diff --git "a/data/test.json" "b/data/test.json" --- "a/data/test.json" +++ "b/data/test.json" @@ -1 +1 @@ -[{"Context": "They had noticed water streaming down the sides of their external walls every time it rained heavily. They were sure they could fix the problem themselves but weren't quite certain of what to do so they called up a local tradesman for advice. He came up with a number of potential reasons as to why they might be having the issue and they decided to ask him round for a quote to check on the most obvious solutions.", "Words": ["clean", "gutter", "house"]}, {"Context": "James mulled over the fight with his girlfriend. The city noises were all blocked out by him. He dropped his lighter and then picked it up again.", "Words": ["cigarette", "street", "walk"]}, {"Context": "The show came on the television with people singing. The family all gathered to watch. They all became silent when the show came on.", "Words": ["follow", "series", "voice"]}, {"Context": "John laid in the bed sick. His nose was running. His wife was making him a remedy to feel better.", "Words": ["blow", "head", "nose", "teapot", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Angelina was at party. It was a hot sunny day and the kids where having so much fun throwing bright colored objects at each other. Angelina chucked a round object at her friends face and exploded on impact.", "Words": ["balloon", "fill", "throw", "water"]}, {"Context": "The house looked broken down. There was a shabby looking lawn. There was no sign of the dog.", "Words": ["bucket", "chew", "fence", "front", "nail"]}, {"Context": "Fred showed up at the club and got compliments. He gained entry from the person at the front. He met a friend in there and they had a great time.", "Words": ["dance", "hat", "music", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Emmanuel was given six dollars by his director. He was to go on stage from tomorrow. The director directed him that he will be on stage everyday from 2pm.", "Words": ["figure", "perform", "routine"]}, {"Context": "Every person uses the road to go anywhere in their daily life. Everyday many stories of road accidents are also heard. Most of the accidents occur due to negligence of the people, in the rush of an early arrival and driving due to intoxication.", "Words": ["direct", "street", "traffic", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. It is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association, and has been studied in various academic fields. Such as communication, sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and philosophy.", "Words": ["enjoy", "friend", "knit"]}, {"Context": "It did not take long to finish the house. We worked on every room. The new color looked great.", "Words": ["paint", "paper", "piece", "spray"]}, {"Context": "One fine evening I was go to the ground attached with children's park. There I saw many of them were playing different games and some of them were practicing dance and one magician showed his magic to people. I felt really relaxed and I spend little time there and I return to home.", "Words": ["crowd", "perform", "skateboard", "trick", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Sally was walking out of the deep the forest. She reached the start of the muddy road and found her car. She climbed into the car and started the engine.", "Words": ["cross", "drive", "river", "water"]}, {"Context": "Matthew was out and about in the neighborhood. He saw a beautiful art work on a wall, he stopped and paused. Then continued on his way.", "Words": ["picture", "pose", "street", "walk"]}, {"Context": "The man is walking on the road along with his dog. Suddenly he saw a snake in front of his dog. There was a large number of people, and one had an instrument in his hand.", "Words": ["jump", "leave", "pile", "rake"]}, {"Context": "I could not bring myself to go up to see her. The apartment stairs were too high. I was afraid of heights as I stood next to the street.", "Words": ["building", "front", "sidewalk", "walk"]}, {"Context": "The kids enjoyed the party at the park. They all ran around and played. They jumped in the air and laughed as their parents looked on happily.", "Words": ["blow", "bubble", "wand"]}, {"Context": "Mary was given a sheet by John. On it there was pictures of mountains during winter. The mountain was drawn well and rose from the west of a valley.", "Words": ["paper", "snow", "stand"]}, {"Context": "He met his friends at the bar. They all got inebriated together. One friend was moving so they felt the need to celebrate.", "Words": ["hand", "handle", "hold", "mug"]}, {"Context": "The boy hammered a nail into the wood of the door. The structure was coming along nicely. Soon he and his friends could spend time together inside.", "Words": ["build", "house", "playing"]}, {"Context": "The room was filled with steam. Sam went into the tub. He put bubbles in it and laughed.", "Words": ["faucet", "hand", "rub", "turn", "water"]}, {"Context": "Sam went outside with his girlfriend, where he heard a bunch of noise. He recognized a bunch of friends were gathered around the picnic table chatting with other significant people in his life. At that point, he knew it was time to ask his girlfriend to marry him, and the crowd cheered with delight.", "Words": ["dance", "decorate", "family", "music", "tree"]}, {"Context": "The forest looked old to me. The paths were nice though, and easy. I was startled when I started hearing a crackling noise.", "Words": ["couple", "fall", "tree", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Sam read that his son played great in the soccer game. He scored a goal. Sam smiled when he read that.", "Words": ["heel", "joy", "kick", "news", "receive"]}, {"Context": "Henry was sweating but felt good. He got a drink of water. He did some stretches as well.", "Words": ["bench", "lay", "lift"]}, {"Context": "He had a fun time at the party. He met his girlfriend. They had a large screen in the front of the auditorium for the movie.", "Words": ["dance", "music", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Kevin waited for his date. He was meeting her for the first time and was excited. He wondered what he would get.", "Words": ["menu", "read", "stand", "table", "waiter"]}, {"Context": "The olympics had been a huge success for the entire GB team. In particular the aquatics team had performed exceptionally. The final day of competition left a lot in the balance.", "Words": ["end", "pool", "reach", "swim"]}, {"Context": "The show was great. James smoked a lot while we were there. We all laughed at the comedian as he spoke.", "Words": ["machine", "piece", "pipe", "put", "stand"]}, {"Context": "The stage was filled with people. James had a great time and held his wife's hand. The auditorium was filled with splendour.", "Words": ["background", "body", "movement", "music", "perform"]}, {"Context": "He went out to the field to begin the day. He noticed that some of his crops were destroyed in the rain. He walked and breathed in the fresh Summer air.", "Words": ["cut", "field", "grass", "scythe", "work"]}, {"Context": "John and Alice were enthralled as the anticipation in the stadium built. As they looked around at the other spectators they could feel an electricity building. The players were responding on the pitch.", "Words": ["cheer", "crowd", "field", "game"]}, {"Context": "The grass in my lawn has become absolutely out of control. I need to maintain it as soon as possible. I don't like to use a riding mower because they are difficult for me to control.", "Words": ["lawn", "mow", "mower", "push"]}, {"Context": "I needed directions. The construction worker was on the side of the street eating lunch. I called out my window to him.", "Words": ["drive", "road", "side", "talk", "tractor"]}, {"Context": "A woman attracted on a product that was advertised on TV when she wandering in a shopping mall. she remembered that wash and be clean it.s very important now a days. she took and see the product description and purchased it", "Words": ["hand", "hold", "lady", "put", "soap"]}, {"Context": "They looked out of the window of their penthouse, city flat towards the horizon. Evening was approaching and they loved this time of day because of what this opportunity offered. The skies were clear today and it was the perfect time to enjoy their surroundings.", "Words": ["building", "color", "light", "sunset", "view"]}, {"Context": "The concert was quite fun. Many of the players were professional and did great. The director of the symphony did amazing as well.", "Words": ["bend", "machine", "pull", "repetition", "string"]}, {"Context": "The teacher handed her a piece of chalk and asked her to write the answer on the chalkboard. Each month she holds a meeting with her entire staff. Our classroom is on the second floor.", "Words": ["box", "chalk", "ground", "hold", "write"]}, {"Context": "I always crave a nice, warm glass of caffeine after a long of work. I typically visit a particular spot on the square. My order is always the same, so the employees just ask me if I would like my usual.", "Words": ["cafe", "coffee", "drink"]}, {"Context": "Anita grabbed her boyfriend's arm to hold him steady. She told him it would be alright. Geoff looked up and held his breath.", "Words": ["eye", "hold", "lens", "place"]}, {"Context": "Alice was on stage when the director joined the crowd. The director showed the crowd a video of Alice washing her feet when she was going through a treatment. The act is a very important part of working with patients.", "Words": ["perform", "scrub", "surgeon", "surgery", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Jack couldn't wait to get out on the lake to go fishing. He backed his truck up and made sure the trailer dipped down just right into the dock to offload. He hoped that he wouldn't have trouble getting his motor to run.", "Words": ["boat", "head", "stand"]}, {"Context": "I remember performing colors when I was in the Navy. You went out there twice a day as the anthem was playing in either put the flag up or took it down. When taking it down you had to make sure to prepare it in a certain way before you put it away.", "Words": ["fold", "hat", "stand"]}, {"Context": "My friend hurt her ankle this weekend when we were playing soccer. Luckily someone was there to be able to take care of it and we didn't need to go to the hospital. They had everything they needed in order to secure the ankle and make sure it didn't get any worse.", "Words": ["bandage", "foot", "glove", "wear", "wrap"]}, {"Context": "Carl was content as he looked out at the job that he had done. His father had only told him to cut the grass, but he had really outdone himself. The yard was immaculate and his father would give him extra on his allowance for sure.", "Words": ["clean", "front", "gate", "home", "street"]}, {"Context": "Some of the wildest parties to go to our EDM parties. You're in a small space with loud music with some of your closest friends and strangers. The drinks are flowing in the mood is amazing wow everyone enjoyed themselves.", "Words": ["change", "color", "dance", "light", "room"]}, {"Context": "It had been an overcast, gloomy day, and I used the opportunity to read quietly by myself at the park. No one was around, and for awhile I fell into my book, but my concentration was broken when I saw two figures emerge from the woods. I silently prayed they would move on and leave me alone.", "Words": ["bench", "husband", "sit", "wife"]}, {"Context": "I need to change a wheel on my car. I don't know what I should put on. Do I need special equipment to get this done?", "Words": ["glove", "put", "tire", "tube", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Jon had been sick and wasn't feeling great at all. Snot ran down to his lip and he inhaled to try to suck it up. Jon reached over to the bedside table to catch a sheet of Kleenex that was sitting there.", "Words": ["nose", "tissue", "use", "wipe"]}, {"Context": "My best friend said I'd look better if I had less extra hair. I don't take it personal because it's my genes' fault. I do shave my pits and legs regularly, but I know what she means.", "Words": ["eyebrow", "strip", "wax"]}, {"Context": "One thing that I've seen growing popularity are these art classes with your friends. Some of them you can even bring wine to enjoy yourself. It's some thing that I'm going to look into because I might have a good time myself.", "Words": ["brush", "dip", "paint", "paint"]}, {"Context": "I love going to inner cities because of the great art scene. Many of the buildings are covered in beautiful colors by a variety of amazing artists. There are some that have been vandalize with vulgar sayings that I don't appreciate.", "Words": ["paint", "paint", "spray", "wall", "word"]}, {"Context": "Winter time walking with your pet can be a challenge. Especially after a winter storm. A lot of them have a tough time finding a place to go.", "Words": ["dog", "snow", "tree"]}, {"Context": "I know what I'd be doing on the weekends if I was a parent. My child would be competing in some kind of sports. I'd be sitting there with all the other parents watching them run around and act silly.", "Words": ["ball", "field", "kid"]}, {"Context": "The gates opened and Steven and his ride rushed out into the open arena. The young calf jetted out several feet in front of him, but Steven knew he had him. He pulled out his lasso and began to twirl it around his head.", "Words": ["back", "cowboy", "horse", "throw"]}, {"Context": "It's funny how life works. I was feeling miserable that things ended between Anne and I. To distract myself, I went to the mall and saw the most beautiful saleswoman I've ever seen.", "Words": ["shirt", "store", "touch"]}, {"Context": "Going to the gym can be an adventure. First, if it's too crowded you will not get to use any of the equipment that you want. Especially if you're trying to build the muscles in your chest.", "Words": ["bench", "lay", "lift", "weight"]}, {"Context": "Tom brought Bean to the dog park. They played frisbee for awhile, and Bean ended up running through mud. When they got home, Tom noticed Bean was covered in dirt.", "Words": ["dog", "scrub", "soap", "water"]}, {"Context": "Sam sat and counted the empty soldiers in front of him. He had been in the bar all day long. Sam had never experienced a break up quite like this one and it was bad.", "Words": ["bottle", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "Jerry had never realized how beautiful it was in Colorado. He was glad that he had taken the trip here and even more glad that he had gone on this hike. Jerry looked out over the trees in the distance and he smiled contently.", "Words": ["binocular", "look", "mountain", "stick", "walk"]}, {"Context": "She sat down at the table in the kitchen and began drawing. Soon a image began to take shape in black ink. The black ink contrasted nicely with the white back ground.", "Words": ["paper", "pen", "picture"]}, {"Context": "Now that she had finished cosmetology school, Susan was excited to show people what she had learned. Her first cosmetics show was a huge success and everyone was impressed by Susan's amazing ability to transform someone's face into an entirely new creation. Before long, Susan was scheduling cosmetics shows every day and the demand for her talent was only growing; everyone wanted Susan to work on them.", "Words": ["apply", "demonstrate", "eyebrow", "look", "makeup"]}, {"Context": "The trail up the mountain was beautiful, yet rugged. We were glad that we had packed extra bottles of water. When we got to the summit, we looked around at the beautiful view below us.", "Words": ["hill", "sky", "top"]}, {"Context": "Going downtown on a Saturday night can be tough. I'm lucky that I live close by so I don't have to drive. I can just stroll down there without having to look for a place to put my vehicle.", "Words": ["car", "park", "sidewalk", "walk"]}, {"Context": "I love going to the beach to just chill out in area by the seats and enjoy the view. It's normally pretty crowded on the boardwalk with people walking, cycling and exercising. It's like being on the highway at rush-hour.", "Words": ["bench", "sit", "traffic", "watch"]}, {"Context": "I love photography. One of my favorite things to do is to take pictures of people modeling throughout the city. The beach is one of my favorite places because of the scenery and the atmosphere there.", "Words": ["background", "crowd", "pose"]}, {"Context": "The jockeys were lined up and ready to go behind the gate. The crowd was murmuring from the stands in obvious anticipation. The announcer came on the speaker and the gunshot rang out and they were off.", "Words": ["horse", "race", "ride"]}, {"Context": "Waiters and waitresses have tough jobs. They are always moving around and are constantly on their feet. That's why whenever you go out and get something to eat, you need to reward them with a good amount of gratuity for their services.", "Words": ["floor", "stand", "tip"]}, {"Context": "Cara threw on her clothing in a rush before she walked out the door. As she sat down in class, she realized that she forgot her computer bag at home. Cara was disgusted with herself and took the notes the best she could with pen and paper.", "Words": ["hood", "laptop", "sweatshirt", "use", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I got up early in the morning to watch the Olympics. The reason I got up early is because it is taking place in Japan and it is about 12 hours ahead of us. I wanted to watch the BMX competition because I was excited to see the riders perform.", "Words": ["bike", "fall", "ramp", "ride"]}, {"Context": "The argument between my wife and I was like an object we shared. We first held it in the bedroom, then carried it with us to the kitchen. It didn't get in the way of me making coffee or her preparing breakfast.", "Words": ["egg", "fork", "pour", "skillet", "whisk"]}, {"Context": "My neighbor is always enjoying his weed outside. Most of the times he uses a blunt but other times he uses a special wooden object. I make sure that I sit in a certain area because I don't want to inhale any of it or to be directly in the direction of where he exhales.", "Words": ["blow", "pipe", "smoke", "smoke"]}, {"Context": "Some sodas seem to go flat faster than others. I haven't done a lot of research, but I think it goes by price. The cheaper ones seem to last the least.", "Words": ["bottle", "cap", "open", "use"]}, {"Context": "One of the best things about birthdays are the sweet treats you get to enjoy. I love the intricacies of the decorations now. You can turn anything into a delectable and moist pastry.", "Words": ["cake", "powder", "sprinkle", "sugar", "top"]}, {"Context": "While in the Navy I got to be a mechanic on planes. It was a lot of fun because of all the different things that you got to learn how to fix. Some days are much easier than others.", "Words": ["object", "tool", "use", "work"]}, {"Context": "Tom was excited for the birth of his first born male child. His mother pulled out the camera and told Tom to hold the baby. No image could capture the happiness that Tom felt at that moment.", "Words": ["father", "picture", "son"]}, {"Context": "Angie was working on new art with steel. She grabbed a hammer so she could flatten it down. She wanted to send a message about food waste.", "Words": ["metal", "piece", "tool", "use"]}, {"Context": "Al was with his son since his wife went to go get a neck massage. Al was bored and suddenly his son started crying for his mother. Al was concerned and felt scared about what to do next.", "Words": ["read", "table", "toddler"]}, {"Context": "There was fourteen seconds left on the clock in the semi-finals matchup. The boy got the ball and looked around the field for an open receiver. Spotting one, he drew back and let the ball fly high into the air, hoping that it would land safely into the hands of his teammate.", "Words": ["game", "pass", "quarterback", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Gary had just saved up enough to buy a Harley. The man at the shop said that he needed protective gear when he went riding. Gary left the shop with a bag full of black clothing for riding.", "Words": ["bike", "jacket", "jean", "ride", "shoe"]}, {"Context": "I want to make some wine. I don't like to use my bare feet to crush the fruit. Any idea of what I could use instead of my feet?", "Words": ["bucket", "grape", "stand"]}, {"Context": "The third and final period was about to begin. Both teams stood poised and focused, ready for play to resume. Finally an official began to walk slowly over toward center ice.", "Words": ["drop", "player", "puck", "referee", "wait"]}, {"Context": "It was a lovely, partly sunny day, and he was enjoying his walk in the park. Ahead there was a clearing with what looked like a group of artists gathered around easels. A Parks Department employee stood by, looking somewhat bored.", "Words": ["cloud", "create", "worker"]}, {"Context": "There was a lot of work to do in Bobby's place. It was a good thing that Bobby had spent the last ten years working as a handy man. He had his own tools and equipment and it would be cheaper to make the repairs himself.", "Words": ["floor", "house", "sand", "sander"]}, {"Context": "I want to go to the ski slopes. But it's only June. I guess I will go to the park and take advantage of the windy day instead.", "Words": ["kite", "ride", "snowboard"]}, {"Context": "I love the holidays. One of my favorite parts is consuming all the good grub that is prepared. I look forward to ending up on the couch every year with a full belly.", "Words": ["eat", "face", "food", "plate"]}, {"Context": "Sometimes you just have to marvel at the amazing appearance of women. They can have on the simplest outfits. There's just something about a female that is sexy no matter what they have on.", "Words": ["lady", "look", "shirt", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I want to watch the Cubs play this weekend. There's no place better to watch a game like Wrigley. I got to enjoy myself with friends and see a lot of home runs and just as many strikeouts.", "Words": ["ball", "field", "swing"]}, {"Context": "I think I'm going to hop on my huffy and go for a stroll. It's not too far to get to the beach from my house. It's going to be a lot more enjoyable if I bring some tunes with me.", "Words": ["bike", "listen", "music", "ride"]}, {"Context": "One of the most enjoyable parts of a wedding is the reception. You going to this large area and just enjoy yourself with food and tunes. You get to sit back and relax and look at everybody enjoyed themselves to the tunes by shaking their booties.", "Words": ["couple", "dance", "music", "room", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Abby wasn't feeling great and her parents decided that she needed to spend the day in her bed. They gave here allergy medicine which cleared up most of her symptoms. Abby was feeling much better and able to go to school the next day.", "Words": ["bless", "mother", "say", "sneeze"]}, {"Context": "I hate when people are using their cell in public on speaker to have a conversation. It's so simple to turn off speaker and use it the way it was intended. I don't need to know about your business so please turn off speaker and use the cell the right way.", "Words": ["ear", "hold", "phone"]}, {"Context": "Sam was sitting at home and very bored. He asked his mother about what he could do for fun. Suddenly, his mother's phone rang loudly.", "Words": ["ball", "dad", "day", "fence", "watch"]}, {"Context": "It was the night of the big state finals game and Cameron was on the court. He dribbled the ball and looked toward the other players. Cameron tossed the ball toward the goal and watched as it sailed and bounced against the backboard.", "Words": ["basket", "basketball", "shoot"]}, {"Context": "Sam was at home and he was very thirsty. He went to open the fridge to see if there was anything that could quench his thirst. Sam immediately saw the one thing that would instantly do the trick.", "Words": ["bottle", "drink", "floor", "milk", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Robby sailed in the air high above the crowds. He was no longer afraid of tumbling the great lengths to the hard ground below. The circus was his life and he had done this for too long to be afraid.", "Words": ["fall", "net", "practice", "trapeze"]}, {"Context": "I was looking forward to the party this weekend. I had to go to the store to get the supplies that we were going to barbecue. Everyone was going to pick their own protein and hope that I could deliver and OK meal for them.", "Words": ["descent", "grill", "individual", "market", "meat"]}, {"Context": "The doctor didn't know what was wrong with Billy's sight. He passed a finger in front of Billy's face and told him to follow it. The doctor wrote down several things on his notepad before ordering more tests.", "Words": ["cross", "eye", "nose", "touch"]}, {"Context": "Jim was walking down the street when he passed the jewelry store. He saw he most beautiful diamond sitting in the window for five thousand dollars. Jim wanted to steal it because he was late on rent this month.", "Words": ["attempt", "brick", "stand", "street", "worker"]}, {"Context": "I was having a conversation with a friend of mine on my cell. I was taking a stroll browsing a farmers market that they set up. I saw stand with some funny Memes on articles of clothing that I knew she would like.", "Words": ["phone", "shirt", "sidewalk", "talk", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Tim was on vacation, so he decided to go camping in the woods. It got really late and Tim finally realized that he forgot to bring any gear to use. He began to wonder why he wanted to go on a camping trip at all.", "Words": ["bear", "dog", "run", "tooth", "water"]}, {"Context": "When I was younger raves were a lot of fun. The laser shows were just amazing. Sometimes I wonder how I'm not blind after all of that raving I did.", "Words": ["flash", "light", "music"]}, {"Context": "Bill was told that he was too out of shape to join the football team. He felt so insulted that he grabbed the coach and told him to sit down and watch. Bill was going to prove that he was in shape enough to be the quarterback.", "Words": ["jump", "perform", "run", "track"]}, {"Context": "Don smiled as his name was called during the ceremony. After he received his diploma, he talked to the principal briefly and then he posed for a picture. He then walked off to join the rest of his friends and classmates in the stands.", "Words": ["award", "hand", "receive", "shake", "stage"]}, {"Context": "I'm making a peanut butter treats for a friend of mine. I'm going to be baking it so I need to make sure that I have all the ingredients I need in the equipment. I also need to make sure that I have a timer because I want to make sure that I don't burn it this time.", "Words": ["cookie", "oven", "pan", "put", "remove"]}, {"Context": "Steve took Buddy outside to get some fresh air. They played a game of catch for a few minutes and even Steve was having fun and laughing. Then they had to go back inside because it was hot and Buddy was panting.", "Words": ["dog", "stick", "tongue", "walk"]}, {"Context": "When you were a kid you found a lot of the most unusual things enjoyable. I could remember being on the banks of a lake and enjoying throwing things into the water. Sometimes I want to go back to those days.", "Words": ["river", "rock", "skip", "stand"]}, {"Context": "Stan worked at a meat market that was owned by his family. He grew up and spent his whole life learning how to make the best sausage and smoked meats. Stan later taught his own son how to make the tasty meats.", "Words": ["eat", "hang", "string"]}, {"Context": "Arnold was a professional taste tester for a food review magazine. He was reviewing a new winery in town that had sent him an invitation. Arnold sat down in front of a flight of different colored drinks ready to taste each one of them.", "Words": ["mouth", "swish", "wine"]}, {"Context": "I want to play with my pet. I love to use something he can pull on. Do you know of any objects that would work?", "Words": ["dog", "toy", "tug", "war"]}, {"Context": "Steve was meeting up with his friends for breakfast. They met at a local restaurant to grab coffee and had something to munch on. They planned on doing the same thing the next week.", "Words": ["donut", "eat", "hang"]}, {"Context": "Jan was almost ready to go to bed and get some sleep. She had her mother read her a bedroom story. Then Jan looked into the mirror and did not like what she saw.", "Words": ["blanket", "brush", "brush", "foot", "hair"]}, {"Context": "I always liked when the grocery stores had ladies or men cooking samples to share. You not only got to learn what to do with featured products, but you ate good. Best part was that it was all free.", "Words": ["demonstrate", "give", "use"]}, {"Context": "The referee called time out when the player didn't get up after the play. All the fans held their breath as the player was helped off of the field. After he was off the field, a replacement was called in and the match was started again.", "Words": ["continue", "game", "side", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Nothing is better than watching your favorite team compete on the weekend. You get to see a group of men come together as one. You're welcome for all the ups and downs that they face.", "Words": ["celebrate", "player", "score", "teammate", "touchdown"]}, {"Context": "It was a beautiful day with warm sunshine in a blue sky. The mother thought it would be a great idea to get some fresh air with her little girl. The mother put a bonnet on the girl and set her in the wagon with her doll.", "Words": ["push", "ride", "sit", "toddler", "toy"]}, {"Context": "Spot likes to play and is very frisky. I walk him to the park to play. I throw high, and he runs and brings it back to me.", "Words": ["ball", "catch", "dog", "jump"]}, {"Context": "When going to the beach you need to make sure that you have certain things with you. You definitely are going to need some beverages. You also are going to need to have something to sit on and dry yourself after going for a swim.", "Words": ["cover", "drink", "jar", "towel", "water"]}, {"Context": "The circus could be a lot of fun. You get to enjoy some good circus food and watch some wall performances on different types of equipment. All you need to do is get some tickets in a good area to catch the show.", "Words": ["ride", "shoulder", "sit", "unicycle"]}, {"Context": "I love going downtown to shop on the weekends. The main reason is that it's not far from my house so I don't need to drive to get there. I normally take the trip with my friend and we enjoy some of the wall art.", "Words": ["close", "graffiti", "mark", "store", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Tim decided that he needed to open up his own business. He thought hard about how he could make lots of money. Suddenly, while looking at his son, he came up with the perfect idea.", "Words": ["sell", "toy", "vendor", "visitor", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Jay was at home getting ready for intense physical activity. His friend bet him to see who was the most physically active. Jay was ready to prove how fit he was and would do anything he was asked.", "Words": ["bike", "cap", "flash", "shirt", "sign"]}, {"Context": "Gymnastics can be tough on your body. Although some of the surface seems soft, it's not. It can lead to a lot of big and small injuries that you will need to take care of.", "Words": ["break", "foot", "ice", "mat", "stand"]}, {"Context": "The youth sports teams had taken the field. They ran back and forth across the field playing their hearts out. After the game, the players congratulated each other for a game well played.", "Words": ["ball", "bunch", "kid"]}, {"Context": "The teams entered the arena and stretched out before the match began. The whistle finally blew and it was game on. The players moved about quickly as the play got more and more intense.", "Words": ["field", "front", "run"]}, {"Context": "He sat down at the kitchen table and grabbed the television remote. After turning the television on, he eyed his favorite mug sitting on the countertop. He stood up and walked to the other side of the kitchen to grab the mug and get his day started.", "Words": ["coffee", "drink", "newspaper", "read"]}, {"Context": "The Browns' quarterback was approached by three somewhat intimidating men. They let it be known that they had a lot riding on the Patriots winning the next day. They very firmly requested the quarterback's help.", "Words": ["game", "team", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Jesse looked into the mirror as he lowered his body down to the floor. It was hard, but he knew that this was what he had to do to build up his muscles. Jesse showered after his workout and left the gym with a sense of accomplishment.", "Words": ["bar", "hold", "shoulder", "squat", "weight"]}, {"Context": "I remember when I was younger and seeing couples interact. Seeing them walk around the mall all lovey-dovey was always nice. They would have on matching outfits and just be enjoying themselves.", "Words": ["hand", "hold", "shirt", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I'll be hitting the road this weekend for a long road trip. I already have my luggage packed so I'm ready to go. I'm going to wear something comfortable for the long ride.", "Words": ["shirt", "street", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The cowboy tightened his grip on the length of rope. As the gate to the shoot swung open, the horse shot out of the stall. The man swung the rope around his head in circles as the horse ran forward.", "Words": ["cow", "lasso", "ride"]}, {"Context": "Mountain climbing is not something that I want to try. It's not because of the dangers, it just seems tough. I am not ready to put my body through that.", "Words": ["hang", "rock", "rope"]}, {"Context": "Ed was working as a mechanic for the first time in his life. Ed felt like quitting because the work was hard and the pay was low. His boss came out of the office and yelled at him to hurry up.", "Words": ["bolt", "loosen", "use", "wrench"]}, {"Context": "The crowd gathered to corner of the bar when the television turned to the fight. Everyone in the bar got louder and louder and some of the people shoved to get a better view. Many of the women didn't care and they stayed in their seats though.", "Words": ["front", "stand", "table", "watch"]}, {"Context": "The crowd watched at the celebrity chef tossed the utensils in the air. The chef split open the fruit, separating the green rind from the juice red fruit inside. He offered delicious samples to the people standing in the crowd.", "Words": ["cut", "kitchen", "knife", "watermelon"]}, {"Context": "Marissa walked into the restaurant and her eyes glazed over. It was an all you could eat buffet and Marissa was going to take advantage of it. She was guided across the restaurant and seated where she ordered a drink.", "Words": ["food", "look", "stand", "table"]}, {"Context": "We've been working hard all morning long. We were all looking forward to our first break at noon. We were hungry and ready to take a break to eat and relax.", "Words": ["lunch", "sit", "worker"]}, {"Context": "I have turned down a handful of roles because the character does not need glasses. I do, and I also have a weird thing about putting things in my eyes. But the Marvel role was so lucrative, I finally made an appointment with my ophthalmologist.", "Words": ["attempt", "eye", "insert", "lens"]}, {"Context": "I remember when I was learning how to operate a vehicle. Everyone was always so strict as to how to do it. Now that I look at myself, I don't think I'm following most of what they showed me.", "Words": ["car", "drive", "hand", "wheel"]}, {"Context": "If you know anything about dogs and cats, they love to be touched. There are certain areas on their hands that they enjoy very much. They can be a lot to handle, but in the end they are great companions.", "Words": ["animal", "pet", "top"]}, {"Context": "I found a hair near my nipple. I couldn't find a set of tweezers, and I can't bear the pain of going to a salon to have them remove it, and my armpit hairs. I just grabbed a razor.", "Words": ["chest", "pull", "strip", "wax"]}, {"Context": "Some people have no rhythm. You go to a party or a club and just sit back and enjoy watching them make fools of themselves. It's like they can't follow the twins that are playing for their life.", "Words": ["dance", "foot", "listen", "music", "shuffle"]}, {"Context": "I just purchased a beautiful a beautiful mansion. It's a three story mega mansion. We are the first owners of this place.", "Words": ["build", "front", "house", "stand"]}, {"Context": "I wonder how much money opening up a pet grooming place can make me. There are a couple places that I see a lot of people bringing their animals to get taken care of. I'm going to have to look into this to see if this is a business that is worthwhile.", "Words": ["come", "dog", "owner", "shop", "wait"]}, {"Context": "Joe looked into the mirror and smiled at his figure. He knew that he had come a long way since he had started to work out. Joe worked back to the weight bench knowing that now wasn't the time to stop.", "Words": ["exercise", "gym", "perform"]}, {"Context": "There are a lot of girls that need to get make up lessons. Some of them just go a little bit too far and end up looking like clowns. They need to learn that less is better.", "Words": ["apply", "brush", "lip", "lipstick"]}, {"Context": "John whistled as he walked down the sidewalk holding his dog's leash. The dog's tail wagged back and forth happily, and John smiled beneath a sunny blue sky. He knelt down and unfastened the leash from his dog's collar so that he could begin playing in earnest.", "Words": ["ball", "chase", "grass"]}, {"Context": "I think I'm going to get some concert tickets for this weekend. I can't wait to go see some of these bands perform. I know that it takes a lot to get ready for sure, and I want to go out there and support them.", "Words": ["drummer", "guitarist", "middle", "set", "stage"]}, {"Context": "It had been a long day and she couldn't wait to visit her favorite characters. She made a cup of cider and grabbed her favorite blanket. She placed them on the end table and turned on the overhead lamp.", "Words": ["book", "chair", "read"]}, {"Context": "I want to head out into the deep part of the Ocean and fish. After one toss, and drag I should be able to catch tons of fish. I will have to keep them in a cooler to keep them alive.", "Words": ["boat", "cast", "net", "water"]}, {"Context": "The people in the stadium were starting to get rowdy. The noise level seemed to increase every minute that the game went on. It was as if everyone was swaying from one side to another in the massive arena.", "Words": ["begin", "fan", "hand", "leg", "move"]}, {"Context": "The magician opened his palm to show that there was nothing there. The crowd looked on in anticipation, waiting to see what would happen next. When he opened it up again, there was a colorful handkerchief there all of a sudden!", "Words": ["demonstrate", "hand", "napkin"]}, {"Context": "It's funny what can attract you to someone. Bob had two chins, something of a gut, not much hair, and he rarely crossed my mind. Everything changed the night I wandered into a cafe and saw Bob on stage performing.", "Words": ["guitar", "hand", "move"]}, {"Context": "I always loved leaving my kids with my parents. They always enjoyed early Saturday mornings after catching up with their news with the kids. The kids also enjoyed their time with their grandparents.", "Words": ["newspaper", "place", "read", "table", "toddler"]}, {"Context": "Tim was ready for five o'clock to come already. He had a horrible headache and had already butted heads with his boss today. The hands on the clock ticked away slowly, and Tim could only wish they would move faster.", "Words": ["floor", "look", "paperwork", "sit", "wall"]}, {"Context": "They were all looking forward to the weekend of camping. They were ready to gather around the campfire they built from the dead trees that they found on the floor. One thing that they weren't looking forward to, was sleeping on the hard surface of the camp area.", "Words": ["ground", "sit", "stick"]}, {"Context": "Ernie had been having a tooth ache for a while. Finally, his mother called and made him an appointment. The woman called him to the back and sat him down in a chair.", "Words": ["dentist", "lady", "look", "mask", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Jeremy heard a noise from the kitchen and went to go inspect. His Aunt and his Mother were there cooking something for dinner. They told him dinner would be ready in five minutes and to call for his sister to come down.", "Words": ["food", "front", "laugh", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "Jan put her baby in the high chair for lunch. She mixed up some applesauce with a little cereal and got him a spoon. Jan could see how anxious the baby was when she brought the food to him.", "Words": ["bowl", "hold", "smile"]}, {"Context": "BMX looks like it's something fun to do. It also can be very dangerous. They perform some tricks off of the ramps that leave you amazed.", "Words": ["air", "bike", "jump", "rider"]}, {"Context": "Calvin invited all his friends over to his house for the Super Bowl. He had purchased tons of food and drinks for everyone to enjoy. Everyone had a great time cheering on their team and eating themselves silly.", "Words": ["beer", "drink", "game", "watch"]}, {"Context": "I'm going to be hitting a town this weekend with a lady friend of mine. We are going to be doing a lot of walking so I need to make sure that I have on comfortable shoes. I can't wait to see her.", "Words": ["female", "sidewalk", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Tim was in the movie theater with his date. He had a terrible cold and he didn't want anyone to notice. He needed a way to feel relieved and take his mind off of his sickness.", "Words": ["gum", "nose", "scratch"]}, {"Context": "The festival had gone on for the past three days and the party goers spilled into the roadways down town. They danced to the live music in the town square. Seeing the people dressed in their old fashioned garb made us think of a simpler time.", "Words": ["costume", "dance", "street", "wear"]}, {"Context": "It was breakfast time and Shirley was making food for her grandchildren. She made eggs first, but her youngest grandson wanted a biscuit sandwich with meat. Shirley smiled as she opened the fridge to get meat to put on the stove.", "Words": ["cook", "pan", "sausage"]}, {"Context": "Jim was walking to the ice cream parlor to get a quick snack. He saw his friend Bill who had jut came from the parlor. Bill had bought Jim something so that Him wouldn't have to spend money.", "Words": ["head", "sip", "take", "turn", "wink"]}, {"Context": "Matt was anxious for his first school date when he was a Freshman in high school. He had asked a girl who was in his science class if she would go with him and she said yes! Matt showed up at her door right on time and they had a great night.", "Words": ["front", "kiss", "picture", "take", "tulip"]}, {"Context": "Many people don't realize how difficult baseball is. One of the toughest things to do in sports estimate good contact with the ball coming at you almost at 100 miles an hour. That's why you have to give them their props.", "Words": ["hit", "player", "swing"]}, {"Context": "Jim was employed at the local airport as a janitor. He saw his boss coming down the hall and started sweeping harder than ever. Suddenly, a crazy woman ran down the hall screaming that she had to get on a plane now.", "Words": ["area", "check", "material", "vest", "worker"]}, {"Context": "Doing laundry can be a process. It seems very simple, but not every piece of clothing can be treated the same way. Some can just be thrown into the machine and others you have to take care of them more gently.", "Words": ["dry", "dryer", "hand", "wash"]}, {"Context": "Roger was nervous and excited for his blind date to arrive. He held the bouquet that he had bought so tightly in his hands that the stems almost broke! He was relieved when she greeted him with a smile and a hug.", "Words": ["cheek", "flower", "kiss"]}, {"Context": "Cal worked as a vending machine repairman. Every day was the same for him; cans and bottles getting stuck and coins getting jammed. One day he hoped to retire from the monotony.", "Words": ["bottle", "cap", "machine", "put"]}, {"Context": "This weekend I'm going to change up my appearance. It's going to involve changing the color of the mop on top of my head. I know the perfect room to do it in because it has a huge mirror and great lighting.", "Words": ["apply", "bathroom", "dye", "hair"]}, {"Context": "This is simply one of the worst school days. I just can't understand why this subject is still taught at school. Why do I have to learn about manipulating old tree stumps.", "Words": ["class", "piece", "wood"]}, {"Context": "Bill was with his girlfriend at the park having a picnic. She needed to smoke and Bill was not a smoker. Bill really didn't like that his girlfriend smoked but he really loved his girlfriend.", "Words": ["cigarette", "hold", "sit", "step", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I'm so glad that I don't have a pet to walk while living in Maine. I see people all bundled up going on these treks with their animals. Sometimes I wonder, if the animals even like it.", "Words": ["coat", "dog", "snow", "wear"]}, {"Context": "MMA is a tough sport. It involves various different maneuvers that can lead to a lot of blood. It can be fun to watch but terrifying at the same time.", "Words": ["head", "hold", "kick"]}, {"Context": "I broke my arm trying to improve myself. Yes, I need to shed a few pounds, but there are better ways to do it than what my friends suggested. I wanted to just take up jogging, but they had more ambitious ideas.", "Words": ["exercise", "gym", "pull", "weight"]}, {"Context": "Emmy drove up to the address written in the email that she had printed out. She was ready for the appointment to begin. She was glad that she had worn her best blazer because it looked like a fancy place.", "Words": ["building", "front", "stand", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The lawn looked great when Fred was done with it. He drove the machine back into the shed and walked back out to admire his work. The clouds rumbled overhead and Fred smiled knowing he had just beat the weather.", "Words": ["field", "grass", "mow", "mower", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Cody was crouched down in his treehouse with his friends. They just knew that their neighbor had to be a witch and they were determined to catch her in the act. They took turns spying on her and writing down notes of what strange things she was doing.", "Words": ["binocular", "floor", "look", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Joseph decided to go out into nature for the day. He put on his helmet, said goodbye to his girlfriend and then went to the garage to get his contraption. Outside, moving along breezily, he made his way to the beautiful hills that have lovely paths.", "Words": ["area", "bike", "ride"]}, {"Context": "I walked through the main factory gate. I heard gears spinning loudly. I saw a long line of identical cartons.", "Words": ["front", "machine", "plastic"]}, {"Context": "Stacey was very nervous on the bus ride to her first gymnastic competition. Her friends had competed before but they seemed a little nervous as well. After Stacey changed into her workout uniform and entered the gymnasium, her nerves started to settle down.", "Words": ["begin", "jump", "perform", "routine"]}, {"Context": "Friday nights and Saturday nights are normally spent downtown by the bars for me. I always wonder at what time they clean the streets and the other areas down there. One early morning I saw this machine performing the job end it was quite fascinating.", "Words": ["front", "sidewalk", "store", "sweep"]}, {"Context": "Tim was getting ready to move to a new town. He previously packed all of his things up and was ready to leave. Tim then realized that his friend Bill was late and probably wasn't coming to help him move.", "Words": ["building", "car", "load", "object", "roof"]}, {"Context": "My kitten likes round toys. He insists on playing with my yarn, and unraveling it. Sometimes I play with him and have him bring it back to me.", "Words": ["ball", "string", "throw"]}, {"Context": "I never took any sort of martial arts classes as a kid. But I always wanted to perform some of the things that I see them doing in order to earn their belts. I thought to myself, if kids can do it so can I.", "Words": ["board", "break", "hold", "kick"]}, {"Context": "Jimmy begged his brother Tom for a stick of gum. Instead, Tom shoved the whole pack of gum in his own mouth. Tom chewed the gum furiously until it was just the right consistency.", "Words": ["blow", "bubble", "face", "pop"]}, {"Context": "I just moved into my new apartment and I want to have a little get together with some friends. We all enjoy barbecuing, so that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to buy a variety of foods to prepare as well have plenty of drinks.", "Words": ["cook", "grill", "place", "sausage"]}, {"Context": "If you don't have your own washer and dryer, washing clothes can be a chore. It's a long process that's going to take up a few hours out of your day. Make sure you bring something to pass the time as you perform the store.", "Words": ["book", "laundromat", "laundry", "read", "wait"]}, {"Context": "Taking your dog outside can be an adventure. They love the bury their heads into everything and anything. You also have to be careful because some of them will try to eat anything they say.", "Words": ["lick", "nose", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Johnny had been waiting all week for this game. The results of the game would determine who would go on to the finals. Johnny looked at his teammates as he went through all the plays in his head.", "Words": ["ball", "dress", "player", "prepare", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Max put the sedan up on the blocks to work on it. It took him a while, but he finally found where the leak was coming from. Max went into the office to give the customer the bad news.", "Words": ["car", "frame", "walk"]}, {"Context": "I love preparing meals on the weekend. Especially huge and large ones. But cleaning up afterwards is not fun at all and no one likes to do it.", "Words": ["dish", "sink", "wash"]}, {"Context": "I love learning about all the battles. Soldiers got around the battlefield in many different ways. Today they use a lot of heavy machinery, but back then all glory was flown around using most animals.", "Words": ["carry", "flag", "horse", "ride"]}, {"Context": "When I think of grandma's, I picture someone relaxing in a chair as they make things. A lot of them love to crochet various pieces of clothing. There are probably a lot of grandkids with crocheted clothing set aside in one area in their rooms.", "Words": ["hat", "knit", "pile", "rock", "sit"]}, {"Context": "I was babysitting this weekend and the worst thing happened. I had to take the kid in the bathroom to make sure I had some privacy in order to change them. I made sure that I cleaned them all over before putting back on their clothing to go outside.", "Words": ["belly", "expose", "wipe"]}, {"Context": "I was looking forward to making a meal in the kitchen this weekend. I made sure that I had all the utensils that I needed ready to go. I was going to make a special root vegetable cake for dessert.", "Words": ["carrot", "cut", "knife", "sharpen"]}, {"Context": "James thought it would be exciting to get a job as an EMT. He realized he needed to get the proper training before applying. James signed up for a course in first aid at the local college.", "Words": ["bandage", "give", "wrap"]}, {"Context": "The wedding was one of the nicest ones that Laura had ever been to. The bride had in her hand a beautiful array of flowers as she walked down the aisle. Laura couldn't help but smile as the bride and groom said \"I do\" during the ceremony.", "Words": ["bouquet", "couple", "kiss"]}, {"Context": "Alyssa had joined the gym with her friend Bree. She knew that it was time for her to really get into shape. There were so many exercises that Alyssa couldn't wait to do.", "Words": ["jump", "mat", "run"]}, {"Context": "Tom swung his racket as hard as he could, and suddenly it was all over. He smiled as the sweat ran off of his face and he finally loosed the grip on his racket. Tom rushed over to the net to thank his opponent for the good match.", "Words": ["ball", "game", "hit", "tennis"]}, {"Context": "When I had a picnic you need to have a certain type of food. You don't wanna have a lot of fuss while trying to consume your food. Nothing is better than finishing off a picnic with a nice piece of juicy and sweet fruit.", "Words": ["eat", "hand", "hold", "watermelon"]}, {"Context": "Jane was ready for her first day of school. She ate a full breakfast of toast, bacon and eggs. Her mother noticed that she looked very unkempt.", "Words": ["bed", "comb", "hair", "sit"]}, {"Context": "The basketball made a loud sound bouncing off of the asphalt as Steve dribbled. He backed his way into his friend Ron's chest as he tried to get in position to shoot a sweet hook shot near the rim. Ron grunted angrily and flailed as Steve's shoulder rammed into his chin.", "Words": ["blow", "game", "referee", "whistle"]}, {"Context": "Some of the best times to go shopping as early in the morning. It's not crowded so you won't have a hard time finding a place for your car. You'll be able to get right out and walk right in.", "Words": ["front", "park", "store", "vehicle"]}, {"Context": "A lot of people love enjoying a good book in bed. For some reason it helps them go to sleep. I can't even do it when I'm wide awake, much less when I'm half asleep.", "Words": ["lay", "read", "sunglass"]}, {"Context": "The old man sat on the front porch of the cabin drinking his tea. He puffed a bit of smoked out as he stared out into the distance. It was cold this morning and he was glad he had his coat on.", "Words": ["glass", "hold", "mouth", "pipe", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Tanya sat down at the beauticians shop. It had been a while since she had set foot in this place, but she knew she really needed it. How did she let it get so bad, she wondered.", "Words": ["chair", "cut", "hair"]}, {"Context": "Playing around with babies can be a lot of fun. There's a lot of simple things that you can do with them that will make them so happy. With most of them, you don't even have to take them out of their cribs.", "Words": ["bed", "laugh", "lay", "tickle"]}, {"Context": "Sam worked for a construction company in the middle of the city. One day, Sam's boss called a meeting with all of the employees. There had been a complaint about all the dirt and debris that they had been throwing around while they were working.", "Words": ["cloud", "create", "dust", "work", "worker"]}, {"Context": "My religious school took part in a city-wide interfaith program. This mostly meant sitting in on a variety of services from different denominations. Frankly, most were stiff and dull, until it was time to observe the black Baptists.", "Words": ["church", "clap", "congregation", "dance", "music"]}, {"Context": "Thousands of people had turned out for the huge two-day music event and they were all excited for the show to begin. When the first band appeared and began to play, the throng of fans let out a tremendous cheer and began to dance in rhythm to the music. People were going crazy, falling all over each other, climbing on top of one another, and going wild in response to the beat.", "Words": ["concert", "crowd", "jump", "stage", "surfs"]}, {"Context": "July 4 it's about many different things to a lot of people. One thing that I've grown used to is watching people consume hotdogs on ESPN. It's gross, but for some reason I always watch at least a part of it.", "Words": ["compete", "contest", "eat"]}, {"Context": "Sally looked at the clothing in the store, wishing she had enough money. The clothing was lovely, and Sally knew she couldn't afford something quite like it. Sally continued on her way home and resolved to get a better job and the things that she deserved.", "Words": ["dress", "mannequin", "stroller", "walk", "window"]}, {"Context": "Jane had a new job as a maid and she was very nervous. Jane had never lifted a finger in her life, but now since she left her husband she wad to work. She knocked on the door of her first client and took a deep breath.", "Words": ["clean", "demonstrate", "pair", "polish", "shoe"]}, {"Context": "The game was over and Ken was disappointed as he walked away from the stadium. He got home and took off his clothes and threw them into the washing machine. Ken wanted to take a shower and go to bed and forget about the awful game.", "Words": ["field", "jersey", "wear"]}, {"Context": "When you were in downtown Manhattan you're going to see a lot of different characters. Depending on the time of day you will see people from all walks of life. You're going to see businessman move around the city on foot going from one building to the other.", "Words": ["briefcase", "carry", "suit", "walk"]}, {"Context": "One of my favorite events of the Olympics is track and field. Most people just enjoy the track part of this because they love the racing. I love to look at the field events as it's a large section that has been set up for these huge athletes to compete for a medal in various events.", "Words": ["area", "discus", "spin", "stand", "throw"]}, {"Context": "I took out my shovel and my metal detector to the park. I was hoping for a ring. I was disappointed after all my work to find a spoon.", "Words": ["dig", "find", "gold"]}, {"Context": "I had been a great paper salesman, but the company went out of business. My friend said they needed help at his construction site, but I declined. I would look out of place and ridiculous at a construction site.", "Words": ["hat", "project", "wear", "work"]}, {"Context": "All the heads of the departments were called in for an important meeting. The doors of the office room were closed and the meeting lasted for hours. Most of the men left the room at five, but three men remained there even after hours.", "Words": ["head", "shake", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "Casey was babysitting her little brother for the afternoon. He was three years old and seemed to get into everything. Casey got up for one minute and when she returned, the baby had gotten into the things she was using to make a bracelet!", "Words": ["bead", "floor", "sit", "string", "toddler"]}, {"Context": "Public speaking can be tough. You have to go out there and put on a sort of show for an audience you might not know. It's even worse if you were the first person to go, because you have to wait for people to take their seats and quiet down.", "Words": ["floor", "open", "present", "sit"]}, {"Context": "I can't wait till next year's Florida derby. I always have a great time going to gulfstream park. Once in a while the Kentucky derby winner comes out of this event.", "Words": ["horse", "jockey", "race", "track"]}, {"Context": "This was a weekend that was going to be very adventurous at the mall. They wanted to get there early to get their Christmas shopping done because they knew the lines would be long. They made sure that they had on comfortable outfits and each brought along their shopping lists.", "Words": ["clothing", "lady", "stand", "wear"]}, {"Context": "One day I'm going to go to the rodeo. Perhaps I'm even going to try to do some of the tricks that they perform there. I've watched it on TV and seen them do all kinds of things with these animals.", "Words": ["attempt", "cow", "horse", "lasso", "ride"]}, {"Context": "Tim was very angry at his former best friend. His former best friend kissed his girlfriend in front of everyone at Tim's family reunion. Tim only saw one way to solve this important issue.", "Words": ["box", "crowd", "referee", "ring", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Training for boxing can be a lot of fun. I've gone to the gym a few times to take some lessons. Where is some thing light because you're going to be sweating in no time.", "Words": ["bag", "glove", "punch", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Alec unpacked his tools knowing that it would be a long day. Before long, he lost his focus and was screaming in pain. His thumb was throbbing because he had accidentally missed the nail when he swung!", "Words": ["hammer", "hit", "metal", "piece"]}, {"Context": "No matter what the season is you'll find a lot of people on the ocean in the state of Florida. If you're lucky enough, you get to be one of them. Just make sure that you haven't had too much to drink and you are being safe out there because you don't wanna end up a man overboard.", "Words": ["boat", "fall", "sail", "water"]}, {"Context": "Bob had enjoyed his time with the company, but he knew he would love retirement. People met up with him in his office and shook his hand and gave him hugs. He packed his things and left the office for one last time.", "Words": ["box", "computer", "desk"]}, {"Context": "I want to style my new cut. I have to put on my diffuser. But it puts out too much heat to use it for a long time.", "Words": ["attach", "curl", "device", "dryer", "hair"]}, {"Context": "Putting on new clothes is a lot of fun. There is no feeling like it when you walk out the house with your new gear on. You always have a certain look on your face that tells the story.", "Words": ["shirt", "smile", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I love going down by the ocean and enjoying the views. You can sit on a bench and people watch. What are you can go on the sand and look at the water and see all the different types of boats out there.", "Words": ["beach", "sail", "tricycle"]}, {"Context": "Tim admired the work on Mr. Campbell's lawn. He knew the old man wouldn't complain about the work that he did this time. Tim packed up his lawn mower and his equipment and he drove off.", "Words": ["blow", "continue", "leave", "yard"]}, {"Context": "One of my favorite winter things to do is to go to the mountains. I love bringing my snowboard and getting out there and doing some wild and crazy runs. One day I'm going to be able to perform some tricks out there.", "Words": ["hill", "hit", "jump", "land", "skier"]}, {"Context": "Ed was walking down the street singing a happy tune. Ed had just been fired from his awful job and he was happy that he wouldn't go back. Suddenly the air began to get very chilly.", "Words": ["bus", "coat", "player"]}, {"Context": "Lyle knew he was in love from first sight, but he didn't know how far the date would go. At the end of the night, he found himself embraced in a passionate hug. He couldn't find where his body stopped and hers started.", "Words": ["arm", "forehead", "kiss", "neck", "wrap"]}, {"Context": "Boxing could be a fun sport. You get to learn different ways to strike your opponent by practicing for hours upon hours. You also get to learn how to move around the ring so you don't end up on the deck.", "Words": ["bag", "fall", "punch"]}, {"Context": "Immigrants our dedicated members of society. They have some of the lowest paying jobs out there. Next time you go to the grocery store, think about all the farm workers that get up early in the morning and work until the evening gathering the fruits and other things that you enjoy.", "Words": ["pick", "ride", "tractor", "vegetable", "worker"]}, {"Context": "George was training for the big marathon. He knew there would be a lot of obstacles in the race so he did his best to emulate the race. George ran through the woods and through all sorts of hard to travel through areas.", "Words": ["jump", "path", "pit", "run"]}, {"Context": "It was another beautiful dusk by the seaside, and John's lips curled into a grin. He'd finally gotten some time off of work, and he planned on enjoying every moment of his brief vacation. The sand tickled the skin of his bare feet as he walked along the beach, gazing toward the horizon.", "Words": ["ocean", "set", "sun"]}, {"Context": "Jane waited for the ceremony to begin. She was nervous. Jane was proud, but it was scary to be the valedictorian of her class.", "Words": ["award", "crowd", "speech"]}, {"Context": "I went down to fish at the lake. My best friend was running behind me trying to catch up. Walked up to the rippling surface wishing I could cannonball like when I was a kid.", "Words": ["dock", "dog", "jump", "water"]}, {"Context": "The water was finally sparkling and Rod was ready to dive in. Rascal ran about at Rod's feet, wanting to jump in himself. The water splashed as Rod immersed himself and a smaller splash came as Rascal came in after.", "Words": ["clean", "dog", "follow", "pool"]}, {"Context": "Al was at his new job as a bagger at a grocery store. Al really didn't want to do too much work for eight dollars an hour. Al found a closet and was sleeping there until his boss found him.", "Words": ["cart", "chair", "fill", "pull", "street"]}, {"Context": "Going camping with your kids can be a lot of fun. You're out there enjoying some of the simplest things, but having the best of times. It's very relaxing and creates amazing bonding experiences.", "Words": ["daddy", "daughter", "rock", "stream", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Tina was ready to go to a concert to see her favorite singer, Drake. She hoped to sneak backstage and then meet Drake in person. Tina knew that it would take some skill to accomplish such a task.", "Words": ["arena", "carry", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Twelve-year-old William was very excited when his mom and dad bought a farm and moved the family there. He was excited about doing farm work, about helping with the animals, about growing the crops, and about using the big machines. Before long, William was acting like a regular farmhand: he handled the plow and other machines like a pro; he cared for the livestock with dedication; and he harvested the corn, wheat and other crops with ease.", "Words": ["pick", "ride", "tractor"]}, {"Context": "Some Olympic competitions are just amazing. A lot of them involve the water. One of my favorites involves watching competitors jump high into the air and do various tricks as they fall down to the water without making huge splashes.", "Words": ["board", "bounce", "dive", "flip", "pool"]}, {"Context": "Cora smiled as she set down the dishes on the little table out on the front porch. She double checked to make sure she had the sugar cubes and lemon. Cora couldn't wait for her grandmother to arrive for their special time together.", "Words": ["filter", "glass", "place", "pour", "tea"]}, {"Context": "Steve sat down next to Buddy in the living room. Buddy's ears perked up as Steve began to play the bluesy music. He howled along in tune and Steve smiled and scratched him behind the ears.", "Words": ["couch", "dog", "harmonica", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Fred was outside with his pet. He was waiting while the pet was using the restroom. Suddenly, Fred heard a sound from behind him.", "Words": ["dog", "stand", "turn"]}, {"Context": "Negotiating a contract on behalf on my client was making me sick. Tom is very talented, but very temperamental. If he doesn't like what he reads when I show him to contract, there's no telling what he'll do.", "Words": ["face", "front", "laugh", "paper", "tear"]}, {"Context": "Tim was at the beach sleeping. He was waiting on his friend Alex. Alex finally came and suggested they go fishing.", "Words": ["boat", "move", "water"]}, {"Context": "The city's roads were blocked off for the parade. It was very crowded and even police cars couldn't get through all the people. To keep the order, law enforcement rode on animals and atvs.", "Words": ["horse", "officer", "ride", "street"]}, {"Context": "Al was at the park and he needed something exciting to do. Al looked at all the people having fun and was jealous. Al realized that he needed some big adventure to tell people about.", "Words": ["body", "kayak", "paddle", "water"]}, {"Context": "Halftime shows at football games can be a lot of fun. Especially if you're watching certain colleges. There is nothing better than the show put on by predominantly black colleges.", "Words": ["band", "field", "perform"]}, {"Context": "Doing chores around the house as a kid was not fun. The worst part for me was having to go on top of the house. I'm afraid of heights so I made sure of where I put my foot because I didn't want to fall down.", "Words": ["clean", "gutter", "roof", "stand"]}, {"Context": "It was a cold day to be outside on the street. Dan noticed a man lying in the ally by the building. He wished that he could help them man because he was only wearing a tee shirt.", "Words": ["coat", "sidewalk", "walk", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Tom was inside trying to figure out what to do on his day off. He would normally be in school today learning something new. However school had recently been cancelled for the entire week.", "Words": ["kid", "snow", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Logging can be very dangerous. You need to make sure that you have the right equipment and that you know exactly what you're doing before you chop down a tree. When you're done, make sure that you secure the pieces of wood that you're going to be bringing back with you in your truck.", "Words": ["chainsaw", "cut", "rope"]}, {"Context": "As a kid when we couldn't decide who was going to do something there was one thing that we all agreed on doing to decide. It might seem simple but it was difficult to win at times. My strategy most of the time was to use paper.", "Words": ["game", "rock", "scissor"]}, {"Context": "There are many ways to cut down on your electric bill. Summer simpler than others. Make sure when you go grab something cold to drink that you're not standing there for too long, and when you're done that it's secure so no air is escaping.", "Words": ["close", "door", "open", "refrigerator"]}, {"Context": "Tim was in the store with his wife and three children. Everyone was frantically grabbing items they wanted Tim to buy. The recently found out that Tim had won the lottery and he had tried to keep it a secret.", "Words": ["bag", "end", "hold", "stand", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The banker squinted as she looked at the check. It was from a business that she was familiar with, but she had never seen this man before. The man read her mind and smiled as he said, \"I'm new on the job.\"", "Words": ["take", "work", "worker"]}, {"Context": "The students were playing outside during recess. After the bell went off, the teacher asked the kids to get ready to go back to the classroom. The kids all gathered together.", "Words": ["line", "tree", "walk"]}, {"Context": "There are some days in the afternoon that I just want to lay down and sleep for a few minutes. I see my pets doing it all the time and I get jealous. One day, I'm going to join them in this daily ritual.", "Words": ["bed", "dog", "nap", "take"]}, {"Context": "Tony was just getting out on the water on his board. He hadn't been in the water for long when he saw a girl that he had a crush on. Tony tried to show off and lost his balance and fell into the ocean.", "Words": ["body", "sail", "surfboard", "trick", "water"]}, {"Context": "There was a group of children playing in the yard. They were wearing bathing suits and carrying water guns as they chased each other through the wet green grass. As well a peals of laughter there was barking.", "Words": ["dog", "jet", "squirt"]}, {"Context": "The chef talked as he gave the lesson to the cooking class. The first lesson was on prep work and how to take care of utensils. Unfortunately, he was so into his speech that he accidentally cut his finger!", "Words": ["explain", "knife", "sharpen", "stone"]}, {"Context": "Jessie was getting ready for her blind date. She wanted to look and feel her best so she was going to wear a short skirt. Jessie wanted to make sure that her calves were as smooth and sexy as possible.", "Words": ["bathtub", "leg", "shave", "stand"]}, {"Context": "You can learn a lot by going to cosmetology school. The teachers do a great job showing you how to use various equipments. If you do things right, you'll be able to get a great job and make money making people look beautiful.", "Words": ["demonstrate", "hair", "iron", "straighten"]}, {"Context": "I'm going to the farmers market this weekend so I know I'm going to be moving around on foot a lot. I have to make sure that I have on comfortable clothes because it's going to be a couple hours out there. Hopefully I find some great buys at great prices.", "Words": ["jean", "shirt", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Todd had been bullied at school lately so he decided to join a martial arts studio. On the first day of class, Todd was able to learn a lot of techniques. He was able to take part of the regional tournament the next year.", "Words": ["block", "karate", "perform"]}, {"Context": "I love watching boxing. I love the entrances that each person makes. They also wear a bright clothing and most of the times put on a good show.", "Words": ["individual", "match", "wear"]}, {"Context": "My friend got a job this weekend directing traffic at an event. The night before they made sure that they put everything they needed for the job right back at the door so they wouldn't forget it. I knew they would do good because they always dedicate themselves to their job.", "Words": ["take", "vest", "worker"]}, {"Context": "Jan was having tea with her friend at one of their favorite places. The looked outside at the people walking past the shop. Jan and her friend talked for about an hour before making their way back home.", "Words": ["cafe", "coffee", "drink", "look", "window"]}, {"Context": "Jim was at the football game ready to cheer on his favorite team. He had bacon flavored popcorn and was happy as a clam. He stood up for the national anthem and then the game began.", "Words": ["blow", "referee", "spectator", "watch", "whistle"]}, {"Context": "Diamond harvesting seems like it's a tough job. You're out there for hours using a variety of tools to find a small gem. It's definitely a job that I can't see myself doing.", "Words": ["break", "hammer", "piece", "rock", "use"]}, {"Context": "The brothers were excited when school was cancelled, but the stormy weather meant they couldn't play outside. The brothers complained to their mom that they were bored. Their mom suggested they find a quiet game to play indoors.", "Words": ["card", "deck", "sit"]}, {"Context": "I've been hitting the weights three times a week for the past month. Although it's not easy, I'll make sure that I make time for it and put in the effort. Are use a variety of machines and I'm seeing the results, especially in my biceps.", "Words": ["arm", "equipment", "gym", "work"]}, {"Context": "Tom walked through the hall to his locker to get his books for the next class. Suddenly, Tom was dripping water from his face! Tom looked around confused until he saw his best friend laughing near the restrooms.", "Words": ["fountain", "short", "spray"]}, {"Context": "Sam was nervous and she really wanted a cigarette. When she had the free time, she went outside and lit a cigarette. As she put it in her mouth, a man walked up and grabbed the cigarette from her.", "Words": ["blow", "hit", "smoke", "take"]}, {"Context": "Susan sat down at the table reserved for her at the restaurant. They were having their grand opening and invited Susan, a distinguished taster to the restaurant. Susan folded her napkin in her lap and looked around the room as she waited.", "Words": ["bucket", "mouth", "spit", "swish", "wine"]}, {"Context": "Mark was hanging out on a marble bench in the park. He watched the birds fly and land on the grass in front of him. Mark fed them bread crumbs from the sandwich that his wife had made.", "Words": ["hand", "item", "sit", "slab", "smile"]}, {"Context": "I think I'm gonna go out to the beach this weekend and bring my camera with me to get some good shots. I'm going to try to get people doing a variety of different activities out there. In order to show how adventurous the beach can be.", "Words": ["photographer", "picture", "swim", "take", "water"]}, {"Context": "Tim woke up in a ditch next to his car. Tim tried to remember what happened that got him in this awful situation. He saw a bottle of wine next to his car and remembered everything.", "Words": ["darkness", "leave", "rise", "submersible", "wreck"]}, {"Context": "Sometimes you enjoy the simple things in life. Nothing like a late afternoon and getting some natural sweetness from a fresh piece of crisp fruit. One of my favorite treats, was a nice and tart Granny Smith.", "Words": ["apple", "knife", "peel", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "Going to the fair is always fun. You see people dressed up in all kinds of enjoyable costumes. The kids also love it as they get to have all kinds of things drawn on them by artist.", "Words": ["face", "hat", "paint", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Whenever I'm running I always see people under the bridge trying to catch something to eat. I always wonder if they catch anything at all. One thing I noticed, is they make sure and have them selves some adult beverages to drink.", "Words": ["bottle", "fish", "pond"]}, {"Context": "There are people with some very exotic pets. I don't even like the popular pets like dogs and cats. I can't even imagine how they keep some of these more dangerous animals.", "Words": ["cage", "hold", "put", "snake"]}, {"Context": "I have a big ceremony to go to this weekend and I can't wait to catch up with a lot of people I haven't seen in a long time. I have a long drive so I have to make sure that I get out of here on time. This is going to be a huge party.", "Words": ["bride", "friend", "groom", "leave", "wedding"]}, {"Context": "Winter sports can be a lot of fun. You will also end up on your butt a lot. I've experienced a lot of that wow gliding down the mountain at high speeds.", "Words": ["board", "fall", "ride"]}, {"Context": "I love cutting up fruits. To me there's nothing better than having a sharp knife and cutting them to reveal the sweet inner parts of it. Then putting a variety of them together to make a salad.", "Words": ["inside", "open", "watermelon"]}, {"Context": "Sometimes I imagine if I was a performer what I would put on. I see myself on stage singing to a huge audience with little to nothing on. I don't want to show off my body to the ladies.", "Words": ["guitar", "shirt", "stage", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Going to a casino can be very fun. I love to walk around and look at the floor games to see if I can learn anything. The poker area is one of my favorite spots because I can learn a lot by watching before I decide to play.", "Words": ["card", "deck", "demonstrate", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "It must be fun being one of those street artist. You don't have to wear any special uniform, and you get to do your job outside. All you need is some paint and paint brushes, and a bunch of paper to create art.", "Words": ["shirt", "sit", "work"]}, {"Context": "Everyone needs to go get pampered a few times a year. One of the best things to do for your body is to get it rubbed down by someone who is a professional. Spent a good hour with their hands going all over your body and some good aromatherapy in the background, you'll be in heaven.", "Words": ["leg", "lie", "massage", "masseuse", "table"]}, {"Context": "Whenever there's a hurricane coming do you have to make sure that you were prepared. You make sure that you have all of your important documents in a secure area. One thing people always forget is to prepare their vehicles as well.", "Words": ["car", "gas", "pump", "put"]}, {"Context": "Sam was on the way home from school when he saw a girl that he really liked. He went to go say hello to her so he could ask her out. Suddenly he tripped and fell into a puddle of mud.", "Words": ["finger", "front", "shirt", "snap", "stand"]}, {"Context": "I need to do some grooming this weekend on my facial hair. The ladies seem to love it so I need to make sure that I keep it looking proper. I normally do all of this on a Saturday morning in the bathroom.", "Words": ["beard", "look", "mirror", "scissor", "trim"]}, {"Context": "The mother finished filling the final glass with water and walked toward the opening to the living room. \"Dinner's ready,\" she called out as she undid her apron and placed it on the nearby counter. The family converged on the dining room table with hunger in their eyes.", "Words": ["chair", "eat", "food", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Travis was always careful when he went to the skate park. He had a friend that had recently broken his arm in three different places. People might have laughed at Travis and his protective gear, but he knew it was the right thing to do.", "Words": ["ramp", "ride", "skateboard", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I get mad when I try to cut my veggies. I use a fork. Do you think something else would work better because I keep losing the fork?", "Words": ["board", "knife", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Victoria was glad that her friend had given her a gift certificate to the spa. Her body felt much better as the attendant rubbed all the knots away. She was so relaxed that she eventually fell asleep on the table.", "Words": ["cross", "foot", "leg", "massage", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Al was in the forest and he was very lost. He remembered that he crumbled up his map and threw it away when someone tried to give it to him. Al realized that he had been very stupid.", "Words": ["path", "tree", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Sarah was in the Marines and was getting ready to do the training obstacle course for her unit. She got all her equipment and brought it to the starting line as required. When the instructor said go she began to run to the first tall ledge with her stuff.", "Words": ["gear", "wall", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Tom was at home sick with his family. He caught a bad cold from a recent office party last week. His wife came in and asked if he needed anything in particular.", "Words": ["blow", "nose", "stand", "tissue", "toddler"]}, {"Context": "My grandfather hated any new technology because it meant the world was changing. He felt threatened by that. He turned out to be right when some fancy technology ended up taking all the jobs in our lumbering community.", "Words": ["feed", "machine", "piece", "wood"]}, {"Context": "I am practicing my ballet. I get very sore after. Do you know what I could use so my feet don't hurt?", "Words": ["floor", "foot", "stand", "tip", "toe"]}, {"Context": "It's always great to look at boxers get ready for a match. They always have all colorful outfits while coming to the ring. But, you have to pay attention to all that happens back in the training area before they're even dressed and ready to go.", "Words": ["bandage", "glove", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I remember when I was in Boot Camp and they were showing us how to create space by making sure that our clothing was put up correctly. Everything had to be done a certain way, so you had to pay a lot of attention. Later on you would have inspections to make sure you followed directions.", "Words": ["demonstrate", "fold", "hand", "napkin"]}, {"Context": "When I was a kid I always enjoyed eating suckers. Especially the blue ones because they left evidence for hours. They were so sweet and yummy.", "Words": ["lick", "lip", "stick", "tongue"]}, {"Context": "Being a parent can be tough but also very rewarding. You get to raise a human being from an infant to a young adult. You will have your ups and downs, but you also love it.", "Words": ["clothe", "mother", "toddler"]}, {"Context": "Coming home to your bed after a late night of work can be amazing. There's always only one thing that I have my mind on. I make sure that I get myself in bed and wrap myself up under that blanket and call it a night.", "Words": ["eye", "hang", "head", "shut", "squeeze"]}, {"Context": "The coast guard showed up as soon as they got the distress call. Unfortunately, they still arrived too late to save the man from perishing. They pulled him from the waters and called a tow boat to clear the water.", "Words": ["body", "float", "wreckage"]}, {"Context": "I was looking forward to enjoying the concert tomorrow. I know that there was going to be a huge crowd there. I was hoping that nobody in front of me had on anything like a huge heart that would get in my view.", "Words": ["audience", "head", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Bill was at the park and he was very bored. His family was playing frisbee and he wanted to do something different. Bill then realized that there was only one cool thing to do at the park.", "Words": ["bicycle", "body", "grass", "sit", "water"]}, {"Context": "The beautician had a busy day ahead of her. The customers came into her salon all day long. It was hours before she was able to get off of her feet and take a break.", "Words": ["brush", "dryer", "hair", "style"]}, {"Context": "You need to be careful when dealing with venomous animals like the cobra. Make sure that you have protection on your hand because you don't want to get bitten. Their venom can be very little.", "Words": ["glove", "handle", "snake", "wear"]}, {"Context": "It was rehearsal time again and Jamie was worn out. She went into the dressing room to change into her costume. She couldn't wait until it was time for the real show to begin.", "Words": ["activity", "building", "clothing", "perform", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The emergency room was a madhouse on this Friday night. There had been a four car accident in the middle of town and several people were injured. The doctors on call were ready and focused, willing and able to assist.", "Words": ["perform", "scrub", "surgeon"]}, {"Context": "This weekend was for the boys. The girls went on a trip and left the boys alone at home. They enjoyed themselves by doing outdoor activities as well as just sitting on the couch and looking at a bunch of football.", "Words": ["bike", "father", "ride", "son", "watch"]}, {"Context": "The little boy missed his father, who was on a long business trip. The boy's mother tried to comfort him by telling him his dad would be home soon. Suddenly there was a ring and the mother lifted the receiver.", "Words": ["ear", "hold", "phone", "talk", "toddler"]}, {"Context": "There are many different kind of bikers in the city. Do you have the older crew who use the Harley Davidson's. Then you have the younger crew who use the Asian brand bikes and love to perform tricks up and down the road.", "Words": ["motorcycle", "pop", "ride", "wheelie"]}, {"Context": "Serina bought some new furniture for her apartment. She needed help loading it into the truck. She asked a store clerk to help her, but one wasn't enough because some of the pieces were so heavy.", "Words": ["front", "lift", "mirror", "weight"]}, {"Context": "A man named Jack moved in next door. He introduced himself to me and seemed friendly. I had no complaints until he woke me one morning by blowing a whistle and shouting out commands.", "Words": ["course", "dog", "run", "trainer"]}, {"Context": "It was Jen's wedding and she had everything figured out, well almost everything. Her beautician had done an awful job and Jen didn't know what to do. Finally, Jen's sister offered a suggestion and Jen's eyes lit up.", "Words": ["braid", "hair", "head", "side", "turn"]}, {"Context": "It was my roommate's turn to take care of dinner. I was hoping he'd just order a pizza because he wasn't a good cook. I wasn't encouraged when I went into the kitchen and saw pots of inedible colors.", "Words": ["die", "rinse", "shirt", "sink", "tie"]}, {"Context": "Al was meeting some new friends who had just moved into his neighborhood. Al wanted to impress them but he wasn't sure how. Al sat on his porch thinking of ways he could show how amazing he was.", "Words": ["balance", "hat", "ledge", "skateboard", "wear"]}, {"Context": "My husband bought a sewing machine. I wasn't sure how to use it. But I was able to make a pillow.", "Words": ["give", "instruction", "sew"]}, {"Context": "The greyhound was ready for the event to begin. His trainer brought him up to the track and set up in the lane. When the buzzer went off, the animal ran like the wind.", "Words": ["dog", "muzzle", "race", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Joey was leaving from the competition knowing that he had done well. It was time for him to go home though and he waited at the stop and basked in the sun. People looked at Joey in his well dressed attire, not recognizing him outside of his sports uniform.", "Words": ["bus", "medal", "suit"]}, {"Context": "Jake was pretty sure that he needed to get a new wheel on his truck. One of them was looking pretty bare and it wasn't safe. He begrudgingly drove down to the automotive store in town.", "Words": ["check", "penny", "tire", "tread", "use"]}, {"Context": "Sam wasn't worried that the place would be crowded even though it had just opened recently. He had called the day before and made a reservation for two at seven. He was excited to see Parker again and thought to himself \"I hope she likes Italian food\" as he pulled into the Bistro's parking lot.", "Words": ["drink", "eat", "restaurant", "sit", "wine"]}, {"Context": "Dillan held the pool stick in his hand waiting for his turn. He had never lost this many matches in a row. His opponent scratched and Dillan took a deep breath as he walked up to the table.", "Words": ["cue", "shoot", "use"]}, {"Context": "Joe is an aspiring musician who is dedicated to his craft. He plays in his sound-proof room, so as not to bother the neighbors. The room is small and doesn't even have a chair.", "Words": ["bed", "guitar", "practice", "sit"]}, {"Context": "I saw my neighbor playing in his yard. I watched from my window as he played catch with his dog. Later, as I moved out into my own yard to rest I could hear someone calling my name.", "Words": ["object", "throw", "turn", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Hanna slipped past the people in the audience trying to find her way back to her seat. She looked to the left and to the right, but couldn't find her friend. Hanna called out, but it was too loud for her even to hear her own voice.", "Words": ["clap", "concert", "crowd", "wear", "wristband"]}, {"Context": "Paul was not afraid of anything. That's what made him a great asset to the circus. Paul flew threw the air gracefully with no fears whatsoever.", "Words": ["fall", "net", "practice", "swinge", "trapeze"]}, {"Context": "Cindy walked out of the house in her summer attire. It was hot outside and she didn't want to spend hours out in the sun wearing jeans, that was for sure. She looked around at all the yardwork that needed to be done and sighed.", "Words": ["short", "top", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Ken was meeting his brother Alvin at their favorite bar tonight. They hadn't seen each other in a few weeks and had a lot of catching up to do. He took a seat at the bar but waited to order until Alvin got there.", "Words": ["beer", "chip", "drink", "eat"]}, {"Context": "I told the instructor my knife was dull. He showed me how to fix that. Rocks are so old fashioned.", "Words": ["demonstrate", "sharpen", "stone"]}, {"Context": "Lillian had a blast at the state fair last weekend. She thought that the Ferris Wheel was amazing, though she was a bit hesitant at first. There was even a bouncy house for the kids to go in and she loved it.", "Words": ["hit", "jump", "ride"]}, {"Context": "The last couple of weeks had been blazing hot with no rain. Jill checked the weather forecast and saw there was still no rain predicted. She centered the sprinkler in her backyard and turned on the faucet.", "Words": ["bird", "spread", "water", "wing"]}, {"Context": "The bar scene was rowdy on the Friday night. Two burly man sat face to face locked up with each other. The people cheered them on as they tried to prove that each was stronger than the other.", "Words": ["arm", "sit", "table", "wrestle"]}, {"Context": "Denny was up to bat for the last time. The count was full and Denny was getting nervous. Denny closed his eyes as he felt the crack of the bat.", "Words": ["ball", "field", "hit", "stand", "swing"]}, {"Context": "Rita worked as a housekeeper at a local motel. Every day was the same for Rita, but it was a paycheck for the woman. If she could pay her bills, she didn't mind what she had to do.", "Words": ["bed", "lady", "put", "sheet"]}, {"Context": "I asked the grocery clerk if he could pack my grocery up so it would be easy for me to take. I wanted to take all of it at once and wanted it all packed into one place. The red dress that I had worn to the party was a hit, everyone talked about it.", "Words": ["bag", "carry", "shirt", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Carlos hadn't been working out for very long and he wasn't quite sure what he was doing. Finally, he gave in and hired a personal trainer. Gary, his trainer was able to help Carlos learn all sorts of new exercises.", "Words": ["down", "gym", "pull", "tricep"]}, {"Context": "Jim was playing outside with his pet cocker spaniel. Jim wanted to teach his dog how to fetch a toy. First Jim tried tossing a stick, but the dog wasn't interested.", "Words": ["air", "ball", "catch", "jump", "mouth"]}, {"Context": "Kyle looked up into the bleachers where his parents were watching the championship game that he was playing in. He was on third base at the bottom of the ninth inning with the score tied. The batter swung and hit the ball hard and Kyle took off running.", "Words": ["catcher", "home", "slide", "tag"]}, {"Context": "I pour my oil in, and crack the shell. I flip it just in time to make sure it's over easy. I put it on a plate.", "Words": ["cook", "egg", "fry", "pan"]}, {"Context": "Denny parked the car at the visitor's building near the border of the state. The kids slowly got out, knowing what their dad was going to do. Denny instructed them all to get out, as he picked up his camera.", "Words": ["car", "front", "photo", "stand", "take"]}, {"Context": "I thought that I was smarter, I really did. I couldn't figure that thing out for anything though. If they wanted to make a puzzle that would confuse the world, I guess they did!", "Words": ["cube", "eye", "solve"]}, {"Context": "The comedian is hilarious. The whole place is full. The crowd is roaring.", "Words": ["laugh", "open", "room"]}, {"Context": "Alice looked upon her dry garden. She prepared to handle the situation. As she did, she thought how beautiful the flowers were.", "Words": ["hold", "hose", "water"]}, {"Context": "Toni was showing her little sister how to do her eyes. Toni was about to go on a date anyway, so it wasn't like she was wasting anything. At the end, Toni looked fabulous and her sister had acquired some new knowledge.", "Words": ["apply", "demonstrate", "eyebrow", "makeup"]}, {"Context": "Tyler was a tremendous track and field athlete at the peak of his college career. This day, however, his approach did not feel right as he ran forward. He had one last chance to make a throw that would win the event.", "Words": ["fall", "javelin", "step"]}, {"Context": "Jerry had worked as a carpenter for years. He had a box full of tools and knew exactly what to do with them. Jerry was excited to go to work on demolition days most of all.", "Words": ["brick", "mallet", "place", "pound", "wall"]}, {"Context": "I have been seeing some robins near my front porch lately. I figured that I would leave them some seeds in a saucer. I tried putting them in my hand, but they wouldn't come close enough.", "Words": ["bird", "cup", "eat", "hold"]}, {"Context": "Polly and her friends piled into her mom's van to head to the venue. They had been waiting for weeks to go to the performance. Her mother dropped them off and they hurried inside to find their seats.", "Words": ["guitar", "musician", "shirt", "stage", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The soccer playoffs were the most competitive that they had been in years. The players were all over the field. Finally, the whistle blew and the game was over.", "Words": ["ball", "goal", "run"]}, {"Context": "I'm trying to knead biscuits. But it is sticking to my fingers. I need to dust the surface before I can shape them.", "Words": ["dough", "flour", "pin", "roll"]}, {"Context": "John was trained in ballet and was getting ready for his big performance. He stretched until all his muscles were very warm and supple. When the curtain lifted and the music started, he was ready for the spotlight.", "Words": ["dance", "dancer", "stage"]}, {"Context": "Fred couldn't believe that he had broken down right here. There was nothing around for miles. Worst of all, Fred wasn't getting a phone signal, so he couldn't call for help.", "Words": ["car", "middle", "road", "stand", "stop"]}, {"Context": "It was an early evening at the crowded downtown theater. Everyone sat in muted anticipation of what was to come. Then it began and enthusiastic applause rang out.", "Words": ["audience", "dance", "performer", "stage"]}, {"Context": "Watching the track and field performers. One runner got a lot of air. But he hit the padding pretty hard.", "Words": ["bar", "jump", "land", "mat"]}, {"Context": "The lady said she was struggling to take care of her three-year-old. She said she had to use the laundry machine all day in order to keep him clean. She said it felt like all day she was folding, and changing diapers.", "Words": ["clothe", "help", "mother", "toddler", "washer"]}, {"Context": "Donna was nervous as she paced back and forth in the backstage area. The long skirt that she was wearing was itchy and she couldn't wait to get out of it. Donna wondered why she had ever tried out for the play in the first place.", "Words": ["act", "clothe", "dress", "multicolore", "perform"]}, {"Context": "Newlyweds Sam and Sally were having their first guests over for dinner. Sally had taken pains to set a fancy table. When it was time to eat, Sally asked Sam to pour the wine.", "Words": ["bottle", "cork", "remove", "tool", "use"]}, {"Context": "Lisa threw the man's groceries into the tote and did it roughly. She didn't care anymore if she got fired. Lisa had enough of the likes of customers like this treating her like crap.", "Words": ["bag", "bread", "plate", "put", "take"]}, {"Context": "Johnny was taking his son camping for the first time. It was dinner and he was showing the boy how to prepare a meal on his own. Johnny was glad they had caught some fish earlier, or else it would have been a can of beans.", "Words": ["fire", "pot", "talk", "water", "wood"]}, {"Context": "The water is rough. I can't stay on my board. I head back to the shore.", "Words": ["crash", "ocean", "swim", "wave"]}, {"Context": "Annie went to the mall and passed through the cosmetic section. She was invited to sit down for a consultation. She decided it wouldn't be a bad idea to freshen up her look, so she sat at the counter.", "Words": ["apply", "explain", "lady", "makeup", "process"]}, {"Context": "Kate was going to her best friend's birthday party. She couldn't wait to go, but she had to get the present ready first. Kate pulled out the card and thought of something special to put on it.", "Words": ["balloon", "pop", "write"]}, {"Context": "Josie was crying when her brother got home, so he asked her what was wrong. She said that she had tried to fly her kite, but the kite was broken. Her brother was able to help her fix it and Josie gave him a big hug.", "Words": ["piece", "string", "tie"]}, {"Context": "Teenagers Paul and Kimberly lay on the beach on a warm sunny day. Kimberly was a bit tired and frustrated as she looked out at the ocean. \"Come on, Kim, let's play some more\", Paul encouraged.", "Words": ["catch", "frisbee", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Doug was out in a terrible storm, but he had to get to Springfield. No matter what the weather, he had to get there, even if he had to navigate there on his own. Then he approached the low bridge, which had been overflowed slightly by the flooding.", "Words": ["car", "drive", "road", "water"]}, {"Context": "It was such a hot day and it took quite some time to get from one stop to another. I wanted something to put on my head so it could cover my face. I decided to put on something over my head so I can not get sunburn.", "Words": ["distance", "hat", "look", "wear"]}, {"Context": "It was almost time for the talent show and Jason wanted to make sure that he was the best in his class. He looked in the mirror and did his act one more time. Jason was sure that he had what it took to win the contest.", "Words": ["event", "kid", "perform", "practice", "school"]}, {"Context": "There are a lot of issues that can happen while working on this site. I always get evidence by taking a photograph of my issues. I love that I'm given a chance to work on this Amazon platform, but it doesn't come without its issues.", "Words": ["gripe", "invite", "photo", "problem", "turker"]}, {"Context": "The cafe was running smoothly, just like Ally wanted. She had dreamed of owning a place like this for a while. The customers came in all day and they loved it, so she was happy.", "Words": ["cup", "milk", "pour", "tea", "water"]}, {"Context": "Janie had just started kindergarten and she loved being in school. Every day before lunch Janie's teacher let her students choose an activity. Janie's favorite activity was playing games, and the teacher let her choose a game from the shelf.", "Words": ["floor", "piece", "put", "puzzle", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Eric invited his neighbors over for a cookout Saturday afternoon. He had all kinds of beverages chilling on ice and tons of food. He set up the grill and chatted with his guests as he started to cook.", "Words": ["meat", "skewer", "turn"]}, {"Context": "Susie was excited to visit at her grandparents' farm. Grandpa led Susie by the hand to the red barn for a special surprise. Inside the barn were newborn kids and lambs.", "Words": ["goat", "hold", "pet"]}, {"Context": "I was at the fair last night with my girlfriend. We passed by some of those booths where you can win a prize if you shoot the basketball into the goal. I spent like twenty dollars trying to win her a stupid puppy dog!", "Words": ["animal", "hold", "stand", "stuff"]}, {"Context": "One of the worst part about living in a cold environment, is dealing with storms. Some areas get blanketed with feet of powder. In the morning you have to clear it away.", "Words": ["blow", "blower", "drive", "side", "snow"]}, {"Context": "My neighbors were a very elderly couple. Honestly, I didn't like them much because they always seemed cranky. But when the wife died, I asked the morose man if he wanted to get a cup of coffee sometimes, an invitation he leapt at.", "Words": ["bite", "doughnut", "hold", "take", "talk"]}, {"Context": "The Perkins family loved the 4th of July and always had a BBQ where they invited friends. Everyone would gather at their house early in the afternoon and walk to main street for the annual parade. They would line the streets with many others and watch the floats go by.", "Words": ["carry", "crowd", "flag", "surround", "wave"]}, {"Context": "Ben woke and looked over at his clock to find it was nearly 9am. He wasn't sure if he was late for school or if the blizzard that had been predicted when he went to bed the night before had happened. He walked out to the kitchen where his mother pointed to the shed and told him to get to work.", "Words": ["driveway", "shovel", "shovel", "snow"]}, {"Context": "Alex was studying at the local college to be a geologist. He liked learning about rocks and anything about the earth. He wanted to grow up and lead a hunt on fossils in the far east.", "Words": ["dig", "find", "gem", "gold", "sort"]}, {"Context": "The bride was dressed immaculately for the wedding. Everyone turned to look as she came down from upstairs. They oohed in hushed tones of admiration.", "Words": ["clothing", "flight", "stair", "walk", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Tyler leaned up against the old Singer. He couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. It had always worked for him when his grandmother had used it.", "Words": ["hand", "machine", "push", "sew", "test"]}, {"Context": "Ted had been preparing for months for the state decathlon championship. Ted looked at the schedule to see what event he would face next. Ted warmed up by stretching and got ready for his turn.", "Words": ["javelin", "run", "throw", "track"]}, {"Context": "Steven put all his equipment into the truck and drove to the work site. It wasn't going to be easy to build the house, but Steven had years of experience. He met with the client and signed all the paperwork before he began.", "Words": ["brick", "build", "mortar", "place", "wall"]}, {"Context": "Jason drank his beer as he cast his line out yet again. He hadn't caught anything yet today, but he wasn't about to give up yet. As Jason went to sit down, something began to tug on his line.", "Words": ["bottle", "feed", "fish", "hold", "pond"]}, {"Context": "Sam was at the skate park every day after school. He had been skating since he was just a kid and wanted to be just like Tony Hawk. Unfortunately, one day Sam fell and broke his shin in three places.", "Words": ["picture", "skateboarder", "take", "trick"]}, {"Context": "The Braves were playing the Blue Jays in Atlanta. The catcher was getting ready to throw. The sun hit him in the eye but he still had to do his job.", "Words": ["ball", "bat", "hit", "swing"]}, {"Context": "Sam entered a contest on sustainable technology. He planned to design a car that operated without traditional fuel. But Sam didn't intend to use solar energy or electric batteries.", "Words": ["power", "vehicle", "wind"]}, {"Context": "Jake worked at the pet store in a small town. He liked to see all the animals and even gave some of them names. Jake gave treats to some of his favorites.", "Words": ["air", "ball", "dog", "parrot", "sit"]}, {"Context": "When Frank bought a house to flip, he knew the old carpet had to go. Underneath the carpet, he was delighted to find real hardwood. Frank rented tools to restore the hardwood to its original beauty.", "Words": ["floor", "machine", "sand", "work"]}, {"Context": "I went to an event this weekend that has always been unusual to me. It's a competition that they have at country clubs. This has to be a sport for the wealthy alone.", "Words": ["field", "horse", "polo", "ride"]}, {"Context": "The summer after my senior year in high school, I needed a job. I ended up with the most embarrassing one possible. I had to dress like a chicken and walk around tourist areas to advertise a restaurant.", "Words": ["beach", "look", "ocean", "stand", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I loved being able to sit next to the kitchen at the sushi bar. Seeing the chefs work and shape each person's order was absolutely amazing. What skill it must take to become a sushi chef!", "Words": ["hand", "piece", "roll"]}, {"Context": "Ed had to complete four hundred hours of community service. The judge told him he had three months to get it done. Ed had the perfect idea for what he would do.", "Words": ["carry", "front", "graffiti", "sack", "wall"]}, {"Context": "My girlfriends and I were in an adventurous and perhaps rebellious mood. We went to the mall to relieve the boredom and stood before a small shop. Here we could rid ourselves of little girl clip-ons and become fashionable young ladies, so we plunged on in.", "Words": ["ear", "feel", "pierce"]}, {"Context": "I settled in on the carpet next to my pup. I wanted to watch TV. He kept coming back with his ball.", "Words": ["floor", "sit", "throw"]}, {"Context": "I saw girl downtown the other day and she looked amazing. It was a little bit chilly outside and she was dressed for the occasion. The designs on her pants and purse were kind of matching.", "Words": ["bag", "carry", "jean", "pattern", "sweater"]}, {"Context": "Jeremy started to go down the mountain, but he was nervous. He had never done this before and he knew that it could be dangerous. The other people glided by him as he tried to get his bearings.", "Words": ["fall", "ski", "slope", "snow"]}, {"Context": "The downtown area was slowing coming back to life. Some quality stores were opening up and people began to frequent the area which they hadn't in years. The city counsel initiated a contest will the goal of beautifying the area further.", "Words": ["art", "paint", "street"]}, {"Context": "It had been a while since Justin had been on vacation. He walked out onto the sand and felt his toes sink in. Justin closed his eyes and listened to the sea crash against the shore.", "Words": ["beach", "relax", "suit"]}, {"Context": "Lauren met her boyfriend Matt at the park late afternoon as he had instructed her. She was delighted when he pulled a huge picnic basket out of the trunk of his car. They walked towards the lake where they laid out a blanket and Matt opened up the basket.", "Words": ["bottle", "cork", "open", "wine"]}, {"Context": "Gordon grunted as he set the heavy bar down on the floor. He had never picked up this much in his life before. He took off his belt and started to walk to the showers.", "Words": ["bar", "end", "head", "lift", "weight"]}, {"Context": "I needed to get grocery so I decided to take a run down to the grocery shop. While I was in the grocery shop, I saw one of my friend, he was someone I hadn't seen in a long time. I then went with him to a coffee ship to have a cup of coffee.", "Words": ["mark", "store", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Marie stared at her reflection in the mirror. For the first time, she noticed wrinkles forming around her eyes and mouth. Marie wasted no time heading to the drugstore to buy a moisturizer.", "Words": ["apply", "face", "lotion", "rub"]}, {"Context": "Some girls had recently made fun of sixteen-year old Alice. They felt that she was a little hairy which was very unfeminine. She took the criticism hard and today was trying to do something about it.", "Words": ["cream", "leg", "put", "shave"]}, {"Context": "Trey had brought Buddy to the trainer because he couldn't get him to listen to a word that he would say. He was surprised that only after a short week Buddy knew all kinds of commands. It was a lot easier taking care of Buddy after that.", "Words": ["back", "dog", "roll"]}, {"Context": "Our visit to Egypt was amazing and I hope that we are able to do it again. There were so many differences between Egypt and the United States. I think that my favorite part of the trip was visiting the pyramids.", "Words": ["camel", "car", "ride"]}, {"Context": "The cheerleaders knew that they had to do good at their performance. There was a silence in the auditorium as the judges looked up at them. The head cheerleader bowed her head and gave the sign for the music to start.", "Words": ["cheer", "contest", "crowd", "eat"]}, {"Context": "Tony wanted to make sure that he made the basketball team. After school, he worked hard in the gym everyday. Soon, it was the day of the try outs, but Tony knew he had it in him.", "Words": ["dribble", "practice", "time"]}, {"Context": "I had been out of work for awhile and was starting to get nervous. A friend tipped me off to a very lucrative opening. Unfortunately, my fear of heights made it impossible for me to follow up on that tip.", "Words": ["building", "hang", "paint", "rope"]}, {"Context": "The floor looked clean so Alice decided to take her shoes off before stepping on it. There was a big closet next to the kitchen which had a broom and a dustpan hang up on the wall. The little baby seem happy, playing with his toys on the floor next to the closet.", "Words": ["floor", "sweep", "toddler"]}, {"Context": "Jan caught the railing when she started to fall down. She gasped and slipped and thought she was going to fall. All of a sudden a stranger lifted her hand and put her back on her feet.", "Words": ["hold", "ice", "skate"]}, {"Context": "Jim leafed through a magazine for Corvette enthusiasts. He thought his own Stingray model was just as fine as any in the magazine. Jim decided to send a picture of his prized vehicle to the publisher.", "Words": ["car", "photo", "take"]}, {"Context": "When it comes to choosing college classes, undergraduates tend to prioritize several factors. The classes that are most preferred are held in smaller classrooms. Classes held in large halls are a turn-off.", "Words": ["give", "lecture", "professor", "student"]}, {"Context": "Steven was happy to finally arrive at college, but he was worried about his room assignment and hoped he would be able to stay in the dorm he really wanted. It was a popular choice so the Resident Advisors were drawing lottery numbers to see who would get in and they said they'd be posting the names on a piece of paper on the bulletin board later on. Steven asked one of his teachers for advice, and also checked with one of his classmates, but they said it would be a matter of luck, that's all, so Steven crossed his fingers and hoped.", "Words": ["fill", "hall", "list", "professor", "student"]}, {"Context": "Ed was driving his car to work when suddenly it shut off. Ed pulled over to the side of the road and checked to see what happened. He took out all of his tools and tried to fix the problem.", "Words": ["fly", "pipe", "spark", "weld"]}, {"Context": "Charlie was walking on the sand with Duke. They played catch for a while, then it was time to rest. Charlie sat on the sand and listened to the waves roll in.", "Words": ["ball", "beach", "dog"]}, {"Context": "I had to hold the ache above my hip as a hiked up the steep incline. I was struggling under the weight of supplies. I had to take a rest.", "Words": ["backpack", "mountain", "side", "sit", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The hospital is a special place. A lot of good things get done there. I also love that the workers pretty much have the same uniform.", "Words": ["building", "clothing", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The circus was great and all of the kids loved it. The best part were the acrobats and the clowns. There was a lot of talent under the big top that night.", "Words": ["fire", "juggle", "light"]}, {"Context": "The instructor said to hold it tight so there is no slack. He showed me how. And then told me I needed to use a butterfly knot.", "Words": ["demonstrate", "rope", "tie"]}, {"Context": "Now that Mr. Smith was retired, he found he was happiest when he kept to a routine. Each morning, he headed on foot to the local park. Before entering the park, he always stopped at a newsstand.", "Words": ["bench", "paper", "read", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Danny was excited to be camping with his troop. It was getting dark and everyone was out gathering wood. The troop leader told them that they would be cooking hot dogs and telling stories, and Danny couldn't wait!", "Words": ["campfire", "marshmallow", "roast", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Jeremy was a college freshman, looking forward to his first campus party. He was especially excited to try beer pong, as he had seen in so many movie comedies. But when he arrived he saw people kicking a round object, but not a ping pong ball.", "Words": ["cup", "foot", "marble"]}, {"Context": "Gary remained steady as he stayed on the path. The buckets were full and he had to make sure they didn't spill out. He knew his mother would scold him if he spilled any of it.", "Words": ["hold", "walk", "water"]}, {"Context": "I went to wood shop. I had to create something to turn in. But the toothed blade is terrifying.", "Words": ["piece", "saw", "saw", "wood"]}, {"Context": "David knew that they would be freezing tonight if they didn't have enough wood for the fires. He pulled his sleeves up and began to look for some dead wood on the ground. He spotted a small tree lying on the ground, but he knew he would have to split it.", "Words": ["axe", "chop", "half", "log", "stand"]}, {"Context": "Susan sat silently watching the big animal at the reserve. He was long and big and swam silently through the water. She didn't want to be anywhere near that swamp monster.", "Words": ["alligator", "mouth", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Tanya was baking the cake for her daughter's eighth birthday. She was making the cake from scratch so she gathered up all the ingredients. Everything was in the mixing bowl and Tanya went to work right away.", "Words": ["beat", "egg", "fork"]}, {"Context": "Jane was excited when the teacher announced it was career week. Jane signed her dad up to visit the classroom. On the appointed day, Jane's dad showed up dressed in his work gear.", "Words": ["duty", "fireman", "firetruck", "front", "talk"]}, {"Context": "It had been a long, hot day and the sun was heading toward the east. John was on the last row of beans feeling hot and sweaty. He was excited to see how well his efforts in the garden would turn out this year.", "Words": ["hold", "pant", "shirt", "stick"]}, {"Context": "Surfing can be rough. Those waves can throw you around pretty good. I went swimming out there you have to make sure that you have a good grip of your bored so that that won't get tossed around as well.", "Words": ["current", "hand", "hold", "jostle", "tumble"]}, {"Context": "Steve and his sisters sat down to play a board game. The object of the game was to move around the board, collecting money. Steve took his turn first, hoping to land on the space that gave a $500 bonus.", "Words": ["dice", "move", "piece", "roll"]}, {"Context": "Anyone who knows me knows I dislike sports. I never watch them. I've always hated playing them, with exactly one exception, because that was the time I met my future wife while I was on vacation.", "Words": ["ball", "beach", "hit", "jump", "volleyball"]}, {"Context": "My sister was having a lot of problems with her 13 year-old son. I resented the father for running off and forcing me to pick up the slack. She asked if I'd take him somewhere, maybe someplace where he could get a sweet of some kind, and have a talk with him.", "Words": ["donut", "eat", "kid", "sit"]}, {"Context": "The man climbed up to the stage and pulled the stool up to the front. He found his instrument in the back of the stage and brought it with him. He spent a while tuning it before the show began.", "Words": ["front", "guitar", "microphone", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Tina was having a hard day at work. It was getting close to time for lunch and she was looking forward to the fruit she brought to eat. When lunchtime came she ran to the refrigerator to get her fruit and get it ready to eat.", "Words": ["apple", "break", "plate", "slicer", "use"]}, {"Context": "The singer changed his costume twice during the concert last weekend. He danced around the stage from the left side to the right and everyone in the house had a good view. I definitely would pay to go and see him perform again.", "Words": ["hold", "microphone", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Tim had never been much for athletics, so when they put him in the game he was surprised. He was nervous when the ball came close to him, but he kicked anyway. What a way to win a game, right?", "Words": ["goal", "score", "win"]}, {"Context": "Jack dreamed of being a chef at a five-star restaurant. He took every step of meal preparation seriously. That included everything from choosing a recipe to serving his dinner guests.", "Words": ["cook", "ingredient", "plate"]}, {"Context": "My daughter got the unshakeable idea that she wants to be a beautician when she grows up. She wouldn't let the idea go. When I saw her go into the bathroom holding a sharp pair of scissors, I decided there must be a better way for her to practice other than on herself.", "Words": ["braid", "doll", "give", "hair", "instruction"]}, {"Context": "It was winter at last, and Lisa couldn't wait to go to the mountains with her family. She packed warm clothes, long socks and her boots. She and her family loaded up their car early in the morning and arrived at the lodge in the early afternoon.", "Words": ["hill", "ski", "snow"]}, {"Context": "A crowd had gathered at the park and like any average Joe, I had to see what it was about. A street performer, if you can call hit him that in a park, was performing. He was throwing things in the air and explaining what he was doing, which seemed fairly obvious.", "Words": ["ball", "demonstrate", "juggle", "talk"]}, {"Context": "Joe finished his resume and sent if off to several companies. While he waited to get called, Joe looked for tips on how to succeed in an interview. Joe found advice on making a good impression.", "Words": ["hand", "shake", "suit", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I cast my line into the river. I pulled my catch out and set it on the ground next to me. I kept an eye on it since it couldn't sit still.", "Words": ["fish", "flop", "watch"]}, {"Context": "The singer was singing at the concert with a lot of people watching. It was one of the best show we have seen in such a long time. It seems as if they decided to do things differently from the way they normally would.", "Words": ["music", "perform", "routine", "stage"]}, {"Context": "There's a festival downtown this weekend. You can barely find a place to park, so I decided to go on foot from my house. It's very sunny out so I made sure that I had a lot of adult beverages to keep my cool.", "Words": ["beer", "case", "street", "sunglass", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Carol arrived to her table at the restaurant. The drinks were already arranged at the table. The restaurant owner watched on as the reviewer picked up her first glass.", "Words": ["sit", "taste", "wine"]}, {"Context": "The seagull circled around the beach once more. John looked up and covered his eyes as he followed its path. The gull found its prey and dove down to the beach.", "Words": ["bird", "body", "spread", "water", "wing"]}, {"Context": "I put on my skully. I head out the front door. Someone compliments how white my teeth are.", "Words": ["hat", "smile", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I laughed as I saw little Bobby climbing up the branches. I think he thought that those things were oranges or something. The truth is that they are lemons, really sour ones, and I just keep the tree for decoration.", "Words": ["fruit", "kid", "pick", "tree"]}, {"Context": "Mulan would be turning 18 years old in a few days. This meant that she was old enough to be considered a woman and to be encouraged to find a husband. She would be sent to finishing school to learn the proper etiquette of taking care of the household, including setting the table.", "Words": ["demonstrate", "fold", "hand", "napkin", "pair"]}, {"Context": "High schooler Sally sat at the table, extremely tired. For some time now she had been, pouring over the article, trying to understand it. Her school report was due tomorrow, crucial to her grade, but she was so tired.", "Words": ["chin", "hand", "newspaper", "rest", "write"]}, {"Context": "Janet was the fastest athlete on the team and starred in the sprints. She looked to a college career, but her coach said she might have to make a change. As fast as Janet was, the Coach thought she might not be fast enough to be a college athlete and might need to specialize in a event requiring more technique.", "Words": ["hurdle", "jump", "race", "runner", "track"]}, {"Context": "Amelia just couldn't get the routine down and it was three weeks left before the performance. She spent a few hours in the studio working on her moves. Finally, with only a week before show time, she was able to nail the routine.", "Words": ["air", "dance", "kick", "leg"]}, {"Context": "Joey sat down on the carpet and looked under the sofa. His sneaker was nowhere to be found. He knew he had to look harder because his mother would kill him if she found out he lost it.", "Words": ["floor", "shoe", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Jerry was working his regular shift at the bar downtown. He saw one of his regular customers and began to fix the man his usual. However, the man saw Jerry and waved him away this day.", "Words": ["bottle", "drink", "glass", "pour"]}, {"Context": "Kenny was competing in his first track and field event as a high school student. His parents were in the bleachers ready to cheer him on when it was his turn. He was huddled with his teammates as the coach gave them a pep talk.", "Words": ["athlete", "jump", "meet", "perform"]}, {"Context": "The professor was late yet again. This time he said that it was because the snow slowed him down. He took off his jacket and hung up his hat and began his lesson.", "Words": ["class", "compose", "hold", "scarf", "teach"]}, {"Context": "Tony promised his parents that he would only skate past seven if he was safe about it. He whizzed down the street on his custom made board and they smiled when they saw him. There was no way that anyone would miss him.", "Words": ["glow", "night", "ride", "skateboard", "wheel"]}, {"Context": "I went into a McDonald's to have a Whopper for lunch. I ate in the restaurant. I realized I'd eaten it all in four sections.", "Words": ["bite", "hamburger", "sit", "table", "take"]}, {"Context": "I want to do some dive training this weekend. Of course, I need to practice so I'm not gonna be doing this training in the ocean. I'm gonna start off by going to the YMCA and using their facilities.", "Words": ["goggle", "hand", "hold", "jump", "pool"]}, {"Context": "It was a beautiful day, and Luke was taking a walk in the country. Suddenly, there was fierce barking, but Luke didn't see where it was coming from. He was frightened and readied for decisive action.", "Words": ["bush", "dog", "path", "run"]}, {"Context": "I hadn't spoken to my father in years, but we ran into each other at the hardware store. Since then, he has been trying to reach me. I am very hesitant to meet with him, but finally decided I had some things to get off my chest, so I suggested we meet at a bar.", "Words": ["beer", "drink", "table", "talk"]}, {"Context": "I was on a path in the park, walking Zeke, when he growled at an approaching stranger. The lady seem to be concerned as the growl intensified, but she kept on coming. I pulled hard to get Zeke off the path, as the lady got closer.", "Words": ["dog", "grass", "leash"]}, {"Context": "The competition was going to be held at the local aquatics center. Frida had been practicing her backstroke all summer and was ready. She got up onto the blocks and waited for the whistle to sound.", "Words": ["pool", "race", "swimmer"]}, {"Context": "I use all my force and hit it with my foot. My dog takes off after it. He pushes it back with his nose.", "Words": ["ball", "kick", "run"]}, {"Context": "Jen watched as the young child hoisted herself up. The two year old pulled herself up on the sofa and started to move forward. Jen cheered her daughter on as she took her first steps.", "Words": ["climb", "ladder", "path", "toddler", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Hank worked as a butcher at a local grocery story. He was never sure exactly what his boss was going to ask him to do when he arrived in the morning. When he clocked in on Friday, his boss assigned him to one of his favorite tasks, making sausages.", "Words": ["bowl", "grind", "grinder", "meat"]}, {"Context": "It was a lazy Saturday and young Ann was looking for something to do. Her mom gave her several suggestions, but Ann didn't like any of them. Finally her mom got out the artist's supplies and set them on the table.", "Words": ["draw", "paper", "pencil", "picture"]}, {"Context": "Mona couldn't believe there was one day left before the test. She hadn't studied at all yet and she couldn't afford to fail. Mona looked at the words and struggled to remember what the teacher had said.", "Words": ["book", "page", "read", "turn"]}, {"Context": "Lee had been trying all afternoon to get the hang of hitting a curveball. He had trouble with that during the last three games. Lee knew that if he could take on a curveball, he would be one of the best hitters on the team.", "Words": ["fall", "practice", "swinge"]}, {"Context": "Colby couldn't wait for his first day of Little League and it was coming up very soon, only a couple more days. He imagined how well he would do, how he would knock one out of the park and run the bases while he basked in the glory of his first ever home run. On the big day, Colby woke up very excited, knowing it was only a few hours until his new life in Little League was going to start and he could barely contain himself.", "Words": ["begin", "game", "hit"]}, {"Context": "Raphael was a fashion model and was on location in Aruba. He had to change his speedos a few times for different shoots. They had him frolicking in the ocean surf while they shot.", "Words": ["photo", "take", "wear"]}, {"Context": "George was at the corner on a busy traffic day. There was no traffic signal or even a crosswalk for that matter. There was a slight break in the traffic, and George would have to make a decision.", "Words": ["move", "stand", "street"]}, {"Context": "Toby worked on the ranch that his uncle owned during the summer. He had many responsibilities, but most of them centered on doing work in the barn. By the end of the summer, Toby was much more stronger from all the work that he did with the animals.", "Words": ["brush", "horse", "stand", "tail"]}, {"Context": "Ben was sitting at the kitchen table having breakfast when his wife asked him if he had put the trash out. He told her that the garbage truck came on Thursday mornings. She responded that it was Thursday, so he jumped up to get it out before the truck arrived.", "Words": ["can", "dump", "pick"]}, {"Context": "I would have thought that they could change the setting at the crosswalk. There were tons of us standing at the intersection. We had been there for three minutes and only two cars had passed!", "Words": ["cross", "pedestrian", "street", "tram", "wait"]}, {"Context": "The masseuse invited Adam into her business. The place was busy, with every seat taken by customers with feet being taken care of. The masseuse beckoned for Adam towards the corner.", "Words": ["floor", "foot", "massage", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Fred was waiting by the door to go out, but when I opened the door, he turned right back around. I had to literally drag him outside because I knew he had to use the restroom. I know he was happy when he came back in though because he snuggled right up to the heater.", "Words": ["dog", "mouth", "snow", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Tim decided to join a BMX race. He was good on his bike and believed he could compete well. On race day, Tim put on his uniform and went head to head with the other cyclists.", "Words": ["corner", "course", "gear", "rider", "wear"]}, {"Context": "It was a raging storm and the wind was howling. Samantha sat down to finish some office work that had to be ready for the next day, when the electricity went off. Samantha thought to herself that there was only one way she would be able to complete the work.", "Words": ["candle", "light", "table"]}, {"Context": "I put on my bubblegum dress and go to the club. I don't even have a drink. I spend the whole night moving my body to the thump from the speaker.", "Words": ["dance", "music", "pink"]}, {"Context": "My friends child very tired. The reason I know that is because when I went over to the house they were knocked out. They didn't even get undressed after coming home to go to bed.", "Words": ["blanket", "jean", "kid", "sleep", "sock"]}, {"Context": "Owen was getting bored in the office. He looked outside wishing that it was five o' clock already. The time on the clock seemed to be going by slower and slower with every passing minute.", "Words": ["computer", "front", "sit", "window"]}, {"Context": "Mike's family was headed to the stadium for an afternoon game. He was sure to bring his mitt just in case. They got there just in time to get snacks before heading to their seats.", "Words": ["ball", "oppose", "player", "team"]}, {"Context": "Bob and Betty were neighbors and pet owners. One morning, Bob headed out the door with his collie Sandy. At the same time, Betty opened her front door to let out her siamese Sia.", "Words": ["cat", "chase", "dog", "street"]}, {"Context": "The old man put on his sweater and slippers. It was getting dark and the temperature was dropping quickly. He put a few more logs on the fire and walked into his living room.", "Words": ["chair", "pipe", "sit", "smoke"]}, {"Context": "Alec groaned as he lay in pain on the floor. He had fallen off the ladder when he was working. His boss came over and eased Alec off the floor and helped him to his feet.", "Words": ["head", "leg", "move", "stand"]}, {"Context": "The little girl said quietly to the other girl don't make loud noise because my mom don't like it. The girl looked at her with a confused look on her face wondering how can she make no noise when blood was coming out her nostril. She looked at the little girl who was blowing bubbles without even being concern.", "Words": ["chew", "gum", "nose", "scratch", "whisper"]}, {"Context": "The man looked at the picture that was hanging on the wall at the art institute. He had a classy look of a sophisticated person who knew what art was and what it looked like. The man said not a word, but he studied the picture for what seemed to be an eternity.", "Words": ["angle", "look", "photograph", "sidewalk", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Gary left the party late, after midnight. The party had been at a secluded party in the mountains. He was driving through the forest and thought he spied some shining eyes in the trees ahead.", "Words": ["middle", "road", "stop"]}, {"Context": "Luke smiled as he welcomed the guests into the restaurant. He led them to the VIP area when he realized who they were. Luke walked to the kitchen and notified the staff that the reviewers from the magazine were here.", "Words": ["fold", "napkin", "stand", "table"]}, {"Context": "Parker had really enjoyed his walking trip to the park. After we arrived at the park, I took off his leash he ran around the freshly cut grass for nearly an hour. But now, as I hooked up his leash to his collar, he knew it was time to go home.", "Words": ["back", "dog", "jump"]}, {"Context": "Dan was outside after the sun had set when he heard a strange noise. The sound of claws tapping on concrete. He also heard a loud panting and turned towards the source of the noise.", "Words": ["dog", "night", "street", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Ed decided that he needed to get out of the house. He thought about what he should do for the day. He knew he wanted to do something at the park.", "Words": ["dog", "head", "river", "stand", "turn"]}, {"Context": "The first wedding I went to after the divorce was difficult. The only thing that kept my spirits up was a beautiful bridesmaid. I couldn't take my eyes off her through the ceremony, and afterwards I kept an eye out for her.", "Words": ["bouquet", "couple", "hold", "kiss", "share"]}, {"Context": "The coat rack in the entry way looked like it had fallen over. There were jackets all over and it was really a mess. I put everything back like it was, but then I had to mop.", "Words": ["floor", "hat", "raincoat", "sweep", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The lounge was comfortable and the seating was pleasant. Gordon led his date to his favorite spot. He ordered his favorite drink and a platter of cheese.", "Words": ["couch", "describe", "sit", "taste", "wine"]}, {"Context": "It was Johnny's turn to bat. He was nervous, but his coach told him that he had faith in Johnny. Johnny watched the ball as it flew toward him and swung.", "Words": ["baseball", "basis", "hit", "kid", "run"]}, {"Context": "I stopped at the cafe like I usually did for lunch. As I was walking to my usual spot to sit, I noticed that the menus had changed. The waitress told me that a lot of the old food was gone, but recommended a new dish for me to try.", "Words": ["break", "eat", "sandwich", "worker"]}, {"Context": "Walter had been working at the country club for years. He had nothing better to do during his retirement and besides, he loved the game of golf. It gave him time to meet new people as well.", "Words": ["ball", "caddy", "hit", "scorekeeper", "wait"]}, {"Context": "Randy was having a hard day at the office. In Randy's case, the office was his brother's farm. Randy was in charge of taking care of the machines and vehicles and all of them were giving problems.", "Words": ["attach", "remove", "snow", "snowblower", "tractor"]}, {"Context": "Laura wanted to pass down her family's holiday traditions. At Christmas time, she and her children baked cookies, sent cards and sang carols. Laura's favorite tradition started with heading into town to pick out the prettiest fir.", "Words": ["decorate", "ornament", "put", "tree"]}, {"Context": "The kids were having a great time jumping on the trampoline at their neighbor's house. They giggled and laughed as they bounced around in the summer sun. Eventually, they stopped to take a break and their mother brought out some refreshing snacks.", "Words": ["air", "jump", "toy"]}, {"Context": "Bonnie and Steve were on their first vacation together. They chose to go to a beach in a beautiful location. On their first day there, they just looked out on the water and spent the whole night listening to the waves.", "Words": ["couple", "look", "ocean", "rock", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Sam woke up in a good mood because he had the day off and the sun was shining. He called out to his beagle Spot to jump in the car. They rode toward the ocean, ready for fun playing fetch in the sand and surf.", "Words": ["beach", "catch", "dog", "stick"]}, {"Context": "I walk into 5th hour find the room is far too cold. I grabbed a canvas and find my desk. But I can't find my brushes.", "Words": ["art", "class", "facility", "place", "take"]}, {"Context": "The old woman was blind and it was easy to tell. We watched her swing the long cane on the sidewalk as she made her way down to the park bench. She had been her often though, and she knew exactly where she was going.", "Words": ["ground", "hold", "lady", "sit", "stick"]}, {"Context": "Mike had been talking to a cute, nice girl at school the past few weeks. He finally got the courage to ask her out to the spring dance the following Friday. He was so excited when she said yes and pulled out a notebook to write down her phone number for him.", "Words": ["paper", "piece", "tear"]}, {"Context": "Jenny rushed into the house with her daughter Emmy in her arms. It was well past 2pm and Emmy was usually in her crib sound asleep at this time of day. Jenny walked the sleepy baby into her room to get her ready to put down.", "Words": ["nap", "onesie", "side", "take", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I sit down and look over the offerings. The lady writes down what I want to eat. She brings it back and it looks great.", "Words": ["look", "menu", "order", "take", "waiter"]}, {"Context": "Melody is in the hospital after being in a bad car accident. She has a problem with her leg that must be dealt with. Today she is being prepped for a surgery to repair the damage.", "Words": ["bed", "knee", "lie", "nurse", "shave"]}, {"Context": "The singer rushed behind the stage for a costume change. She threw some things at the manager as she got in and out of her clothing. She was back up and on the stage singing again in no time.", "Words": ["desk", "hold", "jacket", "microphone", "wear"]}, {"Context": "James gathered his gear for a challenging trek. He laced up his rugged hiking boots and hit the trail. It was a steep ascent, but the view promised to be amazing.", "Words": ["look", "mountain", "stand", "top"]}, {"Context": "It was a cold day and David didn't want to take Luke out for a walk. Luke was howling and moaning though, so David knew that it was time. The pup clomped through the white ground happily.", "Words": ["catch", "dog", "fall", "snow", "wood"]}, {"Context": "Denise hadn't gone out for months, but she had gotten a baby sitter for her 18-month-old child. As she approached the venue, she could hear things had started. A little nervous, she entered, whispering to herself, \"I'm ready for this.\"", "Words": ["dance", "dress", "music", "pink", "toddler"]}, {"Context": "Tim was playing a game with some friends. It was a new game that he made up when he was bored. His friends got confused, so they asked him to explain the game one more time.", "Words": ["front", "knife", "stand", "target", "throw"]}, {"Context": "The kid decided to sit on the floor so that he could play with his toy cars. He got his toy cars as a present for Christmas last month, and has been dying to play with them. He played with the cars for hours.", "Words": ["floor", "kid", "open", "present", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Ray flew into the air and grabbed his board with his hand. The crowd erupted into applause as he landed perfectly on the snow. Ray turned to the judges, knowing that the score on this run would be amazing.", "Words": ["air", "perform", "snowboarder"]}, {"Context": "Bonnie's family was attending a luau on their Hawaiian vacation. They stuffed themselves and then settle down near the stage to watch the show. It stated off with hula dancers and then some men jumped out from the sides onto the stage.", "Words": ["end", "fire", "stick", "twirl"]}, {"Context": "It was Kyle's first time out on the water and he was nervous. He sat in the seat, looking out onto the water. When they had stopped, Kyle got up and grabbed his rod and reel.", "Words": ["boat", "fish", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Bill and Gail were at their favorite nightclub, sitting with friends. One of Gail's favorite songs started to play and she tapped her foot. Gail looked at Bill expectantly and started moving her body", "Words": ["couple", "dance", "floor", "seat", "table"]}, {"Context": "Greg loved to take his son to the fair. It was fun just to look around and remember the time when his own father would bring him down. Greg and his son saw a clown holding something in the distance.", "Words": ["balloon", "kid", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Susan was alone at night in a big city and starting to panic. She needed money for a cab ride home, but she had somehow lost the twenty dollar bill she stashed for emergencies. Luckily, Susie spied a bank across the street.", "Words": ["card", "enter", "insert", "machine", "number"]}, {"Context": "Jack was eager to try his luck at a Las Vegas casino. He decided to play blackjack, and the dealer dealt Jack a pair of tens. Jack glanced at his chips and thought about his wager.", "Words": ["count", "money", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "Stacy returned from the drugstore with everything she needed to change her look. In the bathroom, she got out the box of red hair dye and read the directions. Stacy mixed the contents of two bottles, applied them to her blonde hair and waited.", "Words": ["head", "lean", "pour", "sink", "water"]}, {"Context": "The lawn was getting too tall at Mrs. Simpson's house. I felt bad for her because she either couldn't pay someone to take care of it or because no one cared. I hope that she doesn't find out that I'm the one that helped her out.", "Words": ["cut", "grass", "mower", "ride"]}, {"Context": "The competitors came together and shook hands. It was the first meeting ever of these grandmasters. They took their seats, white made a move, and pushed the time clock.", "Words": ["chess", "game", "table"]}, {"Context": "Devin was working on the computer and was getting more frustrated by the minute. He waited and stared at the blank monitor before him. Suddenly it lit up and images and letters started showing up.", "Words": ["logo", "screen", "word"]}, {"Context": "The instructor at the dojo bowed to all the students. This class was going to be a bit tougher than the last ones had been, he told them. The instructor showed the students a few moves, then it was up to them to do them on their own.", "Words": ["ball", "demonstrate", "kick", "technique"]}, {"Context": "Billy desperately wanted to beat his brother Phil at a game. Between the brothers, Phil was the champion at billiards, darts, bowling -- you name it. But Billy had been practicing playing air hockey and challenged Phil.", "Words": ["puck", "push", "stand", "table"]}, {"Context": "Xavier was in shape better than all the other contestants--or so he thought. He had been preparing for this marathon for months. The horn sounded and they were off, but Xavier pulled a muscle at the starting line!", "Words": ["race", "run", "runner", "street"]}, {"Context": "My sister went for a hike, but never came back. A group of us went searching all over the small mountain for her. I realized the only place she could have gone was the one place that would put my fear of tight, closed spaces to the test.", "Words": ["cave", "helmet", "light", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Mary put the pot on the stove and turned the heat up. She had the cans all in a row and couldn't wait to make her homemade preserves. It had been a while since she had made them, but Mary was pretty sure she remembered all the steps.", "Words": ["cover", "jar", "water"]}, {"Context": "The device was in the backyard and was made for bouncing. That is the basic function of the apparatus, but not to my group of friends. They are intent on combining it with aspects of several other sports.", "Words": ["ball", "jump", "throw", "trampoline"]}, {"Context": "Tim had just gotten out of school. He had a rough day because he failed a test he had studied all week for. Tim just needed to relax on the way home.", "Words": ["headphone", "listen", "music", "walk"]}, {"Context": "A woman decided to cook her family dinner. She laid out a recipe sheet in preparation for cooking. She also arranged utensils and dinnerware on the counter.", "Words": ["add", "fry", "ingredient", "pan"]}, {"Context": "John was so excited that his dad had gotten them tickets to the Olympic track and field events. They joined the large crowds headed into the arena and took their seats. The crowd clapped enthusiastically as the announcer came on to say the first event was about to begin.", "Words": ["athlete", "bar", "jump", "mat", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Mom was going to prepare a big dinner for the family on Christmas eve. She wanted everything to taste and look wonderful. Before she began, she set out all her knives and ingredients in front of her.", "Words": ["cut", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "My brother is very competitive with me. Whenever I visit, he has a bunch of games set up for us to play. The last time I went over, he had set up his backyard to look something like an army training facility.", "Words": ["bullseye", "hatchet", "target", "throw"]}, {"Context": "The party at Marty's house was so wild that the cops were called. Everyone from school had been invited and most people were able to go. When the cops got there, we all took off and left the house.", "Words": ["air", "dance", "fist", "pump", "room"]}, {"Context": "Jon had never been to the skate park before. The walls in the area were brightly painted with the words and designs of the locals. He watched as his friends did tricks on the apparatuses.", "Words": ["cover", "graffiti", "jump", "ramp"]}, {"Context": "June was lonely now that she was a widow. She recalled happier times when her evenings were spent playing games of gin rummy with her husband Carl. Now June thinks of Carl as she plays solitaire.", "Words": ["deck", "shuffle", "table"]}, {"Context": "Billy looked around at the other players at the table. He knew that he had a good hand, but he didn't want to seem too eager. Billy pushed some of his tokens to the center of the table and looked back at his hand.", "Words": ["card", "place", "press"]}, {"Context": "The tour of the winery was something else. I really had thought that it was more electronic and factory like. I didn't know how wine was actually pressed from fruit!", "Words": ["barrel", "grape", "stomp"]}, {"Context": "When he sat down he realized that he was going to go down because it wasn't sturdy. He dropped to the ground and it really hurt him. As he sat there looking down, he realized that the ground was so clean.", "Words": ["chair", "fall", "floor"]}, {"Context": "Clare works as a pet groomer downtown and has a loyal clientele. Today, one of Clare's long-standing customers is bringing in her long-haired Collie. Clare needs to get the Collie ready for a show.", "Words": ["brush", "dog", "fur", "stand", "table"]}, {"Context": "Martha gathered up a week's worth of her family's dirty laundry. She put the items in the machine, along with detergent. When the first load was finished, Martha recalled a joke about missing socks.", "Words": ["dryer", "laugh", "washer"]}, {"Context": "Amelia was ready for her big date and she wanted to look her best. She had a great skirt and wanted to really show off her body. She pulled out her razor and stepped into the shower.", "Words": ["dress", "leg", "shave", "stand", "toilet"]}, {"Context": "There was lots of fun to be had at the local carnival. The man found a good game to play to try to win his girlfriend a prize. He actually won and the game host asked what prize the man wanted.", "Words": ["animal", "cart", "push", "stuff"]}, {"Context": "Helen was happen to be back on the shore. She hadn't had a vacation in almost three years and was looking for a relaxing time. She looked out on the blue ocean and wondered if she should go for a swim.", "Words": ["beach", "day", "grow", "turn", "water"]}, {"Context": "Susan planned a trip to take her kindergarten class to a local farm. The farmer met Susan's class and took them on a tour. He had a special treat planned for the children in one of the livestock barns.", "Words": ["bottle", "feed", "goat", "milk"]}, {"Context": "Ken jumped on to his old mountain bike and made his way down town. Everything was just like it had been for years and everyone knew Ken's routine. He waved at the people in their yards or running their errands as he passed by.", "Words": ["bicycle", "hat", "ride", "street", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Lloyd, retired for many years, loved his time at the local park. Today he sat on his favorite bench surrounded by his little friends. He had bread in his hand, preparing for his daily activity.", "Words": ["duck", "feed", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Al was outside in the freezing cold. He dropped his watch and was looking for it. Al needed to get to work before noon.", "Words": ["dog", "snow", "time"]}, {"Context": "The ballet was extremely interesting. Paul sat in his seat and watched the ballerinas on the stage, as they practiced their art. He found it all quite mesmerising.", "Words": ["audience", "dance", "front", "music"]}, {"Context": "I have known this couple that I met one night drinking for a few years. The best thing about this couple is that they have an open relationship. They go out to establishments to meet new people and have been doing this for years.", "Words": ["bar", "continue", "swinge"]}, {"Context": "The woman stepped in the salon, seemingly agitated. \"What is the problem?\" asked the salon owner. The woman replied that her grandson told her that she had a moustache!", "Words": ["hair", "remove", "wax"]}, {"Context": "The bride was anxious as the guests had already begun to arrive but the groom was nowhere to be seem. The sun was starting with long shadows now being cast. Suddenly he appeared and the couple rushed to a lovely vantage point overlooking the ocean.", "Words": ["photographer", "picture", "take", "wedding"]}, {"Context": "This was not like any kind of AI creature that I had ever seen. It was dressed as if were going to the beach in a stylish way. And it looked like it was glad to see me, arms spread, mechanically walking towards me.", "Words": ["hug", "robot", "smile", "sunglass", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The cowboy wrapped the rope around his hand. The crowd was getting louder and it was making him a little nervous. He knew that this time around could make him or break him.", "Words": ["bull", "chase", "ride"]}, {"Context": "The band played on as the competition got heavy. The two men raced toward the ropes hanging on either end of the building. The first person to ring the bell on the top would be declared the winner.", "Words": ["climb", "music", "wall", "watch"]}, {"Context": "The party was outside and it was loud, there was leaves on the floor by the pool. It seems as if the host was going for a theme of the 70's. When it was over the loudness went away and they started to remove all the decor for the ground.", "Words": ["background", "decorate", "music", "tree"]}, {"Context": "Ed was working at his fast food job as a cook. He saw a bunch of customers walk in and they looked hungry. They all mentioned that they all had more friends who were on the way.", "Words": ["front", "machine", "plastic", "stand", "wrap"]}, {"Context": "Deena and Emily were having an argument in the kitchen. They were yelling at each other and weren't happy. Deena told Emily that they should calm down and speak to each other more rationally.", "Words": ["chair", "shake", "sit", "talk"]}, {"Context": "Dennis loved winter sports so he was very happy when his neighborhood was hit by a big snowstorm and became covered with a thick layer of snow. He gathered a bunch of his friends together and they all agreed to meet up at a nearby park to enjoy hours of fun in the snow. The kids brought sleds, skis, toboggans and all sorts of equipment designed for winter recreation and they all had a great time doing all sorts of cool things in the deep snow.", "Words": ["bobsle", "jump", "push"]}, {"Context": "It was the long-awaited high school prom. Everyone was on the floor, but no one was asking Pam. Suddenly Aaron was before her, and the next thing she knew, Pam was with him on the floor.", "Words": ["begin", "dance", "twirl"]}, {"Context": "Teddy put the wood on the saw horse and went to get the saw out of the back of his truck. He remembered that he hadn't measured it yet, so he looked around for the tape measurer. \"Where did I leave that thing?\" Teddy wondered to himself.", "Words": ["hand", "hold", "lock", "tool"]}, {"Context": "It had been a long a hard-fought soccer match. At the end it was 2-2 and the contest would be decided by penalty kicks. And yet it was still tied as the final penalty kick was approached.", "Words": ["game", "goal", "player", "score", "win"]}, {"Context": "I ran down the lane and released. I was hoping to avoid the gutter. Luckily I hit all 10 pins.", "Words": ["ball", "bowl", "leg", "roll", "strike"]}, {"Context": "Parker started wagging his tail excitedly as soon as he saw me grab the leash off the kitchen counter. He instinctively knew we were going to the park. I clipped the leash to his collar and opened the door so that we could leave the house.", "Words": ["dog", "fence", "run"]}, {"Context": "I couldn't believe that Lisa had chosen that dress for the fashion show. It's not that the dress was bad, but it really didn't look that great on her. I didn't want her to be unconfident about her choice though, so I gave her a big grin as she walked by.", "Words": ["flop", "skirt", "smile", "top", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Fido was very enthusiastic, perhaps too enthusiastic. He often jumped up on people, but unfortunately recently nipped someone in his excitement. Tom, his owner knew Fido was not mean, but today before their walk Tom did something he hadn't done before.", "Words": ["dog", "muzzle", "wear"]}, {"Context": "There are a lot of things that you have to do when you go get your yearly physical. Some of them are very invasive. Luckily it's done with someone that you're very familiar with over the years.", "Words": ["blow", "demonstrate", "doctor", "nose"]}, {"Context": "I go to karate class. I stand on the mat. I use my hands and my feet.", "Words": ["gym", "kick", "punch"]}, {"Context": "Tommy's parents finally decided he was old enough for a pet. His parents stressed that Tommy must care for an train his new beagle. Tommy decided to teach the beagle how to walk and heel properly.", "Words": ["dog", "leash", "sidewalk"]}, {"Context": "Terry put his glove in his bag and jumped on his bike to head to the field. He hoped that the coach would let him pitch this time. Terry had been working on his fastball and he wanted to show it off.", "Words": ["ball", "baseball", "catch", "practice", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Polly had been working out for quite some time, but mainly doing cardio. She realized that she needed to add strength training and get her muscles toned. She lined up a personal trainer and met him at the gym on Tuesday morning to start her new work out routine.", "Words": ["bar", "end", "lift", "weight"]}, {"Context": "Tony walked into the parlor and looked around. It was his first time here and he didn't know what to expect. The masseuse walked in and explained everything to him.", "Words": ["bed", "lie", "massage"]}, {"Context": "It was the final inning of the final game of the World Series. The Yankees were at bat, and the Astros pitcher on the mound looked nervous. With the score tied, the pitcher threw the first strike.", "Words": ["ball", "hit", "player", "run"]}, {"Context": "The dirt path was not really used much by anyone but the local farmers. The old truck rumbled as it overtook the wooden vehicle struggling along. It dipped and rocked as it drove along the poorly kept thoroughfare.", "Words": ["cart", "draw", "pass", "road", "truck"]}, {"Context": "My grandmother is a terrible cook. Thanksgiving, I bit into her stuffing and something hard and sharp in it caused blood to flow from around a tooth. Thankfully, there was an emergency dentist available.", "Words": ["close", "gum", "lip", "mouth", "open"]}, {"Context": "When Joey visited his grandparents, he complained about being bored. Joey wished he was home playing on his computer instead. So, Joey's grandpa got out a box and called the boy over to show him how to play something that didn't need an internet connection.", "Words": ["domino", "game", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "I'm making a very hearty macaroni salad. I made sure I had something to mix it in and all the ingredients that I need. In the end it was very delicious.", "Words": ["bowl", "combine", "cucumber", "onion", "pasta"]}, {"Context": "Everything is about money these days. On TV and out and about you will see billboards that support certain ideas. Some of the ideas can be controversial like sexuality.", "Words": ["dollar", "hold", "lesbianism", "promote", "sign"]}, {"Context": "Jessica's poodle Fifi woke her up in the middle of the night. Jessica had been afraid she might need to go out since she had drunk a whole bowl of water right before bedtime. She put on some slippers and grabbed Fifi's leash and they walked outside.", "Words": ["dog", "grass", "owner", "stand"]}, {"Context": "Rainy days could be long and boring when I was a kid. My siblings and I often just went into our rooms and try to entertain ourselves. Sometimes, though, we would all gather in the living room and do something together.", "Words": ["floor", "piece", "put", "puzzle"]}, {"Context": "The cook let the whites and yolk fall down into the bowl and started to mix them. He brought the mixture to the stove and it started to heat up immediately. It wasn't long at all before the delicious breakfast was done.", "Words": ["egg", "fry", "pan", "plate", "transfer"]}, {"Context": "Ella tugged at her mother's shirt as they passed near the concession stand at the zoo. She was hungry and wanted to get something for a snack. As they got in line, Ella looked at the foods listed on the menu on the sign outside.", "Words": ["bag", "chip", "eat", "hold", "popsicle"]}, {"Context": "Maggie and Mark decided to throw a Hawaiian style luau in their backyard. They placed tiki torches around their deck, and planned an authentic luau menu. Mark was in charge of preparing the party's food.", "Words": ["pig", "roast", "spit", "turn"]}, {"Context": "Joan did her housework according to the days of the week. Today was Wednesday, so that meant dirty bathroom duty. Joan assembled her supplies and got to work.", "Words": ["brush", "clean", "glove", "toilet", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The tread seems to be tangled together, It was hard to untangle the tread so she decide to leave it alone. She went to the park and sat on the bench, she watched as the children play with the dog. After a while she then realized that her head was going around and around so she went to get something to eat.", "Words": ["attach", "ball", "spin", "string", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Josh had always wanted to join the circus. He wasn't scared of anything, especially of heights. That all worked out for him when he was hired for one of the more dangerous jobs.", "Words": ["balance", "pole", "tightrope", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Susan loved her visit to the zoo with her day. Her favorite animal there was the monkeys. She could have watched them play in the trees all day long.", "Words": ["bunch", "jump", "run"]}, {"Context": "Grace didn't know what to expect on her trip to Egypt. It was beautiful and there was so much to do. Her favorite was the tour and trip to the pyramids.", "Words": ["camel", "picture", "ride"]}, {"Context": "It was Susan's first trip to the Middle East and she was very excited to do everything she could and experience it all! She asked the people at the hotel what she should do for fun and they suggested she visit the Rub'al Khali and get up on one of their famed humped animals. She went there and met a wonderful local expert who helped her to achieve her goals and before she knew it, Susan was experiencing the amazing location in such a unique and wonderful way.", "Words": ["camel", "desert", "guide", "lead", "ride"]}, {"Context": "It was an extremely cold day outside when Erin went to get her hair cut, so she was bundled up. When she got inside the salon, she was surprised to find it was freezing inside. The person at the desk explained that the heat wasn't working.", "Words": ["chair", "coat", "hat", "sit", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Ted tossed it back to the pitcher. The count was now full and the batter dug back in. Ted flashed the sign back to the pitcher and hoped they'd get it right this time.", "Words": ["ball", "catch", "catcher", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Going up to the mountain the ski can be fun. You have to make sure that you have the right equipment. It's very cold out, so you must be prepared.", "Words": ["hat", "hold", "pole", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Mark idolized Jimi Hendrix as a musician and wanted to learn how to play just like his idol. Mark bought an electric instrument and amplifier to match Jimi's sound. Then Mark found an online tutorial with easy-to-follow lessons.", "Words": ["finger", "fret", "guitar", "hold", "move"]}, {"Context": "Bill could feel the excitement building as he looked over the edge. The water was deep and moving slowly. He took a half step forward and said to himself, \"here goes\".", "Words": ["bridge", "bungee", "jump", "river"]}, {"Context": "Tanya's children were home from school on a snow day in mid-December and they were getting bored. She didn't want them to watch too much television, so she thought about what they could do. Then she remembered she had bought them Monopoly for Christmas and decided to give it to them early to play with.", "Words": ["floor", "game", "kid", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Karen sat down at her crafting desk and sorted out all her tools. She had promised her sister that she would make a wreath for her. Karen looked around for the scissors to begin.", "Words": ["apply", "cut", "glue"]}, {"Context": "John was nervous about his son's first t-ball game. James was the smallest on his team and not the most coordinated child. James swung at the ball and missed and then on the second try he hit it.", "Words": ["catch", "field", "kid"]}, {"Context": "Her nail had a really nice color on it, she told me she does it twice a month. I looked at the girl put her clothes in the laundry, she said she was expecting to get there earlier. All the toys was a silver color which made them look nice.", "Words": ["machine", "metal", "piece", "polish"]}, {"Context": "I often observed a man in the park who loved to go there with his animal. It would bark and bark, trying to get him to play. Finally, the man would reach into his pocket and the game would be on.", "Words": ["ball", "dog", "owner", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Brady walked out into the woods with his tools. He knew it was going to be a harsh winter and he wanted to be prepared. A sharp noise echoed through the woods every time that Brady swung down.", "Words": ["axe", "chop", "piece", "wood"]}, {"Context": "Ed was ready to clean up his filthy yard. There were leaves, weeds and bugs all over his yard. He knew he had better get started before the rain came.", "Words": ["blower", "chair", "lie", "spin", "use"]}, {"Context": "I'm thinking about getting married soon. One thing I have to do is go out and get a ring. I've been doing it for a little while and I can't wait to get done.", "Words": ["finger", "finish", "look"]}, {"Context": "Tony guided Lizzie around the stadium as he held the reins tightly. He knew that if he let go, the young mare would dash out in front of him. When he got to the center of the arena, Tony hopped onto her back and he was off.", "Words": ["audience", "cowboy", "front", "horse", "ride"]}, {"Context": "Gordon looked out across the water hazard at the eight hole. He measured up the ball once, twice and a third time before finally committing to it. Gordon swung his club and watched the ball arch high into the air.", "Words": ["lick", "shot", "take"]}, {"Context": "Gary had to walk outside before he exploded. He couldn't believe the nerve and entitlement of this customer. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one of them up.", "Words": ["air", "smoke", "take"]}, {"Context": "Janie had been looking forward to this year's football homecoming. As part of the band, Janie got to march ahead of the decorated floats before the game. Because the game was on Halloween, the band director encouraged the members to dress up.", "Words": ["costume", "instrument", "parade"]}, {"Context": "Cora walked into the auditorium and looked around for her husband, who had arrived earlier. Their daughter, Kim, was playing violin with her orchestra class. She found him and walked over to join him just as the lights dimmed and the children walked onto the stage.", "Words": ["chair", "listen", "music", "sit"]}, {"Context": "I always wanted to be a professional chef. I'm very aware of my palate and what tastes good and what doesn't. When I make food, I make sure that it looks good as well as tastes good.", "Words": ["cook", "ingredient", "mix", "plate", "present"]}, {"Context": "Tanya watched as the stick twirled around in the air. As it fell, she deftly caught it in her hand as she smiled at the audience. She had hoped that her performance would help her to make the team.", "Words": ["baton", "pick", "routine"]}, {"Context": "The spill in the kitchen was enormous and we had little in the way to clean it up with the materials on hand. Unexpectedly to my wife, I went into the closet as I had a brilliant idea. I walked over and she looked at me with bemusement and a touch of anger.", "Words": ["demonstrate", "floor", "shirt"]}, {"Context": "The people stood on the sidewalk as they waited for the parade. The marching band was first in line, playing loud music. Several floats followed with people yelling and smiling.", "Words": ["crowd", "pass", "road", "side", "wave"]}, {"Context": "The bright yellow color alerted the driver to slow down. The man on the side of the road held up a flag waving him around. The road was cracked and crumbled in the distance.", "Words": ["vest", "wear", "work", "worker"]}, {"Context": "It was Thanksgiving and the entire family had gathered. It was proclaimed that 18-year old Sean was now a man and could carve the turkey. Surprised and unqualified for the honor, Sean approached the task with trepidation.", "Words": ["cut", "knife", "meat"]}, {"Context": "I went out camping with my cousin for the weekend. The first night, he asked if I wanted to hear to scariest story he knew. Of course I did, and he knew I did, so he took his sweet, torturous time getting started.", "Words": ["fire", "marshmallow", "roast", "stick"]}, {"Context": "Joanie moved into a new home and got to know her neighbors. Next door lived the Millers, who had been married thirty years. Joanie noticed that every evening the Millers went for a stroll.", "Words": ["couple", "hand", "street", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Having to participate in coed P.E. did not make Sam, the star athlete, particularly happy. Today, Ms. Harper, the girls' P.E. teacher, was introducing them to a new game. And although it was a form of hockey, active, and potentially pretty rough, Sam thought it was just for girls.", "Words": ["field", "hold", "run", "stick"]}, {"Context": "There was hair everywhere in the living room. Lisa just couldn't deal with it anymore and one of the them was going to go. Her boyfriend was going to choose between the cat or Lisa.", "Words": ["animal", "fur", "pet", "sit", "top"]}, {"Context": "I waited until the middle of the night to gather my paints and sneak out of the house. My parents didn't approve of my art, so I had to do it on the sly. I met up at the overpass with my friend Ollie and we got to work.", "Words": ["front", "graffiti", "sack"]}, {"Context": "Elizabeth had been invited to a pool party at her best friend's house. She asked her mom to buy her a new bathing suit because her old one didn't fit. Elizabeth was excited to jump in the pool with her new suit.", "Words": ["shirt", "water", "wear"]}, {"Context": "As Mary grew older, she found that she had trouble keeping off weight. She tried many different diets but none were effective. Finally, she decided that she needed to try an exercise program.", "Words": ["arm", "leg", "move"]}, {"Context": "The gymnast jumped up on the apparatus and performed her routine without a hitch. When she jumped off, however, the landing was bad. The poor girl left the stage holding her left wrist.", "Words": ["air", "arm", "dismount", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Dan took a break from his job in the alley that ran near the skyscraper. He lit a cigarette and sighed. He was already having a rough day and it wasn't even lunch yet.", "Words": ["building", "side", "worker"]}, {"Context": "It was a rainy day and Lisa's kids were bored. They ran around the house driving her crazy so she took out the craft box. She sat them down at the kitchen table with a snack and told them to sit there and draw for awhile.", "Words": ["marker", "paper", "piece"]}, {"Context": "Some jobs are just hard and I don't even think I could try them. Construction is one of those jobs. Building something from the ground up is definitely a tough job.", "Words": ["attempt", "brick", "worker"]}, {"Context": "Taking selfies with my pals. We want lots so that we can post them online. Not many came out well.", "Words": ["friend", "picture", "take"]}, {"Context": "The lights in the auditorium slowly dimmed and the curtains began to open. Jessica stood in the wings, nervous but excited. She had spent weeks practicing her role and tonight was opening night.", "Words": ["audience", "front", "perform", "stage"]}, {"Context": "James studied choreography and learned from some of the masters. After years of work, he was selected to choreograph a ballet. James invited his parents, who sat in the front row on opening night of the performance.", "Words": ["dance", "stage", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Visiting Egypt was as incredible as I had imagined. Everything was different than what I was used to. The most shocking thing was seeing how basic transportation was handled.", "Words": ["camel", "car", "pass", "ride", "street"]}, {"Context": "The marathon took place during the day, and Kevin was fully prepared. He made sure that he wore some light clothing because the sun would be out. Sure, Kevin sweat, but he knew he was a lot cooler than the other competitors.", "Words": ["race", "run", "shirt", "sunglass", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The doctor had had a long day on the job. Finally, it was the end of the day and he was able to relax. He slumped down behind his desk and poured himself a glass of whiskey.", "Words": ["chair", "cup", "drink", "sit"]}, {"Context": "It was a beautiful day today. I usually drive when I go to work, but I figured that it was a good day for biking. The sun was warm and the breeze felt lovely on my face.", "Words": ["bike", "ride", "take"]}, {"Context": "The man was in a chair in front of his store drinking a cup of coffee. He looked at the people as they passed by his store with a smile on his face. He taught maybe I should start selling coffee because there is a lot of people who is going to work right now.", "Words": ["owner", "sit", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Kyle loved the Chinese restaurant down the street. He was taking Cindy there on their first date. The only problem was that he didn't know what dish she would enjoy the most.", "Words": ["bowl", "chopstick", "eat", "hat", "noodle"]}, {"Context": "Jill woke up early to make breakfast for her husband Jim, who was starting a new job that day. Jim came down the stairs and kissed his wife. \"How about a special omelette to start your first day of work? Jill asked Jim.", "Words": ["crack", "egg", "kitchen"]}, {"Context": "The music was loud in the band classroom. The tubas were getting tuned up and ready to play for their next performance. The brassy sound shook and rattled the walls.", "Words": ["drum", "headphone", "room"]}, {"Context": "Jan and Jim decided to spend New Year's Eve at home. They settled in front of the TV to watch the ball drop in Times Square. As midnight approached, Jim had the champagne and glasses ready.", "Words": ["bottle", "cork", "pop", "sip", "take"]}, {"Context": "Jessie was home alone for the night. It was dark and she was really starting to get a bit spooked out. Something was in the kitchen, Jessie was sure of it.", "Words": ["cast", "doorway", "light", "shadow", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Mike was thrilled when he heard his favorite band was touring again. The day tickets went on sale, Mike made sure he was first in line to buy. The day of the concert, Mike went early to secure his spot.", "Words": ["front", "listen", "music"]}, {"Context": "Cindy was excited about her vacation at the ranch. Today she was in the saddle enjoying her favorite pastime. She looked ahead at the peak above, leaving level ground behind.", "Words": ["horse", "mountain", "ride"]}, {"Context": "Sports is a very special thing. Most people only see it as an athletic competition. However it's also a mental one that involves a lot of ups and downs.", "Words": ["game", "head", "involve", "lead", "touch"]}, {"Context": "Tracy was glad that she had decided to rake up the leaves the day before. The weatherman was saying that there would be wintry precipitation tonight. What good would that be if there were leaves spread across the yard?", "Words": ["fall", "ground", "jump", "pile", "snow"]}, {"Context": "It was Geoff and Jessie's anniversary tonight. They wanted to do something bit nothing too special, just a night out together. They had made reservations for their favorite restaurant and arrived there at 7pm.", "Words": ["food", "front", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "The little machine made a buzzing noise as Eddie turned it on. Ten minutes later, the floor was a hairy mess. Eddie got the broom and cleaned it up before his mother got home and yelled at him.", "Words": ["bathroom", "clipper", "hair"]}, {"Context": "The high school football team was in desperate need of new uniforms. They held fundraisers in hopes of raising enough money for the purchase. Finally, the goal was reached and the new uniforms were shipped.", "Words": ["helmet", "jersey", "pant", "player", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Performers always gathered at the waterfront on Friday nights in the summer. Some played music, some make animal balloons for the children, some did acrobatics. But Billy had a favorite act that he always looked for when his dad took him to watch, and he ran over to where they were about to begin.", "Words": ["drop", "fire", "juggle", "stick"]}, {"Context": "It was a hot, smoldering summer day. Lenny was ready to get into the water. He changed into his clothing and ran toward the diving board.", "Words": ["jump", "pool", "suit", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The carpenter inspected the outside of the house carefully. He pulled tools out of his bag and marked a few things down on a notebook. When he was finished, he walked over to Lucy to give her an estimate.", "Words": ["carry", "ladder", "pouch", "project", "wear"]}, {"Context": "He barks all day and is always looking to eat, but I love Bo. Well, there are times when I love him a little less. Yesterday, an otherwise peaceful day, there was an event with a squirrel.", "Words": ["broom", "chase", "dog", "move"]}, {"Context": "Jenny was proud to show off her cute toddler in church. She dressed the little boy in a suit and saw the admiring looks as they sat in a pew. Unfortunately, the little boy started wailing, and Jenny fumbled in her purse for something to distract him.", "Words": ["lip", "mouth", "put", "suck", "sucker"]}, {"Context": "As a child, growing up on a farm required a lot of work. I had to deal with our animals without any modern equipment. With the horses I had to feed them hay and shovel manure.", "Words": ["cow", "hand", "milk"]}, {"Context": "Ed was starting his job as an apprentice butcher. He suited up and joined the person who was going to be training him, who introduced himself as Mike. Mike had Ed wash his hands thoroughly before they got to work.", "Words": ["casing", "fill", "machine", "meat", "sausage"]}, {"Context": "Larry was heartbroken and had been for three days. His little Lady had run away and he didn't know where to find the pooch. One day, Larry got a phone call from the pound.", "Words": ["bring", "dog", "owner", "toy"]}, {"Context": "The teacher was teaching the third graders about reading music. They gathered around her on the floor and tapped their hands to the beat. The lesson was integrated with the math lesson that he had planned for the day.", "Words": ["chair", "clap", "finger", "sit", "snap"]}, {"Context": "Toby was a brown lab and he was the smartest that I had ever seen. I had even trained him myself and he was always eager to learn. I couldn't tell you how many tricks that boy knew how to do!", "Words": ["ask", "dog", "hand", "praise", "shake"]}, {"Context": "The dad was trying to teach his son to swing a bat. He tossed softly to him, but the boy kept missing. Dad realized there was only one way his son was going to learn to swing successfully.", "Words": ["baseball", "give", "hit", "instruction", "tee"]}, {"Context": "Jordan is playing hard today. His jersey is sticking to him. Too bad they can't go without them.", "Words": ["player", "shirt", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The people were standing on the sandy shore looking up. There was a whirring noise from the air. The people put their hands to their eyes to get a better view of what was going on.", "Words": ["beach", "plane", "sky", "watch"]}, {"Context": "The tiles were lined up on the ground carefully. I had the video camera waiting to capture them falling. Then I realized that the battery was out on the camera.", "Words": ["domino", "floor", "row", "set", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Kyle had no idea how his daughter got into these kind of messes. She was standing in the middle of the living room full of gum and crying. He didn't know how he was going to fix this mess, but he knew he had to do something before her mother got back.", "Words": ["face", "hair", "stick", "tongue"]}, {"Context": "The woman looked exasperated as she did her grocery shopping. With three kids under the age of five, anyone else would feel the same way. I felt horrible for her, but I would never be able to take care of all those kids either.", "Words": ["cart", "push", "store", "toddler"]}, {"Context": "Every Friday at work, John bet twenty dollars on a football pool circulated around the office. John's team was winning at halftime on Sunday, and he was getting excited. By the fourth quarter though, his team was trailing by seven points.", "Words": ["game", "goal", "score"]}, {"Context": "I was finally ready to do this after a long time preparing. It was to be my ultimate sacrifice, one that few men would go through with. We had already said our final goodbye but I looked over to my wife one last time for affirmation.", "Words": ["eye", "give", "glisten", "nod"]}, {"Context": "Jerry was excited to go the Scottish festival in his hometown. A lot of the people in his town had descended from Scotland and his family were some of them. Jerry enjoyed the food and music that the festival had to offer.", "Words": ["bagpipe", "dress", "front", "kilt", "stand"]}, {"Context": "The cat bounced out of the room as the housekeeper turned the loud machine on. He hid under the cabinet in the dining room until the awful thing was out of sight. The housekeeper laughed as she wrapped the wire up, knowing that this happened every time.", "Words": ["floor", "turn", "vacuum"]}, {"Context": "The weather looked perfect for a trip to the beach. Tom packed his board, hoping to catch some waves. The tide was high, so the waves provided a challenge.", "Words": ["day", "enjoy", "surf", "water", "wind"]}, {"Context": "I went to a bar for a tall drink. I watched the bartender pull the handle. I was upset that my drink was far below the rim.", "Words": ["beer", "fill", "glass", "tap"]}, {"Context": "Joe woke up as soon as he heard the alarm clock go off. His head was pounding and he knew he wouldn't be able to make it through the day. Joe picked up his phone and called in sick to work.", "Words": ["bed", "foot", "lay"]}, {"Context": "Willy put the money down on the counter at the shooting range. The cashier took the cash without giving Willy a second glance. To her, Willy looked like just another hunter out here tweaking his skills.", "Words": ["gun", "helmet", "stand", "sunglass", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The farmer walked to the barn with his tools in hand. He had his son with him and he had a lot to teach him. The animals were getting shaggy and today they were getting a trim.", "Words": ["clipper", "shear", "sheep", "use", "wool"]}, {"Context": "Gabe popped along to the rhythm of the song. He grinned at the audience as he sang along with the rest of the quartet. When they were finished singing, Gabe and the rest of the group took a bow.", "Words": ["finger", "sit", "smile", "snap"]}, {"Context": "Mark and Beth were on their second date, and things were going well. They went to an afternoon movie, really enjoying it. They had forgone snacks at the theater, so they would be hungry and thirsty for an early dinner.", "Words": ["drink", "eat", "restaurant"]}, {"Context": "Yesterday was Sunday and I had to do my grocery shopping. I made sure I had on something to support my football team. I was buying a lot so I covered almost every inch of that store.", "Words": ["cart", "push", "shirt"]}, {"Context": "Landon was learning to finally get on a two wheeler. His father had given it to him for Christmas and it was time for him to be a big boy. Landon held his breath as he sailed off for the first time.", "Words": ["bike", "ride", "sidewalk", "wheel"]}, {"Context": "Jessie put the fruit down in front of her son. She started to walk away, but he called her back to the table. He looked up at her and she realized that she wasn't done and picked the orange back up.", "Words": ["give", "instruction", "orange", "peel", "way"]}, {"Context": "John had been training for months for his trip to the Grand Tetons. He was going with his friend Hank who had been training along side him. They got up early in the morning and drove to the park where they unloaded their gear.", "Words": ["belt", "climb", "hang", "rock", "rope"]}, {"Context": "I gained possession of my grandfather's farm after he passed away. It was during harvest season. I looked out on the fields full of food and wondered what I'd do with it all.", "Words": ["fruit", "market", "sell", "vegetable"]}, {"Context": "Jackson was one of the best rodeo performers on the circuit. This time he had drawn a particularly fearsome animal. It wasn't going well from the start, and the bucking got harder and harder.", "Words": ["air", "bull", "ride"]}, {"Context": "The wrangler tried to keep the beast's mouth closed. But it thrashed about wetting everyone. He said the most important thing was to avoid the teeth.", "Words": ["alligator", "hold", "water"]}, {"Context": "I went on the stage to receive my plaque. I posed for a photo with the presenter. I wished I had a firmer grip.", "Words": ["award", "hand", "shake"]}, {"Context": "I didn't really like my teacher, but I didn't mean to break his favorite mug. It was an accident. It actually hurt me when I saw him discover the shattered bits.", "Words": ["expression", "face", "stand"]}, {"Context": "Ed was so proud of his son, who would be playing football at his alma mater. He drove up to see the first game of the season. Ed was able to spot his son from his seat in the bleachers as the game was about to begin.", "Words": ["number", "run", "shirt", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The crowd was going crazy as the national championship football game came to a close. Ohio State and Alabama had battled for 59 minutes and it came down to this. State had called timeout and now there was time for one final play.", "Words": ["game", "pass", "quarterback", "team", "throw"]}, {"Context": "The soccer players were at practice on the field. The coach had wanted them to work out a few drills. The big game was next Saturday and they didn't want to let anything stand in their way of the championship.", "Words": ["ball", "ground", "kick", "let", "touch"]}, {"Context": "It was autumn just before Halloween and the weather was crisp. There was an impromptu banjo concert in the patch where people were coming. Some people listened to the music while others perused the goods and others played.", "Words": ["air", "pick", "piece", "pumpkin", "throw"]}, {"Context": "It had been a long and hard work week and Al looked forward to a relaxing weekend. Unfortunately, the outside of the home was a mess, and it was on Al's honey-do list to do something about it. But he thought that the lawn debris would be a breeze by a little use of power equipment.", "Words": ["blower", "leave", "use", "yard"]}, {"Context": "While I'm glad we were able to throw a big party for our daughter, all the kids left a big mess. It took hours to get the inside back into shape. The backyard looked like a war had been fought.", "Words": ["clean", "pool", "pour", "side", "sponge"]}, {"Context": "Whenever taking care of an infant you have a pretty big job to do. You have to make sure they eat and get proper rest. If you get these things done, you're so excited that you can reach out and touch the sky.", "Words": ["bottle", "feed", "jump"]}, {"Context": "I could always count on Doc to fix anything. When I found the little widget with the broken part, I knew just who to bring it to. He had it working and running in no time.", "Words": ["fix", "glass", "hold", "pair", "tool"]}, {"Context": "Danged reptile is trying to get away. Trying to get it out of the river. But it's in front of me.", "Words": ["alligator", "pull", "tail", "water"]}, {"Context": "Doug finished his training at barber school and soon got a job. Doug got his barber tools ready, arranging them at his work station. A customer arrived and sat in the chair at Doug's station, so he began to work.", "Words": ["cut", "hair", "scissor"]}, {"Context": "The marine reported for duty right after the explosion. He took the orders from the fellow officer in charge. The marine had experience in medicine so he was able to help those that were injured.", "Words": ["background", "enact", "member", "scene", "soldier"]}, {"Context": "All the spectators were shivering in the cold. But it was worth it as the board sliced through the white mess. The best part was when the board hit the ramp.", "Words": ["crowd", "jump", "rider", "snow", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Tony was getting ready for work in the morning. He put on his socks and shoes, knowing that his feet would be blistered by the end of the day. Such was the life of a construction worker.", "Words": ["put", "shoe", "sit", "step"]}, {"Context": "Brad and Rover were doing their usual thing, going along the dusty trail. Well, they weren't really going anywhere with Rover just sniffing around the field. Soon he would bring Brad something and they would be on their way.", "Words": ["dog", "grass", "stick", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Henry had been working out for months now and he was starting to see a difference in the way he was looking. He walked away from the benches and looked at himself in the mirror. His body was definitely more chiseled than it had been a year before.", "Words": ["drop", "floor", "head", "set", "weight"]}, {"Context": "There was going to be a race on the ocean this weekend. They even had places set up for you to sit. We didn't know from which way the event was going to start, so he had to make sure to be ready to turn to that spot at any time.", "Words": ["boat", "direction", "head", "stand", "water"]}, {"Context": "Derek waited outside of the building for his ride to pick him up. He was starting to get thirsty so he decided to get a drink. He put the money in the slot and pushed the button, before he realized it was out of order.", "Words": ["front", "machine", "stand", "vend"]}, {"Context": "Ralph sat on the side of the highway waiting for someone to help him. He had been pulling a flatbed behind him and had gotten a flat tire. He guessed that he was lucky that he hadn't flipped the whole thing.", "Words": ["road", "shirt", "side", "sit", "trailer"]}, {"Context": "My friends say I'm much too timid. This came up the other day while we were at an outside bar. My friend Bob pointed out someone standing alone who looked chilly and told me he'd give me fifty bucks to go over to her.", "Words": ["jacket", "lady", "talk"]}, {"Context": "Benny knew what the problem was before he pulled the car onto the shoulder of the road. He went straight to the trunk of the car and pulled out the tools that he would need. Unfortunately for him, the lug nuts were too tight for him to get off.", "Words": ["hit", "tire", "use"]}, {"Context": "Bonnie's daughter Stella was turning three today. Bonnie had invited all the children from Bonnie's pre-school class to her party and rented a bouncy house. After the kids had played for some time, she decided it was time for them to come in.", "Words": ["birthday", "blow", "cake", "candle"]}, {"Context": "Willie smiled as he looked out onto the range. He knew he would be under par for this hole. His golfing partner looked at him in disgust, knowing that he shouldn't have made a bet with Willie.", "Words": ["ball", "club", "course", "hit"]}, {"Context": "Joe had been ready for the race for a while. He had been studying all the best exercises and best foods to eat. It was now the day of the race and Joe knew that he was more ready than he would ever be.", "Words": ["marathon", "research", "run"]}, {"Context": "Pam and her kids were driving back from the movies when they noticed a farmers market. She decided to stop and buy some fresh apples and jellies. She pulled into the parking lot and they got out to see what there was.", "Words": ["fruit", "move", "seed", "stand", "street"]}, {"Context": "Joe lived in a pretty rural town. No one really drove down the area that he lived in, so his mother didn't mind him riding on the road with his friends. One day, Joe fell off his bike and was almost hit by a passing car.", "Words": ["area", "bicycle", "ride", "road", "woode"]}, {"Context": "On our kids snow day, we decided not to stay couped up around the house all day. We packed up and took a short drive to the large park in town a few blocks away. I wasn't here just to watch them play and wanted to entertain them a bit as well.", "Words": ["bike", "hill", "ride", "snow"]}, {"Context": "Jenny loved story time at school with her teacher, Miss Jones. Today Miss Jones handed out small bags of popcorn to go with the story. Jenny and her classmates formed a circle, eager to hear the Halloween tale.", "Words": ["eat", "floor", "sit", "snack"]}, {"Context": "The girl was practicing her gymnastics after school. Her coach was there with her and was observing her every move. He saw what she was doing wrong and gave her some advice.", "Words": ["balance", "ball", "foot", "hand", "push"]}, {"Context": "Owen sat at the bench at the stop waiting for the public transportation to arrive. He had been saving up for his own car, but he still didn't have nearly enough. The weather suddenly changed and it started raining and Owen realized he needed to save more quickly.", "Words": ["board", "bus", "line", "wait"]}, {"Context": "The insurance agent told Barry that there were a few improvements that he needed for coverage. Barry hired a team of carpenters to make the improvements. When the agent returned, he let Barry know that everything was on the up and up.", "Words": ["house", "power", "roof", "stand", "wash"]}, {"Context": "I grabbed my oils and start to drag my brush across the surface. I'm no Picasso. But this may be the best thing I've created.", "Words": ["artist", "canvas", "create", "paint", "piece"]}, {"Context": "I had to work all day, then rush to go to a wedding. A friend of mine laughed when I arrived and said I still had some \"work\" on me. She pulled out a compact out of her purse to show me.", "Words": ["face", "hold", "mirror", "paint"]}, {"Context": "Harold arrived from work and hugged his wife. He found that his son, a diligent student, was not home yet. The wife told him that their son had joined a basketball team.", "Words": ["kid", "practice", "school"]}, {"Context": "Carol was a busy young executive, always on the go. The one relaxing time in her day was her visit to Starbucks. She would bring her order to a window table if possible, and let the world go by.", "Words": ["cafe", "coffee", "look"]}, {"Context": "Tina was with her fourth student of the day. They sat together and looked at the songs stacked in front of them. She put her fingers on the keys and showed the student how to play.", "Words": ["music", "piano", "sit"]}, {"Context": "A warm afternoon greeted them as Mr. and Mrs. Brown arrived at the meet. They took their seats and immediately saw their son preparing for his field event. He stood concentrating, staring at the takeoff board maybe 100 feet away, and then he was ready.", "Words": ["jump", "land", "pit", "run", "track"]}, {"Context": "There's nothing better than the smell of a pie baking in the oven. One of my favorites is always hard on Thanksgiving. Everyone fights over those pies and I believe I will again this year.", "Words": ["air", "piece", "pumpkin"]}, {"Context": "It was Friday night and Kevin and his friends were headed to their high school stadium to watch football. Their school was playing their arch-rivals from across town that night. Last year, Kevin's school had just barely lost and he expected it to be an exciting night.", "Words": ["compete", "field", "game", "team"]}, {"Context": "When I was a kid one of the most fun things I did was make my own things to put up in the sky. It might not of been an airplane, but it got really high up there. The wind would grab a hold of it and sometimes I would lose it.", "Words": ["fly", "hold", "kite", "sky", "string"]}, {"Context": "Tracy was a California girl who loved the beach. She liked beach volleyball and sun bathing, but particularly she liked ocean water sports. On any given day you could catch her out on the ocean coming towards the shore.", "Words": ["catch", "surfer", "wave", "wetsuit"]}, {"Context": "The bake sale for the PTA was a success and the group was able to raise a lot of money. The parents set up spots on campus and at the ball game where the students were able to purchase all sorts of goodies. The money would be used to improve the conditions of the campus.", "Words": ["bottle", "front", "line", "paper", "table"]}, {"Context": "I teach my three-year-old how to use Colgate. I showed him about the circular motion. I make sure he rinses well at the end.", "Words": ["brush", "toddler", "tooth", "toothbrush", "use"]}, {"Context": "When I was in Boot Camp they showed us how to do a lot of things. Some of them included simple things that a lot of people already knew. I was not one of those people, but now I can put on a suit and do everything myself.", "Words": ["demonstrate", "neck", "tie", "tie"]}, {"Context": "There was a period when I was obsessed with the JFK assassination. I must have read every book on the subject. I felt deeply appreciative that a man named Zapruder thought to bring along his camera that day.", "Words": ["film", "point", "ride", "view"]}, {"Context": "I had been practicing a month for a vocal recital. The day of the performance, I woke with a sore throat. I was determined to do the show, although I had no idea how it would turn out.", "Words": ["front", "listen", "microphone", "music", "stand"]}, {"Context": "Jack had spent the last few nights working on his volcano. Today was the day that everyone in the school room would see how he'd done. The teacher called his name and he shyly walked forward past the desks.", "Words": ["class", "front", "present", "project"]}, {"Context": "They had just won the championship, and the winning players were jumping up and down and hugging each other. Many fans stayed in the stands, as they clapped and cheered for their champions. Finally things calmed down a bit, and a photographer gathered the team in front of the bleachers.", "Words": ["background", "crowd", "field", "pose", "team"]}, {"Context": "Diana had started to take an origami class. She was having a great time showing her friends and family the cool things she could make. Diana's favorite thing so far to make had been a swan.", "Words": ["fold", "paper", "sheet"]}, {"Context": "Jamie was part of a circus, but not just any kind of circus. Jamie trained to do tricks as a performance artist. The audience gasped when Jamie performed the final trick in his act.", "Words": ["mouth", "pull", "swallow", "sword"]}, {"Context": "Maggie always looked forward to visiting her uncle Jim's farm. Today, Jim took Maggie out to the pasture where he kept some livestock. Jim gave Maggie a small bucket of corn, and she grabbed a handful of kernels, then reached out her hand.", "Words": ["feed", "fence", "goat"]}, {"Context": "There were seven participants in the hot dog eating contest at the fair. A crowd gathered around the stage where tables were loaded with hot dogs. A man counted down from ten and then the contest began.", "Words": ["disbelief", "food", "mouth", "shove", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Jen watched the big reptile swim slowly in the bayou. She didn't want to be anywhere near that thing when it got onto land. It suddenly went underwater, and Jen decided that it was time to move along.", "Words": ["alligator", "back", "joke", "sit", "tell"]}, {"Context": "Josh heard the gurgling sound that came up from the brook. He put bait on his hook and threw the line out. Josh waited a while and finally, there was a tug on his line.", "Words": ["stand", "stream", "water"]}, {"Context": "I was in the middle of a truly awful first date. She was cruel, boring, and self-absorbed. I wanted to just leave, so I made an excuse that I had a call to make.", "Words": ["cellphone", "street", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Yesterday I was playing the role of photographer. I had some young models that I was taking photos off. We took some inside and outside, and in a variety of clothing.", "Words": ["picture", "shirt", "short", "street", "take"]}, {"Context": "The music at the concert was amazing to hear. I couldn't believe that these fifth graders could play so well. I credit the band director at the school for a job well done.", "Words": ["blow", "flute", "hold", "mouth"]}, {"Context": "I had been overworked for so long, I was almost happy to get sick. It felt like a vacation. I did very little, which was such a wonderful change.", "Words": ["bed", "book", "flip", "page", "sit"]}, {"Context": "I headed into the gym to get in an early workout. I was the only one in the locker room as I put on my shorts, t-shirt, and warmups. I went out onto the main floor for my mixed martial arts training.", "Words": ["bag", "fall", "kick", "punch", "run"]}, {"Context": "Tim was running on a hot day. He felt extremely thirsty and needed something to quench his thirst. He then saw a small lemonade stand with really low prices.", "Words": ["add", "drink", "glass", "pour", "straw"]}, {"Context": "Sam went to the family farm to see his mom after his dad died. Before he left to go home, Sam took one last walk in the field behind the farm house. Sam recalled as a youngster riding the tractor with his dad.", "Words": ["drive", "lap", "sit"]}, {"Context": "The boys were tired after the game and they piled into the bus still wearing their uniforms. It was a long ride back home and no one said a thing. Heads bowed as some of the boys eventually dozed off.", "Words": ["hat", "shirt", "sleep", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Joyce usually waited for Ed to drive her to the store. Today though, she couldn't wait because she didn't have anything to make for supper. Joyce went to the grocery a few blocks from her home and bought what she needed.", "Words": ["bag", "hold", "sidewalk", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Trey brought his pup to the park last weekend. The park was located on a sloped area and it was a bit hard to keep track of the animal. They still had a good time playing though.", "Words": ["dirt", "dog", "hill", "kick", "run"]}, {"Context": "The woman stood at the edge of the garden looking out vacantly. She had just lost her husband and no one could console her. The woman was no longer crying, but had the stoneface look that would soon begin to worry the staff.", "Words": ["courtyard", "headscarf", "stand"]}, {"Context": "I never punched anything. I didn't know it would hurt. There was blood on my pinky.", "Words": ["finger", "hand", "knuckle"]}, {"Context": "I watched a friend tag a building. I heard the familiar hiss as he pushed the nozzle. When he finished he dropped his tools, and we ran.", "Words": ["can", "paint", "spray", "wall"]}, {"Context": "I was competing in a marathon the other day. Whenever I got tired I had to make sure that I kept going and never stop running. During the race you add people on the way giving water as well as fruits.", "Words": ["continue", "hand", "move", "walk"]}, {"Context": "The drum major climbed up onto the platform during the halftime show. He raised his hands and the crowd grew quiet. Every member on the field had their eyes on him.", "Words": ["band", "front", "perform", "stand"]}, {"Context": "There are a lot of water activities that I would like to try. One of them is wakeboarding which seems to be fun but very challenging. Another one is to be attached to a boat while being high up in the air looking down on the people below.", "Words": ["board", "hold", "parachute", "ride", "water"]}, {"Context": "The man sat in the library wanting some piece and quiet. He was working on his latest book. It was going to be a romance novel of love lost.", "Words": ["goer", "heart", "leave", "look", "writer"]}, {"Context": "The little boy was packing his bags to sleep at his grandmother's house for the next night. There were going to be a lot of things that he was going to need. He loved to go spend time at his grandmother's.", "Words": ["carry", "pillowcase", "sandal", "short", "toddler"]}, {"Context": "It was homecoming at Liz and Eric's alma mater and they were going to the game. They spent a few hours tailgating with old friends, drinking and eating BBQ. About twenty minutes before the game started, everyone headed over to the stadium and took their seats.", "Words": ["field", "football", "hold", "kick", "upright"]}, {"Context": "Jim needed to go out and get some exercise. His doctor told him that if he did not lose weight, he would be in grave danger. Jim didn't like leaving the house because it was always so cold outside.", "Words": ["background", "bike", "music", "ride", "snow"]}, {"Context": "Tonya looked down at the red liquid in her cup. The date had not gone as planned. All the guy did was talked about himself and she just wanted to get out of the bar.", "Words": ["drink", "glass", "swirl", "table", "wine"]}, {"Context": "The farmer was thankful for the nice weather as he walked towards the field. It was planting day, one of the most important days of the year, and there was a lot of work ahead. It was much easier to prepare the fields and plant the crops in dry weather than when it was raining.", "Words": ["plow", "road", "tractor"]}, {"Context": "I went down to the river to get a drink. I also wanted to take some home. I sat down for a tall glass, with a chunk of cheese between two slices of bread.", "Words": ["bucket", "piece", "water"]}, {"Context": "Allison had been stressed for weeks and looking for a solution. She decided on a procedure that that she never had before. A day later, clad in a towel, she nervously awaited the therapist.", "Words": ["lie", "massage", "table"]}, {"Context": "If I stand in a certain spot in my backyard, I get a good view of the sports arena of our local high school. As far as I'm concerned, it's free entertainment. I am most excited about the football season, but I've also come to appreciate other sports.", "Words": ["disc", "field", "spin", "throw", "track"]}, {"Context": "An enthusiastic crowd waited in complete silence at the aquatic center. This was the most dramatic event many had ever seen. Coming back from a terrible automobile accident, one athlete stood on his mark.", "Words": ["compete", "pool", "race", "swimmer"]}, {"Context": "The young child smiled happily at the show on the television. Vivian was happy enough that he was not bothering her for once. She had plenty enough to do without having to worry about him.", "Words": ["clap", "hand", "singe", "song", "toddler"]}, {"Context": "Jessie couldn't decide what top would look the best on her. She wanted to look good when she went on the helicopter tour. Her sister frowned because she said it really didn't make a difference.", "Words": ["air", "shirt", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Earl had one bad habit that he just couldn't put down. Earl saw his wife walking out the door and coughed out the last puff. He knew she would smell in it his breath this time.", "Words": ["mouth", "pipe", "put", "smoke"]}, {"Context": "The kids stood in line for nearly an hour waiting to talk to Santa. Their parents held their hands and listened as they talked nervously. \"Is it really you?\" asked a little girl as she tugged on the old man's beard.", "Words": ["ask", "hug", "lap", "sit"]}, {"Context": "A large group of spectators gathered downtown to watch a daring performance. A tight wire rope was strung between two tall buildings. An acrobat began to make his way across the rope.", "Words": ["balance", "pole", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Lisa was getting ready for her blind date. She wanted to look as good as she could so she stepped into the shower and grabbed her razor. Her date was amazed with the way she looked.", "Words": ["edge", "leg", "shave", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Little Fiona was getting ready to start her lemonade business. She brought everything out to in front of her house and set it all up. Now she just had to wait for passers by.", "Words": ["short", "sidewalk", "stand"]}, {"Context": "I decided that if Sheila ever called me, I'd ask her to the prom. That night at dinner, the phone rang and my sister answered. \"Tom, there's a girl for you,\" she said a little teasingly to me.", "Words": ["ear", "phone", "room", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Mary and her sister spent hours standing up tiles on a rainy day that trapped them in the house. They arranged them in a complicated pattern all over the kitchen floor and into the living room. Then they called their parents to watch them knock them all down.", "Words": ["domino", "finger", "push"]}, {"Context": "Anne has spent years honing her skills to be worthy of performing before an audience. Today that audience is 10,000 strong for a college basketball halftime show. She reminds herself to keep smiling during the performance and tries to keep that constant fear of a drop out of her mind.", "Words": ["baton", "begin", "dance", "routine", "twirl"]}, {"Context": "Belinda went to a party at a college fraternity house. She watched as some guys played a game. The guys called Belinda over and showed her how to play beer pong.", "Words": ["ball", "cup", "table"]}, {"Context": "When Larry went to Las Vegas, he made it a point to go see all the shows that he could. His favorite of the shows was a magic show on the strip. There were so many illusions and Larry couldn't figure any of them out.", "Words": ["ball", "fire", "hold", "juggle", "light"]}, {"Context": "Peggy was very excited about starting kindergarten. When she got to class on the first day she sat at a table with some other children. A pretty lady standing at the front of the room smiled at the children and told them to sit quietly.", "Words": ["listen", "story", "teacher"]}, {"Context": "Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live on a farm. The work that you do there can be very tough. Although the work stuff, what they do is very much appreciated by all the people who consumer products that come from farm animals.", "Words": ["cow", "milk", "sit", "stool", "utter"]}, {"Context": "It was finally Halloween and Mary couldn't wait for the party at her friend's house. She rushed right home from school to get ready for the party. Along the way, she saw a vampire, a ghost, and three hippies.", "Words": ["costume", "dress", "walk"]}, {"Context": "The search team had almost called it off on the fifth day. Suddenly, they came across some sort of shelter in the woods. It was a miracle that they were found.", "Words": ["find", "hiker", "poke", "snow", "tent"]}, {"Context": "I was staying at my old, crazy uncle's farm for the weekend. When I went to leave on Sunday, my car wouldn't start. He didn't have a car of his own, but he had a novel idea on how to get my car into town to get fixed.", "Words": ["cart", "donkey", "pull", "ride"]}, {"Context": "The puzzle was one of the hardest ones that I had ever attempted. I had done a lot of things like this, but it was much harder. I had to look online to figure out how to get it done.", "Words": ["cube", "give", "instruction", "solve"]}, {"Context": "It was a brisk Sunday morning, the perfect time for a leisurely stroll. Joe headed first to the local cafe to get his favorite morning beverage to-go. Then he headed up the block to the neighborhood newsstand.", "Words": ["coffee", "drink", "newspaper", "park", "read"]}, {"Context": "Everyone knew Fred when he stepped into the casino. The problem was that no one liked to see Fred in the casino. It's not that Fred cheated, but Fred used methods to take the casino's money.", "Words": ["count", "hand", "table"]}, {"Context": "Sam gassed up his ride and went down the road a bit. A man was crossing, but Sam had the green light. Sam laid on the horn in frustration, waiting for the man to finish crossing.", "Words": ["car", "fill", "pedestrian", "street"]}, {"Context": "Everyone in the audience waits. The performers start to move gracefully. I wish I had a closer seat.", "Words": ["begin", "dance", "stage"]}, {"Context": "It was late in the fourth quarter of the game between the Lakers and the Nets. As he went in for a layup, the Lakers' forward was fouled. Two free throws would win the game for the Lakers.", "Words": ["attempt", "player", "point", "score", "team"]}, {"Context": "Megan really enjoyed bringing Spot to the park. The most fun came from watching him run and jump. And that would happen when she pulled out a toy from her backpack.", "Words": ["dog", "frisbee", "perform", "trick"]}, {"Context": "My dog bounded through the sand. He's heading for the water. He doesn't realize it is hard to catch that slippery toy.", "Words": ["ball", "beach", "jump"]}, {"Context": "Lisa loved her beautiful, long blonde tresses. She would stare at herself in the mirror for minutes at a time admiring them. And she took great care of them, making sure they were healthy and not tangled.", "Words": ["brush", "couch", "hair", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Mrs. Connelly was bound to a wheelchair but loved to sit on her porch and watch people go by. She would wave at people she knew as they passed. She saw people doing all sorts of things as they crossed her path.", "Words": ["bike", "ride", "road", "walk"]}, {"Context": "It was a hot summer day, and I contemplated what to do. I didn't have a car, but the welcoming ocean was nearby. With that in mind, it didn't take long to come up with a plan for the day.", "Words": ["beach", "hat", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Candy was getting ready to go on a date with her boyfriend. She hadn't seen him in over a week since he had been out of town on business. She turned on the water in her shower and picked up a razor before getting in.", "Words": ["hair", "leg", "shave"]}, {"Context": "The man told him that he shouldn't purchase that bead because it is not a good buy. After taking some time to decide, he asked his mother what he should do because he really likes the bed. His mother told him that he should think about it and decide if he really wants it and if he does, he shouldn't worry about what other say and purchase it.", "Words": ["area", "chair", "head"]}, {"Context": "Tina was getting ready for a big game. She put on her makeup and her uniform. She wondered if her mother would be there in the crowd to support her.", "Words": ["cheerleader", "court", "perform", "routine", "watch"]}, {"Context": "The Olympic athletes lined up at one end of the pool. When a whistle blew, they plunged into the water, each in an assigned lane. An American was leading, but an athlete from China was gaining on him.", "Words": ["cheer", "compete", "crowd", "swimmer"]}, {"Context": "Brian drank his coffee and plopped down on the couch. Another long day on the job, but it was different when you were working from home. Brian laughed knowing that he was getting paid as he said in his boxer shorts in his living room.", "Words": ["laptop", "shirt", "sit", "sofa", "work"]}, {"Context": "School was out for the year, and that meant fun in the sun for Jimmy and his pals. They grabbed their swimsuits and headed to the lake on their bikes. Jimmy was the first to climb a big boulder that served as a diving platform.", "Words": ["jump", "rock", "trunk", "water", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Liza was ready to take a hot bath after a long day at work. A bubble bath would probably be better, she thought to herself. Liza disrobed and eased herself in to the tub and relaxed as best she could.", "Words": ["rub", "turn", "water"]}, {"Context": "Jessica was getting tired of her boring job as a cashier at the grocery store. Every day was the same thing and she was tired of the routine. Jessica daydreamed as she scanned yet another customer's items and put them away.", "Words": ["bag", "lay", "take"]}, {"Context": "Tory watched the chef on the television and try to follow the steps. Unfortunately, he couldn't get the egg to divide as the chef had. Tory had a lot of practice in front of him.", "Words": ["bottle", "separate", "white", "yolk"]}, {"Context": "Jeffrey sat in his convertible, Blair at his side, wind in their hair. They cruised the flat highway, experiencing the joy of roads unknown. But then a mountain loomed ahead, and it would be a difficult climb.", "Words": ["car", "drive", "gear", "shift"]}, {"Context": "The weather was awful today and Becky was disgusted with herself for not being prepared. She rushed down the sidewalk and her hair and clothing became soaked. When she finally got to work, she waited outside a bit to dry off.", "Words": ["hold", "umbrella", "water"]}, {"Context": "It's been a few years ago now, but I remember how excited I was when our family finally got internet access. We were far from the first on the block to do so, more like the last. But at that moment I didn't care, for I knew about Google and now a world of information was at my fingertips.", "Words": ["answer", "computer", "front", "question", "sit"]}, {"Context": "I am running around a field trying to dodge. Hoping not to be hit below my arm. I have to keep an eye on the person launching the rubber.", "Words": ["ball", "side", "throw", "watch"]}, {"Context": "No matter if you have a robot or a human worker, they need to be told what to do. Getting a job done requires you letting them know how to do it. Sometimes we think robots can just do things on their own, but that's not true.", "Words": ["give", "instruction", "machine"]}, {"Context": "Timothy was having some arthritis pains in his hands. He used some cold compresses on them but it didn't do the trick. However he knew he had another trick up his sleeve that usually works for him.", "Words": ["action", "crack", "knuckle", "produce", "sound"]}, {"Context": "Joan had put a lot of thought into doing something special for her fiance's birthday. She baked and frosted his favorite German chocolate cake. Then she got out the watch she bought and engraved with a special message.", "Words": ["present", "sit", "table", "wrap"]}, {"Context": "It was going to be a bitterly cold Minnesota winter, according to forecasters. Jim needed to ensure his family would stay warm in their big cabin in the woods. Jim headed out to a pile of fallen timber to get to work.", "Words": ["axe", "chop", "log"]}, {"Context": "The tourists looked up at the skyscrapers as they gathered along the sidewalk. They looked up and pointed their cameras to the sky. Many of them spoke in foreign languages.", "Words": ["building", "street", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Kelly realized it had been nearly six months since she'd gotten a haircut. She called for an appointment and was able to get one the following week. When she sat in the stylist's chair, she explained exactly what she wanted.", "Words": ["blow", "clipper", "laugh"]}, {"Context": "Ash got out of his bed and put on his boots. He was a little annoyed, but this would be another check. He made sure to pack his helmet and gloves before getting in his truck.", "Words": ["fly", "night", "spark", "welder", "work"]}, {"Context": "Seth had a new racquet and was eager to try it out. The sun was shining so it was a perfect day to head to the local court. Seth decided to work on his forehand shots first.", "Words": ["ball", "bounce", "practice", "tennis", "wall"]}, {"Context": "The deejay ran through the records that were on the desk. He knew that the listeners wanted to hear something with a little more grit. With a smile, he picked out something special for the occasion.", "Words": ["hand", "music", "table"]}, {"Context": "Adam and Bob were bored one day and wanted to do something fun but competitive. Adam had many parts to play with because his dad worked for Hot Wheels. Bob had many tiny objects, and they decided to get together and construct something.", "Words": ["marble", "put", "roll", "track", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Jim and June had been married 40 years. Each evening, they would stroll arm in arm to the park. At the park, they enjoyed watching ducks float across a pretty pond.", "Words": ["bench", "couple", "sit", "view"]}, {"Context": "Frank arrived a bit early for his 8 am shift, chatting with other officers before the daily briefing. He had coffee as the sergeant handed out assignments for the day. Then he gathered his equipment and headed to his motorcycle to start the day.", "Words": ["gun", "helmet", "sunglass", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I like to think I'm an ethical thief. I only steal from rich people who can absorb the loss. I also try to steal things I can easily fence, but last night I stole something personal from the home of my latest victim.", "Words": ["husband", "picture", "wife"]}, {"Context": "Hudson tried to be as quiet as he could on the ground. He could see the deer off in the distance and he wanted to bag this one. Hudson put his finger on the trigger and got ready to fire away.", "Words": ["back", "foot", "knife", "lay", "target"]}, {"Context": "There was a toy that I had when I was a young child. It was a plastic soldier and it had material on it so when it landed from a high place, it would float down. Well, I tossed it from the fourth floor and I never saw it again.", "Words": ["connect", "doll", "parachute", "throw", "window"]}, {"Context": "Ellie knew that it had to be done. The kitten's paws were just too long. There was no way that she could have him around the house like that.", "Words": ["cat", "clip", "hold"]}, {"Context": "The salesman was nothing if not persistent. Although the middle aged lady stood with her door opened, she was getting tired of the high pressure sales tactics. He was droning on and on about his products but she nodded quietly as her thoughts drifted a little.", "Words": ["demonstrate", "necktie", "step", "tie"]}, {"Context": "I walked through the park and looked at the woman who was playing with her dog. I took a seat and watched, it was nice because the dog seemed really trained. At the baseball game everyone gave took a chair to see where the player was playing.", "Words": ["lady", "sit", "stand"]}, {"Context": "Kelly smiled as she looked over at her kids sitting still in their seats. It was unlike them to be able to focus so well, but they were enthralled by the circus. Their eyes opened wide as a woman scaled a tall ladder to start her act high above the floor.", "Words": ["pole", "rope", "walk"]}, {"Context": "The wedding started without a problem. Everyone walked down the aisle and the ceremony itself was beautiful. The problem happened when the lights went off for the reception.", "Words": ["bride", "bridesmaid", "groom", "groomsman", "stand"]}, {"Context": "The crowd gasped as the boy flew over the ledge of the ramp. It happened occasionally, but it was always scary when it did. Lucky for him, he was able to escape without any injury.", "Words": ["flip", "pass", "rail", "skate", "turn"]}, {"Context": "Jessie was excited to try the food at the new place. The chef was renowned for his skills, and critics raved about his seafood dishes. Jessie was thrilled to get a table on opening weekend.", "Words": ["order", "restaurant", "sit", "wait"]}, {"Context": "I asked him if he would take out his mustache and he said yes it was coming off. I smiled because I was so surprised that after so many years of asking him to do this he was ready to do it. I called my buddy on the telephone to tell him what was going on and he couldn't stop smiling.", "Words": ["friend", "hair", "laugh", "shave"]}, {"Context": "Mabel gathered up her knitting supplies and went to her rocking chair. Gracie, Mabel's tabby, followed, fascinated by the ball of blue yarn. Gracie curled around Mabel's feet, purring loudly.", "Words": ["cat", "head", "lap", "scratch", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Jeff rolled out from his house and onto the street. Today would be the last day of his paper route and he was pumped up. Tomorrow he would be starting on a new job at the grocery store in town.", "Words": ["bicycle", "driveway", "ramp", "ride"]}, {"Context": "They say this new stuff gets rid of the wrinkles around your eyes. But apparently everyone wants some. I've been in a store idling twenty minutes.", "Words": ["buy", "cream", "line", "wait"]}, {"Context": "John applied for a job at a new restaurant opening in town. He got the job and was excited to start. When he showed up at the restaurant, the manager handed John an apron.", "Words": ["cook", "food", "kitchen", "prepare", "work"]}, {"Context": "The girl cried as her mother tried to fix the problem. \"Why did you even do this?\" she asked. The girl said nothing, but cried and screamed as her mother continued to pull.", "Words": ["hair", "pull", "remove", "tape"]}, {"Context": "The driver swerved to avoid the crash that was in front of him. In doing so, he was able to save several lives. Later, the mayor commended the driver for his bravery and quick thinking.", "Words": ["bus", "front", "medal", "suit", "wear"]}, {"Context": "the instructor was teaching us a new craft. we were seated in front of everything that we would need to learn. soon, some of us could possibly become a seamstress.", "Words": ["demonstrate", "machine", "sew", "use"]}, {"Context": "The last stanza of Star Spangled Banner finished and the crowd roared. The big divisional rivalry game was about to begin. The team captains walked out to the center of the field.", "Words": ["coin", "player", "referee"]}, {"Context": "I need to make breakfast. I turned on the eye. And hear my eggs sizzle.", "Words": ["cook", "food", "pan", "stove"]}, {"Context": "Fred decided to spend the day fishing on the lake. As he put his rod and tackle aboard, Fred's beagle jumped in, eager for a trip. When Fred paddled out into the lake, the beagle spotted a duck.", "Words": ["back", "boat", "dog", "jump", "water"]}, {"Context": "I was watching some college football this weekend. One of my favorite parts is looking at the beautiful girls cheer on their schools. Stadiums were packed and a lot of the games were very good.", "Words": ["cheerleader", "field", "team"]}, {"Context": "Evan was bored and it was still a half hour before class ended. He fidgeted in his chair and did not pay attention. Eventually, his teacher asked him to go to the office.", "Words": ["drum", "pen", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "George stepped onto the green and crouched down next to the ball. He had a lot riding on this hole and there was no way that he was letting Leo win the bet. George pulled out his putter and studied the hole once again.", "Words": ["club", "golfer", "jacket", "pant", "wear"]}, {"Context": "When the first flakes started falling, the children could hardly wait to play. Soon the flakes had covered the ground white, and the fun had just begun. Sue stepped out her door to see the children rolling white spheres.", "Words": ["kid", "snow", "snowball", "throw", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Tony had an appointment with his eye doctor. He drove around the parking lot trying to find an empty spot. By the time that he found one, it was only five minutes before the exam.", "Words": ["building", "front", "park"]}, {"Context": "Carl wanted to go fishing in the morning but wasn't sure what the weather was going to be. He turned on the 6:00 news to find out. Finally the weather segment came on near the end of the program.", "Words": ["give", "map", "report"]}, {"Context": "She stood by the mirror looking at herself, she was unsure of what to put on so she decide to try on a few outfits. Her hand still hurt from the day before when she hit it be accident in the wall. She then went downstairs and decided to go into the kitchen to get something to drink so she opened the door to the cabinet and grabbed a cup.", "Words": ["glass", "knuckle", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I was preparing Sunday dinner last night. Since my nerves were very sharp I had to be careful not to injure myself. I was feeling myself because I had on an entire chefs outfit.", "Words": ["cut", "hat", "kitchen"]}, {"Context": "Joyce had a habit of multi-tasking whenever possible. Today, Joyce was running late, so she was trying to apply her makeup while driving. When Joyce's cellphone rang in the car, she answered it.", "Words": ["lip", "lipstick", "put", "talk"]}, {"Context": "I had a strange growth suddenly appear on my right arm. I went to the doctor, who was perplexed. His only advice was to take a biopsy and have a specialist look at the results.", "Words": ["lab", "microscope", "scientist"]}, {"Context": "Tom and Lucy walked back to their ride after eating at the restaurant. There was something on the bricks on the outside of the building. \"Who do you think would have done that?\" Tom asked.", "Words": ["car", "couple", "graffiti", "walk", "wall"]}, {"Context": "I went out one day with my camera in hopes of running into something interesting to capture. There wasn't much beautiful as I walked around the city, until I got to the central square. There, I saw the most beautiful woman in the world in conversation with world's most handsome man.", "Words": ["couple", "fountain", "front", "picture", "pose"]}, {"Context": "Ted looked at the building before him. There was a lot of work to be done today. He lay the bucket of paint on the ground on the side of him and got his ladder out of the truck.", "Words": ["front", "graffiti", "sit", "wall"]}, {"Context": "Jenny and her girlfriends were excited to learn their favorite band was on tour. The girls were first in line to buy tickets to the band's nearest show. Sitting up front and singing along with the band, the girls got the attention of the lead singer.", "Words": ["concert", "crowd", "stage"]}, {"Context": "Bob was desperately in need of a job so he stopped in at all the stores near him. He even went to the store where nothing cost more than a buck and he was excited when they told him they had an advertising position open. They hired him to spin a placard outside their establishment as a way to entice customers to come in, and Bob didn't turn it down because he needed a job -- any job -- to pay his bills!", "Words": ["dollar", "promote", "sign"]}, {"Context": "Kelly smiled as she watched her son running through the sand. He had a spool of rope in his hand and was looking up at the sky. Above him soared a bright, diamond shape against the sun.", "Words": ["beach", "fly", "kite"]}, {"Context": "Window washer is the toughest job to me. It's so dangerous to be that high cleaning. You are at the mercy of the equipment and the wind.", "Words": ["building", "hang", "wash", "window"]}, {"Context": "The band was getting onto the field for practice before their competition. The director didn't make them dress out though, so no one was in uniform today. The majorette lifted her arms and then the music began.", "Words": ["cap", "drum", "shirt"]}, {"Context": "Carl had gotten whittling tools for Christmas and a gift certificate for 6 lessons at the local community college. He was really excited to start using his new tools. He arrived at the school and found his classroom easily, and took a seat along with about a dozen other people.", "Words": ["cut", "hold", "wood"]}, {"Context": "Susie was getting ready for a big date with a popular guy. She wanted to look perfect from head to toe. An hour before her date, Susie showered and shampooed.", "Words": ["blow", "brush", "dry", "hair"]}, {"Context": "Working in the office was the most boring job that Betty had ever had. Rooms full of machines droning on with papers printing. It all seemed so dull and mechanical.", "Words": ["button", "card", "place", "press", "scanner"]}, {"Context": "Brandon lived in a big city. It was hard to get around in a car and there were never any places to park. He decided to get something smaller, knowing that he could jet in and out of traffic.", "Words": ["motorize", "ride", "scooter", "street"]}, {"Context": "The Conners were having a lovely picnic in the park with their pets. They had homemade pasta salad and lemonade. When they were done eating, little Mikey got up to go play with the pets on the grass.", "Words": ["air", "ball", "dog", "leap"]}, {"Context": "George just had to take an early break today at work. He had only been there for a couple hours so far and things were already a mess. George blew out a tendril of smoke and looked down at his watch.", "Words": ["cigarette", "hold", "sit"]}, {"Context": "The wedding reception was a great time for everyone. The men looked handsome and the women were fabulous. There was even a photo booth for all to enjoy.", "Words": ["clothe", "dress", "drink", "hold", "pose"]}, {"Context": "The competition was about to take place and Jake was a little nervous. He had never been in a real live match before. His coach gave him his sword and gave him a last bit of advice.", "Words": ["fence", "individual", "mask", "match", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Roy had been working out for a month. He was glad that he had finally decided to take the step to become a member of the fitness club. He flexed a bit and looked in the mirror, noticing the changes.", "Words": ["gym", "shoulder", "squat", "weight"]}, {"Context": "Marge looked forward to going to the coast for her vacation every year. She, her husband and her kids packed up and made sure to remember chairs, towels and sand toys. They got to their hotel early enough for the kids to get out to play in the sand and look for seashells.", "Words": ["beach", "day", "enjoy", "family"]}, {"Context": "Mary's favorite part of the state fair was watching people cramming hot dogs in their mouths. She pushed up to the front so she would be able to see everything. There were already people sitting at the long table with trays of hot dogs in front of them.", "Words": ["cheer", "compete", "contest", "crowd", "eat"]}, {"Context": "The man was trying to show off to his date and ordered an expensive drink. The server brought it to his table and asked if he wanted him to uncork it. The man decided he would do it himself and looked utterly useless in front of his date when he couldn't.", "Words": ["attempt", "bottle", "open", "stand", "wine"]}, {"Context": "Ben leaned forward and put more wood in the fireplace. It roared back to life and he could feel the warmth burning on his skin. It was back to business though and and he walked back to his desk and his client.", "Words": ["background", "fire", "put", "stick", "talk"]}, {"Context": "My neighbor asked me if I could look after his pets for a few days. \"I love them more than I love myself,\" he told me. Imagine my surprise when I went over the first day and there were no dogs, cats, or even birds.", "Words": ["feed", "fish", "hand", "tank"]}, {"Context": "My brother, Ted, likes all those extreme sports. He has all kinds of equipment too. I guess that is why he is in better shape than I am.", "Words": ["climb", "pant", "rock", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Jason was taking his daughter out to play at the park. He had brought her a few toys for her to play with. Jason sat on the grass as the small girl ran around happily and played.", "Words": ["blow", "bottle", "bubble", "use"]}, {"Context": "The dog was running loose around the park. He didn't have a tag and no one knew who he belonged to. We watched him and brought him some water when it looked like he was getting tired.", "Words": ["field", "hang", "mouth", "run", "tongue"]}, {"Context": "The dancers had been hired specifically for the rapper's video. They had rehearsed a few times and now it was time for the main shoot. The rapper lip synced along with the record while the girls danced behind him.", "Words": ["background", "move", "music", "perform"]}, {"Context": "My cousin needed a new hairstyle. I decided to take her to the salon. A stylist came and told my cousin what would go down.", "Words": ["braid", "front", "hair", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Barry and Chris decided to go fishing by the river. They didn't catch anything after a few hours so they pretty much gave up. The river looked rather inviting, so they decided to have a little fun and not ruin their day completely.", "Words": ["friend", "kid", "pose", "raft", "water"]}, {"Context": "Hanna hadn't seen her husband in months. He was coming back in after being deployed overseas. Hanna stood at the airport and screamed when she finally caught a glimpse of him.", "Words": ["arm", "kiss", "wrap"]}, {"Context": "Joe's apartment lease was ending and he was packing to move out. Joe wanted to be sure he got his deposit back. In order to do that, Joe had to fix some small dings and dents, plus a hole made by a drunken pal's fist.", "Words": ["apply", "plaster", "tool", "wall"]}, {"Context": "Gemma was learning out to ride from her father. He told her that she needed to wear protective gear if she wanted to ride. Gemma was a little nervous, but she stepped on the deck and got ready to roll.", "Words": ["front", "helmet", "scooter", "sidewalk", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Alex was driving along in the morning checking the time. He was going to be late for work if he encountered any traffic or unexpected issues. All of a sudden he noticed brake lights ahead as traffic slowed.", "Words": ["hold", "road", "side", "sign", "stand"]}, {"Context": "I'm going camping next weekend. I look forward to being in the outdoors and catching my own food. I'm bringing the net with me to put in the water to catch some fish.", "Words": ["knife", "lean", "throw", "tree", "wood"]}, {"Context": "Jane visited the local schools in her work as a public health nurse. This month, she is making the rounds teaching kids proper hygiene. Jane has the students line up in front of a row of sinks.", "Words": ["bathroom", "demonstrate", "hand", "wash"]}, {"Context": "It was a cold and stormy day as I was getting ready for school. To get there I would have to walk in the rain. That didn't bother me though, because I knew how to handle it.", "Words": ["dress", "hold", "umbrella"]}, {"Context": "The dog jetted out of the cabin into the freezing cold. Something moved into the bush in the distance and the dog spotted it. Suddenly, the dog was in the bush as well.", "Words": ["chase", "rabbit", "snow"]}, {"Context": "The crowd was on their feet for the ninth inning. The teams were tied and it was a full count. If Charlie could strike the batter up, the home team would win.", "Words": ["game", "sit", "stand"]}, {"Context": "Toby was at the park with his little brother. He hated wasting his time there, but his mother had told him that it was his responsibility. Toby tossed the ball in the air as far as he could and watched the boy run after it.", "Words": ["run", "throw", "watch"]}, {"Context": "They always talk about how certain people saved the world from Hitler. He was going from country to country and taking them over. If he was never stopped, this was going to continue and we will not know how far he would've gotten.", "Words": ["capture", "continue", "movement", "ride"]}, {"Context": "At the frat party everyone was drinking a lot and they decided to play beer pong. Joey sat it all up and they got started. They were all laughing as the game went along.", "Words": ["ball", "bounce", "cup", "table", "top"]}, {"Context": "I had received nearly all my boy scout badges. There was one missing, and it frustrated me. There was a basic outdoors skill I simply could not master.", "Words": ["blow", "fire", "hold", "stick"]}, {"Context": "The cowboy tightened his grip on the reins as he sat on the huge animal. There was only about minute left before it was his turn out the chute. Suddenly, the gate opened and they were off.", "Words": ["air", "bull", "hand", "hold", "ride"]}, {"Context": "The pupped didn't know where it was. I checked for a tag, but there was nothing on it. I took him home and took care of it, hoping that I could find the owner.", "Words": ["dog", "look", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Susan sat at her desk and wondered what to say in her product review. She read over the notes from interviews and observations she'd gathered over the past few weeks. It seemed like people had very strong opinions about the new coffee maker, pro and con.", "Words": ["machine", "paper", "piece", "put"]}, {"Context": "It was getting late and Jennifer still hadn't found a babysitter. She knew she would need to broadcast soon for her podcast. She called over her daughter and exclaimed, \" I have some grounds rules while I am recording\".", "Words": ["listen", "microphone", "sit", "talk"]}, {"Context": "Roger was watching a television show on grilling. His mouth started to water as the host explained how to make the tastiest food. Before long, Roger was out the door and on the way to the store.", "Words": ["cook", "explain", "grill", "place", "sausage"]}, {"Context": "The man had worked for the telephone company for years. He was surprised that everything hadn't gone digital by now, but he really didn't care. It was all job security and he didn't mind doing any of it.", "Words": ["cable", "coil", "oversee", "work", "worker"]}, {"Context": "Susan didn't so much mind her job in housekeeping. She did kind of hate one aspect of it though. Susan made her way into the bathroom with a sour face and told herself again that she was getting paid good money for this.", "Words": ["brush", "clean", "toilet"]}, {"Context": "Mother had to help her little child get ready for school. Mother was waiting for the child to get out of the shower. Once out, she helped the child to dry off.", "Words": ["dress", "stand", "toilet"]}, {"Context": "The students had all prepared hard for the upcoming test. They studied at home and in the library, some staying up very late. They entered the classroom and walked towards their desks.", "Words": ["floor", "page", "pencil", "point", "sit"]}, {"Context": "The people walked into the airport as the security checked them with a wand. The walked and found their airline counter and got their baggage checked. Some of them walked out to the windows and watched the earlier flights take off.", "Words": ["building", "front", "plane"]}, {"Context": "I walked into the place ready for the party. I hadn't eaten all day long and I knew the food was great here. When the guest of honor arrived, we all screamed, \"surprise!\"", "Words": ["birthday", "celebrate", "friend", "restaurant"]}, {"Context": "I was watching some rodeo on TV. Those riders are very strong and also not afraid of a lot. To be able to get all those animals and stay on there for that amount of time is impressive.", "Words": ["bull", "hand", "hold"]}, {"Context": "The football game was over and the fans were heading towards their vehicles. Jim had left early, hoping to beat the crowd, but not early enough as hordes of walkers passed before his car. After waiting for what Jim thought interminably, there was finally an opening.", "Words": ["cross", "drive", "street"]}, {"Context": "Troy started to slip as he reached for the top of the mountain. He grasped onto the rope more tightly, knowing that his life was on the line. Troy started to breath more and more heavily as the tension grew.", "Words": ["back", "foot", "knife"]}, {"Context": "The captain helped everyone get on the vehicle. Some of the people gasped as they were not used to the rocking and rolling motion. Once they were settled though, everyone had a great time.", "Words": ["board", "boat", "ride", "water"]}, {"Context": "We had been trekking through the woods all day in our Ray-Bans. I took off my supplies I had been hauling. I used them as a pillow to stare up at the sky.", "Words": ["backpack", "head", "lay", "sunglass", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I want to train my pup to run an obstacle course. When I tell him jump up on the stage he just stares at it. Then walks away.", "Words": ["dog", "look", "platform"]}, {"Context": "The baseball game was great yesterday. We did what we had to do in order to win the game. The celebrations after we left the field or wild.", "Words": ["ball", "hit", "room", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Crossing the river was harder than Mike and Emily had expected. They found a log running over the shallower part of the river. Balancing wasn't easy though, and Emily had to guide Mike across.", "Words": ["hand", "hold", "weight"]}, {"Context": "Perry had been building a fence in his back yard and his muscles were incredibly sore. His wife suggested he go to her spa for treatment. He made an appointment for Saturday morning and signed in at the front desk when he arrived.", "Words": ["face", "give", "lay", "massage", "table"]}, {"Context": "Making your own coffee is a treat. I love to do everything myself from the beginning to the end. I have everything that I need in order to produce the best cup of coffee imaginable.", "Words": ["bean", "bowl", "machine", "pour", "roast"]}, {"Context": "The little boy cut his hand. His parents rushed him to the hospital. The doctor would have to repair the damage.", "Words": ["finger", "hold", "move"]}, {"Context": "I am a huge fan of adventure sports. It doesn't matter if it's done in the summer or the winter. I just love the adrenaline of participating in them.", "Words": ["hold", "kite", "pull", "ride", "snowboard"]}, {"Context": "Donnie looked out at the crowd as the band took the stage. It had been a while since they had performed together and Donnie was a bit nervous. His tank top showed the new ink that he had gotten marking the reunion of the band.", "Words": ["arm", "front", "guitar", "stand", "tattoo"]}, {"Context": "Fred was in the mood for something adventurous. He invited his friends to a new place in town. The place had an alley where you would pay to toss tools at a thing at the back wall.", "Words": ["axe", "bullseye", "hit", "target", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Stephanie was working late at work again. As she finally ended work she hurried out of there, eager to leave the place. She headed outside to the curb caddy corner from her work building.", "Words": ["street", "tram", "wait"]}, {"Context": "Otis had been a certified instructor at the aquatics class for a while. Everyone knew and respected Otis. He was in the locker room one day, when he suddenly passed out.", "Words": ["background", "diver", "fish", "school", "swim"]}, {"Context": "Tom and his friends decided to go to their highschool football game on Friday night. They arrived just before the game started and found seats near the 50 yard line. Everyone focused on the field to see who won the coin flip to decide kickoff.", "Words": ["cheer", "score", "team"]}, {"Context": "The teenage boys always played video games, usually late into the night on weekends. It was late on a Saturday night when the parents were awaken by the boys. A steady din came from the basement where the marathon gaming session was going on and things were getting heated.", "Words": ["button", "controller", "hold", "push"]}, {"Context": "We have a giant yard and my parents made keeping it nice my responsibility. It's very difficult. The only way I can get through cutting it is if I pretend I'm a racecar driver, and I have a pretty elaborate way of getting into the imaginative game.", "Words": ["helmet", "mower", "track"]}, {"Context": "After school in the winter we had some epic battles. We would go to the park especially after a snow storm and have some fights. Everyone thought they were the best, but they secretly knew that was me.", "Words": ["bench", "create", "gather", "snow", "snowball"]}, {"Context": "Jordan was about to go on her first real date. She threw down her comb in frustration as she sat next to her vanity. It was like everything that she tried looked off-putting to her.", "Words": ["brush", "hair", "look", "mirror"]}, {"Context": "Connie was so glad that she had stopped driving her car to the office every day. The bus was a much easier and more relaxing method to get there. On Monday morning she climbed aboard, sat down and took a book out of her bag to enjoy during the ride.", "Words": ["read", "way", "work"]}, {"Context": "I was making dinner yesterday and had to make sure all my equipment was ready to go. I had a few things that I had to sharpen but that didn't take any time. I enjoyed myself and created a delicious meal.", "Words": ["cook", "knife", "oil", "pour", "stone"]}, {"Context": "Joe had worked on the road crew for eleven months. It wasn't the best job, but it was the best that he could get at the time. The worst part about the job, to him at least, were the crazy hours.", "Words": ["highway", "night", "work", "worker"]}, {"Context": "My boss invited me to his house for dinner, and I assumed it was a dinner party. Actually, it was just for me. He is a very intimidating fellow, and being under such close scrutiny made me such a nervous wreck, I ended up staining his carpet.", "Words": ["drink", "glass", "hold", "wine"]}, {"Context": "Tommy spent all night on the diamond last night. Today for the game, he was better than he had ever was before. That kid went four for four with a home run!", "Words": ["baseball", "field", "hit", "practice"]}, {"Context": "The chef wanted to try a new dish and didn't want to make it inside so he decided to do it in the backyard. It was such a hot night that he decided not to put an a top over his uniform. After making the dish, he realized that it would have been better if he had made it on the stove.", "Words": ["cook", "grill", "shirt", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Lindsey was all ready for her recital and very excited about it. She had been practicing what she was going to be performing for weeks. When it was her turn, she got up and walked on stage.", "Words": ["key", "piano", "press", "sit"]}, {"Context": "The children watched through the living room window, excited to see white flakes falling to the ground. \"You can go outside and play after lunch,\" their mom said. So the children quickly finished their sandwiches and put on their winter coats, boots and mittens.", "Words": ["hill", "red", "ride", "sle", "snow"]}, {"Context": "I think the game at the fair was rigged so that you couldn't win. You were supposed to swing the big hammer thing and get your strength measured, but I think it's a rip off. I spent an hour there and I didn't see anyone ever win.", "Words": ["gong", "hit", "mallet"]}, {"Context": "Cassandra was a lovely teenage girl with pretty brown curls. Everyone loved the curls and said how cute they were, but Cassandra thought they made her look like a little girl. Today she would do turn those curls into something suitable for an attractive young woman.", "Words": ["hair", "straighten", "straightener", "use"]}, {"Context": "The elevator was slowly but surely going out in the buildings. Ron knew elevators and that was why he had been called in. He spent hours on the stubborn mechanics of it all, but by the end of the day, it was running again, just like new.", "Words": ["arm", "lift", "overall", "smile", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Jennifer had a big day planned for her kids on Easter weekend. First, she dressed them up for pictures with the Easter rabbit. Then Jennifer took the children to the park for the annual Easter treasure hunt.", "Words": ["basket", "collect", "egg", "run"]}, {"Context": "The woman walked into the salon without a care in the world. Marge eyeballed her up and down, looking at her like she came from a different planet. The woman didn't belong from this conservative town.", "Words": ["hair", "hold", "scroll", "sunglass", "tattoo"]}, {"Context": "I looked at the boy play catch with the dog, he seemed happy playing with the dog. I was in the kitchen preparing dinner, I had to cut all the vegetables to put in the pot. After I was done I decide to look at the game on tv with had a big background with the score on it.", "Words": ["board", "give", "knife", "throw", "thumb"]}, {"Context": "Jon through the toy to the pup as they headed down the shoreline. He could see clouds come in from the east. That wasn't a good sign, so he called his friend back in and called it a day.", "Words": ["beach", "dog", "sand", "walk"]}, {"Context": "John was a supreme athlete. This would be his third time competing in the Olympics and he felt very confident. The sun beat down on the arena as he walked out to cheers from the crowd and prepared for the race.", "Words": ["hold", "marker", "run", "shirt", "track"]}, {"Context": "Landon walked into the bathroom to get himself together. He had never been so humiliated. The bullies were definitely crossing the line this time, he thought while wiping his chin.", "Words": ["clean", "dry", "face", "paper", "toilet"]}, {"Context": "The slope downhill was pretty steep. Billy tried to tell his brother that it was a bad idea to go down on his bike without brakes, but Bobby didn't listen. Billy hated hearing his brother's screams as he held his hand waiting for the ambulance to arrive.", "Words": ["hill", "ramp", "ride"]}, {"Context": "The Hopkins family drove to the park for a picnic on a beautiful, sunny summer day. While the kids played, their mother put the basket on a picnic table and opened it up. There was a ton of food, which she laid out to get it ready for the family to eat.", "Words": ["knife", "top", "watermelon"]}, {"Context": "Helen had worked in a kitchen all her life. She knew that safe kitchen prep was one of the most important aspects of running a place like that. Everyday she inspected her workers clothing and nails.", "Words": ["food", "prepare", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Kevin sat and watched the big machines across from the street. They had been working in the park for about a week. Trees had been torn down to make room for the new swimming pool in the park.", "Words": ["bulldozer", "dirt", "pile", "push", "rock"]}, {"Context": "Cal didn't know what to think of the small animal that he found outside of his door. He didn't want it to starve, so he had left it a bowl of water. Whenever he tried to touch it though, it ran off.", "Words": ["cat", "hand", "head", "pet"]}, {"Context": "It was the Fourth of July and it was Bailey's favorite time of year. Her father was taking her to the lake to watch the fireworks. Her eyes lit up as the fireworks spread across the sky above them.", "Words": ["fly", "night", "spark", "work"]}, {"Context": "Years of abuse had left large potholes in the pavement. Road construction meant that one lane needed to be closed. Men in orange vests set up equipment to warn drivers.", "Words": ["carry", "cone", "street", "worker"]}, {"Context": "Billy and King were at the park and King was excited. He barked and barked at Billy, indicating that he wanted to play. Billy took a frisbee out of his backpack and threw it high and far.", "Words": ["catch", "dog", "mouth"]}, {"Context": "The boys were excited to stumble upon the old baseball field they used to play on when they were kids. The weeds had overgrown much of the field, and the dirt was in bad shape. Even though they didn't have a bat or ball, they decided to make an impromptu game with what they could find.", "Words": ["mound", "rock", "shirt", "sit", "top"]}, {"Context": "Jim had a successful day of fishing at the lake. With his cooler full of fish, Jim steered toward shore. A storm was forecast, so Jim wanted to be sure his craft was secure.", "Words": ["boat", "dock", "pull", "tie"]}, {"Context": "Working from home could be a challenge for Emily when her kids were there, too. Since the pandemic lockdowns, they were home more than ever. Just as Emily was about to join an important conference call, music starting blaring from her son's bedroom.", "Words": ["close", "door", "handle", "open", "turn"]}, {"Context": "Lilly couldn't decide what to take to the company picnic. Everyone was supposed to bring a side dish and the company was providing all the burgers and hot dogs. She poured over her recipe book and finally made a decision.", "Words": ["hand", "peel", "peeler", "potato"]}, {"Context": "I stopped at the stand and peruse the magazines. I decided on a Wall Street journal. I took it to the bar with me.", "Words": ["drink", "newspaper", "read"]}, {"Context": "I'm going to be playing photographer this weekend. I'm going to be photographing a kids baseball game. Make sure that your kids look them selves over before they leave the house and have all their equipment with them.", "Words": ["gear", "hold", "mirror", "picture", "take"]}, {"Context": "I always love going down to the river bank. There is a swing that was put up years back I love getting on. Nothing like the comfort of watching the water from that swing.", "Words": ["rope", "tie", "tree", "walk"]}, {"Context": "It was a lazy Saturday morning and Sara was raking some weeds she had cut just cut with the weed trimmer. She was about to reach down with her bare hands and scoop them into the green barrel. But then she noticed some poison oak in the pile and realized there was something she needed to do.", "Words": ["glove", "put", "wear"]}, {"Context": "10-year old Sam had a great pet named King. King loved special food and would always bark to get some. But Sam would only give him some when he performed a certain trick.", "Words": ["catch", "dog", "mouth", "open", "treat"]}, {"Context": "The puppy was going crazy in the park. He seldom was allowed outside and this was a treat for him. He spotted an animal in the brush and he was off again.", "Words": ["catch", "dog", "rabbit", "run"]}, {"Context": "Rory hadn't played with the guys in years. Tonight was the first night of their reunion tour. He stepped out in front of the crowd and adjusted the mic stand.", "Words": ["band", "perform", "stage"]}, {"Context": "Being a private eye is less interesting than the dimestore paperbacks make it seem. The most interesting case was when I was hired by a son to spy on his father. I was given a rough idea of his schedule and a brief physical description.", "Words": ["eyeglass", "hair", "shirt", "wait", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Patrice was so excited to have a new dog and set about teaching it. The first thing the dog, Prince, learned was to stay. Then Patrice tried to teach Prince a trick which involved even more will power and patience.", "Words": ["sit", "treat", "wait"]}, {"Context": "The hunter stood in the stand silently. He had been there since the crack of dawn and he was getting weary. Suddenly, there was a sound in the bushes and he looked up with a great interest.", "Words": ["hill", "shoot", "side"]}, {"Context": "Luke dreamed of becoming a Marine like his dad. But Luke knew he had to pass a rigorous physical test first. One of the hardest parts of the test challenged Luke's strength and his fear of heights.", "Words": ["ceiling", "climb", "gym", "rope", "suspend"]}, {"Context": "When Dr. Foster learned that he was going to receive the Simmons Prize at the annual medical banquet, he was very pleased. He spent several days working on his acceptance remarks because a lot of important people would be watching and he wanted the wording to be absolutely perfect. Finally the illustrious evening arrived and Dr. Foster beamed when his name was announced and, amidst swelling applause, he made his way to the stage and took his place behind the podium.", "Words": ["award", "crowd", "front", "give", "speech"]}, {"Context": "The auditorium had filled up quickly and the people were elbow to elbow. I don't think that the school board had anticipated this many people to come to the meeting. They decided to hold the next few meetings virtually as the pubic held an interest.", "Words": ["chair", "space", "stand"]}, {"Context": "The players were more excited than ever. They had just won the championship game. The coach walked up to them as they were presented the award.", "Words": ["hold", "sing", "song", "team", "trophy"]}, {"Context": "Travis was training for the big meet. He had been working at it all day. Finally, the coach said that it was time to go.", "Words": ["jump", "run", "sand", "track"]}, {"Context": "It was a great trip to the train museum with the kids. They really liked walking around on the train itself. There was a lot of art work and statues in the museum as well.", "Words": ["car", "locomotive", "resemble"]}, {"Context": "The stylist was giving a clinic to the young girls. They wanted to learn the art of cosmetology. The first lesson was hair styling and the woman was going to begin with something very simple.", "Words": ["braid", "give", "instruction"]}, {"Context": "It was the first time that Alex had visited this particular park. The area was spread out over a number of acres and it wasn't crowded at all. He spread out a blanket and laid down on the ground.", "Words": ["dirt", "grass", "knoll"]}, {"Context": "I love playing basketball outside. One of my favorite games to play is 21. The reason I like it is because of the make it take it rule, which allows you to be able to have possession for a long time.", "Words": ["air", "ball", "keep"]}, {"Context": "Jennifer's bed was a mess, strewn with clothes and shoes she had decided to take on her trip. Now it was time to pull it all together since her flight was in the morning. She just hoped everything would fit as she could only take one bag.", "Words": ["floor", "pack", "sit", "suitcase"]}, {"Context": "Polo seems to be a game mainly for the rich. For that reason many people don't know or care about it. But actually polo is an interesting game, involving people and animals.", "Words": ["ball", "hit", "horse", "ride"]}, {"Context": "Cindy's pals brought her to a bar to celebrate turning 21. Cindy had no experience with liquor, so her pals did the ordering. They wanted to introduce Cindy to the ritual of drinking straight tequila.", "Words": ["hand", "lick", "salt", "shot", "take"]}, {"Context": "Arnie was working as a lifeguard at the local rec center. He jumped up on the lifeguard chair and everything was fine for an hour or so. Then Arnie suddenly saw something in the water and immediately went into action.", "Words": ["jump", "pool", "swim", "water"]}, {"Context": "It was my turn to clean the house yesterday. I'll make sure that I got every square inch of that house spotless. I used a lot of chemicals as well as a handy vacuum.", "Words": ["rug", "use", "window"]}, {"Context": "After Jean gave her speech in class, the teacher left this remark. \"Jean, you need to practice making eye contact when you are speaking,\" the note from the teacher read. Jean went home and stood at her vanity, imagining she was giving a speech.", "Words": ["begin", "look", "mirror"]}, {"Context": "Bruce and Margaret had been dating for months. On a beautiful day like this they liked nothing better than to enjoy the outdoors. They arrived at their destination and got out of the car, both dressed in shorts and t-shirts.", "Words": ["couple", "park", "take", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Tony went up the slope at full speed toward the small pond. The plan was to coast over the pond and land on the other side. Unfortunately, Tony wasn't going fast enough and landed right in the middle of the pond.", "Words": ["bike", "flip", "hill", "ride", "water"]}, {"Context": "I love going out jogging in the morning because I end up catching up with lots of friends. Some of them have their pets with them for their adventures. If I had a pair, I'd probably bring them on my jog too.", "Words": ["dog", "hang", "run"]}, {"Context": "The young woman was never good at doing laundry and it was even harder using the dilapidated machine they found at the thrift store. She didn't even have a dryer so she had to find an alternative. A length of rope and some clothespins might do as an impromptu clothesline.", "Words": ["shirt", "side", "trailer"]}, {"Context": "Lisa held out her arm like the zoo attendant told her to. She held her breath as the parrot softly landed on her sleeve. Lisa couldn't believe that it had actually landed on her!", "Words": ["bird", "hand", "hold"]}, {"Context": "The salon was empty until the strange woman opened the door. With a beehive hairdo and clothing of another time period, I knew something didn't feel right. \"How can I help you?\" I managed to utter.", "Words": ["hair", "room", "walk"]}, {"Context": "I went to a boxing match last night. It was a championship match and I had a really good seats. The crowd was very boisterous and enjoyed themselves.", "Words": ["audience", "belt", "front"]}, {"Context": "I make jewelry and sell it at farmers markets. Frankly, I don't sell a lot, although everyone is impressed with my work. I am told I charge too much for my work, but people usually have no idea what it takes to make a table full of jewelry.", "Words": ["anvil", "hammer", "hit", "metal", "piece"]}, {"Context": "I was standing at the corning waiting for someone to come and meet me because I had to give them some paperwork to sign. As I handed him the paper, he looked at me and just had a little smirk on his face as if he was expecting the papers. I told him I had to go and turned around and went on my ways.", "Words": ["laugh", "sidewalk", "smile", "walk", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Pete was having a hard time falling asleep lately and it was starting to affect his daily life so he knew he needed to do something about it. He talked to a sleep specialist and the specialist gave Pete some good advice, which Pete planned to implement right away. One of the bits of advice was to spend some time winding down and relaxing before bedtime by doing something restful and calming, like enjoying some time getting lost in a good novel.", "Words": ["bed", "book", "read"]}, {"Context": "Jonah shivered in the cold as he made his way upwards. The tools made a clanging sound as they drove into the rocky surface. His fingers were starting to freeze and he didn't know how much longer he would be able to hold on for.", "Words": ["climb", "ice", "pick", "use", "wall"]}, {"Context": "When I got home from work, I couldn't find Betsy anywhere. I shook her food, and she didn't come out. So I went into my room and heard purring coming from my sheets.", "Words": ["bed", "cat", "hand", "lay", "pet"]}, {"Context": "Jane enjoyed being a housewife and got pleasure from doing simple chores. Mondays were her favorite because it was laundry day. Jane went around the house gathering items that needed washing.", "Words": ["basket", "clothe", "machine", "put", "take"]}, {"Context": "I can't wait to take my vacation in a weeks time. I know I'm going to enjoy myself and it's something I'm looking forward to. The only part that I hate, is having to wait in the airport for hours.", "Words": ["pack", "sit", "suitcase"]}, {"Context": "Trey and Bo went down the steep slope. The weather was getting worse by the minute and Trey knew they had to get back to the house quickly. It wouldn't do to freeze to death out here.", "Words": ["carry", "dog", "run", "snow", "stick"]}, {"Context": "The racecars zoomed around the track, travelling at blinding speeds. One car hit the other and they both spun across the track. The medics ran out to see if the drivers were okay.", "Words": ["blow", "drive", "side"]}, {"Context": "I took Odie out around the block this morning. It was a beautiful day and we both needed the exercise. I know that the rest of the week should be rainy, so I'm glad that we were able to get out.", "Words": ["allow", "dog", "say", "sign", "walk"]}, {"Context": "The singer got on stage and talked to the audience before performing. They adjusted the mic stand and then started to sing. Halfway through the set, he left for a costume change.", "Words": ["musician", "shirt", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The town's annual summer festival had arrived. Jim figured he had only one chance at winning any kind of ribbon. He entered a competition to see who could finish the most pies in twenty minutes -- with one handicap.", "Words": ["back", "contest", "eat", "hand", "tie"]}, {"Context": "It was a party and Paul, sitting on the edge of the water, watched the others playing. Then Brad, a bit of a bully, challenged Paul to make a jump. Paul, intimidated and unsure of his abilities slowly climbed the ladder.", "Words": ["board", "bounce", "dive", "pool"]}, {"Context": "I went to a club last night and had a good time. The tunes that were being played were very good and everybody was enjoying them selves. There was one thing that had me captivated and she was gorgeous.", "Words": ["dance", "dress", "lady", "music"]}, {"Context": "Jane had so much food left over from the party. She couldn't stand to see anything go to waste. She looked in her cupboard for something to save the food inside.", "Words": ["bag", "fill", "seal"]}, {"Context": "Janet's kids were picky eaters, but one of the things they would eat was mac and cheese. She made a huge pot of it for Friday night dinner, combining three different kinds of cheese and adding some ham for protein. She served it to them and she smiled as they dug in enthusiastically.", "Words": ["end", "fork", "lick", "meal", "plate"]}, {"Context": "Barney sat on his porch watching the boys play down the road. \"Someone is going to get hurt,\" he said to himself. When one of the boys fell to the ground, Barney rushed to help.", "Words": ["helmet", "kid", "ride", "scooter", "street"]}, {"Context": "Frank was having trouble walking, as it hurt when he stepped. He wasn't sure what the problem could be. Finally he realized that he was hitting the end of his shoes.", "Words": ["clip", "foot", "nail"]}, {"Context": "The game was over and it had been a rough one. There had been extra innings and honestly both teams had deserved to win. The losing team knew that they would be trying for the championship again next year though.", "Words": ["hand", "oppose", "player", "shake", "team"]}, {"Context": "Tanya stepped back as she demonstrated how to manipulated the strands on the dummy's head. The finished product was lovely. Hopefully, most of these aspiring stylists would go on to do great things.", "Words": ["braid", "give", "hair", "instruction"]}, {"Context": "Amelia was supposed to be watching her nephew one day. She was distracted though and was talking to her best friend on her cell. She didn't notice the youngster sneaking out of the house.", "Words": ["phone", "talk", "toddler", "walk"]}, {"Context": "The children were excited to finally go on a vacation. They had never been to hills like this. The country side was much different than New York!", "Words": ["city", "jump", "kid", "mountain", "side"]}, {"Context": "Tim's coach entered him into the decathlon at the championship meet. The stands were full as Tim competed well in event after event. Next up was the javelin, one of Tim's best events.", "Words": ["pole", "run", "throw", "track", "watch"]}, {"Context": "The chef was showing us how to cook breakfast. The food turned out to be amazing. I was glad that I had taken a cooking class.", "Words": ["demonstrate", "egg", "separate"]}, {"Context": "The restaurant staff were getting ready for another busy evening. Tonight's menu included dishes using fresh farm produce. Prep work began in earnest, as knives sliced through carrots and parsnips.", "Words": ["chef", "chop", "kitchen", "vegetable"]}, {"Context": "Kenny hopped into the main engine on the train. He should have been able to figure out what the problem was, but it was a loss to him. Kenny scratched his head and wondered what it was that he was overlooking.", "Words": ["car", "leave", "line", "locomotive", "resemble"]}, {"Context": "Tony threw down his paper on the table in frustration. He had a paper to write, but there was no way he was going to get it done. The people next door were having another one of their wild parties and the sound was unbelievably loud.", "Words": ["desk", "hit", "music", "pen"]}, {"Context": "The man threw the object away from him as the animal ran to get it. The girl had a long object in her hand that she used to hit the ground with. She watched as the others played with a rope and wondered why she couldn't play.", "Words": ["dog", "hold", "jump", "stick"]}, {"Context": "The origin of this event goes back to ancient times, when they actually make a statue of it. One wonders if aliens inspired the saucer shape object used. The fundamentals of the event, as you might expect, are quite basic.", "Words": ["discus", "field", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Barry had never been to a spa before, but was going because his wife urged him to. She really wanted him to get a pedicure. His wife said that a pedicure would really be relaxing for him.", "Words": ["chair", "foot", "row", "sit", "wash"]}, {"Context": "Today, Patty is teaching her kindergarten class about hygiene. She takes the children into the restroom in pairs. The children stand at the sinks, and Patty turns on the water.", "Words": ["hand", "soap", "wash"]}, {"Context": "Joan's grandma taught her the art of quilt-making. In her grandma's time, the work of creating a quilt was done entirely by hand. Joan decided to take advantage of modern technology to put together her quilt.", "Words": ["fabric", "machine", "piece", "sew"]}, {"Context": "Tommy always had to be the best at everything. When a classmate handed out gum, Tommy took it as a challenge. He chewed furiously until the gum was just right.", "Words": ["blow", "bubble", "shirt", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Tom had been cutting his facial hair the modern way since he first needed to a year ago. As he felt his face, it seemed to still be rough. His father had recently chided him that he should do it like a man.", "Words": ["razor", "shave", "use"]}, {"Context": "Karaoke night is always my favorite night at the bar. People really don't know how to keep a tune, especially when they are drunk, but it's fun! Believe me though, I won't go up there and make a fool of myself!", "Words": ["hold", "microphone", "singe", "song"]}, {"Context": "The photographer had a knack of getting the best shots even from the worst subjects. He snapped dozens of shots, flying across the room as he did it. He knew they wouldn't all be winners, but he would make some of them work.", "Words": ["front", "picture", "pose"]}, {"Context": "I was watching a competition between a couple of singers. They both sounded really good and it was hard to pick a winner. In the end they ended up sharing the prize.", "Words": ["music", "tie", "tie"]}, {"Context": "The big meet was held at the high school's Olympic size pool. First up was the breaststroke, which proved to be a tight race. Next came the crawl, where the winner was clear from the start.", "Words": ["backstroke", "cheer", "compete", "spectator", "swimmer"]}, {"Context": "Jake picked up the bar and put a few more pounds on either end. He took a deep breath and then lifted it to his chest. After a few seconds, Jake threw the bar back down to the mat.", "Words": ["drop", "head", "lift"]}, {"Context": "Greg was excited and nervous about going to the formal dance. He stood in front of the mirror getting dressed. He had put a lot of thought into his outfit for this special evening.", "Words": ["shirt", "tie", "tie", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The students sat in the desks while they took the test. Some of them looked around as if they were waiting for an answer to appear out of thin air. After a while, the teacher called time and collected the papers.", "Words": ["chair", "glass", "sit", "wear"]}, {"Context": "That fight at the bar last night was the craziest one that I have ever witnessed! I don't know what started it, but things were flying everywhere. I heard a loud crash and there was beer splashing down all over!", "Words": ["bottle", "hit", "open", "wall"]}, {"Context": "The baby animal was playing with the momma animal. We went to see the ships that was parked by the dock. We had to get on the other side to meet with the guy who was going to show us around.", "Words": ["cross", "elephant", "guide", "river", "tour"]}, {"Context": "It was Colby's first year playing as quarterback on the high school team. The coach believed in him and he had a line that was built for him to succeed. Colby threw for four touchdowns on his first game!", "Words": ["ball", "field", "pass", "player", "train"]}, {"Context": "Jimmy's dad Fred thought Jimmy was too old to be using training wheels. Fred took the training wheels off and had Jimmy balance on the seat. Fred held onto the handlebars at first.", "Words": ["bike", "ride", "son", "teach"]}, {"Context": "Molly begged her mother to have her 6th birthday party outdoors. Fortunately it was a beautiful late June day without a cloud in the sky. Molly and her friends put on their bathing suits and ran to the back yard.", "Words": ["kid", "pool", "watch"]}, {"Context": "I was having a serious disagreement with my wife. Her self-absorption had caused some issues that needed worked out. Ironically, I was having trouble diverting her attention from her reflection in the mirror in our bedroom.", "Words": ["glass", "hair", "hold", "lamp", "table"]}, {"Context": "I never was one for baking, but I knew how to cook. Something about putting batter into the oven and just letting it sit never appealed much to me. I like being able to see my food cook and stir it and taste while it's cooking.", "Words": ["cookie", "pan", "put"]}, {"Context": "I couldn't believe what happened when we were out on the dunes. The rod on the ATV, just split off and we flew off onto the ground! We were fine, but all the dust and grit was in our teeth for days!", "Words": ["mouth", "sand", "tire"]}, {"Context": "Samantha was looking around in the store when she finally saw a coat that she wanted. In Samantha eyes the coat was so soft and silky and it felt great. That night she decided that she was going to try and cut her hair by herself so she went to the bathroom and got the scissors and started cutting her hair.", "Words": ["clipper", "shear", "sheep", "wool"]}, {"Context": "Gabe gazed outside as he got dressed for school. He looked down and sighed seeing the coffee stain. He walked quickly to his closet knowing that he would be late.", "Words": ["clean", "shirt", "wear", "window"]}, {"Context": "I was at the park looking at the kids play with an object they were kicking, with there feet. One shouted, get it, as the other player hit the object from one side. The other players were going into one direction that the object was going.", "Words": ["ball", "mouth", "run"]}, {"Context": "Tracy came out of the dressing room for the seventh time that day. Her boyfriend sighed and yet again told her that she looked fantastic. He was holding several totes from all the other stores and he was getting tired.", "Words": ["bag", "hold", "stand", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I had been down the dumps for quite awhile. A friend tried to get me out of it by making me try something new, maybe even something scary. When he asked what I was most scared of, I said humiliating myself in public was near the top of the list.", "Words": ["dance", "music", "stage"]}, {"Context": "Tom was nervous because this was going to be a big part of his grade. He was a quiet guy and hated talking in front of people to begin with. The teacher called Tom's name and he sighed as he got up from his desk.", "Words": ["give", "presentation", "stand"]}, {"Context": "After a windy night, Mr. Smith woke up to find his lawn covered and the neighbor's trees nearly bare. That afternoon, Mr. Smith went to his shed, got his garden tools, and went to work. After an hour, Mr. Smith stood back to admire his work just as his kids got home from school.", "Words": ["finish", "jump", "leave", "pile", "rake"]}, {"Context": "Cam tossed the branch into the air and waited for Duke to bring it back. \"Good boy!\" he told him. He threw it a couple more times then they went inside for the night.", "Words": ["dog", "mouth", "stick"]}, {"Context": "Molly was sitting on the sofa waiting for her teenage son to get home. It was after midnight and it was way past his curfew. She heard his key in the door and was relieved he was finally home, but also angry at his flaunting the rules.", "Words": ["arm", "cross", "look", "stand"]}, {"Context": "It was a beautiful afternoon as Jill and her family arrived at the stadium. They parked and walked with the crowd towards the ticket taker. They stopped at the concessions stand and loaded up on peanuts, popcorn and drinks before getting settled into their bleacher seats.", "Words": ["ball", "batter", "pitcher", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Todd was tired out from riding all day. He parked at the rack and took a seat in the park. Thankfully, he had packed a drink and a snack for his little break.", "Words": ["bench", "bike", "cream", "eat", "sit"]}, {"Context": "I was eight years old and my Dad said it was time for me to learn on my own. I, on the other hand, felt quite unsteady and felt the time could wait. However, as he would claim, Dad knows best and with great flourish, he took off the training wheels.", "Words": ["bicycle", "ground", "ride"]}, {"Context": "Joe looked out the window at his unkempt yard. He compared what he saw to the neighbors' yards on either side of his own home. Then Joe put on an old shirt, a pair of shorts and a sun hat, and went to his garage.", "Words": ["cut", "grass", "lawn", "mower", "push"]}, {"Context": "Lilly was bored of her exercise routine and decided to do some cross training. She remembered she had an old ten speed in the garage. So on Saturday morning, she pumped some air in the tires and walked it out to the street.", "Words": ["bike", "helmet", "ride", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Jansen was at the beach for the day. He took his gear with him out onto the water. It felt great against his skin and he was ready to get down.", "Words": ["ride", "sail", "surfboard", "water"]}, {"Context": "People stared at Rosa as she walked around dressed in her wedding dress. She did this every year on the anniversary of her wedding. Of course, her husband had left her years before, but that didn't stop Rosa.", "Words": ["costume", "lady", "mall", "walk", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Brenda promised herself that she would never do that again, yet she had. She couldn't believe that she had stayed out all night. Now she was going to fall asleep in class.", "Words": ["hand", "mouth", "yawn"]}, {"Context": "Jason floated peacefully in the water before it was time to practice. In an hour, he knew that his muscles would be burning and aching. For now, he was going to enjoy the coolness of the water for the time that he had.", "Words": ["perform", "pool", "stroke", "swim"]}, {"Context": "Liam was one of the busiest workers at his corporation. He never went home early and often times would stay at the office an hour or so later than everyone else. His desk was often cluttered by the vast amounts of paperwork that he was working on.", "Words": ["laptop", "notebook", "pen", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "The band practice was hot and excruciating, especially for the newcomers. A girl passed around an ice bucket with towels to cool them off. The next day, all the members made sure to wear baseball caps.", "Words": ["cap", "drum", "jean", "pail", "shirt"]}, {"Context": "You could smell the food of the meat from a block down. The restaurant had just opened and they had a line a mile long. I decided it was better to wait until the lines were shorter.", "Words": ["cook", "food", "grill", "serve", "street"]}, {"Context": "James trained in masonry work and became a contractor. He got a big job on a new construction project. James assembled his tools and consulted the plans, then began working.", "Words": ["brick", "mallet", "place"]}, {"Context": "Daphne loved seeing sad movies because it made her very emotional and she enjoyed getting in touch with her feelings. Whenever a heartbreaker of a movie came out, Daphne was always one of the first people in line and she even brought a box of Kleenex with her. Sometimes she saw the especially sad movies two or three times and they managed to make her cry just as much as the first time she saw them, which made her very happy (and also sad).", "Words": ["cheek", "eye", "tear"]}, {"Context": "Tommy wasn't supposed to go into town without an adult. But Tommy wanted to buy a toy and didn't want to wait. When Tommy came to the intersection, he stood on the sidewalk as cars sped past.", "Words": ["cross", "road", "traffic", "wait"]}, {"Context": "It was the fourth of July, but Molly wasn't excited about the fireworks that would come later. Molly and her parents sat on lawn chairs, waiting for the sound of the marching band. Next came the floats, and then the clowns tossing candy to the children.", "Words": ["parade", "side", "street", "watch"]}, {"Context": "The leaves were just starting to turn color and the air was turning crisp and cool. Mabel and Mark would be married 30 years today. That evening after supper, they headed out the door as they had whenever the weather suited.", "Words": ["couple", "fall", "walk"]}, {"Context": "The barber swung the man around as he pulled the smock off of him. The man looked in the mirror and nodded. It was another job well done and he would be sure to tell his friends.", "Words": ["area", "chair", "head", "shave", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Spike and I had a wonderful time at the park on a warm day. Spike had run down the frisbee so many times that my arm was like spaghetti. When we got home Spike was exhausted, and although he had gotten water at the park, his tongue was still hanging out.", "Words": ["bowl", "dog", "drink"]}, {"Context": "He loved to cook so he decided that he was going to stay in and make a dish for himself tonight. He organized everything that he needed to put into the dish and put it to the side. The area was so big that he had everything he needed to make cook the food he wanted.", "Words": ["chef", "kitchen", "meal", "prepare"]}, {"Context": "The man had been a carpenter for a long while. Heights were not a challenge to him at all. He got his assistant to hand him the shingles and he pulled out his hammer.", "Words": ["cap", "roof", "wear", "work"]}, {"Context": "I was feeling confident about the upcoming job interview. I had the skills and background for the job. I was stunned when I was introduced to the boss, although he didn't seem to recognize me.", "Words": ["head", "shake", "smile"]}, {"Context": "The baby sat in the high chair crying. Grace was getting a bit frazzled. It was the first time she had fed the baby and she was nervous.", "Words": ["feed", "food", "mouth", "open", "receive"]}, {"Context": "It was Helen's turn to bring snacks to her daughter's soccer game. She opened 15 small plastic bags and arranged them to put the snacks into so the kids could just grab them out of the cooler. The she pulled a big bag out of the refrigerator and put it on the counter.", "Words": ["cut", "knife", "orange", "slice"]}, {"Context": "I need to send a letter to my landlord. I'm going to be looking for a new place very soon and I want to let them know. I'm gonna type it up and put it in an envelope today.", "Words": ["fold", "move", "paper"]}, {"Context": "When you are watching polo, the game can be tough to get. There's a lot of action in it so you have to pay close attention. I always wonder if they play this in the winter time as well.", "Words": ["ball", "follow", "horse", "run", "snow"]}, {"Context": "The animal jetted back to Marco every time that he threw the ball. Each time, Marco threw it farther than the last. However, on the last try, Marco threw the ball on the roof of the house and the game ended.", "Words": ["carry", "dog", "mouth", "object"]}, {"Context": "I want to a birthday party yesterday. There are a lot of children there who seem to be having a great time. Especially when the DJ playing some music that all the children seem to enjoy.", "Words": ["circle", "dance", "hand", "hold", "kid"]}, {"Context": "It was my birthday and my two young daughters decided to make me breakfast. They obviously didn't get much help from their mother. The kitchen looked like a bomb had gone off, and all they were making for me were some pancakes.", "Words": ["bowl", "mix", "pour"]}, {"Context": "The bartender looked at George waiting for his order. George was way too drunk to answer though. The bartender rolled his eyes and gave George a glass of water and cut him off.", "Words": ["add", "ice", "liquor"]}, {"Context": "Mike loved going to games with his dad and having time with just the two of them. As much as he loved watching the games, his favorite part was halftime. He waited on the edge of his seat as people quickly set up equipment on the floor.", "Words": ["basketball", "hoop", "trampoline"]}, {"Context": "Abe got out of bed and gave his wife a kiss on the forehead. He knew that she liked her tea the first thing in the morning. What a surprise it would be when Abe had her tea all ready for her when she woke up!", "Words": ["fill", "pot", "put", "stove", "water"]}, {"Context": "Max stood in front of the green screen and waited for the news anchor to shift to him. There was a storm brewing and Max had been following it. The viewers needed to know the impact that the storm might have on the area.", "Words": ["front", "map", "report", "stand", "weather"]}, {"Context": "Honey had a party to go to tomorrow night and had a lot to do to get ready. She'd been so busy at work she hadn't been taking care of herself, and her nails were a mess. She was able to get an appointment for a manicure and drove to the spa the morning of the party.", "Words": ["hand", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "Geri was worried about her first appointment at the spa. Would it hurt to get a Brazilian? She would never know unless, she did it right?", "Words": ["back", "lay", "stand", "stomach", "wax"]}, {"Context": "Drake stood up and threw his cigarette to the ground and crushed it out with his foot. Construction work was hard and it was way too hot out here. Still, it was a way to make money, and Drake was making plenty of it.", "Words": ["break", "sit", "take", "vest", "worker"]}, {"Context": "Watching cowboys perform at the rodeo can be exciting. I wish that I had the ability to get on some of these huge animals and last for a few seconds like they did. It's a dangerous job but they seem to enjoy it.", "Words": ["bull", "hat", "ride", "watch"]}, {"Context": "John and his pals were competing to test their aim. In turn, each stood behind a line, facing a target twenty feet away. After John took his turn, his friend Fred was up next.", "Words": ["give", "knife", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Penny was helping her sister Ellie get ready for prom. She was wearing a beautiful pink dress and sparkly silver shoes. Now that she was dressed and her hair was done, it was time to put makeup on.", "Words": ["apply", "eye", "look", "mascara"]}, {"Context": "Lani was staying with her grandmother for the day. Her grandmother had told her to play outside. Lani made great artwork on the concrete surface of her grandparents' carport.", "Words": ["chalk", "draw", "picture", "sidewalk", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Grace had just held her first dinner party. Now the guests had left, and Grace surveyed the empty table. As Grace cleared the table, she thought her party had been a success.", "Words": ["dish", "dry", "place", "rack", "wash"]}, {"Context": "Harry had looked forward to going to the circus since his mom told him she'd gotten tickets. He sat in his seat watching jugglers and acrobats. Then everyone grew silent as the lights dimmed.", "Words": ["crowd", "front", "hold", "tightrope", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Mark was so glad he was finally getting his cast removed. Since he broke his ankle, Mark had to wear a cast that looked and felt like a cement boot. The doctor cut along the boot-shaped cast and removed it.", "Words": ["foot", "put", "sock"]}, {"Context": "Kathy was trying to teach her granddaughter one of her favorite hobbies. She held the tools in her hand and explained what to do with them. \"At the end, you will be making a wonderful scarf!\"", "Words": ["demonstrate", "knit", "needle", "yarn"]}, {"Context": "The rival soccer teams were tied with just minutes left in the match. The blue team was on offense, working the ball toward the red team's net. In the last seconds, the blue team had the ball lined up perfectly.", "Words": ["game", "goal", "player", "shoot"]}, {"Context": "The food was delicious and I made sure to let Sylvia know. She had been my housekeeper and cook for years, but this time she really outdid herself. I was deeply depressed that she would be leaving in a few short weeks.", "Words": ["end", "fork", "meal"]}, {"Context": "Mike's mother stood in the crowd cheering on her baby boy. She looked for his jersey, knowing that his was number ten. When she found him, she started cheering even harder.", "Words": ["ball", "player", "score", "shirt", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Fred had no care in the world. Cigar ash fell from the big brown cigar onto his shoes and he didn't even notice. Fred knew that his wife wouldn't be home when he got back, and frankly, he didn't give a damn.", "Words": ["blow", "smoke", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Bo went to the beach with his family one day. He made sure to pack a lot of things for his trip. Bo didn't want to get dehydrated at the beach.", "Words": ["bottle", "drink", "sunglass", "water", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I'm not what I did to upset the school bully, but he had it in for me. He told me when we got back from Thanksgiving break, he'd pummel me. I was nervous, but didn't want to back down, so I tried to prepare as best I could.", "Words": ["gym", "press", "weight"]}, {"Context": "The school kids were the worst especially towards the end of the school year. For 30 years, she patrolled this corner and it happened every year. Smart kids who would not heed her warnings would dart across the street on their way home.", "Words": ["direct", "traffic", "worker"]}, {"Context": "The exploration group had been waiting for this for a long time. It had been an arduous climb, and everyone was exhausted. No one had accomplished this feat before, and now they were about ready to claim it.", "Words": ["arm", "mountain", "raise", "top"]}, {"Context": "My first day at the farm was an eye opener. I am a city slicker, so I wasn't expecting the cook to come into the kitchen with a live chicken. He held it tight with one hand and reached for a knife with the other.", "Words": ["lay", "neck", "table"]}, {"Context": "Ed was late for his son's birthday party. He knew he needed to get a good present to make up for it. Ed only had six dollars in his checking account.", "Words": ["balloon", "hold", "jacket", "stick", "tongue"]}, {"Context": "Patty looked down at the open box on the floor. There was a fan in it, one she desperately needed given how hot it had been this summer. She had all the tools she needed and a ladder set up, so it was time to get to work.", "Words": ["ceiling", "climb", "hang"]}, {"Context": "The cowboy tightened his hand on the reins. This was his first time on this circuit and he didn't want to make a fool of himself. The gate swung open and he was off.", "Words": ["hold", "horse", "ride", "rope"]}, {"Context": "Matt had a math test in his first hour class. He had to work out as many multiplication problems in ten minutes as he could. Matt made sure that none of his pencils were dull for the test.", "Words": ["drill", "sharpen", "sharpener"]}, {"Context": "Throwing a party was going to be much more difficult that I thought it would be. \"This is supposed to be fun,\" my husband reminded me. As I walked into the kitchen, \"fun\" was the last thing on my mind.", "Words": ["food", "prepare", "work"]}, {"Context": "Ollie put on his swimsuit and walked to the diving board. His sister tossed the toy into the water. It was a game for her and she laughed and giggled as he emerged with the item.", "Words": ["dive", "object", "pool", "retrieve", "throw"]}, {"Context": "The soup was going to be good, but it was never fun to prep it. John sat down getting the vegetables ready. He much rather would be playing outside, but he knew that the soup would be amazing.", "Words": ["peel", "potato", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "The library was hosting a story time on Saturday afternoon. The kids filed in and gathered in the meeting room. The librarian came in and sat in the wooden rocking chair that had been set up for her.", "Words": ["book", "chair", "hold", "look", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Terry opened the door and felt the heat rush into her face. The sweet smell was in the air and she knew that it was done. Terry pulled the tray out and set it on the stove to cool off.", "Words": ["candy", "oven", "pull"]}, {"Context": "Emily was making pina coladas from scratch for herself and her friends. She had all the ingredients lined up on the counter. She put ice in the blender and added coconut milk and then moved to the next step.", "Words": ["knife", "pineapple", "skin"]}, {"Context": "Tom couldn't wait to get to the beach today after school. He heard from his friend Jackson, that the waves were really big today. Tom wanted to try out his new board he got for his birthday.", "Words": ["ocean", "ride", "surfer"]}, {"Context": "Emma needed to make extra money to pay bills. Good thing was that she had her grandmother's sewing patterns. She sewed and made baby blankets and dresses all winter long to pay for her bills.", "Words": ["fabric", "machine", "piece", "sew", "stitch"]}, {"Context": "At 11:30 P.M. Phil arrived at Mary's home and she met him at the door. She was dressed casually, but nicely, and Phil thought she looked beautiful. Phil had liked Mary forever, but this was only their second date, and he was very much looking forward to their day together.", "Words": ["lunch", "movie", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Carolyn was always deeply affected when she heard music and she couldn't help but react physically when good tunes were playing. She found herself being very moved whenever she heard a great song and always enjoyed singing out loud and swaying back and forth when something she liked came on. She also couldn't resist responding to any kind of catchy rhythm and she liked to drum along with it, tapping her toes as she enjoyed the sound.", "Words": ["beat", "finger", "top"]}, {"Context": "I was over at my friends house this past weekend. They have a nice pool and we all enjoy being in it. It's so much fun that their pet is always getting in there and have them just as much a good time as us.", "Words": ["dog", "jump", "pool", "toy"]}, {"Context": "The man got on while still talking, paying no attention to the other passengers around him. For the most part, we just ignored him, but he was really annoying. People should use common sense when using public transportation.", "Words": ["bus", "cellphone", "drive", "driver", "talk"]}, {"Context": "Joe was impressed by an artist he saw on TV. The artist demonstrated how to make realistic sketches. Joe gathered materials and followed the steps that the artist demonstrated.", "Words": ["draw", "hand", "paper", "pencil", "piece"]}, {"Context": "The Millers were happy to move out of their dilapidated house into a newly built home. However, it didn't really seem like home without the shady oaks they were used to. So, the Millers went to a plant nursery to pick out replacements.", "Words": ["dig", "hole", "plant", "tree"]}, {"Context": "The teenagers set up their blanket and all their things on the beach. The girls sat on the blankets getting their tans and listening to the radio while the boys headed to the water with their boards. They stayed for hours before cleaning up and driving away.", "Words": ["background", "music", "surf", "wave"]}, {"Context": "The dog was having the time of its life in the yard outside. It went this way and that as it chased the ball that was thrown to it. After a while, it lay down, exhausted, but happy.", "Words": ["grass", "mouth", "run", "toy"]}, {"Context": "Allison woke up on Saturday morning and decided to make breakfast for her boyfriend. She called him and told him to be at her place in half an hour. She mixed up a blueberry batter and was just about to pour it when he arrived.", "Words": ["flip", "fry", "pan", "pancake"]}, {"Context": "Mark witnessed the first incident, which resulted in a dozen avian deaths. The problem was the new painting on the side of the Sears store. Sparrows and such mistook the sprawling painting of a flower-filled meadow for the real thing.", "Words": ["bird", "building", "flock", "fly", "mural"]}, {"Context": "Sienna watched her boyfriend nervously as he went up the dirt ramp. She knew what he did was what he loved, but that didn't mean that she had to love it. Every time that he flew into the air, she couldn't breath.", "Words": ["bike", "jump", "spectator", "watch"]}, {"Context": "The girl was on the animal, she seemed happy. Her mother paid for her to get on the animal at the circus. There was one man ahead of all the animals directing them to go to one side.", "Words": ["camel", "lead", "ride", "top"]}, {"Context": "The football team at school was getting their photo taken for the yearbook. The photographer called them outside to stand by the bushes near the field. One of the kids wore his full uniform with pads and everything as a joke.", "Words": ["helmet", "picture", "plant", "take", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The dentist walked into the room and asked Todd how long it had been since his last appointment. Todd was ashamed to answer the man since he didn't even know. While the dentist looked in his mouth, he found four cavities.", "Words": ["brush", "mirror", "tooth"]}, {"Context": "Suzanne heard a strange noise coming from somewhere in her house. As she walked toward her bedroom, she heard it again. She knew she needed to look inside her room, but was a little scared.", "Words": ["door", "knob", "turn"]}, {"Context": "Jimmy and his brother had been working on assembling their project all morning. Now they checked if the conditions outdoors were ideal, with the right amount of wind. They needed a bigger space than their tiny yard allowed, so they got on their bikes.", "Words": ["fly", "kite", "park", "sky"]}, {"Context": "Tim was going to rob a bank. He needed the money so that he could buy all the soda he wanted. As he crept up to the closed bank, he wondered if there was any security.", "Words": ["dog", "enter", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Grace grabbed her saxophone and started to march. Her eyes were set on the band director in front of her. The music blared as they marched down the streets lined with cheering people.", "Words": ["instrument", "member", "parade"]}, {"Context": "The construction project was just getting underway. The first task was to grade the surface. A machine could do the work of getting rid of debris and leveling the ground.", "Words": ["bulldozer", "dirt", "pile", "push"]}, {"Context": "It was Ana's first day at a new school and she was nervous. The teacher asked something related to the lesson and Ana knew the correct response, but was too shy to volunteer. Some of the other kids responded though.", "Words": ["answer", "hand", "question", "raise"]}, {"Context": "Betty believed in celebrating birthdays the traditional way. She gathered the children together to sing Happy Birthday to the guest of honor. Everyone's eyes were on the birthday boy when the song finished, as he faced the lit candles.", "Words": ["blow", "cake", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "The woman walked quickly through town to the bus stop. It was her first day of work and it wouldn't do any good to be late on the job. Just her luck, she arrived a few minutes late to the bus stop.", "Words": ["shirt", "short", "sidewalk", "stand", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Dustin kicked down another strip of wood from the area in the yard. Whoever had put this up had done a horrible job. Why hadn't he thought of all the work that he would have to do before he bought the house?", "Words": ["boot", "fence", "lollipop"]}, {"Context": "Pat had worked on the farm all his life. He knew the cattle ranch like the back of his hand. Pat walked out of the dairy area with containers full of white liquid ready to sent off.", "Words": ["cow", "milk", "milk", "pail", "put"]}, {"Context": "The old man was outside every time that I passed by. I don't know how he ever managed to stay in good health for so long. I had always thought that tobacco was a bad habit to have.", "Words": ["blow", "hold", "pipe", "shape", "smoke"]}, {"Context": "Ed was happy that he had given in and hired a clown for his son's birthday party. He watched as the children's eyes lit up as the clown ran around in his back yard. These were the things that the kids would remember for the rest of their lives.", "Words": ["balloon", "run", "throw"]}, {"Context": "It was the time of year when the trees around the house caused me a lot of raking. As I made a pile, Rex would get excited, barking and jumping. If I left the pile untended, it would not be the same after Rex was finished with it.", "Words": ["dog", "fall", "leave", "run"]}, {"Context": "Alicia was babysitting for her first time for her neighbor's two-year old boy. Suddenly liquid was running down the child's face and the boy was crying. Alicia looked at the boy and tried to decide what she should do.", "Words": ["blow", "nose", "toddler"]}, {"Context": "Patricia loaded up her clothes and headed down the road to the laundry. She walked in with her hamper and loaded the nearest washer available. After loading it she made a note to wait after starting it to make sure it did as these machines were finicky at times.", "Words": ["turn", "wash", "water"]}, {"Context": "Drew was tired out from a hard day at the gym. Sweat dripped down his brow and it burned and stung his eyes. He knew that if he stopped now though, that he would never make the team.", "Words": ["lift", "weight", "work"]}, {"Context": "The young parents always liked to spend time with their two kids and did things with them regularly. The day was clear and there was a light breeze on this spring day. The father thought this was the perfect weather for a little excursion and picnic, a time for the family to play and relax.", "Words": ["field", "fly", "kite", "stand", "toddler"]}, {"Context": "Kyle was ready for the track and field meet. He picked up the heavy weight and stepped into the circle. He took a deep breath and scanned the crowd to see if he could find his girlfriend cheering him on.", "Words": ["circle", "distance", "shot", "step", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Isaac had never been to a place like this, at least not while riding. He wasn't prepared when his front tire hit a stump and threw him off. Isaac broke his leg in the fall and was more careful of the places that he went after that.", "Words": ["bike", "ride", "trail", "wood"]}, {"Context": "The soldiers trudged through their basic training exercises. Dozens of obstacles stood in their way of them becoming full blown solders. Some would pass, others would fail.", "Words": ["climb", "cover", "rope"]}, {"Context": "Helen let her little terrier Pumpkin out in the backyard to go to the bathroom. She was out for a few minutes when Helen heard her yelping. Helen ran and opened the door and immediately knew that Pumpkin had been sprayed by a skunk.", "Words": ["bath", "dog", "dry", "give", "towel"]}, {"Context": "Graffiti is considered a form of art by some and vandalism by others. Some see it as an act of defacing property. Tagging is a type of signature used by the graffiti artist.", "Words": ["paint", "spray", "wall", "word"]}, {"Context": "Alice set up the family to take their picture in the grassy area of the farm. She thought that with their blue pants, the green of the crops in the back would contrast each other. \"Smile,\" she said as she started clicking away.", "Words": ["background", "field", "jean"]}, {"Context": "Coy hooked up everything to the back of his vehicle. It was going to be a long drive, but he knew it was going to be worth it. This drive was going to take a week, but he'd be paid for a month's pay.", "Words": ["attach", "brush", "load", "trailer", "truck"]}, {"Context": "Holly looked outside and saw the blizzard was still going strong. But her poodle, Liza, was prancing around in front of the door. Even though the weather was terrible, Holly had to take her outside.", "Words": ["dog", "snow", "sweater", "walk", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Beth jumped out of the van and went to the back. She grabbed the box and double checked the address. Beth left the box on the people's front porch.", "Words": ["house", "package", "toss", "walk", "worker"]}, {"Context": "Lee was ready for the competition to begin. He had been working out every day after school and his body was in the best shape it had ever been in. He talked to his coach about the events that he would be taking part in for the day.", "Words": ["field", "jump", "practice", "track"]}, {"Context": "I want to get a nice relaxing massage this weekend. There are a variety of massages that you can get. To me it doesn't matter, I just want to feel relaxed.", "Words": ["oil", "pour", "stone"]}, {"Context": "Sonny watched as the animal in his arms began to move around. It was almost as it knew what was about to happen. Sonny wondered if he was doing the right thing bringing it here.", "Words": ["begin", "cat", "claws", "cut", "squirm"]}, {"Context": "It was spring and Jenny decided she needed to freshen up her yard and add some color. She went to the garden store and spent over an hour picking things out. When she got home, she unloaded everything and got her gardening tools out of the shed.", "Words": ["hand", "hose", "plant", "wash", "water"]}, {"Context": "We woke up to what was a surprisingly big snow outside. School was unexpectedly cancelled and as a result, our kids had free reign to play all day. They didnt mess around either, quickly bundling up and heading outside.", "Words": ["build", "kid", "snow", "snowman"]}, {"Context": "Jordan flipped his rod back as the trout on the other end struggled for dear life. \"I need the net, Dad!\" Jordan called out to his father standing on the other end of the boat. Suddenly, there was a pop and the line was snapped.", "Words": ["catch", "fish", "flop", "snow"]}, {"Context": "Jake checked the weather report, including information on the tide. Since the weather was sunny and the tide looked good, Jake headed to the beach. He stood on the shore, surveying the water and waiting.", "Words": ["catch", "ocean", "surfboard", "wave"]}, {"Context": "Troy was working on making a plaque for his mother for Christmas. He had all his tools and was ready to mark the image. The tool got too close to his skin though and he ended up burning his finger.", "Words": ["burn", "image", "piece", "wood"]}, {"Context": "Although Jim and Martha had been married nearly fifty years, the spark of romance remained. It was common to see Jim and Martha snuggled together watching their favorite TV shows, for instance. When autumn turned the leaves colors, they still enjoyed taking a stroll around the neighborhood.", "Words": ["couple", "hand", "hold", "sidewalk"]}, {"Context": "It was a really hot day so I went to the store to buy something to drink. I decided to park myself on the chair and stay there for a while because the air conditioner was on and it felt really good in there. After I got something to drink, I decided to buy a piece of pizza to eat since It was so nice in there.", "Words": ["jug", "juice", "sit", "slice", "table"]}, {"Context": "Elmer tossed the container down in the barn. One corner of the barn was illuminated by the soft glow of the lantern. He sat down on the upturned barrel and finished the rest of his sandwich.", "Words": ["box", "bucket", "food", "light", "sit"]}, {"Context": "In school the other day we had to give our presentations. Not a lot of people enjoyed them as much as I did. There were some very funny moments and I wondered how someone could write that and stand up there and read it to the class.", "Words": ["front", "laugh", "paper", "tear"]}, {"Context": "I was waiting for quite some time for the vehicle to come pick me up. I was waiting by the road next to the shop, when I saw a friend of mine. I was not in the back of the line so it was easy for me to see her.", "Words": ["bus", "front", "street"]}, {"Context": "Ed was ready to have some fun on his vacation. He called up his friends to see what they had planned. They were ready to have fun despite the fact that the weather was freezing.", "Words": ["hold", "kite", "pull", "snowboard"]}, {"Context": "The neighbors had gathered for a summer barbecue at the Hendersons. Dad had his usual assignment and was taking it seriously. He had on his chef's apron and stood at his post with pride.", "Words": ["cook", "grill", "look", "meat"]}, {"Context": "I feel sad every year when I sense summer is passing. I'll miss the sounds of birds chirping. I'll miss the fresh, green lawn.", "Words": ["field", "grass", "mow"]}, {"Context": "Jody had been practicing at the gym all day. The gymnastics meet was going to be tomorrow and she knew she had to get her moves perfect. At the end of the day, she felt that she had everything good and she finally went home.", "Words": ["flip", "perform", "run", "wall"]}, {"Context": "Seth sat alone waiting for his date to walk in. He turned his head to look every time that the door would open. She never showed up, but Seth had a good time drinking and watching the ball game.", "Words": ["bar", "enjoy", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Margie was turning sixteen today and feeling sorry for herself. Margie didn't want presents for her birthday, she wanted a date. Margie's mom set the birthday cake in front of her daughter.", "Words": ["candle", "table", "wish"]}, {"Context": "Blair laced up and looked out onto the rink. This would be her last competition in the division. She took a deep breath and went through her moves in her head.", "Words": ["figure", "perform", "routine", "skate", "skate"]}, {"Context": "It was an exciting day at the college arena as UCLA took on Arizona. In a thrilling game, the score was knotted at 37 as the first half ended. Then for a halftime show equipment was brought on to the floor as a performer prepared to do a trick.", "Words": ["basketball", "shoot", "trampoline"]}, {"Context": "Kendall had a special date on Saturday night and wanted to look her best. She went to the spa for a treatment so she would be glowing. When she was called in for her appointment, she explained what she wanted done.", "Words": ["apply", "face", "massage", "product"]}, {"Context": "The house was a definite fixer-upper and the Coleman family knew they had their work cut out for them when they moved in, but they were excited and ready to tackle it. They had all the tools they needed and they had spent a day at the home and garden store buying doors, baseboards, cabinets, and all sorts of other things they needed to get the place looking good. Dad went to work on the big repairs because there were a lot of them, Mom and the kids handled things like wallpapering, cleaning, organizing and arranging, then they all joined forces when it came time to get the exterior looking good, the house was very drab on the outside and it needed a new look and some color very badly.", "Words": ["building", "paint", "window"]}, {"Context": "Tony got off of his motorcycle and propped it up near the sidewalk. There was something in one of the stores that he wanted to see. He regretted what he was wearing though; it was too hot for this.", "Words": ["jacket", "jean", "street", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Seth pulled up in his car on the race track. He looked at his competitor and he smirked. There was no way that Seth was going to lose this race to that joker.", "Words": ["dragster", "leave", "smoke", "take", "trail"]}, {"Context": "Josh was taking an origami class online. He had never done anything like origami, but he had to admit that it was interesting. For some of the things, he had to watch the videos more than once though.", "Words": ["background", "demonstrate", "fold", "music", "paper"]}, {"Context": "One of the toughest parts about taking care of a young child is when they're teething. It causes them a lot of pain and there's not much you can do about it. There are subtle things that you were told to do in order to alleviate some of that pain.", "Words": ["cry", "finger", "mouth", "sit", "toddler"]}, {"Context": "I saw a lot of people downtown wearing the same clothing. Later on I found out that they were competing in some sort of obstacle event. I decided to go watch it because it wasn't far from my house,", "Words": ["corner", "course", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Joan paid for her purchase and left the store. She got in her car and turned the key in the ignition, but nothing happened. Frustrated, Joan got out of the car to head home on foot.", "Words": ["bag", "carry", "street", "walk"]}, {"Context": "I couldn't concentrate on any of my schoolwork. Lance was sitting at his desk making all kinds of racket. Would you believe that I was the one that ended up in detention when I shouted at him?", "Words": ["beat", "drum", "finger", "hand", "top"]}, {"Context": "The jurors finally entered the room after being out for about half the day. The defendant slowly stood up and looked nervously around. The judge finally asked if they had a verdict, which they did.", "Words": ["room", "sit", "stand", "table"]}, {"Context": "I had so many decorations for my daughter Molly's birthday. The morning of the party I had to get everything set out. I had piles of decorations and needed help to pull it all together.", "Words": ["balloon", "blow", "let"]}, {"Context": "Sam enjoys waking up early and going to the gym in the morning before heading to the office for the rest of the day. He is focusing on weight training lately because he would like to build muscle mass before the pool opens this year. Unfortunately Sam seriously misjudged his strength yesterday and his training session almost ended in disaster.", "Words": ["barbell", "drop", "floor", "lift"]}, {"Context": "It took forever, but Donna was finally able to get her treat. She sat down at a nearby table on the walk and watched the sun set as she enjoyed it. Donna loved living near the boardwalk.", "Words": ["buy", "cream", "line", "stand", "wait"]}, {"Context": "Being a janitor was hard work for Ernesto. The part of the job that he hated most of all was the restroom duty. People were disgusting and didn't realize that someone had to come after them and deal with their mess.", "Words": ["clean", "glove", "toilet", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Simon was the star of his high school track team and he always impressed everyone with his athletic skill and stellar performance. He practiced hard every day after school and the coach was always struck by Simon's skill, dedication and attitude. The coach always pointed Simon's technique out to the other boys on the track team and everyone watched as Simon went through the paces, demonstrating his skill in a number of different events.", "Words": ["field", "hurdle", "jump", "run"]}, {"Context": "Toby threw the toy and waited for Jake to bring it back to him. Toby gasped when he saw the yellow item fall into the lake. Jake knew how to swim though and was able to retrieve it easily.", "Words": ["ball", "dog", "fetch", "water"]}, {"Context": "Ed was doing some work on his car. He needed to get it working before the big party at ten o clock. He also needed to have time to get ready because there was dirt all over him.", "Words": ["blow", "clip", "clipper", "fingernail", "laugh"]}, {"Context": "Rosa was making lemonade for her granddaughter. Her granddaughter had always loved drinking her fresh lemonade. Rosa served the lemonade with cookies fresh from the oven.", "Words": ["jug", "slice", "table"]}, {"Context": "Every morning I have to get up and get the kids ready for school. I make sure that I do this in a certain way and then the limited amount of time before I get them in the car to drop them off. It might seem simple, but parents know how tough this is.", "Words": ["clothe", "put", "take"]}, {"Context": "I was late today, so Mr. Anderson made me run extra drills. I don't think that's fair because I shoot three pointers better than anyone else on the team. I guess it's better than sitting the bench for the next game though.", "Words": ["basketball", "coach", "gym", "practice"]}, {"Context": "I'm going to go look for some gold this weekend. There's a place that you pay a small to do it. They give you all the equipment that you need.", "Words": ["dirt", "find", "sift", "treasure", "water"]}, {"Context": "Fido and Tom sat in the waiting room, Tom petting and keeping Fido calm. This was something they did every few months, but it always made Fido fidgety. Then a pleasant young woman approached them and said, \"We are ready for you now.\"", "Words": ["dog", "groom", "table"]}, {"Context": "Tim was ready for a long day at work. He got into his car, but it didn't crank when he tried to start it. Tim wondered how he would get to work.", "Words": ["arrive", "bench", "bus", "sit", "wait"]}, {"Context": "Sam was drinking and down on his luck again. Known as the town hobo, Sam had a problem with keeping a job. Today Sam sits on the sidewalk begging passersby for change.", "Words": ["ask", "hold", "money", "sign"]}, {"Context": "The competition had been long waited for and everyone was in the stadium. The runners lined up along the starting line and the people cheered and yelled even before the race was on. The noise grew louder and louder as the pistol sounded and they began to move.", "Words": ["crowd", "event", "gather", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Bobby woke up Christmas morning excited to see what he had gotten. The only thing he had asked for this year was drums. He ran downstairs and cheered out loud when he saw what was under the tree.", "Words": ["cymbal", "hit", "set", "stick"]}, {"Context": "The dentist walked into the room and Josh knew that he was in trouble. He really hadn't been taking care of his teeth and now he was going to get it. The dentist went over the facts about dental hygiene with Josh.", "Words": ["brush", "stand", "tooth"]}, {"Context": "I was watching TV yesterday and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was very entertaining, but also shocking. Sometimes people just need to keep their mouth shut in order to avoid these sort of things happening.", "Words": ["foot", "laugh", "put"]}, {"Context": "Walter walked down the stairs from his apartment to where the barbeque pit was at. He balanced the tray of chicken and sausage carefully. Before long, they would be having a great meal.", "Words": ["descent", "grill", "meat"]}, {"Context": "Kelli's daughter Abby was having her first ballet recital today. She got Abby ready and left her with the other children behind stage. Kelli took her seat and watched other children, waiting for Abby's group to have their turn.", "Words": ["dance", "music", "perform", "room"]}, {"Context": "Jack hadn't been to the family farm in over ten years. Still, he was sure that he knew how to do most of the tasks. He walked into the barn and went into one of the stalls.", "Words": ["cow", "milk", "sit", "stool"]}, {"Context": "Emily was studying to be a cosmetologist. She had to go into class one day to take her practical exam. Emily took a deep breath and stepped in front of the mirror.", "Words": ["apply", "brush", "face", "makeup"]}, {"Context": "The children were having a great time in the state park. They played in the shaded area by the lake. When it was time to go home, the mother and father got their children and left.", "Words": ["climb", "couple", "kid", "tree", "water"]}, {"Context": "Ronaldo and Alicia stood by nervously awaiting their turn. This contest is what the hours of practicing had been for. They went over every step in their heads of a routine they could do in their sleep.", "Words": ["couple", "dance", "outfit", "stage"]}, {"Context": "Becky and her friends took nearly two hours to get ready, perfecting their makeup and hair and picking cute outfits. They drove to the club and got in line, hoping the bouncer would let them in. Sure enough, when he walked down the line he pulled them out and ushered them to the entrance after checking their ids.", "Words": ["dance", "head", "music", "shake"]}, {"Context": "Danny rushed into the house and dropped his groceries down at the door. He had gotten the letter from the mailbox and the anticipation was killing him. Danny dropped down at the kitchen table and stared at the letter before finally opening it.", "Words": ["chair", "hold", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Sally was outside while her grandmother was working in the garden. The flowers were not blooming yet, but her grandmother had said that they would be lovely in a few weeks. Sally sat down just looking around wondering how they grew from under that dirt.", "Words": ["push", "sit", "wheelbarrow"]}, {"Context": "They all stayed in the same room looking at the pictures on the wall. One women suggested that since they had nothing much to do they should create something nice to hang on the wall also. They started painting to see how could paint the best picture to be put on the wall.", "Words": ["art", "craft", "sit"]}, {"Context": "I had come over to visit my nearby neighbor Bob, and we sat on the porch talking. He is a great story teller, and he told me the funniest story I had ever heard. On the way home I could not get the story out of my mind.", "Words": ["laugh", "sidewalk", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Dan was a hard worker on the farm down the road from his house. Anything that the supervisor would ask Dan to do, he would do. This gave Dan a lot of knowledge of working on the farm vehicles and mechanics.", "Words": ["remove", "snowblower", "tractor"]}, {"Context": "The cook was giving a class to some amateurs. First, he had to show them how to wield the tools of the trade. Unfortunately, he cut himself on the sharp edge of the blade!", "Words": ["chef", "demonstrate", "knife", "sharpen", "stone"]}, {"Context": "Owen watched as the cars zoomed back and forth in front of him. The office was just across the intersection, but there was no way he was going to try to walk across now. He looked at the crossing light and waited patiently.", "Words": ["cross", "dress", "street", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The weather was horrible and the buses couldn't get through the icy roads. That didn't bother James at all; he couldn't wait to play outside. All of his friends met him outside because obviously they thought the same thing.", "Words": ["ball", "kid", "roll", "snow"]}, {"Context": "Ben and a group of his friends were gathered to watch him. He had practiced the maneuver many times, but never in front of anyone. He stood poised on the ledge, ready to establish a reputation.", "Words": ["park", "perform", "skateboard", "trick"]}, {"Context": "It wasn't normal for Jessica to be late when we met for lunch. I wondered if something had happened to her and was thinking of calling her. All of a sudden, the door swung open and I saw her standing in the door.", "Words": ["arrive", "friend", "sit", "wait"]}, {"Context": "I don't know how Emory was able to keep still for so long. The teacher told her to hold onto that container and she did. I guess it made her feel like she had a job or something.", "Words": ["box", "close", "eye", "hold", "sit"]}, {"Context": "I took my little girl to the parade in town. The officers were on bikes and their sirens were louder than we expected. As they drove down to clear the streets, my daughter began to cry and put her hands on her ears.", "Words": ["jacket", "motorcycle", "policeman", "ride", "wear"]}, {"Context": "She finally got done with her homework for the weekend. She immediately went to get her bat and glove to go to the park. Then they arrived at the local baseball field at the park.", "Words": ["ball", "dad", "fence"]}, {"Context": "Jim woke early to have breakfast before heading to work. He looked in the refrigerator, trying to decide what to eat. He was craving a fancy omelette, but didn't have time for extra prep work.", "Words": ["egg", "pan", "scramble", "stove"]}, {"Context": "The competition was held at the high school on Saturday morning. A lot of the students and many parents were there to watch the student athletes perform. It was an all day event, but exciting to see.", "Words": ["discus", "meet", "throw", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Benny parked on the side of the road. He had a long way to go, but he was starting to get hungry. Fortunately for Benny, he had packed a picnic lunch, which he ate on the hood.", "Words": ["eat", "front", "truck"]}, {"Context": "Mike was excited to be taking his new girlfriend Nancy to prom, but he was also nervous. He had a corsage that complimented the color of her dress. He pinned it on her as her parents watched and then they left for the venue.", "Words": ["dance", "hand", "hold", "music"]}, {"Context": "It was a nice sunny day, and Sandi expected it to be a pleasant one. That was until her new boyfriend arrived and took her to the courts. He was going to teach Sandi, the girl with the coordination of a newborn, how to play tennis.", "Words": ["ball", "hit", "hold", "racket"]}, {"Context": "The woman was not sure about the skirt she was trying on. She wanted to get the salesperson's advice but she had stepped away to help another customer. The dressing room was large and she could really move around to get a good feel for this ensemble she was thinking about purchasing.", "Words": ["look", "stand", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Caleb was going to be walking in his friend's wedding. The problem was that Caleb didn't have much experience in formal wear. He had to text his girlfriend for her to help him get dressed before the ceremony.", "Words": ["give", "instruction", "neck", "tie", "tie"]}, {"Context": "Adam went to the snowy field with Bob. They had a woodchipper with them and were prepared to clear some trees. They found an area with a lot of trees.", "Words": ["catch", "snow", "wood"]}, {"Context": "It was Bobby's first junior high dance and he was very nervous. He really didn't know much about dancing and was too scared to ask a girl to dance anyway. Then one of the more outgoing girls asked him, and he hesitatingly slumped out onto the dance floor.", "Words": ["foot", "music", "shuffle"]}, {"Context": "Dora brought the dishes and bowls into the dining room, where her family was seated. After she got into her chair, they all bowed their heads and her father said a prayer. Then they started to serve themselves the delicious looking food.", "Words": ["eat", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "The tour guide talked to the crowd about the massive beast behind him. The animal was swimming in the lagoon slowly, but surely. The people laughed as the man talked about his species.", "Words": ["alligator", "back", "joke"]}, {"Context": "Carter studied up on fungi before heading out on a hike. He wanted to make sure he knew the difference between edible and toxic varieties. Carter took his guide book and his basket as he set out.", "Words": ["find", "mushroom", "walk", "wood"]}, {"Context": "Paul was almost ready to start his new job and he was both nervous and excited as his first day approached. Finally his first day of employment arrived and Paul woke up extra early, feeling energized and raring to go. He dressed quickly, dashed out the door and walked quickly to the station, but he had been so worried about being on time that he had left much too early.", "Words": ["platform", "train", "wait"]}, {"Context": "Millie was excited about her upcoming trip to France. Her flight was in two days, and Millie needed to get her things ready. She started laying out potential outfits that would suit her itinerary.", "Words": ["clothe", "floor", "pack", "sit", "suitcase"]}, {"Context": "Jimmy was excited to go to the fairgrounds with his dad. They got tickets and sat down on bleacher seats in a round arena with red dirt. The announcer introduced the first event, a bucking bronco contest.", "Words": ["cowboy", "horse", "rodeo", "throw", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Janice was excited because she was going to the stadium to see her favorite, a shortstop. Just after she got to the game a ball was grounded to the left side. Janice stood up and cheered in anticipation of the action.", "Words": ["ball", "field", "player"]}, {"Context": "Kathy arrived home after a very difficult and tiring day. She needed to relax and would do that in her usual way. She fixed a drink in the kitchen, lit a cigarette, and walked into the living room.", "Words": ["chair", "look", "newspaper", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Joey parked his car and started to walk to the stadium. When he got to the gate, he gave the woman there his ticket. Before he sat down, he bought a beer and a hot dog.", "Words": ["area", "ball", "begin", "game", "hit"]}, {"Context": "The dancers glided across the floor so elegantly. You could tell that they had years of training. If only I knew how to dance like that.", "Words": ["background", "ball", "music"]}, {"Context": "The teacher had been at it for the whole class period. He couldn't figure out why the students weren't getting it. Finally, he sat down in his desk and just assigned homework for the students.", "Words": ["board", "explain", "problem", "write"]}, {"Context": "Winters are very hard in rural Minnesota and heating your home is a challenge. Electricity or gas can be very expensive for home heating. So every year we go out into the forest with our chainsaws.", "Words": ["cut", "use", "wood"]}, {"Context": "Zach stood thirteen yards behind the center, his hands extended. As he received the snap, he fumbled it momentarily. Frantically he thrust his leg into the air trying to avoid the onrushing linemen.", "Words": ["air", "ball", "kick"]}, {"Context": "Randy had a tight grip on the bat he was holding. It was the last inning, and he was waiting for the pitcher to throw. The pitcher gets ready, stretches his hand and lets go.", "Words": ["ball", "continue", "hit", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Kim sat on the sand and looked out over the ocean. The sun was just about to set, casting pinks and oranges into the sky. After it set, she stood up and picked up her towel to head back to her car.", "Words": ["beach", "carry", "shoe", "walk"]}, {"Context": "50,000 people were on their feet as the home-team quarterback dropped back. The team was trailing by four points with time for this last play. There was a tremendous rush, and he scrambled to his right to get away.", "Words": ["catch", "field", "football", "throw"]}, {"Context": "I was driving with my boss, back from a conference. We were passing a lake when he stopped the car and got out. \"Nice day for a swim,\" he said as he began to undress.", "Words": ["boat", "fish", "shore", "suit", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Steve's school put an emphasis on learning life skills. This week, the school was converted into a mock town with stores and a bank. Steve got to act like a bank teller helping customers.", "Words": ["count", "hand", "money", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "Ginny worked at the local high school. There was bad weather one day and the school's were closed. Ginny made the most of it and graded tests all day.", "Words": ["look", "paper", "read", "snow", "stand"]}, {"Context": "The baby hadn't felt well in a few days, so his mother brought him to the doctor. In the exam room, the nurse helped her to put him on the table. The doctor proceeded to look the baby up and down to find out what was wrong.", "Words": ["back", "lie", "stick", "tongue"]}, {"Context": "Benjamin had always loved music and he wanted to do something to celebrate his passion. He talked to a couple friends who were also music-lovers and they decided they should all start a band. The next weekend, they all got together with their respective instruments of choice and spent the afternoon having their first ever band practice.", "Words": ["cymbal", "drum", "set", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Sally wanted to get even with her brother Stuart. The night before, Stuart frightened Sally by bursting out from behind a door. So, Sally got ready and then crept up behind Stuart.", "Words": ["balloon", "hold", "pin", "pop"]}, {"Context": "Donnie had gotten lost in the woods and now he was getting scared. The weather was getting worse by the minute and he didn't have a tent. Donnie tried to make a phone call on his phone, but it was hard to hear the person on the other end.", "Words": ["blow", "cellphone", "hair", "talk", "wind"]}, {"Context": "Elton was on his way to school, but it was hard to balance with his backpack. The faster that he pedaled though, the better it went. Finally, he got to school and he almost crashed into the bushes.", "Words": ["bike", "ride", "surround", "tree"]}, {"Context": "It was Camille's birthday and all of her friends had joined her at her favorite restaurant. The waitress brought out a cake at the end of the night and everyone's eyes lit up. The cake was beautiful, but best of all, it was delicious.", "Words": ["blow", "candle", "sit", "table", "wish"]}, {"Context": "Ollie panted as he walked around outside. The water looked nice and cool. His owner wouldn't mind if he took a dip would he?", "Words": ["dog", "hose", "jump", "pool", "spray"]}, {"Context": "Tim was in a group learning karate at the local gym. He was a small boy, but intent on showing his talent and strength. Now was his chance as the instructor called him forward.", "Words": ["break", "class", "half", "piece", "wood"]}, {"Context": "Skiing on the lake seems very fun. I see people doing a lot of tricks. One day I'm gonna have to try this.", "Words": ["board", "flip", "jump", "water"]}, {"Context": "Annie had thrown a very successful dinner party last night with eight good friends. Her last guest didn't leave until nearly 2 in the morning, too late for her to clean up properly. When she woke up at noon, she knew which task she needed to take care of first.", "Words": ["dish", "glove", "wash", "wear"]}, {"Context": "One of the most exciting games is basketball, which requires a variety of skills. When you have the ball you can shoot, trying to throw the ball in the basket. You can pass the ball to a teammate, directly or by bouncing or lobbing it.", "Words": ["court", "dribble", "player"]}, {"Context": "Yesterday, was such a sunny day, that I asked my boys if they wanted to go to the park. We went to the park and I watched them play basketball in the basketball court. After we left the park, we decided to get something to eat so we drove to McDonald to get food.", "Words": ["apply", "cream", "face", "shave"]}, {"Context": "We sat in balloon and it went up higher than I thought it would. I decided to bring my camera along to snap some shot of the breathtaking place. I asked the kids what they use the rope for and they said they play a game with it.", "Words": ["air", "jump", "picture", "take"]}, {"Context": "I looked at the time and realized how late it was, I was suppose to be meeting someone at calla restaurant. When I went down the road I saw a few houses that were familiar to the ones just down the block. I sometime like to take early run threw the park, sometimes I see a knowing face.", "Words": ["friend", "street", "walk"]}, {"Context": "The man was on his break at work. He didn't have time or the money to grab something from the food court like all the other workers. He packed his lunch for the day and ate outside, then took a nap in his vehicle.", "Words": ["eat", "front", "lunch", "sit", "truck"]}, {"Context": "Rock climbing has never been my thing. I'm actually scared of heights and have always been. However, with all the equipment that they now have, I guess that I'm ready to give it a shot.", "Words": ["climb", "rope", "top"]}, {"Context": "Steve woke up with a tickle in his throat and the sniffles. His mom reminded Steve to put on something nice for picture day. As Steve walked out the door, he sneezed into his sleeve.", "Words": ["blow", "nose", "wear"]}, {"Context": "After your omelet is complete it's time to enjoy it. Find the right place to sit down and make sure your plate is ready for the contents. It is now time to gracefully place the omelet onto the plate to begin.", "Words": ["egg", "fork", "pour"]}, {"Context": "Whenever your buddies tell you they're having kids it's a huge thing. I'm going to be going to a shower this weekend. I wanna make the baby some hats and gloves, so I'll have to have someone show me how to do this with some yarn.", "Words": ["celebration", "enjoy", "friend", "knit", "learn"]}, {"Context": "The baby couldn't talk yet, but she was starting to mimic those around her. I would make a face at her and she would make it right back. I laughed as her eyes lit up every time she saw me looking at her.", "Words": ["head", "move", "smile", "stick", "tongue"]}, {"Context": "The machine was old but Brian was able to get it to run. It was the same one that his grandmother had used so many years before. He looked at it as he remembered all the handmade gifts he had received from her over the years.", "Words": ["machine", "sew", "thread"]}, {"Context": "David was dangling from the rocky ledge above him. He couldn't believe that he had gotten into this type of predicament. His friends called out to him as they slowly started to pull him in from above.", "Words": ["connect", "knot", "rope", "tie", "waist"]}, {"Context": "I was having a bad day as a photographer. The baby I was supposed to capture was crying, screaming and otherwise crazy. I somehow got through it and lit up as the next customers walked in, a beautiful couple who recently arrived from Russia.", "Words": ["husband", "picture", "stand", "take", "wife"]}, {"Context": "Joy was driving down the highway on her way to work when she felt the car jerk. She put her signal on and pulled over to the side of the road. She was afraid to step out and see what was wrong, but she knew she had to.", "Words": ["check", "pressure", "tire"]}, {"Context": "Taylor met the man at the door and walked with him to the elevator. He couldn't imagine what the man had packed. His luggage had to have weighed a ton.", "Words": ["bag", "carry", "hand", "hold"]}, {"Context": "Jen walked out of the pound smiling ear to ear. \"I'll call you Buddy,\" she said. He was so small that she could hold him in the palm of her hand.", "Words": ["carry", "dog", "toy"]}, {"Context": "Eddie held the tools high above his head. He knew that if he made a wrong move that he could seriously injure himself. Eddie wondered if he should call a company to handle the job for him.", "Words": ["branch", "cut", "prune", "shear", "tree"]}, {"Context": "Phil was getting tired of getting called hairy hillbilly, caveman, and worse. He decided it was time for a makeover, starting with a clean face. Phil assembled his grooming tools, stood in front of the mirror, and got to work.", "Words": ["beard", "clipper", "pair", "shave"]}, {"Context": "Lily and her parents had argued all afternoon about her curfew. All through dinner no one said a word and Lily felt bad. She decided that she needed to try to get back in good with a least one of her parents.", "Words": ["dish", "help", "mother", "wash"]}, {"Context": "Every morning before work I try to make sure I look my best. Although I think my face is perfect as is, at times it needs a little help. I enhance it by applying some mascara and other things to make myself even better.", "Words": ["look", "makeup", "mirror"]}, {"Context": "Jeremy was a 12-year old who was a bit of a daredevil. Today his young friends were gathered in his yard to see what he was up too. He was considering a stunt which could involve a very iffy ending.", "Words": ["branch", "climb", "jump", "tree"]}, {"Context": "The old basset hound felt every ache in his arthritic joints. When the weather got cold, the old hound felt the chill in his bones. Luckily, there was a bed for the hound near the hearth.", "Words": ["dog", "fire", "front", "sleep"]}, {"Context": "Ginny enjoyed cooking with her mom in their country kitchen. Today, Ginny and her mom were making a batch of cookies. Ginny read off the instructions on the recipe first.", "Words": ["begin", "bowl", "counter", "ingredient", "mix"]}, {"Context": "Heather is so excited for the prom, as she looks at her beautiful outfit in the mirror. She can't wait to go, but she is waiting, because her date is very late. Despite her mom's protests, she decides to go outside in the front of the house to wait there.", "Words": ["dress", "sidewalk", "stand", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I've been working out for a couple months now. I'm starting to see my biceps get bigger and bigger. When I look in the mirror this makes me very happy.", "Words": ["arm", "overall", "smile"]}, {"Context": "Alex pricked himself once again. It had been the seventh time in the hour and he was wondering if it was even worth learning. He was sure that he could find a hobby that wasn't so painful to learn.", "Words": ["hand", "needle", "put", "sew", "thread"]}, {"Context": "Debbie and Sam live in beautiful Hawaii. One day on a walk along the ocean they picked up a coconut. When they got home, they decided to open it.", "Words": ["break", "hammer", "use"]}, {"Context": "Lacy was with her mother shopping. It was hot outside and Lacy wanted something refreshing as a treat. She found something that she really wanted and brought it to her mother's basket.", "Words": ["bag", "hold", "popsicle"]}, {"Context": "There were some new events at the Olympics this year. A couple of them involved cycling. I loved seeing them on TV.", "Words": ["bike", "jump", "racer", "spectator", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Today is the big football rivalry between two Big-Ten schools. The stadium is packed an hour before kickoff. On the first play, the quarterback sends a perfect spiral the length of the field.", "Words": ["cheer", "fan", "game", "team"]}, {"Context": "The kid was sitting on the sofa with his tablet as his mother did her work. He was laughing as one of his favorite shows played. After a while, his mother made him put on ear buds, so he wouldn't disturb her.", "Words": ["cartoon", "headphone", "watch", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The gymnast had some to far to go back now. It was the competition of a lifetime and she was determined to place. She took a deep breath and let her muscles do all the rest.", "Words": ["balance", "hand", "push"]}, {"Context": "I was raised by my grandparents and remember everyday when Papa came home from work. He would go into the kitchen, kiss Nana, and she would fix him a drink. He would then walk slowly into the living room and sit down in his chair to relax.", "Words": ["listen", "music", "pipe", "smoke"]}, {"Context": "The fans started filing into the stadium an hour before kickoff time. The rivalry between the Saints and the Cowboys added to the excitement. The size of the TV audience reflected the fervor for football too.", "Words": ["compete", "crowd", "game", "team", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Mark loved going jogging but lately he was starting to feel very sore and tired after a long run and that worried him. He talked to a fitness expert friend of his, who recommended taking extra time to limber up his muscles before and after a jog. He told Mark that he needed to lie down face-up and elongate his limbs as much as possible, working the tendons and muscles extensively, so that's just what Mark started doing the very next morning.", "Words": ["back", "lay", "leg", "stretch"]}, {"Context": "Shelly worked at the bakery. Everyday, she got up early in the morning and headed to the bakery. Everyone loved Shelly's fresh baked breads and pastries.", "Words": ["cut", "dough", "flour", "half", "sprinkle"]}, {"Context": "Travis was new to the circuit and this was one of the less dramatic events. It did take skill though, and he had practiced it long and hard. He had to get his horse out fast and make a well-timed jump.", "Words": ["calf", "cowboy", "rodeo", "rope"]}, {"Context": "Lily had been training Otis for over a week, but he just wouldn't listen. She decided to bring him to a professional. After a week at the trainer's, Otis was listening to her every command.", "Words": ["ask", "dog", "praise"]}, {"Context": "Ed was walking down the street trying to figure out what he should do for the day. He realized he would have fun feeding bread to the fish. He bought some bread and went to find the best place to find fish.", "Words": ["bottle", "bridge", "hold", "look", "shirt"]}, {"Context": "He was usually inspired to paint - anything could be an inspiration to him. But these days, the muse was just not present and he did not have his typical \"joie de vive\". Nothing would come to him and he was getting desperate for the creativity to flow.", "Words": ["artist", "create", "piece"]}, {"Context": "I needed to finish a report for work, but I couldn't work at home. We were having a new roof put on and the constant hammering was too distracting. I took my laptop to a large park nearby, but I couldn't get peace there either.", "Words": ["drill", "field", "run", "team"]}, {"Context": "Eric's last exam of his junior year was today and he was looking forward to getting it over with. Math was his best subject so he wasn't too worried about doing well. He entered the room right before his teacher walked in with the exam booklets.", "Words": ["page", "pencil", "sit"]}, {"Context": "The decide that tonight the were going to have there food inside together. When they sat down to eat, the realized that the chairs were wobbly and it needed to be fixed. They loved spending time together so after eating they decide to watch a movie.", "Words": ["dinner", "eat", "family", "table"]}, {"Context": "Sally and Frank's 5th wedding anniversary was on Saturday. Frank surprised Sally with a reservation at the fanciest Italian restaurant in town. She put on her best dress and he put on a nice suit and they headed out for their 6 pm reservation.", "Words": ["couple", "dinner", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "Taylor had promised his brother to play a game with him. He plopped down on the carpet beside him and took the deck from him. Taylor wondered what game would be the shortest to play.", "Words": ["card", "floor", "shuffle", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Flyers posted around town advertised a traveling circus. People were lining up to buy a ticket for the show. A gasp could be heard at the climax of one dangerous act.", "Words": ["crowd", "performer", "swallow", "sword"]}, {"Context": "Mr. Martin worked in a store that catered to the children in the town. All the kids liked to go into the store, especially around Christmas time. Mr. Martin had all the latest and greatest items that couldn't be found anywhere else.", "Words": ["sell", "toy", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Oh, how I remember the long days of summer back when I was a kid. The nearby creek was a great source of entertainment. My friends and I would spend hours there playing.", "Words": ["rope", "swing", "tree", "water"]}, {"Context": "The flames shot up from the equipment as they touched the pipe. Michael squinted and tried not to look too closely. He knew the heavy heat could ruin his eyesight.", "Words": ["metal", "piece", "weld", "welder"]}, {"Context": "Brian had just gotten into bowling, but he really liked it. The bad thing was that Brian wasn't really great at bowling. His friends laughed every time it was his turn and called him \"Gutterball Brian\".", "Words": ["alley", "ball", "hit", "roll"]}, {"Context": "I walk down to the river bank to relax. There you see plenty of people doing the same thing. Some of them even bring their pets with them.", "Words": ["dog", "foot", "stand", "stream", "water"]}, {"Context": "Carol finally found a parking spot and rushed to find a place on First Avenue to watch the Thanksgiving parade. Her son was a freshman in high school and he would be playing clarinet in the parade today. She was proud of how hard he'd been practicing and couldn't wait to see him.", "Words": ["band", "lead", "major", "march", "street"]}, {"Context": "William had always been into sports, and he wasn't going to shy away from surfing. His friend took him out onto the water to give him a few pointers. This was much different than football or basketball though, and William quickly wiped out.", "Words": ["body", "surfboard", "trick"]}, {"Context": "Chico ran across the field across from Mike. He had gotten loose from his collar again, but Mike finally got him. Mike cried as Chico bit down on his arm.", "Words": ["bare", "dog", "run", "tooth"]}, {"Context": "The sun was out for a great day by the lake. There was a trampoline in the water that all the kids had fun playing on. We told all our friends goodbye at the end of the day.", "Words": ["beach", "jump", "wave"]}, {"Context": "I love indoor climbing. It brings about a certain adventure that can be done safely. One thing you need to make sure and do is to get your body limber in order to do this.", "Words": ["arm", "stretch", "wall"]}, {"Context": "Kelly was working after school at a craft supply store. She loved what she did and it was fun teaching classes. She gathered up the materials for the next course on the agenda.", "Words": ["apply", "basket", "cut", "glue", "weave"]}, {"Context": "Evelyn walked to greet the guests at the restaurant. She talked to them and took them to their spot. Evelyn was surprised to realize that no one had bussed this section of the restaurant.", "Words": ["fold", "paper", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "Randy stared as his wife filled up her bag on the bed. Why couldn't they reach an agreement? Randy didn't want to see her go, but he really didn't know what to say anymore.", "Words": ["clothe", "suitcase", "talk"]}, {"Context": "I was running late to see the show, I looked at my wrist to see the time. I didn't want to miss seeing my favorite group on stage because this was the only month they would be there. I looked in the crowd to see if I could spot the rest of the people I was meeting there.", "Words": ["band", "field", "march", "perform", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Martha called her kids to come to supper. The children piled in the door, but Martha stopped them from going to the table. She instructed them to go to the sink to wash up first.", "Words": ["faucet", "hand", "rinse", "turn"]}, {"Context": "The baseball game had been progressing very slowly. Billy was bored and lost track of the game's inning. Suddenly, the crowd gave a large uproar and Billy came back to his senses.", "Words": ["ball", "hit", "stand"]}, {"Context": "Danny didn't know what to expect when he walked into the floral shop. He knew he wanted to buy something for his girlfriend, but he had no clue what to get her. The florist was great though and was able to figure out just want Danny needed.", "Words": ["arrange", "flower", "give", "tutorial", "vase"]}, {"Context": "Miriam looked at the black and white picture across from her. She didn't know exactly what it was, but something about it drew her in. She knew she had to ask her uncle about it when he returned from the restroom.", "Words": ["glass", "hold", "photo", "sit", "wall"]}, {"Context": "Jenny was excited about going halfway across the country to see her cousin. She was also excited because she booked the trip on Amtrak instead of by air. Jenny took a cab to the station and clutched her ticket in the throng of people.", "Words": ["board", "crowd", "train"]}, {"Context": "We still believed in our cause, but we had suffered a great loss. Our beloved leader had been arrested by the government. We wouldn't let that deter us, and we formulated an elaborate plan.", "Words": ["capture", "continue", "machine", "move", "movement"]}, {"Context": "Tara trudged along the sidewalk on her way to work. At times like this, she really wished that she had her own car. Maybe a little longer on the job and she wouldn't have to wish any longer.", "Words": ["fall", "snow", "street", "walk"]}, {"Context": "I walked into the room and Jim was playing a game. At first I could just see his arm moving. Then I could see he was trying to get something into a hat.", "Words": ["card", "hold", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Trevor was thirsty and in the mood for some homemade juice. He searched the refrigerator, trying to find the proper fruit. He found what he wanted and prepared to make the juice.", "Words": ["hand", "knife", "orange", "peel"]}, {"Context": "The magician was a bit of a let down so far. All of his \"tricks\" were corny and easily debunked - the kids already knew how they were done. He knew he needed something interactive for the kids so he opened his kit.", "Words": ["balloon", "demonstrate", "shape", "twist"]}, {"Context": "It was way too hot for Marc to get into the building. Still, he was a firefighter and he had to try something. Marc suddenly heard screams coming from the upstairs of the building.", "Words": ["blow", "create", "fire", "flame", "hold"]}, {"Context": "Jace walked into the gym for the school dance. There was a DJ on the stage and the walls were vibrating with the kids' favorite songs. He looked around the group of kids to find his friends.", "Words": ["background", "crowd", "music", "stand"]}, {"Context": "James joined a gym because he wanted to look like a bodybuilder. James tried to lift a heavy weight but dropped it near his foot. A trainer came over to demonstrate proper lifting technique.", "Words": ["bar", "hold", "shoulder"]}, {"Context": "Linus got up quickly when his alarm rang in the morning. He brushed his teeth and grabbed his razor, when he realized the blade was dull. Even worse, he had no spare blades.", "Words": ["bed", "lie", "shave"]}, {"Context": "The black and white tiles were lined up all down the hallway and across the living room floor. It had taken us hours to do the whole thing, but it was going to be awesome. Well, it was going to be, until the cat ran into the room and knocked them all over.", "Words": ["domino", "set", "sit"]}, {"Context": "The little bird trembled as Kara tried to take care of it. She had found it outside near her doorsteps, and she was determined not to let the poor thing die. Kara forced a medicine dropper to the bird hoping that it would eat from it.", "Words": ["feed", "mouth", "open"]}, {"Context": "Sam's mom always said her son was more monkey than boy. Sam loved playing outdoors, surrounded by nature. In his backyard, Sam loved to scramble to great heights.", "Words": ["branch", "climb", "ground", "jump", "tree"]}, {"Context": "The circus is an incredible event. You have a lot of different animals and people in a variety of outfits. Some of the best are the clowns because they have crazy hair and put on anything that they like.", "Words": ["costume", "horse", "redheade", "ride", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The seafood restaurant was crowded and full of patrons. I had never had shellfish before, but tonight was going to be the night. The waitress brought out my food complete with crackers and hot sauce.", "Words": ["knife", "look", "open", "oyster", "use"]}, {"Context": "Adam was on the green and had just finished playing against someone really talented. A new game had started, and there was a long way to go before a winner was determined. Adam had never had to putt as many times as he had this game.", "Words": ["ball", "golfer", "hit", "hole"]}, {"Context": "I went to work out yesterday. I'm going to tell you right now, every muscle in my body hurts. I'm even having trouble bringing the coffee to my mouth and water to drink it this morning.", "Words": ["back", "cup", "hand", "neck", "pull"]}, {"Context": "Brian was taking a hike in the woods near his house. He laced up his shoes and he was ready to go. There was a strange man at the entrance of the park and Brian kept an eye on him.", "Words": ["onlooker", "path", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Brody decided to take a break at his grandmother's house. He had been riding for a while and he was halfway back home. He parked and kicked out the kickstand, making sure that his bicycle wouldn't tip over.", "Words": ["bench", "bike", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Tracy looked out as her grandchildren played with the birds near the pond. They came up to her and she gave them pieces of bread to give them. The park was one of their favorite places to go.", "Words": ["duck", "feed", "fence", "sit", "wheelchair"]}, {"Context": "Dan discovered he excelled in the discus event. It was all about the motion of the shoulders and rotation of the torso. Dan lifted the disk shape to his shoulder, then let loose in a burst of energy.", "Words": ["distance", "object", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Kara had been sick for two days and was out of school again. Her mother went into her room and checked her temperature with the thermometer. Kara winced when she saw her mother walking into the room with the bottle of medicine.", "Words": ["bed", "bottle", "head", "shake", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Jill got up at 6am as usual and threw on her workout clothes and popped in her headphones. She was planning to do 5 miles today and was ready to go. However when she opened the front door she realized it was pouring rain, so she'd have to go to the gym instead.", "Words": ["listen", "music", "run", "treadmill"]}, {"Context": "I saw some kids riding down the street yesterday. They all had on the same thing and were on these fast little machines. I wish I was that age again", "Words": ["ride", "scooter", "shirt", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Sonya sat in the shade as she waited for the bus. It was a lovely day and she wondered if she even needed to take the bus. Sonya gathered up her things and decided to just take a stroll.", "Words": ["line", "sidewalk", "tree", "walk"]}, {"Context": "It was the dreaded day when I had to give unwilling Prince a bath. He could sense it was coming as he began to bark and whine. I moved towards him and he moved away, his pace quickening.", "Words": ["chase", "clean", "dog"]}, {"Context": "Stan had just bought a penthouse apartment in Chicago. Today, some movers were coming with a load of Stan's belongings. Since the apartment elevator was broken and the stairway was too small, the movers had to get creative.", "Words": ["building", "furniture", "pulley", "rope", "window"]}, {"Context": "Ted and Leo were graduate students on their first architectural dig. They had satchels full of what they'd need to find artifacts. The area they were working in was gridded off and they each moved to their assigned section to begin work.", "Words": ["chip", "piece", "rock", "tool"]}, {"Context": "Ted was going into the music shop for his third lesson. His father had given him his old instrument and he figured that he should make good use of it. Ted tried to practice getting his fingers from the frets and get the chords right.", "Words": ["guitar", "hold", "move"]}, {"Context": "Sally was out on the town that day and had been dropped off at the nearby mall. Later she decided she didn't need a ride and headed home on her own. She wanted to go by and see what had been done by one of her friends, a street artist.", "Words": ["cover", "graffiti", "walk", "wall"]}, {"Context": "Carl and his classmates sat in their classroom after the bell rang, but Mr. Philips was uncharacteristically late. Carl was about to stand up to go to the office to see what they should do when an elderly woman walked in. She said Mr. Philips wasn't there today and she was the substitute.", "Words": ["book", "read", "teacher"]}, {"Context": "Kathy was involved in the biggest equestrian competition of her life. Woman and animal were as one as they competed. They were working together as they approached the final challenge of the event.", "Words": ["horse", "jump", "obstacle", "ride"]}, {"Context": "The two little boys were playing in the field. One of them was actually being chased by the other. The other wanted some of the boy's ice cream cone.", "Words": ["dirt", "grass", "lick", "lip", "run"]}, {"Context": "Henry was making his secret chili recipe for the chili cook off tomorrow. He gathered all his ingredients and laid them out on the counter. Then he took out the biggest pot that he owned and got to work.", "Words": ["board", "chop", "cut", "knife", "onion"]}, {"Context": "The movie that everyone had been waiting for was finally premiering. A line wrapped around the block as folks waited to buy tickets. In the darkened theatre, the curtain parted to reveal the screen.", "Words": ["audience", "sit", "watch"]}, {"Context": "Oliver worked on a soda route. His job was pretty monotonous, and all day long he filled up soda and emptied the change. Maybe one day he would go to school and get something better.", "Words": ["casing", "fill", "machine"]}, {"Context": "Ernie walked out of the back door and lit up his smoke. He watched the people walk up and down the sidewalk from where he was crouched down in the alley. Eventually, he put out the burning cancer stick and went back to his duties.", "Words": ["cigarette", "continue", "look"]}, {"Context": "Allen caught lice from his son who got it in his kindergarten class. He couldn't seem to get rid of them, so he went to his barber, Pete. He told him what the problem was and sat down so Pete could take care of it for him.", "Words": ["chair", "head", "shave"]}, {"Context": "Tony had been sitting at the edge of the bank for a while with nothing to show for it. He pulled in his line once again and wasn't surprised to see that the bait was gone. At this rate, Tony would be out of worms in no time.", "Words": ["catch", "fish", "sit", "step", "watch"]}, {"Context": "The man got up on the saddle and led the horse around the field. They gained a bit of speed and headed toward the obstacle before them. The man pulled back on the reins and they sailed into the air.", "Words": ["barrier", "horse", "jockey", "jump"]}, {"Context": "Tommy's dad was going to teach him how to work on the farm. Today was finally the day and Tommy was fully of excitement and nervousness. He followed his dad to the shed and his eyes lit up when he saw the big tractor.", "Words": ["equipment", "son", "use"]}, {"Context": "Al was late for class because he woke up late. When he got to the classroom, the door was locked. Al felt very stressed out because no one would let him in.", "Words": ["access", "laptop", "sit", "smoke", "step"]}, {"Context": "You can get a pet to run after anything. Just tie something to a piece of rope and throw it around. You will see them go after that time and time again.", "Words": ["animal", "chase", "dog", "string", "stuff"]}, {"Context": "Larry looked at the amber colored drink sitting in front of him. He didn't usually indulge in this type of thing, but it was his birthday. His friends cheered him on to go for another one.", "Words": ["beer", "glass", "sit", "table"]}, {"Context": "Ace had waited for two years, but it was finally his turn to be the team captain. He looked on the end of the stadium to see his name in big letters. Ace smiled before turning to his teammates to get them pumped up.", "Words": ["ball", "shirt", "wall"]}, {"Context": "Tim was going to be late for class and it wasn't the first time this semester. He started to go faster, passing up other pedestrians along the roadway. His bag was heavy and he was shifting it from one shoulder to the other.", "Words": ["carry", "sidewalk", "stuff", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Hal followed the lines marked on the floor in the grocery store. There were a few things that he wasn't able to find, but he wasn't mad. It would just make his shopping trip a bit cheaper.", "Words": ["cart", "push", "shirt", "stripe", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The parking lot near the restaurant was horrible and bumpy. Most people didn't want to go their because of the damage that the holes would do to their vehicle. One day, the owner finally decided to get the holes patched up.", "Words": ["car", "park", "shovel"]}, {"Context": "Brad put his soda down after he had taken a sip. It was refreshing and bubbly after this long trip. He opened his eyes, invigorated by the jolt of caffeine.", "Words": ["car", "cup", "drive"]}, {"Context": "Anna was really tired after the long day of work. She could hardly enjoy the beautiful view in front of her. She scooted next to Jax and looked out over the water.", "Words": ["close", "eye", "head", "rest", "shoulder"]}, {"Context": "Jen was working her morning shift at the gym. The morning shift was the easiest for her because it was usually a bunch of mothers who didn't work day jobs. Today, however was different.", "Words": ["exercise", "perform", "stretch", "team", "uniform"]}, {"Context": "Donny put on his outfit and went to work. He arrived at Mr. Martin's house and let himself around the back as Mr. Martin told him to do. The spa was a mess and there were leaves all in the water.", "Words": ["clean", "hat", "pool", "shirt", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I was overjoyed when Susan, a girl I had a crush on, broke up with her boyfriend. I asked her to go to prom, but she said she was too upset over the breakup. I insisted, telling her that a night of fun is just what she needed.", "Words": ["dance", "head", "laugh", "music", "shake"]}, {"Context": "Kala had been into figure skating since she was young. This was going to be her first competition with a partner though. They had practiced many times before, but she was more nervous now that she had to rely on someone other than herself.", "Words": ["perform", "rink", "routine", "skate"]}, {"Context": "I was six-years old, sick, home from school for several days, getting tired of my hard mattress and nothing to do. My mom who has always been a bit whimsical said she had just the things. She brought me a bowl of soapy water and a plastic device she had fashioned.", "Words": ["bed", "blow", "bubble", "lay"]}, {"Context": "Brian had been working extra hard lately at the warehouse because it was a very busy time of year and everyone had to pitch in. He wasn't getting any younger, of course, and noticed that he was feeling very sore and weak at the end of the day with all of his muscles, tendons and joints aching painfully. On Friday, he was delighted when he arrived at work and learned that the boss had arranged for a masseuse to come in and give everyone a full-body treatment, a luxurious surprise that Brian was really looking forward to.", "Words": ["lie", "massage", "receive", "table"]}, {"Context": "Amy woke up in a hospital room and didn't know what had happened to her. She looked down at the gauze wrapping up her leg and suddenly remembered. She remembered being chased and feeling the teeth sink into her skin and suddenly Amy began to scream in fear.", "Words": ["bed", "bite", "cat", "collar", "dog"]}, {"Context": "It was a cold and snowy day, and Patty and her brother didn't have school. The decided to set up tiles all throughout the house which took them half the day. When they were ready to tumble them, they called their parents to come watch.", "Words": ["domino", "fall", "finger", "push", "rest"]}, {"Context": "Jason took his camera on the family trip. They were going out into the wilderness and his father was going to help him get some good shots. Jason was excited because he had never used the camera in the woods before.", "Words": ["equipment", "learn", "photographer", "son", "use"]}, {"Context": "I was watching a ball game last night. The guy was throwing a perfect game. Although he was on a team that I did not like, what he had all did not matter to me as I wanted to see him achieve this feat.", "Words": ["baseball", "pitcher", "throw", "uniform", "wear"]}, {"Context": "She stood there just looking out at the people passing by. The women was lonely and wanted to have come company. She throw a party to see if anyone exciting would be there for her.", "Words": ["lady", "rug", "use", "window", "wipe"]}, {"Context": "When Joe and Marge became empty nesters, their lives felt empty. One day, Joe brought home a puppy to fill the emptiness they felt. The puppy gave Joe and Marge a reason to feel alive and get out again.", "Words": ["couple", "dog", "park", "take", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Alexandra had achieved a long time educational goal, acceptance to an Ivy League College. The college was beautiful and, a first-year student, she would often just walk around admiring it. Today she was not walking, but on the college green, studying for a midterm.", "Words": ["book", "grass", "lay", "read", "sunglass"]}, {"Context": "Pet owners neither trained their pets. You have to show them the right way to behave. When they do a good job, then you can reward them.", "Words": ["dog", "give", "teach", "treat"]}, {"Context": "Kyle threw the toy to Dewey when they went for a walk. However, Kyle threw it too far and it went under the house. Kyle bowed his head in dismay when Dewey returned to him covered in mud.", "Words": ["dog", "return", "stick"]}, {"Context": "Jill sat quite nervously as she prepared for this new experience. She she was told to lie down and relax. She needed to relax and to get relief for her sore muscles, so she did as instructed.", "Words": ["give", "massage", "table"]}, {"Context": "Joan's family loved to eat pasta, even her 3-year-old. Little Billy discovered he could make the family laugh by slurping the noodles. This evening, Joan fixed her famous pasta with Italian tomato sauce.", "Words": ["spaghetti", "table", "toddler"]}, {"Context": "Ann hadn't seen her niece Abby for two months. She was sure that she was able to do much more than the last time she saw her. When she arrived Abby was sitting on the floor, holding herself erect without any support.", "Words": ["begin", "clap", "crawl", "hand", "smile"]}, {"Context": "Connie had put off taking care of her fence as long as she could, and now it was cold out. She couldn't put it off any longer, as the first snowfall would be coming soon. She gathered up her materials including brushes and took them outside.", "Words": ["coat", "front", "hold", "painting", "stand"]}, {"Context": "I'm going to be hiking this weekend. I wanna make sure and check the weather so I won't run into any problems. I need to have the right clothing and make sure that everything I bring with me as a good seal.", "Words": ["cover", "front", "mountain", "short", "wear"]}, {"Context": "They were setting up a photo shoot. Their intentions were to capture some images for the family website. The photographer was ready and would direct their poses.", "Words": ["front", "picture", "stand", "take"]}, {"Context": "Jim got a job working for a rancher who kept livestock. In addition to helping the ewes birth their lambs, Jim cared for the animals in other ways. Now it was shearing time, as their coats had grown thick and shaggy.", "Words": ["hold", "shave", "sheep", "wool"]}, {"Context": "It was a beautiful day and the Jones family headed to the beach. The group included the mom and dad and five-year old Lisa. Once there, mom showed Lisa just the thing she could do at the beach.", "Words": ["bucket", "dig", "put", "sand", "shovel"]}, {"Context": "The barn really needed to be painted and Bob knew it. He hired a local painter to do all the work for it. After the barn was painted, Bob thought about maybe getting an advertisement posted on it to make revenue.", "Words": ["building", "hang", "harness", "paint", "side"]}, {"Context": "I went downstairs and put my coat on, it was so early but I had to go for a walk. I walked down a street that I usually go down so many times but this time it was different the whole block seems to be covered with smoke. Across the street I saw this old man with his family, they looked intensely at the house as the all hugged one another close together.", "Words": ["dog", "fire", "hurdle"]}, {"Context": "Dana was proud to finally represent her school for the Fourth of July. They would be winding down the school road and across the railroad tracks to the fair grounds. Dana held her flute tightly and waited for the director's signal.", "Words": ["band", "instrument", "march", "parade"]}, {"Context": "Lincoln was one of the world's most successful supermodels and he prided himself on always having a great photoshoot, so much so that all the best photographers wanted to work with him. Lincoln was getting tired of the same old backdrops, though the cityscapes, the beaches, the romantic bedrooms and vowed to start taking his shots someplace different. His girlfriend suggested he get back to nature and start doing photoshoots on the family farm, which Lincoln thought was a great idea, and so he did that very thing on his next job modeling Levis.", "Words": ["background", "field", "jean", "stand", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Cardell was hot after working a long day outside. He smiled as he climbed onto the diving board at the rec center. The water splashed up as Cardell jumped in.", "Words": ["pool", "swim", "touch", "wall"]}, {"Context": "They were setting up a new fish tank. They would prep the tank before adding the fish. once in place, they would put the finishing touches on the tank.", "Words": ["rock", "sit", "water"]}, {"Context": "I went to a baseball game this weekend. I enjoyed myself a lot as I saw lotta home runs that wasn't very far. They were even if you catch is that rob some of those home runs.", "Words": ["air", "ball", "hit", "jump"]}, {"Context": "Mary and her friend Sue met at Sue's house every Friday morning for coffee. Mary was bought a little something for them to eat with her, and this week she chose some cheese danish. She kept the bag with the danish in her left hand as she knocked on Sue's door.", "Words": ["couch", "cup", "hold", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Kelvin and his wife rushed into the stadium to find their seats. Their son Max was competing in the high school state championship track and field competition today. As they sat down, they could see Max warming up for his event.", "Words": ["fall", "javelin", "step", "take", "throw"]}, {"Context": "Lisa looked around in the bathroom in confusion. Where did the toothpaste go? She knew that she had set it on the counter here right after she had come home from buying it.", "Words": ["hold", "sink", "sit", "toothbrush"]}, {"Context": "When Steve moved to Hawaii, he was eager to enjoy everything about island life. Steve decided to take up surfing to make the most of his new location. He took lessons from a surfing guru and learned how to pick a wave.", "Words": ["balance", "board", "fall", "lose", "ride"]}, {"Context": "Josie's hair had never turned out like she wanted it to. Try as she may, it always seemed to come out better when her stylist did it. Josie finally decided to ask her stylist exactly what kind of tools to use.", "Words": ["brush", "face", "hand"]}, {"Context": "It was hot outside and the kids wanted play in the sprinkler. Marie hooked up the sprinkler to the side of the house. The kids screamed with excitement when they saw the water flying in the air.", "Words": ["hose", "pool", "spray"]}, {"Context": "I went to watch a championship event last night. The crowd was very loud and excited to be there. The end of an entertaining battle between two combatants a champion was crowned.", "Words": ["artist", "audience", "belt", "fight", "front"]}, {"Context": "The plate crashed to the ground and Donna sighed. The little girl in the high chair laughed and giggled. Donna got down on her knees and began to clean up the mess that was now on the floor.", "Words": ["fork", "sit", "spaghetti", "table", "toddler"]}, {"Context": "I needed a job, and a friend said he heard of a position. Before he could tell me about it, I gave my list of requirements. \"I can't be outside and I need to sit, but if those two conditions are met, I'm interested.\"", "Words": ["clean", "ladder", "squeegee", "stand", "window"]}, {"Context": "Since I love the water and live in Florida, I'll try to get to the ocean every weekend. You see a lot of people both in the water and outside of it having a good time. You have riders, walkers as well as joggers.", "Words": ["attach", "beach", "ride", "sail", "tricycle"]}, {"Context": "There's nothing better than fresh fruit. One of the best ones to have on a summer day is large in green. Everybody loves it because it's sweet and filled with lots of juice.", "Words": ["cut", "inside", "open", "scoop", "watermelon"]}, {"Context": "Tessa works at a drive through cafe in town. I see her every morning because I love going to the cafe to get my morning coffee. It is the best place in town to go to because Tessa is never in a bad mood.", "Words": ["car", "cup", "drive", "hand", "smile"]}, {"Context": "Jim was walking down the street with his young son. Jim's son saw a dog across the street and wanted to go pet it. The dog started barking so Jim and his son ran until they saw a nearby candy store.", "Words": ["boot", "fence", "hold", "lollipop", "wear"]}, {"Context": "The chef was working behind a clear glass wall at the restaurant. It was fun to watch him do his job as we ate. I never realized how busy their job could get at dinner service.", "Words": ["cook", "food", "prepare"]}, {"Context": "The music was pounding and pulsing in the studio. The dancers only had two more weeks before their performance. The dance teacher had them do the routine over and over until they got it right.", "Words": ["dance", "pump", "room"]}, {"Context": "June wanted to create a romantic mood to spice up her marriage. She read that pink and red were the symbols of romance. So, June bought pink and red bulbs for the bedside lamps.", "Words": ["color", "light", "room"]}, {"Context": "Hal worked as a helper at the meat market. Everyday he helped clean the equipment and mop the floors. He even helped cut the meat and make sausage!", "Words": ["grind", "machine", "use"]}, {"Context": "Gwen auditioned for and got a starring part in the ballet Swan Lake. For weeks, Gwen rehearsed the complicated but graceful choreography. On opening night, the curtain parted and Gwen stood under a spotlight.", "Words": ["audience", "dancer", "perform", "routine", "stage"]}, {"Context": "They waited to see if the animal would come out from the ground to see if we were going to have a longer winter. The woman won the race in first prize and I have never seen someone as fast as she is. We couldn't see what was written on her shirt so when they asked us to vote for a winner it was hard to vote.", "Words": ["greyhound", "number", "run"]}, {"Context": "I was at my friend's fancy home, observing the koi in the water. They were bigger and more beautiful than I expected, and my friend said they can live for a long time. Then, I don't know how he could tell, he thought they looked hungry.", "Words": ["feed", "fish", "food", "pond"]}, {"Context": "The cold rain poured down on the crew as they did their best to repair the road. The foreman did not see the weather report that morning and was not prepared. He thought it would be sunny this day as it was a late September morning and rain was not a common happening this time of year.", "Words": ["hat", "jacket", "wear", "worker"]}, {"Context": "It was the strangest competition that Harry had ever seen. Tractors and other machines were spread out along the track. Harry grabbed a seat in the stands and watched and waited.", "Words": ["helmet", "mower", "race", "track", "wear"]}, {"Context": "It was one of those stops that the family tended to take on long trips. Dad had decided to stop at a reptile sanctuary, getting mixed approval from the family. As it happened, teenage Brooke, one of the dissenters, was asked by the operator to take one of the reptiles and tell everyone how it felt.", "Words": ["hand", "hold", "snake", "talk"]}, {"Context": "Ken wasn't sure why he had agreed to go with Sue to her salon appointment. He was sitting with a couple of other husbands who had also made the same mistake. He started chatting with them about their situation and what they should have done differently.", "Words": ["finish", "wait", "wife"]}, {"Context": "Kevin's sister lived across the country from him and he had a package that he needed to send to her right away. He stopped at the office supply store and picked up all the stuff he needed so that he'd be able to send the package later that day. Then he went home and laid out all of his supplies so that he could prepare the package and bring it to the post office for mailing.", "Words": ["box", "cut", "paper", "strip", "wrap"]}, {"Context": "Benny was back on the rink for practice. He waited for his partners to join him. The competition was this weekend and they needed a lot of practice.", "Words": ["curl", "front", "ice", "stone", "sweep"]}, {"Context": "The score was tied with less than 4 seconds left on the clock. The stadium's sound grew louder and louder at an ear busting decibel level. The teams lined up ready for the snap of the ball.", "Words": ["ball", "ground", "kick"]}, {"Context": "Billy was very excited when he woke up on Saturday morning. His dad was driving him over to the next town to watch the rodeo that came through every spring. They sang cowboy songs in the car as they made the drive and quickly found seats once they got there.", "Words": ["cow", "horse", "lasso", "ride"]}, {"Context": "Steve played soccer only because his parents thought he needed to get involved in sports. Steve was going to play in his first soccer tournament this weekend. In the first match, Steve saved the day by getting a goal in the final minute.", "Words": ["ball", "game", "team"]}, {"Context": "There's a huge event happening in the military this weekend. It's always a celebrated event that everybody tries to look their best. I always enjoy going there as I catch up we're friends and dance the night away.", "Words": ["ball", "dress", "player"]}, {"Context": "The container was leaking, but Billy wasn't sure how to fix it. It wasn't going to be easy to plug this one up. He looked around the area to see what he could use.", "Words": ["barrel", "improvise", "tool", "transport", "work"]}, {"Context": "Kim was on on her way to a nightclub when her car broke down. She tried to crank it but it would not start. Her friends were expecting her to be there and have fun.", "Words": ["dress", "lady", "sidewalk", "sweep", "wear"]}, {"Context": "I walked over to my friend Jeff's house on a cold winter's morning. His house was warm as we sat and talked for an hour in front of the fire. I was thirsty when I told Jeff I had better be getting home.", "Words": ["jacket", "stand", "water"]}, {"Context": "The kids in the kindergarten class were getting a bit restless. The teachers in the first grade classrooms had already told Joyce that they could hear them from down the all. Joyce had to think of a way to get their attention.", "Words": ["clap", "hand", "singe", "song"]}, {"Context": "Brian wanted to enter a body-building competition, but he needed more muscle. So Brian hired a personal trainer to give workout advice. The trainer emphasized safety when working out and demonstrated proper technique.", "Words": ["help", "lift", "spotter", "weight"]}, {"Context": "Jeremy and Susan have been dating for several months. Today they are going to their favorite downtown theater. They go in and Jeremy gets popcorn and sodas for both of them.", "Words": ["couple", "movie", "sit"]}, {"Context": "It was the first time that the town had hosted a Halloween festival. The band was preparing to march down Main Street. Their procession would end in the park where the festivities would begin.", "Words": ["carry", "costume", "dress", "instrument", "parade"]}, {"Context": "Maria was getting ready for her big date. She wanted to really impress the guy that she was seeing. She started running the water and jumped in the shower with her razor.", "Words": ["fire", "hair", "leg", "set", "shave"]}, {"Context": "Preparing home cooked meals doesn't have to be so messy. There are simple ways to prepare food for your family without so much to clean up, even when you're cooking from scratch. Simply arranging your kitchen supplies and ingredients in better ways can make things easier.", "Words": ["bowl", "fall", "grinder", "meat", "put"]}, {"Context": "Bob had to work late and it was very stressful for him because his beloved German Shepherd was waiting at home for dinner and for other important things, too. The dog had been inside the house all day and Bob was afraid the poor pup was going to have an accident. Finally Bob's work project was done and he was able to leave the office and rush to get home, knowing he'd have to take his faithful friend out as soon as he got there.", "Words": ["dog", "field", "grass", "leash", "walk"]}, {"Context": "Timmy walked onto the sand with his gear. He hadn't been out on the water in what felt like ages. He put on his wetsuit and got into the water.", "Words": ["beach", "board", "carry", "surfer"]}, {"Context": "The show was about to start and Mike was getting nervous. There were some parts of his routine that he had never done before. Mike took a deep breath and hopped on his bike ready to begin.", "Words": ["perform", "ride", "trick"]}, {"Context": "The salon was empty when Marge got there, but she was happy about that. She knew that she would be out of there in no time. Usually when she came to get her hair done, it took forever.", "Words": ["dye", "glove", "hair", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Kyle grabbed the ball from the air and ran down field. He avoided a few tackles and continued to go for the goal line. It was the first touchdown that he made this season!", "Words": ["football", "hold", "run"]}, {"Context": "Pam had been eating way too much and not working out. She was feeling bloated and slow and needed to do something. So she packed up her bag on Saturday morning and got in her car to go do something about it.", "Words": ["exercise", "gym", "machine"]}, {"Context": "After years and years, my boss finally let me run a crew. I'm not sure what the big deal was. I was in charge of three workers to finish two rooms.", "Words": ["carpet", "give", "instruction", "lay"]}, {"Context": "The cook was on a tv cook channel as he spoke about the dish he was going to make. He cut up all the meat and vegetables, as he was doing that he was complaining about how dull the object was to cut with. As the dish was in the oven cooking, he prepared the topping to garnish the dish, after it was done he showed everyone how delicious it looked.", "Words": ["demonstrate", "knife", "sharpen", "talk"]}, {"Context": "The rain started pouring and Bob ran for cover. He and Buddy had gone for a walk and they were half a mile away from home. They ducked under a covered pavilion in the park and Bob hoped that the rain would stop soon.", "Words": ["cover", "dog", "ground"]}, {"Context": "A group of us were going to the football game. We all met up at Jack's, but everyone was dressed differently. We all had different expectations on how to be spectators at the game.", "Words": ["face", "paint", "picture", "shirt", "wear"]}, {"Context": "Getting up in the morning to get ready for work can be a chore. Especially when it comes to your hair. As a woman, you also need to worry about powdering your face especially certain areas.", "Words": ["blow", "comb", "nose"]}, {"Context": "Ed was looking for a day of adventure. He decided to rent a boat to see how exciting it would be. He paid five hundred dollars for two hours with the biggest boat.", "Words": ["attach", "ride", "sail", "sand"]}, {"Context": "I went to the beach yesterday. I was laying in the sand and all of a sudden I saw a couple people on JetSki's in the water. It looked like they were having a competition among each other to see who was the fastest.", "Words": ["race", "shirt", "sunglass"]}, {"Context": "Jason played basketball everyday after school. He was in seventh grade, but everyone knew that he was better than a lot of the guy in high school. One day, the coach from the high school asked Jason if he would like to join the team.", "Words": ["ball", "kid", "shoot"]}, {"Context": "It was about time that Cindy was able to have a break from work. The lake seemed like a perfect area to get some rest and relaxation. Cindy looked out and rested for a minute, knowing that she would have to go into town to get groceries later.", "Words": ["entitle", "place", "store", "street", "take"]}, {"Context": "Henry and Al were at a trade show in Madison, Wisconsin for the week. They got to their hotel the night before it began. On Monday morning they met for breakfast and then headed into the hall where all the vendors were set up.", "Words": ["front", "pause", "table"]}, {"Context": "The bat swung and the ball bounced along the ground. The batter sprinted to first base, trying to beat the throw from the third baseman. The throw was close, but the batter beat him by a hair.", "Words": ["baseball", "kid", "run"]}, {"Context": "It was the grand opening of the store and it was looking great. The building was old, but they had revitalized it. The fresh colors and the renovations that the owners had done really looked fantastic.", "Words": ["front", "look", "paint", "street", "word"]}, {"Context": "Connie and her husband finally found time for a vacation. They decided to head to Napa and spend a week visiting the different vineyards there. Connie had never been to a vineyard before and wasn't totally sure what to expect as they reached their first stop.", "Words": ["barrel", "grape", "wine"]}, {"Context": "Ed was at home looking at himself in the mirror. His wife told him he looked like a complete bum. She said that he had way too much hair on his body.", "Words": ["bed", "leg", "razor", "shave", "sit"]}, {"Context": "Charlie couldn't believe what had happened, but it was there for him to see. Someone had left the door of the barn wide open and all the animals had gotten out. Charlie called Leroy to help him round up the animals.", "Words": ["dog", "horse", "run"]}, {"Context": "Bill finished eating breakfast in his bathrobe and realized he had to go to the store for milk. He wanted to enjoy the nice weather, but it was a bit far to walk. As he decided on his clothes for the day, he made a decision", "Words": ["bike", "jean", "ride", "shirt"]}, {"Context": "Eddie was entranced by the game at the arcade. He studied how it worked, knowing that he could figure out how to win. Eventually, Eddie was ready to play.", "Words": ["continue", "machine", "movement"]}, {"Context": "A friend and I decided to drive across the country. In the middle of nowhere, we grew very hungry, and came upon a bar. As hungry as we were, we nearly turned around and left once we saw the bar was full of Hell's Angels.", "Words": ["motorcycle", "ride", "uniform"]}, {"Context": "I have to go down to the library to check out some research material. I'm going to write down what I need and put it in my pants so I won't forget it. Once there it should be easy to look for the material that I need.", "Words": ["book", "paper", "piece", "pocket", "slip"]}, {"Context": "I looked out the window as the rain continued to pour down. The storm had been raging for several hours, causing a rapid rise of the nearby river. I had to get to the safety of my friend's house soon, and without transportation there was only one way.", "Words": ["flood", "walk", "water"]}, {"Context": "Stan stepped outside and inhaled the crisp fall air. He waved at his neighbor sitting on the porch, who waved at Stan to come over. As Stan crossed the edge of his lawn, his loafer sunk into something a dog left behind.", "Words": ["bottom", "clean", "shoe"]}, {"Context": "Teresa ran up the ten steps of the staircase as fast as she could, reaching the top. Just on the bottom step was her masked pursuer, armed with a knife. Teresa got to her apartment, fumbled with her key, but stepped inside just as her pursuer reached the top of the stairs.", "Words": ["close", "door", "handle"]}, {"Context": "The competition was about to begin and people lined the path. Everyone was dressed warmly as it was cold outside. The animals panted with their beautiful blue eyes.", "Words": ["cheer", "dog", "race", "sle"]}, {"Context": "Susan was nervous and excited because her boyfriend Aaron was coming over that night and she was going to prepare dinner for him for the very first time. She spent several hours looking through her cookbooks, carefully planning a delicious dinner, and then went shopping to pick up all of the things she'd need to create a sumptuous feast. When she got home, Susan carefully arranged everything on her kitchen counters and then consulted her meal plan and reviewed all the details so she could begin the meal preparations.", "Words": ["board", "chop", "cut", "knife"]}] \ No newline at end of file +[{"Context": "They had noticed water streaming down the sides of their external walls every time it rained heavily. They were sure they could fix the problem themselves but weren't quite certain of what to do so they called up a local tradesman for advice. He came up with a number of potential reasons as to why they might be having the issue and they decided to ask him round for a quote to check on the most obvious solutions.", "Words": {"a": "clean", "b": "gutter", "c": "house"}}, {"Context": "James mulled over the fight with his girlfriend. The city noises were all blocked out by him. He dropped his lighter and then picked it up again.", "Words": {"a": "cigarette", "b": "street", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "The show came on the television with people singing. The family all gathered to watch. They all became silent when the show came on.", "Words": {"a": "follow", "b": "series", "c": "voice"}}, {"Context": "John laid in the bed sick. His nose was running. His wife was making him a remedy to feel better.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "head", "c": "nose"}}, {"Context": "Angelina was at party. It was a hot sunny day and the kids where having so much fun throwing bright colored objects at each other. Angelina chucked a round object at her friends face and exploded on impact.", "Words": {"a": "balloon", "b": "fill", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "The house looked broken down. There was a shabby looking lawn. There was no sign of the dog.", "Words": {"a": "bucket", "b": "chew", "c": "fence"}}, {"Context": "Fred showed up at the club and got compliments. He gained entry from the person at the front. He met a friend in there and they had a great time.", "Words": {"a": "dance", "b": "hat", "c": "music"}}, {"Context": "Emmanuel was given six dollars by his director. He was to go on stage from tomorrow. The director directed him that he will be on stage everyday from 2pm.", "Words": {"a": "figure", "b": "perform", "c": "routine"}}, {"Context": "Every person uses the road to go anywhere in their daily life. Everyday many stories of road accidents are also heard. Most of the accidents occur due to negligence of the people, in the rush of an early arrival and driving due to intoxication.", "Words": {"a": "direct", "b": "street", "c": "traffic"}}, {"Context": "Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. It is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association, and has been studied in various academic fields. Such as communication, sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and philosophy.", "Words": {"a": "enjoy", "b": "friend", "c": "knit"}}, {"Context": "It did not take long to finish the house. We worked on every room. The new color looked great.", "Words": {"a": "paint", "b": "paper", "c": "piece"}}, {"Context": "One fine evening I was go to the ground attached with children's park. There I saw many of them were playing different games and some of them were practicing dance and one magician showed his magic to people. I felt really relaxed and I spend little time there and I return to home.", "Words": {"a": "crowd", "b": "perform", "c": "skateboard"}}, {"Context": "Sally was walking out of the deep the forest. She reached the start of the muddy road and found her car. She climbed into the car and started the engine.", "Words": {"a": "cross", "b": "drive", "c": "river"}}, {"Context": "Matthew was out and about in the neighborhood. He saw a beautiful art work on a wall, he stopped and paused. Then continued on his way.", "Words": {"a": "picture", "b": "pose", "c": "street"}}, {"Context": "The man is walking on the road along with his dog. Suddenly he saw a snake in front of his dog. There was a large number of people, and one had an instrument in his hand.", "Words": {"a": "jump", "b": "leave", "c": "pile"}}, {"Context": "I could not bring myself to go up to see her. The apartment stairs were too high. I was afraid of heights as I stood next to the street.", "Words": {"a": "building", "b": "front", "c": "sidewalk"}}, {"Context": "The kids enjoyed the party at the park. They all ran around and played. They jumped in the air and laughed as their parents looked on happily.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "bubble", "c": "wand"}}, {"Context": "Mary was given a sheet by John. On it there was pictures of mountains during winter. The mountain was drawn well and rose from the west of a valley.", "Words": {"a": "paper", "b": "snow", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "He met his friends at the bar. They all got inebriated together. One friend was moving so they felt the need to celebrate.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "handle", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "The boy hammered a nail into the wood of the door. The structure was coming along nicely. Soon he and his friends could spend time together inside.", "Words": {"a": "build", "b": "house", "c": "playing"}}, {"Context": "The room was filled with steam. Sam went into the tub. He put bubbles in it and laughed.", "Words": {"a": "faucet", "b": "hand", "c": "rub"}}, {"Context": "Sam went outside with his girlfriend, where he heard a bunch of noise. He recognized a bunch of friends were gathered around the picnic table chatting with other significant people in his life. At that point, he knew it was time to ask his girlfriend to marry him, and the crowd cheered with delight.", "Words": {"a": "dance", "b": "decorate", "c": "family"}}, {"Context": "The forest looked old to me. The paths were nice though, and easy. I was startled when I started hearing a crackling noise.", "Words": {"a": "couple", "b": "fall", "c": "tree"}}, {"Context": "Sam read that his son played great in the soccer game. He scored a goal. Sam smiled when he read that.", "Words": {"a": "heel", "b": "joy", "c": "kick"}}, {"Context": "Henry was sweating but felt good. He got a drink of water. He did some stretches as well.", "Words": {"a": "bench", "b": "lay", "c": "lift"}}, {"Context": "He had a fun time at the party. He met his girlfriend. They had a large screen in the front of the auditorium for the movie.", "Words": {"a": "dance", "b": "music", "c": "watch"}}, {"Context": "Kevin waited for his date. He was meeting her for the first time and was excited. He wondered what he would get.", "Words": {"a": "menu", "b": "read", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "The olympics had been a huge success for the entire GB team. In particular the aquatics team had performed exceptionally. The final day of competition left a lot in the balance.", "Words": {"a": "end", "b": "pool", "c": "reach"}}, {"Context": "The show was great. James smoked a lot while we were there. We all laughed at the comedian as he spoke.", "Words": {"a": "machine", "b": "piece", "c": "pipe"}}, {"Context": "The stage was filled with people. James had a great time and held his wife's hand. The auditorium was filled with splendour.", "Words": {"a": "background", "b": "body", "c": "movement"}}, {"Context": "He went out to the field to begin the day. He noticed that some of his crops were destroyed in the rain. He walked and breathed in the fresh Summer air.", "Words": {"a": "cut", "b": "field", "c": "grass"}}, {"Context": "John and Alice were enthralled as the anticipation in the stadium built. As they looked around at the other spectators they could feel an electricity building. The players were responding on the pitch.", "Words": {"a": "cheer", "b": "crowd", "c": "field"}}, {"Context": "The grass in my lawn has become absolutely out of control. I need to maintain it as soon as possible. I don't like to use a riding mower because they are difficult for me to control.", "Words": {"a": "lawn", "b": "mow", "c": "mower"}}, {"Context": "I needed directions. The construction worker was on the side of the street eating lunch. I called out my window to him.", "Words": {"a": "drive", "b": "road", "c": "side"}}, {"Context": "A woman attracted on a product that was advertised on TV when she wandering in a shopping mall. she remembered that wash and be clean it.s very important now a days. she took and see the product description and purchased it", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "hold", "c": "lady"}}, {"Context": "They looked out of the window of their penthouse, city flat towards the horizon. Evening was approaching and they loved this time of day because of what this opportunity offered. The skies were clear today and it was the perfect time to enjoy their surroundings.", "Words": {"a": "building", "b": "color", "c": "light"}}, {"Context": "The concert was quite fun. Many of the players were professional and did great. The director of the symphony did amazing as well.", "Words": {"a": "bend", "b": "machine", "c": "pull"}}, {"Context": "The teacher handed her a piece of chalk and asked her to write the answer on the chalkboard. Each month she holds a meeting with her entire staff. Our classroom is on the second floor.", "Words": {"a": "box", "b": "chalk", "c": "ground"}}, {"Context": "I always crave a nice, warm glass of caffeine after a long of work. I typically visit a particular spot on the square. My order is always the same, so the employees just ask me if I would like my usual.", "Words": {"a": "cafe", "b": "coffee", "c": "drink"}}, {"Context": "Anita grabbed her boyfriend's arm to hold him steady. She told him it would be alright. Geoff looked up and held his breath.", "Words": {"a": "eye", "b": "hold", "c": "lens"}}, {"Context": "Alice was on stage when the director joined the crowd. The director showed the crowd a video of Alice washing her feet when she was going through a treatment. The act is a very important part of working with patients.", "Words": {"a": "perform", "b": "scrub", "c": "surgeon"}}, {"Context": "Jack couldn't wait to get out on the lake to go fishing. He backed his truck up and made sure the trailer dipped down just right into the dock to offload. He hoped that he wouldn't have trouble getting his motor to run.", "Words": {"a": "boat", "b": "head", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "I remember performing colors when I was in the Navy. You went out there twice a day as the anthem was playing in either put the flag up or took it down. When taking it down you had to make sure to prepare it in a certain way before you put it away.", "Words": {"a": "fold", "b": "hat", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "My friend hurt her ankle this weekend when we were playing soccer. Luckily someone was there to be able to take care of it and we didn't need to go to the hospital. They had everything they needed in order to secure the ankle and make sure it didn't get any worse.", "Words": {"a": "bandage", "b": "foot", "c": "glove"}}, {"Context": "Carl was content as he looked out at the job that he had done. His father had only told him to cut the grass, but he had really outdone himself. The yard was immaculate and his father would give him extra on his allowance for sure.", "Words": {"a": "clean", "b": "front", "c": "gate"}}, {"Context": "Some of the wildest parties to go to our EDM parties. You're in a small space with loud music with some of your closest friends and strangers. The drinks are flowing in the mood is amazing wow everyone enjoyed themselves.", "Words": {"a": "change", "b": "color", "c": "dance"}}, {"Context": "It had been an overcast, gloomy day, and I used the opportunity to read quietly by myself at the park. No one was around, and for awhile I fell into my book, but my concentration was broken when I saw two figures emerge from the woods. I silently prayed they would move on and leave me alone.", "Words": {"a": "bench", "b": "husband", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "I need to change a wheel on my car. I don't know what I should put on. Do I need special equipment to get this done?", "Words": {"a": "glove", "b": "put", "c": "tire"}}, {"Context": "Jon had been sick and wasn't feeling great at all. Snot ran down to his lip and he inhaled to try to suck it up. Jon reached over to the bedside table to catch a sheet of Kleenex that was sitting there.", "Words": {"a": "nose", "b": "tissue", "c": "use"}}, {"Context": "My best friend said I'd look better if I had less extra hair. I don't take it personal because it's my genes' fault. I do shave my pits and legs regularly, but I know what she means.", "Words": {"a": "eyebrow", "b": "strip", "c": "wax"}}, {"Context": "One thing that I've seen growing popularity are these art classes with your friends. Some of them you can even bring wine to enjoy yourself. It's some thing that I'm going to look into because I might have a good time myself.", "Words": {"a": "brush", "b": "dip", "c": "paint"}}, {"Context": "I love going to inner cities because of the great art scene. Many of the buildings are covered in beautiful colors by a variety of amazing artists. There are some that have been vandalize with vulgar sayings that I don't appreciate.", "Words": {"a": "paint", "b": "paint", "c": "spray"}}, {"Context": "Winter time walking with your pet can be a challenge. Especially after a winter storm. A lot of them have a tough time finding a place to go.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "snow", "c": "tree"}}, {"Context": "I know what I'd be doing on the weekends if I was a parent. My child would be competing in some kind of sports. I'd be sitting there with all the other parents watching them run around and act silly.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "field", "c": "kid"}}, {"Context": "The gates opened and Steven and his ride rushed out into the open arena. The young calf jetted out several feet in front of him, but Steven knew he had him. He pulled out his lasso and began to twirl it around his head.", "Words": {"a": "back", "b": "cowboy", "c": "horse"}}, {"Context": "It's funny how life works. I was feeling miserable that things ended between Anne and I. To distract myself, I went to the mall and saw the most beautiful saleswoman I've ever seen.", "Words": {"a": "shirt", "b": "store", "c": "touch"}}, {"Context": "Going to the gym can be an adventure. First, if it's too crowded you will not get to use any of the equipment that you want. Especially if you're trying to build the muscles in your chest.", "Words": {"a": "bench", "b": "lay", "c": "lift"}}, {"Context": "Tom brought Bean to the dog park. They played frisbee for awhile, and Bean ended up running through mud. When they got home, Tom noticed Bean was covered in dirt.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "scrub", "c": "soap"}}, {"Context": "Sam sat and counted the empty soldiers in front of him. He had been in the bar all day long. Sam had never experienced a break up quite like this one and it was bad.", "Words": {"a": "bottle", "b": "sit", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "Jerry had never realized how beautiful it was in Colorado. He was glad that he had taken the trip here and even more glad that he had gone on this hike. Jerry looked out over the trees in the distance and he smiled contently.", "Words": {"a": "binocular", "b": "look", "c": "mountain"}}, {"Context": "She sat down at the table in the kitchen and began drawing. Soon a image began to take shape in black ink. The black ink contrasted nicely with the white back ground.", "Words": {"a": "paper", "b": "pen", "c": "picture"}}, {"Context": "Now that she had finished cosmetology school, Susan was excited to show people what she had learned. Her first cosmetics show was a huge success and everyone was impressed by Susan's amazing ability to transform someone's face into an entirely new creation. Before long, Susan was scheduling cosmetics shows every day and the demand for her talent was only growing; everyone wanted Susan to work on them.", "Words": {"a": "apply", "b": "demonstrate", "c": "eyebrow"}}, {"Context": "The trail up the mountain was beautiful, yet rugged. We were glad that we had packed extra bottles of water. When we got to the summit, we looked around at the beautiful view below us.", "Words": {"a": "hill", "b": "sky", "c": "top"}}, {"Context": "Going downtown on a Saturday night can be tough. I'm lucky that I live close by so I don't have to drive. I can just stroll down there without having to look for a place to put my vehicle.", "Words": {"a": "car", "b": "park", "c": "sidewalk"}}, {"Context": "I love going to the beach to just chill out in area by the seats and enjoy the view. It's normally pretty crowded on the boardwalk with people walking, cycling and exercising. It's like being on the highway at rush-hour.", "Words": {"a": "bench", "b": "sit", "c": "traffic"}}, {"Context": "I love photography. One of my favorite things to do is to take pictures of people modeling throughout the city. The beach is one of my favorite places because of the scenery and the atmosphere there.", "Words": {"a": "background", "b": "crowd", "c": "pose"}}, {"Context": "The jockeys were lined up and ready to go behind the gate. The crowd was murmuring from the stands in obvious anticipation. The announcer came on the speaker and the gunshot rang out and they were off.", "Words": {"a": "horse", "b": "race", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "Waiters and waitresses have tough jobs. They are always moving around and are constantly on their feet. That's why whenever you go out and get something to eat, you need to reward them with a good amount of gratuity for their services.", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "stand", "c": "tip"}}, {"Context": "Cara threw on her clothing in a rush before she walked out the door. As she sat down in class, she realized that she forgot her computer bag at home. Cara was disgusted with herself and took the notes the best she could with pen and paper.", "Words": {"a": "hood", "b": "laptop", "c": "sweatshirt"}}, {"Context": "I got up early in the morning to watch the Olympics. The reason I got up early is because it is taking place in Japan and it is about 12 hours ahead of us. I wanted to watch the BMX competition because I was excited to see the riders perform.", "Words": {"a": "bike", "b": "fall", "c": "ramp"}}, {"Context": "The argument between my wife and I was like an object we shared. We first held it in the bedroom, then carried it with us to the kitchen. It didn't get in the way of me making coffee or her preparing breakfast.", "Words": {"a": "egg", "b": "fork", "c": "pour"}}, {"Context": "My neighbor is always enjoying his weed outside. Most of the times he uses a blunt but other times he uses a special wooden object. I make sure that I sit in a certain area because I don't want to inhale any of it or to be directly in the direction of where he exhales.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "pipe", "c": "smoke"}}, {"Context": "Some sodas seem to go flat faster than others. I haven't done a lot of research, but I think it goes by price. The cheaper ones seem to last the least.", "Words": {"a": "bottle", "b": "cap", "c": "open"}}, {"Context": "One of the best things about birthdays are the sweet treats you get to enjoy. I love the intricacies of the decorations now. You can turn anything into a delectable and moist pastry.", "Words": {"a": "cake", "b": "powder", "c": "sprinkle"}}, {"Context": "While in the Navy I got to be a mechanic on planes. It was a lot of fun because of all the different things that you got to learn how to fix. Some days are much easier than others.", "Words": {"a": "object", "b": "tool", "c": "use"}}, {"Context": "Tom was excited for the birth of his first born male child. His mother pulled out the camera and told Tom to hold the baby. No image could capture the happiness that Tom felt at that moment.", "Words": {"a": "father", "b": "picture", "c": "son"}}, {"Context": "Angie was working on new art with steel. She grabbed a hammer so she could flatten it down. She wanted to send a message about food waste.", "Words": {"a": "metal", "b": "piece", "c": "tool"}}, {"Context": "Al was with his son since his wife went to go get a neck massage. Al was bored and suddenly his son started crying for his mother. Al was concerned and felt scared about what to do next.", "Words": {"a": "read", "b": "table", "c": "toddler"}}, {"Context": "There was fourteen seconds left on the clock in the semi-finals matchup. The boy got the ball and looked around the field for an open receiver. Spotting one, he drew back and let the ball fly high into the air, hoping that it would land safely into the hands of his teammate.", "Words": {"a": "game", "b": "pass", "c": "quarterback"}}, {"Context": "Gary had just saved up enough to buy a Harley. The man at the shop said that he needed protective gear when he went riding. Gary left the shop with a bag full of black clothing for riding.", "Words": {"a": "bike", "b": "jacket", "c": "jean"}}, {"Context": "I want to make some wine. I don't like to use my bare feet to crush the fruit. Any idea of what I could use instead of my feet?", "Words": {"a": "bucket", "b": "grape", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "The third and final period was about to begin. Both teams stood poised and focused, ready for play to resume. Finally an official began to walk slowly over toward center ice.", "Words": {"a": "drop", "b": "player", "c": "puck"}}, {"Context": "It was a lovely, partly sunny day, and he was enjoying his walk in the park. Ahead there was a clearing with what looked like a group of artists gathered around easels. A Parks Department employee stood by, looking somewhat bored.", "Words": {"a": "cloud", "b": "create", "c": "worker"}}, {"Context": "There was a lot of work to do in Bobby's place. It was a good thing that Bobby had spent the last ten years working as a handy man. He had his own tools and equipment and it would be cheaper to make the repairs himself.", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "house", "c": "sand"}}, {"Context": "I want to go to the ski slopes. But it's only June. I guess I will go to the park and take advantage of the windy day instead.", "Words": {"a": "kite", "b": "ride", "c": "snowboard"}}, {"Context": "I love the holidays. One of my favorite parts is consuming all the good grub that is prepared. I look forward to ending up on the couch every year with a full belly.", "Words": {"a": "eat", "b": "face", "c": "food"}}, {"Context": "Sometimes you just have to marvel at the amazing appearance of women. They can have on the simplest outfits. There's just something about a female that is sexy no matter what they have on.", "Words": {"a": "lady", "b": "look", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "I want to watch the Cubs play this weekend. There's no place better to watch a game like Wrigley. I got to enjoy myself with friends and see a lot of home runs and just as many strikeouts.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "field", "c": "swing"}}, {"Context": "I think I'm going to hop on my huffy and go for a stroll. It's not too far to get to the beach from my house. It's going to be a lot more enjoyable if I bring some tunes with me.", "Words": {"a": "bike", "b": "listen", "c": "music"}}, {"Context": "One of the most enjoyable parts of a wedding is the reception. You going to this large area and just enjoy yourself with food and tunes. You get to sit back and relax and look at everybody enjoyed themselves to the tunes by shaking their booties.", "Words": {"a": "couple", "b": "dance", "c": "music"}}, {"Context": "Abby wasn't feeling great and her parents decided that she needed to spend the day in her bed. They gave here allergy medicine which cleared up most of her symptoms. Abby was feeling much better and able to go to school the next day.", "Words": {"a": "bless", "b": "mother", "c": "say"}}, {"Context": "I hate when people are using their cell in public on speaker to have a conversation. It's so simple to turn off speaker and use it the way it was intended. I don't need to know about your business so please turn off speaker and use the cell the right way.", "Words": {"a": "ear", "b": "hold", "c": "phone"}}, {"Context": "Sam was sitting at home and very bored. He asked his mother about what he could do for fun. Suddenly, his mother's phone rang loudly.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "dad", "c": "day"}}, {"Context": "It was the night of the big state finals game and Cameron was on the court. He dribbled the ball and looked toward the other players. Cameron tossed the ball toward the goal and watched as it sailed and bounced against the backboard.", "Words": {"a": "basket", "b": "basketball", "c": "shoot"}}, {"Context": "Sam was at home and he was very thirsty. He went to open the fridge to see if there was anything that could quench his thirst. Sam immediately saw the one thing that would instantly do the trick.", "Words": {"a": "bottle", "b": "drink", "c": "floor"}}, {"Context": "Robby sailed in the air high above the crowds. He was no longer afraid of tumbling the great lengths to the hard ground below. The circus was his life and he had done this for too long to be afraid.", "Words": {"a": "fall", "b": "net", "c": "practice"}}, {"Context": "I was looking forward to the party this weekend. I had to go to the store to get the supplies that we were going to barbecue. Everyone was going to pick their own protein and hope that I could deliver and OK meal for them.", "Words": {"a": "descent", "b": "grill", "c": "individual"}}, {"Context": "The doctor didn't know what was wrong with Billy's sight. He passed a finger in front of Billy's face and told him to follow it. The doctor wrote down several things on his notepad before ordering more tests.", "Words": {"a": "cross", "b": "eye", "c": "nose"}}, {"Context": "Jim was walking down the street when he passed the jewelry store. He saw he most beautiful diamond sitting in the window for five thousand dollars. Jim wanted to steal it because he was late on rent this month.", "Words": {"a": "attempt", "b": "brick", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "I was having a conversation with a friend of mine on my cell. I was taking a stroll browsing a farmers market that they set up. I saw stand with some funny Memes on articles of clothing that I knew she would like.", "Words": {"a": "phone", "b": "shirt", "c": "sidewalk"}}, {"Context": "Tim was on vacation, so he decided to go camping in the woods. It got really late and Tim finally realized that he forgot to bring any gear to use. He began to wonder why he wanted to go on a camping trip at all.", "Words": {"a": "bear", "b": "dog", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "When I was younger raves were a lot of fun. The laser shows were just amazing. Sometimes I wonder how I'm not blind after all of that raving I did.", "Words": {"a": "flash", "b": "light", "c": "music"}}, {"Context": "Bill was told that he was too out of shape to join the football team. He felt so insulted that he grabbed the coach and told him to sit down and watch. Bill was going to prove that he was in shape enough to be the quarterback.", "Words": {"a": "jump", "b": "perform", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "Don smiled as his name was called during the ceremony. After he received his diploma, he talked to the principal briefly and then he posed for a picture. He then walked off to join the rest of his friends and classmates in the stands.", "Words": {"a": "award", "b": "hand", "c": "receive"}}, {"Context": "I'm making a peanut butter treats for a friend of mine. I'm going to be baking it so I need to make sure that I have all the ingredients I need in the equipment. I also need to make sure that I have a timer because I want to make sure that I don't burn it this time.", "Words": {"a": "cookie", "b": "oven", "c": "pan"}}, {"Context": "Steve took Buddy outside to get some fresh air. They played a game of catch for a few minutes and even Steve was having fun and laughing. Then they had to go back inside because it was hot and Buddy was panting.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "stick", "c": "tongue"}}, {"Context": "When you were a kid you found a lot of the most unusual things enjoyable. I could remember being on the banks of a lake and enjoying throwing things into the water. Sometimes I want to go back to those days.", "Words": {"a": "river", "b": "rock", "c": "skip"}}, {"Context": "Stan worked at a meat market that was owned by his family. He grew up and spent his whole life learning how to make the best sausage and smoked meats. Stan later taught his own son how to make the tasty meats.", "Words": {"a": "eat", "b": "hang", "c": "string"}}, {"Context": "Arnold was a professional taste tester for a food review magazine. He was reviewing a new winery in town that had sent him an invitation. Arnold sat down in front of a flight of different colored drinks ready to taste each one of them.", "Words": {"a": "mouth", "b": "swish", "c": "wine"}}, {"Context": "I want to play with my pet. I love to use something he can pull on. Do you know of any objects that would work?", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "toy", "c": "tug"}}, {"Context": "Steve was meeting up with his friends for breakfast. They met at a local restaurant to grab coffee and had something to munch on. They planned on doing the same thing the next week.", "Words": {"a": "donut", "b": "eat", "c": "hang"}}, {"Context": "Jan was almost ready to go to bed and get some sleep. She had her mother read her a bedroom story. Then Jan looked into the mirror and did not like what she saw.", "Words": {"a": "blanket", "b": "brush", "c": "brush"}}, {"Context": "I always liked when the grocery stores had ladies or men cooking samples to share. You not only got to learn what to do with featured products, but you ate good. Best part was that it was all free.", "Words": {"a": "demonstrate", "b": "give", "c": "use"}}, {"Context": "The referee called time out when the player didn't get up after the play. All the fans held their breath as the player was helped off of the field. After he was off the field, a replacement was called in and the match was started again.", "Words": {"a": "continue", "b": "game", "c": "side"}}, {"Context": "Nothing is better than watching your favorite team compete on the weekend. You get to see a group of men come together as one. You're welcome for all the ups and downs that they face.", "Words": {"a": "celebrate", "b": "player", "c": "score"}}, {"Context": "It was a beautiful day with warm sunshine in a blue sky. The mother thought it would be a great idea to get some fresh air with her little girl. The mother put a bonnet on the girl and set her in the wagon with her doll.", "Words": {"a": "push", "b": "ride", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Spot likes to play and is very frisky. I walk him to the park to play. I throw high, and he runs and brings it back to me.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "catch", "c": "dog"}}, {"Context": "When going to the beach you need to make sure that you have certain things with you. You definitely are going to need some beverages. You also are going to need to have something to sit on and dry yourself after going for a swim.", "Words": {"a": "cover", "b": "drink", "c": "jar"}}, {"Context": "The circus could be a lot of fun. You get to enjoy some good circus food and watch some wall performances on different types of equipment. All you need to do is get some tickets in a good area to catch the show.", "Words": {"a": "ride", "b": "shoulder", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "I love going downtown to shop on the weekends. The main reason is that it's not far from my house so I don't need to drive to get there. I normally take the trip with my friend and we enjoy some of the wall art.", "Words": {"a": "close", "b": "graffiti", "c": "mark"}}, {"Context": "Tim decided that he needed to open up his own business. He thought hard about how he could make lots of money. Suddenly, while looking at his son, he came up with the perfect idea.", "Words": {"a": "sell", "b": "toy", "c": "vendor"}}, {"Context": "Jay was at home getting ready for intense physical activity. His friend bet him to see who was the most physically active. Jay was ready to prove how fit he was and would do anything he was asked.", "Words": {"a": "bike", "b": "cap", "c": "flash"}}, {"Context": "Gymnastics can be tough on your body. Although some of the surface seems soft, it's not. It can lead to a lot of big and small injuries that you will need to take care of.", "Words": {"a": "break", "b": "foot", "c": "ice"}}, {"Context": "The youth sports teams had taken the field. They ran back and forth across the field playing their hearts out. After the game, the players congratulated each other for a game well played.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "bunch", "c": "kid"}}, {"Context": "The teams entered the arena and stretched out before the match began. The whistle finally blew and it was game on. The players moved about quickly as the play got more and more intense.", "Words": {"a": "field", "b": "front", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "He sat down at the kitchen table and grabbed the television remote. After turning the television on, he eyed his favorite mug sitting on the countertop. He stood up and walked to the other side of the kitchen to grab the mug and get his day started.", "Words": {"a": "coffee", "b": "drink", "c": "newspaper"}}, {"Context": "The Browns' quarterback was approached by three somewhat intimidating men. They let it be known that they had a lot riding on the Patriots winning the next day. They very firmly requested the quarterback's help.", "Words": {"a": "game", "b": "team", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "Jesse looked into the mirror as he lowered his body down to the floor. It was hard, but he knew that this was what he had to do to build up his muscles. Jesse showered after his workout and left the gym with a sense of accomplishment.", "Words": {"a": "bar", "b": "hold", "c": "shoulder"}}, {"Context": "I remember when I was younger and seeing couples interact. Seeing them walk around the mall all lovey-dovey was always nice. They would have on matching outfits and just be enjoying themselves.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "hold", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "I'll be hitting the road this weekend for a long road trip. I already have my luggage packed so I'm ready to go. I'm going to wear something comfortable for the long ride.", "Words": {"a": "shirt", "b": "street", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "The cowboy tightened his grip on the length of rope. As the gate to the shoot swung open, the horse shot out of the stall. The man swung the rope around his head in circles as the horse ran forward.", "Words": {"a": "cow", "b": "lasso", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "Mountain climbing is not something that I want to try. It's not because of the dangers, it just seems tough. I am not ready to put my body through that.", "Words": {"a": "hang", "b": "rock", "c": "rope"}}, {"Context": "Ed was working as a mechanic for the first time in his life. Ed felt like quitting because the work was hard and the pay was low. His boss came out of the office and yelled at him to hurry up.", "Words": {"a": "bolt", "b": "loosen", "c": "use"}}, {"Context": "The crowd gathered to corner of the bar when the television turned to the fight. Everyone in the bar got louder and louder and some of the people shoved to get a better view. Many of the women didn't care and they stayed in their seats though.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "stand", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "The crowd watched at the celebrity chef tossed the utensils in the air. The chef split open the fruit, separating the green rind from the juice red fruit inside. He offered delicious samples to the people standing in the crowd.", "Words": {"a": "cut", "b": "kitchen", "c": "knife"}}, {"Context": "Marissa walked into the restaurant and her eyes glazed over. It was an all you could eat buffet and Marissa was going to take advantage of it. She was guided across the restaurant and seated where she ordered a drink.", "Words": {"a": "food", "b": "look", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "We've been working hard all morning long. We were all looking forward to our first break at noon. We were hungry and ready to take a break to eat and relax.", "Words": {"a": "lunch", "b": "sit", "c": "worker"}}, {"Context": "I have turned down a handful of roles because the character does not need glasses. I do, and I also have a weird thing about putting things in my eyes. But the Marvel role was so lucrative, I finally made an appointment with my ophthalmologist.", "Words": {"a": "attempt", "b": "eye", "c": "insert"}}, {"Context": "I remember when I was learning how to operate a vehicle. Everyone was always so strict as to how to do it. Now that I look at myself, I don't think I'm following most of what they showed me.", "Words": {"a": "car", "b": "drive", "c": "hand"}}, {"Context": "If you know anything about dogs and cats, they love to be touched. There are certain areas on their hands that they enjoy very much. They can be a lot to handle, but in the end they are great companions.", "Words": {"a": "animal", "b": "pet", "c": "top"}}, {"Context": "I found a hair near my nipple. I couldn't find a set of tweezers, and I can't bear the pain of going to a salon to have them remove it, and my armpit hairs. I just grabbed a razor.", "Words": {"a": "chest", "b": "pull", "c": "strip"}}, {"Context": "Some people have no rhythm. You go to a party or a club and just sit back and enjoy watching them make fools of themselves. It's like they can't follow the twins that are playing for their life.", "Words": {"a": "dance", "b": "foot", "c": "listen"}}, {"Context": "I just purchased a beautiful a beautiful mansion. It's a three story mega mansion. We are the first owners of this place.", "Words": {"a": "build", "b": "front", "c": "house"}}, {"Context": "I wonder how much money opening up a pet grooming place can make me. There are a couple places that I see a lot of people bringing their animals to get taken care of. I'm going to have to look into this to see if this is a business that is worthwhile.", "Words": {"a": "come", "b": "dog", "c": "owner"}}, {"Context": "Joe looked into the mirror and smiled at his figure. He knew that he had come a long way since he had started to work out. Joe worked back to the weight bench knowing that now wasn't the time to stop.", "Words": {"a": "exercise", "b": "gym", "c": "perform"}}, {"Context": "There are a lot of girls that need to get make up lessons. Some of them just go a little bit too far and end up looking like clowns. They need to learn that less is better.", "Words": {"a": "apply", "b": "brush", "c": "lip"}}, {"Context": "John whistled as he walked down the sidewalk holding his dog's leash. The dog's tail wagged back and forth happily, and John smiled beneath a sunny blue sky. He knelt down and unfastened the leash from his dog's collar so that he could begin playing in earnest.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "chase", "c": "grass"}}, {"Context": "I think I'm going to get some concert tickets for this weekend. I can't wait to go see some of these bands perform. I know that it takes a lot to get ready for sure, and I want to go out there and support them.", "Words": {"a": "drummer", "b": "guitarist", "c": "middle"}}, {"Context": "It had been a long day and she couldn't wait to visit her favorite characters. She made a cup of cider and grabbed her favorite blanket. She placed them on the end table and turned on the overhead lamp.", "Words": {"a": "book", "b": "chair", "c": "read"}}, {"Context": "I want to head out into the deep part of the Ocean and fish. After one toss, and drag I should be able to catch tons of fish. I will have to keep them in a cooler to keep them alive.", "Words": {"a": "boat", "b": "cast", "c": "net"}}, {"Context": "The people in the stadium were starting to get rowdy. The noise level seemed to increase every minute that the game went on. It was as if everyone was swaying from one side to another in the massive arena.", "Words": {"a": "begin", "b": "fan", "c": "hand"}}, {"Context": "The magician opened his palm to show that there was nothing there. The crowd looked on in anticipation, waiting to see what would happen next. When he opened it up again, there was a colorful handkerchief there all of a sudden!", "Words": {"a": "demonstrate", "b": "hand", "c": "napkin"}}, {"Context": "It's funny what can attract you to someone. Bob had two chins, something of a gut, not much hair, and he rarely crossed my mind. Everything changed the night I wandered into a cafe and saw Bob on stage performing.", "Words": {"a": "guitar", "b": "hand", "c": "move"}}, {"Context": "I always loved leaving my kids with my parents. They always enjoyed early Saturday mornings after catching up with their news with the kids. The kids also enjoyed their time with their grandparents.", "Words": {"a": "newspaper", "b": "place", "c": "read"}}, {"Context": "Tim was ready for five o'clock to come already. He had a horrible headache and had already butted heads with his boss today. The hands on the clock ticked away slowly, and Tim could only wish they would move faster.", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "look", "c": "paperwork"}}, {"Context": "They were all looking forward to the weekend of camping. They were ready to gather around the campfire they built from the dead trees that they found on the floor. One thing that they weren't looking forward to, was sleeping on the hard surface of the camp area.", "Words": {"a": "ground", "b": "sit", "c": "stick"}}, {"Context": "Ernie had been having a tooth ache for a while. Finally, his mother called and made him an appointment. The woman called him to the back and sat him down in a chair.", "Words": {"a": "dentist", "b": "lady", "c": "look"}}, {"Context": "Jeremy heard a noise from the kitchen and went to go inspect. His Aunt and his Mother were there cooking something for dinner. They told him dinner would be ready in five minutes and to call for his sister to come down.", "Words": {"a": "food", "b": "front", "c": "laugh"}}, {"Context": "Jan put her baby in the high chair for lunch. She mixed up some applesauce with a little cereal and got him a spoon. Jan could see how anxious the baby was when she brought the food to him.", "Words": {"a": "bowl", "b": "hold", "c": "smile"}}, {"Context": "BMX looks like it's something fun to do. It also can be very dangerous. They perform some tricks off of the ramps that leave you amazed.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "bike", "c": "jump"}}, {"Context": "Calvin invited all his friends over to his house for the Super Bowl. He had purchased tons of food and drinks for everyone to enjoy. Everyone had a great time cheering on their team and eating themselves silly.", "Words": {"a": "beer", "b": "drink", "c": "game"}}, {"Context": "I'm going to be hitting a town this weekend with a lady friend of mine. We are going to be doing a lot of walking so I need to make sure that I have on comfortable shoes. I can't wait to see her.", "Words": {"a": "female", "b": "sidewalk", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "Tim was in the movie theater with his date. He had a terrible cold and he didn't want anyone to notice. He needed a way to feel relieved and take his mind off of his sickness.", "Words": {"a": "gum", "b": "nose", "c": "scratch"}}, {"Context": "The festival had gone on for the past three days and the party goers spilled into the roadways down town. They danced to the live music in the town square. Seeing the people dressed in their old fashioned garb made us think of a simpler time.", "Words": {"a": "costume", "b": "dance", "c": "street"}}, {"Context": "It was breakfast time and Shirley was making food for her grandchildren. She made eggs first, but her youngest grandson wanted a biscuit sandwich with meat. Shirley smiled as she opened the fridge to get meat to put on the stove.", "Words": {"a": "cook", "b": "pan", "c": "sausage"}}, {"Context": "Jim was walking to the ice cream parlor to get a quick snack. He saw his friend Bill who had jut came from the parlor. Bill had bought Jim something so that Him wouldn't have to spend money.", "Words": {"a": "head", "b": "sip", "c": "take"}}, {"Context": "Matt was anxious for his first school date when he was a Freshman in high school. He had asked a girl who was in his science class if she would go with him and she said yes! Matt showed up at her door right on time and they had a great night.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "kiss", "c": "picture"}}, {"Context": "Many people don't realize how difficult baseball is. One of the toughest things to do in sports estimate good contact with the ball coming at you almost at 100 miles an hour. That's why you have to give them their props.", "Words": {"a": "hit", "b": "player", "c": "swing"}}, {"Context": "Jim was employed at the local airport as a janitor. He saw his boss coming down the hall and started sweeping harder than ever. Suddenly, a crazy woman ran down the hall screaming that she had to get on a plane now.", "Words": {"a": "area", "b": "check", "c": "material"}}, {"Context": "Doing laundry can be a process. It seems very simple, but not every piece of clothing can be treated the same way. Some can just be thrown into the machine and others you have to take care of them more gently.", "Words": {"a": "dry", "b": "dryer", "c": "hand"}}, {"Context": "Roger was nervous and excited for his blind date to arrive. He held the bouquet that he had bought so tightly in his hands that the stems almost broke! He was relieved when she greeted him with a smile and a hug.", "Words": {"a": "cheek", "b": "flower", "c": "kiss"}}, {"Context": "Cal worked as a vending machine repairman. Every day was the same for him; cans and bottles getting stuck and coins getting jammed. One day he hoped to retire from the monotony.", "Words": {"a": "bottle", "b": "cap", "c": "machine"}}, {"Context": "This weekend I'm going to change up my appearance. It's going to involve changing the color of the mop on top of my head. I know the perfect room to do it in because it has a huge mirror and great lighting.", "Words": {"a": "apply", "b": "bathroom", "c": "dye"}}, {"Context": "This is simply one of the worst school days. I just can't understand why this subject is still taught at school. Why do I have to learn about manipulating old tree stumps.", "Words": {"a": "class", "b": "piece", "c": "wood"}}, {"Context": "Bill was with his girlfriend at the park having a picnic. She needed to smoke and Bill was not a smoker. Bill really didn't like that his girlfriend smoked but he really loved his girlfriend.", "Words": {"a": "cigarette", "b": "hold", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "I'm so glad that I don't have a pet to walk while living in Maine. I see people all bundled up going on these treks with their animals. Sometimes I wonder, if the animals even like it.", "Words": {"a": "coat", "b": "dog", "c": "snow"}}, {"Context": "MMA is a tough sport. It involves various different maneuvers that can lead to a lot of blood. It can be fun to watch but terrifying at the same time.", "Words": {"a": "head", "b": "hold", "c": "kick"}}, {"Context": "I broke my arm trying to improve myself. Yes, I need to shed a few pounds, but there are better ways to do it than what my friends suggested. I wanted to just take up jogging, but they had more ambitious ideas.", "Words": {"a": "exercise", "b": "gym", "c": "pull"}}, {"Context": "Emmy drove up to the address written in the email that she had printed out. She was ready for the appointment to begin. She was glad that she had worn her best blazer because it looked like a fancy place.", "Words": {"a": "building", "b": "front", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "The lawn looked great when Fred was done with it. He drove the machine back into the shed and walked back out to admire his work. The clouds rumbled overhead and Fred smiled knowing he had just beat the weather.", "Words": {"a": "field", "b": "grass", "c": "mow"}}, {"Context": "Cody was crouched down in his treehouse with his friends. They just knew that their neighbor had to be a witch and they were determined to catch her in the act. They took turns spying on her and writing down notes of what strange things she was doing.", "Words": {"a": "binocular", "b": "floor", "c": "look"}}, {"Context": "Joseph decided to go out into nature for the day. He put on his helmet, said goodbye to his girlfriend and then went to the garage to get his contraption. Outside, moving along breezily, he made his way to the beautiful hills that have lovely paths.", "Words": {"a": "area", "b": "bike", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "I walked through the main factory gate. I heard gears spinning loudly. I saw a long line of identical cartons.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "machine", "c": "plastic"}}, {"Context": "Stacey was very nervous on the bus ride to her first gymnastic competition. Her friends had competed before but they seemed a little nervous as well. After Stacey changed into her workout uniform and entered the gymnasium, her nerves started to settle down.", "Words": {"a": "begin", "b": "jump", "c": "perform"}}, {"Context": "Friday nights and Saturday nights are normally spent downtown by the bars for me. I always wonder at what time they clean the streets and the other areas down there. One early morning I saw this machine performing the job end it was quite fascinating.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "sidewalk", "c": "store"}}, {"Context": "Tim was getting ready to move to a new town. He previously packed all of his things up and was ready to leave. Tim then realized that his friend Bill was late and probably wasn't coming to help him move.", "Words": {"a": "building", "b": "car", "c": "load"}}, {"Context": "My kitten likes round toys. He insists on playing with my yarn, and unraveling it. Sometimes I play with him and have him bring it back to me.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "string", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "I never took any sort of martial arts classes as a kid. But I always wanted to perform some of the things that I see them doing in order to earn their belts. I thought to myself, if kids can do it so can I.", "Words": {"a": "board", "b": "break", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "Jimmy begged his brother Tom for a stick of gum. Instead, Tom shoved the whole pack of gum in his own mouth. Tom chewed the gum furiously until it was just the right consistency.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "bubble", "c": "face"}}, {"Context": "I just moved into my new apartment and I want to have a little get together with some friends. We all enjoy barbecuing, so that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to buy a variety of foods to prepare as well have plenty of drinks.", "Words": {"a": "cook", "b": "grill", "c": "place"}}, {"Context": "If you don't have your own washer and dryer, washing clothes can be a chore. It's a long process that's going to take up a few hours out of your day. Make sure you bring something to pass the time as you perform the store.", "Words": {"a": "book", "b": "laundromat", "c": "laundry"}}, {"Context": "Taking your dog outside can be an adventure. They love the bury their heads into everything and anything. You also have to be careful because some of them will try to eat anything they say.", "Words": {"a": "lick", "b": "nose", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "Johnny had been waiting all week for this game. The results of the game would determine who would go on to the finals. Johnny looked at his teammates as he went through all the plays in his head.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "dress", "c": "player"}}, {"Context": "Max put the sedan up on the blocks to work on it. It took him a while, but he finally found where the leak was coming from. Max went into the office to give the customer the bad news.", "Words": {"a": "car", "b": "frame", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "I love preparing meals on the weekend. Especially huge and large ones. But cleaning up afterwards is not fun at all and no one likes to do it.", "Words": {"a": "dish", "b": "sink", "c": "wash"}}, {"Context": "I love learning about all the battles. Soldiers got around the battlefield in many different ways. Today they use a lot of heavy machinery, but back then all glory was flown around using most animals.", "Words": {"a": "carry", "b": "flag", "c": "horse"}}, {"Context": "When I think of grandma's, I picture someone relaxing in a chair as they make things. A lot of them love to crochet various pieces of clothing. There are probably a lot of grandkids with crocheted clothing set aside in one area in their rooms.", "Words": {"a": "hat", "b": "knit", "c": "pile"}}, {"Context": "I was babysitting this weekend and the worst thing happened. I had to take the kid in the bathroom to make sure I had some privacy in order to change them. I made sure that I cleaned them all over before putting back on their clothing to go outside.", "Words": {"a": "belly", "b": "expose", "c": "wipe"}}, {"Context": "I was looking forward to making a meal in the kitchen this weekend. I made sure that I had all the utensils that I needed ready to go. I was going to make a special root vegetable cake for dessert.", "Words": {"a": "carrot", "b": "cut", "c": "knife"}}, {"Context": "James thought it would be exciting to get a job as an EMT. He realized he needed to get the proper training before applying. James signed up for a course in first aid at the local college.", "Words": {"a": "bandage", "b": "give", "c": "wrap"}}, {"Context": "The wedding was one of the nicest ones that Laura had ever been to. The bride had in her hand a beautiful array of flowers as she walked down the aisle. Laura couldn't help but smile as the bride and groom said \"I do\" during the ceremony.", "Words": {"a": "bouquet", "b": "couple", "c": "kiss"}}, {"Context": "Alyssa had joined the gym with her friend Bree. She knew that it was time for her to really get into shape. There were so many exercises that Alyssa couldn't wait to do.", "Words": {"a": "jump", "b": "mat", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "Tom swung his racket as hard as he could, and suddenly it was all over. He smiled as the sweat ran off of his face and he finally loosed the grip on his racket. Tom rushed over to the net to thank his opponent for the good match.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "game", "c": "hit"}}, {"Context": "When I had a picnic you need to have a certain type of food. You don't wanna have a lot of fuss while trying to consume your food. Nothing is better than finishing off a picnic with a nice piece of juicy and sweet fruit.", "Words": {"a": "eat", "b": "hand", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "Jane was ready for her first day of school. She ate a full breakfast of toast, bacon and eggs. Her mother noticed that she looked very unkempt.", "Words": {"a": "bed", "b": "comb", "c": "hair"}}, {"Context": "The basketball made a loud sound bouncing off of the asphalt as Steve dribbled. He backed his way into his friend Ron's chest as he tried to get in position to shoot a sweet hook shot near the rim. Ron grunted angrily and flailed as Steve's shoulder rammed into his chin.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "game", "c": "referee"}}, {"Context": "Some of the best times to go shopping as early in the morning. It's not crowded so you won't have a hard time finding a place for your car. You'll be able to get right out and walk right in.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "park", "c": "store"}}, {"Context": "A lot of people love enjoying a good book in bed. For some reason it helps them go to sleep. I can't even do it when I'm wide awake, much less when I'm half asleep.", "Words": {"a": "lay", "b": "read", "c": "sunglass"}}, {"Context": "The old man sat on the front porch of the cabin drinking his tea. He puffed a bit of smoked out as he stared out into the distance. It was cold this morning and he was glad he had his coat on.", "Words": {"a": "glass", "b": "hold", "c": "mouth"}}, {"Context": "Tanya sat down at the beauticians shop. It had been a while since she had set foot in this place, but she knew she really needed it. How did she let it get so bad, she wondered.", "Words": {"a": "chair", "b": "cut", "c": "hair"}}, {"Context": "Playing around with babies can be a lot of fun. There's a lot of simple things that you can do with them that will make them so happy. With most of them, you don't even have to take them out of their cribs.", "Words": {"a": "bed", "b": "laugh", "c": "lay"}}, {"Context": "Sam worked for a construction company in the middle of the city. One day, Sam's boss called a meeting with all of the employees. There had been a complaint about all the dirt and debris that they had been throwing around while they were working.", "Words": {"a": "cloud", "b": "create", "c": "dust"}}, {"Context": "My religious school took part in a city-wide interfaith program. This mostly meant sitting in on a variety of services from different denominations. Frankly, most were stiff and dull, until it was time to observe the black Baptists.", "Words": {"a": "church", "b": "clap", "c": "congregation"}}, {"Context": "Thousands of people had turned out for the huge two-day music event and they were all excited for the show to begin. When the first band appeared and began to play, the throng of fans let out a tremendous cheer and began to dance in rhythm to the music. People were going crazy, falling all over each other, climbing on top of one another, and going wild in response to the beat.", "Words": {"a": "concert", "b": "crowd", "c": "jump"}}, {"Context": "July 4 it's about many different things to a lot of people. One thing that I've grown used to is watching people consume hotdogs on ESPN. It's gross, but for some reason I always watch at least a part of it.", "Words": {"a": "compete", "b": "contest", "c": "eat"}}, {"Context": "Sally looked at the clothing in the store, wishing she had enough money. The clothing was lovely, and Sally knew she couldn't afford something quite like it. Sally continued on her way home and resolved to get a better job and the things that she deserved.", "Words": {"a": "dress", "b": "mannequin", "c": "stroller"}}, {"Context": "Jane had a new job as a maid and she was very nervous. Jane had never lifted a finger in her life, but now since she left her husband she wad to work. She knocked on the door of her first client and took a deep breath.", "Words": {"a": "clean", "b": "demonstrate", "c": "pair"}}, {"Context": "The game was over and Ken was disappointed as he walked away from the stadium. He got home and took off his clothes and threw them into the washing machine. Ken wanted to take a shower and go to bed and forget about the awful game.", "Words": {"a": "field", "b": "jersey", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "When you were in downtown Manhattan you're going to see a lot of different characters. Depending on the time of day you will see people from all walks of life. You're going to see businessman move around the city on foot going from one building to the other.", "Words": {"a": "briefcase", "b": "carry", "c": "suit"}}, {"Context": "One of my favorite events of the Olympics is track and field. Most people just enjoy the track part of this because they love the racing. I love to look at the field events as it's a large section that has been set up for these huge athletes to compete for a medal in various events.", "Words": {"a": "area", "b": "discus", "c": "spin"}}, {"Context": "I took out my shovel and my metal detector to the park. I was hoping for a ring. I was disappointed after all my work to find a spoon.", "Words": {"a": "dig", "b": "find", "c": "gold"}}, {"Context": "I had been a great paper salesman, but the company went out of business. My friend said they needed help at his construction site, but I declined. I would look out of place and ridiculous at a construction site.", "Words": {"a": "hat", "b": "project", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "All the heads of the departments were called in for an important meeting. The doors of the office room were closed and the meeting lasted for hours. Most of the men left the room at five, but three men remained there even after hours.", "Words": {"a": "head", "b": "shake", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Casey was babysitting her little brother for the afternoon. He was three years old and seemed to get into everything. Casey got up for one minute and when she returned, the baby had gotten into the things she was using to make a bracelet!", "Words": {"a": "bead", "b": "floor", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Public speaking can be tough. You have to go out there and put on a sort of show for an audience you might not know. It's even worse if you were the first person to go, because you have to wait for people to take their seats and quiet down.", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "open", "c": "present"}}, {"Context": "I can't wait till next year's Florida derby. I always have a great time going to gulfstream park. Once in a while the Kentucky derby winner comes out of this event.", "Words": {"a": "horse", "b": "jockey", "c": "race"}}, {"Context": "This was a weekend that was going to be very adventurous at the mall. They wanted to get there early to get their Christmas shopping done because they knew the lines would be long. They made sure that they had on comfortable outfits and each brought along their shopping lists.", "Words": {"a": "clothing", "b": "lady", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "One day I'm going to go to the rodeo. Perhaps I'm even going to try to do some of the tricks that they perform there. I've watched it on TV and seen them do all kinds of things with these animals.", "Words": {"a": "attempt", "b": "cow", "c": "horse"}}, {"Context": "Tim was very angry at his former best friend. His former best friend kissed his girlfriend in front of everyone at Tim's family reunion. Tim only saw one way to solve this important issue.", "Words": {"a": "box", "b": "crowd", "c": "referee"}}, {"Context": "Training for boxing can be a lot of fun. I've gone to the gym a few times to take some lessons. Where is some thing light because you're going to be sweating in no time.", "Words": {"a": "bag", "b": "glove", "c": "punch"}}, {"Context": "Alec unpacked his tools knowing that it would be a long day. Before long, he lost his focus and was screaming in pain. His thumb was throbbing because he had accidentally missed the nail when he swung!", "Words": {"a": "hammer", "b": "hit", "c": "metal"}}, {"Context": "No matter what the season is you'll find a lot of people on the ocean in the state of Florida. If you're lucky enough, you get to be one of them. Just make sure that you haven't had too much to drink and you are being safe out there because you don't wanna end up a man overboard.", "Words": {"a": "boat", "b": "fall", "c": "sail"}}, {"Context": "Bob had enjoyed his time with the company, but he knew he would love retirement. People met up with him in his office and shook his hand and gave him hugs. He packed his things and left the office for one last time.", "Words": {"a": "box", "b": "computer", "c": "desk"}}, {"Context": "I want to style my new cut. I have to put on my diffuser. But it puts out too much heat to use it for a long time.", "Words": {"a": "attach", "b": "curl", "c": "device"}}, {"Context": "Putting on new clothes is a lot of fun. There is no feeling like it when you walk out the house with your new gear on. You always have a certain look on your face that tells the story.", "Words": {"a": "shirt", "b": "smile", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "I love going down by the ocean and enjoying the views. You can sit on a bench and people watch. What are you can go on the sand and look at the water and see all the different types of boats out there.", "Words": {"a": "beach", "b": "sail", "c": "tricycle"}}, {"Context": "Tim admired the work on Mr. Campbell's lawn. He knew the old man wouldn't complain about the work that he did this time. Tim packed up his lawn mower and his equipment and he drove off.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "continue", "c": "leave"}}, {"Context": "One of my favorite winter things to do is to go to the mountains. I love bringing my snowboard and getting out there and doing some wild and crazy runs. One day I'm going to be able to perform some tricks out there.", "Words": {"a": "hill", "b": "hit", "c": "jump"}}, {"Context": "Ed was walking down the street singing a happy tune. Ed had just been fired from his awful job and he was happy that he wouldn't go back. Suddenly the air began to get very chilly.", "Words": {"a": "bus", "b": "coat", "c": "player"}}, {"Context": "Lyle knew he was in love from first sight, but he didn't know how far the date would go. At the end of the night, he found himself embraced in a passionate hug. He couldn't find where his body stopped and hers started.", "Words": {"a": "arm", "b": "forehead", "c": "kiss"}}, {"Context": "Boxing could be a fun sport. You get to learn different ways to strike your opponent by practicing for hours upon hours. You also get to learn how to move around the ring so you don't end up on the deck.", "Words": {"a": "bag", "b": "fall", "c": "punch"}}, {"Context": "Immigrants our dedicated members of society. They have some of the lowest paying jobs out there. Next time you go to the grocery store, think about all the farm workers that get up early in the morning and work until the evening gathering the fruits and other things that you enjoy.", "Words": {"a": "pick", "b": "ride", "c": "tractor"}}, {"Context": "George was training for the big marathon. He knew there would be a lot of obstacles in the race so he did his best to emulate the race. George ran through the woods and through all sorts of hard to travel through areas.", "Words": {"a": "jump", "b": "path", "c": "pit"}}, {"Context": "It was another beautiful dusk by the seaside, and John's lips curled into a grin. He'd finally gotten some time off of work, and he planned on enjoying every moment of his brief vacation. The sand tickled the skin of his bare feet as he walked along the beach, gazing toward the horizon.", "Words": {"a": "ocean", "b": "set", "c": "sun"}}, {"Context": "Jane waited for the ceremony to begin. She was nervous. Jane was proud, but it was scary to be the valedictorian of her class.", "Words": {"a": "award", "b": "crowd", "c": "speech"}}, {"Context": "I went down to fish at the lake. My best friend was running behind me trying to catch up. Walked up to the rippling surface wishing I could cannonball like when I was a kid.", "Words": {"a": "dock", "b": "dog", "c": "jump"}}, {"Context": "The water was finally sparkling and Rod was ready to dive in. Rascal ran about at Rod's feet, wanting to jump in himself. The water splashed as Rod immersed himself and a smaller splash came as Rascal came in after.", "Words": {"a": "clean", "b": "dog", "c": "follow"}}, {"Context": "Al was at his new job as a bagger at a grocery store. Al really didn't want to do too much work for eight dollars an hour. Al found a closet and was sleeping there until his boss found him.", "Words": {"a": "cart", "b": "chair", "c": "fill"}}, {"Context": "Going camping with your kids can be a lot of fun. You're out there enjoying some of the simplest things, but having the best of times. It's very relaxing and creates amazing bonding experiences.", "Words": {"a": "daddy", "b": "daughter", "c": "rock"}}, {"Context": "Tina was ready to go to a concert to see her favorite singer, Drake. She hoped to sneak backstage and then meet Drake in person. Tina knew that it would take some skill to accomplish such a task.", "Words": {"a": "arena", "b": "carry", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "Twelve-year-old William was very excited when his mom and dad bought a farm and moved the family there. He was excited about doing farm work, about helping with the animals, about growing the crops, and about using the big machines. Before long, William was acting like a regular farmhand: he handled the plow and other machines like a pro; he cared for the livestock with dedication; and he harvested the corn, wheat and other crops with ease.", "Words": {"a": "pick", "b": "ride", "c": "tractor"}}, {"Context": "Some Olympic competitions are just amazing. A lot of them involve the water. One of my favorites involves watching competitors jump high into the air and do various tricks as they fall down to the water without making huge splashes.", "Words": {"a": "board", "b": "bounce", "c": "dive"}}, {"Context": "Cora smiled as she set down the dishes on the little table out on the front porch. She double checked to make sure she had the sugar cubes and lemon. Cora couldn't wait for her grandmother to arrive for their special time together.", "Words": {"a": "filter", "b": "glass", "c": "place"}}, {"Context": "Steve sat down next to Buddy in the living room. Buddy's ears perked up as Steve began to play the bluesy music. He howled along in tune and Steve smiled and scratched him behind the ears.", "Words": {"a": "couch", "b": "dog", "c": "harmonica"}}, {"Context": "Fred was outside with his pet. He was waiting while the pet was using the restroom. Suddenly, Fred heard a sound from behind him.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "stand", "c": "turn"}}, {"Context": "Negotiating a contract on behalf on my client was making me sick. Tom is very talented, but very temperamental. If he doesn't like what he reads when I show him to contract, there's no telling what he'll do.", "Words": {"a": "face", "b": "front", "c": "laugh"}}, {"Context": "Tim was at the beach sleeping. He was waiting on his friend Alex. Alex finally came and suggested they go fishing.", "Words": {"a": "boat", "b": "move", "c": "water"}}, {"Context": "The city's roads were blocked off for the parade. It was very crowded and even police cars couldn't get through all the people. To keep the order, law enforcement rode on animals and atvs.", "Words": {"a": "horse", "b": "officer", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "Al was at the park and he needed something exciting to do. Al looked at all the people having fun and was jealous. Al realized that he needed some big adventure to tell people about.", "Words": {"a": "body", "b": "kayak", "c": "paddle"}}, {"Context": "Halftime shows at football games can be a lot of fun. Especially if you're watching certain colleges. There is nothing better than the show put on by predominantly black colleges.", "Words": {"a": "band", "b": "field", "c": "perform"}}, {"Context": "Doing chores around the house as a kid was not fun. The worst part for me was having to go on top of the house. I'm afraid of heights so I made sure of where I put my foot because I didn't want to fall down.", "Words": {"a": "clean", "b": "gutter", "c": "roof"}}, {"Context": "It was a cold day to be outside on the street. Dan noticed a man lying in the ally by the building. He wished that he could help them man because he was only wearing a tee shirt.", "Words": {"a": "coat", "b": "sidewalk", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "Tom was inside trying to figure out what to do on his day off. He would normally be in school today learning something new. However school had recently been cancelled for the entire week.", "Words": {"a": "kid", "b": "snow", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "Logging can be very dangerous. You need to make sure that you have the right equipment and that you know exactly what you're doing before you chop down a tree. When you're done, make sure that you secure the pieces of wood that you're going to be bringing back with you in your truck.", "Words": {"a": "chainsaw", "b": "cut", "c": "rope"}}, {"Context": "As a kid when we couldn't decide who was going to do something there was one thing that we all agreed on doing to decide. It might seem simple but it was difficult to win at times. My strategy most of the time was to use paper.", "Words": {"a": "game", "b": "rock", "c": "scissor"}}, {"Context": "There are many ways to cut down on your electric bill. Summer simpler than others. Make sure when you go grab something cold to drink that you're not standing there for too long, and when you're done that it's secure so no air is escaping.", "Words": {"a": "close", "b": "door", "c": "open"}}, {"Context": "Tim was in the store with his wife and three children. Everyone was frantically grabbing items they wanted Tim to buy. The recently found out that Tim had won the lottery and he had tried to keep it a secret.", "Words": {"a": "bag", "b": "end", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "The banker squinted as she looked at the check. It was from a business that she was familiar with, but she had never seen this man before. The man read her mind and smiled as he said, \"I'm new on the job.\"", "Words": {"a": "take", "b": "work", "c": "worker"}}, {"Context": "The students were playing outside during recess. After the bell went off, the teacher asked the kids to get ready to go back to the classroom. The kids all gathered together.", "Words": {"a": "line", "b": "tree", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "There are some days in the afternoon that I just want to lay down and sleep for a few minutes. I see my pets doing it all the time and I get jealous. One day, I'm going to join them in this daily ritual.", "Words": {"a": "bed", "b": "dog", "c": "nap"}}, {"Context": "Tony was just getting out on the water on his board. He hadn't been in the water for long when he saw a girl that he had a crush on. Tony tried to show off and lost his balance and fell into the ocean.", "Words": {"a": "body", "b": "sail", "c": "surfboard"}}, {"Context": "There was a group of children playing in the yard. They were wearing bathing suits and carrying water guns as they chased each other through the wet green grass. As well a peals of laughter there was barking.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "jet", "c": "squirt"}}, {"Context": "The chef talked as he gave the lesson to the cooking class. The first lesson was on prep work and how to take care of utensils. Unfortunately, he was so into his speech that he accidentally cut his finger!", "Words": {"a": "explain", "b": "knife", "c": "sharpen"}}, {"Context": "Jessie was getting ready for her blind date. She wanted to look and feel her best so she was going to wear a short skirt. Jessie wanted to make sure that her calves were as smooth and sexy as possible.", "Words": {"a": "bathtub", "b": "leg", "c": "shave"}}, {"Context": "You can learn a lot by going to cosmetology school. The teachers do a great job showing you how to use various equipments. If you do things right, you'll be able to get a great job and make money making people look beautiful.", "Words": {"a": "demonstrate", "b": "hair", "c": "iron"}}, {"Context": "I'm going to the farmers market this weekend so I know I'm going to be moving around on foot a lot. I have to make sure that I have on comfortable clothes because it's going to be a couple hours out there. Hopefully I find some great buys at great prices.", "Words": {"a": "jean", "b": "shirt", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "Todd had been bullied at school lately so he decided to join a martial arts studio. On the first day of class, Todd was able to learn a lot of techniques. He was able to take part of the regional tournament the next year.", "Words": {"a": "block", "b": "karate", "c": "perform"}}, {"Context": "I love watching boxing. I love the entrances that each person makes. They also wear a bright clothing and most of the times put on a good show.", "Words": {"a": "individual", "b": "match", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "My friend got a job this weekend directing traffic at an event. The night before they made sure that they put everything they needed for the job right back at the door so they wouldn't forget it. I knew they would do good because they always dedicate themselves to their job.", "Words": {"a": "take", "b": "vest", "c": "worker"}}, {"Context": "Jan was having tea with her friend at one of their favorite places. The looked outside at the people walking past the shop. Jan and her friend talked for about an hour before making their way back home.", "Words": {"a": "cafe", "b": "coffee", "c": "drink"}}, {"Context": "Jim was at the football game ready to cheer on his favorite team. He had bacon flavored popcorn and was happy as a clam. He stood up for the national anthem and then the game began.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "referee", "c": "spectator"}}, {"Context": "Diamond harvesting seems like it's a tough job. You're out there for hours using a variety of tools to find a small gem. It's definitely a job that I can't see myself doing.", "Words": {"a": "break", "b": "hammer", "c": "piece"}}, {"Context": "The brothers were excited when school was cancelled, but the stormy weather meant they couldn't play outside. The brothers complained to their mom that they were bored. Their mom suggested they find a quiet game to play indoors.", "Words": {"a": "card", "b": "deck", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "I've been hitting the weights three times a week for the past month. Although it's not easy, I'll make sure that I make time for it and put in the effort. Are use a variety of machines and I'm seeing the results, especially in my biceps.", "Words": {"a": "arm", "b": "equipment", "c": "gym"}}, {"Context": "Tom walked through the hall to his locker to get his books for the next class. Suddenly, Tom was dripping water from his face! Tom looked around confused until he saw his best friend laughing near the restrooms.", "Words": {"a": "fountain", "b": "short", "c": "spray"}}, {"Context": "Sam was nervous and she really wanted a cigarette. When she had the free time, she went outside and lit a cigarette. As she put it in her mouth, a man walked up and grabbed the cigarette from her.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "hit", "c": "smoke"}}, {"Context": "Susan sat down at the table reserved for her at the restaurant. They were having their grand opening and invited Susan, a distinguished taster to the restaurant. Susan folded her napkin in her lap and looked around the room as she waited.", "Words": {"a": "bucket", "b": "mouth", "c": "spit"}}, {"Context": "Mark was hanging out on a marble bench in the park. He watched the birds fly and land on the grass in front of him. Mark fed them bread crumbs from the sandwich that his wife had made.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "item", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "I think I'm gonna go out to the beach this weekend and bring my camera with me to get some good shots. I'm going to try to get people doing a variety of different activities out there. In order to show how adventurous the beach can be.", "Words": {"a": "photographer", "b": "picture", "c": "swim"}}, {"Context": "Tim woke up in a ditch next to his car. Tim tried to remember what happened that got him in this awful situation. He saw a bottle of wine next to his car and remembered everything.", "Words": {"a": "darkness", "b": "leave", "c": "rise"}}, {"Context": "Sometimes you enjoy the simple things in life. Nothing like a late afternoon and getting some natural sweetness from a fresh piece of crisp fruit. One of my favorite treats, was a nice and tart Granny Smith.", "Words": {"a": "apple", "b": "knife", "c": "peel"}}, {"Context": "Going to the fair is always fun. You see people dressed up in all kinds of enjoyable costumes. The kids also love it as they get to have all kinds of things drawn on them by artist.", "Words": {"a": "face", "b": "hat", "c": "paint"}}, {"Context": "Whenever I'm running I always see people under the bridge trying to catch something to eat. I always wonder if they catch anything at all. One thing I noticed, is they make sure and have them selves some adult beverages to drink.", "Words": {"a": "bottle", "b": "fish", "c": "pond"}}, {"Context": "There are people with some very exotic pets. I don't even like the popular pets like dogs and cats. I can't even imagine how they keep some of these more dangerous animals.", "Words": {"a": "cage", "b": "hold", "c": "put"}}, {"Context": "I have a big ceremony to go to this weekend and I can't wait to catch up with a lot of people I haven't seen in a long time. I have a long drive so I have to make sure that I get out of here on time. This is going to be a huge party.", "Words": {"a": "bride", "b": "friend", "c": "groom"}}, {"Context": "Winter sports can be a lot of fun. You will also end up on your butt a lot. I've experienced a lot of that wow gliding down the mountain at high speeds.", "Words": {"a": "board", "b": "fall", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "I love cutting up fruits. To me there's nothing better than having a sharp knife and cutting them to reveal the sweet inner parts of it. Then putting a variety of them together to make a salad.", "Words": {"a": "inside", "b": "open", "c": "watermelon"}}, {"Context": "Sometimes I imagine if I was a performer what I would put on. I see myself on stage singing to a huge audience with little to nothing on. I don't want to show off my body to the ladies.", "Words": {"a": "guitar", "b": "shirt", "c": "stage"}}, {"Context": "Going to a casino can be very fun. I love to walk around and look at the floor games to see if I can learn anything. The poker area is one of my favorite spots because I can learn a lot by watching before I decide to play.", "Words": {"a": "card", "b": "deck", "c": "demonstrate"}}, {"Context": "It must be fun being one of those street artist. You don't have to wear any special uniform, and you get to do your job outside. All you need is some paint and paint brushes, and a bunch of paper to create art.", "Words": {"a": "shirt", "b": "sit", "c": "work"}}, {"Context": "Everyone needs to go get pampered a few times a year. One of the best things to do for your body is to get it rubbed down by someone who is a professional. Spent a good hour with their hands going all over your body and some good aromatherapy in the background, you'll be in heaven.", "Words": {"a": "leg", "b": "lie", "c": "massage"}}, {"Context": "Whenever there's a hurricane coming do you have to make sure that you were prepared. You make sure that you have all of your important documents in a secure area. One thing people always forget is to prepare their vehicles as well.", "Words": {"a": "car", "b": "gas", "c": "pump"}}, {"Context": "Sam was on the way home from school when he saw a girl that he really liked. He went to go say hello to her so he could ask her out. Suddenly he tripped and fell into a puddle of mud.", "Words": {"a": "finger", "b": "front", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "I need to do some grooming this weekend on my facial hair. The ladies seem to love it so I need to make sure that I keep it looking proper. I normally do all of this on a Saturday morning in the bathroom.", "Words": {"a": "beard", "b": "look", "c": "mirror"}}, {"Context": "The mother finished filling the final glass with water and walked toward the opening to the living room. \"Dinner's ready,\" she called out as she undid her apron and placed it on the nearby counter. The family converged on the dining room table with hunger in their eyes.", "Words": {"a": "chair", "b": "eat", "c": "food"}}, {"Context": "Travis was always careful when he went to the skate park. He had a friend that had recently broken his arm in three different places. People might have laughed at Travis and his protective gear, but he knew it was the right thing to do.", "Words": {"a": "ramp", "b": "ride", "c": "skateboard"}}, {"Context": "I get mad when I try to cut my veggies. I use a fork. Do you think something else would work better because I keep losing the fork?", "Words": {"a": "board", "b": "knife", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "Victoria was glad that her friend had given her a gift certificate to the spa. Her body felt much better as the attendant rubbed all the knots away. She was so relaxed that she eventually fell asleep on the table.", "Words": {"a": "cross", "b": "foot", "c": "leg"}}, {"Context": "Al was in the forest and he was very lost. He remembered that he crumbled up his map and threw it away when someone tried to give it to him. Al realized that he had been very stupid.", "Words": {"a": "path", "b": "tree", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "Sarah was in the Marines and was getting ready to do the training obstacle course for her unit. She got all her equipment and brought it to the starting line as required. When the instructor said go she began to run to the first tall ledge with her stuff.", "Words": {"a": "gear", "b": "wall", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "Tom was at home sick with his family. He caught a bad cold from a recent office party last week. His wife came in and asked if he needed anything in particular.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "nose", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "My grandfather hated any new technology because it meant the world was changing. He felt threatened by that. He turned out to be right when some fancy technology ended up taking all the jobs in our lumbering community.", "Words": {"a": "feed", "b": "machine", "c": "piece"}}, {"Context": "I am practicing my ballet. I get very sore after. Do you know what I could use so my feet don't hurt?", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "foot", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "It's always great to look at boxers get ready for a match. They always have all colorful outfits while coming to the ring. But, you have to pay attention to all that happens back in the training area before they're even dressed and ready to go.", "Words": {"a": "bandage", "b": "glove", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "I remember when I was in Boot Camp and they were showing us how to create space by making sure that our clothing was put up correctly. Everything had to be done a certain way, so you had to pay a lot of attention. Later on you would have inspections to make sure you followed directions.", "Words": {"a": "demonstrate", "b": "fold", "c": "hand"}}, {"Context": "When I was a kid I always enjoyed eating suckers. Especially the blue ones because they left evidence for hours. They were so sweet and yummy.", "Words": {"a": "lick", "b": "lip", "c": "stick"}}, {"Context": "Being a parent can be tough but also very rewarding. You get to raise a human being from an infant to a young adult. You will have your ups and downs, but you also love it.", "Words": {"a": "clothe", "b": "mother", "c": "toddler"}}, {"Context": "Coming home to your bed after a late night of work can be amazing. There's always only one thing that I have my mind on. I make sure that I get myself in bed and wrap myself up under that blanket and call it a night.", "Words": {"a": "eye", "b": "hang", "c": "head"}}, {"Context": "The coast guard showed up as soon as they got the distress call. Unfortunately, they still arrived too late to save the man from perishing. They pulled him from the waters and called a tow boat to clear the water.", "Words": {"a": "body", "b": "float", "c": "wreckage"}}, {"Context": "I was looking forward to enjoying the concert tomorrow. I know that there was going to be a huge crowd there. I was hoping that nobody in front of me had on anything like a huge heart that would get in my view.", "Words": {"a": "audience", "b": "head", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "Bill was at the park and he was very bored. His family was playing frisbee and he wanted to do something different. Bill then realized that there was only one cool thing to do at the park.", "Words": {"a": "bicycle", "b": "body", "c": "grass"}}, {"Context": "The beautician had a busy day ahead of her. The customers came into her salon all day long. It was hours before she was able to get off of her feet and take a break.", "Words": {"a": "brush", "b": "dryer", "c": "hair"}}, {"Context": "You need to be careful when dealing with venomous animals like the cobra. Make sure that you have protection on your hand because you don't want to get bitten. Their venom can be very little.", "Words": {"a": "glove", "b": "handle", "c": "snake"}}, {"Context": "It was rehearsal time again and Jamie was worn out. She went into the dressing room to change into her costume. She couldn't wait until it was time for the real show to begin.", "Words": {"a": "activity", "b": "building", "c": "clothing"}}, {"Context": "The emergency room was a madhouse on this Friday night. There had been a four car accident in the middle of town and several people were injured. The doctors on call were ready and focused, willing and able to assist.", "Words": {"a": "perform", "b": "scrub", "c": "surgeon"}}, {"Context": "This weekend was for the boys. The girls went on a trip and left the boys alone at home. They enjoyed themselves by doing outdoor activities as well as just sitting on the couch and looking at a bunch of football.", "Words": {"a": "bike", "b": "father", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "The little boy missed his father, who was on a long business trip. The boy's mother tried to comfort him by telling him his dad would be home soon. Suddenly there was a ring and the mother lifted the receiver.", "Words": {"a": "ear", "b": "hold", "c": "phone"}}, {"Context": "There are many different kind of bikers in the city. Do you have the older crew who use the Harley Davidson's. Then you have the younger crew who use the Asian brand bikes and love to perform tricks up and down the road.", "Words": {"a": "motorcycle", "b": "pop", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "Serina bought some new furniture for her apartment. She needed help loading it into the truck. She asked a store clerk to help her, but one wasn't enough because some of the pieces were so heavy.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "lift", "c": "mirror"}}, {"Context": "A man named Jack moved in next door. He introduced himself to me and seemed friendly. I had no complaints until he woke me one morning by blowing a whistle and shouting out commands.", "Words": {"a": "course", "b": "dog", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "It was Jen's wedding and she had everything figured out, well almost everything. Her beautician had done an awful job and Jen didn't know what to do. Finally, Jen's sister offered a suggestion and Jen's eyes lit up.", "Words": {"a": "braid", "b": "hair", "c": "head"}}, {"Context": "It was my roommate's turn to take care of dinner. I was hoping he'd just order a pizza because he wasn't a good cook. I wasn't encouraged when I went into the kitchen and saw pots of inedible colors.", "Words": {"a": "die", "b": "rinse", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "Al was meeting some new friends who had just moved into his neighborhood. Al wanted to impress them but he wasn't sure how. Al sat on his porch thinking of ways he could show how amazing he was.", "Words": {"a": "balance", "b": "hat", "c": "ledge"}}, {"Context": "My husband bought a sewing machine. I wasn't sure how to use it. But I was able to make a pillow.", "Words": {"a": "give", "b": "instruction", "c": "sew"}}, {"Context": "The greyhound was ready for the event to begin. His trainer brought him up to the track and set up in the lane. When the buzzer went off, the animal ran like the wind.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "muzzle", "c": "race"}}, {"Context": "Joey was leaving from the competition knowing that he had done well. It was time for him to go home though and he waited at the stop and basked in the sun. People looked at Joey in his well dressed attire, not recognizing him outside of his sports uniform.", "Words": {"a": "bus", "b": "medal", "c": "suit"}}, {"Context": "Jake was pretty sure that he needed to get a new wheel on his truck. One of them was looking pretty bare and it wasn't safe. He begrudgingly drove down to the automotive store in town.", "Words": {"a": "check", "b": "penny", "c": "tire"}}, {"Context": "Sam wasn't worried that the place would be crowded even though it had just opened recently. He had called the day before and made a reservation for two at seven. He was excited to see Parker again and thought to himself \"I hope she likes Italian food\" as he pulled into the Bistro's parking lot.", "Words": {"a": "drink", "b": "eat", "c": "restaurant"}}, {"Context": "Dillan held the pool stick in his hand waiting for his turn. He had never lost this many matches in a row. His opponent scratched and Dillan took a deep breath as he walked up to the table.", "Words": {"a": "cue", "b": "shoot", "c": "use"}}, {"Context": "Joe is an aspiring musician who is dedicated to his craft. He plays in his sound-proof room, so as not to bother the neighbors. The room is small and doesn't even have a chair.", "Words": {"a": "bed", "b": "guitar", "c": "practice"}}, {"Context": "I saw my neighbor playing in his yard. I watched from my window as he played catch with his dog. Later, as I moved out into my own yard to rest I could hear someone calling my name.", "Words": {"a": "object", "b": "throw", "c": "turn"}}, {"Context": "Hanna slipped past the people in the audience trying to find her way back to her seat. She looked to the left and to the right, but couldn't find her friend. Hanna called out, but it was too loud for her even to hear her own voice.", "Words": {"a": "clap", "b": "concert", "c": "crowd"}}, {"Context": "Paul was not afraid of anything. That's what made him a great asset to the circus. Paul flew threw the air gracefully with no fears whatsoever.", "Words": {"a": "fall", "b": "net", "c": "practice"}}, {"Context": "Cindy walked out of the house in her summer attire. It was hot outside and she didn't want to spend hours out in the sun wearing jeans, that was for sure. She looked around at all the yardwork that needed to be done and sighed.", "Words": {"a": "short", "b": "top", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "Ken was meeting his brother Alvin at their favorite bar tonight. They hadn't seen each other in a few weeks and had a lot of catching up to do. He took a seat at the bar but waited to order until Alvin got there.", "Words": {"a": "beer", "b": "chip", "c": "drink"}}, {"Context": "I told the instructor my knife was dull. He showed me how to fix that. Rocks are so old fashioned.", "Words": {"a": "demonstrate", "b": "sharpen", "c": "stone"}}, {"Context": "Lillian had a blast at the state fair last weekend. She thought that the Ferris Wheel was amazing, though she was a bit hesitant at first. There was even a bouncy house for the kids to go in and she loved it.", "Words": {"a": "hit", "b": "jump", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "The last couple of weeks had been blazing hot with no rain. Jill checked the weather forecast and saw there was still no rain predicted. She centered the sprinkler in her backyard and turned on the faucet.", "Words": {"a": "bird", "b": "spread", "c": "water"}}, {"Context": "The bar scene was rowdy on the Friday night. Two burly man sat face to face locked up with each other. The people cheered them on as they tried to prove that each was stronger than the other.", "Words": {"a": "arm", "b": "sit", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "Denny was up to bat for the last time. The count was full and Denny was getting nervous. Denny closed his eyes as he felt the crack of the bat.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "field", "c": "hit"}}, {"Context": "Rita worked as a housekeeper at a local motel. Every day was the same for Rita, but it was a paycheck for the woman. If she could pay her bills, she didn't mind what she had to do.", "Words": {"a": "bed", "b": "lady", "c": "put"}}, {"Context": "I asked the grocery clerk if he could pack my grocery up so it would be easy for me to take. I wanted to take all of it at once and wanted it all packed into one place. The red dress that I had worn to the party was a hit, everyone talked about it.", "Words": {"a": "bag", "b": "carry", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "Carlos hadn't been working out for very long and he wasn't quite sure what he was doing. Finally, he gave in and hired a personal trainer. Gary, his trainer was able to help Carlos learn all sorts of new exercises.", "Words": {"a": "down", "b": "gym", "c": "pull"}}, {"Context": "Jim was playing outside with his pet cocker spaniel. Jim wanted to teach his dog how to fetch a toy. First Jim tried tossing a stick, but the dog wasn't interested.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "ball", "c": "catch"}}, {"Context": "Kyle looked up into the bleachers where his parents were watching the championship game that he was playing in. He was on third base at the bottom of the ninth inning with the score tied. The batter swung and hit the ball hard and Kyle took off running.", "Words": {"a": "catcher", "b": "home", "c": "slide"}}, {"Context": "I pour my oil in, and crack the shell. I flip it just in time to make sure it's over easy. I put it on a plate.", "Words": {"a": "cook", "b": "egg", "c": "fry"}}, {"Context": "Denny parked the car at the visitor's building near the border of the state. The kids slowly got out, knowing what their dad was going to do. Denny instructed them all to get out, as he picked up his camera.", "Words": {"a": "car", "b": "front", "c": "photo"}}, {"Context": "I thought that I was smarter, I really did. I couldn't figure that thing out for anything though. If they wanted to make a puzzle that would confuse the world, I guess they did!", "Words": {"a": "cube", "b": "eye", "c": "solve"}}, {"Context": "The comedian is hilarious. The whole place is full. The crowd is roaring.", "Words": {"a": "laugh", "b": "open", "c": "room"}}, {"Context": "Alice looked upon her dry garden. She prepared to handle the situation. As she did, she thought how beautiful the flowers were.", "Words": {"a": "hold", "b": "hose", "c": "water"}}, {"Context": "Toni was showing her little sister how to do her eyes. Toni was about to go on a date anyway, so it wasn't like she was wasting anything. At the end, Toni looked fabulous and her sister had acquired some new knowledge.", "Words": {"a": "apply", "b": "demonstrate", "c": "eyebrow"}}, {"Context": "Tyler was a tremendous track and field athlete at the peak of his college career. This day, however, his approach did not feel right as he ran forward. He had one last chance to make a throw that would win the event.", "Words": {"a": "fall", "b": "javelin", "c": "step"}}, {"Context": "Jerry had worked as a carpenter for years. He had a box full of tools and knew exactly what to do with them. Jerry was excited to go to work on demolition days most of all.", "Words": {"a": "brick", "b": "mallet", "c": "place"}}, {"Context": "I have been seeing some robins near my front porch lately. I figured that I would leave them some seeds in a saucer. I tried putting them in my hand, but they wouldn't come close enough.", "Words": {"a": "bird", "b": "cup", "c": "eat"}}, {"Context": "Polly and her friends piled into her mom's van to head to the venue. They had been waiting for weeks to go to the performance. Her mother dropped them off and they hurried inside to find their seats.", "Words": {"a": "guitar", "b": "musician", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "The soccer playoffs were the most competitive that they had been in years. The players were all over the field. Finally, the whistle blew and the game was over.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "goal", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "I'm trying to knead biscuits. But it is sticking to my fingers. I need to dust the surface before I can shape them.", "Words": {"a": "dough", "b": "flour", "c": "pin"}}, {"Context": "John was trained in ballet and was getting ready for his big performance. He stretched until all his muscles were very warm and supple. When the curtain lifted and the music started, he was ready for the spotlight.", "Words": {"a": "dance", "b": "dancer", "c": "stage"}}, {"Context": "Fred couldn't believe that he had broken down right here. There was nothing around for miles. Worst of all, Fred wasn't getting a phone signal, so he couldn't call for help.", "Words": {"a": "car", "b": "middle", "c": "road"}}, {"Context": "It was an early evening at the crowded downtown theater. Everyone sat in muted anticipation of what was to come. Then it began and enthusiastic applause rang out.", "Words": {"a": "audience", "b": "dance", "c": "performer"}}, {"Context": "Watching the track and field performers. One runner got a lot of air. But he hit the padding pretty hard.", "Words": {"a": "bar", "b": "jump", "c": "land"}}, {"Context": "The lady said she was struggling to take care of her three-year-old. She said she had to use the laundry machine all day in order to keep him clean. She said it felt like all day she was folding, and changing diapers.", "Words": {"a": "clothe", "b": "help", "c": "mother"}}, {"Context": "Donna was nervous as she paced back and forth in the backstage area. The long skirt that she was wearing was itchy and she couldn't wait to get out of it. Donna wondered why she had ever tried out for the play in the first place.", "Words": {"a": "act", "b": "clothe", "c": "dress"}}, {"Context": "Newlyweds Sam and Sally were having their first guests over for dinner. Sally had taken pains to set a fancy table. When it was time to eat, Sally asked Sam to pour the wine.", "Words": {"a": "bottle", "b": "cork", "c": "remove"}}, {"Context": "Lisa threw the man's groceries into the tote and did it roughly. She didn't care anymore if she got fired. Lisa had enough of the likes of customers like this treating her like crap.", "Words": {"a": "bag", "b": "bread", "c": "plate"}}, {"Context": "Johnny was taking his son camping for the first time. It was dinner and he was showing the boy how to prepare a meal on his own. Johnny was glad they had caught some fish earlier, or else it would have been a can of beans.", "Words": {"a": "fire", "b": "pot", "c": "talk"}}, {"Context": "The water is rough. I can't stay on my board. I head back to the shore.", "Words": {"a": "crash", "b": "ocean", "c": "swim"}}, {"Context": "Annie went to the mall and passed through the cosmetic section. She was invited to sit down for a consultation. She decided it wouldn't be a bad idea to freshen up her look, so she sat at the counter.", "Words": {"a": "apply", "b": "explain", "c": "lady"}}, {"Context": "Kate was going to her best friend's birthday party. She couldn't wait to go, but she had to get the present ready first. Kate pulled out the card and thought of something special to put on it.", "Words": {"a": "balloon", "b": "pop", "c": "write"}}, {"Context": "Josie was crying when her brother got home, so he asked her what was wrong. She said that she had tried to fly her kite, but the kite was broken. Her brother was able to help her fix it and Josie gave him a big hug.", "Words": {"a": "piece", "b": "string", "c": "tie"}}, {"Context": "Teenagers Paul and Kimberly lay on the beach on a warm sunny day. Kimberly was a bit tired and frustrated as she looked out at the ocean. \"Come on, Kim, let's play some more\", Paul encouraged.", "Words": {"a": "catch", "b": "frisbee", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "Doug was out in a terrible storm, but he had to get to Springfield. No matter what the weather, he had to get there, even if he had to navigate there on his own. Then he approached the low bridge, which had been overflowed slightly by the flooding.", "Words": {"a": "car", "b": "drive", "c": "road"}}, {"Context": "It was such a hot day and it took quite some time to get from one stop to another. I wanted something to put on my head so it could cover my face. I decided to put on something over my head so I can not get sunburn.", "Words": {"a": "distance", "b": "hat", "c": "look"}}, {"Context": "It was almost time for the talent show and Jason wanted to make sure that he was the best in his class. He looked in the mirror and did his act one more time. Jason was sure that he had what it took to win the contest.", "Words": {"a": "event", "b": "kid", "c": "perform"}}, {"Context": "There are a lot of issues that can happen while working on this site. I always get evidence by taking a photograph of my issues. I love that I'm given a chance to work on this Amazon platform, but it doesn't come without its issues.", "Words": {"a": "gripe", "b": "invite", "c": "photo"}}, {"Context": "The cafe was running smoothly, just like Ally wanted. She had dreamed of owning a place like this for a while. The customers came in all day and they loved it, so she was happy.", "Words": {"a": "cup", "b": "milk", "c": "pour"}}, {"Context": "Janie had just started kindergarten and she loved being in school. Every day before lunch Janie's teacher let her students choose an activity. Janie's favorite activity was playing games, and the teacher let her choose a game from the shelf.", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "piece", "c": "put"}}, {"Context": "Eric invited his neighbors over for a cookout Saturday afternoon. He had all kinds of beverages chilling on ice and tons of food. He set up the grill and chatted with his guests as he started to cook.", "Words": {"a": "meat", "b": "skewer", "c": "turn"}}, {"Context": "Susie was excited to visit at her grandparents' farm. Grandpa led Susie by the hand to the red barn for a special surprise. Inside the barn were newborn kids and lambs.", "Words": {"a": "goat", "b": "hold", "c": "pet"}}, {"Context": "I was at the fair last night with my girlfriend. We passed by some of those booths where you can win a prize if you shoot the basketball into the goal. I spent like twenty dollars trying to win her a stupid puppy dog!", "Words": {"a": "animal", "b": "hold", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "One of the worst part about living in a cold environment, is dealing with storms. Some areas get blanketed with feet of powder. In the morning you have to clear it away.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "blower", "c": "drive"}}, {"Context": "My neighbors were a very elderly couple. Honestly, I didn't like them much because they always seemed cranky. But when the wife died, I asked the morose man if he wanted to get a cup of coffee sometimes, an invitation he leapt at.", "Words": {"a": "bite", "b": "doughnut", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "The Perkins family loved the 4th of July and always had a BBQ where they invited friends. Everyone would gather at their house early in the afternoon and walk to main street for the annual parade. They would line the streets with many others and watch the floats go by.", "Words": {"a": "carry", "b": "crowd", "c": "flag"}}, {"Context": "Ben woke and looked over at his clock to find it was nearly 9am. He wasn't sure if he was late for school or if the blizzard that had been predicted when he went to bed the night before had happened. He walked out to the kitchen where his mother pointed to the shed and told him to get to work.", "Words": {"a": "driveway", "b": "shovel", "c": "shovel"}}, {"Context": "Alex was studying at the local college to be a geologist. He liked learning about rocks and anything about the earth. He wanted to grow up and lead a hunt on fossils in the far east.", "Words": {"a": "dig", "b": "find", "c": "gem"}}, {"Context": "The bride was dressed immaculately for the wedding. Everyone turned to look as she came down from upstairs. They oohed in hushed tones of admiration.", "Words": {"a": "clothing", "b": "flight", "c": "stair"}}, {"Context": "Tyler leaned up against the old Singer. He couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. It had always worked for him when his grandmother had used it.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "machine", "c": "push"}}, {"Context": "Ted had been preparing for months for the state decathlon championship. Ted looked at the schedule to see what event he would face next. Ted warmed up by stretching and got ready for his turn.", "Words": {"a": "javelin", "b": "run", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "Steven put all his equipment into the truck and drove to the work site. It wasn't going to be easy to build the house, but Steven had years of experience. He met with the client and signed all the paperwork before he began.", "Words": {"a": "brick", "b": "build", "c": "mortar"}}, {"Context": "Jason drank his beer as he cast his line out yet again. He hadn't caught anything yet today, but he wasn't about to give up yet. As Jason went to sit down, something began to tug on his line.", "Words": {"a": "bottle", "b": "feed", "c": "fish"}}, {"Context": "Sam was at the skate park every day after school. He had been skating since he was just a kid and wanted to be just like Tony Hawk. Unfortunately, one day Sam fell and broke his shin in three places.", "Words": {"a": "picture", "b": "skateboarder", "c": "take"}}, {"Context": "The Braves were playing the Blue Jays in Atlanta. The catcher was getting ready to throw. The sun hit him in the eye but he still had to do his job.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "bat", "c": "hit"}}, {"Context": "Sam entered a contest on sustainable technology. He planned to design a car that operated without traditional fuel. But Sam didn't intend to use solar energy or electric batteries.", "Words": {"a": "power", "b": "vehicle", "c": "wind"}}, {"Context": "Jake worked at the pet store in a small town. He liked to see all the animals and even gave some of them names. Jake gave treats to some of his favorites.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "ball", "c": "dog"}}, {"Context": "When Frank bought a house to flip, he knew the old carpet had to go. Underneath the carpet, he was delighted to find real hardwood. Frank rented tools to restore the hardwood to its original beauty.", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "machine", "c": "sand"}}, {"Context": "I went to an event this weekend that has always been unusual to me. It's a competition that they have at country clubs. This has to be a sport for the wealthy alone.", "Words": {"a": "field", "b": "horse", "c": "polo"}}, {"Context": "The summer after my senior year in high school, I needed a job. I ended up with the most embarrassing one possible. I had to dress like a chicken and walk around tourist areas to advertise a restaurant.", "Words": {"a": "beach", "b": "look", "c": "ocean"}}, {"Context": "I loved being able to sit next to the kitchen at the sushi bar. Seeing the chefs work and shape each person's order was absolutely amazing. What skill it must take to become a sushi chef!", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "piece", "c": "roll"}}, {"Context": "Ed had to complete four hundred hours of community service. The judge told him he had three months to get it done. Ed had the perfect idea for what he would do.", "Words": {"a": "carry", "b": "front", "c": "graffiti"}}, {"Context": "My girlfriends and I were in an adventurous and perhaps rebellious mood. We went to the mall to relieve the boredom and stood before a small shop. Here we could rid ourselves of little girl clip-ons and become fashionable young ladies, so we plunged on in.", "Words": {"a": "ear", "b": "feel", "c": "pierce"}}, {"Context": "I settled in on the carpet next to my pup. I wanted to watch TV. He kept coming back with his ball.", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "sit", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "I saw girl downtown the other day and she looked amazing. It was a little bit chilly outside and she was dressed for the occasion. The designs on her pants and purse were kind of matching.", "Words": {"a": "bag", "b": "carry", "c": "jean"}}, {"Context": "Jeremy started to go down the mountain, but he was nervous. He had never done this before and he knew that it could be dangerous. The other people glided by him as he tried to get his bearings.", "Words": {"a": "fall", "b": "ski", "c": "slope"}}, {"Context": "The downtown area was slowing coming back to life. Some quality stores were opening up and people began to frequent the area which they hadn't in years. The city counsel initiated a contest will the goal of beautifying the area further.", "Words": {"a": "art", "b": "paint", "c": "street"}}, {"Context": "It had been a while since Justin had been on vacation. He walked out onto the sand and felt his toes sink in. Justin closed his eyes and listened to the sea crash against the shore.", "Words": {"a": "beach", "b": "relax", "c": "suit"}}, {"Context": "Lauren met her boyfriend Matt at the park late afternoon as he had instructed her. She was delighted when he pulled a huge picnic basket out of the trunk of his car. They walked towards the lake where they laid out a blanket and Matt opened up the basket.", "Words": {"a": "bottle", "b": "cork", "c": "open"}}, {"Context": "Gordon grunted as he set the heavy bar down on the floor. He had never picked up this much in his life before. He took off his belt and started to walk to the showers.", "Words": {"a": "bar", "b": "end", "c": "head"}}, {"Context": "I needed to get grocery so I decided to take a run down to the grocery shop. While I was in the grocery shop, I saw one of my friend, he was someone I hadn't seen in a long time. I then went with him to a coffee ship to have a cup of coffee.", "Words": {"a": "mark", "b": "store", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "Marie stared at her reflection in the mirror. For the first time, she noticed wrinkles forming around her eyes and mouth. Marie wasted no time heading to the drugstore to buy a moisturizer.", "Words": {"a": "apply", "b": "face", "c": "lotion"}}, {"Context": "Some girls had recently made fun of sixteen-year old Alice. They felt that she was a little hairy which was very unfeminine. She took the criticism hard and today was trying to do something about it.", "Words": {"a": "cream", "b": "leg", "c": "put"}}, {"Context": "Trey had brought Buddy to the trainer because he couldn't get him to listen to a word that he would say. He was surprised that only after a short week Buddy knew all kinds of commands. It was a lot easier taking care of Buddy after that.", "Words": {"a": "back", "b": "dog", "c": "roll"}}, {"Context": "Our visit to Egypt was amazing and I hope that we are able to do it again. There were so many differences between Egypt and the United States. I think that my favorite part of the trip was visiting the pyramids.", "Words": {"a": "camel", "b": "car", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "The cheerleaders knew that they had to do good at their performance. There was a silence in the auditorium as the judges looked up at them. The head cheerleader bowed her head and gave the sign for the music to start.", "Words": {"a": "cheer", "b": "contest", "c": "crowd"}}, {"Context": "Tony wanted to make sure that he made the basketball team. After school, he worked hard in the gym everyday. Soon, it was the day of the try outs, but Tony knew he had it in him.", "Words": {"a": "dribble", "b": "practice", "c": "time"}}, {"Context": "I had been out of work for awhile and was starting to get nervous. A friend tipped me off to a very lucrative opening. Unfortunately, my fear of heights made it impossible for me to follow up on that tip.", "Words": {"a": "building", "b": "hang", "c": "paint"}}, {"Context": "The floor looked clean so Alice decided to take her shoes off before stepping on it. There was a big closet next to the kitchen which had a broom and a dustpan hang up on the wall. The little baby seem happy, playing with his toys on the floor next to the closet.", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "sweep", "c": "toddler"}}, {"Context": "Jan caught the railing when she started to fall down. She gasped and slipped and thought she was going to fall. All of a sudden a stranger lifted her hand and put her back on her feet.", "Words": {"a": "hold", "b": "ice", "c": "skate"}}, {"Context": "Jim leafed through a magazine for Corvette enthusiasts. He thought his own Stingray model was just as fine as any in the magazine. Jim decided to send a picture of his prized vehicle to the publisher.", "Words": {"a": "car", "b": "photo", "c": "take"}}, {"Context": "When it comes to choosing college classes, undergraduates tend to prioritize several factors. The classes that are most preferred are held in smaller classrooms. Classes held in large halls are a turn-off.", "Words": {"a": "give", "b": "lecture", "c": "professor"}}, {"Context": "Steven was happy to finally arrive at college, but he was worried about his room assignment and hoped he would be able to stay in the dorm he really wanted. It was a popular choice so the Resident Advisors were drawing lottery numbers to see who would get in and they said they'd be posting the names on a piece of paper on the bulletin board later on. Steven asked one of his teachers for advice, and also checked with one of his classmates, but they said it would be a matter of luck, that's all, so Steven crossed his fingers and hoped.", "Words": {"a": "fill", "b": "hall", "c": "list"}}, {"Context": "Ed was driving his car to work when suddenly it shut off. Ed pulled over to the side of the road and checked to see what happened. He took out all of his tools and tried to fix the problem.", "Words": {"a": "fly", "b": "pipe", "c": "spark"}}, {"Context": "Charlie was walking on the sand with Duke. They played catch for a while, then it was time to rest. Charlie sat on the sand and listened to the waves roll in.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "beach", "c": "dog"}}, {"Context": "I had to hold the ache above my hip as a hiked up the steep incline. I was struggling under the weight of supplies. I had to take a rest.", "Words": {"a": "backpack", "b": "mountain", "c": "side"}}, {"Context": "The hospital is a special place. A lot of good things get done there. I also love that the workers pretty much have the same uniform.", "Words": {"a": "building", "b": "clothing", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "The circus was great and all of the kids loved it. The best part were the acrobats and the clowns. There was a lot of talent under the big top that night.", "Words": {"a": "fire", "b": "juggle", "c": "light"}}, {"Context": "The instructor said to hold it tight so there is no slack. He showed me how. And then told me I needed to use a butterfly knot.", "Words": {"a": "demonstrate", "b": "rope", "c": "tie"}}, {"Context": "Now that Mr. Smith was retired, he found he was happiest when he kept to a routine. Each morning, he headed on foot to the local park. Before entering the park, he always stopped at a newsstand.", "Words": {"a": "bench", "b": "paper", "c": "read"}}, {"Context": "Danny was excited to be camping with his troop. It was getting dark and everyone was out gathering wood. The troop leader told them that they would be cooking hot dogs and telling stories, and Danny couldn't wait!", "Words": {"a": "campfire", "b": "marshmallow", "c": "roast"}}, {"Context": "Jeremy was a college freshman, looking forward to his first campus party. He was especially excited to try beer pong, as he had seen in so many movie comedies. But when he arrived he saw people kicking a round object, but not a ping pong ball.", "Words": {"a": "cup", "b": "foot", "c": "marble"}}, {"Context": "Gary remained steady as he stayed on the path. The buckets were full and he had to make sure they didn't spill out. He knew his mother would scold him if he spilled any of it.", "Words": {"a": "hold", "b": "walk", "c": "water"}}, {"Context": "I went to wood shop. I had to create something to turn in. But the toothed blade is terrifying.", "Words": {"a": "piece", "b": "saw", "c": "saw"}}, {"Context": "David knew that they would be freezing tonight if they didn't have enough wood for the fires. He pulled his sleeves up and began to look for some dead wood on the ground. He spotted a small tree lying on the ground, but he knew he would have to split it.", "Words": {"a": "axe", "b": "chop", "c": "half"}}, {"Context": "Susan sat silently watching the big animal at the reserve. He was long and big and swam silently through the water. She didn't want to be anywhere near that swamp monster.", "Words": {"a": "alligator", "b": "mouth", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Tanya was baking the cake for her daughter's eighth birthday. She was making the cake from scratch so she gathered up all the ingredients. Everything was in the mixing bowl and Tanya went to work right away.", "Words": {"a": "beat", "b": "egg", "c": "fork"}}, {"Context": "Jane was excited when the teacher announced it was career week. Jane signed her dad up to visit the classroom. On the appointed day, Jane's dad showed up dressed in his work gear.", "Words": {"a": "duty", "b": "fireman", "c": "firetruck"}}, {"Context": "It had been a long, hot day and the sun was heading toward the east. John was on the last row of beans feeling hot and sweaty. He was excited to see how well his efforts in the garden would turn out this year.", "Words": {"a": "hold", "b": "pant", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "Surfing can be rough. Those waves can throw you around pretty good. I went swimming out there you have to make sure that you have a good grip of your bored so that that won't get tossed around as well.", "Words": {"a": "current", "b": "hand", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "Steve and his sisters sat down to play a board game. The object of the game was to move around the board, collecting money. Steve took his turn first, hoping to land on the space that gave a $500 bonus.", "Words": {"a": "dice", "b": "move", "c": "piece"}}, {"Context": "Anyone who knows me knows I dislike sports. I never watch them. I've always hated playing them, with exactly one exception, because that was the time I met my future wife while I was on vacation.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "beach", "c": "hit"}}, {"Context": "My sister was having a lot of problems with her 13 year-old son. I resented the father for running off and forcing me to pick up the slack. She asked if I'd take him somewhere, maybe someplace where he could get a sweet of some kind, and have a talk with him.", "Words": {"a": "donut", "b": "eat", "c": "kid"}}, {"Context": "The man climbed up to the stage and pulled the stool up to the front. He found his instrument in the back of the stage and brought it with him. He spent a while tuning it before the show began.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "guitar", "c": "microphone"}}, {"Context": "Tina was having a hard day at work. It was getting close to time for lunch and she was looking forward to the fruit she brought to eat. When lunchtime came she ran to the refrigerator to get her fruit and get it ready to eat.", "Words": {"a": "apple", "b": "break", "c": "plate"}}, {"Context": "The singer changed his costume twice during the concert last weekend. He danced around the stage from the left side to the right and everyone in the house had a good view. I definitely would pay to go and see him perform again.", "Words": {"a": "hold", "b": "microphone", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "Tim had never been much for athletics, so when they put him in the game he was surprised. He was nervous when the ball came close to him, but he kicked anyway. What a way to win a game, right?", "Words": {"a": "goal", "b": "score", "c": "win"}}, {"Context": "Jack dreamed of being a chef at a five-star restaurant. He took every step of meal preparation seriously. That included everything from choosing a recipe to serving his dinner guests.", "Words": {"a": "cook", "b": "ingredient", "c": "plate"}}, {"Context": "My daughter got the unshakeable idea that she wants to be a beautician when she grows up. She wouldn't let the idea go. When I saw her go into the bathroom holding a sharp pair of scissors, I decided there must be a better way for her to practice other than on herself.", "Words": {"a": "braid", "b": "doll", "c": "give"}}, {"Context": "It was winter at last, and Lisa couldn't wait to go to the mountains with her family. She packed warm clothes, long socks and her boots. She and her family loaded up their car early in the morning and arrived at the lodge in the early afternoon.", "Words": {"a": "hill", "b": "ski", "c": "snow"}}, {"Context": "A crowd had gathered at the park and like any average Joe, I had to see what it was about. A street performer, if you can call hit him that in a park, was performing. He was throwing things in the air and explaining what he was doing, which seemed fairly obvious.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "demonstrate", "c": "juggle"}}, {"Context": "Joe finished his resume and sent if off to several companies. While he waited to get called, Joe looked for tips on how to succeed in an interview. Joe found advice on making a good impression.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "shake", "c": "suit"}}, {"Context": "I cast my line into the river. I pulled my catch out and set it on the ground next to me. I kept an eye on it since it couldn't sit still.", "Words": {"a": "fish", "b": "flop", "c": "watch"}}, {"Context": "The singer was singing at the concert with a lot of people watching. It was one of the best show we have seen in such a long time. It seems as if they decided to do things differently from the way they normally would.", "Words": {"a": "music", "b": "perform", "c": "routine"}}, {"Context": "There's a festival downtown this weekend. You can barely find a place to park, so I decided to go on foot from my house. It's very sunny out so I made sure that I had a lot of adult beverages to keep my cool.", "Words": {"a": "beer", "b": "case", "c": "street"}}, {"Context": "Carol arrived to her table at the restaurant. The drinks were already arranged at the table. The restaurant owner watched on as the reviewer picked up her first glass.", "Words": {"a": "sit", "b": "taste", "c": "wine"}}, {"Context": "The seagull circled around the beach once more. John looked up and covered his eyes as he followed its path. The gull found its prey and dove down to the beach.", "Words": {"a": "bird", "b": "body", "c": "spread"}}, {"Context": "I put on my skully. I head out the front door. Someone compliments how white my teeth are.", "Words": {"a": "hat", "b": "smile", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "I laughed as I saw little Bobby climbing up the branches. I think he thought that those things were oranges or something. The truth is that they are lemons, really sour ones, and I just keep the tree for decoration.", "Words": {"a": "fruit", "b": "kid", "c": "pick"}}, {"Context": "Mulan would be turning 18 years old in a few days. This meant that she was old enough to be considered a woman and to be encouraged to find a husband. She would be sent to finishing school to learn the proper etiquette of taking care of the household, including setting the table.", "Words": {"a": "demonstrate", "b": "fold", "c": "hand"}}, {"Context": "High schooler Sally sat at the table, extremely tired. For some time now she had been, pouring over the article, trying to understand it. Her school report was due tomorrow, crucial to her grade, but she was so tired.", "Words": {"a": "chin", "b": "hand", "c": "newspaper"}}, {"Context": "Janet was the fastest athlete on the team and starred in the sprints. She looked to a college career, but her coach said she might have to make a change. As fast as Janet was, the Coach thought she might not be fast enough to be a college athlete and might need to specialize in a event requiring more technique.", "Words": {"a": "hurdle", "b": "jump", "c": "race"}}, {"Context": "Amelia just couldn't get the routine down and it was three weeks left before the performance. She spent a few hours in the studio working on her moves. Finally, with only a week before show time, she was able to nail the routine.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "dance", "c": "kick"}}, {"Context": "Joey sat down on the carpet and looked under the sofa. His sneaker was nowhere to be found. He knew he had to look harder because his mother would kill him if she found out he lost it.", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "shoe", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Jerry was working his regular shift at the bar downtown. He saw one of his regular customers and began to fix the man his usual. However, the man saw Jerry and waved him away this day.", "Words": {"a": "bottle", "b": "drink", "c": "glass"}}, {"Context": "Kenny was competing in his first track and field event as a high school student. His parents were in the bleachers ready to cheer him on when it was his turn. He was huddled with his teammates as the coach gave them a pep talk.", "Words": {"a": "athlete", "b": "jump", "c": "meet"}}, {"Context": "The professor was late yet again. This time he said that it was because the snow slowed him down. He took off his jacket and hung up his hat and began his lesson.", "Words": {"a": "class", "b": "compose", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "Tony promised his parents that he would only skate past seven if he was safe about it. He whizzed down the street on his custom made board and they smiled when they saw him. There was no way that anyone would miss him.", "Words": {"a": "glow", "b": "night", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "I went into a McDonald's to have a Whopper for lunch. I ate in the restaurant. I realized I'd eaten it all in four sections.", "Words": {"a": "bite", "b": "hamburger", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "I want to do some dive training this weekend. Of course, I need to practice so I'm not gonna be doing this training in the ocean. I'm gonna start off by going to the YMCA and using their facilities.", "Words": {"a": "goggle", "b": "hand", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "It was a beautiful day, and Luke was taking a walk in the country. Suddenly, there was fierce barking, but Luke didn't see where it was coming from. He was frightened and readied for decisive action.", "Words": {"a": "bush", "b": "dog", "c": "path"}}, {"Context": "I hadn't spoken to my father in years, but we ran into each other at the hardware store. Since then, he has been trying to reach me. I am very hesitant to meet with him, but finally decided I had some things to get off my chest, so I suggested we meet at a bar.", "Words": {"a": "beer", "b": "drink", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "I was on a path in the park, walking Zeke, when he growled at an approaching stranger. The lady seem to be concerned as the growl intensified, but she kept on coming. I pulled hard to get Zeke off the path, as the lady got closer.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "grass", "c": "leash"}}, {"Context": "The competition was going to be held at the local aquatics center. Frida had been practicing her backstroke all summer and was ready. She got up onto the blocks and waited for the whistle to sound.", "Words": {"a": "pool", "b": "race", "c": "swimmer"}}, {"Context": "I use all my force and hit it with my foot. My dog takes off after it. He pushes it back with his nose.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "kick", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "Jen watched as the young child hoisted herself up. The two year old pulled herself up on the sofa and started to move forward. Jen cheered her daughter on as she took her first steps.", "Words": {"a": "climb", "b": "ladder", "c": "path"}}, {"Context": "Hank worked as a butcher at a local grocery story. He was never sure exactly what his boss was going to ask him to do when he arrived in the morning. When he clocked in on Friday, his boss assigned him to one of his favorite tasks, making sausages.", "Words": {"a": "bowl", "b": "grind", "c": "grinder"}}, {"Context": "It was a lazy Saturday and young Ann was looking for something to do. Her mom gave her several suggestions, but Ann didn't like any of them. Finally her mom got out the artist's supplies and set them on the table.", "Words": {"a": "draw", "b": "paper", "c": "pencil"}}, {"Context": "Mona couldn't believe there was one day left before the test. She hadn't studied at all yet and she couldn't afford to fail. Mona looked at the words and struggled to remember what the teacher had said.", "Words": {"a": "book", "b": "page", "c": "read"}}, {"Context": "Lee had been trying all afternoon to get the hang of hitting a curveball. He had trouble with that during the last three games. Lee knew that if he could take on a curveball, he would be one of the best hitters on the team.", "Words": {"a": "fall", "b": "practice", "c": "swinge"}}, {"Context": "Colby couldn't wait for his first day of Little League and it was coming up very soon, only a couple more days. He imagined how well he would do, how he would knock one out of the park and run the bases while he basked in the glory of his first ever home run. On the big day, Colby woke up very excited, knowing it was only a few hours until his new life in Little League was going to start and he could barely contain himself.", "Words": {"a": "begin", "b": "game", "c": "hit"}}, {"Context": "Raphael was a fashion model and was on location in Aruba. He had to change his speedos a few times for different shoots. They had him frolicking in the ocean surf while they shot.", "Words": {"a": "photo", "b": "take", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "George was at the corner on a busy traffic day. There was no traffic signal or even a crosswalk for that matter. There was a slight break in the traffic, and George would have to make a decision.", "Words": {"a": "move", "b": "stand", "c": "street"}}, {"Context": "Toby worked on the ranch that his uncle owned during the summer. He had many responsibilities, but most of them centered on doing work in the barn. By the end of the summer, Toby was much more stronger from all the work that he did with the animals.", "Words": {"a": "brush", "b": "horse", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "Ben was sitting at the kitchen table having breakfast when his wife asked him if he had put the trash out. He told her that the garbage truck came on Thursday mornings. She responded that it was Thursday, so he jumped up to get it out before the truck arrived.", "Words": {"a": "can", "b": "dump", "c": "pick"}}, {"Context": "I would have thought that they could change the setting at the crosswalk. There were tons of us standing at the intersection. We had been there for three minutes and only two cars had passed!", "Words": {"a": "cross", "b": "pedestrian", "c": "street"}}, {"Context": "The masseuse invited Adam into her business. The place was busy, with every seat taken by customers with feet being taken care of. The masseuse beckoned for Adam towards the corner.", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "foot", "c": "massage"}}, {"Context": "Fred was waiting by the door to go out, but when I opened the door, he turned right back around. I had to literally drag him outside because I knew he had to use the restroom. I know he was happy when he came back in though because he snuggled right up to the heater.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "mouth", "c": "snow"}}, {"Context": "Tim decided to join a BMX race. He was good on his bike and believed he could compete well. On race day, Tim put on his uniform and went head to head with the other cyclists.", "Words": {"a": "corner", "b": "course", "c": "gear"}}, {"Context": "It was a raging storm and the wind was howling. Samantha sat down to finish some office work that had to be ready for the next day, when the electricity went off. Samantha thought to herself that there was only one way she would be able to complete the work.", "Words": {"a": "candle", "b": "light", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "I put on my bubblegum dress and go to the club. I don't even have a drink. I spend the whole night moving my body to the thump from the speaker.", "Words": {"a": "dance", "b": "music", "c": "pink"}}, {"Context": "My friends child very tired. The reason I know that is because when I went over to the house they were knocked out. They didn't even get undressed after coming home to go to bed.", "Words": {"a": "blanket", "b": "jean", "c": "kid"}}, {"Context": "Owen was getting bored in the office. He looked outside wishing that it was five o' clock already. The time on the clock seemed to be going by slower and slower with every passing minute.", "Words": {"a": "computer", "b": "front", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Mike's family was headed to the stadium for an afternoon game. He was sure to bring his mitt just in case. They got there just in time to get snacks before heading to their seats.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "oppose", "c": "player"}}, {"Context": "Bob and Betty were neighbors and pet owners. One morning, Bob headed out the door with his collie Sandy. At the same time, Betty opened her front door to let out her siamese Sia.", "Words": {"a": "cat", "b": "chase", "c": "dog"}}, {"Context": "The old man put on his sweater and slippers. It was getting dark and the temperature was dropping quickly. He put a few more logs on the fire and walked into his living room.", "Words": {"a": "chair", "b": "pipe", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Alec groaned as he lay in pain on the floor. He had fallen off the ladder when he was working. His boss came over and eased Alec off the floor and helped him to his feet.", "Words": {"a": "head", "b": "leg", "c": "move"}}, {"Context": "The little girl said quietly to the other girl don't make loud noise because my mom don't like it. The girl looked at her with a confused look on her face wondering how can she make no noise when blood was coming out her nostril. She looked at the little girl who was blowing bubbles without even being concern.", "Words": {"a": "chew", "b": "gum", "c": "nose"}}, {"Context": "The man looked at the picture that was hanging on the wall at the art institute. He had a classy look of a sophisticated person who knew what art was and what it looked like. The man said not a word, but he studied the picture for what seemed to be an eternity.", "Words": {"a": "angle", "b": "look", "c": "photograph"}}, {"Context": "Gary left the party late, after midnight. The party had been at a secluded party in the mountains. He was driving through the forest and thought he spied some shining eyes in the trees ahead.", "Words": {"a": "middle", "b": "road", "c": "stop"}}, {"Context": "Luke smiled as he welcomed the guests into the restaurant. He led them to the VIP area when he realized who they were. Luke walked to the kitchen and notified the staff that the reviewers from the magazine were here.", "Words": {"a": "fold", "b": "napkin", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "Parker had really enjoyed his walking trip to the park. After we arrived at the park, I took off his leash he ran around the freshly cut grass for nearly an hour. But now, as I hooked up his leash to his collar, he knew it was time to go home.", "Words": {"a": "back", "b": "dog", "c": "jump"}}, {"Context": "Dan was outside after the sun had set when he heard a strange noise. The sound of claws tapping on concrete. He also heard a loud panting and turned towards the source of the noise.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "night", "c": "street"}}, {"Context": "Ed decided that he needed to get out of the house. He thought about what he should do for the day. He knew he wanted to do something at the park.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "head", "c": "river"}}, {"Context": "The first wedding I went to after the divorce was difficult. The only thing that kept my spirits up was a beautiful bridesmaid. I couldn't take my eyes off her through the ceremony, and afterwards I kept an eye out for her.", "Words": {"a": "bouquet", "b": "couple", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "The coat rack in the entry way looked like it had fallen over. There were jackets all over and it was really a mess. I put everything back like it was, but then I had to mop.", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "hat", "c": "raincoat"}}, {"Context": "The lounge was comfortable and the seating was pleasant. Gordon led his date to his favorite spot. He ordered his favorite drink and a platter of cheese.", "Words": {"a": "couch", "b": "describe", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "It was Johnny's turn to bat. He was nervous, but his coach told him that he had faith in Johnny. Johnny watched the ball as it flew toward him and swung.", "Words": {"a": "baseball", "b": "basis", "c": "hit"}}, {"Context": "I stopped at the cafe like I usually did for lunch. As I was walking to my usual spot to sit, I noticed that the menus had changed. The waitress told me that a lot of the old food was gone, but recommended a new dish for me to try.", "Words": {"a": "break", "b": "eat", "c": "sandwich"}}, {"Context": "Walter had been working at the country club for years. He had nothing better to do during his retirement and besides, he loved the game of golf. It gave him time to meet new people as well.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "caddy", "c": "hit"}}, {"Context": "Randy was having a hard day at the office. In Randy's case, the office was his brother's farm. Randy was in charge of taking care of the machines and vehicles and all of them were giving problems.", "Words": {"a": "attach", "b": "remove", "c": "snow"}}, {"Context": "Laura wanted to pass down her family's holiday traditions. At Christmas time, she and her children baked cookies, sent cards and sang carols. Laura's favorite tradition started with heading into town to pick out the prettiest fir.", "Words": {"a": "decorate", "b": "ornament", "c": "put"}}, {"Context": "The kids were having a great time jumping on the trampoline at their neighbor's house. They giggled and laughed as they bounced around in the summer sun. Eventually, they stopped to take a break and their mother brought out some refreshing snacks.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "jump", "c": "toy"}}, {"Context": "Bonnie and Steve were on their first vacation together. They chose to go to a beach in a beautiful location. On their first day there, they just looked out on the water and spent the whole night listening to the waves.", "Words": {"a": "couple", "b": "look", "c": "ocean"}}, {"Context": "Sam woke up in a good mood because he had the day off and the sun was shining. He called out to his beagle Spot to jump in the car. They rode toward the ocean, ready for fun playing fetch in the sand and surf.", "Words": {"a": "beach", "b": "catch", "c": "dog"}}, {"Context": "I walk into 5th hour find the room is far too cold. I grabbed a canvas and find my desk. But I can't find my brushes.", "Words": {"a": "art", "b": "class", "c": "facility"}}, {"Context": "The old woman was blind and it was easy to tell. We watched her swing the long cane on the sidewalk as she made her way down to the park bench. She had been her often though, and she knew exactly where she was going.", "Words": {"a": "ground", "b": "hold", "c": "lady"}}, {"Context": "Mike had been talking to a cute, nice girl at school the past few weeks. He finally got the courage to ask her out to the spring dance the following Friday. He was so excited when she said yes and pulled out a notebook to write down her phone number for him.", "Words": {"a": "paper", "b": "piece", "c": "tear"}}, {"Context": "Jenny rushed into the house with her daughter Emmy in her arms. It was well past 2pm and Emmy was usually in her crib sound asleep at this time of day. Jenny walked the sleepy baby into her room to get her ready to put down.", "Words": {"a": "nap", "b": "onesie", "c": "side"}}, {"Context": "I sit down and look over the offerings. The lady writes down what I want to eat. She brings it back and it looks great.", "Words": {"a": "look", "b": "menu", "c": "order"}}, {"Context": "Melody is in the hospital after being in a bad car accident. She has a problem with her leg that must be dealt with. Today she is being prepped for a surgery to repair the damage.", "Words": {"a": "bed", "b": "knee", "c": "lie"}}, {"Context": "The singer rushed behind the stage for a costume change. She threw some things at the manager as she got in and out of her clothing. She was back up and on the stage singing again in no time.", "Words": {"a": "desk", "b": "hold", "c": "jacket"}}, {"Context": "James gathered his gear for a challenging trek. He laced up his rugged hiking boots and hit the trail. It was a steep ascent, but the view promised to be amazing.", "Words": {"a": "look", "b": "mountain", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "It was a cold day and David didn't want to take Luke out for a walk. Luke was howling and moaning though, so David knew that it was time. The pup clomped through the white ground happily.", "Words": {"a": "catch", "b": "dog", "c": "fall"}}, {"Context": "Denise hadn't gone out for months, but she had gotten a baby sitter for her 18-month-old child. As she approached the venue, she could hear things had started. A little nervous, she entered, whispering to herself, \"I'm ready for this.\"", "Words": {"a": "dance", "b": "dress", "c": "music"}}, {"Context": "Tim was playing a game with some friends. It was a new game that he made up when he was bored. His friends got confused, so they asked him to explain the game one more time.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "knife", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "The kid decided to sit on the floor so that he could play with his toy cars. He got his toy cars as a present for Christmas last month, and has been dying to play with them. He played with the cars for hours.", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "kid", "c": "open"}}, {"Context": "Ray flew into the air and grabbed his board with his hand. The crowd erupted into applause as he landed perfectly on the snow. Ray turned to the judges, knowing that the score on this run would be amazing.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "perform", "c": "snowboarder"}}, {"Context": "Bonnie's family was attending a luau on their Hawaiian vacation. They stuffed themselves and then settle down near the stage to watch the show. It stated off with hula dancers and then some men jumped out from the sides onto the stage.", "Words": {"a": "end", "b": "fire", "c": "stick"}}, {"Context": "It was Kyle's first time out on the water and he was nervous. He sat in the seat, looking out onto the water. When they had stopped, Kyle got up and grabbed his rod and reel.", "Words": {"a": "boat", "b": "fish", "c": "watch"}}, {"Context": "Bill and Gail were at their favorite nightclub, sitting with friends. One of Gail's favorite songs started to play and she tapped her foot. Gail looked at Bill expectantly and started moving her body", "Words": {"a": "couple", "b": "dance", "c": "floor"}}, {"Context": "Greg loved to take his son to the fair. It was fun just to look around and remember the time when his own father would bring him down. Greg and his son saw a clown holding something in the distance.", "Words": {"a": "balloon", "b": "kid", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "Susan was alone at night in a big city and starting to panic. She needed money for a cab ride home, but she had somehow lost the twenty dollar bill she stashed for emergencies. Luckily, Susie spied a bank across the street.", "Words": {"a": "card", "b": "enter", "c": "insert"}}, {"Context": "Jack was eager to try his luck at a Las Vegas casino. He decided to play blackjack, and the dealer dealt Jack a pair of tens. Jack glanced at his chips and thought about his wager.", "Words": {"a": "count", "b": "money", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Stacy returned from the drugstore with everything she needed to change her look. In the bathroom, she got out the box of red hair dye and read the directions. Stacy mixed the contents of two bottles, applied them to her blonde hair and waited.", "Words": {"a": "head", "b": "lean", "c": "pour"}}, {"Context": "The lawn was getting too tall at Mrs. Simpson's house. I felt bad for her because she either couldn't pay someone to take care of it or because no one cared. I hope that she doesn't find out that I'm the one that helped her out.", "Words": {"a": "cut", "b": "grass", "c": "mower"}}, {"Context": "The competitors came together and shook hands. It was the first meeting ever of these grandmasters. They took their seats, white made a move, and pushed the time clock.", "Words": {"a": "chess", "b": "game", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "Devin was working on the computer and was getting more frustrated by the minute. He waited and stared at the blank monitor before him. Suddenly it lit up and images and letters started showing up.", "Words": {"a": "logo", "b": "screen", "c": "word"}}, {"Context": "The instructor at the dojo bowed to all the students. This class was going to be a bit tougher than the last ones had been, he told them. The instructor showed the students a few moves, then it was up to them to do them on their own.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "demonstrate", "c": "kick"}}, {"Context": "Billy desperately wanted to beat his brother Phil at a game. Between the brothers, Phil was the champion at billiards, darts, bowling -- you name it. But Billy had been practicing playing air hockey and challenged Phil.", "Words": {"a": "puck", "b": "push", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "Xavier was in shape better than all the other contestants--or so he thought. He had been preparing for this marathon for months. The horn sounded and they were off, but Xavier pulled a muscle at the starting line!", "Words": {"a": "race", "b": "run", "c": "runner"}}, {"Context": "My sister went for a hike, but never came back. A group of us went searching all over the small mountain for her. I realized the only place she could have gone was the one place that would put my fear of tight, closed spaces to the test.", "Words": {"a": "cave", "b": "helmet", "c": "light"}}, {"Context": "Mary put the pot on the stove and turned the heat up. She had the cans all in a row and couldn't wait to make her homemade preserves. It had been a while since she had made them, but Mary was pretty sure she remembered all the steps.", "Words": {"a": "cover", "b": "jar", "c": "water"}}, {"Context": "The device was in the backyard and was made for bouncing. That is the basic function of the apparatus, but not to my group of friends. They are intent on combining it with aspects of several other sports.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "jump", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "Tim had just gotten out of school. He had a rough day because he failed a test he had studied all week for. Tim just needed to relax on the way home.", "Words": {"a": "headphone", "b": "listen", "c": "music"}}, {"Context": "A woman decided to cook her family dinner. She laid out a recipe sheet in preparation for cooking. She also arranged utensils and dinnerware on the counter.", "Words": {"a": "add", "b": "fry", "c": "ingredient"}}, {"Context": "John was so excited that his dad had gotten them tickets to the Olympic track and field events. They joined the large crowds headed into the arena and took their seats. The crowd clapped enthusiastically as the announcer came on to say the first event was about to begin.", "Words": {"a": "athlete", "b": "bar", "c": "jump"}}, {"Context": "Mom was going to prepare a big dinner for the family on Christmas eve. She wanted everything to taste and look wonderful. Before she began, she set out all her knives and ingredients in front of her.", "Words": {"a": "cut", "b": "sit", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "My brother is very competitive with me. Whenever I visit, he has a bunch of games set up for us to play. The last time I went over, he had set up his backyard to look something like an army training facility.", "Words": {"a": "bullseye", "b": "hatchet", "c": "target"}}, {"Context": "The party at Marty's house was so wild that the cops were called. Everyone from school had been invited and most people were able to go. When the cops got there, we all took off and left the house.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "dance", "c": "fist"}}, {"Context": "Jon had never been to the skate park before. The walls in the area were brightly painted with the words and designs of the locals. He watched as his friends did tricks on the apparatuses.", "Words": {"a": "cover", "b": "graffiti", "c": "jump"}}, {"Context": "June was lonely now that she was a widow. She recalled happier times when her evenings were spent playing games of gin rummy with her husband Carl. Now June thinks of Carl as she plays solitaire.", "Words": {"a": "deck", "b": "shuffle", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "Billy looked around at the other players at the table. He knew that he had a good hand, but he didn't want to seem too eager. Billy pushed some of his tokens to the center of the table and looked back at his hand.", "Words": {"a": "card", "b": "place", "c": "press"}}, {"Context": "The tour of the winery was something else. I really had thought that it was more electronic and factory like. I didn't know how wine was actually pressed from fruit!", "Words": {"a": "barrel", "b": "grape", "c": "stomp"}}, {"Context": "When he sat down he realized that he was going to go down because it wasn't sturdy. He dropped to the ground and it really hurt him. As he sat there looking down, he realized that the ground was so clean.", "Words": {"a": "chair", "b": "fall", "c": "floor"}}, {"Context": "Clare works as a pet groomer downtown and has a loyal clientele. Today, one of Clare's long-standing customers is bringing in her long-haired Collie. Clare needs to get the Collie ready for a show.", "Words": {"a": "brush", "b": "dog", "c": "fur"}}, {"Context": "Martha gathered up a week's worth of her family's dirty laundry. She put the items in the machine, along with detergent. When the first load was finished, Martha recalled a joke about missing socks.", "Words": {"a": "dryer", "b": "laugh", "c": "washer"}}, {"Context": "Amelia was ready for her big date and she wanted to look her best. She had a great skirt and wanted to really show off her body. She pulled out her razor and stepped into the shower.", "Words": {"a": "dress", "b": "leg", "c": "shave"}}, {"Context": "There was lots of fun to be had at the local carnival. The man found a good game to play to try to win his girlfriend a prize. He actually won and the game host asked what prize the man wanted.", "Words": {"a": "animal", "b": "cart", "c": "push"}}, {"Context": "Helen was happen to be back on the shore. She hadn't had a vacation in almost three years and was looking for a relaxing time. She looked out on the blue ocean and wondered if she should go for a swim.", "Words": {"a": "beach", "b": "day", "c": "grow"}}, {"Context": "Susan planned a trip to take her kindergarten class to a local farm. The farmer met Susan's class and took them on a tour. He had a special treat planned for the children in one of the livestock barns.", "Words": {"a": "bottle", "b": "feed", "c": "goat"}}, {"Context": "Ken jumped on to his old mountain bike and made his way down town. Everything was just like it had been for years and everyone knew Ken's routine. He waved at the people in their yards or running their errands as he passed by.", "Words": {"a": "bicycle", "b": "hat", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "Lloyd, retired for many years, loved his time at the local park. Today he sat on his favorite bench surrounded by his little friends. He had bread in his hand, preparing for his daily activity.", "Words": {"a": "duck", "b": "feed", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Al was outside in the freezing cold. He dropped his watch and was looking for it. Al needed to get to work before noon.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "snow", "c": "time"}}, {"Context": "The ballet was extremely interesting. Paul sat in his seat and watched the ballerinas on the stage, as they practiced their art. He found it all quite mesmerising.", "Words": {"a": "audience", "b": "dance", "c": "front"}}, {"Context": "I have known this couple that I met one night drinking for a few years. The best thing about this couple is that they have an open relationship. They go out to establishments to meet new people and have been doing this for years.", "Words": {"a": "bar", "b": "continue", "c": "swinge"}}, {"Context": "The woman stepped in the salon, seemingly agitated. \"What is the problem?\" asked the salon owner. The woman replied that her grandson told her that she had a moustache!", "Words": {"a": "hair", "b": "remove", "c": "wax"}}, {"Context": "The bride was anxious as the guests had already begun to arrive but the groom was nowhere to be seem. The sun was starting with long shadows now being cast. Suddenly he appeared and the couple rushed to a lovely vantage point overlooking the ocean.", "Words": {"a": "photographer", "b": "picture", "c": "take"}}, {"Context": "This was not like any kind of AI creature that I had ever seen. It was dressed as if were going to the beach in a stylish way. And it looked like it was glad to see me, arms spread, mechanically walking towards me.", "Words": {"a": "hug", "b": "robot", "c": "smile"}}, {"Context": "The cowboy wrapped the rope around his hand. The crowd was getting louder and it was making him a little nervous. He knew that this time around could make him or break him.", "Words": {"a": "bull", "b": "chase", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "The band played on as the competition got heavy. The two men raced toward the ropes hanging on either end of the building. The first person to ring the bell on the top would be declared the winner.", "Words": {"a": "climb", "b": "music", "c": "wall"}}, {"Context": "The party was outside and it was loud, there was leaves on the floor by the pool. It seems as if the host was going for a theme of the 70's. When it was over the loudness went away and they started to remove all the decor for the ground.", "Words": {"a": "background", "b": "decorate", "c": "music"}}, {"Context": "Ed was working at his fast food job as a cook. He saw a bunch of customers walk in and they looked hungry. They all mentioned that they all had more friends who were on the way.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "machine", "c": "plastic"}}, {"Context": "Deena and Emily were having an argument in the kitchen. They were yelling at each other and weren't happy. Deena told Emily that they should calm down and speak to each other more rationally.", "Words": {"a": "chair", "b": "shake", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Dennis loved winter sports so he was very happy when his neighborhood was hit by a big snowstorm and became covered with a thick layer of snow. He gathered a bunch of his friends together and they all agreed to meet up at a nearby park to enjoy hours of fun in the snow. The kids brought sleds, skis, toboggans and all sorts of equipment designed for winter recreation and they all had a great time doing all sorts of cool things in the deep snow.", "Words": {"a": "bobsle", "b": "jump", "c": "push"}}, {"Context": "It was the long-awaited high school prom. Everyone was on the floor, but no one was asking Pam. Suddenly Aaron was before her, and the next thing she knew, Pam was with him on the floor.", "Words": {"a": "begin", "b": "dance", "c": "twirl"}}, {"Context": "Teddy put the wood on the saw horse and went to get the saw out of the back of his truck. He remembered that he hadn't measured it yet, so he looked around for the tape measurer. \"Where did I leave that thing?\" Teddy wondered to himself.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "hold", "c": "lock"}}, {"Context": "It had been a long a hard-fought soccer match. At the end it was 2-2 and the contest would be decided by penalty kicks. And yet it was still tied as the final penalty kick was approached.", "Words": {"a": "game", "b": "goal", "c": "player"}}, {"Context": "I ran down the lane and released. I was hoping to avoid the gutter. Luckily I hit all 10 pins.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "bowl", "c": "leg"}}, {"Context": "Parker started wagging his tail excitedly as soon as he saw me grab the leash off the kitchen counter. He instinctively knew we were going to the park. I clipped the leash to his collar and opened the door so that we could leave the house.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "fence", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "I couldn't believe that Lisa had chosen that dress for the fashion show. It's not that the dress was bad, but it really didn't look that great on her. I didn't want her to be unconfident about her choice though, so I gave her a big grin as she walked by.", "Words": {"a": "flop", "b": "skirt", "c": "smile"}}, {"Context": "Fido was very enthusiastic, perhaps too enthusiastic. He often jumped up on people, but unfortunately recently nipped someone in his excitement. Tom, his owner knew Fido was not mean, but today before their walk Tom did something he hadn't done before.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "muzzle", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "There are a lot of things that you have to do when you go get your yearly physical. Some of them are very invasive. Luckily it's done with someone that you're very familiar with over the years.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "demonstrate", "c": "doctor"}}, {"Context": "I go to karate class. I stand on the mat. I use my hands and my feet.", "Words": {"a": "gym", "b": "kick", "c": "punch"}}, {"Context": "Tommy's parents finally decided he was old enough for a pet. His parents stressed that Tommy must care for an train his new beagle. Tommy decided to teach the beagle how to walk and heel properly.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "leash", "c": "sidewalk"}}, {"Context": "Terry put his glove in his bag and jumped on his bike to head to the field. He hoped that the coach would let him pitch this time. Terry had been working on his fastball and he wanted to show it off.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "baseball", "c": "catch"}}, {"Context": "Polly had been working out for quite some time, but mainly doing cardio. She realized that she needed to add strength training and get her muscles toned. She lined up a personal trainer and met him at the gym on Tuesday morning to start her new work out routine.", "Words": {"a": "bar", "b": "end", "c": "lift"}}, {"Context": "Tony walked into the parlor and looked around. It was his first time here and he didn't know what to expect. The masseuse walked in and explained everything to him.", "Words": {"a": "bed", "b": "lie", "c": "massage"}}, {"Context": "It was the final inning of the final game of the World Series. The Yankees were at bat, and the Astros pitcher on the mound looked nervous. With the score tied, the pitcher threw the first strike.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "hit", "c": "player"}}, {"Context": "The dirt path was not really used much by anyone but the local farmers. The old truck rumbled as it overtook the wooden vehicle struggling along. It dipped and rocked as it drove along the poorly kept thoroughfare.", "Words": {"a": "cart", "b": "draw", "c": "pass"}}, {"Context": "My grandmother is a terrible cook. Thanksgiving, I bit into her stuffing and something hard and sharp in it caused blood to flow from around a tooth. Thankfully, there was an emergency dentist available.", "Words": {"a": "close", "b": "gum", "c": "lip"}}, {"Context": "When Joey visited his grandparents, he complained about being bored. Joey wished he was home playing on his computer instead. So, Joey's grandpa got out a box and called the boy over to show him how to play something that didn't need an internet connection.", "Words": {"a": "domino", "b": "game", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "I'm making a very hearty macaroni salad. I made sure I had something to mix it in and all the ingredients that I need. In the end it was very delicious.", "Words": {"a": "bowl", "b": "combine", "c": "cucumber"}}, {"Context": "Everything is about money these days. On TV and out and about you will see billboards that support certain ideas. Some of the ideas can be controversial like sexuality.", "Words": {"a": "dollar", "b": "hold", "c": "lesbianism"}}, {"Context": "Jessica's poodle Fifi woke her up in the middle of the night. Jessica had been afraid she might need to go out since she had drunk a whole bowl of water right before bedtime. She put on some slippers and grabbed Fifi's leash and they walked outside.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "grass", "c": "owner"}}, {"Context": "Rainy days could be long and boring when I was a kid. My siblings and I often just went into our rooms and try to entertain ourselves. Sometimes, though, we would all gather in the living room and do something together.", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "piece", "c": "put"}}, {"Context": "The cook let the whites and yolk fall down into the bowl and started to mix them. He brought the mixture to the stove and it started to heat up immediately. It wasn't long at all before the delicious breakfast was done.", "Words": {"a": "egg", "b": "fry", "c": "pan"}}, {"Context": "Ella tugged at her mother's shirt as they passed near the concession stand at the zoo. She was hungry and wanted to get something for a snack. As they got in line, Ella looked at the foods listed on the menu on the sign outside.", "Words": {"a": "bag", "b": "chip", "c": "eat"}}, {"Context": "Maggie and Mark decided to throw a Hawaiian style luau in their backyard. They placed tiki torches around their deck, and planned an authentic luau menu. Mark was in charge of preparing the party's food.", "Words": {"a": "pig", "b": "roast", "c": "spit"}}, {"Context": "Joan did her housework according to the days of the week. Today was Wednesday, so that meant dirty bathroom duty. Joan assembled her supplies and got to work.", "Words": {"a": "brush", "b": "clean", "c": "glove"}}, {"Context": "The tread seems to be tangled together, It was hard to untangle the tread so she decide to leave it alone. She went to the park and sat on the bench, she watched as the children play with the dog. After a while she then realized that her head was going around and around so she went to get something to eat.", "Words": {"a": "attach", "b": "ball", "c": "spin"}}, {"Context": "Josh had always wanted to join the circus. He wasn't scared of anything, especially of heights. That all worked out for him when he was hired for one of the more dangerous jobs.", "Words": {"a": "balance", "b": "pole", "c": "tightrope"}}, {"Context": "Susan loved her visit to the zoo with her day. Her favorite animal there was the monkeys. She could have watched them play in the trees all day long.", "Words": {"a": "bunch", "b": "jump", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "Grace didn't know what to expect on her trip to Egypt. It was beautiful and there was so much to do. Her favorite was the tour and trip to the pyramids.", "Words": {"a": "camel", "b": "picture", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "It was Susan's first trip to the Middle East and she was very excited to do everything she could and experience it all! She asked the people at the hotel what she should do for fun and they suggested she visit the Rub'al Khali and get up on one of their famed humped animals. She went there and met a wonderful local expert who helped her to achieve her goals and before she knew it, Susan was experiencing the amazing location in such a unique and wonderful way.", "Words": {"a": "camel", "b": "desert", "c": "guide"}}, {"Context": "It was an extremely cold day outside when Erin went to get her hair cut, so she was bundled up. When she got inside the salon, she was surprised to find it was freezing inside. The person at the desk explained that the heat wasn't working.", "Words": {"a": "chair", "b": "coat", "c": "hat"}}, {"Context": "Ted tossed it back to the pitcher. The count was now full and the batter dug back in. Ted flashed the sign back to the pitcher and hoped they'd get it right this time.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "catch", "c": "catcher"}}, {"Context": "Going up to the mountain the ski can be fun. You have to make sure that you have the right equipment. It's very cold out, so you must be prepared.", "Words": {"a": "hat", "b": "hold", "c": "pole"}}, {"Context": "Mark idolized Jimi Hendrix as a musician and wanted to learn how to play just like his idol. Mark bought an electric instrument and amplifier to match Jimi's sound. Then Mark found an online tutorial with easy-to-follow lessons.", "Words": {"a": "finger", "b": "fret", "c": "guitar"}}, {"Context": "Bill could feel the excitement building as he looked over the edge. The water was deep and moving slowly. He took a half step forward and said to himself, \"here goes\".", "Words": {"a": "bridge", "b": "bungee", "c": "jump"}}, {"Context": "Tanya's children were home from school on a snow day in mid-December and they were getting bored. She didn't want them to watch too much television, so she thought about what they could do. Then she remembered she had bought them Monopoly for Christmas and decided to give it to them early to play with.", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "game", "c": "kid"}}, {"Context": "Karen sat down at her crafting desk and sorted out all her tools. She had promised her sister that she would make a wreath for her. Karen looked around for the scissors to begin.", "Words": {"a": "apply", "b": "cut", "c": "glue"}}, {"Context": "John was nervous about his son's first t-ball game. James was the smallest on his team and not the most coordinated child. James swung at the ball and missed and then on the second try he hit it.", "Words": {"a": "catch", "b": "field", "c": "kid"}}, {"Context": "Her nail had a really nice color on it, she told me she does it twice a month. I looked at the girl put her clothes in the laundry, she said she was expecting to get there earlier. All the toys was a silver color which made them look nice.", "Words": {"a": "machine", "b": "metal", "c": "piece"}}, {"Context": "I often observed a man in the park who loved to go there with his animal. It would bark and bark, trying to get him to play. Finally, the man would reach into his pocket and the game would be on.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "dog", "c": "owner"}}, {"Context": "Brady walked out into the woods with his tools. He knew it was going to be a harsh winter and he wanted to be prepared. A sharp noise echoed through the woods every time that Brady swung down.", "Words": {"a": "axe", "b": "chop", "c": "piece"}}, {"Context": "Ed was ready to clean up his filthy yard. There were leaves, weeds and bugs all over his yard. He knew he had better get started before the rain came.", "Words": {"a": "blower", "b": "chair", "c": "lie"}}, {"Context": "I'm thinking about getting married soon. One thing I have to do is go out and get a ring. I've been doing it for a little while and I can't wait to get done.", "Words": {"a": "finger", "b": "finish", "c": "look"}}, {"Context": "Tony guided Lizzie around the stadium as he held the reins tightly. He knew that if he let go, the young mare would dash out in front of him. When he got to the center of the arena, Tony hopped onto her back and he was off.", "Words": {"a": "audience", "b": "cowboy", "c": "front"}}, {"Context": "Gordon looked out across the water hazard at the eight hole. He measured up the ball once, twice and a third time before finally committing to it. Gordon swung his club and watched the ball arch high into the air.", "Words": {"a": "lick", "b": "shot", "c": "take"}}, {"Context": "Gary had to walk outside before he exploded. He couldn't believe the nerve and entitlement of this customer. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one of them up.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "smoke", "c": "take"}}, {"Context": "Janie had been looking forward to this year's football homecoming. As part of the band, Janie got to march ahead of the decorated floats before the game. Because the game was on Halloween, the band director encouraged the members to dress up.", "Words": {"a": "costume", "b": "instrument", "c": "parade"}}, {"Context": "Cora walked into the auditorium and looked around for her husband, who had arrived earlier. Their daughter, Kim, was playing violin with her orchestra class. She found him and walked over to join him just as the lights dimmed and the children walked onto the stage.", "Words": {"a": "chair", "b": "listen", "c": "music"}}, {"Context": "I always wanted to be a professional chef. I'm very aware of my palate and what tastes good and what doesn't. When I make food, I make sure that it looks good as well as tastes good.", "Words": {"a": "cook", "b": "ingredient", "c": "mix"}}, {"Context": "Tanya watched as the stick twirled around in the air. As it fell, she deftly caught it in her hand as she smiled at the audience. She had hoped that her performance would help her to make the team.", "Words": {"a": "baton", "b": "pick", "c": "routine"}}, {"Context": "The spill in the kitchen was enormous and we had little in the way to clean it up with the materials on hand. Unexpectedly to my wife, I went into the closet as I had a brilliant idea. I walked over and she looked at me with bemusement and a touch of anger.", "Words": {"a": "demonstrate", "b": "floor", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "The people stood on the sidewalk as they waited for the parade. The marching band was first in line, playing loud music. Several floats followed with people yelling and smiling.", "Words": {"a": "crowd", "b": "pass", "c": "road"}}, {"Context": "The bright yellow color alerted the driver to slow down. The man on the side of the road held up a flag waving him around. The road was cracked and crumbled in the distance.", "Words": {"a": "vest", "b": "wear", "c": "work"}}, {"Context": "It was Thanksgiving and the entire family had gathered. It was proclaimed that 18-year old Sean was now a man and could carve the turkey. Surprised and unqualified for the honor, Sean approached the task with trepidation.", "Words": {"a": "cut", "b": "knife", "c": "meat"}}, {"Context": "I went out camping with my cousin for the weekend. The first night, he asked if I wanted to hear to scariest story he knew. Of course I did, and he knew I did, so he took his sweet, torturous time getting started.", "Words": {"a": "fire", "b": "marshmallow", "c": "roast"}}, {"Context": "Joanie moved into a new home and got to know her neighbors. Next door lived the Millers, who had been married thirty years. Joanie noticed that every evening the Millers went for a stroll.", "Words": {"a": "couple", "b": "hand", "c": "street"}}, {"Context": "Having to participate in coed P.E. did not make Sam, the star athlete, particularly happy. Today, Ms. Harper, the girls' P.E. teacher, was introducing them to a new game. And although it was a form of hockey, active, and potentially pretty rough, Sam thought it was just for girls.", "Words": {"a": "field", "b": "hold", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "There was hair everywhere in the living room. Lisa just couldn't deal with it anymore and one of the them was going to go. Her boyfriend was going to choose between the cat or Lisa.", "Words": {"a": "animal", "b": "fur", "c": "pet"}}, {"Context": "I waited until the middle of the night to gather my paints and sneak out of the house. My parents didn't approve of my art, so I had to do it on the sly. I met up at the overpass with my friend Ollie and we got to work.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "graffiti", "c": "sack"}}, {"Context": "Elizabeth had been invited to a pool party at her best friend's house. She asked her mom to buy her a new bathing suit because her old one didn't fit. Elizabeth was excited to jump in the pool with her new suit.", "Words": {"a": "shirt", "b": "water", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "As Mary grew older, she found that she had trouble keeping off weight. She tried many different diets but none were effective. Finally, she decided that she needed to try an exercise program.", "Words": {"a": "arm", "b": "leg", "c": "move"}}, {"Context": "The gymnast jumped up on the apparatus and performed her routine without a hitch. When she jumped off, however, the landing was bad. The poor girl left the stage holding her left wrist.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "arm", "c": "dismount"}}, {"Context": "Dan took a break from his job in the alley that ran near the skyscraper. He lit a cigarette and sighed. He was already having a rough day and it wasn't even lunch yet.", "Words": {"a": "building", "b": "side", "c": "worker"}}, {"Context": "It was a rainy day and Lisa's kids were bored. They ran around the house driving her crazy so she took out the craft box. She sat them down at the kitchen table with a snack and told them to sit there and draw for awhile.", "Words": {"a": "marker", "b": "paper", "c": "piece"}}, {"Context": "Some jobs are just hard and I don't even think I could try them. Construction is one of those jobs. Building something from the ground up is definitely a tough job.", "Words": {"a": "attempt", "b": "brick", "c": "worker"}}, {"Context": "Taking selfies with my pals. We want lots so that we can post them online. Not many came out well.", "Words": {"a": "friend", "b": "picture", "c": "take"}}, {"Context": "The lights in the auditorium slowly dimmed and the curtains began to open. Jessica stood in the wings, nervous but excited. She had spent weeks practicing her role and tonight was opening night.", "Words": {"a": "audience", "b": "front", "c": "perform"}}, {"Context": "James studied choreography and learned from some of the masters. After years of work, he was selected to choreograph a ballet. James invited his parents, who sat in the front row on opening night of the performance.", "Words": {"a": "dance", "b": "stage", "c": "watch"}}, {"Context": "Visiting Egypt was as incredible as I had imagined. Everything was different than what I was used to. The most shocking thing was seeing how basic transportation was handled.", "Words": {"a": "camel", "b": "car", "c": "pass"}}, {"Context": "The marathon took place during the day, and Kevin was fully prepared. He made sure that he wore some light clothing because the sun would be out. Sure, Kevin sweat, but he knew he was a lot cooler than the other competitors.", "Words": {"a": "race", "b": "run", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "The doctor had had a long day on the job. Finally, it was the end of the day and he was able to relax. He slumped down behind his desk and poured himself a glass of whiskey.", "Words": {"a": "chair", "b": "cup", "c": "drink"}}, {"Context": "It was a beautiful day today. I usually drive when I go to work, but I figured that it was a good day for biking. The sun was warm and the breeze felt lovely on my face.", "Words": {"a": "bike", "b": "ride", "c": "take"}}, {"Context": "The man was in a chair in front of his store drinking a cup of coffee. He looked at the people as they passed by his store with a smile on his face. He taught maybe I should start selling coffee because there is a lot of people who is going to work right now.", "Words": {"a": "owner", "b": "sit", "c": "watch"}}, {"Context": "Kyle loved the Chinese restaurant down the street. He was taking Cindy there on their first date. The only problem was that he didn't know what dish she would enjoy the most.", "Words": {"a": "bowl", "b": "chopstick", "c": "eat"}}, {"Context": "Jill woke up early to make breakfast for her husband Jim, who was starting a new job that day. Jim came down the stairs and kissed his wife. \"How about a special omelette to start your first day of work? Jill asked Jim.", "Words": {"a": "crack", "b": "egg", "c": "kitchen"}}, {"Context": "The music was loud in the band classroom. The tubas were getting tuned up and ready to play for their next performance. The brassy sound shook and rattled the walls.", "Words": {"a": "drum", "b": "headphone", "c": "room"}}, {"Context": "Jan and Jim decided to spend New Year's Eve at home. They settled in front of the TV to watch the ball drop in Times Square. As midnight approached, Jim had the champagne and glasses ready.", "Words": {"a": "bottle", "b": "cork", "c": "pop"}}, {"Context": "Jessie was home alone for the night. It was dark and she was really starting to get a bit spooked out. Something was in the kitchen, Jessie was sure of it.", "Words": {"a": "cast", "b": "doorway", "c": "light"}}, {"Context": "Mike was thrilled when he heard his favorite band was touring again. The day tickets went on sale, Mike made sure he was first in line to buy. The day of the concert, Mike went early to secure his spot.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "listen", "c": "music"}}, {"Context": "Cindy was excited about her vacation at the ranch. Today she was in the saddle enjoying her favorite pastime. She looked ahead at the peak above, leaving level ground behind.", "Words": {"a": "horse", "b": "mountain", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "Sports is a very special thing. Most people only see it as an athletic competition. However it's also a mental one that involves a lot of ups and downs.", "Words": {"a": "game", "b": "head", "c": "involve"}}, {"Context": "Tracy was glad that she had decided to rake up the leaves the day before. The weatherman was saying that there would be wintry precipitation tonight. What good would that be if there were leaves spread across the yard?", "Words": {"a": "fall", "b": "ground", "c": "jump"}}, {"Context": "It was Geoff and Jessie's anniversary tonight. They wanted to do something bit nothing too special, just a night out together. They had made reservations for their favorite restaurant and arrived there at 7pm.", "Words": {"a": "food", "b": "front", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "The little machine made a buzzing noise as Eddie turned it on. Ten minutes later, the floor was a hairy mess. Eddie got the broom and cleaned it up before his mother got home and yelled at him.", "Words": {"a": "bathroom", "b": "clipper", "c": "hair"}}, {"Context": "The high school football team was in desperate need of new uniforms. They held fundraisers in hopes of raising enough money for the purchase. Finally, the goal was reached and the new uniforms were shipped.", "Words": {"a": "helmet", "b": "jersey", "c": "pant"}}, {"Context": "Performers always gathered at the waterfront on Friday nights in the summer. Some played music, some make animal balloons for the children, some did acrobatics. But Billy had a favorite act that he always looked for when his dad took him to watch, and he ran over to where they were about to begin.", "Words": {"a": "drop", "b": "fire", "c": "juggle"}}, {"Context": "It was a hot, smoldering summer day. Lenny was ready to get into the water. He changed into his clothing and ran toward the diving board.", "Words": {"a": "jump", "b": "pool", "c": "suit"}}, {"Context": "The carpenter inspected the outside of the house carefully. He pulled tools out of his bag and marked a few things down on a notebook. When he was finished, he walked over to Lucy to give her an estimate.", "Words": {"a": "carry", "b": "ladder", "c": "pouch"}}, {"Context": "He barks all day and is always looking to eat, but I love Bo. Well, there are times when I love him a little less. Yesterday, an otherwise peaceful day, there was an event with a squirrel.", "Words": {"a": "broom", "b": "chase", "c": "dog"}}, {"Context": "Jenny was proud to show off her cute toddler in church. She dressed the little boy in a suit and saw the admiring looks as they sat in a pew. Unfortunately, the little boy started wailing, and Jenny fumbled in her purse for something to distract him.", "Words": {"a": "lip", "b": "mouth", "c": "put"}}, {"Context": "As a child, growing up on a farm required a lot of work. I had to deal with our animals without any modern equipment. With the horses I had to feed them hay and shovel manure.", "Words": {"a": "cow", "b": "hand", "c": "milk"}}, {"Context": "Ed was starting his job as an apprentice butcher. He suited up and joined the person who was going to be training him, who introduced himself as Mike. Mike had Ed wash his hands thoroughly before they got to work.", "Words": {"a": "casing", "b": "fill", "c": "machine"}}, {"Context": "Larry was heartbroken and had been for three days. His little Lady had run away and he didn't know where to find the pooch. One day, Larry got a phone call from the pound.", "Words": {"a": "bring", "b": "dog", "c": "owner"}}, {"Context": "The teacher was teaching the third graders about reading music. They gathered around her on the floor and tapped their hands to the beat. The lesson was integrated with the math lesson that he had planned for the day.", "Words": {"a": "chair", "b": "clap", "c": "finger"}}, {"Context": "Toby was a brown lab and he was the smartest that I had ever seen. I had even trained him myself and he was always eager to learn. I couldn't tell you how many tricks that boy knew how to do!", "Words": {"a": "ask", "b": "dog", "c": "hand"}}, {"Context": "The dad was trying to teach his son to swing a bat. He tossed softly to him, but the boy kept missing. Dad realized there was only one way his son was going to learn to swing successfully.", "Words": {"a": "baseball", "b": "give", "c": "hit"}}, {"Context": "Jordan is playing hard today. His jersey is sticking to him. Too bad they can't go without them.", "Words": {"a": "player", "b": "shirt", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "The people were standing on the sandy shore looking up. There was a whirring noise from the air. The people put their hands to their eyes to get a better view of what was going on.", "Words": {"a": "beach", "b": "plane", "c": "sky"}}, {"Context": "The tiles were lined up on the ground carefully. I had the video camera waiting to capture them falling. Then I realized that the battery was out on the camera.", "Words": {"a": "domino", "b": "floor", "c": "row"}}, {"Context": "Kyle had no idea how his daughter got into these kind of messes. She was standing in the middle of the living room full of gum and crying. He didn't know how he was going to fix this mess, but he knew he had to do something before her mother got back.", "Words": {"a": "face", "b": "hair", "c": "stick"}}, {"Context": "The woman looked exasperated as she did her grocery shopping. With three kids under the age of five, anyone else would feel the same way. I felt horrible for her, but I would never be able to take care of all those kids either.", "Words": {"a": "cart", "b": "push", "c": "store"}}, {"Context": "Every Friday at work, John bet twenty dollars on a football pool circulated around the office. John's team was winning at halftime on Sunday, and he was getting excited. By the fourth quarter though, his team was trailing by seven points.", "Words": {"a": "game", "b": "goal", "c": "score"}}, {"Context": "I was finally ready to do this after a long time preparing. It was to be my ultimate sacrifice, one that few men would go through with. We had already said our final goodbye but I looked over to my wife one last time for affirmation.", "Words": {"a": "eye", "b": "give", "c": "glisten"}}, {"Context": "Jerry was excited to go the Scottish festival in his hometown. A lot of the people in his town had descended from Scotland and his family were some of them. Jerry enjoyed the food and music that the festival had to offer.", "Words": {"a": "bagpipe", "b": "dress", "c": "front"}}, {"Context": "The cat bounced out of the room as the housekeeper turned the loud machine on. He hid under the cabinet in the dining room until the awful thing was out of sight. The housekeeper laughed as she wrapped the wire up, knowing that this happened every time.", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "turn", "c": "vacuum"}}, {"Context": "The weather looked perfect for a trip to the beach. Tom packed his board, hoping to catch some waves. The tide was high, so the waves provided a challenge.", "Words": {"a": "day", "b": "enjoy", "c": "surf"}}, {"Context": "I went to a bar for a tall drink. I watched the bartender pull the handle. I was upset that my drink was far below the rim.", "Words": {"a": "beer", "b": "fill", "c": "glass"}}, {"Context": "Joe woke up as soon as he heard the alarm clock go off. His head was pounding and he knew he wouldn't be able to make it through the day. Joe picked up his phone and called in sick to work.", "Words": {"a": "bed", "b": "foot", "c": "lay"}}, {"Context": "Willy put the money down on the counter at the shooting range. The cashier took the cash without giving Willy a second glance. To her, Willy looked like just another hunter out here tweaking his skills.", "Words": {"a": "gun", "b": "helmet", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "The farmer walked to the barn with his tools in hand. He had his son with him and he had a lot to teach him. The animals were getting shaggy and today they were getting a trim.", "Words": {"a": "clipper", "b": "shear", "c": "sheep"}}, {"Context": "Gabe popped along to the rhythm of the song. He grinned at the audience as he sang along with the rest of the quartet. When they were finished singing, Gabe and the rest of the group took a bow.", "Words": {"a": "finger", "b": "sit", "c": "smile"}}, {"Context": "Mark and Beth were on their second date, and things were going well. They went to an afternoon movie, really enjoying it. They had forgone snacks at the theater, so they would be hungry and thirsty for an early dinner.", "Words": {"a": "drink", "b": "eat", "c": "restaurant"}}, {"Context": "Yesterday was Sunday and I had to do my grocery shopping. I made sure I had on something to support my football team. I was buying a lot so I covered almost every inch of that store.", "Words": {"a": "cart", "b": "push", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "Landon was learning to finally get on a two wheeler. His father had given it to him for Christmas and it was time for him to be a big boy. Landon held his breath as he sailed off for the first time.", "Words": {"a": "bike", "b": "ride", "c": "sidewalk"}}, {"Context": "Jessie put the fruit down in front of her son. She started to walk away, but he called her back to the table. He looked up at her and she realized that she wasn't done and picked the orange back up.", "Words": {"a": "give", "b": "instruction", "c": "orange"}}, {"Context": "John had been training for months for his trip to the Grand Tetons. He was going with his friend Hank who had been training along side him. They got up early in the morning and drove to the park where they unloaded their gear.", "Words": {"a": "belt", "b": "climb", "c": "hang"}}, {"Context": "I gained possession of my grandfather's farm after he passed away. It was during harvest season. I looked out on the fields full of food and wondered what I'd do with it all.", "Words": {"a": "fruit", "b": "market", "c": "sell"}}, {"Context": "Jackson was one of the best rodeo performers on the circuit. This time he had drawn a particularly fearsome animal. It wasn't going well from the start, and the bucking got harder and harder.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "bull", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "The wrangler tried to keep the beast's mouth closed. But it thrashed about wetting everyone. He said the most important thing was to avoid the teeth.", "Words": {"a": "alligator", "b": "hold", "c": "water"}}, {"Context": "I went on the stage to receive my plaque. I posed for a photo with the presenter. I wished I had a firmer grip.", "Words": {"a": "award", "b": "hand", "c": "shake"}}, {"Context": "I didn't really like my teacher, but I didn't mean to break his favorite mug. It was an accident. It actually hurt me when I saw him discover the shattered bits.", "Words": {"a": "expression", "b": "face", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "Ed was so proud of his son, who would be playing football at his alma mater. He drove up to see the first game of the season. Ed was able to spot his son from his seat in the bleachers as the game was about to begin.", "Words": {"a": "number", "b": "run", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "The crowd was going crazy as the national championship football game came to a close. Ohio State and Alabama had battled for 59 minutes and it came down to this. State had called timeout and now there was time for one final play.", "Words": {"a": "game", "b": "pass", "c": "quarterback"}}, {"Context": "The soccer players were at practice on the field. The coach had wanted them to work out a few drills. The big game was next Saturday and they didn't want to let anything stand in their way of the championship.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "ground", "c": "kick"}}, {"Context": "It was autumn just before Halloween and the weather was crisp. There was an impromptu banjo concert in the patch where people were coming. Some people listened to the music while others perused the goods and others played.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "pick", "c": "piece"}}, {"Context": "It had been a long and hard work week and Al looked forward to a relaxing weekend. Unfortunately, the outside of the home was a mess, and it was on Al's honey-do list to do something about it. But he thought that the lawn debris would be a breeze by a little use of power equipment.", "Words": {"a": "blower", "b": "leave", "c": "use"}}, {"Context": "While I'm glad we were able to throw a big party for our daughter, all the kids left a big mess. It took hours to get the inside back into shape. The backyard looked like a war had been fought.", "Words": {"a": "clean", "b": "pool", "c": "pour"}}, {"Context": "Whenever taking care of an infant you have a pretty big job to do. You have to make sure they eat and get proper rest. If you get these things done, you're so excited that you can reach out and touch the sky.", "Words": {"a": "bottle", "b": "feed", "c": "jump"}}, {"Context": "I could always count on Doc to fix anything. When I found the little widget with the broken part, I knew just who to bring it to. He had it working and running in no time.", "Words": {"a": "fix", "b": "glass", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "Danged reptile is trying to get away. Trying to get it out of the river. But it's in front of me.", "Words": {"a": "alligator", "b": "pull", "c": "tail"}}, {"Context": "Doug finished his training at barber school and soon got a job. Doug got his barber tools ready, arranging them at his work station. A customer arrived and sat in the chair at Doug's station, so he began to work.", "Words": {"a": "cut", "b": "hair", "c": "scissor"}}, {"Context": "The marine reported for duty right after the explosion. He took the orders from the fellow officer in charge. The marine had experience in medicine so he was able to help those that were injured.", "Words": {"a": "background", "b": "enact", "c": "member"}}, {"Context": "All the spectators were shivering in the cold. But it was worth it as the board sliced through the white mess. The best part was when the board hit the ramp.", "Words": {"a": "crowd", "b": "jump", "c": "rider"}}, {"Context": "Tony was getting ready for work in the morning. He put on his socks and shoes, knowing that his feet would be blistered by the end of the day. Such was the life of a construction worker.", "Words": {"a": "put", "b": "shoe", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Brad and Rover were doing their usual thing, going along the dusty trail. Well, they weren't really going anywhere with Rover just sniffing around the field. Soon he would bring Brad something and they would be on their way.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "grass", "c": "stick"}}, {"Context": "Henry had been working out for months now and he was starting to see a difference in the way he was looking. He walked away from the benches and looked at himself in the mirror. His body was definitely more chiseled than it had been a year before.", "Words": {"a": "drop", "b": "floor", "c": "head"}}, {"Context": "There was going to be a race on the ocean this weekend. They even had places set up for you to sit. We didn't know from which way the event was going to start, so he had to make sure to be ready to turn to that spot at any time.", "Words": {"a": "boat", "b": "direction", "c": "head"}}, {"Context": "Derek waited outside of the building for his ride to pick him up. He was starting to get thirsty so he decided to get a drink. He put the money in the slot and pushed the button, before he realized it was out of order.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "machine", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "Ralph sat on the side of the highway waiting for someone to help him. He had been pulling a flatbed behind him and had gotten a flat tire. He guessed that he was lucky that he hadn't flipped the whole thing.", "Words": {"a": "road", "b": "shirt", "c": "side"}}, {"Context": "My friends say I'm much too timid. This came up the other day while we were at an outside bar. My friend Bob pointed out someone standing alone who looked chilly and told me he'd give me fifty bucks to go over to her.", "Words": {"a": "jacket", "b": "lady", "c": "talk"}}, {"Context": "Benny knew what the problem was before he pulled the car onto the shoulder of the road. He went straight to the trunk of the car and pulled out the tools that he would need. Unfortunately for him, the lug nuts were too tight for him to get off.", "Words": {"a": "hit", "b": "tire", "c": "use"}}, {"Context": "Bonnie's daughter Stella was turning three today. Bonnie had invited all the children from Bonnie's pre-school class to her party and rented a bouncy house. After the kids had played for some time, she decided it was time for them to come in.", "Words": {"a": "birthday", "b": "blow", "c": "cake"}}, {"Context": "Willie smiled as he looked out onto the range. He knew he would be under par for this hole. His golfing partner looked at him in disgust, knowing that he shouldn't have made a bet with Willie.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "club", "c": "course"}}, {"Context": "Joe had been ready for the race for a while. He had been studying all the best exercises and best foods to eat. It was now the day of the race and Joe knew that he was more ready than he would ever be.", "Words": {"a": "marathon", "b": "research", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "Pam and her kids were driving back from the movies when they noticed a farmers market. She decided to stop and buy some fresh apples and jellies. She pulled into the parking lot and they got out to see what there was.", "Words": {"a": "fruit", "b": "move", "c": "seed"}}, {"Context": "Joe lived in a pretty rural town. No one really drove down the area that he lived in, so his mother didn't mind him riding on the road with his friends. One day, Joe fell off his bike and was almost hit by a passing car.", "Words": {"a": "area", "b": "bicycle", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "On our kids snow day, we decided not to stay couped up around the house all day. We packed up and took a short drive to the large park in town a few blocks away. I wasn't here just to watch them play and wanted to entertain them a bit as well.", "Words": {"a": "bike", "b": "hill", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "Jenny loved story time at school with her teacher, Miss Jones. Today Miss Jones handed out small bags of popcorn to go with the story. Jenny and her classmates formed a circle, eager to hear the Halloween tale.", "Words": {"a": "eat", "b": "floor", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "The girl was practicing her gymnastics after school. Her coach was there with her and was observing her every move. He saw what she was doing wrong and gave her some advice.", "Words": {"a": "balance", "b": "ball", "c": "foot"}}, {"Context": "Owen sat at the bench at the stop waiting for the public transportation to arrive. He had been saving up for his own car, but he still didn't have nearly enough. The weather suddenly changed and it started raining and Owen realized he needed to save more quickly.", "Words": {"a": "board", "b": "bus", "c": "line"}}, {"Context": "The insurance agent told Barry that there were a few improvements that he needed for coverage. Barry hired a team of carpenters to make the improvements. When the agent returned, he let Barry know that everything was on the up and up.", "Words": {"a": "house", "b": "power", "c": "roof"}}, {"Context": "I grabbed my oils and start to drag my brush across the surface. I'm no Picasso. But this may be the best thing I've created.", "Words": {"a": "artist", "b": "canvas", "c": "create"}}, {"Context": "I had to work all day, then rush to go to a wedding. A friend of mine laughed when I arrived and said I still had some \"work\" on me. She pulled out a compact out of her purse to show me.", "Words": {"a": "face", "b": "hold", "c": "mirror"}}, {"Context": "Harold arrived from work and hugged his wife. He found that his son, a diligent student, was not home yet. The wife told him that their son had joined a basketball team.", "Words": {"a": "kid", "b": "practice", "c": "school"}}, {"Context": "Carol was a busy young executive, always on the go. The one relaxing time in her day was her visit to Starbucks. She would bring her order to a window table if possible, and let the world go by.", "Words": {"a": "cafe", "b": "coffee", "c": "look"}}, {"Context": "Tina was with her fourth student of the day. They sat together and looked at the songs stacked in front of them. She put her fingers on the keys and showed the student how to play.", "Words": {"a": "music", "b": "piano", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "A warm afternoon greeted them as Mr. and Mrs. Brown arrived at the meet. They took their seats and immediately saw their son preparing for his field event. He stood concentrating, staring at the takeoff board maybe 100 feet away, and then he was ready.", "Words": {"a": "jump", "b": "land", "c": "pit"}}, {"Context": "There's nothing better than the smell of a pie baking in the oven. One of my favorites is always hard on Thanksgiving. Everyone fights over those pies and I believe I will again this year.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "piece", "c": "pumpkin"}}, {"Context": "It was Friday night and Kevin and his friends were headed to their high school stadium to watch football. Their school was playing their arch-rivals from across town that night. Last year, Kevin's school had just barely lost and he expected it to be an exciting night.", "Words": {"a": "compete", "b": "field", "c": "game"}}, {"Context": "When I was a kid one of the most fun things I did was make my own things to put up in the sky. It might not of been an airplane, but it got really high up there. The wind would grab a hold of it and sometimes I would lose it.", "Words": {"a": "fly", "b": "hold", "c": "kite"}}, {"Context": "Tracy was a California girl who loved the beach. She liked beach volleyball and sun bathing, but particularly she liked ocean water sports. On any given day you could catch her out on the ocean coming towards the shore.", "Words": {"a": "catch", "b": "surfer", "c": "wave"}}, {"Context": "The bake sale for the PTA was a success and the group was able to raise a lot of money. The parents set up spots on campus and at the ball game where the students were able to purchase all sorts of goodies. The money would be used to improve the conditions of the campus.", "Words": {"a": "bottle", "b": "front", "c": "line"}}, {"Context": "I teach my three-year-old how to use Colgate. I showed him about the circular motion. I make sure he rinses well at the end.", "Words": {"a": "brush", "b": "toddler", "c": "tooth"}}, {"Context": "When I was in Boot Camp they showed us how to do a lot of things. Some of them included simple things that a lot of people already knew. I was not one of those people, but now I can put on a suit and do everything myself.", "Words": {"a": "demonstrate", "b": "neck", "c": "tie"}}, {"Context": "There was a period when I was obsessed with the JFK assassination. I must have read every book on the subject. I felt deeply appreciative that a man named Zapruder thought to bring along his camera that day.", "Words": {"a": "film", "b": "point", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "I had been practicing a month for a vocal recital. The day of the performance, I woke with a sore throat. I was determined to do the show, although I had no idea how it would turn out.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "listen", "c": "microphone"}}, {"Context": "Jack had spent the last few nights working on his volcano. Today was the day that everyone in the school room would see how he'd done. The teacher called his name and he shyly walked forward past the desks.", "Words": {"a": "class", "b": "front", "c": "present"}}, {"Context": "They had just won the championship, and the winning players were jumping up and down and hugging each other. Many fans stayed in the stands, as they clapped and cheered for their champions. Finally things calmed down a bit, and a photographer gathered the team in front of the bleachers.", "Words": {"a": "background", "b": "crowd", "c": "field"}}, {"Context": "Diana had started to take an origami class. She was having a great time showing her friends and family the cool things she could make. Diana's favorite thing so far to make had been a swan.", "Words": {"a": "fold", "b": "paper", "c": "sheet"}}, {"Context": "Jamie was part of a circus, but not just any kind of circus. Jamie trained to do tricks as a performance artist. The audience gasped when Jamie performed the final trick in his act.", "Words": {"a": "mouth", "b": "pull", "c": "swallow"}}, {"Context": "Maggie always looked forward to visiting her uncle Jim's farm. Today, Jim took Maggie out to the pasture where he kept some livestock. Jim gave Maggie a small bucket of corn, and she grabbed a handful of kernels, then reached out her hand.", "Words": {"a": "feed", "b": "fence", "c": "goat"}}, {"Context": "There were seven participants in the hot dog eating contest at the fair. A crowd gathered around the stage where tables were loaded with hot dogs. A man counted down from ten and then the contest began.", "Words": {"a": "disbelief", "b": "food", "c": "mouth"}}, {"Context": "Jen watched the big reptile swim slowly in the bayou. She didn't want to be anywhere near that thing when it got onto land. It suddenly went underwater, and Jen decided that it was time to move along.", "Words": {"a": "alligator", "b": "back", "c": "joke"}}, {"Context": "Josh heard the gurgling sound that came up from the brook. He put bait on his hook and threw the line out. Josh waited a while and finally, there was a tug on his line.", "Words": {"a": "stand", "b": "stream", "c": "water"}}, {"Context": "I was in the middle of a truly awful first date. She was cruel, boring, and self-absorbed. I wanted to just leave, so I made an excuse that I had a call to make.", "Words": {"a": "cellphone", "b": "street", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "Yesterday I was playing the role of photographer. I had some young models that I was taking photos off. We took some inside and outside, and in a variety of clothing.", "Words": {"a": "picture", "b": "shirt", "c": "short"}}, {"Context": "The music at the concert was amazing to hear. I couldn't believe that these fifth graders could play so well. I credit the band director at the school for a job well done.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "flute", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "I had been overworked for so long, I was almost happy to get sick. It felt like a vacation. I did very little, which was such a wonderful change.", "Words": {"a": "bed", "b": "book", "c": "flip"}}, {"Context": "I headed into the gym to get in an early workout. I was the only one in the locker room as I put on my shorts, t-shirt, and warmups. I went out onto the main floor for my mixed martial arts training.", "Words": {"a": "bag", "b": "fall", "c": "kick"}}, {"Context": "Tim was running on a hot day. He felt extremely thirsty and needed something to quench his thirst. He then saw a small lemonade stand with really low prices.", "Words": {"a": "add", "b": "drink", "c": "glass"}}, {"Context": "Sam went to the family farm to see his mom after his dad died. Before he left to go home, Sam took one last walk in the field behind the farm house. Sam recalled as a youngster riding the tractor with his dad.", "Words": {"a": "drive", "b": "lap", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "The boys were tired after the game and they piled into the bus still wearing their uniforms. It was a long ride back home and no one said a thing. Heads bowed as some of the boys eventually dozed off.", "Words": {"a": "hat", "b": "shirt", "c": "sleep"}}, {"Context": "Joyce usually waited for Ed to drive her to the store. Today though, she couldn't wait because she didn't have anything to make for supper. Joyce went to the grocery a few blocks from her home and bought what she needed.", "Words": {"a": "bag", "b": "hold", "c": "sidewalk"}}, {"Context": "Trey brought his pup to the park last weekend. The park was located on a sloped area and it was a bit hard to keep track of the animal. They still had a good time playing though.", "Words": {"a": "dirt", "b": "dog", "c": "hill"}}, {"Context": "The woman stood at the edge of the garden looking out vacantly. She had just lost her husband and no one could console her. The woman was no longer crying, but had the stoneface look that would soon begin to worry the staff.", "Words": {"a": "courtyard", "b": "headscarf", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "I never punched anything. I didn't know it would hurt. There was blood on my pinky.", "Words": {"a": "finger", "b": "hand", "c": "knuckle"}}, {"Context": "I watched a friend tag a building. I heard the familiar hiss as he pushed the nozzle. When he finished he dropped his tools, and we ran.", "Words": {"a": "can", "b": "paint", "c": "spray"}}, {"Context": "I was competing in a marathon the other day. Whenever I got tired I had to make sure that I kept going and never stop running. During the race you add people on the way giving water as well as fruits.", "Words": {"a": "continue", "b": "hand", "c": "move"}}, {"Context": "The drum major climbed up onto the platform during the halftime show. He raised his hands and the crowd grew quiet. Every member on the field had their eyes on him.", "Words": {"a": "band", "b": "front", "c": "perform"}}, {"Context": "There are a lot of water activities that I would like to try. One of them is wakeboarding which seems to be fun but very challenging. Another one is to be attached to a boat while being high up in the air looking down on the people below.", "Words": {"a": "board", "b": "hold", "c": "parachute"}}, {"Context": "The man sat in the library wanting some piece and quiet. He was working on his latest book. It was going to be a romance novel of love lost.", "Words": {"a": "goer", "b": "heart", "c": "leave"}}, {"Context": "The little boy was packing his bags to sleep at his grandmother's house for the next night. There were going to be a lot of things that he was going to need. He loved to go spend time at his grandmother's.", "Words": {"a": "carry", "b": "pillowcase", "c": "sandal"}}, {"Context": "It was homecoming at Liz and Eric's alma mater and they were going to the game. They spent a few hours tailgating with old friends, drinking and eating BBQ. About twenty minutes before the game started, everyone headed over to the stadium and took their seats.", "Words": {"a": "field", "b": "football", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "Jim needed to go out and get some exercise. His doctor told him that if he did not lose weight, he would be in grave danger. Jim didn't like leaving the house because it was always so cold outside.", "Words": {"a": "background", "b": "bike", "c": "music"}}, {"Context": "Tonya looked down at the red liquid in her cup. The date had not gone as planned. All the guy did was talked about himself and she just wanted to get out of the bar.", "Words": {"a": "drink", "b": "glass", "c": "swirl"}}, {"Context": "The farmer was thankful for the nice weather as he walked towards the field. It was planting day, one of the most important days of the year, and there was a lot of work ahead. It was much easier to prepare the fields and plant the crops in dry weather than when it was raining.", "Words": {"a": "plow", "b": "road", "c": "tractor"}}, {"Context": "I went down to the river to get a drink. I also wanted to take some home. I sat down for a tall glass, with a chunk of cheese between two slices of bread.", "Words": {"a": "bucket", "b": "piece", "c": "water"}}, {"Context": "Allison had been stressed for weeks and looking for a solution. She decided on a procedure that that she never had before. A day later, clad in a towel, she nervously awaited the therapist.", "Words": {"a": "lie", "b": "massage", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "If I stand in a certain spot in my backyard, I get a good view of the sports arena of our local high school. As far as I'm concerned, it's free entertainment. I am most excited about the football season, but I've also come to appreciate other sports.", "Words": {"a": "disc", "b": "field", "c": "spin"}}, {"Context": "An enthusiastic crowd waited in complete silence at the aquatic center. This was the most dramatic event many had ever seen. Coming back from a terrible automobile accident, one athlete stood on his mark.", "Words": {"a": "compete", "b": "pool", "c": "race"}}, {"Context": "The young child smiled happily at the show on the television. Vivian was happy enough that he was not bothering her for once. She had plenty enough to do without having to worry about him.", "Words": {"a": "clap", "b": "hand", "c": "singe"}}, {"Context": "Jessie couldn't decide what top would look the best on her. She wanted to look good when she went on the helicopter tour. Her sister frowned because she said it really didn't make a difference.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "shirt", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "Earl had one bad habit that he just couldn't put down. Earl saw his wife walking out the door and coughed out the last puff. He knew she would smell in it his breath this time.", "Words": {"a": "mouth", "b": "pipe", "c": "put"}}, {"Context": "The kids stood in line for nearly an hour waiting to talk to Santa. Their parents held their hands and listened as they talked nervously. \"Is it really you?\" asked a little girl as she tugged on the old man's beard.", "Words": {"a": "ask", "b": "hug", "c": "lap"}}, {"Context": "A large group of spectators gathered downtown to watch a daring performance. A tight wire rope was strung between two tall buildings. An acrobat began to make his way across the rope.", "Words": {"a": "balance", "b": "pole", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "Lisa was getting ready for her blind date. She wanted to look as good as she could so she stepped into the shower and grabbed her razor. Her date was amazed with the way she looked.", "Words": {"a": "edge", "b": "leg", "c": "shave"}}, {"Context": "Little Fiona was getting ready to start her lemonade business. She brought everything out to in front of her house and set it all up. Now she just had to wait for passers by.", "Words": {"a": "short", "b": "sidewalk", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "I decided that if Sheila ever called me, I'd ask her to the prom. That night at dinner, the phone rang and my sister answered. \"Tom, there's a girl for you,\" she said a little teasingly to me.", "Words": {"a": "ear", "b": "phone", "c": "room"}}, {"Context": "Mary and her sister spent hours standing up tiles on a rainy day that trapped them in the house. They arranged them in a complicated pattern all over the kitchen floor and into the living room. Then they called their parents to watch them knock them all down.", "Words": {"a": "domino", "b": "finger", "c": "push"}}, {"Context": "Anne has spent years honing her skills to be worthy of performing before an audience. Today that audience is 10,000 strong for a college basketball halftime show. She reminds herself to keep smiling during the performance and tries to keep that constant fear of a drop out of her mind.", "Words": {"a": "baton", "b": "begin", "c": "dance"}}, {"Context": "Belinda went to a party at a college fraternity house. She watched as some guys played a game. The guys called Belinda over and showed her how to play beer pong.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "cup", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "When Larry went to Las Vegas, he made it a point to go see all the shows that he could. His favorite of the shows was a magic show on the strip. There were so many illusions and Larry couldn't figure any of them out.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "fire", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "Peggy was very excited about starting kindergarten. When she got to class on the first day she sat at a table with some other children. A pretty lady standing at the front of the room smiled at the children and told them to sit quietly.", "Words": {"a": "listen", "b": "story", "c": "teacher"}}, {"Context": "Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live on a farm. The work that you do there can be very tough. Although the work stuff, what they do is very much appreciated by all the people who consumer products that come from farm animals.", "Words": {"a": "cow", "b": "milk", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "It was finally Halloween and Mary couldn't wait for the party at her friend's house. She rushed right home from school to get ready for the party. Along the way, she saw a vampire, a ghost, and three hippies.", "Words": {"a": "costume", "b": "dress", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "The search team had almost called it off on the fifth day. Suddenly, they came across some sort of shelter in the woods. It was a miracle that they were found.", "Words": {"a": "find", "b": "hiker", "c": "poke"}}, {"Context": "I was staying at my old, crazy uncle's farm for the weekend. When I went to leave on Sunday, my car wouldn't start. He didn't have a car of his own, but he had a novel idea on how to get my car into town to get fixed.", "Words": {"a": "cart", "b": "donkey", "c": "pull"}}, {"Context": "The puzzle was one of the hardest ones that I had ever attempted. I had done a lot of things like this, but it was much harder. I had to look online to figure out how to get it done.", "Words": {"a": "cube", "b": "give", "c": "instruction"}}, {"Context": "It was a brisk Sunday morning, the perfect time for a leisurely stroll. Joe headed first to the local cafe to get his favorite morning beverage to-go. Then he headed up the block to the neighborhood newsstand.", "Words": {"a": "coffee", "b": "drink", "c": "newspaper"}}, {"Context": "Everyone knew Fred when he stepped into the casino. The problem was that no one liked to see Fred in the casino. It's not that Fred cheated, but Fred used methods to take the casino's money.", "Words": {"a": "count", "b": "hand", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "Sam gassed up his ride and went down the road a bit. A man was crossing, but Sam had the green light. Sam laid on the horn in frustration, waiting for the man to finish crossing.", "Words": {"a": "car", "b": "fill", "c": "pedestrian"}}, {"Context": "Everyone in the audience waits. The performers start to move gracefully. I wish I had a closer seat.", "Words": {"a": "begin", "b": "dance", "c": "stage"}}, {"Context": "It was late in the fourth quarter of the game between the Lakers and the Nets. As he went in for a layup, the Lakers' forward was fouled. Two free throws would win the game for the Lakers.", "Words": {"a": "attempt", "b": "player", "c": "point"}}, {"Context": "Megan really enjoyed bringing Spot to the park. The most fun came from watching him run and jump. And that would happen when she pulled out a toy from her backpack.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "frisbee", "c": "perform"}}, {"Context": "My dog bounded through the sand. He's heading for the water. He doesn't realize it is hard to catch that slippery toy.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "beach", "c": "jump"}}, {"Context": "Lisa loved her beautiful, long blonde tresses. She would stare at herself in the mirror for minutes at a time admiring them. And she took great care of them, making sure they were healthy and not tangled.", "Words": {"a": "brush", "b": "couch", "c": "hair"}}, {"Context": "Mrs. Connelly was bound to a wheelchair but loved to sit on her porch and watch people go by. She would wave at people she knew as they passed. She saw people doing all sorts of things as they crossed her path.", "Words": {"a": "bike", "b": "ride", "c": "road"}}, {"Context": "It was a hot summer day, and I contemplated what to do. I didn't have a car, but the welcoming ocean was nearby. With that in mind, it didn't take long to come up with a plan for the day.", "Words": {"a": "beach", "b": "hat", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "Candy was getting ready to go on a date with her boyfriend. She hadn't seen him in over a week since he had been out of town on business. She turned on the water in her shower and picked up a razor before getting in.", "Words": {"a": "hair", "b": "leg", "c": "shave"}}, {"Context": "The man told him that he shouldn't purchase that bead because it is not a good buy. After taking some time to decide, he asked his mother what he should do because he really likes the bed. His mother told him that he should think about it and decide if he really wants it and if he does, he shouldn't worry about what other say and purchase it.", "Words": {"a": "area", "b": "chair", "c": "head"}}, {"Context": "Tina was getting ready for a big game. She put on her makeup and her uniform. She wondered if her mother would be there in the crowd to support her.", "Words": {"a": "cheerleader", "b": "court", "c": "perform"}}, {"Context": "The Olympic athletes lined up at one end of the pool. When a whistle blew, they plunged into the water, each in an assigned lane. An American was leading, but an athlete from China was gaining on him.", "Words": {"a": "cheer", "b": "compete", "c": "crowd"}}, {"Context": "Brian drank his coffee and plopped down on the couch. Another long day on the job, but it was different when you were working from home. Brian laughed knowing that he was getting paid as he said in his boxer shorts in his living room.", "Words": {"a": "laptop", "b": "shirt", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "School was out for the year, and that meant fun in the sun for Jimmy and his pals. They grabbed their swimsuits and headed to the lake on their bikes. Jimmy was the first to climb a big boulder that served as a diving platform.", "Words": {"a": "jump", "b": "rock", "c": "trunk"}}, {"Context": "Liza was ready to take a hot bath after a long day at work. A bubble bath would probably be better, she thought to herself. Liza disrobed and eased herself in to the tub and relaxed as best she could.", "Words": {"a": "rub", "b": "turn", "c": "water"}}, {"Context": "Jessica was getting tired of her boring job as a cashier at the grocery store. Every day was the same thing and she was tired of the routine. Jessica daydreamed as she scanned yet another customer's items and put them away.", "Words": {"a": "bag", "b": "lay", "c": "take"}}, {"Context": "Tory watched the chef on the television and try to follow the steps. Unfortunately, he couldn't get the egg to divide as the chef had. Tory had a lot of practice in front of him.", "Words": {"a": "bottle", "b": "separate", "c": "white"}}, {"Context": "Jeffrey sat in his convertible, Blair at his side, wind in their hair. They cruised the flat highway, experiencing the joy of roads unknown. But then a mountain loomed ahead, and it would be a difficult climb.", "Words": {"a": "car", "b": "drive", "c": "gear"}}, {"Context": "The weather was awful today and Becky was disgusted with herself for not being prepared. She rushed down the sidewalk and her hair and clothing became soaked. When she finally got to work, she waited outside a bit to dry off.", "Words": {"a": "hold", "b": "umbrella", "c": "water"}}, {"Context": "It's been a few years ago now, but I remember how excited I was when our family finally got internet access. We were far from the first on the block to do so, more like the last. But at that moment I didn't care, for I knew about Google and now a world of information was at my fingertips.", "Words": {"a": "answer", "b": "computer", "c": "front"}}, {"Context": "I am running around a field trying to dodge. Hoping not to be hit below my arm. I have to keep an eye on the person launching the rubber.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "side", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "No matter if you have a robot or a human worker, they need to be told what to do. Getting a job done requires you letting them know how to do it. Sometimes we think robots can just do things on their own, but that's not true.", "Words": {"a": "give", "b": "instruction", "c": "machine"}}, {"Context": "Timothy was having some arthritis pains in his hands. He used some cold compresses on them but it didn't do the trick. However he knew he had another trick up his sleeve that usually works for him.", "Words": {"a": "action", "b": "crack", "c": "knuckle"}}, {"Context": "Joan had put a lot of thought into doing something special for her fiance's birthday. She baked and frosted his favorite German chocolate cake. Then she got out the watch she bought and engraved with a special message.", "Words": {"a": "present", "b": "sit", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "It was going to be a bitterly cold Minnesota winter, according to forecasters. Jim needed to ensure his family would stay warm in their big cabin in the woods. Jim headed out to a pile of fallen timber to get to work.", "Words": {"a": "axe", "b": "chop", "c": "log"}}, {"Context": "The tourists looked up at the skyscrapers as they gathered along the sidewalk. They looked up and pointed their cameras to the sky. Many of them spoke in foreign languages.", "Words": {"a": "building", "b": "street", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "Kelly realized it had been nearly six months since she'd gotten a haircut. She called for an appointment and was able to get one the following week. When she sat in the stylist's chair, she explained exactly what she wanted.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "clipper", "c": "laugh"}}, {"Context": "Ash got out of his bed and put on his boots. He was a little annoyed, but this would be another check. He made sure to pack his helmet and gloves before getting in his truck.", "Words": {"a": "fly", "b": "night", "c": "spark"}}, {"Context": "Seth had a new racquet and was eager to try it out. The sun was shining so it was a perfect day to head to the local court. Seth decided to work on his forehand shots first.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "bounce", "c": "practice"}}, {"Context": "The deejay ran through the records that were on the desk. He knew that the listeners wanted to hear something with a little more grit. With a smile, he picked out something special for the occasion.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "music", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "Adam and Bob were bored one day and wanted to do something fun but competitive. Adam had many parts to play with because his dad worked for Hot Wheels. Bob had many tiny objects, and they decided to get together and construct something.", "Words": {"a": "marble", "b": "put", "c": "roll"}}, {"Context": "Jim and June had been married 40 years. Each evening, they would stroll arm in arm to the park. At the park, they enjoyed watching ducks float across a pretty pond.", "Words": {"a": "bench", "b": "couple", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Frank arrived a bit early for his 8 am shift, chatting with other officers before the daily briefing. He had coffee as the sergeant handed out assignments for the day. Then he gathered his equipment and headed to his motorcycle to start the day.", "Words": {"a": "gun", "b": "helmet", "c": "sunglass"}}, {"Context": "I like to think I'm an ethical thief. I only steal from rich people who can absorb the loss. I also try to steal things I can easily fence, but last night I stole something personal from the home of my latest victim.", "Words": {"a": "husband", "b": "picture", "c": "wife"}}, {"Context": "Hudson tried to be as quiet as he could on the ground. He could see the deer off in the distance and he wanted to bag this one. Hudson put his finger on the trigger and got ready to fire away.", "Words": {"a": "back", "b": "foot", "c": "knife"}}, {"Context": "There was a toy that I had when I was a young child. It was a plastic soldier and it had material on it so when it landed from a high place, it would float down. Well, I tossed it from the fourth floor and I never saw it again.", "Words": {"a": "connect", "b": "doll", "c": "parachute"}}, {"Context": "Ellie knew that it had to be done. The kitten's paws were just too long. There was no way that she could have him around the house like that.", "Words": {"a": "cat", "b": "clip", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "The salesman was nothing if not persistent. Although the middle aged lady stood with her door opened, she was getting tired of the high pressure sales tactics. He was droning on and on about his products but she nodded quietly as her thoughts drifted a little.", "Words": {"a": "demonstrate", "b": "necktie", "c": "step"}}, {"Context": "I walked through the park and looked at the woman who was playing with her dog. I took a seat and watched, it was nice because the dog seemed really trained. At the baseball game everyone gave took a chair to see where the player was playing.", "Words": {"a": "lady", "b": "sit", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "Kelly smiled as she looked over at her kids sitting still in their seats. It was unlike them to be able to focus so well, but they were enthralled by the circus. Their eyes opened wide as a woman scaled a tall ladder to start her act high above the floor.", "Words": {"a": "pole", "b": "rope", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "The wedding started without a problem. Everyone walked down the aisle and the ceremony itself was beautiful. The problem happened when the lights went off for the reception.", "Words": {"a": "bride", "b": "bridesmaid", "c": "groom"}}, {"Context": "The crowd gasped as the boy flew over the ledge of the ramp. It happened occasionally, but it was always scary when it did. Lucky for him, he was able to escape without any injury.", "Words": {"a": "flip", "b": "pass", "c": "rail"}}, {"Context": "Jessie was excited to try the food at the new place. The chef was renowned for his skills, and critics raved about his seafood dishes. Jessie was thrilled to get a table on opening weekend.", "Words": {"a": "order", "b": "restaurant", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "I asked him if he would take out his mustache and he said yes it was coming off. I smiled because I was so surprised that after so many years of asking him to do this he was ready to do it. I called my buddy on the telephone to tell him what was going on and he couldn't stop smiling.", "Words": {"a": "friend", "b": "hair", "c": "laugh"}}, {"Context": "Mabel gathered up her knitting supplies and went to her rocking chair. Gracie, Mabel's tabby, followed, fascinated by the ball of blue yarn. Gracie curled around Mabel's feet, purring loudly.", "Words": {"a": "cat", "b": "head", "c": "lap"}}, {"Context": "Jeff rolled out from his house and onto the street. Today would be the last day of his paper route and he was pumped up. Tomorrow he would be starting on a new job at the grocery store in town.", "Words": {"a": "bicycle", "b": "driveway", "c": "ramp"}}, {"Context": "They say this new stuff gets rid of the wrinkles around your eyes. But apparently everyone wants some. I've been in a store idling twenty minutes.", "Words": {"a": "buy", "b": "cream", "c": "line"}}, {"Context": "John applied for a job at a new restaurant opening in town. He got the job and was excited to start. When he showed up at the restaurant, the manager handed John an apron.", "Words": {"a": "cook", "b": "food", "c": "kitchen"}}, {"Context": "The girl cried as her mother tried to fix the problem. \"Why did you even do this?\" she asked. The girl said nothing, but cried and screamed as her mother continued to pull.", "Words": {"a": "hair", "b": "pull", "c": "remove"}}, {"Context": "The driver swerved to avoid the crash that was in front of him. In doing so, he was able to save several lives. Later, the mayor commended the driver for his bravery and quick thinking.", "Words": {"a": "bus", "b": "front", "c": "medal"}}, {"Context": "the instructor was teaching us a new craft. we were seated in front of everything that we would need to learn. soon, some of us could possibly become a seamstress.", "Words": {"a": "demonstrate", "b": "machine", "c": "sew"}}, {"Context": "The last stanza of Star Spangled Banner finished and the crowd roared. The big divisional rivalry game was about to begin. The team captains walked out to the center of the field.", "Words": {"a": "coin", "b": "player", "c": "referee"}}, {"Context": "I need to make breakfast. I turned on the eye. And hear my eggs sizzle.", "Words": {"a": "cook", "b": "food", "c": "pan"}}, {"Context": "Fred decided to spend the day fishing on the lake. As he put his rod and tackle aboard, Fred's beagle jumped in, eager for a trip. When Fred paddled out into the lake, the beagle spotted a duck.", "Words": {"a": "back", "b": "boat", "c": "dog"}}, {"Context": "I was watching some college football this weekend. One of my favorite parts is looking at the beautiful girls cheer on their schools. Stadiums were packed and a lot of the games were very good.", "Words": {"a": "cheerleader", "b": "field", "c": "team"}}, {"Context": "Evan was bored and it was still a half hour before class ended. He fidgeted in his chair and did not pay attention. Eventually, his teacher asked him to go to the office.", "Words": {"a": "drum", "b": "pen", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "George stepped onto the green and crouched down next to the ball. He had a lot riding on this hole and there was no way that he was letting Leo win the bet. George pulled out his putter and studied the hole once again.", "Words": {"a": "club", "b": "golfer", "c": "jacket"}}, {"Context": "When the first flakes started falling, the children could hardly wait to play. Soon the flakes had covered the ground white, and the fun had just begun. Sue stepped out her door to see the children rolling white spheres.", "Words": {"a": "kid", "b": "snow", "c": "snowball"}}, {"Context": "Tony had an appointment with his eye doctor. He drove around the parking lot trying to find an empty spot. By the time that he found one, it was only five minutes before the exam.", "Words": {"a": "building", "b": "front", "c": "park"}}, {"Context": "Carl wanted to go fishing in the morning but wasn't sure what the weather was going to be. He turned on the 6:00 news to find out. Finally the weather segment came on near the end of the program.", "Words": {"a": "give", "b": "map", "c": "report"}}, {"Context": "She stood by the mirror looking at herself, she was unsure of what to put on so she decide to try on a few outfits. Her hand still hurt from the day before when she hit it be accident in the wall. She then went downstairs and decided to go into the kitchen to get something to drink so she opened the door to the cabinet and grabbed a cup.", "Words": {"a": "glass", "b": "knuckle", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "I was preparing Sunday dinner last night. Since my nerves were very sharp I had to be careful not to injure myself. I was feeling myself because I had on an entire chefs outfit.", "Words": {"a": "cut", "b": "hat", "c": "kitchen"}}, {"Context": "Joyce had a habit of multi-tasking whenever possible. Today, Joyce was running late, so she was trying to apply her makeup while driving. When Joyce's cellphone rang in the car, she answered it.", "Words": {"a": "lip", "b": "lipstick", "c": "put"}}, {"Context": "I had a strange growth suddenly appear on my right arm. I went to the doctor, who was perplexed. His only advice was to take a biopsy and have a specialist look at the results.", "Words": {"a": "lab", "b": "microscope", "c": "scientist"}}, {"Context": "Tom and Lucy walked back to their ride after eating at the restaurant. There was something on the bricks on the outside of the building. \"Who do you think would have done that?\" Tom asked.", "Words": {"a": "car", "b": "couple", "c": "graffiti"}}, {"Context": "I went out one day with my camera in hopes of running into something interesting to capture. There wasn't much beautiful as I walked around the city, until I got to the central square. There, I saw the most beautiful woman in the world in conversation with world's most handsome man.", "Words": {"a": "couple", "b": "fountain", "c": "front"}}, {"Context": "Ted looked at the building before him. There was a lot of work to be done today. He lay the bucket of paint on the ground on the side of him and got his ladder out of the truck.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "graffiti", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Jenny and her girlfriends were excited to learn their favorite band was on tour. The girls were first in line to buy tickets to the band's nearest show. Sitting up front and singing along with the band, the girls got the attention of the lead singer.", "Words": {"a": "concert", "b": "crowd", "c": "stage"}}, {"Context": "Bob was desperately in need of a job so he stopped in at all the stores near him. He even went to the store where nothing cost more than a buck and he was excited when they told him they had an advertising position open. They hired him to spin a placard outside their establishment as a way to entice customers to come in, and Bob didn't turn it down because he needed a job -- any job -- to pay his bills!", "Words": {"a": "dollar", "b": "promote", "c": "sign"}}, {"Context": "Kelly smiled as she watched her son running through the sand. He had a spool of rope in his hand and was looking up at the sky. Above him soared a bright, diamond shape against the sun.", "Words": {"a": "beach", "b": "fly", "c": "kite"}}, {"Context": "Window washer is the toughest job to me. It's so dangerous to be that high cleaning. You are at the mercy of the equipment and the wind.", "Words": {"a": "building", "b": "hang", "c": "wash"}}, {"Context": "The band was getting onto the field for practice before their competition. The director didn't make them dress out though, so no one was in uniform today. The majorette lifted her arms and then the music began.", "Words": {"a": "cap", "b": "drum", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "Carl had gotten whittling tools for Christmas and a gift certificate for 6 lessons at the local community college. He was really excited to start using his new tools. He arrived at the school and found his classroom easily, and took a seat along with about a dozen other people.", "Words": {"a": "cut", "b": "hold", "c": "wood"}}, {"Context": "Susie was getting ready for a big date with a popular guy. She wanted to look perfect from head to toe. An hour before her date, Susie showered and shampooed.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "brush", "c": "dry"}}, {"Context": "Working in the office was the most boring job that Betty had ever had. Rooms full of machines droning on with papers printing. It all seemed so dull and mechanical.", "Words": {"a": "button", "b": "card", "c": "place"}}, {"Context": "Brandon lived in a big city. It was hard to get around in a car and there were never any places to park. He decided to get something smaller, knowing that he could jet in and out of traffic.", "Words": {"a": "motorize", "b": "ride", "c": "scooter"}}, {"Context": "The Conners were having a lovely picnic in the park with their pets. They had homemade pasta salad and lemonade. When they were done eating, little Mikey got up to go play with the pets on the grass.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "ball", "c": "dog"}}, {"Context": "George just had to take an early break today at work. He had only been there for a couple hours so far and things were already a mess. George blew out a tendril of smoke and looked down at his watch.", "Words": {"a": "cigarette", "b": "hold", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "The wedding reception was a great time for everyone. The men looked handsome and the women were fabulous. There was even a photo booth for all to enjoy.", "Words": {"a": "clothe", "b": "dress", "c": "drink"}}, {"Context": "The competition was about to take place and Jake was a little nervous. He had never been in a real live match before. His coach gave him his sword and gave him a last bit of advice.", "Words": {"a": "fence", "b": "individual", "c": "mask"}}, {"Context": "Roy had been working out for a month. He was glad that he had finally decided to take the step to become a member of the fitness club. He flexed a bit and looked in the mirror, noticing the changes.", "Words": {"a": "gym", "b": "shoulder", "c": "squat"}}, {"Context": "Marge looked forward to going to the coast for her vacation every year. She, her husband and her kids packed up and made sure to remember chairs, towels and sand toys. They got to their hotel early enough for the kids to get out to play in the sand and look for seashells.", "Words": {"a": "beach", "b": "day", "c": "enjoy"}}, {"Context": "Mary's favorite part of the state fair was watching people cramming hot dogs in their mouths. She pushed up to the front so she would be able to see everything. There were already people sitting at the long table with trays of hot dogs in front of them.", "Words": {"a": "cheer", "b": "compete", "c": "contest"}}, {"Context": "The man was trying to show off to his date and ordered an expensive drink. The server brought it to his table and asked if he wanted him to uncork it. The man decided he would do it himself and looked utterly useless in front of his date when he couldn't.", "Words": {"a": "attempt", "b": "bottle", "c": "open"}}, {"Context": "Ben leaned forward and put more wood in the fireplace. It roared back to life and he could feel the warmth burning on his skin. It was back to business though and and he walked back to his desk and his client.", "Words": {"a": "background", "b": "fire", "c": "put"}}, {"Context": "My neighbor asked me if I could look after his pets for a few days. \"I love them more than I love myself,\" he told me. Imagine my surprise when I went over the first day and there were no dogs, cats, or even birds.", "Words": {"a": "feed", "b": "fish", "c": "hand"}}, {"Context": "My brother, Ted, likes all those extreme sports. He has all kinds of equipment too. I guess that is why he is in better shape than I am.", "Words": {"a": "climb", "b": "pant", "c": "rock"}}, {"Context": "Jason was taking his daughter out to play at the park. He had brought her a few toys for her to play with. Jason sat on the grass as the small girl ran around happily and played.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "bottle", "c": "bubble"}}, {"Context": "The dog was running loose around the park. He didn't have a tag and no one knew who he belonged to. We watched him and brought him some water when it looked like he was getting tired.", "Words": {"a": "field", "b": "hang", "c": "mouth"}}, {"Context": "The dancers had been hired specifically for the rapper's video. They had rehearsed a few times and now it was time for the main shoot. The rapper lip synced along with the record while the girls danced behind him.", "Words": {"a": "background", "b": "move", "c": "music"}}, {"Context": "My cousin needed a new hairstyle. I decided to take her to the salon. A stylist came and told my cousin what would go down.", "Words": {"a": "braid", "b": "front", "c": "hair"}}, {"Context": "Barry and Chris decided to go fishing by the river. They didn't catch anything after a few hours so they pretty much gave up. The river looked rather inviting, so they decided to have a little fun and not ruin their day completely.", "Words": {"a": "friend", "b": "kid", "c": "pose"}}, {"Context": "Hanna hadn't seen her husband in months. He was coming back in after being deployed overseas. Hanna stood at the airport and screamed when she finally caught a glimpse of him.", "Words": {"a": "arm", "b": "kiss", "c": "wrap"}}, {"Context": "Joe's apartment lease was ending and he was packing to move out. Joe wanted to be sure he got his deposit back. In order to do that, Joe had to fix some small dings and dents, plus a hole made by a drunken pal's fist.", "Words": {"a": "apply", "b": "plaster", "c": "tool"}}, {"Context": "Gemma was learning out to ride from her father. He told her that she needed to wear protective gear if she wanted to ride. Gemma was a little nervous, but she stepped on the deck and got ready to roll.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "helmet", "c": "scooter"}}, {"Context": "Alex was driving along in the morning checking the time. He was going to be late for work if he encountered any traffic or unexpected issues. All of a sudden he noticed brake lights ahead as traffic slowed.", "Words": {"a": "hold", "b": "road", "c": "side"}}, {"Context": "I'm going camping next weekend. I look forward to being in the outdoors and catching my own food. I'm bringing the net with me to put in the water to catch some fish.", "Words": {"a": "knife", "b": "lean", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "Jane visited the local schools in her work as a public health nurse. This month, she is making the rounds teaching kids proper hygiene. Jane has the students line up in front of a row of sinks.", "Words": {"a": "bathroom", "b": "demonstrate", "c": "hand"}}, {"Context": "It was a cold and stormy day as I was getting ready for school. To get there I would have to walk in the rain. That didn't bother me though, because I knew how to handle it.", "Words": {"a": "dress", "b": "hold", "c": "umbrella"}}, {"Context": "The dog jetted out of the cabin into the freezing cold. Something moved into the bush in the distance and the dog spotted it. Suddenly, the dog was in the bush as well.", "Words": {"a": "chase", "b": "rabbit", "c": "snow"}}, {"Context": "The crowd was on their feet for the ninth inning. The teams were tied and it was a full count. If Charlie could strike the batter up, the home team would win.", "Words": {"a": "game", "b": "sit", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "Toby was at the park with his little brother. He hated wasting his time there, but his mother had told him that it was his responsibility. Toby tossed the ball in the air as far as he could and watched the boy run after it.", "Words": {"a": "run", "b": "throw", "c": "watch"}}, {"Context": "They always talk about how certain people saved the world from Hitler. He was going from country to country and taking them over. If he was never stopped, this was going to continue and we will not know how far he would've gotten.", "Words": {"a": "capture", "b": "continue", "c": "movement"}}, {"Context": "At the frat party everyone was drinking a lot and they decided to play beer pong. Joey sat it all up and they got started. They were all laughing as the game went along.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "bounce", "c": "cup"}}, {"Context": "I had received nearly all my boy scout badges. There was one missing, and it frustrated me. There was a basic outdoors skill I simply could not master.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "fire", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "The cowboy tightened his grip on the reins as he sat on the huge animal. There was only about minute left before it was his turn out the chute. Suddenly, the gate opened and they were off.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "bull", "c": "hand"}}, {"Context": "The pupped didn't know where it was. I checked for a tag, but there was nothing on it. I took him home and took care of it, hoping that I could find the owner.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "look", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "Susan sat at her desk and wondered what to say in her product review. She read over the notes from interviews and observations she'd gathered over the past few weeks. It seemed like people had very strong opinions about the new coffee maker, pro and con.", "Words": {"a": "machine", "b": "paper", "c": "piece"}}, {"Context": "It was getting late and Jennifer still hadn't found a babysitter. She knew she would need to broadcast soon for her podcast. She called over her daughter and exclaimed, \" I have some grounds rules while I am recording\".", "Words": {"a": "listen", "b": "microphone", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Roger was watching a television show on grilling. His mouth started to water as the host explained how to make the tastiest food. Before long, Roger was out the door and on the way to the store.", "Words": {"a": "cook", "b": "explain", "c": "grill"}}, {"Context": "The man had worked for the telephone company for years. He was surprised that everything hadn't gone digital by now, but he really didn't care. It was all job security and he didn't mind doing any of it.", "Words": {"a": "cable", "b": "coil", "c": "oversee"}}, {"Context": "Susan didn't so much mind her job in housekeeping. She did kind of hate one aspect of it though. Susan made her way into the bathroom with a sour face and told herself again that she was getting paid good money for this.", "Words": {"a": "brush", "b": "clean", "c": "toilet"}}, {"Context": "Mother had to help her little child get ready for school. Mother was waiting for the child to get out of the shower. Once out, she helped the child to dry off.", "Words": {"a": "dress", "b": "stand", "c": "toilet"}}, {"Context": "The students had all prepared hard for the upcoming test. They studied at home and in the library, some staying up very late. They entered the classroom and walked towards their desks.", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "page", "c": "pencil"}}, {"Context": "The people walked into the airport as the security checked them with a wand. The walked and found their airline counter and got their baggage checked. Some of them walked out to the windows and watched the earlier flights take off.", "Words": {"a": "building", "b": "front", "c": "plane"}}, {"Context": "I walked into the place ready for the party. I hadn't eaten all day long and I knew the food was great here. When the guest of honor arrived, we all screamed, \"surprise!\"", "Words": {"a": "birthday", "b": "celebrate", "c": "friend"}}, {"Context": "I was watching some rodeo on TV. Those riders are very strong and also not afraid of a lot. To be able to get all those animals and stay on there for that amount of time is impressive.", "Words": {"a": "bull", "b": "hand", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "The football game was over and the fans were heading towards their vehicles. Jim had left early, hoping to beat the crowd, but not early enough as hordes of walkers passed before his car. After waiting for what Jim thought interminably, there was finally an opening.", "Words": {"a": "cross", "b": "drive", "c": "street"}}, {"Context": "Troy started to slip as he reached for the top of the mountain. He grasped onto the rope more tightly, knowing that his life was on the line. Troy started to breath more and more heavily as the tension grew.", "Words": {"a": "back", "b": "foot", "c": "knife"}}, {"Context": "The captain helped everyone get on the vehicle. Some of the people gasped as they were not used to the rocking and rolling motion. Once they were settled though, everyone had a great time.", "Words": {"a": "board", "b": "boat", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "We had been trekking through the woods all day in our Ray-Bans. I took off my supplies I had been hauling. I used them as a pillow to stare up at the sky.", "Words": {"a": "backpack", "b": "head", "c": "lay"}}, {"Context": "I want to train my pup to run an obstacle course. When I tell him jump up on the stage he just stares at it. Then walks away.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "look", "c": "platform"}}, {"Context": "The baseball game was great yesterday. We did what we had to do in order to win the game. The celebrations after we left the field or wild.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "hit", "c": "room"}}, {"Context": "Crossing the river was harder than Mike and Emily had expected. They found a log running over the shallower part of the river. Balancing wasn't easy though, and Emily had to guide Mike across.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "hold", "c": "weight"}}, {"Context": "Perry had been building a fence in his back yard and his muscles were incredibly sore. His wife suggested he go to her spa for treatment. He made an appointment for Saturday morning and signed in at the front desk when he arrived.", "Words": {"a": "face", "b": "give", "c": "lay"}}, {"Context": "Making your own coffee is a treat. I love to do everything myself from the beginning to the end. I have everything that I need in order to produce the best cup of coffee imaginable.", "Words": {"a": "bean", "b": "bowl", "c": "machine"}}, {"Context": "The little boy cut his hand. His parents rushed him to the hospital. The doctor would have to repair the damage.", "Words": {"a": "finger", "b": "hold", "c": "move"}}, {"Context": "I am a huge fan of adventure sports. It doesn't matter if it's done in the summer or the winter. I just love the adrenaline of participating in them.", "Words": {"a": "hold", "b": "kite", "c": "pull"}}, {"Context": "Donnie looked out at the crowd as the band took the stage. It had been a while since they had performed together and Donnie was a bit nervous. His tank top showed the new ink that he had gotten marking the reunion of the band.", "Words": {"a": "arm", "b": "front", "c": "guitar"}}, {"Context": "Fred was in the mood for something adventurous. He invited his friends to a new place in town. The place had an alley where you would pay to toss tools at a thing at the back wall.", "Words": {"a": "axe", "b": "bullseye", "c": "hit"}}, {"Context": "Stephanie was working late at work again. As she finally ended work she hurried out of there, eager to leave the place. She headed outside to the curb caddy corner from her work building.", "Words": {"a": "street", "b": "tram", "c": "wait"}}, {"Context": "Otis had been a certified instructor at the aquatics class for a while. Everyone knew and respected Otis. He was in the locker room one day, when he suddenly passed out.", "Words": {"a": "background", "b": "diver", "c": "fish"}}, {"Context": "Tom and his friends decided to go to their highschool football game on Friday night. They arrived just before the game started and found seats near the 50 yard line. Everyone focused on the field to see who won the coin flip to decide kickoff.", "Words": {"a": "cheer", "b": "score", "c": "team"}}, {"Context": "The teenage boys always played video games, usually late into the night on weekends. It was late on a Saturday night when the parents were awaken by the boys. A steady din came from the basement where the marathon gaming session was going on and things were getting heated.", "Words": {"a": "button", "b": "controller", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "We have a giant yard and my parents made keeping it nice my responsibility. It's very difficult. The only way I can get through cutting it is if I pretend I'm a racecar driver, and I have a pretty elaborate way of getting into the imaginative game.", "Words": {"a": "helmet", "b": "mower", "c": "track"}}, {"Context": "After school in the winter we had some epic battles. We would go to the park especially after a snow storm and have some fights. Everyone thought they were the best, but they secretly knew that was me.", "Words": {"a": "bench", "b": "create", "c": "gather"}}, {"Context": "Jordan was about to go on her first real date. She threw down her comb in frustration as she sat next to her vanity. It was like everything that she tried looked off-putting to her.", "Words": {"a": "brush", "b": "hair", "c": "look"}}, {"Context": "Connie was so glad that she had stopped driving her car to the office every day. The bus was a much easier and more relaxing method to get there. On Monday morning she climbed aboard, sat down and took a book out of her bag to enjoy during the ride.", "Words": {"a": "read", "b": "way", "c": "work"}}, {"Context": "I was making dinner yesterday and had to make sure all my equipment was ready to go. I had a few things that I had to sharpen but that didn't take any time. I enjoyed myself and created a delicious meal.", "Words": {"a": "cook", "b": "knife", "c": "oil"}}, {"Context": "Joe had worked on the road crew for eleven months. It wasn't the best job, but it was the best that he could get at the time. The worst part about the job, to him at least, were the crazy hours.", "Words": {"a": "highway", "b": "night", "c": "work"}}, {"Context": "My boss invited me to his house for dinner, and I assumed it was a dinner party. Actually, it was just for me. He is a very intimidating fellow, and being under such close scrutiny made me such a nervous wreck, I ended up staining his carpet.", "Words": {"a": "drink", "b": "glass", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "Tommy spent all night on the diamond last night. Today for the game, he was better than he had ever was before. That kid went four for four with a home run!", "Words": {"a": "baseball", "b": "field", "c": "hit"}}, {"Context": "The chef wanted to try a new dish and didn't want to make it inside so he decided to do it in the backyard. It was such a hot night that he decided not to put an a top over his uniform. After making the dish, he realized that it would have been better if he had made it on the stove.", "Words": {"a": "cook", "b": "grill", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "Lindsey was all ready for her recital and very excited about it. She had been practicing what she was going to be performing for weeks. When it was her turn, she got up and walked on stage.", "Words": {"a": "key", "b": "piano", "c": "press"}}, {"Context": "The children watched through the living room window, excited to see white flakes falling to the ground. \"You can go outside and play after lunch,\" their mom said. So the children quickly finished their sandwiches and put on their winter coats, boots and mittens.", "Words": {"a": "hill", "b": "red", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "I think the game at the fair was rigged so that you couldn't win. You were supposed to swing the big hammer thing and get your strength measured, but I think it's a rip off. I spent an hour there and I didn't see anyone ever win.", "Words": {"a": "gong", "b": "hit", "c": "mallet"}}, {"Context": "Cassandra was a lovely teenage girl with pretty brown curls. Everyone loved the curls and said how cute they were, but Cassandra thought they made her look like a little girl. Today she would do turn those curls into something suitable for an attractive young woman.", "Words": {"a": "hair", "b": "straighten", "c": "straightener"}}, {"Context": "The elevator was slowly but surely going out in the buildings. Ron knew elevators and that was why he had been called in. He spent hours on the stubborn mechanics of it all, but by the end of the day, it was running again, just like new.", "Words": {"a": "arm", "b": "lift", "c": "overall"}}, {"Context": "Jennifer had a big day planned for her kids on Easter weekend. First, she dressed them up for pictures with the Easter rabbit. Then Jennifer took the children to the park for the annual Easter treasure hunt.", "Words": {"a": "basket", "b": "collect", "c": "egg"}}, {"Context": "The woman walked into the salon without a care in the world. Marge eyeballed her up and down, looking at her like she came from a different planet. The woman didn't belong from this conservative town.", "Words": {"a": "hair", "b": "hold", "c": "scroll"}}, {"Context": "I looked at the boy play catch with the dog, he seemed happy playing with the dog. I was in the kitchen preparing dinner, I had to cut all the vegetables to put in the pot. After I was done I decide to look at the game on tv with had a big background with the score on it.", "Words": {"a": "board", "b": "give", "c": "knife"}}, {"Context": "Jon through the toy to the pup as they headed down the shoreline. He could see clouds come in from the east. That wasn't a good sign, so he called his friend back in and called it a day.", "Words": {"a": "beach", "b": "dog", "c": "sand"}}, {"Context": "John was a supreme athlete. This would be his third time competing in the Olympics and he felt very confident. The sun beat down on the arena as he walked out to cheers from the crowd and prepared for the race.", "Words": {"a": "hold", "b": "marker", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "Landon walked into the bathroom to get himself together. He had never been so humiliated. The bullies were definitely crossing the line this time, he thought while wiping his chin.", "Words": {"a": "clean", "b": "dry", "c": "face"}}, {"Context": "The slope downhill was pretty steep. Billy tried to tell his brother that it was a bad idea to go down on his bike without brakes, but Bobby didn't listen. Billy hated hearing his brother's screams as he held his hand waiting for the ambulance to arrive.", "Words": {"a": "hill", "b": "ramp", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "The Hopkins family drove to the park for a picnic on a beautiful, sunny summer day. While the kids played, their mother put the basket on a picnic table and opened it up. There was a ton of food, which she laid out to get it ready for the family to eat.", "Words": {"a": "knife", "b": "top", "c": "watermelon"}}, {"Context": "Helen had worked in a kitchen all her life. She knew that safe kitchen prep was one of the most important aspects of running a place like that. Everyday she inspected her workers clothing and nails.", "Words": {"a": "food", "b": "prepare", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "Kevin sat and watched the big machines across from the street. They had been working in the park for about a week. Trees had been torn down to make room for the new swimming pool in the park.", "Words": {"a": "bulldozer", "b": "dirt", "c": "pile"}}, {"Context": "Cal didn't know what to think of the small animal that he found outside of his door. He didn't want it to starve, so he had left it a bowl of water. Whenever he tried to touch it though, it ran off.", "Words": {"a": "cat", "b": "hand", "c": "head"}}, {"Context": "It was the Fourth of July and it was Bailey's favorite time of year. Her father was taking her to the lake to watch the fireworks. Her eyes lit up as the fireworks spread across the sky above them.", "Words": {"a": "fly", "b": "night", "c": "spark"}}, {"Context": "Years of abuse had left large potholes in the pavement. Road construction meant that one lane needed to be closed. Men in orange vests set up equipment to warn drivers.", "Words": {"a": "carry", "b": "cone", "c": "street"}}, {"Context": "Billy and King were at the park and King was excited. He barked and barked at Billy, indicating that he wanted to play. Billy took a frisbee out of his backpack and threw it high and far.", "Words": {"a": "catch", "b": "dog", "c": "mouth"}}, {"Context": "The boys were excited to stumble upon the old baseball field they used to play on when they were kids. The weeds had overgrown much of the field, and the dirt was in bad shape. Even though they didn't have a bat or ball, they decided to make an impromptu game with what they could find.", "Words": {"a": "mound", "b": "rock", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "Jim had a successful day of fishing at the lake. With his cooler full of fish, Jim steered toward shore. A storm was forecast, so Jim wanted to be sure his craft was secure.", "Words": {"a": "boat", "b": "dock", "c": "pull"}}, {"Context": "Working from home could be a challenge for Emily when her kids were there, too. Since the pandemic lockdowns, they were home more than ever. Just as Emily was about to join an important conference call, music starting blaring from her son's bedroom.", "Words": {"a": "close", "b": "door", "c": "handle"}}, {"Context": "Lilly couldn't decide what to take to the company picnic. Everyone was supposed to bring a side dish and the company was providing all the burgers and hot dogs. She poured over her recipe book and finally made a decision.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "peel", "c": "peeler"}}, {"Context": "I stopped at the stand and peruse the magazines. I decided on a Wall Street journal. I took it to the bar with me.", "Words": {"a": "drink", "b": "newspaper", "c": "read"}}, {"Context": "I'm going to be playing photographer this weekend. I'm going to be photographing a kids baseball game. Make sure that your kids look them selves over before they leave the house and have all their equipment with them.", "Words": {"a": "gear", "b": "hold", "c": "mirror"}}, {"Context": "I always love going down to the river bank. There is a swing that was put up years back I love getting on. Nothing like the comfort of watching the water from that swing.", "Words": {"a": "rope", "b": "tie", "c": "tree"}}, {"Context": "It was a lazy Saturday morning and Sara was raking some weeds she had cut just cut with the weed trimmer. She was about to reach down with her bare hands and scoop them into the green barrel. But then she noticed some poison oak in the pile and realized there was something she needed to do.", "Words": {"a": "glove", "b": "put", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "10-year old Sam had a great pet named King. King loved special food and would always bark to get some. But Sam would only give him some when he performed a certain trick.", "Words": {"a": "catch", "b": "dog", "c": "mouth"}}, {"Context": "The puppy was going crazy in the park. He seldom was allowed outside and this was a treat for him. He spotted an animal in the brush and he was off again.", "Words": {"a": "catch", "b": "dog", "c": "rabbit"}}, {"Context": "Rory hadn't played with the guys in years. Tonight was the first night of their reunion tour. He stepped out in front of the crowd and adjusted the mic stand.", "Words": {"a": "band", "b": "perform", "c": "stage"}}, {"Context": "Being a private eye is less interesting than the dimestore paperbacks make it seem. The most interesting case was when I was hired by a son to spy on his father. I was given a rough idea of his schedule and a brief physical description.", "Words": {"a": "eyeglass", "b": "hair", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "Patrice was so excited to have a new dog and set about teaching it. The first thing the dog, Prince, learned was to stay. Then Patrice tried to teach Prince a trick which involved even more will power and patience.", "Words": {"a": "sit", "b": "treat", "c": "wait"}}, {"Context": "The hunter stood in the stand silently. He had been there since the crack of dawn and he was getting weary. Suddenly, there was a sound in the bushes and he looked up with a great interest.", "Words": {"a": "hill", "b": "shoot", "c": "side"}}, {"Context": "Luke dreamed of becoming a Marine like his dad. But Luke knew he had to pass a rigorous physical test first. One of the hardest parts of the test challenged Luke's strength and his fear of heights.", "Words": {"a": "ceiling", "b": "climb", "c": "gym"}}, {"Context": "When Dr. Foster learned that he was going to receive the Simmons Prize at the annual medical banquet, he was very pleased. He spent several days working on his acceptance remarks because a lot of important people would be watching and he wanted the wording to be absolutely perfect. Finally the illustrious evening arrived and Dr. Foster beamed when his name was announced and, amidst swelling applause, he made his way to the stage and took his place behind the podium.", "Words": {"a": "award", "b": "crowd", "c": "front"}}, {"Context": "The auditorium had filled up quickly and the people were elbow to elbow. I don't think that the school board had anticipated this many people to come to the meeting. They decided to hold the next few meetings virtually as the pubic held an interest.", "Words": {"a": "chair", "b": "space", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "The players were more excited than ever. They had just won the championship game. The coach walked up to them as they were presented the award.", "Words": {"a": "hold", "b": "sing", "c": "song"}}, {"Context": "Travis was training for the big meet. He had been working at it all day. Finally, the coach said that it was time to go.", "Words": {"a": "jump", "b": "run", "c": "sand"}}, {"Context": "It was a great trip to the train museum with the kids. They really liked walking around on the train itself. There was a lot of art work and statues in the museum as well.", "Words": {"a": "car", "b": "locomotive", "c": "resemble"}}, {"Context": "The stylist was giving a clinic to the young girls. They wanted to learn the art of cosmetology. The first lesson was hair styling and the woman was going to begin with something very simple.", "Words": {"a": "braid", "b": "give", "c": "instruction"}}, {"Context": "It was the first time that Alex had visited this particular park. The area was spread out over a number of acres and it wasn't crowded at all. He spread out a blanket and laid down on the ground.", "Words": {"a": "dirt", "b": "grass", "c": "knoll"}}, {"Context": "I love playing basketball outside. One of my favorite games to play is 21. The reason I like it is because of the make it take it rule, which allows you to be able to have possession for a long time.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "ball", "c": "keep"}}, {"Context": "Jennifer's bed was a mess, strewn with clothes and shoes she had decided to take on her trip. Now it was time to pull it all together since her flight was in the morning. She just hoped everything would fit as she could only take one bag.", "Words": {"a": "floor", "b": "pack", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Polo seems to be a game mainly for the rich. For that reason many people don't know or care about it. But actually polo is an interesting game, involving people and animals.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "hit", "c": "horse"}}, {"Context": "Cindy's pals brought her to a bar to celebrate turning 21. Cindy had no experience with liquor, so her pals did the ordering. They wanted to introduce Cindy to the ritual of drinking straight tequila.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "lick", "c": "salt"}}, {"Context": "Arnie was working as a lifeguard at the local rec center. He jumped up on the lifeguard chair and everything was fine for an hour or so. Then Arnie suddenly saw something in the water and immediately went into action.", "Words": {"a": "jump", "b": "pool", "c": "swim"}}, {"Context": "It was my turn to clean the house yesterday. I'll make sure that I got every square inch of that house spotless. I used a lot of chemicals as well as a handy vacuum.", "Words": {"a": "rug", "b": "use", "c": "window"}}, {"Context": "After Jean gave her speech in class, the teacher left this remark. \"Jean, you need to practice making eye contact when you are speaking,\" the note from the teacher read. Jean went home and stood at her vanity, imagining she was giving a speech.", "Words": {"a": "begin", "b": "look", "c": "mirror"}}, {"Context": "Bruce and Margaret had been dating for months. On a beautiful day like this they liked nothing better than to enjoy the outdoors. They arrived at their destination and got out of the car, both dressed in shorts and t-shirts.", "Words": {"a": "couple", "b": "park", "c": "take"}}, {"Context": "Tony went up the slope at full speed toward the small pond. The plan was to coast over the pond and land on the other side. Unfortunately, Tony wasn't going fast enough and landed right in the middle of the pond.", "Words": {"a": "bike", "b": "flip", "c": "hill"}}, {"Context": "I love going out jogging in the morning because I end up catching up with lots of friends. Some of them have their pets with them for their adventures. If I had a pair, I'd probably bring them on my jog too.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "hang", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "The young woman was never good at doing laundry and it was even harder using the dilapidated machine they found at the thrift store. She didn't even have a dryer so she had to find an alternative. A length of rope and some clothespins might do as an impromptu clothesline.", "Words": {"a": "shirt", "b": "side", "c": "trailer"}}, {"Context": "Lisa held out her arm like the zoo attendant told her to. She held her breath as the parrot softly landed on her sleeve. Lisa couldn't believe that it had actually landed on her!", "Words": {"a": "bird", "b": "hand", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "The salon was empty until the strange woman opened the door. With a beehive hairdo and clothing of another time period, I knew something didn't feel right. \"How can I help you?\" I managed to utter.", "Words": {"a": "hair", "b": "room", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "I went to a boxing match last night. It was a championship match and I had a really good seats. The crowd was very boisterous and enjoyed themselves.", "Words": {"a": "audience", "b": "belt", "c": "front"}}, {"Context": "I make jewelry and sell it at farmers markets. Frankly, I don't sell a lot, although everyone is impressed with my work. I am told I charge too much for my work, but people usually have no idea what it takes to make a table full of jewelry.", "Words": {"a": "anvil", "b": "hammer", "c": "hit"}}, {"Context": "I was standing at the corning waiting for someone to come and meet me because I had to give them some paperwork to sign. As I handed him the paper, he looked at me and just had a little smirk on his face as if he was expecting the papers. I told him I had to go and turned around and went on my ways.", "Words": {"a": "laugh", "b": "sidewalk", "c": "smile"}}, {"Context": "Pete was having a hard time falling asleep lately and it was starting to affect his daily life so he knew he needed to do something about it. He talked to a sleep specialist and the specialist gave Pete some good advice, which Pete planned to implement right away. One of the bits of advice was to spend some time winding down and relaxing before bedtime by doing something restful and calming, like enjoying some time getting lost in a good novel.", "Words": {"a": "bed", "b": "book", "c": "read"}}, {"Context": "Jonah shivered in the cold as he made his way upwards. The tools made a clanging sound as they drove into the rocky surface. His fingers were starting to freeze and he didn't know how much longer he would be able to hold on for.", "Words": {"a": "climb", "b": "ice", "c": "pick"}}, {"Context": "When I got home from work, I couldn't find Betsy anywhere. I shook her food, and she didn't come out. So I went into my room and heard purring coming from my sheets.", "Words": {"a": "bed", "b": "cat", "c": "hand"}}, {"Context": "Jane enjoyed being a housewife and got pleasure from doing simple chores. Mondays were her favorite because it was laundry day. Jane went around the house gathering items that needed washing.", "Words": {"a": "basket", "b": "clothe", "c": "machine"}}, {"Context": "I can't wait to take my vacation in a weeks time. I know I'm going to enjoy myself and it's something I'm looking forward to. The only part that I hate, is having to wait in the airport for hours.", "Words": {"a": "pack", "b": "sit", "c": "suitcase"}}, {"Context": "Trey and Bo went down the steep slope. The weather was getting worse by the minute and Trey knew they had to get back to the house quickly. It wouldn't do to freeze to death out here.", "Words": {"a": "carry", "b": "dog", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "The racecars zoomed around the track, travelling at blinding speeds. One car hit the other and they both spun across the track. The medics ran out to see if the drivers were okay.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "drive", "c": "side"}}, {"Context": "I took Odie out around the block this morning. It was a beautiful day and we both needed the exercise. I know that the rest of the week should be rainy, so I'm glad that we were able to get out.", "Words": {"a": "allow", "b": "dog", "c": "say"}}, {"Context": "The singer got on stage and talked to the audience before performing. They adjusted the mic stand and then started to sing. Halfway through the set, he left for a costume change.", "Words": {"a": "musician", "b": "shirt", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "The town's annual summer festival had arrived. Jim figured he had only one chance at winning any kind of ribbon. He entered a competition to see who could finish the most pies in twenty minutes -- with one handicap.", "Words": {"a": "back", "b": "contest", "c": "eat"}}, {"Context": "It was a party and Paul, sitting on the edge of the water, watched the others playing. Then Brad, a bit of a bully, challenged Paul to make a jump. Paul, intimidated and unsure of his abilities slowly climbed the ladder.", "Words": {"a": "board", "b": "bounce", "c": "dive"}}, {"Context": "I went to a club last night and had a good time. The tunes that were being played were very good and everybody was enjoying them selves. There was one thing that had me captivated and she was gorgeous.", "Words": {"a": "dance", "b": "dress", "c": "lady"}}, {"Context": "Jane had so much food left over from the party. She couldn't stand to see anything go to waste. She looked in her cupboard for something to save the food inside.", "Words": {"a": "bag", "b": "fill", "c": "seal"}}, {"Context": "Janet's kids were picky eaters, but one of the things they would eat was mac and cheese. She made a huge pot of it for Friday night dinner, combining three different kinds of cheese and adding some ham for protein. She served it to them and she smiled as they dug in enthusiastically.", "Words": {"a": "end", "b": "fork", "c": "lick"}}, {"Context": "Barney sat on his porch watching the boys play down the road. \"Someone is going to get hurt,\" he said to himself. When one of the boys fell to the ground, Barney rushed to help.", "Words": {"a": "helmet", "b": "kid", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "Frank was having trouble walking, as it hurt when he stepped. He wasn't sure what the problem could be. Finally he realized that he was hitting the end of his shoes.", "Words": {"a": "clip", "b": "foot", "c": "nail"}}, {"Context": "The game was over and it had been a rough one. There had been extra innings and honestly both teams had deserved to win. The losing team knew that they would be trying for the championship again next year though.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "oppose", "c": "player"}}, {"Context": "Tanya stepped back as she demonstrated how to manipulated the strands on the dummy's head. The finished product was lovely. Hopefully, most of these aspiring stylists would go on to do great things.", "Words": {"a": "braid", "b": "give", "c": "hair"}}, {"Context": "Amelia was supposed to be watching her nephew one day. She was distracted though and was talking to her best friend on her cell. She didn't notice the youngster sneaking out of the house.", "Words": {"a": "phone", "b": "talk", "c": "toddler"}}, {"Context": "The children were excited to finally go on a vacation. They had never been to hills like this. The country side was much different than New York!", "Words": {"a": "city", "b": "jump", "c": "kid"}}, {"Context": "Tim's coach entered him into the decathlon at the championship meet. The stands were full as Tim competed well in event after event. Next up was the javelin, one of Tim's best events.", "Words": {"a": "pole", "b": "run", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "The chef was showing us how to cook breakfast. The food turned out to be amazing. I was glad that I had taken a cooking class.", "Words": {"a": "demonstrate", "b": "egg", "c": "separate"}}, {"Context": "The restaurant staff were getting ready for another busy evening. Tonight's menu included dishes using fresh farm produce. Prep work began in earnest, as knives sliced through carrots and parsnips.", "Words": {"a": "chef", "b": "chop", "c": "kitchen"}}, {"Context": "Kenny hopped into the main engine on the train. He should have been able to figure out what the problem was, but it was a loss to him. Kenny scratched his head and wondered what it was that he was overlooking.", "Words": {"a": "car", "b": "leave", "c": "line"}}, {"Context": "Tony threw down his paper on the table in frustration. He had a paper to write, but there was no way he was going to get it done. The people next door were having another one of their wild parties and the sound was unbelievably loud.", "Words": {"a": "desk", "b": "hit", "c": "music"}}, {"Context": "The man threw the object away from him as the animal ran to get it. The girl had a long object in her hand that she used to hit the ground with. She watched as the others played with a rope and wondered why she couldn't play.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "hold", "c": "jump"}}, {"Context": "The origin of this event goes back to ancient times, when they actually make a statue of it. One wonders if aliens inspired the saucer shape object used. The fundamentals of the event, as you might expect, are quite basic.", "Words": {"a": "discus", "b": "field", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "Barry had never been to a spa before, but was going because his wife urged him to. She really wanted him to get a pedicure. His wife said that a pedicure would really be relaxing for him.", "Words": {"a": "chair", "b": "foot", "c": "row"}}, {"Context": "Today, Patty is teaching her kindergarten class about hygiene. She takes the children into the restroom in pairs. The children stand at the sinks, and Patty turns on the water.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "soap", "c": "wash"}}, {"Context": "Joan's grandma taught her the art of quilt-making. In her grandma's time, the work of creating a quilt was done entirely by hand. Joan decided to take advantage of modern technology to put together her quilt.", "Words": {"a": "fabric", "b": "machine", "c": "piece"}}, {"Context": "Tommy always had to be the best at everything. When a classmate handed out gum, Tommy took it as a challenge. He chewed furiously until the gum was just right.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "bubble", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "Tom had been cutting his facial hair the modern way since he first needed to a year ago. As he felt his face, it seemed to still be rough. His father had recently chided him that he should do it like a man.", "Words": {"a": "razor", "b": "shave", "c": "use"}}, {"Context": "Karaoke night is always my favorite night at the bar. People really don't know how to keep a tune, especially when they are drunk, but it's fun! Believe me though, I won't go up there and make a fool of myself!", "Words": {"a": "hold", "b": "microphone", "c": "singe"}}, {"Context": "The photographer had a knack of getting the best shots even from the worst subjects. He snapped dozens of shots, flying across the room as he did it. He knew they wouldn't all be winners, but he would make some of them work.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "picture", "c": "pose"}}, {"Context": "I was watching a competition between a couple of singers. They both sounded really good and it was hard to pick a winner. In the end they ended up sharing the prize.", "Words": {"a": "music", "b": "tie", "c": "tie"}}, {"Context": "The big meet was held at the high school's Olympic size pool. First up was the breaststroke, which proved to be a tight race. Next came the crawl, where the winner was clear from the start.", "Words": {"a": "backstroke", "b": "cheer", "c": "compete"}}, {"Context": "Jake picked up the bar and put a few more pounds on either end. He took a deep breath and then lifted it to his chest. After a few seconds, Jake threw the bar back down to the mat.", "Words": {"a": "drop", "b": "head", "c": "lift"}}, {"Context": "Greg was excited and nervous about going to the formal dance. He stood in front of the mirror getting dressed. He had put a lot of thought into his outfit for this special evening.", "Words": {"a": "shirt", "b": "tie", "c": "tie"}}, {"Context": "The students sat in the desks while they took the test. Some of them looked around as if they were waiting for an answer to appear out of thin air. After a while, the teacher called time and collected the papers.", "Words": {"a": "chair", "b": "glass", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "That fight at the bar last night was the craziest one that I have ever witnessed! I don't know what started it, but things were flying everywhere. I heard a loud crash and there was beer splashing down all over!", "Words": {"a": "bottle", "b": "hit", "c": "open"}}, {"Context": "The baby animal was playing with the momma animal. We went to see the ships that was parked by the dock. We had to get on the other side to meet with the guy who was going to show us around.", "Words": {"a": "cross", "b": "elephant", "c": "guide"}}, {"Context": "It was Colby's first year playing as quarterback on the high school team. The coach believed in him and he had a line that was built for him to succeed. Colby threw for four touchdowns on his first game!", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "field", "c": "pass"}}, {"Context": "Jimmy's dad Fred thought Jimmy was too old to be using training wheels. Fred took the training wheels off and had Jimmy balance on the seat. Fred held onto the handlebars at first.", "Words": {"a": "bike", "b": "ride", "c": "son"}}, {"Context": "Molly begged her mother to have her 6th birthday party outdoors. Fortunately it was a beautiful late June day without a cloud in the sky. Molly and her friends put on their bathing suits and ran to the back yard.", "Words": {"a": "kid", "b": "pool", "c": "watch"}}, {"Context": "I was having a serious disagreement with my wife. Her self-absorption had caused some issues that needed worked out. Ironically, I was having trouble diverting her attention from her reflection in the mirror in our bedroom.", "Words": {"a": "glass", "b": "hair", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "I never was one for baking, but I knew how to cook. Something about putting batter into the oven and just letting it sit never appealed much to me. I like being able to see my food cook and stir it and taste while it's cooking.", "Words": {"a": "cookie", "b": "pan", "c": "put"}}, {"Context": "I couldn't believe what happened when we were out on the dunes. The rod on the ATV, just split off and we flew off onto the ground! We were fine, but all the dust and grit was in our teeth for days!", "Words": {"a": "mouth", "b": "sand", "c": "tire"}}, {"Context": "Samantha was looking around in the store when she finally saw a coat that she wanted. In Samantha eyes the coat was so soft and silky and it felt great. That night she decided that she was going to try and cut her hair by herself so she went to the bathroom and got the scissors and started cutting her hair.", "Words": {"a": "clipper", "b": "shear", "c": "sheep"}}, {"Context": "Gabe gazed outside as he got dressed for school. He looked down and sighed seeing the coffee stain. He walked quickly to his closet knowing that he would be late.", "Words": {"a": "clean", "b": "shirt", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "I was at the park looking at the kids play with an object they were kicking, with there feet. One shouted, get it, as the other player hit the object from one side. The other players were going into one direction that the object was going.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "mouth", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "Tracy came out of the dressing room for the seventh time that day. Her boyfriend sighed and yet again told her that she looked fantastic. He was holding several totes from all the other stores and he was getting tired.", "Words": {"a": "bag", "b": "hold", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "I had been down the dumps for quite awhile. A friend tried to get me out of it by making me try something new, maybe even something scary. When he asked what I was most scared of, I said humiliating myself in public was near the top of the list.", "Words": {"a": "dance", "b": "music", "c": "stage"}}, {"Context": "Tom was nervous because this was going to be a big part of his grade. He was a quiet guy and hated talking in front of people to begin with. The teacher called Tom's name and he sighed as he got up from his desk.", "Words": {"a": "give", "b": "presentation", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "After a windy night, Mr. Smith woke up to find his lawn covered and the neighbor's trees nearly bare. That afternoon, Mr. Smith went to his shed, got his garden tools, and went to work. After an hour, Mr. Smith stood back to admire his work just as his kids got home from school.", "Words": {"a": "finish", "b": "jump", "c": "leave"}}, {"Context": "Cam tossed the branch into the air and waited for Duke to bring it back. \"Good boy!\" he told him. He threw it a couple more times then they went inside for the night.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "mouth", "c": "stick"}}, {"Context": "Molly was sitting on the sofa waiting for her teenage son to get home. It was after midnight and it was way past his curfew. She heard his key in the door and was relieved he was finally home, but also angry at his flaunting the rules.", "Words": {"a": "arm", "b": "cross", "c": "look"}}, {"Context": "It was a beautiful afternoon as Jill and her family arrived at the stadium. They parked and walked with the crowd towards the ticket taker. They stopped at the concessions stand and loaded up on peanuts, popcorn and drinks before getting settled into their bleacher seats.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "batter", "c": "pitcher"}}, {"Context": "Todd was tired out from riding all day. He parked at the rack and took a seat in the park. Thankfully, he had packed a drink and a snack for his little break.", "Words": {"a": "bench", "b": "bike", "c": "cream"}}, {"Context": "I was eight years old and my Dad said it was time for me to learn on my own. I, on the other hand, felt quite unsteady and felt the time could wait. However, as he would claim, Dad knows best and with great flourish, he took off the training wheels.", "Words": {"a": "bicycle", "b": "ground", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "Joe looked out the window at his unkempt yard. He compared what he saw to the neighbors' yards on either side of his own home. Then Joe put on an old shirt, a pair of shorts and a sun hat, and went to his garage.", "Words": {"a": "cut", "b": "grass", "c": "lawn"}}, {"Context": "Lilly was bored of her exercise routine and decided to do some cross training. She remembered she had an old ten speed in the garage. So on Saturday morning, she pumped some air in the tires and walked it out to the street.", "Words": {"a": "bike", "b": "helmet", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "Jansen was at the beach for the day. He took his gear with him out onto the water. It felt great against his skin and he was ready to get down.", "Words": {"a": "ride", "b": "sail", "c": "surfboard"}}, {"Context": "People stared at Rosa as she walked around dressed in her wedding dress. She did this every year on the anniversary of her wedding. Of course, her husband had left her years before, but that didn't stop Rosa.", "Words": {"a": "costume", "b": "lady", "c": "mall"}}, {"Context": "Brenda promised herself that she would never do that again, yet she had. She couldn't believe that she had stayed out all night. Now she was going to fall asleep in class.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "mouth", "c": "yawn"}}, {"Context": "Jason floated peacefully in the water before it was time to practice. In an hour, he knew that his muscles would be burning and aching. For now, he was going to enjoy the coolness of the water for the time that he had.", "Words": {"a": "perform", "b": "pool", "c": "stroke"}}, {"Context": "Liam was one of the busiest workers at his corporation. He never went home early and often times would stay at the office an hour or so later than everyone else. His desk was often cluttered by the vast amounts of paperwork that he was working on.", "Words": {"a": "laptop", "b": "notebook", "c": "pen"}}, {"Context": "The band practice was hot and excruciating, especially for the newcomers. A girl passed around an ice bucket with towels to cool them off. The next day, all the members made sure to wear baseball caps.", "Words": {"a": "cap", "b": "drum", "c": "jean"}}, {"Context": "You could smell the food of the meat from a block down. The restaurant had just opened and they had a line a mile long. I decided it was better to wait until the lines were shorter.", "Words": {"a": "cook", "b": "food", "c": "grill"}}, {"Context": "James trained in masonry work and became a contractor. He got a big job on a new construction project. James assembled his tools and consulted the plans, then began working.", "Words": {"a": "brick", "b": "mallet", "c": "place"}}, {"Context": "Daphne loved seeing sad movies because it made her very emotional and she enjoyed getting in touch with her feelings. Whenever a heartbreaker of a movie came out, Daphne was always one of the first people in line and she even brought a box of Kleenex with her. Sometimes she saw the especially sad movies two or three times and they managed to make her cry just as much as the first time she saw them, which made her very happy (and also sad).", "Words": {"a": "cheek", "b": "eye", "c": "tear"}}, {"Context": "Tommy wasn't supposed to go into town without an adult. But Tommy wanted to buy a toy and didn't want to wait. When Tommy came to the intersection, he stood on the sidewalk as cars sped past.", "Words": {"a": "cross", "b": "road", "c": "traffic"}}, {"Context": "It was the fourth of July, but Molly wasn't excited about the fireworks that would come later. Molly and her parents sat on lawn chairs, waiting for the sound of the marching band. Next came the floats, and then the clowns tossing candy to the children.", "Words": {"a": "parade", "b": "side", "c": "street"}}, {"Context": "The leaves were just starting to turn color and the air was turning crisp and cool. Mabel and Mark would be married 30 years today. That evening after supper, they headed out the door as they had whenever the weather suited.", "Words": {"a": "couple", "b": "fall", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "The barber swung the man around as he pulled the smock off of him. The man looked in the mirror and nodded. It was another job well done and he would be sure to tell his friends.", "Words": {"a": "area", "b": "chair", "c": "head"}}, {"Context": "Spike and I had a wonderful time at the park on a warm day. Spike had run down the frisbee so many times that my arm was like spaghetti. When we got home Spike was exhausted, and although he had gotten water at the park, his tongue was still hanging out.", "Words": {"a": "bowl", "b": "dog", "c": "drink"}}, {"Context": "He loved to cook so he decided that he was going to stay in and make a dish for himself tonight. He organized everything that he needed to put into the dish and put it to the side. The area was so big that he had everything he needed to make cook the food he wanted.", "Words": {"a": "chef", "b": "kitchen", "c": "meal"}}, {"Context": "The man had been a carpenter for a long while. Heights were not a challenge to him at all. He got his assistant to hand him the shingles and he pulled out his hammer.", "Words": {"a": "cap", "b": "roof", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "I was feeling confident about the upcoming job interview. I had the skills and background for the job. I was stunned when I was introduced to the boss, although he didn't seem to recognize me.", "Words": {"a": "head", "b": "shake", "c": "smile"}}, {"Context": "The baby sat in the high chair crying. Grace was getting a bit frazzled. It was the first time she had fed the baby and she was nervous.", "Words": {"a": "feed", "b": "food", "c": "mouth"}}, {"Context": "It was Helen's turn to bring snacks to her daughter's soccer game. She opened 15 small plastic bags and arranged them to put the snacks into so the kids could just grab them out of the cooler. The she pulled a big bag out of the refrigerator and put it on the counter.", "Words": {"a": "cut", "b": "knife", "c": "orange"}}, {"Context": "I need to send a letter to my landlord. I'm going to be looking for a new place very soon and I want to let them know. I'm gonna type it up and put it in an envelope today.", "Words": {"a": "fold", "b": "move", "c": "paper"}}, {"Context": "When you are watching polo, the game can be tough to get. There's a lot of action in it so you have to pay close attention. I always wonder if they play this in the winter time as well.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "follow", "c": "horse"}}, {"Context": "The animal jetted back to Marco every time that he threw the ball. Each time, Marco threw it farther than the last. However, on the last try, Marco threw the ball on the roof of the house and the game ended.", "Words": {"a": "carry", "b": "dog", "c": "mouth"}}, {"Context": "I want to a birthday party yesterday. There are a lot of children there who seem to be having a great time. Especially when the DJ playing some music that all the children seem to enjoy.", "Words": {"a": "circle", "b": "dance", "c": "hand"}}, {"Context": "It was my birthday and my two young daughters decided to make me breakfast. They obviously didn't get much help from their mother. The kitchen looked like a bomb had gone off, and all they were making for me were some pancakes.", "Words": {"a": "bowl", "b": "mix", "c": "pour"}}, {"Context": "The bartender looked at George waiting for his order. George was way too drunk to answer though. The bartender rolled his eyes and gave George a glass of water and cut him off.", "Words": {"a": "add", "b": "ice", "c": "liquor"}}, {"Context": "Mike loved going to games with his dad and having time with just the two of them. As much as he loved watching the games, his favorite part was halftime. He waited on the edge of his seat as people quickly set up equipment on the floor.", "Words": {"a": "basketball", "b": "hoop", "c": "trampoline"}}, {"Context": "Abe got out of bed and gave his wife a kiss on the forehead. He knew that she liked her tea the first thing in the morning. What a surprise it would be when Abe had her tea all ready for her when she woke up!", "Words": {"a": "fill", "b": "pot", "c": "put"}}, {"Context": "Max stood in front of the green screen and waited for the news anchor to shift to him. There was a storm brewing and Max had been following it. The viewers needed to know the impact that the storm might have on the area.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "map", "c": "report"}}, {"Context": "Honey had a party to go to tomorrow night and had a lot to do to get ready. She'd been so busy at work she hadn't been taking care of herself, and her nails were a mess. She was able to get an appointment for a manicure and drove to the spa the morning of the party.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "sit", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "Geri was worried about her first appointment at the spa. Would it hurt to get a Brazilian? She would never know unless, she did it right?", "Words": {"a": "back", "b": "lay", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "Drake stood up and threw his cigarette to the ground and crushed it out with his foot. Construction work was hard and it was way too hot out here. Still, it was a way to make money, and Drake was making plenty of it.", "Words": {"a": "break", "b": "sit", "c": "take"}}, {"Context": "Watching cowboys perform at the rodeo can be exciting. I wish that I had the ability to get on some of these huge animals and last for a few seconds like they did. It's a dangerous job but they seem to enjoy it.", "Words": {"a": "bull", "b": "hat", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "John and his pals were competing to test their aim. In turn, each stood behind a line, facing a target twenty feet away. After John took his turn, his friend Fred was up next.", "Words": {"a": "give", "b": "knife", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "Penny was helping her sister Ellie get ready for prom. She was wearing a beautiful pink dress and sparkly silver shoes. Now that she was dressed and her hair was done, it was time to put makeup on.", "Words": {"a": "apply", "b": "eye", "c": "look"}}, {"Context": "Lani was staying with her grandmother for the day. Her grandmother had told her to play outside. Lani made great artwork on the concrete surface of her grandparents' carport.", "Words": {"a": "chalk", "b": "draw", "c": "picture"}}, {"Context": "Grace had just held her first dinner party. Now the guests had left, and Grace surveyed the empty table. As Grace cleared the table, she thought her party had been a success.", "Words": {"a": "dish", "b": "dry", "c": "place"}}, {"Context": "Harry had looked forward to going to the circus since his mom told him she'd gotten tickets. He sat in his seat watching jugglers and acrobats. Then everyone grew silent as the lights dimmed.", "Words": {"a": "crowd", "b": "front", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "Mark was so glad he was finally getting his cast removed. Since he broke his ankle, Mark had to wear a cast that looked and felt like a cement boot. The doctor cut along the boot-shaped cast and removed it.", "Words": {"a": "foot", "b": "put", "c": "sock"}}, {"Context": "Kathy was trying to teach her granddaughter one of her favorite hobbies. She held the tools in her hand and explained what to do with them. \"At the end, you will be making a wonderful scarf!\"", "Words": {"a": "demonstrate", "b": "knit", "c": "needle"}}, {"Context": "The rival soccer teams were tied with just minutes left in the match. The blue team was on offense, working the ball toward the red team's net. In the last seconds, the blue team had the ball lined up perfectly.", "Words": {"a": "game", "b": "goal", "c": "player"}}, {"Context": "The food was delicious and I made sure to let Sylvia know. She had been my housekeeper and cook for years, but this time she really outdid herself. I was deeply depressed that she would be leaving in a few short weeks.", "Words": {"a": "end", "b": "fork", "c": "meal"}}, {"Context": "Mike's mother stood in the crowd cheering on her baby boy. She looked for his jersey, knowing that his was number ten. When she found him, she started cheering even harder.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "player", "c": "score"}}, {"Context": "Fred had no care in the world. Cigar ash fell from the big brown cigar onto his shoes and he didn't even notice. Fred knew that his wife wouldn't be home when he got back, and frankly, he didn't give a damn.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "smoke", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "Bo went to the beach with his family one day. He made sure to pack a lot of things for his trip. Bo didn't want to get dehydrated at the beach.", "Words": {"a": "bottle", "b": "drink", "c": "sunglass"}}, {"Context": "I'm not what I did to upset the school bully, but he had it in for me. He told me when we got back from Thanksgiving break, he'd pummel me. I was nervous, but didn't want to back down, so I tried to prepare as best I could.", "Words": {"a": "gym", "b": "press", "c": "weight"}}, {"Context": "The school kids were the worst especially towards the end of the school year. For 30 years, she patrolled this corner and it happened every year. Smart kids who would not heed her warnings would dart across the street on their way home.", "Words": {"a": "direct", "b": "traffic", "c": "worker"}}, {"Context": "The exploration group had been waiting for this for a long time. It had been an arduous climb, and everyone was exhausted. No one had accomplished this feat before, and now they were about ready to claim it.", "Words": {"a": "arm", "b": "mountain", "c": "raise"}}, {"Context": "My first day at the farm was an eye opener. I am a city slicker, so I wasn't expecting the cook to come into the kitchen with a live chicken. He held it tight with one hand and reached for a knife with the other.", "Words": {"a": "lay", "b": "neck", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "Ed was late for his son's birthday party. He knew he needed to get a good present to make up for it. Ed only had six dollars in his checking account.", "Words": {"a": "balloon", "b": "hold", "c": "jacket"}}, {"Context": "Patty looked down at the open box on the floor. There was a fan in it, one she desperately needed given how hot it had been this summer. She had all the tools she needed and a ladder set up, so it was time to get to work.", "Words": {"a": "ceiling", "b": "climb", "c": "hang"}}, {"Context": "The cowboy tightened his hand on the reins. This was his first time on this circuit and he didn't want to make a fool of himself. The gate swung open and he was off.", "Words": {"a": "hold", "b": "horse", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "Matt had a math test in his first hour class. He had to work out as many multiplication problems in ten minutes as he could. Matt made sure that none of his pencils were dull for the test.", "Words": {"a": "drill", "b": "sharpen", "c": "sharpener"}}, {"Context": "Throwing a party was going to be much more difficult that I thought it would be. \"This is supposed to be fun,\" my husband reminded me. As I walked into the kitchen, \"fun\" was the last thing on my mind.", "Words": {"a": "food", "b": "prepare", "c": "work"}}, {"Context": "Ollie put on his swimsuit and walked to the diving board. His sister tossed the toy into the water. It was a game for her and she laughed and giggled as he emerged with the item.", "Words": {"a": "dive", "b": "object", "c": "pool"}}, {"Context": "The soup was going to be good, but it was never fun to prep it. John sat down getting the vegetables ready. He much rather would be playing outside, but he knew that the soup would be amazing.", "Words": {"a": "peel", "b": "potato", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "The library was hosting a story time on Saturday afternoon. The kids filed in and gathered in the meeting room. The librarian came in and sat in the wooden rocking chair that had been set up for her.", "Words": {"a": "book", "b": "chair", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "Terry opened the door and felt the heat rush into her face. The sweet smell was in the air and she knew that it was done. Terry pulled the tray out and set it on the stove to cool off.", "Words": {"a": "candy", "b": "oven", "c": "pull"}}, {"Context": "Emily was making pina coladas from scratch for herself and her friends. She had all the ingredients lined up on the counter. She put ice in the blender and added coconut milk and then moved to the next step.", "Words": {"a": "knife", "b": "pineapple", "c": "skin"}}, {"Context": "Tom couldn't wait to get to the beach today after school. He heard from his friend Jackson, that the waves were really big today. Tom wanted to try out his new board he got for his birthday.", "Words": {"a": "ocean", "b": "ride", "c": "surfer"}}, {"Context": "Emma needed to make extra money to pay bills. Good thing was that she had her grandmother's sewing patterns. She sewed and made baby blankets and dresses all winter long to pay for her bills.", "Words": {"a": "fabric", "b": "machine", "c": "piece"}}, {"Context": "At 11:30 P.M. Phil arrived at Mary's home and she met him at the door. She was dressed casually, but nicely, and Phil thought she looked beautiful. Phil had liked Mary forever, but this was only their second date, and he was very much looking forward to their day together.", "Words": {"a": "lunch", "b": "movie", "c": "watch"}}, {"Context": "Carolyn was always deeply affected when she heard music and she couldn't help but react physically when good tunes were playing. She found herself being very moved whenever she heard a great song and always enjoyed singing out loud and swaying back and forth when something she liked came on. She also couldn't resist responding to any kind of catchy rhythm and she liked to drum along with it, tapping her toes as she enjoyed the sound.", "Words": {"a": "beat", "b": "finger", "c": "top"}}, {"Context": "I was over at my friends house this past weekend. They have a nice pool and we all enjoy being in it. It's so much fun that their pet is always getting in there and have them just as much a good time as us.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "jump", "c": "pool"}}, {"Context": "The man got on while still talking, paying no attention to the other passengers around him. For the most part, we just ignored him, but he was really annoying. People should use common sense when using public transportation.", "Words": {"a": "bus", "b": "cellphone", "c": "drive"}}, {"Context": "Joe was impressed by an artist he saw on TV. The artist demonstrated how to make realistic sketches. Joe gathered materials and followed the steps that the artist demonstrated.", "Words": {"a": "draw", "b": "hand", "c": "paper"}}, {"Context": "The Millers were happy to move out of their dilapidated house into a newly built home. However, it didn't really seem like home without the shady oaks they were used to. So, the Millers went to a plant nursery to pick out replacements.", "Words": {"a": "dig", "b": "hole", "c": "plant"}}, {"Context": "The teenagers set up their blanket and all their things on the beach. The girls sat on the blankets getting their tans and listening to the radio while the boys headed to the water with their boards. They stayed for hours before cleaning up and driving away.", "Words": {"a": "background", "b": "music", "c": "surf"}}, {"Context": "The dog was having the time of its life in the yard outside. It went this way and that as it chased the ball that was thrown to it. After a while, it lay down, exhausted, but happy.", "Words": {"a": "grass", "b": "mouth", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "Allison woke up on Saturday morning and decided to make breakfast for her boyfriend. She called him and told him to be at her place in half an hour. She mixed up a blueberry batter and was just about to pour it when he arrived.", "Words": {"a": "flip", "b": "fry", "c": "pan"}}, {"Context": "Mark witnessed the first incident, which resulted in a dozen avian deaths. The problem was the new painting on the side of the Sears store. Sparrows and such mistook the sprawling painting of a flower-filled meadow for the real thing.", "Words": {"a": "bird", "b": "building", "c": "flock"}}, {"Context": "Sienna watched her boyfriend nervously as he went up the dirt ramp. She knew what he did was what he loved, but that didn't mean that she had to love it. Every time that he flew into the air, she couldn't breath.", "Words": {"a": "bike", "b": "jump", "c": "spectator"}}, {"Context": "The girl was on the animal, she seemed happy. Her mother paid for her to get on the animal at the circus. There was one man ahead of all the animals directing them to go to one side.", "Words": {"a": "camel", "b": "lead", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "The football team at school was getting their photo taken for the yearbook. The photographer called them outside to stand by the bushes near the field. One of the kids wore his full uniform with pads and everything as a joke.", "Words": {"a": "helmet", "b": "picture", "c": "plant"}}, {"Context": "The dentist walked into the room and asked Todd how long it had been since his last appointment. Todd was ashamed to answer the man since he didn't even know. While the dentist looked in his mouth, he found four cavities.", "Words": {"a": "brush", "b": "mirror", "c": "tooth"}}, {"Context": "Suzanne heard a strange noise coming from somewhere in her house. As she walked toward her bedroom, she heard it again. She knew she needed to look inside her room, but was a little scared.", "Words": {"a": "door", "b": "knob", "c": "turn"}}, {"Context": "Jimmy and his brother had been working on assembling their project all morning. Now they checked if the conditions outdoors were ideal, with the right amount of wind. They needed a bigger space than their tiny yard allowed, so they got on their bikes.", "Words": {"a": "fly", "b": "kite", "c": "park"}}, {"Context": "Tim was going to rob a bank. He needed the money so that he could buy all the soda he wanted. As he crept up to the closed bank, he wondered if there was any security.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "enter", "c": "watch"}}, {"Context": "Grace grabbed her saxophone and started to march. Her eyes were set on the band director in front of her. The music blared as they marched down the streets lined with cheering people.", "Words": {"a": "instrument", "b": "member", "c": "parade"}}, {"Context": "The construction project was just getting underway. The first task was to grade the surface. A machine could do the work of getting rid of debris and leveling the ground.", "Words": {"a": "bulldozer", "b": "dirt", "c": "pile"}}, {"Context": "It was Ana's first day at a new school and she was nervous. The teacher asked something related to the lesson and Ana knew the correct response, but was too shy to volunteer. Some of the other kids responded though.", "Words": {"a": "answer", "b": "hand", "c": "question"}}, {"Context": "Betty believed in celebrating birthdays the traditional way. She gathered the children together to sing Happy Birthday to the guest of honor. Everyone's eyes were on the birthday boy when the song finished, as he faced the lit candles.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "cake", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "The woman walked quickly through town to the bus stop. It was her first day of work and it wouldn't do any good to be late on the job. Just her luck, she arrived a few minutes late to the bus stop.", "Words": {"a": "shirt", "b": "short", "c": "sidewalk"}}, {"Context": "Dustin kicked down another strip of wood from the area in the yard. Whoever had put this up had done a horrible job. Why hadn't he thought of all the work that he would have to do before he bought the house?", "Words": {"a": "boot", "b": "fence", "c": "lollipop"}}, {"Context": "Pat had worked on the farm all his life. He knew the cattle ranch like the back of his hand. Pat walked out of the dairy area with containers full of white liquid ready to sent off.", "Words": {"a": "cow", "b": "milk", "c": "milk"}}, {"Context": "The old man was outside every time that I passed by. I don't know how he ever managed to stay in good health for so long. I had always thought that tobacco was a bad habit to have.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "hold", "c": "pipe"}}, {"Context": "Ed was happy that he had given in and hired a clown for his son's birthday party. He watched as the children's eyes lit up as the clown ran around in his back yard. These were the things that the kids would remember for the rest of their lives.", "Words": {"a": "balloon", "b": "run", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "It was the time of year when the trees around the house caused me a lot of raking. As I made a pile, Rex would get excited, barking and jumping. If I left the pile untended, it would not be the same after Rex was finished with it.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "fall", "c": "leave"}}, {"Context": "Alicia was babysitting for her first time for her neighbor's two-year old boy. Suddenly liquid was running down the child's face and the boy was crying. Alicia looked at the boy and tried to decide what she should do.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "nose", "c": "toddler"}}, {"Context": "Patricia loaded up her clothes and headed down the road to the laundry. She walked in with her hamper and loaded the nearest washer available. After loading it she made a note to wait after starting it to make sure it did as these machines were finicky at times.", "Words": {"a": "turn", "b": "wash", "c": "water"}}, {"Context": "Drew was tired out from a hard day at the gym. Sweat dripped down his brow and it burned and stung his eyes. He knew that if he stopped now though, that he would never make the team.", "Words": {"a": "lift", "b": "weight", "c": "work"}}, {"Context": "The young parents always liked to spend time with their two kids and did things with them regularly. The day was clear and there was a light breeze on this spring day. The father thought this was the perfect weather for a little excursion and picnic, a time for the family to play and relax.", "Words": {"a": "field", "b": "fly", "c": "kite"}}, {"Context": "Kyle was ready for the track and field meet. He picked up the heavy weight and stepped into the circle. He took a deep breath and scanned the crowd to see if he could find his girlfriend cheering him on.", "Words": {"a": "circle", "b": "distance", "c": "shot"}}, {"Context": "Isaac had never been to a place like this, at least not while riding. He wasn't prepared when his front tire hit a stump and threw him off. Isaac broke his leg in the fall and was more careful of the places that he went after that.", "Words": {"a": "bike", "b": "ride", "c": "trail"}}, {"Context": "The soldiers trudged through their basic training exercises. Dozens of obstacles stood in their way of them becoming full blown solders. Some would pass, others would fail.", "Words": {"a": "climb", "b": "cover", "c": "rope"}}, {"Context": "Helen let her little terrier Pumpkin out in the backyard to go to the bathroom. She was out for a few minutes when Helen heard her yelping. Helen ran and opened the door and immediately knew that Pumpkin had been sprayed by a skunk.", "Words": {"a": "bath", "b": "dog", "c": "dry"}}, {"Context": "Graffiti is considered a form of art by some and vandalism by others. Some see it as an act of defacing property. Tagging is a type of signature used by the graffiti artist.", "Words": {"a": "paint", "b": "spray", "c": "wall"}}, {"Context": "Alice set up the family to take their picture in the grassy area of the farm. She thought that with their blue pants, the green of the crops in the back would contrast each other. \"Smile,\" she said as she started clicking away.", "Words": {"a": "background", "b": "field", "c": "jean"}}, {"Context": "Coy hooked up everything to the back of his vehicle. It was going to be a long drive, but he knew it was going to be worth it. This drive was going to take a week, but he'd be paid for a month's pay.", "Words": {"a": "attach", "b": "brush", "c": "load"}}, {"Context": "Holly looked outside and saw the blizzard was still going strong. But her poodle, Liza, was prancing around in front of the door. Even though the weather was terrible, Holly had to take her outside.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "snow", "c": "sweater"}}, {"Context": "Beth jumped out of the van and went to the back. She grabbed the box and double checked the address. Beth left the box on the people's front porch.", "Words": {"a": "house", "b": "package", "c": "toss"}}, {"Context": "Lee was ready for the competition to begin. He had been working out every day after school and his body was in the best shape it had ever been in. He talked to his coach about the events that he would be taking part in for the day.", "Words": {"a": "field", "b": "jump", "c": "practice"}}, {"Context": "I want to get a nice relaxing massage this weekend. There are a variety of massages that you can get. To me it doesn't matter, I just want to feel relaxed.", "Words": {"a": "oil", "b": "pour", "c": "stone"}}, {"Context": "Sonny watched as the animal in his arms began to move around. It was almost as it knew what was about to happen. Sonny wondered if he was doing the right thing bringing it here.", "Words": {"a": "begin", "b": "cat", "c": "claws"}}, {"Context": "It was spring and Jenny decided she needed to freshen up her yard and add some color. She went to the garden store and spent over an hour picking things out. When she got home, she unloaded everything and got her gardening tools out of the shed.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "hose", "c": "plant"}}, {"Context": "We woke up to what was a surprisingly big snow outside. School was unexpectedly cancelled and as a result, our kids had free reign to play all day. They didnt mess around either, quickly bundling up and heading outside.", "Words": {"a": "build", "b": "kid", "c": "snow"}}, {"Context": "Jordan flipped his rod back as the trout on the other end struggled for dear life. \"I need the net, Dad!\" Jordan called out to his father standing on the other end of the boat. Suddenly, there was a pop and the line was snapped.", "Words": {"a": "catch", "b": "fish", "c": "flop"}}, {"Context": "Jake checked the weather report, including information on the tide. Since the weather was sunny and the tide looked good, Jake headed to the beach. He stood on the shore, surveying the water and waiting.", "Words": {"a": "catch", "b": "ocean", "c": "surfboard"}}, {"Context": "Troy was working on making a plaque for his mother for Christmas. He had all his tools and was ready to mark the image. The tool got too close to his skin though and he ended up burning his finger.", "Words": {"a": "burn", "b": "image", "c": "piece"}}, {"Context": "Although Jim and Martha had been married nearly fifty years, the spark of romance remained. It was common to see Jim and Martha snuggled together watching their favorite TV shows, for instance. When autumn turned the leaves colors, they still enjoyed taking a stroll around the neighborhood.", "Words": {"a": "couple", "b": "hand", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "It was a really hot day so I went to the store to buy something to drink. I decided to park myself on the chair and stay there for a while because the air conditioner was on and it felt really good in there. After I got something to drink, I decided to buy a piece of pizza to eat since It was so nice in there.", "Words": {"a": "jug", "b": "juice", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Elmer tossed the container down in the barn. One corner of the barn was illuminated by the soft glow of the lantern. He sat down on the upturned barrel and finished the rest of his sandwich.", "Words": {"a": "box", "b": "bucket", "c": "food"}}, {"Context": "In school the other day we had to give our presentations. Not a lot of people enjoyed them as much as I did. There were some very funny moments and I wondered how someone could write that and stand up there and read it to the class.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "laugh", "c": "paper"}}, {"Context": "I was waiting for quite some time for the vehicle to come pick me up. I was waiting by the road next to the shop, when I saw a friend of mine. I was not in the back of the line so it was easy for me to see her.", "Words": {"a": "bus", "b": "front", "c": "street"}}, {"Context": "Ed was ready to have some fun on his vacation. He called up his friends to see what they had planned. They were ready to have fun despite the fact that the weather was freezing.", "Words": {"a": "hold", "b": "kite", "c": "pull"}}, {"Context": "The neighbors had gathered for a summer barbecue at the Hendersons. Dad had his usual assignment and was taking it seriously. He had on his chef's apron and stood at his post with pride.", "Words": {"a": "cook", "b": "grill", "c": "look"}}, {"Context": "I feel sad every year when I sense summer is passing. I'll miss the sounds of birds chirping. I'll miss the fresh, green lawn.", "Words": {"a": "field", "b": "grass", "c": "mow"}}, {"Context": "Jody had been practicing at the gym all day. The gymnastics meet was going to be tomorrow and she knew she had to get her moves perfect. At the end of the day, she felt that she had everything good and she finally went home.", "Words": {"a": "flip", "b": "perform", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "Seth sat alone waiting for his date to walk in. He turned his head to look every time that the door would open. She never showed up, but Seth had a good time drinking and watching the ball game.", "Words": {"a": "bar", "b": "enjoy", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Margie was turning sixteen today and feeling sorry for herself. Margie didn't want presents for her birthday, she wanted a date. Margie's mom set the birthday cake in front of her daughter.", "Words": {"a": "candle", "b": "table", "c": "wish"}}, {"Context": "Blair laced up and looked out onto the rink. This would be her last competition in the division. She took a deep breath and went through her moves in her head.", "Words": {"a": "figure", "b": "perform", "c": "routine"}}, {"Context": "It was an exciting day at the college arena as UCLA took on Arizona. In a thrilling game, the score was knotted at 37 as the first half ended. Then for a halftime show equipment was brought on to the floor as a performer prepared to do a trick.", "Words": {"a": "basketball", "b": "shoot", "c": "trampoline"}}, {"Context": "Kendall had a special date on Saturday night and wanted to look her best. She went to the spa for a treatment so she would be glowing. When she was called in for her appointment, she explained what she wanted done.", "Words": {"a": "apply", "b": "face", "c": "massage"}}, {"Context": "The house was a definite fixer-upper and the Coleman family knew they had their work cut out for them when they moved in, but they were excited and ready to tackle it. They had all the tools they needed and they had spent a day at the home and garden store buying doors, baseboards, cabinets, and all sorts of other things they needed to get the place looking good. Dad went to work on the big repairs because there were a lot of them, Mom and the kids handled things like wallpapering, cleaning, organizing and arranging, then they all joined forces when it came time to get the exterior looking good, the house was very drab on the outside and it needed a new look and some color very badly.", "Words": {"a": "building", "b": "paint", "c": "window"}}, {"Context": "Tony got off of his motorcycle and propped it up near the sidewalk. There was something in one of the stores that he wanted to see. He regretted what he was wearing though; it was too hot for this.", "Words": {"a": "jacket", "b": "jean", "c": "street"}}, {"Context": "Seth pulled up in his car on the race track. He looked at his competitor and he smirked. There was no way that Seth was going to lose this race to that joker.", "Words": {"a": "dragster", "b": "leave", "c": "smoke"}}, {"Context": "Josh was taking an origami class online. He had never done anything like origami, but he had to admit that it was interesting. For some of the things, he had to watch the videos more than once though.", "Words": {"a": "background", "b": "demonstrate", "c": "fold"}}, {"Context": "One of the toughest parts about taking care of a young child is when they're teething. It causes them a lot of pain and there's not much you can do about it. There are subtle things that you were told to do in order to alleviate some of that pain.", "Words": {"a": "cry", "b": "finger", "c": "mouth"}}, {"Context": "I saw a lot of people downtown wearing the same clothing. Later on I found out that they were competing in some sort of obstacle event. I decided to go watch it because it wasn't far from my house,", "Words": {"a": "corner", "b": "course", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "Joan paid for her purchase and left the store. She got in her car and turned the key in the ignition, but nothing happened. Frustrated, Joan got out of the car to head home on foot.", "Words": {"a": "bag", "b": "carry", "c": "street"}}, {"Context": "I couldn't concentrate on any of my schoolwork. Lance was sitting at his desk making all kinds of racket. Would you believe that I was the one that ended up in detention when I shouted at him?", "Words": {"a": "beat", "b": "drum", "c": "finger"}}, {"Context": "The jurors finally entered the room after being out for about half the day. The defendant slowly stood up and looked nervously around. The judge finally asked if they had a verdict, which they did.", "Words": {"a": "room", "b": "sit", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "I had so many decorations for my daughter Molly's birthday. The morning of the party I had to get everything set out. I had piles of decorations and needed help to pull it all together.", "Words": {"a": "balloon", "b": "blow", "c": "let"}}, {"Context": "Sam enjoys waking up early and going to the gym in the morning before heading to the office for the rest of the day. He is focusing on weight training lately because he would like to build muscle mass before the pool opens this year. Unfortunately Sam seriously misjudged his strength yesterday and his training session almost ended in disaster.", "Words": {"a": "barbell", "b": "drop", "c": "floor"}}, {"Context": "It took forever, but Donna was finally able to get her treat. She sat down at a nearby table on the walk and watched the sun set as she enjoyed it. Donna loved living near the boardwalk.", "Words": {"a": "buy", "b": "cream", "c": "line"}}, {"Context": "Being a janitor was hard work for Ernesto. The part of the job that he hated most of all was the restroom duty. People were disgusting and didn't realize that someone had to come after them and deal with their mess.", "Words": {"a": "clean", "b": "glove", "c": "toilet"}}, {"Context": "Simon was the star of his high school track team and he always impressed everyone with his athletic skill and stellar performance. He practiced hard every day after school and the coach was always struck by Simon's skill, dedication and attitude. The coach always pointed Simon's technique out to the other boys on the track team and everyone watched as Simon went through the paces, demonstrating his skill in a number of different events.", "Words": {"a": "field", "b": "hurdle", "c": "jump"}}, {"Context": "Toby threw the toy and waited for Jake to bring it back to him. Toby gasped when he saw the yellow item fall into the lake. Jake knew how to swim though and was able to retrieve it easily.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "dog", "c": "fetch"}}, {"Context": "Ed was doing some work on his car. He needed to get it working before the big party at ten o clock. He also needed to have time to get ready because there was dirt all over him.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "clip", "c": "clipper"}}, {"Context": "Rosa was making lemonade for her granddaughter. Her granddaughter had always loved drinking her fresh lemonade. Rosa served the lemonade with cookies fresh from the oven.", "Words": {"a": "jug", "b": "slice", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "Every morning I have to get up and get the kids ready for school. I make sure that I do this in a certain way and then the limited amount of time before I get them in the car to drop them off. It might seem simple, but parents know how tough this is.", "Words": {"a": "clothe", "b": "put", "c": "take"}}, {"Context": "I was late today, so Mr. Anderson made me run extra drills. I don't think that's fair because I shoot three pointers better than anyone else on the team. I guess it's better than sitting the bench for the next game though.", "Words": {"a": "basketball", "b": "coach", "c": "gym"}}, {"Context": "I'm going to go look for some gold this weekend. There's a place that you pay a small to do it. They give you all the equipment that you need.", "Words": {"a": "dirt", "b": "find", "c": "sift"}}, {"Context": "Fido and Tom sat in the waiting room, Tom petting and keeping Fido calm. This was something they did every few months, but it always made Fido fidgety. Then a pleasant young woman approached them and said, \"We are ready for you now.\"", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "groom", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "Tim was ready for a long day at work. He got into his car, but it didn't crank when he tried to start it. Tim wondered how he would get to work.", "Words": {"a": "arrive", "b": "bench", "c": "bus"}}, {"Context": "Sam was drinking and down on his luck again. Known as the town hobo, Sam had a problem with keeping a job. Today Sam sits on the sidewalk begging passersby for change.", "Words": {"a": "ask", "b": "hold", "c": "money"}}, {"Context": "The competition had been long waited for and everyone was in the stadium. The runners lined up along the starting line and the people cheered and yelled even before the race was on. The noise grew louder and louder as the pistol sounded and they began to move.", "Words": {"a": "crowd", "b": "event", "c": "gather"}}, {"Context": "Bobby woke up Christmas morning excited to see what he had gotten. The only thing he had asked for this year was drums. He ran downstairs and cheered out loud when he saw what was under the tree.", "Words": {"a": "cymbal", "b": "hit", "c": "set"}}, {"Context": "The dentist walked into the room and Josh knew that he was in trouble. He really hadn't been taking care of his teeth and now he was going to get it. The dentist went over the facts about dental hygiene with Josh.", "Words": {"a": "brush", "b": "stand", "c": "tooth"}}, {"Context": "I was watching TV yesterday and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was very entertaining, but also shocking. Sometimes people just need to keep their mouth shut in order to avoid these sort of things happening.", "Words": {"a": "foot", "b": "laugh", "c": "put"}}, {"Context": "Walter walked down the stairs from his apartment to where the barbeque pit was at. He balanced the tray of chicken and sausage carefully. Before long, they would be having a great meal.", "Words": {"a": "descent", "b": "grill", "c": "meat"}}, {"Context": "Kelli's daughter Abby was having her first ballet recital today. She got Abby ready and left her with the other children behind stage. Kelli took her seat and watched other children, waiting for Abby's group to have their turn.", "Words": {"a": "dance", "b": "music", "c": "perform"}}, {"Context": "Jack hadn't been to the family farm in over ten years. Still, he was sure that he knew how to do most of the tasks. He walked into the barn and went into one of the stalls.", "Words": {"a": "cow", "b": "milk", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Emily was studying to be a cosmetologist. She had to go into class one day to take her practical exam. Emily took a deep breath and stepped in front of the mirror.", "Words": {"a": "apply", "b": "brush", "c": "face"}}, {"Context": "The children were having a great time in the state park. They played in the shaded area by the lake. When it was time to go home, the mother and father got their children and left.", "Words": {"a": "climb", "b": "couple", "c": "kid"}}, {"Context": "Ronaldo and Alicia stood by nervously awaiting their turn. This contest is what the hours of practicing had been for. They went over every step in their heads of a routine they could do in their sleep.", "Words": {"a": "couple", "b": "dance", "c": "outfit"}}, {"Context": "Becky and her friends took nearly two hours to get ready, perfecting their makeup and hair and picking cute outfits. They drove to the club and got in line, hoping the bouncer would let them in. Sure enough, when he walked down the line he pulled them out and ushered them to the entrance after checking their ids.", "Words": {"a": "dance", "b": "head", "c": "music"}}, {"Context": "Danny rushed into the house and dropped his groceries down at the door. He had gotten the letter from the mailbox and the anticipation was killing him. Danny dropped down at the kitchen table and stared at the letter before finally opening it.", "Words": {"a": "chair", "b": "hold", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Sally was outside while her grandmother was working in the garden. The flowers were not blooming yet, but her grandmother had said that they would be lovely in a few weeks. Sally sat down just looking around wondering how they grew from under that dirt.", "Words": {"a": "push", "b": "sit", "c": "wheelbarrow"}}, {"Context": "They all stayed in the same room looking at the pictures on the wall. One women suggested that since they had nothing much to do they should create something nice to hang on the wall also. They started painting to see how could paint the best picture to be put on the wall.", "Words": {"a": "art", "b": "craft", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "I had come over to visit my nearby neighbor Bob, and we sat on the porch talking. He is a great story teller, and he told me the funniest story I had ever heard. On the way home I could not get the story out of my mind.", "Words": {"a": "laugh", "b": "sidewalk", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "Dan was a hard worker on the farm down the road from his house. Anything that the supervisor would ask Dan to do, he would do. This gave Dan a lot of knowledge of working on the farm vehicles and mechanics.", "Words": {"a": "remove", "b": "snowblower", "c": "tractor"}}, {"Context": "The cook was giving a class to some amateurs. First, he had to show them how to wield the tools of the trade. Unfortunately, he cut himself on the sharp edge of the blade!", "Words": {"a": "chef", "b": "demonstrate", "c": "knife"}}, {"Context": "Owen watched as the cars zoomed back and forth in front of him. The office was just across the intersection, but there was no way he was going to try to walk across now. He looked at the crossing light and waited patiently.", "Words": {"a": "cross", "b": "dress", "c": "street"}}, {"Context": "The weather was horrible and the buses couldn't get through the icy roads. That didn't bother James at all; he couldn't wait to play outside. All of his friends met him outside because obviously they thought the same thing.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "kid", "c": "roll"}}, {"Context": "Ben and a group of his friends were gathered to watch him. He had practiced the maneuver many times, but never in front of anyone. He stood poised on the ledge, ready to establish a reputation.", "Words": {"a": "park", "b": "perform", "c": "skateboard"}}, {"Context": "It wasn't normal for Jessica to be late when we met for lunch. I wondered if something had happened to her and was thinking of calling her. All of a sudden, the door swung open and I saw her standing in the door.", "Words": {"a": "arrive", "b": "friend", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "I don't know how Emory was able to keep still for so long. The teacher told her to hold onto that container and she did. I guess it made her feel like she had a job or something.", "Words": {"a": "box", "b": "close", "c": "eye"}}, {"Context": "I took my little girl to the parade in town. The officers were on bikes and their sirens were louder than we expected. As they drove down to clear the streets, my daughter began to cry and put her hands on her ears.", "Words": {"a": "jacket", "b": "motorcycle", "c": "policeman"}}, {"Context": "She finally got done with her homework for the weekend. She immediately went to get her bat and glove to go to the park. Then they arrived at the local baseball field at the park.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "dad", "c": "fence"}}, {"Context": "Jim woke early to have breakfast before heading to work. He looked in the refrigerator, trying to decide what to eat. He was craving a fancy omelette, but didn't have time for extra prep work.", "Words": {"a": "egg", "b": "pan", "c": "scramble"}}, {"Context": "The competition was held at the high school on Saturday morning. A lot of the students and many parents were there to watch the student athletes perform. It was an all day event, but exciting to see.", "Words": {"a": "discus", "b": "meet", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "Benny parked on the side of the road. He had a long way to go, but he was starting to get hungry. Fortunately for Benny, he had packed a picnic lunch, which he ate on the hood.", "Words": {"a": "eat", "b": "front", "c": "truck"}}, {"Context": "Mike was excited to be taking his new girlfriend Nancy to prom, but he was also nervous. He had a corsage that complimented the color of her dress. He pinned it on her as her parents watched and then they left for the venue.", "Words": {"a": "dance", "b": "hand", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "It was a nice sunny day, and Sandi expected it to be a pleasant one. That was until her new boyfriend arrived and took her to the courts. He was going to teach Sandi, the girl with the coordination of a newborn, how to play tennis.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "hit", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "The woman was not sure about the skirt she was trying on. She wanted to get the salesperson's advice but she had stepped away to help another customer. The dressing room was large and she could really move around to get a good feel for this ensemble she was thinking about purchasing.", "Words": {"a": "look", "b": "stand", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "Caleb was going to be walking in his friend's wedding. The problem was that Caleb didn't have much experience in formal wear. He had to text his girlfriend for her to help him get dressed before the ceremony.", "Words": {"a": "give", "b": "instruction", "c": "neck"}}, {"Context": "Adam went to the snowy field with Bob. They had a woodchipper with them and were prepared to clear some trees. They found an area with a lot of trees.", "Words": {"a": "catch", "b": "snow", "c": "wood"}}, {"Context": "It was Bobby's first junior high dance and he was very nervous. He really didn't know much about dancing and was too scared to ask a girl to dance anyway. Then one of the more outgoing girls asked him, and he hesitatingly slumped out onto the dance floor.", "Words": {"a": "foot", "b": "music", "c": "shuffle"}}, {"Context": "Dora brought the dishes and bowls into the dining room, where her family was seated. After she got into her chair, they all bowed their heads and her father said a prayer. Then they started to serve themselves the delicious looking food.", "Words": {"a": "eat", "b": "sit", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "The tour guide talked to the crowd about the massive beast behind him. The animal was swimming in the lagoon slowly, but surely. The people laughed as the man talked about his species.", "Words": {"a": "alligator", "b": "back", "c": "joke"}}, {"Context": "Carter studied up on fungi before heading out on a hike. He wanted to make sure he knew the difference between edible and toxic varieties. Carter took his guide book and his basket as he set out.", "Words": {"a": "find", "b": "mushroom", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "Paul was almost ready to start his new job and he was both nervous and excited as his first day approached. Finally his first day of employment arrived and Paul woke up extra early, feeling energized and raring to go. He dressed quickly, dashed out the door and walked quickly to the station, but he had been so worried about being on time that he had left much too early.", "Words": {"a": "platform", "b": "train", "c": "wait"}}, {"Context": "Millie was excited about her upcoming trip to France. Her flight was in two days, and Millie needed to get her things ready. She started laying out potential outfits that would suit her itinerary.", "Words": {"a": "clothe", "b": "floor", "c": "pack"}}, {"Context": "Jimmy was excited to go to the fairgrounds with his dad. They got tickets and sat down on bleacher seats in a round arena with red dirt. The announcer introduced the first event, a bucking bronco contest.", "Words": {"a": "cowboy", "b": "horse", "c": "rodeo"}}, {"Context": "Janice was excited because she was going to the stadium to see her favorite, a shortstop. Just after she got to the game a ball was grounded to the left side. Janice stood up and cheered in anticipation of the action.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "field", "c": "player"}}, {"Context": "Kathy arrived home after a very difficult and tiring day. She needed to relax and would do that in her usual way. She fixed a drink in the kitchen, lit a cigarette, and walked into the living room.", "Words": {"a": "chair", "b": "look", "c": "newspaper"}}, {"Context": "Joey parked his car and started to walk to the stadium. When he got to the gate, he gave the woman there his ticket. Before he sat down, he bought a beer and a hot dog.", "Words": {"a": "area", "b": "ball", "c": "begin"}}, {"Context": "The dancers glided across the floor so elegantly. You could tell that they had years of training. If only I knew how to dance like that.", "Words": {"a": "background", "b": "ball", "c": "music"}}, {"Context": "The teacher had been at it for the whole class period. He couldn't figure out why the students weren't getting it. Finally, he sat down in his desk and just assigned homework for the students.", "Words": {"a": "board", "b": "explain", "c": "problem"}}, {"Context": "Winters are very hard in rural Minnesota and heating your home is a challenge. Electricity or gas can be very expensive for home heating. So every year we go out into the forest with our chainsaws.", "Words": {"a": "cut", "b": "use", "c": "wood"}}, {"Context": "Zach stood thirteen yards behind the center, his hands extended. As he received the snap, he fumbled it momentarily. Frantically he thrust his leg into the air trying to avoid the onrushing linemen.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "ball", "c": "kick"}}, {"Context": "Randy had a tight grip on the bat he was holding. It was the last inning, and he was waiting for the pitcher to throw. The pitcher gets ready, stretches his hand and lets go.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "continue", "c": "hit"}}, {"Context": "Kim sat on the sand and looked out over the ocean. The sun was just about to set, casting pinks and oranges into the sky. After it set, she stood up and picked up her towel to head back to her car.", "Words": {"a": "beach", "b": "carry", "c": "shoe"}}, {"Context": "50,000 people were on their feet as the home-team quarterback dropped back. The team was trailing by four points with time for this last play. There was a tremendous rush, and he scrambled to his right to get away.", "Words": {"a": "catch", "b": "field", "c": "football"}}, {"Context": "I was driving with my boss, back from a conference. We were passing a lake when he stopped the car and got out. \"Nice day for a swim,\" he said as he began to undress.", "Words": {"a": "boat", "b": "fish", "c": "shore"}}, {"Context": "Steve's school put an emphasis on learning life skills. This week, the school was converted into a mock town with stores and a bank. Steve got to act like a bank teller helping customers.", "Words": {"a": "count", "b": "hand", "c": "money"}}, {"Context": "Ginny worked at the local high school. There was bad weather one day and the school's were closed. Ginny made the most of it and graded tests all day.", "Words": {"a": "look", "b": "paper", "c": "read"}}, {"Context": "The baby hadn't felt well in a few days, so his mother brought him to the doctor. In the exam room, the nurse helped her to put him on the table. The doctor proceeded to look the baby up and down to find out what was wrong.", "Words": {"a": "back", "b": "lie", "c": "stick"}}, {"Context": "Benjamin had always loved music and he wanted to do something to celebrate his passion. He talked to a couple friends who were also music-lovers and they decided they should all start a band. The next weekend, they all got together with their respective instruments of choice and spent the afternoon having their first ever band practice.", "Words": {"a": "cymbal", "b": "drum", "c": "set"}}, {"Context": "Sally wanted to get even with her brother Stuart. The night before, Stuart frightened Sally by bursting out from behind a door. So, Sally got ready and then crept up behind Stuart.", "Words": {"a": "balloon", "b": "hold", "c": "pin"}}, {"Context": "Donnie had gotten lost in the woods and now he was getting scared. The weather was getting worse by the minute and he didn't have a tent. Donnie tried to make a phone call on his phone, but it was hard to hear the person on the other end.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "cellphone", "c": "hair"}}, {"Context": "Elton was on his way to school, but it was hard to balance with his backpack. The faster that he pedaled though, the better it went. Finally, he got to school and he almost crashed into the bushes.", "Words": {"a": "bike", "b": "ride", "c": "surround"}}, {"Context": "It was Camille's birthday and all of her friends had joined her at her favorite restaurant. The waitress brought out a cake at the end of the night and everyone's eyes lit up. The cake was beautiful, but best of all, it was delicious.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "candle", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Ollie panted as he walked around outside. The water looked nice and cool. His owner wouldn't mind if he took a dip would he?", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "hose", "c": "jump"}}, {"Context": "Tim was in a group learning karate at the local gym. He was a small boy, but intent on showing his talent and strength. Now was his chance as the instructor called him forward.", "Words": {"a": "break", "b": "class", "c": "half"}}, {"Context": "Skiing on the lake seems very fun. I see people doing a lot of tricks. One day I'm gonna have to try this.", "Words": {"a": "board", "b": "flip", "c": "jump"}}, {"Context": "Annie had thrown a very successful dinner party last night with eight good friends. Her last guest didn't leave until nearly 2 in the morning, too late for her to clean up properly. When she woke up at noon, she knew which task she needed to take care of first.", "Words": {"a": "dish", "b": "glove", "c": "wash"}}, {"Context": "One of the most exciting games is basketball, which requires a variety of skills. When you have the ball you can shoot, trying to throw the ball in the basket. You can pass the ball to a teammate, directly or by bouncing or lobbing it.", "Words": {"a": "court", "b": "dribble", "c": "player"}}, {"Context": "Yesterday, was such a sunny day, that I asked my boys if they wanted to go to the park. We went to the park and I watched them play basketball in the basketball court. After we left the park, we decided to get something to eat so we drove to McDonald to get food.", "Words": {"a": "apply", "b": "cream", "c": "face"}}, {"Context": "We sat in balloon and it went up higher than I thought it would. I decided to bring my camera along to snap some shot of the breathtaking place. I asked the kids what they use the rope for and they said they play a game with it.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "jump", "c": "picture"}}, {"Context": "I looked at the time and realized how late it was, I was suppose to be meeting someone at calla restaurant. When I went down the road I saw a few houses that were familiar to the ones just down the block. I sometime like to take early run threw the park, sometimes I see a knowing face.", "Words": {"a": "friend", "b": "street", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "The man was on his break at work. He didn't have time or the money to grab something from the food court like all the other workers. He packed his lunch for the day and ate outside, then took a nap in his vehicle.", "Words": {"a": "eat", "b": "front", "c": "lunch"}}, {"Context": "Rock climbing has never been my thing. I'm actually scared of heights and have always been. However, with all the equipment that they now have, I guess that I'm ready to give it a shot.", "Words": {"a": "climb", "b": "rope", "c": "top"}}, {"Context": "Steve woke up with a tickle in his throat and the sniffles. His mom reminded Steve to put on something nice for picture day. As Steve walked out the door, he sneezed into his sleeve.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "nose", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "After your omelet is complete it's time to enjoy it. Find the right place to sit down and make sure your plate is ready for the contents. It is now time to gracefully place the omelet onto the plate to begin.", "Words": {"a": "egg", "b": "fork", "c": "pour"}}, {"Context": "Whenever your buddies tell you they're having kids it's a huge thing. I'm going to be going to a shower this weekend. I wanna make the baby some hats and gloves, so I'll have to have someone show me how to do this with some yarn.", "Words": {"a": "celebration", "b": "enjoy", "c": "friend"}}, {"Context": "The baby couldn't talk yet, but she was starting to mimic those around her. I would make a face at her and she would make it right back. I laughed as her eyes lit up every time she saw me looking at her.", "Words": {"a": "head", "b": "move", "c": "smile"}}, {"Context": "The machine was old but Brian was able to get it to run. It was the same one that his grandmother had used so many years before. He looked at it as he remembered all the handmade gifts he had received from her over the years.", "Words": {"a": "machine", "b": "sew", "c": "thread"}}, {"Context": "David was dangling from the rocky ledge above him. He couldn't believe that he had gotten into this type of predicament. His friends called out to him as they slowly started to pull him in from above.", "Words": {"a": "connect", "b": "knot", "c": "rope"}}, {"Context": "I was having a bad day as a photographer. The baby I was supposed to capture was crying, screaming and otherwise crazy. I somehow got through it and lit up as the next customers walked in, a beautiful couple who recently arrived from Russia.", "Words": {"a": "husband", "b": "picture", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "Joy was driving down the highway on her way to work when she felt the car jerk. She put her signal on and pulled over to the side of the road. She was afraid to step out and see what was wrong, but she knew she had to.", "Words": {"a": "check", "b": "pressure", "c": "tire"}}, {"Context": "Taylor met the man at the door and walked with him to the elevator. He couldn't imagine what the man had packed. His luggage had to have weighed a ton.", "Words": {"a": "bag", "b": "carry", "c": "hand"}}, {"Context": "Jen walked out of the pound smiling ear to ear. \"I'll call you Buddy,\" she said. He was so small that she could hold him in the palm of her hand.", "Words": {"a": "carry", "b": "dog", "c": "toy"}}, {"Context": "Eddie held the tools high above his head. He knew that if he made a wrong move that he could seriously injure himself. Eddie wondered if he should call a company to handle the job for him.", "Words": {"a": "branch", "b": "cut", "c": "prune"}}, {"Context": "Phil was getting tired of getting called hairy hillbilly, caveman, and worse. He decided it was time for a makeover, starting with a clean face. Phil assembled his grooming tools, stood in front of the mirror, and got to work.", "Words": {"a": "beard", "b": "clipper", "c": "pair"}}, {"Context": "Lily and her parents had argued all afternoon about her curfew. All through dinner no one said a word and Lily felt bad. She decided that she needed to try to get back in good with a least one of her parents.", "Words": {"a": "dish", "b": "help", "c": "mother"}}, {"Context": "Every morning before work I try to make sure I look my best. Although I think my face is perfect as is, at times it needs a little help. I enhance it by applying some mascara and other things to make myself even better.", "Words": {"a": "look", "b": "makeup", "c": "mirror"}}, {"Context": "Jeremy was a 12-year old who was a bit of a daredevil. Today his young friends were gathered in his yard to see what he was up too. He was considering a stunt which could involve a very iffy ending.", "Words": {"a": "branch", "b": "climb", "c": "jump"}}, {"Context": "The old basset hound felt every ache in his arthritic joints. When the weather got cold, the old hound felt the chill in his bones. Luckily, there was a bed for the hound near the hearth.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "fire", "c": "front"}}, {"Context": "Ginny enjoyed cooking with her mom in their country kitchen. Today, Ginny and her mom were making a batch of cookies. Ginny read off the instructions on the recipe first.", "Words": {"a": "begin", "b": "bowl", "c": "counter"}}, {"Context": "Heather is so excited for the prom, as she looks at her beautiful outfit in the mirror. She can't wait to go, but she is waiting, because her date is very late. Despite her mom's protests, she decides to go outside in the front of the house to wait there.", "Words": {"a": "dress", "b": "sidewalk", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "I've been working out for a couple months now. I'm starting to see my biceps get bigger and bigger. When I look in the mirror this makes me very happy.", "Words": {"a": "arm", "b": "overall", "c": "smile"}}, {"Context": "Alex pricked himself once again. It had been the seventh time in the hour and he was wondering if it was even worth learning. He was sure that he could find a hobby that wasn't so painful to learn.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "needle", "c": "put"}}, {"Context": "Debbie and Sam live in beautiful Hawaii. One day on a walk along the ocean they picked up a coconut. When they got home, they decided to open it.", "Words": {"a": "break", "b": "hammer", "c": "use"}}, {"Context": "Lacy was with her mother shopping. It was hot outside and Lacy wanted something refreshing as a treat. She found something that she really wanted and brought it to her mother's basket.", "Words": {"a": "bag", "b": "hold", "c": "popsicle"}}, {"Context": "There were some new events at the Olympics this year. A couple of them involved cycling. I loved seeing them on TV.", "Words": {"a": "bike", "b": "jump", "c": "racer"}}, {"Context": "Today is the big football rivalry between two Big-Ten schools. The stadium is packed an hour before kickoff. On the first play, the quarterback sends a perfect spiral the length of the field.", "Words": {"a": "cheer", "b": "fan", "c": "game"}}, {"Context": "The kid was sitting on the sofa with his tablet as his mother did her work. He was laughing as one of his favorite shows played. After a while, his mother made him put on ear buds, so he wouldn't disturb her.", "Words": {"a": "cartoon", "b": "headphone", "c": "watch"}}, {"Context": "The gymnast had some to far to go back now. It was the competition of a lifetime and she was determined to place. She took a deep breath and let her muscles do all the rest.", "Words": {"a": "balance", "b": "hand", "c": "push"}}, {"Context": "I was raised by my grandparents and remember everyday when Papa came home from work. He would go into the kitchen, kiss Nana, and she would fix him a drink. He would then walk slowly into the living room and sit down in his chair to relax.", "Words": {"a": "listen", "b": "music", "c": "pipe"}}, {"Context": "The fans started filing into the stadium an hour before kickoff time. The rivalry between the Saints and the Cowboys added to the excitement. The size of the TV audience reflected the fervor for football too.", "Words": {"a": "compete", "b": "crowd", "c": "game"}}, {"Context": "Mark loved going jogging but lately he was starting to feel very sore and tired after a long run and that worried him. He talked to a fitness expert friend of his, who recommended taking extra time to limber up his muscles before and after a jog. He told Mark that he needed to lie down face-up and elongate his limbs as much as possible, working the tendons and muscles extensively, so that's just what Mark started doing the very next morning.", "Words": {"a": "back", "b": "lay", "c": "leg"}}, {"Context": "Shelly worked at the bakery. Everyday, she got up early in the morning and headed to the bakery. Everyone loved Shelly's fresh baked breads and pastries.", "Words": {"a": "cut", "b": "dough", "c": "flour"}}, {"Context": "Travis was new to the circuit and this was one of the less dramatic events. It did take skill though, and he had practiced it long and hard. He had to get his horse out fast and make a well-timed jump.", "Words": {"a": "calf", "b": "cowboy", "c": "rodeo"}}, {"Context": "Lily had been training Otis for over a week, but he just wouldn't listen. She decided to bring him to a professional. After a week at the trainer's, Otis was listening to her every command.", "Words": {"a": "ask", "b": "dog", "c": "praise"}}, {"Context": "Ed was walking down the street trying to figure out what he should do for the day. He realized he would have fun feeding bread to the fish. He bought some bread and went to find the best place to find fish.", "Words": {"a": "bottle", "b": "bridge", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "He was usually inspired to paint - anything could be an inspiration to him. But these days, the muse was just not present and he did not have his typical \"joie de vive\". Nothing would come to him and he was getting desperate for the creativity to flow.", "Words": {"a": "artist", "b": "create", "c": "piece"}}, {"Context": "I needed to finish a report for work, but I couldn't work at home. We were having a new roof put on and the constant hammering was too distracting. I took my laptop to a large park nearby, but I couldn't get peace there either.", "Words": {"a": "drill", "b": "field", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "Eric's last exam of his junior year was today and he was looking forward to getting it over with. Math was his best subject so he wasn't too worried about doing well. He entered the room right before his teacher walked in with the exam booklets.", "Words": {"a": "page", "b": "pencil", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "The decide that tonight the were going to have there food inside together. When they sat down to eat, the realized that the chairs were wobbly and it needed to be fixed. They loved spending time together so after eating they decide to watch a movie.", "Words": {"a": "dinner", "b": "eat", "c": "family"}}, {"Context": "Sally and Frank's 5th wedding anniversary was on Saturday. Frank surprised Sally with a reservation at the fanciest Italian restaurant in town. She put on her best dress and he put on a nice suit and they headed out for their 6 pm reservation.", "Words": {"a": "couple", "b": "dinner", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Taylor had promised his brother to play a game with him. He plopped down on the carpet beside him and took the deck from him. Taylor wondered what game would be the shortest to play.", "Words": {"a": "card", "b": "floor", "c": "shuffle"}}, {"Context": "Flyers posted around town advertised a traveling circus. People were lining up to buy a ticket for the show. A gasp could be heard at the climax of one dangerous act.", "Words": {"a": "crowd", "b": "performer", "c": "swallow"}}, {"Context": "Mr. Martin worked in a store that catered to the children in the town. All the kids liked to go into the store, especially around Christmas time. Mr. Martin had all the latest and greatest items that couldn't be found anywhere else.", "Words": {"a": "sell", "b": "toy", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "Oh, how I remember the long days of summer back when I was a kid. The nearby creek was a great source of entertainment. My friends and I would spend hours there playing.", "Words": {"a": "rope", "b": "swing", "c": "tree"}}, {"Context": "The flames shot up from the equipment as they touched the pipe. Michael squinted and tried not to look too closely. He knew the heavy heat could ruin his eyesight.", "Words": {"a": "metal", "b": "piece", "c": "weld"}}, {"Context": "Brian had just gotten into bowling, but he really liked it. The bad thing was that Brian wasn't really great at bowling. His friends laughed every time it was his turn and called him \"Gutterball Brian\".", "Words": {"a": "alley", "b": "ball", "c": "hit"}}, {"Context": "I walk down to the river bank to relax. There you see plenty of people doing the same thing. Some of them even bring their pets with them.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "foot", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "Carol finally found a parking spot and rushed to find a place on First Avenue to watch the Thanksgiving parade. Her son was a freshman in high school and he would be playing clarinet in the parade today. She was proud of how hard he'd been practicing and couldn't wait to see him.", "Words": {"a": "band", "b": "lead", "c": "major"}}, {"Context": "William had always been into sports, and he wasn't going to shy away from surfing. His friend took him out onto the water to give him a few pointers. This was much different than football or basketball though, and William quickly wiped out.", "Words": {"a": "body", "b": "surfboard", "c": "trick"}}, {"Context": "Chico ran across the field across from Mike. He had gotten loose from his collar again, but Mike finally got him. Mike cried as Chico bit down on his arm.", "Words": {"a": "bare", "b": "dog", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "The sun was out for a great day by the lake. There was a trampoline in the water that all the kids had fun playing on. We told all our friends goodbye at the end of the day.", "Words": {"a": "beach", "b": "jump", "c": "wave"}}, {"Context": "I love indoor climbing. It brings about a certain adventure that can be done safely. One thing you need to make sure and do is to get your body limber in order to do this.", "Words": {"a": "arm", "b": "stretch", "c": "wall"}}, {"Context": "Kelly was working after school at a craft supply store. She loved what she did and it was fun teaching classes. She gathered up the materials for the next course on the agenda.", "Words": {"a": "apply", "b": "basket", "c": "cut"}}, {"Context": "Evelyn walked to greet the guests at the restaurant. She talked to them and took them to their spot. Evelyn was surprised to realize that no one had bussed this section of the restaurant.", "Words": {"a": "fold", "b": "paper", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Randy stared as his wife filled up her bag on the bed. Why couldn't they reach an agreement? Randy didn't want to see her go, but he really didn't know what to say anymore.", "Words": {"a": "clothe", "b": "suitcase", "c": "talk"}}, {"Context": "I was running late to see the show, I looked at my wrist to see the time. I didn't want to miss seeing my favorite group on stage because this was the only month they would be there. I looked in the crowd to see if I could spot the rest of the people I was meeting there.", "Words": {"a": "band", "b": "field", "c": "march"}}, {"Context": "Martha called her kids to come to supper. The children piled in the door, but Martha stopped them from going to the table. She instructed them to go to the sink to wash up first.", "Words": {"a": "faucet", "b": "hand", "c": "rinse"}}, {"Context": "The baseball game had been progressing very slowly. Billy was bored and lost track of the game's inning. Suddenly, the crowd gave a large uproar and Billy came back to his senses.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "hit", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "Danny didn't know what to expect when he walked into the floral shop. He knew he wanted to buy something for his girlfriend, but he had no clue what to get her. The florist was great though and was able to figure out just want Danny needed.", "Words": {"a": "arrange", "b": "flower", "c": "give"}}, {"Context": "Miriam looked at the black and white picture across from her. She didn't know exactly what it was, but something about it drew her in. She knew she had to ask her uncle about it when he returned from the restroom.", "Words": {"a": "glass", "b": "hold", "c": "photo"}}, {"Context": "Jenny was excited about going halfway across the country to see her cousin. She was also excited because she booked the trip on Amtrak instead of by air. Jenny took a cab to the station and clutched her ticket in the throng of people.", "Words": {"a": "board", "b": "crowd", "c": "train"}}, {"Context": "We still believed in our cause, but we had suffered a great loss. Our beloved leader had been arrested by the government. We wouldn't let that deter us, and we formulated an elaborate plan.", "Words": {"a": "capture", "b": "continue", "c": "machine"}}, {"Context": "Tara trudged along the sidewalk on her way to work. At times like this, she really wished that she had her own car. Maybe a little longer on the job and she wouldn't have to wish any longer.", "Words": {"a": "fall", "b": "snow", "c": "street"}}, {"Context": "I walked into the room and Jim was playing a game. At first I could just see his arm moving. Then I could see he was trying to get something into a hat.", "Words": {"a": "card", "b": "hold", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "Trevor was thirsty and in the mood for some homemade juice. He searched the refrigerator, trying to find the proper fruit. He found what he wanted and prepared to make the juice.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "knife", "c": "orange"}}, {"Context": "The magician was a bit of a let down so far. All of his \"tricks\" were corny and easily debunked - the kids already knew how they were done. He knew he needed something interactive for the kids so he opened his kit.", "Words": {"a": "balloon", "b": "demonstrate", "c": "shape"}}, {"Context": "It was way too hot for Marc to get into the building. Still, he was a firefighter and he had to try something. Marc suddenly heard screams coming from the upstairs of the building.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "create", "c": "fire"}}, {"Context": "Jace walked into the gym for the school dance. There was a DJ on the stage and the walls were vibrating with the kids' favorite songs. He looked around the group of kids to find his friends.", "Words": {"a": "background", "b": "crowd", "c": "music"}}, {"Context": "James joined a gym because he wanted to look like a bodybuilder. James tried to lift a heavy weight but dropped it near his foot. A trainer came over to demonstrate proper lifting technique.", "Words": {"a": "bar", "b": "hold", "c": "shoulder"}}, {"Context": "Linus got up quickly when his alarm rang in the morning. He brushed his teeth and grabbed his razor, when he realized the blade was dull. Even worse, he had no spare blades.", "Words": {"a": "bed", "b": "lie", "c": "shave"}}, {"Context": "The black and white tiles were lined up all down the hallway and across the living room floor. It had taken us hours to do the whole thing, but it was going to be awesome. Well, it was going to be, until the cat ran into the room and knocked them all over.", "Words": {"a": "domino", "b": "set", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "The little bird trembled as Kara tried to take care of it. She had found it outside near her doorsteps, and she was determined not to let the poor thing die. Kara forced a medicine dropper to the bird hoping that it would eat from it.", "Words": {"a": "feed", "b": "mouth", "c": "open"}}, {"Context": "Sam's mom always said her son was more monkey than boy. Sam loved playing outdoors, surrounded by nature. In his backyard, Sam loved to scramble to great heights.", "Words": {"a": "branch", "b": "climb", "c": "ground"}}, {"Context": "The circus is an incredible event. You have a lot of different animals and people in a variety of outfits. Some of the best are the clowns because they have crazy hair and put on anything that they like.", "Words": {"a": "costume", "b": "horse", "c": "redheade"}}, {"Context": "The seafood restaurant was crowded and full of patrons. I had never had shellfish before, but tonight was going to be the night. The waitress brought out my food complete with crackers and hot sauce.", "Words": {"a": "knife", "b": "look", "c": "open"}}, {"Context": "Adam was on the green and had just finished playing against someone really talented. A new game had started, and there was a long way to go before a winner was determined. Adam had never had to putt as many times as he had this game.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "golfer", "c": "hit"}}, {"Context": "I went to work out yesterday. I'm going to tell you right now, every muscle in my body hurts. I'm even having trouble bringing the coffee to my mouth and water to drink it this morning.", "Words": {"a": "back", "b": "cup", "c": "hand"}}, {"Context": "Brian was taking a hike in the woods near his house. He laced up his shoes and he was ready to go. There was a strange man at the entrance of the park and Brian kept an eye on him.", "Words": {"a": "onlooker", "b": "path", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "Brody decided to take a break at his grandmother's house. He had been riding for a while and he was halfway back home. He parked and kicked out the kickstand, making sure that his bicycle wouldn't tip over.", "Words": {"a": "bench", "b": "bike", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Tracy looked out as her grandchildren played with the birds near the pond. They came up to her and she gave them pieces of bread to give them. The park was one of their favorite places to go.", "Words": {"a": "duck", "b": "feed", "c": "fence"}}, {"Context": "Dan discovered he excelled in the discus event. It was all about the motion of the shoulders and rotation of the torso. Dan lifted the disk shape to his shoulder, then let loose in a burst of energy.", "Words": {"a": "distance", "b": "object", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "Kara had been sick for two days and was out of school again. Her mother went into her room and checked her temperature with the thermometer. Kara winced when she saw her mother walking into the room with the bottle of medicine.", "Words": {"a": "bed", "b": "bottle", "c": "head"}}, {"Context": "Jill got up at 6am as usual and threw on her workout clothes and popped in her headphones. She was planning to do 5 miles today and was ready to go. However when she opened the front door she realized it was pouring rain, so she'd have to go to the gym instead.", "Words": {"a": "listen", "b": "music", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "I saw some kids riding down the street yesterday. They all had on the same thing and were on these fast little machines. I wish I was that age again", "Words": {"a": "ride", "b": "scooter", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "Sonya sat in the shade as she waited for the bus. It was a lovely day and she wondered if she even needed to take the bus. Sonya gathered up her things and decided to just take a stroll.", "Words": {"a": "line", "b": "sidewalk", "c": "tree"}}, {"Context": "It was the dreaded day when I had to give unwilling Prince a bath. He could sense it was coming as he began to bark and whine. I moved towards him and he moved away, his pace quickening.", "Words": {"a": "chase", "b": "clean", "c": "dog"}}, {"Context": "Stan had just bought a penthouse apartment in Chicago. Today, some movers were coming with a load of Stan's belongings. Since the apartment elevator was broken and the stairway was too small, the movers had to get creative.", "Words": {"a": "building", "b": "furniture", "c": "pulley"}}, {"Context": "Ted and Leo were graduate students on their first architectural dig. They had satchels full of what they'd need to find artifacts. The area they were working in was gridded off and they each moved to their assigned section to begin work.", "Words": {"a": "chip", "b": "piece", "c": "rock"}}, {"Context": "Ted was going into the music shop for his third lesson. His father had given him his old instrument and he figured that he should make good use of it. Ted tried to practice getting his fingers from the frets and get the chords right.", "Words": {"a": "guitar", "b": "hold", "c": "move"}}, {"Context": "Sally was out on the town that day and had been dropped off at the nearby mall. Later she decided she didn't need a ride and headed home on her own. She wanted to go by and see what had been done by one of her friends, a street artist.", "Words": {"a": "cover", "b": "graffiti", "c": "walk"}}, {"Context": "Carl and his classmates sat in their classroom after the bell rang, but Mr. Philips was uncharacteristically late. Carl was about to stand up to go to the office to see what they should do when an elderly woman walked in. She said Mr. Philips wasn't there today and she was the substitute.", "Words": {"a": "book", "b": "read", "c": "teacher"}}, {"Context": "Kathy was involved in the biggest equestrian competition of her life. Woman and animal were as one as they competed. They were working together as they approached the final challenge of the event.", "Words": {"a": "horse", "b": "jump", "c": "obstacle"}}, {"Context": "The two little boys were playing in the field. One of them was actually being chased by the other. The other wanted some of the boy's ice cream cone.", "Words": {"a": "dirt", "b": "grass", "c": "lick"}}, {"Context": "Henry was making his secret chili recipe for the chili cook off tomorrow. He gathered all his ingredients and laid them out on the counter. Then he took out the biggest pot that he owned and got to work.", "Words": {"a": "board", "b": "chop", "c": "cut"}}, {"Context": "The movie that everyone had been waiting for was finally premiering. A line wrapped around the block as folks waited to buy tickets. In the darkened theatre, the curtain parted to reveal the screen.", "Words": {"a": "audience", "b": "sit", "c": "watch"}}, {"Context": "Oliver worked on a soda route. His job was pretty monotonous, and all day long he filled up soda and emptied the change. Maybe one day he would go to school and get something better.", "Words": {"a": "casing", "b": "fill", "c": "machine"}}, {"Context": "Ernie walked out of the back door and lit up his smoke. He watched the people walk up and down the sidewalk from where he was crouched down in the alley. Eventually, he put out the burning cancer stick and went back to his duties.", "Words": {"a": "cigarette", "b": "continue", "c": "look"}}, {"Context": "Allen caught lice from his son who got it in his kindergarten class. He couldn't seem to get rid of them, so he went to his barber, Pete. He told him what the problem was and sat down so Pete could take care of it for him.", "Words": {"a": "chair", "b": "head", "c": "shave"}}, {"Context": "Tony had been sitting at the edge of the bank for a while with nothing to show for it. He pulled in his line once again and wasn't surprised to see that the bait was gone. At this rate, Tony would be out of worms in no time.", "Words": {"a": "catch", "b": "fish", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "The man got up on the saddle and led the horse around the field. They gained a bit of speed and headed toward the obstacle before them. The man pulled back on the reins and they sailed into the air.", "Words": {"a": "barrier", "b": "horse", "c": "jockey"}}, {"Context": "Tommy's dad was going to teach him how to work on the farm. Today was finally the day and Tommy was fully of excitement and nervousness. He followed his dad to the shed and his eyes lit up when he saw the big tractor.", "Words": {"a": "equipment", "b": "son", "c": "use"}}, {"Context": "Al was late for class because he woke up late. When he got to the classroom, the door was locked. Al felt very stressed out because no one would let him in.", "Words": {"a": "access", "b": "laptop", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "You can get a pet to run after anything. Just tie something to a piece of rope and throw it around. You will see them go after that time and time again.", "Words": {"a": "animal", "b": "chase", "c": "dog"}}, {"Context": "Larry looked at the amber colored drink sitting in front of him. He didn't usually indulge in this type of thing, but it was his birthday. His friends cheered him on to go for another one.", "Words": {"a": "beer", "b": "glass", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "Ace had waited for two years, but it was finally his turn to be the team captain. He looked on the end of the stadium to see his name in big letters. Ace smiled before turning to his teammates to get them pumped up.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "shirt", "c": "wall"}}, {"Context": "Tim was going to be late for class and it wasn't the first time this semester. He started to go faster, passing up other pedestrians along the roadway. His bag was heavy and he was shifting it from one shoulder to the other.", "Words": {"a": "carry", "b": "sidewalk", "c": "stuff"}}, {"Context": "Hal followed the lines marked on the floor in the grocery store. There were a few things that he wasn't able to find, but he wasn't mad. It would just make his shopping trip a bit cheaper.", "Words": {"a": "cart", "b": "push", "c": "shirt"}}, {"Context": "The parking lot near the restaurant was horrible and bumpy. Most people didn't want to go their because of the damage that the holes would do to their vehicle. One day, the owner finally decided to get the holes patched up.", "Words": {"a": "car", "b": "park", "c": "shovel"}}, {"Context": "Brad put his soda down after he had taken a sip. It was refreshing and bubbly after this long trip. He opened his eyes, invigorated by the jolt of caffeine.", "Words": {"a": "car", "b": "cup", "c": "drive"}}, {"Context": "Anna was really tired after the long day of work. She could hardly enjoy the beautiful view in front of her. She scooted next to Jax and looked out over the water.", "Words": {"a": "close", "b": "eye", "c": "head"}}, {"Context": "Jen was working her morning shift at the gym. The morning shift was the easiest for her because it was usually a bunch of mothers who didn't work day jobs. Today, however was different.", "Words": {"a": "exercise", "b": "perform", "c": "stretch"}}, {"Context": "Donny put on his outfit and went to work. He arrived at Mr. Martin's house and let himself around the back as Mr. Martin told him to do. The spa was a mess and there were leaves all in the water.", "Words": {"a": "clean", "b": "hat", "c": "pool"}}, {"Context": "I was overjoyed when Susan, a girl I had a crush on, broke up with her boyfriend. I asked her to go to prom, but she said she was too upset over the breakup. I insisted, telling her that a night of fun is just what she needed.", "Words": {"a": "dance", "b": "head", "c": "laugh"}}, {"Context": "Kala had been into figure skating since she was young. This was going to be her first competition with a partner though. They had practiced many times before, but she was more nervous now that she had to rely on someone other than herself.", "Words": {"a": "perform", "b": "rink", "c": "routine"}}, {"Context": "I was six-years old, sick, home from school for several days, getting tired of my hard mattress and nothing to do. My mom who has always been a bit whimsical said she had just the things. She brought me a bowl of soapy water and a plastic device she had fashioned.", "Words": {"a": "bed", "b": "blow", "c": "bubble"}}, {"Context": "Brian had been working extra hard lately at the warehouse because it was a very busy time of year and everyone had to pitch in. He wasn't getting any younger, of course, and noticed that he was feeling very sore and weak at the end of the day with all of his muscles, tendons and joints aching painfully. On Friday, he was delighted when he arrived at work and learned that the boss had arranged for a masseuse to come in and give everyone a full-body treatment, a luxurious surprise that Brian was really looking forward to.", "Words": {"a": "lie", "b": "massage", "c": "receive"}}, {"Context": "Amy woke up in a hospital room and didn't know what had happened to her. She looked down at the gauze wrapping up her leg and suddenly remembered. She remembered being chased and feeling the teeth sink into her skin and suddenly Amy began to scream in fear.", "Words": {"a": "bed", "b": "bite", "c": "cat"}}, {"Context": "It was a cold and snowy day, and Patty and her brother didn't have school. The decided to set up tiles all throughout the house which took them half the day. When they were ready to tumble them, they called their parents to come watch.", "Words": {"a": "domino", "b": "fall", "c": "finger"}}, {"Context": "Jason took his camera on the family trip. They were going out into the wilderness and his father was going to help him get some good shots. Jason was excited because he had never used the camera in the woods before.", "Words": {"a": "equipment", "b": "learn", "c": "photographer"}}, {"Context": "I was watching a ball game last night. The guy was throwing a perfect game. Although he was on a team that I did not like, what he had all did not matter to me as I wanted to see him achieve this feat.", "Words": {"a": "baseball", "b": "pitcher", "c": "throw"}}, {"Context": "She stood there just looking out at the people passing by. The women was lonely and wanted to have come company. She throw a party to see if anyone exciting would be there for her.", "Words": {"a": "lady", "b": "rug", "c": "use"}}, {"Context": "When Joe and Marge became empty nesters, their lives felt empty. One day, Joe brought home a puppy to fill the emptiness they felt. The puppy gave Joe and Marge a reason to feel alive and get out again.", "Words": {"a": "couple", "b": "dog", "c": "park"}}, {"Context": "Alexandra had achieved a long time educational goal, acceptance to an Ivy League College. The college was beautiful and, a first-year student, she would often just walk around admiring it. Today she was not walking, but on the college green, studying for a midterm.", "Words": {"a": "book", "b": "grass", "c": "lay"}}, {"Context": "Pet owners neither trained their pets. You have to show them the right way to behave. When they do a good job, then you can reward them.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "give", "c": "teach"}}, {"Context": "Kyle threw the toy to Dewey when they went for a walk. However, Kyle threw it too far and it went under the house. Kyle bowed his head in dismay when Dewey returned to him covered in mud.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "return", "c": "stick"}}, {"Context": "Jill sat quite nervously as she prepared for this new experience. She she was told to lie down and relax. She needed to relax and to get relief for her sore muscles, so she did as instructed.", "Words": {"a": "give", "b": "massage", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "Joan's family loved to eat pasta, even her 3-year-old. Little Billy discovered he could make the family laugh by slurping the noodles. This evening, Joan fixed her famous pasta with Italian tomato sauce.", "Words": {"a": "spaghetti", "b": "table", "c": "toddler"}}, {"Context": "Ann hadn't seen her niece Abby for two months. She was sure that she was able to do much more than the last time she saw her. When she arrived Abby was sitting on the floor, holding herself erect without any support.", "Words": {"a": "begin", "b": "clap", "c": "crawl"}}, {"Context": "Connie had put off taking care of her fence as long as she could, and now it was cold out. She couldn't put it off any longer, as the first snowfall would be coming soon. She gathered up her materials including brushes and took them outside.", "Words": {"a": "coat", "b": "front", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "I'm going to be hiking this weekend. I wanna make sure and check the weather so I won't run into any problems. I need to have the right clothing and make sure that everything I bring with me as a good seal.", "Words": {"a": "cover", "b": "front", "c": "mountain"}}, {"Context": "They were setting up a photo shoot. Their intentions were to capture some images for the family website. The photographer was ready and would direct their poses.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "picture", "c": "stand"}}, {"Context": "Jim got a job working for a rancher who kept livestock. In addition to helping the ewes birth their lambs, Jim cared for the animals in other ways. Now it was shearing time, as their coats had grown thick and shaggy.", "Words": {"a": "hold", "b": "shave", "c": "sheep"}}, {"Context": "It was a beautiful day and the Jones family headed to the beach. The group included the mom and dad and five-year old Lisa. Once there, mom showed Lisa just the thing she could do at the beach.", "Words": {"a": "bucket", "b": "dig", "c": "put"}}, {"Context": "The barn really needed to be painted and Bob knew it. He hired a local painter to do all the work for it. After the barn was painted, Bob thought about maybe getting an advertisement posted on it to make revenue.", "Words": {"a": "building", "b": "hang", "c": "harness"}}, {"Context": "I went downstairs and put my coat on, it was so early but I had to go for a walk. I walked down a street that I usually go down so many times but this time it was different the whole block seems to be covered with smoke. Across the street I saw this old man with his family, they looked intensely at the house as the all hugged one another close together.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "fire", "c": "hurdle"}}, {"Context": "Dana was proud to finally represent her school for the Fourth of July. They would be winding down the school road and across the railroad tracks to the fair grounds. Dana held her flute tightly and waited for the director's signal.", "Words": {"a": "band", "b": "instrument", "c": "march"}}, {"Context": "Lincoln was one of the world's most successful supermodels and he prided himself on always having a great photoshoot, so much so that all the best photographers wanted to work with him. Lincoln was getting tired of the same old backdrops, though the cityscapes, the beaches, the romantic bedrooms and vowed to start taking his shots someplace different. His girlfriend suggested he get back to nature and start doing photoshoots on the family farm, which Lincoln thought was a great idea, and so he did that very thing on his next job modeling Levis.", "Words": {"a": "background", "b": "field", "c": "jean"}}, {"Context": "Cardell was hot after working a long day outside. He smiled as he climbed onto the diving board at the rec center. The water splashed up as Cardell jumped in.", "Words": {"a": "pool", "b": "swim", "c": "touch"}}, {"Context": "They were setting up a new fish tank. They would prep the tank before adding the fish. once in place, they would put the finishing touches on the tank.", "Words": {"a": "rock", "b": "sit", "c": "water"}}, {"Context": "I went to a baseball game this weekend. I enjoyed myself a lot as I saw lotta home runs that wasn't very far. They were even if you catch is that rob some of those home runs.", "Words": {"a": "air", "b": "ball", "c": "hit"}}, {"Context": "Mary and her friend Sue met at Sue's house every Friday morning for coffee. Mary was bought a little something for them to eat with her, and this week she chose some cheese danish. She kept the bag with the danish in her left hand as she knocked on Sue's door.", "Words": {"a": "couch", "b": "cup", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "Kelvin and his wife rushed into the stadium to find their seats. Their son Max was competing in the high school state championship track and field competition today. As they sat down, they could see Max warming up for his event.", "Words": {"a": "fall", "b": "javelin", "c": "step"}}, {"Context": "Lisa looked around in the bathroom in confusion. Where did the toothpaste go? She knew that she had set it on the counter here right after she had come home from buying it.", "Words": {"a": "hold", "b": "sink", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "When Steve moved to Hawaii, he was eager to enjoy everything about island life. Steve decided to take up surfing to make the most of his new location. He took lessons from a surfing guru and learned how to pick a wave.", "Words": {"a": "balance", "b": "board", "c": "fall"}}, {"Context": "Josie's hair had never turned out like she wanted it to. Try as she may, it always seemed to come out better when her stylist did it. Josie finally decided to ask her stylist exactly what kind of tools to use.", "Words": {"a": "brush", "b": "face", "c": "hand"}}, {"Context": "It was hot outside and the kids wanted play in the sprinkler. Marie hooked up the sprinkler to the side of the house. The kids screamed with excitement when they saw the water flying in the air.", "Words": {"a": "hose", "b": "pool", "c": "spray"}}, {"Context": "I went to watch a championship event last night. The crowd was very loud and excited to be there. The end of an entertaining battle between two combatants a champion was crowned.", "Words": {"a": "artist", "b": "audience", "c": "belt"}}, {"Context": "The plate crashed to the ground and Donna sighed. The little girl in the high chair laughed and giggled. Donna got down on her knees and began to clean up the mess that was now on the floor.", "Words": {"a": "fork", "b": "sit", "c": "spaghetti"}}, {"Context": "I needed a job, and a friend said he heard of a position. Before he could tell me about it, I gave my list of requirements. \"I can't be outside and I need to sit, but if those two conditions are met, I'm interested.\"", "Words": {"a": "clean", "b": "ladder", "c": "squeegee"}}, {"Context": "Since I love the water and live in Florida, I'll try to get to the ocean every weekend. You see a lot of people both in the water and outside of it having a good time. You have riders, walkers as well as joggers.", "Words": {"a": "attach", "b": "beach", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "There's nothing better than fresh fruit. One of the best ones to have on a summer day is large in green. Everybody loves it because it's sweet and filled with lots of juice.", "Words": {"a": "cut", "b": "inside", "c": "open"}}, {"Context": "Tessa works at a drive through cafe in town. I see her every morning because I love going to the cafe to get my morning coffee. It is the best place in town to go to because Tessa is never in a bad mood.", "Words": {"a": "car", "b": "cup", "c": "drive"}}, {"Context": "Jim was walking down the street with his young son. Jim's son saw a dog across the street and wanted to go pet it. The dog started barking so Jim and his son ran until they saw a nearby candy store.", "Words": {"a": "boot", "b": "fence", "c": "hold"}}, {"Context": "The chef was working behind a clear glass wall at the restaurant. It was fun to watch him do his job as we ate. I never realized how busy their job could get at dinner service.", "Words": {"a": "cook", "b": "food", "c": "prepare"}}, {"Context": "The music was pounding and pulsing in the studio. The dancers only had two more weeks before their performance. The dance teacher had them do the routine over and over until they got it right.", "Words": {"a": "dance", "b": "pump", "c": "room"}}, {"Context": "June wanted to create a romantic mood to spice up her marriage. She read that pink and red were the symbols of romance. So, June bought pink and red bulbs for the bedside lamps.", "Words": {"a": "color", "b": "light", "c": "room"}}, {"Context": "Hal worked as a helper at the meat market. Everyday he helped clean the equipment and mop the floors. He even helped cut the meat and make sausage!", "Words": {"a": "grind", "b": "machine", "c": "use"}}, {"Context": "Gwen auditioned for and got a starring part in the ballet Swan Lake. For weeks, Gwen rehearsed the complicated but graceful choreography. On opening night, the curtain parted and Gwen stood under a spotlight.", "Words": {"a": "audience", "b": "dancer", "c": "perform"}}, {"Context": "They waited to see if the animal would come out from the ground to see if we were going to have a longer winter. The woman won the race in first prize and I have never seen someone as fast as she is. We couldn't see what was written on her shirt so when they asked us to vote for a winner it was hard to vote.", "Words": {"a": "greyhound", "b": "number", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "I was at my friend's fancy home, observing the koi in the water. They were bigger and more beautiful than I expected, and my friend said they can live for a long time. Then, I don't know how he could tell, he thought they looked hungry.", "Words": {"a": "feed", "b": "fish", "c": "food"}}, {"Context": "The cold rain poured down on the crew as they did their best to repair the road. The foreman did not see the weather report that morning and was not prepared. He thought it would be sunny this day as it was a late September morning and rain was not a common happening this time of year.", "Words": {"a": "hat", "b": "jacket", "c": "wear"}}, {"Context": "It was the strangest competition that Harry had ever seen. Tractors and other machines were spread out along the track. Harry grabbed a seat in the stands and watched and waited.", "Words": {"a": "helmet", "b": "mower", "c": "race"}}, {"Context": "It was one of those stops that the family tended to take on long trips. Dad had decided to stop at a reptile sanctuary, getting mixed approval from the family. As it happened, teenage Brooke, one of the dissenters, was asked by the operator to take one of the reptiles and tell everyone how it felt.", "Words": {"a": "hand", "b": "hold", "c": "snake"}}, {"Context": "Ken wasn't sure why he had agreed to go with Sue to her salon appointment. He was sitting with a couple of other husbands who had also made the same mistake. He started chatting with them about their situation and what they should have done differently.", "Words": {"a": "finish", "b": "wait", "c": "wife"}}, {"Context": "Kevin's sister lived across the country from him and he had a package that he needed to send to her right away. He stopped at the office supply store and picked up all the stuff he needed so that he'd be able to send the package later that day. Then he went home and laid out all of his supplies so that he could prepare the package and bring it to the post office for mailing.", "Words": {"a": "box", "b": "cut", "c": "paper"}}, {"Context": "Benny was back on the rink for practice. He waited for his partners to join him. The competition was this weekend and they needed a lot of practice.", "Words": {"a": "curl", "b": "front", "c": "ice"}}, {"Context": "The score was tied with less than 4 seconds left on the clock. The stadium's sound grew louder and louder at an ear busting decibel level. The teams lined up ready for the snap of the ball.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "ground", "c": "kick"}}, {"Context": "Billy was very excited when he woke up on Saturday morning. His dad was driving him over to the next town to watch the rodeo that came through every spring. They sang cowboy songs in the car as they made the drive and quickly found seats once they got there.", "Words": {"a": "cow", "b": "horse", "c": "lasso"}}, {"Context": "Steve played soccer only because his parents thought he needed to get involved in sports. Steve was going to play in his first soccer tournament this weekend. In the first match, Steve saved the day by getting a goal in the final minute.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "game", "c": "team"}}, {"Context": "There's a huge event happening in the military this weekend. It's always a celebrated event that everybody tries to look their best. I always enjoy going there as I catch up we're friends and dance the night away.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "dress", "c": "player"}}, {"Context": "The container was leaking, but Billy wasn't sure how to fix it. It wasn't going to be easy to plug this one up. He looked around the area to see what he could use.", "Words": {"a": "barrel", "b": "improvise", "c": "tool"}}, {"Context": "Kim was on on her way to a nightclub when her car broke down. She tried to crank it but it would not start. Her friends were expecting her to be there and have fun.", "Words": {"a": "dress", "b": "lady", "c": "sidewalk"}}, {"Context": "I walked over to my friend Jeff's house on a cold winter's morning. His house was warm as we sat and talked for an hour in front of the fire. I was thirsty when I told Jeff I had better be getting home.", "Words": {"a": "jacket", "b": "stand", "c": "water"}}, {"Context": "The kids in the kindergarten class were getting a bit restless. The teachers in the first grade classrooms had already told Joyce that they could hear them from down the all. Joyce had to think of a way to get their attention.", "Words": {"a": "clap", "b": "hand", "c": "singe"}}, {"Context": "Brian wanted to enter a body-building competition, but he needed more muscle. So Brian hired a personal trainer to give workout advice. The trainer emphasized safety when working out and demonstrated proper technique.", "Words": {"a": "help", "b": "lift", "c": "spotter"}}, {"Context": "Jeremy and Susan have been dating for several months. Today they are going to their favorite downtown theater. They go in and Jeremy gets popcorn and sodas for both of them.", "Words": {"a": "couple", "b": "movie", "c": "sit"}}, {"Context": "It was the first time that the town had hosted a Halloween festival. The band was preparing to march down Main Street. Their procession would end in the park where the festivities would begin.", "Words": {"a": "carry", "b": "costume", "c": "dress"}}, {"Context": "Maria was getting ready for her big date. She wanted to really impress the guy that she was seeing. She started running the water and jumped in the shower with her razor.", "Words": {"a": "fire", "b": "hair", "c": "leg"}}, {"Context": "Preparing home cooked meals doesn't have to be so messy. There are simple ways to prepare food for your family without so much to clean up, even when you're cooking from scratch. Simply arranging your kitchen supplies and ingredients in better ways can make things easier.", "Words": {"a": "bowl", "b": "fall", "c": "grinder"}}, {"Context": "Bob had to work late and it was very stressful for him because his beloved German Shepherd was waiting at home for dinner and for other important things, too. The dog had been inside the house all day and Bob was afraid the poor pup was going to have an accident. Finally Bob's work project was done and he was able to leave the office and rush to get home, knowing he'd have to take his faithful friend out as soon as he got there.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "field", "c": "grass"}}, {"Context": "Timmy walked onto the sand with his gear. He hadn't been out on the water in what felt like ages. He put on his wetsuit and got into the water.", "Words": {"a": "beach", "b": "board", "c": "carry"}}, {"Context": "The show was about to start and Mike was getting nervous. There were some parts of his routine that he had never done before. Mike took a deep breath and hopped on his bike ready to begin.", "Words": {"a": "perform", "b": "ride", "c": "trick"}}, {"Context": "The salon was empty when Marge got there, but she was happy about that. She knew that she would be out of there in no time. Usually when she came to get her hair done, it took forever.", "Words": {"a": "dye", "b": "glove", "c": "hair"}}, {"Context": "Kyle grabbed the ball from the air and ran down field. He avoided a few tackles and continued to go for the goal line. It was the first touchdown that he made this season!", "Words": {"a": "football", "b": "hold", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "Pam had been eating way too much and not working out. She was feeling bloated and slow and needed to do something. So she packed up her bag on Saturday morning and got in her car to go do something about it.", "Words": {"a": "exercise", "b": "gym", "c": "machine"}}, {"Context": "After years and years, my boss finally let me run a crew. I'm not sure what the big deal was. I was in charge of three workers to finish two rooms.", "Words": {"a": "carpet", "b": "give", "c": "instruction"}}, {"Context": "The cook was on a tv cook channel as he spoke about the dish he was going to make. He cut up all the meat and vegetables, as he was doing that he was complaining about how dull the object was to cut with. As the dish was in the oven cooking, he prepared the topping to garnish the dish, after it was done he showed everyone how delicious it looked.", "Words": {"a": "demonstrate", "b": "knife", "c": "sharpen"}}, {"Context": "The rain started pouring and Bob ran for cover. He and Buddy had gone for a walk and they were half a mile away from home. They ducked under a covered pavilion in the park and Bob hoped that the rain would stop soon.", "Words": {"a": "cover", "b": "dog", "c": "ground"}}, {"Context": "A group of us were going to the football game. We all met up at Jack's, but everyone was dressed differently. We all had different expectations on how to be spectators at the game.", "Words": {"a": "face", "b": "paint", "c": "picture"}}, {"Context": "Getting up in the morning to get ready for work can be a chore. Especially when it comes to your hair. As a woman, you also need to worry about powdering your face especially certain areas.", "Words": {"a": "blow", "b": "comb", "c": "nose"}}, {"Context": "Ed was looking for a day of adventure. He decided to rent a boat to see how exciting it would be. He paid five hundred dollars for two hours with the biggest boat.", "Words": {"a": "attach", "b": "ride", "c": "sail"}}, {"Context": "I went to the beach yesterday. I was laying in the sand and all of a sudden I saw a couple people on JetSki's in the water. It looked like they were having a competition among each other to see who was the fastest.", "Words": {"a": "race", "b": "shirt", "c": "sunglass"}}, {"Context": "Jason played basketball everyday after school. He was in seventh grade, but everyone knew that he was better than a lot of the guy in high school. One day, the coach from the high school asked Jason if he would like to join the team.", "Words": {"a": "ball", "b": "kid", "c": "shoot"}}, {"Context": "It was about time that Cindy was able to have a break from work. The lake seemed like a perfect area to get some rest and relaxation. Cindy looked out and rested for a minute, knowing that she would have to go into town to get groceries later.", "Words": {"a": "entitle", "b": "place", "c": "store"}}, {"Context": "Henry and Al were at a trade show in Madison, Wisconsin for the week. They got to their hotel the night before it began. On Monday morning they met for breakfast and then headed into the hall where all the vendors were set up.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "pause", "c": "table"}}, {"Context": "The bat swung and the ball bounced along the ground. The batter sprinted to first base, trying to beat the throw from the third baseman. The throw was close, but the batter beat him by a hair.", "Words": {"a": "baseball", "b": "kid", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "It was the grand opening of the store and it was looking great. The building was old, but they had revitalized it. The fresh colors and the renovations that the owners had done really looked fantastic.", "Words": {"a": "front", "b": "look", "c": "paint"}}, {"Context": "Connie and her husband finally found time for a vacation. They decided to head to Napa and spend a week visiting the different vineyards there. Connie had never been to a vineyard before and wasn't totally sure what to expect as they reached their first stop.", "Words": {"a": "barrel", "b": "grape", "c": "wine"}}, {"Context": "Ed was at home looking at himself in the mirror. His wife told him he looked like a complete bum. She said that he had way too much hair on his body.", "Words": {"a": "bed", "b": "leg", "c": "razor"}}, {"Context": "Charlie couldn't believe what had happened, but it was there for him to see. Someone had left the door of the barn wide open and all the animals had gotten out. Charlie called Leroy to help him round up the animals.", "Words": {"a": "dog", "b": "horse", "c": "run"}}, {"Context": "Bill finished eating breakfast in his bathrobe and realized he had to go to the store for milk. He wanted to enjoy the nice weather, but it was a bit far to walk. As he decided on his clothes for the day, he made a decision", "Words": {"a": "bike", "b": "jean", "c": "ride"}}, {"Context": "Eddie was entranced by the game at the arcade. He studied how it worked, knowing that he could figure out how to win. Eventually, Eddie was ready to play.", "Words": {"a": "continue", "b": "machine", "c": "movement"}}, {"Context": "A friend and I decided to drive across the country. In the middle of nowhere, we grew very hungry, and came upon a bar. As hungry as we were, we nearly turned around and left once we saw the bar was full of Hell's Angels.", "Words": {"a": "motorcycle", "b": "ride", "c": "uniform"}}, {"Context": "I have to go down to the library to check out some research material. I'm going to write down what I need and put it in my pants so I won't forget it. Once there it should be easy to look for the material that I need.", "Words": {"a": "book", "b": "paper", "c": "piece"}}, {"Context": "I looked out the window as the rain continued to pour down. The storm had been raging for several hours, causing a rapid rise of the nearby river. I had to get to the safety of my friend's house soon, and without transportation there was only one way.", "Words": {"a": "flood", "b": "walk", "c": "water"}}, {"Context": "Stan stepped outside and inhaled the crisp fall air. He waved at his neighbor sitting on the porch, who waved at Stan to come over. As Stan crossed the edge of his lawn, his loafer sunk into something a dog left behind.", "Words": {"a": "bottom", "b": "clean", "c": "shoe"}}, {"Context": "Teresa ran up the ten steps of the staircase as fast as she could, reaching the top. Just on the bottom step was her masked pursuer, armed with a knife. Teresa got to her apartment, fumbled with her key, but stepped inside just as her pursuer reached the top of the stairs.", "Words": {"a": "close", "b": "door", "c": "handle"}}, {"Context": "The competition was about to begin and people lined the path. Everyone was dressed warmly as it was cold outside. The animals panted with their beautiful blue eyes.", "Words": {"a": "cheer", "b": "dog", "c": "race"}}, {"Context": "Susan was nervous and excited because her boyfriend Aaron was coming over that night and she was going to prepare dinner for him for the very first time. She spent several hours looking through her cookbooks, carefully planning a delicious dinner, and then went shopping to pick up all of the things she'd need to create a sumptuous feast. When she got home, Susan carefully arranged everything on her kitchen counters and then consulted her meal plan and reviewed all the details so she could begin the meal preparations.", "Words": {"a": "board", "b": "chop", "c": "cut"}}] \ No newline at end of file