a classmate named Phil . 0 However , soon he could afford his new car . It was hard to stay home . 0 When I got to the library she was n't there . My friend called and said to meet her at the library . 0 The man climbed out the window and stood on the roof . He opened the window and looked down . 0 Blake finally cleaned it up after two months . He still ignored the problem . 0 Finally she finished cutting all 10 toenails . Danielle decided to cut her toenails . 1 After a long day of looking , we finally found a dress that fit ! I bought the dress and I can not wait to wear it this weekend ! 1 As I walked into the room I wanted the test over with . Finally I started taking the test . 1 One team offered him a very lucrative contract . It was a dream come true for Edward . 0 It polluted the ocean . Oil spilled for many days . 0 They were not able to have kids on their own . The Smiths wanted to start a family . 0 They stayed up all night laughing at their gaming failures . They had a video game party for her birthday . 1 But there was only one way to find out . She opened the book and scanned the contents . 0 He could never find a nice pair though . Michael loves jeans . 1 Horace almost never eats salads for dinner . However , he realizes that he needs to eat more vegetables . 0 Tim gasped as his dad almost fell from the tree . His dad Dan had n't climbed a tree in 20 years but decided to try . 0 She drove up town to the local comic book store with her friend Emily . Sarah wanted to get some more comic books for her collection . 1 The fire burned down the school . Nobody was injured thanks to the firemen . 1 At the bachelor party we decided he had to play Edward 40 hands . We duct taped two 40 ounce bottles of beer to his hands . 1 He put on his lap belt and threw his hands in the air . Within seconds of starting , all lights came on and it stopped . 1 She even added fresh berries to improve the taste . Ivy 's popsicles were even better than the store-bought kind ! 0 He got up from the bench and looked at the strings . At first he ignored it , but it started to bother . 1 She added pickles , cheese , tomatoes , lettuce , and onions . She enjoyed eating her huge sandwich ! 1 May was a new mother . It was her first night home from the hospital . 0 He stuck to his plan to be soda free . He bought lots of bottled water from the store . 0 He asked Sally if she would lend him a blue crayon . There were many red crayons and no blue crayons 0 He was distracted by the sweat trickling down his cheek . He went as fast as he possibly could . 0 I had a great time on my weekend trip . My last day there I went to see an Atlanta Brave 's baseball game . 1 He looks in his cupboard and sees a delicious bar of chocolate . He takes a bite and immediately feels better . 1 Elijah took advantage of a Black Friday promotion . He ordered a cell phone from a new carrier . 1 But hers was thin and did n't grow very quickly . Then Anita 's friend offered her a suggestion . 1 Jeff visited a giraffe that was in the zoo . He fed several food pellets and petted him . 0 She told her husband . Sasha spotted a spider . 0 Jodi felt like she was meeting up with a stranger . They met downtown to exchange the wallet . 1 Every night she was having nightmares about spiders . One day she saw a spider in her kitchen . 1 She suddenly remembered that she had forgotten her lunch money check . She could n't afford any food so she went straight to sitting down . 1 Winston , a dog , was free to wander the neighborhood . One day he came home with a new toy . 1 The owner invited the police inside to take the report . They immediately asked for the surveillance video . 0 I think the tech world is confusing . The internet came on today and I was finally able to get an app . 0 His girlfriend loved the gift . He arranged them himself . 1 After 7 months the hair was a tangled mess . The tangled mess was so bad the hair was stuck and no longer grew . 1 They decided it would be best to take a break for a little while . But they would probably come back to write more sometime soon ! 1 She asked him for a bedtime story . He had no story books . 0 Ali felt is was pointless to explain herself . Her friend June thought she was overreacting . 0 Her team made it to the team championships . Nora loves soccer . 1 He noticed there was a bandaid in his burger . It grossed him out and he almost threw up . 0 But the only thing in the house to drink was water . Tim was very thirsty . 0 I got tons of strange looks . I decided to skip to work today for old time 's sake . 0 They had fun trying each other 's creations . Some girls made crazy combinations ! 0 I began to stroke his back . I realized he was having a nightmare . 1 She could n't take the abuse any longer and her mind was made up . She called her friend and waited for the car to arrive . 1 Each day , the kids left empty bowls of oatmeal in the sink . One day , the sink clogged and a plumber came over . 1 Their baby was born the next year . Mora 's baby was a very happy and pretty baby . 0 On Valentine 's day , he saw an envelope on the floor . And it would make him happy if he had a friend . 0 She approached the kitchen . My mom got out of her bed . 1 It was rainy , yet Robby had trouble finding any snails . He noticed a very colorful snail all of a sudden . 1 Jeremy decided to roll the dice and got on the train anyway . By the time they hit the next stop , the train was broke down ! 0 She went to the box office and purchased two tickets . The concert featured one of her favorite bands . 0 I found a new show to watch called Between and now I have a new show ! I wound up watching Netflix and browsing shows . 1 He parked in a grocery store lot but need to walk to Kinkos . On the way , he saw a girl with an awesome figure . 0 There was enough to have for dinner for 2 days . Mary had made a large plate of deer steaks for dinner . 0 The electricity went out so no television . There was a horrible storm . 0 When he was close he jumped high and arched his back . He began to trot towards the bar . 1 She had made a lot of cakes , but this one used a new recipe . Ann was very nervous about if it would be as good as her other cakes . 1 He had the glass of champagne and needed more . Will ended up passed out in a dumpster by the end of the night . 0 Eventually , all but 200 thousand was returned to the company . The bag had fallen from an armored car and Joey scooped it up . 1 Noah wanted to learn to swim . He decided to try to teach himself . 1 It 's rays caught the last glimmer drops of dew on the plants . Kendra whispered to her boyfriend how beautiful it all looked . 1 She knew she had to get her license . Her parents put her in Driver 's Ed and Callie passed . 0 I noticed him putting out food for stray cats this morning . I always assumed he was as grumpy as he looked . 0 He pushed the cart from check out to the car . He got to walk around the store like a big boy . 1 I waited eagerly for them to arrive . When the delivery came , I was ecstatic . 0 Tim put it on the curb and waited for a taker . No one wanted his dirty old cot in their house either . 0 Others took special interest and loved his talent . Bill rode the wildest of bulls and became famous . 0 They laughed and ate dinner . Laura was enjoying her first date with Tom . 0 On election day , Laura wins by only a few votes . Laura meets with many students across the school to secure votes . 0 Nestor realized that he left his keys outside where the bear was . A bear appeared and they all ran into a nearby car that was open . 0 Within a week , though , things began to go wrong . It seemed like a great purchase at the time . 1 It was dead winter and very cold . She tried her best to stay warm but it was freezing . 1 They all had presents and a big cake . It was the best birthday . 1 It was the ice cream man ! He ran to his mom and begged her for a few dollars . 1 He saw a cat . He always wanted a cat . 1 She put money into a bag along with a dye pack . The robber would not be able to use the money after it exploded ! 1 His son came in from playing outside and had a broken bike handle . Jed took out his extra strength duct tape and started to patch it up . 0 At the contest , his airplane went the fastest and very far . He used tiny batteries and attached it to his airplane . 0 His mother told him he could n't have one . Bobby wanted a pet monkey . 1 He saw a man about to jump off a bridge . Instead of yelling to stop or helping him . 1 He had planned on watching a movie on his phone . When he went to check the phone , he realized that it was dead . 1 She was impressed by her team , but she really wanted to play . At halftime she was sure she would be chosen to play . 0 She wore the coat everyday , even in the snow . She had never owned real suede before . 0 When his friend showed up , Ted pretended nothing had happened . He took the remnants of the deflated ball and buried it . 1 Nita was terrified to fly . She trembled as she boarded the plane . 0 I decided to ask my neighbor for some noodles . But , I did n't have anything in my house to eat . 1 She wanted it to be smooth . She decided to get a straightening treatment . 1 He was not in the habit of visiting these kinds of stores . He found a few things that he needed . 1 Behind him he heard a growl . Sam hiked out of the forest quickly and never went back . 1 Cay 's light bulb blew out . She could not reach the ceiling to replace it . 0 She hardly went anywhere during the day . Tiffany worked third shifts . 0 The money was easily worth it . He still went through with it . 0 Thankfully , bill grabbed him before he fell to the ground . He ended up falling from his spot . 1 His tennis shoes would always fall apart quickly . Jim did some investigating on the internet . 0 She realized that alocasia plants are very picky and die easily . After a few weeks it started to die . 1 Floyd wanted to stop smoking . He had tried everything to no avail . 0 They put the tent up and even had a small fire . Mike and Jay went camping for the first time in their parent 's yard . 1 He was so enraptured , he did n't hear the music she played in her car . When asked , he claimed he liked it , too . 1 She said that it looked uneducated . Bill asked her why . 0 The temperature started to increase sharply . Afterwards , the sun came out . 1 People bought me some drinks . I had a great time ! 1 Tony loved playing his guitar , and would spend hours practicing . One day while in the garage playing , he tried playing his fastest . 0 His family and friends worked with him during his campaign . He felt he could do a better job than the current mayor . 1 It was climbing up and down the tree . I realized it was carrying nuts to its babies . 1 She ran out of lemons . A man passed by and stopped for lemonade . 1 Denise found a cat in her backyard . Her daughter asked if they could keep it . 0 The cat looked at Joe and meowed . Joe placed the food dish in front of the cat . 0 In addition , she gave us a surprise exam . We had a substitute teacher today . 1 Jed and his family went to the zoo one day . After a minute of walking around , they stumbled across zoo monkeys . 0 He managed to run 20-25 yards towards the end zone . I passed the football to Ben . 1 One morning , Jane had two plain pieces of toast to eat . Jane did n't like the taste of the plain toast . 1 The first egg was in the chimney , with a clue . The kids followed the clue to the basement , they are excited . 1 Sandy insisted she did n't leave a mark on the glass . Her dad pointed to the hearts standing out on the steamy glass . 0 But during dinner , everyone laughed and had a good time ! He was very nervous that they 'd hate him . 1 People like the mechanics , but did n't notice the themes . Edmund was bitter about this . 0 Then she remembered she could finally open her gifts . Amy awoke slowly , groggy from so little sleep . 1 I was hungry so I went to the kitchen to make a snack . I put some chicken and cheese on a slice of bread to make a sandwich . 1 But in the tussling crowd , she was pushed over and broke her wrist . Not even the best deals were worth the hassle that year ! 1 I walked toward the closet . I opened it to find my little brother trying to scare me . 1 Ben spent hours putting up Christmas lights . Ben turned them on and the house looked great . 0 He visited a cat shelter to check out the cats . He decided a cat would be best for his lifestyle . 1 Sally decided to join a book club . She got the book but was only able to read half of it . 0 He smeared the paint all over his hands . Mike asked Jane for the blue paint . 1 In the morning , she was very tired . Jane did not do well on the test . 1 In a heated chess match , Mike was two moves from winning . His opponent moved his king on space toward Mike . 1 I traced her phone number to her house . I went to visit her at her home . 0 With each year I would impatiently wait to become 20 years old . When I was a kid I wanted nothing more than to grow up . 1 She wrote Katie up . Katie received detention for the first time . 0 The air in the air mattress was colder than the ground . She was freezing all night and did not get any sleep . 1 Since many people still bathed in the river it was a huge success . Procter and Gamble went on to thrive . 1 Her spouse agreed and they planned the places they wanted to visit . They bought a travel package months in advance . 0 The girlfriend could n't stop laughing at him . He was n't paying attention and he hit his head on a shop sign . 1 I was incredibly disappointed . Next time I will make sure to wear a top coat . 0 He never dyed his hair again , and they were both happier ! Chris confessed his secret , too , and they laughed together . 1 Jeff gets upset and and loses his cool . He starts bad mouthing his boss and calls him lazy ! 1 He took his first lesson and failed miserably . Karl now wishes to be a professional race car driver . 1 She immediately ran away . They were chasing her . 0 Anna decided to go with her friends . The first fifty people in line would win a swag bag . 0 She did n't have any cash , only a debit card . They only took cash . 0 When I opened the window Saturday morning , it was pouring snow ! We stayed at a hotel in Indianapolis . 0 The wallet contained money and credit cards . I found a wallet in the parking lot of the grocery store . 0 Colin saw his dog and tried to get him to eat it . He tried to find an excuse not to do it . 1 Henry pulled out the smoker and got the charcoal ready . The brisket had been cornered and now he retrieved it from the fridge . 0 One day he came home with a new toy . Winston , a dog , was free to wander the neighborhood . 0 I realized it was carrying nuts to its babies . It was climbing up and down the tree . 0 She stumbled across a box that was full of old books . Mina was going through the attic and organizing things . 1 It snowed all through the night . The next morning , the roads were icy and dangerous . 1 Her brother knew that she might feel sad this holiday . He sent her chocolate covered strawberries to brighten her day . 0 I decided to be an idiot my last day . I decided I would be better off quitting . 0 Eventually , someone noticed a mini-shark in the water . Everyone was swimming inside of the ocean . 1 I got cheap boots at the store yesterday . I wore them all around town . 0 He tried hard and practiced every day after school . Victor was on the basketball team , but he was n't very good . 0 With that money they were able to pay for it . His dad got a second job . 0 Jessie was startled by the shadow of an owl flying past her . She crept into the woods behind her house . 0 We 're going to be well prepared for an excellent and safe weekend ! We 've even started getting the equipment together already . 0 Nala 's dog had no more trouble with fleas . The treatments were successful . 0 Eventually he felt bad and started going . His friends thought they did n't like them whenever he declined . 1 Amber screamed and ran as she realized what was going on . The dam up at Otter 's Creek had burst and the water was coming at her . 1 My mom got out of her bed . She approached the kitchen . 0 Then somehow , he discovered he was lost ! Ben was shopping at the grocery store with his mom . 0 She did n't even want the photos . After her picture was done it was terrible . 1 Tom challenged him and punched him . The new kid beat him . 1 I recently wrote a story . I wrote this story for mturk . 1 There were days that he could not keep up with his grandchildren . Dave felt he was getting old . 1 She woke up in the morning and made the bed . She carefully prepared breakfast for herself . 1 I ate almost too much . It made me feel sick the rest of the day 1 Fred decided to buy one for himself . Fred 's juke box was a fitting addition to his home theater room . 1 The Smiths wanted to start a family . They were not able to have kids on their own . 1 It was the sound of racoons going through our food we left out . They were adorable but we did n't want to get near them . 0 He waved and took his time leaving . The couple behind him honked at him . 0 She hit some dyes , sticks and candy syrup ready . Tina wanted to make some lollipops . 1 Ants got into the picnic basket . Her friends decided to buy burgers instead . 0 He never got to be around anyone interesting . Sam was sad that he never had interesting conversations . 1 But two days in , she feared she could n't keep her vow . Then her vegan friend made her veggie burgers with soy milk and salad . 1 I looked around town for hours and could not find him . I finally went home and discovered Max sitting by my front door . 0 He took the bunny to Kelly 's house , and everyone slept that night . He found the bunny sitting all alone . 1 The girls always had fun with that . They decided to each grab a bucket . 0 Yet to my surprise I found out that the embroidery was ripped . I laid it on the floor . 1 Chris confessed his secret , too , and they laughed together . He never dyed his hair again , and they were both happier ! 1 We did some jumping and sliding . There were even arcade games . 1 She was very pleased when she got the card . She will keep recharging the card . 0 Everything was fine in the end . She called the cops . 0 She missed her party and was happy to help the homeless instead ! Kelly knew her time could be better spent helping others . 0 Cayla is very pleased that people appreciate her clay crafts . So she started to sell them . 0 This was a party where he just wanted to hang out with the fans . A famous rocker went to a party hosted by him . 1 John was the quarterback of the football team . He was about to start his senior year . 0 He finished his food and left . Sam was in a restaurant . 0 Charles said he ordered a meatball sub at an Italian shop Year 's back . At dinner she asked Charles how he got addicted to meatball subs . 0 They went to the mall and visited Kay Jewelers . Amy and Charles were going shopping for an engagement ring . 1 Peter treasured his comic book collection . He spent a lot of time organizing and taking care of it . 1 His wife suggested that he should see a doctor . Pierre 's doctor told him that he has diabetes . 0 It was very slow . Tim was using an old computer . 1 She screamed and was very upset . He was easily found out and got into a lot of trouble . 0 He went over to the dealership and browsed for the car he liked . One day , Bob decided to go out and purchase a brand new car ! 1 She asked her mother who was of no help . Finally , a man at the local nursery gave her helpful advice . 0 She glumly handed the homemade card to the teacher . Nell was upset because she wanted a store-bought card . 0 Their parents said school had been cancelled during the night . They ran downstairs and asked their parents if there was school . 1 Then , she realized that she had no formula . She tried to see if there was anything that she could do . 1 Suddenly , a bomb went off and Jon had to grab a gun . Jon and his fellow soldiers fought off the enemy and left . 0 One day she was outside with jasper and he got away from her . Madelynn had a kitten and his name was jasper . 0 We decided to go to the Movies . We woke up late and it was raining . 0 Suddenly she slid and fell badly . Kyana was ice skating one afternoon . 1 He suddenly saw a car pull out in front of him . He was able to slam on the breaks . 1 Paul was in a lot of pain . He had to end his hike early . 0 He saw several of his friends . Charlie went to the gym . 1 Jenny thought it was an over-used joke and was annoyed . Later , while taking out the trash , Jenny slipped on a banana peel . 0 Tommy woke up and saw the ball under the Christmas tree . Santa had his helpers make the ball . 0 Karl now wishes to be a professional race car driver . He took his first lesson and failed miserably . 1 I was vacuuming when all of a sudden I heard a loud pop . The vacuum broke . 0 He found another screen and plugged it in . He dug through his old stuff . 1 He made copies of it and mailed it to all his friends . All of Paul 's friends found the joke very funny . 1 The teacher asked for the students to finish a novel by tomorrow . Amanda got home and forgot about the assignment for hours . 1 She needed to get some boxes . She had a few but not enough . 0 A professor asked Jo to make copies into a textbook for his class . There , she mostly made copies with an old Xerox machine . 1 She was going to the lake and wanted to look stylish . She spent hours looking for the perfect pair . 0 She did n't notice the rest of the class moving on . When they got to the mummy exhibit , Rhonda was mesmerized . 0 He decided he wanted to work as a barber . Leroy had always loved working with people . 0 I found the perfect lamp , and my room feels much brighter . Together , we drove to a furniture store in the suburbs . 1 She asked her friend Megan to join her at the gym . Megan met Angela at the gym . 0 His girlfriend of three years just left him . Brian has been going through a bad breakup . 0 He set his alarm so he would not oversleep . Alan went to bed late . 0 Unfortunately , Gary does n't want to work . Gary wants to be a millionaire . 1 Tony was taking an online math class . And he was studying for a quiz . 1 I frantically showered , threw my hair up , and grabbed my shoes . I hurriedly made my husband 's lunch and checked the calendar . 1 He thought the fresh air would help clear his mind . The weather app on his phone did n't say anything about rainy . 0 Dan has it towed to the dealer . He gets a flat tire driving home from the office 1 However , he ca n't remember what he needed to do . He checks his to do list , but everything is already done . 1 Sally was so nervous about her first day at the new school . She sat down next to a girl with blonde hair . 1 He had n't ridden one since he was a kid . He bought tickets to a park and stood in line to ride one . 1 She was able to better handle the smells . Gordon was so thankful . 1 One day she spotted a stray dog by the side of the road . Elena picked him up and took him to the vet . 0 One day she tripped and badly injured her foot . Ray was a distance walker . 0 The doctor prescribed her a simple nausea relief medication . At noon she felt no better and decided to go to the doctor 1 She introduces her new cat to the old one slowly . One day , Rosie finds her two cats sleeping next to each other . 1 So all of his students liked him . But one day , they realized they were not learning much . 0 Julie saw that the box had been cut into , and things were stolen out . When the toy arrived at her house , she noticed something . 1 Then at recess , she introduced herself . The kids started to play with her . 0 She felt flattered and tried to touch her eyebrow . Matt commented on her looks . 1 She asked her mom for some money . Instead , her mom offered to pay her for some work . 0 After that he always drove slowly and carefully . One day Bob almost hit a bus . 1 He was trying to write the next big hit song . He tried out some lyrics and it sounded good to him . 1 He tried on at least 10 different pairs . But they were all to narrow . 1 It is a very difficult job , and it does not pay a lot of money . However , Maurice works many hours to survive . 1 Grandpa realized the park was n't helping . They got ice cream and went home to watch TV . 0 And he decided to go up to him . Rick saw a fortune teller on the street . 1 She bought logs and supplies . Her husband helped her cut and assemble all the parts . 0 Tim looked everywhere for the page . The dog came and snatched a page out . 0 Sadly , Ella did n't win . She performed her song in the contest . 1 There was a bully being mean to everyone . He started picking on me and I had enough . 0 Harry had no friends and was very lonely . Everyone at school considered Harry to be a loser . 1 The morning of the meeting I was so tired I overslept . My boyfriend broke up with me for missing brunch with them . 1 Everyone she knew was coming to see her . She decided to practice her lines all week . 1 Hannah loves music . One summer , Hannah had the chance to attend a live festival . 1 By the time the boys got there , the line was out the door . About 20 minutes later , the boys were able to order their food . 0 Tammy was furious . The sister threw the makeup in the toilet . 1 They could n't decide which movie to see . Finally , they decided to choose randomly . 1 Jack walked up to Mary nervously and asked her on a date . Mary agreed to go on a date with Jack , which made him happy . 1 She asked around but no one had seen him . Jane found him in the break room watching TV . 1 He ended up falling from his spot . Thankfully , bill grabbed him before he fell to the ground . 0 Gina was determined to go back to her classroom . When they were unlocked she went inside alone . 1 I accidentally let some coals fall out . They ignited the grass in my yard ! 1 She and her husband put the baby in the shower . Then , they cleaned him and his clothes up . 1 Jess was at school . And it was a cold day . 1 By noon , Cindy was bouncing off the walls . Cindy is addicted to coffee . 0 Finally he is able to join the marching band . Felipe diligently practices playing while marching . 1 Next , she tweeted something nasty about Kim , the television star . Kim responded on Twitter and the real Jennifer Lopez showed up . 1 Gabe kept his love of designing things all through school . After high school , he became a great architect ! 1 Despite my best effort I fell asleep after a while . When I awoke the man was gone leaving only a nasty scratch on my hand . 1 We arrived at the restaurant . I was surprised that many of my friends met us there . 0 Amy heard a rumor Sara was making fun of ehr . Amy Called her friend Sara to confront her . 0 Sal is always a lot of fun . He takes us to the park sometimes . 0 She practiced her speech dozens of times and fretted for weeks . Sam was thrilled at the chance to be valedictorian , but so nervous . 1 At midnight she sneaked out and loaded them all into her trunk . When she was almost done , her neighbor caught her . 1 Madelynn had a kitten and his name was jasper . One day she was outside with jasper and he got away from her . 0 The owner decided he needed to trim it . The branches were rotting . 0 My coworkers said I was crazy . I dressed and biked back to work . 1 We decided to roast a few marshmallows and make s'mores . The wind blew and a spark of fire landed on the tent . 0 When the landlord comes for the rent Jim tells him what happened . His roommates say they did n't touch it 0 At the party , she cut into the cake and was shocked to see vanilla . For her birthday she ordered a large chocolate cake . 1 I remained in my chair since she got out in a few minutes . However , the chicken burned . 0 After High School she enrolled in Flight Attendant School . As a little girl Laura dreamed of flying . 1 Anthony 's grandmother did not want him to have a motorcycle . She assured his father he would hurt himself . 0 The hail mary pass was caught , and the home team won . The coach called a last minute play . 1 He went as fast as he possibly could . He was distracted by the sweat trickling down his cheek . 0 They both meet up at the Little Diner . Joy invites Grace to place by her house . 0 With that big account he never heard the rumor of being fired again . After hearing the rumor he worked extra hard and made the sale . 0 When she received the gift , she was ecstatic . He sewed a brand new dress for his mother . 1 Amy had a terrible headache . After two days she went to the doctor . 1 Mike needed clothes for his history presentation . He went into the store looking for a purple shirt . 0 Chad decided he would plant a mango tree in his yard . Chad loved mangos . 0 I even get to make my wife happy when she gets home . I get to see them grow up first-hand . 0 The employee was not impressed . He went racing down a hill on his bike and fell . 0 She went to the refrigerator to find something to eat . Libby was hungry . 1 The owner offered him the job of sign painter . The man began to paint beautiful signs for the store . 0 I took a bag of cans and what gas I had and went to the store . I noticed that I was out of gas and had no money . 0 She looked all over the library for the book he wanted . While she was there , a student asked her for help . 1 My hand started to swell during the next hour . I left Jane 's house after cleaning the bite mark . 1 They said he was chicken if he did n't do it . Bill thought long and hard . 0 But Olaf wanted to go shopping for clothes . His friends just kept wanting to buy food . 0 The kids started to play with her . Then at recess , she introduced herself . 0 He woke up 45 minutes late . Tim did not hear his alarm . 1 Peyton finally disclosed his use of the drugs . He was forced to quit playing . 1 The Dutchess now had nothing in her way . The Duchess became the Queen at last . 0 He asked the expert to give him an appraisal of his collection . As an adult , Gary decided to take his collection to a coin expert . 1 The food was very delicious . However to my surprise I found a hair in my food . 1 He goes to a car wash , but does n't have any quarters . They do n't have a way to break dollars into quarters . 0 The mechanic told her there was a problem with the brakes . She took it into the dealership to ask about it . 0 The philosophy and teachings of hinduism appealed to him . In Varanasi , he discovered hinduism . 0 Kevin put on Tom 's clothes and filled them out with a pillow . Tom was much bigger than Kevin so he could n't wear Kevin 's clothes . 1 Mother explained to me that no dogs can talk . I loved my dog and we enjoyed talking though he could not respond . 0 He became really depressed and posted alarming statuses on Facebook . He recently became a widower after his wife died in a car crash . 1 With her sleeping schedule ruined , she needed to get back on track . She decided to stay up the next day as a result . 1 Anna saw a lot of birds in her backyard . She decided to feed them . 1 Courtney has been very sad since her boyfriend broke up with her . Her friends try to cheer her up . 1 He headed to Europe to backpack around the country . Everyone was jealous of this amazing trip he had planned . 0 He was with all of his family . Bob was celebrating thanksgiving . 0 As they as inside it began to crumble . When they finished they entered the fort . 1 Jenny 's parents wanted her to study something practical . They were not impressed when Jenny wanted to study art . 1 Her wealthy parents never approved of her boyfriend . Ruth then knew that love would win out over approval . 1 He pulled up his rifle and aimed at the bunny . The hunter had a new hat for winter . 1 He played the game for hours straight . He forgot to eat . 1 Willy was shown pictures of lightning bugs at school . Willy thought that they were really cool . 0 Toni 's husband comes to her job to make a confession . She assures them she is faithful to her husband . 0 Raylan pushed the man onto the tracks in front of a train . The man destroyed Raylan 's painting . 1 They cut into the gender reveal cake . Then , they saw pink frosting meaning it was a girl . 0 He never showed up at the job . He would be working as a prep cook instead . 0 They won the game by 30 points . His team did very well . 0 The customers were furious over the mistake . A mistake occurred and so they were delivered to opposite locations . 1 Her dad grabbed the teen by the collar . Jay pushed his dad away . 0 With less than a minute left , Michael scored the winning goal ! It was almost time for dinner and the soccer match was tied . 0 Her boyfriend went to the store and saw Chinese lanterns on sale . After the movie Tangled Lisa became obsessed with lanterns . 1 But her lotion only helped them temporarily . Her friend recommended shea butter . 1 It created a small fire in his oven . Jimmy had to extinguish the fire with water from the sink . 0 She was so happy that she let him skip her in line . Ted then waved to his girlfriend who was at the front . 0 She thought it would save her marriage , not ruin it . Anita loved cooking in her new Wok . 0 She told him she met someone else and it devastated Mark . He did n't know why but needed to know . 0 She picked out some new studs and had her ears pierced on the spot . Shannon went to the mall to get her ears pierced again . 0 On his way out he gave the food to a homeless man . He turned them in and got enough money for food . 0 One day Paula went out of town . Her husband disagrees . 0 She decided to practice her lines all week . Everyone she knew was coming to see her . 1 I lost a shoe today , and needed a new one . I asked if Jim would like to accompany me to the mall . 1 But when Tim woke , it was full dark - he had slept for hours ! Tim was surprised how tired he had been . 1 I lost the ability to move my lower half of my body . I dragged myself to the back room while in fear I would be shot . 1 As the worker went to make her sub , she washed her hands . Tiffany noticed that the worker did not dry her hands . 0 When he got his grade back , he got every question wrong . Tim took the test without studying . 1 Then he mixed it together in a big bowl . He packed some every day for lunch . 1 Riley receives constant complaints filed against him . Riley get evicted . 1 The woman tells her that she not pregnant , just fat . Jen has never been so embarrassed in her entire life . 1 A man wanted to make more money . He began studying the lives of rich people who he also respected . 1 You would think that I would eat my breakfast at home . That is were normal people eat their food . 0 He returned home only after 10 minutes . Jeff loved the view but could n't run around the entire lake . 1 My friend was moving and said I could have their old one . I just had to go and pick it up . 1 Jake wanted to buy a new car . He knew his credit score was n't that good . 0 The parade was ruined . Unfortunately it started to rain . 1 Liz really wanted a new phone . However she was only sixteen years old . 0 He took notes on the diagrams and the captions . He opened his textbook and read the chapters . 0 Still , no one wanted to buy it . I lowered the price . 1 She ordered an egg muffin with a hashbrown . The employees told her that the fryer was broken . 0 She slowly approached the door . She heard banging near the basement door . 0 The doctor told her that one of her readings was wrong . Debbie was concerned when her doctor came into the labor room . 0 The cow never got up . There was a lazy cow on Bill 's farm . 1 His sweater was in the washing machine . Robert decided to run in a short sleeved shirt . 0 Suddenly , he turned and ran full speed for the door ! He walked along with them quietly for a short distance . 0 Jason goes to an open microphone poetry reading at a bar . Jason writes many poems . 1 When they got to the restaurant there was a baby screaming . The girls thought it would go away . 0 The ferrets would pee in the house . Amber had two ferrets . 1 The man went to the window and closed the curtains . He went back to the couch to sleep . 0 She then sent him screaming and sprawling off the mountain . Admiring the breathtaking view , she told him she 'd always love him . 0 The apartment was small but the guy seemed wealthy . They ate a nice meal with salad , spaghetti and french fries . 1 She would n't let anyone else sign it until he did . After weeks of waiting Stephan finally signed her cast . 0 I had dropped my diamond earring in the casket . I looked around in the dead man 's coffin . 1 Zach and Trevor 's parents split up when they were young . In court , the dad won split custody of them . 0 Gina usually stayed awake till 1 AM in the summer . Gina lay in bed at her grandma 's house trying to go to sleep . 1 He sewed a brand new dress for his mother . When she received the gift , she was ecstatic . 0 My partners met up at our school 's library . My first speech assignment is due tomorrow . 1 Tim took the test without studying . When he got his grade back , he got every question wrong . 0 He wanted to ask her out on a date . Fred liked Tina . 0 He bought various shovels with him . Riley was on a mission to build the biggest sandcastle on the beach . 1 She asks them to do things that are not their jobs . When she tells them to get to work , she gets dirty looks . 0 We dried it out in rice for a couple of days . A few months later , my husband found the phone in the snow . 1 Ali had been slapped , and had her hair pulled by a bully . Ali did n't want to , but knew she had to fight . 0 Kate is relieved to find out the sound was only an owl . Christy laughs and explains that the sound is an owl hooting . 0 Unfortunately they were short a few cents . They were going to go to the Taco Bell and get something . 1 At last , he decides to get up and watch television . The repetitive chatter of the television gradually lulls Rex to sleep . 1 On the way home from work one day she bought a beer brewing kit . The brewing instructions were complicated but she worked very hard . 0 Justin found out about dog day care . The dog had too much energy for Justin and Sally to handle . 1 Soon , the bugs were flocking to her jar . She was able to get rid of a good portion of the bugs . 0 I took the message to my principal . She told me to top chasing her or else she 's going to kill me . 0 There , his guide met him at the airport . His plane landed in Yemen . 1 Carl was patient and the price of gold gained in price . Carl now looks like he made a smart decision . 1 This kitten was the baby of a feral cat that we knew . The kitten actually nursed on our dog for a year . 0 While her mother went to get a prescription , Sally eyed a teddy bear . Sally went to the drugstore with her mother . 1 I had to call my friend . He helped me get off of the ground . 1 One ball hit and broke his neighbor 's window ! Bob told his neighbor and payed for the damages . 1 My wife has a bad habit of oversleeping . She will snooze her alarm so many times every morning . 1 I put my clothing on . I went outside and got into my car . 1 The elderly neighbor knew how much Dan loved the car . The neighbor decided to give Dan the car . 1 Margaret was about to get married . She was trying on her dress for a last minute alteration . 1 Mina was going through the attic and organizing things . She stumbled across a box that was full of old books . 0 One day , a customer wanted him to help appraise something . Kal prided himself as being the region 's best adjustment clerk . 1 Kay took a small bite , then a larger bit of the pizza . She was pleasantly surprised goat cheese was great on pizza . 1 He got out just in time to catch it . He picked his favorite treats . 0 He would like to find a way to make the wedding special . Rufus is very proud that his son is getting married . 1 When the results were in , the doctor smiled . He told Megan that she was pregnant . 1 They were mad because they did not do well . John helped them study for the big test . 0 However , Maurice works many hours to survive . It is a very difficult job , and it does not pay a lot of money . 0 Best of all , Anna scored an A on the paper ! She wrote a richly detailed paper and she enjoyed doing it . 0 She had a boyfriend named Alain Martha was very insecure with herself 0 I wanted to calculate the terminal velocity of the ball . I decided to drop a ball from the edge . 1 The day of the big game arrived and Albert knew he 'd be ready . The ball was kicked off and the game began . 1 Ted then waved to his girlfriend who was at the front . She was so happy that she let him skip her in line . 1 He decided to learn to play the drums . He took lessons and practiced often . 1 A friend recommends he tries eating omelettes every morning . At first Magnus makes omelettes that are overcooked and too dry . 1 However when we graduated , we moved out of town . We were sad that we would n't see each other . 0 He was so mad . Tim dropped his juice . 0 He started mowing and got close to the open glass door . He went out to start the mower and left the door open . 0 They could n't leave their gate for a week . Their mother insisted they stay in the gate . 0 Nate healed completely and restarted training . John thought he could take time off his training and still beat Nate . 0 They did n't really do anything except look at her . My cute niece kept roaring at the lions . 0 She ran into the house to tell her mom about it . Ali had been in a fight when with her sister on a visit . 1 It loved to play chase in the grass . It played with it 's owner every day . 0 When her dad found out she was grounded for a month . She was n't wearing them when she rode her bike into her Dad 's car . 1 Chad was recently visiting his sister for Christmas . While there , Chad was offered a piece of cake . 1 They spent three hours Trick or Treating . It would take them months to eat all of the candy they collected . 0 She was too afraid of the needle . Miranda said she would , but she did n't intend to . 1 He had Vincent assert his dominance . Vincent asserted his dominance right into Caesar 's butt . 1 Working out daily with more cardio for longer sessions for stamina . I lost enough weight in time for the marathon . 0 He was tall , handsome and rich . I did n't believe in love until I met Edward . 1 He decided to adopt Becky . Becky now has a dad . 0 They planned a vow renewal on their wedding anniversary . It seemed like only yesterday and they wanted to celebrate . 0 I finished the book in four days . I am Chinese and had heard a lot about the novel . 0 Her grandmother changed her mind and decided not to give her a ride . Lucy was upset as she ran to her room . 0 Nathan knew his violence would never prevent his own abuse . He went home and his dad bet him even more that night . 0 He went home and planted the tree in his yard . He bought a tree at a nursery . 1 Marvin wanted a better relationship with his brother He argued all the time and they never had a good relationship . 1 I made a snowball and threw it at her . I aimed for her back but she turned around . 1 Howard 's dad taught him the gas and the wheel and asked him to drive . When Howard backed up , he and his father heard a large crash . 0 Then Anita 's friend offered her a suggestion . But hers was thin and did n't grow very quickly . 0 At the mall , she enjoyed a day of shopping . She enjoyed breakfast and got ready to go to the mall with her parents . 0 I checked and all my cartridges were full . My printer was printing orange and red images . 0 Since he was 60 years old , I doubted that he was good in the game . I challenged my doctor to a match of Tennis . 0 He got the car fixed the next day . He had to call his girlfriend to pick him up . 0 She only had negative things to say about Gina 's house . Jane lived in the nicest house on the block . 1 The mother and son were baking brownies together . The son asked if he could lick the spoon . 0 It was yesterday she made her worst batch ever . Sandra made cookies everyday . 0 He told Megan that she was pregnant . When the results were in , the doctor smiled . 0 They had two beers and stayed for two hours . He went to the local bar and met his friend . 1 She was so scared that her mom was going to scold her . In the end her mom felt bad for her and just told her to be careful . 1 Dominick woke up ready to celebrate his birthday . Him and his brother went outside to play a game of basketball . 1 She put in the tea bag and took a sip . It was delicious . 0 Sally 's family decided to make sugar cookies . Sally is going to make cookies with her family . 1 Victor was moving to a smaller apartment . He had great difficulty fitting his desk into his room . 0 Janice woke up to the sound of rain hitting her window . Her dog had been wanting to see the other dogs ! 0 She remembered that she had stuck a bag in there , long ago . She opened it and saw some horrible trash inside . 0 The detective slapped the suspect across the face . The silence hung in the air very thickly between them . 0 He was sure to preorder the game , so he would be guaranteed a copy . My friend was very excited about a videogame that was releasing . 0 As his dad was about to swing the ax , they heard chirping . They searched for hours before they found the perfect tree . 0 Today , he was taking on a 2-pound burger challenge at a local shop . Randy 's favorite freetime activity is food eating challenges . 1 I like to donate my time to read to children . The children love when I read to them . 1 So he decided to go to a burger place he was passing by . The place was empty and small . 1 He stopped shooting when he saw one missing . Somebody had stole Lucian 's gun ! 1 My eyes immediately jumped to the black heels . When I tried them on it was magic . 0 She was absolutely disgusted by the grout in the bathroom . The people who moved out did n't bother to clean before they left . 0 Josh now had a great suit for his interview . He went to a tailor to have the suit fitted . 0 He went to a doctor and begged for drugs that would help him forget . He could n't seem to shake the awful memories of things that happened . 0 This is the Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance . My nephew just got certified with MAHA . 1 Lucy and her friend Gina were looking for something to do . It was a hot summer day and they wanted to play outside . 1 They threw her a small surprise party . Kate wound up having fun with her friends . 0 On her way to work it began to rain very hard . Susan got in her car to drive to work . 1 He decided to go to the emergency room . Luckily he was going to be okay . 1 Finally , his crop grew . Leonardo ate all the grapes . 1 He tried to get her into running . My mom did not want to run , but she did it anyways . 0 his room is filled with light and sound . Carl turns on the television . 1 She went door to door all over the city , selling cookies . She and her mother set up a stand in front of a grocery store . 1 Tom thought they were wild party animals . Tom watched their antics . 0 So I should study even more . Yet I still feel unprepared . 1 I have seven neighbors . One of my neighbors likes to smoke . 1 At the store she was told they no longer carried the one she chose . Alice was upset to leave the store without a new computer . 0 He opened the box and tried to use it . The biggest present was a car toy he had really wanted . 1 They brought drinks , s'mores ingredients , and sandwich ingredients . The others at the beach had chips , cookies , and some fruit . 0 He ended up resting for days . Todd felt his nose and it was sore . 0 I put the clothes in a large bucket and poured in the dye . When I got home I collected all of my white clothes . 1 Kay wanted a mommy so badly ! She had been in foster care for all six years of her life . 1 But she was n't ready to go to bed . She decided she would read instead . 1 Her release date finally arrived . Esma was released from jail and set free . 0 They arrived to six flags in style . They all pitched in money and rented a car . 0 The soldier did as he said and they waited . He ordered to load the guns and await his orders . 1 After making a far shot , the ball flew and hit a group of guys . They were immediately irritated and stood up from the bleachers . 1 He sold thirty cars one month ! His boss refused to pay him the full commission . 1 As he warmed up , he got nervous . He did not want to let his team down . 0 The air had to be turned on . Flowers started blooming again . 0 He ran to his mom and begged her for a few dollars . It was the ice cream man ! 1 Soon , her back hurts so much she ca n't move . After recovering , Sarah learns to take things more slowly . 0 Usually , the parents will buy the ingredients in advance . The Smith family likes to make pizzas together on Fridays . 0 Then her face lit up happily . Dejected , Amy decided to measure herself . 1 After the movie Tangled Lisa became obsessed with lanterns . Her boyfriend went to the store and saw Chinese lanterns on sale . 1 We had to park very far from the stadium . I 'm overweight so I had trouble walking there . 1 I was feeling hungry . I decided to order a pizza . 1 When Jimmy tried it on , he can barely fit into it . He had to tuck his stomach in the pants since it was extremely short . 1 As the movie went on he noticed he started to feel sick . He had the movie analyzed and the FPS was to high . 0 This includes my friend who threw a chicken breast . Some people got up to throw their food . 0 But he could not afford them . Tim wanted expensive headphones . 1 I decided the dress was too tight and looked unprofessional . Next , I tried on a pantsuit . 0 He decided to go buy some snacks . Jim had five dollars . 0 He smiled and approached her . He spotted a cute girl across the street . 0 Fred 's juke box was a fitting addition to his home theater room . Fred decided to buy one for himself . 1 But he refused to share . Gina stormed out of the room and vowed to get back at him . 1 He made a website advertising a photography service . He passed out business cards and made a client within a month . 1 Bobby wanted a pet monkey . His mother told him he could n't have one . 1 Her foot slid against a potted rose under the window . She realized that she had snapped the roses stem . 1 Billy lived in Anchorage , Alaska . He lived near the indigenous locals . 0 So he starts reading and quoting great works of literature . Jill 's boyfriend is jealous that the ex has more in common with her . 0 He installed them himself . He bought the most expensive ones he could find . 1 As we walked in the park we walked to the ticket booth . As I hand over my ticket , the error sign came up . 0 She put a mark on all of the meals she wanted . Abbey went through the calendar . 1 Alan had to go to the grocery store and buy his own hot dogs . He grilled them up and ate them at home , satisfied . 1 I kept telling her to calm down and listen . She has n't answered my calls all day today her profile says single . 1 Haley was eating a bologna sandwich , worrying about the holidays . She wondered what she was going to do for gifts , having no money . 0 Jack was perplexed until he saw a burrow entrance inside his fence . The next day he discovered that something was still eating his veggies . 1 The couple behind him honked at him . He waved and took his time leaving . 1 She enrolled in a MFA program and moved to New York City . She hung out with other writers , and got to know the city well . 0 They were wrestling playfully on the floor . Hannah was fighting with her friend . 1 Her mom bought her a Chinese outfit , but Ellie did not like it . Ellie did wear the outfit and was happy when she went to daycare . 0 After a few hours his favorite show is about to come on . But Cade still refuses to clean his room . 1 She looked at the price tag and it was $ 800 . To her surprise , her mother offered to buy the nice belt . 1 My friend was being mean to me . I decided to put some gum in his hair . 1 She cried for about ten minutes . I told her I had a surprise for her . 0 Pat decided to exact revenge on Ben . Ben had stolen Pat 's remote control . 1 Fifteen minutes later i finally found one . I was late for work , next year I 'll leave early . 0 She used the apples to cook a homemade apple pie . Claire drove home to begin cleaning the fruit . 1 I went to a Korean barbecue restaurant with some friends . They ordered beef tongue for us to eat . 1 He went to the homeless shelter . There were many homeless veterans there . 0 When I started climbing I lost balance . I put on the harness and the helmet . 0 She noticed a dead fly in her food . Jane was eating at a fancy restaurant . 0 The woman responded by yelling at him and threatening him . Sean felt uncomfortable and asked the woman to stop . 0 He went to the hot dog stand . Billy was very hungry . 1 We began to clean the dusty living room . Suddenly a mouse ran across the room ! 1 My favorite thing to do is curls . But I think I may be neglecting my chest muscles . 1 She stayed late when her boss asked . Sarah 's boss told her he 'd give her the raise . 1 He , and the other miners , had even given it a name . Today it had stopped chirping and dropped dead . 0 He was still down when we ended our lunch . We were sad and tried to cheer him up . 1 When I turned 21 they took me with them . I had no luck with the slot machines or betting on the races . 0 He fell and all the pizzas fell onto the ground . He tripped over a rock on the street . 0 I tried talking to the neighbors who did n't seem to care . He barks all day and all night . 1 Amy picked everything up and hid it under her bed instead . She ran outside , but her mom was suspicious about how fast she was . 0 So she hires someone to pretend to be her boyfriend . The lie works until her parents come for a visit . 1 But she never did because she got lost . Her parents had to find her 3 hours later . 0 She learned her lesson and started to follow the rules again . One day she got caught and got her phone taken away . 0 However to her dismay she fell and skinned her knee . Laura immediately went on it . 0 Our daughter came home safely in January of 2006 . I tried to reassure her but she was worried . 1 Annie never knew his father . He lived alone with his mother and worked for an old man . 1 His brother forgave him but Preston still felt guilty . He apologized to his brother everyday for his actions . 0 Then he hired a guide to help him . He geared up and dressed well . 0 Not even the best deals were worth the hassle that year ! But in the tussling crowd , she was pushed over and broke her wrist . 1 Marcia had a big problem with her addiction . For years now , she spent several hours on Reddit forums each day . 1 Lynn put together a lovely Easter basket for her daughter Katie . Her plan was to put it in the living room before Katie woke up . 1 So he searched his pantry and found oatmeal . Ricky made and ate oatmeal instead of cereal . 1 He was very nervous . He was so nervous that he threw up on the table . 0 He leaves for China in two weeks . Next he passed an entrance exam and a physical . 1 I am going against the defending champion . I have been resting all day to save my energy for the match . 0 Sally recalled the thrill of having her favorite cereal for breakfast . One of her fondest memory was how she spent her Saturday mornings . 1 He printed and copied some poems himself and passed them out . His friends thought his school paper was better than the official one ! 0 Jane kept getting more competitive . It was supposed to be friendly . 1 His doctor recommended that he get more exercise . Jacob started running and eating healthier . 1 Zoe loved playing at the house next door . There , she and her pal found the perfect dollhouse material . 1 Ed is tired of the rain . He misses the beach . 1 She was trembling as she sat down and buckled her belt . She grew even more nervous as the plane lifted off . 1 It was Christmas Eve . Bob felt terrible because he had just gotten laid off . 0 The rainy began to let up and a rainbow appeared . She hurried home . 1 When he got home he was excited . He asked the boy next door to come out and play . 1 It turned out really badly . He decided to never experiment with pasta ever again . 1 My mouth was hit with a basketball in gym class . I knew something was wrong because of all the blood . 0 Elated , Ella left with the perfect acne-hiding foundation ! The girl matched Ella 's fair skin to a perfect foundation . 0 The coffee did nothing to perk her up . Nothing she did to try to stay awake for work was helping . 0 All the people thanked Jim for his preparedness . Jim had remembered to bring a flashlight and led everyone back . 1 They were going to go to the Taco Bell and get something . Unfortunately they were short a few cents . 0 Larissa was n't expecting to have her name drawn . That day , the teacher was drawing names . 0 Nick began to act stupidly and fell off a table . Nick mingled with people and drank alcohol . 0 Tiffany 's internet died and she did not make it onto the team . They invited her and began the practice try outs . 0 If it were n't for his sharp senses , Cody would have missed the pack . As they hiked , Adam spotted some wolves in the distance . 1 It caused a backup that Stan could not fix . He had to call a plumber . 1 It was in Whitman , 20 miles away from Boston . I drove her there and waited in the eating area . 1 She wanted more than anything in the world to see it . She suffered through another round of therapy . 1 She recognized warning signs of depression . Thus , she went to see a therapist to help her . 0 A nail had popped a hole in it . A terrible noise came from the tire . 1 When the coffee was ready , I grabbed the coffee pot to pour a glass . My hand recoiled from the heat and I dropped the glass on the floor . 1 He did his best . The teacher gave him a passing grade . 0 First , he lied to his parents about his report card . Billy had a habit of telling convenient lies . 0 She decided not to abort it . She could not raise a baby on her own . 0 The room was comfortable for only three seasons , as designed . The patio room was a much needed addition to the small house . 1 Ella found an old oil lamp at a thrift store . She bought it eagerly . 1 Luckily his nerves did not affect his performance . Kevin 's team eventually won . 1 Unfortunately it started to rain . The parade was ruined . 0 He had prepared all week . Timmy was excited for show and tell today . 0 Tom 's friend was very interested and applied . Tom told his friend about the opportunity . 0 She always drops things . My girlfriend is really clumsy . 1 She decided to slowly back up , and walk home . She watched the dog to make sure he did n't move . 1 And thought of how long she has been letting it grow . Lexi cried on her way to the barber shop . 1 All night , she ordered rum with diet soda . She had a great time and saved tons of calories ! 0 The view was amazing from high in the air . The balloon inched higher in the air and Kelsi tensed up . 1 I woke up this morning with a huge appetite . Ready to eat , I opened the box of cereal and poured it into a bowl . 1 Dawn joined and online dating site . Dawn went on many unsuccessful dates . 0 She entered her class and took a seat in the back . Liz kept her mouth tightly closed riding the bus to school . 0 Then , they saw pink frosting meaning it was a girl . They cut into the gender reveal cake . 0 I opened the door and he gave me a package and then I sat back down . I peaked out my window and saw a mailman . 0 I still played along and had a good time . It was n't that funny to me . 0 Dark black smoke rolled out from under the hood of his rig . The truck driver spit out a frustrated profanity . 0 The class he has to go to has an unruly bunch . Mr Thompson is a substitute teacher . 1 Her mom agreed that Jane only stay outside for a few minutes . Jane went outside and rolled around the block . 1 During her office Christmas party , terrorists attacked . The terrorists hurt many people , but John escaped . 1 He kidnapped a woman from a dark street . He lobotomized her while she cried and begged for him to stop . 0 She saw that her toddler had emptied out an entire pack of baby wipes . She went to the bathroom and then came back . 1 She put her fishing equipment in her truck and departed . When she arrived to the lake , she met with her friends . 1 Susan got in her car to drive to work . On her way to work it began to rain very hard . 1 Julia decided to do it anyways . As they left the store , Julia was caught . 0 She 's going to die within two months . Stephanie is diagnosed with a rare disease . 1 Everyone traded their delicious creations with one another . When the party was over , they each had lots of cookies to take home . 0 They commented on my professionalism when I left . However , I tried to maintain a professional tone . 1 The guy before me never wiped it up . I found out who it was and confronted him . 1 She asked me if she looked fat in it . I told her she looked fat . 1 He went to the mall . He shopped until he found the perfect TV . 0 The other team scored on them . The score was tied . 0 Everyone was looking for it . Today , we lost the remote control . 1 All of Aaron 's friends were big on drugs . Aaron wanted to steer clear of it . 1 He did not like Saint John 's and did not go . He took a year off and applied again . 1 My college roommate , Bill , and I were eating in the cafeteria . Bill suggested we steal the cafeteria sign and hang it in our room . 1 He got to the stop at 5:06 , the bus was n't there . The bus rolls up two minutes later and tells Johnny he hit traffic . 1 When she work up Sunday morning it was dark and rainy . The kids were sad they could n't go to the park . 1 Then , he put all of the bowls and plates in . Finally , he put the silverware in the basket . 0 He called it Fred 's Fries . Fred wanted to open up a restaurant . 0 He fell and scraped his elbow . As he was looking over at the water he tripped . 1 She would experience fugue states all the time . At last she went to a doctor who hypnotized her . 0 Anna 's reputation was restored . Then they told others they 'd lied . 0 Now Tina is not shy and loves talking to people . She learned how to make friends and have fun with others . 1 He came across a bush filled with crickets . They were hopping all over the place . 1 Hugo walked around the campus for thirty minutes and gave up . Finally , he found a map of the university . 0 They played in a big game yesterday and won . Johnny played baseball for the local little league team . 1 He received a message online from an actress asking where 's the mag ? He told the actress it did n't sell online . 0 He backtracked to everywhere he 'd been in the previous two hours . Carlos could n't find his keys . 1 Some people got up to throw their food . This includes my friend who threw a chicken breast . 0 I ended up being a half hour late . This time the train was late . 1 Franny had long hair . She was getting tired of styling long hair . 0 He moves his queen forward . Kent is playing a game of chess . 1 She makes me jump faster and higher because I want to the best . I am glad I have someone that I can jump rope with this summer . 1 He was already past the upcoming street . Benny decided to take a shortcut . 1 It was going to be International Day at Rosa 's school on Wednesday . She asked her mother to make a traditional Mexican dish for her class . 0 He walks Max every day . Aaron has a puppy named Max . 1 Although they decided on a dog , they wanted a more specific dog . They went to the pound and looked at all the puppies . 1 I was riding a bike one day , when I was 8 . I tried to ride onto a sand lot . 1 Sam was sad that he never had interesting conversations . He never got to be around anyone interesting . 1 He then played for the high school team . He earned a full ride college scholarship and made his parents proud . 0 She opened the door to see who 's knocking . She heard knocking noises outside . 1 Ivy had a terrible backache . She went out back and climbed into her family 's hot tub . 1 Gavin got everything ready for the party . Everyone waited for the cousin . 1 He went to the nearest gas station to fill up . When he arrived , the station was full of cars . 0 There were a lot of people talking with Boston accents . The food was good and the waitress was friendly . 1 I bought a bag of blow pops from the dollar store . It was my favorite candy as a child . 1 When he gets to the store his favorite brand is on sale . So he stocks up before returning home to make his pizza . 0 After recovering , Sarah learns to take things more slowly . Soon , her back hurts so much she ca n't move . 0 It took several minutes to separate the two dogs . During one walk , an off leash boxer charged the bichon . 1 It was Daniel 's first day on the streets as a cop . He hoped his shift would be uneventful . 1 He does n't like anyone at his job . He decides to quit . 1 I tried to dodge him but ended up slipping . When I looked at my pants , there were grass marks . 0 He was dead . One day she went to his cage to see him . 1 My friend Jim seemed happily married . He and his wife had three sons and seemed affectionate . 1 I ended up getting stuck in traffic . It took twice as long to get there . 1 He went online and ordered a replacement to be sent overnight . All day he tried to make his girlfriend avoid using the laptop . 0 She got all the ingredients together . Lisa decided to have a taco night . 1 He decided to file for unemployment . Tom was happy when he got a fat unemployment check . 1 When she got there , she was able to hold the baby . She now has 1 niece and 2 nephews . 1 She bit into the plantain and was surprised it was still sweet . Kim liked it so much she had another serving . 1 For her birthday she ordered a large chocolate cake . At the party , she cut into the cake and was shocked to see vanilla . 0 She did n't get much sleep the night before due to her dog . Katie had a big presentation at work in the morning . 1 Laura meets with many students across the school to secure votes . On election day , Laura wins by only a few votes . 0 But then a huge snowstorm rolled in . He spent all of his money on bills without any left for food . 1 Bob was an extreme sport enthusiast . His favorite pastime was his gliding squirrel suit . 0 Charles did n't know the classmate was jealous and lying . A classmate told Charles he could make money by clicking his own ads . 0 She ended up so sick she had to get off of her bike . For some reason , she felt like she was dying . 1 Lester notices that he has gained a lot of weight over the Year 's . He decides to begin exercising to lose weight . 0 John crashed into the stop sign . He tried to avoid a bicyclist . 0 When lily got on the field she was shaking . She was incredibly nervous . 0 The school dance was a hit , and they were both home before twelve ! Elizabeth and Ross danced and took pictures with their friends . 1 Sarah had snuck out of her house . She had slept over at her boyfriend 's place . 1 He was very excited when The Avengers : Age of Ultron came out . However , he was very disappointed by it . 0 They walked for fifteen minutes to the nearby mall . She had looked forward to this all week long . 1 Ken decided to get naked and wash the clothes he was wearing . He ran out of money by the time he needed to use the driers . 0 Sam could n't hold Bella anymore and she broke away running . Bella pulled and pulled on the leash . 0 She and Maya both got to ride on horses . Her mom took her to a range where rides were offered . 0 Kim went to the kitchen and took out every sauce she had . Everyone complained that they were tired of hot wings . 0 The delivery man knocked on my door . I was doing my math homework during the afternoon . 1 It dropped to the ground . I had ten seconds to pick it up . 0 Ben turned them on and the house looked great . Ben spent hours putting up Christmas lights . 1 Jake came into class one morning and saw a new kid . He decided to approach him and say hi . 0 One day , a nice old man came to her door . The reason she was so mean is because she was lonely . 1 Sarah felt unusually confident that day . She stepped up to the line and made the shot . 0 Disagreements began to erupt between moderators and administration . A great internet forum was visited daily by many people . 0 All of a sudden another big dog comes toward us . I took my dog to the park the other day . 0 He took his son to the shop and they picked a cool one . Jeremy decided his son was responsible enough for a bike . 1 Suddenly , the other ducks noticed and came over . We watched as the family ran away from a flock of demanding ducks . 0 She ate really fast . She decided to get a big dinner . 1 Lucy was sitting on the porch in front of her grandparents . A truck stopped with a picture of a cow on the side . 0 Luckily Jim has a gas can in his car . Jim is driving home when he runs out of gas . 0 He ended up telling his parents and they had to sign his report card . The teacher required him to retake the course . 1 Chris was craving a hamburger . He did n't have buns , so he used a bagel . 0 Her song was an 80 's dance melody . Emily had her first dance solo this year . 1 Ann was sledding down a steep hill . Suddenly her sled veered off the smooth path . 0 She cooked up all she had for her diners . But she found that she had plenty of meat and veggies . 0 Then she saw a huge , beautiful seashell among them ! She sifted through the shore rocks idly . 0 After an hour , I decided to walk home . I called my mom and she said that she 's on her way . 1 John wants to be an actor real bad . He dropped out of school and moved to Hollywood . 0 He went into the bank to demand money from the vault . He decided to rob a bank . 1 Jay pushed his father partly down the stairs . The older man erupted and began to hit Jay . 1 One person did not . He got guilty when I visited work one day . 0 She was so exhausted that she fell asleep on the bus back home . Sarah had to make-up 3 tests that day . 1 Tom was working at a coffee shop . He was dissatisfied with the internet speeds . 1 Janet wanted a new hair do . She decided to get a perm . 0 Her sister ran past her into the living room . Gina was in the kitchen looking for a snack . 0 She plucked a few strings . She wanted to learn to play like a rock star ! 0 He found some motivational music that really inspired and fueled him . He noticed he got tired after a short time . 1 Slowly turning around she saw a mountain lion crouching down . Kristi had been a girl scout so she knew what to do . 1 He missed his daddy . His daddy was at work . 1 Lindsay went for a walk around the local duck pond . When she got there , there were children pointing at all the ducks . 0 Halfway through she realized she did n't have enough bins . She pulled everything out of the closet and began to put it in bins . 0 He put all his ornaments on it . It was large tree . 0 He was on a mission to see the world ! Neil had been backpacking for months . 1 I am a college graduate who just moved back in with my mom . I have no money and student loans . 0 I set up the interview for friday . He asked if I was interested in a job at the correctional facility . 1 As he got dressed , he became violently sick and threw up . His mom decided that he was too sick for school . 1 He fell on a boulder in his mom 's flower garden . Sam was rushed to the hospital for a concussion . 0 It was a dream come true for Edward . One team offered him a very lucrative contract . 1 She checked herself in the mirror . When her date arrived , she smiled broadly . 0 Before getting mad , I decided to ask him a few questions . He said that he dislikes what I 'm doing . 0 Polly wrote to the address and waited . The letter said it was from a pen pal who wanted to find a friend . 1 Soon , she realized that her date was n't going to show up . When she got home , she found out that it had been a mean joke . 0 He thought the ancient site was awe-inspiring ! Neil took many photographs of Petra . 1 Yvonne wanted a new car for Christmas . Her husband went to the car dealer to see the cars available . 1 They said they were handling the recruiting for the big company . Later , the agency said that company was n't hiring but others were . 1 The torrential rainy came into the car through a crack in a window . The family was able to huddle together for shelter in a barn . 1 Finally he decided he might need a new pair of shoes . After his first day at work wearing his new shoes , Jasper felt great . 1 He also spends a lot of time doing research on each candidate . Connor feels that he has gained enough information to make a choice . 1 She decided to get up and ride her bike . She went outside but it was night time . 0 Finally he changes his pants . He notices that his legs are starting to itch . 0 When he got to the park , he got a corn dog from the vendor . Mike decided to spend the sunny afternoon in the park . 0 She then slipped and threw the pan of hot fudge into the air . She was stirring and stirring the hot fudge . 0 It took about 20 minutes . When Lewis sat down the interviewer asked him numerous questions . 1 Once the seeds started sprouting , she could n't wait to harvest . However , something was eating her beans and tomatoes ! 1 The bowl was glass so the mouse could not climb out . I told my mother . 1 Jill was invited to a party . She decided to bake cookies for everyone . 1 Then he saw a homeless man peek his head out and ask for a dollar . Sam gave him ten dollars for a new outfit . 0 I am not a fan of fruitcake . My German Aunt would make Fruit Cake for my birthday every December . 0 Thus , she went to see a therapist to help her . She recognized warning signs of depression . 0 He pretended to be sick not realizing he actually was . The next morning he woke up with a sore throat and cough . 1 My daughter received a new laptop to replace a broken one . A day after she got it she told me that she broke the new one . 0 My mom told me that we got caught in traffic . Once I woke up , I notice that we have n't moved much . 1 He made strides in the field of medicine . He is teaching others in field . 1 Sarah got a job as a research technician . She worked very hard for two years . 0 They ended up making out the entire time . He invited his friend , Jess to study with him . 1 Now she was a senior at it was her last chance . She held her breath as the principal called the name of the girls . 0 She she asked him and he said yes . It was too much work to do herself . 0 We brought jars with holes in the lids . I was outside with my wife one day . 0 He finished the run and was relieved his ipod did n't get wet . He ran under a bridge and ate a snack until the rainy stopped . 1 The police determined he 'd been killed by a blunt object . They could n't find the murder weapon . 0 Jamie arrives early in excitement . She books an appointment at a salon . 0 He started throwing up . Lou woke up feeling rather sick one morning . 0 One day he started running . He played with my son outdoors . 0 He kept making bad calls . This Referee had no idea what he was doing . 1 My close friend , Dennis , was chosen as one of the competitors . Dennis took his time and eventually missed badly . 1 She had come down with the flu . She spent all day in bed . 1 For some reason , she felt like she was dying . She ended up so sick she had to get off of her bike . 0 One day , I decided to become a vegan . I loved to eat meat . 0 She brought her daughter Faith with her . Carla came over to my house to do a craft project . 1 Sasha spotted a spider . She told her husband . 0 When she had finished , Carrie brought the list to her parents . She began writing a long list of reasons why she should have a dog . 1 She was wishing that something good could just happen for her . She went for a walk and found $ 270 laying in the grass in a bare lot . 0 It was a hot summer day and they wanted to play outside . Lucy and her friend Gina were looking for something to do . 1 When Sarah was young she always worked in the garden with her mother . Now that her mother has passed away , Sarah misses those days . 1 Kay realized she had dated half of the boys in the group . Kay went back home and felt proud to be popular . 1 Suddenly , my computer froze . I decided to ask my neighbor if he could fix it . 0 Grayson did n't know he would like dogs so much . Instead , his parents got him a dog . 0 Her friend backed out on a music festival and she invited JD to join . Almost immediately , an attractive colleague approached him . 1 Sam normally did n't like mornings . Last Tuesday he awoke excited . 0 Ed threw it too hard and it sailed over Donna 's head . Ed and Donna were playing frisbee by the edge of the woods . 0 She could n't reach the passenger side when parked at the curb . Gina was cleaning the snow off of her car in the middle of the street . 1 Ken was out of food . He decided to go get bread . 0 I decided to put some gum in his hair . My friend was being mean to me . 1 A bee was on the ground and he stepped on it ! The bee stung him . 1 Tim won 9 games ! I was astounded , but I congratulated him . 0 The internet gave me some clues but it was not much help . I read many articles about who he was but still was not sure . 1 Bernie made a huge difference to the middle class and poor . Everyone loves Bernie . 0 His camping partners returned and the tent looked like a mess . He struggled and struggled but could n't get the tent erect . 0 He wanted to show it off . Jake had a new car . 0 He told stories the friends could n't believe . Jin came up to the group and introduced himself . 0 She made sure that she always lived life to its fullest . She began to appreciate the friendships and family she had . 1 They went back to school that afternoon . They can not wait to go back . 0 Her cake had pink and purple flowers on it . She had lots of presents . 1 The kids tummies hurt by the time they went to bed that night . They were full of the delicious treat ! 1 Out of nowhere a clap of thunder was heard . Jerry looked at the sky and it had suddenly turned menacing . 1 Rico is a green and yellow Cockatiel bird . Rico 's favorite snack was green peas . 0 At age 50 , Jon still ca n't control his temper . His mother came to the school and defended him . 0 Kate wound up having fun with her friends . They threw her a small surprise party . 1 But her family was very poor and candy was too expensive . So poor Bree was despondent , until she had a great idea . 0 Her mother made her narrow it down to 3 books . She wanted to check the all out . 1 The girls thought maybe it was time to return to class . Just then a teacher came around the corner and saw them . 1 Hannah was turning ten years old . So she decided to throw a birthday party . 1 She figured it would be gone the next day . But when she sat down at her computer , it still hurt . 1 Jessica invited Tom to a gala . Tom graciously accepted . 0 Jay pushed his dad away . Her dad grabbed the teen by the collar . 1 Jill got a balloon for her birthday . It was blue with stars on it . 1 She chose a pink color that she liked . She went home and painted her room pink by herself . 1 She was upset since it took her months to find her first job . She applied at a lot of stores near her home . 1 When she got home she found a box of chocolates from her dad . Mina felt super loved when she seen her surprise from her dad . 1 He finally found the perfect one . He bought it and trashed his old one . 1 Tina went on the tower of terror ride . Unexpectedly she dropped to the ground . 1 The representative reminded her she was covered for a rental car . Patty arranged for the rental car and began to feel better . 0 Beth ran off the bus and into the house . She looked up to see the girl who tripped her laughing with a friend . 1 I went home and got a can of soda . I spilled it over the car hood . 0 Soon Terry found himself lost in the jungle with no idea where to go . While taking the trip , he began to wander away from the tour group . 0 Today I am better off financially because of that Money Class . I applied what I had learned rules to my paycheck . 1 I ended up spilling sauce on it . I then had to clean it up . 1 As he drove up one morning he saw flashing lights and sirens . The diner was on fire ! 1 He ended up losing control , and fell . He went home and his mom saw his knees , but helped him heal . 0 This proved to be a terrible choice for a collection . Tina collected old newspapers . 0 Her friends decided to ride the roller coaster one time , so she joined Everytime she went to a carnival she would avoid them . 0 Devon scored the winning goal at the match . He practiced every day for the match . 0 So he began building other pieces of furniture too . He thought the process of building a desk was fun . 1 Katie was going to be late on her first day ! She could n't wait for a cab to get here . 1 All of the bags in the store looked absolutely wonderful . Kim settled on a traditional monogram bag and her mother paid for it . 0 To be a good friend Joe forced a laugh anyway . Joe did not enjoy the joke because it was told so aggressively . 1 Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools . Because of his cheap tools , the table looked slightly off . 1 She was going to fight the girl again . All she had to do was bide her time . 1 She yelled for her mom . Her mom took the girl and the cat to the hospital . 1 People were giving him nickels and dimes . Mary decided to do more to help him . 0 She knew the store 's bright lights would make it worse . Amy had a headache when she was shopping for groceries . 0 His dad , the farmer , said if the cow means that much we wo n't kill it . In the middle of the night he went to release the cow but got caught . 1 She ate corndogs and fried ice cream . After an hour , she felt queasy . 1 His father also takes him out bird watching to bond with him . Together they record a number of different birds in the area . 0 Before Coby could choose , Berry put both pieces in his mouth . Berry agreed and the went to cut it . 1 Jeremy was going to make chicken soup . Then , he realized that he 'd forgotten to thaw the chicken . 0 He began to grow plants in his house and sell them to friends . Timmy was a hardcore marijuana consumer and wanted to grow it . 0 He spent the next twenty minutes cleaning the floor up . He accidentally knocked over the can of paint . 1 The stranger denied vulgarly . Later a homeless man was asked for the one slice he had left . 1 But , I was n't being careful . The jackhammer dug into my toe . 0 l learned that there are two women presidential candidates . Recently I researched the candidates running for president . 1 She had always wanted to be more like them . She started wearing makeup to look like them . 0 She was getting tired of styling long hair . Franny had long hair . 1 The other two corners were occupied by churches . Gina liked to sleep in late on the weekends . 0 She loaded up her PowerPoint on her laptop . She had prepared all week for this presentation . 1 The girls were 4th year medical students . On Friday they received an email . 0 He took out the nail and cursed his poor luck . When he got home the tire was totally flat . 1 She wrote a richly detailed paper and she enjoyed doing it . Best of all , Anna scored an A on the paper ! 1 He needed a change , so he sold the big house . He also sold his large scale items and bought a tiny house . 1 The man refused to get down from the tree . They waited for hours . 1 Once Lori was legally Elizabeth she decided that Beth suited her more . The name she liked was LoriBeth to be precise . 1 Beth was late coming home to take her dog out . So he defecated on the floor . 0 Then he was careful to be polite and well-read . He dressed well . 0 Bailey fell on his bottom because it was so slick . Stepping out onto it he quickly learned there was ice underneath ! 0 Connor feels that he has gained enough information to make a choice . He also spends a lot of time doing research on each candidate . 0 His dad was too tired from work . Ken wanted to play catch with his dad . 0 She will snooze her alarm so many times every morning . My wife has a bad habit of oversleeping . 0 She could n't find it anywhere . Lexi was looking for her favorite toy doll . 0 The old man offers to buy him new shoes . One day while walking he gets stopped by an old man on the street . 0 Jim hated being broke . He could barely afford food . 0 So last week she pretended to be sick to get out of it . It hurt her feelings knowing nobody wanted her . 1 I tried to counsel them by mediating an argument . Out of nowhere , she started screaming louder and louder . 1 Susan decided to ask someone for directions . Luckily they were close to their destination as it turns out . 0 Vinnie went back in with his shoulders slumped down . He told Vinnie that the beach was closed . 1 The cake was so big he could n't get his mouth around it . He made a big mess of himself as he ate . 1 I am going to watch their cats . They will return in 3 days . 1 One of my favorite chairs was the wooden one I owned . I absolutely loved that chair . 0 In addition , the table broke into pieces . One of the legs ended up breaking . 1 Nancy was trying to cut down on her sugar . She decided on an easy way to do it . 1 Her new boyfriend really hated the habit . Jane agreed to quit for him . 0 his bus was delayed and then broke down . Carl set out for a trip to the beach . 0 He had to throw it out . He looked at it and it was chunky . 0 He ran all the drills and completed all of the plays . When the day came for tryouts , he was very nervous . 1 Matthew just finished reading Book 2 of the Warrior Cats series . He went to the library to check out Book 3 0 At school she checked her locker and asked her teacher about it . She looked all over her room but it was n't there . 1 He searched online for the best rates . He found the cheapest through Geico . 1 River was going camping in the Rockies . He heard a loud noise outside his tent one night . 0 In high school , girls liked to hear him play . He quickly became proficient after diligent practicing . 1 Amy and Charles were going shopping for an engagement ring . They went to the mall and visited Kay Jewelers . 1 The car in front of him stopped suddenly . Liam hit the car very hard . 0 So , I drove around looking for somewhere to eat . However , I did n't want to cook as I had just cleaned my kitchen . 0 One day Jim was accused of cheating . And she unfairly accused students of cheating . 1 Five weeks before the race he trained every day . On the day of the race he felt great and achieved his goal . 1 Tom saw many beautiful trees . Tom took the scenic way home . 0 The repetitive chatter of the television gradually lulls Rex to sleep . At last , he decides to get up and watch television . 1 It was 30 minutes past his wake up time . John missed his flight to the meeting 1 A kid in Ethan 's class had the whooping cough . His baby sister started getting sick and coughing . 1 I was in the seventh grade and Norman was the class bully . In a game of football I knocked Norman down . 0 As always , he brought his teacher an apple . He was the teacher 's pet from the start of the school year . 1 We were sad and tried to cheer him up . He was still down when we ended our lunch . 1 I grabbed the dirt with my hands and threw it up in the air . I was ready to start this new life of farming with my mom . 0 When the time came , Tom climbed the mountain like a champ . His friends had him practice for a whole month . 1 People knew him as a suspicious character . One day , he was bothering a student about getting drugs from him . 1 Patty baked a cake from scratch . The party was a success thanks to Patty . 0 Rick was able to get a new phone through his insurance . Rick picked up the pieces afterwards . 0 She enjoyed it even more because it was free . She decided that she may as well get a big sandwich . 0 He realizes he 's dreaming and goes back to a peaceful sleep . He wakes up in a sweat thinking that he missed a deadline . 0 He gave it to Sara . Alex looked under a tree and did find one . 1 And gathered lots of materials . When it was Halloween , everyone was impressed by her costume . 1 She started riding down a hill . Suddenly , she picked up way too much speed . 0 Unfortunately , the tuition for my classes was not covered . In addition , I applied a week before the next semester started . 0 They decided to walk to the general store . They needed something to cool down . 0 Taylor realized it was going to be a different kind of summer for him . His buddies were steamed , but Taylor was smitten with the young lady . 0 Everyone was very excited . Therefore when they found out she was having a boy they freaked . 1 He finally tried soup . Soup is now Cody 's favorite dish . 0 She still got soaked . She ran faster to make it home sooner . 0 He took it to his friend who was good with computers . Josh 's computer kept getting viruses and he did n't know why . 1 He invited his friend , Jess to study with him . They ended up making out the entire time . 0 He hated everything about it -- the heat , the sweat , the brightness . As the sun shined on him , he thought about how much he hated summer . 1 As a young child his employment options were limited . Jason decided to mow lawns for money . 0 After many months he became proficient at the language . She watched tutorials on youtube . 0 I decided to make my own . Alas , the sweaters at the mall were too expensive . 1 He could not wait for the crossing signal at the crosswalk . In deciding to cross the street , Jerry got stopped by a cop . 0 Jordan is excited to set up her dorm . Her mom took her to Target to buy new bed sheets . 1 Her hat was blown away and so was her umbrella . She could have gotten hurt and learned her lesson . 1 There were n't fish in the lake but they did n't know that . For hours they had their poles in the water and waited . 0 He forgot to eat . He played the game for hours straight . 1 I researched my idea online . I learned no one is making or selling my product . 0 He lobotomized her while she cried and begged for him to stop . He kidnapped a woman from a dark street . 0 She finally admitted that she was wrong about blind dates . Within a year , they were serious and talking about marriage . 1 The elder was walking around the store . After he picked up several groceries , he dropped them . 0 Sometimes we wondered if people chipped in to buy them for her . It seemed like every week it was a new guy . 0 She has n't answered my calls all day today her profile says single . I kept telling her to calm down and listen . 1 When she carried in her groceries she saw the bag leaking . The carton of eggs were squished . 1 She loved coming to work and seeing all of the animals . Sandra went to look at the polar bears during her lunch break . 0 Then , she spied on her match 's social media and wish list . She received her match . 0 Soon they both began to love it . She happily brought one home . 0 He got a mop and a broom at the store . He decided he needed cleaning equipment to clean it . 0 He started his own YouTube channel . Phil wanted to be an actor . 1 Gina normally despised her siblings . But now that they were here , she would no longer be bored . 0 Her plan was to put it in the living room before Katie woke up . Lynn put together a lovely Easter basket for her daughter Katie . 0 I went to visit her at her home . I traced her phone number to her house . 1 I got my brother a gift card for Christmas . The company let me design my card . 0 Her mom is sad , as she does n't want her baby to grow up . He wants to set it up in two weeks . 0 After a storm I found a litter of kittens in the woods . A few summers ago I worked at a campground . 1 Chad and his friends worked hard , and finished the closet . Chad was glad to have a new closet in his house . 1 When he returned Amy checked his height again . She was surprised to see he grew 6 inches in 2 months . 1 When they got there , the weather was beautiful . Yet unfortunately they got shocked by a storm . 0 It looks like xylophone , but has black keys . My son bought me a glockenspiel for my birthday . 1 Tawny was out with her boyfriend . Her parents called asking if she wanted to bring him over for dinner . 1 She was really worried she would n't be able to go . She ended up feeling well enough to see the show ! 0 Unfortunately she took a slip and fall down the stairs . Kelly had been wearing glasses for the longest time . 1 She decided she was going to teach her a lesson . Alison gave Tammy orange juice , telling her there was alcohol in it . 1 Abby was excited about going to the animal adoption fair . Her father had promised her that she could get a pet ! 1 A terrible noise came from the tire . A nail had popped a hole in it . 0 Sheila simply smiled and nodded . Co-workers complimented the coat and asked if it was real . 1 My parents decided to buy me a new one . We named him Bruno . 1 They learned about all kinds of animals . When they were done , they bought souvenirs to remember it . 1 Our starting quarterback left the game since he got hurt . The team did n't want Brad to replace his position . 0 There , he broke it into pieces . He took it to the park . 0 So Amy had to sneak and see him without them knowing . But her parents did n't like that he was older than her . 0 After the session , Charles ' mom kept her word and gave him $ 5,000 . Charles agreed and the therapist asked about his feelings for his mom . 0 As she got upset she ordered a new cone . After she paid she accidentally dropped the cone . 0 Every day after school , she studied with him . Then her parents hired her a tutor . 1 He always won arguments with his friends . He decided to join debate class . 1 She enjoyed it greatly and wanted more . An hour later she crept back in and stole another slice . 1 Laura had her first baby and was so happy . She loved being a mother but was sad about the changes in her body . 0 Ziggy jumped up onto the chair . He forgot to push his chair all the way in . 1 Since she was a little girl , Helen was afraid to look under the bed . Now that she was grown up , she knew there were n't any monsters . 0 I agreed reluctantly . My mother recommended we try some sashimi . 1 One day he took him to a park . A thief stole Michaels pet bear . 0 She was determined to have the highest sales . She had uncapped commissions . 1 Samantha was at a pizza party . She and some other kids were checking out a crane game . 1 It was almost time for dinner and the soccer match was tied . With less than a minute left , Michael scored the winning goal ! 1 Shawn graduated high school in 1988 . He took a year off before he returned to school in the fall of 1989 . 1 After she paid she accidentally dropped the cone . As she got upset she ordered a new cone . 1 Gina 's grandma was n't able to clean her house well . The left side of her body was paralyzed in a stroke . 1 While he was sleeping he began to choke on his saliva . The choking woke him up quite abruptly . 1 We stayed at a hotel in Indianapolis . When I opened the window Saturday morning , it was pouring snow ! 0 When he finished , Judy was excited to see the results . Judy brought a picture of Hamill to her stylist . 0 People at work would complain . He stopped brushing his teeth everyday . 0 She has hired a personal trainer . She now has four months to get ready for state competition . 1 Marnie did not love Charles . Charles found a rose in a garden . 0 She spent four years getting a political science degree . Ginger wanted to be a lawyer . 0 Then , she decided to go see her old house . She was really nostalgic visiting the old places . 1 He was n't able to understand sheet music so he got a tutor . Over the course of several lessons , his basic skills got better . 1 Manny struggled with his headaches . He had headaches almost everyday . 1 She saw a ghost ! It was just her brother under a sheet . 1 He ate a lot of food during the holiday and the following days . Ronnie realized that all his progress had been erased by the eating ! 1 She decided to go to the doctor . The doctor ran some tests and told Andrea that she was pregnant . 1 Jaden went on a week long hike . His pack was quite heavy at 25 kilograms . 0 She could n't wait to visit the school library to find a new book . Amy loved Beverly Cleary books . 0 So she put a band-aid under her eye they way they did . She could n't afford to dress like them . 1 Elaine is a seamstress for her local community . Elaine was contacted by a pageant contestant to make an evening gown . 1 We went to a local barber so I could get a haircut . Then we went to a local coffee shop . 1 As the children got older , they lost interest in going to the beach . The family thought long and hard about what to do for vacation . 0 The movers carefully loaded the van with my valuables . The moving van arrived promptly at nine o'clock . 1 He began to make a list of everyone he wanted to invite . The list started small but grew as he remembered more people . 0 The kids followed the clue to the basement , they are excited . The first egg was in the chimney , with a clue . 1 Jill tried to defend her opponent . Her opponent was twice her size , so she had difficulty blocking her . 1 Someone must have released their fish there . The fish grew huge . 0 Sally suddenly went into labor there in the pumpkin patch . Their first child was delighted to play with the pumpkins . 0 One day , the old bike broke down for the last time . They drove through Chile on an old motorcycle . 1 After a few battles , I started the game over . This time I created better characters , I thought . 1 Ashleigh challenged herself to got to the gym every day for a month . Ashleigh had lost five pounds at the end of the month . 0 Amanda got home and forgot about the assignment for hours . The teacher asked for the students to finish a novel by tomorrow . 0 Some of them did n't light up . She put lights on it . 1 When they arrived , grandma was happy to see them . They spent the next week at grandma 's like usual . 1 She had to go to the hospital to be induced . Finally , the baby arrived . 1 She stayed up studying the cold night before too . The morning of the test , she woke up sick . 0 He is now running for mayor and is expected to win . He solved problems within the neighborhood . 0 To her surprise , her mother offered to buy the nice belt . She looked at the price tag and it was $ 800 . 1 Adam had never tasted beer before . He agreed to try it . 1 But one day she could n't resist a milkshake . It was so delicious ! 0 The advertising man called his best musician to help . A man went to an advertising agency to promote his product . 1 Finally he landed a sales job where he could open and close his sales . Now Charles is making $ 3,000 per week . 1 A big wave suddenly hit them and Lucy 's ring fell off ! Her husband dove down with his goggles and luckily found her ring . 1 He bought a snicker bar , which cost him 50 cents . With only fifty cents left , Simba made a collect call home . 0 Tony ends up stocking shelves at a grocery store . Tony is unsuccessful in his search . 0 It turned out to be a very rare coin that he did n't have . He picked it up and rushed home to inspect it . 0 They were laden with ripe fruit . Anna saw raspberry bushes in the forest on a hike one day . 0 Out from the brush popped two deer . Beginning to feel discouraged they sat down . 1 She cut and stitched and decorated , working hard . She was so nervous that her mom would n't like the hat . 0 She was excited to try the cupcake so she ate one in the car . One day at the bakery she spotted a s'more cupcake . 0 He apologized to his brother everyday for his actions . His brother forgave him but Preston still felt guilty . 0 But Alex got hired right after school - as a book critic ! They worried he 'd have a hard time finding a job . 0 After a month she decided it was too much work . She also tried hard to maintain the cleanliness during the week . 1 I dropped my bicycle and ran all the way home . To this day I hate cicadas ! 0 Anna 's boss was upset and warned her not to be late again . She got to work 30 minutes late . 0 When she plugged it back in , she was very nervous it would not work . She unplugged it immediately and let it dry out for a day . 1 Kal prided himself as being the region 's best adjustment clerk . One day , a customer wanted him to help appraise something . 1 Once I woke up , I notice that we have n't moved much . My mom told me that we got caught in traffic . 1 Maria then put on a life jacket since she did not know how to swim . Her instructor worked on Maria using her arms and legs to swim . 1 But as the pedicure progressed , she relaxed . Ivy ended up looking forward to her NEXT pedicure ! 0 The paper boy picked up the unwanted newspaper and went onwards . The paper boy was shocked that someone would throw back a paper . 0 He picked his favorite treats . He got out just in time to catch it . 1 Thousands of dollars changed hands every night . To them , it was just a game . 0 It takes him a long time to get his necktie knotted . Warren decides to dress in a suit for the interview . 1 She had looked forward to this all week long . They walked for fifteen minutes to the nearby mall . 0 The court ruled in his mom 's favor , and Mike moved away . Mike cried and said he wanted to be with his dad . 1 Everything burned up except for one box of comics . He had shielded his Superman ones . 0 I cooked the ingredients separately , then combined them . I went to the store and picked up beef and beans . 0 Gina knew she had been laying there for a long time . The bully and her friends were taunting her . 0 He made plans once again , hoping this time would be different . He 'd always made plans in the past , only to have them fall through . 1 She followed the instructions to make a homemade duct tape wallet . Tiffi 's new wallet was so cool - and , best of all , it was free ! 0 She asked her mother to make a traditional Mexican dish for her class . It was going to be International Day at Rosa 's school on Wednesday . 1 The only problem is that he 's never worked out before . His buddy Jeff is going to go to the gym with him tomorrow . 0 She saw a white object moving in the ditch . Brenda was driving down a country road one day . 1 I spit it out to see what it was . It was a dead cockroach . 1 She made sure that the closet was locked at all times . When her kids tried to break into it she could always tell . 1 He was very nervous that they 'd hate him . But during dinner , everyone laughed and had a good time ! 1 My friend invited me to a party . First we all met up together . 0 She took her green shirt off of the hanger . Mary went to her closet to find something to wear . 1 A fire had started in the basement of her house . She arrived home to see her boys standing out front . 0 Before she bought tickets , she heard about a contest on the radio . She finally decided to buy tickets . 0 Carl now looks like he made a smart decision . Carl was patient and the price of gold gained in price . 1 I could finally eat gum . I went to the store and bought some gum . 0 He spent all day at football practice running drills . Louie was the most athletic kid in school . 0 An hour later she crept back in and stole another slice . She enjoyed it greatly and wanted more . 0 He never went to Chinatown . Sean travels to NYC frequently . 1 My daughter and I like to go out for breakfast when I 'm off work . She always wants to go to McDonalds when we go out . 0 Mary 's bicycle slid on an icy patch and fell . It began snowing heavily before she got there . 1 He dribbled left and right past the defender . He leaped in the air . 1 Jane decided to try it . And only bought almond milk from then on . 0 Sam was excited for the warmer weather . It was nearing the beginning of spring . 0 After giving some thought , Elaine decided that early morning was best . Elaine needed to find a time that would be suitable for walking . 0 It said the town would be split up and separated into two halves . A notice was put up in the town square . 1 He grabbed the salt shaker to salt his fries . The lid came off mid-shake . 1 Finally she tried a Barbie doll leg . It was n't a perfect fit , but it did fit . 1 Tom loved to get mail . He had a pen pal from China . 1 Jill 's boyfriend is jealous that the ex has more in common with her . So he starts reading and quoting great works of literature . 1 Eventually , Bob let his Mike have the baseball . But Mike noticed a faded signature on it . 0 There , he saw the amazing phenomenon . He kayaked through the Maldives . 0 I placed an order for a set of soft tacos . Since I was hungry , I decided to go through the drive-thru . 0 Because of his cheap tools , the table looked slightly off . Mitch built a coffee table using cheap tools . 1 He drove to Nancy 's house to pick her up . On the way to her house he crashed the car . 0 After weeks of waiting Stephan finally signed her cast . She would n't let anyone else sign it until he did . 0 I watched as dogs came in and was adopted out . I volunteered at an animal shelter over the summer . 1 His friends thought they did n't like them whenever he declined . Eventually he felt bad and started going . 0 Adam asked the boss what he was going to do to him . The boss told him he had not been doing a very good job . 1 They got home late afterwards . Alex had a hard time waking up the next morning . 0 We got home in the evening , tired . It was too cold to swim so the kids hunted sea shells . 0 It was the best birthday . They all had presents and a big cake . 0 At last she went to a doctor who hypnotized her . She would experience fugue states all the time . 1 He moved back to Ohio , and the days were so short . He told other students what it was like , and they make fun of him . 1 Lonny 's favorite animal was the lion . Her family took her on a vacation to Las Vegas . 0 Suddenly , a bee stung her . Mary was outside watering her flowers . 0 She bought an acre of land in the country . One new Year 's , Vicky resolved to build her own home . 1 She was grossed out when she had to milk a cow . And she did n't even get to have the milk . 1 Star studied every day and night leading up to the finals . Star defeated Joe and became Spelling Bee Champion ! 1 But the name of the town settled her . She bought the house located in Eden , NY . 0 The children love when I read to them . I like to donate my time to read to children . 1 Jack thought his new trench coat was very sleek . He wore it no matter the season . 1 This Referee had no idea what he was doing . He kept making bad calls . 0 When winter came , he decided to try ice skating instead . Timmy was a great roller skater . 0 And he always got in trouble in school . He never followed his parents advice . 0 When my husband landed , he broke his foot in 3 places on hard ground . The new pilot dropped the soldiers away from the drop zone . 0 Procter and Gamble went on to thrive . Since many people still bathed in the river it was a huge success . 0 Even though Dan gets a lot of stares , he enjoys the walks with his pig . Dan takes the pigs daily for walks around the neighborhood . 1 This justifies his behavior and he ends up losing . Dan has debts to pay but can not pay them . 0 As she strolled through the mall she picked up many outfits . She decided to take a trip to the local mall to pick up some things . 0 I was afraid of going with them . My scout troop organized a river rafting trip . 1 But a cop stopped him and Breathalyzed him ! Dick was arrested . 1 I have to get to Kats house tonight ! I look in my wallet and find I have no money , and my car has no gas . 0 She had slept over at her boyfriend 's place . Sarah had snuck out of her house . 1 Sara walked in door and water was dripping on her head . The water was coming from the light on the ceiling . 0 Once made , Christine let the candy cane 's harden . After gathering the ingredients , Christine started the process . 0 She went to the salon but there was a new stylist . Linda wanted a new hair cut . 1 While going to down the hill I wrecked , and broke my leg . My parents took me too the hospital to get a cast put on . 0 At the top , they found a long line of people . Matt climbed to the top of a small mountain with his family . 0 Jimmy sought out personal trainers and exercise experts . Jimmy wanted to improve his football skills . 0 Her tenth birthday is coming up next month . Kim has always wanted to go to Disney World . 1 Yesterday morning there were 33 eggs ! After gathering the eggs , he feeds the chickens . 0 He had to spend a long time digging through the drawer . Matt was trying to find his wallet . 1 He did n't know what was wrong . He decided to eat a sandwich . 1 Jay got a boat and took all of his friends out on the lake . The water was choppy and there was too much weight on the boat . 1 He had dark hair , so the blond stripes would be very apparent . He took a few hours to do it just right . 1 Carl woke up one morning and thought the world was blurry . He squinted a little but that did n't seem to solve the problem . 0 Her cat did n't like the treats at all . She decides on a new brand to purchase . 1 One day Pete was walking on the beach . A man tried to rob Pete for his money . 0 Riley get evicted . Riley receives constant complaints filed against him . 0 Most Years she wore a white hat , but this now wanted something new . Janice wanted a new stylish hat for her annual garden party . 0 She figured it would n't hurt to have another scoop . But she was tempted to get more . 1 He was worried so his best man Jeremy came to help . They talked about how he met the right woman . 1 He slammed into the catcher in front of home plate . The catcher sprained his ankle in the collision . 1 Bobby shared a banana with a monkey . The monkey chewed up the banana and spit it back in Bobby 's face ! 1 Charlie was unemployed though she was a good worker . Charlie needed to seek work quickly to keep up with paying bills . 0 Dan wanted to try out the gun . His pal showed Dan a new pellet gun . 0 She followed her recipe step by step . Emma was making a soup . 0 She found Matilda years later in a graveyard . Velma discovered records of the adoption in her mother 's papers . 1 The game was intense , and my team ended up winning . Before we left , we ordered pizza at a nearby restaurant . 0 Just then a teacher came around the corner and saw them . The girls thought maybe it was time to return to class . 1 In one pageant , her flipper broke and she had to perform without it . The judges deducted points and she did n't place in this one . 0 The economy went in the bucket . The plan did n't work . 1 He finally asked his wife to teach him how to swim in their pool . Unfortunately , he almost drowned . 1 She learned how to make friends and have fun with others . Now Tina is not shy and loves talking to people . 0 He was a mechanic and would often get dirty at work . Michael was OCD when it came to cleaning . 0 He had to call a plumber . It caused a backup that Stan could not fix . 1 He asked if I was interested in a job at the correctional facility . I set up the interview for friday . 1 He scratched his head , too . She realized he was a copy cat monkey ! 0 Tara was working out with her mother . It was an incredibly hot day outside . 0 Oswald decided that he should not buy a dog . Oswald could not find a dog he could afford . 1 He jumped on the back , and the truck soon picked up speed ! He regretted the dare when he fell off and completely skinned his leg . 1 He decided to try out for the all star team . He kept advancing to the different rounds . 0 Overnight , the temperature dropped and two inches of snow fell . I was looking forward to today , because I had the day off . 1 When he arrived home he began to work on the coloring book . Charles think his mom forgetting the crayons for him . 0 The supervisor was helping someone else with a complex issue . She asked in the chat room and waited for a response . 1 What an awful decision , it was freezing . My lips turned purple . 1 He started listing sushi parts : seaweed , rice , and fish . Then he thought of fish roe ! 1 He still ignored the problem . Blake finally cleaned it up after two months . 0 We had dinner at a deli that served big sandwiches . We walked across the Brooklyn Bridge . 0 Eve had to go lay down in the guest room , Her family went to their aunt 's house to celebrate . 0 Mary took Sam for a walk every evening . Her dog 's name was Sam . 0 I guess they should 've raised their prices . A month ago they went out of business . 1 She had n't practiced very hard and was afraid she might forget . When Tina got on stage , she froze up . 1 she met a beautiful princess in a blue ballgown . The princess gave Nisa a small coronation . 0 He had to go to the nurse 's office . When his teacher checked on him they saw that his nose was bleeding . 1 He asked Gina to borrow a few dollars . However , she ignored him . 0 It was difficult to see the moon for a few minutes . The sky began to get cloudy . 1 She made no effort to take care of the seeds . In a few weeks some began to sprout . 0 Curt sold his records to make money . his mom and dad became ill and now neither of them work . 1 She was turning onto a different road when she had an accident . Another car had slammed into the side of the car . 1 As a kid I always wanted to drive a racecar . I went to races of every kind , and watched every race on TV . 1 David came over and picked her up at about 6 o'clock . When the two arrived at the restaurant , Dave surprised her with roses . 1 One spring she set out to catch one of the frogs . She went down to the pond and caught a nice big frog . 0 Jake 's girlfriend did n't want to listen . He tried to talk to her about it . 0 He tried chopping at it but it still stuck up too far . Jerry had shut down a tree in his yard but he still had a stump . 0 They discussed the birds all morning . An older man and woman admired the beauty of the birds . 0 Bill saved the water to water his garden later on . The following morning the buckets were filled with some water . 1 I am Chinese and had heard a lot about the novel . I finished the book in four days . 0 One hunter shot his gun at random in the bush . They followed tracks that led to a set of bushes . 0 Michelle ran towards it but grandmother quickly told her to stop . Walking along the shore they found an orange jellyfish . 0 She suffered through another round of therapy . She wanted more than anything in the world to see it . 1 The girl matched Ella 's fair skin to a perfect foundation . Elated , Ella left with the perfect acne-hiding foundation ! 1 Silas was a forgetful person . Silas runs into plenty of situations place where he forgot something . 1 I learned it was caused by stress . Now , I live stress free . 0 Carl went home and spent an hour cleaning them . The car splashed mud all over his sneakers . 1 Jake had dated his girlfriend for a few months . He had heard rumors of her cheating . 0 It was a dead cockroach . I spit it out to see what it was . 1 It was very beautiful and tranquil . They enjoyed the scent of honeysuckle . 1 She was extremely thankful and hugged me . The next day , she left for an airplane flight to the college . 0 Jayna was able to make all the kids feel special with her hugs . Her hugs caused every student to smile . 1 The mailman came to my door to deliver some letters . I came out to meet him as he did this . 1 Hannah lived far away and they had n't seen each other in a few Year 's . Lorie wanted to reconnect with her sister . 1 So Andy 's parents call the parents of the bullies and talk to them . There are no more problems at school after that . 1 He had no idea how to use it . He asked his grandchildren to help him . 0 He sought a professional tutor . He had tried to teach himself , but it was no good . 0 One day , he saw a big dog , and decided to kick it also . Everytime he saw a dog , he kicked it and kept walking . 1 He decided to write a script to make up stories . His boss caught him . 0 However , he realizes that he needs to eat more vegetables . Horace almost never eats salads for dinner . 1 Fred ended up winning . Tim was quite bummed out . 0 I went out on the ice and kept falling down . I laced up my skates and put on my gloves . 0 When he arrived at the pavilion he put on his cleats . Noah was asked to do a football combine after school . 0 The next morning , the roads were icy and dangerous . It snowed all through the night . 1 Rita was taking a hike in the woods behind her house . A coyote appeared on the path before her . 1 On his way to the radish stand , he was offered a free sample of cheese Mike had never really liked cheese , but he took a chance and tried it 0 The party was a success thanks to Patty . Patty baked a cake from scratch . 0 All of a sudden , there was no hot water . Erica was taking a shower . 0 He successfully completed the jury duty he was asked to do . He drove to the courthouse the next day . 0 Our date went well , and we 're still together . I spent 2 hours making my car spotless . 1 She warned him to not touch any of the exhibits . While they were there , Sarah became distracted . 0 Glenn was super excited when she gave them to him . She found some adult coloring books online and bought them . 1 The landlord found about it and told them snakes were forbidden . The roommate had to give the snake away . 0 Her friends try to cheer her up . Courtney has been very sad since her boyfriend broke up with her . 0 He bought some fish and food . The next day he went to the pet store to get fish . 0 Stewart was happy that day . One day he did just that , a whole meal of broccoli . 1 Ben had kissed Amy . Lynn and Kim saw , and stood with their mouths open . 0 When they got to the store they tried multiple pairs . Her mother decided to take her to the store . 0 It appeared to be a problem with the chain assembly . She used the Internet to troubleshoot the problem . 0 His advertising firm wanted him to relocate to New York City . But the location where he was to settle down was the problem . 1 I struggled because my shoulders were weak . Thus , I decided to hire a personal trainer . 1 He loved the outdoors and loved to explore . From a near bush he heard a rattle . 1 Todd knew he could despite what his father said . Todd took off his training wheels when his father was not around . 0 She could not reach the ceiling to replace it . Cay 's light bulb blew out . 0 Finally Paul is promoted to assistant manager at his job . He has hoped for a promotion , but he was never granted one . 1 Jim biked to the store to buy a pair of drumsticks . The store was closed because it was Christmas day . 0 I tried to ride onto a sand lot . I was riding a bike one day , when I was 8 . 0 One evening he met Diana in the library . He had been hurt in the past . 0 She was pretty but a little annoying . I had a friend named Miley . 0 I looked down and it was concrete that had n't been set . I stepped into something gooey . 0 Lighting hit right near him . He tried to face his fears . 0 When the coat went unclaimed , it was donated to Goodwill . She deliberately left the coat on the playground . 0 Allie was heartbroken . However to her dismay , she saw that the store was closing . 1 He showed him how to throw a screwball . Ronnie practiced the screwball for hours on end . 0 The therapist helped Tommy deal with his mom 's death . Eventually Tommy saw a therapist . 0 He makes a delicious fruit salad with oranges , grapes , and apples . Finally he decides to make a fruit salad . 0 He was kicked out of the pool for the rest of the day . He threw it hard and hit a little girl in the face . 0 He had a pen pal from China . Tom loved to get mail . 1 My uncle could n't afford health care . He got sick last year . 0 Together they record a number of different birds in the area . His father also takes him out bird watching to bond with him . 1 She had her family around her and lots of food . She asked for the gravy boat for her potatoes . 0 The drought caused the grass to die . The town he worked in was in drought . 0 Him and his brother went outside to play a game of basketball . Dominick woke up ready to celebrate his birthday . 0 When Larry went to eat for lunch he noticed no food in the bag . His wife did n't even get to say goodbye . 0 Lena asked if she could try to ride it . One of the boys had a skateboard . 0 Now that Joe has kids , he has to drive three miles just to get to one . Joe did n't go there very often , but it was still upsetting . 0 I lost the first game , won the second , and tied the third . We played on Facebook . 1 One day Mavis awoke from a nap to laughter from her nieces . She found them playing nurse to a ward of dolls . 0 She went home and painted her room pink by herself . She chose a pink color that she liked . 1 Her mother told her she was too young . She felt left out and began to cry . 0 He proposed to her on the steps of their church . Sam worked over-time for weeks to buy the ring . 0 It took her to a funny video . She used her phone to scan it . 0 Her mom told her to stick up for herself and be positive . She asked her mom what she should do . 1 I graduated college and created the perfect resume . I scheduled interviews with the biggest internet companies . 0 His phone rang out of nowhere . Jake was studying for his math test in the library . 1 Sam was captain of his basketball team . He was the leader scorer for his team . 1 When I was a boy I wanted to dance , but my dad wanted no part in it . He was a man 's man , loved football and only wanted that for me . 1 Marcy watched the clock . Finally , it said three o'clock . 1 he did not know what to do . he decided to do surveys for money . 1 Beatrice looked out the window and saw a little man outside . She went outside and called for him . 0 He had to pay a fine . The judge said he was guilty . 1 He never followed his parents advice . And he always got in trouble in school . 1 Kyana was ice skating one afternoon . Suddenly she slid and fell badly . 0 They were determined to get him more votes . They went around school yesterday handing out flyers to everyone . 0 She got up and walked out the door , never to return . Kayla had enough . 0 When he went to school his friends laughed at him . He thought it looked nice , but his peers did not . 0 Vincent asserted his dominance right into Caesar 's butt . He had Vincent assert his dominance . 0 It was in good shape . Driving home the other day I saw a sofa on the side of the road . 1 He graduated last week so he went down to a local recruitment center . When he was there he met with a recruitment officer . 1 I hated working for my boss . I decided to become my own man and start a business . 0 My hand recoiled from the heat and I dropped the glass on the floor . When the coffee was ready , I grabbed the coffee pot to pour a glass . 1 Finally she was able to get rid of her stuff . Thankfully she also got paid for it . 0 He had headaches almost everyday . Manny struggled with his headaches . 1 My parents gave me a lecture on how I should brush my teeth more . Then the dentist lecture me as well and told me I need a filling . 1 Everyone at school loved his shoes . Soon , everyone began wearing them . 0 Their dad gave in and took the girls to the park after all . Amy and her sister slunk away sadly . 1 Amy and her sister slunk away sadly . Their dad gave in and took the girls to the park after all . 0 But he wanted to try using a pen instead of a pencil . Sam was learning how to draw . 1 He also really wanted to avoid getting the movie spoiled for him . He decided not to talk to anyone or go onto the internet . 0 Rowan realized Djared never told him what he thought of the picture . Jared told him he would have to get the picture copyrighted . 1 This mad Mack feel insecure and worthless . He went home that night and cried . 1 But none of her friends were interested . Then Katie had a better idea . 0 Unfortunately , his grandfather 's health worsened . He visited his grandfather in the hospital almost every day . 1 She decided to drink water from a water fountain . But no matter how much she drank , she was still thirsty . 1 He was very cold , so he got another blanket . He was still cold so he turned his heat up . 0 They heard all the warnings about the incoming floods . The Smiths had lived on their farm for three generations 1 One day , Mark was making steak sandwiches for both of them . He put a little horseradish on Gillian 's sandwich . 1 Briana was watching TV . Suddenly , she heard her dog making a weird noise . 0 She tried her best and ultimately won a silver medal . The tournaments were always so much fun . 1 My yard was looking kind of empty . I decided to put up a nice fence around the yard . 0 Rupert still strives for the simplicity of his earlier work . His job needed to change when a program took over his tasks . 0 He gave the snowman a cool hat . He decided to make a snowman . 1 Jack was hoping Kelsey would cuddle next to him . Kelsey laughed through the whole movie at how bad it was . 1 He decided to make it instead of buying it . He hired a lumberjack to cut down an elm tree . 0 On the day of the bee , she was very nervous . Jennifer studied for weeks before the spelling bee . 1 I made a wonderful soup . She really liked the dinner . 0 She received her new car a week later and was happy . The insurance specialist assured her she would have a better car . 0 He said the key to the best fries was to fry them twice . He decided to make french fries . 1 Mary 's brother Rob hit Lucy in the face with a baseball . Rob had n't meant to hit Lucy . 1 The car splashed mud all over his sneakers . Carl went home and spent an hour cleaning them . 0 Her mom was not excited about this new adventure . She was excited to meet new friends . 1 He had forgotten about it , but now the memories came flooding back . An ice cream cone was the perfect way to sate his nostalgia . 0 Her mother promised to replace them . She 'd cut her ankle and now the socks were torn and bloody . 1 We had a substitute teacher today . In addition , she gave us a surprise exam . 1 I was so excited , I had a crush on him ever since 3rd grade . We dressed up in matching colors , I had a really nice time . 0 He felt very proud that he finally had a professional recording . Ezra sang his song very well in the studio . 0 She was pleasantly surprised goat cheese was great on pizza . Kay took a small bite , then a larger bit of the pizza . 0 When she tells them to get to work , she gets dirty looks . She asks them to do things that are not their jobs . 1 The stranger never came back . Jim decided to take the bag . 1 They encouraged people to lose weight . The winner got a lot of good prizes . 1 William never thought he would become American president . He grew up poor and unremarkable . 1 The kids laughed at the elephants . They could not wait to go back to the zoo . 1 We missed the bus and had to get on a later shuttle . It was worth it though because we had so much fun . 1 It was n't that funny to me . I still played along and had a good time . 1 On the bus she finally felt safe . Just then the bully Val tried to board her bus . 0 Becky buys her mom a necklace with a diamond heart on it . She decides to buy her mom some jewelry from the jewelry store . 1 He fell asleep in the middle of typing a chapter . He dreamt aliens had given him godlike powers . 1 Her hair was full and wavy the next morning . Jessica finally had the thicker-looking hair she wanted . 0 She brought Sammy with her quite often . Sammy 's mother loved going to horse races . 1 Ever since that note he has left my food alone . I guess notes really do work ! 1 Suddenly he slipped and fell to the ground . He immediately began screaming that his leg was broken . 0 I tried to look for a job but my luck was down . I did n't have a job . 1 I hit Sister Jean in the mouth with my fist . I apologized because Sister Jean is a nun . 0 Randy drove over immediately to retrieve his precious item . Luckily he just left it at a friends house . 1 His favorite is chocolate cake . Suzie went to the grocery store to get the ingredients . 1 Today I got up at 7 AM . I had a breakfast of oatmeal and a slice of banana bread . 0 I handed her the doll and she giggled again loudly with joy . I unpacked my old doll and my daughter giggled reaching for the doll . 0 She finally agreed . He told his mom he wanted to be homeschooled . 0 He gathered large amounts of long lasting food . He decided to prepare for the possibility . 0 I took my first bite of macaroni and cheese . I went through the lunch line and sat with my friends outside . 1 She now has four months to get ready for state competition . She has hired a personal trainer . 0 The doctor said it was ok , and she quickly healed . We took her to the emergency room . 1 While they waited , they decided to buy some fries . They were waiting for the fries when the bus began to board . 1 She enrolled her anyway . Sara ended up being very good . 1 Amy noticed that the kitchen table had uneven legs . She asked her husband to do something about it . 0 Now , I live stress free . I learned it was caused by stress . 1 My girlfriend is really clumsy . She always drops things . 0 The boy joined them and they danced , and sang karaoke and laughed . The boy looked sad , so Jon told him it gets better , and to look up . 0 He could not wait for school to be over so he could go to the mall . Joe went to class on Friday in a very good mood . 1 Ricardo 's son charged them twenty dollars to order them a pizza . But he baked the pizza in an oven , put it in a box and kept the money . 1 She was more sleepy than she expected . She tried to fight sleep as her eyelids grew heavy . 1 Bob now had the best smelling house around . He now sells candles for a living ! 0 She could n't wait for a cab to get here . Katie was going to be late on her first day ! 0 This proved to be a terrible , terrible error . He made a salmon and avocado smoothie . 1 Carlos could n't find his keys . He backtracked to everywhere he 'd been in the previous two hours . 0 She tried to remember what was on it . When she arrived she realized she 'd forgotten her shopping list . 1 The product did nothing that it promised . Now Tony knows to be more careful over what he buys impulsively . 0 He sat around all day , did n't move very much . Lee the cat was n't feeling well . 0 I washed all the mud off my dog . I took the dog to the bathroom and drew him a bath . 1 Luckily , her friend loves to decorate . Ginny paid her friend to buy decorations for her house . 1 His teacher said who ever brought a friend would get a gift . Walter wanted a gift . 1 Dan and his wife moved to a new country and were scared . Dan decided to find a club for new people to the country . 1 It was the best present a friend had ever gotten me . I thanked her and realized the value of our friendship . 0 Looking back , I know I 'll never have a job that easy ever again . I loved doing this because it felt like no work . 0 The girls were so happy with the sweet cards , they almost cried ! She went to work with scissors , glitter , pens and glue . 0 Ready to eat , I opened the box of cereal and poured it into a bowl . I woke up this morning with a huge appetite . 0 I had a lot of fun doing so . My mother persuaded me to go dancing with friends . 0 Julie hoped the tooth fairy would visit . Her parents told her to put it under the pillow . 1 As a little girl Laura dreamed of flying . After High School she enrolled in Flight Attendant School . 1 Tim was in the woods hiking one day . He fell into a patch of greenery . 0 But she loved her daily milkshake and dreaded giving it up . Lola was chubby and wanted to lose weight . 0 He dove into the water and could n't believe his Discovery ! Kevin was in the sea when he saw a golden glimmer in the water 0 He built a car and raced at the local track . Matt wanted to be a famous race car driver . 0 They planned on starting a family but Anika did n't get pregnant . Johnny and Anika had been married for a year . 1 Lee had several rounds of painful shots . Two weeks later , they went to the doctor for their results . 1 So she started to sell them . Cayla is very pleased that people appreciate her clay crafts . 0 Soon Micah had improved his math grades ! Slowly he began to understand the work . 1 John went to the zoo one day . He walked up the orangutans and began to watch them . 0 Too bad butterflies in her tummy flew away with the words to the song . The day of the show Jill looked beautiful . 0 She decided she would read instead . But she was n't ready to go to bed . 0 Dick was arrested . But a cop stopped him and Breathalyzed him ! 0 First , I rubbed the ribs with a marinade before putting in the oven . After calling around and finding out their preferences , I began . 1 Jody was riding on a speedboat . She was wearing a pair of sunglasses . 0 Alex and his classmates celebrated . Today was the 100th day of school . 0 Jane looked over at her friend with a strange look of approval . The cactus was of course very sharp and cut Tess . 1 We enjoyed ourselves because the home team won the game . Afterwards , we grabbed a bite to eat and returned home . 1 Then they hiked out of the woods and back home . There , Alai realized he 'd forgotten his tent at the camp site ! 1 He catches a glorious salmon . Horatio is so happy he went fishing in the river . 1 He wanted to call in sick , but a big meeting was on the books today . He forced himself to go to work , but they were n't happy to see him . 0 Although he was kind and fair , several parents yelled at him . His first game involved four and five year olds . 0 Kim never made it to school , disappearing forever . One day , Kim 's mom was on a trip so her dad said she could walk alone . 0 He knew it was going to be busy , since it was Super Bowl Weekend . Paul was on the subway heading into San Francisco . 0 She talked to her coworkers and was able to find homes for them . When she found them , she was so upset . 1 She took all the blankets from her bed and washed them . She then put them on the bed fresh from the dryer . 0 I almost regretted not looking longer as I watched tv inside . The vast emptiness of space dotted with bright points of brilliance . 0 John went on to become a famous musician . John loved playing the recorder . 1 Robin has been working the late shift for one year . He often feels tired after a couple of hours . 0 I got on the plane and waited until we arrived . I bought a plane ticket to El Salvador . 0 He dove in and instantly felt a hundred time better . He grabbed lotion , swim shorts , and headed to the pool . 1 While he looked , he cared for his kids . One night , he got the idea to open a daycare . 1 He was skinny and knew that it would be hard . He bought some protein shakes and vegetables . 1 The next day he discovered that something was still eating his veggies . Jack was perplexed until he saw a burrow entrance inside his fence . 0 Gina threw her book and hit him in the arm . He stopped and pointed while laughing . 1 They had been living together for awhile but still fought . Len did not want to clean this week , even though it was her turn . 1 Then he helped the old man to safety . The old man thanked Ned for his heroism ! 1 She did not want to seem awkward by covering her ears or telling them . When Jane arrived home , she noticed faint ringing in her ears . 1 While standing in front of the mirror , I began to brush me teeth . When I finished brushing my teeth , I reached for my medication . 0 A guy grabbed her butt . Jane was at the club . 1 Three days later a small box arrived . The dining room set was for a doll house ! 1 On the board at school there was an ad looking for a keyboardist . The guys in the band could n't believe how good he was . 0 He called on Brad to play a game with him . However , Brad came into the party with his game console . 1 After several hours , her boyfriend got together with her . They read the results . 0 A strange man approached me . I was walking down the street one day . 0 She lectured her sternly . Her mom yelled and ran after her . 1 He went to school to study to be a lawyer . His teachers told him he did n't have what it took . 1 That was not happening yesterday . She got on apple chat tech support . 1 He accidentally knocked over the can of paint . He spent the next twenty minutes cleaning the floor up . 1 Larry always wanted better versions of existing products he had . He bought new versions of phones or computers whenever released . 1 Her husband rushed to her side . He took her to the hospital . 1 Her family went to their aunt 's house to celebrate . Eve had to go lay down in the guest room , 1 Tom 's boss approved his request . Tom relaxed for the entire week . 1 Tom bought a new pair of boots and set them by the back door . Janie walked in , eating a chocolate ice cream cone . 1 He started to watch it too much . His mom told him that he could only watch one show a day . 0 Then , she put the butterfly in the bug case she had . Finally , she caught one . 1 Two friends decided to have a great Summer . They came up with all sorts of activities and schemes . 0 I guess notes really do work ! Ever since that note he has left my food alone . 1 He gave in . Now , he loves them more than I do ! 1 Hillary has always been shy . She unfortunately has a presentation tomorrow . 0 Barry was driving on the way home , when a blackout occurred . Barry recently experienced a very scary experience . 1 Phil began crying loudly . Annoyed , his mother agreed to purchase a small chocolate bar for him . 0 He had to use his chef knife to cut a slice . He looked for his pizza cutter but did not find it . 0 The jeep tipped over . Suddenly , she hit a rock . 0 The ding remained as absent as ever . She clicked the send button again . 1 Chad wanted a unique experience , so he rented a guest house . When Chad arrived at the house , he felt welcomed . 0 I decided to learn functional programming . I was an adept programmer . 1 We were so excited to see and play with them daily . The next day , we hurried over to my aunt 's house to play with them . 1 We thought about things we would like to do . We decided we wanted to go shopping . 1 The museum even had a walk-through tunnel surrounded by water ! Peter ca n't wait to go back again . 0 Tiffi 's new wallet was so cool - and , best of all , it was free ! She followed the instructions to make a homemade duct tape wallet . 1 Jason feels heartbroken after his girlfriend leaves him . His friends are worried that he is becoming despondent . 1 I decided to take my son to the park . We went to the park and played in the snow . 0 Kelsey laughed through the whole movie at how bad it was . Jack was hoping Kelsey would cuddle next to him . 0 Dave had a great day turking and made 100 dollars . His electricity bill was due , and it was 60 dollars . 1 We 're now adults with separate lives . But neither of us have forgotten the past . 0 Somehow the system came unplugged . Ray finds it all to be working . 0 But he was young , fidgety , and had no answers . She decided she would ask her brother about Jamie . 0 Then I jumped into my car and headed to the coast . I packed up my sunscreen and towel . 0 She was at her grandma 's and her mom was asleep on the couch . She decided to stay up and watch TV . 1 He turned the forks too quick . The dirt bike skid and spilled Larry onto the ground . 1 She thought her sister stole her money . She went to go look again , and found it hidden in the drawer . 0 She knew she had to find him a safe , new home . She felt responsible for the loose dog . 0 At the bar , there were hundreds of people buying tickets . Once across the river , they ended up at a biker bar . 1 Driving home the other day I saw a sofa on the side of the road . It was in good shape . 1 Gary wants to be a millionaire . Unfortunately , Gary does n't want to work . 1 She cut the chicken and breaded it . She put the chicken nuggets in hot oil to fry them . 1 I loved to eat meat . One day , I decided to become a vegan . 1 There was no line at the gate , so they walked right in . The caged animals entertained the Smith family greatly . 1 She added fresh blueberries to the mix . Sandy was not a fan of the muffins . 0 When the metal-detector arrived , Tim was so excited . He bought the metal-detector and waited for it to arrive in the mail . 0 And since she was upset with Mary she wanted to keep it secret . She worried if Rita knew she would tell their other friend Mary . 0 Danny went up on the roof and cleaned up the gutters . Danny said he was going on the roof to do it himself . 1 Mike asked Jane for the blue paint . He smeared the paint all over his hands . 0 Then she overheard a cute boy saying how nice glasses looked ! She thought the other teens would tease her . 0 He loved surfing the web and using web apps . He decided to learn an aspect of it that was relevant to him . 0 She was walking in the garage to her car . My sister in law fell last week . 0 At baseball practice , he was having trouble catching and hitting . At school , I was having a hard time seeing the blackboard clearly . 0 It appeared the store was under construction . She was surprised to see a large plastic tarp in the store . 1 He still went through with it . The money was easily worth it . 0 She finally found one and was the happiest she 'd ever been . She decided to find a smaller house in the country . 0 Then one day he got the happiest surprise of his life . Every day he came in from work and she babbled at him . 1 Brian was driving in his car . Suddenly a car hits him from the side . 1 He spent all of his money on bills without any left for food . But then a huge snowstorm rolled in . 0 He took her to the hospital . Her husband rushed to her side . 0 He step right on the piece and slipped . But did n't notice that a piece of a cube fell onto the floor . 0 She just wanted to go home and get in her own bed . She had been at her grandma 's house for the whole day . 1 She walked up to her Mom and asked for permission . Her mother was busy on the phone but consented . 1 They gathered ants and put them in a jar . Lucy suggested they race their ants . 1 He practices every day until he becomes a great soccer player . Paolo is very happy that he has learned a sport . 1 Before night time , I placed it in the backyard . I walked outside next morning to look for it . 0 They picked out an affordable shotgun from the local store . When Doyle turned 18 his dad bought him his first gun . 0 Sue took pictures of her purchase and posted it on social media . Sue was able to buy the purse for only $ 5 . 0 He helped me get off of the ground . I had to call my friend . 1 One day , Reba spied the same dress on a store window mannequin . Reba saw she had been wearing the dress backwards . 1 But the little boy suggested a much simpler game . They played hide-and-seek , and they both loved it ! 1 It did n't work , he had to use an inhaler . The inhaler worked and he finished the race . 0 Every year at Christmas it was all she asked for . Sara wanted a new puppy really badly . 0 She was not happy when she went into labor on the 4th of July ! Julie was determined not to have her baby on a holiday . 1 Management came in and told Amy her department was laid off . Amy was handed a box of belongings from her desk and sent home . 1 The radio DJ got into a big country music binge . All of his fans were resentful for this strict country music set . 1 Matt really loved Star Wars . He was really excited to see the new movie . 0 Amy was handed a box of belongings from her desk and sent home . Management came in and told Amy her department was laid off . 0 It fell with a thud as papers and books fell out of its compartment . Before I knew it , she had pushed his desk across the room . 0 Pierre 's doctor told him that he has diabetes . His wife suggested that he should see a doctor . 0 Phil agreed to the deal and helped his mother by completing chores . Phil 's stepfather was willing to take his son if he helped his mother . 1 Nick and his friend started their bicycle race down the street . Panting , Nick pedaled as fast as he could . 0 He kicked the ball hard and watched as it sailed into the goal . Rowan was right , but prepared , as he swept past the defender . 0 Her sister did n't like her either . Gina expressed her dislike for a girl on their block named Jane . 1 Suddenly , the screen went black . A moment later , someone announced that the reel had broken . 0 Tim was quite bummed out . Fred ended up winning . 1 Courtney sat in class with her classmates staring at the clock . It was almost snack time . 1 One man yelled that his soup was cold . The worker in red hit him on the head with her ladle . 0 At first it was really fun . They decided to start a club . 1 Jane 's husband convinced her to get the necklace appraised . The appraiser said the necklace was worthless . 0 He was so sick that he had to leave the party . One of the friends , Jake , drank too much and became sick . 1 While walking , I saw a woman in her car hit a deer . The scene was very disturbing and it bothered me the whole walk . 0 Janice is very proud when her article is published . Her article is published two weeks later . 1 Derek wanted to see a movie . Brad did n't like the movie Derek chose . 0 He now sells candles for a living ! Bob now had the best smelling house around . 1 Gina was playing tennis with Tim . She told him that the game is boring . 1 She stood still , frozen in fear . Finally , the creature popped its head out of the grass . 0 Someone told him about $ 50,000 in a bank account he could withdraw . Craig opened an e-mail that was too good to be true . 0 We went to the park and played in the snow . I decided to take my son to the park . 0 I placed a bag of ice on her head in order to cool it down . She was crying because the hot water gave her a headache . 0 Edmund was bitter about this . People like the mechanics , but did n't notice the themes . 0 He worked hard during his extra shifts He asked his manager if he could work extra shifts 1 Rina had pierced her own navel . At first it was healing well . 1 Then , he used that money to start a data consulting business . Finally , Jerry had made something of himself ! 0 Robert decided to run in a short sleeved shirt . His sweater was in the washing machine . 0 He knew he was on a diet , but they smelled so good . Chris caught the smell of the donuts freshly laid out on display . 0 His boss just laughed as Eli 's clumsiness . Eli turned beet red with embarrassment sure he was in dire trouble . 0 When he went outside , his parents had gotten the puppy . Jon 's parents threw him a party in the back yard . 1 She is hired by website designers that need help with their content . Robyn loves the fact that she can work from home and be her own boss . 1 Kathryn was excited for her first soccer game . She got on the field and started dribbling the ball . 1 Tammy played with her dog in the park . They played fetch . 1 He worked on his project every day after school . The teachers were amazed at his volcano . 0 Always prepared , her Mom took out some candy for Jane . While in her stroller , Jane started to cry , asking for candy . 1 Jason made a new friend in geology class . His name was Austin . 1 After her picture was done it was terrible . She did n't even want the photos . 1 Jim is driving home when he runs out of gas . Luckily Jim has a gas can in his car . 0 The flight attendant was very nice . She was very nervous . 0 One day , Sister Snatch got a call from a right wing lawyer . She especially hated knowing other women enjoyed having sex . 1 The moving van arrived promptly at nine o'clock . The movers carefully loaded the van with my valuables . 0 She spent a lot of time crafting a persona to use on her show . After awhile she decided she wanted to give streaming a try . 1 He rushed out of the house after he woke up too late for work . He did n't have time to get coffee like he usually does . 1 The church was going to be demolished . Gina hated the church bells , but she was still sad to see it go . 1 Kim went into her mother 's room and saw her mother sleeping . Kim shook her mother to wake her up . 1 All it did was chirp . It would not go away . 0 At the end of the night , she gave him a kiss . He took Kelly for Italian food and then to a movie . 1 She assures them she is faithful to her husband . Toni 's husband comes to her job to make a confession . 1 She decides on a new brand to purchase . Her cat did n't like the treats at all . 1 He normally hates most gifts , so I did n't know what to do . I went to Brandsmart and everything looked too expensive . 1 We stayed at the orchard for about three hours picking . At the end of the day our buckets were full . 0 I realized programming was n't for me and I quit . Then , it became extremely hard . 1 The grass in the yard was tall and needed to be cut . Later that night Rick was itchy from playing in the grass . 1 As part of her costume , she dyed her hair black with temporary dye . That night , she tried to take a bath to get it out . 0 I realized that it would have been better to tell the truth . They withdrew my application . 1 Mommy puts the baby in the highchair at the table with the other kids . Baby smiles at the kids , they smile at him too , great morning . 1 When I was in high school , I took a class in woodworking . One day , my teacher said that I would be using a lathe . 1 Sara and Joseph were planning their wedding . They were on a tight budget . 1 He was shopping for groceries . He ate lots of samples at the store . 0 Watching many videos that showed techniques helped with my transitions Reading various chord books I learned finger positions . 1 He could n't choose . He kept passing by many while he was driving . 0 They decided to each grab a bucket . The girls always had fun with that . 1 She prepared her make up for hours . Later that night she met up with her friends . 1 Gina sat on the school bus as it arrived at the school . Usually she was one of the first ones off the bus . 0 Maxine decides to buy a bike and give it a shot . A good friend recommends she try biking around town . 0 He was the leader scorer for his team . Sam was captain of his basketball team . 0 Her balloon dog was pink and purple . She waited in line for 15 minutes to get one . 0 He was so struck by her beauty , he could barely speak . Greg met Candace at the bar . 0 Sam hiked out of the forest quickly and never went back . Behind him he heard a growl . 1 She was n't wearing them when she rode her bike into her Dad 's car . When her dad found out she was grounded for a month . 0 So was her phone . To her dismay her purse was on the front seat . 0 Kelly 's said most valuable player . When the game was over , they got trophies . 1 Emily had her first dance solo this year . Her song was an 80 's dance melody . 0 When the cup was empty , Jemma felt warm and satisfied . Then she sat down to drink the warm , frothy beverage . 0 They waited for hours . The man refused to get down from the tree . 0 He was forced to quit playing . Peyton finally disclosed his use of the drugs . 1 Mark was scared , but he agreed to do it . Unfortunately , the old man came out and punched Mark in the face . 0 It was a struggle to get through some of the material . He decided to major in computer science at university . 1 Kaley thinks her phone has water damage . She went home and put her phone in rice when the night was over . 0 She handed in her test just in the nick of time . Finally the answer to the last question appeared before her . 0 One day , I discovered almond milk . Ida wanted cereal , but could n't have milk . 1 I looked around at all the happy couples around me . I started to feel so lonely that I walked back to my car . 1 It was large tree . He put all his ornaments on it . 0 Now Charles is making $ 3,000 per week . Finally he landed a sales job where he could open and close his sales . 0 He decided to eat a sandwich . He did n't know what was wrong . 1 She got the jack out and lifted up her car . She was able to change the tire easily . 0 When we went to Honduras , I was amazed at how poor the people were . We traveled to four different islands , they were so beautiful ! 1 Grandpa set the oven to 165 degrees . He went back upstairs to bed . 0 I decided to order a pizza . I was feeling hungry . 1 One thing she loved was roasting chestnuts . She got the nuts ready and roasted them . 0 When she got there , there were children pointing at all the ducks . Lindsay went for a walk around the local duck pond . 1 They walked up and through the hill , past lots of trees . After awhile , they made it to a canyon , where they sat for awhile . 1 She needed to call her husband to tell him . She reached for her phone but realized she had no power . 1 Samantha saw a crab on the beach . She was so excited she wanted to pet it . 0 The family decided to visit a shelter to choose a pet . Sally asked her parents if they could get a family pet . 1 He worked hard but could n't save up the money . Mark felt bad for Sam . 0 Suddenly , I heard gunfire outside on the street . I was sleeping soundly . 1 The cab took them to the car rental agency . They drove the rental through the town until they got to a steep road . 0 She unfortunately has a presentation tomorrow . Hillary has always been shy . 0 Lary fell with a broken leg and was taken to the hospital immediately ! Lary ran in for a deep pass but got tackled hard ! 1 Sally is going to make cookies with her family . Sally 's family decided to make sugar cookies . 0 The ambulance and tow truck arrived shortly after . Steven got out and was not hurt , same with the other driver . 0 The two put their harnesses on and started climbing . Stacey and her dad decided to go meet at a rock wall . 0 Ryan quickly turns around . He felt a strange presence . 0 The rock hit the ground and a voice asked who threw it . He picked up a rock and tossed it over . 1 Fran just landed in Thailand for her grand one month trip abroad . As she stepped outside of the airport , it was very rainy . 1 She knew there would be bad things there and she should not go . Sally went to the party anyways . 1 Once they got their they had to walk to the back of the zoo . One of the elephants was hiding behind the feeding shed . 0 He gave her a really nice necklace Test went to the store . 1 There were many red crayons and no blue crayons He asked Sally if she would lend him a blue crayon . 1 She could n't afford to dress like them . So she put a band-aid under her eye they way they did . 1 One day , Tony was running and lost his lucky timer ! Tony was devastated and thought that he would never run laps again ! 1 Fred forced his son to put down the book and dig a ditch in the yard . Fred 's son made sure his father did n't catch him reading ever again . 0 He threw them at his unsuspecting friends when they passed by ! He hid behind a bush with the water balloons . 1 One day I started cleaning off my desk . The pens were hiding under a pile of papers . 0 Kim liked it so much she had another serving . She bit into the plantain and was surprised it was still sweet . 0 I got to my hotel and stayed inside , hoping it would stop raining . When I got there , it was raining very hard . 0 I grow many kinds of berries . I work hard in the summer . 0 They refused . She asked them to put it out . 1 His sister Evelyn stopped him , and they shared a cry . Paul embraced who he was from that day onward . 1 She looked all over her room but it was n't there . At school she checked her locker and asked her teacher about it . 1 I read it and demanded the next one . Soon I had finished all he had . 0 She was all out of cherries ! But after mixing the batter , she saw she had a problem . 1 Jennifer studied for weeks before the spelling bee . On the day of the bee , she was very nervous . 1 Our teacher called on us to present . We introduced ourselves and began talking about our project . 1 Hannah was fighting with her friend . They were wrestling playfully on the floor . 1 She grabbed the wrong skirt . As she was walking down the hall , she got stopped by the principal . 0 She decided she could forgive him , and they stayed in love . He told Sally he was afraid she would n't have given him a chance . 1 None of the men she met seemed to be interested in her though . She decided to try out online dating instead . 0 From her window she could see all sorts of wildlife . Natalie lived alone in a big blue house in the forest . 0 But neither of us have forgotten the past . We 're now adults with separate lives . 0 One night , he got the idea to open a daycare . While he looked , he cared for his kids . 0 The pig slipped from the claw just as it reached the chute . The claw dropped down and squeezed the pig . 1 He was having trouble remembering some formulas . He studied for the entire night hoping to memorize it . 0 When Jane arrived home , she noticed faint ringing in her ears . She did not want to seem awkward by covering her ears or telling them . 0 The babies squirmed all over the place . The two autistic kids made a huge mess . 1 It was too cold to swim so the kids hunted sea shells . We got home in the evening , tired . 1 My old case was a charging case but I dropped it in the mud . I looked all over for the iPhone 6 cases . 0 I was able to pay my rent but I was arrested shortly thereafter . The clerk emptied the cash drawer into my bag . 0 Bob is thankful for his children . Bob gets a porterhouse and loves it . 1 I put on a clean pair of underwear and headed to work . Within minutes I felt insane itching . 0 Arnold nearly fainted . It jumped on him when he tried to kill it . 0 Him and his friends invited everyone over and they partied . Alex wanted to throw a party for `` the end of the world '' . 1 His wife is annoyed by the whole situation . She thinks Ricky is too old to play softball . 1 His boss allowed him to nap , so Todd went to a table to rest . After a minute , Todd fell asleep for an hour . 0 She likes him too . Kyle confessed his feelings for her . 0 He decided to wait a little while before buying new shoes . None of the new shoes looked right to him . 1 He has only hired women to work with him . He is happy when they all admire him . 1 The lady at the next table stared at me . I pretended not to notice her staring at me . 0 She bought milk , eggs , and cheese . She saw that eggs and cheese were on sale . 0 He is happy when they all admire him . He has only hired women to work with him . 0 When her niece opened it , she threw the toys aside . She wrapped them in a big box . 0 And was now bored . She read all the books she brought to grandma 's house . 0 She had discovered a whole new world in the land of books . In class Amy could only think of her books . 1 While Rachel was wearing her pink heels , she fell . Rachel broke her ankle and can no longer wear high heels . 0 She knows that too much sun is bad for skin . Viola has always been very careful of not letting her skin become tan . 0 Christian ended up saving 50 dollars a month thanks to Smart Ride . Christian was a good driver , and got a discount on his insurance . 0 I followed the instructions on how much to put in the filter . I went home to try it out in my coffee pot . 0 Jill is grateful when the fire department rescues her cat . The police send the fire department to Jill 's house . 1 One day , however , he discovered that she was stealing ! The employee was taking a roll of toilet paper home every night ! 1 The branches were rotting . The owner decided he needed to trim it . 0 She felt a little bit dizzy after her second drink . She had forgotten to eat all day . 0 We stayed in East Hampton and traveled to many stores . Last summer I went to the Hamptons with my cousins . 0 Ben bought two and put them in his cart . A bag on sale half off caught his eye . 0 He bought a gym membership and a fitness tracker . Malik decided he had to do something about his health . 1 She found flour , sugar , and oil on the same aisle . She had to go to the refrigerated section to find eggs . 0 Rahul feels so happy that he has met a friend . Rahul and Jasper strike up a conversation and becomes friends . 1 Shelby came from a very poor family . One day , Brenda decided she did n't like Shelby 's clothes . 0 They were really expensive due to their brand name . Hannah wanted a new pair of headphones . 0 The wind blew and a spark of fire landed on the tent . We decided to roast a few marshmallows and make s'mores . 1 She was excited to meet new friends . Her mom was not excited about this new adventure . 1 Mike decided to spend the sunny afternoon in the park . When he got to the park , he got a corn dog from the vendor . 1 Matt was trying to find his wallet . He had to spend a long time digging through the drawer . 0 The weather man foretasted the snow would fall all day . And it was snowing hard now . 0 My heart misses him and will forever be away . The next morning he was floating so I flushed him away . 0 I liked it so much that I 'm going to buy a copy of it for myself ! We loved that it was equally collaborative and competitive . 0 She had n't realized the cookie contained almonds , which she hated ! When she put it in her mouth , she instantly regretted her decision . 0 They went to a birthday party where a clown was the entertainment . Charles did n't want his son to know he was afraid of clowns . 0 Star defeated Joe and became Spelling Bee Champion ! Star studied every day and night leading up to the finals . 0 So he saved up money and bought one . Carl wanted a motorcycle . 0 The kids rejoiced in a quick egg hunt right before it started pouring . When there was finally a break in the storm , she ran out to hide eggs . 0 One day Bev hit a rock on the way down . The bigger the better . 1 Then they found out a new Italian restaurant moved into the space . They hoped that maybe it would be their new favorite ! 0 She will keep recharging the card . She was very pleased when she got the card . 0 However as she went to eat , her milk was sour ! She poured her normal bowl of cereal . 1 Mark and Hannah had been excited to watch a finale all week . They sat down with popcorn and watched the episode live . 0 Lindsay said yes . He asked Lindsay to marry him by spelling it out with the cookies . 1 A few weeks before his birthday , she booked a trip to Las Vegas . On his birthday , Eric 's wife revealed the trip to him . 0 He decided to kayak the Colorado River . Roshan had never gone kayaking . 0 Rachel was ejected from her car after hitting another vehicle . One day , she was sending a text and ran a stop light . 1 I found two brand new car amplifiers at the local Goodwill I purchased them for 15 dollars each . 1 She received a flower delivery . It said it was from a secret admirer . 1 They decided to go to the beach . The beach they went to had a very nice boardwalk with lots of shops . 0 Joe has behavioral problems . My niece has an eight year old son named Joe . 1 She studied hard and loved to learn . Siri was accepted into a student exchange program in the US . 1 Tim began snoring loudly . The teacher woke him up by pelting him with the erasers ! 0 He went to the doctor , and learned his liver was bad . It got so bad , he started having pains . 0 He dashed for the safety of his tree , with the acorn in his mouth . The squirrel is too fast for them . 0 Their marina was much further inland but the boats were all undamaged . They drove to the marina and had to detour because of the flooding . 0 As she stepped outside of the airport , it was very rainy . Fran just landed in Thailand for her grand one month trip abroad . 1 Jen thought she would remember to stop before going into the garage . Jen forgot that the hatchback was up and hit it on the garage ceiling . 1 He was so nervous he could not sleep at all the night before . Brandon arrived ten minutes early to the interview . 1 Grandma put Vicks on his chest and gave him ginger ale . Grandma was better than dad at taking care of sick kids . 0 Discovering the man 's remarkable hidden talent , she requested a novel . The Requester was a publisher who worked with famous authors . 1 Meg did n't want to wear her glasses for her school picture . She stuck the glasses in her pocket and posed for the portrait . 0 Over time Landes became a good chess player . He bought a chess set and joined a chess club . 1 The man claimed to be his long lost brother Ted . Gideon knew it was a scam , and punched the man in the face . 0 But her fridge broke , and the sandwiches spoiled ! Cara had made a sandwich tray for her son 's party . 1 She and her grandma got in line to checkout . It was another 15 minute wait . 0 He went to the library to check out Book 3 Matthew just finished reading Book 2 of the Warrior Cats series . 0 She placed the turkey tray in the oven and closed the door . It was the first year she was old enough to help . 0 Marco turned on the faucet and ran some cool water through the stain . He excused himself and went into the nearest restroom . 1 She found all her painting supplies . She painted an abstract scene . 0 Erin thinks it 's unusual too . Some people think it is unusual for a woman to drive a trash truck . 0 Gina left messages for her , but there was no return call . But at 9 she still had n't arrived . 1 One of her co workers was really mean . One day she wanted to teach her a lesson . 0 Jobs did not want him . He impregnated his girlfriend and did not have money . 1 Brian has n't exercised in many Year 's . He 's embarrassed to go to the local gym because he is out of shape . 1 Roc walked home from school contemplating his next move . As Roc walked inside , he was greeted with a surprise birthday party . 1 Neil took many photographs of Petra . He thought the ancient site was awe-inspiring ! 1 He had left her $ 500 before he checked out ! Rosa used the money to buy birthday presents for her children ! 0 He wanted a new toy . Graham got money for his birthday . 0 They bought a travel package months in advance . Her spouse agreed and they planned the places they wanted to visit . 0 While looking through his tools he realized he did not all of them . Barry was working in his shop and decided he had way too much stuff . 1 She had uncapped commissions . She was determined to have the highest sales . 0 He went to the hospital to meet his new baby sister . Nick was excited and nervous at the same time . 0 He confessed about hiding his physical identity . A strange man was walking close to her . 0 The next day I got my things together and left . My doctor called me yesterday and asked me to come in . 1 Six people would get on this big raft . The boat would then take us around the lake . 1 His friend recommended he start lifting weights . Jim followed a weight training program for 6 weeks . 1 Jim has been looking forward to seeing his favorite band for months . When they cancel at the last minute he has nothing to do that day . 0 After moving , she noticed the paper was no longer arriving . Jeanette had enjoyed a subscription with her local paper for months . 0 She was given detention for reading fashion magazines at school . Sue loved fashion . 1 I fed my dog some tuna cakes . He really enjoyed them ! 1 Neil wanted to cry , but he knew he had to be brave . He bit his lip and acted like he was n't even hurt ! 0 She loved having everyone over . Her friends and family flocked to her door whenever they smelled it . 1 Lisa decided to have a taco night . She got all the ingredients together . 0 They could n't find the murder weapon . The police determined he 'd been killed by a blunt object . 1 Jon loved a Japanese band . Alas , he lived in America so he could n't see the band live . 0 Once I had a setting and my characters thought out , I began . Getting started , I decided to outline my characters first . 0 The two eventually were married . Andy felt the same love for Karen . 1 I fell straight to sleep within minutes of laying down . Suddenly at 3:00am I simply woke right up and could n't sleep again . 1 There was a lazy cow on Bill 's farm . The cow never got up . 1 The hot coals caught his yard on fire , so i rushed to help him . After a lot of effort , we put the fire out and then he thanked me . 1 He was n't sure what movie to pick . He called his sister for ideas . 0 Once I stopped , I knew that I would never try that again . I quickly regained control of the bike so that I would n't fall off ! 0 The bully stuck her foot out as Gina passed . Gina and her friends walked away from the swings talking . 0 But the next day , a kind stranger knocked on her door . She was so distraught when she realized it ! 1 A good friend recommends she try biking around town . Maxine decides to buy a bike and give it a shot . 0 But she found an online typing test game . So she was n't able to type a long essay quickly . 1 She went to work with scissors , glitter , pens and glue . The girls were so happy with the sweet cards , they almost cried ! 1 While my mom was busy , I decided to climb into the cart . The cart fell over and landed on my wrist . 0 She arrived to work 15 minutes late . Tammy had to discipline her children . 0 He was doing lunges in the field . Jim was exercising at the park . 0 She was wondering glumly who might agree to partner with her . But to her dismay , the teacher said they could choose their partners ! 1 Penny loved to ride her school bus and was never late for it . Until one day , she overslept . 0 Everyone was jealous of this amazing trip he had planned . He headed to Europe to backpack around the country . 1 He excused himself and went into the nearest restroom . Marco turned on the faucet and ran some cool water through the stain . 0 The girlfriend told him that there 's a good reason behind her actions . He realized that it was his girlfriend , making out with a guy . 0 She realized that she had snapped the roses stem . Her foot slid against a potted rose under the window . 0 The grocery store was closed ! Alas , I had run out of yeast . 0 The brilliant lawyer denied these claims and said it was an accident . The opposition claimed the defendant committed arson at his home . 0 After gathering the eggs , he feeds the chickens . Yesterday morning there were 33 eggs ! 0 The firefighters were called to come help . There was a forest fire in the mountains . 0 July asked her neighbor for help . One day all the pigs run away . 1 However , her bike was n't there . Morgan 's search was fruitless . 1 This caused his commute to lengthen by over 30 minutes . Desmond consulted a friend about what to do . 1 His direct reports love him . But he is never recognized for his talents . 0 Their reputation suffered because of this . Greg had an abrasive personality and many people did not like him . 0 His dad went through all of the tapes looking for one that was rewound . He then went and pulled his dad over to start another movie . 0 The monkeys were my favorite animal . My family went to the zoo one day . 1 I just learned how to use scripts on MTurk . The newest one has an option to `` hoard '' hits . 1 To his surprise , Burger King had wifi . Kyle spent the rest of the day eating burgers and watching Netflix . 0 I had that feeling of unease , like my life was not satisfying enough . He would n't stop crying and when he did I was unable to move . 0 Megan kept on grabbing items like makeup and lipgloss . We filled the shopping basket full of groceries for her house . 0 He feels free now that he is single again . They have a long argument , and Ronald leaves at the end . 0 He thought he would just play video games for half an hour . Sid decided to take a break from long hours of homework . 1 The owner of a bowling alley heard a nasty rumor about an employee . He confronted the worker about how he heard he was taking bribes . 0 It was a very dirty job . My husband and I remodeled our bathroom . 1 She found a monologue that was similar to her favorite character . She rehearsed by herself and with her acting teacher . 0 After a few minutes , the battery on his phone exploded . His phone started to overheat . 0 He decided to get strong . He was tired of being weak . 0 Jan 's coworker is fired . She shows the video to her boss . 0 He wanted to read the same comic also . His little brother went into the room . 1 Parents began setting up chairs on the lawn to root for their kids . The kids ran even harder with their parent support . 0 Terry studied hard and went to college . Everyone made fun of him for being smart . 1 One of the legs ended up breaking . In addition , the table broke into pieces . 0 The boys had put all sorts of wood and brush in the fire . The roaring fire started to pop and crackle . 0 Jimmy 's parents told him that he needed to buy his own ticket . He wanted to go to a Panthers game . 0 He was scared to pop the bubble . Tim blew a bubble very large . 0 Everyone tried to find him but could n't . Before Jane knew it the friend had been swept away . 0 They stayed up late and told ghost stories . Katy had a group of friends over on Friday for a sleepover . 1 She read all the books she brought to grandma 's house . And was now bored . 1 They started spending time together and bonded . Eventually they started a relationship together . 1 Roshan had never gone kayaking . He decided to kayak the Colorado River . 0 He sold his work for thousands of dollars . He eventually became good at painting . 0 She watched enviously as other kids left eating frozen treats . Marie ran to the truck each day , even though she had no money . 0 I did n't work at all that day . Without sugar , I do n't drink coffee . 1 Dan winced at the price of it . It turned out to save him a good deal of money down the road . 0 Next time I will make sure to wear a top coat . I was incredibly disappointed . 0 When he was in the floor , he was screaming and crying . Avery did n't know how to handle this , so he crawled into the floor . 1 He focused on bettering his life . Without alcoholism , Mati was able to make something of his life . 0 We arrived at 3:30 in the morning . We did n't know how to read tide and wave info . 0 He tried to catch one , without success . My friend Gary claimed the pond had big carp . 1 He found the bunny sitting all alone . He took the bunny to Kelly 's house , and everyone slept that night . 1 She rose at six in the morning . Aura got to see her first sunrise ! 0 Jean 's trip to Africa was better than she had hoped . She travelled on a plane and stayed for one week . 1 She always ate fried food . One day , she decided to quit eating so unhealthy . 0 She began to experience pain on a daily basis . Mirna had always been a healthy woman . 0 She later reported on FB that her dad was recovering from the surgery . Her father fell and had hip surgery . 0 My mom missed the turn to the location and got lost . My sister was late because she was making table centerpieces . 1 It had been weeks since he 'd been able to rest . The browned leather pressed against his skin painfully . 0 We were trying to complete a quest together . I was interacting with Gina on an online game . 0 Craig strummed so hard that he broke a banjo string . Mary loved it and asked him to continue playing louder . 0 I absolutely loved that chair . One of my favorite chairs was the wooden one I owned . 1 However , the rubber band broke loose and the pebble hit Derek . He instantly fell on the ground . 0 She was excited since it was her first job . Amy was hired to work at Marshall 's . 0 I stood back , proud of what I 'd accomplished . I spent hours and hours , re-stitching and re-stuffing . 1 Roxy no longer liked how her body looked . So she decided to do something about it . 0 Gina hated the church bells , but she was still sad to see it go . The church was going to be demolished . 1 Mike dropped out of college after taking out student loans . He quickly began to look for a job to cover his costs of living . 1 April was trying to find her way home , but got lost . She tried to call her mom . 0 Later that day , Jerry got a huge promotion . His coworkers then proceeded to make fun of him for being stupid . 0 She decided to let him try out a shower . Megan 's son was getting sort of big for baths . 0 He decided not to talk to anyone or go onto the internet . He also really wanted to avoid getting the movie spoiled for him . 1 He saw that each audience member won a car . He became mad from missing the special event . 0 Jenny started to cry . She looked outside to see that it was raining . 0 She looked through her papers and found an exam with no name . I tried to convince her that I took the test . 1 Anne was reading the newspaper with her morning coffee . She found an advertisement for a used sedan . 1 A janitor was called to a classroom to change a light bulb . He got on a ladder and took off the cover of the light . 1 Jack did learn , however , that he had high blood pressure . This event caused him to turn his life around and get healthy . 0 They were not impressed when Jenny wanted to study art . Jenny 's parents wanted her to study something practical . 0 The horses were beautiful , and very cooperative during the lessons . Nathan and his dad drove to the ranch to get started . 0 After entering the park , everyone had to take shelter . When the family arrived , they entered the park . 1 Admiring the breathtaking view , she told him she 'd always love him . She then sent him screaming and sprawling off the mountain . 1 Unfortunately for her they were ballet lessons . She stuck around for 1 lesson and went home . 0 She was able to change the tire easily . She got the jack out and lifted up her car . 1 Leo had too many drinks . He woke up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning . 0 The children toured the museum to see paintings and sculptures . They rode the bus to the city on a school day . 0 On day at work the line for kids to see Santa was extra long . Amy was one of Santa 's Elves as a part time seasonal job . 1 He tried on quite a number of hats before finding one he liked . He hesitated at the price , but bit the bullet and bought it . 1 Tracey wanted to go to an overnight concert with her boyfriend . When she asked her parents the immediately said no . 0 I planned and I plotted against Abraham . I vowed to get revenge on him one day . 0 John sent the book back . John was distraught when he received the book . 1 Today was her shower . Her friends were there . 1 Matt finally killed himself because of all the teasing . Molly did n't feel badly about it at all . 1 I used a new recipe . It tasted amazing . 1 She wanted to check the all out . Her mother made her narrow it down to 3 books . 0 She put her stuffed animals at the table . Bonnie spent hours setting up for her tea party . 0 He came back with a large red snapper . This morning he left very early to go fish . 1 Beth was not sure she wanted to open it . Her curiosity finally won over her fear of bad news . 0 In less than twenty-four hours , ten inches of snow had accumulated . Just before Thanksgiving , he experienced his first snowstorm . 1 She was stirring and stirring the hot fudge . She then slipped and threw the pan of hot fudge into the air . 0 He sold off what is now the richest part of California , Orange County . He had to sell off most of his land to survive . 0 She ran off to grab something to smash it with . Rachel was in her hallway when she saw a huge spider . 1 Kay was at work with a Migraine . She did n't have much sick time so she stayed at work . 0 Baylee told the teacher and got the doll back . Her best friend liked it so much that she stole it . 0 He was looking forward to working on the pommel horse . Jimmy was excited because today was gymnastics day . 0 He asked the stylist to dye his hair blue . He visited a stylist . 1 But at 9 she still had n't arrived . Gina left messages for her , but there was no return call . 0 Timmy met his teacher on the first day of school . Timmy was going into kindergarten . 0 She sat on the hill for hours . She wanted a better view of the city . 1 She identified a suspect . She arrested the correct man . 0 He quickly began to look for a job to cover his costs of living . Mike dropped out of college after taking out student loans . 0 The dirt bike skid and spilled Larry onto the ground . He turned the forks too quick . 0 I called and called , but no cat came , or even meowed . The cat was nowhere to be seen . 0 Afraid she 'll hurt the dog since the sauce was so hot , he stopped her . She decided to mix the extra sauce into her dog 's food . 1 Rita decided to throw her dog a birthday party . First , she made a list of dogs and their owners to invite . 1 I went to a bar . I met a girl named Nancy . 1 On the trip back they ran into a friend with a large white bucket . Sure enough , she had caught at least a dozen frogs . 0 He asked all around and a man had an extra bag . As he unpacked he realized that he had forgotten his sleeping bag ! 1 He went to the cabinet and found no coffee . Went to check his bank account and found no money . 0 He thought it was a bill issue , but it was n't . Suddenly , his power went out . 0 He wound up at the wrong spot . It was but he was too nervous and made it harder . 1 Jennifer loves farm animals . She decided to get a pet goats . 0 We used to play constantly when we were neighbors . I played internet chess with my friend last week . 0 She was streaming some videos . Kelly was using her phone on the train . 1 He did his chores for a full month without forgetting anything . Timmy 's parents agreed he was responsible enough to get him a puppy . 1 The score was tied . The other team scored on them . 1 He spotted a cute girl across the street . He smiled and approached her . 1 Anna was lactose intolerant , so she order a burger without cheese . The waitress brought her a cheeseburger . 1 Bonnie spent hours setting up for her tea party . She put her stuffed animals at the table . 1 She went to the shelter with her mom . She picked out the perfect kitten ! 1 My mother could n't make a good pie crust . She tried all different kinds of things , but it never worked . 1 He was nervous about black ice . He drove slowly . 0 After a minute , Todd fell asleep for an hour . His boss allowed him to nap , so Todd went to a table to rest . 0 Her new husband had fallen asleep ! She could n't believe what she saw . 0 So , I decided to move to Hawaii . I hated winter . 0 His landlord is a Japanese senior citizen who lives in the house too . But that company closed down and now he is on unemployment . 0 When he got there , he saw a small stuffed animal whale on the sand . Jose ran as fast as he could to the beach to see the whale . 1 He inquired to his gardener O'Shea . O'Shea denied any knowledge of the thinned shrubs . 1 That evening , Sam 's mom got a call from her weary son . The chores had to wait while she picked up Sam and his bike . 1 He decided to make his own fantasy football club instead . Ray 's friends tried out for the football team , too . 1 She walked to her room quietly . Closed the door and lay on the floor crying . 0 The representative dealing with her ended up crying . The company got a call from an angry client . 0 He was talking to his girlfriend . A guy named John was using Skype . 0 The kids enjoyed the roller coaster . It was an amusement park on the shores of a lake . 0 The waitress brought her a cheeseburger . Anna was lactose intolerant , so she order a burger without cheese . 0 He wracks his brain for any idea but nothing comes . Johnny sat at his desk staring at his book desolate . 0 He finally got the chance to enter the UFC . He grew up training every other day . 0 The next morning , Amy woke to a snowstorm . She felt bad for losing track of time . 1 I hated winter . So , I decided to move to Hawaii . 0 A man tried to rob Pete for his money . One day Pete was walking on the beach . 0 But Daniel will probably never stop arguing . Although people agree with him , everyone hates it . 0 The editorial is published in the paper . She writes a strongly worded editorial to the paper . 1 He would fall out several times each school day . His teacher was afraid he might get hurt . 0 Riley decided to start a dance team for her school . Riley wanted to dance at school but they had no dance team . 1 Nobody saw his phone . He decided it must have gotten stolen . 0 She was always yelling and making fun of people . Gertrude was liked by no one at school . 0 Louise 's boyfriend got caught in the waves and tumbled around . They went out into the water before noticing the waves were so large . 0 I spilled it over the car hood . I went home and got a can of soda . 1 She realized that she had forgotten to stamp her time card . Quickly , she informed her boss . 0 But then she met the kind driver and aide . She was very nervous ! 0 They did not have the shoes in his size , so he ordered them there . He went to Finish Line to see if they had the shoes he wanted . 0 Her grandpa thanked her , and they began their ride . She put on her seat belt wanting to look adult , and responsible . 0 After locating a instructor , Mandy decided to visit the studio . Mandy looked online for a qualified magic instructor . 0 It was n't a perfect fit , but it did fit . Finally she tried a Barbie doll leg . 0 She did n't have much money so she had to find a creative solution . Lucy was tired of the way her house looked . 1 Two brothers grew up by the water . They played in the water everyday . 0 Jane did not do well on the test . In the morning , she was very tired . 1 Therefore when they found out she was having a boy they freaked . Everyone was very excited . 1 One day Amy discovered Beth lied and kept a secret from her . The secret made Amy look bad in front of other friends . 0 She told him she would charge him interest . He asked his mother to borrow a thousand dollars . 0 The water was coming from the light on the ceiling . Sara walked in door and water was dripping on her head . 1 The rock popped his tire . He stopped the bike and got off . 1 He thought that maybe he was hungry but eating did not help . He took some medication and laid down for awhile . 1 Sally went to the drugstore with her mother . While her mother went to get a prescription , Sally eyed a teddy bear . 0 His mom bought cherry pie filling and a yellow cake mix . It was Jimmy 's birthday and he wanted dump cake . 1 The school was holding a fundraiser . They decided to have a carnival . 1 He was having trouble seeing his monitor . He found some alcohol based cleaner . 1 Eventually Tommy saw a therapist . The therapist helped Tommy deal with his mom 's death . 0 But he baked the pizza in an oven , put it in a box and kept the money . Ricardo 's son charged them twenty dollars to order them a pizza . 0 The teacher woke him up by pelting him with the erasers ! Tim began snoring loudly . 0 She held her breath as the principal called the name of the girls . Now she was a senior at it was her last chance . 1 She saw a big mound of red dirt . She kicked it to see what would happen . 0 I will never trust a sandwich alone in my house again . When I returned , my sandwich was gone and my dog was looking happy . 0 He had only lifted 100 pounds . Then he found out each weight was 50 pounds , not 100 . 1 Sam was in a restaurant . He finished his food and left . 0 One day her cat went missing . Caroline had a white cat . 0 It turned out she actually had the flu and was forced to stay home . She was forced to go to see a doctor . 0 Kay waited 40 minutes for Sara to return . Sara decided to take her break before Kay . 1 I decided to buy us a six pack of beer to forget our problems . Now we 're short on the rent again . 1 Brandon drank beer a lot . He was abusing alcohol . 1 I left for vacation . When I returned home I could n't find the bird . 0 It was making him very upset . He was paying out all of his income to bills . 1 Sara wanted a new puppy really badly . Every year at Christmas it was all she asked for . 0 He took a picture with me , and then I went home . When I got to the front of the line , I met Shane Dawson . 0 The fridge was empty . Michael was starving . 1 On my way I saw a stray cat . He came over to me and purred . 1 Ronny went to a local chicken fast food joint . He ordered fried chicken . 0 When he got home , James plugged in the new keyboard ! James checked out the new product at the cashier . 1 Velma discovered records of the adoption in her mother 's papers . She found Matilda years later in a graveyard . 0 Stan keeps interrupting their alone time . Stan is a lonely 90 year old widower . 0 Until someone said that his story was not stupid . They made him never wanted to make a story again . 0 She ended up buying it because it fit her well . She found a pink one that she really liked . 0 They were now in the basement , and her dad was in the kitchen . Lynn and her friends had come back home and crept in a window . 1 I kept hearing a strange noise in the apartment . I was worried that it was mice . 0 I guess I 'll have to find a new Chinese place . Too bad that they were shut down a few weeks ago . 0 Brett plays his favorite game for 5 hours . Brett decides to play video games . 1 It was not decided that we would have a second for a few Year 's . Once we decided to have a second , we got right on it . 0 I was mad . She ended up eating more of my food than I did . 0 He ate lots of samples at the store . He was shopping for groceries . 0 One day I got too hot and tried the Sage tea . I thought she was out of her mind . 0 Harry realized that this was because it was a poor neighborhood . No one had cans to give away ! 0 He quickly stopped in a local shoe store and looked around . Tim ripped his shoes open on accident while walking home . 1 My daughter started playing softball at eight . Her team was not very good . 1 I was sleeping soundly . Suddenly , I heard gunfire outside on the street . 1 His phone started to overheat . After a few minutes , the battery on his phone exploded . 0 They hired me to build their internet . There was an opportunity for a job by my sons school . 0 The roommate had to give the snake away . The landlord found about it and told them snakes were forbidden . 1 I gave it to May , claiming I had drawn it while looking at her . At first she seemed genuinely touched . 0 They raced up the hill to sled back down , over and over again . The children did n't mind one bit . 0 He had the movie analyzed and the FPS was to high . As the movie went on he noticed he started to feel sick . 0 Her parents had to find her 3 hours later . But she never did because she got lost . 1 It was a one speed fat tired bike . We live in a small condo so it was hard to hide the bike . 0 When the driver arrived to school , everyone rushed to their class . The bus came an hour late since the driver had to fix the bus . 0 Now people hate Tim and Eric 's show . It was really bad but still funny . 0 Dave felt he was getting old . There were days that he could not keep up with his grandchildren . 0 He asked the boy next door to come out and play . When he got home he was excited . 1 The rock had many gems in it that he never saw before . The geologist posted the rock online to show to others . 1 Amy decided to watch Home Alone . It had been 20 years since Amy first saw the movie . 0 She listened to friends and found them to be biased . She checked magazines and found them to be sell-outs . 1 While he was driving , a wheel came off . His friends helped put it back on . 1 Then she entered it into the hometown race . Kev raced like a superstar and scored third place ! 1 I loved the fact that there was a new hockey league . Some Bruins fans liked the Whalers because Teddy Green was a Whaler . 0 He was n't sure he 'd get to play . It was the first game of the season . 0 It was for writing a small article about Hooters . One day she luckily caught a twenty dollar job . 1 She thinks of all of the responsibilities at home . Glenda lets the hiker out at the next crossing . 0 He found them all in the trash the next day . Unfortunately , Greg 's opponent took down all the posters . 0 He noticed the boat had a leak in the bottom . He took his boat out on the water for a test ride . 0 Then , Judy hit it with a bat . They set it up outside . 1 One of the friends , Jake , drank too much and became sick . He was so sick that he had to leave the party . 0 He dedicated the rest of the money towards paying bills . Billy 's purchase was reduced from $ 320 dollars to $ 143 dollars . 1 She heard knocking noises outside . She opened the door to see who 's knocking . 0 Dropping her in , we began to scrub . We ran the water lukewarm , as to not upset her . 1 Then a cute young guy asked her for a date ! Right then and there , Meg knew she was good enough after all . 0 Ophelia decided that she would clean the fridge . After some investigation , Ophelia noticed the odor from the fridge . 1 The editor set up a time to meet with Benji . At the interview , Benji made him an offer . 0 Jo saw her present was a tiny box . At Jo 's office was a Christmas tree with presents for each worker . 0 No one wanted to Tim to be on his team . But he wanted to play basketball during lunch time . 0 She had a great time and saved tons of calories ! All night , she ordered rum with diet soda . 1 Dejected , Amy decided to measure herself . Then her face lit up happily . 1 When I was a kid I wanted nothing more than to grow up . With each year I would impatiently wait to become 20 years old . 0 He instantly fell on the ground . However , the rubber band broke loose and the pebble hit Derek . 0 Tina really wanted to leave . All the girls loved it except Tina . 0 She decided to take a trip to another city . Kim wanted a change of scenery . 1 He made them put the couch back together so he could watch football . The kids got the last laugh , though��they hid the remote . 0 The catcher sprained his ankle in the collision . He slammed into the catcher in front of home plate . 1 He was n't expecting company , and grabbed his gun . A shivering woman greeted him when he opened the door . 0 The judges deducted points and she did n't place in this one . In one pageant , her flipper broke and she had to perform without it . 1 Clay can not stay healthy for a season . Clay throws a pitch and strains his oblique . 1 The park they chose to go to was one that they grew up going to . When they got there , they quickly realized something . 0 So Jill drew a picture of a fruit basket instead . However , the dog knocked the fruit onto the ground . 1 Matthew got his girlfriend a box of chocolates . He surprised her after work with the chocolates . 0 It 's all in an organized fashion but it gets me pumped up . You get to take all your frustration out by running into people . 1 Each person threw in five dollars . The one who lost the most weight got all the money . 1 The two autistic kids made a huge mess . The babies squirmed all over the place . 1 It was for 100 people . I am the only cook at my business . 0 He went to the store and bought meat , chips , and soda . He called up all his friends . 0 To his surprise , the guys invited him to play within minutes . Jeff rode his bike there and parked by the benches . 1 He signed in , and sat down to wait . While waiting , he watched television . 0 Ginny paid her friend to buy decorations for her house . Luckily , her friend loves to decorate . 1 She ca n't decide if she wants chocolate or vanilla . So she gets one of each . 0 I went to races of every kind , and watched every race on TV . As a kid I always wanted to drive a racecar . 0 Alas , he lived in America so he could n't see the band live . Jon loved a Japanese band . 0 The boys went out to greet Jake 's dad . Jake 's dad pulled into the driveway . 0 After an entire day of fun he asked her to marry him . He took her to the zoo . 0 This year my car is rusty in the spot that the deer hit . He was dead and my car was badly dented . 1 At home , Emma noticed that she was missing her necklace . She was searching the house , but she could n't find it anywhere . 0 One day he was playing football on the playground when he got hurt . Stone was a sweet boy who loved to play football . 0 Her boyfriend bought her a gun . Leslie wanted to learn how to shoot . 0 She decided to just skip the pajamas . Unfortunately , her bag was buried under all of the other luggage . 1 Finally , he got a call back and an interview . Now he finally has a source of income . 0 He made sure he was in perfect physical health . He studied very hard . 1 She fell down hard . When she got up she picked up the rock . 0 He put them in the oven . So one day he made a large batch of chocolate chip cookies . 0 I could never even look at one in a container without shivering I have always been deathly afraid of snakes . 0 She had been eager to go there since it opened last month . Henry had told Susan he would take her to the new restaurant . 1 I spent the night at my wife 's aunt 's house . Her guest room is full of dolls . 0 He was watching the sunset with his wife . Larry was on a cruise with his family . 1 Suddenly , my bike began to wobble , and I flew off of my bike . I badly scraped up my body and went home to treat the injuries . 0 He later taught all his friends the wonder of computers . Victor just loved the computer and its way . 0 The sheets were pulled so tight that the sheets ripped . I pulled the sheets really tight . 0 Instead of going back to the mechanic , she just fixed it herself . However , the car started leaking again . 0 It was so hot when it touched my hand , it hurt . The water was very hot . 0 One day , his parents rescued a dog from the shelter . He developed this fear from watching a horror movie . 1 She thought he was asking her on a date . Ray clarified it was a group outing . 1 She was intimidated at first by how big the horses were . The trainer helped her step by step on how to ride . 1 He decided a cat would be best for his lifestyle . He visited a cat shelter to check out the cats . 0 My dad put me on his back and swam around with me . I was so scared , I could barely stay afloat . 1 The big sister got very excited when it was time to bring baby home . She even sang baby a lullaby her first night at home . 1 He found the city scary and loud . He found it hard to sleep at night from the noise . 0 Finally , it said three o'clock . Marcy watched the clock . 0 She was shocked there was only 1 hour of training with a coworker . She asked her boss when she would be trained . 1 In 1958 two brothers borrowed $ 600 from their mother . They used that money to open the first Pizza Hut . 1 She decided to get a big dinner . She ate really fast . 1 No one dared to pass by there . One day Jeff got dared to knock on the door . 0 Tom watched their antics . Tom thought they were wild party animals . 1 Flowers started blooming again . The air had to be turned on . 1 Ben bought a dog crate for an upcoming airline trip . The crate was too small for the dog . 1 Amber had two ferrets . The ferrets would pee in the house . 0 Thus , I failed the quiz . I had n't been paying attention to the lecture . 1 He dressed well . Then he was careful to be polite and well-read . 0 When she took it out of the cage she had it play . She could n't wait to play with it . 0 Listening to birds in the morning makes me happy . I lay in bed much longer than usual because it is Saturday . 1 It was too short . He tried to adjust the size . 1 After making some grunting sounds , she grabbed the scalpel . She cut through the frog 's chest and produced its still beating heart . 0 Their parents blamed Jane and she was very ashamed . He broke several dishes while washing them . 1 He looked up a recipe for a sausage pizza . It was delicious ! 1 Suddenly , she saw him digging in the dirt . He picked up a huge clump and dumped it on his head . 1 When she got to the door it was locked . Amy knocked but there was no one to let her in . 0 At halftime she was sure she would be chosen to play . She was impressed by her team , but she really wanted to play . 0 There are no more problems at school after that . So Andy 's parents call the parents of the bullies and talk to them . 0 The opening band were nervous . The headliner band was in an office . 0 He just called and said he wants to take me out on Sunday . I am for the Denver Bronco 's but my husband hates football . 1 She decided that she may as well get a big sandwich . She enjoyed it even more because it was free . 0 His teacher was afraid he might get hurt . He would fall out several times each school day . 1 Theresa came home from a bonfire covered in mosquito bites . She was so itchy that she could n't fall asleep . 1 Suddenly , he noticed his boss 's truck . He ran up to the truck and spit on the window . 0 He leaped in the air . He dribbled left and right past the defender . 1 Kristen loved buying Christmas trees . There was always hot chocolate and sometimes even snow . 0 My husband asked me a simple question . I went all day without eating . 1 He made the planets out of popcorn balls painted with food dye . Then , Doug strung the balls from a rod . 0 From that point on he bought small loads of groceries . Jim had to throw a bunch of it away since it spoiled . 0 We watched as the family ran away from a flock of demanding ducks . Suddenly , the other ducks noticed and came over . 0 He saved them and put out the fire . The fireman went in to save them . 1 After visiting with the instructor , India decided to take classes . At her first class , India was a bit nervous , but did well . 1 I peaked out my window and saw a mailman . I opened the door and he gave me a package and then I sat back down . 1 Everyone waited outside for the Bus to take them to the hotel . When we arrived , there were several people who helped us get around . 0 At the bar , Jason sees a man next to him . He decides to go to a bar . 1 Ken was upset . He went to returned it and get the right one . 1 The story was about a cat who was killed by a truck . The family housing Charles had a pet cat . 1 Kina and Emily were best friends . They did not have sisters of their own . 0 Finally , a man at the local nursery gave her helpful advice . She asked her mother who was of no help . 0 It was his turn to pick the movie to watch that weekend . Eric was standing with his mother at a Red Box . 1 They made an extraordinary number of videos about boys and makeup . When they both grew up and applied to college , it haunted them . 1 Even though Jim was nervous , he tried eating some fried ants . They were not so bad so he tried fried grasshoppers . 0 Reece screamed . Yet unfortunately they saw a rat . 0 Tiffany noticed that the worker did not dry her hands . As the worker went to make her sub , she washed her hands . 1 Before Jane knew it the friend had been swept away . Everyone tried to find him but could n't . 0 Bob told his neighbor and payed for the damages . One ball hit and broke his neighbor 's window ! 0 I tried a few anyways . I did n't know if they were safe to eat . 1 She came back with a thermometer and took his temperature . She told him that he 's not going to school today because you are sick . 1 The line took forever . It took her about three hours to get through the airport . 0 We had to tow it out . Then the axle snapped . 1 When she went back she asked an employee for help . This time she was able to get the right part . 1 She needed a walk . But it took her an hour to get there . 1 In the middle of the night he went to release the cow but got caught . His dad , the farmer , said if the cow means that much we wo n't kill it . 1 He went to the gas station and purchased a scratch off ticket . He quickly scratched off his numbers . 0 The worker did not want to get a real job , or to get dressed . People tried to get the worker to go out and get a real job . 1 Greg met Candace at the bar . He was so struck by her beauty , he could barely speak . 0 Yvonne knew she was n't going to eat them . After , she had a lot of leftovers . 0 When I awoke the man was gone leaving only a nasty scratch on my hand . Despite my best effort I fell asleep after a while . 1 Oil spilled for many days . It polluted the ocean . 0 She made roast and vegetables and two gorgeous pies . She spent the whole day cooking and baking . 1 I loved him so much . One day we left him outside . 1 She wanted to pay it all off . She limited her expenses everyday . 0 He took a year off and applied again . He did not like Saint John 's and did not go . 1 Javier yelled at them to leave . The raccoons ran across the street without catching any fish . 1 As he got closer the high dive looked much higher . Ray put one hand on the ladder and had instant regrets . 1 Jeanette had enjoyed a subscription with her local paper for months . After moving , she noticed the paper was no longer arriving . 1 Ginger wanted to be a lawyer . She spent four years getting a political science degree . 0 When wiping surfaces there was so much dirt she had to use more wipes . She bought wipes at the auto parts store to clean it up . 1 As she waited there , she began a chat with a cute neighbor boy . And by time her wash was done , she had found herself a date after all ! 0 She read many news articles the day before she voted . She decided to brush up on her political knowledge online . 1 Her mom and dad talked about it . They decided it was okay . 0 Joey woke up to find it on his head he smiled . One night dad 's hat disappeared . 1 All this new stress caused Ray to collapse on the spot . He slept on the floor like that for hours . 1 His mom made an appointment with the uniform shop to try on shorts . They went and he tried on 2 pairs of shorts . 0 But no one paid attention to Jan and her old beau walked past her . Jan showed up at the reunion confident of her new look . 1 He brought it to his mom . She opened the door and replaced the batteries . 0 He struggled in all of his classes . Bob decided to enroll in college . 1 She had been in bed since 2 PM . It was now 10 . 0 Finally , he dried the window with a cloth . Then , he wiped the window with a squeegee . 0 So , instead he just dawdles at night before he clocks out . He decides he does n't want to ask his boss for more hours . 0 He tried to call Tina to open the door . When drew came home , the door was locked . 1 Then one day his wife tried and the son was riding in within the hour . Braden laughed and congratulated his wife and son on a job well done . 1 Liz kept her mouth tightly closed riding the bus to school . She entered her class and took a seat in the back . 1 Felipe diligently practices playing while marching . Finally he is able to join the marching band . 0 They asked Mia to babysit her little sister . Mia 's parents wanted to go out to dinner . 0 Jim 's mom would n't pay for a high-speed connection . Jim loved to browse the internet . 0 The next day Fred was back to eating pork and beans . It was gross . 0 His coach gave up on him early in the season . Johnny was a terrible baseball player . 0 He found it hard to sleep at night from the noise . He found the city scary and loud . 1 Oprah noticed that there were no bike lanes . Oprah went to the city council . 1 Steve decided he needed to become a better foul shot shooter . He set a goal to make 100 foul shots a day . 0 Robyn loves the fact that she can work from home and be her own boss . She is hired by website designers that need help with their content . 1 I 'm visiting my girlfriend 's parents who live in Tennessee . There is one internet provider available to them and it 's dial up . 0 She read that you can squeeze lemon juice on hair before suntanning . Elizabeth wanted natural highlights without spending a lot of money . 0 He fell to his death . Suddenly , he lost his footing . 1 Her partner did the majority of the work for Amy . Amy was upset to have failed the assignment . 1 One day she decided to sell roses . She made 2000 extra dollars that day . 0 For months they placed a few pieces each night after dinner . Laughing with joy , they dumped all the puzzle pieces out . 0 Then , George stumbled upon a full silver dollar . At first all they found were fragments . 0 When Tom came and talked to Jen , she did n't follow Ike 's advice . Jen has never had a boyfriend . 1 Sadly , one of the rooms was painted black . Daniel bought some white paint . 1 When he opened his fridge , he discovered he had neither ingredient . Pondering what to have for breakfast he searched his freezer . 1 They contacted the local dog pound , in case someone contacted them . The puppy 's owner was found , appreciative of the Thompsons ' aid . 1 He went to the store and bought some new chips and salsa . I was happy again . 1 She unplugged it immediately and let it dry out for a day . When she plugged it back in , she was very nervous it would not work . 0 He 's been going there for coffee for twenty Year 's . There 's a fast food chain that gives him a senior discount . 1 Joe hated apple sauce . When his mother served it , he 'd throw it away . 0 He made signs and went with some friends to the local courthouse . Jim felt strongly about a social justice issue . 1 I recalled that she liked to cook . i bought her a cookbook . 1 My wife knew I hated turkey . She made chicken for me instead . 0 One day , Jill wore the necklace to a party . Jill treasured the string of pearls . 0 Then I painted my car with some nice black paint . I sprayed my car with primer to prep it . 0 Jason lived down the street from me . Jason was my best friend when I was younger . 0 One year , they did the Race to Mackinac on Lake Michigan . Her father , along with some other folks , owned a 40-foot racing yacht . 0 The car drove away as the both waved but it was n't goodbye . Ben promised to visit and jan promised to come back . 1 In order to impress the members , he 's been soloing a lot . Robbie seems like a great guitarist to the new members . 0 Each new joke they laughed harder than the last . A crowd began to form and he knew he was on to something . 0 He made a big mess of himself as he ate . The cake was so big he could n't get his mouth around it . 0 The garbage men stopped their truck and waited for him . He heard the truck coming and bolted outside . 0 Marsha made the cheerleading team the following week . Marsha practiced three times a day before tryouts . 0 She did n't know anyone . She had just switched schools . 0 She was taking Rick to daycare . Rick 's mom was going back to work . 0 In a few weeks some began to sprout . She made no effort to take care of the seeds . 1 While taking the trip , he began to wander away from the tour group . Soon Terry found himself lost in the jungle with no idea where to go . 0 I also have a terrible headache which makes me grumpy . Unfortunately my nose is very red and runny . 0 Arthur was glad he had been patient to see the beautiful bird . Eventually it came back ! 0 Everyone loves Bernie . Bernie made a huge difference to the middle class and poor . 0 Suddenly her sled veered off the smooth path . Ann was sledding down a steep hill . 1 Kim went to the grocery store to prepare for a hurricane . The grocery store was packed with people doing the same . 0 Wanda now feels that even tragedies in life happen for a reason . They married , 5 years after her first husband 's death . 0 It caved in and luckily no one was hurt . Later that week they came back to the igloo to play . 0 She had to use the restroom . Jenny was at a dinner party . 0 Leah put a scary scarecrow in the garden . The crows and rabbits wanted to eat the vegetables in her garden . 0 But soon Roger will get tired . He also loved to chase after birds . 1 He wants to set it up in two weeks . Her mom is sad , as she does n't want her baby to grow up . 0 The dog was waiting to be adopted and Kelsi picked it up . Kelsi 's eyes laid on this beautiful brown dog that was very small . 0 His friends and family teased him of this irrational fear . Joaquin had always been afraid of farm animals . 0 Within minutes I felt insane itching . I put on a clean pair of underwear and headed to work . 1 Julie was confused , she did n't think she looked that old ! The cashier blushed and apologized for her mistake . 0 Pat pleaded to just unload the truck so he could go . He told Pat that he was in the wrong loading bay . 0 The bus rolls up two minutes later and tells Johnny he hit traffic . He got to the stop at 5:06 , the bus was n't there . 1 He eventually graduated from college . His persistence and hard work paid off in the end . 1 But she did n't get any better . Olivia quit playing chess . 0 She drove 4 hours to get to campus . Sarah was leaving for college . 0 The teachers were amazed at his volcano . He worked on his project every day after school . 1 He went to the local bar and met his friend . They had two beers and stayed for two hours . 0 Jenny cried to herself as she walked back home . She performed very poorly on her exam . 0 He hesitated at the price , but bit the bullet and bought it . He tried on quite a number of hats before finding one he liked . 1 As the sun shined on him , he thought about how much he hated summer . He hated everything about it -- the heat , the sweat , the brightness . 0 He was overjoyed . Then she surprised him with the news . 0 They have a five cent deposit in my state . Two days ago I went around looking for cans . 0 Yet they ate them anyway . The girls cringed . 0 Soon I had finished all he had . I read it and demanded the next one . 1 Tanya was talking to her friend on the phone . She felt the phone overheating . 0 The chores had to wait while she picked up Sam and his bike . That evening , Sam 's mom got a call from her weary son . 1 She did n't know her sister arrived with several dogs . Everyone assumed the pies would have been tasty . 1 The cashier took my payment , and gave me the coffee . I sat down and set up my laptop . 0 Corey began to investigate in order to restore his sanity . Recently he started hearing voices on a radio frequency . 1 The boys ate some cotton candy at the stand . The highlight of the day was the hayride for the boys . 1 The teacher told them to put everything away . They all failed . 0 I dreamed of one day seeing Ian Anderson in concert . I 've always been a big fan of Jethro Tull . 0 Braden laughed and congratulated his wife and son on a job well done . Then one day his wife tried and the son was riding in within the hour . 1 Ted was late for work . He was speeding down the highway trying to make up lost time . 0 She told him she could prove that Santa Claus was real ! Horrified , Robby asked his mom . 1 They worked together to build his app . Devin 's app is now live in the App Store ! 0 She brought it home and played with it . Jen bought a rabbit as a new pet . 0 She had nothing to say and remained quiet . I asked her why she took out the extra $ 20 dollars . 1 The clerk emptied the cash drawer into my bag . I was able to pay my rent but I was arrested shortly thereafter . 1 Rocket was a mean cat . He did n't like to be pet . 0 Then her mom started to tell her coworkers about it . She made very little money at first . 0 When her mother left , Linda 's boyfriend came inside . Linda wanted to move because she had a boyfriend . 0 Jane wondered if she had made a mistake moving away from her friends . She had moved to a new town , and had no one to celebrate with . 0 Unfortunately one of the branches fell and knocked him off his ladder . He was hired to cut the extra branches off his neighbor 's tree . 0 The policeman arrested the robber ! A robber had entered her house . 1 I brought the filter home and installed it . My AC unit began to work normally again . 0 The others at the beach had chips , cookies , and some fruit . They brought drinks , s'mores ingredients , and sandwich ingredients . 1 He passed his hand over the board to see how smooth it was . The board felt very rough to Carl at first . 1 Her mom yelled and ran after her . She lectured her sternly . 1 He wanted them to like him so he agreed . He totally forgot about it when he went to bed . 0 She is very pretty . My friend 's name is Sam . 0 When she got the new card , she could finally get her new license . She needed to present her social security card but it was also lost . 0 While I was watching through the window Kiddo was eating grass . Today he woke me up whining to go outside . 1 I needed a new bracelet but did n't feel like buying a new one . I decided to therefore make a bracelet myself . 0 After finally watching the show , he felt amazed that he could stay up . He did everything in his power to stay up to watch the show . 1 Erica was taking a shower . All of a sudden , there was no hot water . 0 As he was eating , he choked on his food . Today he had a slice of sausage pizza . 0 Some have kept it up . Some have already chosen to remove it . 1 But Target did n't have them . She went to the mall with her cousins . 0 Behind the desk was the most beautiful woman Don had ever seen . One Tuesday something compelled him to go inside . 1 Rufus is very proud that his son is getting married . He would like to find a way to make the wedding special . 1 He tried to ignore it but it was too distracting . He decided to go take a hot shower . 0 He ate pizza , a burger , french fries , onions , a cake and a roll . When he ate everything he just asked for more . 0 Rosa used the money to buy birthday presents for her children ! He had left her $ 500 before he checked out ! 0 She saved up for years to go . Lia had always wanted to see a Broadway play . 0 Her doctor also gave her exercise recommendations . She asked her doctor , who gave her a diet to follow . 0 He was given a test to take . He was invited in a classroom . 0 There , he officially reprimanded her . Her boss called her into his office . 0 The day of the race arrived . He tried very hard for many long , tough months to get ready . 0 The left side of her body was paralyzed in a stroke . Gina 's grandma was n't able to clean her house well . 1 One day she cut her hair very short . Then she brought a boyfriend to a wedding . 1 The three options were not favorable . The couple left the doctor office broken hearted and defeated . 0 When she returned the puppy , the owner gave her a reward . Martha checked his collar and found a phone number . 1 They set it up outside . Then , Judy hit it with a bat . 0 Finally , they decided to choose randomly . They could n't decide which movie to see . 1 Brian called his friend to walk the dog . Brian felt bad for waking up late . 1 She knew her mom would be upset so she wore her hair down . It took 3 days for her mom to notice . 0 He went to his nearest Best Buy to purchase a new keyboard . Todd could not finish typing his paper . 1 I tried to stay with him for the whole day . However , he eventually started to roam around freely . 0 It turns out the film was too old . We tried messing with all the settings . 0 He got free and ran away . Pepper went into the city with his owner . 1 There , she mostly made copies with an old Xerox machine . A professor asked Jo to make copies into a textbook for his class . 0 He attacked our neighbors dogs , and howled through the night . On his first day home , however , he proved to be quite the challenge . 1 I said no , of course not , just take them , you 're welcome anytime . The next day I found an envelope with $ 10 in it stuck under the door . 1 Suzy 's parents took her to Florida on vacation . There was an opportunity to swim with dolphins at the sea park . 1 Finally the baby was able to reach her favorite doll . Megan 's baby will crawl very soon . 0 I told her I had a surprise for her . She cried for about ten minutes . 1 She was crying because the hot water gave her a headache . I placed a bag of ice on her head in order to cool it down . 0 After 20 minutes they were very upset . They waited patiently for their waiter to come to them . 0 Finally , the baby arrived . She had to go to the hospital to be induced . 0 David 's girlfriend wanted to stop after 20 minutes in . They tried to climb the great wall . 0 The family marveled at how fun it was to feed the large animals . The moment the Smiths arrived , they rushed over to the elephants . 0 One day Jeff got dared to knock on the door . No one dared to pass by there . 0 I dragged myself to the back room while in fear I would be shot . I lost the ability to move my lower half of my body . 1 They rode the bus to the city on a school day . The children toured the museum to see paintings and sculptures . 1 Jenni was told about a show called Dr Who by her friend Casey . She watched the first episode . 0 She considered getting out of bed to watch TV . And the cars as they drove past the house . 1 That night , the party was underway . Suddenly , their television stopped working . 0 Everyone was still happy . They made a new tradition to celebrate at home . 1 Her husband disagrees . One day Paula went out of town . 0 He crouched slowly toward the tall reeds . He ducked underneath the fence . 1 Christy laughs and explains that the sound is an owl hooting . Kate is relieved to find out the sound was only an owl . 0 The flowers are very vibrant . No one ever saw anyone tend the flower garden . 0 One day , my teacher said that I would be using a lathe . When I was in high school , I took a class in woodworking . 0 I went to check it out , it was very dark . There was a noise in the garage . 1 I went to my first concert today . Mom took me to see my favorite band . 0 He was finally going to come home in two days . He had been out of America for 4 years . 1 Pepper went into the city with his owner . He got free and ran away . 1 Suddenly , my iPod stopped working . I looked around for an alternative . 0 He became mad from missing the special event . He saw that each audience member won a car . 0 Anna now has a home of her own ! She went house hunting and found the perfect house . 1 Ryan lost a lot of weight . Now Ryan never eats cake because he does n't want to get fat ! 0 I then had to clean it up . I ended up spilling sauce on it . 1 Blake took out his revolver and cocked it . He aimed at the target slowly but steadily . 0 After the ceremony , none of Charles ' family approached him . Then he made calls to his mother , father and grandparents . 0 Suddenly a truck full of propane tanks pulled up . Bobby was hanging out with his father Hank at work . 1 Kate decided to order take-out food and pretend it was home-cooked . Bill was impressed and never found out Kate 's secret ! 0 I started to feel so lonely that I walked back to my car . I looked around at all the happy couples around me . 1 Many said doctors and nurses . One said just like her . 1 Bob cheered for his son . His son hit a homerun over the fence ! 0 She had gotten a D on her report card . Anne came home with some bad news . 1 Mike and Joe were playing a videogame . They were competing for the high score . 1 Carlos has always wanted to make a delicious dinner for his family . He decides to try to make them paella . 0 However , he could not find anything he liked . He decided to go shopping for one . 0 One day they did n't have any samples . Their kids loved the samples too . 0 I decided to get some friends to help me . I am going to have to speed up my process as there is a storm coming . 0 She had started dating a great man , but she was afraid . Annie could n't read . 0 Kyle was so happy spending his evening with friends . Kyle rolled 3 strikes in a row . 1 However , the phone had a technical error next morning . The files were corrupted and the phone could n't turn off . 1 One morning , he came back inside smelling like skunk ! His family decided to give him a bath . 1 Samantha found a squirrel hiding among her old boxes . She helped the squirrel get outside through an attic window . 1 When the delivery man finally arrived , he asked for a signature . She signed and received a nice big box with Amazon tape . 1 We had only been driving about 2 hours when we were in an accident . My mom was driving and slid off the road , hitting a light pole . 1 The former friend said she had outgrown Marcia . Marcia went home and tore up a picture of her friend . 1 Then she had an installation company come to her house . They measured and filled and prepared . 1 This morning I got into the truck and noticed the mirror was fixed . I suspected Brain of fixing it and asked him about it . 1 Just before Thanksgiving , he experienced his first snowstorm . In less than twenty-four hours , ten inches of snow had accumulated . 0 She met a new boy in one of her classes . He was completely obsessed with her but she did n't feel the same . 1 I tried my luck at a nearby shopping center . Thanks to Jimmy John 's for being open on a Sunday at midnight ! 1 I needed a new dress for an upcoming dance . I went to the mall . 0 Instead of being oily , he found mackerel luscious and buttery . However , his friend cooked him a delicious mackerel to eat . 1 It sometimes was difficult finding different spots for him . But it was something the kids looked forward to each year . 0 The dog wandered around town for several hours . His dog ran through the open gate . 0 All the hot water was gone by the time he had his turn . Because he overslept he was last in the shower . 0 I went to the store and bought some gum . I could finally eat gum . 0 Their first date is the beginning of a long romance . Finally Doug decides to ask out a nice girl from his yoga class . 0 The cable company sent out a tech . Jack called the cable company . 0 Her friends were there . Today was her shower . 0 His mom takes him shopping to buy everything he needs for school . He loves everything about school . 1 She set a quit smoking date and purchased the electronic cigarettes . After three weeks of electronic cigarettes , her cough subsided . 0 She found them playing nurse to a ward of dolls . One day Mavis awoke from a nap to laughter from her nieces . 0 He made a pile of things on the ground that he felt was junk . Mitch spent his morning cleaning out his car . 1 Everytime she went to a carnival she would avoid them . Her friends decided to ride the roller coaster one time , so she joined 0 He decided to cover them with melted chocolate . But he thought bananas tasted boring . 1 Rufus hates doing his math homework . He would much rather play video games all night . 1 Tim got a job and did what his dad said . He saved enough money and his dad paid for half of the mustang . 1 I hung it up in my backyard . At night , the wind chime would play . 1 I did n't have a job . I tried to look for a job but my luck was down . 0 Then his dad sat him down and gave him a pep talk . But he feared he could n't play well enough to make the team ! 0 They came up with all sorts of activities and schemes . Two friends decided to have a great Summer . 0 When he went to the store they were out of all the essentials . He decided to wait until the last minute to buy groceries . 0 He ran as fast as he could towards first base . He felt the bat hit the ball . 1 Gina lay in bed at her grandma 's house trying to go to sleep . Gina usually stayed awake till 1 AM in the summer . 0 At night , the wind chime would play . I hung it up in my backyard . 1 One night she was invited to a date by a boy named Nic . Gabby accepted and put on lots of perfume to hide her smell . 0 He opened the door . He was n't expecting company . 1 Finally there were vegetables ready . Beans , broccoli and carrots tasted better when you grew them ! 1 Jane wanted to know what needed to be done . Jane was shocked when the teacher suggested And see a psychologist . 1 He only bought enough lights to cover 90 % of his house . When he realized he was short on lights , he drove to the store . 0 Sandy saw him there . Greg went to the Barbie convention because he liked dolls . 1 He told everyone to not panic or freak out . He confessed that he 's a homosexual . 1 He started walking around , meeting his new neighbors and classmates . He knew immediately he would be loving his college experience . 1 Leroy had always loved working with people . He decided he wanted to work as a barber . 0 However , he loved it when he got home . His hands would feel numb and his nose would burn . 1 She ate ice cream for almost an hour . After she was done , she was sick for a long time . 0 He confronted the worker about how he heard he was taking bribes . The owner of a bowling alley heard a nasty rumor about an employee . 0 He did n't find many . He went to the store to find one he liked . 0 He decided it must have gotten stolen . Nobody saw his phone . 0 She always got the latest model Claire really wanted a new phone . 0 Rita felt sick to her stomach almost immediately . She decided to buy some food from a street vendor . 0 I purchased them for 15 dollars each . I found two brand new car amplifiers at the local Goodwill 0 Kristi had been a girl scout so she knew what to do . Slowly turning around she saw a mountain lion crouching down . 1 Darlene and Jacob were experienced climbers . They wanted a challenge and picked a very difficult climb . 1 Then I met David while practicing a play . David and I have been great friends all summer . 1 Bob decided to enroll in college . He struggled in all of his classes . 0 They saw a movie . Loretta 's first date with Charles was to the Del Amo Mall . 0 He went into the store looking for a purple shirt . Mike needed clothes for his history presentation . 0 Thinking she had broken it , she went to the emergency room . The next day , her finger hurt and was swollen . 1 After the 5th year of having his house vandalized , Greg hated teens . Every Christmas without fail , his house would be egged and TPed . 0 Without alcoholism , Mati was able to make something of his life . He focused on bettering his life . 1 He loved his car but hated the monthly car note . When Jake got his tax refund check he got an idea . 1 Maya ended up cooking her dad a wonderful cake . Her dad told her it was the best birthday ever ! 1 Hal worked hard in school all year . He wanted to graduate with honors . 1 I decided to bring my daughter back down the mountain . We slowly made our way down to the car . 0 After making monthly payments , he had good credit again . Now bill was broke . 0 Sally went to the party anyways . She knew there would be bad things there and she should not go . 0 He drove for 5 hours to arrive at his mother 's house . He loaded his luggage in his small car . 1 She wore them wore them when it was rainy . She wore them when it was sunny . 1 I decided that I was going to try to fix it myself . I took it apart and found the problem . 0 Jill then could rest easy . She grabbed the vacuum and sucked the spider up . 1 They made a new tradition to celebrate at home . Everyone was still happy . 1 Suddenly she spotted an obscure looking video from her favorite band . She clicked on the link and discovered a new song . 1 My cousin sent me a text message with a picture of his business card . He ask me if the business cards looked ok . 1 Andrea was babysitting her four year old niece . She decided to leave the room to get something in the kitchen . 0 When she naps I can not make the bed . Our cat likes to nap on our bed . 1 Sam arrived in New York City for the first time . As a southern boy , he was not prepared . 0 Her boyfriends came over and the four of them ate the pasta . The sauce was also from scratch and tasted delicious . 1 The dentist cleaned his teeth . Then , the dentist told him he was all done . 1 I spent that year working out and the summer dieting too . I dropped down to a muscular 186 lbs . 0 Wendy looked at the beautiful iphones and settled on a pink one . The girls ' first stop was at the Apple Store . 1 They tried to climb the great wall . David 's girlfriend wanted to stop after 20 minutes in . 0 They built a little coup for it outside . Her parents were not happy about it . 0 His father was angry and would n't speak to him . He converted to Islam . 1 He usually chose between a red or a blue tie . Today he decided to change it up with a piano tie . 0 The other car was fine and did n't notice the other 's fate . One car spun out and smashed into a tree . 1 She screeched and tried to get it out with a broom . Finally the bug went away . 1 Her mom took her to a range where rides were offered . She and Maya both got to ride on horses . 0 I asked my mother who loves ten minutes away if she could babysit . We thought we had enough money for daycare but we do n't . 1 Stone was a sweet boy who loved to play football . One day he was playing football on the playground when he got hurt . 0 The secret made Amy look bad in front of other friends . One day Amy discovered Beth lied and kept a secret from her . 1 Jane woke up to a painful bump on her lip . She quickly realized she was getting a cold sore . 0 He called his sister for ideas . He was n't sure what movie to pick . 1 Ned stopped to pet the dog . But the dog bit Ned on the arm ! 1 Louis did n't want to eat his vegetables . He had carrots and peas left on his plate . 0 She enjoyed eating her huge sandwich ! She added pickles , cheese , tomatoes , lettuce , and onions . 0 The cart fell over and landed on my wrist . While my mom was busy , I decided to climb into the cart . 1 He told Vinnie that the beach was closed . Vinnie went back in with his shoulders slumped down . 1 The concert featured one of her favorite bands . She went to the box office and purchased two tickets . 0 Clyde was glad that it was something minor . Clyde was prescribed lots of rest and hot liquids . 1 He turned them in and got enough money for food . On his way out he gave the food to a homeless man . 0 She was sad when her vacation was over . Annie had fun at the beach . 0 Then she scrubbed it . She sprayed it with cleaning spray . 0 She even sang baby a lullaby her first night at home . The big sister got very excited when it was time to bring baby home . 1 He was n't nervous at all as he laced up his skates . He went out to the rink and started rolling around . 1 Timmy was going into kindergarten . Timmy met his teacher on the first day of school . 0 Grateful , he gave them his email so they could send it to him . Dan was very happy to learn this since he could n't take a picture . 0 Larry reeled in a 2 pound trout from the pound . While he was eating his sandwich , something tugged his line . 0 The morning of the test , she woke up sick . She stayed up studying the cold night before too . 0 Alice was upset to leave the store without a new computer . At the store she was told they no longer carried the one she chose . 0 Sam 's friend makes a fake profile and pretends to be attracted to Sam . He is really depressed about not getting any replies . 1 Kelly had been wearing glasses for the longest time . Unfortunately she took a slip and fall down the stairs . 0 All of a sudden it started to hail . Jackie was having her morning coffee in her living room . 1 At the beer tasting , he sampled ales , stouts , and pilsner beers . It was one of the best days of his life . 0 I went home with pretty much nothing . I was a bit disappointed that there were n't more sales than I found . 0 I looked around for an alternative . Suddenly , my iPod stopped working . 1 Justin was nearly fifteen years old . One day his dad brought him a big paper . 0 The dispenser froze after a few seconds . She tried to buy some candy by putting money into the machine . 0 He had no story books . She asked him for a bedtime story . 0 He decided to cut it cold turkey . Dan has been trying to quit cigarettes for a while . 0 My mom did not want to run , but she did it anyways . He tried to get her into running . 0 No one ever came in John 's yard again . John threw a basketball at the kid 's head . 1 Little Joey was walking in the neighborhood . Spotting a cute little kitten he wondered how he could get it home . 0 Kay went back home and felt proud to be popular . Kay realized she had dated half of the boys in the group . 1 She checked her cupboards and and found nothing . She decided to go to her favorite restaurant . 1 She headed north towards the closed street . She could n't drive across the street . 0 One day while playing in blue and purple socks she scored 8 goals . Janie was an avid player of soccer . 0 Alison gave Tammy orange juice , telling her there was alcohol in it . She decided she was going to teach her a lesson . 1 He dug through his old stuff . He found another screen and plugged it in . 0 I went to a surf shop and asked for advice . I wanted to learn to surf . 0 Larry pulls ahead at the end of the race and wins ! At the meet , they race right along next to each other . 1 Malia thirstily picked up her bottle of water . She took several swallows before putting the bottle back in its place . 1 Sally had several dogs . One of them named Fido was a real pain . 1 She put the baby to bed , and left the room . The baby cried for an hour straight . 0 As I hand over my ticket , the error sign came up . As we walked in the park we walked to the ticket booth . 0 Hannah said she did n't want to go out of pure laziness . Dori invited her friend Hannah to her dance recital . 0 I went into my room to hide under the covers . It started to rain outside . 0 She opened the door and replaced the batteries . He brought it to his mom . 1 Jill was walking through the store . She went to reach for her phone . 0 He noted the time on the clock and then distracted himself doodling . Darren was in class , waiting for the end of the day . 0 I told him he was a loser so he gave me detention . The coach called me a weakling . 0 He was used to living alone . Chris moved into a new apartment with one of his friends . 0 To them , it was just a game . Thousands of dollars changed hands every night . 1 Gina was disappointed to see the kids eating the cereal . The teacher told Gina the kids often came to school hungry . 0 Before long the sound stopped . I lay there with my eyes closed and tried to figure out what it was . 1 Ron had a lot of homework due . But he struggled to concentrate . 1 My mother helped me set up a stand to hold the pies . We stood behind the stand for several hours . 1 He considered the best way to resume the excavation . Removing the hillside would require serious help . 0 There was an opportunity to swim with dolphins at the sea park . Suzy 's parents took her to Florida on vacation . 0 The two women had some tea together in the living room . Kelly went to her sister Kim 's house yesterday to talk . 0 She was happy to be away from the boring main church . It was Lucy 's first day at Sunday school . 1 He cooked up lots of burgers . However , he got tired from all of the work . 0 She switched the batteries and continued using her phone . Kay was so relieved ! 1 Leslie wanted to learn how to shoot . Her boyfriend bought her a gun . 0 He laid flowers down and noticed a figure off in the distance . George visited his friend 's grave after one such dream . 1 I am a freelance graphic designer . I work from home in my underwear and pick my own hours . 1 The girls cringed . Yet they ate them anyway . 1 He called all his friends for help . None of them could figure out what was wrong . 1 We played on Facebook . I lost the first game , won the second , and tied the third . 0 As they walked through the woods , Becky trailed with the basket . Becky 's mom let her carry the picnic basket on the family hike . 1 He decided to make french fries . He said the key to the best fries was to fry them twice . 0 My favorite animal at the time was the zebra . I went to the zoo when I was 9 Year 's old . 1 Ordering was difficult but the food was wonderful . Later , a bachelor party showed up and everyone sang karaoke . 0 She could have gotten hurt and learned her lesson . Her hat was blown away and so was her umbrella . 1 The fireman went in to save them . He saved them and put out the fire . 0 He ordered the 5 lbs burrito that they had there . He went to the burrito king restaurant near his house . 0 Jane and the other student got in trouble . During a test , another student tried to look at Jane 's paper . 1 During one walk , an off leash boxer charged the bichon . It took several minutes to separate the two dogs . 1 Jenny pulled forcefully on the kitchen window shade . It dangled limply in her hands , instead of rolling up as it should . 0 She screamed and hid under her blanket . A bolt of lightening struck the tree in the her front lawn . 1 She visits the circulation desk , the reference desk , and the basement . After her visit , Ophelia returns home . 0 O'Shea denied any knowledge of the thinned shrubs . He inquired to his gardener O'Shea . 1 Sam wanted to make new friends . He decided to take Salsa lessons at a local art school . 0 Desmond consulted a friend about what to do . This caused his commute to lengthen by over 30 minutes . 0 They put the earring in and Kelly screamed . She went to the parlor but then was nervous . 0 I work from home in my underwear and pick my own hours . I am a freelance graphic designer . 0 Nevil 's digging yielded an ancient dinosaur fossil ! They tracked all their findings carefully . 1 His name was Bear . He lived in one of the houses near the barn but always hung out there . 1 When I asked him what 's wrong , he told he that he 's starving . Since he had no body , I took him to the restaurant . 1 They talked during the entire ride . Now they 're a couple . 0 He knew immediately he would be loving his college experience . He started walking around , meeting his new neighbors and classmates . 1 He did n't notice and the stain set . He had to toss it out . 1 Joe did not enjoy the joke because it was told so aggressively . To be a good friend Joe forced a laugh anyway . 0 She got on the field and started dribbling the ball . Kathryn was excited for her first soccer game . 0 He also sold his large scale items and bought a tiny house . He needed a change , so he sold the big house . 1 A bear appeared and they all ran into a nearby car that was open . Nestor realized that he left his keys outside where the bear was . 0 Fred lost track of time because he was watching TV . Fred was supposed to pick his daughter up from school . 1 Within a year , they were serious and talking about marriage . She finally admitted that she was wrong about blind dates . 0 The man climbed faster to get off the mountain as soon as possible . The man used his free hand to swat the bird away . 1 Alex went home after throwing mud at a friends house . His friend got in a lot of trouble . 1 They drove through Chile on an old motorcycle . One day , the old bike broke down for the last time . 0 Finally , she decided to put the bags in her storage unit . She still could n't pay so she needed to do something else . 1 He was running out of gas and the balloon was falling . He was able to steer the balloon towards a field . 1 As he was looking over at the water he tripped . He fell and scraped his elbow . 0 They really enjoyed it so they did again the following week . He invited his buddy wilbur over and they ate cheese and crank wine . 0 She wondered what she was going to do for gifts , having no money . Haley was eating a bologna sandwich , worrying about the holidays . 1 The cab driver felt bad and let him have the ride for free . Jimmy called up the cab driver the next day to send him a tip . 0 Jim realized he would n't have enough money for fuel . Jim forgot to file his invoice for the previous week . 0 She takes a day off of work in order to see the doctor . Maureen notices that she does n't feel very well . 0 Jerry looked at the sky and it had suddenly turned menacing . Out of nowhere a clap of thunder was heard . 1 One day , he no longer had his bone with him . Marry dug up a suspicious pile of dirt in the yard and found it . 1 When they got to the mummy exhibit , Rhonda was mesmerized . She did n't notice the rest of the class moving on . 0 His parents told him to go find a summer job . Howard needed a little money for his hobbies . 1 He really wanted to go outside . So , he put on his rainy boots and rainy coat and went outside . 0 They came out in weird shapes . He was not good at it . 0 He saw them spread their wings . He saw the beautiful birds flying . 1 After some investigation , Ophelia noticed the odor from the fridge . Ophelia decided that she would clean the fridge . 0 I ca n't wait to clean them all up though . Fall leaves are very pretty in the beginning of the Autumn season . 0 She even studied on the bus in the morning ! But she stayed up late studying . 1 He would n't stop crying and when he did I was unable to move . I had that feeling of unease , like my life was not satisfying enough . 1 She crashed into another car and killed one person . Katie regretted speeding and never drove a car again . 0 Jen pretended to like it . He ended up buying a nice notebook 1 He decided to buy a set of paints and a canvas . Paul began to paint landscape scenes every day . 1 He laughed and their 1 1/2-year-old son cried for water . When he let Anita go , she grabbed a steak knife . 1 My friend 's name is Sam . She is very pretty . 1 Sam hoped it would snow for Christmas , but it was so warm ! Already it was mid-December and still fifty degrees . 1 She was afraid she would no longer get the attention . Yet to her surprise when the baby came , she did n't hate them . 1 Avery was a very funny boy who loved to sing . It did n't matter where he was , he would sing all the time . 0 If you call them they 'll tell you how much you owe in taxes . I think the IRS is the most helpful agency there is . 0 She sat down next to a girl with blonde hair . Sally was so nervous about her first day at the new school . 0 Someone had already paid for his meal ! He went through the drive thru for lunch . 1 So she was n't able to type a long essay quickly . But she found an online typing test game . 0 Sarah felt very accomplished . Within a few months she had reached her weight loss goal . 1 James was at a soccer game . At some point , he lost track of his phone . 1 He broke several dishes while washing them . Their parents blamed Jane and she was very ashamed . 0 I came out to meet him as he did this . The mailman came to my door to deliver some letters . 0 Volunteering at the turtle shelter was fun and rewarding ! I settled for volunteering at the turtle shelter . 0 It was n't so funny when the tree was knocked over . We laughed as the cat and dog batted at the ornaments . 0 It is our girls night . I always look forward to Fridays . 0 Already it was mid-December and still fifty degrees . Sam hoped it would snow for Christmas , but it was so warm ! 0 At the interview , Benji made him an offer . The editor set up a time to meet with Benji . 1 The driver looked at them surprised . In anger Beth threw her M & M 's at the windshield . 0 She knew she could carry a tune but her voice was not great . Jane wanted to learn how to sing . 0 He wanted to be an altar boy . Alan loved Church . 1 Getting started , I decided to outline my characters first . Once I had a setting and my characters thought out , I began . 1 She was torn between which to choose . Eventually she decided to act in a play . 0 She was about to check out when she noticed she could n't find her card . When it loaded she frantically added it to her cart . 0 He decided to do his homework at school . He could never remember to bring his homework . 0 Rico 's favorite snack was green peas . Rico is a green and yellow Cockatiel bird . 1 Suddenly , Bonnie 's father became very ill . Bonnie flew to see him and ended up staying a month . 1 Noah was asked to do a football combine after school . When he arrived at the pavilion he put on his cleats . 0 One day the cat came up missing . The black cat is very nice to everybody . 0 I named him Pepper . I found someone in my town who was re homing their hedgehog . 1 And she unfairly accused students of cheating . One day Jim was accused of cheating . 0 I went to the mall . I needed a new dress for an upcoming dance . 0 Danielle thought her baby should sleep all the time . She also recently had a baby . 1 None of the kids are having any fun because of the coach . So the team finds a new coach . 0 On her first day , Maxine toasts a sesame bagel for a customer . Finally Maxine gets a job at the cafe . 1 I ran out of gas on the way to work . Roadside assistance was busy and took some time to get to me . 0 Mike ate the hamburger , but he was still hungry . He could have a hamburger , a peanut butter sandwich , or a salad . 1 Bill and Jim wanted to feel more in touch with nature . They decided to take a camping trip . 0 She immediately looked at Jimmy and gave him a mean grin . A few minutes later , Mary checked the microwave . 0 She got through two books , and then her head started to hurt . One rainy day , she decided to try and read three whole books . 1 Instead of robbing banks , Mark decided to rob a diamond mine . He began to cut into a mine with his pick ax in the morning . 0 He suddenly sees a suspicious figure . Rob was at this party . 1 Anna decided to be a vegetarian . She told her parents she was no longer eating meat . 0 When it was Halloween , everyone was impressed by her costume . And gathered lots of materials . 0 Later , Marge forgot the password . She made up a password and answered a security question . 1 Fred was supposed to pick his daughter up from school . Fred lost track of time because he was watching TV . 1 He put it on his wrist and set the time . Throughout the day he got a lot of compliment . 0 Will ended up passed out in a dumpster by the end of the night . He had the glass of champagne and needed more . 0 Timmy 's parents agreed he was responsible enough to get him a puppy . He did his chores for a full month without forgetting anything . 1 The sound of an ice cream truck became more loud . I decided to run outside and look for the truck . 0 They said that she would have nowhere to store them all . Her family told her that she was making too many swans . 1 Kayla had enough . She got up and walked out the door , never to return . 1 He pulled it and shook it , but there was no change . With no solution in sight he threw the puzzle . 1 Mary was on a very long flight . She assumed that there would be food due to the long hours . 0 To be thinking of Christmas in July made her feel very depressed . She liked those kinds of movies but not at this time of year . 0 Everytime he would do something with a paper he would get cut . Arnold was terrified to get a papercut . 1 Joe called Bill back while Bill was in the shower . Bill called Joe back , but Joe was at the store . 0 They could not decide which movie to see . Mark wanted to see an action movie while Jaden wanted to see a comedy . 0 Tony was devastated and thought that he would never run laps again ! One day , Tony was running and lost his lucky timer ! 0 He heard noises outside his window . Joe thought he was going crazy . 1 He returned to their family home , searching for food . He ate all the canned food , until there was none left . 1 He ran out with a belt . Henry tried to run away . 1 Jane lived in the nicest house on the block . She only had negative things to say about Gina 's house . 1 But did n't notice that a piece of a cube fell onto the floor . He step right on the piece and slipped . 1 She decided she would ask her brother about Jamie . But he was young , fidgety , and had no answers . 0 He was dissatisfied with the internet speeds . Tom was working at a coffee shop . 0 Two weeks later , they went to the doctor for their results . Lee had several rounds of painful shots . 1 Sally could n't go . Jen took her sister , Beth , instead . 0 Her husband dove down with his goggles and luckily found her ring . A big wave suddenly hit them and Lucy 's ring fell off ! 1 He ordered to load the guns and await his orders . The soldier did as he said and they waited . 1 Judy brought a picture of Hamill to her stylist . When he finished , Judy was excited to see the results . 0 They went to the pound and looked at all the puppies . Although they decided on a dog , they wanted a more specific dog . 0 Sarah 's boss told her he 'd give her the raise . She stayed late when her boss asked . 0 One day she decided to apply for a new position . She is not happy in her current position . 0 They both thought it was best to seek counseling . She talked to her husband about how she felt . 1 The ranch was building a new barn with a well . Erin got too close to the well and fell in . 0 As soon as he got on it he fell on his face . He did n't care about any other gifts that day . 1 Sammy joined his school band . He was given the trumpet to play . 0 I love teasing her with spiders and watching her run away . She jumps and screams every time she sees one . 1 The treatments were successful . Nala 's dog had no more trouble with fleas . 0 The cat was disappointed , as she did not get a scrap . Our cat sat under the table hoping to get a piece . 1 Her article is published two weeks later . Janice is very proud when her article is published . 1 There was a large storm that ripped off our roof . The rainy continued through the night . 0 Dora proudly showed off her flea market find to friends . She worked hard stripping it and gave it a fresh coat of paint . 0 But he decided to fix it himself . He thought about calling a repairman . 1 They all wanted to wrestle . They set up a makeshift ring in the yard . 1 But to her dismay , the teacher said they could choose their partners ! She was wondering glumly who might agree to partner with her . 1 The group sent a few minutes playing with this before leaving . Upon getting out of the cave , Dan told everyone he had a great time . 1 Now her lawn looks neat and clean . Gertrude is happy that her lawn no longer looks so messy . 0 However , the emergency hall lights stayed on . At some point , the electricity went out in the dorm rooms . 0 He noticed a friend further up in line and sent him a text message . Upon arrival he noticed the line was very long . 1 Then , she mixed the eggs with salt and pepper . She fried them carefully in a pan . 0 Then one day her foster mom brought home a new baby girl ! In foster care she was silent and never smiled . 0 Now that her mother has passed away , Sarah misses those days . When Sarah was young she always worked in the garden with her mother . 0 Jessica finally had the thicker-looking hair she wanted . Her hair was full and wavy the next morning . 1 Tom inspected it to see what was wrong . Tom ran over a piece of fabric that he did not see . 0 On the day of his wedding he gave the most magnificent speech . He stayed up all night remembering his vows . 1 The two began fighting over it . Instead , their little sister grabbed it . 0 I left Jane 's house after cleaning the bite mark . My hand started to swell during the next hour . 1 Sue went into the store and found the phone she wanted . With a new contract the phone was only one dollar . 0 She ended up feeling well enough to see the show ! She was really worried she would n't be able to go . 1 Rita thinks the jewelry is for another woman . Rita snoops through Eddy 's things and finds an engagement ring . 0 Some Bruins fans liked the Whalers because Teddy Green was a Whaler . I loved the fact that there was a new hockey league . 1 Her dog 's name was Sam . Mary took Sam for a walk every evening . 0 She was playing on the beach when she met another kid her age . One day , Mary went to the beach with her family . 1 She went to bed while I put away the pieces . After I was done she apologized and told me she hates Life . 1 Abbey went through the calendar . She put a mark on all of the meals she wanted . 0 Gerald received his copy and went home to read it . He went to the signing in Los Angeles and waited in line . 1 The police knocked on Charles ' door to ask him questions . They wanted proof he was n't home at the time of the break-in . 1 A man built a treehouse for himself . He spent all summer doing it . 1 He did not want to spend too much money on it . He ended up buying a fake tree . 1 She forgot to note the appointment on her calendar . Today she received a confirmation email from the hair salon . 1 She started a donation drive at Johnny 's school for Christmas toys . Johnny was so happy to receive a new toy on Christmas . 0 After a few weeks , he challenged another boy to an arm wrestle . Finally , sick of the mocking , he started lifting weights after school . 1 Megan 's son was getting sort of big for baths . She decided to let him try out a shower . 0 We put a trap in the attic with food and water and a bed . There was a squirrel in the walls ! 0 It hurt really bad and I had to put ice on it . My brother did n't realize I was n't looking , and hit me in the head . 1 One day her parents surprised her with a trip to Europe . There she was able to visit different castles . 1 The crows and rabbits wanted to eat the vegetables in her garden . Leah put a scary scarecrow in the garden . 1 She had no more hot cocoa powder left ! She decided to try stirring in some chocolate chips instead . 0 She feeds the kids three times a day and puts them at her large table . Molly has a daycare in her home and has 8 small children every day . 1 He drove to the courthouse the next day . He successfully completed the jury duty he was asked to do . 1 Once , my family and I went camping in the Poconos . We had heard there were black bears in the area and hoped to see one . 0 Yet unfortunately it started to downpour . They enjoyed the views and the water . 0 Diana tried to get her sister to come inside anyways , but she was mad . As they were making her way home , a fight accidentally began . 0 They loved jumping the waves . Each time the waves hit , they jumped over them . 0 She was going to miss her boyfriend a lot . Cami was about to go on a long trip . 0 Mavis is now happy again . After awhile she met someone and remarried . 1 Tom was building an igloo . It was a large igloo . 1 He was very excited about the inflatable ball . He was n't as impressed with the GI Joe . 0 Christine picked up the duckling and set it on the ground . She saw a duckling in the middle of the road . 1 Kyle had a brand new skateboard . He liked to show it off to everyone . 1 She begged to also be put in the wedding party pictures . In the end they let her join in , and the girls posed proudly together . 1 She looked outside to see that it was raining . Jenny started to cry . 0 They could not wait to go back to the zoo . The kids laughed at the elephants . 1 One day my brother walked on the catwalk . I was afraid he would fall , but he did not . 0 A strong wind blew and the fire got out of control . The fire grew larger as the boys tossed in wood . 1 But after mixing the batter , she saw she had a problem . She was all out of cherries ! 1 She decided to mix the extra sauce into her dog 's food . Afraid she 'll hurt the dog since the sauce was so hot , he stopped her . 0 Until one day , she overslept . Penny loved to ride her school bus and was never late for it . 0 Stan was not bored anymore ! He stayed engaged with his teacher . 0 He felt much better ! There , he jumped in the water . 0 When the hot iron hit the floor , the carpet burst into flames . He touched the hot iron on accident and dropped the iron . 0 They were fake and a scam . He bought special gems that he thought could help . 1 It was too much work to do herself . She she asked him and he said yes . 1 He could never remember to bring his homework . He decided to do his homework at school . 0 Ronnie realized that all his progress had been erased by the eating ! He ate a lot of food during the holiday and the following days . 0 Chad decided that he would go on a walk to ease some stress . Chad had quite a stressful day at work . 1 They entered several different talent shows . They practiced every free moment they could get . 1 Yesterday I did n't feel like cooking . But I was starving . 0 Erin got too close to the well and fell in . The ranch was building a new barn with a well . 1 She put the ingredients together and made herself a BLT sandwich . It was the best sandwich she had ever had . 0 Bob felt terrible because he had just gotten laid off . It was Christmas Eve . 0 When she arrived to prom , she saw another girl had the same dress ! The day of prom , Hannah put on her perfect dress . 1 One day they had grown into beautiful tulips . I gave the tulips to my grandmother . 0 Before he could ask them again they surprised him with his very own dog . Now that his eighteenth birthday was here he felt old enough . 0 He wanted to build some muscle . Jake was lifting weights . 0 Sandra went to look at the polar bears during her lunch break . She loved coming to work and seeing all of the animals . 1 He visited a stylist . He asked the stylist to dye his hair blue . 0 However , they started to jump on each other . They were calm at first . 0 My lips turned purple . What an awful decision , it was freezing . 0 He loved his job and the thrill of teaching young people . Mike Jones was a substitute teacher . 1 He had grown up all over the country , and found himself lost . One year Jerome found the most beautiful girl in Tucson . 1 Last month I started learning to knit . It took me awhile to get the hang of it . 0 I put the bags in our trash can . We gathered all the junk in garbage bags . 1 Jeff is a great basketball player at his school . The volleyball coach asked Jeff to play volleyball . 0 Henry tried to run away . He ran out with a belt . 0 He was very glad to both claim his winnings and have a trained pet ! Paul used small bits of cheese to teach Bess to go through . 0 He started sneezing from all the dust . He was looking for baseball cards . 1 She rode in the bike lane safely . But a car swerved into the lane and hit her . 1 She was mad when she could n't have the candy . Amy put the candy in the shopping cart . 0 Jim was happy that he easily got to the front of the line . The person waived for Jim to come on . 0 The winner got a lot of good prizes . They encouraged people to lose weight . 0 She reached out to a peer and asked for advice and tips . She was a new manager and never fired anyone before . 0 My husband paid him cash , then loaded up the boat and drove away . The man acted as if everything was normal . 0 The boy shoveled his driveway and felt like shoveling a lot more . So much that a boy had to shovel a lot . 1 Revealing his ID would put him at high risk . They send the man his money . 0 Sally 's crying caused her mother to come into the room . She was too scared to check to see if he was alive or not . 1 Every summer it was in the Hamptons and had amazing guests . All of the proceeds would go to charity . 1 Sam worked over-time for weeks to buy the ring . He proposed to her on the steps of their church . 1 I wanted to learn how to knit . I bought needles and yarn . 1 The instrument they could get the best sound from was assigned to all . Rissa was so disappointed when the Director assigned her the flute . 1 On day Herman Wrote to Stampy . Herman was so excited the next day , hoping that Stampy would write him 0 She saw that her favorite band was performing in her state . Marie was on her Twitter . 1 Tim was very thirsty . But the only thing in the house to drink was water . 1 He looked through his refrigerator . And all he saw was bread . 0 She saw a flute in a music store that was bright blue . Carly had been playing flute for three years now . 1 Jerry went to gamestop . He bought the new kingdom hearts game . 0 Ruby wanted Rick to get her ice cream from downstairs . Ruby and Rick 's power went out in the middle of the night . 1 I lay in bed much longer than usual because it is Saturday . Listening to birds in the morning makes me happy . 1 The cubs were now able to climb out . Mother and cubs reunite and walk away together . 1 He called a repairman . The repairman fixed the furnace . 1 Nervously , Frank got his hair cut . Frank ended up with the best haircut ever ! 0 The fish grew huge . Someone must have released their fish there . 1 Elizabeth wanted natural highlights without spending a lot of money . She read that you can squeeze lemon juice on hair before suntanning . 1 Alex wanted to throw a party for `` the end of the world '' . Him and his friends invited everyone over and they partied . 0 I now think I would like to work with wildlife preservation . I learned a lot about the wolf population while I was there . 0 They were on a tight budget . Sara and Joseph were planning their wedding . 1 Riley threw a glass of water at Tina and Tina went back . When Tina threw water at Riley , Riley freaked out . 1 When he got married his wife cooked a lot of new foods . She made Mike a bowl of collard greens . 1 Her mother suggested she look online for a phone and protective case . Gina thought this was a great idea and searched online for hours . 0 One particularly dark night , she found herself far from home . Liz liked to walk alone late at night . 1 For days , she waited patiently for her package . When it arrived it was clearly damaged , causing Pam to cry loudly . 1 Viola has always been very careful of not letting her skin become tan . She knows that too much sun is bad for skin . 0 Since the elevator was full he decided to take the stairs . John looked at the elevator and the stairs . 0 It was tons of work . He had to sell her house . 1 Johan 's bike began to lose control when he swerved . He smacked a tree branch with face . 1 He began to trot towards the bar . When he was close he jumped high and arched his back . 0 It said it was from a secret admirer . She received a flower delivery . 1 They all pitched in money and rented a car . They arrived to six flags in style . 1 I tried to flush the toilet after using it . The toilet could n't flush completely . 0 Jason decided to mow lawns for money . As a young child his employment options were limited . 0 Now Tony knows to be more careful over what he buys impulsively . The product did nothing that it promised . 1 She had big dreams of becoming a doctor one day . Sadly her parents could n't afford to send her to college . 1 Brandon and Tina lived together and they wanted to separate . But Brandon did n't have anyplace to move into . 0 He became furious and demanded a refund . He realized that the flavoring of the food was very bland . 1 I found a wallet in the parking lot of the grocery store . The wallet contained money and credit cards . 0 I was driving for 10 minutes , until I arrived at my friends house . I left the house after one hour , although I forgot to take my pills . 1 Jake asked his mother to take him to the air show . Since he asked for months she decided to take him . 0 On the bus some girls started laughing . He put on his favorite shirt . 0 Todd , yelling with excitement woke his brother up and caught a fish . After a few minutes , Todd 's pole began to spring and wiggle . 1 Madison really wanted to find out how the book ended . Finally , she realized that she could find it online and looked it up . 1 Stephanie is diagnosed with a rare disease . She 's going to die within two months . 1 So I made a plan to get a good night 's sleep . I called my Grandma and asked if I could spend the night . 0 Stan and his friends are having lots of fun this summer in the pool . It is wide enough for all of Stan 's friends to play in . 0 However , he knows that his daughter might need some extra money . Jasper is very proud to have a newborn grandson . 1 Bill insisted on letting the kids play in the snow instead . Later , his wife looked out the window . 1 After he took a sip , he immediately passed out . When he woke up , he saw Zach . 0 I heard my friends say the new Star Wars movie is good . There has been a lot of buzz about Star Wars latest movie . 0 She could n't sleep so she stayed on her computer . Sarah needed to go to sleep for school tomorrow . 1 She decided to study a lot more . She devoted many hours to improving her math skills . 0 They went to the store to buy some . Erin and Sam wanted chocolate strawberries . 0 Xena bought two pounds of strawberries . She had an idea for a dessert for that night 's dinner . 1 The little orange kitten was abandoned in a schoolyard . The kids found him and took him to a lady who loved animals . 1 She decided she should take them for ice cream . She packed up the car and headed to the store . 1 Bobby was walking around his local park . And he saw a few of his classmates . 1 Beth loved to play with her kitten . One day she decided to dress her kitten in doll clothes . 1 Charles did n't want his son to know he was afraid of clowns . They went to a birthday party where a clown was the entertainment . 1 So she decided to check his coat . She looked on the coat rack and found the one he wore . 0 He packed some every day for lunch . Then he mixed it together in a big bowl . 1 Larry decided to take his family on a cruise in Mexico . His family was very appreciative of Larry 's hard work . 0 Yvette continued reading her book . She replaced the light bulb . 1 I did n't want to pay taxes . I told my customers I only accepted cash . 1 Malik decided he had to do something about his health . He bought a gym membership and a fitness tracker . 1 She was preparing to feed it some mice . Rachel put the snake in the feeding tube . 1 The water was very hot . It was so hot when it touched my hand , it hurt . 0 She smiled and seemed nice . The teller was cute and I was shy to flirt with her . 1 Her mother decided to take her to the store . When they got to the store they tried multiple pairs . 0 I was worried that it was mice . I kept hearing a strange noise in the apartment . 1 She took all but 4 of the cats away from Larry . Larry was very sad and miserable without all his cats . 0 They tried to comfort her and console her . Suddenly the boys stopped teasing her . 1 He spoke to them about it . He ended up feeling better . 0 He walked up the orangutans and began to watch them . John went to the zoo one day . 1 However , he was never confident in the people he meets . Until one day , John 's friend Eric introduced him to Tanya . 1 I went on vacation to Italy . I decided to install a security camera to monitor the house . 0 I reached in to get the ball . He threw one past me that landed in the lake . 1 They tracked all their findings carefully . Nevil 's digging yielded an ancient dinosaur fossil ! 1 Rowan was right , but prepared , as he swept past the defender . He kicked the ball hard and watched as it sailed into the goal . 1 I realized he was having a nightmare . I began to stroke his back . 1 She wanted to learn to play like a rock star ! She plucked a few strings . 1 She could n't wait to play with it . When she took it out of the cage she had it play . 0 The twig got stuck and Lisa could n't get it out of Lucy 's hair . Lisa pretended like a twig was a curling iron . 1 He thought nothing could possibly go wrong . That was until he saw the plume of flame rising into the sky . 0 Her husband went to the car dealer to see the cars available . Yvonne wanted a new car for Christmas . 0 They narrowed down their destinations to Disneyland and Seaworld . The Kims decided to go on vacation . 0 Gina stormed out of the room and vowed to get back at him . But he refused to share . 1 I saw a beautiful girl walking along the pacific coast . When her eyes met mine I was in her control . 1 Almost immediately , an attractive colleague approached him . Her friend backed out on a music festival and she invited JD to join . 1 Feeling lost , she joined a charity organization . She got to travel to Africa to educate young children . 0 I reported my discovery to the top two news channels . I learned the meat came from cloned animals . 0 Soon , I was one of the best photographers in the world ! I continued to hone my trade for many years . 1 The EMT 's arrived and rushed her to the emergency room . Getting the needed medicine within three hours of a stroke saved her . 1 His face lit up when his hand grazed plastic among the cereal . The toy was much smaller than on the commercial . 0 She knew she had twice the work ahead of her ! Then Tina discovered she was having twins ! 1 He studied very hard . He made sure he was in perfect physical health . 1 While copying , he forgot to change a lot of the work or working . The teacher caught his mistakes and gave him an F for cheating . 1 She carefully hoes the dirt where she wants her garden . Stacy plants her bulbs . 0 The vacuum broke . I was vacuuming when all of a sudden I heard a loud pop . 0 One day Carl moved it to clean behind it and found a letter . In the back of the mailroom there was a box no one ever moved . 0 Dan bought his own horse and kept it at the farm . Dan became close to the horses , and soon wanted his own . 1 I thought there was no way there were fish here . We caught a boatload of fish . 1 As a special treat , I put some ice into several of them . After this ambush , I ran some errands , eventually going home . 0 When he let Anita go , she grabbed a steak knife . He laughed and their 1 1/2-year-old son cried for water . 1 Jennifer wished to purchase her mom and wonderful birthday gift . She scoured the house for all the money she could find . 1 But he wanted to play basketball during lunch time . No one wanted to Tim to be on his team . 0 She thanked me and gave me a dollar . I decided to help her . 1 After a year she decided she wanted to be closer to the water . Robin now lives in a boat house and spends all her time on the water . 1 She travelled on a plane and stayed for one week . Jean 's trip to Africa was better than she had hoped . 1 The person waived for Jim to come on . Jim was happy that he easily got to the front of the line . 1 They said they studied together and sat far apart during the test . And their teacher apologized for accusing them of cheating . 1 Jules had a big tennis match coming up . She was the star player . 1 His academic achievements brought him attention from others . But Earl was shy and did not want the attention . 1 Sally bought a battery case for her phone . One day her battery case caught on fire . 1 I read many articles about who he was but still was not sure . The internet gave me some clues but it was not much help . 0 She found lovely blue gloves with a white snowflake pattern . She went to the store to try to find a good pair . 1 A guy named John was using Skype . He was talking to his girlfriend . 0 Jed took out his extra strength duct tape and started to patch it up . His son came in from playing outside and had a broken bike handle . 0 The scene was very disturbing and it bothered me the whole walk . While walking , I saw a woman in her car hit a deer . 0 I put some chicken and cheese on a slice of bread to make a sandwich . I was hungry so I went to the kitchen to make a snack . 1 He would be working as a prep cook instead . He never showed up at the job . 1 Andrea set out to use the ink in every single one . In the end she took up drawing and novel writing . 0 It had been raining . I was at the playground . 0 They had no suits , so they were n't able to enter the water park . They had n't brought suits since they had n't planned on swimming . 1 The cactus was of course very sharp and cut Tess . Jane looked over at her friend with a strange look of approval . 0 He listened for the numbers to be called out . That night he watched the television for the winning numbers . 1 I quickly regained control of the bike so that I would n't fall off ! Once I stopped , I knew that I would never try that again . 1 Suddenly the boys stopped teasing her . They tried to comfort her and console her . 1 She asked her boss for a different position in the company . He was able to give her one that required less traveling . 1 She liked those kinds of movies but not at this time of year . To be thinking of Christmas in July made her feel very depressed . 0 He was speeding down the highway trying to make up lost time . Ted was late for work . 1 She could n't remember where she left the dog 's leash though . She spent almost an hour searching her apartment . 1 Her cat had fleas . The fleas infested her entire house . 1 Kelly , a rapper , had a show in Paris after the shooting . He played a song about how we have to love one another . 1 Gina was upset her family had n't saved her breakfast . She had been looking forward to her grandma 's cooking for days . 0 Patty arranged for the rental car and began to feel better . The representative reminded her she was covered for a rental car . 0 He and his girlfriend had argued before the pizza came . Frank angrily muched on a piece of pizza . 1 But then I realized I left it at the park . So I ran down and it was still there luckily . 0 The person threatened to beat him up . Gary tripped on a football player 's shoe . 0 She was then instructed to start paying off the smallest first . She learned to list all her debts from smallest to largest . 1 Riley was on a mission to build the biggest sandcastle on the beach . He bought various shovels with him . 1 When the day came for tryouts , he was very nervous . He ran all the drills and completed all of the plays . 1 Dan has been trying to quit cigarettes for a while . He decided to cut it cold turkey . 1 Recently I researched the candidates running for president . l learned that there are two women presidential candidates . 0 She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button . Amy was going school shopping with her mom . 1 And he 's used the same one for 20 Years . It had a hole on the bottom that was getting bigger . 1 It was really bad but still funny . Now people hate Tim and Eric 's show . 1 The squirrel is too fast for them . He dashed for the safety of his tree , with the acorn in his mouth . 0 He won the game with a last minute goal . He scored an early goal for his team . 0 She also broke one of the windows by thrusting it there . My little sister was throwing the TV remote everywhere in the house . 1 They would help each other lift weights . At first Ora was weak and could hardly lift anything . 0 She assured his father he would hurt himself . Anthony 's grandmother did not want him to have a motorcycle . 0 Finally she cleaned the windows with spray cleaner . Priya then vacuumed the interior of the car . 0 He vowed to give up chocolate cake ! Tim made a New Year 's resolution . 1 Suddenly there was a knock at the door . Lacey opened the door and saw nothing but a box . 1 Bonnie was driving to the store one afternoon . She heard a loud boom and pulled the car over . 0 She was so excited she wanted to pet it . Samantha saw a crab on the beach . 1 I bought some dolls on eBay for my wife . The dolls were in great condition . 1 She eventually became so good that she got a record label . Jill was an overnight sensation after people heard her music . 0 He went back upstairs to bed . Grandpa set the oven to 165 degrees . 0 She limited her expenses everyday . She wanted to pay it all off . 0 He said that he loved Christmas so he would come to the party . I invited him to my Christmas party regardless . 1 Seven of those games are at home where they are 35-0 . If they win the rest of their home games , they will set a new record . 0 Annie loved anything sweet . Annie was helping her mother bake cookies . 1 Daniel stopped bringing snacks , but was still hungry in math . Daniel decided to eat more before school to solve the problem . 1 During the last game he finally stayed in front of a grounder . The ball bounced up and hit him in the face . 0 I have started saving money for a new car . This makes me sad . 0 Frank ended up with the best haircut ever ! Nervously , Frank got his hair cut . 1 Her mom kept begging her not to spill . Regardless , she splashed her drink abound the car . 1 This year she is going to surprise them ! Ally knocked on her parents ' door . 0 Chris was very happy that he finally found love again . They fell in love and eventually married . 0 She could n't afford to pay her rent . She spent all of her money on a rare find . 0 Julia just wanted to be back in bed . No matter how much coffee she drank she was always tired . 0 All of Paul 's friends found the joke very funny . He made copies of it and mailed it to all his friends . 1 When she got to college , she knew she wanted to pursue teaching . She majored in education and learned a lot about how to teach . 0 She does not want to change her outfit , but she wants to feel warm . Julia walks outside and notices that it is very cold . 1 I told him I already knew this story . He became agitated that I told him this . 1 She was so distraught when she realized it ! But the next day , a kind stranger knocked on her door . 0 I finally decided to say yes to the idea . My son has been asking me for a new dog for weeks . 1 I 've always wanted to eat Chinese desserts , which are very famous . I tried some Chinese Cookies at a small outdoor market . 0 They spent the next week at grandma 's like usual . When they arrived , grandma was happy to see them . 1 I immediately took the three point shot . I made it and out team won the championship . 0 He went to returned it and get the right one . Ken was upset . 1 The police send the fire department to Jill 's house . Jill is grateful when the fire department rescues her cat . 1 The neighbor asked Paul why he was setting traps . Paul said it was to keep nosey neighbors out . 0 He put water in a pot and set it on the stove . He tried to prove them wrong by watching a pot . 0 He asked the sales representative what kind of lights to buy . He did n't know what kind of lights to buy . 0 The Team was ready . We had finally made it there . 0 His opponent moved his king on space toward Mike . In a heated chess match , Mike was two moves from winning . 1 He plugged it into his computer afterwards . Todd was able to conquer all his opponents online . 1 Her friends were all discussing their speeches . Gina 's friend Mary was also writing a speech on dolphins . 0 But his break lasted very long . So he decided to take a break . 1 She said yes while the sub was in her hand . I became infuriated . 1 The boy looked sad , so Jon told him it gets better , and to look up . The boy joined them and they danced , and sang karaoke and laughed . 0 On the first day of class , Junior learned Brazilian Jiu Jitsu . His father agreed , and took him that very day . 1 Anna was making a world atlas . She drew out sketches of each continent . 0 Horatio is so happy he went fishing in the river . He catches a glorious salmon . 1 Nina could n't find a dress to wear to the school dance . She did n't own any and her mother 's dresses were too small to borrow . 0 Johnny was so happy to receive a new toy on Christmas . She started a donation drive at Johnny 's school for Christmas toys . 0 Then , Doug strung the balls from a rod . He made the planets out of popcorn balls painted with food dye . 0 He drove slowly . He was nervous about black ice . 1 Sarah was making corned beef . She did n't know how to do it but tried her best . 1 Sara decided to take her break before Kay . Kay waited 40 minutes for Sara to return . 1 Marcus realizes he has no vegetables at home . He rides his bike all the way to the store . 0 He never could get up the nerve to talk to him . Eli saw a cute boy at the coffee shop every day . 0 Relieved , Tim put the snake back in its tank . Finally he found it behind his bed . 0 But first her mom needed her to finish a chore list . She was really excited . 0 The kids got the last laugh , though��they hid the remote . He made them put the couch back together so he could watch football . 1 Hunter wanted to buy a new house . He saved up for Years and finally bought a brand new home . 1 She was relieved when the ambulance finally arrived . She later learned the customer was ok and had only fainted . 0 She still craves that candy to this very day . Adele decided that she did n't want candy enough to go drive . 0 And he wished the night would end . So he stayed in his room and wore ear plugs . 1 The concert was at an outdoor ampitheater in Washington state . We tried to push our way up to the front and ended up in a mosh pit . 0 It was almost snack time . Courtney sat in class with her classmates staring at the clock . 1 When he took it out , he saw that it was not right . He tried to fix it by adding flour and baking it . 1 Nick was included in a group message from work . He asked his boss to exclude his personal phone from such messages . 1 It was supposed to be friendly . Jane kept getting more competitive . 0 The ball bounced around the rim before falling out . I stepped to the line to shoot the game tying free throw . 1 He had enjoyed Nice , but he wanted to see Paris . He took a long train ride north . 1 Every day he came in from work and she babbled at him . Then one day he got the happiest surprise of his life . 0 On the way to her house he crashed the car . He drove to Nancy 's house to pick her up . 1 He did n't know why but needed to know . She told him she met someone else and it devastated Mark . 1 It was an interesting thing to witness . We ate the sushi and planned to visit again next week . 0 Then he rode the rides ! He ate some cotton candy . 1 Dan saw a commercial for Power Wheels at his friend Jake 's house . Jake 's mom was going to buy Jake a Power Wheels truck . 1 Horrified , Robby asked his mom . She told him she could prove that Santa Claus was real ! 1 Jane 's teacher assigned ten pages of reading . Janes was so worried that she would be quizzed . 0 They 're all gone now ! He threw away the banana . 0 Chad was glad to have a new closet in his house . Chad and his friends worked hard , and finished the closet . 1 John loved playing the recorder . John went on to become a famous musician . 1 I fell asleep in our hammock . I woke up suddenly to a crashing sound . 0 She mailed it in time for Easter . She is two and lives far away . 1 This caused my parents to get very annoyed . They tried many methods to stop me from doing this . 1 He was a big black lab , but we instantly bonded . Now I want to get my own dog from the SPCA . 1 We filled the shopping basket full of groceries for her house . Megan kept on grabbing items like makeup and lipgloss . 1 The boss told him he had not been doing a very good job . Adam asked the boss what he was going to do to him . 1 They always say in the last row . Usually they could talk together quietly without being interrupted . 1 I was out of breath trying to run the kites up . We eventually got both kites up high . 0 When it arrived it was clearly damaged , causing Pam to cry loudly . For days , she waited patiently for her package . 0 She presented it to her mom on Christmas . Then she added lots of photos . 0 Josh likes his job now . They gave Josh a promotion , a new office and fancy car . 0 It was a workout . During the run , she got exhausted . 1 It has been rather frustrating . When I watched a video yesterday the ads were five minutes long . 1 Barry recently experienced a very scary experience . Barry was driving on the way home , when a blackout occurred . 0 The girls thought it would go away . When they got to the restaurant there was a baby screaming . 1 They began walking down a sidewalk that led into a wide open field . While in the middle of the field , it began to rain very hard . 0 Dan could n't afford to buy more pistachios . He went online to buy some but saw the price had gone up again . 0 Inside he drank wine and ate gourmet food , all he could eat . The club was discreet , he barely found the entrance . 0 He bought tickets to a park and stood in line to ride one . He had n't ridden one since he was a kid . 0 Eating more veggies was turning out to be delicious ! Then she made a salad with dinner . 0 She decided to bake cookies for everyone . Jill was invited to a party . 0 He promised to love her , marry her and care for her kids . He was friendly , charming , handsome and she fell head over heels . 0 No one was around so she gave herself applause . She did a few spins and jumps like the pros . 1 She decided to find a smaller house in the country . She finally found one and was the happiest she 'd ever been . 1 They fell in love and eventually married . Chris was very happy that he finally found love again . 0 Chet 's parents were so proud , they framed the puzzle for him ! Then he sealed it with glue and showed it off to his parents . 0 The bartender poured some liquid plumber in a glass and slid it over . He asked the bartender for a blue drink . 0 She had always loved the paper , but the service had gone downhill . Judith had been a newspaper subscriber for 42 years . 1 We find some scary , family-friendly movies to watch . We eat special treats and drink non-alcoholic wine . 0 He put the pizza in the oven . He pre-heated the oven to 400 degrees . 1 The internet came on today and I was finally able to get an app . I think the tech world is confusing . 1 She went to grab her tortillas and realized they had gone bad . She could n't afford to buy new ones . 1 Janice wanted a new stylish hat for her annual garden party . Most Years she wore a white hat , but this now wanted something new . 1 Fred said he 'd be happy to wash them but he 'd need extra recompense . She refused and Fred gave in and took them anyway . 0 When Remy arrived at her class , everyone was already leaving . But she only became more confused . 1 She received her match . Then , she spied on her match 's social media and wish list . 1 He saw a black car with tinted windows driving along side him . And the person yelled and asked for directions . 1 Rufus loves the way that coffee from freshly ground beans tastes . He decides to always grind beans immediately before making coffee . 0 The librarian explained that several books on his account were due . Paul did n't expect to hear that he owed money to the library . 1 He went to the store to find one he liked . He did n't find many . 0 The next day , he tried climbing from the opposite side . He finally started to think about a different approach . 0 She will let the store manager know about their inefficiency tomorrow ! When she started cooking she found the tartar sauce had expired . 1 She was sitting at the table , quietly waiting for lunch to be over . Layla felt really bad for her . 1 I gave up searching for a job after nine months . I had no choice but to continue working on Mechanical Turk . 0 The score was tied and I knew I needed to make this serve . It was my turn to serve the ball over the net . 0 She tried to climb the wall , but was too scared . Lilith was afraid to climb the wall , but embarrassed to tell anyone . 1 On the other hand , Kim eventually volunteered . She walked to the living room as fast as she can . 1 He pre-heated the oven to 400 degrees . He put the pizza in the oven . 1 Maureen notices that she does n't feel very well . She takes a day off of work in order to see the doctor . 0 He visited a pet store . Tom was a kind man . 1 He was making peanut butter pie . However when he took it out of the oven , the dog ate it . 0 Suddenly at 3:00am I simply woke right up and could n't sleep again . I fell straight to sleep within minutes of laying down . 1 When the kittens saw each other , they growled and hissed . They did n't recognize each other ! 0 She was trying on her dress for a last minute alteration . Margaret was about to get married . 0 Sam was rushed to the hospital for a concussion . He fell on a boulder in his mom 's flower garden . 1 Everyone started to buy the old cow 's milk ! May 's old cow turned out to have the best milk around ! 1 Mary had made a large plate of deer steaks for dinner . There was enough to have for dinner for 2 days . 1 She decided to try to cook her own . She did a pretty good job . 0 The inhaler worked and he finished the race . It did n't work , he had to use an inhaler . 1 Linda wanted to move because she had a boyfriend . When her mother left , Linda 's boyfriend came inside . 0 It played with it 's owner every day . It loved to play chase in the grass . 1 He just had a weird fear of turtles . He always stayed away from the turtle tank . 1 She realized this was because she had so many apps . Hannah decided to delete most of them . 1 I met this beautiful woman . I thought this would be the only time I would see her . 1 She gets excited when she learns new words . She wants to keep reading every day . 0 He gets sent to prison He ends up getting caught . 0 After a few weeks , she challenged Mark to a game . Mia decided to start practicing alone in secret . 1 He gets stupid requests like that all the time . It frustrates him to no end . 0 He could n't figure out why they did n't like it . He opened a lemonade shack but nobody seemed to like his lemonade . 0 Walter wanted a gift . His teacher said who ever brought a friend would get a gift . 1 The headliner band was in an office . The opening band were nervous . 0 Then , he realized that he 'd forgotten to thaw the chicken . Jeremy was going to make chicken soup . 0 Molly 's mom is very upset about her car . She ended up crashing the car . 1 Jim hated taking out the garbage . Jim went to take out the garbage this morning . 0 He kept advancing to the different rounds . He decided to try out for the all star team . 0 She took several swallows before putting the bottle back in its place . Malia thirstily picked up her bottle of water . 0 The boat would then take us around the lake . Six people would get on this big raft . 0 He said that he felt sick and was not able to do anything . Andrew responded during the end of the day . 1 We woke up late and it was raining . We decided to go to the Movies . 1 He could barely afford food . Jim hated being broke . 1 His mother and sister looked all over the house to help him find it . After hours of looking for the stuffed toy Tommy found it . 1 Harry had a red ball . He liked to bounce it and he did . 0 The prop manager found it behind a box backstage . They both searched high and low for the shirt . 0 I found a nice cheap amp and bought it . I drove to the local guitar shop . 0 Our cat Pete bullies Dexter . Every weekend Kelly brings her cat named Dexter to our house to visit . 0 He found one but it needed papaya which was rare in his small town . Rico was looking up smoothies for weight-loss . 0 Hank gladly accepted the candy . During half time , someone from the other team offered him candy . 0 She went to her inventory and picked the best four . She needed 4 more roses to complete the bouquet . 0 She hoped she was n't asking for too much this year . She had a list she wanted to give to him . 1 He took her to the zoo . After an entire day of fun he asked her to marry him . 1 I found someone in my town who was re homing their hedgehog . I named him Pepper . 0 Tom beat every classmate . He began challenging his classmates to arm wrestle . 0 Abby told her that Claire was talking badly about her . The girls were talking and Abby told Susie something shocking . 0 She wants to keep reading every day . She gets excited when she learns new words . 0 But Earl was shy and did not want the attention . His academic achievements brought him attention from others . 1 So he stayed in his room and wore ear plugs . And he wished the night would end . 1 Bob gets a porterhouse and loves it . Bob is thankful for his children . 0 Later , the agency said that company was n't hiring but others were . They said they were handling the recruiting for the big company . 0 She knew her friend would love it , and was happy to see the price . At the second shop , she found the most beautiful scarf . 1 Jenny wanted to spend the day at the beach . She gathered her towel , sunscreen and beach umbrella to take . 1 Becky has a nephew named Dominick . Dominick 's birthday is today . 1 Her very favorite part was opening up her birthday presents . Lucy loved celebrating her day with everyone she loves . 0 With no solution in sight he threw the puzzle . He pulled it and shook it , but there was no change . 1 Tom married the love of his life . Jen , Tom 's wife , loved him very much . 0 Heidi won a sexual harassment lawsuit against Bill for $ 20,000 . Heidi turned Bill down flat , so he fired her . 0 She grabbed a book she 'd already read off the shelf . She finally had the peace and quiet she always wanted . 1 The day of the show Jill looked beautiful . Too bad butterflies in her tummy flew away with the words to the song . 1 We went to the carnival every year when I was younger . Sometimes I won a goldfish in a jar . 1 I used it on my friends to win ten dollars . My friends figured out it was a con . 0 She jumped up and snarled at the cat like a ferocious cat-hater . She heard me giggle , and woke up . 1 In his deposit , Irma found what was obviously a counterfeit bill . The customer was embarrassed he had been tricked by the fake bill . 1 Alex decided to build his own home theater system . Alex now has a front row seat to all his favorite movies . 1 One would be a good witch and the other would be bad . Now to choose who is who . 0 The cashier blushed and apologized for her mistake . Julie was confused , she did n't think she looked that old ! 1 He began exchanging messages with another woman nearby . Eventually Gary was able to ask the woman out on a date . 0 The dentist was kind and did n't hurt him at all ! But Olaf got a nice surprise . 1 They worried he 'd have a hard time finding a job . But Alex got hired right after school - as a book critic ! 1 However , she was confused since there were multiple test tubes there . Instead of asking for help , she randomly picked two chemicals . 1 Mandy looked online for a qualified magic instructor . After locating a instructor , Mandy decided to visit the studio . 1 I learned a lot about the wolf population while I was there . I now think I would like to work with wildlife preservation . 1 Suddenly , his power went out . He thought it was a bill issue , but it was n't . 1 I told her I went to the doctor and he said I have severe arthritis . I do n't have to give massages anymore . 0 My parents took me too the hospital to get a cast put on . While going to down the hill I wrecked , and broke my leg . 0 He decides to begin exercising to lose weight . Lester notices that he has gained a lot of weight over the Year 's . 0 The driver did n't notice and kept going . The car hit a bump in the road and its license plate fell off . 1 He took the puppy on walks and played with him all the time . The two quickly became best friends . 0 Her dad pointed to the hearts standing out on the steamy glass . Sandy insisted she did n't leave a mark on the glass . 1 She felt responsible for the loose dog . She knew she had to find him a safe , new home . 0 I was arrested when the plane landed . I tried my luck and tried to take a passion fruit to the mainland . 1 She enjoyed breakfast and got ready to go to the mall with her parents . At the mall , she enjoyed a day of shopping . 0 I loved my dog and we enjoyed talking though he could not respond . Mother explained to me that no dogs can talk . 0 His boss refused to pay him the full commission . He sold thirty cars one month ! 0 In the end she took up drawing and novel writing . Andrea set out to use the ink in every single one . 1 She had a pet horse in the stable . Sasha wanted one with a pretty horn on its head . 1 The lamp in my foyer broke . I decided to replace it . 1 So he looked for something more thin . But the pen Ian found was too expensive . 0 Unfortunately , the old man came out and punched Mark in the face . Mark was scared , but he agreed to do it . 0 He never regretted his decision to see the world . Jimbob travelled the world in his new RV and saw many landmarks . 0 Rita snoops through Eddy 's things and finds an engagement ring . Rita thinks the jewelry is for another woman . 0 He realized that he would be a great brother because he loved her ! Then he held his little sister and saw her smile . 0 He used the table in his dining room for the rest of his life . It came out really well and Matt was pleased . 0 Ivy ended up looking forward to her NEXT pedicure ! But as the pedicure progressed , she relaxed . 0 There were even arcade games . We did some jumping and sliding . 1 She writes a strongly worded editorial to the paper . The editorial is published in the paper . 1 Jason was my best friend when I was younger . Jason lived down the street from me . 0 And he was getting tired of his car 's problems . After a year , Eric started having to take it to the repair shop . 1 Is one thankfully worked well . I was very relieved . 0 Tim was never found since . Tim missed badly and grazed the bear 's ear . 0 The rainy continued through the night . There was a large storm that ripped off our roof . 1 She asked her grandma for something to do . Grandma was going to work in her garden and invited Lucy . 1 I went all day without eating . My husband asked me a simple question . 0 I looked all over for the iPhone 6 cases . My old case was a charging case but I dropped it in the mud . 1 I laced up my skates and put on my gloves . I went out on the ice and kept falling down . 0 He purchased several pizzas and lots of beer . Mo decided to throw a party at his house . 1 Bobby told Frank that they would go on an Easter egg hunt . Frank said it would be something else and then Mom brought out a box . 1 She gave him the girl 's toy with an odd look . And Ian happily played with his pony toy . 0 But everything was so expensive ! He tried to buy souvenirs . 0 Later , she stopped at a hotel . Then , she threw the box in her car . 1 The machine shook violently and blurred the lines . They had to shut it down and call a serviceperson to fix it . 0 While watching TV , she saw an ad for the local humane society . She was very lonely and could n't decide what to do about it . 1 She found a pink one that she really liked . She ended up buying it because it fit her well . 0 So he ordered that with naan . He remembered that saag paneer was a popular dish . 0 She knew there was a reason not to watch scary movies . Hours later Lucy was awakened by her own screams . 0 They set up a makeshift ring in the yard . They all wanted to wrestle . 0 After I finished I went to sleep . I studied for 2 exams . 0 Tom is furious that his friend paid a woman to flirt with him . Tom finds out that she was put up to it . 0 The clock seemed to tick slower . I wanted to get out to go fishing . 0 Syd got the attention of boys , who ignored Sandy . While Sandy remained plain looking , Syd blossomed . 1 Then she added lots of photos . She presented it to her mom on Christmas . 1 Tim 's dad told them to play silently . They began playing loudly . 0 He forced himself to go to work , but they were n't happy to see him . He wanted to call in sick , but a big meeting was on the books today . 1 One of the boys had a skateboard . Lena asked if she could try to ride it . 0 She made chicken for me instead . My wife knew I hated turkey . 1 Although people agree with him , everyone hates it . But Daniel will probably never stop arguing . 1 And the cars as they drove past the house . She considered getting out of bed to watch TV . 1 Some girls made crazy combinations ! They had fun trying each other 's creations . 0 She is told she has Cancer . One morning during a routine visit the doctor gives her bad news . 1 Todd could not finish typing his paper . He went to his nearest Best Buy to purchase a new keyboard . 0 I will never work or support a Black Friday sale in the future . It was crazy , people were fighting each other and yelling at us . 0 I gathered all my materials . I decided to apply to nursing school . 0 She hated sleeping in the park and being hungry . Jill was homeless . 1 They met downtown to exchange the wallet . Jodi felt like she was meeting up with a stranger . 1 His car died because it was out of gas . The needle showed that it still had plenty . 0 He laughed and reminded me it was Saturday . I called my boss to let him know I would be late . 1 He ate some cotton candy . Then he rode the rides ! 0 The snow was intense and blinding . I was driving home when a big storm hit . 0 When the baby was born , Susan got to meet her . Susan helped calm her until help arrived . 1 She presented her data and charts at the science fair . The judges loved it so much , they gave Avi first prize ! 0 He looked online as well as in the newspaper . Mike decided he was going to find a different job . 1 He then took us backstage and gave us a handful of golden dollars . It was strange , but funny and endearing . 1 She could n't remember the password anymore . It took awhile for her to remember it . 1 Jin came up to the group and introduced himself . He told stories the friends could n't believe . 0 The law now allows me to get married . I protested and stopped paying taxes . 0 Bill asked her why . She said that it looked uneducated . 1 It began foaming and releasing a poisonous gas . Thus , I was suspended from school for two weeks . 0 It started with one pull , I love the thing . I was tired , but when we lost power I had the generator handy . 1 Liz noticed a baby bird on the ground in front of a tree . She looked up and saw a nest about 8 feet up . 1 He asked the bartender for a blue drink . The bartender poured some liquid plumber in a glass and slid it over . 1 John looked at the elevator and the stairs . Since the elevator was full he decided to take the stairs . 1 She decided to do it herself . It did n't seem that difficult . 0 Somebody had stole Lucian 's gun ! He stopped shooting when he saw one missing . 1 She books an appointment at a salon . Jamie arrives early in excitement . 1 She was annoyed about having to be with her family . She wanted to go home . 0 Rick raced to the pond to save Lucy . She tripped on a rock and fell into the pond . 1 He thought his truck could make it . He wound up getting stuck in deep mud . 0 She was happy she that she would never see those people again . Gina was embarrassed her car had almost hit the curb . 0 He goes to her house and they study . Matt secretly likes Jamie so this was a good excuse to be with her . 0 Trina was happy she only got a warning . He told her she would get detention if she did it again . 0 The other children thought it looked gross . Tyren brought sushi to school . 0 She tried to call her mom . April was trying to find her way home , but got lost . 1 They quickly bonded and went dancing together . A few months later Erik and Felicia got married . 0 He bought it and trashed his old one . He finally found the perfect one . 1 While flushing , he noticed that his toilet was clogged . To fix the problem , he got a plunger and unclogged the mess . 0 Mora 's baby was a very happy and pretty baby . Their baby was born the next year . 0 He made a lot of money selling his weapons and lived well . He became the best gunsmith in the land . 0 After looking like it belonged in a ghetto , the springs made it home . The husband used slip knots to tie the springs on the roof of the car . 1 Our first stop was the cafeteria . She showed us where the microwave , lunch line and vending machines are 0 The kids found him and took him to a lady who loved animals . The little orange kitten was abandoned in a schoolyard . 0 He decided to try one more time . He followed the recipe but burnt the salmon and the bun . 0 The teacher gave him a passing grade . He did his best . 1 They married , 5 years after her first husband 's death . Wanda now feels that even tragedies in life happen for a reason . 0 They read the results . After several hours , her boyfriend got together with her . 1 Suddenly a bee stung me . My arm began to swell . 0 His pack was quite heavy at 25 kilograms . Jaden went on a week long hike . 0 Mark wrote an angry review online . Unfortunately , it was broken within weeks . 0 Without hesitating he pressed the button . He flicked a switch and held his finger over a button . 0 So poor Bree was despondent , until she had a great idea . But her family was very poor and candy was too expensive . 1 She blew away the judges during her audition . She was chosen to be a jolly elf in the parade ! 1 Eli saw a cute boy at the coffee shop every day . He never could get up the nerve to talk to him . 0 Her ankle was twisted under her painfully . She fell forward and landed awkwardly . 0 My favorite part of camping was sleeping under the stars . We roasted marshmallows over the fire . 0 She now has 1 niece and 2 nephews . When she got there , she was able to hold the baby . 1 Damian was excited for halloween . He was going to dress up as the grim reaper and get candy . 1 Our cat sat under the table hoping to get a piece . The cat was disappointed , as she did not get a scrap . 0 I rush to the kitchen and throw together a lunch for her . Until the oldest remembers she forgot her lunch . 0 It was delicious ! He looked up a recipe for a sausage pizza . 1 Instead of giving up they decided to take umbrellas . Unfortunately lightning struck Mike as they hiked . 1 One night dad 's hat disappeared . Joey woke up to find it on his head he smiled . 0 Larry was very sad and miserable without all his cats . She took all but 4 of the cats away from Larry . 0 We danced with our friends all night , then our special song came on . Everything was going well we were having a great time . 1 He opened his textbook and read the chapters . He took notes on the diagrams and the captions . 0 The ant ran up Rick 's arm . Daddy told Rick it was an Ant . 0 She rolled up the cake carefully . Ida was making a traditional French Yule log for her class . 0 His girlfriend came with him as well . Phil went to his brothers wedding . 0 Barry decided to convert to Islam . Barry enjoyed the philosophy of Islam . 0 He found his dog behind the house with puppies ! One day his dog was missing . 1 Within minutes , Hunter had devoured all of the food . He was so full that he did n't even have room for dessert . 0 It 's nice and fluffy but has one flaw . My wife bought me a new jacket the other day . 0 Before long , Nora was even calling him Dad ! They started to like each other . 1 Adam went to the liquor store on his 21st birthday . He had no knowledge on what to buy . 1 However , Jax met a new girl Tiffany in Vegas . Jax started dating Tiffany as well . 0 He left the studio with more respect for yoga and no new numbers . He tried to wink at a girl but lost his balance and fell over . 0 They folded linens together everyday . Jack worked at a beautiful hotel with the lovely Jessica . 0 His friends thought his school paper was better than the official one ! He printed and copied some poems himself and passed them out . 1 She slept in Mayfair Park , across the street from her house . She used a public restroom and a roach scrambled out her underwear . 0 She found a nice looking red dress on sale . She went to the mall to look for a dress . 1 Once the doors opened he dashed to the electronics department . Another many fought Mitch for the TV 's . 1 I could n't sing so I declined . However , they insisted . 0 They talked for three hours and exchanged numbers . He decided to talk with her and engage . 0 Her mom took her to a local costume shop to get the costume . Cathy wanted to be a Zebra for Halloween . 0 The ball was kicked off and the game began . The day of the big game arrived and Albert knew he 'd be ready . 1 My daughter 's friend passed away unexpectedly . Her friend 's cat was taken to the animal shelter . 1 Mike quit after losing three more games . We are playing again on Wednesday night . 1 It was but he was too nervous and made it harder . He wound up at the wrong spot . 1 I protested and stopped paying taxes . The law now allows me to get married . 1 It was nearing the beginning of spring . Sam was excited for the warmer weather . 1 The man used his free hand to swat the bird away . The man climbed faster to get off the mountain as soon as possible . 0 He kept telling his mom he wanted a spaceship for Christmas ! Simon loved stars and astronomy . 1 It was two sizes too small . Cara used it to motivate her on her diet . 0 Dawn went on many unsuccessful dates . Dawn joined and online dating site . 0 All of his friends agree that he is great with cars . He fixes his friends cars when they have problems . 1 Then he held his little sister and saw her smile . He realized that he would be a great brother because he loved her ! 0 She went out back and climbed into her family 's hot tub . Ivy had a terrible backache . 1 Suddenly , it started to rain . I had to walk for miles in the rain . 0 His mom was very concerned about the emotional and academic impact . Lois was often bullied at his elementary school . 0 One day , she picked him after school . Jared 's stepmom had been in his life for three years . 1 Finally he decides to make a fruit salad . He makes a delicious fruit salad with oranges , grapes , and apples . 0 We ate the sushi and planned to visit again next week . It was an interesting thing to witness . 1 Riley wanted to dance at school but they had no dance team . Riley decided to start a dance team for her school . 1 Then , she threw the box in her car . Later , she stopped at a hotel . 1 They told me that their type of charger is not the same as mines . I closed my laptop and used my phone as an internet source . 1 Ali cried hard after her hair was pulled . The bully then slapped Ali in the face 1 But then a rash began to erupt on his arms and face . Ned realized that he had fallen in a patch of poison ivy ! 0 As Roc walked inside , he was greeted with a surprise birthday party . Roc walked home from school contemplating his next move . 0 As I was traveling with the ball , I passed it to Tim . My team was going against our rivals . 0 However , he was very disappointed by it . He was very excited when The Avengers : Age of Ultron came out . 1 Lucy is a math major in college . Her specialty is statistics and she loves it . 0 Her friends decided to buy burgers instead . Ants got into the picnic basket . 0 Jane agreed to quit for him . Her new boyfriend really hated the habit . 0 The bully then slapped Ali in the face Ali cried hard after her hair was pulled . 0 She tried to fight sleep as her eyelids grew heavy . She was more sleepy than she expected . 1 Researchers in the field kept asking him a myriad of questions . It was very mentally taxing . 1 I continued to hone my trade for many years . Soon , I was one of the best photographers in the world ! 0 And by time her wash was done , she had found herself a date after all ! As she waited there , she began a chat with a cute neighbor boy . 0 It took her about three hours to get through the airport . The line took forever . 1 Tim was at home . He looked at his dirty floor . 0 When the weather was nice her Mom drove her to the park . She begged her Mom to take her everyday . 0 When she arrived to the lake , she met with her friends . She put her fishing equipment in her truck and departed . 0 Something broke on the plane so they had to fix it . The plane was delayed for 30 minutes . 0 Throughout the day he got a lot of compliment . He put it on his wrist and set the time . 1 It is grey and white and meows every time I go outside . My car is now covered with paw prints . 0 The business idea caught on and others really liked it . Mark copied a business idea from a friend . 1 Phil went to his brothers wedding . His girlfriend came with him as well . 0 First , she made a list of dogs and their owners to invite . Rita decided to throw her dog a birthday party . 1 But she was tempted to get more . She figured it would n't hurt to have another scoop . 1 He stopped brushing his teeth everyday . People at work would complain . 1 Sean felt uncomfortable and asked the woman to stop . The woman responded by yelling at him and threatening him . 0 She and some other kids were checking out a crane game . Samantha was at a pizza party . 0 She used to whip me with a wooden paddle with a staple in it . She was a preacher at our church , but she was a sinner . 0 She tried to pounce on the cat to give her hugs . She loved the pet cat . 0 But it was something the kids looked forward to each year . It sometimes was difficult finding different spots for him . 1 Ben had stolen Pat 's remote control . Pat decided to exact revenge on Ben . 0 Usually they could talk together quietly without being interrupted . They always say in the last row . 1 Now that he was dead , Eric began thinking a lot about him . He was sure going to miss him . 1 In the 10 minutes it took to walk there , she had drank it all . Amy was all over the court after two Red Bulls . 1 While Sandy remained plain looking , Syd blossomed . Syd got the attention of boys , who ignored Sandy . 0 As she was walking down the hall , she got stopped by the principal . She grabbed the wrong skirt . 0 Lindy had never spent the night away from home so was a little nervous They decided to have a sleepover at Sarah 's house . 1 Brick was a rough boy . He was always seen as a tough and rude boy . 1 My scout troop organized a river rafting trip . I was afraid of going with them . 0 We were seeking the largest fish we could find . Me and my friend were out fishing in the middle of a lake . 0 As the days passed , he typed out his book and it was complete . One day he decided to lock himself in his office . 0 Now she has the debt from law school but no degree . After two Year 's of school she decided to drop out . 0 They send the man his money . Revealing his ID would put him at high risk . 0 Soup is now Cody 's favorite dish . He finally tried soup . 0 I received maps from NYC , Chicago , Boston , and London . Many transit properties will send you a map for free . 1 Chuck was driving home from work . A big wind suddenly blew across the road . 0 His family was very appreciative of Larry 's hard work . Larry decided to take his family on a cruise in Mexico . 1 Tom told his friend about the opportunity . Tom 's friend was very interested and applied . 1 I wanted to learn to surf . I went to a surf shop and asked for advice . 1 Susan helped calm her until help arrived . When the baby was born , Susan got to meet her . 1 He recently became a widower after his wife died in a car crash . He became really depressed and posted alarming statuses on Facebook . 0 In her free time , she was able to give back to her community . Getting involved with a local charity gave her something to do . 0 Grandma reminded her that would n't be for hours . She ran and asked her grandma if they could go see fireworks . 0 He crept down the stairs with a baseball bat , scared and tense . Kenny was home alone at night when he heard noises downstairs . 1 She tripped on a rock and fell into the pond . Rick raced to the pond to save Lucy . 1 She called for help and got others to help her return it to sea . From that day on she pledged her life to studying marine biology . 0 The pimple could n't be seen at all in the pictures . Her mom grabbed the scissors to cut her hair into bangs . 0 She hung out with other writers , and got to know the city well . She enrolled in a MFA program and moved to New York City . 0 I went to bed early and set my alarm for early the next morning . I had a big meeting on Friday . 0 The candle fell off the counter . One day , he forgot to blow out the candles . 0 He lived near the indigenous locals . Billy lived in Anchorage , Alaska . 1 He walked along with them quietly for a short distance . Suddenly , he turned and ran full speed for the door ! 0 But she did n't know where to the party should be . Nicole 's birthday was soon . 1 Kay wanted to bake a cherry pie . But the cherries at the grocery store were too expensive ! 0 Charles called his mom but her number had changed . But he thought one day they would see eye to eye . 1 Mark finally cleaned up and told his landlord about the leak . A plumber came over and Mark was glad to finally have it fixed . 1 They dog 's rarely barked at or jumped at her grandma . Gina was just happy she did n't have to feed them again . 1 She realizes the trip will take hours . She brought some sandwiches with her . 1 One day , the man 's dog broke loose and ran straight for Ashley . Ashley was so frightened she could n't speak . 0 There she was able to visit different castles . One day her parents surprised her with a trip to Europe . 1 They still got droopy and started dying . Kim realized she was over-watering\ them . 1 She decided to make gingerbread houses with the kids . She got all the ingredients together and put up the houses . 0 I have no money and student loans . I am a college graduate who just moved back in with my mom . 1 One day , I rolled back in it over my cat 's tail . She was not injured badly , but she screamed very loud . 1 Today was the 100th day of school . Alex and his classmates celebrated . 1 Mr Thompson is a substitute teacher . The class he has to go to has an unruly bunch . 0 The kitten actually nursed on our dog for a year . This kitten was the baby of a feral cat that we knew . 1 Then she applied tanning lotion . She spent the afternoon laying in the sun . 1 But after several minutes of practice , he did n't see any improvement . He got drawing books to study from . 0 He won his first motorcycle race at the age of 13 . Jason grew up riding motorcycles . 1 He picked up his groceries and went to check out . The cashier asked if he wanted to donate a dollar to help children . 1 Alas , the merchantman had a cargo of nothing but paper . A whole lot of paper . 1 She decided to take a trip to the local mall to pick up some things . As she strolled through the mall she picked up many outfits . 1 Amy had a headache when she was shopping for groceries . She knew the store 's bright lights would make it worse . 0 Reuben plans to play in college . Reuben becomes a dominant force 0 She was happy when he finally woke up . Lucy 's grandpa had been napping . 0 They adopted him and named him Scooter . They went to the local dog shelter and there was a 1-year-old husky ! 0 Rocky has a great season . He worked with experts on dribbling and shooting . 0 When she gets invited to winter festivities she hardly ever goes . She would rather stay in the house all winter than go outside . 0 However , he put too many kernels in the pot . He felt like he could do it , no problem . 1 I took my son to daycare this morning . We got in the car and buckled up . 0 He had to toss it out . He did n't notice and the stain set . 0 She had heard many great things about the buildings and lights there . Petula wanted nothing more than to take a trip downtown . 1 Everyone at school considered Harry to be a loser . Harry had no friends and was very lonely . 1 Tom had made some new friends at work . They invited him over for a dinner party . 0 He got so wild with that one that it also flew from his hands . Hank kept drumming with only one stick . 0 I asked if Jim would like to accompany me to the mall . I lost a shoe today , and needed a new one . 1 Kevin wanted to learn a totally new skill . Although he 's tried a lot of things , learning is fun for him . 1 Stepping out onto it he quickly learned there was ice underneath ! Bailey fell on his bottom because it was so slick . 0 I thanked all of them for their help and walked away . After the radiation procedure , they congratulated me . 0 The cat looked annoyed that her gift got away . Sue grabbed a broom , guiding it through the door . 0 He said no . She asked him for a toy . 1 All the lines were run out and ready . This was another great day of fishing . 0 She ran to the bathroom . Julie began to feel nauseated after lunch . 1 Tiffany worked third shifts . She hardly went anywhere during the day . 1 Jess wanted to remodel her old house . The inspector finally came to test her house for lead paint . 0 She gave me an assignment to make up for missing class . I e-mailed my professor to ask for extra-credit . 0 Then , there was an issue . At first , everything was going well . 0 Gertrude is happy that her lawn no longer looks so messy . Now her lawn looks neat and clean . 0 At the end of the day our buckets were full . We stayed at the orchard for about three hours picking . 0 They were not so bad so he tried fried grasshoppers . Even though Jim was nervous , he tried eating some fried ants . 0 We are playing again on Wednesday night . Mike quit after losing three more games . 1 He went to the burrito king restaurant near his house . He ordered the 5 lbs burrito that they had there . 1 Daddy told Rick it was an Ant . The ant ran up Rick 's arm . 0 I aimed for her back but she turned around . I made a snowball and threw it at her . 0 She went to the mall with her cousins . But Target did n't have them . 0 In addition , Barry would install a state of the art shower as well . Barry decided he would change the single sink to a double sink . 0 One day , a man brought in a pony named Alf . Jennifer volunteered at an animal shelter last year . 1 Jen enjoyed knowing useless things . Her current hobby was dead soldiers from World War II . 1 The cat never let him touch his paws again . The cat also never clawed the couch again . 0 He arrogantly put the water bottle in the first recycling bin he saw . So he took out the water bottle from the trash and yelled at the man . 1 Her parents said they would give her half . Jill decided to find a part time job to make up the difference . 0 So he could go and have a good start to school . And picked out some new outfits . 0 He felt that this lie of his just became real . During service he felt a feeling he could not describe . 1 Everything she had studied hard for was about to become reality . The first day on the job was the most exciting day she ever had . 1 A man was angry that he kept getting people to annoy him at his house . He wanted to build a trap door on his front step . 0 He studied for the entire night hoping to memorize it . He was having trouble remembering some formulas . 0 When we arrived , there were several people who helped us get around . Everyone waited outside for the Bus to take them to the hotel . 0 Despite her worries , on the day of the race , she won ! She had practiced for weeks . 1 Rodney was getting ready to move to a new house . He packed up all his possessions into boxes . 0 After staying in California for a little , it was time to go home . We saw so many cool views along the way ! 0 She broke both legs and spent several weeks in the hospital . During winter break , she was involved in a car accident . 0 Sadly her parents could n't afford to send her to college . She had big dreams of becoming a doctor one day . 0 Ray clarified it was a group outing . She thought he was asking her on a date . 1 Shannon went to the mall to get her ears pierced again . She picked out some new studs and had her ears pierced on the spot . 1 Alas , the sweaters at the mall were too expensive . I decided to make my own . 1 I could open the door but not lock it . I left anyway , and nothing happened . 0 When Elaine 's family lost their fortune , Heidi was secretly pleased . Elaine claimed to be too busy to take the clothing to a charity . 0 But the cherries at the grocery store were too expensive ! Kay wanted to bake a cherry pie . 0 Shannon sang for the talent scout . A national talent scout visited Shannon 's church one day . 0 Roadside assistance was busy and took some time to get to me . I ran out of gas on the way to work . 1 She wiped his face with a cloth to clean it . Suddenly the baby began to scream and cry . 0 He bought the best router available . He decided to buy one online . 0 It pained him , but he had to give one of his dogs away . But then he lost his job . 1 Brian 's brother was burned badly in a fire once . Brandon has learned to deal with his fear . 1 No one wanted his dirty old cot in their house either . Tim put it on the curb and waited for a taker . 0 With some help , she was able to finish it . One question was so hard that she needed to google it . 0 Sandy was not a fan of the muffins . She added fresh blueberries to the mix . 1 He had waited until the night before to write it . Mike stayed up all night writing his paper . 0 The co-worker told Amy she only worked during the holidays . Amy met a co-worker she had never seen before . 1 People threw money at Dave for his wonderful performance . Dave took a bow once he finished his rant . 1 Kay realized she was spending too much money popcorn . She started making big batches it at home to save money . 0 There was one pumpkin left over ! Everyone ate until they were full . 0 He totally forgot about it when he went to bed . He wanted them to like him so he agreed . 0 She trembled as she boarded the plane . Nita was terrified to fly . 0 The party lasted all the way into the evening . There was also a bunch of yummy food . 1 June was in charge of designing the post office . She was especially excited about the parking lot . 1 Ben noticed some green leaves and grass on his way to work . Writing the date at work , Ben realized it was the first day of Spring . 0 Suddenly , he bit her hand . He was being really rowdy and she was trying to calm him . 0 He ended up having to bear through it . He could still feel the pain . 1 Her parents were not happy about it . They built a little coup for it outside . 0 I was late for work , next year I 'll leave early . Fifteen minutes later i finally found one . 0 Ruth then knew that love would win out over approval . Her wealthy parents never approved of her boyfriend . 0 Andy said he thought that could happen , knowing her kids . She told Andy about her terrible dreams . 0 While in the middle of the field , it began to rain very hard . They began walking down a sidewalk that led into a wide open field . 1 Jared told him he would have to get the picture copyrighted . Rowan realized Djared never told him what he thought of the picture . 1 He ran in and selected a caffeinated energy drink . He drank it all before he got to work . 0 About 20 minutes later , the boys were able to order their food . By the time the boys got there , the line was out the door . 1 He had won a $ 5000 scholarship for his academic work ! Eric was thrilled . 0 By the time they hit the next stop , the train was broke down ! Jeremy decided to roll the dice and got on the train anyway . 1 Sheryl drove to a new house . She looked at it with a Realtor . 0 The files were corrupted and the phone could n't turn off . However , the phone had a technical error next morning . 0 Finally , her parents asked her to get in the car . She tried to figure it out all day , but could n't . 1 I applied what I had learned rules to my paycheck . Today I am better off financially because of that Money Class . 1 His team did very well . They won the game by 30 points . 1 He grew one out and did n't like it either . It was itchy and cumbersome . 0 Mahlon was making an annoying whistling sound with the pen tip . Mahlon had the metal cone in his teeth and was blowing in and out . 1 She was surprised to see a large plastic tarp in the store . It appeared the store was under construction . 1 He had to sell her house . It was tons of work . 1 She was just getting home to her husband . She came inside and realized that there was a huge mess . 1 He looked in his car . He bought a new pair at the mall , again . 0 Cindy decided to climb an indoor mountain . Instead of staying on the ground , she decided to face of her fears . 0 One day we left him outside . I loved him so much . 0 We were glad not to be embarrassed by a loose toilet seat . It took awhile but we were able to replace the nut . 1 She did not seem to realize that her clocks were wrong . She mentioned that she did n't know where the time went that day . 1 Aaron has a puppy named Max . He walks Max every day . 0 She was chosen to be a jolly elf in the parade ! She blew away the judges during her audition . 1 He accidentally spilled paint everywhere . The paint got on his floors and walls . 0 Remy and Eli had a great time . But he miraculously survived . 0 It had been 20 years since Amy first saw the movie . Amy decided to watch Home Alone . 1 A classmate told Charles he could make money by clicking his own ads . Charles did n't know the classmate was jealous and lying . 1 Greg wanted to take an exciting vacation . So he went to the amazon jungle . 0 But Brandon did n't have anyplace to move into . Brandon and Tina lived together and they wanted to separate . 1 But after nine months , the doctor presented him with a lovely girl ! Determined , he and his wife tried again , but had another girl . 1 While admiring the paintings , she was overpowered by a strong scent . She saw a woman nearby who reeked of the perfume . 0 Afterwards he played with Spot for hours . Jim was so happy to have Spot back he gave him a bath . 1 She was a new manager and never fired anyone before . She reached out to a peer and asked for advice and tips . 1 He brought the kitten home , cleaned it up , and gave it to his son . His son loved the kitten , like Jeff knew he would ! 1 He noticed what he thought was a trail . He began walking on it . 0 No one caught him reading the mail . He read every card he found . 1 Then she put them in a baking pan . She put them into the oven . 0 Above his head was a speech bubble that had him talking gibberish . I drew a picture of him in a wheelchair . 0 She wanted to find out the symptoms for iron overdose . Gina 's mom called the poison control center . 0 Unfortunately , he almost drowned . He finally asked his wife to teach him how to swim in their pool . 1 The light bulb in the garage door opener was broken . Samantha found out that it was the light socket . 0 Francis is amazed at the wide variety of beer available . Francis and his friends all attend the sampling . 0 Finally , the creature popped its head out of the grass . She stood still , frozen in fear . 1 Adam suits up and runs in the house instantly . Seconds later he runs out holding a woman . 1 He lost his tuner so he tuned his guitar by ear . The tuning was a little flat for each string . 0 Fred had his computer taken away . The officers were suspicious of the research Fred had been doing . 0 He saved up for Years and finally bought a brand new home . Hunter wanted to buy a new house . 0 Jake built a cabin out of wood with his hands . He moved onto his land with his dog . 1 I got a Chitty Chitty Bang Bang book for my 7th birthday . I was so excited about the book , I took it to school . 0 He wound up getting stuck in deep mud . He thought his truck could make it . 0 Now I 'm back in school to try to get a better job . I ended up with a crappy job . 0 We found a fourth remote in the building . We switched to a DVR box and they gave us another remote . 0 With only fifty cents left , Simba made a collect call home . He bought a snicker bar , which cost him 50 cents . 1 The house caught fire . Luckily , because she was not at home , the woman was not hurt . 0 For Christmas , he asked for some ice skates . He was so happy that the home team beat the opponent . 0 She was trying to climb onto a boat from the water . Andrea was at the lake . 1 I put on the harness and the helmet . When I started climbing I lost balance . 1 Tina got home from work one day very tired . She cooked her kids food and went to the tub to relax . 1 Tyler 's parents told him to clean up the basement . It was going to be a big job and Tyler felt overwhelmed . 0 When her date arrived , she smiled broadly . She checked herself in the mirror . 1 Jeff rode his bike there and parked by the benches . To his surprise , the guys invited him to play within minutes . 1 She went to the parlor but then was nervous . They put the earring in and Kelly screamed . 0 After going through several papers , he got drowsy . He had to look into several project agendas . 0 It tasted amazing . I used a new recipe . 0 Jim used this dream to write his entry in the school short story fair . Jim had a dream about a talking chicken . 0 But we are always ready to go back when the next year rolls around . By the end of the week we are all exhausted and ready to go home . 0 Suddenly , her jeans ripped . Gigi was about to go out . 1 My niece has an eight year old son named Joe . Joe has behavioral problems . 1 The balloon inched higher in the air and Kelsi tensed up . The view was amazing from high in the air . 1 Jan got a complaint from a customer at the diner for her poor service . Her manager began to lecture to her the importance of good service . 0 Finally , the girls began to fall asleep . That evening they all laid in sleeping bags and watched a movie . 0 He decided to try to teach himself . Noah wanted to learn to swim . 1 They decided to have a sleepover at Sarah 's house . Lindy had never spent the night away from home so was a little nervous 0 She knitted for three hours until she had made a little sweater . She went home and began to knit . 1 He looked at it and it was chunky . He had to throw it out . 0 Gabby accepted and put on lots of perfume to hide her smell . One night she was invited to a date by a boy named Nic . 1 He tried very hard for many long , tough months to get ready . The day of the race arrived . 0 He looked at his dirty floor . Tim was at home . 0 However , his toothache became more painful . While he knew he should visit the dentist , he delayed the visit . 0 Ray 's friends tried out for the football team , too . He decided to make his own fantasy football club instead . 1 Wayne 's friend Steve got a part in a play . Wayne hated plays but Steve really wanted him to go . 0 She goes to the hair dresser and has her hair cut very short . However , one day she decides she needs a haircut . 0 They had a huge accident . But , the car did n't use brakes fast enough . 0 She had been playing with his puppy before he got angry . Lucy was running from an angry old man . 0 When his alarm went off in the morning , no snow ! The weather forecaster said there was a 50 % chance of snow . 1 Rick 's mom was going back to work . She was taking Rick to daycare . 0 She figured she would wear them anyway . They were still wet . 0 They had given her a custard donut instead ! When she bit into it , she cringed . 0 The family thought long and hard about what to do for vacation . As the children got older , they lost interest in going to the beach . 0 They went and he tried on 2 pairs of shorts . His mom made an appointment with the uniform shop to try on shorts . 0 While they were there , Sarah became distracted . She warned him to not touch any of the exhibits . 1 They had n't brought suits since they had n't planned on swimming . They had no suits , so they were n't able to enter the water park . 1 She then posted lost ads . Kim found the dog 's owner . 0 She moved all the way from Seattle to New Mexico . Angelique relocated for a new job . 0 When the heat of summer came , the car began to smell terrible . He did not know the car had been submerged in a flood . 0 Fear gripped John as the announcer finished the list . The announcer listed all the nominees in the category . 1 The blizzard was coming up in just a few days . Paul hurried to the store to prepare . 0 First we all met up together . My friend invited me to a party . 0 The day of the oral report he was confident because he had practiced . He practiced at home so he was ready when he had do it in class . 1 Eventually it came back ! Arthur was glad he had been patient to see the beautiful bird . 0 Joe was not used to this as he came from the city . The cows wore bells that tinkled as they moved . 0 The puppy 's owner was found , appreciative of the Thompsons ' aid . They contacted the local dog pound , in case someone contacted them . 1 Nathan arrived with a cooler of drinks . He was walking towards the food . 0 Esma was released from jail and set free . Her release date finally arrived . 1 Sally went to the book signing . She was excited to meet the author . 1 He was paying out all of his income to bills . It was making him very upset . 1 He baited their lines and the two waited for a bite . Sam grew bored and wondered why his dad loved ice fishing . 1 In the end , she concluded that she could . The IRS disagreed , and audited her . 0 He went home and his mom saw his knees , but helped him heal . He ended up losing control , and fell . 0 He spent all day carrying brush around and things like that . John agreed . 1 He passed , so he took the real thing . Bill passed and was awarded his GED ! 1 The orchestra played Baroque music . They performed two Bach cantatas . 1 After spending time together she learned that he had a crush on her . Sue and her neighbor hung out daily . 1 Jay was not sure if he did . A big wave rocked the boat . 0 The whole jar was worth over $ 50 . The teller took the change from her and counted it . 1 With a twist and a shout he released the discus as hard as he could . It flew through the air , almost as if it was floating . 1 He gets a flat tire driving home from the office Dan has it towed to the dealer . 1 Anita loved cooking in her new Wok . She thought it would save her marriage , not ruin it . 1 Sally made the best apple pies . Her friend , Julia , suggested that the enter a pie contest . 0 Her grandpa had now passed away . The kids always fought to sit in grandpa 's chair when he was at work . 1 She performed her song in the contest . Sadly , Ella did n't win . 0 The paint got on his floors and walls . He accidentally spilled paint everywhere . 0 Vince was immediately snatched up by a politician for his campaign . Vince was fired for sexual harassment . 1 Then she did her hair and makeup . She paraded across the pageant stage nervously . 1 He told her she had to get one tooth pulled . The dentist was able to pull it out painlessly . 0 Then her vegan friend made her veggie burgers with soy milk and salad . But two days in , she feared she could n't keep her vow . 1 She pulled everything out of the closet and began to put it in bins . Halfway through she realized she did n't have enough bins . 0 Lucy stormed out to the car in a huff . May reminded Lucy it was rude to keep her waiting . 1 Tiffany wanted to buy a new house . She 'd only rented before , and was n't sure what she needed to do . 1 Meredith was shopping online . She saw an ad for a big sale . 0 Will continued working diligently for the whole period . The shop teacher nodded on in approval . 1 Then he sealed it with glue and showed it off to his parents . Chet 's parents were so proud , they framed the puzzle for him ! 1 John threw a basketball at the kid 's head . No one ever came in John 's yard again . 1 Tim wanted expensive headphones . But he could not afford them . 1 Barry enjoyed the philosophy of Islam . Barry decided to convert to Islam . 1 In Varanasi , he discovered hinduism . The philosophy and teachings of hinduism appealed to him . 0 Luckily they were able to put it out easily . She called the fire department . 1 Jenny was at a dinner party . She had to use the restroom . 0 Just then the bully Val tried to board her bus . On the bus she finally felt safe . 1 When she put it in her mouth , she instantly regretted her decision . She had n't realized the cookie contained almonds , which she hated ! 1 During half time , someone from the other team offered him candy . Hank gladly accepted the candy . 1 She ran faster to make it home sooner . She still got soaked . 0 Soon , the kids had big bank accounts , while Marge 's was depleted . She promised to give a dollar for every dollar they saved . 1 There has been a lot of buzz about Star Wars latest movie . I heard my friends say the new Star Wars movie is good . 1 She had practiced for weeks . Despite her worries , on the day of the race , she won ! 0 She was giving it drugs to see how it would react . She was experimenting with a frog . 0 He wanted to make some new rules for screens . Tyler 's kids were getting too much screen time . 0 Bill spotted Santa sitting in the middle of the mall . Janet drove to the mall and they walked inside at a quick pace . 0 He shopped around at the mall . He broke his previous one by dropping it . 1 A daughter of the mayor was named Rebecca . She was tall and luxurious . 0 I freaked out when I heard the news . It was at a school my child attends . 0 The grocery store was packed with people doing the same . Kim went to the grocery store to prepare for a hurricane . 1 Jimmy was excited because today was gymnastics day . He was looking forward to working on the pommel horse . 1 His coworkers then proceeded to make fun of him for being stupid . Later that day , Jerry got a huge promotion . 1 Nolan unhappily settled for tap water , but he got a shock . In his thirst , the tap water tasted more delicious than any pop could ! 0 All of the proceeds would go to charity . Every summer it was in the Hamptons and had amazing guests . 0 When his mother served it , he 'd throw it away . Joe hated apple sauce . 1 Still he can not concentrate on his studies . Finally he decides to study in the library . 0 Tim realized that his horn was broken . Tim slammed on the horn but nothing came out . 1 The teller took the change from her and counted it . The whole jar was worth over $ 50 . 1 Mark wanted to see an action movie while Jaden wanted to see a comedy . They could not decide which movie to see . 1 The worker told her what a baker 's dozen was . She was happy as she left with 13 donuts instead of 12 . 1 Avery did n't know how to handle this , so he crawled into the floor . When he was in the floor , he was screaming and crying . 0 The beach they went to had a very nice boardwalk with lots of shops . They decided to go to the beach . 0 The raccoons ran across the street without catching any fish . Javier yelled at them to leave . 1 He loaded his luggage in his small car . He drove for 5 hours to arrive at his mother 's house . 0 The following year Becky tried out again and made the team ! Becky spent the next year working on her throwing every day . 1 She could n't believe what she saw . Her new husband had fallen asleep ! 0 We went swimming in the pool and then got ice cream . He packed up all his clothes , and brought some books . 0 Ricky made and ate oatmeal instead of cereal . So he searched his pantry and found oatmeal . 1 But he did n't . He got what he really wanted , a puppy ! 0 He had great difficulty fitting his desk into his room . Victor was moving to a smaller apartment . 1 Her mother looked at her with anger in her eyes . Beth had been suspended from riding the bus due to the fight . 0 They knew it was love but did n't say anything . In that moment they stared deeply in each other 's eyes . 0 My friend egged me on to go on a diet . I am only 5'4 '' so that was heavy . 1 He would practice on his little brother in the living room . One day he accidentally slammed his brother on the fireplace . 0 Now my neck is sore but I feel better . I ended up napping on my floor . 1 Anna picked cherries from the tree in her yard . Then she melted down milk chocolate . 0 She arrived home to see her boys standing out front . A fire had started in the basement of her house . 0 It was my favorite candy as a child . I bought a bag of blow pops from the dollar store . 1 Frida went to a sushi restaurant with her family . She did not want to go because she did n't like fish . 0 He ran from his car to the store doors . A sudden thunderstorm started . 1 Lily licked the pole and her tongue got stuck . Her mother heard her crying and ran to release her tongue . 0 But some of the families had a plan for him . He threw eggs at the house windows on his block all the time . 1 Many transit properties will send you a map for free . I received maps from NYC , Chicago , Boston , and London . 0 One day she had some wine with them . She fell in with a wrong crowd after school . 1 He booked in advance to get a better deal . Robert bought his ticket for half the price because he booked early . 1 She finally had the peace and quiet she always wanted . She grabbed a book she 'd already read off the shelf . 0 Before we left , we ordered pizza at a nearby restaurant . The game was intense , and my team ended up winning . 0 I look in my wallet and find I have no money , and my car has no gas . I have to get to Kats house tonight ! 0 But Alex was disappointed to discover he shot it into the wrong hoop . Alex wanted to impress his dad and made a shot from across the court . 1 Gina was embarrassed her car had almost hit the curb . She was happy she that she would never see those people again . 1 They were n't being believable . There was no action . 0 She was given a bandaid and a sucker to cheer her up . The other kids called the teacher over . 1 The next day he met Suzie in the cafeteria . They have been together for 5 years now ! 0 He joined an adult basketball league He decided it was time for a change 1 The Jelly Fish eventually moved away from her . She was very relieved and stress free afterwards . 0 One of them fell over as it went off . Maddie 's dad was setting off fireworks on the street . 1 After playing for an hour , she finally won a thousand dollars . At the end of the day she was thrilled . 1 She eventually came across a wide slope . As soon as the bike moved downhill , it moved too fast . 0 Now he finally has a source of income . Finally , he got a call back and an interview . 1 she prepared for the party by buying gifts and goodies she went to the party and had a blast 0 I decided to organize my work desk . I have a lot of work to do and am stressed out . 1 She was forced to go to see a doctor . It turned out she actually had the flu and was forced to stay home . 0 She paced back and forth until it was time for the race to start . Jenny felt uneasy about the track meet . 1 However , one day she decides she needs a haircut . She goes to the hair dresser and has her hair cut very short . 1 He used tiny batteries and attached it to his airplane . At the contest , his airplane went the fastest and very far . 1 Clyde was prescribed lots of rest and hot liquids . Clyde was glad that it was something minor . 1 But she found that she had plenty of meat and veggies . She cooked up all she had for her diners . 1 She bought a set of oil paint and brushes . When she got home , she started working on her painting . 1 He felt the bat hit the ball . He ran as fast as he could towards first base . 0 He added the flower and water to his skillet . He decided to try it one more time . 0 Lorraine invites all of her friends over to have a slice of pie . She comes home and bakes a delicious pie . 0 I thanked him and put it in my wallet . My coworker once gave me a shiny gold looking penny . 0 One summer , Hannah had the chance to attend a live festival . Hannah loves music . 0 She 'd spent all night sewing the uniforms . Belle was frantic and stressed ! 1 She was looking forward to having her special birthday dinner all day . Her friends and family decided to meet her at her favorite restaurant . 0 Unfortunately , the doorknob was not the correct size . He bought the most expensive one they had . 1 While up in the tree , I can see into my neighbor 's homes . One neighbor offered to help me build a treehouse , but I declined . 0 He did not want to let his team down . As he warmed up , he got nervous . 1 Billy was very hungry . He went to the hot dog stand . 0 She asked her husband to do something about it . Amy noticed that the kitchen table had uneven legs . 1 She danced her little heart out . I watched my little dancer enjoy her time dancing . 0 Esther had a job interview later that day . Esther saw a help wanted sign at McDonald 's . 0 She let out a startled cry and ran into the gas station . She realized it was a the head of a Deer . 1 Later that week , Sharron claimed that Rob had assaulted her . Rob denied , but he lost his job . 0 One night the campers thought the wolves sounded closer to the camp . At night the campers could hear the wolves howl in the distance . 1 I was such a believer in Santa as a kid . The next morning , the milk and cookies would be gone . 1 Jimmy wanted to improve his football skills . Jimmy sought out personal trainers and exercise experts . 0 On December 21st she was informed there would be no bonus this year . She planned the trip and paid in advance . 1 While he was eating his sandwich , something tugged his line . Larry reeled in a 2 pound trout from the pound . 0 Everywhere I looked I kept seeing shadows moving around . I stayed awake in my bed . 0 She always forgot to take the pair out . Susan had a problem with her contacts . 1 I screamed and was frightened . When we dropped we got all wet . 1 He invited his baby sister Liesel . The two siblings went and had a great time ! 1 He practiced at home so he was ready when he had do it in class . The day of the oral report he was confident because he had practiced . 1 However , the car started leaking again . Instead of going back to the mechanic , she just fixed it herself . 1 Then she made a salad with dinner . Eating more veggies was turning out to be delicious ! 1 People drove by and saw that there would be a meeting . That night the hall was filled with people . 1 She made up a password and answered a security question . Later , Marge forgot the password . 1 She was not paying attention to her job very well . The plate as she was trying to dry slipped out of her hands . 0 The geologist posted the rock online to show to others . The rock had many gems in it that he never saw before . 1 When she found them , she was so upset . She talked to her coworkers and was able to find homes for them . 1 Alex hit an incredible shot over a lake . His dad praised him and wished he was still young 1 I was so nervous for my first day at work as a programmer . When I got to work , I sat in the smallest cubicle . 0 He surprised her after work with the chocolates . Matthew got his girlfriend a box of chocolates . 1 I called my boss to let him know I would be late . He laughed and reminded me it was Saturday . 0 However , she did n't own a credit card . They asked her about her credit card debt . 1 Robert was surprised that his parents bought him a new trampoline The trampoline was everything Robert hoped for . 0 While waiting , he watched television . He signed in , and sat down to wait . 0 She was happy as she left with 13 donuts instead of 12 . The worker told her what a baker 's dozen was . 0 Their father was horrified . Then , I dressed my daughter like a boy with a ball cap . 1 While she waited for it to cook , she became anxious . She was so scared , she could n't wait and took the pasta right then . 0 The old man thanked Ned for his heroism ! Then he helped the old man to safety . 0 A couple weeks later , Joe 's wife dragged him outside . He told his wife the gutter job was done . 0 She saw a dog coming down the street . One afternoon , she was playing with dolls in her front yard . 0 Jax started dating Tiffany as well . However , Jax met a new girl Tiffany in Vegas . 1 Tim never locked his bathroom window . He figured that no one would try to break his bathroom . 0 And she needed to make more money . Gina 's job was low paying . 0 When the doctor came in the room they had big news for her . Eliza had to leave a urine sample before her appointment . 0 Brandon thought the procedure would hurt but not a lot of pain . He had a cavity . 1 The driver took me to my hotel . I unpacked everything and went to bed . 0 Suddenly , the baby slipped from her arms . She put him on her lap and sat on a bar-stool . 1 She did not feel like cooking . She placed a call to a pizzeria for delivery . 0 After many grueling hours he restored the car to perfect condition . He spent months repairing the car . 1 They watched the races . Their horses won . 1 He took Kelly for Italian food and then to a movie . At the end of the night , she gave him a kiss . 0 Her band had an important competition coming up . Robin played the flute in her rock band . 1 When she went to give one to Kiku , he gave her one in return . They had both wanted to be friends with each other ! 0 He was tired of it just sitting in his savings . Joe needed to do something with his money . 0 His boss said it was due to cutbacks , not performance . He asked his boss what the reasons were for the firing . 1 She took it into the dealership to ask about it . The mechanic told her there was a problem with the brakes . 1 He wrote poems and spoke them and got rejected . He made cards and sent them and got rejected . 0 She rushed to school to tell Millie the great news . Joan thought it would be perfect to introduce them . 0 He put his link out there and advertised like crazy . He designed his own sweater but he wanted to win it for real . 0 In the end Kris won the match and was thrilled . The boys seemed to be tied . 1 At Jo 's office was a Christmas tree with presents for each worker . Jo saw her present was a tiny box . 1 Vince has been saving money for a big clothing purchase . He is n't sure what he wants to buy . 1 She went to her room to grab something and got distracted . She ended up cleaning for ten minutes . 1 That 's very hard for a true fan like me to know . They try so hard but they always have a losing record . 0 He tried to adjust the size . It was too short . 1 One day she got caught and got her phone taken away . She learned her lesson and started to follow the rules again . 1 Lilith was afraid to climb the wall , but embarrassed to tell anyone . She tried to climb the wall , but was too scared . 1 Tom was taking a road trip . He saw some beautiful nature . 0 The tiger sprang to his feet and tore off chasing his dinner ! While barely breathing in the bush , the research saw an antelope . 1 Finally Doug decides to ask out a nice girl from his yoga class . Their first date is the beginning of a long romance . 0 She went for a walk and found $ 270 laying in the grass in a bare lot . She was wishing that something good could just happen for her . 1 Gary really wanted tacos for dinner . He went to the restaurant but they were closed . 1 Then , it became extremely hard . I realized programming was n't for me and I quit . 0 She parked and attempted to jump over the puddle . Kim arrived at work to see the only park had a huge puddle . 1 Jane wanted to learn how to sing . She knew she could carry a tune but her voice was not great . 0 She stuck the glasses in her pocket and posed for the portrait . Meg did n't want to wear her glasses for her school picture . 1 One day Bob almost hit a bus . After that he always drove slowly and carefully . 0 He went to the restaurant but they were closed . Gary really wanted tacos for dinner . 1 Michael was OCD when it came to cleaning . He was a mechanic and would often get dirty at work . 1 Ben was playing sports . He tripped on a big rock . 0 In the morning he blamed her brother for eating it . At night she ate it because it looked delicious . 1 Petula wanted nothing more than to take a trip downtown . She had heard many great things about the buildings and lights there . 1 A man sat in a field and watched the bees fly . He followed one bee back to its hive . 0 Jenna was so tired that she fell asleep on her shift . She needed to work in order to pay her rent . 1 Paul usually likes going on dates . However , Paul went on a date recently that made him upset . 0 He got a burger at a fast food restaurant . Kevin drove into town to eat . 0 Dennis took his time and eventually missed badly . My close friend , Dennis , was chosen as one of the competitors . 0 Clay throws a pitch and strains his oblique . Clay can not stay healthy for a season . 1 It was Jimmy 's birthday and he wanted dump cake . His mom bought cherry pie filling and a yellow cake mix . 1 Kim wanted a change of scenery . She decided to take a trip to another city . 0 From a near bush he heard a rattle . He loved the outdoors and loved to explore . 1 She was stopped on the street and reprimanded . The police told her she had to cover her hair with a scarf ! 0 One day , the children told George they had a surprise for him . The children loved to hear George speak and see his great fossils . 0 After much begging , her mother dropped her off at home instead . Gina did n't want to go there . 1 The patio room was a much needed addition to the small house . The room was comfortable for only three seasons , as designed . 1 She wanted a medium pepperoni pizza with extra cheese . But when she got her pizza , it was totally wrong . 1 In my excitement I opened it wide and stuck my head out . My mother came in yelling at me to shut it . 0 Soon the whole room was very warm . The fire grew very big very fast . 1 He heard the truck coming and bolted outside . The garbage men stopped their truck and waited for him . 0 The employee was taking a roll of toilet paper home every night ! One day , however , he discovered that she was stealing ! 1 He threw away the banana . They 're all gone now ! 0 Gina was leaving her gym class . It was the end of the first day of high school . 0 Because there were so many people , I barely saw my husband . When we woke up , we watched the parade and started cooking . 0 When she got home , she found out that it had been a mean joke . Soon , she realized that her date was n't going to show up . 0 Alas , I broke my leg and had to quit the club . I made lots of friends at the club . 1 I decided to help her . She thanked me and gave me a dollar . 1 But , the car did n't use brakes fast enough . They had a huge accident . 1 Unfortunately she does n't have any friends to hang out with . She decides to go shopping at her local mall to stay busy . 0 Mary wishes she and her sister spoke more . Mary and her sister have n't spoken in many Year 's . 0 It made me feel sick the rest of the day I ate almost too much . 0 He would n't tell her what and made her wait till break . Amy 's friend Troy emailed her he had something for her . 0 He challenged his friend to a basketball game . Carson was a basketball player . 0 Robert bought his ticket for half the price because he booked early . He booked in advance to get a better deal . 1 He realized that the flavoring of the food was very bland . He became furious and demanded a refund . 0 She was able to get rid of a good portion of the bugs . Soon , the bugs were flocking to her jar . 0 I learned so much about different cultures in Greece . So , I decided to travel to Greece . 1 Dad was picking him up at 8 AM so they could spend the day together . At 8:30 Josh began to worry because Dad had still not arrived . 0 They thought they would die but then they saw a ship . The two girls had a harrowing journey through storms and sharks . 0 I made it and out team won the championship . I immediately took the three point shot . 1 One day , Mary went to the beach with her family . She was playing on the beach when she met another kid her age . 1 Test went to the store . He gave her a really nice necklace 0 He began to cut into a mine with his pick ax in the morning . Instead of robbing banks , Mark decided to rob a diamond mine . 1 Tom took Lily to Central Park in the sunny afternoon . He stopped by a hot dog cart and got a bite to eat . 0 He was still cold so he turned his heat up . He was very cold , so he got another blanket . 0 She ended up spraining her ankle She lost her balance and fell off . 0 He drank it all before he got to work . He ran in and selected a caffeinated energy drink . 0 She told her friend in the morning , who said there was no clown . Marsha had trouble sleeping because of the clown in her room . 0 He had it on the market for months but it did not sell . He had to sell his house in order to move to the new state . 1 Michael was starving . The fridge was empty . 1 Jimbob travelled the world in his new RV and saw many landmarks . He never regretted his decision to see the world . 1 Gina 's job was low paying . And she needed to make more money . 1 His dad Dan had n't climbed a tree in 20 years but decided to try . Tim gasped as his dad almost fell from the tree . 1 The Kims decided to go on vacation . They narrowed down their destinations to Disneyland and Seaworld . 1 He decided to buy one online . He bought the best router available . 1 She had lots of presents . Her cake had pink and purple flowers on it . 1 When he came back after several hours , she was frustrated . He tried to catch her attention but he ignored him . 0 She bought an ice cream cone and shared with her baby . Kasey was with her baby in the park . 0 The cable turned out to be my internet connection . I had cut a cable running to my house . 0 She fried them carefully in a pan . Then , she mixed the eggs with salt and pepper . 0 On the front of the door , there was a huge spider . Susan went outside to check her mail box . 0 This was another great day of fishing . All the lines were run out and ready . 0 She told her parents she was no longer eating meat . Anna decided to be a vegetarian . 1 Ed had a lot of missed calls on his cell phone . He checked his call log and did n't recognize the numbers . 1 The boy took his girlfriend on a fancy date . In an effort to impress her , he ordered squid . 0 He always hated the color red . The buttons on his jacket were red . 1 Tim eagerly joined but did n't do so well . Arguing was n't the same as debating . 1 The following morning the buckets were filled with some water . Bill saved the water to water his garden later on . 1 I e-mailed my professor to ask for extra-credit . She gave me an assignment to make up for missing class . 1 Lola lost her purse in school one day . She was so sad at the thought of her things being gone ! 1 He thought about calling a repairman . But he decided to fix it himself . 1 The rainy turned into a storm and she felt bored . She decided to play a game on her smartphone until it passed . 1 one night we went out to different places and neither of us drove . well i also had been locked out and slept on the front door . 1 I wanted to marry her . I bought a ring . 1 An hour later her mother called her to the living room . Amy got in trouble because sand had been tracked through the house . 0 He starts bad mouthing his boss and calls him lazy ! Jeff gets upset and and loses his cool . 1 He grabbed lotion , swim shorts , and headed to the pool . He dove in and instantly felt a hundred time better . 0 Then Katie had a better idea . But none of her friends were interested . 1 Tim found the style he was looking for . He decided to build his own furniture in the style he desired . 1 Ray feared he would not win any prizes at all . Then , to his astonishment , he won first prize in the contest ! 0 We got in the car and buckled up . I took my son to daycare this morning . 0 My boyfriend broke up with me for missing brunch with them . The morning of the meeting I was so tired I overslept . 1 The cat was nowhere to be seen . I called and called , but no cat came , or even meowed . 0 The neighbor decided to give Dan the car . The elderly neighbor knew how much Dan loved the car . 0 She was so nervous that her mom would n't like the hat . She cut and stitched and decorated , working hard . 0 Ted was so disappointed that he ruined his chance at starting . The fall caused Ted to break two bones in his throwing arm . 0 She did n't know how to do it but tried her best . Sarah was making corned beef . 1 My son has been asking me for a new dog for weeks . I finally decided to say yes to the idea . 0 They began playing loudly . Tim 's dad told them to play silently . 1 Brett decides to play video games . Brett plays his favorite game for 5 hours . 1 They were so enraged that they began to have a fist fight . Since they were so weak , none of the hits really did any damage . 1 Sure enough , his house was on fire ! Luckily , the fire department sent a truck to his house . 0 It was near the holidays so it was an easy sell . I had a job giving out Hershey 's Kisses . 1 They did not want her as a friend . Luckily , Laura 's original friends were still there . 1 He spotted an old Gameboy game his dad had taken away . He was so excited to play the old game again . 1 I went out to my yard . I picked up the newspaper off my grass . 1 After a year , Eric started having to take it to the repair shop . And he was getting tired of his car 's problems . 1 Simone pursed her thick lips in contempt , and kicked the terminal . Monochrome green characters resumed their upwards dance . 1 She could n't afford to fix it , and could n't afford a new table Suddenly , Deb had a downright economical idea . 1 He decided to rob a bank . He went into the bank to demand money from the vault . 0 Drew remained in his seat . She placed the money across the table and ran . 1 He got an A . His teacher praised him . 1 Mo decided to throw a party at his house . He purchased several pizzas and lots of beer . 1 there he saw the beautiful Sydney opera House . That night he even saw a performance there ! 0 Bob was the best runner in his class . Bob never thought he was athletic , until he started running . 1 Dan decided to join the Air Force to become a pilot . A few years later , Dan was flying fighter jets . 0 I received many positive comments about it when I went to the party . After going through the closet , I found a better outfit . 0 Then he removed all four wisdom teeth at once ! The dentist put her to sleep . 1 A few months later , my husband found the phone in the snow . We dried it out in rice for a couple of days . 1 She put her purse and her keys down on the shoe display . When she finished trying on shoes she checked out and left the store . 1 One car spun out and smashed into a tree . The other car was fine and did n't notice the other 's fate . 1 Tara breathed a sigh of relief and mocked at herself for being afraid . That was seconds before her house collapsed on her , crushing her dead . 1 I lay there with my eyes closed and tried to figure out what it was . Before long the sound stopped . 1 When she released it , everyone loved it . Kelly learned how supportive people were . 0 Naomi 's parents bought her a baby doll for Christmas . Naomi loved to pretend that she was a mother . 1 Tom was drinking tap water . But not matter how much he drank , he was still thirsty . 0 She placed a call to a pizzeria for delivery . She did not feel like cooking . 0 She could n't stop complaining about his infidelity . She seemed great , until she complained about her ex-boyfriend . 1 She realized it was a the head of a Deer . She let out a startled cry and ran into the gas station . 0 Finally , Jerry had made something of himself ! Then , he used that money to start a data consulting business . 1 But Olaf got a nice surprise . The dentist was kind and did n't hurt him at all ! 0 The police told her she had to cover her hair with a scarf ! She was stopped on the street and reprimanded . 0 Although she did n't care , he gave her a pair of keys . Timmy tried to apologize to his friend for being mean . 0 There were so many to choose from . He looked up plumbers online . 1 She planted roses all around her yard . Now her yard is beautiful and full of life and color ! 0 Sam and Jimmy were going to dress as Superman and Batman . He planned on entering a costume contest with his friend Sam . 0 They always had a basket , and a red checkered blanket . She had seen many picnics on TV . 1 Nick said he would play . Noah played horribly and Nick played great . 1 Miranda said she would , but she did n't intend to . She was too afraid of the needle . 0 Jim decided to take the bag . The stranger never came back . 1 It was the first game of the season . He was n't sure he 'd get to play . 1 At dinner she asked Charles how he got addicted to meatball subs . Charles said he ordered a meatball sub at an Italian shop Year 's back . 1 After a few seconds , it started to rain . She decided to run . 0 Caleb goes to the barber for a short , professional haircut . However , now that he needs a job , he decides to cut it . 1 He wanted to go to a Panthers game . Jimmy 's parents told him that he needed to buy his own ticket . 1 She decides she would like for them to spend more time outdoors . Jane builds a terrific treehouse using wood , nails , and plastic . 1 Marley noticed that she lost ten pounds since she started training . She came in third place in the marathon . 1 Cara had made a sandwich tray for her son 's party . But her fridge broke , and the sandwiches spoiled ! 0 Katie asked for a peanut butter sandwich because she was hungry . It was late in the afternoon . 0 Last Friday he was there reading a great new book . Tom loved going to the library . 0 Together , they worked in the garden all spring . Patty asked her grandma for help starting a garden . 1 Sadie was in the park . She was celebrating her birthday with friends and family . 0 My friend needed 6 staples in her head . The assailant did not attempt to take anything and fled the scene . 1 He went to a tailor to have the suit fitted . Josh now had a great suit for his interview . 1 One plane traveled halfway across the city . It landed in the window of a boy she knew . 1 He knew it was time to wake up when he heard the bus come to a stop . Drake would get up and be ready by the time the next bus came . 0 She said that she bought me an apple tv . I went to my mom 's house today . 1 Amy awoke slowly , groggy from so little sleep . Then she remembered she could finally open her gifts . 1 Valerie was bored and wanted to do something exciting . She became inspired to start a garden after watching the food network . 1 He needs to wear a cast for the next 3 months . Hector wishes he had never rollerbladed . 1 Helen decided to take one home . Helen was excited that she finally had a new friend . 1 The doctor had to put a cast on her broken foot . Meg put on a sneaker and put the stilettos in the back of her closet . 1 A very popular movie began playing in a local theater . Two friends waited in line for tickets . 0 Frank said it would be something else and then Mom brought out a box . Bobby told Frank that they would go on an Easter egg hunt . 0 She gathered her towel , sunscreen and beach umbrella to take . Jenny wanted to spend the day at the beach . 0 I was happy again . He went to the store and bought some new chips and salsa . 1 They searched for hours before they found the perfect tree . As his dad was about to swing the ax , they heard chirping . 1 We roasted marshmallows over the fire . My favorite part of camping was sleeping under the stars . 0 He shopped until he found the perfect TV . He went to the mall . 1 Franny accidentally cut a board too short and wasted it . Franny hid this from her daughter out of embarrassment . 0 He was always seen as a tough and rude boy . Brick was a rough boy . 1 Johnny was a terrible baseball player . His coach gave up on him early in the season . 1 He did n't know what kind of lights to buy . He asked the sales representative what kind of lights to buy . 1 He has a bunch of them manufactured . He starts selling the GPS wallets . 0 Leo was finally able to catch up with him at the gym . The politician tried to avoid Leo for many days . 1 He was n't expecting company . He opened the door . 0 He saw a lion . One day he was on the discovery channel . 0 He earned a full ride college scholarship and made his parents proud . He then played for the high school team . 1 Steven got out and was not hurt , same with the other driver . The ambulance and tow truck arrived shortly after . 0 She went home and put her phone in rice when the night was over . Kaley thinks her phone has water damage . 1 I spent hours and hours , re-stitching and re-stuffing . I stood back , proud of what I 'd accomplished . 0 I called my Grandma and asked if I could spend the night . So I made a plan to get a good night 's sleep . 0 Quickly , she informed her boss . She realized that she had forgotten to stamp her time card . 1 There were lots of other animals on display too . I wish I could have been around when they were alive . 0 First , he denied it was happening and refused to go to the doctor . Jim was diagnosed with cancer . 1 He was tired of being weak . He decided to get strong . 0 They now lead the league in total defense . They would practice defense during practice 1 Jane 's old dog recently passed away . Jane felt very sad for her loss . 1 Startled , Sierra fell from off the top of the girl pyramid . There was a small , brown , furry beaver at the edge of the field . 1 He barks all day and all night . I tried talking to the neighbors who did n't seem to care . 0 Ray was forcibly put into his room . He slapped their faces , kicked their knees , and made rude gestures . 0 She sued him , and won . When she heard the song , she was deeply offended . 1 She asked them to put it out . They refused . 1 They walked Shana to the break room during lunch . Shana was completely surprised . 1 He turned on the tv , and settled in to watch . His girlfriend wanted to watch something on a different channel . 1 Sue grabbed a broom , guiding it through the door . The cat looked annoyed that her gift got away . 0 He did n't have time to get coffee like he usually does . He rushed out of the house after he woke up too late for work . 0 I told my mother . The bowl was glass so the mouse could not climb out . 0 Grandma was better than dad at taking care of sick kids . Grandma put Vicks on his chest and gave him ginger ale . 1 After they cooled she brought them but notice one had bites in it . She looked around and could n't find who ate it . 0 he does n't like to play anymore . my dog is really old . 1 George hated going to school . He decided he was going to skip school one day . 0 Jeremy bought a cell phone instead of a shirt . Target was having a sale on cell phones . 0 They fought for many years . The Greek army went to war with the Trojans . 1 Today her train makes an unexpected stop for a sick passenger . Ophelia has the chance to observe the graffiti in detail for once . 0 One afternoon , I put in a Billy Joel CD on the way to work . I always listen to music in the car on the way to work . 1 Jim had to throw a bunch of it away since it spoiled . From that point on he bought small loads of groceries . 1 His friends just kept wanting to buy food . But Olaf wanted to go shopping for clothes . 1 Arnold was a lifelong Oakland Raiders fan . He 'd never been to a game before . 1 Ann has to help with a surgery . This is her first time . 1 We traveled to four different islands , they were so beautiful ! When we went to Honduras , I was amazed at how poor the people were . 0 After her visit , Ophelia returns home . She visits the circulation desk , the reference desk , and the basement . 1 He was looking for baseball cards . He started sneezing from all the dust . 1 Then she asked her mom if she could borrow a necklace . Cay 's mom lent her a perfect diamond necklace ! 1 Jesse kept putting things in her kart . When she checked out she spent only twenty dollars . 1 It was an amusement park on the shores of a lake . The kids enjoyed the roller coaster . 1 She spent all of her money on a rare find . She could n't afford to pay her rent . 0 He picked up a huge clump and dumped it on his head . Suddenly , she saw him digging in the dirt . 0 His grandma felt a little better after this . Evan sat and visited with his grandma . 1 A man needed help setting up the garden . He went door to door to find helpers . 1 I called my mom and she said that she 's on her way . After an hour , I decided to walk home . 1 He was afraid it might turn out badly . But as long as he followed a recipe , he figured it would be fine . 1 He had seen a lot of things in battle . His latest tour was especially rough . 0 So , he put on his rainy boots and rainy coat and went outside . He really wanted to go outside . 1 It began snowing heavily before she got there . Mary 's bicycle slid on an icy patch and fell . 0 He booked a trip to Texas . Sam always wanted to be a cowboy . 0 If they win the rest of their home games , they will set a new record . Seven of those games are at home where they are 35-0 . 1 However , I found out that the book for the class is the wrong one . I tried to trade it back . 1 I received a brand new phone for my birthday . The very next day I had dropped it on the pavement . 0 However , they also wanted to become US citizens . Under the Reagan administration , two sisters got their green cards . 1 Frank angrily muched on a piece of pizza . He and his girlfriend had argued before the pizza came . 1 Jeff loved the view but could n't run around the entire lake . He returned home only after 10 minutes . 1 I decided to set him up . So , I called her and told her there was an emergency . 0 They had a lot of fun going there . Tina and her boyfriend went on an anniversary dinner last night . 0 After putting Alex to bed Dan had to clean the couch . Alex vomited all over the couch . 0 Therefore , a friend offered him a ride . When he got outside , his mom left . 0 He thought they motorcycles were more fun . Tom drove a motorcycle instead of a car . 0 She heard a loud boom and pulled the car over . Bonnie was driving to the store one afternoon . 0 he was unhappy . She rejected his friend request . 1 Annie could n't read . She had started dating a great man , but she was afraid . 1 William 's car smashed into the back of it . Fortunately no one was hurt . 0 Now we 're short on the rent again . I decided to buy us a six pack of beer to forget our problems . 1 My niece has health issues . She is constantly dizzy . 0 They were now way too big on her ! She tried on an old pair of jeans . 0 They wanted a challenge and picked a very difficult climb . Darlene and Jacob were experienced climbers . 1 Bill rode the wildest of bulls and became famous . Others took special interest and loved his talent . 0 Fiona and I became friends even though we were very different . Fiona came to trust me to take care of Marcus . 0 Ronnie practiced the screwball for hours on end . He showed him how to throw a screwball . 0 They did n't allow her . She asked to be on one of those teams . 0 Gina was just happy she did n't have to feed them again . They dog 's rarely barked at or jumped at her grandma . 0 She stands in line to pay for her items . She goes to the craft store and picks out her supplies . 1 Heidi turned Bill down flat , so he fired her . Heidi won a sexual harassment lawsuit against Bill for $ 20,000 . 0 Ellie did wear the outfit and was happy when she went to daycare . Her mom bought her a Chinese outfit , but Ellie did not like it . 0 Janie walked in , eating a chocolate ice cream cone . Tom bought a new pair of boots and set them by the back door . 0 He lived alone with his mother and worked for an old man . Annie never knew his father . 0 He began walking on it . He noticed what he thought was a trail . 1 Today I bought a new dresser . It came to me unassembled . 0 She was sure the cat ran away and frantically searched outside . She noticed she left the kitchen window open . 0 She reluctantly agreed . He begged his mom to let him ride . 0 So he stole money from a bank . But it still was n't enough . 0 I had ten seconds to pick it up . It dropped to the ground . 0 The next morning , the milk and cookies would be gone . I was such a believer in Santa as a kid . 0 My arm began to swell . Suddenly a bee stung me . 0 I 'm overweight so I had trouble walking there . We had to park very far from the stadium . 1 Katy had a group of friends over on Friday for a sleepover . They stayed up late and told ghost stories . 1 My roommate obliged me and turned it down . Now I was able to fully concentrate on the material . 1 By the time we got into the Zoo we had missed the Lion Show . That was very upsetting . 1 It seemed like every week it was a new guy . Sometimes we wondered if people chipped in to buy them for her . 1 A famous rocker went to a party hosted by him . This was a party where he just wanted to hang out with the fans . 0 That night the hall was filled with people . People drove by and saw that there would be a meeting . 0 He began carefully trying to retrace his steps . Sam was frightened . 1 Tisha had a birthday coming up and was planning a party . On Tisha 's birthday , she missed Collette but wanted to have fun . 0 The bee stung him . A bee was on the ground and he stepped on it ! 0 Her current hobby was dead soldiers from World War II . Jen enjoyed knowing useless things . 0 He was given the trumpet to play . Sammy joined his school band . 1 But he feared his Christian family would n't approve . Bravely , Ray donned his yarmulke and prepared for criticism . 1 Cindy got so scared she hid under the covers all night . When morning came , her mother found her exhausted and hiding . 0 However , one coworker convinced him to sing one song . Joel told everyone that he would n't sing . 0 He is immediately regretful . He purchases 20 boxes . 0 I badly scraped up my body and went home to treat the injuries . Suddenly , my bike began to wobble , and I flew off of my bike . 0 Out of nowhere , she started screaming louder and louder . I tried to counsel them by mediating an argument . 1 Dan was getting dressed for a formal event . He was trying to tie his tie . 1 Her dog had been wanting to see the other dogs ! Janice woke up to the sound of rain hitting her window . 1 Many people came from all over the country . Grandma enjoyed the birthday party and all her gifts . 1 She forgot to set an alarm . She overslept and was late back to work . 0 She was frustrated that this would now limit her career growth there . Unfortunately , she was told they were hiring someone right above her . 0 When she got home , she started working on her painting . She bought a set of oil paint and brushes . 0 He took a video of him skydiving . He decided to go skydiving on his birthday . 1 We loved that it was equally collaborative and competitive . I liked it so much that I 'm going to buy a copy of it for myself ! 1 Amy and her mother were at her Aunt 's graduation . Amy was crying which distracted her mom . 0 What Mark loved more than the sea was seafood . Mark and his family were on a vacation cruise . 0 He went shopping for new clothes . He started going to the gym , tanning and eating better . 1 Later , Luke 's dad found him climbing the ladder with the cat . His dad stopped Luke just as he was about to drop the cat . 0 It dangled limply in her hands , instead of rolling up as it should . Jenny pulled forcefully on the kitchen window shade . 1 The new cook was quick but was not fast enough . The head chef told the new cook that he did a good job . 0 Her toe swelled up to twice its size . Lacy hit her toe against a chair . 1 Jim was so happy to have Spot back he gave him a bath . Afterwards he played with Spot for hours . 0 He bought a new pair at the mall , again . He looked in his car . 0 Looking around they realized that it was not a great place . They arrived at the campground . 1 Bobby was hanging out with his father Hank at work . Suddenly a truck full of propane tanks pulled up . 1 I had cut a cable running to my house . The cable turned out to be my internet connection . 0 Ann was very nervous about if it would be as good as her other cakes . She had made a lot of cakes , but this one used a new recipe . 0 The family housing Charles had a pet cat . The story was about a cat who was killed by a truck . 0 Mary decided to do more to help him . People were giving him nickels and dimes . 1 Kelly went to her sister Kim 's house yesterday to talk . The two women had some tea together in the living room . 1 Tim dropped his juice . He was so mad . 0 After I was done she apologized and told me she hates Life . She went to bed while I put away the pieces . 0 Another many fought Mitch for the TV 's . Once the doors opened he dashed to the electronics department . 0 Meg put on a sneaker and put the stilettos in the back of her closet . The doctor had to put a cast on her broken foot . 0 The tow truck came in about an hour . I had to call for help . 1 She called the fire department . Luckily they were able to put it out easily . 1 Sheila knew she had to bring something . She found mealworms in the flour as she began making cookies . 1 She loved the pet cat . She tried to pounce on the cat to give her hugs . 0 Her English speaking skills improved dramatically . She decided to do that herself . 1 One day she luckily caught a twenty dollar job . It was for writing a small article about Hooters . 0 She signed and received a nice big box with Amazon tape . When the delivery man finally arrived , he asked for a signature . 1 Mark copied a business idea from a friend . The business idea caught on and others really liked it . 1 It took a long time before his letters were legible . After a few months , Drew had the neatest handwriting in class . 1 Now bill was broke . After making monthly payments , he had good credit again . 0 They sold a bike made in China . The bike shop opened up on Tremont Street . 0 She called her friend and waited for the car to arrive . She could n't take the abuse any longer and her mind was made up . 0 After gary got the help he needed he still drank He found help through his doctor . 0 However , the chicken burned . I remained in my chair since she got out in a few minutes . 0 The needle showed that it still had plenty . His car died because it was out of gas . 0 Now I want to get my own dog from the SPCA . He was a big black lab , but we instantly bonded . 0 She painted the wall red and orange and removed the tape . She put up blue painters tape to block off the design . 1 He opened cabinets looking for snacks . There were cookies which belonged to their mom on a shelf . 0 Amy was happy to hear she would save more money . One day her boss told her the employee discount increased by 10 % . 1 Instead , he bought a new one online . The owner delivered it within an hour . 1 She carefully measured it before giving it to her grandmother . They finished the cookies . 0 But they would probably come back to write more sometime soon ! They decided it would be best to take a break for a little while . 0 The weather app on his phone did n't say anything about rainy . He thought the fresh air would help clear his mind . 1 One day he was on the discovery channel . He saw a lion . 0 He ask me if the business cards looked ok . My cousin sent me a text message with a picture of his business card . 0 It was always so much fun . Whomever found it first would win a prize . 1 Larry was on a cruise with his family . He was watching the sunset with his wife . 0 So I asked them for a mix of both . I was n't sure what to do . 0 It frustrates him to no end . He gets stupid requests like that all the time . 1 He ran outside of the house quickly to save his dog . They made it back inside just in time to avoid the tornado . 1 He turned around and backed down the ladder . He called a pest control company to get the bats . 1 He cut up the bags to make sheets of paper . He used the paper to wrap the last of the gifts . 1 Kevin drove into town to eat . He got a burger at a fast food restaurant . 1 Ida was making a traditional French Yule log for her class . She rolled up the cake carefully . 1 Getting bigger and bigger muscles , Caleb eventually entered a contest . He became crowned as Mister California . 0 I therefore proceeded to buy some new ones at the store . I was disappointed that my earbuds broke . 0 One day she wanted to teach her a lesson . One of her co workers was really mean . 0 He eventually told her he was with her for convenience only . After two Year 's Shana started to wonder if she was going to marry him . 1 The coach called a last minute play . The hail mary pass was caught , and the home team won . 0 The repairman fixed the furnace . He called a repairman . 0 Jill screamed in pain ! All of a sudden , she dropped a dumbbell on her foot . 1 I traveled three long hours to get there . When I got there , my childhood home looked nothing like I remembered . 0 He got what he really wanted , a puppy ! But he did n't . 0 Jake 's mom was going to buy Jake a Power Wheels truck . Dan saw a commercial for Power Wheels at his friend Jake 's house . 0 He saw some beautiful nature . Tom was taking a road trip . 0 She looked around and could n't find who ate it . After they cooled she brought them but notice one had bites in it . 1 The Smiths had lived on their farm for three generations They heard all the warnings about the incoming floods . 0 Tom relaxed for the entire week . Tom 's boss approved his request . 0 She makes an appointment at the store , but still has to wait . Rory , who is nine months pregnant , has a broken laptop . 1 Bob scolded the man . Bob told the man that it was not okay to be racist . 0 But now that they were here , she would no longer be bored . Gina normally despised her siblings . 0 Glenda lets the hiker out at the next crossing . She thinks of all of the responsibilities at home . 0 She watched the first episode . Jenni was told about a show called Dr Who by her friend Casey . 0 When he hit the ball it shattered the window . He hit the ball as hard as he could . 0 She cut out the pattern pieces . Anna was sewing a dress . 1 Since she had plans , she refused to go . Tom became extremely frustrated . 0 His buddy Jeff is going to go to the gym with him tomorrow . The only problem is that he 's never worked out before . 1 He bought special gems that he thought could help . They were fake and a scam . 1 She would not get paid until next week . Jill decided to sell her laptop on eBay . 1 Charles agreed and the therapist asked about his feelings for his mom . After the session , Charles ' mom kept her word and gave him $ 5,000 . 1 Marissa chose the color she wanted . Then , they bought the dye and did it . 0 Fortunately no one was hurt . William 's car smashed into the back of it . 1 She made a rich chocolate pudding . Her family loved the pudding . 1 John 's parents went to the movies . He was home alone watching videos . 1 Her electricity bill became nonexistent . Martha was extremely happy with her purchase . 0 She would go to school and learn in a new language . She planned to spend ten months living with a host family . 1 Tina wanted to make some lollipops . She hit some dyes , sticks and candy syrup ready . 0 The diner was on fire ! As he drove up one morning he saw flashing lights and sirens . 0 She went out to buy dye right away . Nala noticed some gray hairs . 0 He never got up the courage to do it . He wanted to hit on girls . 1 He picked on her when his parents were n't around . He scared her with strange stories at night . 0 Matt was happy because he got to wear clothes . His friend gave him some clothes . 1 They were still wet . She figured she would wear them anyway . 1 Everytime he saw a dog , he kicked it and kept walking . One day , he saw a big dog , and decided to kick it also . 0 Her friend suggested that they go swimming . Chelsey was at her friend 's house . 1 I went to the zoo when I was 9 Year 's old . My favorite animal at the time was the zebra . 0 Two friends waited in line for tickets . A very popular movie began playing in a local theater . 0 Lucy suggested they race their ants . They gathered ants and put them in a jar . 0 Her parents called asking if she wanted to bring him over for dinner . Tawny was out with her boyfriend . 0 He was walking towards the food . Nathan arrived with a cooler of drinks . 0 Finally , she poured the batter into muffin cups . Then , she mixed the powder and some eggs . 0 He had to tuck his stomach in the pants since it was extremely short . When Jimmy tried it on , he can barely fit into it . 0 They seemed to really hit it off . There he talked to a girl for hours . 0 She paraded across the pageant stage nervously . Then she did her hair and makeup . 1 Today he had a slice of sausage pizza . As he was eating , he choked on his food . 0 She prepared the meat and vegetables . She bought a bunch of fresh ingredients . 0 She went to reach for her phone . Jill was walking through the store . 1 Matt hated Kansas because of the chiefs and tornados . He convinced Rick to run away with him to Texas . 1 But that company closed down and now he is on unemployment . His landlord is a Japanese senior citizen who lives in the house too . 0 As a southern boy , he was not prepared . Sam arrived in New York City for the first time . 0 The board felt very rough to Carl at first . He passed his hand over the board to see how smooth it was . 1 He went to college as a punter . After punting really well he graduated . 0 At first it was healing well . Rina had pierced her own navel . 0 Luckily they were close to their destination as it turns out . Susan decided to ask someone for directions . 0 He was n't as impressed with the GI Joe . He was very excited about the inflatable ball . 1 He decided to drink six cups of coffee . He then had energy for the whole day . 0 He has a lot of reward points saved up from his credit card . He thinks he can get the flight for free . 1 Suddenly she heard a strange bumping noise . She got out and saw that her tire had gone flat . 1 The toddler was jumping up and down for the doll she 'd just unwrapped . Mona decided to put the rest of the gifts away until Christmas Eve . 1 She heard banging near the basement door . She slowly approached the door . 0 I realized , the walking to the gym 's was my actual exercise ! As invisited gyms , I started to feel the burn . 1 Tonight he planned on using it . He went to his backyard and set up his telescope to face the night sky 1 Alas , it gave me a very upset stomach . I learned that I should not eat an entire cabbage . 0 The plate as she was trying to dry slipped out of her hands . She was not paying attention to her job very well . 0 When he arrived , the station was full of cars . He went to the nearest gas station to fill up . 0 She loved to learn about all the different birds . Carol loved to bird watch . 0 The dining room set was for a doll house ! Three days later a small box arrived . 1 She had gone to lunch and thought it might be left at the restaurant . She went back to see if it had been found . 1 The next day , her finger hurt and was swollen . Thinking she had broken it , she went to the emergency room . 1 We just got through a losing football season . The next day the coach sat us all down and chewed us out . 1 I yelled at her for what she did . She cried the rest of the night . 0 He had no knowledge on what to buy . Adam went to the liquor store on his 21st birthday . 1 Tom drove a motorcycle instead of a car . He thought they motorcycles were more fun . 0 Her manager told her they would decide next week . In January she asked her manager if she could continue to work there . 1 He fixes his friends cars when they have problems . All of his friends agree that he is great with cars . 1 When I got to the front of the line , I met Shane Dawson . He took a picture with me , and then I went home . 1 Tim slammed on the horn but nothing came out . Tim realized that his horn was broken . 1 Some people think it is unusual for a woman to drive a trash truck . Erin thinks it 's unusual too . 1 Emily gets an offer from an old professor . Her hard work paid off . 0 Molly did n't feel badly about it at all . Matt finally killed himself because of all the teasing . 1 He was making roughly 60 dollars a day . One day , his computer crashed , and he could no longer turk . 1 Rick wanted to fly to Hawaii to visit his brother . Airline rates were abnormally high and he could n't afford it . 1 Jones had trained day and night for his black belt test . He knew it would be demanding . 0 She was especially excited about the parking lot . June was in charge of designing the post office . 1 He drove to retrieve his wallet . He thanked his friend for finding his wallet . 0 He went to the piercing studio . Ike wanted his nose pierced . 1 But Cade still refuses to clean his room . After a few hours his favorite show is about to come on . 0 Jon and his fellow soldiers fought off the enemy and left . Suddenly , a bomb went off and Jon had to grab a gun . 0 Liam hit the car very hard . The car in front of him stopped suddenly . 0 She peed on my shoes . She tore up my curtains . 1 The kids always fought to sit in grandpa 's chair when he was at work . Her grandpa had now passed away . 1 George decided that he needed a new hat . George decided to go to the mall to find one . 1 She said yes , if I gave her some cookies . I took the sugar home and made the cookies . 1 Seth loved to craft things with his saw . He opened a business building wood furniture . 0 I decided to install a security camera to monitor the house . I went on vacation to Italy . 1 I was walking down the hall and I stubbed my toe . It was bleeding all over the place . 1 I get to see them grow up first-hand . I even get to make my wife happy when she gets home . 1 Leo loved to play baseball . During a game , he hit the ball very hard . 1 When she bit into it , she cringed . They had given her a custard donut instead ! 0 For hours they had their poles in the water and waited . There were n't fish in the lake but they did n't know that . 0 She went down to the pond and caught a nice big frog . One spring she set out to catch one of the frogs . 1 Becky 's sister immediately introduced herself and offered hot coco . They talked all night and were in love by dawn the next day . 1 Jake and Daniel were best friends for Years . They had a falling out one summer . 0 He ate all the canned food , until there was none left . He returned to their family home , searching for food . 0 I hurriedly made my husband 's lunch and checked the calendar . I frantically showered , threw my hair up , and grabbed my shoes . 1 No one had cans to give away ! Harry realized that this was because it was a poor neighborhood . 0 One day , Rosie finds her two cats sleeping next to each other . She introduces her new cat to the old one slowly . 0 I went outside and got into my car . I put my clothing on . 0 Brad did n't like the movie Derek chose . Derek wanted to see a movie . 0 He was proud when he finally finished the first level . After an hour he was getting the hang of it . 0 He 'd been in the life raft for days . Eli was the lone survivor of the capsized boat . 0 She showed us where the microwave , lunch line and vending machines are Our first stop was the cafeteria . 1 We had to cover the chair . We will keep both the chair and the cat . 0 He went to the dealership and signed all the final papers . Paul could n't wait to pick up his new car . 0 And their teacher apologized for accusing them of cheating . They said they studied together and sat far apart during the test . 1 My husband got me some fish instead . I did n't like taking care of them . 0 He slept on the floor like that for hours . All this new stress caused Ray to collapse on the spot . 1 She had been at her grandma 's house for the whole day . She just wanted to go home and get in her own bed . 1 She would rather work than play or have a day off . When she gets paid she feels good . 0 He had to end his hike early . Paul was in a lot of pain . 1 He told Ed that the music was great and Ed would love it . Ed took it home and put it in his radio to check it out . 0 He bought lots and lots of bottled water . Dan did n't like the taste of tap water . 0 Then , the dentist told him he was all done . The dentist cleaned his teeth . 1 Tom wanted to go on a vacation . He decided to create a vacation savings fund . 1 Randy spent eight weeks fixing up the house . He sold it for a huge profit and went on vacation with the money . 0 One day , a publishing company contacted her . She posted her pieces on a website . 1 Howard needed a little money for his hobbies . His parents told him to go find a summer job . 0 When the party was over , they each had lots of cookies to take home . Everyone traded their delicious creations with one another . 1 Henry had told Susan he would take her to the new restaurant . She had been eager to go there since it opened last month . 1 I was left handed and that made it difficult . It was hard to find a proper baseball mitt . 0 Found a jacket and put in on , still my feet were cold . I looked under the bed , they were not there . 0 At grandma 's Amy decided to tell on her mother . She pouted in the car as they drove to grandma 's . 1 Sam sold the game for a lot of money . Finally , Sam was able to buy the new headphones they needed . 1 He went to the mall . He browsed through four shops . 1 She put up blue painters tape to block off the design . She painted the wall red and orange and removed the tape . 1 His final report card was sent home today . He received all A 's . 0 He sold it for a huge profit and went on vacation with the money . Randy spent eight weeks fixing up the house . 0 But when she sat down at her computer , it still hurt . She figured it would be gone the next day . 0 The Jets came to town and accepted the challenge . They challenged the New York Jets to a game . 1 One day , he forgot to blow out the candles . The candle fell off the counter . 1 She saw that eggs and cheese were on sale . She bought milk , eggs , and cheese . 0 Her specialty is statistics and she loves it . Lucy is a math major in college . 0 She felt left out and began to cry . Her mother told her she was too young . 1 Kyle confessed his feelings for her . She likes him too . 0 Over the course of several lessons , his basic skills got better . He was n't able to understand sheet music so he got a tutor . 1 He begged his mom to let him ride . She reluctantly agreed . 0 The monkey chewed up the banana and spit it back in Bobby 's face ! Bobby shared a banana with a monkey . 0 That night , she tried to take a bath to get it out . As part of her costume , she dyed her hair black with temporary dye . 1 Her dad took her to the park that day to test it out . She ran as fast as she could to get the kite in the air . 1 She learned the routine . She practiced daily . 0 But then he crashed and lost . It was going to be the best event of his life . 0 He was really worried about the two girls meeting . His old ex-girlfriend was going to be there , as well . 1 One day her boss told her the employee discount increased by 10 % . Amy was happy to hear she would save more money . 1 Her left hip struck the corner of the dresser hard . Gina grabbed the wound , and winced . 1 She needed to present her social security card but it was also lost . When she got the new card , she could finally get her new license . 1 She poured her normal bowl of cereal . However as she went to eat , her milk was sour ! 0 He walked out with the finest cookware . Only low quality stainless would stick . 1 He got excited about his future . Eventually , he became famous from this song . 0 However , she ignored him . He asked Gina to borrow a few dollars . 1 Robin played the flute in her rock band . Her band had an important competition coming up . 0 She brought the beautifully decorated cookies to Tim 's class . Tim 's mom worked hard baking cookies for his school party . 0 He got guilty when I visited work one day . One person did not . 1 They found a good batch that some Boy Scouts were selling nearby . After looking high and low , they found the perfect tree . 1 Amy told Kim to stay on the path , but she did n't listen . Kim slipped in the mud and ruined her white shoes . 0 The waiter accidentally dropped a plate of food on Jean . They told the waiter what they wanted to order for dinner . 0 Helen was excited that she finally had a new friend . Helen decided to take one home . 0 He took a few hours to do it just right . He had dark hair , so the blond stripes would be very apparent . 1 Instead , his parents got him a dog . Grayson did n't know he would like dogs so much . 0 He went to his neighbor 's house . The lawn service had n't come to mow or trim while he was away . 0 She looked around the room . When she awoke she could n't find her phone . 1 The family was driving to a restaurant for dinner However , the two boys in the back seat were bickering . 0 The doctor said I needed to take extra vitamin C to heal the tendon . Suddenly , I snapped my biceps tendon during an exercise . 1 Yesterday I went to a party . I wore my pretty white dress to it . 0 One day his dad brought him a big paper . Justin was nearly fifteen years old . 1 One rainy day , she decided to try and read three whole books . She got through two books , and then her head started to hurt . 1 He decides to go to a bar . At the bar , Jason sees a man next to him . 1 She really wanted to win . When the judges announced she had won , she was so happy . 0 Her parents put her in Driver 's Ed and Callie passed . She knew she had to get her license . 1 Molly has a daycare in her home and has 8 small children every day . She feeds the kids three times a day and puts them at her large table . 1 The paper boy was shocked that someone would throw back a paper . The paper boy picked up the unwanted newspaper and went onwards . 1 Amy gave the first answer that came to mind . The whole class laughed at Amy since it was the wrong answer . 1 Tim studied everyday . He realized that sacrificing games for homework was worth it . 0 About 30 minutes after his stomach starts to make noises . Will has some of the punch on the table . 1 On the way home , Angie got a flat tire near an All You Can Eat buffet . They had a sign advertising crab ! 0 And all he saw was bread . He looked through his refrigerator . 0 The ball bounced up and hit him in the face . During the last game he finally stayed in front of a grounder . 1 His dog ran through the open gate . The dog wandered around town for several hours . 1 When it was handed to her she nervously ate a piece . Her face lit up as she realized she liked it . 1 And it was snowing hard now . The weather man foretasted the snow would fall all day . 1 The driver waited patiently as she searched her pockets for money . Laren , her friend , eventually got fed up and paid for her fare . 0 It was knocked on the ground and cracked . Emmy bought a fancy water bottle . 0 Jen , Tom 's wife , loved him very much . Tom married the love of his life . 0 Siri was accepted into a student exchange program in the US . She studied hard and loved to learn . 0 Joe tried to find his friends but tripped . Joe was it . 0 The vet found that the cat was microchipped . He took the cat to the vet . 1 Later that week they came back to the igloo to play . It caved in and luckily no one was hurt . 1 So one day he made a large batch of chocolate chip cookies . He put them in the oven . 1 I ended up with a crappy job . Now I 'm back in school to try to get a better job . 1 Lary ran in for a deep pass but got tackled hard ! Lary fell with a broken leg and was taken to the hospital immediately ! 1 An older man and woman admired the beauty of the birds . They discussed the birds all morning . 0 Her mother was busy on the phone but consented . She walked up to her Mom and asked for permission . 0 She got to travel to Africa to educate young children . Feeling lost , she joined a charity organization . 1 She placed the money across the table and ran . Drew remained in his seat . 0 He would much rather play video games all night . Rufus hates doing his math homework . 1 Mary went to her closet to find something to wear . She took her green shirt off of the hanger . 0 In the end they let her join in , and the girls posed proudly together . She begged to also be put in the wedding party pictures . 1 I tried to make bread at home last week . Everything was going fine . 0 However , they insisted . I could n't sing so I declined . 1 He had to look into several project agendas . After going through several papers , he got drowsy . 0 Right then and there , Meg knew she was good enough after all . Then a cute young guy asked her for a date ! 0 I bought needles and yarn . I wanted to learn how to knit . 1 During service he felt a feeling he could not describe . He felt that this lie of his just became real . 1 He saw the beautiful birds flying . He saw them spread their wings . 0 He had twenty three dollars left for Christmas . First , Dana counted out his rent money . 0 The worker in red hit him on the head with her ladle . One man yelled that his soup was cold . 1 She made very little money at first . Then her mom started to tell her coworkers about it . 1 She hoped to one day be as good at writing as her . Trudy wrote short stories in Bronte 's style . 0 He began studying the lives of rich people who he also respected . A man wanted to make more money . 1 It took a few minutes to answer the questions . When she was done , she got a fun answer . 1 The two of them stopped for quite some time to watch him . Impressed , Jill tipped the mime $ 10 . 0 She grew even more nervous as the plane lifted off . She was trembling as she sat down and buckled her belt . 0 Sue and her neighbor hung out daily . After spending time together she learned that he had a crush on her . 1 I was jumping over a sidewalk and the glasses fell through the grate . I tried to get them but could not see without my glasses . 1 She began to munch on them . Afterwards , her stomach started to hurt her . 1 Claire drove home to begin cleaning the fruit . She used the apples to cook a homemade apple pie . 1 However , I did n't want to cook as I had just cleaned my kitchen . So , I drove around looking for somewhere to eat . 0 Alex now has a front row seat to all his favorite movies . Alex decided to build his own home theater system . 1 Tim missed badly and grazed the bear 's ear . Tim was never found since . 1 My mother was not pleased . She decided to try lighter fluid to remove it . 1 Timmy tried to apologize to his friend for being mean . Although she did n't care , he gave her a pair of keys . 0 She decided to get a perm . Janet wanted a new hair do . 0 In the end , Frank did not place well at the competition . The judges looked over all of the paintings at the event . 1 Hank kept drumming with only one stick . He got so wild with that one that it also flew from his hands . 0 Flour spilled everywhere . As I began to pour it in the cups , disaster happened . 1 He really enjoyed the performance and experience . He cherishes the experiences he had in Las Vegas . 0 There , she and her pal found the perfect dollhouse material . Zoe loved playing at the house next door . 1 This time there was a shark attack . The beach got closed for the rest of the day . 0 John helped them study for the big test . They were mad because they did not do well . 1 Bill was tired of Texas so he got on a bus . The driver asked where he wanted to go and Bill just shrugged . 1 He became the best gunsmith in the land . He made a lot of money selling his weapons and lived well . 1 He began challenging his classmates to arm wrestle . Tom beat every classmate . 1 The truck driver spit out a frustrated profanity . Dark black smoke rolled out from under the hood of his rig . 1 She called her roommate who verified it was still at her apartment . Jane had to go back to get it . 1 He had to sell his house in order to move to the new state . He had it on the market for months but it did not sell . 1 She decided to do that herself . Her English speaking skills improved dramatically . 0 Soon , everyone began wearing them . Everyone at school loved his shoes . 1 He tripped over a rock on the street . He fell and all the pizzas fell onto the ground . 0 After a minute of walking around , they stumbled across zoo monkeys . Jed and his family went to the zoo one day . 0 As soon as the bike moved downhill , it moved too fast . She eventually came across a wide slope . 0 Tom knew he had found his new hobby . He had a lot of fun riding the trail . 1 The snake laid still , appearing as if it was dead . Betty kneeled close to the snake , and tried to touch it . 1 He told her she would get detention if she did it again . Trina was happy she only got a warning . 1 Annie was helping her mother bake cookies . Annie loved anything sweet . 1 Eventually , I became muscular and ripped . I applied for modeling jobs in New York City . 0 My car is now covered with paw prints . It is grey and white and meows every time I go outside . 0 One day she saw a spider in her kitchen . Every night she was having nightmares about spiders . 0 John also enjoyed fighting karate on the weekends . John loved running cross country . 1 He ends up getting caught . He gets sent to prison 1 Sharon jumped as an owl hooted off in the distance . She laughed at her fear , and kept walking towards the forest edge . 0 He tried out some lyrics and it sounded good to him . He was trying to write the next big hit song . 1 He had a lot of fun riding the trail . Tom knew he had found his new hobby . 0 Her guest room is full of dolls . I spent the night at my wife 's aunt 's house . 0 One neighbor offered to help me build a treehouse , but I declined . While up in the tree , I can see into my neighbor 's homes . 1 He found the controller online and ordered it . After waiting a week , the package arrived in the mail . 0 He gave some to his friends . Tom had a new dessert called Ice berries . 1 A boy named Dave had snapped Gina 's bra strap . She chased him until he fell . 0 It turns out they wanted someone with more experience . I answered every question with confidence . 1 I was so scared , I could barely stay afloat . My dad put me on his back and swam around with me . 1 Julian was walking up a hill . He was pulling a wagon full of school things . 0 When she was done , she got a fun answer . It took a few minutes to answer the questions . 1 He decided to major in computer science at university . It was a struggle to get through some of the material . 1 Matt wanted to be a famous race car driver . He built a car and raced at the local track . 0 Ann felt the same way . He nervously told Ann about his feelings . 1 We started outside Best Buy two hours before they opened . Even then , we were behind at least a hundred other waiting customers . 1 My parents worked hard but never had much money . I went to school and studied really hard . 0 She had made a close friend and they exchanged addresses . Jordan was about to go home from Summer camp . 0 I knew something was wrong because of all the blood . My mouth was hit with a basketball in gym class . 1 Neil took a train to the city of Rabat . There , he visited many temples and mosques . 1 Rico was looking up smoothies for weight-loss . He found one but it needed papaya which was rare in his small town . 1 When my driving instructor arrived , I left the house . We drove , from my house , to the turnpike and driving school . 1 Sue went camping with some friends . This was her first time camping in her life . 1 I left the house after one hour , although I forgot to take my pills . I was driving for 10 minutes , until I arrived at my friends house . 1 There were plenty of friendly people who were also freshman . They were all new and this gave them common ground . 0 Robert laid on his cot and planned an escape . They beat Robert because he was hiding it . 0 Rissa was so disappointed when the Director assigned her the flute . The instrument they could get the best sound from was assigned to all . 0 To her delight , her test came out positive . She was so nervous while taking the test . 1 The announcer listed all the nominees in the category . Fear gripped John as the announcer finished the list . 0 He can get a dozen Boston Creme donuts for almost nothing . They always have coupons . 1 One day , she was sending a text and ran a stop light . Rachel was ejected from her car after hitting another vehicle . 0 Len played with them all . There were five playful terrier puppies . 0 He decided to practice more until he could beat his friend more often . But after his friend helped him , Justin finally won . 0 As February came around , many wondered what the groundhog would see . There was still snow on the ground . 1 Daddy was supposed to be watching the kids . The kids starting playing in the playroom . 1 I went to my friends house . His mom cooked dinner for us . 0 Sam ended up guessing on every problem . But he became more and more frustrated . 0 I named her Sally . I adopted a kitten today . 0 Gina grabbed the wound , and winced . Her left hip struck the corner of the dresser hard . 0 When he got there his coworker Bob started to laugh at him . He quickly got dressed and rushed to work . 1 Michael loves jeans . He could never find a nice pair though . 1 The Greek army went to war with the Trojans . They fought for many years . 0 Bob vows to never get a membership at Sam 's Club . Bob does n't have any cash because he did n't realize he would need it . 1 A bear came up from behind him , one which was very tall . What once was a hunter , soon became the hunted , devoured in all . 0 She had to go to the refrigerated section to find eggs . She found flour , sugar , and oil on the same aisle . 1 Angelique relocated for a new job . She moved all the way from Seattle to New Mexico . 0 He hired a personal trainer . He knew he needed to lose weight . 1 The English class at Salisbury high was anticipating a new teacher . The students had no idea who it would be . 0 Bertha and her parents felt glad to have worked things out . Bertha began to balance her time between reading and other things . 0 Gina no longer felt safe with him around . Their dad was a foot taller and 50 pounds bigger . 1 I spent 2 hours making my car spotless . Our date went well , and we 're still together . 1 He kept trying to bite me ! I asked my friends for help . 1 It was the first year she was old enough to help . She placed the turkey tray in the oven and closed the door . 0 She decided to try out online dating instead . None of the men she met seemed to be interested in her though . 1 Alicia also ran a red light . She did n't receive her license that day . 0 She majored in education and learned a lot about how to teach . When she got to college , she knew she wanted to pursue teaching . 1 Mark had seen a lot of things . He drove a taxi and that meant taking people many places . 1 I am only 5'4 '' so that was heavy . My friend egged me on to go on a diet . 0 Zoey 's mom paid for the French Bulldog and they took him home ! Zoey found a beautiful French Bulldog that she loved . 0 The player who runs out of time loses . Each player is given only three minutes . 0 The name she liked was LoriBeth to be precise . Once Lori was legally Elizabeth she decided that Beth suited her more . 0 But as long as he followed a recipe , he figured it would be fine . He was afraid it might turn out badly . 1 They both talked about what they wanted from a dog . After a lot of discussion , they decided on a terrier . 1 She decides to start eating healthier food . The weight is starting to come off . 1 Rita was very lonely . She wanted to meet a new boyfriend . 1 Anna saw raspberry bushes in the forest on a hike one day . They were laden with ripe fruit . 1 But he noticed that he already had a bottle of water on his desk . He remembered that he did n't finish it the day before . 0 After his first day at work wearing his new shoes , Jasper felt great . Finally he decided he might need a new pair of shoes . 0 She looked on the coat rack and found the one he wore . So she decided to check his coat . 1 She had a list she wanted to give to him . She hoped she was n't asking for too much this year . 0 He is n't sure what he wants to buy . Vince has been saving money for a big clothing purchase . 0 Pondering what to have for breakfast he searched his freezer . When he opened his fridge , he discovered he had neither ingredient . 0 She had been in foster care for all six years of her life . Kay wanted a mommy so badly ! 1 Turns out people enjoyed reading about his rants online . Braden began a professional blog which is now his decent paying job . 0 She wanted to meet a new boyfriend . Rita was very lonely . 0 We decided we wanted to go shopping . We thought about things we would like to do . 0 He went to an etiquette class . Her husband started to like his good manners . 1 But , I did n't have anything in my house to eat . I decided to ask my neighbor for some noodles . 0 The last thing she was going to grab was the vegetables . She opened the fridge to grab some ingredients . 0 Finally she made it to the finish line . Jill pushed and pushed . 1 The squirrel could always jump onto it in the old place . He was so excited to see that his placement was right . 0 She decided to make cupcakes . Anita was hungry . 0 After turning his $ 3000 into $ 12000 , Tom paid for his friends ' trip . He sat down at a blackjack and bet $ 3000 on one hand , which was 21 . 0 She did n't receive her license that day . Alicia also ran a red light . 1 While walking , a car began to slowly follow her . She ignored it , but the car came back and did it again . 0 In Germany , Bosch practiced with the locals . Bosh decided to move to Germany to immerse himself . 0 He found a trunk with some old books in it . After his grandfather passed away , Even helped clean out the attic . 1 Kelly was shopping in New York yesterday . She strolled through midtown with her favorite bag . 0 The details of the incident were researched for months . When asked , Dan told the truth about his juvenile criminal past . 1 When his teacher checked on him they saw that his nose was bleeding . He had to go to the nurse 's office . 1 Kelly knew her time could be better spent helping others . She missed her party and was happy to help the homeless instead ! 0 It was a terrible mistake . Our family decided to ride it out . 1 Sadie was on a hike . She had walked two hours up through a canyon . 1 After a few months she had enough money . She went to the dealership and bought a new car . 1 Eliza had to leave a urine sample before her appointment . When the doctor came in the room they had big news for her . 1 Jill treasured the string of pearls . One day , Jill wore the necklace to a party . 1 Amy was hired to work at Marshall 's . She was excited since it was her first job . 1 Carl wanted a motorcycle . So he saved up money and bought one . 0 Finally he decides to study in the library . Still he can not concentrate on his studies . 0 A cop pulled him over for speeding . He was having a lot of fun . 1 At night she ate it because it looked delicious . In the morning he blamed her brother for eating it . 0 She wanted her turkey to be juicy . Anna was making Thanksgiving dinner . 0 His date showed him CDs , she was nervous and brought some too ! David asked what was in the bag . 0 He had to stay in bed for three days . Jack got really sick . 0 He fed several food pellets and petted him . Jeff visited a giraffe that was in the zoo . 1 Susie was running late for work . She could n't find her car keys anywhere . 1 I had to call for help . The tow truck came in about an hour . 0 The carton of eggs were squished . When she carried in her groceries she saw the bag leaking . 0 Jill was an overnight sensation after people heard her music . She eventually became so good that she got a record label . 1 They said I was to little to swing and to go back to Momma . I climbed under the porch to listen to Momma and Uncle talk . 1 She found some people already playing a card game . She traded some of her cards for some of them . 0 Morgan 's search was fruitless . However , her bike was n't there . 0 The tangled mess was so bad the hair was stuck and no longer grew . After 7 months the hair was a tangled mess . 0 His son hit a homerun over the fence ! Bob cheered for his son . 1 He enjoyed his lunch break because the area nearby was lively . Elliot found a unique restaurant to eat lunch at . 0 The tuning was a little flat for each string . He lost his tuner so he tuned his guitar by ear . 0 She became inspired to start a garden after watching the food network . Valerie was bored and wanted to do something exciting . 0 Her friends seemed envious of Nancy 's golden glow . She went to the tanning salon every day for a month . 0 Everyone assumed the pies would have been tasty . She did n't know her sister arrived with several dogs . 0 Competing with each other actually helps their family income ! He said they were in a competition to see who sold the most . 0 Again , he asked her to stop talking but she continued . The story she told was making him sick at his stomach . 0 He passed out business cards and made a client within a month . He made a website advertising a photography service . 0 After awhile , they made it to a canyon , where they sat for awhile . They walked up and through the hill , past lots of trees . 0 Removing the hillside would require serious help . He considered the best way to resume the excavation . 1 She sets them each a little different so she can hear them chime . It sounds like a bell tower during a wedding in her house all day . 1 Steve tasted thin and thick noodles at the restaurant . He loved their taste and consistency . 1 When the family arrived , they entered the park . After entering the park , everyone had to take shelter . 0 She kicked it to see what would happen . She saw a big mound of red dirt . 1 All of a sudden , she dropped a dumbbell on her foot . Jill screamed in pain ! 0 He decided to take Salsa lessons at a local art school . Sam wanted to make new friends . 0 Erica shows them the money , then happily buys everyone coffee . They gather at their favorite coffee shop . 1 These little brown bags are supposed to light the way for baby Jesus . After Maria helped to put the sand in every bag she handed it to Jose . 1 It was late in the afternoon . Katie asked for a peanut butter sandwich because she was hungry . 0 To fix the problem , he got a plunger and unclogged the mess . While flushing , he noticed that his toilet was clogged . 0 I bought a ring . I wanted to marry her . 0 She cut through the frog 's chest and produced its still beating heart . After making some grunting sounds , she grabbed the scalpel . 1 Jenny felt uneasy about the track meet . She paced back and forth until it was time for the race to start . 0 He tried to steady his grip , but it was too late and he fell down . Suddenly the branch gave way beneath him . 1 Never having played , she asked her brother to teach her how to play . After working with him for six months , Sue was a solid player . 0 He squinted a little but that did n't seem to solve the problem . Carl woke up one morning and thought the world was blurry . 1 I wanted to get out to go fishing . The clock seemed to tick slower . 0 One day , her father went to prison for murder . She had steered clear of trouble thus far . 1 Neil had been backpacking for months . He was on a mission to see the world ! 1 Bob went camping with his family . They had a cooler full of food . 1 He had a solid five-year plan worked out for himself . Two Year 's in , he realized that he did n't like his job . 1 He had an antique guitar . He decided to pass it down to his son . 1 Caleb classmates searched near and far for him . After a few minutes , they found him reading in the almanac section . 1 Jake was lifting weights . He wanted to build some muscle . 1 While swimming in the water I saw a snake . The snake bit my leg . 0 The kite flew very high . It was a very windy day . 0 When she gets paid she feels good . She would rather work than play or have a day off . 1 Lightning had struck a tree in his front yard . The tree fell over and damaged his mailbox . 0 He was with his buddy Tim Luke was swimming one evening in the lake 0 I was ready to start this new life of farming with my mom . I grabbed the dirt with my hands and threw it up in the air . 1 Liz liked to walk alone late at night . One particularly dark night , she found herself far from home . 1 Fred loves how his shorter hair looks . Eventually even Fred forgets that his hair is gray . 0 As he stepped over one board it made a noise . Hank walked on his deck towards his back door . 1 One afternoon , she was playing with dolls in her front yard . She saw a dog coming down the street . 0 Luckily , the fire department sent a truck to his house . Sure enough , his house was on fire ! 0 Reba saw she had been wearing the dress backwards . One day , Reba spied the same dress on a store window mannequin . 0 She bought the house located in Eden , NY . But the name of the town settled her . 1 After , she had a lot of leftovers . Yvonne knew she was n't going to eat them . 0 Jim went to take out the garbage this morning . Jim hated taking out the garbage . 0 They were all new and this gave them common ground . There were plenty of friendly people who were also freshman . 0 She worked very hard for two years . Sarah got a job as a research technician . 1 He poured the water in a glass and looked for ice cubes . There were n't any ice cubes in his freezer so he began to make some . 0 The son asked if he could lick the spoon . The mother and son were baking brownies together . 1 The assailant did not attempt to take anything and fled the scene . My friend needed 6 staples in her head . 1 She asked him for a toy . He said no . 0 However , a large puddle was blocking her way to the next street . She held her pants high to prevent it from touching any puddles . 1 Nate had been hired as a dishwasher . His first day went well . 1 Jasper is very proud to have a newborn grandson . However , he knows that his daughter might need some extra money . 0 Nobody was injured thanks to the firemen . The fire burned down the school . 0 It made him hungrier and hungrier . He kept seeing Taco Bell commercials all night . 0 After she was done , she was sick for a long time . She ate ice cream for almost an hour . 0 Ned realized that he had fallen in a patch of poison ivy ! But then a rash began to erupt on his arms and face . 1 He bought a chess set and joined a chess club . Over time Landes became a good chess player . 1 There was a noise in the garage . I went to check it out , it was very dark . 1 The cows wore bells that tinkled as they moved . Joe was not used to this as he came from the city . 0 On the first day of kindergarten , the teacher handed Nell a crayon . They painted foul-tasting polish on her thumb , to no avail . 1 His friends and family told him he needed to start wearing it . One day Fred got in an accident and was n't wearing his seatbelt . 0 The exhibit featured dinosaurs and had dinosaur-related activities . When they arrived , they were excited to see a new exhibit was open . 0 He got on a ladder and took off the cover of the light . A janitor was called to a classroom to change a light bulb . 0 She decided to purchase a heated blanket . Frannie was always cold . 0 There , she had the dress hemmed a few inches . She took it to a tailor . 0 When she checked out she spent only twenty dollars . Jesse kept putting things in her kart . 0 Instead , their little sister grabbed it . The two began fighting over it . 0 It turned out to save him a good deal of money down the road . Dan winced at the price of it . 1 Ava stayed up late to watch a zombie movie . She thought she was able to handle it . 1 It was Lucy 's first day at Sunday school . She was happy to be away from the boring main church . 1 He vomited for three hours and had a bad headache . After three hours he suddenly felt better . 0 He interviewed some locals for his newspaper . The island was so remote and exotic ! 1 After calling around and finding out their preferences , I began . First , I rubbed the ribs with a marinade before putting in the oven . 1 They thought she was great . Until she started talking . 1 Then , I dressed my daughter like a boy with a ball cap . Their father was horrified . 1 She decides to apply for a credit card at her local bank . She studies the interest rates , fees , and benefits . 1 He had to sell off most of his land to survive . He sold off what is now the richest part of California , Orange County . 1 Jerry wanted to grow his own peppers , since he loved to eat them . He drove to the store and bought seeds and supplies . 1 I was a bit disappointed that there were n't more sales than I found . I went home with pretty much nothing . 0 On his sixteenth birthday , I gave himself a car ! Then he went used car shopping . 1 When I woke up , there was a new car outside . I wanted a pony . 1 A few minutes later , Mary checked the microwave . She immediately looked at Jimmy and gave him a mean grin . 0 They have been together for 5 years now ! The next day he met Suzie in the cafeteria . 0 We drove , from my house , to the turnpike and driving school . When my driving instructor arrived , I left the house . 0 They had a sign advertising crab ! On the way home , Angie got a flat tire near an All You Can Eat buffet . 1 There was a scientist lab worker . He was working on a lab with a bunch of snakes . 0 But I was starving . Yesterday I did n't feel like cooking . 1 After a while she became a full blown vegan . It all started with one day . 1 It hurt her feelings knowing nobody wanted her . So last week she pretended to be sick to get out of it . 1 Ali had been in a fight when with her sister on a visit . She ran into the house to tell her mom about it . 0 They had only known each other for three weeks . Louise met a man and they decided to get married . 0 It was strange , but funny and endearing . He then took us backstage and gave us a handful of golden dollars . 0 Gina and the other kids were on their best behavior . It was a long somber drive . 1 He asked Lindsay to marry him by spelling it out with the cookies . Lindsay said yes . 1 When she arrived she realized she 'd forgotten her shopping list . She tried to remember what was on it . 0 It was nap time but there 's no way he could sleep without it . Doug 's favorite blanket was missing . 0 They had to shut it down and call a serviceperson to fix it . The machine shook violently and blurred the lines . 0 She wanted to go home . She was annoyed about having to be with her family . 1 He stopped and pointed while laughing . Gina threw her book and hit him in the arm . 0 She used a public restroom and a roach scrambled out her underwear . She slept in Mayfair Park , across the street from her house . 0 They wanted proof he was n't home at the time of the break-in . The police knocked on Charles ' door to ask him questions . 0 She found mealworms in the flour as she began making cookies . Sheila knew she had to bring something . 1 Randy 's favorite freetime activity is food eating challenges . Today , he was taking on a 2-pound burger challenge at a local shop . 1 My sister-in-law hates Tom Brady , even though she is from Boston . She did not like that he left Bridget Moynahan for Giselle . 1 It was my turn to serve the ball over the net . The score was tied and I knew I needed to make this serve . 1 He ran under a bridge and ate a snack until the rainy stopped . He finished the run and was relieved his ipod did n't get wet . 0 As I began strolling toward the front , I heard a voice cackling . I turned out all the lights , making the store as dark as a tomb . 0 Eventually , he became famous from this song . He got excited about his future . 0 Yet when she put it around her head , it broke . She had her favorite hair tie . 1 She hurried home . The rainy began to let up and a rainbow appeared . 0 When they returned he had to see a dentist . Henry said his teeth hurt afterward . 0 Jack will wear sunscreen next time . When Jack got home , he was burnt to a crisp . 1 My last day there I went to see an Atlanta Brave 's baseball game . I had a great time on my weekend trip . 0 The kids ran even harder with their parent support . Parents began setting up chairs on the lawn to root for their kids . 1 She talked to her husband about how she felt . They both thought it was best to seek counseling . 1 Gigi was about to go out . Suddenly , her jeans ripped . 1 Tyren brought sushi to school . The other children thought it looked gross . 1 When asked his opinion , her husband praised it . Her mother claimed to like it , too . 1 They painted foul-tasting polish on her thumb , to no avail . On the first day of kindergarten , the teacher handed Nell a crayon . 0 After punting really well he graduated . He went to college as a punter . 1 His country assignment was Tibet . He flew to Tibet and interviewed citizens there . 1 She started to make subtle gibes at it every chance she got . Vera had trouble containing her laughter when she saw how mad Liz got . 1 Mike was eventually able to keep the bike upright and stay on . He enjoys riding his bike now everyday after school . 1 Only low quality stainless would stick . He walked out with the finest cookware . 1 Once across the river , they ended up at a biker bar . At the bar , there were hundreds of people buying tickets . 1 The first fifty people in line would win a swag bag . Anna decided to go with her friends . 0 There , Alai realized he 'd forgotten his tent at the camp site ! Then they hiked out of the woods and back home . 0 He put them in a thick plastic bag . But he only had whole ice cubes . 1 His daughter ate it after he did . John eats spinach for his daughter 's sake . 0 Hector wishes he had never rollerbladed . He needs to wear a cast for the next 3 months . 1 After a few weeks it started to die . She realized that alocasia plants are very picky and die easily . 0 It was a week before the concert . The Ringo starr show was sold out . 0 But no matter how much she drank , she was still thirsty . She decided to drink water from a water fountain . 1 She went home and began to knit . She knitted for three hours until she had made a little sweater . 1 He started to get his cleaning supplies out of the truck . He spent the next hour cleaning the pool with Jane sat and watched . 1 She was too scared to check to see if he was alive or not . Sally 's crying caused her mother to come into the room . 0 She had been in a fight with a bully . Ali was suspended from school . 0 He came to love the snow then . As he got older he learned how to ski . 0 She screamed like Godzilla and started stomping everything we built . One of them all of a sudden stood up . 0 They decided it was okay . Her mom and dad talked about it . 1 Tina 's party is near a fire-station . On Eric 's walk to the party , a fire-truck left the station . 0 It was down a path and she was scared to walk alone . One night she needed to use the restroom . 1 Jenny felt confused , since she had been watching what she ate . She went to the doctor 's office to find out what was happening . 1 He tried to avoid a bicyclist . John crashed into the stop sign . 0 Aunt Becky had a nice nap . Kayla covered Aunt Becky up . 1 Emily 's favorite bracelet was missing . She accused her little sister of taking it . 0 Afterwards , we grabbed a bite to eat and returned home . We enjoyed ourselves because the home team won the game . 0 I woke up suddenly to a crashing sound . I fell asleep in our hammock . 1 She lost her balance and fell off . She ended up spraining her ankle 0 I tried to get them but could not see without my glasses . I was jumping over a sidewalk and the glasses fell through the grate . 1 He bought the most expensive one they had . Unfortunately , the doorknob was not the correct size . 0 After 20 minutes they gave up and caught a public bus home . The girls trudged through the thick wet snow . 0 Noah played horribly and Nick played great . Nick said he would play . 0 He tried to fix it by adding flour and baking it . When he took it out , he saw that it was not right . 1 Lindsay did not know how to dance . Pat suggested dancing lessons for the two of them . 1 Jamie was a flute player . She took lessons twice a week . 0 The doctor ran some tests and told Andrea that she was pregnant . She decided to go to the doctor . 1 Kelsi 's eyes laid on this beautiful brown dog that was very small . The dog was waiting to be adopted and Kelsi picked it up . 1 Jim loved to browse the internet . Jim 's mom would n't pay for a high-speed connection . 1 They each ordered their preferred burgers . Oliver also ordered a shake and fries . 1 One day , I was low on gas and needed to get to work . I decided I would take the city bus . 0 She decided to go to her favorite restaurant . She checked her cupboards and and found nothing . 1 The politician tried to avoid Leo for many days . Leo was finally able to catch up with him at the gym . 1 For dessert , Jason decided to make a cake . He looked up a cake recipe online . 1 They enjoyed the views and the water . Yet unfortunately it started to downpour . 1 Evan sat and visited with his grandma . His grandma felt a little better after this . 1 She jumps and screams every time she sees one . I love teasing her with spiders and watching her run away . 1 Bob was celebrating thanksgiving . He was with all of his family . 1 They did n't have much that she would like . A lot of their selection was romance novels . 0 The teacher told Gina the kids often came to school hungry . Gina was disappointed to see the kids eating the cereal . 1 They decided to try to sneak downstairs to see the gifts . They made it to the top of the stairs when they saw a trap . 1 After the appointment , Jan waited on the corner for her dad . When a stranger approached , Jan felt a flash of fear . 1 I wound up watching Netflix and browsing shows . I found a new show to watch called Between and now I have a new show ! 0 It would have been smart to pull over , but he was n't smart . His excess speed attracted the attention of the police . 0 It was Amy 's idea to celebrate since she made the volleyball team . Amy and her family went out to eat . 0 Finally , she settled on a dog with only three legs . Each dog was so cute and sweet , she could n't decide . 1 To her surprise , Kelly thought she was nice . Kelly was happy to have her . 1 He was n't paying attention and he hit his head on a shop sign . The girlfriend could n't stop laughing at him . 1 Hillary had two rabbits . She thought they were both females . 1 He stood by the fire hydrant so the dog can urinate . After several seconds , it broke loose from the leash . 0 What once was a hunter , soon became the hunted , devoured in all . A bear came up from behind him , one which was very tall . 0 Sammy had to quickly take another shower before work to get it out . Toothpaste got all over her hair . 1 Rachel was in her hallway when she saw a huge spider . She ran off to grab something to smash it with . 1 She was due for a shot . The thought scared her . 1 She asked her mom what she should do . Her mom told her to stick up for herself and be positive . 1 I was looking forward to today , because I had the day off . Overnight , the temperature dropped and two inches of snow fell . 1 They withdrew my application . I realized that it would have been better to tell the truth . 1 She was excited thinking she must have lost weight . Then she realized they actually size 14s , and 12s . 0 She is now missing a breast , but she is also cancer free ! Surgery was scheduled for the next week . 0 My body had the shakes and I was nervous as ever . I was performing at the talent show . 0 The he thought of the perfect gift idea . Dave wondered what to give his dad for Christmas . 1 Dan was very happy to learn this since he could n't take a picture . Grateful , he gave them his email so they could send it to him . 1 Marco had always considered himself an adventurous eater . However , he was afraid to eat beets because of their color . 0 Katie was so excited that she learned to fly a kite . Larry showed Katie how to fly the kite at the park . 0 When I tried them on it was magic . My eyes immediately jumped to the black heels . 1 Walking along the shore they found an orange jellyfish . Michelle ran towards it but grandmother quickly told her to stop . 1 Deena was walking home one cold day . She was walking very fast because she was so cold . 0 Kev raced like a superstar and scored third place ! Then she entered it into the hometown race . 0 There was lots of watermelon . Dan was at the family picnic . 0 Thanks to their generosity , Jen was able to take a long vacation . They managed to gather $ 5000 to give to Jen as a gift . 0 Beth put up fliers all around the neighborhood . Beth 's kitten got lost when her brother left the door open . 0 However to my surprise I found a hair in my food . The food was very delicious . 1 One day , he got carried away and tore up the curtains . His mother was infuriated and made him purchase new ones . 0 My AC unit began to work normally again . I brought the filter home and installed it . 1 The officers were suspicious of the research Fred had been doing . Fred had his computer taken away . 0 They were hopping all over the place . He came across a bush filled with crickets . 1 Last week she decided to go late at night . It was scary being all alone . 0 Stacy plants her bulbs . She carefully hoes the dirt where she wants her garden . 0 The team did n't want Brad to replace his position . Our starting quarterback left the game since he got hurt . 0 In a game of football I knocked Norman down . I was in the seventh grade and Norman was the class bully . 0 She took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves . She dropped her pencil and closed her eyes . 1 Jim was exercising at the park . He was doing lunges in the field . 0 He went to a canon dealer to test a few out . A civil war general was shopping around for the best cannons . 0 She decided to get out of the car to call for help . Elena 's car shut down on the road . 0 On his birthday , she presented him with a library card ! She thought and thought , and finally she had a great idea . 1 None of the new shoes looked right to him . He decided to wait a little while before buying new shoes . 0 Another driver was n't looking in front and ran into my car . I got out and called a towing service . 0 She did n't like the class , but she wanted to learn to defend herself . Ali was enrolled in a karate class . 1 Fortunately , her mother had seen the dog with it . They later found the doll torn to tatters in front of the doggy door . 1 Tom was much bigger than Kevin so he could n't wear Kevin 's clothes . Kevin put on Tom 's clothes and filled them out with a pillow . 1 We gathered all the junk in garbage bags . I put the bags in our trash can . 1 Alex was making a meatball soup . His girlfriend hated it when he used frozen meatballs . 1 Tom had a diary in his room . He wrote in it everyday . 0 Kim slipped in the mud and ruined her white shoes . Amy told Kim to stay on the path , but she did n't listen . 1 He watched over the weeks as they grew . Once the corn was 5 ' tall he harvested the corn . 1 She deliberately left the coat on the playground . When the coat went unclaimed , it was donated to Goodwill . 1 I went to a trip to Disney World during the first week of summer . When I arrived to Universal Studios , I payed for a ticket . 1 A witness later came forward to tell the truth about the story . Brian wound up losing his job and the respect of his followers . 0 I told my customers I only accepted cash . I did n't want to pay taxes . 1 John apologized to the dog owner and she said it 's okay . John left the dog park to buy a better collar for his dog . 1 Chelsey was at her friend 's house . Her friend suggested that they go swimming . 0 He was so excited to see that his placement was right . The squirrel could always jump onto it in the old place . 1 She checked magazines and found them to be sell-outs . She listened to friends and found them to be biased . 1 Julia walks outside and notices that it is very cold . She does not want to change her outfit , but she wants to feel warm . 0 I told him i would not get on the roller coasters . I went to the amusement park with my friend today . 1 He had been hurt in the past . One evening he met Diana in the library . 1 I loved doing this because it felt like no work . Looking back , I know I 'll never have a job that easy ever again . 0 She packed her beach bag and hurried out . Thalia wanted to go to the beach . 1 The insurance specialist assured her she would have a better car . She received her new car a week later and was happy . 1 She fell forward and landed awkwardly . Her ankle was twisted under her painfully . 0 He still had to go to work though . He ended up getting a cold . 0 Rob had n't meant to hit Lucy . Mary 's brother Rob hit Lucy in the face with a baseball . 0 Wes was relieved to skip the bad breath . He planned it for the same time his dreaded client had an appointment . 0 So she gets one of each . She ca n't decide if she wants chocolate or vanilla . 0 He decided to learn about paper mache . He wanted to make a unique work of art . 1 Esther saw a help wanted sign at McDonald 's . Esther had a job interview later that day . 1 I just need to mow a couple more lawns and I will have enough . I decided to put an ad in the paper for more mowing jobs . 0 I went downstairs and saw my dog sleeping in my bed . I wanted to take a nap on my bed . 0 Ali did n't want to , but knew she had to fight . Ali had been slapped , and had her hair pulled by a bully . 0 The ground was slippery with leaves . It had just rained . 1 But he feared he could n't play well enough to make the team ! Then his dad sat him down and gave him a pep talk . 0 It was worth it though because we had so much fun . We missed the bus and had to get on a later shuttle . 1 Unfortunately , she was told they were hiring someone right above her . She was frustrated that this would now limit her career growth there . 0 I wore them all around town . I got cheap boots at the store yesterday . 1 Fortunately I did n't get much . The person behind me in line paid for my groceries ! 0 She realized he was a copy cat monkey ! He scratched his head , too . 0 Every week she spent ten hours there helping out . She went to a battered women 's ' shelter to volunteer . 0 Bill was impressed and never found out Kate 's secret ! Kate decided to order take-out food and pretend it was home-cooked . 0 Her mother would scold her for it . She was always tripping and falling . 1 But he thought bananas tasted boring . He decided to cover them with melted chocolate . 1 Kayla covered Aunt Becky up . Aunt Becky had a nice nap . 1 She opened it and saw some horrible trash inside . She remembered that she had stuck a bag in there , long ago . 1 I asked her why she took out the extra $ 20 dollars . She had nothing to say and remained quiet . 1 One day , he failed a math exam . He was very confused about why he failed . 0 One day , Brenda decided she did n't like Shelby 's clothes . Shelby came from a very poor family . 0 Her sister was recently engaged and planning her wedding . Beth was going to lunch with her sister . 1 He found a great one at a great price ! He had it delivered and installed . 0 Jen accepted the challenge . The challenge was to drink a gallon of milk in under an hour . 1 Her daughter cried , her son looked stunned . To sooth them they went out to eat for their final family dinner . 0 She noticed that everyone was taking the exam . Jia walked into the classroom . 1 Lisa pretended like a twig was a curling iron . The twig got stuck and Lisa could n't get it out of Lucy 's hair . 1 He decided he needed cleaning equipment to clean it . He got a mop and a broom at the store . 0 Tom looked outside his hospital room window and saw how cloudy it was . He was really sick and his fever had finally died down . 0 They finished the cookies . She carefully measured it before giving it to her grandmother . 0 Every creak and every crack made him more uneasy ! But now he started to notice all kinds of unidentified noises . 0 That was seconds before her house collapsed on her , crushing her dead . Tara breathed a sigh of relief and mocked at herself for being afraid . 0 It had arrived three minutes early . I was two blocks away from the bus stop when I saw the bus leave . 1 Doris learns that there will be a special exhibit at the art museum . She asks her friends if they will go with her . 0 Kim shook her mother to wake her up . Kim went into her mother 's room and saw her mother sleeping . 1 Lee the cat was n't feeling well . He sat around all day , did n't move very much . 0 When he arrived , he immediately walked over to the dig site . An archeologist named Jim went out to a new location one day . 1 Too bad that they were shut down a few weeks ago . I guess I 'll have to find a new Chinese place . 0 She was searching the house , but she could n't find it anywhere . At home , Emma noticed that she was missing her necklace . 0 He flew to Tibet and interviewed citizens there . His country assignment was Tibet . 0 I found out who it was and confronted him . The guy before me never wiped it up . 1 The class wrote down their choice on a piece of paper . One student collected all of the votes . 0 The tester told him he had passed the test ! Afterwards , he eagerly turned to his tester . 1 We did n't know how to read tide and wave info . We arrived at 3:30 in the morning . 1 Nick decided to try putting orange juice in his cereal instead . The cereal tasted very strange . 1 She decided to keep it in her house for a short time . Soon the egg hatched and Daisy had her own pet dove ! 0 When the crossing signal changed , he began to jog again . He stopped at an intersection and waited to cross the street . 0 She decided to get a straightening treatment . She wanted it to be smooth . 1 Kim , Amy and Lynn were discussing boys . Amy had been kissed in the park , and the other girls saw it . 0 The view was lovely . A man built a cabin on a hilltop by the sea . 1 Eventually he was able to move out . He moved somewhere he researched and is much happier . 1 Jared 's stepmom had been in his life for three years . One day , she picked him after school . 1 There was a squirrel in the walls ! We put a trap in the attic with food and water and a bed . 0 Bill suggested we steal the cafeteria sign and hang it in our room . My college roommate , Bill , and I were eating in the cafeteria . 0 Luckily he was going to be okay . He decided to go to the emergency room . 1 Jim was diagnosed with cancer . First , he denied it was happening and refused to go to the doctor . 0 And Lisa was lying awake in bed . It was 1 AM . 1 Sue loved fashion . She was given detention for reading fashion magazines at school . 1 Then he saw on his map that other islands were nearby . He chartered a boat to see the Hebrides islands . 1 All of a sudden it started raining out . We took shelter underneath a tree . 1 Lucy was upset as she ran to her room . Her grandmother changed her mind and decided not to give her a ride . 0 Last Saturday , someone broke into her house . Ever since she was ten , she used to collect memorabilia . 1 They decided to start a club . At first it was really fun . 1 It was gross . The next day Fred was back to eating pork and beans . 0 A tornado passed over my house that night ! I ran down the stairs into the basement . 0 By the time I got there I almost fainted and they had to help me in . I decided to walk up the stairs . 1 They had a bunch of guitars and a drumkit set up in the living room . I told them my son was a good guitarist . 0 When he jumped off , he ended up tripping . I accepted the challenged and he went on top of the roof . 1 He decides he does n't want to ask his boss for more hours . So , instead he just dawdles at night before he clocks out . 0 She strolled through midtown with her favorite bag . Kelly was shopping in New York yesterday . 0 She was given a simple task to get her started . Paula was hired as a consultant . 0 He did n't like to be pet . Rocket was a mean cat . 1 When I put it on it looked great . I can not wait to buy some more . 1 He saw a bug on the floor and freaked out . He ran up to tell his grandmother . 1 Timmy was excited for show and tell today . He had prepared all week . 0 Since they were so weak , none of the hits really did any damage . They were so enraged that they began to have a fist fight . 1 Christian was a good driver , and got a discount on his insurance . Christian ended up saving 50 dollars a month thanks to Smart Ride . 1 Amy 's best friend Beth joined the Army . Amy was shocked since Beth was n't very disciplined . 0 He told Ivy the fish was a delicious tuna ! Then her dad stopped her quickly . 1 The fire grew very big very fast . Soon the whole room was very warm . 1 I was doing my math homework during the afternoon . The delivery man knocked on my door . 0 I wanted a pony . When I woke up , there was a new car outside . 0 She applied to work as a babysitter . Susan needed extra cash . 0 It was terrible there ! Then he went to pre-enlistment boot camp . 0 He asked his grandchildren to help him . He had no idea how to use it . 0 After hours of looking for the stuffed toy Tommy found it . His mother and sister looked all over the house to help him find it . 1 In the back of the mailroom there was a box no one ever moved . One day Carl moved it to clean behind it and found a letter . 0 The little daisy loved the sun . There was once a little daisy . 1 I lowered the price . Still , no one wanted to buy it . 1 I invited him to my Christmas party regardless . He said that he loved Christmas so he would come to the party . 0 I thanked her and realized the value of our friendship . It was the best present a friend had ever gotten me . 1 He went to Finish Line to see if they had the shoes he wanted . They did not have the shoes in his size , so he ordered them there . 0 Then she brought a boyfriend to a wedding . One day she cut her hair very short . 0 On the way , he saw a girl with an awesome figure . He parked in a grocery store lot but need to walk to Kinkos . 1 After a moment of hesitation , Drake jumped over his neighbor 's fence . The animal got closer and Drake saw it was a mountain lion . 0 Suddenly , she stepped on a rake . She was chasing the child through their yard . 1 But she screwed up her courage and tasted it . To her surprise , it was n't that bad . 0 Eventually Gary was able to ask the woman out on a date . He began exchanging messages with another woman nearby . 1 When I suddenly saw this huge hot air balloon landing . It was so big and amazing , I was so jealous of them . 0 Now they 're a couple . They talked during the entire ride . 1 She told her she could n't go out to play until she cleaned her room . Molly pushed her clothes under the bed . 1 Because he overslept he was last in the shower . All the hot water was gone by the time he had his turn . 1 Priya then vacuumed the interior of the car . Finally she cleaned the windows with spray cleaner . 0 When she got up she picked up the rock . She fell down hard . 1 She knew better than anyone that I was a cake-aholic . Her bid day was coming and I was going to help her pick the best cake . 1 Dan takes the pigs daily for walks around the neighborhood . Even though Dan gets a lot of stares , he enjoys the walks with his pig . 0 To sooth them they went out to eat for their final family dinner . Her daughter cried , her son looked stunned . 0 John eats spinach for his daughter 's sake . His daughter ate it after he did . 1 She needed to work in order to pay her rent . Jenna was so tired that she fell asleep on her shift . 1 I answered every question with confidence . It turns out they wanted someone with more experience . 1 He opened the window and looked down . The man climbed out the window and stood on the roof . 1 Jordan was about to go home from Summer camp . She had made a close friend and they exchanged addresses . 1 Ben and his band practiced hard for a show . They drove to the venue and set up their equipment . 0 He kept losing until he started to play craps . He began to bet big on every game he went to . 1 Edwin negotiated with the salesman for an hour . In the end , he saved a lot of money . 1 The lady was upset there were only 10 available . Amy checked in the storeroom and found a new box . 1 The sauce was also from scratch and tasted delicious . Her boyfriends came over and the four of them ate the pasta . 1 Kelly laughed and told him not to worry . But John was embarrassed , and ran away from Kelly to go home . 0 Without hesitation she write it out for him on a slip of paper . Ike asked for her phone number as if he was the character . 1 We took our niece to Disney and made sure to see Cinderella Castle . We got reservations at the restaurant there . 1 I called the day before delivery and got a vacation voicemail . I ordered flowers from another source . 0 Seconds later he runs out holding a woman . Adam suits up and runs in the house instantly . 1 They ate a nice meal with salad , spaghetti and french fries . The apartment was small but the guy seemed wealthy . 0 He was trying to tie his tie . Dan was getting dressed for a formal event . 1 She cooked a big pot of chicken soup for Meg . Meg started feeling better as soon as she ate the soup ! 1 He daughter was out of town and her grandson was home sick . Her grandson had thrown up on the couch . 0 She practiced daily . She learned the routine . 0 Jimmy called up the cab driver the next day to send him a tip . The cab driver felt bad and let him have the ride for free . 0 Jane found him in the break room watching TV . She asked around but no one had seen him . 0 The employees told her that the fryer was broken . She ordered an egg muffin with a hashbrown . 1 He flicked a switch and held his finger over a button . Without hesitating he pressed the button . 0 When taking out his clothes he noticed a wet shirt in his load . He came back to the laundry room a few minutes before it finished . 1 Charles knew his mother liked his sister more than him . He hoped she would still leave both of them her house . 1 But after his friend helped him , Justin finally won . He decided to practice more until he could beat his friend more often . 0 One day , his computer crashed , and he could no longer turk . He was making roughly 60 dollars a day . 1 When she awoke she could n't find her phone . She looked around the room . 1 My nephew just got certified with MAHA . This is the Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance . 0 Kelly freaked out . To her surprise , the house came on fire . 0 Eddy drove home feeling good about his donation . The zoo accepted and thanked him for the eels . 0 His family decided to give him a bath . One morning , he came back inside smelling like skunk ! 1 This morning he left very early to go fish . He came back with a large red snapper . 0 We would stay out until the street lights came on playing it . Kick the can was all of the neighbor kids favorite game on my block . 0 When she saw a light she realized her father had come to save her ! It got dark and she suddenly realized she was lost in the woods . 0 They drove to the venue and set up their equipment . Ben and his band practiced hard for a show . 1 The teller was cute and I was shy to flirt with her . She smiled and seemed nice . 1 Chris had a dog named Tuie . Tuie went outside without permission . 0 Although he 's tried a lot of things , learning is fun for him . Kevin wanted to learn a totally new skill . 1 Her mom took her to Target to buy new bed sheets . Jordan is excited to set up her dorm . 1 Her last hope was in the base of a chair . She still had n't found the book after sticking her hand in the base . 1 She bought wipes at the auto parts store to clean it up . When wiping surfaces there was so much dirt she had to use more wipes . 0 So John challenged Mary to a game . His friend , Mark , said John is n't as good as Mary . 1 A cute guy named Josh walked over and spoke to them . He looked at Gina and spoke directly to her . 1 The dog jumped onto the table and knocked over the carton ! John and Dave looked at the fries all over the ground . 0 Rowland rode the horse out to the lonely places . One day Rowland took the horse out and Penelope , the dog , followed . 1 The plane was delayed for 30 minutes . Something broke on the plane so they had to fix it . 0 The thought scared her . She was due for a shot . 0 Tyler was not feeling sober , but he had to get home to his wife . He drank there with them for three hours . 1 They had a wonderful relationship in the beginning . Eventually , they started to fight . 1 The husband used slip knots to tie the springs on the roof of the car . After looking like it belonged in a ghetto , the springs made it home . 1 Eric was standing with his mother at a Red Box . It was his turn to pick the movie to watch that weekend . 1 They were always untied , but that was his business . Then one day at school he tripped over them . 0 Sara ended up being very good . She enrolled her anyway . 0 Instead , her mom offered to pay her for some work . She asked her mom for some money . 1 Otto always knew he was gay . He had struggled with it all his life . 1 Chris caught the smell of the donuts freshly laid out on display . He knew he was on a diet , but they smelled so good . 0 I asked my friends for help . He kept trying to bite me ! 0 He watched some tv and called his friend . Jim was very bored . 0 Mike then decided to use his free time promoting his business . Mike 's business then became fully self sustaining , freeing Mikes time . 1 The open road stretched out for miles with not a car in sight . My daughter and I sang songs from the Sound of Music . 0 Donning her coat as she ran , she raced down the street . She grabbed her keys and coat and hurried out the door . 1 It was going to be the best event of his life . But then he crashed and lost . 0 She experienced no difficulty on the test and ended up with an A . Tina studied hard for her test , in order to get an A in the class . 0 Her family loved the pudding . She made a rich chocolate pudding . 0 So he settled on a cheap one . But he did not want to buy something too expensive . 1 She found a sand dollar along the shore . She did n't know what to do with it . 1 Her mother was trying desperately to calm her down . Her siblings began walking in the house . 0 She cooked her kids food and went to the tub to relax . Tina got home from work one day very tired . 1 Martin was in the fifth grade . He had never missed a single day of school . 1 My friends were shooting paper balls with rubber bands . They accidentally hit my teacher in the face . 1 My doctor called me yesterday and asked me to come in . The next day I got my things together and left . 0 But Mike noticed a faded signature on it . Eventually , Bob let his Mike have the baseball . 0 Mona decided to put the rest of the gifts away until Christmas Eve . The toddler was jumping up and down for the doll she 'd just unwrapped . 0 Then she worked through them carefully . She started paying attention to her anger triggers . 0 They immediately asked for the surveillance video . The owner invited the police inside to take the report . 1 She even slapped me for no reason . Since I was in a bad mood that day , I screamed at her . 0 I had to walk for miles in the rain . Suddenly , it started to rain . 0 He was sure going to miss him . Now that he was dead , Eric began thinking a lot about him . 1 Ben had a new bike that he got for his birthday . He rode it everywhere and always made sure he locked the bike up . 1 Bosh decided to move to Germany to immerse himself . In Germany , Bosch practiced with the locals . 0 The two siblings went and had a great time ! He invited his baby sister Liesel . 0 He threw up a ball to himself and swung a bat . Joe was playing baseball in the house . 1 He ended up falling off the stage . However , he was safe and got up . 1 Carl turns on the television . his room is filled with light and sound . 1 In my dating profile I stated I was looking for very tall men . I became excited to start dating a man who was nearly seven feet tall ! 1 John and Lacey were long distance friends . Even though they lived far away from each other , they always talked . 0 I tried some Chinese Cookies at a small outdoor market . I 've always wanted to eat Chinese desserts , which are very famous . 1 He designed his own sweater but he wanted to win it for real . He put his link out there and advertised like crazy . 1 The cow kicked him in the face . He passed out and never woke up . 1 Sarah had to make-up 3 tests that day . She was so exhausted that she fell asleep on the bus back home . 0 She thinks Ricky is too old to play softball . His wife is annoyed by the whole situation . 0 He saw new places and made lots of friends . So he took a job with a traveling carnival . 0 Her grandson had thrown up on the couch . He daughter was out of town and her grandson was home sick . 1 I went home to try it out in my coffee pot . I followed the instructions on how much to put in the filter . 1 It jumped on him when he tried to kill it . Arnold nearly fainted . 0 When I got to work , I sat in the smallest cubicle . I was so nervous for my first day at work as a programmer . 1 He made a salmon and avocado smoothie . This proved to be a terrible , terrible error . 0 They spent many nights looking at the sky . He showed his girlfriend Mars and Saturn . 1 I was hungry for a midnight snack . I found chips and salsa in the kitchen . 0 The newest one has an option to `` hoard '' hits . I just learned how to use scripts on MTurk . 0 When she was almost done , her neighbor caught her . At midnight she sneaked out and loaded them all into her trunk . 1 Kasey was with her baby in the park . She bought an ice cream cone and shared with her baby . 0 Therefore , I cold him to keep the rest . However , he ends up drinking half of the bottle . 0 She saw an ad for a big sale . Meredith was shopping online . 1 Amy was in labor . But she had been struggling for hours . 0 The next day I found an envelope with $ 10 in it stuck under the door . I said no , of course not , just take them , you 're welcome anytime . 0 The list started small but grew as he remembered more people . He began to make a list of everyone he wanted to invite . 1 He said they were in a competition to see who sold the most . Competing with each other actually helps their family income ! 0 Finally , she realized that she could find it online and looked it up . Madison really wanted to find out how the book ended . 1 She was always practicing in the mirror . When she turned 18 she decided to move to New York . 1 His wife did n't even get to say goodbye . When Larry went to eat for lunch he noticed no food in the bag . 0 Since he asked for months she decided to take him . Jake asked his mother to take him to the air show . 1 Unfortunately it was too uncomfortable . She wound up moving out far earlier . 1 One day , Will developed a yeast infection . Will went to the doctor . 1 Sally asked her parents if they could get a family pet . The family decided to visit a shelter to choose a pet . 1 He stayed up all night remembering his vows . On the day of his wedding he gave the most magnificent speech . 1 He decides to go to the animal shelter . He meets a cat that he immediately falls in love with . 0 Then , she resumed her drive . Inside , she bought a new pair . 0 He realized that sacrificing games for homework was worth it . Tim studied everyday . 1 It is wide enough for all of Stan 's friends to play in . Stan and his friends are having lots of fun this summer in the pool . 0 She called her friends to ask them to come with her . Lucy wanted to go swimming . 1 One day , I awoke with a very bad toothache . I had to go to the emergency dentist . 0 She looked out the window and saw something miniature . There were no presents to be found . 0 His latest tour was especially rough . He had seen a lot of things in battle . 1 As he got older he learned how to ski . He came to love the snow then . 0 The waitress arrived with their food and Luis and Luz ate happily . They each picked out a combo meal from the menu . 1 Mark and his family were on a vacation cruise . What Mark loved more than the sea was seafood . 0 Willy thought that they were really cool . Willy was shown pictures of lightning bugs at school . 0 He takes a bite and immediately feels better . He looks in his cupboard and sees a delicious bar of chocolate . 0 All she had to do was wait for her parents to drive them back home . She was more than pleased to find this out . 1 To her surprise , the house came on fire . Kelly freaked out . 0 He went to Craig 's List and looked over the job listings . Charles has the worst luck finding a job . 0 Molly pushed her clothes under the bed . She told her she could n't go out to play until she cleaned her room . 1 She tried to buy some candy by putting money into the machine . The dispenser froze after a few seconds . 1 They introduced each other and made plans . Sarah and Shaun began to see each other often . 1 Water was spilling out onto the floor . She grabbed a towel to clean it all up . 1 While barely breathing in the bush , the research saw an antelope . The tiger sprang to his feet and tore off chasing his dinner ! 1 Libby was hungry . She went to the refrigerator to find something to eat . 0 I wrote this story for mturk . I recently wrote a story . 0 Harper explained he needed no compass and hiked alone without it . It all changed when they went on their overnight camping trip . 1 Egypt is my strong and fast cat . My neighbor mentioned that she had a mouse in the house . 0 When morning came , her mother found her exhausted and hiding . Cindy got so scared she hid under the covers all night . 0 Impressed , Jill tipped the mime $ 10 . The two of them stopped for quite some time to watch him . 1 When Trey took it home it died . He felt terrible . 1 His tire popped halfway to the school ! He sat on the side of the road in despair over how tardy he would be . 0 She played with the kitten all day before having to go home . Jen loves her aunt 's new kitten . 0 I had a breakfast of oatmeal and a slice of banana bread . Today I got up at 7 AM . 1 Afel did not have any water . Afel decided to dig a new well upstream . 1 Amy 's friend Troy emailed her he had something for her . He would n't tell her what and made her wait till break . 1 Gina 's mom called the poison control center . She wanted to find out the symptoms for iron overdose . 1 Mitch spent his morning cleaning out his car . He made a pile of things on the ground that he felt was junk . 1 When Doyle turned 18 his dad bought him his first gun . They picked out an affordable shotgun from the local store . 0 His mom cooked dinner for us . I went to my friends house . 1 He worked with experts on dribbling and shooting . Rocky has a great season . 0 The photographer told him to sit down and smile . He waited in line for his turn while adjusting his shirt . 0 He would keep doing push ups . He would work out all day . 1 His friend asked to put his art in the gallery . Maurice now makes a living as an artist . 0 Ross was looking for people to call his family . His family was always gone and busy with their own lives . 1 Tom loved going to the library . Last Friday he was there reading a great new book . 1 It was the end of the first day of high school . Gina was leaving her gym class . 0 She got the book but was only able to read half of it . Sally decided to join a book club . 1 It was one of the best decisions I made . I met great friends . 1 Her mom quickly learned to can jelly . They ended up with 26 jars . 1 When he woke up he could n't open his door ! Eli climbed out the window and moved the boxes away from the door . 0 The card turned out to be from Tyler 's best friend from college . He noticed a card from an unusual address . 0 He took a job at a bank . He thought if he worked with money he would be happy . 0 One day , the sink clogged and a plumber came over . Each day , the kids left empty bowls of oatmeal in the sink . 1 Recently he started hearing voices on a radio frequency . Corey began to investigate in order to restore his sanity . 1 They asked her about her credit card debt . However , she did n't own a credit card . 1 Dan was at the family picnic . There was lots of watermelon . 1 Lisa had had her dog Peaches for several years . Peaches was sweet , but not very obedient . 0 Lily was afraid of it , and decided to go away . The kids had found a wild snake . 0 I am much larger than most other men . I have always been ashamed of my weight . 1 The buttons on his jacket were red . He always hated the color red . 1 I decided to purchase food from the fast food restaurant . The cashier handed my order when it was done . 0 It was hard to find a proper baseball mitt . I was left handed and that made it difficult . 0 They agreed to have the sleepover at another house . While she went to use the bathroom , my family got together . 0 He often feels tired after a couple of hours . Robin has been working the late shift for one year . 0 Edna 's grandmother had an old parasol that she used to use . It was raining out and Edna did n't like to get wet . 1 She took it to a tailor . There , she had the dress hemmed a few inches . 1 He went to the cd section . He found a nirvana album . 1 Nick auditioned for a major role in a school play . He was unsure of himself , but he still tried . 0 He cherishes the experiences he had in Las Vegas . He really enjoyed the performance and experience . 0 For instance , they emptied out a room for them to stay in . When Brad 's parents found out , they agreed to support them . 1 Greg went to the Barbie convention because he liked dolls . Sandy saw him there . 1 Now I lost interest and want to bail . But I do n't want to upset them . 1 John had already worked 15 hours of overtime this week . His boss approached John and gave him another assignment . 1 She talked with the manager who agreed to replace the dish . She continued to eat at this place even after finding the hair . 0 She was tall and luxurious . A daughter of the mayor was named Rebecca . 1 Every Friday Sally 's boyfriend played poker with his buddies . One day Sally decided she wanted to learn how to play poker . 0 Aura got to see her first sunrise ! She rose at six in the morning . 0 She got out of her to take a look at the engine . Megan 's car turned off halfway through the road . 1 Phil 's stepfather was willing to take his son if he helped his mother . Phil agreed to the deal and helped his mother by completing chores . 1 She was paddling across the lake when a shadow crossed her path . Looking up she saw a large eagle flying above her . 0 He ordered a cell phone from a new carrier . Elijah took advantage of a Black Friday promotion . 1 My friend called and said to meet her at the library . When I got to the library she was n't there . 0 Bonnie flew to see him and ended up staying a month . Suddenly , Bonnie 's father became very ill . 0 Benny decided to take a shortcut . He was already past the upcoming street . 0 During the ride she felt car sick . Lori went on a car trip with her family . 0 She called her boyfriend , Ryan , to come and fix the tire . She had to pull over to the side of the road . 0 Panting , Nick pedaled as fast as he could . Nick and his friend started their bicycle race down the street . 1 Cora was telling a scary story to her campers . She frightened them so badly they all had nightmares . 0 Now Ryan never eats cake because he does n't want to get fat ! Ryan lost a lot of weight . 0 He got drawing books to study from . But after several minutes of practice , he did n't see any improvement . 1 Two days ago I went around looking for cans . They have a five cent deposit in my state . 1 His friend agrees to pose for him . Fred paints a terrific portrait of his friend . 1 It had just rained . The ground was slippery with leaves . 1 The story she told was making him sick at his stomach . Again , he asked her to stop talking but she continued . 1 Billy 's purchase was reduced from $ 320 dollars to $ 143 dollars . He dedicated the rest of the money towards paying bills . 0 She asked for the gravy boat for her potatoes . She had her family around her and lots of food . 1 But it still was n't enough . So he stole money from a bank . 0 I can not wait to buy some more . When I put it on it looked great . 1 Dan did n't want to go to class . He had poor attendance and could n't skip the class . 0 Kim thought it would be best to go at night to see the lights . Kim and her friend wanted to go to Times Square while in NYC . 0 It has all the bells and whistles . My new car is amazing . 0 Everyone noticed , and his wife told him to shave his head . Ryan had a combover . 1 He eventually became good at painting . He sold his work for thousands of dollars . 1 When she started cooking she found the tartar sauce had expired . She will let the store manager know about their inefficiency tomorrow ! 0 It was itchy and cumbersome . He grew one out and did n't like it either . 1 While we were in the car , she was constantly complaining . She was crying throughout the trip until we arrived at the hospital . 1 Janie was an avid player of soccer . One day while playing in blue and purple socks she scored 8 goals . 0 When Tina threw water at Riley , Riley freaked out . Riley threw a glass of water at Tina and Tina went back . 0 He took a long train ride north . He had enjoyed Nice , but he wanted to see Paris . 1 I have known about my science quiz for three weeks . I was going to want until it was closer to start to study . 0 He knew it would be demanding . Jones had trained day and night for his black belt test . 0 Charles found a rose in a garden . Marnie did not love Charles . 0 After three weeks of electronic cigarettes , her cough subsided . She set a quit smoking date and purchased the electronic cigarettes . 0 I decided to therefore make a bracelet myself . I needed a new bracelet but did n't feel like buying a new one . 1 A few summers ago I worked at a campground . After a storm I found a litter of kittens in the woods . 0 They hoped that maybe it would be their new favorite ! Then they found out a new Italian restaurant moved into the space . 0 It spilled in the grass and on the sidewalk . Someone knocked over a cup of soda . 0 When the delivery came , I was ecstatic . I waited eagerly for them to arrive . 0 The Duchess became the Queen at last . The Dutchess now had nothing in her way . 1 She put him on her lap and sat on a bar-stool . Suddenly , the baby slipped from her arms . 0 Naturally , this angered him so he evicted me . I cursed at him and told him to go away . 0 Robbie seems like a great guitarist to the new members . In order to impress the members , he 's been soloing a lot . 1 He was really sick and his fever had finally died down . Tom looked outside his hospital room window and saw how cloudy it was . 1 My little brother was scared by the thunder and lightening . We hid underneath the largest trees possible . 0 Ed took it home and put it in his radio to check it out . He told Ed that the music was great and Ed would love it . 0 I wish I could have been around when they were alive . There were lots of other animals on display too . 0 Later , while taking out the trash , Jenny slipped on a banana peel . Jenny thought it was an over-used joke and was annoyed . 1 She told Julie to use her words instead of her hands . Julie learned that violence is never the way to solve problems . 1 Anita was hungry . She decided to make cupcakes . 1 Mia 's parents wanted to go out to dinner . They asked Mia to babysit her little sister . 0 And only bought almond milk from then on . Jane decided to try it . 0 He kept passing by many while he was driving . He could n't choose . 0 She reached the temple just ahead of the gang that had assaulted her . Kiana frantically ran across the courtyard . 1 He took his boat out on the water for a test ride . He noticed the boat had a leak in the bottom . 0 He makes the noodles from scratch himself . His family always asks him to make it for family gatherings . 0 He sat on the side of the road in despair over how tardy he would be . His tire popped halfway to the school ! 0 One of them was misprinted , making it rare and delighting Margaret . Margaret bought some stamps from the post office just for mailing . 0 I was going to want until it was closer to start to study . I have known about my science quiz for three weeks . 0 Olivia quit playing chess . But she did n't get any better . 1 Julie began to feel nauseated after lunch . She ran to the bathroom . 0 Charles think his mom forgetting the crayons for him . When he arrived home he began to work on the coloring book . 1 But he was more marketable than he thought . Within one month he had a new job that paid 30 % more ! 0 I am the only cook at my business . It was for 100 people . 0 It was so brutal I had to take a few breaks . It was a brutal workout . 1 Hannah wanted a new pair of headphones . They were really expensive due to their brand name . 0 She ended up cleaning for ten minutes . She went to her room to grab something and got distracted . 0 Dan decided to find a club for new people to the country . Dan and his wife moved to a new country and were scared . 1 She played a practice game with the other tryout people . Her team won the game . 0 After Maria helped to put the sand in every bag she handed it to Jose . These little brown bags are supposed to light the way for baby Jesus . 1 Alicia did not know how to swim . She wanted to take lessons . 0 He ended up slipping on a crack in the middle of the ramp . He went to the top of a ramp and drove to the bottom . 0 Jacob started running and eating healthier . His doctor recommended that he get more exercise . 0 To his shock , she smiled and kept talking to him ! Soon he had enough courage to approach a girl . 1 She sifted through the shore rocks idly . Then she saw a huge , beautiful seashell among them ! 1 I decided to walk up the stairs . By the time I got there I almost fainted and they had to help me in . 0 The crate was too small for the dog . Ben bought a dog crate for an upcoming airline trip . 1 I loved apple sauce . I decided to make some . 1 Sam was thrilled at the chance to be valedictorian , but so nervous . She practiced her speech dozens of times and fretted for weeks . 1 That day , the teacher was drawing names . Larissa was n't expecting to have her name drawn . 0 The boy grew up to be frightened of the unknown . The boy ran all the way home , crying . 0 Her neighbors saw the ad and hired her . She decided to advertise her babysitting services . 1 As they were making her way home , a fight accidentally began . Diana tried to get her sister to come inside anyways , but she was mad . 0 Silas runs into plenty of situations place where he forgot something . Silas was a forgetful person . 0 I picked it up . During the afternoon , the same number called . 1 He left to the store and decided to buy a new sweater . He bought a black one since he loved wearing black . 1 When Lewis sat down the interviewer asked him numerous questions . It took about 20 minutes . 1 She shows the video to her boss . Jan 's coworker is fired . 1 So he took a job with a traveling carnival . He saw new places and made lots of friends . 1 Lacy hit her toe against a chair . Her toe swelled up to twice its size . 0 However she was only sixteen years old . Liz really wanted a new phone . 1 Vince was fired for sexual harassment . Vince was immediately snatched up by a politician for his campaign . 1 Ezra sang his song very well in the studio . He felt very proud that he finally had a professional recording . 0 She felt the phone overheating . Tanya was talking to her friend on the phone . 1 She planned the trip and paid in advance . On December 21st she was informed there would be no bonus this year . 0 When he came into class the next day , he was surprised . At home , he mostly slept and did n't do any homework . 1 I was performing at the talent show . My body had the shakes and I was nervous as ever . 1 Lia had always wanted to see a Broadway play . She saved up for years to go . 1 We hopped into the lake water . We swam for hours and jumped off the dock . 1 No signals rattle around in the air and confuse his brain . All is n't rosy and keen . 0 Mom took me to see my favorite band . I went to my first concert today . 0 When Jake got his tax refund check he got an idea . He loved his car but hated the monthly car note . 0 He went back to the couch to sleep . The man went to the window and closed the curtains . 1 Jim was very bored . He watched some tv and called his friend . 1 She also loved snuggling with friends while watching scary movies . One day she found a snuggle that trumped all rest . 1 She went onstage and performed her routine . Then she looked out over the audience apprehensively . 1 His first game involved four and five year olds . Although he was kind and fair , several parents yelled at him . 1 Baylee then reached over and picked the ladybug up . She held it for a moment , then put the ladybug in her mouth . 0 This event caused him to turn his life around and get healthy . Jack did learn , however , that he had high blood pressure . 1 Laughing with joy , they dumped all the puzzle pieces out . For months they placed a few pieces each night after dinner . 0 He spit it out because it tasted so disgusting . Finally Todd gave in and ate the grasshopper . 0 They will return in 3 days . I am going to watch their cats . 0 A shivering woman greeted him when he opened the door . He was n't expecting company , and grabbed his gun . 1 She asked in the chat room and waited for a response . The supervisor was helping someone else with a complex issue . 0 He found a nirvana album . He went to the cd section . 1 Today Fred was with Tim all day . Fred accompanied Tim to his fifth birthday party . 1 I decided to drop a ball from the edge . I wanted to calculate the terminal velocity of the ball . 1 Jay felt down about it and decided not to register . That is , until he got older and did it again . 1 I tried to resist hitting her back although she would n't stop . At some point , I became mad . 1 Nicole 's birthday was soon . But she did n't know where to the party should be . 1 Becky 's mom let her carry the picnic basket on the family hike . As they walked through the woods , Becky trailed with the basket . 0 She awoke a few hours later with her wisdom teeth removed . Mary was nervous the day of her operation . 0 When she finished trying on shoes she checked out and left the store . She put her purse and her keys down on the shoe display . 0 She installed it at home and enjoyed watching her favorite movies . She ended up buying the biggest one in the store . 1 Gina and her friends walked away from the swings talking . The bully stuck her foot out as Gina passed . 1 When I returned , my sandwich was gone and my dog was looking happy . I will never trust a sandwich alone in my house again . 0 Her phone had fallen out of her pocket ! Suddenly she heard a noise and looked down . 1 The monster truck driver eyed the ramp for his next stunt . He hit the gas and flew 30 ' in the air over a line of cars . 1 He decided to wait until the last minute to buy groceries . When he went to the store they were out of all the essentials . 0 Kim saw some she wanted and put them aside . She sat on the floor as she sorted through the boxes . 0 But after three days of apples , she found something yucky . She took her apples home and started eating them . 1 She sat on the floor as she sorted through the boxes . Kim saw some she wanted and put them aside . 1 He counted forty beetles . He carefully noted any oddities about the beatles . 1 I drew a picture of him in a wheelchair . Above his head was a speech bubble that had him talking gibberish . 1 The chicken attacked him . He left the farm and got scared . 1 This time the train was late . I ended up being a half hour late . 1 He found a great new car and put a down payment on it . Then he took it to get registered and insured . 0 They drove the rental through the town until they got to a steep road . The cab took them to the car rental agency . 1 Zeke started to save more money at his job . Eventually , Zeke had enough money . 1 He grew up training every other day . He finally got the chance to enter the UFC . 0 He tried to sell them to a local theatre . He had a ton of homemade movies . 1 The computers my family bought were always mass produced generics . Some of my friends had awesome computers that could do anything . 0 He pulled his old gloves on . Cole was going outside to play . 1 Riley decides he wants to try baking one afternoon . He goes to the store to buy apples , intending to bake an apple pie . 0 When she was moving towards one , another car came through . She looked for a place to park in . 1 Surgery was scheduled for the next week . She is now missing a breast , but she is also cancer free ! 0 Determined , he and his wife tried again , but had another girl . But after nine months , the doctor presented him with a lovely girl ! 0 Unfortunately lightning struck Mike as they hiked . Instead of giving up they decided to take umbrellas . 1 She then realized she lost a tooth . She put it under her pillow . 1 Jan showed up at the reunion confident of her new look . But no one paid attention to Jan and her old beau walked past her . 0 Sure enough , she had caught at least a dozen frogs . On the trip back they ran into a friend with a large white bucket . 0 The family was able to huddle together for shelter in a barn . The torrential rainy came into the car through a crack in a window . 1 He impregnated his girlfriend and did not have money . Jobs did not want him . 0 Amy was upset to have failed the assignment . Her partner did the majority of the work for Amy . 0 But she had been struggling for hours . Amy was in labor . 0 After looking , Sarah was pleased and purchased the car . Sarah met with the seller of the car to look it over . 0 A whole lot of paper . Alas , the merchantman had a cargo of nothing but paper . 1 They brought some stale bread to feed to the ducks . She guided her kids to a little bench near the pond . 1 His buddies were steamed , but Taylor was smitten with the young lady . Taylor realized it was going to be a different kind of summer for him . 1 Tara had been feeling a bit tired lately . She went to her doctor to get a checkup . 0 He entered his roses in a state fair . He grew roses and violets . 1 Katie had a big presentation at work in the morning . She did n't get much sleep the night before due to her dog . 0 I met a girl named Nancy . I went to a bar . 1 Then he found out each weight was 50 pounds , not 100 . He had only lifted 100 pounds . 0 Now that she was grown up , she knew there were n't any monsters . Since she was a little girl , Helen was afraid to look under the bed . 0 At the end of the day she was thrilled . After playing for an hour , she finally won a thousand dollars . 0 But Vicki , she looked and waved as she took her first step down . The steps are always too high ! 0 Thankfully I bought a new conditioner to help . My hair has become so damaged and breaking off . 0 The bosses liked them but told Tim he should n't put dragon 's them . He created 20 new designs and showed them to his bosses . 1 Erin and Sam wanted chocolate strawberries . They went to the store to buy some . 1 He notices that his legs are starting to itch . Finally he changes his pants . 1 When I got there , it was raining very hard . I got to my hotel and stayed inside , hoping it would stop raining . 1 She set out with a group of climbers . They woke up before dawn and climbed all day . 1 Target was having a sale on cell phones . Jeremy bought a cell phone instead of a shirt . 1 After two Year 's of school she decided to drop out . Now she has the debt from law school but no degree . 0 It was now 10 . She had been in bed since 2 PM . 0 He really enjoyed them ! I fed my dog some tuna cakes . 1 A brother and sister liked throwing golf balls on the roof . They liked watching the golf balls roll down the roof . 1 The other kids called the teacher over . She was given a bandaid and a sucker to cheer her up . 0 Mary threatened to throw the recorder away if the noise did n't stop . Matthew 's mom Mary started to get a headache . 1 He picked up a rock and tossed it over . The rock hit the ground and a voice asked who threw it . 1 To fix this , he tried taking the dirty one to the kitchen to clean . Despite his best efforts , he was not able to wash it in the sink . 1 Kelly was using her phone on the train . She was streaming some videos . 1 Nick was excited and nervous at the same time . He went to the hospital to meet his new baby sister . 1 She searched for a way to use foreign language in everyday life . Schools with total immersion programs sent her applications . 1 He suddenly awoke to the sound of a lightning strike . It was pouring outside . 1 Jim and John were best friends . Jim accidentally hit John while playing . 0 I took it apart and found the problem . I decided that I was going to try to fix it myself . 0 They used that money to open the first Pizza Hut . In 1958 two brothers borrowed $ 600 from their mother . 1 It was at a school my child attends . I freaked out when I heard the news . 0 Since I was in a bad mood that day , I screamed at her . She even slapped me for no reason . 0 Amy had been kissed in the park , and the other girls saw it . Kim , Amy and Lynn were discussing boys . 0 She put the chicken nuggets in hot oil to fry them . She cut the chicken and breaded it . 1 But when he was almost to the park he hit a small rock . The rock made him fall and he broke his hand . 0 He was determined to win . The cowboy came to town for the rodeo . 1 Thalia wanted to go to the beach . She packed her beach bag and hurried out . 1 There were no presents to be found . She looked out the window and saw something miniature . 1 It was a very windy day . The kite flew very high . 0 They taught him many things and then gave him pilot training . As a teenager , he enrolled with the armed forces . 1 He goes to Cheeburger Cheeburger with some friends . He attempts it and finishes it . 0 She got all the ingredients together and put up the houses . She decided to make gingerbread houses with the kids . 1 Preparing for bed , she saw that she had lost her wedding ring ! It had slipped off in the warm soapy water at some point . 1 I had a job giving out Hershey 's Kisses . It was near the holidays so it was an easy sell . 0 Ivy had never tried it before . Ivy 's dad took her out for seafood . 0 Gina 's friend Mary was also writing a speech on dolphins . Her friends were all discussing their speeches . 0 When she got it she loved it . Finally she found some at the mall . 1 He was not prepared to fight a war . Karl finally got to go home . 1 He worked all day writing a song on guitar . The next day , he picked just the right words . 0 He was relieved that everyone was kind to him all day long . William worried that his friends might make fun of him . 1 It had been replaced with a new slide that was much taller . He was a bit scared but his grandfather urged him to try it . 1 But the location where he was to settle down was the problem . His advertising firm wanted him to relocate to New York City . 1 Until the oldest remembers she forgot her lunch . I rush to the kitchen and throw together a lunch for her . 0 Now I can hardly get up off the couch . All the weight was on me , and I pulled my low back . 0 We saw a giant manatee swimming right beside us with her baby . I yelled ahead at my husband that there is something in the water ! 1 Stacey and her dad decided to go meet at a rock wall . The two put their harnesses on and started climbing . 1 The judges looked over all of the paintings at the event . In the end , Frank did not place well at the competition . 1 Sid decided to take a break from long hours of homework . He thought he would just play video games for half an hour . 1 She began to appreciate the friendships and family she had . She made sure that she always lived life to its fullest . 0 He always stayed away from the turtle tank . He just had a weird fear of turtles . 1 When he got outside , his mom left . Therefore , a friend offered him a ride . 1 The poor man acknowledged there was a chance he 'd default . The mobster thought for a moment . 0 She did n't know what to do with it . She found a sand dollar along the shore . 1 We tried messing with all the settings . It turns out the film was too old . 0 I decided to run outside and look for the truck . The sound of an ice cream truck became more loud . 0 He heard a loud noise outside his tent one night . River was going camping in the Rockies . 1 We had trouble with noise , pest control , and heating . We sold our condo in 2013 . 1 She was very lonely and could n't decide what to do about it . While watching TV , she saw an ad for the local humane society . 0 Finally the bug went away . She screeched and tried to get it out with a broom . 0 The owner delivered it within an hour . Instead , he bought a new one online . 1 As a teenager , he enrolled with the armed forces . They taught him many things and then gave him pilot training . 0 He spent months preparing for the ultimate journey . Winston 's life goal was to hike the Appalachian trail . 1 Ida wanted cereal , but could n't have milk . One day , I discovered almond milk . 0 They recommended that she learn the language before going . She was talking to some experienced travelers . 0 She would talk and play music . Her daughter came every day to see her . 0 A customer came in and he tried to sell them to her . Mark , the baker , was desperate to sell the last three . 0 He decides to always grind beans immediately before making coffee . Rufus loves the way that coffee from freshly ground beans tastes . 1 They went to the local dog shelter and there was a 1-year-old husky ! They adopted him and named him Scooter . 0 She held it for a moment , then put the ladybug in her mouth . Baylee then reached over and picked the ladybug up . 0 They later hired a nanny . They considered getting a nanny . 0 Pat suggested dancing lessons for the two of them . Lindsay did not know how to dance . 1 Emma was making a soup . She followed her recipe step by step . 1 He went online to buy some but saw the price had gone up again . Dan could n't afford to buy more pistachios . 0 She decided to try stirring in some chocolate chips instead . She had no more hot cocoa powder left ! 0 Tom ran over a piece of fabric that he did not see . Tom inspected it to see what was wrong . 0 After this ambush , I ran some errands , eventually going home . As a special treat , I put some ice into several of them . 0 Paolo is very happy that he has learned a sport . He practices every day until he becomes a great soccer player . 1 Kent is playing a game of chess . He moves his queen forward . 0 He got another pair and still nothing . Al could n't hear anything out of his new headphones . 1 She did a few spins and jumps like the pros . No one was around so she gave herself applause . 1 One day he did just that , a whole meal of broccoli . Stewart was happy that day . 0 Jill decided to find a part time job to make up the difference . Her parents said they would give her half . 0 Then one day her doctor told her she had hyperthyroidism . She tried every diet she could but nothing helped . 0 It was such a nice time . Then he took me to lunch . 1 Matt secretly likes Jamie so this was a good excuse to be with her . He goes to her house and they study . 0 After about ten moves she was beating me pretty badly . I was mad because I 'd rather play chess . 0 The toy was much smaller than on the commercial . His face lit up when his hand grazed plastic among the cereal . 1 Sarah wanted to get some more comic books for her collection . She drove up town to the local comic book store with her friend Emily . 0 Afel decided to dig a new well upstream . Afel did not have any water . 1 I was disappointed that my earbuds broke . I therefore proceeded to buy some new ones at the store . 0 He was able to get enough food to last until his paycheck . Finally , he found a food bank in town . 1 I stepped to the line to shoot the game tying free throw . The ball bounced around the rim before falling out . 0 Brian felt bad for waking up late . Brian called his friend to walk the dog . 1 Chad loved mangos . Chad decided he would plant a mango tree in his yard . 1 Jake was upset but called the store . they were able to match the price since it was a recent purchase . 0 He loved their taste and consistency . Steve tasted thin and thick noodles at the restaurant . 0 Jane felt very sad for her loss . Jane 's old dog recently passed away . 1 It was really gross and he made a mess . Soon , he got everything all cleaned up and the baby was good . 1 The biggest present was a car toy he had really wanted . He opened the box and tried to use it . 1 His friend , Mark , said John is n't as good as Mary . So John challenged Mary to a game . 0 Lexi cried on her way to the barber shop . And thought of how long she has been letting it grow . 1 Fred wanted to open up a restaurant . He called it Fred 's Fries . 0 The next day the coach sat us all down and chewed us out . We just got through a losing football season . 0 Kim realized she left her umbrella in her locker at school . Rain drops began to fall as Kim searched her bag for her umbrella . 1 Martha followed them from the kitchen door into the living room . There were crawling all over a piece of bread on the floor . 0 They talked about how he met the right woman . He was worried so his best man Jeremy came to help . 1 Mirna had always been a healthy woman . She began to experience pain on a daily basis . 1 However , Brad came into the party with his game console . He called on Brad to play a game with him . 0 He was afraid ! It was Timmy 's first dentist appointment . 0 Brandon has learned to deal with his fear . Brian 's brother was burned badly in a fire once . 1 The club was discreet , he barely found the entrance . Inside he drank wine and ate gourmet food , all he could eat . 1 A national talent scout visited Shannon 's church one day . Shannon sang for the talent scout . 0 The dolls were in great condition . I bought some dolls on eBay for my wife . 0 She decided to make herself a cup of coffee in the break room . Tabatha was feeling tired at work . 1 She noticed she left the kitchen window open . She was sure the cat ran away and frantically searched outside . 1 They invited her and began the practice try outs . Tiffany 's internet died and she did not make it onto the team . 0 Amy was shocked since Beth was n't very disciplined . Amy 's best friend Beth joined the Army . 1 He was exasperated and threw down his control . Shar returned the control to Johan and they played another game . 1 The campers went into the woods . They were collecting wood for a fire . 1 Ray finds it all to be working . Somehow the system came unplugged . 1 my dog is really old . he does n't like to play anymore . 1 The girls trudged through the thick wet snow . After 20 minutes they gave up and caught a public bus home . 1 Lucy was running from an angry old man . She had been playing with his puppy before he got angry . 0 Jen has never been so embarrassed in her entire life . The woman tells her that she not pregnant , just fat . 1 The old man dreamed of swimming across the English Channel . The old man tried it and was never heard from again 0 When the judges announced she had won , she was so happy . She really wanted to win . 1 He decides that he would like to try making it at home . Lars buys avocado , onion , lime , and cilantro . 0 Her mother heard her crying and ran to release her tongue . Lily licked the pole and her tongue got stuck . 0 They try so hard but they always have a losing record . That 's very hard for a true fan like me to know . 0 Instead of yelling to stop or helping him . He saw a man about to jump off a bridge . 0 She could n't drive across the street . She headed north towards the closed street . 1 The cereal box was open so it made a mess . Bill stomped on the cereal to further his mess . 0 He bought a black one since he loved wearing black . He left to the store and decided to buy a new sweater . 1 She ran and asked her grandma if they could go see fireworks . Grandma reminded her that would n't be for hours . 1 Jake 's dad pulled into the driveway . The boys went out to greet Jake 's dad . 0 I went back to camp and made a fire . I camped all day long . 0 Fred paints a terrific portrait of his friend . His friend agrees to pose for him . 0 Suddenly he got a sprained ankle . Arnold was playing basketball with friends . 1 When Dan saw Rob 's prize was cooler than his he was angry . He asked his brother if he could have it . 1 They challenged the New York Jets to a game . The Jets came to town and accepted the challenge . 1 Joe was it . Joe tried to find his friends but tripped . 1 She was talking to some experienced travelers . They recommended that she learn the language before going . 1 He tried to buy souvenirs . But everything was so expensive ! 0 She clicked on the link and discovered a new song . Suddenly she spotted an obscure looking video from her favorite band . 0 I apologized because Sister Jean is a nun . I hit Sister Jean in the mouth with my fist . 1 My wife bought me a new jacket the other day . It 's nice and fluffy but has one flaw . 1 She secretly pinched off a piece to plant . The neighbor noticed the ivy growing up the side of Dora 's house . 0 When I looked at my pants , there were grass marks . I tried to dodge him but ended up slipping . 1 Megan 's car turned off halfway through the road . She got out of her to take a look at the engine . 0 They do n't have a way to break dollars into quarters . He goes to a car wash , but does n't have any quarters . 1 Nadine and her pal planned to go to Vegas . Nadine thought of a strategy to win at roulette . 0 She never planned ahead for the week by making a shopping list . Margaret does the grocery shopping for her family of four . 1 I wanted to buy a boat . My wife said no . 0 They were kind enough to offer some of their food . In addition , I got along with those who were rooting for the same team 1 As she appeared at the office of her boss , she got a strange feeling . He immediately began making sexual and suggestive comments . 1 Mike cried and said he wanted to be with his dad . The court ruled in his mom 's favor , and Mike moved away . 0 Luckily a stranger helped them fix it . Unfortunately they got a flat tire . 0 Linda invited him to lunch and was jolly when they returned . On Friday , Charles wore new sneakers to work . 1 Dori invited her friend Hannah to her dance recital . Hannah said she did n't want to go out of pure laziness . 0 She had been looking forward to her grandma 's cooking for days . Gina was upset her family had n't saved her breakfast . 1 He broke his previous one by dropping it . He shopped around at the mall . 1 The cook placed the crockpot on the counter and plugged it in . He tossed in a large slab of meat and many cups of water . 0 It was my hat , stuck in a bush ! I was just about to give up when I saw something far away . 1 Everything was going well we were having a great time . We danced with our friends all night , then our special song came on . 0 Karl finally got to go home . He was not prepared to fight a war . 0 He wanted to build a trap door on his front step . A man was angry that he kept getting people to annoy him at his house . 0 I left the store , without my items , calling banks to cancel cards . I panicked , sure someone had stolen it . 1 Edna had a laser pointer to teach a class . A student stole her laser pointer . 1 Toothpaste got all over her hair . Sammy had to quickly take another shower before work to get it out . 1 He grew roses and violets . He entered his roses in a state fair . 1 He stopped running when he got into college . He still has his track jacket from high school . 0 So she decided to do something about it . Roxy no longer liked how her body looked . 1 I was outside with my wife one day . We brought jars with holes in the lids . 0 He was able to steer the balloon towards a field . He was running out of gas and the balloon was falling . 0 He fell , gave himself a concussion , and could not play again that day . Terry tried to get off when they did it for a second time . 0 She asks the man at the counter to write Happy Birthday on it . Mary buys her son Matthew an Oreo ice cream cake for his birthday . 0 The jackhammer dug into my toe . But , I was n't being careful . 1 I camped all day long . I went back to camp and made a fire . 0 One of my neighbors likes to smoke . I have seven neighbors . 1 That night he watched the television for the winning numbers . He listened for the numbers to be called out . 0 He and his friends filled up buckets of apples . Joe 's class went to the orchard on a class trip . 1 He decided to be an astronaut when he grew up . His mom sent him to space camp to learn the ropes ! 1 Next he passed an entrance exam and a physical . He leaves for China in two weeks . 0 When he went to check the phone , he realized that it was dead . He had planned on watching a movie on his phone . 1 When it loaded she frantically added it to her cart . She was about to check out when she noticed she could n't find her card . 0 He carefully noted any oddities about the beatles . He counted forty beetles . 0 He decided to take a martial arts class . Ryan wanted to make sure he could defend himself . 1 He was on the verge of getting fired . He bought himself a belt from the store . 1 The man acted as if everything was normal . My husband paid him cash , then loaded up the boat and drove away . 1 Eventually , they convinced me to try a little bit . It was the most delicious thing I had eaten in months . 1 Louie was the most athletic kid in school . He spent all day at football practice running drills . 1 He then went and pulled his dad over to start another movie . His dad went through all of the tapes looking for one that was rewound . 0 So he went to the amazon jungle . Greg wanted to take an exciting vacation . 1 Ever since starting 6th grade , Ethan struggled with Science . On Monday Ethan got every question on his science test wrong . 1 Debbie was concerned when her doctor came into the labor room . The doctor told her that one of her readings was wrong . 0 She wound up moving out far earlier . Unfortunately it was too uncomfortable . 1 He decided it was time for a change He joined an adult basketball league 0 Bob told the man that it was not okay to be racist . Bob scolded the man . 1 He hit the ball as hard as he could . When he hit the ball it shattered the window . 0 She looked at it with a Realtor . Sheryl drove to a new house . 0 Amy was all over the court after two Red Bulls . In the 10 minutes it took to walk there , she had drank it all . 0 She opened the book and scanned the contents . But there was only one way to find out . 1 He slapped their faces , kicked their knees , and made rude gestures . Ray was forcibly put into his room . 1 It came out really well and Matt was pleased . He used the table in his dining room for the rest of his life . 1 They went out into the water before noticing the waves were so large . Louise 's boyfriend got caught in the waves and tumbled around . 0 He started to cry right in the restaurant . He looked everywhere but could n't find it . 0 Charlie needed to seek work quickly to keep up with paying bills . Charlie was unemployed though she was a good worker . 0 He ended up buying a fake tree . He did not want to spend too much money on it . 0 Jon sued him . Alas , the window cleaner accidentally smashed one of the windows . 1 Suddenly , she hit a rock . The jeep tipped over . 0 Peaches was sweet , but not very obedient . Lisa had had her dog Peaches for several years . 1 He changed the filter and put the new ground coffee in . He turned on the coffee machine and went to use the bathroom . 1 They were well known for winning championships in dodgeball . They practiced very hard . 0 He finished and realized the two paints did not match . He bought a can and went back to his work . 1 After arriving at the courthouse I approached the county clerk . It was n't long before i was registered ! 1 Steve beat Mary four times in a row . Mary sat on the steps with a sad look on her face . 1 Her father fell and had hip surgery . She later reported on FB that her dad was recovering from the surgery . 1 Carly had been playing flute for three years now . She saw a flute in a music store that was bright blue . 0 Kim settled on a traditional monogram bag and her mother paid for it . All of the bags in the store looked absolutely wonderful . 1 She missed her husband who had been on a business trip . She wished that he was with her because the day was beautiful . 0 While there , Chad was offered a piece of cake . Chad was recently visiting his sister for Christmas . 0 We named him Bruno . My parents decided to buy me a new one . 0 He grilled them up and ate them at home , satisfied . Alan had to go to the grocery store and buy his own hot dogs . 1 Barry was working in his shop and decided he had way too much stuff . While looking through his tools he realized he did not all of them . 1 He began to bet big on every game he went to . He kept losing until he started to play craps . 1 The bus came an hour late since the driver had to fix the bus . When the driver arrived to school , everyone rushed to their class . 1 I was just about to give up when I saw something far away . It was my hat , stuck in a bush ! 0 He finally decided on the University of Mississippi . He started making visits . 1 I have always been ashamed of my weight . I am much larger than most other men . 0 Mark felt bad for Sam . He worked hard but could n't save up the money . 0 She decided to try lighter fluid to remove it . My mother was not pleased . 0 He was acting kind of strange . Julie was at the beach with her boyfriend . 0 I like to eat my burgers with a lot of mustard . We all wanted to eat burgers from the food court . 0 They had a cooler full of food . Bob went camping with his family . 0 Then the dentist lecture me as well and told me I need a filling . My parents gave me a lecture on how I should brush my teeth more . 1 At school , I was having a hard time seeing the blackboard clearly . At baseball practice , he was having trouble catching and hitting . 0 Jane builds a terrific treehouse using wood , nails , and plastic . She decides she would like for them to spend more time outdoors . 1 He quickly became proficient after diligent practicing . In high school , girls liked to hear him play . 0 Tom was happy when he got a fat unemployment check . He decided to file for unemployment . 1 All the girls loved it except Tina . Tina really wanted to leave . 1 He thought if he worked with money he would be happy . He took a job at a bank . 1 He could have a hamburger , a peanut butter sandwich , or a salad . Mike ate the hamburger , but he was still hungry . 0 Unfortunately , he has to close again tomorrow . He had to call security to escort the customer out . 0 She had walked two hours up through a canyon . Sadie was on a hike . 1 After going through the closet , I found a better outfit . I received many positive comments about it when I went to the party . 0 Afterwards he drove me home . The dinner was great . 0 He left the farm and got scared . The chicken attacked him . 1 She went to the bathroom and then came back . She saw that her toddler had emptied out an entire pack of baby wipes . 1 David asked what was in the bag . His date showed him CDs , she was nervous and brought some too ! 1 Alan went to bed late . He set his alarm so he would not oversleep . 1 She was on her way to lunch when she heard a loud noise . She pulled over and got out of the car . 0 Paul hurried to the store to prepare . The blizzard was coming up in just a few days . 0 One year I did not have any vanilla pudding . I always make my dad a banana cream pie for his birthday . 0 However , he eventually started to roam around freely . I tried to stay with him for the whole day . 1 She spent the whole day cooking and baking . She made roast and vegetables and two gorgeous pies . 1 He was n't naturally gifted at the sport , but he had drive . Marco sat most of the last game on the bench . 1 The bigger the better . One day Bev hit a rock on the way down . 1 Her mom gets her dressed and ready for her big day . Brittany is happy and excited for school . 0 She packed up the car and headed to the store . She decided she should take them for ice cream . 0 He figured that no one would try to break his bathroom . Tim never locked his bathroom window . 0 Both parents had grown up in broken homes . The parents knew a divorce would be rough on the children . 0 She decided that it was time to end her vacation early . She was very upset about this . 0 Elena picked him up and took him to the vet . One day she spotted a stray dog by the side of the road . 0 She was crying throughout the trip until we arrived at the hospital . While we were in the car , she was constantly complaining . 1 She planned to spend ten months living with a host family . She would go to school and learn in a new language . 1 Randy kept getting random calls They all seemed to be pranking him . 0 Sam went to the animal shelter to look for a dog . He had asked his mother and father for one and they said yes . 0 Bill passed and was awarded his GED ! He passed , so he took the real thing . 1 She spent the morning scouring the internet for recipes . After deciding on red velvet , she procured the needed ingredients . 1 Ryan had a combover . Everyone noticed , and his wife told him to shave his head . 1 Yet unfortunately they saw a rat . Reece screamed . 0 He quickly scratched off his numbers . He went to the gas station and purchased a scratch off ticket . 1 She scrubbed under the rim of the toilet . She heard a clink . 1 Harold was obsessed with fossils . He had fossil bedsheets , fossil placemats , and a fossil keychain . 1 George visited his friend 's grave after one such dream . He laid flowers down and noticed a figure off in the distance . 1 He bought the most expensive ones he could find . He installed them himself . 1 He created 20 new designs and showed them to his bosses . The bosses liked them but told Tim he should n't put dragon 's them . 0 My friends brought soda , chips and dip . I was having a barbeque with a couple of friends . 1 The judge said he was guilty . He had to pay a fine . 1 Tony is unsuccessful in his search . Tony ends up stocking shelves at a grocery store . 1 He found help through his doctor . After gary got the help he needed he still drank 0 But I think I may be neglecting my chest muscles . My favorite thing to do is curls . 0 One thing led to another and I was distracted for 30 minutes . I went downstairs to talk to my kids . 0 It came to me unassembled . Today I bought a new dresser . 1 There was an opportunity for a job by my sons school . They hired me to build their internet . 1 Her mom agreed that Ivy was old enough to shave . Ivy shaved her legs and was not mocked any more ! 0 There , he visited many temples and mosques . Neil took a train to the city of Rabat . 1 It started to rain outside . I went into my room to hide under the covers . 0 They were collecting wood for a fire . The campers went into the woods . 0 He saved enough money and his dad paid for half of the mustang . Tim got a job and did what his dad said . 0 However , he was safe and got up . He ended up falling off the stage . 0 In our final bout , I furiously wrestled her to the ground . This went on for years until I realized I had become bigger than she . 1 Johnny sat at his desk staring at his book desolate . He wracks his brain for any idea but nothing comes . 1 He could n't seem to shake the awful memories of things that happened . He went to a doctor and begged for drugs that would help him forget . 1 There were five playful terrier puppies . Len played with them all . 1 The plan did n't work . The economy went in the bucket . 1 Jane was eating at a fancy restaurant . She noticed a dead fly in her food . 0 In his youth , he spent free time reading medical books . Mitchell grew up wanting to be a doctor , just like his father . 0 Braden began a professional blog which is now his decent paying job . Turns out people enjoyed reading about his rants online . 0 He came home with lots of pictures and stories to tell . He also made sure to take in as much local cuisine as he could ! 0 He knew his trip could n't be complete without a visit to see geisha . Neil was visiting Japan . 1 Anna was sewing a dress . She cut out the pattern pieces . 1 Caroline had a white cat . One day her cat went missing . 1 Nicole wanted to run a mile in 7 minutes . She could only run a mile in 10 minutes . 0 His favorite pastime was his gliding squirrel suit . Bob was an extreme sport enthusiast . 0 They played fetch . Tammy played with her dog in the park . 0 He was so excited to play the old game again . He spotted an old Gameboy game his dad had taken away . 1 When I got home I collected all of my white clothes . I put the clothes in a large bucket and poured in the dye . 0 They were full of the delicious treat ! The kids tummies hurt by the time they went to bed that night . 0 He always wanted a cat . He saw a cat . 1 Sam was frightened . He began carefully trying to retrace his steps . 0 That night he even saw a performance there ! there he saw the beautiful Sydney opera House . 1 He planned on entering a costume contest with his friend Sam . Sam and Jimmy were going to dress as Superman and Batman . 0 He brought a container of gin and juice . Rory went to a house party . 0 I have been resting all day to save my energy for the match . I am going against the defending champion . 0 They were waiting for the fries when the bus began to board . While they waited , they decided to buy some fries . 1 A man built a cabin on a hilltop by the sea . The view was lovely . 0 On Eric 's walk to the party , a fire-truck left the station . Tina 's party is near a fire-station . 1 Mary is worried that he account has been suspended . She goes online and checks some related forums . 0 It was going to be a big job and Tyler felt overwhelmed . Tyler 's parents told him to clean up the basement . 1 We took her to the emergency room . The doctor said it was ok , and she quickly healed . 0 Within seconds of starting , all lights came on and it stopped . He put on his lap belt and threw his hands in the air . 1 Kenny was home alone at night when he heard noises downstairs . He crept down the stairs with a baseball bat , scared and tense . 1 Oswald could not find a dog he could afford . Oswald decided that he should not buy a dog . 1 Jennifer volunteered at an animal shelter last year . One day , a man brought in a pony named Alf . 1 Mike 's business then became fully self sustaining , freeing Mikes time . Mike then decided to use his free time promoting his business . 0 After a few months , Drew had the neatest handwriting in class . It took a long time before his letters were legible . 1 Kim and her friend wanted to go to Times Square while in NYC . Kim thought it would be best to go at night to see the lights . 0 There was only said to be a 10 percent chance of rainy . It was a hot and sunny Saturday morning at the beach . 0 The lid came off mid-shake . He grabbed the salt shaker to salt his fries . 1 Greg had an abrasive personality and many people did not like him . Their reputation suffered because of this . 0 I do n't have to give massages anymore . I told her I went to the doctor and he said I have severe arthritis . 1 A month later , we took our second exam for the class . I got a perfect score and belittled Diana since she failed hers . 0 It was scary being all alone . Last week she decided to go late at night . 0 Dan has debts to pay but can not pay them . This justifies his behavior and he ends up losing . 1 Then they went out for a few drinks . They confessed that they 'd both hated the movie . 0 She , her friend , and two others were in a stringed quartet . Rae went to her friend 's house for rehearsal . 0 It never bothered me that there were no lifeguards there . When I was younger , I often went to a very secluded beach to swim . 1 Barry was feeling a bit ill . He had drank too much coffee this morning . 0 He had bought her a BLANK book to write her own stories ! But when she saw his gift , she was very pleased . 1 Mark wants to be a doctor real bad . He 's trying to decide where to get his degree from . 1 I would like to go one day . It would be fun to come back with a win . 0 Kyle spent the rest of the day eating burgers and watching Netflix . To his surprise , Burger King had wifi . 1 Alas , the window cleaner accidentally smashed one of the windows . Jon sued him . 1 Linda wanted a new hair cut . She went to the salon but there was a new stylist . 0 It went flying across the field as he ran to first base . The second time he made contact with the ball . 0 I picked up the newspaper off my grass . I went out to my yard . 1 Timmy was a great roller skater . When winter came , he decided to try ice skating instead . 1 I took my dog to the park the other day . All of a sudden another big dog comes toward us . 1 She thought and thought , and finally she had a great idea . On his birthday , she presented him with a library card ! 0 Seeing that it closed late , the group got into a car and drove there . They saw that a new pizza restaurant had opened . 1 One evening he came home and found a thunderbolt line of ants . He vacuumed the ants . 0 I dropped down to a muscular 186 lbs . I spent that year working out and the summer dieting too . 1 He also loved to chase after birds . But soon Roger will get tired . 0 He was happy to welcome her children . Amy married Mark knowing he had been married before . 0 Once the rainy toned down , I got inside my car and headed to work . I was impatiently waiting for the storm to clear up . 1 He saw a bird fly overhead and wished he could fly along with it . He wanted to be anywhere else but here . 1 One day , he challenged his friend to a game . He lost by two points . 1 He kayaked through the Maldives . There , he saw the amazing phenomenon . 1 After an hour he was getting the hang of it . He was proud when he finally finished the first level . 1 One question was so hard that she needed to google it . With some help , she was able to finish it . 1 She went to the tanning salon every day for a month . Her friends seemed envious of Nancy 's golden glow . 0 He vacuumed the ants . One evening he came home and found a thunderbolt line of ants . 0 He took a year off before he returned to school in the fall of 1989 . Shawn graduated high school in 1988 . 0 He sent money through the credit card application . Henry was trying to pay off his credit card . 1 Tom finds out that she was put up to it . Tom is furious that his friend paid a woman to flirt with him . 0 Kevin 's team eventually won . Luckily his nerves did not affect his performance . 1 He decided to try it one more time . He added the flower and water to his skillet . 0 The guys in the band could n't believe how good he was . On the board at school there was an ad looking for a keyboardist . 0 He opened a business building wood furniture . Seth loved to craft things with his saw . 0 I closed my laptop and used my phone as an internet source . They told me that their type of charger is not the same as mines . 0 She saw a woman nearby who reeked of the perfume . While admiring the paintings , she was overpowered by a strong scent . 1 Our cat likes to nap on our bed . When she naps I can not make the bed . 1 Jenny found out that the band was going to be playing in their town . They had a yard sale of their stuff to raise money . 1 His mother hired a recommended tutor to help Rick . Rick worked with the tutor , who helped him to grasp his schoolwork . 0 But once she became a mom she knew she had to . So she never figured out how to swim . 0 I saw a cop and tried to slow down . Driving on the highway I was going 20 over the speed limit . 1 He was angry at the other woman as well . She thought about confronting her . 0 She had a few but not enough . She needed to get some boxes . 1 The next day he went to the pet store to get fish . He bought some fish and food . 0 We slowly made our way down to the car . I decided to bring my daughter back down the mountain . 1 He stopped at an intersection and waited to cross the street . When the crossing signal changed , he began to jog again . 1 Someone came along and took my hand . I continued to skate the rest of the night . 0 After he picked up several groceries , he dropped them . The elder was walking around the store . 1 I ran down the stairs into the basement . A tornado passed over my house that night ! 1 Andrew responded during the end of the day . He said that he felt sick and was not able to do anything . 1 She would always be glued to it . One day she noticed she had neck pain . 1 The bike shop opened up on Tremont Street . They sold a bike made in China . 0 Walking was difficult at first , but Owen persevered . When he healed , he was fitted with a prosthetic . 0 The lamp shattered and Monica yelled at both of them to stop fighting . Suddenly , one of them threw a lamp at the other . 0 Joe was too scared to drive again . And his parents had to pay a fine . 0 Tom became extremely frustrated . Since she had plans , she refused to go . 0 Everyone knew this except Blake . The only problem was , Blake could n't sing . 1 Finally she found some at the mall . When she got it she loved it . 1 Laura immediately went on it . However to her dismay she fell and skinned her knee . 1 He collected eggs and milked the cows . The farmer ended his day by sipping on some ice tea . 1 We all felt bad about it . The next day , we went out for dinner with him when he asked . 0 We live in a small condo so it was hard to hide the bike . It was a one speed fat tired bike . 1 Paul could n't wait to pick up his new car . He went to the dealership and signed all the final papers . 0 She put them into the oven . Then she put them in a baking pan . 0 Ada picked it and kept it with her always for luck . She found one four-leaf clover growing in the midst of it . 0 He decided to create a vacation savings fund . Tom wanted to go on a vacation . 1 I tried my luck and tried to take a passion fruit to the mainland . I was arrested when the plane landed . 1 Mary was nervous the day of her operation . She awoke a few hours later with her wisdom teeth removed . 0 Tom and Shannon watched a movie together . Shannon invited him in offering him a drink . 0 He freed the bird as quickly as he could . He found a bird tangled in fishing line . 0 She started wearing makeup to look like them . She had always wanted to be more like them . 1 They beat Robert because he was hiding it . Robert laid on his cot and planned an escape . 0 I decided to put up a nice fence around the yard . My yard was looking kind of empty . 0 On his birthday , Eric 's wife revealed the trip to him . A few weeks before his birthday , she booked a trip to Las Vegas . 1 He noticed a card from an unusual address . The card turned out to be from Tyler 's best friend from college . 1 He had crammed all night and it was now 7 AM . He started to get ready for class , and sat on the couch for a second . 1 Ken wanted to play catch with his dad . His dad was too tired from work . 0 She told him that he 's not going to school today because you are sick . She came back with a thermometer and took his temperature . 0 We got reservations at the restaurant there . We took our niece to Disney and made sure to see Cinderella Castle . 1 He decided to tell his teacher about the bully . The teacher called the bully 's parents . 1 He went through the drive thru for lunch . Someone had already paid for his meal ! 0 He checked his roof and heaters and found nothing . He decided to investigate . 1 Her friends were enjoying the song when she turned the radio off . Her friends were upset , but she could n't bare to hear that song again . 1 The lady at the store told her she would need 2 hides for her project . The least expensive hides were $ 80 each and not very nice . 1 He decided to go skydiving on his birthday . He took a video of him skydiving . 1 Reuben becomes a dominant force Reuben plans to play in college . 1 She looked for a place to park in . When she was moving towards one , another car came through . 0 Eventually Donna beat Lisa in a tiebreaker . Donna practiced every day for hours . 1 The cowboy came to town for the rodeo . He was determined to win . 0 She thought they were both females . Hillary had two rabbits . 0 A plumber came over and Mark was glad to finally have it fixed . Mark finally cleaned up and told his landlord about the leak . 0 Her husband helped her cut and assemble all the parts . She bought logs and supplies . 0 My wife had a good time . The food was very good . 0 Lars buys avocado , onion , lime , and cilantro . He decides that he would like to try making it at home . 0 His friends are worried that he is becoming despondent . Jason feels heartbroken after his girlfriend leaves him . 0 They can not wait to go back . They went back to school that afternoon . 0 When it ended we all laughed . After I while I got the hang of it . 1 He scored an early goal for his team . He won the game with a last minute goal . 1 He was the teacher 's pet from the start of the school year . As always , he brought his teacher an apple . 1 Sandra made cookies everyday . It was yesterday she made her worst batch ever . 1 Lisa challenged Betty to a game of hopscotch . Betty had never played before . 0 Suzie went to the grocery store to get the ingredients . His favorite is chocolate cake . 0 He hit the gas and flew 30 ' in the air over a line of cars . The monster truck driver eyed the ramp for his next stunt . 0 All is n't rosy and keen . No signals rattle around in the air and confuse his brain . 0 Herman was so excited the next day , hoping that Stampy would write him On day Herman Wrote to Stampy . 1 She thought the other teens would tease her . Then she overheard a cute boy saying how nice glasses looked ! 1 Ryan wanted to make sure he could defend himself . He decided to take a martial arts class . 0 A few years later , Dan was flying fighter jets . Dan decided to join the Air Force to become a pilot . 0 When her kids tried to break into it she could always tell . She made sure that the closet was locked at all times . 0 Within one month he had a new job that paid 30 % more ! But he was more marketable than he thought . 0 He grew up poor and unremarkable . William never thought he would become American president . 1 As I walked out of the movie theater I saw a homeless man . He was asking for money to eat . 1 Slowly he began to understand the work . Soon Micah had improved his math grades ! 1 Yet thankfully I was done in ten minutes . I could not believe it . 0 Today she received a confirmation email from the hair salon . She forgot to note the appointment on her calendar . 1 He bought lots of bottled water from the store . He stuck to his plan to be soda free . 0 At some point , he lost track of his phone . James was at a soccer game . 0 He purchased camera equipment and travel tickets . Richard saved his money from his job for years . 1 He tried to find an excuse not to do it . Colin saw his dog and tried to get him to eat it . 0 The head chef told the new cook that he did a good job . The new cook was quick but was not fast enough . 1 Carson was a basketball player . He challenged his friend to a basketball game . 1 He had tried to teach himself , but it was no good . He sought a professional tutor . 1 Matt commented on her looks . She felt flattered and tried to touch her eyebrow . 1 Billy had a habit of telling convenient lies . First , he lied to his parents about his report card . 1 He did n't care about any other gifts that day . As soon as he got on it he fell on his face . 1 He developed this fear from watching a horror movie . One day , his parents rescued a dog from the shelter . 1 After two Year 's Shana started to wonder if she was going to marry him . He eventually told her he was with her for convenience only . 0 He bought the new kingdom hearts game . Jerry went to gamestop . 0 She wanted Amber to work for her . Missey always had medical problems . 1 But he almost always had an answer . His nice teacher encouraged him to raise his hand the next day . 0 He took lessons and practiced often . He decided to learn to play the drums . 1 William worried that his friends might make fun of him . He was relieved that everyone was kind to him all day long . 0 Jessica decided to make him toothless . But some of the teeth broke off ! 1 Berry agreed and the went to cut it . Before Coby could choose , Berry put both pieces in his mouth . 1 When there was finally a break in the storm , she ran out to hide eggs . The kids rejoiced in a quick egg hunt right before it started pouring . 0 Josh caught the man on camera . Later , the man tried to rob Josh 's house again . 0 He made and brought his signature dish to the contest . He entered a cooking contest where he will be judged in a blind test . 0 Next , I tried on a pantsuit . I decided the dress was too tight and looked unprofessional . 1 She wrapped them in a big box . When her niece opened it , she threw the toys aside . 0 Ally knocked on her parents ' door . This year she is going to surprise them ! 1 The claw dropped down and squeezed the pig . The pig slipped from the claw just as it reached the chute . 1 However , the dog knocked the fruit onto the ground . So Jill drew a picture of a fruit basket instead . 1 Tammy went to the nearest department store makeup counter . She told the girl she wanted a makeover . 0 A big wind suddenly blew across the road . Chuck was driving home from work . 1 Tod owned a stuffed penguin named Ivan . Tod took Ivan to the zoo to see other penguins . 0 Lacey opened the door and saw nothing but a box . Suddenly there was a knock at the door . 1 He had to call his girlfriend to pick him up . He got the car fixed the next day . 1 Co-workers complimented the coat and asked if it was real . Sheila simply smiled and nodded . 1 Tim did not hear his alarm . He woke up 45 minutes late . 1 These folks believed they were helping me . I still smoke , and many people are sad , but maybe I 'll quite someday . 1 He tried to talk to her about it . Jake 's girlfriend did n't want to listen . 1 We bought tickets and saw a dull game . The Bruins lost in overtime . 1 He realized that it was his girlfriend , making out with a guy . The girlfriend told him that there 's a good reason behind her actions . 1 We checked the internet for reviews of nearby places . We found one within walking distance . 1 She began writing a long list of reasons why she should have a dog . When she had finished , Carrie brought the list to her parents . 1 Frannie was always cold . She decided to purchase a heated blanket . 0 He was a bit scared but his grandfather urged him to try it . It had been replaced with a new slide that was much taller . 0 Her siblings began walking in the house . Her mother was trying desperately to calm her down . 0 He was so full that he did n't even have room for dessert . Within minutes , Hunter had devoured all of the food . 1 Joe missed the first shot . Joe cocked back and let this second shot fly . 1 We laughed as the cat and dog batted at the ornaments . It was n't so funny when the tree was knocked over . 0 We tried to push our way up to the front and ended up in a mosh pit . The concert was at an outdoor ampitheater in Washington state . 1 She got to work 30 minutes late . Anna 's boss was upset and warned her not to be late again . 0 The house lights came on and she took a bow . Marina twirled and twisted exotically . 1 There was a forest fire in the mountains . The firefighters were called to come help . 0 She noticed the light bulb was flickering so she called her son Adam . One day grandma turned on her lamp . 0 Amy knocked but there was no one to let her in . When she got to the door it was locked . 0 Jimmy had to extinguish the fire with water from the sink . It created a small fire in his oven . 0 Alex had a hard time waking up the next morning . They got home late afterwards . 1 During the run , she got exhausted . It was a workout . 0 He liked to bounce it and he did . Harry had a red ball . 0 So , I called her and told her there was an emergency . I decided to set him up . 0 I drove her there and waited in the eating area . It was in Whitman , 20 miles away from Boston . 1 Johnny played baseball for the local little league team . They played in a big game yesterday and won . 0 It sounds like a bell tower during a wedding in her house all day . She sets them each a little different so she can hear them chime . 0 After looking high and low , they found the perfect tree . They found a good batch that some Boy Scouts were selling nearby . 1 I laid it on the floor . Yet to my surprise I found out that the embroidery was ripped . 1 He had been out of America for 4 years . He was finally going to come home in two days . 1 The picture did n't look right . He tried different adjustments . 0 Jill forgot the meatballs ! She kept thinking she was forgetting something . 0 She stayed at home all day and played on the Internet . She works as a waitress in an assisted living residence . 1 She held her pants high to prevent it from touching any puddles . However , a large puddle was blocking her way to the next street . 1 Unfortunately , her bag was buried under all of the other luggage . She decided to just skip the pajamas . 0 My mother came in yelling at me to shut it . In my excitement I opened it wide and stuck my head out . 0 The highlight of the day was the hayride for the boys . The boys ate some cotton candy at the stand . 1 A mistake occurred and so they were delivered to opposite locations . The customers were furious over the mistake . 1 No one ever saw anyone tend the flower garden . The flowers are very vibrant . 1 She kept thinking she was forgetting something . Jill forgot the meatballs ! 1 But he miraculously survived . Remy and Eli had a great time . 0 In his thirst , the tap water tasted more delicious than any pop could ! Nolan unhappily settled for tap water , but he got a shock . 1 There 's a fast food chain that gives him a senior discount . He 's been going there for coffee for twenty Year 's . 0 I thought this would be the only time I would see her . I met this beautiful woman . 1 The bully and her friends were taunting her . Gina knew she had been laying there for a long time . 1 However , I tried to maintain a professional tone . They commented on my professionalism when I left . 1 Jack called the cable company . The cable company sent out a tech . 0 Then she realized they actually size 14s , and 12s . She was excited thinking she must have lost weight . 1 One of them all of a sudden stood up . She screamed like Godzilla and started stomping everything we built . 1 My cousin bought me a self help book on gambling issues . I have read half of it and I am inspired to change my ways . 0 Until one day , John 's friend Eric introduced him to Tanya . However , he was never confident in the people he meets . 1 He was so happy that the home team beat the opponent . For Christmas , he asked for some ice skates . 0 Even then , we were behind at least a hundred other waiting customers . We started outside Best Buy two hours before they opened . 1 It impressed all my friends . My dog was happy to get the treats and attention . 0 He had never missed a single day of school . Martin was in the fifth grade . 0 Sasha wanted one with a pretty horn on its head . She had a pet horse in the stable . 0 The farmer sat with Gus 's head in his lap till Gus passed away . That winter , Gus barely moved from the fire . 1 Jen bought a rabbit as a new pet . She brought it home and played with it . 0 One day , Rhonda heard a girl crying in the restroom . She started writing nasty things about the girls on desks and walls . 0 She heard a whooshing sound , though , and was becoming scared . When she turned to look , it was n't there . 1 Julie was hungry for a snack . She went to the pantry and looked at the options . 0 Once the corn was 5 ' tall he harvested the corn . He watched over the weeks as they grew . 0 i bought her a cookbook . I recalled that she liked to cook . 0 The girl agreed to the date . He got his friend to ask her out for him . 1 As invisited gyms , I started to feel the burn . I realized , the walking to the gym 's was my actual exercise ! 1 Perry built her a custom wheelchair . Now Lovely walks to her wheelchair each morning . 1 The dog ran off with it . Emmy was upset and chased the dog until she could get her bear back . 0 The weight is starting to come off . She decides to start eating healthier food . 1 In class Amy could only think of her books . She had discovered a whole new world in the land of books . 0 Her manager began to lecture to her the importance of good service . Jan got a complaint from a customer at the diner for her poor service . 1 And his parents had to pay a fine . Joe was too scared to drive again . 0 They sat down with popcorn and watched the episode live . Mark and Hannah had been excited to watch a finale all week . 1 She thought something bad was going to happen . She lost her job the next day . 1 She was a preacher at our church , but she was a sinner . She used to whip me with a wooden paddle with a staple in it . 1 Joan thought it would be perfect to introduce them . She rushed to school to tell Millie the great news . 0 One of them named Fido was a real pain . Sally had several dogs . 0 The brewing instructions were complicated but she worked very hard . On the way home from work one day she bought a beer brewing kit . 0 When we dropped we got all wet . I screamed and was frightened . 1 Louis wanted to become a clown . However , his father insisted on Louis becoming a doctor . 0 Airline rates were abnormally high and he could n't afford it . Rick wanted to fly to Hawaii to visit his brother . 0 Finally , he found a map of the university . Hugo walked around the campus for thirty minutes and gave up . 1 The letter said it was from a pen pal who wanted to find a friend . Polly wrote to the address and waited . 1 Suddenly , I snapped my biceps tendon during an exercise . The doctor said I needed to take extra vitamin C to heal the tendon . 1 She told me to top chasing her or else she 's going to kill me . I took the message to my principal . 1 The shop teacher nodded on in approval . Will continued working diligently for the whole period . 0 Then she melted down milk chocolate . Anna picked cherries from the tree in her yard . 0 Tim was surprised how tired he had been . But when Tim woke , it was full dark - he had slept for hours ! 1 The dinner was great . Afterwards he drove me home . 0 The chef said that there was not any cheese in any dish . The waiter explained his guest had an allergy to cheese . 0 When he was there he met with a recruitment officer . He graduated last week so he went down to a local recruitment center . 0 She pulled out her phone and unlocked it to tell me . So I asked her what the time was . 0 She always wants to go to McDonalds when we go out . My daughter and I like to go out for breakfast when I 'm off work . 0 He passed out and never woke up . The cow kicked him in the face . 0 Dominick 's birthday is today . Becky has a nephew named Dominick . 0 He looked up a cake recipe online . For dessert , Jason decided to make a cake . 0 Mother and cubs reunite and walk away together . The cubs were now able to climb out . 1 He moved onto his land with his dog . Jake built a cabin out of wood with his hands . 0 David and I have been great friends all summer . Then I met David while practicing a play . 1 Luisa and her family were performers in a travelling circus . They were high wire acrobats ! 1 Marley loved to bake . Her friend challenged her to bake the best cake . 1 A month ago they went out of business . I guess they should 've raised their prices . 1 It was Timmy 's first dentist appointment . He was afraid ! 1 She was dreading going outside in that wind . As she walked to her car she tried to keep her head down . 1 He threw it hard and hit a little girl in the face . He was kicked out of the pool for the rest of the day . 1 They went around school yesterday handing out flyers to everyone . They were determined to get him more votes . 0 The person behind me in line paid for my groceries ! Fortunately I did n't get much . 1 Kim saw a new brand of garbage bags with a low price . She decided to purchase them to save some money in her budget . 0 She begged her mother who ran to the store to purchase some . She started stir ingredients and realized she did not have eggs . 0 The hunter had a new hat for winter . He pulled up his rifle and aimed at the bunny . 1 He threw one past me that landed in the lake . I reached in to get the ball . 0 He hoped she would still leave both of them her house . Charles knew his mother liked his sister more than him . 0 Beth had been suspended from riding the bus due to the fight . Her mother looked at her with anger in her eyes . 0 He was home alone watching videos . John 's parents went to the movies . 1 She ended up buying the biggest one in the store . She installed it at home and enjoyed watching her favorite movies . 1 Our kids were 9 and 6 . My wife rode the Dumbo ride in the Magic Kingdom . 1 Gina expressed her dislike for a girl on their block named Jane . Her sister did n't like her either . 1 She went to the store to try to find a good pair . She found lovely blue gloves with a white snowflake pattern . 0 Len did not want to clean this week , even though it was her turn . They had been living together for awhile but still fought . 1 The Ringo starr show was sold out . It was a week before the concert . 1 No matter how much coffee she drank she was always tired . Julia just wanted to be back in bed . 0 Luckily I was not hurt . My cane hit a rug and slipped , causing me to fall . 1 He stayed engaged with his teacher . Stan was not bored anymore ! 1 Matt climbed to the top of a small mountain with his family . At the top , they found a long line of people . 1 He went to confront these people . Bob ended up getting into a fight . 1 I have a lot of work to do and am stressed out . I decided to organize my work desk . 0 I had to go to the emergency dentist . One day , I awoke with a very bad toothache . 0 Meg started feeling better as soon as she ate the soup ! She cooked a big pot of chicken soup for Meg . 1 He saw museums and mosques full of rich history . He also enjoyed yummy local meals . 0 They did not have sisters of their own . Kina and Emily were best friends . 1 By the end of the week we are all exhausted and ready to go home . But we are always ready to go back when the next year rolls around . 0 So Paul admitted the liquor was his and was kicked out the house . Angry , the house manager implemented a lot of new rules . 0 She could n't find her car keys anywhere . Susie was running late for work . 0 Annoyed , his mother agreed to purchase a small chocolate bar for him . Phil began crying loudly . 0 The next day , she left for an airplane flight to the college . She was extremely thankful and hugged me . 1 She went to the mall to look for a dress . She found a nice looking red dress on sale . 0 She was nervous about her performance . She was offered a lead in the Nutcracker . 0 The horses enjoyed it and so did we . It was the best weather . 0 The blimp pilot flew over the enemy base to spy on them . During the war , the air force disguised a blimp as a cloud . 0 She really liked the dinner . I made a wonderful soup . 1 My hair has become so damaged and breaking off . Thankfully I bought a new conditioner to help . 1 I had n't been paying attention to the lecture . Thus , I failed the quiz . 0 She carefully prepared breakfast for herself . She woke up in the morning and made the bed . 0 Soon , he got everything all cleaned up and the baby was good . It was really gross and he made a mess . 1 I passed the football to Ben . He managed to run 20-25 yards towards the end zone . 1 He thought the process of building a desk was fun . So he began building other pieces of furniture too . 1 So she never figured out how to swim . But once she became a mom she knew she had to . 0 Devin 's app is now live in the App Store ! They worked together to build his app . 1 I pulled the sheets really tight . The sheets were pulled so tight that the sheets ripped . 0 She tried very hard to perform on the balance beam . Angela was in gymnastics . 1 He immediately grabbed it and drinked it . Since the drink was n't his , he spit all of the liquid out . 1 She sprayed it with cleaning spray . Then she scrubbed it . 0 Mary sat on the steps with a sad look on her face . Steve beat Mary four times in a row . 0 They made it back inside just in time to avoid the tornado . He ran outside of the house quickly to save his dog . 0 The old man tried it and was never heard from again The old man dreamed of swimming across the English Channel . 1 On Friday , Charles wore new sneakers to work . Linda invited him to lunch and was jolly when they returned . 0 This year we went to the History Museum in Chicago . I was so excited that it was time for Spring Break . 1 He started going to the gym , tanning and eating better . He went shopping for new clothes . 0 I wore my pretty white dress to it . Yesterday I went to a party . 0 However , he got tired from all of the work . He cooked up lots of burgers . 0 Harry seems to think it 's the greatest name in the world . All of his friends think the name is strange . 1 One day all the pigs run away . July asked her neighbor for help . 1 She grabbed her keys and coat and hurried out the door . Donning her coat as she ran , she raced down the street . 0 Her instructor worked on Maria using her arms and legs to swim . Maria then put on a life jacket since she did not know how to swim . 1 My retired coworker lost her sister a few months ago . Her sister had no apparent health issues . 0 Monochrome green characters resumed their upwards dance . Simone pursed her thick lips in contempt , and kicked the terminal . 0 We eventually got both kites up high . I was out of breath trying to run the kites up . 1 We sat next to a Russian couple . They toasted each other and started eating . 0 Finally I started taking the test . As I walked into the room I wanted the test over with . 1 We ended up having to spend hours each day cleaning . In the end it looked like we had never even had a messy house ! 0 My mom was driving and slid off the road , hitting a light pole . We had only been driving about 2 hours when we were in an accident . 1 Arnold was terrified to get a papercut . Everytime he would do something with a paper he would get cut . 1 When they were unlocked she went inside alone . Gina was determined to go back to her classroom . 0 She spent hours looking for the perfect pair . She was going to the lake and wanted to look stylish . 1 Jane was at the club . A guy grabbed her butt . 1 The second time he made contact with the ball . It went flying across the field as he ran to first base . 1 One day , she discovered the folder was missing . Later , the teacher gave the class a poetry assignment . 1 Lucy was tired of the way her house looked . She did n't have much money so she had to find a creative solution . 0 He decided to pass it down to his son . He had an antique guitar . 0 Then she found a great solution . She looked around for a good makeshift lunch . 1 Tammy had to discipline her children . She arrived to work 15 minutes late . 1 When she heard the song , she was deeply offended . She sued him , and won . 0 He ran out of money by the time he needed to use the driers . Ken decided to get naked and wash the clothes he was wearing . 0 At first Ora was weak and could hardly lift anything . They would help each other lift weights . 0 He took his kites out of storage and walked to an empty field . It was because he loved to fly kites and March had perfect windy days . 0 She is torn about what to do . She finds out that her dad is involved in a political scandal . 1 My friend Gary claimed the pond had big carp . He tried to catch one , without success . 0 She pulled over and got out of the car . She was on her way to lunch when she heard a loud noise . 0 He had shielded his Superman ones . Everything burned up except for one box of comics . 0 Bill thought long and hard . They said he was chicken if he did n't do it . 1 Jackie was having her morning coffee in her living room . All of a sudden it started to hail . 0 Tuie went outside without permission . Chris had a dog named Tuie . 1 One night she needed to use the restroom . It was down a path and she was scared to walk alone . 0 We found an adorable black lab . We went to the dog pound . 0 And she felt strange when Lisa brought goth clothing items . Lexi began to feel uncomfortable inside the store . 1 He was packed and ready to leave . His mom and dad took him to the airport . 1 I drove out to his place . We hung out and ate lasagna and watched tv . 1 James checked out the new product at the cashier . When he got home , James plugged in the new keyboard ! 1 She was great at boogie boarding , but bad at skimboarding . Emily practiced skimboarding every day . 1 Cole was going outside to play . He pulled his old gloves on . 0 Annabelle loved to play a game called Queen with Princess . It had string yellow hair with a bow on top . 1 He looked up plumbers online . There were so many to choose from . 0 It would take them months to eat all of the candy they collected . They spent three hours Trick or Treating . 0 She decided to feed them . Anna saw a lot of birds in her backyard . 1 The metal kept falling apart when he melted it . Finally , Bernie 's instructor taught him to press the pieces correctly . 0 She was excited to meet the author . Sally went to the book signing . 1 He was friendly , charming , handsome and she fell head over heels . He promised to love her , marry her and care for her kids . 0 He tried to catch her attention but he ignored him . When he came back after several hours , she was frustrated . 0 He received all A 's . His final report card was sent home today . 0 Shar returned the control to Johan and they played another game . He was exasperated and threw down his control . 1 He thought it looked nice , but his peers did not . When he went to school his friends laughed at him . 0 She was excited and ready to go . Her race was in a week . 1 The moment the Smiths arrived , they rushed over to the elephants . The family marveled at how fun it was to feed the large animals . 1 It got so bad , he started having pains . He went to the doctor , and learned his liver was bad . 0 We dressed up in matching colors , I had a really nice time . I was so excited , I had a crush on him ever since 3rd grade . 1 But her parents did n't like that he was older than her . So Amy had to sneak and see him without them knowing . 0 Jane was furious she would miss the deadline for her project . Jane needed to leave work to pick Ali up from school . 0 They were all intensely amused He informed his wife , and his children of his decision 1 But she liked it better down . She intended to put the braid back before going home . 0 At first , he was afraid of everything . I got my dog , Champ , at the pound 15 years ago . 0 It made her give up on her boxing dream . She lost badly . 1 She opened the fridge to grab some ingredients . The last thing she was going to grab was the vegetables . 0 And he was studying for a quiz . Tony was taking an online math class . 1 While she was there , a student asked her for help . She looked all over the library for the book he wanted . 1 One day Rowland took the horse out and Penelope , the dog , followed . Rowland rode the horse out to the lonely places . 1 He looked for his pizza cutter but did not find it . He had to use his chef knife to cut a slice . 1 He had a cavity . Brandon thought the procedure would hurt but not a lot of pain . 0 He wanted to graduate with honors . Hal worked hard in school all year . 1 She lost badly . It made her give up on her boxing dream . 0 He looked at Gina and spoke directly to her . A cute guy named Josh walked over and spoke to them . 0 He bought some protein shakes and vegetables . He was skinny and knew that it would be hard . 1 He was completely obsessed with her but she did n't feel the same . She met a new boy in one of her classes . 1 He decided to ruin the roommate 's laundry . Ivan slipped some red clothes into the roommate 's hamper . 1 He told his wife the gutter job was done . A couple weeks later , Joe 's wife dragged him outside . 0 They tried many methods to stop me from doing this . This caused my parents to get very annoyed . 0 Thus , I decided to hire a personal trainer . I struggled because my shoulders were weak . 1 She called several of her friends to invite them to the gathering . She then called the caterer to prepare an array of foods . 1 Lucy wanted to visit her grandmother . She decided to travel to her grandmother 's house by train . 1 She went to Target to look for one . But they did n't have anything that would suit her . 1 One new Year 's , Vicky resolved to build her own home . She bought an acre of land in the country . 0 She goes online and checks some related forums . Mary is worried that he account has been suspended . 0 He fell into a patch of greenery . Tim was in the woods hiking one day . 0 He was new at our school . On the first day of school , I saw the cutest guy . 1 One day we had to practice kissing in front of the director . My ex slipped me the tongue ! 0 His friends encouraged him to take a dancing class . Fred had always wanted to learn to tap dance . 1 Alex wanted to impress his dad and made a shot from across the court . But Alex was disappointed to discover he shot it into the wrong hoop . 1 Kelly was excited to spend dinner with her boyfriend . It was their anniversary night . 0 He was asking for money to eat . As I walked out of the movie theater I saw a homeless man . 0 They did n't recognize each other ! When the kittens saw each other , they growled and hissed . 0 However , the two boys in the back seat were bickering . The family was driving to a restaurant for dinner 1 Her husband , the assistant director of the archives , was her boss . He had told her everything was ready for her to transcribe . 1 She arranged the shells around her home . One day , a friend came to visit . 1 He woke up early and tiptoed downstairs . He found Mom and Dad sipping cocoa and waiting for him ! 0 One of her dogs just had a stroke . They are her life she loves them like they are her children . 1 The tournaments were always so much fun . She tried her best and ultimately won a silver medal . 1 Celeste signed up for a tour of Machu Picchu . The tour started with a bicycle trip down a mountain . 1 When Brad 's parents found out , they agreed to support them . For instance , they emptied out a room for them to stay in . 0 After working with him for six months , Sue was a solid player . Never having played , she asked her brother to teach her how to play . 0 Bob ended up getting into a fight . He went to confront these people . 1 She goes to the craft store and picks out her supplies . She stands in line to pay for her items . 0 Her dad told her it was the best birthday ever ! Maya ended up cooking her dad a wonderful cake . 0 I scheduled interviews with the biggest internet companies . I graduated college and created the perfect resume . 1 his mom and dad became ill and now neither of them work . Curt sold his records to make money . 1 He tried to find new music , but could n't find anything . Finally , he decided to give up . 0 All I got was a stubbed toe from a brick left carelessly about . Joe found a cute stuffed penguin to buy his daughter . 1 He picked it up and rushed home to inspect it . It turned out to be a very rare coin that he did n't have . 1 A crowd began to form and he knew he was on to something . Each new joke they laughed harder than the last . 0 I could not believe it . Yet thankfully I was done in ten minutes . 1 The ducks quickly gathered around Samantha to eat the bread crumbs . It was the most beautiful moment of Samantha 's life . 1 It got dark and she suddenly realized she was lost in the woods . When she saw a light she realized her father had come to save her ! 1 Bob never thought he was athletic , until he started running . Bob was the best runner in his class . 0 She did at first , but forgot the last few . She was supposed to take all of her antibiotics . 0 He found some toys to play with . Craig snuck into his older brother 's room . 1 He finally started to think about a different approach . The next day , he tried climbing from the opposite side . 0 He landed and stared at the land outside the airport windows . He decided to fly to India . 1 One day , Kim 's mom was on a trip so her dad said she could walk alone . Kim never made it to school , disappearing forever . 1 Lizzie was very nervous , but her brother promised to help out . Her first show received lots of views , and was a big success ! 1 I was n't sure what to do . So I asked them for a mix of both . 0 I became infuriated . She said yes while the sub was in her hand . 0 Today it had stopped chirping and dropped dead . He , and the other miners , had even given it a name . 0 Later that night Rick was itchy from playing in the grass . The grass in the yard was tall and needed to be cut . 1 Sarah met with the seller of the car to look it over . After looking , Sarah was pleased and purchased the car . 1 She felt bad for losing track of time . The next morning , Amy woke to a snowstorm . 0 One day , a friend came to visit . She arranged the shells around her home . 1 Although I was in shock , I wanted to find a way to fix my teeth . The dentist offered some advice to me . 0 Beans , broccoli and carrots tasted better when you grew them ! Finally there were vegetables ready . 1 Joe went to class on Friday in a very good mood . He could not wait for school to be over so he could go to the mall . 1 Hours later Lucy was awakened by her own screams . She knew there was a reason not to watch scary movies . 1 He took the cat to the vet . The vet found that the cat was microchipped . 0 With a new contract the phone was only one dollar . Sue went into the store and found the phone she wanted . 0 Her family took her on a vacation to Las Vegas . Lonny 's favorite animal was the lion . 1 She saw a duckling in the middle of the road . Christine picked up the duckling and set it on the ground . 0 She was so itchy that she could n't fall asleep . Theresa came home from a bonfire covered in mosquito bites . 1 There was once a little daisy . The little daisy loved the sun . 0 On Tisha 's birthday , she missed Collette but wanted to have fun . Tisha had a birthday coming up and was planning a party . 0 Eric fell to the ground . A strong gust of wind blew him over . 0 My wife rode the Dumbo ride in the Magic Kingdom . Our kids were 9 and 6 . 1 Whomever found it first would win a prize . It was always so much fun . 0 They accidentally hit my teacher in the face . My friends were shooting paper balls with rubber bands . 0 He tells everybody that it 's a stupid time and people should stop . Every year people seem happy and full of joy except him . 0 After two days she went to the doctor . Amy had a terrible headache . 1 Tim made a New Year 's resolution . He vowed to give up chocolate cake ! 1 Elaine needed to find a time that would be suitable for walking . After giving some thought , Elaine decided that early morning was best . 0 A lot of their selection was romance novels . They did n't have much that she would like . 1 Joe placed the food dish in front of the cat . The cat looked at Joe and meowed . 0 She told him that the game is boring . Gina was playing tennis with Tim . 1 The phone was the model she had always wanted . Susie picked up the phone and stuck it quickly in her purse . 1 Patty asked her grandma for help starting a garden . Together , they worked in the garden all spring . 1 Lexi was looking for her favorite toy doll . She could n't find it anywhere . 1 Tyler 's kids were getting too much screen time . He wanted to make some new rules for screens . 0 The trainer helped her step by step on how to ride . She was intimidated at first by how big the horses were . 0 He wanted to get a new video game for his computer . He wasted all of his time sitting around doing nothing . 0 Now Carter lives in the streets . Now Carter has no money for rent . 0 She set off for the mall and began to shop . Mel had a big list of Christmas presents to buy . 1 She went to grab something to catch it . When she came back , it was nowhere to be found . 0 He had tried everything to no avail . Floyd wanted to stop smoking . 1 She decided to advertise her babysitting services . Her neighbors saw the ad and hired her . 1 Dan became close to the horses , and soon wanted his own . Dan bought his own horse and kept it at the farm . 1 Driving on the highway I was going 20 over the speed limit . I saw a cop and tried to slow down . 0 Later a homeless man was asked for the one slice he had left . The stranger denied vulgarly . 0 From that day on she pledged her life to studying marine biology . She called for help and got others to help her return it to sea . 0 Anne realized she loved working in the hospital . Every day she learned something new about medicine . 1 Our family decided to ride it out . It was a terrible mistake . 1 Unfortunately my nose is very red and runny . I also have a terrible headache which makes me grumpy . 1 The ice got stuck on her finger ! She had to rip it off . 1 Matt had a girlfriend that told him stories a lot . He liked her a lot but he hated her stories . 1 Doug 's favorite blanket was missing . It was nap time but there 's no way he could sleep without it . 1 Zoey found a beautiful French Bulldog that she loved . Zoey 's mom paid for the French Bulldog and they took him home ! 0 The symphony played all of Amy 's favorite songs . She parked her car and went inside . 1 I was so excited that it was time for Spring Break . This year we went to the History Museum in Chicago . 1 My cane hit a rug and slipped , causing me to fall . Luckily I was not hurt . 0 I was very relieved . Is one thankfully worked well . 0 He ran up to tell his grandmother . He saw a bug on the floor and freaked out . 0 He thanked his friend for finding his wallet . He drove to retrieve his wallet . 0 She drew out sketches of each continent . Anna was making a world atlas . 1 Charles has the worst luck finding a job . He went to Craig 's List and looked over the job listings . 0 Her daughter asked if they could keep it . Denise found a cat in her backyard . 0 He started picking on me and I had enough . There was a bully being mean to everyone . 1 Marie ran to the truck each day , even though she had no money . She watched enviously as other kids left eating frozen treats . 1 He hid behind a bush with the water balloons . He threw them at his unsuspecting friends when they passed by ! 1 They considered getting a nanny . They later hired a nanny . 1 Nala noticed some gray hairs . She went out to buy dye right away . 0 She painted an abstract scene . She found all her painting supplies . 1 Alas , I had run out of yeast . The grocery store was closed ! 0 Despite his best efforts , he was not able to wash it in the sink . To fix this , he tried taking the dirty one to the kitchen to clean . 0 she went to the party and had a blast she prepared for the party by buying gifts and goodies 0 Shana was completely surprised . They walked Shana to the break room during lunch . 1 I always make my dad a banana cream pie for his birthday . One year I did not have any vanilla pudding . 1 The food was good and the waitress was friendly . There were a lot of people talking with Boston accents . 0 He chartered a boat to see the Hebrides islands . Then he saw on his map that other islands were nearby . 0 I was surprised that many of my friends met us there . We arrived at the restaurant . 1 The reason she was so mean is because she was lonely . One day , a nice old man came to her door . 1 When she was unpacking she realized she left a bag at the store . Amy called the store and they said they had no bags returned . 1 He asked his manager if he could work extra shifts He worked hard during his extra shifts 1 She used her phone to scan it . It took her to a funny video . 0 They had a yard sale of their stuff to raise money . Jenny found out that the band was going to be playing in their town . 1 There , he jumped in the water . He felt much better ! 1 While he knew he should visit the dentist , he delayed the visit . However , his toothache became more painful . 1 He entered a cooking contest where he will be judged in a blind test . He made and brought his signature dish to the contest . 0 They played in the water everyday . Two brothers grew up by the water . 0 Laren , her friend , eventually got fed up and paid for her fare . The driver waited patiently as she searched her pockets for money . 1 Susan went outside to check her mail box . On the front of the door , there was a huge spider . 1 Her friend June thought she was overreacting . Ali felt is was pointless to explain herself . 1 Rob put the fish in a small bowl with warm medicated water . After a few days it recovered and grew healthy again . 0 Finally , he put the silverware in the basket . Then , he put all of the bowls and plates in . 0 His daughter was on TV for her piano recital ! He was watching the news when he saw his daughter on the screen . 1 I always assumed he was as grumpy as he looked . I noticed him putting out food for stray cats this morning . 1 One finally said yes . After a few months , Brent was sad . 0 He went door to door to find helpers . A man needed help setting up the garden . 1 Hank walked on his deck towards his back door . As he stepped over one board it made a noise . 1 They would practice defense during practice They now lead the league in total defense . 0 When it was morning , Jimmy ended up oversleeping for work . He slept like a baby that night . 0 He found some alcohol based cleaner . He was having trouble seeing his monitor . 0 Everyone waited for the cousin . Gavin got everything ready for the party . 0 It was very mentally taxing . Researchers in the field kept asking him a myriad of questions . 0 He was pulling a wagon full of school things . Julian was walking up a hill . 1 He ducked underneath the fence . He crouched slowly toward the tall reeds . 0 Yet to her surprise when the baby came , she did n't hate them . She was afraid she would no longer get the attention . 1 She worried if Rita knew she would tell their other friend Mary . And since she was upset with Mary she wanted to keep it secret . 1 Gina 's mom and dad were out for the evening . The kids were watching TV . 0 Later , his wife looked out the window . Bill insisted on letting the kids play in the snow instead . 0 Others looked like meat . There was some that looked like lettuce . 1 Jen has never had a boyfriend . When Tom came and talked to Jen , she did n't follow Ike 's advice . 1 My printer was printing orange and red images . I checked and all my cartridges were full . 1 Reading various chord books I learned finger positions . Watching many videos that showed techniques helped with my transitions 1 He ended up buying a nice notebook Jen pretended to like it . 1 The piece of stage fell when he finished his cut . The propmaster stood back to admire his work . 1 I unpacked my old doll and my daughter giggled reaching for the doll . I handed her the doll and she giggled again loudly with joy . 0 Later , a bachelor party showed up and everyone sang karaoke . Ordering was difficult but the food was wonderful . 1 Pete 's friends and family were worried about his anger problem . He lost his temper easily at home , at work and especially on the road 0 He started to get ready for class , and sat on the couch for a second . He had crammed all night and it was now 7 AM . 1 I sprayed my car with primer to prep it . Then I painted my car with some nice black paint . 1 Then , she crept inside and through the house . Finally , she made it to her room . 0 She figured then it would be best to see her doctor . She decided to look up online what may be wrong with her . 0 Jeff decided he would research bird watching as a hobby . He noticed there are a lot of beautiful birds in his neighborhood . 1 I made lots of friends at the club . Alas , I broke my leg and had to quit the club . 1 His father finally talked his mother into agreeing to get him one . On the way to the pet store , his mother told Frank what they eat . 0 After an hour there was a bite on Mike 's line . They found a quiet stream and got their gear ready . 0 They were high wire acrobats ! Luisa and her family were performers in a travelling circus . 1 His mother came to the school and defended him . At age 50 , Jon still ca n't control his temper . 0 She walked to the living room as fast as she can . On the other hand , Kim eventually volunteered . 0 Her friend challenged her to bake the best cake . Marley loved to bake . 0 Bob was very good and won the first 26 games they played . Bob played Bill at a game of checkers . 0 She went outside and called for him . Beatrice looked out the window and saw a little man outside . 1 Then they told others they 'd lied . Anna 's reputation was restored . 0 Lester diligently chops salads all day . His first position is to chop the prepared salads . 1 She asked her boss when she would be trained . She was shocked there was only 1 hour of training with a coworker . 0 Today he decided to change it up with a piano tie . He usually chose between a red or a blue tie . 0 When she came back , it was nowhere to be found . She went to grab something to catch it . 0 Layla felt really bad for her . She was sitting at the table , quietly waiting for lunch to be over . 0 The kids were sad they could n't go to the park . When she work up Sunday morning it was dark and rainy . 1 She went to a battered women 's ' shelter to volunteer . Every week she spent ten hours there helping out . 0 All she had to do was bide her time . She was going to fight the girl again . 1 Sam noticed they really wanted the beer . Same gave it to them . 1 Drunk Bo hit a huge oak tree . Now , Bo is no longer alive . 0 She made 2000 extra dollars that day . One day she decided to sell roses . 1 As I began to pour it in the cups , disaster happened . Flour spilled everywhere . 1 He took the remnants of the deflated ball and buried it . When his friend showed up , Ted pretended nothing had happened . 0 It would not go away . All it did was chirp . 1 She was very upset about this . She decided that it was time to end her vacation early . 1 I settled for volunteering at the turtle shelter . Volunteering at the turtle shelter was fun and rewarding ! 0 Getting the needed medicine within three hours of a stroke saved her . The EMT 's arrived and rushed her to the emergency room . 0 She was very relieved and stress free afterwards . The Jelly Fish eventually moved away from her . 1 Shannon invited him in offering him a drink . Tom and Shannon watched a movie together . 0 When Chad arrived at the house , he felt welcomed . Chad wanted a unique experience , so he rented a guest house . 1 The next morning he was floating so I flushed him away . My heart misses him and will forever be away . 0 Jen forgot that the hatchback was up and hit it on the garage ceiling . Jen thought she would remember to stop before going into the garage . 0 Drake would get up and be ready by the time the next bus came . He knew it was time to wake up when he heard the bus come to a stop . 0 Writing the date at work , Ben realized it was the first day of Spring . Ben noticed some green leaves and grass on his way to work . 0 Once he was done he tried to turn it on . He mounted it on his wall and began to connect cables . 1 Something bad happened , and it was being reported on . Missy watched the events unfold . 1 There was a horrible storm . The electricity went out so no television . 1 I was drinking soda with my friends . Suddenly , I felt something in my stomach . 0 Wayne hated plays but Steve really wanted him to go . Wayne 's friend Steve got a part in a play . 1 Ben was shopping at the grocery store with his mom . Then somehow , he discovered he was lost ! 0 At some point , I became mad . I tried to resist hitting her back although she would n't stop . 0 The next day , he picked just the right words . He worked all day writing a song on guitar . 1 He decided to investigate . He checked his roof and heaters and found nothing . 0 In the end , he saved a lot of money . Edwin negotiated with the salesman for an hour . 1 He had asked his mother and father for one and they said yes . Sam went to the animal shelter to look for a dog . 1 Their parents had arranged a ride in the mountains . They were only on the train a short time before it started go up . 0 But the more he played , the better he got . He missed the target every time ! 1 Suddenly , one of them threw a lamp at the other . The lamp shattered and Monica yelled at both of them to stop fighting . 1 She looked up to see the girl who tripped her laughing with a friend . Beth ran off the bus and into the house . 1 Al could n't hear anything out of his new headphones . He got another pair and still nothing . 0 She tried out again the following year . Sarah spent all summer memorizing the cheers . 1 As Victoria turned around , she saw a glimmer in the dirt . Victoria discovered there was a chest of buried gold ! 0 He agreed to try it . Adam had never tasted beer before . 0 Robin now lives in a boat house and spends all her time on the water . After a year she decided she wanted to be closer to the water . 0 That was very upsetting . By the time we got into the Zoo we had missed the Lion Show . 1 As an adult , Gary decided to take his collection to a coin expert . He asked the expert to give him an appraisal of his collection . 0 Using the noodle , she was able to light the candle . She lit a dry spaghetti noodle on the stove . 0 The toilet could n't flush completely . I tried to flush the toilet after using it . 0 I tried to trade it back . However , I found out that the book for the class is the wrong one . 1 During winter break , she was involved in a car accident . She broke both legs and spent several weeks in the hospital . 0 He got to the beach and the waves were very large . Khalid was going to the beach on a sunny day . 1 Thad had a bad drinking problem . He got so drunk one night he ended up in the hospital . 0 There were n't any ice cubes in his freezer so he began to make some . He poured the water in a glass and looked for ice cubes . 1 Mike loves rap and hip hop . His wife Sara loves country music . 1 Sammy 's mother loved going to horse races . She brought Sammy with her quite often . 1 She tried on an old pair of jeans . They were now way too big on her ! 1 At some point , the electricity went out in the dorm rooms . However , the emergency hall lights stayed on . 1 Gertrude was liked by no one at school . She was always yelling and making fun of people . 0 He ran up to the truck and spit on the window . Suddenly , he noticed his boss 's truck . 1 Together , we drove to a furniture store in the suburbs . I found the perfect lamp , and my room feels much brighter . 0 She arrested the correct man . She identified a suspect . 0 Mary agreed to go on a date with Jack , which made him happy . Jack walked up to Mary nervously and asked her on a date . 0 Wanting to avoid conflict , Dillon complied with her requests . His girlfriend always told him what to do . 0 The tour started with a bicycle trip down a mountain . Celeste signed up for a tour of Machu Picchu . 1 He 'd always made plans in the past , only to have them fall through . He made plans once again , hoping this time would be different . 0 Jane had to go back to get it . She called her roommate who verified it was still at her apartment . 1 Their first child was delighted to play with the pumpkins . Sally suddenly went into labor there in the pumpkin patch . 0 I just had to go and pick it up . My friend was moving and said I could have their old one . 0 Now , she would have to confess about this lie , too . Katie left the confessional feeling guilty . 1 It seemed like a great purchase at the time . Within a week , though , things began to go wrong . 0 Then he thought of fish roe ! He started listing sushi parts : seaweed , rice , and fish . 0 I continued to skate the rest of the night . Someone came along and took my hand . 1 Jack got really sick . He had to stay in bed for three days . 0 Then , they cleaned him and his clothes up . She and her husband put the baby in the shower . 0 I laughed so hard . She told a very funny joke . 1 He was invited in a classroom . He was given a test to take . 1 Then she surprised him with the news . He was overjoyed . 1 Natalie lived alone in a big blue house in the forest . From her window she could see all sorts of wildlife . 0 He smacked a tree branch with face . Johan 's bike began to lose control when he swerved . 1 She performed very poorly on her exam . Jenny cried to herself as she walked back home . 0 The fleas infested her entire house . Her cat had fleas . 0 But they did n't have anything that would suit her . She went to Target to look for one . 1 He was watching the news when he saw his daughter on the screen . His daughter was on TV for her piano recital ! 0 I ordered flowers from another source . I called the day before delivery and got a vacation voicemail . 0 She did not want to go because she did n't like fish . Frida went to a sushi restaurant with her family . 1 Martha checked his collar and found a phone number . When she returned the puppy , the owner gave her a reward . 1 I was driving home when a big storm hit . The snow was intense and blinding . 1 Afterwards , the sun came out . The temperature started to increase sharply . 0 A man passed by and stopped for lemonade . She ran out of lemons . 0 They decided to have a carnival . The school was holding a fundraiser . 1 He could n't transcribe it himself , so he joined a guitar forum . He offered to trade the scores he 'd collected over the Year 's for it . 0 Her friends and family decided to meet her at her favorite restaurant . She was looking forward to having her special birthday dinner all day . 0 He was about to start his senior year . John was the quarterback of the football team . 1 The kids were dropped off at the babysitter 's house . She was appreciative for a long time after . 1 On his way his wallet slipped and fell out his pocket . The man behind him picked it up . 0 He drove to the store and bought seeds and supplies . Jerry wanted to grow his own peppers , since he loved to eat them . 1 He knew he needed to lose weight . He hired a personal trainer . 0 Now I was able to fully concentrate on the material . My roommate obliged me and turned it down . 1 All of his friends think the name is strange . Harry seems to think it 's the greatest name in the world . 1 He converted to Islam . His father was angry and would n't speak to him . 0 The pens were hiding under a pile of papers . One day I started cleaning off my desk . 0 She had recently been unemployed . Sarah was struggling to pay the bills . 0 After three hours he suddenly felt better . He vomited for three hours and had a bad headache . 0 For years now , she spent several hours on Reddit forums each day . Marcia had a big problem with her addiction . 0 The baby cried for an hour straight . She put the baby to bed , and left the room . 1 She put on her seat belt wanting to look adult , and responsible . Her grandpa thanked her , and they began their ride . 1 He decided to learn an aspect of it that was relevant to him . He loved surfing the web and using web apps . 1 One day he decided to lock himself in his office . As the days passed , he typed out his book and it was complete . 0 I decided to make some . I loved apple sauce . 1 Ever since she was ten , she used to collect memorabilia . Last Saturday , someone broke into her house . 0 He decided to play blackjack . Jon went to Las Vegas . 1 On his first day home , however , he proved to be quite the challenge . He attacked our neighbors dogs , and howled through the night . 1 We had finally made it there . The Team was ready . 1 They proudly rode their bikes in the July 4th parade . They felt proud to be part of the event . 0 The day it came out , she rushed to the store . Ora had been waiting months for a new video game . 0 He fell and broke his ankle on the ice . Lenny did n't know how to skate so well . 0 He wore it no matter the season . Jack thought his new trench coat was very sleek . 0 Now , Bo is no longer alive . Drunk Bo hit a huge oak tree . 1 Judith was sewing a costume . She was running the fabric through the machine . 1 Then he took me to lunch . It was such a nice time . 1 It was raining out and Edna did n't like to get wet . Edna 's grandmother had an old parasol that she used to use . 0 But , she realized that the birds could be very annoying . She bought the birds and everything that she needed . 1 Donna practiced every day for hours . Eventually Donna beat Lisa in a tiebreaker . 1 She had to take the course in order to graduate . She only went to class on some days of the week . 1 Timmy was a hardcore marijuana consumer and wanted to grow it . He began to grow plants in his house and sell them to friends . 0 Her friend told her about eBay , so she made a new account . Jane had a lot of junk that she wanted to get rid of . 0 She 'd only rented before , and was n't sure what she needed to do . Tiffany wanted to buy a new house . 0 Brittany is happy and excited for school . Her mom gets her dressed and ready for her big day . 1 She had moved to a new town , and had no one to celebrate with . Jane wondered if she had made a mistake moving away from her friends . 1 The coach called me a weakling . I told him he was a loser so he gave me detention . 0 Grandma had written down 2 tablespoons of salt . She went back over the recipe and realized there was a mistake . 1 He decided to fly to India . He landed and stared at the land outside the airport windows . 0 She hated the thought of not knowing anyone Kayla was moving to a new school 1 He would work out all day . He would keep doing push ups . 0 I told her she looked fat . She asked me if she looked fat in it . 0 Jen took her sister , Beth , instead . Sally could n't go . 0 The ferrets are very energetic . Tim got two ferrets from the mall . 0 I went to the grocery store . I discovered I was out of flour . 0 Julie learned that violence is never the way to solve problems . She told Julie to use her words instead of her hands . 1 One morning during a routine visit the doctor gives her bad news . She is told she has Cancer . 0 One student collected all of the votes . The class wrote down their choice on a piece of paper . 0 Her team won the game . She played a practice game with the other tryout people . 0 They woke up before dawn and climbed all day . She set out with a group of climbers . 1 Barry is a lonely retired professor . We sat with him and watched a bit of football , then left . 1 Chad had quite a stressful day at work . Chad decided that he would go on a walk to ease some stress . 0 When the pasta was ready , she added the sauce . Then , Jenny started to boil water for the pasta . 1 It looked clean to her , so she put it back on the bed . Later her mother found grass on the bed spread . 0 Susie picked up the phone and stuck it quickly in her purse . The phone was the model she had always wanted . 0 He still has his track jacket from high school . He stopped running when he got into college . 0 The two quickly became best friends . He took the puppy on walks and played with him all the time . 1 Then , he wiped the window with a squeegee . Finally , he dried the window with a cloth . 0 The next day , he walked his cousin to school . Neil gave his cousin some tips on how to stick up for himself . 1 As he unpacked he realized that he had forgotten his sleeping bag ! He asked all around and a man had an extra bag . 0 Now to choose who is who . One would be a good witch and the other would be bad . 1 Warren decides to dress in a suit for the interview . It takes him a long time to get his necktie knotted . 1 The sister threw the makeup in the toilet . Tammy was furious . 0 He ended up feeling better . He spoke to them about it . 1 She was then rushed to the hospital . We later figured out that she had cancer . 0 She was not injured badly , but she screamed very loud . One day , I rolled back in it over my cat 's tail . 1 The opposition claimed the defendant committed arson at his home . The brilliant lawyer denied these claims and said it was an accident . 1 As they hiked , Adam spotted some wolves in the distance . If it were n't for his sharp senses , Cody would have missed the pack . 0 When I watched a video yesterday the ads were five minutes long . It has been rather frustrating . 1 Finally , sick of the mocking , he started lifting weights after school . After a few weeks , he challenged another boy to an arm wrestle . 1 He went home and his dad bet him even more that night . Nathan knew his violence would never prevent his own abuse . 0 He dropped out of school and moved to Hollywood . John wants to be an actor real bad . 1 Mike Jones was a substitute teacher . He loved his job and the thrill of teaching young people . 0 Eventually , they started to fight . They had a wonderful relationship in the beginning . 0 I unpacked everything and went to bed . The driver took me to my hotel . 1 She asked her doctor , who gave her a diet to follow . Her doctor also gave her exercise recommendations . 1 They came upon a high cliff . Ed and his buddies decided to scale it . 1 Upon arrival he noticed the line was very long . He noticed a friend further up in line and sent him a text message . 0 Missy watched the events unfold . Something bad happened , and it was being reported on . 0 He lost his temper easily at home , at work and especially on the road Pete 's friends and family were worried about his anger problem . 0 The man began to paint beautiful signs for the store . The owner offered him the job of sign painter . 1 John was distraught when he received the book . John sent the book back . 1 Amy Called her friend Sara to confront her . Amy heard a rumor Sara was making fun of ehr . 0 The new kid beat him . Tom challenged him and punched him . 1 She watched tutorials on youtube . After many months he became proficient at the language . 0 He had heard rumors of her cheating . Jake had dated his girlfriend for a few months . 1 She looked at them with a grimace . I stopped paying as much attention to her after that . 0 Jane was shocked when the teacher suggested And see a psychologist . Jane wanted to know what needed to be done . 0 She overslept and was late back to work . She forgot to set an alarm . 0 There was always hot chocolate and sometimes even snow . Kristen loved buying Christmas trees . 1 Some have already chosen to remove it . Some have kept it up . 1 Amy was going school shopping with her mom . She wanted to get a shirt that showed her belly button . 0 His name was Austin . Jason made a new friend in geology class . 1 He could still feel the pain . He ended up having to bear through it . 1 The sky began to get cloudy . It was difficult to see the moon for a few minutes . 1 I went to the store to purchase a lottery ticket . Once there , I was given a five dollar scratch off . 0 And she did n't even get to have the milk . She was grossed out when she had to milk a cow . 1 Alex looked under a tree and did find one . He gave it to Sara . 0 She picked out the perfect kitten ! She went to the shelter with her mom . 1 Arnold wanted to play at the arcade . First , he needed to find money . 0 They were only on the train a short time before it started go up . Their parents had arranged a ride in the mountains . 0 Simon resented being stuck in right field . There were n't enough tryouts to fill the team without Simon . 1 I was tired , but when we lost power I had the generator handy . It started with one pull , I love the thing . 0 She quickly realized she was getting a cold sore . Jane woke up to a painful bump on her lip . 0 That was not what she meant when she asked for a kitten . She opened the box and there was a stuffed cat in it . 1 Susan had a problem with her contacts . She always forgot to take the pair out . 0 She wanted to get her mind of Ray from school . Amy went to her friend Beth 's house . 1 There was still snow on the ground . As February came around , many wondered what the groundhog would see . 0 But it took her an hour to get there . She needed a walk . 0 After a few months , Brent was sad . One finally said yes . 1 She would rather stay in the house all winter than go outside . When she gets invited to winter festivities she hardly ever goes . 1 I packed up my sunscreen and towel . Then I jumped into my car and headed to the coast . 1 He came back to the laundry room a few minutes before it finished . When taking out his clothes he noticed a wet shirt in his load . 1 She was always tripping and falling . Her mother would scold her for it . 1 I like to sing in the shower . Yesterday I was belting out a favorite of mine . 0 Kim went in through the window and got her spare keys . The friend drove her to her house . 0 We will keep both the chair and the cat . We had to cover the chair . 1 People tried to get the worker to go out and get a real job . The worker did not want to get a real job , or to get dressed . 1 He did n't want to go to bed yet . His mom got him in his pajamas and laid him down . 0 She also did n't hesitate to shoot the targets . After her first attempt , she managed to shoot every target . 1 Unfortunately they got a flat tire . Luckily a stranger helped them fix it . 0 That is , until he got older and did it again . Jay felt down about it and decided not to register . 1 I dressed and biked back to work . My coworkers said I was crazy . 0 Rachel broke her ankle and can no longer wear high heels . While Rachel was wearing her pink heels , she fell . 0 He liked her a lot but he hated her stories . Matt had a girlfriend that told him stories a lot . 1 Janet drove to the mall and they walked inside at a quick pace . Bill spotted Santa sitting in the middle of the mall . 1 When I was younger , I often went to a very secluded beach to swim . It never bothered me that there were no lifeguards there . 0 He told other students what it was like , and they make fun of him . He moved back to Ohio , and the days were so short . 0 Katie received detention for the first time . She wrote Katie up . 1 Suddenly , he lost his footing . He fell to his death . 1 He wasted all of his time sitting around doing nothing . He wanted to get a new video game for his computer . 1 One day at the bakery she spotted a s'more cupcake . She was excited to try the cupcake so she ate one in the car . 1 Darren was in class , waiting for the end of the day . He noted the time on the clock and then distracted himself doodling . 1 My friend was very excited about a videogame that was releasing . He was sure to preorder the game , so he would be guaranteed a copy . 0 Peter ca n't wait to go back again . The museum even had a walk-through tunnel surrounded by water ! 0 He checked his call log and did n't recognize the numbers . Ed had a lot of missed calls on his cell phone . 0 She was afraid of heights but she had little choice for the room . Her room was on the 18th floor of the building . 1 We 've even started getting the equipment together already . We 're going to be well prepared for an excellent and safe weekend ! 1 One of her fondest memory was how she spent her Saturday mornings . Sally recalled the thrill of having her favorite cereal for breakfast . 0 She studies the interest rates , fees , and benefits . She decides to apply for a credit card at her local bank . 0 His wife Sara loves country music . Mike loves rap and hip hop . 0 When Jane got a raise at work , she went to a car lot . When this happened , Jane 's son was inconsolable . 0 After several seconds , it broke loose from the leash . He stood by the fire hydrant so the dog can urinate . 1 Rick saw a fortune teller on the street . And he decided to go up to him . 1 The new pilot dropped the soldiers away from the drop zone . When my husband landed , he broke his foot in 3 places on hard ground . 0 Then he took it to get registered and insured . He found a great new car and put a down payment on it . 1 He said that he dislikes what I 'm doing . Before getting mad , I decided to ask him a few questions . 0 Jen whined , but her mom would n't let her watch TV until she did it . Her mom told her she needed to clean them and her dirty plates up . 0 At her first class , India was a bit nervous , but did well . After visiting with the instructor , India decided to take classes . 0 When I returned home I could n't find the bird . I left for vacation . 1 His hands would feel numb and his nose would burn . However , he loved it when he got home . 0 She got out and saw that her tire had gone flat . Suddenly she heard a strange bumping noise . 1 Both of them invited their friends . Everyone had a great time . 0 Amy called the store and they said they had no bags returned . When she was unpacking she realized she left a bag at the store . 0 Ed and his buddies decided to scale it . They came upon a high cliff . 0 Sarah and Shaun began to see each other often . They introduced each other and made plans . 0 She traded some of her cards for some of them . She found some people already playing a card game . 0 She wore them when it was sunny . She wore them wore them when it was rainy . 1 He thinks he can get the flight for free . He has a lot of reward points saved up from his credit card . 1 I had a friend named Miley . She was pretty but a little annoying . 1 The children loved to hear George speak and see his great fossils . One day , the children told George they had a surprise for him . 0 She had cut a quarter sized hole in his hair . Finally she admitted that she had made a mistake . 0 The first day on the job was the most exciting day she ever had . Everything she had studied hard for was about to become reality . 1 A strange man was walking close to her . He confessed about hiding his physical identity . 0 They practiced very hard . They were well known for winning championships in dodgeball . 0 Sam gave him ten dollars for a new outfit . Then he saw a homeless man peek his head out and ask for a dollar . 1 Jon went to Las Vegas . He decided to play blackjack . 1 He packed up all his clothes , and brought some books . We went swimming in the pool and then got ice cream . 1 His dad got a second job . With that money they were able to pay for it . 1 Anne came home with some bad news . She had gotten a D on her report card . 0 The snake bit my leg . While swimming in the water I saw a snake . 1 Allison gathered the ingredients to bake the birthday Apple Pie . Once , baked , Allison decorated the pie and added a candle . 0 A truck stopped with a picture of a cow on the side . Lucy was sitting on the porch in front of her grandparents . 0 Then , her eyes started watering . She began dicing it . 0 Tito decided not to punish his dog . He had not been home to let the dog out , after all . 0 They enjoyed the scent of honeysuckle . It was very beautiful and tranquil . 0 I got a perfect score and belittled Diana since she failed hers . A month later , we took our second exam for the class . 0 The dentist was able to pull it out painlessly . He told her she had to get one tooth pulled . 0 A student stole her laser pointer . Edna had a laser pointer to teach a class . 1 Suddenly the branch gave way beneath him . He tried to steady his grip , but it was too late and he fell down . 0 Dan dropped the ball but a teammate recovered it . The team played hard and gave their all . 1 Tabatha was feeling tired at work . She decided to make herself a cup of coffee in the break room . 0 His dad stopped Luke just as he was about to drop the cat . Later , Luke 's dad found him climbing the ladder with the cat . 0 She had been given lunch detention . She was happy it was finally over . 1 Everyone was swimming inside of the ocean . Eventually , someone noticed a mini-shark in the water . 0 On Monday Ethan got every question on his science test wrong . Ever since starting 6th grade , Ethan struggled with Science . 0 He became crowned as Mister California . Getting bigger and bigger muscles , Caleb eventually entered a contest . 1 She called her mom for help . She went to the nursery and bought lots of flowers . 0 She did n't have much sick time so she stayed at work . Kay was at work with a Migraine . 1 He had not been home to let the dog out , after all . Tito decided not to punish his dog . 1 He had a ton of homemade movies . He tried to sell them to a local theatre . 0 Since he had no body , I took him to the restaurant . When I asked him what 's wrong , he told he that he 's starving . 0 I met great friends . It was one of the best decisions I made . 0 But John was embarrassed , and ran away from Kelly to go home . Kelly laughed and told him not to worry . 1 Louise met a man and they decided to get married . They had only known each other for three weeks . 0 Now they just had to wait until it was time to leave . Once they had flights and a place to stay , they rented a car . 1 She cooked them on the stove . Jesse sat down to a big breakfast that she thoroughly enjoyed . 1 She surprised her husband with tickets to the knicks game . Then she took him to his favorite restaurant . 0 Her friend picked her up and Sarah was relieved . Sarah was scared and called her friend that lived down the street . 0 I closed my computer and went to bed in annoyance . After reading the article , I realized the title was misleading . 0 In the end her mom felt bad for her and just told her to be careful . She was so scared that her mom was going to scold her . 1 Luke was swimming one evening in the lake He was with his buddy Tim 1 The dealer told him about a nice boat with a large motor . The man liked the boat , so he bought it . 0 Same gave it to them . Sam noticed they really wanted the beer . 1 I went to the store and picked up beef and beans . I cooked the ingredients separately , then combined them . 0 The very next day I had dropped it on the pavement . I received a brand new phone for my birthday . 0 He called a pest control company to get the bats . He turned around and backed down the ladder . 0 He also enjoyed yummy local meals . He saw museums and mosques full of rich history . 1 Then he went used car shopping . On his sixteenth birthday , I gave himself a car ! 0 I had a great time ! People bought me some drinks . 1 He told Sally he was afraid she would n't have given him a chance . She decided she could forgive him , and they stayed in love . 1 Laney was too invested in tv to notice . Eventually the smoke alarm had to alert her . 1 Phil wanted to be an actor . He started his own YouTube channel . 0 I took the sugar home and made the cookies . She said yes , if I gave her some cookies . 0 Until she started talking . They thought she was great . 0 His mom sent him to space camp to learn the ropes ! He decided to be an astronaut when he grew up . 1 Judith had been a newspaper subscriber for 42 years . She had always loved the paper , but the service had gone downhill . 0 They invited him over for a dinner party . Tom had made some new friends at work . 1 I was at the playground . It had been raining . 1 Finally , she caught one . Then , she put the butterfly in the bug case she had . 0 He found the cheapest through Geico . He searched online for the best rates . 1 When asked , Dan told the truth about his juvenile criminal past . The details of the incident were researched for months . 1 Once they had flights and a place to stay , they rented a car . Now they just had to wait until it was time to leave . 1 But when she saw his gift , she was very pleased . He had bought her a BLANK book to write her own stories ! 0 When I got there , my childhood home looked nothing like I remembered . I traveled three long hours to get there . 1 She had just switched schools . She did n't know anyone . 0 I applied for modeling jobs in New York City . Eventually , I became muscular and ripped . 1 He offered to pay her , but she refused . She offered to help for free , because she was kind . 1 I discovered I was out of flour . I went to the grocery store . 0 Nadine thought of a strategy to win at roulette . Nadine and her pal planned to go to Vegas . 0 I left anyway , and nothing happened . I could open the door but not lock it . 0 Ivy shaved her legs and was not mocked any more ! Her mom agreed that Ivy was old enough to shave . 0 His boss approached John and gave him another assignment . John had already worked 15 hours of overtime this week . 0 They confessed that they 'd both hated the movie . Then they went out for a few drinks . 0 he decided to do surveys for money . he did not know what to do . 1 The man destroyed Raylan 's painting . Raylan pushed the man onto the tracks in front of a train . 1 I panicked , sure someone had stolen it . I left the store , without my items , calling banks to cancel cards . 1 Fred liked Tina . He wanted to ask her out on a date . 1 Yet when they did , their daughter got sick . She was feeling nauseous and ended up vomiting . 0 And the person yelled and asked for directions . He saw a black car with tinted windows driving along side him . 1 The weather forecaster said there was a 50 % chance of snow . When his alarm went off in the morning , no snow ! 0 My dog was happy to get the treats and attention . It impressed all my friends . 0 It was pouring outside . He suddenly awoke to the sound of a lightning strike . 1 Jerry had shut down a tree in his yard but he still had a stump . He tried chopping at it but it still stuck up too far . 0 He worked on large corporate buildings downtown . Jerry was a construction worker 0 His son loved the kitten , like Jeff knew he would ! He brought the kitten home , cleaned it up , and gave it to his son . 1 She hopes that this play will get her name out there . She 's hopeful because she has racked up a lot of student loans . 0 Kendra whispered to her boyfriend how beautiful it all looked . It 's rays caught the last glimmer drops of dew on the plants . 0 The older man erupted and began to hit Jay . Jay pushed his father partly down the stairs . 0 Once there a girl asked him to dance . He was nervous and excited . 1 The island was so remote and exotic ! He interviewed some locals for his newspaper . 1 Joe did n't go there very often , but it was still upsetting . Now that Joe has kids , he has to drive three miles just to get to one . 1 Belle was frantic and stressed ! She 'd spent all night sewing the uniforms . 0 Megan 's baby will crawl very soon . Finally the baby was able to reach her favorite doll . 0 My dad decided which name to name me . She could n't decide between Traci and Roxi . 1 He planned it for the same time his dreaded client had an appointment . Wes was relieved to skip the bad breath . 0 She refused and Fred gave in and took them anyway . Fred said he 'd be happy to wash them but he 'd need extra recompense . 1 Will has some of the punch on the table . About 30 minutes after his stomach starts to make noises . 0 Apparently , Mr Jerry messed it up even worse . Chester got a call from Mr Jerry . 0 I had no choice but to continue working on Mechanical Turk . I gave up searching for a job after nine months . 1 She decides to buy her mom some jewelry from the jewelry store . Becky buys her mom a necklace with a diamond heart on it . 0 He wrote in it everyday . Tom had a diary in his room . 0 We took shelter underneath a tree . All of a sudden it started raining out . 1 I then folded all the cloths and put them away . My dresser was completely full once again . 1 After gathering the ingredients , Christine started the process . Once made , Christine let the candy cane 's harden . 0 I stopped paying as much attention to her after that . She looked at them with a grimace . 0 But they were all to narrow . He tried on at least 10 different pairs . 0 She was walking very fast because she was so cold . Deena was walking home one cold day . 1 His family was always gone and busy with their own lives . Ross was looking for people to call his family . 0 She ran outside , but her mom was suspicious about how fast she was . Amy picked everything up and hid it under her bed instead . 0 He lost by two points . One day , he challenged his friend to a game . 1 Her father , along with some other folks , owned a 40-foot racing yacht . One year , they did the Race to Mackinac on Lake Michigan . 1 Matthew 's mom Mary started to get a headache . Mary threatened to throw the recorder away if the noise did n't stop . 0 Finally , Bernie 's instructor taught him to press the pieces correctly . The metal kept falling apart when he melted it . 1 The patron understood her limitations , and continued to be nice . The woman felt a surge of confidence which led to a promotion . 1 They liked to listen to their grandpa 's stories . Rick told his grandchildren a scary story . 0 Upon getting out of the cave , Dan told everyone he had a great time . The group sent a few minutes playing with this before leaving . 1 He purchases 20 boxes . He is immediately regretful . 0 His mother was infuriated and made him purchase new ones . One day , he got carried away and tore up the curtains . 1 She parked her car and went inside . The symphony played all of Amy 's favorite songs . 0 They all failed . The teacher told them to put everything away . 1 One day while walking he gets stopped by an old man on the street . The old man offers to buy him new shoes . 1 When we woke up , we watched the parade and started cooking . Because there were so many people , I barely saw my husband . 1 When the toy arrived at her house , she noticed something . Julie saw that the box had been cut into , and things were stolen out . 0 She came in third place in the marathon . Marley noticed that she lost ten pounds since she started training . 1 She had to pull over to the side of the road . She called her boyfriend , Ryan , to come and fix the tire . 1 Terry tried to get off when they did it for a second time . He fell , gave himself a concussion , and could not play again that day . 0 So he stocks up before returning home to make his pizza . When he gets to the store his favorite brand is on sale . 1 One day grandma turned on her lamp . She noticed the light bulb was flickering so she called her son Adam . 0 She then called the caterer to prepare an array of foods . She called several of her friends to invite them to the gathering . 1 Kevin was in the sea when he saw a golden glimmer in the water He dove into the water and could n't believe his Discovery ! 0 Finally , she made it to her room . Then , she crept inside and through the house . 1 Instead of going to her class , she tried to call her mom . Her mom got out of work to pick her up . 1 They saw that a new pizza restaurant had opened . Seeing that it closed late , the group got into a car and drove there . 1 Mike and Jay went camping for the first time in their parent 's yard . They put the tent up and even had a small fire . 0 The teacher called the bully 's parents . He decided to tell his teacher about the bully . 0 Ashleigh had lost five pounds at the end of the month . Ashleigh challenged herself to got to the gym every day for a month . 0 We stood behind the stand for several hours . My mother helped me set up a stand to hold the pies . 1 The kids had found a wild snake . Lily was afraid of it , and decided to go away . 1 He drank there with them for three hours . Tyler was not feeling sober , but he had to get home to his wife . 0 Rachel put the snake in the feeding tube . She was preparing to feed it some mice . 1 Stan is a lonely 90 year old widower . Stan keeps interrupting their alone time . 1 She had forgotten to eat all day . She felt a little bit dizzy after her second drink . 1 After I while I got the hang of it . When it ended we all laughed . 1 But she stayed up late studying . She even studied on the bus in the morning ! 1 He bought the metal-detector and waited for it to arrive in the mail . When the metal-detector arrived , Tim was so excited . 1 He began to dig in the dirt with his hands . After a little digging , Tommy found a pair of dentures . 0 When I finished brushing my teeth , I reached for my medication . While standing in front of the mirror , I began to brush me teeth . 1 I took my boys fishing . Kenny did n't like putting worms on the hook . 1 She is not happy in her current position . One day she decided to apply for a new position . 1 He played with my son outdoors . One day he started running . 1 John loved running cross country . John also enjoyed fighting karate on the weekends . 0 After practicing what he had learned , he improved his verbal skills . He began asking his friends that were very social for tips . 0 And it was a cold day . Jess was at school . 1 During a test , another student tried to look at Jane 's paper . Jane and the other student got in trouble . 0 Grandma was going to work in her garden and invited Lucy . She asked her grandma for something to do . 0 He liked to show it off to everyone . Kyle had a brand new skateboard . 0 One day her battery case caught on fire . Sally bought a battery case for her phone . 1 He put on his favorite shirt . On the bus some girls started laughing . 1 During the war , the air force disguised a blimp as a cloud . The blimp pilot flew over the enemy base to spy on them . 0 When it was done my hair felt amazing . I put it on my hair for awhile . 1 Margaret bought some stamps from the post office just for mailing . One of them was misprinted , making it rare and delighting Margaret . 1 A civil war general was shopping around for the best cannons . He went to a canon dealer to test a few out . 0 Fred 's son made sure his father did n't catch him reading ever again . Fred forced his son to put down the book and dig a ditch in the yard . 0 This was her first time camping in her life . Sue went camping with some friends . 1 I immediately took it and put it on my desk . I will cherish the photo forever . 1 Michael wanted to build a doghouse for his dog , Raven . First , he measured Raven with a tape measure . 0 He told all his friends about it . He loved it . 0 Rick worked with the tutor , who helped him to grasp his schoolwork . His mother hired a recommended tutor to help Rick . 1 Nell was upset because she wanted a store-bought card . She glumly handed the homemade card to the teacher . 1 The parents knew a divorce would be rough on the children . Both parents had grown up in broken homes . 0 Jim followed a weight training program for 6 weeks . His friend recommended he start lifting weights . 0 My muscles were immediately in pain . I tried to emulate the workout but it was painful . 1 She did n't like any of the outfits she had . So she decided to go to the mall . 1 He brings a basket to collect the apples and drives to the orchard . At the orchard he picks many delicious apples . 1 At first all they found were fragments . Then , George stumbled upon a full silver dollar . 0 After deciding on red velvet , she procured the needed ingredients . She spent the morning scouring the internet for recipes . 0 He knew his credit score was n't that good . Jake wanted to buy a new car . 1 His pal showed Dan a new pellet gun . Dan wanted to try out the gun . 0 This time she was able to get the right part . When she went back she asked an employee for help . 1 Jerry was a construction worker He worked on large corporate buildings downtown . 1 I always listen to music in the car on the way to work . One afternoon , I put in a Billy Joel CD on the way to work . 0 Since the drink was n't his , he spit all of the liquid out . He immediately grabbed it and drinked it . 1 Jack worked at a beautiful hotel with the lovely Jessica . They folded linens together everyday . 0 My friends figured out it was a con . I used it on my friends to win ten dollars . 0 He liked a part saying everyone and everything constantly changes . The philosopher was named Hericlitus . 0 They ordered beef tongue for us to eat . I went to a Korean barbecue restaurant with some friends . 1 It was crazy , people were fighting each other and yelling at us . I will never work or support a Black Friday sale in the future . 0 He decides to quit . He does n't like anyone at his job . 0 Kenny did n't like putting worms on the hook . I took my boys fishing . 0 She still had n't found the book after sticking her hand in the base . Her last hope was in the base of a chair . 1 But , I lost all my fights . I realized that work ethics does n't make up for talent . 0 He gave her a stuffed bear with a red heart . Jeremy had a crush on Renee . 1 She tried every diet she could but nothing helped . Then one day her doctor told her she had hyperthyroidism . 1 Sadie was on a huge hike . She was climbing a small mountain in her city . 1 Cami was about to go on a long trip . She was going to miss her boyfriend a lot . 1 Rory went to a house party . He brought a container of gin and juice . 1 He quickly got dressed and rushed to work . When he got there his coworker Bob started to laugh at him . 0 He decided to never experiment with pasta ever again . It turned out really badly . 1 Margaret does the grocery shopping for her family of four . She never planned ahead for the week by making a shopping list . 1 While in her stroller , Jane started to cry , asking for candy . Always prepared , her Mom took out some candy for Jane . 0 Cindy is addicted to coffee . By noon , Cindy was bouncing off the walls . 1 He loves everything about school . His mom takes him shopping to buy everything he needs for school . 1 Sarah was struggling to pay the bills . She had recently been unemployed . 0 George decided to go to the mall to find one . George decided that he needed a new hat . 1 One day he was playing a game . When all of a sudden his controller stopped working . 1 Kids from all around came to pay to play in her maze ! Her great idea made her a small fortune ! 0 They made it to the top of the stairs when they saw a trap . They decided to try to sneak downstairs to see the gifts . 1 She was experimenting with a frog . She was giving it drugs to see how it would react . 0 And he saw a few of his classmates . Bobby was walking around his local park . 1 He tried everything to find a solution . Eventually he called to have someone come check . 1 Jia walked into the classroom . She noticed that everyone was taking the exam . 1 Charles worked hard at his internship . During his last days at his internship , he tried not to make mistakes . 0 The farmer ended his day by sipping on some ice tea . He collected eggs and milked the cows . 0 Jane did n't like the taste of the plain toast . One morning , Jane had two plain pieces of toast to eat . 1 Amy and her family went out to eat . It was Amy 's idea to celebrate since she made the volleyball team . 1 Under the Reagan administration , two sisters got their green cards . However , they also wanted to become US citizens . 1 Amy was one of Santa 's Elves as a part time seasonal job . On day at work the line for kids to see Santa was extra long . 0 It took 3 days for her mom to notice . She knew her mom would be upset so she wore her hair down . 1 She and her mother drove in the car and got there in no time . Lucy went into the Apple store and Microsoft store and bought stuff . 0 There was a small , brown , furry beaver at the edge of the field . Startled , Sierra fell from off the top of the girl pyramid . 0 He was easily found out and got into a lot of trouble . She screamed and was very upset . 0 Gordon was so thankful . She was able to better handle the smells . 1 Jill was homeless . She hated sleeping in the park and being hungry . 1 So much that a boy had to shovel a lot . The boy shoveled his driveway and felt like shoveling a lot more . 1 He managed to find three people to offer him research grants . With their help , his work continued . 1 He opened a lemonade shack but nobody seemed to like his lemonade . He could n't figure out why they did n't like it . 1 Everyone has agreed the vacation should be in Italy . They fly to Italy that weekend . 0 Yesterday I was belting out a favorite of mine . I like to sing in the shower . 0 On Friday they received an email . The girls were 4th year medical students . 1 He wanted to make a unique work of art . He decided to learn about paper mache . 1 She was so nervous while taking the test . To her delight , her test came out positive . 0 But the street was n't paved , so she continued to drive past it . Gina wondered if she could now drive on the street . 0 Lucy learned when she got to work that she had to work overtime . Before leaving for work she set her meal in the crockpot on high . 1 He struggled and struggled but could n't get the tent erect . His camping partners returned and the tent looked like a mess . 0 I think Carl 's subs rival those of Philly sub shops . Carl 's serves very tender steak and cheese subs . 1 Jen loves her aunt 's new kitten . She played with the kitten all day before having to go home . 1 Claire really wanted a new phone . She always got the latest model 0 When Howard backed up , he and his father heard a large crash . Howard 's dad taught him the gas and the wheel and asked him to drive . 1 They are her life she loves them like they are her children . One of her dogs just had a stroke . 1 I went to an interview yesterday . I was nervous to meet the interviewers . 0 The water was choppy and there was too much weight on the boat . Jay got a boat and took all of his friends out on the lake . 1 Bonnie was looking forward to making dinner for her boyfriend . She cooked all day , making sure everything was perfect . 0 She made Mike a bowl of collard greens . When he got married his wife cooked a lot of new foods . 1 Richard 's grandmother has been sick for a very long time . When Richard was young he would go over to her house every week . 1 He followed the recipe but burnt the salmon and the bun . He decided to try one more time . 0 Nick had a classmate named Phil . Nick was a student at a large university . 1 She rejected his friend request . he was unhappy . 0 Joe sipped it and wrinkled his face in disgust . They went to a bar and ordered Joe a beer . 1 His electricity bill was due , and it was 60 dollars . Dave had a great day turking and made 100 dollars . 1 She works as a waitress in an assisted living residence . She stayed at home all day and played on the Internet . 1 Mary was outside watering her flowers . Suddenly , a bee stung her . 1 I have always been deathly afraid of snakes . I could never even look at one in a container without shivering 0 He had poor attendance and could n't skip the class . Dan did n't want to go to class . 1 She was really nervous , but she played well . A big pot developed at the final table . 0 She looked up and saw a nest about 8 feet up . Liz noticed a baby bird on the ground in front of a tree . 1 Today he woke me up whining to go outside . While I was watching through the window Kiddo was eating grass . 1 The boy ran all the way home , crying . The boy grew up to be frightened of the unknown . 1 Victor was on the basketball team , but he was n't very good . He tried hard and practiced every day after school . 1 He informed his wife , and his children of his decision They were all intensely amused 0 He decided he was going to skip school one day . George hated going to school . 1 He told Pat that he was in the wrong loading bay . Pat pleaded to just unload the truck so he could go . 0 Her sister had no apparent health issues . My retired coworker lost her sister a few months ago . 1 He asked his mother to borrow a thousand dollars . She told him she would charge him interest . 0 Margaret replied she was his daughter , and Zahir gasped . Zahir grabbed her around the neck and asked who she was . 1 It took a long time to learn how to use it . I missed the deadline for the contest . 1 Her best friend liked it so much that she stole it . Baylee told the teacher and got the doll back . 0 He is about to get a flu shot . William is waiting at the doctor 's office . 0 The rock made him fall and he broke his hand . But when he was almost to the park he hit a small rock . 1 Eli turned beet red with embarrassment sure he was in dire trouble . His boss just laughed as Eli 's clumsiness . 0 When asked , he claimed he liked it , too . He was so enraptured , he did n't hear the music she played in her car . 0 Lynn and Kim saw , and stood with their mouths open . Ben had kissed Amy . 0 Her mom got out of work to pick her up . Instead of going to her class , she tried to call her mom . 1 Beth 's kitten got lost when her brother left the door open . Beth put up fliers all around the neighborhood . 0 She decided the place needed a thorough cleaning from top to bottom . Carla 's house was a mess and had n't been cleaned in months . 1 In addition , I got along with those who were rooting for the same team They were kind enough to offer some of their food . 0 Looking up she saw a large eagle flying above her . She was paddling across the lake when a shadow crossed her path . 1 Fortunately , Alyssa was no hurt . Caitlin cried and decided never to ride a bicycle again . 0 they were able to match the price since it was a recent purchase . Jake was upset but called the store . 1 Kiana frantically ran across the courtyard . She reached the temple just ahead of the gang that had assaulted her . 1 But now he started to notice all kinds of unidentified noises . Every creak and every crack made him more uneasy ! 0 I realized that work ethics does n't make up for talent . But , I lost all my fights . 0 He brought it back for a refund . He opened the container and noticed some mold on the pie . 1 Carla 's house was a mess and had n't been cleaned in months . She decided the place needed a thorough cleaning from top to bottom . 1 She fell in with a wrong crowd after school . One day she had some wine with them . 1 And picked out some new outfits . So he could go and have a good start to school . 0 She went to the doctor 's office to find out what was happening . Jenny felt confused , since she had been watching what she ate . 0 He bought a wide variety of pickles and ate them all . Cornelius decided to try eating pickles . 0 Eli climbed out the window and moved the boxes away from the door . When he woke up he could n't open his door ! 0 Then , to his astonishment , he won first prize in the contest ! Ray feared he would not win any prizes at all . 1 Ray was a distance walker . One day she tripped and badly injured her foot . 0 I sat down and set up my laptop . The cashier took my payment , and gave me the coffee . 1 He saw people in the car next to trying to get his attention . The people began acting silly . 1 Then Tina discovered she was having twins ! She knew she had twice the work ahead of her ! 1 Nora loves soccer . Her team made it to the team championships . 1 Suddenly she heard a noise and looked down . Her phone had fallen out of her pocket ! 1 Elena 's car shut down on the road . She decided to get out of the car to call for help . 1 We grew up with horses at our farm . My step brother and I both had our very own horses . 0 We sat with him and watched a bit of football , then left . Barry is a lonely retired professor . 1 Alex vomited all over the couch . After putting Alex to bed Dan had to clean the couch . 0 When nothing arrived by 2:30pm I became worried . I scheduled delivery for 2pm and waited by the door . 1 Their kids loved the samples too . One day they did n't have any samples . 1 It was hard to stay home . However , soon he could afford his new car . 0 She was wearing a pair of sunglasses . Jody was riding on a speedboat . 1 I drove to the local guitar shop . I found a nice cheap amp and bought it . 1 Nick mingled with people and drank alcohol . Nick began to act stupidly and fell off a table . 1 Mahlon had the metal cone in his teeth and was blowing in and out . Mahlon was making an annoying whistling sound with the pen tip . 0 Maurice now makes a living as an artist . His friend asked to put his art in the gallery . 1 Loretta 's first date with Charles was to the Del Amo Mall . They saw a movie . 0 His friends helped put it back on . While he was driving , a wheel came off . 1 And they were airing a marathon . Gina was able to catch up on a whole season in one day . 0 I was very nervous about finding a new job . I got laid off from my job of 21 years . 1 I looked inside and found some used film . I took the film to the store and had it developed . 0 A girl she vaguely knew walked up to her angrily . Jessica was at a pool party . 1 She called the cops . Everything was fine in the end . 1 Joe was playing baseball in the house . He threw up a ball to himself and swung a bat . 1 The next morning he woke up with a sore throat and cough . He pretended to be sick not realizing he actually was . 1 Pat ran after the dollar and begged for someone to help . An old man jumped on the dollar and stopped it . 0 He is teaching others in field . He made strides in the field of medicine . 1 Allan does n't like to wake up on the first alarm . So he hits the snooze button as soon as it goes off . 1 The black cat is very nice to everybody . One day the cat came up missing . 0 Now he is broke , owes taxes , and is unhappy . He talked to the owners and decided to buy the shop . 0 When they landed , they were in New York . They were on the airplane a long time . 0 It would be fun to come back with a win . I would like to go one day . 1 She is two and lives far away . She mailed it in time for Easter . 1 I work hard in the summer . I grow many kinds of berries . 1 Nothing she did to try to stay awake for work was helping . The coffee did nothing to perk her up . 0 Her curiosity finally won over her fear of bad news . Beth was not sure she wanted to open it . 1 Carl 's serves very tender steak and cheese subs . I think Carl 's subs rival those of Philly sub shops . 1 Mike then began to see a psychiatrist a few times a week . After the therapy , Mike began to feel better in life . 0 She went to the nursery and bought lots of flowers . She called her mom for help . 1 He noticed there are a lot of beautiful birds in his neighborhood . Jeff decided he would research bird watching as a hobby . 1 I scheduled delivery for 2pm and waited by the door . When nothing arrived by 2:30pm I became worried . 1 Today , we lost the remote control . Everyone was looking for it . 1 Todd felt his nose and it was sore . He ended up resting for days . 1 Now that his eighteenth birthday was here he felt old enough . Before he could ask them again they surprised him with his very own dog . 1 I tried to emulate the workout but it was painful . My muscles were immediately in pain . 1 I vowed to get revenge on him one day . I planned and I plotted against Abraham . 0 Later that night she met up with her friends . She prepared her make up for hours . 0 The power went out constantly causing everything to black out . However , this Christmas just went bad . 0 It was their anniversary night . Kelly was excited to spend dinner with her boyfriend . 0 She did not like that he left Bridget Moynahan for Giselle . My sister-in-law hates Tom Brady , even though she is from Boston . 0 He set a goal to make 100 foul shots a day . Steve decided he needed to become a better foul shot shooter . 1 There was also a bunch of yummy food . The party lasted all the way into the evening . 1 The fire grew larger as the boys tossed in wood . A strong wind blew and the fire got out of control . 0 Donna checked out and was happy with the food she purchased . She found many canned goods to buy . 1 The dog had too much energy for Justin and Sally to handle . Justin found out about dog day care . 1 Jill calls her ex to let him know that her boyfriend proposed to her . She is devastated when her ex congratulates her . 1 Without sugar , I do n't drink coffee . I did n't work at all that day . 1 She had an idea for a dessert for that night 's dinner . Xena bought two pounds of strawberries . 1 She watched from her gate as he spoke to the an officer . The officer let her father take the kids home instead . 0 He told me to take some medicine . He said I had the flu . 0 It took me awhile to get the hang of it . Last month I started learning to knit . 1 Sarah was scared and called her friend that lived down the street . Her friend picked her up and Sarah was relieved . 0 Everyone laughed and had fun . They all decided to play basketball . 1 Rick picked up the pieces afterwards . Rick was able to get a new phone through his insurance . 0 I found chips and salsa in the kitchen . I was hungry for a midnight snack . 0 One day , he was bothering a student about getting drugs from him . People knew him as a suspicious character . 1 He decided to go shopping for one . However , he could not find anything he liked . 1 He spent hours looking for her to no avail . When he got home she was sleeping in her dog bed ! 1 They waited patiently for their waiter to come to them . After 20 minutes they were very upset . 0 I became excited to start dating a man who was nearly seven feet tall ! In my dating profile I stated I was looking for very tall men . 1 I was interacting with Gina on an online game . We were trying to complete a quest together . 1 It was a long somber drive . Gina and the other kids were on their best behavior . 0 She then put them on the bed fresh from the dryer . She took all the blankets from her bed and washed them . 1 Graham got money for his birthday . He wanted a new toy . 1 She just got done baking the pies . But forgot about the last 4 she left in the oven . 0 Suddenly , their television stopped working . That night , the party was underway . 0 She could only run a mile in 10 minutes . Nicole wanted to run a mile in 7 minutes . 1 He said I had the flu . He told me to take some medicine . 0 Mike had never really liked cheese , but he took a chance and tried it On his way to the radish stand , he was offered a free sample of cheese 1 My mother recommended we try some sashimi . I agreed reluctantly . 0 They were immediately irritated and stood up from the bleachers . After making a far shot , the ball flew and hit a group of guys . 0 Instead of asking for help , she randomly picked two chemicals . However , she was confused since there were multiple test tubes there . 1 She especially hated knowing other women enjoyed having sex . One day , Sister Snatch got a call from a right wing lawyer . 1 My sister in law fell last week . She was walking in the garage to her car . 1 Jeremy needed money for his drug addiction . He decided to break into a local grocery store after dark . 1 His job needed to change when a program took over his tasks . Rupert still strives for the simplicity of his earlier work . 0 I learned that I should not eat an entire cabbage . Alas , it gave me a very upset stomach . 1 Julie was determined not to have her baby on a holiday . She was not happy when she went into labor on the 4th of July ! 1 She had never owned real suede before . She wore the coat everyday , even in the snow . 1 One Tuesday something compelled him to go inside . Behind the desk was the most beautiful woman Don had ever seen . 0 I was so excited about the book , I took it to school . I got a Chitty Chitty Bang Bang book for my 7th birthday . 0 The officer let her father take the kids home instead . She watched from her gate as he spoke to the an officer . 1 Tina collected old newspapers . This proved to be a terrible choice for a collection . 1 Zahir grabbed her around the neck and asked who she was . Margaret replied she was his daughter , and Zahir gasped . 0 Javier was in the army and had to move far away . Reese was engaged to Javier . 0 They ignited the grass in my yard ! I accidentally let some coals fall out . 0 He spent the next hour cleaning the pool with Jane sat and watched . He started to get his cleaning supplies out of the truck . 1 The keyboard shorted out . Marcus has to buy a new keyboard . 1 Marina twirled and twisted exotically . The house lights came on and she took a bow . 1 The teacher required him to retake the course . He ended up telling his parents and they had to sign his report card . 0 He bit his lip and acted like he was n't even hurt ! Neil wanted to cry , but he knew he had to be brave . 1 His excess speed attracted the attention of the police . It would have been smart to pull over , but he was n't smart . 1 Dan did n't like the taste of tap water . He bought lots and lots of bottled water . 1 Finally Maxine gets a job at the cafe . On her first day , Maxine toasts a sesame bagel for a customer . 0 The princess gave Nisa a small coronation . she met a beautiful princess in a blue ballgown . 1 Then her dad stopped her quickly . He told Ivy the fish was a delicious tuna ! 0 Arguing was n't the same as debating . Tim eagerly joined but did n't do so well . 0 He offered to help her do just that , and right now , too . She threatened to move out if he would n't fix it . 0 She took lessons twice a week . Jamie was a flute player . 0 Oprah went to the city council . Oprah noticed that there were no bike lanes . 0 She stepped up to the line and made the shot . Sarah felt unusually confident that day . 1 He told his mom he wanted to be homeschooled . She finally agreed . 0 An old man jumped on the dollar and stopped it . Pat ran after the dollar and begged for someone to help . 0 It was so big and amazing , I was so jealous of them . When I suddenly saw this huge hot air balloon landing . 1 Marcy was building a gingerbread house . She baked all of the walls and roof first . 1 When Jack got home , he was burnt to a crisp . Jack will wear sunscreen next time . 1 The Requester was a publisher who worked with famous authors . Discovering the man 's remarkable hidden talent , she requested a novel . 0 Ray put one hand on the ladder and had instant regrets . As he got closer the high dive looked much higher . 1 They always have coupons . He can get a dozen Boston Creme donuts for almost nothing . 0 When he got home she was sleeping in her dog bed ! He spent hours looking for her to no avail . 0 He shouted at his friend to use a coaster . Mike lost his mind when he saw this take place . 1 I turned out all the lights , making the store as dark as a tomb . As I began strolling toward the front , I heard a voice cackling . 0 I decided to ask my neighbor if he could fix it . Suddenly , my computer froze . 0 It was just her brother under a sheet . She saw a ghost ! 1 You get to take all your frustration out by running into people . It 's all in an organized fashion but it gets me pumped up . 0 He lived in one of the houses near the barn but always hung out there . His name was Bear . 1 I volunteered at an animal shelter over the summer . I watched as dogs came in and was adopted out . 0 John missed his flight to the meeting It was 30 minutes past his wake up time . 0 She thought about confronting her . He was angry at the other woman as well . 1 She realized that the person had accidentally given their diamond ring . Shannon returned the ring to the ever so thankful pizza eater . 1 She was incredibly nervous . When lily got on the field she was shaking . 0 Paul embraced who he was from that day onward . His sister Evelyn stopped him , and they shared a cry . 1 She bought a violin and began taking lessons . She learned how to play beautiful music with the violin . 1 She still could n't pay so she needed to do something else . Finally , she decided to put the bags in her storage unit . 0 Dan was naive and so he took their advice . The suggested he try one of everything that was in the bar . 0 Grandma enjoyed the birthday party and all her gifts . Many people came from all over the country . 1 The girls were talking and Abby told Susie something shocking . Abby told her that Claire was talking badly about her . 0 She sought adventure and excitement . Gwen was tired of her marriage . 1 A strong gust of wind blew him over . Eric fell to the ground . 1 She began dicing it . Then , her eyes started watering . 0 Lorie wanted to reconnect with her sister . Hannah lived far away and they had n't seen each other in a few Year 's . 0 Amy got in trouble because sand had been tracked through the house . An hour later her mother called her to the living room . 0 Daniel bought some white paint . Sadly , one of the rooms was painted black . 0 She decided on an easy way to do it . Nancy was trying to cut down on her sugar . 1 Santa had his helpers make the ball . Tommy woke up and saw the ball under the Christmas tree . 1 Laura was enjoying her first date with Tom . They laughed and ate dinner . 0 The robber would not be able to use the money after it exploded ! She put money into a bag along with a dye pack . 1 Canada was home to one of her favorite restaurants . In there , she found the best yogurt she 's ever tasted . 1 Tameka was a hard working woman and a mother of three kids . But she lost her job in an auto financing center . 0 She went to her doctor to get a checkup . Tara had been feeling a bit tired lately . 1 Nathan and his dad drove to the ranch to get started . The horses were beautiful , and very cooperative during the lessons . 1 It was the best weather . The horses enjoyed it and so did we . 1 One day , Bob decided to go out and purchase a brand new car ! He went over to the dealership and browsed for the car he liked . 0 Schools with total immersion programs sent her applications . She searched for a way to use foreign language in everyday life . 1 At noon she felt no better and decided to go to the doctor The doctor prescribed her a simple nausea relief medication . 0 So the team finds a new coach . None of the kids are having any fun because of the coach . 0 He decided to build his own furniture in the style he desired . Tim found the style he was looking for . 1 My sister was late because she was making table centerpieces . My mom missed the turn to the location and got lost . 0 Finally , she settled on the new iPhone and purchased it . It was really hard for her to choose . 1 Jeb put a video of him playing it on Youtube . His life 's work finished , he jumped off a bridge . 1 At first he ignored it , but it started to bother . He got up from the bench and looked at the strings . 0 One of them fell off , hit his head , and died . They all had a blast jumping on the trampoline . 0 The neighbor noticed the ivy growing up the side of Dora 's house . She secretly pinched off a piece to plant . 0 Ophelia has the chance to observe the graffiti in detail for once . Today her train makes an unexpected stop for a sick passenger . 0 Afterwards , her stomach started to hurt her . She began to munch on them . 0 My dresser was completely full once again . I then folded all the cloths and put them away . 1 My family went to the zoo one day . The monkeys were my favorite animal . 1 The bag had fallen from an armored car and Joey scooped it up . Eventually , all but 200 thousand was returned to the company . 0 Mike stayed up all night writing his paper . He had waited until the night before to write it . 0 It was one of the best days of his life . At the beer tasting , he sampled ales , stouts , and pilsner beers . 1 So I asked her what the time was . She pulled out her phone and unlocked it to tell me . 0 He felt terrible . When Trey took it home it died . 1 Bob does n't have any cash because he did n't realize he would need it . Bob vows to never get a membership at Sam 's Club . 0 Fred accompanied Tim to his fifth birthday party . Today Fred was with Tim all day . 1 Then he made calls to his mother , father and grandparents . After the ceremony , none of Charles ' family approached him . 0 Jesse sat down to a big breakfast that she thoroughly enjoyed . She cooked them on the stove . 1 The day of prom , Hannah put on her perfect dress . When she arrived to prom , she saw another girl had the same dress ! 0 As they left the store , Julia was caught . Julia decided to do it anyways . 0 Tod took Ivan to the zoo to see other penguins . Tod owned a stuffed penguin named Ivan . 0 He asked his brother if he could have it . When Dan saw Rob 's prize was cooler than his he was angry . 1 At first it was hard . She struggled to make it through even twenty minutes . 0 Thankfully she also got paid for it . Finally she was able to get rid of her stuff . 1 I learned the meat came from cloned animals . I reported my discovery to the top two news channels . 0 She lost her job the next day . She thought something bad was going to happen . 0 After that Joe always sang in school . One day a cute girl named Tracy asked him to sing . 1 Everyone made fun of him for being smart . Terry studied hard and went to college . 0 After a little digging , Tommy found a pair of dentures . He began to dig in the dirt with his hands . 0 The cashier asked if he wanted to donate a dollar to help children . He picked up his groceries and went to check out . 0 In an effort to impress her , he ordered squid . The boy took his girlfriend on a fancy date . 1 He knew how to sew , and so he found a sewing kit . He sewed up the gaping hole . 0 Ivy 's popsicles were even better than the store-bought kind ! She even added fresh berries to improve the taste . 0 It was another 15 minute wait . She and her grandma got in line to checkout . 1 She was really nostalgic visiting the old places . Then , she decided to go see her old house . 0 The problem was she had stolen the cake . Lucy made herself sick eating cake . 1 They managed to gather $ 5000 to give to Jen as a gift . Thanks to their generosity , Jen was able to take a long vacation . 0 Kim found the dog 's owner . She then posted lost ads . 0 I gave the tulips to my grandmother . One day they had grown into beautiful tulips . 1 But then he lost his job . It pained him , but he had to give one of his dogs away . 1 I went to my mom 's house today . She said that she bought me an apple tv . 1 She decided to buy some food from a street vendor . Rita felt sick to her stomach almost immediately . 0 She spent almost an hour searching her apartment . She could n't remember where she left the dog 's leash though . 1 They have a long argument , and Ronald leaves at the end . He feels free now that he is single again . 0 She did a pretty good job . She decided to try to cook her own . 0 So he hits the snooze button as soon as it goes off . Allan does n't like to wake up on the first alarm . 1 Simon loved stars and astronomy . He kept telling his mom he wanted a spaceship for Christmas ! 1 Lucy made herself sick eating cake . The problem was she had stolen the cake . 1 My mother persuaded me to go dancing with friends . I had a lot of fun doing so . 1 He took it to the park . There , he broke it into pieces . 1 Kyle rolled 3 strikes in a row . Kyle was so happy spending his evening with friends . 1 When he got home the tire was totally flat . He took out the nail and cursed his poor luck . 0 She hit a patch of black ice . Fiona was driving her car one wintry day . 1 They all decided to play basketball . Everyone laughed and had fun . 1 Mel had a big list of Christmas presents to buy . She set off for the mall and began to shop . 1 She would skate from dusk till dawn . One day she jumped so high in the air . 1 He saw the hole drilled right through the ice . He was eager to fish at that fascinating spot ! 1 She started stir ingredients and realized she did not have eggs . She begged her mother who ran to the store to purchase some . 0 Instead , I opted to buy a new mouse . At the store , it was deemed unfixable . 0 He regretted the dare when he fell off and completely skinned his leg . He jumped on the back , and the truck soon picked up speed ! 1 Naomi loved to pretend that she was a mother . Naomi 's parents bought her a baby doll for Christmas . 0 She mentioned that she did n't know where the time went that day . She did not seem to realize that her clocks were wrong . 1 He got his friend to ask her out for him . The girl agreed to the date . 1 His family is amazed at how delicious the brunch looks . Fred is no longer considered the family 's worst cook . 1 My German Aunt would make Fruit Cake for my birthday every December . I am not a fan of fruitcake . 1 Kim arrived at work to see the only park had a huge puddle . She parked and attempted to jump over the puddle . 1 Kevin wrote freelance articles for websites . Kevin wrote about an arcade game he liked . 1 It was a brutal workout . It was so brutal I had to take a few breaks . 1 He loved it . He told all his friends about it . 0 The woman felt a surge of confidence which led to a promotion . The patron understood her limitations , and continued to be nice . 1 He called up all his friends . He went to the store and bought meat , chips , and soda . 0 Eric was thrilled . He had won a $ 5000 scholarship for his academic work ! 0 Todd was able to conquer all his opponents online . He plugged it into his computer afterwards . 0 The trampoline was everything Robert hoped for . Robert was surprised that his parents bought him a new trampoline 1 She went to the tryouts . There , she did as many cheers as she could remember . 0 The customer was embarrassed he had been tricked by the fake bill . In his deposit , Irma found what was obviously a counterfeit bill . 1 She decided to look up online what may be wrong with her . She figured then it would be best to see her doctor . 0 The cashier handed my order when it was done . I decided to purchase food from the fast food restaurant . 0 He took some medication and laid down for awhile . He thought that maybe he was hungry but eating did not help . 1 My son bought me a glockenspiel for my birthday . It looks like xylophone , but has black keys . 1 Sarah spent all summer memorizing the cheers . She tried out again the following year . 0 His mom told him that he could only watch one show a day . He started to watch it too much . 0 They fly to Italy that weekend . Everyone has agreed the vacation should be in Italy . 1 This went on for years until I realized I had become bigger than she . In our final bout , I furiously wrestled her to the ground . 1 Susan needed extra cash . She applied to work as a babysitter . 1 John was so excited about his soccer game tomorrow . He had practiced so hard so his team could win . 0 I ended up taking last place and losing twenty bucks . I had a great time and learned a lot about how to play . 0 A thief stole Michaels pet bear . One day he took him to a park . 1 However , this Christmas just went bad . The power went out constantly causing everything to black out . 0 I decided to become my own man and start a business . I hated working for my boss . 0 I finally went home and discovered Max sitting by my front door . I looked around town for hours and could not find him . 0 It had a hole on the bottom that was getting bigger . And he 's used the same one for 20 Years . 1 He heard that Delhi had a lot of history . He took a train trip into Delhi . 1 He got to walk around the store like a big boy . He pushed the cart from check out to the car . 1 She opened the box and there was a stuffed cat in it . That was not what she meant when she asked for a kitten . 0 He was able to slam on the breaks . He suddenly saw a car pull out in front of him . 0 He played a song about how we have to love one another . Kelly , a rapper , had a show in Paris after the shooting . 0 Her bid day was coming and I was going to help her pick the best cake . She knew better than anyone that I was a cake-aholic . 1 Everyone ate until they were full . There was one pumpkin left over ! 1 Gina 's dad had given her money to buy a phone card . She stood in the doorway waving as he left . 0 Usually she was one of the first ones off the bus . Gina sat on the school bus as it arrived at the school . 0 It was a large igloo . Tom was building an igloo . 1 She pouted in the car as they drove to grandma 's . At grandma 's Amy decided to tell on her mother . 0 Suddenly , I felt something in my stomach . I was drinking soda with my friends . 1 Mike lost his mind when he saw this take place . He shouted at his friend to use a coaster . 1 Joel told everyone that he would n't sing . However , one coworker convinced him to sing one song . 0 He immediately began screaming that his leg was broken . Suddenly he slipped and fell to the ground . 1 I decided to apply to nursing school . I gathered all my materials . 0 I decided to put an ad in the paper for more mowing jobs . I just need to mow a couple more lawns and I will have enough . 1 We thought we had enough money for daycare but we do n't . I asked my mother who loves ten minutes away if she could babysit . 1 One day a cute girl named Tracy asked him to sing . After that Joe always sang in school . 1 They ran downstairs and asked their parents if there was school . Their parents said school had been cancelled during the night . 0 He offered to trade the scores he 'd collected over the Year 's for it . He could n't transcribe it himself , so he joined a guitar forum . 1 Danielle decided to cut her toenails . Finally she finished cutting all 10 toenails . 0 Her hard work paid off . Emily gets an offer from an old professor . 0 It was her first night home from the hospital . May was a new mother . 0 They played hide-and-seek , and they both loved it ! But the little boy suggested a much simpler game . 1 The two girls had a harrowing journey through storms and sharks . They thought they would die but then they saw a ship . 0 She bought it eagerly . Ella found an old oil lamp at a thrift store . 1 Cal 's toothbrush snapped in half ! He was very startled ! 0 I had no luck with the slot machines or betting on the races . When I turned 21 they took me with them . 1 They found a quiet stream and got their gear ready . After an hour there was a bite on Mike 's line . 0 One day she noticed she had neck pain . She would always be glued to it . 1 Gina was at Target with her mom . Gina wanted to find a Lisa Frank folder . 0 Suddenly , Deb had a downright economical idea . She could n't afford to fix it , and could n't afford a new table 0 She is constantly dizzy . My niece has health issues . 1 In addition , I applied a week before the next semester started . Unfortunately , the tuition for my classes was not covered . 1 Richard saved his money from his job for years . He purchased camera equipment and travel tickets . 1 It was already January and it had n't snowed one yet . Billy and his friend Leo were very disappointed . 0 After an hour , she felt queasy . She ate corndogs and fried ice cream . 1 He bought a tree at a nursery . He went home and planted the tree in his yard . 1 Jeremy had a crush on Renee . He gave her a stuffed bear with a red heart . 1 She heard me giggle , and woke up . She jumped up and snarled at the cat like a ferocious cat-hater . 0 But I do n't want to upset them . Now I lost interest and want to bail . 1 When they finished they entered the fort . As they as inside it began to crumble . 1 He filled one of Drew 's cavity . After Drew left , his teeth was hurting . 1 She told Andy about her terrible dreams . Andy said he thought that could happen , knowing her kids . 1 There he talked to a girl for hours . They seemed to really hit it off . 1 Bob played Bill at a game of checkers . Bob was very good and won the first 26 games they played . 0 When Amy told her mom she was furious . Rob and Alex had thrown mud pies and Amy and Beth . 0 She intended to put the braid back before going home . But she liked it better down . 0 She reached for her phone but realized she had no power . She needed to call her husband to tell him . 0 It landed in the window of a boy she knew . One plane traveled halfway across the city . 0 This is her first time . Ann has to help with a surgery . 0 The propmaster stood back to admire his work . The piece of stage fell when he finished his cut . 1 He visited his grandfather in the hospital almost every day . Unfortunately , his grandfather 's health worsened . 1 My coworker once gave me a shiny gold looking penny . I thanked him and put it in my wallet . 1 I was an adept programmer . I decided to learn functional programming . 1 After her first attempt , she managed to shoot every target . She also did n't hesitate to shoot the targets . 0 He ordered fried chicken . Ronny went to a local chicken fast food joint . 1 Joe needed to do something with his money . He was tired of it just sitting in his savings . 0 When Richard was young he would go over to her house every week . Richard 's grandmother has been sick for a very long time . 0 He had told her everything was ready for her to transcribe . Her husband , the assistant director of the archives , was her boss . 0 Gina was able to catch up on a whole season in one day . And they were airing a marathon . 1 The children did n't mind one bit . They raced up the hill to sled back down , over and over again . 0 May 's old cow turned out to have the best milk around ! Everyone started to buy the old cow 's milk ! 1 I wanted a car right then , but decided to wait . 3 months later I found something great . 1 And it would make him happy if he had a friend . On Valentine 's day , he saw an envelope on the floor . 0 An ice cream cone was the perfect way to sate his nostalgia . He had forgotten about it , but now the memories came flooding back . 0 We eat special treats and drink non-alcoholic wine . We find some scary , family-friendly movies to watch . 1 The waiter explained his guest had an allergy to cheese . The chef said that there was not any cheese in any dish . 1 The town he worked in was in drought . The drought caused the grass to die . 1 It took awhile but we were able to replace the nut . We were glad not to be embarrassed by a loose toilet seat . 0 It was delicious . She put in the tea bag and took a sip . 1 Anna was making Thanksgiving dinner . She wanted her turkey to be juicy . 1 Andrea was at the lake . She was trying to climb onto a boat from the water . 0 They later found the doll torn to tatters in front of the doggy door . Fortunately , her mother had seen the dog with it . 0 He starts selling the GPS wallets . He has a bunch of them manufactured . 1 One day she went to his cage to see him . He was dead . 1 Amy loved Beverly Cleary books . She could n't wait to visit the school library to find a new book . 1 Ali was enrolled in a karate class . She did n't like the class , but she wanted to learn to defend herself . 1 He tried to face his fears . Lighting hit right near him . 0 Amy was crying which distracted her mom . Amy and her mother were at her Aunt 's graduation . 0 Her face lit up as she realized she liked it . When it was handed to her she nervously ate a piece . 1 He did not know the car had been submerged in a flood . When the heat of summer came , the car began to smell terrible . 0 He noticed a very colorful snail all of a sudden . It was rainy , yet Robby had trouble finding any snails . 1 Finally Todd gave in and ate the grasshopper . He spit it out because it tasted so disgusting . 0 When they were done , they bought souvenirs to remember it . They learned about all kinds of animals . 0 I went to Brandsmart and everything looked too expensive . He normally hates most gifts , so I did n't know what to do . 0 She was the star player . Jules had a big tennis match coming up . 1 Larry showed Katie how to fly the kite at the park . Katie was so excited that she learned to fly a kite . 1 Later , the man tried to rob Josh 's house again . Josh caught the man on camera . 1 He forgot to push his chair all the way in . Ziggy jumped up onto the chair . 1 She was offered a lead in the Nutcracker . She was nervous about her performance . 1 The small crowd discussed what to do about the dolphin . Allen and Maria helped by nudging the dolphin toward the water . 1 Joy invites Grace to place by her house . They both meet up at the Little Diner . 0 Gina wanted to find a Lisa Frank folder . Gina was at Target with her mom . 1 Her boss called her into his office . There , he officially reprimanded her . 0 However , his father insisted on Louis becoming a doctor . Louis wanted to become a clown . 0 Janice picked about 10 oranges off the tree . Janice decided to go to the orange tree in the backyard . 1 His roommates say they did n't touch it When the landlord comes for the rent Jim tells him what happened . 0 It was an old cabin he had built . Zoey was offered a free place to stay by her friend . 1 She had her favorite hair tie . Yet when she put it around her head , it broke . 0 Instead , he was given a rolled-up tatami mat . To his surprise , he had no bed ! 0 He decided to go take a hot shower . He tried to ignore it but it was too distracting . 0 She brought two of them home . She found a bunch of affectionate . 1 Finally she admitted that she had made a mistake . She had cut a quarter sized hole in his hair . 1 He solved problems within the neighborhood . He is now running for mayor and is expected to win . 0 That night she caught Charlie sniffing glue . He said there was n't a problem . 1 Before I knew it , she had pushed his desk across the room . It fell with a thud as papers and books fell out of its compartment . 1 Fred had always wanted to learn to tap dance . His friends encouraged him to take a dancing class . 1 My new car is amazing . It has all the bells and whistles . 0 It was the most beautiful moment of Samantha 's life . The ducks quickly gathered around Samantha to eat the bread crumbs . 0 Kelly learned how supportive people were . When she released it , everyone loved it . 0 Every Christmas without fail , his house would be egged and TPed . After the 5th year of having his house vandalized , Greg hated teens . 0 The IRS disagreed , and audited her . In the end , she concluded that she could . 1 When he ate everything he just asked for more . He ate pizza , a burger , french fries , onions , a cake and a roll . 1 When they arrived , they were excited to see a new exhibit was open . The exhibit featured dinosaurs and had dinosaur-related activities . 1 She posted her pieces on a website . One day , a publishing company contacted her . 0 He had it delivered and installed . He found a great one at a great price ! 0 She decided to stay up the next day as a result . With her sleeping schedule ruined , she needed to get back on track . 1 He also made sure to take in as much local cuisine as he could ! He came home with lots of pictures and stories to tell . 1 I always look forward to Fridays . It is our girls night . 1 John thought he could take time off his training and still beat Nate . Nate healed completely and restarted training . 0 He hoped his shift would be uneventful . It was Daniel 's first day on the streets as a cop . 0 The choking woke him up quite abruptly . While he was sleeping he began to choke on his saliva . 0 Once there , I was given a five dollar scratch off . I went to the store to purchase a lottery ticket . 1 His first position is to chop the prepared salads . Lester diligently chops salads all day . 1 It was 1 AM . And Lisa was lying awake in bed . 1 But he became more and more frustrated . Sam ended up guessing on every problem . 0 She grabbed a towel to clean it all up . Water was spilling out onto the floor . 0 His dad praised him and wished he was still young Alex hit an incredible shot over a lake . 0 He was very confused about why he failed . One day , he failed a math exam . 0 Brian wound up losing his job and the respect of his followers . A witness later came forward to tell the truth about the story . 0 He bought himself a belt from the store . He was on the verge of getting fired . 1 A sudden thunderstorm started . He ran from his car to the store doors . 1 Jasper went to a neighborhood bar where a man was playing banjo . It made Jasper wish that he , too , could play the instrument . 0 They decided to take a camping trip . Bill and Jim wanted to feel more in touch with nature . 0 She baked all of the walls and roof first . Marcy was building a gingerbread house . 0 The cat also never clawed the couch again . The cat never let him touch his paws again . 1 Then she sat down to drink the warm , frothy beverage . When the cup was empty , Jemma felt warm and satisfied . 0 Will went to the doctor . One day , Will developed a yeast infection . 1 The Smith family likes to make pizzas together on Fridays . Usually , the parents will buy the ingredients in advance . 1 Suddenly , in walked Bill , Ashley 's dog , with the doll in his mouth . Raggedy Ann had been with Bill the whole time . 0 Billy and his friend Leo were very disappointed . It was already January and it had n't snowed one yet . 1 Lucy wanted to go swimming . She called her friends to ask them to come with her . 1 They had a video game party for her birthday . They stayed up all night laughing at their gaming failures . 0 Gideon knew it was a scam , and punched the man in the face . The man claimed to be his long lost brother Ted . 1 In foster care she was silent and never smiled . Then one day her foster mom brought home a new baby girl ! 1 Bob went to the store to buy snacks . When he was leaving the store he dropped some chips . 0 Everyone had a great time . Both of them invited their friends . 0 When her eyes met mine I was in her control . I saw a beautiful girl walking along the pacific coast . 0 She decided to leave the room to get something in the kitchen . Andrea was babysitting her four year old niece . 0 Then we went to a local coffee shop . We went to a local barber so I could get a haircut . 0 She offered to help for free , because she was kind . He offered to pay her , but she refused . 1 Khalid was going to the beach on a sunny day . He got to the beach and the waves were very large . 0 His teachers told him he did n't have what it took . He went to school to study to be a lawyer . 0 He did n't have buns , so he used a bagel . Chris was craving a hamburger . 1 Tom was a kind man . He visited a pet store . 1 She went house hunting and found the perfect house . Anna now has a home of her own ! 1 One day his dog was missing . He found his dog behind the house with puppies ! 1 Mike turned 21 Year 's old one summer day . When he woke up , he put on some clothes and left his house . 0 She loved being a mother but was sad about the changes in her body . Laura had her first baby and was so happy . 1 He read every card he found . No one caught him reading the mail . 1 Becky spent the next year working on her throwing every day . The following year Becky tried out again and made the team ! 1 The food was very good . My wife had a good time . 1 Carol loved to bird watch . She loved to learn about all the different birds . 0 She tried to take it out of her pocket . Someone was calling her since her phone rang . 0 One day she jumped so high in the air . She would skate from dusk till dawn . 1 He wanted to join the team . He worked hard to practice . 1 Mary loved it and asked him to continue playing louder . Craig strummed so hard that he broke a banjo string . 0 One day she found a snuggle that trumped all rest . She also loved snuggling with friends while watching scary movies . 0 Cara used it to motivate her on her diet . It was two sizes too small . 0 He became agitated that I told him this . I told him I already knew this story . 0 But he is never recognized for his talents . His direct reports love him . 1 He arranged them himself . His girlfriend loved the gift . 0 Jill decided to sell her laptop on eBay . She would not get paid until next week . 0 Thus , I was suspended from school for two weeks . It began foaming and releasing a poisonous gas . 1 His domineering aunt Mildred demanded he stop . He swore he would , but could not . 0 She cried the rest of the night . I yelled at her for what she did . 1 I was walking down the street one day . A strange man approached me . 0 But when she got her pizza , it was totally wrong . She wanted a medium pepperoni pizza with extra cheese . 0 When they got there , they quickly realized something . The park they chose to go to was one that they grew up going to . 0 Ivan slipped some red clothes into the roommate 's hamper . He decided to ruin the roommate 's laundry . 0 He dreamt aliens had given him godlike powers . He fell asleep in the middle of typing a chapter . 0 He used the paper to wrap the last of the gifts . He cut up the bags to make sheets of paper . 0 However , Paul went on a date recently that made him upset . Paul usually likes going on dates . 0 Sandy was rushed to the ER . As she was walking off the court , she fainted . 0 It grossed him out and he almost threw up . He noticed there was a bandaid in his burger . 0 My ex slipped me the tongue ! One day we had to practice kissing in front of the director . 1 Dave wondered what to give his dad for Christmas . The he thought of the perfect gift idea . 1 I challenged my doctor to a match of Tennis . Since he was 60 years old , I doubted that he was good in the game . 1 She was freezing all night and did not get any sleep . The air in the air mattress was colder than the ground . 0 He started searching every for it . He was getting ready to go but could n't find his coat . 1 At first , everything was going well . Then , there was an issue . 0 We duct taped two 40 ounce bottles of beer to his hands . At the bachelor party we decided he had to play Edward 40 hands . 1 Charlie went to the gym . He saw several of his friends . 0 First , he measured Raven with a tape measure . Michael wanted to build a doghouse for his dog , Raven . 0 Todd took off his training wheels when his father was not around . Todd knew he could despite what his father said . 1 Johnny and Anika had been married for a year . They planned on starting a family but Anika did n't get pregnant . 0 When they both grew up and applied to college , it haunted them . They made an extraordinary number of videos about boys and makeup . 1 He sat at his desk nervously . He chewed his pencil . 0 She did n't like going by herself . Sally was n't sure if she wanted to go to the movies or not . 0 He aimed at the target slowly but steadily . Blake took out his revolver and cocked it . 1 She learned to list all her debts from smallest to largest . She was then instructed to start paying off the smallest first . 0 He put a little horseradish on Gillian 's sandwich . One day , Mark was making steak sandwiches for both of them . 1 Adrian never studied in school but still did well . He was on the honor roll through high school . 1 He is really depressed about not getting any replies . Sam 's friend makes a fake profile and pretends to be attracted to Sam . 0 There is one internet provider available to them and it 's dial up . I 'm visiting my girlfriend 's parents who live in Tennessee . 1 I gave Henry a few toys because I liked him . I hope Henry and Julia stay here for awhile . 0 The teacher caught his mistakes and gave him an F for cheating . While copying , he forgot to change a lot of the work or working . 0 They talked all night and were in love by dawn the next day . Becky 's sister immediately introduced herself and offered hot coco . 1 He felt like he could do it , no problem . However , he put too many kernels in the pot . 0 She scoured the house for all the money she could find . Jennifer wished to purchase her mom and wonderful birthday gift . 0 He meets a cat that he immediately falls in love with . He decides to go to the animal shelter . 1 A notice was put up in the town square . It said the town would be split up and separated into two halves . 0 I was afraid he would fall , but he did not . One day my brother walked on the catwalk . 1 Then her parents hired her a tutor . Every day after school , she studied with him . 1 Amy had gotten a watch for her birthday , but not the one she asked for At lunch all her friends were asking to see her watch . 1 She replaced the light bulb . Yvette continued reading her book . 1 John agreed . He spent all day carrying brush around and things like that . 0 I watched my little dancer enjoy her time dancing . She danced her little heart out . 1 Ora had been waiting months for a new video game . The day it came out , she rushed to the store . 1 I had a great time and learned a lot about how to play . I ended up taking last place and losing twenty bucks . 1 Rahul and Jasper strike up a conversation and becomes friends . Rahul feels so happy that he has met a friend . 1 Her parents told her to put it under the pillow . Julie hoped the tooth fairy would visit . 0 I opened it to find my little brother trying to scare me . I walked toward the closet . 1 Inside , she bought a new pair . Then , she resumed her drive . 0 He tossed in a large slab of meat and many cups of water . The cook placed the crockpot on the counter and plugged it in . 1 The dog came and snatched a page out . Tim looked everywhere for the page . 0 Betty kneeled close to the snake , and tried to touch it . The snake laid still , appearing as if it was dead . 1 So he took out the water bottle from the trash and yelled at the man . He arrogantly put the water bottle in the first recycling bin he saw . 0 First , he needed to find money . Arnold wanted to play at the arcade . 1 Tim was using an old computer . It was very slow . 0 Dave took a bow once he finished his rant . People threw money at Dave for his wonderful performance . 0 In there , she found the best yogurt she 's ever tasted . Canada was home to one of her favorite restaurants . 1 Jason writes many poems . Jason goes to an open microphone poetry reading at a bar . 0 John and Dave looked at the fries all over the ground . The dog jumped onto the table and knocked over the carton ! 1 She ended up crashing the car . Molly 's mom is very upset about her car . 0 He was able to furnish his place for $ 100 dollars there . He decided to go to Goodwill . 0 Her friends were upset , but she could n't bare to hear that song again . Her friends were enjoying the song when she turned the radio off . 0 His girlfriend hated it when he used frozen meatballs . Alex was making a meatball soup . 0 Her team was not very good . My daughter started playing softball at eight . 1 Their dad was a foot taller and 50 pounds bigger . Gina no longer felt safe with him around . 0 Her friend recommended shea butter . But her lotion only helped them temporarily . 0 Most of them were in spanish . Today I took a job rating speech samples . 0 One day Sally decided she wanted to learn how to play poker . Every Friday Sally 's boyfriend played poker with his buddies . 0 We had heard there were black bears in the area and hoped to see one . Once , my family and I went camping in the Poconos .