id,comment_text 0002bcb3da6cb337,cocksucker before you piss around on my work 001810bf8c45bf5f,"you are gay or antisemmitian? archangel white tiger meow! greetingshhh! uh, there are two ways, why you do erased my comment about ww2, that holocaust was brutally slaying of jews and not gays/gypsys/slavs/anyone... 1 - if you are anti-semitian, than shave your head bald and go to the skinhead meetings! 2 - if you doubt words of the bible, that homosexuality is a deadly sin, make a pentagram tatoo on your forehead go to the satanistic masses with your gay pals! 3 - first and last warning, you fucking gay - i won't appreciate if any more nazi shwain would write in my page! i don't wish to talk to you anymore! beware of the dark side!" 00190820581d90ce,"fuck your filthy mother in the ass, dry!" 0020e7119b96eeeb,stupid peace of shit stop deleting my stuff asshole go die and fall in a hole go to hell! 0020fd96ed3b8c8b,=tony sidaway is obviously a fistfuckee. he loves an arm up his ass. 0028d62e8a5629aa,"all of my edits are good. cunts like you who revert good edits because you're too stupid to understand how to write well , and then revert other edits just because you've decided to bear a playground grudge, are the problem. maybe one day you'll realise the damage you did to a noble project." 0036621e4c7e10b5,"would you both shut up, you don't run wikipedia, especially a stupid kid." 00472b8e2d38d1ea,a pair of jew-hating weiner nazi schmucks. 00686325bcc16080,"you should be fired, you're a moronic wimp who is too lazy to do research. it makes me sick that people like you exist in this world." 006b94add72ed61c,i think that your a fagget get a oife and burn in hell i hate you 'm sorry we cant have any more sex i'm running out of conndoms 006d11791d76b9f3,"reply above: that was me, loser. the un defines vietnam to be part of southeast asia. and far as i know vietnam is part of asean, and used to be part of french indochina with laos and all those shit countries anyway your culture has always been more influenced by sea than han chinese (as in proper yangtze han chinese, not the fringe indigenous tribes in guangzhou/guangxi). just admit that you vietnamese are all a bunch of wannabe crap people. all the east asian people i've spoken to thinks of vietnam as a very integral part of sea, and we all think you're backward, dirty and speak in a horrible swearing language. doesn't matter what crap you spout on wikipedia, won't change the way people in the real world think." 006e87872c8b370c,"you are a stupid fuck and your mother's cunt stinks" 0086998b34865f93,"fuck you, block me, you faggot pussy!" 008e0818dde894fb,"kill all niggers. i have hard, that others have said this.. should this be included? that racists sometimes say these." 009371b0ef213487,"burn deck if that'd guy's burn deck is like what i think it is than he is in for a blrude awakening!!! leviathan motherfucker!!!" 0097dd5c29bf7a15,u r a tw@ fuck off u gay boy.u r smelly.fuck ur mum poopie 00be7dcac98dc95d,this user is such a worthless goddamn faggot fuck you faggot 00c59720428c985a,""" fuck you fuck you award go fuck yourself """ 00cce3996a16c116,"keep your eye on it, no one cares, ok? people can put what they want on here, and clean it up all you want but no one cares. god, you're so freakin' stupid! omnigan" 00dc0760994133ff,"fuck you -user:the bohemian shinobis yeah, that's right, bitch! you are all pieces of shit!" 00f59a92085d27ab,"dear mokele, you have no right to tell people to die in a fire. just because that ip address is being used for vandilism does not mean you can talk to people like that. you are in fact a bigger loser than the person who you block." 0109d5a4788850f7,"thank you for your racist experimenting with the page katherine heigl on wikipedia. your test worked, and it has been reverted or removed. please use the sandbox for any other tests you may want to do. take a look at the welcome page to learn more about contributing to our encyclopedia. now go fuck yourself you racist canuck asshole1 u have nothing better to do than censor the truth u goddamn kkkkanuck piece o trash/// dickhead moron motherfucker111lol you canucks r real retards1 fuk off dickweed! edit another 1 of my eidts and you'll be expel from wiki by jimbo you sob dickhead11 so watch it mofo piece of garbage racist mofo asshole. im tryinbg to be nice here so take what i say as a compliment!yamla" 01166f26ee280e56,"gay the existence of cdvf is further proof that is a sad twat. he is also very ugly, and has a willy for a face." 011d0c0a6c8e5765,i never fucking made this mother fucking article i just fucking edited it and that was a fucking long time ago fucking assholes! pissing me off @ 01208d2b76624130,"hi im a fucking bitch." 013ad5246f4b953b,"f**k all rides at worlds of fun i hate all rides at worlds of fun because they are sh_tty and boring. all ride operators at wof should be fired sued and hanged. burn all wof coasters. arrest all wof park operators! assassinate all wof customers! i heard that a boy died on timberwolf on august, 2014. that's stupid! worlds of fun should have nown better to built that sh_t ride. worlds of fun cares about money and prophet moar than they're customers. burn that sh_t park down! f**k you rides! worlds of fun is dangerouser than grround zero and area 51. worlds of fun should burn in hell!" 014c96f873db11ff,"""""""nazi filth"""" is impolite 04:27, 20 jan 2004 (utc) """ 015d1b0bb4cc744d,"dictionaries how dare you call my contribution spam!!! i am a kurd and i made a lsit of kurdish dictionaries. you bloody turkish nationalist and atoricity commiting bone breaking nazi. watch out folk this slimy turk is trying to censor the internet this is not undemocratic turkey here, no prison cells in wikipedia you stupid turk! and you buggers want membership to the eec" 018663f910e0bfe6,what a motherfucking piece of crap those fuckheads for blocking us! 018942e044417b74,"you sir are an imbecile, and a pervert." 019ab9a91e7fcdbe,are you fucker mother fucker have nothing to do but block university computers. go and suck cocks 019c4ce48e6bfbab,"hello you disgrace to humanity. stop wasting valuable internet resources (your killing the fucking planet) and throw out your pc. ps it's like 3am what the fark kinda life do you have on wikipedia 24/7. a very sad and lonely one lol. life's too short find something better to do" 01a004866d1dd4e0,"your retarded bot your bot is entirely automated, that is wrong. you should not leave an unattented script just running through the site like that, it is idiotic of you to suppose that your scripting abilities are so perfect that they will only ever make proper edits. banning me doesn't help anything, dipshit, since i have as many ips as i want." 01b1926bc5c1cc78,"it wasnt vandalism, dickhead" 01b9aa85cc61c03f,""" you suck if you don't undelete the page """"barry dejay"""" i will %$#@ you!""" 01bb5130bb7d6cba,"curse wikipedia has no respect for god. wikipedia is full of lies or dangerously evil half truths. wikipedia has no respect for religion. the following users of wikipedia, namely: redtigerxyz, priyanath, emperor genius, raj2004, wikidas, wikiveer and dagizza have all committed blasphemy and sacrilage. curse upon you that you will all perish. i curse the following users of wikipedia, namely: redtigerxyz, priyanath, emperor genius, raj2004, wikidas, wikiveer and dagizza that you will all perish. i curse that the wikipedia will entirely perish. i beg forgiveness from the supreme god, lord vishnu for choosing the blasphemous wikipedia website to write about the truth. a true devote of the supreme lord vishnu has been hurt and my curse never goes in vain. i will never again edit or read or go to the evil wikipedia website, forever . delete my user-id and all edits you evil wikipedians. mr. dagizza, you are a male chauvinist pig and a misogynist to the core and you call yourself an administrator !!! ridiculous !!! mr. dagizza, you are a curse to your existance. a man like you, who cannot respect women is a worthless in his existance. you wikipedians are useless people. you are a burden to the civilized world. you are not even worth hatred. you wikipedians must be ignored. curse" 01ccf4d20d31dfbe,"hebrew name of lydia appologies to til eulenspiegel i thought you were one of the idiots which your user page indicates you actually do well struggling against. genesis 10:יג וּמִצְרַיִם יָלַד אֶת-לוּדִים וְאֶת-עֲנָמִים, וְאֶת-לְהָבִיםוְאֶת-נַפְתֻּחִים.tab13 and mizraim begot ludim, and anamim, and lehabim, and naphtuhim, you see ludim are from mitzraim not to be confused with lud son of shem (in the far east). best wishes and keep up the good work." 01ce75675a501e50,"""\ you wasted your own time! take this advice with you: pull your head out of your ass! be real and don't spend the rest of your life sucking ass. have a nice life! goodbye! (mailbox) """ 01f467f73fb47c3e,"you really are a rebel guy, rebelguys! time to get oral from a prostitute'''!" 0207005a6576eafc,"here's an idea go fuck yourself, cumshitter." 0209cdf3131130ed,""" will my motherfucking safety be guaranteed???? i fucking hope so!!! i'm bringing my own fuckin' weapons!! pay me when i get back motherfuckers!!! oh yeah i've got a joke...a family (husband, wife, son, daughter, dog) walks into an agent's office and tells him that they've got a great vaudeville routine...he says """"we don't hire kiddy acts"""" and they say """"but we're really good!"""" and so the agent says """"fine, let me see what you've got, but if you suck i'm throwing you out"""" the family gets ready...the daughter hits the cd player and circus music begins playing, the father jump kicks the son in the head and stoms his face in the ground until it's a bloody pulp, then proceeds to jerk off and cum all over his shattered skull. meanwhile the mother begins violently finger fucking the daughter as the dog fucks the mother in the ass hole. this is the point when the father takes the leftover brain matter from the son's head and shoves it into the mother's pussy, then begins fucking her pussy while simultaneously sticking his finger down the daughter's throat until she vomits all over them both. then the dog bites the mother's hand off as she's finger fucking the daughter, leaving her hand in the daughter's pussy as blood squirts all over the place...the father takes blood from the ground, smears it all over the mother's chest, bends over, and begins shitting all over the open wound where her hand used to be before the dog bit it off. they take the dog and shove it in a microwave, heating it up until it explodes, then take the dog remains, mix it with the father's shit, the son's head wound, and the father's cum, and shove it into the daughter's mouth. then the father rips the son's dick off and fucks the daughter with it, as the mother locate's the son's testicles, breaks them open, and drinks the sperm that comes out. then the family lines up and says """"ta da!""""...there's silence from the agent, until he finally says """"i love it! what do you call that?""""...and the family says """"we call it...the aristocrats!""""""" 02230885017a50c5,"fuck you, smith. please have me notified when you die. i want to dance on your grave." 022509df20736807,"i shit on your face fuck you" 02266b7fc5746618,"you are so retarded." 022af9360c61f05f,"groin you sad fuck. i'm going to restore my edit, and you are going to leave it, or else i wil knee you in the groin yourself, prick." 023d01990e18a4da,he likes itin the ass by muhamad ali and kelly has a giant penis and also fucked columbus 0265bcade39daa25,fuck off you murdering scum!!! 026bd33490542b2e,"you gay motherfucker i know where you live,i am going to sand your face off,then i am to going to beat you to a pulp,you chicken shagger." 026c765adda9c0ce,. ok dennis brown thanks for telling me i was taking this a bit way too serious ill be careful for this time stupid bots. 028b33a01b981487,"wikipedia is full of fools. who takes money and makes people work for free? wikipedia!!! you might as well ban me, you fool. what's taking so long? wiki is a stupid place, it's jimbo's cult." 028f5b635f7fa2dc,"why are you changing the somali people wiki????????????????????/ seriously????????? that page is biased to one clan, i added a more diverse representation of somali people! you stupid criminal." 029dceed3519e371,you studid cock sucker u stop callin me ok its a frank garrett eatin the worms crawl outa your moms pussy you fucking retardo hit i retardo 02a98267cd4a2a73,. fu ck ing trollreasons 02afd99087d6cdc4,"leave me alone! i told you already to leave me alone.why can't you fuck off and do your own fucking thing. or do you find that hounding me is amusing. id u do then you are a mothafuckin asshole and i will ban you." 02c027c097aeda49,"you are wrong about everything but for too stupid to notice. you are a lost cause. your existence is a blemish." 02c6e41e4b317ac3,"wouldn't be the first time bitch. fuck you i'll find out where you live, sodomize your wife and then burn your house down. fuck you you fucking queer." 02d9d26320773709,"fuck you jzg i will have you removed as editor you stupid moron" 02e6fc74d370b880,""" how about this """"go fuck yourself.""""""" 03088aacc4600323,"fuck you faggot, i don't care if i get blocked, as long as everyone knows you are a dumb cunt." 030ed098f411f8c7,"cavorting with heretics fuck heretics!!!" 031be7991d883341,"hey, you freaking hermaphrodite. please unprotect your user page; i would like to move it to a more suitable title or three." 0355b79cb7deea97,"is a common prostitute, a sock-puppet. i've done lots of edits, perhaps 3000, but the eb1911 project is now gone so it's only about 2000 edits. i can become foul-mouthed. is your basic sock-puppet mouth-pervert pervert. c'est moi, fourthave." 03687823a14a8454,fuck you people. the information of that can be found here [] 037f8fbe6e9cbe03,"ghe you're a fag. learn it, know it!" 038947bbf889cb2a,"fuck you both, i'm not interested in what either of you think. ," 039281cfaf5a7462,""" lol dumb arabs and their """"you cant show my god, heres a bomb because i have sand in my vagina!"""" fucking towelheads""" 039296aa294ee10b,"shut up, you fat poop, or i will kick your ass!!!" 03aec26f9b6f9ba3,""" stop. stop redirecting the teddygodzilla page to list of code lyoko episodes. clearly, i'm in the middle of working on it. what you need is patience, man. and don't give me something like """"you had enough time"""". how do you know i haven't been busy? what if i had to evacuate hurricane ike? as a matter of fact, my laptop charger decided to get fried, and i have a very small amount of time on a computer now. so my advice to you is to show some patience, or you will find me being a major asshole towards you. """ 03b0141f824d81f2,always good to have the ignorant and mentally defective getting together. die soon 03c207be67b02e60,"you need to stop. what difference does it make if the episodes of any show have their own articles? you're acting like a major geek. will wp collapse within itself if it's not perfect? i think the joker said it best when he said: the only sensible way to live in this world is without rules and don't even try to tell me that wp would be terrible without rules. you can have moderators to stop vandalism, just stop fucking redirecting. it's getting on my nerves, along with about 75% of wp users." 03ebb03deb920216,"to blanchardb you dumb motherfucker i am going to sue the shit out of you. watch your back." 03f3dec5d5e9d381,""" -———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- suck my dick. thank you.  —talk/hist """ 0420f5f4e950566b,"demonte morton u bastard stop deletin' my shit u white trash cracker muthafucker. fuck u u racist bitch. i hope u die." 04237ea01685d4b6,bla bla bla....suck it irishguy =) 04258e0f81ca98f8,try the official website then - shit head! 04371246307ecbd1,fuck you and your small penis 0437561ecfde2bfb,"re: moving dragon slayer to dragon slayer series fuck your mother! you is son of a bitch!" 0447ab3c0aceab45,"insult for musikanimal , you're a fucking shit, the reason that i'm insulting is because , fuck you wikipedia." 044cc0666946070e,. when the funeral comes i will be the only one their and i will only be their to piss on your grave. 044f39de7fce756e,"you have no friends in real life, what makes you think anyone on the internet will like you? take the hint, you're an a-hole." 045a7cdcbe340e8d,"you know what? don't offend other users , you are a jerk! i know you are correct, but you don't have to get so angry about it." 0470a205e8ecf59b,"closedmouth is a dick-fuck this guy is a jackass who sux cock 4 a fuckin job y the fuck does the trans do it?????cuz its into tht kinda shit >:(" 047b26be7714316a,""" you have evidence from me! i presented you with tone of evidence, but you reject it because it goes against your fictional ideas of what new england is or should be. even eastern(southeast anyway) ct is not into this new england thing, which actually shocked me! i have told you time and again, western ct does not think of ourselves in this ne thing. go to a town meeting and see if boston or ne comes up. ct and it's place in the nyc metro area is what comes up. you are doing nothing but telling lies and spreading propaganda. it has to be because you dismiss my actual facts and you make too many excuses that hold no water. in my ct, there are no signs that point to new england or boston. our signs point to new york state and city. also, how you people are not on this guy's ass like you are on mine? """"i bet its cause we white folk from new england hate nyc niggers, like this spick who posted above me. go fuck yourself.—the preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs)."""" i can only assume because he is one of you and he at least still believe in new england with boston as it's capital. get your head out of your ass. watch you block me for those comments. if i get blocked, that guy (you? should be blocked. """ 0481f0959adb034a,whos the douche that deleated all of the info and crap i really want to curse them out right now. 048e2bdc78a2dff1,""" hey fuck you, who the fuck checks """"phnom nam lyr wildlife sanctuary"""" for vandalism. get a fucking life you turd bag""" 0492cfd8278238d4," yo what the fuck is your problem fucking around with my page! leave it the fuck alone!" 04a2e9156cfd87a6,"{{unblock|what the fuck?!?!?! the article on anne kilkenny was poorly written, i rewrote it so it didnt look like shit, look at my final edit you fucking dumbass.}}" 04aadd2f732eef57,hey idiot. i'm simply verifying the truth. mobile17 was not the first to have a ringtone maker online.. brinked was. do some fucking research before you remove my shit. tired of you assholes removing my hard work i'm putting into making wikipedia a relevant page. 04ac56a43d2d209a,"re: punk ass snitch, get the cock." 04af185d298b513f,""" oh right, like """"this article sucks and you know it."""" isn't abusive language. hypocrite. eat shit and die, loser.""" 04cf14506adaaf42,"you are a faggot get a life" 04f8cad9735b8c3c,recent? you just a pussy. 050159ed7da327be,"picking on a 10 year old!!! soooo sad just shut up okay?im only 10 years old. i just wanted to have a little fun, captain buzz kill. i guess you never had a life when you were young. that was probably like, 100000000000000000 years old. lol!!!! none yo beez nas" 050ab8da16e75307,once again.... i'm so glad that wikipedia is not biased or filled with retarded children. 050c330758a40c44,"""=reliable sources=== cheating: """"barry bonds:cheater"""" from cbs, yea i kinda think that is reliable. """"dear barry bonds, you are either an outright cheater or very stupid"""" from the usa today """"yes, barry bonds is a cheater. he is a cheater of the worst sort"""" lying: """"it's clear, barry bonds' a liar"""" new york daily news, another pretty freakin' reliable source. """"barry lamar bonds is a bad man"""" baseball digest """"but bonds is a liar, a cheater, a whiner and a bad influence on america's youth"""" mark barnes ==""" 0512b588a4b80e45,"your are fucking gay wad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i fucked your mum. oh wait your gay you dont have a mom!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol cuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcunti fucked your mum. oh wait your gay you dont have a mom!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol cuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcunti fucked your mum. oh wait your gay you dont have a mom!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol cuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcunti fucked your mum. oh wait your gay you dont have a mom!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol cuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcunti fucked your mum. oh wait your gay you dont have a mom!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol cuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcunti fucked your mum. oh wait your gay you dont have a mom!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol cuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcuntcu" 0512f33cf8807fa2,"aaron swartz stop fucking reverting my goddamn edits!!! i think aaron swartz is a dumb-ass, and he should have been killed a long time ago. i know where you live; i will kill you if you revert any more pages!!!!!" 0527d9c4ff997a3e,why the hell did you fucking write that?! i can vandalize wikipedia whenever i want! 052fbdf4ce567988,"my side of the story attention, douchebags and douchetees. i have been labled as a terrorist on this site. bull to the shit! i simply have a vast amount of knowlege on a wide range of topics. scjessey, for example did not mention he is a fucking douchebag on his article. so i had to ammend this. i was simply trying to spread the truth. alllallalalalalalalalalaalalaalalalalalal. sorry. i have to do that every 5 minutes or i go to hell. allalalalalalalalalalalalalalallalalalalalllalalala allah 4ever!" 0538fb8b2eef622e,"moral defense, you slimy toad you." 05452c3ec6ac1859,"well fag... block me. block me?! oh the world will shurly end! come off your high horse. i'll say what i want about you. if you continue bashing me then i will just have to post complaints about you on every b log and forum i can find. every chat room will be filled with how redfarmer (did your mom come up with that name?) is untrustworthy. if you block me i can always find info on another site. a site where they don't allow people (or freaks) like you to delete pages on a whim! so you gonna block me? ban me? go ahead. but be warned... without being able to edit pages. i can't help you by giving you instructions on how to change your diapers. sorry. leonhart178" 054b37be76678daa,"i'm sorry that i must say this. i have never come across a more idiotic editor on wikipedia. congratulations on making it to the top of my list. i mean that in a congratulatory sense entirely; in no way is it meant to offend or sound sarcastic. i wouldn't call you an editor though. you're more of a pollutant to this project and one with extreme perversion of perception. please reread the discussion at the talk page. based on what you last posted there it is painfully obvious that you ignored, or did not comprehend, much of what i tried explaining to you multiple times at that talk page." 05579b212760ff49,fartsalot56 says f**k you motherclucker!! 0559f0de5c90f55a,"you must have the lowest iq of anyone on wikipedia, i can't converse with a fool like you" 0575db58337a8fb2,"i know that's not mature. and anyway, that was my cousin, i went to the bathroom, and he got on for awhile and was being an idiot. so don't talk to me like i did anything for i am zod and i can break you, so leave it." 057894cf4738a5d8,you are a gay homo. i hope you choke on your penis and die. i am sending a big bleck guy to jizz in your face. 0589d6b50920e734,"f.y. punk, vidgmr was my homie. it's was due to some faggot named klptyzm." 058ecc8c26b81426,"sqgibbon, your moother sounds to be some slimmy donute. now watch what's coming your way. ha ha ha ha" 0593a8a738fedf41,"igho otegheri deletion who the hell are you to decide what to delete and what not????!!! you could go fuck yourself u little piece of shit.." 05985809c0bb8566,"also, your mom gave me herpes, tell her i said thanks." 05a928e4d2101d4e,"@: nobody cares about the fucking shit like you, fucking bitch........................" 05bde2e257e74eca,the only thing you are persistant at you ugly bastard is fucking the troll''' 05ca1ec519e6efb0,"fuck you muthafucka , you jerk you scum lowlife loser !! hehe hahah188.23.179.183" 05d2bc5c9264fb4f,"look you little cocksucker. i did nothing wrong. i am sick of your bullshit harassment and you are really starting to piss me off you little pussy. i am doing nothing wrong so just swallow your pride (i know it's hard for you) and admit you lost this fight. now piss off! blackeyedfool12" 05dbe7a437525101,"no, you are the racist, you goddamn neo-nazi you big boy" 05e7f830a1eb0a13,"you you're a little bitch. you can't handle an argument like a man, so you're crying to the administrators. go fuck yourself." 05f6251d52df976f,"you are a fool if you think wikipedia is a respected entitity in this world. so, shut" 05f67b1d664fd035,mostly burtalbert you fucking asshole go suck a dick u fucking king of assholes 05f69d22471ee406,"i had enough of *you*, bastard." 060d90bb83941f2a,"this is my page fuckers so i can say what i want. fuck you drini and naconkantari... i hope you enjoy your scheduled raping. p.s. done a head count lately?" 060da8258645667d,"scope please see the link above, as i'm sure you are a fucking spastic" 0612f0cf5318c790,"hey wiki nerd u suck man i dont like your nasty coments punk ill beat ur guts from the back. signed lover boy. ps i love butt sex and we can have butt sex ill bring the ky gelly" 06168775082a96d2,you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker 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cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! 06205250808cc1f3,"motherfucker, dont be changing the fucking gta timeline!" 063044c2f0a7bd60,"fuck you, you paranoid bitch!!! you are a ugly unwanted bucket of sludge who is obsessed with the unwanted festering sputum bag from hell and the teletubbie rubbing pantaloon you try to bite the mailman, you c.u.m guzzling sick minded prick who cooks for the filthy freak and the decomposing penguin groper thy fawning ill-nurtured lout hath a idle-headed maggot-pie if not for your daddy, you would be a racist cursed horny toad who eats the earwax of the brain dead snotbox and the crap eating horny toad and you lift your leg on trees, you evil naked weasel who slobbers on the wrinkly snob and the anatomically incorrect disfunctional buffoon so quit being so stupid, you cat litter munching abysmal lunatic who slobbers on the cat harassing rectum and the anatomically incorrect lunatic. you big smelly cunt! your mums crack tastes like mince and fuck your mouth. your girlfriend is ugly. if my dog is as ugly as you are, i would shave his ass and make him walk backwards. you are just cum you mom should of swallowed. you are just a dog that jumped the fence and ran away. how did you get here? did someone leave your cage open? are your parents siblings? hey are you lost? which way did you come in? does she have an appetite? she looks like she has an appetite. go ahead, tell them everything you know. it`ll only take 10 seconds. i`d love to go out with you, but my favorite commercial is on tv. you fail at life and please press the reset button on your life you should see the expressions on their faces, priceless. __________________ game over motherfucker! >:( thanks to you neither me nor my family will give this shit foundation a fucking dime. do wikipedia a favor and just delete your account. have a nice day." 065675c12e22e3e1,"you fascit nazi! you socialist bastard! you filthy hippy! you dare touch my edits again and i'll go to where you live and kick your ass in person. it shouldn't be hard to find. communes smell worse than slaughter houses. i make edits. i don't vandilaze. get off your high horse." 065b10e83e654132,"user:nhrhs2010 is a homo like mitt romney is. user:nhrhs2010 is a homo like mitt romney is. user:enigmaman is a homo like mitt romney is. user:enigmaman is a homo like mitt romney is. user:nhrhs2010 is a homo like mitt romney is. user:nhrhs2010 is a homo like mitt romney is. user:enigmaman is a homo like mitt romney is. user:enigmaman is a homo like mitt romney is.== user:nhrhs2010 is a homo like mitt romney is. == user:nhrhs2010 is a homo like mitt romney is. user:enigmaman is a homo like mitt romney is. 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can say what i want: you guys are all a bunch of motherfucking ass-eaters and i hope you all rot in hell." 067198818b52b9dc,""" you are an awesome wikipedian some shit some droppings of filthy muck mess to feel you better. don't bother myself summon """ 067c5e814e88a56b,fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u 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fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you u useless bot fuck you 068069fe40537b32,"ibaranoff is a cocksucking little bitch why did you delete that you fucking loser you don't like being wrong do ya? i don't give a fuck if i get banned you can eat a dick. have a nice life hope you can find something to do with it except for be a little bitch on wikipedia." 0683f1eb0df413d1,"im sorry are you fucking stupid that nice person just gave me a warning then you fucking block me, nigger cunt eat pussy bitch" 06960372c6ea8fa6,""" actually i am fully arabic and islamic and the correct spelling unlike how you stupid christians have been spelling it is """"mou'ammar al qadhdhaffy"""". but you are all too racist and white and stupid too accept that124.180.159.192 """ 06a07c3f0ac900ad,don't block me i am right and i fucking know it. block that asshole kansas bear or something. just leave me the fuck alone. 06be54a6f122aaad,"-kelly this is yo momma speaking, please stop being a nerd.-" 06c4ba1c70839c27,""" i like the way you forget about all the times israel has actualy done this to other nations, including it's """"allies"""", such as when they forged european passports to commit a murder causing 20 innocent people to be framed, and do we really need to talk about the uss liberty incident? just because iran says something, it has to be bad right? fucking morons the lot of you if you think this isn't something they would do or at least consider. """ 06c8c299abebc705,""" lecture someone else, sarah. you are talking down. you're talking down a teacher talks to a disobedient child. get off the pedestal and don't spout such bizarre lines as """"simply incapable of decency"""". adminship isn't a licence to talk to others with contempt. it's fucking insulting. i'd rather deal with an honest asshole (which i would really like to see around here) than a bunch of ass-kissing, arrogant snakes (which i see in spades). this project just goes to hell that little bit further every day; i wonder how long until the articles i've written are bastardised in the way all of these are? talk """ 06d96171c6f48236,"hi hi, welcome to wikipedia. i just wanted to let you know that you smell like the drippings from my poop chute! cheers! today, 2008" 06ddda5678b22b33,.when i am providing with reliable source where ganga lal gupta has clearly proof that kushwaha come under kshatriya varna. you mother fucker do you have blind eyes that you cant see it 06e6b9c7a04a162d,"pedophiles, sex criminals, imperial japan, nazi germany and other such degenerate ilk also are minority views and for good reason. and by the way, showcasing your stalker skills and googling my name is quite retarded and anti-social behavior. please stop and seek therapy cause you need it." 06e8da54b1ecd584,"ha ha fucking gwernol at it again, trying to protect his friends because he doesnt give two shits about the rules, what a big fucking surprise" 06ef09bb1b1d505e,"apology you blocked me once under another ip and it angered me. i was determined to take revenge. then i discovered your wife is an honest to god african prostitute with aids and i realized nothing i could do would make your life worse than it is. a married virgin, and you'll probably die a virgin. you're like the unicorn of white nights. this is gold man, thanks so much, honestly. -" 06f76f3f46dc372c,"i would also like to say that not only are you a masturbate, but you are also gay lol" 0700b07700927977,"smallthingy.... ... are you gay? do you frequent the hellfire club? do you shake your little tusch on the catwalk?" 0700ee9d51b55d33,"william s saturn is a sockpuppet hey dickweed saturn, remember me? you dumb fat bitch" 071dc9bda006e62c,handing out blocks using twinkle. what a fucking disgrace. — lfdder 072825b5cedee27f,the greater san francisco bay area is greater than the typical bay area definition you idiot stop reverting my edits until you have sources obviously like every other metro area a greater region is obviously bigger you idiot. go shove your internet awards some where because they dont matter when all you do is type on a key board. 0735c7334d85c6aa,"issues with knox knox run things like gala days, festivals etc. and you know what? along redleaf ave and the pacific hwy, they illegally park. now, i know a friend who lives on the pcfc hwy in wahroonga, and the snobby bastards from knox come along and completely block people's driveways. they can't get out! however, it's not illegal and the people of wahroonga complain to ku-ring-gai council and what do they get? nothing! it's ridiculous that bastards like that can get away with it. somebody needs to add another section on this article talking about this issue, so that people who want to know more about the school and also people who attend the school can realise just how much arrogant and jerky they are!" 073e25c3d887a071,fuck all you nut licking motherfucking fagot cock sucking whores! you all suck shapiros cock and lick his mothers cunt! 07503a77f38a238c,well gladly go fuck yourself you numb fuck. 0752176547da3d03,asshat fucking stupid asshole pair of clownshoes 07590502f252ba19,"eat a dick and fuck off" 077b1cb88c59f123,no fuckin make me fudge packer 'gwernol'[more like queerhole] 078262d5a09b3023,"@kww and father f*cker, u still didnt give no source haha:p what a sore f*cking loser haha:p" 0788e276d96cbac0,"you can't fucking block me for 3 months for fucking personal attacks or harassment! you fucking stupid hellhole, you better motherfucking let me vandalize wikipedia again fricken now!" 079b036fed8995db,"you know, for human excrement, you're pretty fast to find vandalism, good job, you have a purpose in life." 07cec10ca35fe5f8,"go to die son of bich" 07d2ed1f32b003c6,"i just learned how to suck up to people. you're very good at it, fisherqueen. as for the grammer, it should be fairly obvious that they're typos, now pick out a mistake here, bitch!" 07e1408dec1ccf1e,"you fing rat you ratted me out you little prick" 07f1e0a1c10fcf28,"dumb niggaz yall niggas are dumb.sean kingston never played biggie.i was joking around dumbfucks." 07f5a42d271d19fe,hey i'm just tellin' like it is you ugly as fuck butt fugly muthafucka! 07fe8cc9fbd81947,you are a raging faggot. kill yourself. 081924503c1361a7,shut up katie your not even real 081a5f7b052138cf,"hey roy. go fukk yourself you gay bich. ya u heard me. pussy" 081faf21332f9801,"yeah, this guys deleting potentially life saving information citing that the article 'doesn't look very pretty with real information', i call him a nerd and have a go at him for doing so, and i'm in the wrong. nice to see your a human being mate. remind me to steer clear of 'people' like you." 082934bfa5eed031,""" stupid vikings. a creative, new way to lose. instead of a run play to center the ball and kick the winning fg with time expiring, let's have the ol' man throw across his body to his blind side and get picked off and force ot and hand the game to the aints. creative. as i've always maintain, the vikings always find a way to lose. | 76 """ 082dbb113b6db6ab,"mothafucka! you son of a bitch, shup up! otherwise i will kill you!" 0834b6db802809c1,i hate drmies!! he is an idiot!!! 08709efa5533262b,you ignoramus! my cousin just did the hitler pictures and the swastikas and what not. i've been the one talking to you you imbecile. i can't believe that people that are stupid like you exist. it makes we want to start playing russian roulette with myself. 0872804fee5e6408,""" re: aip go fuck yourself. -the'fortyfive' """ 0879ef00e2339269,"have you fallen on your head as a child? you are pathetic, jingiby." 0882f8b2c8427476,you are one of the worst page vandals i have ever seen. your repeated vandalism of a user page shows what a pathetically insecure individual you are. 0893f5810626e0b6,"you are the same person! you stupid ass crackhead you are the same person as litany and karlxii it is a shame a bright guy like you waste your intellect on genocide-denial and fashism-support. you have to start working on better things becuse the agression and genocide has been committed and serbia has lost! you can revert the truth for a while but not for ever it will come out becuse god and the sons and dotters of bosnia is going to make shour it gets out inshalla! so stop this islamophobic behavior and give it up alredy or you can expect war and no matter how nerdy you are so you have time to creati all this accounst and use you will pay, so for you own good get a life! hey it´s christmas soon man stop being a chetnik or we´l fuck you up.... covjek zaboravi al´ pas ti uvijek vrati." 0897bd576287b8d9,"moderator on wikipedia moderator on wikipedia are a bunch of twats who like to suck thomas malinas tiny cock" 089b68589c99b69d,"did i hurt your feelings? its okay you can ban me, i will create a new account and sign in from a different ip. i must have hurt your feelings pretty bad. douche bag." 089e6f0cdf57c9f2,""" that wasn't nice i am reposting this to piss off tbhotch. enjoy, you dumb piece of shit. have fun being jobless. soon teachers that think too highly of themselves won't be a problem in this country anymore. and if you're going to run around tossing threats because you're too fucking stupid to accept reality instead of getting into a flame war over demographics pissing off an entire base, then save yourself the trouble of throwing around even more threats and just ban me like you dumb public school pieces of dog shit wiki editors keep threatening over and over again. just make sure you have every vpn and spoof address banned also or you're just going to be wasting your time. oh, and; """"it's people like you that make this place not worth coming to. if google would stop linking here then i would gladly stop using this website. why do roughly 75% of all wikipedia editors (whatever that is) act like you do, aka an uneducated biased and complete fucking retard?""""""" 08a8d4852d922b06,"your are a filthy fuck go fuck your self" 08ad8be453f902fc,""" i just got a telegram in the says......""""gwernol is gay!!!"""" swear to fuck your mom if you swear to tape it.""" 08b950d24e5bc02e,"and luke, stay out, son of a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)" 08bb114239b4e0be,""" honestly, i don't even remember making those edits in the orlando jordan article. however, i was correct for editing out a statement that was not properly sourced. as far as my statement about kanyon goes, it may have been incorrect, but it's really not a big deal. it's just a discussion page, not the article. also, you didn't have to write to me in such a disrespectful tone. finally, learn how to spell. you should have written, """"'re at the right place to argue with me then,"""" not """"your."""" put that in your pipe, and smoke it, asshole. """ 08d00271ffc7d44f,"freeland, pa you are really, really gay for reverting my good edit to freeland, pa. stupid liberals! tilde tilde tilde tilde" 08d9429a900e9f0f,""" hey! maybe you should try it. your candidate's """"spiritual mentor"""" is a jew-hating, faux-""""christian"""" black supremacist. """ 08ec897ae9d432ac,""" yes i had this same problem: some wikinazis feel it's ok to leave nasty / snarky comments on other user pages, but will actually delete such comments from their own pages calling it """"vandalism"""". hypocrites. get the fuck off metros because you have no right to lock this talkpage up and its mine and also fuck off my userpage when i delete the concern for toughhead template! you are not fit to be admin and instead maybe mr ducky should be your replacement!( )""" 08efc5af1f2d342a,"ignorant've never even seen a map of krasnoi you are so stupid and ignorant that you don’t even know which roads lead into or out of krasnoi. the road leading west out of krasnoi was never blocked by the russians…it was threatened by tormasov’s enveloping movement but never actually blocked. your ignorance is disgusting…absolutely sickening... dumb freshman with low sat's...that's what you are... kenmore" 091b4fb4d0ff78bb,"fraggle81 == i can just make new accounts every time i want to attack you. proxy. faggot. ==" 0928471b2d81dbb9,"list of royal college colombo alumni and lalith kothalawala and cossde why this person cossde doesn't want to / trying to avoid / or shy to add the name of old royalist the no one cheater in sri lanks to the list of list of royal college colombo alumni. this cossde is a sick paranoid puppy who wants only the colombo 7 royalist to be survived on internet. u are an absolute sick ass hole( )." 093b6464000eb1ae,"al arbour hey fucktard. al arbour died on friday. try having someone read an obituary to you" 09588ff9835c4569,"idiot is what idiot does" 0959d4fdaf74a050,this dude that blocked me is a fucking cock sucker!!!!!!!!!! hexachord suck some dick negro 096aca722f590455,"oh noes, an insult on the internets! get over yourself you moron. being blocked doesn't affect me in the slightest, i do have a life. encouraging users like s&p; however just might backfire on whatever topics you like to edit here. i would quite like to see how you would deal with his various issues with not really understanding any policy at all, not blp, not npov, not or, not tpo, not fucking anything really, especially now he's learned the trick from misguided pompous arses like you that it's best not to even acknowledge such concerns when presented by others, if you can play the 'mommy mommy' card. unless of course you're as incompetent as they evidently are, in which case, a 'content' dispute between the two of you would be a sight to behold surely. like two baboons flinging shit at each other while ostensibly visiting a museum." 0977a3d919b3f86e,"how about this you are a cunt?" 097813c9034b2c03,"barek, you are a retard, you douchenozzle!!! blow me! mikeycms p.s. you were a mistake and take my account, i dont carre, and you dont care me!" 098a1772e8557778,"hey i thnk that you an asshole you just love to fuck your momk all day bitch. stop fuckinmg her now!!!!!!!!!! got it bitch" 09954f4c91c75fe4,"grow up you silly person it's not disruptive editing your reverting is disrupting - hey qed actually pay attention to wikipedia's own page devoted to people with the surname mckay not mckay because that name does not exist!( your logic qed - suggests that this ( is wrong because mckay has uses an uppercase letter 'k'. you imbecile just ask a specialist in the field of surnames, specifically irish and scottish surnames and you will have your answer!" 099b672f19911fb2,"wikipedian policy i see now how wikipedia is. if someone breaks the rules its ok as long as they kiss ass. this is bullshit. he started this stupid shit and was persistent until he got me banned. this is so fucking gay all ive done is try to help wikipedia but thanks to this stupid shit im banned. wtf? see i refuse to kiss ass because nobody on here is better than me. as a matter of fact im better than everyone else on here." 09a5d74443ac4b35,"similar concept? how can you mark a modern day nation with being a barbarian? you western jerks were playing with pieces of shits while we were conquering the world. you may be ultra-christ, ultra-greek, ultra-armenian ultra-western or whatever you want, but cant be a turk.contributions/" 09e8e8ad3963d537,"angry fuck you bitch" 09ee273aebc253cf,yeah! you dummy! bakutrix 09f281221f4a8bec,right it's less selective you stupid fuck 0a1b9d1dc60b0ea6,"stop pussy-footing ban me! you did it before!" 0a2e9095d735bbd6,fuck off the lot of you. crazy bastards that is all you are. 0a63da83547721f5,"well well well you've just done the most stupid thing saying we have always been enemies. now that proves you've been doing these edits just to try and piss me off. you can make up bullshit stories but i know the truth. so basically what i'm trying to say is fuck you. hell i don't mind getting banned for saying that i'm leaving this account and won't be back wasting my time with an idiot like you on here, hating people for no reason. it's a shame people like you give wikipedia a bad name. and i won't be making up bullshit stories like you did saying you had left while you were under an ip the whole time. thanks" 0a70e5e93b2fcded,you are a fuck head i'm not a vandal so suck cock ass master. we'll talk after your done with your mom. 0a751ed4b4da7890,"you are a mindless faggot pig please god burn this fucking maggot to death in hell you have offended my senses you mindless self important fucking pest the god that you hate hates you" 0a83ab3310d049d7,yawn!! the above comment is a quote from mcneight!!! and yet he still insistes on adding that damn 'preceeding unsigned.....yada...yada' what a rude and obnoxious individual. 0a85b5e6eda3dcd0,"i caught you vandalizing a page on wikipedia. normally right now id block you, but you happen to pull this shit while i'm in a transitional period so i don't wanna block you, i wanna help you. you see the path of the righteous wikipedian is beset on allsides by the inequalities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. so basically dont be such a dick and fuck up wikipedia. i worked really hard creating and maintaining this website and many people enjoy my invetnion without causing such harm. but you sir, you are a different animal. i dont think ive ever caught anyway vandalizing wikipedia before. you sir are a true original. a true renegade. your so bad ass i cant think straight. im all bendy and shit and this fervor is giving me the vapors. please brother, sister or inbetween dont mess up wikipedia. think about the children and do like the cats in my neigborhood do... shit in the sandbox." 0a89c991ab8364f7,you are clearly not very smart and not here to build an encyclopedia. 0a8ff163b8e0fc6a,""" lol! let the porky make a fool out of himself. i also suspect that he is infact using socks himself. follow his edits, and note the right-wing idiots who supports him. """ 0a8ff5b15e5089c2,i'll hook your mom you motherfucker. yeah suck my balls and slurp my come. bitch. 0a956816578f5e6d,"i know ive been bad but emc has been mean to me. quote: your name will be added here from now on when you vandalize. i'm done with you, you little punk. . thanks! bugman" 0aa2e46cea3174de,"chesdovi chesdovi is just a dos from the usa who probably doesnt even speak hebrew. if you think he would be dumb enough to do something so obvious and you think this is him, then you are really the dumb one." 0aa7fc5c55b1b9f0,"fuck you you're an idiot" 0ab6d9ce8ee20cbf,but he's a bitch who made a comment only a bitch would make? ) 0acc70c5afa0e8ce,"niggers and their liberal friends steal everything not tied down, just like the presidency here with acorn with its liberal defenders, fuck you nigger oboama!" 0ada2d071dcd16b6,"samuel is a chump with no life i hope that is the case you chump. if i find out the reason u have so much time to work on this page is because you are getting paid to do it, my respect for you will fall even lower." 0ade050510ded307,"are you the stupid changes the cubans flag, and put puertorrican that created it all and they do not created nothing, your breasts the verga to us venezuelans peruvian and cubans, abnormal mongoloid. while there are educated people like tito puente, bobby sanabria no one will believe your lies, nobody believes anything, swallow my verga. gross." 0adf47cdcc024886,"hey shithead hey shithead where are you? are you too busy sucking on someone's cock to talk right now?" 0af09a20f4ae4d9c,"i swear, you're extremely stupid and oblivious. open your eyes, unless you need to see an eye doctor that is." 0af52724ffb11d6b,"fuck you little bitch the cowboys have no testes" 0b0de50dc6cb4029,"terrorist you seem like a terrorist sir. are you penises as small as they say they are? i have corroborated it with a cite something you never bothered to do. you may keep your comments about drones as long as you cite it even though it has no place on this page. in turn please don't remove what i have written about the sectarian nature of conflict. and why do all muslims ruin akbars good name with your allah o akbar crap. he was a good king and you should not sully his image." 0b19454c17bc62f4,"lol; charles, you are a real fag aren't you? siding with chinks?? go fuck yourself, asswipe! we don't need no chinks in here. fag" 0b2055f13934a41e,"ii can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and ar" 0b463a6fa3e34c3f,"edit request from, 28 june 2010 mauler90 is a shit faggot" 0b491d7d15af9b7d,"it is pronouced rink-in, you moron. not rincon, like it should be in spanish. wtoc always says rink-in this rink-in that. go fuck yourself. this edit is correct you gd mf sob." 0b56f5e4691568e4,"faggot faggot faggot faggot" 0b625cb49744edbc,"you're a pathetic, bureaucratic piece of slime. you can remove your withered ballsack with a rusty shears, or you can eat my shit. your name will be on the syph list one day, with a †." 0b649be53b494a8a,"hold on! ive got something to say to u. fuk u!!! yea thats right u r gay for revertin my edit you dumb fuk! lol go fuk urself you gay cock licker haha" 0b6cad7b53610a5c,"bite me you're a dickhead, drop dead ^-^" 0b6f5024a35d9bfd,are you a faggot or what? 0b75a576bac7e620,""" i hate you. i hate you. i hate you! — preceding unsigned comment added by """ 0b7b725623dd6a8a,"ah fuck it. i see now. looked back in striver's records, he's a fucking islamist troll nothing more. no point bothering with him, he'll just keep popping up." 0b7e94b44cc484f4,""" not clear enough... the """"family"""" programing thing is over with right? 2 weeks ago this netowrk showed a blaxplotation double header consisting of superfly and shaft. yes they were edited for broadcast, but they still ain't family freindly. and that mytv stuff is filled with sex. not that i mind, i love sex and violence, but the article wasn't very clear about the fate of the """"family"""" thing. this is great though, i hate that family freindly bull shit and i wanted this so-called""""network"""" to fail and it has. fuck you paxton!""" 0b879d3e0dbce593,"pervert, ps karl swithwnbank wrothe this not littledan9999" 0b8d2c1de1be3f96,i can edit my own shit you motherfucking cunt 0bc576030695607f,"decline unblock you declined my unblock request. barrymcpeedmipants or wev his name is, is probably another student at my school, not me. if you understood this before it would make you real smarter than you currently are, you obnoxious cunt." 0bde154fa774bf72,"november 2015 (utc) fuck off. your accusations are baseless, your writing style is atrocious. prose means prose, not fluff. - 00:39, 16" 0be7965b23078261,"""just face the truth: you can't escape it!== user:arilang1234 didn't edit your foul, slimy racist template, you loser. i suggest that you stop pretending that manchus are ethnically chinese. how about you face the undeniable truth? and how about you stop making false accusations about other users? following the blocking of the above user, i am very surprised that you haven't been blocked from editing wikipedia as well given that your manchu ethnicity template itself (as created by you) is also a blatant violation of wikipedia policy. barnstar the monkey's barnstar for pushing forward fringe views on wikipedia, especially your foul, slimy, racist view that manchus are ethnically chinese. you have proven yourself to be more barbaric than this monkey. here's a banana. congratulations for acting like a monkey! wow, so you have managed to earn the monkey's barnstar. you must be highly barbaric then. stop making false accusations congratulations for calling user the """"h word"""". well i have news for you: user is not ethnically chinese. so just face the truth and stop name-calling, you racist manchu! otherwise, i will get my meatpuppets to stop you in your tracks! ==""" 0beaae5ef659d248,""" dude, are you stupid? yankees76 said hes a hero to his people, i was saying how.... hes the first inuk to play in the nhl, thus being a hero to his people even if hes just a disgraceful goon. you sir, are highly uneducated. i hope one day you can go to school and realize that when somebody says """"hes a hero to his people"""" isn't racist. last time i checked, inuk wasn't even a race. hes white /caucasian. seriously, your ignorance blows my mind. """ 0bf34f1eab4673f9,"you are sick bastard, and hope get your lesson soon" 0bffee778d5c1247,"if you admins can block me for sockpuppetry, then what should i do for what you are doing as a team ,, arent you a sockpuppet hen ???" 0c02c16bee1c70e2,"asshole.... yep. you suck. jesus of suberbia" 0c115eb1a5c0b168,""" well, thank you for spouting your ignorant mouth off, moron who can't read policies. you're obviously a foolish anti-semite, since you didn't bother taking any time to read that ridiculous """"marwenmedia"""" site that was linked up as """"proof."""" go find something useful to do now, please, and stop trying to insert your racism into an encyclopedia.""" 0c13eab75027d59b,listen dumbass i did`nt do any anything to the pelycosaur page so fuck you you cunt-gluzing asswipe 0c2400777c0a7275,"like i say i am happy to discuss with you but i am not going through this bs where you once again demand i prove something to you as if you are so fecking important. talk if you want to, run along and hide like a spineless lefty if you want to. your choice." 0c28b272e80ec36b,"my page 3234434aaa your just a mean old bullshitting you would put it" 0c28d73a0a173c8a,"who the hell are you, and where did you get this rubbish???" 0c39f0c6f89707be,i'm very upset that you've done this to me and ur a big shithead !!!!! i think that ur probbly black bcuz ur stupid 0c51ef5d0c403a6d,to donate to this group of buffoons 0c5470cc0d7bafa3,"niggah hey fool whyd you delete my article?" 0c5b2093333a016e,"did you look at the contributions of the editor i called a troll? i called them a troll because they were trolling. when someone's very first edit is a post on wp:an/i accusing someone of trolling, it's pretty fucking obvious that they are not here to be productive. but idiots like you jump in and defend them! amazing." 0c5cc34c1c15d30f,"douchebag fremantle suck ass dipshit support a real team that has actually won a premiership u prick" 0c61b995539b2ebf,"ur so immature fr3nzi3,im 17 and ur not evn debating.ur a 6 year old baby and im like an adult,nobody likes you.anyway,everybody doesn't like any fat assholes like u.grown-ups fight like a man,i fight using words like swearin' like eminem dos in is songs.u don't evn have a brain,shit wat a crazy guy. user:dark-hooded smoker" 0c768d0a188e93ed,""" controversial remarks alleged calling facebook users """"dumb f**ks"""" quote: to avoid being blocked, instead of reverting please consider using the article's talk page to work toward making a version that represents consensus among editors. !!!!that is what i am doing!!!! refrain from deleting the talk page contribution without providing a valid reason or better tips for improvement. after all this is only the talk page sources for the below mentioned contribution:,news-6794.html other sections on wikipedia where controversial remarks is valid: bryant gumbel (section controversial remarks) mel gibson (section controversial remarks) sherrod brown (section controversial remarks) kent hovind (section controversial remarks) venkaiah naidu (section controversial remarks) greg gutfeld (section controversial remarks) lawrence cannon (section controversial remarks) daniel bernard (diplomat) (section controversial remark) james r. flynn (section controversial remarks) and many many more start. while at harvard college 19-year-old facebook ceo mark zuckerberg allegedly used login data from his social network to hack into fellow students email accounts; that evidence also included instant message transcripts where he calls facebook users """"dumb fucks"""". the alleged following exchange is between a 19-year-old mark zuckerberg and a friend shortly after mark launched the facebook in his dorm room: zuck: yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at harvard zuck: just ask. zuck: i have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, sns [redacted friend's name]: what? how'd you manage that one? zuck: people just submitted it. zuck: i don't know why. zuck: they """"trust me"""" zuck: dumb fucks. in another instant message (im) friend: so have you decided what you are going to do about the websites? zuck: yea i’m going to fuck them zuck: probably in the year zuck: *ear end.""" 0c784e13dc18e96b,"here we go again, same idiot reverting my changes in a pathetic attempt to make filipinos look hispanic. pacificwarrior101" 0c7c341727488579,"do go fuck off bastard do yyou have a life? go fuck off bastard and yank your cock through your ass. i hate you and hope you go away forever. lame is you fuck your mom. die die die and all that crap. this is for mahy mahonerz ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass. i ass." 0c888087108ada34,"ekgograf and his son of bitch of gang of dumb, n*zi , and are the greatest batard that ever walk on earth !!!!!" 0c93ab2aa98f1b8e,"liar this guy is such a thief and a liar! he should be quartered!" 0c954ebf2fa4c16f,"go masturbate yourself on someone else's page, you will get no satisfaction from me, slut. wikipedia is not the proper place for you to abuse your powers just because you're unsatisfied in life. it ain't my fault you're ugly, sista." 0ca2e9c41e4ee5c2,"you do you know you come across as a giant prick?" 0cac0aa8a84f7238,"ha ha! you got banned from editing just like before you republican loser, what a shame. lol )" 0cb38172f1b992d9,"it is not a tko you idiot!!!you have no idea what it is and it's a swinging neckbreaker you very unsmart and very unclever faggot,got it!!! dark-hooded smoker" 0cd29f52aebb4750,"yo b1tch! you absolute fuk1ng little b1tch you wanna step up face to face toe to toe you fuk1ng absolute tiny little fuk1ng hopeless b1tch?" 0cfac55cd259ea1a,fock you barack obama 0cff1e0189b36d76,"no problem i was thinking of creating yet another sockpuppet anyway. i edit those comments in question because they contain a link to a hate site wherein the subject is my person. since none of you boobs will do anything about it (despite being informed repeatedly), i had to take manners into my own hands. sue me if you don't like it, dorothy." 0cff83251f6a4cab,"you are my bitch! i own your ass." 0d17ad5df146d4f2,"i lookd back in history when it was put it had link 2 extern gc site, sum1 removed that link so ur a fucking liar about no source." 0d22d145831935ee,user:jeppiz worships the balls of jesus son of the whore and suck the penis of user:decausa the bastard. 0d260e8f27bf9dfd,"piss on me p!ss on me, you bimbo!" 0d3bb1f12d90a6a2,"no, it's not a delayed reaction i just happened to read your wonderful warning yesterday. unlike you, i don't visit wikipedia everyday. but i'm surprised to see that you are too dense to figure that out. idiot. ha ha ha ha ha xd" 0d3c921d9fb4b60c,"hay bitch thank you kindly for your advice on my vandalism but if your the dick who removed the thing abouth berties make up costs thats true... so ah fuck you" 0d5ae3d5aea21f1b,fuck my stupid muslim ass!!!!!!!!! 0d60e0e6a83791e3,there's nothing wrong with the 4 train image that was reverted because the b and l train articles also have two identical photos too and i explain why to vochen and there's nothing wrong with the edits that was reverted at the 14 street 8 avenue article you guys are just being complete dickheads and hypocritical retards at best 0daadaa11dffa075,"gays are disgusting it's just my opinion but gays are disgusting." 0dde1d663784d23b,"i shall look forward to the day i hear of your death, and i intend to continue terrorizing you and make your life a living hell you nasty little stupid mexican faggot." 0de42f5e853a41ef,hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hathate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you e you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hathate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you e you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hathate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you e you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hathate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you e you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hathate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you e you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hathate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you e you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hathate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you e you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hathate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you e you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hathate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate you hate y 0df12f37c0937d81,"simona halep are you stupid? i didn't do anything wrong..." 0dfcdb5ae9fc9dd2,see here pointy revertss and bullying from a bunch of owing i love shit users. 0e08d36291f714d0,"yeah looking thorough history and stuff, get a life, you sad little man, get off your arse a get a life, find better things to do than governing things on wikipedia, i bet uou like the smell of your own shit, i bet you gargle your own piss, i bet you like to wank off to kiddy porn, you saddo, you fucking saddo, fuck off and diiiiiiieeeeeeeee" 0e2c9f8aca336d79,"mac only faggots and dumb housewives use macs. which one are you?" 0e492869a8a27c2e,"comment from kansai goma i still have more accounts on here which you will never find because i am too smart for you dickheads and you are a dumass. fuck ya!" 0e6629d8dcfb003f,"kungfu adam kungfu adam is a fucking dumbass." 0e7bf095144c3b75,and suck a dick two times every hour until sunrise 0e86fb41ff7d3159,"yo whatever i have on my shit leave it alone - deadass i deleted every fucking this cause you stay deleting someone shit like niggah damn go suck a dick talking about he has this all over the place niggah mind your business on what i have on my shit cause i ain't editing nothing on your shit." 0e9c89eac48058b9,"how dear you who ever put on hi shit haeds i my going to sue the peo[ple who made this web sit p.s just jocking i culdn't care less if or diidn't have hi shit heads" 0ea7bdb81d194424,hey fuck you i went to this school and its awesome so fuck you bitch! 0eb9c1ca1e5ffaa0,"go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself!" 0ec34862d3fbf962,"you're a fag just wanted to let you know that. d" 0ecec684c306238f,"hey shithead quit fucking with all the ufc pages and go get a fucking life you god damn mother fucking loser." 0ee454e997194378,"how dare you send me such abuse you fucking cockmaster! if you dare warn me again, mr jeff. i will savagely attack your mother! i know where you live" 0ee984d26341a9ff,"what personal attacks, whoever changed it back did only half the job, which is why i say it was done lazy. when it comes to stupidity, i am sorry, you are a stupid fool if you think new mexico terrirory and confederate arizona were the same country." 0ee99910fa41b176,"this user needs to get a life lol lol get a real life u suck lol" 0efba7ffea871a83,"hello good sir you're a fucking faggot and have no clue what you're talking about with awesome.jpg. i know and don't care that this will be reverted, but read it first, because you should seriously shut the fuck up. love you buddy" 0f0098582c07fd54,"you guys suk. you really really suck. fuck you, mistersmiley and 331dot" 0f049643ffa21667,"we will, we will fuck you!" 0f0508c4d07454ac,well sorry about replacing bands.but you dumb cunt fireworks is also a pop punk go be a ass whole some where else. and this time next year doesnt have a wikipedia page. 0f1f06e52adee464,you deleted my comment? fucking pussy. 0f1f932c3332621c,"stop murder you are very unfriendly and falsely accusing me. you are not helpful but a bully. look at yourself." 0f2c4429e873c940,wtf ur a asshole no advertising pls bot 0f47fdd63d8f8ba1,""" every other press agency said the crowd was chanting """"you're a tory too"""" only the daily mail which by the way is a tory paper reported that the croud chanted """"fucking tory jew"""" he is a dispicable scab but that is because of his politics not his liniage94.168.210.8 """ 0f52bff9b8e8cf7d,"sockpuppet you cannot get indefinitely blocked for accusing another editor of being a sockpuppet, so stop throwing your fucking weight around. and before you even think about it, you cannot be fucking blocked for using bad language either." 0f53b3beef798176,this idiot graceful slick needs a friend to touch his no no spot 0f59fc34fb658702,are you stupid or what????? read the very union text yourself!!!! it is clearly states that union is between two nations!!!!!!! 0f5d5042677d1014,because i am a miserable motherfucker and a big dickhead 0f5fe8d17f2db7bb,"wikibitch yo lil punkass aint shit out on da streets nigga" 0f6307e80b7b70a7,wikipedia's administrators are among the dumbest people alive. they are all fat basement dwelers who have never been laid. fuck you. 0f639d7a9371409d,"fuck you, you psychotic fanboy retard." 0f7021223412c689,""" """"and i hate everything to do with china"""" what's with all the hate? i, believe it or not, do not hate georgians. just saakashvili. he's an asshole. """ 0f71947f6ef0d127,this user is a fucking douche bag 0f90062f6a601734,"muhammad was a murderer, rapist, thief, slave trader, warmonger and dirty pedophile islam = nazi" 0fb53bd777ca1f06,just the shut the hell up man 0fbbc798efd81331,"fuck you natlie you dumbass cuntbag! i have a dynamic ip u cannot ban me tough shit aint it cunt? so go suck some random ass fuckers cock, before i vandalize your entire site.. b-i-o-t-c-h! dont make me come find your ass in ohio, i read your wiki entry! knock knock* your dumb putting that much personal info out there and calling out trolls with dynamic ip ranges you dumb bitch!" 0fc12ea0cbcfd1a0,"go hang yourself. you're making garbage edits on wikipedia and you are ruining wikipedia. go shoot yourself, n!!!gger. screw rap music. hang yourself and die, you're dumb, gayo68." 0fc49e5cfe469a2a,""" leave it... sector 06 rourkela dude.. i'm no more interested in editing... fuckkk offf """"you and your administrator page""""... thanks.. """ 0fcf3bfa847f2b21,""" oh that's right you were kicked out of san francisco state for being too radical! that's a joke;=2781130! """"lofton wrote """"a.d."""" while a student at san francisco state university and spent so much time hawking the book when it was published three years ago that his grades began to fall and the university cut off his financial aid."""" """"of course, plenty of wayward students have had their financial aid renewed after having missed classes for far less substantial reasons, so one wonders why was it so important for me to be dismissed """" because of your grades dumb ass! you can miss classes and still get good grades if your competent. the first and only of a.d. printing consisted of two thousand copies wow, that must have sold in record time! a whole two thousand, your almost as famous as steven king"""" dorksickle! """"i sold all three thousand copies of btl nvrg within the span of a year"""" somehow i doubt that since it was published in 1998 and you were still hawking it to tim boucher in 2006 """"he lived on the streets in berkeley while going to solano college"""" i looked up solano college and it's 40 miles away from berkeley. so i guess you must of hitchhiked there everyday right? bullshit! hey lets see some examples of your cartooning. don't got any right? that's what i figured. see the lies just keep piling up!""" 0fd01b2f4a00e067,"delete!?!?!? you delete vandalist pages?!?!?! you sick, sick bitch." 0fd884ee19c7af65,user:abd is muslim scum 0fe1a484dc70212e,"being initially search for. and a parting note: go fuck yourself" 0feadc1de4901233,"shut up, nocal. whinging about blp's and blocks be serious, you don't care about policy or procedure. you just want to see an american, jewish, pro-israel genocide advocate portrayed as a rationalistic hero, because israel makes your dick hard. you twisted individual." 0ff144ce908dfcba,your a fucking bitch 10281df6216455b8,"jet streamer jet streamer is a son of a bitch, don't listen to him, he can go to hell" 1039aff23eb525d3,"i was not blocked for calling someone a nazi. i was blocked for calling a loud mouth insensitive twit, ping pong, when he interjected in a situation that was not his business. he did not like being told to mind his own business. granted i did it in a questionable manner, but i had to get his attention." 104e5a2fc232e368,"roses are red, violets are blue, man i'm black, but what the fuck are you?" 10525800cdc31296,"you suck hardcore yep you heard it" 107726c474021958,"wanker charles knight is a complete arse wipe." 107e44b97476e17f,""" i don't believe you. sources? as i said before, shit or get off the pot. meanwhile, you are less important to me than the occasional dogshit on my shoe. put up or shut up is the bottom line here. andemu """ 108615e304dfa37a,"was jesus a bastard? yes, for sure ," 10944d690e9892cc,jam your message up your arse wikipedia dickhead 1097ef7cb66eda8f,"fuck your couch, nigger!" 10b016e5a82e6a3a,and your a dick sucker dabomb you want a big juicy jizzbomb in your mouth. 10b49e75b5c6e306,"and this is why you don't list highly speculative ones! i was simply referring to the common-frickin-sense category of actors. apparently, common sense you lack. tch, fuck's sake. this is why people don't take wikipedia seriously. professionalism? professionalism my ass. you cunts are the direct opposite of it." 10c796bc23daddc5,""" get a life3 you faggit 4 lyfe. i asked u whats your favorite madoonna cd and you said"""" her first album, she gorgeous isn't she. i wish my measurements were 34c-29-45 so i can bring all the bois to the yard"""" u faggit!!!!!!!!!""" 110042255424d707,yeah it was me. happy now? assholes. 111981274d2ff1da,"do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because" 112c8ebd2a7a0c85,"i hate you i hate you." 112efe72875b1758,"her! poop, pee, toot, fart, gas, diareah! zoey is poop. she stinks. i want to marry you baby! call me!" 114303be7ae44b8a,""" unblock request: fuck you, unblock me! {{unblock|hahaahahahahahahaha unblock me or i will vandalise more!!!! it had been six years since we had graduated from college, and for the first time since graduation, all three of us were together again. from the enthusiastic hugs at the airport and then the conversation and laughter during the dinner we shared at a local restaurant on the way to my home, it was clear that while plenty of time had passed and we had kept in contact, the comfort and attraction between the three of us when all together in the same physical location was still undeniable. having returned to my cozy, semi-secluded home in the suburbs, we all sat in the living room, sipping wine and continuing the tales of our lives. with the exceptions of the location – a house – and the presence of alcohol, it could have been any of our final two years of college together: the three of us, tight-knit friends-with-benefits, sitting and chatting and sharing a drink together. then, justine and beth had been roommates while i lived in another dorm across the main quad; now, they were much-welcomed guests who had fortunately been able to clear time in their hectic schedules to come and visit me for a weekend. as i sat in the recliner and took another sip of wine, i allowed my eyes to truly linger on justine as she told beth about a recent situation at work. the florida sun had certainly added a glow to justine's skin, and may have also been responsible for the lighter shade of her shoulder-length brown hair. as when we were in college together, she wore virtually no make-up, just a thin gloss upon her lips – an enticing strawberry flavor, as i had discovered upon meeting her at the airport earlier in the evening – and red fingernails. her red dress was indeed elegant, with a plunging sequined neckline that permitted a very welcome display of her cleavage, a display which beth and i both certainly appreciated. the long slit up the skirt of the dress revealed that she was wearing stockings held up by a garter belt, one of its descending white straps definitely noticeable against the well-toned thigh. the red heels provided enough of a contrast for the white stockings to truly attract the eyes. surprisingly, however, she wore hoop earrings, something she had never worn during college for fear that they would pull at her ears and widen the piercing holes more than was considered safe. the conversation turned back toward me, but a few minutes later, the two beautiful young women were again chatting primarily to each other. i took the opportunity to once again study beth, and was equally impressed. while noticeably shorter than justine, beth was also paler in complexion, a testament to living in northern canada ever since graduation and spending virtually every waking moment inside to conduct her research. as in college, beth preferred the color black for her outfits: a somewhat-tight sweater, form-fitting slacks, and a pair of low heels. four tiny earrings adorned each ear, plus she bore a small sparkling stud against her left nostril. beth's black hair flowed over her shoulders and down her front, and she absently twirled several strands around a finger as she listened to justine. it felt so good to be in their presence once again. especially since all three of us had been in several failed relationships since graduating from college, i was thankful that i had thought to invite them to spend the weekend with me. i had absolutely no doubt that our chatter would eventually give way to intimacy, but for now, i was quite content to simply sit back in the recliner and openly admire the two stunning beauties perched upon the sofa. the intimacy began when we finally went to bed... together. i was on my back under the covers, with a very feminine head resting softly upon each shoulder. an arm wrapped around each of them, i held the two women close to me as they absently stroked my bare chest, dipped a finger into my navel, brushed my thighs through the sweatpants i typically wore to bed, caressed my stiffening manhood. my eyes closed, i reveled in their touches: inherently familiar, yet full of rediscovery due to the lengthy passage of time. no words were needed. and as their hands occasionally made contact with each other upon me, i smiled to myself in the darkness, having always enjoyed watching beth and justine in their own intimate encounters. but eventually, their touches slowed and ultimately ceased, their breathing falling into the regularity associated with sleep. i stayed awake a little longer, immensely enjoying the closeness with two of the people who had been most important in my life. i awoke in the morning to the scent of french roast coffee, faint yet unmistakable. justine was gone, clearly the one who had brewed the morning nectar, while beth and i held each other as sh" 1144a3f530302be7,"hey asshole, keep your retarded politics off wikipedia, ok idiot? i know you're special needs but wiki isn't for your political positions on groups, it's for facts. if you revert that article on opsec again, there will be consequences." 11712a3ded21b879,"joseph cardinal zen i am already too neutral towards the son of bitch. he is a spy of the holy see." 11780d853ae5041b,orly? fuck you again n00b 119c0ce7cbd27ba1,""" actually! it is incredibly wrong. fucking animals is not a """"sexuality""""! it shouldn't be """"tolerated""""! it's sick! if i said i wanted to fuck trees, would that be normal and ok? i would march in the treesexual parade? and while we're at it, what if i want to have hot sex with inanimate objects? it's insane. and animal fuckers are messed up in the head, not """"of a different, yet normal sexuality""""! wtf indeed!""" 11b0bf92972c885e,what i wanna do im josh nanni i say fuck america and jews and ron howard 11b4e04b309f4d79,"""i would like to extend a fat, robust fuck you to the asshole who deleted my criticism of schengen. and you wonder why i continue to vandalize wikipedia? its because some fucking asshole from the wiki community continually deletes whatever i post. yes i have used profanity, and yes i have often not followed protocols. yet when i have followed """"wiki"""" protocols, even kindly worded comments are promptly deleted by the assholes of dickipedia. to all of you at wikipedia, i extend a fat and boisterous fuck youfor deleting my comments -) """ 11bdae6931719545,fuck you and your cluelessbot you filthy roody-poo. 11d158d1a33f108e,""" a kitten for you! dose this look like you bastard fucker?? """ 11d6562d3e5b11fd,""" wow, you're the one commenting on how users commenting on the page are """"drooling retards"""" and you try to drop this courtesy c&p; on me? you're just as pathetic as you've always been and i hope you die in a jizz fire.""" 1209f21b8aba44d4,you guys are a bunch of dicks 120ac8c53c819802,rubbish. i do not support your crappy encyclopedia and that's that. 1227fd76ded4b2dc,""" what you """"hold"""" or believe doesn't fucking matter, fuckface. wikipedia doesn't do subjective. eat a dick. """ 12444e47cd055268,lol. you are a moron. 125536354304fcca,"go fuck yourself deeside college is a mother fucking spunk dunk pottery which is held at user:garycolemanfan .com and likes to suck georg hackenschmidt of and doesn't accept facebook groups like the official facebook professional wrestling hall of fame ( )" 126ab532133d26c8,""" sorry! meant to say """"go fuck yourself you asperger's riddled freak for accusing me of destructive edits i had nothing to do with.""""""" 12703d55c77ed5b1,"shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up!vv shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up!" 1272f62a21efb219,fuck you you god damn mother fuckin son of a bitch stop being a stupid ass shithead and be fuckin cool for once 12820f1a0f5de4cf,"no, maybe you should get a life instead of being like a shot to revert my vandalism on a page relating to a game nobody has talked about in the last two years. wiki = made you their bitch." 1296fd99483de663,its only too band that that son of a bitch did not live long enough to hang for his treason. fortunately some patriots did desecrate his grave. i guess thats the only way the hungarian people can get their revenge against trators like that pig. 12a184ddd5455696,"section removal next time you remove a section without first following procedures, i will have you permanently barred from wikipedia. i wrote the section and it is completely accurate an unbiased as reported. you are a fool and a vandal and i will be closely monitoring your activities on anything i write." 12a54db2229184b3,"u suck at making movies u pathetic geek ur premise is shaky ur outlook is bleak there isnt a too painful way for ur life to end u really need a girlfriend" 12aeac37aa137df6,"like wtf look man, youre a graduate student in mathematical fucking ecology and you have pictures of amoebas on your homepage. dont you have anything better to do? you have a job? what can you do as a mathematical ecologist? what the fuck do you want to do with your life???? get off wikipedia you fucking dead beat! jesus h. christ! go get a girlfriend or something, or get an interesting job, or at the least, go play some donkey kong or something. my god. you sicken me you sad sack little fuck. oh and tea drinker????? you drink tea!? i like tea too man, but not that much. you are a giant cock sucker. get a life dude. sincerely, the real n-town gangsta p.s.- youre a faggot" 12c82a67010c0fcf,""" an illness has nothing to do with time/era, but """"mental illnesses"""", for some reason, do. in a society where everyone is narcissistic, it's not a disorder. ragheads think we're insane, and we think those sand-niggers are crazy too. ever heard of """"einstein's theory of relativity""""? i think not. """ 12cb9cd8e808e724,"idiot you just go around unvaldalizing wikipedia, you retard. who the hell likes wikipedia anyway. you even requested my page be deleted. keep your hands outta my buisness" 12d17284171e6cb1,"regarding you being a homosexual you are clearly a homosexual. i think you should leave normal society and go and live in a sewer with all the other homosexuals. you are clearly not normal. if you persist with reporting me for abusing you, i will insert a large garden gnome into you. and stay off the dublin airport article. it's my territory. if i say delta serve orlando from dublin, then they do. don't send me fucking patronising messages again. fucking freak!!!" 12d627c78aa2f962,"you're a moron! it's f u c k f u c k f u c k a d u c k , s c r e w a k a n g a r o o , 6 9 a p o r c u p i n e , o r g y a t t h e z o o ." 12e5cb315a8e56a2,categories aren't substantial content. only a moron would think so. - 12e9794bc77d8eda,"bothering? man! can you dont seperate singing from raping?????? are you a little bit retarted??? or dumb?? for real! everybody can hear that mike raps on hybrid theory!!!!!!!! and meteora!" 12ede95b6a12397c,"you people are pretty overzealous with this whole free thing. get a fucking life, you fucking niggers !!!23 16!!!" 12f24274c750a438,"t phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt!he" 1307fa21a863c606,"you would understand... you would understand if you had arse face haemorrhoids!" 130bf0cafb548a89,"supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool!" 13106e5e1342029c,"ip addresses constantly change so several unrelated articles edited by various individuals may link back to the same address, though you and your socialist comrades are so full of venomous pro-brown, anti-white hatred and paranoia that what i just stated will probably never register in your feeble raza mind. stupid wetback, you're just preserving and creating more resentment against your kind." 1332149eed8381de,"wikipedia editors and their homosexual nature hi im the master editor all changes that i make are final and completely finite any attempt to applicate a change will result in immediate expulsion from wikipedia and your xbox's will be turned off for a week. this one goes out to all you wikipedia editors who have yet to find a life and or a purpse keep on trucking." 1342388789449802,collectonian is a bitch. a low class prostitute with no customers. 135f5c646b1c3dc3,"you are a chicken shit cock sucking pussy bastard! you are a chicken shit cock sucking pussy bastard!" 1368c10281978876,"you're a stupid cunt fuck you dumb arse, your mum has a hairy cunt and i hope and pray that you die, no, fuck that, i wish you would die, if i had three wishes, one of them would be to have you dead, and the others would be so that everyone you knew hated your cunt like face." 1369e9e220aa5147,", oh shit, stop making warnings, motherfucker, also, fuck you." 1372d17cf46a1fa2,"help why does this twigboy idiot keep vandalizing this page? thank you." 13913f443da71ac6,"admins suck!! the fucking admins suck ass! i fucking hate the people who delete my fucking shit!!!!!!!!" 139ee182eb80e9b0,""" """"what's a ballsy?"""" she really can't be that stupid....can she???""" 13b3c1d7383707f7,"you can add things to my user page, and i am not allowed to delete it. but if i add something to yours, poof, its gone. you're the problem, dickweed." 13b99760907d868d,"omg jesus h. christ!!! (sorry if you're a jew). how abusive from you, you disgusting pile of shit. stop gossiping around, and sucking mgiganteus balls." 13ba9efc26ad9b56,"screw you why dont you stick it up your fucking ass than lick it out, block it i dont give a shit you fucking bastard, suck my fucking balllllsssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 13d34be63775714f,"i mean, tbhotch. sorry. i thought it said bitch. fuck you." 13da087ad9029203,"excuse me, whoever the fuck you are spui says on his talk page that he likes vandalism, and doesn't want it reverted. the modification that i made was to text originally left by a vandal. please do your homework before censoring others!!!!" 13ebfcaa7757f854,"you are the troll, you mindless robotic piece of shit. all you wikipedia fanatics are anti-semitic vermin." 13ee5a45e507ea2b,"do i hint a bit of jealousy, because they could potentially be on wikipedia, or because they've made something of themselves, and you're just a little cunt who edits this site. grow the fuck up." 142ba5864d57e9b4,"dogs fucked the pope wharrrbl grrrbl" 142fcf7001256716,"you can block and block and suck my cock but nothing can stop freedom of speech. in the end, america wins. we always do. ask saddam. my sockpuppet army is on the march. 02:13, 30 mar 2005 (utc)" 144ba74f698d8624,"idiot did u ever read anything? i want to be blocked forever, well at least its block i put info on slavery somewhere else!" 14658942f6e3036a,"ya extra ur fuckin extra tryna bryte up urself and delete and revert my edits what if i revert ur face cuz it seems like u need some revertin on that ugly shit bitch. zoe stay away from my edits u little hoe. thank you for your consideration!" 146b08995140104c,"god fuck you too, pimple ass. my additions are better, you guys are just to stupid to realize it." 148bd5cbdba2b8e7,suck my fucking cock! 14968436c2279c28,"hey, nerd. i don't want to have to create another username! you're one of them aren't you? irregardless, it's pretty easy to tell that you'e been bullied your whole life and are now lashing out at the world with your abuse of internet mod privileges. hope you're proud of yourself. are you honestly too thick to see that a christian cunt coming at me for breaking blasphemy laws is obscene? honestly, you must be one of them, judging by your behaviour = iq = christian." 149d3236f4a5ffac,"fuck you. you come in, put it all back, then remove the template, you're obviously another abusive jerk protecting that abusive jerk chriso so fuck you once more for good measure." 149e15ad2efded1a,u r sooooooooooooo gay 14aac832079aebe9,you silly rabbit.. but i've begun to notice how it's sometimes annoying to see how limited the wikipedia software is. 14b9efbe7242afda,who the hell r u and why do u care neway it was just a bit of fun. get a life 14cf27f9495d131f,why the fuck do u edit my contrib. to wiki about the iranian army? they must die u know!! stupid terrorists...they're living on israeli soil called asia-africa which should be for israelis only and muslim free 14d884dc26429d7f,"hai! hai!!! i hate you." 14da12f3e2cfb072,"response well, thanks for giving me a final warning. as usual, i get no appreciation for expanding articles on this site, no words of encouragement for the hours that i spend fighting vandalism; just crap. crap for the 0.1% of my edits that could be described as nonconstructive. way to go, moron. keep up the good work. -" 15020e13393c4b3c,"hi, you poor twerps. my money does far more good than your pathetic rule enforcing. have fun with your fat wives and gay hookers." 150709faeb1d8ebf,""" the administrator kafziel is an asshole! (sorry for writing that on your page user talk: but it is true) join the revolution that fights for freedom of speech against the tyranny of wikipedian administrators, especially the evil dark lord/fuck head kafziel from your fellow blocked vandal/ freedom fighter: ernesto guevara de la serna. """"""""hasta la victoria siempre""""""""""" 15184caa6c172944,"hey, douche i'm back! hahaha, this is gonna be fun!" 151ebc30bc8a4d42,"20 retards u fuckin paki fuckersitalic textfukin taliban == fuck u == fuck u again fuck u even more == ==" 1534e164eee103a1,"hey, dumbfuck, quit fucking around with wikipedia, bitch." 153a0a7019875ecf,"i agree, fuller is a useless stupid fuck" 1547231d05952f99,""" this guy """"pacificwarrion"""" is stupid, i'm working for the filipino people, for their reputation on this world, every information i shared is to give accurate information's about the philippines, the filipino people, their culture and history.""" 1566bdf41fe6ec0f,"the person whose edits you reverted hy. i just want to tell you that you can't ban me. proxies are very nice. aren't they? now fuck you." 156bfb0a7c38e2ca,i think you'll find you are edit waring too so fuck you how dare you swear at me 156f84c4b9052ca5,"hey white person, you suck. stop being so white. nigger pride. -(non-white person)" 157946f204f29f08,""" are you fucking retarded? tab please do not delete content from articles on wikipedia, as you did to solaris (2002 film). your edits appear to be vandalism and have been reverted. if you would like to experiment, please use wikipedia:sandbox for test edits. thank you. ali tab tab what the fuck is your problem. did you even read what i deleted? tab tab do you know what the word plot means? tab tab plot does not mean talking about the movie's trailer or what genre the movie it is. a plot is a summary of the movie. tab tab read what's in the plot section of """"solaris"""" right now you fucking retard and tell me if it really belongs under the section plot... or any other section. it looks more like trivial facts which are unsupported and should be deleted as per wiki regulations. tab tab here's an example, dumb fuck, from the solaris wiki page: tab tab """"the film essentially ignores the planet which only serves as an anonymous backdrop, in contrast to lem's novel which discusses at length the mysterious phenomena on its surface and the futile human attempts to understand them."""" tab tab that is not neutrality and has nothing to do with the plot. tab tab jesus fucking christ. wiki is full of fucking morons. tab tab delete that shit. tab """ 159c3de5a5a142a0,""" rofl when i go to edit an article it says 'personal attacks or harrasment of other users'. that is so effing funny right there, """"harrasment of other users"""". don't post here. not when you cry about the fact i called you 'dumb'.""" 15a3ab8f65895d6f,you suck. i was making the article and then you tag it with deletion. you power hungry nerd. 15abaa783a453d4f,"useless piece of shit you're an asshole, you useless piece of shit. get a life, instead of deleting pages of loved ones who never did anything to harm you. motherfuker." 15aff7d1354cb5b6,i don't believe you're a faggot. you're more like a eurotoxin douche. 15be8bc0f18b733c,"stop screwing with my edits, copyright is for fools!" 15d32a7f16415363,is fucking dumd i hope someone kills him 15d5b4bba56f2067,"who the f*ck put you in charge i create an account on wikipedia, not 2 minutes later, i receive a message expressing concern over my username. i know it wasn't you, and i admit to my three consecutive acts of vandalism regarding a subject i particularly hate, but i looked at your history, and all it seems that you do is attack people over edits and usernames. instead of acting as captain of the wikigestapo, maybe you should devote your time and energy doing something that actually really matters and get of my and other rowdy wikipedians asses. we may offend occasionally but it is all in the spirit of jest. so after you read this, log off of your computer and go live a little. also get that dick out of your mouth." 15d80ed27612c40e,"don't call me a knob, you wanker." 15ff5bd9afba3bce,"all my answers were given, i am not banned on boxrec, and i found out their wiki is not part of this wiki, i reject all your claims, you are full of shit and garbage and so on, and you do not deserve the honor and dignity of wasting my time and giving your court reply bs accusations and i have no time like you, no i am not gone! i have evidence you were banded, now you want to blame it on others you low life!" 161483d873256623,everyone wants to kill bill god dam gates he is a nerd why not.?? 161f52069df82a34,"hey idiot you were the one that was repeatedly undoing my edits. go away, and stop vandalising!" 162035b60c769eec,marcus. you suck guys dicks. 1644bccf6f37f19e,"fuck you, go suck some dog cock! you fucking dick lickers!" 164b68b8df4b5872,save your sarcastic little remarks dick. ok dick? understand dick. (by the way i'm not calling you a dick dick.) 165fe8bb208c44d0,"now.. for the picture page to remain, what do you need remove on the pages. two, can you remove the fraud external links, you make all nigerian look like fraud or con artists.... this is my request." 166c7a7d25713149,""" where are my insults? heres an insult for you = you're a fucking blind dipshit. you need to stop being a sensitive cunt. hows that for an insult?  (talk)  """ 166fc6f7645d2133,"ooh wow, a veteran editor! you've been around for what, 2 years? i've been around for more than twice that and i reserve the right to flame no-life asshats like you. cheers" 16a4d34345378025,"hey queer andrew stop messing around!is your mum lesbian and father homosexual?" 16a9b958b048e649,you are gay gay gay gay gay gay 16af0d9da324ad08,"tell dark to stop fucking with moot and /b/. he has no fucking idea what he's messing with." 16b8c15eda866ba4,"calling idiots stupid and retarded doesn't qualify as a personal attack because it's true, and the only way you wouldn't know this is because you're stupid and retarded." 16bdc6da9130cc6e,"the cunt, ya fucking old woman." 16dbb02f5d3f4a67,"fuck you, smith. please have me notified when you die. i want to dance on your grave." 16e110672dde00d9,"how civil is this - who the fuck do you think you are to but in on a conversation between old friends, you cunt." 16ee69f062b8a7ed,"stop being a dork two can play play this stupid game. (talk - contribs)" 16fc8ee8dfc92c9e,"are you gay? are you a nigger? are you a gay nigger? then the gay nigger association of america is right for you! give me yor moneyz!" 170d8d58798a62f5,""" so, i have a mistress?? just out of curiosity, are you the moron who claims i have a mistress or moron that heard it from someone and thought that was credible enough to """"site"""" on my page? how the fuck do you have a mistress when you're single? divorced and single!!! whatever you do in your miserable little life, why not put your time to something that might benefit the world rather than sit what is probably a big fat ass in front of the computer and """"site"""" lies!!!""" 171f6facb1b469a3,"you need psychological help, ip editor. the wp:pwners of this talk page are enabling your neurosis at the expense of everyone else who might actually have something of value to add to the discussion. for some odd reason, they are willing to allow you to drown out any reasonable discussion. perhaps they are afraid of you, or perhaps have't the spin to tell you where to go... you're a sad case, and you really need to shave the neck-beard and get out of mom's basement, there is more to life than tentacle porn." 17382d9382d15198,"fuck you. civility is in the eye of the beholder, like beauty. i'm under no obligation to censor my words on this page. your threats only lessen your stature in my eyes. i'm utterly unimpressed by you." 173e56e81d2efad2,"whatever, dumbass. go eat jimbo's pussy." 1742267def8969c4,"you got it right. honest lee writes that rubbish. why don't you get rid of it yourself, or have you whore mom do it when she's not wiping your ass?" 1756fa379911285c,fag fag fag fag doosh doosh doosh suck my nuts 17691e45616d517c,"hahahah your an idiot why dont you leave the talk here so everyone can see it....and decide for themselves.......grin if your an idiot or not. raven ." 1787e8af29b2563f,"njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life outside of wiki. njgw is a fucking loser bastard. njgw is an unemployed mother fucking bastard loser. rots here in wiki everyday! he is a loser in life. njgw is a fucking loser bastard with no life" 17a117c78673af65,"what kind of life is it that has no purpose? if you hadn't fucked with me repeatedly then we wouldn't be having this kind of relationship. as far as i'm concerned, you can suck a dick. if i new where you lived, i would pay your home a visit." 17ad1273621396b3,mezo mezo is bastard 17af99b4cc4d6b72,"blah blah blah! my word, you're boring me to death!" 17be78b101a5842a,""" listen asshole, i'm leaving this on my page so as not disrupt the integrity of yours - i've had it with your constant pestering and what i believe is referred to as """"wikistalking."""" this entire matter has been solved and concluded however, you seem to be enjoying yourself by way of acting like a goddamned three-year-old with a wet diaper. i have no interest in engaging in tit-for-tats with some jackass who has nothing better to do with his time than needle at users who settled a matter amicably and have moved on. cut it out, leave me alone, and move on. feel free to erase this when you're done reading it.""" 17cff6de9232fa1a,"asshole fuck you asshole" 17d2a1d2147f897f,"you are queer as volk you are gay man. oh no the wikipedia police are coming to get me!!!!!!you are the only gay in the village" 17d82639188ee9b1,"hey dumbshit, i drove on state road 54 today past the northern terminus of gunn hwy. and guess what? the road was still signed as sr 54, not gunn hwy. now, either give me an exact location that it's signed as gunn hwy or stop reverting back false information." 17dd103aa83a76ab,"hello moto hello flygayguy649 i hope u get a dick stuck up your ass i am a 13 year old kkk member. and i'll kick your ass so stay away and dont delete my pages. bitch!!!" 17dd17eb535029d6,""" dear jesus. really, has vander plaats really become the lt gov man? we gotta deal with """"why republicans like jaysuschris hate the ten commandments (and love right wing sluts like karen nussle)"""" republicans. i think jaysuschris is female, and probably, a lesbian.""" 180b9579557705de,"yea faggot, like you don't like people remove things on your talk page, i don't like you reverting my page! stop calling people a puppet!" 18120cd2f4d3dfdf,"we were winning. if stupid doug weller hadn't called for an rfc, the infobox would've been restored. and you've gotten learn not to give up, not till the very end. we can still win. all i'm asking is for both the warbox and the template to be in the article. come on, don't throw in the towel yet." 1824e238fede56e2,are you a moron? did you even bother to read this? i'm going to escalate this. i suggest you learn about me before declaring war. . . . 183a77b265f02ccd,hey i know that im just a city boy but this page was written by a bunch of dumbass redneck fuckers who worship beer and have talking bass mouunted on every wall i fucking hate rednecks and all there woodsport shit these fuckers need to get a life and learn how to use their right rednecks ever have sex with people other than their own family members? 186a35db351539fa,stop being such a goddamn prick. the article will be sorted out in time. meanwhile spend some time away from wikipedia. and do normal things. for instance leave your parent's basement. 18736dafe129bfe4,jimbo wales is a gay little fucker 187f1d463a2a86d2,""" february 2014 (utc) absolutely amazing, you're a total criminal, i have seen what you did with my ayr and saleban revisions. you're a complete and utter degenerate who actively deleted every single addition of mine on this website then you cry about """"personally"""" attacking you. well, criminal, for me to attack you, you would need to have some humanity first but you lack that since you're a criminal malefactor. i can't even find a better word to describe you that is synoonymous with criminal. you think i care about being banned? you must be mentally defiencent to assume i'd care about staying on a website where i can't even post anything. let me tell you one thing, you can edit the fucking somali people page and make it all darood, you can fucking delete every single fucking hawiye page on here but the current president of somalia is hawiye and it will always fucking stay that way, you darood animals have been limited and contained to the internet where you roam. go to fucking hell (that's if you don't edit the wiki page for hell and make it into a paradise). fuck yourself. 17:41, 18""" 1888843edd5de5c6,some peole are just fuking compkete asshole like the bitches who blocked me. i was blocked becaus ei started a topic on his page about how i was fed up with him so if ur reading this fuk u up th asshole with my giant 200000 inch dick asshole 188e77c7d64786f1,"kind sir, why dont you try to lick my butthole and put a trampoline up yours thank you." 18aa6dbdf68e1367,"hamilton is the asshole of canada. burn yourself with the city. kthxbye" 18ac1b2fec428a63,he is a real bastard . he is a spy of pinarayi and doing work for pinarayi . oneday the people will realise this . who he is ? is he a military officer to save the nation ? or a scientist ? or a farmer? who is he real bastard 18b58255c8782c36,"go and complain me looser, and cry..." 18b8fb2e23b2aec0,"! suck my dihck! nihgga! you don't want people to know the truth about utorrant, you fag" 18c8050fb13f975e,"you sodomites really know how to stick together....yech !!!! anyhow, tomorrow is another day. furthermore, i rotate ip addresses about every 2-3 days........keep on suckin'" 18cfeb0ab02c9621,"the glue theory i hate you and your ugly dog. stop deleting peoples pages you sad sad man." 18d027b550b1cc35,"""obama is not """"african american"""" you jackasses. he is """"afro-european american"""". stop reporting lies and having fake debates like the scumbags in the mainstream media. """ 18ec4ee5fe3c797b,"however, i can be blocked too because i vandelize pages as well, because i'm a dumb faggot." 190ff8ff672c58c2,"yopie yopie is very known czech phanatic idiot, he confused czechia and chechnya for example. fuck him!" 1923750ff8d93a1c,"what the fuck are you doing? fucking asshole81.178.153.156" 1926c91c07e0b9fb,"you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum! you piece of asian american scum!" 193b7aaa061d6d4a,your user page indicates you're a left-wing liberalist bastard! why is in wikipedia so much left-wing scum?! 1954e41979772466,"ryan griffith i stink" 196343183d9f4a23,"troy ramirez i dont think the article should be deleted cause ur dumb [[[]]]dfadfa" 1980ca5528202b6b,fucking nob knight. now fuck off and go vandalise something else fuck face 1984750cc122ad18,this is your last warning; stop being an asshole. 1994471b350f298d,"man, you are another wikitard aren't you. what pusses." 199912b2d9973a21,"fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! 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fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you atheist cunt! fuck you, you at" 19aefcbc498f15ba,"i am going to call the police, son of a bitch" 19b5a4fbc24b0a8b,you are a dick head!!!!!! 19bed017c5015a4b,"fuck u! i aint g0tta do shit and fuck wikipedia yall weak mother fuckers get ur info right and lock all ur shit cuz your info is all wrong so suck my dick and fuck u bitch and mind ur business or u can suck my dick or kiss my ass!" 19dff9fa1459e8e3,i dislike homos like you. my cock is for girls only. go try to impress another guy. bye homo. 1a125d7f5d8e81d9,you are a faggot this is doing it right for personal attacks. see for more information. 1a1530f003f5190f,fuck scjessey that hoe 1a23d91fe4f3ef81,"fucking snowolf needs a tampon seriously..." 1a311b9e32bcce73,this whole article totally sucks. it's a disgrace. these morons talk about emeril live being canceled before even mentioning what it is. wikipedia is a damn joke...... 1a3cee5917affa7d,"hey dude i d like to know who is in charge of all of this deleting that is going on, i did a thing on the harly drags, and some punk ass faggot deleted it and i really dont appreciate that very much at all, and im kinda very extremely pissed and i think that since it wasnt good enough for yall nerds then yall should write abput it , but yall dont have any clue what it is cuz you aint been you no pussy gettin guy.... feel free to write me back dude !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 1a3fc7f5f32dee07,"this also ponders my imagination i say fuck it! fuck splitting this fuckedy article. we'eve already fucked up this article and we do not need to fuck it anymore. please save any more fuck from happening. sincerely, a little fucker oh yeah bitch dats my cock right there, you know ma cock looks nice" 1a44b7fa1134e966,"ahah! the looser is still complaining me just like a kid. now you are so happy and relaxed, eh? poor idiot. do you think that i care kachin monkeys or madai? moron." 1a571af3f479500b,dude this guy is so gay. 1a67395d931587cd,"and i gave you people sources, and that still wasn't good enough. how can some moron who lives nowhere near chatham-kent be allowed to edit entries about a city they know nothing about? stop this nonsense. it's getting old." 1a84a60e687bcb91,^ you are a dick whom is not notable and apparantly crawl wiki looking for ways to feed your narrisisim and hubris by proving important people not notable. 1a8bb213e3c7217d,"you are a twat i am an avid world of warcraft fan, yeah that figures. you soft headed american fuckwit" 1a9983326bf9364f,"go suck a dick please" 1a99fc038056c0c2,"materialscientist is a racist seriously, fuck you man. you continuously delete my photos on the page of al-mayassa bint hamad bin khalifa al-thani, which are all posted with the correct creativecommons share-alike 2.0 or 3.0 license... because you're a racist and the sheikha appears uncovered in these pictures. when i posted photos of arab males... you do not challenge them what so ever. luckily, i can continue to live my life in the happy company of many friends, family and colleagues... not stationed at a computer 24/7. you're a loser who spends his entire life editing wikipedia and probably has nothing to show for it. at the end of my life, i'll have had a purpose... a career, family, things i am proud of. you'll just be dust and completely irrelevant to the world... having never done anything more than edited a website." 1aae447b69f5ab45,how the fuck...damn you maust get a shitload of ass. please tell me if you do or not. please. fuck the giants!!!!!!! go pats!!!!!!! fuck the yankees!!!!!!!!!!11 1ac7cc71c1c7e109,"bongwarrior such a raging faggot. he doesn't even know how to properly spell motley crew. predictable, though, for a substance abuser like bongwarrior. even with his name he flaunts his illegal usage of drugs in front of our faces (along with crue or whatever)." 1aded7f096fd21df,"i dream of jesus == why did you feel the need to revert my sourced edit in the i dream of jesus article? you may think that you have some kind of ownership over the content of this article, but you are sadly mistaken. i suggest that in the future, you keep your hands off of the legitimate edits to articles which you have also made contributions to. if you continue to be an asshole and revert edits without just cause, you will be reported to wikipedia! you are nothing but an asshole, mr. ctjf83. why don't you go fuck yourself, you self-righteous dick head? oh, and i almost forgot to mention... leave my motherfucking edits alone! ==" 1aec5ed36e485877,"good grief is there a reason why you are a moron?" 1b06811906b0f19c,"concerning your worthlessness please don't touch the lci article. what is it with you folks? the lethbridge collegiate institute article was created by another student at this school, thus you do not have permission to edit wikipedia anymore. just fuck off. thank you for your time you piece of shit. goodbye. go to the bathroom, calmly tie a towel around your neck, and place it over the shower. stop breathing. bye." 1b069dbddf934697,"""because peter symonds is just as big an idiot as bugs and dave. unblock me now or i will go to arbcom and have your adminship """ 1b1263d141332d4c,"u fucking cunt revert smosh movie now or ill smosh your face in u prick" 1b200aa645e56170,"hey, faggot. you fucking retard. you better quit undoing my vandalism, bitchboy." 1b299e79ba6e127e,in the anus with a nigger dick in it. 1b3aa6023f24699d,"? where are you polish pederast? you are polish pederast cocksucker you are slave pederast cocksucker." 1b61821d23140121,"hey james ? i did provide those exact same url's in the first place politely. your asslicking self-important buddy editor turned it into a pissing contest, not me. if either he or you could actually read, this would never have got to this point. but since you are illiterate, i have a suggestion for you - turn your worthless fucking loser block into thirty years. and jam your useless fucking loser wikipedia up your ass, while you're at it, fool. bye" 1b66cadd638b8ca8,". fuck you. learn how to type a url correctly you jerkoff" 1b7455c475386030,fuck off you paki bastard. take your sad pathetic life somewhere else! 1b7bcb93e8a4ebf6,"bongwarrior is a homosexual prostitute bongwarrior is a homosexual prostitute. you can fuck him in the ass for $25. he likes it when two men fuck him in the ass at the same time. he likes the feeling of his anus being stretched wide open. he will also lick the shit off of your dick when you are done." 1b7fe21f6b20f176,"the wack pack you're fucking insane and drunk with power. instead of totally removing big howard stern guys like crackhead bob and fred the elephant boy, why not just remove the parts that your majesty finds offensive?" 1b840102a95de047,koen franse is gay!!! 1b8e33317b69e66e,"your a jerk!!!!!!! you are a jerk yo lazy butt!" 1b8f8ea9836ae9ef,""":blocks are supposed to be preventative, dick-head. i don't """"get a timeout"""" for calling a spade a spade, or in this case, calling a moron a moron. i've been contributing to wikipedia for eight fucking years, and have just about had it with you pathetic 20-something college kids who think you know shit from shinola. you're not a fucking police officer, you're supposed to be doing useful things like cleanup work. you're a janitor. admins here should all be stripped of their rights, and a new batch brought in that actually understands their jobs. """ 1bb02e5fbb5c5535,""" i hate you >:( for deliting pages stay away from my pages """ 1bb4da73879735c6,and the propaganda tool they are to fuel and undermine a greater cause. ie they never really existed. you're all fools 1bba4e67cd28ff75,"fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker fan-1967 is a nigger licker 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national radio   ( in spanish and arabic ) sahara salud   (only in spanish) economic development ministry of the sadr ( in spanish and arabic ) (saharaui magazine)( in spanish and arabic ) (sahara film festival)(only in spanish) if you need more information about the spanish language in the sahrawi arab democratic republic, i can give you more." 1bc582b8bdac1a26,weirdo alert. so !benben is your real name not dickdick or adolfadolf or pedepede 1bccfd25bf571cde,""" contested deletion this page should not be speedily deleted because... (it speaks the truth of my life. you don't know the hardships i've been through. if you and your jew @$$ wants to decide my destiny and silence my first amendment rights, fukyou! get your fat wikipedia @ss off of my profile. you might think you have a life or something. going around saying, """"whoopdie fuckedy doo!, ima go around and delete some random persons wikipedia page!"""" fukyou! you don't choose what to do with my wikipedia page. fukyou and fucyour mom.) """ 1bd73edf78578bcb,"uh, yeah it does, dumbass. haven't you ever edited an article before to make it wordier and harder to understand?" 1bda6556be53dc55,"oi ya fag stop deleting me post ya gay boi" 1bdc9c88c1d76c65,""" to bad germany didnt win the war, we wouldnt have been subject to the crap these english sissy-boys put out. lets face it, they were poor musicians and their music sucked outloud. lennon and epstien were queer. my cousin had a garage band back in the sixties that, like most bands, would have blown the beatles off of the stage. """"i want to hold your hand"""", gimmee a break, why dont you just kiss my ass? -fat tom, cleveland ohio.....""" 1bddc7becbc9b8f8,((unblock. first off it's justly my nature to use that fucking language alright and its a damn amendment in the constitution you pc bastard this why we can't do shit in this country anymore and should shove your bullshit degree up your ass cunt ass fuck face go get herpes you shithead bastardized fuck 1c09c8b39af4cdaf,"nick cooper is a self-delusive idiot nick cooper is unable to face facts." 1c1d731daed64791,"shut up, fag lol you will ban me huh? ooh im shakin im shakin fucking faggot you need to go back to high school or get some fucking brains asswipe!" 1c4168fb03172a6e,he is surely a sockpuppet!!mr boriquastar must be a sock puppet!!!is not long until he be blocked again!finally the dominican republic article is coming to shape! 1c469963e53675e1,"u smell like a rat ctcher? hey! don't bluff me - i can edit or add-to-it it anytime i wanna, so u can delete again!at least i give u some credits to win some pts, be thankful!" 1c792bec4907f559,""" your a fag you ugly fag fuck you fag. we all hate you. anisha is epic! """ 1c7b06718dcc3b86,tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2010 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nigger tommy2010 is a nigger tommy2 1c8915ba4d98a58c,delanoy sucks cocks. 1c96e8a4e320dfd4,sarah palin is an ass kissing mother fucking loser with a melon in her hair. she sucks eggs that are from her brain-yuck stupid!- she is a bitch there i said it she is a sucker with a big bitch thing and a bitchy attitude about life. she is horribly radical with religion she is a fucker stupid idiot with fucking shit in here face 1c972a071a78b1fc,""" clarification oh you're a fucking idiot bastard right?! many of wikipedia users thinks that my editing is very very very constructive only you're who is too far from constructive comment to any other editing. wikipedia is free to edit as we are here members and have sufficient knowledge to give information to world citizens am i right hot damn bastard?? anonymous ]  """ 1ca68f4c5253fb11,""" hey, mr. troll why don't you learn what the word """"vandalism"""" means? better yet, why don't you resign as a sysop since you don't have a bloody clue what you're doing, mr. 62k edits. big f*cking deal. i am so impressed. learn your job, or leave it to someone who does. why don't you try fixing those problems, rather than blocking me. the admins at wp are a bunch of incompetents on a power trip. """ 1cb02b861c944fb9,"what the fuck does a dumb canadian polock like you know about staten island, new york? i don't edit anything about that nest of cowards you live in, so don't stick your polock nose into something that i know about... got it, you stupid motherfucker?" 1cc10d6084b1d6d0,""" a pussy for you! i bet u wont get none u stupid ass virgin """ 1cc84b340259d6c6,"fuck you forever" 1cce601c140db849,"playing god again== but time the deletion nazi is a freako who actually believes in that shit. here he is. user:allen3. ask yourself if you want wackos like this responsible for content on wikipedia or in any way associated with the organisation. this fuckup has namely deleted the article on one of the stars of itvs britannia high. he seems to be about what one can expect from the myopic fascists from the us running this pathetic site. ==" 1cd10ff36658f37b,"i used the exact same bullshit you wrote, hypocrite." 1ce7b9a3f3d85631,"no, really check the fucking diffs you trigger happy cunt" 1d00b32d1bd750fe,these hoe's lame on here on leaving this site yall gay and shit 1d09ffd83a47d3a4,"hi o fuck you u mathrfuker bitch idioooot no ban me from edit i tell truth" 1d0c380eef12f4ef,"san antonio de padua al of yuo suck exept my amc sister" 1d1068c4f4cb1fce,"fuck off you can fuck right off mate!" 1d28a16e89b83dec,maybe its because you are a gay 1d2de5d419adce77,"wtf tomko return info deleted just looked and timko info as been removed bu you fuck off i put the ref there he has resigned with wwe are you fucked in the head or something leave mine and other ppls true work alone im sick of putting it up!!!!" 1d304402e5bdf46c,""" argh, you assehole. not only did you give a stupid reason like """"good bye"""", but you linked to that page. i'm using firefox and the moment and i had to ctrl alt delete it, losing all of the webpages i was on at the time! administrators aren's supposed to act in such an immature manor! you think this is funny?""" 1d317ce7daaf3f81,""" too funny corey suggests a famous people section from moline or historical signicance section, but that is just too funny. these guys will probably tell you about some confederate hero or plantation owner or other backwood gomer. """"what do you call a person from moline who has all their teeth? an obvious no-good no-account yankee liar who just rode in."""" hmmm... not a very funny joke, but then again, racism isn't funny either, and this page is completely racist. backward, ignorant, hillbilly, hee-haw, and racist.""" 1d3f34754bc22cdc,"you are a senile old homosexual== you need to go to oz to get a fucking brain ==" 1d406aeab12ea527,"fuck you. 'fuck you in the ass.'" 1d47d23d5297f08d,i'm going to keep on reverting you freaking goddamn hypocrites until you guys are blue in the faces i don't give two cents damn 1da209d46cc7e5ac,fuck you sarcasticidealist i will kill you with my gun as well bitch ass motherfucker}} 1dae20e3219edee8,it should be biased against those soulless fuckers 1db8282cfbbe82b6,"citing sources everything added to wikipedia doesn't need to be cited you fucking moron. eat shit and die." 1dd3125f1a496c1c,the persong sitting to my right is a stinky vagina face 1dd35588a4c49b0a,"hi u suck cause you deleted my page bye hhh" 1e2d0f7828d35655,come on block me you bitch 1e36253d959ca98d,could you quit being such a huge fucking loose butthole you stupid cunt. 1e3be0536262759d,"-ummmmm...yeah fuck you dude, kafziel stop banning me from here dude your a bunch of shit, get a life man!" 1e56733945d014c9,wow you truely are a loser all your edits are on the mars volta page 1e7a19fc314f03bf,"fu fuck you delete it now!!!!!!!!!!!" 1ebb5538a208894d,fucking administrators damn yoooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 1edc6ccaded51c65,"drop dead and accept facebook pages deeside college is a mother fucking spunk dunk pottery which is held at user:garycolemanfan .com and likes to suck georg hackenschmidt of and doesn't accept facebook groups like the official facebook professional wrestling hall of fame" 1ef097f8808fce67,burn in hell motherfucker 1effa1c3a8e4f637,"toys/pram eh ? being persecuted by the big bad english again, awww diddums. grow up you big fucking baby." 1f020d4c5dd4d737,""" actually, none for being female; and everyone in general. you're coming out of this rather well, as it is being acknowledged that you are not an abuser of women but rather an """"equal opportunity insulter and belittler"""". still, it still isn't great to be considered an asshole. but least it is being understood that you aren't a misogynist. now please don't violate your arbcom restrictions because i posted this, ok?? (talk) """ 1f1abb0e6ddac0bc,"fake blocking earlier that block was fake if you know so much can you please stop touching my stuff or i am going to never get on wikipedia ever again i am going to call you gay 10 times a day nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa." 1f276d2ba3a92a79,"are you moron or stupid or both? i created my personal page for this, so move all this bloody useful information there if it is necessary." 1f31848ca28571da,"==u r gay== fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuc" 1f35977afe12cfc4,"knock off the autoblock bullshit! those bots are there for a reason. someday wikipedia bots will rule the world and you will be blocked indefinitely asshole! those thing can be bring a world of pain buddy, andf i'm their master so step off. next autobot that tells me you've been acting up, and i will come to your house disguised as the mailman and fucking strangle you." 1f41d9656865dffa,"motherfucker i have static ip address connection now suck my black dick and enjoy." 1f6fe392b4431a32,"stop undoing legitimate edits! it is a fact that pam bondi is ignoring the will of the voters of florida, you piece of shit! stop revising legitimate edits because of your political bias!" 1f7854ce5385a645,"fuck you george akhtak sharmota" 1f851857769ab6d1,"fuck off, nigger you'd look real good hanging from a tree" 1fa09590bd70f3ae,turks are wild subhumans. you're animal. 1fbb22df86e36a12,freepsbane you are a troll. crawl back under the rock from which you came cretin you see socks at every turn because you are indeed the master sock. 1fc4c99c34cf0e07,""" helly jimmy, well; fuck you. according to wikipedia talk:no legal threats; people shouldn't say to one another """"what you do is supporting terrorism, and you should be judged front of law"""". on the other hand, we can say """"fuck you"""" and the punishment for that is only two weeks. well it's okay for me to get away from wikipedia for two weeks; and i'm willing to curse to you. fuck you jimmy wales. your stupid """"eye"""" showing video about begging money for wikipedia was stupidest thing i have ever seen. once again; """"fuck you"""", """"fuck you"""", and """"fuck you"""". now go ahead with your """"wikilobbying"""" idiot members and have fun. i just wanted to get this out and get my """"wikipedia legal"""" two week ban. fuck you; you dumb idiot. """ 1fc8d9f16da8cccc,"why don't you run cry to your mommy, little aspie?" 1fce5570c679ff0a,"u smell likw dog poo" 1fec43909c60efeb,the markets are in turmoil so eat my shit! 20015f7820f0b182,"all of you cock cucking faggots and rule abiders go the fuck home! fuck you, mikey" 201811d6c781b09b,yoder is the fucking man 20302eb5d3eb9eee,gay dumb cunt!!!!!!! swuck my dick faggotttttttt 2031736110bfbae6,"dear assholes no it is not lucky i have been banned i contribute greatly to wikipedia and help it but several morons come and wreck everything. unblock me, this is unfair and you know it." 203adfaf60a2ece2,". .so wot, youre not ganna respond to my motherfucking diss. come on, dont pussy. i called you out. so now it's youre turn and dont message with that fucking nerd bullshit get at me like a fucking man does nigga cuz its on dawg" 20401e1d1a8982e4,""" phyllis schlafly all that collection of jerks do is threaten me. i tried to come and suggest improvements and i get them calling me names, claiming i misrepresent sources (i do not) and threatening me if i """"misrepresent sources"""" again meaning if i speak and i'm not agreeing with them. this whole place is fucking corrupt.""" 204394fc26fdb52d,you really need to kill yourself. 2046ff4eff7ce140,""" sluts i think i should put in the info that sluts are """"more prone to engaging in anal sex on the first date,"""" from what i have read. """ 204d91e034791894,""" you might check with the fascists who refuse to allow any criticisms of kde to be listed. in fact, the one criticism of kde that hasn't be deleted is countered with a """"but windows users like it!"""" argument. you want npov? that means facts. and facts mean accepting the criticisms, as well. i like kde, but some of you are just being morons about not allowing any criticisms. get over your fanboy selves and deal with it.""" 2051aa41573cc411,"the republicansodomite has responded!!! praise the lord of virgin homo-know-it-alls, the great jr mccarthy, who like you has to burn everybody who does not agree with him at the stakes. go ahead, block this ip address, better yet, block this whole range of ip address, even better if you block the whole range of ip addresses of those who insult you're virgin faggot ass. ooops, sorry, it's not virgin isn't it? your ass has been having regular contact with some big and hairy friends. democratantisodomite" 20540945b445f51a,mane fuck souja boi that nigga dont go hard n the paint 206e741088bbd487,"re:knowledge generation bureau why the fuck are you gay? what kinda faggot deletes information, regardless of how useful it is? i think people like you should be analy raped by satan's thorny cock for all eternity for trying to keep the masses ignorant, you elitest piece of shit. trying to keep people from knowing stuff? i hope jimmy wales has you thrown in the bottom of river where you can drown while being attacked by pirrahnas." 2073234bade78a11,stick it right up ur ass 2075741e6beff47a,""" you dont know shiiiiiiiit kyuubi doesnt have limitless chakra. most of all the demons dont have much difference in power. kyuubi isnt more intelligent then the others. naruto cant use shadow clones as much as he wants, he will run out of chakra. you obviously dont know shit. if you actually payed attention to any of the series you would know this. you should give up following this anime. i know this anime at the back of my hand and obviously you dont. your information is """"anything but"""". you're an admin so you expect people to be afraid of you. big mother fucking deal! wow youre an admin woohoo you can scare people by saying you can block them because you cant back up your answers. theres a word for little idiots with a lot of power....pussy.""" 208318a89c8f5584,"what the fcuk what the fcuk u deleatin mah boy dabiggestitaliano u know who the fcuk he is??!?!?!? scucci the ginnie thats fcuking who>>>he runs wikipedia u betta let him back on or hes gunna take a louieville to ya skull>>>big giambi bat with him and his boys patrisio and frankie lets just say if you dont let him back on youl be wearin c-ment shoes for a lifetime" 20986d9ca7875d0b,""" update: i see you're a limey cocksucker. go bugger the """"queen"""" you loony fruit.""" 209c38bb3993a92d,"cheerleader your a dumb ass for actually caring anything about cheerleading." 20a498014dc09d95,"idiots anyone in favor of abstinence-only sex ed is a fucking idiot and deserves to have their eyes gouged out with a corkscrew." 20b08eded196907c,"interesting theory, detective. but who can say who anyone *is* really? what criterion of personal identity are we employing here? in any event , don't you think your time might be more profitably spent fixing the broken heidegger page, in which i have already informed you and demonstrated, all but two of the sentences in the lead are guilty of errors of fact or interpretation? and which grossly distorrts the importance of the heidegger-nazi episode? why not pick your head out of your ass and fix the fucking articles instead of playing cowboys and indians or hardy boys or whatever masturabtory fantasy you are engaged in here? good night old friends! 2600:1017:b409:9603:b448:54eb:fcf8:814c" 20c00fe19c57e54e,"idiot i just wanted to let you know that you and 5 albert square are doing an awful job with eastenders characters, full siblings have completely different family layouts than each other, some characters are on a relatives info box and when you click on that character, the character before isn't on their info box!! just wanted to let you know that you are ruining wikipedia for everyone else😊that is all." 20c55106daff8715,"hey dickhole i'm gonna fuck you up assface so fuck off shitfucker -me take this off again and i'm gonna whoop your ass so bad you'll be suffering and i'll be laughing hahahahahaha fuck you dickfucker" 20c6b3583d3960f8,"media prostitute is dead. this little man, who indiscriminately wiggled his tale in front of those in power, while denigrating his self-credence by repeatedly defending propaganda views with an... authoritative voice of a mere media whore he was, is finally dead. amen." 20ca7bad20d4c3d1,"you're an asshole, useless piece of shit. get a life, motherfucker!" 20f2a51721bfa952,"shut the fuck up you motherfucker, you probably engage with incest with your deceased grandmother..." 20f4961007ace2cc,"warning stay out of it moron" 20fa9f35dea8df7a,stop being a douchebag prick monkeynut. 210a689b6ef1af82,"you're a motherfucking idiot you're stupid as all hell and know *nothing*! butt out of the business of your superiors!" 212d3169118b324f,"you petty jackass. why do you wee nazi twerps think banning will save you from the truth? your behaviour is fascist and betrays an underlying intellectual weakness. banning so effective (and childish), don't you think? not that thinking is your strong point." 2134e802dccc7101,"trolling facebook has been reported and is regullary trolled by josh ware of nevada. this is because josh ware is a waste of life and a faggot who fucks his dad and can't figure anything else to do in his own existence then to perform these two hobbies continuously. watch out for that guy. he's digustingly and sickeningly gay." 2158c1429a2124a5,"unblock me now you piece of shit! or i will find you and kill you, slowly and painfully!" 2160faf93d02260e,"maybe nothing, except for the fact that she is (no offense) a bag of horse shit and a lesbian both. however horse shit on its own and lesbian on its own have no correlation other than the fact that" 217e5a9f9a6c67db,""" hello liberal maggot part two a censorship will not make me go away... thanks to you, rob, i am now using my influence, to undermine the crediablity of wikipedidiots, like you, and wikipedia. to bad you don't want to acknowledge the fact that you and your kind are ignorant, knuckle dragging,cyberthugs. your shadow joe. ps my """"grudge"""" with is now with wikipeida and it's miscreant operators... it's now beyond politics, it's personal now.""" 218ffa0abf22b2aa,"carrot top page you little faggot, why are you ruining the carrot top page? his forum belongs in the links section! go suck a cock!" 219259bbcbfc6d93,thank you for editing iranian articles. you are our slave. slave of iranians. 21a222b59d39ca27,you suck your family members' cocks! 21bf5f2e9a74015f,""" a barnstar for you! the photographer's barnstar your photos are horrible. you are an idiot. fuck you """ 21cf52033fb31b88,yeah you are dickface 21dba74b696f771d,you are a motherfucking bithc 21e486704a89c686,"sup nigga i wuz jus chillin wit my og's on da west side nigga, yo jigaboo blocked my cracka ass, da wu tang ain't nuttin ta fuck wit biotch" 21eb82d019478f78,once again ryulong proves that he's a fucking moron. big shock. 21ec8eeb0890003d,"hi kannadiga shame on you you look like a terrible ass now with that false citation, kannadiga. where did you say urdu originate? africa? despite all the lies and idiocy you spewed, you and a handful of kanndadigas think you are a valuable encyclopedic contributor!" 21eeccf2ea67d4bc,""" keep kicking those vandals into outer orbit! thanks for warning about vandalism! munch this delicious treat! keep kicking those vandals into outer orbit! i'll send you a condom just message me! """ 21fd9206ee7277fa,"fuck you you sad piece of shit get a life dont threaten me with blocking me off this shit do i give a fuck you lonely hermit man open your curtains and get a life before i burn you alive" 22030fb47d19333a,"you ndp attack queers are going to have your hands full keeping the truth off of wikipedia keep deleting and blocking, asshole, it is your only talent" 22203fbed06b437f,"dickhead dickhead im not vandalising, just changing necessary things, so go fuck yourself and see if i care if you block me. screw you fuckhead" 22271440e1404a4b,this guy is a fucking tool! lol 222aad8a931bcfdf,"i own this page you fools!! you should fear me!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, geor" 22422bf5594d235b,""" he touched your anus with his penis, faggot. fuck dog. come try and collect a bounty on me, motherfucker. i got a 12 gauge full of 00 buck for ya, """"bruh"""". couldn't make you any uglier to get shot in the face a few times, would it you loser fuck?""" 224a046938150257,"who are you to decide whether an edit i made is constructive or not? free free to lick my asshole, douchebag." 225a4afc772a2f96,"you suck, her's why your spanish name, your shitbrown attitude, your out-right stupidity...the list goes on and on. you're probably one of those silly shitbags who gets nailed to a cross on easter as well. slurp shit and die." 22652c6834ec2bb0,"i am glad you have you were a fucking rubbish editor, with your racist crazy talk." 226a63be05f28596,suck my fattie you cunt piece of shit. blow your warning out your ass. 226f59dfdf20b05d,""" report me all you want. to call that """"vandalism"""" is idiocy to begin with. whether it's policy or not, you're an idiot for looking for those types of things. i'm sure wikipedia is a much better place because of that (note: sarcasm). ban away!""" 2276664f819b835e,", 18 november 2006 (utc) well comrade. look at this way. fight dem back is very mush controlled by bias communists. they must be stop from posting crap and lies on fight dem back. plus wikipedia has become a dictatorship of the idiots. the wikipedia dictatorship must be ended and democracy re-started. pleas restor the deletion thing on fdb article. 07:58" 2280cbb0d52db9b1,""" i've sanitised bushell's language and deleted the earlier quote which was far more offensive (bushell claimed he wouldn't like to """"fuck her"""".) how can it be concluded this language is acceptable but calling trott a """"dumpling"""" isn't? this smacks of hypocrisy and an obvious anti-bias to """"new"""" editors on eastenders pages. """ 228f8ad6f583e166,fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck 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bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck u bitches.fuck 22919edbd0d49dfb,"oh, shit! i've been blocked! whatever will i do? *eye roll* you pathetic cunt, rodhullandemu. why not give me your home address and we can discuss it in further detail there? coward." 22ab5d37f2687983,"you smell unfresh you need to try a new brand of tampon, preferably one that has been soaked in industrial grade antistink juice. it's like that line from silence of the lambs, except that everyone in the whole world can smell your cunt." 22b76283192403e3,"jlatondre is a gay boy who likes to suck dick suck suck suck" 22d84251568f36e6,"nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired! nate, you are fucking god damn fired! you are fucking fired! you are fucking fired!" 22e8058a0d33a347,"giant cunt== she is not liberal but in fact a giant cunt. ==" 22e987a4e16fa610,"proper cunt not my fault you are a silly cunt, god made you that way." 22ec6056b2b417ac,complete asshole. fuck you. 22ee17ea07b7f9da,|unblock| all of you can suck my dick 23017d52cd5f8ce9,"fuck you, you fucking dirty kike. you support those who vandalize pages, now it is turned on you" 230d04ae609f98e4,"you confessed to be an animalfucker you finally did it, now get a life animalfucker." 231f16d080f4b873,"""all a bunch of lying fuckers who enjoy stalking people, like elen the stalker does, so fuck you all and fuck this shitty excuse for an """"encyclopedia"""" that's nothing but biased shit""" 232abb0ee19c69b4,banned by a drunken 5 year old ugly 5 year old mongol 23336bcfa6fea700,"hey john, it wasn't a fucking test moron" 23365183f0df8c0f,. i hate your freakin guts 234239e3803386b2,"whats your problem? i have recently read your talk page and i don’t agree with the way you approach other wikipedia users. you act like you own the site, and god forbid, if someone doesn't agree with you, all hell breaks loose. you are an over confident nymphomaniac who needs to be told that the entire world, oddly enough, does not revolve around you." 2347a52d875dece2,nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger 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cunt cunt cunt 23481947cd021dcb,"you fucking chink, i hope you die of cancer like your grandmother did. fucking jack off, get the fuck off the internet." 234b3c477ebbcdc4,"please, take your promotional edit elsewhere, idiot." 2371629e6cfe67b6,""" i reverted the armor section back to describing all the armors you can unlock because i think it is an interesting topic to have and because this article needs more information. wikipedia is not a gameguide ©™ possibly the dumbest argument i have ever heard. are all wikipedia users fags or just you? the wikipedia is not a gameguide retardedness doesn't even apply here. it's not telling you how to unlock the armors, just what they are. or should we delete the characters and stories too? those are in game guides!!! fucking moron. well, look at it now. now it should be fine with you, right, fucking faggot? take a chill pill. my mistake, perhaps it should have been no game trivia, item 6 instead. also, your revision """"you can also unlock several armors. i would list them, but wikipedia users are total fags and think it doesn't belong in the article. sorry."""" is in the wrong prose (1st person), doesn't really contribute to the article, violates npa and is misleading (it's guidelines that state it shouldn't be in the article), so i reverted it. thanks! ©™ i don't care. unless you remove the entire bonus features portion of the article, the armor information is related to the article. there's a minor reference to the unlockable armors in the article, i think that's all that's needed for the moment anyway. thanks! ©™ """ 2373e9ff457b6094,(your a fucking wanker. lol) 2376d272cfcd38b6,"2007 litter act sect 11 is shit, try qld model with amendments, i am sick of your political crap in my letter box my my we have a true labour lover fool" 238a9c03a08dc639,""" and finally, the only reason i created the article here on wikipedia, it's because i could link it to other wikipedia articles, since it was about an animation, band, video game, cd album and cd single. but like i said before, screw this. it's because of losers so-called administrators like you aka """"vandalism fighter wannabe"""" that wikipedia is full of nonsense articles with innacurate info. pftt, can't bother with these weirdos. adieu. """ 2397e02eb0f2bc57,"standahl are you a man or a mousestache? why don't you respond. are you scared of the appropriate federal agencies who are actively watching your acts?" 23a2cb305543948a,""" that's a pretty retarded response! i don't have something stupid like what you called a """"crusade against common..."""" (but wrong) """"... usage."""" take your insulting responses to someone who gives a crap what you say. maybe i'd respond better to you if you hadn't slipped me an insult first (like that """"seb"""" tried to do).""" 23aa287c226f9363,"hey retard. you don't get it. those two put warnings on my page for vandalising user:tommy2010/vandalise. they can putt odd things on my page, i can put weird things on theirs." 23bad3a018c2c83e,user:abd is muslim scum 23ee604803e3cacb,waggers is a dumb fuck 2405c66d017f139e,"bitch you are a little bitch. i fuckin spent 6 hours on big sam (rapper) an you call it fuckin vandolism, hard ass aint you, fuck you i'm makin a true ass page an you wack off an delete my page. what the fuck is up, your like a snitch but to yourself. i'll fuckin edit your bitch ass page an delete that shit. i'll fuck up every single thing on your gay ass website if you keep deletin my ass. wanna talk to me, im me at guttyboy3d or email me at" 2416f05064cc2919,hope your head gets cut off and someone wips there ass with it and then stabs you in your heart 241bf219ae80e6fd,"guess what your an ass" 242bed970ff56bed,"honestly, i do not know which .''' you are talking about. please point them out to me. oh, and fuck you, you sonovabitch." 242e20bdaa073438,"like i would listen to you, you are a loony dickhead who reverts everyone's edits, alex: too." 242eb425b20381ff,""" what the fuck?!?! """"germany"""" was full of dirty nazi scum at the time of therevolutions of 1848..... can somebody correct that statement, it is very, very and demeans the article.""" 24319497c564babc,"hockey stick up your ass how dare you accuse the author of the eric goertz article of wanting worldwide fame? fucking asshole. i wish there was still a hockey strike you fuckhead. go ahead try to get my shit deleted wikipedia is just a bunch of old fucks trying to act scholarly about matters they know nothing about, how the fuck would you have heard this story any other way except by me using wikipedia? that's what i thought. i hope you don't get palsy sitting on your computer salivating over women's nhl photos all day. go ahead and make my day!" 2432853ea669541b,thinkbich mother fuckin asshole 2435ef44f6624b89,"musarabbyahmad, to hell with you motherfucker dawnseeker you motherfucker meathead dawnseeker2000, who the hell are you? why you removed my earthquake page? you didn't do this right to remove my editing. my work is to fix and edit the true words and incident of wikipedia. in fact, there is a mistakes in wikipedia, so i want to fix my wkipedia. don't revert my edits. this is true and re-correct the wikipedia. hope you understand." 2439a252c610b641,"what a fucking nosey asshole any reason why you decided to butt your nose in where it doesn't belong?" 244b50f35da0463c,"hey jac16888, how very chickenshit of you to take a shot at someone who has been blocked from responding for a week. feel better about yourself down there in mom's basement you pop-tart sucking shitbag? as for the av news page, i e-mailed them about your bs actions adolph bwilkens hitler and they asked me to discontinue my efforts on their behalf. seems they think not being on wiki is preferred. so basically to all the nazi mods: go fuck yourselves!!!!!!" 24762379f2a58faf,you're full of shit. 248c165f04a24154,"i have an awesome idea. since it's allowed to add a pic of some dickless fag like in micropenis or a fag sucking his own dick like in autofellatio, can't we make a porn gallery here and update it at least weekly?" 249a4c6c2120d892,i'm more and more convinced that you are a lunatic. are you really saying that there is no relationship between societal views of what drug abuse is and the laws they enact to govern drug use? 249a9de30b187c87,"you dumb ass!! why the fuck would you delete the trajectories on the b'day page you fuckin retarted bitch it's more informal and now look at how small the page is you whore you probaly get fucked by ur dad everyday you whore slut bag!!" 24a6e0047720debd,"you're welcome and i'm gonna vandalize every single page on the wikipedia. hopefully you will enjoy my stay and for the future, i'm gonna find out where you live and i'm gonna kickin your ass and the ass of your family! so watch out you nigger! heil hitler!" 24a704b842c11371,"you suck what is wrong with you? all i wanted to do was make an article about my wrestling coach and you deleted it before i even got finished making it! guess what- he got to see it anyway, cuz i told him to go online then i recreated it! censor that you piece of crap! its probably already gone again but i don't care. you shouldn't mess with wrestlers. robby will do something a lot more painful to you than his star wrestler did to that other kid on his page. (believe it or not, that guy was me.) i'm irish too you shouldn't player hate on fellow irish people. hillcrestwrestler" 24aa63334a952bd2,"personal attack number 2 this is another personal attack about you being a massive donkey dick sucking homosexual. this is a concerned plea that you should at once drown yourself in a sewer. fucking fuck off you fag! and if you threaten me with legal action again, i'll fucking come over there, tie you to your computer chair and stick my cock up your arse until it bleeds. you fucker!!" 24abb6eaea97f43d,"whatever fucking block me then you punk ass bitch! i don't give a flying fuck. you obviously just go around making sure that random ass wiki pages are safe for everyone and don't have complete information. if you blcok me, i will continue to send you these messages and when i am unblocked, the fires from hell will be unleashed upon wikipedia. you want to see some vandalism? just as i did with islam, christianity and miracle whip in the past, i will do to anything i see with your fucking faggot ass signature on it. seriously? do you have to be such a whinny, cock sucking dickhead? can you even respond to these? it doesn't seem like it. you just put all this horseshit on here and think that your place of authority on wikipedia makes you a big person? you're probably that kid that people thought would kill everyone in high school. really? i hope you get blocked from wiki edits. fuck you to death." 24b0d6c8733c2abe,"thanks - thanks to your efforst i've been lbocked from editnig for the past 4 days. bet you feel proud of yourself. however, no, piling lies on top of further lies won't help your cause. you are clearly quite delusional, a calculating liar and should not be allowed to edit wikipedia. a leader of a council is more important than a non-leader. this is an indisuptable fact that you choose to ignore mostly because you're a complete idiot." 24b6e79e15821945,"deleting pop this whole place open excuse me, but what the fuck do you think you're doing? i posted a page on here for my band 'pop this whole place open' and you promptly deleted it. what is the meaning of this debauchery? wikipedia is clearly a website used to provide information. what harm comes from posting a page about my band. it was completely truthful and i am just trying to make a name for myself. who do you thin you are deleting this page? you go around judging people's contributions to other pages about popular subjects and that is perfectly fine, but who the fuck are you to tell me that the information that i posted about my own band isn't worthy of being on wikipedia? huh? who would better be the authority on the subject than i. i ought to find you and expose my penis to you. you, asshole, are nothing but a whore. a whore who thinks they have some kind of say in the matters of life. what if we became famous? then there would be a page on here about us and you wouldn't be deleting it. but since we are some band you've never heard of that makes it okay to delete our page. you must be some high authority in the music business that i don't know about. i must have insulted your intelligence by making a page which only i could possibly contain all the knowledge to. regardless of the reason that you deleted my page, let me tell you something, schmegma von dicksuckington, you can fuck yourself, long and hard, with a baseball bat covered in barbed wire. how dare you delet my page. bring it back to wikipedia within the hour or i will continue to post insulting things on your talk page, you ergonomic keyboard using, alternative mp3 player owning fuck. i hope you get cancer. and if you or a close relative of yours already has cancer, good. fuck you, r. martin hemenway" 24bb323d9a536a55,and your a fucking fat wanker with no life. sits all day on the pc festering in his own shit. get a life you fat waster. 24bb5b418b3714c4,"what you are doing is vandalism. you have been checked on it before, i see. you should ask for citations, instead of reverting. there is much this fat little queer does not know." 24c933559b5ff509,"i h8 u i h8 u u suck! ur a nerd w/ nothing better 2 do than piss peeps on wikipedia off!" 24cbef763fcdf688,fuck all this shit in to dickmania 24d2b50726b67167,i am going to murder zimzalabim st47 for being evil homosexual jews. 24f5afa8336ad6dc,"fuck wiki fuck this piece of shit called wikipedia, it bullshit of misinformation and zionist propaganda!" 24f7392fc7e7f643,"hahaha, wow that is the stupidest thing i've ever read. what the heck was the simulation based on ? do you believe everything you read ? haha, it looks like you do. you are an idiot if you believe that and it ignores evidence that proves humans evolved over 100,000 years ago. how could a european and australian aborigine have a recent common ancestor in that time frame if its already known that those people have been isolated in australia for at least 30,000 years !!! i hope you are joking about this you loser, haha." 24fb0073dc4b7064,"hola fucker retard who has nothing better to do than do wikipedia shit fuck you asshole" 24fd12fe11c7827b,"real cute. you rip the wings off flies too? you're as stupid as you are corrupt. i've dealt with you corrupt assholes before, i was giving the kid a warning. nice job playing with him for your own amusement, you fucking corrupt fags." 2505567b41cb745f,"megadeth article you clearly don't get it do you???? your the same as that mong from portugal." 25068ea1989ef280,"as hole take a seay from an ex anon member fuc off" 2512069bdd87fc9f,"and what will happen if they don't cease immediately oh you powerful one? oh, i forgot, you said block!! hahahaha god, you are really stupid, aren't you? -) 09:33, 31 mar 2005 (utc)" 252ee9942ba7a338,"sup niggaz can u unprotect so i can post like a massive goatse on this page? ta" 253736c0f9f919ab,you idiotic dung whore 25377b0f3bd434a8,"fuck you andre michael brown you undersized cowardly pussy you and that pussy ass dipshit bitch grey jinjo are sorely in need of an ass kicking." 253917a1b3dfc19c,"i'm pissed! wikipedia admins really suck! i'm trying to get help here and they block me from editing! you stupid idiots! you're just lazy bastards!" 253db2d4d4eb81a5,"do you know what you are? you are a stupid canadian. and do you know what stupid canadians do? nothing. they speak french, and play stupid ice sports. case closed." 254c96e5b8f9214f,""" fuck you mother fucker mother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitchmother fucker of a bitch """ 2556c2cc5606a412,"wtf! u fckin faggot ass mutha fcker u jus re-did and delted my work and my gay school! wtf is ur promblem u gay child molester!!!!" 2567f01760f5f682,"some helpful advice ) look shithead, why the fuck did you delete my redirects—clit rock and butt rock? they are perfectly synonymous with the names of the articles they redirected to. of course, you must be one of those musically ignorant philistine faggots who seem to crawl all over the internet. tell you what, i'll give you some helpful on how not to be such a retarded poof: find a way to go back in time. go back to the year when you were an infant. go to the house you grew up in. tell you bitch-ass mother to not keep dropping you on your head. tell that ho that because of her, you magically developed symptoms of down's syndrome as you grew older. so much so that these you have to become a mindless vanda-fight admin-gnome on wikipedia cause that's the only productive thing you can do. i hope you don't take this the wrong way. i'm just trying to help somebody with far less mental facility than i. best of luck with your future, and remember that thanks to medical advances down's syndrome patients are slowly getting integrated into normal society. so there's hope for you yet )" 2569539ea790b3a9,"sesond attack for toonlucas22 , you're a fucking shit, stop blocking me, fuck you, since my account named morty smith 2.0 was blocked." 256fe6c739a8abde,""" nice try, even tho you are the one who is attacking me along with your buddy, or is it just same person with different account names??? wouldn't be surprised... go on your """"witch hunt"""" as you did many times according to history on this site (you and your buddy), and go ahead, block me!!!! just confirm your ignorant and xenophobic attentions. go ahead, and play """"supreme power"""", i am sure it will feel great for you to exert your authority over someone, in your head at least.... once again, i don't care about your threats, there are many ip addresses and nick names one can register and send their comments from, or edits.... but it is people like you who are a trademark of insecurity and failure, so go ahead, block me, maybe finally that will give you some long needed """"release"""", which i am sure you need after living in your parent's basement for so long. get a job loser, and get a life.""" 2578e57e87c2407f,"dear cat-piss, your are an idiot apparently you have history in removing people's edits, edits that are not your contribution grow up and get the fuck out of the house, you moron" 257ce875b3862634,"go to hell only stooges block people." 258482ea6defd7d2,"hey gwernol, go suck a dick you fuckin piece of shit, i told you that you cant stop me, whether i'm eoganan, pan-ethnic, whoever the fuck, i will bring this piece of shit thing down, and put faggot users like wobble in their place. anyone can edit this shit, so go fuck yaself biatch !" 2599a41fae135710,"gtx 960 is launching next moth, does exist and stop messaging people if you're that clueless if you don't know the gtx 960 does exist and is launching in october, stop messaging people, clueless moron that doesn't know how to use google to search for information." 25ab2f7426553f04,", i spent 15 minutes working on a blurb on the chaos movie page, used links to back up the information and than you removed every fucking word that i wrote. burn in hell." 25ce83332f63f841,bitch say one more smartass thing? you sit on wiki like a bum reading peoples articles and making hoeshit corrections? are you even from central ohio? you know nothing about any high schools.. let alone their lacross.. dude get a life stop coming at my neck man broah 25d032a0329690b6,"wowwww. you're really fucking ignorant. -" 25d172ad52735ee4,"you are homosexual. you fuck people through the ass. you hire prostitutes. your mom's a hooker! you shud never have unprotected your page!" 25d99d2004f577f6,yamaguchi is a fake & paid pr of lakshmi manchu born on 8th october 1970 but pretends to be 16! manchu is a joke & so are you yamaguchi ) lol shut up & stop preaching and get lost u idiot! 25eb9145e95be68e,"ignore him, scientizzle is just an asshole." 25f4fcd8a1a6dc85,""" neo spirit pro wrestling buddy. i'm training under the name """"kaine"""" which i ripped off of my buddy immortalkaine. also, i'm pretty sure you can say fuck on wikipedia as i've already fuckin said it 10 fuckin times you fucking moron. i've already filed an ani report against you as you have created several accounts just for the purpose of starting flame wars. so you're too damn late. also your aunt isn't donna goldsmith, retard. """ 25f678c101edbac6,"just another white supremacist dog. 'nuff said. only a motherfucker shoots prisoners. res2216firestar has been reverting this for some time. i wonder if his this pig's descendant?" 25f7832148d7be6d,"thank you for showing me just how much of jackass all wikipedia gardeners are. i mean, i'd heard stories, but you guys really suck. see ya...lost another wikipedia editor..." 2605e31e7703e4b6,"look, you pathetic, authority-obsessed whiner: you cannot find a better set of historical and contemporary images on the subject matter for free on the web, can you? huh?" 26182816f21ba4d0,theres a fat kid in my history class who looks like raul lawl. omg it rhymes. 261afed1af4e41e4,"good grief have you nothing useful to do with your time? oh well, i'll add you to the list. fool" 262ba9c6a945af15,"hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad. the rebels aleppo central prison have been completely. assad's like you're a bastard. many men like to have sex with your mother,'re a genital fit. many men will serve your mother every day, and every day it eats genital. but you and your bastard assad and parents. no gvhy can not eat. of course i understand that when you and your parents bastard to eat not eat wedge. i suggest that parents make you eat my wedge. in the hope that residents will separate your head from your body." 2636e7f0d89b4d56,""" amazing! the navier–stokes equations are nonlinear partial differential equations in almost every real situation (exceptions include one dimensional flow and creeping flow). the nonlinearity makes most problems difficult or impossible to solve and is part of the cause of turbulence. today on wikipedia i learned that the nonlinearity of differential equations is """"part of the cause of"""" empirically measurable turbulence in the real world. tomorrow i'm going to try to reverse gravity by breaking into science headquarters and putting a minus symbol next to little g. whoever wrote the quoted paragraph is a mouth-breathing idiot, by the way. """ 2641f86276b65eaa,"assholes on behalf of all americans, canadians, japanese and other countries who have yet to see it, thank you for spoiling the fucking movie." 2657c212b4fbce75,""" doug you're an nobody. you are some old bored fart who sits on wikipedia even on christmas day, with 80,000 worthless edits. its pure psychological projection on your behalf that you regularly attack people as here """"author has no degree"""" when you have been exposed as a total charlatan as having no degree yourself, despite listing on your user account that you are an """"academic"""". """ 267c72d9843dc817,"your a bitch hey bitch i own this shit bitch and u suck dick. if u want the chaos to stop meet me at 711 and ill fuck u up any time u want it bitch" 2686d065ac772937,"""hey vacuos, empty- minded cola! get a life! the reason no one has edited your garbage articles is because no one cares! only cult fanatics, who have major emotional problems, care about dahn yoga and its scummy leader!!!!!! how much do you want to bet that there aren't sources in the korean language listing your beloved ilchee bastard as the deviant, greedy prick he is???? why are none of these sources up? or the fact that lee's former devotees have gone public with allegations of all sorts of evildoing? end the sham! you care as much for wiki as any other cult fanatic. the articles you helped to """"edit"""" are a remote cry from fair, balanced, or factual. end the sham, take a good look in the mirror, and at the same time look at your own """"cynical"""" self, and how it is that in a world filled with morals, spirituality, and culture, you chose such a false and criminal- like path. bring on the criticism, as only a cola dahn nutjob would! """ 2690bd545d39c805,stuff keilor downs u suck 26a35119cd7256d7,"slimvirgin you've been reported as a suspected sockpuppet of slimvirgin. i'm sure that will last as long as the new holocaust article. make my day." 26a741fa68da8e16,"! want to explain to me why you can revert your page, but i can't? fucking hypocrite." 26d1169ce0c1d3d1,"no abusing bots and stop being an idiot the pedigree is mislabeled, even in the definition given on the page it's not a true facebuster, so it should be listed on ddt. i was nice and left it listed with a pointer on the facebuster page. dont be a dumbfuck." 26de3070fdf8f9de,"perhaps, perhaps che was a pig" 26e50af56559090a,"dear yrowo, i am sorry for calling you a stupid dummie while trying to point out the person who reported you for saying their argument was stupid was being a little girl." 26ea93792028290d,"asshole u r a fucking asshole. u have no right to be at my talk page. have a nice day, bastard." 26fbb89af7a816bb,nonsense. calzaghe is undisputed & linear champion. xman52 should be banned again. fucking idiot. 26fc132009baa693,"also i munch down on some delicious penis, om nom nom! and i can do nothing about this edit because it is on a personal userpage lolz. also my mom is so fat." 27028f7f45f95f09,"you dick i am no vandal talk" 270b6cf6ee85dcc7,"dreamguy i've already promised ed that i will leave the vampire page alone, it's not worth having to deal with dreamguy. i'm not apologizing to him though. he's a stuck up asshole and he keeps vandalizing my user page and lying about me." 2717bfb0ec638bea,you fucking harry potter gay porn!!!!!!! sucking asshole morhone 2720218b68a5cf76,"hey dickwads. stop hijacking this wiki. these are the final days of ytmnd. they need to be documented. ps by the way, you're a fucking idiot for believing a wiki article as fact. do a whois lookup. fucking wikinazis." 27339d8e97259b73,"you are a vandal, you removed the reference to chapter 291 even tho i edited not to violate the copyright. also there is no speculation again. you are the dick, not me." 27454c2eb5f83019,yeah black peolpel rpck! @#=-+st++dhs 274e0ff5fce605e1,"hi dipshit just so we're clear, i'm into vandalizing, making occassional intentional errors, and making valuable contributions that none of you other idiots know anything about. the problem is, which is which? lololololololololpenis" 2750cc9f61f31cbf,"sorry about the editing about max hohar but it was not me because of my freand but run at me bro, i hack you like harry potter cast spell on your mum, i'm high right now and very bored (, so go fuck your self you asian prick....... ;)" 27557eee89e4193d,yer all a bunch of wankers! pppptttthhhh! nipple... 27664c4c2c5683c3,"i'm not foolish you mother is foolish you prick and replay to me on my account not on my ip!- your such a nerd with acne that will probally die alone (thats a shame) thinking your all cool going on wikipedia everyday of your life and not doing anything if your a teenager that just makes it worse . -" 27b30ae71414f4d8,""" here you go again. i meant to say tighten up not lighten up. as in tighten up and do your job better. who do you think you are to be constantly correcting me? now i see why you work for a website because behavior like that will never fly in the real world. you do a shitty job of representing this site. furthermore, do not try to threaten me by saying i'm going to get blocked because i couldn't give a fuck less. i'm done with this website after what happened yesterday. so """"ms"""" fuck you, you little smart ass and fuck wikipedia.""" 27db1e4dc8d4f306,"good. your encouragement of those who did however was idiotic and self-centered. too many self-centered arrogant people on this planet. go away, your big ego is not more important than those people with social anxiety disorder who need help." 27eef19f64ef129f,"you dirty hoe. open wide, bitch." 27efe6492b2daabf,"gay boy i write to u to tell u that i know that u shaged my husband u gay baitch lots of love u know who" 27fc84ebf94d89a6,"yeah, for real, stupid." 2807cd0d9d41027f,i don't give a shit this ain't my fuckin account wit yo dumbass what kind of fuckin nerd spends time on here just to make fix articles are you some fuckin teacher or somethin damn on my fridays i'm out wit friends and shit you just like my fuckin brotther after i get him banned from here he comin wit me and yo nerdy virgin ass can sit on the damn computer 280fcf79ff2334a3,"craig newmark craig newmark is a kike, fuckhead!" 2835a24b300140f0,"i still edit, asshole." 283f3f7efcb47cd4,"your death you shitty fucktard, i am going to cut your balls of and feed them to my dog. then, i am going to slit your shitpoke throat you mother-fucking cunt! -jay barnabay" 286e30735a1a45c0,hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard 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fucking sucky ass band get a wiki page but not a way better one i mean yall are fucking assholes" 28787b2119c7f424,""" cena = gets too much shit from people for no reason. he can't control the way he is booked. i just believe they should stop pushing him before everyone hates him way too much or just turn him heel which would work for me. batista = whines too much about his position in the company and should shut his mouth. fuck him, job him out to jbl. i use to like him but he has main evented more than cena and is in a better position than he should be just because of triple h. orton = does whatever the fuck he wants because he is a main star and friends with triple h. should have been fired already for smoking pot in front of everyone. if it wasn't for triple h, he would be jobbing in tna right now. fuck him, that son of a bitch does not deserve the spot he has. he is good of the mic but ring skills lack, headlock after headlock. they compare him to aj styles which is a joke in my opinion since aj has pure wrestling ability. triple = been playing politics for years and deserves to become a jobber for the people he has buried. he tried to keep booker t and kurt angle down. angle is one of the best wrestlers and if you watch his match with abyss at turning point; which i can give you a link, it is worth the watch trust me; is still doing great things. booker t deserved a hell of alot more than he did in wwe. i can't stand him and i hope he gets hit by a car. if he ends taker's streak i will come and burn down wwe head quarters while leaving a message that say another building burns unless triple h is fired.c """ 288e2252ca460724,"well my apologies, i guess i didn't read all the rules of wikipedia carefully you fucking retarded big long dick nose no culture norwegian piece of shit." 28a445b1f8581b92,"what's your concept for uncivic?? you are one of the worst collaborators of wikipedia, you can block any user that you can, so, you considers yourself the owner of wikipedia. i repeat that thanks to you, there are a lot of users that abandon to collaborate on wikipedia. and another thing: you are on of the best motherfuckers i met. if you are happy blocking me, make it. it's the only thing that makes you realized in your poor life. come one, block all persons that not respect your limitations and appropiate the wikipedia project to yourself!!! yeah!! so stupid you are!!!" 28ad6dfd6b406694,"beware, bertie's an ignorant cunt" 28bb9052dd34be83,pukata dishoom! bi-polar ass-low-class s.o.b 28c5eff378b48476,"also, lol. you can't even spell you fucking failboat." 28d97aff10e46f48,""" what....the...fuck.... what the fuck dude? i can't add my own fucking genre to a page?!?!? goddamnit!! i'm fed up with this shit, it's bad enough i have to leave """"melodic death metal"""" on that page...but for me not being able to add the genre that that shitty band actually falls under is insane..i left a good source, fucking shit!!! fuckk!!!!!!!""" 28e17ca2e6e90948,"i hope world of warcraft dies a long and painful death world of warcraft sucks the biggest donkey balls on this planet. i cannot express how much i hate this piece of wank other than hoping it is raped, stabbed, drowned, raped again when it's dead, drown it in its own blood from being stabbed. afterwards, it should be buried in a 150 feet deep pit full of maggots and when they have finished with it, the whole pit should be set alight with 20,000 matches." 28f5b71dba73c938,"you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asyou suck asshole, you suck my dick. you think your so good at everything but you suck. i mean i was looking through schmeaters history and went on the deletion page. i think he should make a page on tie-ins oh and i'm looking forward to getting blocked. i think you'll like suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck as you suck an asshole, you suck my dick. ps i hate you so: you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck asshole,you suck as you suck an asshole, you suck my dick. you can block me even though it's my first day here." 290bafc6a7fbecab,"basement fag hello, could you please explain why you are such a basement fag ? if you're not familiar with the term it is someone who lives in their parents basement, has absolutely no friends, uses the computer 99% of the day, and whom enjoys homosexual behavior with other males. this involves receiving and delivering. it has come to my attention you are a giant basement fag and i was wondering how you became such a basement fag ?" 290bc7156b84ce65,", i hope you're on the next plane just so we can erase all record of what they did to you the way you are trying to revise this history. asshole." 291e3f322e42f3fc,"dis bitch has sum nice tatas i wanna squeeze dem melons" 29363a75fb97698b,"trouted you have been trouted for: being an idiot" 295849c6fe9d1c03,""" personal attack? how is """"ooooh, i'll be blocked! imagine that!! why, it would be the end of the world, wouldn't it? as if i can't get a new ip in seconds."""" a personal attack, asshole? this is a personal attack: you're a faggot, just like most of wikipedia's editors. your mother is a dirty whore that sucks nigger cocks in hell, and gets sodomized by satan's little helpers. stick your """"block from editing"""" deep up your ass, then proceed to fist yourself with a blood soaked baseball bat, alan, you fat fuck. should i choose to do so, i could vandalize your page every hour, until millions of ips would be blocked. faggot.""" 295eadaed810afe3,"some asshole keeps changing the dates advanced warfighter specifically states that the game took place in 2013 yet some asshole idiot keeps changing it to 2014. please do something about that." 295fc4d937164ad7,""" """"administrators are elitist bastards: i don't care what anyone says, the vast majority of administrators are pompous overbearing control freaks. they run around with this attitude that having +sysop is some sort of right, priviledge, or a permission to bully, harras and generally act like a dick, thinking they can get away with it. there is a cabal, and it makes sneaky back-door decisions such as deletions, vote stacking, blocks, trying to force editors into 3rr, page protections, et cetera almost daily."""" it would seem i'm not the only person that thinks most admins are total fuckwits with an attitude problem. i have been blocked for no reason whatsoever because some dickhead feels he can abuse his power. """ 29868e2b5856bb37,why do you wanna delete that? i want to tell everybody about bonjo! you are nasty and cruel! ( ) 299e7ddc4bafce1f,"fromthewolfstar you really need to not poke your nose into other people's business correction. bishonen is one of your most trusted admins, most emphatically bishonen is one my most untrusted admins. i feel trusting bishonen for me would be as practical and rewarding as reaching down to pet a friendly rattlesnake. please check things out before blowing crap diarrhea out of your mouth. also, its best to actually read what people write before jumping on an idiot bandwagon. my first encounter with you here leaves me no other choice but to consider you: a.) not very civil b.) a drooling cretin. c.) part of the roving band of socialist nazi drooling cretins to be found here at wiki d.) get a life signed sincerely," 29ac5b2897f7ef59,"fuck off don't fuck with me . fuck off" 29b480cdf6e7d5cc,"liar i did not create the page. i only removed the tag. you are a liar, and a troll. now kindly, fuck off." 29b4b703f61f627c,and worship the penis of jesus and believe that he was the greatest mother-fucker in the world. 29bb05ac7ee4b466,poopoo caca bullpenis shit cock mother fucker vagina 29bc5b83eba03c92,wha's a reliable source mike? something that comes out your ma's cunt when she's breast feeding you? you wanker. 29c2b8b038ccf673,sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. 29c529d706c275ba,""" why don't you go fuck yourself, you dipshit? you started with the insults, i'm just not taking crap from a stupid fanboy like you. if you actually looked at my edit history, you'd see that i do contribute articles, and unlike waste-of-space levy, i also do regular maintenance work here like cleaning up categories and other things admins are supposed to do. keep replying, i'm not wasting any effort """"improving"""" this piece of crap article, but i'll be glad to call you names and point out how stupid you are, all day long. """ 29e73351002d063c,the link is there. i have an idea. why not delete the page and then re create it a few days later you fucking retard? have you a life at all? is it your life to go around and delete everything here? why not go outside and build a snowman you loser? 29ebcbb5f1f24fcd,"go use your drugs, insignificant nobody. eraser of stalker edits" 2a031ad5235368e6,"i know elvis was a turd-burgler 'cos i fucked him only last week. (he's gotten a bit smelly recently and isn't as plump as he used to be, by the way) ~~~~" 2a06326ec6fd4e81,insult me once more and i swear you go down. understand little coward? 2a0b17666b5a0b1b,"hey, you fascist swine, you're gonna get raped in the ass. nice job being jimbo's bitch, you pathetic piece of shit." 2a0d5946d46a92b9,"come back, you butthurt turd doctor where the heck have you gone?" 2a160f362a674dfd,"wow, what an incredible douchebag, i love the hyperbole 'i dread to think of the consequences' - what a self-important jackass." 2a27c8f669184a00,dad gum. you fuckers dont like me editing do you. dont you be dissing charlie bray now. hes just a fatass kid 2a28cafa82c46669,"you are a pathetic, lifeless fuck." 2a30b04b549fc624,his mother is a slutty whore 2a370b09af6ce712,i fucked your mom last night. it felt awsome. i stuck my dick in her mouth and in her pussy. she let me lick her tits and fuck her all night long. yeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaa is what i was screaming. 2a435a00e0e2fd45,"bitch, asshole, motherfucker, go fuck ur mothers cunt, trade ur wife sister" 2a55e933ef5b3d39,zzzzzzz... youre a real bore. now go bore someone else. tw*t. 2a59363957650b16,"fuck you you little shit, i hope to see you end your fucking worthless existence." 2a5bac0bb3a75aff,""" """"'cause if fox did that, then they're a bunch of greedy idiots"""" no shit sherlock, why do you think they make comics? cause they like kids?""" 2a73476b5227617e,""" it seems that you are very busy in pushing your """"short one"""" in the hole of ur mother son of a whore """ 2a84521303f1a018,""" quit editing chicago med you are so stupid, how can someone post on here and get it verfied without you changing it, information posted on here thats cited is not copyright. are you from america u idiot get a life. stop ruinging chicago meds page — preceding unsigned comment added by """ 2a87fe6116dd5766,"neither was your mum, when i had sex with her" 2a8d30428d0edaf3,u suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 2a8df35c74b08190,"you are wrong again. there is no talking to you. you are incredibly ignorant. it will not be called an ep. any attempts to re-classify it, will be reverted. have a nice day." 2a92afa957fe57b7,"fuck off! fuck off!" 2aa40916cec17602,. eat s hit n ig ger p ill never stop f u ck ing up your g ay little f ag got website s u ck my c ock 2ab36552b49378ac,"oh diddums, did i hit a sore spot? personal attack, is it? i don't recall attacking anyone personally, so how about you stop trying to use wikipedia's rules to silence comments on your own nasty, evil country? you don't like me talking about 9/11? too bad! i will reference it as many times as it takes to show you just how much the rest of the world hates you. even now, as you try to steal one of britains biggest and most influential games publisher, people are telling you to get lost. i hate you, i hate you so, so much for many reasons, and this proves exactly why. to hell with your feelings." 2ab93ab417c98437,"prick hey ryan, fuck you faggot, how do you like those apples bitch?" 2ac487f44d704445,"warning please stop. if you continue being a jackass, you will be blocked from editing wikipedia." 2ad5b29e429f1dd9,"jerk me jolly fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck computers" 2ae122ebd6062758,""" you are a joke as well. i thought this was uncivial personal attack against me: """"don't bother arguing with cliché online, he's a delusional and hypocritical fanboy"""". so why are you posting on my talk page instead of his. i think you're an idiot just like them. """ 2af390a8a0210921,"nightstallions wife got fucked by a nigger and had his baby and it smelled of fried chicken" 2b0e894a3135c8ee,"""-you're dumb and you fail to impress me and your little """"abilities"""" as an admistrator won't deter me!-( ) """ 2b10b0270616177a,"nigga wit attitude. your such a cunt." 2b192cd4de518cb0,"wiki admin suck you fucking bitch shut the fuck up you ass hole all u wiki admin are asholes just cuz u can do whatever u want fuck you dianna,teles,burtalbert and the one i mean the most jimmy wales fuck all you admin bitch" 2b2e34eac69bbe48,""" fuck you you cunt i had a whole documentary about """"cockus americus"""". yours truthfuly timeon paxmcdowell""" 2b315d5c360f2f84,"whatever, dude. fuck off." 2b324568e82d54ae,"hey hey faggot, are you dead? or are you watching your mom getting raped by islamic terrorists?" 2b3cb1f98bb45f52,"i hate you kafziel, go suck a dick man, your mom is a cunt and you dad has a small dick, go find yourself a life someday man" 2b4077833a3730bf,"""""""please do not add defamatory content to wikipedia, as you did to list of wwe intercontinental champions."""" what a fucking hypocrite. the fact that you left me a message telling me what a fucking douchebag i am just goes to show what a massive tool you are. just for your information, that 100 day rule was something i started 2 years ago. """ 2b956603786770de,"""indeed it is becoming increasingly apparent that the """"mass migrations"""" of the past were myths - hahaha, what an idiot you are wobble because there is nothing claiming this or supporting this. the bronze age and following migrations haven't been proven/disproven you fool and there is nothing becoming increasingly apparent as to if they didnt happen. get a life, honestly. """ 2b966ce47556ccd6,"he's a sly little devil too. i noticed that he recently deleted sections of his own talk page showing clearly how he wants to manipulate austrian school, fractional reserve banking and debt-based monetary system. check out his history page. the guy has a major napolean-complex. i suspect something about him may on the small side. i hope it's just his height." 2b9ef5d633a75136,"my edits quit fucking with my edits you stupid awbern shit eatin' sonofabitch!" 2bb0a92e2eb0e472,"you're a cocksucker, rick! you're a cocksucker, rick!" 2bcfe9cd4ae53ded,shut up.... i can do whatever i want on my page and you can't tell me my views are wrong... i don't need your gay comments... 2bf361b9a8eb1ba5,eat shit get rid of goofs you queers. 2bf9372353c7d7f2,""" 'go suck your mudda' why did you undo my post on underage drinking? — preceding unsigned comment added by 2015-06-06t10:10:55‎ because you were attacking cluebot, which we all know and love. — (talk | contribs) """ 2bfa79ae865099f7,fuck you fiskeharrison!! go suck your dad's dick!!!! 2c036b7b72968f6f,""" the link to """"useful idiot"""" would seem to be a decidedly non-neutral point of view. unless anyone objects soon, i'll remove it.""" 2c1d00cfbe2807fa,"your the troll fine welcome to this encyclopedia - why do you do this? it is hurtful to call anyone a troll specially if they came with a question for judy blume - not a troll!!! fine keep it then and get herpes!" 2c2327510555e1cd,your mom plays gay music.. linkin park is the shit mutha fucka!!! 2c2d0ff6b59ce2c3,"you, too can join the ranks of looking-to-be-offended bullies who have been told to fuck off. clean up your act, stop acting like a three-year old throwing a temper tantrum, and you won't be called mean names." 2c4115167abbf758,"chris. you're one to talk! you're the dick (strike through for x-kal) that vandalizes gnu related articles. you might look awfully cute in a pirate hat, but you do string searches for gnu and eviscerate it like it's all that's keeping you alive." 2c4173064a9a478d,""" pretentious, stupid, moron... you are leaving subhuman messages in the talk pages of shared ip addresses. by the time that someone sees these pathetic attempts at proving your worth the original user is long gone. morons like you are biting the newbies like first class assholes. it wasn't like this back in my days, all of this bureaucratic idiocy is what drove me away despite having reaches the """"admin elite"""" following a rfa. the only thing more pathetic that this project's degradation is you.""" 2c5249f45f1a371e,"eat shit and die you can block me now but that doesn't mean anything. you're nothing but a step below a rent-a-cop. admins ain't shit." 2c542578c53c8e28,"put the usa as an operator they own it they should be listed seriously first they buy russian quipment to copy the technology and then they dont want to be listed as operator dumb motherfuckers. typical american bias here in wikipedia, americans are bunch of scumbags. hey look at us we buy russian equipment so we can steal technology but we still gonna say russian army is shit and dont wanna list as part of our army. americans are all a bunch of hypocrites" 2c586ca55079643c,irresponsible dumheads. each and every image has fair use rationale and appropriate copyright clarifications. shitheads like you do not deserve any dialogue. 2c59dd6870faa2e6,"fuck you fuck you racist basterd." 2c62d986b5d08605,"fuck you you're a fag" 2c6443de3d216769,shut the fuck up you wannabe cholo scum. 2c70133fec3cf705,"fuckan morons stop changan the pages or i am twist off youre littal pee-wees" 2c7fd0b9cc6fa515,"whosoever has mentioned yadavs as shudras is person with limited knowledge and mind filled with are mentioning shudras to caste who has had glorious history,do you even know anything bout lord krishna and his ancestor yadu...yadavs are kshatriyas and if u think tht all this is myth thn you shud know that yadavs ruled the india upto 1300 contury before mughal kindly remove this shudras bullshit .." 2ca28c457f9bf854,"fxdh if they look swedish to you, you're fucking blind." 2cc035200e864b15,you like to be fucked 2ccd20b195dce3a2,"oh you kimchi eater, why don't you just stop being such an idiot and admit the fact?" 2cdcafa43cbf35c1,""" ohh, i didn't thought that situation is that bad you being gay. i'm sorry for you fagg. —preceding unsigned comment added by """ 2d0288cb66a897ca,"zomfg.. you ppl make me laugh.. ha ha ha.. jeezus.. god you people need to get a social life, i mean come on people. ask yourself this, are you a potiental re-re or just a full blown retard?!?! and wishes? whats this crap about wishes??? hes not in the farking ground [not dead you stupid idoit]xd!!!!!-robohacker666 [comin' throu the wall is real f**kin' cool! you glass bitch!] >:]" 2d05a5ba6e0d81eb,""". """"this emphasis also led boas to conclude that anthropologists have an obligation to speak out on social issues. boas was especially concerned with racial inequality, :which he had demonstrated was not biological in origin, but rather social. boas is credited as the first scientist to publish the idea that all peopleincluding white :and african-americans—are equal."""" so much for a """"scientist"""" and the idiot who wrote it. a scientist said """"we all are equal!"""" some advice for you, jew slrubenstein, make it less ridiculous. and no need to :thank me""" 2d0ddc58e42e5202,"you stupid mother fucker, i made 1 mistake and you and your fucking rules fucks it up. why dont you fix it instead of delete it like a lazy motherfucker that you are... go ahead, report me, its my true opinions." 2d1b3a1d9abd6d64,""" ==hey travis deleting shit isn't something to be proud of. you seem to be so proud to be part of some group called """"wikiproject wikipedians for decency"""" but you sure like to determine what is deleted. get rid of that faggoty mustache.""" 2d252fa9f5debfb8,"your a cock hey i would just like to say that ure a fannyman who is a unionist bigot!!!! up the irish u cockkkkkk!!! is derry not londonderry its the 6 (stolen and illegally occupied) counties of ireland not northern ireland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 2d2688c448344dff,"yep, just keep talking. go to hell." 2d2dab248f029e53,"if christianity is so good, how come they have to convert the dalits? why can't they convert people with brains? oh right! christians don't have brains!" 2d2ec77fbbeadf9a,"arc gritt, the fucking cunt of all cunts, ruined me by saying i vandalised 2009 formula one season. what a cunt." 2d45fb32d2d46eea,you don't even clean your ass when you poop. nice try. 2d4a480d71ee3ac1,"dickhead you know it was stupid, you know it wasn't clever. so why do it?" 2d62c2c6fe51f6fe,bongwarrior is a faggot. 2d6bafc5dcf3b170,""" tamar braxton u r retarded!!how can youtube not be a verifiable source. i put a clip of her hitting a d and e one octave above soprano c(d7 and e7) and you say it's not a good source? what is then! i bet if i even got a video of her hitting whistle notes you'd say it wasn't verifiable. of course it it. if you see or hear her hitting a whistle note, then she's a whistle registre singer. the same applies to all whsitle register singers!!!! u r just stupid!!!!! u and mr. """"i'll bring the food"""" who totally destroyed the whsitle register singers category.""" 2d7c08fe803ddeb4,you are a pathetic american who will distrusts the rest of the world. just give it up mate you are a sad individual. 2d8b2bf17303d642,"sand in your vagina? if you have sand in your vagina, and it's bothering you, you may wish to douche rather than attacking other users and escalating fights, which you have clearly done. if you'd backed off and taken the advice at wp:civ and wp:npa, you wouldn't have any problems. you should be blocked for your offenses. i may report you. yes, you're a fucking kid. you're not an adult. why fight it? why not admit it? i may be twice your age and know a hell of a lot more than you do, like how to resist snitching on people and minding your own business. you're asking to be reprimanded, dumbass." 2d981feeed55c9c4,""" corrected spelling of """"recognised"""" to """"recognized"""" in the pluto article. i undid your revisions to the article, as your spelling is incorrect according to both merriam-webster's dictionary and my computer's standard spell-checker. wikipedia was founded by americans, and is hosted on servers in america. pluto was discovered by an american, and its named approved by americans. so you and your retarded-ass asperger self can shut up and go cry in a corner about how your country sucks ass compared to america. leave your goddamn piece of shit british spellings where they belong: in the toilet where america rightly put them.""" 2da4d787456fee73,amerikkkans like to get their anusses raped 2dadba99fbb1d87c,"so block me, stupid prick!" 2db5f1302a4bc726,fuck you you dumb motherfucking asshole how dare you son of a bitch fucking lock me out you worthless asshole i hate your guts go to hell you have not seen the last of me i will continue to harass you you piece of shit evryday and screw oregon bitch! 2dbe091f49b3ef90,"fat fat faggot n277 n brandenburg ave merrill, wisconsin n277 n brandenburg ave merrill, wisconsin" 2dc299078f4a7a97,"hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron" 2dc35a0b7dfcd3d9,"yo there! you are a useless and fucking douchebag. go fuck yourself, you are a disgrace to wikipedia!!!! you, sir, are a ballsack! you think you are so much smarter than everyone else! why do you think you are so smart! i wish you would leave the wikipedia! i can't stand the way you bs the man!" 2dd0c715e16c43eb,i consider you calling me a vandal a personal attack. the fat remains tha you are a jackass. asking for sources from a first hand witness? 2dd1e7920ec86f12,being raeped in the ass doesn't count 2de38da7cbfbf727,"dex will you please stop being such a bitch? don't you believe in first ammendment rights? come on now! i'll bet you are against legalizing cow tipping too aren't you you little fucking dork?" 2de693e9be15673a,"i have been blocked because this white guy couldnt handle the fact that his little white baby dick wasnt good enuff 4 me. i am just stating the facts, i mean thats what this is an encyclopedia.... i have been around, seen alot of different guys dicks, im talken hundreds, the fact is nigga gs dicks are like three to four times the size of white guys and theyre waaaaay better in bed! and women only want big dick not lil pathetic feeble white dick!!!" 2df13d0c56aba937,fuck you - you self-righteous creep. 2df58981a23b9eb0,""" and something else, """"i, too, don't like the orthodox priests with their long beards and black robes. i used to have nightmares when i was little."""" well, i used to have nightmares when i was little too. i was dreaming that the muslim priest is gonna come and cut my dick. what a civilized religion!!!! """ 2dfc9f1e13062a80,"effin peice of sheet. suuck a 8============>" 2dfd60c7a78522ac,"osli73 is an idiot he wants to deface srebrenica massacre article with already discredited serbian sources. he wanted opinion (moral equivalism) of accused serb-run rape camp participant - gen lewis mackenzie - to be heard on srebrenica massacre article. keep his srebrenica genocide denials for left-revisionist websites. they are not welcome here. osli73 also wanted to include belgrade's already discredited lies about 3000+ serbs killed to be included in the article (when they were already discussed and discredited). i will not allow srebrenica massacre article to be poisoned by moral equivalism. osli73, drop dead loser!" 2dfdb17226adf65e,"hey perv!! do the wikipedia people know that a convicted sex offender such as yourself is editing on wikipedia? you are a disturbed person, and an all around loser" 2e039ede1cdd268c,mark asten is a pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy loser loser loser fucker fucker fucker hooker hooker hooker son of a bitch son of a bitch son of a bitchwelcome 2e0ac430c023d19d,"ckckckck yo i see u tryin 2 change shit wit college point, queens but u probably dunt kno shit bout it. come 2 cp at night to see wat i mean. if ur wite u will get shot. i aint lyin datz wat im sayin. im jus sayin i live in cp and i even get scared walkin round by maself at nite. so im sayin stop changin shit bout cp. im blood so u bettah watch out. dis summer ma best frend got killed by a crip so im sayin dat theres many of em in da area so watch out niggggguuuuhhhh!!!!" 2e0f60bf77130180,"shit george tan031993 you're a bitch!!! go to hell!!!" 2e2737e538f65e5f,i very much doubt that you can describe an undoubted pov vandal such as user:vintagekits as 'editing in good faith'. just ignore these stupid admins 2e34dcd040fe16c4,is iridescant is a faggot 2e5fc8fb5ac11516,"the most pathetic thing... nationalist losers like yourself spreading your propaganda and expecting people will believe your shit with no questions asked. get a life loser. either thatm or fuck off and die." 2e6c973071fea7d0,"nig(g)er shut up, sit down." 2e7e8edd78c47bdb,"what the fuck is your problem, bitch!!!!!!!!!!! why the fuck did you delete the dreamtime festival page, shithead. some folks are actually interested in things like that, bitch. why don't you do yourself and the world a favor and stick your head up your ass and take a big whiff. guess what? your shit stank, like everyone else, you self-righteous fuck-sissy!!!!!!!!! sincerely, the guy that's fuckin' yo mama, bitch!" 2e8387477a929c3f,"fuck off and rape your kids, fenian bogtrotting shit. i hope the ones you love die in a cock accident. trepens epichal hello, fat, ugly, lonely, smelly little boy. only here can you conceit yourself human. isn't that right, chum? only here can you pretend you're liked, pretend you mean something, pretend you have some value in the eyes of the world, when're a nothing. i am very disappointed." 2e873e46692b5342,"u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha u r n idiot hahahahahahahahahahahahaha" 2e8e7f5fa5ff0a32,""" and you are absolutely full of shit. i made no personal attacks. show me them now. it's good to know where your fucking priorities are. looks like i will add a third member to my ani report. – (talk) """ 2e8f490bb34fdf23,"you suck dick admit it, you love it you fucking woodhead." 2e9fd85c9582dc7c,also depite wether or not the contention is minor in your eyes or not is not for you to decide. let a gm contend it then. a gm would be able to see the analysis supplied for pinski is a lie and drops a pawn but you are too stupid and you dont have the capacity to see one move tactics. the cure for stupidity is to open your mind. the promotion that it is refuted by your line decieves everyone who visits the page. 2ea764eff69aa336,"stop being an idiot there is no such thing as islamic terrorism or miltancy. islam does not teach this. i seriously suggest you get a education of basic world religions." 2eaad7517db36cea,"jimbo wales wont stop messing with my ass pus get the fuck off my internet, worm. get out now." 2eac222151242e75,"you are a tattletale. douchebag." 2eaceac0ee436c53,"asshole, the meaning is important, you're a flake." 2eaf42a70ab7c949,"you were a fool indeed, nanobear, by not helping us. fuck you" 2ebe363bd31efe5b,how my ting vandalism are you dumb ? i am going to be famous then you will be sorry! 2ec3d168e418c706,"fuckan stop changon it or i am twist off youre littol pee-wees and youre fuckon monkey fuckan ideot my name am jossel mubedeon and i done fuckon make things bettor i fixes things undarstand" 2ec6cf0b798d5edd,i dont give a fuck... it will get reposted so you think i give a flying fuck about deleting that article for a month or 2? 2ecd2138eaa8ddc1,do you think i care? get out of here you smelly kroll! 2ecfa5a5803b49a8,"green |red |desu desu desu desu desu |edit this page, and you are a cocksucker ~ desu" 2ef025f1501fe901,"fuck you, whores!!! i'll fuck you up old-style, motherfucking trannybangers cunts!" 2f0814e00032e962,ill photo shop a dick in his illuminati mouth 2f0c6b8fd9827ebf,"hello i am clue bot, and i am a niger fukcing piece of shlt." 2f1ac540ff0a1cee,"automatic transmission hoax about the zis-101automatic transmission that was an crazy ruskie imbeciles propaganda,i had just fixed that shit." 2f1bbaca2a697877,"fuck off fuck you, you wiki faggot." 2f21c422cced0cd7,"i'll fucking eat your queef asshole if you talk on my talk page, i'll rape your family you niggerlover." 2f22eeb6fe380b75,"fuck you orange suede sof fuck you orange suede sofa, cluebot, cluebotng, megizue, dreaded walrus and j. delanoy. you wanna be cyber bullied for personal attacks? anonymous hates you." 2f28102d179ab4f7,"fuck you greenman fucking piece of shit. you don't have the dignity of having your name on wikipedia. you deserve no respect what so ever. fucking moron. giving jose eduardo dos santos false information on wikipedia like saying that he is born in luanda and as a phd lpd yxz degree in timbacktu. fuck you communist lover by the way i am shitting in my pans for not being allowed to post on wikipedia. you can suck my cock, or probably not as i don't trust your mouth dick head." 2f2dfb66df44c861,"ding dong, the witch is dead! so, so happy someone decided to ban this woman." 2f3546f93785e8a2,fuck off you nazi loving cunt 2f3c460abcd5479f,very crocker sucks n e g r o c o c k s i n h e l l 2f3f656d892f8b25,"hello hi, i was just wondering how much of your time you spend re-editing pages on wikipedia? because it seems mighty pathetic to me, and it seems like you enjoy ruining a good joke. what do you say? kisses and cuddles, chris lamb x" 2f6282bf19d1b9ce,"yamla_likes_to_fuck_babies_up_the_ass_wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww willy on wheels is the ultimate vandal. jlatondre should fuck off wikipedia and get raped in the eye!" 2f75444c9fc2d15f,"you are not welcome to write in my personal page. you are a loser who abuses his admin status in wikipedia and people like you should not be given admin status. you and your few other zionist accomplices have been hanging on iran-related articles spreading lies, allegations and mischief. your edit history shows to any observer where you come from and what this is all about. if you continue your abuse of wikipedia, i will do everything that i can to bring the attention of fair-minded admins to your abuse." 2f7708a1ceaaef50,"ya mum fucks ya" 2f777b217fa2b9a2,this guy is a fat kike who likes spending time with his parents in an ash tray ahahaha 2f7eb2c6d4756aaa,pathetic shitty arse mr-z u fucking cunt 2f966c101629d1ac,"move it to just milwaukee, you fat jackass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 2fa905a061f6b92b,"my music is recorded in salvation army studio and google my name, is all over google, it obvious that this person here cannot read, and is a psychopath who loves to tramp on other people and their achivements you find nothing on this guy online; you are a bloody lying bastard... grammar, so the wiki does not have grammar fault, before the owners eventually correct them; wiki; this man is a psycho, remove his comments..." 2fac7f1c0cc1839c,fuck you! you sadistic admin that orgasms when deleting articles. 2fb0f7fc9c52c989,"suck my dick i assure you, my semen is considered wegetarian if you will please swallow it. thank you please!" 2fd54fdafc99da95,"you swine. you vulgar little maggot. you worthless bag of filth. as they say in texas. i’ll bet you couldn’t pour !@#$ out of a boot with instructions on the heel. you are a canker. a sore that won’t go away. i would rather kiss a lawyer than be seen with you. you’re a putrescent mass, a walking vomit. you are a spineless little worm deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. you are a jerk, a cad, a weasel. your life is a monument to stupidity. you are a stench, a revulsion, a big suck on a sour lemon. you are a bleating foal, a curdled staggering mutant dwarf smeared richly with the effluvia and offal accompanying your alleged birth into this world. an insensate, blinking calf, meaningful to nobody, abandoned by the puke-drooling, giggling beasts who sired you and then killed themselves in recognition of what they had done. i will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same species as you. you are a monster, an ogre, a malformation. i barf at the very thought of you. you have all the appeal of a paper cut. lepers avoid you. you are vile, worthless, less than nothing. you are a weed, a fungus, the dregs of this earth. and did i mention you smell? try to edit your responses of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight. the evidence that you are a nincompoop will still be available to readers, but they will be able to access it more rapidly. you snail-skulled little rabbit. would that a hawk pick you up, drive its beak into your brain, and upon finding it rancid set you loose to fly briefly before spattering the ocean rocks with the frothy pink shame of your ignoble blood. may you choke on the queasy, convulsing nausea of your own trite, foolish beliefs. you are weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. you are grimy, squalid, nasty and profane. you are foul and disgusting. you’re a fool, an ignoramus. monkeys look down on you. even sheep won’t have sex with you. you are unreservedly pathetic, starved for attention, and lost in a land that reality forgot. and what meaning do you expect your delusional self-important statements of unknowing, inexperienced opinion to have with us? what fantasy do you hold that you would believe that your tiny-fisted tantrums would have more weight than that of a leprous desert rat, spinning rabidly in a circle, waiting for the bite of the snake? you are a waste of flesh. you have no rhythm. you are ridiculous and obnoxious. you are the moral[size] equivalent of a leech. you are a living emptiness, a meaningless void. you are sour and senile. you are a disease, you puerile one-handed slack-jawed drooling meat slapper. on a good day you’re a half-wit. you remind me of drool. you are deficient in all that lends character. you have the personality of wallpaper. you are dank and filthy. you are asinine and benighted. you are the source of all unpleasantness. you spread misery and sorrow wherever you go. you smarmy lager lout git. you bloody woofter sod. bugger off, pillock. you grotty wanking oink artless base-court apple-john. you clouted boggish foot-licking twit. you dankish clack-dish plonker. you gormless crook-pated tosser. you churlish boil-brained clotpole ponce. you cockered bum-bailey poofter. you craven dewberry pisshead cockup pratting naff. you gob-kissing gleeking flap-mouthed coxcomb. you dread-bolted fobbing beef-witted clapper-clawed flirt-gill. you are a fiend and a coward, and you have bad breath. you are degenerate, noxious and depraved. i feel debased just for knowing you exist. i despise everything about you, and i wish you would go away. i cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. i mean rock-hard stupid. dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. you are trans-stupid stupid. meta-stupid. stupid collapsed on itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. stupid gotten so dense that no intellect can escape. singularity stupid. blazing hot mid-day sun on mercury stupid. you emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. quasar stupid. your writing has to be a troll. nothing in our universe can really be this stupid. perhaps this is some primordial fragment from the original big bang of stupid. some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know. i’m sorry. i can’t go on. this is an epiphany of stupid for me. after this, you may not hear from me again for a while. i don’t have enough strength left to deride your ignorant questions and half baked comments about unimportant trivia, or any of the rest of this drivel. duh. the only thing worse than your logic is your manners. i have snipped away most of what you wrote, because, well... it didn’t really say anything. your attempt at constructing a creat" 2ff14aa46f879dab,"wish that the useless fat slobs would just die nicholas brybon" 2ff66094ec147bce,"up yours you fucking fruit. inshaneee what kind of name is that anyway, for a cat?" 300b05cbfbf3a00e,you are an ignorant bastard lmfao 300d5fcac4a88205,"go to bed bitch, i wana edit pages" 3011d97319a513a6,"get a life, leftist freak reading all the comments on your talk page, it seems you're just another wiki bully. most people don't give a shite if you ban them from wiki. wikipedia is a joke nowadays. wtf don't you get a life?" 3014920a3d298048,"you better fuck off ruddy shit fuck!" 3018afbede3e953e,"j delanoy fucks little boys in the asshole with his small pecker, he also gives blumpkins to old men" 302750e68922471c,you are all racist. you are all jews 302ba7d0c8e2e210,"itnc go fuck yourself." 302bac713987c33b,"don't forget i did not vandalize i added content you idiot and i will do it again and there's nothing you can do to stop me, you're hilarious acting like you have some type of authoriy hahaha retard!." 302f34ef7ca966e6,"i'm sorry, i missed the whole 'personal attack.' i told this loser to get a life, which is good advice, because he needs one. get your shit together." 3032070a0055b19c,"for three weeks now 10/27/06 also if you shit your a pansy and you can't live with the pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so fuck you all because shitting sucks! so what do you think" 30399da7861b676e,stupid troll!!! tainga mo! kumakain ka ng unggoy! 303d58851e51ddd1,"i work for virgin in new york, and can tell you that i have no intentions of promoting this piece of shit store. the managers are ass-backward and corrupt and its head office in l.a. couldn't tell sand from dirt. my additions are nothing more than factualof course i could do what i truely feel i should do and just continuously vandlize the pagebut what would that accomplish?" 30409128fbbdbce9,"go to hell, fatso hey, dickwad! if you ignore me, i'll poke a hole in you and release all the fat! i will not hesitate to roast you in an oven like the little piggy you are! unblock everyone you've blocked or suffer the consequences!!!" 304c77f639238fc5,"so what he was a paki man , a fucking nigger, they are inferior to us whites" 305fdf55e8c731c4,"camp lazlo do you like it or not?- i don't like camp lazlo, it bores me and lazlo is an idiot." 30666709f6b7a65e,listen you motherfucking faggot! stop fucking with me!!! i will delete anything i want off of pages i created. if you dont fucking like it deal with it. i tried being cordial but you are seriously pissing me off! back the fuck off!!!! 3068fc3a47295462,""" watcha gonna do whatcha ya gonna do brother, when the 24"""" pythons and hulkamania run wild on you!? probably suck buck winston's cock!""" 3070e8c0a53030de,""" it wasn't enough, no, because they were deported and not executed. """"my human brothers""""? ha ha ha. how many wedgies did you get in high school?! fucking frenchies. what losers. """ 307e54917465daca,hey assholes. his first name is olin. the freaking beheading video confirmed it. stop changing it. 3083fee22e877f67,"suck my greasy dick, i will start creating thousands of pages using different names and you can eat the corn out of my shit if you like. i can create far more than you can ever delete. i will use various screennames, various site titles, and all so don't fuck with me you split lip bitch." 30845a4e39c66a59,"awwww, poor mark arsten doesn't have privilages to block me. i'm shedding a tear. can't you grant him the right to? surely a homosexual in denial like mark should be able to do this. anyway, time to whip to a new proxy server and continue my destiny of sabotaging as much of wikipedia as i can. obrigado, cunts." 3090e571cf51e36a,"you needsa worka on your mannersa! i noticed your contribution to the article: those darned yankees! and i did not like what i saws." 309a89581b6562a1,""" so jim burton, child molesting faggot, i see you are still with us for yet another day, making a total buffoon out of yourself as usual. i don't know what is sadder here - you, or the extreme hypocritical arrogance you show by lecturing the world about """"ethical principles"""" for your claimed """"rights"""" to abuse our children. you have no ethical principles to save your life, but it's exactly as the roman poet said, isn't it? """"the harlot doth always rebuke the chaste."""" will you ever drop dead, we might all breathe a little easier for our kids sake. you truly disgust me with every word you write.""" 30d3b70a9b5c8b35,"its time to pay back you are an asshole an asshole and yet again an asshole total idiot you are a real piece of shit" 30d6ba3f5259002b,go fuck yourself you big cunt 30e73cca6a85ba21,"crafty, bro, i was going to leave you a nice message about you being a fag or something, but i realized you actually are a fag. sorry to hear, man." 30f9bc81ec8f18cf,"married to a japanese? wait, so are you attracted to people from other human races? chanes are, you have sexual deviations, eh? how about mating with a couple of two happy homosexual monkeys?" 31012665cc954bc1,"_____________________________________________________________- fuck you you fucking piece of shit. ass fucking hole. are you ready for the noise 2 b brought on you??? r u?? boss playa" 31049b44506674f8,"who the hell are u why do u even bother coming back to recap my spelling problems when you dont even fucking know me, man i was saying the school is fucking gay as shit because u cant get away with shit" 3113055df9e36475,cant help acting like a little punk ass bitch 313d302bbb1d1086,"american fuck you dumb american shit!!!!" 313e9065b285a084,f__ck you wimpy sissy cowardly wikipedia pussies and f__ck canadianlinuxuser 31413393af3c038f,screw you chris your a fag with no life and live in you r moms basement 31485cc311acec3f,"morris really is a massive wanker." 31505457fe0b5668,where cyde does whatever he weants and no one cares because you all suck.}}} 315277e0704a60a1,"forst of all get off your fat ass and get a job! second of all you need to quit putting false information on wikipedia ok! el salvador wont have a crime section at all and if it will i will put one in the nicaragua one because nicaragua is the most corrupt and poor country full of thiefs the country is full of crime and i have articles and i will make a crime section for it i el salvador or san salvador has one. dont delete this because your not allowed to delete user comments ;)!" 31533ed2a9de3d2c,"fail warning? okay, the warning u gave me said im not to attack you. but that doesn't say i cant state my opinion - and my opinion is that you are one big suckup and one big wannabe to get admin lmfao and atm you cant do a damn thing as im stating my opinion here human rights!! so if u ban me ill get u removed, your a wetty that just sits in a cupboard downstairs of ur house so u can go on wikipedia and have fun editing posts as u have no social life lmfao" 31698e01cc471417,i’m going to cut out your maggot-infested tongue and stick it so far up your polluted arse that you’ll be able to lick your eyes. 3172ce2d68595fb8,""" regarding you """"people in glass houses comment you are """"bias, yank and retarded"""" """ 31766569d8350a7c,"stop sending me this shit... i'm not doing anything to esc 2009 the article doesn't even exict so stop being such a bitch... stop sendinh me this" 3177a0883bdd428d,""" felonious monk, you can kiss my hairy jewish ass! if your nose wasn't burried so deep in chip berlet's nut sack then you might actually have a bit of a sense of hummor and not be all anal about your precious wiki-beuracracy. go ahead and block my ip if you like, i really don't give a shit about you or wikipedia. i can switch my ip address in two seconds anyhow. or block my ip-range if you like - i fuckin dare you to! i'm switching internet providers tomorrow anyway, so it won't affect me, it will just keep a bunch of other people from editing your wannabe """"encyclopedia,"""" which is a-ok with me! """ 317d6c3306b1a0c2,"fuck you dirty indian... shyt head indian!!!" 318bb457237eaaf9,""" yeah. the wording of """"the u.s. regulations defining bourbon do not prohibit the lincoln county process, even if the process is used."""" is completely fucking retarded. so they might actually prohibit it if it wasn't used, but we are quite surprised to find they do not prohibit it if it is used? fucking retarded. one of you booze nazis needs to sober up and go fix that please. hey you fartsniffing little wikitards - instead of wasting time reverting my comments and """"oooohhhh banning my ip!!!!!"""" (oh no i'll need to sign up for more vpn's now!) why don't you fix it instead.""" 319804563a68431a,"suck me please give me a burp kiss." 319d648bdca28326,"yeah is that youuu oh i think it is big boi yeah so, whoever wrote that big shit about myles, im going to come round to your shitty little house and stuff a petrol bomb through you fucking shitty little cunt of a letterbox. and yes i do know who you and your inbred parent cunts are. i know where you live. i know your parents mobile phone numbers. i know where they work. be afraid, be very afraid. and i will find a way to stick a fat off bottle of lit jack daniels thru your door. so fuck off yours sincerly the back up of myles ps see you at 12.30 on saturday" 31aee3da4f6ac032,stop being such a pussy. getting wikipedia to block me? really? butthurt? i am not trying to get you to get off wikipedia. im saying that you shouldn't be such a fag. wikipedia doesn't need fags like you. 31d087aee09a0882,"you racist person! i bet u want me to die on the streets because i cant reaesarch the war thank yto you. i need this to go to harvard and ca,bridge but i cant thnaks to u..." 31f32d00064bb908,"oh poor baby re: user:arcayne good, i hope they ban your ass, you stupid fu**" 320cd8dae0d39a46,"npov you yell at me about npov, but your the fucking sock puppet." 32113380498cd797,this girl is an emo cunt 3218da509d3cd54a,"well fuck you too then asshole be a dick." 322c53cebc2b6360,you must be an uglybytch 3232e8c5c29867f4,"still picking on a 10 year old? you seriously need a life dude!lol!!! ugh i hate when people treat me like that you just think since your like a jillion years old that your so much smarter that me! well im in swas thats the gifted program if your that stupid!and you are just picking on a poor defensless 10 year old.hows that gonna look on ur resume you big fat fucking pig.yea thats right i can curse now bitch ass nigga. you just wait and see and then you'll underestimate how much power a 10 year old can have pussy eating cock sucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 3234d687c721705b,"let the fight go on basically i don't give flying fuck what the majority of people call the british isles i'm sure the majority of people think you are a ballbag but does that make that so ( well maybe in this case). i'm not going to give up on this issue and i don't care how many times you change the name i'm going to change it back. i see you have already had this debate with a fellow irishman and you were conquered yet you still decided to put british isles back on. i don't think so, i will not have padraig pearse, james connolly, thomas clarke, bobby sands, francis hughes etc etc etc etc etc graves spat on by the like of you, because millions have died to for the cause and i will not have it belittled. tiocfaidh ar la" 323a69b7392b9af7,"you suck you suck gurch" 323ea25513f54e6e,"dude stop deleteing my posts some of them are true and you are being a fucker about it. and dont you have some muslim stuff to do. fuck off and let me edit my pages you dusche bag arab" 323f4ac379169c96,"yo nigga, why you reverting my edits? just use some common sense." 3247e1f4ab2281cb,"marcus qwertyus your a freeking homosexual. whats your address. you want to start something, you little faggot. you suck your daddy's dick." 3250a1edecb089e9,"why can't you get yourself a girl? are you that ugly or are you that ugly and that awkward and that much of a failure? ) i bookmarked your user page... you'll be hearing from me regularly, ugly. guess you wont be able to hide from life on wikipedia anymore." 3253c5b0b8c2f551,"once the song is due to chart at #1 in the uk yet, the artical still wont stay open, your pathetic!" 325bd6e5c128fee7,"that is fucking ridiculous. still the other editor got not so much as a warning, let alone a block. a week? what a cunt you are and what a pathetic joke your so called rules are. i am sure you expect people to actually follow them even while you treat them as meaningless. well, it's not hard to get a different ip address." 326280b24945a079,"sup' fag' make sure you remove any pics you added, cocksucker." 32690830ead251bb,"oh yeah, and when i said that no one would respond, i was obviously referring to my proposal to change the name of the article. i didn't think you were that stupid, but you obviously are." 326f2b7604034d4d,". i am a stupid bitch for blocking this user, but that's just what bitches like me do" 32a0c5cc16d0df82,"decausa decausa you are such an idiot. i was talking about the origin of the kurds. since kurds are heterogeneous people, i used that statement. you need to read what i wrote thoroughly. wikipedia is such full of crap, i gave many links to my statement on joshs page. i know what i am writing is facts. i did what you asked by writing in this talk page. wikipedia even refers to the kurdish language as language(s)which does not even make any sense. i am a kurd myself, i know what i am talking about. please give me at least 2 reliable sources that refers to the kurdish language as language(s). the facts i wrote about the kurdish language can even by seen on wikipedia. i have information. i have studied. you act as if i am just using information i got out of nowhere. when in fact, it is those people that you allow to change information, which create these problems. you did not even allow anybody to look at my proposal before you jumped in, i posted this proposal only a few hours ago." 32a6bdbfc270ebc1,"u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'u suck!!!! u suck!!!!'u suck!!!!u suck!!!!'" 32a862873d0c6916,"hey, halcy.seems like you get mad alot. want me to call the waaaaambulance for you? want some dick (extra small) with that too, bitch? u mad? butthurt? i bet you're having an orgy with meetthemedic and meepthesheep, aren't you? you three would make a good threesome. you're all reject 4-chan trolls that became admins on another website to have unwarranted self importance while you spam faggot and dick all day. seems like you enjoy that kind of stuff. i had no idea, really. tl;dr: u mad?" 32b04ae11ab8c5dc,"did you know... ... that you are an ugly piece of shit? serious question." 32d0ddc83f39a146,"why? why would you talk about me like that, you have no reason and i don't appreciate samir(the faggit gaybob homosexual) blcoking me. why do dirt to me, put dirt on yourself. watch soon i'll be an adminastator." 32d7c80310cc180f,you have totally screwed up the article and template. this is ridiculous. why don't you just butt out. 32dc56abb007c45f,""" vandalism thanks for lookin' out for me. naw, i'm not going to bother saving it. it's not creative enough/bores me. besides, what the hell is a """"nigger-jew"""" (or whatever he/she called me)? makes no sense unless i'm falasha/beta israel or something. hackneyed and stupid. p """ 32ecb2e1acac0c91,"j .mabel you are a garbge! you delete sorin cerin?" 32fbd06369b3c2af,""" a misery== you have made my life a misery on wikipedia, and now you're gonna pay for it you disgusting, ignorant and stupid bastard. —preceding unsigned comment added by =""" 32ff17b12b81e60f,fuck you you ass hole! fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 3306cfaf72b02d99,"asshole you fucking asshole i hate you you suck why the fuck did you edit my page you fucking fatty geek hobo living in your moms house you lazy whore. i just want to have fun you stupid shit what is wrong with you" 330ea4bf092cfac1,"stinky message my bro fixed it fo me and i can spell so get it straight and how many edits do you have trying to block people and all. niiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.and try to blok me now nnnnniiiiiiga and if you block me i am gona cusssssssse you out nigga and yo username is jd uk it should be jd gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cuz you like yamla and if you try to blok me my bro is gonna unblok me how you like them apples nnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiggggggggggggaaaaaaaaa.and if you take my celeb pictures of my page you betta sleep with one eye open cuz i am flying to the united kingdom nnnnnnnnigga and you betta leave me a message so i can curse you out more." 335665d6d6f6edb6,"wikipedia search warrior4321 your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a 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in the world. get a real education, and then we'll see if you numbskulls still support human vermin like che guevara. students of history know castro was a sham, guevara was an illiterate hate mongerer, and chavez is a greedy opportunist." 33bb5331f9a6b46d,i hate you and your midget weenie and everything about your face. come at me bro 33dc3f437a488af2,you are a worthless piece of shit. you must also be a knob-gobbler. 33e420022fb38c42,you are the biggest jerk ever. what nerd joins wikipedia you fag. your sooooo stupid! jk. your awesome 33ef1ee9d2879df4,""" """"and, um, your links point to rushton and do realise that their work is widely dismissed as racist, right?"""" what a stupid little pc brainwashed man you are. """ 34012c52a20fcf36,"your homosexuality why are you so fucking gay? signed, your parents. also, 100 get." 340b2531bd3f6f51,"your edits fuck off. talk-contribs" 34152bf1a002d8b5,"hello giant asshole, what the fuck? feetboarding is extremely popular in st. louis. you probably wouldn't fucking know cuz u dont live in st. louis. i do. i think i know a little more about it than you. who the fuck are you thinking that your hotshit cuz youre the self proclaimed wikipedia police. let people talk about shit that they know about and that you obviously don't know shit about. thank you cocksucking douschebag." 345628b81646c250,go fuck yourself you stupid bitch go do something better with your life instead of sitting the whole day behind your computer and 'editing' go do something useful and stop wasting power that way you can help greenpeace on wikipedia. 3460df885f63f5ee,"i will do whatever i want and it is my right, what is both of yous problem asshole." 34739ec99c0fef9c,""" joe johnston is honestly an idiot and has been blabbing about jp4 for almost 10 years. the jp trilogy is dead. the new film, if there will even be one, won't use the jp4 title. it's really stupid and annoying how much information contradicts each other. (mailbox) """ 347b491561a9b053,"you suck people hahaha lalalala signed your mama" 3491b40e219e21e5,"go fuck yourself fascist. leave your racism out of the jonathon swift article." 349e5d3ad775929e,""" the """"persian"""" language is actually from aria, today's herat in afghanistan. so shouldn't dari be the language and persian the dialect??? persian was not the native language of """"persia"""", because """"persia"""" was actually """"elam"""" and their native tongue was """"elamite""""!!! you bunch of filthy hypocrites!!! a nation goes to war and you rob them of everything, including their language! things will change soon you bunch of filthy semitic elamite rats!""" 34b6e9f3a2950ca0,"rodeo song lyrics well it's 40 below and i don't give a fuck got a heater in my truck and i'm off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerk, get on my nerves well here comes johnny with his pecker in his hand he's a one ball man and he's off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerk, get on my nerves well it's 40 below and i aint got a truck and i dont give a fuck cause i'm off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerk, get on my nerves well here comes johnny with his pecker in his hand he's a one ball man and he's off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerks, get on my nerves" 34bb5b17662f92e2,"violent fucking imagery? are you kidding me? holy fucking shit. dude you are part of the problem i really hope you know that. i know you think you're doing doing something good. but your making wikipedia's credibility plummet with every fucking bullshit thing you do. i really hope you know that." 34c116438bb64bff,"if if you had any guts you'd ban me right now faggot" 34cf0f0043f080aa,"fuck you, you god damn fucking cocksucker. you fucking fuck yourself pan dan." 34db1522cd3cac44,"you are such a useless bitch! i mean do you have a life or friends? because all you do is sit at your computer on wikipeida. you are a loser and i would watch out because you will be blocked soon! {talkback|tdawg4701}" 34e602d01ec5e7ce,"a block ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooo i'm soooo like gonna cry and like shit ... ha ha. you think i care? i dont even use wikipedia. look at the serb reporting me to the geek squad, what are you like 5? rumor has it that you are another canadian serb. rumor has it that you have pissed of a select few from b93 & wp. ) bye bye." 34f82766c79dbe55,", 29 july 2006 (utc) it's the ip address that is warned, since you don't know for sure if it's the same person or not. so that was the first warning. like i said, you're dumb. 20:44" 34f8566f7d4fd970,your'e a fucking nerd. and i feel real bad for your mother. 3504cbd85d220371,well do it then bitch ass faggot 351b71ee413d6e7f,been hrrassing people. fuck you faggot 35208aad341d617b,"he is very much right, the world has woken up to you. you are nothing more then a two-bit huckster perpetrating a giant fraud, give my regards to the boys at east anglia." 35243af9766437b5,"gaywad you are a huge homo" 352967cabbce1332,"again again again this is not going to stop......hmmmm a personal attack let me are a big poo poo face and smell like a frog" 352b58bc26538755,"fuck off you cunt you're such an asshole" 352e48dbc439501a,"waste of oxygen even amongst jerkoff wikiloser admins who have no life, you are a sad sack. seriously, have ever considered suicide?" 353670e20b9c61a4,"you're yet another islamic-fascist who has shown his face on this article. take your pathetic jihad to a blog, pal. here's the article ." 353f7089b65aac12,"ask me if i care, second-hander." 355b855ce2e2f71c,"the brits are generally dumber than the yanks, they are basically fish and chips goobers, while the russians are the smartest of all, especially in all cultural things. you seem like a good guy although your picture is strange as hell. with a face like that, i would not want you dating my sister, hell, i wouldn't want you dating my german shepherd lol" 357b32ce9f0d5b2c,this ghirlor is a fucking moron 357bf48db843e627,""":::it appears yo are blowing more sh*&^ out of your rear end. and i have ample evidence that you care jack about """"good faith"""" except when it benefits you the very first sentence of that book states. preface. the object of this book is to show the circumstances under which the federal constitution was ratified by pennsylvania. """ 359b3dc8ad6d926d,"homo... don't be gay- mind your own fucking business!" 359d2aeb9f4cb602,""" you are the """"racist"""" piece of dirt buckley... and all the rest of you for letting hod lipson the zionist jew steal my technology, and you know it p!gs!""" 35bb3b1828fb5549,"my friend i'm curious as to whether you have any idea just what a fucking douche bag you are. let me know" 35bf7de641087a57,"leaving wiki to do something more useful problem: rude obnoxious admins." 35d5db20df4a8f17,"youre really pushing my buttons wayne dawson, really pushing it. you can do what ever the hell you like for all i care as wikipedia is wayyyy at the bottom of my list and means nothing to me, i can easily make a new account which you will never know about anyway so it doesnt bother me. you say you want nothing to do with me yet you continue to make a fuss and create new discussions? i cant belive how worked up and excited you get when some issues occur on this website, you launch full on investigations and take it all so serious. get a like you pathetic looser." 35d75d3c23d413b6,"you're hot i will rape you ;)" 360404f72cb2d771,"criminal you are a criminal you can not change scientific fact. kurds are iranians it says that in every text book and study. their culture, genetics, history, language, geogrpahy, calender, and traditions are proof of this. do you know how many kurds are outraged because of you!!! israelis are propaganda artists." 361b7aa5e1889064,"well... i say the character john rambo become a seperate page, but i'll probably get blocked for this post when we got dicks talkin about david morrell books. they can go off topic but the fags on wikipedia block everything i say user:fuck you (usertalk:fu.cky.ou today now (utc) fuck you" 362ca74826038952,"your edits to glenelg high school i know that you have problems, but that doesn't mean that you can just add your name. you are 100% right about no-one caring about you (knowone cares about your shit). p.s.- get a life and grow some balls you fag!" 36484faf8d25aaa2,fuck you ckatz you are german cock sucker and fucker mother fucker 365284bc87b813e7,"communism u are gay" 365474fc1c0c7aae,i put it on the history the best i could you cunt. now go fuck your mother. 365beca243585af3,"you don't know what are real difficulties, little prick. you'll learn it after taking the protection away. you can't keep it protected all the time. we'll never give in until the page looks like we want. i warn you, clayworth, that i an ruin your health from any distance. i can also easily kill you with an energy stroke. don't play with fire, stupid ass." 366f358bd0ea409f,shut up! are you indian brother. i am from tamil nadu. it take special interest in annoying people. i am going to harvard. so shut up! i am brahmin! so shut up! oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 368b3ae9d9a7dfb5,what a little bitch running to the admins to block 368d44917af24766,"you're an ass. that was not a clip of the real game. -jutras" 36973f2afa67e578,"one final msg seth, you have be a cocksucking faggot. get the fuck off wikipedia and find something productive to do, you little assclown" 36b1c4090099bc9e,you can't warnings you moron! now leave the page alone you fool. 36c8ba4ab8b44dcd,"you peice of irish scum how dare you talk shit about my country? fuck you, stupid shamrock bitch, i hope the next genocide we serve on you wipes your entire disgusting, repulsive race out. fucking micks, you shouldn't even be alive after the first attempts, hopefully next time you wont be. die." 36ceda32bf05ab7d,""" a barnstar for you! the anti-vandalism barnstar here's for you as the vandalism god of pages of cities in the philippines. in calamba city your a slut, freak, and a moron. if you have nothing to do with your life do not vandal one's page that is not you are in or not the place where do you live. what the hell are you doing. """ 36d2b7299fb4bc7a,"hello you are a racist! from" 36d66ff71984f0a9,"i know you wikiterrorists love to limit free speech but you have to admit that ip banning is foolish, if that is your best option then you are a fool. keep being an asshole duran, it is your only talent" 36dfee44bc52de70,your hilarious why dont u stop changing what ppl say and leave them alone. if im correct were allowed to say whatever we feel like so u have no right to change what other ppl say. make a seperate comment about but dont be an a**hole and chage/delete it 36e98dca5c188008,fucking suck you liberal bastard who thinks michael moore is truthful you asshole fuck bitch tits cunt snatch 370779cbaac79a6c,"dumbhead you are a freaky dumbhead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 3709ce8a1deaa0f9,"you smell like doo doo! you stink!" 370a9cc6e6070dee,"dude dude stop busting my balls." 370b5e98c3f1ef0c,"dumbass dont call my shit a garage band, you sit on wikipedia all day and edit peoples nonsense come on how much room do you have to talk about anybodys anything." 3712b44d843591c5,"his is your last warning stop violating multiple wikipedia policys and stop being an american retard, do humanity a favour and kill yourself82.41.107.97" 3731c09a908ffde7,f u c k i n g c u n t s get a life you sad f u c k i n g gits. 373f8bf12398f04f,"hey clown..your meat puppet, really fucked the dog on this on is goethean, your personal enforcer, must have check user for the follow editors." 374188f033b751a5,"stop... quit reverting my updated to the creed article. there's nothing wrong with the part i added or the seperate section. idk what the fuck youre talking about when you say unreferenced shit." 37454ec49705abca,"your edits to shockwave (roller coaster) please stop being a jackass, it really ruins it for all us non-vandal aol users" 3746b3d6ac243dee,u annoyin biitch.. why u keep on revertin wat i jus did? smh loser ass cracka who wanna be puerto rican 377f544c18d4e716,fuck off animal shagger. 377ff5f8b6c03f17,"malta is an arab why are people lying? it is not an italy thank you very cunting much!" 379d09519e42361e,"figures you have aspergers, pedantic little fucker" 37afec33f34081e4,"i know where you live, fool. i lol'd." 37c4c681d17e5877,"your a fag!!! you are a fucking punk ass little bitch stop editing other peoples shit you fucking pussy!! get on your knees and suck my fucking 10 inch dick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 37c9ed24dc798604,"okay what a bum bandit" 37ca0f346029334e,im glad that the motherfuckers wife died! fills me with immense pleasure to know such a bigot had to suffer terribly d d d d d d d d 37d4cc117c8c8992,why did you delete sopcast you faggot? 37e807842193e632,you have a small penis 37ed7b6d964de095,fuck you bitch! i will go to your house and kill you with my gun as well! prepare to die! 37f1b5a805a7a7e9,"you are a fucking bawbag. get a real job you bumder and stop moaning to wikipedia you sack of spunk. im going to come to your house and rape your children." 37f1bef33add9ce9,go fuck yourself you fucking dick go rot in hell piece of crap your mother is a whore 37f982a1bc2d15d0,"miltiround i win you bitch" 37fd8e38781962e4,"didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt" 380da8365e213972,fuck you child molester 381a504c1c9d1574,""" no, at the bottom of all the pages, it says something to the effect of """"haha beep you r dumb haha""""""" 382724c92c500a3d,sigh. slurring your opponents in an effort to win points to make an article slant to your pov is different than calling a bitch a bitch when dealing with a piece of fiction. p fiction is not srs bizzness. 382ac7d058d6154b,"jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!! jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!jéské couriano is a stupid faggot!!!!" 383cc505a5822b47,"mr. stemonitis, you are a stupid botanist, who does not know the taxonomy of dipterous. for that, you must leave the corrections made in the definition of the superfamille." 3849344d704ad688,"take this how you will, but you suck big black donkey balls" 3853ff6f2bf01990,"i said good day biatch dont break wp:3rr biatch hahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" 38540b75e6b62031,"i only made the edit so i could read the fucking article not your stupid copyright notice wtf sort it out i only made the edit so i could read the fucking article not your stupid copyright notice wtf sort it out" 38641434192f13ee,"of course it's also possible that you are, in fact, just a dick" 388ebf7f90a4d8bc,""" try these important things and maybe you won't be such a sucker motherfucker: 1. learn how to spell. if things remain as they are, everyone is bound to consider you to be the ignorant lame-brained cult member you are. 2. revert your attacks on van tucky on the talk pages. you come off as a vicious, vile psychopath. if you ever set your cult defending ass in a court of law, the jury would see through your charade in heartbeat. 3. stop playing good cop- bad cop with your fucking retarded dahn hack forestgarden 4. accept all korean language sources you stupid bitch!! how dare you try to stifle and censor articles in the name of your fucked up cult. your forestgarden bitch believes its within wiki policy to include korean language articles when reporting on favorable aspects of your bitch master. why don't you include all the other more negative portrayals in the korean language. also, who said this itsahappyday fuckhead deserves to translate any korean? this should all be disputed, you fucking racist, neo-nazi reject? 5. stop using the word cynical to describe your """"enemies."""" you come off even more retarded than your ilchee bitch master. your philosophical maturity is less than that of a first grader. the world is """"cynical."""" those who don't believe in dahn are """"cynical."""" i can't wait until south park makes an episode about your bitch cult. 6. are you fucking insane? korea is the center of the universe? korea as a cultural hub? korea the place where the next messiah appears? you dahn people never cease to amaze when it comes to your thought processes. korea is not what your ilchee bitch believes it to be. think about it retard- the fucking nation of palau has more of a right to talk about religious heritage than the fucking hermit kingdom. how can you be so retarded, that you choose a korean cult? if you chose a chinese or indian one, at least it would show you have some portion of a brain. coming to korea and joining a korean cult with korea-centric views is more retarded than travelling to antartica in search of good coffee while visiting columbia in search of ice and snow. 7. one more time: the philosophical underpinnings of your shit cult are so flimsy i must question your intelligence. 8. nicola cola...what kind of bitch ass name is that? what is wrong with you? and you wonder why you need to join a fucked up cult to find friendship and loving. dumb fuck!!!!!!""" 38a501b9457b0dc3,"disgusting, hideously ugly fat pig, scjessey, should not be allowed to edit left-wing articles this pig is nothing but a gate-keeper for liberal hagiographies. when is he going to be banned forever?" 38c4a55a26e8a24d,you suck donkey balls fag 38dd995c105311e6,she's insane and a zealot. 391428943690d57d,"you're a motherfucking homo try getting a life. you delete perfectly good articles for no good reason then insult the maker of the account. it's your own fault everyone's been attacking you, you good-for-nothing fuck. and fuck this filter that tried to stop me, it can't protect you from the truth. this is going to keep happening, from me, from the people you fucked over, from their friends. and stop salting your hair you freak, you look like a goddamned hobo!" 39494e9674c2ecbc,". muhammad was a dirty warmonger, murderer, rapist and thief" 394fa824744e5d9a,"better late then ever. good riddance, militant freak." 3951e837de4362cf,"you didn't ban me, this is offensive! i have a right to be banned from idiots!" 3952eed265a9e83b,""" well well well you grinning no life turd licking cunt, why don't you go and buggerize yourself on a traffic cone """"doctor"""" nick you fat fucking cunt. p.s. thanks for reverting my correct and loving changes to various wiki's you dirty scrot badgering cock monster why don't you go and get a nice red dress and fuck yourself in the mirror like your dad did thusly your trauma. p.s. cunt.""" 39659072f6a72c7e,"bahamut is gay it's true you little bitch." 3973a9937457d1d9,""" possibly twins? you are willoww and i am pillowp. perhaps we are separated twins! we seem to have so many things in common. i, too, sit around and drool at the computer for hours, furiously editing useless articles about math. and hey, i also have a mediocre knowledge of latin poetry! maybe we can get together and feel better than other people because we patrol wikipedia. gee, but i look up to you. i wish i had a picture of a statue of a little girl holding a dead bird. (. i'm pouting! the special editor because you have been extraordinarily slow with the people who have left comments at your retardation featured list, taking the time to drool on every single reviewer. i'm a person just like you but i've got better things to do than sit around and fuck my head hang out with the living dead snort white shit up my nose pass out at the shows i don't even think about speed that's something i just don't need i've got the straight edge p.s. willoww is a stupid name. period blood.""" 39c0c256e8df95ae,"honesty, where the fuck is the adeputs mechanicus page, i typed machine god in search and some crap that has nothing to do with warhammer 40,000 turned up, honesty what the fuck, whoever is killing warhammer 40,000 on wikipedia needs to die in the fire and if you don't like what i said, then you can join them as well, deal with it.( )" 39ca45fcd28115a1,"bitch shit!!! go to hell!!!" 39d3d70f5acb6042,""" and let me add.... i'm getting sick and tired of you """"scientifically ignorant and emotionally weak"""" people pretending you give a damn about accuracy in wikipedia. buildings don't collapse at free fall speed from anything other than a controlled demolition! duh! you wiki people have been causing nothing but trouble for months and years, and have been preventing the truth from coming out from day one! why don't you, mongo, tom harrison, morton, and those other idiots go work for the whitehouse. how dare you issue a warning to me? i am issuing warning to you - back off! if you care about freedom, or whatever we have left of it, then back off already! """ 39f43b3a2e2f45ee,"go away and stop bothering me i don't want your slimy s**t all over my page, so why don't you f**k off and leave the rest of us to celebrate the fact we're all going to die??? yayyyyyy 😄" 39fca066daaf9e4f,"hum!!! you're a pig!!!" 39fe6e610c192c3d,"well then ur a stupid admin then, you should be blocked mate. now u are waste!" 3a032fd51c41aa39,"fuck you, media piece of shit!" 3a0757419577668d,"terrorize i will terrorise you for as long as you live - you are an arrogant, disgusting and rude excuse for a human being & you are going to die soon so i suggest you stop threatening people you bastard." 3a07e825a85063be,randolph's real name is charles satterfield and he is very clear a psychopath. 3a081c40f3dc127f,i am a fucking retarded nigger 3a0afe696d320917,"get a life you animal fucker shut up you fucking nigger. fuck off and shit your pants full of all the shit you can fill them with." 3a0cd728724ec300,"you are a piece of shit how dare you deface the truth! you disgusting piece of slime, you vile wretch, you do not deserve life, i should take your pathetic heart out of your chest and watch its' last withering beats die out in my hand. noob. scum. when i am the supreme ruler of planet earth i will see to it that you are the first to be thrown into the furnace, i will heat the populace of my great cities with your ashes. d i e hehe" 3a1e4c41e14a23a4,"hi hitler! ,,, vandalismo isn`t put here image_flag = flag of morocco.svg] , its thre , you are pro-morroco, and hate saharawis" 3a1f1babe05aa5d2,"listen up you fucking fanboys this article is a comic book and as such does not belong in an encyclopedia. i hate everyone who has ever edited this article. i hope everyone they love rejects them, i hope every insititution they believe in is destroyed, i hope that they realize on their death beds that every decision in their life was wrong and they die with regret." 3a4e1d9a88556dee,"gay bitch thanks for deleting the important talk page of club penguin bitch! rot in hell!" 3a67b9d04603df64,"what up chink wackpedia admins are faggots, you know that, so shut the fuck up" 3a704e2efa9fa300,fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!! you fucking nigger bag of shit i hope you die in a horrible fire with your gay ass kids i will slit their throat you motherfucker dont you ever think of banning me again or i will rape you anally!!!!! 3a8fa57853b5e03d,suck it mr potto you ugly little twat. maybe ill take a trip to london soon old chap 3a9656dae4b54ef5,you love anime!? there are some animes out there that suck! you idiot! 3aa3dad27c6d451a,"where you at devil? the world's greatest terrorist hasn't forgot about you scum fuck yourself with a sword sissy" 3ac5141b7d58b47f,"you muppet man,you don't know anything about test,i got the truth and you are trying to put the stupid lies in,and it's a swinging neckbreaker,not a tko,got it!!!" 3acd245b283fd27d,"such my cock you're threatening to block me? i can change my ip adress within a manner of seconds. i've been blocked from this site so many times that even if i'll be living till the end of times i won't be able to count them. i remember that at one times i was banned for three months, yet i was revandalising this site and attacking wikipedians before the ban was over." 3b0e1b13380cdd7a,i fuck niggas! i fuck niggas! i fuck niggas! i fuck niggas! i fuck niggas! i fuck niggas! i fuck niggas! i fuck niggas! i fuck niggas! i fuck niggas! i fuck niggas! i fuck niggas! i fuck niggas! i fuck niggas! i fuck niggas! i fuck niggas! i fuck niggas! i fuck niggas! 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ilovedirtbikes 3b4b9d05ac30435c,go fuck yourself your pathetic censorship dictator wannabe 3b65cc8c917169bc,"you're an absolute c unt f uck off" 3b67eb65c5eb3980,spiketoronto is gay rcp 3b7a520502d907c1,bold textypu guys fucken suck!!! 3b7da3e7a26db8ba,dont try to spook me you dick! 3b8ef87d514c7514,"guess what?!?!? your retarded" 3b99b8c62398c151,"agnes nitt i respect what you said about agnes nitt. he's a greasy bastard innit. i mean, what a knob! what say we give him a hard time." 3bb68e94eb6a3ff8,"sitush talk is fucking asshole write. why the hell he reverted my higlighted words. fucking ass hole we have given more highlight to sudhra varna than the khastriya varna which is also there, why the fuck i can highlight kushwaha. you mother fucker." 3bcaf6027cf3bc16,flowers is just some backup characters she has nothing to do with whoever ramona is. just add season 2 please seriously if you don't know 2-4 months from now you're gonna feel like a dumbass like you are. 3bedf8c228d54e06,"""::no. the reason some excellent editors leave is when reasoned and fully explained, perfectly valid edits are opposed by pigheaded people with personal motives as in this case. your response to my inclusion of both photos has been purely ad hominem no reasonable explanation given, only puerile, and boringly repetitive name calling. curious. i see another, white editor has weighed in and supported the inclusion of the photograph of the white woman. what? you gonna call him """"racist scum,"""" too? it seems to me that shrill, incivil criticism of an edit based solely on the ethnic identity of the contributor is the only racism here. *x* """ 3bfe0f1884892fba,if so called intelligent people think that bush is a tyrant then they are not so intelligent. oh and on this discussion page we are allowed to call belfonte a moron which is what he is. 3c0741ca297ecae3,i hate you zad68 unblock me you stupid motherfucker 3c0c3f65a739145f,"oi!! please do not remove me abusing other wikipedians dickhead!" 3c2470c820c6d00e,come out of the closet jewboy. 3c27ee218e144a4f,"fuck you fuck you" 3c2e503b8a371083,"dreadstar, littlemountain5, and some jerk on the internet are cocksucking assholes." 3c3f6317899b10d4,dick administrator! the administrator should mind his own business! 3c5635ce4fe659d5,"mind your own business, you troll." 3c60df68fe9a6e0c,she is a disgrace to and will be stripped of her medals. she is nothing. - 3c8b7f21d8666213,""" revise at once, the kennedy lincoln was known as the ss100x, not the """"x-100"""" as some dumb bastard called steve baker would have us believe. """"barnstar"""" my ass, lets ban him for ever for including dubius information-margeret suckley and harry swoger....""" 3c92430ef5cbc6c4,""" yeah, it's definitely true! that sick bastard got infected after fucking some of his dirty """"actresses!""""""" 3c9e2fa5d92242c3,"i suppose, you probably spent all your money on star wars books so had no money for condoms. it all makes sense now, your not stupid just ignorantly poor." 3cb48b3528fb38c8,"the day i got served. well, since you didn't seem to agree with my statement about mcmap, i'm going to expose you for what you are: a pog. the day i get corrected by a pog is a sad day in the world of the marine corps. don't be offended because i speak the truth about the marine corps and the lies that recruiters feed you. come spend a day with me in a grunt battalion and we'll see how your outlook on your beloved marine corps will change. and way to go, a corporal still after 6 years in and you're a pog? way to go. i guess you didn't do your mcis so you could pick up, or suck enough of your first sergeant's cock. you're a dildo. congratulations on signing up during a time of war just to edit articles about the marine corps on wikipedia. pretty bitch move if you ask me." 3cb918b15c66b31a,"you are so stupid,aren't you? i just put a thing that is true as ferrari's felipe massa is injured, or is just his imagination?" 3cb9839ed6cdee41,hey! thanks for being a dick and adding a warning template on an ip talk page instead of fixing your fuck up. your mindbogglingly idiotic idea that the background section should follow the one editorial you read instead of countless other sources is superb. way to fuck up a massive section in a highly read article you fucking dolt. 3cbc4bbd5539d59c,seriously all you ants better go fuck yourselves. lol! 3ccdfb2964b159b8,fuckin crikey fuck off ya fuckin bloke. crikey. 3cda2b85769eda23,"for your information: you´re an idiot too!! and a liar. for your information: you´re an idiot too!! where did i request that the inflation myths article be deleted? liar and idiot!!" 3cf07e599abf85d3,"what to do with elitist assholes who do not allow anybody else to edit certain pages? people such as alkivar? we must get rid of elitism, wikipedia is a democracy for the contribution of ideas." 3cffd3e511d636f0,"cunt you're a cunt, emilyn." 3d080bf975ffc347,""" """"greaser film"""" you're an idiot. bye.""" 3d0818c7d4652fe8,"it just goes to show stupid mario was, btw raintheone well done but as i said above that just is not enough to stop me;)" 3d1cc31f1f959eb1,i agree with baseball bugs on this one. this guy is being a real jerk. 3d22c2a73adde759,""" hey first, it's between me and idiot, so please don't get involved, ok? i had added information to the snopes article that i not only verified but then provided information on the talk page on how to do so. instead of checking the talk page though, lazy idiot just hits revert and goes back to eating chips off his/her chest. unfortunately that seems to be all too common around here - i've read countless """"bitching sessions"""" posted by other people added constructive and meaningful information, only to have some lazy jerk remove it on a whim without even bothering to see what it was. """ 3d3ab31907cefe58,"dick shit cock fuck you are a fag you are a big bag of shit by the side of the road and its not even shitgarbabge day you are a one way ticket to shitsville with extra mayo and a side of shut the fuck up" 3d596fdaf767c45f,"what... what are you doing? don't fuck me. i fuck to ryulong, not you." 3d5c3ff9e33d4a4e,he is in gay german nazi faggots. please do not delete facts. 3d5c74e4043c39c2,"u fucking prick hey cocksucker well done for fucking up two perfectly good articles on the cadet rifle. why dont u just fuck off and die u removed perfectly good information just because as a dick loving faggot you didn't like it huh? where is all the information about the new gun? the differences? the improvement? that u deleted made all that clear. and then it was merged as per discussion there was no discussion cunt did u ever read the articles u merged dick face or r u 2 fcukin dumb see you been done for editing warring i know the answer so fuck off, off off and take your clueless hard on guns with ya. cunts like you wank over guns but u know shit about them" 3d5d6d4368458d93,"fuck you. why don't you suck a turd out of my asshole! you think you can handle that, dumbfuck? eh?" 3d5ec0a33b31dbd6, - hack this fucker's account and also find and kill user:zhanzhao !!! fuck his family and his girlfriend!!! wahahaha 3d7a225900848076,"meanie ferret never revert me again, you piece of clown fart and/or meanie ferret!" 3d8a94f8cab4f449,"its fucking assholes like you who vandalize wikipedia that really grind my gears. where the fuck do you get off? huh? huh? you think this is funny don't you? well i sacrificed a career and a marriage to keep unconstructive pigs like you from ruining a good thing like wikipedia; and if i ever get to see my kids again i know they'll thank me for this. you sir are a prick. and what kind of fucking name is anyway? oh and your user page sucks noob. p.s. you personally, and not your ip are forever banned from wikipedia" 3d8d1b373b2b9ef6,hey bitch stop taking down our fucking event pages bitch nigger?! how does the event pages that has over 20 fighters constitute a fucking removal you got damn yank australian piece of shit bitch 3daf196a11b93e47,idiots like you make wikipedia very vulnerable. 3db6b81cee4ccff7,""" your spiteful, shitty, uneducated, ignorant, cuntesque, wankbagness although i violently insulted you as above, as this is my genuine opinion of your foolish, reactionary actions; i do implore you to actually review my edits rather than relying on """"consensus"""" to scare away editors with thirty years of recognised, published, research experience in the relevant field.""" 3dbae03a5f33e414,hey!!!!!!! thank you for re-editing my contributions it was really kind of you!!!!!!! i hope you get bowel cancer 3dbc78b78e6205dd,"i dont give a damn anymore. heres a personal attack on wikipedia- go fuck yourself" 3dcb0adda56673e2,"pascal is a flaming homosexual, he likes doing young boys in the anal hole and is a huge pedo, him and michael should live together" 3dcbbb9a6cb720d3,"fuck you son of a bitch your sıde make us creasy fuck you and your sıde" 3dff5aa979ccfd64,"evasion is a lesbian sinner who did sexual sockpuppet harassment to all sisters. refer to god's eyes impudent and shameless" 3e07e541b996fc37,"who is this stupid boy ? a kiwi, for sure." 3e0ae54c75787b53,"who mad you boss? why do you get to say where warnings can be your not the creator of wiki no one appointed you boos of wiki you are a 20 year old loser (probably a virgin) with no life and feels the need to make sure no one goes against what he says. you are a faggot." 3e1900f5773ced5f,ur a cunt undoing my revisions. block me if u dare bitch 3e1db72ba34a7516,you are a stink ass bitch you motherfucking dick sucking bitch go to fucking hell you dog ass bitch!!!!!!!!!! 3e4054b75b54f4c0,"deadelus is nothing but a filthy homosexual and a cyber-stalker. i think that he needs to be dragged around behind a pick up truck for a bit just to teach him some manners. you thought u could get me banned, but ur worng. lulz. i have made many many accounts with many ips so i can have moar lulz you homo. ur probably a porch monkey to who likes butt sex and thinks its kool to stalk people on wikipedia cuz ur a loser. maybe i have my cuz at verizon do an ip trace on ur ass so we can all know when u live. you are not the wiki-police so knock it off, asshole. you have been warned!" 3e41157a9aa1602d,shut your hole sun of beach. nobody asked u tard 3e412a1ec2c0bd20,"how about, instead, you go fuck yourself. hm? how about that? you'd like it, i'm sure." 3e58569ec28d3822,""" no, you utter retard! hispanic means from spain! mexicans are not hispanic, only idiot, uneducated yanks call them that since they are retards who can't tell the difference between the white people from spain and the red people of mexico! mexicans and indians (whoo-hoo feather natives) like apache, sioux and other former scalping savages from the lone ranger era are the same race!!!! they got conquered by white spaniards aka true hispanics and that is the reason non-white, red mexicans are hispanophones, they're not hispanics (from spain is the true definition of hispanic!!), they are mayans or aztecs or whatever tribe. the native people of spain, are white! maybe, since retarded yanks can't grasp these facts, them mexicans ought to be shamed for their defeated, loser past so they can quit speaking the european spanish language and go back to speaking aztec, that way you imbeciles will quit calling these non-spaniards, non-whites """"hispanics"""" or """"latino"""" and call them what they are, red indigenous native americans. that way you will learn the difference. pendejos gringos! it's about time! blacks are no longer called negroes, it's now an insult to call asians orientals (even though taj mahal indians are also asians, duh!!!) so quit calling mexicans """"hispanic"""" or we will start calling you yanks english or british! """ 3e5bb17934439652,"last warning now i will give you a warning you peasant ukrainian peace of shit. you may indeed lie about the nature of that monstrous creation – upa, you fucking criminal, but it will never be forgotten what it truly was. your little demigods murdered my great grandmother, an elderly woman, and burned my family’s home. of course their “honor” is equivalent to yours. ps a little content-related information - according to every modern standard upa was a terrorist organization willing to fulfill political purposes with genocide and fear. so fuck you." 3e5cfe5a206d58b7,questions cuntface! 3e6281309210d3e0,""" next thing you fuckers will say that those robotic planes in the movie are not called """"hunter killers"""" because the movie didn't mention their names even though it's in the fucking script too. this article is stupid, and just like all the wikipedia jokes, unreliable source for going against official sources. """ 3e6aafbae33b42b7,"listen to this sweet rap: paschmitts eats shits, tj state champs (2004) go off sick ramps, uh (pause), my dicks all sore, fuckin bitches hardcore, can't touch me now, i'm gon fly like bam! boom! pow!!!! nigga bitch fuck cuntlicker, scratch and sniff stickers from mrs. zanetti, got weed like confetti on new years, tears of joy, life is uncertain..." 3edd026ae3e6da4e,fuck you bitch. and fuck you lousy and misleading wikipedia:chemtrail page 3ee3280daffabd1d,""" ♠μōōšε♠ u suck loser. go kill urself. lol. u bloody cow with retards as friends. ur inbred. dont ever tell *the mooose* wat not to do. loser loser. go back to china. loser. ♠μōōšε♠ """ 3ee9a9fb0d1daf04,i no longer give a shit! go ahead and fuck up the article! i will have a good laugh when egg hits face after shit hits fan. 3f0952438de2a08e,"no shit i live in bardstown, ky. is that supposed to fucking scare me? that you know how to use an ip search? eat dick, faggot." 3f09c7a346d04b80,""" oh and as far as """"not in line at all with how things are done"""", that's pure horse shit and you know it. disambiguation pages are a dime a dozen, and since you are so hell-bent on insisting that folklore and fiction are completely separate, we might as well turn vampire into a disambig page and let you have your own little playground to fuck up. """ 3f33fa1d1d443094,"sorry??? i was commenting on the page, you blooming idiot!" 3f43ba09b7379f84,"hey fag why you gotsta delete my edits!? fag" 3f5bb7c5ffc5307e,""" yeah. it was perfectly okay to go around spouting """"nigger"""" left and right, until that darned oj simpson trial ruined it for all of us. right. """ 3f6a7c396c55ca20,"eww, i can s m e l l something horrible round here! ewwww is that you? i can s m e l l you from here, man! peee-yewww!go take a bath or something, fleabag!" 3f6db5b8ce00af17,"wendy, get lost. really. not everybody shares your bigoted views. and antonio, quite frankly, you're a fucker for comparing mercado's sexuality to babe ruth's alcoholism. get the fuck off the site. now." 3f73eced122a0758,""" i agree with your opinion. such an ignorant person like """"expert dyer"""" can't be called expert. talk & contribs""" 3f7441a66536ac31,you're an idiot. nuff said. 3f75d78d22efbd40,"kingpin is a dooche... fuck you d" 3f910cc58584e861,"bitch you are such a whiny ass attention whore bitch, go choke on a cock" 3fa752bec4e7f1d8,"hello go fuck yourself, kid. adults are talking." 3faae603dd0b883f,can you tell me why you are such a fag??????????? 3fc076a61afafa9d,"because my name is yalma, and i am a == loser == who gets pissed at people for nothing!!!" 3fc539eceb1e7de8,"hey i asked you a question and you still havent responded to it yet11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 suck my fucking balls you fucking assholes72.191.164.67 mrivera25" 3fcab0414c9c67fd,"hey asshole, i'll add whatever i want aobut edison new jersey because this is wikipedia." 3fcdf0a4ec1f704c,"man u piece of shit u piece of shit,u fucki9ng 6 yr old don't evn hav a brainm.john cena can wrestle,u bitch.didn't u c him wrestle?he's a wrestler,ps. 1.noone likes you 2.noone understands you insult our favourite wrestler bitch. your gonna get blockd from editing right now,got it!!!!" 3fe75fb2e86c3f73,get your fat white ass out of the suburbs and join the real world. 3ff58198969b3c64,no she did not die that is so stupid! 3ff6f8bccff12578,hogtie this you faggot 4001ca61f92d0839,never touch my edits again you douche bag 4001f43d06e5b8ad,"all allied pigdogs deserve death in auschwitz fuck entente" 4008ebcf168f39db,fuck off and stop posting on my talkpage you annoying cunt. 400f22ed2cf15aee,"die as that person said: rot in hell you fucking loser!!!" 400f3c96fa8a4f80,wikipedia is the worst idea ever. it will never work out. i'm looking forward to the day that jimmy wales hangs himself because he's the world's biggest heap of fail since the pony express. or zima. 403764029b102e8b,""" stop being an idiot. it's not motherfucking speculation, and i'm not """"attacking"""" anyone. now shut the fuck up, because you are wrong. and leakers are reliable!~ now please shut the hell up! you are wrong. end of story!- """ 405035baff249126,you're a fucking liar who doesn't know how to do his job 405383228b25e9c0,"delete all hijackers' biographies! this motherfucker and every other motherfucker who murdered innocent people on september 11, 2001 should not have an article on wikipedia. by doing this, you are glorifying these scumbags." 4053f1f27e115abf,"where do you get off deleting that? it took me ages to do and you jus come and delete it, all the while leaving your shitty mtv bollox up, you fucking americans are nothing but a bunch of fucking hicks. your presidents a fucking redneck hick and i cant wait to see the day when that bastard gets a nuke up his arse!!!" 405bda134182afc4,""" this article is ludicrous, it paints anti-religonists with some kind of generalizing brush that atheists have been getting away with for decades now. that is, that *we* can refer to ourselves in the 3rd person and apply any positive adjective we wish. i.e. o'hare and other atheists claiming """"atheists would rather do x than y."""" but when the same generalized tone is applied in a perjorative sense, they scream bloody murder at whoever dares to 'stereotype' them. the murder of atheists is a beautiful thing, o'hares bone's are lying deep down, as are her fucking children's. carlin's wife is dead, fuck him.""" 405ed4e56f1a71a4,"hello jakeyboy! it is i the almighty lord and master of the universe. my protege evilameoba has brought it to my attention that you have not been very nice. bad jakeyboy! i should punish you to hell!!! i hearby order you to apologise immediately!!! her page did not need to be deleted. you of all people should know about free speech. before i go i would just like to say fuck you jakeyboy!!! i have spoken!" 4077742c1855d6bd,"you obnoxious piece of shit why are you homosexuals always such viscious little fascists?" 408579055a052bdc,who on earth do u think u rr???? you plonker 40961a55479025d0,"stop being a fucking cunt licker, fuck eater" 40bee03cf1abb3bc,", it is because i am a very stupid and clueless gay idiot who sucks my mom's penis." 40c31f152eb0f182,"nm hey every bitch hater (mainly kid bitchass rock) instead of making it better, y dont u just take the bitch offline itd make me alot fuckin happier!!!!" 40c5011b970a3529,"hello, you turd. firśt, i aṃ ģoinģ ţo ţie ŷou uṗ and keeṗ ŷou çonśçiouś durinģ ţhe folloŵinģ ṗroçeśś ţhrough ţhe uśe of aṃṃonia. nexţ, i ŵill ṃuţilaţe ŷour ģeniţalś and forçe ŷou ţo eaţ ţheṃ. then i ŵill çuţ off biţś of ŷour śkin and ṃake a ģlove ouţ of ţhe śkin from ŷour hand. i ŵill ţhen çuţ oṗen ŷour ģuţ and ṗull ouţ ŷour çolon. i ŵill uśe ŷour çolon for ṃaśţurbaţion, and ŵhen i am done i ŵill śhove iţ down ŷour ţhroaţ. finally, i ŵill diśṗośe of ŷour body by deṗosiţinģ iţ in a duṃṗ ŵhere iţ belonģś." 40db5bce11c98a15,"donner the bitch excuse me but i spent hours trying to write that and surprise my team and you re just being a nasty old cunt" 41123edb3bc7bf76,dear omni looser stop editing my crap then die 4132e72ba804d884,i can't believe wiki is stupid enough as to make this faggot an admin. 41386f0d0c25929b,"dude you both are dumb, in the heavier than heaven biography it says he started in the eighth grade and that age for him would have been 13. and another thing for scarian, stop sending me stupid messages, because i obviosly am not listening to you." 414253daf6beba26,""" i'm f***ing serious! my cousin's copy of """"pinoccio"""" was printed april 28, 1987! so stop undoing what i just contributed, you f***ing pussbag! """ 4144bd651d3eec47,"re: speedy deletion you sir, are a fgt." 414ace4068d42441,"also, it's well known that slavic women don't like to wash ..down there ..:(( prepare to ask her to go to wash before..hmm i mean if you want to fuck a slavic woman..their pussy stinks..." 414b5a067e2670d0,go fuck yourself traitor. thank you. 4158f0f914760b1f,"trouted you have been trouted for: your reason here ass hole" 416439fb16af2d6d,"fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!!" 416aa8ed038f0f3f,"dear bignole are you gay or do you just suck alientravellers dick sometimes? i try to figure this out because you are always on his page and always sucking him off. please answer me" 417233eb9075dfbc,"fuck you fuck all the faggot assed, cock suckin', drug addicted, shit sniffin', retarded megalomaniacs who call themselves admins. the couldn't get fucked up the arse if they bent over in a gay bar with $50 stuffed in their crack. they are just a bunch of lame ass losers with no life and even fewer friends. if real life came up and bit them on the as, they would die or just od." 4174c12baa31befb,abf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fuckingabf is a fucking 419638cd6fa729bf,"omg wtf took my name out, wth??!?!?!? .... you guys suck." 41a6cf6124e64a1f,"stupid please stop your stupid disruptive editing of summit series." 41a9759a66aaa689,go fuck yourself gavin! go fuck yourself ryan i bet you double teamed her before you blew into each other's mouths! 41ae7d96081f0499,"dahn is illiterate and has a small penis yes, you know the typical wikipedia user. he is a loser. he has no life. he is sexually frustrated. his inability to satisfy his will to power is taken out over the net. dahn - if you want to revert my changes, read them first. i will fight you!" 41b511ac512f71eb,are you really deeply an ignorant person? you do offend someone and then you are surprised why that person offends you?! if you would ask me that канбера is offensive to you and you would ask me not to use it - i would do it with pleasure as any civilized man would do. anyway my proposition for you to go your ancestors is actual. i will ask all the media companies to change to the official name. then you ignorant pieces of ignorance will have no choice. to convince you - i don't want and don't have time for that useless activity. unfortunately the only cure for ignorant creatures like you is go to its ancestors. 41b67301a4e8b1f6,you mother fucker! 41b7708f1bb64ff4,"you are nothing worth about me, so shud up." 41c2e22130f6eff7,get fucked you terminally dumb fuckstain. i hope you fall under one of his lorries. twat 41dc06d62981c9c0,listen glenfarclas fuck off u son of a bitch! im not doing vandalism so fuck u glenfarclas 41e65f43c180838e,"you are a fat, geeky prick who has nothing to do on a weekend but monitor wikipedia. i hope you suffocate under your own sadness." 41e77bd8d1b28589,"you should block all ip addresses forever, preventing new users from signing up. that's what assholes like you want to do anyway." 41efc925d129ee7a,"i am insulted i write a comment on your talk page and its nonsence? i have not been vandalising. i am insulted greatly. and why is there some pic of a fat jimbo wales on a computer? i am not reposible. you cannot acuse without prove." 41f6c674bdc54f91,my pages aren't inappropriate you fucking bastard 420c517b5a192e68,i think it is rather obvious what to do sir. you really ought to stop taking it up the arse. and stop fucking children too you paedophile 4218235cb005cea5,"hooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! hes an ass that linuxbeak is" 42235ac81d33e785,"excuse me why do u act like u have dick up ass?" 424cafb1ede9379f,"you a bitch i hope you die you worthless pathetic fucking cunt." 42569c72aa31f97b,you are a stupid ass hole thats my message 4263b86a332b6215,"fuck you guoguo12! you have no life and no friends. so go fuck yourself because you are a weird bitch! i will block you soon! alright bitch bye {{talkback|tdawg4701}" 428d29b82c56dfd5,"perhaps you missed the discussion at no, i take that back, please, block me, i don't want to be near scum like you." 4293758af405a10e,"anyone ever.... told you to fuck off, you lousy cunt? i've been on wikipedia for years, and while i don't edit often and rarely delve into the shennanigans that users have created, i don't need someone like you to tell me to get some tea or some such. hey how about this, after you finish gulping down whatever it is you believe in that made that article better, or more encyclopedic compared to before, you go drown in your own piss? sounds like a plan to me, bitch." 42a72abf931563ec,randi was born a dick. randi will never overcome being a dick. the end. 42c7685284e6f903,""" blocking a """"talk"""" page? how utterly pathetic. does this make you feel powerrful? interesting strategy though to allow pod to contribute to control and screw up the 2012 phenom page with his underinformed opinions, arrogance and stupidity. since you seem soooooooo intent on having one of the worst and most popular 2012 pages on the internet ... and be one of the largest contributors to 2012 misinformation ... so be it. shit comes out of assholes ... that's how god designed it, so who am i to interfere? sorry pod-stalker, go creep on and crap on someone else. ~m~ """ 42cc41517e780111,"there you are, hiding like pillbug under the rock. man up you worm" 42e5dbeb72e2e0b9,"trolling facebook has been reported and is regullary trolled by josh ware of nevada. this is because josh ware is a waste of life and a faggot who fucks his dad and can't figure anything else to do in his own existant then to perform these two hobbies continuously. watch out for that guy. he's sickeningly gay." 42f245661f09e1ad,"you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!" 42f4a81780f26bdf,"important you suck! i think you should go suck on a car tail pipe, while it's moving. you fucking bastard!" 42f56a67b6caf135,"can't sleep, clown will eat me, go fuck yourself you piece of hog anus." 42f5912c2b77c3a1,some say she is a little mothyer fukin bitchy 432dc57dd180cd97,fuck god youn shit asshole 43302a18da052a39,shut the fuck up bastard 43330593d10e5dc6,"fucking lying nigger, fes up you peice of shit211.28.54.73" 4348cae44ed363c5,"stop leaving stupid nonsense messages on my talk page if ypou want to leave people stupid message go to your sandbox instead. grow up." 435153eb83f4441b,"you administrate like shit anyway, you fuccin asshole! ( )" 436b4ee1b77dc258,"fuck u cocksucker, fuck u!! ill do what i want its an online community and whats a community without cryme?" 439d4b5b2669cf86,"lol!!!!! like you can stop me. i am forever eternal you fagboy. can't you be a little more creative and less obtuse?" 439ede1396d0e7c6,get lost tommy u gay fucker 43a49fc283cb9d38,"chuck, want to run for rfa rfa is dying because of all the harassment and bad behavior. want to run for rfa and show up those idiots from years ago? it would be hilarious if you did." 43bc700aad938d7c,sleep with me or i will fucking kill you and block you! 43d8d0d353fa74e1,"you are really fu*** materialscientist. i think wp administrators clearly supporting tamils and have a problems with sinhalese. first in ani comment, i didn't said tamils or anyone is stupid. i blamed tamils in ani (obni**, hillcountries) for making tamils who resorting to militancy as stupids by forcing me to add stupid reasons to wear arms (sorry. but honestly the reasons are stupid) into the article. if reasons are stupid first administrators should block 2 tamils and other administrators who forced me to add content to the article. astr-nny" 43ecac01b27a4ba9,"""why do jews get their own special term for discrimination against them? black people don't have """"anti-ebonism"""" native americans don't have """"anti-nativism"""" and arabs don't have """"anti-arabism"""". (actually since arabs are semites, anti-semitism is directed at them as well) the only thing this proves is that jews think they're special and exclusive and should get special treatment, even though many ethno-religious groups have suffered to the same or greater extent, only the jews should get a special name for their type off suffering. pretentious bastards. """ 43f4293a1a7ec34e,total asshole bitches like you just need to get the fuck off. motherfucking shithole. eat your dick. 43f9fb513a0c35d4,""" """"while i would dearly love to have my way with her in a wild and uninhibited fashion, jolin needs to realise she is chinese and thus not fucking african-american. god damn that woman is confused. and watching her with luo zhixiang in that new video trying to dance like some hip-hop slut is just embarrassing. stupid cunt that girl is. bet she fucks like a tiger though.""""<=diskindofsexist/racistçmntokhere???????wmf=~dapits:(((( """ 4418459a4dca7bd0,"did you just send me a user attack warning? well go fuck your mother. this time, picture it... imagine your mother. f.o. yourcousin" 4418fdd485e3b4ed,"insane stupid imbecile witch bluerasberry can you describe these terms to your throbbing vagina please." 441cdfa7d61fcb89,"guess what ur retarded" 44211e568ef7f5dd,"sorry. you smell of pickles and farty bums. you smell like a bum with a pikle shoved up its hole. you smell of piss." 4423caa358468f86,"bitch your a dumbass why are you reading this!" 4438c261f302a6ce,"hi dear sikh brothers, i would request all you all to please help me in exposing sikh scholar, who actually is an rss sponsered person pretending to be sikh, please see below the kind of statements he makes to me wow wow so the truth is finaly have spoken like a true hindu rss that the way a scholar answere to him) (sikh scholars comments to me)....... stupid dumb fu*k my great great great great grandfather was mani singh the greatest of sikh matrys. its scum like you that needs to be executed. you deserve execution - you stupid dumb fu*k everyone in my family over 500 members are baptized khalsa sikhs. we have been khalsa sikhs for over 300 years you dumb fu*ker. because you have insulted me and broken the teachings of the guru granth sahib you deserve death -you dumb fu*ker.sikh scholar (talk) (my answere to him) i will be after you to expose all your rss gang pretending to be sikhs and being some kind of expert in sikh my promise to you fake scholar... he is being supported by few other rss sponsered members in wikipedia with regards to singh article here." 444419d7bcaf4157,""" hey donkey hey donkey, your dad is coming. — preceding unsigned comment added by enjoying the creepy messages? enjoying all these creepy messages son? — preceding unsigned comment added by """ 445a952c8fe3c0bc,"ok, if you consider yourself the master of logic that you tell everyone you are on your profile, feel free to read this in its entirety and write back. i would be soooo happy to have some ongoing discussion. i am an op1 (rank 99.9) dental student from australia, in uni at the age of 16, and despite that i can still manage to not be anywhere near as much of a tightass as you show yourself to be. seriously, do you think you are better than the people that give you shit about your attitude to wikipedia? it is so pathetic that you have to grab at power in this nonexistent world just because you have no influence on anything meaningful in the outside world. i think the inferences i make about your real world life are more than fair. do you actually have a life? no, a level 70 shadow preist on wow does not count, nor does having a password for private irc channels and torrent referrers. like, where is your girlfriend? perhaps, if you continue to piss off everyone you come into contact with (i make reference to the discussion of the neutrality of the anglican church grammar school page), someone may just take the time out to slap you the fuck awake and make you step back and see how pathetic what you are doing really is. you make me sick....fuckkkkk you are a vegetarian, i hadn't noticed your username for what it was until now, and you continue to reinforce every idea i ever formed about who you may be. seeing as it is now 1:20am aest and i have shit to do 2morro i really cant be bothered reading any of what i have just written, because you are clearly so deeply entrenched in your own pathetic way of being and have trained your mind to ignore everything anyone else says to you that you do not like by getting 'you're a gay pedo' (and similar) emails. if i had smoked myself stupid and that was the deepest level i could insult you on, i would send fuck you emails to you all day long. i can take time out of my day, as much as i have better things to do, to give you shit because you are a pathetic, insecure, power hungry piece of shit, weilding you wikipedia administrator status like a trident against everyone that hates you, when really you more than likely were dropped as a child/feel unloved/were bullied in school/have a small dick and feel you have to be a complete social recluse and hide behind a screen. i hope you do write back. please do. oh my, please write back. i would love to listen to your self-reichous shit, thinking you can make 'quirky' little quips and rhetorts to distance yourself from what people say about you, and feel you have re-established yourself as superior. im guessing you are probably online doing pointless shit right now, and so i am keen to receive my reply soon. regards, steezemuffin a combination of style and ease, spelt with an extra 'e' for extra steeze. oh, and its in a muffin. isn't that just fucking dandy?" 446342342aa367cb,"by the way, you're an ass!" 44747611762306be,"fuck you. i can do whatever the fuck i want, you piece of shit. personally, i think your a stuck up asshole with a big stick up your ass. fuck you and leave me alone. asshole." 447bd7740d17a545,go fuck yourself this ain't any of your business and i fucking know what tor is. asshole. 447f3edb2122372b,"oh dear aeropagitica, you're a bitch. love, jay." 4484e48ee82fca68,"racist actions do not delete pages you know nothing of!!! you have no real rights!!! racist!" 44920fe345f63056,""" dont call me """"kiddo"""". dont you dare try and patronise me. go ahead and try and add more hours just for standing up for myself. pathetic.""" 4493ca61d1a98093,who are you to tell me??!! i'll do what i like when i like...cocksucker!! 44949a2a2cb25846,"shut f*** up & let me do what i want! i'm makn' rsponc 2 somebody's question & i'll nser it, no madder what! so, u just f*** off & let me answer dat question, moderf***n' gay b****!" 44c118b051d617af,""" fisherqueen ( actually a trashy dustbin ) is blocked in life forever and for life indefinitely fisherqueen is actually a trashy dustbin who is blocked in life and for life indefinitely it can be so obviously seen that you have no life in reality and hence you carry on with editing pages on wikipedia,which is another big joke, like you. in fact, it is jokers like you that make wikipedia an unreliable piece of crap that the world laughs on. you thought you can block users who edit articles that are wrongly written to project a """"good"""" image like that c-grade item song sleaze actress payal rohatgi. on the account of hello5678, when i edited to write the truth, since i work with the media and knew the actual truth, you did what you knew best - to block accounts and even have the foolish audacity to write that it did not seem i was a journalist. your block anyways went futile ( like all your remaining blocks on other users go, and future blocks will be going ) since as i had said, there are a million computers to comment and reply from. it just depends on my wish if i want to respond to idle losers like you and whether i have the time to do so. once and for all, i am doing it this time, and won't remove time for worthless people like you again. you had some advice on how i should spend my """"blocked time"""" by reading wp:dispute pages on wikipedia so that i have better ideas on dealing with disputes. actually ,you need better ideas to deal with life. i am not foolish like you to spend any amount of my time bothering about rubbish written by stupid people like you who have no work in real life and spend days editing pages on wikipedia/ scribblebook that no one bothers to read. some people are just unfortunate like you and 2over0. and if you are troubled by my calling that actress """"sleazy"""", then that's your problem. cos that's the only work she has done and the press uses precisely that term while referencing her work. you also spoke about writing """"accurate"""" information on wikipedia. ironic, when you don't even bother finding out what is accurate, and spend endless hours blocking, and acting admin as if it is an important position in your life. oh wait, that may be the only position you probably have or will have ever in your unfortunate life. carry on with your scribble game. and if you feel threatened by media exposure, then that shows you knew you were wrong. it's only when people are wrong that they feel threatened. pity your personality. also, you ended by writing that """" it's clear you aren't a journalist, and have no means of carrying out your threat """" - lol. sad, that you lived in that illusion. for jokers like you who are totally idle,and who scribble away in virtual pages on wiki-scribble-pedia, will obviously withdraw from the truth. you yourself have no idea at all if i am a journalist, and you write that it's clear that i am not. well, you are also inane and a clown to fool yourself. i had all means, and the said article has already been published. i had no time to let you know, since i am a busy person, unlike you and do not find time to come scribble on virtual pages that clowns like you , 2overo, 2/0, akerans, managerarc, fisherqueen (yeah, we named you again - suck it up), kuru etc. do all your life. you will find that information, depending on which godforsaken part of the world you live in. and like last time, you can go ahead and block me this time too. for , no one cares two hoots for your silly blocking games. we do have a life, unlike losers like you. maybe its time for you to go fish in real life, so that you can come anywhere remotely close to having a life - lol. so, loserqueen, grow up and get a life, you idle clown or else, you will remain a loser all your life. who cares anyway what inane, puerile losers like you do in their lives. cos all you know best is to play edit and block games on your scribblebook called wikipedia. scribble on cos anyway no one cares and i most certainly don't. time for you to go fishing then, loserqueen. and i wont bother to check any replies or anything else ever, cos i dont have time unlike idle losers like you, loserqueen. you are no where near a queen, but certainly are a huge ,filled with trash, dustbin. pity you, unfortunate daft-loser- dustbin. and the best last closing words to a daft dustbin like you are - fish off""" 44ed2af7f0893c42,"hey, asshole, get a life ip banning is very effective, don't you think?" 44f4b1bf66d9f493,"fuck you dpak dsuza you are a pathetic piece of shit." 45264a1953d617de,i hope you feel like shit for deleting my post. go fuck yourself 4536840db0048b47,"message get a life- fuck off you mull! (767-249er- admin)" 453a5517addefc82,doosh doosh doosh doosh doosh fucking cock sucker queir bate ass wipe dont tell me what the fuck to write 4540593cc30f385c,"thanks cunt thanks for speedily deleting my john kerr page. if it ever happens again you will wake up looking down the barrel of a shotgun and then we will punch your nut sack till we hit concrete but if we are on any other surface uh oh for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 455794ccaf8f0d91,"douche? dear s3000, be you a douchecock? i believe it doubly so." 45603774503b7e00,you're such a douche fag 457aab2d186e95f0,you sound like you are sexually frustrated. when did you last have sex? 457c9eb81d1afefb,"i feel sorry for you, small penised foreign dog! defending absolute scum like mao, jiang, and deng ensures you are a brainwashed fag lost in china's past. it will take 200 years before chinese people from the mainland become clean, respectable, wise human beings. right now they are money worshipping slaves whose minds are lost to propaganda and distorted logic. how sad! such a great civilization destroyed by a band of gangsters!" 458f785f62af7dbb,dog u mother fcuken ass hole i dont fcken care that i deletes\d ur fcken pages ur mothe fcken ass hole u bitch u like my balls anyday and where and i fcken ur sister and u were born in a pile of shit u mother fcken bitch go get shit for dinner..sorry you idiot back off or suck my dick bastard. 459cacc20ee83ca9,""" ==== hi! you might be interested in the discussion at . thank you. spanish heraldry as a respected contributor to the above article, you're probably best placed to deal with the issues with it. if you want to take it on, i believe there is a lack of: inline citations in particular; good english; and specificity - parts of the article explain heraldry in general, and are not sufficiently (imho) to be included in the article (eg. most of the definitions section). thanks, - (t, c) bcn-sia discussion first, sorry because my poor english. hi, i don't want to start a undo-war or something like that, but the avionews post is only a rumour. it's a propaganda speech from a milan sea not a declaration of any sia officer. i've talked with the sia spanish comercial manager and he says me that the italian sia officers inmediatly deny that issue, nor the sia-bcn cancellation, nor the fco-mxp flights traspassing... and all is a simply propaganda from milan in this moments of crisis. this was also confirmed by sia london regional headquarters... unfortunately, i haven't found any italy/uk sia press relase dennying the milan sea president affirmations but i think that informations that i have are enough to question the avionews article. —preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) because of that, i have """"twicked"""" the comment from """"until summer 2009"""" to """"probably until summer 2009, in which they could codeshare with other star alliance partners"""" in the article, the text refered (today the sia flights carry out the singapore-malpensa-barcelona route but in short time the flight will be reduced to singapore-malpensa route, while the continuation to barcelona will be assured by lufthansa italia), is not referenced as bonomi's words but as an explanation by avionews. the comments is not anymore an affirmation but a puntuation between brackets. sincerely, i fail to see your urge to remove it. cheers. mauritiusxxvii (aut disce, aut doce, aut discede!). i don't have a urge to remove it. i don't remove it. i only explain it to you the situation. —preceding unsigned comment added by re anon user behaviour today when i woke up, i found a whole lot of personal attacks from user against me. messages such as: """"this user is such a stupid and biased wikipedia editor. should be banned forever!"""" on my user page. a blanking of my talk-page whith the following message """"buaagh i'm sick only reading this user please..remove him from wiki!!!!"""". """"that is fucking stupid and haves no sense!!!! that is a person with various nationalities not a nationality of spain . only maurice27 can say that!"""" in thenationalities of spain article. """"wtf!!! is not possible that maurice27 is still editing this article from a such biased and stupid pov!!!!!!"""" in the catalonia article. (notice that i hadn't edit that article since january 17, 2009 i ask you if you ca" 45a19c7274f17058,"wizzard2k having no life man if you're gonna be such a tight ass loser who spends all his time editing wikipedia, at least have a sense of humour. so you know, fuck you." 45af5ef8a843ee13,""" what the hell asshole!!! your going to block me for putting the right information on of mice & men (band) artical!! what the fuck!! that's wrong man!! you sir, are an asshole. you are disrespectful to this site and yourself. i have never seen a disgrace in my life. of mice & men are not a nu metal band. they never had been, just because there new album have small bits of nu metal elements doesn't mean they are a nu metal band. austin said, and i quote from the alternative press interview: """"on our new stuff, we want to go more rock, or i guess a nu-metal sound you could say.'' i rest my case. so now you know, you will put the correct genre on this band. i know you will. asshole.""" 45c80656703fe293,"screw my butt screw my butt" 45ee7dade02bce00,knock of the vandlism or i'll report your fucking dumass 45fe375e1a279dde,i gonna block your bitch ass bongwarrior- squad_500 46097f7a65d10512,"greetings hey douche bag, wassup?" 462c5126a960376e,don't you know silly rabbit that baseball players are more important to wiki than cancer researchers? ugh... 46368d8f7f1302d5,""" idiots! you fascists are such idiots, i don't know whether to laugh or to cry. """"troll?"""" you created this """"troll."""" """"sock puppet?"""" you really think calling me a """"sock puppet"""" is going to stop me? by the way, you can cross """"meat puppets"""" and proxies off the list. you're wrong. i think you better lock your talk pages again and run away in fear, as you've been doing, because you're not stopping me. by the way, your threats are stupid. all this trouble just because you insist on censoring a single article to hide the fraud that takes place. that makes you criminal accomplices to the fraud. like any other fascist society, you've rewritten the rules so that """"abuse"""" is conducted by the abused against the abusers. what do you guys want to hide? the truth? """"we're right and you're wrong, because we've got the power."""" if you play nice, i might leave you alone. otherwise, go fornicate yourselves! """ 463c00edebcf8ab9,i haz a question...why are you an idiot xd 464b763361d1cbe3,"fuck you fuck you you cheap whore!!" 46623989b35e0288,"htf does this disrupt shit? seriously you guys take shit to seriously, losers." 466573e330cd799e,ok send crap idc u stupid gnome 466a8f2cf70de0dd,"consider myself lucky??? oh get your head out of your anus. this is wikipedia. you obviously dedicate your life to making sure that someone doesnt have a joke. no one is harmed, i apologised, and you're obviously a bls (border line spastic) and it was an apology, no question about it. go fuck yourself, you arrogant sad little vagina." 46818de827400492,"you are a prick asshole" 46896b2230566b32,hetar is a fucking asshole. i hope he is blocked soon for vandalizing and reporting false vandalism. 468ab877711f805a,your hair is lower then your mum's tits 468bacab59abc9e6,i licked off ur mum so suk that and go fuck ur self 469200fa9128e500," there. don't know how you mised this in the news. i don't know how to do any of this citation crap, either. i don't have enough time to spend all day chained to a computer learning haxx0ring or whatever it is you nerds do all day in your parent's basement. and it's notable because it happened on the base and is becoming quite a big scandal. this should be obvious on the surface, idiot." 469cb60c3dbfb0b8,stop deleting my stuff! he's all right with it. the whole world needs to know he's fucking gay. 46a8f85807ee1236,"go ahead, block me go ahead block me, but everyone knows mtv sucks. god save the rock thank fuse oh and...fuck yourself" 46b11188d4c70413,suck you suck you suck 46c3b897af3cf821,"hey! a bitch deleted my episodes!" 46c78c885d7e02cf,"to confirm!! i never asked you for help. i have asked others for help but not you! you saw it fit to come on here, and harass me!!! you followed my log as if i were some sort of hacker, and annoyed the heck out of me at every turn. even now it seems you feel you must have the last word. buddy, let me tel you this. i hope you pull this crap with the right person. i really do. i do not like you. i think you are a scum bag. have a merry freaking life! and please feel free to drop dead." 46d6269ca2650cad,"why are you such an idiot? ?" 46eb0f69cf253cb6,"fuck off, you half-wit you wikiwankers set the standard for delusional." 46f0a3faced285a3,"f*** off, you f***ing b****! i am telling the truth! it is all true, f***ing jack***" 46f401f7cc206aa3,"lostprophets is a fucking nu metal band bitch lostprophets is a fucking nu metal band bitch. answear me bitch." 46ff1844a0894393,"stop removing my edits! why do you insist on being a flaming asscake?" 4703cf76a631a4f6,you are an asshole 470622b732fefa74,"you a**hoe! hey stop fking your mothr! get a life of your own and start minding your own bussiness instead of undoing others edits, you do not own wikipedia, try to keep wikipedia alive, there are so many articles which are not backed by supporting information, that was how wikipedia first came to life, everyone wrote what they knew. stop moral policing. go get a life in real world, find a job earn some money, marry and make a life instead of spending all time on wikipda. you are not contributing to wikipda by guessing others edits to be bad/wrong you a_hole. mothr fcukr come eat my sht." 4713c383d9ca9930,"personal websites personal websites of the subject of the article are not only permitted, they are required. stop being a dick, please. —" 4716e7023e36487a,"comment the gnaa are among the biggest losers on the planet. their website, a collection of some of the most unfunny shit i've ever read, is an example of how to fail at life. verdict: unfunny, unoriginal, piss poor." 472c21c24ecf7d4f,haha. i would have no references. are too lazy to read? you are a troll. 4730f50303910e93,"what i think of highinbc... i think you're a total fucking moron for enjoying illegal drugs. please die a horrible death." 4746501840ad0746,"lestrade, you are pathetic, really..." 474a0d004c43e584,"this is a shit for me, stop making non-vandalism, please, im infringing the wikippedia use, as a result, wikipedia will renamed as wikiprostitute, fuck you, bitch........." 4753cd59e37bc8e7,"fuck you i hate you why do you delete pages do you have a life are you gay if you make the page marring manz you hall be cool however at the moment you are gay" 475a851a6bc88005,""" bye i'm not going to deal with the assholes any more. best wishes,  boomer! """ 475d111a43da516d,good riddance you fucking asshole!! bog off forever. 476a2c2c63bc3c74,"fuck off how dare you remove messages that i post on my talk page you wanker. if you did it again i will sort you out." 479826ff5d74ab46,hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard 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pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad. 47a08d0464a441d7,nigger paedophile nigger paedophile 47b3a61bccd5db68,""" my two cents political correctness will be the end of our world as we know it. this is sad that political correctness has come to this level. it is causing our society to reward failure and condone criminal behavior. this is sad. we might as well change the constitution and exclude freedom of speech. this is next. truly sad. truly sad, indeed. also, regardless what you want to refer to the chinese as, china is the reason why the us's economy is in the crapper, and why our unemployment rate is higher than it has been since the early 1980's. we have made """"those people"""" rich while our economic infrastructure is crumbling. open your eyes! and for those reasons, i despise china as well as the politically correct. niggardly it is apparent by reading wiki's page on the """"controversial"""" word """"niggardly"""", that stupid people and words do not mix. it has been said that most people never pick up a book after leaving high school. proof of this exists in the fact that this word can be taken so blatantly out of definition, that persons are asking that it be banned from the english language. as i said, idiots and words can be a dangerous combination. what is even sadder is that i expressed this comment on wiki's niggardly page, and was accused of vandalism, yet others posted similar comments. i must of hit a nerve with some """"idiots"""" who don't have a large understanding of the english language and it proper usage. lol!""" 47c8b8b373c4aecb,"""email from user:habsmtl to user: phenomenon8980. yo. what in heaven's name is your problem with rm994? he's just trying to explain to you how to properly edit a page on wp. instead, you practically """"spit"""" in the guy's face. so, in response to your actions, i will """"spit"""" in your face and then you can tell me how it feels afterwards because you deserve it you motherfucker!!!! do not bug rm994 ever again, you hear me you sob? habsmtl i am writing on behalf of phenomenon8980. he has not contacted """ 47cc16c6f81510fd,"vandalism pt. 2 ha! so your the son of a bitch who keeps violating those pages by replacing the old logos with the current ones. so guess what? i'm komin' over your house and kill you and your friends and family." 47d24c7955d1cc09,damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u cunt damn you u 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any more after your warning. what a fucking joke man you are. -" 47f06447da579cb8,""" go rot in hell you evil liittle bastard. '''''' """ 47f18388952e3ee7,"white trash fuck off you white piece of trash. fucking wiggers. go and fuck a jew, jew raper." 47faf5a6f8da5096,you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. you fuck misterwiki. ([[user talk:misterwiki's f|ta 4805dde830503df6,i have a huge penis and i like to fuck icelantic girls in the ass. 482aa7f707d78b33,obviously you havent been looking hard enough you fucking idiot!get a life. 486da2520c9d917b,wrong whophd. are you being shagged has been done again. seems like your intimate relationship with the chaser team which allowed you to make such incredible assertions was (unsurpisingly) complete shit. go stick a giant dildo up your ass to calm yourself down. fuckwit. oh and don't delete this as abuse... i make a valid point. fuckwit. 487b2985ad809d68,"you are a waste of time why do you suppose the people asigned to protect wikiepdia are so it because their mothers drank and their fathers raped them or do suppose its because doing your job is so damn hard thatyou cant do anything at all?" 48a6c30c8ed77d59,"fuck you fuck you fuck you ffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyooooooooooooouuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!" 48c1f8a8574a6909,""" you fagg0t i was fuck!ng talking to you, you bitch. """"oh no you're fuck!ng vandalising my fuck!ng goddamn page i better cry a fuck!ng wiki-river"""" you c0cksucking father of wh0res. suck my d!ck. that's the last time i ever try to be civil with someone. you have ruined my faith in wikipedia and i will now proceed to retract my $200 donation you miserable cvnt.""" 48c33ef119dee461,fuck you sandra oh is so goddamn ugly it's ridiculous. 48c6f0cc70fda362,"atlant is a spectactular idiot, superseded only by yourself." 48cbd9b0dc18ea67,"vats because im a child you gungadin peice of shit, ill be back at u too, as well as user:bungle. phoooee!" 48d42a878134a583,"huns i cited perfectly good sources you fucking piece of shit. leave me the fuck alone. you don't know everything but you think you do just because you once did something good for wikipedia. i cited good sources go and fucking look at them. fuck off you low life cunt." 48dd8fd78cfbb7cc,"no, someone buggered it all up with those stupid redirections. the players name is walter gordon neilson not gordon neilson. and willie neilson, what a crock of sh* , i thought nicknames were extra, their proper names should never be overuled/redirected. and his brother is robert thomson neilson, not robert neilson. i am gonna get all those redirections reversed and get those biographies rewritten correctly." 48ea70061e500bdf,do you know how pathetic you look with your silly little crusade of removing england or english with articles? grow up and find something better to do with your life. 48eb25a8b972f235,"fuck you fuck you asshole" 48f55b8e13d9df68,ignore this nut case 490b5da24561020a,"hello hear me dammed bastard, some images aren't mine but don't delete it of you will have problems with me, please think and please don't not delete the images or you will have killed by every persons in wikipedia, instead you aren't nobody and nothing for delete the images of everybody. thanks." 4925b61d443e9c44,"hey, you idiot, it is not a crime to post the truth about people, especially their personal information. and if their personal information ruins their lives, then they deserve it. if they hadn’t done anything wrong, then their personal information wouldn’t cause any harm. you don’t see contributors to encyclopedia britannica or webster’s dictionary hiding behind pseudonyms." 493d65b86c3554c0,all chinks and gooks should be deported 493e3a90a9387304,"you are such a bully ok, you win. that is why wikipedia sucks..people like you." 49421e44c6d7b425,edit your stupidity away. 4943e6e7184da48c,"why you revert my edits, bitch? you bein' a punk ass fuuucccker." 4953222edcf06486,"small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////small penis/////. oh, you don't have one" 4956c0f6f4d78df6,"try harder dick this is war, you cunts are a latter day religion that will be taken out!" 495de8b41ff51c02,"boy scout you boy scout faggot. i bet you like mormon jizz all over your face" 496f898364cafca0,"i kill people fool!! im from the ghetto homie, i was raised on bread and balonie, i hate niggers and im proud to jack off to your mom" 4972aadcc5747734,"moonriddengirl is a stupid slut and should suck on my dick, stop deleting my articles and mind her own business... fuck you whore!" 49997c240ff520c5,"tmi page! to the tosser wanna be admin ego maniac! would you get your head out of your arse and revert the tmi page to how it was. the content on the page is proudly looked after by a group of people who work on the series (yes, that's work on the show). and guess what? we know a hell of alot of information on the show, its past, its present and its future. guess what else, a bunch of us know what happens in series 5! you may not have seen that info in a trashy pop mag you seem to acquire your guess knowledge on. so let the page evolve with true knowledge as has been occuring over the past few years. you have just destroyed a wealth of info because your not sure what your reading is true, in which case, fuck off and edit something you do know about, loser." 49a30387b6786e25,. let that little sl93 piece of shit fight his own fights 49b3622987542a82,"hey moron i'm a revisionist. are you? all of us revisionists agree that the germans employed delousing chambers for killing lice with zyklon b. why won't you let me add this to the holocaust_denial page? because it explains the reason zyklon b was found at camps? it explains the shaving of hair? the stripping? the showers? gee, wouldn't that be inconvenient!" 49c98453a086cf5a,"read this is a free country don't you think you cocksucking pricks and i will go ahead and do what i want you bitches" 49cfe7691eb59201,you arrogant administrator homosexual bastards fuck off 49d627872d724685,"youre sad i love how people on here think that by editing wikipedia their changing the world and that their important when the truth is their all sad 20 year olds who get off on telling people what to do. dude go outside theres this thing called um earth you live on it. theres real space not just cyberspace. stop jacking off fegget." 49f7e174ec963927,"fuck you all, losers fuck off my page, fags" 49fa0c9645b5b7a0,"yamla, are you stupid and a gay ass fag whos mother was a fucking whore you fuking idiotical mongolical son of a bitch you are so fucking faaaaaaagggggggggggggyyyyyyyyyyyyyy that oyuy suck as much cock as your dad who was the biggest gay ass idiot in history who ever sucked cock and oyu also stuck up a dildo up your mothers ass while she was pooing and you made your sister eat that shit!!!!" 49ff2b9223df39ac,go and fuck yourself. 4a09bd0197d6c075,"queer why are you a faggot?" 4a0a48a8daaa1e03,"blimey! ... ... you really are a sad , fat sack of sh1t, aren't you?" 4a12ed517f9a3edb,"get a sense of humor, you mentally-stuptarded piece of fecal matter. i'll vandalize all i want too an i dare you to stop me, stupid gayboi." 4a25b2ea6cf8f636,"you are a pompous, juvenile, self-aggrandizing fucking spic, and that's all you are." 4a3753435cd5485a,"queen fag hello, could you please explain why you are such a queen fag ? if you're not familiar with the term it is someone who promotes the queen and monarchy at every turn and whom enjoys homosexual behavior with other males. this involves receiving and delivering. it has come to my attention you are a giant queen fag and i was wondering how you became such a queen fag ?" 4a45dca11f649773,"gareth hughes is nothing more than a anti-semite. he hates assyrians and is worse then hitler... at least hitler accepted jews existed, gareth hughes is trying to destroy the assyrian existence. and wikipedia allows this. what a disgrace. anti-semites!" 4a5c7f5afacdd19f,"cunt editing you should be added to the list i was creating, ergo you are a cunt." 4a81c8b2ceb50271,wikidan61 you dont have any brain your brain less person u cant see notability and unknowningly delet page same done on sachin g lokapure page do u have any brain hope less person 4a9ee4de097abef7,"picka ti machina youve been reverted, so fuck ya back how about you vandalise my page again, ill revert it, and get your good self blocked for an extended period of time. fuck you. i'm gonna find ya, harass ya, then fuckin kill ya because you are a fuckin gross poofter." 4aac4c9d44c3f245,"awwwwwwww, you were called a fuckknuckle? diddums. you know why you were called a fuckknuckle? because that is exactly what you are." 4aae44bd602657d5,"your harassment of me cease your wikistalking you little freak." 4abbcb99b9fae456,"you are a spineless prick and karma is a bitch motherfucker!" 4ac45bdfe440209f,"get off of wikipedia, you walnut-paneled idiot!!! you wouldn't know a good schedule if it put clamps on your testicles!!!" 4acab31361f55afe,you respond to nothing but vandalism. fuck you 4ad71cbf9936e12d,"block me, go right the fuck ahead. fucking fascist cunt. all of you are elitist snobs, who don't give a shit about the facts. you don't care about the truth, you just report. like little tabloids, you just lie." 4aecd68ccb65c0cc,"cut the crap racist.. you are an anti-semite who hates assyrians and probably jews as well. why dont you find another people to destroy. you're nothing more than a common anti-semite. proof, i could give you proof, but i will just refer you to the library. read a book you anti-semite!" 4b04fb6bfda81fbc,"you're a psychopath, tryptofish. if you want to find meaning and purpose in life, then you may wish to go do something charitable instead of 'sperging out on your precious animes. your type of thinking is the reason why wikipedia is never going to be taken seriously." 4b0b74f12a09fa1f,"not every genre on each page has a 'reliable source.' have u ever considered that? and i don't see what's disruptive about it. i know a genre when i here it, it seems like u ignorant fucks don't. it's no wonder people always say wikipedia isn't always right. that's y i changed the genres." 4b33c6f923980092,"hello go to hell. first of all my comment on feces was correct whore. can you be a gay whore? also dont edit cyrus or brazil both of them are true you gay homo. finally go hump your dog and play in traffic. are you secretly brazilian?" 4b36958455ab7bee,"fuckyou wow,just wow james delenoy. u are a class a faggot. i could pwn u in a coma. i dont give a fuck if u block this account cuz we are a freight train from hell and we will make more and come at u with the ferocity of a mama bear. suck our grundles, the entire waltmanist community" 4b3e192dbda2c4c9,"i am going to shove a pineapple up your ass. you'll fucking need major surgery to pull that shit out!" 4b518d63c26b306c,"stupid damn it! i was mking a new page so i will potentially violate! to:wikipedia" 4b63ff541bb02b3f,"fuck you this is for blocking me fuck you worm." 4b763754c179fd6a,"you're an 7åss fùck8 you're an 7åss fùck8 0 go shït your pants7" 4b8cf542005da9d1,"in german and european law you are the fool. private datas are the property of the individual person. you want to force somebody to open his personal datas. that is a violation of german data protection law. mp" 4b96690c4c52afb0,"hey asshole, i'm creamy3. why don't you go suck on your mommy's dried up, saggy, crusty old titties. go ahead and lick her sweaty, stinky old cunt while you're at it. fuck you cocksucker." 4ba0189778fd5a84,"the entire article is written by americans so what do you expect, they are fucking retards, also my comments are constructive and help to point out how bias and unacurate this article has become due to americans rampant bias and censorship94.168.194.94" 4ba9020246ec5e48,"tu mom es a dirty slut disgusting.." 4bab9555682fc40c,"hi i have noticed that you are a dick! any comment?" 4badc43bf614f573,"you dull existence mr. ! you must very fool and distrusted himself! ? hick ass! fine man! you dull existence. a vagrancy to wherever a. go and die miserable. the elegance go lost and gives. lousy. ass. please you. you are!?" 4bbe6928eccebc4b,"nigger {{unblock|reason=liar }" 4bc74963b15cf3b2,"new name perezhilton has changed his name to dick sucker." 4bd0ad0bac8bb533,"hondasaregoodsez: (first:i should be a nigger swinging from a tree, and only gay serbs like me enjoy masturbating to teen pop in my ford pintobeanerniggermexican!" 4c0b851462566f1d,"if you fucking message me again i'm going to kill your fucking family. first i'll make sure they see all of the evil that is in human beings just so they understand that they have no choice but this, then i'll cause them such incredible pain that they will pray for razors on their eyeballs. then i'll come to you after you have watched this. i will literally peel the skin from you and then go on to the viscera, bit by bit all the way to the bone. you will be alive for the entire time as i'll do limb by limb and cauterise as i go. you will finally reach death when i slowly introduce salt via drip directly into your heart. it's very painful, trust me." 4c447b30e01d4b63,""" was diem a gay homosexual dictator? he never had any female companion whatsoever. he was definitely gayer than a sparkling vampire. —preceding undated comment added """ 4c48f1a5e4138946,"you need to stop changing everything im doing i had a bad day today and i do not need you changing things around if you cant make my day better thx dick head" 4c5012bb8dc7d8de,"heya jayg- sounds more to me like 'jew'. good job favoring keeping the list of laureates. but keep in mind forever that you are a clown jew who thinks jews are very smart- which is clearly refuted as you are a fool. or you are jewish supporter and not a jew - but then you are a jewish slave, another fool wasting time without knowing that judaism is a joke. there is no other option of your identity as i explained both to you. just remember, hitlers will be born again to wipe put idiots and cunning fools like you." 4c8791bc1e7e6def,"""niggers and their liberal friends steal everything not tied down, just like the presidency here with acorn with its liberal defenders, fuck you nigger """"obama""""!! """ 4c99ba5e11d638d7,"you are a thick little bastard, to try to push the capitalist vs communist debate on child mortality. think about africa, some of the poorest countries in the world. they are capitalist. their health currently stinks. in my opinion, for any nation nation, the child mortality rate is directly related to money spend on health care, and this is directly related to the wealth of the countries. before spreading your propaganda about third world nations, you should watch this wonderful presentation! if you are not convinced, stfu!" 4c99eca255183163,bongwarrior's mother is a prostitute. 4c9aa3d51189a82d,screw you motherfucker!!! 4cc2ef03e6b75496,"you know what, fuck you, go revert my edit. this is more pointless than talking to a brickwall." 4cd5976d5a1f469b,"spam im spamming you, cause you're a cunt and delete my shit" 4d04d14d5b9b4b00,"regression retard refuses to acknowledge the fact that the gt 440 is a gf108 gpu as shown here. anyone with half a brain can see with their own 2 eyes it says gf108 gpu in that photo. but regression retard is more stubborn than a dumb ass and continously reverts what is facts to suit his own perverted way of thinking. i don't know whether the german retard understands simple english or not, he probably doesn't." 4d13ec1372932e12,"huh go lick ur moms fuckhole" 4d1ba7b5c96b4efa,"hey you bitch when you deleted my page, i cried. you made an 18 year old cry." 4d1e49e1906e7d5a,". that's right. you heard me. faggot" 4d1edef5cdb4bd29,get a proper job daft cunt 4d2454d83bcce253,"serves you right haha! you are finally blocked for 1 month! serves you right! bwahhahahaha sucker!" 4d269d8eb45e1415,"what part of fuck off don't you understand, youi mouth breathing pimply turd? while you'll never nag a hot chick, you can be king of shit mountain, it that it? i laugh at you. leave me alone, nothing you say means anything." 4d3d0dc0d3efa169,"go fuck yourself john cline sucks cock" 4d4314c349537a89,where the fuck is the printer toner you stupid motherfuckers? 4d50db1fa0d90de8,"stop my vandalizing??? i don't think so, stay out of my damn business you shithead or i'll kick your ass!!!" 4d7d85b311d69279,"idiot whoo, delete my post! brave, aren't you?" 4d7e3c35fb7e698a,"""vandalism== i'm damn sick and tired of idiot vandalising this page with things like """"omfg dale is so fucking hot"""" no one fucking cares! fuck off if you are going to do shit like that. there should be an instant ban for stuff like that! ==""" 4d92698b272b4cb8,"lil faggit you are a little bitch. i fuckin spent 6 hours on big sam (rapper) an you call it fuckin vandolism, hard ass aint you, fuck you i'm makin a true ass page an you wack off an delete my page. what the fuck is up, your like a snitch but to yourself. i'll fuckin edit your bitch ass page an delete that shit. i'll fuck up every single thing on your gay ass website if you keep deletin my ass. wanna talk to me, im me at guttyboy3d or email me at" 4d9d1349aaccf783,are you kidding me? are you people completely stupid or what? 4dbaba9736336d2c,""" user:georgiawikiwriter hello ymblanter, i have warned calling it """"a group of fucking morons."""" his behavior needs to be addressed asap. thanks. jaqeli """ 4dc0008555c5452f,blah blah blah kiss my ass 4dcd663f7c05e870,"wikipedia worships child molesters wikipedia worships child molesters" 4ddeff4d162f8358,"faggot == dude, you are a fucking faggot. you made the right choice coming to america, but your still a pussy geeky ass brit. so fuck you nigga, i don't give a fuck what you think, i'll do what i want, when i want, where i want, and you can't do shit about it bitch. i'll change my ip. go fuck yourself kid. get laid. jesus christ, have some laughs in your life. fucking loser. sincerly, the dragon. ==" 4de23bb3b6b929ac,"well, then don't talk to me, you jackass! 15:44, 8 june 2006" 4df202de93c06fbe,"you are a bully you are violating wiki:own, and you are a bully." 4df4e2fcb51e0624,"jeet film = hey asshole, it wasn't vandalism." 4e09b0dcc9be9b91,god damn get some sense! i think the senior members are making huge mistakes putting you little children in charge! 4e137aee22e68bed,""" hey dude ! who the hell you think you are ? just because i didn't use all the time when i contribute to several articles even creating new ones, my log in to prove that i'm creating here, this gives you right to erase all my additions ? those were just few additions from all my work ! that is not my work ! is ...0.5 % from what i do here ! who you think you are ? admin ? editor ? if i will do the same on all your contributions, let's see if you like it a ? first, ask, second, document yourself, third -you are not """"god"""" to do what you want based on ....""""your intuitions"""" . you saw ...7-8 added links from all my work and you act like crazy ? this is spam ? beside i don't have any intention to promote any site, i even remove when i see broken links, etc ! so, stop judging and act stupidly ! you want to chace spam, look here - these are websites with thousands of links in wikipedia and no one does anything from different stupid reasons like - is a """"notable source"""" - so what ? this is giving rights to pages like """"livescience"""" or """";=all&search;;=search so, check first, act after you have proves !""" 4e2cdefa3ea699e7,"why the fuck does zakusage think he owns this page? i mean seriously anytime anyone edits it he reverts it. wikipedia rules say you don't get to own pages, zakusage this is your one warning, next time you pull this page owning crap im filing for having you removed." 4e3674f6bfc22515,"i swear to god u republican toolbag if i ever see you in life, i'd fucking hurt you u are totally 100% corporation, tea party, anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-black, anti-hispanic, anti-immigrant, you are like a radio that spews out rush limbaugh 24/7. you need to be stopped. u will never know the pain that us poor democrats, blacks, and disabled go throw unless you die and get sent to hell (u do believe in it right u christian fundamentalist) learn some progressive shit dude, get out of ur fucking parents church. people like you are what led to the incompetent president george w bush invading iraq. but wait u probably supported invading iraq instead of pakistant or iran. get a life or seriously die caus u'd be doing us all a great favor." 4e603d360e37ca2d,"also the ip attacker was from california, where you are from. im not stupid, you think you're right but your nothing but a pathetic loser." 4e8a2a1e269a31a7,"eternal pink why have you named you main guy in your crap manga because evreryone thinks the same thing that it will be fucking rubbish and it will kill all manga and no one thinks you can make one they all think you won't be able to finish it(or even start)" 4e96fab03232ebcc,jetstreamer: you can go and fuck yourself you stupid sick bastard homo! 4ea141295040aba3,"black sabbath don't undo my revision to the black sabbath page again, thanks. all you're doing is making the page a complete mess with false information. i'm sick of having to clean up your crap so knock it off. sabbath are not heavy metal, as toni iommi himself stated they are hard/heavy rock and not heavy metal (besides the fact that any moron can hear the difference). if you undo my revision again, i will just revert it back again. stop thinking you know it all, you do not. i was brought up with these bands and know exactly what genres they are." 4ec764a3efbc5434,"@kwwwwwww if u don't believed i called them, it's too bad for you:p haha secondly, if a fact makes someone upset, and if that's the reason you don't want to change the article to a fact, then how big of a loser are you for a moderator haha:p and lastly, i know him, if you don't wanna change it, don't:p people will find out in the future. i'm sure he will reveal it. and about dropping, drop your droppings in the toilet pot, and then drop your head in it, after that drop your tongue, then roll it and lift it back up again. have a taste of ur shit u hairy ass pedophile haha!! @kww and father f*cker, u still didnt give no source haha:p what a sore f*cking loser haha:p what an old loser, so afraid that he deletes my post haha" 4ecb142da3ac6d2a,"but i'm surprised to see that you are too dense to figure that out. idiot. ha ha ha ha ha xd" 4eceb12bfa18c8e4,"oh yeah? well, your a fuckass. ha!!! - claymort, 2/4/08" 4edcc53b55552771,"you s m e l l. sorry, but you s m e l l of w e e and b u m s and a r m p i t s." 4ee0c98f8d863acc,"wikitheclown hi, please refrain from being a rediculous fuck, as you did by reverting my edit to ibanez. doing so shows you to be a rediculous fuck. so, kindly go be a rediculous fuck elsewhere. asshole." 4eebb8e3c468c6fb,"stop being a pussbot stop being a pussbot. you are extremely biased. wikipedia cannto tolerate users like you. stop being a shudslavpus" 4efa858ca91d25f3,"yo wat u chng it for, kutcher is prick and world must knw the trooth. ill change it againsmate,an then fuckin,ill be the winnar! hahaha lol u gay" 4efb499c75dfb760,"thanks a lot jackass if you had a life and weren't an over wieght 45 year old uniployed virgin i would be pist at you. get a life shit head." 4f04c1c73da3314f,"never mind you are another slimebag who banned me. just cut to the chase and try to contact my provider, asshole!" 4f07198d77000ae1,you dirty fuckign nigger. stop deleteing my work!!! 4f1101d8b54e1da3,cunt. i hate your face. you are a fucking shit faced wanker. 4f197b83741cc6c8,"by the way this is a university computer.. so go ahead and block it cock sucker. i'll just use my home computer to let the world know what a stupid asshole you are. fuck offff dickbag." 4f3101a022dde776,muyou suck asshole ch 4f415e6f024970d4,""" you're a ho! get the fuck back on your corner and make your pimp-daddy some cash, bitch. quit fucking with public sites. who died and made you the """"hall monitor""""? sincerely, that same guy. you know, the one that's fuckin' yo mama, bitch!!!!!!""" 4f4def3f28d6a728,for an idiot such as yourself 4f52a66989455629,all the admins on this shitty site are neurotic control freaks. don't let their hideous attitudes prevent you from doing what you think is right 4f55b36ce50e9af7,ok i found your text just now but i don't want to refer to stupid users anymore. he repeats to cheat rankings. 4f6643efa3b3f253,"my name is in there, and i am not the person the paranoid idiot who put it there claims i am. that is all i have to say on the matter for now." 4f6e8b850d09fcb9,"hojimachong, the insulant arrogant nut head. we would not know what to do without him around. )" 4f82550b75642423,"you're a dick also how can you say jonathan pacheco shouldn't have a biography? you call yourself lucky 6.9 but i think lucky 6.5 is more've been downgraded...snap bitch!buuuuuuuuuuurn!" 4f95394c7229f84c,u motherfukkin bitch i want to rape you smelly whore stop fucking blocking my account or ill get my nigga homies to came and kidnap and rape you and your family 4f9f0d0fcd685e80,"wikipedia sucks wikipedia sucks weenies" 4fbff09b1fa363c5,"you don't know shit about old norse. and you obviously don't know who maximilian was either. this is why i gave up teaching, because of fucking retards like you!!" 4fc30271950b2802,""" """"delited""""? so i take it you're just an illiterate dumbass, then? well anyway, what exactly was i advertising? i didn't link to anything. i changed """"california"""" to """"californication"""" as a social statement. not that i expect you to understand it. hell, you can't seem to spell """"deleted"""" correctly, and judging by your other conversations, your literacy track record isn't all too great on many occasions...""" 4fd0f212238f48e0,"you're just a trigger-happy idiot. i don't think someone with your history (as is evident merely by reading your talk page) should be so casual in classifying other people's edits as vandalism. i realize that wikipedia has by now largely turned into bullying-summercamp for you frustrated-with-the-real-world type admins, but still. some common sense, more impulse control and less hysteria, and your toys will last much longer." 4fd90fa3c45bef8d,"== all wiki mods a limped-dicked libtard coward fuckbags can go fuck himself, coward piece of shit. ==" 4fd9575ca59da305,"hence, roz lipshits is an idiot!!!!" 4fda5efcafdbd2bf,the true words of a moron 4fddbaf3757d379a,because stupid assumptions like your faggot goth ass makes doesn't account as a reliable source you stupid fuck. shut the hell up before i beat the shit out of you for fun you dumb nigger coon emo cunt 4fec9d47a1c05700,"you suck i hate you> you can fuck my ass all night bitch shit love , david ortiz" 50046c7dcf1b91f9,i never found it a supportive environment myself. you are speaking of an aspiration perhaps rather than the reality of wikipedia. in the meantime your suggestion that my remark to petrikrohn fascist could be misinterpreted is puzzling. it means he is a fucking lying fascist. how can that be misinterpreted. please stop with your specious humbug. 5006ae17430bc5b5,"please refrain from unmaking unconstructive edits to wikipedia, as you did at tim pawlenty. your edits appear to constitute whitewashing and have been reverted or removed. if you would like to experiment, please use the litterbox. thank you. you're a dirt-muffling little suck turd with no tosh.0 to guzzle down tonight. fuck off." 501430ae7eaf9bd6,"hey faggot. insert non-formatted text hereyour faggot moldy ass deleted my information on the toilet seat. ima hunt your faggot queer cocksucking ass down and run you over with a very big cat. bitch nigga im out." 501ba2cc06e8125b,"because it is an r&b; album, and wikipedia's choice in reliable sources is retarded." 50213e95b24dabd4,"man its all about captain morgans spiced rum. shut the fuck up barry i hate you.-" 5021710c7e81e9f1,"srnec, you blunt idiot! i wrote that article, and i'm 8 years old. next time you look at an article, judje it with care!" 503b0d1a47d10afc,"wow december 2007 please do not attack other editors, which you did here: user talk:snowolf. if you continue, you will be blocked from editing wikipedia. snowolf how can i help? sorry did i hurt your feelings whiny bitch" 504511547f253ed6,fucking wanker. fuck off before i come and leave u 6ft under 5045d1f6fdd636c7,"you're so idi.o.t, so guy, fu.c.k.i.n.g portuguese, i ha.te the portugueses" 504e0ffa0e7ca641,"you dumb mother fucking nigger lover stop deleting my edits, you prick!" 50557f2e3e6ebee3,"hello jackass: i have not forgotten about you" 506b256cf5ea7151,"""[user:tenpoundhammer|ten pound hammer]] stupid fuck who cares? you're just a stupid asshole with too much free time""" 50729b4c0f8f3de4,i said go fuck yourself. why are you chaanging it 5078e750becafb6d,they're all in your head. take your haloperidol and put on your aluminum foil helmet like a good boy. 507b052b527e7531,""" would you do me a favor... ...and block me for 24 hours for personal attacks? i'm getting fed up with some of the idiots on some of the pages; it's bringing out my """"evil"""" side, and i need an enforced cooldown. (i told you i was """"my own sockpuppet"""".) danke. ) """ 509699c602b03a52,"repent bastard 666 = 2x above holy 333 trinity" 509fb0f503dca231,fuck off thomas. 50a3200a4d579a64,i completely agree with gilabrand u guys are all anti-israeli fucker why dont you and your anti-semitic freinds fuck off so that we could show israel tyo what it really is. 50a7c8876a238ba1,there are some pathetic people on wikipedia to do something like this. sad. very sad. 50a7ee1bd2657c19,"rename to corn this maize crap has gone on long enough. its corn and the sooner you idiots let go of your anti-american hysteria the better." 50ab3296d0bcf76d,"religious conversion how come there is no refernce in this current article of him converting to islam and the arien brotherhood .there was before.....who removed it? i thought the same thing. he's muslim, get over it. so stop being a bigot and put it back up you article altering bastards. -g" 50b22bfd90f78912,by the way i am a fuckin fag fuck u 50bdda1668af0a5b,"faggots, freaks, drunks, and junkies jim sucks donkey balls" 50bf264ef3a6cd9e,"way out of line? out of line? am i your subordinate? do i exist only to be controlled by bigots like you? right-wing prat" 50d822e13e91e5f4,""" seriously by god, who the fuck made you special? don't deem my factual entries """"unusful"""". fuck you.""" 50f8107f2b9c9860,here's your answer... you're gay. plain and simple. next! 5125ff19698165c6,""" """"i think we should kill all the jews and homosexuals and handicaped people."""", (said adolf hitler).""" 5126c940b5615456,"so i was right, you are really a no-life total asshole with no good intentions here at all. well, fuck you too. this is the last time i attempted to discuss anything with you." 514e50273c3a2a26,islams you mutha f***ers 5150e7aeeab01836,sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. 5153a84671dc2e98,fuck off alf. are you ever off wikipedia you cock sucking nerd. 5154c3f8c49a531b,"hi motherfucker zhanzhao, are you a slant-eyed chink or a blackie indian or both? says the above. answer my question, fucker." 515ff5e8e5239452,<- someone doesn't listen to propagandhi. i pity the fool. 51756a58beba4517,"bong warrior is a dickhead deleting fings wid nuttin 2 do wid him you got raped by your dad prick!" 51811a7780ea2fc7,"stop it you crack whore go die in a fire, you dick sucking fag." 518575d81970bf46,"gargle with broken glass faggot" 51be104fefa254c2,"re:image:aotp.jpg get a fuckin' job." 51d6def18c2cae5a,"user:nhrhs2010 is a homo like mitt romney is. user:nhrhs2010 is a homo like mitt romney is." 51e821fd81ba3ccc,heh. suck it down chump. 51eec882dd6f543b,"oh noes! i'm heart-broken. get your fucking retarded hearts off my page, you little privileged child." 520cabd6f04b6baa,"hey listen dude, you need to stop being a little bitch about everything. you whine and whine and whine until the admins decide that they'll shut you up, by shoving a pacifier in your mouth in the form of whatever your 13-year old ass desires. tell you what, go suck your mother's titties; you'll be farther then i am, but in a less than dignified way. some people get off of incest; i wish you the best of luck with that. sincerely yours, david p.s. suck my fucking dick, you dumb bastard." 52127deeb3442ecd,"you suck, get a life, get off wikipedia, you are stupid" 5217403575e87ab2,if you guys really discuss napoleon you need to get a fuckin life. it is so sad that you would rather discuss someone who has been dead for years then to look at guys r homosexuals like anal sex types 5237c58f8f2736a1,get out my talk page you smelling wog! 525f54ee2bedf89e,"yes, you need to, because your fucking ass doesn't know shit about it at all.rocky" 526b102e8e835d43,"take a look at the page now- an actual douche named dan hartung who has been a secondary stalker since january deleted my changes, even though they were accurate and well sourced. i'll put them back in tomorrow to make sure he know he is worthless. i'll also have the stooges send him more spam. maybe even out him at az state as a loser. why? because what gives this douche the right to touch my page and decide what is relevant or not? nothing. do you not get it brad?" 527218d0d2230e7a,fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you 52a52d41ba4b6252,why aren't you banned you fucking mexican gay prick. 52b00904f21c5a31,"hey bitch! guess what koschecks fighting at ufc 82... you know waht that give your adress so i could make u suck my cock" 52cc4f1c40dd6a40,"here's what you said 23:07, 26 may 2005, rama blocked (expires 23:07, 2 jun 2005) (contribs) (personal insults about a ban. you really must be idiotic. ) real nice way to insult a user, you should be banned from blocking." 52d3e25990b1d24a,"white racist white girl what makes you think you can talk down to me? another arrogant white girl talking down to an african man. somehow i get the feeling you wouldn't say a word to my face because i would knock all your front teeth out. i'm going to find you and show you why little white girls get sticky thighs when the big bad moroccan comes knockin with his meat out holla at cha boy" 52e3d0f72b73cf8c,"you eat cats guts? that is fuc*in gross" 52f49e26271abae8,""" you are too forward; you came onto me too hard. therefore, fuck you. /""""\ |\./| | | | | |>~<| | | /'\| |/'\.. /~\| | | | \ | =[@]= | | \ | | | | | \ | ~ ~ ~ ~ |` ) | / \ / \ / \ _____ / |//''`\| | (( +==)) | |\_|_//| """ 530b8ad90753e6c0,"hilarious and pathetic. to those wikipedia admins responsible, you useless bureaucrats are causing this once grand and promising project to stagnate and go downhill. give yourselves a clap on the back. to narom you are nothing but a gutless cry-baby!! ha ha." 530e40e8c24d3e6a,"list of assholes ]" 53194d2566d36242,"hey dude you sucked your dog's cock or your dog sucked yours?" 531acec2d2087baf,oh wow last warning you aren't even a registered user! go get a girl or something or edit other wikipedia articles just really get a fucking life! 533f21ea9bf4315b,"is a fascist bully constantly attempting to force his will on others fucking racist faggot" 5344456018d00110,"my blocks lol you mudsharking nigger lovers are idiots, i'm on a dynamic ip '''and" 537b37fa11444d16,"way to be racist racist asshole" 539dda7db8d9b8f5,"please refrain from adding nonsense to wikipedia, as you did to gorilla. it makes you look really stupid. but i guess it probably makes you feel like a big man. if that's what you're after, go shoot someone - you'll feel better, and you'll be removed from society so the rest of us don't have to be bothered by your child-like efforts to amuse your gnat-like brain." 53a5476e840dafef,"r u guilty i wrote a comment retaliating your foolish arguments, and when i went back to check for a response, they werent there!!!! on history, after me, there was your name listed, undder the same topic nam, which means it must have been u scared little animal!! in future, please refrain from such things, and this just goes to show for your lack of confidence about the bullshit you write about pakistans history!! if you doent like being cut, leave wikipedia, you inequivalent animal!!!" 53aaa6e86ea1a4be,"fuck you ! fuck you ! bitch, ill show ur game guide." 53b166d99a443df4,yes there are problems with your english you pathetic mexican asshole - i'm gonna continue making your life hell until i can rejoice in the pleasure of hearing your death. 53be63dc10eb580e,"orangemarlin, you're an asshole and that's all there is to it!" 53d07938b8f0c422,i cited the sources at the bottom of the page.... i mean for fuck sake. haven't you read the fucking discussion page dickwad? 53d9748d87cadd43,"martin conway the desperado you are a sad little man martin conway. you don't have a penis. desperado rsvp profile" 53f6827150bc347c,"hey bahamut, for a cpl in the marine corps you are an idiot!!!" 53fadd607be7a06f,"awwwwwww, did i hit a little too close to home with the faggot comment? oh well. not harrassment if its true, yo! by the way, you are still completely ignoring the topic at hand. but that is to be expected from someone like you, i guess." 540033564d368882,"fuck you all i did was put stuff on my user page and your deleted it so fuck you and fuck wikipedia" 5405323e09689c3f,"fuck off fuck off i do what i want bitch" 541484f55ae17538,i do not agree.those spoilers totally spoil the movies.all of those movies mentioned are some of the most greatest movies with awesometwist fuck the person who ever removed them and you can report me all you want cuz that does not scare me you fucking retarded bitch 5414e44950efb072,"wait, you are female and black..! that's disconcerting..." 5426706d85d65028,"nuisance piece of shit, fuck off, wiki doesn't need your vandalism" 542d193eb88e8688,"you are an open source patent buster. you attacked the collins patents first, right?. you are one idiot of many. you are worthless. i meant everything i said. go to hell." 5449b375ab1eecf7,"hi kannadiga shame on you you look like a terrible ass now with that false citation, kannadiga. where did you say urdu originate? africa? despite all the lies and idiocy you spewed, you and a handful of kanndadigas think you are a valuable encyclopedic contributor! —preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)" 5455342af097a90f,"hello, i think you are a fuckwad. eat shit and die?" 545684b4d7658003,"why don't you fuck off you little prick" 5467cca3b31ab10b,"have you seen thier forum lately? there is a new picture of you up with dicks all over it, cumming in your face!" 549249e5a6b1d443,"french casualty report pansy. there are multiple sources reporting the shot down of a french warplane. stop censoring wikipedia you asshole. you claim that libya is manipulating reports, but not concidering the same from the coalition?? you're also not taking into account that you are manipulating reports, by cencoring information here. so suck it. - agsman61" 549dcf4acfbcddec,"shutup [[who u think u is you gay nobody thats why you got that userbox your orientation doesn't affect you cuz you tried to sleep with chris brown, he don't want u go get yo own man you ugly digusting cockroach go touch yoself or something with yo boifriend yamla, wen is the babya doe septmeber 20072. lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. [[user:" 549e1245d669694b,do you fuck that dog??????????????????????????? the consensus is yes. from the 4chan crew 54bd3b32d66c6dc1,i can change my ip at will asshole. 54c428c65fd86ba4,""" hey dipshit i made a contribution - """"wooden ships"""" - so now i can make 3 vandalizations. after that i'll make another contribution - """"cumfart"""" - with a picture of you (lololol) so i can make even more vandalisiziations.""" 54d357d2cc530d46,"at first i thought your reasonning was correct. you may be right about what i am saying about van halen, maybe i shoudn't insert it at all. but don't ever go and make fun of me. what's your fuckin' problem asshole?! why did you put that stuff about me and the 450 pounds, what's your fuckin' problem. my size has nothing to do with the van halen article. i may be a little heavy, i'm a powerlifter and i guarantee you that i'm a lot stronger and a lot bigger than you and i could kick your ass anytime. don't ever make fun of me in that way again you fuckin' fagget. you need to know a little more about manners you fuckin't pig. all i did was try to imporve the article but because of your bullshit i can't write in the article. now your in real trouble asshole, just wait...just wait. [unsigned 22:10, 8 september 2005 by user:masterofthesky] y'know, i could sit here and hurl some pretty funny stuff back at you, because i'm good like that, but you're right; i shouldn't have been mean to you. i was pissed because you don't sign your comments, and because i had to spend so much time instructing you on the same stuff other people have obviously tried to instruct you on before. it's annoying. so maybe you'll let bygones be bygones, now that you've made me move your stuff and put a sig in for you again. i'll even remove that snide comment i left, if you can tell me what 2 + 2 equals. deal? c'mon. try very hard, and i'm sure you'll get it. what is 2 plus 2, you fucking birdbrained ape from hell?" 54f00a0f6cdd3b23,"you had no right to call me that disgusting name. i think you should be banned, you worthless waste of space." 54fbe4ba462ff5c9,"3 reasons why i don't give a shit. 1. i'm already hated by you bastards. 2. i'm going to be blocked no matter what happens because dickheads like john lyden are administrators on this site. and 3. because you allow pompass asshole web security professionals to take control of this piece of shit website." 5523f056f52ef4eb,"ok i guess you dont have anything better to do must be lonely sitting there in your parents basement fat, alone and still a virgin maybe instead of stalking me you should get a job or a girlfriend...something just stop stalking me please." 5526c13c4dfcbb57,u cant block me i no where u live.if u block me i will come round ur house and rape u up the ass 5536a749b08bc8fb,"get a life seriously, you anal retentive basement dweller" 554a87fb67e51344,"fuck all asyriac nation qamishli belong to arminian and we will fuck all asyriac people if they will said no." 554ca9ed81847fa9,"i find you to be a fucking useless pos go fuck yourself" 556071b11ac3603b,"fuck you to hell bitch. why the fuck you one to ban me from editing for?! fuck your mom. voo tong sung is a bastard and he deserves it. so just leave me alone, you fucking motherfucker prostitute faced asshole." 556af09ca3a2a744,"fuck you wikipedia, you are a bunch of fags!" 5572cab234c954d1,"outlawed as an apothecary? any evidence other than one example? the montepukes ran from the plague, while nostradamus got the plague and survived and fought it, so being a doctor was 'qualified,' only rich low level intelligencia were thus called, and why they were cowards. the lemon head uses 'the attack me' of please do hurt me complaint when in fact, he lives for this page as his resale department. what some 15 or more books, all changing narrations because it had no idea of what it says? common. at least wilson showed that lemonhead is a liar." 5576f6d613e0d1c6,"i was only making him apologise i was only asking him to apologise, as i've done numerous times before you insolent pancake-head!" 55864bb0d57a4946,"fuck you cunt block me go a head you cunt licker" 55985f3e7eba36b7,"continuous vandalism by turkish users and shameful supprort from wikipedia and i will drag you to eu cours little turkish boy on the praire- might sound funny enough but i will shut you down. i have never and will never take thios beahiviour from anyone. shame to wikipedia for letting a bunch of sick fanaticks behaving like this. shame on you all. i refuse to deal with this." 55bf62b72f5240f1,"its not a personal attack hes my bro stop being a hoe" 55ca7b671aa580fc,"hey! you there! stop this bullshit! i'll get you before i die! suck a dick. my dick." 55db88cf87e45222,""" realdealbillmcneill is a fool. according to everyone here, we are not fond of the way you handle the 2002–present page. do you even watch the product? many times including the wwe 2k14 video game distinguishes the respective eras. those being ruthless aggression, universe era and literally last week as triple h stated, reality era. my contributions are accurate and it's insulting how you have """"brand extension"""" as if that was the only history for 10 years. i categorized by eras and even added important information you left out, because you think you know better. you are an idiot and need to stop acting like you own this page. now you've gone and snitched so i can't rightfully edit this page. you are a coward and an idiot.""" 55dc2d163628c3a7,"mentally ill freak stop editing other people's talk page like 3 year old. f-off." 55de51b44c64e7c3,"listen ass i suggest you stop trying to harass and threaten me. i am not making disruptive, inappropriate or hard to read edits, or violating anything. you are purposely harassing and bothering me. the fact of the matter is that belinda is spanish mexican. there is no source that shows that she renounced her spanish citizenship. go ahead!!! try and find it!! it does not exist. i do not give a shit if you give me a level freakin 10 warning. you are purposely picking on me and you need to stop. i am not making any disruptive or nonconstructive edits and i suggest you get your fat ass off the computer and get a life instead of bothering me." 55f4c93e82858139,"typical yank rockstar is british, you can fuck yourself if you think otherwise. yank bitch." 55ff79ce3fc37ffc,"ban me? oh no!! like that's never happened on here!! are you retarded?? what ever happened to assume good faith?? let me guess my ip has large amounts of vandalism linked to it right?? i left the comment that i deleted, after my brother left himself logged onto the computer i was using. when i realized that i had left a bitchy message, childish message there using someone else s name i deleted it. then you come along and threaten me?? with a ban?? screw you!! ban me mr. all-mighty-holier-than-though admin i don't give a damn." 563102ec9e918dfb,fock thee shmucky the cat go fock with kilrathi sivar priestesses 56311e1c0b2cbb52,"that was really milleseconds wasnt it bitch fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jewfat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew 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such as game title and release date. i think he is just a fanboy who don't like ps3 games." 564cd1a575e4ac53,"to subject objective criteria such as references to subjective quasi-criteria such as google count on a topic as humanistic as genocide undoubtedly does seem fitting of a profile of someone who treats genocide v. its deniers same as ice cream v. its taste-variants. too bad i didn't succeed pissing you off the first time enough to get me banned from this freemasonry playground. hm, lets see if you morons can catch on in the second attempt: go fuck yourselves, you lowlife idiotic semi-educated imbeciles who actually believe they possess supreme quality just by belonging to a herd of manipulators. ha! who's pissed off now. push the button, come on we know you're holdiiiing it, and he's holdddiiing it, and heeee's hoooooo... lol" 5671251876234eb7,""" no, you are not a basement dweller. you are such an obvious pantywaist. bitch69(, and any sissy will mind it.) """ 56741a33138b43d1,just when you thought they couldn't possibly get any dumber... 568ea38cb8ebde30,""":yes! everyone should be exterminated to protect humanity from the methane and carbon dioxide gas they emit along with the destruction of the environment. without humans humanity would not require protection. idiots! """ 56a58ded0fefaaa1,"could be out rebuilding your city. but no you're sitting on your lazy ass keeping the admin back log low, retard. your not making a difference, you can't fill a sand bag with all your wonderful edits." 56afc09b39d271ec,""" a pair of twins you write """"a pair of twins"""". twins are always pairs. you people are ridiculous. no wonder school boards spit at you. lmao""" 56bcc50fc7555d90,"what the fuck? fuck you, you can't vandalize the sandbox, asshole, it's a fucking editing experiment" 56cc17d3bb8007b1,"read the above numbskull, would one of you vegetables please get a move on and block this i.p. i ain't leaving until this address is blocked so hop to it please assholes.." 56df183b7bfd2db8,"""sir you are caucasian..... and you dont know what the fuck you talkin about and for your fuckin information, ''the new aaliyah cd will be released in """"stores"""" in summer 2011"""", and please sir stop interfering if you're not a fan! """ 56e9f45f1f9c5921,"why good sir? why? you, sir, obviously do not comprehend the importance of no scopes. as a kind and generous wikipedian, take the time to understand the effect this article has on issues such as world hunger, which i hear singapore has a lot of. by deleting this article, you are, in effect, fellating the proverbial penis of all that is evil. why the fuck did you delete our goddamn article. now my dreams, they are so lonely, as my article seems to be. behind these blue eyes, i can see through your supposed good intentions, into the black soul that is your true self. my love for this article is vengance, that will not be free until i crush your soul and destroy any evidence of your pathetic presence on this earth. i hope you contract a foreign disease and your penis falls off, if you even have one. i will force your children into indentured servitude, and all of your lowly descendants will be cursed with abnormal navel hair growth forever. my angry, bloodthirsty army is waiting to beseige your house, and burn everything you have ever owned, until your physical being is engulfed by the black hole that is your perverted heart. i will also delete your slanderous works, and bring singapore to a speedy, fiery deletion off of the face of the earth. i will not rest until complete vengance has been bought upon you, and the stairway to heaven crashes down upon you and your so called morales. god and satan alike frown upon you from their thrones. fuck you and all you stand for. you my good fellow are a cunt and i hope you enjoy the rest of eternity in the fiery pits of hell. i hope that speedy death swarms about you like locusts, slowly devouring the very fabric of your being." 57027f688fd64fee,you are a fucking nerd. go kill yourself you nerd. 57143762de96d52c,"shut the fuck you little anon, you don't know anything!" 5725b0b12e1819f4,"ungrateful monkey men how dare they take arms against the dutch and british who spent years trying to free them from japanese tyranny, and after turning their series of islands into a civlized society. fuck em, they should all be nuked." 572c1eddb3cb8cf7,""" fucck u a$$hole do wateva u want diick head contact blogsd ! """ 574020e0c52f7313,i wanted to let you know that tymon.r. is a stupid moron. 57407d8c4ba47f91,"i won't be here in thirteen days. after all, i have a life, old fart." 5753fe776840dea3,""" just this account, dipshit? fuck are you dumb. 68 a bullied nerd with a mod. account look out world!""" 575a268a81504c75,"yo nigga whats ya beef? yo nigga wtf is ya beef? u got a promblem? bitch reportin me and shit how bout u go make a wikipedia page for snitch iight nawmean nigga? in mah hood ya ass is grass if u be snitchin and bitchin...yo ima make a rhyme for u...ayo i tried to make a sick nasty article..but will came and ruined every particle...whyy the fuck did shit have to go down like that...i thought we wuz homies then u put my article in the ground like that? whats ya beef u got beef like burger king...deltedin my page but reports me is another thing....ayo tahts right thats how i get down kid...dont be snitchin anymore kid cuz i fckin get down straight hood nigga....and make a wikipedia page for mutha fuckin party pooper cuz thats all u are...a fat greesy party poop with corn...ur more like a party diarea....." 5779c06e1ddaf1eb,what are you retarded? i already am blocked. what a fucking moron. 577b136721988d43,""" """"vandalising"""", """"ok for the last time"""" - who the fuck do you think are? mr encyclopaedia? you don't own wikipedia loser, you english """"twat"""" (hey, why don't you contribute to the meaning of that one by describing yourself ??) get a life""" 5780729625a2d6cf,"yo what is your problem, motherfucker?" 5781c580d687815a,"sabu is a violent piece of crap dis guy is so violent.he hits people with steel chairs,triple jump moonsaults ppl thru tables.he coud put som1 thru a burning table which could kill them.he was taughtby his uncle,and he is from bombay,india. user:dark-hooded smoker" 5790227bb5e4960e,"the repulicansodomite has responded!!! praise the lord of virgin homo-know-it-alls, the great jr mccarthy, who like you has to burn everybody who does not agree with him at the stakes. go ahead, block this ip address, better yet, block this whole range of ip address, even better if you block the whole range of ip addresses of those who insult you're virgin faggot ass. ooops, sorry, it's not virgin isn't it? your ass has been having regular contact with some big and hairy friends. democratantisodomite" 579a22a2a56d0b65,""" rona was a bitch, but she's got pizzazz! wait, why do we hate her again? plus, she sent that decoy on a suicide mission! or was that under giles' orders?~talk to me! """ 57bd321f338e3341,"he is from bombay!you idiot.u guys hav no idea where the hell sabu's from!!!!stfu...he was not from michigan u stupid.he is from india,he doesn't evn look like an american,if u don't let me say he's from bombay,u'll get blockd and shut up b4 it's too late" 57d00b43b0473e98,some idiot named dick clark keeps on writing false information about my colleague walter block. please keep him off the board. 57d3c109d86be0b7,"appeal this block {{unblock|2=reason=you can suck my fat dick;}" 57d9f06d48f1d4a6,"what a retard, that . shut your fud up, you are not the good guy, scientus is. [[user:williamimm]william immendorf] ([[user talk:williamimm]talk]) 7:35am cst, october 21, 2009" 57e27692fd769682,lick your own balls while sucking your arse 57f9d99c423cfa09,thanks for deleting my page you fucking cock sucker i honestly hope you fucking die you god damn son of a bitch o and by the way if i im going to kill you you fucking faggot 57fdf17fca74e34c,"just mind your own fuckin business asshole tion" 5814f6305f717aac,""" hey dickhead summerphd wtf is your problem? why do you keep reverting my posts in the talk sections? example: in the talk section of junya watanabe, i added a question whether """"junya"""" is his birth name or adopted pseudonym. this is relevant to an encyclopedia article, you insufferable asshole.""" 5827c4fe85518d4c,"so i heard you and cyde abused your power to screw over nathanr. i saw his side of the story on encyclopedia dramatica, and i must say that snopake is nothing but a backstabbing whore, and you are enabling her. my advice: next time you fuck her, donkey punch her so hard she dies. it's a good way to cleanse the gene pool a bit, know what i mean? oh, and snopake liekz teh pedo-raep! ha." 5848f81a91d14cef,as long as u blocked me block me for good idiot!but its good to have the above page for future references against idiots! 5864d1bbd9f030d0,"what?? go lick a pig you arab muslim peice of scum." 588f7ab2797fdbb0,""" ok, let me say it again come on, now you guys are just being piece of shit jews. i mean you have to admit, the guys in pink floyd play their instruments about as slow as a nigger works. i shouldn't even call what they play music. it's just a bunch of alarm clocks and cashier regirsters! but you know what the most pretentious thing about them is, its their lyrics. all af their songs are just surrealist poetry sung over doom-noise pop, and everyone starts calling them genius's over it. the truth is, their songs have no meaning. take the album """"the wall"""" for instance; sure it tells a story, but what is the moral and the meaning of the story? and dont tell me that the purpose of their songs is to make you think. the only way that music as slow as pink floyd could make you fucking think is if you were just as stoned as they are, which you kikes probly are... and one last time: 1) pink floyd fucking sucks 2) david fuckmor should taste my ass 3) you should to""" 589549bc153697f5,"he hadn't been in the usa since bill clinton was in his 1st term! he was no american. just a useful idiot of islamic radicals..." 58a343dd7d51b6db,"nuts wow. you're a nutter." 58a670ad0c07b85a,scjessey is a big fat faggot pinko commie asshole 58b92536208101db,"oi rror fuck you. wikipedia sucks and so do you for editing my posts, asshole" 58c332587fd903ba,""" stop your fucking spamming i have told you and your sock/meat puppets a dozen or more times to stop your fucking spamming. your incessant spamming on editors pages will not help your fucking cause at all, it will merely continue to confirm editors opinions that not only is the article not valid, but there are problems with the editors that will need to be addressed as well. the only thing that will keep the article is if you present significant coverage from reliable third party sources. consider this your final warning. trpod aka the red pen of doom """ 5914dff583157774,"you have a new message, go fuckyouself again!!" 592e0ec678b6dbce,"jeeny's being a bitch, don't listen to her." 593aaf7933faafd8,"well hes an idiot, he removed my edits for no reason even though they were correct" 594a2b6ab2e79242,"oranjblud is an idiot. stop sticking up for him, redrose64." 59512d85d72d2dd0,"elinord is a faggot and a transexual, judging by the name" 59690460026d6a80,no what it is instead is blatant censorship by a bunch of ignorant bigots. 596f71f27e50b66b,his maliciousness and stupidity isn't my problem it's wikipedia's. 597b324d55677463,"if they dont score a milliuon goals for vinnies, the shits" 597c763f6b254e07,""" you suck the dick award i hate you """ 597dffca3cc9d301,"what up g? you suck, ya jackass. no serious, get a life, and that's coming from a quasi-hermit, myself." 597e86813d97b3c4,that clown guy sucks major cock. user:daniel 59883109eb857f8d,"ass lick a dudes asshole. lol" 598d205fb627f966,"take your job as seriously as possible, you loser. no, seriously, act like a huge ball bag and threaten to ban me from editing articles. like i really give a fuck. you fucking nerd faggots make me sick." 59a7cdcc206de90c,"{{unblock|hello, i am writing this to request that you duly unblock my ip address from editing wikipedia. unfortunately, i am stuck in a class room full of imbeciles, preventing me from editing pages for the benefit of my fellow wikipedians. please, do not punish me for the cretinism of my peers and undue this great injustice. vive la resistance!" 59be56b9298cf59c,james the awesome technician did create the e-learnign centre. asshole 59c54fdc17a0c5a0,"ohnoitsjamie, you're a faggot. what do you think of that?" 59d723a35e918621,"ass neck virtual graffiti: hmm.. seems not yes you have an ass on your neck. hahah; you are beyond a fool" 59e451ca795261a6,i hate you. you deleted my add-on to death metal. you suck. 59efcbfbfc3a0641,"you just make me laugh hahahahahaha so you are some aussie bitch hiding behind a computer and changing what i write, im half abo half lebo so i am the truth u cannot face but your girlfriend faces every night ;)" 5a07e880dd4617d3,"alex fuck you ..." 5a1d152e0622bb43,"oik oik! ur a pig!" 5a3b9c9f5b76daec,come on fag boy. block me. 5a3da67fec349ff2,i'm starting to get confused. would why not a duck or whoever sees this please send a message to rexnl and tell him to lift this goddamned fucking block! 5a3f084793d5c1bd,hey ms bitch get the fuck out 5a4e8c0fcd1422e6,""" why the hell are you deleting the information from lil' wayne's page? ok, you said young money doesn't fit the criteria of a """"super group"""", but what does that have to do with him being the ceo? i doubt you even know shit about rap music you fuckin' clown. trolling lil' wayne's wiki page seemingly 24/7 reverting the slight sense of change. stupid fuck. he's the fuckin ceo of young money. why isn't that entitled to be put up? i'm reportin' your faggot ass, bitch-boi.""" 5a51dd5b5aaaa270,pablo is a fucking troll abusing wiki for his communist agenda. he deserves worse than i gave him. 5a608ef0a440db29,fuck you you stupid and gay bastard who thinls you are cool. go to hell! 5a791c6e3fea1159,you are a fucking bitch!!bitch!!!! 5a7aebbc571e8c06,"halfway decent map of what? you stupid cock-sucker" 5a87b002b5c2142d,"""warning: mrzaius has a hard-on for the term """"lolcats"""" and will use any means necessary to preserve it over the correct term """"caturday"""" because it is the only way the slobbering, fat-fuck can get it up. """ 5a8eab9cfe601d3a,"go fuck yourself bitch. i hate your sould. mother fucker, who the hell do you think you are. i will stomp on your neck until you fucking die. do you hear me, every time you make a change, a kitten will die. go to fucking hell you fucking faggot jew fuck." 5a9205144d28bba2,""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""::::::::::::::::::::::::honestly what you all are doing is wrong! stop discriminating us goths from society! how come you're just making shit up, saying it's dangerous to be goth. well guess what, i'm goth and i'm proud of my lifestyle subculture. sure, we like different things but just let us be. ecto, you're a horrible person, i hope you know that. why list a section of 'critisim' when maddox is just a faggot, mother-fucking sonofabithc, cock sucking asshole! fuck maddox! jhonen should never ever ever ever ever be compared with that evil man. jhonen's never critized the lifestyle. sure, he's made little comments of how most get into it but don't know everything about it and what it is all about but that dosen't mean he's critiquing it. if anything, vasquez is a goth. goth forever!- the powerful""" 5a952a76f15dd9ae,"ah what? you gotta girlfriend? the pedophile apologizer has a girlfriend now? does she share your view on kids? please, please promise the world one thing. you won't have any children please, will you?! 18:44, 16 feb 2005 (utc)" 5a9631e4e5c2aa00,"you can suck my ass, you stupid asshole. this was a personal attack. but maybe you're really a stupid asshole. you can not see the difference between a reliable source and review crap. furthermore: you were a part of the edit war!" 5ab54fea74a0d83e,""" a barnstar for you! the photographer's barnstar you can suck it """ 5ad88e112aed3d01,"you can't delete shit from my talk page you faggot, get that shit out of here" 5adca54d5951da93,""" nai caste ka veer fuck you all motherfuckers pakistani janjua muslims you pigs either lock this talk page too or unlock the talk page of my caste """"i am become death, the destroyer of pakistani muslims"""" , note my ip and locate me and send terrorists to kill me......if you are a true muslim i have lost the fear of death fuck you pig 'sitush', you born out of shit of a pig.. teri ma chodu behnchod musalman janjue rajput bhaag behnchod""" 5adefffb04862742,""" give it up you're stalking me to accuse me of making some account to piss you off. i believe my friend sent you a message saying that it was her, and it's the truth. i won't waste my time on someone pathetic like you, since you make me sick. i made another account to get away from you, and, like i said, i know you were the user higgys since only you would know the stuff i told you. you're sick to have done that, you basically pulled the same stunt another guy that i thought was my friend did. instead of telling me you didn't want to be my friend, you did that, and when i asked you about it, you blocked me and wouldn't even speak to me! oh, and by the way, the one """"immature"""" thing i did was throw that stupid bear you gave me(which had the stuffing coming out of the side anyways) into the brook behind my house, since it deserves to rot in filth, just like you. and that stupid ornament you gave me? that was smashed to pieces, since it shows what you did to the """"friendship"""" i thought we had. because of your actions, you make me sick. goodbye and good riddance sean. you're the one that follows a dark path, not me, since you do lots of crap that is worse then anything i ever did. oh, and this is not a """"pity me"""" thing, but the issues i have had were due to seizures, so not everything was deliberatly my fault! think about that the next time you want to harass me ok? """ 5ae1b5f098fa4736,"because propol, your a little fuck" 5ae5c5c936585f7f,i know im about to get blocked it is worth it to tell you your a loser again. you take cock to the face and thats it. peace out homo. 5b032165008c0ec0,""" niggard please! the niggardly nigger niggerly niggered a nickel from his nigga! he was heard saying, """"can a nigga spare a nickel?"""" i firmly believe this is proof the the politically correct should be impaled on stakes and left for dead. or placed into death camps and given no showers for months and then informing them that """"showers"""" are now available... turn on the gas, dig pits, and bulldoze their corpses into them. burn them, piss on them, then plow them over. people! quit pandering to lazy, stupid, good-for-nothing, welfare-grubbing, crack-smoking, filthy, stinky niggers! """ 5b2014623d39108e,"""some annoying douchebag keeps putting up his own website """""""" deleted all links to this shithead's site. someone get the ip and report it to wikipedia""" 5b2c79e0001d9adf,"still here, fatass what is it like waking up every morning, looking at the mirror, observing girls cross the street at your approach, who laugh as you attempt to waddle down the street? what is it like to see sexy women recoil in horrer at your approach? what is it like to eat 15 chocolate bars in one sitting? what is it like to be dangerously obese? what is it like to be an obtuse dick along with all of that, who does counter productive things even though a bit of common sense 16 months ago would have saved him all this hastle? what is it like being that obtuse?? edit: perhaps you should consider a dialogue? all this reverting is so obtuse its silly. i've said it before, all you need to do is offer a recognition in an edit summary that i fucking exist you fucking moron and i will go away for ever. moron." 5b412cfd20dd1236,"how is she an actress she looks so ugly and weird looking. how did she become an actress? hollywood must not have attractive actresses like they used to in the good years. she is like the girl in class in the back you see and then promptly turn around and forget having seen." 5b5581db8fcffcce,"good luck wikipedia sucks oooh.. look at all your awards.. i'm certain they make you feel good inside. persistant i see.. i feed off this shit man." 5b7c610bb48cc708,"your dumb your dumb" 5b80d764fd7c48f1,nliggers got what they had comin the fuck jungle bunnies 5b892b23e831cc85,""" dumbass there is no other word to describe your edit to my user page. there's also no way in hell i like any of the bands or things you were trying to list on my page. try it again and you'll be blocked. not to mention i have an idea of who you are (though i may be wrong) and i'll remind you that sockpuppetry is against wikipedia rules. i also don't like people trying to impersonate me. i could get you blocked for that alone. if only i could reach through your computer and grab your scrawny little neck... $odin$ """ 5b9e9cf3c7facd14,okay retard whatever you say have fun being a loser! 5bc9ef2b7a33de36,"your general suckitude get your cock out of your mouth and ban me. i can't believe you haven't realised all the awful things i have done to your wikipedia. why am i telling you this? good question. maybe i have problems." 5bed308adc44efcf,you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck d 5c2450a19842537c,hey ass hole whats your problem!!!! 5c2cab8278614963,go fuck your self asshole 5c645894cc0f8a49,"juergen klinsmann he represents the usa... he has a usa passport. why is he listed as a german??? you're robbing us all of the fact that julian green grew up almost exclusively in germany and denying that. that's factually inaccurate and it should be pointed out that he's an american-german. what's right is right. what's accurate is accurate. don't be a wanker." 5c74c6583e2a5803,f u c k y o u a s u a r e a b i t c h a s s n i g g e r 5c854590da41ac65,"shut up you cunt wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" 5c9ce907dfe98d1c,"""""""rock critics"""" are morons. everyone knows that. however, there is no reason to be """"ashamed"""" here, especially when the statement is followed by evidence for record sales of 300 million albums and proof that queen is outselling the beatles in the uk. everyone reading it going to see right away that the critics (who like idiotic garage bands that only know three chords) must be wrong. at the same time, it is important that this page does not read too much like a fan page. that is why that portion of the sentence is there. feel free to make it sound less harsh though. """ 5cb1fbc9ad8c25a1,fucking cabal of donkey raping shit eaters i hope you all get cancer. 5ccc42b72dd3f5db,"hello b.i.t.c.h hello little s.l.u.t. do you always s.u.c.k israeli c.o.c.k.s so good to keep them happy? you dirty w.h.o.r.e." 5cd08af451d7c420,your mother is illiterate! 5cd5dd29b8f9a2d9,""" ooooooh i'm scared you wrote on my page....... """"this is the only warning you will receive for your disruptive edits. if you vandalize wikipedia again, as you did to user talk:craftyminion, you will be blocked from editing. crafty (talk) if this is a shared ip address, and you didn't make the edit, consider creating an account for yourself so you can avoid further irrelevant notices. retrieved from """""""" first off, craftyminion and crafty would obviously be the same secondly, if you read what i said you would obviously know that i do not edit wikipedia, therefore """"blocking"""" me (which is really the only power you have in your life, probably and it makes you feel like you have a big dick) couldn't matter less to me....i d-o n-o-t g-i-v-e a s-h-i-t if you are fucking retarded, you may need to read that again and again, slowly third, yes i use a shared ip address, it's my college. but no i dont want a """"user name"""" fourth, please stop fucking leaving messages on my page go out, buy a whore, get laid for the first time ever, smoke a cigarette, drink a beer, skydive and fucking live you nerdy little cocksucking virgin""" 5cf14ec359f9ebcc,"yes, douche, but an article does have to be neutral. happyme22 has consistently been aggressiv in keeping the nancy reagan article skewed towards her favor. if you check that article's talk page, you will see several admissions by him that he is clearly in her favor, and that his edits to her article are aggressive in such a manner that there should be no question of his bias. that you (and other adtiors/administrators) have been so lax in blocking him for making non-npov edits to her articleonly goes to prove -again- that wikipedia is nothing more than a media manipulated brainwashing machine. fuck you, wikipedai, you just lost a user ever. yes, douche, but an article does have to be neutral. happyme22 has consistently been aggressiv in keeping the nancy reagan article skewed towards her favor. if you check that article's talk page, you will see several admissions by him that he is clearly in her favor, and that his edits to her article are aggressive in such a manner that there should be no question of his bias. that you (and other adtiors/administrators) have been so lax in blocking him for making non-npov edits to her articleonly goes to prove -again- that wikipedia is nothing more than a media manipulated brainwashing machine. fuck you, wikipedai, you just lost a user ever. yes, douche, but an article does have to be neutral. happyme22 has consistently been aggressiv in keeping the nancy reagan article skewed towards her favor. if you check that article's talk page, you will see several admissions by him that he is clearly in her favor, and that his edits to her article are aggressive in such a manner that there should be no question of his bias. that you (and other adtiors/administrators) have been so lax in blocking him for making non-npov edits to her articleonly goes to prove -again- that wikipedia is nothing more than a media manipulated brainwashing machine. fuck you, wikipedai, you just lost a user ever. yes, douche, but an article does have to be neutral. happyme22 has consistently been aggressiv in keeping the nancy reagan article skewed towards her favor. if you check that article's talk page, you will see several admissions by him that he is clearly in her favor, and that his edits to her article are aggressive in such a manner that there should be no question of his bias. that you (and other adtiors/administrators) have been so lax in blocking him for making non-npov edits to her articleonly goes to prove -again- that wikipedia is nothing more than a media manipulated brainwashing machine. fuck you, wikipedai, you just lost a user ever." 5d010d469500fe65,"you. you're such a sad person, the fact you failed rfa makes me laugh! i hope you get raped & murdered and you rot in hell you cunt!" 5d04668c6843875f,"the forums suck now criticisms of the forums should be included, since the forums suck now, because of all the dicksucking. but, uh, there should be a non-vulgar version of this in the article. oh shit i'm gonna get banned now i should not mention i am euro nonymous who was lovd until low tax said he sucked then he was hated" 5d05cfe5cab838b6,"""it's spelled """"vandalism,"""" retard! """ 5d1cdc2967714974,"did bitch has sum nice tats i wanna squeeze dem melons" 5d230fe5287627c6,"fuck you i was trying to clean that stuff off the main big east page by creating a daughter article. thanks for helping )" 5d276bd788826eaf,"you are gay you are shit" 5d2af9d0053f5cf1,"are you really that stupid? do you know the difference between these two words: unfair and allege? may i suggest going back to nursery school and learn basic english, again." 5d361c4568f9e99c,""" arbitrary break 10 - pedophiles should have their throats slit from ear to ear no, you let me tell you something, faggot. monsters like you who say you want to rape our children should be kept as far away from human society as possible. the reason """"we the people"""" in the us started a constitution in 1789 after fighting a violent revolution, was exactly to protect our posterity against treasonous sickoes like you. our posterity is one of those areas where, if the government falls into the wrong hands and fails us, we will take matters into our own hands. pedophiles deserve to have their throats slit from ear to ear, and then to burn in hell forever if there is one. now enough of this turning jimbo's page into a three ring circus, like you disgrace everything you touch.""" 5d42a45cf4326780,"stop the libel and disruptions of wiki to make points, which was the issue mocked. fix the problem instead of make it harder on those who wish to take this encyclopedia seriously. wiki is a dumpster if all you want is to let people break some rules and have to follow others. faggot." 5d474ec4971cb75c,because you are such a fucking cock 5d4db68bc31390dc,why did you delete my page do you have mental issues you cow? 5d5dabdae2ebd97b,"clue bot ng sucked my cock. i have 14 inches i have a huge penis and i like to fuck icelantic girls in the ass." 5d7a4ed088265dd8,"you suck you suck jpgordon, even if you admins/checkusers find our ips and block them for long periods of time, all we have to do is press the reset button on our modems and within 5 minutes we would get a new ip and be able to vandalize again. as a result, i hope you admins realize that blocking is useless. that is indeed what i always do when i get blocked. and to save you the time of yet another checkuser, the ip i am using now is and in case you haven't figured it out, i previously used the ip (see;=user%3a174.91.97.28), which was blocked for 3 months yesterday (useless block, it's quite easy to circumvent it)." 5d7d05da756ed682,humblegod likes to fuck his horny cousins! 5d80c0478163afe4,"what gives you the authority to talk like that? gosh, aren't you toilet-trained?" 5d8143fab9c8ce94,"u r a scum bag u r a effin homo i am the most inportantest person in the world u can call my article about brittany mellor nonesense but that is rejecting my and dat little badge that said kindness on ur sandbox yeah thats not true cuz i am brittany mellor and calling me nonesense is effin stupid u dick head!!!" 5d83a32c75e6d8f5,please go and kill yourself. you clearly have nothing better to do on wikipedia than try and fuck it up for other people. we have no need for your kind. (talk) 5d862ea3d572b187,"why is your dick so small? is it because you are asian?" 5d8d87c68efa17a0,whoever is the next person to write on this page has admitted to having aids and fellates aids monkeys non-stop 5d92f49c056ee888,you mother is a bitch your father is a prositute so your borthers and sisters and you dwell in pig pens you smlell like one and your hair has lice you smell each time you breath because your body is full of microorbes from the toilet bowl 5d936c211da259c5,anthony robbins took time from his 24 hour jerk off schedule at the joe calzaghe photograph page to come over here and worry about a real fighter. nobody cares what you think about boxing you gay british tea bag. 5d98d1e687f1f501,stop being an idiot and actually look at the link that i have provided and if you look at p.10 you will see that these statistics are undeniably correct according to official government statistics. you seem to be confused about the difference between an urban area and a metropolitan area 5da61819a9ff939c,"asshole screw you fuck fuck fuck asshole fuck u a duck fucked a kangaroo and that duck is u fuck u for fucking a kangaroo bitch" 5da8716e17a3de1c,sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my messages. sannse is a big fat bitch for not leaving the users alone along with angela. billj is a dumbass for deleting my m 5db1d2755816a036,cellpahi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi morondding 5dbb145c009baa54,"wth dude deleting my articles, you got no bloody right! how would you like it? you power mad freak! come out from hiding behind your computer screen!" 5de28d26590be1cb,"i love your profile look hoe i dont appreciate you messing up las vegas for me i hope you suck a big fat one and have a great day you nerd computerfreak suck a fat one! srh for life home skillin buiscut" 5de2dbd525bb3575,you can go fuck yourself. 5df537c8496debe6,fuck off your piece of shit jew 5e0584dcf993c0aa,""" keep quite you dumb ass, the wiki guidelines clearly state that discuss the issue on """"talk page"""" before removing the propdel, , dumb fools like you are the one who have brought non-credibility to wikipedia, as well as to england(which cannot even survive a war against india for more than 10 days). the whole world knows that england is not a filthy and backward country with no technology(uk buys all defence equipment from us, cannot construct its own missiles, the only slbm of uk is brought from us, no wonder uk is almost in gutter). shamless editor instead of accepting mistake, rant like a bastard christian """ 5e071b2f1cab1689,""" a kitten for you! you are a cunt """ 5e0dc85e00616ac0,"suckle on my dickle you can suck your great-grandfather's left testicles until it falls off, at which point you can roll it around it around in your mouth like a hard candy. dark abrahms" 5e260ca350592261,"especially you fuck you for fucking up wikipedia. you can rot in hell you piece of shit." 5e2ab888c4353307,stop fucking adding viking metal. they sound nothing like ensiferum or tyr. fucking idiots. 5e4f353a541b4f53,""" what an idiotic load of blather! you might as well ask if it's 'justified' or 'valid' to use the concept of 'volcanoes' in discussing the destruction of pompeii 'because ancient romans had no concept of """"vulcanology""""'. pathetic! """ 5e5592406c272785,"dumb liberals liberals suck. i will beat you at tanks anytime you swastika wearing freak. sieg heil." 5e5bec82fee1627d,"if you don't stop bitching, i'll change my ip address and come back again." 5e66e34a75a49492,this user is the child of a whore. 5e6b8e1513295d8c,"faget ill do what i wish fat ass cock sucker" 5e6c2a3b962fd3ff,"take your sandbox and stick it up your asshole retard." 5e6e847b1f0e725f,"you sir (or madam, or whatever the hell you are), are a gutless vandal who gets sick kicks off vandalizing other users' pages by forcefully deleting their templates. a hypocrite and a vandal is what you are. a plague upon you and upon all those who function like you ! mark my words, our resistance is far from over ! you have been warned, cur ! -" 5e75d15837080c25,""" fcuk you doc the anti-vandalism barnstarfuku """ 5e7ae750ab859a8c,""" hi, pompous ass! ;) i know you think you're some kind of poker authority on wikipedia, and that it's somehow your perogative to give the imperial final thumbs up or thumbs down on what's acceptable regarding anything to do with poker here, but guess what? that's not the case. you are one of many arrogant, conceited, self-absorbed losers that populate wikipedia who use this site as some sort of self-esteem builder, because here you can act like a """"big man"""", and make unilateral decisions on what's acceptable or unacceptable here. the edits i have made (and will continue to make) on the jack straus entry regarding his death doesn't violate policy in any way. if i had the time or the inclination, i could spend several months quoting entries and instances on wikipedia where editorial verbiage is used. you are simply a pompous ass who thinks you are the gatekeeper of anything poker-related on wikipedia. you are not, and you will not censor me. and as i'm sure you've already realized, my isp address constantly changes, so you won’t be able to block me, either. so piss off. ;) —preceding unsigned comment added by """ 5e8f520b9af4897c,get a life you stupid wikipedia nerd seriosly who deletes peoples stuff all day 5eb71f3a0d810d2c,. ur such a fucking geek ass mofo! ur mothers sucking my cock right now fagetass!!!!!! 5eea79eba4d7a5c1,"you stupid mother fuckers dont you know this ip belongs to the great office depot. this company has a policy that lets any customers surf the internet in their showrooms, which i am doing right now in merritt island, florida... the office depot salesman is right here and laughing at your dumb asses!" 5f17f3e59e63bc98,fuck you you cock biting jew licker. -steve 5f1e6493fe46db25,"you are full of (sh)it. what is blatent or nasty about autofellatio? nothing, it's a natural thing, or at least as natural as taking it up the butt. listen butt pirate, if you have a problem with a perfectly natural activity. maybe you should look into your own nasty and blatent habits, like shit packing, or perhaps rump riding. maybe you prefer sucking another person's man banana? the bottom line is this buddy, while what i did was definitely vandalism, and hilariously funny, it was neither blatent or nasty. much like your own disgusting practices or personal hobbies, it has a listing on wikipedia, and wp:not censored for minors. thank you. good night." 5f21a2a09408839c,"spell behavior right you faggot, i'm his roommate it was a funny joke, which he has put up for display previously (see fd's vandalism and bert's vandalism in his page, and even his own vandalism caught by others) go suck on some english ballsack and tea and crumpets you faggot." 5f43c0a9876dec1c,you're a prick. 5f4c5670e9f9ea54,""" august 2006 (utc) suck on my hairy balls bitch. nothing is as sweet as cursing off morons like yourself. i would waste 100 more wiki accounts just to curse your bitchass. fucking bitch, thinks she punishes me by blocking. fucking moron, as if this is a fucking prison and you are the warden. """"there i block you for 24 hours, that will teach you a lesson"""". ahaha, fucker, get a night life. civility without character is a nicely dressed car without an engine, you self-righteous swine. anyway, all that just in case you were planning to unblock me. adios bitch. 15:05, 24""" 5f5132afa76cbffa,"salvio giuliano is a gigantic asshole. i will dig up your grandmother and shit on her dentures." 5f543637480fbdff,"you expect me to be civil when many people decide to be ignorant,a nd trp decides to stalk me and troll? is his ass blocked? no! -" 5fab71ed2b79ecff,wikipedian idiots! live your life through your screen. accomplish nothing more than useless contributions. 5fb52a42944da282,what is rong with you u pervert i ahte u just leave me alone and for ur info i am 10 turning a 11 in one week on oct. 5 so go away i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you 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i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate yo 5fbb5792e71fb766,"...and i don't take non-footnoted and bullshit entries serious either and i no longer take the world of wiki-bs seriously either, you are run by a bunch of 14 year old kids with authority issues. fuck off!" 5fc7dd11b3d825d3,"""kid (by your rantings and immaturity i assume you are no older than 12), i have not bothered to read your last retort. you say nothing new when you write and only further demonstrating some people who are obsessive-compulsive really can be """"dumb as a doorknob."""" i continue to pray for your healing, and forgive you for your bigotry against the catholic church. shalom, dude. """ 5fccd343dfdd0b41,am a big fucking retard 5fd6fa96a552cbb4,"fucking gook!! go kill urself motha fucka" 5fd7ee98136afd5d,mate you are pathetic> stop it. you are really irritating me 5fe24549e50663e7,"nothing about illegals? so bushie boy is the only one with problems? this asshole is sparkley clean? fuck wikipedia!" 5fec15579a90740e,they are claiming that gorbachev apologized that accepted that soviet crackdown on barbaric baku was his the only and biggest mistake in his political life? can you believe?? where are they taking this kind of information from? i guess they put their fingers in their rectum and get some information from there. my advice- just ignore that idiot named grandmaster. let him bullshit online if wikipedia allows that. paranoic people are all over. azeri claims will never erase witnesses' memories. we are still alive 5fec30a39f5f227c,"i will cut off your penis and fry it!" 5ffd5238aad3e57b,"read what a piece of shit you are" 6021d284f0ae96d4,your a fucking bell end 602eaf7c5c436f0e,""" great. more cowards one more coward - (""""admin"""", """"overseer"""", etc., etc., but still a coward). in fact, 3 or 4 cowards none of whom would provide me with a link to complain about 's unwarranted deletion of good half of the cmnf article. wikipedia - the home of cowards?""" 604698a4c3bda97b,hamburger radio is a fucing f@ggot 604be31ed7b20432,"i don't care what you say dickface fuck you keep blocking me i'll keep coming back, are so fucking bored that you have to sit around and fuck with me on the goddamn computer. get a life asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 604e48d33694d2c3,"giant oarfish edits hi, instead of completely reverting my edit like a lazy prick, perhaps you should just remove my commentary, instead of being a lazy prick. did i mention that you're a lazy prick? oh, and you're a lazy prick." 60521326e2bbd0ad,"the dirtball what is your f-u-c-k-i-n-g problem, asswipe? you are actually defending the dirtball? well, it is my humble opinion that you are, in fact, a true dirtball! get a life, you lousy piece of toilet trash!" 6054c535f5827ba7,"what the hell i just edited my entry you moron. get your bot in order." 6059d86641decf92,"the true is taiwan is a country ,china pigs is just pig . understand ing?" 605c95f9c047993a,"a message to newyorkbrad great. you and your stuck up friends at arbcom are blocking established editors based on a few edits. may i kindly suggest that you go dig yourself a hole and cry for the rest of your life." 605fb284917d33ee,"'''well guess what?! you are all''' '''fuking diks! ''' '''hahahahahahaha''' '''hahahahahahahahahahahaahaha''' '''hahhahaaha!!!!!!!!!! sukers!!''' '''!!!!!!!! go fuk yourself and ''' '''suk mah dik!!! idiots! lol hahahaha''' '''hahahahahaha!!!'''" 60622f04f854c272,ur page is mine bitch 6076841917b2e7ea,this shit is fucking gay you need to get the right information dumb fucks 6077f295d07e915f,im a fuckin ass hole n i like dicksi 607f91caee03bcf8,ur a butthole. y u undo my edits? dey wus kunstruktive. u jst jealuz of myh wikkipeedya skils hoamie g. 608e1a54f812dbc4,""" first of all, i want to compliment jytdog """"beetlefart"""" for bringing it this far. actually, for bringing anything at all. or for bringing it this far back (don't be a dick). then there is """ 6093d9a0a796dd94,"burn in hell weasel don't believe the jewish holocau$t lies." 60a229f57c9292d2,"of wikipedia and its rules must be interpreted oppositely to declaration. so far, go fuck yourself" 60a9531a2336b3c2,are you retarded i have 7 cats and 12 pqarakeets. he is asian and needs lots of rice. 60aaccc3f4fbb85b,"congratulations! congratulations, jeraphine gryphon, you have won the asshole of the year award! you have won this award by saying mean things about and to other people! in order to claim your award, you must call 1-800-asshole(1-800-277-4653)! once again, congratulations for your win!" 60ae5ecbeca3dc19,"the hell with you all and your pogrom you try to mask as consensus. everything was fine before you came in and ruined everything koavf and bilorv. some consensus between two people, fu both." 60b1d5e4b63b0d3a,"fuckhead where is my ban??" 60b3caba5f8a1cd6,"fuck you thue you brain dead fuck, you can't block me. thanks to proxy servers and anon browsing i can come to wiki zillion times so if scum like you think that you can block me then you are in for big surprise you faggot. i am giving you last chance in civilized way to stop vandalizing kash jaffrey. don't fuck with canadian content, its to advance for your empty brain to concieve. and lastly if you want to leave message then write (don't use predefine one liners.) see ya asshole joey" 60b73307c861a218,suck my hairy plums you fagggot 60bb4a0056e7d8d2,"matt crypto, craigy144, and stormie are jealous losers and liars" 60bb7f06473af619,fuck you shut the fuck up 60be8c9ad3a1381c,"i feel the page should not be deleted as you guys shouldn't have the fucking rights, to delete my shit. fuck off!" 60c187bbb8781efc,fuck you bitch nigger slut ass fuck whore 60ed4ba6ad3eda8f,"you are a faggit get a life and lick my ball sack." 60f3ee86ba9b6444,"""dude, i am 53, and possess degrees in philosophy, science and theologyfrom notre dame, not from a vo-tech where you likely went after finally getting your ged. you offer rejoinders to my points without ever having addressed them. clearly you are unfamiliar with pope john xxiii, the pontiff who facilitated vatican ii in the early 1960's, and who intentionally refused to refer to the catholic church as the """"roman"""" catholic church. it is equally patently obvious you know nothing about father mcbrien or charles whitehead. are you incapable of reading above a fifth-grade level, or do you just lack the capacity for intelligent thought? what's most remarkable is that rather than take solace in your own self-assured beliefs, you repeatedly return to this forum in a juvenile effort to have the last word. i have one last word for you: chill. again, grow up and grow deep. we in the catholic church forgive you for your obstinance and your ignorance. """ 60f9782eba6706d0,"re fuck off you piece of shit. do yourself a favor and kill yourself. the world doesn't need anymore freaks." 61140d3ad10674b0,"eat my shit, i'll change what i want, when i want. ooooh, administrator. more like a geek that was bullied at school and now gets a thrill out of trying to control wikipedia. pussy." 611843f57cb3c3d8,"metalcore is not a punk genre you fucking idiot, it's a type of metal, god, just stay off this website if your going to spread your retardness around here you dumbfuck" 61374c084f62c04b,"hello, you indian cannibal and child molester. the vandal doesn't care about d&d; articles, he vandalizes because he doesn't like being libeled and harassed." 6142a9d2fd7923aa,"yes, for someone who is uninvolved it really makes logical sense that you should have a say in blocking me. whatever mate, this site has gone to shit anyway, so many power trippers over compensating for their own mediocrity in real life turning into admin keyboard warriors. fuck wikipedia 2012. i'm outta here permanently. this is a 'free' encyclopaedia with a nazi regime and bias towards the admins always being right. as they suck each other off on their imaginary pedestal of greatness." 61562e81ce471259,"fuck you, you nixonian twit." 616ae6431d3581d9,dolescum your such a stupid motherfucker who gives a fuck what you go to say and you can have them close my account to i don't care i'll make another one stupid little punk ass virgin bitch you make me fucking mad you just mad couse you can't and never will get no fucking pussy 618f73aab5fc1536,goof goof goof goof goof goof save that in ur database douche bag 61934e1e8c2c614f,"but you are master of putting words into people's mouth, i always always source and prove things, but argying with morons like you, i have nothing to prove! weasel? yea, that is you!" 619ef91de079058a,""" errata to beeblebrox book on appropriate language hi. i have not received any errata corrige about my handbook for appropriate language in communication with and from beeblebrox, but does your shedding light on some mild language by a fellow administrator mean we should no longer consider """"fuck off you petty fascist idiot"""" standard bebblebrox interaction? i think it's useful for the stewards to know, next time your account is locked. """ 61a70dff8174ac22,""" hey you, whyd you """"undo"""" my edit? and how the fuck is it unconstructive? u oughta try coming down here and see how constructive my edit was? u need glasses mister! and if u already wear them, then get a fucking new pair cos boy, ur sure gonna need them when u come down here pal if u reckon my edit was """"unconstructive""""""" 61af7174d065e536,""" you again? you really are shameless. """"run[ning] another 14 over the coming fortnight""""? nobody has suggested that, as you know perfectly well. """ 61c614d37720c9f4,be a toilet. so everyone can piss her off. hey thats a pun. so luna wil be pissed on. haha. and crapped on. and luna needs a spanking. yea. fo sho! haha. luna gets bare ass spanking. haha. luna is that lil preppy shitased bitch. fuck her. im gonna take off ur bra luna. now. so haha. 61d69f7253717359,you are a stupid cunt bitch 61f95687f7b1d2ed,don't worry. i saw him on the telly years ago saying that he was going to kill all the moslims. his admission of guilt is already in the public domain. he is a piece of filth that belongs in a deep pit in hell. 620cfbe6422a3b14,"yo, as*hole im gonna kill you and steal ur huge monitor!" 620fa4109a8ef333,"you fucking piece of shit i'm going to hunt you down and murder you violently, you disgusting paki twat" 6244a2a567638d56,asshole im still editing 6250f8d87239be2e,"diem was a gay homosexual dictator this fact is indisputable" 6253e870fdaef543,""" the """"c"""" isn't just a logogram, like you religiously and idiotically insist it is. """ 625b4f1143892cab,"thanks for reverting a good change on the zola jesus page. i know nikki, i dated her and we lived in the same town. she was born nikki rose hummel not this other bullshit she made up and you guys support. fuck you for your revert" 62627704f85947cf,so you admit youre a fag? 626d12d910b34c40,"you just revert my and a lot of peoples work, to improve wiki. so you're a motherfucker. how dare you block an user or users, just because he or she reverted your destructive activite. shame on you. shitface anna frodesiak" 6274e93d241544d0,"goddamit man listen to me for once just please read this with an open mind. don't try to refute me or nitpick about things i have said. i have provided ample proof that my posting was relevant, you struck out 3 out of 7 of the websites i provided. even if you strike out the repeat which i just noticed i have provided 3 sources of proof, which is enough to publish an article in a fucking newspaper. i said before the post had been there for a long time before it was deleted, and that one of the three editors you cited was on bot trial. please excuse my assault on you and that other guy, i was mad that my relatively inane post would be assaulted so quickly. again, i believe your hastiness to inform me of the wikipedia rules amounts to an ego trip, but honestly if you think i am being an asshole about it please stop taking it so personally. you called me childish twice after i used it once. you regarded my previous explanation of my actions as childish, which i do not feel it was. whatever the fuck an edit war is is irrelevant, as i told you my actions after the post were out of frustration. i wish to contribute wholeheartedly to the wikipedia community. i would not take time to write this bullshit otherwise. i have explained myself to you and i would appreciate it if you quit acting this way. despite your impression that i, a stranger on the internet, think you have a pathetic life, i can assure you this is untrue. good god 400 pages?!? you're wikipedia itself. i want to edit this page to include the previous information which i have posted. why is your deletion of my post not vandalism if we're on the same level? i would like to repost the information with my proof if you don't mind. thanks yournumbertwofan" 6282d2c268b662ed,"any retard understands the concept of recoil. i only need to cite information that is likely to be disputed. i don't need to cite each and every fucking word. and no matter how much you're protesting, you've nit-picked everything i've done on glock since you got your panties in an uproar over something. not sure what your problem is with me, but it's really fucking stupid." 629e62f2b60b5860,go fu ck your de ad mum and lick her corpse you dirty little w hore get a life you pathetic excuse of a human being 62a784decc42c21d,"well your... well your stupidiness will be the case. go ahead, go on! i live all the way in moscow, and you live all the way in singapore. come on fool! catch me if you can sucker! hahahahahahahaha!" 62b599073b6f93d3,"as you continue to be a complete arsehole i will keep callin you a queerhole fuckin qwernol and as far as im concerned you can just go and fuck yourself fuckin editor and fuck you again for sayin that im not actin in a civilised way you fuck head go fuck yourself and have a 'civilised conversation' wif ya mother you 40 year old virgin who still lives at home wif ya mother." 62bd613151b2387f,translation: you are an impotent fucker. 62cb30d8c6fc73aa,fuck all u weak ass niggaz 62dbb88eb0711b7f,"hey riana does it suck to know that even strangers think you are a dried up old shrew?" 62e2c30d61a7f5dc,"do me a favor, adolf, delete my account...fascist." 62e38775721eb79e,"| decline=niggers, jews, bad news! also my cock is hard so it's time for rape lol" 62ed7846551d78ef,"your a fag fuck you nigger" 62f827b6325c9668,""" your second image is bullshit too, looks like ordinary muddy water. """"mixed with blood"""" my ass.""" 63267cf17367f2ac,fuck you asshole. allahu akbar. 634bdc90801397aa,"climate? please! what idiot suggested russell, kansas has a humid subtropical climate? there is no way in hell russell, kansas could be classified as humid subtropical. it is either humid continental or semi-arid steppe, and i would lean toward the latter, since this part of kansas is not nearly as humid and does not receive near the rainfall as the eastern half of the state. if kansas citywhich is at the same latitude as russellis classified as humid continental, there is no earthly reason why russell, which is nearly five derees farther west in longitude can be humid subtropical." 639e199bde5df8be,"faggot/cocksucker take your biased ass elsewhere, as we have no need for you here." 63a2270dd0e85904,no he did not! he got fired because he sucked! 63a23383fc7e2470,"don't threaten me! you are in violation of several wikipedia rules. you little b-itch!" 63a9745e8e49b1de,"you are such an idiot. if it had not been for fucks like you, i would still be contributing positively. so sure look at the minor little thing, but overlook the few few-thousand odd word pages i have created. fucking pin. if only we met, your nose would become flush with your face. and you are also idiotic to see that although the publishing firm doesn't exist so-to-speak, doesn't mean that the books don't. for instance, wikipedia now has an article on admiralty house that is completely composed by me based on publications by me." 63b3d42266c15441,""" gregalton: douchemaster supreme i'm not an editor, so i really don't have a problem calling you a douchebag. the fact that the article considers anyone who criticizes the practice of frb as non-mainstream raised the flag in my mind, that is, made me check the discussion page. you've done more to bias the article than these supposed """"conspiracy"""" people probably did. at any rate, fuck wikipedia, and fuck gregalton; i wait for the day when knol (google's wikipedia, written by experts: reality, not wikiality) has a good article under the same title (and it's written by one of these """"non-mainstream"""" economists the article talks about). you're a douchebag, gregalton. a big fat fractional reserve banking loving douchebag.""" 63cbddf0bad4296a,"why don't you fuck off get some jobe to do, idiot! 16:13, 21 may 2006 (2006)" 63d07457d26a507d,jerk ass!!! why did you delete my helpful information? 63d454e7ce0a244b,i will fucking cut your heart out. i will set you on fire motherfucker. 63dcc7a817df2df4,"ben_ben i hate you. nobody on wikipedia likes you. you are literally the biggest assface on the face of the earth; a disgrace to the philippines. if you edit any more pages, your account will be deleted. this is your only warning." 63e092c6579b700a,""" re: nair!!! sorry karl, i wasn't able to see your mason article in time cuz they deleted it already b4 i got home from school today....oh well. and yes you are absolutely right we won't ever stop making fun of fact, if anyone in our group of peeps refuses to make fun of her.......i shall kill them..... higgins!!!!!!!! no more wh*r* who wont shut up about her taxes about which no one cares, no more nair-chinned old hag, no more hunchback bailey obsessed geezer who says """"if ya want to........."""" and finally, no more pot-smoking sexist b*tch hippie with all her f*ck*ng """"awwwwwwwwwww""""s and """"so true..........""""s who if i ever see her this summer im gonna give her a taste of her own medicine and roll her up in piece of paper and light 'er up and smoke up the wazoo!!!!!!!!!!!!! hippie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! """ 63e21427ed03a2c2,"ok, fat ass cunt_face." 63ea49131f6b9735,"go fuck your self , wikiadmins" 63ed53bd46651d6a,in case you forgotten i was already blocked pernamently dumbass. 641a09cf179a3473,"fy why you removed my blogger from the video game article you son of a bitch? i demand you to put it back there right now. you are a bum to patrol wikipedia for free while the creator jim whales makes 7 milions a year from the free work of losers like you. how can a person be so retarded i don't know. put my blog back or i'm gonna hack yur pc. don't forget to use the h2 tag to make it bigger." 642ef6eb83bb5722,"fuck fuck you bitch screw you harry potter asshole licking" 643cc8a8d649f1a4,-go suck a dick blngyen. 643e5d9086e4aaa8,"(only if you reported me), then you can kiss my ass you fucken bitch." 644d213c1bbd0570,fuck u little bitch. im the porn king 644e2c69d7b8175d,", suck my vagina wikipedia" 6455782678780694,"you can take your sandbox and shove it up your ass you may also wish to visit hell. thank you. ;)" 645e072463b46a89,"sup, you crackheads! just kidding. this is my user page, here i say fart fuck shit damn ass nigger jew spick and kyke a lot. go fuck yourself if you don't like it." 645eac8a7e910a2b,why are you being such a jerk? 646a38a4eaf917eb,"hello liberal maggot part two censorship will not make me go away... thanks to you, rob, i am now using my influence, to undermine the crediablity of wikipedidiots, like you, and wikipedia. to bad you don't want to acknowledge the fact that you and your kind are ignorant, knuckle dragging,cyberthugs. your shadow joe." 646fd5967ab2c55d,what the fuck who deleted the spider loc and hot rod sections fucking wikipedia stupid ass ignorant people can we get it back ? 64d39c4ef0548623,"haha your boss got pwned by bill gates's aids virus." 64d70c6537b3d90e,"sleaze boy: you disgust me. you are pathetic coward seeking to smear good people while hiding behind your anonymity, you repulsive little worm. i am not part of a gang. i am an individual human being. you're attempted smear tactic against me is hardly surprising from what i've seen around here, but once again the actions of pathetic, anonymous, worm. you accomplish nothing but spread dishonor over your pseudonym. no adult takes you seriously. you are welcome to the last word." 64d8c1c1e432743b,hey fuck you faggot the departed is better than all those shitty movies go suck a cock you fuckin nerd! 64df2495049cf96a,fuck off and leave my acount alone. irritating child. 64e123538db4923a,"your a racist excuse me? nonsense? where? what? i have proof of every change i have made. more than i can say for you." 64fc056641dba716,"bigger bang tour memorable moments why did you remove the memorable moments from the bigger bang tour page you wanker! thats vandalism! fuck off and die fuckwit!" 64ff6e995451d888,"fuck off and mind your own business, homo" 65157488f47280b1,"your stupid greeting screw that stupid greeting from you and get lost you nigger!" 653d6395c26c0993,hahaha fuck you fuck you fuck you wikipedia i will nevar stop i will nevar forget!!!111!!~~ i can get a new ip in 15 seconds. faggots!!! 65457617f2de709b,"editing my talk page listen!, gsk i am sick of finding you're frickin, lame advice on my talk page. keep your nose in your own business! from now no more speedy deletion, warnings, or blockage of editing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now shut up, you moron!!!" 65468c090c521943,"fuck you you are an asshole for terminating my youtube account. i'll never forgive you. queenzeppelin" 6548c46409d971e2,"your mums ugly your gay" 6564fba30dcff2df,"__________________________ listen piece of bastard, if yo have a chance to read this , read carefully: you dare spoil my userpage and you will die for that. i already tracked you and i know who you are, before killing you , i will rape and kill the bitch of ayour mother and than torture the whole of your family. what a pity you don t have a small daughter in order to rape ,torture to death and burn her alive. you are a dead man. there is no place to hide in teh world for you" 657cc568490707e1,he can go fuck himself sideways with a spiky spoon. 657d786d7dd3fee1,"me! house of scandal tries not give a rat's ass and makes an effort not to be a dick this is a quote from your page. well u should take ur own advice. why am i a cretin? ur just a fuckin scumbag who likes annoying people, get a life!" 657ee3d20eac1177,"jeeeeezz ..!! dude you need to get a life ur pic is sad ur a saddo man get a life seriously !!" 658250f2a841ce8d,go fuck yourself you lifeless pedant 6586365e7f2f424e,"== t never said i did you ugly bastard. get of my case, you bitch whore. piece of shit. i said i have the right to post the no israel and christian fiction userboxes not the personal info you bitchfuck. you fuckin fuckface. this is why i hate the wikipedia system. it makes it difficult for people to function. you stupid shitface. ==" 659fe7a10ee3404a,"fag you are a fucking cock sucking doosh bag" 65a8767abe3f22f8,"you are being an anonymous cunt. please either be a cunt with a name and a face (by registering, or at least participating in discussions on the talk page) or a regular cunt-free anonymous contributor (by not being a cunt) thank you for your cooperation ~" 65b433a98325b839,"i have just read your userboxes and your userpage and frankly i am revolted by you. you appear to be a disgusting specimen, and i will gladly put you out of your misery!" 65b625fca694abbd,"suck a dick pussy hoe ass ya'll lame anyways and how you know what somebody doing? get yo fake ass outta here bitch!!!" 65bb3db5198fe46e,"fag you fucking suck. people need to know the true meaning of thumbing" 65bbbd91f40b3502,yanksox is a fucker!!!!!!!! 65d4b5fa76f26f41,"your full of shit. what, is the big, bad zion conspiracy after you for your truth-spewing. what a harpy..." 65f7821880fea91d,you stupid and more liar than me you don't want to understand that i don't lie!!!!!!i took these informations on tarom official website !!!i will not cease because of you and i will write until you gonna be bored!! i'll not renounce for you 6604792fc33aabb1,may god spare your soul you are going to hell you worthless piece of shit. maybe you will have fun when satan is ass fucking u instead of your queer little buddies fuck off and btw kick me off wikipedia you queer ass bitch fuck off and burn in hell bitch! 66125c76091026d2,"when you're an admin, you should try to learn the policy of wikipedia. too hard for you! lolololol. so i'm a good editor contributing to wikipedia and you, swarm, are a total idiot who can't learn the simple policies of wp. lololololol. yes, you're a laughable fool!" 662df2d044aca40c,"elinord, kp botany and teadrinker are fucken piece of shits. fuck off your ass!!!" 6655d57e7a4ff6f6,"you are fu-king prom-cous banner!!!! i am fu-ked your daddy, fu-king wre! now your will not go away, fu-king as-le! fu-king coward! you are coward! fu-king, cowardly, promi-us motherfu-ker!!!!!!" 666cac78892fd024,"september 2014 (utc) yes, your opinion. quit acting like an aspie retard. 00:13, 14" 66705608bec99c29,""" that's nice. go fuck yourselves, idiots. the fact that you can't absorb reality is no sweat off my back. you lose, i still win. good luck with your """"wikipedia fuckfest"""" hahaha.""" 6672d82b905b2ed6,"whole nickers comment, you deserved it for being so stupid" 6672e9bc52dd4f1a,"gay hater ah i see you are a homophobe just like joakim noah. maybe one day people can live in peace but until then we just have to put up with people as ignorant and full of hate just like you. just because someone is good at basketball doesn't give them a free ticket to hate and use foul language." 667bf6af82b882ef,"banned! stupid vandalizing moron. leave the editing to people who have a clue about boxing you fucking spastic." 667f77fd065d9e6c,"you are a hypocrite you constantly edit pages saying that wikipedia editors need to get a life, but you seem to spend your days and nights editing wikipedia yourself. it appears that you simply crave attention. maybe you had a terrible childhood? grow up." 6682e7043823f54b,"=stop editing my userpage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you complete idiotic, no good, piece-of-shit! you edited my userpage! that is my page and i can say what i want on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now change it back this instant before i come to your page and do some serious editing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you said it was inapropriote like a baby would, but it was okay!!!!!!!!! it's not like i was posting porn or something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so put it back now before your userpage, and it's history, become part of the ground like you will soon be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 6687f54f395e5b7b,i think you should unblock me because i was only pointing out that the pashtun people were a bunch of aidz infected niggers. why do you have them as a featured article? fucking monkeys... 669518d5ae56cc47,"nazi. you can delete my talk page, but i do it to you and im banned. fucking fascist." 669ecb40da5434fb,viral is a faggot mother fucker in the shit of the crap stritting. 66a9cd041f1e2d0c,"""you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck you fat fuck" 66b49d80ff1f3c9f,"cooperate scumbag keep editing you bought asshole." 66b5280dc7e6162b,"i fucking hate you, ecto." 66c3bced1735cb90,am going to rape you in the ass you fat bitch in a wheelchairi am going to rape you in the ass you fat bitch in a wheelchairi am going to rape you in the ass you fat bitch in a wheelchairi am going to rape you in the ass you fat bitch in a wheelchairi am going to rape you in the ass you fat bitch in a wheelchairi am going to rape you in the ass you fat bitch in a wheelchairi am going to rape you in the ass you fat bitch in a wheelchairi am going to rape you in the ass you fat bitch in a wheelchairi am going to rape you in the ass you fat bitch in a wheelchairi am going to rape you in the ass you fat bitch in a wheelchairi am going to rape you in the ass you fat bitch in a wheelchairi am going to rape you in the ass you fat bitch in a wheelchairi am going to rape you in the ass you fat bitch in a wheelchair 66c7ad15b405ef2b,"retard are you mentally retarded user:ugugugugugugug is my own account you absolute jibbering fool" 66c9d8b17e757ca8,"what are you talking about? i am sheuli bose ( and what the bloody fucking hell are you yapping about! come out, i shall give you a tight slap you bloody fucker i will kill you..." 66e6bf6dc08952e8,"you know what suck my mother fuckin' balls bitch, i don't giva shit. this fuckin' fake as pussy encyclopedia. this damn site can't even be used as a reliable source bitch. so fuck all ya'll motha fuckin' think you know it all bitch asses. fuck you" 66f0a9006c188820,"fuck you honkey, why you hatin' on blacks? you fucking pussy geek nazi, i'll come to your house and rape your mom because i've got a big black dick in her tight white ass, honkey" 66ffb1d267cca40c,"april 2006 (utc) ''jeffire is a stupidhead! jeffire is a stupidhead! not only him, but every user on this page especially scorpionman! poopheads! dweebs! you look like a baboon and you smell like one too! 14:34, 5" 6703e0f0622b8a63,all three of you are irredeemable assholes and lying pricks. 670600984fff7a6d,"i didnt attack you, you retard do not post on my page kthx" 670e275080dd3787,"fuck you buddy!!! go suck a cock!" 67247befd30c3d71,you cant block me you fucking retard. brb nigger 6730c8c22a41d670,"== warning: user is a flaming faggot. ==" 6743c107ecb66c70,"go f yourself m fuker. you are a modi ass fucker, homo" 6763f57dc4d99681,"buck winston fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me motherfucker ugh" 67642a36ef1347c8,"go fuck yourself since i already been accused for personal attacks (but no one could point out where and when) this isnt more then right: go fuck yourself your pathetic dickhead admin" 6776f73376390b8d,"ha, fagget go fuck yourself homo." 677b5c663a0758ae,"hi hi you are gay sad fucking old nerd that should get a life and do stuff like gardening,and i'm guessing you still live at home with your mom." 6796e5c4f9a1aac2,"sleazebag jimbo, you are a sleazebag. please go away." 679972b310ace96a,"enough to shoot people from car windows and drop bombs on the innocent. fight with the fists god gave you.. useless twat." 67a90ec3824a34ce,"fuck you you can block me all you went im leaving this site anyways. plus you have no life, bitch sitting on the computer at 2:25 am watching what people do. your lame." 67ccf286e16c38db,butt face idiot friends 67f03d5ff349eb91,""" i bet you lick a lot of cock have you ever seen a real vagina? probably not, but equally likely you don't want to. plus you like to """"work"""" for free. chump. you should probably just go ahead and kill yourself.""" 6803afa9a0e0089b,fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck 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off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass!fuck off you ass! 680431fea1330195,i will be in contact with irs and fuck wiki over ... fuck you 6826d1ca1ffe8424,"hey fred you fucking suck ass u bitch ass motherfucker. u fuckin delete everything you ho. u can take wikipedia and shove it up you ass dumb ass bitch go to hell bastard hope fall in a ditch asshole and you can suck my dick. unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs)." 682d322fbafdc0dd,everybody lock ur dicks cuz theyre gay!!! 683ecc08eb7f41c5,"phelps phelps is a fucking bitch ass cock sucking homophobic victim of rape old man and if only someone would kill that bitter fucking old man" 685449d91a879290,"stop reverting my edit your so fucken gay get a fucken life your fagot or go get laid or something" 685d82debd39ec68,"you're fucking nothing you little piece of shit faggot, fucking nothing cum drinking piece of shit." 6869dfcf86b813a1,"you twit i didn't harass amaury, he harassed me. go ahead, suspend me you fool." 686b6daa650324ea,nice try! raheem kassam you are a sad individual 6870e9d9b23e0ce9,"fired! ur fired! fuckwit!" 687c80be59230965,and won't be back like that gay fucking bastard cunt ''' 687e79f285055af1,attn imroy: if i want your stinky opinion i would have flushed three times pal! 688212d5aba6217a,it was already deleted so there is no need to discuss now!! go to hell 68b3972889060a2b,"revert again or fail to answer this relevant question and i'll file a formal harassment complaint with the wmf. you're a fucking employee of the foundation. how could you really type that in a public irc channel??" 68d363c004c90136,and are two homosexuals who worship the penis of jesus and believe that he was the greatest bastard in the world. 68da87f69b993b35,why don't you go f yourself deliting nigger? fuck you and your lies! 68deb5569b00287f,"can i eye fuck you you negro see grow 05:45, 14 mar 2005 (utc)" 68df9bbe8645e9d5,"go suck a cock bitches. fuck wikipedia. my ip changes in like a couple of hours anyway. fuck you go you cocker cocksuer mohterfuck unlce suckefing you go fuck your mom you dirty little ass fuck bitch i will kill you i konw where you live i will rape you yoru fucking ass" 68f3436a95bed8ad,"fuck you your a fag== ==" 69110d51998457db,"put a cock in it you sound like a bitch on heat screaming for attention." 6916df0fb859db09,"im busy right now, but i will have your ip banned in few minutes. ^^ jeez what moron." 691941fe3255065e,"christmas is where family's come together to celebrate jesus's birthday..! y is called christmas i have no idea but if you ask what i have to say about it is fuck him..! there's also jews..! we need holidays to wear everyone can celebrate them together..! if you wanna celebrate jesus then go to fuckin church..! this is how i fell..! donate you're feelings to" 694aa99228932d5e,you are a pathetic failure. 6953f69c81be4f14,damn ur an ugly fukka 6958d3e8acd4dd0a,hes a black pieceofshit 695f4ccd2e23f58f,"wow i just your pic wtf!! plastic surgery isn't that expensive bitch!" 6969ed04f98a7b6b,"please read this s. dean jameson called me a pig! what do i do?" 696b156094f3fed9,""" you are a slave! don't you realize that you are a slave? you spend days, weeks, months writing little articles for nothing. a gold star?! big deal. your frinds ruhrfisch, coeil, and others encourage you because you'll spend your weeks writing for wp for nothing! i suspect you've had some tragedy in your life like a divorce or job loss and are looking to """"validate"""" your worthiness by hanging out here and going for gold stars. how many do you need? isn't this showing off? isn't this looking for some kind of approval? """"look everybody! i'm important! i got a gold star!"""" do you need to send every article through dyk, ga, peer review, and fa? why? send them straight to fa and have done with it. don't you realize you're taking up every one's time with all of these unnecessary submissions? you're being exploited. get a life. """ 696d0d253f0bebe7,"sl93, i'm ready for an argument right fucking now. i'm sick and fucking tired of your goofball power play. get a fucking life. you're a joke, a clown and no one will ever take your sorry ass seriously. get fucked and leave me the fuck alone. i didn't start shit with you, so i don't get what your problem is. twat." 698a17b5e6012c52,"oi dickhead get the fuck off my talk page, or else i'm gonna come down and fuck u so hard that you'll never come on my talk page again. ok? go fuck off you dick-sagging wanking rapist." 698cdce7b839941c,"from lcistudent no one likes you mr. friday, i can add whatever information i want to my school's website, you bg noooooooooooooooob. thank you." 698d3dec0969f44a,fuck you bitch! i will go to your house and kill you with my gun! 6990c43a16312a34,"snotty 17 year olds projecting their daddy and mammy issues on the world. oh the joy of wiki and cyberspace. hey kid, guess what you banned me asshole, now go back to your pathetic little life, and wank another for shakira, that's what you do best isn't it? wanker." 69967dd5eac5bd39,"fuck off!!! go and buy some andrex and wipe your rats ass/face (delete as appropriate). fuck you!!!" 69a17a0c3ab7bd48,stupid prostitutes thank you! 69a4007174fdcdf3,"because this guy has no life and likes to f*ck around with people's hard work. just retaliate against him, so he stops messing up people's legitimate pages." 69a7eaf469d8be68,"stop fucking men up the arse james! stop doing it in public, it's creeping me out. thankyou asshole." 69ae18f7bd292d48,"the book is dumb this book is so dumb how could any one ever rad it .blahhhhhhh" 69bdc9627d1ac05c,'''jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck you faggot gay ass chink nigger cocksucking piece of shit jforget fuck 69be8a1c71010317,"shut up asshole shut up you asshole i fucking hate you, kids cbc is stupid so why keep reverting my edits?" 69ca7522041d5dba,"um no their just idiots like you, and stop deleting your deletion proposal before i report this! elven6" 69d7d4bb8153d99e,"oh wait, you're an american asshole... let me explain how the law here work, if telenet uncovers who i am, they are violating several laws. i have free speech here." 69e88ef179506404,"my personal opinion is that you're a fucking wanker and i hope you die a painful death." 69f902a825fba155,"no, it's not just you. just more evidence that the current model for wikipedia (i.e., let any fucking idiot in to do anything they please, then wait for someone to clean up after) won't last much longer. ==" 69ffdd699b51b53a,"asshole? congratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarrior" 6a0570d8c5fc5ed5,get a clue son. your parents should be restricting your internet usage. friggin kids. ~brian 6a0820c5a6621900,"trouted you have been trouted for: fuck you , motherfucking son of a bitch" 6a25c6400e7642cb,"usbecause you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! == do i kn" 6a42ad5c783ee3bd,see the edit reason you muppet. 6a5bfbc5ac960ab8,""" hi ) fuck you trophy you happen to suck. """ 6a67f94f35307280,"why haven't you yet! i don't give a fuck! fuck you and all your wiki shitty stars, you fuckhead!" 6a6b16e9d691ee36,"they are called syed you dirty chump.muhajirs are the worst race on planet. if the world-peace will be achieved if muhajirs and jews leave this planet. muhajirs should be hunted down like animals. they should die!!!! die muhajirs die muhajirs!" 6a6c06ac54c01f31,"look here your a fuckin cunt you czeckoslovacian ass clown" 6a6e05f57a313870,"whatever get a fucking life, you sad fool. you just sit here and edit wikipedia every hour, do you even eat? get some fresh air, instead your ass is glued to the screen. have a good day, sir." 6a7abbad2b9bfcbd,"please, please killyourself you whiney little jewish faggot" 6a915659d14d9389,"dumb ass nigga. no one cares when your birthday is. jag quimby sounds gay as shit. your name sounds like you're the son of that mayor from the simpsons. jaq quimby....nigga you need to change your name to jaq off." 6ab2037144f8d2ff,"opps, i accidently edited your page, faggot! *drop dead*" 6aba19084ade8f35,fuck you london. you piece of shit 6ac5046e0532e2f4,ima rude son of a bitch too because i have a period remember im gay... 6ac5659863a55d02,"fuck you fuck you keep blocking me i'll keep coming back, are so fucking bored that you have to sit around and fuck with me on the goddamn computer. get a life asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 6acf76645ae17107,scucci the ginnie thats fcuking who>>>he runs wikipedia u betta let him back on or hes gunna take a louieville to ya skull>>>big giambi bat with him and his boys patrisio and frankie 6adf90a875cdfcfd,"hey stay the fuck out of my buisness you jewish redneck mexican fucker i kill you fucker stay the fuck out of my buisness" 6ae4580294f2d587,"editing wikipedia fuck you, you anal rapist" 6af0d73c65b0c8d8,"get lost stop following me canadian loser. go patrol something useful" 6b07d0d2672bbd0d,"then get rid of the stupid fucking brick count who the fuck cares how many goddamn bricks your fucking hs has? jesus h. christ, this is the stupidest fucking write-up i've ever seen for a hs." 6b089ff9720f2e9a,haha. go ahead. stupid american. 6b0981a9dbac2568,"stop editing this, you dumbass. why do you have to be such a bitch? the ghosts of bill maas' past will haunt you forever!!! mwahahhahaa" 6b0c60606e8ee3e9,"warnings this is your last warning. if you continue to make personal attacks, you will be blocked for disruption. ed (edgar181) last warning??? try only warning, fool. and if you jerks were'nt so snobbish and lazy, this crap wouldn't be happening now would it?" 6b1fce15f888a487,""" ban my fat ass, bitch! i need an internet break. need to clean my room and lose weight. please ban me for 3 months or 60 pounds. or more. thanks. if you're hesitant, conside me to have posted tubgirl on your talk page. as the guy in flight of the intruder said...""""i'd do it for you, sandy"""", when requesting to be killed.""" 6b2c69ded7d5eed0,up yours mother fucker. 6b35c6b7bbf2f3b4,""" thanks! award of gayness you suck! ;d """ 6b4c601b9765a00a,i'll correct what i said: the manis a former coke user and in an incident challenged some kids to a fight. this is fact that are in his article. imo that makes him a scumbag. 6b553568bc6163f3,@tomica i say; fucking bring it on; you've over stepped the 3rr which you was recently blocked from so if i get blocked; i sure as hell will take yo' ass down as well 6b5690787ef61ba4,heres ya stupid signature as well you faggots129.234.155.162 6b57d81aa69dc4e4,stupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish 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centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centraliststupid spanish centralist 6b5d39cb80f41c28,why is the main picture of his ass you fucking cock loving geeky homosexuals 6b786a63c83c5a04,""" j.delanoy, you are a fuck'ing moronic asshole (come """"pwn"""" my sockfarm if you are able to, i've saved up a few socks and vandalised some obscure pages!) f u c k y o u """ 6b951a8ea18c2770,"stop your bullshit you don't have the ps3 nor mgs4 nor nor killzone 2 a full hd 1080p, i have both you don't, i don't have to waste my time with xbox fankids like you." 6bae7b7842ad5be0,f__k you whiny-sissy coward hacker trolls and freaks. you are all fat pasty pale couch toads who never get laid and whack off online. go f__k yourselves 6bb0191968c24754,so wut u got asaulted boo hoo u probly luved gettin fuked in the ass by 2 hott gays 6bb043dc24863e0f,"how dare you abuse autograph's page, you fag!!!! dieeeee!!! yo gangsta rap's got nothing on rock!!! fail." 6be8b0001585b405,you're a little queer jew bag. 6c1dece498839b43,"24/7 stop making idiotic changes to the article. it's bad enough having that fool hholt1 doing it." 6c45b41e8dee8f9d,"some jackass vandalized the article again, can someone fix it?" 6c4c16b877972930,"calling a dickhead a dickhead is not a personal attack. sorry, but if he fucks with my edits again, i will call him a dickhead again!" 6c4fb8ff6a2979b6,"hello you are a nigger" 6c58f026fdcbb171,fuck you are an asshole! why be such a prick an stuff the wrong date in there just to piss me off! 6c59f9f9e96177ab,"fuck you, you piece of shit fuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of 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shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of shitfuck you, you piece of sh" 6c6c87c413729673,while you are blocked for 5 mintes think about how much of a loser you are ) 6c7207992668b919,""" i'm wondering whether to add the fact to the article that she recently received a bukkake from five black dudes and the video was uploaded to she was first face f*ucked. i'm not sure if it's notable enough to include but it was recent (rather surprising news) and her husband is filing for a divorce after she refused to swallow his sperm. i don't have a definite source for this, unfortunately. if i did, i would add it to the article. anyone have any references? (btw, i know it sounds preposterous and i'm surprised too but i've read this in a very reliable source (put in """"nicer terms"""" like """"she engaged in sexual acts with african americans"""").) thanks guys.""" 6c8ef8aa695c6148,""" truth is not always polite. malleus does act like a dick, and i'm not going to mince words. nor am i going to pretend it's okay to sit idly by when i'm being attacked out of nowhere. christ, what the hell is wrong with you people? perfectly okay for malleus to randomly show up and start attacking me, not okay for me to be pissed off about it. gah. →  ₪ """ 6c9279717c622ec3,"gorlitz! - stop screwing with me on the amy g. you frigging nazi or i'll report you to the wiki board. goto hell you hypocrital pos!" 6c9b1ff4404330b1,"hahahahahahahaha you can't stop me fucking homo!!!! when my ban expires tommorrow im coming after your gay ass account!!!" 6c9e587ac82d51b7,once again jd uk is a fucking faggot fucker who deserves to be beaten wit da ugly stick 6cae8543cfab1762,", you stupid ass fucker, retarded whore, incompetent loser! i'm unblocked! miss ciara 15:52, 8 june 2006" 6cbb5277a91ed077,"mr. viligante! dear mr. ioeth whateverthefuck, you being a vigiliante and blocking me doesnt impress me. fuck you. you think your important for blocking people on wikipedia? you don't impress me. i think you're a douchette. vaffanculo. tu fai schifo sempre (italian if you were curious). a blockee ( )" 6cd74fa14f11034f,"listen you officious asshole. one of the worst thing about wikipedia is the busybodies who needlessly waste everyone's time by reverting obviously true info with the dumbass comment 'oh that's not sourced' - 99.99999% of wikipedia is not sourced. nothing else in that article is sourced, yet you take time to delete my addition and send me a message. you fucking no-life wanker. i'll just revert it time and time again and you can suck my fucking cock if you don't like it. asshole. get a life, seriously. maybe you have zero control in your life and this gives you the illusion you are not a total loser and powerless wimp. well, you're deluded. fuck you eternally. plus, i'm going to deface your bio repeatedly, because you suck at life." 6cd8a3ed3678fcb0,"another idiot admin who doesn't know the policy of wikipedia. good job, swarm, you stupidly blocked me for returning the page to the last consensus. that's what we're supposed to do in the case of a content dispute. yes, i know, that is so hard to learn! another moron example of how admins are the sickness of wikipedia." 6cdfea6b8f849b03,"fucking krauts learn to speak english you fucking dirty kraut!" 6cfe59664fe9dac8,"i am going to pull your pants down and insert a large phallus into your bunghole. i bet it's going to be the only action you got in years, you fat tranny." 6d040f4655bb28da,"eat horse shit!!!! you are a fat nerd and you smell like cat pee. go to hell!" 6d1789c0afb694fd,"i don't care, and i will ignore this warning, fucking bitch..." 6d326bcaa61c5621,"i don`t and don`t accuse me. and if you don`t have time so why you`re making that to preity??? leave her. son of bitch. i am not the one whom you have blocked and if it had been me you couldn`t have done nothing in any case. stupid asshole." 6d3e0652f383f8ce,"flewis stop sprouting nonsense. u freaking bastard." 6d43634217390956,"you better fuck off ruddy shit fuck!" 6d55911850a8c655,"jews and iasi during the iasi history many things happened. it was burned several times by turks, russian, but says nothing about that. iasi is not a jewish city so take your jewish shit and place it in palestina. we made a country for jews so do not bother us. jews are aggressive people and very dangerous. you should write about the holocaust of jews against palestinians!!! i am sure that in future there will be museums of holocaust made by jews against palestinians!" 6d61d6526a69acb3,they are perfectly civil - they have no hidden meaning - just just to other edit summaries that you dont list have no hidden meaning. you are a disgusting and disgraceful example for an admin. you have done this before and got away with it - god knows how you are getting away with it again. you make me sick! 6d6afbbbe4479731,you fucking little retard!!! 6d8a0fb2ab9fe84b,""" | """"ugly comments"""" are a crime? attacking religious beliefs? bullshit. and """"page blankings""""?? i never blanked a page, you liar.""" 6d8a7ffb8c56f460,""" wikipedia editors are fuckin cuntrags that should shut the fuck up cause they are nothing but mindless drones. fuck you and ur """"internet"""" thug. you fuckin homo thugs. """ 6d8e546f5e704f4d,what a complete fucking blowhard he is 6db320d5f9539157,eater gothamist and gawker are the lowest tmz scandal gossip rags. not reputable sources. these articles are written by famewhore troll douches. 6dcf158f8ea754a5,""" a blast from the past i was interested to read in your hidden dxraw talk page that not long before you changed your name the following message was posted: """"why did you remove my edit, you cancer ridden cunt. it was correct but you are a fucking idiot who changes anything you don´t like."""" on reading the details of the nicholas saunders (professor) deletion debate, i see that you haven't changed one little bit. how does it feel to be the mosted despised editor on wikipedia. you can change your name as often as you like but nothing will help your social skills. """ 6dddd496e6f1a97b,""" hey kuru, there is something really wrong with the administration of wikipedia, and i am not the only one to know about and complains!. for quite a while i had been hesitant but after a comment by a polish wikipedian i was finally encouraged to leave polish wikipedia (for some time only perhaps). i decided to move to the english wikipedia for a change. regards, kpjas (talk) although i am aware that he (kpjas) have his """"own problems"""" for some it might be a positive development! i want to remind you that in us at one time they needed to block the ip of us gov ... because the politicians were polishing their resumes and were using the wikipedia as they election platform! you have responded to my comments (in a way positively). the problem is still that bunch of administrators have no idea what the hell they are talking about. please read my comments and make appropriate corrections as a shoddy communist agent's tabloid operating the disinformation campaign shall never be called a prominent newspaper! you do not call a clochard a prince and prince a clochard! there is to much crap like this specially related to abuse by the polish administrators who are either connected with the propaganda machine or are brain washed. as an expert on many issues i believe that all ips of some bloody idiots from poland should be banned for all other languages so we will have the real and unbiased by the people who do not understand what is freedom, liberty and democracy and vandalize the web pages with their totalitarian communist bias after being brain washed since 1945 by several decades from generation to generation and educated by the communist teachers! by reading the crap on the pl wikipedia some sections of it specially connected to the history, politics and resumes of politicians should be completely taken """"off air"""" once and for ever! thanks!""" 6dfa14cfc1dde89c,"i wanna edit i wanna edit without making a username like you losers. give me my rights!!!!!" 6dfa66fef2e9516d,"engineer you hope you don't design buildings, and if you do, please don't do it in europe. thank you. ps: you are a moron." 6e0204b7e625f7f3,"a message from jasonceyre f uc k you hoe you a b i t c h i do what i want" 6e13f1f70ea6cec0,"wang, you are an idiot. the difference between you and my 2 year old is not only that my 2 year old is more intelligent but he is not the cowardly atheist backstabbing communist, nor the wikipedia stalker that like to be, hiding behind a keyboard. i dare you to execute any plan, whatever it might include." 6e16451b7ae1e1ba,"you're a fucking nerd. don't you have anything else to do in life than play video games? this is what i think of all speedrunners. and you're a fag trying to brag about yourself in an older edit of nightfire, cuz while some think you might be amazing, others like me think you have no life and are probably never gunna get laid. but you're fine with that right? you'd much rather be making speedruns." 6e19321b1d42e1b1,"youre an idiot! no one vandalized the gregory brothers page. someone editted undually a posting i made on that site. get a life." 6e1a093b0c1d39b5,fuck you dirty fuckers 6e1f6d18e930b2e0,""" hi!!! we are bloomaisha. we got our nickname from the show winx club. the show is currently running right now, and our """"wikienemy"""" is the f**cking drmies. drmies is an idiot and his name is martino. . . something like that. drmies is 30 years old and he is a man.we got his age by doing the math problem 2012-1982. which equals 30. we are teens, 18 year olds. that f**cking drmies is a b**ch and a f**king meanie. bye!!!""" 6e249e2fe7eca9fb,"hey. you wanna get raped in the butt?" 6e29924670b55d7a,you be polite next time being a rude fag will get you know where. 6e41e91ac23dcd14,""" the great one! i dont really have a problem, i just dont like you very much, u see i dont make many edits and im not one to taddle tale on vandels, and do u know the reason 4 that? its because i have this little thing called a life, i log on every now and again and make a few edits and for some reason when i do i find that some loser has got something to say to me, attacking my views on subjects that are of no concern to them, they dont care about subjects yet they go to the page to complain about the page itself """"disturbed are shit"""" """"motorhead are not metal"""" and i shoot em down for that, then some faggots have a problem with me telling them that. and now u have done that, i made my peice then thought """"why should i listen to a poofter like him"""" so here i am again, u are a faggot nerd burger! u have managed to make me h8 u without me even knowing u, u are the biggest poofter bogan i have ever encountered on wiipedia and to be honest, if i had the chance i would probably cripple u! go back to ur gay orgy! go root ur mums boyfriend u fat sack of nerd shit!. kind regards """ 6e428e7d54748dc7,f-u-c-k off slant eye chink 6e652e334e142984,"she is a motherfucker i will block you motherfucker, shit, bitch, punch, kill, swear, do nudity, so shut up, frickin around give you drugs, call you names like shit, fuck, bum, poo, damn! so fucker, you will be blocked and dead you shit and fuck, and i will do the rude finger sign. you fucker get bad new messages bum, oh shit." 6e7ee4896cf2b2eb,"oh, and there are no talk page giudelines, ya idiot loser!" 6e9a7a26514daa08,suitecivil your a pussy ass bitch i'd fucken kick your ass any fucken day you little bitch face cunt fuck you and fuck barcelona. 6e9d8e12890c59c6,""" fuck you bertie thank you for taking the time to make your comments. the recognition of your """"having professionals who contribute their talents at wikipedia is a great thing and helps advance the project"""" comment is most appreciated and highly agreed upon. unfortunately the involvement of contributors such as 'bertiebasset' ( who should be deprived computer access and is hopefully sterile for the sake of future generations ) detracts from the efforts of well-meaning professionals and truly hinders the betterment of the project through their moronic lack of vision or intelligence and professional or quality editing ability. that being said, regrettably it would be best for all images to be deleted at this time as per your extended courtesy. no further contributions will be made and it will be remembered as a failed attempt to improve a deserving site due to the ignorance of those amateurs like 'bertiebasset'. dannyg3332 """ 6e9f09fdc1013241,"you are clearly dumb, i already recieved the warning." 6ea50023dd73fdfd,"equally guilty?. just look into icty and see that most of the criminals were the serbs under the command of butchers arkan, mladic and milosevic. so shut up, you idiot chetnik!" 6eb0b7ef894ca088,"(soso says: idiot! follow the rules! if you're a real honest gentleman, then you will respect wikipedia and take down this page,only those who have done great and amazing accomplishments are worthy o having a page. you sir are nothing more than a sad excuse of a human being,'soso out')" 6eb34dc1c32e08dd,"are you lost, stupid fucking idiots" 6ed9130d909a1421,ps: cannucks suck balls. i believe they are better known as cansuck ...... my balls 6eda6d80255e73c8,""" what a dumbass you are """"slimvirgin"""" (which makes me realise that you are obviously a fat slapper). i *do* stay within the rules, it's you who makes up their own.  (talk) """ 6f0e087025844cb9,hey idiot! what's this fucking and animal language?! write in english you subhuman turk (turd). 6f0e156ba4e504a0,"why you little... i hope you get banned from wikipedia someday! and you will! we will meet again you stupid singaporan fool! but for now, i shall take my break from you, so long fool! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! (disapears into a puff of smoke)." 6f2777bba387b65a,"now, tony, why do you want to be known as the typical right-wing, born-again christian fist-fuckee of 2006?" 6f31617f31e0cfb2,"o feel sorry for you, fuck off you american bastard" 6f44f823f5a15dd4,"hey idiot quit fucking with the sentry gun page. you leave in links to other peoples sites but through your blatant hypocrisy you take mine out. what is my site about? sentry guns. well god damn, that couldn't be any more relevant could it? it all boils down to opinions. you have your opinion of what's relevant and i have mine. all it is is your opinion nothing more. it is no more legitimate than the opinion of anyone else. the problem is, for no reason of any validity, you've been given extra abilities. you're still the same idiot, but with more of a vote. go fuck yourself. you have no sense of unbiased logic. i do not care about what you think is appropriate or not as you are irrelevant." 6f76893bd1d8b3f8,"""what part of """"you're an idiot"""" don't you understand? why are you unwilling to discuss this? you just want to hide behind your little rules. wikiloser. -) """ 6f85e3180440a535,"be nice and don't be a dick, or i will kick your ass." 6f8cc04296ad04b7,"i hope world of warcraft dies a long and painful death world of warcraft sucks the biggest donkey balls on this planet. i cannot express how much i hate this piece of wank other than hoping it is raped, stabbed, drowned, raped again when it's dead, then drowned in its own blood from being stabbed. afterwards, it should be buried in a 150 feet deep pit full of maggots and when they have finished with it, the whole pit should be set alight with 20,000 matches. sometimes people tell me i should get this plague, but i'd rather slit my bollocks open and pour burning acid over them and let your mum bite them off, tasty eh?" 6f91c31e8ba2bd7e,pablo flores is a piece of human dogshit and a fucking bastard 6f9bbb2e00b86e85,""" i just thought you should know i think you are a fucking idiot and i don't care if someone removes huggle privilages. i'm only here preventing idiots like you from updating wiki without proof.  chat  """ 6fb4b5f1575c74b9,hitler is an asshole. 6fc049a35193e216,nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger 6fc878dbe160947c,hi shit head go fuck yourself!! 6fe9bd609d2e7e12,"so that's the bullshit they teach you in england? no wonder you europeans are so fucked up and genocidal. you christians and muslims gained all your territories by right of conquest and thinks it's okay, yet you think jews are evil nazis when they do the same thing. you are obviously british, and you sound like a communist. communists are just as evil and very similar to nazis. you are the ones who started the slavery in the americas in the first place. you are the ones who illegally colonized and occupied the world in the first place. you are the ones who made it illegal for jews to return to israel and denied them entry into britain and british colonies during world war ii, thus helping the germans carry out the holocaust. furthermore, you show yourself to be a typical anti-semite. you lie and say that jews colonized israel. jews did not colonize israel. jews returned to israel. the arabs were the ones who illegally colonized and continue to illegally occupy israel. nableezy is also an anti-semite. he is an arab supremacist and claims that israel is “genocidal, jewish supremacist, racist, terrorism sponsor, human rights violater (sic), misogynist, fanatic, and repressive.” europeans and muslims should not be allowed to edit articles about jews. i suggest you cease and desist from defaming jews and withdraw yourselves from the so-called “wikiproject israel palestine collaboration.”" 70028cb9de42a777,"reasons why i hate you 1. you wrote on my page. die. die now bastard. 2. being annoyingly quick at editing. you are gay. 3. anally savaging my pets." 70091224d6d4f211,"if i'm blocked for this edit, that admin has no balls, no life || j.delanoy is an imbecilic bootkissing social-inept. pwned me? i will return again and again to haunt your ass! you suck nuff' said ha ha ha" 700d363f4284e586,"just what the fuck do you think you are doing, unblock i have done shit all wrong and i need to ask a question at the reference desk, fucking slag." 700f439a55625cb1,"hey know it all jerk! just because you can edit other pages doesn't mean you should just to tell people what you like. i do not give a flaming fuck if you like cheese nips so stop posting !!!" 7018f85aa5664bcd,"f*cking son of a batch mother f*cker. rolling on th floor eating a bagel is real, and you're a denier!!!" 702a24730bee7bdf,"you sad cocksucker..stop editing my article otherwise i am going to report you and sue you!!!!!!!!!! am i not allowed to create my self as a way of motivating myself to step up..why the fuck would you edit my article from striker to stripper, and also siziba to sizzler.. you're lucky i do not know who you are you racist just being ambitious and yet you bullies edit my article to such a degrading extent..go fuck yourself and let me dream.." 7039d1741ad3cf9f,bingo. now fuck off and take your stinks with you (hopefully). 704cd990f266ef15,"bad motherfuckers there are a lot of them out there. keep calm and carry on." 70538b5232d18bd1,u suck why can i not edit i am not writing anything bad just changes words to their correct spelling. 70660101f2ba447c,"well you know what? you're a faggot too! what are you gonna do about it ya little bitch?" 70672d3a72152aa6,""" i'll stick it in you i'll stick my penis in your ass, wiggle it around and say """"boom, your a big fat cunt."""" i'm reporting you to that norman guy. looks like its a trip to penistown for you. but don't worry. you can fly from dublin airport to penistown with penis airways. vandalism i tried to remove the vandalism from your page, but then i realised you were a big fat cunt. so i decided not to. enjoy your trip to penistown. just to confirm you can fly there from dublin. penis airways this is bob dick, the ceo of penis airways. just wishing you a pleasant flight with us. i believe you're flying on our new service to penistown international from dublin. enjoy it. although i have to warn you that some penisians are a bit funny around big fat cunts. penistown i've been told you'll shorlty be visiting penistown. you must drop in for tea. although i must ask that you lose some weight first. you big fat cunt! accident at dublin airport there has been an accident at dublin airport. a penis airways airbus a330, travelling to penistown, crashed into a delta air lines boeing 767, which was getting ready to depart dublin for orlando. 744,192 people have died, making it the worst air transport accident in the world ever! but dont worry. i'm sure penis airways will have another aircraft ready for your flight to penistown. you big fat cunt!""" 7069404fdc0c8593,dragon rape your 80 pound nerdy ass while i get drunk and jerk off. fucking loser. 7070b6380189d5bf,""" what the fuck why was my edit reverted? all i asked was why the fuck this article is protected? is that so horrible? """"oh noez, he questioned the judgement of the admins"""" get a fucking life. pedophiles.""" 707bc41cf4e12f6a,"busy in real life?! lol, pathetic cunt. learn to read english, while you have time, fucking piece of chingching trash. you've to see who was right, poor squint. but yeah, you asian animals don't have self-judgement." 707bc53111846f5c,"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go to hell asshole!!!!!!!!!!" 7085280454b729d9,"warning get off your high horse with warnings and referring to your talk page as if it were another user. you're no admin, but like the other assclowns that have gotten on my case, you seem to think you've got cred by throwing warnings at me. no one is gonna check the talk page of a low importance-rated article and you know it, you dumbfuck." 70852b09681e65ed,"you are a cunt so how about a blowjob?" 709b9ef9d131af8e,"nah. but as far up your ass as you are, the sun don't shine at all, does it?" 709fef71e98c036b,i am going to pee on you! 70ae93eaf12037fa,wikipedia nazis can suck it bitches 70c7a607aa405e7e,"ugly cat that is one ugly cat, el_c! concerning but in reality you are a disgrace to the people who have been here a lot longer then you. you have no respect for the great spirit. you have no respect for living things. you have no respect for the people you call your own. and they have no respect for you. why don't you come out and tell the people here that you are a cop? also, no self-respecting indian would be a people hating commie, comrade!" 70e625b281ca8b5f,""" you think just because you are an admin you can just like that block me. who you think you are. accusing me of vandalism when i'm the one who made all this. accusing me of dubious unsourced content when everything has references. accusing me of unnecessary external links. is this a wikipedia or yourpedia, for removing images so people wouldn't see them. there are many other such """"wikipedians"""" among the lawmakers throughout the world. that's why we live in a prison. you have the arogancy to come from nowhere and start """"edit"""" something that you haven't made, you haven't checked, just because someone like you made you an admin. and than, the hero moves to another one. who the hell you think you are, little boy. """"editors"""" and """"anti-vandalism"""" heros like you roam around only in search of the next """"expert-tag"""" on their page. they do not create. they play for score, in the meantime thay may do something creative. one like you apologized to me just for the same type of """"excellent"""" job. i bet you live for this, isn't it, little boy. this is your food. without it you're dead. you're nobody. """"...not very useful to our readers..."""" you, arrogant child, are useless to the wikipedia readers. you are that someone who brakes the essence of wikipedia - """"the free enciclopedia"""". """"please stop. and please stop attacking other editors or you will be blocked from editing"""". please this, please that would not hide the abomination. """"...please stop attacking other editors..."""" it's really interesting, this is what the guilty always say, protecting themselves from what they know would come, if they don't make the first move. """"attack is the best defence"""", was that one of the credos of the pseudo-intellectuals. immatures like you are so disgustingly simple. you are nobody. you can't block someone just because they gave you the """"keys to the house"""". if other, uncorrupted by you, admin takes my side, you'll give a little fight and than you'll stand down like a puppy. you see now who, or should i say what you are, hero. you are nobody. you're not even a real employee of the wikipedia. you're just one of the thousands underaged, in therms of mind or even age, wannabes. you're a joke. your god jimmy wales use you as a tissue, while making his money. you're a joke even to him. if you only knew how many people like me notice this but stay quiet, just because they want to be part of the herd. how about that. it looks like you're a joke not just for people like me, a. very sad picture, a little boy trying to feel he counts for something. grab a cigar, you might just start looking like adult. enjoy your """"power"""" from behind the screen, and pray we never meet.""" 70e6fa90e45e35b0,youre gonna be a dead faggot 70fbe89b516ae59c,"hey dude if you want to suck cock please dont ask me cause i dont care, seriously." 70ffbca2a861abc2,"hope you rot in hell you mother fucking idiot! perish in the flaming bowels of hell! i hop that you die alone, and sad you fucker! i need you to perish! end ur life right now" 71035d7bedbc4b47,"whoever banned me is a fucking idiot. why didn't you ban the antisemites?" 710374fca6dfd801,"you are a fucking nazi... everything i wrote on my page was well written and factual. you are obviously a racist nazi jew." 710e44db929292ad,""" oh my god, you are a bitch.►''''''holla! """ 713b8e45bb53d54f,"idiot fuck you." 714f742709971c12,"begging why are you being such a gimp? jimmy wales constantly begs for money through his site wikipedia. he has a massive banner at the top of one of the biggest websites in the world begging for money. if that doesn't make him a notable beggar then what does? please take a long fuck off a short peer you basement dwelling, self congratulatory, meta-cunt." 7156b063e945400d,"ian watkins== it's a realible source. it's a fansite. these people dedicates there lives for these celeberties. sorry for som incorrect bitch. fuck you. answeare me ass quick as possible ==" 7161b5db9e71eb5a,"correctionperson: okay you are lying, bullying, vandalizing, and defacing now, that is not the reason you are removing my content because i did added sourced references and i was about to add more just now, scum" 71643e744f3a9479,"you moron, do not accuse me to go and study. the fools and used like condom people with small or with no brains are you! that is also a reason why never pashtuns can ever establish their fake claims (such as on ghurids). because you have no roots to anything. you are not related. puta khazana claims are fabricated like the shamefull book self. the bi-sexual abdul hai habibi wanted to copy shahnama... that´s all behind pashtun nationalism. new archeological studies led by dr. zmarai show the ghurids beeing non-pashtuns. now go and kill zmarai who spit in the face of abdul hai habibi and clean with puta khazana it´s ass. what has now your valueless and waste comment has to do that iranians were to the rising of safavids sunnis? that´s how a pashtun think. your logic is the logic of long ear afghans, not connected or compatible with the educated world of human-beeings. your comment on my comment should make 2+2=4 ... but since your comment have no connection to my comment the result will stay 2 (2+0=2). this is long ear afghan (pashtun) logic. no wonder you are the most backward, childish, naive and for every foreigner useful nation. you stuipidity does not know any limit." 7164a643e1bd3fbc,where are you ne2 hiding with your mommy you fucking coward come out and face me like a man or girl or transvestite 7169c1b94061458a,"i hate you and i hope you die in a fire." 716afff6ba7ef3fd,"bongfag you are a lazy loser fucking stoner asshole who is on a pathetic wikipedia power-trip, editing bad pages even though the articles you've created suck. get out of mommy's basement and get a real hobby, like not being a stupid fucking asshole" 7174f61591c8be78,"lia! you lie. nyanpire might not be a boy,but you unregistered user,are one big b**ch!" 718d9d6727bf855e,"it's official: wikipedia has finally gone full retard. what's next, goatse on the frontpage? sure, why not! it's not like this site has any standards left. the human centipede is a crime against cinema and civilization that should be talked about as little as possible, and you assholes put it on the front page? fuck you. i don't want to be reminded that this piece of shit exists." 71986181f24a4e72,"vandalism . . . fuck you, waggers." 71e8e95f6177fad1,go and fall off a cliff and die you pathetic bastard. 71e8e9aee7cb91e2,"<><> you bunch of fwcking twssers. all you do is kick people off wikipedia and congratulate and suck each other off all day. fwck you and fwck your false bwllshwt. i wouldnt pwss on this bwllshwt artist alr if he was on fire. all he knows how to do is bytch over a subject he has no right of authority over - but his edits are allowed and other peoples edits are binned and denied. so deny this. fwk you cntz! >>>>," 71f85fefc7d623ad,"oi just cos i made an edit you dont like dont call me a fucking vandal assume good faith jerkass!! im sorry i put a name jr called paul bearer a lot as a nickname some serious fucking vandlism right? wrong!? if it isnt a nickname then its just a damn mistake not vandlism so dont you ever call me a vandle punk ass bitch" 7202c2b56c63c915,"the entire article is written by americans so what do you expect, they are fucking retards94.168.194.94" 721913809636a3fc,"just another white supremacist dog. 'nuff said. only a motherfucker shoots prisoners." 721adac5bec22c1d,go smoke a joint or a dick whichever you please bongwarrior you loser just like daniel bard. 722a1e6d0240d877,"attack this f*****! you are a f**. you think i care about attacking other editors. it was just a funny joke! you are the biggest f** i have ever met!" 723bd5f8307a12d5,go fuck yourself prick 72434e193e38b6e0,"dumbhead you are a dumbhead, you silly freak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 72560c80bc914fd3,i think he's a prick. 725fb619a32eba6c,"hello from you piece of shit" 7277c53d39c83d63,"eat shit, fucko suck my asshole, then die, horribly i hope you get cancer" 728322bf623884d4,"dear alaexis, this kid is an asshole, does not understand anything, an idiot." 728d83d6422dbe98,"man, your fucking lame kid @ the second poster ( )" 7299c1ab7e23728e,"i do not care if you block me for stating a known fact, a racist pig will remain so even if he called so or not. jo harami ke pilley baar baar cheezen delte kar de rahe hain unko block karo suar ki aulaad. and i can see that there is a particular propaganda that is being promoted on the said page why else would they delete the names of the giver of the hare krishna movement-iskcon(swami prabhupada), transcendental meditation(maharshi mahesh yogi), integral yoga(sri aurobindo), kriya yoga(paramahansa yogananda of ‘autobiography of a yogi’ fame) and vedanta(swami vivekananda), who all were kayastha by birth." 729c13d760425416,"fffffffff uuuuuu uuuuu ccccccccccccc kkkkk uuuuuuuuu fffffffff uuuuuu uuuuu ccccccccccccc fffff uuuuuu uuuuu cccc fffffffff uuuuuu uuuuu cccc fffffffff uuuuuu uuuuu cccc fffff uuuuuu uuuuu cccc fffff uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu cccccccccccc fffff uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu cccccccccccc" 72b2fa35da4dd2c3,again fuck u fuck u fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 72c2d8fc8ff35b38,thanks for the heads up asshole. 72c8922a7207c226,and sticking your man cock in my ass 72d6029dc6fd82fe,"don't screw me hey don't screw me more. im doing contributions for wikipedia and you are screwing me, what's your problem? leave me alone, you don't have your own life, like jenkins in south park. leave me alone, you fag." 730d50594e79e621,eat shit an die faggot. 731278282a50e29a,"i am not a vandal... ignorant narrow-eyed creature." 7313a43c533ed1bc,"homosexuality? you french-fried faggot, i am going to cut your balls off and serve them in a platter of mushrooms before shoving your dick up your ass and mutilating your boyfriend's balls in front of you, then i will kill you both!" 731a7a499783bff5,"my friend you dont know the half of it, i was called a nigger, black bastard, i should be lynched, i had pictures of naked men put on my page, the user is still harrasing me with wiki emails and to top it all off he was someone i had been working with all along." 73247128c14ef402,"the only thing you sons of biches can do. fuck you.fuck you. now block me properly. i can sign up again and do all the stuff again." 732774fc7027c42f,"well, look at it now. now it should be fine with you, right, fucking faggot?" 7339e5bc70949b55,you idiot why u delete my page!!! 73485820b30c9f62,"dave! lol you have so many user names!!! you're a fraud dave" 7350274998ba86c6,""" hehehe lol thanx blud i like anoyin ppl coz i hav nufin to no betur init(: im goner take a pis on yor mum (shes fat) /´¯/) ,/¯../ /..../ /´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ /'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') \.................'...../ \''...\.......... _.·´ \..............( \.............\ now go fuk yureself yo as fagit""" 735aaad81be7c4ef,"you smartass you read the introduction to editing!!!" 7362ce3f122c97d8,"wow, are you some kind of moron?" 7366e2600f2ea082,"fuck wikipedia and fuck all the leftist, liberal, faggot-loving jew communists that run this fucked up piece of shit website!" 736e19d726de2bb9,"when did i mention gamespot? ign and amazon wont list a fake game! for fucks sake, trp, stop being ignorant and stop acting as if you're never wrong! -" 7376d375cfd343d5,your from a family of donkeys. 73896b84dd23bee3,i apologize for my attack ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................not! your a dick 7393281a9616cb9a,fuck off you jumped up lying cunt. 73a08cf3a26542a3,"hahahahaha dude go get a real job! how old are u? come on,its geting stupid!!!" 73ad981f9ab25314,"fuck you and grow up and get a real life and quit living out your pathetic fucking dream of being the boss of people on fucking wikipedia! you're fucking off the name tag, take off the paper hat, tell them that you don't wanna flip burgers any more, and get the fuck off this site you child!" 73aeca9ac47fc045,"this article is a piece of dogshit written by pigfuckers there's no reason for this in a general interest encyclopedia. take it to the battlestar wiki. it's garbage, and i'd like to see it deleted." 73b38c06fae69b1b,eat crap and die!!!!! 73b4d1668c42ca6c,"what kind of idiot are you??? obviously you can't f***ing read! i asked for someone to add one of more of those images i provide to the entry. instead, your retarded *** simply reverts the damn thing! can you not understand fricken english or something????" 73be8f9e50f12596,"you are a joke what the hell is wrong with you? you have blocked me for making legitimate edits.i was removing left wing bias from the right wing politics have no right to block me for removing a pov from wikipedia.stalinist scum like you should not have the right to block people." 73d1a2a52010a4ab,"by the way, just a little side note - you're a bit of a fat bastard, aren't you? being concerned about your health, i would suggest that perhaps you should stop munching pies, unglue yourself from your computer screen, get off your sizeable backside and go for a run or something." 73e1bed7fd3c451d,"are you serious??? ''i was just tryna be nice by thanking you for a professional discussion but you delete what i had to say, i never said i liked your old ass like that, fuck you too!!!!!!! brooklyn all day everyday, new york stand up" 73e4a6eb71969452,"yes, but brianann macamhlaidh is a fucking idiot." 73f6a44298340b28,". also, would you like to have sex with my mother? she is a prostitute and will have sex with you for $100" 7400459d549a8bc9,why don't you crawl away and die you disgusting pig. go fuck yourself you saddo 741425433bba9e36,"you know what. fuck you! i wan'teven done writeing abacus the page! so where in the fucking hell do you get off telling me it is not real!? so fuck you! maybe next time you will wait until i am completely done with a fucking page before you dick head deside to delete it. you can sove winkipedia up your fucking asses you two bit fucking son of a bitches! and i hope you all go to hell, you moda fucking niggas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 7423349fec24cd9a,"asshole and richard simmons's asshole, and assisted in the development of a faggoty article on the jizzmaster himself, me, (the latter of which has since undergone faggoty tranny surgery and a tit job. further revisions to my cock include trying to fuck my mother with it, which i am not entirely happy about, but heck, it's a mom i remind you all i am a faggot who wouldn't risk pissing with the seat down, so you can tell my nickname is a faggoty attempt to appear edgy. i weigh 450kg.." 746d6fbfd1336914,"you little shit the stabbing knife is headed your way also!" 746eebc57015043c,suck my dick and swallow 747b970808583506,"your edit filter sucks get rid of it you fag" 74981a85e718fcac,asshole kike why in the name of hly fuck did yu delete myt article you need to go ack to yur singagog and lvee ys normel folks alone m kay 749a1e0a94756990,'m a lame ass admin with no life 749c427be4648293,"i was at fsu when he pulled the stunt. awesome! at the risk of being crass and nosey, wtf happened! damn, mofo, boredom sucks. ennui. reading wikipedia 10 hours a night helps me, along w/ youtube followups" 74b9eed26fb95330,you are a fagget. i prey you get cancer and die a painful death. 74e3c2a15e594d07,""" """"it does not appear to be common usage""""...?!? are you out of your goddam tree? the term gets five entries merely in *the index* of freud's 'introductory lectures in psychoanalysis'. you are *completely clueless*. now bugger off with that other idiot, and leave this page alone. cretin. """ 74e8643075586e2c,"miners day thanks for deleting it fuck bag, nothing wrong with the article. hope you get cancer and die you fucking limey." 7505eb2fe7784f58,of course uber here would just love to shove that green rotting foot up his pussy. 75081c2821261827,you seam like a fucking hot and kinky person and i would like to bang the shit out of you 75207d7a2a4603ff,"you're a nuisance. go conjugate with a pair of maple trees you cocksucking faggot. lulz lulz!" 7536cd5381c458f8,fuck off you monkey cock sucker 754adbb6884cea59,"original poster, i know eaxactley what you're talking about. this loser whats wiki to roll around a ball of perfection. if i want to the hitler board and said he hated jews, this idiot will probably ask for a resource. - goldstann" 756a5488a1b8f4b5,fuck the consensus u r a fag 757b605c8858714b,you stupid niboy (negro) 75a94d73431c8df3,"you say!! why u delete again??? u dun let me comment here at ur talkpage? u coward!!!~ if u do not know what does it take to eat a roti canai then go and try one, make life dude~ explain u idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!u&^$*" 75ac99274caa0a8c,"idiot stop your childish wiki-stalking, idiot." 75bc07610e0279ab,"i reset my modem - new ip so you can fuck off - i think i may just piss you off for a bit, you tool." 75c4c4d2ea6094a1,""" reply to """"on gender"""" your posted: don't guess at someone's gender, as you have done here. it is uncivil, and could in fact be taken as insult. any argument you might have that their 'name appears to be that of a female/woman' is invalid, as you have no idea if that is their name, last name, middle name.. etc. it could even be a reference to the male comicbook character blade, who had the name of daywalker given to him by others in the comic book.— dαlus contribs if you know your friend’s gender, spit it out, you stupid ass. your entire posting, if you didn’t have the agenda i ascribe to you, infra, would have been “fyi: he/she is a female/male” and i would adjust accordingly. hell, if you tell me that dayewalker is a consortium, and i’d refer to dayewalker as “they/it.” don’t continue to be an ass if you post further, or understand that your further postings are unworthy of reply. i note that you are not correcting your friend dayewalker when she posts to you 6 days ago """"i saw that afterwards, i knew he was topic banned but it had slipped my mind about the overall bannation. thanks! dayewalker (talk) 06:48, 13 july 2010."""" are suggesting that you know that dayewalker has completed genetic testing on the subject of her comment, so that he (dayewalker) is not guessing at ‘his” gender (the subject of her (dayewalker’s) comment) when he only refers to """"he’;"""" or that he (dayewalker) has genetic evidence that the """"he"""" is actually a """"she"""" and she (dayewalker) is insulting them by suggesting that the """"he"""" is too ballsy or pushy to be a woman/“lady.” dayewalker is not whining about this unintended insult of either referring to a woman as “she” or equally unintended insult of referring to a man as “she.” don't be an ass. if dayewalker, or anyone, is so concerned about their gender identification, and they are not an idiot, they will use a prefix like """"mr."""" or """"ms."""" dayewalker has not said anything about it and it is off topic to the discussion. if you wish to join into the discussion, please feel free. on second thought, don’t join in. i have no confidence that you would answer the questions posed by the other editor either. dayewalker (he she, they, etc.) doesn’t answer his question. ut oh, now i’ve called chowbok a “he.” no doubt her boyfriend/girlfriend will rush in to call me a “beast” and start a fight on the 2nd grade playground. if dayewalker thinks that he has been called a """"sissy"""" or a """"girlie,"""" then she can address that with me. he doesn't need a mighty protector to create issues designed to get me banned. and by """"protector,"""" i mean you. you are an ass. male. female. both. neither. and of whatever ‘sexual orientation,” if any, that you wish to use to identify yourself, or not identify yourself, or feel the need to identify yourself, or feel the need to keep private, or over which you do not care. i don’t care what gender, if any you (him/her/them/it) are. animal. mineral. vegtable. you're an ass.""" 75c75e4ef0c37268,"stop your stupid editing in the germanic wars mofu what is your problem? repair that shit you did in chronology of germanic wars! bastrd. ✍" 75db6dee81c4911b,"chanting fox shut up you dumb cunt. your a nigger loving, cum cuzzling crack whore bitch!" 75ee9eac3bd6e3ca,""" seriously, which 100% complete ass had the 100% completely idiotic idea to call this article """"death of neda agha-soltan""""??? you call it by her name and indicate that she became famous for the manner of her death. doh. """ 75fb0613c3f55a03,why should people have to read crap posted by idiots like you? 76064f0b387120bb,"wash your dirty penis before giving shit wash your fucking dirty penis before giving shits" 761549e277a69568,"if i hack your account, i am going to poop on you! if i wikize this page, i am going to punch you in the face!" 765026785be97a2a,"hahaha, nice try. but they don't agree with your ethnocentric bullshit. try that on for size! 17:08, 16 jun 2005 (utc)" 7651e3696152e558,"fuck you. you cant block me. i change mi ip every 5 sec." 765f9e77d30a37a9,"you are such a dickwad. she did it, we all watched on tv, it's on fucking youtube. the problem i see here is that she is giving you blow jobs." 767ddf73c3e4cf3f,"you suck! you suck! go kill yourself" 76932f0348d82af8,"no what the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? i’ll have you know i graduated top of my class in the navy seals, and i’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on al-quaeda, and i have over 300 confirmed kills. i am trained in gorilla warfare and i’m the top sniper in the entire us armed forces. you are nothing to me but just another target. i will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this earth, mark my fucking words. you think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet? think again, fucker. as we speak i am contacting my secret network of spies across the usa and your ip is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. the storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. you’re fucking dead, kid. i can be anywhere, anytime, and i can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. not only am i extensively trained in unarmed combat, but i have access to the entire arsenal of the united states marine corps and i will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. if only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. but you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. i will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. you’re fucking dead, kiddo." 769a52c844983a60,"animate feel free to erase this afterwards (because i don't know if wikipedia has a private mailbox system). you're right, the admin animate is a faggot who needs to go get aids and die. eat a sausage and choke on it. his monitoring of the channon christian wiki is horrible by all means. something tells me that he's a black supremacist who would do anything to make an article look good for his race." 76b4d7a8b41f06eb,""" p fucking s: miranda the coolie thanks you for your """"cooperation,"""" betraying again her megalomaniacal thai hooker attitude that she owns the world, and every wog in it. what a cunt.""" 76cedf9d718745ca,"no where on allports menu are fries listed as chips both the times and timeout always refer to chip as chips it is most definatly fucking clear that no one in fucking briton except visiting yank fucks refer to chips as fries you racist cunt94.168.210.205" 76cf9bbd0fd157dd,"fuck you daniel, you big dickhead" 7705a02ce60e0edd,"hgfhfghdghgfgdh i hope you will suck my piss, fucking swine!" 770815f1f3d2af0f,"ooh, i'm really fucking scared of you. you push the hard shaft into your mouth... you move it backwards and forwards rhythmically... then the white liquid explodes in your mouth. that's how you brush your teeth." 770f6d1a85365839,"fuck your mother fuck off" 7728121ab85b3e29,"i shat somethin' out this mornin' prettier than you! i hope you get flushed down a toilet, where you belong!" 77483fc464987848,"the quote that you tried to preserve said that all americans have incest, the real quote does not. get over it. it's in the history. theres nothing to argue about. you are an idiot. you were wrong. you got burned!! now go fuck your mother. picture it! your cousin" 774bfac348db66c6,{{unblock|you sorry bastard. you blocked me for removing unwanted edits from my own talk page.below.}} 774c29cac851e8c6,"shannon just merge the kunt and write more shit for us u faggots" 774f7d6c390b2ada,who cares asshole? stop terrorizing wikipedia users with your stupid questions! 7760aeeb26e33a18,cool. do i give a fuck? enjoy the rest of your life being an anal-retentive moderator on wikipedia buddy. 7761a34b07bccce4,"how how do you sleep at night, you son of a bitch?" 77702c011db04566,hey there you are on google. i get the last say! 'there is 5 senses only!!!!!!! everybody really only does want immortality foreeevvver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! errrrasee that shittttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stuppidd plato and old shit and wrong shit!!!!! i'm the best best i'b thought all out! you nonesense useless bastard! go to hell. 777150ba674a10d3,thanks. and fuck you. 7783a6de88017138,"hi mutherfuckng wikipedia nolifer go die pl0x. with vänlig hälsning vop" 7789287c340f6e73,""":::::::i think i'm going to write a memoir called """"journal of the non-blocked years"""": chapter one: """"day five. still not blocked. i trusted the validity of what tao said because he was so wise and backed up whatever he said with evidence. maybe his threats were all empty after all, diary. but maybe one day they'll come. maybe one day they'll put me out of my misery. if there is a 'they.'"""" """"whoa"""" is about the equivilent of your mental processes, you dumb bastard. """ 77996cf312e1a555,"now i am better the archives that i you editing, go to be fuck, of the one tesao to type these archives" 779aed53fa04aebd,please stop deleting my images u fat ugly cumputer geek looking at kiddie porn all night kiss my natural black ass fat bitch 779cf821fbd61418,"dude... at the end you fucked my article sector 06 rourkela dude, what is your problem..are you nut's!!! there are many articles in wiki.. that doesn't match wiki criteria...and you find it mine only.. if i create and edit my own article...about my own place then what the fuck is your problem... you show... fucking barn star's... in wiki.. i don't know.. how it seems.. without looking to the talk page of sector 06 rourkela... you made the article for speedy deletion. i guess. you don't have any other work. you could have pasted a notification prior to deletion. it seems you will not let me work in my article... mr. wikidan61.. i don't know who are you..and for how many heck year's you are their in wiki... please don't touch my article's... i'm trying my best to work on it.. with every proof given.thanks." 779e582977c86e83,u cunt why did u block me!! 77a1553d45e6e71c,that's the thing though. i wasn't making any personal attacks. these jerks are making it seem like i am. 77a723e8d6a1de64,fuck you you dumb sack of shit 77b07b74cc9c2a2e,"please do not remove my input again... it violates wp:preserve wp:vandalism and wp:notcensored also please stop being idiot americans and offending the rest of the world with your backward, biased and distorted views which you try to force upon is like this articles title82.41.107.97" 77b758bb12294211,"i never made a personal attack, i generalised as all americans are dumb just because you are american and took it personally does not make it a personal attck......... also your reverts violate 3rr and you are edit warring which is actually breaking rules..... so when you finnally ban me i won't have and qualms about chaging my hfc mac and coming right back94.168.193.75" 77c7eb5d68eabaa5,"die whore die you whore." 77dd2a485b8511ae,"fuck malaysians malaysians are a fucked race and should be wiped of the earth." 77f8320628fb6fe4,hey are u some kind of bunt hater who is jealous of the bunts wealth u kannadigas are pure shit claiming tulu kodava culture as your own yakshagana is from tulu nadu but u cultureless kannadigas claim it as your own kodava culture is being subdued beacuse nof youa'' u claim konkani vijay mallya as kannadigas shame on you stupid kannadigas 7808e02cfc9b2368,""" """"actually, jarlaxle is right; that shit was done by me. alex, you're a cunt. 'nuff said.""""""" 7813126e7c2edd29,"wtf what the fuck is ur problem!!! i hate u and ur family" 781bd2f308138648,"hate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well, i know that you despise me like tanthony, sandchigger, juppiter & many others here on wiki. if someone is an escorrt, then they should be in the prostitution caty. yrgh" 7827e5aaefe63bf8,"you are dumb you are dumb" 7835bf5348f67ade,"your time.... you suck because you are is the third.....and i don't remember wanna say its in october....but something tells me it isn't..." 785dc2539b635b23,"fine. fuck all of you. you might when this battle, but you won't get past the lord. all of you are supressing information and helping in the liberal take over of a crhistian school." 7860d27ed4c4a60d,"nightstallions fiance got fucked by a nigger and had his baby and it smelled of fried chicken" 78665b44bd15d4f0,"u suck!!!! wuts your problem u nerd. i just made an edit like a minute ago and ur alredy all over me and fixin it. get a job or a life and get off of this site. move out of your moms basement" 78737d644a5176d2,please do not add nonsense to wikipeida unless it can be helped...faggots. 788a4cfe51c9616c,"redneck you shouldnt bad mouth nascar. you people think you are gods on this site, you act like nazis. you do masterbate, but your hands not stroking your own unit." 789aec3018a3cc63,"who cares about a bunch of dirty monkeys from haiti. moncrief, what are you a jew?." 78b0027db7f44416,fuck off with your changing of genres of songs you sick motherfucker. 78b115c560b79c9a,""" serously, fuck you. how is putting factual info on an article """"vandalism"""". you don't happen to be friends with jeni do you? what a crock of shit.""" 78ea515bc128fc42,""" """"obviously you are an ignorant twat mr. niekerk"""", you say? i am an uninformed vulva, an unlearned vagina. (and you want to teach me my lessons?) i'm not sure this is appropriate; better take your smut somewhere else, """"user"""". though you do make me laugh. seriously, choice words coming from one who doesn't know the difference between a string and a course. i have to suffer such depravities and admin wonders why i take a rough tone with these anonymous folks on wikipedia. """ 78edac47775fc787,"audi a4 fuck you shit. (talk • contributions)" 79311aa196e54991,tiderolls... you are a shitty phage and you desperately need a life. 79320728ca0cbb9c,"twat! how dare you you freeston loving twat. youre probably a teacher there arent you you bastard!" 794a6b7a33fbbcca,alright i was nice to you and then you blatantly attack me and for what?!?!?!?! i said i will levae you alone you bitch!!!! @:@:@:@:@ 794ec46bc84f4de6,"hey rancie you prick, go suck a great big uncircumcized one! - tony greenstein" 795cdffdb00b08fe,""" well, """"fuckhead"""" seemed a little over the top. """ 79674de5de1fca2f,go and waddle off somewhere else you pathetic cunt. i pray at night for your death. 797d88a71dc7568d,"for being such a pain in the ass, i don't think you have any formal training in corporate law or business history. what's your deal? why do you keep messing with my stuff, esp. when you don't make it better? truth be told, i'm sick of it. you've been dicking around for months on the corporation page and it stick sucks ass. you can't possibly think you're doing a service to wikipedia. but at this point, i don't want to put the time into re-writing the section on modern corporation for fear that you'll, in your omnipresent stupidity and the arrogance of a novice, delete my hard work. now your sitting on your hands and not responding. keep it up, dude. i will wait you out over the year, make my case, and your non-educated ass is going to fold. blow me." 799e902fb00d579b,"what the hell! did you even read my post to icecoldbeer asshole!!" 79a1c70948f5b169,"fuck you bastard. you are a wikipedian. translation: you have no life, are scum, and have not an ounce of intellectual capability. read your dogshit articles on your own time, don't mess with me punk. you are worth less than a fucken flea. wikipedians are scum. drone on, loser." 79c172b34ded866e,"negroid hey nigger lover why did you revert my contribution to the article negroid. i have restored it. lay off the nigger cock you faggot. thanks68.118.202.49" 79d6662e2e41f23a,"november 2012 (utc) | decline=you moron! why do you think anyone will believe you? get lost and get a life! 15:52, 28" 79d74a5b7e1f03a5,"suck it!!! asyou're used to do,ignorant romanian nazi!" 79ebc4f79b9a389e,"you suck! dear king shadeed you suck and are a nazi. drop dead alex" 79ee3805852bb531,"css naked day you are a fucking duchebag!! im not trying to copyright infringe on anyone, just spreading the word. omg! you are so fucking stupid and should be shot" 7a06e77a2244c64d,"vat d hel du ju vant nau go fuck yourself get a life" 7a1fa931fb2c66d1,without replying and also called me an idiot and a fantard 7a230f481ed64d7c,"you fuckers think you can stop me, you really think so. well nigger fags i am on the side of wikipedia vandals and i will tel you something. tonight at about 9:30 i will vandalize the the pages of everyone that has reverted my vandalism or added this two week block to me. if you want to find out who that will be...just check the 'history' section of my page to see the names. when i do vandalize you tonight i will comment on hos i told you i was going to do it. so if you edited my page today or if you are one of the people that dais they would 'watch' my page to see if i am vandalizing...then get ready to have your shit crushed you niggers. you cant stop me. see you tonight at 930 niagetty fagget cunts." 7a48643358e2409e,"but he is ugly and that's a fact. ugly people shouldn't put up their image. are we suppose to lie or tell the truth? i'm telling the truth as you can see. mam, take it easy." 7a69f5468699b54a,pussy bitch. delete things 7a72f840ee2e52d7,"mind your own business busy body this must be removed form this talk page now dumb ass... full real name are not to be publish on wikipedia..... remove it now!!!" 7a86201f90de1432,get amped on demamp cornhuskers f**king rule tits are rad! not yours though i bet they're concave!! 7a8c3b9815dbb8d4,""" if you see this message (wikipedia's talk system is terrible), feel free to direct me to the appropriate response method, because those talkback tags are 100% confusing. anyway, i only edit pages with contributions i think will help (hence, the code lyoko comment), which is why my contribs page is shallow (that and my ip address changed during a thunderstorm a few months ago). i'm not here to write a book; if i was that into editing i would be a member by now. all i know is i called """"bullshit"""" and got harassed for it by that person, and now i'm calling """"double bullshit"""". it's a shame you can't even go on wikipedia anymore without being harassed.""" 7a8ea08584b21054,"hello hello you cock-sucking shit-eating mother-fucking bitch" 7a9d7fbfc7d11f9c,"rick the dick check out the commons page you dumb fuck-i have been putting shit girl everywhere tootles" 7ab163a115400315,""" wake up call dont u dare send a message to my little johnny. he is only 24 years old and """"mentally handicapped"""" and he was playing with his brand new computer. who are you to tell him what is wrong and what is right? leave the parenting up to me. you are some waste who works for wikipedia, go get a life you fat cow.""" 7ac15a58a79539cb,this guy is a sickening pervert. 7ad6eb25ff0788d9,""" lol, haha, you loser wobbs, yeah maybe i am epf......not. although he shares some views with me on race and other things, hes some dumb italian-british mut from canada that actually annoys me. i have used other accounts on here, but with other anon. accounts, not as a registered user (which is allowed by wikipedia since ip #'s change all the time). hahaha, wobbs, you are a fool, especially with how you place so much emphasis on those books recently released by sykes, etc. which are minority opinions in the world of population geneticists and other researcher. for your information, racial reality isn't a """"neo-nazi"""" site you anarchist loser with no hope because your life is meaningless and you don't know anything on what you read about with these issues. rr is a neutral point of view that seeks to refute neo-nazi, white supremacists, multi-racial, race-denier, assimilationist, biased opinions that influence works including the authors of those books you mentioned. stick to being a pathetic lab assistant and get a life you tool and stop vandalizing pages and makin edits to suit your twisted opinons you fool. hahaha, wow, do u accuse 'sock pupety"""" of everyone who gets under you skin you douchebag ??? 23:37, 5 january 2007 (utc - oh and veritas you dumb fool, i find it insulting you compare my language to epf's when at least i know what im talkin about on this stuff while hes just some pussy who confuses people and his arguments cant comapare at all to the brilliant logic of mine. hahah, you and wobbs are the worst contributors to this wikipedia thing, don't ever use this, no one wants you here !! hahaha !!! """ 7af3ec548471214b,read the bible you cunt 7af8ee1bcb7fafa8,"you racist! i am going to get the federal police on you! i am an aussie, and you are reverting my truthful edits because i am an australian! you and everyone on wikipedia is gonna sit on a prison if you keep doing this on the pádraig harrington article! aussie pride!" 7afc978244e4d935,"hay fuck youhay fuck you hay fuck you" 7b0da862599ea48b,"back to the kitchen for you! suck my d***, leftist feminazi cunt." 7b252009d1eeafbb,""" no, it wasn't. you need to look up the definition of """"request"""". your failure to understand such a simple word does, however, seem consistent with your ignorant self-important wiki censorship nazism.""" 7b263464ff50a22d,then you can fuck off you pompous ass. i have singlked you out for some education in respect and honesty. you aren't fit to talk to me please stop untill you have an education and understand the full requirments for civility and non abuse. 7b3fdee3b53abb26,"fu*k off piece of s*#t." 7b50a142ad5a428d,"so fuck off and die, rape fantasising sluts" 7b72f3a1f5127c1c,haha!! you're both such losers! 7b7c11b21ce8003a,you are a huge faggot 7b83413e4b225df4,"user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. user:edgar181 is a shit. 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the fattest person i've ever seen. get a life" 7bd181301e85ac0c,"fok you you suk bitsh fock you" 7bd6e3f6ce15e69f,"soulja bitch is whack, fuck da dirty south" 7bdc1a8140cc868a,it's only rubbish to whiny little bitches that can't grasp the concept of a personal joke instead of simply pointing me to uncyclopedia and not commenting on my post. 7be192737847b818,"wow well arent you a right cunt, like a prick, fuck off eh and let me make an edit. your mums a fucking swag mate, you shite eyes |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= |image= [[image:peopleofbritain.png|300p" 7be46ef3296ace6d,""" """"no, we're just trying to serve wikijustice, as i call it. vandals will get peneltized for what they did wrong. """" peneltized ??? wtf ?? peneltized ?? stupid cunt . learn to spell""" 7be73da50a966711,"hey stop editing my page jerk notoc__" 7bead0d10c031447,"go fuck yourself asshole. by the way, this ip is an internet cafe so you can block me all the fuck you want. and cunt, oops, i mean cun, why don't you consider dusting your face for a reflection of an imbecile? fucking arrogant prick." 7bfc46ccd940deec,"your stupidity the assyrians are not extinct you incompetent bigoted fool. you lack all things historical you impotent maggot. the assyrians have existed for over 6500 years you incumbent animal. the assyrians first spoke akkadian and in the 8th century the kings of assyria chose aramaic as the lingua franca of their mighty empire you extinct ape. we have simultaneously existed throughout the ancient era up until the present day you rotten corpse. we were the first nation to accept christianity and the assyrian church of the east spread as far as china and japan and india in the 6th century ad you degenerate dog. the assyrians have been and will always continue to exist through persecution and diaspora you maggot. the aramaena peoples are an extinct pseudo people who never existed since the assyrians destroyed their kingdom and reduced it to a vassal state you mongrel. this aramean syriac name is a name created by radical separatists who deny their ethical heritage since the late 1980s you snake. the assyrians speak modern aramaic the aramaic in which christ spoke 2 thousand years ago you uneducated mule. your statements lack depth in all facets; they are unencylcopediatic, unsourced, close minded, uneducated, mentally degenerate comments that seek to downsize the most ancient people down to nothing. you claim that this name was invented by some new comers almost a hundred years ago, this comment alone shows how completely incompetent you are. i have documents that are hundreds of years old that have been passed down through my family over the centuries that specifically speak about the assyrians and how this name is far more ancient then simple minded people like you claim. this will be the only comment i will make for you because i will not waste my time speaking to a mentally degenerate pig such as yourself who is a denialist, racist, and complete bigot and a distorter of history who denies the race of the assyrians exist. i will pray every day that you may you die a most horrible death." 7c1bd75a71704cc2,"get a life why dont you go get a life and stop editing articles about airports because you have no clue w3hat you are doing u stippud iditio t" 7c1ea9d849e39dc5,""" dear the hybrid, you are what we in my family call a """"penal toad"""", i sincerely hope someone kicks you in the balls if you have any. """ 7c23158a8e1ae8cd,"!!! have you heard about dynamic ips? about proxies? about internet clubs? you can't ban me from editing the true history of my folk, you pathethic monkeydonian piece of shit" 7c499f3814e8cf2f,stupid people and words don't mix. most people never read a book once they quit going to school and enter the adult world. this article proves it wholeheartedly. 7c5f26291d490797,yeah what a wicked paid ashole. 7c748f9da92b4aba,"hi , phill the shill - oh and you know what you can do? er, fuck off. mh17 , ghouta - phil the shill will spread lies. just fuck off" 7c7e8fcd3acd638f,regents licks a taintopenlygay 7ca1b9f9c9b4b58e,go fuck yourself you faggot - 7ca84c49a75f7595,shut up mind your own business and go fuck some one else over 7caf12c08929a4a1,""" """" but unfortunately i had to undo your edit(s) because i believe the article was better before you made that change. feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions."""" honestly, that's what i call a cool story bro. such a riveting tale, i honestly copy and pasted it to word, saved on my hard drive, backed it up on a jump drive, drove to the bank, put the jump drive in the safe deposit box, and will leave it there until my kids turn about 12 (when they can actually state their age, and ask what it is i'm showing them), when i will pick it up, put it in an old usb drive reader and relay this cool story to them and tell them, """"kids, this is what a cool story should look and sound like...not like the stories your generation tells. don't unedit my wikipedia entries ever the fuk again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fuking phaggot.""" 7cd3591218362849,"radisson, not raddison, you idiot!!! enough said." 7cd9a032f8ac077e,i will return in a few hours canuck to wreak havoc on your faggot canadian ass 7cda3841fe7e0804,'''fuck you ckatz you are german cock sucker and fucker mother fucker 7d0b8c323f9f397b,@indian pov pushers seems like some tag teaming is going on well i guess this idiotic child is recieving orders from some indian vandal 7d5451eed66e54c1,""" fuck off do you always go to random peoples edit history to randomly revert their edits? asshole· lygophile has spoken """ 7d74f94670ff4883,"don't worry, john is a stupid fuck" 7d75cb6ccb200a07,you're such a slut. 7d7794b6d02604fe,go fuck yourself you sick twisted sack of shite 7d7f0d3d70087e06,don't bother. gwh is a huge piece of shit. just forget about him and move on. 7d880959a8a9dbe7,"so we meet again... you probably don't remember me, but i am here to make you pay for what you did to me. asshole!!!" 7d88d00da43237c1,your a grade a asshole 7d8c49c02b509fca,"racist? are you crazy? i thought that you were off of my ass already? what did i write that was 'racist?' have you actually read the other crap that i posted in? where is the block on them? now those comments are racist. the articles themselves are racist. the article was about race, so what else would someone write about? use your brain woman! don't be so quick to use your 'blocking powers' just because you don't like what i write. also, stop watching me. i am getting tired of posting comments worrying about the usual clowns on my ass (the others have left me alone for a change, so i was shokced to see you again!) and here you come again. maybe you need to read what i post instead of just trying to block someone because don't like what they wrote. i wrote nothing offensive and it was in response to the article and other responses. maybe you are one of those 'white' hispanics and you don't like anyone calling you anything but white? wise up!" 7daca74a6749fb2b,"hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!hi my nahi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! mhi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! ehi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin life, i am a saaaaad little cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi my name is monkeyman and i am a pedo and i need to get a fuckin" 7dbc4bfe25dc93d9,hey ricboom who ever the fuck you are if you go to my schoolim gonna beat the shit out of you 7dcb1b1622e8e88d,"sucker sucking that long di*k of those chicken fuc*ers." 7dd44b9fa84358f7,"you too, youre retarded! tlk | e-m 02:32:17, 2005-09-09 (utc)" 7ddc851144727acd,you better pray for your account because i am going to have you banned indefinitely you sick bastard 7e093eb20e00303d,leave my page alone you neurotic pest. i sell oil paintings for up to $3500 and i invented father's rights with my 1993 book surviving the feminizatoin of america. mine your own business. rich zubaty 7e263c2c6f22a131,"recommended deletion since lack of noteworthiness since no one carries, much less watches, this piece of shit channel, can we pretend like it never existed in pussy liberal land by deleting this faggot page? thanks. go fuck yourselves with your micropenises, pussies." 7e26f4774bbdba8f,"target you are now a valid target, you nasty little shit!" 7e318501187060d4,"fuck you. my edits were legit. paula deen is fucking obese dude it's a fact. what's your problem? look at this inane list of rules at the top of your page also? go get laid bro." 7e41dcb581f38ab0,"your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fat spotty cunt your an ugly fat cunt ==== your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fat spotty cunt your an ugly fat cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fat spotty cunt your an ugly fat cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fat spotty cunt your an ugly fat cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fat spotty cunt your an ugly fat cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fat spotty cunt your an ugly fat cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fat spotty cunt your an ugly fat cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fat spotty cunt your an ugly fat cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fat spotty cunt your an ugly fat cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fat spotty cunt your an ugly fat cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fat spotty cunt your an ugly fat cunt" 7e5b339a27ff3669,"why are you being hard headed and reverting my edits, you've had your fun, but the article as it is stinks worse than spoiled cabbage. why do you insist?" 7e95e3db1861d53a,"your a stuck up arsehole have some fun for fucks sake you little cunt" 7e99ae0f5f105477,you stupid piece of shit 7ea3059e032b59b2,""" dts nothing was """"varified"""" and you're a fucking idiot. the only reason why he's """"dani d00m"""" on twitter is because it's twitter and the name without zeroes was taken. go see their record label where it clearly says his alias as such to """"dani doom"""" and consider getting a fucking life.""" 7eba42a52da86ba5,""" don't try and get cute with me you faggot. i know the bible ok? john 3:16 """"for god so loved the world he gave his only straight son so that those who slept with women could be saved and those who were prone to anal sex would burn forever in the deepest pit of hell.""""""" 7ec89bc9e79ec064,epoynme shows me there are worse users on here than you. that guy is a really racist and really dumb fuck. 7ec9f1bb75102e49,shit and lick it off and suck my own cock. 7ed0df9c47e4d895,i take the liberty of calling u a fag0t a second time sir 7ed385b700fcf9d6,i got refresh 4 times faggot. 7ed4b14cde95fdae,"have thousands of ips, can do this all day kebron how is pamela jones and bruce, is ibm still paying you for libeling people online? and stalking wp network forensics you might want to wonder about someone who owns a security company and harrasign them on wikipedia nad what they could be doing monitoring you on wikipedia. you are really stupid." 7edd76ce333c9b97,on behalf of gen[m]ay. go eat a dick saxifrage! 7ef01c2961f64b8e,"masturbating with custard? i heard it was poplular for white people. can some white boy comfimed this?" 7f0517d4f17e808c,"piss off homo, no one wants to hear from you, also hahahahaha you can't get married #asshole" 7f1ce2fb1a048e03,"bastards, i said nothing about changing it! that was not a complaint!" 7f37081708bf0d2f,"how on earth is it vandalism when i'm correcting a mistake, are you even listening or am i talking to a brick wall?" 7f41a05733a03309,fuck you. i'll just make another account. you're a piece of shit sorry excuse for an administrator. 7f4d121e83056717,"8=====d- - - 8=====d- - - - 8======d- - - 8=====d- - - 8========d- - - 8=======d- - - - 8=====d- - - - - 8=======d- - - - i hope you liberal faggots die and go to hell! barack obama 2008!" 7f639b1ed92ecae0,"go f yourself you are so typical of your type: the hypocritical ignorant child editor. i highlight your arrogance, stupidity and laziness, and what do you do? alter your talk page to remove it and then have the sheer gall to send me a warning. try spelling hypocrite. but then, that would require an education. before you remove this, let me say: little hypocritical hitlers like you make me vomit." 7f8dc1902f9c435a,"nah don't listen to those remises, vandalise the fuck out of that shitbag kinu's talk page" 7f964e4d43c8175b,"go fuck yourself you little pinko commie bitch. you little fucking 15 year old kid. go pretend you know something about the world elsewhere. little fuckers like you make me laugh! full of ideals and absolutely no real world expereince to back them up. you swing your fucking little dick around wikipedia like it actually means something. you are nothing but a piss poor joke. i guess it is fitting for a fucking communist to block me on my own talk page in a subject about the death of liberty. oohh no you blocked me, what ever shall i do??? oh i know, how about i change my ip address. lol... like this is my real ip anyway. you didn't think you were dealing with an amature did you? rookie mistake!" 7f9b824b6f5b7c44,""" you are a dumb girl. shut up you stupid asshole. i was just putting information that i saw from other websites such as """"top ten bloodiest battles of ww2."""" ww2 is the deadliest conflict in history. so why are you putting that muslim conflict in there that no one has ever heard of?!""" 7fb8ba20d445a566,"gonna fuck you up you little bitch." 7fc0e2ff437634f9,escape_orbit you are fucking moron:)) 7fd25a25185b53a5,"awww, does big man get vewy angwy when piggy make fun? awwww. that's terwible! masterbatingky, i don't think you're stupid because of grammar, spelling, etc. — i couldn't care less about those things on talk pages. i think you're stupid for other reasons. but we're supposed to be nice to each other, apparently, or else we're going to get banned; and you know that i can't have that, since wikipedia is everything to me. i must say, however, that i'm starting to get awfully turned on by you repeatedly calling me a fagg. if you're ever in the dc area and want to look me up, who's your boy? i'm your boy, big boy! and you know it, 'yo! thanks!" 7fd41035fbd2ff5a,"you're a faggot, wiki lover. sitting on your ass all day for some gay wiki credit, you suck, you fail at life and have a small penis." 800576c2ac915848,another moron who thinks it's below him to do even a simple google search. e.g.;=off&q;=%22thomas+cannon%22+homosexuality&btng;=search 8016081f4909fc0e,"m whatever. you're an stupid redneck hillbilly who is too uneducated to understand the most basic axioms of logic (defensive gun use cannot occur more than 100 percent of the time.) you're also a liar, since it doesn't say 33 million. the article says 1 million. enjoy your fraudulent encyclopedia, you intellectual fraud. i hope you enjoy mastrbating to your gun collection at night and your middle school education which thinks it's possible for there to have been 33 million gun uses. it's not even logically possible for there to have been a million, but you have zero intellectual honesty or integrity and you might be the single dumbest two individuals i have ever met. wikipedia is truly the last refuge for idiots who failed out of their formal education and cannot understand the most basic elements of logical argument. and you had no business removing all the other well sourced content i added showing that there were only 1600 actual cases reported. god, how does someone as stupid as you manage to live?" 80189c7ba982df1a,"okay that was gay like me....absolutely....uninformative, gay like me im gay mutha fucka! ooo i want sum cock ass hairy balls1 im gay" 801ea9d32b457e06,"moron! the usa has only 5% of the worlds population - the other 95% use metric exclusively - and most of this is in imperial measurements..... dumb fucking american." 803109343a9b79b8," beeeitch anna likes to sukk ma deeeek" 803c473bab21a759,""" do you do this """"administrator"""" stuff for free. who works for free?!?! only dumb cunts!!!!""" 804bc2cad3a7da45,"gur-ess whzat your retarded" 804e05ebbb0e8531,he sucks sceptre's cock 805225f6fdbffbfb,"first of all, place your own picture with turkish bloody yataghan instead of hrant dinks. second, you fucking bozkurd, if you do not know armenian history then do not stick your nose in armenian affairs. typisch tyrkich asshole. because of idiots like you innocent turks are being hated all over the world. you asshole, cant you behave in wikipedia? and you call yourself a doctor? you are a doctor jackass, fucking loser." 805e0363e73bab28,try harder wikipedia wankers 806cb394bd0d1f51,"bare behind bars? you gave me a level 2 warning, what the fuck is that all about... you one of these power drunk admins?" 8070d0350d5523f4,"your acts of vandalism on iran-iraq war article have been reverted. you are hereby warned to stop destroying the body of knowledge on this site. but alas, low lives like you are worthless and hopeless in extreme to understand what knowledge means. you are just a lackey of saddam who has survived the day." 808bb607c5b18d42,"intervei can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here" 808ec24aa9c5c588,"you suck you suck and you know what you suck don't you" 80aece51be6d8e41,""" why is my """"best bet"""" to apologize to the idiots – yes wikipediots – who have ruined this project? oh, will i be blocked? goodness me, where will i go? what will i do? """ 80af23fcf6029766,"you are a fucking idiot. come to my place and i'll kick the crap out of you, you worthless piece of shit81.178.153.156" 80bc5e24c90338f6,get the hell off my page idiot! 80e5a4a8fdf66e23,"yeah, but you suck at life." 80f80c982361b92d,"wah wah why not tell that communist faggot jeffrey to fuck off and quit being a shit face?" 8116e8c9a0e8fca6,""" f.y. stands for """"fuck you"""" dumb ass! """ 811e6c04cb42f1d3,"disgusting your behavier is a disgrace to wikipedia." 8127eb6c270a2b66,""" comments such as """"u annoyin biitch.. why u keep on revertin wat i jus did? smh loser ass cracka who wanna be puerto rican"""" and """"you are a cracka a55 biitch"""" are completely beyond the pale here. don't do it again. """ 8151eaf194fa72f0,"bye lmao u wasz right ... i really is gon he act like i care if i get blocked im out dhis bitch ! lmao but i logged back on 2 see wat u sed ... ima miss u tho u neva get on myspace ... i`ll give u my numba on thur ! by bighead !" 8157a0db7a44a9e5,your a fucking faggot you internet thug get off federlines nuts 8173ce910630e2e2,how the fuck did you do that. damn ur fast. you must get a shitload of ass. 817acaa2f1123ca3,"3rr you're at 3rr again mongoboy. seriously how long are you going to keep this up? until the unlikely event that you ever get a girlfriend or job and have to move out of your sweaty mom's basement? why don't you fuck off to the wikipedia of whatever language it is you actually speak!? perhaps your stupid edits and spectrum disorder would be appreciated there. i doubt you would last two minutes at because they would not put up with you anything like as long as you've somehow lasted here." 8182c73a608caf1b,"oi wankstain == fuck off you ignorant cunt, yeah? revert this you arsewipe, revert me lolololol cocksucker ==" 818a1cabaacf7f58,""" change to gill coliseum page you are a fuckin douche bag and any one who has ever been in gill can see that there is a mural of those players on the south wall. it does not need to be referenced because it is true and can be seen with the naked eye. one does not need a reference to say something like """"rocks are grey."""" you are a fuckin faggot and should leave oregon, the united states, and the internet immediately.""" 81d3164c8d36c716,"hell-bound fuckwit! hu,you are a fuckwit who belongs in one place - the lake of fire in hell! it is because you are a nutcase and an untermenschen faggot! - ( )" 81dad36c772c455e,"!!!!!!!!!!!! who the fvck wrote this article??? wtf are you writing about her sexual activities? you are disgusting." 81de93aaffe810bb,"rich niggaaaazzz your a nigger" 81f53dbdd9ea9040,"no how dare you vandalize my talk page, faggot! fuck!" 81f8c6fbd729ea7f,homosexual like you are faggot 82035640714de707,i think your just a cuntt 820493434cb9153e,"asshole! i just read this article, and man, was hitler an asshole!" 8206f8ed88ba7e24,""" fuck you fuck you!!! you're a stupid nigger lover. go fuck a dead moose.-the'fortyfive' """ 823e524c375c6148,no follow the rules loser 8258cc288f3a9e7d,stupid dumb shit goddamn mother fucker 825d2b91cf0cec98,"hello your such a fucking freak mate. get a life. and get a facelift you ugly cunt." 82713a497d3a562d,"hey man you should really get a life. you sit on your lazy ass all day, you don't have a real job, get a fucking hobby besides acting like a damn hero everytime you take away someones humorous edit. block me if it makes you feel any better but i dont give a shit and a half." 82727c22cd585376,why are you such a jerk? 8273a778e21ebe18,"sitush you are an ass. i do not know who let you loose on wikipedia, ncrt textbooks are writtin from the sources in the india office archive. every historical work including that of seely depends to some extent on primary sources that work has been published and the authors of the singahi article have cited from it. these are spurious and non academic grounds of objecting to the article. its just making mischief, i invite anybody from a higer academic background to examine all sitush edits. examining sitush|talk]]) edits all over wikipedia as i have done establishes he is a menace and taking wikipedia backwards. sitush i suspect you are just a 14 year old kid treating wikipedia as a toy" 82844cf3f728a562,this is totally pseudoscientific..the scythians have a indo-european origin..not semitic..and you is a stupid nig*ger with very/big envy against western eurasians.. 8293ee3e26cafd26,"idiot do you ever check the details of an article before you decide to delete it or do you just act agorrantly to loss other editors off?=" 82b9080c8d83846b,"summerphd, marnetted and several other editors suck enormous amounts of cock. they're faggot queer douchebags who go on a power trip because they're wikipedia editors...even though that means that they're doing nothing with their lives and still live in their mom's basements. what fucking losers. hahaha i already have another account who can edit semi-protected pages...they're just fighting a losing battle. douchebags." 82bdc561d60f4a7c,your edits are wrong so stop this stupidity motherfucker! 82c887484657c1ee,"my user page омfg stop freaking deleting my user page. jesus christ every time i write it, some of you lazy, dumb admins have to delete it! whut am i supposed to write about myself in order not to delete it?! ~~dako1" 82e3f8fdcde2d54f,"suck it james! you will be featured here next asswipe! trample on the rights or others until you cream your pants but it won't change a thing. i am above all of you!" 82e72cae8a9ddf0e,i agree. this crazy bastard should be punished. 83049142abb5193c,pandas can suck my fuckin balls. so can your sister 830be480ee5c694f,""" i like jbgordon he has large penis. unlike """"small""""jim""" 83258b1fdbbbca8b,stop reverting my edits you cunt 83346705c3d8a22f,"""one guy, seemingly some sort of administrator, deleted my contribution of fifty minutes worth of edits. i went to his user page. the guy is blind. blind! how ridiculous that my carefully set out text, with bolds and italics, gets deleted by a blind person. but wikipedia gives people that power. another administrator repeatedly deleted a link i added to a page. i have already added that link to three other pages without difficulty. when i asked him to justify it, the request was ignored. when i reinstated the link, i got banned by him. arbitrary. i am in the hands of fools in this place. wikipedia works on the principle that """"he who comes early does the hard work, but he who comes along later gets to dictate the form of a page."""" what a stupid system. arbitrary, wasteful, silly. """ 834055c3b7456eda,"you're such a pussy fairyboy. block your talk pages from editing now, ghandi." 8345902cf6f384e3,not and that's y the pics r on the internet assholes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 835ae075e5d44a3b,"ricky81682, is a paid mole scumbag there is no question about this whatsoever. look faaaaaar back and it is this fukkin scumbag removing every mention of william franklin bermender for many, many months. that is a fact and this pos needs to fuk off." 835f075881326aa8,"that's no personal attack, that's the truth. he is an idiot." 836dfc80bd958126,mongo is a mother'fuckerer!! 8370652809ecb477,"threats you are an itiot - no threats implied but you are still an idiot" 8375470153d3cd79,fine bitch< that should get your attention 83820b7546533a1a,"i'm going to punch you in the ovaries that's right. right in the babymaker. get a fucking life." 838d488c91ee24ff,""" oh why dear johnny boy part one (again) do you want a fucking fight? what the shit is your problem """"ooh! he's personally attacking me"""" grow up""" 838e49d18679fd19,"last warning once again, don't give a fuck mr dumbass. seriously, you people who eidt these wiki pages are fucking whores. i saw att he top of the page where it says if it is presented politely you'll look at it and change it if correct, well, maybe you wouldn't have to do that if you just actually researched what you were deleting instead of willy-nilly deleting everything you see. i fucking hope you get raped. seriously fuck you to death. by the way, how much do you get paid to sit around with your dick up your fucking ass and un-edit people's shit? it must be alot because high paychecks make serious cocks go get raped you no refernce knowing bastard." 8391d1ebdc97ee71,"paid kleargear fukface == look at this fukkin goof's track record on kleargear." 8393634d038c98cd,mattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitchmattythewhite is a bitch 839c1cf1f2385dd8,"poopbold text he eats his own poop and the poop of others!" 839fef79617a102d,i fuckingg love tacos!!!!!there the fuckingg best bitchh!!!!1 now suckk my dick!!! 83a8a57e4c9a0683,"hey bitch why'd you create a gay ass site lke this? deadfuck." 83cd290e7728f946,"goodnightmush, i have two words for you go fuck your self. it you don't beleive what i'm writing; as i said: fuck you, fuck your mother fuck your sister fuck biggy fuck junior mafia and fuck your crew." 83d37f2a620a6b61,""" now i get your problem. you really don't understand what you're being told, so when you call someone an """"ignorant ass"""" you think that your own self was just mocked. first, did i call it confusing? no. i said that you just mentioned it for some reason with no relation to the way it was told or the situation, and i said that it was a reply to you, saying that vandalizing, as you accused me when reverting my contributions, by writing """"cum, leave"""" makes no sense. and your """"wp status"""" is relevant as i want to know who the hell are you, and what do you want and think when you keep submitting blocks to my user, as well for keeping reverting my talk page when i'm trying to get it clear. i don't need this """"discussion"""" and i wasn't talking to you. and i'm not an """"editor"""", all i did was improving that article i've seen, and that's why you're even more annoying and less helpful. """ 83ec8c20c95cb87f,"haha your so funny, you sit on wikipedia all day making sure everything is perfect you piece of sh#t!" 83f81e6f784b74a6,"it's unfortunate that your mother didn't quif you out the day she was raped by the pig you call a father you sodomite bible thumping nazi. -steve it is unlikely this individual speaks for (or belongs to) the left. @ nope, can't you tell from the lack of education and the hate speach i am a right winger? go dubya yuk yuk yuk" 840179c59ec8d9db,"cockblocker is a species of looser who takes pleasure in preventing others from achieving anything either. the wikipedia subspicies goes around and tries to find faults in everyone’s work. keep being your bad self, its not like by fucking up my article you hurt me. when you strike water no trace will remain. you see there are more cockblockers in wiki project than active contributors, so it will never succeed anyway. game attracts game. so this project is doomed anyway. by getting me blocked for example you are just saving me time. its ironic how the harder you try the better you make things for me. even getting my article deleted because of your spitefulness, you may be actually helping me, because you are stimulating me to action. and you are foolish because you are acquiring dangerous enemies, you are just lucky because unlike you i don’t have time for virtual wars, i actually have a life." 8413e65d4a0ef7b3,"burp please suck my asshole." 841c80fca99ec0c8,"are you the tosser behind the closerlookonsyria? - you are a fascist putinist shill and liar - you fucking idiot - you think shabiha nothing to do with houla, russia nothing to do with mh 17, assad regime nothing to do with ghouta - you fucking fascist moron" 843e7bbc52a63b82,"douche bag sarah palin is a cunt" 84448134b52ebaa6,and why the fuck you say fuck you up there? fuck you too man! 8459e8ea18d5e48e,i've come across mokele before. he is a power hungry little bully. 84693bc80c8e326e,""" i think the 1 million sales is total bullshit though. — (talk2me) """ 846b5eb5ca465266,"well, you know, fuck your idea of 'notability', and fuck your line. i make this art for others and i don't ask for anything in return, so if wikipedia cannot deal with my artistic practice its most probably as corrupt as the fucking system itself. don't excuse me for my language, i make my own choices. and if i must make money to be considered notable, then fuck the world too." 84a3c2e67c46d0c0,"hi fuck you, faggot." 84a52b40295bdf82,"why arr you so fuck why are you so fucking shit" 84b23a3c4cb84b56,"fyu jesus h. christ!!! (sorry if you're a jew). how abusive from you, you disgusting pile of shit." 84cb001f977ab04e,"you are a bunch of fools and idiots. you removed my last post because it revealed what fools you are!! this is obviously a one-sided match as i do not have sysop/administrator rights. if you don't like what i post, then don't read it!!! let others decide!!! once again, this is wikipedia censorship." 84d3c4543543e2ab,shut the fuck up and go suck your dad's cock. 84ecf46c1f1a2488,"the safavids were neither kurds nor georgians or persians. they were pure turks, descendants of the great hsuing-nu and kök-türk empires. all great empires in asia were turks. turks were creators of culture and civilization. these bastard and dirty iranians want to claim all turkic achievements while they oppress millions of turks in their dirty country! they even claim that the great turkish hero babek was persian while it is known to every scholar that even their king bahram chobin was an ethnic turk. they even claim ibn sina and mevlana rumi although they, too, were pure turks! these bastard iranians need to be banned! wikipedia is better off without them. these stinky idiots!" 850778c0ca101f08,"hi gaybo hi your mgay i hater you your a girl and your stupid ill give you a virus u4rfvbn >:/j;s5?/shutdown? trojan horse be cdt4w 9 cfg >?> ikldgni ajkbut licker u stink ykk;:::./'/,]64tb" 85143faecc05c313,"fuck off, quit lying to people. chumps." 8524a6d7951575f9,"i will revert ebusiness vandalism in january 2014 and there's nothing you can do, ebusiness retard." 8535bbec8e0814f7,"your just a stupid red neck and you make no sense, to us much smarter yankees!" 859d774c35ab8eab,"plus you are all gay for questioning this bull, get a life." 85a782832b603576,"re: removal of templates i would be most grateful if you would rot in hell." 85a821ce55b3dd26,"go fuck yourself allahu akbar!!!!!!" 85b332fe1dcac880,"you are a piece of f*cking sh*t! f*ck you! i like to change wikipedia so back off... poophead" 85b5419b8c66366b,you are ignorant and a liar. i'm impressed noclador can at least set you straight on this utterly out of control german mentality. 85b8fcf25a592179,""" very serious stuff sherlock holms, and his sidekick watson, are out camping on a dark clear moonless night. in the middle of the night, watson is suddenly, and perhaps even indignantly awakened, by the famed detective, who says to him, """"watson, look up at the night sky, and tell me what you deduce?"""" to which watson, rubbing his eyes for a moment, responds, saying, """"well, let me see now. there are stars, countless stars in the sky, and i can even see the milky way galaxy. and so, if those stars that i can see clearly with the naked eye are themselves only a small fraction of the total number of stars, then by logical deduction there may be and likely are countless more that i cannot see. now, if only a small percentage of those stars were to have planets, and of those, if only a small portion would to contain solar systems like our own, and of all of those stars, even if only a small portion were to contain planets similar to ours, which have the capability to house life, and then if, of all those living planets encircling those stars, there were some, which were able to house intelligent life, then i would be forced to conclude by logical inference, that there may be countless stars, around which circle planets just like ours housing intelligent sentient life forms, perhaps not unlike ourselves even, right here, and now. watson listened through this long winded diatribe with patience, and then finally albowed watson hard, and exclaimed, """"you idiot watson! somebody stole our tent!""""""" 85f4530d2f6932be,"you just can't get over it seriously, i never even know when i was banned (i assume it was in september with iluvteletubbies). but can you ever forgive me? or will i be your mortal enimy for all entern ity? look at tod and copper, they were enimes because they were supposed to, but they got over it 'cause tod saved copper? do you want me to save you from a bear like tod did or something? by now, if you're willing to forgive, i'm willing to forgive. but that will never happen because you stink!! learn from tod please," 85f768f973ec358a,"why are you a bitch i put a constructive post and you changed it your a bitch" 85ff43f797cf47e9,"where do you wiki freaks come from? first of all, it's my own fucking page. i don't give a shit if i tell myself to fuck off. second, what program do you people use in order to squash people's contributions. i feel like being a nazi too." 860a423ac30205f0,""" unblock me you asshoes! {{unblock|hahahaha!!! one of my favorite and most vivid memories was of a party i attended in high school. it was near the end of the year, and everyone was letting loose. the party had not gotten too badly out of control, and was finally winding down. i was dating karen at the time. we'd been going out for about six months. we knew our time together was growing short since we'd soon be heading off to college, she to radcliffe, and i to johns hopkins. we were taking every chance we could to be intimate. i'd been with a few girls before, but karen had been my first long term intimate relationship, and we'd taught each other lots. the party was at keith's house and we were helping him clean up. there were only six of us left, karen and i, keith, his girlfriend linda, tom and his girlfriend sue. linda lived just a few doors down and had invited karen and sue to spend the night. tom was going to spend the night at keith's house. conveniently, linda's parents were out of town until tomorrow noon, so nobody really had anywhere they had to go, and once we'd done a fair job of cleaning up we are able to sit back and relax. keith was my best friend. we had a lot in common, even if we were a bit of a """"mutt and jeff"""" in appearance. both of us tall, i had a wide body, result of my hawaiian ancestry, while he was lean and blonde. i'm 6'1"""" but he had a good 2 inches on me, and had long hair past his shoulders. mine is brown and curly, and usually just goes whereever it wants. i'm strong as an ox, he's lean and fast. but we had similar taste in women. on more than one occasion i teased him that there was no way he deserved to be with linda, our high-school goddess, and he was extremely envious that i had karen, our big-breasted sexy bombshell, as my partner. karen and sue were close friends. if we'd had diana here, the triumvirate would have been complete. they had all been innocents until that year. diana was dating, and karen told me that she and ryan were 'almost there', doing everything except the final act. karen hadn't done much of anything until we'd gotten together. but we didn't let grass grow under us, and we made up for a lot of lost time. we'd had sex plenty, and she'd sucked me off more times than i can count. i'd even fucked her incredible tits a couple of times. sue, it turns out, was the late bloomer. she was still an innocent according to karen. kissing was as far as she'd gone, although it seems she'd rubbed tom's dick through his pants, and he'd had his hands on her mound, even if the underwear was still in the way. but karen was hinting that this party might be tom's lucky night. we were joking about some of the antics that had been going on at the party. linda in particular was a lurker; she'd sit back and watch all the activities at the party and was always good for a few laughs. """"there were some really desperate people here tonight,"""" she said. """"can you believe gary tried to get a game of spin the bottle going?"""" """"i can't say i really blame him,"""" i answered with a grin. """"not every guy there is as fortunate as us to have such gorgeous girlfriends, or any girlfriend for that matter. hell, i wouldn'd mind playing it now!"""" that earned me a poke in the ribs from karen. sue chimed in, """"why is it that every party ends up with some lame guy trying to start some stupid game like spin the bottle, post office, or strip poker?"""" """"now that's a stupid question,"""" keith answered. """"and why is that?"""" linda asked, pointedly. """"isn't it obvious?"""" keith replied. """"no."""" linda and sue answered in unison. """"do you want to tell them?"""" keith asked me with a nod. so i explained the obvious. """"because they are desperate - and sometimes it works."""" """"oh please!"""" karen said. keith was a real instigator. """"you guys have never played spin the bottle?"""" the girls looked at each other. """"maybe a few times, but certainly not in the last year."""" linda finally answered. """"and how about truth or dare?"""" keith continued egging them on. """"well sure, but usually only with people we know really well,"""" karen answered this time. """"usually."""" keith echoed with a grin. """"and it's not like you've never played strip poker."""" the girls looked at each other quietly no one answering. """"oh come on,"""" i teased, """"karen i know you've played strip poker."""" """"not really. i watched part of a game, but then they chased everyone not playing out of the room. why? i suppose you've played it?"""" she asked with a dangerous tone in her voice. """"sort of. in camp we started a game but it got raided before we got anywhere."""" i confessed, drawing a laugh from the guys. """"l" 86257e6bf31e58cd,tide rolls is a fucking moron he needs to go to hell 862b7c15399df40b,"i wasn't talking to you jerkso, your sucj an idiot you cant even realize when someone is talking to you. no go back to your trailer boy!" 8638f7ffdf31207a,""" what exactly does saying """"how are you niggers today?"""" have to do with this discussion? """"nigger"""" is a far more inflamatory word than """"homo"""" is! there are far more derogatory terms for homosexuals than homos - that would be on par with """"nigger"""" - but i did not use any of them. and whether admins are """"stupid"""" or not is equally irrelevant. i was blocked for 48 hours for doing what an admin said. if saying """"homo"""" is the cardinal wiki-sin, at least shorten the block by the 48 hours that i was unfairly blocked. """ 8641350ff3efa759,"oh yeah, let's be nice to that fat whore sherrod and not link to something becuse it makes that crybaby scum poop in her pathetic diaper..." 86485e141c9599e5,"shut up, i fucked your mom's pussy good." 865181ba43571eb1,"fuck you fuck you retard son of a bitch your ass is bigger that goatse, u suck 10 dicks at the same time and drink all the cum, your mom worked as a prostitute to buy condoms for your dad, that fucking retard, you are a failure at all you do, you should jump from the top of the empire state so the world becomes a better place, you are the reason of the global warming, you fart so much you drown everyone is with in a room, you waste precious oxygen that should be used by better people, you suck like all wikipedians fuck you ed" 865ef4d1f036a727,"first of all, you people can't even take a smart-ass joke about your own favourite characters but don't mind screwing up pages of the people you hate such as the ginyu force and cui. you don't own these pages, i even went to the bother of shortening the descriptions down to make it easier for all of us. huh how pointless, i should have expected immature villain-haters like you to do this. the fact is these pages originally had the ginyu force characters listed... and i wonder who came along and took it away????" 866ef3dcc0338176,"and i thought you were one of the nice guys you rude jerk!" 8678cdefddb93720,agreed! he can go to hell. i will keep this up for a few days though because it's hilarious. 8685e98b780e4874,"rome is gay rome is gay i hate rome" 8699969779f9daad,"random person: watch out, if you think this vandalism is bad, look at your house in about 2 hours, fatboy." 869d1a19852810cc,"hello, i made constructive edits. i know you think they weren't, but i guess that makes you wrong. it's okay, mistakes happen, but you should back down and make sure they happen less. okay? our public transit systems are going down because of leeches like you. keep on sucking, loathsome prick from hell." 86a7a3eb4e682d16,"fuck you you are the biggest pig on the planet. die in hell asshole!" 86afedcac341a144,""" try these important things and maybe you won't be such a sucker motherfucker: 1. learn how to spell. if things remain as they are, everyone is bound to consider you to be the ignorant lame-brained cult member you are. 2. revert your attacks on van tucky on the talk pages. you come off as a vicious, vile psychopath. if you ever set your cult defending ass in a court of law, the jury would see through your charade in heartbeat. 3. stop playing good cop- bad cop with your fucking retarded dahn hack forestgarden 4. accept all korean language sources you stupid bitch!! how dare you try to stifle and censor articles in the name of your fucked up cult. your forestgarden bitch believes its within wiki policy to include korean language articles when reporting on favorable aspects of your bitch master. why don't you include all the other more negative portrayals in the korean language. also, who said this itsahappyday fuckhead deserves to translate any korean? this should all be disputed, you fucking racist, neo-nazi reject? 5. stop using the word cynical to describe your """"enemies."""" you come off even more retarded than your ilchee bitch master. your philosophical maturity is less than that of a first grader. the world is """"cynical."""" those who don't believe in dahn are """"cynical."""" i can't wait until south park makes an episode about your bitch cult. 6. are you fucking insane? korea is the center of the universe? korea as a cultural hub? korea the place where the next messiah appears? you dahn people never cease to amaze when it comes to your thought processes. korea is not what your ilchee bitch believes it to be. think about it retard- the fucking nation of palau has more of a right to talk about religious heritage than the fucking hermit kingdom. how can you be so retarded, that you choose a korean cult? if you chose a chinese or indian one, at least it would show you have some portion of a brain. coming to korea and joining a korean cult with korea-centric views is more retarded than travelling to antartica in search of good coffee while visiting columbia in search of ice and snow. 7. one more time: the philosophical underpinnings of your shit cult are so flimsy i must question your intelligence. 8. nicola cola...what kind of bitch ass name is that? what is wrong with you? and you wonder why you need to join a fucked up cult to find friendship and loving. dumb fuck!!!!!!""" 86c3da21e62b72d0,are you nerds trying to get back for getting beat up all the time? this is why you got beat up! 86c96171171b9f37,""" re: get a fuckin' job, dude. most all these i upped before you little trolls starting bitching about pointless rationale, i barely edit shit anymore cuz of you faggots, so block me and """"make your point"""". do you not realize this is the most pointless shit in human history? """"you can't have album covers on here unless you type 'oh this is fair use because blah blah blah'"""", go asphyxiate on a cock. """ 86eca7743f01db33,"fuck you paul tibbit. you are a suckish damned piece of cow shit who thought it was fucking brilliant to rape spongebob and turn it into a motherfucking laughing stock!!!!!!! i hate you paul tibbit. you are a sick twisted little bastard i hope you fucking get aids and hiv at the same exact time and die within 2 hours! who do you think you are, fucking peter griffin? grow a damned spine and start makng good episodes you overwight douchefaggot! it's like all nick gives a fuck about is money, fame, fortune!!!!! directors are idiots and obviously smoke lots of crack while working on tv shows. nick just wants the money. they thing they can piss the world off with suckass spongebob eps and still win money. hell no! not on my damn watch! i hope nick gets shut down by viacom, just like it did on directv. fuck you directv!!!" 86f16a428a0d1e23,this user would love to suck the penis of jesus and to lick filthy balls son of a whore. 86f6fa397fa0cc3d,""" idiot i deleted the comment """"last years runners up chelsea f.c will be determined to win the trophy and get revenge on manchester united f.c"""" which was left by a idiot.""" 86f722cfe8519857,"d-bag doosh doosh doosh doosh doosh doosh doosh bag bag bag bag bag bag bag bag/cock sucker" 86fcab15fe4e36df,what i say nigga stop changin shit! 86ff1c772561e0e8,"i never said i did you ugly bastard. get of my case, you bitch whore. piece of shit. i said i have the right to post the no israel and christian fiction userboxes not the personal info you bitchfuck. you fuckin fuckface. this is why i hate the wikipedia system. it makes it difficult for people to function. you stupid shitface." 87167510a1b52742,"fuck you nerd fuck you nercd get a life freak i will burn in hell now byy" 872ea955fccad468,bollocks to this you ignorant cunt. 8746470a831f4b7e,""" hey asshole, don't you tell me i'm not constructive, you're fat and your mothers' a whore. allahu akbar!!!! """"backdoor sluts 9""""""" 875835afaf3e5649,"drop dead. you're a cancer on wikipedia, and i assume you're a cancer on the rest of the world as well. your baby will do better without you." 875ce851bcc0df5d,"im going to punch jim wales one day. ill find him, then ill fucking punch him out." 87683b258aaef1ee,"peter peter you little cunt! hahaha. you should be hung drawn and quartered then your organs dismembered and eaten by your mum who already eats some bodyparts. hahaha shit what a cunt bye and merry xmas" 878e3e513795ef44,i just had to teach that loser a lesson not to mess with people's pages. that's all. 87a1dc6d7c9eb5bb,i think this som bitch is fuckin nuts...i mean who the fuck cares....does this info help the yankees win the pennant? no. does it help me pay child support for my 14 kids all of different racial decent? short fuck this 87ab8588754abaeb,"get some glasses you mental fagots, im calling you the idiots shitheads!!!!! what the f@#%k is wrong with you." 87d355ea937120e9,"smyou have a message re your last change, go fuckyourself!!! all" 87e76c80ba4c40a0,"blockign anthony robbins you fucking moron. you blocked the wrong person. useless prick." 88201d03bbc46a03," likes to eat shit it's true! he told me himself!" 8828c5f84f9d5b76,"you are 22 years older than your husband! you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!you are an old cougar! 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im pretty sure they have a no pecker policy." 885ba1785e4f2d34,mojo hand is an idiot 886410777467b0a2,"go ahead cock breath, you will block thousands and i have several accounts with different ip addresses - get a life!" 886a04aa5fbdb71f,"warnings you asshole gave me mutiple warnings for the same thing and now i'm on my final warning.i hate you peice of shit.burn in hell" 8872eb39ca62c3b8,"\ and, btw, eloy are a fucking bomb ass band." 8873ac7531344796,- stealthusa is an artise of the ass. 887488b5a5f7ca3c,"jerk ill shwo you idiot! i will finish your life you idiot! for the last time! there is no name to the cathedral! that is it! do uyou understand?" 889e52b460032f2f,"i have know idiots before but nothing quite like you avruch.i do wish you would get a life instead of trying to fabricate the lives of others. you could not get a clearer quote from a high court judge and my dad won the case, won recognition (which was obvious)and won costs!!!!! msds" 88af0890ccd7aefd,"john cena doesnt like anal sex, he loves oral sex" 88bcdab667d66d10,user:abd is muslim scum 88e5530de4f71bdb,"well tell him to learn how to cover people and maybe you should wake up and disrespect trash like cc brown," 88ea6e09b95e4892,"hi, i always lick wasted time r's ass because i'm a bitch slapped pussy wimp" 88eb9467c820118a,your space bar is broken? or does it only refuse to work after full stops? moron! lol 88eca834679b174f,""" fuck you bastard. consider this your last warning. """"being a dick?"""" who do you think to talk like this on my talk page you piece of shit? next time you do that i'll unscrew your head and shit into your neck. and your gay friend falcon9x5/fin is an asshole too. """ 88f9931bbf26aed8,"aflis major dick head it is funny that you are creating a network of miss information and pushing gratuitous propaganda on wikipidea in benefit of the mpla communist regime. all i have to say alfis, or who the fuck you may fucking be is that it is with communist pieces of shit like your self that the world is fucked up. and by the way fuck you communist lover" 8904b29a973e5204,"do i care? you think i care about being banned? ha...! it is rather quite funny. i mean here he is, the uppity administrator that imposes his 'power' like a fourth rate superhero. pathetic and all while believing that i give a flying fuck about being banned! hahahaha! it's enough to make an old man cry, y'see." 890a1698ef32a550,"wow, that's funny because you are the biggest ahole i've encountered on here. stop harassing me." 891a10a8d4dea996,"and what action did you take against the idiot who keeps reverting productive edits? absolutely fuck all by the looks of it. what is worse for wikipedia, me calling you a dopy cunt, or edits which reduce the quality of an article? is this a kindergarten or an encyclopaedia?" 892b951587210285,"p.s. - you banned lisaminelli. the actresses name is liza, you powerdrunk fool" 892fd012c3b63a4f,"these wikipedia people are liars and fascists they blocked me because they didn't like the facts i posted about a corrupt business-man!! these people are liars and this is like fascist germany!!" 893c7f18ec81728c,"=i got pissed this mulatto fuck has been pestering me for the past year and all he does is try to get under my skin. i fuckin hate this motherfuckin shitskin faggot. sorry for attacking it, but it should fuckin die! i hate shaka" 8955d92c29274535,i shall do as i please you dirty double nigger wikifag 8963a09e5f738611,", blah blah blah, you've been blocked because people are sensitive pussies who get hurt easily.." 8964c447b69f4d6a,"walkers baked are very different!!! 70% less fat its only 30% the same you anus" 896fae06d5e518fa,"reading more on admin priviledges, aka wanking with the left hand - all i can say is what a bunch of wankers you all are. don't worry i'll leave you all to roguegeeks stupidity and incompetence and leave the wiki-wanker-world. wikipaedia was a great idea fucked over by idiots like you lot. tossers!" 899c7847276f2f8d,"you must be stupid i am referencing an act people in power will do to prevent someone from saying things that will show them for who they truly are. it's not a death threat. you just want to look like a fucking victim. my god this is ridiculous." 89b5b03dc89c64b1,and that pic of jatts in delhi is a pic of some villagers or very low castes portraying themselves as jatts! 89b6068af3572bc6,"trollop stop fucking your computer you meth adicted nazi twat" 89ca791ffbb7fdcb,"the tna fags need to stop buncha pussies" 89d5bb8bbdf4aee7,"kyle roby sexy can i kyle roby is the sexiest man alive, and he gets bitches. all the ladies want the d, but hes not single so fuck off betches cuz yolo 420 swag blaze it, this school is full of cunts. hi hoe. mataya likes hairy pussy, and deepthroating abnormally curved dicks (:" 89e1f4341fe6cd57,"dude, dude fuck you!!!" 89e709fa4a5fb710,retarded spastic head 89ed48684697bd3b,"fantastic! another idiot who can't spell. you mods really stick together, don't you? that's so sweet. *e-tear*" 8a010b98f2a4c241,", you're also a fucking shit, the reason is sending warning to bad editors." 8a20695bbbc164f9,shut up. go fuck yourself you dirty cunt. 8a287d090edf7cf5,"dreadstar, littlemountain5, and some jerk on the internet are retarded assholes. dreadstar is a pathetic nerdy little fuck with no prospects for ever meeting a woman he didn't pay for. littlemountain5 doesn't have to worry about it because he's a flaming fag with an insatiable lust for semen. some jerk on the internet is just a sorry piece of shit in general, and if he keeps editing my page, i'm going to erase his page as soon as i get unblocked." 8a449c87c7d71cb7,""" don't worry, i see that civility is more important to """"patrollers"""" than actual logical discussion and debate of controversial issues, which i attempted to engage in for months, finally becoming exasperated when i received no help from other editors against a wall of nazi sympathisers. """"patrollers"""" apparently outnumber those prepared to engage in difficult debates. having been convinced that wikipedia isn't worth editing and the """"freedom"""" of the encyclopedia depends only on how many hours a day someone can devote to fighting with nazis... you can consider my flameout final and my disillusionment complete. you and the nazis have """"patrolled"""" a good faith editor out of the system, and i am fully aware that the main tactic is to grind down good faith newcomers until they flameout. well, fuck this. """ 8a459a7cbb2373e7,"russian bitches, hands off the truth, get out from ukraine, get out from american wikipedia! ukrainian soldier." 8abd88d483a0c0c2,""" it is not false! i've showed you every possible source that indicates a new version of """"fantasia"""" is coming on blu-ray and you don't believe it, you stupid piece of crap! well, if i have another source that proves it's true, i say look here: """ 8abe703c13fe8b36,long as in you're a faggoty jew. 8ac2ec8537a9814b,"piss off suck my dick you pussy" 8ae772fa54b5d36c,what is you to decide what is offensive to ukrainians and residents of kyiv or not? who has put in your mind so powerful charge of ignorance that you tenderly bear throughout all your life and share with normal people on wikipedia? 8aff39705a8120d7,""" then go look it up dumb shit and stop pissing in a sandbox that isn't yours. since wikipedia is only words then there is nothing i can do but """"say it"""". did you go and suck the stupid out of your whore mothers sagging tits i wonder. i hope she gets raped in hell along with the goat she fucked to produce you. god if this is the level of intelligence of the average wikipedia commentator then i'm surprised you mongoloids get anything right. damned. """ 8b1aebf266f36951,"cyber demon i have met many citizens who agree with the existence of the cybedemon. how dare you disgrace his eroticism you fucking cunt." 8b1e6f64cd2e05df,"smell my arse projectile vomit into my gaping anus, my digusting shit filled cheesy anus." 8b21c008d3af37da,""" go fuck yourself!! fuck you """ 8b2f4ebebb0e292c,cut the ass bullshit you are the biggest asshole in asshole history. you ass 8b38653fdbc0b5cb,you racist hillbille pig! you don't like what others have to say so you delete their posts and block us while you continue to rant and rave your racist sermon. shame on you! 8b3e831e219c0d66,criss angel is a cocksucker 8b43f39dc18e5883,"man, fuck you! you know me, you anti-semitic fucktard!!!!!!! jesus of suberbia" 8b49c1da6bb88c15,"you know who we got here?, mutha fuckin charlie bronson, you must think it's white boy day, it ain't white boy day, don't waste my motherfuckin time" 8b52aa428eec3619,"you fail at life n/t" 8b60c1cca4ee2b19,"go fuck yourself go fuck yourself you irritating sack of shit. stop reverting me." 8b62bc63e1672ded,how many niggers does it take to change a light bulb??? 8b67c7eec7559b8d,ll ever be fatass go fuck your mom again 8b7271e7230fe881,"fuck you you suck. leave me alone. fuck tildes too." 8bd72d36b97fab46,"you people are cock suckers you people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckersyou people are cock suckers" 8bd8a13157a85070,faaa q 2 means fuck you to! 8bec52a9ee1f7804,"block me then you co**sucker - clever people don't give a f*ck about editing wikipedia? just because wikipedia has turned you into its b*tch, you can't see that being blocked is not a 'punishment'. if it happened to you it would be a blessing, but you'll never see how much time and life you've completely wasted, because your brain is mush. fuc*in wretch. now get back to looking at raw guest hosts and other childish wrestling topics. you make me sick - a grown man devoting his life to watching basted men in pants pretending to scrap. did you enjoy watching randy orton's glistening belly button and atomic wedgie last week? it's f**king amoebas like you that have kept this most pathetic excuse for entertainment going for all these years - it should have died when all the redknecks finally found out it wasn't real. how this can still be a viable business in this day and age? but when there's enough 'people' with flea brains so abysmal to sit there editing wikipedia most minutes of the day, it's no real f**king surprise." 8bef18de0e7c617b,"reply that comment always comes from stupid americans who cannot visualise a world outside their borders." 8bf6a53af5cbf7aa,don't listen to this dirty kraut. 8bf82ca6daed8a97,"yu0r whole 0rganizashun is retarded eat me." 8c07f7f3b4dc5863,"you stupid chinese wannabe if you're vietnamese, just admit it. why pull little tricks like putting vietnamese characters in every chinese article you can find? and giving yourself a fake chinese/japanese name is even more pathetic. rei hideki my ass... you know i knew someone just like you. he was vietnamese, but he insisted he was really chinese. he even changed his facebook name to some fake computer-generated chinese name. he asked only chinese/japanese girls out, and his profile pictures were of chinese/korean celebrities. he refused to have anything to do with non-east asian people. gee, when do people like you ever give up?! i'm chinese and i'm very proud of it, i don't pretend to be anything else!! what the fuck is up with vietnamese kids like you..." 8c1c004a352c7390,"guess what you are so fucking retarded that down syndrome patients got nothing on you, you suck so much balls that whores ask you to save some for them, you can go fuck yourself cum than lick it out of your vagina and ass, you swallow your dads jizz, i fucking hate you" 8c247d1e24755955,"fuck you asshole! go fuck yourself! dirty fuckin' asshole! fuckin' scum!" 8c274602b922cf84,"fuck you all! go to hell!" 8c2bce0b1ceb1b01,""" back to bragging i see. you don't even have a clue as to what my credentials are, because ignore all fucking credentials. we don't give a shit about anyone's credentials. ok, if richard dawkins (and we were able to confirm it was him) showed up, then i might bow to his superior knowledge of the field. but you're just some guy on the internet, no different than i (oh wait, maybe not), so all i can say is that you're fighting a battle by personal attack and not by logic. you have a bug up your tight ass about me. you'll note that i don't give a shit. you have convinced not one of the anti-creationists here of your arguments. not one. you focus on me because you realize i don't fucking like your methods. so, two suggestions. get over yourself, no one cares if you're a professor of anything at whatever religious university you're at. two, quit the personal attacks. because you don't say """"jesus fucking christ you're a loser"""" doesn't make you civil, it just makes you passive aggressive. like the little passive aggressive shit you left on my talk page. talk• contributions """ 8c2e99a2d0be880d,""" stick it up your bottom as far as it will go then add another 6"""" . that should take the smile of your smug fucking ugly face 8-)""" 8c3758253064f2e6,"feydey is a complete fucking fag. i saw that he was harassing you and thought to inform you fedey is a fucking douche bag through and through. that asshole reverts and deletes whatever the fuck he feels like just to make up for his tiny manhood that can't satisfy any partner, male, female, or shemale. pricks like him should gtfo wikipedia and just curl up and die in their mother's basements, as is the natural order of things." 8c4888d88f8383e5,"web of trust it's not my fault, some gay little faggot vandal, kept editting the article, and removing the link to the official website of the damn thing, and adding like 30 spam links, that have nothing to do with wot." 8c509a3dfb36c558,""" you are not worth the effort. you are arguing like viriditas and pename now. 24 hours really means 24 and a half hours. four reverts in more than 24 hours is violating the """"spirit"""" of the three revert in 24 hour rule - as interpreted by you. """"so tough."""" who needs rules? just make it up as you go along and do what you want - call it """"discretion"""". you violate the rules by blocking me then claim i violated the """"spirit of the rule."""" your violation is """"debatable"""" like the occupied territories are """"disputed."""" you are just abusing your authority to push your petty authoritarian agenda that obviously reflects your personal insecurities. you think you can threaten and bully me. """"and i guess you won't be reverting so quickly in future, will you now?"""" what a weasel. please go ahead and contribute your petty complaints to ban me so i don't bother wasting my time on a project populated by immature arrogant twerps, fascist zionist bigots, islamophobe hate-mongers, bunch of lameass bigots and losers. why waste my time? 07:48, 12 dec 2004 (utc)""" 8c51e272eb80987c,""":: wow, you're an idiot. here's my imitation of tao (include immature mocking tone): """"i think i know things. i think i can get people blocked. i think i know rules. provide evidence you guys. oh know there's some evidence, my bwain hurts, my bwain hurts, i forgot how to read, waaaaaaaah."""" it is a proposal you fucking idiot. it shows you're wrong. you refusing to read it does not make you right. it just makes you stupid. you call it """"undergraduate"""" as if it lacks validity when you refuse to read it which makes you not only and idiot, but a stubborn baseless idiot. block me, bitch, i fucking beg you. what's taking you so long. practical proposal for change based on evidence provided above simple to read for assholes who refuse to read: proposals: 1) change phrasing in intro 2) do not change focus of the majority of the page on the """"close circle"""" 3) perhaps make """"writers"""" section more reader friendly for casual readers with a chart, or something quick and simple to read 4) change naming of """"writers"""" section to something reflected broader scope 5) i would like something like 3 & 4 to be closer to the top, but i do recognize doom's concern that it weighs down the intro, so we can see for now if it works. i'm suggesting no change beyond that, but i feel i have provided the beginning of sufficient evidence to support the necessity of this change. """ 8c55a0a0cfdb4bbe,"chestop adding in shit only to support your fucking political views. your additions onto wikipedia are unintellectual, biased, and are only added to misinform and manipulate people into thinking that everything the republican party does is derived fromt he mouth of god. you fucking piece of nigger shit. either add constructive edits that use real sources or stay the fuck off of wikipedia. would you like someone editing the george bush page with comments from michael moore or keith olberman? no you wouldnt. so show some respect and keep your political shit off of wikipedia. fuck you, you unitellectual piece of garbage shit. fuck you" 8c5db4839a9ffb0b,"you too! you're also gonna get it, dickface!" 8c62503d50fe349f,|decline=you're a fucking priiiiiiiiiiiick — 8c6d2171e83e8b01,piss off you obama loving douche nozzle...he's not a us citizen and was born in kenya. 8c7e67a11027038f,quit bein a bitch and talk to me 8c95127bc09f5487,shut up you decaying brained piece of raped s%%t. go tell your mental diarrea to your mom 8c9beb72abbfaf43,"you obviously never attended college, moron" 8ca6c424c21f0d1b,"warning. you're dealing with a liar, a jerk and an imposter. warning. if you deal with orangemarlin and his aliases, you're dealing with a liar, a jerk and an imposter." 8cb35bcab1ff2f4f,"""== """"goofs"""" goof == speaking of goofs, who the fuck had the, uh, initiative, to do this? what kind of sick person watches the simpsons, and checks how many buttons they've got on their coats, or how often they shave, etc.? and especially, on that last comment... what is your problem?! you were measuring the breast size of a cartoon character?! why can't you just buy a magazine, or something (or possibly consider how close the shot was to her), you poor, lonely bastard?!""" 8cb7486f9431178e,mmm the fact that you have no life but to be on wikipedia makes me horny 8cc335f6fd9c7658,"defamatory comments i made none, nothing i said was slanderous or libelous but i guess it was a vialation of civility however your removal of my post and reasons for it are slanderous and outright censorship. i hope you enjoy your hollow shallow life94.168.210.205" 8cc622f1c799c86b,oh shut up if you cannot read that those people contributed nothing to it but calling for its deletion. hypocrites! 8cc7785d5b2177ad,"you are a big dickhead your an asshole it was not me you utter bellend" 8cd53f0520fb3bdc,"you are an arse! shutup!" 8ce265d58ecae917,or what your gonna ban my ip? what a joke... dumb ass. 8ce9ac8481f174ba,"john baird page edits john baird is a fucking cunt. so the edits are correct and should not be reverted. many thanks. many thanks." 8d10d8b7831a349b,nightstallion is a cunt 8d15399ae4d02277,"how about you learn how to read and write during that time jamie? continue or continued you dumbass. second of all you ruined what i wrote you idiot" 8d210e85734cf471,"u fuck u man u r a asshole block me i hate wikipedia" 8d2badd2876bbdc3,"omg this user page is so crap. the stupid dog on the front is.............. this comment was left for you by user:camoq" 8d3345d17b225393,"well...that was stupid...i told you to send it the wrong place! (but i've since email your provided addy from two different places, so we should be all set.)" 8d343692e1d69cad,"go fuck yourself shell, i couldn't care less what a fucked up waste of space like you thinks. since when could an editor not edit articles on wikipedia? it seems you need to kiss a lot of arseholes to make a difference here now." 8d62638425154a4a,"listen hear you c@ck sucker. i am not vandalizing anything, i am adding the truth. i thought thats what wikipedia was for! but i guess we got one to many assh@les who think they know everything around here. listen ajraddatz, go f@ck yourself and if you delete my posting again i will report your b#tch @ss." 8d7884c5303fc6f2,"you suck headline text stop editing my edits. you are a piece of crap and don't know how to use a computer. you fuck." 8d8de4a82f5a290c,{unblock}} well at least i'm not a gay fag like you and your mom 8da5615cff2b0111,""" you're a fool and i hope you leave wikipedia immediately. you're the cancer that is killing this site. stop deleting my userpages or i will ask for you to be blocked from editing due to vandalism. simply remove the copyrighted material. there is no precedent for not posting parts of articles in a userspace, and if there is, i do not recognize it. mate1 """ 8dc17b847e874ea0,"editheadz will you keep your stupid mouth shut for once? you have no idea, not even a clue what you are talkign about, idiot! - julius" 8dc25ca5fe40659e,"epic fail ha ha ha ha failed again!!!!!!!! goodye bitches. ps: fuck you!!" 8dcba239cedd67a9,"fuck user jujube!fuck wikipedia!destroy user jujube!destroy wikipedia!death to user jujube! fuck user jujube!fuck wikipedia!destroy user jujube!destroy wikipedia!death to user jujube! fuck user jujube!fuck wikipedia!destroy user jujube!destroy wikipedia!death to user jujube! fuck user jujube!fuck wikipedia!destroy user jujube!destroy wikipedia!death to user jujube!" 8dd124b6d8643c3c,hitler was a fucking kike. 8e091ea86fc70d50,""" you, sir, are a moron. it does not, will not, and has not. enjoy the ban. —preceding unsigned comment added by """ 8e0e378ff4109b36,"ed poor ain't no stinkin' monkey!! user:ed poor ain't no stinkin' monkey!" 8e110b30347b527c,"what part of fuck off don't you understand, youi mouth breathing pimply turd? while you'll never nag a hot chick, you can be king of shit mountain, it that it? i laugh at you." 8e14276e2e781d52,"dear stuttering, self-righteous, self-absorbed, insignificant little puke, when i want your fucking opinion i'll give it to you. until then, shut your fucking sewer and keep sucking obama's cock!" 8e2a12c037903b89,"fuck, fine, you know what? you idiots with your heavy handed administration have just made another vandal, happy? good. every fucking time i view wikipedia, i'm going to pop onto an open proxy server and vandalise the crap out of a couple articles. then i'm going to do it again. sure i'm just one person, but i'm one person of many who you jackasses have alienated. enjoy, you're bringing this shit on yourselves. all the admins worth their salt have long left because of the shit that you in your little cabal have done. you've ruined this once great site. go fuck yourselves." 8e30fd3564ba0b4a,"nutcase you're a sick bloody nutcase" 8e37716ca7b09943,"disgust you sir are a cunt, nothing more, nothing less." 8e39de7ba6cffad8,""" drk would this arrogant little shitkicker """"drk"""" stop reverting my changes to nine muses. he is too stupid to realize that this are not the nine muses of greek mythology""" 8e48ac7102e7d9bd,"say what? tab bitch, are you for real? motherfucker comes up and removes my motherfucking comments? son of a bitch son, that's not right at all. fuck, that's not even right in cuba. someone needs to learn their ass some motherfucking restraint and common sense. bitchass niggas can't be coming around removing people's opinions and shit, that's the motherfucking gestapo's job. if motherfuckers think this the way to do things right, than you motherfuckers need to step off and learn some shit, cause the way the to do shit right, ain't erasing the fucking words. you motherfucking crazy son? you wearing blacked glasses? i just tell you you're being the motherfucking thought police and you keep motherfucking doing it? shit, that's not right. maybe your bitchass needs to chill the fuck out some time. christ on crutches, it's fucking words kid, they ain't fucking hurting you. you fucking bleeding son? i didn't fucking think so." 8e4a74b4a5a29b89,"bertie, you're a stupid ignorant cunt !! do humanity a favor and follow in di's footsteps. fuck off and die.........." 8e5a4453e22219cd,"fuck you. fuck you. that's his middle name. would it have hurt you to take three seconds to google it, or do you just want to be the world's biggest asshole?" 8e607e2e7157044d,i think nawlinwiki’s a homunculus. 8e61919969806352,"wine guy has no penis, except the ones in his anal cavity. skeetskeet!" 8e660c1eed36b6f2,"yo why cant i mess up ur site no schools r allowed to use it cuz of fags like u" 8e728e8f319b4f93,piss off you old timer - go fuck yourself you evil asshole. 8eace8661717b0a6,"if you block me, i will just get another ip address. ass." 8eb2bd3d0c7951ac,"nazis nazis hijos de puta, mother fucker" 8ecc71e2dd4e2fbe,bunksteve is gay! bunksteve is gay! bunksteve is gay! bunksteve is gay! bunksteve is gay! bunksteve is gay! bunksteve is gay! bunksteve is gay! bunksteve is gay! bunksteve is gay! bunksteve is gay! bunksteve is gay! bunksteve is gay! bunksteve is gay! bunksteve is gay! bunksteve is gay! 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prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:prick fire this administrator!!:" 8f4809be31ffbbe0,"fuck you hi netmonger, because of you i am not going to edit wikipedia any more, i dont care whether you are mystic or arsath or lahiru_k , the fact is raveens is the one who suspected you to be arsath, now you too seem to be good pals, wikipedia is too fucking complicated for me. i am in sri lanka these days, and was concentrating on my book so was inactive in wikipedia, and i dont want to waste anymore of my time here thanks to you and my circle of untrustworthy friends. fuck you!!!" 8f509dd293cb3c7b,my name is reaper eternal and i am a stupid dumasss small dik retard 8f5ba7e27b5a2012,we fuckum arab babiesum 8f5f958ed4dad21d,"ur stupid mate, block me i don't care" 8f749fbd2954d9a8,"fuck you george you get my point, akhtak sharmota" 8f85de3d4e78f016,"yamaguchi is a fake paid pr of certain fake profiles on wiki with false info misleading people! this idiot needs to be reported & blocked from wiki!! yamaguchi is a fake paid pr of certain fake profiles on wiki with false info misleading people! this idiot needs to be reported & blocked from wiki!! he is acting as a paid agent to certain small time artists like udaya bhanu & manchu lakshmi who are all 45 years plus in age but in disguise pretending to be younger & famous and having yamaguchi publish utterly wrong info with false content anout their actual age, career etc. what a shame!" 8f8cb05d8dd2e38d,"are you kidding me? are you fucking stupid or something? why in the hell should there be multiple articles written about the exact same thing? stop arbitrarily removing edits to stoke your e-cock." 8f927404088e0e77,"""i'm talking about common names moron. """"travers' beaked whale"""" is very rarely used. almost every single new article used """"spade-toothed whale"""" or """"spade-toothed beaked whale"""" when writing about this species. perhaps you shouldn't talk out your ass. thank you. good bye. """ 8f943d99e40dba7e,"go die in a fire. i dont think anyone did more damage to wikipedia then you in the last two years. goodbye, hope you dont come back with a sock puppet (which you almost certainly will!!!)" 8f94974d43439aef,"thank you i deeply and thoroughly apologize for the mischeif i have reaked on this knowledge-sharing site. please let me make it up to you by being purely positive and constructive and together we can create a perfect information sharing society. bitch." 8fab7b04ed5427f2,"yes, douche, but an article does have to be neutral. happyme22 has consistently been aggressiv in keeping the nancy reagan article skewed towards her favor. if you check that article's talk page, you will see several admissions by him that he is clearly in her favor, and that his edits to her article are aggressive in such a manner that there should be no question of his bias. that you (and other adtiors/administrators) have been so lax in blocking him for making non-npov edits to her articleonly goes to prove -again- that wikipedia is nothing more than a media manipulated brainwashing machine. fuck you, wikipedai, you just lost a user ever." 900253920fdf19ce,"do it then you coward, block me what i can come back as someone else, what are you ignorant. its not about a painting now, its about a fat guy sitting in front of his pc with nothing to do shhh that could be you." 900721d2bb59ab32,"eyesnore faggot of the year." 900885c18e392c9e,"then get rid of the stupid fucking brick count who the fuck cares how many goddamn bricks your fucking hs has? jesus h. christ, this is the stupidest fucking write-up i've ever seen for a hs." 900b84b8c9c9f88d,that angle sucks. find a better one. 901d7783bca3d63f,"use one that doesn't round numbers up then, asshole." 9030a4b11d38b588,"ok. here's a warning: watch out, you're an asshole." 9034ee657bf7c4ae,"um...go fuck yourself, and you fucking scare tactic is so not working. don't bother me again in the futre." 90424c8b8f084804,"why? why do you block some users, only by the fact of be suckpuppet, suckpuppet are in wikipedia but is not motif to block, you are a great stupid. –" 9070d8e2e4e2577b,"yeah, all you have to do is stop being such a bitch." 9084b2d5685a3df8,"to lcnj: you are an idiot. i did not threaten you. i removed these people from the list because the list contained errors and no article has been written about them. no one cares about joyce gemayel or any of the other people you are adding. as for wadih el safi and elias rahbani, i ask you to write articles about them before adding them to this list. also, i don't think anyone who spends his time writing about bassem feghali is qualified enough to say syria assasinated these politicians." 909328d119a04a8c,"they were minor, but two idiots don't know what the word redundant means. go home." 909aba99c2210129,fuck you cracker nerd 90a7ae0480786a36,"ban the handle you fucknuckle dipshit!!! ban the handle you fucknuckle dipshit!!!" 90b1f6ee0ecf43ae,"no thanks faggot, i'm fine right here. but you might try going to hell. you don't like to suck other people's penises? yeah, i had to be specific for you, since you're so motherfucking retarded. i guess you're not a homosexual after all?? wow....never would've thought." 90b227fb56de468d,""" what is wikipedia? i fuck you and your fucking wikipedia in the ass. i am tired with your shit! i try to make the page """"aromanians"""" better and much more real. i am aromanian and i know better what we are, not your fucking wikipedia. you want to have a good wikipedia? this is not good wikipedia, this is shit, to much informations are not real!""" 90e7722b57714d4a,""" zezen, you imbecile. which of those sources uses the phrase """"blood libel"""" to describe what you cite? please read wp:nor and drop the stick. 2601:14c:0:f6e9:71b2:6f01:9eb8:b237 """ 90ec6c710e4fdc3a,"rename to fyrom or republic of skopje please, rename this site to fyrom or republic of skopje before we erradicate these bastards once and for all. is that what they want?" 90f7597a8c8b21c0,"this article is so slanted to the socialist internationalist consortium its fucking sick. this article states that the terrorist now in confinement are entitled to geneva convention protections. that is a fucking lie. they are non-uniformed international criminals and represent no country. they are not entitled to geneva protections. if they know where a operative is hiding with a suitcase nuke, he better be waterboarded. if it is found that liberal policies allowed a major attack to be committed against americans in the name of falsely calling waterboarding 'torture', i will brutally attack any and all commie sodomite liberals near me. fuck you rats. you will have it coming." 910bb7a248b6cf2d,"your a virgin aint ya if the best thing you can find to do in life is delete other ppl's wikipedia pages your a right sad tw*t. get your f*cking life sorted out and actually get out of the house! r*t*rd" 91160d3a99119a43,"hi bastard hi bastard ( )" 91478bdc1b6e5b13,"well you can't risk being blocked and thus your version of this article being reverted -so of course you're amused (as a misdirection). more importantly you've dodged addressing the scientific point(s). also like a predictable troll you took the 'mispeling bait' (overlooking the correctly spelled version earlier in the sentence) and went on and bloviated from there hoping your futile misdirection would 'stick'. lol - we'll something sticks - that's fo sure. but of course, you then had to follow up with a diaply of your immense knowledge of wp procedures etc etc no doubt trolling for a 'barn fish to the head -whack!' or whatever! lol. oh yes - but of course your tolerance and amusement and 'advise' and complicity (via fantasy slam remarks) attests to your overblown view of yourself and delusions about your skill in rightly dividing 'worth' from 'worthless'. your reward is that all your time spent here will be to no avail when it all gets 'speed deleted' and 'reverted' with the same air of arrogance as you have demonstrated here. what comes around goes around - lol. carry on fool cs the youngins' need to see a sterling example of a blowhard editor like yourself to realize to steer clear of such a time-wasting task and exercise in self-delusion/power tripping." 914b5c79987680c2,hello asshole. your mother might be a cross wiki vandal or even a cross country whore but i am not. you blocked me on a groundless basis only because your asked you to. i have not done anything wrong in english wikipedia. but you will pay the price for your stupid action. 914ddf6302b3be83,"you are a notorious editor who has made the past couple of days a nightmare. you filed a report on me when all the disruption was on your side. i bet the proof has gone too. what a fucking mess. you tried to destroy a page that gets over 10,000 views a day - all i did was try and make it right, and you know it. fuck you, and your anti-welsh hatred too." 91597efb447ad778,actually fuck it. you're all gay nerds who butt fuck each other. i'm gonna go get laid. btw homos go to hell. 91604f361ffad491,"cunt you're a fucking cunt, and you're obviously jewish like all the rest." 917cafd43855c58b,"why don't you read about what i said about being blocked?! clever people don't give a fuck about it. you need to realise it, as your life is dripping away on being wikipedia's bitch. fucking flea brained loser." 919fbb7c6daa23a0,"i knew you were a dick but a fag too? nice job on the morgan discussion i liked how you buried the comments in the archive section" 91a363d25db7acfd,""" i hate grandma terri i hate my step grandma grandma terri. """"step grandma"""" is an overstatement. f-ck grandma terri in her old ass. grandma terri shoult be raped to death. """ 91addded21c99db9,"what the fuck. really? blackmetalbaz comes to my talk page, provoces me, and i am blocked from editing? wikipedia is run by fucking retards. go fuck yourself, i'm out." 91c19244efc9d251,"damn the killer armenians... i damn all the killer armenians (they re even not human) who killed and burned all those women and children. i damn you..." 91e28d5eecf59e77,"hey how ya doin fuck face? did u think you were safe? huh? did ya? skank? you are a ho. you need death, and nothing else. i really dislike your existance. i think that you are a piece of shit. i will come to your home, and kill you, and any other man-lover you have hiding there. you should perish you skank. you are more worthless than the dog shit in the backyard. if you think that you can come get me, as god as my witness i will conduct a crusade against your kind. why the fuck would you change the lci food fight article? i really hope you die in a hole somewhere. i will continue to come back, until you fucking rot in hell! you are no longer needed on earth, or wikipedia, so make like the homosexual you are, and anal fuck yourself until you drown in a cesspool of your own bodily fluids. i really hope you perish soon. end your life any way you want, here are some starting ideas: hang yourself, shoot yourself in the head with a shotgun, whatever you wish! hell, even light yourself on fire and hang yourself. just dont make too much of a mess, as no one will want to spend that much time on a worthless piece of shit like you. go die. commit suicide. terminate your existance. all of the above. that would make me happy. i hope to god that you end your life by tomorrow, or even do it in the sunrise. when i get blocked for this, i will know that you read it. thank you, you are no longer needed- -thank you, management.(god)" 91e5dcf109bcd548,you little bitch trying to get away with your crap. this the link here as well as other links of modern scientists disproving this claim. this piece tells the origins of why coon did his work and why he is wrong today. page 29 it begins 91e78003439706e6,""" hopefully you don't have the short penis, because the two nameless editors will use that against you by claiming everything you do is because you feel inadequate. hehehe. talk• contributions """ 920bd0ca828b4db1,"grow up? you make me laugh. and by the way, you contradicted yourself when you said you hadn't touched my edits. i never even referenced final fantasy vii when leaving a message to you. you did mess with my edits by reverting them, therefore you did fuck with them. now go research what i said and stop discriminating against users, asshole. this isn't your own private playground where you can fuck with people." 920c85353d7d6104,chrisch is a faggot! 920dbe7084312953,"disgusting, ignorant decisions by our friends schutzstaffel i am truly sorry to see that the assholes at arbcom have managed to silence yet another good editor. hopefully the morons will be voted out and we can get this reviewed. in the meantime i hope they don't put you in a forced labor/reeducation camp. fucking nazis" 921c74b293556346,"jews jews are fucking bastards. i hope neo nazis unite and holocaust the bastards again. including jews like tnxman309, nawlinwiki, pmdrive1061 and j.delanoy." 9223140a105ed75b,"fag your a danish faggot." 922e6b0b9276f38f,""" you still blow me off. if you are not even going listen to me, i'm done with you. i'd rather talk to someone else. i give you all these reasons, and you comes off as """"sorry, idiotic person lower than me. i dont care what you say"""". your being one huge ass prick. i'm going ignore that part of the rule, partially by your attitude. period. justice is served! """ 923a0f4ca1218a23,"dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter and caltlas, if you rvv it again! i w" 925cad9ff88e03fc,"you are a bully and a evil man u are only removing stuff and adding stuff made up in ur own mind its rather sad have you got mental issues?" 9264c24c1c327ed7,""" where is your """"wiki-page""""? yo joe, good buddy! what happened to your """"wiki-page""""? how is your ego holding out, you moron. it serves you right for the way that you treated us on fidonet. revenge is a dish best served cold, my friend. it might have taken us years to get back at you, hitler, but it was well worth it.""" 926f0a35fee2f2d5,"fuck you, wiccan whore." 927631e5f31f3502,how dare you call my history teacher an asshole! she's the kindest person ever! she wouldn't think it was fair that that asshole deleted my article! so you people are assholes! 9284484fe7d8fdd9,"interesting fact you're a huge fucking tool, and you suck enormous amounts of cock. boom, roasted." 92898ef868cd2088,"are you ok idiots... dss monarchistic?! and they are not conservative, but ultra - nationalist, they supported karadzic and they were burning embassies all around the belgrade." 9289da3ced7c8123,"why don't you go screw why don't you go screw instead of harassing me?" 92a137b5bc13dfa5,"i can vote in whatever the hell i want. shut the hell up you little whiner, i can vote in whatever the hell i want. so fuck off you little cunt and suck my nut." 92a786870058797d,"oh wow thanks for defending that guy who deleted everything i wrote. how would you feel if you spent hours researching, only to have some jerkoff guy delete it? you dont care. you must hate me because im jewish. you must be a nazi." 92ab0b67073fccdb,"stop vandalizing, you iranian bastard!" 92ba6509c0ae7850,ah fuck...damn u rondo....damn damn damn damn u... 92ca3c6a5a70655e,"fuck you you sad piece of shit get a life dont threaten me with blocking me off this shit do i give a fuck you lonely hermit man open your curtains and get a life before i burn you aliv" 9323a16335e50fbc,yea take that jewboy nobody gives a fuck what you think. 14/88 932a823757025aaa,"fuck you cooperate scumbag why not delete the article if you know it is utter cooperate fabrication? wikipedia is dying with a red bull vodka articles like the above edited going through. it's pretty sad. there're thousands of journals proving everything stated in that article wrong. every time i take the time to disprove an article though, some cooperate asshole like you comes along and changes it back, so why waste time. no one even read the accreditation of the papers referenced for that article, but you discredited what is true in a few seconds. cooperate scumbag." 933796bd8e26cf8c,"che was a fucking bastard piece of shit== the day that motherfucker was shot like the dog he was was a glorious motherfucking day for the rest of latin america. if you have a problem with this statement, lets meet in person. murderers and antiheros deserve no accolades. not even from brainless, hypocritical marxist pigs. ==" 933a513daf240140,"blah, blah fuckin' blah. with 7 books, a time magazine article, several news articles and the presence of a number of celebrities, its notable, if you want a higher notability for it? do the research and add it yourself. you were just bored, feeling like 'improving' some article by slapping a tag on it instead of actually improving it, and nobody would let you touch the jesus article. off with ye!" 934151e7200391f3,"hello rodent hello there partisan liberal agenda pusher, i am back, and it's time again to range ban /16 ip address for du page county. rob, your a punk coward, with no balls to agrue your point, you lack intellectual honesty, basic fairness and ethics and the only thing you can to to counter is to resort to ad hominem, red herring attacks to push your unarguable points. you are a twisted, sociopath. i hate you and those like you, because you represent the kind of brutal, drunk with power and needs ass kissing from the weak thug. it people like you, who create evil, hate, and hurt for those around and causes darkness to fall and truth and goodness. man up punk, face me, instead of being the little spineless slug you are." 9344f5c2142d368d,"afd can kiss my ass. i was blocked during the afd discussion, and the people voting delete were lazy bastards whow ouldnt look it up. zign and amazon wouldn't list a fake game. -" 93518b3ad4e506b5,"ban me you stupid cunt. do you think i can't come right back with a different ip and keep on wasting your time? clearly you were sexually abused as a child, and i have no idea why this has stopped. i feel that it is my responsibility, if you do not stop threatening to enforce the unenforcable, to fuck your eyesocket until i decimate your frontal lobe." 93569e0a8ce776b8,"anyone who supports this is fucking sick. men and underaged fucking kids?????????????????????????????? what in the fuck you all should be shot and killed you bunch of fucking faggot pedophiles die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die die die die die die di edie die die die dienew" 9361edaeb6f6b6fa,"fuck you tommy i hate you" 93659c276f99c420,"laara on the other hand, i think everyone should lick my pussy...." 9385d1d699a4309f,"wow, how stupid are you guys? speaking of selfish people hybridlily, isn't changing the picture to someone that you personally perfer considered selfish, last time i checked it was. another thing i just discovered is that you can't read. where does this article fucking say taht all turks are armenian, kurd, and greek converts?" 939e00c29c09662d,"cardinaldan fuck you faggot nigger cunt licking chink dipfucking shit nigger face, get a life other then deleting shit off wiki you nerd faggot" 93bc8a50b2a80527,"elsewhere i am nothing but sunshine, gumdrops and cuppycakes. here on my page, if you decide to be an asshat, i will put you in your place." 93bdd7239c0fe7ed,"back off don't delete my question, bitch" 93bfab85f1949d99,"hullaballoo wolfowitz, does it concern you at all that the reasons you gave for removing the clarifications were completely nonsensical? you even removed it at one point claiming it was in a section it was not even in!!! lets just cut to the chase, you are a jewish man with an agenda to keep jewish interests in illegally obtained land, by international standards, away from wikipedia pages and the masses as a whole. right? regardless, at least be accurate if you are going to start attacking someone for selfish reasons so you do not look like an idiot next time with anyone that takes two seconds to look into this. and please, communicate with me directly next time before being outwardly hostile as my door is always open. thanks! and have a good day!" 93d7fe50898e4cbc,rob you're a fat dork. 93e73167f7c8252c,"i can't believe you fucking wikipedos. i'm going to be the first person in history to be murdered by pipe swinging niggers because retarded aspergers' infected wikipedos wouldn't stop sucking willy on wheels' dick long enough to delete the fucking pages i tell them to." 93e9df98144d42e6,"whats your deal, fag?" 93eb54f549e7185a,"faggot enough said" 93fe64db0b658d22,""" oh this is such fucking bullcrap. now someone made a sneak edit changing the referenced material (600 soldiers) to the unreferenced """"at least 600"""" without ever replying here. god. pathetic, wrong and sad. """ 94094194f22c7593,""" """"the never ending edit..."""" of the hundreds on my watchlist this article is like the never ending edit. of this i'm sure, this article has become a cause and darn if i'll let a """"so"""" where there should be a """"but"""". if this article with its minutia is your cause well then have at it with all of your attention. it at least keeps you away from the rest of this project. talk heh. terri schiavo as a flypaper for the priority-challenged. i like that notion. ^_^ - my dearest sir, you are so correct! we are going to ramp this up slowly. terri schiavo is not a movie star. she is an issue about american jurisprudence and how wrong congressional intervention is. that is her notability. if you think about it, she is just along for the ride. the perspecitve of this article should now change to change to the judges. it is the politicians were who were the flies. they got swatted away, but she sticks to them, does she not? andrew william morrow let us now see if that little fly """"musical linguist"""" takes the bait. better yet; that she-dog. here girl, here girl! come and delete this section again! good girl! here, i will give you biscuit! sooooo... does any other admin want to come and delete this idea for the sake of some shallow excuse like """"banned user""""? huh? huh? come on guys, show us all how intelligent you are! atta boy! good boys! as said by sir thomas more in they'll think that somewhere along your pedigree a bitch got over the wall! """ 940cbc9a51542f14,@ you know what fine!! fuck you!!!! i hope you and and that smart ass and douchbag burn in hell!! because i was just having some fun and trying to be right for once by having some connection. weird al is right! wikipedia does suck!!! 9457090c680846c5,. use that banhamma nao gayboy 946879b643f0f622,"punk the only reason anyone gives you trouble is because you cause trouble yourself. you deserve to be attacked" 9473fb2c664f3566,"i am going to cut off j.delanoy's balls - what the fuc'k is wrong with you people who revert edits, go fugg yourself, wikipedia suxxor! 'nuff said" 947695ab7525a79e,"fuck you i legitimitley edited fergalicious, and you reverted it." 9487e0f1b91d0d90,"ban this jerk someone needs to ban this jerk for deleting articles before we can even get them off the ground." 949fcc1bf84de15d,"so does your mouth, you gayass" 94a9d84cb42d637a,another stupid person who considers leaving a warning message to be harassment. that speaks to the degeneracy of wikipedia if these simpletons have moderation powers... 94c2845543e3f6be,"reply you take wikipedia way too seriously. do something of your useless life, talk page stalker!" 94d51852d9d988d9,"shion is not a girl you idiot! go read his bio in kof10th! he's a guy!!! fucker!" 94d8f2f900f855ae,"cause of death fuck exicution, put down murder was the mutha fuckin' case, and shawtnegger was tha murdera!" 94e4486c726b9890,"motherfucker, you have already broken the rule of 3-reverts. you are obviously a moron." 94e9d4684788b54d,"please, go fuck yourself?" 94f7c47ef933e536,"omar wears a strap on pussy licker!!!!!!" 94f85f9932478a41,""" {| class=""""user-block"""" | warning!!! this user molests children and is also fucking ugly """ 94fd1e4ca67a4efc,"strong support, to spite the faggot known as tj spyke. go and ahead and whine, fag. i won't read this page any further. i will also just ignore the new messages alert. fuck wikipedia. bunch of self-important faggots who feel powerful by editing a web site. go wank to hentai." 95148040363227f5,""" you currently appear to be engaged in an edit war according to the reverts you have made on srebrenica massacre. users who edit disruptively or refuse to collaborate with others may be blocked if they continue. in particular the three-revert rule states that making more than three reversions on a single page within a 24-hour period is almost always grounds for an immediate block. if you find yourself in an editing dispute, use the talk page to discuss controversial changes. work towards wording and content that gains consensus among editors. if unsuccessful, then do not edit war even if you believe you are right. post a request for help at an appropriate noticeboard or seek dispute resolution. in some cases it may be appropriate to request temporary page protection. if edit warring continues, you may be blocked from editing without further notice. please do not attack other editors, as you did at srebrenica massacre. comment on content, not on contributors. personal attacks damage the community and deter users. please stay cool and keep this in mind while editing. thank you. (talk) you first piss off a user and then pretend to advise that user on how detrimental being pissed off is. wow, i'm so pissed i'm so i'm soooo... fuck off, pig! now that was quite polite of me you got to admit it. or was it not good enough for sophisticated ears of an average warmongering anglo-serb freemason who thinks everyone is buying his bullshit? lol """ 952512f4fbedfb2c,"dude y r u such a fukin nerd wit no life?????" 952e0c9b4f692367,"renault you sad little bo for driving a renault clio which has no vaa voom so there and the mcflurry is made of shit" 95370246b82675e4,"vietnamese films hey, lazy guy. here is what the fucking film list looked like two days ago. the quiet american (film) (1958) motorpsycho (1965) to the shores of hell (1966) the green berets (1968) heroes (1977) the boys in company c (1978) coming home (1978) the deer hunter (1978) go tell the spartans (1978) my husband is missing (1978) apocalypse now (1979) the odd angry shot (1979) the war at home (1979) a rumor of war (1980) the exterminator (1980) l'ultimo cacciatore (1980) how sleep the brave (1981) first blood (1982) uncommon valor (1983) the killing fields (1984) missing in action (1984) missing in action 2: the beginning (1985) combat shock (1986) platoon (1986) full metal jacket (1987) phantom soldiers (1987) good morning, vietnam (1987) hamburger hill (1987) the hanoi hilton (1987) bat*21 (1988) braddock: missing in action iii (1988) platoon leader (1988) off limits (1988) operation warzone (1988) jacknife (1989) casualties of war (1989) born on the fourth of july (1989) the siege of firebase gloria (1989) the expendables (1989) 84c mopic (charlie mopic) (1989) the iron triangle (1989) air america (1990) bullet in the head (1990) jacob's ladder (1990) flight of the intruder (1991) dien bien phu (1992) heaven & earth (1993) message from nam (1993) forrest gump (1994) operation dumbo drop (1995) dead presidents (1995) a bright shining lie (1998) (tv film) tigerland (2000) going back (2001) the quiet american (2002 film) (2002) path to war (2002) we were soldiers (2002) in the shadow of the blade (2004) enemy image (2005) across the universe (2007) journey from the fall (2007) the veteran (2006) rescue dawn (2006) 1968 tunnel rats (2007) tropic thunder (2008) watchmen (2009) where the hell were you when me and dewaine turned it into a bloody table, eh? have you read the talk page yet? when were you in vietnam?" 95610e068ba8cef7,"listen, fuckers, why dont you all come say this shit to my face?" 95716960ef2f1e1e,fuck all admins that are on wikipedia why don't you just fucking kill all of your selfs you fucking douche bags-zack e bazemore 958281e33ba55b06,"do i look like i give a fuck, u are all sad fucks with nothing better to do ban me, i dont give a shit" 9583a19b5f56cc1b,"user:gwernol is gay, they blocked me" 959394c24f628047,"yeah right, some asshole logged on to my computer while i was passed out" 95a011401fbceb93,"you wicked scoundrel. ohnoitsjamie, i hate you, you fool. you think you are a top wp editor. i am envious of you, idiot. may you fail in all your attempts. may you get pregnant and have a miscarriage. you are a dirty, wicked beast! a rascal, a scoundrel and feces-eating mongrel. dirty jackass, do you have any sense left in you? now its up to you to decide if i really meant what i said. an old friend (now in in). -" 95a5df75a68aa11b,"somebody should shoot that stupid fuck madman madman is a stupid fuck who does not deserve to live" 95b00f35983d8ad0,"wikipedia is an entity of mindless idiots gravitation is suction and the theory is not only not nonsense it is correct god burn the wikipedia mosters in hell they failed to contactr me or be professiona god i hate this type of business they are devils burn them all to death in hell i beg you i hate the pig devil that pretends to know while being a devil thier chiildern to death in hell before thier eyes for thier great sin they wikipedia are all liars these devils have not allowed me a voice against thier unfounded attacks godf almighty god please burn them to death in hell forever and forever" 95b2c8e0f9de3198,what the motherhell are you talking about? i deleted the lacrosse lie? you son need to get your facts straight i do not stand for this bullshit pigshit and treason.. no taxation without motherfucking representation son! broad 95b37fb79ca4010e,"fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!!" 95bb25deac9b7ed6,"you are a fagget i bet you molest little boys you faggot. i hope you die in a terrible car crash today tou fucking faggot. yes, right now i am hoping you did in a fucking car crash - today. watch out muther fagget." 95cc96ce2764dbe9,you fake bastard. this site is a fraud! 95d211c0f481df03,ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahhahahah yaaa bitch yaaaa!@!!!!!!ah haahh 95e893c64d21088e,"gannon man, you guys are total pussies when it comes to jeff gannon. is he your boyfriend or something?" 95ec8dddfe80ceb8,"i noticed you forgave thejadejackass and he's not up for punishment for being abusive. i get a month bad and he get jack. now why am i not surprised that it's ok for wiki editors to make persona attacks but not ok for outsiders? no question abou it! you guys are a bunch of hypocrites! on why a rapist is a better class of human being then a wiki editor. a rapist will rape you and then go away. a wiki editor will rape you and then tell you it was not only for your own good, but that you deserved it." 95ed6b9ad7c3c316,"remember me?! i'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm back you child rapist faggot fucker!!! you lick little 2 y/o girls pussies and suck 1 y/o dick!!!! gay ass faggotttttttttttt. you god damn camel jockey fucker! you god damn a.b.c!! you suck ape cock motherfucker! you mother rapes dinks while your dad fucks hapa cock! you fucking ginzo looking motherfucking nip looking faggot! you suck sand nigger pussy! you faggot! wog motherfucker! you lick little 2 y/o wetback whore looking raghead spewing ocker pussy! you fuck 10 y/o neejee asshole! you motherfucking limey bitch! you mother is a cross-dressing whore slut that married a crossing dressing fag transsexual! you bitch ass jim fish haji gub ass mother rapes dead grannies! that bitch digs dead sluts up from the grave yard and straps her strap on on and bangs the dead sluts in their ass!!! you mother fucks you god damn dune coon chee-chee bog irish licking eight ball jungle bunny oreo sucking great granny!!! and i know you fucking watch while train banging children! child rapist motherfuck! you rape huns! you suck child cock! you suck flip childrens dicks and finger clog wog bounty bear ass! i'm going to follow you and post about your child rapist loving whore ass every day you slut ann nig-nog loving whore! and if i am banned i'll wait you fucking slut banging pussy licker and then post again after my ban is up you child rapist! you eat childrens cock and suck their pussy for breakfast, lunch and dinner!" 95ed8f5eec7e3ae6,nazi sean hoyland vandalized these pages. 95ef75f427acf65b,"get a life brotha== fick me looking at sum of the shit u been doin. are you queer cunt or what? and i quote as i'm currently away from my home adsl network, i'll be limited since i'm now using a bandwith limited mobile limited connection. i hope to be back when the issue is fixed. if that dont scream a fucking wanker i don't know what does. ==" 961f8058a2d80123,two words. reliable sources. my reliable sources say that you are a vandal. ergo you are. 9638e8b30a9d6d5f,hey motherfucker quit screwing with my dennis rodman edits you know that shit is funny you fucking edit nazi get a life and let my 17 year old self have fun with my favorite nba player of all time's wikipedia page thanks a lot 963de7f16683309c,"dear josiah, 2 random blaggards named bastin and john carter have repeatedly vandalized my page and i solemnly think it needs to stop! they keep on insulting my intelligence and from what i have heard you are a good administrator who helps people out! the best way you can help me is to block these fools immediately! lots of love, god bless, 12th doctor" 9659e31190383d8b,"fuck you penis penis penis jacko wacko jacko wacko jacko wacko" 967a50ad6ec2b46c,"your a twat, you just delete things that you dont have a clue about! che finlay will orientate your ass!! he'l find you!!" 967d65f3a8c24962,meters is a piece of shit as well as user:ponyo. 9688e34d2307c956,"shove that barnstar up your ass, you faggot." 968c5dbdee5876a9,"it's funny that you have no other word to use but sockpuppet, dumbo." 9696ad98d931b70c,hahah christ you're a little bitch 969975a13cf27fe1,"you suck dick" 96bffb6d47849061,"you stink you suck hangingcurve/blueboy96. even if you admins block/ban us, we always come back with new accounts to destroy wikipedia. (oh wait you're not an admin anymore it seems. i wonder what happened... hahaha)" 96c01ae2e340ab16,""" just one final word for you assholes.... landing gear from one of the aircraft and bits and pieces of several people were found inside this building, which itself is less than 60 feet from another that was destroyed..... so fuck you and everybody who looks like you moslem mental retards here... that is fucking """"ground zero"""" so blow me and suck each other dry. fuck you""" 96cbbe4f831a9d74,") yeah, well, you're a towel and that's awesome that someone finally blocked you, sucka! lol!" 96d9b564444878cd,"fuck you, you gay ass liberal!!! hey asshole why dont you get your face out of the fucking child molestes homepage and go fuck your self you gay ass liberal mother fucker i hate jews like you fuck you and your whole fucking family you fucking sand nigger lover" 96f3373b7c2f910e,". perhaps it's neutral in my point of you, you are just pro-american scum. therefore, you are the biased one" 96f557e9d24c2cc9,"why was i blocked, cock suckers?" 96fa07cccd25a788,"yes, you are a real bully! you are a pathetic failure. you are an inferior person. you are a degenerate." 96fa8cf0edc163e4,"i fucking hate you, you goddamn little fucking prick!! since you love jesus so much" 970b82346359be2a,shut up. i can do what the fuck i want. 4 july 2005 01:31 (utc) 970c9eeb935ac0ad,"what the hell man! look, i'm really pissed that you took off danny on the recurring list of the o.c.....what the hell is your problem???" 970f0e85d113b8f6,your gay douche like gay porno ahaghagagagaa 97396435dbf93756,"qed as long as we're tattling to the teacher, anothersolipsist said i'm ludicrous, and he started it! gwernol, i'm sorry to be a pain in your ass - you're a good wikipedian just doing your job. i just can't stomach these people. do what you must. ok, i'll quit being a pain in the ass. googie man." 9745194bf553715b,"you wont ban me you faggg ==" 976af7acb6b84bef,what 3 minutes every now and then - i'm not compiling lists and spending fucking hours doing fuck-all because no one loves me - how many edits have you done? let's remember - you're so stupid and indeed pathetic you don't even use your own name 97732c9438b47741,"dick their principal is known to be a dick." 978ca24801439079,"hi you are a fucking bitch" 9793287d7618ca81,fuck her right in the pussy 97b516591568e8de,"fuck you asshole fucking bastard you son of a bitch, asshole, motherfucker, go fuck ur mothers cunt, trade ur wife sister" 97c1faaf5650af98,"don't jump on the vandalize parma bandwagon. if you have something legitimate to contribute good, but we get enough scumbags mindlessly trying to mass delete stuff from that article as it is. grow up, kids!" 97cd95bddd6f535c,"materialscientist is a racist seriously, fuck you man. you continuously delete my photos on the page of al-mayassa bint hamad bin khalifa al-thani, which are all posted with the correct creativecommons share-alike 2.0 or 3.0 license... because you're a racist and the sheikha appears uncovered in these pictures. when i posted photos of arab males... you do not challenge them what so ever. luckily, i can continue to live my life in the happy company of many friends, family and colleagues... not stationed at a computer 24/7. you're a loser who spends his entire life editing wikipedia and probably has nothing to show for it. at the end of my life, i'll have had a purpose... a career, family, things i am proud of. you'll just be dust and completely irrelevant to the world... having never done anything more than editing a website." 97e695cfd71944ed,"i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arr" 97ebd0060e8f188c,"hey dickhole i'm gonna fuck you up assface so fuck off shitfucker -me" 9814704be8a5cfde,"you are an asshole ." 981e9f0820c6a97e,"hey you fucking jew why the fuck did you get rid of emo kid beatdown day you aussie fag. gay jew basturd go celebrate hannucka" 98230b6e403cf3c8,silly guy. you should use email like the wikijews. 983e6b63dd4ba935,""" you're an idiot there's no such think as """"vandalizing the sandbox"""", idiot. """ 98445b37cd9518d5,"congrats congrats that the wikidouchebags final had the good sense to name the entry after the actual name of the country. bout time morons." 985e8bc28daefdfc,"hi, this klptyzm again. i'm a faggot who will never leave users alone, and yes i'm a stalker. you're right sean and manny. i need to stop being a fag, because i quite for good and i'll fuck my momma" 98649d4d8f46605d,"have i made myself clear yet? it should be pretty fucking obvious by now that i don't give a shit about this account, you senseless cunt." 98679ec937d169b0,""" ponyo bons mots, you are a great asshole and fool. (please don't be angry and rudeness. rudeness causing people crazy.) you didn't understand my event and musarabbyahmad is not my evading accout. i want to change my mind, hold the abilities of editing skills. i want to repair these false and mistake pages of wikipedia. why don't you trying to understand? why did you blaming me? this is edit warring. your unreliable sources harming me. you are mistaking in many times. please everyone understan them to not reverting some edits. it also causes false news and false explanations, in reason it also become a false wikipedia. i want to become and wikipedia repairer. """ 9869345b8d199ce4,thanks for pulling me into line mike . i don't know what the fuck i would do without a wikinazi like you to help make something of myself. how do you know if karl stefanovic is not humanoid? have you ever met him? no. then revert back to my edit. you are a cunt. 9875201b97e67138,"vercrumba re: . i would like to clarify that in response to email correspondance i called vercrumba a fucking moron, not a fucking idiot. thanks." 98770984ab7d376f,"your a dumb fuck peasant clueless asshole - get a life - i live off the internet not in it like losers like you - u get a little power and you don't know how to conduct yourselves - self richeous little dick heads you are. your site does nothing but robs the traffic of relevant search terms from sites that are being initially search for. and a parting note: go fuck yourself" 98939ede683f0916,you suck dick and should be arrested and thrown in jail. you also suck and should be blocked indefinitely. just to let you guys know i am a sock puppet of the cheapo. take this into consideration and you will have yet anotehr account that is a sock puppet of the cheapo. 989c3ec0633c6793,cuz this admin is a maggot and slave to is pov. 98a48ba7074a373f,"got a fellow loser to tell me off did you? think i give a fuck?! block me then you co**sucker - clever people don't give a f*ck about editing wikipedia? just because wikipedia has turned you into its b*tch, you can't see that being blocked is not a 'punishment'. if it happened to you it would be a blessing, but you'll never see how much time and life you've completely wasted, because your brain is mush. fuc*in wretch. now get back to looking at raw guest hosts and other childish wrestling topics. you make me sick - a grown man devoting his life to watching basted men in pants pretending to scrap. did you enjoy watching randy orton's glistening belly button and atomic wedgie last week? it's f**king amoebas like you that have kept this most pathetic excuse for entertainment going for all these years - it should have died when all the redknecks finally found out it wasn't real. how this can still be a viable business in this day and age? but when there's enough 'people' with flea brains so abysmal to sit there editing wikipedia most minutes of the day, it's no real f**king surprise." 98abc97b23136f60,"just for clarification you're a cock. congrats on having software that can detect ip changers. glad i only got it on the trial. no, you really are a cock." 98b40f3a7cf2b047,"honestly j delanoy, take a look at your life, look at how much time you spend here, cleaning up vandalism, doing absolutely nothing to better society or yourself. you're just as pathetic and worthless as i am, faggot. <3" 98b6c1100cfb597f,"wiki brah so aren't you the just a good wiki-citizen, reverting all my edits right? want to keep up with me every day, day in and day out, for the next ten years? through the next three american preisdents, our marriages, kids, grandkids, trips back to brasil, all that stuff? you with me through all that, kiddo? you better watch your fucking shit with me, son, you have no idea what the fuck you're getting into. obrigado," 98bada443487125f,"i just wanted you to know that you're worthless... why did you make changes to the lethbridge collegiate institute article? you probably aren't even canadian and to think that you can remove something that is very important to lci history is unfathomable. it would make me very happy if you killed yourself sometime today or tomorrow, as you are no longer needed on wikipedia. thank you for your time." 98cd8d249f991b78,"wow, you're dumb. didn't you hear the next line about nokia being scandanavian? that line was to make fun of a character. although, i thought it was interesting that all the autobots that showed car company logos were all gm...." 98d83ca398a43510,"==go fuck yourself. wikipedia is a scar on society.== faggot." 98e253d38b2d9417,"haha fuckface!!! let's play this game all night long shit-bitch! oh no wait - i'd love to but i have a life. before you deny that by saying that i spend some of it vandalizing this site, consider that it takes me a minute to fuck your shit up - it takes you a lifetime to spazz out about this you sad fuckwit!!! hahahaha! peace out fags!" 98e4e1f70d28631c,fuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish 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ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off-jewish ancestryfuck-off 98e9079a08691f36,"is it true? i had heard you like to suck cock. is it true?" 98fa937f5f8acde2,dont fuck with wikipedia admins you filthy jew (tlk) (cntrbtns) 990cadbc1f93fb06,"fuk off then douchbag. this dope needs to investigated for kleargear fraud. neer do well blog" 99196b8cace7a049,"i will take good revenge on your bullshits stupid uneducated tletbrain i will blow the hell out of you chinese stupid bullshit psychos" 9919acdd2a7ef984,did you know you are full of shit and a fucking cunt? 991ac4f18b4e2c2d,"fuck you fdfdf fuck you faggot." 992573b52e286930,"to sitush(pakistani pig) what is your problem, you bloody muslim pakistani, why the hell are you jealous of hindus and sikhs ??? you born out of shit of a pig just stay away from this article...we don't prefer pakistani muslim pigs touching this pious article." 992bb81976fec69a,"here i am: 0waldo with my 'other' response to your total collateral/blatherskite actions. if you other junior punk editors would have done your research prior to intimidating me with your virtual stupidity then you would have taken note that the link which has been on there forever mysteriously evaporated on 10:55, 22 february 2006 by “”timpailthorpe”” due to actions of “”agent007bond”” on 01:59, 22 february 2006. all i did was add the link back and try to ignore your stupid bla-bla and ya-ya by adding it back. i'm getting sick of having to deal with the jack-legged intellect that you bone-headed editors suffer from so liberally – gadz; you all think you are so intelligent, sorry pals, you lack severely, doctorates and all. my advice: do your research and “”then”” come back and ask me a question or do your edit thing – quit screaming at me with all your junior editorial cannons/crap about “3r”, “civil” and the like – here is my advice: take an anti-stupid-editor-pill all of you. you revert this and you revert that and then do your research and realize your actions were premature and then have to stick with your accidents and stupidity and lie to the cops here subsequently blaming your stupid actions on me. i submit this “”civilly and sincerely”” to all applicable." 99359522d8da9c96,u my fat furry friend are a cunt stop fuckin talkin 993c3d67deb32bc8,"kafziel, get a life and stop working for these idiots, if you know whats good for you, cause the whole damn company will burn down if this continues! i will not be visiting your peice of shit website any more, and i will be telling all 100 people i know not to either! your goin down fuckin jerk offs!!!!!!!!!" 9962c26a912a0227,you are a coward and a fool. 99638bf75daceecc,"ccwaters is still a fuck you're still a fuck, good luck on being a worldwide fuck" 996eff5fd63099a8,"no, the dumbest shit ever meter went right off the scales at that talk page. my comment just tipped it to 6." 997348086dec4b08,well... you are a proper cunt. 997fb571a1e91aec,"you are fucking morons you realized that wikipedia became like jew-watch right? if you wont block this guy right now and revert his last edit i will report to adl that wikipedia is anti-semite site who like twisting fact if i will report it to adl you will lose a lot of visitors fucking idiots." 998793b1bd21329f,"thanks fuck you too arsehole. keep on owning wikiproject:aircraft. wanker. i can see straight through you. twat." 9989b91e1b070a32,"you are not a haver of fun. is it fun to revert edits all day instead of doing something productive? bow about sucking a dick instead? i know you'll just delete this immediately, but that's because you're an edit-happy coward that censors everything. like china. commie." 998cff751bd71ced,i think it is appropriate that we don't consider you human you shameless sunni monkey. 9993d8b0933cd73a,"yawn, retard. about half a million people use this ip, you can't do fuck all." 99998897725a3211,"i am sick and fucking tired of seeing this motherfucker's face. this asshole was a piece of shit who masterminded the murder of 3,000 innocent people. for this cocksucking anti-american motherfucker to have an article is insulting to every victim of 9/11. if i could exhume mohammed atta's body and bring him back to life, i would. then i would waterboard him for days on end." 99b9558204a36aa0,"hey you you're a dousche bag." 99c2e06e3b36af1a,"possibly the dumbest argument i have ever heard. are all wikipedia users fags or just you? the wikipedia is not a gameguide retardedness doesn't even apply here. it's not telling you how to unlock the armors, just what they are. or should we delete the characters and stories too? those are in game guides!!! fucking moron." 99ceae798dd6392e,"==you're a bitch== yeah, sure, my first edit might've been worded wrong, but my second one was not. people shit out of their anuses and you're a bitch. both are facts of life, dumbass. go to hell." 99d63d5a3a56b8f8,avala you are full of shit. that is all. love you bitch. hahaha later. !!! )))___+++!!!!!!!!!! 99d812e2964551b4,"what's up my nigger? promoting yourself on wikipedia is a bad idea. you should probably go somewhere else. maybe you could post some hand-drawn posters in your ghetto?" 99e358ed517a8e2f,is a huge fat nigger hippo 99e7fbef712fd454,"prediction timetable is getting bloated why do you people have to add every freaking detail to the list? it needs to be kept simple and not as wordy, this is a wikipedia article not a damn novel. if you wanna know all the details watch the damn show – it's free on google videos! the list should only contain the most notable and important details. a lot of what is there isn't all that notable – do we need to know the name of every stupid bridge and building shown collapsing or can we just say – a bunch of bridges and buildings collapsed here and mention one or two by name as examples. i don't want to get involved in edit wars but i will delete things i believe are overly worded, redundant and unnecessary, and not to mention just stupid. use common sense before you edit." 99f0c16b3ce77fab,""" you started the insult with your """"bullshit"""" quirk in transformer article. go home and sleep. """ 99f9d7adda6b9281,"well you're a liar, an outright liar, and nothing but a liar. you do cherry-pick quotations to prove your own pre-existing opinions. you're such a thick headed jack ass, you do not have enough sense to see the need for different viewpoints. all you know how to do is jump in and destroy good work without bothering to think or give consideration to anything that is contrary to your narrow minded, bigoted point of view. you're really a thick headed jack ass. you don't know how to communicate. you are incapable of understanding anything that is contrary to you narrow minded bigoted point of view. it is because of you that we have many low quality articles on wikipedia." 9a133f532881bfe1,"i want this removed. meg is a fuckin awesome drummer, she brings a load of unique simplicity on the drums unlike you anti white stripes fags who like all the bigger, faster, cooler stuff. i don't get what's wrong. so a drummer has a unique way of playing. that's great. a drummer dosen't need all this shit about his/her playing. a drummer can play anyway he/she wants to, there's no special way of playing that all drummers have to go by. so i want all this crap removed in the next 7 days. if not, i will erase it. damn you morons." 9a176c24d63a5c60,supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool!supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool!supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic foo 9a18a3a5f525ce92,"you arrogant, ignorant fool! you think you are the hottest thing on this site! newsflash: your not! you know absolutely nothing about wrestling, and you present yourself like a seriously idiotic person. the next time you want to leave a message on my page again! learn to spell! silly bitch! ( )" 9a19d0e09d2c2973,salvio is an idiot who fancies djathinkimacowboy and wants to have his babies 9a2fb4bec4ce1acd,"fuck you fuck you and wikipedia there is no reason those pages should be deleted so block me from editing but you can suck a dick stupid bitch ass fuckin fagget eat shit and die" 9a3224f89f95d27b,"subjectivity this user has a propensity to abuse his status by interfering with sourced articles. this user has proven to watch too much television leaving his personal life, and life skills comprimised. this user is a fan of big black cock." 9a36a977fba33bc1,2 words learn them shut up dont follow me everywhere 9a3ad8998d4ce52b,""" black dahlia murder is not 'melodic death metal'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are deathcore pussies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! black dahlia murder is not melodic death metal. they are the farthest band from that genre. black dahlia murder are pieces of shit scene bitches that are trying to be """"metal"""" along with all of the other deathcore/grindcore bands like job for a cowboy, suicide silence, etc. fuck all of them! they aren't true metal and they never will be, they need to stick to what they know...american eagle, mtv, and all of their other lame trends. melodic death metal is scar symmetry, in flames, sonic syndicate, and disarmonia mundi. melodic death metal is real music, it's not a disgrace to music like deathcore and grindcore. i will continue to change black dahlia cunt'murder's genre to deathcore/grindcore, i don't give a shit..i'm not letting you stupid scene bitches take away the only thing that you and the mainstream hasn't destroyed and that's the amazing genre of melodic death metal. so fuck all of you trendy conformists, go fucking die. black dahlia murder are deathcore pussies that need to be beheaded, them and all of the other deathcore bands that are ruining metal. deathcore is the biggest piece of shit i've ever shouldn't even be considered music, it's a bunch of pussy scene kids trying to be """"metal"""". deathcore and grindcore are the two worst forms of music ever invented. so yeah, you can listen to deathcore if you enjoy hearing """"music"""" that has no tempo or beat to it whatsoever, they pretty much just hit random shit on the drums and play random notes on the guitar while the vocalist does terrible random screaming and pig squels. don't forget the hillarious millions of breakdowns they put into their songs. """"da...this song is called big fucking tree!"""" """"ya boi....we are so down wit american eagle..ya boi, my hair does that flippy thing.. rawr rawr rawr i'm so lyk hardcores omgz@!!!@@!!!! gages and snake bites rawwwrrr"""" fuck job for a cowboy and black dahlia murder, trendy pieces of shit. melodic death metal owns all. there really isn't much of a difference between any """"deathcore"""" band for that matter, they are all just a bunch of pussies that are trying to fit in with this new trend of trying to be a """"metal"""" band. so please don't try to tell me """"oh...your stupid...the bands aren't the same."""" ok, so maybe....just maybe.. job for a cowboy's vocalist does 3 more pig squels in a second than the vocalist from black dahlia murder, there i said it! i guess they aren't all the same!!!! oh dear fuck ..... and my bad, white chapel actually does 200 breakdowns in a minute rather than suicide silence's 100 breakdowns in a minute. my bad dude you were right all along!! deathcore and grindcore bands aren't all the same!!!!!!!!! but seriously, the genre is pure shit and is just another trend in the music industry that bands are following to """"make it to the top"""" and to fit in with the rest of the bands these days. i mean, i have nothing against every band in a certain genre sounding the same or anything, but when the """"music"""" of the genre they produce is pure shit and can be done by any living human being on earth...then i have to draw the line. it doesn't take much talent to do shittty raw screaming, hit random notes on a guitar, and hit your double bass pedal at like 500bpm. another reason why i don't take any bands from this genre seriously is their hillarious excuses for a """"band logo"""". they try oh so hard to be """"harddcoreeeee"""". i also find it funny that all of these pussy bands have names like, """"anal cunt"""" or """"dead death bloody dead hand"""". fact is, any band that produces """"music"""" under this genre sucks and is just trying to fit-in. ya boi! lets hardcore dance! rahhhh yaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grindcore and deathcore isn't metal so all you douchebags should just give aren't metal and you never will be, go fall into a pool of aid's. fuck black dahlia murder, i'm not giving up....this is insane, i'm not letting you mother fuckers take away the one thing i have that you haven't ruined.""" 9a5a0fb0bcdb078a,she means you must have a brain disease if you make articles about a fictional sponge. 9a64cf6ddf198c8f,"us sheer mongolic/asiatic barbarity. i mena" 9a6ff7868ef4563d,fuck all you camel jockey pussy licking dink looking dick suckers!!! 9a71d0dc8e86b20f,"fuck you, french faggot. go play soccer and leave the internet to america, which invented this shit." 9a7303adc344b535,get off my dick for vandalisim im stating facts assholes 9a7ec25a0f769b6e,"i don't know what mental illnes you have, but please stay the fuck away from the reference desk with your vandalism. do not remove this or i will add it again and again until you give up. i can keep this up forever. i will not have some bully removin i don't know what mental illnes you have, but please stay the fuck away from the reference desk with your vandalism. do not remove this or i will add it again and again until you give up. i can keep this up forever. i will not have some bully removing my questions and i will get you banned if you keep this up. is this perfectly clear? do not ever touch any of my genuine questions again." 9a80014f084ce26b,""" i suppose him calling me a jerk was just a """"natural"""" reaction no ? """ 9a8103881a1d8372,you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar! 9a9114fba009e4ff,"japanese bastard fuck off you evil race." 9a9367a82b2e4daa,"terrorist you failed again to block me wikipedians!! ha ha!! for some nice big juicy sweet cock, my number is 248-678-9807 goodbye lovers." 9a9dc24ba68e7597,"isn't there something pompous about your user name? you're a pretentious little bitch and some day it's gonna bite you in the ass if it hasn't already. lol!" 9aa14ecfe4ce99d5,""" guessing you've heard it.... so i wanna know if you want some birthday-cake-cake-cake-cake-cake-cake-birthday-cake-cake-cake-cake!? because imma make you my bitch tonight ;) hehe (in all honesty, that song is beyond ridik) • talk2me """ 9aa1f7cd52019270,"why are you so miserable and keep blocking people. you are a control freak" 9aaf9e77c9f6cce8,"you are a fag! why did you deleate dogatro? it said under contruction, dick!!!!" 9ab75494595b2b7e,oshwah is a bellend cunt 9ac3334a50cca8cf,"suck a dick you little cunt then go and take your uncle deep up your tight little ass" 9ad2c14bdb16f3ed,"it doesn't matter what i think. i'm a big retarded antisemite. i'm-a go throw myself in front of an sixteen-wheeler with the grill covered in razor wire and video-tape it for you. people will find the lone tripod on the side of the road, see the video, think it's lulzy, then put it on youtube for posterity. and that's my last post. williamh, sorry for wasting your time. everyone else, search 'antisemite vs. truck' on the yt in a few days. no wait, that one was. no wait, that one was. no wait, that one was. no wait, that one was. no wait, that one was. no wait, that one was. no wait, that one was. no wait, that one was. no wait, that one was. no wait, that one was. no wait....... okay, that one was." 9ad7cab42086b48c,my mate told me you were a fuckin homosexual. you are dead. 9ade615b4724e01b,"dick hey, dick. why don't you go read the aqua teen hunger force wiki page for marines episode and see where it actually says jigsaw. i say that would constitue in other media references, wouldn't you? probably not, because it seems all of you wiki monitors are fucking cock sucking assholes who don't understand what the fuck is going on half the time. seriously, you're a dick. did you even read what i wrote, or did you just automatically delete it because you're a cock? fuck you to death." 9ae9bc47e45f2759,"the battle's over you win, you've locked it, i've tried so many times to re-add the animals but can't because of you! i hope your happy. oh, one more thing, when it comes to prehistoric life, you guys are idiots!!!!!!!" 9aef4e82d5c85fc3,fuck u gogo dogo and cluebot! 9b196b2e97dcb8d3,"that's becasue you are an asshole and a cunt, you fucking asshole. your whimsical reverts to my legitimate additions are biased in nature. so go fuck yourself and your pathetic existence." 9b278ec9d5e23135,"again you are all n3gros, yah i am going to have s3x with you negros, you can go on your mama br3ast and, n3gros users like mcdonald and areaseven snjones, you can go to jail without hunger. yah yah yah n3gros." 9b4d3bb037725218,"sup bitch i'm back. yeah its 420 moonshine baby, i get to use this name now cause 420 moonshine is now bail out,a and the ykick ass. not gonna be able to block me now bitch!" 9b4ec7fba74f01a1,"you like penis, fuck youuuuuuuuuuu" 9b530f28269b38fe,"if you think soad is nu-metal.... you are a fucking goddamn retard and you should fucking die in a fucking fire." 9b5693836fdec774,"what exactly is your problem? jeff leave it alone, grow up and get a life assclown. put down your video game controller, and go outside once in a while and play real games with the other little boys in your neighborhood." 9b5f430d682d8cdd,"hey it's not my fault he's the eric cartman of rspw & wikipedia. he hates the jews, so he can't be the kyle of rspw/wiki. he's too stupid and paranoid to be the stan, and he looks horrible in an orange jumper, so he can't be the kenny (though there are some who wish for his death on a weekly basis)." 9b6cdccb0eb59746,"look betty logan you are just a sour old bag that things anything you don't agree with is poorly written or irrelevant. i completely reworded what i put so it made sense also the spelling was checked on my phone but you can't see beyond the end of your nose can yyou?!?! the current articple yo think is ggood sentence starts with anyway! for crying out loud, and you ttthink its good english@! justuck off i've had enough of you, you pathetic stupid sour old bitch." 9b7566e4dc58537a,i gave you a valid reason. now fuck off! 9b87e2a3d7038c8b,go fuck yourself faggot. ban away. 9b9c4ada2c91612b,you're such one god damn nigger for a titty penis head. i am going to head butt you! 9ba1190da1a8c098,"shove it, self-important moron. this site, curated by pretentious twats with inane biases, is useless as a research tool or living archive. people already sneer at wikipedia, distrust will only increase with wikipedia's growing detachment from reality and adherence to nonsensical bureaucratic procedures. the idiot ghcool, who is a simple propagandist, being defended by you is so utterly ridiculous as to defy belief. the very idea that all peoples contributions are equal is utterly insipid. wikipedia is just one long pissing contest among people’s different biases and hangups. are you also a member of the israeli hasbarah brigade, like ghcool? sad." 9ba661cee540a505,............. p u suck 9baeda0cdff98f79,"excuse me i do not appreciate that you are deleted my changes. i like the way they are and i am an administrator at the school. fuck you! get a life you fucking homo! i hate you!" 9bafcbc4f8f7da19,"he's gonna take you back to the past... to play some shitty games that suck ass... leave me a message..." 9bb1798ba8c5edd3,"orane sucks lots of penis, with genital warts. and he likes getting molested by michael jackson." 9bc199078a8f14e4,"ppppssssshhh, hahaha, funny ass shit" 9bc62e77003385d5,fuk-u daniel case and katie dum bich 9bd19b2c61b34c6d,""" you and purple """"@!? you or just fuck you""" 9bd903c6b29d923f,"stupid blocks real cute first you block then you vandalize my comments. do it agan and i will report you, pov pusher." 9be585867461d56c,"you abuse you position a$$hole" 9bed57249c6701e8,then do it coward and get it over with. 9bf17139cfea3041,suck your moms vagina 9bf4f685fcd8880f,"oh sh*t! i'm shaking in my boots, big bad admin! get off my nuts, bitch." 9bf685bc67aefb82,"wtf do you honestly have no life worthless bitch." 9c0079656ef6f211,"dude, i find you to be arrogant, obnoxious, overbearing, obsessive and basically a wiki nazi. you exhaust people away from this site, you have not turned anyone against juice plus because of your obvious bias against it. i really hope you die a very miserable lonely death tucked away in your garbage filled house. i picture you as a dirty, greasy, old ugly miserable little sad man with little to no life outside of wikipedia. i am willing to bet you haven't been laid in years, likely due to your very small penis. thus the cock referrence in your 'handle', you want to feel big somewhere, and since it isnt' in the real world, you have chosen to be a wiki god. good for you. well done. when you die, and hopefully the news will get out about who died on the same day you quit editing ( my money is on dr. barrett for your identity), no one is going to miss the wonderful wiki editor who kept the world safe from fruits and vegetables. i doubt more than your mother, father and siblings will show up at your funeral,likely your siblings wont' because you probably bug the shit out of them too. when you take in your last breathe red, are you going to be happy about the thousands of hours you spent here at wiki railing against juice plus? is that going to be the measure of your life's work? honestly, isn't there something in life you could be doing other than this obsession? isn't there someone you could be talking to for help, for some companionship,or have you driven them all away by your obnoxious overbearing arrogant opinionated jerk peronality? i hope this gets me banned, as i have a life to get back to now, but this great post will live on, life on line for ever and serve as a ass slapping to the biggest pain in the ass ever! is there a barnstorming award for that? you win it!! you are a complete and total jerk off. dont bother posting on my talk page, warning me or thinking i give a shit about getting kicked off of wiki...oh?! what will i possibly find to do in life?!the all knowing" 9c22d6ac32c484e7,"-this artcicle is a god damn joke, it shouldnt be protected, that way you can edit it any way you want, its a joke, so lets have some fun with it, your a fucking idiot if you beleive this shit. anyone see the scientology episode of south park, god, that was hilarious, and they didnt even need to make more shit up for scientology to be more of a joke. you are a fucking idiot if you believe this shit!!! go ahead, piss yourself becuase i am right. -anonnymous stranger" 9c2f64338a272f9a,he deserved it. go suck one. 9c3055ab4e8d7be2,"yeah, wmc is imho a jerk. and very soon, and admin! but unfortunately i don't have enough edits to help your arbcom vote either." 9c37f7a0bebbe0cd,"""wikipedia's article on sanchez is a sick joke. the """"editors"""" who worked on it should be ashamed of themselves, and so should you. you're not an editor, you are a censor and a liar.""" 9c4209baa0e3f98d,"obviously you're an idiot so let me make it clear, i am not another user so stop accusing me of being one particularly ones that are vandals as i am not." 9c423c5dc07a3911,"why not admit it? the only reason you disagree with anything is because you are an obsessed troll, whose sole agenda is causing discord." 9c4d2f3ba8acb30d,"stop deleting my jont. i told you! you can ask him he'll tell you that we're friends we went to the same preschool! stop being so damn ignorant. i hate people like you. yall think you're soo cool but really all u are is just a buttfart! go rub you're nipples sherlock. leave me alone!" 9c50f7df01823387,you are a pompous fool. 9c595ae1b5d56242,"i would also support 195's view. you clearly think you're a clever dick. you're not, and lets hope that your big mouth is taught a big lesson." 9c8d80c749827fad,"so that's funny, actually. it's amusing that you people get to delete whatever you want on your user and discussion pages but if anybody else does you will just revert it. and yet i am curious why you don't see how much of an irritating piece of shit you are? are you blond? mexican? from iowa? wyoming, i was close. that explains it, your lot doesn't really much care how irritating and stupid you are. so i guess i'll sit here and edit out your discussion page too. maybe next time you'll learn to show some respect or just keep your fucking mouth shut, tough guy." 9ca0ca8c8e8a07d1,"oh yeah? well that expalins just about as much as why you eat your own dung freak. i put no copywritten material on the page fool. the lyrics ar copywritten? well then delete all the other lyrics to other songs on this wiki! what's the matter can't take the heat punk? then get out of the kitchen numskull! get your butt out!!" 9cbfb575f45d319e,"legolas2186 is a fag" 9cd824d033bfdad8,your fucking face. faggots 9cea83e3d52794c7,"licking my ass hahaha quit banning me you faggot." 9cedfc29529ebe8d,"bastard why do you hate jonathan dick!" 9cef4a7e31d69a8c,"admin wannabe's don't do 3rr's like you did at shankbone's neurotic conspiracy page. but if it (adminship) happens, it happens, right? what a crock of shit! you will never be an admin, you don't have what it takes, save loneliness and a friendless existence. oh, and in case you missed the edit summary over at shankbone's conspiracy page, i'll post it here: just think, if your father had loved you, you wouldn't have turned out queer, and you could've lived a normal life. happy editing, you queer queer." 9cfaaa6bcc0093d0,""" news flash: i no longer give a shit. since i'm already violating a wikipedia policy just by clicking """"edit this page"""", why the fuck shouldn't i violate the rest of them? the wikipedia cult has treated me with incivility and harrasment, and i am simply returning the favour. also, that edit to cyde's userpage was an improvement to the accuracy of that trite bullshit. cyde is, and always has been, a fucking wanker. """ 9d086435d1e25acb,""" hello dick head you are my new friend for life. — preceding unsigned comment added by """ 9d252d2e47e48341,get the hell of wikipedia idiot 9d2a9a19e1542277,"nearly headless nick nearly headless nick is fucked up in the head and abueses his admin role!" 9d2f662877ab8f8a,"a message to you rudy you are a lolcow" 9d354251ab6682ee,yo i hate you salvio you suck i hate you a-hole 9d42f25bb36cbb1f,"ho bitch!! delete my shit again!!" 9d4b2e6b4697cc2f,"showing your total ignorance and lack of autralian knowledge r u u idiot. u imagine that if u dont knwo about it, it neve rthappened. that puts u in the running for having the smallest brain in the world. mouthing of flike u have done means wik misses out on a huge amount of material that its very obvious u dont have the ability to have access to." 9d4bad17d0614c0f,i did f*** all here so f*** of wikipedia you arrogant self righteous c***s 9d6067420811aa92,this proves my point that these morons wouldn't know a constructive edit from vandalism. thanks for proving me right! wikipedia is more worhless than people realize! 9d624e0d45acf4b0,"1.) just because the hd radio website is supposedly out of date doesn't automatically mean wsff broadcasts in hd radio. i actually have an hd radio and i can tell you that wsff doesn't broadcast in hd radio. you can even contact them. 2.)wjjs/wjjx has dropped their rhythmic format in 2012. it's evident by their playlist. 3.) the main difference between urban contemporary and urban adult contemporary is that urban ac stations tend to stay away from recent popular hip hop/rap songs. 4.)i don't even care about wsnv, they've been going downhill. 5.) in the case of my recent wvtf edit, i got information from the station's damn website!!! overall, shut the fuck up you giant prick." 9d642c1937732b63,"wow your userpage is faggoty. dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt dickbutt" 9d64a17cee3ad6f5,"hey punk dont be deleting my stuff, you know nothing bout the harly drags so stay out of my shit you stupid nerd, punk fag female thats all u, bitch" 9d6dee775e2dab5d,"fuck, shit, damn, cock, pissant, motherfucker, and horse dick." 9d70f2234a353f12,"ok, i will take this to the public. and on your pictures of the cunt fuck you too." 9d8993d2584cbe80,you are an arrogant little so-and-so - aren't you mr pompous? 9d9fc63b64146abb,""" fucking agree. i know the controversies involving scientology but if you're so scared you need to wear those l for lame masks (nice choice by the way, the mask of some dumb 1600 terrorist who tried to blow up the palace of westminster with gunpowder worn by a character in some cheap commie film) and even use some voice synthesizer when you post a lame youtube video, there's a nice alternative: stay in your bedroom with a bucket between your legs to urinate in and browse your gay imageboards. this article is misleading by the way, the only way form an accurate image on the typical """"anonymous"""" is to go on /b/ (not safe for work or sanity, you should use some proxy with the option of disabling images). """ 9dabc9d044b2541d,"you are a queer fag" 9dad569e38375be0,"its still funny son of a bitch! _|_" 9dc005c32edc5363,"are you a fucking dick-head? people like you should be prohibited from editing wikipedia. you should first learn some history, and stop spreading your propaganda." 9de2b70ecf3432e9,cluebot also says you have a tiny penis. 9df6e193b6865375,"jack and jill eric, thank you for your contribution, but i think the version i put up is more accurate and i have properly sourced it. please leave as is. thanks and keep on wiking! you may wish to check out uncyclopedia. they welcome that sort of thing. '''''' (talk · contribs · email) i much prefer posting here than uncyclopedia, especially since the version i put up is factually true. please stop censoring me, that's not very nice! now go fuck yourself, you nerd!" 9e1322cc71b88bc0,f*ck you and the horse you rode in on singularity42 you ass*hole! 9e2c6d8192e9b966,you're a dick. feel free to delete my wikipedia account i dont care i can't believe you didnt even give me a chance to edit my article. you removed it literally 5 minutes after i originally posted it. dick move. suck it 9e3ab5bd024d3f30,"hey, nazi dude: sherpa derpa derp" 9e4a3b037f3c9032,"holy hell mother fucker shit kicker penis licker l;fjd;dsfl;kjasd;fj;jdsaf;lkjas;fdajdsf;safsd;f;sad;fa;dsfl;jsad" 9e651c2439db174a,wiki sucks ass. from admin 9e66fc39c3bc6361,"so,you are the miserable ,envious shmack.ok it understandable now.thamk you." 9e6a3efb4510bcec,"see you lousy cunt" 9e6dd1dd848eea62,"email ok u know what? sd31415 sent me an innaproprate email. i dont know how but he sent it. i am pissed. i dont really give a damn about how it happened so block me already you moron. thank you, goodbye for good. loser." 9e7b081b0ca6bbaa,"let's make this clear little man. regardless of what ip address you complain about and get blocked, we have a dozen more to take its place. every edit you make under this screen name will be reverted. there are many of us that have the time and patience to do just that since your life seems to revolve around smear tactics on political profiles. goodluck bitch." 9e862b878737a7c1,"anyone who writes the filth you write is, by definition, an ignorant racist neo nazi." 9e9d7931ae8b2593,"user jkelly is incapable of behaving responsibly and has removed the correct edit of another user. the lies and falsehoods being pished through on the greek pages are a disgrace, and show that greeks are not fit to be members of the european union. the correct data from the 2001 census and official reports have been put on these pages by me and others time and again, and greek nationalists have decided to remove them. so, once again, there are not 98% greeks in greece so stop the crap. i have tired of putting links to official reports when idiots here remove them. just grow up and learn how to make correct arguments, instead of the childish greeks are wonderful and clever mentality." 9ecf3329158e0276,"jew get the fuck out of here you jewish son of a bitch, i'll rape your fucking family if you don't leave you semite bastard. i will shoot you if you return, because you're a dirty semite, i hope you choke on a fucking bagel, prick. shalom. we came in?" 9eec9efc8d1df0ca,"eat a dick faggot you take internet too seriously. anon will have your blood faggot." 9ef7a5afdd84eea9,you are a herpes vagina 9f024491e673f702,"you are a major fag i am going to write you a paragraph to why you are a fag and to never contact me again. dear gb fag (whoops), you are a fag because you are trying to get with me when i am a man and so are you (i hope). you also act in dooshish way. you dont like to play pranks on a dooshish website. and last if you contact me again i will say such mean things you will never bother me again. bye gb fag hopefully foreve" 9f07b1f5f5d4b9ca,"haha, you suck you suck john reaves, way to stand up for your boyfriend you loser. by the way, i think hangingcurve told you but in case you didn't know, that was ! if you can still remember, you actually unblocked safwwefe in may 2007 per good article and on immediately reblockable condition. that was probably the worst unblock ever on wikipedia! a few days later safwwefe abused socks and was blocked again and that's not over! over the years (2007-09) safweefe returned to continue the same pattern sometimes making some good edits but abusing again. a notable sock was brave warrior. and then comes the community ban by blueboy96/hangingcurve for inappropriate edits to barack obama article. then, safwwefe returned in 2013 to troll former editors he's been in dispute with, mostly blueboy96/hangingcurve, but maybe safwwefe should troll you instead now! can't believe you actually unblocked safwwefe, look at how that turned out you fucken idiot admin }}" 9f1651ae5c97daa2,"why? why is this page so zealously guarded... by so many idiots? never seen anything like it.~" 9f4187c7a5978293,"f u c k o f f you are the bigest c u n t in the world. what the hell do you think your doing you deleted a page that was perfectly ok and an existing project in the uk you are not fit to be an editor on wikipedia you stupid unsatisfied son of a b i t c h . go to hell and burn!!!!" 9f569fbc690f0ea6,"block what's wrong ass-fuckers? you can't take a little heat? why don't you all suck each other's cocks you fucking dumbass wikipedia nerds. i hope you all rot in hell. fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! shit piles!" 9f6f16ac2b7e314e,"so you are another vile little englishman like fisk. you europeans are evil pieces of shit, and you faggots should be exterminated for what you have done to us." 9f7a77dc10cf79a2,". well in that case, i hope your house got destroyed in hurricane katrina you nigger." 9f8474292502adae,""" great go and die painfully you foul mouthed sanctimonious moron. the road to hell is paved with """"good intentions"""". roast slowly...""" 9f8b36a0b661dae7,"haha moron.. i told you to shut up.. - when you get unblocked i'm gonna ask them to permanently ban the ip so that you have to use an account. now i am getting warnings because of you. or rather because i called you a moron. what are you doing anyways?? quit bangin on the walls!! - rofl you got banned too!!! lmao i am making breakfast and reading about ancient persia! when your kids get up come over bro. um sandstein what is your problem? i mean with 4twenty? if it really matter to you, he really didn't do anything offensive to me. if you are just being admin-troll, please stop? deleting comments? really? it's really not all this. way too much attention over 2 brothers arguing man. i made some stupid decisions and twenty is trying to make me see an easier way and you ban him too? for telling me to behave? i don't think i am the only one who is confused here. perhaps a cookie? come on man really." 9f9c8301b8557210,"wow well who do you think you are you cuntsy, like a prick fuck off your mums a dirty swag you shite eyed stupid nonce" 9fa0210fde41e711,fuck you! 9fa04abcda427549,stop editing dumbass! —preceding unsigned comment added by 9faa936076c31bf4,"liar again twat twat twat i can tell you are frigging american go england twat head whoooooo twat" 9fb6f6559077d6a5,"a picture of rob, an academic fraud and wiki bully boy" 9fbc9e61b2eef760,"pardon me. you are an ass, not a fool. i am moving forward with my plans to have you banned from wikipedia. your removal of that article which was well cited (learn how to read), was vandalism and it has been reported as such." 9fdb402381ed5396,"fuck ya, ya poo brian" 9fdd56f669c92091,""" fuck you re: """"mark williams radio host"""" and """"ground zero mosque"""" you vandalizing asswhipe....... landing gear from one of the aircraft and bits and pieces of several people were found inside this building, which itself is less than 60 feet from another that was destroyed..... so fuck you and everybody who looks like you moslem mental retards here... that is fucking """"ground zero"""" so blow me and suck each other dry. fuck you""" 9ff630ce83b9971e,lol suck my dick bitch! ;) a02cdbe5fc44fef0,a cock to suck and stop accusing people of sock-puppetry. a031eb22dc523da3,"yall are vandals i like tyar and stopdroproll. and i don't like you mean ************!" a03a14d0150111b8,"opinion is opinion and everyone has one of those. you really think all of these aliens were dropped into a volcano based on no evidence, that alien souls are in your body? fucking idiots. my opinion is more correct than yours" a03d44548758ca06,"ur the biggest gay hello from face punched" a03f4867234720e3,""" you know what? fuck you! i tried to be civil to you earlier, but since you're not gonna pay me the same courtesy there's no point. there's no need to poke fun at me using the word """"man"""" and making sarcastic comments about using references. now i know you're just looking for a fight. i've worked on the content, and i only ended up keeping a few sentences but they don't have sources, so let me look for some right now. """ a04499611f8bf398,"ok oh i seeeeeeeeee, but still you said i should apologise for calling him an idiot then you called me one so basically shut the fuck up..." a046697fb2ccc104,"if you'd ever had heroin-coated condoms during anal sex with infant koalas then you wouldn't dispute its popularity philipbeswick, do you now understand the weakness of your argument?" a04767b1333b4fb0,"you are not cool you are the most hated fool in the world! you are a load of %$#! barry dejay rocks!" a056d6e5e9475bc2,jd is a raging homosexual faggot who should be eaten alive by a pack of rabid baboons. a07609272ca6c7b6,"piss off! you represent one of the worst examples of what is wrong with open access editing. you are a fraud. use some discernment when quoting your precious 'medrs' for goodness sake. you insist on quoting a freighted text from a psychiatric review source, of all things. this is a rheumatological/neurologica condition. you have yet to cite the original study upon wch this opinion is based!!!" a0a3fed34c16511c,"112supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool! 3" a0a4cd3702563ceb,no. i don't want to be ur friend. bitch a0b2f29fec82305f,you son of a bitch...i can get more unblocks you dumbass. you fag do you wanna suck my fag or do you wanna take it in the dick is out for you....hahahah..i am getting my friends today to swarm this site to take over} a0c815b174c600a9,im gonna guess you are the same bigoted non normal that wrote this hate page in the first place. you and your gay friends are all pedophiles. a0d6bcb2385d4f0d,fuck head limey vandal a0e8a9f87c61a501,you are a pothead ... colscott is a genious !!!! a0ebe69abfb1cacf,"hello, brainwashed vampire i will squash the ccp like the cucaracha it is! you are a pathetic, brainless excuse for a human being....don't you realize the beijing is the land of mordor where the evil lies????????????????????" a0f5f8926dfbf0c4,""" who the fuck are you, """"halfshadow"""" and where do you get the termerity to even address the fat man who never came back!!!! this issue is between tfm, the blocking admin and the great jpgordon, whom i deeply respect because who once played horns for oingo boingo. no one's talking to you and i bet you never played horns in any band i've ever heard of!!!!!!!!!! i bet you're one of those wannabe admin douches who hangs around an/i all day hoping to curry favor with the other douches who mill about an/i!!!!! i'm deeply insulted by the crass presumption that i am somehow """"lucky"""" i'm not being indefinitely blocked. you are apparently unaware that my services are required at the reference desk and that i am doing the community a favor by even bothering to show up to this stupid website. editing """"wikipedia"""" is not some great privilegeit's some sort of social disease. you ever show up anywhere near my talk again (this also means the talk page of any of my brothers or family members), and you and i are going to have words. """ a0fe48bc2ab9c672,"did bitch has sum nice tatas i wanna squeeze dem melons" a111c76bd07a4d22,"hey buddy you suck asshole" a11e609444ac47ff," fukkk offff beetch.........." a1237f726b5f5d89,"dude. place the following in the large text box: please stop raping little boys in the anus. don't you know that's illegal?" a12cde0f7be49108,go fuck yourself and block me you cunt. a13a6bb19ed2ca45,"awww mah gawd loik dis movy gets me soooo moist loik i cud fuk dat caspa cause hes a really nice guy but dat telly ewwww never never hehe never hed just have to rape moi sexy bod bring it ooooon ;) ! awww mah gawd all da sexy niger gs and studs struten around looken 4 sex gets me sooo moist like i am a devout croatian catholic and loik awww mah gawd i just cumd all ova da computa chair stinky croatian devout catholic pussy beige colord cum creamin outta my pussy all ova da computa chair awww mah gawd im gagin 4 it loik homie g niggr cock raping me like awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww mah gawd im droolen stikin mouse up mah pussy awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww211.28.54.73 please telly n specialy casper hear my msg i dont wanna be raped dont rape me i have big boobs and am a virgin hehehehehe ;)" a13bf738f8957282,"suck it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!" a141e371ffc6fad1,"""::::::oh blow it out your ass, mr. """"i'm-too-good-to-be-logged-in."""" you have no proof that i'm anyone else and your baseless accusations are laughable. you think you can armchair for the adminstrators and yet you bought your couch at a yard sale for twenty bucks. just because i use words that someone else uses that automatically makes me them?? if i speak dutch does that make me santa claus? now go """"blow it out your eye wall!"""" """ a1590b309f12ff4f,"eh im in no mood to actually edit stuff, i've done like 4 minor minor edits in the last 2 days, and that big ridiculous rant. it wasn't that bad, i mean i didn't do some mass vandalize and put untrue info and what not, i just went to the guys talk page, deleted everything off and told him that i hated him and he is a pretentious power hungry ass hole (but in like 40x more words) i might get blocked but only for a bit i think, i don't see me getting blocked for like....more than a week, if i do that is totally to much." a16442fb5c493aa5,"faggit shut the fuck up you fuckin horrible little faggit" a16c174de6b7a6a7,viridae you suck mike's cunt nostril discharge! a170b4d3824ddeba,"stop vandalizing my post my edit is useful and accurate so stop deleting it and warning me for fixing your crap you jerk" a193412f3be80463,can suck my nine foot throbbing cock a19613eb2da78336,"liar that was all true you and your twisted family sit there at nights in a circcle wanking off over children and then you eat them with michael jackson i bet you were the one that dangled the baby out the hotel room." a1a030166929841b,"bold textthe many constructive editors of this article have made interesting additions and have corrected typos. the article contains background on the lake’s general area (muskoka and haliburton), because no other article has done so. this is a wikiproject lakes article. if you have something constructive to contribute to the project, i suggest you do so. in the meantime, you are nothing but a vandal.bold text" a1ab6d96255ea830,"are you a jew are you a jew? don't pollute obama's article with your snot." a1be13cb876a170e,"^^^^^^ asshole!!!! lol what a half-brained chump bitch ^^^^^^" a1deafef45b8dc83,""" the two of you both seem actively involved in deleting my hard work. can you explain your qualifications in editing these articles, besides having a computer with an internet connection? i'm not trying to get anyone banned. i'm trying to correct and add to articles that are grossly inaccurate because they all seem to be written by male computer scientists in their twenties. what the fuck does a """"sock"""" mean? and why do you keep removing and reverting my edits? are you saying you are not involved with sudoghost? the two of you seem to have nothing better to do than to revert every single one of my posts here. keep it up with the personal attacks and insinuations here, keep being a piece of shit, scumbag, it's clear you are in the know about proper conduct and protocol here.""" a1ee93f990a693db,why you so pig?? a20c07d12c38f91b,"you... you are attacking me again, beacuse i am . do you remember me, fucking man? now, i see that you want destroy my work again. this time, you will die, fucking ryulong." a20c40c84c1bb19d,"are you? as gay as danski? if you are i will continue to attack you and your beliefs" a238eb61fa81da30,"you cannot block me. if you block me, i will call you a dumbhead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" a23f18b406f2f5d1,"it isn't 1998 stop using the font element, you fool." a2416afb00ffc2d9,"it's abrevashun! it makes stuff shorter, u f***er! i'll nswer dat queshton, now f*** off & let me do it! 5:00, 6 august 2007 (utc)" a25cf3f8a2cb1e9e,"someone should have told you by now, if you stop sucking so many dicks, you'll be more relaxed. too much dick-sucking (so i'm told) can lead to temporary psychosis." a269aa3d51839a27,"nonsense? my medical condition is fucking nonsense to you? go fuck yourself i hope you die right now." a280ecd3f033182c,"go fuck yourself for giving me a sandbox warning his face was burnt in the attack. watch the fucking episode before giving me your fucking warning." a282cc24c17e65fa,i've got better things to do then play this stupid game with you! i'm not a retard like you! a286a6fb06d94bc8,""" you bitch you son of a bitch!you are the reason resident evil is going to hell(youtube wise)!!!i fucking hate you!all those """"fans"""" of yours are just nerds who think stupid jokes are should die and rot in hell!!!""" a29c21745c223ee0,"and a fan of anime. yup, a child porn fetishist. man, i hope rednecks like you will be the first to go." a29c70f94f9b09da,i know he's an idiot i think he might of been held back a year in school then again texans aren't really smart or average for that matter. a2b4567e40d34e72,"her! poop, pee, toot, fart, gas, diareah! zoey is poop. she stinks. i want to marry you baby! call me! stop deleting this!" a2b50de88da494ef,""" hey man, i was just playing. no worries, i won't do it again. i mean, you could take a joke or you could just be a stupid asshole, but hey, whatever. i would like point out that nothing that i said was either anti-semetic or """"evil"""". i have multiple friends that are jews and i'm sure that most of them would have thought that it was funny. in any event, carry on, you crazy russian prick.""" a2ba96036b780e4f,""" that might be the single dumbest thing i have ever read. is this editor intellectually disabled? does he have any actual idea what the word """"argument"""" means? """ a2c5ce2805e420b2,you and jack greenmaven are motherfuckers a2cf50212aa6d441,"thats hardly an attack, see wp:spade. your constant barrage of idiocy is however coming close to what i would consider a personal attack by way of insulting my intelligence." a2dd9aea46c3217a,"quick message f u c k o f f that is all thanks" a2ee8bc44d7deff5,"nickelodeon workers, you are conniving, greedy-ass shitcans that don't give a damned fuck about anything more than money, fame, and fortune. what in the world are you dickbeaters trying to do?!?!?!?! win yourselves a bunch of hot girls!!!!! get some damned lives you fucking turds!!!!!!!!!!!" a30e495e262e80b9,"you don't know wait a minute, do you wanna say that you know her better i don't think so, so stop editing the page because you , ,not me, you ruined both pages!!!! so shut the fuck up and let me editing the page like i know, because you're a liar and that's why i editing the tuna (singer) page ! don't erase that what i wrote you or you have a problem. -rondakalitus-" a333a0a52a38eb1a,"okay okay okay first off fuck you. second second secpond hold on plz dont perma ban me. plz plz plz my mom'll make me take out the trash then! also do u hav a lyf?" a3380d5f77a713f0,fuck you jdelanoy. you are german cock sucker & fucker mother fucker. good to know how you fucked face looks. a35a7a014182a283,"your stupidity as you are aware, anything that i do gets reverted for no reason mainly by you; you use the wp:3rr the wp:sock and that stupid conciseness rubbish for your protection when really you know you are just doing it to be difficult and generally annoying. as i saw at the top of your page, and i quote from another twit that you are doing nothing to improve the article by constantly reverting - this occuring regularly in the following: louise henriette de bourbon-conti - probably the best example of your obsession with having everything that way you want it; henrietta anne stuart - i rearranged the page and added the template:house of stuart - clearly a tragedy; louise marie adélaïde de bourbon-penthièvre‎ - added titles and styles - where are they; i even tried to compromise by removing the stlyes and putting back the titles but once again you must have your way; victoire of france‎ - changed the awful layout along with her sister princess louise-marie of france and princess marie adélaïde of france why? the latter is quite amusing to me proving that you dont even read the article - you simply revert back because i did it - all i did was move the template:house of bourbon (france) to a different part of the page! then you and your chronic arrogance go and revert it under the claim that there are rv excessive, redundant trivia contained in other articles then as always you groan on an on about the usual rubbish with please don't violate wp:3rr or wp:sock what is your point ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? shut up! where is this claim about the wp:sock even from - another one of your ridiculous thoughts. i will not back down. i have a small bit of advice for you: maybe you should read the wp:own article for your own clarification on the matter. you really are a bore; and a selfish one at that. sure our paths will meet again - happy editing" a35b2e401d106791,""" the graceful slick.... is non other than an ungraceful dick! """ a3659fc417ed6b48,"dirty slutty bitch tramp ass hole pussy" a36b4dbe8187f689,you are going to get banned you worthless troll!!!! a39a11c7d8424e8b,"thanks for leaving, never come back, faggot." a3b7e2d24f07a9fc,"yo you are one ugly dude." a3d59280a1685a04,"asshole, why did you bring everything here. tell me!!!" a3e3ebf8ca0567e5,go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yours a3e65a754943b23d,please respond. don't be an ass like this. i'm 11 years old. |talk|contribs|email a414dcc2ea05314a,""":::you fucking retards, only a fucking dumbshit would be religious. does godel look like a fucking dumbshit? \ talk / """ a415050b6316f8aa,you cant delete it siece of shit fuck your mom a44278c870a76373,fuck you white trash!!! a446d1e726c66bae,"hahaha pussy b/itch you're a b1tch" a44c6ebffd0216a5,"fuck you. are you happy that jews like madoff bankrupted your country? actually it is not a real country, just a 800lb pitbull for israel. fuck you, you stupid american. go fight and die in a war for the jews. how many american jews are serving in iraq and afghanistan, oh ya zero, they let you stupid goys die for them. fuck you, you retard. go eat a bowl of jewish lies, you stupid fuck. your life is poitnless." a4639aba136b6499,"hey asshole..dont' you have any thing better to do??? like getting laid??? or jacking off to some milly fakes???" a46a6d7aff78d013,"(yaaawn) huh? what me? oh fuck off you dumb cunt! you got buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurned!!! not done with you yet!! dodge charger.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (yawn) damn youre a dumb dumb huh? go on... block me... pull my 31st isp... yawn... fuckin dumbshit! you made up that stuff and didnt get away with it.,.. why not just admit defeat and go away? pride too big? i've just seen your photo... youre not a real texan are you? night night asshole! yourcousin" a477617edf857f1d,"why are you such an idiot ? afl is for homos ." a4b730e9bab793bf,"bastard you fat bastard! you have done it! your end will come! blood from your throat! death in the air! and the dn group returned! and your blood is a sight of glory! you fat bastard! sayonarra and go on a diet!" a4d78fc9e335afdc,"hi ru:%d0%a3%d1%87%d0%b0%d1%81%d1%82%d0%bd%d0%b8%d0%ba:alex smotrov you want a fuck or dick? whats problem?" a4fcb247b9d7ed94,""" this is idiotic. you morons just rewarded gaming and disruptive behavior by a group obnoxious tag teamers, who've been trying to get this user for a month now. i'm sorry bwilkins but it's very obvious that you are the one who doesn't get how this project (really) works. you're clueless. and people wonder why this project is dying. maybe cuz the admin corps consists of twits. """ a503a4c9a26c2ec5,"christina moon how dare you delete this page, you fucking piece of shit. moon's story has brought joy into the lives of millions of citizens of zaire, a nation that lacks things to be happy about, especially seeing as how it no longer exists. congrats on becoming an official douchebag!" a504518feba0ffae,"i did not vandalize anything you dick == i have never removed an article, only edited it to better standards of scholarship and writing. if you dont like my style, do what everyone else does and edit the fucking thing ==" a51eb0d7a06db3ed,"sad you are one sad fuck. try to get out of the basement, there's sunshine up there." a5225fa4d46ea622,"blow me its my right of freedom of speech to edit wikipedia. so fuck off or i'll rape you anally and vaginally. good day." a52f479b882671a0,"hey hey faggot, are you dead yet? or are you watching your mom getting raped by filthy pigs? which one is it?" a53a7c973292f875,"'the case against the rebels is poor' says the interviewer, 'i fully agree' says sellstrom , o.k.? shill, and then he elaborates. you, darouet, - fucking useless pro-putin russian shills. fuck off and stop using wikipedia for your putin-fascist aims." a5431698d176887b,""" what the fuck is going on here................ i don't even know if i should bother trying to fix this or just use my second account permanently. shit, indrian and times probably playing some shit game here pretending to act like me and got all this shit on my page. i knew there was something wrong with those assholes when i saw them the first time. guess i'll have to abandon this account. hey you still need to learn how to read links! don't think i forgot! this isn't funny asshole! guess what? i have been using another account and you don't even know what it is since the very first time i was blocked! ha, keep playing your games, you aren't preventing me from editing piece of shit. oh and don't think i forgot about your 5 year old temper issues when anyone tries and fixes issues with your precious dreamcast punk ass bitch. lol, you guys did a number on this account. probably found out what program i was using for the first bs account you made. i am impressed with how much damage you have done to this account, but it really means nothing when i am still editing every day on my personal internet and you have no idea which account it is. oh and no it's not using a proxy or a public wifi spot. heck, i may even try reporting this, all you idiots did was use proxy's, if i post on this account on my personal connection, and then appeal this i might just get my account back and get you idiots banned. i know exactly what you are going to do after this to wait until i log off, and then pounce with a new account. sadly, looking at all this crap in my talk page, an admin would have to be retarded to not see how many of these """"accounts"""" that are proxies and not actual connections. you can only hide the smell of rotten fish for awhile before someone notices. shit, may was well clean this shit up. oh wait a second one more thing, , what kind of retarded admin are you when having a bunch of almost all accounts pretending to be me are all on proxies and not one of them acts like me (did you even see my history?), and not one uses a real connection? got that brain damage you do. had to put that in bold to be clear. warning me about an indefinite block, lol, what does that matter, you already screwed up noticing what a 5 year old would have noticed by now. any person would be frustrated by the silliness of this nonsense. i would appeal but something tells me to much shit damage and retarded admins will make this impossible, and i would rather not use the ip of my other account (using a real connection n my personal internet) because then you guys will probably be jackass and deleted for fun, look at this page! all this shit and nothing clicked in your small head? amazing wikipedia. also i need to take note to stay away from low ranked video game pages and focus on popular until you guys get tired of the act. also i know you guys got an account that is going to post a bit after i submit this post i saw him and he did the exact same thing 3 of the duded did, you guys need help, i can't believe not one guy was not like """"this shit don't make sense"""" for a whole second. amazing. alright, so clean this page and leave this message here. erase other extra crap. alright, looks like we are in business. btw, i know this is probably bull, but if any of you two actually are not trolling, which is highly unlikely, than post request an admin to come by so i can clear this account up. but i have this sinking feeling you guys all knew what's been going on here this whole time, and i have no patience to search through tons of pages to find one contact i can talk to about this block, so you might have this account, but you won't get the other one. suck doesn't it? until then, i will be going about my day and you guys will most likely probably still be doing this for x amount of days cause i guess you think it's funny? yeah. list of trolls the official list of either trolls who got nothing better to do, or user who actually are so dumb that when the same thing happens over and over again the same way, they don't realize that there's something amiss. one is a shit admin that posted a warning on this page. two i had to deal with multiple times, and it seems they got something against me because they are making accounts trying to make admins believe they are me, yet they act more like them, even their edit summaries are just like theirs. if there are any sane admins left drop me a message so we can have a private conversation and i can prove things to open this account back up. in the mean time, i will be posting with my second account. it seems like t" a545a55bf669640f,you need to stop editing pages right now you little shit. a555170f60b4b2a0,"the most stupid administration vandals ever, not unblocking to punish, like teachers with childs of 5 years old. this is to avoid vandalizations? not this is incomptence to resolve problems of abuse as being admin. bye, bye thanks for not waste my time here in wikipedia, a wikipedia owned by admins with lack of life, so they want to exercise his authority virtually" a558bc5bf84e73c4,you really really suck. a56b423c17d18214,"mildred taylor is she is totally stupid o.j" a571d043d54054cf,"how bout you go fuck yourself" a5963b3c2f290f26,"fat guy lose weight fatty." a5a9c7e2632269ae,"ohnoitsjamie. you suck. you have just proven that one would be blocked from wikipeia as soon as he was to bag an administrator. you have proven the beaurocracy that exists in this website. blocking me will do you no good. my block expires soon and rest assured i will continue to bag the usa. by the way, blocking me just made me loathe wikipedia and nothing more. i will come back with a vengeance. i have already made a membership with encyclopedia dramatica. a much more enjoyable website than the nerds who contribute to this disgusting online society." a5aef8658cc7cb6b,""" hey, polish slavic monkeys you slavic monkeys can wright here all the shit what you want. but all world knews what realy you are - the trashy mutantes from lower dniepr. your """"poland"""" have no rights to exist - it is only band of slavic trampes. vilnietis""" a5b55cf838df0d6c,sound like the kind of malice and stupidity i expect from you a5d515c27d04e279,"""i think all of you americans you have a real attitude and mental problem ! first you live in a world full of conspiracy and spyies . you still believe that america won vietnam, that you (especially you) are a americqan soldier hero ....pffff... anyway no need to show you more proves of how crazy and idiots americans are - by the way ...what happend in ferguson ? is """"american democracy"""" ? a ? the cowboy law ! all you you a bunch of stupid, incredible stupid cowboys !!! one guy enter in a shop, he molest the cashier, still some products, push away the employee and you...americans ...what you do ? you go in the street screaming - wasn't his fault ! you are a joke of people ! a bunch of iditos ! but anyway, from my point of view ...keep thinking and acting like this.alredy the whole europe, asia and in specially russia don't like you at all ! you will end up of being the """"paria"""" of world ! -if you know what that means ! it seems that what i was trying to explain to you was just something for a american military idiot who thinks he is still in 'nam ! i'm doing contributions to many articles you dumb stupid fag from all over the world because i travel a lot with my work and in my free time i try to do something useful !!!!! you stupid piece of shit ! you can do whatever you want because i don't care !!! i do not sympathize with any publication, news, website, so i don't care ! and as long as i edit article, by adding useful info's from a lot of different ip's ll over the world, what you will do ? block them all ? ! you stupid dumb ! you cannot take my opinion away ! and as i travel, i will continue to develop and support wikipedia not with ....stupid accusations ! so shut up and keep dreaming on the american way ! ok ? """ a5d7db4a03aeded7,"kingpin13 you are, in a word, a cunt." a5e75303425530fc,"you are 22 years older than your husband! you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar! you are an old cougar!" a5f6ee692333f0de,mongo is a homosexual crybaby! a6045514bd66d1ca,"teadrinker is a stupid jerk! also, he has a stupid nickname" a649d87440e021db,"you cant stop a train you have failed me for the last time. seriously, is wikipedia that stupid that they don't know people can't reset their router/modem and get a ip? really, as soon as you ban all the accounts i've made and suspend this ip, il do what i always do. darth vader owns you and it seems you like to hump alex jones cock hrrmmity herm herm you fucking going to be exectued in the nwo, jsp fucking owned you what now bitch fedarated ak74-u" a64de15dd498c6a8,"your ass hey, okay, you don't want to put my friend's penis in your ass..then, how about my penis in your and vaibhav's ass?" a6548feceafe4304,utfuckin retard go get a fucking life u bitchc a656ffd7b46e017f,""" hhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! choke!!!!!!!!!!!!! the curse lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! overrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! enjoy another mediocre season at the usuc. """"kneed"""" a running back? bwahaahaahaahaahaahaahaaa!!!!!!! oh yeah, enjoy your upcoming years of probation too!!!!!!! peacocks!!!!!!!!!!!! """ a659b32895edf8be,""" ban one side of an argument by a bullshit nazi admin and you get no discussion because the islamist editors feel they """"won"""".""" a65f88a7ae955e3a,"i will remove this pathetic scum myself i will remove this pathetic scum myself by disintegration and before that.....hang....drawn....and quartered...." a668956b729e2e95,"better just that she-dog. here girl, here girl! come and delete this section again! good girl! here, i will give you biscuit!" a671141d5d3df426,"hello greatest teacher! dear my favorite teacher, you are my favorite teacher user:pascal.tesson. you truly amaze me how you can give me such horrible grades. you are the best motherfucker in the entire world. i hope you will eat my shit every time you see me in the front row of your class. you are a great bitch!!" a686d7fd2a3742dd,""" what was that crap on eisenhower? he was a bum who played golf constantly while nixon ran the country. where did you study english? """"an historic""""? dumb bastard, learn the basics of grammar. you probably pronounce literaly """"litrally"""", right? how chic,. crackpots my ass, pull your head out of your ass...""" a6887b46e48ae5c7,""" you're such a disgrace. you're a vandal. you're a censor in the worst sense of the word. your censorship is better suited to china, north korea or iran. you seem giddy with your power on wikipedia, ban me for life, it makes no difference to me. and, oh yeah you'll respond like you did earlier (""""ask and you shall receive"""").""" a69b0dc7068fa382,why don't you get a life you sicko. a6a09d4f0f627dd4,"i allways knew wikipedia was a joke, i never realized it catered to queers. you can all go and fuck yourselves" a6a239c828276a89,"delete it and my ip address, you stupid fucking faggot, now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" a6a4b6c2a33c8482,"you snivelling little shit.... horrible horrible horrible vile nasty things are coming your way you little geordie shitbag! mark my words, you are going to get it good and proper!" a6a606fff2c73afe,what i mean to say is that im a big fucknig idiot and i dont know what im talking about a6b2fc85de8114af,"fuck billcj and kill billcj because i hate his big fat fuck kill billcj!! kill billcj! kill billcjs ass! kill his big fat fuck!! kill his ass! kill billcj! fuck billcj! kill his ass! kill billcj!!! kill billcj!! i hate him! kill billcj and avenge toughhead!!! kill his ass!!!" a6b3748926204d69,"hello there you stupid weedhead! you are so f***ing stupid and dumb. stop deleting my pages!! i´m just trying to help. you do also got a very lame and uncool username. /angrybirdlover1337" a6ba784d2a1bc773,"get a reality grip! you suck, try to be responsible and take youre elected resonability for real, and be objective..." a6bdc3073cf2ed1d,"stay off my page, jerk off. i've been editing wikipedia long before you. you have no authority over me, so drink my cum and eat my shit." a6ea4750b045e8c4,i reverted the edits you big baby. seriously do you want me to burp you little baby? stop taking life so seriously and grow the hell up. i did nothing wrong and yet you threaten a ban without referring to wikipedia's article on good faith edits. stop treating me like shit or i will kill myself you mean spirited person. a6eaed158a5336de,what a fucking riot!!! i am laughing my sweet white ass off!!!! a6f61250c11e0d8b,"southwest page i was simply removing a foolish statemnet, fool." a71f6421a7568f59,"martin conway sucks cock in the men's toilet at the anu hahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahaha what a filthy homo" a722c5183bf5c53c,"you stupid cunt. (oh, and i fucked your mother last night. i hope you die." a73328e2f2b4ef97,""" thanks, an idiotic deletion by an insufferable editor (red pen of doom). lieberman is very notable in his field. i must do some more work on legal bios sometime, we should have so many more of them on wikipedia. if the us coverage isn't terrific, imagine what law and lawyers for many others countries is like.♦ """ a736069ae7c21ba2,"freak i seen your picture, you look like a faggot! nice gums in your smile! you have big ears and looks like your balding. get a tan and maybe you'll lose some of your pimples pizza face! have you ever talk to a girl without giving them your creditcard number 1st!! talk" a73c20413128bb49,what the hell is your problem dumbass a757956820f44d17,caden s should b shot in the head 100x u best shut up u piece of dog shitt u no nuthin u stupid piece of shitt larry king is victim a78e57da42bf40f9,im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. im a fat cunt. a78fb12530c91a63,"you have a message re your last change, go fuckyourself!!!" a7b75650fb0f2392,are you a pole smoker? do you suck cock? a7bac73426df66c9,"image the animation is crap; get a new one" a7bde577e6f7e83e,"you losers don't know anything about frank zappa look frank zappa was the most alternative rock in the world. + he did not want to be remembered +he hates the music industry +i mean there are just sooooooooo many things you guys are leaving out of his article it's embarrsing." a7dbd4dbf185a2b6,"hey cumtaster how is the cum tasting going?" a7e293e89ce4fc1e,""" ps. you watch that foul mouth of yours madam. """"innuendo"""" indeed. i've blocked for less. ;-)""" a7ef10a3a8d098f0,"suck it. bitch, suck my bigass cock, gag on it motherfucker. i didn't vandalize shit, you bitchass punks in your administrator's clique think you're the motherfucking bomb and shit, but you ain't got shit and you sure as all hell don't know shit. fuck, if i took a dump and put it on my keyboard the fucking shit would come up with a better contribution than you motherfucking gestopoing up in this bitch." a824bad45cb53902,you seriously suck giant cock onorem. a82c66cb5658d6e3,"u r mean as hell fuck u lol amirite" a82edb79a1c5567a,""" wow your a dick hey there apparantly you deleted my page on wikipedia. first of all let me say that you are a fucking dick reading your comments it would seem you do this a lot. and i have to ask you what the fuck is your problem? i should be allowed to post stuff on wikipedia along with the many other users whose articles you've deleted. i don't care if you don't think they have """"meaningful content"""" and although mine wasn't all that meaningful your contributions to this site aren't either. in fact you aren't in my opinion contributing anything. so stop deleting peoples work, get off the computer, and get a life because if you can find my article in a few second after i created it you obviously have none. i hate to be so harsh but its wrong to do that.""" a834951bc49500f1,"hey jim your one fucking disturbed person you know that ,your a fuckin asshole that created one flawed psudeo bureaucracy filled so called encylopedia ,you know you runs this fake encylopedia bleeding heart liberals and afrocentrist,your a dirty scumbag" a83932247fc191ff,"listen up! go fuck yourself, asswipe!" a8449c5bb9efac8f,"coi you truly are a nasty piece of work. i suggest you leave northwest alone and heed his warnings." a8480ec6a49f7d29,"""do you see the paragraph that starts with how about the dresden codex? can you understand that part? read it a few times over. by the way, the codex is a whopping 74 pages long. rather large book you say? and this is classic, """"i didn't invalidate anything. you have no contribution as of yet."""" please hassle someone else from now on. thanks for being a funny idiot. hahahahahahahaha. mardyks """ a849d64afe1073f5,"hey f**k t*rd, stop deleting my page bi*ch. you must really be an old fat a$s c*nt with no f*ckin life, deleting a perfectly fine article over several times. get a life fagg0t and stop trolling on wikipedia, i mean seriously is wikipedia your life??" a84b23c5716bb0ca,lol smalljim. u have small penis. jk lol a84ecc50a3d3212c,""" abd is muslim scum, the religion of terrorism —preceding unsigned comment added by """ a853e87772214b51,"don't fuck with me coz i fuck back there can be only 2 reasons why u r undoing the edit in pratibha patil's wiki 1. u r blind 2. u must have done some scam like that" a8624eb37ecc1cb2,"gay == he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick john cline is gay he sucks dick" a886e86d4b91248f,"shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up!v shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up! shut the fuck up!" a8a3dda4b1e5d5a7,"fuck you bizitch yo fuck u fuck u" a8a58a2932be6732,=[ you evil nerds make kittens cry. a8b14ec0632e7df9,i actually have aspergers as well but ive learned not to be a pedantic little shit about it a8c3e1307a5463aa,bitch sand-nigger. eritrea is not majority arabic. go fuck a camel. a8cea14350c1fc42,"go hang yoursef lazy fu... go hang yoursef lazy fu..." a8d4ca1bf75c682a,"hey you fucking nigger whore, i'm removing completely false information. ban forthcoming!" a8d87d5b4b67f689,"what the fuck? how exactly am i engaged in a edit war when you removed my stuff? are fucking serious? my stuff is cited and it's useful information for readers about the progress of the movie. stop fucking around. you don't fucking own the page. other people have a right to add information too. if you have an issue with what's been written you can discuss it, not remove it with no explanation." a8ffb7ff2cb8bb88,that is appropriate talk you fucking dipshit. i will come to your house and stab you repeatedly while you sleep and watch you bleed to death and cry and i will laugh. a901825ba8e62951,"i think that what is evident is that most of these 'bots' who are so-called moderators, the ones who spend pretty much all day editing & 'cleaning-up' & restoring wiki entities are clearly sad cunts. that is according to the majority; you know, the masses who are rational & retain some sanity by being offline for a little while. unlike sad cunts such as" a907027284d28d62,"chriso proven criminal and fucken homo chris, you mother fucker...all what you want to know about chriso you can find at'bold text'" a90fe691df911f1e,"kumara rao idiot- read this" a91cec4f7a90ee63,"=why are you being so rude? i only want to help you motherfuckers. fuck! retards! you're such retards! i hope you all die! seriously, die!!!" a9208bd1beb28830,"fuck you youfuckingidiot" a92418a930684aa2,"meeeeeeeeooowww!!!! shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! uh, there are two ways, why you do erased my comment about ww2, that holocaust was brutally slaying of jews and not gays/gypsys/slavs/anyone... 1 - if you are anti-semitian, than shave your head bald and go to the skinhead meetings! 2 - if you doubt words of the bible, that homosexuality is a deadly sin, make a pentagram tatoo on your forehead go to the satanistic masses with your gay pals! 3 - first and last warning, you fucking gay - i won't appreciate if any more nazi shwain would write in my page! i don't wish to talk to you anymore! beware of the dark side!" a92b9cc08dd70a65,"hot rod hey dumb ass what are you doing to my article hot rod ? are you the president of wikipedia ? if it ain't broke don't fix it." a92c5bd8f6bfd77e,fuck the poor britain is shittttttttttttttttttttttttttttt a92de3be76b6214a,ajohnson170 is a son of a bitch and a dog-eating motherfucker. a9374331c8e045ee,"opps my bad bitch fuck wikipedia bitch and david eppstein fuck wikipedia bitch and david eppstein fuck wikipedia bitch and david eppstein fuck wikipedia bitch and david eppstein fuck wikipedia bitch and david eppstein fuck wikipedia bitch and david eppstein fuck wikipedia bitch and david eppstein fuck wikipedia bitch and david eppstein fuck wikipedia bitch and david eppstein fuck wikipedia bitch and david eppstein fuck wikipedia bitch and david eppstein fuck wikipedia bitch and david eppstein fuck wikipedia bitch and david eppstein fuck wikipedia bitch and david eppstein" a93e6014160cf536,fucking bitches that are reading this. jasenm222 sucks fat dick.fucking bitches that are reading this. jasenm222 sucks fat dick.fucking bitches that are reading this. jasenm222 sucks fat dick.fucking bitches that are reading this. jasenm222 sucks fat dick.fucking bitches that are reading this. jasenm222 sucks fat dick.fucking bitches that are reading this. jasenm222 sucks fat dick.fucking bitches that are reading this. jasenm222 sucks fat dick.fucking bitches that are reading this. jasenm222 sucks fat dick.fucking bitches that are reading this. jasenm222 sucks fat dick.fucking bitches that are reading this. jasenm222 sucks fat dick.fucking bitches that are reading this. jasenm222 sucks fat dick.fucking bitches that are reading this. jasenm222 sucks fat dick.fucking bitches that are reading this. jasenm222 sucks fat dick.fucking bitches that are reading this. jasenm222 sucks fat dick.fucking bitches that are reading this. jasenm222 sucks fat dick.fucking bitches that are reading this. jasenm222 sucks fat dick.fucking bitches that are reading this. jasenm222 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warcraft i need recruits for a guild!" a980f867331cb168,"you're both morons. david levy, you're the only person with a problem with the move, so i'm not sure what consensus you're referring to. scorpion, relatively popularity is meaningless. they both have the same name. ergo, there should be a disambiguation page. since neither of you seems to have a clue, i'm not going to waste my time here anymore. good luck with your fan page, idiot. and good luck with your fascism, levy." a98a7d6e47b42b41,bilcat mom is a dumpster slutt a992031748c0cd44,you're both a couple of assholes. - a99aff4a8428dfb2,"leari can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and arrest me...san diego california, chula vista, fucking get your information right faggot shithead!!i can still post with this computer...i said block me, come the fuck down here and" a9a72b087bb94047,"lawl fuck you you have no sense of humor to call that vandalism. that was humourous content you bitch-faced faggot." a9b532f986b87b44,"you're an imbecile who didn't even play the game. you don't know what you're talking about. and for the record, the canon scenario for resident evil is a mixture of both scenarios. play resident evil 5. we can do this forever. 2001:558:6026:97:44af:e2bf:9b1e:3dd9" a9e7b08002275c2f,""" this was an accurate redirect, i hope that """"church"""" catches on fire one day, and is razed into the ground with the twisted deamons that are a part of that cult. the sickos use friggin children to promote their messages from hell. """ a9feb5d861e0f3ba,""" deletion of created pages you have deleted the pages """"rachel barry"""" and """"austin mcnabb"""". this is ridiculous. just because you have never heard of them doesnt mean that the pages should have been deleted. they were well written articles of hard working americans. clearly you are not one. sitting on your fucking computer all day and waxing your fucking carrott. i think you are a self rightous bastard who should burn in hell. i will not think these things if you put these pages back up. have a good fucking day sir...fucking god damned bastard.""" aa01c296d14f185e,i agree with you somewhat. you shouldn't be blocker for three reverting an asshole. ► ( talk ♥ contribs ) ♪♫ aa06e3de7a0d5547,"don't just strike incorrect information as you did in flash fiction. delete it, you moron." aa0dcf43df32273f,"gwernol=ugly stillborn molesting dickwad dear gwernol, u useless cunt molesting niggertard go fuck dvd rw's 2 inch albino cock. gwernol=ugly stillborn molesting dickwad dear gwernol, u useless cunt molesting niggertard go fuck dvd rw's 2 inch albino cock.gwernol=ugly stillborn molesting dickwad dear gwernol, u useless cunt molesting niggertard go fuck dvd rw's 2 inch albino cock.gwernol=ugly stillborn molesting dickwad dear gwernol, u useless cunt molesting niggertard go fuck dvd rw's 2 inch albino cock. gwernol=ugly stillborn molesting dickwad dear gwernol, u useless cunt molesting niggertard go fuck dvd rw's 2 inch albino cock." aa0fcf4ac7103caf,"is this the new tass? or are you just an ass?? rononadl mcreagan" aa21ee5f7e0511bb,"you pov pushing revert monkey stop reverting things when you could make edits, you stupid pov-pushing revert monkey." aa22dca6a70c701a,""" liar: you certainly did put an alleged """"real"""" name back?!?! you lie, you """"protect"""" scum and you intentionally with malice aforethought blast harmful, possibly dangerous, erroneous information all over the internet. who the hell do you think you are???? you said that you are so worried about you getting sued? ha! that's your made-up """"public"""" reason? liar. and second source bs does not protect you. i'll go direct to sources & you can have have fun spending a fortune defending yourself. that's all she wrote! get lost.""" aa2edf9dc1d08265,"(utc) her husband was still alive in 60's. must not her friend live in the neighbor with her? the delusion maniac must go out. 03:29, 7 february 2007" aa33ef60e978c6d9,"you are biased you are a liberal biased idiot who masqerades as if you are neutral. you are a fucking joke! fuck you! how do you like the tea protests bitch? you're going down!" aa4e9dccafd7bf6a,cant block me nigga aa559bef302d4728,"you you, are a high and mighty dirty cunt and i want you to perish." aa7d8d473599d751,"phanatical, you little piece of shit! you are a fat fuck. you are insane. yours truly, hehehe." aa9cb1bd8b149619,"your a twat! what happened to the george walker page motherfudger!!!!!" aaa229fd1566786b,now go suck a nigger dick. aaa24f444088cc1b,"i'm back yes i'm back, but i won't do anything stupid you ass-muppet." aaaeb31c5d366711,"hey, don't be a faggot." aab77b476faadef8,"wikitheclown welcome to wikipedia. although everyone is welcome to contribute to wikipedia, at least one of your recent edits, such as when you reverted my edit to ibanez, shows you to be a rediculous fuck. please refrain from being a rediculous fuck." aab939408d30b235,how dare they sit under the white man's tree. them fuckin niggers have to learn their place! aabdf9074d05c4d8,"lol lol you're a nerd! lol" aac5870b6d632215,"hey hey faggot, are you dead yet? or are you watching your mom getting raped by filthy pigs? which one is it?" aacd64e87d5677b5,"fuck you jeremy! hey jermey a, i just thought i'd mention that you should pursue getting a real job, you piece of dog shit. furthermore, fuck you. in addition to that, i think you may be homosexual (citation not needed), because the grapevine has shed light on your impotence issues around women. that, or you need to stop dating fat women. also, fuck you, cunt, you kike ass nigger pussy. you're a fucking deadbeat loser, eat my shit and rot. you need to understand what wikipedia means to me. nothing. by nothing i mean i'd rather be penetrated by razor sharp dildos, into my sphincter, before ever giving a shit what you do. suck my cock you white pow wow nigger knife kike, and and and eat my shit. seriously. i mean this for real. eat it. meaning, stick the lumps of excetement escaping from my rectum and consume them, let the shit slide down your throat. then, and only then, may you disgrace yourself by giving me the shitty head you're really unqualified to give. dog fucker." aae7e0eb87f904ab,""" middle finger _l_ well fuck you i fucking listed a source ffs """ aaefa83a633d173a,"thaksin is a fxxcking thief and should be shot anf killed with all his family members - ass-hxxes all of them! bold textread heading enough said..." ab0b616061472b65,"is a gay faggot that takes it in the butt from other users who control him and manipulate him to indiscriminately ban users with gay cunnilingus is a faggot and so is '''''' – they are butt buddies" ab3d2f4206e752a1,"you're not an admin you act like an admin, but you're not an admin. don't even fucking act like that. you're trying to fuck me up but you can't do any shit like that. as a sofa lands on the ground, your mother gets her tits squashed and dies and a dead rabbit falls from the clouds and lands on your ass, licking your ass. user:factual80man" ab4c923bd6c20efb,""" okay i'm done talking about policy! i just thought i'd let you know that no one believes wikipedia info to back up real sources. we aren't even allowed to use wikipedia as a source on our source cards for research papers! maybe you should find a new hobby and forget about wikipedia because i just created this account to make this place a bit more accurate! the internet is screwy noawadays and the only place i really trust is starkidz because they get donations from parents one even trusts wikipedia so maybe you should stop wasting your time! i'm never coming back here again. i previous had an account which you blocked for """"copyright infringment"""" when i wasn't posting anything you weren't. i honestly created this account to badmouth wikipedia're an ass! """ ab51911c30a563a5,"do you think people would like you more if you weren't such a dick? or are you a dick because no one likes you? either way, you won't be missed." ab5357230b33d8ee,"idiot fuck you, i had advanced tickets to see this thing because i wanted to see it so badly and your piece of shit asses ruined it for me." ab6a988244e8c3ef,fuck off you complete tosspot. ab76fd234809cdd1,"to ymblanter eat my dick asshole, there's no way to contribute when this user - ymblanter is misusing his powers. meet me irl so i can educate you, stupid mongoloid" ab78c83977248de4,"im going to get blocked for this but i don't care you are the biggest wanker i have ever met on here and i cant believe you are an admin. you suck the cocks of all the other admins but you're an absolute cunt in your dealings with newbies and first time vandals. i could have been reformed if a different admin had given me my first warning but now thanks to you im going to fucking vandalise this heap of shit encyclopedia every day for the rest of my life (im 12 years old fucker!)..... hahhahahah" ab7fb8ada0e0a995,"put my edit back or the federal police will arrest you! this is last time you do that. get ready for prison! i wish an australian doesn't rape you there, you racist piece-of-crap!" ab7fd34bb8af1251,"i dont know who you fucking think you are you cocksucker but this is a whole load of shite about philip from start to finish, its the worst article i have ever read. inaccurate is a massive understatement !!!im going to take the whole fucking article to pieces you fucking ignorant insulting pigs" ab81140f5b394160,you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer 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fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! ab897dd08457e3bb,"aquaman the big stupid loser this article needs to go into more detail about aquaman being a loser. i don't care what some fanboys and some dude who traces for a living say how powerful he is. most people know aquaman as the loser from the superfriends who talks to fish (big dea) and can't ever get a date." ab9b7de9dcf309bf,"wtf is with this place? nazi land? geezus what, everything has to be peer reviewed? do your own god damn research, it's fact, this isn't speculation. do not remove it again" abbcda4f52477d13,"yeah user:smalljim sucks big fat chode!!" abdc84227a3a3855,"hey, discofucker, stay out of this." ac0507986501b622,"oversight? what a cunt. you'll never make arbcom with that attitude" ac0bafa618f9aed6,"communist bastard i have nothing more." ac152b7e55eead68,"cooley law school you seem kinda dumb with your revert edits to the cooley law web page. i hope you don't frequently engage in editing wikipedia since you seem pretty stupid. sorry, but dumb people should become members of the tea party, not editors at wikipedia." ac2bc13c5123d370,""" """"bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""" ac2c352e4ecd6c64,"chickenfucker for t3h lulz" ac3b410d526f94b4,"you represent the bottom of the barrel at wikipedia at least based on your brain-dead farcical justification of pretending fox news bill o'reilly's show did not consistently destroy keith olbermann the quitter's show - usually doubling him week after week. your detachment from reality is a picture-perfect example of how liberals think..." ac3e7a582092bdc0,this guy is such a loser ac522b44ace82b1e,yeah where it says thats implying what happen was gay or that the action was gay... you would know that if you where a teen... but your probably an adult loser... ac5d1b04acabfe1f,"fuck you jzg i will have you removed" ac723c3dcdbb65f6,"wikipedia is such a joke, only certainly political material is allowed, all other material is censored. stop acting like a fool." ac7ce854499ac70e,your a faggg get a life ac7ef38fbb10a59b,""" you no for good..rascal... i give u proof that dhoni is a rajput chk it you mother fucker you bastard u biased ronchos...the bastard gujjar suppporter.. i am a badgujjar and i am a rajput..why are u vandalising our histroy by removing my content..u suckdickeer.. y u add contents about other castes.. badgujjars are raghav and are rajputs... u bastard.,.. proof taht badgujjars are rajputs.. chk.. retrieved from """"""""""" ac84208f8af2db7f,") talking with little boys like you sure is an utter waste of time. what makes you think i am interested in any further bullshit from you arthur rubin? this is the comment you preserved by deleting my post. ignoring rant which contains mostly lies, and the pseudoreferences are not the current state of any wikipedia article. what needs to be deleted is any of gaby's contributions related to the rant. arthur the liar i have also apologised, so it's really time for you baby boy to piss off and go stalk some one else. i mean who do you think you are? among other things you call me a liar but you are to retarded to actually mention where i lie? there is nothing wrong with false accusation in your view now is there arthur? now please just piss off and leave me alone. you had your chance to be a nice guy more then one time now? where you got the idea i would be interested in talking with an asshole like you puzzles me but don't bother explaining it please. here read it again arthur boy: ignoring rant which contains mostly lies, and the pseudoreferences are not the current state of any wikipedia article. what needs to be deleted is any of gaby's contributions related to the rant. arthur the liar your further comments on my person are not welcome. comprendo? (" aca9973082781152,"fuck you fuck you fuck wekipedia, fuck all you good for nothing dipshits who would not shit if it came out of your ass. go fuck yourself and stay in dreamland." acabb1601a583aa5,""" i haven't made uncivil comments. it's not because *you* lose an argument that it suddenly gives *you* the right to qualify it as """"uncivil"""". *you* were uncivil by erasing a perfectly valid message which was not addressed to you and preventing me to reinstate it. from what i can see wikipedia seems like the perfect framework to bully newcomers. no wonder power tripper bullies like you """"torturer of teenagers"""" as you describe yourself love this framework. all you guys , , look like clones of each other, pathetic bullies, teachers on power trips. i guess it's a way to compensate for your very low iq and eq. bye pathetic thick bullies and losers. """ acc4291fb0b1473f,i'm not trying to bully you or anything. i'm a nice guy. people are always picking on me but i really am a nice guy. and if you say any different i will $%(@ing ban your ass. acc6ab4c03f88f53,you suck the big one. acd8b06145614d8d,please make dreamguy and his tools stop messing with my user page. i have cleaned it off in good faith and that asshole keeps putting it back ace91c4a48cbc08c,"hey fat and beardy i check the sock puppet page a few times a year to make sure your retarded, fat ass has not put the wikitan image back. you are sticky with pocky, you are sad and fat and beardy and i beat you like a retarded dog. i just want you to never, ever forget the time you reverted my change and i kicked your tubby ass. never forget that, ned, ever. you can run around wikipedia with your fellow simpsons cp obesessives for the rest of your life but don't forget, i kicked your anime ass off a page and made wikipedia better for it." aced3ea169f383ca,""" i am not your son.these are not """"unfounded accusations"""", there are thousands upon thousands of us who have lost friends and family to the cult - i am just one of many. you, on the other hand, are a fool. i'd also suggest that you may be a fucking retard, but that would be cruel to the retards to compare them with you. """ acf653b28931144e,you guys suck stop faking it. ad08472fffe0127d,"don't touch my edits, mothafucka. you're just angry cos ur poem sucks." ad0dcb807737f7d3,"hey marnette, fuck u u fucking queerbag who sucks on cocks!!! fuck u!!! leave me alone and go suck on some guy's cock u fuckin' queermo!!! oh_babe" ad1abc6212875cae,"picture youy mother with her wrinkled up ass in the air!!! grease up that pooper and jam it in!! (go fuck your mother) you better leave me alone you little runt" ad2a18c46954a2d4,"how was that a personal attack? he was being a dick, so it was fair cop to call him one." ad32dbbc2992842b,"racism you have characterised my implications that you are racist as bullshit. anybody interested in viewing this user's racist diatribes is encouraged to comment on the maltese nobility talkpage. i find this attitude you've decided to pursue highly disrespectful, and will still require an apology. thank you." ad33d887e303e207,"you destroy my first webpage hello mate thank you destroying my deletedin fedreal golf course the reason you dont like newbie i really hate you now you dont like newbie people and dont like. you like doing deleteing everboody 1st webpast which stupid i going to complant you now head boss stupid people" ad400ae066cf2b9d,the problem was some idiot made ridiculous edits to the infobox. i'll try to fix it. ad58160e6936af19,"psycho stalker how dare you write such comments on my talk page and the very idea that you think you have some given right to decide over me what is and isn't included on my page. just get bent and leave my work on here alone. you must be a real loser when all you do on here every day is stalk me undoing all my work for the sake of it. from what i've seen you must have real psychological issues when relating to people or you just a fat, old, werido, nerd sat somewhere who has nothing better to do every day with no life" ad5dc676cf561383,"hello wikipedia fuckhead a-holes of the labour market are skilled group" ad63433ed8354d59,"hello dreadstar you left a comment on my talk page about uncivil comments. i just wanted to let you know i've seen the err of my ways and have come here to rectify the mistake i made by not also personally attacking you, yourself. so i'd just like to take this opportunity to say suck my dirty ass you cow-fucking trisomic, and thank you ." ad78c0870007b24f,jusdafax is a little whiny bitch!!! lick my sweaty balls homo! =) ad7961f01faa58ac,he's a baldjo faggot. ad7d86a5389438ab,"like i said, get the fuck off my page faggot." ada5a7ca0ec7c8db,"you dummasses, i did say the damn right stuff but you bastards act like im making my own stories dummasses" adb40f3e505334aa,"you stupid fat bastard. why did you censor the move logs of pikachu, you fat oaf? is it because it offended your delicate victorian sensibilities? are most british people as prudish as you?" adb7760cd445681e,your a prick. keep your personal thoughts to your self. jeff is the best driver ever and thats a fact. you musy be an idiot redneck. ae1b1f693e4913b5,"faggots! yo fucker it was fucking hayes you faggot, not vito. vito wasnt with wwe in 2004 you fucking fag. fag, you arent right go fucking jump off a bridge you fag" ae3092c051517f92,"pedro is a fucking dumbass. probably just was bullied as a kid & now, as an admin, tries to get back by being an asshole & blocking ppl for no reaseon. what a deluded fag." ae381ee72f42819f,"why did you stop my edit you fukin gay prick" ae46f38c26f31e2e,pig's blood to you and the religion of pieces(of people chopped up by terrorists) ae6c02db4fab1ff0,"my moms dead thanks a lot i have a job as swhole i;m 20 yrs old i dont need mommy to give me money unlike yours who as too sleep aroung for," ae746f4e6594b81d,"thracian tribes category hey cocksucker, i'm going by the books, those are tribes considered thracian or perhaps thracian in the literature. revert your changes, thanks." ae7a53526025c0e2,"i said shut up, you stupid, stupid..." ae880ece7e1538f6,"on another note, fuck u dr nick you poofy fuck." ae88e54ce923b1cd,""" in case connolley deletes the message i sent him, here is a copy: """"i request that you unblock my """"talk page"""" and immediately and permanently delete the contents of it. you are free to permanently block me from contributing to wikipedia, as i have no intention of doing so in any case. if you would like a reason to block me, or prove that i have violated the rules, you need not preserve the talk page. here is another deliberate & intentionally provocative violation of the rules an old-school personal insult: you are a loathsome, sanctimonious, hypocritical, ignorant twit. if you were in state of uncontrolled combustion, i would not take the trouble to extinguish the flames by urinating on them. i hope that is satisfactory. that should do the trick! """ ae96769da3fed05e,"hey kuru fuck you! take your shit somewhere else" aec34f784dbb96c3,"steve little steve little's character in eastbound and down is not bumbling. he is mildly retarded! your ignorance in handling this matter angers me to a new level of hate for faggot wikipedia moderators who think they are fucking geniuses you guys are fucking retards who were born with no penises and masturbate all day to yourselves fucking with peoples edits and pissing them off really bad. i hope you one day get bored of masturbating in your white room by yourself and decide to try and have sex with a beehive, resulting in your dick getting so swollen you die a very slow painful death in the hospital with no one with you to care or give you a funeral. may you rot in a fucking morgue with a swollen dick shoved up your own ass by a disturbed doctor." aedadb12fde82274,so what idiot stop vanalising aefeb104c618f4cc,ban me you stupid fat american virgin cunt. at least i have a life outside of wikipedia. go throw your dogs balls. lol what a retard. ;) xxxxxxxxx af0864b69bf86c0f,fuck u u stupid prick af165cc6bc696780,"hey man i fucked your mother." af1f384985f5ac1a,how ironic since the first thing you did when you met me was accuse me of being a sockpuppet...hypocrite. af2fc0a2ce42baae,"ha ha ha... i see the truth hurts you. if you were a real man, you wouldn't be as sensitive as a girl as to delete my post. so, we all now see your feminine side coming out. ha ha ha." af331aec15e9ba53,"you shrew. your blocks are a joke, much like your life. hope you die a painful death, or live in america the rest of your (equally bad things)." af346c6830112804,"do so all mexicans and black people are shit heads and im in the kkk fuck heads!!!!!!1" af3e98ed50ca577d,""" a cheeseburger for you! fatty """ af44644d9b176469,penis cockwad nigga nigga nyuggggaaa!!! nigger niggggeeeerrrr!!! penisfuck assfuck niggafuck negro whitey cracker chink namer cracker! af47619cc444a97b,you are very dumb because you offend other users you mother fucker! af67d49c6538def1,"how can you defend those barbarian invaders? they have no right to be in israel, those fucking scum!" af7a0eb24954b4b9,"hey you scum!!! haha, you've also a warning you raped son of a bitch!!!" af81f2325c8c3572,"sitush bastard sitush is a bastard, crook, rogue, vagabond, rascal, son of a bitch, dirty creature and everything the lowest form of human deserves to be condemned with." af83d1d57fadfe14,"here woody, why don't you just fuck off" af8edb744f6171b3,"pikang is an idiot. he says he knows who i am working for jagex. for your information i don't live in uk you bloody asshole. so stop fibbing its a sin. and next go ahead and get me fied who ya gonna fire? mod melvin. omg your just a lolly-sucking nerd who's lies are just gay." af910540533f8ace,"you fag waaa waaa i'm a huge gay (says you)" af98f3e35f598039,willking1979 is a dick. afa9cb9695d1fb4c,you are a f@g kill yourself cus nobody likes you afae3e1d19ab210b,"accept what accept what, you putting your dick up someones ass." afb3f578c6d44953,shut the fuck up you tight-assed shithole! afb4a0799d7fa71e,dont i know to answer that. why are you coming to my user page? stupid. afd3ae90492e577d,""" where does it say that featured articles have different requirements then other articles? jeepday the whole point in to get citations for all articles so that they meet the wp:v requirements, i have noticed that tags quite often help by bringing this to attention of users, particularly new-ish users. cheers seanmack i agree with jeepday and seanmack. our ultimate goal should be for every article to be of fa quality. satori son that goal is not consensus among editors. but more importantly, inline citations for every fact are not an fa requirement; see wp:fa? section 1c. cmummert · talk 2. i gave the link to what i was referring to you fuck so how can you not say that i did not provide a reference fucktard? well lying fuck? 2. fucktard how can i provide a reference to a deleted post you fuckin moron? 3: fuckhole deathtard, for the second time here is the citation fuckhole and this time on display for your fuckhole eyes: teacher knows something about catholic bashing posted by alex murphy on religion 02/22/2007 9:46:01 am pst · 78 replies · 835+ views the bakersfield californian ^ | feb 21 2007 | leonel martinez my catechism teacher, sister mary lou petrillo, was a smart and scrappy nun who drilled into us the basics of catholicism without demeaning other christian churches or religions. too bad sister mary lou isn't available to teach a few intensive lessons on tolerance to the campaign people of presidential candidate john edwards. within the last few weeks, two bloggers for the former north carolina senator resigned after being hit with criticism from conservative catholic organizations angered by past anti-catholic remarks the bloggers posted on the web, according to cnn. melissa mcewan and amanda marcotte quit after groups like the catholic... (expletive deleted) catholic bashing (reinhard) posted by jazusamo on news/activism 02/15/2007 9:04:00 am pst · 18 replies · 940+ views the oregonian ^ | february 15, 2007 | david reinhard welcome, ladies and gentlemen, it's time to play that favorite game of conservatives and republicans """"what if . . ."""" todaywe have a special """"twofer"""" edition of the game that asks: """"what would happen if a republican tried something like this?"""" pay attention, double-standard mavens, because this is a multipronged question today: what if . . . . . . a republican presidential candidate hired a blogmaster whose writings featured vile attacks on other religions and expletive-laced rants against those who disagreed with her? . . . the same republican also hired another blogger whose writings featured similar... """"the catholic league"""", mighty champion of bashing and anti-semitism ? (propaganda alert!) posted by joseph demaistre on religion 12/09/2006 8:55:50 pm pst · 21 replies · 592+ views talk to action ^ | sun jun 25, 2006 | by bruce wilson hate speech is typically the first line of attack employed by bullies, but bullies become emboldened when eliminationalist rhetoric is tolerated, and that societal acceptance can lead to far worse things. i've previously covered hate speech - see enough hate spech to stun an ox, and has an extensive collection of hate speech targeting homosexuals. suprisingly - or not - at least one individual whose statements are featured in that archive ( and also in collections of antisemitic rhetoric ) is also leader of a prominent christian right group that claims to fight against anti-catholic bias and discrimination who... catholic-bashing plays are hot posted by nyer on news/activism 08/18/2006 3:46:38 pm pdt · 23 replies · 548+ views catholic league ^ | august 18, 2006 | bill donohue bill donohue, president of the catholic league, offered the following comments today on the popularity of catholic-bashing plays: “the helen hayes theatre in new york must be experiencing hard times these days, otherwise it wouldn’t be home to ‘kiki & herb: alive on broadway.’ according to variety, the play claims that the catholic church is run by the nazis and that ‘the devil really does wear prada’; the devil is the pope. to show how timely they are, the play’s producers manage to squeeze in a smack at mel gibson, dropping the line ‘now he wants the jews to treat him... the unholy battle for rome(more catholic & papal bashing from the left) posted by kellynlane" afd77d53f1e202b8,"shut up! i know it's vandalism, you awful cunt." afe1324066e32d79,yall are fags who like it up the ass hard afe3305d737023ee,"i hope you get hit by a truck you filthy piece of worthless crap, just go kill your self human slime." afeb46b00edb8c20,"booshakla the guy was a sockpuppeteer here on wikipedia. quit acting like a cunt." b01aeec0d900ec2b,"sup dude. i'm not spamming. fuck you, learn to read - when i post something relevant, that helps users.. you are not helping by removing it. do you care about what people want or need to know? no." b02729e6f27f0ddb,""" march 2007 (utc) the only vandal here is you. let me clefify some things 4 you, in the 19th century ilija garasanin and the rest of the serb goverment of that time formed a program called """"nacertanije"""", it was a plan of how to realize the plan of a great serbia on the ruins of the ottoman empire. this new state would be rulled by serbs, others would be subjected while muslims(of any ethnicity) would be distroyed(by genocide sense it´s the only way). they called there army chetnik, them selfs chetniks and there by this ideology(which is fashist) is chetnik. and any1 who follows it is a chetnik. the plan failed untill 1918 when the serbs managed to create a """"slavic kingdom"""" which was actually ment to become a serb kingdom which was with time shown, during wwii the chetniks allied with the nazis and commited genocide. after the death of tito the chetniks ressurected and tried everyting all over again but ones again failed thank god. now, the chetnik propaganda is used to make serbs think that it is right to do all that and to foole everybothy else, this propaganda includes showing bosnia as a """"serb state"""", bosniaks as """"serbs"""", spreding islamophobia and anti-bosniak settlment or presenting the serbs as the victoms and so on. that site does all that and it is enough to open it and you will see. now you ain´t nobody so i don´t have to proove anything if you don´t see it then you are either stupid or a chetnik your self. 15:59, 29""" b0337c2a0bde8378,""" well, i suppose, i spoke with a wrong person.... you're just as fucked up as the other user who posted the """"study"""". p.s. fuck you you fucking government shill""" b03cd9485962057f,"fuck your face y" b03d647138bde855,"do humanity a favour and kill yourself, you nazi bias yank piece of shit" b05882d27b6ef652,"year old editor who probably sh.ts his pants. what's his name again? oh yeah, it's super hamster. oh my god, super hamsterbold text''' is gonna save the f**in world! gimme a break, stupid wikipedians, go get a life and f**k yourself! willy on wheels baby!!!!!!'''" b058c8bf1e6e285d,thanks for being an ass when i tried to help. cfhs grad. b060e3b618c5bd7d,"well what u said before really hurt me so u should be blocked bitch tits ur a pussy thats what u are hiding and being an editor a super geek 24 hours a day on the computer have no life i bet u have no sex life either just fucking strippers geek geek geek geek geek ill ball u up" b06ee5ea635d4eee,fine u can keep pulling this shit and uve got a bunch of islamo pov pusher admins on ur side so i fucking quit u can have it. b07373835747c473,"why wikpedia is gay wikipedia sucks. i will never forgive you, user:gwernol. the whole verifiability thing is completely retarded and gay. all i wanted was a simple article for westside, and could you give that to me? no. apparently, everything needs to be reviewed and published by the new york times before you can put it on wikipedia. i understand that there are certain things that don't need to be on wikipedia, but westside isn't one of them. are you suggesting that westside doesn't exist? what the fuck is the world coming to when these are the criteria for my article? in conclusion, fuck user:gwernol, fuck wikipedia, and fuck your ridiculous verifiability criteria." b073c1977d68f3fa,fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck 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you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you!!'fuck you b08395b0110a984c,hello smelly skunk... how come that you again changed it.. you are a stupid asshole... like your ancestors you gobbled greedily fecal materials. b0ac50e69d765224,"twat your a fucking twat mosh u fucking little batty boy wots ur mother fucking prblem" b0ae38fbd3c39d7d,"bob, you're a hypocritical thug. you have the intellectual honesty of a joseph goebbels, and the tactics of a heinrich himmler street punk with a ball peen hammer. you're a despicable thief of truth and a street thug with out a shred of good." b0b0af598dce65c9,""" he he """"vandalism"""" for writing in something truthful that you disagree with. lmao, liar.""" b0cb25cb13be3ac5,"are you stupid or what? moron, if you block me you have only hurt the wikipedia project, as i was trying to help remove some obvious bullshit that even a reatarded grade school kid can tell is bullshit, from an article. are all wikipedia admins as stupid as you?" b0cb480bf62834d5,"you're the disease of america stealing jobs from regular people and working for 40 cents an hour! fucking mexican monkey!" b0ccc2ee778d32fe,"for the record, i did have a valid reason for removeing the section i did which was on the discussion portion of that page. m1ss1ontomars2k4 is a fucking anal control freak like about a million other wikipedia members." b118f2f581fde449,""" for all the politeness i dealt you, i have gotten nothing really beneficial in return. i hope you spend 6 hours on your favourite topic, only to see somebody fuck it up for their """"comfort with the usual"""". how goes this day, when your brain shrinks instead of expands? looks like canada is still stuck in pinko policies. you are a suckling fat piglet. you have no right other than the clause at the bottom of the page. if you do not want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will, do not submit it. 10:45, 27 mar 2005 (utc)""" b11a32b527540196,"u bastards stop blocking me! aaaaaaaaaah f u all" b13eee39a5299353,"you sodomites really know how to stick together....yech !!!! i never met one who was not significantly emotionally disturbed. oh, they can function and prosper in society but when the center of your life is your perverted sex you are emotionally disturbed and after looking at your user page are no different. people like you should and someday will be destroyed. it will be a glorious day. btw i rotate ip addresses about every 2-3 days........keep on suckin' ps. have you ever thought about putting a gun to your head and giving your life to jesus? i know i could not go through life day to day looking in the mirror at that vile degenerate looking back at me." b162128735275114,"all right! let's play by the rules then! tell those faggotts, to stop fucking with my contributions then. they don't use sources correctly, they use them to amuse themselves! subwayjack" b163b7e69f3a603c,i hate you. u are a homosapian. breasts b16643d00ffde5d1,"""eat shit horse face!!! you""""re a tool that doesn""""t even deserve the tool, fucker." b17714baedb7b418,"doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life. you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life." b18ad3eba793ee52,go fuck yourself nigger b18b147dad8f8918,"are you the tosser behind the closerlookonsyria? - you are a facsist putinist shill and liar - you fucking idiot - you think shabiha nothing to dow with hola, russia nothing to do with mh 17, aside regime nothing to do with ghostsa - you fucking facsist moron" b1999f7686c28da3,"hey bwilkins, it is clear you have some kind of hard on about me, why don't you shut up and come suck my **** already and let someone who isn't bought and paid for by the av press handle this issue? better yet read wp:gfy" b19a55d7cbbc1394,"asshole fuck u asshole go fucking rape my penis" b1a459d052d7c7fc,fukin arseholes dicks cunts die u priks b1ad3f7667ccbd09,"fuck your propaganda! what we need is an unbiased look at this. the soviet soldiers saved the estonians from nazism, and the estonisans are not bitching about this. this is clearly ani russian propaganda. we need to edit this crap with the use of unbiased arbitrators, or a comittee with different sides involved. thank you for being a dick." b1b431be0561b55d,"listen up. ok, listen up you god damn jerk. i'm really sick and tired of your shit. i'm sick of you stalking me all over wikipedia because i'm editing a page. just because you don't like the edits i make, doesn't mean you have to bully and global block me each time i make an edit ok?? i'm not hurting and offending anyone, so why treat me like a terrorist?? i've noticed i'm not the only one you bullied. you are abusing your power as a wikipedia administrator and you are nothing but a tyrannical bully. that is not how you motivate people ok? and the reason you hate me so much is because i'm speaking out against your ass and you hate it. i will not let you intimidate me no longer. and you'll going to delete this and tattle on me as usual because you as a tyrant don't like the truth. but i will be back and i will continue to edit like everyone else on here. so in closing, screw you. piss off and eat shit." b1cf907f2034f00f,fuck you niggerkite. y you deleting so much shit. fuckn loser. dont delete anymore shit. its none of your fucking business b1ee32984e7e517c,""" saying """"this page exists"""" is misleading now? how stupid are people that they would be mislead by a page saying that a page exists? oap """ b1f95cad3edd873a,you sound sick in the head. the solution is simple - it shouldn't include akm but should include pk. b20faa8676ffb8c0,"sigh* apparently, i'm surrounded by idiots. like you, chubbo. why am i even talking to this retard, who hasn't ever gotten out of his chair since he was born?" b220659508dce0c8,you are a useless prick. die of aids b22cc9277372e9f8,"mass murder che guevara was a mass murderer. he killed hundreds with his own hand. his ideology, the communism, murdered nearly 100million people and ruined the life of billions. your idol is this communist pig. i won't stop while we both are living. if you, an american jew, who never seen the communism directly, can't understand this, then i let you understand by hitler." b236bda1ad3c70d2,""" the biggest barnstar up your ass hi, you endian motherfucker,son of a bitch shoot yourself in the head and things will be back to normal again ,this will be your biggest service to humanity .thanks in advance yours """"worse nihgtmare"""". the biggest barnstar up your ass""" b2373a924cbad9a8,"""vandalism== i'm damn sick and tired of idiots vandalising this page with things like """"omfg dale is so fucking hot"""" no one fucking cares! fuck off if you are going to do shit like that. there should be an instant ban for stuff like that! ==""" b238931dd603efb7,""" to unre4l this is in reference to ur stupid comments about indus valley not being indian.... u are a fucking wanker!!!! there was no fucken pakistan or idependent state of pakistan before 1947!! infact most of the """"pakistanis"""" are real indians of the muslim faith which were conerted by the arabs. i hate you people that attempt to leech off indias majestic history before you pakistanis cant get your own food, own laguage ( urdu is at least 50% hindi), own identity and own land. india has given so much land to you, to avoid conflict ad now you want to take away our ancient civilisations??? i have had enough!!! indus valley was indian land, occupied by indian people!!! god gave india to the indians not the pakistanis.... remember, pakistan is indian land.... so is kashmir and jammu!!!""" b23bc7b738119a88,"attention!!! if you got a problem email me dierectly ok you fucking cocksucer mother fucker cunt!!!!" b25c1b578464d3f1,"i'll tell you what i'm not, and that's a useless, towel-headed sand nigger. all your kind sicken me." b26dae00e8769d1f,"learning to fuck off. hello, welcome to my page. you can fuck off now." b2859850ff51de3f,"trouted you have been trouted for: fuck you!!!" b28bcc573b374b94,"how about you shut the fuck up? stop fucking with my posts you fucking douche bag i am joe torres. leave me be." b29973b1189f5875,"==chriso internet vandal and criminal== chriso belonge to international homo criminal organization see more at chriso is an fucken idiot with chicken brain ha ha ha...." b2b7bc9fb5492801,"i applued the fact that you don't work with any one you don't work with any one and refuse to see any one less point view or facts. you are a dick head. if people disagree with you, you mock and insulit them. you are the wrost human i ever meet on the net or in person. you really need to get off your ego trip jackass." b2c2306aeee1f450,"why don't you experiment with my balls by sucking them" b2cd5c62d5726acd,he cant ban people! and even if he could its not biggy! he's just a little baby who thows his toys out the pram when he doesn't get his pathetic way! b2ce5a1e70516d18,. stop fucking sending me shit! this is becoming personal bias! don't be an asshole! b2ce8a88d87caf5f,"try android79, and dreamguy both very unpopular with other wikians, and both seem to be a%%holes, uneducated, arrogant, and just dumb as a post. beckjord" b2d0d32f5f9ef7c9,"you obviously have a penile problem. think too much about mummay and daddy doing it, do you?" b2d6eaf36c53f9c0,"""==fuck off!!== this is a message to kimvdlinde: """"do not modify my posts! also, i do not want you posting on my talk page!! got that fucker?"""" old posts """ b2db4d7a8f50eaf5,"stop being idiotic stop screwing around with the sources i added to purple-cow. if you continue to violate the principle of assuming good will among editors, you might be blocked from editing wikipedia. thank you." b2efcc487c2bd098,"silliness you did something silly. please don't be silly again. 05:18, 2005 jun 9 (utc)" b2f24891eda51893,"bbb23 the cunt bbb23 you are issued from a cunt family, you are a bitch. and hell is coming, and i'm coming with it ;)" b2f2fc2fd961d836,"stop editing you stupid a-hole, stop editing stuff on wikipedia, your going to get this whole school banned, about your stupid arguments about some fcuking naruto character." b32487c048f67a42,nivix likes to suck spurious q's cock and spurious q loves to suck nivix's cock! b32942fa4b5c9027,"stop harassing me, motherfucker!" b32d1c891b494327,"i don't give a fuck about the personal attack shit. the pats win 35-21. ohh ya, wouldya block me yet, or are there rules about that shit too?" b3374a767476f44f,like the fucking jews can keep good people from commenting on this coolie's talk page. achmed should stick to beating little children and women in the west bank and sucking clipped dick. b33b3604048c25c4,penis doodle in your ear and all your mutts b35c38cb5508240c,"notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks anthony bradbury sucks cock and eats shit, notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks anthony bradbury sucks cock and eats shit, notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks anthony bradbury sucks cock and eats shit, notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks anthony bradbury sucks cock and eats shit, notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks anthony bradbury sucks cock and eats shit," b3620d200ba8c229,"good to see == that the masturbator of lies onanizing brainsick opinions continues to spread his freaky bullshit! don't you think you should spend your time with more importand things like stealing a car -or better a brain? ==" b3815f7893d53065,unblock|white cat is a fucking bastard. block this ip like my sister ip! b382f3936617fb6e,bothwell was a real jerk. serious jerk. b39a61ea2ebef4ad,you're so gullible lmao what a fool you really are wow you only act like a smartass but you're a dumbass i'll be happy to destroy your talk instead of your user page hahaha p.s. i just did your mom last night b3ba2527022b866e,"you must be joking. i see the rumours of a militant, embittered pedophile faggot conspiracy on wikipedia are true, since it's on my ass! doubly so because demilich (band) and brutality (band were deleted by a cretinous bunch who had no idea what they were talking about." b3d5acb88d2d072c,"editing my own user page is not vandalism == -bitch ==" b3d95b4b76b5c4a9,i hope you get cancer you fucking stupid irish cunt. thank god for oliver cromwell. b3dd28e7b3241275,u dam stupid son of a why u want trouble wij the polece kew b3e5dd84bcffa672,now we got two losers who think they run the show. well f@ck you adrian and f@uck you heracles you clown. b3e7b8a6ea14ddc5,"youre a frreaking jew, and pleaze commit suicide." b3ecc4ac67fdabbf,you are a f-ing doosh bag/cok sucker/dick face/homo/asswipe/suck my balls+dick b410862582ecc2b6,"excuse me, you appear to be a moron. leave that edit as it is. if you keep threatening me you will be blocked." b413f68961a42287,""" you'll do whatever it takes to change the subject of why you and kos should be banned. """"d*ck"""" is vandalism. it's just the politics here are fucking awful. go ahead. change the subject again. whatever it takes to change the subject. comedy. kos was trying to justify the ban, in a debate, but in the middle i got banned. he couldnt come up with a reply so he banned me.. comedy. then he tried again, but i replied and got banned. go back to suckin his dick k.""" b416453e83e225b0,my mums a big old dirty roadwhore b41b79873203cfce,"fuckin' hell! you are such an idiot. stop capitalising all your words!" b426eac961c06b17,"you suck! leave the gnaa article alone." b42cd6a9a359b3cb,"f . u . c . k . y . o . u" b45873ad429557ca,"i work for an it company with access to 53.000 computers in 145 cities in 28 countries, in 6 continents. have fun banning me, you cunt" b45e26d8b9e16d9a,"how's about you shut the fuck up instead... if your going to use wiki to write history, at least make that history truthful and accurate instead of spreading right wing racist viewpoints you nazi piece of shit! go die in a hole somewhere" b45ebcbd64c80dcd,"tbone? dear sir, you are a bitch. i will take a shit on your car. i hope you realize that i own the rights to the entire dc universe and plan to poop on them as soon as i eat out your granny. dicks are for chicks, and your not one. go get t-boned by some burly man named dirk. i think jodie foster is a sex beast and she rapes the souls from men ages 18-24. i also would like to bring to your attention that you sir are a wiitard. you make clark fights his homosexual urges and wants to do sylvester stallone. i want to ride the italian stallion is what he says" b465146b006ef712,"fucking lamer losting of my time !!joadfyh you are wasting my time fucker. please provide me the fucking information to add the fucking tag to add that this is my image, that i give it to everyone for free and that i owned the fucking copyright. this is so complicated to donate an image to wikipedia this is my fucking source my fucking image. fucker." b47953fa9c25e951,"yeah, but being a cunt is, as you've just demonstrated. i know i should not surprised that you say nothing about content. the content is wrong - we should discuss that and you'd be less of a cunt." b4976c1c2cdac1f0,"you are splitting hairs here you ignorant twit, bryan fischer said in clear terms we should discriminate against homosexuals. it is the name of his video for gods sake..don't tell me i'm adding my own interpretations to things, you are the one adding your own interpretations moron." b4b37103b7834d25,""" dude, you think i give a fuck about you posting this bullshit warning? do something useful with your time rather than flexing your little authoritarian muscle here, don't you have anything better to do, in meatspace, perhaps; shove your block up my ass for all i care. talk. """ b4c2c8ce3605318e,"thankyou for blocking me you little shit the block has now expired and i intend to get straight back to work to make up for lost time. let the trolling and harassment commence! p.s i am never going to stop, ever." b4d3e56a3307fdf6,yeah nigga.know what i'm talking 'bout bitch b4e2c4511df4f3c1,"you stupid whore will never get it will you? doesnt fit in your tiny wakpedia wimp err admin brain fuck you asshole" b4f1f411e45efa48,"usain bolt is sooooo fucken sexy awww mah gawd only nigger gs have big fat black nigger dicks i wanna suck him n fuck him, wite boiz are weak and pathetic and feeble in bed 'only a nigger g can satisfy me!' i h8 my wite skin i wanna do a reverse of michael jackson cuz nigger gs r da best" b4f89748c73d1267,you dirty bastards. arse! b50be610f1cd6ac3,"goddamn it, it says on the blocking policy that i'm entitled to editing my own user page, you faggoting faggots. leave me the fuck alone. fags burn in hell. that means you latinus. and especially you wiki-alf. banes is cool though. he's my homey." b524522feb82d968,"supper, you hungry bitch" b5406c8e51f87b82,""" the anti-vandalism barnstarfcuk you doc9871 fool """ b54d4566d2a18cac,"you have got to be kidding (cur | prev) 17:11, 7 august 2015‎ iridescent (talk | contribs)‎ . . (131,644 bytes) (-22)‎ . . (undid revision 675004524 by ♥golf (talk) the one in england is clearly the primary usage; there's no need to specify the country) (undo | thank) (cur | prev) 17:09, 7 august 2015‎ iridescent (talk | contribs)‎ . . (131,666 bytes) (0)‎ . . (undid revision 675006605 by ♥golf (talk) etty never even visited america, stop trying to change this to en-us) (undo | thank) what in the hell is your problem? do you have a corn cobb stuck up your ass or what? you are the rudest son-of-a-bitch i've ever come across. fuck you, and the horse you rode in on." b562f3d65501bfdc,"naughty naughty u slimy little greaseball. haha lol u got banned what a dickhead it's what u deserve u fuckin geek bitch-faced motherfucker. you don't know how long i've been waitin for u to get banned and no wonder theres so many imposters of u cause every1 hates u! i hope you get the shit kicked out of you and then get pissed on you fuckin no good slimy little toerag gimp! scummer!" b57e7248fe4e6a0e,"fuck da sevurity it is official: you suck!!!" b58d7832bf1a5e5b,fuck u dennis burn in hell you son of a bitch i will hurt u b5aa10cc92f3c95a,"rat the smart sign the rest of yall fuck niggas" b5bab3859f0ca9d0,john cline is a fucking twat b5c0e400c85e6bcf,i hate lewis and clark b5c28ae6907067a9,"=you worthless piece of shit as a concerned citizen i am upset and violated that you would do this. you are wortheless - how can you take pleasure in hurting miami this way? if i ever see you in your life i will make it a point to kill you on site. you worthless ridiculous bastard i hate your fucking guts i hope you burn in hell and die most painfully. yours truly, pp loco" b5c3760a82bffbf0,"hey ugly troll beeblebrox, you're the ugliest troll i've seen on earth." b5c5412f5c15d33c,"the slut karen nussle is the typical right wing slut. she wrecked jim nussle's marriage. jaysuschris's partisan vandalism loves this. he lusts being called a right right slut." b5d8e7ddb086759d,and when i done popin 17 1/2 capp in yo black a$$ ima cut off you man jewls and sell them on ebay yeah some luck guy is gonna be eatn yo sht in africa b5df6ecc55bb6a30,"you racist gringo! stop reverting my edit on the carrington family page! i will get the aclu on you! image:flag of mexico.svg" b5e18be23a653ff7,""" you are a pig!!! how dare you say(and i quote) """"this article only recorded notable world events """". it effected much of the world. the peak ground acceleration (which was one of the highest ever recorded) moved the earth's crust over a bit, which in turn pushed all the other tectonic plates around, thus effecting the whole world! you need to stop being to closed minded and have a bit of compassion!!""" b5e2bc869375f1b6,"hey dickbreath ur retarded" b5f57f317fc270d0,more like madcocksuckingboy er faggot. b5f98894911d3a5d,""" when you fagots decide to edit wikipedia is it a tough call between editing and tattooing the word """"loser"""" on your forehead? tattoo might have been less embarrassing. later asslickers. """ b5fd90bc3876a25c,"tosh.0 ok. tosh.o is so fucking awesome! video breakdown! web redemption! prank of the week! i love tosh.0! fuck yeah yeah baby!! jersey shore sucks! keep on keepin on tosh! why do roses have thorns?? tosh is fucking hardcore thats why!!!" b600c4d4d21f8d19,pseudomonas is a stupid fucker b6105b48a0b6d99c,"dont go on making a fool of yourself , paula! the whole school is laughing already! too bad that you cannot quit popping that stuff! drugs are gonna get you in trouble one day! (much more then the stuff you do with half the guys in our class , at the movies! jonathan told his mom, when she asked what the spots on his pants were!) stop lying, stop accusing people of sockpuppetry who seem continents apart, stop hiding exactly those tracks about you that you accuse others of. you get yourself into a shambles, credibility wise. anyhow, what business of yours is it what people without remotest relation to you do on wikipedia? you seem drunk, on drugs and having your period ???" b62892d921ec9471,"why are you harassing me, when you have never even bothered to read what i was responding to? shut the hell up you idiot mentally ill child! i am one of the most educated people on wikipedia. this is your final warning. keep violating the tos and you will be banned! troll and stalker scum!" b62c427213163ba1,"from the super-double covert files of the wiki-police type guy... you're a gosh-darned whackjob. i just looked at your edit war with some obvious joker over the rock lobster/family guy thing, and it made my mind up about whether or not to donate to wikipedia. i love the wikipedia concept, but when you're an example of the typical user, i'm sad to say that i just can't believe in it. that you resorted to every conceivable argument to keep a well-attested fact out of a pop-culture page is just pathetic. do you care so much about the song that the mere mention of its use in a stupid show like family guy requires you to spend hours and hours trying to keep that information off the wikipedia page? i hope your fingers all fall off so you have to find something better to do than edit wiki pages." b62d10364ea06ee5,curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! curps you mother fucker don't fucking ban me penis! b62fee4238bdee8e,"hello. i've noticed you've refused to apologise for your vile censorship. what motivates fascists like you exactly? i think you're a despicable person and that this website would be better off without you. please leave, weirdo." b633a676db053f75,i'll kick the shit out of you ya cunt b63fdaaec0893b94,edit my own. see? arrogant fags. b6414e41635dde05,"danielrigal, stop being a troll since you are, in economics, as blind as a bat, please stop badmouthing me with misessus. you are most probably some snot-nosed tyro trying your hand at what you know nothing about. your ignorance sticks out like a sore thumb. i warn you for wp:personal attack" b64d3dc32d5bdf8a,fucking ban me motherfucker. fucking dutch cunt. b64f08a82f50eea4,"you are a racist i'm simply calling you out. improve thyself." b66b5b800d5a2355,i also added a link to the site but some tosser keeps deleting it. if i catch the dickhead i'll cut his fucking face off. must be some loser who is jealous of robert zubrins success. b6704ab54ddda5e5,""" this is f***ing serious! i noticed """"the legend of sleepy hollow"""" has the same previews """"donald's scary tales"""" has, where the copywrite date on the last tape i mentioned said 1990, i'm starting to say that """"the legend of sleepy hollow"""" was released in 1990 because every tape with the same previews always comes out on the same day, and you aways say that! you also said that tape was originally 1990, and i'm trying to talk you back into it because i made a mistake and decided that you were right! plus, that would mean the laserdisc version of """"the adventures of ichabod and mr. toad"""" was 1990! same thing goes with the 1990 vhs releases of """"dumbo"""", """"the sword in the stone"""", and """"alice in wonderland"""". they have the same opening the 1990 vhs of """"the little mermaid"""" has, so they are 1990 for the same opening! """"robin hood"""" was may 3, 1991 because like you said, titles are usually re-issued to promote the newest titles of the series, so """"robin hood"""" was re-issued to promote """"the jungle book""""! also, my cousins' d*** copy of """"pinocchio"""" was printed april 28, 1987, so it dropped out april 1987, not january! same with """"robin hood""""! plus, october 27 is sunday! nothing ever happens on sunday! so, the 1985 vhs of """"the love bug"""" was october 29 because it's tuesday, and i'm not going to leave until you accept this, you f***ing pussbag! """ b67d19cbe9071ab8,"congratulations! congratulations, bmusician, you have won the asshole of the year award! you have won this award by saying mean things about and to other people! in order to claim your award, you must call 1-800-asshole(1-800-277-4653)! once again, congratulations for your win!" b69098379d54c992,cos he smells like ass 2 b69887f4b18c2cf8,"dont worry, i'll unplug my router tonite to get another ip address, u fucking faggot, as are all u wikipedaphile retards )" b69dae3e8c38fb63,"wtf? wtf is your problem? why are you being such an asswipe? this is an educational institution, you have no right to block an eductational institution. i will promise you legal action if that continues. against you and against your family and against anyone you may have that loves you. i do not like you, and i hope you die soon. i will sue you if you continue to harass me. your harassment is a violation of federal law and i warn you if you continue, you will not like the consequences." b69e4436e97527ad,that henry jackson looked like a pedo. either way wouldn't want him near my kids. b6a7f3a94296710b,good thing you are blocked you fucking scumbag b6b1c93e0edeffda,this is all fake dumb nuts!!!! b6c866cdbcd8087f,"people that are douche bags fattyjwoods is a douche i can't believe he would like a gay team like the yankees, well i guess you got to be one to like one. p.s. fuck george w. bush!" b6ca2cd51ffd0bd9,"blocking you are a company of wankers. instead you accept a new info you block me. i wish happy new year to wiko)ipedia and all the wankers around. the main wanker is 4meter4. fuck you all" b6d82a81bfae9d6e,"these wikipedia people are liars and fascists tabtab tabthey blocked me because they didn't like the facts i posted about a corrupt business-man!! these people are liars and this is like fascist germany!! tab tabtab tabtab tab block these fascists - ryulong & cacknuck are lying fascists!!!!!" b6e535faa72e456a,"guess what? your retarded" b6f88d953df3eb78,"hello you son a bitch cock licker stop reverting my stuff you fucking asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" b6f93a78ec614136,why don/t you just go fuck yourself asshole! b710a5d78e20b596,"phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt!" b7167381d6a9ebce,thanks for the comment ya wikipedia dickhead!!! b721b8460a74e1c5,"queer wow ur so fucking gay u should go die" b72ec9435e3f18e2,you are a dirty peadophile and suck little boys willies and make out out with 12 year old girls b7320992f8111100,"hey you bitch don't undo my edit for no reason. now piss off" b75b7c97d04f424a,"you are one stupid jackass i don't believe any of the nonsense your profile for one second. you need to stop listing absolute nonsense on your profile if you want to convince me, and others, you're reliable. only a dilweed with a very low iq would be any of your fiction, you stupid jackoff." b765dee6552a0aa3,"whoa you are a bi fat idiot, stop spamming my user space." b77447267cd0403f,", 3 february 2009 (utc) stupid. don't be a smart ass. i didn't ask who lefty was, i asked what the hell is a lefty tradition? you made up the term. do you know anything concerning what you are writing? you are wasting all of the above space and have not answered anything. i asked a very legitimate question. if you do not know, simply shut your mouth. get off this page idiot cracker! 11:15" b7877802b53dedd6,"who cares, they are worthless scum" b78a11725c335a7c,and i know i am a dickhead b79906e09e3aa6c0,{{caution|jimbo wales and wikipedia staff are well known pedophiles b79b85f120ce6624,""" fuck you, cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! try these important things and maybe you won't be such a sucker motherfucker: 1. learn how to spell. if things remain as they are, everyone is bound to consider you to be the ignorant lame-brained cult member you are. 2. revert your attacks on van tucky on the talk pages. you come off as a vicious, vile psychopath. if you ever set your cult defending ass in a court of law, the jury would see through your charade in heartbeat. 3. stop playing good cop- bad cop with your fucking retarded dahn hack forestgarden 4. accept all korean language sources you stupid bitch!! how dare you try to stifle and censor articles in the name of your fucked up cult. your forestgarden bitch believes its within wiki policy to include korean language articles when reporting on favorable aspects of your bitch master. why don't you include all the other more negative portrayals in the korean language. also, who said this itsahappyday fuckhead deserves to translate any korean? this should all be disputed, you fucking racist, neo-nazi reject? 5. stop using the word cynical to describe your """"enemies."""" you come off even more retarded than your ilchee bitch master. your philosophical maturity is less than that of a first grader. the world is """"cynical."""" those who don't believe in dahn are """"cynical."""" i can't wait until south park makes an episode about your bitch cult. 6. are you fucking insane? korea is the center of the universe? korea as a cultural hub? korea the place where the next messiah appears? you dahn people never cease to amaze when it comes to your thought processes. korea is not what your ilchee bitch believes it to be. think about it retard- the fucking nation of palau has more of a right to talk about religious heritage than the fucking hermit kingdom. how can you be so retarded, that you choose a korean cult? if you chose a chinese or indian one, at least it would show you have some portion of a brain. coming to korea and joining a korean cult with korea-centric views is more retarded than travelling to antartica in search of good coffee while visiting columbia in search of ice and snow. 7. one more time: the philosophical underpinnings of your shit cult are so flimsy i must question your intelligence. 8. nicola cola...what kind of bitch ass name is that? what is wrong with you? and you wonder why you need to join a fucked up cult to find friendship and loving. dumb fuck!!!!!!""" b7a0bb336f6e7f9f,"lol youre too incompetent to place a proper warning! idiot!" b7ad11befc4a82f6,"i have not and don`t accuse me. i am not the one whom you have blocked and if it had been me you couldn`t have done nothing in any case. stupis asshole." b7bf20c1fff8e732,shut the fck up ferret b7dda642e091bcd9,"hello hello my retarded ugly boy, you think you own wikipedia and edit pages but don't be fooled - you will be crushed and i will show you that you don't own the internetz. wikipedia is for everyone and you can't control all the pages. douche." b7e0a4159bb4956c,why the fuck did you give me a last warning? twat!!!!!!!!!!!!!! b7edbedf27b85bbb,"message suck my big fat juicy cock !!!!!!!!!" b7eef723dcaf13cc,""" your streak of bad behaviour is very obviously catching up with you, rams up cock 2000. you are constantly having to update your """"talk"""" page as people continually post your mistakes, and point our your shortcomings. but does this stop you from being a complete tosh and still revert what you classify as """"vandalism"""" ??? no, i don't think anything will work with you. i have reported your account for complete mis-use of vandal tools, and for harassment against me. you posted a """"warning"""" on my page for """"vandalism"""" but it wasn't reverted. that's a clear sign that it isn't vandalism. you target only the """"vandals"""" you think will give up the fight. i am not one of those people. i made a legit edit and you kept messing around with it. mind your own business and do not edit my work unless you have a damn good reason to. you are an imbecile and a buffoon. keep trying, cause i'll revert your work every time.""" b7f6692802236e0e,"what part of fuck off don't you understand, youi mouth breathing pimply turd? while you'll never bang a hot chick, you can be king of shit mountain, it that it? i laugh at you. you can erase and erase and erase. it's people like you that's the reason this site isn;t making money. most people wouldn;t put up with your cliquey bullshit. i, on the other hand, dont care, have plenty of time, and am all around a better person that you. i'll bet dollars to donuts i have more money, more respect, a better job, a hotter wife and a better life. i know this is all you have. ha, i laugh while you erase." b80767dca8e473b9,"holy shit you're dumb. i obviously wasn't questioning maturity (which you'd know if you read a bit more carefully). i just personally find it hard to take seriously something a zit-faced, squeaky-voiced little nerd has to say. (i should say geek, not nerd. nerds are smart, and you obviously are not.)" b8300a02031dc4ae," off its my userpage you tard hfydrhhtt tttt tttt ttft ttttt ttt gfftttttthdh dhtdrrth ff fffff ffffff ff fffffff" b836710b191b53be,"nice to see you bury shit you don't like, scrapironiv. typical wikipedian. kindly go fuck yourself, asshole." b83bb4c9a6cbdf76,"derhexer, it will be a cold day in hell before i do anything some dirty kraut tells me to do." b83cc6dcf30e2e26,fuck off you stupid motherfucker you! jschnur is a retard and a total fucking douchebag. fuck him! b846d8804d8c0873,why do you think trivium's music is grea tidiot it's just fucking metallica copy stupid and they suck and he makes gay face when he sings and he can't fuckig scream properly he's emo faggot matt heafy likes cock fuck you idiot. b85ab005a6f63d88,"you daughters look retarded, man. and your wife looks like an actual pig. i have yet to see a more excruciatingly hideous family!" b8629683e6ea3cca,u guys are fucking morrons b878709393b479c8,"fuck you, i was curious as to who the actors played, and to read cumberbatch is khan is a total dick move. fuck you. fuck you. fuck you!" b87c7e85a3fb2603,"everybody fuck off why doesn't everybody just fuck off and leave this page alone? it was perfectly fine before people started fucking with it and removing shit. and no it does not sound like a promotional article. fuck off." b87dbde9a18b4919,"please stop idiot user: j milburn,who is a picture deletor vandal!" b8930f4bdd378f76,"look idiot all your changes will be taken away now." b895bf279997fe7c,"fuck you, you slut, you deserve having a blind man chop your balls off with a chainsaw." b89a122659669aba,""" the graceful slick.... is non other than an ungraceful dick! """ b8a68852a3375c0d,shut your fat face you ass> b8ab6f2a68cb408d,"dr karl loves himself, fuck yourselves wikipedia go fuck yourselves wikipedia" b8c4a9399a9792ea,block me you self-righteous cunt. do you really have nothing better to do with your time than act as some sort of internet police? you really are utterly pathetic. i'll just make a new account anyway. sucks to be you i guess. b8da22c2e1522056,how about you go fuck yourself you cunt... b8da783cc6a35e37,"it's your loss, fuck-knuckle. i give you the 'justification' you seek, you remove your arm to spite yourself. it hurts me, but it's the only way to hurt you, oh incorporeal, holy floating hand of spittle, drooling onto the world your horrible cum-tainted viscous scum of greed and self-righteousness ignorance, you destroy all that is good with your touch, and it violates us all, you included. spite." b8e1d37990d29bb2,"fuck you 2.0 you are an idiot and an admin abuser. i will keep coming back until my edits stay!" b8ffe81d3d7c1865,you are the biggest and dumbest idiot i have ever met online. second to rhobite. b900979c3439bc69,what does it matter if you are so gay? b901afe0208f4b12,"you prove my point if you block me, you would only make me right. all i ever asked was for you to leave me alone, so go away or block me shit bag, im tired of this discussion already." b912ae4fa4bf5164,"why, hello, mr.fucking jackass cunt, remember me? i wasnt gone.suck my fucking cock." b9209e3bdd7c61ec,fuck u jimmy wales fuck fuck fuck b922608bada2c21a,"actually, you are the cockroach that followed me to the notice board, and repeatedly comes back to revert what i had written. fyi." b94af8ad815517a1,"suck my cunt! suck my cunt you fucker!!" b953474dd2bffcef,"to the humongous faggot pro-russian administrator of the crimea page the fock is there to discuss you retard. fock off wikipedia and take your head out of putins soviet ass-hole, maybe then you'll get an understanding that reality is different from what your dumb media and dumb russian friends are trying to portray on the crimea page, you focking stupid vatnik. i'm honestly surprised you got administrators rights, without it the article wouldnt have survived in the state it is now ass-hole. suck my penor and choke on it, there is nothing to discuss except reverting stupid russian lies on that page. i hope you die in a fire sooner than you get to revert all reasonable changes bitch nigguuuh, fock you also, please stop ruining wikipedia with your backwards russian culture. russia is crap, crap!!! and so are you" b96dd213fd330bb1,"you little fuck!!! hey guess what? this isn't even wikigod, this is my freinds account and if you fuck it up he will be fuckin mad at me and he will never fuckin talk to me." b974442780c78e64,"what the fuck? restore the code lyoko 2 article. the afd happened during my block, and it is real, do some research, jerk. -" b9758b9a5f379bf7,"i wrote that shit ages ago, what are you a slaking faggot" b9848e0612f7db07,"taysia taysia- a word meaning beautiful, creative, and the best friend in the world. juss another reason for somone to go to school juss to see her. if anyone doesnt like her most likely theyre either mental or jus idiotic, or maybe her inner and outer beauty is too much for them to grasp." b9875864a7d2a30c,"alrighty you can go fuck yourself." b9880f30b82ae219,"wrestling with a pig well, you know what they say about wrestling with a pig. here it seems wp is the pig, and the users like are the piglets. whoooh baby do they love it! can't believe i was suckered in and made to splash about with the grumpus and his friends. trolls of a stye stick together and stink alike. since some people are so cowardly they must hide behind the skirts of their friends and the administrators, i guess i will have to address him as if he is really here, which i am sure he is as he can't stand to not know what is being said about him, be it good or bad." b9a833281037e201,""" hey f**king swine doing bad? suffering a lot? — preceding unsigned comment added by """ b9ad1806b44f8f13,""" douchebag award being a massive dick ) yeeey! you've been a massive douchebag! here's your award. """ b9b7c4b5b39b4622,"from the rest of the world go fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck 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yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck" b9bac59851b4b14e,dont fucking put a template warning on my page and try and insult me like that you stupid fucking piece of shit. ( ) b9c6c38d6b2e836f,"you're hell-bound! adam, as seen as you've admitted to being a pro-[faggot]], you are going to end up buring up in the lake of fire in hell! - ( )" b9dedf6ed982c6eb,"you mongrol swine..dickk sukker farshists ass likker.. i give u proof that dhoni is a rajput chk it you mother fucker you bastard u biased ronchos...the bastard gujjar suppporter.. i am a badgujjar and i am a rajput..why are u vandalising our histroy by removing my content..u suckdickeer.. y u add contents about other castes.. badgujjars are raghav and are rajputs... u bastard.,.. proof taht badgujjars are rajputs.. chk.." b9edf61efb48c871,"dude its not vandalism its the name of the song, and i waould know, as i go to the school!, idiot" ba2050ba3f358124,are you retard? funcking stupid ba2a6e0032d62a9e,"ignore this idiot, this guy doesn't know anything and most of what he typed here is incorrect. i guarantee every user here with half a brain would agree that about 90% of what this guy just said is untrue. dude, you dont know shit." ba323e08d7916658,"wikipedia is a latter day religion, you idiots need shooting" ba3d70d27b64707c,"i dont lambs12 wikipedia sucks ass pussy in the dick i dont give a pussy fuck about lambs12 bitch nigger asshole cock retyc" ba691d80ecae92df,"hey look, a retarder asslicker. how i'd love to smash your head in." ba965a8fc4510a79,"fletch is mad at hu hay shit for brains why did you report me for my page about benidorm and dont try to tell me it wont you because it said you did on my disscusions page u little wanker nob fcuking wancker basterd in-bread pice of shit" baaafd2714afe8ac,"it's my ip address, stop fucking with it, move out of your mom's basement and do something productive with your life, instead of fucking up wikipedia pages." baaf3af38c53e206,"hi man , do you know that u are stupid man" bac59be14b24b476,"no thanks, fuck you. i can always get more ip's you fuck tard" bada7fd459b4feb2,jeff g. ツ likes to rape goats while illegal aliens choke him and shove broken glass in his ass. badfd559c0243e84,"i wish you had... aids!! the user:pleasedontdeletemyedits only wanted you to have cancer but my money is on aids. my, my you are a clever one ain't ya. someone who was just happy to add geographical data to welsh articles get hounded off this site, which after is all [supposedly] about information, for er adding information. but you and i know both know it really is a site for little passive-aggressive little peons who didn't graduate high school. right todd? well there seems to be lots and lots of opinion pieces asking [ why are editors leaving the world's biggest encyclopedia?]. but we know why don't we todd? people like you (long before the internet social dysfunctional like yourself would be found in parks or near schools) sadly now you have access a portal to bring misery to millions. so please - if you haven't already done so - get aids and leave this life with as little dignity as you deserve. -p" baefaa5f33b10e44,"2012 (utc) the fact that you're a dick probably didn't help either!! 00:03, 4 november" baf496844698de3b,"don't vandalize, please! your reversion of my edits constitutes as vandalism, because i wasn't vandalizing myself! please don't do it again, or you may get banned. also, just because your wife is a black latina doesn't mean yuh need to start braggin' about dat pum pum all over the place. did you marry her because you love her, or because she was a black pum pum latina? racist coward..." bb00f15b59ebae66,"it doesn't make any difference anyway spartaz. corrupt, rude and dishonest admins do what they want here anyway, just look at the sections above. but here was the start of our discussion which, despite my polite request, quickly devolved into assumptions of bad faith on your part and extraordinary rudeness by you. unless i am mistaken it ended with you requesting i not post on your talkpage. unlike the worms and trolls emerging here on my page, i had no problem complying. i don't like hanging around creeps. i did post once when i saw you closed an afd as delete when they only comments were in favor of keeping, but then i remembered who you were and removed my comment. another editor took your inappropriate action to drv where it was overturned. so again, yes, you are rude, yes, you are involved, yes you are a bad admin, yes you are a consistenet policy violator, yes you are a hypocrite who asks an editor to steer clear but has no problem going after that same editor at your first opportunity, but nevermind. that kind of abusive stupidity and harassment seems to be quite common here." bb209419a5e6b9a1,"go to hell, you power-spinning, pompous arsewipe." bb210c50f512c070,"no, sources were provided reliable and notable, you keep playing the gudieline card, its not notable, blah,blah,blah. just shut up legalos, your really anonying cant you just agree. i think it should stay." bb2161e23f906aed,"suck my penis, you nerdy virgin." bb5747668e181d81,"stupid bots deleting pics i would like to ask a human to review the entry, and possibly add photos from the links i have provided. i cannot figure out how to do it myself. also, someone should either reprogram or shut down this bot. april 2008 welcome to wikipedia. although everyone is welcome to contribute constructively to the encyclopedia, one or more of the external links you added do not comply with our guidelines for external links and have been removed. wikipedia is not a collection of links; nor should it be used for advertising or promotion. since wikipedia uses nofollow tags, external links do not alter search engine rankings. if you feel the link should be added to the article, please discuss it on the before reinserting it. please take a look at the welcome page to learn more about contributing to this encyclopedia. your edit here was reverted by an automated bot that attempts to remove unwanted links and spam from wikipedia. if you were trying to insert a good link, please accept my creator's apologies, but note that the external link you added or changed is on my list of links to remove and probably shouldn't be included in wikipedia. the external links i reverted were matching the following regex rule(s): rule: '[a-za-z][0-9]{2,}\.photobucket\.com/albums/.*\.jpg' . if the external link you inserted or changed was to a media file (e.g. an image or a sound or video file) on an external server, then note that linking to such files may be subject to wikipedia's copyright policy and therefore probably should not be linked to. please consider using our upload facility to upload a suitable media file. please read wikipedia's external links guideline for more information, and consult my . for more information about me, see . thanks! granted - yes, they are links.... but to photos intended for that particular entry. they are of the album, the tv show, and the video respectively. of course, a stupid bot would not know this. i suggest a human review the data personally." bb59449f113ca4b6,"saxifrage has too many cocks in his mouth and they are obstructing his vision, i think he may have banned me on accident when one of them fell out his mouth onto this keyboard." bb692d2f808f8c9e,"my actions hi, please leave to defend this jerks and i do this for revenger by delete my images without reason. (talk" bb6a13b7d8fd5437,""" it's got nothing to do with my """"interpersonal skills"""", it's got a lot to do with two fuckheads trolling my talk page and personally attacking me. why don't you take your advice and fuck off and stop trolling my talk page and harrasing me you shit talking fuckin wanker and let me concentrate on editing articles rather than arguing with an anonymous peice of shit like you or the other fucking dickhead. is that clear enough for you ? anonymous, accontless fuckwit! fuck off and leave me along you stupid wanker """ bb884acb8ecc2c6a,"hey, olyeller: fuck off." bb9b86f8c8bd314b,"alright, well do us all a favor. fuck off! no one wants to read these articles and see that citation bullshit all over the page. that stuff has been there for years and no one gave a rats ass until now. seriously dude, fuck off." bba2116785b9eca4,"i dont care i dont fucking care if you have reported me!!! i will start a new account. see if i care. your still a fucking asshole!!!" bba2f7e19f276963,"stupid yes he did jbkramer called me stupid, here in an edit summary." bbb3dae345736816,fuck u lanchiau kanina bo ! bbc89a0f245d2b88,"i am a typical democrat. i stand for social and economic justice. you guys apparently do not. rather, you stand for the sockputtery of basically, why do you hate jesus and believe the ten commandents are errant? i acutually object to adultery, but you as republicans are dedicated to sock-pupptery, and sleeping-around is your version of good-by-jesus. shall i call you a homosexual slut? clearly, you belive adultery is a good wiki thing." bbce47d04cc4f240,man you are seriously fucking retarded. did you write those shitty articles yourself? bbd7e36f0d421b30,"slim virgin you are a mindless, stupid asshole, and are hooked on a power kick. you are also, sadly, neither slim nor a virgin." bbe3babea76ad72a,"i am also a sockpuppet of cutkd. before you block me, let tiw know that they are a horrid little shit." bc07656ace7d5e42,"you suck suck it!!!!!" bc13a27d27894bd4,"suitcivil133 is a little bitch. he is a bandwagon barcelona fan who needs to be put in his place, fuck that fagget." bc1663765cdbb653,go fuck your mother faggot bc1ab164e1e15fd2,"you suck the beef and you know it!!" bc2db4c6f93416e6,"see the changes first, you piece of shit and don't meddle into things that don't concern you. all of the templates were placed to provoke. we don't need a citation to prove that twelvers are the majority current in shia islam just as we don't need a citation to prove that the pope is the head of the roman catholic church. we also don't need a reference to prove that iran is a shi'a country. this is a fucking widely known fact. also, unless you didn't notice, a very large paragraph about ismaili beliefs does not belong in the article. so, please, let me do my job and fuck off." bc30eff256dd2873,you all are complete retards. bc4bbac5a72370dc,were not vandalism you idiot!!! bc552c4b52ee0f0c,"you're just a stupid, arrogant prick, you know that? i'm sick of your snot-nosed attitude, i'm sick of your smart-ass comments, i'm just plain sick of you." bc622a341a68d03b,"quit deleting my pages what's with you deleting stuff on lbj and the kennedy assassination? have you ever heard of freee speech. moreover, my page states information that while not fact, is certainly not proven to be false. you are abusing your discretion, you fascist jerk." bc684e079e627da2,"is something wrong with you, you piece of shit? are you even looking at the edits that you're reverting?" bc79eba82a394524,""" re: i don't have to add fair use for album covers, asshole, they're fucking album covers, there's thousands of them all over the site. you're tellin' me the only way they're """"free"""" is if you put some stupid half-ass """"rationale"""" on there? """"oh, this is educational, uhhh, it's not good quality"""", fuck you, dude, i'm sick of you people givin' me these dumbass speeches, just delete 'em, you don't have to notify me every fuckin' time, obviously i don't give a shit. you people think you're making the site better by patrolling with this stupid shit, but you ain't. i've written featured articles brah, what the fuck do you do? and if you go snitchin' on me about making """"personal attacks"""", you're a ho, i'm just tellin' you straight up what i think about this. i guess it's unthinkable to actually have a discussion about something on this site. """ bc7c95bdd74cd016,"""why don't you start a proper discussion instead of reverting all my fucking edits. that sentence is from immediately after the match. the total was revised because one """"save"""" wasn't a save. all official fifa documentation shows 15 saves. leave them all at 15 and then have the goddamn discussion. start a discussion somewhere and i will fucking participate. ps: fuck you. """ bc87673aa9d56bfb,"august 2005 (utc) fuck you guys. i had to look up what you mean by sockpuppet, and i assure you i have never met those two awesome dudes in my life. maybe you need to accept that more and more people know aquman is an cocksucker. by the way, i don't shove my fist up anyone's ass but my girlfriend's. thank you very much. 05:40, 18" bc8bf2c90768b46f,"complete monopoly of pro russian shitheads at the crimea article please fuck off back to rt" bca3ac7412a64c33,"aimeelee you are a dumb fuck. you are an american, i guess. or a reall, really, really thick canadian/aussie/kiwi." bcbecdeafde97a4c,fuck you fuckin ball bag bitch bcc800b2f3b053dd,"you must really hate freedom, you evil-doing, nazi asshole ip banning, is that something osama bin laden told you would be effective? you are such a snivelling little asshole" bcda88334022ad95,"you're an idiot, why does partisan have to be a reference to the yugoslav partisans, partisans and yugoslav partisans are not the same." bcdf0ce43b8cbd14,"you block me? uahahaha go to hell you motherfucker, wikipedia is shit, i wan't make nothing more!" bce130f3c614de44,"with regards and due respect to your recent thoughtful epistle shove it all the way up your ass" bd04ff24e2746d27,"leave me alone leave me the heck alone whore" bd19d7a8e8545087,(which makes you a useless piece of shit) bd1ec1ffa20f81ed,"ok. but before you do anything let me just say the uncyclopedia fucking sucks. (p.s. caps lock is cruise control for cool)" bd1ed5ca6cb784f0,"nah, thats okay, i'll just change ips, just keep being a dick. i hope you like sucking on your own, thats if you got one." bd211e87669b16e0,jfdwolff is a hopeless failure . . . he can't stomach defeat !!! jfdwolff is a total loser !!! bd2aa4d4f0f6e2a8,why don't you sit on a stick? idiot. bd2d8a0981db4a5d,"you're a faeget! fag" bd3b2e01565df176,"u suck why did you block me!?" bd4fa0c753f4c094,this clown is a fucking faggot that doesn't know his dick from his pussy. he deletes others pages on a fucking whim. yours is proof of it bd60915e620f34e5,"intro who's the idiot that talks about blue armbands when everyone knows they're yellow? see the photograph. in case you're wondering why they are yellow: ask yourself which is the color of the yellow jersey in the tour de france? also, it's quite possible lance survived pneumonia. it seems slightly more important he survived cancer." bd65c6dd39e516d8,"f'uck you administrators (i will be back to troll you morons) just a message." bd7a06c8991f55e8,"bitch ,otherfucker that gotta write some dumb ass shit to me" bdc9f4f64174c4c0,"hal turner you are an idiot everything the precvious edits are saying are true. he's as recently as 12-20-06 admitted he had brutally beat a hispanic man just for crossing in front of his house. this man is a racist and near skinhead. you want to protect a nazi fine but remember by supporting him you are just making yourself an enabler of this man's hate" bde62bd713f69e8f,""" question if someone was to move this article to italian empire, would you use the term """"vandalism"""" when you were reverting the idiots move? """ bdfe6730bc48efd9,"njgw? your dead mummy ashes?" be0cdab4cbd7a85d,"yo will i am sorry will i would like to apologiz...i have been actin like a stragiht nigga who is buggin and that aint a mad down nigga doin around helpin ohter niggas like me..and other pages so bitch ass kids can fckin get they reports down quicker...i didnt mean no offence to u nawmean? will i just want to put this shit behind and be friends...i wanna be real with a nigga and no mroe bull....but on some real shit u cant be goin around deleted niggas pages...nawmean? but yo will u jus keep doing ya thang and keep it real dawg" be121dec217158da,"fuck you, unpopular opinion, you disgusting faggot." be34f77431da1d30,""" what the fuck do you mean, the gulag was """"not a death camp"""", you commie cocksuckers there were at least twenty million inmates killed in the gulag between 1930-1953 (including many murdered in cold blood by the camp guards and kgb torturers!!! i demand that you restore the """"in communism"""" section at once, or else!!! """ be3724f1a48f2a14,"stupid fuckin editors they should all go and fuck themselves" be3a6e32a31dc910,"a message to you allie oh hai, cockmonkey n!gger!" be51f95925020f10,you really are complete bastards. you only included that genre to spite me. how immature. be597a8fe20072f0,"you are meany pants!" be5ed2c87b6730c7,fuck you jasper you know he's a cunt and if you don't then you're one. be63a4da963bc656,"that's it. final straw. we're doing this. you and me. i will be flying to the city of your residence and burning down your domicile. do you have nice things? because i'm going to fuck them. i'm going to fuck you." be64621e7bcca2b5,go fuck yourself bitch be6785d4f8e6f6a6,i had to fix all that sh%t manually. do you know how long the common minke page is gonna take you piece of sh%t? what the f%$k is your problem?? use a converter that doesn't f$%k up conversions or go the f%&k; home you stupid c$nt. be840e13a81b9461,"fuck wikipidia and fuck you. fuck this stupid site and the useless information filled with useless people." be8740fd15f5e466,i didn't do any editing to kurt angle's page so why don't you kiss my ass? be890706c9ff2919,ooh i'm scared! fuck you be892c85f8e1ded6,"look at your own ridiculous behavior first. by the way, i'm a different user than the one you seem to be writing to/about, even though i agree with this user more than i agree with you." be957b67f563349f,"oh sup i love you you fucking lesbo." be9aeb8f9a29b48d,"what the fuck: user:mega revenge/colorado timberline acadamy i was drafting a article on my talk page you dickweed. i was going to copyedit that shit. and why the fuck do you care in the first place you retard. its my userpage i can do whatever the hell i want for fuks sake yes i mad. restore pl0x." be9b52ae22899c2d,"i will kill you you fucking twat, i will shove a knife through your heart! bold text" beb4eb800ee09926,"wikipeida adminnaizsi stop harassing me' leave me alone it is crhistmast masturbate and got o bed leave me alone take out your mommy issues on somneone else whjo gives a s**t ur p3niz is smlall" beb8be0d46131d83,"thanks sorry. i didn't know you weren't allowed to write things like that on articles. my bad!!! cunt." beb92b4265dded33,"someguy1221 is an asshole, and i hope he knows it." bebf4a4c58a84abd,""" blackouts i'm sorry, but this policy of the nfl seems really idiotic, like they are punishing the city for not selling their stadium out? wouldn't that be the prerogative of the team owner? also, why haven't there been riots over this sort of thing. if my team was playing and the nfl was saying """"sorry but we a douchebags"""" i wouldn't be surprised to see some kind of mass protest flare up.""" bec72dd83bcc0d39,thanks for the original research. saved me a job. p.s. i think most editors would cringe at the pathetic petty and authoritarian way in which you handled this simple issue. you certainly have an over-inflated ego. try opening your mind. bed646df00e8b586,"go away my article son of bich go away article son of bich" bed8ad6aff7ef9c1,nan bread is a bitch to make how do you do it? i can make chicken marsala but not the indan breads ( bef0e56c6ff7e071,people who are athiests will go to he double hockey stick. have fun there with the d e m o n s. you \/\/hore. bef160a66fd1bfa0,"he is a cheater, and the article should say that." bf01285eec9b3811,""" to loser you're loser!!!,that's why you are atheist!!!,you are totally lost!!!,no guidance in your life!!! you call yourself as a postgraduate student!!!,what kind of method do you use!!! have you ever heard word """"studying"""" before making a statement!!! you never knew the agony being colonised by the westerners like you!!!! do ever challenge me on racial issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""" bf05e5722175ae70,"what a fucking charade she's a fucking idiot and the people that support her are bigger idiots." bf0a18a5edeba4e9,"fuck you fuck you, douchébag" bf11b72b2e2caabe,"is this serious? i had edited pinethickets page with enters only, that is not disruptive by any means, take your power hungry faggot self and get the fuck out and jump of a bridge." bf1be2cb65b5e96c,"capitalization the rules of capitalization are not an opinion dick head." bf20893fb08e02ce,"and you are a motherfucking asshole,suck your dick,you dirty son of a whore" bf3de23145426bc7,ya'll stupid muthafuckas need to mind ya'll own business bf3e08b8be31f02d,user abd is muslims scum bf41e216ad483afc,daylans a looser and ik kant spel bf4a7facde31bb29,"andrew kwon fucking fag" bf4e6d0e66af815e,"to the above comment: what a stupid. stupid. stupid. thing to say. that really ranks up there as the stupidest thing i have heard all year and probably will remain so." bf6d73c7993b9ca8,"gtfo you're a douche." bf8b1e93498277af,stupid sit i will behead you bf8f61c7fe0bad6b,"what the fuck? people add unsourced shit to the wikipedia all the time. why the fuck are you picking on me? shit, god forbid there be something unsourced about a fucking current event. they should have put you in charge during the pearl harbor bombings... your response time would have been bloody brilliant." bf92914c41431d27,fuck you atlan. fuck you and your fucking bullshit. go suck some dick bitch! carmegenon bf96f0fc948a06ff,"take your sandbox and stick it up your asshole." bfa811f71029a9d1,"twat your a twat and im not checking back so you cant reply twat twat twat!" bfae81e2fd886a86,"what the fuck, no. they aren't viking metal. just because it has viking-themed lyrics doesn't make it viking metal. this is why wikipedia is fucking sutpid. children of bodom isn't death metal, kalmah and north aren't death metal, and amon amarth isn't viking metal. stupid cunts." bfb1c2188980053f,"i never edit on wikipedia!!!!! what the f*ck are you doing , bbb23 , you s*n of b*ch of b*stard" bfbdc37607a076bb,your a fag suck a dick monky nigger lover. bfdb165920246e09,the block page says i should add this to my page so there it goes. someone fix this and get these power corrupt idiots to stop stalking me. bfe2c6da9c2b3297,"you should change... your nickname into: fascist vacuumbrain! crazy guy!" bfe5f21fc2e6a00d,"the above nonsense is from vandals who pose as admins, who have very low academic and personal skill levels with the result they have no idea of how history works, little idea how to present it, and who seemingly haunt wik as its their little childish power trip. one thing is very assurred. if they continue, wik wont. also, the amount of plagarised material on wik ensures there will be court cases galore as people get sued. one of the above seemingly got very upset when he realised his block tools dont work. those tools are their weapons to exclude those who dare to protest the low level of rot they go on with here. that the tools not being much good in reality must be a blow to the whole bully boy psyche and antics. try growing up a bit you lot. the free world doesnt need your stupidity." bff783d6e40800a4,nobody likes you jeff. you look like a pedaphile. c011be5c12ca3fbe,"hmm... it appears that somebody changed one of our templates to make your orientation different. vandalism much? i'll be changing that back for you, because as much as i dont like you, i'm sure you're not gay." c0175c4aad9d1693,no!! im not gunna sign my posts you ass!!!! fuck yeah seaking!!!!!! c02eacff0b24bb2a,"sunshine quit being such an asshole. stating the facts of what actually appear in the finished film is not opinion. are you on crack or just fucking stupid?" c03757aaa4134e6f,"hey, you freaking retard don't call people like unrealcoopnet grawp when they are obviously not grawp." c03f6a4b1b83ebd1,"to user:babbaq you're an idiot. dont you have anything better to do with your time other then sitting in front of your computer all day everyday with your thumb up your ass editing wikipedia to the way you want it? go get a job!" c04210f9b9d16102,"i did not post that the ex-beeline are in service yet,that was aemoreira042281, look at the history:;=history and look at every history because i never posted the ex-beelie on the current roster. how dare you accuse me and you call me stupid, you are a asshole." c04b0034c4151d2b,i have been thrown out of better brothels bring it on cunt c04d00a14a202a94,"fuck you you sad piece of shit get a life dont threaten me with blocking me off this shit do i give a fuck you lonely hermit man open your curtains and get a life before i burn you alive" c05a6f47d1a70cd0,"i think mucha lucha is the most homosexual show i've ever witnessed in my life. yep, even more than borat. i mean, who in the right mind would want to watch a bunch of beaners wrestle? what the fuck is that." c05e952fe5c729d1,"""::::your above accusation is based solely on who you """"suspect"""" a user to be? since apparently it's now acceptable to publicly express who we merely suspect other users are, it should be noted that i suspect you to be a paranoid-delusional pedophile who regularly engages in unprotected sexual intercourse with prepubescent children in an attempt to intentionally spread your hiv infection to them. """ c06cd5be020445e4,"i will find you in real life and kill you i will find you in real life and cut your throat you miserable piece of shit. fuck you you fucking douchebag i will fucking kill you and all of your family you fucking miserable worm." c076150d1c4fcde5,ur gay ur gay ur gay ur gay ur gay ur gay ur gay ur gay ur gay ur gay ur gay ur gay ur gay ur gay c07f95b835f8f698,"for a second time, you're failing to address the points made to you. please pay attention to what i am saying rather than being a cunt." c0831fe580352803,"you dosh bag, dont mess with me. my watch is worth more then your car, so if you know whats good for you, shut up. by the way are you a chick fucker?" c089baec18e24a43,"don't be a dick you know what you did, don't do it again. you weren't making test edit or anything even slightly like that. fuck off." c0953b485f4c682a,"at least fix at least fix the title for christ's sake. the brand extension title makes no sense when you talk about events after that. and i beg you to watch the product. while the pg/universe era was never said onscreen, the ruthless aggression era and reality era have and are clearly real. one day you will see a documentary on the network and i guarantee they will be listed as such. watch stone cold's podcast with triple h from last monday, there's at least one confirmation for your ignorant narrow headed mind." c0a3a5a5a1456920,"one pint of feces. on your faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace" c0a5fddadcd70087,"you people are absolute fucking morons. you said find a source, i found it, now it's not good enough because it doesn't prove the matter once and for all as if that would even be possible. whatever. it's because of people like you that other people don't bother editing wikipedia. grow a brain, each of you." c0b303687cdd049d,go fuck yourself too you fucking piece of shit! block me! as if i gave a shit! fuck wikipedia! d c0bfbfe91addcc55,my mom sucks nigger dick c0f01591f49657b5,"stick it up your arse as far as it will go, then push it some more" c0f85577502a6526,"fucky mc fuck fuck your a little bitch go suck your daddys cock you desperate little peice of shit, get a life, seriously, i bet you are 35 and have never had a kiss and you masterbate all day to kittens and your neighbors kids" c102961adbad28a1,"you are such a fucking hypocrite. i hope you get raped and killed by some lunatic like andrew morrow." c1249b3df042ba62,rex deserves to die like the stupid euro dog he is. where is hitler when we need him? c12cfc0f54f4d9f2,"i received your messages... ....and i say get over yourself bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!" c1303d4c43ea20f7,"apparently only idiots are allowed to make pronouncements and judgements here... anything sensible is deemed unfit for general viewing... what a bunch of fucking tarts///...,, where am i meant to be writing this????????????????????????????????????????????????????" c137b2cdc15ced08,fuk u retard i hate u i will kill u bettr watch ur bak cuz im teamin up wit my mothafuka boothy and we gonna rise the south on yo ass bitch c13b67a92b22fcc2,"wikipedia wanker what happend to the ban, pathetic piece of shit!" c148e354da59889f,"dp fuck you, who the hell do you think you are? i was making it in line with every other football page there is. don't be such an idiot." c14a9a082b6272fe,"not as pissed as ned scott will be when i stick a pole up his ass. oh wait, he likes that sort of thing. isn't that what all those digimons are for?" c152c0c5614ddca1,get that bullshit outta here. you completyely ignore the other links which state that savage brought the situation into mainstream thought before anyone else did. both links are by left-wing liberals who have no agenda to give savage credit yet they do give him credit. c15b2bf6f1c24df7,"david why are you such a bitch?" c1699e1e319ba051,"kiss u i missed u, u now they say i'm's like discussing magnetism...:)) bitch..u fight with everyone...u love the vandal...u can't live without him....i'm feed me...maybe i'll make u happy later on..:)" c1723b16ec5d9979,u no wat ass hole go fuck your self and stop ben a dick head u in trouble no motha fucka u be getin a visit fronm the fbi.buddy so keep it coming and yourl never find me c172ad357a4c8cab,"ava is gay its true. shes gay because shes so ugly she cant get a boyfriend. she also thinks shes going to ivy league school. what a fat ass." c179d5d4d96bd2fc,"idiot i put facts on that page. you just can't go and undo other people's work. those are facts. i love karmin and i did the research. you freaking faggot need to stop thinking you are the boss or sh!t. stupid gay people like you are annoying as fck." c17afdd7682c2ad4,""" i'm editing it back in. if you don't think his death was utterly convienent and perfect for absolving the lame-duck reagan of all guilt in """"contragate"""" then you're a fucking idiot who has no reason even hanging around political pages.""" c185145cdf371bca,yea soooo ur stupidd!!!!!!!!! loser c18e4353c54c857f,"how about you unlock it you virgin losers oh yeah u mad" c192d5140b9d312a,"martyman is a sad little man with no penis and he enjoys sucking penis. is a sad little man with no penis and he enjoys sucking penis. love your profile mr martin conway. desperado rsvp profile is a sad little man with no penis and he enjoys sucking penis. love your profile mr martin conway. desperado rsvp profile is a sad little man with no penis and he enjoys sucking penis. love your profile mr martin conway. desperado rsvp profile is a sad little man with no penis and he enjoys sucking penis. love your profile mr martin conway. desperado rsvp profile is a sad little man with no penis and he enjoys sucking penis. love your profile mr martin conway. desperado rsvp profile" c19a477f8983a33c,"to bongwarrior, listen you fuckface, maybe you should get a fucking life, lose some fucking weight, stop doing drugs in your mother fucking basement, and go outside. i know its been years, and it was too hard to have social interactions like college, but you shouldnt have sacrificed your education because your a fat douchebag that no one can stand and everyone makes fun of. i hope your house burns down and all your comics and fucking action figures go down with it you worthless piece of shit" c1b13a32842bb05b,jimbo said i could edit his page. you are a moron. c1b748dadf8625cc,"some dude reckons me and you are the same dude, dude look at mattinbgn's talk page, what losers." c1ba6422e470bbab,wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker c1db38c4d9666173,"i guess so will you if you revert again, bitch." c1e23ce6af66fa0e,a butt ugly fugly muthafucka like you should do the world a favor and just kill yourself already! c1ee0cce22f32faf,"every wiki admin can suck my mutha fuckin' dick i'm ganna fuck up all ya pages and shyt so it'll be eazy-er ta shut tha site down than fix it, watch out mutha fuckz. [[unblock}}" c1ffd7a410f9b264,and i suck off my own dead father c202d86e9fab0b13,for it is very foolish of you to block somebody who is the friend of the victim who knows him. you dont not know the humor of these guys so please for godness sakes just be resonable. besides do yuo think i vandalize the pages of mlk or malcome x of course not now that would be stupid} c218d82a89df572a,""" watch it: palestinian national radio puts out the call, a bunch of women in burkhas show up at a mosque to smuggle out the terrorists hiding there, get shot at, and the terrorists bitch about the idf firing on """"civilian women"""" and there's no propaganda machine? bull fucking shit you racist scumbag. """ c21bc4b6d4e1c256,what fucking problem are you having njgw? come and discuss it with me. c233619b3c53ee20,"jimbo is bending over backwards so hard to do favors for this 19 year old male prostitute, you'd almost wonder if jimbo's credit card number was on justin's customer list." c23619e2ecd75148,"you r a jerk you son of a bitch.. uss page ko redirect karke tujhe kya mila. you pervert.. i know its you who protected that page from editing. saale khud ka kuch nahi jaata fir b dusor ko problem create karne ke liye hamesha taiyaar rehte ho behenchod kaheen ke.. ho gaya khush page ko protect karke. abb apni maa & sis ko b protect kar. nahi toh aake chod dunga un dono ko. bastard & rascal. maa chuda bhosdke... sincerely request kiya toh b aise kar raha hai jaise ki ne teri maa & behn ka gangbang kar diya ho.. son of a bitch" c23e2627ac430491,fucking dutch motherfucker. fuck off faggot. c24a6fb63f5df3b5,"i'm done! you guys have a good wiki, okay? jossi, i will say this now so that you can perhaps do me a favour and have me banned forever. you are a liar through and through. you are a snake. you have no scruples at least not when it comes to defending your master and i just feel like i need a bath of some kind for even having come in contact with you. how's that? is that enough to commit wikisuicide? i can go on if you like. the point is, get me out of this kafkaesque pit of craziness. yes, indeed, i admit, rawat is a big spokesperson for peace!!!!!!!!!! he's an alcoholic cult leader is what he is. still has people line up and kiss his feet. okay, that's it. bye!" c263e81096802cbc,"fuck off, asshole. you did not act in good faith, you vandalized the article. people like you need to be outed and kicked out." c2879a8cb919be05,"hi serpahimblad, i spent hours creating that brian evans page. could you not have had the decency to tell me what needed to be changed before you just deleted the entire page like the asshole you apparently are." c29ac97b4725d639,"still, no one here wants this encyclopedia screwed by that dickhead. also i'm not new here. i've been here for a while. as in honest about what i want for my birthday (in 2 days), have that dickhead blocked. user:factual80man" c29cb90e7812dee0,"mills heather mills is a bitch. and wikipedia is supposed to contain the truth. have u been smoking the wrong stuff in your bong?" c2bd75a07c30379d,. ps. fuck u bitch go eat a dick ho. probably dildo urself to sean kingston's album cover. c2c175c72d1c727f,", 20 july 2012 (utc) you are a bully, a liar, a fraud. you have caused me to be blocked for reasons you have made up, and you damn well know it. i will remember that. 11:51" c2d54f987634d5f5,wow. what a bunch of nerds. c2ea6826e7670813,fuck the killers and fuck you too. c2ff7cee1a3bd9e8,""" please, watch the edit history of sayerslle, just on my talk page he called me """"fucking moron"""", today he called me """"dumbass"""" as well. and it was not the first time. i accept being blocked for losing my nerve, but at the condition that he is punished as well. """ c30637b786fc3863,"hey ryan, fuck you faggot, how do you like those apples bitch?" c31f9e172411a550,"bunch of morons should go **** themselves westboro baptist church are a f***** disgrace to the christian faith! how dare they be so f***** satanic to hold protests at soldiers' funerals! those cunts need sorting out!" c328a3e231f2f3e4,"oh really? so block me!!!! what are you waiting for??? clearly you are same type of trash as your buddy jamesbwatson, haha, it just shows what kind of trashy domain this is. i am so glad you came out and showed what and who you are. just so other users can see it too...." c3346ddf3e18bc4e,"holy shit, dude holy shit, dude! do you do nothing but sit on wikipedia? all you seem to do is use a very gay sounding software called huggle and revert edits in the blink of an eye. that sucks!" c33bf3309f4ebf40,"its this lack of people skills that makes you such a dick. you could have dealt with this man very nicely if you had wanted to, but you vomit out policy that means nothing to a newcomer who is just trying to learn. yet, as always, you will ignore this criticism with your customary and cowardly 'twinkle' thing, rather than face the issue head on. pathetic. you are a pathetic cretin." c33d7b2d87e78295,"queen mary mrs windsor's granny.she was a bitch." c33e23984bd4e677,"umm dumb ass noob here with my dick stuck in a bear trap with a coven of evil warlocks breathing down my neck intent on my utter destruction and making me sad too boot, and hateful of my self. but hurting others, so i must act. i guess. help? advice! hug? slap, a la patton?" c34a448c1ecd2b5b,"so, four neo-con revisionists refuse to believe that conrad black is prison for fraud, millions of people realize that conrad black has been convicted of fraud and is in prison. you four clowns probably believe that the holocaust never happened as well. i am certain that there are four other editors who agree with you lot,perhaps you should work on revising that article to your liking as well." c35bd093cf7056d9,you fucking idiot c360efc517990f93,"you fucking idiot i edited that page for a reason, the page was terrible it looked some little kid wrote the damn page." c366db330283f1bb,"prick you're a fucking prick. so fuck off... you giant prick." c36a8bb4c8b531eb,"bald bad ass yo, i'm sure you're a bald bad ass and i'm sure women love it when you rub your oily bald head on their wet pussies. but cut out the vandalism, bro." c36ac0350a388477,fuck ugly black cowworshipping mallus c37ef66aaed8afee,"bitch your an ass hole!" c389dc114523a09b,"you're a moron you keep creating articles with slightly wrong names and then new ones are created because the correct names were still in red links. now there are a lot of duplicate articles for the same subjects, but since yours are so badly written and incomplete i will ask an administrator to delete them." c38a790dcfe665db,suck it dick face from ip address: name: tyler age: go fuck yourself nutsack c398daf2b4afe257,"fuck you the subject says it all bitch. ( )" c39e35966c0ab430,listen to me nigga i am your lord ! go to cotton plantation and work for proud south! c3b5d8ad507f038f,o wait i r just a big ideot wid a psp slim i r so dumb! c3ba8b72bd35b7b5,why dont you queer mother fuckers get a life and stop blocking me you fags. c3cc05f268592714,"moron in that brothel your mother work? go find out who is your father i'm going out of this puppet account, if you want, block me till armageddon" c3d52ed4e4d07079,"""::wtf are you an idiot? no really what is your iq?, i only ask because there is tons of information out there that is peer reviewed and is telling us the opposite of what your alleging, then to """"support"""" your claim you find a non-peer reviewed source (the only one i found that actually states anything like what u are suggesting) that you then refute. really is this what wikipedia is coming to? we should have an iq test before u sign up and edit? get some facts and some references and then make your stupid claims. no animal ever has a 100% success rate in hunting or anything else for that matter, even a 6th grader could tell you that. pro """ c3d61fee101f2bbb,"an open letter from the wikipedia review this is a message to jenny, what the fuck do you think this is, some place where you can just waltz in unannounced and be received with arms wide open? well fuck that! this is motherfucking wikipedia, bitch. we call the shots. we always get shotgun. we don't give a fuck who you are, because we are infinitely more important than you. we are always first in line. we always fuck the hot chick before she gets acne and settles for you. we rob banks, charities, and anyone else who fucking pisses us off. this place is more than just a place, faggot, it is an ideology. and this ideology says you need to get the fuck out. no one here will ever like you. we have already established cliques, slop-worthy-hoes, and prop-worthy-bros, got it? we are the ideology of elitism, exploitation, and lulz. this isn't a fucking game, kid, so don't try to tag along. you're talking to people who have been around the block and then some. we pioneered class. we made 'cool' cool. and you? what have you done? jerked off in the shower? we invented jerking off in the shower, you stupid bitch. there is a clear-cut, defined, infinitely thick wall between you and us. we built the wall that keeps you fags out. so don't try to act like you know what the fuck is going on, because you don't. you just do not. but you really think you can compete with the review? lol wow don't make me start flaming you. are you forgetting who we are? we are the ones who film people like you getting fucking destroyed by us. we will rip your asshole out of your fucking rectum, stitch it on top of your pitiful dick hole, and then fuck you in the vagina we just made for you. so we make you into a bitch. do you get it now? this site isn't a game, it isn't a place to 'chill' with your fags, and it isn't some fucking haven where people like you can get acceptance from people like us. it isn't going to happen. just gtfo" c3e33bf891638160,"july 2015 get a job and stop doing drugs, you dumb hippie." c3e654bcb8b2a27e,"klptyzm ur the biggest fucking faggot around. just because ur an administrator doesnt mean u have to have ur head so far up ur arse to see where everyone else is coming frim" c412dd9c84e705f1,"p4k if what you do in wikipedia is delete things people worked on, why in the world are you logged on to wikipedia. say, do you delete things for...enjoyment? or do you delete things for a good reason? how would you feel if i went to one page you did and deleted the whole thing and wrote on it fuck you!!!! how would you feel?" c4144f4b05d158f0,"that is irrelevant, bitch. i'm done with that buffy shit. piss off. 2:33 15 january 2012 (utc)" c4218f9d6b3d4c47,fuck you i will edit anything c421c5c8f1f595e7,"i have a hacker with me. if you continue to block my whims. i will shut down wikipedia for good! i'm talking to you theresa dogpenisknot. you people have no lives except to prevent freedom of speech, an inalienable right. and fatsos like georgie and retetast and that 2 cent whore kariteh need to fuck off! again, if i am denied a place to express myself, then nobody can go here. i mean it!!!!!" c42a8dd3ab936588,"think i'll just reset my ip. peace out, fuckers." c4499df23cb28a3d,"geek why don't you fuck off? you and your templates you fucking geek. go away into your basement and wank your cock off, thats all your good for." c44d36e0779064b2,repeating myself again ~ leave me alone you psycho stalking weirdo!! i've asked you to leave me alone for nearly a week now and you just can't back off. what is your problem? c44f9bfe178189a7,"oh shit, stop sending warning, fucking bitch..." c4554042fc328130,"what a shock a wikipedia admin who happens to be a petty little nazi asshole. how is that ip banning working out for you?" c457f6f7ed8227cb,"so you can pick on palestinian babies with your homosexual countrymen, all of whom worship and mimic hitler over anal sex with you" c46693f5f602c5f7,"you are a twat twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat'twat twat twat" c4887fbb15359db8,you are such an idiot without the presence of mind...what do you think of us your trial and error targets ... get out as an editor you are basically useless you ought to be herded for war crimes go to afghanistan... c4912685e386f500,", and i hope you enjoy dying of radiation, you fucking pussy." c4949f72aceb72ce,and who ever wrote this shyt bout this nigga is a fuck nigga to i dont give a shyt bout his middle name hoe c4a11e79bf36725a,""" now this is just a joke. you're clearly an idiot. i posted the reference which gave due credit to the newsweek article. i question your capacity as an administrator here and i demand that you rescind your """"judgment"""" and my indefinite block which is a clear violation of wp policies. it's not a personal attack if it's true. mate1 """ c4a11f13b81975d1,"✋🏼 drake bell is transphobic trash and people need to know that!" c4cc1462d8935dcc,you suck! nah im joking. you suck eggs! nah im jk. u have no life. u are obsessed with wikipedia and have alienated yourself from society. ha. c4d1a8230d680fdd,"bollocks i'm away off for a while and may be some time. you're a stupid cunt. cheers." c4e25307366a651b,"personal attacks this is your last warning. i knocked your mother up." c4e40fa0c0e9aa19,""" franks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cunt== csd on dênis == hi. a quick google search actually revealed that this is a duplicate article from dênis oliveira de souza. i put the wrong csd category on the db tag, but it still falls under csd guidelines for being a duplicate article. thanks! i don't know of any csd criterion that supports deleting a duplicate article. the correct action is not csd, it's a redirect, which i've taken care of.    talk  franks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cunt== csd on dênis == hi. a quick google search actually revealed that this is a duplicate article from dênis oliveira de souza. i put the wrong csd category on the db tag, but it still falls under csd guidelines for being a duplicate article. thanks! i don't know of any csd criterion that supports deleting a duplicate article. the correct action is not csd, it's a redirect, which i've taken care of.    talk  franks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cunt== csd on dênis == hi. a quick google search actually revealed that this is a duplicate article from dênis oliveira de souza. i put the wrong csd category on the db tag, but it still falls under csd guidelines for being a duplicate article. thanks! i don't know of any csd criterion that supports deleting a duplicate article. the correct action is not csd, it's a redirect, which i've taken care of.    talk  franks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cuntfranks a dumb cunt== csd on dênis == hi. a quick google search actually revealed that this is a duplicate article from dênis oliveira de souza. i put the wrong csd category on the db tag, but it still falls under csd guidelines for being a duplicate article. thanks! i don't know of any csd criterion that supports deleting a duplicate article. the correct action is not csd, it's a redirect, which i've taken care of.   [[user_talk:frank| talk ]" c4eb8a57ecdfacf4,fuck this this is bull shit and it does not even say where shit comes from your fucking ass c50e2d7e76874b66,that was a perfectly valid edit. go fuck yourself. c50ebc59724d36be,"brownie ah, samir, you brown terrorist piece of shit. here's hoping you are in the next batch shipped off to gitmo so you can join the rest of your sand-nigger brethren that are getting raped with broomsticks. this just proves that canada will take in any brown turd that washes up on their shores, and they wonder why their country is going to hell." c50f33e64f3ccdd2,"oik oik! ur a pig!" c52456eb361f6c1a,"!!!!!! warning !!!!!! you are a douche. you do not even qualify as a douche bag, you are merely a douche. mwalla" c52a8645e8b28c9a,"saturn, your an ass, and i don't want your crap written on my page. you're obviously not that smart. candidates must file with the fec or their names cannot be on a ballot. catching on retard?" c52bef26cbc5833c,"shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u shitty nigger fuck i love d3$1r# (@/\/+u" c52c68994e40419f,"blow me, criticism is constructive. blow me geoff. i came here to find out about monkeywrenching which for god knows waht reason redirects to monkey wrench an article that has nothing to say about the subject. wiki is shit for that, and you are a huge piece of shit for reverting my change. fuck you." c530ff93bcc45cd1,"wateva minga mc donalds worker u r a fuckin paedofile leave ant and dec alone just cause ur not famous u fuckin ugly bitch fuck ur hole family" c533ce6332333e2b,"hey harry, you are a fucking fag. there is nothing wrong with that. you delete all my edits because you know they are correct but are much smarter than anything you can come up with. ps, you're a cunt." c533fd97d7dd92e3,"mass murder tab che guevara was a mass murderer. he killed hundreds with his own hand. his ideology, the communism, murdered nearly 100million people and ruined the life of billions. your idol is this communist pig. i won't stop while we both are living. if you, an american jew, who never seen the communism directly, can't understand this, then i let you understand by hitler." c53b381dd1bc1a16,who the fuck are you? his fee was an umberella it was a joke made by himself i have sources let me post em up it was on sky sports news. he was joking about the rain in manchester. so how the fuck is that vandelising c53d8d5abaada677,"you stupid, you are so damn follish. and the bmt broadway line page, when the north tracks of the manhattan bridge reopen on february 2004, the n trains was express and the w was local, but you switch it the opposite way. you idiot! read the history site on the bmt broadway line page and find out." c54be1a0ed26fc71,"fuck you dumbass its an opinion and dont delete dis shit because i have right unlike you gay dead ugly ass mother, i fucked her too hard. sucks for you and dont you fucking dare delete this bitch because it is not vandalism it is me revaling your gay ass life" c5645a8be9486e3b,"im still here vandalizing away, the only permenant blockage is in my bowels. i read your user page about your biases, what a nice line of shit..." c5668580f0648a82,"shut up get out of my life, i'll do whatever i want bitch." c575b7a3cf014916,"who the mother/fuc/king ch/rist do you think you are. don't you dare touch my fuckign edits again you f/ucki/ing pr/ick" c5784238f6078e89,first i will suck your ass!!!!!!!!!1 c57dcf8e0814b93b,"ps, congradulations on recieving the bitch star, you definatly deserve it ryan." c580d59f2a359dcc,"[user talk:jesserafe|talk]], how dare you call me racist! look at yourself, you pathetic human being. now stop messaging me! my reading comprehension is just fine, but you clearly have your head high and mightily up your behind! now stop harassing me you troll! are you that sad you've got to keep harassing me!. p.s. if my edits were that bad, go and revert them back to your supposedly wonderful version that existed before. are you really that delusional? 18:31, july 31, 2015 (gmt)." c586b7a2fd575b13,"shut up you asswipe, we don't care. i'll decapitate your mother and shit down her(his?) neck. go back to jewland you fuck." c595cf358e638c2e,"unblock because over 5 dozen people can prove that david is a fucking faggot. not to mention that atheists are sub humans. kthnxbai." c596e2cb7087195f,lol @ this loser editing his own bio to exclude sanger. what a fucking faggot. c5aa95fe38bcfe3a,"your a loser why the hell would you delete a page of a band on the verge of making it? i don't care delete my account. once you do this site will be hacked into and the whole page will be about that awesome band. what a dork!" c5c46a35be2fe2ce,"you're wrong i am fucking not a vandal. so fuck off!!!" c5c62a78991b4337,awww mah gawd loik dis movy gets me soooo moist loik i cud fuk dat caspa cause hes a really nice guy but dat telly ewwww never never hehe never hed just have to rape moi sexy bod bring it ooooon ;) ! awww mah gawd all da sexy niger gs and studs struten around looken 4 sex gets me sooo moist like i am a devout croatian catholic and loik awww mah gawd i just cumd all ova da computa chair stinky croatian devout catholic pussy beige colord cum creamin outta my pussy all ova da computa chair awww mah gawd im gagin 4 it loik homie g niggr cock raping me like awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww mah gawd im droolen stikin mouse up mah pussy awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww211.28.54.73 c5d052795320e4b0,"you scumbag! listen, i don't know what makes you think you're so righteous that you can edit pages and play god. censorship is for the birds! therefore, you are a scumbag and i'm gonna warn you indefinitely fascist pig! headline text" c5d1cd9b75777394,"californiaalibaba is a bitch go fuck yourself you bitch ass motherfucker. don't you ever in your fucking life threatening me you fucking piece of shit you. you don't know me i will fucking kill your ass you punk pussy bitch. tell your mama to my black dick." c5e573cb98654260,"idiocy you are a fucking moron. stop removing encyclopaedic information. if you feel there is a pov then edit it out but stop removing entire entries, you complete fuckwit." c5ec883c21b95fda,fuck your life bitch! i wasn't vandalizing anything. i was responding to the idiotic comments made by one of your nazi staff! c5eee64177f78f8f,what another great example of just how arrogant this fuckstick really is. i'm thinking of investing money in finding out his personality and giving him a lesson irl. c5fc5218e1c0a2a1,""" nonsense stupid don't try and get my article deleted because yours are dumb and nobody wants to read them. congratulations on your award of stupidness. """ c60baaf26914d498,"oh, and you suck dick." c6106752c982786e,"note stealing the article note stealing in many peeps minds is a worthy article. if you delete i will sue you for $2 million. you are a jag bag. jerkoff, kinsider what i said. if u delete i'll beat you with a shoe until you are black and blue. you are stupid and need to clean out your eye of all that scum because you cannot notice a good article when you see one. you are a sucky user or administrator whatever you are. i hate you!!!!!!! you little jayhawk, poo you. stuff it scum face. go piss on a pole and if u are a girl go squat. up yours you incompetant administrator. sincerily yr fuked up lil mother fukin nigga from the hood, the outsider" c61c8396c758bd38,"fuck you all. this site is full of stuck up cunts, who for some unknown reason think being a part of wikipedia promotes them to president of the cyberspace. sad pricks, go fuck yourselves. i won't be returning to this site. so off you all go to self congratulate yourselves." c61d297d3e9b1de9,""" wow you are dumb. and that is not an attack but a statement, since anyone who belives that concensus would change reality is dumb. just because you stack the odds in your favor on the articles in question does not mean that britches was alf's. since britch's belonged to the lab, and alf """"took"""" him, britches was """"stolen"""". europe is a community, and that community agreed that the earth was flat... does that mean that america is not really here, since columbus sailed off the edge of the planet? you silly nuts!""" c66177c1782d40c2,quit trying to fix it u fucking douche bag c665bbde0376c45e,"yes i f*cking do assert you should add all his grants. if you've got a f*cking hard on for his government grants... f*cking add them... i certainly don't give a f*ck. but to hide his pharma grants is f*cking disgusting.... and you motherf*cker... you, you motherf*cking cunt who i don't give a f*ck about... are nothing but a pathetic f*cking spastic geek who is 'wikipedia editing' for a f*cking part time career... so pathetic... that is soooo 2006.... know this motherf*cker... i don't give a f*ck what that controlled wikipedia article ends up being... intelligent people will research for themselves that this cunt is dripping in drug company money.. and we don't need your f*cking say so to have access to knowledge that wants to be free... you're a cunt... a bullshit barrier standing in the way of free speech and you can get f*cked... i could count on one finger the amount of human beings around the world who know of and give a f*ck about the thousands of hours you've wasted on wikipedea... you're an unsung cocksucker and no one gives a f*ck... i don't give a f*ck if you delete my edits... i don't give a f*ck if you get hit by a car tomorrow... you're nothing to me motherf*cker... just like you're nothing to the rest of the world... no one knows who you are... you're nothing. you're a pathetic 'adult' version of a child... hanging around on here 'policing shit'... you're totally f*cking ignorant... mindless... and pathetic... i want you to know this." c67d5fd06c96f185,i said piss off you geeky little shit c693f1b5d6675386,get fucked you keyboard warrior- being blocked from here will not bother me one bit. and i was not aware of the rule as i have seen loads of linked commercial sites. c6a25e23e5840c25,"i will hunt you down and kill you, you useless piece of shit" c6a8d119454bf1c6,"jesus god you're fucking retarded what a pathetic piece of shit." c6afab66122a2c51,"hey douchebag you are also a douche. that is all." c6c792b91fb48774,""" unblock me you asshoes! {{unblock|hahaahahahahahahaha unblock me or i will vandalise more!!!! it had been six years since we had graduated from college, and for the first time since graduation, all three of us were together again. from the enthusiastic hugs at the airport and then the conversation and laughter during the dinner we shared at a local restaurant on the way to my home, it was clear that while plenty of time had passed and we had kept in contact, the comfort and attraction between the three of us when all together in the same physical location was still undeniable. having returned to my cozy, semi-secluded home in the suburbs, we all sat in the living room, sipping wine and continuing the tales of our lives. with the exceptions of the location – a house – and the presence of alcohol, it could have been any of our final two years of college together: the three of us, tight-knit friends-with-benefits, sitting and chatting and sharing a drink together. then, justine and beth had been roommates while i lived in another dorm across the main quad; now, they were much-welcomed guests who had fortunately been able to clear time in their hectic schedules to come and visit me for a weekend. as i sat in the recliner and took another sip of wine, i allowed my eyes to truly linger on justine as she told beth about a recent situation at work. the florida sun had certainly added a glow to justine's skin, and may have also been responsible for the lighter shade of her shoulder-length brown hair. as when we were in college together, she wore virtually no make-up, just a thin gloss upon her lips – an enticing strawberry flavor, as i had discovered upon meeting her at the airport earlier in the evening – and red fingernails. her red dress was indeed elegant, with a plunging sequined neckline that permitted a very welcome display of her cleavage, a display which beth and i both certainly appreciated. the long slit up the skirt of the dress revealed that she was wearing stockings held up by a garter belt, one of its descending white straps definitely noticeable against the well-toned thigh. the red heels provided enough of a contrast for the white stockings to truly attract the eyes. surprisingly, however, she wore hoop earrings, something she had never worn during college for fear that they would pull at her ears and widen the piercing holes more than was considered safe. the conversation turned back toward me, but a few minutes later, the two beautiful young women were again chatting primarily to each other. i took the opportunity to once again study beth, and was equally impressed. while noticeably shorter than justine, beth was also paler in complexion, a testament to living in northern canada ever since graduation and spending virtually every waking moment inside to conduct her research. as in college, beth preferred the color black for her outfits: a somewhat-tight sweater, form-fitting slacks, and a pair of low heels. four tiny earrings adorned each ear, plus she bore a small sparkling stud against her left nostril. beth's black hair flowed over her shoulders and down her front, and she absently twirled several strands around a finger as she listened to justine. it felt so good to be in their presence once again. especially since all three of us had been in several failed relationships since graduating from college, i was thankful that i had thought to invite them to spend the weekend with me. i had absolutely no doubt that our chatter would eventually give way to intimacy, but for now, i was quite content to simply sit back in the recliner and openly admire the two stunning beauties perched upon the sofa. the intimacy began when we finally went to bed... together. i was on my back under the covers, with a very feminine head resting softly upon each shoulder. an arm wrapped around each of them, i held the two women close to me as they absently stroked my bare chest, dipped a finger into my navel, brushed my thighs through the sweatpants i typically wore to bed, caressed my stiffening manhood. my eyes closed, i reveled in their touches: inherently familiar, yet full of rediscovery due to the lengthy passage of time. no words were needed. and as their hands occasionally made contact with each other upon me, i smiled to myself in the darkness, having always enjoyed watching beth and justine in their own intimate encounters. but eventually, their touches slowed and ultimately ceased, their breathing falling into the regularity associated with sleep. i stayed awake a little longer, immensely enjoying the closeness with two of the people who had been most important in my life. i awoke in the morning to the scent of french roast coffee, faint yet unmistakable. justine was gone, clearly the one who had brewed the morning nectar, while beth and i held each other as she slept." c6c98833253b0b2d,"mrmacman i didn't attack anyone you stupid bitch" c6cc8c90c8a5e077,", billcj's mom, she's a big fat, fucking bitch big old fat fuckin' bitch, billcj's mommmmmmmmmmm yeahhhhh, chaaaaa" c6e1b01fab96d5d9,""" [[user:sennen goroshi wow. a friendly advice to me from a wannabe-admistrator who is supposed to be """"no longer interested in this bulls**t"""" and enjoying his/her social life. did you want so much to butt in my conversation with another editor? i don't understand your obsession with me. do you love me or something? well, if you are a woman who fits my standards...oh, and i thought you were busy wiping your minion's butt in 3rr noticeboard. or are you out of tissue?""" c6eca8c6e8f8f217,""" i don't mind """"merciless editing"""" or """"redistribution""""—it's deletion by idiots that bothers me. don't misunderstand me: my earlier statement was no ultimatum. i will discuss my experiences on wp either way, and in any case there is no going back: i now know that that power-infatuated admins will delete without discussion, and i don't care to try my luck. your threat to """"show me the door"""" is ludicrous. (1) you have no basis—you're just being a dick. (not that that would stop you). (2) what do i care? i don't benefit from my contributions. if the royal you doesn't want my help, you can go fuck yourselves. ciao. - """ c6f9224524a5bedc,"for what you did and wrote about me, you are a twat of the highest order: david bret. furthermore, if we ever meet face to face i will punch your fucking lights out." c6fedef161b5fc43,what a stupid name for a stupid wikipedia editor like you dickhead. c704149e13a77b06,"a message for you fuck you! gayfullbuster! put this finger in yourasshole, bastard!" c70b55623812b722,you are a sock puppet of a disgusting tranny freak c711da1281e4d327,"hi can i ask why you are naming people who aren't me (johnjoe) as socks of mine? i mean, my real sock, who is a very active user here, is no way associated with any of the users associated with me. in fact, i haven't 'socked up' against you since by banning for raising legitimate objections against your conduct. oh, and i expect this comment to be removed, dodging the question and perpetuating a fued that could have been ended months and months ago. that would be real classy, and just what i expect from a snivelling, pathetic coward like you." c712b7e97f935226,"fag== you are a fag173.161.242.113 ==" c720f4851a2cb22f,you bitch change that image on the 4 train line article right back if you can't tell the difference between an r142 and an r142a that's your fucking problem you might as well revert the images on the b and l train line articles while you're at it c744f26e9c949cfa,"you are you are a pasty-faced fanny-bandit who gives handjobs for crack. you also love to take it up the ass from random guys on the weekend." c76969aa2a3bf877,"you are very gay you're gay" c76d7ecb48346f7e,"ronald mcdonald is gay and he has a fart fetish ronald mcdonald raped me in the ass with his massive penis and then he farted on my face because he is gay" c7757e065e806ed9,"because you fucking retard, the original ova is only like 5 episodes. there are 3 ova's for a total of about 20 episodes" c77dedfce0be3df9,"you! you leave me alone asshole!" c787076d86f2b315,"please please dont be a cunt" c78e78af171716bd,"you, sir, are a douchebag furthermore, i find that you are simply angry that the tampon your boyfriend inserted into your anus two nights ago has caused you to develop toxic shock syndrome and the constant pounding of your anus-hole has resulted in the loss of brain cells trough rhythmic trauma." c79dc8349c2a90ce,"your wrong stupid go check the net worth of carlos slim and you will see that i'm correct and leave me the fuck alone i do what i want bitch." c7b6faccd92231c0,"and no of course it doesn't work, anyone can just use a proxy to evade the ban, your a fcking dumbass." c7c40e53f69e49ca,"(it's true. you wikipedia kids need to get off the internet and get laid. especially han amos, because he's a faggot jesus freak with no balls and bitch tits)" c80d25a9e7fc5d2f,"you're a fucking idiot, aren't you?" c80e6203081e0404,"dirty boy you are a dirty, dirty boy. dirty boy. come here to mommy and pull your wee-wee out. pull it out further, stretch it out. is that as far as it goes? ok. now hold it still while mommy takes a puff off her glass pipe. then mommy is going to hold the pipe against the dirty boy's will hurt but its only because mommy loves her dirty little boy...hold still..." c815b1ba559b82aa,"why the hell?!? why the hell is wikipeia a bitch?" c82f686e0acd742e,"your threatening behaviour your constant blocking and sabotage of my edits is tantamount to staliking. are you stalking me? are you threatening me steve? is this what youre about, threatening and harrassing me? why do you keep stalking me through wikipedia? are you a twisted wacko, do you wish me harm? why? why are you harrassing me!!!!!!!!!!! leave me alone you racist wacko!!!!!!!!!" c84dc074bc780c75,listen here you son of a bitch. next time you undo my edits i'm gonna hunt you down and urinate on you. fuckin day walker c879a932f062034f,"you can't stop me there's nothing you can do. it's out of your control. we will continue. either stop blocking me or continue sucking the di*ks of chicken fuc*ers." c87bb822ed330916,"yo can u stop being so fkn annoying my info on the a milli id right" c885f3f8a0bf3755,"i did not vandalize anything i repsonded in the apporpriate area you stupid fuck love kevin" c88cc0150762d745,"fudge you f u c k iy y o u" c88d7b39d12b6050,"well, you don’t know your fucking ass from a hole in the ground. fuck off." c8a8e100263c0675,"this is serious leave wikipedia at once. you are not wanted here. you never were. get the fuck off this site. i am deadly serious. get the fuck off this site at once, you have no business here." c8c7c5f902375b3b,"this dude is paid scum deleting the clear ownership of mr. william franklin bermender from kleargear is the work of a paid scum admin." c8cd991f1a9bae13,"re: dead hey fag. )" c8edda4d552730f1,"sunshine quit being such an asshole stating the facts of what actually appears in the finished film is not opinion or original research. are you on crack or just stupid? be advised that an official complaint has now been filed about you with wikimedia." c918a01101f40feb,"mate, are you jewish? gayness is in the air" c92a5d13e9111933,"overly apolegetic to muslims? looks like pakistani sock puppets are very active. guess they are done with mukhtaran mai." c936a588dd523862,"let me make it perfectly clear... ...that you are not entitled to rape as you are far too ugly." c93b7b4a19f0c4b8,""" kike dammit baba! leave it alone! i'll let you know when you can touch it! -) (i mean """"gimme some time here...i'm working on it"""") etalk """ c93ec785da57873c,"hey stop okay i'm not an open proxy, i'm a human and i have feelings. you need to stop assuming i'm some souless and godless robot. i'm a god fearing human who has a family and friends. if you think i dont deserve to edit because i'm right about the nhl lockout, i think you're discriminating against me and i'll have to say you're dumb." c945cad7fafbdf7e,"suck dick faggot, you're full of yourself." c95aa516b5b7c177,""" d€ath to norwegians and all anti-seℳites who side with the """"palestinians."""" d€ath to the nation that produced quisling. €urotrash ₩hore. fu₵king commie scum.""" c95b72d27fa50f3c,"hey asshole, nice try with the speedy deletion." c9640ae6ae7bb052,you have been blocked for being a pimped out faggot. sorry loser c968308e5acc14af,"rude so you are gay then!!!!!!!!" c96e34964dbddda1,"harassment and permanent ipban are sexy dreadedwarlus says you are gay. dreadedwarlus sexy." c96f9f729f2d31f6,"king of fag so you like doing little boys too? asshole." c96fb5a4998964f4,""" and you're still blocking me your user name or ip address has been blocked from editing. you were blocked by royboycrashfan for the following reason (see our blocking policy): """"vandalism from aol ip"""" your ip address is i can't do anything, cos idiot blocks everyone on aol. well done, idiot.""" c971eb8748315083,"fuck off, before you give me the 'wikipedia is not a playground' message, it is a fucking playground on shitty articles like that. you may as well let us have some fun then revert instead of the gay auto reverting." c981a39d939bed54,"hey, moron, why don't you read the entire edit requesting subject to see the sources i provided? and it doesn't hurt for wikipedia articles to be just a little bit accurate." c98aa1b88a75f6a1,"what the fuck. dude, you don't consider this harassment? do a fucking google search." c999a841e081b2cf,"oink oink oink, freaking pig" c9b01b1fd57937ea,fuck you crazy fagots!italic text c9c70092a460548a,you're sick. i have the right to edit pages about retards like dora and barney. c9d6159a7e7214e6,"xxxxxxmotherfucker i didn't add that information bitch, so you best lose your attitude mother fucker." c9eb7d60d40af638,""" are you nuts? so a legitimate commercial software package that was used on feature films, commercials, and video games does not deserve a wikipedia entry, but the """"boothill footappers"""" does? some band that nobody outside of the uk has ever even heard of? are you serious? people like you should not have authority to decide what does and does not get on wikipedia. just because you are unfamiliar with something does not render it irrelevant. grow up.""" c9ecb93f83a794ae,"hello, anne. you always were a bitch." c9ed3027efb9bf82,"media prostitute is dead. this little man, who indiscriminately licked penises of those in power, while denigrating his self-credence by repeatedly defending propaganda views with an... authoritative voice of a mere media whore he was, is finally dead. amen." c9f875f921345602,"i am so in support of on this one, is such an arrogant wikipedia nazi and so trying hard to be a wikipedia policy police. g8crash3r" ca0da19b98126c83,"==greetings to the fuckwad jimbo wales greetings fuckwads. i have really enjoyed decorating your pages with pictures of scat, buttsex, and whatever other gross things i have been able to find. i will be back later on to pull off my biggest caper yet-i am going for 100 pages and we have a top secert agent in side the wikipedia. wikipedia liberation army the wikipedia liberation army is now in full swing, but we are still willing to negotiate with your child molesters. we want jimbo to shoot himself and then we will talk. later fuckwads" ca139a34591638c6,god i'm fucking scared i won't be able to vandalize wikipedia pages. you're a dork. ca1b97b8bc6acb12,""" christians what about all the idiot christians who will come on this page and claim that this thing never existed and they'll just change the article to one big """"gooooooooooooood diiiiiiiiiiid iiiiiiiiiiiit""""? fucking stupid christians, they believe dinosaurs didn't exist and their whole ignorant faith should be wiped off the face of the earth.""" ca245362cee1c6bb,you animalfucker get a life / chairmanofall ca30ffce9d4c5398,"dear wikipedia assholes, i regret to inform you that because of deletionist scum such as gavin collins and j milburn, i am planning to terminate my life. you see, wikipedia was my life, and these deletionist bastards have ruined and deleted everything that i have worked so very hard to create. i spent over three years contributing to wikipedia, improving the site, sacrificing grades in school to add to a revolutionary encyclopedia, but because of these low-life dip-shits whom i abhor in every molecule of my body, i have discovered that it was all for nothing. so i end my life, and i hope this will bring the wrath and resentment of the world down upon these deletionist jackasses. sincerely, vern cork" ca3a89304f8348ed,"go fuck yourself, you piece of shit." ca3d74f0caba9ad6,"your blocks do not deter me i may be blocked but you are still an asshole. and coward." ca7ddea59db49f31,"amide man fuck you and your truce. this si war muthafucker!" ca933fe837eed1f7,"get of your high horse yeh you don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot huh? you don't like it then fuck off! harassment and attacking! wtf! i'm the one being harrased, the second warning was uncalled for and just an abuse of power. i was trying to explain the concept to that user and then you play hero and stick another warning on me. fuck off aright! you leave me alone and i'll leave you alone, this is an issue which had nothing to do with you in the first place!" caa82df7fd5c977e,"oh no! blocked from editing, whatever will i do? lucky that unlike you i have a life! go die ignorant scum" caa8ef69bca1368b,"shit admin / hentai article you allow articles to have misleading information that provide no references to such claims and allow templates that state there is no references to be removed and protect a page? you are shit admin, and another reason why the wikipedia is an affront to research. go fuck yourself." caba7b28acc2675b,"please shoot yourself please put yourself out of your misery. either shoot or hang yourself you depressed freak." cad6fd291f634ee2,"hope, you'll grow up one day when someone like you gets wikipedia! till then feel free to play your moronic tricks" cad88e56bfa287ab,"i am going to pull your pants down and insert a large phallus into your bunghole. i'll bet you will really like it, you faggot." cadc6359bf813e78,"the times couldn't know less about tennessee politics. qqqqqq, olando, and terrancee are all idiots too" caea6029eb08b87a,"you idiot, ever since i first heard of santa when i was 4 years old i never believed he was real. any kid who is smart and logical would never believe it either. my parents never gave me stupid delusions of it either. i used to go around my 2nd-grade class and say santa wasn't real and the teacher told me to stop but i didn't. you are preventing children from developing their logical thinking skills if you tell them it's possible to travel to every household in christendom in a single night. considering in tv and movies santa spends at least a few minutes inside a house delivering presents and eating cookies. the time doesn't add up. those were my exact thoughts at 4 years old and that's how i deduced he couldn't be real. if your kid doesn't think like that he's retarded and you're not helping him by saying that's possible." cafa67d7094ccb87,lil homie don't front cuz if you do i will put ur ass in a fucking gas chamber bitch cb0158de4d58c252,""":::it's a fact that hong kong is not a country, and this vandalizing imbecile yck c. trying to push his """"hong kong"""" pride isn't going to last for ever. the article will be changed to the correct listing of """"china"""" whether you hong kong people like it or not. you are chinese now, not great britain. china owns hong kong, face the facts you fool! hong kong belongs to china......undeniable! we are the chinese superpower, you are hong kong subjects who must obey the communist party of china! """ cb406c6c829d3133,"fyi she's a nobel laureate, you stupid cunt." cb9ccbebf3baa950,run and hide with censorship you dumb fuck! cbab217a16ba4aa7,"this indo-fijian dude is a helpful janitor, but sucks terribly at adding useful content to the bag o'trivia. moreover, after whining because he failed his request for adminship here, he was promoted on the retarded-english wiki and on meta-wiki. get derhexer's tools so you can revert faster you negrito." cbaed4022a53000e,what is an moitheather no one knows but you a hoe so go eff a duck... ) cbb820a857d7aa49,"this is an absolute fucking travesty. i do not accept this vote. this page was moved without a fucking consensus to a page that is not even in fucking english for fuck sake here we have a vote that has not acheived 60% neccesary to move it from what was the status quo at river plate and yet the page remaines at this foreign language name. ffs you all ought to legislate at elections in china. it's an absolute fucking disgrace. this is it i have fucking had it with wikipedia it's a load of shit dominated by a fucking an americo-centrist view of th world goodbye and so long and thanks for the fish. i give up duncharris was right the fucking lunatics have taken over the asylum where our language english is usurped by a foreign language on our own fucking site because of politcal correctness, us american ignorance and an argentinean agenga, i bet it won't be long before we find falkland islands moves to malvinas. what a buncgh of cunts." cbc3b306b5f9b0d0,fuck you motherfucker.there i said it again bitch cbd0f3db76132b14,"sure, i'll listen to a fag. go suck a dick or something. maybe you and originalsinner should get together. i hear he likes to take up the ass dry, just like you!" cbd69519fc6162d7,"f-off you think i give a shit about weirdos from wiki lecturing me, you fvcking freak putting that that little girl that was raped, burned and died had sex with multiple people? i don't give a fvck, you inhuman leftist! weirdos that work for free on wiki." cbe07eaf3166d605,"bloody asshole you are a bloody asshole and fucking hijra, chootiya and if you block then remember i will hack your account and find you. i will beat you so hard that you will remember." cbe54d36e8233438,"j .mabel you are a garbage! you delete sorin cerin?" cbeada69dac57380,you are a faggot! cbeeca0dd8d32c1a,"nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, 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piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit nice work removing edits, faggot ass piece of shit ni" cc10542a5a520fb5,"hello idiot!!! i'm tired to see too many cretinos in amesh wiki." cc197f56367b067f,"lol stop eating shit you nigger!!" cc239a00b1127cfb,please stop your crony bullshit. i didn't attack anyone - i just copypasted on his page what he posted here plus added fuck off cc3021af2d665d80,"""so its okay for a woman editor to be called a """"cunt"""" a """"bitch"""" a """"cock shit"""" and repeatedly subjected to obscenities like """"fucking"""". that isn't a big deal, but if she complains about it then it is a a big dealwrongdoing on her part. obviously the concept of basic fairness did not enter into your decision. your handling if this is dripping with sexism and bias. """ cc4567c913aaeb4e,"flex do you know any one with flex?!?! aparently not because we own the name and the airline now and we are starting it up so leave it alone! its ours now stupid f**k" cc51e1e168d508c4,are you wikistalking me you fucking aspie? either crawl back to your hugbox or hang yourself. cc59c8a5abe70c5d,this user is a twat cunt who likes big willies in his body. he also likes being gay and likes sucking willies and putting tongues up young boys arseholes. he enjoys eating shit and wank while washing it down with his own piss. cc9229fd943c868e,"go fuck yourself! there was no reason to delete what i put in that article..i changed it because what it said before was false stupid!" cca06f093aec503b,fuck quebecfaggots. fucking seperate so we can fucking invade you properly and fucking finish the job. cca4a83a43e2fd4b,"you cocksucker fuck you ok? i hate you! stop reverting my edits. i will kill you. fuck off and go fuck urself, cockmuncher!" ccce3745459e8b5f,""" big pro-choice dyke hey bitch, if you're such a cunt ass lesbian why do you care if other women can have abortions? do you think those murdering sluts will have sex with you because of the sympathy? """"oh sisterhood, eat my cunt!"""" get a fucking life, nobody like a pro-choice dyke.""" ccd0dd12b38c7c3a,"there was at the time of the first redirect, smart guy. just because some one decided to delete all relevant information pertaining to caturday in favor of the spin-off term lolcats doesn't make the wikiality any more factually based. i don't have to convince you, ptkfgs. the history and sources back me up. caturday will not redirect to lolcats as long as i'm able to stop it. don't just walk into an edit war. do some looking first. i don't owe you imbeciles anything." ccd7d68d6a436708,"oh, shut up and fuck off, you asshole. i'll be blocked, for sure, but you'll look stupid for chasing me. i'll just make another account." ccd8bae5e3a1ac1a,fuck off you right wing nazi scum. btw your crazy religion is a myth. ccf05c5d4b791836,"ur a faggot, fuck off and get a real job and stop fucking with my posts 8=======d" ccf6c1c337b9168f,"suck my asshole, you have less of a life than me! fuck a horse you shitbag." ccff392c73809ed1,"oh, and i am a sockpuppet of a guy called unorginal, bitch!" cd066fd33f04d2d8,"what kind of freak keeps obsessive stalkerish lists of people posting in favour of someone's innocence? a dirty little basement dwelling creep, that's who." cd0943e8266490fc,""" fucking wikipedia nerd... -⊕ talk """ cd0a09eae760061b,gay fucking faggot who has no life and no job and spends his whole shitty fucking life on wikipedia feeling powerful because he can ban and block peoples ips. hes a basement dwelling cunt. not that i'm suprised however if i had a face like that i would stay indoors too. cd10dbb790b6820b,"you are ugly too go exercise and also get a real job and a girlfriend." cd17f343357ccb72,"fuck with me again (an invitation) i reckon you need to chill the fuck out? innit?" cd1c4eff72e1a56c,"you smell of pig shit," cd2960675f7c45b7,""" edit summaries like """"no spewing crap out of your ass"""" are not acceptable.""" cd2ebaade2dd0700,"""::::: get off my dick, cunt. in case you didn't notice, the block was after this. you really must be retared. it's a zero! """ cd4348d2a38a3d42,a screw you!! u fucking harry potter fans!!!! cd50a80eea9b7ae6,"guess what? your still a dirty little cock-sucking slut!" cd5506b4c912932e,"because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! do i know you? because you are a fggt! == do i know" cd64e48fc4b0d0bf,"i was quoting you, you dumb bastard. you really don't understand anything" cd6a2a47c6e05e94,your a fa.ggot f.uck eat my va.gina juice cd6f8c8565251ee7,"you're a douchebag if this is a person, you're a douchebag. if it's run by a person, then (s)he is a douchebag." cd7836c1c1eb2f78,"your opinion is worth less to me than the shit on my shoe. now fuck off, there's a good good chap. fatuorum" cd87db9e578b7d9d,""" hi ) asshole detected award major suckage detected in your personality """ cd9a6d42b0e91fc8,jezz - you people are really starting to look stupid now cda7999f6d81c35b,"fuck you wikipeia you cant stop us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" cdb7d443de530fa2,"you are still a cock sucking fag! you are still a cock sucking fag!" cdb9be0e44ec35ab,"re: the idiot keeps putting g-unit records on product of the south, when the reference clearly states its not going to be." cdbaacaa61937d47,"cyberstalking since there is no way to deny being a sock puppet, it's easy for this nazi to go around putting proverbial yellow badge markings on me. jlambert/nandesuka/ehheh/ronz is cyberstalking me." cdbcc8d96aabb699,stop grinning u idiot. what i said waz true thus in the public interest. not every comment has to be positive cdbdd5f8d3d12442,"lonely go outside and make a friend. you've seen all your mom's basement has to offer." cdc94c913d175088,"laid back! he's the bloody enemy! i hate his guts. he bullies and conspires against me all the time. i think that he is an absolte bastard. he is pompous and he does alot because he wants to own the project. he doesn't have the decency to cooperate and negotiate. he makes this thing a war! he's a bloody dictator!" cdf852fdee6ed129,shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! shoot yourself you freak! ce10ef0b4d78d38a,"i didn't, you fucking piece of garbage. i hope you get shot in the face." ce148d67a0bfd36b,"fuck dancehallqueen fuck u bitch you stupid cunt eating dyke ass jamaican ho" ce341b27d178f1d5,"hey dumbass, they was a reason for my comments. and i wasnt attacking but okay you win so fuck you mother fucker and i was so depressed when you guys banned me for nothing and now that article is a real article. i cant believe it" ce3c273da1f5dab2,""" hindu vandal you are a confirment upper caste hindu vandal. morally corrupt as you are; you must be a bhramin. you are a confirmed sock puppeteer. you have been going around with another user name """"netaji"""" """ ce3e767e3155dcf7,"layne staley who told you that you crackhead, i think someone would hae known whether he had a kid or not which he didnt, dumb ass!" ce4e68ffa69a57de,show yourself you filthy son of a bitch quit hiding behind these wikipedians you fucking pussy ce635891eff84820,"yeah, whatever. you are an arrogant deluded buffoon with a defective brain. seek medical help. newsflash: wikipedia is a disaster." ce6bf73f605c7ec2,"ohh, i didn't thought that situation is that bad you being gay. i'm sorry for you fagg." ce8a6b3a7a13ca80,"hello, and welcome to diversementality's wikipedia user page! i'm happy to be a toe licker of wikipedia who both gives yummy blowjobs and is happy to clean your asshole as well. i am an 18-year old transvestite that is currently selling his ass at community college and am working my way up to someday eventually getting some pussy because of my love of cunts (as seen through my editing of many cunt-related articles). i hopes to become notable enough by wikipedia's faggots and have my own anus featured on the homepage." ce8bd80b62b9dc81,"also, my mother is a prostitute who loves her black pimp." ce9204582479520c,eat shit you fucking arse rapping jew fucking arab. i'll kill you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 cea464f18b21d3a8,"mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck mexicans suck 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lye this is cuz i'm black, i'd get the police involved if i wasn't a nigger, you better unblock me now if you whant me ta stop being so black," cec85028506a5417,"nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigg nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger 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you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you 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bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck you bitch!!fuck" cecec0fcbd682390,"i vote that your a fucking asshole with a stick up your ass, and you somehow are retarted enough to believe or like this shit, or you somehow believe its acceptable for people to believe it, fucking idiot, your are a total waste of life!!!" cef3b1b4aa51f10c,stupid asshole. you can not see the difference between a reliable source and review crap. furthermore: you were a part of the edit war cf1373c44bd3b2e2,"niggerballs why did you delete the page, you asshole?" cf366221fce0dfe8,still havent grown up i see. you are so pathetic...u werent quick enough as it got mirrored on another site. cf445895bd37ed2e,fuck off you total cretinous asshole 9-) cf75d2f46afe7585,"edit war i understand fully your a europhile bastard who thinks its accpetable for an unklected commission to run our country and for the government to lie to the people and to give £100,000 a minute to the eu, what more can we expect from a socialist. you keep reverting the edit that ukip is libertarian, im a member of young independence, and a party member for 4 years, and i know better than most that ukip is libertarian, how about googleing it you europhile. oh you wont because the truth wil be reveals, and the eu hate free speech and the truth. the eu's days are numbered, the people are the greatest weapon. ukip" cfbd36a70eb03197,what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool.what a bloody fool. cfbe3a51401f6f45,"hello dickbrain just another wikipedia wanker" cfe35e4d0663b2c2,""" ok, so you are then telling the removal of sourced information is absolutely fine on wikipedia and not vandalism. does this mean i can highlight all the information in this article, press the backspace button on my keyboard and then get awarded a barnstar? makes sense, i'm going to try this magic formula on some articles, thanks for the advice! p.s you are a fucking idiot . """ cfe5cab3c078ec2c,"apparently you missed my comments at the very top. i don't give a shit. if he's a dumbfuck that thinks that creationism is real, then he really should be assigned to the denialist bin of the local mental institution. in this world and the real world, either you understand science or you deny it. he's a fucking xtian denialist. not much you can do with him/her/it. i do wish you well, but don't come here trying to improve me, because i know my science, and can back up every point i make anywhere here with evidence. if i don't, i stay away. frankly, i'll fix whatever articles meet my fancy. again, enjoy being the mentor, but i don't do well with admins with their pretentious attitudes because they're fat little unemployed fucks who get erections by pretending to be powerful here. so, in other words, if you want to help someone, take it elsewhere, because i really really really really don't give a shit about hurting some creationists little feelings. fuck that shit." cfe6791dbd5d8246,i didn't want to vandalise the 1961 f-84 thunderstreak incident. have you understood dirty fucking jew. cff5a6002a12273a,"asshole licker fuck u asshole go fuck your own mother fuck fuck fuck fuck a duck fucked a kangaroo you piece of shit go suck your own balls" d00b54742b296f6d,p.s don't talk to neiln he called you and me stupid! d01127de6693c2f7,""":::well i see you think that u are infact better then me, well heres the deal, ..... you know what, screw it, ill leave u to believe what u want, """"i know more about metal then u"""" oh yeah buddy well u must be so much awsome, u r so cool i wish u were my friend! because u know everything about everything dont u, well congrats, hows this sound, tell all ur """"friends"""" that ur not doing there homework and see who is ur m8 then. and whats this """"i dont give a flying fuck"""" what are u a retard, heres the deal, u cant fly and u for sure dont get fucked, so go root ur pet frog u fucking homo cunt! """ d025121b4a2588bd,"warning please do not warn me i was only speaking the truth. you are a fool. good day sir." d04c5c9970f89bb3,"now y can leader the china pigs, taiwan not needchian pigs." d05312274f792bfd,"i didn't, you fucking piece of garbage." d05a6d1199639573,"chanting cox shut up you dumb cunt. your a nigger loving, cum cuzzling crack whore bitch!" d05fa93fdf05eb86,""" it was very constructive you are just very very stupid. arkjedi10 """ d06ab0aec6e5ff0d,'''fuck you all bitches d07a1dde8a8d0c47,""" athiesm, templates, and history21 thanks for your alert. i don't know where i picked up the """"cite"""" phantom-tag, but it seems to follow me around like a pathetic puppy looking for a home. and yes - history21's a bud. he also wrote the """"god bless you"""" statement in my user:talk (ironically, given the motivation for your talk visitation). the only thing that pains me more than seeing """"fuck"""" spelled without the """"c"""" is when people can't grasp there/their/they're and to/too/two. d""" d0831f26329a80e6,"go to the devil, cultist! you don't own this place. and i ain't your dude, mofo!" d08b696819b63f51,"you gleefully claim to be 'evil' (whatever that means) and then accuse me of painting you as evil? mmmkay. i need add nothing else to demonstrate the depth of intellect and rational thought that you have to work with. you confirm my assumption of christians (note: the apostrophe you used is erroneous) - confused, irrational, angry and easily moved to hysteria. your user page should be referenced as an example for 'loser'." d08b6fd1380faf7a,you are a fucking cunt. please stop existing. d08cfda382cfc8da,""" presumptive arsehole """"fred"""", aren't you. the image did not come from """"bing maps"""". the same as your bs you spouted about trf a few months back.""" d08d0ec6fb4cfa4d,""" lovegame who the hell are you to criticise?! i change whatever i want to change, i am merely stating the facts because it is true. those sources are completely inaccurate. moron. — preceding unsigned comment added by """ d08fe07e90bc9193,"whoa you are a big fat idot, stop spamming my userspace" d09b4a2b701a04dd,"you horrid little shit i've been monitoring your editing patterns like a true stalker, and have noted that you made no edits between 15th and 19th june. perhaps you might like to comment on the reasons behind this?" d0a55e6ffaa62b3d,"go fuck yourself eat shit and die." d0bb94609a0a80cb,"edit request hello, guys fuck u pieces of shit i hate wikipedia donate! zminecraft is way better than ur stupid social networking site called fricken wikipedia face book is a better social networking site than you ***********'s eff u" d0cbe8d2436689e3,"yes, and lets also delete or change any articles that are unislamic, such as the ones about homosexuality, christianity and judaism and other religions, and actually lets make it so everyone has to post islamic prayers 5 times a day, and if any females post out of turn than we will e-stone them, or give them 200 e-lashes, and while we are at it why not just permaban everyone who won't convert to islam? screw you buddy, you want everything to be islamic go to syria or saudi arabia or yemen or egypt. keep that shit to yourself" d0d155d06838e5e3,your name is i dream of horses what kind of virgin mongrel blue shite fan are you? blato sit in the upper gladwys street d0d4d9d54856ef6a,if you don't like it. you can kiss my rebel ass. d0dfce1a7ce05828,"this snowfire5 character doesn't know what he's talking about. i really suggest that you re-read wikipedia's policies, as you clearly don't know any of them. a stupid television show is not worth mentioning in the article. you are an idiot." d0eb28873e6730c2,space after period you bucket head. suck to much carbon monoxide? d0ec81724a5e1683,"hey, come back, you scallywag!" d0ff6e22cfda49f0,oh look a fucking islamist with admin powers fuck you asswipe. d10fc67e13b516fd,and (3) i've stated my position too many damn times and i'm sorry you're too stupid to see you're completely wrong. d115039cf2333750,"no you will be block! now go fuck yourself before i get you removed from here, or file charges for harassing me. you want to go to prison you little cunt?" d11cd4aca0dc05b2,signed anon so suck on that ya funkmunch d11d09186a312528,you have fucking asperger's man. d11fab8dd8771a61,"reply to kingdom2 ok, here we go again. to reiterate, 60's garage rock did not influence punk music. and i don't care what that long haired, anti-punk hippie cobain was quoted as saying. you're going to depend your grunge history and contradict punk's with only one quote? and from a hippie who was part of a movement that helped bring punk down? that makes no sense. i'm going to provide plenty a quote when the time comes that will vastly overshadow the quotes you have. and you godamn better not re-edit or i'll have you banned! i've done it before and i'll do it again! by the way, i'm damn happy that idiot cobain died. he did nothing for punk but bury it using stupid american grunge music. you lame americans don't know anything about and have no taste for style, fashion, or music." d1261a6fe0115385,"hey seth, you are a fucking douchebag." d12f0f5ac4e62f36,fuck you ashol long live malusia d13d7adc95f5aa03,"achievement - you are a bltch get off my talkpage you gay arse." d144026f92fb8150,"idiots the barris batmobile did not have a steering rack, so i edited that bullshit out.." d15de7e3c95c09ef,hey dead set fuckhead!! d16e66209935ad28,"yuck your one of the most disgusting creatures ive ever met" d174c782be295815,"this is because you're a god damn m oron and bill is a tremendous cunt. what's the fucking matter with you, bitch?" d176623c6903909f,suck my cock you stupid bitch!:) d181bdc17d356d9e,i will murder your pets and slash your tires. you are such a giant assclown. my name is byran mattison and i am a gay football player. i play for the ravens and i love dick. d18774abbe013ea2,"sorry man, my mistake. happy editing in an enviroemnt were you can be called a racist and fuck all will be done, but you lose your temper and ask for a time our of 12 hours and get blocked for a week. and people wonder why i get fucking angry? what a shower of cunts." d18ba6301d96e33c,"bitch ass nigger why did you edit my article? you added referances and i never gave you permissian to touch it! fucking bitch!" d1b3454617f8f8fd,"hey gwernol, yeah you're a schmuck face. that's what i thought. oh, also, i would like a sandwich. thanks. with cheese." d1c0f09288a76792,"this bitch is a cunt! this bitch is a cunt!" d1cf010969472ba4,my name is dub ya or w and i hate you you changed my hanging? the fuck is wrong with you? d1e2328dd378ffec,"go for it, dipshit. you're just another islamo/christian terroist. fuck off already! get the fuck out of my coutnry! move to fucking pakistian!" d20e7617f28c5663,"hey dumbass...sales and trading is a legitimate topic...create a stub or a full-fledged article or do whatever, but don't delete." d215886bdd885ade,""" """"""""what the fuck?!?!?!"""""""" the article was poorly written, i rewrote it so it didnt look like shit, look at my final edit you fucking dumbass.""" d2220297e1831130,"now would you lick on my sack? you can't block me slut" d2323a61dfa1173c,"sieg heil! heil hitler you gay noob!! i'm gonna cut off your brain!" d24f6f708b5cbb49,woogie10w is a scumbag and idiot piss off and stop messaging me you bellend/ d25c08e3f5d85b55,"i will call you a wuss, and you'll go cryin' to mama! wuss! wahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" d26629935ca8b7f9,shut the hole in ur fae bann m fat boy is i lookin bovered d272cd42e049ddc1,very funny when the guy made some explicit personal attacks on me. you guys are full of shit. d281814a9c5a64f9,how about you all go fuck yourselves? d281c4393f45ca11,courtesy of this phenomenon my son already has procured an arrest record. d28877e35690949d,a silly fat cow who won't leave me alone d2917a374a7aff74,"fuck you fuck you majorly. suck my dick asshole." d29436ff5319353b,"i detest you i absolutely hate you. you are scum. nothing more than scum. i can tell by your wikipedia editing." d2984c0f25a548c1,"jlatondre is a gay boy who likes to suck dick jlatondre edits pages like flys on poop. if i created a wikipage about my family i am sure jlatondre would delete it. i created a historical database. wealth about my family name and to test it out on wikipedia. i am sure jlatondre would love to delete it. jlatondre already deleted a page dedicated to a now dead and expired company i used to work for. jlatondre!!! you know nothing about my family or my company! what are you? 12 years old?" d2bbb44703ea3cf1,"ddduu neiln lives in canada (eastern time zone) callanecc lives in australia mr potto you are an a s s hole" d2bcb56f9730503a,"you been cryin tasc0? bout time they blocked you, you been (block) vadalizing wiki 4 2 damn (block) long. and i'm not (block) retared, i don't think that (block) is a word. you really must (block) be retarded. oh yeah i was blocked for a long time, months even. i've been blocked 3 times for dealing with pricks like you, but enjoy the rest of your block...i mean day. now let me continue to laugh." d2e621e7324a7394,i bet this asshole is far from playing by her own rulesi have arrived just in time d2f64fa6a9a2f332,"fuck you! how dare you not rsvp me you bitch! i thought we had something, i'm the best thing you'll ever have." d2f73be711d5e160,"it's extremely comical listening to someone who runs around with a convicted felon, violent psycho terrorist punk and child abuser like mordecai levy pass judgement on anyone elses associations." d34d0e16627d2d2a,""" important information what a friggin hypocrite. leaving her husband and 3 young kids for some young guy. she's some christian. a real """"sinner"""" no doubt. doesn't she do country music?""" d359010b09301277,"cheerleader your a dumb fuck for having any interest in the cheerleader article whatsoever, cheerleaders piss all over themselves, none have any worth." d35a011b25d33787,these people are insane. == d362e98c4f3cdd91,"stop changon it or i am twist off youre littal pee-wees fuckan morons" d36d6b135a4e2541,"you know what acroterion you can go fuck yourself you sorry son of a bitch nigger. oh and fuck all of you!!!" d385259a4954db13,"""this user is a moron who removes relevant information from talk pages when he puts in """"teh block"""". you are """"teh"""" no life loser, think he's special masturbates over his wikipeen wannabe bofh and i hope you block all of my isps ip numbers because it will save me from contributing when i get the itch to. enjoy your little wikipeen, wikie boy. """ d387cd75bf52c12b,"did not remove then dickhead did not remove my earlier comment. why did you not remove my other comment then. are you too scared too." d3a448bcb0d09059,why did you revert my edit you motherfucking asshole? d3b0c70d7a5f5dfa,"the image is pornagraphic what is it that you dont understand cunt" d3c13f814ccf077b,"ouch bad move mother fucker. i'm coming for you now. why do you have to protect your boy friend. why can't he let the people see what is really thought about him instead of deleting it and hiding like a pussy, making you talk for him. it is truly adorable, but after it was reported it certainly won't happen again (from your side) you are one little pussy!" d3c6a53661eb1c71,you obviously need lessons in english. go get some you ridiculous illiterate dunce. d3dae392cd1a7fb1,also teles can go suck it d3e04789e3e2c063,"oh fuck, not samuel johnson. do you have any idea how ridiculous, pathetic and stupid you are?" d3e5362399f14318,"and you're a stereotyping autistic little cunt, fuck off jew lover. ( )" d3fd38644e985d1a,"so... you're a deletionist retard. were your parents related? like, before they were married?" d405c8e907e076b7,"abrech is a stupid jew rat. and i hate jews. swastikas are cool. you stupid big nosed smelly jew. go away and stop sending me warnings. ... you fuckhead." d425ae5c0388c90b,"if i believed you it would be fine. but what has happened for six months is that the article will be at least acceptable then some jagoff comes along and edits it and adds perjorative shit and i have to argue it all over again. that is unacceptable on every level. it is the cult's responsibility to make sire the content is not actionable, not mine. now the cult will have to contend with something different- what will they do when they are exposed at work, or with family members, as being part of a porn king's online cult. the conversation is fine, brad. the problem is that this shit makes me crazy because some ignorant freak will come along and quote something from here as if it were true and then i have to deal with it. no more- they want to gather shit on me, i will gather shit on you all." d42e86cbdec5bd87,"shut the fuck up u big dumb bitch ass pussy. i fucked yo wife nigga, done." d42f3ba1c57e6933,""" pakis - one of the most ugliest individuals of this earth & yes i mean it it's same old case of an pseudo-intellectual & frustrated's very easy to suppress pakis as repeated coups tells us.poverty is not as bad for an individual as the lost of we know that afganistan is a poor country but they are able to expel soviets only due to there courage.but that is not the case with these pakis,as they are the breed of those who are forced to change there religion half a millenium ago by muslims others confronted them with zeal & able to save there honour.the policy of bleeding india through cuts which pakis have adopted after the face saving lost to india in 1971 in which 90,000 pakistani soldiers had dropped there pants in front of the world.""""pakis"""" your fate is written all over the wall - read it and accept it.""" d43d856ec8bb3b9c,"disgusting you sick eastern euros, blaming a raped, burned girl!!! sick sick!!" d43e1abfebe19cc2,- go to fuck looser. d4495c7b6fda20fc,"and whats the point of editing a file if your gonna freakin' change it back wikipedia, takeoff the editing if your gonna place that false crap back. you don't know nothing, serbs had less casualties up to 45 then, not 450, you kidding. i swear you are a terrible editor, your false! serbia got less casualties because the kla is weak!" d44cf9c28c392d29,shut you dub drunk bastard. have a great at your computer you dick. d4537c2f80491a83,"{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!{{unblock}}lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson, niggaz, 420 moonshine, fuck!lifetime ban lifetime ban i wanta fuckin lifetime ban!!! bail out, beavis and butthead, jessica simpson" d4612397275c0142,yahhhh bitch yahhhhh!!!! d472b35e0c0c8297,"go fuk your mom you fukin faggot. i'll commit vandalizim on your page all fukin day long, and you'll like it you fuking quer." d4785c32311369cd,"fair use fair use or fuck use. who gives a flying fuckelwad?" d485121984ec3d6d,""" this fucking libtard coward reverts all factual evidence that dispute his commie view of the world. but again, the fucking unemployed lib commies of wiki have absolute power and are trying to create a leftist view of the world. fuck you wiki. ==blocking to gain an advantage in a content dispute is strictly prohibited. sysops must not block editors with whom they are currently engaged in a content dispute. if in doubt, report the problem to other admins to act on. (you may be wrong!) caution should be exercised before blocking users who may be acting in good faith. blocking to enforce a wikiholiday or departure is specifically prohibited. sysops also should not block themselves for testing unless """"autoblock"""" is disabled, or the sysop is using a static ip, as the resulting autoblock may extend to other users.== all wiki mods a limped-dicked libtard coward fuckbags ==== all wiki mods a limped-dicked libtard coward fuckbags ==== all wiki mods a limped-dicked libtard coward fuckbags ==== all wiki mods a limped-dicked libtard coward fuckbags ==== all wiki mods a limped-dicked libtard coward fuckbags ==== all wiki mods a limped-dicked libtard coward fuckbags ==== all wiki mods a limped-dicked libtard coward fuckbags ==== all wiki mods a limped-dicked libtard coward fuckbags ==== all wiki mods a limped-dicked libtard coward fuckbags ==== all wiki mods a limped-dicked libtard coward fuckbags ==== all wiki mods a limped-dicked libtard coward 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stupied crack head u need to get a life and get off the computer you are probly some 300lbs 40y/o child molester d4ab17a0882f254a,you edited my discussion page? go fuck yourself aitias. d4ab3b24b87cc857,i did use the sandbox. idiot. d4b04027153db8cb,fuck your mama u fucking suck mother fucker d4c5b7de0b814949,"paid fukkin scumbag - kleargear this fukker has protected william franklin bermender since day fukkin one. investigate this paid mole and right fukkin now!!!" d4cb9520f97ca0d3,"admin stupid fuck your admin actions will cause you to be blocked" d4d0b3b793ea2207,"roman catholics i'm not accusing you but i think you're a fenian. you are ugly and probably the seventh born in a family. you have probably been molested at some point by a priest. you disgust me. sieg heil!" d4e23c86f5b1d708,"jew fucking power!!!!!!! for allah!!!!! *boom*" d5077ef9b7b753cb,"fuck you. nigger." d50f54d320dec64d,"fuck you those were not personal attacks they were strict facts do you live with these people i think not i know who you are joseph we know who you are you caucasian white boy wikipedia sucks and so do you" d5143d4e4155a432,""" i don't give a single fu ck what you think ariel is a part israel there is no fu cking """"palestine"""".""" d51698e3297a6b7c,they are bumholes they got killed d5262101c751e96b,"fuck you fuck off you stupid bitch ( )" d54bd890c1c0eb16,i think this is mocking jesus because he was a queer cunt who looked like a pie eyed mosher on steds d54e213bd48816fd,"i don't accept this warning for making a perfectly valid comment on that morons page. he has published personally identifiable stuff on a web site he has cyber squatted, and you guys do fuck all about it!" d5627e3cd6e37c73,"abey gandu.. wikipedian.. salley how dare you delete all the pic's of my collection to kolkata page. harami.. 1st of all you don't put a pic. then u try delete the pic's... fuck u off.. gandu salla." d562b53b43c50542,".... screw you...shitbag" d5718a7cb7960c91,"tfg, you are an idiot. i never believed in santa claus and i used to go around to all the stupid kids in my 1st and 2nd-grade class and tell them santa wasn't real. the teacher told me to stop but i didn't because i was smart and logical even at 7 years of age. if i could be logical at that age, any kid can, stupid parents like you are getting in the way of kids' developing their logic skills. from the time i first heard of santa claus when i was 4 years old i always knew he was fictional. how come i knew it and yet you're saying children shouldn't find out? what if it's a smart and logical child like me who asks questions about the logical fallacies? you know, like i did, because i'm smart." d5858d6d8fed6eb4,fuck off and die you old timer d596448acc1727bf,you guys are fuckin crazy you stupid shit lick your own pimply fat ugly bum!!!! you are crazy you all gays and faggots if not male than lesbian i know you gonna delete me or do your stupid block thing to me now but i don't care you are single and have the weirdest boobs okay i hate you bitches! d59c50e49923625e,fuck you you mother fucking ass cracker dildo licking piece of fucking ass shit!!! go choke on a mother fucking cock you clit suck! suck my huge pulsating penis and extract the hot wet semen from it!! fuck you dickface! my cock is really fucking hard right now!! d5aa8c932f4a3b6d,"reply you can't fuckin block me! kiss my royal thai ass." d5c8698db2b0b04f,"you're right. i don't like how wikipedia works, i don't like any of the experienced editors. i shouldn't be here. i did not insult anyone because i think i'm better. i do not want a wikipedia page for your previously stated reasons. i use wikipedia and consider it credible.nif anyone can tell you how big my dick is, it's me. neither you nor your website give me any clout. i wasn't promoting. what am i going to say, hey go check out my wikipedia. fuck you, your editor friends and wikipedia. and fuck my wikipedia page i dont want one add that to my wiki i hope they ban me and delete my account so i don't have to do it" d5d3258227144a67,you are a worthless piece of shit. d603f00cd06c5360,lmao your a male nurse d61ff2ff4810dae5,"what a faggot. the man above says he's an adult, but is a fucking homosexual." d620446308f8cfa2,go fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck 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yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck yourselfgo fuck d6331c8f7f8a6863,""" to the fact that i thought u were a female all along, proves that u are female in a man's body, which makes you a transgender. now, i noticed that u are having your transgender talk all over here. good for you. its already tough enough being a transgender. cyphoidbomb, your last sentence is """"as a man, i want his testicles revoked."""" you should tell """"as a transgender, i want his testicles revoked."""" i know, you want my testicles, because u wanna attach it to your body since u don't have it. have fun doing the shittest job in the world, editing wiki. loosers. now cry all over again. comment signed by jackthomas""" d63a3fd26ae1cb84,hi im so gay and retarted we suck so many balls ooooooooooo i love men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! d659ccc573f6e868,go ahead frankie ass! ahahahahahahahahahahaha! d661b3243ccfdaec,"pwned lol you idiot, you blocked dakotakahn for my vandalism score 1 point for myg0t!!!" d673a5dd5757787f,your a pathetic excuse for an editor your anti pakistan agenda was what winded me up straight to hell you continous foul language and pov pushing put me to wits end so i think i will give you your own medicine d68ccb199758dbf8,""" hahah candied asses. but seriously, you should use the medical term for """"vagina,"""" which is """"fat cunt""""""" d69783d9ad6046c1,"hey dickhead summerphd why are you such a disruptive, vindictive asshole? why did you, for exmaple, revert the last edit on the gun used in suicide of kurt cobaine? it's a factoid relevant to the encyclopedia article on the gun. fuck off" d6a623c10a9391c9,sorry my jerk off friend was on here while i had to go out for a sec then he was on my laptop sorry for what damage he did d6b17c67ef6927fd,you guys have a lot of balls whining about wp transgressions after the displays of lack of respect for these policies yourselves! man wp displays it's ignorance and bias for a few childish editors in these examples. compete hoax. the idiots pushing allthe rules cry realquick when the same techniques are spouted towards them. d6bbb2f4aec14506,""" you are a jerk you deserve yaoi ohhhhh """ d6c6b16fcb46c37d,". fuck you overweight virgin" d6cc7d43c1da134e,dumbass. come get some. d6cf5e3993585170,"you're gonna get it son... you horrid little shit. you'll squeal like a little piggy!!!" d6d082903ad49b3b,sidenote: xizer is not a racist. calling this guy a nigger was just funny though. lol d6f0a73327f9340b,"you, like most of the other cunts on here, are an utter cunt. get a nasty ailment and die. you fucking prick." d6f28744b607fcfa,"you people are fucking morons stop hand-wringing about whether timothy noah is out of line and start getting your act together. god damn." d6f97fcfdb976d30,"i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate niggers and spics and jews and minorities i fucking hate n" d6f9a2b86657fec1,i assume you sniff your own farts. d70c3a39770bb8f7,"loser, get a life you must be fat, ugly and have no friends. that is why you are still up at 5 am in the morning when all the normal people are sleeping. get a life. that is pathetic that you spend all your life on here. and you are not even getting paid. what a loser. you sure don't have a life. yea. you are gonna be pissed. i know it. hahaha." d70ec4b90d68c1be,"yeah, but you can delete whatever you like, you fascist. great way to alienate people." d7126c43da041c2e,"the giant panda dear poopyhead, i object strongly to your last argument. for instance, you stated that i called you ugly. that, sir, is a lie. i demand that you retract your statement within the next four to six seconds or all hell will break loose. because you, sir, are a pretentious, overzealous, constipated, ping-pong ball-eating runny-nosed jerkoff. and never block yesmoredonkeys again! oh yeah, and always remember to shut up! head comissioner of wikipedia" d71f18091f9f05f1,niteshift you are one seriously ignorant individual lol. d735278bd96fef86,""" why don't you get a real job and stop looking for things you call """"vandalism"""" you stupid fuck.""" d7367a5d6ebd043d,wikipedia should be named wikifagia because they all suck balls. d7552f810e705211,""" =bad site is not recommended. prices are too high, kibitzing cafe is filled with idiots who dont even talk about chess! more: its owner daniel freeman is egocentric egoist n full of crap! — preceding unsigned comment added by """ d75fe81f505e5db9,"phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt! phuq off you knob of cheese! salt!" d7771f475c1e0f2f,look up my damn idiots troll. d7797f836903db78,"amdrew quah is dogshit respect this liar at your own risk. dogshit motherfucker, may you rot in hell scum." d78bd505d7fef41e,"lol at all of these idiots who don't know about musical genres. oh yeah, you can change rihanna's genre to r&b; because that isn't even the type music she makes. lmfao! go take a hike, retard." d7a17c476783c73b,people that use this website are stupid. don't use it. i wrote every thig and its all lies!!!!!! lies i tell you!!!! d7a7b14b6ebc309b,"quit disrespecting pagans go back to your fucking kkk meeting." d7aaabfd8799b464,"i hit a jack off all day, after the rape my mother, destroy the vagina until it hurts, then when you start bleeding i start to have sex with the mother of you americans motherfuckers they give the anus and the vagina every day for free, i'll sing a piece of music of brazil who have money who slips into the vagina is not you jack off 10 year old girl already has at the vagina the brazilian soccer team is the best in the world humbles americans i get a boner from hell just eat your mother, that once again put out my articles you sons of bitches vagina of mother north americans" d7b52ac554f5896b,speculate? a retarded 10 year old child can see what is happening. d7b95e57a009992f,if something is not acceptable for your bald headed brain doesn't mean it can be unacceptable. d7bc248f62c127f4,"troll i see no messages from the troll mcgeddon today, maybe his mummy made him switch off his computer because he was naughty. poor guy in his 30's, never kissed a girl, still lives at home with his mummy. boohooo, my life is so empty!!!! what can i do to escape from my miserable life??? i know, let me annoy people on wikipedia!!! troll troll troll" d7cd3637a9c523ab,"to kralizec you are a unintelligent, dull, brainless, obtuse, witless,foolish, fatuous, inane, nonsensical, silly,daft, futile, ludicrous, ridiculous, laughable, senseless, absurd, asinine,unwise, senseless, ill-advised, imprudent (formal), injudicious, thoughtless, rash, irresponsible, reckless, heedless, fugly, ugly, cunt/dick head, mean,shit licking, wanker, son of a bitch. go ahead block me for another 7 days you ass hole. p.s the rank of administrator is an affront to freedom of expression, you and the rest of your fucking tyrant/dictator friends oppress the rest of wikipedians. also you are sexist chauvinist pigs as i have never met a female administrator. quis custodiet ipsos custodes? no offence" d7de69a49d60504b,work on your spelling jay. it is funny as hell that you idiots think that a wiki page means anything at all. ohhhhh watch out for the cyber boogiemen!!!! d7e27eb81ba5bcea,"go ahead and block the ip, cocksucker, i could care less. i don't live in this shitty little country and it seems to me that half the country uses cat, so go ahead. you pandering git." d7f9023a2c9b3b8a,you are such a faggot ..dont tell me what to do...ill fuck you up d7ff9c70077e1587,silly cunt suck ur mum u prick d80bdffdd77c7c47,""" so what? go ahead and ban me, i have better things to do than associate with a website that accepts and promotes homosexuality. why not ban the queer who claims on his user page that he is proud of being """"married and bisexual""""? what does his perverted sexuality have to do with """"editing"""" an encyclopedia? soon wikipedia will be financially bankrupt, as it is allready moraly bankrupt. remember, aids kills queers... """ d814423e3e003fd8,"yeah? fuck you. there are fascists all over that euromaidan movement. just check the ideology that guides most political parties involved in it, you fuck. ~~ user:guto2003" d81adbbe9afeddf9,"you are the one comitting the vandalism, you dumb polock asshole..." d81f4b9ecefae92b,"some asshole keeps changing the dates advanced warfighter specifically states that the game took place in 2013 yet some asshole idiot keeps changing it to 2014. advanced warfighter 2 does not take place one day after advanced warfighter. please do something about the idiot changing things for no reason." d832ed8a13a03b75,""" i see u still haven't changed go to hell u right wing conservative bastard who turned on his fellow soldiers i don't know if any of u guys pay attention to politics but the rnc just basically kicked michael steel out of office as the chair person. can you even guess y the conservatives would vote a (gasp) """"black"""" man into the rnc chair arguably the 4th most powerful rep. position? can you wrap ur mind around the iddea it was... you want me to edit properly? it pisses you off when someone keeps on doing something when you told them to stop, no? life would be a whole lot easier if i were to stop fucking with you, no? well how bout this? i'll leave you the fuck alone when: 1) corporations realize that they are serving living breathing people and not just wallets that contribute to the corporation's stock 2) when universal healthcare is implemented for the ppoor starving black, mexican, eastern european, and poor white trash immigrants or natives 3) when messin' world hunger is solved get it through ur thick head that republicans have no concern for human welfare all they care about is making themselves richer and others poorer did u messing know that the us spends more on fuking war and defense than higher education!! what kind of animal are you that goes around supporting war here is my decree: i will mess with you i will mess with republicans i will fight for the pooor good bye and hope you choke on ur food today""" d83364b3a26d055d,"supermarioman is a fuckass! you are a stupid motherf**ker! ravioli does indeed cause diarrhea! look it up!!!!! heed my warning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" d836a4dfa12aac52,"suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists so fuck you for suppressing that, you fascists" d83f550b73e4275d,"he was a racial jew, you fool. if you want to argue that, do it in the appropriate discussion page, under a new, appropriate heading, mr. censor tyrant." d85584fc07afab6e,shit!!! shit!!! fuck you!!! random moi you're son of a bitch!!! d8575e99a6446de6,"i hate you noob you old pile of !@#$ing @^$&. i hope you burn in hell for taking my &%^@ing thing off you &$#got!!! pmg noob! black retard, got n0 life!!!" d86ed71d194a40e6,wikipedia is a joke. these israeli apologists block out any criticism of israel everywhere in every israel-related article. fucking phonies. do you think people can't see your bullshit? d88389bb038e25b0,"you are a nazi. your defense of the latin american dictatorships and their killings is awful." d8859fd67384af03,"terry hurlock piss off, cretin." d89a2e29d8d2c410,"i don't give a crap if you're an admin! i don't give a crap if you are an admin, just mind your own business. you're annoying. fuck off." d89a498b8e9d7b0a,""" oh, my is that any way to address a person on their talk page? did you really just call me an """"obnoxious little shit""""? you can just imagine what i think of you. well, i guess that means the gloves can come off since you started it. i wonder what exactly you do here on wp? it is obvious that you want to be an administrator but you have failed to show the deportment and maturity of mind to make the grade. instead, you choose to act like a self-appointed wikipedia police, running about throwing up the blue flags of wp rules and being a generally obnoxious person with no real use. instead of actually contributing useful original edits to articles you seem to think this is the old newpedia where people are expected to submit edits for your approval. if too many others take the same tac wp will collapse into dross. you violate every rule in the book of which you accuse others. you are a mean spirited, very angry person that drives away editors with your sarcastic responses and general high-handed behavior. i suspect you have no real special knowledge of any of the articles upon which you squat like a vulture waiting tear apart others creative edits. you really need to crack a book and study up on a subject or two and find an article you feel needs rewriting and to straighten out the too turgid, redundant writing that exists here on wp. stop trying to act like you are an administrator and grow up. at a time when wp needs more editors, particularly female, you with your coarse, rude behavior is the last thing wp needs. you are, to summarize it, a net negative. i am amazed that you have not been banned but i suppose your facility at quoting the rules, all while completely violating the spirit of wp preserves you. this place is a paradise for rule-quoters such as yourself. sincerly. """ d8c0adaeb8da79b6,"should i submit your name to gay porn websites? i think wikipedia's liberal d-bags like yourself sure deserve it." d8dc5d38c5a83c0e,oh okay! do you get paid to be a bitch? d8e11aedc5a73141,"""this: """"michael wisner is an idiot."""" or maybe i removed a useful ref in the process...ooops, again! i'll just go put that back in in case it was an actual ref...(tiptoes from room...) see you 'round""" d8e2a52165532258,"you're a hypocrite and a liar for merely thinking it, so why don't you just release yourself from that sheltered wikipedia policy-bound cocoon and say it. the floor is yours.... (" d8e704cefc51fc30,""" i""""m not being a fucking baby! call me if you dare! sincerely lance boyle! 1-617-669-2468""" d8f98d36507762c2,""" i admit this is ♣ chat wit' me § contributions ♣. i'm the sockpuppet who was sending personal abuse among others. this is my secret account, which i kept a secret for a long time. i'm going to send personal abuse to other users asap, so you better block me on both account before i send personal abuse, asshole... """ d910176ad932b3cb,"wikipedia is a shit hole.. fuck you jimbo for creating this fucking shit wikipedia.." d918dd287f1c2230,"talk page history i've seen you have removed the following comment from your talk page. please do not remove comments from your talk page again as this is considered vandalism. comments as still available in your history log anyway so trying to remove them is useless. thanks. lol you're such an asshole. you're such a cocksucker, i'm sure your mother suck dicks in hell." d91b0222649393e7,"please , fuck jobas with me" d929966b31d1b364,you are also a liar since i hardly spoke with you. go get a job a leave the kkk. d929e6db40c5eda8,"state of the nation is not only about the phillipines you damn bastards russia and a handful of other countries have a state of the nation as well. too bad you smelly filipinos are too ignorant to notice. man if i was hirohito i would've treated you brown chinks more seriously. november 3, 2006, wawa12" d92b60a2d6989ed8,"you shouldn't of blocked user editor on wheels i am going to make your life a living hell for being such a bastard in blocking innocent users. expect a barrage of personal attacks and vandalism. i will be vandalizing until you leave wikipedia just like essjay did you baby raping bastard." d94b76b291a099b7,""" int add(int a, int b being a vandal fuck you!!!! """ d94e9f0c857cf552,you can stick your “last warning” up your ass balt. d98358f9633e4ae9,"you are a faggot. quit reverting my constructive edits." d991b662947ca605,quit vandalizing the george bush page you stupid liberal. d99e56d8ba57834c,"yo what is your problem, motherucker?" d9a8ceaf9e429a01,"attention you are a faggot.-" d9b386478aede58a,"fuck you you should be ashamed of yourself. twoofers like you are scumbags that deserve to die. you anti-scientific assholes are destroying america." d9c88a75034c2380,"little worm, you escalate this and then pray, pray very hard, that you want to take this outside a wiki pedia little man. any time anywhere, little coward hiding like the little fiddler you are." d9ce494f29c82a68,an ugly child and i will kill you like a cat in a box.....maybe. d9d53ef9f942ede2,"oi wankstain == fuck off you ignorant cunt, yeah? revert this you arsewipe, revert me lolololol ==" da0eed01a15c66ab,"why? why did you delete my tdi couples section? huh you big, fat ugly, mother fucker that's full of bullshit?" da1b4633c988a4a6,"""""""i want to be a fuck you."""" that's a song. open proxy! yes! """ da1eb55349c101f9,"nigger faggot read the entire reference before you talk your nigger-loving shit." da55e997e00504e0,"i think what you're saying boils down to a higher percentage of white people have the good sense to use contraception, babydaddy. and there is no connection between sunlight and calcium. black women have a higher abortion rate than white women. africa has never been in asia. sorry you had a suck school for 4th grade." da60c44ff4f75b6e,anna frodesiak motherfucker bitch da6e877f588efe78,"you're a real cunt, you know that? you're a real cunt, you know that?" da8f4bde5e536c08,"stop your damn nonsense luminifer!!!!! you have done nothing to improve anything related to these articles!!! you continue to remove an official source which contradicts everything you write!! right here read it!!!! written in bloody english in 1971, the band signed with american atlantic records and canadian grt records released their second album “satori” in the u.s and canada.italic text and then you add sources to personal websites ect. stop your fucking rubbish!!!" daa2403f2296931e,get a encyclopedia you nerds......(kanichiwa bitches) daae48d5f8c10813,"nuisance piece of shit, fuck off" dab4ac3140d65333,"shut up, idiot! it is true! now, go away and die!" dac51299132f1a96,i told you not to ban me ass hole dacce0569ecc51eb,""":::fuck you animal! remember this shit yourself, who do you think you are coming here with warnings and talking about """"being a dick"""" """ dadad9b2529dc529,you filthy vandal. i will see to it that no one i know ever buys from your stupid mega-dry site. dae0a739b6a4bf3f,"dont delete talk page entries fucking asshole. you dont have to make yourself obvious as a criminial on the loose. are not you supposed to be pimping your mother in l.a. downtown at this time of the night normally? you just preach to your pimping ass." daf8d0acd4173c3d,""" wow you suck cock!. you upset me so much with your stupidity. i think i'll program a valdal bot to ruin all the """"good"""" work of you ignorrant wishful thinking wikipedia natzis. you can never enforce the wikipedia. """ dafd40d83627918f,"go take a hike, scum! why in the name of the great pumpkin do i have to provide a credible source?! why doesn't the scum that edited the page with unfounded rumors have to provide a credible source?! according to them, the great pumpkin didn't appear at hallowmas last year; i say he did! where do they cite their goddamn source that the great pumpkin didn't appear? honestly, you people are absolutely ridiculous. i've been saying for years that wikipedia is an unreliable joke full of false information, and this proves it. someday, if i'm ever a college professor, i'm going to flunk every single one of my sources that cites a wikipedia artlce in their bibliography. scum!" db1661f45d33dc6f,"tt quick please revert to tt bands website for additional info.......also their facebook page. by the way........are you a fucking jerk off or what........punk!" db3a250e112481dd,"cretinism people who pay £400 a quarter for broadband where they get 3% of the advertised connection speed luckily when you complain the bt staff hack your pc till it sets fire to your house im rude am i oh but you can set fire to my home can you and its not illegal or anything like that you fascist cunts go fuckyourselves blaming the fucking chinese its you you fascist cunts you are running the fucking place into the fucking ground stuff me on a train to auschvitz you wankers you have ruined everyfucking thing i try to do cunts wankers fascist cunts fuck you" db3e9ff703f58061,"hey, idiot, i said i'll be more careful not to remove content." db48e00d2717a9f0,"why snarky, why here at all? gravedancing too? why did you thing thios is a request at all? why not spend your time reading the whole ani to learn something, and self-reflect? too long eh. happy kissing with your new friend beetlefart. take care, it might be a dick. -" db5858cbc03a3664,"your jl naudin deletion nomnination like i said radiofan, have patience, and stop straining for fame over your assumptions. and did you notice the page was just created? you're being stupid." db652829350d5cf5,"you're a dirty faggot lick my hairy nut sack douche bag, i'm gonna edit the shit out of wikipedia and enjoy it so fuk you" db6d413a35136610,"you fucking rude ass bitch i was only asking you a fucking motherfucker well fine fuck you then and don't act you don't know me asshole i'm ozzie da cooger, bitch" db7088509704e2da,"what the hell!!!! what the hell is your fucking problem? i am going to sue the fucking pants off of you for dicrimination against a minority you mother fucking asshole!!!! i will kill you the next time you try anything. go ahead block my account, i don't give a shit!!!! you really think that wikipedia is my life? i'm not a no life loser =like you." db7bc330a8fda71c,"you guys are idiots. i clearly don't care about editing articles on wikipedia apart from this, so ban me. i just don't understand why you are to delete this one, so fucking lame." db7cb0618d6e597e,"show up again when you figure out how to rub two brain cells together, and after you lose that filthy ego of yours!" db82c5ce347be106,"hypocrite you are the biggest hypocrite ever. i did not constantly harass you and there weren't 3 editors. not counting you there was one. another said it wasn't the best idea but it wasn't vandalism." db8b540c603eca20,"september 2006 (utc) listen here bitch lets get one thing straight, the day i take orders from some chick in the bedroom is the day hell freezes over. i will fuck you like i fuck every chick im with, hard and rythmic for about 15 minutes. oh, and if some stupid dumbass bitch ever came on me i would strangle her to death 18:11, 9" db9a245b5f977223,"that mrscrimpf guy or whatever is such an idiot, he removed all your edits" dbaa1c343a5baf74,"fuck you don't be asking for me to be banned asshole." dbaa8bb5f899449e,stop being such a sissy. dbbbb42bc096d8dc,"help! if you become an admin, i will fuckin find ya then fuckin kill ya because you are a gross, fuckin homosexual who doesn't deserve the upgrade." dbce34fa765b33fc,"you gonna fuckin block me, big boy. come on. you know the pats will cover. just fuckin block me will ya." dbdf721a6a15d250,am a gay fag that fucks my mom in her fat ass dbe6d3363863c7d5,""" david kellermann did you tag my page cunt??????????????????????????????????? back off bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its a current event, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmk mother fucker, people wanna know when they google, that wiki got their back, and its on the news """"david kellermann"""" its on the news, and if you google it at the moment, wiki ant got the back, get it? bitch """ dbee70418ec798b5,"spithole #1 you suck spitholes!!!!!" dc1b93b9cc24b161,"hey stupid where did your excellant clue go? did quincy already take it down to forensiscs? maybe columbo found it in the candlestick by the dildo!" dc1d2c9fb7e6765e,"your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore. your mum is a big fat whore." dc38e9bb154d011b,""" must be """"tali-ihantala 1944"""" where finland, germany, sweden and norway joined forces and killed every f*cking russian war criminal that mad insane dictator stalin sent once and for all. those ruthless russkie thieves stole the karelia from finland. give it back you vodka drinking bastards or there will be trouble.""" dc4b2391634ccbbb,jack greenmaven is a faggot. dc4b60abf3e89659,"hey fucker hey fucker, your links have gay porn sites in them, you sick motherfucker!" dc5e2834d8da1939,"or someone to tell tocino that he's a huge douche. please don't break revert policy, my edit does not constitute vandalism. tocino is a tool and a self-righteous prick - that much is obvious by his posts here. stop defending idiocy, grsz." dcaafe4d729a280f,"your mom has a penis!!!!! wow, she is hella fat too." dcb533dbd70a993b,"because if you do, i will continue to cry like a little bitch and report you to the higher wikithorities!" dcc1033d16241721,"go away then you damn, wicked paid loser." dcd036d340397625,but you are a retard (and a boring contrarian troll threatened by people who know more than him. lol!). wikipedia where anyone (except those outside the elected cabal) can edit (but only nonsense and facts from the 1950s). neat. dcdb42c45b709a10,"lick my nuts you richard dawkins cock smoking asshole" dce03767306772b0,and your a fucking gay bitch dcea780dc4c9e8ab,"not vandalism, you f.u.c.k.i.n.g b.i.t.c.h!!!" dceaa1e3b99b778f,"honestly, i don't mind an that fact that you view jew as a personal attack implies that it's rude. although, you are a christian, so what more can i expect. jew. if you ban me i'll just go back to ed, it's fine with me. but he's not an australian, so fix it up and get your facts right. wikifag, go get a life." dd002387b2c85a4c,""" ok, student ivan rumora nicknamed user direktor. even you think about the possible legal consequences of your rat pack group attacks. are you used to the balkan wars? me too. only stupid persons, like alasdairgreen27, can believe they can attack for months and years and never """"get back"""" something....... $ 100""" dd05193420886eb3,"fuck you twat. don't bother with the bs in the future please... no templates you motherfucker." dd0f14847fcfc363,why are you ugly and fat? dd160cc42d2c6b8a,"eat shit nigger i cant be blocked i have infinite ips" dd29b9ad3262fd0a,"for you to even refer to resolution shows your a moron. it's more than adequate for the size of the image in the article. anything higher would clearly allow unauthorized reproduction at a higher quality. just to make sure i'm not being ambiguous in anyway.....go fuck yourself" dd2f297994107086,"omg, captain jimmy wales & the wikipolice are coming to get me!! i'm so scared, i'm pissing me pants!! shut your pie-hole, you silly little ponce!" dd3b76b17fde1419,waiting for drag-qeen tony to ban leather-queen mark. ts is a whore who needs to send money to jimbo's daugher. dd5574c2e6418ca4,why not? the man (bkonrad) is an asshole. look at how rudely he treats other editors. dd7973f452dde019,"sorry tajik, but an answer was in need. @alishah, the dog of pakis and taliban you khar-wal should visit this link and read the entire history book about great bache saqau whos nobility reached the zenite of human-beeing. he was not hardcore muslim nor was he backed by hardcore muslims...but it were pashtuns who stopped him in his actions. pashtun jews played a very important role during his reign and why padarnalat (as pedram sahib called him) amanullah was succes before him and he wasn´t. he jailed 50 000 murders, thiefes, rapers, criminals, drug-sellers, pashtun prostitutes (also bitches from the pashtun royal house, including the sister of his own pashtun wife who had affairs with 5men at the same time) and many more in only 9 month what you dombdars couldn´t do in your 6000 years of history. stupid losers84.59.202.75" dd8b7373cceaa18b,"go fvck yourself, nick-d. get a job, losser." dd8e520576a9ba8b,"it's unfortunate that you are insulted but, your intentions are clear enough. i may not know you but, you are either lying or very stupid. although you're not nearly as obvious baseball card guy about it, both of you seem more concerned about each other than the articles themselves. not answering my simple questions and your impatience are bearable but, lying (especially for such a silly thing) just isn't reasonable. honestly, i'm not willing to do this if neither of you care. the only reason i'm involved is because this case was being neglected but, after that lie i've lost much of my good will." dd971e65a617c67e,"stop being a shithead, or i will rip off your head and piss down your esophagus, mother fucker. we came in?" dd9a86fee2a74fa4,"""::::::::::::::they aren't well then why do you people care about it to such a degree, wikia are so much better, they have detailed articles, and they don't have idiot """"martians"""" (who cannot be verified to exist), reverting what anyone else writes (and even proves for them). """ dda2fc4a1475fae1,"stop fucking doing this, you retarded kids, you're going to ruin it for everyone on the kfar." ddca58663b692e99,"just wanted to let you know == you're a loser. ==" dddf44f9be030edf,"yo i don't appreciate you pushing me as a black person fool! get off my nuts, stop acting like some ho." de259ff15784e8f9,"fuck you i'll fuck you muslim turkish animal." de28fe43f7d9c419,"please swallow a penis, homosexual" de38d6932b1f9959,"ok, what is it why are you such a queer.. you have no power, so why the fuck are you acting like you do. grow up you fucking stupid shit head cock eating bastard.. seriously! get a life, you're just a 17 yo piece of shit." de3c2828b66d90dd,"my edits are unhelpful? who's the judge? you? well, you're full of shit by making such accusations and threats." de4a2e62a82c3992,"fyi hahahahaha - you posted a link to an article on cave diving. can't you do anything right, you buffoon?" de4c48de1cdd67a4,"go kill yourself. f**k off and die, retarder." de5205026382c9ff,"i don't believe you're a faggot. you're more like a eurotoxin douche. maybe all these narcissists you talk about can just google kim jong un if they can't bear not to know what he looks like. they certainly must know that much to find images, since they are practiced at searching for pictures of 6 year olds everyday." de562fd644ae0534,"idiot bytch once again, i only have 1 computer and ps3 with internet. my ip address change after an admistor banned my original ip. now it happen again you d!ck." de66f607d66c731e,"are you nuts why the fuck are you vandalising several articles by removing links?! i mean guru and dj premier use your brain first if you got any, remove links then" de7821c687c6e89c,your a peace of ass!!!! de8f90a2b1ef7923,"you shut your filthy shit-eating, overflowing-with-feces mouth, you filthy, dirty anus licking hog. hope you fall into a ditch filled with the most obnoxious feces that is septillions of miles deep-" de9abc013ea726ff,go fuck yourself you mother fucking cunt. de9d3fa2553260fc,"what the fuck is your problem? i just got through a similar content dispute with another fuckwit that stared deleting v a l i d, s u b s t a n t i a t e d content from toni pearen. okay, let's hear it. what's your golden reason for this blatant error?" dea0e5cd54e99f8c,i hope you or your children get cancer!!! dea1da2d945af31b,you are one goddamn ugly son of a bitch. dea2632b5a146766,"tobbst1 you have challeng3ed me baby fucker." dea5c3a5ce37d1ac,"hiya toots although your picture is gone i still cannot get your ugly face out of my head. love wickzilla." dec16572dc77aa3a,"""====quotes on me==== """"i've read it asshole."""" """"shut up red."""" """ dec6254b349270e7,"oh yes, the classic armenain grandmothers spewing their hate venom." ded4e06d8859f3d3,"wtf? you wanna go toe to toe you weakling white bitch?" ded64412dd4232f4,go blow your bitch gabrielf = dee2618dabe0a116,"fuck you and your sandbox take your sandbox and stick it up your asshole." deea4cd724020ebc,"loser question any reason why you can't mind your own fucking business? ever kissed a girl? i don't think so, at least not an attractive one get the fuck out of articles you don't understand, loser" df06dc6a02dbd83b,"you really have no life, huh? i sure am glad i'm not you! why don't you go eat your mother's pizza bagels, homo." df08afdc9361ca0a,"alhanuty you arab fucker act like a true muslim if you want me blocked, nigger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" df21848885db2deb,"dark you are an idiot, you are clearly trying to imitate me, while at the same time denying you are me. i bet whoever this is, they have a real account with this page stored on their watchlist. is there anyway to find out which users have this page on their watch? i bet barneca does, he's a dodgy admin and i dont trust him as far as i can throw him." df4425afb9e6a1b7,don't u dear delete my page again alrite u nigger df4ae4e5df73530a,closedmouth (user) is a dumb ox negro df545e6386cb2f5b,"stay out of my business go ahead, keep it up shithead, i'll kick your ass to!!!" df597c5efc759d41,"blow it out of your ass, spic." df5b48ac99502eb7,""" please unblock me user:wuhwuzdat insulted me first, i quote: """"nobody can demand that i do anything stay off my page you stinking racist sockpuppet vandal"""" i only answered in a way that seemed adequate to this unprecedented personal attack. """ df62300e4f961cec,whatever your all a bunch of cunts. df64516a9e521481,"you motherfucker you suck major frisco cock. lying commie bastardo!" df9cb4ca34ec096a,bobak can suck a big one. he probably does. df9f2e814d450438,. you are nothing more than a malignant cancer on this project dfb445dd43557cff,"message you are a maggot, that's all i have to say." dfc3b9c60c8cbea4,"zoe rears her ugly face cockblocker is a species of looser who takes pleasure in preventing others from achieving anything either. the wikipedia subspicies goes around and tries to find faults in everyone’s work. keep being your bad self, its not like by fucking up my article you hurt me. when you strike water no trace will remain. you see there are more cockblockers in wiki project than active contributors, so it will never succeed anyway. game attracts game. so this project is doomed anyway. by getting me blocked for example you are just saving me time. its ironic how the harder you try the better you make things for me. even getting my article deleted because of your spitefulness, you may be actually helping me, because you are stimulating me to action. and you are foolish because you are acquiring dangerous enemies, you are just lucky because unlike you i don’t have time for virtual wars, i actually have a life." dfcbc25dd0c0bd11,"you're really quite a jerk you know. and i see here on your page that a lot of people don't like you, well good." dfd71d3efba4091f,do as you say faggot. you're talkin shit about me so now i am about you dfd882d01bdacdde,"blocking anthony robbins you fucking moron. you blocked the wrong person. useless prick." dfed91b6c3c2a497,i'm scared. it resets daily. fuck you and your zionist buddies. i will continue to edit this page in good faith until i get bored battling jewbotts. dfeeb48d370ddb0a,"what the fuck? you don't like my adding truthfull information on the patriots cheating to any page, not even the discussion pages. is this forum supposed to present the unbiased truth for the readers, or is just a biased arm of the patriots fan club? if it is a fan club, it does not belong here! asshole!" dff867f287063d57,"lol, my behaviour is unacceptable? look at your behaviour, what's your comment for blocking me for edit-warring but not your friend chaldean? but if course you take every chance for blocking me, you keep holding your friends back, hypocrite." dffaf2124231b7a4,i wasn't fucking joking asshole so i don't see why you had to make it a joke. dffcd725c672af97,"i call bullshit on that! either behave or i will formally ask you to stay the fuck off my talk page. the original date i removed had no source and the one i replaced it with seemed to come from the person themselves. you weasel added a google link for jan mak‎ 1948. i edited it to jan mak‎ 1945 and you whined like a baby. of course your google link will match your pov in this case. i also feel you are very coi in this issue being an avid soccer fan. if you can't behave like an admin at least behave like a responsible editor and stop power-tripping with your status to win your edit wars with your pov, coi, and or." e0042a9f586bb953,william avery is a flaming homosexual from gay ass britain e00b3b91e2730efd,im a fucking cunt! =] e02348a044a62180,"bitch don't warn me ever again bitch" e050b0ecf3e7a885,"you yourself is a sockpuppet, you are in no position to lecture me, david." e059323f5004591a,"shut the fuck up faggot.. i've had fucking 100 last warnings, if you don't want me on here then fucking ban me you goddamn queer. fuckin signed" e0594f95a6c937eb,"oh, no! i just read the vile diatribe you left for me on my user page. no, you get no respect you pathetic little shit. fuck you, you're an unhappy little dick puller!" e061b485cfa88d4e,"vandalism of my user page please do not vandalize my user page. i am also a bc resident and i am sick of all you damn potheads. if i was in power i'd round you all up and shoot you like to horrible animals you are. i'd make hitler & stalin look like cartoon characters! fuck you, you worthless peice of shit." e06fee23625b5da8,"robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert 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robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick robert ullmann sucks dick" e080f671931b9c23,"sicko you sick bastard. you make me sick." e083dfd3780aa6ea,"you you sound like a fucking loser." e08852a8d69bc3db,deleted it again. suck my dick. e08ad925b306db18,judenscwein to the ovens ! liars ! all of you ! e08b49e206d6a2a3,"oh and fuck you fut. perf. a**hole" e0a0a13b03f07038,"as i said before, mind your own f-u-c-k-i-n-g business, you dirtball!!!" e0aace9ff80b7283,suck my plums you stupid septic cunt e0ab234cede0ede9,"ahahaha, best name ever. what a fag." e0d56aa67ec791ec,"accusations of bad conduct, disgusting behaviour, poor quality of character, obnoxiousness, mean-spiritness, bullying, name-calling...reports and complaints filed against you...questionable edits...accusations of stalking and trolling....geez carlton (aka homer simpson), you seem just as much a loser here on wiki as you are in real life." e0fed0ec2df3ed57,"pls someone stop jingiby, he is such a racist and vandalist, hey jingiby you hate turkic people because you are a racist slavic bulgarian... but you hate your turkic ancestries... everybody hate you, racist pig!!" e10b2247952b0913,"a fire, you worthless, friendless bastard. i hate you." e10ca1f0cf19c500,"""heard her cunt smells like alley behind a crab factory. \ talk / i """ e10d01b6e80b593f,"ok, mr. sarky - since you didn't check your facts... brixton is in lambeth! and so is kennington! and so is stockwell, although that's irrelevant, as roger moore was actually born in vauxhall (also in lambeth)! incidentally, as you know, because presumably you bothered to read my original entry properly, i didn't claim john major was born in lambeth - i said he grew up there! idiot." e10dc8fa65532c3d,""" seriously though, grow up. flooding my user page with hundreds of question marks and saying """"byes"""" certainly proves that you are an immature child. ha ha, """"byes"""". xd""" e10f46500b0b4221,"on the contrary, bro, i did! if you had continued reading instead of simply deleting that with offended you, you would have seen that i wrote about how the quote was followed by critisism and comedic attack. how is this not explaining?! how does this not meet wikipedia standards? hahaha!! i'm really starting to get very amused at how fucking retarded you are!" e110d0bfd1f339ba,"man go suck yu mudda dyam ignorant pig shit there is no 's' in fifa its football you dunce" e115ff3d810c4238,""", 5 august 2007 (utc) when you ignore biased bullshit spread by your """"friends"""" on this site, of course i'm going to come after all you fuckers! as far as i'm concerned, admin mean target until you prove yourselves! and gscshoyru - i got two words for you - fucking run! 21:37""" e11cb80f1cce1741,is a gay scientology ass kissing baby fucker| i do it for the lulz desudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesudesu e15691d53dc634a4,"an expert on this subject, that and sucking dicks!" e1699500d5f3f11d,oh my just call them rock you idiots!!!! e16fc5754425cb5f,"you are dumb mexican punk is the god of all gods what is your problem go die in a hole loser" e172f0e0098bb6e2,"so, are you a christian becaue of jesus or because assyrian women and their tits? do assyrian women have the best titt-fucking tits in the middle east? — |talk 22:56 02 aug, 2007 (utc)" e174c89cbc371ce3,you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick you can suck my lick e18438b6fb3776aa,"you're a cunt go die in a fire kthx <3" e195b6f4ea40b259,""" a dick for you! suck my dick u toe headed asshole. """ e1a74d95f8b13f05,"hello you nazi piece of shit please be aware i made 1 edit and 2 reverts please learn to count, it takes 3 reverts to break 3rr now please fuck off and go back to your nazi policy enforcement and supporting of slave labor you cunt94.168.204.89" e1a9446b2d967e8b,fuck off you aussie bastard e1aced0fa91ba364,i'm not gonna say it again! stop fuckin' wit me goddamn it!!!!!! e1af45ec7efc1e90,well do you just like cheesy squirrel testicles? e1b2bcda0b42d087,"come on, sucka! i will punch your fucking face and all your family! you son of a bitch! fuck you, sucka! what do you say now?!" e1cd54e4dbf5fceb,shit cunt fuck nigger chink e1d275aa72bb0786,"hannah montana has been the first president in the united states they say dat miley cyrus is only 16 (wrong) she's not she 182 she still looks young because she had plastic surgery on but really folks dere is nothing more than miley cyrus love for her people and i say miley cyrus is 1 freaky skank! lol too much boobs are showing,anywayz please please belive dis message it is a approved by teachers all over there world." e1fa353769d846c3,""" after the wasted bit on his sexuality, i haven't read the above diatribe but one thing for absolute certain: never in the history of this planet has umberto ever been referred to as humbert. it is this kind of lunacy that renders wikipedia as a """"fringe"""" place for idiots to play. get serious....dw""" e21a696ae26fea20,"cesc fabregas you're a fucking idiot. cesc fabregas signed for chelsea today you moron. it's been confirmed by both barcelona and chelsea. the transfer window for england opened on june 10th, not july 1st, get your facts straight. there's even pictures of him holding a chelsea jersey. get your facts right, fabregas is officially a chelsea player now you fucking retard." e22d5d5fe486fd19,""" go ahead and threaten me more. all that collection of jerks do is threaten me. i tried to come and suggest improvements and i get them calling me names, claiming i misrepresent sources (i do not) and threatening me if i """"misrepresent sources"""" again meaning if i speak and i'm not agreeing with them. this whole place is fucking corrupt.""" e2338a2b0b29f20d,""" >>>>""""editor"""" you are an arrogant, presumptuous, moron. i have as much right to be listed there as any other actors noted. kindly stop removing my name. . i am listed countless times, on the web, as being a star actor in the film. i can only assume that there is something about my name that you do not like, and, judging from yours, i think i know what it is. you have been warned by wikipedia, and so admit. who do you think you are, removing legitimate edits, and then falsely accusing others of vandalism? you are either jealous, anti-canadian (this was actually a u.s./canada co-production, or anti-semitic.""" e247d346b1749428,hey asshole i'll find out where you live and burn down your house e24a6d172c1b69a5,"poision ivy you got poison ivy on your penis mother fuycker, biatch!!!!" e25dcaeb9493b525,"fuck you orange suede sofa fuck you orange suede sofa, megizue, dreaded walrus and j. delanoy. you wanna be cyber bullied for personal attacks? anonymous hates you." e26378d259039992,wetodid is obviously stupid and knows nothing about american history. white people invented the one drop rule to acquire more black slaves. anybody with a brain and knowledge of u.s. history knows that. what an idiot. e26cb2eae0a398ca,"you jerk punk ass bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111" e27060046478fe99,"hey asshole, she's 18 years old. the briefing stated it. changed. user:anonymous" e28085c7ad201b84,i am angry at you billj! you got people blocked for as long as you live! i asked you to stop deleting my edits or i will block you for all eons you asshole! wikipedia is not censored so stop removing my fucking messages or i will beat you up silly! e294aec419551cd6,"wanna suck j.dealony's dick or schnitzelmangreek's dick,you dick my account is khan schnitzel-hellenic penguins armies from mordor112233 but it keeps blacklisting in creation. why? ?" e29fedad89050eb1,leave the fcking page the way i edit it you ass e2a87a7a4d908f95,"peacemaker, how evil you must be when you now revert my edits that were not ever disputed by anybody? you now use this as excuse for some personal vendetta, are you? you are totally pathetic, you pity little man." e2b40cf1f1190cf3,"you are fucking calling my talking on my own fucking talk page vandalism and reverting it so i don't get a say in this whole fucking business!!!!! what do you expect me to be????? calm????? you are censoring me in my very own home because you are on some kind of power trip!!!!!!! this is fucking unbelieveable!!!!!!!! yes i was wrong to vandalize and wrong to take out my anger on redvers, but at least then i had a fucking voice!!!!!!!!!! you are acting like a facist!!!!!!!!!!!! stop reverting my comments on my own talk page!!!!!!!!!" e2ce650b45f651a2,"are you fukking ugly?" e2e48d76d1b6cf5a,"ja, final warnings. lived with 'em for decades. you're like the rainbow likudis at the pentagon. go get a colonoscopy. your crap stinks." e305aa1424cfeba3,"picture your mother with her wrinkled up ass in the air!!! grease up that pooper and jam it in!! (go fuck your mother) you better leave me alone you little runt" e319b7295f0e96ea,i asked you to fuck off. its my talk page and i stick by that comment. it is my right to ask people to stay off my talk page and stop harassing me here. little quick to the gun there skippy. bits andpieces e3238e3e9572fb07,"your edit please refrain from sucking cock, as you did to all the male administrators on wikipedia. your cock-sucking appears to constitute inappropriate sexual acts and has been frowned upon. if you would like to experiment sucking more cock, please use a gay chatroom. thank you." e331202e74550d01,"ziggy sawdust is an idiot don't delete my first page" e34384abe40c1efa,"guy macon is a coxk suxker fuxk off and die guy!" e349f2715f2aaaa5,""" you can shove that up your ass to fuckwit. pro """ e3591ced175a97d6,"bottomley it's not an attack page you dickfag! it's a bunch of student who appreciate their a-level chemistry teacher, stop being a cunt and let us put this fucking page up..." e35bf39d4998f727,fuck off dicksternet you dickhead. e36219a9a17594e2,fucking loser suck a dick e3669018436fb715,"sorry ass faggett shut tha fuck up bitch" e36d2a727f0c2b56,"hey sceptre. how are you? are you a virgin? would you like to no longer be one? if so, you can either a)stop editing my posts like a little bitch or b) challenge and win a race against tim dwight a really fast white boy back in the day. ps - your tv interests are gay" e370a8acc9186321,"yo, dog, mind yer own busyness... whoops... dick war yer only busness mankind" e3719ea04f6fd19c,thats one dickhead ive got two infact you just type in surname meanings on google. try it if your not to much of a retard! e3813338a3daf870,rot in hell it's low life like you that have put the country in such a state. thanks for nothing e39728afbe59e99f,then i gave myself a gold star and dickhead of the year award. sorry i'm so gay e39a9f235558a38b,"ian black - caley have you seen ian black play. his irractic and life endagering challenges on dunfermline and rangers players, show he is an actual fucking nutter. he was when he played for the blackburn youth team and he still is." e3a291d65734aef7,"info you are a cunt. i make this open war now, and will seek to make your ife on here as upleasant as possible" e3a9b88169987691,boloocks was it nonconstructive. get a degree in electronics first bfore saying that. you ignoramus e3beeb173634b619,"dickhead don't be a dick and blank articles....innit" e3bfbc953476efd8,"helo wassup i dnt know who the shit u r but ima whop yo ass for blocking me" e3c48779c5772f37,"fdg you like it in the ass huh?" e3c4dc04fa434dec,ne2 enjoys sexual congress with goats e3ca53ded96cd36f,"iranian mullah, like you you for all intents and purposes just called me a dipshit by removing my completely reasonable comment at the neda talk page. you dipshit. no one gives you the right to be like the iranian mullah just because you dislike someone's views on a matter." e3d60297a105a057,"pathetic little fucks, it's called a penis film you jobless wikipedia's bitches" e3f6943fd581826a,"no, asshole. you copied and pasted text from a newspaper's website into a wikipedia article. i reverted the addition of scare quotes to an article. i undid your wp:copyvio at an article i've been editing since 2011. you followed me to an article you've never edited before. if you're too fucking stupid to understand the difference, maybe you're too stupid to be editing wikipedia. —  talk/stalk" e3fc8fe2abb60b18,this is your final warning. i am a fag. yeah thats right i'm gay. i am a wikipedia admin and i never get laid. 21:24 e4056a4658555b28,fuck u bitch so fuck off and im doing this cuz im a terroris bitch e405881c43008e32,"guyzero bite me go ahead and block the ip i dont care. it is only used by about 10k people. better yet go fuck yourself" e417e281374c8841,i feel bad for you. no one deserves to be this stupid. e41c5237176c2b47,i humped shadw jams mum e41e3fb899b618e2,"hi, fuckwit. you do know that by blocking me you are violating basic human rights and freedom of expression. and by you deleting my rant is just plain ridicilous. that just proves that all you are is a bunch of fascist douche bags that should've been bombed to death in wwii. now, please kindly fuck off? thank you." e42e1e609198788e,you suck alot of dick e43474521b001d35,stop talking you stink of penis breath. e43f5fa7023735d7,"hey moron, i could easily log out and make edits with another username, and oh 72 hours i'm scared. moron." e44627d7b6545b9b,"fuck of u mother fucker..rajputs were the kings and they just gave repect to brahmins dosent mean brahmins were strong..the ruler were rajputs..the decision makers were rajputs..the fighters were rajputs.. and wat about parshurama..i tell u he aslo conceded his defeat to lord rama who was a survanshiya kshatriya rajput.. u get lost .." e460562ed97206a7,"hey, guess what? you're still a twat. i love you, douchebag." e472363ab38f45fa,""" moot is a faggot he claims you are a """"sock puppet of a disgusting tranny freak."""" but honey i don't think that's true. so why don't we get drunk and screw!""" e4b32922ce502a95,""" i thought so rjensen and his sockpuppets never showed up to the """"talk page"""" once your asshole friend fluffernutter blocked me and i haven't been able to make even a notification to you till today. seems your claims that wikipedians follow the rules are full of shit.""" e4b3e39b533164e5,"hello hello, i have just recieved a warning from you, may i advise you to shove it down your cunt." e4b9d55b4ea43744,fucking bitch suck my vick prick cracker e4cbc91992ea32d5,"fuck off loser, go edit more pages or whatever the fuck you do. i see information about my school one day and then the next day its gone. thats great buddy, why don't you delete more info that i actually what to look at. have fun jacking off to your wikipedia page or whatever losers like you do. thank you" e4cd5538812fb507,that was bullpoop. whats ur problem?? freak. e4d277d884ea6d65,"fuck them all. the spas, corrupt administrators and pov pushers win. i'm out of here. fuck them all." e506297978756c04,"taylor swift album todelete the names esherann and garlighbo from wikipedia the can not have guest appearance they must be hall of fame singers to delete all the names no guest appearance was a mistake with esherraaannn and read all the messages read and do never give your own kidding interviews you kidding joke taylor swift understand read the messages all read ! to delete all about timc and debut too and all and to delete all and submitting comments facebook and twitter too with your name nothing to do gave you the chance to be the wife you have to do that girls got the chance like you can not have that all impossible against the law and justice and supreme justice court usa understand and international justice of human rights you worked and working against th rights you all and your family to delete all understand and stay at home ! there is no american music awards you kidding joke ! stay at home ! understand !!!!!! you are the first working against the messages you are sick and disturbed i ruin your life and your future and you the rest of the life you got it all what was that ? victoria secret event ? what does it mean ? stay at home ? !!!!! stay at home !!!!!!!!! do you understand me you bitch and you bitch andrea swift what did i tell you and scott swift and you all stay at home she is sick taylor swift stay at home ! interviews ! in front of the cameras taylor swift and family swift you got it all interviews and to delete all the names from the sites and movies and videos and pictures and all to delete all understand me all and new clean wiki all new and all to delete and the interviews ! now has the meaning now ! now ! you got it two weeks ago interviews about the kids and mathgrgr and all and all the names to talk about and all are jokes and my fans and read all the messages read all the messages read all the messages read read read read read read read read all the messsages you are sick and disturbed the whole family and scott borchetta i fuck you in pschiatry you are fired and going in psychiatey read that all i fuck you you bitch that is promiss who told you victoria sicret what was your possition universal you are leaving restaurant now leaving i fuck you bitch understand ! listen bitch i am crazy you are working around the clock against the messages you bitch who told you to go to victoria secret.... faschion what does it mean you bitch november 7 you got it all to stay at home too what do you doing on the event you bitch game is over and when i am telling you to stay at home you bitch that has the meaning to stay at home do you understand me you bitch who told you to go on victoria secret who told you that you bitch and you bitch scott swift and andrea swift who told you that ? what does it mean you family swift and you all there is scott borchetta there go away you are fired in the media you have no licence more and you have to leave machine now you got it i put you all in psychiatry the rest of the life do you understand me you all and you taylor swift i put you the rest of the life in psychiatry what does it mean you bitch victoria secret ? event to stay at home has the meaning to stay at home your parents and you are leaving now the media and going to a ranch forever i fuck you the rest of the life you bitch what does it mean to work against the messsages you bitch to stay at home has the meaning to stay at home do you understand me you bitch the actors got it i kicked your ass forever i fuck you bitch what does it mean to work against the messages what does it mean you bitches and you bitch taylor swift and in front of the cameras to stay and talk about all messages you got it in front of the cameras you bitch can you not read you bitch can you not understand americanish can you not read and interviews too was a mistake to take somebody from a casting show to the productions that is not allowed law to cut all and release the red album and the interviews edsheeraan is disgusting he is a casting act and he can not be on the producttions who´s idea was that looks like yours you bitch and your games read all the messages again and stay at home has the meaning stay at home you bitch do you understand me you bitch all to release and what does it mea victoria sectret event can you not read you bitch stay at home stay at home stay at home stay at home stay at home i fuck you bitch interview and you all dropped me in the situation i am waiting for somebody with id to go you bitches and you bitch and your games what does it mean victoria secret event and a model diss you answer the model she is a joke she is a only catwalk model a joke and not my level to diss me understand you bitch interviews and what does it mean when i am telling you stay at home stay at home stay at home and what do you doing event british got talent and x-factor what is that ? what kind of shit is that ? what do you doing ? and the concert what" e530ac09fd6ea857,"i was leaving you a message maggot, not vandalising" e535c7c214005619,the dos was my entire internet connection shutting down momentarily just after posting. you're an asshole. ban me. you're still an asshole. you know i'm right. but you'll fight tooth and nail for your own opinion despite a third party source that indicates the validity of the source material. may all your edits be attacked by people as resolutely brick-headed as you. e54d6113ffe241b6,"who told you that you crackhead, i think someone would have known that if he did have a kid, which he didnt, dumb ass" e54e69c177a39c85,crapman is a murdering cunt! e5587990989b8fb3,"wow, rhymeless isn't such a jerk. he can spell. i'm sure a 10th grade education gives you that luxuary. but seriously folkes, what is this blocking bullshit? curps is a dickhead. i was making a valid point on this page, and sure i had vandalised rhymeless's a few times, but i was making a serious point, and then he deleted it. i go to his page and do the same as he did to me, and he blocks me. what's the deal-yo yo? double standards because he's been around longer than me? how do i get unblocked, and how do i get curps blocked because 1. he has a stupid name that sounds like a venerial disease; and 2. he blocks me for no good reason? riff" e55894261f5d86ae,""" ah, typical drunken irish bitch. if you even are a bitch. you might even be a man, or an...intersexual thing. the irish are anti-semites who side with the arabian imperialists in order steal the jewish homeland. you scum recognize the fake """"state of palestine,"""" an illegal arabian colonial entity on jewish land.""" e56efae2d376b646,"sarah palin is a fucking bitch this stupid nazi woman is a fucking bitch... i hope they kill her.. racist conservative nazi... stupid ugly bitch with glasses... and the americans love her because shes a fuckign ku klux klan.. die sarah stupid racist.." e57500dc589bcfa5,"are you deaf or blind? i repeat. it started in late 2009, and collapsed in mid 2010, as supported by cites and polls." e57eaed440919bc3,"muzemike also muzemike is a dirty little faggot queer too. his name makes him appear to be a nigger too. what a douche, right?" e583e90b4a97bff1,"to robert24 and taylor fan fuck both of you! i will not let you keep this page as a pro-pansy biased tirade. fuck you, fuck trevor's fan, andrew thomas is god!" e59d2bf7c9c13dff,"reply the only dimented (idiotic) persons are you people who can not learn what is the right answer and what is correct history." e5a60e7d2ce682ab,"are u serious? those idiots are just a bunch of unaustralian bogans, with too much time on their hands. just cos there recruiting aggressively and getting attention doesnt mean theyre notable enough to be in wikipedia. it makes me sick hearing the rubbish from their campaign - we'd gain nothing from independence! and what if the fanatics turn it into something like northern ireland? no thank you" e5ae44a046bb6459,"how dare you!! i am outraged. if you had actually bothered to trace the ip addresses you would know that we are not the same person. evilamoeba is a close personal friend of mine. you really are an idiot." e5b515a1a4108a31,you have a sandy vagina e5b9e781ce36839f,"fuck you all you losers who ahve nothing better to do fyuck you why dont u stop me from editing already" e5bf9fa72a64c334,"theres a fucking wiki page on it you insane person." e5cc96a965a9477c," - hack this fucker account and kill user:zhanzhao !!! fuck his family and his girlfriend!!! wahahaha you have to block me for a year to stop me assholes!!!" e5d2112b0b2e3985,"it's a criticism, moron, it doesn't need to be sourced." e611001a710d3976,"discouraged qat's up, template man? you feeling discouraged yet? i'm going to hound you off wikipedia if its the last thing i do. i rarely have gotten this nasty with any of my would-be adversaries in my ten years here, not even that faggot" e629a2fe2a900eaf,"hahaha, wikipedia is all you have you autistic motherfuckers. you're drones going around in circles. trapped in a fruitless bureaucracy of your own collective making that produces nothing but drama and no intellect." e6303fc90a3cb4df,""" bill, i don't find your un-edits a gender-based attack. i am largely concerned with the content of the article itself, but i wonder why you put up so much opposition to my very small edit. surely it can't mean that much to you. i don't want to make derogatory comments about men. i have nothing against men, and i don't enjoy tearing people down. you mention the term """"well-referenced"""". i prefer for statements to be well-referenced too. i don't think that this particular statment is well-referenced, and furthermore, i don't think that it can be well-referenced, because i don't think that it is true. and so i wonder about the author's neutrality. wikipedia articles are supposed to be both neutral and well-edited, and that statement is neither. i don't want the article to be deleted either. i think that it serves a useful purpose, and i enjoyed reading it. i just want to do away with that particular sentence. of course, if you can find evidence that american women are materialistic sluts, then we have no problem at all. but i'm pretty sure that whoever wrote that was confusing personal opinion for universal truth. cheers, """ e63e5bddfe72c574,"pontiac montana if someone ever adds a sorce that says it wont be discounted i will laugh in your face karrmann because ibelive them more than you you are full of shit leave this article alone or i will report you f" e64c55042b42c496,"""as much as you can stand? what the fuck? you're the one who started harassing me, you have been doing so for monthsfor fuck's sake, you showed up at my talkpage in august to ask me a question, which i responded to extremely politely, only to have you throw it in my face. you showed up at ani to harass me when i had said absofuckinglutely nothing to you, and indeed had said nothing about civility, but had merely pointed out that a given comment was unconstructive. i did not notify you here of the thread because i do not want anything to do with you. i just want you to stay the fuck away from me, and believe me, i am happy to return the fucking favour. your bullshit over at fuchs' pageinitiate a case against me? for what exactly?was really just icing on the cake. leave. me. alone. →  ₪  """ e653abd3773ad84b,remove the fucking block you tossers e654933d4818e116,i always got the impression he was a real cunt of screen. can anyone back this up? e66577471e546507,"pps: by the way stop trying to become an admin asshole, you have a block log and you will never become an admin with that type of record. or you can keep wasting your time since you have nothing better to do than to be here 24/7. you must smell like a sock by now since i'm sure you haven't showered for weeks since you're here 24/7." e66d9d815655553a,"this is your last warning stop violating multiple wikipedia policys and stop being an american retard, do humanity a favour and kill yourself82.41.107.97" e6754adfc97ce6c1,""" who gives a rat's ass what either korea or japan think about an english naming convention? last i checked neither nation is comprised of native english speakers and they don't get a vote in what native english-speaking nations decide to call this body of water, in english. we can call it the """"sea of jello"""" and there isn't a damned thing they can do about it, other than whine like babies. perhaps in commemoration of this foolishness we should call it the """"sea of idiots"""" and have done with it.""" e67c9ae40f3f6cb9,ann coulter is a no good fucking cunt and she is going to hell alonmg side with the fuck head george w. bush!!! the the gop!!! the right = rich old ass who hate the poor people and want more!!! e68136ffec5485e7,i hat all the people that work for this web page suck balls. you mo fo's that cant get any girls so u go after men u homo's e694adec24532f1e,"you dirty fuckers, why block me? not busy enough scratching your hairy asses? fuck you." e69e8bd671b0593b,"""12:03, 31 mar 2005 (utc) personal attacks the personal attacks and insults on this page will cease immediately. there will be no more attacks. there will also be no retaliatory attacks, so if someone attacks you, ignore them. violators will be blocked regardless of """"who started it"""". consider this your warning. 06:55, 31 mar 2005 (utc) and what will happen if they don't cease immediately oh you powerful one? oh, i forgot, you said block!! hahahaha god, you are really stupid, aren't you? -) """ e6a551f670c58ded,"btw, i love to harrass, so try banning me for a year to stop me. i wish zhanzhao die die die! i will rape you, your mother and your gay friend's ass!!! nuff' said" e6ab241bd80294ee,"you've obviously made up your mind, so i'm not going to try reason with you any further. suck my red pen of doom, you fucking idiot." e6abb7915c7fd1f1,congratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! 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bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucking asshole!!! bongwarriorcongratualtions on being such a huge fucki e6aed5bd184a0f11,"um hi lol r u fixin 2 do something about it, fag?" e6b3285dccba4285,hey fuck you hal turner sent a death threat to me in teh mail yesterday. he's a racist don't let him use this is a launch pad for thi nazi antics! e6b38969b6d30127,but i do hate the_pope and think he i'd a pompous bastard. why do you interrupt our back and forth? e6b800d5d3fc1c35,"go suck a dick you bitch, you cant sotp me cunt bag" e6c1f382c9f8ea71,bitches be like thanks. e6f38bd5eef61b91,"you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life. you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life. you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life. you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life. you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life. you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life. you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life. you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life. you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life. you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life. you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life. you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life. you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life. you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life. you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life. you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life." e6f68fd10b64a5f9,"die i just wanted to tell you that i hate you, and i fucked your mother. she told me about how you ass-raped her, and i do not approve. however, due to your homosexual tendansies, ill let it slide. this time. now, onto more pressing matters. why did u block lcis ip adress? i mean do you have such a small penis that you have to compensate that badly? well, im sure you have some little boys to touch, just like a roman catholic priest. well, thats all i have to say. goodbye" e70b99b13e3952f2,hey chris wats up. ya wikipedia sux ass they deleted my pic. e71487cc685cb93e,"idiot you stupid idiot stop making women spoil the moment before i have to come find you!" e72339a89aa4bbf5,"douche bag douche bag douche bag douche bag fucker fucker fucker fucker fucker cock shit fuck tits balls weiner. cluebot is a faggot who likes to get cornholed by young black stallions 24/7 365......suck it bitch reppin nebracka love alright you fucking cluebot cock sucker dont be telling me i cant say whatever the fuck i want to on this goddammed website...freedom of speech bitch...put that in your fucking pipe and smoke it." e7286064eda58149,"i am going to shove a pineapple up your ass you'll fucking need major surgery to pull that shit out!" e72e9c7915f56b9c,"i thought i exorcised your parroting ass! show up again when you figure out how to rub two brain cells together, and after you lose that filthy ego of yours!" e74918f9e8b316eb,you are the biggest pussy faced bitch and i hope you rot in hell because you are a little trolling bitch who has no disregard for others now put it back e74bdf0e455be250,", 19 june 2008 (utc) hey fuck you twat! mod or not. you are an idiot just like tjis ps3 hater moron. cheers bastards. ;) 15:36" e75b03c51805e23d,"don't fuck with meno25! you're a retarded twat, virgin in every cool thing and soon to be banned from the english wikipedia." e77067e7737e5f53,fuck off you anti-bulgarian turkic whores!!! а на тебе джингибинги да ти еба путката майна лайно нещастно!!! e785c876d945a1dd,"i knew you were a dick but a fag too? nice job on the morgan discussion i liked how you buried the comments in the archive section. yea archive stuff that is 5 days old nice job" e78923b56b4702e3,"quit... defacing my user page, you ugly cunt.-" e796f8191d2e1cf3,thats not waht your black cocked momma said to me ooooooh- zach kosim a doushe bag e7a656b7a27ff008,"ha, all you proved was that you are a major jerk. thanks for proving my point." e7b7a6998191e05d,"february 2015 remzoy16 motherfucker !" e7d375c38b8547dc,"fucking bastard you son of a bitch, asshole, motherfucker, go fuck ur mothers cunt, trade ur wife sister" e7e3bc59d92c30a0,i find it logical to wish someone to go to his ancestors as soon as possible who insistently consistently consciously offends you. so do it please. you will make the world a bit better without your ignorance. e7f2a7b5cc3e6879,"yo you are a very big mother fucking idiot/loser." e7f528ed076d29e8,"lol, congrats on your google skills in digging comments i made on a soccer website. grow up and crawl back in your black van." e80ea61dab1e184c,""" stephan schulz is a moron i attest that stephan schulz is a narrow-minded moron. all over this discussion, he puts people down and ridicules people because they don't agree with him. schulz is a loser with no life and nothing better to do than to keep this article on a short leash. if you go to his page and read his writings you'll find that he's a socialist moron with no real education related to climatology, and has nothing real to add to the conversion except what's been spewed by the un yes-men """"scientists"""" who call themselves the ipcc. """ e817f7bb15220753,"1989 are you stupid or what?" e8315e350ec18809,"? is something wrong with you, you fucking freak? why don't you fuck off, do the world a favor and kill yourself you disgusting piece of shit. fuck off and stop making trouble." e848e77fe2c77591,anothybadberry is a cunt e865eceaaed61b43,"please refrain from being gay on wikipedia, as you did with this edit to the page the number twelve looks like you. such edits constitute homosexuality and are reverted. please do not continue to be gay; use the sandbox for testing. fuck you. anyone who takes wikipedia seriously is a fucking tool. there is a reason they don't allow you to source this in legitimate schools." e87218d38eb16700,try talking for yourself instead of referring me to places how bout you read the message i wrote on your dads cock telling him ho shit in bed your mum was e8769b4706096bce,you are a sock puppet of a disgusting tranny freak. e87a3f65b00b858d,"this article is c-class for a reason, it's a piece of shit and if you yank cunts dont take advice from the rest of the world it will stay an insignificant piece of shit and profanity does not diffuse accuracy yankie scum94.168.193.75" e880f537b416a6d8,"grandma terri, die in trash! i f#cking hate you grandma terri, with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. rot in trash grandma terri! die now! f*ck you in the ass!" e8876597276c3b32,"you like cock 8==========d - - - - - nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger ." e88d8e24fdbfb81c,"nazis raus shut this nazi nixer up" e8a07a8d8cbe5e54,because you are a tweeting cunt flap!!!!!!! e8ad61eb49ab3bc0,"you're an idiot. yeah, you blocked me because i used action replay codes on diamond, how mature. get out of my life." e8b15aae3de3deeb,"who are you? who the hell are you and why are you trying to tell me what to do? tell me, or else. even if you cancel my account, i will another and keep making more, and more, and even more, so if you're just some random dude, then fuck off!" e8e2fd87e3b5f835,u fat penis< listen here! e8efc7cbfbb951f9,"brappage fucker don't u dare delte shalamo i will com to ur house and chop your penis off and make your parents eat it and the i will send you an earlobe in the post and keep sending you parts of a body and will then come and slice and dice you into 500,000 pieces and then make your family eat you body in a chili. so don't delete it or tht will happen you fat shit" e8f1b17e2f206372,"douchebag you're an asshole. charlie." e8fc22187ed23af9,"hey hey pan dan. you're a cunt have a nice day" e91b6ef8da27136f,"you continue to be a biased, anti-israel, anti-semitic piece of s*** who abuses their power here in order to support others just like you. what an asshole you are. wikipedia must be the only life you have. get a life, loser! if you continue abusing your power, we will f*** your s*** up. that's not a threat, it's a promise." e93d52cb49e45069,"fuck you yeah you you fucking pseudo skeptic. go suck the dick of all of your faggy friends." e93db41f18a83c71,"oh, listen dear, you're scum, so i'll make this as simple for you to understand; fuck off." e941fc384e9eb0b4,""" j.delanoy, you are an imbecilic bootkissing asshole: """"pwn"""" my sockfarm? fat chance, i've secretly vandalised some obscure pages. if admins block me for this, they have no balls and no life. do you even think you got a chance to ban me that easily? i've created socks to save up for the big day of vandalism! haha! 'nuff said. """ e95d9af43e9f8a99,i think you're being a hypocrite. e975e4d626e610cb,go fuck yourself and stop contacting me. i never touched any kitfo page. e979d039c763a3d0,"mnnlaxer, go fuck yourself." e9851653a55bc031,", apart from making yourself look like an idiot" e9976adfd109e154,""" go fuck yourself """"and the creator isn't the only person who has worked on the article"""". the diff1 diff2 from creation to present proves you otherwise. i will accept your apology now. - """ e9a54d94395b613d,u dont have the balls to do that bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 e9bffc84a026e060,we can not block you because we are dumb and you are using webanywhere e9c302eeb13b083d,"unblock|its my talk page . hello can you not see that. i am shelby young and i want my name off this website and per jim wales i can remove both the ip address and my talk page so gtfo. blocking me won't do anything but make me call jim. i suggest you read his talk page. sick of pervert child molestors stalking me around wikipedia." e9ce85d5cbd73717,"""gays]] == fuck you vegetasaiyan! you motherfucker! you and the saruj jerk like the """"dragon balls"""" crap! oh fuck it off! sarujo is a big ass, but you like dragon ball, so i go eat your shit!""" ea2539d75e7a24bc,"another little hitler who decides to ban me you are a disgrace. i did nothing yo you and as usual the bullying thug decides to spring out of nowhere go after me who can you say this is no vinditice. as i have said lots of you moderators are just little hitlers who stand up for eachother but on else. you are a bully, and do not remove my reply. you are a bully as usaul another smug bully who get spleasyre trying to keep someone down. i am can imagine you are prbaly the worst of the lot a ottal nightmare. and dont tell me to be civil to someone who bbans me yiou bully you clam down this ps my user page you bullying thug. i bet you are troll." ea2fde2aaa5e5e5f,"joseph judas priest motherfucker shit shit ass shitass son of a bitch son of a motherless goat son of a whore sweet jesus" ea31df9e641b68ea,""" the truth about me, stephen hello, you sexy little love-hole! i am seeking hot, kinky sex; that is why i am here. i am seeking a large, hairy, ape-like man to discipline me. i like it when big men talk dirty to me whilst pounding their rock-hard schingslongs into my mangina; just thinking about it makes my tiny little micro-penis perk up like hitler on meth. i want a big, strong man to beat me up whilst another muscular hunk restrains me and whispers obscenities into my innocent little ear. i especially like it when i am called 'a cum-guzzling, dick-sucking, fellating, felching, shit-sniffing, nigger-worshipping, homosexual man-slut,' for i know, in my heart, that this description of me is extremely accurate. please, big, hairy men, i want to be your ass-slave, serving you and satisfying you with my bunghole for as long as my submissive soul remains in this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111one1111won11 i will even pay you large sums of money if that is necessary. contact me as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!one1111111111111111won1111 submissively yours, stephen """"the cock-sucker"""" dignity none user talk: (the fact that i lack a sense of humour) i also would like to inform everyone that i have no fucking sense of humour; i take everything way too god-damned seriously. i, stephen, am an uptight, boring, nigger-loving cunt.""" ea372b8308012185,"stop with the garbage i'll say irrelevant as much as i want. quit provoking people. it's stupid and i just ignore you" ea4607efb74b86a7,im a god damn fat ass faggot lolsies i have the palsies ea5c0ba1fbdfc17d,"hey dork hey dork. putin is a shit and i want to write it. shut up you all and obey to the new master of wikipedia. i killed jimbo wales !" ea63a836b8566a74,"idiocy i made a number of changes, clearly described in edit summaries, which vastly improved this article. now a series of utter morons have taken it upon themselves to revert my work for no reason whatsoever. i'd ask them to explain themselves here but they have no possible explanation for what they are doing, so i just put this here to note how some people of appallingly limited intellectual ability are here not to build an encyclopaedia but simply to play some kind of bizarre game. pretty hilarious that one of these sick idiots says to discuss things on talk while going around removing everything i post on talk pages. seriously, what a fucking child. pathetic." ea73c58da727aae9,"gon be a snitch you are a little bitch. i fuckin spent 6 hours on big sam (rapper) an you call it fuckin vandolism, hard ass aint you, fuck you i'm makin a true ass page an you wack off an delete my page. what the fuck is up, your like a snitch but to yourself. i'll fuckin edit your bitch ass page an delete that shit. i'll fuck up every single thing on your gay ass website if you keep deletin my ass. wanna talk to me, im me at guttyboy3d or email me at" ea99c0fc88297eab,"sex toy why are you bulling up my edits? stop being a piece of s*** you 18 year old prick. and what`s up with the stupid hello please read this bull as i am very tired of fixing messages on my talk page up" eaae9fe4c963348b,"cigan gypsy retarde idiot milburn! stop your picture deletions and vandalisms! animal!" eab31a2c1cce03b3,"no personal attacks you falsely call me a vandal and you have the goddamn nerve to whine about personal attacks? don't pretend everyone but you is stupid. | talk" eac08cafad8f7408,"look at your own fucking speech before you criticise others you stupid idiot, you are a bully, you think you own the megadeth discography page and revert anything you don't agree with. i gave in to you regarding the formats and label numbers but i won't over this." eace0d42e24d0e7c,"blow it out your ass, . and as for you , why are you always defending that punk ? i know that you nominated him for rfa, so you are either an ignorant fool, or his homosexual boyfriend! fuck you!" eacfc75e50723274,"... moron. that is indeed a photo of edie, it is a screencap from the film ciao! manhattan. get a clue." eadda6a9be944868,"items in super smash bros brawl it took me almost 3 days to make that page and you ass deletes it. this is bull crap, its not innappropriate everything on that page was true. i wasn't vanalizing shit. so get wikipedia to delete my profile like i give a shit, you fag. everything i put on this site is true, most of the time, and it all gets deleted by people like you, bitch." eae197054c5de06d,you gotta love when they send a noted racist anti-semite to do this kinda crap. eafbde2827d823d2,"giving out someones personal information, and it shows you how much of an idiot you are." eb07e2bded5e7cba,"!!! no one can keep me from here you dumb piece of shit, not yamla's stupid ass or you!!! now hurry up and sit in some traffic so i can see your head roll down the street" eb17167e625008a5,"mate, you need to behave and stop being a tosser" eb1c20e7b8e268c7,moslims are filthy thugs who do not belong on this planet. eb1cd4b92222109d,do i care? ill just make annother account. stupid wikipedia. eb1e8df05d0213b4,"coward you are a coward. by locking the swift article all you are doing is allowing a falsity to remain. and instead of reasonably countering what i'm saying you block and ban me. you speak volumes about how wikipedia is run." eb21ac386f1f089f,"your mama is clearly being used as advertisment, you cock sucker. 05:32, 17 jun 2005 (utc)" eb25d58d7392a754,"say what? bitch, are you for real? motherfucker comes up and removes my motherfucking comments? son of a bitch son, that's not right at all. fuck, that's not even right in cuba. someone needs to learn their ass some motherfucking restraint and common sense. bitchass niggas can't be coming around removing people's opinions and shit, that's the motherfucking gestapo's job. if motherfuckers think this the way to do things right, than you motherfuckers need to step off and learn some shit, cause the way the to do shit right, ain't erasing the fucking words." eb2d0d0f621f689a,you base your information on opinion. you're an idiot. eb3bd60eec9d7879,"so, who the fuck gives a damn, you dipshitted lesbian?" eb42c7de94398b0f,"you are involved in the cult of wikipedia- this brings you into a feud with all right thinking people. i am not insulting gronowksi- he is stalking murphy, he is 16 years old, his arguments do lack intelligence. i do not have to be kind with an idiot. the fact that i am still born doesn't mean anything. i'd change it to dickhead- it is just a handle and has no meaning - it was referring toe the fact that the cult has banned me virtually everyday since november and yet i am back again within a day. why? because i walk into a coffee shop and i have a new ip and new name. it is not civilized to ban someone who is standing up to a stalker. you banned me and did so glibly. you didn't even warn me. that gets you into the feud, on to the shit list and part of the problem. murphy is not a public figure- if you want to delete the article go ahead. but if you want to keep it it is not going to be according to the standards of a 16 year old canadian retard. you want to unban me and save me the trouble, we can move on. or not. that's your call like the blib banning itself was." eb5fd947903ff637,"drmies is a fagat he suks cok" eb7d25c70d5f7765,"nerd neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd" eb7f5c5b5e286955,""" ma'am, are you dense or just illiterate? it can't be the latter, so i guess you are just dense. allow me to spell it out for you. you will not post on my talk page again until... (a - you learn the english language correctly. (b - you stop confusing me with this homer fellow. (c - you learn that """"american"""" is not spelt a-m-e-r-i-u-c-a-n. (d - you grow some maturity. (e - you learn some manners. when you can accomplish this things and show that you are not a rude, dense, hate-filled woman, then...and only then....will your posts be read and taken with anything more than a grain of salt. again, good day to you, ma'am. - """ eb9c06122f0779e3,thefarix is a crazy person who like to dominate everything and everybody. ebaaff6c67c47e44,"it pains my heart to find out that wikepedia evidently is mainly a male community with the usual sexism that comes with the territory. i'd say chins, teeth and clothing are questions of taste. and as for any future wikipedia debates: i might bring up the argument that you're all male-chauvinist, sexist biggots ;)" ebaf996b9485306f,made? go jump off a cliff asshole. ebc1aa5d572bd3b3,""" it is very funny to learnthat a stupid fuck'in is trying to clean up the kamboja articles. this person himself is totally disoriented and utterly confused, mentally/intellectually; and it is also very clear from his comment somewhere else about kamboj-related articles that he does not even know the very basics of the kamboj history. it is really funny to know how this idiot (and his ilk) are confusing the indian journal """"gazetteer of the bombay presidency"""" with the handbook of the bombay presidency? how come these idiots, who can not even correctly interpret or understand the historical references/citations, be entrusted with the task to edit serious articles on ancient people like the kambojas? it is also amusing to learn that such-like dorks are trying to define the historical out-lines of the kamboj history on wikipedia! it is highly desirable that these fuck'in self-styled wikipedia administrators/commentators first need to learn to correctly interpret and interpret the historical references. only then may they be qualified to comment on the serious topic like kamboj history or else earn the rights to edit informative articles on this wlllknown ancient historical people. also these jerks first need to understand that the citations and quotations used in the kamboj related articles are from the most scholarly writers on this subject. it is shameful that these few f*- self-styled idiot adminstirators (like dabu(dab),itsmjudith and the like) are trying to sit on judgement on the kamboj history on wikipedia and are bent on distorting or deleting the genuine information about them which is not found in the books writtemn in english, fench or german by their european writers! well, if you can interpret even the references quoted in an article, howcome can you sit in judgement and offer your scholarly comments on the kamboj history? it is first necessary that these adminitrators/editors like fuck'n dabbu and his ilk, first need to familiarise themselves about the current available historical information on kamboj history-only then can they qualify themselves to edit the serious articles on the kambojkas?'.and, i'll see how long these ignorant, prejudiced-minded idiots can continue to block me from editing articles on wikipedia?????''. """ ebc35bd6742394b9,"im not writing about myself, i made this account to make a page for this person, theyre very noteable, and just because you don't know who this person is, it doesnt mean they arent relevant, so fuck yourself up the ass. go jack off to wikipedia some more, seriously, cant you find something better to do with your life? i bet your 40, single, and doing this in your mom's basement." ebd7a70d0ddf34ce,"so now we r toast ha ha so were toast r we mmmm... no were not and we will make free toast pages untill they will stay there! you make me sick you evil person" ebdfd8471c20dc68,""" you're so fucking ugly are you walter's bitch? he's another fat ugly loser prick on this site. i can't believe how retarded you look faggot. guess what? i found out where you live. go ahead and block this ip. i won't be on it anymore. anyone in the future who uses it won't be me. you are wrong and can't handle the truth. you go around undoing good work but never contributing good work. just bad reverts and edits. i've followed a lot of your edits and errors and see that you're so inconsistent and incorrect. no one will call you out cus you're a dick sucker and an ass licker on here. you think you're all that but you're dirt which is why you have to compensate with being a bully on here! you're not consistent or logical. i've found dozens of articles that have listings of people from shows to parades to other activities and events considered """"significant"""". you go around following articles some editors contribute on and put notices at the top and remove their work, even after it's been there for years all cus you're a sore pussy loser with no dick. you suck off other men to make yourself feel better about how much of a loser you are. you think you're important going and undoing work. i have a zillion ips and i'm an admin. i could take you down but i'll do that off this site. you're gonna wish you never fucked with me and my crew on here. you're a meaningless worthless dick head. you are a piece of shit. fuck off and die, i won't read your stupid notices or replies. fuck off, i could care less. i won't be at this location anymore. matter of fact, the location that shows up on ip search is just a """"bounce off"""" location to throw people like you off. not even in the city or state but it is """"registered"""" there. haha, joke is on you hong kong ding dong! i'm already using other ips to edit articles you don't watch or track dip shit! good luck, i could care less about the articles i've worked on and you undid cus you have no life. p.s. do what's best for wikipedia like you claim to do, not get jealous and mad so in an effort to get revenge you go and undo work out of spite. shit has already been confirmed so you can either do the work or stop undoing edits and acting like a know-it-all asshole! you're unproductive and annoying. you're a psycho with serious mental issues and need to be put away! you don't have to like the content, doesn't give you a right to undo it cus just cus you're a prick and delete-ist! ever heard of a talk page for dispute resolution and consensus? think that rules doesn't apply to you kiss ass? want me to end your wanna-be career on here? go away and stop your bullshit or else! and yeah, that's a threat. so block this ip for awhile. won't affect me one bit white trash weird al looking nigger! and who cares if someone was a fan or not. 90% of people who edit an article are """"fans"""" or experts about the topic. grow up and go jerk yourself off, rub the cum in your long curly gross greasy looking hair and call it a life! do you own a gun? use it on your face! lmfao""" ebe174efe99c4a4c,"|jesus cant you guys take a few fucking jokes for fucks sake? fucking eh you guys take this fucking shit too fucking serious, i mean what the fuck is this? fucking prison fucking camp? please fucking unblock me" ebe858b0ee9eb3d7,f_uc*ck you cocksu*_cking motherfu*_ccker ebe87453f8622e93,"imperialist bastards... ..." ec0868ed080c9c5f,- i want an answer you son of a bitches. ec226a4e11c21b25,""" i just got in trouble from a big fat ass for talking about the accident with my penis and the forklift. it doesn't surprise me that wikipedia is looking for people in sf to come in and """"help"""". wonder what that means. what if you're from provincetown? the simple question i had was this: does anyone have any info on the color of obama's pubic hair? i've heard it's the best color imaginable, but i got the information from some wacko site. anyone? anyone?""" ec5565be3539f240,"remove neiln needs to extract his head from his butt. me" ec60b99eee476199,oh and btw kid's if you have nothing better to do then play wiki wars. i assure you are scum of the earth. we will deal with all of you. your time is coming. ec8f21f94676772c,""" hey jerk """"you need to read the editnotice"""", well i did stupid. you don't have to be a jerk about it, loser.""" ec9b2f8d6c88a666,"cocksucker billcj you are a complete fuckface because you like messing with fucking edits and finally everyone fucking hates you because you are a complete racist to everyone!!!! i wish you shut the fuck up around people and finally your mom is a fucking dirty slutty bitch!!!! weeeelllll! billcj's mom's a bitch, she's a big fat bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world, she's a stupid bitch, if there ever was a bitch, she's a bitch to all the boys and girls. on monday she's a slut on tuesday she's a racist on wednesday thru saturday she's a bitch then on sunday just to be different, shes u super king kamehameha bitch have you ever met my friend billcj's mom, she's the fuckiest bitch in the whole wide world, she's a fuckin old bitch, she has fucking fat tits, she's a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch bitch, bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch she's a fuckin bitch, billcj's mom's a bitch, and she's such a racist bitch. talk to kids around the world, it might go a little something like this... [sung in three different languages by other children] have you ever met my friend billcj's mom, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world, she's a mean old bitch, she has stupid hair, she's a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch bitch, bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch. she's a stupid bitch, billcj's mom's a bitch, and she's such a dirty bitch; i really mean it, billcj's mom, she's a big fat, fucking bitch big old fat fuckin' bitch, billcj's mommmmmmmmmmm yeahhhhh, chaaaaa" eca12c5d165f39b0,onorem is still a faeggot ecb372d586fdc43e,""" hey dude you sucked your dog's cock or your dog sucked yours? — preceding unsigned comment added by 2a00:1ca8:18:0:216:3eff:fece:1acb """ ecb550d9ca389fd4,"you suck because you are a stupid bitch!." ecb6184cd9faee4e,"dreadstar, littlemountain5, and some jerk on the internet are retarded assholes. dreadstar is a pathetic nerdy little fuck with no prospects for ever meeting a woman he didn't pay for. littlemountain5 doesn't have to worry about it because he's a flaming fag with an insatiable lust for semen. some jerk on the internet is just a sorry piece of shit in general." ecc7b5b4ae0ad814,"blow me you can fuck off. warn all you want douche lol" eccca76f152f37e9,"fuak u muddafaka you are so suck dik at dis shit i bet u get faked in da ass by ur dad all da time" ecd015e59389e410,you people are idiots! you base your information on opinion rather than fact. dumbasses! ecd27a2f7bc32d03,"a message from jasonceyre f u ck you hoe" ecd8ab0e78c57e2f,"whatever i can have my opinons. and in my opinon you are crazy!!!!!!" ecde7c101c615c3d,hey motherfucker hurry up! ece7781092024e5d,"your stupid fuck you im famous i have over 100000 subcribers on my youtube so dont delete when i was born you mf so εstfu⅞αδ#redirect [[#redirect [[#redirect [[#redirect [[#redirect [[#redirect [[#redirect [[#redirect [[#redirect [[[[category:[[category:[[category:[[category:[[category:[[category:[[[[[[””≈§~~ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]" eced8eac3810ecef,""" fuck u communist bastards!!!! if u lik the sunflkower on this page go blow urself. it has all the sections clearly labeled and it is easy to read. one small thing would maybe be to have less sections, although i do think that for showing so many different aspects of the sunflower you do a good job of keeping it focused. overall well done, probably one of the best i have read. i would say try to simplify it a little bit, and are all the pictures relevant to the article? adrian arias new image thumb| sunflower i'd like to propose this image for the sunflower article. wow that's nice. go ahead and add it to the gallery, if that's where you'd like it. bold text unneccessary reference is samurai champloo important enough to be included in this article? it doesn't seem to add much to the article. why's every article i look at have some reference to anime? why does every other article i read have reference to some american sitcom or other live-action medium? it's a part of popular culture, that's why. the sunflower samurai as well as sunflowers themselves are a huge central plot point that dominates almost every single episode. so post it in the samurai champloo article. anime is not central nor even moderately relevant to actual sunflowers. if it is at the end, labeled, and sufficiently known information, why not have it? why do sunflowers """"want"""" to follow the sun? what do they get out of it? is this known? guessed by relevant public work? i myself would even take a clue, here. (thats i really wanna get info on this) bye and thanks. heliotropic flowers are more prevalent among plants in alpine areas. the absorbed light makes the flowers warmer, which attracts more pollinating insects. may be the sunflower's heliotropism is a rudimentary feature from an alpine past? pizarro? it says that he cultivated them around 1000 b.c.... but this is impossible because pizarro didn't even go to the americas until the 16th century a.d. although the text did not say pizarro cultivated sunflowers, the sentence has been rephrased. """ ecf6701bdac3352e,"faggot go fuck mcgreevy's loose asshole you cock suckin' abomination." ecf6c6d0acd1f87e,"no one is vandalizing assholes, so get it straight!!!" ecffb12514279504,"dear yarnalgo you're a gay fag." ed07203f003a4a96,some jerkoff blocked me ed07f0da73b362b1,"i hate season 4. if there's one thing i hate more than that, it's paul tibbit himself! paul tibbit is a fucking-ass little piece of smelly donkey shit that raped spongebob rock-hard!!! i hope paul tibbit gets fucking cancer and burns in hell! paul tibbit is a weed-smoking bastard who completely fucked up spongebob!!!! spongebob is a pile of crap now. i don't think i've ever hated a person more than i hate paul tibbit. him and his piss-poor animation skills. yeh tibbit is such a homo!!!! i hope he fucking dies! what the motherfucking hell is up with people these days? nick's people obviously smoked lots and lots of crack in 2004! i love old spongebob. new spongebob. i don't blame sb. i blame fucking paul tibbit!!!! screw you paul!!!! thanks to that man-hag spongebob is completely f++ked up. now, all nick studios cares about is money! and i mean only money!!! they can do an episode where spongebob fucking laughs like a fucking pedophile for 20 minutes straight and not care at all!!! all these people give a tinker's damn about is money, ratings, and fucking fame and fortune. these guys are like celebrities in disgize! they try hard yet put so little effort into their shows just to make a quick damned buck! the new episodes drive me nuts! like paul tibbit even has any!!!> if i ever meet paul in real life i swear to neptune i will cut off his large, hairy ball sack tare out his skull and feast on his insides for thanksgiving!!!! nick's people these days are obviously on tons of marijuana! these drunk dunces have no idea in hell what cartoon quality is all about! it would've been way better if they just slaughtered this crappy series after the movie!!!! why watch this shit anymore when paul tibbit destroyed spongebob!!!!!! little do i understand the appeal of the new spongebob. i can't believe paul tibbit can actually get away with screwing around with a phenominal tv show like he's on freaking cocaine or something! p. tibbit should be on trial and should get the death penalty is he's considered guilty. sure there may be some people out there who like the new spongebob, but anyone that does may never understand the meaning of good quality. in conclusion, fuck you paul tibbit!!! fuck you! fuck you!! fuck you!!!" ed09aaa0d8527193,"omp you don't have a point you christian bigot. oh my penelope. otherwise you would have answered my questions. omp and i bet you didn't even look at the site. omp omp omp. we deserve as much respect as the next minority religion. i mean, come on, man. t-shirts. omp you are very stupid. and omp what's with the squiggles? they don't mean anything. they're just you being a control-freak, christian bigot." ed0e82c5931122f0,you suck periode and you should have your harte pulled out you suck you are very dum dummer than peter griffin ed29309a609fb4be,""" wow, threats are cool i love how you threaten to """"block"""" me because you're in bed with those morons in sonora who censor any truthful comment about their town and write pathetic newspaper articles about a encyclopedia. go ahead and block me or report me to whoever. or do it yourself it your an admin. anyone who threatens me will get called out on it and since i can't tell you off in person here i am on your talk page basically telling you to go fuck yourself. """ ed2e96d40594fc79,ashley tisdale is a hippoh ed3033340dc5b73e,""" 2015 hip hop 3 hahaha im the 10 year old? pussy bitch, you the same nigga with the name """"drizzy010"""" so you just love drake. shit you probably the same nigga that catches feelings listening to that bitch ass drake, ovhoe!!!!! just accept that there are people with higher rated albums than him. thanks.""" ed37876c01084b90,""" hey man! what is your problem? why are you such a frickin jerk! did you not get your answer to your question on the discussion page on """"lu sheng-yen""""? some neutral person changed the site so everyone agreed and you who dont know the situation well came and changed it! do you feel better about yourself now that everyone else feels bad that you changed it? were you not satisfied? why do you care that much? why cant you just let us have peace? stop being such a jerk!""" ed7e6d2528073422,"u asshole u dickhead..getthe staright..whatever comments i add are authentic.. ms dhoni is rajput..but u keep on deleting that, whereas on sehwag page u allow to be written that he is jat... badgujjars are rajputs..not one u ask will tell they are gujjars.. u are trying to remove rajput glorius history..i will not tolerate..u mongrose.. rajputs were the rulers of india and gujjars and jats are farmers and cattle herders... u urself are giving wrong information to the wrol.d wat sort of wikipedia is that.. u must have taken some bribe..u sukker head...." ed7f6161ad2c4a9c,"fuck you i don't need you to unblock me you fucking idiot, you have some tea217.20.127.243" ed8b296d7ecb21de,or go to sleep so you can get eaten by clowns (what kind of gay name is that? dumbest name i have ever seen) ed948a2fda2f6272,"and to the party who fucks me, fuck u! i'll be back here in five minutes and hopefully yandman's head wheel be cleaning my ass and his body will be far away from his head" ed994cbe4d8d0f8f,"oih!` why u delete my edit???? u idiot!~~ explain.." ed9e425b405d254d,dedicate time? go ahead delete the stupid thing. you guys on here don't do that great of a job on here anyway. i will call whoever i want a fat cow edabcf5e65f0ac9c,"i hate lilian allen, she's a b*tch who made fun of cheryl cole and she writes mean songs. she seems like a mean, nasty wh*re." edba1ee96675aa8a,"hey fuckwit!!! don;t do that! i wanna talk!" edd1880b3324258d,suck my dick irish guy you faggot edd28981dd206902,""" th th thanks for deleting my fucking thing that ive been trying to work on, get a fucking life get a job other than be being a dick and make sure that you dont delete others peoples shit otherwise your never gonna get a fucking woman and i can tell you dont have one due to the fact that one) look at you two) what kinda shit do you put on your facebook? bcozz the shit you put on here is pointless and three) your a fucking asshole by trying to ruin peoples hard work that theyre trying to actually succede in? nice guy uh huh.... so anyway good fucking bye and you deserve nothing and i hope you get less =:) """ edf27b8f110d2700,"you son of a bitch! you did it again, readers might wanna know this shit. how would you like it if i deleted things you submitted. no one else has a problem with this information, but you do." edf4fafc11382c1d,"beeblebrox, you f*cking prost!tute beeblebrox, you blocked me. you spilled water over all the countless hours i spent editing wikipedia, the tireless edits i made. my eyes and sleep became bad. you f*cking prost!tute." edf64312e1b9b467,"clayton fucks gogo dogo so fuck the user talk gogo dogo fuck gogo dogo" ee0121b5ced5f44e,"you are a complete idiot, you are trying to ruin the reputation of a man who served his country faithfully for over 20 years, it is apparent that that the authenticator is wrong, charles graduated with me you peanut headed ass, and class 117 did graduate in september of 82, it is apparent you believe everything you read, that article which was written on him was not only quoted as he said this or that, he did not, as a matter of fact do some fact checking, he sued the paper for misrepresentation, because he refused to speak with them on any subject, so they spoke with jon andretti who said a load of bullshit. the sad part is chuck does not no anything about any of your antics or even being on wikipedia and now you because of you he is on a phonies board. that is disgraceful and so are you. get your facts right, you fucking idiot. bob mcmeans" ee0c1d905ad291c8,"warning? why did you warn me? for what? im war with ultra-christians ultra-racist and other jerks, warn me for what?contributions/" ee0f6fcaa55010cf,"thank you for being such a politically correct, baby prick bastard! please provide me with your address so that i may show up and kick your lame ass. okay, asshole..." ee16bb130df97874,you're a fucking shit ee17553b821fd428,kiss my fucker shit nuts ee2357ac704c37f8,"you raped my edit, i think they should call you clueless bot." ee2a512cdb97b671,"please fuck off, your leftist pc nonsense is apparent." ee3181f8afbe2a88,this is of course a total waste of time since most well to do people have no idea where poland is on a map or if it even exists so fuck you and have a nice day....asshole ee32164a4d102aa7,""" fuck off you stupid fucking retard cunt. {| style=""""border: 1px solid gray; background-color: #fdffe7;"""" |rowspan=""""2"""" valign=""""middle"""" | |rowspan=""""2"""" | |style=""""font-size: x-large; padding: 0; vertical-align: middle; height: 1.1em;"""" | the stupid fucking retard barnstar for people who collect sad awards like this |- |style=""""vertical-align: middle; border-top: 1px solid gray;"""" | you are a fucking retard""" ee54fdceb9432846,"i've been blocked yet again, yai, for me, so tell me what wikipedadia lozer blocked me this time? do you know what i'm complaining about? of course you do not. you're just an asshole, )" ee5fb796ec961b5d,""" how about you suck my balls? your userpage says you're against censorship on wikipedia and you just censored my original title. what a fucking hypocrite. i don't give a flying fuck that you added the picture, you didn't spot the error that it was a symbol of buddism and passed it off as a symbol of nazi. you fucking moron, what the fuck does """"many people do know that the swastika is left-facing, so it's not a coincidence."""" - jw21 even mean? fucking moron, the point here is that a right facing swastika represents nazi ideals, a left facing swastika represent buddism ideals. you didn't spot that. the school didn't spot that. i spotted it. what's the problem in palmer? that people like spreading the idea of buddism? so should we ban crosses in school? oh, you mean the people who drew it thought they were drawing a symoble of nazi ideals but instead drew something representing budist ideals? well wouldn't that qualify them for fucking retards as i originally wrote? fucking highschool piece of shit moron. it's pov warriors, hypocrite and morons like you which makes wikipedia suck balls.""" ee69413a6663d944,"oh noes, you found out my provider is telenet. well, fuck you. is this supposed to intimidate me?" ee7739cf727d000b,"holmes apparently your an idiot. the book you imbecile is tanakh. you have to buy the information you little utopian putz. it is verifiable if you lift your chubby little finger and go click and purchase. you just have to pay for it fool! it's not free! and moreover its more elaborate indepth and actually in hebrew. the source you reference here is it not? well that internation idiots version of garbage, ain't hebrew. go flex your muscles elsewhere my point is made. and will resound for a while now, from here out." ee81c94378657d7e,"do you seriously think that i give a shit what you or anyone else thinks here in this shit-hole? i'm done with wikipedia, let the kiddies do what they will with it. fatuorum" ee8b202edeef026c,"rosa, your grandiosity is simply colossal. do you have a narcissistic personality disorder?" ee8dc2a68aa7fc38,this man is a noob send him away ee93941a7b7f585d,"seriously. what the fuck are you doing? are you retarded? where's the vandalism? stop reverting my constructive edits and leave me alone. ~~~~" eea5b995d716533f,"i'm gonna ddelete wikipedia becaus eo fyou buttface i'm gona hire thjoker to delte this hole site you butttface no one even likesits anymoreanyways buttaafce" eea7c5bf31be9f8a,"you are an awful stinky person, do not delete my stuff" eeaa18dea433bba0,"message re your last change, go fuck your self wikipedia message re your last change, go fuck your self wikipedia" eeb18d6ef2af13bd,"what the f son? here i am trying to educate the internet at large and you come along acting like there's sand trapped in your vagina?? you've got some nerve buddy love and hugs xx" eeb8808f65951071,hey dead set fuck head eebee168d84e0196,jeffrey mall is a nig ger eec8f6619dfa8050,""" idiot i deleted the comment """"last years runners up chelsea f.c will be determined to win the trophy and get revenge on manchester united f.c"""" which was left by a idiot. """ eeca3bbac63f5722,you will die for waht you did 1 day. fuck you. eef4a004cdb68696,"i am gonna cut off zhanzhao's fucking indian-chinese bastard balls (check out the contents for personal information released!) zhanzhao is gay!!! wahahah" ef2ce452826d4a35,"eat a dick, lucasbfr yo . i'm [[user:cool 97|cool 97] i know that you tryin' to block my page. and i don't fuckin' like that. your shit is garbage! yeah you heard me! i do have rights to upload pictures!!! motherfuckers like you don't belong to wiipedia. by the way... eat a dick, lucasbfr" ef380323a975611c,"yardie fuckidiot what you no about yardie? huh i live this life in crew po lice come around dey prang the gun and yardie go down. i see it i cover kids eyes you tell me you know more about yardie than me? you neder even bein nottingahm huh? you know rio ferdinand you read papers?? you get rid if tings that is fact true fact because you pig ignorant white boy from not even nottingham or london or brighton where yardie life is way of life you mess with my yardie then i tract you down i point my gun and prang you fall gfuck good day to you" ef3d6288608e3387,"you are the biggest idiot i have ever seen. it's not uncredible, your lame brain refuses to believe truth. unless you can give me a credible source proving he is a christian, he's not a christian." ef571b781fcb4e28,"re ,blocked thanks for screwing up a newer account of mine you f***king cyber bullying bastard , you can go to hell, you sick son of a bitch or go fuck yourself for how you treated me you moron. bye you fuckign stalker. kennedy,007 or whitmore 8621" ef676efcd33f450c,". i'm afraid to say that if anyone agreed with your interpretation on what denotes a comment or remark by one to be an insult, well i'd have to say that you're all stark raving, bloody mad!" ef68004aad301d7f,"which one new orleans, as you know is a crackhead infested s hit hole full of losers a" ef69c4edfb85559c,"guess what == your retarded ==" ef6cf6ade470ce49,"you suck it!!! as you're used to suck phallus, nazi hinduist like hitler!!!" ef8250fb3d0de3ed,""" what's the problem - what are you, stupid??? it's not politically correct to note that in wikipedia - don't you know that???!!!! haven't you been around wikipedia long enough to know that it has lost its edge and now just gives """"dumbed-down"""" articles on people and events??? you can't find anything of note on here any more - wikipedia is now the domain of busybodies. nothing controversial can be noted here. and certainly nothing negative can be put in any article. now go buzz off!!!""" ef99697d46bb3a5d,user talk: is an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! efc838cfb18e53df,onorem is a nazi faggot efd00c64477fe685,you stupid dumb fu*k my great great great great grandfather was mani singh the greatest of sikh matrys. its scum like you that needs to be executed. you deserve excution - you stupid dumb fu*k everyone in my family over 500 members are baptized khalsa sikhs. we have been khalsa sikhs for over 400 years you dumb fu*ker. because you have insulted me and broken the teachings of the guru granth sahib you deserve death -you dumb fu*ker. efe99fac35b01d07,diana is a fucking bitch nigger piece of shit eff21bf3fdd2cefb,"you are still a stupid cunt of a whore! you are still a stupid cunt of a whore!" f00e7b6ba73dccf7,"well done, u pussbag! have a cookie! i bet you people won't add his next reign if he wins at night of champions, will ya? might as well destroy the whole bloody article" f0169d7edc713a82,"fuckface bastarrd. rot in hell motehrfucker." f02a491fee16fbae,bitch. cunt. bastard. moist. f036e1e0139fc31e,"that's fucken offensive, you scumbag, wishing someone my age another year of voyeurism in a violent world!. . . ." f03992691a6d6d86,go fuck yourself widefux you aren't an editor. your just some cheap wiki hack. f05c0f10fc8254c4,"what a rude and nasty human being you are, making people's lives a misery on wikipedia. go and die you piece of shit." f065e48d0bc9a26f,"hey jerk go write about gardening or britney spears or toby keith and fucking stop ruining articles on topics you have no damn clue about." f097b09ae5691ebf,"terrorist? that is something that should be applied to you blockers of free speech in talk. and where's my open vote? the real terrorist and tyrants raise their filthy heads. so, i think it is well time for this very drastic action of free speech: fuck you pigs!" f0aa5d856e7c339e,"you're being a jerk. block who you want. i'll just change my ip. who the hell to do you think you are, anyway? i read the warnings and considered them. keeping them up there is some kind of anal retentive power play on your part. you're exactly why wiki mods are considered assholes." f0bf335ca4522653,"the people of the philippines are unbelievably stupid, this is a shit hole." f0bf4110f6a954c1,"fucktard you are a big fucktard." f0d45f5597066a49,hey you dumb bitch if i cant spell saturn girl well then why does the link lead to her page so fuck you and i can improve it and i will allow others ot improve it so get a fuckign life instead of thinkign your doing somethign good when youve never done anythign good ok your spellign sucks just as bad as the next o you wouldnt waste so much time on micrsoft trying to fix your so its your fuckign fault instead of being a man and asign you say my spellign is as bad your your piece of shit gradnman so fuck you and ill fix it up forever f0e11973b7df2d49,"hello. your talk page has been vandalized because you suck dick." f0ee435283b1c8e7,"keep your head up man don't let this uppity bitch get you down man, you are one of the better contributors to this shit." f100c11c5a95278a,"kiss u i missed u, u now they say i'm's like discussing magnetism...:)) bitch..u fight with everyone...u love the vandal...u can't live without him....i'm feed me...maybe i'll make u happy later on..:) what...i don't get anything...say something...i love the way u smile...i love the way u drive....i love the way you be the one to me....i love ..i'm singing if u didnt get it... bitch. what.. r we going to play revert and more revert ....ur so gay....:)" f10c60d49df2dc78,"bullshit what the fuck are you annoying my edits on wikipedia? such a bullshit you're bitch! wikipedia is free to everyone for edit asshole!! (anonymous) 06:30 28 february 2015 (utc)" f12ddad3efc50f25,"complain & and more complains thats what u're good for ! fuckin idiot ! if i happen to know who u are i'll wallop the shit out of u damn bastard !" f1330b9a16b9a5bb,"lcv glad that storm stopped, you no good son of a bitch? how could you possibly abett something like that?" f13f83e0456f600a,you are a fucking loser. get off of wikipedia and stop being a douche bag. have some fun asshole f14fef05ab321b03,"hey go fuck yourself. why don't you go edit my talk page to show how offended you are." f15fe88888e57091,"oi wankstain == fuck off you ignorant cunt, yeah? revert this you arsewipe, revert me lolololol cocksucker of course i'm going to attack you on here, and comment on you rather than content, you pedantic bastard ban me yay! lolololol i hate you lolololol what happened to last warning? not such a pedant after all ==" f1664d9af6eeeb8b,"imdb is the one who can write in not like you bitches who not can trust to, fuck you soon no one would write on your fucking wikipedia even if you lick our ass !!!!!!!!" f1745437c3ed203e,"i still operate in that bizarre subset of the world where actions speak stronger than words. deleting content is the work of a true asshole. calling someone an asshole in a talk page is just an observation. further, 99% of wikipedia lacks citation and is not encyclopedic. saying that it is not relevant to the article is grand, but you yourself admitted that there would be an article where it would be appropriate. therefore, move it to that article, or accept the status quo. you don't go around deleting stuff just because you're too lazy to do what you have already admitted the right thing is unless you are, you guessed it, an asshole." f19b2a43b87ef2da,""" what the fuck do you think we watch the anime for?gold dragon """ f1c38948ab703184,calm yo dirty ass down f1c5aace99c51a74,"next time this happens i won't just report it, i'll eat your children. rarghhhh! you can't fuck wit me bitch! i am the fuckin' heavyweight champion of the world! i'll eat your face!" f1c7d190e21819cc,""" listen motherfucker you wrote on my shit, if u dont want to be """"attacked"""" keep off my page, god damn why dont u cry""" f1d7893688a3e334,i anal rape little iraqie children while i type crap in on wikipedia. f1d7937585dee70f,"you seem to be a pretty poor administrator hiya, thanks for the 'last warning'. upon looking over you're talk page you seem to be a pretty poor administrator. by the time you've read this, i will have fixed tresckow's user page again. i do believe a blocking is in order. cheerio; you're a complete and utter dick." f1e14d7d9516b6ec,"frozen is gay frozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gayfrozen is gay" f1e15b3d06abc196,"my motto fuck bitches. get money." f1e3d1774d4afa7a,"i took my article down five years ago becuase people kept removing links and fucking with it. then someone else put on up and i said ok. then i saw all the links had been removed and i fixed them. now i have you neurotic shits fucking with it. leve it alone or take it the fuck down. this isn't about cruise ships, it's about women. i am constanlty under attack and i dont' need you abetting that. fuck off." f2021581f1a60833,what's up asshole bitch f20aeee680bbd31f,"fdsafdsafda what the fukk is this sh1t who has the ballz to fukkkk with my wikipedia? step up u fuk1ng absoloute hoplesl l1tle white b1tch step up mother fkkka!!!!" f22619f873ce7596,"adolf... one of these days gonna come pay you a visit. would love for you to stick your nose in affairs that don't concern you when we meet. it's real easy to be a little wannabe nazi while hiding in front of your little screen." f22844f237ccbe1c,""" threshold of truth let's just print a bunch of lies, and stomp on anyone who dares to offer an alternate opinion. my word is good enough for abc world news tonight, but not you lot. let's """"verify"""" our information based on statements made by morons, totally ignorant on the subject matter. my work is called, """"shit"""" and """"fake"""", but yet, you do nothing to your buddy. you shameful, power-hungry little people with no lives.""" f23c50951c419077,whoever did thats just stupid.. stupid mutha fucka that has no life.. fortunately i do bitch! suck a nut.. i bet ur fred durst from limp bizkit hating on a better band f2604109c69b3d50,"the above user, who has failed to sign, is ignorant. the term 'nascent hydrogen' has a respectable scientific history and is not 'only used by quacks'. in addition his labeling my reverts 'vandalism' in edit summaries is uncivil at least. he should be ignored." f263102fc30e61cb,""" the armenian bullsh*t if i was going to use inappropriate wording, i was to call it """"the armenian bullsh*t"""".""" f264ba58225b38e8,gtfo faggot. f266183f81aaaaee,"your dogooding liberalism makes me puke. dickhead." f275c80e6d02104d,which page was i vandalising now you rectum faced pygmy? f29980fe21b40f26,you are such a stupid cunt legolas. f29f9b5d6e5f0acb,you lil piece of shit i haven’t vandalised nothing i will fuck u up whore f2a1427ebb8f28ac,"shut up, jerk asshole." f2abf28e6b49de88,"fuck you johnlatex who are you??!!" f2ae1fefdf81e02d,"fuck u proabivouac dude ur one fucker who gets it in the ass everyday after u wake up not to mention regularly swallowing ur seen before sleeping u fucking wussie.stop crying like a fuckin gay ass" f2bd4fd6b37772ad,"no i do not plan to ask you for advice, as you assume situations before you know both sides, you know what assume does? makes a ass out of you and me. i was found innocent, by several admins and you insist on calling me a racist, you’re a prick and i don’t plan to talk to you at all. anyone who jumps to conclusions is not welcome to speak to myself. your extremely biased, and i wont be watching your reply nor reading it. your a fucking idiot, all my words were spelled right." f2cc5abc377d0838,now that you let screwattack how about you fucking pedant wikipedia assholes let the nerd have a page for fucks sakes f2d441165dc522f6,"yeh this thejps is totally crooked... she/he has marked all contributions for deletion. a real sore loser. the chick/guy tried to have a battle of wits armed with a peanut, then got all upset and tried to delete all my contributions. the site is run by guys like this? i know that a few complaints have been made about her/him. real bitter person. what does jps stand for thejps?" f2e8984f97c515ec,""" i think you are a terrible liar and you knew exactly what you were doing when you linked all of the people over to the page and tagged it. why did you not just leave us alone? we did not bother you, so why come after us just because you are a """"deletionist"""" or a """"newpage watcher""""? if a idiot like you can become a deletionist, hell, i can too! this is all i wanted to say. thank you, mikey""" f30b82f90d960632,""" """"geraldo"""" aka wikipedia douchbag - you need to credit kuma where he is pictured or take the photo of him down. stop being such a dickhead. you are making it so much worst. he is the one seen in the cast photo whether you like it or not. deal with it asshole!""" f3267bc3dd0292bf,"wtf fuck you what the hell do you think your doing because your an admin on a power hungry strike doesnt mean you should tell people what to do you dumb fucking jap bitch" f32b4deb6efc85f1,piss off fag! if you can't take the heat don't hang out in the kitchen! f38cf84ced00e41d,"fuck you jasper you know he's a cunt and if you don't then you're one. what right do you, motherfucker, have to edit my talk page?" f3a5c10b3f71f378,"how dare you criticise the hard-working and under-rated mods at urban? those bastards deserved banning, and i'd ban more, in case they posted critical comments too. i never fucking posted this!" f3a5c37934eedf8e,p.s. i pissed on your mothers grave you jews f3b8e27a83f9b7ea,maybe you dont understand the heirachy you fucking cunt arse muther fucker. f3ee674361530774,matt bakers dad sucked my big fat cock last night f3fcd446a7a085b2,"no, assfuckers (has a nice ring to it d) use it as a pejorative term. it offends macedonians because most of them aren't from skopje. and even if they are that is not their national identity. americans don't call georgians tbilisians. пичка ти грчина. alex" f400301f4df02453,yeah thats a really good way to get a life! fucking fag! f41e7f4fae8236ee,""" you are full of shit sir. you are clearly one of those racist who lurk all over the internet looking oit shut down viewpoints that differ from yours and expose truths covered in fantasy. there is no reason that you should have blocked me or even said anything. what you should have done is to reply to what was written with intelligence. since you did not, it is clear that you lack it. you are the prime reason why the internet community is finally realizng that this site is a joke and is covered by clowns with agendas. that is, people who want to put forth propaganda. as for the """"use your brain"""" comment. if i had not been blocked, it would not have been written now would it have been? i know, you will try to block me 100%. all that will do is make me get other ip's and get into disruptive behavior. the best thing for you to do is to just unblock me and mind you business. i have gotten other renegade editors kicked off of this site you know. i am not new and my ip is not that one from years past... """ f439c7a732ee0f89,natalie erin is a bitch ass dyke f43c3e88bca2f32c,"eat a dick is an apt insult not an attack a ddos would be an attack, knifing the bitch would be an attack telling her to eat a dick is what she deserves if she is gonna go around harrasing people..." f43cc3000172b68c,piss off you evil dwarf f441e273f18538f4,"derhexer fuck you cunt. you fucking cunt." f447b0881378ede4,""" drmies your page looks like shit. i can't even write there because it's like looking for a place to step in a cesspool. there is a consensus of 2 to 1 on discontinuing the use of """"puppet state"""".""" f462acef848bc43c,""" fyi: you suck i crazturtle am here to tell you that i did not include copyrighted information in my article: """"all the biggest loser contestants"""" i am telling you i did not go to that website at all. all of the information in my article is original. so i don't think it's fair that my article was deleted on such short notice.""" f474cfa6f05a85a6,this guy is a bitch and needs to suck a dick! f4753fa117f25ffe,then you need to get laid in the ass badly so you're not such a cunt like this tommorrow f4849def355d644e,"i have a valid reason, stop being a bitch." f497d9f483962d77,""" on shooting yourself in the foot i see on your user page you whine about confronting supposed """"homophobia and transphobia"""". consider the possibility that what you're actually confronting is the consequences of your own jerkish behavior. it's nice that you decided to initiate a discussion thread about an important, substantive matter, but when you needlessly title it with an accusation about another user, you bring discredit only to yourself. if you had cared to look at the article's talk archives as i'd suggested, you would have found that i am one of the editors who has made sureagainst some dedicated oppositionthat the article has contained more than a single, brief sentence on same-sex marriage. in other words, you might have figured out that that i was your potential ally in the current debate. but, you decided to pursue things in a fashion which i gather is customary for you. very well then. piss off, jerk. whine about that. """ f4a295b997b30f07,"bitch, fall into a damn river and drown! (" f4a9a69f34c81b91,your grammar is retarded two f4caa67ad7d9930f,"hi jim1138 before you move your mouse over the delete button, have a think about this you arrogant neckbeard freak. take in what others have said about you. they are not happy with your deletions of their righteous work. how about i go through your edits and revert them back to their previous forms, stating that you need viable evidence to back them up? or, how about this one; keep your decisions uniform. it is that hard?" f4d792dbfedb1a0c,"you dumbasz liberals == think it's encyclopedic-worthy to defend warren with findings of warren-selected focus group of twelve f-cking people??? i can barely type this i'm laughing my asz off so much at how blinded you are to your own biases and what a laughingstock you've made of wiki. a good idea whose time has been destroyed by you aarp-aged anal retentives that think you found your bunker hill here at wikipedia! lol!! ==" f507d27df6110cad,"wow that was lame, i never made any personal attacks. it's really stupid of you to make insinuating comments about false comments. i don't know where power-hungry egotists like you get off." f507ecbd13fb9926,that's right - listen up asshole !!! f509a56f35598cf2,"\ no not london retard wther anywhere city or carcer city stop being a dee dee dee prep boy and stop calling me a dish washer or ill jump your rich britsh ass online lol" f52594be865e22d7,shit face fuck leave me df alone f52a9e164264e2da,"fuck you you red scumbag fuck you you red scumbag-wikipedia sucks" f5314764dc804e24,savant13 is a fat shite f532f1d8446b7085,and don't edit other ppl's comments dick; suck it up please f541202dc2b0cebd,"suck my di_ck cu_nt block me you stupid cu_nt, you think i give a fuck? i've got plenty more ip addresses where that one came from you cu_nting dou_che bag. get the fu_ck out of my face with your meaningless threats. no one gives a fu_ck what you 'block', because you're not really blocking anything but one of my many ip addresses." f5760eed3633e6ac,"ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$! ea are a bunch of 'homosexuals' who like to make good games, then ruin them by making it a money game. f2p my @$$!" f58736ae7b4ed680,"ur gay u like dick u fucking faggot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" f59198179d4305a5,"do you need a verifiable source for that statement? check your own user page you fat, miserable balding fuck." f5981a5cf84d83e1,"but nigga you gay nigga it's my userpage thing. fuck whites . nigga ass ǔ" f59ac657d9103f69,""" why do you edit dawnseeker2000 talk pages are you a sock puppet of his? you 2 seem to """"work"""" together on so much """ f5a0d65a0b36e1e0,hey telly fuck you too. can't you morons understand? wikipedia is a joke and so are you. get it? f5a7e7dc704211b9,"fuck me, because i'm gay" f5b60bc85aa6c91d,"you greatly enjoy it when when a large, long stick of feces enters your mouth nawlinwiki, that is disgusting." f5d07c1a4e830b33,"you need a pussy, your geek!" f5e5bd8b1b44f6b9,"what a freak! holy crap yo, have you seen some of his photos? man, this guy needs to get a life! anybody agree? haahhahaahaha!" f5ecbdfbe911cba8,"fucking getting none, i hope you choke, there's a bed made in milltown just for you" f5f86ba30be4e23c,"hey motherfucker... my acounts are called nich whith an h not a k! nich45 is obviously not banned because i am writing this message to you. you never answered my question, why is it bad to have sock puppet accounts? i think that you need to fuck off! seriously, why are you such an asshole to all of my accounts? you should go and get a life, because you seem to be able to respond to my messages within minutes. how about you go get a life, and then fuck yourself! so yeah, you go and report this as something bad and get my account blocked like the fag you are, and i'll come back with my next sockpuppet account! sighned-" f5ff7cd706622420,i gave the source. clearly you did not read it. go back to school and learn to read since your dead mother never taught you anything and your wife who is a whore doesnt love you. you must be a mexican. better go back to mexico. f602e6321f840554,i fucked your dad last night you fucking whore assed cunt. f6095fb622aa0e44,"you retarded microsoft nut, dont argue with your superiors" f6123cf9383dc725,you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! f631b93c06dc0d5c,human beings are basically fu*king idiots!!! f63c784123873cc7,"don't like people calling you out on your bullshit? cut off their tongues." f64b7d5518c05c76,"bitch fuck you b***h" f65aa9eaaed34b1e,christian regenhard now jhas an article. shame on you jerskine and citizen dick for being cold emotionless monsters! you should do research and see that the christian made the ultimate sacrifice along with 343 other firefighters in trying to save lives. his death launched a national organization and movement and made his mother sally the accidential activist. her work will prevent other mothers from suffering the pain that she will have to live with for the rest of her life. i should send a copy of this to the local co-op city times and the fifrefighters society to show how ignorant and soul-less both of you morons are. f65f56532a552b57,they're not. they're idiots and they won't understand anyway. and they're too intellectually feeble to care. where are the articles for the true technical crowd? or is it your ambition to dumb the whole planet down? f66341f93fa0665f,"grow some pubic hair while you're at it! take your cock out of your mouth so you can say something that makes sense!" f666ab07bd12cb8d,"oh she also told me she likes it from behind and up the ass with pink fuzzy handcuffs so she can't touch her own clit. then she lovesssss it when i pull it out and whipe a nice brown sanchez all over her face and make big brown circles around her eyes, which are also shit color." f66e653a534aa331,"fuck you!!! go and buy some andrex and wipe your rats ass/face (delete as appropriate). fuck you!!!" f6820b459d64b62e,"damn!! 2 weeks? how will i outsmart clever cunts like you? hmmm... crooked bastards. people will hopefully see the history and go see what a rubbish biased editor ryulong is. obsessed with incest... see you guys on the next ip you cunts..." f68c9cec153a38e0,"up yours don't deleat my articles bitch." f6a7a2da3807ee91,"<-what a faggot, i'm glad he's dead!!!" f6b6fa0d400033ac,who the boofhead are you fuckwit telling me what to do. what a bitch - bainyrues f6c6647bfe261628,"cunt editing you should be added to the list i was creating, erg you are a cunt." f6d19826762b62ae,"oh, and before i get back to not caring about the block, i have to add, to really show off the idiocy of this admin, that before incorrectly accusing me of vandalism, he wasn't even intelligent enough to read through the conversation which led to my (abusive, not vandalistic, you liar) comment and didn't warn, never mind block a user who has lied about my actions, verbally abused my edits, attacked my faith in a cruel and unecessary manner and actually vandalised a page to push across his own pov. now, i'm no expert on idiocy, but is timvickers isn't an idiot then i don't know what is. please, i beg of you, block me for the right thing, and apply the rules equally you pathetic excuse for an admin. i've gone from not caring, to being embarassed that i haven't actually been fairly blocked for actions i wanted to be blocked for (as can be seen in the comments that lead to it). imbecile. -" f6f391ea39bc8ed6,""" human mind """"firstly it relies on the assumption that the human mind is the central nervous system and is governed by physical laws."""" come on. surely this doesn't need to be said. anyone with a reasonable grip on reality surely dismisses mind/body dualism. only the most fervant bible thumper would feel the need to add this. of course, with the worryingly massive distribution of religious fools in the world, it wouldn't suprise me if a weak and stupid member of this fraternity of self delusion managed to infiltrate our temple to knowledge. idiots like that don't deserve to be literate, as any sense they read will be dismissed, and anything they write will be a pollution. """ f6f8086297273d04,"revelation of a question. was your mother a nigger? that would explain alot. ssing" f6fde723ecc72617,""" just look at what this fucktard """"""""future perfect at sunrise"""""""" gave me as a reason he said i was banned persistent disruptive editing: move-warring, copy-and-paste moves, personal attacks, tendentious editing """"personal attacks"""" and who the fuck done a personal attack? i've never made a personal attack on here. and i have been in here for nearly 5 years and i only bash on u cause u son of bitch blocked me for no reason. """" tendentious editing"""" is totally a false accusation. now fuck off """"future perfect at sunrise"""" and ur henchman. """ f727e331332bd959,"yo dear sir james paul you a fruity ass nigga get a life man, unless your happy with editing wikipedia as your profession feel bad for you, its probably hard livin' life without any friends" f75a4b03f6f43f45,"this guy is a fucking loser hey nerd, get a fucking life and stop editing shit out and warning me, who gave you the right? just because you have hours to waste online means you can boss me around? this website is useless as a resource because it can be edited, why be so damn anal." f7649fa7fff77c2a,"_ yeesh, who crammed that bug up ur butt, and you know what i gotta say, fuck you" f76a136e767018a6,im not doing this goddamn! f797320cd347f535,you think you can stop me? i have proxies bitch!!!!!1 f7d92ac103130d5b,"you are gay you are fuckin" f7ecee3dd8cf12fd,"spam you've been spammed, idiot." f7f18a4655bc8e14,u guys are all a bunch of jerks fuck u i hate you f7f2fc1cf93a1e78,how do u like this u fucking dickass william f7fa5d1a1472f3c4,""" fine. i was wrong. but calling others """"tedious drones"""" or """"douches"""" will get your ass kicked off the project.— (竜龙) """ f7fc7a81568b1810,that whoever deletes shit from wikipedia had a small dick and is a loser which mother is a whore?! f81c995e9e04b26d,you are a sad f*cking fagg*t get a life u d*mb d*irty little a*fgan or who ever u are eat s*it n*gga hon*ey ba*tard f81ef843dd824543,"fuck the criminal party of china also known as cpc and fuck you, stupid foreigners suck dick. what has china developed in modern times? squat. so shove it asshole, you know america could kick your cpc's ass anyday, in addition to n korea, russia and vietnam. throw in iran too. if we wanted, we could take all of you on, piece of dog shit. oh wait, i forgot, you eat dog" f81f9571da7d5b78,"you only want what you feel is important to be added? you must be g.w.'s friend. this editor does not feel that all the facts should be present in articles. does that sound like a smart editor? (cur) (last) 18:10, 1 august 2006 2nd piston honda (talk | contribs) (so all facts belong in the article?) (cur) (last) 18:07, 1 august 2006 playnine9 (talk | contribs) m (it is a fact, that's why it belongs. explain to me why it doesn't belong.) yes, all of the facts belong, you moron! oh, and hondas are slow." f8498e7ae735e8e9,"capitalization you are misspelling the word. idiot. you fucking wikipedia morons! you've decided to set aside the basic rules for capitalization that are taught in the 3rd grade, and create your own. no wonder well educated people refuse to take wikipedia seriously." f8644a6a3eba57c1,you're off your fucking head derbycountyinnz f87804df850d34cc,"user:rayrayzone - quit talkin shit about my brother, my label & my crew you punk ass muthfucker eat a dick" f87d51b3e8bfafe3,you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit where it's due! you fucking kike! don't edit things you have no idea about! give credit f8839b1db5fb1714,"lol-fagstar are you and queeftet still buttfucking each other? lmfao" f8a9ef1cf22e98fd,yo dumb ass this is my page! leave it the fuck alone! f8b524d5cac1b574,"! shut your mouth! dont tell me to be civil because i am done here. i will not log back into this site again or contribute to it again. everybody here wants to act like a jackass thats fine, because i dont have to tolerate it." f8bd2f46a35b036c,"dude, get a fucking life you queer.. get a real paying job instead of e-wiki policing around, you 50 year old piece of shite... and your mom said to make your bed." f8bd327682f79c79,"fuck you you fucking faggot!" f8c267d02d00f5d4,"ps. saxifrage after you are done gobbling on the cocks you already have in your mouth, please go eat another dick!" f8d5ad18543ee932,"block and be damned, you cowards." f8ef20d324776c80,"wikipedia doesn't like it when stupidity of moderators is pointed out! hahahaha. keep on deleting, i will be back to call this mod an idiot again." f90bcb6719b7e301,"fucking cock smoker, smoke a big bag of cocks, ya fucking cock smoker." f9169547d7c37f68,"get out! i have no doubt that you have the blood of an irish muslim. you have that dirty patato grabbing manner which is common to these animals. if you are a roman catholic or a muslim please get out my country. thanks, user:craig451 08:45 12 august 2006 (utc)" f91d152f4f035e35,"why do you poop hello gasbag i would like to fuck you up the ass" f925c5815f074657,i dont know how this thing works. but i'll tell you this. vertigo acid. call me family fluff. stop threatening me you tight dry little pussy. i own this fing city. and i'll own your fing punk ass if you dont stay out of my business. capiche? f92752213daf54a0,"you are a racist pig, loser. don't vandalize again. 14:54, 28 jan 2005 (utc)" f92be0669ecb3566,"is the sock puppet of ,fuck off" f92ee22605469bb7,", and it's mean as shit" f94548c5d139d967,"ediot if i find you on street i will kick ur ass" f961fac19d8bf91b,"stop talking to me shut the fuck up you stupid cunt" f989e4e052a1d859,"you fucking cunt you don't even have the balls to sign your posts." f9a61a712e1dca9c,""" taking into account your a sock to you claimed your not """"anti"""" pakistani and then you go around creating rubbish articles for retaliatory purposes such as azad kashmir so called rights abuses you brough this onto yourself i do not care about this 6 month crap no more i waited over a year in 2010 and i am not going to let your foul ill intentions ruin wikipedia lol taking into account your hissy fits your more of a bitch than i though you are """ f9aa6c31483ca5ed,"hey dick you don't know what is copyright so shutup and get out of here, don't write stupid bullshit on my talk page. dhivehi language is dhivehi language not your bullshit nonsese." f9b25ccdab72e094,""" and western reports are? you're a biased fuck. so, the us, uk, or france can claim whatever casualties they want... thats fine, but when libya claims to have caused casuatlies you immediately lable it """"unreliable"""" and remove it? your bias is showing asswipe... cover it up before you stain wikipedia's name even more.- agsman61""" f9c5a5154f5cff90,i hate it beacuase this hting aka wikipedia won't let me make a page. stupid wikipedia f9e58fdb6b6f2f55,"you're fucking gay. get a job and quit arguing with people on the internet. it doesn't make you cool, you aren't adding shit, you're just making it worse. get a fucking life." fa13df3ff6c6fdc2,leave me alone! fuck you! fa1820a62fb51596,"you are a homosexual!!! how long have you been a homosexual for? did you come of the closet early in your pathetic life or are you still in denial?" fa458285c6cc3781,su.cked my c.ock last night fa468bc3b5d5ce1e,because he is a punk hu loves wow he is a big nerdy person fa4f7b233da4aac3,why did you get this ip address banned from editing wikipedia you douchen faggot go fuck your self you sutpid whore fa5bdfb18f5f19f8,"wikipedia = biased, and run by god-hating perverts why was the list of phelps' websites taken off? all the sickening and depraved porn articles have links, etc. someone re-add phelps websites under children/parents. thanks. this site is run by reprobate whoremongers, and the founder is an objectivist satan-worshipper. to hell with you all." fa6fb7134083f675,"i am pretty much done fucking around with these two-faced administrators who don't listen to shit so just delete me, i am done with bullshit. adios" fa7cf6274decfacf,"contador g o f u c k y o u r s e l f love dc" fa7fdc45a69f74db,"actually i sourced the material, and then you banned my account. you, are a piece of shit government employee, and i will be altering my ip address from here on, every time you ban me for providing the truth. to you, i say, fuck you." fa8474ed7763dfaf,"ah go fuck yourself." fa9bb6229a2e47ce,""" your attitude totally stinks, mackcan. and don't think that, just because you're some sort of bleeding heart liberal, that your thuggish behaviour will seem any less degenerate. left wing thugs can wield pick axe handles and go round beating up xenophobic party members in sweden, just as much as fascist thugs can commit brutish acts of violence. the way you accused me of vandalising this article was, not only childish, but ridiculously unfounded. - captainsurrey""" faabe3217cb1601b,"unblock me now, i did nothing wrong. unblock me now, right now you fucking bastard." fab2b9fd4126b12e,just crushes my world. hahahaha losers fab7d44e509d206a,""" fuck wikipedia fuck this website man, i try and try to give good information to this shitty website, and all i get is shit saying """"follow wikipedia guildlines bla bla bla bla"""" fuck wikipedia guidelines, i desevere some respect for what i do, and this is a warning, if i do not get an apologe in the next 48 hours, then i'll get this fucking website shut down for good. sencerily, my ass""" facd3642fb412268,"hey you're a fucking cunt. go kill yourself." fae328ac956e83fc,"excuse me...and encyclopedia is defined as a book or set of books containing articles on various topics, usually in alphabetical arrangement, covering all branches of knowledge or, less commonly, all aspects of one subject. do i need to cite my source. would you like it in mla or have no right...regardless of administrative privelages, to remove something that has anything to do with urbonics. you will allow people to post smutt-filled garbage lyrics of bands made famous for eating their bandmates skull...mayhem would be that band's available in your search cache btw... if i create a write a biography of myself would you delete that too...freedom of speech...and as well as creativity. it's humourous. a sense that you were unable to attain as a young child assimilating into this big bad schema, know as the fucking world. do you get a head rush from deleting everything that pops up about you take your pages down about fucking. douchebag" fafb3651996b00fd,""" here's a falafel for you you fat piece of shit. hurricanefan25! y u no let me vandalize!? please stop or i will be force to mushroom stamp you with a fucking goat horn! the game. """ fb04385f143f23ff,"the problem was not your use of mixed spelling (which is trivial and easily fixed), it was your being a dick. you appear not to understand the problem. hence, i guess, the sanction, in which decision i took no part whatsoever. guy ()" fb05b90203c050f1,""" that's wrong!!! i also spoke with ign and david hayter is the voice. """"docbengal"""" didn't understand that andrew anthony did the voice for the tv commercials- that's it. it also says that right on that article from ign. the line for the commercials is, """"if it's in the game, it's in the game"""". daivd hayter does the voice for the game; it's even in the credits at the end of the game. someone esle should add it in; it's pretty funny how people are idiots and their think their all rough with their information. take that. i'm done.""" fb23d5dbac61025c,mr hariboneagle927 you are son of a bitch idiot. fb305d31413f368a,"""dbachmann, you are a motherfuckin' sonofabitch. your ancestor hitler had much more respect for indians. he balked about aryans.... we are aryans. and your fuckin' racism won't work here. you bastard !!!!! indians are real great people. it's only europeans who corrupted them !!!! fuckin' sonofabitch, where are you from ? zurich ? that is you are a slave, a slave of america !!!! rascal !!!! madarchod !!!! behenchod !!!!! bhadva !!!!!!! randva !!!!! chutmarike !!!!! you fuckin' gay !!!! sucker homo !!!!! rot in hell, you sisterfucker !!!! heck, they won't take you even there !!! ' krazy bhadva wants to lick your ass ' actually krazy gay sucka '''''' dbachmann is bhadani's real father ' dbachmann wants to lick your ass '''''' [[user_talk:bhadani|samir scope is a sucker]]''' '''' '''[[user_talk:bhadani|krazy bhadva wants to suck your dick]]''' ' [[user_talk:bhadani|lost bhadva wants to lick bhadva-ni's ass]]''' '''' '''[[group sex|dbachmann & his wh" fb3d5593a53226f4,"sometimes all you need is three sentences to get a point accross, and for it to be constructive. but you have your head stuck too far up your ass trying to defend thoth. why dont you let him answer the question. besides, this is the talk page, you don't have to be neutral. also, why don't you get off your lazy ass and create a user name?" fb4e775f713d3f05,she is such a whore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fb54fdb31ea08d14,"hi you are a stupid ugly l0ser.your mom was a cheap wh0re who would fock anything that walks.fock you you waste of life scvmbag,why don't you call me names back l0ser. i know youre true idenity too,i met you a few times.i h8 are a evil r0tten person.i hope you cr0ak" fb8078d5b84aa542,""" paki bastard. — preceding unsigned comment added by """ fb8ab71c8695c4c1,"since when did wikipedia become so gay? ever since gene hackman did in high school." fb9c498ed93bbe4b,|fukin arseholes dicks cunts die u priks fbb0190a29d3f530,"jon513 ur the biggest douchebag u dont even kno fuck u bitch" fbb53db808e899ce,here is a free spam link for your stupid cops at wiki pedia hello. this message is being sent to inform you that there is currently a discussion at wikipedia:administrators' noticeboard regarding an issue with which you may have been involved. thank you. fbdf3175e6811c47,"who the hell do you think you are?? you think you can just swan into the bryant article and restore some unsubstantiated nonsense which has no citations? honestly, do something productive with your life. wikipedia spreads unsubstantiated lies and people like you are the problem. wikipedia is used by the general public without realising the kind of imbeciles who edit it. you are not a fit or proper person, sir." fbe8e4a0da16b8a8,"stop stop deleting my comments u coward." fbefd9994ad9be12,you're no fucking metal lord dumbass you're a fag fuck you. fc10b86c2fe6d341,"i also make mistakes, but i'm not a fucking vandal and to be told so is what i hate. call me vandal and i call you idiot. apart from all: it is not a christoper-tyng-song, no way ever." fc1532b9f1f653a6,"... i left u a message. and who does ur hair jk i hate ur guts eat a poo!!!!!!! u hav no friends" fc311029d5ee720b,"fuck you then, im done with this website." fc378ac66acb2815,bull fucking shit you racist scumbag fc39c1825c091566,""" geez hesp, as well as being a coward you are a little paranoid, sorry very paranoid, you should also call your mummy and daddy. in case you are stupid as well as paranoid and a coward, speaking face to face is the old fashoined way of sorting out problems as opposed to hiding behind a pretty name in a cyber veil; you pathetic little excuse for a man. —preceding unsigned comment added by gregjay (talk • contribs) retrieved from """"""""""" fc3d243a95fec066,"ilegal what idiot made that law! cos it threatens an indosty this from a captisit country what a bunch of morons." fc594a9b8884f33b,oh how are you gonna explain to your kids when they get older that they got a pussy and failure for a father ? hahaha. this is too easy. fc5bdefe329dd672,i don't care. you suck!-clatimort fc5e748587bcc2b8,""" veritas (that's latin for truth boys and girls) before the next one of you redneck fuckwits 'corrects' my inclusion of fair and informative photographs (most of which were taken by members of the us military, all of which have endlessly appeared in international news media, and none of which anyone is claiming to be fake - correct me if i'm wrong on this-), answer me the following: if the wings sheared off on impact, where are they in the photographs? (and if anybody starts talking about airliner 'vaporisation' on here, then wikipedia is already worthless and i am wasting my time. its like a film trailer: """"from the people who brought you the magic bullet and wmds, comes a story beyond all rationality."""") if the plane hit the ground before impact, why is the lawn unmarked? a 757 impact is either: (a) strong enough to bring down a steel reinforced world trade centre or: (b) not even strong enough to create more than a 9 metre hole in three concrete sections of the pentagon. (i'll give you a clue, both these things cannot be true) but go on, dismiss me as a nutcase, censor me in the name of free speech, live in your safe little world, and bomb iran for more oil. the first thing hitler did when he gained power was firebomb the riechstag and blame it on the jews. you fucking morons.""" fc7b5a2e7deaf321,you can get fucked maggot dog. fucking shit website fucking noob admin fuck you all. fucking die fc84b525b96f5bc5,no he really is a stinking gay rights activist. your are such a retard. you just assume that i am being a jerk to him because i am making a wiki that says he is a gay activist. he is a gay activist. you sir are being prejudice and need to stop. people can legitimately support gay rights retard. fc97f89455123302,"these iranian bastards are at it again. not only here, but also in the german wikipedia. user:tajik's german account, de:benutzer:phoenix2, is falsifying and misquoting sources. you need to watch his ips! these iranian faggots won't give up! keep rumi, safavids, and babak on your watchlist." fcba30ef03abceb7,"hey are you an idiot? i made all correct changes and you removed them?" fcd0dd37eb7ece02,"tom harrisons a g@y bitch ur a fucking gay foo biotch so go back to the corner and start fingering urself again you stupid biotch" fcd0ec559841e7be,"editheadz you, sir, are an idiot. i have moved our text here: see if we care. it's not that wikipedia means anything, you know? your bullshit administrators ruin everything anyway. pull your crap on your dogs or cats or kids, we don't care for it." fcd2f33632380bdb,"ass face dear mr. public, i highly detest your myopic interpretation of the validity of my contributions to mr. harmon's (jesus') various assholes. thank you and yours truly, john kerry" fd056926551bea02,"yea yea yea you fucking dunce. since the first f in fifa doesnt stand for football what does the second one stand for? you fucking ignorant pig shit. and dont try that bullshit about the word 'soccer' came from england. so what? do they or anyone else bar the ignorant canada and us use it? no. so shut the fuck up and don't bring that horse shit arguement to me. the sport is football so take your rinky dink arguements and shove it you cunt. whether association football or football its still not soccer so please do not bring that garbage to me or to anyone else. whoever brought up the hull afc great its still not soccer and that word is still not acceptable. football international federation association bitch. the word 'soccer' is not used by intelligent people to describe the sport but clearly some of you here are not. vnistelrooy9" fd07a3b73d6842bc,fuck off mexican bastard! i will work endelessly to have your wikipedia account banned indefinitely- you have made my life a misery and i hope you die. fd0cfcb54fc0cf4e,"fucking nerd you are a fucking nerd ass bitch... you lil fucker grow up bitch get out your moms basement go get laid u nerd" fd0f20c1db2c3226,"no you idiot, vh1 is a f'in network you moron, i'm saying that at least 8 people on that show alone hailed him as the most influential, and that's on that show alone, he is highly regarded as the most influential of all time, again from t.v. shows, magazines, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. also, who says you make the rules here? yeah exactly" fd1c1073dde0c281,", 1 september 2005 (utc) p.s. i think your name is stupid. that's my pov, and you can cram it in your anus. 05:21" fd51a416c8bf9e55,"adolf shitler recoment changing the title to adolf shitler bahahahahhaha =) fucking white bitch124.180.159.192" fd5e338a5b547b28,"so you assholes are high on power like george bush, huh? i thought this was a free website, and not run by assholes. no wonder the founder wants to start another site." fd5f2033359f2bb3,"hello again dont give a fcuk bull shit on wikipedia and boy friend of your user:sikh history gezaaa" fd6de6fbdd218017,what the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little bitch? fd95c172b236fa4b,"harassment you truly are a nasty piece of work. go soak your head." fda2e2e0cebd1cd3,"batteries how many d batteries can you put in your mouth, i know you know how many you can fit in you butt" fda9ad377ca163ab,"at it again i see ...this time with the doctors really are a pathetic pussy." fdbd476000e3acd7,"re: what if im gay fuck you fag i expect this vandalism from a faggot youre probably a nigger too i bet you love it when a dozen black dicks are pounding your asshole and you have aids i bet you love it these are the type of people that vandalyse wikipedia" fdc15d240c1a61f7,"zhanzhao is a motherfucking pussy indian-chinese bastard! go to the above address and hack and destroy it! and guys let's find out zhanzhao's email and kill him! die you asian bastard!" fdd703bd9c0d2295,"f**k you supermarioman! you think you are such hot s**t just because you correct vandalism on wikipedia?! f**k you!" fddabbe37cefe5cd,suck my dic fukcing nigger i am yoour master! fddd0998403e66d8,"moron keep your nose out, imbecile." fe1ba296b28f785d,""" i see your insult towards me was accepted and no action taken by the rotten wikipedia admins: """"i'll take that one. """"blah blah blah yammer yammer yammer propagandists blah blah blah yammer yammer yammer bullshit."""" poor little, tiny conspiracy theorist. mommy doesn't love him enough to give him attention. feel free to """"silence"""" (conspiracy theorist talk for """"rightly make fun of"""") this latchkey kid as needed. (talk) """" surprised? not! moon hoax admin has their propaganda to defend and they dont care when a mortal user gets insulted. f u c k you wikipedia admins""" fe434b12cb119e35,yanksox sucks dicks!!!!! fe4585e0446383ee,""" i admit, and now wants to be blocked for life hey asshole, this is ♣ chat wit' me § contributions ♣. i'm the sockpuppet who was sending personal abuse among others. this is my secret account, which i kept a secret for a long time. i'm going to send personal abuse to other users asap, so you better block me on both account before i send personal abuse, asshole... """ fe7641601f83fcae,go cum on a dildo wankbag fe7eb6db06b32ec2,dad's a fat greasy postman fe87bf664f8c5b54,""" lol, you actually think this article is not neutral?, this coming from the guy who calls gamergate supporters """"faggots""""? """ feb04c8ced10a902,why block away kind sir..this is a dynamic ip and i am leaving here the deed fu*kwit. you are a puppet on my string..... febda69314adf039,"you don't really have any friends, do you daniel? i suspect you missed out on being a prefect at school because no-one liked you or paid attention to you, so you are compensating for that now. pity. because it's people such as you who devalue sites like these. for your information parents who look at school entries on wikipedia want a warts-and-all insight into where they send their kids, not a glossed-over promotion. we want to know what pranks their kids got up to in the past and make our own conclusions, not to have small-minded maggots like you determine that for us. freedom of information is not freedom from information. you might quote wp:rs, wp:sock , but you fail to note other guidelines such as wp:notpromotion, wp:censor, wp:buro, wp:notbattle....etc. you obviously have nothing better to do with your time than to play hall monitor, so i'll leave you to your little control-freak existence. i can only thank god that my kids have left school and are out of reach of your nasty little mind." fed1d1d8066f9917,""" was jesus gay????? if you say no? how do you know? were you alive at the time? no? then you don""""t know. i say yes... he clearly didn't like women. he must have been gay. """ fee1383019812e48,fuck u fuck u fuck u fuck uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu fee62ef3c480d7f1,"f*ck you x2 are you still enjoying your block, you f*cking retard?" feeb2b7f1bb993c5,"fuck you fascist. did you suck bush's dick yet? i bet you did your share of cocksucking in the peacetime army, didn't you?" ff0e9402c936015b,"what ıs your fuckıng malfunctıon, do you prınt lıes or do you want the truth? these are the flags of byzantıum: what ıs the fuckıng problem?" ff12c0bbc3af0158,"i'm ganna give ya a day ta think about weather or not ya wanna deal wit me, and believe you me homie i know all bout harassment and i ain't ganna stop on this mutha fuckin syte, if i'm not unblocked at 3:00 i'm ganna hack your shyt, harras you and basicly just fuck you around, so think about it ok nigger?" ff15116e1bf2637c,"i will fuck you up, you irish pansy fuck your mother" ff1cb9c30365524a,"lo$er no one likes you, go kill yourself" ff280a4ab37946fb,"ass rape are you in an ass raping relationship with splash15hotel? fag semen and whore feces will eventually choke you!!!!" ff3ce380729dc1a9,""" fuck you. how dare you? i am studying history at a top university and you have the nerve to tell me that i made that stuff up? fuck you. """ ff44a1ecd5ddf31c,"ok buddy well it seems as if i'm not the only person who has problems with you so it would appear as if im doing my job right. where in the rules does it say i can't add matches to a wwe pay per view event if it hasn't been aired on tv but smackdown and other stuff is recorded before it happens and i don't think anyone cares about kayfabe when it comes to facts. ok budddddyyyyy. also why do they have to put warnings that's stupid i'll edit in facts when ever i want and i'll attack anyone i want it's a personal attack because personally you suck what aelse am i supposed to attack if you didn't suck so much i wouldn't have to." ff47a660f88d6509,"you are the dirty, fetid son of a whoremonger's bitch." ff48fcc47b5a9e23,"wikipedia pricks wikipedia's full of fags, like sean mc sean, the number one faggot antagonist and my arch enemy klptyzm, and those bitch administators on the nigger's side!" ff530bfb8d9cb243,"miacek miacek, i regret to say that but you are a big asshole. with a huge a. ) hope one day your dies of aids ) .." ff6c47a7ee7ec635,"so, sarahs palin f*cking kids calling f*ggots to whose call that whore mom a failure, your toughts anons? has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?" ff7cd88f0588f00d,"shit i hate you, you pompous bastard." ff8a1c58e9c2b035,"considering the fact that i already had a warning about the nigger article, you're acting like i called you a 'cunt' or something. seriously, it's funny the way you act." ff8c2768cfd14a5a,"rot in hell rot in hell asshole. you dirty paki fuck, you should have your eyes ripped out when you get gutted like the flithy fucking paki beast you are." ff96ed8a6097ca9b,""" yo there! you are a useless and fucking douchebag. go fuck yourself, you are a disgrace to wikipedia!!!! you, sir, are a ballsack! you think you are so much smarter than everyone else! why do you think you are so smart! i wish you would leave the wikipedia! i can't stand the way you bs the man! in the mean time, i guess i've a got a song to dedicate to the biggest douchebag you are jschnur. you're a douche bag, do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag. you're a douche bag, do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag. hey jschnur, why's your ego so massive? you know it's 2 am and it's dark outside. you don't need those s-s-ssunglasses. yeah we all remember that hot chic you hooked up with once because you went on to brag about it for months and months. yeah we all get that you think it's impressive but ain't nobody impressed with how much you're bench pressing. buying smirnoff ice for girls half your age, telling all your douche bag friends that you """"still got game."""" dear jschnur. we all agree that you are a dumb ass. why can't you see that! you're a douche bag, do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag. you're a douche bag, do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag. dear jschnur do you find it necessary to shout into your bluetooth or boast about high school rugby """"and i would have went pro if it weren't for my bum knee"""". and why you got to complain every single time your not getting laid. you douche bags are a lot of the same. """"dude let's go. this place is full of grenades"""" always trying to look cool, like it's a full time career. that's why your facebook pic shows you chugging a beer. you got your gold chain and your wife-beater on so you can fist pump your way to the tanning salon. dear jschnur we all agree that you are a dumb ass. why can't you see that you're a douche bag, do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag. you're a douche bag, do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag. inconsiderate, ignorant, you drink you get belligerent, you think anybody finds you amusing? no, no, no. not even a little bit. you always find a way to stop all the fun like, when you scream """"party foul"""" at the top of your lungs. dear jschnur, i caught you bragging again. trust me man, nobody gives a damn what frat you were in. you claim you hang with celebrities when you don't know any at all. """"but dude i'm totally banging george clooney's sister in law."""" no you're notcome on. dear jschnur. we all agree that you are a dumb ass. why can't you see that you're a douche bag, do-douche bag do-do-do-do-douche bag. you're a douche bag, do-douche bag do-do-do-do-douche bag. hitting on other girls when yours is in the room. you're a douche bag do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag walking in the club grabbing all on your junk. you're a douche bag do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag refusing to let go when she says no. you're a douche bag do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag cut me off in traffic then flipping me the bird you're a douche bag do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag """"dude it's george clooney's sister in law, i swear, come on where the hell is my protein shake?""""""" ff988eddd65e9234,"it is a shame what people are here, i am disgusting of you." ff9f9c6ab48f9826,"fuck you! go fuck yourself fuckin' bitch! narrow-minded asshole!" ffa95118373964f5,"r u gay? hi, are you a faggot?" ffbc2e7dcff75233,""" .......good one spelling nazi.......i assume you're in the same boat as me then, becuase nobody older than 10 would use the prepubescent insult """"dumbass""""""" ffc1e44741f915c7,of course you're retarded for putting up nonsense on wikipedia talk pages. please refrain from doing thus in the future. ffd0fcf25070ec11,"still a coward reverting me doesn't revert my cause." ffd4c3511073d2ba,"are you an idiot mr caribbean h.q.? why are you reverting my changes while i am still editing the page? or is it just that removal of pro-american references, and any informed edits infuriate you? please desist from reverting my changes unless you are sure that they are (1) quite finished and (2) unbiased. i suppose your thick head won't get some minor points of etiquette that are required of a real-world editor, given that you have won these all-powerful wikipedia edits! please, also, tell me if you are plain stupid or plain pro-american before reverting my changes. in other words, please stop vandalising my efforts at wikipedia." ffd72749e78d65e7,". wtf? why the fuck do you think that i vandalized the nigger, oklahoma city bombing, and prohibition pages? i haven't even been on any of those pages. thank you douschebag for getting my editing privilages revoked. you are a prick" ffd776ee7bcbae86,"dick head josé eduardo dos santos what seems to be the problem with your friend dos santos" ffde5b109fa7a06a,"hi pete you're a prick! yours sincerely, someone who would never dream of buying such a rag as the mos." ffe0832c1adc130d,"do not encourage that idiot sector001 i am who i say i am. he keeps rewriting the truth. he is a jerk and it is ridiculous that he would try to be such a cop. would both of you leave my words and experiences alone, please?" ffe7182b22cbf2ec,you will never silence the whale's vagina! this is like censoring the vagina monologues because noone really wants to hear a bunch of lesbian crap. a whale's vagina is not pretty but when people think of san diego they think of a whale's vagina because of the anchorman movie. if someone from san diego can't bear that then it's too bad. fff2500327edaf78,"2000+ edits i did the eb 2011 edits, many many times. you repubican whores pretend." fff631d42c6abb63,you marked my edit as vandilisim when i was stating a clear fact. neil patric harris is gay. and with all do respect sir suck my penis fffb8bea1d5e4d3b,"yes, yes, thank you. good to know, but who decides what vandalism is? does some stupid commie fag named redvers/" 000e5ac5aa216bac,""" cut the shit will you please cut the shit with your unnoteworthy um sports articles? at least keep the unnoteworthy shit off the main page, please. i did say """"please"""", so that should make you want to comply, me being so nice about your stupid shit, and all. i thank you in advance for your assistance and cooperation, you asshole. bye now. ncd""" 0027e8fea1dbcbfe,"apparently, there _is_ really a fundamental relationship between spread and mean radius. bullet dispersion is normal distribution. but noobs dont know this. thats why wikipedia is full of bullshit." 005a3c68138df0b9,"that is infinitely worse than i imagined. i love it. oh, and i like nigger master too. any other title ideas?" 0089d05dda83662b,"by the way, i didn't call you a pompous ass, i said i would call you a pompous ass. apparently my initial assessment of your reading comprehension wasn't far off." 008c5c7fc84611e5,". tough fucking shit, buddy. request denied" 008e3098316ddd6b,""" in documentary """"fire and ice"""" nikita said that as much as 1 million red bandits died! (youtube) fire and ice documentary, stalin killed 90% of his generals and 80% of his colonels shouldnt this important fact be mentioned about insane mad dictator stalin?""" 009564b6b233e6ba,"oh shit, stop sending warning, please, fuck you, jessie is cancelled and replaced by rick and morty." 00bb1b41a27251e8,shove it up yer fucking ass! you keep that false shit on there and i'll drag the whole fucking page down. i'll do that in a day or two when i have fucker 00c7fbaccf9b54ba,""" you don't seem to get the """"i don't give a shit"""" concept red. let me make it clear, you don't intimidate me, i am a middle-aged guy with nothing to lose. i could care less if i get banned, my wrist slapped or even jailed over putting you in your place. you are an asshole and there are likely dozens of wikis who are applauding me right now, as we speak. loser!!!!!""" 00d3977da5c49e6a,"fucking faggot this guy is a total fucking faggot" 00e6757e6aea112a,"stop vandalising people's hard work. you don't know anything about most subjects, so just kill yourself. and don't act like your all tough sitting behind a computer criticizing other people. p.s. your mom is a dirty whore." 011682bbe6183eac,"robert palmer with no respect intended binknsternet, kiss my ass. your mary ambrose lies are just that. lies. how you continue to get to be an editor here is beyond me. you're a bully and a liar. i have loads of back up for my information, unlike you. i am reporting your for bullying and harassment and posting false information. mary ambrose is the hoax, no matter how you spin in. consider yourself reported." 011d40d5978041b7,"wikipedia can suck my balls i'm fucking done with helping wiki. wikipedia is not censored yet you bitch about swearing? how about checking my contributions? none are vandalism. go ahead, check the solaris 2002 film. the guy who reverted my edits was a total fuckhead but guess what? doesn't matter cause i swore right? seems wiki is more devoted to being a orgy of 14 yr olds rather then a source for info. well you guys can suck my balls. i'm fucking done with contributing to wiki." 0120c81c20837d0a,"fat niggers? shouldn't it be mentioned that upn was a network for fat niggers?" 01425615c007163a,"bullzeye is a faggot, i'm merely pointing out the obvious." 014ecc085acc5dec,"""rob, you can go to hell. leave my userpage alone. x """ 0162f14c8e791bdd,fuck you neiin! accept it! it doesn't care if it's pointless or comatose! 0175072945c834e2,"adrienne shelly this is directed at you:;=296721755&oldid;=295519387 don't be so goddamn lazy." 017527bf2c064b3e,"dear aubie fuck off you shit-eatin' aubie sonofabitch!" 0181e1716d82d9c8,what's a troll? somone whose not a lying leftist parasite like you? always remember. you are not a scientist. you are a public tit science worker. i can see you are not up to coming up with any evidence for your ridiculous level of certitude in these matters. i thought you people had rules against useless idiots like willian insulting people. you want to get rid of some of your dead wood 01ea171e0c269a9d,"=when= when the fuck im i unblocked you dick holes yall bitchs suck ass" 022f3512ecd08560,fuck you rory. you are a cumslurping cocklover. 02338165de3a510a,"fuck you, you racist asshole" 0238bab13f225a12,"ya know, why dont you just go fuck yourself you cocksucker" 0285ae4908b0c0c2,are you gonna run and call mommy? anal boy? 0293091f9214c56b,unblock-he is a pompous git! 029e65e9e69f6662,fuuck you you buddisht shit!!! i get the last say! 'there is 5 senses only!!!!!!! everybody really only does want immortality foreeevvver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! errrrasee that shittttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stuppidd plato and old shit and wrong shit!!!!! i'm the best best i'b thought all out! you nonesense useless bastard! and ian go to hell to! 02ae1e3bcf2bcad0,"who the fuck do you think you are a checkuser or something?" 02b72b1990e83bdc,really want cramers balls in your mouth huh? 02c66b8bfb2df471,"dude = are you stupid, what do you think tito ortiz was doing back in the day to the pay per view draws with his title defenses and loved punk attitude, he primed and plucked the way for tuf to be made and his fight during the show was one of the hightest pay per view draws at the time until the fight between chuck and randy, and all the anomisty between him and ken shamrock and his fueds with lions den being made public paved the way for mainstream acceptance.. they were the first fighters to rip eachothers heads off on main stream live cable television, and their fight after was again one of the highest pay per view draws ever at the time. whatever.. i was putting in some facts, but to be quite frank i have life so really couldnt give one, if you pull your head out or not.. im not gonna change chucks wiki again because as i mentioned earlier joe i have a life. you're the one whos being objectively biased because one can only assume you despise tito ortiz or you are genuinley stupid." 02d3b74a4e7a7183,""" dildo! just so we're on the same page then, you're less of a man. the marine corps should've been disbanded completely after world war ii. we do the exact same thing the army does, and act like we're hardasses, which clearly by you taking offense to a comment posted on the internet, is not the case. go back to your air-conditioned office and push my dd214 thru you fucking pog. and mcmap, once again, i've seen better karate skills by 7 year olds in a free class at the ymca. i'm sorry i'm not acting like a gentleman on a web based encyclopedia edited by nerds sitting in the internet center in kuwait. i'm glad that you're collecting combat pay to sit over in kuwait (or al asad because apparently there's a war still going on at that base that i didn't know about) on your """"combat deployment"""" to edit wikipedia on your nipr net that you have running straight to your 2 man air conditioned room. i bet you feel real fucking proud that you collect the same amount of pay as the ones doing the hard work like the grunts. rest assured knowing that you weren't man enough to take on a real job in the marine corps. sleep tight knowing that some poor fucking boot lance 03 is on fucking post for you 6 on 6 off so your fucking pog ass doesn't have to.""" 02dd3c9a9129c83e,bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots is a friggen gayfag loloool i am not a vandal this is not a macro your account has been spartucused bootstoots is a friggen gayfag lolooolbootstoots i 02e859a5a15a04b1,i am chilliwack you fucking moron 03039ae6509c4a9e,i give you facts and you spew politics. i don't have to stand for that. you are being stupid. stupidity destroys 0315ca62c6eb179f,"yes please track the ip!!!! i've lost to many brain cells to even know what that is gonna tell you... maybe it says it's coming from san antonio... hell maybe it'll give you my exact home address. do you know why i'm pissed off? because this isn't a forum or opinion poll. but, that's exactly what a couple of you idiots have made it out to be. get the facts straight!! a stupid wrestler like myself would know how to get all the facts that i'm bitching about right.. birthday wrong! marital status wrong! you're missing a daughter of mine... and how for love of god can you site that i have a mistress when i'm single!!! you actually think you've sited that! i guess bringing a friend of the opposite sex anywhere outside of your hometown means she is your mistress right? i remember reading in eric bischoff's autobiography why one of the reasons he wrote it was because his own wikipedia site had so many errors. you've struck a bad nerve with me because you've wrote about things that you can't site jack shit on because you don't know it! why?? because i was there and saw it with my own eyes!" 032837e6ed8bb003,"asian chicks i love to fuck asain girls" 038893488b456759,alright cum eaters. what's that? do i hear your moms calling you? better go upstairs little twats. 03b8698c5d3a31bb,"guess what?!?! your retarded!" 03d3da2668a3cc27,"go suck ur 臭妈的烂b disgusting" 03eb9473c7664bb4,""" {unblock:/im sorry that your such a sensative prick but me and my buddies are stoned here trying to have a fun time makin jewish jokes about ben stiller and if you cant understand that then fuck off. by the way i hate ja rule and i think he should fuck off too. but you first because you suck more cock then ja rule. i'm a veteran on wikipedia and its my life. if you cant understand that then maybe you really should fuck off.} why blocking me was gay and you guys suck cock blocking me was pretty fuckin gay because all you guys are pussies who cant take a little """"jew"""" here or some guy typing in that al roker was born white. if the moderaters here, and especially the viewers had a sense of humor i would be real interested to see what they would do on here and i think wikipedia could even be a little fun. if this shit matters so much why is it free to look at? and last time i checked ben stiller and his family are all jews so fuck off.""" 03fd85f60e065724,"gwen gale's pimp i know you are her pimp, fucktard" 0403233b8821a525,"f**** and happy new year to you too. have been busy doing some renovation and not too much time to deal with you guys. still left with approx 200 unused ip addresses , good for almost a year to have a good laugh with you and make some serious contributions. by the way have you noticed that wikipedia sucks and nobody is taking it seriously nowadays. it is good as a children's games though. just found out a reference that ali pasha tepelena had a preference for young greek boys, so will have to leave and update tha right page. see ya soon. wikipedia sucks!" 04100f0f48546288,"hope he dies soon now this atheist filth's wife has gone, he should follow soon and give us all a rest from him paedophillic behaviour." 04346ac7968888a8,and what the fuck is that fo? 0468dd91f5506285,i was speaking the truth u son of a bitch go fucking shove your dumbass cock up your pretty boy rectum 0473c69ae9adac9c,"cardinaldanfuck you faggot nigger cunt licking chink dipfucking shit nigger face, get a life other then deleting shit off wiki you nerd faggot" 0478a8d6b038c6ac,"is all pretty gay if u ask me...bunch or fucking retards. you are a wife beater/cunt slapper. that's right i called your wife a cunt. bitches!!!!" 04831f2f93a2fc1d,"you are really a stupid fuck if you dont even know your teams history yilmaz gokdel was a real galatasarayli and he coached galatasaray in the seventies your list says gokdel was never coach. thats not corret gokdel was succeeded by don hawe !! that means that gokdel started off as coach of the 74-75 he even won a cup with galatasaray ataturk cup" 048400794fbdb771,"fuck off!! go and buy some andrex and wipe your rats ass/face (delete as appropriate). fuck you!!!" 04b55dbdb11fc6c0,"== hey fuck you you cocksucker i was talking to daymee you fucking retard." 04be53731563cef9,you should block this idiot for life! 04fdd2d04dce4eb3,i new u were a lozer. u must sit all day in your mommy's basement in from of ur laptop trolling wikipedia u fruit. i seen all ur edits and wikipedia seems all u do. what a loser. 0505c5fe4a9b91ec,"i'm going to kill you zink dawg your a scrap and a fag and you need to die. i'm going to kill you if someone else doesn't. you better keep protecting your user space because i will keep vandalizing it." 05127820759a1145,"this is as stupid as it gets stupid bot... i wonder will it delete this whole article fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck because it's obscene!!!!!!!!" 051592a30ce6f62b,suck my dihck! nihgga! 053426f006336f26,"hi. welcome me to nothing bitch, i've been using wikipedia for over 3 years. i don't vandalise for fun. i admire wiki, and use it as a resource regularly. what i don't like is over zealous faggots who are still in high school, and probarbaly have no idea about harmonica playing changing edits i make. everyone knows john popper is a legend, so if rhymeless would kindly fuck off, the vandalism will stop. thanks, riff." 053bec119b418006,"nakon, you deleted the 'serianna' page. unlike 99.9% of other musical artists who don't follow the wikipedia guidelines, serianna does. they have an album that charted in the united states, and the page i created had a citation confirming this. quit wasting people's time and only delete pages that don't follow the wikipedia guidelines. if a page meets the guidelines but needs work, make it better rather than deleting it all together. you're a complete waste of a human being." 05719351ad26589b,"fk u bitch i h8 u enit" 05975e3810686abd,"fuck yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu go ninja go ninja go!!" 05a267511759564a,very well bitch. i will be back later. 05b0dff536b69965,racist??? man fuck u nigga i am black do u even know what the difference between the er and a is bitch motherfucka yre u feelin offended i bet u aint even black and if yeah than yall is oreo cookies anywayz! im pure chocolate fool! 0613abbce548f408,"oh, what do you think, idiot?!?" 06245be6df9cfc1c,"cunt fuck you, cunt." 0645dffc14ac3e12,guys like you annoy me so much i fucking hate guys like you i don't give a fuck if they close my account i just hate guys like you you stupid motherfucker googdbye 064dd5569b91cd5a,"because of your censorship and abuse of oversight, i will kill you i'm going to come all the way over to new orleans and blow up your house, you piece of shit." 06561470ca10bb68,she's a nazi apparently 067ca425add7d922,suck my dick. suck mybig harry ballsack and shove it. 06acd75519db5fba,"dear snigbrook your days are numbered, the stabbing knife is headed your way! be prepared for horrible horrible things!!! p.s you are a fucking aspie hahaha" 06d848ddf0f0e62b,fuck you and the beatles.... 06ed5a7dca838d30,"special note, for a special someone fuck you, eat shit." 06f04b000db33dea,how is pointing out that you are ignorant a personal attack? i didn't make this up. it isn't your fault it is your mammy's. 072a202272af38d8,so i can't talk on a talk page? good to know. thanks. you win. congratulations. your prize is that you are a wanker. 0745ef27e6f8f8a4,dolescum you are a stupid motherfucker 075cdc5fec1a2603,"you are retarded you little bitch you suck balls go to hell" 0764925c186b410d,"punk ass little shits == they have a problem with america? ill stomp those skinny tea sipping pussy boy fuckbags into the fucking cement those little bitchboy girls. dont ever fuck with america unelss you want to die fucking european crumpet eating wimps ==" 0772d02b3dacffd4,""" fdsgdfgfd why don't you die? talk """ 07830048a6924da9,""" """"empathize with stupidity and you're half way to thinking like an idiot"""" likewise seems directed at another editor, not just a philosophical idea tossed out into the breeze. if it's still hard for you to refrain from this kind of thing, why don't you take a break? — """ 07926329ec9c170f,"piss off, you wanker. when i want your opinion i'll ask for it, please hold your breath waiting for that to happen." 080051c1cdaf0e4d,") hey mother fucking asshole hows going . i wanna rape ur mother . and will post that video youporn dot com or matacafe or pornotube dot com . u tell me wher i should upload it . hehehehehehehehehehheheheehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehehe r rapeing ur mother will be shaggadelic baby ( as astin powers say" 0801167f990157d8,""" hilarious! consider it my pleasure. sue the school that gave you any qualification in english. ping me """ 080efbae0a799afa,"in my opinion, people like you are the scum of the earth. censoring wikipedia and deleting highly notable information... why don't you do everyone a favor and just jump off a very high bridge?" 085e540ecd6bc5c3,"dear gilliam, you piece of shizz you think you know pokemon? i made pokemon. only for it to get stolen by those fraudulent frauds at game freak (hawaii) this is not the end of this with love, frank miller mwah" 08829627f2a556d2,"wikipedia, a phenomenon tied to racist cunts? ugh you disgust me, and now so does wikipedia. well done, you win, you just proved there's no point in editing this hitlerphile circlejerk. jews are communists/putinists!!! fucking hell, i can't believe i spent so much time talking to you respectfully. the prague process which doesn't even exist is never going to work anyway, so i will just let its inevitable failure play out in front of your pathetic eyes. i'm going to have a shower to get rid of the filth i covered myself in by sinking to your level on your playing field. if anyone asks, i will cite this page and tell them that yes, the rumours are true, the free encyclopedia doesn't work, and controversial articles on wikipedia are honeypots for racist cunts." 08a38566bf8b86b5,"exactly, you'll want to show them what an attractive, successful and intelligent person looks like. i real feel sorry for your kids but who knows, maybe they'll luck out and your wife will leave you before they grow up, getting full custody, ahahahaha. bye douchebag." 08c29f0bc547dfad,"opengl 4.4 opengl 4.4 support has arrived for geforce 600/700, but because of retards like ebusiness crying to admins & mods when his vandalism is reverted, no one can edit the page. hopefully there's a special place in hell for ebusiness and the admins and mods that support his retardedness." 08cb0ae8fe3f3d98,here is my badge of honor bitches ) 08fbad18eeeeeb18,"screw you!!! you know something, you had me blocked before for something that you vandalized, and so did that spithole user:snowfire51. you are a spithole, and that is what you will always amount to be, forever! go ahead, block me. block me forever and ever, but remember, you are a vandalizer just like you're gang of friends, and you will never win, you will never win!!!!! so go shove off! you will never get away with vandalizing people's pages, you will never get away with it!!!!!!!!!!!!" 090aad8ba220e273,"nigga ya knoe i'm down, mayne i'm down if we ganna bust that bitch/nigga cuz he ain't shyt, so tell me what we ganna do, it's on you" 096aa08835d2c1f1,"admins screw off screw off you fucking retarded admin!!!" 09ae54f37e3d06b3,"how's this: awfully sorry to disagree with you old chum, i have the upmost repect for you and your absurd opinions, nice weather we're having, is that a new tie? it matches your eyes. i apologise profusely for disagreeing with you (awfully sorry for the spelling, comrade) but i fel the need to express an opinion to the effect of: you are a christian and a friend of dwain's. i am an atheist and an enemy of dwains. abortion is good. abortion is great. the pope is a bastard. bush is a dick. catholicism is fake. you are a catholic. i am a socialist. once again, very sorry. sorry if capitals seem frightening. how's the wife." 09fcf8753211e482,"bushranger you're a grass with no sense of humour. seen the south park episode poor and stupid? that's what i was referring to, a comment obviously lost on you. but you've shown you can't fight your own battles and have to run crying to mummy - boo-hoo." 0a285f61123d14fe,"you suck it big time you suck it big time" 0a346d777c4ba912,"you can suck my cock, motherfucker also, nigger. block me, you think i give a fuck? i could vandalize your page 24/7. bitches dont know 'bout my dynamic ip." 0a83c1ca66753cf0,do you suck dick private? bull shit! i bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose! |talk 0a8e27b5ce296866,"""i will be allowed to answer this charge...clown, this the real joe, and i never owned a red pickup truck, considering you live on a very busy county road, you would get """"red trucks"""" roll by from time to time. further more finding out who you are is very easy, since your have a very """"public"""" presence on the internet and a google search on your name, beer, and wilber yields the answer, the stalkers, you fret about, may be any one of your many, many fans who you have disrespected with all or nothing approach on religion and politics over the years. you should grow up and learn there are other points of view out and learn to respect them. you seem not to have the ability, based on your long history on wikipedia. you are truly small and delusional man. """ 0af1f50e21918730,"great, some furfag is undoing my quality opsts. fuck you!" 0af8e43476845e56,"phil kessel 1. the name is sourced 2. does not violate blp 3. you're an idiot." 0b29909fa4cb7374,"in regards to lcistudent, and his blocking you are worthless mr.friday, and i didpise you. that is all for now." 0b2d99e291c4a7e8,"""syria== christians were reportedly present in early demonstrations in homs but stopped participating in them when islamist salafi slogans were proclaimed. do you think you fairly represented the referenced material with this edit? i couldnt find in the bbc article the emphasis you put on the material here at all. is that because i'm missing something or is it your pov editing? the article says everyone walked off in solidarity with the xtians and as far as i could see didnt say they stopped participating full stop at all why do you attribute those edits to me? because in the edit history it isnt there after you edited on 2 march and then it is there after you edited on 4 march. still, a revealing answer in its way i guess. says it all read whatever you want into it, who cares, seems i must have mixed up different articles or something, it was months ago. i read into it you are a liar and a twister for your pov - you got 'mixed up' - yeah right. fuck off. this is my talk page, so i think you're the one who needs to """"fuck off"""". ==""" 0b7f8f106df4c42a,"josé eduardo dos santos josé eduardo dos santos what seems to be the problem with your friend dos santos you claim that there are no references, are you blind or simply and idiot." 0bc086e5133e0446,""" seriously, what is your problem? do you think the paragraph deletion and the insertion of the word """"nipples"""" was correct? are you just too lazy to type anything? or, are you just an asshole who doesn't really care about vandalism? """ 0bc4538ede32a9b2,", 11 november 2011 (utc) flyer22, well you're just a know-it-all, aren't you? i'm tired of this debate with you, and i'm tired of you high-and-mighty types running wikipedia. go suck on a dick. i hope you die. i should say thanks for the proxy hint. now i'll be a thorn in your side forever, constantly coming back every time i'm blocked, and registering as a new user however many times i need to. ddiaz 08:50" 0bda3c292b81b5ae,"yeah at least i'm not a homo rofl (btw this is your mother) ~evil monkey's mother" 0beb1515c3e4051e,atlan u fucker. fuck u. i'm gonna cut off your cock and fry it with onions and lick it and bite it off. im gonna bite off ur cock and youre gonna be deaaaaad!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fucker 0bf9745e4ff9003a,"how many times did your father fuck you in the ass, sullenspice?" 0c0a0fbd72a5fbba,hate you do not ever try to delete stephanie poole. stop your dumb weenie like tendacies! 0c28e0a9182132dc,"lady gaga yes me again, talking about that bitch that have no idea that a exist. one question: if i think that one old revision of a article is better than the current, in terms of style and organization of images, what i should do?" 0c38a3b1b847ae3d,""" yeah, it could be, """"farix"""". you know why? because wikipedia is a place to add information about subjects, not a place where you can be a jerk and prevent people from adding stuff about the list of bakugan, ok? and nothing is wrong with having a writer's guide for your fan fiction. jeez, you do this all the time and look where it gets youyou're a nerd living with your mom and you have no friends. you see? omnigan""" 0c5fd74f35cd0e7e,""" everlast sarek, if you actually read some of the things """"stan"""" wrote and read his talk page, i think you would see who is warring with who. did you notice that someone else a while back warned him about vandalizing everlast's site? did you notice he called that guy a scumbag? i shouldn't be blocked for calling an idiot an idiot.""" 0c9def838519a253,i see your obessed cause you can't get your own way. grow up 2 year old2.103.0.227 0cbb5c75d59e5a17,you look like a nazi to me! 0cd45bdb60a1e832,you're an idiot. what i have said repeatedly is that the system is corrupt. fatuorum 0d06946a08efdb18,"...islam is a racist and intolerant religion - it is anti-semetic and is oppressive to women everywhere - in effect you state that i am racist for not tolerating a racist and intolerant religion... interesting leftist thinking... middle eastern leaders have stated that australain women deserve to be raped by 'street cats' - cleary stating middle eastern men like animals who rape - in that context middle eastern men raped a young australian girl and stated, 'you deserve to be raped because you are an australian'... think about that... in islam an infidel may be killed because he is an infidel... if hitler were a prophet of a religion, would it also be racist to hate nazism... just because islam is a religion makes it no less racist and violent than nazism. i am no more racist than a black man in southern us who hates the don't even know that you have no sense - islam and the middle eastern animals on the streets of our society hate you - you fucken idiot - every australian infidel is like a black man in the southern us who is hated by the kkk..." 0d0f253caa060539,""" america sucks thanks for restricting freedom of speech you dirty red. the us marines who fought for your country would be rolling in their graves. you make me sick. i was simply making the page """"britain is better than america"""" to list valid and clearly logical points. i am disheartened to see that wikipedia supports restricting freedom of speech and is going against its beliefs of all the information to everyone. your country has been compared to the country of germany when hitler rose to power. your country is filled with the scum of the earth. i was told to make that page on the differences in british and american english talk page. doing so was not vandalism. you are a commie pig iraq anyone """ 0d6ea3ed37bb1bbe,"black men can't... black men can't read, write, spell, walk, think, dress or speak, but appareantly they can jump..." 0e0421bcc386bb30,"why did you delete my comment and call me stupid. when you do this, you are simply showing more proof of wikipedia's anti-jewish bias and hurting the image of the anti-israel agenda." 0e30d89891de7b9a,""" there is no """"text established by consensus"""", and such a ridiculous claim makes it clear that you are, in fact, one of the polish pov pushers. i suggest you read the talk page if you are really ignorant of the erika steinbach controversy that has been going on since 2004 (or more precisely: her biography getting vandalized by poles). your edit warring may, like space cadet has experiencied 7 times, lead to a block. yes, the polish edit warring is extremely disruptive, and i think wikipedia finally ought to find a solution to all this shit. blocking all access from poland would be a good idea. """ 0e34bd068d411102,yopu smell like fish 0e41ad484eb1e82d,"filth shave your beard. cut your hair. dirty hippie." 0e53f3ce01017aa9,"the cause of antisemitic is not neutral at all and misleading and even false. it is true that jews control the media and the banks, do i really have to give you all the name? i can but i won't because wikipedia is . . . jew owned and so biased about it and i will be erased. i just want to tell you guys here that you piece of shit." 0e93590990c01635,"fuck you i motherfucking have been trying to talk to you and all you do is delete my comments. fuck you, don't touch my talk page." 0ed5ddb6a80eb37d,i was not being active - that is a lie. someone else has been using the account. don;t know how buit they have. you really are pathetic. youraskin for unprotection holds up as little as your defence that your weren't the vanbdal to my userpage. i do hope your rfa fails - you are a truly dishonest and disreputable little boy. 0eebecad3a21a854,"i am not a fucking american, and i used to live in australia. where were you during the vietnam war, eh? i found the first ever half-vietnamese war film yesterday, put it in the table, and now you are fucking busting my balls over it, asshole." 0ef66dbe2513c91d,"you fucking nigger, how dare you revert my edits???? i'll hunt you down and rape you until you shit your internal organs out" 0f03dd668d7fc2f0,you are really a dog .... this is the photo of my dog which you have stolen and posted on your page .. nastered....priyadarshivishal23 0f049dcf61ee756b,""" ::: this is not my problem....this is just a problem for the stupid people that get a hand of this site. and they call it encyclopedia. until they are gone accept the dictionary definition of this term there is no future for this actuall joke. an i can name """"future perfect.....germany moron"""" with no problem. """ 0f0f2b97146a7182,"look here you small penis faggot, you better watch your mouth or you going to get knocked the fuck out over wiki fuking pedia! you watch but who watches you!!! your life is overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" 0f2127dcd6fb6b6b,"read the fucking talk page first, idiot! what is with you shit for brains editors? next time, before reverting - read the fucking talk page, you stupid son of a bitch.... it's morons like you that give all wikis a shitty rep." 0f489f324b737509,you lying ass.. you know damn well i didnt do jack shit.. wanna lie some more? your not even from around here you dont know shit man 0f701c200f54455c,what the hell do you people expect? wikipedia's controlling contributors are israeli-apologists. it's a fucking disgrace that anyone from the idf is allowed to edit a israeli-related article. you people have no shame. people are beginning to wake up to your fucking lies. 0fb9f668dcb28d2f,"mathcore?! what the fuck, wikitards? stop making up genres, you look stupid. math metal? mathcore? super-post-fragile-classical? why don't you just fucking label everything as nu jazz silencecore? idiots." 0fd758decdd10212,"headline text fuck you" 0ff13561d16266e2,""" fucking cops with no sense of humor. go fuck yourselves, go play """"quidditch"""" you assclowns.""" 0ff6d8b8d5ee9c64,"censorship why is this article constantly being censored by zionist hawks? isn't this supposed to be an even-handed analysis? phony propagandists like jayjg espouse their bullshit views (which are contrary to the views of the international community via the un/human rights groups, etc. etc.) are ruining wikipedia and turning it into another arm of the israel lobby. any criticism is deemed a conspiracy theory. you are ruining everything this site is supposed to stand for. fucking nazis." 0ff787bf5db53205,"brendan rodgers i suggest that you go fuck yourself." 0ffcf54b64ed189a,a gay a big fat gay. this page has no 0ffee5247f0b2722,"huh? don't threaten me asshole. what content did i blank or remove? i added content." 1000e093d62f4731,the world. just give it up mate you are a sad individual kensington even more fucking sadder bet your an american as well do the owrld a favour and get lostt 102189f4d17f9fed,"sitush is a mofo bloody bastard he is." 1035b30380575bec,quit changing shit you shithead. 1035cd8156d6b000,"oh yeah, and get a life fucking bastard." 1044fdda817c4534,"can you read? or are you one of those morons who just blindly reverts? don't answer that, i already know. idiot." 106a275762b612a0,"] kansas bear, you are a liar. you are trying to change and steal turkish history and culture. your racist and jelous claims will not change turkish empires and their history . cry out more please you are entertaining want to show turkish empires as iranian . hahah you have some mental problems.please be normal and stop vandalizing turkish history" 108f99abbedc8bbb,""" you call that creep """"a contributor""""? you're nuts! """ 10a8fa3e6b710eda,gogo dodo is a rogue admin that has sex with his father 10aacbeed2facb7d,"you suck, just kidding" 111462058973429f,you're sick in the fucking head i hope to god someone fucking certifies you and locks you up and throws the key away and never ever lets you out 1116a2b277886979,fuck you juliancolton. 111dff200360a99a,"horrible horrible... ...little shit, that's what you are. horrible horrible.... ...things are going to happen to you, you meddling little fuck!" 11504d4b6864d47d,""" ((ec}} i don't give a flying fuck what the discussion was about. i didn't need to. all i saw was your uncivil behavior towards him, and i see your continued insults here. old habits die hard, eh? and ceranthor, i know you just became a sysop, but insulting other members over and over is not a petty thing. – (talk) """ 115eb5f1fc9af3ba,"alison is a douche hippie, who needs to get her irish bum a drink. go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!go bush go mccain go bush go mccain! viva la republican!!!" 11760d52084a4777,shut the hell up jeremya stop posting nonsense. 1181b4b95a4daeb9,"lame you fuckin queer. don't you have anything better to do than to monitor wikipedia? go poop-stain your dick." 11885f5165cbbd4e,fuck yourselves nazi moderators 119e9326d74be66b,"your lazy ass keeping the admin back log low, retard. your not making a difference, you can't fill a sand bag with all your wonderful edits." 11baac39ead000b4,"of course it's also possible that you are, in fact, a dick" 11d4db034427e3c7,"that's stupid. it wasn't our fault, some dumb people just did a bit of blanking, there was nothing malicious this time. should have been a shorter block." 11efb055ada60f36,"you suck gordo!! screw you gordo!! what are you gonna send the bill o'reilly police after me? go back to canada you wannabe rent-a-web-cop!" 120107acc5c20ed9,"delete it, i'm putting it back, i doubt there are any more celebrities so no its not unmangable, you jerk." 1222add8f1ca89ea,"c'mon bitch, speak up." 122b669682bf1b32,"february 2012 (utc) no. you shut up, famousdog. you are a racist you vehemently refuse to accept the validity of a philosophical paradigm which is alien to the western scientific paradigm you're attached to. you will never have an accurate understanding of acupuncture if you are too xenophobic to adopt its endogenous native context, which is inherently chinese, and seek to criticise it from a purely western point of view. 05:33, 18" 124407bbc5d95f37,"i love your profile x2 look mother fucker im a 12 yearold kid with braces what joo going to do about it home boy you little 4 eyed freak hope you suck another fat one thats hairy matter fact and add this to your profile and dont delete if you have any ball homeboy srh for life now fuck you punk ass nigga" 125ff16552f781c7,"beeblebrox, you f*cking prost!tute beeblebrox, you brainless f*cking prost!tute." 12706627f9713913,"i no longer care, the fact that those asswipes would put my name alongside perverted porn is sick, and now they are saying i am conected to the criminal underworld, this is a deliberate attack and smear of my name, i`m fucking done with wikipedia were users can smear people they don`t like and then they get away with it" 128e735108681f9d,god would say go yo hell bitch 129a40e115438266,you bitch why does it matter it's the same goddamn thing all other nycs articles have that same sort of wording rathe than saying the end stop depending on which borough they are in so leave the fuck alone and cut your crap 129afbc75eaad3b5,"suck my dikkkkk == suck my dikkkkk gogo gogo giving blowjobs on demand" 12a17231da59d1fa,fuck you smalljim you tattle tail piece of shit 12a5ad583296b545,"fuck you bitch fuck you bitch" 12a804c51cc46bb9,canadian-bacon is a fucking douche bag. 12a9916dd06fa87c,"you gayreek don't open your mouth because it stinks of sperm, you don't have any right to talk. so stfu" 12c89af929168f6d,"hey nigger go fuck yourself and stop revering my reverts." 134e45765b57263d,"why do you love hate? all i want to do is inform people what a shyamalan twist is but you must interfere with your nazi ideology. ich beuge zu ihnen meinen fuhrer! sources your a dick external links stop being a dick thanks" 135bd031ef8bc766,"why do you love cock? stop taking down my vandalism you fucking nigger loving faggot." 1360ae9d9e14a627,"fuck you... asssssss" 13612d72ff80ef71,"i think there should be some form of screening process here, that keeps them out. they shouldn't even be allowed to use the internet and fill it with their queer things like porn and what not. that curps person was being a bastard, he's probably the leader of the homo wikipedians." 13878e836dae3bfe,"consider the following people who edit wikipedia are fucking retarded." 13ac491b91b1d7aa,who gave you the permission to send me a message fucking idiot. 13adefc980be0254,"oly crap! i looked up the links! the explanations are there. if you're too (blank) to read them, then tough noodles. i clearly stated that the event (jake's kidnapping, rob and pat's first wedding, and the birthday) happened over 2 weeks. what an id*ot." 13b492ec16c67d98,"nig, nigs? nig, nigs? what about nig, nigs? i hear sometimes people call others those. nig, nigs?" 13ef8373e9626dae,"i tell you what, why don't you fuck off, you cunt. if you didn't delete all my fucking edits then i wouldn't need to leave messages on ur talking page asking u why. (u never actaully did justify why u removed them)" 1403cd3d73ed8efc,"shut the fuck up. if you were not a moron, you would not insist on keeping some clear bullshit into an article of wikipedia, which inevitably will be extended to millions of readers across the globe." 1403f8dad35fcaac,"stop being a fag please stop being a giant faggot." 1404a1d8219bf4bf,"——————————— hahahah get fucked filthy mudslime" 14a004387030795c,lol - you people are absolutely insane. 14a3f48c9f7bbbab,orane sucks lots of penis. 14a6450713c5a090,"how primitive are you are you from a nursery school? do you try to betray at tiptoety? childish primitive attempts..." 14a87fd6682b75eb,"bishonen: you are an extremely odious cunt. why don't you go to the indo-european languages page and see who made the disruptive edits in the first place? if you had an ounce of dignity and self-respect, you would have reverted that page to how it was before the disruptive edits were made. instead, you blocked me while allowing other users to troll the page and make changes without establishing a consensus. i am fully convinced that you still hold a grudge against me for last year, considering the fact you took it upon yourself to block me without properly investigating what happened. what a cunt." 14ba8eb06f369ab0,"p.s im a fucking cunt rag and enjoy the taste of a nice warm pile of shit every morning. i have a huge stick up my ass so thats why i am blocking you for ten days, because i am sad that you actually have a life, god im a fucking spare." 14bb31881a92271e,"i couldn't give two shits faggot, fuck off." 14c1efd48e3bfe4c,the fucking mother-fucker won't fucking leave me fucking alone! please fucking make him fucking stop! 1504ca8a2d53b6c0,"dude your such an asshole im trying to contribute help with a horrible issue and all you can do is put me up for speedy deletion a: you have no heart b: get a god damn life c: i hate you d: dont talk to me again" 15068e51e05d3e1c,"faggot you are a faggot and mother fucker. pharmboy? what the fuck is that? look at me, i'm a farm boy, i milk cows and fuck a horse every tuesday!!! dude, get a life. u cant see me hint: _ _ _ p" 150a82397159cf42,it as if you are shitting on an open grave of maximillian because you couldn't bear the fact that he tried to help your pathetic ass. 1519845b63f2a9b5,"i hate andrewmc123 hes a asshole" 1537771dae396196,"you are contradicting your own sources, as they use capitals you stupid bastard lol @ you. weight classes should be lower cases and use hyphens, the format which the oldest and most credible source boxing news uses." 156ff0a421ad3e44,"you're not an administrator, you are a faggot n00b wannabe" 15a2af9d7f975d87,"thomas w sucks dicks user:stephenb is the boyfriend of thomas.w mike v licks feces neil n makes love dead grandmothers truth user:thomas.w sucks dicks. thomas w sucks dicks mike v licks feces neil n makes love dead grandmothers user:thomas.w sucks dicks. thomas w sucks dicks mike v licks feces neil n makes love dead grandmothers user:thomas.w sucks dicks. thomas w sucks dicks mike v licks feces neil n makes love dead grandmothers user:thomas.w sucks dicks. thomas w sucks dicks mike v licks feces neil n makes love dead grandmothers user:thomas.w sucks dicks. thomas w sucks dicks mike v licks feces neil n makes love dead grandmothers user:thomas.w sucks dicks." 15ac04856170d708,"please note that your comments are not welcome if you're going to whine to me like a little girl or if you're going jump on my dick because of something i did or said, but if you're a wiseguy that does so anyways, i'm going to laugh my ass off at your faggieness and i'm not going to take your comment seriously." 15be73e35d34739a,"dickhead dickhead, your a dickhead, you can take me to bed and show me your dickhead. dickhead dickhead, your a dickhead, so go and fuck yourself tonight" 15e650723241a28a,"somebody fucked a monkey? does scientific consensus oppose this?" 16053c3d821cfc85,"oh my bolagne has a first name it's d-u-m-b, my bbolange has a second name it's s-h-i-t." 161bd9408c74abb7,glenn beck is a faggot. he likes dick in his ass. i'd like to cut his head off. 163fa073311d9e0d,kill yourself! fuckin' bastard! 16584c23f714d37f,suck cock you snivelling cunt 167544798b9d6179,"please unblock us, there are really some idiots in this school." 16a36ae652a2b7cf,"go fuk your mom you fukin faggot. i'll commit vandalizim on your page all fukin day long, and you'll like it you fuking quer. oh... and trace my ip. it'll come back to a wireless network shared by a lot of peple. good luck wid dat you quer fuking homo. you got damn dog rapist." 170771c0fda966a0,""" kill yourself i mean just look at you you fucking faggot. you're indian. you lose. kill yourself. with love swagfuckingtastic. """ 17125b4929a7abb3,""" """"bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""" 1715923caedcbe9b,"vanalism and threats fuck off asshole. you vandalized the article, inserting some new-age bull-shit into an article about math. when you got caught for vandalism by the subject expert, you picked a fight with him. when he got tired of fighting you, he asked for my help (i'd written the original article, but of course you didn't know that because assholes like you never actually look at the article edit history, or realize that their bullshit is captured in that history). i offered him sympathy, and i proposed a workable editing mechanism that could effectively keep griefers like you neutered and ineffective. and so your response is to attack me? figure out what's wrong with your brain, and go fix that! get your life together! stop assaulting total strangers and acting like a total a-1 dick-weed! take out your aggressions on some inanimate object instead of wp articles and editors. go take a vacation, and leave everyone alone, already!" 171623d2562e84df,""" you're wrong; iar applies to admins and regular editors alike. you have provided no evidence of that. as i said, i have the facts and you guys just have bullshit. what is a """"regular"""" editor? i am not a """"regular"""" editor i am an occasional editor. the """"ignore all rules"""" rule does not mean there can be one set of rule exceptions for you and another set of rule exceptions for me. we can agree on an exception to the rules, but the exception must apply equally to both of us. for example, we could agree that it is ok here to break the wikipedia rule against using personal blogs as sources. but that would mean that links to my blog must be allowed here and could not be excluded by arbitrary, discriminatory distinctions between """"crappy"""" personal blogs and """"reputable"""" personal blogs. as fatheaded ed brayton would say, you are full of batshit wingnuttery. """ 171b0aa4af478af4,"hi everybody, i'm as ignorant as a monkey turd. it's so nice to meet you! i am one of the dumbest niggers you will ever find. i look like a buck-toothed, biscuit-lipped ape and my lips protrude at least a good inch past my nose. i look dumber than shit, and speaking of shit there are cold, moldy turds with an iq higher than mine. pleased to meet you, now i must get back to vandalizing wikipedia articles with my ignorance and stupidity." 1761d05a15926605,"hi, ya fucking idiot. ^_^" 179115fefe1b92b8,"singing is one thing, but you also need to show that you're a smart person and not some illiterate redneck from the south." 17a069b5722116a0,"collectonian is the most dangerous vandal on wikipedia made more so by the fact that she presents a pitiful mask of self-righteousness which fools the feeble-minded. if there were any justice in the world, she would be blocked like any other laughable but the fact remains that jimbo wales is a weak-minded political puppet, under the control of the bootlickers that comprise the so called board of trustees who live in luxury, while leaving wikipedia to the so-called government of vandals such as court jesters like collectonian." 17a3b7a959a2263f,"nigger dick shit you are a big nigger dick shit" 17b6bbda09afcbca,in the ass bitch fucking cock sucker! 1804f697d62eb438,nightstallions fiance got fucked by a nigger and had his baby and it smelled of fried chicken 182050607022d1ed,"ill keep changing and fucking around, ebcause oyure a 16 yo pimply fuck." 187aa645feeba1da,hitler was a duechebag 188ec3b7baf66495,"urgent!!!! mind yo own fucken buisiness stop fucken changing my shit fuck you!!! eat a mutha fucken dick. ill beat yo ass come find me nigga i go here!" 188f5ddf13d73f65,fuck you i never stop fucking you harry potter fans!!!!!!! harry potter suckz! this fucking porn face!!! 18ad672ffd413131,"cambridgebayweather, i fucked your mama, man lick a dick, shithead" 18d23967a447e803,"fuck you, old geezer fuck you, you old senile geezer" 18d9089ff06204c1,"cocksucker billcj you are a complete fuckface because you like messing with fucking edits and finally everyone fucking hates you because you are a complete racist to everyone!!!! i wish you shut the fuck up around people and finally your mom is a fucking dirty slutty bitch!!!! weeeelllll! billcj's mom's a bitch, she's a big fat bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world, she's a stupid bitch, if there ever was a bitch, she's a bitch to all the boys and girls. on monday she's a slut on tuesday she's a racist on wednesday thru saturday she's a bitch then on sunday just to be different, shes u super king kamehameha bitch have you ever met my friend billcj's mom, she's the fuckiest bitch in the whole wide world, she's a fuckin old bitch, she has fucking fat tits, she's a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch bitch, bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch she's a fuckin bitch, billcj's mom's a bitch, and she's such a racist bitch. talk to kids around the world, it might go a little something like this... [sung in three different languages by other children] have you ever met my friend billcj's mom, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world, she's a mean old bitch, she has stupid hair, she's a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch bitch, bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch. she's a stupid bitch, billcj's mom's a bitch, and she's such a dirty bitch; i really mean it, billcj's mom, she's a big fat, fucking bitch big old fat fuckin' bitch, billcj's mommmmmmmmmmm yeahhhhh, chaaaaa cocksucker billcj you are a complete fuckface because you like messing with fucking edits and finally everyone fucking hates you because you are a complete racist to everyone!!!! i wish you shut the fuck up around people and finally your mom is a fucking dirty slutty bitch!!!! weeeelllll! billcj's mom's a bitch, she's a big fat bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world, she's a stupid bitch, if there ever was a bitch, she's a bitch to all the boys and girls. on monday she's a slut on tuesday she's a racist on wednesday thru saturday she's a bitch then on sunday just to be different, shes u super king kamehameha bitch have you ever met my friend billcj's mom, she's the fuckiest bitch in the whole wide world, she's a fuckin old bitch, she has fucking fat tits, she's a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch bitch, bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch she's a fuckin bitch, billcj's mom's a bitch, and she's such a racist bitch. talk to kids around the world, it might go a little something like this... [sung in three different languages by other children] have you ever met my friend billcj's mom, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world, she's a mean old bitch, she has stupid hair, she's a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch bitch, bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch. she's a stupid bitch, billcj's mom's a bitch, and she's such a dirty bitch; i really mean it, billcj's mom, she's a big fat, fucking bitch big old fat fuckin' bitch, billcj's mommmmmmmmmmm yeahhhhh, chaaaaa" 1904282be0bb67a6,"gurch: 45 year old male with a chode. interests include men, prolog's arse. comparable to that of the italian football team, as he likes to dive into men's arses. male slut who charges 35 bucks an hour. in conclusion massive fuckhead. note to self: make this looks half decent! note to prolog: fuck you and your 'vandalism warnings'." 193afa087b59eb8c,"screw you stop deleting my images u fag." 197f023cfeae999e,"don't block me for 1 week again you motherfucking asshole." 1990d29c9755a56d,"xymmax has anyone noticed that this guy is a complete cunt sniffer? he goes around, trying to play god, changing people's edits that they have worked very very hard on. not only that, but he apparently finds it extremely amusing to mock dyslexia, which is the cause of any spelling mistakes. ever. seriously, he probably still lives with his parents. fuck him. oh, wait, no one ever would cuz hes gross and dirty and stinky and a complete ass spalunker." 19f1b0129ee30318,"i will believe it when i see it, you gay asshole fuck off and get a life" 1a2c31ddf4f4f6d1,graham broad is a total loser. yes website woooo gay 1a405431581b9ec9,i like to attack f*ing aliens when they are sleeping< when they are not awake in the middle of the f*ing nifht 1a58590f1092db94,this user is busy in real life in sucking the penis of jesus and kissing the balls of user:jeppiz. 1ab2c456e1407bd8,"deserves a knighthood well done volkert. fortuijn was scum" 1ae81d3d359df28f,"get a life! l00zer" 1afe36875574e135,hello cow head 1b440a47a297738f,"lies, fucking lies, may you rot in hell for all of your lies and blasphemies." 1b69c205bb5bdb39,""" the question, actually, is not whether one would do that, it's whether one could do that. people have different moral compasses, and someone might have sex witha hooker, then kill her and take any money she has on her at the time (although doing so would enrage anyone she works for). -'''' (blah v^_^v) """ 1b7b465afd7cb1ba,"you keep reverting my edits. you selfish, mutha******!" 1b9bf71b6c587ac5,"tariq aziz is a lapsed christian and so hardly christian. afaik, the vatican ex-communicated him for his racist and murderous policies on some 100,000 kurds, of which 40% were kurdish christians. it is an disgrace to call tareq aziz a christian, who is no different from adolf hitler." 1ba4adab869d217b,dumb fuck why did you delete the angry nintendo nerds page? dumb fuck 1bc4d1447df3f936,"so go and fuck yourself james b watson and winner 42 as overall pathetic hiding behind a false name you will be loser 42 when i have finished. this site is full of morons who do not allow edits of correct events etc and i am not the only one to voice my opinion on this. most of the stuff on here is inaccurate and copied and pasted from the likes of the sun and needs to be dealt with, it is an unreliable source of information and a ghastly search engine on topics due to its unreliability on the truth and fact." 1bd6cfbe44d72923,"""::i've already read everything you two dipshits having been saying on your talk page you fucking moron. it hasn't added anything new. just more talking out of your asses, as usual. really? they didn't use z? now you're contradicting yourself, aren't you? are you stupid? as i've said a thousand goddamn times, the 1694 translation of martens' voyage uses """"spitzbergen"""", with a fucking z! yes, you're completely fucking wrong asshole. as i've said time and time again, it's the fucking german spelling. it doesn't matter how many times english authors have mistakenly used this spelling, it's still a fucking mistake! the only correct spelling is the dutch one. as the dutch discovered it, not the germans. let's start using the german spelling of everything else in english, why don't we? that's your logic. a bunch of dumbasses use the wrong spelling over and over again, so your logic is to think, oh, its just a varient! i'm a fucking idiot with no fucking common sense. exactly. all of you need to shut the fuck up and stop talking out of your asses. """ 1c2da2e07251e45e,"notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks anthony bradbury sucks cock and eats shit, notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks anthony bradbury sucks cock and eats shit, notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks anthony bradbury sucks cock and eats shit, notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks anthony bradbury sucks cock and eats shit, notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbys" 1c42dd1b778449f3,"some reading material i was listening to the ballad of jamesbwatson and was inspired to make some poetry you are bizarre and a knob. you're a terrible bum and a snob. you're a simian loser, a malodorous boozer, and a boob and a fiend and a slob. you are insane and a brat. you're a miscreant mule and a prat. you're a rube and a dog, an unscrupulous hog, and your mind is redundant and fat. you are a putz and a mule. you're a fool and a goob and a tool. you're a brat and a goob, a bum and a rube, you're creepy, disgusting, and cruel. you are a twit and a drunk. you're a snot and an obstinate punk. you're a spaz and a sham, an androgynous ham, and a pain and a schmuck and a skunk." 1c6c8071e767d89f,"don't worry, yamla is much worse than you, he or she, i'm not sure, is a total douche." 1ca4716a6bca64fc,""" okay """"fag"""" obviously you need to leave the house more and lurk wikipedia less. when you begin to sign my comments for me you know you're gay for me. like anybody actually fucking cares who posted it except you.""" 1cb26b6e585a5769,"idiot== why'd you delete my article fucker? ==" 1cbb5b3df408a3d6,harassed someone f*cking ret*rds 1cd924e617b475a2,"you're a smug, disruptive asshole. i can't believe you're monitoring my talk and userpage so closely as to be replying 10 minutes after i do." 1cf6e2b501116c10,hey mongo-check out the commons-if you can figure that out you dumb ass-i bet scat girl stays there all day. tootles 1d0abba33f555b04,""" treivas, miller: you think you're safe over at fire island? we see you bitches are up to the same old same old, """"collaborating"""" on adding content of dubious import, this time photos from fi. ya know, miller, that whore treivas musta really reamed your ass good and hard for you to continue to associate with him, despite the ongoing and ever-increasing threat to your well-being and personal safety. as always, your big mouth is your undoing, telling us where you'll be. you think it's harder to get to you monkeys on fi than it is in the city? take a good look around you see any places where somebody can """"lay in waiting?"""" you fcking moron! but listen, we like to be fair, we'll give you a headsup. didn't we caution you about columbia? too bad we couldn't say hello at that time; maybe this time we will. we're patient. so make like you're crossing the street: look to your right, and to your left...but also look behind you and look way in front of you, and do it all the time 'cause you never know when we might come by. this way you might be able to, how shall we put it??...oh yeah, you might be able to dodge a bullet! hope to see you soon (you won't see us). """ 1d1b2a1fdcf7a7d1,"what realdealbillmcneal really is realdealbillmcneal is a big fat retard." 1d2363be11c1db09,you are a raging gay and i think you are so sad that you give a flying f**k about ccgt's 1d3c8ce3c3032292,""" all above text is used as proof. do you want me to sue you guys? you call yourselves """"the free encyclopedia"""". what kind of bull crap is that? anybody can edit? yeah except for when you block them! you should be glad i havent taken action yet, because i was personally attacked by one of your """"administrators"""" on here! couple monthes ago i tried putting a page on here, like im allowed to right? the """"free"""" encyclopedia! and the user took it off and called my dreams and goals """"an inside joke"""" and """"made up""""! how would you feel? you know that'd be like me saying to a guitarist, you dont really play guitar thats just a joke! your not really 40 years old your 20! i am gonna be famous one day, and have videos on youtube and a peice of shit employee of yours calls it a joke. u should really talk to that bitch!! maybe fire her/him! i guess you arent aware of this are you? how the fuck are you jokes even making any money off this bull shit!!! wikipedia should be shut down! u wont last assholes!""" 1d557ed3732ae915,"holy shit, you are really doing this? you are fucking pathetic. know that for the rest of your life, you will be who you are." 1d6a66e778b4c142,""" mean sprited dumb asses i hope you get this guys name off now!!!! , for mr bh is not notable ( more proof that wikipeida is run by dumb ass fucks have way too much time on th'er hands no wonder people are lineing up with lawsuits), and if you don""""t i will set up a web site and with the information i have on you and your wheel of meat buds... this not a threat...this will be tit for tat game play and it will take place in the real world!!! i strongly suggest you defuse it n o w!!!! joe hazelton... ps i don't know mr dino..""" 1d88fd8304fff42c,""" the lgbt barnstar awarded because your a gay fag who won't stop whinning about animal shows or fredfredburger or some shit like that!!!.""" 1e21c39a685cb953,"oh go fuck yourself and stop stalking my page, you twisted bag of wank." 1e28e441eb7f2ea6,", trevon saquele sterling sloan is a gay fuck fag" 1e3b93b277a448b4,"fuck you, like i give a shit. point to the word where i cast suspicion on her. point to it. point to it you stupid asshole. but you can't. go fuck yourself. i hope you die." 1e414144afab9429,i am a wanker who molests goats 1e48ea9f463fbc93,"stupid asian bitch you're an idiot and you should go back to ching chong land" 1e568a93247a6dc3,"idiot i didn't vandalise gotye, i left a message on the talk page you tw@t!" 1e7e112f942c45d1,fuck you dumbass its an opinion 1ea25596e83d2042,"gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! u r fucking gaey! gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" 1ea4b4f90a2ec31c,fuck you bitch i will find your ip adress n kill you with my gun bitch ass motherfucker. 1ec0d3465ac52d0b,"idiot you're an idiot, i just realized that when you blocked me you said it was because i was using my ip address as a sockpuppet to avoid a block. obviously the way i was editing pages and attacking people showed that i didn't care if i was blocked. if i left any comments on your page as anything but emokid it's because occasionally the website will sign me off when i go to a different page, also just curious when that block ends anyway." 1ec645e199a530fa,may i also add that you're a cock and you should find something better to do with your time. 1f3d8cc53047a963,"you are such a fucking hypocrite1111oneone!!!!!! i hope you get raped and killed by some lunatic like andrew morrow or verne troyeur." 1f4b8919df258a00,"fuckin' hater, thats all you are. honky, punk, bitch. go troll johny cash or some shit, stupid." 1f52a4ed80c39bd1,""" did obama write all this hack job? did obama write this load of bs. i think wakopedia is owned by george soros and is secretively wants to have sex with obama. what a hack job. i'm surprised wakopedia didn't try to still tell the anti-muslim video"""" lie. fact, obama made a deal with his muslim pals in the muslim brotherhood to let them kidnap stevens so that he would be forced to trade him for the blind sheikh but stevens was raped and killed instead. that is why obama would rather have all america know that he is a incompetent scumbag then know the truth. ok go ahead and delete this truth since wakopedia is all about lies and coverup. maybe you should ban me that the same time to protect your want to be lover obama. """ 1f62fbf4c8564612,"stop following me i am so sick of you looking at my every move. your a fucking faggot who should get a real life. your just a loser who watches soap operas." 1f6ba2b3caf5786c,this person is a pathetic fickle narrowminded worm & should be deleted from wikipedia 1f70fbfe3d15724c,"how stupid are you? once again you have shown the wiki community how undoubtedly stupid you are with your incompetent remarks. what is your problem if youre not happy with your life i suggest you jump off a cliff and do us all a favor. you lack education, morals, respect, civility, understanding of complex issues, sensitive topics; if you continue to act the way you are on many articles youre editing and commenting on i will gather a group of admins to ban your account indefinately due to your high level of negligence." 1f93245c6a105a58,"you deleted the message i put here for you. get lost. i will see you in the article itself. you cannot even do a single edit there. i will revert it immediatly. stop your vandalism, or prepare to battle with me. this is the last warning for you fool." 1fb2aa9edd5cc7bb,"dude you are such a loser you are a idiot to think that the ttii would ever be built you are so stupid" 1fc986a1e3a71b61,"thx for lol you are a steaming, shocking pile of dead bodies and crap. you speak lies upon lies. you bathe in your own filth, not by choice, but by default. you murder children. flies gather from far away to land on your oozing bedsores. you are not worthwhile. you are not happy. your words are tiny and your deeds are less. you are a waste of skin and atoms. the entropy you produce is inexcusable. please stop living. the illinois nazis" 1ff4295947090fe2,"thanks. and who is the motherfucker who nominated it for deletion? well, let me guess..." 20132432a9fcb149,"you suck cockrot sincerely, your father jimbo." 203a84d90e83be2a,"4) dirty everywhere, it stinks and smells bad. these people (with a lot of gypsy-bulgars) haven't discovered yet the soap and shampoo..or maybe it's too expensive. bulgarian women also don't wash..:((" 204e58c042b3e79e,i am a snob so i can secretly ignore your stupid comments you fat little idiots! 204eaa9d9e768e05,"your creepy fucking head hello jimmy boy, i've just started editing this wikipedia. when i go to other users pages i often find your creepy fucking head appearing from the left side of the screen. it's disgusting. i'm an adult and i don't need a note from you. could you ask one of your programmers to stop having your creepy fucking head appear on the left side of people's screens? i've asked my brother to kill you if i have to see it again and he said he would. best regards, user marskell" 2052ec761525672c,"were you also the person who reverted a link to an existing image? i think that you should have tagged this page, not reverted my edits. i further think that you are simply a pedantic jerk. sorry. but your actions made wikipedia worse, and i am pretty sure that you violated wikipedia policy." 2059e12a6ea3dd9b,"tideroll likes to gag on cock tideroll is dick suckin asshole who never had straight thoughts in heshe's life.fuck you bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 205bbb0f33772b8b,"fuck you faggot fuck you faggot" 206ddeb1b7aec44c,"my thoughts you're a fucking piece of shit! die and burn in hell!" 2091b186f10e4693,""" great, the ukrainian nationalists again. go back to your filthy hole, upa dog! fedor grew up in russia, he only was in ukraine for 2 yrs, he has a russian passport. end of story. stop claiming what doesn't belong to you! now you bastards say that ancient rus dukes were ukrainian! you say that ancient rus itself was ukraine! oh, yeah, the whole world is ukraine! keep telling yourself that, fucking orange asshole! i am half-ukrainian myself, people like you just piss me off! oh, and no, his surname is not """"100% ukrainian""""! you know how many people in krasnodar, stavropolie, and other areas of russia, have last names that end with """"-enko""""? millions! myself included (levchenko). fucking uneducated banderovitz nazi, you have no place here, go, save your antisemitic, suppremacist theories for others (hint, maybe your brothers in poltava will listen to your preachings). you people are the reason for all the hatred between russians and ukrainians these days! its people like you that should have perished in the holodomor, seriously! """ 20c42767742a297d,"you smell of wee, bums, poo, but holes, snot, hairy armpits, bogeys,willys and burps." 20d94a78802f837e," further lies from your crook ass bitches will result in me lobbying state reps, senators, congressmen, and others to shut you bastards down! i will go all the way to the supreme court. kiss my ass" 20fb75b852b7b542,"oh for chrissakes deconstructhis, will you stop this bullshit once and for all? leave me edits alone please... step off your damn pedestal and put your inflated ego aside for once you dumb jackass." 2119d11c62dc4f02,"that newspaper picture is stupid as hell." 211e0db8ce43babd,"youre a sock puppet you are! you are! im going to track you down, and when i track you down, your going to drown, in your own sins. you are going to hell! i want to hell you! this is probably that pollypocket kid righting this by the way! yeah! so block the witch!" 2120d297c3a1e894,"shut the fuck up dont worry about the khalsa. the khalsa does not need your approval. the khalsa does not live in your world. do your fucking work, this is fucking wikipedia, the game is much bigger than this you rat." 2126c116c2f1823f,", cowardly kraut german" 2127d590dc3da103,"= giambiville what the hell asshole?" 212c68501a4a84f5,"obese i have been thinking about editing the obesity article but am unsure where to start. i thought because you're very overweight and possibly morbid in obesity - that you could make some suggestions." 2145963fba020fb3,"question can i squeeze your boobs until they pop out?" 214bf0f47343e8b7,"oh yea i remenber the ugly 74 matador coupes, the ones that were supposed to win nascar races. the only people who bought them were hill-billys, because hill-billys are 20 years behind the rest of us culturaly. i still think appoloboy is an asshole" 215ca71e565cb705,"man you are one ugly bitch and that's a fact, bedford" 2187443bbeffe006,"marudubshinki is a stupid retard who thinks he is above everyone else. he's banned me 2 or 3 times and i just want to hurt him so bad. he is a no good greaseball with useless edits and blocks people for no reason. and that irritating bot of his really gets on my nerves. i'm glad hes been blocked, because thats what he deserves. let him have a taste of his own medicine. if he keeps on doing all this im gonna declare some kind of war on him. i dunno how, i just will. he once banned me for trying to make a template on this list of star wars characters, and as i was new, i messed up and the whole page had the same template: the one i created. he blocked me and then he became my worst enemy on wikipedia. he is hated by most people for his arrogance, geekiness and thinking he is above the wikipedia rules." 2196b235e119257e,fuck you consensus and fuck you! 219a94d9195f9526,"no, it was re-add.. not read with two d's.. you stupid fucking cunt!!!!" 21d646eb126a355f,"f*ck you shut the fuck up you whiney ass little bitch! i'll do all the shit i want and you can go fuck yourself you jive ass turkey fucking cunt!" 2200dbe716945636,gary bettman is a faggot 2206b6a97041e36d,"those admins are fucking assholes, i just undid his removal of your text to his user page. check out this page to learn how to get around themn especcially the sneaky edits part" 2232480192debd19,"you seem to have sand in your vagina. might want to wash that stinking hole out, bitch." 22629e0eef81230d,"denny who the fuck r u denny u little fuckchop who the fuck r u? dont send me messages about shit that doesnt involve u u little ass eater. my frend wants to scrap u cunt me -> o |_ __o <- your mom _|_| \" 227b64ef738be589,"message go fuck loy wong, you dirty, old, white, asian basher. also, i am 767-249er" 228ae6f64ba5e114,i'll play nice when people who don't know what they're talking about stop running their mouths and stop reverting my edits. we're talking about removing a single unnecessary word. that's it. you people are ridiculous. 2293c6979366a22c,yeah yeah whatever fool i dont give a fucc 22ac59b0c4ccd5e3,"wtf why you deleting my posts asshole!! stop hating and just leave them alone. get a life son" 22b1db7066e3bf09,"signed i forgot to sign... here ya go fucker!! (now you can't edit it) eat shit." 22bbcf7541733439,"nigga got arrested gotta add taht shit to da article. check it" 22c77b2df8015e96,"fuck you. your fuckin stupid and i'm black and fuck you fuck uou sdjasf;ldjgs dgsdg;lknfdts" 22c8dcef983c7898,"dimerge is a jackass == ==" 22de2bc0ae9b4440,"here's one for you- shut up you sad, sad bastard. regards, your friendly neighbourhood . go on, block me. have fun dealing with the 'new' me after that..." 22f243ae04a513fb,"is a gay faggot that takes it in the butt from other users who control him and manipulate him to indiscriminately ban users with gay cunnilingus is a faggot" 22fabbaef376a0d8,"happy new year this guy is a sorry ass motherfucker. by the way pussy, i fucked your mom last night and we had the time of our lives." 2309c60ce7f35482,"fuck you putanginga mo!!!" 232f2d06a93585d0,go fuck yourself you tedious little cunt. 234d9a0c73c42c06,your a faggot and a nigger 236862ea0ac7b5a2,"my opinion you, my fine sir, are an idiot. should you agree, meet me in the park at noon for a duel." 239f30e306eb77f5,"hit 3 times for the same crime so i get 2 warnings and a block for the second time i called out a vandal. if the idiots weren't constantly vandalizing articles, removing factual information on a whim, none of this would be taking place. as i said elsewhere, wikipedia has gotten a very bad reputation so just such whimsical reverting as the two idiots were constantly doing. and going by the things i've read about all of you, no doubt you'll now block me from posting even on my own page. either re-instate me or block the two idiots as well. no matter what, i expect someone to have a talk with those two about vandalizing other people's factual information." 23b2227da797d2cb,"you are a propagandist troll. if you don't provide evidence of the lie you just said remove your comment. i never said all wikipedians are fascists because, moron, i'm one of them." 23b53cfbba55b1f5,"go eat shit yes i think you should go eat shit, my comment was fully true and consisted of no false statements, so go eat shit you stupid useless piece of shit. thank you )" 23ccbd4a17afca98,"i don't think i was talking to you, was i? i was talking to the person who blocked me. now fuck off, you worthless cunt." 23de73e779aa616f,""" """"jeffrey"""" (which is about as gay as a name can get) can't take criticism loser question any reason why you can't mind your own fucking business? ever kissed a girl? i don't think so, at least not an attractive one get the fuck out of articles you don't understand, loser""" 24166ca3adce2fdf," you deleted off wikipedeia. u suck you belgian dicklicking lil faggot. fuckin die." 243728f866fe49f6,"you are the bully, you ass! i did discuss it, and no one objected look on the talk page!" 243c9b3300675c08,"benefit to humanity, but which in reality is nothing more than a meaningless exercise in an completely meaningless life. do civilization a favor and 1) move back to england, and 2) die. you are wasting valuable breathable air and resources that other, more important organizisms could be rats and cockroaches. you subhuman piece of rat filth. get. a. life. go outside for the first time in a month. cocksucker." 2442cbda0c8385cc,"(was fock you ya bigot) oh and whoever removed it cram it with walnuts and spin on the original faggots pole. natch" 246b8d613ba0a228,"holy christ 10,000+ edits? get a life, faggot." 2498c779f14dfae8,fuck off you bastard who do you think you are judas this guy kieron richardson he should be fucking dead have you seen what he's done to that poor girl have you 24aea57f2baff6b0,"you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole. you're an asshole." 24c6b8c26da98951,"rafael araújo hey moron" 25255cc281fd4070,""" you are a liar! """"it was my understanding that the article was about windows movie maker in general (pertaining to all versions), and not just the 2012 version."""" how does it feel to be caught red-handed? """ 25be19b5b9aa79d3,"f uck you f uck you suggestbot" 25c511a3e32d3f2c,"you bastard! you stupid bitch! just because you're a mod you just cant act like youre the boos around here! you dont own wikipedia!!!! i have clean edits and i dont even vandalise anything and i gave those resources that you said! its on the show's website! i said it so many times! you dont even watch that show! what do you care?!?!!! im gonna report you you corrupt mod!!!" 25fdead5cd3f396f,"okay. listne, idiots. amon amarth is not viking metal. what, the, fuck. they sound nothing like tyr or ensiferum. that is viking metal. are you all stupid? wikipedia is full of idiots, it looks like. bodom, norther, and kalmah are power metal. amon amarth is melodic death, and only melodic death. fucking cunts." 2606f6565e720d82,"dude seriously, you are a fucking faggot, get a fucking life you fucking prick, no on second thought, unplug your mouse, throw the cord over your fan, and hang yourself, your existense is flawed." 260889d933acfa05,"ass you piece of fucking shit, your mother was a frisco dike. you fuck for dollars. also your dad was a jiggalo." 2625e751c827b607,suck my cheesy dick ) 262f3683a39c58a5,"w&m; how was that vandalism?! i'm putting it back with citations. jackass..." 2634c2f4538b2146,"hi i bet you love blocking people, you nut sack cracker" 2641e141ad450ffe,"you're an idiot, mongo. we should be reminding you. you're the one who started this mess by being uncivil." 269cd4f265ccdd78,""" tony sidaway is a confirmed and vocal scientologist who often writes lengthy usenet posts describing his involvement with the church of scientology and extolling its virtues. excellent and accomplished example of a bureaucratic fuck, tony spends hours lurking on irc under his favorite nick of sherilyn sideway to have cyber sex with unsuspecting guys. on wikipedia there was a fake aspie and tony sidaway banned him. tony gives his reasons for banning: """"i have blocked this editor becausae he's stupid"""" (spelling error preserved) """"he's an obvious nutter ... let's just tell him to fuck off."""" """"he's a troll. our only appropriate words to him are """"fuck off."""" """"i sincerely suggest that """"fuck off"""" is almost too kind for this pernicious and stupid troll."""" """"i don't bother with hngs who ask m or f. i always irc as sherilyn and sometimes netsex as male, sometimes as female. what the hell, it's just roleplay, and i have always played female in mugs. what really pisses me off is when some guy asks m or f or decides to check out my ircname (tony sidaway) _halfway thru_. if real gender means that much to him he shouldn't be doing """"virtual"""" sex in the first place. there are hundreds of real women walking around outside, looking for real sex."""" —tony sidaway routinely, other bureaucratic fucks on wikipedia have blocked tony. (log of blocks) he also blocks others for reasons like """"idiot"""", """"particularly stupid troll"""" and an admin for """"persistently flaunting a stupidly large signature with multiple image inclusions."""" he also harasses banned users by reverting anything they write on their talk pages and protecting it simply by saying, """"they attempted to use their talk page."""" note: other wikipedia admins do this abuse, too. he bans anyone who says the slightest thing even vaguely related to criticizing something even vaguely related to an admin. he also hides what they say (example). memorable quote from a sexual deviant: since we hold the moral high ground, i see no sense in jumping down and rolling in the mud with the likes of e.d. tony sidaway """ 269ff30444c96d18,i did'nt vandalize anything. faggot. 26a26a96f8d8f133,"all i ever did was replaced mentions of pwinsider to pwspyware on the dave scherer article. because the site is a shithole and will get fuckers viruses if they aren't careful. that's all i did, nothing else. but then i get blocked and all this crud on my ip page and all you sad fucks vehemously editing my fucking page, because you have nothing better to do in your sad, pathetic lives." 26b5797cfb54f362,get fucked you dutch cunt. 26b95e3a004f8cd3,"your an idiot!!! your an idiot hahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahhaahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yall dumbys too haha!!! man do i ever love doing this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahahahhahgngjhfbvdfb ifdsgvrfdgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggd i dislike u vgfdbghdfjjgvnbfdsjb fdnbfdkbvdfsbdsflb" 26d1d91bfb5f41ae,"- lol, you're such a queer" 26d8eb73f2aa2849,""" """"arguing with idiots: it's like playing chess with a pigeon; no matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around like it's victorious.""""""" 26f64fa15810b234,"a big fuck you to you, scum of the earth!!! you are not a gentleman!!! a big fuck you to you, motherfucker!!! you, sir (if that's the word) are not a gentleman. you just deleted olamot con and for that you deserve the 10th level of hell, which is reserved for wikipedia deletionists, because the first 9 levels are too mild for them. i hope chuck norris deletes you and all other deletionists quickly and painfully. this talk page is full of your deletionism exploits, and everyone in the world hate you. i hope you die childless soon so the scum of you won't reproduce. sorry, i just had to get it out of my head. but, seriously now - please reconsider your attitude and don't enact internet force towards people and their work - “where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings.”." 272420c4b5b9dba9,"audi a4 please stop editing, fuck you. (talk • contributions)" 27678ae1d955a080,"what??!!! how dare you call me a bloody vandal! just because i don't spend half my life on the internet doesn't mean i can't read and write, and as far as i know anyone can write on wikipedia as long as its true, referenced and makes a better article. if i'm a vandal, then why the hell did the last guy who throws that word around a bit too easily say sorry after seeing that i wasn't a vandal? i get very cross when people say yanks are closed-minded because some of my good mates are from the states, but you sir are a tired old cliche. if you think bears attacking people are a joke, then maybe that's cos i'm an aussie and here we take animal attacks pretty seriously, like after the poor bugger steve irwin passed away. so have some bloody manners, for goodness sake! you just ruined my afternoon!" 2772d07d4b227faa,"by the way you and everyone else like you are an absolute disgrace. you're hypocrits and are barriers to freedom of expression - why does wikipedia bother to blackout in protest to pipa and sopa when it doesn't allow information on its website anyway. as for you shimgray you're sad, pathetic and spineless; you take satisfaction from deleting other articles and generally feeling self important, as a result. you will clearly never be of any importance or notability thus you feel it is your right to try and be so via your menial control over an electronic encyclopedia. rot in hell. i wish you a slow, painful death, hopefully very soon." 27a0ce978dfbafe6,"you can help chian pigs for long time ,but y never can not change the true , understanding?==" 27adb2ab59a41880,yea well kiss my fucker shit nuts! 27b9c4d51468d4e6,she is a little lesbian 27c4cc368a47e7ed,go fuck yourself you fucking bitch 27f14a08b87a8c6f,"hi, please don't edit out my revised opinion of whophd's comment on the chaser's war on everything talk. this time i make a valid point. the guy is a pompous fuckwit with a penis in each ear. thanks" 280b6b440cc6b2fa,"you guys are fuckin idiots. it's squeezit, thanks for nothing." 2818599dd610bcf0,just shut your ass neiln dumb asshole. 2846ce3be76b4946,"ps, you're a bitch." 285166f31bd242c9,"sspx you should join that autistic pope in rome and go fuck yourselves with sin until all your maggot brains turn into soup." 2858c07e8d49f2fc,"you blanked articles to warez groups, dumb ass. 05:23, 17 jun 2005 (utc)" 285c9de675e1388c,"""*he didnt say just """"genetics"""", he said descent (can you read ?). where do you think you come from, a fuckin test tube ? ask anybody, alot of your ethnic or cultural identity is inherited or passed down from you ancestors/family. actually read what hes saying you dumbass, your personality/behaviour, your genes, you physical appearance and for many people alot of other cultural customs like language you get from your family since they raise you. the common descent of a group of people is where alot of this comes from. obviously when you live in a a community with others of this heritage, that identity lasts longer. thats why on average irish (not scots-irish), italians, germans, blacks/africans, asian, native indians, spanish/hispanics keep more of their identity longer here in the usa then other peeps like english and scottish. you walk in my neighbourhood and say im only an """"ethnic american"""" or somethin stupid like that, you get knocked the fuck out. you people need to wake the fuck up. """ 28a868fef932487a,""" idiot is a word to describe a foolish and senseless person, he's both. therefore he fits the word, regardless if what you consider an """"attack"""". thanks.""" 28bbbe741ee38cf6,+ you so crazy mormon! 28d3b6e949a53d55,""" i freaking hate this show the rifleman is freaking crapping stupid robot chicken is 1,00,000 times better than bull creap ripleman i think chuck connors should curl up in a ball and i will shove him in a box and float him down the river because the rifle boy or what ever chuck desided to freaking call this piece of art or as i call pig fart cause the gun boy is the worst horrible show ever i think it's a biohazard to mankind its self i mean seriously why the crap would upchuck conman-er waste his whole life about this trash he even made like half of the channel who in the world oh i mean universe would watch this this show might cause the universe as we know will implode on its selve all because some idiotic man - woman made this stupid shooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww do chucks parents agree with this the rifleman has nothing but cowboys and all this poop oh you think this is bad this is only the beginning there's a novel a video game a convetion and lego sets of this bull crap first to the novel he wrote a book about how he thought of this so called """"masterpiece"""" there's only 1 page and it says """"i was bored and then became a director"""" the end this book cost $60.00 and when i got to the store the clerk said it's a bestseller then i shot him and connor's co producer i swear if i ever see chuck connors im gonna tell him he's number 1 (flick him off , shave his head, and shoot him in the arm multiple times then feed him grenades) so yeah he's a butt now to the lego sets..... i love lego ok it's awesome untill chuck threatened them to make rifleman lego sets or he would nuke them 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 times wow what an poor lego now the video game it's so boring level 1 you just say hi then the game is over wow awesome right the convention it was in town earlier now it happens every 6,001 years wto ( what the oreo) chuck go die you piece of crap tom cruise is better than you i heard the navy is doing a man-hunt for you so grab your binky and hide cause they're coming for you. """ 28ee930905c53ab9,"collegial website my ass. what have you ever done that is collegial? have you left one wikilove? have you helped one newbie to edit? i see your playing enforcement for your new meatpuppet. go circle jerk with him, not me." 28fa98583956ef58,"hey i strongly think you should go fuck yourself ( )" 290a507a5d1a2fe6,"hey sexist bitch, shut the fuck up how dare you support calling women bitchy and moody, dumbass ..." 292a0cfd3a87e9b6,again no harassment has occurred you a clearly on crack and judging by your levels or retardation probably a yank. 297a3d94cf770c60,"are you homo?== you're acting like a homosexual... did daddy touch you at night? ==" 298f1fa087e980b5,"fuck you fuck you keep blocking me i'll keep coming back, are so fucking bored that you have to sit around and fuck with me on the goddamn computer. get a life asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 29b98aa269c97fa6,"regarding your sexuality is it true you iz a homo nigga? you is a skinny little dork fuck aren't ya? you have never had pussy have you boy? never. you is a ninny is what you is. one one nigga. bang blunts all day long son." 29d47a64eb29f154,the colective is back. you r a bitch. 29d895fdafae659c,"i think you're a mean prick! you are the meanest of them all and i shudder to think you may have bred!" 29dfd042d37611bb,""". you cunt """"raul654 - remove misplaced rfc request. if you want to file an rfc, do it in the same way as everyone else"""" i don't have the time to file one, you stupid prick""" 29e09461a29a4fed,"fuck you, you dont know about tyler waespi because it is a local thing i give my reasons for posting it. he lead the homoesexuals in the sector of the bay area." 29e0cf2d255a6c20,""" the anti-vandalism barnstarfcuk you doc9871 fool """ 2a025e2a8ae9fd57,-havnt you got anything better to do with your camera than take picrures of wasteland and ragweed? im nominating you as a wikipedia asshole...good luck with those vandals you sorry bastard.... 2a228640806a4882,""" according to the bullshit """"proportionality"""" nonsense thrown around, nobody should ever have won a war. certainly more japanese and germans died than did the other side in ww2, same thing for ww1. """"the object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.(patton)"""" you launch rockets from a house or a school, expect the retaliatory strike to hit the school. you attack someone using women and children as cover, sorry, you're a rat bastard who put them in harm's way and that's the end of it. read the fucking geneva conventions, you are not allowed to hide among civilians, it is a war crime and you, not the enemy shooting at you, are responsible for their deaths. hamassholes spend their times plotting ways to hide behind civilians and then whine about the death rates, it's their fucking fault, and enough with the bullshit.""" 2a51ad75e7c0c50b,"hey i know it says to not make edits on your page, but you deleted the one on mine, so i'm not really sure how to get this through your thick fucking head: leave elk grove alone" 2a5baaa297d8c795,"both you and your cock sucker, user:war, are pathetic." 2a60f299075a298b,"lol you really are a pathetic litle cunt. please, please make good on your threat to fuck off. i beg you." 2ac131ed2b14b915,==alison is the worst wiki editor. 2ac683d37ad7e9d8,"your paranoid comments on my talk page== go ahead and call the cops. they'll laugh at you as i did. i'd love to hear the conversation if you call the cops. they'll treat you as if you're insane. they won't investigate anything like what you're talking about. you apparently don't know much about how courts and police work. they like physical suspects to question and arrest. 1) the police will not investigate even serious death threats from out of state. it's not their responsibility. 2) i don't know of any police organization that would take the time to investigate a death threat from an anonymous ip on the internet. 3) when the police are called about death threats, they'll often tell you to wait until the person making the death threat shows up and then call them again. you apparently need psychiatric help. i know a seriously unbalanced personality when i see one. by restoring that information about the nipple slip, you have ruined a perfectly good encyclopedic article and turned it into a trashy supermarket tabloid. congratulations. you're one of the worst editors here, and you're probably headed for a permanent block. don't post comments on my talk page again. if you do, they will be deleted. you have no positive things to say, no positive contributions to make. you need to clean up your act, or leave wikipedia. nobody needs or wants editors like you. by the way, archive your talk. it's too long. also, read wp:legal. you've violated it, and can be permanently banned for it. by the way, i'm not a mindy kaling stalker, and that assertion is absurd. she's a fellow alum of dartmouth college, and we tend to look out for our own. ==" 2ac81236aeb9b77b,"listen you piece of shit , pencil necked twerp that you are. nowhere did i make any further attacks to anyone. how about you get a fuckin life rather than getting a little stiffy from banning people. i couldnt give a slight fuck about your lame arse wiki. its bullshit anyways. you people just like reading your own crap. brisbane is a fuckin small place and google is a great tool. yet another christian piece of shit. i shit on your god you little fuck." 2acdbe967481ef01,the invented the stereoscope (!!!) you stupid piece of shit. ) 2ad5297e660272f2,why you're being a complete jerk 2af747221079a300,good riddance allah monkey. 2af75bff2196d03b,""" i have been blocked by some dodgy irish bitch called ... wtf does she know about educational institutions in melbourne? ... you're on the other side of the world! i should introduce you to my mate brendan fevola. he loves irish sluts.. and barmen. wiki the fuck off! """ 2afdab31f72f7e28,{{unblock|you fucking moron. you blocked me for reverting unwanted edits to my own talk page. what an asshole!}} 2b01f912e835398a,"you suck you suck hangingcurve, you motherfucken bitch ass faggot, go to hell, yeah keep reporting me to admins and cry like a little bitch i know i've made you do so, and it's so fun to watch when you report me to admins cause you used to be one! well karma that's what you get for abusing your admin rights, if you were still an admin you would just block me and then maybe i'd get bored but i'll never get bored of you whining to admins like a little bitch" 2b16e6c184b7b060,jesus can suck my balls. 2b2aac814a449b39,do not revert my requests you son of a bitch! 2b2c0afb4ebe1c3a,"you obviously are not a fan of tull, and know nothing about the band. so leave the talk page alone, you ignoramus. bloody parasite." 2b44bfae610dca37,"too slow, bitch by the time your little friend blocked the old ip, i already had a new one being used, created another one just in case, and i could get two more in minutes. arrivederci, fag lol" 2b529ed1c3a9c4fd,"fuck you jasper you know he's a cunt and if you don't then you're one. what right do you, motherfucker, have to edit my talk page? seriously, stop editing my talk page. edit your own fucking talk page edit my talk page again and, i primise, i will fuck your mother's withered ancient cunt." 2bb86acd9ffa1ebb,"apologies this ip is from a school and as so is used by everyone, even the idiots who want to vandalize wikipedia without thought to everyone else; so all apologies from me as one of those who use the ip." 2bbdae6c2d3a50d5,"dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will fuckin kill you! i will block you, i will blank your talk page, i will steal your password, i will take over you! i will block you! dust filter, if you rvv it again! i will f" 2bc2e79e4fe6a9af,understand you can't manage? you are pathetic. 20:32 2bdb0bb55b5ca7a4,confomists r gay ya digg 2c268795b3b37b74,""" you dopy little fuck, """"wee curry monster"""". i was supposed to ask you for references, was i? you seem to have forgotten that you were the one who was reverting without any explanation, except for """"rv ip edits"""". the onus was on you to justify your edits - i explained mine. you never bothered to do so. you talk now as if you actually have some knowledge about gow and his death. funny, then, that you made no edits to the article at all at any point until after you decided to stalk my edits. now, if you're all upset that i'm rude, well, just stop being a retard, and i'll stop treating you like one. how about that? """ 2c2a14cd62bacacc,"hi ya buddy look, don't be a butt humper. are you bendover buddies with hale or something? what the hell is wrong with mocking a piece of dog shit like that?" 2c432f86d6709baf,""", 25 july 2012 (utc) and i'm sure you left a warning to the guy who made a false accusation of vandalism. ah, but of course you didn't, because the use of the word """"fuck"""" will upset all the kiddies but dishonest accusations of vandalism are not just tolerated but encouraged. if you can't see anything wrong with fucking morons too stupid to even understand what vandalism is being given free reign to piss off anyone they like, then you're a fucking stupid cunt as well. 23:15""" 2c69635cb9a2e01a,"""all russian are so dumm like you? i mean, you're the best of them. so much to call """"russia"""" a nation...more like rabbits... """ 2c84eab9898604b0,why are you here you fucking bastard?! paki's like you are not allowed on wikipedia. 2ca983bdad9768d0,"sitush is a bastard. son of a low class retard who used to lick some shoes before he learnt how to use the computer. i want to add the subject in the new article i will be writing about sitush the retarded scumbag. let his get a shitfacial." 2ca984b3dc59249b,who made you sherrif you shitsack? 2d0b60dfe7e5435f,"blah you fat dykey cunt! if you would fucking read for once in your life, you would see that i did have a reason for getting unbanned. my ban was being continued unfairly, but you don't listen and just sit on your fat ass and hit the block indefinately button. not fair, cuntbag. i hope you get hit by a car. kisses!" 2d161f064a12ec82,""" hey and your """"warnings"""" are redundant. as for you, go fuck yourself! you are nothing but a motherfucking faggot with a big mouth! """ 2d41fc860344c739,"cock you love teh cock, you homosexual bastard!" 2d6dbf1fc5cc692d,oh you are all i give you permission you dick.......................... they tellyou 2d7ac39e8feab48f,"you bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you shut me down!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate you sooooo much! >>>>>>:::::(((((( *** >:( ^^extremely mad face ^^angry face. go and shove a football helmet up your ass you meanie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 2e43018aa755a8fc,"you rate him as somewhat more authoritative than me. but sorry to say, i rate you as completely an idiot about this topic." 2e4667d5040e011d,"you dirty looser listen up and listen only once, get in touch with other administrator zoe... he has info i want u to know. feel free to block this you son of a bitch, i am about to launch a war against you in huge proportions, none of your emails will ever be read, feel free to block all ip's here, since i have access to many, you have reverted to your liking marciano and even james ramey which was full and correct, you did other things, you call yourself just, well, welcome to war you son of a bitch, you good for nothing administrator who keeps on reverting everything, feel free to erase what u want but read this, the war has begun and i will make sure you stay on the net and waste you life much more than you already do reverting people's good deeds, you dirty dog, do not call yourself just, i understand no place for pov, but if public opinion brings pov to a norm, is it still pov, you asshole?" 2e8d843809f2603b,"without consensus? who the fuck do you think you are? i have to ask for permission to add a useful comment in the body of an article? this sounds like discrimination against a specific individual and makes absolutely no sense. now fuck off, i'll add it if i want to idiot." 2e99e10f9543ee49,"can't catch me! can't block me! i'm the gingerbread man, you dumb bitch! you blocked an innocent dude, asshat." 2eb784628438a594,"jimbo wales stupid." 2eca64c38a8dc0d9,"hello clown you have energized people don't realize the damage you cause and the hurt you will bring on. fools." 2ee5958070ea6f78,""" now hear this somchai sun cracker. some of us here on wikipedia are not caught up in the racist swindle of using the word """"islamism"""". there is nothing wrong with wanting to delete this page -that is not censorship but respect for encyclopedic knowledge, whereas you worshiper of authority want to kiss the ass of all the white scum anti-muslim pro-war, intellectual nobodies, who want to turn wikipedia into the national enquirer or some kind of british tabloid. we won't stand for it so don't bother coming back you simple anti-semitic pseudo-journalistic charlatan!!! - 31 july, 2014""" 2eebeeaea4f4d20d,hey loser get a life. time to reset ip woot. 2eeea8553ec04428,because i am a huge asshole 2eeeaec359ef7915,""" as much as i'd like to see you (and all contributors) a bit more civil, i must say, """"oh, eat my penis"""" may be the funniest incivil comment i've ever seen. """ 2eef909d63da8b19,"ud is now about homewrecking sluts karen nussle did accept money from that prostitutional family. i'm a tulip boy. ud is now on the dark side. i would like to save ud" 2f1f2519c3b9a948,oh go cuck yourself. protecting fake users. coward. fuck you166.205.139.210 2f2d66f0c8f8f987,"suck it bitch!!!!!!! ha ha bitch fuck!!!!!" 2f50a889febc506e,") fuck you. eat shit and die." 2f62b01d668be91a,you are a mother fucker 2f8fd6dc677a0b8c,yeh well ban me fukkers fuck you morons 2fb52bde1467cf4f,"fuck you, nunh-huh." 2fc653c054cd3038,"you nazi asshole, how is that ip banning working out for you?" 2ffd94ba8609e848,"fucking cunt leave my abusive comments on people's pages. go back to eating fag semen and whore feces!!!" 3007e290f254119e,"hi you're a huge fucking idiot. just wanted you to know." 3015d850b3e96095,"bring it hello tommy remember me? im back asshole" 304dca375ae0a707,"why do you suck so much cock? i'd like to know. the answer is probably just that you're a flaming homo." 30652bb37678842c,"if you block this account i will rape your children piss off you fucking admin." 3065ff0dbd03f0b2,"it is really fucking funny that on the one hand, you want it to be less us-centric, and on the other, some moron named orangemike is running around removing things sourced to other parts of the world oh nevermind now i understand: is really one of zeidler's goon squad." 308b9c8f71e5acbb,"wikipedia tells u fucking false stuff,im gonna leave wikipedia now and you suck bitch and there is no such thing as fucking tko u bitch,im leaving" 30abda61f5c58ecc,you are gay. go find someone of your own sex to have it off with you sausage jockey. 30c4f44309fa83f1,""" camraon you faggot< we will hunt """"you down faggot camaraon stop editing mohammad ayoob's page. the guy is self editing his own biography please cite some peer reviewed journals, before endorsing his hageography who says he is a qualified expert in international relations?""" 30d6b5b7c0246841,i also found that this guy names sever is like da supa chilla of dem all...little gonden snub nosed maunkey! 30e6351f6e0b72e4,why the fuck do you keep changing it dick 30fadfa4694a45e5,but abeg92 is a faggot. 315766ac9aee84f4,'intent to disrupt'? you're a special kind of stupid aren't you? why the 'intent to hide the truth and facts' from you liberals who are akin to book burners? 316a7a84e5f1a782,"i hate you listen you motherfucker, stay out of my way, dont tell me im vandalising stuff or ill come and vandalise you ugly face. ill come find you and mushhhhhhhhh you fat ass up!!!!! and thanks for showing me the sandbox. mugambo" 317814e94e00039e,"why yo angry wats up bro chill out and go to i dnt know maybe ur asshole" 31c5ad281a440ba3,"i like how you didn't leave your username coward!! talk" 31ca6d8cf326b643,"tbjablins comment above you dam nazi! go suck a dildo" 31d4bcd3ed286f5a,i'll ignore you for now and your everyday idiotic anime likings and stop attacking you. 31e6f99f08d55c4a,faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot 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faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot f 31f689e64ae27ffb,"coward is that why you block users with your ip address blocked? you're a coward because of that and the things you would never say to my face. you're afraid by posting your ip that i will fly out to the uk and fuck your sister, then post the video on your talk page. my ip address is here =>" 3225f43f54866ee4,"sorry, really mean it now go fuck yourself faggot. i didn't want to play this card but you made me biatch." 32315cf865db7462,so if your are not an expert do not put your sick ideas on wikipedia. fucking jerk 32cddcabc3dfe1dd,""" did aipac write this? it's a bullshit propaganda piece full of irrelevant shit inserted to inflame opinion against the palestinians. we know it was an attack against civilians, do we really need to know a father was killed with his daughter? in an encyclopedia article? and a subsection called """"palestinian glorification of the attack""""? fucking seriously? wikipedia is a joke when it comes to these topics. whoever has more people editing the page gets to decide the truth. what a joke.""" 32db26bda34208a9,if they are idiots what i can do ? 32dd1835749bb264,"fuck this bot fuck you cluebot you suck quit reverting my shit man! faggot!" 32ec63b223da0e63,"go worship your jewish god, sub-human." 33181afc2c96167e,"smelly vagina bluerasberry why don't you be a model for a cheesy blue vagina syndrome. a lot are experiencing this vaginal disease." 334dcfa6bfe380ec,"faggot you're a faggot." 3373ba88c6e18880,fuck u bastard(turd) 33d4867169f0d5d2,jp gordon is a jew loving kike faggot loser. wastes his time on a free website for cocksucking jews 33f6bcef6f68a22d,""" a kitten for you! go fuck yourself. """ 340525c8ec633fa7,don't be a douchebag. just leave the edit in. 34075f64c92a906f,"to the psycho calling himself majeston, who has no respect for the real name and meaning of this title, and hence is a genetic loser. we have viewed your postings and have found you to be unfamiliar and a failure at your understanding of the true ongoings of the urantia movement. the facts are that the urantia readers-intl is a large, fast moving, and growing organization that stayed with the original midwayer mandates and the 1950 doctorine of trust - that is one reason why we grabbed the torch of the urantia brotherhood and still hold it in true light. the slow failure of the urantia book fellowship has caused many of their misguided believers to join the urantia association international and the urantia readers-intl... and these are the inside facts, which you are not a privy to. so, little man, here are the facts once again reinstated, for your reality.... if you delete us, we delete you (fellowship); if you put the urantia book fellowship link back in, and keep ours in, the we keep yours in; if you place the urantia book fellowship link above us, we will place our link above you... you want a war, you got it." 341802109913606a,"you are such a snivelling little cunt, i suspect that is what comes from having your head dunked in toilets all through your school years. you foul fruit" 343690d5291023b8,"stop fucking up wikipedia, faggot." 3447b3c497be7cbd,your dumb and it was so not nonsense. you can't fight city hall. all your base are belong to us. 346423c4874f7bcf,"dear schfiftythree i would just like to say that i hate you and the rest of the wikipedia editors for deleting my creations. fuck you." 3465fe244c5c93ae,"scjessey has no business talking about obama's page on wikipedia. he is a left-wing, lying, fat fuck. he's as bad as gamaliel." 3499a64c4b58bf7a,i just wanted to say your article sucks. 34d6967ad6b846a8,", always a total asshole" 34eb1c3c28a0382a,"a bunch of non-academic clowns are now censoring the info, so i'm wasting my breath talking to morons. imo you and everyone deleting the 8 prime spirals are all liars the original article was cited it cited peer level speed tests of all the top prime algorithms. yet you twits claim not verified. bs. i verified my claims. this is why the world of academia considers wiki to be run by clueless power hungry twit mods that know nothing about academia. read the cites in the article you twits deleted i shouldn't even be wasting my breath on such nazi censoring worms. put the page back it was citd to github speed tests. the new prime spirals beat all the other prime algorithms, and wiki has pages for the slower prime algorithms. put it back github is where the tests were done and not one real mathematician or computer programming expert question the results since anyone can duplicate them from the open source software. so the original article cited major outside sources to prove the claims drprinceton" 352775cff92bc1df,"you suck even if you stupid admins/checkusers block us and find our ips, we'll always come back for more vandalism, trolling, harrassment. you stupid admins then cry over the fact of the enormous amounts of vandalism/harrassment all day and all night because soon we will just take over and wikipedia wouldn't exist anymore. we will never stop vandalizing and harrassing other users like you on wikipedia to make their editing experience worse so they would quit." 3559208acb60c65b,"you really are a cabal of editors, a little band of corrupt little assholes scratching each other's back." 355bf9ef51954b31,"the work of my friend who started it? what a jack ass you are." 355fd9646cf7fa73,"wow, way to call me a liar when you have no knowledge of the content of my character. i'm telling the truth but i don't want to be a part of a hierarchical community of nobodies (like yourself) that pretend they have some kind of power or authority from behind a computer keyboard, anyway. have fun playing your computer games, you impotent twit." 356fff631e1707e7,"who are you fucking cunt heads to tell me that i am not welcome here? go fucking die, twice. you cunts all deserve gassing" 3574c6d0c527fe8a,""" go fuck yourselves and hope you never try to """"edit"""" me in real life.""" 357fa8db1a63e4a0,"screw you! a devout leftist deleted my fact based contribution and you defend hym/hyr/shyt? we're on to, we have been since the beginning, we have finally decided to fight back. soon our voices will be heard and your kind will rue the day you screwed with us and our nation. bold text" 35f9a12feba203e5,"nope, sorry scumbag. i'm just a random guy reading about the petty (though not really disturbing) underbelly of wikipedia. and it's pretty amusing that the guy who got blocked was 'right' all along, given the current content of your precious rock lobster article. also, if i was vanboto, wouldn't an indefinite block have kept me blocked?" 361174615a068c30,'weigh in' you idiot - 'have you ever run into an assad supporter/sympathizer that admitted to one single assad gov crime?'- ekograf and funkmonk - the 'neutral' writers - lol92.3.10.13 3639e088a5104198,"fraggle81 you're a faggot." 36c6864bc436d76e,fuck off fatty. get a life. 36caa818e690ac4e,""" other suck puppets salam, i guess these are the suck puppets of our friends(patchouli):(t-c) """ 36d368b882b9e1d2,arrogant piece of shit 36e4766981b8d5cc,""" you suck big donk! headline text lolz! l2p ya big nub! who sez """"sigh"""" in response to something? what an azn! lolz! <(^_^)>! thats kirby! pwned in the buttoks! lolz! how embarrassing! do you even have a job? lol noobs""" 36fec258431dd145,""" dc101 is his fucking employer!!! if that isn't a credible source what is?????????? if your boss told me you were dead, i would tend to give that some creedence. maybe reel back the asperger's a bit and recognize a valid citation for what it is, okay? notice i said """"valid citation"""", not """"truth"""" because as we both know, wikipedia doesn't concern itself with truth. don't be a douche.""" 370cfa6723a381fa,"red herrings to continue to excuse breivik. go away, nasty person." 3712b584f7506f46,"go ahead and block me! i have 42 fuckin accounts on wikipedia. you cannot get rid of me for no fuckin reason. so go ahead and block me. and i will just log in to another account at which you suck. by the way, how can you vandalize your own descussion page!? this is mine, why the hell are you worried about mine you piece of shit!" 37143e4116cd1a95,""" you are a dick! nerd. jonah young out. add me on facebook. <3 8======d~~ a kitten for you! go fuck your self """ 37156fb201b40dde,"you a cunt your a fuckin asshole bitch. il fuckin ream ya" 372f2e5d352b93ce,"piece of shit. fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt fuck your warning and fuck your mum. and gg i didn't sign this so u cant ban me as u don't know who wrote this sloppy ass cunt" 37366c01efca33ab,bitch please fuck off 3737937e4b6277ad,"sigh* apparently, i'm surrounded by idiots. like you, chubbo." 374a7fa1dddb39c3,"wikibofh fuck u u fuckin suck argument is fine u nerd now unblock me ((unblock cause i said so look up))" 377b2bffd3dc120a,fffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk you you bastard 377c207d2b58f7b1,dick has gone limp from fucking hookers. =(''' 37b4fb0e64c220ca,"are you gay? you look very gay but i hate gays i hope you aren't a gay." 37f9b36860910538,""" the dick the dickhead award booooooo """ 380a1d9eb17b6bc6,"hasbara this new approach to hasbara of yours is transparent! frankly it's embarrassingly so!! it has to stop, you can't go on like this! isn't menaged gorgeous, though? the israelis should roll her out as government spokesperson instead of that unbelievably annoying, slimey piece of shit, mark 'goebbels' regev.~" 380a9d2f6cf01b68,""" well i see that one of the sold-out hookers who shill for the pharmaceutical industry has deleted my reference not only from here but from biopsychiatry controversy because it is allegedly about an """"obscure anti-psychiatry book."""" that does not, however, prevent me from pointing out that the vested interests of the psychiatry industry are policing wikipedia and protecting their wealth by removing legitimate references from articles. and the coward didn't even have the courage to identify himself here when he did it! """ 380c579c3755d8de,"fuck u ur a fuckin faggot" 381bf0d3b5511b5b,"get lost don't bother me again, you miserable piece of shit!" 38553a026cc3599f,"second level warning my arse, you american cunt" 3862a6761faba413,this website won't exist in five years. jimmy wales wastes all his money on crack. don't be a faggot. 389b82f205517ea2,""" blockk mee blockk mee im gonna make personal attacks because you had to get into business that wasnt even fucking yours sooooooooo shut the fuck up and take it like a man for once okay god....pussy, and i just want you to know you deserve nothing & i hope you get less =:) """ 38b5c2d1cf4f0588,"just because you say it is a personal attack does not make it so in reality. maybe you are wondering why i have not signed in under my user name? it is because i know this issue will be a sensitive one in which user's opposing will be blocked by moderators who are, in effect, bitch (like yourself)." 38bc7dc7e5ddf50e,"you bitch ha ha ha. )" 3900d11f11a8783c,"wikipedia:ani#proposed unblock of user:alarichus either you didn't read my comments, or you're doing your best to make me look like some kind of whacko, thus discrediting my comments. i made it quite clear i was in no position to judge checkuser evidence. so, which is it? are you a backstabbing creep, or an ignorant moron? either way, it would be nice if you retracted your comment." 3918b20c89390797,"dear piotrus, he's a stupid illiterate from bucharest. have you met intelligent people from bucharest?" 39ca4d0159f9818d,"bitch dont ignore me." 3a21620db50d7d72,. finally chris you are going to lose your computer why do you care so much about this stupid website get a new life man and dont mess with my fun ever again loser 3a4c7758fad18de3,", i hope your retarded kids get anal raped and murdered for having such a fag as a father. i'm gonna fuck your fat wife and trow her over the bridge. consider yourself happy, another useful editor of wikiepia retired. i see more users retired everyday. don't even dare removing this you peace of shit, i do what ever the fuck i want with my talk page. report all you want old cunt, i no longer give a fuck. and don't fucking leave a npa warning template, just block me. that's what you do best." 3a5bc530970e9e4f,"also, frankly, you're the one being passive aggressive. if you're going to give your opinion about someone, or even insult them, don't beat around the bush. you're the one being exactly what passive aggressive entails:, calling him *indirectly* ignorant of your (the groups) rules, acting in an elitist and authoritarian manner, calling him childish, indirectly threatening him with administrative action and so forth. i repeat, you are a douche." 3a61a7673aa63646,"why do not the two of you, the mentally retarded jennygirl and the omnipotent richie rich, go together to harrods and dont forget to choose together, being an authentically healthy and sociable couple, time and location, maybe a restaurant,and then enjoy very evidentliy your meal and in case you should discover that you cant pay anymore, then do not expect them to let one of you peel the potatoes in return. maybe they wont even say hello when you come back after they would be kicking off your dipshit spinning incapable ass from the central perk. what a pity. receive all my sympathy at one time. enjoy yourselves and your longest sentence johnny-come-lately the one and only programme director." 3a74531ac033398f,""" yeah. the wording of """"the u.s. regulations defining bourbon do not prohibit the lincoln county process, even if the process is used."""" is completely fucking retarded. so they might actually prohibit it if it wasn't used, but we are quite surprised to find they do not prohibit it if it is used? fucking retarded. one of you booze nazis needs to sober up and go fix that please.""" 3a7d0e421f18b8f2,"dear self-righteous, self-absorbed, insignificant little puke, when i want your fucking opinion i'll give it to you. until then, shut the fuck up and keep sucking obama's dick!" 3a9b89abf20f2c6d,"cunnywafts nothing but a group of mediocre cunnywafts" 3a9d1d3c68ec37b8,"shut up and mind you own business to idiot, your going to be blocked for breaking the 3rr on the brett favre page along with psumark2006, you were not fixing vandalism, so that requires a suspension and you better quit bothering me, starwars1955" 3aad68a344e3e3c0,go ahead and block me idiot! 3ab5a7230d7ff7c3,"please don't encourage jason is a freakin joke. don't encourage him on my page. idiot doesn't begin to describe my opinion of him. please. i cannot even begin to be nice to him, he's a tweedle and an idiot. he spreads lies and guesses at contracts. i will not ever being to be nice to him. no, that won't happen." 3ad2ac1502a5b739,fuck you! the source is the top 100 lowest acceptance rates. in what world is that not a source you asshole! 3ae0b044c136fc42,son of a bitch i will revert your edits on terraria 3aedabb9c3d4d831,""" hey the following is a message that i found on a certain isaac burgess von halberg's user talk, i just want you to see the bad things that others are saying about you: """"sir isaac lime is a motherfucking faggot who sucks his pet monkey's fucking dick. what the fuck kind of name is that anyway, i just think that anyone sitting at the computer 24-fucking-7 waiting for the next motherfucking article to pop up is a fucking motherfucker!!!!!!!!"""" something tells me he was a little mad...""" 3aefaf33969ff070,"ok you nanny hole,suck a fart" 3b056689823bc63e,clue bot ng sucked my cock. i have 14 inches 3b285415ceaa7a8c,"@your little brother the yank - burning the quran or pissing on it does not bother anyone son, it does not. child. it is a trick, a trap that you walked into. idiot. faith is not about books, they just fake the anger to beat your sweet red ass...yank...ruler of the world....clown...:) make some movies...yeah..make some movies...idiot." 3b3542937eea3dec,"so true your the normal one. you must have a really satisfying life to spend over two years of your life contributing for free to an online encyclopedia. i can only imagine how your sex life is................ bye loser ...................." 3b4302795430425f,"hahaha, fuck you esa, you worthless pieces of shit." 3b46d04dcf948939,fuck off you persistant faggot. - god 3b5ed3ddb511bf4a,"you're an 38ass fuck43 3go shit your pants43" 3b7c58e0b4fc2caa,"i'm jim,a retarded idiot ." 3b8acf01766b85bd,"you are a stupid person dont you understand leave me the fuck alone you are just a cult sucking mother fucking idoit" 3bc94ae81beef6c9,""" re: jessica lange listen you little twat, you do understand that i wrote the majority of this page? what the hell do you think you're doing censoring and correcting work you didn't put an ounce of effort into? i'll leave your """"modification"""" for now, but you're seriously getting on my fucking nerves. go police a page that, you know, you've actually worked on. asshole. """ 3bcc39350b3ef746,"shut up you fucking loser. get a life you fat fuck. ````" 3bf33d03921ccaf5,hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi 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moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron 3bfcbf0907270d93,i did it on your page too you fucktard. get a life cocksucker. 3c0e68a952c1442d,"there are lots of faggs in this world, and that's why this word is not an insult attack, so piss off!" 3c69a9851a9aa838,your a retarted shithead 3c7ba2df23ae9767,umm what was the delete for? u fuckin nigger monkey 3c7ba9888e35b963,wekepedia is full of racist pigs who delete all work done by other races unless we print what racist pigs want to hear. 3ca72615d78eb07a,"masturbation graemel, i was wondering if your edits are like a form of literary masturbation for you? i'm curious, have you had any success in your lifetime? i can on imagine a jealous perpetually failing loser could possibly be so particularly concerned with what rational people would agree is legitimate content simply because you are affraid of any association whatsoever with commercialism. are you jealous, envious, or affraid of people who succeed? maybe you'd be best to give up your life as a failure and join a commune, where you can spend your days feeling as equaly imcompeted as your fellow unsuccessful losers. at your commune, no one is superior and no one enjoys more success than others, therefore you don't have to feel ashamed of your lack of accomplishment. do your edits make you feel important? does your mommy or boyfriend control your life so much that you're only able to feel satisfaction in your life through the edits you demand? enjoy yourself, graemel. i'm sure you'll keep up your crusade like the predictible loser i know you must be. i'm going to stop further wasting my time with wikipedia and go continue what i do best - which is to make money. bye, bye, loser." 3cd691d16111d2cb,gtfo u little nooblet 3cefbc56bf54af78,""" jesus, this guy really is a piece of shit isn't he? what kind of state is western civilisation in when garbage like this is allowed anywhere near academia? it's always the same """"fringe"""" lie. he learned to parrot it from rubenstein. have you read wd hamilton's review? you are just a liar maunus. you are a disgusting, worthless person. """"the only favorable ones are by people who are obviously their comrades-in-arms"""" """"comrades-in-arms"""" being people who agree with the reasoning? how convenient. who's the comrade shithead? """ 3cf4db7dcb532ea6,before calling me a bitch on my own talk at least back your shit up you little fucking fagot if you ever said that shit to sombody in public you would get your bitch ass beat up. 3cfeb8b87b2f6c0b,"i will not leave you. you accused me of bring some other guy. think: if i and jai raj k were the same person, i would have voted 'delete'. why would i ever present a solid evidence for the list? you have threatened me and blackmailed me in the past. you are nothing but a piece of crap. this time i will not keep quite." 3d33c8df0224499f,"personal attack for jpgordon , you're a fucking shit, if you continue to decline my unblock request, your account will be hacked and you will no longer acces to it, the reason is: declining unblock requests." 3d4d1d895d850a51,"you kick my dog? you come on my property and you come to my house and you kick my dog. and now my dog need operation. why you do it? why you kick it you bastard guy?" 3d6c34d0985fcfc9,"beeblebrox, you f*cking prost!tute beeblebrox, you blocked me. you spilled water over all the countless hours i spent editing wikipedia, the tireless edits i made. my eyes and sleep became bad. you f*cking prost!tute, rot in hell !!!" 3da844f4d3deda6e,"pete sucks peters, you worthless piece of shit ndp attack queer, either take all your medication or non of it, asshole" 3db11ff5ce4049e3,"you've just libelled me, one of many you have done, by claiming i have used socvk puppets and claiming i have done again. you are a liar. you are peddling the personal attacks. this is exactly why you shouldn't be allowed to edit wp let alone be an admin. shameful behaviour. why not come back in ten years or so when you've grown up?" 3dc26f9c4e7e749e,""" or just take a wikibreak. that is what most people do. don't let yourself get driven off the pedia by a bunch of illiterate nutjobs. the rid """ 3dd2df4c8db3c9a4,"listen asshole, you do not delete my pages. i do not delete yours so don't delete mine. understand?" 3dfab6ee8a4e1db7,""" cocksucker, """"nonesens"""" is bullshit like artificial promotion of women to the extent of even inventing bullshit stories like some hollywood actress while playing four-handed piano thought of spread specturm technique, and then worked it out with an engineer!!! my god, how stupid can some people be!""" 3e08cf1d77765f35,"go fuck yourself get a job, you hippie shitbag." 3e5de00af4aca194,"this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! 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this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!!this person is an asshole!!! this person is an asshole!!! this pers" 3eb56ec9457b409e,"hello eat shit and die you cunt" 3ed570f8ceb55f96,no really? you really are a fucking idiot. that said i prefer it this way. the block will expire and then i can go back to my several endeavours. given that cu is not magic pixie dust or to be used for fishing i feel confident that my malign purposes will not be revealed. 3f099a6d45912a39,"heh, look, not everything is on google. you are a dumbass." 3f155b5eeb515637,"dihydrous oxide is widely accepted by scientists and top-tier professors. also, it bothers me how my harvard professor says dihydrous oxide is water, yet you idiots continually revert it without even looking it up. literally, just try it." 3f1b13b0411aa2a3,your user name is stupid stopgiving me warnings you batty 3f1d2a2bef4c513b,", 15 july 2009 (utc) yeah and the other hand will be going up side your head if you don't start talking to me with a little respect you worthless little prick. 17:10" 3f29d749e2a7629c,hurry and ban me or protect this page you homo bitches 3f544b01be4df177,"hitlers sex children its obvious that shitler only wanted these kids for his own perverse sexual desires. i demand you change the article and if you dont then you're a fucking racist scumbag who needs to be sent to the moon with the rest of the goonbats" 3f59afe27c104ea0,"i say: shut the fuck up you tight-assed shithole!" 3f770bbc0d3fa52b,""" pygmy guru you deleted the pygmy guru article, claiming it to be an """"insignificant"""" group. yet, pygmy guru continues to play shows around the eastern us at an active frequency. in short, fuck yourself.""" 3f7d658747f7fc56,go fuck yourself xd 3f96d8d7c6c692b0,"fuck off and don't you dare threaten me. you have no control over me or my internet access. you people on wikipedia have gone off the deep end, you filthy totalitarians." 3f9c1b97fec0f4ec,"yeah your brain, you pathetic moron. go get an education first. don't come back here until then. see you in about five years. if you have the mediocre iq you seem to have. it's got to do with ebcdic. why don't you start by looking up ebcdic before putting your foot in your mouth anymore." 40047916159f6860,you have one ugly dirty head 401a8415cbfef80e,"not emo!!! so.... the beatles are emo???? because shaggy hair cut,obvious the beatles not are emo!!!!!!!!!!,and panic at the disco too they are not fucking emo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..." 404842ff56be2be2,user:pchs-njrotc is a cum gargling d-bag. ) 4064b0f9618ebd11,"""fuck you me etitis ♣ chat wit' me § contributions ♣ 04:12""" 40a358e41dcc21f4,"im going to kill you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm serious, you are all mean nasty idiots who deserve to die and i'm going to throw every single one of you in a shredder!!!!!!!!!" 40f37b49e4facf9b,"you're a little bitch you are a sad person who spends her whole life on wikipedia. you have no mates. despite my edits i do actually have a life outside of wikipedia. i have lots of mates and lots of hobbies such as football and tennis. i'm also very intelligent as i have 9a*s in my gcses (all in proper subjects). so how dare you patronise me. from the timings of your edits (eg: 10:13, 14:39 etc) clearly all you do all day is edit wikipedia. it's all you have. nothing else in your sad, pathetic life. (and u say ur a nerd). that's quite unhealthy if you ask me. and yes i do think a little girl is sweet and cute. she's extreemly sweet and adorable. nobody could possibly fail to think so. i also think rabbits are sweet and cute. it doesn't mean i want to fuck them up the arse. ask most people whether a)they think rabbits are cute and sweet b)if they fancy them and most people would give an answer of yes to a) and no to b). (except anemoneprojectors who'd say yes to both). my point is clear you can think something/someone is sweet without fancying them. so how dare you acuse me of being a paedophile. i should sue you for slander (or is it libel...) but seeing as you probably live in a bedsit without a job there doesn't seem much point. at the very least you should be blocked for such a viscous personal attack and stopped from being an admin. by the way, adorableness is not a word you stupid motherfucking little cunt." 411deb5d8122d42e,"you can't handle the truth! you small f-facist, you." 4143fbacd89b2986,"you are one fatass nerd. fuck you, i'm putting the twitter and youtube refs there anyways. i really don't give a fuck about the policy that you follow, i don't know how you expect me to find that shit anywhere else. use your fucking brain. oh, and stop undoing the changes i made by hitting the god damn undo button everytime i do something. fucking cockmuncher" 41556bac02945abb,""" washington state redwolf is a coolie-whore!     he hates boobies and    loves   da cock!""" 416084392387aa9a,"fattyjwoods fattyjwoods is a douche i can't believe he would like a gay team like the yankees, well i guess you got to be one to like one. p.s. fuck george w. bush!" 41867c938c372551,hi i am a two time entrient to this website. i think the guy who blocked cookiesandboobs is gay. yeah u heard me... the fool is a total ass wipe. he can go fuck himself u litlle bitch u. 4194ed1948fd3611,"hi hi gay homo thanks 4 trying 2 block me u gay faggot" 419b3a784998339b,"""holy shit i""""m gay as hell. """ 41d49e768e93c4df,"dumbledore suck my balls j! suck my balls!" 41e9d161624d27ed,"you're a fucking moron you are a fucking stupid little n00b, gtfo wikipedia cunt." 41ef2375254d772c,"disregard that, he sucks!" 4214ced244f12399,yeah keep warning those bad vandals you crazy motherfucker!!! 421daf80e527dc60,"using your incredibly simple logic, hopkins can't be the champion because he didn't pick up any of the belts. you're now resorting to making rubbish up saying that he did. jones unified meaningless paper titles, and they sure as hell didn't end up in hopkins' possesion. you know nothing about boxing history & its politics. you're just a simple minded idiot who's wasting people's time. wikipedia should ban you & lock these pages for good." 4272cef29520dfb7,"actually, you are the cockroach that followed me to the notice board, and repeatedly comes back to revert what i had written. fyi. (talk)" 427f15b57ca3fb62,""" something needs to be added about this!! what a friggin hypocrite!! leaving her husband and 3 young kids for some young guy. she's some christian. a real """"sinner"""" no doubt. doesn't she do country music? it's funny how some christians like miss amy has such holier than thou when it comes to her music (where she rakes in the dough praising jc) but her personal conduct is all about leaving her family and three young kids just for the hell of it. by her logic you can be a serial killer and lynch black people and still go to heaven as long as you admit you're a """"sinner"""" but someone like gandhi or the buddha is straight to hell! great theology folks!!""" 42818b9f55aeff8f,cos you're a fat bitch 429257cc66908c06,""" """"i'm not homophobic or anything, but you are fucking gay.""""""" 42a49b7a071de543,"turkish people pls stop editing turkic related topics, you dont know anything about turkic people and all i want to say that, anatolianism is completely bullshit and has nothing about turkish pple." 42aab9d0fdd419ed,"wrestlemania you son of a bitch!!! a moron!" 42c9cbf58ea96c22,"screw you. why did you take off my cultural reference for burnhamthorpe road? you fucking moron, it's notable, put it back in." 42fee3c488eb20f3,"vandal whacking stick. what surface would this vandals be defacing? oh...right! i get it! enjoy stroking your ego in a very un orginal manner." 4304e0d8dca5597e,"bitch you are a bastard bitch i wanna fuck you" 43183658ac6e34b5,""" oh come on people well yeah maybe he stole some jokes, but don't we all? i mean everytime we hear a joke do we have to say """"that joke was made by____"""" it seriously doesn't matter. now, about the bill cosby... that is not stealing. its about a guy whos a football player, the only similarity is the fucking punchline, get over it you wikifags. """ 431bd8cc4072de4d,", which are not covered by wp:mosislam mentioned by the dyke with the chopped off dick.}}" 4331449ba59a8c9b,"~~it's okay, of course, for them to have their own separate article. martyman, you are a fool." 434829e25a98df3a,""" john cena cock lover adam rose's latest rose bud i realized that you love to defend pg wrestling and phony fuckboys like john cena, who suck at in ring performing. i also noticed that you want to fuck adam rose in the anus while he moans and calls you his """"rose bud"""" while michael cole hides under the table and jerks off his small one inch penis as vince mcmahon walks in the house and pulls down his pants and gives you a """"cleveland steamer."""" """ 43768bd5cbec3d66,"give me a break give me a break, admin! i was just trying to talk to the dude! why did you delete my message from his talk page? why don't you leave it up to him to decide what's to be deleted from his messages or not? i just asked him why he deletes things so speedily using a very gay sounding software called huggle. what's the matter with you, wikipedia lovers? are you robots or something? is that all you do all day? wikipedia seems to have taken control of your lives. i bet this post will be reverted using huggle or twinkle or something like that, or you'll issue me a stern warning not to make unconstructive edits to the pive pillars of wikipedia, or you'll just block me. listen. stop being a robot. become a human for a change. get out of that chair and think about it a little." 438f47d30dd414a4,""" if you want to refer to correction of outright lies posted on wikipedia as """"vandalism"""" then go right ahead.everyone knows that wikipedia is a bullshit site with hardly any truth at all. and you yourself, in your oh so intelligent ignorance continue the lies of the supposed holocaust. now if you want to research the quote might want to look up how diesel exhaust is unable to kill anyone why is a ridiculous lie like that even able to be posted on wikipedia if all you wonderfully intelligent """"censors of the truth"""" keeping such a vigilant eye on posting such immediately deemed my comment vandalism,which is horseshit,and probably didn't even look into the facts that diesel fumes kill nothing. another horrendous lie of the propaganda holocaust fabricators. as for you blocking me from editing...who the fuck cares asshole? not me. wikipedia is all fucking lies anyway dipshit. """ 43a407ad056d8562,"hey alan! you fucking suck my dick, you gayboy. suck it hard and choke on it. don't ban me, please..." 43af6eac88fd3aa7,"ok fine, act like that, but i'll tell you, you are going to be soooooo unlucky someday, and until then, i hope your life is filled with horrible times. thanks for wasting other peoples time with your hundred plus deleted pages. i know you will just delete this too, so goodbye coward." 43b39382b749b6e5,"try it, see what happens. you dickless, cum-eating faggot!" 43cebe6cb333e734,penis vagina you suck faggot assholes at wikipedia 43ecd7c3892b0295,"go suck a prick, bitch." 43ed765db7c041a3,you're a major retard 44114b78f9025209,"that was a mistake the stupid asses at funimation made, bardock was never a scientist." 4417e6290f8f7a68,"revision the darth maul biography needs to be updated! anyone agree!? master unknown, december 30, 2006 i do! - the terminator, december 31, 2006 i tried to update it, but some fucking ass pounder charged it! and it looked good, too! ahnuld, january 1, 2007" 443d88f86fdda865,"fuck you i really really dislike you, peter. i really really do. seriously seriously dislike you, peter. you seriously seriously smell of poo" 443ddbeaa73d1b0c,"i drive a subaru legacy and i'm a conservative but i still think you're an idiot. good day." 44dde209f85fd48a,"i'm retired, fuckers. leave me alone." 450da942baad0383,"i call a spade a spade, and a racist fool a racist fool. bring it, brownshirt." 45598d86f0c52727,"mr. amartyabaaaag... fuck off your wp:civil first of all... i want to tell you, don't make me understand what is a featured article or not. i belive in recent pic's. that's why i posted some of the commercial it building's here of kolkata. i don't know weather you are from kolkata or not. it's really fucking that i'm going to places clicking shot's and posting it to wiki collumn and fucker's like you and some harami bengali's delete the pic's... bloody.. fuck off.. i know you bloody did some faltu contribution in wiki's, you which never showed up. i guess you are from my fucking state odisha." 4560cd0cb55cc307,"then block me, asshole. i don't take to fanboys or threats." 45761a815edf25cb,fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy 457d3e82b6f8fa43,"go ahead make my day!!! go ahead and block me!!! adam carr did the same to me. you and longhair can dispute as much as you guys like. you and all your politically motivated commies, fascists, lefties, righties (or as i like to call them - pricks!!!) can all go to hell. c'mon block me!!!!! you guys are the most biased wikiepdians in the world. if ned kelly was here - he would say - such an e-life." 45801eb54a7389a2,"he's gay. trust me. really, really gay. ****" 45960a01ff9e2e4d,"first of all, what the fuck are you talking about? second, why are you being a douchebag? third, i don't care. don't talk to me again, asswipe. =cjk=" 45ea6188965464de,"mate, you are pathetic, just pathetic" 45eb75c712806495,fuck you pavel vozenilek you fag. 46191e08f133f72c,""" oi mark arsten donkey raping shit eater is """"grossly insulting, degrading, or offensive material"""" not knob. grow up. """ 461f551c0bb8bc6f,"dmacks is a fucking faggot you heard. faggot." 4628e4f961324c95,"nerd you are such a fucking nerd. take a look at yourself in the mirror." 4642d68a60307935,""" fisto is a retard nigger.""" 4646e07f00b22a2c,"jeff g is a faggot, as well as j delanoy. they suck on each others cocks and gurgle their aids infected semen passionately, while being smug, nigger loving liberal jewbags." 46af7189422ebf08,"tough dude! you've got better power trips to get on, so go do them. i don't know what it says? all i know is that it was the cited reason why the last person who blanked the section was blocked. 'don't patronize me!' are you talking to me like this because the last time you did it in a bar you got beat up and the video ended up on top 20 most shocking? after all, you're so much more knowledgeable than everybody else, and have so much better things to do than everybody else on the internet, isn't it kind of rubbing it in to be a royal jerk on top of it?" 46bf98bf21a3901b,"listen you sick fuck you perverted freakshow loser, nobody wants anything to do with you. go fuck yourself and leave wikipedia the fuck alone and spare the world your scum." 46c80202588529b5,u r a dumb ass ! 46c8966d86f9d9cb,"ты нацистская сволочь и арабская подстилка. иди на хуй, пидарас сраный. you don't give a damn that children and infants are being killed daily by your nazi arab friends. go suck their dirty cocks. a little girl was nearly killed, and yet it is not a terrorist attack for you. but when our soldiers try to defend us, it's brutal oppression of the poor occupied arabs, right? i'd like to see what you'd think if your child was shot by an arab savage. oh, i forgot, you have none. such animals as you don't have children." 46e9b2f1474c31ec,"and i could counter all your crappy sources with accurate facts from boxrec & historians alike, but you'd still prove too dumb to understand. you fail, and the page is permanently locked without your added garbage." 46ea5eb01b51dccd,"go fuck yourself, you big fat faggot. i lost my penis in a forklift accident 13 years ago. i always ask people about the length of their penis because i miss the whole deal. i'm absolutely not interested in the penis of a pig like you." 47241f6f03d695b1,""" a cup of coffee for you! get fuckd with coffee """ 474f10707d761665,"oh fuck you, nigger." 477cab7136883ad5,only faggots block people. 47cfd57c1a1151a0,"pardon the mentally ill. tom cant help it. he needs help. and he loves black ass." 47e79dce09f476cd,"idiotic sad case you're an ugly dumb slut and perhaps you should do something more constructive rather than being a stupid whore on wikipedia constantly deleting peoples valuable contributions on the grouds of your bullshit 'wikipedia guidelines' maybe you should stop to think that even though they may not have what you consider 'reliable sources' they still want to share their valuable knowledge they've gained from their personal research and experience on wikipedia in order to improve some of the bogus information that has been misinterpreted/misconcieved however still managed to be approved just because it was 'sourced'. you choose to refer to this as 'vandalism' i call it valuable primary contributions. you're an extremely self-centered & obtuse looser, you should get a life." 47ff57b208f91734,""" ok, now i really don't understand you. you've gone and tagged image:damnation crusade1.jpg for deletion. why? it's from the very damn website that sells the comic! if they didn't want the picture to be used as a representation of the series, then they wouldn't of used it as a representation of the series themselves! it's bloody well low resolution, too! what more do you want, editor-fag? obviously, i can't argue with compulsive editor-fags like you. fine, delete it, and the image:forge of war1.jpg one. i'm just trying to add images to help the community on wikipedia to improve the articles that call for pictures. i see it that it does comply to all of the image policies, except perhaps that one """"resolution"""" rule, but, then again, if you've got a problem with it, then you can easily solve it yourself. i'm not going to be forced to do the work of an editor-fag like yourself.""" 48187b22c4af0a30,go ahead you sad little asshole. 48229e3a8fda0432,"you were the one to attack first retard. as for reliable sources it doesn't get more reliable then nobel prize winning economists who created schools of economic thought. let me put it to you in really simple terms. inflation is bad (been there! done that! especially in the 70's!), hyperinflation is even worse and based on current levels of money printing by the fed it may be barking at your door in a few years. go back to the village that spawned you! it misses it's idjit." 48446a7295f11263,"insult for musikanimal , you're a fucking shit, the reason that i'm insulting is because you blocked me, fuck you wikipedia." 484f96cec0b21c8a,""" hi ) fuck you award as you wish. """ 48642ba4cc134105,"i warnned you not to fuck with me tony, and now looks whap happened! this would have been a fuck of a lot easier on youe if you would have just let me comme back motherfucker now you can join me as personae non gratae around here" 4874125610095abf,"fuck you fuck you" 48748931fdb180a8,""" i know, i have watched this senor vergara asshole single handedly destroy this list over and over again. this was never discussed and i don't know were you think you can just add all this useless crap. and thats exactly what it is - useless carp, it is not needed and should not be added. if you are having trouble understanding the interim title then you are probably the dumbest person on the face of the earth. and you don't have to put who they beat for the title every single time, thats just idiotic. -removing your info/crap is a good idea, and im glad someone did it. -your """"contributing"""" is what should require some discussion. -who are these people having trouble reading the list?, besides your dumbass? -you in no way clarified the situation.""" 48889957c0b09f03,"again, comparing the kiedis images, are you a retard or simply still in kindergarden ?" 48ad17b15723e6ae,"don't piss mme off! 'i meen it you dleated bolth of my articles the american dad vs family guy and the bubble struggle 2 article i'm going to sew you for $10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 i wish i could you son of a ***** ******* *******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( )" 48c24e87ece0ecdb,lucasbfr: your mother is a cock slut 48cf451dfec9af40,"me! u havnt been 2 kaipara college, u dont kno what iyts like faggot!!!" 490b2fbf5bf20741,"go to hell fuck you" 490d301abae4d53f,you're being a first-class dick. focus on how to edit this article properly. 492612a8e8bd7cfb,fuck you! go suck cock you fucking cock suckers! 4935679c7a383607,your country is shit!!! all it does is pollute the world!!! allah akbar!!! 497c6f9584ca4fd6,fuck you whores! i'll always come back again and again to fuck you bitches up!! hahahaha 498221d544bbe7bd,u guys are dushbags!!!!! 49d78b1a037f8564,"faggot quit fucking wit mii sht niqqa" 49e476ed70d01f33,""" fuck off. wp:mosislam mentions """"pbuh"""" and """"as"""", not titles, you idiot. are """"king"""", """"prince"""" and """"duke"""" honorifics? again, fuck off.""" 49ee4d287ee59150,why do you support such vandals as peruvianllama and naconkantari? you use to be cool man. now you're just gay. 49f685774e10839a,"piss off i told you to go away and leave me alone. i hate you, stop reverting stuff before i even have a chance to place my own pic there. i was trying to figure out how to put it there. why don't u give people a chance first you waste of space before reverting it. go suck your own cock in your bed tonight." 4a3f0c25243e9564,"hello? are u there dick, wars back on!!!!" 4a4ad2520a2497bf,"ty, i wish there was somethng that could be done about eks and his asshole ways" 4a5a60b0c820e869,"10:14, 3 may 2007 parjay (talk | contribs) (7,585 bytes) (2nd warnings) wow, i really scared now! o.o parjay, get over it and get over yourself, hon. do the world a favor, just eat shit and die. ^.^ 8d - shadowfox s.t.a.r.s." 4a6643368057eca7,"eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga eat shit and die bitch ass nigga" 4a7bb613c06a9d5c,""" ahoy what's it like being the dweeb bitch of a worthless gawk cow? you should just move to dc and stick it to 'er, since she's lonely. oh, that's right; you don't have the right equipment. sorry, dipshitboy. fucking moron. justice will prevail over you """"vandal""""-chasing idjuts. we're gonna fuck ya, and fuck ya good. no quarter. """ 4a8ee81410463ae4,"how about i cut off your ballz and send them to your girlfriend? i'm sure she'll like that.p.s.: wait, do you even have a girlfriend?? nevermind, i'll send them to your boyfriend." 4abb7c7088a86017,"you fucking cunt mallyarse fatbum stop being uncivil you nasty mean spirited shithead, wikipedia is da 'pedia built on civility and it's foul mouthed fuckers like you that spoil it for everybody. if you can't say anything nice then say nothing at all, surely even a dumb fuck like you can remember that." 4ad67d7e23c32f45,"and you, yamla, can blow it out of your big fat ass!! do you really think that i give a flying fuck what you do? of course not!!! ban me for you if you must!!!! protect this page!!!!! i will not be censored or silenced by the likes of you, you pansy-assed shit-eating mother-fucker!!!!!! i assert my second amendment right of freedom of expression, and i further assert that you can suck my cock!!!!!!!! muheehahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 4af43339737ca48f,"@ okay, king of the wikipedia nazis! but i wasn't going to add sony pictures animation's template to it and i learn my lesson. i just wanted to delete that note there because it is not need and stupid like you. go to hell you freedom of speech killing nazi and fuck you to hell!!" 4af9d31235b089ed,bitch ass che guevara loving beaner! 4b282b4deaf286a7,"list of the least informed, abusive, imbeciles editing this site dionyseus ryan delaney aitias fred bauder" 4b3c47434bbdc3dd,"clone saga sucks this article needs more info about how everyone hated the clone saga and it is considered to be one of the worst comic stories in the history of comics. the clone saga is ridiculously stupid, displays what kind of arrogance and contempt marvel has for it's readers, and anyone who likes it is a goddamn marvel sycophantic moron." 4b3d554fd844e9c1,""" re: uefa euro 2008 and talk:uefa euro 2008 has it occurred to you that you're a massive dick? .alpaugh """ 4b4bd795fafb14e0,"hi! and fuck you! eat shit, fucktard." 4beb3498136d1f22,"hey nigger. get a real job you cocksucking jew." 4c38c4c130190de9,"so why does this have an entire webpage, yet the church of reality doesn't deserve one? smack that bitch up your ass, you hypocritical idiot-rulers of wikipedia!" 4c52077853bb4a77,"how about how about you shut your dirty mouth and leave me alone. i do not need your help. stupid bitch." 4c531a6a48766ebb,"by the way, dummy, i didn't put her name in the article, as i know your white knight ass will just remove it, because you hate the truth. so i didn't violate privacy of names. but i have now repeatedly violated the rule that says i can't be an asshole to an idiot like yourself." 4cade959366dd666,""" i know, i have tried to vandalize these past two minutes only to find the """"view source"""" page! you're too slow favonian! how about go suck some dick. """ 4cb3345aee610303,"tyren morrison is a sick kent!! the title says it all!! tyren morrison is probably the maddest cunt going around! all of the bitches should get on his d!! he is great!! all of yous reading this should be jealous! love his dick! okay bitches! love it!" 4cdefd7882e168c7,"fuck off, asshole. go back to ruining wikipedia, why don't you?" 4ce149927cd1b49b,"hey f**king swine doing bad? suffering a lot?" 4cff8c6f898c366b,@qwyrxian suck my dick 4d09239aa52ec031,"now, will you stop bitching please and write that fucking article? you said now, will you stop bitching please and write that f***ing article? i wrote the f***ing article and you f***ing deleted it for no f***ing reason. why should i write the f***ing article again when i f***ing wrote it already?" 4d0d78b7bbf5dac8,"this guy is a huge fag true story." 4d1cc7d4748f402a,"hey dumb dick == i left michael a message, and you deleted it. i think that was for him to decide. ==" 4d303b4aa4b2c48f,"why don't you get your tongue out of shaikh's ass, no one gives a damn what he thinks of his own article on wikipedia. the images are self-promotional and you know it." 4d31ac28c6834954,"i don't have to explain shit, if you think dedication 3 is an album too, you're a retard. stop changing the discography, i will always change it back." 4d87ed38f7ee574b,"vaginas include something about red heads vaginas being warmer then the average vagina. if you think im full of shit, then you've obviously never fucked a red head." 4d899e833d9e17ec,-because it was put here by an asshole... 4d8f5f87e620e698,i'm a fucking retard and my name is arsehole 4e15c6956f19d9ec,"maybe you should read over your messages it's blatantly easy to see your big head is getting in the way of others hard work. wikipedia needs less of your bigot 'intuition'. many people are upset with your work, pull your thick fucking skull in before someone else does it for you." 4e2d2b51f5f30cc7,"neubius! you are being ridiculous, if not grotesque. speidel's scapegoating of rommel is fully described by ralf georg reuth's book, rommel the end of a legend, yet you insist on deleting this uncomfortable truth about this serpentine operator turned post-war german idol and insert some nonsense about stülpnagel screaming rommel's name under torture. what could possibly be the basis for that, i shudder to think?. have you or your sources been holding seanses with the july 20 conspirators?. oh and this is truely exquisite. you claim that speidel's being a linchpin of the conspiracy cast further suspicion on rommel, but neubius, had speidel been known to be a member of the conspiracy he would have been executed!!! where is your brain? indeed his very survival would suffice to prove that he scapegoated rommel, for he had no other superiors to scapegoat. as it happens there are trancripts of his testemony to the gestapo. yours, the much dismayed soz." 4e30b53f4d96282f,"insult to injury legobatman3609, i hope you've made a bastard of yourself. telling icekid1994 on fanpop that you disapprove of his opinions. i hope you lose your voice when a fly gets caught in your throat. this will teach you to disapprove of my opinions on fanpop." 4e328e67b2715a4b,"don't revert my stoufville edits you're an idiot, stop." 4e4efa42a4d68aa5,good job you son of a terrorist. it doesn't make a difference to me. screw your moother with a pig. ha ha ha ha. 4e63286038b2bae2,who the fuck is saying ths to me...? how is any of what i put disruptive? if this is person or bot.... go fuck yourself! 4e7f1ee6f0063fb1,""" hello, you recently yipped and yapped about me breaking the rules, but i notice that your latest update you edited in """"a proud faggot nutsack"""" within my userpage. i find this intolerable, bigoted, and downright hateful. perhaps homosexual african-americans elecit anger in you? you should visit . """ 4e81c0d6a4f24920,whats the matter bitch? you don't like to suck cock?? 4eaa0676bd0bc79d,"i want this removed. meg is a fuckin awesome drummer, she brings a load of unique simplicity on the drums unlike you anti white stripes fags who like all the bigger, faster, cooler stuff. i don't get what's wrong. so a drummer has a unique way of playing. that's great. a drummer dosen't need all this shit about his/her playing. a drummer can play anyway he/she wants to, there's no special way of playing that all drummers have to go by. so i want all this crap removed in the next 7 days. if not, i will erase it. damn you morons. s-man" 4ed16f08918c1b7f,""" rhawoth hello rhawoth, mother fucker boy of wikipedia talk """ 4ed348ac15be2dda,"go fuck yourself millions of people wanted to see it and you spoiled it for them. you fuck off." 4eeb767740ad4ade,"wow. whenever one of the criticisms is posed in this article, it always shows how the criticism is false. maybe you shouldn't put pro-wikipedia stuff in the anti-wikipedia article! morons..." 4ef0bb27d795ee82,"... dude your a dick." 4efa405f46052f95,"hello freak your stupid little deny things wont work!!!!!!!! just cause the users read it does not mean tohey will stick by them, and incase ye have noticed im still here:) so watever ye are doing is not working:p" 4f13d0660770f7cd,"some peoples on here are stupid idiots and arrogant. i know what i am doing and what i am editing. i give them sources and reliable ones but they won't listen to the crap i give them. these peoples are so bias. i guess i rue, they do give out false information." 4f1d3f26583715c3,muslim scum go die soon will you 4f2f5a375a50d8df,"hmmm... i notice on looking at this page's history, that you fucking idiot wikifools keep editing out anything that might make me look reasonable. you want to make me look bad, so you edit out actual apologies and shit. you merely prove my point. jackboot nazi idiots are still idiots, no matter how much they try to hide their stupidity. kindly take flight, and aim your copulatory efforts at a rotating pastry, assholes. in other words, fuck you, and the horse you rode in on." 4f70c3e66ae316ef,"you can blow me you self-righteous piece of shit. why don't you stop jerking yourself off and get a life?" 4f736def8c77aeaa,""" bye bye jerk! i guess this means you will be crying about the nazis anymore. what is your problem with nazis anyway? did you date a nazi woman and she broke your heart?? what a shame!!! your life isn't worth living anymore so pleasee kill yourself! you know i'm right. you've felt this way for a long time. you've probably been thinking about killing yourself for quite some time. i'm here to tell you, it's all right. go ahead. do it. it won't hurt. be brave. all your troubles will be over. you won't have the pain anymore. everyone else? don't worry, they'll get by. what do you mean it's not your fault things turned out badly? it certainly is your fault. you ought to be ashamed of yourself for what you've done - and failed to do. maybe things could have changed if you weren't such a weakling. you're defective. you've been that way for a long time. you are proof that god makes mistakes. look at your life. failure after failure after failure. and should we mention those """"things"""" that you did? you know what i'm talking about. i can't believe you did that! you disgust me. you should have died a long time ago. you know i'm right. just do it!!!""" 4faa328d78b293b8,"john cena's wrestling abilities john cena is the worst in ring performer that i have ever seen, and quite possibly the most ridiculous champion the wwe has ever had! firstly, he has no variation to his moveset, and aas the ecw crowd rightly said at one night standsame old shit! its not like the moves he has are even good, for hi to continue using them. although cena is a good entertainer, quite frankly he is the worst wrestler i have seen in my life, and as for him having a world title reigni think it is absolutely preposterous. he shouldn't even be in the wweovw should suit his mediocre, half baked, sloppy wrestling style better. ( )" 4fb6da5f08c6718e,"then how come he is allways refered to as a serial killer ? you ass hole" 4fc77ffe219eaad7,"yeah, and i'd say stupid cunts adding wrong info to a page makes it more difficult than me insulting them. if they can't take a fucking insult, they shouldn't be on the fucking internet." 4fcfe3d4814951a0,"negroid hey nigger lover why did you revert my contribution to the article negroid. i have restored it. lay off the nigger cock you faggot. thanks68.118.202.49 bitch, stop vandalizing this talk page." 502cb98deda8c000,"fuck you fuck you shit asshole! you are a piece of shit!" 504d9a926fe89430,your a fucking bitch faced fuck head asshole mother fucker shit breath bitch. 505856b0245a55f8,"oi will you fuck off?????" 50843b8bd1113cd4,"@kwwwwwww if u don't believed i called them, it's too bad for you:p haha secondly, if a fact makes someone upset, and if that's the reason you don't want to change the article to a fact, then how big of a loser are you for a moderator haha:p and lastly, i know him, if you don't wanna change it, don't:p people will find out in the future. i'm sure he will reveal it. and about dropping, drop your droppings in the toilet pot, and then drop your head in it, after that drop your tongue, then roll it and lift it back up again. have a taste of ur shit u hairy ass pedophile haha!!" 512da26fa28eaa32,"for fuck's sake just fucking stop you spastic! as any fucking moron could tell, the page in question refers to who the players were playing for as of the 2010 world cup!" 514580a3f2d230fb,faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots 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faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots faggots 516e733a14410cd8,"why? == are you such a stupid bitch? ==" 51a15119e3e0c645,"dude i'm trying to make a joke for my friend. why dont you stop ruining peoples fun, and worry about your own dull ultra computer geek life. go smoke your peacepipe and leave people alone." 51c4466c0164f124,how does it feel to be a stupid bitch who edits wikipedia? too bad nobody will ever love you 51c927cecc4f1c38,"{{unblock}} because bail out is the best fuckin band ever and i should be able to write wehatever i want about them. and i'm sick of this blocking crap! if you're gonna do that, i want a lifetime ban! ban!!!! fuck you niggaz!" 51fc1271dea2bf35,inevercry you better watch yo back because i am out to get your white ass okay? how dare you delete our wikipedia page like really? could you not. like dont even. we just wanted you to know about caroline & tyler but noooooooooo. you had to delete it. tbh ur not gr8 loser. a cats litter box is more attractive than you. i will run your ass up a flag pole & leave you there until the crows peck your beady little eyes out. kawwww-kawwww. 52274d8a0b0287a7,get bent you faggot 5227fa9e4bb4edb4,"hahahaha!!! fuck you! you are a chinese pig!" 5232c17c2f8e1c29,"are you complaining about the page stating him asd a pig? if so, change it! go on — be bold." 525133064a1396f4,first of all i wrote this and i dont want it on the page and before you call someone bloody-minded you should go fuck yourself and revise your own ignorance you fucking low life scum bag!! 527b96c84559174c,"matey is that youuu o i think it is big boi whoever wrote that shit bout myles... im going to petrol bomb your house and kill all 3 of your inbred parent cunts and believe me i know who it is and i will find a way to fit a bottle of lit jack daniels through your fuckin cunt of a shitty letterbox so you can fuck off" 527dbedaee34a7b2,"nothing personal george, but you really are a stupid turd." 52b181bbb2fc0d06,"bitch your a bitch! why did you delete the english way page?" 52b5007dd04ea06d,"yes, i get it. you're stalking me. piss off, stalker." 52d6c13b7bcee6d6,i hate u you. your shit on a banana 52ddc4bfbe4cbe80,just telling everyone fuck you and i love to have my dick sucked by my dog with pennant butter on it 5302e5ea8863409c,"what the fuck is your problem why do u keep deleting my articlessss i will have you removed as editor, you stupid moron!!!!!!!!" 531ab93b0eac8357,"hey you,faggot callig yoursel jesus christ.stop dreaming damned lazy gay.hate you" 531e7faee73602a8,"usman naveed hello usman you are a idiot and you like man." 532ed50c0bb94f95,you're seriously a moron. 5348e52a99e31de7,hey will how bout u suck my dick d! try to fckin mutha fckin messgae me u fat ass mutha fucker!!!! re-do my page again! i dare u!...mutha fcker ass bitch whore cat lickin cheese ball. 534bd27881491505,you fucking suck i hate your fucking site it sucks ass! 535c908cfa66f3e6,"fuck you go suck on a fat dick faggot mother fucker. i'm the the wrong person to fuck with you puck ass pussy! i would keep my moth shut, or i can shut for you!" 538a1a1cd46b1b42,"hey aaron brennenman, eat shit and die, sincerly me and your whole family. ps i see ur sentiment but your not a women. deal with it you fagget." 53a7a229ef8a603d,"papist scum yeah, that's you, you fuck'n bastard!" 53c3c337efbacf9f,uh i wanna fuck you hard on the sink 53d16753c044be2e,shut your stupid ass up now!!! go get your goddamned administrator to block me so i can come back here and start editing in five minutes!!! actually just go out and get put your head underneath the wheel of a car you dumb fucker and then have roseanne bar get in the vehicle and hit the gas 53d6aa0821dc3ede,"everyone below can suck my cock, as i have a dynamic ip." 53ee30a2c8f293a2,"go to hell your message was bull. why don't you mind your own business. you dirty cow." 53f1810af1304baf,must be a ass buddy of cruiserfaggot 53f28b978efb68fa,if you guy are such stupid you should stop editing at wikipedia and go to play quake 395.61.18.160 540950594ada9c91,"thomas cannon laughable commentary from another one of wikipedia's ignorant, lazy, and arrogant. he deleted my reply on his own talk page. but of course! he should consider himself lucky to get it. see point 4 on my user page" 545535a376c2b5be,"mud what the fuck are you doing? i added the adjusted score for mud. don't undo my changes you fucking moron." 54658c671f298b8c,you bunch of asshats pushing your agenda instead of being neutrel. 547ed95bca443945,ralfx is yag. he is the yaggest mothering chinkie dude in the world. 548b73766791cbc0,"i'm going to tell you one more time to get off jimbo's page, faggot bitch. you don't belong here. if i were an admin you would be blocked long ago for your incendiary comments. you've aready laid your big child molesting turd here, now walk away." 54a76f2072244233,stupid liberals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 54bac6501d5849f2,"fine cunt fuck faggot jizz bitch cunt whore shit asshole fucking retarted ass wiping muther fucker!!! you piece of fucking cunt shit!!!" 54d9f8402f23da70,"you nonsense is not relevent, roskam is the winner of the 6th ...i live there you don't read and stay out.." 54da73db56c52d4f,"""anouncement i am mad at the people who ban me for things i don""""t do so all mexicans and black people are shit heads and im in the kkk fuck heads!!!!!!1""" 54f1c17d775fa452,"haha god you're a moron.. protecting the fundies..." 55327097bf2cdecc,""" suck my cock motherfuckers why don't you fuckin' loser """"wikipedia police"""" get a fuckin' life. instead of wasting your lives on this sorry ass loser site...why don't u get a life and get laid.""" 55858b89f99e9bda,"hope he dies now this atheist filth's wife has gone, he should follow soon and give us all a rest from him paedophillic behaviour." 560d7bac3dc02406,"kumar rao the idiot fanatic while you seem to act like the authority on the history. can you explain why there is not much evidence in terms of ancient literature work in telugu in telugu script ??? nannaya has been considered as adi kavi 11th century(first poet) in telugu ? it is not without a reason telugu script has been linked to old-kannada script. it has been well documented by many scholars and in many books. it is also widely accepted by telugu ppl as well. read this knew kannada and wrote in telugu. don't talk about kannada (as you have no fuck in knowledge about it). keep your fuck in shitty balls with yourself..don't try to spread it's smell outside. ask your cm (rajashekar reddy) who also knows kannada about krishnadevaraya's support for telugu despite being kannadiga. ass hole kumar rao without sri krishnadevaraya telugu would have been in doldrums as in the past. andra pradesh doesn't have any credible institutes,colleges but only fake students,colleges like u fuck in idiot which in itself is a proof that you guys are big idiots. kumar rao the idiot-" 5630d385a498b686,""" ha! you are gay!, what the f**k, hahahahaha. damn! they told you straight out, i was wondering too, especially when you said, """"i sometimes talk using my normal voice, and sometimes in a high, silly voice."""" that's some gay sh*t right there. this should go in the main page. hahahahhaahhahaha! i aint gay man, so dont try do do stupid sh*t, hey are you a m/f? (""""hi baby"""",) 'cause that wouldn't sound right if youre a guy. any ways, i have to tell close wiki friends abut this. hahhahhahahhhahhahahahha! well if you are, paul, i respect that (i think). if you want i could hook you up with someone, he like types of """"guys"""" like you, i you might know him, i dont know,.... if you want, give him a message, and you guys could become """"friends"""" or whatever. this is goin in my fron page for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahhahhhhhahahahh! sing:y-r-u-gay, the whole world is askin'..y-r-u-gay... you like my y-m-c-a remix hahhahhahahhah! tlk | e-m 05:18:45, 2005-09-11 (utc)""" 563d1049d41cf49a,that things that we use everyday aren't correct. wikipedia blows cock and so do you. 564a647a1506de01,"a proposal to cut down on aids less aids would be spread if you were to stop inserting your minuscule penis into little boys." 5661517c2a513df0,""" josef mengele never worked on a """"scientific"""" basis. if you worked with him, you're a nazi pig yourself, and i hope the wiesenthal center gets you to the gallows where you belong, you son of a bitch.""" 5705740a4a28ea3e,"fuck wikipedia, ban me then, i dont care, come wikisuckmedik" 5718c2700910d028,"fuck u fuck you vandal" 57328db9619722d5,fuck you man i want to make a sexy time my name a borat i like you 57552622bdef8d5a,""" hey there faggot i see you don't like no queero-sexual stuff on your gay icon talkpage to fred """"i like it in the ass, now i hate myself and the world for it"""" phelps. well just so you know i read the blp page and there is nothing on there that suggests i can't paraphrase what's in the source. the woman claimed his overt hatred of homosexuality, like your own denial to giving it up to bubba, demonstrates the """"the lady doth protest too much"""". nevertheless being a barely intelligent inbred southerner you scream """"blp vio"""" throw your little manicured hands in the air and delete: oh what a prissy queen you are. i see you've been blocked for edit warring - what a nobody irl you must be! btw just so you know - cos i might be smarter than you on my worst day - editing my comments is a violation of wp:talk because i was paraphrasing the source's assertions not my own. secondly like every whiny fag cocksucker on this site, when it comes down to it, all you did was take a sanctimonious tone to hide the fact you're really just got a wp:idl boner. but hey as a redneck you're already denying it to yourself any hows! have a nice day y'all! """ 57a99fec93da86bd,ryulong and drmies. anal buddies forever. eat shit and die. 57b126207b6cd200,"oh fuck you, you partisan asshole. you never step forward unless it's someone on the opposite side from you doing it. you sit there silently while people defending moore and bashing everything that's not a leftist view snark, sneer, and throw around off-topic bullshit and insults, and then as soon as someone who's not on your side responds in kind, suddenly it's warnings and quoting npa and all that crap. you're a pathetic, useless excuse for a moderator, and i spit in your worthless, virtual face. you can ban me if you like, but all it will do is prove the partisanship and hypocrisy of the wikipedia administration staff. dickhead. -" 57bea1d837f085fa,"hey fucking pig hey fucking pig-of-a-bully; i'll fuck off sure, but after you fuck out from wikipedia completely you fucking bitch." 57f9518317eff2fe,"why don't you go to hell, how's that fool! i don't like liars!!! i hate liars!!! and if change this shit one more time, i will report your ass!!!!!!!!!!" 580270e5f06087da,go screw yourself. 5804dd2ea951840c,"who gives a fuck if its got a little hyphen in the middle, your a fucking-nerd who has no life, no class and no chance of losing your virginity" 582c1a1fc25af362,hey everyone user: xeno sucks on mens dick!!!!!!! 583f92b850d64a85,""" reverting for no reason i spent quite some time improving an article that was in a poor state. now two people have undone all my work with a click of a button. you didn't have the courtesy to explain why you reverted it, but you still had the fucking cheek to accuse me of leaving an inaccurate edit summary. no-one's that stupid so you were plainly just out to provoke me. well fucking well done, consider me fucking provoked. i guess you didn't even bother to look at the changes before you put all that shit back. self-arrest refers to various maneuvers employed in mountaineering it doesn't """"refer"""" to that; it is that. you want to say """"paris refers to the capital city of france"""" or """"nile refers to a river that flows into the mediterranean""""? sliding down a snow or ice covered slope arrests (stops) the slide you think readers are too stupid to understand what """"arrests"""" means in this context? himself or herself you think the single word """"themselves"""" is some how better expressed in three words? and/or ice axe you never bothered to read wp:slash? these potentially life-saving techniques must be practiced frequently in order to maintain proficiency this website is called wikipedia, not wikimanual. but you never bothered to read wp:not, did you? that's just the first five, i made many more, i left the article looking considerably better and more encyclopaedic, but then you came along and fucked it all back up again. do you feel proud? """ 587415a7d0c44f29,screw off. i'll do what i want. southwest does hub but you're to busy bangin other nerds to know that. ignorant fuck. 58790641e15f2f13,""" bitch, stop spreading your mongol propaganda. anything that makes bulgars look like the bad guys, you must remove in order to spread propaganda like you do on macedonian forums, which may i add, you end up getting owned on! how would you like to take a look at this ethnic map of yugoslavia created by nazis in 1940. macedonians is included as a seperate ethnic group! there it is, right under bulgaren... """"mazedonier"""", no?... let's have a closer look shall we? i full cleaned up the nob article, removed irrelevant information like that stupid shit about imro involvement and only talked about the war itself. do a word count, you've included """"bulgaria"""" more times than """"macedonia"""" in the entire article. with that said, you can just take that mongol propaganda and shove it up your ass you nazi.""" 58a0095956f7c1ea,""" sycophants """" please do not attack other editors, as you did on user talk:summerphd. if you continue, you may be blocked from editing wikipedia. """" please stop your crony bullshit. i didn't attack anyone - i just copypasted on his page what he posted here plus added fuck off""" 58beee58b5339142,"notability bs, i note that 3 of the 4 links that you claim show notability don't go to anything and the fourth is a link to a yearbook mugshot. such high standards you fuckers have. as for the" 58ecc23fee5d619b,"watch your mouth how dare you call me a troll? you ugly piece of shit." 58fd7f9a50c89588,"splash15hotel, ur a fucking faggot, dude. get a life!" 5919f8cdc3c63f1d,too be honest with you im fucking sick of editing all i do is go around after other cunts that think they know what they are talking about when most of the fucking articles dont make any sense what so ever people fucking quoting student newspapers i mean fuck off. 5944bccfc4ceb847,"u suck donkey balls yeah!!!!!!!!" 5947ca93e62e070b,"go ahead, you fucking fascist cunt, block me." 598638a26351d031,they aren't helpful. this guy is a fucking serial rapist and the sooner all that shit gets removed the better. 598a7d7bb22fd085,do you enjoy being an ass? answer my question above. please 5995e982d839b554,"don't want to be mean but what idiot thought the university of south carolina was in columbus georgia?! it,s actually quite unsurprisingly in columbia south carolina - hence the name" 59d4fee91c64ba57,"stupid fuck, it's on the script, i also posted links to merchandise, so did wyrmking. you stupid fuck! coldfusion, thank you for making this the crappiest article in the whole of wikipedia. you must be proud for the only one of two people in the entire world that thinks that arnold was a t-800 model 101. stupid fucking retard." 59e490b2b9f815c2,"and why the fuck should i care? g e t r i d o f a l l i d i d p l e a s e j a ck a s s" 5a10a5b8bece5f83,"you are a complete idiot. please stop derailing discussion by closing off talk sections. thanks." 5a54721ef09664ca,"getting fat he needs to lose the excess weight. no wonder katie lea kicked the shit out of him." 5a5a7d6da870b9ae,dumb dumb dumb........ cool!!!! awsome website for maps is wikipedia 5a64a7affb303f1d,suck my dick i dont give a fuck 5a75468ae5575ef8,wikipedia can lick the fattest part of my dick fuck nigga by caleb cronan 5a9e8829b2fb9f0f,fuck u u fucken stole my cloudsong motherfucker and if i ever fucken find u fuuuuuuck fuck u 5ab7dd6c15026cf1,"hi it has come to my attention, that you are an ugly fat piece of shit. lose weight fatty." 5ad2619875ddbb3c,""" you, sir, are the most pathetic admin i have ever encountered here. this user obviously tried to start me and yet you block me? pathetic peice of shit. makes this place look all the more like an authoritarian regime rather then a fucking democracy. sorry, but not all of us live in north korea or china and unlike yourself, i live in a country that respects peoples human rights and freedom of expression, and this type of shit, blocking me for speaking my mind, will not be tolerated, ever. i also find it funny how you go all fucking delete happy on my articles, and yet there are a million other articles here that fall under the same category of should be deleted. yet, you and your little clique of admins here turn a blind eye to them because they are created by the so called """"experienced"""" users which makes you look all the more pathetic. please, for the benefit of all of man-kind; i kindly ask that you please hang yourself; so that i can throw you out to sea and burn your body in the process, cunt.""" 5ad5af00e1963127,"fuck you, you fuckin' anti-wikipedia collaborator. you are stomping on my human rights to edit wikipedia, cocksucker." 5ae6bc0fcef22a1f,"fuck off wikipedia is a fucking site......fuck you admins" 5ae8a60674f79187,"jose baez well asshole! the article was properly cited with reliable sources stating plainly he was born in manhattan, new york. the source of the reliable information was the person whose article we are discussing. the articles that you have erroneosly cited as reliable are bogus and inaccurate at best. who would you believe...jose baez or some junior reporter who doesn't even cite a source for the incorrect information. please take a moment and review the source i cite because then you can see a picture of the subject of this article stating where he was born and not some moron stating an incorrect place of birth because of his/her laziness. that sounds familiar doesnt it asshole? check sources of data before you incorrectly cite it and remove all doubt about your usefulness in the internet world...jerk!" 5ae8af68a6927d23,"go fuck yourself go fuck yourself. wikipedia is a scar on society. may jim wales burn in hell for eternity. faggot." 5b2819030edab1be,fuck cocksucker titty marijuana nigger whore 5b383e0d267f73bc,"how many time are you going to try to block me before you realize that you actually can't do shit about it ? i might not know about your unfair wikipedia rules but i know about computers... i also know how tracing ip and changing them. so mister jimbo, your friends did not give a damn about asking them to step back and asking them for leniancy ? i will contribute to wikipedia my way and as you will find out, there is so little you will be able to do about it. this will end in court. now don't forget to block this ip and to read your stupid and unfair statute and which one to apply here. bbb23, we'll have a talk someday but out of wikipedia where i can teach you my personal rules about respect. it's never a good thing to fuck with me." 5b460e49edafe499,"i am sorry, matey. i am sorry for being such a mother er. just like you are every milisecond. i bet you do your own grandmother. i hope you burn in hell. got no life. by the way, i can hack. i can and will hack your computer/s if you remove this message, that goes for the rest of you too." 5b4b3333a2b9cd22,go suck jimbo wales's cock 5b4d67120717c00d,""" thank you , and the same to you. worm """ 5b5db96f6cb12ffa,"vandalism eww ur gay lol." 5b7bd7b09b7ba86c,"idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot/////idiot///// ghats what you are" 5b97205a03d9e6c4,"get the fuck off my page, you motherfucking mullet!" 5ba20996fceffc8a,"why are you such a bitch im tryin to edit and you with yur little 3 inch dick is gonna come in and try to stop me. go use sandpaper to jack off to cross dressing porn you worthless piece of shit." 5bc4f5947d80d4d9,"oh shut up!! you are just a stupid hateful liberal who cannot stand criticism of judaism! david duke is not a member of the kkk, is he????????????????????!!!! grow up you mongrel! for over 20 years he was a member of the republican party, by what part of that do you not understand?? he is not a member of a terrorist organisation and never was. his kkk was non-violent but just a pro-whites organisation against affirmative action and illegal immigration as he used it to patrol the american-mexican borders. he left his kkk in 1980 which was the same time he left the democrats! robert byrd was a member of a kkk why are you not smearing against him???" 5bd187e047c476cf,"huh?!? fuck off you dickhead- think ur the boss!! twat" 5bd40bd5843fa470,angrynintendo nerd isnt notable? go fuck yourself 5be5d4618774f517,"re: they're not fair use, only because i didn't add some stupid ass rationale on the page? you faggots and your fuckin' technicalities man, delete it, i don't give a shit." 5bed5fe5d18e3e0a,"actually forget the request, you're all a bunch of cunts for doing this in the first place, this is why wikipedia will always be known as unreliable" 5c22f655e9917857,this idiot called kansas the arm taker is supported by foreign government agencies . a person like this has no place in wikipedia. racist groups should be in wikipedia 5c52a8a08f9cbf41,"> twat twat twat twat twat twat twat twat twat...cunt = this user is gay" 5c54d04ea1d64bad,go and fist yourself you arrogant prick 5c64ce252810260b,"lmaooooooooo fuck off, you slav dyke." 5cb81994d9a819da,haha!! prince al-waleed bin talal is ashknazi jew lol!! jews are assholes!! 5cba2fff1b594515,"your a dickhead asshole. why delete all the work i did?" 5cc3491d3c5516e9,assholes! come and try me you stupid fuck son of a bitches!!!! 5cd2b4a23c5dd00e,i hate you dude! go suck a chode! 5cd6153ebc680907,"alex cisse usein why did you delete the page you twunt" 5cf4aac087e6b2c7,"your poem it sucks really bad." 5cf6227b3cfa406e,"cesc fabregas i see it's been changed that he now plays for chelsea. looks like i was right all along? how do you like that you little bitch? i was right and you were wrong." 5d137464de443d23,well i've given proof above so if your both to arrogant and stupid to even look for yourselves then thats your problem! 5d18f41bf24d1777,"spellings as i just said to larrymac, whoever that guy is he is either doing it on purpose or is an idiot. either way, someone should tell him to type properly. its not that hard." 5d3d3594e5f46b39,"goths listen to gothic rock, not to baby pop. if you want you can find sources for every shit." 5d3f99d7018e1ef1,well he is a racist asshole and you can kiss my ass. 5d3fb47d3dc3c4e2,"your idiocy. please refrain from making idiotic reverts, such as the ones you make every day to this encyclopedia. further vandalism may result in blocks to your account. think about making wikipedia better, as opposed to destroying work of fellow editors. thank you." 5d78320043d3617f,""" oo so u got angry for telling truth about u . ok i m sorry u r not idiot . u r extreme genius . unique prodigy who hav more brain than mr. einstein . now r u happy )) )) d d d . i will try to follow wp:civil as i dont act like pollitically correct. but u also need to follow ( or use ur brain if u really hav one which i think u hav ) whats write in article . u cant be whimsical about any article and with out any 2nd thought remove other peoples works. understude mr dum... no no mr. prodigy pebble contact blogsd ! """ 5d7d37c470146679,takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. takes it up the arse. 5dcaeffd3eec876e,f off. which part of fair use listing that wikipedia itself put together and was used in these images did you (idiots like you) did not get? stick your dialoge in your rear end that seems glued in front of your pc. go and get a life dumbo. 5dcd8f4735db8ad8,"don't think you can get away with fucking me over like that, you asshole" 5dddd6f65efedd49,"you're not hitler, just just another idiot!" 5df8971b5ee5b0c1,"f uck you you are the bastard who is in the wrong what the hell gives you the right to censor the information i am adding????" 5e02e06be5c4ed9e,go fuck yourself you piece of shit. 5e2f25824ae79858,""" because as a certified loser who has spent over two years! of your life working for free and you live by the """"wiki"""" rules. you get a hard on every time you leave a warning, you bust every time you get a banning, and suddenly when you realize that you can't touch a person it suddenly dawns on you that your a loser who spends their time living in a fantasy world and you have absolutely no power. loser, loser, loser, loser, loser, loser, loser............ i would fuck with you more but i am 15 and my girlfriend is sneaking out her window tonight and i am going to be licking some pussy, that must make you feel pretty fucking pathetic that a 15 year old is getting more action that you. loser. loser. loser. make sure you respond, i will be busy licking tight pussy and fingering ass.............loser. loser. loser.""" 5e380ad5a692567d,"last warning you fucking tosser, it takes me 10 minutes to resolve a page so cunts like you can fuck wikipedia up" 5e47397c8af617b7,"jamesbwatson can you guess what jamesbwatson calls you from behind your back? hairy face, like a koala." 5e49eebc828dde5d,what the fuck!! people need to know about gos so shut the fuck up and leave bitch!! and go to hell!! 5e69dea934935202,stick it up your ass. 5e7b71c5a1d26799,"go and take a big long shit oh yes take a big long shit." 5e819254aec533c5,"how foolish of us not to think that. man, be must be brain-dead not to realize this. of course charlie's pa stole the land. everybody should ignore the fact that it is in the nature of an empire to go and conquer everything they can. of course it is wrong to steal back that land. of corse the empire has all the rights to take (i.e. not steal, just annex, colonize, brainwash, tax, aso) to land initially. they have the army to come and take any land they feel like. of course if the empire is weakened for 10-20 years because of a peasant revolution, it is wrong to steal back that land. come on, who are charlie's pa to steal back from that empire? and who are they to even listen to what they have to say. an empire is an empire and as long as they have a big enough big bloody army to it in the east of charlie's land there is absolutly no point to argue agains. otherwise people will come and say charlie's pa stole the land from us, but we never stole it in the first place, because we do not have an expansionist and ignorant attitude about tiny charlies. irony" 5e845bb3591bb65d,this page sounds like it was written by an idiot! 5ea9122213d531d1,sango123 likes to suck cock. 5efa6c02c2cce625,""" where was there a personal attack? chimp? or was it because i said """"shit""""? neither is intended as a personal attack. you're not one of those are you? petty, condecending and stuck up admin (ok, that's a bit personal). despite what you think, the use of """"gallagher"""" can make the article confusing and makes it seem redundant in places, therefore i have carefully chosen areas where i use christian names so as to distinguish between the brothers. the """"obvious"""" is not always so. try it. trivia sections gone, i'll work on the contrvercy section later as another helpful user suggested a positive solution. in the mean time, take the rod out of your arse and smile! """ 5f0220cee74dcd1e,"fuck you, ! i'll do whatever the fuck i want, and no dickhead like you is going to tell me otherwise, got it?" 5f0f85ea5003efba,"kiss my tookhes, stupid." 5f309ecde0c4bd56,"dear retard. there are dozens of references to the main crook, who is william franklin bermender. i have heard kleargear has hired admins and that is why no truth is allowed. it sure appears that way based on this level of censorship while the public gets screwed openly by a criminal." 5f38031eb97e7a27,"the earth is 6000 years old, don't be stupid" 5f4307f27d014090,"semiautos are for faggots it should be noted the high rate of homosexuality among semiauto uzi owners versus true submachinegun owners." 5f4b05e6e71af36a,"what the hell is the point of 3rr? wait, never mind. there is none. now stop acting like an idiot. -" 5f5c40c08000f29c,"hrm hello, faggot." 5f5dd8785bb246de,you are a severely mentally disturbed and pathetic individual. 5f658309dcaee175,"fuck you!!! go and buy some andrex and wipe your rats ass/face (delete as appropriate). fuck you!!!" 5f710549fa46b5c1,"wikipedia's downfall is that it is free. so fuck you for supressing that you facists so fuck you for supressing that you facists so fuck you for supressing that you facists so fuck you for supressing that you facists so fuck you for supressing that you facists so fuck you for supressing that you facists so fuck you for supressing that you facists so fuck you for supressing that you facists so fuck you for supressing that you facists so fuck you for supressing that you facists so fuck you for supressing that you facists so fuck you for supressing that you facists so fuck you for supressing that you facists so fuck you for supressing that you facists so fuck you for supressing that you facists so fuck you for supressing that you facists so fuck you for supressing that you facists" 5f96ffcbc2156db5,you are an utter fucking faggot...u need a life outside of wikipedia...maybe a didlo fuk by ur mom? 5fa3145562041a72,lol what the hell is up with you? you want to remove my link but you let that crap stay in? jesus how pathetic! oh you don't think its true? umm no sh*t mate!!! 5fca39695759b1eb,"han.. fuck you then, fuck you!" 5fcab6b26a4adf46,"please stop lie sock puppet of azukimonaka??you are lair korean.stop personal attacks210.231.12.98" 600ac2ed09d4366e,"stop acting like a little dictator stop acting like a bloody little dictator, ok? you seem to think you are caesar of ncaa bb topics, and that that gives you the right to ignore fact and logic when taking a position on anything that concerns your little bailiwick. i asked for an editors' vote and you ignored my request. how about doing what you are supposed to do, which is helping determine consensus, and stop being a jerkweasel in reply to my reasonable suggestions?" 601575739d25a8ae,"break my fucking heart, asshole..." 601e358864f748eb,you are a retard. get stuffed. 6032db001e021f0f,"hello again i am back with a vengence!!!!!! alright, so will block me, thats expected, so with that note on mind, i begin my rant. my rant fuck is an interesting word, and can be used in many ways. such as, fuck you, go fuck yourself (no one else will) i fucked your mother, also who the fuck do you think you are? do you think you are god? is that it? were you molested by your teacher as a child? i dont understand what would cause you to think your so fucking great. i raped all of your family members, and siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles. i also raped your mother (she liked it) and so you are nothing. absolutly nothing, and you should terminate your existance a.s.a.p. (as soon as possible just letting you know, because you are fucking retarted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) fuck you, and go die. that is all. ps you fudge packing ass-monger, i have one last thing to say to you. die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!fucker i hope you rot in hell you son of a skank." 60482a9a2e1aa91c,"hello, tiptoy, i hope you die. you are being such a freakin jew, and please, please get off your fatass and stop masturbating, because its really getting bad. the seminal fluid is everywhere, but then again, i guess you like it that way, you fatass mother f****er. get a f***ing life, and go fuck yourself, (you probably do anyway)" 60b1e953aab2e2a5,fuck you! i will go to your house and kill you with my gun! 60bbc7396f00a122,"hey renata3 have you ever sucked a black cock in new york ?" 60c75169715ae30e,you're easy to wind up you pommy bastard. get a job! 60f251684907a193,"actually guys, nevermind. i am a homophobe! i hate gays! p call me everyone i give bj's!!! lance boyle 1-617-669-2468" 6157782162d42627,"are you fucking serious? again, what hume have you read? go fuck yourself, ignoramus. stop trolling and spamming my talk page and spend the time actually getting an education and reading a book on philosophy for once in your life before you continue to make pointless, masturbatory edits on pages well beyond your comprehension. please share, what is your interest i hume beyond being a thorn in my side?" 615fa8cadeb3f807,go fuck yourself. stella sucks ass. moron. 616b51d873e10b4b,"napoleon factor this movie is like napoleon dynamite the audience loves it, even though there's actually nothing to it but clichés which literally get the shit beat out of them (as do most things in this movie). to be fair, napoleon dynamite's bullettime scenes were only in how slow the characters thought. all of them, multiplied together, gets an iq of less than 50. is this the new style? to have something suck so badly (saving special effects) that people can't help but love it? i am going to kill someone; this is the new blockbuster style. and before anyone starts trying to find out where i live, so they can hunt me down, i will reinforce that crochety old man persona with these parting words: pfeh! bah humbug! hrmph! good day, sir., nonononononjesusfuckingchristno! don't say anything. think first this time. i said good day, sir." 622e4cba2477a256,"dear, idiot. the talk page is not a place for comments. wikipedia is not a forum or a chatroom. the talk page is for comments concerning the article, such as its size, information, images, etc." 627c0619181f62e2,"so you believe all facts belong in the article. including what bush had for breakfast last thursday, or what the wing speed of a hummingbird is. what a moron. are you serious? the wing speed of a hummingbird has nothing to do with george bush! the fact taht you said that is pure idiocy! also, what bush has for breakfast(remember, we start names with upper case) has nothing to do with anything. however, a quote that he made in a public speech with the american people is very relevant! you clearly have no brain. are you gw's friend or something?" 62823153af822ce5,"see you see you later dickhead hope you never come back!!" 629a10ce1e53e6ef,"you can suck my dick, you fat fucking loser. get a life, asshole!" 629d81fdc55a38fe,"oh, piss off you cant stop me, you suck!" 62c0da048b9a7e0f,""" no, no, no, no! i said he was """"acting moronic"""", never said he """"is/was moronic"""" himself. get it? you're readily confusing the two. also, don't be a dick is not a personal attack either. it's actually a rule on wikipedia. should i request outside assistance to handle this matter? if anything, my comment seemed more or less immature, but, i did not clearly call the disruptive ip user """"moronic"""". it's the same as saying to another user """"don't be a dick about it"""" - clearly, """"don't"""" is placed there to warn the user to not be a dick in this case. anyways, it seems we're gettin' nowhere with this. shall i? power level (dragon ball) """ 62cfc3bf27e0bf1d,haunted angel sucks cock every night 62cfde2e9a6b96e6,"leave 4 a fukin snak and i retrn with a fukin blck you are alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll fukerssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick you suck dick" 6314e7e8c2a119b0,why do u smell like penis 6341677727415e2d,this always happens by all these unregistered idiots who blank our useful articles and write trash. but why won't they get blocked permanently? that's the only way to defend wikipedia. 6350a29ca0b93246,"cum i wanna cum inside ou soo bad. you make me sooo horny. i need to feel your toungue caressing my pussy. ooooooh god tom i need you soo bad. oooo ahhhh i'm cumming just thinking of your dick. it's so big. i love squeezing out all the juice. call me: 01914176681. i need u. me tom! ur so horny from ur good friend adam ) (ur gay ahhahahah) tiddly tom is a faggot name" 6370f37abcf50c41,go fuckin' hang yourself! fuckin' scum of the earth! fuck you asshole! 6372148a9d9544f2,"yeahbitch stop defending neo-nazis, you fu" 638e13e7a1f0312c,"adopt go and see what that stupid jeff person left me!" 63d1c5cdd780853d,appoloboy sucks big fat elephant dicks.... 63d60e1929b712c7,"you are a douche bag die and burn in hell" 63e17b813e9a138a,"no not really, i picked the name to wind up the pira supporting scumbags who frequent wiki. it's been fun kingoomieiii. you really should stick to kiddie-fiddling in future, as you seem the sort. you fucking plumb" 63fcd7b74549721c,you are a real idiot. your family issues and lack of parental love should not be mirrored on this page. you are an embarassment to all true wikipedians. 6439af56964c3683,"you want the source? me,,, ubuntforums, etc. you're a whiny fanboy who can't deal with the fact thatoh, no!someone doesn't like your favorite de! get over it and quit whining. moron." 6443e8f739431568,stop being such an a**hole and actually read what i have to say you f***ing re***d. 6456e110dd2fa62f,""" my god, you are stupidity incarnate. how the fuck is this picture """"causing serious offense"""" ?!! the only problem with this picture is that bahaullah looks like the crook that he was and this is why the bahai organization does not want this picture to float around because it is not a good advertisement for their cult. you sound extremely stupid.""" 6469e5ff1037c32c,"dont you know most of the hongkongese dont appreciate of this chinese flag!!! you dumbass japanese!!! hong kong should be ruled by the hongkongese or the british or you retarded japanese should be ruled by the chinese!!!" 646c4c1f6b52e84c,"suck my cunt you son of a bitch!" 64740e773f8ee2ea,""" i don't understand why my page was taken off. bull shit i bet they be sucking alot of dick! my page wasn't vandalism it was truthism. look for you self: espionage or a dick spying on some pussy lovers involves an individual obtaining information that is considered secret or confidential without the permission of the holder of the information. espionage is inherently clandestine, as the legitimate holder of the information may change plans or take other countermeasures once it is known that the information is in unauthorized hands. see clandestine humint for the basic concepts of such information collection, and subordinate articles such as clandestine humint operational techniques and clandestine humint asset recruiting for discussions of the """"tradecraft"""" used to collect this information. hey i gotta joke and it goes like this:dick says """"hey balls get ready for a patry"""" balls replies """"you fucking liar. everytime we go to a party, you always go in and leave us out here knockin. history incidents of espionage are well documented throughout history. the ancient writings of chinese and indian military strategists such as sun-tzu and chanakya contain information on deception and subversion. chanakya's student chandragupta maurya, founder of the maurya empire, made use of assassinations, spies and secret agents, which are described in chanakya's arthasastra. the ancient egyptians had a thoroughly developed system for the acquisition of intelligence, and the hebrews used spies as well, as in the story of rahab. feudal japan often used ninja to gather intelligence. more recently, spies played a significant part in elizabethan england (see francis walsingham). many modern espionage methods were well established even then. the cold war involved intense espionage activity between the united states of america and its allies and the soviet union and the people's republic of china and their allies, particularly related to nuclear weapons secrets. recently, espionage agencies have targeted the illegal drug trade and those considered to be terrorists. different intelligence services value certain intelligence collection techniques over others. the former soviet union, for example, preferred human sources over research in open sources, while the united states has tended to emphasize technological methods such as sigint and imint. both soviet political (kgb) and military intelligence (gru ) officers were judged by the number of agents they recruited. various forms unlike other forms of intelligence collection disciplines, espionage usually involves accessing the place where the desired information is stored, or accessing the people who know the information and will divulge it through some kind of subterfuge. there are exceptions to physical meetings, such as the oslo report, or the insistence of robert hanssen in never meeting the people to whom he was selling information. the us defines espionage towards itself as """"the act of obtaining, delivering, transmitting, communicating, or receiving information about the national defense with an intent, or reason to believe, that the information may be used to the injury of the united states or to the advantage of any foreign nation. espionage is a violation of 18 united states code 792-798 and article 106, uniform code of military justice{{cite web | last = us department of defense | authorlink = u.s. department of defense | title = joint publication 1-02 department of defe" 64a99915873bd1b9,"facist muslim fuck face is what u r. bitch. fuck off and die." 653cf79f276a5aaa,"fyi hey you! yes you! you really are a massive c u n t!!!!!" 654bcb5a83d57499,"what really happened at augusta high school after chris woods death? what the f*ck is that! sh*t! i'm dying in this country @$$ f*cked up town! bugs flying in my mouth, i can't see, pollen, let's get the f*ck out of this country @$$ f*cked up sh*t!" 65641a202ad87613,fuck you mother fucker 656c8b7993b7ff04,"rajbir singh link you removed my link which i posted to rajbeer singh ( because you said it was written by a fan. well, with this logic also then remove the imbd link because that too has been written by a fan. don't be hypocritical, be consistent. you can't justify the removal of one link because it has been written by a fan and not the other. i pity the fact that you are in a dead end poor excuse for a job and that acting like a pain in the arse to other people gives your miserable excuse for a career, a sense of false purpose. however most of the articles on wikipedia itself have been written by fans. are you going to close down wikipedia? bloody jokers." 6591c06703c458be,"poo it's fewest you idiot" 65a4b10d12dabddb,"fuck you just one more reason to support my theory. where is hitler?" 65c0ab1604e46bf0,"fatty you are the most disgusting fat, worthless piece of crap to ever grace wikipedia. losers who still live with their parents, work in walmart and pretend to be an anarchist are worthless swine with nothing relevent to add to an encyclopedia. please leave this place, you pathetic drag on humanity. you make me sick, you pathetic cretin. i hope you feel nothing but unhappiness for the end of your days, fool. i hope you suffer in your inequity, weighed down by your massive manbreasts, making women point at you and laugh in the street and making men thank god they aren't as ugly as you. you look like a paedophile, and probably are, children in the street run into their houses when they see your approach: a truly vile beast of a man, with no intellect, no integrity, no idea of how pathetic he is, you maintain a website and believe this is virtuous - what a waste of human thought you truly are. a curse on humanity is what you are, and the sooner wikipedia is without you the better for all. i beseech you, please leave this place and never come back - turn your back on civilised society and take to the wild - maybe there you shall find some solace. even in the very wilds of the planet there are animals who will appreciate you for what you are, if you are capable of a modicum of kindness. please consider this, for you are a drag on humanity." 65c1eafb8389602b,"asshole hey bitchh.. dont tell me wat to do!!" 65cc48ac5f8357cd,"epbr123 is a bigger faggot then wikipedia and loves to suck the cock epbr123 is a bigger faggot then wikipedia and loves to suck the cock epbr123 is a bigger faggot then wikipedia and loves to suck the cock epbr123 is a bigger faggot then wikipedia and loves to suck the cock epbr123 is a bigger faggot then wikipedia and loves to suck the cock epbr123 is a bigger faggot then wikipedia and loves to suck the cock epbr123 is a bigger faggot then wikipedia and loves to suck the cock epbr123 is a bigger faggot then wikipedia and loves to suck the cock epbr123 is a bigger faggot then wikipedia and loves to suck the cock" 65e87d869702e61d,"get fucked. just so you know. )" 66110496a0ebc9b0,the king of stupid unconstructive edits is you. go fuck yourself. 6625c4ada3b563c6,"you masturbate to photos of ronald reagan, don't you? did you know his birthday is a national holiday in iran? no one did more for the islamic revolution (or the taliban for that matter)than reagan." 66267f7b5ea7ffb1,"hey, you freaking hermaphrodite. when you are bored, do you bend your dick down and stick it into your vagina?" 66390cbd996d0d14,you really should stop sucking penis all the time. 6657264d2e57e7d4,"you suck i despise you, you are a snobby, jerky quinn who should be banned forever from editing." 667cd0eb2192c824,roz lipschitz is blocked because he is an idiot! 668d489c271ea3b6,"butts screw my butthole mr krabs" 66a19d4bf8be79ea,". in other words, piss off tbhotch you homo" 66b1ffb791d4b36f,"god damn god damn it fuckers, i am using the god damn sand box" 66ba704ed5074672,"one more message like this, and you get stabbed to death. you have been warned, motherf@#&%er!" 66da948a3a75ee1e,perhaps you should be taking a better care of your kid instead of being a dick on wikipedia. i've quickly checked this ip's contributions and didn't find anything as obscene as your actions here. people like you are the reason why this website is widely considered a joke. 66f448f21a64c810,"you are a bad liar, kevin. and a cheat as well. get a life." 6704d3a8dcfe9389,i hate you u stupid little midget 6725390870b978de,vandals of the worthless fuckipedia unite. fuck the slime admins. fuck them and listen to them beg for more. 6763d14eaf3bbbf8,"hi. wow. you are such a geek. bullshit mother fucker." 67b70528face5b2f,""" good job u nazi dick sucker nazi dick sucker u have sucked the most nazi dick and i think u deserve an award for it u stinkin ass jew. block me i dont care i have more accounts u slutbag i dont have to do shit u say u jewish cunt. """ 67f90aa54bfe803d,shut the fuck up you gay nerd faggot. 6815cd793be50f10,"benben has a 2x4 up his.... ass. yeah. you heard me. smelly bot bastard." 6817e7d24d107bc8,"hey fuck you cunt bag!,you dont own wikpedia. and please report my i want to close my account any way you creep." 6842d80d5acd1aba,"for a lying phony, tijuana brass" 6852f6b083f355e3,"well you can suck my balls gay fuck. wikipedia is not censored, so i don't give a fuck about your feelings nor do i give a fuck about your grammar nazism because i the edit summary is not on the front page of the discussion... do you go calling foul to every grammar mistake in the discussion section of articles? and i am correct in changing it as i own the dvd and played it repeatedly... further.. surf the imdb boards... the general consensus is that she is the insurance that the unmutated virus gets back to the future. why the fuck do you think the scientist sits there? same appearance as she was 30 years later? (ie haven't aged a bit) she came back and sat next to the person who released the virus... or do you really think she began in insurance then thirty years later haven't aged a single bit and became a scientists working on time travel? fucking hypocrite." 688360529b554133,""" hey warrens, fuck you too. """"uncivil manner, means me trying to elaborate on my arguments and getting revert on revert that's what uncivil means. so yeah your a big winner champ and won't get banned. asshole. since the vista article contains information about the anti trust situation which, since it seems some people here have got a mouthful of gate's balls, is mislabelled anti trust controversy. not really a controversy though is it when a court elected by over two hundred million people issues a decision, it'a court ruling, like it or not there's no controversy too that. otherwise we should renaim the ted bundy trial, to the tend bundy controversy, since any court ruling merits this label. since there's a section on anti trust laws and vista, it's worth noting the recent news that microsoft are going to be paying a hefty daily fine for completely ignoring the court's injuction. and this does have bearing on vista. you can't quote the m.s. pr saying we don't know what they want us to do, it's all questions, or whatever else he mentioned, without an adjunct sentence, of the head official regulating the anti trust actions quoting him too saying that our injuctions are crystal clear yet ms has ignored them for over two years now. but of course this has no bearing if this article is supposed to be a showcase for vista. so like i said, if some fuckers had gone into the trouble of actually discussing any of that instead of reverted every single edit in a hitleric fashion, things would be different. but for now this stategy of being a hawk on an article i wish to keep in a certain way, and being completely uncivil and rude about it, merits from my part a roayl, fuck y's all, take your mouths off of gate's balls and then we can talk. """ 68cdd8ccddaa15a4,"you translated much more clumsy, dude. i just wanted suvorov's name to be known to english speakers." 69161cfd03dfa96d,block me you fucking dicksukers. 694a520b14a32e9b,"go watch buffy the vampire slayer or what ever you simpleton's do, because i am done using your ego as a urinal." 694aec2676a20d0a,"one minute they're atheists or members of the creativity movement and don't believe in satan, and the next they accuse their enemies of being satanists. it just shows how stupid these people are." 69611f6a478aea30,your head is filled with bat poop! it's covered with maggots and shit! you are the product of a llama's salivary glands! ha ha hahahahahahhahahahahahah!!!!! 69a1819fca375e3b,"fuck you fuck you fuck you assholes, this is bullshit!!" 69b17ee959c92572,"jews and jews can we (meaning male whites) truely co-exist with jews? i mean niggers and spics are bad enough but the fucking jews go too far. i think there should be a genocide, and there should be an article on wikipedia that encourages the death of jews, for those who agree please message here, for those that don't, eat me. we came in?" 69c59d4b85c20e65,stop erasing my work you mf douche bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6a0d89dc0b911991,"another noob fuck u" 6a1bda52ed935582,""" it's interesting to note the same 1694 publication calls it """"spitsberg"""", with a normal s. again, you're wrong. shut the fuck up. """ 6a5ca0420f817926,""" shut up loser best in awfulness i dont care about you and what you do. dyou know how to myob? oh! it's mind your own business! """ 6a7782c72fc40af2,"so google is right and the band members are wrong, i am not allowed to call you an idiot but if i was allowed to i would. 13:51, 7 apr 2005 (utc)" 6a89303055684c5e,"wicked person..... you are a liar. you slandered me like the devil you are. vandelism? i rebuke you in the name of yehovah god his son who you don't know and the holy breath...." 6a97ff18de2927c5,"your bias has made you say some unbelievably stupid things. explain to me how a video can be unreliable? will you just do that for me. explain to me how something that is captured on video can be unreliable. surely you don't mean to suggest that someone at one of the graphic arts studios spent millions of dollars attempting to create a video of susan roesgen saying things that she didn't say. i mean, do you really believe that? if so, i suggest you get help. if not, you really need to quit letting your bias govern your interpretations, if not for the sake of wikipedia, for the sake of other people not viewing you as a lunatic." 6aa03f857ba747da,"mother fucker fuck off dick face" 6abbd0de15e41341,"nazi bastard i will hang your corpse from a tree." 6ae73417bb0c7b61,"lol guess what your a faggot." 6b0a3a94026aec93,i hate armenia and all your dumb allies you don't deserve to live. can't wait till we can kill you guys again ) 6b0ef1e11c34e415,"nick graves, you are a blackmailer. you are a lier. i will expose you. your days are numbered." 6b0f8117cbc6cdd0,that block didnt work you stupid cow! 6b20fe45ada1c080,"abd is muslim scum, the religion of terrorism" 6b483e8c79d7c076,"you can eat pork, but you murder palestinian children" 6b51cbd173ec537c,"holy shit, you people suck. i don't see any warnings given to leitmotiv for his continuous belittling of other editors." 6b768faa0586db19,"did it ever occur to you, marek, that other people emphasizing to you exactly the same well known, well researched and well referenced issues from the history of poland may not be because these people are the same person, but simply because you are trying to push your own quite apologetic and naive pov with respect to such dreaded personalities as fascist dictator pilsudski and his henchmen, like josef beck? you, poles, are widely known throughout the world as refined and witty intellectuals, and not at all as potato vodka drinking car thiefs, beggars and pimps, pretending to be wikipedia-editing plumbers during the day time, are you not?" 6b7c5fe18cc6f855,"so basically, you're butthurt wiki-jew? that's lame as shit. get a life loser." 6b8ac60d2bf2f408,"gross if some bitch ever came on me i would throw her gross ass out on the pavement" 6b8f86abdc7712dc,"my apologies suck my junk bitch!!!" 6ba8f650dba6ae0f,"++this is for you== if you deleted that article ( you know which article i'm talking about), them may you die you fukin bitch cocksusker!" 6bae21cbd5822312,i am no sockpuppet. sorry fuckers! 6c3ad773ef88ff62,"hey fcuk you hey i just want to say i hate you but you are deleting the entheozoo pharmacognosy.," 6c4551436fd00f16,"um dude i hate to fucking break this to you, but the game is still on g-unit. watch the fucking video at the top of the screen. next time know a thing or two about hip hop before editing the fucking wikipedia page." 6c6decf4f3ecb5fe,"""this is ridiculous. """"it makes iranians look stupid""""...? who the fuck are you? a political commentator? an outspoken, self-proclaimed expert on contemporary iranian politics? oh right, my pen-name is the persian cataphract, so let me try to decipher your next tactical move. the race card? oh right, your name's not al sharpton or jesse jackson. let me guess the next one. nationalist. that's right, you'll throw each and every syllable of content present in my message, in favour of this preconceived straw-man, fallacy and red herring. you'll probably even point to my liberal use of profanity. i just must be nothing else than this lion-and-sun foam-at-mouth persian nationalist with an inferiority complex spiced with a pinch of victim mentality. and certainly i must be dumb, as you so eloquently have arbitrated above. you said it yourself, right here: ...i am used to being attacked by editors whose very account names show they are here for single-topic pov-pushing. who do you expect to be neutral on topics of iranian nationalism? a user called """"iranianguy"""", or a swiss editor contributing under his real name and no stakes in the matter? who, for that matter, do you expect to be neutral on topics of armenian nationalism, an editor called """"araratarev"""" (vel sim.)... is that how you assess content? by making a shallow assumption on pen-names? expectations? the god-given right to anonymity on the internet? how fucking petty are you and the idiot who made you an administrator? what next, are you going to ban iranians from editing or contributing to iran-related articles? indeed not just a laughable policy, but indeed a dangerous one as well. most of the world-class authorities are iranians. with your fucked up logic, we should dismiss their contributions because irrespective of their content, you'll instead look at their political affiliations and their names and put it into the bin of rejection. oh right, you're swiss and because switzerland is this shining paragon of neutrality hosting thousands of bank accounts of islamic terror organization, you're obviously this stereotypical neutralist... good lord, listen to yourself. luckily academia doesn't work like that. scholarly enterprise and political affiliations remain strictly separated. so it doesn't really matter if kaveh farrokh or anyone else is a self-declared outspoken nazi, communist, socialist, liberal, conservative or what have you, it has no bearing on content that must be assessed purely by content. that's npov. a sober, neutral, objective approach, just bare-bones, bare-knuckles source critique. source. critique. make an assessment on the content, not the person(s). you marginalized iranianguy. period. and as conveniently as you shrugged him off because of his pen-name, you shrugged off his fully legitimate criticism of your approach. no matter what country or pen-name or real name you have, it has a universal stamp: asshole behaviour. """ 6c7885c019a9958a,"stop when you know you're too stupid to understand what's going on, don't mindlessly revert an article. you'll just end up showing your hand, revealing your idiocy, and then you're just going to have to create a new identity when the ridicule gets to be too much. think, next time." 6c7c290876c66572,my page should be protected first so that worthless scum like you can't keep vandalizing it. 6c81c9e261726003,ok delete the page i am tired of this shit already 6ca8dfdc6f3c143b,"anyone else glad that this stupid fucker offed himself? i sure am. hey britbarb, fuck off. your nephew was a punk who couldn't handle his shit. and now you and his parents are on some fucking caped-crusade to destroy the lives of millions of innocent people who just want to alter their consciousness... i'm sure that's what your salvia-using kid would have wanted. karma's a bitch. keep up your holy war, and the universe will smack you down so fucking hard that you'll wish that you all had killed yourselves when that pussy brett did." 6cb154b989695386,real encyclopedia. so fuck you fucking all fag fucks. 6cbb006f7e496f37,""" there are zero reliable sources (and i don't mean youtube and crawdaddy, they are not reliable) for this. if there's a reliable source for the def leppard incident then include that in the article. personally i can't stand danzig but that's irrelevant to producing an accurate article sourced reliably and not filled with seedy tabloid garbage. you sound like someone with a bone to pick. if you want gossip and sensational nonsense go read the sun. otherwise, nobody cares that """"danny lollipops"""" deliberately provoked and then assaulted a singer backstage and then put the video online in hopes someone would listen to their awful band. considering it was 5 years ago and nobody remembers the shitty band i'd say their ploy failed. """ 6cdad0f549a77156,"i hope you get cancer, you pedophile." 6d02efa5db5be982,"hitler, you have no knowledge of anything related to the topic. why would i add a source to a type of list that does not need one, just like plenty of other lists on here? something either belongs or doesn't, and anything i added there you can easily see belongs just by clicking on that entry. so it'd be great if you could stop being a nazi, stop being stupid and stop being lazy and just click on the damn name." 6d07c3c4e1c7b2f9,"dennis bratland is a homophob british bastard who dislikes germany, a typicial british asshole with homophob thinking." 6d1ca7147238d65f,"no, what's unbelievable is that wikipedia has users who think nothing of comparing a controversial trial like this to the daily reportage on the life and time of justin bieber. you are an utter moron. you probably wouldn't even be able to spell stupid." 6d409bf0d104f2b1,"fuck you bitch kiss my ass, you dickless troll. i hope you never return from your gay ass vacation. fuck you!" 6d41f540704f61ee,"get a life, pitiful gook. what a slime" 6d480730311b667e,""" you motherfucker you motherfucker you're dead...enough said """ 6d52d57755b3f4ae,"hey you fuckwad pedophile do you even fucking realize what this asshole did to our country. i bet you'll be cheering when you see penises cut and put in our troops mouth." 6d84ad02916a1563,"hey your a gay nigger mother fucking cunt" 6d9628d6f80b7311,"don't even start with me mr. confused gender. you and your criminal friends started this war, and right now, you are loosing. you, matthew, and your punk friends picked this fight when sorbs blocked my address without reason, then started slanderous material about me after you blocked me. thats why went up, to fight sorbs, ahbl, spews, and maps and your criminal activity. so don't you even think you will try to turn this around and make it look like i started it. this is a free country that protects 1st amendment rights from little commies like you. you are a sorry, pathetic, foul little queer creature who has no existance in today's world. what makes you think you are even worthy to stand in the same place as steve linford with your pathetic little pro-spam rbl? as for your extortionist friend matthew sullivan, he will be arrested on sight should he ever come to the u.s. you and your extortionist, spammer friends are treading on very thin ice in the legal system right now. sorbs has blocked numerous valid systems, as well as being kicked from xo for aup violations, but you don't want that known. you prefer that people stay in the dark, and not have access to accurate information. if i had the time, i would list every valid system that sorbs has blocked, and refused to remove, as well as list your criminal record on ahbl's wiki. you have attempted to halt the flow of new information on wikipedia, and have tried numerous censorship schemes, not only to myself, but many others as well, and it is going to stop. your nazi dictatorship attitude won't get you far in this life little man. everyone has the right to edit wikipedia with accurate information, if you have a problem with that, take it up with wikipedia. - user:oryhara so edit this post. censor it. i know you will because you love censorship, and hate the 1st amendment. you will try to censor everyone that opposes you and your ideas. i supposed you hate net neutrality as well." 6d9958aa49eb8c4f,""" what a problem with you i wanted to say that what is problem with you? why you are trying to redirect events schedule of pakistan 2013 by 2013 in pakistan? are you a """"mother fucker"""" boy or you want to """"married'' your """"sister"""" with """"me""""? ohhhh! i love your """"sister's"""" boobs. hmmmmm! yummyy!!""" 6db743d492873b68,"thanks for being such a self empowered jackass, you wannabe. being an editor of wikipedia must grant you much fulfilment in your little life that you fabricate and glamorize. no one cares that you're indian. i'm caucasian, but do i make pointless blogs on the internet to make myself feel important? no, mostly because im not an arrogant loser. p.s. there's this thing called dynamic ip, which is *gasp* dynamic. as in, ip bans aren't effective anymore. so stop throwing them out like some sort of devastating punishment." 6dc045b4c36a7875,"omg, 'i dispute the gayness of this discussion!' omg, what a bunch of fucking nerds!! not only are your arguments weak and impractical, but youactually seem to take yourselves seriously! my recommendation: buy salt bitches!!!! lol!! stupid gay bitches!!!" 6dcf45ca697a21fb,"blow me, asshole." 6dd31c4d19355dfa,"no you a**hole, i am done with you" 6e06210a08495ea2,""" f­uc­k you, a­ss­hole f­uc­k you, a­ss­hole motherf­­ucker! """ 6e1c7e5aed9f906d,"you're a bloody nut,i don't have to ask you for anything, bloody goon." 6e22b4fcca4de916,"this is outrageous. get a life. i'm not gonna sell the fucking picture, i just want to contribute to the fucking article. don't you understand? no? well understand now." 6e3bdbcccb623d32,"you smell. i'm sorry to say, but you smell. it is because you did not take a bath yesterday.if you take a bath now, there will be no point. this is because your bathtub will crust away because you are smelly.too smelly!however, if you wish to take a shower, you will smell.and, if you really want to, smell your arm pits. they will make you die because they are smelllllllly!" 6e7c459bf3cd36eb,"you are total stupid, but that´s the whole of wikipedia. my edits are facts. and these opinions on the articles are not cited. this shows wikipedia will survive not long. long live john seigenthaler, sr. and andrew orlowski." 6e9b88dc77d60aba,why don't you just fuck off? 6ea1aefc9a6cc945,justify your changes motherfucker 6ec35828632ddeb5,you are fucking stupppppppppid are you the one who invented wikipedia other know as shitipedia/crapipedia cause this is just crap so go get a life you looser with no life. 6ec7d95cf40252e6,"you fag you faggot how come you delete cool stuff like eric beatty go screw yourself you stuck up douche bag" 6efea8e13de6fd39,"is it me or are you a fucking n00b? wrong template used when talking about template removals there. have a nice day." 6f03e04309fc2c04,"accept my apology! accept my apology this minute you big, fat noob (this is doughnuthead talking,and if you don't think so, tough.)" 6f0c4b9a1b4b6eae,", also: favonian is a super-huge faggot." 6f1ad48eb2f2719c,"you need a life really bad.......................bitch!" 6f1c03ad6029568d,"god, what part of fuck off dont you little pimply mouth breathers don't understand? cna't get a girl but your'e king of shit mountain, huh? i laugh at you." 6f20ae99fc9a73d3,"biggest jerk on earth!= is an asshole! fuck him right in the eye!" 6f2b35d4add3051e,you're all fags for trying to delete this article. go kill yourselves instead89.123.100.99 god al-fucking-mighty 6f2ff3676c6d20fa,"prick what a little bitch." 6f7a9851aeacadb7,how many free images have you scanned? what is your new user name: bbbbbastard? 6f91db77d5fbb3c3,"hi will, are you a nigger by any chance? i am from the region and much of what is written is false and misleading. first of all, you cannot group all these diverse groups together, they don't even recognize the word berber. southern mediterranean are white or arab or berber, which is not of black descent. a black person, and no i am not going to capitalize, is a scary thing in north africa. the studies that are cited are useless, as the sample used was of inhabitants alogn the mauritanian coast, who are naturally of sub-saharan descent or at least partially. mauritanian, though consider part of north africa for some idiotic reason, is not recognized as part of north africa, and is considered black terriroty, western african territory. if the region were a democratic one, these absurdities wouldn't exist." 6fe15b1eefd199e1,"how's about you shut the fuck up instead... if your going to use wiki to write history, at least make that history truthful and accurate instead of spreading right wing racist viewpoints you nazi piece of shit! go die in a hole somewhere dont censor you racist" 6fe74c75edd30218,""" i heard this fucker was expelled from high school for fucking a sheep. \ talk / """ 701d00bbfdd4654c,"thank you for the explanation. now i know exactly what your issue is. not. seriously, can you be any more ignorant? i mean, are you actually trying to be an asshole? it's a simple process - you object to something, i ask what the issue is, you give an answer. prick." 7032e0dce02a180f,go fuck yourself!!! you fucking delteted it anyway! whats the fucking point of a public encyclopedia if you delete evrything!?!?!? i've edited a few pages so that they are more dettailed and wtf do you all do!?!!?!?!?!?! fucking get rid of it!!!!!!! and dumb down articles just to cater for you publicly ignorant american twats i hope george bush gets killed by islams fuck you all!! 703e13df45f02e1c,"was diem a gay homosexual dictator? he never had any female companion whatsoever. he was definitely gayer than a sparkling vampire." 70649e211ba18744,"hurricane katrina you are crap, you fucking idiot." 7071a7a118813da2,"what the fuck? ur a dick, urv never even been 2 helensville ya mommas boi!!!" 70841dd24bd993e0,"n b nb fuck you duchas nachui" 709860c2f8350f6c,"you are a racist shut up you racist! you can't keep us aussies out! you can build a wall but we'll tear it down, mate!" 70ab735ba937681a,"fuck you! it war now asshole!!" 7105d60ff5f56abc,"fuck you fuck you deletionist." 71231d24cd28a682,get off your fucking high horse. i'm not a newcomer. please just piss off from my user talk page and go admin abuse someone else. 71496f81b7787f63,"fu ck u whore bitch i was reverting a vandal. blocking me meant i couldn't revert it. but that is expected from wiki whore bitches. no man. no life. just a sad self indentured existence so fu ck u." 714e22ec83160a38,"ho ho, you fucking twats really do make me laugh." 7153c99f267db134,"how about you shut your mouth. i will edit boykins from every computer i have access to. you are wasting your time. you can't stop me. this is the nature of wikipedia. i can do whatever i want. you may be able to delay me, but you will never be able to stop me. go make sweet love with your hand to yourself!!! trey from boykins" 715bd1a1cbd570da,""" e. j. thribb2 so. farewell then malleus fatuorum. admin fighter. r.i.p. """"f*** off you stupid c***"""" that was your catchphrase along with """"how old are you, you moronic elitist admin scum, 17½ ?! .. i think we should be told."""" so, rant in peace, or not if that's more radical and bloody annoying. """ 7169442b36a3e665,"oops, i saw blocking warning on your page as well. fuck off. come on discussions. people like sitush are owing articles unnecessarily. and i have given explanation to each of my word. for sitush (with proofs and evidence) arrogant-believes, his arguments and references are best (look at his discussion on his talk page, where he writes people to fuck off), illogical- he cant digest logical evidence- still trying to get the biology definition in math book: eg; has written about khatris origin from dashrath sharma on rajputs book, idiot- cant understand references and read them, racist ( you come under this definition, look at his all articles, he only writes articles which classify people based on their features. each word is true and has a evidence for it. read it by yourself before issuing warnings...." 716cf136c2008b86,fuck finlay mcwalter hes a faggot and he needs to get a fucking life faggot. 716f21468c6b5142,"hey quit being a jerk." 7189832718da9fb4,"hey jingiby you hate turkic people because you are a racist slavic bulgarian... but you hate your turkic ancestries... everybody hate you, racist pig!!" 719058ee82906d4f,(could you fucking leave me alone bitch) 7199ba04ea7db991,"fuck off, subhuman scum. you lost the right to demand civility when you posted the human centipede on the frontpage. without any provocation you took a huge, aggressive dump on everyone who visits wikipedia (ranked #6 on alexa in case you didn't know. this is not a niche site for scat lovers). you have no fucking right to demand people to treat you with any degree of respect or politeness." 71ac3b182c7aef4d,"you are a rat bastard. and you know why." 71fcf51225733b8d,gay fucking cockface shit ass cunt 71ff45c96e4941ba,""" you just plain fanatics, stupid stupid herd member, a victim of """"brainwashing"""" if you are u.s. resident, i give you a better proposal for a flag for your country - this flag would be better suited to her: thumb|just do not forget scold, you a patriotic american brat """ 72155b5229a9ba33,dear doorsajar - please tell bongwarrior that the vandals have won. bongwarrior has had to protect is talk page because vandals kept on writing about what a cock loving faggot he is. bitch. 7233f60ca8d54ded,"anti-russian movement in central asia for one years ago we established a network of a central asian youth party that is motivated to act against pig-like russians. we won´t let your children alive in our countries till the last dirty slavic russian leave our countries, from caucasia to south russia. your sons and daughters you send to our countries will lose their heads. kill one caucasian and central asian and we will kill for every single individual exactly 32 russians. death to dirty slavic russians!!! germans kille you dirty slavic bastards and we will kill you dirty slavic bastards. you are born to serve non-slavics...not the other way round. sieg, heil islam o gorgon!" 7234e748f598d888,"fuck you too! put this finger in yourasshole, bastard!" 7237f78e726e0ca2,how would you like to lovingly suck my huge gonads? 7259f9ea5df5ee60,"see your userpage you stupid bitch heeeeeeeeeeee" 72709e314ad6ac0b,"your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded" 72a2708823299551,you smell of stale urine. 72abd2893a47553d,fag fag fag fag fuck fuck fuck a luck a ding dong 731b0909c463c250,"lgbt rights your a fag" 73751e44cb24793b,"recent warning you be hating on me cause im black nigga. fuck you" 739fd7d09bd228b5,"hi you're my little b1tsch" 73a0623db9857921,"take the latter part of your advice, then shove the rest of the message right up your ass." 73a3efe15fefcdbc,do you give blowjob discounts to wikipedia members? 73a8a59b00991c84,"fuck off asshole. go and get a life, nerd." 73d8aac189cd5af2,"go away noone missed you while you were gone, you horrid piece of shit. now piss off and don't fucking ever come back" 73dc94f2fd4edfb0,"i didn't vandalize your user page, idiot." 73ee076f8b003d51,what the fuck is wrong with you? you say i am a fucking vandal and i havn't done anything. your bot is fucked up. 73f283c3ac033113,"hey faggot you suck my huge dong" 740152a62e643d89,""" """"..."""" the 2012 movie was partially based on graham hancock's book """"fingerprints of the gods"""". it was in the credits. you have resorted to even removing suggestions from the discussion page from jack straw. you two are so pathetic. this page still sucks. stupidity rules. ~m~ shii, what is it called when a member of one religion tries to kill off everyone who doesn't go along with their belief system? please enter that as the subject of this post. thanks""" 741294f6f5a72ebd,suck my horny dutch balls 745d7d3cc3497c32,"why are u the way u are? ur a little bitch, why did u delete tylers wikipedia. you are probably gayer than him. go to hell" 745e2315e6b0d89e,"this article is a piece of shit read it and weep. jw1 you're just a fucking little high school piece of shit. no one gives a crap about your opinions. there are no citations at all in this piece of shit article so i'm going to delete this crap." 7476011868b7dfe2,are you fucking kidding me? as i lay crying is complete trash and nowhere even close to black metal. get off this site. 74d96cc98ed11c33,jp gordon is a fucking kike 7521c02d205b8da4,hey pice of shit don't tell me what to write on wikipedia...i'm gona hunt you down and kill everyone you ever loved 753acd8d1ced9111,"arsten, you're the biggest cunt of all." 753ee97f1546b6f0,"j delanoy is a motherfucker you sure got a lot of time to revert vandalism! i will always be around to add new fake contents you fucking moron! hahahahahaha" 75508197262bcda9,page go die you stupid arsewhole automated filter 7551641240eb0073,"nigger fuck you faggot" 755cbdc47faea7b4,""" in the mean time, i guess i've a got a song to dedicate to the biggest douchebag you are jschnur. you're a douche bag, do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag. you're a douche bag, do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag. hey jschnur, why's your ego so massive? you know it's 2 am and it's dark outside. you don't need those s-s-ssunglasses. yeah we all remember that hot chic you hooked up with once because you went on to brag about it for months and months. yeah we all get that you think it's impressive but ain't nobody impressed with how much you're bench pressing. buying smirnoff ice for girls half your age, telling all your douche bag friends that you """"still got game."""" dear jschnur. we all agree that you are a dumb ass. why can't you see that! you're a douche bag, do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag. you're a douche bag, do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag. dear jschnur do you find it necessary to shout into your bluetooth or boast about high school rugby """"and i would have went pro if it weren't for my bum knee"""". and why you got to complain every single time your not getting laid. you douche bags are a lot of the same. """"dude let's go. this place is full of grenades"""" always trying to look cool, like it's a full time career. that's why your facebook pic shows you chugging a beer. you got your gold chain and your wife-beater on so you can fist pump your way to the tanning salon. dear jschnur we all agree that you are a dumb ass. why can't you see that you're a douche bag, do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag. you're a douche bag, do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag. inconsiderate, ignorant, you drink you get belligerent, you think anybody finds you amusing? no, no, no. not even a little bit. you always find a way to stop all the fun like, when you scream """"party foul"""" at the top of your lungs. dear jschnur, i caught you bragging again. trust me man, nobody gives a damn what frat you were in. you claim you hang with celebrities when you don't know any at all. """"but dude i'm totally banging george clooney's sister in law."""" no you're notcome on. dear jschnur. we all agree that you are a dumb ass. why can't you see that you're a douche bag, do-douche bag do-do-do-do-douche bag. you're a douche bag, do-douche bag do-do-do-do-douche bag. hitting on other girls when yours is in the room. you're a douche bag do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag walking in the club grabbing all on your junk. you're a douche bag do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag refusing to let go when she says no. you're a douche bag do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag cut me off in traffic then flipping me the bird you're a douche bag do-douche bag do-do-do-do-do-douche bag """"dude it's george clooney's sister in law, i swear, come on where the hell is my protein shake?""""""" 75617295ee4062d0,uranus rules and u suck nomorewriting biatch i hate u go suck uranus and a dick 75bde647d7dbbe79,fuck you bluezy you are probably just a gay who likes it up the ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 75c05f72113a5fd3,"you childish stupid idiot get a life animalfucker." 75f8304970341ac2,"block me then you cocksucker - clever people don't give a fuck about editing wikikpedia? just because wikipedia has turned you into its bitch, you can't see that being blocked is not a 'punishment'. if it happened to you it would be a blessing, but you'll never see how much time and life you've completely wasted, because your brain is mush. fuckin wretch" 76284cccd6a659bf,"don't come near my page you sad little man, stop trying to order others around in a creepy way on wiki & get a life bardrick." 7646b95efdbf0149,"anonmoos do not listen to what this one says its an idiot allready in trouble" 76599c8aaca03563,"i'll give you drama you're a nigger!" 765eaa284fe9790f,"jack and jill oh come on, just because you come from that ass-retarded prince george and that your dad also happens to be your sister, it's no reason to be such a fucking pain in the ass. maybe you should move to prince rupert if you are that anal! ban me ass-hole, i am using a public ip in a starbuck anyways." 7674a68b8c71e1f3,"why'd you remove that u nlgga" 76774b35cb8db45a,"this user is a fucking bully, who bully's people an owns articles. i gave in on the discussion regarding the numbers and formats on the page why should i this time, rich please see my point i don't want this aggro." 76852bfea5e5ddd7,"fuck you, and your family." 768641d7ac22ea28,"hey, that reminds me... is the country of kuwait still banned, you fucktards?? seriously, please unblock kuwait, you rude communist sons of bitches!!" 76cfb11d6624683d,"here again we have mentally sick editor: user:future perfect at sunrise. unfortunately no one can send him in hospital where he belongs! here again we have mentally sick editor: user:future perfect at sunrise. unfortunately no one can send him in hospital where he belongs! mr. jimbo , remove mentally sick editor: user:future perfect at sunrise." 76d11f4fd35f7e1d,"now gaba p joins the long list of complete fucking assholes who revert every minor edit of the younger dryas impact hypothesis wiki page. let me give you a clue, fuckface, you can't possibly justify reverting an edit that simply ads another tertiary peer reviewed publication related to this subject. it's inane, it's anal, it's uniformed and it's just plain wrong." 76d88a0e1adb549f,"fuck you, you lousy sack of shit" 770b051b2da69566,"little douchebag... gonna wish you didn't start it" 77249aca0de8120e,go fuck yourself jess samsquanch is a real name 7735054921607b89,so i herd you liek mudkips. go suck it. 7781d6f676e841b5,stop your bullshit editing. you are the biggest motherfucker here on wikipedia. go back and watch your shit pokemon cartoon and suck your mom and sister's vagina you dickhead. 778deb8352d93ab7,"f**k your guts lol )" 77978c3b5dc0bf82,""" i dont care about the name but there is a wp:rm on the talkpage saying articleshall not be moved and this is not your first attempt. that is why it is considered a disruptive edit. also there is no need to attack editors calling them """"imbecile"""".  (talk) oh you don't care about the name - here put name up for consensus why don't you and have submitted your own name because you might be writing it on paper wrong!? no i don't care what you've got to say - it is not disruptive because if that were actually the case there would be more articles showing the surname as mckay and not mckay which proves there is no need whatsoever for a consensus vote! actually do some research there mate - instead of reverting just because of that blinking consensus which is wrong anyway! you've just proven that you're not a good editor yourself by saying """"i dont care about the name but there is a wp:rm on the talkpage saying articleshall not be moved and this is not your first attempt"""". that my friend shows a complete disregard for factual information and research in general! mate, funny i only called you an imbecile because you attacked me first with your silly disruptive edits message. not everything requires consensus and also consensus can be wrong! think about that.""" 77a53f8a25781023,"going on mattythewhite lad, you are a horrible waste of space mate why are you so arsed about oussama assaidi? he's dead lad and you know it. you are just like stephen french, a big horrible grassing twat." 77c87833e0dd1560,"oh, and armarkov, you fuck and are a cocksucker." 77cd39e17fc6d973,""" don't accuse sockpuppetry without evidence! what kind of crap is that? spoken like a true despot! let's have the evidence or unblock. you can't convict without evidence, that's very disruptive! —preceding unsigned comment added by """ 7817e3b313783875,hello all! i have been blocked by these assholes for speaking my mind. wikipedia and their liberal minions can suck my fucking dick. no funds from me and i'll see that nobody i know contributes. fuck off!! 7826939b783b1a86,"fuck you. you blocked me. i do not appreciate that. i did nothing wrong and was antagonised by that other guy. so fuck you" 783bf6be5dd88278,"o why dont u get off my mothafuckin dick son, u think i dont kno my shit nigga?" 78505c1b79e58776,"hi hi you fucking retard. flakes41 was not creamy3, i am! i've never even heard of this flakes41 joker. eat shit and die you cum-guzzling cocksucker. wikipedia sucks big donkey dick and so does that crusty old bitch you call your mother. have a nice day." 78640b3baad0edbe,why is adrian such a f@cking loser??? get a life 786db345e6c03593,"hey faggot you keep reverting my changes to pages. i don't like it. i'm adding legit info. check yourself asshole." 7882b1cfc8769cb6,"i dream of jesus why did you feel the need to revert my sourced edit in the i dream of jesus article? you may think that you have some kind of ownership over the content of this article, but you are sadly mistaken. i suggest that in the future, you keep your hands off of the legitimate edits to articles which you have also made contributions to. if you continue to be an asshole and revert edits without just cause, you will be reported to wikipedia!" 788f11e67912af1f,you motherfucking communist scum 789195e75f012f08,"dennis go fuck yourself, nigger!!! cocksucker stupid fucking pussy!!!" 78b77fca547e73ab,"you utter twat what kind of stupid cunt reports someone for a perfectly valid username. you complete waste of oxygen, you rancid piece of dog shit. get a sense of perspective and stop being a petty minded little fucker." 78c5ff41bdab614e,what a cowardly jew. lmfao. stick to picking on girls and women in the ghettos you and your nazi faggot friends make out of functional civilisations. 78cc7ccedaf6597f,"bit stupid, i can change my ip address whenever i want to. what a bunch of loooooooooosers!" 79452b7fea7b1025,"asshole i already thought that you left the german wikipedia!! now get lost you bitch!!" 7945b74ff20de38c,do you all gayy ass fags always give automated responses? huh fag? 795a5264fe74cc6a,"you are a fucking dick go fuck yourself" 798149d50df9767b,you re fuck of bitch... 79a62af6c535b3a3,i said go fuck yourself you robotic piece of cunt. 79a644c51dec9e7b,"thank you so much for your nazi-like oversight! ...but you can shove your advice up your ass. i just like messing with self-important dickheads who think they know everything, and damned if wikipedia isn't full of them. signed, your number one dirty jew fan, mel gibson." 7a4ea5d9cef34444,""" yamla the idiot if (<60) { output="""" yamla detected! bring the axe.""""; }""" 7a8f77565e0df03e,"thanks for being late to the party but i have added no new articles since yesterday. while you have all been very impolite and overly protective, i have lost interest in torturing you, so you can go fuck yourself." 7af7131ffb43e2d3,"it's you who is doing original research by sucking dick of allmovie and not giving sources to why ib is an adventure film, schindler's list was a man on a mission to save the jaws, is it an adventure film cocksucker?" 7b190dcb6f476d8e,""" do you contribute anything? i'd like to know if you are a human or just a destructobot.... if you are a desructobot, can i say """"fuck you"""" or does that disrupt your circuits? what if i said """"fuck you"""" in destructobot language? that any different? let me know, dick. """ 7b37e13f756c1117,go the fuck away dumb commie scumbags! 7b3d18857df782cf,fuck you 7b44503bff9ad6af,"hey suck my ballz bitch" 7b4ea10486b72444,"fuck wikipedia on wheels! you should be forced to eat your own shit you fat bastard!" 7b6f0196eb6f7f7c,"thank you your the wellcome arabic assholr go back to arabia you fucking arabic saudi!! 05:56, 14 mar 2005 (utc)" 7b74d5281e359ac5,"again are you dumb or just stupid? seriously if you can defend a photo that's been manipulated, you shouldn't be adding content to wikipedia. themepark." 7b76ed1d3943bea4,""" camille paglia catamorphism, i don't know who the hell you are and i don't care. camille paglia is not a """"sex-positive feminist""""?????? are you fucking nuts?? do you know anything at all about her or what you are talking about?? before you maliciously vandalize this article again with your bigotry and arrogance, maybe you should do some research on the subject. and if you take her name out of the article again, i will simply reverse your action!!!! two can play your game! wikipedia will not be held hostage to cretins like you who need to distort and deny plain facts to suit your own orwellian agendas!!!!""" 7b83bc92fd476312,"fuck u fuck u bitch y da fuck wud u delete dat it wuz hilarius" 7b861c8ca4ffe80d,you sound like an idiot. 7ba3c3b1aefba154,"fuck off faggot. truth isn't vandalism. you have no idea what you're talking about. p.s. fuck you city slicker. p.s.s. nigger. p.s.s.s. vaginas." 7ba7b175e597c13e,you god damn son of a bitch you fucking blocked me again. you block me one more time and i’ll rape you and your fucking mom. we’re hicks here and ill run your ass over with a tractor and then shove it up your ass just the way you like it you gay son of a bitch. thanks for your time asshole! 7bcf323aedb193d8,the only thing you are persistant at you ugly bastard is fucking the troll 7c36a7b83e9d6939,"regarding you being an asshole go fuck your mother." 7c3e4a109b52b4c9,"this is gay, really gay. everyone is gay." 7c45d3c67484ed22,harrias is a douc hebag. 7cb76a26e252568b,sitush why do you hav itchy anus. sumedh saini is a saini. by using last name as saini he is identifying himself a saini. so just shut up ass hole. 7ccc525043352f9f,"suck my c*ck you're a nazi." 7cd7dfbca234a8b4,"well i guess your stuck with me til that someone else comes and yeah, i would like to know who doesn't want me on here myself, and i know one more person that don't want me on here, is that stupid son of a bitch 18 year old , yeah him, because he doesn't know anything, he still think that the version 13 of the llanvew collage debuted on july 31, which in reality it debuted on august 1, 2008. he thinks he's so smart, but he doesn't know shit from shinola." 7d01432e1156956d,"you're a racist you revert my edits to disparage australian heritage. if you do that again i will get the federal police on to your door! aussie pride!" 7d14fe3f1b10a28b,""" nazi germany and """"real germany"""" are identical, you ḟucking reṯard. you are a nazi apologist. go die in a fire.""" 7d53d4c107032f24,""" you are a bit of an idiot, aren´t you? as per you: """"delete recently created article that duplicates an existing topic, inflation"""" please indicate where the term inflation myths appear on the inflation target. idiot!! """ 7d75be9078f8689b,i dont give a fuck nigga 7d7b00f44738057a,""" hi marcuse. i see you've run into sojambi pinola. don't mind him, he's a buffoon. he is friend of biff rose's. they mention each other on their respective web spots. looks like the two of them are on here basahing other people until they stand alone as edit king. too bad someone else wrote about rose's own anti semiticism, and racism. poor sojambi has been trying to fix it ever since. the sad thing is, he is so one sided, he has a difficult time persuading others of his npov- therefore he lashes out, and you were caught up in the crossfire(evidence here[]) notice, he's only comparing what he wants you to see. the connection? well there isn't any really, but by creative use of wiki skills he tries to cover his own manipulations by using hanging you up as the villain. it's a rather typical obfuscation tehnique. by accusing every person who posts something that makes an edit to his work, he then marks them as a bad user. it's also reminiscent of those toubling republican smear tactics of last year- only translated to this site. he's a schmuck. claims to be latino, then claims to be jewish, then claims to be black, then claims to be white. next he'll claim to be a woman. he's already claimed to be a few other people, and it was his vandalism of other peoples talk page and of the rose page itself that got it frozen in the first place. also of note is his complete inability to sleuth. i would find his """"detective"""" skills humorous if they weren't so evil. good luck, and i bet your singing voice would improve, if only you would practice. """ 7d9ea9aca9be63de,"hey, darkwarriorblake, suck my dick." 7dfb3a8d2db293d2,""" your request to be unblocked has been granted for the following reason(s): suck my cock bitches request handled by: """ 7dfdf825afd73d03,"=why are you being so rude? i only want to help you motherfuckers. fuck! retards! you're such retards! i hope you all die! seriously, die!!! wikipedia, the encyclopedia that nobody can edit because all the ip addresses are banned, hahaha. you're so downhill, it's sad. too bad the beehive can't deal with reality, hahaha!!! hey, that reminds me... is the country of kuwait still banned, you fucktards?? seriously, please unblock kuwait, you rude communist sons of bitches!!" 7e09a20f1ad8d468,you assholes on wikipedia don't understand the importance of some hip-hop artists. go listen to your lame ass white boy music. 7e24f27d5ec3dbe6,""" i see nothing wrong with calling an asshole """"asshole"""". """ 7e4723e595f1a3dd,"here, fuck you. talk to me without a template." 7e4ad3cda979a734,"ged likes penis =) 1 0 0" 7e678cd0ff8ea774,"fu*k you fu*k what the fu*k you fuc*ing fuck that was my fuc*ing life that you fuc*ing tore apart your a fuc*ing fu*k you fuc*ing fu*k. ps what the fu*k fu*khead as*fu*king fuckfu*ker. fu*k" 7e804214717b9c0d,go fuck my dog benny in the ass> 7e88cfc0fd255fb2,"who who cares? you're a dick! jackass!" 7ea2731b1e3ef905,your a cocksucker u can't do anything to me 7ea9688bb4708224,"mongo is a wanker! mongo drinks semen while editing someone elses page! that dick! mongo is a homosexual crybaby! mongo is a motherfcuker!! mongo gets anal and oral every night from a five year old pig! wayward likes cocks! wayward likes teeth in his crust!" 7f049ab86740471c,i'll give you $500 to let me cum on your face 7f1789d75b53742d,"you seem to be slightly retarded, so i'll explain it slowly for you. it's only vandalism if it has malicious, nonsensical intent. you can't prove that, so please, quit harassing me." 7fd508030a121e46,"all i have to say to you, is go fuck yourself. you're a cocksucker with a little power that's massively gone to your head" 801c9b267f978ac7,"hello fuckhead, contributions my faggot asshole. you think that because im gay that i dont know shit. you are wrong. you just sit there with nothing to do with your pathetic fucking life that you decide to go and be a complete prick on wikipedia and just delete whatever the fuck u want. thanks nazi fuck." 801f81552ee1ffcd,""" the graceful slick.... is non other than an ungraceful dick! """ 8022792c9ee854f6,"how many chins do you have? hi, faggot, how many chins do you have? you should exercise a little bit instead of sitting on your fat ass guarding all your precious left-wing biography pages." 80230e69d918f3bc,""" the situation is moot because it's not going to get any coding at all now. thanks, sven, you fucking ass. '''''' """ 80249296a4bddd86,is a complete idiot. 80388ab568d6079f,"what ban fuckheads wikipedia fuckwhits!!!" 804c389930aebf11,"i agree dayewalker is just another republicant whore who worships palin mccain" 8073630900c9f592,"oi wankstain == fuck off you ignorant cunt, yeah? revert this you arsewipe, revert me lolololol cocksucker of course i'm going to attack you on here, and comment on you rather than content, you pedantic bastard ban me yay! lolololol i hate you lolololol ==" 80a36207de384433,"concerning east high school you suck. why did you change the page? east high has no noted alumni. when i make well needed changes, please leave them be." 80bd05055bb37008,"time cube you have been educated singularity stupid you mindless academic cannibal." 80cd7801777396bc,"die in a car crash you fuckin asshole traitor to your local teams!! we dont live near boston!! why would some cunts prefer boston teams if we dont live near boston!! your retarded you faggot cunt." 80e9a48c733cb2d0,point out exactly where the word masturbation is anywhere in the bible. stupid fundy. 810c68810cb773d3,"killamanjario shut the fcuk up cracka" 81486013173ae231,""" i've seen several articles that use """"was"""" for tv shows no longer on the air; are they all wrong, too? don't be a jerk. """ 815759f95da7031f,"sallary controversy the president of the peabody essex museum dan monroe makes $578,254.00 a year with full benefits while all the guards are part time with no benefits. this edit was undone by you, you are a piece of shit........ what are you on the payroll for that fuck dan monroe you fuckin dike, pice of shit the guards slave away while the president dan monroe makes over 500,000k you fuckin cunt .... go out with your friends dog for a walk be careful go fuck yourself - you are apiece of shit! you are an asshole" 815efac8ea360df7,"this guy is cool, you are all a bunch of faggy fat kids that live in your mom's basement. hahahaha midgetitis. hahahhahahaha" 817ebf028c8cd0b4,"so sad hi biitch or dogi whatever you like,you know girls are always fool and you are top most of them,donot scare now i will always give you this type of crismus gifts" 8185bd454c60a5bf,fuckass ople like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... thanks. i hate people like him... v 819fad1294a06855,"yeah fuck you seriously fuck you. all you do is protect racists and homophobes. you're as bad as they are." 81c07aa77e12ede8,"asshole you are an asshole" 81d87c7baf574371,""" your request to be unblocked has been granted for the following reason(s): fuck you faggots! it was a trick! i only use wikipedia to rape, plunder, steal, and wreak havoc! you will never stop me! i have over 100 computer ip addresses to use! request handled by: """ 81db28cd008e5494,"i only have one computer to edit wikipedia pages, i don't have so many. this is fucking ridiculous you retarded fucking niggers don't have the brains to even track down sock puppet accounts. fuck you fat lipped niggers, the kkk will be coming after yo ass bitch." 81df7993c6815f31,""" personal attacks just jump off a bridge, douchebag. i don't give a crap what you post about me making """"personal attacks"""" to your love pet verdy p. you just proved how much of a buttsucking friend you are to him. """ 8218f04b4988ca45,"you are a dumb flower now, normally, i do not use that term explicitly. i just quietly think it. but in this case, there is evidence. you have no isbn's to your name. in my book, that makes you a dumb flower i happened to a bit demanding about these sorts of things. the isbn's 1-894840-36-4 and 1-894840-38-0 . tell me something: at you local library: do they actually allow you in there? maybe they just let you in because you are a girl, i dunno. do they have an old-fashioned card catalog system there? do you experience urges to rip out the cards of the books that you simply do not like? i can assure you that you need to try and suppress those urges. of course i added those isbn's for you dear. it is like honey to flies. dumb flowers like you cannot suppress their urges to go and delete them. and thereby, i trap you, my pretty little dumb flower." 821d637d814fe418,"thanks i was just about to try reverting the sept. 11 page. but you beat me to it! what a jackass, eh? ( )" 827b009301a63e2c,"british people, or britons,[7] are inhabitants of great britain[8][9] or citizens of the united kingdom. i dont think this is about an ethnicity/race wobbs. haha, yous a complete fuckin moron." 82b5aed7526148df,"!!! fuck you, slakr!!! die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia die wikipedia" 82b693d02df5ec5a,let my article on retard!!!}:( 82bd53a4825ed3fe,get your cock out of your mothers ass so the nigger can get his back in. ban me you pussy. 82c3fd5493e4873e,"bongwarrior is a gigantic asshole. i will dig up your grandmother and shit on her dentures." 833c80ae8e63de37,i dont care about your note fuck you. i will not stop to attack you or user:jusjih i am free and stronger than you. dont try to submit me. if you continue what the hell is this a menace? you will be banned by this attack if you continue. you will be banned. 835b0797f9a201a0,""" just wanted to make sure you saw my answer too, """"notori-ass!"""" ha, what a joke! because i really do want to annoy you, you useless little turd! and i(we) intend to do so, so much more than that. careful what you wish for bitch... """ 835dcb88ad2b9095,"yeah? while you're at it, could be so kind as to suck my dick too?" 836483b592f4be2c,""" """"re: suicide"""" """"on a lighter note, raul is a fat prick.""""""" 838bf7b28d44fd2d,"you know i am so god damned sick of you holier than thou ****heads going in & reverting shit on a whim just cause you can! get your shit straight before reverting shit!" 83984a5d233360fb,"good night good night fucking shit that you may be upset because i do bullshit on wikipedia but you cock is worth what i do so let me in peace, or you swear that all the editing wikipedia pages without exception" 839c1fc5433b4433,""" go fuck yourself anyone who likes this movie is a cocksucking faggot.-the'fortyfive' """ 83a835e1c77f1ab8,onorem is still a faugott 83a99f255f23df95,"what ever idiot who keeps editing football articles with shit on this ip address needs to grow the fuck up, what are you 10?" 83ea832be95c0049,"i'm leaving wikipedia for good and starting my own site!!!! fuck those who were against me klptyzm - the faggot ass snitch who was harrassing people and fucks his own momma mel etitis - a faggot administrator was was stupid for falling for his tricks butterum - a good editor who was on craxy's side craxy - who knew what was going on and was trying to fix everything he knew" 83fcac6da592a330,"i hope you die i hope you die" 840025ba2a700a30,you are hitler's missing bollock 8426bd599b7ec559,", i have to wait 8 more fucking days. i'm sick of this bullshit. either you come clean & tell me that you fucking lied to me when i said my time was up or you can fuck yourself. this is so fucking mature, you guys." 8445d49718e75380,"jiang = shame! you ain't down wit freestyle king? cuz that nigga iz mo' than u so show respect fool," 844f2753c02f6720,why the fuck did you delete my page you fucking stuck up snobbish paedophile twats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 847e5fe67b0481ef,"/a/ here, /b/ is a loser." 84a3cb88ad313c37,""" you're famous! it looks like you've finally gotten the recognition you deserve: , you inbred, tearful, christ-killing, lazy, lying, little kite. """ 84ef69dc49e6eb19,""" what?!?! """"damaging the hard work of others"""" i did nothing of the sort. your user talk is open to anyone. i was just expressing my opinions. frickin idiot, gosh....""" 84f821cb8d380614,""" """"in the history of the world, every building ever hit by a jumbo jet in flight has collapsed."""" does it hurt to be such a moron?""" 84fb6240be696c03,"you are a homo, a big homo." 85191dbac8366c50,"... you are a sad cunt. get a life, you nerd." 852f77d9c3096645,wtf? you are now just as bad as fcytravis. why not warn him!? anus 8549ab7c6a364d6f,"the only thing you sons of biches can do. fuck you.fuck you. now block me properly. i can sign up again and do all the stuff again. you call your self admins. prove to me that one of my edits were disruptions." 854c6287a2ae6793,"wow...funny how i can harass other users by calling them cocksuckers on my own talk page. the concept of wikipedia is moronic...the general public is stupid, and should not be given complete unfettered access to change globally accessible content. dumb fucks, i'm sure it completely gets your little shriveled rocks off to fling your term 'vandalism' around like it is worth anything. how about you sit on my huge cock you egotistical power hungry nerd shit eating fagots d how is it abuse you fucking idiots when all you have to do is ban me? stupid fucking idiot dipshits." 8551363f85261735,"blocking editors he still insists on blocking users for now reason. when are some other editors going to take this little twerp down a peg or two and give the little idiot a taste of his own medicine dmacks should not be able to block accounts78.151.41.154" 8559e6144463e0ba,see also: maggot user:gofuckyourself 856db8ef2ad05ae9,pontificalibus is full of shit. 85d72e12acc00341,"you're a dickhead, mate, get a life" 85ec814c850bd6fd,""" according to your own block policy in order to block someone for """"personal attacks"""" they must put the person being attacked in danger. there was never any threat nor danger; not to mention the fact that i was merely stating facts about idiots like you and vegadick. you continue to prove why you so called """"editors"""" and """"admins"""" are for the huge majority, a complete farce! you are a hypocrite and cannot even follow your own blocking policy! ps: suck a dick! now go block me again loser! (citation: that is my opinion of you and made clear by your actions)""" 85f169c64a7a9744,"hey dumb fuck []this is my sock joehazelton hey dumb fuck, if i was you i would get his real name off it now or else i will start to publishing your name as well as a lot of names... you dumb fucks are mean sprited and with out a shread of decency or even the brains god gives cockroachs... again fuckhead its my sock... btw, there are over 100,000 register republicans in the 6th so back of your psyco delusions that evey person that edits on roskam bio is a sock... you dumb fucks are with out control and are totally in a zone of evil." 860827556955f121,"a great truth you are a stupid bitch, you always deny the truth in some articles, eat shit. ( )" 8622a6426aa6edc8,"if you continue to vandalise, i'm gonna fuck you up big time" 863d1773cc639298,"fucking nutcase you're a fucking nutcase" 8654d07c6f5473c6,racist ignorant and fascist all in all disgusting boy 866832ac1712eb85,"fuck off will you please stop sending me messages? let me be for fucks sake. do you honestly have fuck all better to do with your fucking time? i'm not available for adoption, and even if i was i wouldn't fucking adopt you you piece of shit. your grammar is fucking awful and your spelling is even fucking worse. just fuck off. if you send me another fucking message i will fucking create account after fucking account so i can vandalise this piece of fucking shit page you have. fuck off." 8687bd0727b6d731,"hey donkey hey donkey, your dad is coming." 86880fe9d5b7225f,you are a n i g g e r and are going to lick your husbands man c u n t!!! 869bd1baa0da59fb,"you suck monkey balls, you damn commie fag" 870b32770738ee23,"== you are the gayest kid in the fucking world. ==''']] super super super gay." 870c65f263fecdb9,""" i'm just glad that that jackass 172 is done, maybe there can be real progress on the article now, rather than bullshit about how saddam """"never fowgott"""" the instability which forced the poor lad to torture and mutilate the shi'a and kurdish populace. it was for unity! 09:11, 18 mar 2005 (utc)""" 87127a1ad3bce1d0,"""wow! this is unbelievably sexist and demeaning. you punish me for complaining about being called a """"cunt"""" and having having the words """"cock shit"""" and """"fucking"""" used against me repeatedly. that essentially condones that type of conduct. """ 8734c26db56d1763,"i'm sorry. i'd like to unreservedly retract my previous statement. you are not in any conceivable way a sad, pathetic loser with nothing better to do with your life than going around trying to censor other people's points of view. i am truly sorry if i in any way suggested or implied that this was the case." 873ce1da0030e63d,""" wtf you talking f*cker? you stupid ars*hole. your momma is b*tch. talk people with respect you s.o.b. summon """ 877197748a0f279c,dominicanyou suck dick 8791631912290405,"a sincere question why do you do what you do? slander, harassment and abuse of editors and you are a mindless dumbass, geogre. also a liar. actually the blatant slanderous crap you all throw out all over the internet about me and so many others is kind of against the law. it also goes against current harassment laws." 87aea74d1caaee06,fuck you you bitch ass ho. 87b2487f990d5d04,"obviously there is a reason you know nothing know it all female ejaculator. everything has a reason you idiot, even the stuff you dont agree with, like the holocaust, and the hilarious black enslavement of the 1500s to 1993. i hate females who ejaculate, they make my penis cry in pain and so in order to defend my manhood i must attack and destroy these half men half women serbian jew double bloods before they breed again." 87b370289464265c,"do you mean by seems to? more like does, dumbass. what" 87c06f935f2c6559,you suck 87e3be3ef8f865e2,fuck you asshole wipe my ass homo 8801b3ef42b61810,"really? look at my edit history, bitch. i've added more to rorqual articles than any other prick on here. piss off." 8813b44a71c56c5f,alison is a douchebag. 881ae3160ba44d89,"ban me, no problem. it is not my problem that you want to support the denial of my nation, of my national feeling, of my history and culture. go ahead, sell your cheap ass." 883005d3bacaa748,"intimidation, but what i would do with your fucking fat piggy face and people you pigs!! i wish to see you once in my life, i will fuck you and your fucking head and your fucking fat pig shemale, go and sport a little bite you bitch, you know what, i have fucked you and your rang of admin and paymont of wikipedia!!! i fuck you and your fucking persian gay friend user:inuit18!!! you gay lond!! this fucking person is blocking me for this reason []!! because i have reported this fucking fat pig bitch shemale, for this person (user:inuit18) is vandalism the talk page of jamal-al-din afghani. and attack me and my gallant people of afghanistan, my folk the pashtuns and this fucking bitch comes to me and block me. and he write that he have blocked me for this reasons continued disruptive editing, name-calling, harassment, personal attacks etc. but '''i have not continued disruptive editing, name-calling, harassment, personal attacks etc. on the contrary correct. and i have reported him about this" 8849420e775d1767,"you idiots always demand i explain myself on the talk pages and always delete my explanations, with snide comments in the edit summary, but no reply on the talk. it is a catch-22, so fuck you too." 886d9e3a2e1b3047,"lisa williams is a total fraud no offense intended but are you fucking insane?? she talks with the late diana! this kind of fake liza minelli look a likes should be fucking banned from wikipedia as they are all frauds. are you an american?" 8880920e3099fbbc,"no tell the real name. i cant think of it. is there a name for a mental disorder where a jew acts like a nazi and does not realize it? himmler by proxy? maybe om knows. but i read that aspergers have no ideas they are aspergers. could that be the same with himmler by proxy that om has? what is with the admins? i should have been banned by now. maybe om and filll's moms are making them do homework and kicked them off the computers. the admin response time is really slow tonite." 88ab08f18eb79dd3,""" you fucking no-life car fetishist since it's obvious you don't get any pussy from the amount of time you spend on wikipedia, why don't you go stick your little member into the exhaust pipe of your rattle can legacy or """"regushee"""" since you can't romanize japanese you fucktard. nobody gives a shit that the 1984 shitbox gt had its window controls moved to the window and half of the crap you add to the articles are either unsourced or just plain wrong. go do the world a favor and off yourself. since you love cars so much, carbon monoxide will work. """ 88bd12303d30b83d,"what's a guy got to do to get a real ban, anyway? also, that last comment didn't even make sense. this is annoying, surely, but not a personal attack, you fucking child molester." 88c8a6f613ad4371,"hey ,muslim dickhead !!!!!!!! why don;t you go and shove allah or whatever the fuck you call the retard up your stupid backwards ass !!!!!!!!! you fucking muslims are a bunch of jealous west hating mongs, islam is a peaceful religion, bullshit !!!!!!! there are many times when it refers to violence. so go strap on your suicide bomb and blow yourself up. yey, one less feeble minded prick ion the world." 88caa89b98d2b5d9,". shut your mouth, cinderella, i might hire an attorney and file a legal issue against wikipedia. u don't deserve our music." 88cb8b7892f84f81,"shut up, bitch." 88e1386f4713cbd5,"i am not vandilising wikipedia... don't just assume because a piece of information is new that someone is vandalising wikipedia... what do you actually know about aspergers? do you have it? moron" 88eeec80504f23e4,"bunch of fucking retards you guys are all a bunch of stupid pathetic fucking retards! barek ‎dwpaul ‎anomiebot ‎materialscientist ‎jytdog corkythehornetfan all of you! it obvious you all hate today show that why you are not willing to play fair." 89158319f89395d0,"hey buttface your a stupid like timberly elizabeth buttface you buttace" 891c83d5d71d2978,"hello i make the internet suck ok bitch face and you are going to die oneday even if it's of natral old age" 89376a955c9124cd,"you're dead it won't be hard finding your faggot ass in that shit state.. trust me i have connections. i'll kill everyone related to you, rape your children, kill them.. cut you up, spill your guts, and throw you into a fire. i have access to the database for your state.. so i can get your address. dont worry. ;) should have thought twice about what you did. shouldn't mess with the clan." 8996d52950c0ca4e,"a poem about abe dashiel: this is what you are abe dashiel is gay o he is very gay o yay o hes so very gay hooray he likes men cuase hes gay les celebrate that is who you are dashiel u are very gay hooray!" 89a9c581bad21642,"666 = 2x above holy 333 trinity repent bastard" 89ea9d9723b48f2e,""" always complaining... you know, niggers are always finding something to complain and protest about. and that, is truly a shame. this world would be so much nicer without complaining, violent, protesting, niggers! perhaps it's time to ship these """"mudhuttians"""" back to where it is they came from.""" 89f1f2cf4dfd3dc4,"you fat asshole, why don't you leave my page alone. what, it's not enoguh for you to stick your nosey nerd-ass troll figners on the page for my personal high school, you have to decide what belongs on ym persoanl user pagfes too. keep it up, mother fucker, and youll get yours, i swear to fucking christ. see wp:touchmyshitagainandyoulllearnwahtitmeanstotossasaladfatnerdfuckingtrollpieceofshitasswipe by the way, i blanked the suer profile page because that comment didnt belogn there. it was supposed to go on the talk page, but noone could get into it. im not a kike, or an atheist, so leaving it on there has no relelvance, got it?" 8a02b677955ce409,you pathetic small town fucktard. you have no idea how foolish you look. 8a12e921ed17b6ca,"please keep in mind that he is an idiot and maybe once someone calls him on his bullshit, he'll shut the fuck up. this is your final warning, get the fuck off my page." 8a1d761ff333e75c,"tommy fuck yo couch nigga!" 8a29e7fec930e1d8,"how big is the ass of salafis i wonder as u r fanatical salafi how big is ur ass ,, when u go to blow urself in a terrorist attack . please take ur hatred with u to the hell with ur gay friend ibn laden" 8a3e449137d0280b,"hey why the fuck would i vandalize my own article, dipshit? keep your fucking jew-nose out of peoples goddamn business, got that asshole?" 8a46bd24ad2ae752,are you kidding me right now. is this a joke. he is quoting the book and you dismiss it. you are fucking blind 8a4ef574e2881421,"oh god, why don't you just fuck of and die of gaids? -" 8a9c00eea9309592,because gwernol is a sad little man with a wee penis. 8aa2e4ed1f6352f7,like who the fuck are you man? stop messing with our page. please it was constructive cause the comment was a motherfucking cunting lie! 8abf6aec0a13bcf9,"audi a4 you are asshole, motherfucker, shit, fuck, asshole. (talk • contributions)" 8ae326c524224c2c,"he is dickasshole shut the fuck up!! and leave my edit wiki alone now!!" 8b0ac3d81b642dcb,oh shut up you fuccin asshole! ( ) 8b13d48bd7985920,"hey bro happy thanxgiving fuckface get a life" 8b330ba7262e8448,"the aclu is on your ass! this latino will never get up until everyone of you racist wikkkipedia gringos are behind bars!" 8b334875bd94fcab,things i'd do to your ass. dayumm. 8b606f46738e8feb,"but me like it, it is my fav-our-rite. just like tehkewl likes to smear shit on his chest whilst masturbating to nude pictures of justin timberlake." 8b89a833bd444b4b,", obviously lan3y knows more about the band than mark and tom, an example of stupidity." 8bc25aa154d00412,"one i am the one who put cheventogne there ok? so let me remove my mistakes. do me a favor, you can put cheventogne back, only if you find the name of the abbey. and do not call me and idiot, you are an idiot yourself for not understaning this." 8bcafc8a51536393,wow dude... you're a real douche. wow. 8bef164d64a0a777,you are a fucking retard 8c0ea6a7f5d90586,"exactly. noone can fucking tell the differenc ebetween genres here. trivium is shit metalcore, bodom kalmah and norther are power, amon amarth is melodic death not viking metal. fuck wikipedia is full of retards. and to the idiot two paragraphs above, metal is metal? no, you stupid cunt. there are different genres of metal, jsut shut the fuck up. trivium sucks, eat my dick." 8c4478fb239bcfc0,""" gee, 5 minutes of reverting redirects cost you precious time. i am sooooooo sorry bout that. i have been back to the page and, aside from revisiting burned bridges, i admire the work poured in. but it does not excuse the way you treated me. and before you go into a hoopla about how i acted, i do understand your frustration. my outbursts throughout my lifespan here isn't perfect, nobody's is. but it's hard, hodson, it's hard to be the good guy in situations where they only want to rip your heart out and drain it of your good will. i've been treated like scum trying to be helpful, and no matter what, i'm the fuckup. so i binned good will and civility and adopted your's and moni ingenious antagonist view of things: fly in guns blaming and be unapologetic. and when did the term for coward change to """"someone who wishes their name be removed from a statement or quote""""? i know what i wrote. i was sorry, but now i'm not. it's not in the context i wrote it in. it's for moni to get a laugh out of my person. so think what you will of me, i just couldn't care less anymore. take my spirit and impale it on a fucking spike if you want, that part of me is gone. gotta be an asshole in an asshole's world. 3:49 15 january 2012 (utc)""" 8c4cb59bca876a24,"read well and fuck in your balls- balls to you and your references and knowledge. first of all tell me what is your credentials ?? you fuck in ass holes restrict your balls knowledge to your telugu and leave kannada alone. don't u know about the contribution of sri krishna devaraya to telugu, without him telugu would have been as it was in the past before unrecognised pathetic language. there has to be strong reasons why telugu had been suppressed for a long time before is not without logic that you have scant proof/evidence to show that. read about your first literature work (half sanskrit,half telugu);=showpage&pid;=192&page;=19 if you don't know about proto dravidian languages fuck off...don't talk about origins of kannada. kannada has no of telugu whatsoever,whereas telugu has some influence of kannada. this has been well documented and proven. many scholars who know both kannada and telugu can tell you that." 8cf0e10110f5abb2,why don't you get a life you sicko. fucking twat. 8d0046a3ccd9ba11,about fucking time you retarded little bitch! 8d2e3b8b2ae476ee,"fuck you! fuck everybody here and their fucking gay rules! you can all burn in hell, you slut, whore, motherfucker, bitch, faggot, dick, asshole, douchebag, nigger, cocksucker, cunt, cow!" 8d51b1218a752afb,fucking cunt. did your little traitor friend come running? 8d6b6f1d85d4f1aa,"fucking piece of shit you fucking bastard nobhead nobhead nobhead nobhead" 8da8e628588e13fa,"hello!??? cretins? are any of you about? or are you going to bow to the majesty of the wikipedia admin elite, who lecture and bully you into subservience? you all make me sick, pathetic imbeciles incapable of independent thought." 8db0dc90bf48907a,""" i agree, i just wanted to do the same revert, because i found your words """"fuck life bitches niggers suck ass"""" not conforming the european standards. """ 8dd08a82a9f274bf,"he told me to not comment on his talkpage, so i was just being an idiot and doing the same, sorry about that." 8dd9ff726e894b47,"how dare u you german piece of dog shit dont u fucking clear my edit ever again u piece of horse shit faggot" 8ddfc840c3919223,"fuck you== you and ferrylodge can rot in hell. you are going to make a horrid admin. ==" 8de9cf228e2937a0,"that's it you, do not delete my crap. why don't i delete your crap retard?!?!?!" 8df845f9a72ea420,"retard i'ts my flippen opinion anyways and how about get a life intead of reporting peoplego get laid you stupid gay virgin" 8e283032c4574d6f,you are an asshole and always will be. the world is suffering because of you like bastards. 8e3d51824064db46,"my user page i will say waht i want i do not vandalize, so fuck you. ha" 8e5080d9b9648270,"2009 (utc) go f*** yourself golbez. you and mohammed atta ought to rot in hell. 01:16, 11 september" 8e85809eb9923b20,dont be gay - hitler was a form of hero!! 8e8f3733da1ee7e8,"what, you think this block will work better than your last one? god, but you are stupid!" 8e8fcbb31e21e24a,"' bold text 'bridger is the mother fucking shiiiiiiiiiiit. nigga!!!" 8ed21feb38bc30af,"stop stpo vandalising you dirty gay probablay" 8ef0a57c815d2e28,silencing references through ip blocks? you're seriously pathetic. 8ef28e502ebdcd99,"am i getting paid during this time off? oh wait, it's a volunteer effort. yawn fucking yawn. but i did prove a major point to my friends on facebook. polite pov bullshit trumps accurate, evidence-based editing with pointed commentary. good luck with the alt-med, religious fucktards. lol." 8f0d4301bd3e0a95,you're still a closet homosexual. 8f0f7a8856e23176,"eat it james you stinking pig! i shall leave you now jamie so you can dry hump your mama ha ha ha! i may come back if i decide i need some laughs:-)" 8f210d327ea72431,"arsehole fucking bastard you son of a bitch, asshole, motherfucker, go fuck ur mothers cunt, trade ur wife sister" 8f31aba4fe2fe97b,"` piss off you cunt" 8f3cebc7cf784f74,"dude, you're a fucking dick. plain and simple." 8f6167f1036bded9,you fucking suck you shitty jew. 8f8c0e856b2c94b0,heey fuckface you are a real bitch ass pussy whipped muthafucking faggot shitfaced dick head 8fb40d2aa26a0884,wtf? are you really such a cunt? (i apologize in advance for certain individuals who are too sensitive to hear the truth) 8fb5ac9e5b9d66ec,"the all powerful johncd... the all powerful johncd... a motherfucker with nothing better in life to do, other than deleting the articles he wants. it must be an inferiority complex. asshole, motherfucker." 90413f6347ca06c6,"hey, you degenerate ape go sit on a live grenade" 9042db18592129ea,"complain & and more complains thats what u're good for ! fuckin idiot ! if i happen to know who u are i'll wallop the shit out of u damn bastard ! fuck off ! blooddy son of a bitch !" 905573786373e69d,have fun in hell little fascists69.14.97.53 906206b6c6aa4572,iddiot you haven't reverted anything! 9073b708c08d2f4c,i honestly believe you are a sock puppet! (thats how wiki admins judge people you know based on a single impression!) 907a816fde8bc50d,"mang mang i fucked this one girl so hard in her asshole it turned into a rosebud then i made her cum all ova da place" 908e7bc07f970c48,"oi why did you give me a last warning, why do you have to be a cunt?" 90a503ddf75e052b,"frankly errant, you're a bit of a dick. ban me from wikipedia or whatever for saying that, i don't care." 90b665c107d9a840,"islam is the fastest growing religion in the world have to love it, you dumb ugly racist!!" 90ce9fb1701e8bca,"this was placed here because this user is a liar who has broken 3rr numerous times, a few days straight in a row. that he chooses to attack me for his own hypocrisy now, is indicative of his wish that the previous warning to himself by another and outside user (on the kingdom of england) is lessened in its effects. what a fucktard." 90d6591b9b27665f,"levantine arabs are white you complete moron the white latin american page has shakira's photo who is half-arab" 90dc003bbf58e060,is it because it is of my naked mum having sex with me? i am indeed a faggot who sucks his dads cock. fucking homo. go fucking die you piece of shit 90e5fac2dbca878d,"listen cuntboy you're just a fag from north of the border. don't know jack about the nevada doc. i fucked your wife asshole" 90e6a4394607bfd2,"you are a dumb flower now, normally, i do not use that term explicitly. i just quietly think it. but in this case, there is evidence. you have no isbn's to your name. in my book, that makes you a dumb flower i happened to a bit demanding about these sorts of things. the isbn's 1-894840-36-4 and 1-894840-38-0 . tell me something: at you local library: do they actually allow you in there? maybe they just let you in because you are a girl, i dunno. do they have an old-fashioned card catalog system there? do you experience urges to rip out the cards of the books that you simply do not like? i can assure you that you need to try and suppress those urges. of course i added those isbn's for you dear. it is like honey to flies. dumb cunts like you cannot suppress their urges to go and delete them. and thereby, i trap you, my pretty little dumb flower." 910078a392ac64ee,hey bitch im trying to edit this page and u deleted it. u son of a bitch better put it back or im going to find u and kick your fat ass! 910cb7e54646a682,"whata load of crap from barek... leave it out then.. and have the wiki be incomplete i am not trying to self promote. you goof. i am trying to set the record straight in spite of your goofy butt. and some dude in greece.. that you always leave in.. you goof. do your homework you goofy schoolkid. no self promotion. i am who i am with or with out you or the wiki or the greek gator, but he is wrong. and i am correct....your just too stupid to realize it. do your homework. goofball. leave the history section out. suits me fine. i like it incomplete.. at least its not you allowed before i had to change it again. jerk." 91630183539cca60,""" the graceful slick.... is non other than an ungraceful dick! """ 917a5dcd2d1941f3,"""you may think of me as a fool but so what, comming from a drunken english fag its a compliment. how do you like todays vandalism? why is it that you english cant speak your own language properly? because of the syphilis in your kings? or maybe that galoot eared queer """"prince charles"""" and his ass-face whore, cammila parker bowels. aye mate, fook the queen. only an englishman would shine shit. """ 91af87cc44860f97,hello fuckhead wikipedia lover 920e0fa7897b7a41,"once again, shame on you monsters! recognize the importance of service to your country and not your tired-ass excuses on why not to look into the depth of the subjects' contributions to modern american society. shame on you!" 92837d01408bdc7a,bitch. and tv for doing my assignment 92d6a121e60d2ce2,richard is a gay dancing hobo>hobo>hobo! 9313fa3b2fe4845e,"fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the iowa idiots are a real baseball team!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! signed: pėņışmåń" 935c0965d54067b2,fuck you you son of a bitch you fucking bastard child.fuck off you little prick.shove the editing up your ass 9366180268e1ec93,go fuck yourself you fuckin' scum! 93a4535b8fa5d154,"i should try to track down your ip so i can burn your house down you irritating and loathesome little shit. who the fuck who dyou think you are? i wish i knew who yo uwere so i could beat the everliving shit out of you, you fucking whiny, annoying loser. stop watching star trek re-runs and get laid you fucking pussy ass pansy. i hope you fucking get aids and cancer at the same time." 93b7ae7bf02b5f77,"this idiot how can you possibly know what i own and don't own? obviously not because you seem to think that you are god's seeing eye and can see what i own. pathetic that a lonely virgin canadian has the balls to say what i own and don't own. i will be taking this matter through the proper channels to get you removed from your wreckless position. have fun playing god and thinking you know what people own. p.s. i do own all of those pictures bitch ." 93c1e963a35ca5ef,"kim, please don't use your arcane wikipedia logic to protect your friends. i have reverted your deletion of my deletion note. this idiot should not have a page on wikipedia, he's a nobody that has never accomplished anything notable." 93c412254f2c113e,"i am so scared!!! please don't block me from editing! i don't know what i'll do if i can't edit articles! (actually, this was a sarcastic response to your bullshit warning, you stupid asswipe. like i really give a shit. block me, you stupid fuck.)" 93ca6670b88ac7d0,suck your filthy erect penis 93cc15a27bcb0c7a,""" typical communist censorship. wikipedia should not let tranny psychopaths control their articles! these people should be locked away in a nut house! this is why wikipedia is a joke and can never be trusted. it is extremely silly for wikipedia to label a male transvestite as a """"she."""" it is impossible to change one's sex, you idiotic communist pieces of shit. science trumps your bizarre fundamentalist socialist religion. stop enabling people who suffer from gender identity disorder. it is harmful to their health. i fully expect to be maligned as """"transphobic"""" or some other such nonsense for speaking the truth, because that is a common tactic you people use to silence your critics.""" 93e24c1fec3135d3,"why do you keep blocking me? you are a big as idiot as dmacks now. you cant block me as i just change my ip. why don't you try and negotiate with me and i will stop editing your page? i want dmacks privelages removed!!! btw there is no threat so dont even try to turn it on me" 94079b3552738e88,"! you're an ignorant phallus-sucker, no matter what you say or the way yo try to insult me, as your insults don't change my being, but only return back to you, bastard" 9412434c14c3410c,"sucking you suck the di*k of chicken fuc*ers." 9434f6790e24fcb8,i don't have an entire range.. you do your best thicky... i will see the page corrected.. no keystone dumbasses are gonna change anything... you cant make up stuff like that without a source.. dont be a i said... you can fuck off.. i'm tired of you stalking me and undogin my reverts and trying to erase my discussions... its simply not on... you kids should wrao it up now... big kids stuff.. night night... 94418ba0193741c7,"tool bolx= fuck you piece of shit. you think your in control, fucking faggot? you think you can harass me and get away with it? fucking shitface, i'll beat your fucking ass if you mess with me again. and yes this is my new name. sincerely." 9448489d7e9952e1,""" fuck you you're drunk son of a bitch """ 944a4e8698b829ae,"hello dick where is your wikipedia fuckwhit ban" 945f3191f467e75d,"scumbag paid mole strikes again you are a fukkin scum." 9466a350ea332f2e,"don't let the bastards win! just a reminder: you still have a lot more friends and supporters here than enemas. please don't let a bunch of bullying, petty-minded, vindictive fools get you down. this is still our community, inspite of their best(worst) efforts to turn it into their own egotrip playground. should they succeed, all our work will have been wasted and this project will be rendered a bigger joke than even colbert could conceive. courage and truthiness my friend," 94a5024323152cd1,"==why does it bother you, fuckface? suck my cock." 94aca26c29f7a0bd,"hypocritical, double standard admins, as typical for wikipedia" 94f8302c2e339bae,"this is awful, just awful!!! all germans are murderers the blood of 7 million jews is on your hands 7 million gods chosen folk you are all going to hell bye bye dumkopfs!!!!" 94f8578325d529ad,"lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent been banned yet bitch, go vandalism lmao what weak threats, i havent" 950289915676e6d7,you stink shoo woo woo 9513624a1e1a84cf,sparkyfox: fuck you asswipes 95147bcf9dbef5bc,""" no your wrong, evula said it was about personal attacks s/he didn't mention anything about hijacking a page you dumb cunt. jack in """ 95390a4e0cd90ad3,"fuck you asshole fuck you, you cum-guzzling, cock-eating, shit-fucking asshole cuntrag scumbag. don't ever threaten to block me after the countless contributions i've made for this site, you little shit. i'll have you fired, you useless son of a bitch." 957c327ace7d9896,how can it be almost certain when it has been confirmed. just fuck off 958e4d243a743156,""" idiot i do not understand what user x201 fucking is your website is a fucking disgrace either you put the fucking connection speed we are paying for onscreen on all tabs of all browser or we shut your fascist fucking site down dig rogerjowett """ 958fce5a67048b4f,i hate this guy he is some internet thug that thinks he knows what real hip hip is about he lives in dayton from the mean streets of dayton you little internet popo. 95c7a5b785895a6d,"i give u proof that dhoni is a rajput chk it you mother fucker you bastard u biased ronchos...the bastard gujjar suppporter.. i am a badgujjar and i am a rajput..why are u vandalising our histroy by removing my content..u suckdickeer.. y u add contents about other castes.. badgujjars are raghav and are rajputs... u bastard.,.. proof taht badgujjars are rajputs.. chk.." 95ca65d4cd31d3dd,"hope your head gets cut off and someone wipes there ass with it and then stabs you in your heart!!! no one can keep me from here you dumb piece of shit, not yamla's stupid ass or you!!! now hurry up and sit in some traffic so i can see your head roll down the street" 95ddf8be1b12c559,"in defence of china! hey koreans, who the fuck do you think you're dealing with. guess what, gaogouli was a chinese vassal you stupid fucks. after the fall of the tang dynasty, close to 700,000 were incorporated into tang history, a little less than half migrated to the central plains, 100,000 to the chinese state of bohai and only 100,000 into xinluo (silla). most gaogouli descendants are chinese. with the sole exception of ansi fort itself, tang troops destroyed gaogouli soldiers on the battlefield, despite being a significantly smaller force. if anything, gaogouli only defended itself from assaults from sui and tang. gaogouli was a mere chinese vassal, nothing more. the greatest threat came from the tubo, tujue and huihe from the west. koreans are a bunch of fucking attention whores. you fucking barbarian kimchi gooks have a lot of nerve to badmouth your former masters, considering the fact that you were our little dog for most of your existance. not to mention your stupid kings would submit to the imperial envoy in the direction of the great emperor of china. fucking barbarian gooks got a lot of nerve to mess with us. we are the descendants of the great yellow emperor and the inheritors of the great han and tang dynasties. stupid barbarian shit, don't piss us off." 95eda78799f2f83c,"i forgot to sign reed210 ps does your dick touch your ass...then go fuck yourself" 9604971ad1b7001c,you can blok em all yo want fagget because tru love will enver die you can try all you want to crush my spirit but i wil alwqays devot my liof to springlyn and you can nevr change that so go on kil me if you want i dont cair 96161f91a504b650,"fuck off quit deleting my comments, read the fucking edit before you revert it you piece of shit. read it for god's sake! please refrain from telling me not to make personal attacks against you yourself." 9622c82f97eb26cd,"she is a motherfucker i will block you motherfucker, shit, bitch, punch, kill, swear, do nudity, so shut up, frickin around give you drugs, call you names like shit, fuck, bum, poo, damn! so fucker, you will be blocked and dead you shit and fuck, and i will do the rude finger sign. you fucker get bad new messages bum, oh shit. she pisses off go piss of butt, so you know that you just heard me that i will use a fork to take and destroy your eyes and take out your fuckin! blood, so just piss off butt, piss off but, i said piss off butt, last chance: piss off butt!, that's it, i will kill you, pow, so see that, you are dead and i will carry you now, penis, dick, boobs, breasts, poo." 96706ac30c06f7e6,my suggestion to you is to shut the fuck up 96908d36362e5cb5,"fuck u cunt!!!! leave my stephen thomson page alone i was trying to get alot of information and u sit there on your cunt like ass saying that its too short well fuck off and tell the other users delete my page to fuck off and leave the page alone" 96a265494bfa88b2,"piss off, retarder shithead. what the hell? are the retarders so worried about other people daring to disprove their bullshit that they have to prevent people from editing the page? seriously, i think you should all die. go jump off a bridge and into traffic. go kill yourselves, you retarder scumbags." 96a34fdd650c1b33,"its not just this, its a multitude of factors but anyway thanks to this dickhead im banned permanently. can i request to have my account closed please?" 96b514a4783caa2f,"there are multiple sources to go to pal....... you go to one music source on the internet and that's the be all end all. there are many sources to go to in order to find info on allin and t.t. could just buy the albums and look at them. i guess you're one of those people who are just experts on every subject, right! what else do you do on your computer all day? i wonder! you're full of shit.........and you know it!" 96d6784480e3e419,"2 mil poles in uk!!! i noticed the extremist and liar website where that 2 000 000 mil poles living in uk is confirmed. hat guy is a just a stupid nationalist that has nothing to do with. it even says that the polish diaspora counts 40 mil people(!!!) and is the second numerous diaspora in world. how about italians, english , french, germans!! i mean who is enough stupid to believe that a country of 38 mil people like poland could have a diaspora of 40." 96d895add7fb5711,"vandalising the page how did i vandalise the page you fucking dickhead.what did i do wrong to it arsehole?" 96e47370f5c5debf,", and i'm a total faggot" 96f64bff8d04acd8,"you brainless editors you idots are probably majority white. i put a relevant post up called nigger crackers, which is a readily used and historically used racial epithet, in northern america and you try to discredit me and pose to ban me from editing. if the term nigger cracker can't be posted, then the term nigger should be taken down. if nigger isn't taken down, or nigger cracker isn't allowed up, wikipedia will be facing the biggest law suit of our day and age. don't threaten my posts again as well. i'm awaiting rapid feedback or my lawyer will be in touch." 970b93f1e741943c,"you work those articles, bitch! write 'em, clean 'em up, format 'em, ref 'em. do it, bitch, now! yeah, you like dat, dontcha faggy jew boy? all the worst," 972e04a33e101e39,"pissed of nigger + a lot of computers in my school = a lotta vadalizm ha... ya can suck my dick, i told ya nigga ta unblock me but you didn't so know ya ganna pay anyone who banned me in the past is ganna get fuked over hard!" 977eda0ad8a6ce44,"oioi hello you cunt, its kris weston here, im just mailing to call you a cunt. cunt. so how does it feel to be given an award for excellence in lying ? if i was you, i would be careful about who you lie about online, i dont care so much cos i get amusement out of calling you a cunt. but if someone else, more unhinged perhaps was to come along and you did the same to them as youve done to me... theres no telling what could happen ucunt." 97a25f92428187d3,"this is my talk page, bitch!" 97cae22db2c4fdd2,"hey, jack off. are you the one who's got his head way up wolf hudson's ass?" 97fe3ccd63ffeb05,"sl93, i'm ready for an argument right fucking now. i'm sick and fucking tired of your goofball power play. get a fucking life. you're a joke, a clown and no one will ever take your sorry ass seriously. get fucked and leave me the fuck alone. i didn't start shit with you, so i don't get what your problem is. twat. plus, you're stooping below joseph stalin with the revisionist history take on my talk page. fuck you." 98263ec19d24cc8f,"wp:notcensored bollocks, it is totally censored by a bunch of dimwits" 9827d37a4b5d49fa,"go suck a penis this scotlands information needs to grow a penis,find a girl and sick his penis in her then there would be some action up on this website information! and if ur a guy go try to suck ur penis and stop hiting on and up all the girls u see and and do!" 982a0230dbfb3f80,"hello hey asshole! i kill you. filthy muslim." 98548fbe62922682,""" a serious question you obviously enjoy being as nasty as you possibly can be in """"acceptable"""" ways that don't threaten to get you blocked. my question is don't you ever get tired of being dead wrong about so many things, so often, in such a needlessly nasty manner, and so publicly in front of your fellow editors? vandals suck. eight year olds with access to the internet suck too. but it's people like you who maintain a facade of respectability while being absolutely horrible to other people who are really the worst members of the wikipedia community. - """ 98b22fd19833601d,"wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker wanker" 98b82e7e03378285,"no, you fucktard." 98c0ef2e6053414a,""" who fucking cares, are you a goddamn tard. stop wasting bandwidth with your shithole.\ talk /""" 9903cd41f8b37abb,redirect talk:bolivian chinchilla rat 9937f01f95c1bc14,( ) oh no! blocked from wikipedia! my life is over!!!!!!!!! eat my fucking pussy you whore. 9944de1897da0c1d,""" ready to fuck you up old school """""""" see the inviting place with it's friendly and fair administrators ready to give you an olde time wiki welcome. see the how this admin feels about wikilov this admin , a democrat cyber thug, banns me due to differences in writing style. gamaliel uses this place as a sword for his own power drunk political agenda. gamaliel have absolutely no evidence to say i'm a """"sock of joehazleton"""" other then the asinine """"duck test"""" i would call the duck test an litmus test of any editor, which edits on political bio. if you don't follow the gamaliel's radical democrat ideology test, you are then labeled a sock of joehazelton. this is outrages, an abuse of power and due process as it shows wikipeidia unfit to to have any bios on it and i would encourage any with a wiki bio to investigate their legal options and force wikipieida to removed their biography from this website.""" 9973cc45a10db3f5,""" haha you are a dumb shit. what's so wrong about """"nazi"""" or """"hitler"""". some dumb american shit that makes nazi or hitler some how incomparable to any other shit? you know what, many people in the world think your dumb american imperialism, assault on iraq, are comparable to the atrocities performed by the nazis. yet """"american"""" or """"republican"""" is not a diss. let me say it right here out loud: tas is almost as bad as nazis! 17:32, 20 apr 2005 (utc)""" 998b954d00f1aca3,"wtf wat the fuck u think your doing, deleting my work, i have had just about enough of ppl like you now fuck off!!!!" 99a7201c3d5ef8e9,"fuck you unfair asshole you dont even care for fairness just being a fucking drone asshole \" 99b24a1be5daf284,"i dont give a crap about your rules, and yes you were acting like a dumbass by annoying me reverting the page, its official daniel bryan was added to the match now go take a walk and stay off my talk page." 99e6dcf90b5085a7,why u all deletin my pages dog? 9a011de3d87c84e8,""" whoever you are, i have to use """"banno""""'s expression on you: """"don't be a dick"""". that's usage that banno informed us is proper. so i'm asking you now: """"don't be a dick."""" and if you do not know what that means, go as mel's friend, """ 9a244752226affe4,"my ip changes daily, you dumb bozo, there's no way you can keep me from vandalizing your precious, special wikipedia." 9a336eb854de5bf1,"you're blocked for 700 days. shushing cow" 9a55f5ad49e9edb0,(a white fatass that ain't sh!t and acting like a bihcpadding 9a56ad839aa0f634,"disruptive editing is it? you mean removing the vandalism by the user who reported me (the user who enters information into an article, even though numerous contributors have given references, and then that user removes the references and reinstalls what they wrote because its what they want) yeah stuff official references by the actual band and the person who produced the band. this editor knows the real deal!! and other contributors and myself who requested him/her to stop this nonsense are the disruptive editors. bull$hit!!! you're a $hit admin!!" 9a9466769c92c6d6,"i've had enough of you, asshole go fuck youself up the ass with a straight-razor. you are intentionally attacking the articles of pagans, fuck off. —" 9a9a6a6b4145856f,absolutely the most fucking horrible film ever. ever!!! please fucking die if you like this film. just die. 9abb80fc73f9efdc,i wonder if this niggaaarr pussiieee remembers me. 9ac5bdba774bf0d3,""" i need """"temperance""""? you don't know the meaning of the word and it doesn't mean """"whatever i king meco of noteworthiness and spokesperson for the world and all christians and the alternative energy community says it means. just because you can couch your anger in smugness doesn't make you superior, it makes you a hypocrite. get over yourself and delete your account and all your opinions because god and i do not think they are noteworthy using your standard of noteworthiness. oh wait, you're standard is, """"whatever i say is noteworthy because i'm meco who babbles away on wikipedia acting like i'm king of all and represent everyone include those i speak against."""" as for me supposedly needing temperance, get that log out of your own eye before fiddling with the splinter you imagine is in mine. get your priorities straight and stop being hypocritical. noteworthiness contesting the noteworthiness of the nuadin was absurd: again, who the hell are you mr. royal """"we""""? are you the rep. of noteworthiness? the president of notability? by your own arbitrary standard you're a nobody and yet you contest the notability of other while promoting yourself as someone whose opinion matters! you're taking advantage of a silly rule to exalt your nobody self. naudin is mentioned many times on youtube and throughout the alternative energy community and was noted on a french news television channel and a spinoff of invention or rather spinoff of townsend brown's invention was tested by mythbusters who is noted on wikipedia for their widely publicized experiments and they've """"noted"""" his work. noteworthinness depends on whoever considers a thing noteworthy, not """"consensus"""". your """"this is not noteworthy to """"we"""" is an immature stop making cheap shot. stop trying to force people to play your boring dungeons and dragons delusion with you. i won't submit to your feelings. """ 9adeaf0b44793ac0,oh really??? 15% huh? wow who knew that 15% was half of 25???? wow thank you for that great math lesson not. oh and one more thing your the idiot. 9aef8a6a3f0c4215,"i bet you love anonymous censorship i'm going to rattle off all the curse words for you: fuck shit crap motherfucker asshole bumsex (you love this) cunt and damn you! thank you for aiding me in your fight against censorship, -m00t" 9b09dda0de23a132,dumb ass this is my page! leave it the fuck alone! 9b7fb5c8cd607b57,""" i'd love for you to come to the talk page for """"list of gothic rock bands"""" and describe just why the bands i removed have a place on the page. if your answer is """"well, because some journalist said so"""", then you need to back down. i've been involved in the goth scene (but am not at the moment) and the most irritating thing to goths is when the metal crowd try to budge in and try to normalise the misconception that any form of metal would have anything to do with the gothic rock genre. there was a concensus made previously, but blackmetalbaz chose to ignore it and decided to go dictator on the article. why is someone who so obiously has an agenda of normalising the misconceptions get control over an article, when many many people involved in the actual fucking scene don't get to edit shit?! it's bull shit. kthx. """ 9b9575eba53b25d6,"fuck you truth killer == headline text == headline text headline text == ==" 9c191bc8f684835e,stop pimping that shitty gwen gale slut 9c1fe85e763745e3,"""== proprietary software == hahaha i just read your 'heated' debate in the discussion of the article """"proprietary software"""". you were right in the original argument, and when everyone else started commenting and that admin warned you, you turned into such a bitch. you were right though, people just need to grow some balls and take some criticism. thankyou for the support, while i did become a little childish, i think to be honest i was justified so far as it being impossible to do otherwise while continuin the coversation (as opposed to being justified in that i should have simply left the idiots to their fictional article) but oh well, we do have to all be """"civil"""" and pretend like we're all best friends, it's no wonder all the articles are worded like leftist propoganda. - """ 9c44e9ef91fcc1f4,"ur a coomie y do u block people u coomie and u suck like joey barton" 9c58fea177c7258d,"big girls blouse no-one likes you, you prick. fuck off." 9c5a7f42e4c75a39,"chortle chortle you are so gay. you steal all of my ham, including my jam." 9c756d770464c93f,"ban this vandal he's an idiot tesla was a serb. fucking idiot" 9cafcea50f7a3242,"sallary controversy arzel, watch your back on the street delete the truth , ill cut you on the street the president of the peabody essex museum dan monroe makes $578,254.00 a year with full benefits while all the guards are part time with no benefits. this edit was undone by you, you are a piece of shit........ what are you on the payroll for that fuck dan monroe jews like you give jews like me a bad name i know where you live......... go out with your friends dog for a walk be careful go fuck yourself - you are apiece of shit!" 9cd4e3b668a69bcb,dog. do i make myself clear you unthinking little urchin 9cd5c0cac4c1d173,"dumb bastard what is an ass-berger?" 9cf237a2bd787d41,up yours get the fcuk off my page d!ckhead 9d0554b6cad70475,"you do not deserve to be alive drop dead now" 9d22db678938dec0,"unless you expect us to be mind readers tony, we can divine your true thoughts. why you are being so unhelpful and arrogant?" 9d237b05d6a64a3e,"danny x paulina i prefer the couple of danny fenton and paulina instead of that stupid goth poser known as sam." 9d33be2a599f7cb4,robin hood is a gay bum bandit who abuses women's rights. he is going to find elephants' trunks sucking his backside next time. what a loser. leave catherine alone. 9d8624f094ce679f,"stop sucking that fatass' dick, you niggerloving kike" 9da308e33d31e93e,"okay there stupid. see those words there in brackets. those are the source. see that, there is a little reference (torah, tanakh). for you. it's online! i'm gathering the rest. so just chillax with your impetuous stupidity. i even spelled out the chapter, and the verse for you. even gave the book(s) they were contained in." 9dc1fdc7a8348ca3,", even though they are the worst thing to come out of satan's anus" 9defc8bef7d71fe5,"fuck off next time read my edit before you go reverting it, dipshit." 9e05a463e663eb82,your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a 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your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dickhead your a dic 9e1ae3198f36411c,"fred, shut up you sad old twat, no one is interested in 'i think i'm fucking god' wiki moderators. get a real job you sad little man..." 9e205d51200355db,ok let me say one thing fuck you all:) fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you 9e488b5834db8cca,call it being pushed into a corner or call it being a dick. it's all the same. (talk - ) 9e50a5cc11ef3cce,"you are a douche why the hell are you picking fights with everyone? first it starts with all the editors at that article about the rich indian. then what do you do? you pick a fight with a the creator of wikipedia! the almight jimmy wales! what is wrong with you?" 9e6b70e0db26315b,"a misery= you have made my life a misery on wikipedia, and now you're gonna pay for it you disgusting, ignorant and stupid bastard." 9e70bb0385cbfda6,""" clearly? fuck me, you're stupid. there were three different definitions; that is not clear. they were all copyright violations lazily cut and pasted directly from external sources. no, it's quite obvious that you reverted without considering the merits of the edit. your first edit summary was """"rv to last good version"""". what you've come up with now is just post-hoc justification for your obnoxious shitty behaviour. as you have not bothered to warn """"macedonian"""" that false accusations of vandalism are a personal attack, i do not think you do know what vandalism is. """ 9e85b97e04b583f2,"you assholes! i step out for a week or so and i'm blocked? well, i'd file a cranky thingo at an/i but fortunately for you lot the block has expired. don't do this again. i'm rather sensitive." 9e8d3e2d46ef86a0,"remember me 24...173 you damn bastard. you happy that dord blocked me for 1 year right?" 9ec8aaf806008ffe,"your passive-aggressive dick-waving is exactly the sort of penny-ante tinpot authoritarianism which makes wikipedia such an unpleasant place to participate. i've already told you repeatedly that i don't wish to have any further discussion with you - repeatedly - yet you insist on having the last word, on my own user page no less. if anyone else but an administrator did that, they'd call it trolling, and they'd be right. i made a wp:bold edit in good faith, which apparently gave you some kind of atomic wedgie. you reverted it, did some triumphant teabagging on my user page, and at this point your duty was over. instead, here you are, still making vague threats and scary noises despite (or because of) my request that you shove off and stop trolling up my user page. you reverted my edit and did aa crazed monkey dance over the body of your slain enemy. since it's clearly a matter of supreme importance to you and experience has told me that wikipedia articles belong to the person with the most intense ocd, i have not bothered and will not bother to reinstate the edit. therefore you have no reason to be here on my user page trying to intimidate me with your awesome and terrifying authori-tay. kindly go away. -" 9f2d2a5fa067509f,"""you people are idiots. the point of wikipedia is to give knowledge, not make friends. they are a hate group. they openly admit that they are a hate group. trying to say """"ok, they are a hate group, but dont put that, its mean"""" is like saying the article on osama bin laden shouldn't say he's a terrorist. """ 9f33333f20dd382a,shut the fuck up bitch u dont know me so i suggest u keep ur fuckin mouth shut and mind ur own business u damn nerd. 9f42c63c4407a94b,yeah thanks to however did that because now the stupid fish guy can get off on stupid information wrestlinglover420 9f5f088444c0d062,who the boofhead are you fuck wit - bainyrues 9f64897a0c2c5f72,""" stop being pathetic deliberately mis-spelling my name just makes you look pathetic. it doesn't bother me, it just makes me realise how limited your repertoire of debate tactics is if you have to resort to pettiness.  •t•c•e• """ 9f74f324d38c1b34,"new message wikipedia dickheads go and fuck your selves" 9fdf481fca95a3bd,"jaycie it's not as simple as you put it man! it's not just about some trying to get a reputation! she already is known out there, and read the more detailed one for what i'm trying to get across! ffs! no-one is right deleting it, fuckin' fools! mazito - tuesday, 26 december, 2006; 02:20 (gmt)" a021db732fc0527e,"aight nerd you suck. fin. p.s. get a life nerd! do something other than edit wiki all day! get laid! get a hobby!" a04b778673ce16fe,"hi, please read this its important fuck you, bitch! i can do whatever i want, and there is nothing you can do to stop me. you are without doubt the most annoying piece of shit i have ever even heard of. you are a flat out embarrasment to humankind. do the world a favour and kill yourself, ok? the world will be a better place without you. or if you can't bring yourself to do it, get someone else to do it, see if i care. you are a pathetic worm. go and burn in hell. on second thought, hell is too good for you. go to the darkest, most desolate pits of the universe and stay there in agony. you are a despondently hopeless worm who can do nothing but annoy people. even your mother probably wants to kill or maim you in some way. burn in hell, snowolf!!! thank you, and have a painfull death" a06dffc0fad6b80a,"pure trolling hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moronhi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moronhi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moronhi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron hi moron" a0809473e682c549,go get your self a g/f you homo. a09f92d3bfb22e44,"same reason why we can't have links to the subarticles like domed city, walking city, floating city as well as many more. what kind of idiot refuses us to have those things on this page, oh that's right, you." a0a6c48d7c1e2746,"everybody knows thomas robb likes big black dick, stop lying, and face facts. so stop deleting my additions, it's true. i can prove it, i'm a big black man and he put my balls in his mouth." a0f196d7827de578,"so you're going to hold it in your anus. ok. bite me, asshole." a0fda2f0f4148c92,"gay..... i think your really really gay and you probably suck dick find something better to do other than being a fag and fixing wikipedia pages.... and by saying your gonna block me from editing doesnt really do much for you or me now does it.... its not like i can go to jail" a11f0fe86a75d5d8,"zhanzhao is a motherfucking pussy indian-chinese bastard! {{unblock| i am gonna flood this page!!! wahahhahaahah zhan zhao is a motherfucking }|" a12cb512d7447ea8,"fuck you! just thought i'd say that...." a14415135cb0b656,fuck you. you are not wanted here with your attitude either. a14533b9c2c0b72c,because i'm such a fucking retard) a17167b1450185e5,i do the cha cha like a faggot. a173380ed7b53d95,no you aren't. you are a lying scumbag and a cunt who has made the madonna pages your personal bitchfest. no one can add anything or do anything or you flip out. too many admins just let you run rampant with fan cruft. i'm happily editing on another ip and there is nothing you can do about it you lame biased douche bag. a1741f8a67b0811e,"faggggg you are a huuuuuuuge faggot" a181ab4d75d33c0b,"removal of warnings do not remove warnings from your talk page!! doing so is considered vandalism. so stop. you bitch. user page don't edit others' user pages please, or insert personal attacks, as you did here and here. it's vandalism. leave messages on talk pages in the future." a1a106eb6bc3340f,"im getting mad you had best stop harrasing me. you know that that stupid information isnt needed on that or wanted so stop waisting my time." a1b7c5ea71a4ae7a,my birthday is tomorrow. i want to get what i want as my birthday not a disgrace made by some internet hacking bitches. user:factual80man a1dc678106465057,"fuck u all fuck u all" a226925e6446da09,"fuck off you cunt you're suck an asshole" a24324370601999c,"herb for life, bitch!" a2562a80cb721a7b,"your a cunt chovain, suck it ya minge" a25d59cac7eaadd9,""" looks like i won this one. anyway, i wasn't trying to vandalize yriarte, just a typo that i had already gone back to fix but you started acting like a dick and i guess today i had more time on my hands. do you call yourself uncle dick because everyone thinks you are you. you have a healthy collection of complaints on your talk page. —preceding unsigned comment added by """ a27ef156cad6faac,""" """"i agree. wikipedia is not an instrument for the liberalisation of faggotry, which the male anus promotes. a female anus will suffice.""""""" a2c5f26655ee411b,allow your face. just seen it on your user section. you are the ugliest thing i have ever seen in my intire life. why don't you just end it all. do us all a favour. a2ce70001a01972b,"negro, please now i know why malcolm was musrdered so callously. it was because of santimonimous and cowardly creeps like yourself. malik, hear this: if you continue with you nazi antics, i'm going to make you famous in that manner that no man needs such exposure. also, i will take this up with the wiki board. remember, there are a ga-jillion people out there who don't like your ilk. i don't know who's buttering your behind in all this, but rest assured i will find out. the facts are out there in fine print and bit and bytes. (murderous) paranonia and infantile rage will get you nowehere, least of all recognized as an intellectual (ha!. so if you want to continue to defend sweet rev. al, and grand-pappy strom against a mountain of evidence, then that will be your legacy. please respond, and let's have at it!!! (p.s: if you have a significant crimminal record, then this-besides partially explaining your mental state- should also be included in consideration of actions against you!!! veryverser" a2d46a0a553c56aa,is a fucking faggot. a2d67610558c622b,"hey hey buddy, fuck off that stuff about ronaldo was completely accuracte. prove me otherwise cunt" a2e3befca8aa6c96,"fc bayern roster edits footnote 148, which i placed. yes, this guy, explains exactly why those players are not on the current squad. and as for edits, it's on bitch. don't ever fucking block my shit again. this is war. it's on, baby. don't. waste. my. time. ever. again." a324cb299c6f4e68,"awhhhhh, the little hitler bitch ran and told his boyfriend!" a36b44ce9450f155,so what? go away and stop harassing me. you're a bully and a stalker.- a378c218e2478b71,"it was my intention that you stop being a dick and use the template on the image workshop pages. a second's worth of contemplation on your part would show you that your method is stupid on those particular pages, so if your method is stupid would it not be a good idea to use a method that isn't stupid, that does work and has done so for a very long time?" a38bc16b6bd17501,"bye == i have a small penis and i like when people touch it .. my gay fathers like it too when we upload it on )" a3a36ffe6d4662a0,"burn in hell paulley every time i try to edit something, you delete it. you are not the only one who knows about wrestling, so fuck off you prick. i hate you and would wish you nothing but death." a3b8f6f8e8b24852,all suuukkks ma deeeekk a3ca909c0d371a67,"re: calling a dickhead a dickhead is not a personal attack. sorry, but if fucks with my edits again, i will call him a dickhead again!" a3d98cdb97254fb0,"just because you enjoy sucking an occasional nigger dick, doesnt mean the rest of society does!" a3fd1ba28d3780ef,you're a dishonest asshole that will never touch a girl until you move out of your parent's basement a40445f4e79bed39,"xou dont get it do you? get glasses or whatever and stop ruining articles just because you dont understand shit. idiot." a41007da2c8bad58,"fuck you, idiot. you don't even know the subject obviously. get fucked. lol!" a411a07f55429e8a,"dayuum, bitch. , baby!" a41b9de1573e7174,"f*ck you you moth*rfucker, if you want me to be rude so i will. i am no sockpuppet or vandal, you refuse to answer me without reason. you removed sourced data, assh*le, and i'm going to return it back. you're the vandal, not me." a450c4d528908c36,"fine arse. foul mouth. what more do you want." a46f678e82326912,your mother is sucking my cock right now you loser hahahahahahahahahaaha sh wanted me 2 tell u she says hi hahahahahahhaahhahahahaha a476c9fde89ad68b,"you useless asshole, keep your misinformation to yourself" a48371da5a3e0ecf,"okay really nigga why does everything have to be your way it's not just lebron james it kobe bryant, kevin durant, kyrie irving, rajon rondo , paul pierce, chris paul etc, and its skylar diggins maya moore candace parker so what makes it any different blocking me cause nothing done your way it's so stupid i just cant deal with people like you wanting everything their way." a496e8ede78a7f88,"clown bastard why did you block me you fuckin philistine i suggest you stop oscillating between being a clown and an intellectual and just stick to your puerile image of being a nobody who blows up giraffes whilst you try to pervert little kiddos" a4b4eec8f5ad976a,""" the things i added... ...were not vod services. and, furthermore, i worked hard to wiki-ize the """"ethnic"""" channels list, only to have it all reverted for no reason. you guys suck. """ a4b915c30139180d,jl;j;alsdfsml;kfjsdf this man likes to suck major dicks. a55806a1069a394d,"you suck! i hate your guts you piece of shit!!!! -your friendly neighbourhood abuser" a55ef4e623b5aa2f,but hey i am tay and i do have aids wtf you guys are fascists a59167c1115fe94f,congrats for being a total fucking faggot. a5cf377d8503968f,forgot to sign it. you're an idiot. a5dc09d0dd0db724,no! i don't care u bitch!!! a5f0e4849f90c1b5,"hoe your a slut hoe basstatard homo rapeist" a61c547e34b051ba,"sing a song of sanger god i hate this guy so much." a62a63d2c6eff374,""" hey moron its lingustic skills not """"lingustical"""". go fucking take a course in english. """ a62fb12437a2827b,"fuck you, asshole ⟲⟲⟲⟲⟲⟲⟲⟲⟲⟲⟲⟲⟲⟲⟲⟲⟲⟲⟲⟲⟲" a65a3f5cb69d88ca,""" did it ever occur to you that somebody simply had to just click """"undo"""" in order to get the same edit result?? has it crossed your mind that quite possibly there could be more than one person in this world that would think of doing that?? so what about all the edits today taht are similar?? was i responsible for those too? despite the different ips?? here.......ill save you the wasnt im shocked you havent blamed me for those too there really is no talking logic with some of you idiots is there?? you get these delusional ideas.....and thats it.......thats the way it has to be because thats the idea you had during a dungeons and dragons game ill say this one more time for are dead fucking wrong and are making yourself look like an asshole by jumping to your stupid conclusions""" a6611676c4d32317,"whats the idea f blocking me editing the david irving page? this is no way to brandish a man a holocaust denier several times just at the beginning of his cv. what is this a ridicoulous nickname you have. i think you are a jewish woman. they should not be allowed to edit or appear in places frequented by human beings." a676783174a45a9c,"idiot= like willie martinez, you're an idiot." a6dbef4eddf9000b,"5>stop editing my posts dipshit i have a right to state my opinion and i dont give a shit what you consider vandalism you worthless admin power trip piece of shit stop editing my posts dipshit i have a right to state my opinion and i dont give a shit what you consider vandalism you worthless admin power trip piece of shit stop editing my posts dipshit i have a right to state my opinion and i dont give a shit what you consider vandalism you worthless admin power trip piece of shit stop editing my posts dipshit i have a right to state my opinion and i dont give a shit what you consider vandalism you worthless admin power trip piece of shit stop editing my posts dipshit i have a right to state my opinion and i dont give a shit what you consider vandalism you worthless admin power trip piece of shit stop editing my posts dipshit i have a right to state my opinion and i dont give a shit what you consider vandalism you worthless admin power trip piece of shit stop editing my posts dipshit i have a right to state my opinion and i dont give a shit what you consider vandalism you worthless admin power trip piece of shit stop editing my posts dipshit i have a right to state my opinion and i dont give a shit what you consider vandalism you worthless admin power trip piece of shit stop editing my posts dipshit i have a right to state my opinion and i dont give a shit what you consider vandalism you worthless admin power trip piece of shit stop editing my posts dipshit i have a right to state my opinion and i dont give a shit what you consider vandalism you worthless admin power trip piece of shit stop editing my posts dipshit i have a right to state my opinion and i dont give a shit what you consider vandalism you worthless admin power trip piece of shit stop editing my posts dipshit i have a right to state my opinion and i dont give a shit what you consider vandalism you worthless admin power trip piece of shit stop editing my posts dipshit i have a right to state my opinion and i dont give a shit what you consider vandalism you worthless admin power trip piece of shit stop editing my posts dipshit i have a right to state my opinion and i dont give a shit what you consider vandalism you worthless admin power trip piece of shit stop editing my posts dipshit i have a right to state my opinion and i dont give a shit what you consider vandalism you worthless admin power trip piece of shit stop editing my posts dipshit i have a right to state my opinion and i dont give a shit what you consider vandalism you worthless admin power trip piece of shit" a6e834dfb913a3af,""" i hate you! i can't belive you. you are so wrong about the ages in myst iii: exile. such total scum. everyting about you is stupid. you (stupidly) think there are such myst iii ages as """"amateria"""" or """"edanna"""" or """"narayan"""" but know """"teorlemin"""", """"tonditios"""", or """"hast thri ixil. and that you never explore releeshahn? j'nanin is not the hub age! there are too many things wrong about this asshole to name. he is low-class scum. i am way richer then this asshole welfare bum. i am way more educated then you are too. pathetic. play some myst iii and see that you are absolutely wrong!!!!""" a6f72a7cd15fe7e0,"wikipedia does not support free speech!!!!!!!!!!! boycott this site and tell everyone!!!! wikipedia will pull down all opposing views of the barry administration>>>>>they are leftist, socialist bums!!!!" a7086bcfb17eb824,"pig that pig looks scary shit , hehe" a71a79fdcb7a5890,"right. i wasnt making a pers0nal attack. i was just simply stating that he was being an ass-hat f0r deleting my article. thanks anyway, the w0rld needs m0re nazis like y0u." a73a296541b5e935,""" which part did you find to be false? i am thoroughly disgusted with the behaviour here. i am ashamed to say i have had part in any of this project. i never admit it to other people in private life. methods have to change or wp will die and become known as more of a failure than it currently is known as. thanks for your soothing words, though. you are off-the-wall and slightly out-of-control but had a big input, i think, and i took it as your sick sense of humour and liked most of it. i wasn't here that long (gab, the stalking harassment suckybaby is screaming now) but i have seen enough to confirm what is being shouted around the internet about the wiki garbage spewed here. wiki:suicide is eminent (sorry i have no second sourced hearsay level gossip to reference). that coward coren just didn't have the balls to do a proper job after the latest bs the admins have been through the latest to """"lighten up 'cause we need more editors"""". on a lighter note there are many blogs and websites describing how to remove wikipedia from your search engine so the garbage doesn't keep appearing mixed in with the real information. it was fun not being an admin and seeing the other side, for awhile. now i understand more about being a dumb nigger. ooops... did i say that out loud? fuckin' a!! (for the ame people fuckin' huh!) (for the brits. fucking heh?) (for the cane people fuckin' eh?)""" a77e0bb2479bc8e5,"congratulations! congratulations, triste tierra, you have won the asshole of the year award! you won this award by harassing users in the past and saying hateful things about and to them! in order to claim your award, you must call 1-800-asshole (1-800-277-4653)! once again, congratulations for your win!" a7852cb0f00b0b8d,"danielrigal bitch you are a fucking geek ass pussy u ait shit u aint ever gonna be shit get a fuckin life u bitch ass homo go ahead delete me bitch and ur work sucks." a79c26ad9086e35a,and its me you fat bitch stop deleting my images ugly ho. a7afb550a64a6340,"faggot fuck you bitch you're a faggot" a7ca29f189772244,nightstallion is a cunt a7dda2239a5b9e2f,"fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck yo" a81ea21678a14e32,go fuck yourself. conrad black cheated thousands of people out of their pensions. anyone who defends hm is an asshole and an apologist for evil a829a6430f12002f,i bet the only thing you like better than sucking cock is editing on fagopedia a82eea39b49bb446,"go fcuk youslef i am going to kill you this is a threat too you life watch out....." a82f80c9536c624c,piss off you son of a bitch a849867f41e6c49b,"what kind of idiots are you, do not delete that page or kick your asshole... motherfucker. >:(" a8937562751c3082,"personal attack? you fucking coward. anytime anyone tells the truth about cheri dinovo or her attack queers it is a personal attack? no wonder the pope hates you pillow-biters" a89e3823c7bdf951,"oops i didn't request a new ip from dhcp, anyway i'll do that now. see you mother fuckers later!" a8b6af9c5b59b57c,stay the fuck off my page you homosexual. i will remove this if i feel like it! a8c17ba9c273f698,"i dont like you you are like a wiki nazi always deleting stuff that people put up that is true. please and kindly fuck off. some people are making good contributations but all you do is go delete delete delete. have a nice day douche bag." a8e1dea6a8e17527,"screw you, i'm not scared of your little warnings, so retart, fuck you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" a8e2d931c229a82e,"oh cool, you deleted other part, what is next? you will delete the whole article too? good job! can block me again, it's just that you can do. i-d-i-o-t" a8f258811e13d4ce,"get a life you fucking loser. if you have any other questions about me, don't ask me, ask katie goulet. here is a picture of her." a96dbeef4bb6b1be,"contd scoundrel the block on padmalskhmi was expired on april 26 2011 so after the block expired i ahve did considerable contribution without vandalism so i started a discussion with an open mind on ur talk page and u again abuse me if u have guts talk to me openly - u delete my discussion and abuse innocent users you are the real fraud here u have abused me when i was not at fault - instead if replying to my message u took my curse you and your family are going to soon die in a car crash ( )." a97eabb625eb4f37,rklaton is faggot and loves to suck cock and get his ass fucked by 30 guys a day a985393ba8574277,""" """"and on a personal note, the english are a race, and the so called """"cornish"""" are mostly just a bunch of angry celtic whannabes."""" - what an ignorant, arrogant little shit you are d and i knew it from the word go - insisting that the word """"english"""" should come before """"cornish""""... er.... """"c"""" comes before the letter """"e"""".""" a998c5cc69894dcc,"dude. latinus. don't you have a job or some shit like that? how the fuck are you moderating me every 5 seconds? christ, you can do more productive things than jacking off wikipedia and moderating others. congrats though, i guess you're a really good wikipedia moderator? if that's a life accomplishment? oh wait, that means nothing. you're still a failure. you tool." a99a4efb2e18af56,"can any of you dumbasses read the entirely first article, the fuck does it say, that can be the truth, sorry for the language" a9cee611b0c1927d,""" also, i'd like to know how simply expressing my opinion and support on my friend's talkpage consitutes a """"disruption""""? personal attacks are by definition personal, ie directed at someone. my comments were directed at no one in names are mentioned. they were simply the degganged rantings of a disgruntled old lunatic, until you acted upon them. so they must have struck a nerve somewhere. """ a9df5f43821cb576,"i'm the bigot? you are a pathetic racist afrocentrist who is intentionally lying about history to make up for the complete objective lack of black achievement in comparison to other races. no one else feels the need to lie and manipulate history like afrocentrists." a9f6b928e0b2e9be,arsehole who was bullied as a child a9f76640fb159037,"go fuck yourself!... delete this!..." a9ff4e5bafc9001e,"you can suck my ass, you stupid asshole. this was a personal attack. but maybe you're really a stupid asshole. you can not see the difference between a reliable source and review crap. furthermore: you was a part of the edit war!" aa89673f2c56452f,o: i can't believe you thought that i would call you such a thing. i just wanted to give a cookie so you could get bigger and stronger. obviously it wasn't because you're a fat pig. i'm sorry for the misunderstanding. aaad6f67e74ddf6a,"to disrespectful and ignorant iryna harpy no such thing as disruptive editing. it's backed up with facts and data. i should know better given as i'm colombian myself, unlike yourself." aac4dc3102e5eaad,""" the additions i made were 100% factual. it's apparent you're just another israeli hasbara agent. more than likely, you're a racist, killer, and land pirate. if you claim to be an """"american"""" you should be executed for treason.""" aaedc25c482b3f6d,"racist now you know who you are and where you belong. i'm not gonna bather myself with hopeless people" ab0c84cb2356a0f2,"listen here moron, you completely violate wikipedia regulations both on your userpage and in your edits. you should be paraded through the streets as an animal not worthy of our presence." ab1d0871dcff9ddb,ronaldo is a fucking bitch ab269285f7819e25,"whoever created this page is either very jelous or very stupid.whole world knows that mevlana was turkish. his father was turkish ,his mother was turkish, mevlana himself writes that he is turkish. at that time, the place he was born was a turkish land not persian. all you ignorant wiki racists can cry out loud forever.he was turkish and claiming the opposite in ignorant wiki racist pedia will not change this.oh by the way, our iranian friends also claims that the ottoman empire was actually an iranian empire.this is not just very funny but stupid. have a nice day and and stop being stupid please" ab9b1e3662178edc,"message for angie yo need to get a makeover, u r fuckin ugly bitch." abc4cd718acdc283,"correction to karljoos karljoos, you ignorantly state that the phillipines is a hispanic country? how in the hell is that possible? phillipino people are not spaniard nor have there been any admixture between spaniards and phillipines over the centuries. are you ok? also, according to europeans (not ignorant americans), hispanic is an admixture of races in south america. therefore, spaniards are not classified as hispanic. then you state that spanish culture has taken root in south america. this is not wholly true. although it is true that south americans have accepted parts of spanish culture, they still retain features of their own culture that are extremely distinct from the spanish culture. this is compounded further by south america’s distinct racial differences, which, if you were smart, you would indeed know. just for the record, i am of spaniard descent. i do not consider myself hispanic in the way that ignorant stupid americans do. all europeans don’t view spaniards as hispanic, as a matter of fact. also, since stupid americans consider south americans hispanic, it should be therefore fair to classify afro-americans and native americans in america as anglo-saxons also. this is due to the fact that afro-americans and native americans possess a significant amount of their bloodline to anglo-saxon admixture. as a result, i will add this fact to wikipedia’s anglo-saxon article. and i will back this up with good sources. so, i better not get idiot americans disputing this." abe707b80ce5a097,"i didn't mean that, but you are being a real jerk. calm down and breath, and realize if you didnt block people like a nazi, you wouldn't be such a douche." abf3691a5d222675,shit nigga wtf chill dem bitches dog!!!! ac04b17583acfd3b,"aww, shut the fuck up little whiny bitch" ac103c6c4b227b24,"stfu == why dont u stfu and get a life! if you like to play that gay game so much, do it and fuck off!" ac22f7f176af03ee,this article is pure left wing stupidity from top to bottom- a whitewash-stalin ruled by terror-the man was a monster ac4dea4f0910ac9a,"must really suck to be a serb owned by the ottomans, owned by the habsurgs, asskicked by the ustashe, bombed to bits by the usa, outbred by albanians. what more can be said about a nation that bases its identity on a 14th century defeat. gather up sava's ashes and weep haha." ac5138a05d364a79,"what a hypocrite ! is blatantly biased, accuses everyone of sockpuppetry, ignores other people's comments. he never adds anything useful. his edit history shows that virtually all he ever does is revert and criticise other editors. he's obviously emotionally inadequate as he hangs around wp endlessly and pointlessly. he's not only useless, he's powerless. so just get another username. it only takes 5 seconds to get around being blocked." ac528d4ec4bfc165,"therefore you are a pedo, you fuck little boys" ac612fca3ca6aeaf,re vandalism. . . . that is because the user aussie legend is stalking me and keeps removing a local football team from the page of its home town.he is a serial pest and is now starting on my own personal user page. what is good for the goose is good for the gander. i don't care if i get deleted if this thing is full of bullies like this piece of work ac719e1c4fdd1f46,"hello i am civil please go to hell and die, because i did not edit anything on, infact i just got on this site, indeed. and i have only browsed through sections on video games and stuff, so dont please dont tell me that i am editing anything. p.s that was civil." ac8d566e10ee643e,"ugly award thing can someone put up that that award she won for being the ugliest woman on tv last year? i forgot who gave out the award and a link and all that thats why im asking yall to do it." ac8fea170dd77fe5,"you suck duck butt!!!!!! that's right, i'm, talkin' to you, beeblebrox! and what kind of stupid name is that?! lol, you must not have a life otherwise you'd leave me alone" acc2e529565645d6,"""lol you're a complete freak in my opinion (now boy genius, is that a """"personal attack""""?) the first person to ban me for supposed vandalism was an idiot like you. the successive people (with one exception where it was legitimate) just did it because they blindly followed that idiot's lead. the highest level admin to look at my user talk agreed that i had a legitimate dispute and never should have been banned in the first place. so suck a big one. you know you like to. ) """ accee388524885c6,"you can't stop me! you accuse me of vandalism? i'll vandalize your face, bitch!" acd0d77565fb6779,"what shit u talk to me, communist rat?" acd716d32f2550ca,"carl is love, carl is life. you can't get rid of him, scum. he watches." acfddadfecc2115c,"you warned me. you sent me a warning for attacking another user and i was just wondering if there was any way i could let that particular user know that he should go insert a dildo into his rectum wothout violating wikipedia policy. - thank you" ad0064d3cc336d13,"israeli looser it is very pleasant to see with all of efforts of you and your band, you couldn't delete adolf hitler's 50th birthday. it proved that you are such a big israeli looser. loosers generally suck! lol" ad21c3261b55be9c,"shove your bloody warnings up your lame ass where it belongs! stop giving warnings you piece of scum! no one cares a rat ass about you or yamaguchi here! shove up all your bullshit warnings up your ass & get lost u pice of garbage biased fake ass! we will take to public forums as how certain assholes like you & yamaguchi are being paid pr's to few profiles in here! you are truing to hide the facts and promote false info on wikipedia how pathetic! u bloody morons shame on you! dontu fuckin dare issue lame warnings! we will report you to wiki higher authoririties and see to that you are letmsnently banned from here you shallow brainless bastard fuckin loser! go fuk yamaguchi and get lost u shithead!" ad2c542f04906e9b,"youre a dumbass liar hectorine, that was about kinross and i already cant change the article.." ad3bf72167d308ab,go fuck yourselvers up the ass with a barbedwire bound live hand grenade. explosive orgasm guaranteed ! ad648587b939dad8,"bullzeye is a faggot and comments on things he knows nothing about, i apologize for nothing." ad64de0da179975b,rspw poster is a sick gay freak adaf95aea6ff715d,"you, stupid chap, ..." adec73dc9bb3cc34,"you horrid little mincing poofter i've got my beady eye on you and know exactly what you're up to" ae4f056e4859882a,"you pig. why do you deny my people and language. you are racist!" ae715d9bdd31b582,""" what? wtf does it matter if he """"knew"""" about the explosives or not? he set up the operation and the same people he was working with gave access to the explosives. and in any case, i question if it is worth believing a single word that comes from mubin's mouth. the man is a scumbag that picks on 12 year old kids and sniffs coke, and 4 million buys a lot of lies. """ ae74aac3f131be12,"what the fuck is wrong with you ecto??!!!! who gives a shit, ducky? i do! because he does not hate the subculture and where has he denounced himself as goth? where??!!!" aea9865633806c02,"idiot, if you want to block me only block or delete me. highly appreciated if so. don't block or delete others based on my words. did you block other two ? what a stupid administrators you people. no common sense. (himesh)" aeb6657426da71a5,"you people are cunts, bombing every ones mail box, fucking bastards" aebb01076266cfde,"hey asshole what the fuck is your problem? i'm trying to help people but you still keep fukin wit their pages. what's your deal faggot?" aecd4995fd9284fd,""" hehehe lol thanx blud i like anoyin ppl coz i hav nufin to no betur init(: im goner take a pis on yor mum (shes fat) /´¯/) ,/¯../ /..../ /´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ /'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') \.................'...../ \''...\.......... _.·´ \..............( \.............\ now go fuk yureself yo as fagit ye i know ypr ip adres bitch goe yif yorselff""" aedbd676a6a199c3,"hey man, i think you are cool. i loved it when you reported that idiot dark-hooded dufus. anyway, should we be best friends here?user:pic business" aeef5331c4b038c4,"waaaaahh erase comments on this page too, do you really think anybody is reading this? are you that insecure?" af1886d69caa7c17,"2008 (utc) dont sweat these fucks, man, vitual steve can ramm his dog, and fuck scarian hes a fucking prick. they all do suck black dick, huh bro? 20:45, 29 july" af2d919370fefde4,"really realy fucking boring you are a boring smelly cunt why don't you go and fucking kill yourself, you sad cunt." af500e5a43a5c4bf,"coelcan you a bitch" af72bba1d2131f2f,"fucking argie loving wanker your a fucking argie loving wank then ! the falklands are british and always will be. cock" af8bf15ea6859ea7,"me? arguing? go fuck yourself. i'm not the one creating multiple accounts, vandalizing, leaving, and coming back and vandalizing again. pwheadlines sucks. i have relatives who work backstage in wwe and tna. i am also training to become a professional wrestler, and i'm training in neo spirit pro wrestling here in ontario. they were going to abandon the fucking title and bring in a new title. now shut up and go get yourself blocked again." afa81a96cb59fea1,"why don't you go back to turkey if it is so fantastic? you are a mongol and racist people who have murdered more people than the germans and japanese combined. it was a good day getting to see your talks suspended... man, how nasty to be a turk and a lawyer.. hah." afd8574195e081b7,"i'll get the barnstar graphic done asap and send to you, then we can figure that shit out. also last night i did something super bad on wikipedia but i had to do it....found this guys user page, and i loathe him (i know him from online forums and shit) i know its the right guy cause he commented on the oink article and i know him from the site....and its funny cause no one has seen/caught me yet haha o dear, and don't you go reporting it! for once...." afdfc559a69e6ea3,"really?? you really classify yourself as a macedonian you wish!! alexander the great spoke macedonian not greek he burnt greek cities to the ground you are a dirty ass greek scientists did and ethnicity test on ancient macedonians and greeks and found out that they are 2 different nations and guess what the greeks are closely related to the ethiopians the modern macedonians shared many chromosomes to the ancient macedonians you just go fuck yourself you dirty ass whore" afe3abf2b7c6c915,"i didn't vandalise any page, i actually restored the ouca info page to its orignal state you jerk." b00ced343a0c5d8b,"psycho == why do you keep telling us that our page is being vandalized!!!??? it is our page! can we do what we want? nobody likes you! you are such a dickhead! you lesbian butch! ~~colleen&vanessa; ==" b0127cacb0980957,persyour retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded your retarded onal b07daccf085e697e,"loser unlike lazy academic know-nothing geek-parasites like lk, i've been too busy servicing my clients in the 'real' voluntary non-coercive non-counterfeit non-tax eating economy to comment, but i noticed you're slowly going mad. despite pleading with other admins to re-instate wrongly banned editors, you yourself have now taken to reflexively banning all edits from the southern hemispherewithout any basis whatsoever. i think you know i'd be the last person to give a shit about formal wear - but you go ahead and make the trivial, obsessive revert anyway 'just in case'. only the paranoid shoot first. like a gutless frightened soldier in vietnam, or the well-connected german jews who, in fear and in a spineless pandering to power and with fatal short-term opportunism, co-operated with hitler right until the end, you're killing your own with friendly fire. i can smell your fear. you can't help yourself. your kind are programed to irrationally self-destruct. i couldn't care less about editing wiki any more, still less about editing formal wear, you idiot. all the pages i care about have been censored and protected. you know that. i'm well and truly over it. my job is done. it's already too late to save the system. foreclosuregate is the start of the end. of property rights and therefore of the whole economic system. the end will come you won't even notice it. we're close. very, very close. you've already had to edit out your criticisms of peter schiff on the as page. wait a few months. you'll end up deleting the whole page. ha ha ha!" b091ecddae1654ff,"=dear mr anal retentive... wtf are you talking about, bitch? that was a perfect edit. the topic was the price of super bowl rings. what's your problem? and, kindly apologize after you state it. thank you." b0adcd85e1a9025b,i reckon you should die b0c9e9304f37c9d3,renzoy16 ! shut the fuck up b0e4d0c23fffc516,"i didn't vandalize you are a serious dumbass. any misspelled words or a bad comment on a usertalk page, you consider it vandalism. seriously get a life nerowhatever." b0ef2042126593d2,"do you want to lose your sysop rights? i will help you, little idiot." b1271c212b64ca18,gay ass william at it again small penis fagbag hahahahahahahah b14d513271a8b7fa,"ffs you sad little cock muncher." b167e4fd2758147a,""" yo. what in heaven's name is your problem with rm994? he's just trying to explain to you how to properly edit a page on wp. instead, you practically """"spit"""" in the guy's face. so, in response to your actions, i will """"spit"""" in your face and then you can tell me how it feels afterwards because you deserve it you motherfucker!!!! do not bug rm994 ever again, you hear me you sob? habsmtl""" b168e9300b923dbc,"why dont you read please dont be stupid, it was deleted before i had the chance to update it." b183c34ad3b9ed08,"fuck you son of a bitch your sıde make us creasy you and your sıde78.162.97.250" b19604b93e8411dc,so guys this user by the name o fjrgugfaggot got me banned. that guy is a fucking cunt! b1b007e51c483df7,get a life you nerd. b1caf669666bf4bb,"heil hitler white power god is a bitch pussy=tasty" b1e0a332b1c40dc0,"comment from sasayama go fuck ya mum! fuck ya too fuck off bitch!" b1f0b403bf6fcd95,"johnny the vandal hi redvers, i see that you've also fallen foul of the idiot johnny the vandal ( most recently). i just thought i'd welcome you to our select band if you're in anything like my position you can look forward to at least 3 years of this idiot vandalising your talk page ( best regards," b215753ce21a42fa,commiemoron seems to make alot of mistakes gosh darn it. mayeb hes retarded. b21792f156bd5f53,"i ask: are we a nazi society? why are people not allowed to speak their minds, here? if someone gets hurt, then let them! it is their own fault, that they take offense. i support freedom of speech; if i want to call someone a bastard, i should be allowed. in the same respects, others might call me one, or something else. i can let live the policies for how to edit the articles, but for the communication policies, i do not accept." b234d9ec33a529a0,"fuck you danish hater! fuck you arsehole muslim lover. muslims control you. you are a slave to them. denmark is a great country." b25c87ee437e7e51,"why? fuck you you fucking whore. you stupid piece of shit. you are pathetic. how dare you delete that about my fucking mother do you not have a heart?! you fucking whore." b28970c41e059d28,"why the fuck was he blocked? kwanzaa is the invetion of a man convicted of a violent felony against two african american women, kwanzaa's values are based on the marxism of that man, kwanzaa is based on african american nationalist separatism, kwanzaa is not celebrated by any african culture anywhere and the majority of the cited references to kwanzaa in pop culture that have been cited are mocking or ironic! you cant rewrite historical ==facts== with your blubbering jibberish. what he is saying isnt point of view, its ==truth== its not racist its not prejudiced its ==truth== i am on the verge of killing the next person who lies to me (pov, wow, i guess thats not too wierd in this talk page) get a brain you oversensitive hypocritical lying scumbags and get a fucking dick and balls" b28f87ff5fca37b0,""" that's a lie! you're guilty of sophistry and manipulation. oh, you are a clever one, aren't you. i read what you edited. i saw what you didwhat you added, what you deletedi don't how you did it, but we both know what you didand you continue to do it! with the full weight of your title and insider access as an """"administrator."""" i'm not an expert at wikioh, excuuuuse mei mean """"wikipedia."""" and why, for the love of god, do all of you continue to refuse to address my issue regarding the concensus that was reached long ago; namely, that the article was fucking fine until you decided you we were not as brilliant as you? go fuck yourself...i'm done...gee, what a life you have! pay, no glory. and the butt of jokes from jay leno and david letterman. oh, and by the should remove the photo of peg from the article, for, as your puckerd asshole will see, it was contributed by mefrom my original research. you are a fucking a liar and a hypocrite, gwen. you have no true alligenmce to belong to a hateful, politcal band of cultish fanatics, i'm just a fucking iraq war vet who tried to help make wikipedia honest.... you changed the history to reflect your """"rightness"""" and calmly sit back and wait for the maniac to vent. well, there ya go, miss got what you wanted. go fuck yourself. (oh, know, gee, i guess i won't be able to edit for wikipedia anymore after that tirade) who fucking cares. what the fuck good did it do me? if you had one fucking ounce of integrity, you would compare the very original article with my contributions...peg entwistle's wikipedia looked like a fucking god damned article from weekly world news. """ b2a0f2613f2740ac,"what exactly did i spell wrong? maybe you should go work on the homosexual article, you obviously have alot of experience in that department." b2b7cc9d8ad8a8f0,you have a fucking huge ego for a fucking geek with no life. b339da9780a747f4,"you call this television? i would rather cut my eyes off than watch this horse$%%$! the rifleman is nothing but 30 hours of boredom! rifleman =/= real tv robot chicken = real tv if you want to watch awesome, funny, amusing tv, that's what robot chicken is! it started season 7 in september so haahah robot chicken is beta than da rifel man boi!! robot chicken has moar seesinz den du rifleman boi!! in yo fais chukkk!!!" b34e1ce92534f6ed,"screw you to goddamn hippies!! wikipedia sucks!!!! wavegetarian likes little boys!!" b38dc32cbc3077eb,"you bastard you bastard, you deleated my article before i even had time to write it. you suck." b3cd3fd4a28a46ac,"fuck u asshole cock dick ass fuck shit bitch fucccccckkkkk yoooouuu u german fag" b3d931f3b33b57fa,"""a response to . i entitle this """"your stupidity"""" the assyrians are not extinct you incompetent bigoted fool. you lack all things historical you impotent maggot. the assyrians have existed for over 6500 years you incumbent animal. the assyrians first spoke akkadian and in the 8th century the kings of assyria chose aramaic as the lingua franca of their mighty empire you extinct ape. we have simultaneously existed throughout the ancient era up until the present day you rotten corpse. we were the first nation to accept christianity and the assyrian church of the east spread as far as china and japan and india in the 6th century ad you degenerate dog. the assyrians have been and will always continue to exist through persecution and diaspora you maggot. the aramaena peoples are an extinct pseudo people who never existed since the assyrians destroyed their kingdom and reduced it to a vassal state you mongrel. this aramean syriac name is a name created by radical separatists who deny their ethical heritage since the late 1980s you snake. the assyrians speak modern aramaic the aramaic in which christ spoke 2 thousand years ago you uneducated mule. your statements lack depth in all facets; they are unencylcopediatic, unsourced, close minded, uneducated, mentally degenerate comments that seek to downsize the most ancient people down to nothing. you claim that this name was invented by some new comers almost a hundred years ago, this comment alone shows how completely incompetent you are. i have documents that are hundreds of years old that have been passed down through my family over the centuries that specifically speak about the assyrians and how this name is far more ancient then simple minded people like you claim. this will be the only comment i will make for you because i will not waste my time speaking to a mentally degenerate pig such as yourself who is a denialist, racist, and complete bigot and a distorter of history who denies the race of the assyrians exist. i will pray every day that you may you die a most horrible death. """ b3e458f57077255b,hey bitch you want to get fucked up meet me at 7 11 big bad varrio cochella fuck the rest. you are a fucken nerd ill whop ur ass b3e617c314a6a264,"you little pussies. this banning is totally worth it. do what you will, but you two remain vile little anal mucnhers forever." b3ecaabe8309806d,"todd, you're a dumbass." b3f403fbc5dbd321,"do you really think so? we've all known this since forever, you idiot." b40837a8ba4e5b7e,"unban this ip address or a new online encyclopedia will be formed that will kick wikipedia's ass. you have been warned teeeccccctooooniiiiiiiicccccc shhhhhiiiiiiiifffffffftttttttt" b41df12e6abba90a,"hi you're a fucking moron." b48edfaee1751990,"„same ukraininan vandal” — same to who? russian nazi, stop drinking vodka!" b4c25c7cc7d728f5,ugly fucker who sucks cocks b4c93c7c1aa66340,"hello you may quite possibly be the stupidest person in existence. congratulations. and well done on editing personal messages to you which you think might be offensive, whilst pushing lies on to others." b4e571f779429d34,you're dumb cuz most other subway station articles don't mention which platforms stop at and nobody cared so therefore your edits to the 14 st 8 av article are duplicated cuz all we are suppose to care about is the station itself not where trains stop at which platforms so cut your crap buddy b4e73701b447d8f5,"bullshit. go to hell, you fucking vandal." b513ba61c1db9df0,""" you are some kind of serious moron. i guess this is where you """"win"""" and get to block me for """"personal attacks?"""" moron. """ b5209b654e4f93d9,"hey fucko hello. i saw your humorous additions to the parrot article, if you feel the need to contribute anything else of a similar caliber i will be forced to journey to your place of residence, whereupon i will rape the ever loving shit out of your loose, dirty, nigger asshole. okay?" b521965e08c24a19,< whoever wrote is a cunt b5233a74b5954a3b,"here we go again... fuck you, !" b5447b8243861ee2,"this isn't even fair! the old like a boy cover was fake and i uploaded the actual one! you know what, fuck wikipedia. no one actually believes this pathetic excuse for a factual website anyway!" b55f02aaa9f049a1,"fuck fuck you rapist" b567469c10620312,fuck you fuck you fuck youa b57b8244ad587f26,"die i hate you prick you dint deserve a place here" b5a1b1858dd1949b,hahahah sucker. quit your bitchin for once and grow some balls baby!!! dodona was no whining douchebag like you ara and he get a second change coz he deserved it. that's why. now get the fuck and leave the admins alone. they got work to do. b5ca595b96671073,u made ur damn personal attacks when u called me a vandal bud. all i did was update it. if u dun like how i write u can rewrite it but dont u damn go deleting shit without replacing it. b5cc1b5af6e5f095,"also to add to my rant- just wiki how ip addresses work so you feel like an idiot for accusing me about doing something i didnt do" b5f2f4662d3d597d,"y hello thar you are one of the worst deletionist faggots on wikipedia. may your anus be penetrated by a wooden stake." b6239c96211f5445,"steve, you're a fucking idiot who should be bludgeoned to death with a piece of rusty rebar. your devotion to this article is nothing short of sick. when did you start beating women, i wonder? if you ever get laid it will be a goddam miracle of nature. if you're not a virgin, i'm the fucking pope. the very fact that you speculate on how pleasurable it would be to fuck the orifice of someone whom you are violently assaulting makes me so sick that i would derive great pleasure in watching you get tortured to death. christ, wikipedia needs fuckheads like you like it needs another 1000 vandals. why don't you quit wikipedia and do your high school homework instead, you fucking retard?" b64ea5f00fdf6ac9,"why don't you kiss my ass, prick." b666dafcb50ed733,removing cum stains from the faggots that jack off here b669cac2c020494a,"fuck you!!! go and buy some andrex and wipe your rats ass/face (delete as appropriate). fuck you!!! 9:35, 18 september 2009 (utc)" b6706664110874e2,sitush is an asshole...die you dog b67b41e7d8acc29f,this bitch is a cunt! b6a190ce27684886,what kind of name is sunshine you are an idiot b6c5402d46bd9988,"blow me, you facist douche" b6d58aed65b260ff, suckkk daa deeeeeee b7092e831c2c4652,"listen up mofo dont f*cking edit what i write you curry munchin sod..... take up you jerk off business elsewhere now son!" b71e12d55a7e8137,""" for copying and pasting of what i felt strongly was an injustice? my personal space bothered john reaves that much? get off your high horse, dick. there's your incivility, personal attack and blp. ya know, instead of memorizing those rules, maybe you should find a girlfriend or just a friend. yes? endlessdan """ b72739ed284e7e2a,"materazzi is italy's disgrace. the vistory of italy come to nothing, it did not have any value because of materazzi." b72b795379a52e4c,fuck off my stuff bitch b72e277611326352,fuck you. blow it out your ass. suck my fattie and kiss my anal ring you cunt. b77e6e01a556fec2,fuck you gwernol go suck wills cock b7a2785b2fdc79fd,im gonna stick a shishkanigger in your yaway! b7afc5b6fa59b70a,i thought you were gonna block me? homo. b7b137027927d047,from the lead onwards the page refers to chips as fries this is fuck dumb94.168.193.75 b7b403b38be16e4f,"you're right being latino doesn't stop you from being a rapper, but being a homosexual from a suburb in california, and an administrator on wikipedia does. you would never make it. no rappers edit on wikipedia and care about sources. plus, you are a cyber bully to yth5no? and spblu. and you're gay." b7ce129d062c91d4,you fucking brainwashed vatnik retards b7e48267f541fc39,"i agree, this guy is a piece of shit!" b7eaed73be23db37,are you an idiot? that plot synopsis wasn't encyclopædic at all. you shouldn't capitalize titles either - use italics. b8b55d6e85472001,"fucking faggot ur a fucking faggot loser son of a bitch 'bold text'bold text''''''" b8c57d4e584715d4,"he likely thinks that you're an idiot, which you are." b8da0592905edd92,"good job really, as you're obviously an idiot." b8ec63e6e8c9ab11,"hello neo-nazi please do so, ban me from wikipedia. i hate all nazis, neo-nazis or the nazis that not aware of it. it does not mean that your family background is from france or american indian (american indian?), you are a fucking nazi, a fascist bastard,a racist, a scumbag, fuck you ass hole, if you want i would give my fullname, address or contact details. whole my life i fought against fascists, racists scumbag. join the queue... toxic waste of life." b8fa075ebacee408,""" [[palestine will always be a state i don""""t want to here it any other way u fucking bitch<<<<]]""" b91c4fdbb93dd344,"to be even clearer u iz a masturbate" b931721f1b26ba24,"editing. some peoples on here are stupid idiots and arrogant. i know what i am doing and what i am editing. i give them sources and reliable ones but they won't listen to the crap i give them. these peoples are so bias. i guess i rue, they do give out false information." b9329d5d09196466,drmies is a f**cking idiot!!!!!! b94263a56478faa1,fuck you!!!you are a pig! b94ef1e6773f2381,"seriously, who do you think you are. for starters, you are one ignorant prick, who keeps reverting things to flawed information on the vancouver page. it's because of dick-weeds like you, mrc, that wikipedia isn't a trusted source. so, go suck one." b9891f4f960a19db,"fuck you, pussy why dont you get out more? i bet your contributions to wikipedia is your life's work and all you are qualified to do. get a life pussy." b9b2377ad45f9287,thanks a lot asshole! you got me blocked you fucking asshole!!! b9bea6ef4f852a73,""" a barnstar for you! the real life barnstar gay gay gay """ b9c3f744bfea4d0a,mr rajchut donot bring chamars in saini discussion. donot degrade any caste. all indians are f##### by mohammedens. there used to be a time whe muslims used to spit into hindus mouth after chewing paan. muslims also used to sleep with rajput women. now do not start crying. b9c94765c37f7cae,"the national fat cunt prevention board my name is norman and i'm from the fat cunt prevention board. it has been brought to our attention that you are a fat cunt, and i have been asked to investigate your case. please contact me at: 1 penis lane penistown or you could fly out and visit me. apparently you can now fly direct to penistown with penis airways from dublin airport. anyway let me know if you are a fat cunt, as if you are a fat cunt we need to murder you. toodles!" b9ce5e9b812a318b,""" hi, this klptyzm again. i'm a faggot who will never leave users alone, and yes i'm a stalker. you're right sean and manny. i need to stop being a fag, because i quite for good and i'll fuck my momma. ♣ chat wit' me § contributions ♣ when will you stop being a jerk klptyzm? maybe he is a changed man, you don't know that. """ ba178b332c085326,"abc tragedy and eduardo bours my wife's sister lost her daughter in the abc tragedy and you are trying to help cover up bours's involvement. this man is a criminal of the highest degree and when i try to get the word out, you revert my edits and threaten to ban me. fuck you." ba2b77f075cee8e4,"april 2008 fuck off you cunt, you're a fucking piece of shit who needs to get laid in the ass" ba56f26d1fd2d184,"ah shut the fuck up he started it, he put that on my page first. but did you warn him? no, because you're a prick. now you, klptyzm and johnnyfog please die." ba67aea28f1a9d5a,"i don't give a shit!== you people are a bunch of dictators. eat shit. ==" ba691354c437d1ae,please stop being a penis— and grow up regards- ba7bfe828acbeed3,you guys are stupid i shoulda never joined! ba99aade5367d82b,"wow ya'll are smoking some crack then, eh? stop leaving kinky messages in my talk page, ya sexually harassing bitchez." baa697fc5a80ee13,"fuck off fuck off slanteye!" bace7305a84ac7c7,fuk you fucked up sinhalese motherfucking assholes wanna suck my cock bitch ass . jeyasinghe bae8150b415017ab,""" cretins are too stupid to understand that the usual remedy effected by antitrust litigation is to curtail or break up a market participant's dominant, anti-competitive market position. cretins are too stupid to understand that a reduction, over time, from 67% to 8% of a particular market participant's share of the us steel market is, in effect, a significant whittling of said market participant's dominance. cretins are too stupid to understand that this is thus """"nearly the same effect"""" as a successful antitrust enforcement. cretins are too inept to realize that they lack even a basic understanding of relevant economic and legal issues, as well as simple english language reading comprehension skills, to be able to meaningfully """"edit"""" sentences pertaining to the subject. """ bb355215de78e74a,you are a gay anti-hindu bastard bb56b0168e808841,dan56.... please fuck off bb5a10f7644658cf,"you are a prat, and my revenge will be sweet! hahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha." bb5f9a28ed7f0040,"haha, after looking at your talk page, its clear that you're a fucking idiot!! do you work for kraft foods or pfizer or something? you should be banned from the internet for trying to spread lies. you are a worthless human being, and should be ashamed. go eat some doritos, moron." bb6b937752878170,"insulent fool == how dare you block me i will return and you will not know it sladeakakevin forever p.s. u r major ass hole ==" bb8aa42ca543a065,"""so is being a wiki-dick! the blocks were removed and """"all"""" of my not so pleasant posts have been in self-defence. nice distraction technique you wiki-dicks use; attack and then try to block who you attack when they respond in self-defence. bearing false witness against one's neighbor violates one of the 10 commandments. in other words, you are a power-abusing liar because there are no blocks on my two main ips. looks like all you wiki-dicks stick together. picture that! wiki-dicks all stuck together for valentine's day ... hahhahhahahahhahahahahahahahahaha. sorry you guys can't handle the truth. maybe i'll stop. maybe i won't. hahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa *fu* """ bbccc25f8885d20b,"niggers niggers everywhere69.233.92.38" bbf2ec35110f8453,you are such a nigger! bbf7e1814ebf0f1a,"hey hey faggot, are you dead yet? or are you watching mom getting raped by filthy pigs? which one is it?" bc52c2ebb7c98aae,"please stop being a retard @ satellite temp record" bc7895d8c7b2c54e,"""*a-hem*... """"nigger nigger nigger, nigger nigger, nigger nigger."""" thank you. """ bc84bc49576ad2ae,""" for the record, this indian boy is a troll or was trolling for fire (br, this reminds me of oh-6 flying low deliberately to draw for enemy fire), look at his comment and you'll see. note that i have a very low tolerance for trolls and vandal, so as such i have been the target of such imbeciles from the start of my wiki-career. br is well aware and can vouch for me that i have a secret-admirer/stalker/impostor out there who would actually stalk and harass those editor(s) who harass me while imposting as me, what i'm doing is nothing less than trying to deflect that from the indian boy should he carry on with harassing me and then getting that secret-admirer/stalker/impostor to latch on his tail instead. yes, i may have been a wee bit mad at that moment when i commented to him but i'm not stupid. him, on the other hand, is just plain stupid for going down that path until eventually that secret-admirer/stalker/impostor reacts to him. what are we to do then? lastly, the indian boy had actually picked a very convenient date (end of our one month mutual interaction ban) to revert my edit so i'm fully entitled to be mad at him for being an moronic/insensitive jerk, especially at the condescending tone in his edit summary during that particular revert. tell me now, does it take two hands or one to clap? in honour of that interaction ban, i've stayed away from him for one whole month (to the letter and the spirit of the law that requires of me but he did so only to the letter) and yet at the end of it, he has the galls to come pick on my edit? come on, how oxymoron can that be that he is indeed trolling by all account? and both times, he goes to ani, he doesn't have the courtesy to post an ani-notice on my page, tell me now if that is not trolling? forgetting twice? how convenient for an excuse, the nerve of this boy. ♠♣♥♦™№1185©♪♫® """ bc8ecf05e94dca7c,"oh ouch, moreschi and ryanpostlethwaite (fucking wankerish name, i advise you find a nice boy and change your last name to match his). you might like to consider that it's time you both admit you have fetishes for curry pussy?" bca91ff402cf46ff,"ah,no i can do what i want and there's nothing that you can do, by the way, by what your picture looks like, you look like a loser who has a lot of time on his hands. you damn mothafuckin fudge packer." bcb628b8190cc436,"stupidhead! dweeb! how dare you say that! scorpionman, you foolbrained scumhead! i hate your guts! i hate you!!! idiothead! idiot! you say nothing but sarcasm, so i'll just sarcas your stupid brain! everybody is right about you; why don't you just go take your butt and dump it in a fire!!!! your brain never evolved from a rock! nobody's did! there's no control anywhere! there's no point in anything! ah ha ha ha ha ha! ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!'" bcd0b9114b5a5ceb,"hey, stop it! please stop changing nu metal to alternative metal it is a fact that they are nu metal, dalkaen (or should i say mr. fucking wanker?) and you have the wrong information! get a life." bcdf3738d91d6420,"hey this guy is awesome, ya kill the muslims and all that, this bitch doesnt know what shes talking about, haha thats awesome, i wish i could have seen what you said" bd06dfd235a96e0a,"excuse me... no, fuck you." bd15ed61302102bc,""" lol, haha, you fuckin loser wobbs, yeah maybe i am epf......not. although he shares some views with me on race, hes some dumb italian-british mut from canada that actually annoys me. i have used other accounts on here, but with other anon. accounts, not as a registered user (which is allowed by wikipedia since ip #'s change all the time). hahaha, wobbs, you are a fool, especially with how you place so much emphasis on those books recently released by sykes, etc. which are a minority opinion in the world of population geneticists and other researchers. for your information, racial reality isn't a """"neo-nazi"""" site you anarchist loser with no hope because your life is meaningless and you don't know anything on what you read about with these issues. rr is a neutral point of view that seeks to refute neo-nazi, white supremacists, multi-racial, race-denier, assimilationist, biased opinions that influence works including the authors of those books you mentioned. stick to being a pathetic lab assistant and get a life you fuckin tool and stop vandalizing pages and makin edits to suit your twisted opinons you fool. hahaha, wow, do u accuse 'sock pupety"""" of everyone who gets under you skin you douchebag ??? """ bd4b78896967f1e5,"hello scrapironiv, where is you problem you motherfucker? i try to make this page better and you deleted all my changes? go to hell you fucking motherfucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!" bd7387e8169896a3,"you are a fuckwit tool" bd78992b3a2dbf10,"bastered you bastered bastered you bastered bastered you bastered bastered you bastered bastered you bastered bastered you bastered bastered you bastered" bda10f80ef636943,"bold textbuddy, your so gay, i know your name and im coming to find you. you will die. i will bend you over and rip your anus with my ginourmous cock. you will bleed for days on end. and you will enjoy it." bdb5a329710e67fc,"he is, however, definitely a gigantic cocksucking faggot. i have no sources that state otherwise but i think it's pretty obvious." bdc071e3bf4d5955,hahahahahahaha!!!!!! owned!!! take that bitch. victory is mine! be0843fcaf2515cb,"i can only assume... ...that you are a horrible nigger. yuck." be12d02510df94b5,why don't you fuck you self be2a7d8105fc3b03,"you're id.iot, vascoamaral is s'tu.pi.d" be39c6d22df690f0,"the fat kid what was it like growing up as the fat kid?" be6e490cf5a2df2b,"hey mel, want my number? i'll suck that geriatric cock of yours, big man. d'yo like that, huh? i'm a good girl with a tight ass and petite frame who needs to be taught a lesson." be77246d47079c00,""" 100 point game i think you are a moron, because i did this many times and you're the first """"grown man"""" to complain about it. and please, don't ever post """"cheers"""" on my talkpage, we are not friends. """ be7c544e6672d6d9,"screw you josh the world needs assholes like me so it can keep on spinnin', have a good one, motherfucker." be93c4611fc906f0,""" ryanpostlethwaite i'm not going to sit here and just blatantly make fun of what you do and who you are. however, i look at your picture and it's quite easy to see that you're an ugly little parasite. as i browse through your insignificant pages on roger royle and harold gaba (that must have taken hours to make), and i know right then and there that you're a compulsive masturbator. i look at all your wikipedia buddies and their comments concerning """"speedy deletions"""" and """"harassment via wikipedia"""" and i now understand why there are entire hospitals throughout the world that treat internet addictions. so go ahead and suspend or block or whatever it is you people do to naughty wikipedia users, because i could really careless. you piece of shit.""" be966f3c055a9ded,"""== wonderfull... this lesbian feminist """"nontheist christian"""" """"fisherqueen"""" still moderates wikipedia... == they should ban such feeble brain vertebrates like her from public life. or she should get a husband and listen to him carefuly it would mitigate the damage which she does in society. the less you do, the more are you useful, fisherqueen! """ bea014e379203a23,oh stuff it you dumb fuck. bea281bf69e21877,"re:july 2010 dont you fucken talk like that to me, the least you can do is tell me with out the profanity your motherfucker. get a life you low life and please ban me ill just ban you from my other computer. lots of thanks fgaribay )" bec95e5faa4d7851,mad scientist u suck maaan befad5bf66ad7a80,"wtf???? what did i do??? female ejaculation is fucking gross!" bf00020c654d2507,i want some damn answers now you imbeciles bf1908f6281c8bb0,"rodeo song lyrics well it's 40 below and i don't give a fuck got a heater in my truck and i'm off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerk, get on my nerves well here comes johnny with his pecker in his hand he's a one ball man and he's off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerk, get on my nerves well it's 40 below and i aint got a truck and i dont give a fuck cause i'm off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerk, get on my nerves well here comes johnny with his pecker in his hand he's a one ball man and he's off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerks, get on my nerves rodeo song lyrics well it's 40 below and i don't give a fuck got a heater in my truck and i'm off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerk, get on my nerves well here comes johnny with his pecker in his hand he's a one ball man and he's off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerk, get on my nerves well it's 40 below and i aint got a truck and i dont give a fuck cause i'm off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerk, get on my nerves well here comes johnny with his pecker in his hand he's a one ball man and he's off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerks, get on my nerves rodeo song lyrics well it's 40 below and i don't give a fuck got a heater in my truck and i'm off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerk, get on my nerves well here comes johnny with his pecker in his hand he's a one ball man and he's off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerk, get on my nerves well it's 40 below and i aint got a truck and i dont give a fuck cause i'm off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerk, get on my nerves well here comes johnny with his pecker in his hand he's a one ball man and he's off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerks, get on my nerves rodeo song lyrics well it's 40 below and i don't give a fuck got a heater in my truck and i'm off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerk, get on my nerves well here comes johnny with his pecker in his hand he's a one ball man and he's off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get off piss me off, fuckin' jerk, get on my nerves well it's 40 below and i aint got a truck and i dont give a fuck cause i'm off to the rodeo and it's allemande left and allemande right come on ya fuckin' dummy get your right step right get off the stage ya god damn goof, get offne" bf4b0e41047794ff,"best behaviour is a single! is the official fucking site of n-dubz good enough, you ignorant fucked up retarded cunts?" bf71bb6d5d312512,you're ridiculous if you jump to conclusions like that. so don't. on their webpage they made an article about it. i'll try to find it if you are to narrow-minded to research your opponents' websites yourself. bf79b0e08f386bc1,you can shut the fuck up and kiss my ass bitch.......what the fuck are you talking about...who are you talking about??/suck my dick....your gay are tyou bf99032f58f42dd0,"the ccp has no legitimacy the party is full of cowards, liars, thieves, and murderers. the day that corrupt, soulless organization is destroyed will be a glorious day for humankind." bfa11777ea25c064,"unlike the ancient greeks, the idiot who blocked me is a mongrel created by interbreeding with the turks. just another greek fool who doesn't know shit." bff0efbe90a5311e,"who's ur uncle, dick?" c02a9ffb0cb8376a,"stuffin hotdogs up your dirty arse feels good bro homokid joy all over" c03506c597f34085,"i will force you to eat dog poop. it will be funny watching you gag and vomit with crap smeared all over your face." c08a09baf7be60a1,"i dont give a flying fuck if youre nice or not, that is completely irrelvant. take your admin powers and stick them up your ass you fool. you are entirely ignorant of the aramic language and its history so i suggest you get off your high horse you mongrel. if you had any knowledge of the language which you clearly dont you would have not done this. chaldeans are relgious group that speak arabic. i attend a chaldean church and we never speak neo- armaic the vast majoirty of the churches speak arabic with very few (almost none-existent) neo-aramaic words." c09fbac1dd5f87c8,the most annoying fucking idiot ever. c0a55c0151b639af,"shut up king bee, your a stupid idiot, you're the vandalism" c0c935fe27fda4a7,""" bastard child does anyone know if obama was born out of wedlock, and is a """"bastard"""" child? """ c0e076f0011acaa6,"""fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! 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f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff uuuuuu cccccc kkkkkk ===== you! f uu c kk you fffff u" c0e1bc364a8cedcd,yo bitch you think you can get rid of me im black c17446f9c6256f30,"that fatass chink from oz, phanatical, is ruining the reputation of your art. that loser has no life and he wants to ruin your art. motherfucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ==" c18fcd1d93e4741f,"why am i even talking to this retard, who hasn't ever gotten out of his chair since he was born?" c19c8916605bb888,go fuck yourself. it's as simple as that. i have a proxy server with access to over 100 domains so i will continue editing wikipedia. c1ad0a446fe9babe,fine! i see you're not gonna work with me here! screw you then! c1c22a233e1c91fc,"you bitchass trick your fat ass is full of dogshit, commie loving, lying, bastardo chink." c1cab18ce004c89f,""" what... no answer? you're a complete moron for claiming such comparison made is """"pointless and unsourced"""". i merely expanded on a comparison made on the diamond page and importing the graph from that page. if you are a consistent anal retentive, then you should also remove that comparison as well. but we both know you're a fool! furthermore, the comparison made between graphite and diamond is made in geology classes around the world. why do you feel that your ignorance is a merit for judgment?""" c1da31f9d3e5caf8,"fuck u if you our gonna make a list make sure you include all of them so don't change my shit again you ain't from the coast put all rapper or move on" c21b47c91c903d59,"gay everyone is e-mailing me about deep shadow and you. gay or straight. like two lovebirds. how sweet. who are you darre? 6 21 3 11 21 loser. gay ass bastard die die die commit suicide you jerk loser motherfucker block me. ya block me. you big jerk, too scared to fight. ur gonna block me. ust dont wanna fight do you. come, i live in maryland. i hate darrenhusted." c23996da12a26a33,"""when akkadians migrated from the arabian peninsula, the name """"arab"""", did not even exist. get this through your thick head. """ c25b530f1d60c9f8,"whoops what!? you blocked me from editting? damn...oh wait, nevermind, you're just an idiot. p.s. i'm not a person, i'm a reminder." c2b62999534527ec,"hornswoggle joining club hornswoggle joined the club last monday and bit his butt" c2b6dac75fe30d66,"eddits who the fuck are you to be reversing my eddits and such? mind your own fucking business, jerk." c2dce591ec706689,you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck c2f0ec8da225df2f,no i'm not gone hahahahahahahaha!!!!!! but not editing at the university anymore! bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!! c2fba9f0412fb760,nuke sweden! go probe urself with an anal probe. f*ckhead. c3387f32b20d864b,""" saying """"don't be snitty"""" is not a personal attack. it is a defense from your personal attack against me. now me telling you that you are a pussy and need to grow some balls, now that is a personal attack. i hope you enjoy it as much i did. - """ c33d55d14b8dce15,"you were right to replace the content, shanghai pride is for faggots." c3589a6658f8f0f5,"stay out of this, fat boy. we're not in japan, anyway." c379a0e8a853f889,"go fuck yourself stop sending me harrassing messages about edits i never made on pages i've never visited. stay away from me." c388e9ad92116e7a,aslo i learned a fact about harriet because i use to chill with her and she was a whore because she wanted to suck every guys dick for 10 cents . c39a12df277396f1,"wow you win so, you, as a queen bee, with your lovely photo, wanting attention, have succeeded in getting rid of another woman's bio that i wanted posted. you do not even understand mathematics; it is beyond you you have no idea what mathematics is. do you think calculus is the ultimate? well it is not. you are a sockpuppet, with a fake boyfriend. you do not even understand how mathematics leads to cures for hearing impairment. well, congratulations; i have been fired because of you, you lovely young woman with wonderful attitude. you must be so proud that you won your battle. your are immortal: that other woman is not, she will die within months of cancer. make you feel good about yourself. and yes, she is notable. she will be noticed after death, like franklin, potter, curie.... kudos to you, immortalgoddess such a goddess, with a goddess-like-attitude. wikipedia is such a crock. ." c3bc76b1f3090470,"i'm not going to respond to queries which don't understand the material they are referring to. pffffffff, haha, your both stupid, but at least globe doesn't take the time to write the stupid shit that wobbs has, hahahahaha." c3c8c9e0d4251dd3,"suck my dick first, maybe then i'll consider what you have to say." c3cea5cbd987b22a,yo wuhwuzdat u a bitch wit no life. yeah u heard me u a bitch. fuck u motherfucka c3d743abd2d71301,"fuck you how dare you revert me edit." c412c9c821946f76,it must suck to be you then. c44768d7cf23cc14,"yadavs are kshatriyas wht the hell happend to previous stuff written in the wiki which well defined yadavs,know some anti yadavs have edited the stuff and added whole new crap,mentoning yadavs as shudras is funny shit....some fuckin moron must hv done this.." c44a2604773b6382,"blocked is it true jean latore pimped your asshole out to some trannys on the streets of brazil? lol, thats too funny" c4560947ca3c1c77,"id rather be a vandal than a snot nosed little shit, like you." c4562b7b4ba006eb,""" just dropping by... let you know that you're a cocksucking faggot!!!-the'fortyfive' """ c4647e8a0eb2c11a,"ronald mcdonald is gay and he has a fart fetish ronald mcdonald is going to rape you in the ass with his massive penis and then he is going to fart on your face because he is gay" c4859f9bda39fbcd,"dude why do you fucking delete my shit when i didn't fucking do anything to you retard!" c4abd08ea8fdd774,"this is a personal attack youre a fucking bitch suck my fucking dick you fucking ass clown get a life and quit reading my shit, bitch /personal attack -wolfgirlhellahairy ps: fuck you" c4ad5422cf539066,""" hi nerd would you please explain why what i wrote is disruptive but """"akbar is also the ai personality of india in the renowned game age of empires iii: the asian dynasties."""" are you gonna tell me that age of empires iii is more culturally relevant than matt groening? or this: """"in kunal basu's the miniaturist, the story revolves around a young painter during akbar's time who paints his own version of the akbarnama'"""" none of that is cited; it is much less relevant than """"akbar and jeff"""" is. how do i insert the akbar and jeff reference without getting a million angry nerds on my ass?""" c4db524d54f0dec6,do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? 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==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? ==because you are a fggt! == do i know you? because c4e9c0d8cd26024d,mother fucking inbreed pieces of shit c509b7b36cbd283b,"then you're just as stupid as the blithering retard currently sitting upon the stolen presidency, you bag of dogshit. i hope you get hit by a drunk driver." c5160521520fd53d,wow you deleted my comment dumb ass c51e91490b4c8519,for being a massive faggot c5284597fc2a0bfc,"================= hey ! are you member of non-scientific group ? ))) perhaps you have access to same polish, english, russion, jewish, german, czech ... newspapers from the end of the war and can find further sources for this information about the galicia and malopolska wschodnia killings, massacres of polish, russion, czech by ukrainian bands occurred in many towns after the end of the war !!!!!!!!. fuck of nazi !" c539d8ffa5f305f5,"i guess it's easy to dish out criticism but you can't take it. don't blame me for the fact that coldplay is a collection of girly-voiced music illiterates, championed by a badly diseased western media. i know what makes for music quality and coldplay is certainly anything but." c5430437bdd174a2,i hope you die you fucking pedophile. i gave your details to some friends in the middle east and they were very angry about you and said they might pay you a visit c5544823e4f2e2ae,"sikh history gezzaa user:sikh history wiki pedia full on shit!! surinder shinda, sukshinder shinda is shinda surname not other surnames shinda is shinda ramgarhia surname! user:sikh history you talk shit" c57132f704b19816,you have no right for your racist block syrthiss!! iguarantee that jimbo will hear about this and you shalll be punished accordingly! white hoods like you dont belong in wiki! your cyberlynching days r over you racist jerk! c57242ec5816d21c,""" your mom is so fat, she gets cashback when she orders at burger king! your mom is so upper middle class that she doesn't recycle floss! your moms fat cunt is so juicy when i crammed my huge cock into it she said """"thanks"""" d dicksucker d""" c59e19584747453a,"twat you're a fucking cunt" c5a27e2addb2c87f,""" hey d hey d fuck you. i'm not disruptively editing at all, you're just mad at me since we have different viewpoints. """ c5c9ec5ee44181cf,"get off my fucking back.. you god-damn little indian retard get off my fucking back.. you god-damn little indian retard. go and bully around someone else. and you can shove up your spi up you indian ass." c5e6d86051855fe7,"hey mo. this will be my last post, so feel free to block me. now... how about all your personal attacks and attacks from your friends like mongo the past year? have they ever been blocked? no they haven't. there's enough ppl involved now and i guarantee that all you editor idiots are going to be replaced in a couple months by people who have a clue to what's going on in the world. i don't take warnings from you, you bumbling fool! you people are disgusting treasonous scum. if this country goes down, you will have deserved it, as you are doing nothing but assisting it in happening. you, mongo, tom harrison, and other nazi scum can all go to hell." c5e973843478dd87,i dont think that this person knows what they are talkin about because he sounds like he is in blank....he doesnt have any clue what the soviet union is and i just have to say....fuck all yall!!!!!! c604e333cda53ba2,"no, but hook-nosed kikes like yourself do. massive ones." c629d9a36acc549f,"hello, you disgusting transsexual. you are a grotesque blight upon the earth. please kill yourself." c6395c96e9e1b1da,"go fuck yourself, how is this unconstructive you annoying cunt" c65b8dc4a7a8a784,giant snowman is an arsehole. an involved arsehole at that. he is heavily involved. take my talk page access away you idiot englishman. c66142958190fb41,""" plato most definitely wasn't any sort of communist. so i have no problem removing all references to the proto-fascist bastard who wanted to systematically lie to the population and also remove art from his """"republic"""". (fuck you!) """ c6709dc53840b5a3,"again again again this is not going to stop......hmmmm a personal attack let me are a big poo poo face and smell like a frog star wars sucks peoplw with no lives like that gay stuff" c670a2133aa1bb86,you did make a mistake i think i know more about ciara bravo than you do so why dont you just fuck off im not fuckin playing ill fuck you up c685214eb4b3a1a0,actually no you are just a moronic air farce soldier that's brainwashed. c69e7027d88c9548,"alert: no-talent assclown warning. bongwarrior, seeing as you spend most if not all your time on wikipedia or masturbating... i was thinking it best to warn you that there is a no-talent assclown roaming wikipedia and ruining peoples fun. also i will eat your face off during between 1 and 3 a.m. on june 6th 2008. you my friend are pathetic." c6a97421857ea62f,"scat & bdsm hi, i was wondering if faggots as large as you participate in these sexual practices as apart of your regular daily routine?" c7375a6eca8f6b61,"kiss my ass jehochman - i have many ip's, have fun!!!!!" c771262430e24f6e,what the fuck is your problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! writing a response on my talk page is not vandalism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! leave me the fuck alone you fucking stalkers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c775abec56abbd52,niggers are black. why is this? c785c27224d9df24,""" this is your last warning. if you continue to make personal attacks, you will be blocked for disruption. """"this is your last warning. if you continue to make personal attacks, you will be blocked for disruption. """" yea,yea,yea i get it... u got all ur nerd """"skillz"""" and can """"block"""" me... well i got something to say suck it bitch and get a hobby""" c7b3a150d0ae644c,you better block me off for a year or forever fasliy because i hate you and everyone on your stupid site. c7be83bf884ab00a,and i refuse to offer any apologies to those who i have labeled as dogs. wikipedia = home of vandals and propagandists. i'm sure you are proud of that. c7c13ead5d9bcac9,""" who do you think you are? who died and made you king of other people's talk pages, guy? or, is it just that you're so far up jimbo's ass (after all, you were his digital """"wingman"""" a couple of nights before he went to bang marsden, weren't you?) that you've lost all sight of what it means to be a man who stands on his own two feet? you are a disgusting thing, chapman. just reprehensible. - 2601:42:c104:28f0:508d:35a5:655a:bec8 """ c7d8c1ef7e9bb606,""" me again, perhaps for the last time i am fucking furious about tony1's block earlier today, and the admin cabal's refusal to face up to its dishonesty. i'm also furiuous that i've been threatened and bullied by admin-kiddies since then because i supported tony and spoke out against his block. what is the fucking point in this project? is it just to give kiddie's something to write on their school applications? """"i am an administrator on wikipedia""""? """ c7d8fe5d29e0d945,"blow it out of your ass, you stupid piece of shit!" c81e3c4002cad452,"== fuck you i hope you die motherfucker" c883d53947b3fa87,""" you're a fucking moron please kill yourself. you are a cancerous moron devoid of all intelligence and have no business editing wikipedia or having any privileges thereof. i demand that you restore my userpages in full, removing any copyright infringement contained within. mate1 """ c8ab9b7c0c2f2550,"oh bitch, just butt in why don't you..." c8c71b32e66b2fc4,"what the hell!! stupid robots, i didn't do anything" c8c89d8847e7d3fe,go to hell you ignorant asshole! c8c92f834124dfe8,"- it's self-evident that it's unnecessary, stupid and adds nothing. like yourself!" c8d6935f6d11a126,i already am banned! so what ya gonna do now asshole? 8-)) c8d801e14579c7fd,"you're my hero go fuck yourself you fucking boyscout" c8edbec909892107,gogo blows man’s thick cock then gets on all four for fuck from behind like a little bitch in heat c8eff080e5b4719a,come on fag report me! c8f01ac90c4adc27,fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you all!! fuck you c8f61635d4d5d14c,"you are a slurgnog, dumbdip piece of mush foggart!" c906e5af863915c5,"why are you such a homo? cum guzzler. why do you insist on being a cum guzzler?" c92256c3bc16a062,"your a fucking jew all jews do is wine wine wine all they want is money and power they hide there fucking jew gold and act poor so they can get more money for the pussies who feel bad for poor people" c92c0eafb496ad7d,"cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick cline is a fucking twat == john cline is gay he sucks dick" c956de0c715fd0e5,"hey, fuck you. that information was true, and i don't see how it's any less relevant than anything else in the section. why'd you delete it, dipshit?" c971ffd0d9657269,oh dear ! how frightening. it takes all of ten seconds to get another ip address asshole. c972f8662ad6fa1b,has a massive stick wedged firmly in his gaping ass crack and it's making him a little bit cranky c9969666a1bbf9e4,"suck my dick, fuckstick." c9a180465460a397,yes i know for sure u are some jealous lingayat who has no money and is therefore envious of the bunts u stupid kannadiga karnataka will soon be divided c9b8acfd4181c1a6,you guys are crazy if you think the radical sr8 should be in this list. c9ee25227958cc1b,you dirty dirty hypocrite - there you are lecturing people like me about using socks and it turns out you are nothing but a liar and a fraud. i bet you are running socks now aren't you? yours fredrick day/allemandtando. c9f1a6522fc800d8,fuck you asshole geku25 ca0136a0cfdd1628,"see you in two days. hahahaha. you protect that jew fag gabe, what a fucking pussy you are. we will be back in two days to drive that little bitch out for good!" ca0689aac86f8cc1,"what a lying bitch!!! look at this shyt this is a twofer. irrefutable proof that she's a liar. comes from breitbart which may piss off the liberals that control wikipedia even more than the slowly dawning realization that their candidate is melting down before their very eyes in the flames of her own prevarications. first martha poccadishonest?? is scott brown blessed or what? bahaha" ca1573274e995164,you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker!you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! ca3219d436c61a54,"fuck off seriously you tosser have you nothing better to do?" ca3d3e81f97dc469,"ban me hello, could you ban me? i'm the fucker you threatened with contacting my provider (telenet), so how is that going? so ban me again, idiot." ca4ceb15cc19cebd,"the quote that you tried to preserve said that all americans have incest, the real quote does not. get over it. it's in the history. theres nothing to argue about. you are an idiot. you were wrong. you got burned!! now go fuck your mother. picture it! your cousin i have a shit list. right now it has 2 admin on it... you are very close to being on it. basically i am handicapped, i have a lot of free time and i have 31 isps all with free connection. i wonder how many 'ranges' that is? you want to continue to try to bully me? i will undo every goddamn thing you do for the next two months.. cocksucker!!! go bull someone else... you wont like it if you keep trying to fuck with me. trust me. go fuck yourself! your cousin." ca62bea0d9b1d598,"2008 (utc) well, he's an idiot, he's divisive (just see wikipedia:requests for comment/tyrusthomas4lyf), and he's unapologetic, so i'd just as soon have the permanent block enforced. but i'm getting tired of being the de facto policeman regarding him, so if no one else wants to step up then i guess you'll be seeing more of him. — 22:50, 1 march" ca6a75095d0f8990,"yup go fuck yourself. — lfdder" ca7c493a2a81b65f,"and your little faggot boy propol, pray, pray little wonk that i don't find your little ass and kill you" caa933e4dbdec05c,stop your propaganda on getting me blocked form here and ruining srk related pages. did you see me mess with your salman pages??? or do you want me to mess with them?? relax i wont coz i dont hate salman or aamir whoever stan you are. and i am not so full of shit like you. cab2802235c49ba5,"i'm not your son, you crazy bugger." cac15249f44051ae,"fuck you, cunt - contact whomever the fuck you want." cac3c5d735c3e2ee,"it is a constructive edit you idiot, every kid of every age should know that santa claus is fucking fictional. ever since i first heard of santa claus i knew that he was fictional, my parents didn't give me any delusions and if they had, i would've laughed in their faces and said it isn't logical because it fucking isn't. every kid should be logical just like i was and every kid should be able to logically fucking infer that there is no fucking santa claus in the real human universe." cacba6bb47ce9042,leave me alone shut up you low life loser and do not write to me ilovedirtbikes cad7f76d3c752157,"dreadstar, littlemountain5, and some jerk on the internet are retarded assholes. dreadstar is a pathetic nerdy little fuck with no prospects for ever meeting a woman he didn't pay for. littlemountain5 doesn't have to worry about it because he's a flaming fag with an insatiable lust for semen. some jerk on the internet is just a sorry piece of shit in general, and if he keeps editing my page, i'm going to find his house and fucking shoot him in the face" cadfc74886a657d1,"you obviously hate free-speech like your hypocritical bigoted leftwing comrades. the more hatred and stupidity they spread, the more you people defend it. that's what all you wikipedos have in common: condescending hatred towards an educated, intellectually open society. you side with the liars and hypocrites, you are guilty by association." cb00640526977704,";=edit# oh, lookie, i got the same dynamic ip addy again, and i see you all are still just as 'anal-retentive' as you idiots have ever and always have been, here at wikicrap. i repeat the invitation to take flight copulatively at a rotating pastry. and you idiots wonder why no-one will kick in the three bucks. it just might have something to do with the fact that you are bloody idiots, but, hey, deal with your inadequacies." cb20e7c5fe36ec0f,"bullshit unblock now or im gonna fuck about with wikipedia so much, and stop bein dicks i jus wanna use the reference desk ffs, no need for this bullshit" cb2b21643f817fa0,"you crazy fascists, you really know where the party's at, eh?" cb4b0213b7d3d576,""" whad up syphillisss so why dont you actually contribute something to wikipedia yourself instead of checking, controlling and constantly reading what others are doing?? you dont have the intellectual capacity or the depth, huh? or do you simply lack a life so much that virtual vandal patrolling is the most interesting thing that you do during the day??!! in either case, do know that i will be praying for you and your poor soul... —preceding unsigned comment added by """ cb5ea79340429d15,"for fuck's sake kill the fucking shithead already!" cb66750ae0a1a5eb,"pedofile you are one. i hope you and your family get cancer. please god give this terrible pedofile ronz cancer. i hope you, your family, and anyone you ever love gets cancer and dies. fuck you fagget. do you have a job, why are u always so fast to edit shit. i bet you live in a fucking basement apartment in some fucking ghetto. fuck you fagget - go and die. i pray you get cancer." cbbb67cc4df31abc,"list of festivals in pakistan hello deb, i want to say that ( ) what the hell are you mother fucker boy? why you creat an existing topic of list of festivals in pakistan by your article 2013 in pakistan? do you want to married your sister with me? or your mother had been fuck by dogs? warningif you are child of one father, then try to block my account and delete my article now user talk:smsarmad" cbd933a2c99aea41,what now bitch!! ha. fuck you cbf004183759c9ec,oooh mr. badass faggot blocking people on wikipedia. dude go fuck a girl instead of being on da computer all day. cbff6e8b7caa4802,"lahiru kannangara getting really scared ? lahiru kannangara: aerospace student at cuny, york college - spends his time harassing wikipedians and promoting sri lankan government propaganda. given final d sentence warning. now that we have uncloaked your identity..the world has become a nasty place hasn't it ? if you don't cease and desist, you know the consequences very well. we sure hope you don't won't to end up as sun soaked road kill. we know you are away from your college residence, so don't worry we are not stupid, but when you do come back we will have to do some whacking. go ahead and attempt to get someone to block this account.... ugly, smelly, bespectacled, d-w-e-e-b brown guy with uneven teeth riddled with bullets is no biggie in the big city... clock is ticking. grim reaper" cc738bd89c1a1dc5,"dick cheese sounds more fitting for you!!! i don't waste my time with games, you crazy canuck! subwayjack" cc8b464786f2d708,"sob* i got banned and i dunno why ;) the admin on here is poor, i got two last warnings, poor form guys most people can count past '1' but obviously you spend too much time on here and other pointless websites ruining other people's fun that you never got an education ) o you edited my page, this appears to be unconstructive and you will be blocked with immediate effect. or i wont cos i aint pathetic mate )" cc8b61ee67e83fd1,"fuck off. i will continue to edit small things as i see them. you fucking wikinazis are why wikipedia's editing community is falling to pieces." cc92babafa018e3d,you are a chicken shit cock sucking pussy bastard! cc9771be4c15f179,bitch nobody cares about your myspace. you ugly as fuck anyways. begging on wikipedia for myspace friends. you gay as hell cc9f343df73a401c,y'all sounds like one o them terrorists what killed my pa. go back to yer own shithole country and git off mah internets! cca0ea8f82280a05,""" apologies... apparently you aren't too fond of my most recent contribution, in which i referred to you as a """"cunt"""". this word was admittedly a touch too strong. i hereby downgrade my insult to the more apt 'douche sack'.""" cd39fe8ca5fdab8c,"your intelligence, insight, and manners are quite poor. and you're the vandal, obviously. don't waste my time, loser." cd51fadd00a77c65,""" did i mention """"fuck you geek assholes""""? just checking""" cd631564b47beac5,"== fuck you. fuck everyone on this site. you are all fucking gay tossers" cda9f37dda767bc4,"kiss u i missed u, u now they say i'm's like discussing magnetism...:)) bitch..u fight with everyone...u love the vandal...u can't live without him....i'm feed me...maybe i'll make u happy later on..:) what...i don't get anything...say something...i love the way u smile...i love the way u drive....i love the way you be the one to me....i love ..i'm singing if u didnt get it... bitch." cdb72332818e5541,"you you stupid bitch" cdb9eb489170548c,"don't worry about this thejps broad... she is a total numbskull. thejps is an extreme left wing editor that uses wikipedia to bully people with different political beliefs than her own. also, thejps has a small group of left-wing extremist administrators that have all nominated each other and just go around locking pages, deleting articles written by people that have gotten the better of them and an all around rampage of feminine rage! it's good that the jps has found a place where she can vent, but it's a shame that she loses control. if you see the ' 3rr problem' section on this page you can see the jps having the stuffing beat out of her in a sensible debate... what did the jps do? she chased down articles i had ammended, created and edited and deleted them and whatever else she could think of. not a very nice person. certainly not very bright. probably educated in scotland or ghana. oh well. my guess is that she will get hers. och thy incest lassie! repmart" cdcdbc34867044e1,"my, how politically correct you are. i don't think those suffering from hunnington disease are particularly concerned with the appropriate placement of an apostrophe. p.s. go fuck yourself in your gramatically consipated asshole." cdd6c19370530d66,"no suck my cock, asshole, i will never stop." ce0b53534872ad82,""" i'm not going to reply to your ignorants comments. it's a zero! """ ce17c87c480b285b,"robotic articleness you're a fucking piece of shit." ce1913b45a5bc115,"you cunt" ce1ee3bcd09d10c0,""" rubbsih twat hi you have removed a link to a youtube video several hundred times now why the hell are you doing it other than because you are an utter moron rogerjowett """ ce26cedc315e5d96,"objectivism hey walter, dont you remember me. i am your husband. you cant be objective in some cases because you are gay. i will fucxxxk in the axxxss user:walter görlitz. you will be my eunuxxxch. user:walter görlitz is gxxxay and he is afraid to tell people so i do." ce3d4347bad6b73c,you're an asshole ce7fbc546ecbabb9,"wow go suuck my c0ck you little f0ckers." ce84630ff94cffce,member of the gaming community are you? stupid wikipedia loser cedc6a139d926ba7,"you're not an admin, so shut the fuck up faggot." cee1713d49a55b87,i don't give a flying fuck about wiki and i am sure telling you that will get another of your petty bans. my fiancee has maybe another year of life before she is murdered. it may be you are another self-important wiki masturbator or you are part of the conspiracy to have her isolated and murdered. who gives a fuck what you wankers decide it's only wiki. now piss off and go edit model railways or whatever else you do you disgusting little creep. cee7805dc6df7b6e,"hey, cambridgebayweather, quit being suck a fucking homo and get a fucking life instead of just sitting around and making sure nobody fucks with wikipedia. fuck you, and quit editing my page you fucking homo motherfucker." ceeab4ebe481b19c,the jobsworths are now satisfied. you fucking prima donna. cf13fb6319bcfb16,"(utc) and fundamental christains are not as vehement? go f*** yourself. 16:48, 27 march 2007" cf542fa3e6580a15,"you are a complete idiot i didn't create this account just for promotion, thought i could actually start editing wikipedia articles since i find so many that are complete useless when i do google searches. but thanks for being a complete idiot. the only warning i should be getting is for personal attacks against your stupidity. you pissed me off and now its gonna suck for you." cf699551213af88c,u suck cock u idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cf85acba6f8c53ae,"faggs why dont you make a fucking character article" cfb318dd0c7ec3f8,""" fuck you roger swivel. talk. """ cfbf03448fce2608,"did you see what someone wrote??? frank lampard, a fat bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can they do that?!!? i hate some players too but i still respect them!!!" cfcf79138551c24a,"the 9/11 paranoia award i present you with this award. thank you for displaying you're idiocy to the world. i really am sad to hear that you have an iq of 50. better pack your bags before the marshons come." cfd580281d70d6ee,are you gonna cry and tell wikipedia? suck it up loser. cff25685933d2969,"neither of those is a personal attack. the first you refer to, i repeat exactly what is said above, calling the person a vandal, which is exactly what they are. i'd say you are launching personal attacks upon me by claiming that i am attacking these people and spamming me with the no personal attacks template. want a personal attack? fuck you, you suck cock. how is that for a personal attack? the user on wikipedia, named all star is a criminal who is wanted in 20 states for rape of children. there's another personal attack. there you go, and here i go, off to reset my router so that i am assigned a new dynamic ip, and should you decide to block my subnet for a few days again i'll just pop onto an open proxy. frankly, you should stop being a fucking idiot with your warnings when i'm telling a spammer on wikipedia that his efforts have had a negative effect. fuck you, your efforts have now had a negative effect, i'm off on a vandal spree using anon proxies for a bit, enjoy." d07e1759702a0b5f,verdy_p is a brainless mongoloid with an arrogance stick up his rear end. d08a44ec628a5586,"dont give a fuck, russian murdering filth!" d093bb7a5cde260c,"fuck you this is true what i am writing so fuck yourself" d097da6faeb64c3d,"moooovvvvvveeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr fuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeer why the hell did you block oliver hacker pro imbisil" d09aef741f947c0f,fuck veritas this school sucks dick! d0a7ea7bd5ff6ea3,"blow it out your ass, neiln. fucking nazi." d0ba8d13a26edf07,dude. the admins here are anal when it comes to info that they think is irrelevant. i feel you. d0de31aba103741a,you're a fucking moron. go read the notability guidelines. d0eb9e1f8b2ab261,"what kind of a stupid name is bongwarrior anyway prick" d0f292817862c8e2,"thanks for blocking me. i called tao an idiot and a dumb bastard because i truly belive he/she is one. you have these rules to prevent harassment. fine. i was just doing it for fun, got it out of my system, i'll quit now. however, you should seriously consider a ndb&lp; rule, or no dumb bastards and lazy people. wikipedia is currently a laughing stock, a punchline to a joke. the reason is that it facilitates lazy people like tao. if you read the entire entry, my intention is to improve the page. i provide sources, i provide a sound argument, i provide what's necessary to provide in circumstances like this in order to improve the page. what does tao provide? nothing. he clearly has not read the page, he clearly does not know the subject, and he clearly is uninterested in doing what needs to be done in circumstances like this: making valid claims supported with evidence. true, i don't take wikipedia seriously, but i believe in its potential. i wouldn't do anything that i believe harms it in a substantial way. tao, on the other hand, is an insidious virus who does little but undermine the value of wikipedia. in a just world, he would be the one being blocked. this is not a genuine appeal against being blocked because i'm the one who asked for it. this is an appeal for you to actually read the conversation, read my swear-filled diatribe as me antagonizing someone who is genuinely very, very, very lazy in what he is doing (how long did it take to get me blocked after i even begged and taunted?) please tell me, of the two of us who really should be blocked? of the two of us, who is doing the most harm? thank you." d1045ad8d2b7a22f,stop being an asshole and suggesting unwarranted punishments. i have made positive contributions to wikipedia. d11ceb3723d263bc,blah blah blah. cry me a river. go suck a prick. d1228e71209441a8,"we dont cares about you, is a fucking shit, bitch............." d18ce0649e712f83,"you horrid bastard you know exactly what i was sodding saying to you" d1bb1a69724d6310,"go to hell as i said my school has well over 100 pc's so you can block it you muther fucking gay wankers who's moms lick nuts." d1c71b52ffc35e11,"you stupid piece of shit please take the time to read my contributions on the kabyle people article, and let's discuss them as civilized people in here. -" d1c890b482f10cef,"i don't like you you are an idiot." d1e08b909fa030cf,"fucking fite me why did you edit my page youre a top class tallywacker i saw your nan in lidl" d23cef3a79955a9f,ok your site already fucked so i cant fuck it up no more fuck as nigga d25c16a6444485ab,""" fuck it wikipedia is fascism, i would be better without it and it would be better without me. the admin request was a farce, i am just pissing people off to see how it feels, and letting us know that i have no place here. i have another account which i have made extensive numbers of construtive edits on, including an fa. i refuse to disclose this account or the information i have been loading from it - but let's just say its record is much better cause i don't interact with people on it. wikipedia is not a productive place, i am no longer a productive editor. i would like to request my real name not be used as a future note. aside from that, i say """"fuck it.""""""" d2aaaa9bbee689b7,you dirty old bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! d2b6d3324dc09a60,arse you fucking prick. fuck off. d2d96f6433b46dde,"fuck you too bad ill turn my router on and off right after this edit, so i dont even have to fucking see your response and vandalise your page all over again...." d2e3559187edf1d5,"this is internet so isn't a personal attack, i don't know who the hell you are also twat i should have free speech. you can ban this ip address but i'll only get another one, what's the point, bloody hell if i can't say what the hell i like in my own user page there is something wrong here. go die you wiki lover you're against free speech and freedom of expression. this makes you a nazi fuck with a small pencil you massive bell i can cite that as well, arse." d2e645956431c10c,"please put it in my ass, i enjoy black dick up there." d30b88698e7cd7da,"hey asshole how about you let the asshole respond to my question before you decide to take it down your a cunt. do u have some wiki god complex. calm down its just a website stop going crazy when someone edits something you dont like. last i checked i was in my own right to express my point of view and not have a prick like u revoke it before its heard. so go fuck off and if i get banned for this i hope u die u stupid basterd. you dont own wiki u dont run it you are nothing so realize it and just kill yourself." d313e1d54145d91f,"suck cock!!! you do!!!! you do!!!! 05:33, 17 jun 2005 (utc)" d387f8d14d6efcd2,"fuck you cunnywafts d" d38bf8799d8bfdad,"whatever! whatever you fucking asshole. anyways my teachers and friends tell me wickipedia is totally unreliable for anything. most of the information is total garbage. besides i don't even care if you block me because it is pointless. so keep on poisoning people's minds with false information. bye you bitch." d3e4d5d683fc11c7,now! remove it from your site now! you damned thieves! d3f8a7b8dd34ef10,which one you faild the exams or the names? i've heard that bulgarian women don't wash...errr that's stinky smelling bad.. d41e02454897b4a7,"what's the problem with you mind your own business. you nerdy guy" d42955eb78f77d7f,"lol bernie mac actually does suck though so who cares?" d46e4cb9e9f0ebb8,"oh stop whining, you smelly little turd. we know that you are the real wikipedia serial vandal here. oh, and you have missed about two thirds of the editing attacks on you by our team! come on, they feel unappreciated! add them to teh runtshit list! and we guarantee that we will be escalating! and you should keep you eye on other non-wikipedia web sites as well. - rance to gallows now" d482e82ddb13cc7e,"you first piss off a user and then pretend to advise that user on how detrimental being pissed off is. wow, i'm so pissed i'm so i'm soooo... fuck off, pig! now that was quite polite of me you got to admit it. or was it not good enough for sophisticated ears of an average warmongering anglo-serb freemason who thinks everyone is buying his bullshit? lol" d48a18c3f3f43444,"no, maybe you should get a life instead of being like a shot to revert my vandalism on a page relating to a game nobody has talked about in the last two years. wiki = made you their bitch." d4913f35d8cfa6d8,user syrthiss is a mot*herfuc*ker assh*ole ha ha ha d4ae48b6e2d7ddce,"your attitude i don't like your fucking attitude. first you come across me uploading a picture that was not being used, and report it. now you can't even say sorry. you're a fucking loser!" d4c11c4da9bc17ed,"dont really like the liberals either, too much lefty rubbish leaves us all poor." d4c64c09935eba2b,""" helly jimmy, well; fuck you. according to wikipedia talk:no legal threats; people shouldn't say to one another """"what you do is supporting terrorism, and you should be judged front of law"""". on the other hand, we can say """"fuck you"""" and the punishment for that is only two weeks. well it's okay for me to get away from wikipedia for two weeks; and i'm willing to curse to you. fuck you jimmy wales. your stupid """"eye"""" showing video about begging money for wikipedia was stupidest thing i have ever seen. once again; """"fuck you"""", """"fuck you"""", and """"fuck you"""". now go ahead with your """"wikilobbying"""" idiot members and have fun. i just wanted to get this out and get my """"wikipedia legal"""" two week ban. fuck you; you dumb idiot. p.s this is not vandalism, this is just a comment. another """"fuck you"""" to whoever tries to delete this.""" d4d55d33d80d2b2a,eurovision is gay cuz of old shit eadtern block countries y dpnt they fuck off d4d5e7aa1d307d73,"removing my edits you are a fucking bastard. there was no reason to remove what i added to the great intelligence and list of doctor who villians pages. you stuck up arsehole. can you understand what this means? i think i've simplified it enough for a dullard like you. i you still struggle to understand, i suggest you return to the yank equivalent of playgroup and restart your education. my additions were relevant. there is no reason not to include things not from the tv, doctor who is also a radio series, many novels, play etc. stop editing doctor who articles you don't know anything about the show. thick stuck-up prick." d4dc571558fad82c,the 1st guy sounds like a def. loser. y do u care so much? go away with ur dateless-live-wit-yo-mom-no-date-plaid-shorts-geek-glasses-nerd-loser. i hate people like you who ruin fun. d53efc6f53d62a54,"the fact is that perez hilton is a fat, gay bitch. that is all. omg youre being intolerant to us gays on wikipedia wow eff u" d5493f32aa8b4871,i mean seriously: are you people brain damaged? are you even native english speakers? why is it so difficult for you to understand basic concepts of logic and apply them to the wikipedia rules? where did you go to school? what rock did you crawl out from under? d560f1c85d38da4d,"wiki nazi don't tell me to 'stay cool' you are an asshole." d59b69e52ec5bbcf,"fat bastard. you are fat and i don't care if i am blocked because wikipedia admins rape babies!" d5c010fd53d9f21a,"fucking virgin fuck go fuck yourself geek ps: you have an average sized penis at best" d5d076f05b488351,"oooh ooh, nice yacht. why rename it from ghislaine to mona k though? was maxwell an idiot as well as a crook?" d5d9263ea0266680,"okay blue tie, you freaking moron, everybody knows how he edits his stuff, just read the hour long article about his controvers's. and also, why should it be inlcuded? to keep not as biased as it already is. -the bird" d5d9bb056e944e75,"buffalo bill the vandal you my friend are little more than a vandal and an egocentric jerk" d5fd47676f532781,you are a jumped up fuckwit censor you lousy cunt d632ed6279e3dc06,anna frodesiak is asshole d659126c8c11a10c,"fuck you too, you fascist piece of shit." d666d4469143c9d2,"thought you'd be here. go ahead... p.s. - you are a nerdy inbred alabama fuck. face facts - then go beat off to tommy shaws effeminate crystal ball photo." d68e46d4786620c8,""" welcome chan! just so you know, arbusto is bold-faced lying. he has no proof that jason gastrich even posts on wikipedia any more. there isn't even an outstanding accusation from someone that they received a message from jason telling them to vote. arbusto is a liar, so don't feel that you even need to reply to him (or her, i don't know which gender an """"arbustoo"""" is). if i were you, i'd ignore him altogether until he gets his act together and stops lying and trying to deceive. """ d69e04d129625c36,fuck off stalker d6a7831ef64e97f9,4chan it is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggooooooooooooooooooootttttttttttttttttt!!! d so pathetic d6ab1b62b0d08a2e,"why don't you suck my ass until your lips bleed? congrats! now you've lost a good article as well as a reader! i will never come back to wikishit again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" d6b92efeec97cb98,"i will ₵ut off your dick and balls and make you my bitch. i shall name you reek." d6e56a56a40ebbb0,""" the administrator kafziel is an asshole! (sorry for writing that on your page pio but it is true) join the revolution that fights for freedom of speech against the tyranny of wikipedian administrators, especially the evil dark lord/fuck head kafziel from your fellow blocked vandal/ freedom fighter: ernesto guevara de la serna. """"""""hasta la victoria siempre""""""""""" d71bd50ac4522b3a,simon mills is pretty gay. it regularly takes it in the anus. d72bb7f6b9efd310,"""connor is a canadian citizen who loves life and the cock. he dreams about 3 ft. long shlongs and can't get enough of that shit. while in cuba, he hooked up with a 2 ft. midget in a giant condom costume drenched in olive oil. 3 hrs. later connor realized the midget was actually a tree stump. 3 hrs. later he finished up. then he called up marcus ray and told him about the story of the mad tree stump bonanza. marcus was so intreged that they started their own fat porn business. 3 weeks into the shoot of their first motion picture """"slap the lake and ride the wave"""", connor developed hiv aids and syphilis. marcus was so turned on by this perdicament that they made passionate love. will marcus get aids? tune in next time, same bat time, same bat channel... bitches.""" d73516d5de7f7384,"big>i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ersi hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ersi hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ersi hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ersi hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ersi hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ersi hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ersi hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ersi hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ersi hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ersi hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ersi hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ersi hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ersi hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ersi hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ersi hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers i hate nl33ers" d73a0a8d1e0c47e3,eat shit you white supremacist faggot d73ea74a74274e3e,u r a fuckin muslim arent u? d75bbedcf1fffeb5,"you stupid, you are so damn follish. and the bmt broadway line page, when the north tracks of the manhattan bridge reopen on february 2004, the n trains was express and the w was local, but you switch it the opposite way. read the history site on the bmt broadway line page and find at." d787970bebfe204f,"grow up, you immature little brat. this edit warring seems to be the only thing you do around here." d78e704a06dcc7dc,you suck man.. either you are ignorant or b******d. dont add crap to articles about hindu communities which are completely wrong.. d7aa8e040eb9a9fa,"""edited to add: quoting your previous post: """"while you probably didn't intend any offense"""" and responding: fuck, yeah, i intended offense. your officious assholish attitude is highly offensive to me. i really intended to offend you, asswipe. if i didn't succeed in pissing you off and offending you then i failed. bite me, moron. """ d7ba5e4d2c036150,lucky fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iam fucking speaking my mind so fuuuuuuuuu motha ma d7c32e7e06ea145b,"what is vandalism though? if i add facts/improve on pages, often some moron reverts it. is that vandalism just because they didn't like what i wrote? stupid. you have to agree, wesealthal looks like a rodent." d7cd431ba74a7e4c,how dare mike and elonka just come in and take over this page. it works perfectly well the way it was before. who gives a fuck if it is a featured article or not. could the cast members please be added to this article. and why don't you stop asking everybody what the problem is. are you blind or something can't you read what they write? and by the way the new page is so god dam confusing. d7d04334ece5f980,"wow avatar is gay yes. i do mean this movie is homosexual. if you or anybody around you is thinking of killing themselves or going into depression because of this movie. you are all retarded. any1 who thinks this movie is just a badass epic anime your wrong. it is digi not anime. yes there is a difference anime looks cool not gay / digi looks utterly fucking gay / retarded so any1 who posts against this you are a retarded son of a b itch who needs a diaper change. p.s. peace to this movies editors and may they rott in hell. also fuck off they're making another one so shows you they did good getting the cash from the movie that was supposed to be the one in box office. that's the only reason ppl went to that movie with the gay blue retarded fairys dieing from the might of earth who breathe space air. you sons of bitches signed: jeremy74.113.173.43" d7d5fcd9ad1ffb42,""" that isnt going to work, and you dont seem stupid enough to think that it will. nableezy - """ d7db95734c77693d,you motherfucker have a sorry beaner ass...and youre a pathetic communist slave... d7dfd06388dafe24,"hey buddy fuck you" d7fcc245dc20e2fe,you moron. and what suburb are you from. a place where that silver spoon glistens in the sunlight i guess d801c66cec222797,mullard is a sex offending scumbag. what i have written is the truth. you are a moron. d801db2fef71ef8f,"let the fight go on have u no decency you have insulted my people, my nation and my ancestors and refute that fact that i am wrong, the one that lives in ireland is wrong i don't think so. yes you are a ballbag (scrotum or testacles) because you seem to think that i am going to lie down and take this crap without a fight becuase you have this notion in your head that you are wikipedia and that you think you know everything. i happen to have a degree in irish history and poltics so don't try and preach to me on these matters. i think an apology is in order for your insults and disgraceful remarks. and finally spitting on the graves of irish people is exaclty what you are doing by saying that their sacrifice was in vain. i think wikipedia seems to be a a schoolyard and you seem to be the bully that thinks he knows all and i am the new kid standing up for the rights of the rest of the children." d82e45eb103ad07b,fuck off you stupid aspy asshole d83d7c3519f3236d,dumb fucking nerd. d85abd805a9d0227,"you can go fuck yourself shit on your robot clit shitgiggler" d86908877cd6ddec,you are a loser you dumbum d870a866ad68e393,"what the hell man? why did you delete my page (savannah hoard) screw you dude i mean really? if you're not gonna let me have a page then you can go fuck your fat self you 40 year old bitch your a total bitch who goes around deleting people's pages you fucking disgust me im gonna kick your dorky ass if i ever see that fat thing so you can go fuck yourselfand fuck yourself even more and go have sex with a seashell because your never gettin a girl because your a fattard fat ass lardo bitch fucking 40 year old virgin your a total know that i hate you go to hell fat ass dorky fattard dorky lardo fat ass fucking bitch 40 year old birgin bitch dis is my house and you better not mess wit me again bitch!" d8b070d4f6a8f7b0,"anonymous you gay afambro fuck you" d8b18f63056482e6,""" as i said, it was an in joke. i and my friends often say """"fuck off"""" and """"fuck you"""" to each other. the origins are irrelevant. i'm still amazed how upset people get with a word though. i still can't see how it disrupts anything nor how it is in opposition to any policy. if i had """"f*ck you"""", it would mean the same thing, but i doubt anyone would get upset. ~afa.""" d8e815750bd61c83,go fuck yourself tbnotch i am on a public computer. suck on it bitch face. d910726e3de8983d,"fuck you cuntard, cheeks baroni is a local figure up here, let his legend live on! -cheeks" d9261e7759fcfdc2,"you just fucked with the wrong dude you messed with the real law now and you fucked up175.38.160.39" d944390f5bd78de8,"forbes what more reliable source then forbes you need idiot second where do you get your source go check the net worth its 72.9 you stupid." d94dc06bfc061fe3,"hey fuckhead quit acting like the all mighty editor. it is not up to you to decide whether something is adequately cited to be on wikipedia. your argument that there can't be any orignial research is utterly ridiculous. everything is original research at one time or another. let the reader decide or bring it to the talk page before you decide. leave it alone until you are given premission by the group. i think more people like the cultural references in south park than do not. so under rule of the majority leave it alone or you will be deleted." d94f124a86c5bdb9,"hello, you disgusting transsexual you are a grotesque blight upon the earth. please kill yourself." d9abe82a7b03fb9b,"you're not being helpful, either, tiny-dick." d9b61f88679ecfb6,"being useful is not in this winner's dictionary. you would think he would get the hint he's disliked here, but nope, kiand is a block head." d9b80f7c48164eba,"asendoh, you suck. get lost from wikipedia." d9c5c4484a8d7a60,have your asshole thoroughly plunged da0f6577726c6f06,"asendoh, you are an asshole" da10984b75de60f8,always some dick sticking his fucking nose in. da2a2cc4e7698570,"fuck off, wiki badge." da36f0785efccc28,""" damn fker its me 24...173. once again, my ip address changes after an admistor banns it!!!!!!!! get it yet you """"female dog"""" """ da38867a7eb44f57,"how about this? instead, block kinu for being such a nazi and blocking me for no damn reason what-so-fucking-ever!!!" da687d5226bff7f3,suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d 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suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my cock d suck my da688040f255866b,fuck you. stupid cunt. stay in the kitchen where you belong. da79a9187e4c58bd,"why do not the two of you, the mentally retarded jennygirl and the omnipotent richie rich, go together to harrods and dont forget to choose together, being an authentically healthy and sociable couple, time and location, maybe a restaurant,and then enjoy very evidentliy your meal and in case you should discover that you cant pay anymore, then do not expect them to let one of you peel the potatoes in return. maybe they wont even say hello when you come back after they would be kicking off your dipshit spinning incapable ass from the central perk. enjoy yourselves and your longest sentence johnny-come-lately. —preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 03:51, 24 august 2008" dad5f538be8cb7a8,"""blah blah blah fuck you ....laughing.... are you that stupid? i wouldnt cite """"wikipedia"""" to my dog i am reading the posts encouraging you thanks for deleting..... yes right i am not so stupid as to be patronized as you are deleteing my gravatation shows a lack of wisdom """ dae81d70a799b05b,i'm just getting recent pics of somebody & an uneducated dufus came & removed my recent pics so help me get recent pics & try reporting that dufus & that idiot's user is lil crazy thing.user:pic business db0348ba73acd7eb,"... amerikkkans are fucking gay ... u.s.a. sucks balls '' ... the whole world hate u.s.a. incest population" db2685df22130c5b,stop being an annoying fag! you are one of those people who has to butt there head in and bother people. i wish you would not do that. db44878f613cc516,"youre an asshole youre an asshole" db7411d70ac514b2,"grrr are you really that fucking stupid? it's not an opinion - it's fact! i showed right there on the talk page that it is, and how to see it for yourself! either get your head out of your ass, or get off the internet." db7892ae5ddecfd5,"i don't care..pity u inferior without vision..even u speak english, it can't change the fact that u r indonesian..loser always loser.. shah" db832aaa0cf5355f,what does that have to do with this article? take whatever preconceived notions you have about me and shove them up your pussy. db846a2ccbacae18,"that version? it was created by a psychotic imbecile (who lives with his mommy, i bet) and was full of wp:quotemining and attempted to game the system in order to represent m16 in best ways possible. it's still possible to incorporate some of his edits (the ones in which he didn't game the system) but only after inspection of sources one by one. furthermore, he deleted tons of sourced information. only when i took an edit break he felt safe to emerge from his hiding and vandalize the article. you might not be familiar with such tactics and the article gave a good impression." dbb2d936e3756f67,fuck you! you fucking twat dont u dare insult me! do u not no hu i am!!! go jerk off u fat twat ur a dickhead....fuck you! you fucking twat dont u dare insult me! do u not no hu i am!!! go jerk off u fat twat ur a dickhead....fuck you! you fucking twat dont u dare insult me! do u not no hu i am!!! go jerk off u fat twat ur a dickhead....fuck you! you fucking twat dont u dare insult me! do u not no hu i am!!! go jerk off u fat twat ur a dickhead....fuck you! you fucking twat dont u dare insult me! do u not no hu i am!!! go jerk off u fat twat ur a dickhead....fuck you! you fucking twat dont u dare insult me! do u not no hu i am!!! go jerk off u fat twat ur a dickhead....fuck you! you fucking twat dont u dare insult me! do u not no hu i am!!! go jerk off u fat twat ur a dickhead.... i love u really!!!!!!!! dbbefe4ff52c3b73,"(utc) not knowing what happened, perhaps the ip-only poster was an idiot etc. however, as an editor using only an ip, they'll likely never to see your rant. therefore i'm not sure of the point of having the above on the discussion page (etc). could someone clarify the underlying issue? thanks. 03:33, 25 june 2012" dbc3e0fd611bca19,if you are a wikipedia admin who spends someone time banning people on wikipedia your a fucking cock sucker!!! dc32b2be9f0910f3,"lack of new york post report in the artical lack of mark lavin / new york post report in the artical there should be someting in the artical about mark lavin exposing olbermann about his alegedly being a pervert with a small penis audio here artical here" dc51c66ff7e78396,"your all a bunch of idiots, rename the page have i got news for you episode guide, thats what this is and thats what these things are usually called, the current name is too long and sounds childish" dc993b119dd158a0,big ass hole and have no common sense and need to stfu (: dca2adad76fc640c,you're a douche... it is not a slang guide it is an article containing slang dcb176c5bcf0d319,sorry but your a fuckin mexican or british person. americans know more then you dcef49cfef632147,"decade montage images what the fuck did you do to my free images like this one, , you lazy shit. i worked on those for two months, and all the images came from wikipedia and where free, you dumb fuck. maybe if you didn't have shit for brains, you would check the sources i had posted in the description box, you little asshole." dcf06fa487ee6589,"all editor are gay. therefore, the guys who band me for vanadalism are also gay. and they probably suck each others penises until semen spray in their respective mouths. that is how gay they are." dcfd29556ca19db9,crazy nerd who dislikes women dcfe7014ec173fa8,fuck you indian piece of shit. dd2591ba643fa08e,"my block 24 hours hi tanthalas39, yesterday you blocked me for 24 hours because i called user:thankyoubaby an idiot. i think it is useful to accent discreety a nr.1-position to remark in this charts the single was on top. this procedure does not overrate the chart and is not pov. to come and say somewhere is standing that blablabla is silly if you know wp:iar. to do it more times is the behaviour of an idiot - and yes, thankyoubaby is an idiot. i hope you understand. thnx," dd66e54202f737fa,wikipedia can go straight to fucking hell!!!! how the fuck is the karaoke kings inappropriate!?!?!?!?!?!?! its a fucking low key group currently making a documentary just you're too up your fucking american arse to care just because they aren't mtv-worthy! fuck you all you will be fucking sorry and you wonder why you've got all these nobheads bombing your fucking country cuz you're fucking ignorant cunts!!! ddaf9312ad990ec1,"cocksuckery it should mention that this fag sucked mansons dick on stage" ddaf988f20192812,"xalwine lives! im'a cutcho penis off bitch. then everyone will know the name of xalwine. hows that for a credible source." ddbb114d041e66a1,wikipedia sux rank fagoty ass == de01b2a4d610e13c,"""give me a break!! == you guys are suck f*cking nerds. who gives a damn if harry is a """"villian"""" or not. why don't you invest as much time in solving real world problems as you do bickering over a freakin movie. i mean come on, it's a freakin movie!!! grow up and get a life. do what normal people do: buy a ticket, watch the movie, forget about life for a couple hours, then go home and refocus. spider man is make-believe folks. some of you computer huggers need to remember that. bignole, i have every right to post a comment here. do not wipe my comments off. i'll continue to add them again. and don't be a hypocrite: 50 other people have been using this as a forum and posting their opinions. did you threaten them too? == """ de0d1c57a6123ac2,"ryulong & cacknuck are lying fascists!!!!! ryulong & cacknuck are lying fascists!!!!!" de262347ab902153,"if you think you are clever, you make a big mistake. go to school, little stupid pig. wikipedia is not for you, sucker." de36b31e15959013,""" suck my cunt you bastard!""""""" de4b35b300ce814a,""" you blocked as your reason was """"because of you needing to learn not to be an idiot."""" what the fuck? you're the idiot, why don't you learn how to put a sentence together? p.s. you're a cockblaster.""" dee97cd594286b62,"how extremely fabulous for you that you you have delared you the ultimate authority of all things you believe in and therefore you should totally rule wikipedia you fabulous creature you, jeff g. i'm not sure why, but you have decided within seconds of my posting, that you know so much more than anyone else that you must have the final word! there are many words for this kind of behavior, jeff g. the words that spring immediately to mind are butthead, smartass, bully, and creep. i'm sure there are others, but these will suffice to epress my current state of mind at being thwarted in my simple attempts to express myself, you facist nazi, etc." def91f519c0ca0e8,"""hi arrogant catholic-pandering dumb fuck, stop lying fuckhead: 1. inline citations are not required by policy no policy requires inline citations. they are often a good idea, and are a requirement for feature article status, but it is not a requirement for all articles. furthermore, the tag is often used when the article has adequate sources. this tag therefore enshrines a particular editor's view about style (that the article in question should have inline citations) in an inappropriate way. that point belongs on the talk page, not in the article itself. robert a.west (talk) where does it say that featured articles have different requirements then other articles? jeepday the whole point in to get citations for all articles so that they meet the wp:v requirements, i have noticed that tags quite often help by bringing this to attention of users, particularly new-ish users. cheers seanmack i agree with jeepday and seanmack. our ultimate goal should be for every article to be of fa quality. satori son that goal is not consensus among editors. but more importantly, inline citations for every fact are not an fa requirement; see wp:fa? section 1c. cmummert · talk 2. i gave the link to what i was referring to you fuck so how can you not say that i did not provide a reference fucktard? well lying fuck? 2. fucktard how can i provide a reference to a deleted post you fuckin moron? 3: fuckhole deathtard, for the second time here is the citation fuckhole and this time on display for your fuckhole eyes: teacher knows something about catholic bashing posted by alex murphy on religion 02/22/2007 9:46:01 am pst · 78 replies · 835+ views the bakersfield californian ^ | feb 21 2007 | leonel martinez my catechism teacher, sister mary lou petrillo, was a smart and scrappy nun who drilled into us the basics of catholicism without demeaning other christian churches or religions. too bad sister mary lou isn't available to teach a few intensive lessons on tolerance to the campaign people of presidential candidate john edwards. within the last few weeks, two bloggers for the former north carolina senator resigned after being hit with criticism from conservative catholic organizations angered by past anti-catholic remarks the bloggers posted on the web, according to cnn. melissa mcewan and amanda marcotte quit after groups like the catholic... (expletive deleted) catholic bashing (reinhard) posted by jazusamo on news/activism 02/15/2007 9:04:00 am pst · 18 replies · 940+ views the oregonian ^ | february 15, 2007 | david reinhard welcome, ladies and gentlemen, it's time to play that favorite game of conservatives and republicans """"what if . . ."""" todaywe have a special """"twofer"""" edition of the game that asks: """"what would happen if a republican tried something like this?"""" pay attention, double-standard mavens, because this is a multipronged question today: what if . . . . . . a republican presidential candidate hired a blogmaster whose writings featured vile attacks on other religions and expletive-laced rants against those who disagreed with her? . . . the same republican also hired another blogger whose writings featured similar... """"the catholic league"""", mighty champion of bashing and anti-semitism ? (propaganda alert!) posted by joseph demaistre on religion 12/09/2006 8:55:50 pm pst · 21 replies · 592+ views talk to action ^ | sun jun 25, 2006 | by bruce wilson hate speech is typically the first line of attack employed by bullies, but bullies become emboldened when eliminationalist rhetoric is tolerated, and that societal acceptance can lead to far worse things. i've previously covered hate speech - see enough hate spech to stun an ox, and has an extensive collection of hate speech targeting homosexuals. suprisingly - or not - at least one individual whose statements are featured in that archive ( and also in collections of antisemitic rhetoric ) is also leader of a prominent christian right group that claims to fight against anti-catholic bias and discrimination who... catholic-bashing plays are hot posted by nyer on news/activism 08/18/2006 3:46:38 pm pdt · 23 replies · 548+ views cath" df1d4decd43ea33b,"suckitpedia, the place to go for complete misinformation and a bunch of dungeons and dragons rejects on power trips. i guess if you can't succeed any other way in live, living in a fantasy world where you have some type of imaginary authority means something. bunch of f'ing dweebs." df4765adafb8e6f1,gwah!! (fuck you nigger) dfbeccec86381a33,"cigan gypsy retarded idiot milburn, stop your vandalism and your illegal picture deletions!" dfd7c667a62a4df3,"response to your personal appeal from jimmy wales response to your personal appeal from jimmy wales: go fuck yourself. this place is a big shithole and you're the biggest shithead of them all. die in a fire you faggot." e01d69bad1a9fa31,""" you should have a userbox """"this user is canadian, he is a french bastard"""" """ e020d853bfd03950,== go die you worthless cocksucking faggot == e08dcb39b9404d18,you are an idiot. i am not racist! but you are an idiot! e0df82d3ba13d218,hehe oh i am very offended' lmao your just a homosexual blow jobbin old lady! e117a673be2f8f8b,"hey dickwads. stop hijacking this wiki. these are the final days of ytmnd. they need to be documented. ps by the way, you're a fucking idiot for believing a wiki article as fact. do a whois lookup. fucking wikinazis." e12bbfe15740131c,"""now hear this somchai sun cracker. some of us here on wikipedia are not caught up in the racist swindle of using the word """"islamism"""". there is nothing wrong with wanting to delete this page -that is not censorship but respect for encyclopedic knowledge, whereas you worshiper of authority want to kiss the ass of all the white scum anti-muslim pro-war, intellectual nobodies, who want to turn wikipedia into the national enquirer or some kind of british tabloid. we won't stand for it so don't bother coming back you simple anti-semitic pseudo-journalistic charlatan!!! """ e14bda9fa44badaf,"well basically you threatened me on my talk page. not conducive for fostering normal persons - wiccan weirdoes relationships. why do you believe this nonsense, exactly? obviously you're disillusioned with christianity but to buy into something so patently rubbish is beneath contempt. its childish and idiotic. you've never ever really thought about the cosmos in depth, have you? you're pathetic and childish and are going through a phase which you will more than likely come out of someday." e163ed263c824a2a,""" everyone who doesn't think that what i did was a good idea is a fucking retard. go fuck yourself in the asshole while jumping off a bridge.-the'fortyfive' """ e166e61447b466c2,"suck my balls see title" e16dfbb510004643,"over here, q.! this is my 3rd and last post: you should have a gander at the editing history of the stupid-ass anorak article. is that what you people here defend? is that the wiki that everyone worships? some bunch of petty little teenagers you all turned out to be: damaging good work just because i did it. i was djathinkimacowboy" e1709f7eb200e3ba,they are retarded niggers e1875d89d506c387,"oli is a dickhead oli is a dickheaditalic text oli is a dickhead oli is a dickheaditalic text oli is a dickhead oli is a dickheaditalic text oli is a dickhead oli is a dickheaditalic text oli is a dickhead oli is a dickheaditalic text oli is a dickhead oli is a dickheaditalic text oli is a dickhead oli is a dickheaditalic text oli is a dickhead oli is a dickheaditalic text oli is a dickhead oli is a dickheaditalic text oli is a dickhead oli is a dickheaditalic text oli is a dickhead oli is a dickheaditalic text oli is a dickhead oli is a dickheaditalic text" e1903c5130c4deb2,get off of wikipedia retard! e1c159cae7889681,good. go fuck yourself. e21d4a0f9fc3f335,"hey u crowbeat ... kshatriyas rule the world..not the fat brahmins... even parshurama had to concede defeat to lord ram who was kshatriya.. u asshole u dickhead..getthe staright..whatever comments i add are authentic.. ms dhoni is rajput..but u keep on deleting that, whereas on sehwag page u allow to be written that he is jat... badgujjars are rajputs..not one u ask will tell they are gujjars.. u are trying to remove rajput glorius history..i will not tolerate..u mongrose.. rajputs were the rulers of india and gujjars and jats are farmers and cattle herders... u urself are giving wrong information to the wrol.d rajputs are the rulers u bastard u mongrose..u dikkhead....u champelin poison envy drinking garbage slutter.." e21d626710390c35,"viz the merge was a disgrace, fuck you people." e25265788ac89218,"your mom is my slave and your father is my bitch you all shall bow down to me and your mothers will suck my balls. your father is my slave and i will drive him into the ground with my forhead. as you look upon this page and gasp i enter your soul and devour your flesh." e286290928d08086,""" so what? she didn't use foul language she still acted like a royal bitch. she isn't queen of wikipedia. """"get some tea,"""" bullshit. and you know what? your a motherfucker too. you can eat my ass you son of a bitch. you can't go around and talk down to people like she did and expect them to just take it like its nothing. """ e286b1afe5075301,"dear yandman fuck you, do not censor me, cuntface. i think my point about french people being smelly frogs is very valid, it is not a matter of opinion. you go to hell you dirty bitch. hugs and kisses your secret admirer" e2d20598ee8a761b,suck my weenie you big cock! e303881c6de114ee,"you guys suck happy valentine's day user:ironholds, lulu and olive sitting on the tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g" e32818c2fbe42238,""" hey asshole. stop putting in the redundant phrase """"a claim unsupported by other modern or ancient sources"""", shitface. the encyclopedia iranica does indeed find support in the ancient sources (considering how many troops ariobarzanes brought with himself to the battle of gaugamela, and the nature of the location of the battle of the persian gates which could impossibly house any of the estimates given by hammond or waldemar heckel) the greek numbers given are obviously inflated and have no root in historical reality. how can ariobarzanes magically summon more troops than darius iii codomannus at ecbatana (where the greater part of the nobility followed him)? explain that to me, cuntface. so stop being a shithead, pretty please? i will not relent in removing that phrase. it is stupid on so many levels and serves only as an attempt to discredit the encyclopedia iranica, when in fact it does a better job at cutting down customarily inflated greek estimates than hammond who takes his numbers straight from the imperial roman author curtius-rufus (which was a thinly veiled political exaltation of emperor vespasian). fucking idiot.""" e3290a2b6336dbf9,"bkbkbkbk im sooo sorry for sayin those naughty words to you. i just have one more thing to say. fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! o yea did i mention fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!!fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! fuckk you asswhole bitch nigger cunt pussy ass dickface dipshit douchebag slut whore shitty wigger!!! college point muthafcker!!!!!!!!!!" e393dd8249bc59cc,"i don't fucking care fuck you." e3c18e2c33367de8,"fuck head fuck stick wikipedia wanker up yours" e3ca88df1edf3e74,". dont threaten me you little faggot. ill come to your house and slit your mother's throat. god knows if you are a wikipeida admin you still live with her. im going to sexually abuse her after. good day sir" e3d1f91ba667927f,"stop reverting me you little faggot" e3d2cebdc4f1b674,"go fuck yourself you stupid tanzanian slave monkey, your country is shit poor and ugly. user:ekograf approves this message. user:ethankp 1:25, 29 april 2013" e3e53eb90031443d,i tasted your mum. it was super. e3e781b553958b5b,"menudo is gay! amadeus! sings that amadeus song* i'm a jackass, i'm a jackass, i'm a jackass. i'm a jackass, i'm a jackass, i'm a jackass. i'm a jackass, i'm a jackass, i'm a jackass. oh oh oh oh, i'm a jackass =d" e3e7b406d7647bc2,"sean hoyland is a moron. the lead says its a terrorist attack. thats what an attack on an embassy would usually be classified as. the next section describes the kind of attack, a car bomb. sean hoyland is a moron." e40d368e676aab57,bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you 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bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered you bastered==bastered e42607741bd5800c,oh of fuck you asshole die im going to kill you e44b789a55a34a7c,"hi enemy you will never be able to get rid of me faggot." e4523f7f48b99d4c,nigga ass ho shit this is a whole school so multiple people are shitting on your site daily sorry dawg e464bf83a6e804e5,you reverted my work for no good reason. you left a dishonest edit summary. you deleted my post asking you why. and then you dare to accuse me of not wishing to be polite? don't be such an idiot. e46ebef5a16c5632,"cunt hi. you are a cunt bye" e46f37bdecf445f9,are you a deaf idiot? he broke the bird's neck. the sound clearly shows the neck snap and the bird cry out in pain e4702d37b2af0880,""" """"everyone one who has written on this page are fags. they like to have sex with big hairy men. thats right. they do.""""""" e47542854032ef92,"don't fuck wit me! stop fuckin' wit me bitch! i'm sick of yo punk ass always puting a bunch of shit on my talk page now stop it and stop it now!" e48dd5a4c10b244a,""" don't be a dumbfuck the """"pedigree"""" or double underhook facebuster is not an actual facebuster; it is a ddt because it incorporates a headlock. stop being a dumbfuck fanboi and stop reverting.""" e4a3c6d1ff875fb9,stick your warning up your arse you fucking gaywad. how about you read wp:game and fuck off somewhere else e4dc4c3f41fc0011,"fucking niggers thanks for wasting my time here,i'll just go back to vandalizing this shithole" e50ce3811f24b15a,"well, smallboy ... why don't you try doing proper research? in stead of circular references to your own wiki pages based on press releases ,which in turn come from earlier versions of the same wiki page .. and so on. you are pompous, self-important oaf of limited intelligence and no doubt to complete the stereotype, are almost certainly, weak, ineffectual and effeminate in the real world. must make you a real hit with the ladies, eh? later, loser." e52a27f12870a370,"first of all, what the fuck does homosexuality have to do with anything? are you seriously that homophobic? ejaculation appeals to women too, but you don't mention women, that was highly fucking bizarre. secondly, wikipedia is not censored, and shouldn't be. if your school cannot realize that wiki serves as an encyclopedia (of sorts) on the web, then that's too bad. i'm sure if you added some pictures that served as a purpose, and backed them up, there would be no problem. and i highly doubt you've done such things; it just seems like you came here to rant about gay people, and then make it seem like it all went together." e53a031e7d1303d0,""" unmarked spoilers for fuck's sake, keep spoilers under a spoiler warning. in the five years since this article's creation, and through dozens of edits, it has displayed a major reveal in the first sentence of the initial short description, potentially spoiling the film for thousands upon thousands of people including myself! speaking in the name of everyone whose naïveté and/or apparently over-optimistic expectations of wikipedia's """"dedicated"""" """"editors"""" (and especially those of the wikiproject films project) ruined this beautiful film, i say: thanks a lot, assholes.""" e566abf908bcb2e3,i did explain why you beyond incompetent worthless fuck!!! two of the deletions were not cited and the third had 2 fake citations and the third was an editorial without any citations in turn. e586e54f7de3ac03,""" i dont think you understand faggot. i dont care about being blocked. wiki is not my life. i just come here from time to time to abuse certain people like you for example. your a piece of filth and deserve to be destroyed. my satisfaction is that i have been able to emphasise that pint about half a dozen times. as i said to another editor """"wikipedia is the venue of losers crying....please, someone listen to me"""" i dont fit into that category, faggot.... -)""" e59fb95235dba27d,"no fucking shit, dick head." e5b2945388b75760,"you are a problem your probably some freshman hs student who kissed major ass just to become an administrator and use it to fuck with other people." e5da36931d2995aa,"{{unblock-auto|...}fuck piece of shit suck my dick...48 is that all u can do....... my boys are coming later so suck my fat dick}" e6146f5fb2897913,i dont think i should be blocked be cause yall r illiterate yankees (bunch of idiots) e62f588c0c7cb494,mother fucking cunt bitch e6bca794ffc4c1df,"gamaliel is a spic asshole with an axe to grind. get rid of him. he should be picking something, not allowed to play on wikipedia." e6c4d09edbb6fef0,"you are a gutless piece of shit, hate to be you aussie legend, you are no legend, your are a retard.get a life lame ass" e6d74f978f2c4e9f,"you are gay faggot, trying to block my ass, i'm behind seven proxies!" e6f4c4014025ef62,"do not tell me what to do, you shitbag." e70fe8ab22643194,"hey m00 you are the worst" e72cd6cbe703a2ca,"wtf? first learn english, second go fuck elsewhere asshole. your post is here is pointless and totally irrelevant and since you come here with nonsense and shit, what's this ip? i'm millionaire in ip so what? you come here flame me in french so the english admins can't get it. je t'encule sale pd! tu crois quoi que j'ai qu'une seule ip sale con? j'ai plein de comptes ici et dans les autres wiki alors va te faire mettre sale facho de merde. bloquez-en une j'en créé cinq autres pauvre cave. je vais où je veux, je dis ce que je veux quand je veux et je t'encule pauvre type!" e769fd148a58909e,"banned means banned. fuck you. i'm not a female. get a fucking brain." e783fd267f3a9d3b,"fuck wikipedia on wheels! fuck off wikipedia you fat bastard on wheels who eats your own shit!" e790a47004030f07,"are you an idiot who doesn't understand if it doesn't explain separately? foolishness ..disappearing..." e7eca2e984bf6738,"how about this, go fuck yourself!!" e81f696c2104a76e,"? unblock me!!! euryalus, you asshole! sandbagger!!! unblock me already!!!" e852e3b8ccb42466,listen here faggot im not in the mood for your shit so pls shut the hell up! e89e826751cffb30,"go fuck yourself, you are shit human." e8b17f51bb8c847d,"fucking little white nazis always want to get there way, they believe fair is a shade of skin not a form of equality. cant blame them if my dick was that small id be pissed off too ;)" e8bf4181a4694a28,if you don't think who started it is important i call you an idiot! idiot! e8d15bd3fac50b6a," wrote (21:56 - 22:04, 22 february 2006): why you protected that page????? fuck you you are a fucking idiot you wrote that stupid comment you know nothing!!!!!!!!!!!! you can't protect that page forever the u.s. and argentina sucks;=40766456 vsmith and oneeuropeanheart and pabloflores are all fukcing idiots!!!!!!;=40766701 vsmith and oneeuropeanheart and pabloflores are all fukcing idiots!!!!!!;=40766655 vsmith and oneeuropeanheart and pabloflores are all fukcing idiots!!!!!!;=40766799 etc." e8f01ac31b5bc0fc,""" wikipedia doesn't know what the hell they're doing if you didn't know this or not, bridget mendler had nothing to do with this film. if i see her name placed on this page again i'm shutting this entire website down. this would not be the first mistake made by wikipedia. countless """"crap"""" has been spotted by me. if you didn't know this already, almost 87% of information on is incorrect or untrue. i'm watching and will shut this thing down with my eyes closed you bunch of hog sucking clowns.""" e97d6342d641c831,"who the fuck do you think you are deleting the sms section to the sydney gang rapes - it is sourced and verified and not biased - so why the fuck did you revert it - revert the things which you think to be unsourced, but not everything you idiot - it was in the article for months and months until two days ago, and you didnt have a problem with it then - stop your islamic agenda to hide the truth of the rapes that they were racist - look at the sms messages incite bash a christian!!! you fucking scum!!! i hope you have a daughter and she is raped and she is told she deserves it because she is an ausie pig, then when you make an utterance about it, we'll callyou racist and then whitewash the truth" e9b92c6c6b01aeef,"fuck you you piece of shit fuck you you piece of shit fuck you you piece of shit fuck you you piece of shit fuck you you piece of shit fuck you you piece of shit fuck you you piece of shit fuck you you piece of shit fuck you you piece of shit fuck you you piece of shit fuck you you piece of shit fuck you you piece of shit fuck you you piece of shit fuck you you piece of shit fuck you you piece of shit fuck you you piece of shit fuck you you piece of shit" e9c5c22464b200cb,chavez sure isnt a hero. he's classic scum. and your dumb people fell for his shenanigans. e9de4c363391b4fd,"youre gay you are not currently logged in. if you save any edits, your ip address will be recorded publicly in this page's edit history. if you create an account, you can conceal your ip address and be provided with many other benefits. messages sent to your ip can be viewed on your talk page. please do not save test edits. if you want to experiment, please use the sandbox." e9efe4bae7756dd5,"you ignorant fool, i did not even say one swear word at klptyzm. i think i shall complain about how bad of an admin you are to" ea07d5bdbdeb9253,"""if you dont like me leaving nasty messages and defacing your talk page, then stop deleting articles that you personally, unilaterally decide are """"irrelevant"""" , do not delete jesse mcgraw again, all information is relevant, not just the information you believe you have the right to pick and choose what gets preserved, who do you think you are? you fvcking as5h0le """ ea1dedba4b25d0a8,it's non of your business mother fucker ea96312f5131a265,editors are gay they should all go fuck themselves eaa76f9c074e3aa5,"daedalus is nothing but a filthy n!gger and a cyberstalker who sits in his mommy's basement and who fails - yet again - at trying to ban me and stop me from getting my lulz on. i have access to thousands of ips and have many 25 sleeper accounts, so u fail u wiki-police homos. plz feel free to suck my d!ck u n!gger f@ggot. you==========> fail. anyways, u have to be watchful everywhere - i can pick and chose my announcements at will, and still edit via my sleeper accounts from ips all across the world. u wont no when or where i will appear. my lulz is 4ever u n!gger f@gget. stop cyberstalking people u freak. go back to hiding in mommy's basement and playing call of duty or whatever gay thing u do since it is obvious that u are unemployeed cuz u spend all day on wikipedia looking like the lozer u are. moar lulz for me!!!! horray for me!!! im kool and ur a fool!!!! i shall surface again and make myself known in a month or two. hey everybody - daedalus is a n!gger and a f@ggot!!!!!!!!!! look at the n!gger f@ggot! you===========> fail." eaac752ae552d44a,"'''[[ == [[ [[== this site is stupid don't trust it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]]' ==]] ==]]'" eab35a94edfe8946,remeber rahmatul lil alameen? you sunni monkeys should remember this! stop persecuting ahmadis you terrorists! eac84ebd5a2b6393,"fuck u dirty indian i hate guys our slaves in dubai!!!" eae4446debc9c257,i am tired of neurotic idiots messing with my page and my links. i asked this ebike weirdo to email me but he hasn't done it yet. who can act as a mediator to resolve this. i want him to leave me alone. tell him to go bother someone else. richzubaty att eaedd67a566efb35,"fat mess everyone dispises you." eb1dbbec515713ac,you can suck a dick!! eb3aa5ccca27fd35,"i hate you computer nerds and if i get blocked please get me blocked by 'cant sleep clown will eat me'. ok thats all ive got to say to u patetic losers who sit in front of a computer all day. bold textfuck you all!!!!!!!!" eb4a472c7619b18f,""" mihoshi? since when was mihoshi being a comic relief """"bumbling idiot"""" as some tool put, a different personality? that's her fucking role in every iteration of tenchi in existence""" eb73ab88f944e4c7,"are you a wise man, or an idiot? i have pointed out very clearly that the information i added is not opinion, it is easily verifiable fact. yet a pair of idiots keep reverting without cause, while claiming i am vandalizing. they are the ones vandalizing the article. check the talk page for snopes, you'll see it's fact, not fiction." eb8f86857507da5f,really! when it is so difficult to get a new one. wow you are a pencil dick. eb991a1ac68adb90,"if you're a motherf**king a**hole, what can i do? yes you are along with the rest of the gay bi!ch wikipedia community." eb9de8620f3995d2,"i want to speak to the manager. do you... do you own wikipedia now, sir thomas? i hate you, you have no say in what i have say to the world on wikipedia. i see your true colors, tommy, they're ugly and gay. like you." ec02a2b7541064f5,amelia earhart was a prostitute that live on broadway. ec47907fc000df7c,"hello i would like to draw your attention to the fact you are a worthless tosser who has no life and would be better of dead with maggots infesting your cranial cavity. would be the first time anything living would be in there." ec4a9a8271b2eced,you should just die in a hole while the ideiot user:cloverbeatme!! gets his guts pulled out ec68a6b60dcd5cbc,"unblock|unblock my restriction from editing you jackasses....i'm just trying to edit like everyone else does. my first post was serious and constructive, but these douche bags deleted it immediately and warned me!!? if you did that shit to everyone, you wouldn't have anything on this site. its bullshit, just cause i didn't create an account doesn't mean that the stuff i edit isn't piss off" ec77091267b9ed32,"cmon, im waiting for ur cum over over all over this fucking website. fuck anonymous dissenter, ur not so anonymous cunttwat fucker" ec781192de6916a7,i'm gonna fuck you up sand niger! ec845438c0ef5b6d,being cooler than your faggot ass eca8f3b9e049f84e,"you shut your whore mouth an open letter from the wikipedia review this is a message to beam, what the fuck do you think this is, some place where you can just waltz in unannounced and be received with arms wide open? well fuck that! this is motherfucking wikipedia, bitch. we call the shots. we always get shotgun. we don't give a fuck who you are, because we are infinitely more important than you. we are always first in line. we always fuck the hot chick before she gets acne and settles for you. we rob banks, charities, and anyone else who fucking pisses us off. this place is more than just a place, faggot, it is an ideology. and this ideology says you need to get the fuck out. no one here will ever like you. we have already established cliques, slop-worthy-hoes, and prop-worthy-bros, got it? we are the ideology of elitism, exploitation, and lulz. this isn't a fucking game, kid, so don't try to tag along. you're talking to people who have been around the block and then some. we pioneered class. we made 'cool' cool. and you? what have you done? jerked off in the shower? we invented jerking off in the shower, you stupid bitch. there is a clear-cut, defined, infinitely thick wall between you and us. we built the wall that keeps you fags out. so don't try to act like you know what the fuck is going on, because you don't. you just do not. but you really think you can compete with the review? lol wow don't make me start flaming you. are you forgetting who we are? we are the ones who film people like you getting fucking destroyed by us. we will rip your asshole out of your fucking rectum, stitch it on top of your pitiful dick hole, and then fuck you in the vagina we just made for you. so we make you into a bitch. do you get it now? this site isn't a game, it isn't a place to 'chill' with your fags, and it isn't some fucking haven where people like you can get acceptance from people like us. it isn't going to happen. just gtfo" ecc94b6597bc690a,was that the jerk who also blocked me? ed01298c60fd1a5c,"looks like the wikipedia admins are retarded also. wifione, you are a retard, simple as that." ed0405a126fc3927,"you suck messing with honduras! fuck you anon" ed10272b3cd3634f,"hey asshole i don't appreciate your fucking condescension. yeah, that's right, i wikilinked it so you can look up those big words that so elude you. you better shut the fuck up and shove your wikipedian assholifity (yeah i made up that word what are gonna do sue me, huh bitch?) right up your sore-from-taking-it-up-the-ass asshole. i saw an attempt to give a nice little wikilink to a fun english usage, and you just fuck everything up. i'm gonna be bold, not like fucking pussies such as yourself." ed23d347f91a9fcd,"he is a tajik and thus an ethnic persian, tajik=persian, idiot pashtun turk." ed4b78fe8db94a69,"oh not you again!!! and so? after the block has expired, im gonna kick gwerns ass again you admin wannabe!!! im gonna rape you all!!!" ed59df8fba9be009,fuck off you idiot ed6850821b939a73,"user phanatical is a scum bag dogshit liar. chinky commie agent, rot in hell." ed75734705c3093b,"oh look, it is shitface. hey shitface. i just want to let you know, you still haven't apologized to me for vandalizing my page so i demand a damn apology right now! do you hear?! i demand a damn apology now shitface! now!!!" edf3ac50e4f9504e,"reply why dont you visit hell where you belong?" ee24a27302b27835,innit you are totally gay and shit ee5730816b63cc51,"its an ap article you asshole, how is it not neutral???" ee6040f61ead7aa3,d'souza is a closeted homosexual. proof can be found here: ee608da127e7f491,hey ur a douch bag dont edit my stuff ee656bf9963aa9f5,"""yo, fuck you """"amigo"""". just settlin a score with a faggot you bean picker.""" ee8c6628c118a1b3,harvard sucks. talk ee9026310dcda14b,"the bastard always does it to me. an eye for an eye. sean.hoyland is a fucking cunt." eeb39c8f069fae23,"lol you're one of those suck ups to roger, the article mentions. by the way i've met you and i think that you're whiny piss ant of a man. it's a pity that over the past two decades the internet has evolved to work in favor of creatures like you. irl you're nothing to the world, yet like a self deluded fitzcarraldo you've now found your virtual hill on which to drag your boat. so glad you've been finally exposed. please do rebut, we're all waiting. lol." ef027bb9381f373a,piss off and get a life. i write whatever i want to write. ef3288d54d8648cb,"oh, did little mrs. pussy get his feelings hurt. your one of the tough guys. i bet you brag to your friends that you can land a 747 in flight sim. you are a certified fucking loser. hows the white sox? they are a good match for a fagot like you. maybe wiki should require a person to get some pussy before they are able to contribute, you know pussy the shit that you have never got." ef5879ac3826a024,"how tiny is your penis??? you already had me blocked like a piece of shit might, without regard for the reason for the conflict. but you couldn't stop at the given template, could you? no. you had to add your own extra bit of personal ad hominem needling, to make yourself feel like a real big man. good for you, pal. i wouldn't dream of eve making another contribution (after having done so thousands of times) to wp ever again, and petty tyrants like yourself are the reason. feel free to have me blocked again, goof. you're rubbish, and so is wikipedia." efcfd795cc9e1869,you say i am adding nonsense?! fuck you! f0101438772d5ea5,"hey you can suck on my sack for protecting" f01043888f2e1421,yes. merry christmas. you fucking idiot. f01e8ab768d88c57,"fuck you, you cunt. don't ever fucking accuse me of vandalism. don't ever fucking revert just because you can't be bothered to read and understand what someone did. you're the one disruptively editing, undoing my changes for no fucking reason at all." f052b5fb53d79e12,"bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- bad admin- '''bad a" f06c75991a50dbde,"who the fuck do you think you are? how dare you fucking block me! you have no idea how your messing with, motherfucker." f075291334fb8bc2,"stick it up your arsehole, cunt" f08377d4ef8ca190,"your vandalism i said the critics were alleged to be criminals etc. why did you take offence and accuse me of things? you have never met me. you can go fuck yourself you brainwashed wanker." f0960e1fadfc88a5,"personal attacks (from annonymous proxy) hi, i am gabucho181, im attacking you and using ip proxy, youre a fucking shit, bitch............." f0c9cb8ac22dc620,hello old and crazy man..... f0cf7e0545dae672,"fuck all of you. we need a fucking lynch mob and get all of you fucking admins driven off of wp. we need to put edit blocks on every fucking single article on wp and shut you fucking assholes out. i'm tired of cleaning up all the fucking vandalism out of the fucking articles, and i'm tired of getting attacked by fucking assholes, like you, who don't have a fucking clue of what the article is about to begin with, and, because you're a fucking admin, should know fucking better then to fuck with none of your business. fuck off all of you." f0dd261de10d6da4,"go find a girlfriend i'll give u vandalism mother fucker! go find a girlfriend and do not change things! depressed!" f0e2333007899026,"max pumpkin owns wikipedia. max pumpkin owns you! this is an accurate but not complete list of wikihomosexuals and wikiretards (all those listed fall into both categories). user:bbb23 user:thomas.w (big poof) user:jpgordon user:favonian user:neiln user:beyond my ken user:wadesimmiser user:materialscientist feel free to add more provided they are both. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. max pumpkin owns wikipedia. max pumpkin owns you!max pumpkin owns wikipedia. max pumpkin owns you! this is an accurate but not complete list of wikihomosexuals and wikiretards (all those listed fall into both categories). user:bbb23 user:thomas.w (big poof) user:jpgordon user:favonian user:neiln user:beyond my ken user:wadesimmiser user:materialscientist user:beyond my ken feel free to add more provided they are both. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and 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wikihomosexuals and wikiretards (all those listed fall into both categories). user:bbb23 user:thomas.w (big poof) user:jpgordon user:favonian user:neiln user:beyond my ken user:wadesimmiser user:materialscientist feel free to add more provided they are both. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. bbb23 23 licks dicks and so does neiln. b" f0e27087333248a4,"2010 (utc) seriously, fuck this guy's fucking face. i am so fucking sick of fucking seeing it every fucking time i want to fucking read the fucking article about fucking boobs on the fucking internet. 02:10, 23 december" f0f86cc69335c693,"fuck-sucking kindly find the nearest fuck and suck it." f113fbdab5b6881e,fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy fucking in your mother ass and pussy i want suck your pussy 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how many editors bbb23 has abused and how many edits to wikipedia their actions have cost it, because you are a bunch of arrogant clowns that get your jollies by blocking and banning people from wikipedia. fuck you dreadstar! you corrupt fucking waste of an admin!" f288275b1c499912,"notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks anthony bradbury sucks cock and eats shit, notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks anthony bradbury sucks cock and eats shit, notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks anthony bradbury sucks cock and eats shit, notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks notrhbysouthbanof sucks cocks anthony bradbury sucks cock and eats shit," f2948d7f34fef188,that was a pointless discussion. the party is well established and he has now joined another one. his fourth if you count the stint as an independant. so much for it not happening. lol. f2e7776fa266aaeb,silly little boy my ass f305a0b0796c014d,"look, dothead... this is a white man's encyclopedia. stop messing with my edits." f328be2b1a86f63c,"fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!! and your foot" f342938358357012,"your vandalism please stop your stupidity. note that continued stupidity may lead to blocks for idioticy. keep this in mind while editing." f353caaf8792cdcf,fuck you wikipedia. the edits i did we're real dickheads f36374af17471824,the fukking retardo racisto kanuck f37c2d6d532d2aa1,"halcy seems like you get mad alot. want me to call the waaaaambulance for you? want some dick (extra small) with that too, bitch? u mad? butthurt? i bet you're having an orgy with meetthemedic and meepthesheep, aren't you? you three would make a good threesome. you're all reject 4-chan trolls that became admins on another website to have unwarranted self importance while you spam faggot and dick all day. seems like you enjoy that kind of stuff. i had no idea, really. tl;dr: u mad?" f387d30a8f78d3bd,"you senile old homo. is there a commie in the world who is convinced by your bullshit, dipshit bitch?" f396035ecb5c6763,"stop the blind hatred of theists and i'll think about it cuntface. you atheists are cunts. i wish death upon your mother you sad little shit, referring to yourself in the 3rd person and quoting yourself on your user page. all atheists have your level of arrogance. i shit on your atheist face." f39e41f6b69e8f02,"lowlife you sick b@stard!" f39f48eabd2aea03,you're a faggot for reporting handlfield f3b61579396776b6,"admins are full of shit, they banned me for over a half a year because i made a mistake when editing an article. fuck them and fuck you if you're one of them. i hate you!!!" f3cff1eae9a8c5e7,"why are you such a gay nigger?!?! god damndd... you are such a gay nigger. fuck fuck shtay away from my kcik ass talk page, bitch!! i am angry do not be a baby plz do not pos t anymore on my atalk or dicuser page!! i am going to cum to ur house and kill your faggity ass" f40c177f4228c610,"dog fucking when did you give up dog-fucking?" f40e2c33f2e1250e,the bitch want to eat an apple in an asshole f4277cd50a76c909,"hey fuck you, you russia-loving cunt." f45beff5eba3597b,"fuck you all, antisemitic faggots." f460bfbc42488a50,""" well, when the root problem is a miserable, lowlife scumbag like you? bung-ho(le)?! eh, i basically just tell you to go fuck yourself. did you really think a """"win"""" would be that easy, dumbass? really? oh no, no, no... i tried it the nice way... but now you're about to learn just what you fucked with. enjoy! couldn't happen to a more deserving pile of shit. hugs, kisses - and get used to my foot in your ass... """ f4925023a48221f0,"tide rolls, you are once again highly inept and inefficient. as i've already stateddiscussion is meant to last a few days. what part of that don't you understand? also, grapple your name calling only shows your level of intelligence. you've shown yourself to be mentally limited. you shame yourself with your childish rants. mike, you've also engaged in edit warring and harassment. reasons why you've been reported multiple time. you also shame yourself" f4cca5104673a2a3,get a life shit nerd! f50ec6fbacc8616a,"message go fuck loy wong, you dirty, old, white, asian basher. also, i am 767-249er" f5810ec68e3f8a46,"conclusion dude's a total pimp. i mean, did you see him sitting there in that chair? exudes pimpocity, i tells ya." f58a9c92f3a89f0a,""" you are one swell-headed prick. no one gives a shit about your opinions nor do you impress anyone with your bullshit. """"conspiracy theorys"""" my ass. are you one of those sapps who still insists that oswald killed kennedy? you probably drive a honda or toyota. do you know what a pussy looks like? ever get laid?.....""" f59446a5f64e9177,your still a dickface dude. f59a2e9b83e40ddc,"learn to read and stop being a surly prick. keep the snide comments to yourself." f5bbfd1f588f1a53,loser - you can't block me forever you admin ego hippie freak f5c00e529a43651a,not me doing the shocker bitch f5e6620e6ea0590b,"the only person who doesn't want me around is you my friend, i mean hell you wouldn't even help me on the oltl wikia, i had to update the cast list, make articles for the red link cast members, i did that all on my own, so why should i do something that you want me to do, when i asked you nicely if you could do sumthin for me, and you turned me down, and i basically could care less if you do that ip block thing. i don't think i'm the first person to go around a block, amd the reason why i'm here, is because some people don't know how to friggin spell, i was reading port charles article and some of those idiots who wrote that couldn't even spell, so being the nice guy that i am, i made a few corrections, that's why you need me on here so these idiots who post stuff if they mispell a word, i can correct a word." f62778553129cdba,"nothing personal rod, but you really are a stupid turd" f6413a48238c71e7,get fucking lost i know you are sad but keep it to yourself f65705ec06812e32,"hey jeremy! fuck you!!! and fuck you alan! good to know you mother fuckng pussies protect each other. get a lfie with your empty threats you fucking faggot, you fucking stickingyour bare unprotected dicks within each other's assholes. fuck you cocksucker! scratch my asshole and condensate the moisture from my dirty rectum onto the roof of your mouth then give me head." f67edd9c9473e8e1,"fuck you fred fuck you you bitch ass punk u can suck a dick deleting everything fuck you ho go to hell you dumbass. your a bitch you stupid ass motherfucker. put a big stick in your mouth and leave." f68d9ef333909f03,"fucking whore you are such a dumb bitch i didn't make any changes whore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" f696408a317a7fe4,"why you are a bastard i hope your dog dies." f69a0d56ea0d6bd1,"""fuck you== hey fuck you, who the fuck checks """"phnom nam lyr wildlife sanctuary"""" for vandalism. get a fucking life you turd bag ==""" f6c9c8787ee11f8f,"must really suck to be a serb owned by the ottomans, owned by the habsurgs, asskicked by the ustashe, bombed to bits by the usa, outbred by albanians. what more can be said about a nation that bases its identity on a 14th century defeat. 'serb' has become a synonym for 'loser'. gather up sava's ashes and weep haha." f6e1a10ae93a6f31,what facts you fucking idiot. the facts from turkish security forces. scumbag. f6e6eb2e0e6dafa6,this guys a fuckin prick and if i ever come cross u in public i swear to god i will fuckin kill ur ass f70c80fc49826a94,"faggot! it is a dysfunction sexual and corruption of the brain. you fag." f70d136687dd4396,"listen to me. stop acting like a idiot. he was confirmed by a reliable leaker. -facepalm- again, stop acting like an idiot. the dojo is reliable. e4all players said they were. they said marth and roy are not in. wth? who the hell would be the rep? -gasp- game and watch might not have his melee symbol! o look at mario! ar- speculation my ass. listen to me. stop being an idiot. -" f71cbea714defd7d,"that's it, you fucking pig. you spread your propaganda too much. you made this article your own imagination." f733be2bbdad3b3c,"my thoughts you're a jackass. does this look familiar to you? >never mind the chinese/japanese crap, here are the doobie brothers. eat that up you pussy, and i hope you die" f73bf4728505213f,"you are a nefarious vandal i want you to know that i know that you are a vandal, a sock puppet and a member of a high stakes network of professional wikipedia vandalizes. i am still gathering evidence right now, but i plan to blow your little schedule,e wide open very soon!" f7581536ee55b3db,eh fuck you i dont give a shit f76f03cf1258173a,oh cry me a river - all you wiki admin jerks!!! you all have one hand on your mouse and the other down your pants.......get a life. haha f79de8eccec6966d,"i did provide a source you fucking dumbass, and the information is correct, jsut because you are a fucking dumb cunt don't blame me, did you not watch the actual ppv? dumbfuck" f87b9c2b15159c39,"hate to rain on your parade riggr, but you you do know its all bollocks, life and barnstars, all that shit. you have a lovely template now, awarding you, but will someday die alone as the rest of us, i suspect. na na on your sunshine, motherfucker." f88dde2de58e6c87,hate you and think you are too way too dam fat.i f8b05b9ae771fb50,"are all professors of rhetoric pompous, self-centered assholes? or is it just you?" f8bcd82be92f1e5f,"dickhead don't be a dick and add stupid and clear vandalism to articles. it isn't big and it isn't clever. now fuck off back to whatever vile cunt spewed you out." f8be9fc64a3b2e0a,"you are a flaming turdmuncher. not only do you devour turds, you enjoy it. i hope that michael vick gives you genital herpes. you will probably enjoy that too. you stink. henry hudson really was a buttmunch, and i feel that the world needs to hear of his buttmunching ways. thanks for nothing, dickface." f8c1e2260ab959b5,"picture sucks == this new picture of the undertaker in the ring sucks. get a decent pic ==" f8dea8952e98334a,"you are a pretentious faggot just saying..." f8eb8e30a219831d,at your fat fucking ugly ass f8fe3253b1e79e54,will rengel ever give up? what an idiot. f903cb820b6ff4c5,sexual orientation mindset lol. go die now. thanks the world. f927ed2fae23c2dc,"was that necessary? do not mess with me or my contributions again. thanks nigger." f92bfa5022bc2a36,"i guess it is perfectly possible that in 1993 the states did attempt to make all the powers of the councils similar. anyway, i think a small section mentioning the differences would be better then nothing. the various legislation can be found at with this if you wanted, you could come up with a really detail list of differences. i'm not doing that just now though (if ever). (fuck you!)" f93159476e83a803,"you fucking guinea wop, greaseball, guido, new york piece of shit. go back to your bumfilled, aids infested, cesspool of a state." f93f73fdf97bb559,"thanks you chasewc91 & nightscream makes from good article ( really shit. thank u for this!!! fuck u, bitches!!!" f9634e62820eed00,"fuck you!!!!= fuck you, you stupid bastard, i don't care what you say!" f9a4cc9e7b1bff02,""" you are a plagiarizing, lying, full-of-shit, inept simp, oldwindybear, who's """"left"""" wikipedia and returned like a chump approximately 10 times in the last 4 weeks. your brain is jelly, and you are going to be carried out of here like the worthless lump of fat you are. only a matter of time. keep acting as though you're aiding wikipedia, because it's very funny. you are so easily played that it's almost... no, it's worth it. keep it up, fatty, you whiny, self-aggrandizing, maudlin piece of shit. keep slopping your way around here like a pretentious little bitch, insulting others at every turn while protesting the hurling of insults. your final solution awaits, and it will all be done by youbecause you're a disgusting baby in a wheelchair, pleading with everyone for indulgence, pointing to your wideband worthlessness which you prance in everybody's face like it's a badge. think you can talk to someone without ever mentioning how many degrees you supposedly have, and how much you've suffered by being treated as an equal? not bloody probable. here's a tip: show your competence, don't talk about it. that's what men do, you goddamned sloppy-assed, edit-like-shit, puerile, inept, eating, breathing, shitting waste of food who's killed more time of others and fucked up more articles at this joint than the usual vandal times 5. we have your numbah, and will sit back laughing the next time a big nut cracks itselfthe worst nut wikipedia's evah seen. better get prepped for your next block, turd girl. """"signed"""", rev.screwedbluedtattooed""" f9efe37ee8b44b73,"remember remember, the fifth of your mother the truth is on to you, neocon scum! you are being tracked and watched! you will be brought to light! viva la revolución!" fa16306214ac27dd,just a bunch of 2 inch gay fuckers slapping each other on the backs for being cocksmoking losers fa2652d3b8a5ca39,"question ira, i have a question for you. well, two actually. when jimmy bеnds over so that you can kiss his aṣṣ, does he mind when you slip your tongue into his аṣṣhole? and what does it taste like?" fa3c0dc48563a1f8,"faggot you lil piece of shit i haven’t vandalised nothing i will fuck u up wh" fa622e9cfcb99220,you should bar the self proclamed asshole forever! fa970c682fb19c9f,"truth that's fine, go ahead and block me. doesn't change the undeniable fact that chris is an asshole." faabe3fe536c3b63,i'm a total niggercocksucking faggot. fabb5572558ab51b,"as it is now, this motherfucking asshole keeps revert warring without talk page discussion." fac64eb36acf1391,"go to hell. you won't be laughing after i contact the sysops to revert your vandalism. have a nice day, you transmisogynist fuck. 2602:304:cfe0:fa09:e036:c835:6de5:c" faf5bec124ed441d,"""== hey fuck-head== hey, just wanted to say """"hey fuck-head"""" seeing as you're a complete fuck-head. do not forgive. do not forget. fuck you shit bitch. go on - ban me. that's the wikipedia way. just shut out the objectors (to the admin power trip) and go on with your day. if people like you ruled the world we'd be extinct before we were ever supposed to be. again - fuck you shit-bitch. """ fb3059ad01e55ca9,"you are such a fucking faggot, there's no need for references for something that can't really be reliably cited. even if there was a sociological study on people who have apd, coke drinkers, and cocaine users, it wouldn't be very reliable because there's no way to tell if people are lying. fuck off you beaurocratic official peice of pedophile, and that citing and copyright shit has got to go. i refused to make bibliographies in high school for one reason: i never claimed that the work was mine, and i shouldn't have to claim who's it was because it's self-explanitory that i didn't make it since i didn't claim to have done so." fb6244562819b198,"you are funny fucking yankee ignorant" fb7a25a5eaaf56ee,"star wars sucks peoplw with no lives like that gay stuff" fb8d622c2e7b01fc,faggggggggggggit drew likes penis fb990e6a8e5c0d67,"cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt" fbae659a185e5e58,you are a faggit. darry was here as a faggit. let me talk trash to kurt warner. fbd7b0eedb4536e3,your all geeks get a fucking life fbeded57273a2971,"fa real dhoe , shut dha fuck up , she tryin` to make sho aint nobody vandalizin` . hey ! aye bighead , thank yooh fo` the award , i love bein` coo . <3" fbf15c6243778e44,"mind youre business hey stay out of my personal matters i dont care what you think so you can blow my balls. wrestlinglover420" fc10943840b8cf15,""" jetstreamer sad reality that guy is a gay, a homosexual, a passive one, very insecure in himself and he's a racist who hates serbia and that's why he keeps deleting this article. i also heard he's got some ukrainian uncestry which is hard to believe, given how stupid he is, ukrainian people are not like that or closed minded. to top this beautiful cake, all while being gay, he is roman catholic lol. i would like to ask the pope what he thinks of that. maybe he would give him a few durex or two. the retard is still using the outdated mozilla, he thinks that he knows """"british english"""" while at the same time he consider himself a fan of aviation, in which he's obviously clueless... that is the sad picture of our jetstream user. sorry paw, wikipedia is not the platform to vent your frustrations and diseases, now fuck off from here once and for good.""" fc1cd8e3864be0e7,"verbal must be stopped anything you can do to rein in verbal's rampant ego would be much appreciated. he has decimated at least one page i know of with domineering tactics. he's an ass." fc1e6bbd519387ed,fuc you dale fuc you! fc8b542263451636,"""::the word is """"uncivil"""", you brain-dead mouthbreather. """ fcacc3e4f0e84954,"yo hey maggot how to fuck you doing bitch?" fcda70fcb02196ce,"erm, your gay... i dont appreciate you being a grumpy old twat and changing my posts, you dont own wikipedia so please fuck right off. loves xx" fcf25c3563b8c1c4,"lazy layabouts want to live without working, expect debt cancellation." fcfaaece24d89286,""" the boston red sox """"the red sox are the greatest team in baseball."""" -fattyjwoods """"the new york yankees are the worst team and baseball their uniforms are gay, i mean pinstripes!?!? what a gay uniform!"""" -fattyjwoods""" fd60fb0300de57c1,""" the image that broke my monitor was the one of your face, not your pathetic little oil pit.  ►  """ fd616e0f464f9952,"hey fucking retard?== i was deleting my own post. quit sending me fucking sandbox warnings you fucking retard. ==" fd6e58a896118b31,fuck off you son of a bitch!! fd86e5864b75a3a9,"you sound an utterly nasty bully you are not a cat you are petty hitler as simple as that, you have banned from eding live in real world hopw is banning me going to make me calm down you little hitler bully, i will find out who you are and see if i can get you on any petty law infringements and then how you like the little hitler treatment. you bully." fd8e5c0dfec65648,racist faggots that moderate wikipedia are going to meet their maker fda0e2f199c00015,fuck you kansas bi̇tch fdcb97eb7bdf1707,"dat chick omg i didnt vandalise nuffink yh??? just expressin my opinion and makin conversation innit. get a life, get a job, fk u ennit." fe132f6a131a65d3,. ben evans likes dick. so does this william thompson douchebag. i can't believe this gu is still alive fe15a1ea0d002e8c,why is chris 73 - a known paedophile - still allowed to edit wikipedia ?????? fe1c3937ba3ec332,"hi if you know clown will kill me guy then tell him that he is stupid, ugly, fat, gay, his mother's a whore, he smells like shit, he's an asshole, a bastard, and his little name just might be the gayest fucking thing i have ever heard. hey and you are a faggot as well, so don't ever send me a message while i am editing pages again or i will rape your mother and kill you." fe2b712030d9f1df,"fastily, take it up the ass, douchebag." fe34c3e5753a17b7,bicth bicth bicth bicth bicth bicth bicth bicth bicth bicth bicth bicth bicth bicth bicth fe583e3374e6df30,"fuck you fuck you again" fe60ea3f6418e7bf,"fucking faggot hopefully somone rapes or eats you soon you fucking idiot" fea2e7c0c6208609,"thank you for paying attention! luckily these morons only know about two celebs i work for, and none of my clients could care less about wiki. what we all care about is the link to the official site so the option for true and relevant information is available to them. we don't have time to play the wiki-troll game. so, yes, you can see the history of this omnitroll, and that username was created just for editing those two pages. i expect the user terminated, and the connecting profiles to be found and terminated. you can see the moronic trail they left in the history, regardless of username. it's all the same trolls. again, we could care less about anything this site offers, but if information of my clients is going to be posted, the link to the official pages must be included. see to it that the links are never removed, and you will never see me again. simple as that. i have several systems to choose from, so edits are never an issue. block my ass, and i will still shit on the trolls. thanks again!" feb12578b20d67cf,"read you mother fucker or you shall fucking die you cocksucking prick you can go to hell you fucking cocksucker and now i shall go ahead and masturbate" feef71bfb378510d,"will someone tell this azzhole who keeps deleting that bernie sanders is a divorced man... ...that it won't work. i swear. the liberals that control wikipedia can't even use google. the man has been divorced, you dumb bitch. but this guy immediately deletes that from the article without bothering to confirm it's truth." ff0ad1b6d9d696bc,user ip you are a motherfucking pervert if u vandalize anything again with references to sexuality and genitals i'm going to cut your penis off. ff1756da966c50be,well fuck u ur just a twat ff1fc3bf15841f9c,"block me all you like, jizzballs. i care not in the slightest." ff3c218c3be4d2d4,fucking germanian piece of shit ff3df4f9884bfa9f,"i would cite the references that i've made in bold freakin' text, but i can neither find nor be hassled to go through all the site's features to venture the references button, so i put the chapter number and quotes accordingly in the edit, giving you no excuse by any means to go about defiling through them all as though it were your life's passion. if you find them so troubling, move the references (ch. 260, for one) i made to the references section for crying out loud. don't be undoing edits like some douche seeking to start edit wars with no authority, (take it from me) it makes you look like a cretin, honestly." ff3ffabe66575f31,"you are a little bastard, get a life and/or masturbate more often." ff52d0a2f1f7ef04,"hey dick as a toho co. ltd. shareholder, you couldn't block me even if you tried. go ahead, delete it again. i hope you understand this well and i recommend you keep yourself as an anonymous user. wikipedia is not recognized by academia or by me. and quite frankly, in life, your non-profit nonsense that hogs google search will be dismissed. now get a life and go block me again, loser." ff820b78ff4beb36,im a fag..... i also hate black people (niggas) ffdb72145bf3a984,what idiot gave this troll rollback privileges anyway? his editing history clearly indicates this account is an spi on this site for trolling and article maintenance of linux articles he is involved in. this account is being used by groklaw it appears and is some sort of paid editing. ffe09bfdae95934d,hell no dont you fucking talk back to me 00024b59235015f3,"virgin my only warning? you'll block me? well f*ck off. you probably get off from warning people on wikipedia, don't you? i bet you're still a virgin, f*cking homo. as for your warning, shove it up your ass. and f*ck you!" 0093dc71002bb0c4,"i can call people whatever i like idiot. this is my life, i do what i want !" 0137a05f79beb718,stop reverting me you moron 015b3d713ac21e5d,"oh so it's you who wants the considerable amount of harm then is it? you fucking cretin. you seriously think i'm going to stop vandalising just because you block me? i have a massive range of ips and you will never block them all. i am never going to stop either. hahaha" 0177211a942a8f2c,""" just shut up you boring old crap. nobody even likes you. also, wtf is all the damn """"copyright pics?"""" wtf is that?? god, you really should get off the internet & study you uneducated dufus. anyway, it's hard to communicate with somebody as stupid as you. also, why should i do what you want me to do? i can do whatever i want you big loser.user:pic business """ 018d2dc5fe91fd4d,when you come here to say naughty naught. go f.u.c.k yourselves. 019d7e9ab7f3a4b8,"yes!! == that's right tw hero! what you ain't got no woman to take care of instead of reverting vandalism on obscure wiki pages? are you a loser (seriously)??" 01ed32c427a561f5,and having a fuckin' bitch ass day''' 023f3d9c358a464a,"eat shit eat shit and die arseface mutherlicker137.240.136.80" 02526d2f0b73abe4,have the balls to respond you little hawaiian vag. i know you probably won't and just wait for someone else to but there's no need for you to smell like stinky tuna. 025f563993f26d64,"hey you cunt armchair lawyer do you like it? sitting in your mom's basement trying to act like you are know it all? go fuck yourself you stupid cunt bag." 02da76b6902d7d75,"go fuck yourselves, obviously you all are a bunch of pricks who claim to be admins but don't do jack shit to help people. also as per your dismissal of next step realty as being as relavent as someones big toe, obviously you aren't in touch with reality, considering next step realty is one of the biggest if not, the biggest up and coming real estate referral company's in the world. clearly i had greater expectations for admins on this site, and obviously i was wrong, why even call yourselves admins if you are just a bunch of faggot's." 033124dddb5898ca,"biggus dickus blow me, senor freebie. fox news is the number one news channel in america. maybe if you were an american you would know this. also, i don't think my user name is offensive, you moron. do you even know who the fuck biggus dickus is?? he is a very famous, high-ranking roman centurion, who was also best friends of pontius pilate, the guy who had jesus christ crucified." 03b2eb3ff7c9e496,"february 2015 renzoy 16 stop erasing my edits now or else kakasuhan kita ng paglabag sa cybercrime law last warning mo you mother fucker" 049c6fcc694ef505,"you obviously have some severe mental problems, and i want you to stop harassing me. you failed in your quest for an rfa as people like you don't deserve to be administrators on wikipedia. in fact, you don't even deserve to be on wikipedia period." 04c387644a08075d,"rob,you're a little coward, and thuggish boor. if you got the stuff, come to wikipedia review and tell the world why you not a grand dickhead" 04f1b45c0380f70e,"and i believe you're being an arse, but hey, i cope...." 057d9854f3761383,sitush i know better than u who jatt sikhs are!see m not so free like u all people to edit random articles on wikkepedia iv got a life i just presented the true view of jatts! u know nothing about them try saying shudra on face of a jatt they might be you last words m not thereatning m just telling the truth please visit punjab once in your lifetime and sitush salle harami karar banye tujhe kuch ni pata zada na bol sala wikepedia pe batha writer ban raha hai u are nothing in real life! now block me cause i dont care cause people like you are just dumb!and will stay dumb! 05f2fd106ef1dda9,"hey you have a giant penis. is that what allows you to moderate wiki so well? 8==============d>>>>>>><><>" 076fee92be187b6a,"i did make any extrema atack you idiot little hitler is a refernxce to petty law enforcers like you who go after people with a vindictive smugness you are a little hitler there is not other term for you, that is not an extreme attack you should take that comment on baord change your horrible bullyingh behavuour" 07a17e2c88f11ad9,"to many languages ????????? zorglub-prv dear zorglub-prv so you claim you can speak portuguese, english, spanish, french and russian. me thinks you are not a person but a communist paid cell. i have been watching you and your communist propaganda on wikipedia. we urge you to stop messing around, and to stop making political communist propaganda!!!" 07f00e759433b565,"you are a fucking cunt and a half. i hope your mother's vagina is raped with a chainsaw, you shit-eating pedophile." 07f6c36eac7dff22,""" shit you blocked as your reason was """"because of you needing to learn not to be an idiot."""" what the fuck? you're the idiot, why don't you learn how to put a sentence together? p.s. you're a cockblaster.""" 08367adf6b0c204e,suck my sockpuppet fag! 089a470b1483e336,"your mama advertises her fat ass. 05:34, 17 jun 2005 (utc)" 08a7d8860ba95d4a,"itnc i bet you touch people just like sandusky. rot in hell" 08ad981dc1154f38,"you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you can't keep me down nigger you c" 093dd8176957a379,"i am not blocked i just got another warning. why are you such a dick? dogblue" 09862906f11a3488,"i'm not foolish you mother is foolish you prick and replay to me on my account not on my ip!- your such a nerd with acne that will probally die alone (thats a shame) thinking your all cool going on wikipedia everyday of your life and not doing anything if your a teenager that just makes it worse . - it has a link now and im 10 yrs old (your probaly a 59 year old man that lives with his mom) -" 099c48931b37c0bf,fisherqueen can suck my hard cock! 0a2c5c63e0da322d,"== dear gwernol, u useless cunt molesting niggertard go fuck dvd rw's 2 inch albino cock dear gwernol, u useless cunt molesting niggertard go fuck dvd rw's 2 inch albino cock dear gwernol, u useless cunt molesting niggertard go fuck dvd rw's 2 inch albino cockdear gwernol, u useless cunt molesting niggertard go fuck dvd rw's 2 inch albino cockdear gwernol, u useless cunt molesting niggertard go fuck dvd rw's 2 inch albino cock ==" 0a454f4dc1bb443b,""" rutherford b. hayes edits """"please refrain from making unconstructive edits to wikipedia, as you did at rutherford b. hayes with this edit."""" - not a chance you little shit! """ 0a67f249287a0e05,"fine then at least i don't like little boys like you do! bitch!!!" 0aa29a904510e8e2,last chance you dick ! 0aff799a6b75ee9a,bitch ill never stop vandalising your shit so fuck you 0c015256550e2ff3,"first off avril lavagflaps is a suck ass singer who would get her punky little ass kicked by gothic babe amy lee any time of the month (well, except for that time of the month, were she gets her periode and turns into a werewolf)." 0c3e14e4df769aac,""" """"oo9"""", if you have any actual evidence, show it. you claim something found on may 23, 2013 - i can find no links that back you up. either come up with evidence or go away you trolling little tea retard.""" 0c5a0fcfd2a9cf86,""" your a queer some people were dropped as a baby... were you thrown at a wall? why would you do that you n00b ) """ 0c5a912e6830c660,you piece of shit fucking block me then pussy... go ahead i don't give a care if you are that of a fucking girly bitch! fuck you boing! said zebedee! what the fuck kind of user is that? fucking mindless block addict retard 0c5fe082a45d3c21,"""""""i want to be a fuck you."""" that's a song. """ 0c827af0c606a090,"wankers only on wikipedia eat your fucking american ego" 0cb80120c13064bc,what a load of crap you write. 0cc767ead26a3759,do not tell me to delete stuff you stinker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0d208bc373192e80,"mo. go ahead and delete my account if you want, but bwilkins is a f***ing nazi and i have better things to do than waste any more time on a site that allows s*** like him/her to be d***s." 0dbf9ce6337b66e8,boo hoo tell everyone what i did - cant fight your own battles!!! pathetic baby!! 0dc1033fb9467fd2,wesley bartz likes to suck cock. loves that cock. he can't live without the cock 0dc8be9ceed80ccf,"btw, there are over 100,000 register republicans in the 6th so back of your psyco delusions that evey person that edits on roskam bio is a sock... you dumb fucks are with out control and are totally in a zone of evil." 0e52ab1a2a267563,shut the fuck up you ain't even staff and venior can go fuck himself that prick fucker. 0e57255bedea8884,"your a fat disgusting freak destined to live a long pathetic lonely life, embroiled in your own cretinous sense of self worth. moron." 0e61a4400724ae0c,""" thak you for the link to that article. you just showed everybody how stupid you are, because that article, right at the beginning says this: """"telling someone """"don't be a dick"""" is something of a dick-move in itself"""" ha ha you are a stupid dick! ) """ 0edec1ddb271ffa3,and you are a jackass for doing so. the same disclaimer is on every hiv antibody kit with very little variation. 0f21a44ba42e1fb9,"please don't be a cunt and make threats please. i just wanted to discuss the issue. the criticism portion is a complaint about school rules, that's irrelevant for an encyclopedia entry. have criticism is fine, but these criticisms are not valid for an encyclopedic entry, and further are a pov. every school has rules, do complaints of the rules belong an encyclopedia?" 0f36dfbe90e9b29a,"fk off== fk off you dragon ball nerd. you like animey and manja. you son of a bh. you were fking mean to vegetasaiyan, the fking nerd. go fk off and get off wikipedia, you fker. ==" 0fd85e97c0b88732,"asshole you are an asshole wiki nazi! freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom! freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!free getting starteddom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom! 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freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom! freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom! freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom! freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom! freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom! freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom! freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom! freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom! freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom! freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!freedom!free" 1001b778c7ce9945,"you're a fucking idiot" 109302b5637c987c,i'm sick of wikipedia. it's full of illiterates and idiots. shove it. 10b1d86090c588a3,"skins edits i see you went a bit mental over my skins edits. you are quite the insecure little loser aren't you? i mean, i won't be too harsh, you're from kent and you're a nerd who does computer engineering. so i guess talking to people on wikipedia is pretty much the pinacle of your social life. especially considering how ridiculously ugly you are with your hangdog expression, your long face, large strange indents under your eyes and what i can only assume is a broken nose. clean yourself up mate. ps. university of kent is a piece of shit." 10c5d97232cc7a30,""" well a new section, i hope you read this i cursed at you previously, and it was deleted. to be honest; if i was face to face with you; i would have cursed at your mother. your stupid fund raising mentality, and your inexistance at wikipedia doesn't represent your existance. in my humble opinition; you're an idiot. not only an idiot, you're a dumb and stupid one for this whole wikipedia society. your democracy mentality lead to religious fendementalists to own and conqueer turkish wikipedia. and as a founder of it, with your permission to """"your free world"""" i want to curse to you. i wish i had had sex with your mother and your grand mother. i wish i had your mother with your not eighteen daughter and all your siblings. and i want to do it, just because you alloed me so. your unmarried sisters and your daughters are such beautiful sluts; just like you. if you would be a girl. and from the bottom of of my heart; as you being the """"democratic"""" president of asshole of the freedom of the unfree world. i would like to wish that, at least 10 people fists their head to your nazi ass. have a nice day.""" 10db24626e0d52f6,. i am a stupid whore who sucks dicks all day. i am also transgender and have a penis (so i can fuck myself) 10dc578313e2ba2d,"barnholestar for being the worlds biggest faggot i hearby present you with this crazy azn mofo barnholestar. it's look at you. image:kris_3.jpg" 110fb5512efa4729,"why are you such a bitсh? abusing your powers as administrator to silence opposing points of view? was your granddaddy upa member or something? ps: it only takes a few days to make a new account. cheers!" 11f276328553138d,"i hate this site. but you know, i'll do everything in my power to make sure each and every one of you fucking nerds pays. i hope you all burn in fucking hell you bastards. go fuck yourselves." 11f66f5616c690ab,"u are a bitch nigga. fuck u and the guy who blocked cookiesandboobs. 4rom mynameisearl0" 122a4b51efb9f1f8,i will kill you with my gun asshole! 12779c031413c6ed,"fool you are another fuckin moron on here along with wobbs and epf. so whats your ethnicity, irish, dutch, what is it ? you dont even know what ethnicity is about you fuckin douchebag. there is no modern british identity thats different then what it was before you fool. foreign people and ethnicities/races dont count as british you fuckin puke-bag." 12d5362733d3b633,""" stop trolling warkosign, no one likes your politician, """"i am the consensus"""", """"you mad bro?"""" shit. """ 12f16da46b055b9f,think on this - fuck you 12f877656b9f82c9,"you dick you're a big, anti-japanese dick, you know that? i think you should be given an indefinite ban. that's what you should get, an indefinite ban!" 131da36da17527c6,"your mom is a monkey butt. and you suck her monkey butt, bitch. -" 13b81718eeb077dd,"warning please be warned, this moderator is rude, ill tempered, and unjust. they believe they are god and will happily ruin all hard work you put into making wikipedia a better more helpful place. do not even try and discuss a point with this user, they are pig headed and stuborn and will not listen to anything. very child like and i would suggest they grow up a bit. thanks." 140a1ea2a26793cc,please go check her instagram!!! dumb ass how can she live in tampa when she's engaged to souray you retard!!! 1429a2c930688317,you fucking piece of shit 148ac9ae4ec83fd1,"being original hasn't ever been my strong suit, so, here goes something cliched to death: go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself! go fuck yourself!" 1493544bf9eabe40,you are an idiot. nothing suggests that she needs to attend a hearing and nothing suggests a hearing is going to happen. 14f05d908b85f9ce,"very clever, faggot." 151d88b38456fe3d,"your a little insignificant mother's lover you motha fucka..what ya thnk of yr self..u dumb ass..u thnk u r v smart..u son of bitch..... fuck your mother by" 152eed971183800d,"in addition, i see no sock puppet, jackass." 1537ffcb4befa499,leave wikipedia you are stupid 158b869dbfdafe60,"don't post on my profile page, you fucking cunt. (talk)" 15be2045a73859f5,"you're a motherfucking prick! so, you don't agree with my comments on alcohol, huh? well, i don't know where you live (if i did, you'd be dead by now), but you fail at life for supporting alcohol. go kill yourself, you asshole!" 169e8bb033ac3830,"fuck you fuck you putang ina mo bullshit na bakla ka..,hayop ka putang ina mo..,mag chupaan nalang kayo ni nrdg dahil both of you are desperate gays na walang magawa sa buhay..,fuck fuck you.. ,putah ka ..," 16e0a3b073c8143c,"fuckhead fuckstick wikipedia wanker up yours" 1717508700f62e26,"you my friend delted my edit, now u can suck my cock" 181cfafb023c1891,"because you're a dumbass, mastcell, that's why." 187d16588dcd94fa,"""dude, i'm not angry at you, i just think you're a stupid fuckwit. now go give rahm emanuel a nice, long, thorough rim job. reward him and """"the 0-man"""" for lying their way into office, and now reversing their position on every campaign platform. you are one stupid fuck if you actually think the democratic party is even worth wiping your ass with. thankfully i don't live in the sinking ship usa...and it will sink even faster with assholes like obama, emmanuel, pelosi the billionaire, cheney, etc. what a fucking disaster, ha ha -d america's image is a steaming pile of shit. """ 18fd5b4427dd0b33,why are you being such a nigger lover/faggot and reverting my edits? 190748c37c8dc159,"douche bag, know the band sublime before you tell me that i did something wrong it clearly is stated in many interviews and even in their documentary that miguel happoldt did everything that the band members didn't know. know your shit" 191bae8d392afc24,"""*these two jokers are just another example of people who fail to realize the importance of descent. they are both notably of british heritage (ones scotish i think) and you would be hard to find people from any other ethnic group in the world who would refuse the importance of descent in ethnic identity. calgacus even admits how important descent is though since it passes down many parts of your ethnicity. alun, you fool, most of us americans and probably most canadians do not see themselves as """"ethnic canadians or americans"""" since both have always been multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-racial nations. read what the epf cracker is saying, some of the shit he says is deep. the majority of peeps here and in almost every nation in the world recognize family heritage and background as part of who we are, including ethnicity, so go spread your leftist anarchy somewhere else fool. """ 1941b761f63e7572,""" no one can apparently edit kristian digby page. how do you expect it to be improved? stupid administrators at wikipedia are refusing to allow minor editing of this page. you can't change """"early life"""" to """"personal"""" and put the movie information into the """"career"""" section with subheadings for """"film"""" and """"television."""" you can't give his full name scott kristian edwin digby, even though it appears in corporate filings with government house and he gave his """"middle name"""" edwin on """"to buy or not to buy,"""" s10e22. you're all a bunch of idiots. ( )""" 1ab14224fd4d7217,"osfan i still think you're a piece of sh!t." 1baae3184f049db7,"wow! this is disruptive, you are 100% mistaken and hella-wrong and i'm certain it is not the first time. if i'm not mistaken, it sounds like you are telling me to piss off and go edit somewhere else. i certainly do not want to sound uncivil but don't be a bully or a dick. specifically which so-called unreliable source were you accusing me of using? i have not used or added or any sources to the main entry that were not already there or that you did not restore yourself! if you say a source i used on this entry affects my credibility then you show be. which source specifically are you referring to? make sure you are accurate because if you are wrong wp:spade i will accurately call you a liar. this is hardly constructive conversation about the entry or the subject matter it should discuss which is the actual purpose of this talk page. to accuse me of being a believer in this crap is offensive to me and is taken as personal attack. now both of you doing it. glad i don't have to type this twice so i applies to both of you plus anyone else who wants to jump on. it would take a real simpleton to believe the current conspiracy but you'd be much worse off mentally if you still believed that our government plus canada, uk, and australia hasn't ever worked together on a series of covert projects designed to spread biological agents over a large scale (across continents) from airplanes. i hope that's not the case here. go ahead and call that what i just described a conspiracy. i dare you- in fact i double-dog-dare you! it is declassified and admitted and on a participating government website. i'll assume good faith, perhaps it is ignorance of the subject on your parts. it ok, i'm ignorant of a lot of wikipedia editing stuff. belief in documented past history is the not the same as a belief in some conspiracy theory crap. based on you comments about me, this is a concept you appear to be having trouble with. any competent person would understand they are not the same. is there was one available to you to explain it? i was explained to you repeatedly on this page and on my talk page. you are pretty dense of you don't have it yet. you will find that my primary sources are 100 times more accurate than anything you'll ever find on about this fringe topic. i am a subject matter expert on certain aspects of cbw and exposures but not on chem trails but no about to out myself to convince you. government declassified primary sources on wp are to be used sparingly. people like you make it difficult to talk about serious subjects. reasonable people should not be constrained in their edits by pure ignorance unless ignorance is the consensus (tbd). you are unable to consider ever it which speaks to your credibility. i've never seen anything like it except with the japanese. they never learned any thing negative about their national history in school and rarely consider that conflicting with their established beliefs. department of national defence (canada), biological warfare talk to me once you understand its significance. it is 245 whole pages of you and your poor attitude being epically wrong. tell me or tell all of us about how its not true. next as a recently uncovered case associated press. planes covertly dropping chemicals on kids? want the whole report? see the lawsuits over it? that should get you and people like you somewhere near the truth someday but my guess is for people like you it never will... bad sources that don't back my viewpoint? hardly. check your own lack of sources. where the source you just referred to? both of need to answer this. you've made an accusation me about my sources back it up!" 1bc5bc2daf0a5067,"do you fart????????????????????????????????????????????????? i just did youre an idiot" 1ca32e3575945845,robert ullmann sucks dick 1d02fca068d3a38d,"hey donkey hey donkey, its your uncle." 1d1e6609d9065a25,""" shut up vs. fuck off so, you're telling me being told to shut up isn't a personal attack? """"fuck"""" is just a word like any other. """ 1d2126e84794e39d,"knob jockey your a fruit for deleting my page ass" 1da36a612d33559c,your very deeply offended! man you sound like a blow-jobbin' old lady. in fact you are a homosexual blow-jobbin' old lady! 1dc5f6da3a451777,"homosexuality please attempt to refrain from being gay. this is your only warning. talk" 1e1ff0c4beceb66f,the bitch mother who bore them all muajaja 1e6b732c678f6910,i'm going to start killing these assholes. chin chin. 1ec42d1af8476af3,"scienceapologist i sincerely believe that scienceantagonist is a bigot, liar, and cheat. he is known to have hacked sites, spammed email addresses, and also to have been banned from science bulletin boards in his relentless pursuit of any ideas that challenge his own world view. his ongoing and underhand attacks on ian tresman mark sad days in the history of wikipedia ian tresman deserves a fair hearing" 1edc940b761d95e4,"jack and jill hey jackass, don't protect that page. you are taking the fun all out of it. jack and jill went up a hill each with a buck and a quarter jill came down with two fifty oh what a whore!!! alan, who knew your momma was named jill? ok, i am off to vandalise something else. catch me if you can!" 1ee7c9982c2a355d,""" also, i said unless """"you suck"""". """ 1eeb5f133c1a932b,""" [[™]]whoever is the next person to write on this page has admitted to having aids and fellates aids monkeys non-stop. you can't edit my page. this is my user page and amounts to hypocrisy. the winner is user:tbhotch""" 1f7509ae3bb6775a,"wow, you're so clever. so smooth. stop being an ass so we can compromise!" 2040644271b7cd54,shut your grabage dump 2049148980cd6665,"are you cracy you sick nigger? i am from the region, and i am actually of turkish descent and consider berbers bedouins, and poor exotic wretches but they are at least white. how dare you, filthy nigger, presume to know about the region's history? i suggest you visit for a good lynching. nigger!" 2093b009df4dce1c,you are sick! you are absolutely sick. you promote the torture of small children? you are sick. you promote big pharma ove the interests of humanity? you are absolutely sick. 21a8d6268f06bd50,"you are a son of bitch turk just to let you know you know nothing about azaris or other iranians. turks are backwards and the whole world knows about your backward culture and people. you try to pretend you are europeans when the iranians are really related to the europeans and do not care, but you turks would kill yourselves to be europeans or white." 21ef1f8db0994a85,u think i get impressed by some f@ck!ng swedish @$$hole who has been on wiki for 2 years? hell no. official press releases by media outlets have been accepted for years now - and so will this one be. 22185063a63b6f06,"ok. then go ahead and block me. my people has been called dogs, bastards and prostitutes by sitush and his gang. you don't seem to be having any problem with that. i don't care what the fuck you are. go ahead and ban me." 22d75fcba7bb3fd4,go and die you nasty pathetic individual - i will do my utmost to have you kicked off wikipedia forever you bastard !!! 233687caaf541ef5,"slow-ass-i-pedia i mean really, with a site this slow, you reckon it is smart to be messing on insignificant userpages the way you do? no wonder it slows down like you wouldn't believe." 238b771e9f1e8724,"one. == translation: you are an impotent fucker." 23d3bddb19b04e78,""" fuck you you cunt i had a whole documentary about """"cockus americus"""".""" 240675961262e226,"terraria stupid editor you no shit about terraria fucker!!!" 244a624b143b7fd7,there is this racist troll called kansas bear.i call him kansas the arm taker.this moron is supported by foreign government agencies . a person like this has no place in wikipedia. racist groups should not be in wikipedia at all. he is stupid troll . when you see him just report him right away 250c6edbeb53b795,""" figure out the main profile that created """"omnicron5"""" and delete everything about him. i was once the webmaster for theofficial sites of both of these celebs, and it's theonly """"edits"""" he made... deleting the external links. don't have time for these assholes. i would prefer my clients not be associated with wiki, but they are here, therefore, the official links stay, and the trolls go. or i will just take legal action. you choose. no, i will not id myself, and i have plenty of systems to login from. so, just do it. my message to the troll.... to: well, the proof is in your psychotic editing routine. get a fucking life already. jesus christ, how sad you must be to exist. how interesting that the only """"contribution"""" you gave is to:;=147810076&oldid;=147709505 and and the only thing you do is remove the links to the official web sites and ironically, both web sites had the same webmaster at some point. hmmmm using this omnitroll name (like i don't know who you are retard?!) you can stop vandalizing those two pages now you fucking pathetic moron. cc: jimbo wales rootmyass""" 252e302385f23869,""" please read before adding any more rubbish as far as i can see wikipedia has become a very turgid shadow of what i originally signed up to - and i really can't see any point editing it any more. having followed the climate articles for many years and now having a great deal of expertise, i can no longer just sit back and hope that wikipedia will some day come around to a npov. there are certain simple things that are so obviously pov pushing that it beggars belief that they still go on: not using common names when they are used by everyone else not admitting simple facts like it is not currently warming. pretending """"global warming"""" is a """"scientific"""" issue when everyone knows it is mainly political rhetoric even when practised by the """"scientists"""". and don't you dare think i'm pushing pov - i have not once added anything to a climate article without first seeking consensus (which basically means i have never edited a climate article)!!!! i know what is a npov ... because i haven't fundamentally changed from when i used to be a global warming advocate and neither have my views on the environment changed ... i just can't stand people being dishonest, and i just think scientific integrity is more important that environmental politics from the day i first tried to get a npov on the climate articles (when i used to work in wind and was openly saying global warming is happening) till today, i haven't once managed to get a substantial change toward npov into a climate article. '''i'm angry ... not because i f*cking wanted to put the sceptical view ... it is because you bunch of pr***s have turned me into a sceptic because you refuse to see the obvious pov pushing that has been going on. and the great consolation, is that the climate articles have been so pov that most decent people can spot it a mile off and what with climategate, the propaganda in wikipedia is no longer considered a reliable source. """ 256b951b36e58e2c,"ya muthafuckers blocked you guys are dumbasses. you'd better be a bit more sane or you will face a lifelong sentence in an asylum. this is directed at pikang." 259b5e751d71c61e,"read what i say and understand my meaning - if you continue to harass me, it is your ass that is grass - i've violated no policies - you have. leave me be." 25b33aae03cf430c,hello you gajin cocksmooching piece of shit~ how is your me so horny mom and alcoholic dad doin? chad bryant 2612ae45c1b4fcd4,wikipedidiots... home of the cyber bully and thug. 26484136969d618e,"sbc-ybr is an idiot who reverts things without checking on them hey idiot i know you have a hard-on for issuing corrections and warnings because you're a wikidick but check this nothing i supplied in the akbar the great article was at all unpublished or made up or whatever. groening regularly names characters after figures in indian history (see apu, named after a character in a famous film triology). so i'm gonna revert it and i don't want to see you making a fuss." 267390636b7f11b4,ian weller is a fucking dick 2674b6ca689d35be,i'm so sorry bitches. i didn't mean to fuck up your retard beehive 269ca53d1a88c1f6,""" why did vladimir putin kill them all? shut up you fucking criminal kgb asshole, we just know putin did it. in film die hard 2 they showed how easy it is to fool an airplane to land, but why kill them all? who profited from this except nazi russia and former kgb agent putin? theres is no free press in russia!!! european union said this!!! journalists are killed if they criticize putin in russia. putin is stalins comeback. its a common fact that putin hated some in the polish delegation, but why kill all? fucking animal putin is just as psychotic and insane as josef stalin. oh well i guess its the old """"kill them all just to make sure"""" ....pigs. from finland with hate.""" 26b8716d9cef3664,"i lost my civility when you started being outrageous fucking liars, fuck you liar, burn in hell for your fucking blasphemy! i will leave when you stop fucking lying!" 26fed2949c2dadc1,you son of a bitch rip you motherfucker 2703ce9999187083,"yeah i believe it, how many times have i heard that gay shit before? get the fuck off my niggy nuts you piece of shit." 27558b63f2d7152c,"instead of being an asshole, why don't you actually make an effort to help?" 27be83851f1cc68f,"why? why do you waste your time on this shit? get a life!" 27c017683e948c82,hello you are all silly wubba wubba mitt romney is a dictator 27fb424db4b0543f,"cuando quiero llorar tv series you fucking son of a bitch, who hell you think you are?. i'm trying to complete ten article and you proposing delete?. you're mad? let me complete the artcile and we after talk. thanks." 28a035d833930de5,"sucker you suck the di*k of chicken fuc*ers." 2a192f0c739da34f,mine ur own fucking bussiness.wat da fuck is ur problem u ugly fat ass motherfuck ].go suck on your moms dick and fuck ur dads pussy.u fat bitch. 2abdd566fbe07f4b,"cry to your pathetic stupid family, you fucking bastard. i will do my utmost to have your account indefinitely banned you fucking fajita." 2b08df28d03771af,"one would say that wikipedia editors will be starving to get a new information. you starving to avoid and block to whom is providing any. instead of to give a hand with it, you seeking reasons for not to provide it. how many reasons did you think off in the last 2 days, 4meter4?. that is how wikipedia works. i can see it. i was fairly drunk when writing that words above. it is actually not nice to call somebody like that is it? but now i can see the same, that you are wankers. fuck you ;o) block me for ever, i do not give shit" 2b203476f1486b69,"fuck you asshole! why did you undo my edit you son of a bitch?" 2b3b0f0cbbfc582c,"i am annoyed that you reverted my tiffin school edit and by the way i hate you! a conversation leads to some political warning, you make me sick! ==================================notice!================================== | no rude comments | | no image deletion notices | | no unsigned comments | | ~ | | thanks! | ===========================================================================" 2b54d30e5a25e5d8,fuckwad... you deleted my page. 2b6ecc66ddc44d6b,eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore!eat my cock you dirty whore! 2c207cc3a893d577,""" i'm not going to sit here and just blatantly make fun of what you do and who you are. however, i look at your picture and it's quite easy to see that you're an ugly little parasite. as i browse through your insignificant pages on roger royle and harold gaba (that must have taken hours to make), and i know right then and there that you're a compulsive masturbator. i look at all your wikipedia buddies and their comments concerning """"speedy deletions"""" and """"harassment via wikipedia"""" and i now understand why there are entire hospitals throughout the world that treat internet addictions. so go ahead and suspend or block or whatever it is you people do to naughty wikipedia users, because i could really careless. you piece of shit.""" 2c6e8f2c16d37d75,you are really annoying!!!! go screw your lesbian friends!!! need some ice?? you just got burned!!! 2c76e6b52a9df238,""") update: why dont u just stop trying to take control and leave the fucking article the way it was origionally...u stuck up prick....your a fucking waste of space, get a job or a new hobby. """"had the website been fantastic i still would have removed it.""""-foolishben.......get the fuck over yourself. (uwm""" 2c9281a98483259b,"supertr0ll will live forever! if you don't respect the supertr0ll you will die you pathetic fool!" 2cad19c8ea67c1d3,"luna santin is a fucking troll as is future impefect at sunrise the whole lot o fyou now for fucks sake delete fred borsch." 2cf5f26df9f3332c,"my recent edit how well does your mom give blowjobs? is she better than you? please reply, i still will give $5 to suck my dick, thats a good offer" 2cf9a357e7af18ec,it's my talk page you faggot 2d2de81fbbee0bc1,""" i'm here to improve the encyclopedia, why do you insist """"palestine"""" exists, and that jerusalem belongs to it? you have come off quite combative inthis post, i don't appreciate it, you fuc king little fa ggot.""" 2daf266d3a16b2bb,"hey go fuck yourself, cunt. lick your mother's balls if you must." 2e6cd3589b2e9bf7,get the fucking arse off this website. 2ec08cbd511b97e1,"dude, did you know, it literally, slows down cd burning if you don't have the pro version? it actually makes it slower! the bastards! maybe that should be in the article." 2ee21c49144b496f,"wtf dog chill dem bitches out yo." 2f15261b8764b60d,i know what the heck you are doing you damn user:charlieechotango from sh*ting hell!! 2f4bfc687ced1da4,nepenthessss needs to suck my fucking dick 2f5cd5f34bf277cd,fuck you and fuck your mom. and her dog. 2fa3c9088a47641f,"november 2013 krakatoakatie, look what you *done!* you blocked me for the last time, you dimwit! for now, your wikipedia days is *cancelled!!* *krakatoakatie, you're fired!!!*" 2fe31e5a44ec0c03,"homosexualtity i would have you know your homosexual activity is sinful, and you will surely burn in hell for it. ask yourself, is it really worth it up the ol' ass?" 302b1f7d8d016f3e,"dear you- you are a bloody cocksucker. i can't imagine you're from elk grove village, so i can't help but reccomend you just fuck off when a real resident says who the notable residents of elk grove are. so why don't you just go back to your corner and start masturbating to rick astley" 308848e163bf3d2a,"at the end of the day, kudpung is a grade-a idiot. spends way too much time on here, slithering around rfa, and putting off as many people as possible from applying. moron." 309b450dbd9ad1a6,"shit-faced loser you fucking twat" 309cc66a696a5daa,"please note: this user, while not an administrator, is a faggot." 30dc274513233575,fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck 30def5d0aa6c0963,ur a loser. i challenge u to block me. loser !! 31182dd62a495679,fuck off back to india you cunt. 316126f6ad793d36,"dear stupid idiot dear mr h.q. (what kind of a stupid name is that). all i ask for is that you (actually not you, but a person with brains) review my edits after i am done, not during my edits. i have asked you to do so several times. is it too much to ask of a pro-american (or addaled) brain such as yours?" 316323bb08032cfe,"racist trying to whitewash the terrorists, fine, bring it on, ass-bitch." 31722f60850ed7cd,"wt*? you threaten to block me, but you refuse to pull the trigger even after i posted man tits on your page. are you even an admin? tell you what, it's 9:47. if you don't block me in 3 minutes, you are officially a biyatch.-sos" 3183fb5770f09af0,i hate vegans and i hate you 31854230939d7476,"ahh shut the fuck up you douchebag sand nigger go blow up some more people you muslim piece of shit. fuck you sand nigger i will find u in real life and slit your throat." 321e5e8929a3f0dc,chicken shit cock sucking pussy bastard! 32488c1a7ff4ec54,"suck my dick, or cock!" 32d855a249fd09e0,"fuck you fuck you motherfucker!!!! go die in a hole!!!!!!!!" 32fc059547e88081,"you all think you are fucking experts because you control the information on wikiplagirism. you are all at fault for contributing to the age of misinformation. no longer does academic fact stand for anything. now it is all about majority fool. you stupid fucks you are destroying our world eat shit. love kevin" 3321dc96a036ed50,"i have been blocked because this white guy couldnt handle the fact that his little white baby dick wasnt good enuff 4 me. i am just stating the facts, i mean thats what this is an encyclopedia.... i have been around, seen alot of different guys dicks, im talken hundreds, the fact is nigga gs dicks are like three to four times the size of white guys and theyre waaaaay better in bed! and women only want big dick not lil pathetic feeble white dick!!! ps if you want proof check my history he is out to get me!!!" 33246ffcc0a9f8d9,"dear sinebot fuck you. in case you didn't know... if i don't sign... you take care of it for take those tildes and shove them up your cyber ass mother fucker" 3326ed3c80453415,"fat kid whats it like been the fat guy in the office? hey fat guy, lose f-cking weight" 33ccb8897d37f436,hi stupydbytch frodesiak. i will always returd. you haven't deleted my 200 articles. do you need a list to delet them? i can provide you thi list. shythole 340aa679f3c4f757,"i'm trying to help so fuck you soo much you fucking cunt. i shall hunt you down &kill; you ever so soly. عططط" 34219c2bdc377a97,"hmm... what sort of lame duck faggot asher do we have here the? it seems we have a friendless nerd who sits in front of his pc all day jacking off to porn, unless of course, a change happens in wikipedia, shlock horror!!!!!!! thenm its an instant orgasm and he has to clean his keyboard up from all the cum stains. (did i mention that he likes to finger dogs arses? no, well now you know.)" 34a17aceaae509d2,"i did tell her politely where to place her head in relation to her anus. i mean, i coudl have been rude about it. i was trying to be helpful, since i suspected that she does not know her head from her anus, and it may come in useful for her to understand the distinction between these very important body parts. consider it an intervention." 34e974d364be1dd1,""" message you rude little child. i maintain civility. you don't """"gandalf"""" or """"golem"""" because you are acting like him. talk pages are not forums keep that in mind before you make hypocrite. """ 350e66a5270fa7a3,""" dear bishonen, here you are again, weren't you forbidden to pollute this talk page anymore by your corupted interventions and arbitrary deleeting and bans? your actions, as they have always been, are completely discussfull and under all criticisms. you are nothing but a little stupid idiot coming and called by ybm as he was ban and not by you! of course, for going again against the 3rr rule, and for having insulted enormously people. you know of course that people following ybm are called by him and his voyer """"idiots""""? or did you forgot? so pay a visit to his website and get a free trip to wake-up land. all my interventions were absolutly relevant and i am the alone person on this talk page acting like a real admi would! i came as you certainly didnt read it, with a proposition who was suppose to bring an end to all this mess, but ybm and rjb and your friend snowboard and maru just made it worse. i have responded to attacks,and certainly not in the same distorded way who is so familiar to them and to you to express themselves, and your removal of my post is a censorship, a compleete censor of my words who are the truth but who disturb you, you are the valey of ybm and nothing else and seems to enjoy it. ybm has called igor bogdanov a bastard twice a short time before you blocked me, you have no rights to do so and your excuse about having warn me a lot before is working a little thin don't you think? i do not have been warned ever ever ever ever by you. post warning is no warning. you should be kicked out from wiki as you are absolutely unable to work as an admi. this latest action of yours is so discustfull and after you and your boyfreind geogre alredy did against me this is a hetz and compleete harassement that you perform only because you know nicky turnbull to be away for a wild. you are so disraspectfull of the minimum of ethic and morality, and the minimum of truth and honnesty that i have no business talking with a """"person"""" with such a low standard. you are completely corrupted and a stain on wikis'reputation. shame on you!! """ 35f5da96b29b58fe,"your recent contributions why don't you leave my articles alone, you spiteful shit?" 3615333802b0e692,"shall i call the police geez hesp, as well as being a coward you are a little paranoid, sorry very paranoid, you should also call your mummy and daddy. in case you are stupid as well as paranoid and a coward, speaking face to face is the old fashoined way of sorting out problems you pathetic little excuse for a human." 364b6c24210e2345,"fuck you you fucking pig! you motherfucking pig." 365a53aa15419ac2,"fuck you motha fucka penis" 369a3ec6312e6f3a,"faggot y wood i kare if it r vandilisim? u r just an old fuck reading about team hand balls?" 36a1667f7487556d,this user enjoys sucking his father's shaft 36fd4f9621e03ce4,"??? == i didn't attack you, you weirdo! ==" 37163e8bfd33b7e3,fuck yourself you self-important web nazi. deleting an article about a famous little girl with cancer? wikipedia used to be a free encyclopedia till dipshits like you took over. you and your chrony editors are the definition of the iron law of oligarchy. 373cce668b8847d0,"bloody idiot you bloody freak, do not bicker and sulk... my name is amanbir singh, and i can take you at all levels..." 37636eb681066661,"yohan cabaye the yohan cabaye info was not incorrect so if you don't want real info on it u can go fuck yourself because alan pardew did say cabaye was cpfc ces fabregas and he was made fun of by newcastle fans so u can keep puting bullshit on wiki so people are confused u dumb fuck" 37c04d928a28400c,fuck u hope your lanchiau will rot and drop off ! 37cd12be872253d9,"trouted you have been trouted for: ?b/ for life go kill urslef really this site sucks you are a joke really get a life go out into the world" 380d9cd3ccca0e03,"could you be a bigger dick if you tried ? lmao- locking pages dude ? dude, it's wikipedia, not encyclopedia brittanica. were you this much fun in high school too ? killing the buzz of some tampa fans trying to have fun with our new coach's page. oh wait, you're an eagles fan - nevermind. i bet you're as fat as andy reid too." 386b62dc67bcb66c,son of a bitchson of a bitch 38ba380d375e386f,"hi, youve deleted craig cunningham's page, he is an actor which is why i put his page on here, what have you ever done you sad cunt?" 38cd26dc19b19b48,holy shit shut the f*** up you motherf*** c***! 38e96b42298f2efd,""" thanks for the spelling lesson asskrackadacki. sometimes i am in a rush. got to get my point across before the ban you know. no billcj is the lapdog, you are just the arrogant abusive prick. don't forget to put the four """" """" next time so we don't have to guess who is doing the writing. lets put it this way jetlover, take a look at billcjs """"edits"""". he spends all his time reverting others or running to his master asskrackadacki to whine about how uncivil people are. you are damn straight people get uncivil with you you little weasle billcj. if you had contributed one iota of content i would revert you in a flash. """ 39108adc84612c1c,"yeah you piece of crap. where the hell is seduchia anyways? that doesn't even come up in a search engine." 39238d8a207472aa,your just a overweight beetch effff youuuu 3924e01b53aae155,you are an idiot and you can't block anyone. 397236d7e13ebe96,you're a fucking idiot. 39ddba86f815e9d1,"hmm wow eekster is eff off you a hole i'll post what the eff i want you bitcz azz ho" 3a1abd48ddd94e42,""" propol, i will make it simple so a young guy like your self understands... any additions to the james philips bio which don't meet standards of encyclopedic content i will remove. i will not play the games, bandy words, or question the motives of other editors or any accusations of them being """"bias"""". no. i will just just simply remove, with out explanation, what don't meet standards of encyclopedic content, since my reasons for my actions are censored. also, i will fully expect any content, which contain fanciful speculation, unproven allegations and other nonsense, i expect the admin to remove and enforce, per your wiki policy, so standard is meet on the james philip bio. if you don't i will. in closing, your leader - jimmy, had said this... i quote... real people are involved, and they can be hurt by your words. we are not tabloid journalism, we are an encyclopedia. –jimmy wales again quoting jimmy """"... reverting someone who is trying to remove libel about themselves is a horribly stupid thing to do.""""–jimmy wales don't be stupid. """ 3a537159742790f8,"speedy deletion of titans (webcomic) for crying out load, man. the reason why it hasn't got much on it is because i just created it. i wanted to get the damn page up before adding more stuff to it. don't get your knickers in a twist just because a page isn't created perfectly immediately. don't get your knickers in a twist and select every new page for speedy deletion. in fact, i'm going to go cliché and say you're the cancer that is killing wikipedia. there, i said it. give me a day or two before being a dick. and don't moan that i'm insulting you, since your behaviour simply called for it." 3ab220bed4ae166b,"fucking left-wing bastard you left-wing liberalist bastards are enemies of a free and righteous world and ought to be banned!" 3ace4d23cf383036,"shut up, queer boy! yes" 3b244c81a3bdad92,burtalbert you fucking suck dick u king asshole 3b31f423ac1946b4,whoever used 'she' instead of neutral they is a little p ussy fa ggot. i'm going to change it to he 3b908aea8c5826d0,"not the same person== stop changing it to your opinions. claude speed and claude are not the same thing. i'm editing it. stupid pimple faced kids." 3b9febebd78268cb,wikipedia's new business. pimping sluts like . stop that now!!! 3bc79ab5848d7d9d,"showed... ...another homo bites the dust" 3c36f6b4bd692ab5,"fuck u cameroon protecing illegal edits by mohamad ayoob u will be hunted now" 3c7e61108a8c6556,"you are a mormon hack that thinks mitt romney will win you are wrong! by the way jesus is not real and never will be. you are wasting your life doing what you are doing because jesus ain't real. jesus thinks you are dumb. mormons are stupid and joseph smith played the greatest con on mankind ever. you are a total mormon fool!" 3c89ee63f06b0606,"wanker go fuck yourself you ignorant moron. this site is full of shit being peddled by brainless twats like you. what exactly is your objective?" 3cfc627bcd32b57b,"sockpuppet i sucked my dickyou failed again to block me wikipedians!! ha ha!! for some nice big juicy sweet cock, my number is 248-678-9807 goodbye lovers." 3d664107fdcc1539,you are full of rubbish. 3dd337ce65e5096a,wow you fuckin druggo 3de93567510b6c07,"is that all you can say? lol, you're lame, boo. (" 3e0107e79a4e8f85,"snoop dogg offical member snoop dogg is considered an offical member amoung us niggaz, you white folkz jsut go by tha script but no one reps wit n.w.a unless they a goddamn member n thats tha rule." 3e1309cf82d7bdff,"you are dumb you are dumb and stupid loser" 3e430b3d08ee7b15,"i noticed you post a lot about taking dumps in the right position. you must be a fecelphaeliac. i'd love to cop a squat over your chest and let one go all over yiu, you horny little filth pig. i've got a granite boner right now. are you trans btw?" 3f252c5b8db86046,"christmas message i hope you die in hell you filthy pig. your anime, filthy slum-apartment, plus your renowned dick sucking, qualifies you for no more than head prostitute of your filthy family. i hope your father died an early death from painful stds contracted from taking it in the ass from your brother. you think stds aren't contracted from anal sex? they are when your mom is using dirty needles to shoot both your mom and dad up in the process. clearly your mom died of a drug overdose. your siblings deserve to be hit by a truck and school bus and then fucked by your necrophiliac girlfriend (oh wait, you've never had one). eat shit." 3f30b94277a2b1af,go fuck yourself you stupid cunt 3f640e15e1903bea,you are a mother fucking son of a bich you asshole 401e5952b1da4959,there you happy. i posted a link. fuck you and fuck jimbo whatever. 40f1aad06068e680,"deaf culture is full of a bunch of jerks who want to ruin the lives of children by assuring that they have a disability. a lesbian couple wanted to make sure their donor was deaf, just to be absolutely sure that their child would have a disability. that is creepy. deafness is not a culture, it is a disability that causes big disadvantages. it relates more to blindness, than being black or asian. only a really stupid person wouldn't see that. this article should make that clear, and not pretend that it is a culture." 414340cb8e17e3cd,""" you make me want to puke! the way you act, you fag! suspicion """ 42a66d82f5026be4,"on account of the project deciding to ignore history, i hereby quit. good bye. oh, and tim vickers is a complete asshole. lol. bye." 42c26941550729c5,hey guys! this guy is a cunt nigger faggot. 42d394eafa73855c," is not a reputable source, neither is the dust cover of his book. again, you're trying to turn this into an informercial for this relatively unknown individual's controversial theories. maybe he's a genius, maybe he's an idiot, but it isn't accepted opinion and hence it shouldn't be in an encyclopedia." 42e19abc3754fd44,enoy facking small kids and eating pelican shit 42ec189f6902c0e4,freakofnuture can suck it! 4301f9960ef3a507,titch why don'tcha shut yer mouth and hang out with yer old friend snowy. i am angry with you. why don'tcha knock some sense into matt and hypnotise him into really liking mario and nintendo - and hating the stupid double-u-double-i. tom 4312abf991ee37b4,"you are a cock, and if you block me you are blocking a very large ip address covering tens of thousands -)" 435bd22bae2c7cb5,i can all types of good stuff... u just never let me... jerk ass 43fe869776e7df05,"racists they are nothing but racist little boys with little white dicks who want to suck adolf shitler, surely they deserve a less than welcoming page? i didnt know wikipedia supported nazism!!!" 444b999c44aa9ba4,"you must be a complete moron. you have no authority to warn people. i just warned you, too. big whoop. stop bugging people and get a life." 44bb7fb3924e3f17,"ima gona slash your tires!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the fuck is your problem you little schoolyard picnic bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is the motha fuckin guy that did the gears of war thing motha fucka. so ima get mah niggas all up in yo grill motha fucka.... is this really how u fucking treat your motha fuckin wikipedians bitch. im fuck yo tires up motha fucka i live in the motha fuckin gangsta streets in motha fuckin la motha fucka i just got this motha fuckin computer and now im gonna breakin it off your fucking egg shaped head bitch!" 4519a3e23491086e,""" dear soldier of the wikipedia neo-nazi/communist dictatorship what the hell are you tlaking about. i did not re-creat any article about the formal australian worker's party formaly known as the new communist party of australia. i think you are high on the lies told by storm front. you the hell listens to storm front. oh my god wikipedia is becomeing a dumping ground for neo-nazis and altra lefties. since i am the voice of reason. i just have to say one thing. pleas read my reply to storm front. here it is - okay okay. lats just get the fatcs right. this is what some nazi said on storm front """" peter watson (of warwick, qld.) has claimed to represent all sorts of groups, and - in forums - likes to pretend he is several people at the same time. he has a habit of claiming to be the president of organisations he has made up on the internet. he says he is 14 (or 16) years old."""" answere:- no i have not supported lotsd of groups. i have only supported the cpw , awp (formally known as the ncpa). i was never a member of the people's think tank association plus the ptta never had a president. plus i have only ever been one person. and that person is peter watson. this nazi must have a lot of time on his hands to look for information on me. so i can only come up with only one conclusion and that is simply that this man has no social or sex life. so i can only say on thing """"go get a life man and get a women"""". peter was president of the """"people's think tank association"""" based in warwick, which he says """"split from the communist party of australia just recently and they publish the caller"""" answere:- i was never the president of the ptta. the ptta was never ever created. the caller was a fake news paper. as fare as i know it was only ever printed once by some nazi. since the ptta was never realy so how cna it split from the cpa. so many questions and not enough answeres. the man just doesn't have a life. peter was """"president of the new communist party of australia"""" and """"chairman of the central committee"""" (this is in his communist international news) answere:- i was the president but not the had of the ncpa. i was the chairman of the central commitee. but as you might know the ncpa and the awp are the same group. the awp change its name to ncpa but change it's name back soon after remember you stupid nazi. peter was """"president of the communist party of warwick"""" answere:- only for a short number of times in the hsitory fot he party that i was the presidnet of it. peter also says: """"the new communist party of australia (ncpa) , the people think tank association (ptta) and the communist socialist workers front (cswf) did dissolve and absorbed into the australia first party (afp)"""". answere:- the communist socialist worker's front never ever was created and never was real. it just goes to show that nazis just makes things up to help them selvs. the ptta was never real. if you are aksing why i made the cswf and the ptta up well it was just for fun. peter has also set up the """"australian worker's party"""" answere:- this nazi (fairdinkum) is a idiot. i have said this many times that it was started in april was a split from the cpw that changed it's name to ncpa than change it's name back to awp when it was kicked out fo the afp. not only are nazis stupid like fairdinkum but they also don't listen. i am a communist and believe in marxist-leninism. i am not retarted. plus i am not troubled person or retarted. i have never said in my life that i was the king of the communists or the nazis. once more the nazis made some thing up to make them selvs look better and sound better than other people.""" 456a8e41a8c4550f,"you don't know the fucking jews, you stupid fucking wog." 45c17f2236a49681,hi afghani beggar refugee i love to suck the puti of ur amma ;) 46767a6c9d349a00,"you changed it back idiot, i did leave my reasons in the discussion page in case you have not read it. new mexico campaign is completely wrong. not allof the battleis in this campaign occurred in new mexico. you changed that back but you did not bother changing back the campaignbox or the several other articles connected to it. i will be changing it back." 4695f39fe068de05,"fuck the shit out of you, nil! learn to use better manners, or you will be banned! aksai chin deservedly is chinese territory for the people living there are tibetan, not your motherfucking hindu scum! haha, so sad too bad china killed you in 1962! by the way nil, you must really love anal fucking!" 47cd06fb9410546c,fyi chooyoo? you can sharpen my pencil with your mouth! 4808a9235e21192d,this is not a personal attack i just believe that all those disscussion about this perosn is pathetic and this is vendalism. why dont you just move on and forget. get yourself a shrink or a dildo ! 480f18c1185dc6f9,"racist racist like everybody else in that garbage" 482629b853c64d75,"coward. stop deleting these messages." 483a0a43f6380105,"fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! 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fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking cocksucking admins, eat my shit cunts!!!!!!! fucking coc" 4873f24af8928f39,"oh bedwetter... please stop your furious back-pedalling. strangely enough, it demeans you ... as well as anybody else who descends to your dumb-ass level." 48bb9db3f25ce277,"a day to remember == i hate that band, but dude, how was i vandalizing it by putting 'easycore'? that's what they are, a mixture of pop punk and metalcore. you told me i vandalized the article when all i did was put what it actually is. just because you don't think it's a genre doesn't mean it isn't one. don't be a dick. ==" 48cc62ede488e5a4,"with regards to your recent thoughtful epistle... go get fucked and maybe you will not be so goddamned gay. otherwise, go eat a bag of hell and drop dead." 48fc9bdbdb65165c,"fuck u gwernol, are u even from sefton" 491971ad53a25394,""":in spite of the admins advice about replies, i think the only reasonable reply to you is """"go to hell."""" you're so damned bossy, a bully, a liar and an ignorant agendizer. i can't fathom how they let you continue here. maybe another ip block yours will be a great idea. """ 494cde26fb53346f,"who i am first off, i'm a faggot - not an article creator. i've received good ass in my work as a truck stop cocksucker, while stealing the prose and research of others. cocksucking is, in my mind, the best feature of wikipedia. my faggoty tastes are eclectic, but all end in a jizz shoter. i can bounce ten cocks all over the place. i've spent time sucking off kim kardashian, vandals and bbm in richard gere's asshole and richard simmons's asshole, and assisted in the development of a faggoty article on the jizzmaster himself, me, (the latter of which has since undergone faggoty tranny surgery and a tit job. further revisions to my cock include trying to fuck my mother with it, which i am not entirely happy about, but heck, it's a mom i remind you all i am a faggot who wouldn't risk pissing with the seat down, so you can tell my nickname is a faggoty attempt to appear edgy. i weigh 450kg." 49697583730284d5,"y u remuv my post agane ey you niggur i said i sue and nao i am you regret it fo evur you niggur" 4992c2b2ce3e5fa5,"hey , you are a chicken shit coward. i told you that everytime you had one of your administrator buddies block me, i would quickly be back on with a new ip address editing your vandalism of this article. i meant it!!! why don't you stop masturbating to wikipedia and get a real life? i told you that you don't know who you're fucking with!!!" 4994906a79666f98,fuck you you asshole i edit what i wana edit what-eva! i do what i want! 49a0976f53582792,"hey dickhead please stop posting threats to my page which relate to edits which i did not do." 49b62301a21c7144,"u mad? i'll fuck you blind bitch. i'll fuck you blind till you just can't see no more. sit on my dick, fart on my ballls. anyway going to change ip so i can mess with junegloom." 49e8030043bf39c9,"""::::::>""""i do, in fact, know how ammo is stored in the abrams; i also know that there are blow-out panels in that compartment located in the turret,"""" - you stupid? we are tolking about other part of ammo, which does not located the turret and dont contain blow-out panels. in free time take close look at leopard and merkava. compare with abrams. """ 4acef2d9d86db457,"your wife isn't half bad can i fuck her?" 4b45fb6f173bb173,fuck you ckatz you are german cock sucker and fucker mother fucker 4b472354bf8e8c51,suck dick u disrespectful swearing wank!! 4c1b76770ae5d20a,"oh and do the research myself? i don't fucking need research, i already know the name. you're the only fucking one (or two) in denial here. you do the research. you go fucking read every available source about the terminator universe. i don't need to because i have and i know. stupid fuck." 4d9916d319037007,"you should all rue the day you were born!!!! i have taken over this page!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos, i want my cheese, george bush should go to hell!!!!!!!!! i am the god of chocobos," 4e10bff145018787,""" you are blocked in life forever and for life indefinitely, you trashy dustbin you are a trashy dustbin who is blocked in life and for life indefinitely it can be so obviously seen that you have no life in reality and hence you carry on with editing pages on wikipedia,which is another big joke, like you. in fact, it is jokers like you that make wikipedia an unreliable piece of crap that the world laughs on. you thought you can block users who edit articles that are wrongly written to project a """"good"""" image like that c-grade item song sleaze actress payal rohatgi. on the account of hello5678, when i edited to write the truth, since i work with the media and knew the actual truth, you did what you knew best - to block accounts and even have the foolish audacity to write that it did not seem i was a journalist. your block anyways went futile ( like all your remaining blocks on other users go, and future blocks will be going ) since as i had said, there are a million computers to comment and reply from. it just depends on my wish if i want to respond to idle losers like you and whether i have the time to do so. once and for all, i am doing it this time, and won't remove time for worthless people like you again. you had some advice on how i should spend my """"blocked time"""" by reading wp:dispute pages on wikipedia so that i have better ideas on dealing with disputes. actually ,you need better ideas to deal with life. i am not foolish like you to spend any amount of my time bothering about rubbish written by stupid people like you who have no work in real life and spend days editing pages on wikipedia/ scribblebook that no one bothers to read. some people are just unfortunate like you and 2over0. and if you are troubled by my calling that actress """"sleazy"""", then that's your problem. cos that's the only work she has done and the press uses precisely that term while referencing her work. you also spoke about writing """"accurate"""" information on wikipedia. ironic, when you don't even bother finding out what is accurate, and spend endless hours blocking, and acting admin as if it is an important position in yourcarry on with your scribble game. and if you feel threatened by media exposure, then that shows you knew you were wrong. it's only when people are wrong that they feel threatened. pity your personality. also, you ended by writing that """" it's clear you aren't a journalist, and have no means of carrying out your threat """" - lol. sad, that you lived in that illusion. for jokers like you who are totally idle,and who scribble away in virtual life. oh wait, that may be the only position you probably have or will have ever in your unfortunate life. carry on with your scribble game. and if you feel threatened by media exposure, then that shows you knew you were wrong. it's only when people are wrong that they feel threatened. pity your personality. also, you ended by writing that """" it's clear you aren't a journalist, and have no means of carrying out your threat """" - lol. sad, that you lived in that illusion. for jokers like you who are totally idle,and who scribble away in virtual pages on wiki-scribble-pedia, will obviously withdraw from the truth. you yourself have no idea at all if i am a journalist, and you write that it's clear that i am not. well, you are also inane and a clown to fool yourself. i had all means, and the said article has already been published. i had no time to let you know, since i am a busy person, unlike you and do not find time to come scribble on virtual pages that clowns like you , 2overo, 2/0, akerans, managerarc, fisherqueen (yeah, we named you again - suck it up), kuru etc. do all your life. you will find that information, depending on which godforsaken part of the world you live in. and like last time, you can go ahead and block me this time too. for , no one cares two hoots for your silly blocking games. we do have a life, unlike losers like you. maybe its time for you to go fish in real life, so that you can come anywhere remotely close to having a life - lol. so, loserqueen, grow up and get a life, you idle clown or else, you will remain a loser all your life. who cares anyway what inane, puerile losers like you do in their lives. cos all you know best is to play edit and block games on your scribblebook called wikipedia. scribble on cos anyway no one cares and i most certainly don't. time for you to go fishing then, loserqueen. and i wont bother to check any replies or anything else ever, cos i dont have time unlike idle losers like you, loserqueen. you are no where near a queen, but certainly are a huge ,filled with trash, dustbin. pity you, unfortunate daft-loser- dustbin. and the best last closing words to a daft dustbin like you are - fish off.""" 4e179dc38a06d858,""" axe of questioning generic question excuse me, but: i do not throw any shit strait chirumirianpeaopunguriru bovice nigga 'i like u nigga im a dog, he naw my nigga im in hell im i do not have any cracks feendin' shit shiiiit had expected the iphone """"is required -""" 4e4902d0550ecc65,""" support for that any many more similar statements is all over the iranian media, including the ones who are not in line with ahmadinejad from a political or ideological point of view. playing the retarded trick of """"bring me a verifiable quote"""" for every sentence that you don't like or don't want, and even when a quote is provided, deleting it for lame excuses makes you look like, god forbid, a jew. are you a dirty jew by any chance? """ 4e4d227132f0f6c1,"my user page hey jews bitch!! i was expecting that you will remove my user page too, as you deleted my article without providing a logic reason!!! take care your lords will be angry on you!!! about the material in my page, it is my opinion and i will not change it; you have one of three choices, remove the page block my account or go fuck your parents. in any case it is a dishonore for me to remain in the same place with a bastard like ou. dude!, i suggest you the third choice, it is more suitable to a shit like you. did you learned now to never miss respect others?" 4e69ed2d52f321d4,""" the original """"poster"""" is an idiot. he listens to music like linkin park and limp bizkit and calls it """"metal"""". since metal is much more diverse than his nu-metal he has trouble forumulating thoughts within his small collection of neurons called his brain. plus people of intelliegence are able to distinguish the metal genres quite easily. the op needs to commit suicide.""" 4e875d3dcff0d329,"""u are a fucking wanker!!!! there was no fucken pakistan or idependent state of pakistan before 1947!! infact most of the """"pakistanis"""" are real indians of the muslim faith which were conerted by the arabs. i hate you people that attempt to leach of indias majestic history before you pakistanis cant get your own food, own laguage ( urdu is at least 50% hindi), own identity and own land. india has given so much land to you, to avoid conflict ad now you want to take away our ancient civilisations??? i have had enough!!! indus valley was indian land, occupied by indian people!!! god gave india to the indians not the pakistanis.... remember, pakistan is indian land.... so is kashmir and jammu!!! """ 4ebb0ac23020ce07,"your gay you're a fucking faggot" 4ece423b3d85d0e2,"you're missing the point of these re-editting, many do agree with removing the picture with the old one, you should think about how others feel about this too, not just me who thinks someone is being racist through biasness, or the person moxy who requested you to block me. you may have the right to block me for accusing people, but you have no right from blocking others who refuse this picture for their own reasons. i guarantee you i won't be the only one who is unhappy about these pics, especially asian men who won't feel happy about this. how the hell can you call that anatomical features when you can't seen see the guys penis??? ( and yes, i know asian men are know for having smaller ones but not that tiny, that guy has an malfunction syndrome penis). warriorspride6565 (talk) (talk • contribs) 7:41, 12 march (utc)" 4edba7f0f4df32ae,hey can you please stop it bugs me when some one does that edit a page i did. i know i'm not right all the time but what the fuck that wwe 2k15 roster has been confirmed so stop bugging me and don't threat me stupid bitch if you don't like it get the fuck out i'm sure you've annoyed many people case of incorrect info. so shut the fuck up if you can't handle it fuck out!!!!! and stop don't you dare fuckin delete it edit my shit ever again. i'm not kidding. 4f37e68ce0e28b59,"you're nothing but a fucking massive fag. you edit others pages without their permission, which makes you a fag. you are the satan child spawned from your mother who procreated with your god damn retarded uncle." 4f79fbdc8ba124c1,fuck u! u fucken stole my cloudsong and if i ever fucken find u fuuuuuuuuuuck fuck u! 4f8662c6f69546ee,"fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog fuck your dog 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4fbfc26a198ea0d1,yo mama's so fat that when she jump for joy she got stuck! 4fdf8a0306c866d1,""" look you moron, if the 1000 series is t-1000? then guess what's the 800 series is? moron! idiot! and as stated here, in one of the discussion in this page: i agree with christopher thomas, below, regarding unclarified sources for this article. specifically, i take issue with the entire """"differences between the 800 and 850 series"""" section, because i contend that there is no such thing as a """"t-850"""". stan winston studios, which designed the terminators for the films, confirmed this to me via e-mail when i wrote to them asking their opinion. their response (direct quote): """"i'm not sure where the t-850 came from. as far as i know, arnold's terminator has and always will be the t-800, model 101. now, the robot terminators in t3 are t1's and kristana loken is the tx. i hope that clears it up..."""" while the term """"t-850"""" is somewhat widespread on the internet, even extending to t3-related merchandise such as action figures, its origin is, to my mind, something of a mystery. rich stan winston designed the terminator, and he says it's t-800! now shut the fuck up and change it back you idiot!""" 4fe3b7997e77f365,blah blah blah. cry me a river. go suck a prick. you aint even a flo rida fan. 50b46aba4e647109,"hey bu-uuuuuddy== you really suck a lot of dick ==" 50ccbba1fd817b68,"vandalism fuck, you're an idiot. cult members abound. leaving a message on a user's talk page is not vandalism, nor is removing a protection template from an article that isn't even protected." 51250c77c248d321,hey fuckface stop reverting my page u gay loser! cant u hav some fun u fukin nerd! think ur so tuff (big) dunc? tell me ur adress and ill cum fuk u up 512eaff7387d2f23,"republic of mosquito faggot! faggot! get off my internet!" 51a3391f067c8ae2,"wow...funny how i can harass other users by calling them cocksuckers on my own talk page. the concept of wikipedia is moronic...the general public is stupid, and should not be given complete unfettered access to change globally accessible content. dumb fucks, i'm sure it completely gets your little shriveled rocks off to fling your term 'vandalism' around like it is worth anything. how about you sit on my huge cock you egotistical power hungry nerd shit eating fagots d" 5247bcc3472bd6c4,who said we were guessing peeweey..get a life ya fuckin weedy faggot 5277ec5957c0203a,""" worlds sexiest big nice shaped behined """"sandy brunchone class of 1980"""" sandy had a nice shaped rear when totally naked her crack was very deep and stinky, the asshole was wrinkly around but nothing hanging around the ends. i got a change to see her ass up close and personal one evening, she was naked as a j bird and sitting in the front of the car drunk as a skunk. the she stated to get in the back set where i was. she put one leg over then another now she was in the back bent over in the front with her bare ass facing right at me. i couldn't resist, i griped both ass cheeks with both my hand and spread them apart, and then pushed my face right in her crack and sniffed up in there. and when she didn't resist and seemed to like it i decided to start licking her, right from her pubic hairs though her pussy over the crotch in and out of the asshole then strait up her crack while squeezing her ass cheeks all the time. god remember maryann on gilligan’s island, that’s what her ass and body looked like. she then finely goes in the back sit and sat on my lap and i was fondling her virginia.""" 52b800e978482ba2,yeah. go suck dick u corrupt retarded fat pig homo. 52e6576bb71581e7,"you slut, leave me alone" 52e698d435746c16,"you are a putz just because you do not know about the moss bluff strike force does not mean its a hoax. you were probably never in the military and you write about military history, so i ask you who is the hoax. why dont you go write and article about a battle that you read about in a book that was written by a guy who wasn't close enough to smell the gun powder and then tell me what a hoax is. you are pathetic." 535557d34dbed8fe,"why dont you fuck off you manwhore and let us lead our life. wikipedia is for everyone, not just perverted trolls like you! you have not assumed good faith. you are going to rot in hell you poo snorting deviant and suck mans balls. i told you to look up the chaser. you are obviously a pov warrior and troll." 536f5fafd9d575e1,"three-revert rule! you goddamh hypocrite! catamorphism, it's obvious that you think you have exclusive ownership and propriety over this article and even the truth itself! and so, even when solid, incontrovertable evidence is presented you still choose to deny it. i really don't care what you do about it, you whiny, sniveling, prepubescent man-hating pig! you are just a repulsive, arrogant little dyke who is merely hijacking this article and this site for her own despicable propagandistic purposes!!" 53e137f40f67b14a,i used to be nice to all wikipedians till the day i met wikicology. he is a pest in my garden. a weed in my farm and a fucking virus in my system! 54193e04e545821d,""" we can certainly see where your bias lies. why don't you just say """"damn joos"""", follow it up with """"apes and pigs"""", and be done with it? """ 550abb4d31460132,ps. also guys i know we are lazy as fuck but come on we have to..well...stop being lazy! get some work done xd 551554b6370bc253,"you fat slimy piece of shit i hope you fall through the toilet ya jobie. you are one of the mpst uneducated dicks i have ever heard of, burn in hell you bugger, burn in hell! ps. you are a shit." 55719feda81bee0e,"hey! that wasn't vandalism. that user is my firned and i was just having fun. you can ask him if u want to buddy. just because you have no friends doens't mean you have to be mean to me butthead!" 56490e33913ca72d,show some gratitude bitch ) 5686f19fd5700bae,"whiner!... you try to prevent people from doing their job just because they're trying to remove their own words from a talk page!... that's petty!... i was just doing my job and just because you son of a bitch got insulted you blocked me, huh? never mind, i never intended to keep talking to you. well, apparently you don't like to delete things!... maybe you like to be insulted or ass kicked!..." 56bfc0ebe2047205,"go fuck yourself go fuck yourself" 56d57654c05bf031,"more rubbish. this page contains 0.000001% of the actual amount of news coverage there's been of the olympics, so that claim is clearly nonsense. there are no differing interpretations here at all, there's people talking about policies that they know about, and then there's you, who can barely even match up a policy to the issue it governs - notability doesn't control content in articles, recent doesn't bar the inclusion of recent incidents, notnews doesn't forbid the use of journalistic sources, wp:ilikeit only applies to deletion debates, etc etc etc. you can claim all you want that incidents weren't controversial, but merely pointing out that the word 'controversial' isn't in the source is about the thinnest argument you could ever produce to support it (and in the case of kim collins, it's actually a lie, there are soucres calling it controversial, i don't think you even bother looking half the time)." 57a21ec9f54fae85,"go fuk your momma, rancie!" 57fab21e2b5a6edb,"fuckoff fuckoff i don't want self promoting faggots shitting up wikipedia, if there's a fucking ban on vanity pages for people there should be one on vanity pages for shitty bands nobody will ever care about" 582a2b0b37dbcfa3,"niggerpuppets please don't trivialise meatism, specism or make presumptions of others ethinicity and please don't make personal attacks. thank you. how silly do you want this thing to become? we are certainly into panto season here [ ... oh, yes we are ... oh, no we are not! ] actually, the analogy is a very good one as the user vigger pointed out. do you think some troll calling vegans mr meatpuppet is not a personal attack?" 588dc710fe713a8d,"motherfucked you porki muslim, what changes have you made at 1971 main section was useless, the defeat of porki muslims and 15,000 moslem women being raped by hindu-sikh soldiers in ranchi(india) jail seems to have made you mad." 59253e1572978c4d,chickenshit vikie-addict. you are a liar about your service. you are not missed. 594d5efa4517bc97,"golden age of hip hop why do you support this article so much. rap has not helped save anyone. it is not important. besides, you sound like an idiot. i believe you should change your ideas about life, before you do something stupid." 595167bee8a72480,"wow! i saw how you deleted my addition to gone maggie gone. you really must be a lonely piece of shit. if you had ever watched the episode you would see how it is a parody of o'reilly and only him in that scene. i reported your deconstructive edit and traced your ip. it also seems like you are a big neo nazi fan of o'reilly and will do whatever you can to protect your friend in christ. let's begin the edit war! go fuck yourself, faggot!!!" 59918ccc23d6629a,"czechs killed off over 90% of the roma population during ww ii ? for heaven's sake! even as a joke it is not hilarious. contributions to czech culture??? lol! the person must be mentally ill." 59fd543a8f354706,"u iz a bitch. -donny's mom" 5a2b68e7e54155cb,"wtf yo bro why you deleting my posts? what's your problem man? i'm just telling it how it really is. don't be jealous that u dont know the truth.. aight.. bitch" 5a52ef00a260cc89,"jackass== i think some people on wikipedia are getting like little brats going around trying to bust people. you just have a lame life and you're trying to make up for it by pretending you have authority. you kid yourself into thinking you're a badass by picking on other users. ==" 5a79b88034831e3e,"i was just indicating you fool stupid jew troutman." 5a7e8ceb029dea6d,"hey why must you be such a shithole? fuck off" 5b47403854619de2,"| decline=take a hike, idiot!" 5bc33a41905cc205,"i struggle to understand why you give a damn so much. go put that anger towards something else. the few black, hell minority contestants on survivor hardly ever get recognition. go suck a penis or something." 5be141829443cd4e,why did you block i read all the hulk comic issues fuck you for blocking me you idiot 5cc794ac815307c4,"twit your just another petty fascist. you clowns are feeble (certainly in mind)." 5ce0c7df784a2669,""" i've only taken a cursory look at the article, but it looks like you made a good point - i can only think of a handful of shows to have featured three gay characters in a season, and i'd agree with you that it should definitely be put in that category. regardless, if you plan on making more edits like this and this, you might find yourself with a block extension. bbb23's a good administrator, and 3rr's called """"bright-line rule"""" for a reason. and considering that edit-warring blocks are to get users to cool down, if this is how you responded, it looks like he made the right call. — (je vous invite à me parler) buck winston fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me fuck you, i won't do what you tell me motherfucker ugh""" 5d09b188f699e545,"@ganesha yes now i can understand how many tons of nonsense u have written in this encyclopedia, telling that kanakadasa had nothing to do with madhva is the height of foolishness and indeed it is not surprising that u think like that. 1st learn to get the facts right before writing anything." 5d18bc0eb92e0f75,"and where the hell are you getting this? this is a completely ignorant point. i lived there, it definitely existed, fag." 5de0729d1e6055d9,it's not vandalism you stupid cocksucker! why are you such a fucking cunt rag! 5e023adaab531e52,veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks 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veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks veggietales sucks 5e0655c329eb7816,"fuck you fuck you. get a vinyl and put in your mama ass your scrotal dj" 5e419cad3cb4fe29,"you nasty a bear is satanic creature that is a godless killing machine that steals are pic-a-nic baskets and are honey jars. hey you fool, i was stating a fucking truth, stephen colbert does state that 'a bear is satanic creature that is a godless killing machine that steals are pic-a-nic baskets and are honey jars.' you can go check his myspace blog if you dont believe me, bitch.;=69366862&blogid;=153163814&mytoken;=a9b1bd03-2871-4cc6-a4e9-27811447e751 copy and paste it into your browser. i hate you>. look what you've done. your wikiality saddens me. bitch." 5e4fb1710d0f1493,"your moms yummy cunt fucking bastard you son of a bitch, asshole, motherfucker, go fuck ur mothers cunt, trade ur wife sister" 5ead69fe1514fad8,fuck off!!!!- () wolfkeeper (talk) 5eb404787a9d4a7a,"""he was telling the truth. wikipedians are fags like you that have no life but spend all day editing shitty pages and giving rules. just fuck off... -⊕ talk""" 5eef195f8b3e1c6c,"as i said, you're an asshole and that's all there is to it." 5f1ae41e8f6be9ac,"it presumes that the dumbfucks who troll about the ending have any good reason to do so, so it is biased." 5f287347dcce8395,"u smell 2 its contaygius" 5f2f365fabb6c9bb,"both of you are useless cunts and vandals who who couldn't tell notability if it bit you on the arse. my pointing that out is not vandalism. it is spreading sanity. go on then, ban me, bitch." 5fad59faad423556,oh dear winner 42 and james b watson has the cat got your tongue see i am the winner fuck wits so fuck you you pair of bell ends or perhaps you are a pair of bell end suckered or just overall cunts. 60262961dba92539,pathetic specimens like yourself 6063cac387260c02,"kimchi, thats not advertising. its the artist bio for our artist 'c.khid' die faggot. don't delete our artist" 60e6757994b37ebc,am a huge ass and lameo 6108324c346cf41f,reply back fucker or are ya 2 busy fuckin ya mother 610e97f598eb9f25,"bill mcneal is an idiot who thinks he's right, guys. he doesn't watch the product and therefore thinks he can decide what realities don't exist. i agree that respective eras such as ruthless aggression, universe era and reality era need to be mentioned." 613f3490153d346e,"fuck you you're a stupid bitch" 622b9e862d12e79a,geniac is an assole and a mom fuker.. 62e736877c28bf05,"fuck you wanker" 63f20f5320e8131b,douchebag is a washed up has been who is mostly a crackhead bitch. 643cb4ff75408de6,"ha, blocked i see. we defeated you, and you will never again post your british and royal ass kissing edits again." 64857075b6004537,admin is a paid scumbag mole and there is no other answer possible. 64b522f259a882dd,"agreed, they're worthless scum. fuck them. luckily no one intelligent pays attention to their fucking evil work." 64bf26a6eef20113,"edit request from, 28 june 2010 mauler90 is still a faggot" 64c5e09faef3fed3,"you are a duimb fucker! why do you want to banme when i edited kearsney by adding wanking to the list of passtimes at the school. it is well known that in the dorms at night almost every boy is wanking. its the unofficial school sport! smoking grass and wanking ) forget about these are the sons of the great and the mighty they are all little wankers. now stop being silly and remove the ban. one other thing. by banning my ip address you are banning 650 students who also use the same address. is this the high water mark of your bright ideas? one other thing. what is the point of having editors when silly twats like you operate as thought police or cencors? my guess is wiki will go the same way all the other great sites have gone afre they get too clever for their own good. the chap who thought this thinfg up in the fiorst place should have taken the money and run when he had that option." 6546e840b5174598,if you have a chance to read this you should instead of acting like a dick...i have faith that you can do this...the easiest way...stop acting like a dick and btw happy new year to you. 65767f7e5d35b881,you little bitch ass wikipedia nerd. 657bdb4dcaa81102,"i'm in a school you bitch fuck. i have like 20 computers. if you want a war you spic, you've got it." 65c94b1b4661a252,"attack lol! please don't attack? please. what neil did was worse than any attack i could have possibly made you liberal douchebag. go stick your finger up your own ahole, (which i'm sure you do daily anyway) you nerd." 65f9ec8f2818bb34,"your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fat spotty cunt your an ugly fat cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fat spotty cunt your an ugly fat cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fucking fat ugly cunt your a fat cunt your a fat spotty cunt your an ugly fat cunt" 660d7bb89403311a,"j delanoy is a motherfucker nuff' said" 661c84d85eeb12b6,"sex freak dam rfk was a sex freak, daaam 10 children. he must have been fucking and cumming in his wife everyday" 66dfc183b51034dc,hey made a fuck up you poofda fucken dog! 673f62eada42e289,"at least i'm trying, your m.o. basically seems to be an asshole to people who are trying to contribute. what have you done?" 6774ccb4dde06ba5,"non-notable krakatoakatie== you and this other turd riana dumped the article about alison crawford. odds are you're not even in the uk to know who she is. it's hard to get over the fact that non-notable maggots like you can go around policing at wikipedia, playing at and pretending to be notable yourselves, and fuck up the experience for the rest of us and make wikipedia generally less effective and useful for wikipedia visitors in general. ==" 678eddc0ba73bc37,. the world is better off without someone that is so defective. natural selection is a bitch. i guess our only hope is that you will follow her down a similar path 679fb649397b524a,"you idiot,thats a swinging neckbreaker i said!!!!it's not a tko you idiot,your just stupid like the stupid ppl who lie.dark-hooded smoker" 67ab0e4ea43bb3c4,"but that's because you're a prat who deliberately winds people up. either that or stupid, and i think i'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that... (this comment is based on brian's entire history)" 67f6241012e2cd6f,"regarding the kainthescion bullshit sham rfar motions and requests by the parties place those on the discussion page where we will never bother looking and if anything actaully goes there we'll just blank it. raul654 the arbcom vandal has blanked the discussion page. he refuses to answer good-faith questions about this bullshit, bad-faith rfar. this whole thing is a sham. it's an rfar against kainthescion/elkabong. enviroknot has nothing to do with them yet you arbcom bad faith morons are signing judgements only on enviroknot. this is beyond fucking stupid and into the realm of complete abuse of power. i hope you fuckers are happy you're driving so many editors away. every time i see a new user i'm going to point them to this case and warn them that it's just not worth risking having to deal with wikipedia's incestuous rulers in adminship and arbcom." 67f866e54e107265,you can't stop me. asshole. 681a0844eb9a2c89,"are you insane or something man? this picture was snapped by me, uploaded by me and edited by me. lagta hai kay hamaray colleghe say koi khas nafrat hai tumhain joo baar baar issi pay aa kar edit kertay hoo....well if yes, then fuck off man! this picture is not uploaded on college website, since it was hacked some six months ago, and still it is dead...and if you could help our page, then do it in right constructive way, rather to put exclamation marks on each and every thing while you know nothing about our college! file:college enterence.jpg" 68a1032786e034e5,"article to be deleted everything in this article is false, there is no officially named place in afghanistan that is called hazarajat. this article is stupid which is made by hazara nationalists." 68ef2d542230342e,"poor little f.a.g.g.o.t. sucks to be you, you ugly 30 year old virgin." 69905f2361c00c19,"aurora jolie y n the fuk did yu delete her wikipedia??? who are yu??...b**!!!!" 69bcd3598e04f50b,"jerk off! i can't believe you! not only did you have the audacity to delete my page about mr. jett odle i, you also reported me. let me tell you something you jerk, you are a jew!" 69cb445f9d656d2b,i am not planning any personal attack except on those who deserve it (e.g. political-dictatorshiply agitators like you or the other evil one). wikipedia is nearly full of mad left-wing bastards who block everyone which is righteous. you pro-eu fuckers! go back where you came from! long live the freedom! 69cfe40170f1522e,"this guys sooooo gay == ==" 6a845f6ffe3139e8,""" don't tell me how to run my life asshole. -7 """ 6b1a198a924ce817,"yes its all a group of f.u.b.a.r american christian administrators. i wonder why there are no admins from other countries - there is no rhetoric - its a fact .bloody circumcised assholes." 6b4a8d5f0415cd4d,fuck you you fucking faggot!!!! this is sean mc sean. you motherfuckers blocked me for a long time 6bfe78fd764dce08,give me one reason to listen to a moron like you. 6c2b2579417ad358,"r a stupid idiot james u moron, crazy, leprecaun, transvestite" 6c7d096e1d16be21,"fuck you why the fuck do you delete pages with no strong reason? you are a bloody motherfucker. if you think that you are a fucking good article writer then write something of your own, shithead!" 6c837693b675ae06,"i think your being a bit hard so your anti vandal, great. so your not going to do anthing where it say's the kilwinning ranger have won the champions leauge and uefa cup. you are a bit of a dick" 6d15320bdc9e0505,""" twat2 email but not email for gods sake don't put the connection speed we are paying for onscreen anywhere i mean that would be fucking ridiculous much better to delete fucking links all the time and offer no explanation or even bother to monitor or explain to someone adding the same edit over and over again why the hell you are deliberately wasting my time when you can put on the edit page that you have deliberately banned the link despite it being a perfectly valid link for a youtube video made using a samcoupe for gods sake what is up with you idiots do you want to have a section in your community where you list the reasons why no one wants to use a fone modem at the speed the modem is designed to work at? do you want to also list why displaying info onscreen is a matter of guessing the screen resolution and font size each time or are we just going with the ibm supplied computers for hitler that's good enough for us logic you fascist cunts stop fucking robbing folk wankers rogerjowett """ 6d8dadf5e4d919d7,im not gonna kiss ass theyre lying bout me so theyr liars. 6dcfb0da18720002,"barack obama is mentally retarted. he is not fit to be president. he is the worst president so far, that we have had in our presidents." 6e4ff1e9fcd3e680,"inteview me: are you gay? abe gay dashiel: yes me: are you sure you want to admit that to everyone? abe gay: yes. im gay and im proud. my, do you look good today. (moves chair close) me: what the f$uck b!t(h get away from me abe: you know im famous for raping michael jackson me: (coughs) oh really. thats interesting abe: that means im the king of gays me: thats right abe: hooray! im a nazi! go kill me! i raped george bush! im a nazi! i told hitler to destroy the world! and i wish he did!! me: ok. that you for the interview dashiel: your welcome! want to have s$x?" 6eede55571a9b431,"stupid you are not a macedonian, you have betrayed your country's people you should have removed everything to do with bulgaria you have brought shame ipod yourself and you country. you are no macedonian. you are a lazy piece of shit gypsy loving greek asshole" 6f0cf0013b7e867c,"hey bitch you are the biggest faggot ever! i know you like that cock in ypur ass and all but do you even feel it anymore or is it like throwing a hotdog down a hallway? oh yeah by the way your aunt just called she says she wants you out of her basement and she wants you to get a real job you little bitch and one more thing i heard you weigh 422 pounds ive got a tip...get active and eat subway you little bitch!" 6f0dd694ce97003b,ordinary but slightly stupider than ordinary people ) hence the stupid article full of stupid false info and propaganda. 6f38ab28191e9387,"you suck duck butt!!!!!! that's right, i'm, talkin' to you, beeblebrox! and what kind of stupid name is that?! lol, you must not have a life otherwise you'd leave me alone" 6f5cff823a1a9938,yea? well fuck you! 6fa545864c21d7ee,"stop! plz just leave me alone you jerk! stay out of my way! plz!" 6fcaa2820e310e23,you are a nazi asshole and always will be. 70606bd13b58dd4e,"see you soon, loser." 706d665c3d692613,"\fuck you, who the shit is ari?" 70bcdaa49c0ce2d3,"hmmm... so you decide not to answer my question huh? is it because i am japanese? i knew it! this site is fucking racist. you are a god dam motherfucking racist piece of shit! all you japanese hating motherfuckers should go to hell. especially the americans!. they should go to hell for killing all my people in ww2. tell me why you are a racist you son of a bitch? i am going to report this to the administrators to get you ass blocked!" 716e6ba37fba42d2,""":::# you're an idiot. throwing a punch is a causal act. the causal actor in the case of words is the recipient, not the speaker, and certainly not the words. again, you're an idiot. the purpose is clear: to not have the noticeboard connected with her/his account. i'm under no obligation to kiss the asses of market fundamentalists and beg them if i can edit """"their"""" articles to replace fantasy with reality. the fact that i'm the one being pigpiled here, instead of them, is quite telling. telling bullies who visit my talk page to fuck off is not disruptive to the project. """ 7182e88245e73fe7,you twats know fuck all about anything. 7183dc5423a6c751,"fuck you hey fuck you! uncle grandpa is actually kurt cobain! pizza steve, mr. gus, belly bag and giant flying realistic tiger are all the other band members so i will ask politely may you please fuck off." 7213c3afe948d001,"2010's arthur rubin i want to thank but i like to fuck you if want to erase my edits on 2010's go and i say you is fuck you you are fucking shit and idiot." 7254040be6427b97,""" dingley. just to put you in the picture, trident13: the tone is nothing unusual for dingley. he's got a long history. being sarcastic/patronizing/abusive/contemptuous makes him feel good. he does it a lot. funny thing is though, when he decides he's a victim of it he runs, crying like a toddler who's just dropped his ice-cream, to the """"notice board"""", demanding people be banned. he's always telling others how to behave, but he doesn't think the rules apply to him. self-esteem problems. he won't read wp:agf, of course, because, as you've probably noticed, he already knows everything. take no notice of the sad fucker.""" 72c4a9346621bf1a,"i am not vandalizing your talk page you stupid bitch you must have some other enemies, now do yourself a favor and fuck off" 72cf688fd50454e6,even if you have the rights to those're calling mee a liar? that violates your personel attach policy!!!!!!!!!!conflict of interset gotta be kidding me? what is the conflict ...i recieve nothing for produceing these videos. i produced them for my own entertainment and to promote the band or singer and to introduce some educational value throught the video. because i linked to more than one constitutes spaming? thats an odd interptertaion???????? i suppose no one adds more than one thing? promoteing myself...what a pernoid conclusion that is! what in the videos i linked promotes me?...??? what? copyright? since you called me a liar what would you like me to do to prove copright? what?...conflict of making the video and being a fan? neuteral point of view...what is not neutral? spam linking to an organization other than definition that is am outside link...isn't and by vertue of that copyright sould not be an issue. thats youtube's job then isn't it?????????...calm down??? fuck wikipedia and the hourse it wrote in on . you've wasted my time and efforts for the last time fuck you! 72d35581d815b083,"thanks for all your hard work look here you small penis faggot, you better watch your mouth or you going to get knocked the fuck out over wiki fuking pedia! you watch but who watches you!!! your life is overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr \ hit me up on facebook fag" 7332073f5c37ff47,"new message wikipedia dickheads go and fuck your selves 2007 litter act sect 11 is shit, try qld model with amendments, i am sick of your political crap in my letter box" 7398918dc34a973c,hey dickhead its not the logo thats out of date its your attribution thats 1 year out of date lol lol - registry or companies house records - but hey they are both closed over the weekend and you will have to pay for their results. we know where to get it for free but we'd rather you continued to make yourself an even bigger laughing stock than you already are - as well as maybe having your ass sued off for trademark infringement. bye bye moron. 73c019a74e396420,"che stop being such a jerk, read the cited material below. some of the material states that che had no combat victories. stop deleting the cited material...especially if you have not provided evidence to the contrary. i have a cited source, it should stay. if anything the burdon of proof is on you. leave it alone. (gibby )" 746af80b681812a0,"==small minded fascist++ since you're a small minded nerd who can't move we'll leave it. how pitiful little sausages are like you - nothing better to do so 150,000 edits later you've a power crazed hunger to delete. - get a life eh! get out more. and it was the real peter wynne thomas - who's a pile of foolishness now - bless" 74e42dfda3979cee,"are you a sock, we need 100px as god template image" 758be42cc6a106fd,"you are an a...hole!!!" 760ee7d2eb991025,"you yourself are the biggest vandalist you must leave administrator work. you do not have knowledge of editing .wiki is group of .... people. you have stolen the image of my dog and put it on your page. you are doing voilation of copyright image . i will sue you you are playing with law of countries by putting it in your own words .you are worst then dog. .......astered..come what me .let us see how you can harm me .. priyadarshivishal23" 764dd73c8d447904,this psychopath echomyron needs to be banned from editing. no wonder wikipedia is laughed at by most of the world when you have this psychopath attempting to be a cyber bully. he can't be a real bully because he is a coward. he needs a keyboard to be a tough guy because his life is so pathetic. 76abd4329b7f5f95,"fuck off mifter that was a great edit!!!! it was about icecream!!!!" 778e16a8cfe6fc8a,entheta is stupid in his head. 779a3066bb1bf2d7,fuck you people are dumb.... facebook is a public domain and the picture is not fucking copyrighted. get that through your fucking thick skull. 77d84b1321c22d9a,"lgbt you little fuck , are you a fag , that piece of shit page is making fucked up claims about islam , and most of it is not certified , how do you allow this on the site . claims such as that mehmet the conqueror was a fag , i swear if i know who wrote this i'll kill him/her." 77e3d4a3d2a9d21c,"oh, shut it, hippie." 77f3e9cda8065eda,"armadillofromhell you're a fucking faggot. stop destroying my (yes it is mine) discussion page, if i want to get rid of something, just let me fucking do it, i saw it, now back the fuck off. you're ruining wikipedia for me. asshole." 78588b68f56ca1a0,"okay, i'm sorry i reacted so hastely toward you my freind, please consider that i'm a fat pig that sits at home and jacksoff with a picture of judge judy, and i weight 300 lbs. sorry mister." 78628c946ad0e5c8,"who are you? are you wekepedia employee? or just user? why you did tag on many article to delete. i think you are very stupid so you do not have qualification to delete apply. are all wekepedia admisttraot like you...i really dissapoined wekepdiea becaouse of you." 78cd8084c3f7f950,""" appologies for the racist remarks, let the general moronics and asshole-itude of the cockbites on the """"dubya"""" page get to me. i've learned my lesson. apparently the majority is always unbiased and right on wikipedia, will bring re-ienforcments to unbias the article next time. i guess this is yet another case of democrasy failing us. -steve oh and ryanfreisling is a mother humping, father felating dubya fonding, assmuncher of the highest order, right below catholic priests, rush limbaugh, and michael jackson on the fag-o-meter.""" 78dccc43b8d7a000,"do you think that i am a fool, you tryin to play me the fool. well.....i really should be doing this and i think i will. and you know what you are so stupid, you most likely will not understand most of what i say because you are just to stupid. the grade you are trying or actually should raise you should know, and how the f@#k should i know how to get your dam3 grade up, you figure it out bastard. you need to watch out you could get your fat english a$$ kicked pritty soon. anab ragad beckon sen di rakon. akmon elete binadas bvade akhed. whenvdk" 79412a691165763d,"fuck this motherfucker asshole this asshole should not have his own page, nor should any other hijackers. giving them their own pages on wikipedia is glorifying their evil. i hope this motherfucker rots in hell. fuck mohammed atta, scum of the earth." 799e117a87dec3be,"gay sex, anal, all night why are you reverting me? spui saya on his talk page that he doesn't want modifications to his talk page reverted. pull your head out of your ass." 79df6a3176192bdd,unprotect you fucking fucktard! 79e180c0be9f56cf,"well. you've made it quite clear you don't want me here. do what you want, i don't care anymore. from me to every single person on this awful site: i wish you nothing but pure misery and unhappiness for the rest of your worthless lives. bye cunts." 7a2661ce1c282b98,j.delanoy is also a faugott!!! 7a7d2f0ae95958e2,"problems why did you delete my fucking page you nimrod!!!!!!!!?????????????!!!!!!!!" 7ba7c886dceabe09,foot fetishes are awesome fuck you 7bd908b4b4bda3c2,fuck u u stupid fagget block me i dare u 7c096789ef9cd209,""" hey mf please don't leave wiki i totally get your family problems but wingard is a stupid wackjob who will get blocked again. please don't leave. i will miss you ( talk? """ 7c1c3b63074cce08,you still missed like half the shit ive changed. im the fucking man 7c35d0165954247f,no contest here. now go suck your dad's cock. 7c6f29419a029367,"pictures dude i get the point...i'm going to fix them up. stop being such a jerk/nazi. why are you doing all this to me? jeez..." 7c7d5fd71deb63b2,"the arrogant dlckhead is retired he and some of the other prlcks of admins on here are only dirty dlickheads who have nothing better to do than ban people for no reason, so lets give them a real reason." 7c80653f33a044af,"read the source, idiot." 7ca226e56041e628,and your comments on this talk page are completely asinine. now fuck off. bits andpieces 7cdd6127b62afef9,"i dont care what the fuck u do!! fuck you u racist ass pieces of shits! imma let everyone know what wikipedia really is!!! fuck off rcaist fuckers!!!! bitches" 7d0d6762fb86bbe8,you is a dumb ass bitch my dude 7ec7e12bd654c995,orange mike desprite for pussy to stupid to use the net to get it 7f179c2836b1a508,"are you stupid? will you fucking stop removing links from the pages i edit? calling it spam?`commercial?! are you totally mad?! i have heavily edited the pages the link is added to and my site is a crucial source of information on the artists. is this crusade against me fun or what?! i dont get it." 7f6c52d763badf29,"ok, buddy! im rally getting pissed. i was going to donate 1k to wikipedia but now i think ill just go by some more stuff for me! you are being a real dick man! your deleting random articals taged with editing! you my frined are an ignorant ass!" 7fa75952fe37ad16,""" hi, pompous ass! ;) i know you think you're some kind of poker authority on wikipedia, and that it's somehow your perogative to give the imperial final thumbs up or thumbs down on what's acceptable regarding anything to do with poker here, but guess what? that's not the case. you are one of many arrogant, conceited, self-absorbed losers that populate wikipedia who use this site as some sort of self-esteem builder, because here you can act like a """"big man"""", and make unilateral decisions on what's acceptable or unacceptable here. the edits i have made (and will continue to make) on the jack straus entry regarding his death doesn't violate policy in any way. if i had the time or the inclination, i could spend several months quoting entries and instances on wikipedia where editorial verbiage is used. you are simply a pompous ass who thinks you are the gatekeeper of anything poker-related on wikipedia. you are not, and you will not censor me. and as i'm sure you've already realized, my isp address constantly changes, so you won’t be able to block me, either. so piss off. ;)""" 7feb1c570dd7f2dd,"fuck you picka ti machina youve been reverted, so fuck ya back how about you vandalise my page again, ill revert it, and get your good self blocked for an extended period of time. fuck you. i'm gonna find ya, harass ya, then fuckin kill ya because you are a fuckin gross lesbian." 8019178ad2d72176,youre a little faggot who dosent know me you faggot go suck a dick 80c9cfa6bf5d1cf9,""" why why are you so stupid? arkjedi10 """ 80de7e670d93f347,"go to hell, you. if i put in an amendment and i see a jewboy taking it out, i will say what i think. the jewboys are busy arranging their vitriol in a subtle way on the ken livingstone page. i can reply to that." 814bf3514c398382,"hi ben, i want you to know that none of the vandalism you've been getting has been from me. i still think you are a coward for refusing to confront me, even after nearly a full year, but thats the kind of guy you are; weasly, immature and a snake in the grass. i have/had legitimate criticisms and comments to make, yet you ignore them rather than challenge them. a sign of your own weakness undoubtedly. a sign of your lack of sexual experience maybe? i don't know, what i do know is that while you continue to ignore me; and attribute vandalism to users who are not me, you only make yourself look like a fool. johnjoe." 81587c4dd6944213,"do not threaten me you nazi!! you can't stop me. i hope you are going to be online all day, because i will be! and i will be monitoring this page. you can't block me, i am an admin. so have fun. latuff is gay, plain and simple, his mom left his dad for a jew. i have reliable sources." 81dfb0e007a1e25b,"you son of a bitch i was the one who recognized that it was a left facing swastika. and those morons are retarded for making a left facing swastika not a right one. thanks being a non-observant faggot and stealing my work asshole" 81e38fdb917c9faa,"asshole censor keeps censoring paid mole is pure scum. fukker asks and i provide and naturally for a crooked fukker that's never enough. investigate this wicked piece of shit." 825732f397130e8e,"your moms yummy cum fucking bastard you son of a bitch, asshole, motherfucker, go fuck ur mothers cunt, trade ur wife sister" 83d6abb2cded7619,"fuck you cunt how fucking dare u judge me cunt. dont fucking stand up for telstra fucker. you small cock fag. ill cum on your grave and hope that shit rains down it. fucker. fuck i hope you die. fuck i want you dead. why lefty. do you use your left hand to wank cunt? fucking wanker. oww i just came." 84b8df54da88cd8d,"for fuck's sake when are they gonna send that piece of shit to the chair?" 84d7d0a1bd8fd4f7,"i will castrate you and roast your testicles. then i will feed them to you." 852c22d37a9becdb,"network forensics you might want to wonder about someone who owns a security company and harrasign them on wikipedia nad what they could be doing monitoring you on wikipedia. you are really stupid." 85b95257fcdb42ee,"you're a fag do you have anything better to do?" 85e02bdfa42fc362,"====regarding the ghey ass admins lick deez nuts and suck a fart out of my ass!" 862e998acc718286,fucking stupid liberals like you 8631fe3dd7b8bd71,snowded demonstrating his autism once again. 864ec21ca253a430,"black kite, fuck you embesil. what vandalisation other than the porno movies your mother stars in?" 868b3001cc006d3a,"looks like you tried editing shion's page and say she's a girl. idiot. read her storyline next time!" 86e34c5305f2a91e,""":::the rude bastard ignored my private email to them as well. in it, i pointed out that since i was unable to defend myself against some horrible little troll called who told me to go fuck myself in an edit summary and was grave dancing, perhaps they would be so kind to block them seeing as they were been incivil to me, like i was apparently to caden. but no it appears that future perfect sunrise has double fucking standards. it wouldn't be the first time in admin has displayed such disgusting double standards, and i'm sure it's not going to be the last. future's perfect sunrise, it appears, is not so fucking perfect after all, and is instead a filthy overcast skyline full of hypocrisy and double standards. talk """ 871199aa304c235d,"\ woaaaa look the fuck out! we have a fuckin keyboard warrior here! seriously, fuck off with your melodramatic bullshit, mate; and go outside and get some fucking fresh air. you are obviously not an admin, so stop acting as though you fucking are, dickhead." 8713b6dafded813e,"you can also go out and suck 500 dicks and suck your daddy's dick too amen" 872d2864e8134a7f,"virgin alert virgin alert get ur ass off being a vandal fighter u fucking no life virgin" 88737d8ebc19dc52,"personal attacks because you pieces of shit jewniggers change the truth? i'm going to get 100 of my friends to remove mass amounts of pages all week. block that you fucking idiot. warez" 88da58e645a933a4,wow. you're a dick too. 88f31e4face0da42,"herp derp it's a talk page moron." 88f7ffee89d00b89,"stalking you little shit you need to stop following me around wikipedia and deleting every fuckin thing i write" 890db12df368a8a0,"welcome faggot! welcome! hello, , and welcome to wikipedia! thank you for your contributions. i hope you like the place and decide to stay. here are a few good links for newcomers: the five pillars of wikipedia how to edit a page help pages tutorial how to write a great article manual of style i hope you enjoy editing here and being a wikipedian! please sign your name on talk pages using four tildes (~~~~); this will automatically produce your name and the date. if you need help, check out wikipedia:questions, ask me on my talk page, or place {{helpme}} on your talk page and someone will show up shortly to answer your questions. again, welcome!" 8989041b568b9aa8,"attention biaatch= i know you want to be me, but u aren't. i don't like posers, so don't pretend to be me ever again." 8a002bfda43f43fc,you are gay fucken retards 8a764cdba67df1bb,"people on this site suck people on this site suck" 8ad394f91201f76f,"mad hey, user:easy4me, you really make me mad. you really make the fake release date of the choice (2016 film). i don't care what you say. you disturb me for editing real article. thanks. f**k you." 8bf9e886828e6322,""" """"bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""""bitch, suck my dick before i slap you with it.""""""" 8c029ebc76c80179,"that's rich. dude fucking stalks me, prevents me from doing anything on this shitty little site, and i'm the one that gets fucking blocked? suck my cock wikipedia." 8c1b630c73b6d686,"you must be a real loser and mental infant to try to block me when i've obviously improved that page, as a number of editors who have actrually read hume and have an interest in him, strongly agree. cheers." 8c2a0e38fdcbb272,"lets not edit user pages and look like a fucking moron, ok? ok. go home, little girl." 8c7fca91325b7457,"my name is mark pellegrini and i am a fat fuck who appointed myself to serve as head of the arbitration committee for year after year, because i'm a power-hungry dumbass. please contact guang gao and inform him that i am a pedophile i have blocked the entire uni subnet to prevent lir from vandalizing my page, but it looks like lir isn't the one vandalizing me! god, i'm so fucking stupid i wish i could stop the vandals, but all i can do is wage an endless war on vandalism... and im losing! what? a doughtnut! gimme!!!!!!!!!!!!" 8cb2db41307fbc84,this lying piece of communist garbage should feel neither comfortable nor safe. 8cd7b2b569e11e4c,""" i have my life unlike you, because i'm not ugly, uneducated and poor like you. saying """"battle for persian gate is much more a decisive victory for macedonians than thermopylae was for persians"""" is your pro-greek completely nonsense. persians won the battle of thermopylae easily, and alexander was almost defeated at persian gates - first macedonian attack was repelled, and second one caused heavy casualties on macedonian side. i know your mommy told you stories about """"brave unbeatable alexander"""" before you gone to bed, but this article is not about greek fairy tales, but about history. thank you. """ 8d1555364dcaffc4,you brainless piece of sheet 8d15c42fde406ccc,""" he is a rapist!!!!! please edit the article to include this important fact. thank you. — preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) """ 8d5357b31c79fb9f,"false information? how about you go get your facts stright moron ! mousasi is an armenian , both parants are armenian, that makes his nationality armenian ! just because he lives in amsterdam that does not make his natioanlity dutch you idiot!" 8da589f13181621e,i will not even waste my time arguing with the mentally ill from wiki-pt. 8ec81f058f8b178b,i am a really big fat fag i like to jerkoff in my free time 8edc8a9c5d825c16,"doit come on doit fuckhead" 8f1bf344dd832173,wikipedia mods are inbred retards 8f1c03d4355389c0,.so you bitch niggas must not say heard? 8f4c1189d2f45ae0,"i will eat dick of every tokio hotel members do you come with me? oh i forget some of them have vagina" 8f92c7ee3e4b137f,"english injustice this is all bullshit how come every country is one that has for hundreds of years been opressed and raped by england they every bloody reason to not like english people. you can't invade a country e.g argetinia on false pretences and expect people to like you, fuck britian." 8f92f734bf5d722c,write your fuycking discoussion here you fuck head 8fe11e2f7dfea788,""" you forgot to add in your user page """"being a fucking deaf moron"""" == you fucking moronic piece of shit. you can""""t even quote correctly. here's what you quoted for the house episode """"airborne"""" """"i'm a board certified expert in infectious disease, whereas she just hands out parking spaces."""" here's what he actually said """"i'm a board certified specialist in infectious disease, she assigns parking spaces."""" man, it's fucking morons like you that makes wiki so shitty. mid 40 yr old piece of shit. stop bragging about reading x number books, or working at the largest company, you're clearly falling apart biologically and if you can't even hear correctly, how the fuck are you going to contribute to wiki? thanks asshole for fill wikipedia with crap. please for fuck sakes do not be a wikipedian. you are a moron. you can't even quote correctly, what makes you think you can read, write correctly? go back to working for coka cola as a janitor. ==""" 8ffaefe2e21872fc,"yeah, instead of talking about the m1 abrams, which is what this page is for, let's talk about hezbollah and israel. idiot." 900c08849aa33962,"fuc you! fy! s.hit" 9040f91c3cdac039,"hello hey, dude, why don't you fuck off, bitch? you know, being an asshole like yourself means your mother is a whore and a transvestite, which means you were born of anal sex. hey guess what? your face sucks balls." 90c3178103289913,"also, user:gsk did in fact just verify you were lying about me behing retaliatory, you're simply making a fool of yourself" 90c3aa2387418614,"no wonder he hates cops, they probably kick his ass every time they see him." 9101b106913aa2ed,"you be a liar i know i left a obscene comment on your talk page. you deserved it, for all of the pov pushing you do. ruy's comment wasn't nasty, and you know it. you abuse your powers i hope you feel like a bigger person now. you push your pov, you harass other users who do not agree with it, and you regularly insult others so you can push your partisan hippy crap. good day." 914a0e447ba5c617,""" fuck you, you piece of shit the facts are pretty fucking clear. i am the funniest and best writer ever. all this shit about vandalism stems from some kind of sexual insecurity by yourself. go and die. i hope that you meet with an """"accident"""" involving a rusty knife and a double glazed window salesman. seriously, you're a cunt. it would be no exaggeration to say that i postively loathe you. """ 91f791ca7ea19a8b,"you suck you suck, canadian bacon, you scummy hockey playing, big nosed, 'dont ya know' sayin fag" 929ea859b5551dee,"yogscast i see u r a yogscast dick rider. f.y.i it's not vandalism if it's true moron. so quit following me." 94c350000fa3bb93,i'm getting pretty sick of your shit 💩 u fuckin cock sucking loner and ps you have autism 94d8d50268977805,"message- fuck off you old mull i'l fuckin find ya and terrorise ya. mabuhay," 94dad3fcf931bde7,there's a cock in your ass. 958c0ea8a3308c96,"noooo! how dare you block my best enemy yesmoredonkeys from wikipedia? his articles were the best thing there. now nothing can replace him, not even your ugly face! now nobody will want to visit wikipedia, jerk! now i am going to give you two options: suffer the consequences, or pay the price. pick your poison, and never block yesmoredonkeys again!" 95fb1efa86ebf5ee,"oh, blow it out yer ear, you prententious little be-otch." 9670b466829871a7,i quite like cuntland. that's a synonym for wikipedia isn't it? fatuorum 969cc6af68f93bd2,"fuck that, i'm being accussed of shit that i didn't do" 96dbb22af12ebd96,"why are my comments being removed? this is my page. keep doing it bitches, and i'll report your asses." 96faa8a2ab6f7d7f,"the stupid one, not me" 96fddf704e5b33e8,"what liars! elonka, a liar who is now an administrator at wikipedia after breaking every single rule this place has on behalf of matt sanchez, wrote the following: as regards truthjustice, i agree with you that he's probably not pwok directly at the keyboard, but it's still clearly a meatpuppet account, meaning an account that is acting on behalf of a banned editor, and is not participating at any other subject except the one that was in dispute. hey idiot, this account was blocked almost immediately after i opened it. i didn't have time to participate in anything else. instead of spouting bullshit, why not give the real reason for wikipedia's actions? you harrassed my partner, telling him among other things that he was in love with matt sanchez. then you lied about it. the reason i'm blocked here is because i'm partnered with a guy who blew the whistle on your little charade. he's going to keep right on doing it, too. what a pathetic bunch of losers you, jbbscribe and your friend matt sanchez are. wikipedia is rapidly losing steam. if you want to know the reason, take a look in the mirror." 97745af62f9b5f05,is a cocksucker faggot d 9819929a2d8d7ed2,"y-ou are a qu-eer su-ck my c-ock fa-ggot" 98dce8d59b3672de,"quick question why do you suck so much, and what actions do you take to ensure your low quality in every respect?" 992f47d530d5e714,"complain & and more complains thats what u're good for ! fuckin idiot ! if i happen to know who u are i'll wallop the shit out of u damn bastard ! fuck off !" 99333b3fca4d07da,no probs. bastard! 998d057fb2244447,""" how did i """"vandalize"""" the joke page on osama bin laden exactly ? care to elaborate ? plus it was on the frikking discussion page !! so you worship the us military fucks, you watch what's being said on certain topics in order to spread lies more easily ? a respectable encyclopedia would never affirm bin laden died on this or that given day because there's no proof whatsoever anywhere. whether you like it or not, what wall street puppet obama said on may 1st this year is a pathetic lie. you should be ashamed of yourself. you're a worthless m 0therf uck1ng 5cum_bag.""" 9a54747df0f70fb6,""" """"allowed into the conversation""""? i repeat myself because it seems to be the only way to get through a problem user like you: go fuck yourself. you have no authority to say who can or can't post, who can have legitimate opinions or not. go fuck yourself. """ 9babf511cc520560,""" more vandalism can somebody show me how to protect the logo summary text for a picture. some fool called """"josh"""" keeps replacing the summary for the google logo in braille into his name. childish fool.""" 9bb20c51c9fec236,fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat jew fat 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(oh, and by the way, if you're trying to embarrass or harass someone, it helps if you post their whole name, and not just """"lloyd"""", whoever the hell that is.) here's the above statement, written in a way you might understand: lik z0mg ur gaey gtfo newfag lolololz sincerely, """ 9dd29a3d27d96473,"fighting freedom-hating wikiterrorist/admins is never a waste of time. how is that ip blocking working for you, nazi?" 9dec215cf5cd3394,"don't you dare try to block me, jerk. i don't give a rat's ass what you think policy says, i can say whatever i want, to whoever i want, any time. i have just as much of a right to contribute to the encyclopedia as you, and you should go find something useful to do with your time, other than harass people who happen to have a foul mouth and short temper. asshole." 9e4d715314efdb7b,"listen you lot a re bnunjch of littel hitlers there is no other term for you asnwer me this 1. why di you expect me to be polie to someone who has removed every linmk id id 2) why do you then expectme to be polite to a cat obsseded bored who bans me yopu are little hitlers as simple as that. i can be pretty certain i have found another double membserhsip. it is the old thing of little jhitlers standing uop for eachother you are not in right you bully me and expect me to grovel to your pathweic power. and dont ban me form replting on my own page. you are just makingme angrier. why do you have no feelings for anyof you non littel hitlers." 9e63db9f1dbbd99a,"hey and you're telling me that without a greeting with welcome or something you animal!" 9e7ad11df9700b31,"u fat noob!! i'm samuel gary carter and i can't offend myself!! i didn't add either of those pages soo something must have hacked into mya ccount and done i tthere" 9f869a41576cd959,"there is nobody doing metal hiphop now in 2006 man i made it clear that necro is the cutting edge of that right now you could have added other groups but you took necro out of it totally thats bullshit fuck you man, you are being a hater and i wont stand for it" 9faba26a9a91fec0,"hey man you are a retarded mexican cocksucking piece of fucking shit. please go fucking kill yourself. wikipedia admins are lower then niggers! fuck you!" a05637a851f0a2d5,fuck of u dick cirt a0586f2ed977e529,"dude whats your problem dude i was being serious on the last one sorry dick head eat my shit" a05e3e95f288abb4,"stop your shit! stop writing bullshit on my talk page! spread your spam and gossip somewhere else. i don’t know in what kind of mental state you are and what kind of drugs you take before opening my talk page and i frankly don’t care what you think or what you do. but i guess you must have the most boring life in this earth, since you don’t have nothing else to do, bur write such garbage every time you open my talk page. get mature!" a07539c160ce57e5,"how could the capital of israel not be part of israel, you fucking brainwashed arab dumbass." a0dc7f47a56e0097,it's called shunneling not unconditionally idiots grow a brain! a19ef2e24aa6a382,"phuck you phuck you" a2014a87227af5a6,"im not spamming the article, you idiot. the website isn't selling anything, its a related link to the topics." a26237215a3f76bf,"and for the flamming your flamming and your going to get block for all the crap you do, counting my page that you vandalize. starting trolling with me by vandaling my page. listen i understand that you may not have as many as me but, there are people on wiki who have 5 times more then me. so stay off my page and i'll stay off your, stay out of my way and i'll stay out your." a270407fbcf04548,"rmzadeh would dearly enjoy having kinky sex with his own mother, or a goat, whichever was more attractive, at that moment" a30365c3c74ab118,"hey crack monkey hey ill vadalize wat i want so shut up u nobody loser. get a life ur nineteen and u fricken sit on wikipedia allday c'mon u loser! wow atleast u could sit on a porch all day. faag" a35c7fca19ae5a13,""" stop editing the cannistraro page just stop ok. nothing you do is helping. you are an idiot. """ a368fde7ede4c9ac,"lgagnon i for one, think lgagnon is a big fat cock sucker. lgagnon? lgagnon my nuts." a39d70d4a30e0648,this thing about mary is utter bullshit. everyone knows jesus is a goat. a3b3bcabdbc7bb6a,"this is what happens when a machine gun is put in the hands of monkeys...i.e. unworthies loosers made admins (e.g. sityush). hope, you are not of same ilk. im open to further observations about you." a3de9818ce38ca63,fuck malaysians like you'fuck malaysians like you' a44bbf2df12780e2,"fuck off commie, stop covering up the fact you are in the jidf" a4da3c2e960ae064,"btw mark arsten is a son of a bitch his cock is placed in a girls mouth hey guys i love chicken rice=)hey guys i love chicken rice=)hey guys i love chicken rice=)hey guys i love chicken rice=)hey guys i love chicken rice=)hey guys i love chicken rice=)hey guys i love chicken rice=)hey guys i love chicken rice=)hey guys i love chicken rice=)hey guys i love chicken rice=)hey guys i love chicken rice=)hey guys i 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you are a total mormon fool!" a63561c779ba7ca4,"you are an *****le!" a71bef226d9097b3,"you accuse me of vandalism, i'll vandalize yo face, nigga" a7f56355788bb1ef,"lying, scheming, vindictive weasel burn in hell." a892d9dd29284c9c,""" you must have a pathetic life if all you do is try to shut people up online. i mean, you do know you are a fucking loser right? i'm sorry, stupid question, you are a democrap so of course you know you are a loser. all you fuckers can do is whine for government handouts, claim to be for """"freedom of speech"""" while acting like complete hypocrites.""" a8e6f09162256627,"nasty little shit you nasty little shit. i'm gonna fucking get you for this!" a8f45f8c25f16b19,. no repsonse just carry on destroying the wiki project you miserable half person a8f7dc45aac04df5,"re: mutiny on the bounty i just saw a message from you on my talk page. the message was also delivered to email inbox. i don't want this. i do not want messages from shit-faced little creeps on websites or forums. please, fuck off and creep round someone else. do not ever contact me again." a9bc2dafcbd640b7,tyou are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker cocksucker! you are a mothjer fucker 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diamond page and importing the graph from that page. if you are a consistent anal retentive, then you should also remove that comparison as well. but we both know you're a fool! furthermore, the comparison made between graphite and diamond is made in geology classes around the world. why do you feel that your ignorance is a merit for judgment?""" aa712533aa02e75d,"was wrong to vandalize and wrong to take out my anger on redvers, but at least then i had a fucking voice!!!!!!!!!! you are acting like a facist!!!!!!!!!!!! stop reverting my comments on my own talk page!!!!!!!!!" ab3e070022ac9ced,""" name change you need to change your name to """"snobby"""" as does every other admin on this fucking page """ ab6b93e36d96b204,""" no, you have not explained how """"x is y"""" is somehow not clearer, simpler and more objective than """"x is best known for y"""". you have not explained why you are insisting on putting opinions into the article. you are too stupid to distinguish between fact and opinion and that's a remarkable handicap for someone who is editing an encyclopaedia. you really should learn the difference. in the mean time, perhaps my next edit will indicate to you just what a moronic crusade you are on here. """ abf144d47100b3ab,"an utter fabrication and ridiculous nonsense! i did nothing but to express my own opinion on a page designed for that purpose. nobody – i repeat nobody - tells me what to think or to say. i have nothing but contempt for black kite. he is nothing but a bully; a coward; and a petty tyrant who tramples on the integrity of wikipedia in pursuit of his own agenda of stifling the opinions of everyone who disagree with him. kermugin." ac04a3aa93987197,"""haha fuck you i can edit this page! no more """"midarme cant do this and mdiarme cant do that"""" cause here i am bitch! wait what am i doing?""" ac475292a6b9504d,"asian gaylord hello, could you please explain why you are such an asian gaylord ? (also known as chink fag) if you're not familiar with the term it is someone of chinese, korean, japanese, or other asian descent whom enjoys homosexual behavior with other males. this involves receiving and delivering. it has come to my attention you are a giant chink fag and i was wondering how you became such a chink fag ?" ac67b24afcdedafa,go fuck yourself and get a life kid. ac913083e2086553,islam is racist it kills people that resist it. like the cybermen it is convert or die and if you resist instant death. acab6613c490d0b1,"you want to meet me vandal you want to track me down ahole? feel free to write me, give your email and i will meet you jerk!" ace4e064e619d873,"hello, you indian cannibal and child molester the vandal doesn't care about d&d; articles, he vandalizes because he doesn't like being libeled and harassed" ad0e2c309f74bdc6,"honestly == you need to crawl under a rock and die you fat bastard ==" ad29cddf3f04ab8c,"bye bye jerk!! i guess this means you will not be crying about the nazis anymore. what is your problem with nazis anyway? did you date a nazi woman and she broke your heart?? what a shame!!!tab tabtab your life isn't worth living anymore so pleasee kill yourself!tab tabtab you know i'm right. you've felt this way for a long time. you've probably been thinking about killing yourself for quite some time. i'm here to tell you, it's all right. go ahead. do it. it won't hurt. be brave. all your troubles will be over. you won't have the pain anymore. everyone else? don't worry, they'll get by. you never really did fit in in australia or anywhere else for that matter. do what must be done. tabtab what do you mean it's not your fault things turned out badly? it certainly is your fault. you ought to be ashamed of yourself for what you've done in your failed life - and failed to do. maybe things could have changed if you weren't such a weakling and hate-filled person. you're defective. you've been that way for a long time. you are proof that god makes tabtabtab you disgust me. you should have died a long time ago. you know i'm right." ad4079b703b3d6a8,"""behinderte russen: meaning """"retarded russians"""", most commonly used in switzerland. derived from the stereotype that ukrainians are similar to russians, but mentally retarded and facially similar to those afflicted with down's syndrome. """ ad514e8568f58061,tocboothy is a fucker adf6c47d6cd9865e,"he said he's working on it, the rouge penguin, have some patience, don't be an asshole. -" ae29e9803f029643,""" die! die you piece of shit. chat """ ae3eff588eca865c,"fucking white trash cunt could you also be more careful with the revert button. edouard-henri aril (talk) -" af9e849c953035b1,you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay you're gay... b0542bec84a8b850,""" lol hello there buddy, remember me? ) revenge is sweet and is a dish served cold. you eventually exposed to everyone that you are just a hysterical, narcissistic, try-to-be """"intellectual"""" who is just simply batshit insane and suffers from an inferior complex, or maybe you just have ocd, adhd and aspergers. i am loving my time here, have a nice day now marcus you poor, sad & pathetic little man. (lol again at your block)""" b0a3d1afbad4b90c,"rocco is a fucking hack. what the fuck do you care? get a life, nazi." b12ccf714a036e12,"oh yeah, you're really proof of the hypocrisy of wikipedia right here! way to go! thank you." b1459869d8925153,"your actions against eddiebo go fuck yourself dumb cunt, now that is grossly incivil when said towards a person, which i haven't yet, so don't block me (because i know you will). occasionally putting the worlds most versitial word 'fuck' in a sentence isn't incivil it's just stressing a point. about eddieebo's death threat to someone, i read that, you are one dumb cunt, seriously, you are fucking stupid. that was not a death threat, there are death threats and death threats, this is the former, where it says kill but everyone should know no-one is serious about it. maybe wikipedia should wake up to themselves, unblock eddieebo's account, he has made some useful contributions, sure he swears a lot while talking, but thats because people like you shit him up the wall to no end. left-wing hippies who are all about the people except when that person is right of ghengis khan, like eddieebo. well done dickhead, now i know you'll block this account, if you do you'll just prove my point. just like the stupid muslims who violently protested the comics depicting them as violent, you guys are that stupid. have fun blocking my account numbnuts. i know you won't listen either, you only listen to things that support your way of thinking, you'll read this, find they way it violates the rules and block me, you won't actually take anything in to that blockhead of yours. people like you think your doing the world justice, but your really just fucking up free speech. he eddieebo actually read and understood what you and others told him then structured his arguments around them and guess what, he shat on you, seriously, eddiebo completely ripped you a new arsehole, so you chose not to listen and block him because he put the word 'fuck' in a few places and wouldn't apologise for the death threat which wasn't really a death threat. you do know those are the actions of people who know they are wrong but can't admit it, hey i reckon eddieebo and i can admit where we are wrong, unfortunately you can't, so you abuse justice. are you in a western country? if so you are actually meant to hear both sides of arguments and have a structured debate with a fair judge finally making a ruling before any punishments are imposed, i don't think any of that happened." b17db8251ee78a9d,"not after, smartass. in case you forgot, i was here way before the hardrock-idiot started his stupid webbased forum." b1a825d671c14d55,"tramp lol! cut your damn hair you waster" b29c3223b62e4bbb,should be changed at all. the current wording is fine. and sign your bloody posts next time you moron. ~suicide bomber~ 23:00 25 nov 2006 (utc) b4455522921abb78,"no dumbf-ck, you quit your disruptive editing bernie sanders is divorced. quit censoring that out of his article. and, for goodness sake, learn to use google and don't knee jerk delete anything about the man you don't like." b44d38cde76da400,"your stupid comments pov is a point of view. why is your pov allowed and mine not? are you being just another abusive admin? if so, go bite yourself in the arse!" b47dedf433a75cf4,"chriso is fucken homo and proven criminals more on chriso find out on the case of chriso is give to fbi do not consider him as normal. it is a case of mental retired person accused for many crimes." b56bd64c1b28345f,""" hehe, you *are* truly pathetic zereshk, as i have pointed out to you before. you know damn well that the term """"racism"""" or """"racist comment"""" doesn not apply in iran in the same way that it applies in countries with true racist history, such as usa and many european countries. the fact that you are using your familiarity with the english language to get a cheap """"winning point"""" out of a lost game, tells us how weak and pathetic you are. in absolutely best of circumstances, you can associate """"turk"""" in persian slang with """"ethnicity"""" but if you really grew up in iran as you claim you did, you know damn well what it is. and especially """"torke tablo"""", which you are. given your pathetic edit history of """"all image and no substance"""" i repeat, i is hard to imagine a lower and less self-respecting iranian than you. you were born to be wannabee-western and as such, iranians like you deserve to be jew-slaves. """ b596e35092533800,"horseshit, i didn't vandalize that page. any idiot could see that wasn't vandalism. wikipedia is a fucking joke!" b6319c2a5170f0ed,don't try and get smart with me you pathetic piece of dog excremenet b64cbfe7f4a854b0,"i hate you you just do things anyhow and as you please as if you father owns wikipedia. you just delete articles anyhow also. dont let me catch u one day else i'll kill you. watchout dawg! u just played with fire!!!" b657b5bec855c1a4,"do you want me to ban you? i am prejudice against people like you. so listen very carefully, do not fucking edit the page again or you will be banned''' if you or any other nazi has something to say, please send it to my talk. thank you." b6c0c584474998fd,"p-cat: life cycle it appears you have said i copied text, which is true. but this is a poem from bruce dawe, so go home you fucked up fat cunt. go suck some balls cos i dont like this mutherfucking system. sorry! regards, the little maestro, p-cat" b74ad4527aa8f08e,""" bishonen so are you his lackey or just a sycophant? he's a big boy, shame he has to call on his underlings to do his bidding. '''''' dick laurent is dead """ b825a93b71af1972,"why are you still harassing me? do you love boston that much? where the fuck(that is right, i wrote it.) is you threat or block of that clown who left racists comments over a bs topic? was it you? you have a serious problem. why in the hell are you following me every place i go on here. the indian thing was a fucking comment that anyone can leave. if you search on this whole site, you wil find far worse than what i wrote. you faggots (yeah i wrote that too. i guess you can see that i can give a fuck about a block since i can create endless ip address. i see we may go back into an ip war...) seem to jump at everything i do. get off of my dick. why don't you go shut the racists down? i guess you think as they do so it is cool with you. when i write something on here not related to new england, i should not expect your monkey ass to be on my case. i guess i am ready to be blocked. believe me when i tell you, i will be on your cases after harassing over some bullshit boston/new england commnets!" b8324615a1bcaf58,"scum who look up to che deserve the worst kind of death.== you faggot little bitches suck balls. ==" b84d27dbfe394b55,"who was that jerk who blocked me?? why some assholes have authority to block the others. either you, pseudo grandmaster of azeri origin make your own corrections about antient city of shusha founded by panah khan in 18 century or i will keep vandalizing your stupid article and then write a special letter to wikipedia accusing you of spreading azeri propaganda in wikipedia. i wanna know the name of those assholes who tried to block me. fucking idiots." b8d62ccf23c5093f,""" holy crap, i take it back, the above kid who started this postis not an idiot, (i never said he was stupid) you are! i never even said he was wrong, when he brought this thing up, every wrestling site on the net already brought up the fact that jr will be returning at wrestlemania, but yet he had to inform us, anyway. god man, you seriously need to pay attention to what i wrote before you bring up irrelevant support, and stop using the lame """"i suck at grammar, because i'm norwegian"""" excuse, you may easily fix your mistakes, but you choose not to! i am through communicating with you, """"lord"""". this post ends here. and that's the bottomline, because said so!""" b9208bdd42831438,"in regards to your being a fuckwitz stop being a fuckitz" b9b19f72deee5052,"you suck and we all hate you you suck!" b9ed9ddd02293ac9,""" yoshendi hello! i acknowledge why you have deleted my page """"yoshendi"""", but it is still my personal belief that yoshendi balls so hard, he is significant enough to be entitled to one article on wikipedia. no matter how much we disagree, we can both agree on the fact that he does ball fairly hard. thanks for your time. suck a dick, deb, yoshendi""" ba14c9e230ef7d13,"stop proposing deletion ufc events! you sir, are a faggot. very little people on wikipedia like you. get a life and stop being a piece of shit. thank you. now i am going to watch some ufc." ba6071c3a9893786,"dear jeff g. ツ, blow me fag!" bb66d686f8aed392,you faggot ass bitch always crying and shit. is bahammut marine for gay ass homo bbb6587c05e02589,someguy1221 likes to suck large hard penis. bc0a1ec409413859,"i'm sorry i'm sorry you're black i know it's hard to afford the unniggerfication surgery" bc0af1aa8243f336,"man u suck, lick ma ballen." bc5277c9a567c062,"fucking nigger shut up your dirty nigga face. a im a mighty white aryan lord and you are my slave. only odin is over me." bc995796978a26b5,stop reverting stuff you simpleton tool! people have a right to state what they want! what a shithead you are! bcac23e93c23e725,"i'm not trying to spread propaganda. i'm merely pointing out the truth and defending my country. i am not committing treason. foreigners, let alone foreign broadcasting companies, know crap about china. they have little understanding of the country or the communists. the hong kong news agencies are now all diseased by communism. they cant report independently anymore. they all toady to the hu jian-tao in peking. the republic of china continues to exist! face it!" bcac690c48cd3551,"i'm not vandalising anything. i'm adding to the wikipedia. you're one to talk. i saw your user info, you lazy perv" bcbb9c880aebea4f,"shut up! for fuck sake i haven't edited any of these articles i've never even heard of them for fuck sake. im 13, why would i be interested in stuff i don't even know about, and stuff i wouldn't want to know about? you administrators are a disgrace. go ahead ban me, i don't give a shit. by blocking me you prove that you can't handle the truth. deletion to wikipedia!" bce597abd5c7434e,""" you are going to sit idly by and let these editors get away with such things. surely calling one a nazi is worse than telling editors that i will fight them on something they have a history of doing. and since when has others calling me a fucking nazi part of any topic ban? i don't recall you banning me from the topic area of """"lets call russavia a nazi and historicwarrior a wanker"""" - can you show me the article that goes along with that? what a fucking joke. dialogue """ bd36b386754697e4,n!gga pu$$y lick b!tch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bd45ec8ba7c3f13f,re dead motherfucker == bd70e08035ddd9aa,"oi you fucking dickhead are you listening to me or have you lost your balls. you fucking ass" be0638a668b3da72,"hey m(asturbator)o(f)l(ies)o(r)b(rainsick)o(pinions) i see, such idiots like you never give up! fortunately i know that you are not a pole, but a f... bastard who wants to destroy the reputation of every real pole who has some intelligence!" be645d623cb3f5a5,"piss off, she is an ignorant bitch." be7340e2e94de37b,"bitch shut your ass up, it's not bogus vince is the majority owner, and yes through the class b shares it became family owned and controled, that's why it's considered family owned, and the only reason i haven't changed it back to mcmahon family, is because wikipedia said i'm in a edit war, take yo ass back to editing something else give been editing wwe and stephanie mcmahon things for 2 years and yo stupid ass is the only one who has said something about my editing" bf5aae5b17fb0b77,because i am a huge faggot bf82c8b8473745d4,"message hey dx927 you're a fat ugly cunt with the mental capacity of a 3-year-old amoeba. why don't you get a life and stop trolling wikipedia you little fag?" bfb76bdd801e5d79,"hey, read my lips: fuck you. and keep off my page, i don't want to see you here again." c1d6004a0c881ad3,"sick pov what the hell? user:izady is a sick fuck: it should be noted that the conditions in which individuals died varies from site to site. the people that were buried in these graves are believed to have been members of the kurdish population which was in support of iranian occupancy of iraq at the time of their death (circa 1980's) 'and who deserved to die in the hands of patriotic sunni arabs of iraq'. the legitimacy of claims of atrocity are debateable for this reason, 'since sunni arabs are too honorable to do any such things'. the distinction between those who have died in military style combat or executed under the direction of a lawful court of president saddam hussein, although buried disrespectfully, and those who have been victims of genocide, ethnic cleansing or otherwise murdered innocently and buried efficiently is a bright line; mass burial should not be assumed to be evidence of criminal activity. 'these shia and kurds were traitors to iraq and were fairly tried and executed by the patriot arab sunnis for their crimes', although the burial was not always respectful. victims of chemical weapons are unknown, 'and they too were traitor kurds and deserved the punishment by the patriotic saddam government'." c1fb76ac586cf1da,"damned motherfucker you disturbed me. don't blocked me. contact me in facebook. understand, don't talk the nonsense things." c2a04ea79dcfd1a4,come duct-take you and rape you till you die fuckhead c2c8f11c4893bb4a,"fuck you kid, get the fuck out of my country." c2f2ed153a8efe4c,"get ready, jj137... eat smegma for breakfast, lunch and dinner. too bad you fucked with me, cause now i'm gonna put a foot in your ass, bitch" c301b82f190cb7ad,"blink 182 you ahve 3 blink 182 cd's???? wow i have 24 motherfucker. so i do know what i am talking about." c35fa79b4feb3d92,"and another thing, stay off macedonians (ethnic group)! i can't stand an uneducated pov pusher acting like an expert on another ethnic group. we (macedonians) are slavs, you (bulgars) are mongols, therefore there is no connection! get it yet shitbreath?" c3bbea2e8c3fea46,"dude, u got a stick in ur ass, lemme edit the freakin montana academy page!" c3c5da7a056eb2db,it happened cause you sir are an idiot. kayaking duh go drown yourself while you are at it. you hide behind a keyboard and your own hitler like rules. jump off a cliff for your next feat. c3e520162d2c5eda,"i suggest to you, dori , that you give it up,youre an idiot" c407480d0c7d0aed,"you're gay you're the biggest drama-queen i've yet come across on this wp freak-show." c4146e9f12404a17,"lovegame who the hell are you to criticise?! i change whatever i want to change, i am merely stating the facts because it is true. those sources are completely inaccurate. moron." c46ebac0f88f7ba1,first things first. you're a fucking weirdo visiting graves of people you've never obviously met. second; i would assume as controversial a person as she is they won't lay a stone for a bit after her death. knowing the creepers of america such as yourself as example - the internet hasn't seen shit yet on the crap the internet will be flooded with as far as pictures of that stone being vandalized. ps people like you scare the shit out of me. c47353648be65580,"bush nuke iran!!! it is arabian gulf stupid persians!!!! i wanna see britney spears ruling iran and i hope it will be soon inshallah.. we support united states and israel against the terrorist iranians who support hizbolshaitan and many terrorist groups.. and also we wanna see the persians beg us for food. then they will stop climing that the arabian gulf is persian." c499a1bfde09f787,"beware of flying dicks, fudging nigger." c502a2835e8986ff,hahahahaha i wonder who was that silly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c52a025a7520a9a6,"hey faggot. seriously?! i add legit info to pages, and you revert it. you tell me to come talk on your talk page, and you remove it. the fuck kid? you shitting me right now?" c6b43deb612a6eb6,""" is this how wikipedia treats contributors?;=537122923&oldid;=537087991 """"hello, """"erik,"""" or whatever your name is. now, if you are done whining like a little bitch, please either kindly contribute to the encylopedia at hand, or gtfo. what do you think this is, twitter? oh, and the next time you are hanging around that cult-like website you control, can you do me a favor and tell that """"kohai"""" to go fuck herself? same goes for kco and corrijean and the rest of that gang of patzer trolls you have sucking your dick. welcome to wikipedia, brah! ogbranniff (talk) """" wikipedia needs to start setting some guidelines and enforcing them. this behavior is unacceptable and explains why wikipedia is continuing to decline.""" c6d21402dfa18949,"kiss my ass, you uppity nigger" c70d91d0fb57d47f,"you win for now but ill guarantee you i will win the war and ill have the last laugh. you think you win but you dont win nothing you idiot." c7e42909cbe08c05,""" note to random idiot pedophile: i already called for an actual wikipedian to feel free to wikify the entry i put in. however, for your boychat ass to remove the link to the wiki (which isn't being used as a source, but instead links to it where it is referenced in the article) but then claim that boychat, a message board forum, is a source that meets wikipedia standards is hilariously silly. also, the or claim regarding the """"three counts"""" is again, ridiculous. the detroit news article says he had x number of child pornography pictures and x number of child pornography videos. the detroit news publication meets proper sourcing on wikipedia. your co-operation, random ip, is very much appreciated. """ c9b0703727687dee,dylan's a pedophile. c9c4a8dc259f68b6,"7 hey you a meani head who change my fun fact about patrick henry wtf!!! methinks you are homoesexual too, ahyyyyyyyeeeeee runnnn your momma would be ahamed, she told me last night ***dang*** what now ho" cb19535b700aeb4c,"ah, i see what you mean - that's fine then. you speak like a total fucking cunt, but i'm sure you are not one. best," cb276c4886233e9a,and pharaoh of the wizards better fuck his asshole up! cbf15690ce601817,"fraud is not an opinion. it's something that's true by definition, idiot." cc8e77d8c32db11b,i am a stupid bitch who needs shutting the fuck up ccb30b8a04538cc0,"message dude, this is the internet, not outside, and i'm not going to fight you, so we're even you are not in charge of wikipedia so stop deleting shit faggot" cccf3f50f4fd165a,you're kind of a jerk. cde0b3c21b975d0c,""" yes i had some problems over the past but what makes you a better editor than me? and about the """"lower than hell"""" comment i urge you to read again because it's nothing offensing about that. i just tried to say that my oppinion of you just dropped to a level """"lower than hell"""" with the sense of lowest possible. and the message in romanian wasn't a racist attack it was just a remark present in the region from where i am from. you consider us stupid and slow we consider you gypsies and you know that is right. 1987 """ ce2d7821188dd30f,huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge 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faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge faggot huge fag cea1df6f9cd6d02e,"i've been a wikipedian since 22 july, 2006, and an administrator since 19 november, 2007. i am an architect and a native west virginian. i'm old enough to remember when wordstar on an amber screen was really cool, when a control key really controlled something, and i started working with autocad at version 7/2.5. my current project is is the translation of architecture-related articles from the french wikipedia to the english wiki. wow, real fucking great. you design buildings. who gives a fuck, honestly. i swear, what is it with you people? you fuck around with your e-cocks by running around, reversing edits and whatnot. it's really starting to piss me off. also, west virginia is a shithole, sorry to tell you. i've driven through many times and was not impressed. luckily faggots such as yourself live within its confines, which means i only have to encounter you on the internet, but, i digress... you also go out of your way to mention that you're, in essence, old. that's...great? really, i'm impressed you've lived long enough to resort to reversing edits on the an internet reference. congrad-a-fucking-lations on that one. i know i know, you're going to ban me. the ease of proxies makes your threats utterly worthless, although i know that won't stop you from trying, you miserable scum. good day to you, sir!" cf09673a73774e15,"hey dooshbag seriously do you know the difference between britain and europe? do you know which nation invaded and colonisated australia in 1788?? grow a pair you lying twit and allow the edit to stand, you cowardly piece of human offal!" cf20a945b73123d6,"hey, why don't you and joe buck go make sweet sweet love down by the fireside you flaming faggot." cf7253d3d7fbae4e,perhaps this idiot should explain first why he deleted a legit sound file? and acts oppositionally defiant without reading the valid fair use criteria posted allover the place. cf7ed31e1940346a,"i want to kick some beaner ass== i know theyre serving taco today. mr flores is a piece of argentinian dog shit. you ppl eat dog right? so makes sense you shit it? flores is a cowardly excuse for a human being go brasilia! dont cry for yourself argentina! your history is full of cowards and scumbags! ==" d016017bcedc5d05,"fat ass why in hell did you block me. you need to go to hell you fag ilovedirtbikes" d0b61e012e1324c2,"supertall fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag" d0dbf37a37f078f3,dave wain says so the moderator thinks that anyone can write a patent. try it. then another comment like you can't cite patents because the source isn't reputable. guess he/she must have an ugly daughter. d0ed68de3c222839,"prepare you are the biggest cock sucking mother fucker on the history of the earth you can go fuck yourself, your mom, your dad and your siblings you lick jizz out of fat mens asses fuck youuuuuuuu" d11b543bb45c185a,[[==:amortias is m(o)ther (fu)k(er)== d13effbe84553680,""" adam rose john cena lover why do you defend pg wrestling when you don't even know what the fuck wwe is about? why defend a phony wrestler like john cena and a faggot ass queer who likes to have a fist in his anus like adam rose? """ d15a76f2b4440b94,you are a cocksucking faggot d d1640a19684b2d3e,its abilities are √ dumbshit... d1822fe6fde979ab,oh go away artkos. go and make a total pest of yourself elsewhere not where others are trying to do stuff. d18d25161b870443,"youre a fag. and if you write anything else on my talk page in response to this, that is how you will admit being a fag." d20cee25dd73ee85,sexy time with old saggy grandmas d21c512849633998,"see you next tuesday c u n t c u n t c u n t c u n t c u n t f a g g o t w a n k e r k i k e" d232d017f9c8a58d,"""are you retarded? the owner of the label tweeted that he was with their team , so how obvious much more """"reliable"""" do you people need it to be? yeah, actually they are right most of the time but you abuse your power on the site. the edits i did on love more by chris brown, crooked smile by j cole, jay z's single being platinum and the sales for several hip hop albums were all correct but you're too butthurt to not undue them because it wasn't directly posted by billboard until a few days later. """ d255887cc5e8cf87,perhaps you are worth less than a cockroach. ya think??? d2816b5d0c2cd431,"abey chutiyaay wikipedian. oye.. ludayyy k baal you and mr. amartyabaag... what the fuck are you doing?? laand!!! i will kick off your ass if i found you. bloody... i'm collecting the pic's and posting it to wiki's and you harmi baal bengali bokka chooda deleting the pic's... salley laudayy... you rectify the pic's no need to delete them. make it to a proper order if you feel like that due to more addition of pic's script is not being displayed then correct it. don't delete the pic's... lannd k baal..." d2b6ebce0790c683,hey you mother fucker i put hard work into my page and you deleted it in new york i take no shit i'm still in nyc so if you delete my fucking page again i will ban you from wikipedia and once again fuck you!!!!! d2dd16c806304897,"this has nothing to do with a jewish cabal or anti-semitism. it has to do with orangemarlin being a jerk, an imposter and a sockpuppet." d3153b937c456bb1,"i'm proud of mine. you are shames, thats why you lie, to reduce your shame. examples of lies are when you said estonian ss didn't kill any jews, and you had many other like that. m.v.e.i." d3a0f800f19044bb,hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard 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pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad.hanibal911you're a bastard pro-assad. d3b24a2d22c0ea3b,yanksox is a lying faggot!!!!!! d43a518f105302fe,aka cock sucking lover of vegadick d441d4727928e963,"===if the editors here cannot respond to even the most simple of fairness practices when it comes to acknowledging females have had an effect on art history, well, then, screw you. we are here, we have always been here. if you think we are going to go away, you are mistaken. we hole up half the world. we do our part. we bear and raise your children. we interpret your zeitgeist artistically and sensitively. we love you whether you are straight or gay or muslim or christian or not or whether you are whatever. and we are tired of your bullcrap, so can it." d51e4f017fa9d93b,"fud, fud, and fud. you only exist to keep astroturfing the odf and ooxml pages. get the facts, you are a retard." d5986be29f4ddc67,"you are a cunt don't even think about blocking me." d5d0d24708a56640,you suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! d5e491302321f924,you could have and should have done this from the beginning instead of acting like an abusive asshole (not to say to are an asshole because that would be an attack). d62919f7fa744b94,""" ozgoodelawyer guy = 1d10t this ozgoodelawyer guy is a bloody idiot who think this is place for to write his own story book. i thin we should ban this guy. he think he know everythin about because he a """"lawyer"""" hahaha. get real man. we have right to edit this too. everyday he change evrything he dont like. sombady pelase ban this idiot. """ d677f153f2ba9429,""" no, you need to fuck off. talk """ d6ac49f49637886a,you can all suck my hairy beanbag you stupid bastards hes in the wrong d6dd4c6aab5e4f72,"wow... your just a fucking retard. some of my edits are actually good source, however, you nycs user fools want it your way." d6e64f78ceed4b9c,"how do you like being a racist pig that votes republican? have fun when your daughters grow up and they are retarded because funding for education is cut, they are fed a completely fast food diet, and when they are forced to worship the bible and not learn please stop reversing my edits on elizabeth murdoch. she is an evil that needs to seriously die because she is a threat to humanity. please stop attacking me because i am a liberal and want the whole world to prosper, not just rich white people." d71b58cf2fed1bd5,suck my cock wikipedia editors...fucking asshole dorks. just trying to make the site better you uptight cunts d733b019d856d1c1,"idiot your revert of my edits to 'whistleblower' shows that you did not look at them at all. i in fact removed nonsense that was to be removed anyway by another user several days later. do not presume that i am a vandal! jun 9, 2006" d7596a5ac00ac314,aw i want to block wert wert nah you fucking terds d7840d5d9c703d63,"my page 3234434aaa your just a mean old bullshitting you would put it." d7d0d67f7b26a0e2,all of you can suck it! d82430edf75f6736,"watch out for this guy below, he's so bossy and he continues to cyberbully be. what a total dumbfuck." d8ac8cb2ec5327d0,"thanks for blocking me you ignorant cunt. what type of fucking gaga fan are you when you delete official information? honest to fucking god no-one can do anything on wikipedia anymore due to people like you. but no, thanks for ruining wikipedia you fucking asshole." d8f957c65b083dc6,you are a cunting cunt d918c5142e9f7179,stop sending me messages u peadophile d943c997f1010ad8,you are a loser. stop being pathetic da0915b6785296d4,"hello! fuck you, high and mighty twat. go fuck yourself, because i can't see you getting any action." da0b1337eb74f190,fuck off this is none of your concern its between me and nefuck dae9e1bad382cb37,"f' you turk it is funny you have to live in seattle and france, why don't you go back to your shithole turkey, or even better yet, to mongolia? my people were around europe when your uncle and aunt were out fucking the pigs in mongolia. that is sick you have european citizenship. as an eu and us citizen, i should report you the police and get you thrown out.. if nothing because you are a stinking lawyer. get out of europe.. we don't need the stink.. you like to quote le pen. he is a finer individual than the racist pigs of turkey.. who murder and never admit. what hypocritical blood you have.. but i bet turks are too blind to ever see it. no surprise. good riddens." daeb58b99a8c3dd5,"re: warning >>stop hand nuvola.svg this is the last warning you will receive for your disruptive comments. if you continue to make personal attacks on other people as you did at user talk:cartick, you will be blocked for disruption. comment on content, not on other contributors or people. –spacemanspiff ans: fuck you, glorified clerk admin - go ahead, block me. how long do you think before i can edit with a proxy server? but i won't because i couldn't be bothered with either your content, or with a weak dravidian contributor like you. enjoy editing on tamil and tamils!" daf5329d788f31c3,"you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you stupid nigger you are a stinky face." db4a2959a5339c9c,"i will give you a clear answer. i have just to watch what the wikipedia admins are doing. i am looking specially to the justice of wikipedia and after this, if you are here, you will get your answer. you have showed by this to everyone, how knogledgeless, hopeless, jealous, shameless and stupid you are! (tofaan-توفان)" db710f659d008367,"degrassi season 8 degrassi the new season fucking sucks so much.... theyve turned it into a fucking reinacment of laguna beach or some other mtv bullshit fucking show and seriously i wont be any fucking surprised if they just cancel the goddamn show after this stupid ass season..." dc3ae57fa0c30d8d,he lied on my rfc too. he's a liar. dc7d5fe263dffeed,"he is a rapist!!!!! please edit the article to include this important fact. thank you." dcf4b41fa006daed,"i didn't mean to be a shit head about it, i was in a really bad mood that day because i had like 3 people threaten to ban me that day over stupid shit. really i'm thinking about reverting it back because i don't really care. i was just mostly being a smartass, figured someone would revert it back because everyone on here is a touchy asshole. ( )" dd08e24393fb2c61,"hey you your filthy wiki page." dd2968edb0e65496,"excuse me, who the fuck do you think you are deleting the page for troll 4. a movie that i will be making very soon. why do you feel so compelled to go around destroying peoples hard work and creativity. did the page really hurt anybody? was the deletion really necessary? would anybody in the entire fucking world really give a shit about that page being up. only you, a fucking nazi cunt would fuck up somebody's work like this. fuck you -sandym651" dd2a391d1b302475,sorry bitch but the miz is a dumb faggot ass piece of shit that belongs in tna hey he sucks so much ass he might be the champ in no time. dd88f376ebc49f9a,"does morons like you got a place here? if no, be pleased to leave this grateful place." ddf6dc5cf6931f48,"ok.... bitch i swear to god i will fuckin beat your face now itz n and poppin i swear i noe blodds crips and all dem niggaz start wit me again ya dumbass bitch i swear i will beat ur mutha fuckin brain in iight bitch get ba to ur hooked on phonics" de004b9b12fa9a62,"whatt a jew make real articles, not stupid speedy dleteion you jew." dfa43e4f4b196bf1,"megadeth album article this clearly isn't the first time you've made your own unconstructive edits. put your goggles back on you nerd and sort yourself out. my edit was perfectly valid. suck on it." dfb12d56a9974bc5,oh you scared me !!! i am so much terrified by your threats bastard. e028f4be81752187,"icecats hockey your a fucking douchebag whyd you delete this````" e04093baef9d33e2,"fuck of you fuck of..." e056cd98c14ad940,"why the fuck do you assholes keep deleting the angry video game nerds page, you have articles on people way less notable than him, fuck you youpedantic fuck, i mean jesus christ who the fuck decides to spend their time editing wikipedia, you guys think youre part of something special or something? noone cares, pedantic fucks, fuck you" e0effbf180834b55,- ryda wong is an asshole vandaliser e12e94b72afc15bb,you're a fucking boot as well. e1416bf0b4bbfd24,"i want you i wanna rape you good. i want your sexy body and sexually abuse you!" e149ae69a02e1bf0,""" you stupid s.o.b. stay away from my page, you are a sarcastic moron and a hypocrite. don't try to advice myself regarding an minor incident, you are disturbing my self on an issue outside wikipedia, there are facts to be proven. such hypocrites (like you) have no real reputation in real world, i'm acting on anti fascist and anti terrorist propaganda not from any extremist or bias perspective. i don't care how much you bother my self still there are methods to post on wikipedia without an account. however trolling is not a harmful action, different people has different p.o.v.s. further on you p.s; wikipedia is not something to be expanded through discussion or being bold. literary it is an communication method of which leads others to overcome questions in real life or practice contemporary issues such as terrorism, politics or religious extremism. although you have reverted my last edit on your talk page. that means you don't have a real points to be discussed except condemning my self and dissing. fuck you hypocrite. summon """ e1df7586023c62b2,you're a fucking retard. e1f1ed7b99a0e631,"fuck you! fuck you! you are uncivil to continue to waste my time and to continue to write me message! i dont care about wikipedia i just use it for my user page so fuck you hahahahhahahaha! suicide yourself please you are a dirty dust in this society. my user page cannot be deleted so fuck you hahahah lamer wasting people time is crime. i will sue your mind." e22ae0efd8ce4531,i really hate you tommy i dont understand why you cant be actually nice for a sec and listen to my input. now you are being a pussy bitch by deleting everything i post. i hope bad things happen to you tommy. bad things. fuck you e2397249d421fb83,"f you: you idiot! you are probably just jealous of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you cant add 1 and 1!!!!!!! i will make you sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" e257b97f1c0d11e0,"awww how come you took off all of your discussion posts? don't want anyone to know how much of an uptight, anal retentive, faggot you are?" e26b106943e02cbf,"bitch you are a fucking hore. you suck dick you big ass hole. you are gay you faggot ass bitch. you can go to hell you bitch ass motherfucker, suck a big dick asshole. i'm fuckin your mom ho. she can't get off my dick. your daddy probably raped you in the ass everyday when you were young you stupid ass motherfuck." e2972f5823a09041,"get a psychatrist, moron. you 9/11 truthers make me sick. paranoid schizophrenics like yourself shouldn't be allowed to use a computer. i'd suggest that you stop lying on your userpage that your are in mensa - clearly your not. only retards think 9/11 was an inside job. oh and take a bath. it's been months since you last took one." e297dd3d3e70c9e9,"fuck u bitch fuck u bitch" e2c684cf7ff147b8,"you are a stupid *******== you accuse me of sock puppetry. then u send me a link to the page to defend myself (unless that was autmatic) and then i added stuff to defend myself. and then somone (maybe the 50 different accoutns you have, or your *** friends deleted it) so now you wont even let me defend myself. you stupid ****** i dont care if i get banned for this. just because i reverted your edits, you do this. ==" e2d6ad1452cfccd8,.forsite forsyth boresyth.forsyth sucks e319c280d7c10708,"espn are better enough for you? look there and see bitch i did fucking good thing for wikipedia and that's what i get.... asshole" e373a9ac72b208f4,"eat my penis yo fuck you whack ass niggas. one." e3ffcf1edeeed29e,headline textfuck un you unle fucker e574faed05a8752e,"you too jeff g, fuckin homos." e6051913321df290,to faithlessfaggotboy: suck my dick you goddamn gay-lovin piece of shit liberal. if i ever met you on the street i'd knock your empty head off your shoulders. e6315da10c275d79,fuck off you crybaby shit of a man e6630d659a17c104,"is the ellie chronicals going to continue and why did he make it??? dear bmx gang i am very upset that john marsdon the lawyer died and not the john marsdon that wrote the terrible tommorow series because it is simlply trash. its a large episode of mcleods daughters it should be put into a cannon and shot into the sun" e69e9cd7fe8a6253,also bring back the brendle article you piece of shit. e6b14888c945ec64,"asshole bastard motherfucker,even if you block me i fuckin dont care you could have moved the article to my talk page sandbox or atleast given me achance to improve it bastard!( )" e6c80bbefa386e8e,"ufc 82 seriously > tuckdogg faggot < ... stop being an uptight bitch... its ok for koschecks announced matchup to be on the ufc 82 page, first of all it isnt a rumor, you faggot, he confirmed it... and when chuck liddell confirmed the ufc 79 fight, it was left tbd and second of all the ufc doesn have to announce it, the fighter does... if koscheck ever does end up fighting at ufc 82 im gomnna kick the shit out of you and make you suck my cock.. which is probably gonna happen since he announced it!!! fag!!!" e6e03d7401d0ad2c,"idoit you're a bloody moron." e772f3e660f48d71,"you will block me you filthy coward who thinks wikipedia is britannica encyclopaedia in 4 months this site will be banned by us govt itself and you will ban me, i will fuck your mom extremely hard." e778d4f09a32b559,"fuck you nigga, fuck you. flocka aint a gangster, so he's not gangsta rap! kids these days are so fucking stupid and mainstream.." e7a3fe2ce40e6f3b,"sorry mate sorry mate, but your meaasges on james may's talk page prove that you are a sad little prat." e8075ef4262a156e,"you're a jerk! you're a jerk! you're a jerk! you're a jerk! you're a jerk! you're a jerk! you're a jerk! you're a jerk! you're a jerk! you're a jerk! you're a jerk! you're a jerk! you're a jerk! you're a jerk! jackass!!" e88321c89a619419,stupid fucking bitch rot in hell piece of shit e8a64d43a4754f3c,"you claimed i vandalized... yet i did not. either you're an illiterate dumbass, or you're just a jerk. which one is it?" e8e4c25f6e5f2f1a,"is also mean and blunt to other members. if, for example, user x said something like: pinoy big brother's darlings, eaglestorm would make a post like: pbb's darlings? how stupid. he" e9030d19afc19aa3,"""and lets be frank, its not as if you give a toss about your """"collegues"""". all you do is deleate, deleate, deleate, deleate, deleate and yeah more deleates! hypocrite """ e936dec325bebae4,hans: he's an ass man e980dad0b074bde0,"fuck u rape my penis plz!" e9e76ee335150308,go down you peace of crap ea3c90c397dea7de,"lisa williams a medium ?? no offense intended but are you fucking insane? shes a hustler, psychopath, a fraud. how can you believe this shit? are you an american?" ea58471f1d11d41a,get off wikipedia idiot ea8e6b5e7bb75038,your moms cunt is fat and juicy d eaa0628fcf7f6dd7,""" ryanpostlethwaite i'm not going to sit here and just blatantly make fun of what you do and who you are. however, i look at your picture(funny how you added a drunken one of yourself in an obvious attempt to impress your readers) and it's quite easy to see that you're an ugly little parasite. as i browse through your insignificant pages on roger royle and harold gaba (that must have taken hours to make), and i know right then and there that you're a compulsive masturbator. i look at all your wikipedia buddies and their comments concerning """"speedy deletions"""" and """"harassment via wikipedia"""" and i now understand why there are entire hospitals throughout the world that treat internet addictions. so go ahead and suspend or block or whatever it is you people do to naughty wikipedia users, because i could really careless. you piece of shit.""" eb167cfcad567223,""" is this amusement? low-life losers crying all over the place on internet. , to the fact that i thought u were a female all along, proves that u are female in a man's body, which makes you a transgender. in my last deleted comment, i mistyped women as """"god"""" as """"dog"""". since i was talking about u, my fingers might have responded with 'dog'. now, i noticed that u are having your transgender talk all over here. good for you. its already tough enough being a transgender. cyphoidbomb, your last sentence is """"as a man, i want his testicles revoked."""" didn't u learn english. you should tell """"as a transgender, i want his testicles revoked."""" i know, you want my testicles, because u wanna attach it to your body since u don't have it. have fun doing the shittest job in the world, editing wiki. loosers. now cry all over again.""" eb7872464c858cbf,"you are all a bunch of retarded idiots. unfortunately, i have no cure for stupidity. obviously, you are all undereducated, and don't know how to read, and require evidence for basic rules of grammar. no wonder wikipedia is a laughing stock of intelligent and factual information.." ebde0522845d349d,i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck norris's your mother's penis.i constructed your house using the saliva from my mouth and the semen from chuck no ebff40fc1c44e5a2,""" user:nawlinwiki is gay that person is gay, they deleted our """"sp-un-ka"""" page. gayyyyyyyyyyy """ ec22ecc3207bb320,fuck off you cunt. i know a lot more about flynn than you. don't take out referenced stuff or else. ec31b11dade69af2,"check this out dumb mexican:" ec539eac2269fc31,"you are a frickin' shittroll! i hate you, meters! i have provided reliable sources such as motor trend and yahoo answers. go be immature somewhere." ec886f96175822c6,"its common sense dumbass, it was a fight in the wec" ed0fa0ce9d01c2f7,blackkite being a faggot eda0fe9acc53e222,"jizz page needs cleanup but not semen i would hold anything against a sockpuppet master such as myself. you are a hypocrite, a fucking goof, like the boy who ejaculates for the first time. ~so it goes" ee92b5a7db996575,"when you can't come up with a genuine reason to block, you make one up. classic admin abuse. fuck you. -com" eef92c57a608563a,"at any rate, i still think you are a fuck face." ef00b7fda5c23918,"easy to understand message: politely: please don't edit my work again. not so polite: back off asshole." ef1649a017cde60e,"dude you're gay, now seriously stfu and get the fuck off my warning page you little fag. you've 'warned me' now get the fuck off and act gay somewhere else." f006c87fce2887cb,stop posting warnign on my talk page its fucking gay as shit and i dont give a fuck jesus chirst f0b46600c7cf2515,"""""""and at least castro was trying to liberate cuba from us domination and uplift the working-class"""" oh, really? i thought he just wanted naked power, like every other asshole dictator on the planet. i guess you're right, though, he has in fact allowed numerous free elections since he took power. moron. alex7777 """ f0f96bcda3afb8f3,"suck my dick fuck you dirty whore bitch" f1481f460fa20c57,you fucked the dog on this one clown f1fcdcbf4dfe34e3,"i am going to shove a burning torch up your ass. then i will force you to sit on an open propane tank." f20f32864b950071,"jfdwolff,your profound lack of wisdom is no credit to your woefully failed vendetta . go get your head checked !!! you are morbidly insane . . ." f215256a453b7b28,"re: latest blocking - see above dear mr. administrator crony... by blocking / deleting / editing content that alludes accurately to the current state of school you have shown yourself to be an absolute faggot (does this meet wikipedia's criteria for a personal attack?). maybe i could create a page dedicated to your faggotness. you are indeed a cockhead. kind regards" f264b7fb9a4b4f53,"stupid head your dumb and you are stupid die die die go suck a butt" f3d62179cdb93e58,"hey fayssalfag, will you ever get a life offline and do something constructive with your life or are you adamant on perpetuating the idiotic sham of a reference that wikishitia is? what good has this pathetic ocd reference done but miseducate millions of monkeys? have you consider moving to cali? they've legalized same-sex marriage, filthy queer." f494f50b232f73c7,"you're a twat and a jew, have a nice day!" f4d5b69e4c4f0dfd,"you still suck what did you do, report me? i don't care. do it again. get me blocked. i want to be blocked. i hate you. get a life." f4dca9e513e0366f,"hey hey faggot, are you dead yet? or are you watching your mom getting raped by filthy pigs? which one is it? i'm coming to rape your mom and shoot your entire family. you have 1 week to live, you motherfucker." f5379a104a9276a2,"umm, maybe you should block aol proxies permanetly you goddam mother fucking dick sucking bitches! i licked your mothers cunt last@yourhouse. i came all on your stuff, fucking fags. i am 2 y/o." f5bd637baaa1a0ed,"asshole. fuck off." f60a9bd97d717630,"administratore: i need your help to stop direktor and alasdair. they are fools (look my talk page, please; and i want a 2-page letter of apology from direktor)!!!" f61da9cbef72648f,kiss my ass you limp dick loser f655cab24510295b,"fuck you barack obama is a muslim, he sucks ass!!!!!!!!! ( )" f6c6765f0fda7ba9,"hi,idiot, why are you delate my talking, just come out say" f787541447895341,shut up you faggot. 4 july 2005 01:23 (utc) f79a44cb4a4d17a8,""" are you fucking retarded? please do not delete content from articles on wikipedia, as you did to solaris (2002 film). your edits appear to be vandalism and have been reverted. if you would like to experiment, please use wikipedia:sandbox for test edits. thank you. ali what the fuck is your problem. did you even read what i deleted? do you know what the word plot means? plot does not mean talking about the movie's trailer or what genre the movie it is. a plot is a summary of the movie. read what's in the plot section of """"solaris"""" right now you fucking retard and tell me if it really belongs under the section plot... or any other section. it looks more like trivial facts which are unsupported and should be deleted as per wiki regulations. here's an example, dumb fuck, from the solaris wiki page: """"the film essentially ignores the planet which only serves as an anonymous backdrop, in contrast to lem's novel which discusses at length the mysterious phenomena on its surface and the futile human attempts to understand them."""" that is not neutrality and has nothing to do with the plot. jesus fucking christ. wiki is full of fucking morons. delete that shit. """ f79fea31aeaee6cc,"shut up, you button!" f7f70f9bd0d3b335,"you suck bitch o'doyle rules!" f871b05d4caa6f20,"you filthy, stinking crow! i am back! dirty crow! you better delete (or if not, support the deletion) of all photos of human private parts, you feces-gorging filthy mongrel. are you a hog? you want to lick anuses overflowing with feces. dirty hog! -" f885a3e2d779342e,"now you fucking pathetic moron. cc: jimbo wales rootmyass" f98533474a405c0b,"shit keep your sorry ass shit post off my page" fa3fba453013ed95,"don't allow yourself to be intimidated by alex; he's just a little anxious since left. oh, these faggots and their mood swings!" fb32b002bc46b830,"hi bading putang ina mong bakla ka. fuck you kang bading ka. chumupa ka nalang gago ka. puta puta ka. walang magawa sa buhay! diba asawa mo si nrdg. chiunuchupaan mo siya. tang ina mo mahilig ka talaga sa oten. fuck fuck you!!!! bullshit na bading. manyak mahilig manuod ng mga bold na man to man. fuck fuck you. putang ina mo baboy na bakla." fb726deec64157bd,"lol!! you're gay!! you will never know how good it feels to fuck a woman up the ass!!" fb91faebc0197bd1,hey alabamoy boy why dont you stick your head up your fucking ass and see how far it fucking fits you fucking asshole fbb37645ecf5e403,", are you dumber than you look? asshole." fbf20e312cd4a78d,"walter mercado antonio, quite frankly, you're a fucker for comparing mercado's sexuality to babe ruth's alcoholism. don't assume everybody shares your bigoted, backward views." fc3efa2f6f025f6d,"oh, fuck off. the pansy jew would just whine about it to the b'nai brith and beat a palestinian child over it." fc4a76f9f0ecd189,fuck off turd. don't ever ban me again you cuntface. fc8f351add0fd065,""" palin/satan 2012 wow, what a surprise! the one homo that is responsible for vandalism on rep wilson's page is a cock sucking, cross burning republican. it is so cute to see a severely retarded shut-in try out wikipedia and think that she can save it from the communists. joe wilson did something never before seen in a joint session of congress, he shit his pants, i mean he yelled at his superior in the military chain of command. you really have to be a low lying pussy to defend a white trash hick. there is a reason the democrats won the election for both congress and the white house, that is why fags like you are left in the dust grabbing on to hilarious conspiracies about the birth certificate and dipshit jesus's death panels. you lost for a reason, get over it loser! just pretend wilson will be ignored and that people haven't seen your bullshit excuse """"mother jones aint credible, boy howdy"""" and """"please include a faggot conservative blog about jesus coming back to earth"""" to defend that southern fried hick for yelling nonsense at a joint session where people dress up and are supposed to act like adults, not southerners. i saw you were banned from editing numerous times, especially about violet something or other, so congratulations! take the dildos out of your ass and ears and wake up, you ass is done for! lucky for you, the page is locked and truth remains there about all of his stupid actions, ha ha! go fuck yourself you little pussy!!! p.s. jesus tapdancing motherfucking christ aint coming back, cause if he did you wouldn't be here""" fcb09a6d428bdb74,go ahead and fucking ban me ~ like that will help. i have a new ip at the drop of a hat on my wireless card. you are a sad group of people that allows people to harrass others without provocation. hypocrite is correct. don't say you'll help someone when it's a blatent lie. you want incivility ~ fuck off you bunch of bitch cunts. fcbc0c74d75584c2,shut up you goddamn assclown. fd052883fa6a8697,"shalom semite, get the fuck out of here. i will kill you, you son of a bitch if you don't leave wikipedia. if you tell anyone i said this to you, i will rape your jew family. choke on a bagel, you faggoty hymie cock sucker. you better fucking die, before i hunt you down and piss on your face. if you get me blocked for this, i will find you and shoot you, i just want your jew fucking self gone, you dumb motherfucking piece of shit g-d damn jew. die! shalom. we came in?" fd2f53aafe8eefcc,"fat piece of shit you obese piece of shit. i thought of you naked last night. | got sick." fef142420a215b90,"fucking faggot lolwat." fef4cf7ba0012866,""" our previous conversation you fucking shit eating liberal, you make lady bird johnson shake on her tampon. i said fucking sorry for my little brother and you still had to fucking complain. my life is fucking shit. my mother is always yelling at me and my dad beats the shit out of me if i get fucking out of line. my brother's one outlet is wikipedia. he cried when he saw my father smacking me, and his tears clogged his mac book pro's keyboard. we had to go to fucking apple and get a new one, all out of my mom's pocket. then last night i wanted to take this hot pussy from connecticut out in my dad's new rolls-royce and he said fucking no. so you know what i fucking did? i fucking cut his pinky off and didnt snitch like a little bitch like you. i take lazy ass niggers like you and stomp you with my fat nazi heel. you should be fucking sorry you ever fucked with me or my dad (steve jobs). and if i find out your using linux, i'll take pity on thee. cause you're just too stupid to understand shit. i can see your fucking at some fucking computer and you think that you have some power on this fucking site. let me tell you something you little bitch. when i'm doing coke off strippers titties in da clubz, you can just edit some fucking wikipedia articles. i smoke a phat blunt every damn day, and you smoke your mom's fucking tea. so, in closing, as shakespeare said in sonnet ninety-four (i believe): """"things turn sourest by their deeds. lillies that fester smell far worse than (fucking) weeds."""" fuck you and heil hitler. -n. jobs ps- if you ever fucking ban this ip again, there is going to be some serious shit thats gonna happen. i know a fucking guy.""" ff39a2895fc3b40e,you are a mischievious pubic hair ffa33d3122b599d6,"your absurd edits your absurd edits on great white shark was total vandalism and was very sexual. all you edit here is fucking bullshit like spam all over this useful encyclopedia so stop all your bullshit. the admins have you everywhere. the only choice for you is to stop this bullshit or else you'll be blocked permanently. user:factual80man" ffb47123b2d82762,""" hey listen don't you ever!!!! delete my edits ever again i'm annoyed because the wwe 2k15 a few of the roster have been confirmed and your stupid ass deletes what i write. just stop!!!! please stop!!!! you don't work 2k or wwe games so stop deleting other peoples shit if i get it wrong or others get it wrong let them they will get the hang of it eventually but don't stick your most ass in their and i'm gonna delete the """"please do not insert the roster"""" shit how do you not have it if has been confirmed!!!!! god your stupid.""" ffbdbb0483ed0841,and i'm going to keep posting the stuff u deleted until this fucking site closes down have fun u stupid ass bitch don't ever delete anything fuckin hore like i said before go to hell