# Overview Converted from these datasets: > https://huggingface.co/datasets/jordiclive/scored_summarization_datasets -> labeled "data" \ > https://huggingface.co/datasets/jordiclive/wikipedia-summary-dataset -> labeled "wiki" \ wiki dataset is split between "description" (cleaner, more popular articles) and "no description" (less clean, less popular) Consist of parquet files with cols: `instruction, response, source` full_to_summary (fts) consist of the following prompts infront of the instruction \ the full text is the instruction in these files ``` full_to_summary = [ "Summarize the following text: {}", "Make a summary of the following text: {}", "Provide a summary of the following text: {}", "Change the following text into a summary: {}", "Create a summary of the following text: {}", "Give a brief overview of the following text: {}", "Condense the following text into a summary: {}", "Provide a condensed version of the following text: {}", "Make a brief summary of the following text: {}", "Create a condensed overview of the following text: {}", ] ``` summary_to_full (stf) consist of the following prompts infront of the instruction \ the summary is the instruction in these files ``` summary_to_full = [ "Write the original text for the following summary: {}", "Write the full text for the following summary: {}", "Provide the inputted source that provided the following summary: {}", "Revert the following summary back into the original text: {}", "Write a text that could've provided the following summary: {}", "Write the original text that generated the following summary: {}", "Provide the full text for the following summary: {}", "Create the inputted source that provided the following summary: {}", "Write the original source that provided the following summary: {}", "Convert the following summary back into the original text: {}", "Provide a text that could have been the input for the following summary: {}", ] ```