texts,labels "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh so did I . I liked them for the first 25 minutes then I hated myself . AND OMG ME TOO ! #bangsfromhell ",0 "Aww everyone's getting asked to homecoming then there's me ",0 "Shit i fell asleep again . I swear to god tonight imma stay up all night and im not gonna fall asleep ",0 "I miss Momo and cass ",0 "Boys & their stupid Xbox ",0 "Sometimes no matter how hard you try , you can't keep away the bad thoughts ",0 "Well today was just awesome . ",-1 "That is seriously so annoying ",0 "This guy in sociology is too cute . I need to learn how to be more friendly ",-1 "Oh Lord Miss Texas !!! #feva ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why didn't you come ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know , I'm so stressed out ! ",0 "Why am I suck the morning of work and before the first day of school ? ",0 "This has been the worst week and I don't even know why . I just want my brother home .. ",0 "\You didn't wanna try today did you allie "" thanks mom I thought I looked good this morning "" ",0 "Losing my voice .. I sound terrible ... Hope it gets better before school ",0 "This week can be over now .. ",0 "I love driving home in -7 degree weather with the window done #exceptnot #Frozen ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nope I'm right here alone ",0 "My sister's so cold blooded ",0 "How could you steal someone's phone . That's so wrong ",0 "I'm over this week already . #vacationfever ",0 "I feel like today's gonna be an off day ",0 "You would _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's passed your bed time . ",0 "It's so hard to save money when _TWITTER-ENTITY_ has its 70% off sale . ",0 "I definitely should've gotten a 32GB when i got my 5 .. I only have 3.5 GB available #iphoneprobz #toomanypictures ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ about to be I think !! ",-1 "I care alittle too much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good idea ! It's definitely a hard day ",0 "I can't miserably fail another test this year . It's getting so old . ",0 "Winter is not for me . ❄️⛄️❌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow meg way to be mean good thing i have vicky ",-1 "Didn't do shit I was suppose to do today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ray ...... clay . ",0 "My girlfriend doesn't wanna hang out with me and my little cousins ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it ended up being a swab test ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't see that emoji , don't have an iPhone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's a fricken joke take it easy GOSH ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ at all Hope you have a great day and stay warm ! HUGS !! ",-1 "Holy soreness ! ",0 "So high last night I spilt coffee all over my phone and then fell asleep with my makeup on ",0 "someone be my friend&hang out with me .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what's wrong my dear ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awhhh you're so sweet , I miss you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've never been there before ",0 "Cause your being a meany ",0 "I'm so hungryyyyy ... But i have to go down the stairs & I always seem to almost fall down them ",0 "I'm really moody today ",0 "I'll just be here waiting ",0 "I have to do boot camp alone tomorrow ... whos gunna drag me there now last minute when I bitch out ",0 "Stupid stomach aches !!! ",0 "I hate that I only get to see you on weekends ",0 "I guess every good thing has to come to an end ... RIP Mr. Wanelo Bubbles #wewillmissyou ",0 "I need a book cover for my math book . ",0 "I have to go to New York today ",0 "I apologize ahead of time to everyone , who's about to witness a tweet marathon tonight ! #mixedemotions ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm going to miss it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ same ",-1 "And now shes favoriting my tweets but still not answering me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so ... itchy .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WAHH I miss you also ",0 "Tony if you don't stop liking my fucking pictures ",0 "I CAN'T SLEEP ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Shut up I bought one pair of em last week lol but i wore them monday when we were supposed to have a game . ",-1 "someone please . ",0 "I told _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that I'm bringing you to the dance & he didn't sound happy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "We are young #Fun ",-1 "I wish this whole thing never have happened ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I dont even . see you in school ",0 "Two trees down in our yard . If the basketball goal falls on my car , I might just go throw myself in the storm too . ",0 "You are the most desperate douche ever ",-1 "I hope it doesn't scar his beautiful head ! #worried ",0 "Dont want to go get my wisdom teeth out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You're just jealous of the sweet hog I'm sitting on . ",0 "wish I knew where my tv changer was ",0 "I wish I had someone to talk to at 3:18 AM ",0 "Having to be at the school by 4:30 in the morning is just what I'm looking forward to do ",-1 "Ahhhh FUCK YOU ! Still so pissed off ! ",0 "I hate ants . ",0 "I don't wanna work just wish I could be back in bed with my girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ugh don't hate ",0 "S/o to my feet that are dangling in the air bc I can't fully touch the ground . ",0 "I am LIVID right now #fuckeveryone ",0 "I need to be productive and write at least one paper tonight . ",0 "I hate everyone who's going to Faster Horse #jealous ",0 "I'm really not ready to say bye to my papa ",0 "omg i hate being a girl ",0 "Cry me a river because you work all weekend . Like ive never done that before ",0 "The amount of times I've gotten asked if I'm a freshman is actually a joke ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ last time I saw you was New Years ",0 "Like I see people stuff and I'm like dang I wish they would ask me to do it they would be so please ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Katie you can't see him before you see me ",0 "I miss Rodgers ",0 "And why I fucking have to work at a shoe store tonight . #pissed ",0 "I miss my doggie so much ",0 "Sarah is snoring in my ear . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ when I get back were goin to the lake I miss that place & I miss your mom ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm in a car . I can't ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's so sad because he's been getting super skinny so I think it's true ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oops I'm sorry ! It's just so tricky to spell ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what !! Whyy ?? ",0 "I can't believe gronk just got just I'm litterly just gonna go study for finals ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you ",0 "I've lost all interest call me a selfish bitch and ill be one . ",0 "Why would you do that ?? ",0 "S/o to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for being beautiful . We don't really talk though ",0 "so annoying having to wait til spring to put my rims on winter Is evil ",0 "Yay for snow . Not . ",0 "There is this huge bug flying around my room and idek what it is ",0 "Anyone who favorites pattis tweet , is a bitch and I hate you #notfriends ",0 "On these days I just wanna cuddle up with my boyfriend and watch movies ... But I can't because I work all day ☔⚡ ",0 "School is such a joke to me this year ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll miss you too ! be sure & text me ! ",0 "Practice , review session , and basketball game . #busybusybusy ",0 "Pretty sure I'm to emotionally broke down . ",0 "And I keep hearing noises outside . Why do we have to live near a cemetery !? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ! And nope , I threw it all right back up ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hope you can , because I guess I can't ",0 "Now I have an 8:00 a.m. every day next semester ... ",0 "I need this rain to stop I want to golf ! ☔⛳ ",0 "Wish I was in his arms right now . ",0 "Another longggg day ",0 "it's taking everything in me to do this ... ",0 "like how can I focus on school whenever my nails are grown out ",0 "Passing by the fields I used to play on , makes me miss when you had hopes and dreams of becoming a pro ; before I threw it all away ... ",0 "I have a swollen bruise on my leg from getting out of the pool ",0 "I'm so glad I get to spend my last moments of school before break with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #mixedemotions ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think I'm just gonna have to admit defeat ",0 "Thinking about how I woulda been at the game if i had brought my debit card to class the other day ",0 "I'm an asshole sometimes .... Im truly sorry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ No I will call you soon . Sorry just getting my daughter situated . ",0 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for sitting right next to me ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow thanks & ok ! That's crandon for ya . Ignore it ! ",-1 "Me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are failures ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lucky ! I got a 70 in a 40 and I have to pay 300$ once a year for 3 years . #fuckmylife ",0 "#5PainfulThings kidney stones ",0 "Already my last week of classes of freshman year ? #slooooowdown ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you okay love ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl no text ",0 "I hate it when my mom comes into my room then leaves & doesn't shut the door !! ",0 "Longest assembly of my life .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ laying down hby ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah thanks lmao ow I don't like it . And same with Niall I just can't think about that . He needs to love me ",-1 "I seriously hope im not getting sick right now . ",0 "After all of the drinking I did this weekend .. I just want to lay in my bed and sleep . But nooo . I have to work . ",0 "I have 4 papers due in the next 9 days . ",0 "Hahah let's get it sap or my mood is about to go down #Thinking ",-1 "I NEED MY GIRLS . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Why am I up ... Still ",0 "I've just become too sassy over the past month to be my natural brunette self ",0 "I hate when my friends are upset , because then it makes me upset and ughhhh ",0 "That kinda just ruined the night . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know a guy who used to put it on all of his food . Claimed it helped digestion . Ate away his teeth . ",0 "Mike just April fooled me the worst anyone ever has ",0 "Where's my girl when I want to cuddle and just relax ? Oh wait ",0 "Gosh darn auto correct and tiredness !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you aren't as burned as me ",-1 "It's so weird that I'm not laying down with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "The texts I just woke up to ",0 "I fell off a bike once . NO ONE PRAYED FOR ME ",0 "In serious need of a vent sesh with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "This whole being \strong "" thing isn't working so well anymore . I'm breaking and all I really need is you "" ",0 "I'm going to miss a lot about this year #changes ",0 "wishh babe would comeover and cuddle ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not a drug dealer ",0 "It's been a week but it feels like a whole trimester ",0 "I need someone to come Christmas shopping with me todayyyy ",0 "Your timing is always terrible . Every time . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you more we hang soon ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me tooo Let's try to hang out before I go back to school ! We can catch up some more . Plus the cousins are in town now . ",-1 "That little kid had ice cream all over his face #cutie #pirates ",-1 "This is gonna be hard . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ever since I broke my toe I've been doing ab stuff . It really ticks me off cause I can't even practice my jumps ",0 "Already miss you ... And it's only been an hour ",0 "Whoever gave me this sore throat , I wish death upon you . ",0 "Mom and Dad don't appreciate me singing Larry the Cable Guy Christmas carols decorating the tree ",0 "Well that killed my mood ",0 "Forever wondering wth you're ignoring me for no reason cause you know I love it ",0 "Already miss Jeremy and Jack ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we don't have the life jackets here damn . I'm bored outta my mind . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I missed you moooreeee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's why i cant keep them #thestruggle ",0 "You are so stupid✋ ",0 "Still haven't gotten my Vans from Bams house IM SUCH A VAGINNNNN !! ",0 "Why are the messages marked as abusive or spam ? What the fuck someone help me get them back ",0 "So the girls made me have my aunt get us wings .. Well they told her they would be up when she got here . Yeah they are all asleep . ",0 "Feelin ' tired really early tonight . #NightTwitter #SweetDreams ",-1 "These headaches are killing me ",0 "Just got a fucking splinter in my foot & it won't come out ",0 "It's so cold in my house from all this rain ☔☁ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ like me . Meanie head . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss doing hair already ",0 "This is not what I ordered !! ",0 "Finding out they might not be able to remove my grandmas brain tumor and she might just have to live with it <<< #WhyHer ? ",0 "School is seriously stressing me out so bad . I'm so overwhelmed I don't want to do anything at all . #droppingout ",0 "put too much water in my easy mac and now it's mac and cheese soup . #FirstWorldProblems ",0 "I Just Realized Im Stuck ",0 "Thinking on thinking on thinking ",0 "Wish it was easier to be truly happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome to the shitty reality ",0 "I'm such a horrible person sometimes ",0 "Since when does Collinsville call off before everyone else ? ",0 "1 day down .. 6 more to go .. ",0 "Help . I'm stuck on the couch and can't get up . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ please do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why not ? ",0 "I could probably actually fall asleep if my armpits didn't itch so bad ... ",0 "Will someone go to froyo with me tonight ? ",0 "I'll seriously pay someone to come take my dogs away for a couple hours . They won't stop barking ",0 "Hoping ill have time to ride my pony today but I feel like after this implant my arm will be dead ",0 "Old hair please come back . ",0 "Waiting till last minute again like always , then having to rush ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i wish you could too babe ",0 "currently in the middle of a heat stroke ... ",0 "It's not even 7 and I'm already pretty positive this day is gonna suck ... ",0 "I feel so bad for nice people who get taken advantage of ",0 "Going through my pictures and seein screenshots I took of our Skype calls . << ",0 "Guys I used to be really tubby freshman year . ",0 "My grandpa would have been 80 today ",0 "Working at Gap for 8 hours ",0 "Ok joke's over now let me go to sleep please ",0 "Alright this is getting out of hand now . People , please leave me alone . I really don't want to be stalked . ",0 "I seriously need some vodka and my girls ",0 "In the past 48 hours I've had 6 hours of sleep . ",0 "Way jealous of schools like Archbold , Napolean , and Bryan that get delays and closed cause of fog ",0 "7 hours of hunting and nothing ",0 "Seriously though , screw everything about today . #overit ",0 "In a really bad mood ",0 "Watched Dear John tonight and nearly cried #imisshome #emosh ",0 "Seriously in awe ",0 "This fucker would be keeping us this late when I have plans ",0 "i heard people at haunted houses go for the tall skinny blonde ones first _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #HAHAHA ",-1 "I think I need a tetanus shot . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ umm no thank you . I didn't wanna see what I saw in the first place ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ internal alarm clock #ruinseverything ",0 "My grumpy pants are on really tight today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish I could be ",0 "Love when he ignores me .. Nbd #wtf ",0 "God I hope it isn't like that ",0 "Lesson learned . ALWAYS have a backup babysitter . I feel like a douche . ",0 "Buying a new bra and finding out it's the wrong size ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you see I was going to ... But then I blinked and it was Thursday . ",0 "Aaryn is so dumb ! Elissa can't play in the veto ... how could you not put her up ?! #BB15 ",0 "this is my #1 used emoji . #explanationinitself ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nick its a joke come on #aprilfools ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss all y'all ",0 "My back just cracked like bubble wrap #ouch ",0 "my parents won't let me go to Brandon's . ",0 "So I guess I'll eat lunch alone unless someone has 1 & 3 ",0 "I'm really not in the mood to go tonight ",0 "I knew I should've filled my tank in wv damnnnn like 20 cents cheaper ",0 "I wish this migraine would go away ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I agree ! It sucks !!! there was never a dull moment when we were together ! ",0 "No more information can be crammed into my brain anymore .. ",0 "There's literally no one know campus . Screw Friday classes ",0 "Someday you will understand ",-1 "One of the best nights of my life . Now if only my best friend were here to experience it too ",0 "I just want to snowmobile ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ isn't that sad ? ",0 "My dad got my mom a blue ray DVD & we don't have anything that plays blue ray & I'm super not wanting to break the news to him tomorrow . ",0 "Someone come snowboarding with me tomorrow ",0 "This is why I don't drink redbull and vodka #stilldrunk ",0 "My brother just smacked me with a spoon and left a welt on my butt ",0 "I already miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I just really want a cute goodnight text ",0 "Lost without my bestie at school _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awwww dang well thursday ",0 "Love how people ignore me after I help them so much ..... ........... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "The littlest things irritate me ",0 "Sleep ? .... I need that ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ more ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I only got my form ... I get it sometime next week . Why ? ",0 "Why does someone always gotta comment on my tits every time I snapchat ",0 "Getting ready for work not feeling it today . ugh you bother me so much #nigga #problems ",0 "Could this day go any slower ... ",0 "I feel like my job is holding me back from so much . But it's also giving me so much . I just don't want to work until 2am anymore ",0 "why am I so tired ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have NO idea what I wanna be this year I loved mine from last year . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mine neither ! I swear I'm always telling peoe about you and our days ",0 "No dinner .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she must have been so old she was already an old lady ",0 "Just found out that I'm going to the Titans vs . Vikings #preseason game next Thursday ., but going to miss the Moorhead game ",0 "someone come help me paint , i'll buy you lunch ",-1 "i'm in a judgemental mood . and i apologize . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you . I'm safe . Such a sad day . ",0 "I guess it's one of those nights where I'll be crying myself to sleep ",0 "I love cats ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hit me with that Ntb . <<> ",0 "I can't find any of my black socks and I hate wearing white socks ",0 "I wish more than anything that I could see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this weekend ",0 "It's times like these when I wonder if I'm bipolar . Like seriously . So many emotions in one week . I've been through them all ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ gonna miss you don't work at the nursing home anymore I quit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you ",0 "All I want for Christmas is to grow a few inches ",0 "4 телки бегают по дома как резаные , орут и пытаются убить таракана 5 см в длину , вот она вся Америка ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ HPCX , Augusta , Horseshoe , KILN ...... wish I had more ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "WHY CAN'T DRAKE COME TO KY I MEAN COME ON YOUR BIGGEST FAN IS HERE ",0 "Wish I saw my dads side of the family more then once a year . ",0 "Omgggg embarrassing . I'm waiting in the slow counselor . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it sucks . ",0 "Guinea pig on the loose #help ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can drive . But I dont have a vehicle ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I sowwy I'm just kidding ! ",-1 "Cuddling with my body pillow tonight #pathetic ",0 "I'm wide awake . Ughhh ",0 "I hate fillingssss ",0 "〽️ that emoji looks like the mermaid man belt thing on spongebob . Why do they have that but not a middle finger emoji ",-1 "seeing my mom not getting treated the way she deserves to be treated angers me .. ",0 "Studying = headache ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ at least I admit to being a copycat poser . good thing for you I don't wear sweatpants . ",0 "All I want is my bed and my blankets , I'm so cold ",0 "I know I'll regret it in the morning , but sleeping with make up on .. ",0 "I had St. Mary's in the sweet sixteen ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Great ... Sexy photo also ",-1 "Well , I didn't see that one coming . ",0 "i wanna talk to #oomf ",0 "Kar was supposed to get up at 7 and call me ",0 "This show Pit Bulls & Parolees is making me ball my eyes out ! God I ❤ ",0 "Oh my god ",0 "Back to work I go ",0 "Stressin out means breakin out . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG I WAS KIDDING ",-1 "My bathroom is the warmest room in the house ... So can I move my bed in there or .....? #burr ",0 "Dear Dr. , my arm is no longer numb , and ow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry we missed it we had to get on the road ! Hope you had a great day ! ",0 "I hate when people take my phone and like all the pictures on my instagram newsfeed ",0 "Grading lab quizzes ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah . You need 2.9 GB to be able to install it , but I don't have enough available . I've been deleting shit for an hour . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorrrrryyyyy ",-1 "Come home _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . I miss youuu ",0 "Alex burnt herself trying to make me a s'mores ",0 "Most emotional weekend I have ever had ",0 "So my Parents want me to go to Thurston , I've been wanting to but not sure if I still should ",0 "Done with all your bullshit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get rid of it ! ",0 "Being home alone is nice , but then no one is here to make me food ",0 "I LOVE _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so much even tho they hate me ",-1 "I think I might just give up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry ! Where are you going in 7 days ? ",0 "I use to be bad when I was a kid . I was singlehandedly responsible for getting rid of all my sister friends ! ",0 "Gronk officially out for season w/ torn ACL & MCL .. My dad thinks he might be done for good . I want to cry . #Patriots ",0 "Omfg Prison Break has me going insane . Like you can't just tease me like that . I cried ",0 "Morning shifts literally suck the life out of me ",0 "really wish I had the hot chocolate from nationals rn ",0 "I just want it to be where I can see Ry all I want . Not once a month , and have to drive 6 hours to see each other . ",0 "Biggest pet peeve : the dingy thing when you don't wear your seat belt . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha mine will somewhat play but I always end up getting clawed ! I gave my cat a shower once ... Worst idea ever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #besties #missyou ",-1 "TFT I won't be back in time for Haley's dinner ! <<< _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "And of course I can't connect to the wifi #typicalFSC ",0 "Work after vaca .... Every day is a Monday ! ",0 "Jslamxkapskspalsm why aren't I tired ",0 "My best workouts occur when I'm pissed .. This ones gonna be a duesy . #angrytweet #workout ",0 "Mitchel won't go get his lifeproof case for me ",0 "I Believe in equality . If we have a 5 day week of school we should have 5 day weekends as well . Who designed this system ",-1 "Sure you're good at singing but shit 24/7 ... SHUT UP ! #annoyed #roommateprobs ",0 "Can this weekend be over ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I thought it was good ",-1 "No school but I really wanted my class ring ",0 "no one understands how much I hate being home alone ",0 "feel so bad for these girls ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah alright ! Are going to hit with us because I only have one working arm ",-1 "well there goes me being strong ",0 "It's been 3 weeks since he's left . Seems like 3 months .. ",0 "But I still have yet to get the one I really want ! ",0 "Walking in a snow storm after a night of drinking is no easy task # ",0 "Saw it coming .. ",0 "Caits leaving tomarrow pls no ",0 "I wanna do those \open when "" letters IT'S THE CUTEST THING EVER . "" ",0 "my toes and fingers feel like they're going to fall off . someone buy me an electric blanket . #please ",0 "Didn't get any letters today . I know they're on the way , but I can't help but be anxious . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so sad if they know who did this . Send them to prison ! It's a awful crime . ",0 "Whyyyy am I up ?!? This is not happening .... #gotosleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my earliest class is at 9:05 ",0 "I get sick to my stomach everytime I think about my anatomy final .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll text you ",-1 "watching my Luke Bryan videos is such a tease ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I need you now ",0 "You can jokingly be mean to me but at least know when enough is enough ",0 "Why don't things feel the same ",0 "God I tried everything . Why can't I give up ? ",0 "You're doing it on purpose ",0 "can't wait until the day i graduate ",-1 "I can't figure out path like I can find people ",0 "Someone threw a rock at dad's truck and shattered dads windshield . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank u had a great night ",-1 "Every . Fucking . Time . ",0 "I'm like being pushed to my breaking point with everyone . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ BAD SOAP OPERA But I do believe Gemma's vengeance will be hellfire on Tara ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fmlllll I know that's the only reason I plan on coming tomorrow ",0 "I wish this day could just be cancelled ",0 "I literally feel like death .. why !? ",0 "I wish I had the courage to dye or highlight my hair ",0 "Miley Cyrus new music video ",-1 "The line really just shit the bed ",0 "When you can't make somebody you care about happy . < ",0 "57 more minutes I can do ittt ",0 "My moms a bitch for going to the game without me . So mad ",0 "Sorry that I fucking care ",0 "School tomorrow << ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss yewww ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we'll relax tonight ! I hope shit goes good with Siona today then we can celebrate ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what's wrong bb ",0 "I don't wanna be her friend anymore ",0 "I don't know what I will do without Sarah when she's in college and unable to run me into the ground ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes ! It's unfair ",0 "One day I'm going to learn to not chew on my tongue during addy related study/work binges ",0 "Spring break is coming to an end ",0 "An old guy just slapped my ass with a box a cereal in Vic's , then tried to have a conversation with me . ",0 "I woke up , wide awake . I'm trying to go back to beeeeed . ",0 "I CAN'T SLEEP WHY THE FACK CAN'T I SLEEP THE NIGHT BEFORE I FISH EVER ... Like why ",0 "It's finally staying in the negatives . ",0 "I absolutely hate CT on the rivals ",0 "I think I have a cavity ",0 "Feel bad I didn't get up with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ like I do every morning #sorrybabe ",0 "Anyone want to help me catch up in chemistry and French and then teach me algebra 2 ? ",-1 "no FaceTime with bri ",0 "Honestly the best gift would be getting my EFFING phone case in the mail ",0 "I just want to be babied ",0 "I want to cry !!! I was supposed to be there seeing Miss AZ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you more !!! I need to come visit ASAP ",0 "I'm pretty sure I'm dying ",-1 "So _TWITTER-ENTITY_ texted me , I responded , she never texted me back #salty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ guys I have work Friday Saturday & Sunday ",0 "Anyone going to orientation ? Don't wanna go alone ",0 "Now all I need is three friends I can pathetically compare ourselves to sex and the city with ",0 "I hate when my boyfriend leaves for work ",0 "Someone in this class smells like bologna . Now I want a burnt bologna and cheese . ",0 "I want my baby Coop ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YOUR ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS AND SCHOOL WON'T BE THE SAME WITHOUT YOU . IM GUNNA MISS YOU AND OUR DRIVES TO YOUTH CONNECTIONS . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you got me excited !! ",-1 "Snapchat isn't letting me take videos ... I need to send \what's in the crack "" to everyone "" ",0 "Omg omg omg there's a water snake just chillin on the bike trail and I already screamed and I don't know what to do OMG ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm embarrassed , but I have no idea what this is .... #TooOld ",0 "These crickets are so annoying I'm getting ahead ache & can't sleep ",0 "TAKE ME BACK TO DC ",0 "OMG I'm going to miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sooooo muchhhh ",0 "nothing I do is ever good enough ",0 "My eyes are twitching . I've done enough homework ! ",0 "I don't know why everyone can't have school spirit ",0 "Getting video snaps of places I SHOULD be attending but am back home . >>>> ",-1 "You know your day is going to suck when you realize you forgot to bring headphones ",0 "i have so much homework due fridayy ",0 "I'm not ready to present this project in world cultures tomorrow ",0 "why does Julia have so many hot cousins ",0 "I know you wish that things would go back to the way they were , but they aren't going to . Sorry . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ My eyes never change colors ",0 "Light snow ? Big whoop . It'll change to rain ",0 "Library tonight ? ",0 "back in the US ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i was literally crying on my way to work .... ",0 "even though I'm only moving an hour away .. I'm gonna miss my dogs ",0 "I guess I'm just tired of waiting around ",0 "Wait What happened What do we do What do we write When's the test How do you do this US in 2nd block ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you guys are all the best . I'm gonna miss you a lot ",0 "It's so sad when such a talented person passes away #ripCoryMonteith ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I wanted you too next year though ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's in the back seat of my car I can come up Saturday and give it back . ",-1 "Omg , and I have to work tomorrow too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me to , im saving up omg I work both those days 6-10 . we could go for lunch & an early movie .. if we have a ride ",-1 "That's the one thing I hate the most ...... ",0 "Im so jealous that Alora got the iphone 5 . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ never has time for us anymore ",0 "So why is it a 100 degrees I'm the JC ? #dying ",0 "Reading a book in English I read my freshman year #Gtfo ",-1 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ who i get to see for the last time tonight before she leaves for wiscony nation #crushed ",0 "I hate when I associate songs with people #turnitofffffff ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im sorry ! Ill be at the cagings tomorrow batting if i feel better ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that sucks ! I'm sorry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've found that jealous girlfriends have guilty consciences . ",0 "Today was the first time in like a week I didn't hang out with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wish you guys could have been there ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss this show ",0 "Attempting to mentally prepare myself for this 11 hour shift at the Rec tomorrow #whydididothistomyself ?! ",0 "Apparently I'm allergic to the cocoa butter I've been putting on my belly . #soitchy ",0 "Only one in the car without a boob job . Fantastic ",0 "I want a pony ",0 "First of all , that dream I just had second of all , why am I up this early ?! ",0 "Bath and Body Works , why must your shit smell soooo gooooood #needmoney ",0 "Yeah ' I'm bored ! ",0 "I tell stories and it makes me feel like a retired action movie star ",0 "I hate painting my nails cause I can never do my right hand ",0 "i have 2 cosmos sitting here that i still have yet to read ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mhmmmm sure you are ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jk man ! But I haven't seen you in forever dude ",0 "That sad moment when you realize this is the last week of summer ... ",0 "Seriously a freaking fire drill ?! ",0 "Only would I drop my iPhone in the parking lot the only day I take my life proof case off . ",0 "I hate Mondays and Fridays bc I dread working these split shifts ",0 "I think I offended a lot of people tonight but I honestly didn't mean to . Like I'm a people pleaser sooo it was all unintentional . ",0 "Exhausted from the last 4 days so excited to sleep in tomorrow ",-1 "I hate having class with underclassmen ",0 "WHY DO I CARE ABOUT YOU SO MUCHHHH ",0 "I feel like someone is taking a saw and cutting my stomach open . go away belly pain . ",0 "It would be a lot easier for me to want to look nice if I wasn't the fattest person ever ",0 "Now I can't go back too sleep ",0 "The one day I don't have work until 1 , I get a wake up call for the 7:30 shift . #fuckme #sleepisanecessity ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we don't have a friendship anymore . It's a tweetship ",-1 "Im so not ready for school tmrw ",0 "It's a multiple choice pre-calc final . Not a college thesis . #hurryup ",0 "I have so many questions ",0 "talk about the day from #hell !!! ",0 "I'm glad Ryan comes over to play video games with my brother ",-1 "Takin a melatonin since i ain't gunna get no sleep ",0 "Why does it have to be storming for my orientation ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no your movie you just made me watch it I feel like Jackson , Lydia making him watch the notebook ",0 "This is not good ",0 "well this sucks ",0 "Oh okay , it was Jude . Damnit , is she alive or not ?! ",0 "I wanted to retweet that ",0 "Don't have class till 10 but I have to get up 3 hrs prior to take b's truckless ass to school ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahha fine then ",-1 "Why is it that every time sarah and I are in a great mood everyone else is all bleh . ",0 "I just want to sleep ",0 "I planed sleeping for an hour but I slept for three and a half ... ",0 "Glad you just made it clear that I don't make you happy ... Sorry ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ there should be a huge button that says \HALO "" even if there's only 1 tiny trailer out .... "" ",0 "Well I guess I should probably get out of bed and get a shower . Then study . ",0 "Never EVER thought I would say this but ........ I miss Muncie ",0 "I just wanna be able to eat cereal ",0 "And it's because you think I'm happy with someone else and I think your happy with someone else ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ poor puppy ",0 "Is there anyone who can seriously teach me math this week so I'm prepared for the ACT ? #desperate ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my toes and ears are still numb ",0 "Can I just feel better ? Is that to much to ask ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but you see the problem is not finding one ..... it's the grinch I call my fiancé ",0 "Wow Duke just barely survived ! Against Vermont ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not friends with you on snap chat !! Sorry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ where are you my life is so empty ",0 "Why must I be addicted to bath an body works !!!! This would be why I go broke ",0 "Bad thing bout being single I have no one to cuddle with&take care of me when I'm sick .... and I'm the worlds biggest baby when I'm sick ",0 "The fact that my whole tongue feels burnt and I don't remember anything I could of burnt it on last night is blowing my hungover mind ",0 "Looks like i'll be spending my summer in summer school .. #FuckSchool ",0 "I'm laying down , phones 39% & my charger is across the room . ",0 "I'm like a kid on Christmas with iOS 7 . except its not here . ",0 "where's my robeks _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just kidding , your a good girlfriend ☺️ ",-1 "His poor wittle nose ",0 "I'm so awkward . I think I have social anxiety . ",0 "well , shit . ",0 "I just really wanna cuddle right now ",0 "Really bad blisters from my skates ",0 "Just realized all our future plans and everything is basically down the drain ? #uhg #missit ... ",0 "5 hours in . Only 7 more hours of work left ! ",0 "Whats this about a possibility of no season 9 of criminal minds ",0 "Struggles from tubing = bruises EVERYWHERE even on my face ",0 "If I don't wake up super sick tomorrow I will be real surprised cause I currently feel like asshole . ",0 "Maybe I am going to move to Missouri now ",-1 "Oh god no ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yeah idk I have tried downloading songs from online to my iPhone and it didn't work ",0 "I don't know how I'm gonna deal withy brother moving .. I already miss him and he's only been gone for 3 days ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ TOO many . ",0 "Why am I so tired lately . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohh just losing social contact with the world . focusing on school this week . Lol lets hangout soon ? ",0 "Well today's the last day of the year ... It don't feel like it ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Ooh that you only meant well . Oh of course you did ",0 "Slept on my neck wrong #ouch #theworst ",0 "It's always a good sign when the doctor says \I've never seen anything like this before "" .... "" ",0 "Forgot my sunglasses today !!! ",0 "I miss hangin with my friends _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . ",0 "Back to NC today , ",-1 "I'm so glad I graduated , but I liked the first day of school ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ have been begging for a month to watch high school musical two , now it's on , they aren't even watching ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ doesn't feel right to be away from it ",0 "idk what to say ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Obvi neither one of us can type ... That's why we're best friends ... Because we're DUMB ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you to Bri track will never be the same ill try to visit !!! ",0 "Everybody falling asleep , ugh . ",0 "I don't enjoy humid weather ",0 "Gettin ready at night is so much easier ",-1 "MY DAD SOLD OUR TRAMPOLINE WITHOUT TELLING ME . #wtfdad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh forreal though ",0 "So many mixed emotions ! Wahhhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I almost died !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wahhhhh I miss youuuu ",0 "Miss my boo can't wait for this week to be over ",0 "This is too early ",0 "Attempted to have Jimmy Johns delivered to my classroom today . #forewarning #doesntwork ",0 "Don't wanna get up ... ",0 "This isn't right .. ",0 "Eeeek ! Played the Ouija board today for the for the first time . ",-1 "I hate when it's this hard to get out if bed ",0 "Storms never scare me I don't know what I'm going through right now . But I can't sleep . ",0 "I can't breathe , so I can't sleep COOL ",0 "just blocked 20 people ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl I miss you too ",0 "Missed my 500th tweet for a s/o .... #sadtweet ",0 "My back is killing me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so sleepy I wanna go back to bed .. ",0 "The only thing I'm worried about in Ohio right now are my kitty cats ... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ better be taking good care of them ",0 "I don't want to hear this ",0 "I just really don't care anymore ",0 "I need a hair cut ",0 "Going home in a few ",-1 "I want a #WCW right now ! ",0 "Definitely didn't miss Mrs. Lewter's workout . #FeelingTheBurn ",0 "I'm not tired at all but I need to be up in 5 hours ",0 "Freshmen year gone in a snap of a finger . Kinda gonna miss it #WayTooFast ",0 "I wish Nic would hurry up and write me back . I miss him lots it's sad that I thought of him cuz of that kids tweet about subway ",0 "i didnt do anything tho ",0 "Worked 23 hours this week ",0 "i need chocolate and ice cream and James ",0 "So that coffee I had at work , not the best idea ... ",0 "I benched brown and lost 21 points ",0 "Still haven't smoked with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yet ",0 "I don't wanna eat this food ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i told you I wouldn't text you if you didn't stay with a iPhone ",0 "My shoe just ripped open .. #myluck ",0 "Now I have to wait till the morning to get a shower cause _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wanted to play call of duty ",0 "Why do I have to work today 7 hours is going to drag ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im not coming to school all week . ",0 "When u cry yourself to sleep over 1D u know your obsessed ! But I cry Bc ik they will never notice me ! GOODNIGHT _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Someone come to elmhurst and keep me company ",0 "Ahh both my grandpas called me today , I miss them so much ! ",0 "I just need to be back to my car so I can drive home . I'm so angry right now , this is why I always have my car . ",0 "So glad I can sleep in tomorrow ... Oh wait ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh no , I hate to hear that Thanks for the update !! ",0 "Really miss my dads side of the family ",0 "I'm just gonna eat something . . ",0 "I have a strong hate for the world right now ",0 "That English quiz .... ",0 "I have yet to meet anyone going to BG that's going to be in Kohl too ",0 "I miss my summer dawn ",0 "I'm so mad Corinne didn't come out tn ",0 "Okay he now just left & said i won't see him till tonight ... What the fuck . I wonder what hes up to . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know !! But you'd be going sooner than me ",0 "I really should work on my paper , but I just don't want to . ",0 "I can't make anyone happy ",0 "Praying for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight #StayStrong ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I DIDN'T BRING IT 2 MY HOUSE ON FRIDAY WE COULD FIST PUMP¿¿¿ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you both it's been like 15hrs and I'm on withdrawal ",0 "Woke up thinking I was late for school and can't go back to sleep ",0 "What a horrible dream I had ",0 "I'm Just Not Sure Anymore #Sad ",0 "The fact that today is my last day off work for the next 3 weeks #Depressed #DreadingIt ",0 "I would get stuck working New Year's Eve ",0 "I can't get to sleep because of the nap I took today . ",0 "I don't want Nate to go to Canada ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ very much so agreed ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not home ! ",0 "Christopher is slowing taking over my side of the bed . And not in a aw I wanna cuddle with you kind of way .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i shall proceed on to killing myself now ",0 "The mile is next ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ after what I told you in 1st Haley !? I'm gone madalyn ",0 "olivias story on snapchat is flipping me off ",0 "I wish I was in Florida with my baby _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #jealous #missit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't get approved for a student service ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay now I'm jealous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it wouldn't let me quote it ! ",0 "I have to be back at work in 12 hours this manager thing is gonna be fun ... ",0 "my cat refuses to cuddle with me . YOU BITCH ",0 "I'm in the most pain . ",0 "Seriously wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ would snapchat me back ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can we catch up soon like it's not okay ",0 "I wish we still had our swing set ",0 "Hope I'm not getting sick ",0 "I wish my hair wasn't so think ",0 "I'm hearing some strange noises outside this camper #fuck #scared ",0 "This fucking traffic sucks wtf ",0 "Almost done The Crucible #thankgod ",-1 "Let me ide urbdick ",-1 "Wreck mode with my mom right now ",0 "Having to attend an opera instead of watching the game is the worst ",0 "Going to buy food for the backpack program today . Makes me so sad some kids don't have food at home ! ",0 "CAN WE EAT NOW ?! Jesus Christ I'm starving ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ too far . ☝ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are what ?! Not very nice ?! I know !!!! ",0 "Things just get worse and worse . ",0 "Yaaaaayyyy Carrie but poor Hunter Hayes ",0 "hell yes , i get to sleep all day i am one happy camper . ",-1 "I really wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lived closer . ",0 "I have a feeling today is going to be a looong day ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too ",0 "I have too much to do tomorrow and not enough time to sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't Cry . . Smile you're to beautiful for dat shit . ",-1 "From the way I'm treated , I'm obviously not a good girlfriend but its whatever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too ",-1 "Feel soooo sick ",0 "I almost cried when I read that Jett Johnson committed suicide ",0 "All these #buckwild re-runs make me so upset . I want the new season now ! ",0 "I want summer so bad ! #socold ",0 "THIS IS AWKOOO TACCOO ",0 "my brother is going to germany for football . ",0 "Can't believe I was lied to since the beginning of the year ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh you changed your little picture . We were so cute ! ",-1 "Can't sleep with this stuffy nose ",0 "Praying praying praying for the strength and motivation I need to make it through this semester . This shouldn't be this difficult . ",0 "I have to wake up at 6:30 in the mornin y'all . ",0 "And just when I thought I was getting better looks like I may be breaking my New Years resolution ",0 "With him going to college idk how it's gonna go . ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Brb I'm gonna go poop "" thats classy to post on twitter "" ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ getting their emails is just as bad !! ",0 "Now that the weather is beautiful in Utica , it's thunderstorming all week in Florida I sad ",0 "10 hours of sleep since Sunday ",0 "Lol the GPS took Kailey and I to Plasi instead of back to Wayne . Honestly wtf . Plasi ? Sounds like a micro organism or some crap . ",0 "There was seriously a girl playin in the football game today ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ COME HOME . It's not even been a day yet and I miss you ! ",0 "Missing the Nissan out here _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "It's outrageous how many times I've been called fat by guys ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you will like it ... I wish one of us new some one with a tube so we could do that toooooo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ were you there ?? I literally fell on the ground and couldn't get back up ",0 "I've slept all evening and it's helped a little but I think being sick is getting the best of me ",0 "Jefferson house for the last time of the summer ",0 "my head is killing me ",0 "My brother ate all of my ice team except for 2 spoonfuls . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm fr bummed I forgot to pull them out ",0 "I miss driving SO MUCH ",0 "Just my luck I would get a rolled ankle the last 5 mins of the game #soccerprobs ",0 "Sometimes I don't understand you .. And it's makes me mad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ was speeding ",0 "Is there a reason I can't sleep ? ",0 "I don't have to worry about a sister taking my clothes , I have a freaking mom that takes them > ",0 "Going to get my septum pierced and I'm like ✊ ",0 "Shower and then that dreadful studying ",0 "My brothers sick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ help me . The only thing I've been eating is vegetables and straight up fiber . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn it I lost track of time sorry goon #nexttime ",0 "Of all the idiots on campus , bikers are the worst .... ",0 "Jealous of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ watching toy story and eating pop corn over in AL ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't see it on my phone ",0 "Vines is for videos . Instagram is for pictures . Twitter is for tweets . Just leave it that way ... ",0 "Whenever I'm in the car I go all out singing and people just stare like I'm crazy .. ",0 "There can be a delay but I will be mad if school gets canceled . I have too many finals on Tuesday , and not the right books to study . ",0 "My best friend of 6 years leaves tomorrow for Texas and i'm sitting on her porch not talking because i'm so depressed _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Walking into my roommate's empty rooms with the hamster and crying together in each one of them #comeback ",0 "i just lovveee sittin in the dark by myself . ",0 "So much fun at home bored doing nothing . # ",0 "What I wish I could get away with not watching the videos ",0 "Complain about the bathroom one more time #idareyou ",0 "Missin my Colly already Good luck in Tampa and can't wait to visit !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My one day off work in forever and mom wants me to meet her at Cheddars for lunch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ took you long enough ",0 "Finally home from the ER . ",-1 "I can't even handle the sunburn I have right now #whitegirlprobz ",0 "I'm so down today ",0 "Frisco High Shool's graduation ceremony is going to be 10x longer than AC's because they have more people . #fml ",0 "Literally going to need to ice my hand tomorrow after studying for 11.5 hours today copying notes and having two written finals tomorrow . ",0 "First night ive slept more then 3 hrrs in such a long timee ",0 "Rae didn't sweatpants bomb it with me ",0 "I can't believe my babygirl will be 3 years old in 5 days . ",0 "I wish I had a lot of friends ",0 "Watching toy story 3 is making me think about leaving for college ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yep ! ",-1 "So much shit that needs to get done at home before work but I got such little time ",0 "Okay it's not even noon yet , lets quit being such a bitch ",0 "Never want to leave my bed _TWITTER-ENTITY_ home . ",0 "my mom keeps yelling at me to get out of bed , I am sooooo tired . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come tomorrow too guys ! I'm not going tonight pweassee ",0 "I hate the fact that you're always right . ",0 "The fact that I can't go out to Panera bread or chipotle makes me want to cry ",0 "Nevermind . I'm going to bed . ",0 "Cramps are wrist than labor ",0 "I think _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hates me ",0 "Had 5 minute to get ready .. give me a break ",0 "Missing my god son , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My mountain dew is so far away from me right now ",0 "It should be illegal for me to be awake for work right now ",0 "If your ask.fm is connected to your Twitter then I probably hate you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ apparently not , since you just subtweeted about me ",-1 "I want a 3d or 4d ultrasound ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you ok ",0 "Honors physics will be the death of me & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ called bob today . Didn't answer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes I wish for this too ",0 "I love you like a brother I can tell you anything , were pretty close I miss coming over with Ashlynwere all getting together soon☝️ ",0 "My mother has a condo right on the beach in Panama City ... Someone wanna ask me why I'm not there !!?! #VacationNeeded #NOW ",0 "Probly have to do work in math class ",0 "When I'm Sick . I sound so bad . ",0 "forgot my headphones ",0 "I'm way too tired to even try to get up ",0 "I'm sooo burnt ",0 "Have to wait four and a half our till my next flight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ GO TO CLASS !!!! ",0 "Sit on the damn bus .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ rude . ",0 "And off to the doctors ",0 "I bet the workers at Titan Central love taking gross ID pictures of students , knowing they'll have that ID for four years ... ",0 "I always forget my brush on road trips ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ still lucky !! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know it is ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry I made you screw up your serve ",0 "Forever having a crush on someone who is out of my league . ",0 "Why isn't my internet working ? ",0 "Can't find mocking jay in my house .... Biggest piss off . ",0 "What a boring weekend ",0 "5:45 am is gonna come way too soon . ",0 "I want Star Pizza ",0 "can I please just get over you ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah me either mitch ",-1 "I hope every thing goes okay ",0 "My biggest fear is that my fan will fall on me in my sleep .. ",0 "I hate scary movies someone save me !! ",0 "Can someone please come over ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww I love you sooo much it's so much better at work with you !! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg I know .. she called me last night asking me who would send her lives ",0 "You piss me off . See if I have anything to do with you tomorrow ",0 "I hate waiting around on people . ",0 "Tired doesn't even begin how I feel this morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is such a pain sometimes . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tell me about it . All I can say is Rachel , I miss you ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you so much more ",0 "I just want my Clemson car decal ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ looks like I got a couple years than haha . Why weren't you there ! Tries to carry a drink like you cop immediately stopped that ",0 "There is always that one person's voice that stands out in the library ... He isn't even talking about school work ... #NOONECARES #shutup ",0 "This 16 and pregnant is so sad ugh ",0 "Still feeling like crap ! omg when will this end ?? ",0 "My tattoo is peeling ",0 "Opening up to someone and being judged by them <<<<<<<<<<<<< #ThanksALot ",0 "I never knew I could miss someone so much ",0 "iOS 7 is really annoying me now ... ",0 "Well , there goes all my chances . ",0 "i guess ill just have to suffer without advil ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Congrats girl ",-1 "Sooooo much homework ",0 "When you've been looking for your favorite belt then you see a pic of your sis ( who goes to Oregon ) wearing it <<< _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #notcool ",0 "I have all these dresses in my closet and worn them once or not at all , I want places to wear them ",0 "Biggest pet peeve ever ",0 "I would LOVE to know why my computer won't play audio to any videos I play ... ",0 "Signed back up for my 3rd year of states going to be tired 24 7 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ took mine out of the evo about to put it back in lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay mom ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ idk ... I'm bored lol ",0 "When my moms mad at me I just want to curl up and not do anything get away from the woke because she's all I have . #SadTweet ",0 "All I want to do is have a few drinks and sit around a fire but I'm on duty tomorrow ",0 "I've made some gay friendly decisions in the last 3 weeks ",0 "I wish I could forget about it all ",0 "What's the point when someone doesn't have time for you ? ✌️ ",0 "No one wanted to drink with me tonight ",0 "... First day of class in 2 hours ",0 "Nothing like jenks barking and growling at my door at 11 at night ",0 "Wait I'm to ugly for snapchat ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bye ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow not invited ",0 "Why is everyone growing up so fast ",0 "I really wanted to go to a caps game this year again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sure you're right because who could hate me ..... I tried to talk to her and she went and took a nap ! ",0 "Why does every tv show have to have a sad finale ",0 "I wish i had pretty teeth . ",0 "Watching 8 legged freaks ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come home ! ",0 "Up at 430 in the morning ? Goodnight . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ at least they aren't professionals and in the hall of fame so you have to listen to them ",-1 "Just do not want to go work today . But on the bright side I love all my co-workers ",0 "Today was just one of those days ",0 "Can someone tell me when we leave for the zoo trip tomorrow I go have day in the afternoon !!! Idk when to come in ",0 "A gorgeous specimen with lovely long hair runs by . He runs back , and it's actually a girl #why ",-1 "Yeah some really bad back pain is exactly what I want at 3 am ",0 "I miss when softball took up my entire summer ",0 "Can we go home yet ? ",0 "Omg so ready for bed ",0 "not really feeling this whole 5-1 shift right now ",0 "it's so gross and humid upstairs in the science rooms . ",0 "You guys are so annoying on twitter right now omgggg _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Dougie is forever canceling plans with me ",0 "If you have an iPhone and you don't use emojis , it's a waste of an iPhone ",0 "I want to be your #wcw ",0 "Sick to my stomach ",0 "I'm soooooo not ready for this school day #kilt ",0 "The fact that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is going to the Casino tonight w/o me ..... ",0 "I just want my boyfriend ",0 "Really fighting that sweet tooth tonight ! ",0 "Mr styer , give me a different grade ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what's wrong ? ",0 "So sick who wants to cover my shift ? Lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha , my dad is cooking already too ! But yes , next week for sure ! ",-1 "Hey y'all , just finished making my schedule for next semester . I'm really ahead of things . ",0 "I miss seeing Ryan everyday ... ",0 "The sky looks like it's gonna throw up I'm getting worried now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh I get it ",0 "Call me weird but I absolutely hate hairspray ",0 "My biggest struggle is figuring out what to wear to class , I have so many clothes but I'm not trying to impress anyone .. ",0 "So ashamed of the choices I made last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have already said that before ",0 "Have a nice life Kid .. love ya . ",-1 "It's gonna be one of those nights that I'm so pissed off that I can't sleep ",0 "Hate when parents change plans ",0 "I wish I was someone's #mcm ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss my best friend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I gotta pack nd stuff ",0 "I wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ didn't have to work today I need my biff ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe poor Andrew ",0 "I hate traffic . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I sowwy ! ",0 "I have the biggest secret ever to tell _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I am never going to forgive my sisters for breaking the xbox . I have no idea what I'm gonna do without netflix . ",0 "This guys and dumbass haha you made a six minute video about how to die a double Windsor knot ",-1 "I can't stand riding with my stepdad .. all he listens to is NPR . all the time . #killme ",0 "such a pig #gross ",0 "I have such about feeling about this . ",0 "The fact that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are sitting together ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and cheer ",-1 "Emoji's dont work on my phone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it just does not come out ",0 "I can feel myself gradually getting happier . I'm tired of being so bitchy ! This baby brings out the devil in me ! ",0 "I just miss my family . ",0 "Apparently my immune system has decided to completely stop working . I never get sick and suddenly it's like I have the plague . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bad , cause I didn't get to see you ",0 "Home alone again but I don't have weed this time ",0 "No mom I do not want to get out of bed to help you clean the entire house just because you invited people over ",0 "I have to go snowboarding soon !!! Please someone take me ",0 "I really want some Thrasher's fries with vinegar right now . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but but why not ",0 "This group chat gets me so pumped for DCP but then again . Every time I hug Gunner , I get all sad ",0 "When it's this late I just wanna cuddle with my man . Or at least talk to him till I fall asleep . Too bad that's not happening . ",0 "Test today in my ichthyology class and my environmental science class ",0 "Ugh I wish Alex and Jess could make up I want her to comeee ",0 "This headache makes me want to vom ",0 "Evil dead with this dude . ",-1 "My self esteem went down cuz of Tyler ",0 "hate when I forget to charge my phone at night ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we aren't #bestfriends not #boyfriend atleast not yet .... ",0 "S/o to you A cuppers out there you'll never know how fun big boobs are btw THEYRE FUN ",-1 "Usually after this class I go to Josh's ... But he's kinda in jail now ",0 "People have no manners . My blinker was on first . My spot . ",0 "Ok focus , I have to memorize this script . ",0 "you turned into a _____ ! ",0 "But forreal I need I bus buddy ! ",0 "does anyone wanna text me and make me feel better ? ",0 "I don't want my sister to go back to college She buys me food , takes me shopping , lets me fix her hair , & is good to talk to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Sad I'm missing Keith Urban tonight #nexttime ",0 "Babysitting again tonight . Yayyy . ",-1 "reminiscing on all the good times I've had at UK and knowing I only have 1 year left ... ",0 "And I won't be on twitter for the rest of the night ",0 "One of my little chickens died ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... I played Harry potter in the chamber of secrets .. So I guess you hate me ",0 "My plane to London is canceled and the new one is sat to 7am .... I wanna go homeeee ",0 "So sad I'm done with prison break . By far the best show I've ever seen . Wahwah ",0 "Chemistry stresses me out ",0 "I wish the freezer in my mini fridge worked ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I've been obsessed with them forever now ! And they've been broken up for like a year or something already ",-1 "If tonight doesn't go the way I have it planned in my head I'm gonna be furious ",0 "I miss my biff _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm so bummed I missed warp . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ assumption ? I thought we were dating nick ? .. Wow way to ruin my morning ",0 "i am so hungry ",0 "I Still Got Homework To Do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why ?? ",0 "so nervous for tryouts ",0 "Glad I waited to have children so I don't have to beg for a babysitter on social networks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't have food here either ",0 "I'm still waking up every morning feeling so sick , this isn't right ",0 "Why must all of my friends have cute brothers ",0 "The fact that Jaisa never snapchats me anymore <<<<<<<<<< ",0 "Well this is kind of terrible ",0 "I need a tan ",0 "Why are piercings so addictive ?! ",0 "I'm gonna lose my voice ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ... I'm working on it ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I own it , but its in TX & I'm in MO ! Own all those , The Lost Boys , From Dusk Till Dawn , & about 4 more vampire movies ! ",-1 "I'm ready for you to come home #missyou ",0 "My stomach must hate me or something I get done eating a bowl of Cheerios and BAM instant stomach ache ",0 "Can't svu ever be on anymore ??? NCIS has got to go ",0 "wrong ... just straight up WRONG ! ",0 "I know it's only been three days but I miss you #bestfriend #dontevenknow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ friggin OMG that was auto correct ",-1 "I NEED SEASON 2 OF ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK ",0 "It's gonna be a long night ",0 "Why is everyone replacing their M with a ❌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ am I that predictable ? ",-1 "Our sheet looks like a five year old did it soooo .... #SorryYall ",0 "3 am and I can't fall asleep ",0 "I don't want to read or go and change the laundry ",0 "Don't blame this on me at all . You ruined this all on your own . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ew ew ew ew ew ",0 "I don't know if I can survive today without TFT ",0 "My feet are so fricken ticklish , I have a love hate relationship with pedicures ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you they are so annoying ",0 "The fact that I just woke up and I have so much homework ",0 "For some reason I can't snap chat the beautiful _TWITTER-ENTITY_ anymore ",0 "I don't feel like seeing everyone's tweets about the vs fashion show tonight ",0 "Ew I'm so tired tonight . ",0 "I want a French bulldog ",0 "Emily text me ",0 "My dad's that guy who doesn't use his blinker ",0 "Always giving 100% and getting nothing back .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you diddnt come visit me today ",0 "Letting someone down is the worst feeling in the world . ",0 "I do not feel like going to work ... ",0 "Guess that's out of the question . Of course ",0 "I miss Kristi and Louie ",0 "I'm sick of feeling sad ",0 "Currently scared because a shit ton if search and rescue people and sheriffs are in my work parking lot ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ really ? haha it's so bad I can't even move ",0 "Maybe if you told your kid o "" every now and then she wouldn't be such a little brat #SpawnOfSatan "" ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanx ! At least u understand words I say . Hannah , she doesn't understand what I say . I don't even know what pic ? o_O ",-1 "Well ... those voicemails killed me .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too . Slowing killing myself because this chemistry is goin to suck . But I miss you too ",0 "can someone call me please #homealonestatus ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't like Liz working papa Joe ... Life is so boring when your roommates are never around #foreveralone #sosad ",0 "& now that I'm in bed I'm not even tired ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 2 more minutes . #FreakingOut ",0 "Why do iPhones lock buttons always have to break ?! 🆒 ",0 "that text just made me so sad I really am a fuck up ... i hate myself ",0 "I never wear makeup but I have some on tonight and of course I forgot and just rubbed my eyes .. #awesome ",0 "Already miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "It's like once my daughter turned a year old they all just drifted away from me , & I hate it ! ",0 "it actually makes me sad that like nobody is excited for Halloween this year . it's my favorite ",0 "seriously ? nail polish all over my carpet ? did Holden watch himself today ? ",0 "omg I'm sooooo impatient ",0 "My sneeze is not badass ",0 "Not loving having 21 credits next semester though ",0 "Feeling like pure ",0 "I wanna fuck liam so bad ",0 "Still up , can't sleep for the life of me ",0 "Ugh I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ way too much !!! ",0 "Watching the first season of Breaking Bad . I miss this show .... ",0 "All we do is argue it will never change ",0 "I just want _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in my life ",0 "#ThingsThatScareMe bees , puke , and ghosts ",0 "Jt is about to make me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ So what have you been up too ? I miss talking to you . ",0 "On my way home yay but it's so fucking cold ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah cause I saw my name lol ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss yeww ",0 "some people just automatically piss me off and I cant help it ",0 "My mom always knows how to ruin my good mood with her rude comments . ",0 "I hate having a whole lotta money and then paying bills and then not having a whole lotta money ",0 "I'm moving very slow this morning . ",0 "I officially hate raccoons . ",0 "Why is groupon only for big cities ?! Small town people like to save a few bucks too #LAME ",0 "I swear my boy has the worst luck ",0 "Put it back on ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah she said I was annoying so I didn't like her . HAHAHA . Now I love her _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "Yeah , you don't care . I mean , i wouldn't except you too . #You ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes , worst class I ever did take you'd think it'd be fun right ?!? ",0 "You are being so mean right now . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Apple is pissing me off this morning ",0 "Just ripped out half my hair with my glasses #glassesprobs #nerdgirlprobs ",0 "My car doors are frozen shut and my papers I have to rewrite are I'm there fml ",0 "Putting the boat cover on in the rain sucks like no other . ☔ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Girls hate texting guys first . ✋ . ” LOL . ",0 "It kinda sucks when my babe is at practice ",0 "If I do go to the movies , I'll probably sleep through it . ",-1 "I'm usually a patient person but today I am not . Longest day ever . ",0 "the ice truck just went by my house ",0 "Old man almost killed him self on the bench had to save his ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hates me , he won't even retweet me ",0 "When people think it's okay to hack up a lung in the waiting room .... #stop #gohome ",0 "Why am I always so damn hungry ?! ",0 "Realizing tomorrow is only Thursday is depressing ",0 "God I am so naucious right now ",0 "I think I broke my finger today at work ",0 "I hope I'm not getting sickkkk ",0 "I am annoyed with everything and everyone #StressedOut ",0 "Can't wait till 10 .. #teenmom2 season finale !! What am I gonna do on Monday nights after tonight ??? #sad ",0 "Why do men ALWAYS have to be right even though 99.9% of the time they're not ",0 "Emma hung up on me #mylifeisover ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just couldn't sleep I slept probably like half an hour ",0 "Christmas makes me so depressed because once it's over I don't see my family for months ",0 "I just ate my last piece of deer jerkey earlier ... #SadTweet ",0 "I thought I'd be nice and stay with my fam at the hotel ... Regret kicks in when they're all asleep by 11 . Happy Easter to me . ",0 "6:30 am is about to come so early ... I don't even get up that early for school .. ",0 "Interview time . ",0 "I don't know why I keep trying to talk to you , you obviously don't like me ",0 "Why the heck do I get like this . I literally can't stand this feeling . ",0 "Think about how nuts this is ........... we have school tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause I have ",-1 "Got home early just in time to go to church with momma .. #tootired ",0 "Packing to go back to school is going to be hell ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't I need to get another one ",0 "But I like your bed ",0 "I wish I was sitting in the woods right now ",0 "I just wish you would text me #subtweet ",0 "Waking up with both your hands asleep ! Ahh such a werid feeling ",0 "I think out loud 99% of the time . And if there's no one around to hear it , I tweet it . ",-1 "Watching the purge , and I'm about to pee myself ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tweet to pat but not message me back I see you ",0 "I have huge icky blisters on my feet ! ",0 "Wish I had something to do right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh no ! ",0 "There would be a thousand free pours going on during my sober cleanse oh well my body gonna be looking right tho ",0 "Ugh so much for having the day off I love it when people don't show up for shifts ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you Jordyn ! ",-1 "I need a rollerblading buddy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ please don't tell me Trevor is going to fight someone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so glad you are enjoying them ! We miss you a lot ",-1 "That was the cutest shot glass and now I can't find it ",0 "No matter how many times I blow my nose , it won't go away fuckkkk myyyyy liiiiiife . ",0 "I can't say I've ever had this much pain in my knee ",0 "It boggles my mind ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I only have seasons 1-5 But I watch it every day on Nickelodeon and TBS at 11pm . #NotKidding ",0 "of course the one day i'm wide awake bright and early i'm too sick to go to school ",0 "I'm going to hate 6 o'clock ",0 "It's so freakin humid out !!!!!!!!!!!!! ",0 "People are such assholes . Why can't everyone just get along ",0 "I wish I could put the pictures up from last night on insty .. They are so cute ! ",0 "My brother lives in Boston . I shit my pants for a hot second ",0 "I'm lonely where's my Australian boyfi ",0 "This weather is totally messing up my manicure ",0 "Did that just happen ? Ugh I should go to bed . ",0 "What about Pieni are you out there ? ",0 "Forgot to buy an ice scraper ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahhhhh shit lol you dont even know me anymore lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes it's open ",-1 "Sometimes all you can do it cry . #OneOfThoseDays ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is playing with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight in Cali . If it was a full U.S tour I would probably cry tears of happiness . BUT NOOOO ! ",0 "Jamie is climbing a VERY slippery slope .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know my life sucks ",0 "Her voice .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'd rather stay in Middlesex one more night ... Thanks for the offer though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ screw you ",0 "Why do I always want what I can't have .. ",0 "Alright mom , thank you so much for telling me you left . I only spent 10 minutes frantically looking for you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not anymore ",0 "Love when there just like ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you wouldn't eat with me ",0 "Why did I grab the waterproof mascara . IT WON'T COME OFF ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know , life sucks ",0 "the girl sitting next to me in math keeps looking over my shoulder at my assignment and mumbling and then asking a billion questions ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha idk ??!!! It was hot you didn't want to be there lol ! I was sweating !! ",-1 "Stoichiometry will be the death of ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hope I seriously like fell head over heels for this guy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha it was indoors .. Tons of mountain climbers , burpees , running . Then ended with planks reverse & side planks ",-1 "I don't like cutting people off , but it's like their personally handing me the scissors . ✂ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was only for 2 reps i couldnt get the 3rd but hey progress is progress ! ",0 "They say time heals but this one may take more time then I have .! Please forgive me and let's put this behind us ",0 "I prefer to be the one chased ..... I chase after no one . ",0 "Twitter gets dry as hell on the late nights . ",0 "why does my best friend have to live so far ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she's very hostile and always makes fun of me and calls me an asshole and says I'm bad at FBLA ",0 "I just love when people hack my bank account ! #getarealjob #stressed ",0 "ugh I don't want to do this reading or dbq ",0 "Got pinched by a crab today and it broke the skin and lucky me I'm allergic to them ",0 "2 break ups in 2 days .. guess my best most romantic idea went to waste it was a good one too and was used to add only 2 more days ",0 "I hate being home alone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop yelling at me we're not friends ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks a lot _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "I hate talking in front of a group of people b I get so nervous and I slur my words together and stutter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is perfection . Noone will be half as good to me as he is , even though we're not together for a while . ",-1 "Every time I sit outside waiting for a ride a different car creepily drives up and down my street ",0 "It has to be at least 150 degrees in my room . It's soooo friggggggin hot in here ",0 "Gonna be a long day ",0 "It feels like you're slipping away from me ... ",0 "Group projects in college are so stupid !! ",0 "I just want to be someone's first choice for once ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she has to work and no twitter booo so maybe ill ask billie and okay gnute to you too my love and ill be livin the credo ",-1 "If I miss this silent night I'll be one unhappy girl ",0 "2 more hours ... Just 2 more hours ",0 "I don't think I wanna read the back of that senior picture just yet .. ",0 "Stupid insurance papers need to come in the mail so I can get my glasses already ! ",0 "Done for the night ",0 "Chelsea isn't here todaaaaay ... Dying , literally . ",0 "Rear ended , chiropractor telling me I need full exam , my dad took my keys to auburn , with 3 girls soccer bags in my car , & shitty game . ",0 "Completely forgotten ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay I believe you why are you always right ? ",0 "I miss my best friends ",0 "I have a cold ",0 "Lol at all the fake friends in middle school who said they'd ALWAYS be by my side & then high school came & they left . Fuck you ",0 "I hate when curvy girls who have the perfect sized ass and boobs wanna be twigs , like WHY ? I would kill to gain a few pounds ! ",0 "Finding out _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was in Nashville last night , and not going to meet him _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm trying my best and doing all that I can ... ",0 "I hate it when I am the only one using emoji's in a conversation . It gets so awkward ... ",0 "Also - this flight isn't over two hours , so I can't get my favorite fruit and cheese platter #firstworldproblems ",0 "Literally just spent ten minutes drawing a transformers autobot on snapchat only for it to not send and delete the damn picture . Cool . ",0 "I have millions of hair ties and I hate when I can't seem to find any !!! ",0 "Keep finding bruises all over myself from being attacked by _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ with snowballs ",0 "I just wanna be able to eat ice cream and not share #momlife ",0 "Awake is the last think I want to be right now ... #SoTired ",0 "Why are some people so ghetto ? ",0 "I have to stop talking to you ",0 "I just wanna puke ",0 "Who to text , who to text ... oh yeah ... NO ONE ",0 "ill be with patttty again ",-1 "I miss my moto family super bad tonight ",0 "Crappy night is an understatement ",0 "My parents bring your name up at least 5 times a day ",0 "you bring out every single bad vibe I have in me and I hate that I let it happen ",0 "I'm gonna love this emoji forever . ",-1 "Why do my messages take forever to send ?! ",0 "Pretty sure I'm getting the stomach virus ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It's obviously not working for me either . Life all around just hates me . ",0 "I didn't play Candy Crush all day !! #withdrawal ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know I'll prob end up at your house anyways so let me do what I want !! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahahahaha ! Hey I looked for you Saturday night but I didn't see you ! ",0 "My neck is so stiff . My pillows suck . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i did ",-1 "The favoritism in this house is unreal #gohomemicky ",0 "I know I'm not a kid but I want that Walker bag on Sunday _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I just had a tarantula crawling on me and I didn't even know it !! #Arizonaprobs ",0 "I wonder what _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is doing . Zack isn't going to get home until 8:30 ",0 "2am and still wide awake . Awesome . ",0 "All I want to do is sleeepppppp ! So much packing to do #helpme ",0 "Waking up at 5:30 to go workout was not one of my better ideas ..... ",0 "Having sun burn sucks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you no snapchat me back ",0 "Wish I didn't have a school tomorrow ! ",0 "Nick cusano didn't text me back ",0 "I miss my Big _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !! Feels like I haven't actually talked to her in 87 years ! ",0 "There is nothing on TV at 1:12 in the morning ",0 "Arby's forgot my buffalo sauce ",0 "I think _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hates me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i did ",-1 "Those girls that get those stupid voices while talking on the phone to guys <<<< why do you feel the need to sound seductive ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . This sucks ",0 "Asics or brooks ? I can't decide and I'm allowed running again in 5 days ",-1 "3 hour break oh boy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuuuudge I work until noon I wanted to stop by ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me too !!! I hope they hire me for real this time ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry booboo . My phone doesn't allow me too retweet your stuff ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww stop that ! I'll see you all the time ! I'm gonna miss you though sugar .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ meeeshin all of you soo much ",-1 "Theres so many things I wish would just be here tomorrow , like Brooke , my phone case , Christmas , Miley Cyrus #SoImpatient ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry Ryan , I'm wayyy too tired to stay up and subtweet with you goodnight (; ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm never at home when they come by ! they always just drop mine off at the door and leave ! ",0 "Since I lost all my color and pa doesn't believe in warm weather I gave in and bought a tanning package ",0 "Just about killed myself trying to kill a big ass spider #terrified ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dammit I'm so sorry ",0 "It's really upsetting to me that my sister isn't coming home for 2 weeks #missyoualready ",0 "You know what feels great ? Getting your heard torn to pieces . It's delightful . #fuckeverything ",-1 "Congratulations to my sister for finishing her last day of high school ever today . gonna miss you so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ currently at the library ",-1 "Nothing is more aggravating then being stuck beyond a minivan going 10 under the speed limit #comeon ",0 "It's bad when you dread waking up early for the next day at 6 o'clock the night before ! I'm so beyond ready for break ! #TheStruggle ",0 "Why doesn't _TWITTER-ENTITY_ love me ?!? ",0 "Everything was so perfect ",-1 "1 year ago today .... ✈ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I say the same kids name at least 57 times a day ... ",0 "I just wish Risner had healthier options ",0 "I'm never letting Erika get shots again . She's so grumpy and burning up ",0 "haha oh man I really miss seeing my potpot every day _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Woke up with back pain and I'm so unbelievable tired its going to be a long day #strugglebus ",0 "Why do Alex and Amy live so far away ... ",0 "I just want a cigarette so fucking bad . I think I'm dying without them ... But I have to quit #idontwanna ",0 "As the day goes on the more sick I become ugh throat & chest feel blahhhh . Lol I need a nurse ",0 "Remember when we were bestfriends ? Yeah me too ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that sounds amazing I just had generic subway ",-1 "I'm not ready for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to leave . #missyoualready . I am ready to spend time with my baby boys all weekend though ! #mixedemotions ",0 "I'm really not looking forward to this wearing pants weather ",0 "The day i need him the most .. he isn't here ... I need someone to talk to #help ",0 "Feel kinda sick ",0 "Stabbed myself with a sewing needle ouch ",0 "Home for 2 more days and off for another 4 day tournament .. ",0 "Texting _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . I haven't talked to this chick in forever . #missher ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sorry I got an exhibitions side to me if you don't like it just add my normal one ",0 "Love the snow❤❄⛄ just kidding , get the fuck outta here . #fuckwisconsin ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't like this one . Makes me sad ",0 "I just found a diary that I wrote in when I first moved here wow ",-1 "Every single pair of nikes I like are out of my size . Every . Single . Pair . ",0 "I hate headaches ",0 "I spent this whole weekend with my girlfriend and her leaving was the saddest thing ",0 "Had a great morning with one of my best friends ! She leaving to go to Georgia for 5 month ... We will miss you Emily !! ❤ ",0 "You're a sorry person !!! ",0 "I can't even drive because my steering wheel is so hot ",0 "I haven't been this sick in a long time ",0 "Bed time ? #ithinkyess ",0 "So much good for these things ",0 "We haven't seem eachother all weekend . This isn't normal ... #BFFProblems ",0 "I've lost voice good morning ! ",0 "I think it's a bad sign when my car takes the longest to check ",0 "So annoyed . I can't wait to go home and go to bed . ",0 "Just found out I have to attempt to drive to/around Columbus I can barely make it out of champion though ",0 "I love how the only thing my grandparents see in me are the negative . That's all I ever hear about . And you wonder why I'm never home . ",0 "shoulda know that would happen . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's awful try class right in the middle of both of them ",0 "Uhm . Your welcome ? ",-1 "Why am I the only one tweeting ? ",0 "At eagle point park . I wish I was down watching with everyone else ",0 "It's so hot in here . ",0 "work is gonna be soooo slow tonight ",0 "I really do feel bad for you ",0 "So much to do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It's so poopy ",-1 "This anatomy test is going to bend me over the table and tear me a new one ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ SAME . We had to play the etiquette game ",-1 "Breaking in new vans is not an enjoyable experience ❌ ",0 "Going through my timeline makes me realize that I will NEVER miss serenades again ",0 "I keep thinking ill see my best friends in the hallway _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I wish I could student teach there but my advisor won't let me at my former high school ",0 "I miss you we need to hang out over break _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Guess _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I aren't hittin up tbell then since they're closed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know and yea that was bull shit ! gotta work concession stand tomorro ",-1 "My swim suit should be here already , not on it's way back to Ohio ",0 "I wish I could do something ",0 "Ughh Ethan read my text like a half hour ago . Like is practice over or not ",0 "My shoulders are SO burnt . ",0 "Welppp . Back to work , I'm gonna miss Emily . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ minus duke ",0 "Sunburned face <<<< Being 16x more tan than I was yesterday >>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lets not let Sam drive . She crashed into a tree last time . #serve ",0 "It Dosent even feel like winter ... Yet again CHRISTMAS EVE ",0 "I'm jealous and envy my friends with big families&they are all together now hanging out & loving life ... This is why I cherish friends . ",0 "Why do I miss you ",0 "this is my favorite emoji . #Truth ",-1 "I like you and all but you're just so boring . #why ",0 "Someone help me with my iTunes #please ",0 "Well that was fucking rude ",0 "I gained at least 20 pounds today alone ",0 "Greys anatomy hitting me hard ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hardly . But Britt wanted to go so I had no choice At least I saw you , right ? ",-1 "So upset that we're not going camping this weekend ",0 "I wanna go to bed . ",0 "Screw all of this reading and memorizing #killme ",0 "I just wish everything would go back to normal . this last fricken week has been the worst week EVER . ",0 "I will literally pay this girl thats staying with us at the beach to put her clothes back on ",-1 "When crumbs fall into your bra ",0 "I just want Cody Tyler Kolin and I in my basement eating frozen pizzas and not caring bout life again _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "And I still have to write and 8 page paper tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bc you cheat on me every night and don't talk to me and thanks babe xo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't think of anything witty to say . ",0 "annndddd you're grounded . great . ",0 "Where did all this work come from ",0 "Why do i always get hungry as soon as i crawl in bed and get comfy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ season finale already ? #nooo #BUCKWILD ",0 "why is it that the best smelling axe makes me sneeze uncontrollably ? #nofair ",0 "Now I'm scared to fall back asleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ made me miss old times so much ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry it got changed today ",0 "Fuck you mom . Seriously fuck you . ruined my fucking summer . ",0 "I hate money . ",0 "Hershel is dead , Judith is missing/dead , and the governor is finally dead . Very depressing episode !! #TheWalkingDead #RIPHershal ",0 "There better be cookie dough when I get home !... Oh my lanta ! ",-1 "Uh ... Is my class cancelled ... Or did I just get here super early ..... ",0 "Like , why does my professor schedule an exam 2 hours before my lab practical ? Do you seriously hate us that much ? ",0 "Need to get my wisdom teeth out soon ",0 "Ha you're probably so much happier without me ",0 "Just wanna be by myself right now ... This pain is making me irritable . ",0 "I never signed up for this ... #overit ",0 "i hope Nardin realizes how much I need this day off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Freddie your so mean to me what did I ever do to you ? ",0 "all my favorite porn stars are retired ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's so cheap for indoor tennis . I wish I had that deal ",0 "I just wanna open my jambox so I can listen to ittttt ",0 "Why does my body hate me and is making me suffer this 5 day long headache !? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ only if u knew who I am and what I go through that will NEVER happen ",0 "I miss our sleepovers ",0 "I need sleep !!!! These kids are against ",0 "So you come into my house and tell me what to do ? How about go fuck yourself ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I mean if you ever ask , this wouldn't be a problem ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh ....... yeah . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am & I swear we're hanging out okay ? I promise you . I love you and miss you so so much . I miss my hoebag ",0 "When people be like ill be gone 5 minutes , end up coming back an hour later ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you ",0 "what am I gonna do when my sissy moves out ",0 "our house has never looked so ratchet ",0 "Anxiety and guilt are going to ruin my life for the next month ",0 "But I don't like being alone ",0 "I would really enjoy going to my father's house right now but he has to work ",0 "I cannot stand you . ",0 "Actually , I really hope you are ",0 "The homework never ends ",0 "My brother is a fag bc he never lets me do anything that involves guys ",0 "Things that I won't miss while on break are philosophy and math class ! #hatethemwithapassion ",0 "The good news is I'm sleeping in my bed tonight . The bad news I broke my bong today ",0 "Dalton is with my mom and now neither one of them are texting me back . ",0 "Waking up to a slight headache ",0 "I feel so sick . Wish the newspapers would hurry up so I can sleep this icky feeling off . ",0 "How do I manage to wake up in the middle of the night with a migraine .... #Makeitgoaway Come on Excedrin kick in anytime now ",0 "This cat eats like 3 cans of food a day . ",0 "I just said goodbye to my best friend .... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Fell asleep in the living room chair mom turns on the tv now there is no going back to sleep #ThanksMom #Not ",0 "I just feel so lost .. ",0 "I need to clean my rooooom . ",0 "I miss Blair she's the only person I care about ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WHY CAN'T I RETWEET THIS ",0 "Well that conversation went a lot worse than I hoped ",0 "I'm not even tired even though I should be . ",0 "why am I up ",0 "I wish I could talk to my brother . ",0 "Why is vanilla moose tracks Icecream so hard to find now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's too damn cold out kass and I don't have a coat with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ noo ! I'm gonna miss you ",0 "When I have my hair in a french braid I feel like I have a rat tail ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wouldn't have been able to get the little cutie home ",0 "I hate cooking with garlic . It takes forever to get the smell off my hands ",0 "I just want to cuddle .. Is that too much to ask ? Merppppppppp . ",0 "well I'd have to say this is getting very annoying ",0 "I'm scared to sit by him ",0 "My biggest fear is thunder and lightning .. ⚡☔ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aaryn is the new head of household . NOOOO ",0 "I want a pig . ",0 "When people open my snapchats and don't respond <<<< #jerk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they think they're cool like ",-1 "Hate when _TWITTER-ENTITY_ falls asleep on me everynight #missher ",0 "like i thought you loved me .. i thought wrong ",0 "I'm covered in acne . ",0 "tonight's the first night I've come home & tay tay wasn't awake to greet me #sickpup ",0 "Packing to go back home ",0 "I don't like my name ... It's so plain . ",0 "I need a serious stress releaser right about now ",0 "being sick on Thanksgiving morning <<< #KAY ! I didn't wanna eat anyway . ",0 "So many vocab words to memorize ",0 "I miss my Chase ",0 "Even after all that i still feel the same . What am I doing ",0 "If there's one thing this job has taught me , it's that I wouldn't be a good accountant #FeelingDumb ",0 "Big thanks to my best friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for working solo the rest of the shift because I don't feel good ",0 "this movie Tricia got us watching << ",0 "I feel so shitty .. ",0 "So Brit miller isn't going to the cowboys .. ",0 "i'm getting real annoyed . #shuddup ",0 "OK so the Basement of Knox couldn't be any creepier at 3am ",0 "I never realized how weak I actually am until I tried carrying these books . ",0 "I hate thinking I did a kickass job wrapping a Christmas present & it looks awful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm done with this conversation now . #rude ",0 "I'm losing again . ",0 "I had a dream someone was trying to kidnap Patrick but I saved him . ",0 "My test results coming back positive just another problem to go on top of the pile ",0 "Breakfast you sound so good to bad I'm to lazy to get out of bed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah me too ! The layout is cool but that's about it . They better get working on it ",0 "My mood tonight went from to #justbreathe ",0 "Biting the bullet ",0 "I can't sleep ",0 "I swear Dustin's room is below freezing ",0 "Slamming on my breaks while my purse falls upside down and the contents of it go everywhere is my favorite . ",0 "I want to pull out the uggs but I don't wanna be a tool bag cause its September . ",0 "I . Hate . Traffic . ",0 "Literally crying cause I miss my sister what is life ",0 "Pissed as fuck now . ",0 "Any horse lover would cry during that commercial ! #clydesdale #adorable ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lets get together soon !! I'll dm you my number ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no problem not that's ye weekend of the first football game and it's at home ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ funny how busy you are but always manage to find time to tweet . I feel slighted . ",0 "There is honestly nothing to do in this boring ass neighborhood I think it's time to move .. ",0 "Someone tell me why my puppy won't come inside she must be freezing ",0 "I don't think I can make it another year without going to Florida !! If only I could talk the family into going #sunshinestate ",0 "There's been something in my eye all day and I still can't get it out ! ",0 "It really sucks not having your own car . First time since I got my license . #MissYouBlair ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ take me with you to floridaaaa ! It's my hometownnnnn ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want that person to fall off the planet forever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh god I haven't gone in yet ! I don't get out till 7:30 ",0 "Getting goosebumps listening to military country songs #ifyourreadingthis #timmcgraw ",0 "Been putting in work for over a year consistently just to get ignored (()) ",0 "I was supposed to go out tnight and forgot to ",0 "When people send me pictures of their impreza's knowing I don't have mine yet ",0 "Getting the Golf jitters already , and it's only December⛳ ",0 "Yes , I would love to stay up past midnight tonight and then open the store tomorrow morning . ",0 "Literally got 2 hours of sleep last night how am I gonna function tonight ?! ",0 "I wish I had some strange music clothing to wear tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that I bought last week today , but it's to darn cold here . Almost had to turn on the furnace last night Hope you catching up on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ camp is not as friendly without you ! I miss our ' Bonjour's ' every day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nibody I know would be interested in what Michelle Obama has on her playlist . #NobodyCares #PatheticTweet by _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Be honest , because I feel like I'm a bad person right now ",0 "Sitting home all day doing nothing is so boring and annoying ",0 "What I would do to have someone come bring me some food so my lazy ass doesn't have to get out of bed !! ☺ ",0 "I sleep w no clothes so I had to turn the fucking heat on need a mate ",0 "Can I have one day where girls don't have to comment on how my relationship is ?? ",0 "This ham dip wasn't meant to be ... The dog ate the ham and I burnt my finger .. _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what time do you leave ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Today's Emily's first day of middle school too ... They're getting so old ",0 "My feets are cold ",0 "WHY IS EVERYONE GOING TO MEXICO !? It isn't fair ",0 "Missing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ right about now ",0 "I JUST WANT TO BE HOME ",0 "All this math sucks .. #almostdone ",0 "Missing volleyball right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ he say we got poor grammar ",0 "Cant wait till Romans done football season so I can actually take a nap without a whistle waking me up every 10 seconds ",0 "I'm so hungry .. ",0 "I have a horrible case of the spins ",0 "Going to be annoyed of all the new year tweets tomorrow ",0 "Cabinet fell on my foot today ... And it's so swollen that I can't take off my shoe ",0 "Who honestly skips two weeks of math , obviously didn't do hw and then decides to take both exams on a Monday ? Not a clue not a clue ",0 "Waiting for lives on Candy Crush <<<< #CandyCrushProbzzzz ",0 "Dude I would've been in that damn water after seeing that damn spider !!!!!!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #notkidding ",0 "That dog is a spawn of satan . ",-1 "Chilis ..... All day ! #HappyThursday ",-1 "#OnValentinesillBe at work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ keep your head up Laney ! I don't like seeing your sad tweets ! ",0 "Breaking bad is a terrible terrible show ... and I mean that in the best way possible . Avoided all spoilers and All caught up for the finale ",0 "Two major douche bags in this class ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",0 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for being a bully and rubbing her new car in my face . ",-1 "Worst headache EVER . ",0 "I want to find people to do a bible study with , but a lot of my friends aren't into that kind of thing ",0 "Just don't understand .. ",0 "I can never sleep without you by my side , it's just not right without me being in your arms at night .. ",0 "Chipotle down . Wish I could nap 3 more hours of work ",0 "I gotta be up at 8:30 ",0 "Wahhhhh . This isn't working ",0 "I remember when we used to sit in your truck and you would sing the new Luke Bryan album to me . I sure felt like the luckiest girl ever ",-1 "Soooooooo Disappointed ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",0 "I'm really sad about forgetting my cleats ",0 "When people don't text back fast ",0 "Can't wait to wake up at 6 am ",-1 "Pregnant hormones suck ! ",0 "does it really have to snow .. ",0 "Why do I get the same pounding headache at the same time the last 3 days ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hate their vegetables ",0 "And my feet are killing me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how come we're pretty ? Don't you feel bad for ugly people ",0 "I wish Paul didn't have buddy and himself wake me up <<< ",0 "Sinclair has the worst website known to mankind . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my gosh . Wrong abbi . so sorry . ",0 "I still can't believe I didn't get a vine of the whole stadium doing the wave last night ",0 "I give up . ",0 "Guess who can't download #MidnightMemories until after school probably ",0 "Don't make me go to my psyc recitation at 3:30 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you goings to be home tomorrow ? Jennifer was too drunk to drive home so I had to stay here . ",0 "I gotta stop liking guys that are no good for me . ",0 "Marrying _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just because he's a marine and will have dress blues lol . ",-1 "all I want is buttered noodles ughhh but there is no good pasta in this damn house besides whole grain & angel hair ",0 "I wish I was sleeping . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It's a rough life but I don't feel good and I NEED to study ",0 "I can't focus on anything ",0 "I wish I wouldn't have such fucked up dreams ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol sorry youre stuck ",0 "I hate having to wait for something ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I'm not coming foe the over night the coach . Said two day visits because overnight will be to hard to pick since ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nothing good is on Netflix anymore I watched all the good shows ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how did I get myself into this last night #badidea ",0 "Class in the morning 9:30 - 5:30 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you ",0 "The doctor just said that I might be here for 4 more hours ",0 "I wanna know who asked about thatcher ",0 "I need a job ... #nomotivation ",0 "I don't know it I could ever be , without you cause boy you complete me & in time we'll both see that we're all we need . ",-1 "Can't believe it's already time for Tyler to leave tomorrow morning ",0 "This house fucking scares me . It's so creepy at night #freakinout ",0 "June is the busiest month out of the year #Exhausted ",0 "I want to go to bed because I'm exhausted but I know as soon as I wake up I have work . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too ",0 "Fucking #ThirstyThursday clearly got the best of me last night . #Damn ",0 "Hopefully I get a job at the Cro I can not stand being broke idk how ppl just don't work #notthewaytolive #bums ",0 "Just saw a picture of breakfast but I dot have the energy to get up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ alright sweet perfect I'm gonna be so dead in the morning ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ugh you're probably right ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm gonna cry again you bishh ! #waahh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I did ",-1 "It would be lovely if I could ever get my wisdom teeth out to avoid this jaw pain but I can't ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ aweee I would come but I have to go to the dentist at 4 ",0 "I'm tired but can't sleep ",0 "Why am I carrying so many things today . Books are so heavy . ",0 "Grrr i hate it when people lie to me !! ",0 "Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy my cockatoo didn't fly away while I was sleeping #SoHappy ",0 "Hate gettin up this eary ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow way to get my hopes up never ever see you ",0 "My room is freezing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ya , I'm afraid that's the trend this year with the men ... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ as well ",-1 "Why am I up this early .. ",0 "My phone gets cracked on my way to my chem test , what a great day ",0 "worst belly ache ever right now ",0 "yes it is ",0 "Alrighty then #overit ",0 "Missing my nieces right now ",0 "I love how all the high schoolers are like school ugh and all the college kids are like hell yea ! ",0 "I just wanna sleep late but it'll never happen . ",0 "This was before I got braces ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me too . I miss everything like my hit clips and Polly pockets and shit . Lol I had the beat toys everrrrr . ",0 "I hate awkwardness more than anything it's just the absolute worst ",0 "I wish it actually felt like Christmas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so angry that you came this weekend of all damn weekends and I'm not there ",0 "All I can think about is musical results ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh no ! You're turning into one of them ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hey , I WAS LIKE 4 ",-1 "Did I just spend a half hour taking notes on a section I was supposed to skip ??? ",0 "I forgot to watch Buckwild ",0 "Can this dog stop barking already ? #Annoying #CatGoAway ",0 "I'm such a difficult person .. ",0 "Brett basically knows everything I'm getting him fit Christmas , except a few things . I'm such a surprise spoiler ! ",0 "When _TWITTER-ENTITY_ posts a picture on Instagram but doesn't respond to my text #notcool ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ actually yeah ..... ",0 "If someone came to wells hall and brought me food , I might be the happiest girl in the world . Jk I WOULD be the happiest girl #sohungry ",-1 "Now wishing I had worn leggings ",0 "Just saw a guy at the market buying a bouquet of flowers and a pint of Ben&Jerry's Icecream #luckygirl ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG Dani ... absolutely love those pics of u and mara !!! Thanks 4 bringing back those memories ! ",-1 "I'm a Cotton headed ninny muggins ",-1 "I need new belly button rings ",0 "Bye bye to my 2012 Cruze . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too ! and yes haha ! ",0 "I can only eat so many strawberries and crackers . Bring on the ice cream because ... well ... #finals ",0 "Well today is turning around for the better ! ",-1 "Why's it 11° ",0 "Just passed _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hotel in Boone ",0 "If my parents make me watch one more episode of Big Bang Theory I literally am going to explode . #notfunny ",0 "I wanna go back to bed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahaha I just laughed at that . your so mean ",-1 "Today I have school until 1:45 , Kathy Corrigans at 2 , and then catering until 1am .... why don't I just blow my head off now ",0 "Whatever same thing , different day . ",0 "I cut my leg shaving ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I brought that video to cannon again but u weren't there ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry not so much fun is it ? ",0 "I swear someone just came in my house but I'm too scared to go look ",0 "OMG ! I really wish I knew more about cars !! Mechanics be playing my life for real smh ! ",0 "It's really hard to understand the Spanish homework when you haven't been there for two days . ",0 "I wanna workout but I never have motivation unless I actually go to the y ",0 "I wanna publish my own book . about Adriana & I . what I want us to be . it's basically written , all these damn saps & stories . ",0 "Nose spray is among the worst things ever created ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! And I was so miserable without you ",0 "Awh , watching these choirs and missing singing . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I would love to take a road trip but my car is unreliable for such distances ",0 "My liver is keeping me up again . I'm probably going to be babying it for the rest of my life after accutane gave me hepatitis . No fun . ",0 "This idiot let me die trying to rebuild the barrier before reviving me ",0 "Meh . It's so late for me to be awake ... But everyone keeps tweeting ... And I keep reading . ",0 "my dad wrecked my moms car last night & she is saaaaaaalty ",0 "Level 55 on candy crush scares me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WHEN ?! ",-1 "During preseason we're gonna have to fight till the death for spots in the ice bath with the soccer teams & the entire football team ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lololol I know #mylife ",0 "I swear I hate it my house I can't stand a single person here except my mom the rest of these people need to leave y'all are adults ✌ ",0 "Why is Nialls twitcam not working ! Not that I was wanting to watch anyway ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thursday ! When are you ?! #imgoingtomissyou # ",0 "Yay for being the only one not at the parade #nofriends ",0 "Wish I was at the Blackhawks parade and not at work watching everyone on ABC is making me jealous ! ",0 "I'm sorry I know those were about me ",0 "Looks like my night is consisting of watching Jared play video games , I can't even find words because I'm so overjoyed ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ honest mistake ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think I'm like this every night of my existence ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohmygosh , I hate when twitter accounts do that . It makes me so mad . ",0 "Work till close tonight yay me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you ok ? ",0 "You favorite and retweet all my tweets stop ",0 "currently in the middle of a heat stroke ... ",0 "I showed _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today i can get up there too , but you still got more bounce ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ... ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if Noah won't text me , nothing is harsh . ",0 "Why is it that when your drunk you don't give a fuck about anything I wish I had that mentality all the time ",0 "I just want a hat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh how sweet of him ..... Thanks guys I appreciate it lots ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish my phone had LTE in this area #Sprint ",0 "Don't like that girl at all .. ",0 "You think I'd ruin your friendships ? ",0 "pouring a bowl of cereal just to look in the fridge & find NO milk ... and yes those were my emotions in that order ",0 "I don't care how old I am I will always be scared of storms ",0 "All I have to do is see your name , and I get extremely angry . ",0 "Panera definitely only filled my cappuccino half way full ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's sad bc guys like you that truly want kids and would be a great dad , don't have em ... And there's so many assholes who do ",0 "FaceTimeing random people in class .. Bored ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww that face ",0 "Omfg almost hit three deers on the way to work . Literally shaking ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",0 "My boyfriend is such a grouch when I wake him up ",0 "twitter stop distracting me I need to go take a shower . ",0 "I want to shove this pencil into my eye ball ✏ ",0 "I really think you're annoying . You'll stop doing it in a week ",0 "People that wont go places without their best friend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't drink redbulll . I'll fall asleep with weights and break my foot of something .. ",0 "I also really miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I hate being asked if I have a boyfriend . I wish I could just say no but I do have a girlfriend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awww bad luck and yeah at least you did the right thing unlike those assholes ! Tweet a pic ",-1 "Holy mother of headache . ",0 "The only place I wanna be is at Tim McGraw ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No , I have a softball tournament Sorry . ",0 "Ale picks the most boring movies on Netflix , I sweaarrrr ",0 "I should of bought that scarf ",0 "Why the fuck did the sun do this to my skin ?! ",0 "Nothing but nightmares last night . ",0 "I miss my sister ..... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was at 20 and they kicked me out . but I didn't study so go me but this guy sat right beside me . out of all the places . ",0 "I'm so not looking forward to tomorrow .. ",0 "Someone come hangout with me at the school . I'm all alone ",0 "Please send Amanda home on big Brother she makes me sick ",0 "And my headache is back ",0 "Everyone is literally so mean . It makes me sad ",0 "I could really use some avocado and wheat bread right meow I'll settle for plain ole salad ",-1 "I just cleaned the house yesterday and it's already a mess ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too pretty ! ",0 "My mom and our waiter are talking about believe ing in ghosts ... Ugh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the only reason mine were watching is the biebs and swift ",-1 "why is it so cold out ",0 "My family goes on a bike ride , I stay home & clean , they come back with DQ & nothing for me . ",0 "I need a haircut , but I won't go in because my definition of 2 inches is much different than Jennifer's definition of 2 inches ",0 "Shouldn't have left the house tonight ",0 "Most depressing day of the year #whereiseverybody #comehome ",0 "I need to move the straps up on Zaylie's carseat , my baby getting tooooo damn big . ",0 "I was looking forward to tonight ",-1 "Where is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to save me from our crazy parents right now ?! ",0 "The fact that I'm graduating in two weeks has never felt so real until today ... ",0 "What I saw last night ",0 "I was actually looking forward to practice today . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my iMessage isn't working . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm all by myself ... ",0 "Okay I don't like this ",0 "Suddenly everyone is into Khleo Thomas ",0 "1 hour and 23 minutes till I can actually do something ",0 "I need lives in candy crush ",0 "I hate not having a piece for my drives home from effingham ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ way to much ",0 "Soon \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lmao ! "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Oh ! You're still praying sef ? :') "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Amen o "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : iPhone ? "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : """" ",-1 "If we have school tomorrow ..... ",0 "Not being able to sleep with your boyfriend cause of stupid work in the morning <<<<< ",0 "My checklist for grad school is about to be ten pages ",0 "My brother ate all the Reese's puffs ",0 "Long work week ahead ",0 "You are about a useful as boobs on a man . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so you can't see this ☺ ? That sucks ",0 "I sneeze at least 500 times a day . ",0 "Wearing tallmadge clothes makes me miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm positive I could sleep til noon on weekdays . But weekends I'm up at 8 am . #wtf ",0 "Why is everyone seeing shooting stars and im not ",0 "I'm selfish . I want you to myself . Sorry , But I can't help it . ",0 "Too busy at work ",0 "I keep thinking you're something that you're not . ",0 "its not my fault ",0 "Oh you're a badass ",-1 "I want to go to homecoming so bad next weekend #whyme ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I thought it was funny ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you suck ",0 "A normal bath will have to do ... ",0 "You don't have to say what you did I already know ... ",0 "This biology is going to be the death of me ",0 "I need someone to bring me a cigarette . It's been two hours since I've had a smoke and I keep listening to songs that make me #whine ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what ? ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha whatever ! You use me !! ",-1 "shoutout to Aj for disabling my phone and almost breaking it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yep . You read it right ",-1 "Well it sure is a pretty immature way of showing and telling me ! ",-1 "Running on two hours of sleep ",0 "feels like just yesterday I applied to VT now my first semester is basically over ",0 "I almost wish my brother didn't believe in Santa so he understood that we can't afford the things on his list . I hate seeing him sad !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was gonna tell you , good game last week , you killed it ! It was a tough loss . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know more about lacrosse than you know about baseball ... I know very very little about lacrosse ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I neeeeeed to see you ",-1 "I hate saying goodbye ",0 "Literally considering dropping out of college .. This is too fucking stressful ",0 "Oh okay phone ",0 "If your kid is throwing a fit in the library you should probably leave ",0 "I desperately need a new job . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ -___- you don't have a problem texting me any other time ! > ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks haley ! I miss you too ",0 "me & oomf used to be close , idk whatt happpened ",0 "Well apperantly _TWITTER-ENTITY_ likes to take people's popcorn ",-1 "How am I supposed to wear a dress this weekend when I am pale as a ghost ? As much as I despise fake tanning I may have to go ... #hypocrite ",0 "I just woke up from my nap ",0 "my biggest pet peeve is when people are ignorant with technology ... just hand it over ",0 "Awe addition to today .... A head cold ! ",0 "She won't text me backkkk _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Some ugly guy asked for my number ",0 "My back is killing me ! ",0 "I just need a movie night with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I've been at the library since 2:30 ..... ",0 "I'm so sick of being sick . ",0 "Not looking forward to getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha I know you'd love for me to die , I'm just not ready . ",0 "AUGUSTUS WATERS WHY DID YOUR CANCER HAVE TO COME BACK shit this book is getting to me lol ",0 "I'm still embarrassed of what's been happening for 2 weeks . Dunno what to do . My doctor has tried so many things . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ psh . ... ... ... I have no comeback . Youre right I'll settle for dresses I guess . ",0 "Just had a dream about you ... And it will always just be a dream . ",0 "So sweeppyyy ! I hate closing at work ",0 "Surgery time wish me luck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ That suxs !!! You're gonna miss a kick ass show ! #feelbettersoon ",0 "I'm sick of these storms ",0 "I just miss my freaking best friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "All I want is to watch Netflix but my wifi isn't working . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my parents hid it for this very reason ... They think I abuse it ",0 "I will someone . ",0 "Wow there's a trial this weekend that I apparently didn't enter . Wtf . ",0 "Okay no one wants to be my friend I hate the Internet ",0 "I feel so sick ",0 "Got me one of them desk jobs never thought I'd see the day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you don't work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how'd they know your password ",0 "Second time the storm woke me up ",0 "Wish my tummy would quit doing the wave its making me feel sick ",0 "Had the worst dream ever ",0 "Swear I have a headache once a day . ",0 "I wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was home . hurry back !!!! ",0 "That moment when you can't find the leggings you need to wear ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ still so mad . Still have grudges that will never go away ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm glad my whole body has bruises all I we them ",0 "Now I have to wait for pll to come on again until January 7th ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ still warmer than it was here though ! Hahah we had a big snow storm the other day ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but .... but ....... but ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ! Why didn't you help me kick the habit ages ago ?! ",0 "Nothing like Taylor's little sister straight up punching you in the balls . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ id be pissed . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg you must've been dying ! ",-1 "I hate mushy couples ",0 "Really pissed off about #bdubs messing up my takeout orderI SAID TRADITIONALI knew I should have looked in the box before I left #hangry ",0 "Blow drying my hair is one of my least favorite things about the getting ready process . ",0 "I hate being called Chelseylynn ",0 "so Hannah can't come over . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll be here til 3-330 and then I'm supposed so have lunch with my sis . ",0 "Never thought I'd see the day where I'm up at 530 to go work out . ",0 "I'm the biggest worry worm I know . I think the worst about literally everything . #psycho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ he like drug her on the floor & spilled beer all over her ! ",-1 "I would be wide awake at 4 ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Teens who spend most of their time listening to music are more likely to get depressed . ” ",0 "This has been one hell of a spring break ! Sad it's over . ",0 "okay I'm gonna wake Nicky up I'm kinda scared ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "ever wonder why your so stressed over someone so basic ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tired how you doing ? You still big ? ",0 "My mom never fails to piss me off . ",0 "Doing everything I can to avoid homework ",0 "I've been choking for a solid 10 minutes , excuse me while I go die . ",0 "Now that the state game is pushed back I can't go because of the damn act .. ",0 "I just ☺ ",-1 "This snow day messes up the schedule for the entire year . Now we come back from Christmas break on a B day , and I'm pissed ",0 "Pisses me off that Ryan doesn't even care that I'm leaving tomorrow . ",0 "I hate the fact that the Irwin /Greensburg area does not have a eyebrow threading nowhere ",0 "Why can't I ever screenshot snapchats anymore ",0 "R.I.P. k of c ! It's so sad to see it burnt down ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know license no car blows ",0 "Come massage my butt . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I have 6 study halls today ",0 "I love walking to the garage and not being able to feel my face or fingers #myfavorite ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I HATE IT SO MUCH ! I TRY EVERYTIME AND I JUST can't . ",0 "Remembering my letter . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry you got mobbed Harry . Not all Directioners are rabid animals that would mob you . It's not your fault . I promise . ",0 "Why the eff isn't criminal minds on . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ as long as its you the other ones mean to me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bar date before you go ?? ",-1 "It seems like I'm trying harder than you are in this .. ",0 "I think about my past way to mich ",-1 "My car is broken #wahh ",0 "I was warned .. ",0 "Fuck this snow storm coming I just wanna see him . ",0 "Why now . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we miss you . And need your stand up back in our life . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh I'd love that to happen they was here New Year's Eve but I didn't get here till Christmas Day ",0 "Why the fuck isn't cluck u opened I'm starving ",0 "Redbull taste so gross ",0 "Randomly getting my phone taken away ... okay mom ",0 "Depression <<<<< # ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we deff watched that like 3 times ",-1 "This girl won't shut up ",0 "It has honestly only been an hour and a half at work so far . Holy crap . Today is gonna be so slow . ",0 "Comcast , why do you literally never have anything good on tv ",0 "I can't handle this at all ",0 "I feel Terrible , that I fell asleep on you especially TODAY ! .... I'm awful ",0 "All I want for Christmas is a pearl pandora ring ",0 "Makenzie has a One Direction toothbrush #Jealous ",0 "Gravity is gonna give me a stress hernia . Or something . Idk this movie is making me nervous ! ",0 "Text me back please . ",0 "We just passed the safari park exit _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it ended . ",0 "No one texts me when my data is on and iMessage works but when it's off I get a lot of texts but I can't see them ",0 "Why does school even exist ? ",0 "No younglife for me ",0 "of course I fall asleep before I plug my phone in #whatsnew ",0 "Gabby and Eryn are laying in bed talking about life again . I wish I could join but I'm on the other side of the wall ... ",0 "No sleep for me ... up with a whiney pup ... #dachshunds and their bad backs ",0 "I miss my boyfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Why am I so dumb ",0 "Oh god what have I done ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we're back at Austin's now ",-1 "Really dreading this ride home ",0 "woke up at 7:00 to run so we could leave the hotel by 8:00 ..... it's 10:00 and we haven't left yet #CouldveSleptIn ",0 "I don't like this Otterbox , I miss my lifeproof ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its not fair he said he would come and visit us in bama though ",0 "I'm highly disappointed about the ending of Catching Fire ",0 "I just wanna be with my pony right now . ",0 "When the dress you want is back ordered as well as your backup ! #HomecomingProbs ",-1 "The things I do for coffee ",0 "I don't get to watch the country music awards ",0 "missing Jill a lot right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ will you come to Kentucky ? pleaseeeeeeee ? you've been to every state surrounding Kentucky .. ",0 "Hunters passed out , still can't find my phone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ We are . Not all of Joplin is though . I have an ITS conference in St. Louis ! ",-1 "I can't express how amazing of a dream I just had ... So real ",-1 "Seriously wtf my sister just said your thighs are huge no offense ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm pretty sure my body is immune to it hahaha nothing works ! At all ",0 "So hungry .. But too cold to move .. #pathetic ",0 "Aw this little kid is talking about loosing his teeth I miss loosing my teeth ",0 "Wish I could be back in Valpo for the Popcorn Fest !! ",0 "I hate getting sick at work ",0 "This week needs to be over its been a rough one every single day so far for me ! ",0 "okay , need to run about 4 laps around the track tomorrow #fat ",0 "Outta work , can't wait to get into ... & now Kitos making me go to Taco Bell . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ probs not ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same !! I want to go so bad . ",0 "Really fucking done with this ",0 "And Blaze is gone ",0 "It kills me that I have work and everyone's going out that will be me tomorrow !!! ",0 "All I want is a Mountain Dew right now and all my school has is mellow yellow #thestruggle ",0 "It seriously needs to be hotter outside , its almost summer damnit ☀ ",0 "Everyone's tweeting about fnl and it makes me sad because I can't go ",0 "Does anyone have a ugly Christmas sweater I can wear for the game please ? ",-1 "Someone just asked when I was due . Remind me to double those ab workouts . ",0 "Damn it's only Wednesday ",0 "Worst headache ever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss my roommate so much ",0 "we should not have school ",0 "Mad that I couldn't go to The burgs game ",0 "I have to write two essays for this week #stupidschool ",0 "I need to get away from this town .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's as good as it gets ",-1 "Seriously though , I haven't quit thinking about last night ... #fml ",0 "Dont do that to me ",0 "I don't know how I'm feeling right now . ",0 "Plz stop playing that song ",0 "I've been in bed for the last hour and can't fall asleep . #Struggling ",0 "Can't sleep . Insomnia , you're a butch . I mean bitch . I mean you might be both . Finals = no sleep ",0 "I want it to sleet from 5 a.m to 12 a.m so we don't have to go to school . I can't miss anymore days unless they're excused ",0 "This Wills & Estates midterm will be the death of me ! ",0 "It's amazing what people will sit around wasting their time on . ",0 "My whole body aches . I just want to sleep ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I keep looking at all my pics of Reid I miss you all already lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OJMYGOSH I HATE YOU ",0 "People need to learn how to spell . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me last night !! ",0 "It's so hot in my room . ",0 "someone talk to me ",0 "Why does _TWITTER-ENTITY_ think he's to cool to come to school ? ",0 "Worst dream ever .. ",0 "What a great 11 months ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know can't you pack me too ? ",0 "ANYTHING would be better than sitting at work right now .. ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ My laptop won't connect to my internet so I can't ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah I know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dudeeee I want to . But I have stupid braces . I wonder when I get them off ",0 "I really don't think you understand the way I feel about you ",0 "I hope my speech is right , I feel like it's good ... ",0 "foot cramps are the worst , makes me wanna shoot myself . ",0 "Be thankful that you don't have step parents . ",0 "Daddy's had enough ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if I didn't have kyleigh asleep in my arms it would have been bad ",0 "The fact that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is getting her hair done right now and I am not <<< ",0 "I'm WAY to tired to be functioning right now .. ",0 "S/O to Akron , in the spring and fall the grass is mowed like everyday but as soon as it snows all the workers seem to disappear ",0 "Today is gonna be another one of those big mindfuck days ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't like you either ... ",0 "Hung the fuck over ",0 "Any of that right now would be ahhhhmazing ",0 "Late to my morning meeting . Feet are soaked . ",0 "All I wanna do is throw up now ... worst feeling in my stomach ",0 "And the bitching begins ",0 "need to eat some japanese foooood #homesick ",0 "Really disappointed that my god mother isn't coming up from Texas for a visit I miss her so much ",0 "I still have over a week here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so lucky ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know !!! I had that realization Sunday morning and almost cried ! ",0 "So jealous of my sister test driving cars right now ",0 "Feel like I'm in a hole and I can't climb out . Never felt this down before . ",0 "I love when my shower gets cold on me #not #thatsucked ❄ ",0 "So many clothes to fold yet I never wear any of them ",0 "When people don't know about my mom an ask . It's a little upsetting to explain ",0 "Okay I need to be fully unpacked already ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fake bitches that go to Carlton . wanna get out of there . You have your phone ?! ",0 "I am so tired the entire day but as soon as i need to go to bed i cant sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish ",0 "Haven't got out of bed all day , I feel terrible ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need to stop the stomping I guess ",0 "Wish I wasn't so stressed out all of the time ",0 "There's a million seats on the bus and this lady wants to squish in between me and molly ",0 "It's not looking good for my Min cat this morning The vet said there's no cure or treatment for the problem she's having . ",0 "PINK leggings are such shit but I'm addicted to buying them ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we have the cuddle bed no more ... camp out ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i don't have a way it there ",0 "I haaate Christmas music . especially when I have to listen to it at work ",0 "Seeing something that kills you ! #really #stupid ",0 "I really just have no motivation for anything lately ",0 "Ugh do not want to go to the honor society induction tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you tonight ",0 "Just got done watching a video on fb with little black kids beating up a 4 year old white girl . Just realized how fucking racist I am ... ",0 "I just hate seeing your name #anditseverywhere ",0 "bees give me fucking anxiety ",0 "It sucks the plans fell through for tomorrow ",0 "I love hearing my brother snore from the couch all the way downstairs ! NOT ",0 "I think tomorrow would have been 100Xs better if TVD came on tomorrow . But nope ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh now you decide to play the guilt card ",0 "I can never have a good day . wish I could say different . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ was in my dream last night ... Now all I wanna do is sleep for eternity #babycomeback #strugglin ",0 "Ugh , my New Years plans ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why does it seem so far awayyyy ?!?!!?!? ",0 "the one night I honestly need you ... ",0 "I also got him duck dynasty seasons 1-3 on DVD , a nice fluffy blanket that's blue ( they didn't have camo ) and a duck dynasty glass ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yes it was ! It was because I drank a whole rockstar and then had a shake . Sugar overload . And I have a stomach ulcer too . Ugh ",0 "But you're with your friends ",-1 "Sometimes I just want to get in my car and never stop driving # ",0 "okay im gona go nuts , i fell asleep watching spongebob now i wake up & fucking dora is on & the remote is nowhere to be found . ",0 "Tori . Stop . Fucking . Touching . Me . ",0 "The idea of getting a shot still scares me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I work my other job sorry ",0 "I feel awful , Idek how I'm possibly going to wake up so early all week ",0 "What is this sorcery . Although I've never felt so manly in my entire life . I still want to keep my beard ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ps your Xmas present is the best come home to me already ",-1 "The rest of this month is going to suck .... So has most of this past week . Blah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ they are all mine ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha ik and I miss you so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know he is he never texts me back ",0 "My stomach is just blah right now ",0 "It feels like I've been punched in the stomach ",0 "Today would be the perfect day to eat panera and loaf in Elizabeth's basement ",-1 "I just want to cuddle up in bed all day today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ only if it were that easy . ",0 "wow my sleep schedule is fucked because its 1 am and I thought it was only 10 ",0 "I physically cannot sleep past 10 anymore ",0 "The world lost a beautiful man #RIPPaulWalker ",0 "That screenshot _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just sent me <<<<< #pissed ",0 "Why do I have to feel crappy on such a nice day ? #dying ",0 "It's suppose to be a pretty white Christmas . Not a damn wet nasty flood Christmas ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if I knew who she was then I would ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ even though you told on me the in my burns tehe ",0 "so I'd be okay with getting out early . ❄ but I really would have enjoyed the day off . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awwww poor thing . I almost feel bad .......... almost . ",0 "Will it ever stop snowing !?! I want to be able to drive home tomorrow ",0 "I need to hangout with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ soon ",0 "I'm so bad at catching subtweets ",0 "like who the fuck are you comin at someone you don't even know and you have no right to question me about my life and the choices i make ",0 "The fact that I just made a countdown for 2 years <<< ",0 "Love deer chili so much ... But I regret it all day after . #sick ",0 "just don't know what to do ",0 "This upcoming year is going to be so different and that scares me . ",0 "The dreams im having because of the drugs are awful #Scary ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ! & then he was moving his head around like he saw something ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry ..... ",0 "How did my YW leaders get my number .. Preparing for an eternal hell . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh darn I thought the show might include theaters ! haha but ya , there's one not too far away that shows old movies I guess ",-1 "Got a little over zealous with cotton swabbing last week and now my ear constantly pops when I chew .. I hope this isn't permenant ",0 "So jealous to have missed MN family time with uncle _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and my Grammy ",0 "Of course they don't have the stuff to do my piercing ",0 "Im home alone and the lights are flickering ",0 "Proved you don't give a damn about me ",-1 "These texts between me and Dallin . Are just bringing me down ",0 "The ride home from AC is always the worst ",0 "So stressed .. need a job . But apparently I'm not good enough for anyone #Broke #Unemployed ",0 "I feel like death warmed up I feel awful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get better Deano I was rooting for ya thats motocross Wish you a speedy recovery and a successful outdoor season GetHealthy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ because I'm lonely ",0 "I am .. I'm just watching the Animal hahaha ",-1 "I really want a long text .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too ",0 "I'm always wishing what I could of done , but never did man smh .. ",0 "Oh you want a logical reason ? Fuck you thats why .. shove that logical reason down your little slut throat ... ",0 "Kinda upset that we were supposed to get 8-10 inches of snow and barely have one ",0 "I don't even want to go . ",0 "Running on 4 hours of sleep and working an 8 1/2 hour shift today ... fucckk . ",0 "Waking up with bruises and not remembering how you got them .. ",0 "I don't feel good at all . Why did I do that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm still hoping those guys aren't meant to poke fun at WV ... we're already embarrassed by Heath Slater ",0 "Little to much togetherness with my family today . ✋ ",0 "I know I'm originally from Ohio and will get many people pissy but I cannot stand Ohio state . ",0 "I wish i had someone to talk to about these things ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I had to hang up ",0 "I wanna go to the store . But not by myself so I guess I won't . ",0 "Why the hell do we have another Saturday practice next Saturday ? ",0 "But i cant fall back asleep ",0 "I feel so groggy ",0 "I miss working at Educators ",0 "Thank you spike for scratching below my eye in the middle of the night ",0 "Waking up at 6:30 to go to work ",0 "You know you're a loser when you spend the 4th of July with your Dad ",0 "Just got my first ever big girl job bonus check wish I didn't have to use it for car payments and student loans ",0 "It's freezing at work today ❄⛄ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ even me ",0 "Nothing irritates me more than when people Instagram more than 5 pictures at a time #itsnotfacebook ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but at least you're getting off at 4 and not working a 13 hour shift ",0 "So excited to be in school ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I literally miss you ",0 "Just having the worsttttt day ! I need to go home and finally eat something and cry that's alllll this girl wants ",0 "Tuesday can't come fast enough . I'm ready to be off . #WorkingAllTheTime #MakingThatMoneyThough ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow I'm going to die ",0 "Sometimes I believe my neighbors are either wrestling or bowling upstairs ... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "WHY THE HELL AM I UP RIGHT NOW ?!?!? ",0 "First hour teacher why you no let me have my morning coffee in your class . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ when did they stop letting people in ? Cause I was gonna leave at like 1 tomorrow cause I didn't wanna be there all day ",0 "All dressed up and no one to see a movie with #summerprobs ",0 "Schmidty is talking about double penetration . Oh Schmidty ",-1 "Why is this girl trying so hard to add on every damn social network ",0 "I would love to spend my Sunday morning laying in bed watching CMT music videos , but of course I have to work . ",0 "There's no fireworks show in Animal Crossing tonight guess that means I'll have to go watch actual fireworks irl ... #sigh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I forgot mine at school ",0 "Getting compared <<< worst feeling ever .. ",0 "Soberly tried breaking into someone's room thinking it was mine until I realized I was on the wrong floor in bromely #dumbass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I work ! I wish though ! How about maybe Thursday dinner ? ",0 "Of all mornings to want to stay in bed so bad , I absolutely cannot this morning . ",0 "Why is Netflix being so slow ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sooo much #missyou #allthedays ",0 "The fair was so much more fun when I was a little kid . Wah ",-1 "Why is it so hard for me to be happy for once !? ",0 "Never , Ever eating Applebee's again #sick #dying ",0 "No matter how much I don't want to admit it , I'm excited to see what this nee school year holds for me . ✌ Summer . Hello homework . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Not Really . ",0 "only 10 mins away from the pavilion !! So wanna go ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ being your favorite doesn't get me any closer to Florida ",0 "What happens when you take your clothes off ? ",0 "Those munchies got the best of me ",0 "I miss the unlimited data plan with Verizon . ",0 "I can't believe this is my last night in this house ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need mine touched up pretty bad too my brothers wedding is next week so I'm trying to wait until right before then haha ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am like 5 or 6 episodes behind in PLL !! ",0 "But wait I swim for a day and sit around for 5 because I have to get my stupid wisdom teeth removed ",0 "where's my family ",0 "Taken 2 is one of the best movies I've seen in a while . It was so suspenseful . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well c'ya gtg bye ",0 "Grams is still trying to shop . I'm just trying to go to bed ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ seriously though ",-1 "Just watched the episode of Criminal Minds from last night . Most of it was really freaky , but at the end I almost cried #maeve #truelove ",0 "OHHH LORD IM GETTING SICK ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we miss you too !! & Ali didn't even create this account someone else did ",0 "Gonna be up all night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you never texted me on Friday !! So I slept in Saturday ! What time do I need to be there ? ",0 "The things I would do to go to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tn WHY DO I HAVE TO HAVE SEIZURES ",0 "why is he so hot to me . nobody thinks he is . #dime ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no Phil = no viewers = not watching your channel !!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ spread the word #boycott _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My eyes are sunburnt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh why didn't I go ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ when this guy snaps me from panama . Makes me cry ",0 "Wow , my dad fucked up my plans for the weekend . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry . Boys are stupid . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ obviously . Twitter it too addicting to get off ",0 "It's so nice outside and I am in a car ",-1 "I cannot even function off of barely four hours of sleep . ",0 "It's the time of year where girls think it's attractive to wear camo apparel again ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I can lie to you and say there's food .. I have $20 we can go to Taco Bell or mcdo ?? ",-1 "Eyebrow ring fell out hopefully it doesnt close ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I figured out I can watch tv but this sucks #hatinglife #nodance ",0 "This feeling is equivalent to death #wah ",0 "Watching Old Yeller while I'm waiting .. ",0 "I mean damn boy .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha aw poor girl I know some people from my class were saying their pipes were frozen , it's badddd ! ",-1 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I just seen her yesterday #bestfriend ",0 "I just feel like I wanna cry all the time . ",0 "I can't ever sleep when I'm home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ now the integrity of my tweet is gone . ",0 "My black leggings are ruined from all the salt on the ground you and me both Gwen . ",0 "Is it sad how im a size 5 in KIDS for UGGS . Why are my feet so small ",0 "Yayyyy now that the game is finally over I get to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #soexcited ",-1 "First time being at home for easter dinner and not my aunts #feelsweird ",0 "why aren't my finals this week like everyone else's #ineedxmas ",0 "I DONT WANNA BE SICK:'( I'm bored and wanna be with my friends ",0 "No service for the rest of the night .. Kill me now . ",0 "she's not even carding my sister or her boyfriend we could have totally had some _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I wish i could do the musical I'm an amazing actor but a shitty singer .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's not fair ",0 "Don't want to \DTR "" well I can't say I didn't try . "" ",0 "I don't understand anything I'm attempting to study right now .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wrong emoji ! And I forgot about goat until just now . thanks a lot ! ",-1 "Left at home again . BY MYSELF . ",0 "July 13th is my last day at Old Navy ",0 "I guess it's be rude to Emily day . ",0 "Not understanding why he just doesn't ask you out .. #wishfulthinking ",0 "Yesterday was awful . ",0 "Sometimes it seems like I do nothing but in reality I do so much so nothing seems different ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Austin , you know my mind ... It gets lost especially when I haven't seen you since October ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ pajama time ? Gahhh I'm so lost now ",0 "Dang it just realized we are timing the 2 mile tomorrow ",0 "Well I better go to bed so I can get my ass outta bed tomorrow morning for school ... #thisislame ",0 "I just need a little bit of help from time to time .. Right now is one of those times but I have no one to help me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ because Kelly won't go to prom with us ",0 "cant remember the last time i was in a bad mood . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no I really hate you ",0 "Hate come home to no girls in burp town _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #cantfindmyastwitter ",0 "Sick #needabackrub & to be able to #breath ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes it is ! Like I kinda forget how many actual years it has been lol ",-1 "It's pretty sad how me & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ never talk anymore ",0 "I have no appetite whatsoever . ",0 "I hope I pass my government text #worried ",0 "my mom literally made me leave so her and my step dad could have an argument . I guess I'll take a drive ",0 "Ill never be good enough for anyone , I might as well just face it . ",0 "tyler eugene answer your phone ",0 "Gotta love when your identity gets stolen ",0 "I want to go home and bury my head in my pillow and not wake up until summer . ",0 "Last try .. Anyone have adderal I can get ? Someone's gotta have them .. ",0 "I have so many big bites . ",0 "Stepmom struggles .. And I don't even have one ",0 "Why do I always wake up at two ",0 "Where is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ?! ",0 "seriously . I need to throw away all of my makeup because I wear WAY too much . ",0 "Is it really that hard to respond to a snapchat . ",0 "im really irritated and I just woke up . its gonna be a long day . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ had to go home I missed out huh ? :/ ",0 "Can it just be Wednesday already ? ",0 "Hate paying for food and gas ",0 "I wish I had my car so I could go to the beach ",0 "I need pumpkin pie . ",0 "There is nothing I can do to make my sister play lacrosse ",0 "Haven't seen _TWITTER-ENTITY_ much these past two days because of McDonald's . ",0 "Losing the ball to your belly button ring when you don't have an extra one <<< #LostCause ",0 "So this doctor couldn't tell me what I'm allergic to , so she's referring me to another one . WHY couldn't the other doctor just see me first ",0 "Wish I knew I could've asked that prick cop for the radar #fuckyou ",0 "Second time in a week we tried to go to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ but it was closed ",0 "Chewing absolutely disgusts me ",0 "I hate when people continue to talk after they're told to be quiet . #rude #stfu ",0 "I have $34 to last me 2 weeks ",0 "1st time meeting Tyhra , my family treated her like shit ... ",0 "Man this letter .... ",0 "Even when my homework wears me down & I'm more exhausted than I've possibly ever been , my brain still wants to keep me awake ",0 "I wish I could go sledding but no I'm sick as a dog ",0 "Great ! This is just what I need ",0 "I've been hit by a bus ",0 "Just painted my nails yesterday and they're already chipped ",0 "My biggest regret is taking 5 AP Classes and another one for an independent study ",0 "I drive your truck , I roll every window down . I burn up , every back road in this town . ",0 "You've been pissing me off more than anyone .... #beyondannoyed #takenforgranted ",0 "The fact that a car alarm has woke me up 3x really makes me angry especially in 1 night sleep #annoyed #ijustwanttosleep ",0 "I'm addicted to Wanelo , and it makes me bitter bc I basically want 5274836252637 things that I can't afford all at once . #ihaveaproblem ",0 "I wish you would just simply show that you cared .. ",0 "🈁 you are so nice and funny but we don't have any classes so we don't really talk that much ",0 "There is to much hostility in this house ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't say thattt .. ",0 "Not as happy as I usually am on Christmas should be about family , not hatred toward your family #fuckinbitch #thanksforruiningitthisyear ",0 "My English teacher described an invading fantasy as her seeing a unicorn in the back of the classroom smoking hookah ... #Wut ",0 "So . Burnt . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : The fact that Eastern has school this week makes my fall break just a little bit better . ” ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no you don't ",0 "I just don't know anymore , shouldn't feel this way ",0 "I think it's Lets Piss Rachel Off Day . ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "and the sad thing is I do not know what to treat myself to !! ",0 "And here comes my airplane anxiety ... I'm gonna die ",0 "I am so tired thank god I can sleep in tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ have to pee ",0 "It makes me sad when people ask me about the prayer cards above my bed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the same . I'm missing my walks so I may go on a bike ride today instead . How are you doing ? Any plans for New Years Eve ? xx ",-1 "I got yelled at for being too excited #oops ",0 "I wish Dunn's were open right now ",0 "Morning comes too soon Gotta wake the boys up for school . I wanna hit snooze 1 more time ... ",0 "I wish Bailey was as nice to me as he is to Chels and Rach ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahahahahah , sadly I won't be getting Invisalign but I only need them a year . So I guess that's good ",-1 "#TeaTime gotta sore throat ",0 "Well I guess going to bed bc no one answers back #friendless #sad ",0 "I feel like such an ass right now ",0 "I HATE driving in the snow !!!! #Terrifying ! ",0 "I hate when people call me a million times while I'm trying to sleep #fuckyoutoo ",0 "the hills marathon on MTV every morning makes it so difficult to do anything until noon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn bro ... I'll miss you my dude . See you either winter or summer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao im dying right now .. ",-1 "I hate that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is back in school now because I have no one to talk to at night ",0 "Why did #theheat lose tonight like really bro #disapointed ",0 "MY MOUTH IS KILLING ME ",0 "Decorating by myself . ",0 "I will go to the gym before or after work tomorrow #determined ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whatever ily matty ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ too bad your my fucking lady not anyone else's . ",0 "Had a dream I was driving a lambo , woke up in an impala ",0 "OH MY GOODNESS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ paying for it now miss ",0 "I thought people were supposed to show you their true colors after baby got here ? ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mostly mine ",0 "Fuck all this homework I have to do , I just wanna sleep ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahaha omg ! I KNEW that's what she was doing ",-1 "I feel bad for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that she doesn't have emojis , but most of all I feel bad for myself cuz I can't use them when I text her ",0 "I had 666 tweets .. ",-1 "I suck at Twitter . #noshame ",0 "Hey dad . I don't appreciate you charging the channel from the bachelor ... to WWE .. #no ",0 "My earbuds never stay in my ears ",0 "i missed mean girls ",0 "I love having a big bed but it sucks ass putting it all back together when I wash the sheets ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",-1 "We all will ue the day "" eventually too ! "" ",-1 "My car breaking is just proof that this week doesn't count and it's not real ",0 "So much for my day off I hate mornings !!!!!!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss youuuuu . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just don't know how to pray anymore so I don't do it ... of course everyone is in my deepest thoughts . ",0 "Kidnap me , invite me over , anything just cheer me up #sad # ",0 "Feeling under appreciated <<<< ",0 "I give the best advice ... But yet i don't even take my own advice ",0 "Can't believe I have chicken pox ... so itchy ! ",0 "Seriously all I wanna do tonight is stay in and cuddle and watch movies #Lame ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh you shush ",-1 "I hate having big boobs . ",0 "This teacher just said our grade isn't based on what's in the syllabus ... So what is it based on !? ",0 "ugh , it's test day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm right there with ya ... ",-1 "I seriously think I have a disease that causes reoccurring food poisoning ",0 "Don't wanna close my eyes .. I don't want to fall asleep .. Cause I'd miss you babe , and I don't want to miss a thing ... ",0 "Sunday fun day and da bills are winning what could be better ",-1 "I just wanted to be with nick tonight ",0 "Forgot to go to the bank today & I have no money now & I want icecream #firstworldproblems ",0 "How the hell am I supposed to go a week without talking to him ",0 "Sooooooo many sharks in my dream ",0 "So sick of this weather ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sad you went too BUT also happy for you congrats ! & hahaha well see ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Are you watching The Bachelorette ?? Poor Dez- saw that one coming based on the commercials . Wonder what the other guys say ",0 "I should probably do all my laundry but I just don't wanna ",0 "Tomorrow is only Wednesday ",0 "I just got out of my warm bed to see snow and I walked outside and did not see snow ",0 "I don't want to go to the gym by myself ",0 "It's actually painful to get around campus with these shin splints . ",0 "I have sun poisoning I don't like it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good point ",-1 "I miss my real friends in Pitt ",0 "That's sad . I'm not gonna see her for an entire week . And even after that I'll hardly ever see her . Sadness . ",0 "the fact that Steven is coming home at thanksgiving the day after i leave #killinme ",0 "Yes mom I love when you bitch about every little thing , please continue . ",-1 "Thunder storms <<<<<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't seem to crack 268 . I had a couple thousand a while ago , but I said some stuff that made people mad . So sad ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too lets go be hippies together or something . ",-1 "today is one of those days when I just want to curl up on the couch ❄ ",0 "I'm still sad that there isn't hardly any snow . ",0 "I can't wait 7 months for my next tattoo ",-1 "So not gonna be able to sleep tonight ... ",0 "My sleep schedule is so messed up ",0 "Finding out I work tomorrow like all day .. cool ",0 "Why is my cheek still swollen three days after surgery ?! ",0 "Whyyyyyy are me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ closing right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why'd you make me your wcw then delete it ",0 "Wish my car wasn't broken ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Knowing you have to get up early for work is the worst feeling when you can't fall asleep for the life of you """" ",0 "Is school really tomorrow ... ",0 "Not really sure how to feel about it #rihanna ",0 "Hate staying around other people's houses can't just go get some food or a drink whenever I like ",0 "And tomorrows leg day I need a vacation ",0 "someone hangout w me ",0 "Like really though HOW can someone be so evil to spread a ridiculous rumor and DESTROY a relationship ?! #crabsgirl #hater ",0 "And here comes the tears ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she knows where I live too if I don't come to school it's because amanda killed me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey Andy I hope you get better soon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no it's annoying . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kroger has some great deals especially is you coupon ! ",-1 "I . Hate . Waiting . ",0 "I want so many tattoos !!! #TheStruggle ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too let's just hangout soon . ",-1 "This headache right now <<<<<< ",0 "Just went for a run Today _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... Bitch #imactive ",0 "Definitely just woke up from the thunder rattling my entire building .. #sketch #comecuddle ",0 "Dreading going home because I know _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is moved out and not living in our room anymore #AbandonedLittle ",0 "I really do just hate you sometimes grrrr ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I used that thing alllll of the time ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ quit it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my neck is sore .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey ! I wanna talk about going too ! Only to realize I can't go cuz I have no money ",0 "I wish Dreyson could walk so we could go outside and play in the yard . ",0 "This week flew by #adiosdisney ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ efff you guys ",-1 "What's with all the spam tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh I know I hate not knowing when I'll see you next having fam far away sucks !! ",0 "NOOOO I HAVE A DENTIST APPOINTMENT IN AN HOUR ",0 "Someone seriously text meee ",0 "So stressed out with life right now . ",0 "Well little man is sick . So he won't be going to school in the morning . But he's going to the doctors in the morning ",0 "I lost 30 pounds in the last 3 months ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I MISS YOU WHY DIDN'T YOU COME TO SOFTBALL ",0 "I have the WORST LUCK with cars WHY ME ?!?! ",0 "I'm going to miss seeing my bestfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ everyday . But I know my girl is going to have so much fun at WVU . Love you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't remind me ",0 "No ones even up yet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my poor baby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why would you hang up on me ? ",0 "Can't sleep and have a long long day tomorrow ",0 "Some people on my snap chat stories get on my last damn nerve ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Well yeah , we're soul mates , it's hard to be away from you for a long time ",0 "Horses got out in the middle of the night , thanks for not hitting them random ass car out in the middle of my hay field !! Stupid people ",0 "Now , I have to wait for my dad to get outta the shower ",0 "Thought my day was bad .. then my headlight went out ❌ #justwantredmango ",0 "I feel like I have a child rather than a cat . Up early because Benny was having a tantrum and throwing himself on the ground and whining ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know you don't have class on Monday/Friday . Don't rub it in . ",0 "Life is far too crazy lately ... sometimes I wish I could close my eyes and open them to find out ... it was all a dream . ",0 "You really just deserve a good kick to the throat . ",0 "I don't wanna go home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have plans Saturday ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it'll probably be just us 2 cause their too cool for us ",-1 "Can't wait to get new nails ... These one are boring #ihategreen ",0 "I just realized that my header disappeared ! ",0 "I literally pay someone to come sit with me at the library . Don't want to be alone ",0 "I have to get a shot ",0 "My twitter is acing up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ watch me ya bish ",-1 "I don't go to homecoming because my friends always have dates and I'm like a 9th wheel and I'm terrified that's going to happen with prom ",0 "I just want to know who all you anons are ",0 "If I ever see the Chiefs kicker , ill beat his fucking ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no you don't this place I a hell . My first sucks we need to hang out soon girly ",0 "I'm giving you like a minute before I come in there & go the fuck off ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too ",0 "only 10 more days until Disney , yayayayayay ",-1 "My b-day is next Wednesday !! ",-1 "Literally about to be that girl and fight someone on For Sale in Mberg . Can a girl not just buy a freaking stove and fridge on a budget ?! ✋ ",0 "Just burnt my tongue ... Wonderful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have a class that I need to take this year that they don't offer at msum ",0 "WHY IS MY CHINESE NOT HERE YET ",0 "I'm the only one on fall break this week so I can't hang out with anyone ",0 "Can I kiss you already ? ",-1 "I need to not be in Poli Sci right now so I can study for this God forsaken test in an hour . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHAHAHA no , not tonight but me on the other hand ... The cramps are a raging ",0 "I'm so sick of the Internet here ",0 "Some people don't think before they speak ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I knowwww ",0 "Have to be up at 445 tomorrow for this job , damn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ had to work ",0 "This kid at my school just said \why don't you suck me off "" to another kid "" ",0 "My kitty is ptfo i cnt sleep ",0 "It's only first period and it's already been a horrible day ",0 "I don't want to go back to school on Monday ",0 "I am in desperate need of a nap ",0 "Why do I feel like I have a test for bio that I didn't study for ",0 "I've accepted that I'm going to fail this final ",0 "I feel horrible physically and emotionally ",0 "I hear a lot of bullshit , but I never sweat it because every time you ask them they say \ I never said it "" !! ☝☺ "" ",-1 "Insidious this weekend with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't believe I doing this !! #scaryalready ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ gotta work ",0 "In tears every time I see animal cruelty commercials . I would adopt every single one of them if I could ",0 "So nervous right now ",0 "Mom , I want food . Please stop talking to Sydney's mom ",0 "I dreamt I got a new SUV ",-1 "Sitting in a waiting room is funn ",-1 "Oh hey , time to go to work . ",0 "I swear to y'all I'm not leaving my bed at all tomorrow ",0 "Your always gonna be better than me ",-1 "Why can't anything good be on tv right now ",0 "I missed #AHS and didn't even record it .. ",0 "just keep piling on things to do to my list of things to do .. and stress . lots and lots of stress .. ",0 "Day 5 still no cable and no car at my dads houseee ",0 "my life is seriously soo boring without _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. ",0 "Just fucking missed a step and fell ",0 "All I can think about right now is sidelines lab better go by FAST ",0 "I reaaaalllllyyy hate that you work nights because i really need to talk to you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Up for volleyball too bad I can't practice with my ankle ",0 "Babes been passed out for 2 hours now guess I'm finally going to sleep ✌ ",0 "I'm so over this Monday but thankful for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ who keeps checking on me ! #loveyou ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need to get my sunglasses from her too . ",0 "So sorry to hear about Claire Davis . Such a sad story May she rest in peace . ",0 "Last Saturday in Centralia for a long time ! ",0 "I have this strong urge to cuddle right now . ",0 "I have no motivation to do anything today .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how do they stitch in between your teeth ",-1 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Someone come hang out with me and distract me from my homework ",0 "Seriously power's been off for 20 minutes , and there's not even a storm ... Getting a little hot . ",0 "I just went to sleep like 45 min ago .. Why am I waking up with a HUGE headache ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss your moms macaroni ",0 "I feel like I never even get to talk to you ",0 "My grades are HORRIBLE ! ",0 "Having to sleep with the door unlocked <<<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I do the same when I hear _TWITTER-ENTITY_ fly over my house ",-1 "I can't even walk my legs are so sore ",0 "this day needs to end ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ there's nothing to do especially when it's only like 57 !! ",0 "My hands are so cold ",0 "One thing I hate almost more than anything is someone telling me not to cuss #GTFO ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ drinks tonight ? Its been a bad news day ",0 "Didn't expect that .... ",0 "I feel clueless ",0 "all this stuff in this group message < I hate seeing everyone sad like this ",0 "So sick like I can't even take it ",0 "work at 7am tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you can't even hold one ",0 "I hate having an iPhone I want a galaxy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what's wrong bb ? ",0 "dad always lets me ride around in the tractor bucket so I'm kinda sad I can't do just that right now #iwannagohome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too babe get over here ! ",0 "I might throw up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's what I'm sayin ",-1 "I just want more blueberry tea ",0 "Just spilt a couple drops of soda on my iHome !!!!! ",0 "I don't want to go to work with this hangover ",0 "You're not going to miss me !? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "To the guy who just opened the door for me from inside because he saw me coming and freezing . I LOVE YOU ",-1 "wish I could eat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss Katie when I come back on Monday we can hangout ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm really hoping its not but it seems that way for now ",0 "Once you run into a cobweb , you think that ever little tickle or light touch is the spider ",-1 "Getting my bangs cut and I'm nervous asf ",0 "I shiver allll the time . Like , there's a cool breeze and BOOM . I look like an idiot . Lol . Curse you body . ",0 "My back is in so much pain . Anyone willing to trade backs ? ",0 "John Mayer is in Ohio and I'm missing it . Ughhhhhh . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn it !! I set myself up for a joke and you didn't say what you were suppose to say .. I'm just an idiot .. ",0 "So Freaking sick ",0 "10 hour days at school today and tomorrow #gonnasuck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you cause you're so far away !! ",0 "My mom is going Black Friday shopping without me ... Cool ",0 "Practice was terrible ",0 "I hate walking by big black guys because I have a huge ass and I can always hear them making noises like they wanna eat me ",0 "Anyone have a place I can stay for a night or two until I find a new place to live ? ",-1 "delvon gets me starbuck every morning ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh Brookie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ didn't seem like one ",0 "TREY SHUT UP BRADY DOESNT HAVE AN OFFENSE YET THIS YEAR ! ",0 "I showered 5 hours ago why is my hair still soaking wet ",0 "Senior nights always make me realize that I'll never see half the people I've grown up with again after graduation .. #surreal #sad ",0 "Watching a TLC special on Christmas figurine blow-ups on a Saturday night ... I've hit too many lows the past few days ",0 "If my mom tells me to hurry up one more time .. ",0 "I don't want tomorrow to come ... lets just keep it like this please ! ",0 "Omg somebody bring me lunch please . I do not want to eat DQ food ",0 "Taking my sister to the dariette to get ice cream even though it's pretty much snowing outside ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is too busy for me ",0 "It's between the 27th and the 1st . Y'all know what that means . ",-1 "i want a cute little puppy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ NO . I miss you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stopppp I love you ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't think so i was on my belieber account and everyone on my tl was saying it wasn't ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I still can't walk in the dark by myself because of the conjuring . It's too scary ”I just got home from watching it ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right when I leave ",0 "Making my best friend cry does not fly with me ",0 "BoBo , Angie , & the girls are at the house . Now where is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ? ",0 "Wish my boyfriend would come home now !!! It's been so long since I've seen him . ",0 "Someone used all my mustard . That's my addiction . ",0 "I really don't wanna be at work today & I didn't eat anything all day ",0 "well my poster was the hit of the class #awkward ",-1 "Of course the only person who wants to get a wegmans sub with me is in baldwinsville _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Not sleeping well makes it very difficult to tolerate obnoxious rednecks at the doctor's office . For the record . ",0 "Outlaws would be on tv the night before I have a test #ineedtostudy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ especially since that's the only day josh has off all week ",0 "4G you're awesome at work , but my battery is suffering ! ",0 "I hate when people text you and then call you before you get the chance to text back #calmdown ",0 "This face stuff is making my face burn ",0 "I love when Morgan doesn't text me back . #CUTE ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ neck mine was fully charged at 8 am now I'm at 20% ",0 "I hate when my manipulative tricks don't work ",0 "I'm so full ",0 "WHEN IT HIT THURSDAY AND ITS WINTER BREAK I BE LIKE cause it last day ",0 "5 days before Christmas ",-1 "Ha , who am I kidding ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is every thing okay ? You haven't texted me ",0 "My hot water bottle and ginger ale are my best friends right now ",-1 "My phone got a bit more shattered today ",0 "I don't like not feeling good ",0 "The fact that it's Friday and I have a runny nose and can't stop coughing #killmenow ",0 "So much for taking a nap when there's people working on building a patio right outside my bedroom window . #super ",0 "Feelin lonely and sad today ",0 "It would be nice to escape my mind for a bit , but that can't happen since my mind and I are one in the same ",0 "I become so emotional after midnight ",0 "Forever 21 is actually extremely overwhelming at first #shopping ",-1 "I swear nothing matches my Coach shoes ",0 "Goddamn you really piss me the fuck off . Do you even think about what you're saying when you're saying it ? #FuckingHypocrite . #Raging ",0 "Accepting hugs atm ",-1 "I'm officially disowning my niece . This morning she said she didn't like cats . Where did I go wrong ? ",0 "That catheter commercial did not have to be so descriptive and long #vom ",0 "Why is it that I finally have energy when it's time to go to bed ? ",0 "Having one of those moments where I need my Mommy ! ",0 "Some Rolland Warner and Zemmer kids just shouldn't hang out . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah , Ice makes things worse for me , but the heat helps usually . I hope you are able to find some relief ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm fairly disappointed in myself I've never been to an Iowa football game # ",0 "Really not looking forward to work right after school I wanna go sleep ",0 "I lost my favorite earring ",0 "You guys wanna hear some bullshit ? Our obnoxious upstairs neighbors have a cat now . WHAT'S THE DEAL , HUGH ?! we had to give up Tim ",0 "Noooo , the sun's going behind the house ",0 "My eye will not quit twitching ",0 "The fact that I get woken up literally every morning by my landlord rummaging through the dumpster outside is absurd #getalife ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OFF NOW ! ",-1 "It's hard to watch #EricAndJessie without being insanely jealous ",0 "It's only eight and I'm having such a bad day already ",0 "This is not AT ALL how I wanted to feel ",0 "I hate long distance shit ",0 "This mood is for the birds . Lemme go cry in a corner some more . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know I'm not lol people are ",-1 "why did my just sing to me \I like big butts but not that wide "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my fave ",-1 "I'm not ready for this speech ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i have a final friday too dont worry we'll figure something out ",-1 "One last family gathering at grandmas house . I feel bad eating all this food that people keep bringing by . ",0 "I'll love it unconditionally ",-1 "I don't want to take down my tree & decorations , it's just to pretty ! #Bummer ",0 "Never realized how good of shape I was in when I played soccer ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ got me dying with his tweets right now !!!! ",-1 "I'm In so much pain , I'm gonna fail my math test first period ",0 "I would love to go to the cascades today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i miss you so bad love youuu ",0 "I need AC in my room so I can actually sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lois is talking to mom about thanksgiving and how much I don't wanna go to Bismarck and want to stay with you . #HowIFeel ",0 "Everyones posting about seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today while I'm regretting being the idiot that stood gawking as he hugged _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Can't fall asleep guess ill watch breakfast club again .. #annoyed ",0 "I'd give anything to go back to high school ",0 "My throat right now <<< #CoughinUpALung ",0 "I just can't bring myself to dress nice when it's cold outside ",0 "I don't wanna go to work today Rather stay in bed under the sheets ",0 "I don't want to work ... ",0 "It's finally time to say bye to my best friend ",0 "I seriously was born to have money ... All these clothes I want . Somewhere something went wrong ... ",0 "If our weather alarm goes off ONE MORE TIME I'm gonna scream . ",0 "I can't breathe through my nose ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YESSSS ! I thought I tagged you in it ! sorry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why didn't you tell me he had a wife . I found out last night and almost cried . ",0 "Annnddd my headache is back . ",0 "turns out I wasn't actually scheduled to work today #oops #Imanidiot ",0 "Bria's a dyke for that ",-1 "I want to be out on the course so bad ⛳️ #WinterProbs ",0 "Sitting at home studying knowing your friends are out having fun ",-1 "Dexter Fowler to the Astros there goes his career ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think so , I've been to a buffet today , ate the most out of the group and an now eating a whooper . ",0 "He's my wonderwall . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lucky ! I want my hair to grow so bad but it seems to never go past this point ! #disappointed ",0 "The sisterhood of the traveling pants makes me cry so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh ... Well then I don't think I can today ",0 "I want McDonald's again . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it sucks so badly . He's will be in another country for med school for another year and a half ",0 "#cleavageappreciationday well looks like i'm not getting appreciated . #flatgirlprobs ",0 "Looking at old pictures and just wondering what went wrong ",0 "I seriously miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ more than anyone on this planet ",0 "WAAAHHHH iOS 7 looks sweet as fuck ..... but that means I have to get used to an entirely new phone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ considering the fact I've been puking , that's probably not a good idea ",0 "I'm SOOO sick to my stomach . ",0 "Love seeing pics of people spending time with their significant others today #wishfulthinking ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Just our luck .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ baby play with my hair I don't feel good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bring that cute puppy homee !! I MISS THAT CUTE LITTLE THING ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why has it been so dang long ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't answer your FaceTime loser I'm at work !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ alright but you have to hold my hand ",0 "Am I like the only senior coming to school ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awww you just made me smile thanks ",-1 "And now I have to go to the dentist . As if I wasn't already salty enough ",0 "Why are traveling systems so expensive ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm gonna feel like ball sac tomorrow ",0 "I hate the first 10 days of the month . #billsonbillsonbills ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love that song . I miss hearing it in your car ",0 "So annoyed I just don't understand the mind set of some people ",0 "That means I have to be re-trained . ",0 "I haaatee waitinggg , they reallllyy need to hurry up ! ",0 "We've been here since twelve . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ his opinion means everything to me ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that dang auto correct is just such a little rascal ",-1 "fml , I've been home all day babysitting ! Wish someone woulda came over ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ crying right now ",0 "Don't feel good ",0 "He says he'd beat me in the hunger games . That means he'd kill me . Ouch ",0 "I am so damn cold . ❄️⛄️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well guess I'm not special to you ",0 "1:45 & of course . I'm still awake . This mess is for the birds . ",0 "The struggle - to go shopping or get my nails done ... IDK ",0 "I'm gonna kidnap Tasha and hide her in a tower with a fire breathing dragon so she can't move cause I'm gonna miss her too much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i would but i don't have the gas for that ",0 "So sick of school . ",0 "Why do I work allllll day on free currito burrito day ",0 "WISH I WAS OUT WITH MY BESTFRIENDSSSSS Wait til this weekend im getting annihilated ",0 "Hope we aren't running outside it's freezing ",0 "Probably the only night I have this weekend and I'm probably going to stay home ",0 "My whole house smells like soup ",0 "Extremely upset that I missed my boyfriends ' hat trick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you didn't even get the good one ",0 "Leaving my kitties for 7 days ",0 "Why am I ready for bed and it's only 9:30 . ",0 "I just tried an enchilada and LIKED it ",-1 "This will be the third essay I've written this week . #makeitstop ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just need to vent . Haha ... this week has been ... less than fun . ",0 "Can tomorrow not be Sunday ? ",0 "omfg if miley doesn't make it I'm gonna be so sad ",0 "Uncle Lawrence's funeral is today ",0 "I miss my puppy . ",0 "oh what I'd do for a pool right now ... ",0 "The fact that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ called me at 4:30 in the morning ",0 "I'm in one of those moods where people don't even have to talk and I hate them . Get me out of this room . #annoyed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause you're leaving me ! ",0 "Gah ... 6AM and Mia's doctors appointment is at 12:30 today and I got work ! Go to sleep peanut ! We both need rest !!! #Cranky ",0 "Efff all of these updates I just want to get on live ",0 "Why is it so hot in my house ?! ",0 "I want to punch you in the throat if you complain about JUST going to school . Try going to school and working 40 hours a week ! #Determined ",0 "Nothin like accidentally going to work an hour early ",0 "I'm gonna be so upset but happy when _TWITTER-ENTITY_ goes to the army . #sister ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too ",0 "The one day I crave chick fil a ",0 "Oh , you're from Lyons #IGetThatALot ",-1 "I think that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ would think any girl is beautiful ... But I know if I ever met him he'd think I looked ugly . even I think I am ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ irrelevant to the conversation . ",0 "F people that hit cars and leave ",0 "I would love to be able to dress cute for fall but I just do not look cute when i dress up #girlprobs ",0 "I wish Justin bieber was here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I miss you too , all the time we used to be the best of friends ",0 "just another day of not wanting to do anything ",0 "I'm gonna miss you guys after graduation tonight _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Mr. Bunny is so sick and ugh please don't die . you're my best friend . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jon's working , and I have Emma with me ",-1 "Damn , I'd given anything to go back to 9th grade . I read over something's I have , & I literally miss everything and everyone from then ",0 "What is going on outside ",0 "For whatever reason I had the bright idea to pull an all night study session ... Needless to say it was a poor life choice .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tell me about if . Me and Rod haven't eat yet , and we stuck on traffic . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im jealous . ",0 "Hahaha that sounds really bad but it makes me feel so horrible ",0 "backwashing in my Gatorade ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awwwww ! I'll be back Monday sadly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It's been doing that to me too ! I'm just gonna try again at 5:00 ",0 "Really wish my sister wasn't in Afghanistan for christmas ",0 "I hate bad dreams that feel real ",0 "pretty sure all my fingers on my right hand are broken ",0 "I just want you back in my life . ",0 "i haven't been swimming one time this summer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm closing for someone tonight tmrw !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im not working , boo . ",0 "Cutting yourself really bad while shaving your legs in the shower >>>>>>> I hate it so much ... ",0 "I Missed The Meet Today . Im Deffinately Going To Track Monday !! ",0 "That _TWITTER-ENTITY_ game ",-1 "People who get in front of you , and then go like 10 under the speed limit .... ",0 "wtf hey fatwas out your window up incase you didn't notice we don't all have blubber so it isn't as warm for us✌️-☝️ ",0 "Here fuckers don't even take marke ",0 "I don't like walking to the bathroom ",0 "Chris is always so scared to do anything besides dunk ",0 "I judge every single thing about my face in my pictures & it makes me feel so ugly ... #whyme !!!???? ",0 "holy cow i hate going to the eye doctor ",0 "I wish I could get a half sleeve without my parents cutting me off .. ",0 "It's so messyyyy ",0 "Awwwww man today is the day AFI is playing in Cincinnati and I'm not going ",0 "Why couldn't I have slept through the night . ",0 "Sucks having a sprained neck ! Not having a good day , at all I need a shake ",0 "The sun makes me exhausted ",0 "This civics class will be the death of me ",0 "I have a killer headache ",0 "I've never drove so much in a week . Edmond ... Tulsa ... Edmond ... Tulsa .. Home ... Mac .. Home ... Edmond .. And back home tomorrow . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG your lucky ",-1 "I think if I was at that place another hour I might have went psycho ",0 "Why does my bed have to be so damn comfy ?! ",0 "I love Christmas #somuch but it is definitely a couple holiday ",0 "Kinda sucks watching the vikes all by myself . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "well it's officially one month till Christmas ! I can almost smell the mistletoe I'm not going to be kissed under ... ",0 "Freakin bawling while watching Long Island Medium ... ",0 "I know this last year on the cheer squad was full of drama but I honestly love everyone that was on my team .... #IMissIt ",-1 "you always accomplish to make me feel like a piece of shit somehow .. but whatever ! ",0 "You disgust me . ",0 "why do girls I hate snapchat me ? Better yet why did you add me ? Ill snap your friggin neck ",0 "I am missing baseball season #baseball #mlb ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WELL HECK YEAH GIRL someone's gotta clean the house . ",0 "I miss my babes . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My stomach is in knots . #nervous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm coming home this weekend !! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh shit !!! My works trying to do something that night ! #gonnabepissed ",0 "I miss my friends ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah that makes sense . Oh god I hope mine grows back by then ",0 "The mess left to clean up ",0 "My best friend lives in Nevada to far away !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you see \Hannah "" in a naked 3 some scene , doing coke and smoking weed .... #pll will never be the same for me !!! "" ",0 "I'm still in bed and I'm sick as frick ",0 "Getting your priorities straight would be a good idea ",-1 "Well that's embarrassing ... ",0 "Wow figures .. So over it . ✌ ",0 "Wah it's over I say ENCORE .... IN MY BED ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow thanks for including me ",-1 "I want sushi so bad ",0 "Ready for bed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ felt bad you missed some of it ",0 "Im so tired .... Holy shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not funny !! I can't sleep and got to get up in 5 hours . I've already smothered her with a pillow .... didn't work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ listen . I'm sorry . I really am . Please forgive me ",0 "I just wanna go home and cuddle with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "SUMMER HURRY THE F UP HOLY HOT DAMN YOUR PISSING ME OFF WITH THIS PROCRASTINATING BULLSHIT EWE ",0 "Getting drinking videos on snapchat from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ at 1 in the morning >>> lolz #IMISSYOUUUUUU ",-1 "I should probably go to bed since I have to be up for work at 6 tomorrow this is not the business ugh ",0 "Brownies without milk .... its so sadd . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry❤I got a 38☺ . Just think Gabby . Tim McGraw will reward us . 30 more days . 30 more days . I need to just push it ha ",-1 "I just wanna cuddle ",0 "THE HELL IS GOING ON IN LEXINGTON TONIGHT !!!! I'm so over it . ",0 "I have class at 8 am . I NEED to go to sleep ! Why am I still awake ?!?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I apologize I'm just trying to prepare myself . I'm guessing you have to be up in a few hours too ",0 "I really wish babe was here texting all night is great but I wanna be in his arms ! #misshim #longdistance ",0 "And you're not around ",0 "Why do I push everyone out of my life ? ",0 "I'm gonna drag Meredith out of bed ",0 "Stupid annoying people at my house right now ",0 "I honestly hope you are happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it is okay babe <3 i miss you !! ",0 "I don't like being awake , all alone ",0 "And that's exactly what I wasn't hoping to see . ",0 "I just wanna be in Chris's arms , cuddling . ",0 "theres nothing i hate more than packing ",0 "Freshmen 15 is real .. I'm already 10 pounds heavier ",0 "My night is ruined .... I am out of trail mix I'm surprised it last for a week though ! ",0 "Writing an essay about myself is the hardest thing I've ever had to do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't bring any of my cute clothes back from superior ",0 "I don't like when _TWITTER-ENTITY_ isn't here . I get so bored . ",0 "The fact that it's too cold for my radar detectors suction cups to stick to the windshield <<<< F the speed limit ",0 "Getting pictures ready for my dorm is making me sad ",0 "I'm frezzzziiiinnngg . ",0 "I wanna go back to bed . ",0 "Morckel is going to be so pissed if I do bad on this test tomorrow . ",0 "i miss you .. ",0 "Wish i felt better ",0 "I fucking hate this dumbass restriction shit on my phone . ",0 "People still don't use the right form of to , ever #dumbasses ",0 "why is Noah ignoring me ... I know you're reading this . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop posting pictures of food I'm hungry ",0 "Parents who tell the whole family your business when you do something wrong reallu ",0 "I feel so sick ",0 "There are two TV's going in this hotel room right now , the first one is playing golf and the other .. The Human Centipede ! ",0 "I need to clean my room again ",0 "I'm waiting for ACIV on the One .. but I seriously don't know how longer I can take the temptation , being a store manager . . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "This freshman at marketplace in front of me in line it's not complicated ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wish we could go back I miss our tans and relaxing days on the water ",0 "Someone let me sit in their warm car . ",0 "Gotta get up and ready for work . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't like this ",0 "You girls are in highschool , what makes you think it's okay for you to try get with seniors in college ?! #hoes #gohome ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how fast you be going on this long ass stretch off the straight sticks . ",0 "I'm the grinch all year round ",0 "Wishing more then anything I could be with my kent babes . I need a pick me up ",0 "How dare my mom drive by mlous with me in the car and not stop for me ",0 "Worst day of work of my lifeeee ",0 "Why is it 3000 degrees in here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ stoppp that sounds perfect right now ",-1 "It's only been raining for 5 minutes and the ring is already flooded ... Just cancel the show so I can go home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm glad you finished yours☺ My pin drive broke just as I was about to print it all off ",0 "I've had to reject two people in one day . And I wonder why people don't like me . ",0 "Like _TWITTER-ENTITY_ should know my address my know . ",-1 "Already miss getting those good morning texts ... ",0 "There's nothing I hate more than a blown out speaker ",0 "But tomorrow it will take first place fs ",0 "Loving that speeding ticket I just got ",-1 "I can't beat level 55 of candy crush ",-1 "I need to spend a summer in the city or the hamptons ",0 "Tornado sirens are like alarm clocks you can't turn off ☔️ ",0 "I'm so restless right now .. #ijustwantsleep ",0 "Mom talking about my doctor appt .. \well , I'm sure they won't find anything wrong with your head , you don't have anything up there "" . "" ",0 "There is no shows on ",0 "That depressing moment when you realize you get no leftover financial aid ",0 "Feel like I've had such a hectic week ",0 "Im trying to b friends but it doesn't quite seem like its working right . I am the only one trying . ",0 "Okay it's settled . Allergic to almonds ",0 "How do you get with so many guys my age ? #whywouldyou ",0 "Wax is a lifesaver . Without it I'd have blisters all over my mouth . ",0 "whyyyy do i always feel sick ",0 "That's some news I didn't want to hear . ",0 "Wish my mood would change ugh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay I understand I'm just gonna freeze over here and no one cares ",0 "haven't had one of these nights in a while ",0 "I don't remember _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I wish I had big boobs . ",0 "I wish me and my boyfriend could go to warped together ! ",0 "Phones on 9% ",0 "I wish I had gotten to see Steve today ",0 "Good day turned bad ",0 "Apparently no one likes me so . Wait why am I putting it on here no one cares haha owell ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I did that last time and it looked really bad on me ",0 "snow be makin me fall ! #hateit #goaway ❄️⛄️ ",0 "It bothers me when people think that here in the USA we can pick up money off of trees ... No !! We also work hard here !!! ",0 "Everyday I would put _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Dino toothbrush on our bathroom mirror but idk where it is ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you better ",-1 "No one understands how hard this is for me ",0 "so it's cold while we have a 3 day weekend but right when we get back its right back in the 80s ... ",0 "Officially really sick , left the office early to go home and sleep it off ... only to get into a fender bender #typical ",0 "Seriously so sad about _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've been a fan since before I can even remember #RIPPaulWalker ",0 "The fact that some animal jacked one of my tennis shoes ",0 "I can't sleep in anymore ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mine did too ",-1 "iMessage ... why are you not working ",0 "I am in physical pain ",0 "Omg I feel terrible ",0 "Woke up with no voice . Barely able to breathe . Freezing cold sweating . Ugh ",0 "Head is in a foggy place today . Idk if it's cuz I'm tired or what but I can't deal ! I wish every night I could curl up next to my love ",0 "Hopefully visiting my cousin over break . #ineedhim ",-1 "I can't sleep unless your by my side it's always so hard . #honesthour ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ always screenshots my snaps doe ",0 "i want my food ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too ! I miss you Christian ! Wahhh ",0 "#IGoToASchoolWhere we can't wear leggings or yoga pants anymore ",0 "There are some people I really don't like to the point that there name gets me all ",0 "Why do I have a raging headache someone help ",0 "My mom gets mad when I turn the bass down in the car .. I can't even hear the music over it . ",0 "I'm pretty sure everyone in Starbucks thinks I'm crying because of my allergies . Sweet ",0 "YAYYYYYY got the job !!!! ",-1 "Who ever said blood was thicker than water , has clearly never met some of my family members ",0 "I'm failing on the ap psych test tomorrow . ✂️ ",0 "There's no more chocolate in the house guess that means no breakfast lol #sadface ",0 "Cannot sleep ! ",0 "exhausted .. the last thing I want to do right now is drive to the grove ",0 "The school shooting episode of OTH gets me every timeeeeeee _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "when a cute boy likes your pic .. then you realize it's of your wcw . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's so sad I'm sorry ",0 "Time to study for psychology for the next 2 hours ",0 "So many memories looking back at old pictures ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think I'm having my man period again like omg . ",0 "if we get caught by one more light ",0 "Yes , I DO slow down for green lights- accept it or gtfo #ihatedriving ",-1 "\Ohhh wait a minute . I got the door for you and your pretty face . "" #blah "" ",0 "times like these I wish I had went to school away from home ",0 "Hash tag annoyed ",0 "Come on . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ pinterest search utton initial "" I did a k for kendall but I lost it during the move somehow . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know !! We're terrible at shutting up ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel dead ",0 "This is the craziest movie I've ever seen . ",0 "You go to bed so early ",0 "Should not do my chemistry homework in pen ",0 "All I want for Christmas is my netflix subscription back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was but as u see I am no longer ",0 "It's fucked up how I lie to the school consoler and tell her I'm okay ",0 "Omg I swear if I sneeze one more damn time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up who are you gonna snap chat all day I better be on your bestfriends still ",-1 "On a side note I feel like trash for working back to back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its not finalized yet . But its only bc potsdam doesnt have the major i wanna do ",0 "I'm sick of seeing your face ",0 "\With kids your own age "" he says ... I'll fucking kill you . #no ✋ "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we would but the drive costs us too much . We're on a real tight budget this next month bcuz I had winter break off . ",0 "Why do people make us go to school this early ",0 "Someone come get meeee ",0 "I love when you watch horror movies until suspicious hours in the night WITH THE VOLUME ON AND BRIGHTNESS UP . I know you brought earphones ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why does if someone leaves mid game it doesn't count on leader boards ",0 "Good luck to the one person who's always been there for me as he goes off to become a marine I love ya G3N3RATION_KILL ! I'll miss you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ umh duh ! Very soon ! ",-1 "Running off of 2 hrs of sleep ",0 "Well then ... ",0 "Last night in Vermont wahhhhh ",0 "It's not even 9 yet and today already sucks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ all your emojis seem to be themed , mine are random ",0 "I always get sick right before christmas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I haven't gotten my car back yet ",0 "Nursing school has made me diagnose myself with multiple things . ",0 "So I was supposed to be spending time with my mom all day , but she left me home alone ",0 "Omg getting sick in school can this not happen right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah poor baby I'll pump your gas for you ! ",-1 "Why am I always hungry at night ",0 "Why did they put middlebrooks and Gomes ",0 "I've had this same dream every couple months since freshman year ... it can go away now . ",0 "I feel like a big guy beat me up in my sleep ",0 "okay they are seriously teasing me by taking all my back braces off and then putting them back on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I caved in last night hahahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I meant liane sorry .... ",0 "My stomach is cramping so bad ",0 "I really just want someone to hang out with on the weekends ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck all of you , I thought we were friends #sluts ",-1 "Sometimes I hate breaks because it reminds me of how much I miss summer . ",0 "A tattoo is supposed to be something that expresses individuality , but you always have that one fucker that's gotta get the same one ... ",0 "Don't know how I did it but somehow drank six bottles of water today #astonished ",0 "I miss fighting over who had to carry the poms off the bus ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think Lafell is a good . #2 but he's a very good run . Blocker _TWITTER-ENTITY_ calls him a young Moose Muhammad ",-1 "I do not want to go to workkkk ",0 "I feel so much worse after a nap ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you baby Hooks Where you been ? ",0 "I forgot what it felt like to actually be depressed . Sucks . Bad .. ",0 "And I slept in my contacts again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whateva .. ",-1 "It's ridiculous how good Hinode sounds right now ",0 "Soccer season has been over for a while , but no matter how often I clean my room I still find pieces of turf . ",0 "I have to be up before the sun tmrw . But I'm going to Florida with my boyfriend tmrw night ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Should I even bother listening ? ",0 "ASK ME CUTEST JUNIORS ONE MORE TIME I DARE YOU ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ take it back now ",0 "Jealous of the snaps my sister is sending me right now of my kitty cuddling with her .. guess I had that coming when I moved out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no ..... but I wish I was ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well ice fishing should be fun . Ahhh that's sad ",0 "Miss being a little kid and being able to tube fearlessly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and you duh . But I don't have you at school anymore #sad ",0 "Why do I have so many feelings for you ",0 "Fall break was so much fun . I don't wanna go back to school ",0 "My sleeping schedule is all messed up #justwanttosleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why ? Baby ! I'm here ! <3 ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all forgot my creamy jalapeño and you guys know that's my fav ",-1 "Heard you came to the tiki when I wasn't working out there _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Fuck school about to roll up ",0 "OKAY the worst thing I hate about winter is when I go to turn the freakin lights on , I get shocked ! ⚡️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i feel the love and i was just about to tweet how much i miss you ",0 "I love how you look at me but don't say hi or fund me a hug #sad ",0 "That song at the end of Teen Mom 3 though ..... ",-1 "I hate not having my phone !! ",0 "Someone come to bonton . I'm here until midnight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can you pwease come home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm am so scared . After you left I was so paranoid ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ when u fouled ! I yelled when you hit the ground ",-1 "Got a headache again . ",0 "Know what . I'm having a horrible day . ",0 "Drinking my Sunday slushie without _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I can't mentally process it right now , maybe that's why I've been so relaxed regarding next month . ",0 "I need Advil pronto ",0 "I wish I could be there _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Wah I just want my sister ",0 "35 minutes of class ? Shoulda skipped . ",0 "Damnit Peyton you have failed me in fantasy #firstloss ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . It's been to long ",0 "wish I had a friend to come over and spend the day with me but nope ! ",0 "My mom said _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I can't have the D for breakfast . #HowRude ",0 "Of all the colors that you've shined , this is surely not your best ",0 "I might shoot myself after this pre-calculus homework . ",0 "I don't get the game at the lake !!! #WhatAmIGonnaDo ",0 "wowwwwwwww my life is so complicated ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ summer ? No way in hell ",0 "So annoyed . I just wanna go home . ",0 "Like why am I so tired and sore ? ",0 "Why so many cat emojis ? ",0 "Yepp . I'm the queen of procrastination .. ",0 "Can't even watch my lion's . No tv . #poorgirlprobs ",0 "setting my alarm and crying #whymonday ",0 "It's sad that no one really wants too talk to me here . Only she wanted to talk to me but now she is gone . ",0 "F these allergies , Can't . Stop . Sneezing . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i know I know ",0 "Phones aren't working again . I hate you AT&T ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I had the worst luck possible ",0 "Still can't believe I got a $160 ticket today ",0 "Wish I was goin fishin with my parents right now instead of working ",0 "This neck pain >>> ",0 "We aren't dating but we just had our first fight .... Hmmm . ",0 "I have enough problems of my own I can't take on everyone else's ",0 "I wish my parents didn't harp on me about school . I'm an adult I'm responsible enough to handle it . Feel free to lay off anytime now . ",0 "Lacrosse is ruining my senior year guess who's not going to prom ? Definitely about to be dramatic about this #wahhh #ihateeverything ",0 "Watching the Breaking Bad marathon makes me realize how much I miss it ",0 "I swear I always get freaking goosebumps after I shave my legs . ",0 "Brandon did not just tell me to cut it out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I took it a couple months ago & didn't pass math , so I actually just retook the math section . And didn't pass AGAIN ! Haha ",0 "I've shared a bed too often this week . My bed feels cold at home ⛄️❄️ ",0 "i don't wanna close tonight then be at work at 6:30 am tomorrow . ",0 "At the dentist ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awuh MareBear I already miss you guys , it's going to be so hard to separate ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I have missed you ! And we forgot to take a picture hahah ",-1 "Why do I live so far from Kayla & Shannon ",0 "I miss all my old friends . ",0 "Yeah , there it was .. ",0 "WHY can't we have finals this week ? I have freaking plans this weekend ",0 "now i need to tan my forehead so its even with my face because my hair covers it ",0 "Chemistry Is Really Frustrating Me To The Point Where I'm Ready To Cry ",0 "I'm in such a bad mood right now and can't wait until practice .. #Reliever ",0 "But I am pissed . The Conjuring is NOT scary ",0 "Everyone is leaving colorado now while I have to wait til January ",0 "You are actually an idiot for not realizing what you have right in front of you . #wakeup ! ",0 "will someone give me a ride home today please ",0 "Wishin I was with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ right now #missinher ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wait what ? I don't get it ",0 "I hate when people point out my flaws ",0 "It's sad but I don't even know how to update my phone ",0 "I wish I could go out on my first night of summer ",0 "If my neighbors dog doesn't shut up I will go insane ! #ijustwantsleep ",0 "Thanks to the late nights this thanksgiving break , I have a nice little cold ",0 "Can't a girl sleep without someone being on a my ass all the damn time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh ! I'm grounded I thought I wasn't the only one ! ",0 "Of course I have work the day I have a tattoo apt ",0 "Five mins of break left ",0 "So sleepy I don't want to get out of bed .. WHYYY do I have to work ",0 "This is such a bittersweet day . #SoAmazing #ButReallySad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it really REALLY is ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ who did datttt ? ",-1 "but if you want to leave , you can . i'll remember you though . i remember everyone that leaves . #lilo &stitch ",-1 "Have to get to Philly in 8 minutes ",0 "Holy crap did that just happen ? ",0 "That 8am class tomorrow isn't sounding so great right now . ",0 "People who don't answer my phone calls mehhhh ",0 "The last time I ate was 4:45 . And it was a lot of food . I was fine up until now .. it's 1:57 and I'm starving . #collegeproblems ",0 "I cannot sleep without feeling like I'm in a sauna ",0 "Forgot to put my left contact in today . What is wrong with me ? #Ditzy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm tempted to go there now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the corona wasn't mine . It was my friends ' ... Not drinking tonight . These suckers made me drive ha ! ",0 "Only being able to drink decaf coffee and tea ",0 "My biggest fear is not being asked to prom ",0 "Of course the day I have to come in late I have double free period first ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've been dying to go drew league . I don't have wheels out here ",0 "Well fuck you too crutches , you weren't missed ",0 "TOO DONE WITH YOU . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ What is so hard about recording Big Brother ! ",0 "You are so fucking weird ",0 "When your gas light turns on when you're on the highway < ",0 "Sending Ryan's letter out tonight ❤ ",-1 "Looks like it's only going to get colder ",0 "Cant even move sooo sick _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I wish I was at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have a shit ton if homework and a mother who won't stop nagging me until I get it done . ",0 "Third wheeling is sadly my specialty .... ",0 "IT'S FREEZING IN HERE ",0 "another damn sinus infection wtf ",0 "I'm on a emotional train today ",0 "It's 547 am and I'm gonna kill every trash man in this town ",0 "Really wish I could talk to my girlfriend right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so do I ",0 "No sleep tonight ",0 "Emily needs to come home ! ",0 "Watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall makes me wish I was in Hawaii right now ",0 "listening to Save You Tonight by _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Getting kind of emotional hahahahaha . I miss summer . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Don't ask if I'm okay .. I don't wanna lie ",0 "I hate school . I HATE it . ",0 "I wanted to get a Alonso jersey the day after the draft to be different .. Now I can't my life is over ",0 "A weigh more today than I ever have in my life ... time to join a gym ",0 "I'm starving ! ",0 "Dying in the nurses office ",0 "Why did I pick this major ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my gosh ill still be there ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe , I'm sorry babe they're all bogus ! #proudofyou ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he should be doing manager things ... I'm sorryyyyyy ! ",0 "Why is everybody at the beach ",0 "This will be the longest 5 hours and 14 minutes ",0 "SLURP YOUR SOUP ONE MORE TIME ",0 "It's one of those days ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh jeez , that's sounds terrible ",0 "Stop tweeting Rico's Story ",0 "Fuck you Morgan don't retweet my number dick ",0 "K that took a lot of courage/nerve out of me #probnotgunnagetarresponse ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you more than I miss mozzarella sticks ",0 "I keep forgetting you have to wait four hours between every dosage for the meds ",0 "So I'm in two fantasy football leaues . Tom Brady is my qb in both today . Each of my opponents has Peyton Manning playing . It's over ",0 "My yard is practically flooded because of this rain . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it is ! Miss you too ",0 "I hate that I fell asleep all night ",0 "When your boyfriend just plays video games and doesn't pay attention to you # ",0 "I knew this was a bad idea from the beginning . ",0 "Just now finished all these stupid math packets .... Accepting the fact that I will most likely fail the Alg 2 EOC . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfaooo darn you caught me I was on twitter from safari not from the app and it was the first thing on my timeline ",0 "Mace won't take any selfies with me . He saw me pick up my phone and turned the other way . Be photogenic ya grandpa dog ",0 "Basically just ruined my night ",0 "It can only get better .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hope that's not mine ! Haaha ! Send me a picture of them ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's not cool . It's not gonna be the same without you ",0 "I worry entirely too much about people i care about . & even the people who i don't care much for either . I just worry ok ",0 "Car got a boot on it outside chipotle . asked car dude if most girls cry when this happens . He nodded & told him I was too angry to cry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ new one please ?! ",-1 "Why do you seem so much older ... ",0 "although I don't have finals , the amount of work I need to get done and hand in within the next 3 days is beyond stressful #helpme ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks cuz that's what best friends are for . It's okay , it's in my head a lot too . ",-1 "My supervisor is from Iowa . He said ,  thing I've learned about Rockford women is , they all want babies . "" I can't breath . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too . I was just there .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I work 1145-2 and then 3-830 ! So you can bring it by Culvers and leave it in my car ! ",-1 "But .. But .. I'm not tired ",0 "This is not okay fml . ",0 "Like so much ",0 "I'm so hungry already ",0 "no snow in the ground but still had to scrape the 1-3 inches off my car ",0 "Saying goodbye to Mike and James again today really fucking sucks ",0 "And I'm itchyyyyyyy ",0 "Not everything I have/get is your family's .... Buy your own shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't even know what that show is . ",0 "I don't wanna Goto work ",0 "I have the weirdest dreams ",0 "Quitting smoking and getting back to running has made me so happy but the downside is I can't sleep at night ",0 "Waiting all day for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to fly in today . I waste too much time on her ",0 "I miss Hilton Head like crazy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I did that a few minutes ago too ",0 "Wish I was home with my doggy on his last days just found out he has advanced cancer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well i thought you were serious so i was sad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I should have never did it I was bored and now I'm just annoyed ",0 "You could at least spell my name right ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahaha , that's kinda sad it took us that long ... But I miss you too I loved when we were all close . I miss those days ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ noo My friends ! Torch lake ! ",0 "Holloway needs to get its shit together . yes it is cold out , but it's not necessary for it to be 95 degrees in my room at night ",0 "LOVE this interview with the old Mtv VJs .. i miss the old Mtv and not this reality crap ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are stupidly adorable . Guess I have to take over the role of crazy cat lady in the family #foreveralone ",0 "I'm seriously trying to type this paper but my word won't work ",0 "Why can't I be in Utah rn bc all I want is SNOW an 80 degrees Christmas is gay ",0 "Lately i've been waking up really early then going back to sleep cause i have nothing else to do with my life ",0 "Too high to walk in front if the TV to get some water ",0 "I hate seeing my friends cry ",0 "I'm so smileyyy lol ",-1 "the amount of money I spend in gas ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i'll talk to you , babaaay . (; i can't wait to see you tomorrow ! #IMissMyJill #SadTweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ text me I don't have your number ",0 "Feel free to hop on the Mizzou bandwagon ... ",0 "Where the efff is my fiancé ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's so awful , I'm trying to not think about it ",0 "I hate when I feel like I'm getting behind in school #overwhelming ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's true .... idk if I wanna do it though . ",0 "some people bug me a lot #whyareyousofake ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe man if only I has a way down to the city I'm in my town about 2 1/2 hours away ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard . You're not starving to death go to the mountain . Lol ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need coffee , I've gotten like one hour of sleep ",0 "Netflix is taking away over 80 instant streaming movies and tv shows . Good thing there's not even 80 to watch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ going to be devastated if I can't play Sunday . I really hope it's not broke thanks for caring tho ! ",0 "I need my bed . zzzzzzzzz ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's Saturday . ",-1 "Nothing like waking up at 4 AM from the wonderful beeping noises from snow plows outside my window ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't think I ever will . You've lost yourself a friend . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wanna know something sad ? We won't be able to tube together until next summer ",0 "Dang with all these couples . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ass ",-1 "Ever feel like you're just not good enough ? ",0 "I left my brand new earrings at Brandons house the other night ",0 "I would beat you up if I felt like it ! ",0 "This headache can just go away .. It's making me nauseous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm at my dads this weekend so we probably can't hang out sorry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't get the memo ",0 "Sooooooooo tiredddddd time to shower then sleeeeep ",0 "If that person is ever brought up in a conversation again I will punch the person who said it right in the throat ",0 "I seriously get no cellphone service at work and my battery keeps dying trying to search for a signal #FirstWorldProblems ",0 "My summer has consisted of .. Nothing ",0 "Instead of being out on this Friday night , I'm spending mine at home trying to get rid of this migraine ",0 "This year is just totally different . ",0 "R . I . P Nicole I love you too death darling . We'll meet again someday ",-1 "I'm so going to fail this global regents ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I went to ocean county and Hamilton this week and left with nothing ! ",0 "Wow it's Gunna be nice tomorrow our it's says and I gotta work to tanning ",0 "Shane from Buckwild died ",0 "Another $400 down the drain . Shoutout to sangria ",-1 "I still need to see this weekends episode of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so quit tweeting about it !! ",0 "woke up with a sore throat ",0 "Feeling disappointed today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ to hear that lol , loser haha jk winner thao making money you work tomorrow to then I guessing ? Hope you enjoy yourself ",-1 "Not ready for the workout after school .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ there will always be a next time ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YEAH THATS IT ",-1 "I miss my old omgha team so much ",0 "My brother just punched me in the face ",0 "Everyone always retweets the Josh Krajcik lyrics I tweet but they always hate on him I don't understand ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ at least you were trying to be nice ",-1 "So many thoughts running through my head right now . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well if the boys woulda let us .. atleast we gotta hold the black ones ! ",-1 "What's been on your mind today ? #talktome ",0 "I drank way too much last night #onmydeathbed ",0 "Dear Dad , we got Netflix so we can each watch what we want . not for you to take my laptop , plug it into the tv & watch what you want ",0 "I feel so ugly when I'm sick ",0 "I just want Pal's ",0 "I have been really dizzy lately ",0 "This will be the year I kill myself ",0 "I hate how condoms smell ",0 "How am I going to get through tonight without you helping me like lastnight ? #sickgirlprobs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you too girl you're gonna have to come visit KC next semester ! ",-1 "I wish I had girl friends ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm possibly moving ",-1 "Jenna from awkward dresses hideous ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we do ?!?!?!?!?!?!? ",-1 "All I want is for him to care . To hard to ask for ? ",0 "I wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ would hurry up and get here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whered you hear that ? Fb is disgusting ",0 "Im so sick of being let down by everyone ",0 "In the worst mood someone text me ",0 "I've had THE worst headache for the past 3 days ",0 "My chest right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me to damn cold . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay and no , now they are saying one more day ! ",0 "I once had a best friend that's now a stranger . ",0 "Annnnd time to go back to the real world #nothanks ",0 "Alabama Shakes and Matt & Kim are playing forecastle on the one day I can't go ",0 "And we have more coming ughhhhhh ",0 "I just wanna get out of high school , like I can't wait another year ",0 "Wish I could change my snapchat name . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It's my last day at the school I'm at and I don't want to leave ",0 "Viktor * but for real if you're one of those people in an existential crisis or a rough patch , read it . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have 18 I'm jealous ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but i wanna watch you yell at someone ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "HES GONNA BE 13 . I REMEMBER WHEN HE WAS JUST A 4TH GRADER . GOD HES GROWING UP SO FAST ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dang fatso ",0 "Why can't I just pull myself together #toomanythoughts ",0 "I hate being alone , especially in a new place . ",0 "I feel like puking my brains out and I'm stuck here til 9:15 ",0 "I cut my ankle shaving ",0 "Auntie Tracey looks like shes having fun ",-1 "June 8th can't get her quick enough . ☀ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Did you text back ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think you're going to be right ",-1 "I'm just making everyone mad at me lately . ",0 "I keep having mental breakdowns ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ missed you at school yesterday and today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you guys tooooo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ missss you I haven't seen you in forever ",0 "But still , next year is going to be such a struggle for me #notokay #kaylaproblems ",0 "I'm such a little bitch sometimes ",0 "Can Lisa help me with lit hw too ",0 "And the fucking Amish are at it again ",0 "I told myself I was going to tan all afternoon .. I went inside at 2 to take medication and passed out in my living room . ugh ",0 "Wishin I could go home this weekend .. #homesick #badmood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ our freshman jv and varsity all lost ",0 "I'm always the only one awake ",0 "Only thing I hate about the 5 is it's unique charger ",0 "I feel like I'm dead I never get sick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah I looked for the charger alllllll day ! Why didn't you leave me the black oneeee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my brother does too !! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ shit you guys know how to count ",-1 "I just wanna cuddle & watch movies for the rest of the night ",0 "You are thirsty ..... damn ",0 "I hate Emily literally so much . Shut your fucking mouth ugh ",0 "Why do we lead people on ? Then tell them stuff we know we're not gonna do ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ NO ! fricken Rachel spilled the beans and he heard I've never been so judged ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is tweeting everyone besides me just tweet me ",-1 "I asked Kayla to hangout last night ",-1 "Never sleep on a small couch with someone else . You won't be able to move your neck the next morning . haha ",0 "I wish my mom would smoke a blunt with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you , I miss you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I went to the one at the Greene the other day and it was seriously so sad . I still got my coffee but wow . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cry ya big ole baby ",0 "when will these headaches go away ? ",0 "When _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ignores my texts <<<<< ",0 "I never have pants on in Nicole's story's ",0 "My mom bought a 5000 dollar table just to sell it ..... for 2000 ? ",0 "Why do I think Sean Paul is so hot ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe you guys actually thoughy that was about you .. I'm sorry it wasnt ",0 "Noooooo Trevor is sleeeeping .... Wakey Wakey ... Watching Ted all by myself <<<<<<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss when you'd just show up at my house w/ a case and we would go boating or some other shenanigans CHICAGO SOON ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh poor joe ",0 "On the other hand I'm dying over here bc the guys are saying it's fucked up . When you guys are the main reason we are insecure . Stop ",0 "My brother taught his kid how to shoot me with his nerf bow ... And that thing leaves bruises . They think it's so funny ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love and hate that tweet all at once . #bb #ass ",0 "I have parking issues ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if it's any consolation it's pretty terrible on this side too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hi baby you have been dead to the world for about 4 hours now and I would love if you woke up now ❤ ",-1 "I'm too nice for my own good and it's so frustrating . ",0 "Elijah's tweets are making me sad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cuz you got the mean attitude of one ",0 "Reading the text over and over and crying more an more I'm seriously a wreck ugh gunna TRY to sleep even though I wont ",0 "I'm not overly fond of being mocked . #canyounot #idowhatiwant ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes , I do . I mean , I thought I was funny enough to not have people fake laugh .. But I guess not ",0 "I'm not ready for the ACT Saturday . I'm going to get like a 5 and never get into college and live my life in a shoe box . Kill me now . ",0 "I wish I could go home I miss my fam ",0 "I seriously have no life at the moment ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ feel free to reply anytime now ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oreos = lol ",-1 "Am I the only one that likes #oomf so much that when he don't text me at least once a day I feel like crap ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dang itttt . ",0 "I seriously just wanna skip my last class and go to sleep ",0 "And there he is ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss hanging with you .. ha so yah if you aren't you should come over ! ",0 "Mom is making fun of me for eating immense amounts of Thanksgiving leftovers .. ",0 "I want Mr Smoothie ! come home soon _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I wanna be in Matt's cuddled up to him ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ already here ",0 "So you have to dissect some kitties _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe I'm sorry . what were you supposed to do ? ",0 "Rayna left me by myself in Spanish #graciaschica ",0 "11 and 1/2 more hours ",0 "Fair this year is gonna be do weird ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... not fair . You stole my tweet . ",0 "someone needs to buy my car ",0 "dont worry _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , it also happened to us Patriots fans twice ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're disgusting ",0 "Can we please get some heat up in this fucking house ?!? ❄️ #Freezing ",0 "Coming home & seeing my car makes me sick . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ everyday . ",0 "I have to get up in 4 hours ... I'm going to be dead . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is awful and likes to cheer for the other team when they are beating us . ",0 "Why'd my tv just go out right in the middle of PLL ",0 "I got 4 days missed and I no I won't feel good in the morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you don't like it ... ",0 "I just stayed on the couch and waved him away . He's was at the kitchen door and that's where my coffee is . I NEED my coffee . So leave . ☕ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Doing my homework ",0 "I am seriously so mad I'm not in New York City for New Year's Eve this year wtf I only got to see Miley when she was normal ",0 "Not feeling good at all ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ maybe ... idk I have to do homework ",0 "Woke up with a sore throat , stuffy nose and a headache I better not be getting sick again ",0 "Half a semester til I can breathe again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ stopped answering my snapchats WHAT IS LYFE !?!? ",0 "I have a feeling I'm getting dragged along for Christmas shopping this week ",0 "I text two people out of my contacts list on a daily basis ",0 "When my baby shoves her foot in my ribs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No way ?! Why'd you have to go to Indiana ? ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "That awkward moment ... Ummmm what ???!? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "I don't think I'll ever be able to go to that Congressional Women's Softball Game that I wanted to go to this summer . This sucks . ",0 "Sometimes I just laugh at how awkward my life gets ",-1 "extremely loud and incredibly close makes me sad every time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i missed youuuu !! ",0 "I have so much homework I have to do ",0 "Last night with my babe #notready ",-1 "I didn't record the race !!!!!!!!!!! fuck life ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it won't open ",0 "Experienced the most awkward situation yesterday ... never again . ",0 "Feet swollen , ankles swollen .. Ouch . ",0 "I . NEED . SOMETHING . TO . DO . ",0 "I can't remember the last time I felt this awful . #sick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you bullying me ",0 "wish I had someone to talk to until I fell asleep at night ",0 "That was the second time I've gotten pulled over in like a week . ",0 "Tea and cookies .... #pregnancyproblems ",0 "im waaay too tired to go to dance ",0 "I made spicy Thai noodles ☺ ... Now my whole house smells like sesame oil ",0 "It's not even half way through the year and I'm already done with school ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you didn't show me the sound of one hand clapping and I didn't even get the chance to draft you first round #sadday ",0 "I hope this week goes by slow , next week is gonna be long . I really hate when he goes away for work . And I'm to fat to fit in his luggage . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need my ugly blue sweater ",0 "My baby duck named Ollie died ",0 "THE GYM IS CLOSED ",0 "I don't like going against Ed Reed ",0 "I've never been so cold ",0 "My dog is being really annoying and bad today ",0 "I hate when this happens . Cant deal with this anymore ",0 "NFL players are getting fined for having too low or too high socks they fine ppl for the dumbest shit ",0 "Hope my baby Ian feels better ",0 "My dream consisted of me losing my teeth . #scary ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think losing animals is one of the worst thing somebody can go through ",0 "Triston is so mean to meeee . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm tempted to order really tiny things each day but shipping is going to kill me . ",0 "Definitely a Taylor swift kind of night . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahh it's so bad outside and people are complaining about not going to school ? It's not a matter of tests but safety ! ",0 "Would love for someone to actually make me feel better but I doubt it ",0 "Haven't been to the gym all week #disappointed Every spare moment I've had has been studying for this anatomy exam tomorrow ",0 "Why does my brain have to think of my $XX , 000 bill and insulin and everything else that keeps my mind wandering when I'm trying to snooze ? ",0 "My cheeks are bringing ",0 "My mom is soo fucking annoying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we lost ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so sad ",0 "My car needs to be registered tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha my photo prof . Assigns huge projects every week and says \here , escape your other classes "" when hers is the issue !!! "" ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hate you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ junior probz .. I'll miss y'all in the cafeteria ",0 "When my wifi stops working <<<<< ",0 "#Lt it's that bull shit ",-1 "Could of had more sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the roads are so icy I couldn't stop ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's snowing here . I would much rather be there ! ",0 "Can't believe I just deleted all my embarrassing pictures of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "The fact that my parents still wont take me to dance brb #killingmyself ",0 "Well I still can't sleep ",0 "I am the only one that's allowed to have my send receipts off ",0 "My phones at 35% and not charging . Great ",0 "Sleeping with two blankets tonight I'm freezing !! Times like this I wish I had a cuddle bug #clearlynothappening ",0 "Just found out Jacolby Ellsbury is married ... #devastated ",0 "I'm gonna be drugged hard the next 10 days .. Ughhhhh I just wanna be better ! ",0 "I should still be in bed ugh ",0 "I needddd sleeepppppp ! ",0 "I miss my Eli . ",0 "Can't reach the Easter candy in the back seat ... ",0 "Hanging with the bro . Still fighting this migraine . ",0 "It's snowing in slippery rock ... #goAway ",0 "Since when does it take 2 hours to put a tree stand up ?! The men left us women here to freeze ",0 "I don't understand why people subtweet . It's just kinda rude ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ewh dude vanilla is always the worst ",0 "I think I'm done ... It's gon be hard to let it go .. ",0 "I'm tired but I can't fall asleep ",0 "Duke is playing like poop ! ",0 "Tomorrow is 14 fn days in this hospital going nutty FFS !!! Just wanna be home and need to sleep ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too booo come watch the fireworks with me ",-1 "will summer ever get here ? ☀ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll kick you out of the room ",0 "idk how this accounting test is gonna go today ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll be home this weekend to get checked out by some more doctors since I'm on my death bed like every basketball season . ",-1 "I feel bad leaving my cats home alone and inside all day and/or all night ",0 "I hate how I never have anyone to talk to at night . ",0 "The fucking wolves are out ",0 "Ugh , I so don't want to close tomorrow . Why does the gym have to be open until eleven anyway ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just emojis so much I feel sorry for people that don't have them ",0 "That moment when the car with the exact options and colors you want is sitting on the lot . Why am I so fucking poor . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thats interesting , because i miss you too i need Rachael back in my life ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ here on Ohio it feels like spring today . I'm saddened to see all our lovely snow turning to slush and mud . ",0 "I'm going to freak out right now because my google drive won't open to print this paper ",0 "I just want to be off work laying by my pool before I have to go to work at the gym ",0 "Im in a lot of pain ",0 "I wanna shop online Can't think of a really cute store thats cheap though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I not considered a random I'm considered ... Coming back into the group ... haha . ",-1 "When do I get a relationship like Troy and Gabriella's ??? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",0 "All I can do is pray for guidance ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Your sick ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ please for me ",0 "I wish Jacob & Tyler would get out of baseball practice already .. I wanna go to the lake . ⚾⚓⛅ ",0 "My pageant tomorrow is in Oak Ridge . ",-1 "It's sooo painful to watch the jets ",0 "Literally died when I heard Paul Walker died .. He was soooo beautiful ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they're not but I have stuff to do . ",0 "I'm so pasty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I meant to tell you I don't think ill be able to come visit til winter break I've been so busy and I looked at my syllabi and ",0 "I lost an earring ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm Sowwyyy ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what about me ?? ",0 "Wednesday shift cut for the third week in a row . Whatever I'm going back to sleep since I stayed up all night getting to season 9 of Grey's ",0 "But now I am literally shaking because I am jittery . ☕ #wired #lt ",0 "Guess ill come back tomorrow ",0 "I have the worse cough ",0 "My puppy is so sad to be in his cage ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hate to hear that . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll be back around 5 tonight ! Danielle an Alan decided to take forever to pick me up today ",-1 "I still need to see Catching Fire . ",0 "I gotta poop and my sister won't let me in the bathroom , sink here I come . ",0 "Homework all day ",0 "Finally in a real bed . but over all it was a good night . Sweet dreams #oomf ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg mr mull do you not know what the zohan is ???? ",-1 "Depressing when Starbucks sends you and email for a free coffee and you look online and it's a lie #sadface ",0 "That's the last kiss I'll be getting for a while ... #breakingdown #itsover ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ boo yeah and I'm cashier ... ",-1 "RIP Paul Walker ! ",0 "So tired .. Don't wanna leave my warm bed or work at all today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl I can't go ",0 "I like you .... but you have a girlfriend . ",0 "So not ready for this long weekend to come to an end . ",0 "Today isn't been my day at all ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know just stay strong . ❤ ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",0 "This drive sucksssss ",0 "Being sick is the worse ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hatechu both right nowww #moscato is MY shiiiiit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my gosh we're freaks ",-1 "This sunburn is killing me ",0 "The fact that I have 3 quizzes today & it's a Friday ! ",0 "I am so hungry . ",0 "Macky is so mean I'm just trying to sleep . ",0 "Yeah Im sittin here cryin at highschool musical 3 senior year , I would instantly go back without a doubt . Highschool was my playground ",0 "been sitting in the car with ray for four hours when I should have been drunk three hours ago ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ew i really hate you ",0 "I JUST WANNA WEAR UGGS ",0 "Jena left for Boston . So I had no one to get ready with and I'm not gonna have anyone to wait for the bus with . #SadTweet ",0 "WHY CAN'T CATFISH EVER HAVE THEM MEET THE PERSON THEY'VE BEEN TALKING TO !? ",0 "I would do anything to be able to play softball at Disney one more time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ maybe come by tomorrow . I am super sick right now ",0 "Just got a wake up call to eat healthier ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ at hanakawa and not even that can fix my mood ! ",0 "until I tell her I have to go to summer school but shiiit I'm paying for it . ",0 "Sooooo done with this pres . Can i just go to sleep ? ",0 "I'm going through weed withdraw ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ That's the story of my life . ",0 "Looks like I lost the masters bet ",0 "I miss Kaitlin .. I only see her in school ",0 "That's worst case scenario brotha ! ",0 "Fffffff you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "I feel like my head is gonna explode . ",0 "Awh fast & furious is on right now #rip ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you'd just watch how I met your mother ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wish you could come ",0 "Why can't I ever sleep in ",0 "I feel like I haven't seen _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in weeks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know if you had texted us and asked for details it would have been no problem ! ",-1 "Why am I shaking ?? #omg #scaryshit ",0 "I don't wanna get out of bed ",0 "It's impossible for me to sleep without my dog at my feet . ",0 "Mitchel doesn't trust my driving if we're at a 2-way stop he always double checks to see if any cars are coming . ",0 "Coach has it coming for him .... ",0 "I gotta close Lawn & Gardening tonight #FML ",0 "If I had my way he'd be here with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we were only on nashville for two days , but I wanted to ! I miss youuu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ done with you ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... never a good thing . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its hilariously depressing ",0 "This semester is physically draining ",0 "I can't wait to see Gary . Better everyone . ",-1 "I wanna do something tonight ",0 "Gonna have so many nightmares from this Lions game tonight ",0 "Next weekend consists of work Saturday 6:30 - 12:30 , then work 3-10 , then work Sunday 6:30 - 12:30 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Dj dj whatcha doing your being to quiet for me talk to us . DJDJ DJ DJDJDJDJ ",0 "Brrrr it's so cold ",0 "Excuse me while I indulge in all this ice cream I don't like cause I'm upset ..... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know !! It's been a month I think ",0 "Well this is a shitty feeling ..... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ were gonna miss you this trip ",0 "Well this weekend is now fabulously horrible ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ At the eye doctor ",-1 "Why am I sick again ?????? Throwing up Steak and crab legs is HORRIBLE !!!!! ",0 "29- i wish we were as close as we were Soph year . You and mike are my fav . I love you and miss you ",0 "16 gb's on my phone is way too small . Too much music , pictures and apps ",0 "I forget that deleting messages , doesn't erase their contact or their ability to text me whenever they want . ",0 "The last thing I want to do is study right now .. ",0 "Makes me nauseous thinking about waking up tomorrow morning at five to go to work ",0 "Where my boo be at ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Saw all of my sisters friends tonight , but not _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "This sore throat and stuffy nose need to go ",0 "I just want Cailee to be back so we can eat pizza rolls and watch heroes . ",0 "Mad I wasn't home when the boy were over ",0 "I didn't want to tell him how scared I was ",0 "Stomach upset why oh why ?? ",0 "I think it's ignore Tori day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ SO IT WAS YOUR FAULT I DIDN'T FALL ASLEEP TILL 2:30 AM !!!!! > ",0 "Guess that in 4 days I go back to school  ",0 "I'm going to have a lot of make up work ",0 "When it rains it pours ",0 "No more sundrops in the house . #IWillDie ",0 "So much for that nap though , everyone decided to blow my phone up at once . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish I had cable ",0 "I wanna live in Minneapolis so bad ",0 "Swimming with Matt and Lil mike at my moms ! Ugh it's sad I have to work ! ",0 "im tired but I can't sleep ",0 "Daisy convincingly played dead while I was trying to pry pieces if deodorant out of her mouth . Never wanna feel that way again . ",0 "Had the longest day of my life at work and Colton was waiting at my car with flowers after I got off . Could he be more perfect ? ❤️ ",-1 "Ryan goes back to work tonight sleeping alone sucks ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm trying . I miss my handsome boy ",0 "Very sad day for me a dear friend of mine i met through online whos expected to die today rip love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nooooooooo this is tragic ! ",0 "Haven't even left to go to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ s yet and I'm already sad about today ",0 "I tried to drown my sorrows , but those bastards know how to swim . ",0 "dude it's rain not every fucking person has to tweet about it . ☔ ",0 "pls let harry talk ",0 "My sister has zero respect for anyone in my house . She doesn't care if you have to be somewhere ... If it's not about her she doesn't care ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you better text me back ! let me know if you need someone to come get you ! ",0 "If you could stop ignoring me that'd be cool #seriously #screwyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he made that noise he makes when you did bad work hahaha like pshhhh ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dude I think I have alcohol poisoning mines killing me tooooo . And I puked more today D: ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you krissy ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't seem to add Lindsey & Liz ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait ",-1 "This bitch _TWITTER-ENTITY_ butt dialed me ! Thought you actually meant to call me . AND YOU JUST DID IT AGAIN . ",0 "Love last forever .... Lust is temporary Guess this was lust ",0 "Dont expect me to me on time in the morning , especially when I work till 11 ",0 "that feeling you get after being let down <<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel ya ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh jeeze thanks . ",-1 "Wondering why I'm an emotional wreck today and then read the bottle of med I'm taking ..... Not cool . ",0 "I wanna wake up to flowers and a love note on my porch .. If only ",0 "Nothing more disappointing than an NCIS marathon over an SVU marathon ",0 "When people have a vine a post no videos ",0 "I hate you for what you did to me . ",0 "Oh my god , all this chocolate and no milk ",0 "I neeeeed a massage ",-1 "I've had the busiest week and now no plans for tonight #sadtweet #whining ",0 "i didn't get to see #oomf today ",0 "I am not enjoying this at all ",0 "I . Am . Not . Happy . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't call her a bitch ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I deleted it because I don't want drama but it pisses me off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's probably the nearest one to me too ",-1 "That's so annoying . ",0 "Why are all the depressing songs the best ones ",0 "How dare u buy another bish chicken ",0 "I don't wanna go to school but I don't wanna take finals .. fuuuuck looks like I'm going to school ",0 "these headaches need to go away . ",0 "Pissed I forgot to go to hobby lobby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ too far ",0 "I've been up since 330 and can't go to sleep whyyyyyyy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh . My . Gosh . ",0 "Okay today is the day I have to clean my room ",0 "Don't know what to do ... ",0 "the one night I stay up late Annabella things its a good idea to wake up at 6:30 ... #whyme #sotired ",0 "Seriously , I just need a single tool ! Why don't I have one ?!?!! ",0 "I can't deal with this anymore sometimes it's hard to stay strong ",0 "I'm sooo cold ❄️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we still need to hangout . ",0 "I go home today ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I always get the shitty end if the stick and it makes me look bad .. Wthe , I'm over it ",0 "When I come to your table and say how are you doing today ... the correct answer is not water with lemon ... ",0 "Really not looking forward to getting this surgery in 5 days but I'm ready for my knee to be back to normal . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no !!! I'll miss you best friend ",0 "If you walk in my room to tell me something , and leave my door open or even cracked , I will be angry . #DontDoIt #JustDont ",0 "Going to miss all of my seniors . #classof2013 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh . I didn't even know I'm in a different room . What exactly are we practicing ? ",0 "My mom just told me that Kenny Chesney is banned from playing at Heinz because of the mess that his fans left this year why !? ",0 "Hate gettin up #mornings ",0 "lost on this chem homework ",0 "I wish my Monroe was still pierced ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish I could retweet your stuff .. > ",0 "I need food . Hope my mom brings back food from the neighbors cookout ",0 "I love and miss tessa a lot . ",-1 "I mean I knew you were shady .. But just straight up ignoring me is a new level of disappointment ... Even for you #misstheoldyou ",0 "I swear I hate girls ! This is why I hangout with guys , because they fucking piss me off . #annoyed ",0 "Just need to get through this hour and a half class then my week is free . #mathsucks ",0 "My only regret is my deepest darkest secret that I won't tell anyone ",0 "But I'm supposed to max out ... I can't even open my eyes ",0 "Those days where you don't feel pretty the slightest bit <<<< ",0 "I have a shit ton of homework ",0 "Eff . I didn't mean to request you on snapchat . ",0 "Will you just like shut up and go away ? I will not talk to your ex boyfriend for you . Grow a pair and do it yourself . ",0 "It's 5 o'clock in the evening and I'm still in bed .... What is my life ",0 "I just want a new pair of flynns ",0 "NO SALAD ! ",0 "Netflix makes it too difficult to focus on homework ",0 "When people read but don't reply to my messages <<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I shouldn't have to that nap ",0 "Screen shots shouldn't be aloud for snapchat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it sucked I was very disappointed ",0 "Okay now that that was the most embarrassing thing ever . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : wow I'm super psyched my DMs stopped giving me notifications ” ",0 "I just want a day when I don't have to do anything besides relaxing and watch movies ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh stupid credit ",0 "Sick , tired , & Anthony won't be at work = works about to suck soo much tonight . ",0 "My car smells like blueberry muffins . Now I really want a muffin . The struggle ",0 "When will you come back to NY ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #asknash ",0 "So much hearing loss ",0 "2 hr delay . Seriously Wawasee . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ when did we take that picture ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you for replying my IMessage from 5th of June . Evils ",-1 "The power has been off in my dorm since last night ... ",0 "Girl just acted like it was my job to hold the door for her . YOURE WELCOME rude ass ",0 "Thanks for ruining my mood . ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 2nd period was shitty with out you today .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish I could see you it's your first tour and I feel like I'm the only mahomie that isn't going to see you ",0 "I really love buying people Christmas presents but I have no money to do that with since I don't work at like all during basketball ",0 "Why the heck was my alarm set to go off at midnight .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ anytime !... Oh my god . I'm not going to run at the same districts as you . ",0 "Detention tomorrow . #BlackPersonProblems ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what the heck is 1D kiss VIP .. it has something to do with one direction I know and I don't like it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ too bad I couldn't screen shot it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you more ",0 "8th graders be getting excited for high schoolThey have no idea ",-1 "I always eat to the point of being immobilized when I'm at Philips ",0 "I don't feel good ",0 "I wish I could FaceTime in the car ",0 "Steelers fans across the world are flipping out right now #SteelerNation ",0 "The fact that people from my past keep popping up today . #Notmyday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ still hasn't texted me back from yesterday morning ",0 "I had a dream that I got a puppy ",0 "All these drunk people✋ stfuuuuuu ",-1 "Actually could have run forever ",0 "I didn't finish the movie , but in still tired af thanks to Emilee ",0 "My excuse for half my bag of jumbo size kit kats being gone is that I shared three with Sydnee ",0 "Why did I just go and get Taco Bell I need to loose weight not gain it ! ",0 "My poor kitty makes me so sad that he's not feeling good ",0 "I can't believe tonight's the season finale . #prettylittleliars ",0 "I hate when I'm the only one trying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just don't even watch it . This will explain it all . ",0 "There will be a second round of Dunkin Donuts in the cards today . ",-1 "Guys it's May 22 ! ",-1 "I have mud all over my legs because I had to chase my dog around the yard ",0 "I'm gonna regret sending you that in the morning #owell ",0 "I want to go home . This is just NOT okay ... ",0 "I'm soooooo tired .. #wantstogobacktobed ",0 "I can't even explain how much I miss basketball ",0 "Fuck trying please everyone but myself . Can I please move out now ",0 "Well it's official I had a psoralen date last night #21st ",-1 "I wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was closing with me tonight ",0 "Not about to drive in this weather ... ",0 "Already missing my bubbba _TWITTER-ENTITY_ turn around and pick me up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ really wanna be there good luck luv ya ",-1 "I'm so freaking nice to you . Why do you treat me like shit ?!?! #EFFYOU . ",0 "When you find yourself dealing with someone thats able to put you through every single emotion at the same time , you're in love ❤ ",-1 "It's only Monday . ",0 "over time , the confusion has just turned into \here we go again "" "" ",0 "My mood : ",0 "gonna keep ranting about how the cowboys are pussies ",0 "There's a lot of people I miss ",0 "I would do anything not to be in this class todayy . ",0 "No mom I don't wanna go to the er ",0 "This 4-6 weeks needs to go by fast so everything can be done and over with . #stressed ",0 "I'm seriously gonna have a break down when I have to be a big girl and move away from my mommy , couple more months ",0 "If my rings don't come soon , I'm goin postal ! ",0 "stop stop stop I don't like the hostility and bad vibes on my timeline be happy stop don't be mean to people ",0 "I want to go somewhere haunted and scary ..... why are my friends such little scardy cats ? ",0 "I'm really good at oversleeping and ruining plans ",-1 "Still super salty I broke my brand new iphone 5c after 19 days of having it . Can't have nice things ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why didn't you hangout with us ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mee too we're hanging out soon ",-1 "It's not even finals week and I'm already super stressed #pharmacyschoolprobs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ better not ! ",0 "I already miss Cano ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah , but you're gonna knock it up . Kinky ",-1 "I just want one day to lay around and watch movies #toobusy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I haven't seen you since like last summer ! ",0 "I would LOVE to fall asleep sometime soon but after taking that 4 hour nap earlier , I don't think it's going to happen ",0 "Paul Walker died .. today is a sad sad day . About to watch fast and furious all day ❤️ ",0 "In soooo much painnnnn #goaway ",0 "Doesn't feel like Friday ... probably because I'm stuck working the weekend away #bringinghomethebacon ",0 "1 year and 3 months down the drain .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ my love you you two is true . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mine are GAY ",-1 "Do not stalk my fucking twitter ",0 "I couldn't be more happy with my hair . A lot people complain about their hair texture and stuff , but I just wish I was natural . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't ! I'm on the way to Chicago right now . #tired #coachbus ",0 "Fuck it's not open ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I for realll need some free box in my life where are you #missyou ",0 "I just wanna go out . Screw this orientation shit . ",0 "Turning my phone off . goodnight ",0 "I hate waking up late I feel like I waste so much of my day ",0 "Everyone's in a bad mood . ",0 "I just wanna go out in sweats ",0 "The fact that I got a 90 on this test and can't explain why half of them are correct . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I'm sleeping all day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Brooke I'm soo sorry but I don't think I'm gonna be able to come ",0 "there's nothing to even do today except sit around and throw peaches at people ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sadly I know ",0 "i just wish i could cuddle and just fall asleep ",0 "I take things way to seriously .. ",0 "Wishing my tits were smaller ",0 "Tonight is going to be emotional . I can't believe it's my senior night . ",0 "Babysitting for the most irresponsible parents once again . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't today ",0 "Watching this soccer game is making me so sad !! ",0 "There are to many Kristin's I'm getting them all so confused ... ",0 "My TV's not working ! ",0 "Uhhh ... I feel like I might keel over dead at Any second . I hate being sick , and I have to work later . :'( ",0 "Jealousy is a green monster . But it is St. Patrick's Day . ",0 "Sad Tay is leaving already tomorrow ",0 "Aaaahhhh I got stung by a killer wasp I need my mummy to come and kiss it better ",0 "After the next couple of months I NEVER want to see the inside of a school bus again ",0 "My whole TL is talking about these basketball games .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I so did not mean 2 haha This bitch needs to hurry I'm a pissed bitch ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it really has nothing to do with the first one , like way to ruin a classic ... You can't even quote the second one ",0 "No eraser left thanks to Poetry ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm busy all weekend maybe next weekend ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ idk if she has her phone ",0 "nobody has any idea how much I don't want to go to school tomorrow ",0 "Oh how Christmas is different from last year sand six years ago ",0 "New Years is right around the corner yet so far away whyyy ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "How hot the car is <<<< #dieing ",0 "Idk weather or not to text you or just leave you alone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ didn't text me back ",0 "And the seniors this year . I'll miss most of you ",0 "Headphones and Pandora ",0 "Why didn't I bring my headphones to school . ",0 "Never sleeping ever ever ever ..... guess this what I signed up for #newmajorproblems ",0 "I need a reality check and stop worrying about superficial things in life . I need to stop taking things for granted bc it could all change ",0 "I think I'll just stay home and cry all weekend since Tiffany is busy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hate it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol is on point then ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why are you not here fishing with us ?! #disappointed ",0 "I'm so freaking hungry it's ridiculous . ",0 "I hate feeling like this ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHAHA I'd so do it if my mom wasn't picking it up for me ",0 "❤☺ I'm sooooo nervous ! ",0 "Even though _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is a dick sometimes , I miss him ",0 "Seeing that didn't help either ..... Jealousy sucks . ",0 "Tomorrows gonna be such a sad day ",0 "I'm drinking tn .. It's probably gonna be alone .. But I'm def drinking .. ",0 "I'm craving for pizza . Everyday for the past few weeks actually . #badgirl #gimmefood ",0 "Been listening to say something on repeat for the past 2 days ",0 "I hate getting favorited and not retweeted . It's like nobody wants to show me off . Just go and hide me somewhere in your profile ",0 "I have to say that it is finally hitting me that I'm graduating next Saturday and I have three days of school left ... ",0 "I don't wanna work ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay jade !!! Good luck !! I'm so happy for you , even though your leaving me ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I literally change my mind 5 times before I pick one . ",-1 "Hello raging migraine . So much for going to watch football ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wish I was there to keep company ",0 "Sarah , you need to get out of bed and go to the gym #LazyMonday ",0 "They are a PRIME example as to why I hate people ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ trueeee . #mymomsgonnahateme ",-1 "Had a dream I had a boyfriend and a dog why is life so evil ",0 "Everytime I wear my hair up , I get such a headache ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ fine leave me and Chris outta the tweet jerk ",0 "THUNDERBUDDY WHERE ARE YOU !?!?!? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "If my eye doesn't stop twitching I might kill someone ",0 "Surgery in the morning ✌ ",0 "The fact that I fell at work today and now I feel like I broke my tail bone is very painful ",0 "This storm <<< ",0 "When your so pale the sun gives you a rash , wtf am I from twilight ",0 "I didn't eat breakfast or lunch & all I had at Mercedes was a corn dog & a few Oreos . I DONT EVEN LIKE CORN DOGS . FEED MEEE ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I finally made up my mind though ",-1 "I take that as a yes ... ",0 "It's practically January and it's still raining .... #IWantSnow #lotsofsnow ❄️⛄️ ",0 "Being sick and having to go walk in the psycho wind . << ",0 "30 mins until the season final of teen wolf #TeenWolf ",-1 "I've called and called for these damn tix _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ answer ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we miss you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thats sad ",0 "\His hair looks like a bird "" good one gramma . Wills hair is sexy . ✋ "" ",-1 "Is there anybody out there that wants to chill cuz it seems all my friends r away or busay ",0 "So much for you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mine is too ",0 "Seriously feeling like I need one of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hugs right now his are the best .. ",0 "Can't even think right now ",0 "Can't wait to come home . Missed the 603 ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Missing today's game because I have to study and the weekend games because of drill . Damn , I'm such a good girlfriend . ",0 "I wish I was hanging out with you right now ! ",0 "Evil dead is so messed up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Not nice . Hope your teacher can't see that ",0 "Blake griffen should have not been thrown out of the game ",0 "Sitting at a red light scrolling through insta&I hear a honk so I look over like this it was a cop looking at me like this ",0 "I would so go to the movies tonight , if I had someone to go with ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you so much rn ",0 "It's not a selfie if someone is in the picture with you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's not funny ",0 "So not ready for early mornings all week . ",0 "I miss my boyfriend #ninedays ",0 "All I want for Christmas is my big I got her in an oversized present box before , so can she be in one under my tree tomorrow ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "I wish my remote was on my bed instead of on my couch , the struggle ",0 "Waking up this morning was the worst thing ever ",0 "All these sad tweets make me sad ",0 "I hate it when people don't text back for no reason ! ",0 "Ok so I have a two hour first period yeah that's so cool ",0 "It's not like you'd care if I was sad or not . You'd just yell at me anyways like you always do . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ask him to play Hall & Oates ' Abandoned Luncheonette . ' It's awesome ! The real place was down the road from me but is now gone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ girls night ** oooops ... fingers move faster than my mind ",-1 "If you was on fire and I had a bottle of water I'd drink it !! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss when we all hangout . ",0 "I just wanna crawl in bed with babes . ",0 "I'm not ready to work till 7 ",0 "Feel even worse today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you can we do something this weekend ! #pleaseandthankyou ",0 "It's sucks I can't really post anything on fb about being home alone right meow . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if it's a girl I know exactly who you talkin bout ",-1 "Looking at pictures from over the summer , I want my tan back ",0 "I really wish I could understand what the Spanish people are saying .. I just stand here ",0 "listening to the game on the radio ... Just glad I don't have to actually watch it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you ",0 "I always wanted to go to fright fest at 6 flags and still haven't gone ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I knowww ! Boooo ",0 "I really don't wanna go to work today ",0 "I'm still upset that they stopped jane by design ",0 "Sickkkkkkkk and I still have to do my workout for today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ never came and seen me at work today . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ idk where its at still new around stow . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so incredibly jealous right now ",0 "Meh . That's the only way to described how I feel . Just meh . ",0 "I don't have a closet right now ! ",0 "I wish I knew some body in the Baltimore area with that shit ! I'm sad ",0 "My mind is like racing right now #helpppp ",0 "I want to go shopping . ",0 "im gonna be pissed till i find out who called me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why didn't you take me to the beach ",0 "Wellll now it's just my mom and i for 6 months good thing we're best friends and get along !! ",-1 "I wanna pet deer ! ",0 "I know I'm only teaching 2 classes tonight but .. I don't wannaaa #baby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my hair is the blondest it's been I always go to my hair dresser lets just bleach it ill have Barbie hair she always says no ",0 "first time mike has ever turned on the heater and I didn't hear Maggie barking ",0 "I swear I don't know what his problem is but I'mma drop him like a hot potato if I get another freaking estimated bill > ",0 "We never have snow days . lol . ",-1 "Missing the walking dead with no power ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah , my night didn't go as planned ",0 "He just knows how to piss me off ! ",0 "why can't Dave Franco be mine ? ",0 "What's gonna happen next ? ",0 "I'm in such a bad mood tonight , for no reason . ",0 "Longest weekend of work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh . so I was being used . I thought you guys just wanted to hug me because you love me . ",0 "I want Taco Bell . Buttttt ..... I'm broke . ",0 "Wish I could pull off full blonde hair ",0 "But it don't want to go out tonight #PeerPressure ",0 "my night wouldve been even better if miley actually showed up ",0 "I'm on grill again . ",-1 "I just realized that some guy told me I'm beautiful today ... Now I'm thinking it might be only because it's #TellAGirlSheIsBeautifulDay ",0 "When _TWITTER-ENTITY_ doesn't text back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my now that's 2 people ! Why are you mad ? ",0 "The fact that I can't retweet your tweets _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "You know Christmas is over when I change my banner ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol me and you both !!! I'm gonna be up all night ",0 "I really wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wasn't going to Louisville this weekend I miss you already ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ new it banks always has to steal or shit not ok Ryan _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm such a baby when it comes to storms ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too #missyoueveryday ",-1 "Onnnnnn the other hand ... I leave work in an hour lets hope me and my pretty little perfect precious car don't get sucked into it ",0 "Everyone gets to go on vacations but me . It's not fair ! ",0 "Haven't cried this much in exactly one year . #ironic ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you too cutie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh man why did you have to tweet this ignorance is bliss . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tell me about it ",-1 "Idk why my mood went from to ... ",0 "Having 20% battery and no charger <<<< ",0 "So I found my earringsTook em to get cleanedAnd forgot to go pick em upNow I gotta wear the 2karats tonight ",0 "I hate being sad . I can't sleep I just keep thinking and thinking ",0 "Never met someone so selfish ",0 "I would like to catch a break any time now ?! ⌚ ",0 "there's so much I need to say to you right now and I can't ",0 "I haven't been this sick in a long time . ",0 "Having to work till 11:30 for a stupid floor move <<< ",0 "I really don't like Mariah Carey . ",0 "I really miss my 1st semester crew always being together Leeana , Hunter , Matthew . We were the shit ",0 "Ohhhhhh what I wouldn't do for some Guinness right now ",0 "Didn't sleep at all ",0 "I wish my hair was always this curly but once I brush it it goes away ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ turn on the ama's #memories #missyou ",-1 "I hope this pain goes away soon .. Or ill have to make a scary trip to the doctor . ",0 "When unwanted guests are still here at 4am raiding your fridge and blabbing about pickles . ",0 "My face broke out so badly this weekend . No one look at me . ",0 "MY PHONE NEVER TELLS ME I HAVE SNAPCHATS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not funny !!! ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ what did you get on your chem final ? ",0 "I miss my babies on this Christmas Day _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I wish I could've #Breastfed longer then 5 days but my emergency DNC made my milk come in solid with all the blood I lost ",0 "I better be someones wcw tomorrow . ",-1 "I can't believe I've only seen _TWITTER-ENTITY_ once this year ",0 "Every day this weeks been a battle ",0 "It's not supposed to snow on spring break ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahha ! He's a meanie ",-1 "If it wasn't for my last class of the day ... that has a test , I wouldn't be here . ",0 "Someone go on a walk with me ",0 "Oh whiskey sours why do we keep meeting like this ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay . . . ",0 "Panera sounds amazing right now ",-1 "I've been sleeping ever since I got home from practice and I'm still tired . And I feel even worse than I did before ",0 "Except for the fact that the salon employees are blasting Taylor Swift .. ",-1 "whyyyyyyyy won't my body let myself stay awake and study ",0 "I wish I could get a phone call tonight .. Even if it was for 2 minutes , I wouldn't complain . #ArmyWife ",0 "Fuck lines for food ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you ",0 "trying to tell your brother everything it's gonna be okay .. when you know it's not going to be .. I'm sorry jake . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ the struggle of choosing every single contact ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh no bueno ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ grrrrrrrrrrrr . ",-1 "forever putting my feet on the dash just to get yelled at to get them down . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but you are ! Gimme my notecards back !!!! ",0 "For real this dog needs to shut the fuck up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im so sorry now we can be broken hand buddies /: dont tell anyone i did it ! i feel so bad .. ",0 "When mere turns off her read receipts ",0 "I definitely win idiot of the month award . That was so stupid of me ",0 "It would be a good time for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to come home . It's just mom and me alll week ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you have so many ",-1 "So being with my nephew on Sunday has resulted in my now black fn eye ! WTF , nobody believes a person when they tell them how that got 1 ",0 "That's just messed up in so many ways ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I couldn't open up sound cloud fast enough ......... but it's not there ",0 "Dear college professors , Please don't be late to your own class and make your students wait to learn when we don't want to . ",0 "My back is killing me ",0 "My boyfriend is being a pain in my ass tonight ",0 "First night I've slept by myself in a week and a half , I'm going through withdrawals ! #missmybaby _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I really do not want to leave my house this morning .. ",0 "The sound of a phone hitting the ground is worse than nails on a chalkboard . ",0 "I seriously have no motivation to pack right now ... ",0 "Wishing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ didn't have a basketball game #missyou ; * ",0 "You both are so fake and two-faced I can't even stand to be around you anymore . .. I think this was my first #subtweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay 25 year old ",-1 "Pissed off girl right here . ",0 "Those vines of the family's reactions of when the soldier comes home gets me everytime ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ heck no get me out of this conversation now i hate being in between you guys ",0 "I've been in the car since 2 am . ",0 "I'm mad at myself more than anything ... ",0 "the next person to read and ignore me i swear to god ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oooooo ngobrol kek daritadi ! ",-1 "OMG IM RUNNING OUT OF HERSHEY CHOCOLATE STUFF FOR MY CHOCOLATE MILK !! #ThisIsHell ",0 "I wish I had a good morning text every morning to wake up to #WishfulThinking #Goodnight ",0 "Never can go to bed before 12 since I've gotten back from football camp ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm eating right nowwww but i can't drive ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hope your recovery is good and ill see you this wrekend❤ ",0 "This last week is going to be so busy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know and before we know it the VIPs are gonna be sold out ",0 "Dammit . The Athletic Banquet is Friday from 5:45 to 8pm . THAT'S INTERFERING WITH MY SVU TIME . OH HELL NO . > ",0 "Way too used to everyone around me getting mad at me lately . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haven't did my makeup this whole semester ",0 "Bed time work in the morning ",0 "Excuse me while I cry my eyes out . ",0 "This week is going by so slow ",0 "Got a really bad headache during the last three houra of our trip . thank god I have jim he said he'd drive the rest of the way . #SAVED ",0 "This is the nastiest shit I've ever drank in my life ",0 "why do you have to be so mean to me all the time ",0 "Don't even know why but I'm in such a bad mood today ",0 "It doesn't feel right drinking without you here ",0 "I wanna be blonde already ",0 "Yea , that's so funny lets laugh about it ",-1 "my dog is blind ... no really we found out yesterday #mybaby ",0 "Can I just take my food and go somewhere else ",0 "questioning decisions #bummed #annoyed ",0 "I'm so bored with my life ",0 "Who has advanced foods second block tomorrow ? #alone ",0 "Dexter is so selfish ",0 "Lol the bank sent my debit card to our old house .. now I gotta wait 5-7 days for my new card ",0 "This is getting really old ",0 "Phone never over 22% ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sicky ",0 "Nothing worst than seeing your boyfriend sick ",0 "How am i supposed to get up with lilly sleeping across me .. she's too cute , i cant wake her up ",0 "I just want to be back in big rapids . ",0 "I need to stop doing this to myself ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah it's about who you thinks so much is going threw my head right now ",0 "I would test positive for strep right before finals . ",0 "Stress is dumb ",0 "Don't forget your past completely bc one day it will come back to haunt you ",0 "I should probs just sleep to get away from it all ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tell me about it , I woke up on Monday and thought you were downstairs for a second ",0 "Literally 2 weeks away and then this happens .. #myluck ",0 "Red bull wasn't 2 for 5 this morning ",0 "I wana do something fun for once Why is everybody so gay . ",0 "Can it be friday already ? I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want to ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but Sierra .... ",0 "Home alone ... what shall I do ? ",0 "It's brick dick out and my kids sick ",0 "Sombody come over and walk around with me to take pictures then watch movies and eat icecream . #please #noftiends ",0 "Love being the awkward 3rd wheel ",-1 "A lot of studying ahead of me today ... ",0 "Gab's dog won't stop humping my foot ",0 "I can't believe I'm saying this .. But I'm gonna have to root for the Giants . ",0 "Realization that my boyfriend is graduating college a week from today .. whyy ",0 "Really wish i didnt see that ",0 "That burger was not a good idea ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hate that shit ",0 "#ThingsIGetAlot asshole , jerk , rude , selfish ",0 "I really hate going on my bus in the afternoon ",0 "I'm not ready for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to leave . #missyoualready . I am ready to spend time with my baby boys all weekend though ! #mixedemotions ",0 "Be grateful for what you have , damn ",0 "Off to the convention center for the last competition of the year for me ",0 "I wish I could stop thinking about things & just go to sleep ... ",0 "Ugh of course the house I just spent 3hrs building becomes haunted #Sims3Probs ",0 "I hope all this east bound traffic is gone by the time i have to come back ",0 "Kinda forgot about the whole nine hour shift thing tomorrow ... ",0 "Since my dad was a comedian , you'd think he's had a little sense of humor .. Damn it's a joke , padré . Let loose a little bit . ",0 "The fact that when my mom got home at 2 last night out creepy neighbor was standing in the field just staring at our house . ",0 "Thank God it's December it means the year is almost over ",0 "Gunshots ?!?! Uhm ... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ little baby I love him so much send me snap of him plz ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no ily please don't think like that ",0 "I just want to be taller ",0 "I hate the DMV .. ",0 "Why do I always get so hungry so late at night ? ",0 "I wanna be off diversion so bad ",0 "Omg I am being so lazy today , I cant even sit up for 5 minuets without laying back down ",0 "Omgggggg !!!! He's dead !! #LionKing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i chill with him sometimes but he never lets me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I ran over a skunk on my way home and now my car smells !! ",0 "Omfg leave me the fuck alone ! #goddamn #LEAVE ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you guys succkk play the good games when I leave ",0 "I have to be at work at 7 .. I have two more hours of sleep .. Why am I awake ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'd give anything to even drive one right now ",0 "Gonna miss hefty going to prom ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ooh ! Well dang ! #HaveFun ! ",-1 "Missing someone has got to be one of the worst feelings ever ",0 "you're taking long to respond ",0 "I really want to see the new insidious movie this Friday !!!! ",0 "You told me we would find the money and now you're saying I can't go .. wtf ",0 "I just can't wait to take that one-way ticket out of this place . I'm getting bored ",0 "Okay . NOT HAVING A CHARGER IS REALLY MAKING ME ANGRY .. ",0 "I'm sad because no one stays up as late as I do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just what I need ",0 "nothing like being under a tropical depression warning ",0 "this friday will be the last time ill be receiving schedules from hopewell valley ! #seniors2014 ",0 "well wouldn't another cold day be nice but I doubt it will happen ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no ! ",0 "The fact that there is still a market for real fur makes me sick ! ",0 "Emil pinned his kid in 32 though ",-1 "I miss my sister today ",0 "NO YOU GUYS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO POOP IN MY BATHROOM ",0 "won't be in Death Valley tonight & worst of all won't be at the Joan tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for the movie night invite ",-1 "Making grilled cheese because there's nothing else to eat ",0 "Depressed . Why is my face breaking out at 22 ? And on date night ? Doesn't it know it's my 1 year w boyfriend this is the worst ",0 "Just had one of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cupcakes ... Can I come back now please ?? ",0 "Shouldn't have cleaned so much now I feel even worse ",0 "when my brother walks it sounds like a thousand elephants downstairs . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ burn in hell ",0 "Could not even get a coffee on my break because there was 30 people in line ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hunter save me I miss you already ! ",0 "Tired of always feeling so sick ",0 "I wish I had a best girlfriend that I hung out with all the time #LonerProbs ",0 "Someone put my clothes away and clean our house ",0 "I'm in a mood today . ",0 "Vermont this weekend #NoThankYou #TooTired ",0 "i just want my mom to come home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come back ",0 "Could reallly use some plans for tonight ",0 "FORGOT MY PILLOW ",0 "My iMessage isn't working but I love you and I hope you feel better stay safe princess _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm so ready to smell these hair dye fumes today ! #soexcited ",0 "I miss Nala . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes . I didn't know I did . So I'm an hour late ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ since we already had one day snowed in , and this is supposed to get worse I don't fancy our chances ",0 "i hate when things feel different and out of place ",0 "This kid annoys the hell out of me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I waved at you in the middle school !! You didn't wave back ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ he's heated ",-1 "The more I watch rio the more I fall in love with it ",-1 "The fact that I'm not gonna see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for a month <<<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you more ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok srry ",0 "I wonder if I am ever going to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ again ... sighhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know , right ? Apparently a lot of parents have never taken basic Manners 101 . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hear ya on that ! ",-1 "There's nothing more I want to do in the world then help out the people who can't help themselves ",0 "This is quality cuddling time and I'm missing out on it ",0 "I would get sick two days before Christmas ",0 "I feel like I hardcore clean my room .. Everyday ",0 "Well my drinks ruined now . ",0 "I'm in one of those moods I could tear down bowling green one building at a time #upset ",0 "All I think about is David leaving #wah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you to ",0 "BUSHA GO TO BED AND STOP STORMING AROUND WITH YOUR WALKER MUTTERING IN HOBBIT . #helpme ",0 "Alright honestly just keep my fuckin food ",0 "I'm already getting so tired ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Missing you and the guys today ",0 "I miss my friends _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "All this coughing is beginning to be an accidental ab workout . #dangit ",0 "I hate it when my iPod dies . ",0 "My phone is sooooooo slow now !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss everyone too ",0 "Boys boys boys ... ",0 "Everyone left the pool .... homework time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ poor Carrie . ",0 "Work 8-midnight , then all nighter #2 , then work at 8am , class 12:30 -5 then all nighter #3 then work 8am-noon class 1:30 -7 . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's what's up I'm at home for spring break ",-1 "I don't want to type this ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm craving it !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know girl ",-1 "Home alone and I keep hearing noises . ",0 "I just wanna go homeeee ",0 "I thought it was just when I was young but no I still hate the dentist . #herewego #thissucks ",0 "Blake Bell walks up to the kid RIGHT NEXT TO ME and hands him his sweatband . I wanted that sweatband . ",0 "literally SO close to making the dean's list already that the amount stress I'm getting from pushing myself harder is making me sick ✏️ ",0 "Tomorrow's gonna suck . #rip ",0 "In a depressed mood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ first G4 and now this ? Why do people want ruin good things in life ",0 "Tis the season for strep throat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Newp , sorry , hon . ",0 "Someone just come love me ",0 "I sound like a troll but the sun is giving me a really bad headache today ",0 "Keith Urban will always be my favorite , the only person that got me through tough elationships "" ❤ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",-1 "Well this is just great ... ",0 "I'm trying not to be a procrastinator but there are better things to do ",0 "I thought I brought American Dad but it was just Cleveland ",0 "I CANT FREAKING GET MY HEADPHONE JACK COVER OFF ",0 "Really glad we are all still children ",-1 "My body doesn't know how to sleep in ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Until mom and dad assume you're gonna pay for all your shit yourself . ",0 "Well , at least in a hour in a half I can take my three hour nap ",-1 "I miss getting those cute good morning . texts ",0 "My feet are already so sore and swollen and I still have to work today ",0 "i got so much hair ",0 "Never been more confused in my life ... Too many decisions . #stressful ",0 "Always left out ",0 "oh so you can tweet but not kik me back ? SEE THIS IS WHY YOU LONELY ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I used to love dolphins #notanymore ",0 "I'm just not having it lately . ",0 "I go to the bed , my last night here ",0 "Wish I could call you mine ",0 "Can I either have a tutor or study buddy for History and Chemistry and Math ? I need help ",0 "Why is it so hard for me to focus at home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no idea just I bought it today but I can't get it till Saturday morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg you poor thing well I hope you feel better ! ",0 "I keep hearing noises in my room !! Like foot steps and everyone asleep ",0 ".... So my uncle and his girlfriend are running in the Boston marathon ..... ",0 "Why doesn't Taco Bell deliver ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ audrey you didn't meet your goal of going to bed before 12 ",0 "It was nice seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ at the movies tonight ! Wish I could have talked more ",0 "Wisdom tooth coming in hot on the right side of my cheek ",0 "My screen has hairspray on it .. ",0 "Guess I can't go on twitter for like 2 hours this is agony . ",0 "Just that one thing someone says that can change your mood instantly . ",0 "I feel like that tweet was about me .. #ohwell ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ fine . LOLim kidddding ",-1 "Where is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they made me cry because that could be me taking selfies with them ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss not being there with you till tomorrow my angel enjoy yourself tonight goodnight ",0 "Of course The Walking Dead ends with a cliff hanger ",-1 "My monroe looks so big in pictures ",-1 "I think one if the biggest girl struggle beside having a period is having to wait for finger nail polish to dry ",0 "Walks out if dorm with an umbrella and not a jacket ...... #stupid ",0 "Why can't it always be summer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh I'm sorry . Pfffftttttt I bet that happened because you're supposed to go audition with me next year ! DUH ",0 "Some days I struggle really bad with my scar and eye issue today is one of those days ",0 "I need to go to the chiropractor because my back is jacked up ",0 "I wish I had my cat right now . ",0 "our gerbil died _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ....... #sosad ",0 "First test today ",0 "I honestly want to hang out with someone ",0 "Somehow went over my data twice in the past two weeks ? I need to stay off my phone BUT I JUST CANT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ really pisses me off sometimes . ",0 "Awh , just remembered that I don't sit with hope in French anymore ",0 "The 8th will be the worst day . Of this year . ",0 "I'm not liking any of this heat lightening ",0 "I don't want to do anything but just talk to you ",0 "the only people i have found out to be in some of my new classes this semester are people that i hate ... glad i have such good luck ",0 "My sister always makes the bathroom smell like poop . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why is it we live like 20 minutes away from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and we still can't meet him . #Sucks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you just too busy for me I guess ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey ! I wear crocs ",-1 "Up and at work and now and just got a text to come in at one , back to bed for me ",0 "I'm feel awful ",0 "When people comment on how big my calves are #mancalves ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I MISS YOU ! You need to come down here sometime ",0 "I mean come on Maggie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ very sad ",0 "Cool cool .... ",0 "14 hours till we eat ",0 "Gosh I miss you so much ",0 "Whoever the hell keeps banging on a damn drum realllllllly loud next door outside needs to shut the fuck up ",0 "Nothing makes me more mad than havin to get up outta my bed bc I forgot something ! ",0 "God im lost I miss ian so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry I love and miss you a lot !! Summer make plans please ? ",0 "It takes like ten hours to curl my hair . #ThickHairProblems ",0 "I get so jealous whenever I watch Vines from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ because some of them have such naturally perfect tits . ",0 "Can it just be Saturday yet so _TWITTER-ENTITY_ can come home #missmybestfriend ",0 "Holy shit dude , I just want my car . We could have been done an hour ago ",0 "This song would have to come on ",0 "10 minutes into this Christmas lunch and my great aunt has already called me Michelle 3 times ",0 "Wish I was going to watch #TheHerd play at OU . ",0 "HAHAHAHAHA . You're so funny , really , stop . #Sarcastic ✋ ",-1 "I've officially grown out of my jeans ",0 "I dont know why im okay with this . ",0 "I don't even have time to go through my 185 emails this weekend . I want to be done with work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I am ! ",0 "Not too sure what the point in going to school is since I did none of my homework #tired ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ math homework . Come over and helllllpppp ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is it ? I wanna go see it so bad . ",0 "When me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ actually used to be buddies #missit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You need to contact them then . I'm not country .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just dropped my math class because I have failed every test ! ",0 "This is the last day of class , I drive to Cumberland , she gives us pizza and says \you're free to go ! "" Bitch , I could have stayed home . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ How are you alive ... ",0 ".... how I feel ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its in the cities now though instead of wood bury ",0 "Sfh better gets some good ass sleep cause we have a big day ahead of us ",0 "Yay , another day at school ",-1 "Pissed I didn't even get to drink my shake ",0 "Nobody understands my hatred for band . I'd literally do anything to get out of going to stupid band camp ",0 "I just need to talk to my sister , she always knows how to keep me happy ",0 "How the hell id I just manage to break one of my plugs ... I'm pissed . ",0 "I AM FREEZING ! ❄ ",0 "My face is wind burnt . Owwww . ",0 "I burnt myself so bad that I have blisters on my stomach & back ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ pissed at you for having your shift covered again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I WISH !! he's out in the country . ",0 "Kinda now just hit me that my aunt type person died #RIP ",0 "all I do is work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh dear ... ",0 "Getting my wisdom teeth out ",0 "Why am I still up ",0 "I buy my momma a patio set for Mother's Day and here my dad puts his tools all over it #HickDaddy ",0 "It's the exact same . ",0 "I literally cry for no reason .... What is going on here ??? ",0 "i hate my house at night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ those peoples have plows and salt and sand . Driving in this weather sucks no matter who you are . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg I'd love too but they moved my sonogram to Thursday ! ",0 "So _TWITTER-ENTITY_ came and visited me and work and STILL didnt give me my dollar !!! ",0 "It took me 2 1/2 semesters but I know realize how hard college is ",0 "tonight fucking sucks . . ",0 "Today keeps getting worse ",0 "I love always having money but it sucks when noone else has any so I have a list of debts from random people #awk ",0 "This laying in bed all day sucks . #wannabebetter #strepthroat ",0 "I hate upsetting people . #sorry #accident ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't talk about it ! ",0 "Really have no idea why I just did that but wtf ",0 "When I text you , I feel like I'm bothering you ",0 "I wish you actually cared about me & wanted to talk to me all the time , instead of just when you're bored . ",0 "And here comes the pains again #holyfuck ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what's wrong love ? ",0 "It's not going to happen ",0 "Its a beautiful day outside and I have no plans today someone hangout with me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe .. I'm sorry ",0 "I woke up with a cold wahh I have to work 10-7 today too argh ",0 "Someone please tell me it's just a hoax that Paul Walker died ! #pleasedontbetrue ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not even ... SPIDER-DICK ? ",-1 "My doggie has a ear ache ",0 "Gonna find a movie . Cuddle up in bed . And watch it alone . Cause that's my life . ",0 "Those ASPCA commercials ruin everything #sodepressing #mygod ",0 "I pray my anger issues go away but they never do ",0 "Waiting on Kase in the sauna ",-1 "I'm so excited for summer but I know I'm gonna miss my team so much . They're seriously all my Bestfriends now ! ",0 "All my hard finals are out of the way after tomorrow so Tuesday and Wednesday are gonna be so pointless ",0 "That car is not even mine yet and I spent 20 minutes cleaning it out ",0 "I just want Logan ",0 "That ten minute FaceTime was a tease ",0 "I bought two dresses for formal . I'm suppose to be ready in an hour and a half and I still don't know which to wear ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw ik dude seein all the Danes tomorrow is gonna blow ",0 "yeah , i need a car . ",0 "Damn it . I forgot I had to work ",0 "I don't wanna gooooo . ",0 "I have to get up in 3 1/2 hours ",0 "October is here ! All I can think about is Mrs. Weaver wearing pink every single day . I miss high school ",0 "I think Sweet Frog poisoned me ",0 "Can someone come massage my legs . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know !! I work tomorrow 11- 6:30 , are u there tomorrow at all ? ",0 "$ 2,759 for next semester . Not including books ( if I even decide to invest in those ) ... Do you know how many shoes that could buy ? ",0 "I want you here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You aren't allowed to marry my sister if you aren't cheering for State ! #LosingBrowniePoints ",0 "hate this thunder AND the fact I'm home alone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ When r u two going to do a movie together again ??? Too long great chemistry !!! Miss my camp too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WHAT ! TAKE ME ! I'm so jealous ! You have no idea . ",0 "It's been awesome having 4 days off work but I have to go back tomorrow evening ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I watched one so far I liked it I watch so much not enough time ",0 "Just found out stagg had a PAC 2 I thought we were original ",-1 "Really can't even fucks with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause he listens to Gucci ✋ ",-1 "Fever and stomach bug for the first time ever I really don't wanna miss school ",0 "Yesssss me & Casey get McDonald's after school _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill miss you soooooooooooo much #emotionalme ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMFG . I'm so glad we're all on the same page . Soooooo annoying . ",0 "JUST CRACKED MY PHONE SCREEN⚠ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Mine too ! ",0 "Calling 911 on my neighbors at 4am .. ",0 "I should've known this week was gonna be bad the moment I shattered my itouch . Ugh life . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no I'm broke as hell ! I might be able to drive down an hang out for a few days soon though ! I just can't afford a ticket ",0 "You are too annoying . ",0 "Oh my goshhh someone help me with this ",0 "This kid is such a fag comment on another photo of hers ",-1 "You should always have someone to cuddle with on stormy summer nights it's not fair if you don't . ☔ ",0 "I just want to text you every second of the day and not being able to talk you kills me ",0 "You reallllly irritate me .. ",0 "This hoodie is too small but idc . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't see you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know you love mehhhhh ",-1 "Break outs suckkk ",0 "My neuro headaches finally went away and decided to come back 2 days ago .. Back to the meds ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know . I would be sad if I didn't talk to her again . ",0 "Really tired of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ crap in this class ",0 "Haven't figured out how I'm going to shower with the bandage op ",0 "I'm always the person people want to hangout with when no one else can hangout . ",0 "No dentist , take longer to clean my teeth . I don't want to return to prison .. I mean school ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my god I was eating !!!! ",0 "Leaving work at 1130 and waking up at 645 for this color run then working again til 1130 tomorrow will call for one cranky girl tomorrow ",0 "Conjuring sold out .... SMD movie theater !!!!!! I hate you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ do u love me ? ",-1 "Cant wait for 10:10 i hate advisory ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're not leaving . sorry no ",0 "I want to see #oomf ",0 "My grandma likes Chelsea more than she likes me ",0 "I'm so glad i took my jeep to the car wash last night for it to be pouring down rain this morn ☔ #justmyluck ",0 "I really just want a new tattoo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just said dad I volunteer now drive me to Milford & he said no oh ",-1 "I'm craving Subway ",0 "Just purchased the owl case . Now have to wait for it to get here . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ You're such a potty mouth !!! LOL ... And beyond that , sadly enuff ... Correct !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill be in Evansville this weekend ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha see you at 6 gibb ",-1 "My client just beat me in go fish ",0 "Nobody ever texts me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's not fair ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ agreed , but I turned it on just in time before JT came on !! ",0 "Which would be nice considering I get depressed every time I see my bathing suits in a drawer and not in use ",0 "I hate when _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is upset it makes me upset too ",0 "I didn't realize how much english homework there was ",0 "Damn she didnt text me all day . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im just kidding John ",-1 "Not ready to say bye to all of my friends ",0 "having a _TWITTER-ENTITY_ withdrawal ",0 "ruining a friendship over something so ridiculous ",0 "I'm sitting in the lobby at the hospital , and this lady just walked past me and ripped ass . #eww #yanasty ",0 "My mood tonight = ",0 "She's my best friend , not yours . #goaway ",0 "My car would break down right when I'm trying to move .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ because of my stupid neighbors you know how they love to clean our woods ! Well they already threw away half ",0 "I just love when my phone dies and my text messages don't come through #not #annoyed ",0 "Can't even go outside w/o sweatingggg ! Ahhh ",0 "It's always sunny has been on commercial for over 8 minutes ",0 "The only thing I hate about camping in a tent is when it rains ",0 "Gonna read and go to bed ... Nobody loves me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you can't go to Kentucky ? ",0 "All of a sudden feeling a sinking feeling .... Gab's not gonna be home all weekend ",0 "Perfect cuddle weather , and we're stuck in school . ",0 "Guess in not good enough for the truth ",0 "just not gonna download IOS 7 . it keeps messing up . ",0 "I haven't slept in my own bed in four days I miss it ",0 "I'm craving chocolate covered pretzels ",0 "Not sure I'm excited for everyone and their grandpa joining us at eku . I liked my campus child-free . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WE STILL HAVE YET TO HANG OUT WTH ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I'm sorry . ",0 "Back at school ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think I assumed I did ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ people have issues ",0 "I do not know how to act . Lord help me . ☺ ",0 "There's nothing I hate more than physical therapy ",0 "Sick of not being skinny .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've got plans ",0 "I'm kinda bummed that I couldn't find #Family in my town ",0 "Haven't talked to my boyfriend all day . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My cramps suckkkkkkk . ",0 "Sleeping on the floor in my own room because Ashley's being a butt head thank god for all my blankets lol ",0 "I would probably be crying and beating myself up 10x worse right now if Becca weren't talking me through this ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mine was good , why was your only alright ",0 "Between my road rage and the amount of Chinese takeout I just devoured id say my pms and exam stress levels are at a new high ",0 "I don't even care how he looks ed Sheeran is the perfect man ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bye ",0 "I want to be with Justin ",0 "Lets play a game called \Is this caffeine overload or overwhelming anxiety I'm feeling ? "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but we like your company ",-1 "Whyyy does my dog think its play time ?!? ✌️ ",0 "Too bad no one will ever be able to hear my voice because I have stage fright . ",0 "Okay so no swimming , and I badly need to work out .. No ball buddy and no tennis buddy , shoot me now !! ",0 "Man I miss being 16 and living in Texas ",0 "I need to see johnnie Marie ",0 "Being sick is the last thing I need rn ",0 "okay .. sleeping with that electric blanket on high was a bad idea , I feel like I'm dying #dehydration #goodjobtori ",0 "People who talk loud enough for everyone to hear their convo <<<< ",0 "Nooo don't make me go to work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so sad that I'm already packing to leave again tomorrow . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want to ! But I have no one to go with and idk how to get there ",0 "SO FUCKING DONE ",0 "I wanna go to the carnival . ",0 "MID SEASON FINALE ?!? NOOOOO ",0 "Ugggh , being torn between two things was hard enough but adding the third in there just makes this suck ... ",0 "WOW breaking bad season 5 just released on Netflix & I bought that shit a month ago ... #TheStruggle ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stupid ass mail ",0 "Spring break is over ",0 "I feel like I got hit by a bus and they thought they didn't kill me so they backed up over me again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why are you so cool Bobbi ?.. obviously way too cool for me now .. ",0 "Haha that's awkward ",-1 "Whoever schedule finals week during the VS fashion show is seriously fucked up in the head can't believe I'm missing it ",0 "I can't believe it will be 14 years at the end of the month ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I thought it was funny ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why can't I just live with Jake ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know or watch on Netflix ",-1 "Why do I even get my hopes up ? ",0 "I couldn't hold my tears , I just had to let them out ",0 "I wish I had someone to cuddle with tonight ",0 "I guess I'll get ready now ",0 "#somehomo is trending but #mustybutthole never did !? > ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't want to believe it ! ",0 "Why is washing off make up such a HASSLE ..? #GirlProbs ",0 "Of course the day I get to sleep in there are people ringing the doorbell and hammering on the house all morning . ",0 "Nothing like spending a rainy day in Maine with a puking child . ☔ ",0 "Thanks for driving me to the bus stop dad , ooh wait you \DIDNT want to get it up "" <<<< literally freezing "" ",0 "Someone texxxxxt me pwease #illpayyou ",-1 "My phone has been roaming since we got here ",0 "Did Tim seriously just go home ...??? ",0 "Not feeling too great . ",0 "Sometimes I wish I was going away to college this year ",0 "Really wanted to just throw a pair of yogas on today but of course Madison and their new dress code ",0 "Just has to pass up free jimmy johns samples because I'm already running late for class ",0 "I want bdubs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ duuuude . Wtf where to ",0 "Of course I feel this awful over thanksgiving ",0 "Really wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was home to go watch the dance team with me tonight ! #wishfulthinking ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bill said you did like last week . Well that sucks ",0 "Pitch black ... in the middle of the woods .. no street lights .. ",0 "Some days I miss you soooo much ",0 "I always have to pee right when I wake up ",0 "It's 7:40 and I'm already pissed to the max ",0 "I need a new fucking job . Subway is ridiculous . ",0 "Why does kelby always stop answering me in the middle of a conversation ",0 "My mass gainers have the consistency of concrete mix #notafan ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss and love the heck out of you ! Ugh ! ",0 "Krister got a heat spot had to shave it . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'd be honored if you'd visit me in the gym ",-1 "I don't like how I feel second .... ",0 "I'm about to take my ass to smoothie king , lawd Jesus somebody tell me it closes at 9 and not 8 ",0 "Checking my grades every five minutes .. Wish the rest of my professors would post them ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well were excited to see you too lol I have no one to beat up on ",-1 "I wish I took more advantage of the whole candy aspect of Halloween ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ already ? ",0 "I wish I had plans todayyyyy ",0 "Just spent about a year and a half of my life looking for my keys , and they were in the same place I always put them . #Oh ",0 "I wonder what will explode first my head or my bladder ",0 "Going to miss my dogs but , it's for the best . ",0 "I might as well go to sleep ...... ",0 "So sad that today is my last day home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ true . me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ry are gonna road trip up to your town & come see you soon ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can never complain about me not hanging out with her again cause She won't get out of her bed to come hang out with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh gosh !!! You're in a pickle ",-1 "I hate being sick . I think I'm gonna die . Lol . ",0 "I think ever on 11 south saw me puking on the side of the highway ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : God please help me get back to football next week , watching from the sidelines is tough "" do you get to play today ? "" ",0 "I have the whole upstairs to myself again ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im so sorry I know how ya feel one of my family members committed suicide to I know what its like Im here if ya need to talk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that is so sad ! ",0 "Someone come turn my light off so I don't have to get out of my bed ",0 "I really wish it didn't rain all day so we could've gone skiing ",0 "I . Am . So . Cold . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well be home tomorrow ",-1 "No it's cool that you talked to me for a month & now nothing .. ",0 "Why did I wait until I was almost 17 to get my permit . I'm kicking myself for it now ",0 "I really wish my boyfriend and brother didn't leave for basic training on the same day . I'm gonna be a wreck , no doubt ",0 "Why in the world am I going into work today . ",0 "Sad that this is the last episode of the office ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha it would totally be like you're under arrest for burning and blistering my daughter's face ! Jail time for you lol Jk ",-1 "When Silvano takes the most disgusting snapchats of me when I'm sitting right next to him and sends them to me . <<<< ",0 "I want to be where the ocean is ",0 "Anybody looking for a place to live ? My roommate heads south soon ! ",-1 "I wish I had #LongHairProbs ",0 "Love how I get back to my dorm and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ have robbed my milk and cookies ",0 "I just want to go back to the summer going into my sophomore year where I spent everyday with my bestfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel your pain I haven't been this sick like ever ",0 "Man I hate working the opening shifts ",0 "Olive Garden is gross ",0 "I hate having to memorize definitions #Struggling ",0 "I want my rook done ",0 "I hate that my professors never update or add grades to blackboard ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ to be honest idk what hand it's supposed to go on ",0 "I hate slow drivers #roadrage ",0 "Who wants to drive me to work at 6 please ",0 "Bye bye Maryland I hate having to work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too ",0 "Just gonna hit the sack . Night world . ",0 "AND FUCK THIS . ",0 "If only he was here .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ NEVER duhhh ❤ I miss you like crazy ",0 "I miss April ",0 "I hate being a girl , I just wanna eat everything . ",0 "Something bad is going to happen .... I can feel it ... ",0 "Sometimes I want that but then I want that and then that lol I'm confused with what I want anymore ",0 "Might as well go to bed . ",0 "I have bad news to anyone who cares ..... I can't come home Sunday anymore I have to work Tuesday now .... ",0 "I could fuck you over so bad right now . ",0 "Back to the summer nights when it's impossible to sleep cause it's so hot ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss youuuu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how do you expect me to help you .. ",0 "Can I just lay in bed and say no to work today ? ",0 "Tonight's a freakin ' school night ",0 "Spurs match postponed this weekend ",0 "I want someone to make me feel special ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm trying , Sandys not about it I have to be 18 . But for real we're doing that ",-1 "Great on my first day of cosmetology school I'm completely sick and at the moment have no voice ",0 "I can't even fathom the fact that #vampirediaries season finale is tomorrow night . This isn't real life . Sadface . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my bad . ",0 "I have to wake up in 5 hours . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ apparently so is my iPhone clearly Tropical Smoothie is not across the street from Kroger . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ there is no need for her to like every single thing he posts ... that's my job . ",0 "I hate not knowing what to wear ",0 "I better not be getting sick right before finals week ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know baby , I can tell . I miss you bunches too ! ",0 "Nothing like a bologna sandwich on a payday Friday #poor #godhelpme ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ because I don't wanna be a junior aka one year away from being a senior and graduating ",0 "I forgot it was Friday . No jeans today . #dqprobs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ NO NO NO , come love me ",0 "I can't feel any muscle in my body .... My gym buddy is killing me ",0 "I know I shouldn't message him but fuckkk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they won't accept the college credit I've already received though ",0 "Been away from home for 3 days and I miss my dog cats and horses ",0 "Goal is to have my 3 b's raised to A's . then ill be straightt ",-1 "Ohhhh if dez is the next bachelorette ",-1 "Not even 11 and I'm already annoyed . Great . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you ",0 "i really hope my cat isn't dying . ",0 "Snuggling with my dog because i have no human to do such an activity with . ",0 "I cannot stand when people are mean to my dog ! such an asshole . ",0 "It feels like a sauna in this barn ",0 "Paying $93.50 for a piece of paper that won't print <<<< #huntingprobs ",0 "We've had our tree up for 10 mins and my dog managed to knock half the ornaments off ",0 "Watching this movie with my parents , and it's super boring . ",0 "I need to go on a run today , but I'm not about this wind .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know . I wish we lived closer ",0 "The last thing I wanted to do was be sick and miss my game ",0 "Can I just not and say I did ? ",0 "If happy ever after still exist I would still be here holding you like this .... ",0 "so much work just to do to my hair ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ both shut me down today why you no want to hang out with me ?!!?!? ",0 "Why do all my friends like to put embarrassing pictures of me on Instagram ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay well thanks for your honesty doll ",-1 "so much homework but I'm so tired ",0 "I have a paper due Monday and I work a 12 hour shift tomorrow .. To write paper or go out ",0 "Cannot believe someone called 911 on my phone last night ",0 "I hate long car rides so much ",0 "Get home at 1 , up at 7 to get my radiator flushed and oil changed . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm near your house but I forgot to bring your cages ",0 "Laying out right now >>> even though I'm gonna get sunburn ",0 "in desperate need of a new phone ",0 "I want my nails done . but it's basketball season sooo ",0 "I've woken up on the edge of the top bunk about to fall off every morning this week ... I just want a normal bed #FirstWorldProblems ",0 "This constant headache is not okay this week ",0 "I really wanna cut my hair but I'm scared too ",0 "I better not be coming down sick .. ",0 "Snow you are NOT funny ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ did not like the ending ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ reunite in 4-6 months ",-1 "This codeine got me snoozin alll day like I can't even get out of bed & really isn't helping the pain all to much .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahah clever .... ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't know what I'm going to do with out you at grammy's ",0 "I really wish I could go to Miami with my mom this summer ",0 "Seriously fuck work tomorrow . Nothing is ever fair Just wanna spend tomorrow with the people I love the most Sweet dreams everyone ",0 "I can still hear you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they were the first place i checked but they're the most expensive ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ when did you text me ?... I got into a car accident ! ",0 "I'm literally sick on Thanksgiving every year . EVERY YEAR . WHY . ",0 "I think I just had the most horrifying dream I've ever had ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my life is never stress free , not even music can help right now .. life is hard right now . i love you though&wish you the best . ",0 "Long Island medium always puts me in a good mood ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe poor Julia ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss your old avi ",0 "Locked out of my house ... ",0 "I have such a hard time listening sometimes ",0 "S/o to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ doggie !!! ",-1 "Dreading my ride home from Braintree later ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry boo ",0 "This song that just came on >>> here come the tears ! Such a sad song ",0 "When will this headache go away ",0 "My battery dies so fast ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I loath you ",0 "Found a notebook with a lot of stuff in it from Jr. high from talking shit . math problems talking to my best friends and about my mom ",0 "I MISSPELL TOO MUCH ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ no no ",0 "Why is coach having us practice till 6 ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if only you knew ",-1 "You just don't realize ... ",0 "I don't even know ",0 "I fucking hate living alone ",0 "you can open my snap chats ..... but can't text me ",0 "Sorry I'm the worst secret buddy ever _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #embarrassment #mylifeisawkward ",0 "Makes me sad bc she's cool and fun ",0 "I'm so sore today ",0 "Just now thought that I have not had a real dinner since Thursday night .. ",0 "11 hour car ride tomorrow ",0 "I miss cuddling with Jose ",0 "Pretty sure all of the sick kids at daycare got me sick too ...... ",0 "Just stop trying to make things better . It's only making things worse . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah I'm really pissed off . Wasted money , back to probably having to sit on the floor until we get replacements SMASH ! ",0 "this fat bitch at Starbucks rn ",-1 "Prayers for my cousin Madison Faith .. love her so much . ",0 "Something that happened in the past will still get to me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea I feel that .. How have you been though ? I wish I could see everybody one last time before I leave for good april 4 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you horribly ",0 "Don't call me ma'am , call me miss . #PetPeeve ",0 "Last day of smoking . hmu if u wanna get that last session in ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not there .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you make me sad when you don't text back did my tanline picture scare you ? ¿ ",0 "I need my screen fixed on my phone so bad .. Just don't feel like sending my phone away for 2 weeks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I already did and she said no ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't want too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it won't let me ",0 "I hate being tickled ",0 "Jordan totally just left me . Guess I'll get to his family dinner when I get there . ",0 "My dog keeps getting old ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm quite pissed myself . ",0 "Already not enjoying this whole school thing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jillian ! I miss you ",0 "I still have yet to see Silver Linings Playbook . #bradleycooper ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't drive ! Trying to write paper alone in Boone . ",0 "I'm really beat up about money right now I have it I just hate it ",0 "Nothing like always getting bad news . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so so sorry Kaylie ",0 "wait .. that means that craws perfect record of penalty shots is done ",-1 "The dress I got for valentines last year was way to small so I went a size up this time and now this one feels like it's gonna fall off ",0 "I have a feeling next weekend is going to suck . ",0 "Jim being a little girl the whole trip ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ text me love ",-1 "So ready for lunch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ew , no . ",0 "Ugh why can't I be friends with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "No eggs = bad mornings . Im starving and I'm going to clearly waste away ",0 "I just can't believe I am getting stuck by this parade ",0 "decided to try an Arby's Reuben .... worst decision I've made all day #disappointed ",0 "Wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was here to get sushi with me cause no one else will ",0 "if I have the stomach virus someone's gonna die ",0 "EVERY time I like someone , some other bitch tries to get in the pictureee . ",0 "I wish my friends liked chillingcause laying in bed watching tv is my shit ",0 "I'm in a good mood and wanna do something fun , but I have to be up to work at 6 #bummer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm going crazy farmer ",-1 "I really don't wanna get out of my bed . ",0 "Everything feels so different ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ! I'm hanging out w zeke Maddi and reryl today ! ",0 "would have rather watched The Heat though ... ",0 "I miss you so much #thissucks #comebackhome ",0 "when a mosquito buzzes in my ear ... it's asking to die . ",0 "I'm kinda like freezing to death ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you ban ",0 "Just want to hear his voice ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was great ! ",-1 "About to punch a hole in the wall ",0 "I don't think Paige wants to be here half the time ",0 "Didn't have time to go to the gym ",0 "Leaving the nursing home ",0 "Fae just ruined the whole mood and shit ",0 "My back today <<< ",0 "nothing scares me more than when my family tells me all the ghostly encounters they've experienced in their lives ",0 "Oh it's cool I don't still need to eat dinner or anything ",0 "I didn't realize how chicken I was to turn off the light before bed until Brandon wasn't here to do it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not gonna be able to say goodbye ",0 "But why is there a snake in my tree ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish ",0 "I already have to cracks on my Michael Kors phone case ",0 "I wish I was cool like my sister ",0 "I want this migraine to goooo away . ",0 "My beer is going to be hot by the time I get home cause these damn school buses stopping at every fuckin ' house on the block #pissed ",0 "It's been one day and I already miss you #ComeHome ",0 "All I want is a cigarette ... Whhhhhhy is it so hard to quit !? ",0 "I really want a little brother or sister ",0 "I'm jealous of people with long eyelashes , perfect eyebrows , pretty dimples and long hair ",0 "This teacher radiates bad vibes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just so you guys know I'm watching boy meets world ",-1 "Why am I always hungry ",0 "Who the hell took my Pepsi out of my fridge ",0 "No it's to soon I can't let go of my puppy yet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel y'all I have one tomorrow the worst ",0 "I've had the worst anxiety all day today ",0 "Sick to my stomach ",0 "Last regular season game man I've been ballon for St. Jude since 4th grade . #Memories ",0 "Have not slept more than 4 hours all weekend . In so much pain ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the weekend I'm gone you're home ! ",0 "Thank you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for making me realize I didn't go to the drive in once this summer . ",0 "So over this ",0 "Why can't adults have snow days what I would give to spend one day under the covers ALL DAY LONG ",0 "Already getting texts asking if I'm on town ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i miss you ",0 "college work <<<< high school work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you !! Miss you too keep in touch ! Love you ",-1 "Stop yelling !? Boy I'm only giving you mild crazy !!! #handlethat ",0 "They still didn't put my money back on my card ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no YOU are . ",0 "Ugh I wanted to sleep the whole day away ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's like chilly and windy today you're just used to California !! ",0 "it's okay wifi you don't need to work for me or anything .. ",0 "My allergies is raging today ",0 "Damn I miss having class with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "ok so it just hailed and now it's like snowing wtf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck it's sold out that's why ",0 "I forgot to charge my phone ",0 "Waking up in ...... 5 or 6 hours ",0 "But seriously .. I was disgustingly skinny ... Why didn't anyone tell me how gross I looked ? I thought that was cute .. ",0 "I wish I would of went home this weekend . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ BEAST ! You should have signed up !!! We need you ",0 "Probably shouldn't have texted you . ",0 "definitely time for bed .. another day of work tomorrow , boooo #workingsucks ",0 "I just want to be homeeee ",0 "Witnessed a accident with 2 fatalities early this morning still can't get the image out of the cops laying those white sheets down ! ",0 "Well that was uncalled for #rude ",0 "Windshield wiper broke ",0 "Because _TWITTER-ENTITY_ dog is 10x bigger then me and I have to run away from him ... ",0 "' I wish we could just cuddle up on the couch and not have to talk on the phone ' - yea ... me too - only one more week ",0 "My tire just blew so over this week . ",0 "WHY MUST MY LIFE ALWAYS BE A FUCKING MESS . ",0 "Why can't I stop thinking about you ? ",0 "I always get the urge to workout at night when everything's already closed ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Still don't know where my glasses are ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lying & joking is different !!!! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Okay it snowed . You were right . ",-1 "25 squats 95 curl ups 25 planks All together today !!! My body is sore from last weekend too ",0 "If my stupid phone do quit messing up ",0 "SO exhausted .. Just spend time with me ",0 "Of all weekends this one is forsure going to be the death of tyler foster ... ",0 "These people in the hall need to stop screaming . Some people are TRYING to sleep . ",0 "Don't think I'll ever be unfrozen ",0 "I miss that ... ",0 "Mom got my Nutella for college I love her . ",-1 "Just found out today that my best friend or win "" wont be coming up to the high school next year "" ",0 "Well might as well be in the ER at 10:40 at night ",0 "I love watching baseball but it makes me miss playing softball ",0 "Can it be Sunday already ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh I see I'm not in this equation .. #OhWell ",0 "Need my nails done ",0 "This rain tho #goaway ",0 "So much unpacking to do ",0 "I wish my roommates were here . I hate being so alone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me eitherrrrr . ",-1 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ heading to Cali today . Have a safe flight and a great trip ! #imstilljealous ",-1 "Anyone else have sprint and their phone hasn't worked all day ? ",0 "I'm over working in this cold weather summer can hurry up any time now !! ",0 "I want to go swimmmming ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ never watched the video ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I thought so too doesn't look that way now . Ugh . ",0 "Most boring day of my life ",0 "omg I miss you so much ",0 "Every time someone laughs at my dream of being a wedding planner I just secretly hope they never get married ",0 "This line is soooo long ",0 "I just wish I knew gods reason for some things ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's annoying ",0 "I don't understand Spanish ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whatcha mean ? ",-1 "thanks coffee . i really appreciate you ruining my favorite shir ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop I miss the ritz crew to much ",0 "2 leg days in one week ... somebody get this kid a wheel chair ",0 "I have a bruise on the bottom of my foot from stepping on a rock last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Text me ",-1 "Oh hey it's cold ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha ya the park is gonna be packed with little kids and their parents ",-1 "Top of my head got sunburned . ",0 "Soooo . My girlfriend hates me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I never get good morning texts anymore ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I actually have no luck so probably not haha ",0 "I just wish I could fucking retweet you Sarah ",0 "Last thought .. Damn I hate sleeping alone ",0 "I don't want my lunch to end ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ because he would ALWAYS play with my hair . It was so calming ",0 "I can't wait for the day maxs future employer sees his tweets hahahaha their face will straight look like this ",-1 "Seeing all of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' s friends but not seeing Jaymee < #missyoupretty ",0 "Next mission is Microsoft Word holy balls , this is expensive I hate that my new windows eight gave me only a month free trial , ",0 "I've seen so much more shit . people act like they don't know who my boyfriend is ✋ ",0 "I have Charles Xavier legs #lamelegs #sore ",0 "Ugh I wish I could just sign out #badday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've been listening to it on iTunes for the past week !! But I can't go buy it till after I get off work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ really ? I hope I see you too ! I've missed you ",0 "Annoyed all to hell again ... ",0 "My best friend at work is quitting ",0 "WHY DO I KEEP GETTING UTI's!! ",0 "Feel like I just got ran over by a bus and my abs are sore from coughing so much ",0 "I'm done getting crushed & upset over boys , I just can't do this to myself anymore .. ",0 "Can't believe I witnessed something like this happen tonight and right next to me ... one of the worst things you could witness ",0 "I want someone to make me a poster for hockey ",0 "Nobody gets how fucked up my back is and how much pain I'm in holy shit I can't even fucking move ",0 "Couldn't run with Rachel today one day soon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we legit responded to each others tweets at the same time ",-1 "If only I didn't have work today ",0 "I seriously hate this computer , it always crashes when I'm in the middle of working on a project ",0 "i cant believe im setting my alarm clock to 6 am . . . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was too cold I'm sorryyyyyyy ",0 "About to be another long ass day considering I got no sleep last night ",0 "Last night in Motown ",0 "Well here I go studying for this humanities test ",0 "Why the fuck is my newsfeed not refreshing for the third day in a row ?!!! #stupidassphone ",0 "Just killed a raccoon on the way home and called sky to tell him and he laughs at me . I was crying ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... #thestruggle ",-1 "Seriously any1 please do my apush homework ",0 "I don't get sick anymore so I don't know what the hell this is ",0 "Your not serious ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "God back to the sadness I go ",0 "wish i could be having a MUCH needed vent sesh with my best friend right about now _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm up super earlier every morning . ",0 "Why can't I go on a gap year like yours so amazzzzing #jealous ",0 "It really chaps my ass that Kenny is home still in bed . ",0 "I feel like I'm being stabbed ",0 "Whyyyyy do I have headaches 24/7 ",0 "We had so much fun in the school parking lot ",-1 "Just realized that after Tuesday , I won't see my brother again until Christmas . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ see you at school ",-1 "I can't stand to see you like this ",0 "Worried to death right now ... ",0 "Guilt conscious I guess ",0 "Good thing I took 3 pages of notes in chem today and they are barely readable #mylife ",0 "I have to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "So I guess my phone doesn't receive texts anymore ",0 "This morning has been so shitty !! ",0 "Well now my plans are ruined . Thanks _____ ",0 "People ask me why I read so much ... I read to take my mind off reality . it's my only escape . I just want to be myself Again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh man that's a shame ",0 "Cool going to fail this history quiz cause its probably going to be 3 pages long and have an essay ",0 "Back in morehead ",0 "Why am I the worst at studying ? can't focus to save my life . ",0 "Michael just said \I hate being a boyfriend . "" Wow . Okay "" ",0 "& #rip to my friend Morgan . You will always be smiled upon . Rest in paradise beautiful . ",-1 "But why oh why does it have to rain this weekend ?! Waking around in costumes isn't gonna be as fun now ",0 "Ruh roh shes pissed #imsorry ",0 "Wish I was back home with le familia ",0 "I can't still be drunk from last night , so clearly I am concussed .. Okay rock , you win . #allieprobs ",0 "I haven't stopped crying since yesterday ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Thank you so much twitter for telling me who A is . #nothappy "" I was so angry too ! I freaked out and watched it "" ",0 "Omg this is bad ",0 "Of course my varsity jacket gets here once it's nice out ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry I know like we had Dante Drew matt .. \Samantha "" all talking together . I miss it "" ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so much . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ What my day consisted of- bed , couch , bed . Goodnight ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cal I'm having a severe allergic reaction to cats right now ",0 "Omfg I heard a bang downstairs ",0 "I like Corbin . and London _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "My baby squirrels gross me out so much ",0 "Am I really googling how to make myself throw up because my stomach isn't letting me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i want mine !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's sad dang it do you guys just keep it in one vehicle ? ",0 "John Mayer's new song with Katy perry in it = ",-1 "I really kinda miss my belly button piercing ",0 "so i guess im an alumni for the haua crew ",-1 "Everyone is in such at bad mood that I run in contact with today , including myself . Dang you Friday the 13th ! ",0 "My eyes are itching from baileys cat . ",0 "People make me stressed ",0 "Anddddd you disappoint me yet again . Didn't see that coming ",0 "at least I get to see Emma tonight ",-1 "do you even care ? #honestly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for making my day so positive .... ",-1 "It's been an awful day already . ",0 "Holy hell no wonder its freezing outside ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cleaned the whole house while I was at work today ",0 "I still want some Taco Bell . ",0 "It sucks being stuck inside on such a pretty day ",0 "Why is it so cold in my room !!!! ",0 "Never thought that I would be missing Central this much ",0 "Where was all of this snow on Christmas ?! ",0 "I wish my cat would come home . It's been 5 days . ",0 "This cannot be happening right now . ",0 "The last thing I want to do right now is pack ",0 "It's funny how the guy I like thinks I'm a nobody , but the guys I don't like are always a line waiting for me ... #girlprobs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I understand , it wasn't about me now . Whatever . ",0 "i hope _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is okay ",0 "Going to meet _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this summer ",-1 "Why can't you just live here ",0 "i hate sleeping alone . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss u too feels like I haven't seen u in years ",0 "To bad so sad ku ..... u suck ! ",0 "We'll all remember where we were the day Fuller's burnt down . #RIP ",0 "My whole entire body is so sore ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it just look bad ... I don't like the privacy issues abound with it . I love the 360 and original Xbox but I might leave .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for calling me out on it too what a great friend ",-1 "I cannot wait to see my baby Gunner whose not so much a baby anymore Auntie Sky loves you G ",-1 "Me tonight ☺ . Think it's time for ",-1 "2nd shop week & I'm sick . That's gotta be a new record for me ",0 "It's only been 2 days and I already miss my momma like crazy my plans to move away aren't going to be easy . ",0 "I look entirely too cute for this hole in the wall bar I'm going to ",0 "The thought of it just kills me in every way . ",0 "I miss going to local shows all the time like I used to .... I miss the music scene . ",0 "It's too early #worklife #onlyaweek ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we haven't talked in that long I don't remember ",0 "My phone wouldn't press answer when you called tonight #frustration _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's like a bleachy jizz smell ",-1 "Daddy make my lunch ",0 "I just miss my main guy friends . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ My mom does that too . ",-1 "I wanna go home tonight but then again I don't ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I am deeply sorry and I don't even know if you'll forgive me . I am honestly a different person and I am just so sorry ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ( 1 ) Vodka is made from potatoes . ( 2 ) Potatoes are vegetables . ( 3 ) Vegetables are good for you . You're welcome . "" Omg . Yesssss ! "" ",-1 "I really , really hate this day ",0 "Missing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ pretty bad today ! Sure do wish I could be with her right about now ! ",0 "Can't eat anything until after the doctor's ... Great ! ",0 "Dangit I can’t find my math book ",0 "too bad it's booty call hours ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Either FUCK with me 100% or don't FUCK with me at all "" so hard for some people to do "" ",0 "My mom needs to come back , I want my strawberries and cookie dough ",0 "I hate not being able to say I'm a Lakeside cheerleader I miss my coach and my girls . ",0 "Gimme at least a good morning text . ",-1 "So . unbelievably . bored . ",0 "Wish work and school didnt get in the way of spending time with my bestfriend ",0 "I want a puppy for Christmas so bad . ",0 "It may only be two hours right now .... But distance really sucks . ",0 "Anyone else ever have those horribly sad dreams and wake up crying ? ",0 "Instagram has video now ? ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah I'm not at work my last day was Monday meaning he missed out on the best service one had to offer ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is immature . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know you're home yet I haven't seen you and we haven't gotten new ink ",0 "I remember when people use to say I remind them of Angelina Jolie though . Then I bit my lips so much I swear they got smaller ",0 "ARW YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME BROWNS ?!?!?!?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey this is my tweet ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whenever you want ! I miss you and puppers ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ were about to drive by ",-1 "nothing's worse then curling your hair when your tired ",0 "Stoked to spend the next six hours in a middle seat #not ",0 "My parents got a new coffee maker but i don't know how to use it ! ahhh ! ",0 "Anyone wanna study geometry with me ? No ? Okay . ",0 "Would love to go for a bike ride EXCEPT my parents took all the bikes to the shore ",0 "Well that's pretty disappointing ",0 "Ugh woke up late again worst ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know but still the struggle ",0 "I'm glad you kept your promise , haha if only you did . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao either way i still wouldn't have it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Have to stay away from IPA . To hoppy ! ",0 "My life doesn't revolve around you , so therefor I wouldn't waste my time tweeting about you .. #sorry ",0 "So much built up bullshit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol sometimes she's better at it ! And other time alls we got is hot pockets and potted meat #lmao ",-1 "I was excited a new Star Wars movie was going to be made , even with Disney behind it . Them I find out JJ Abrams is directing it , NOOOOO ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I HAVE ONLY HAD COFFEE ONCE SINCE I HAVE BEEN UP HERE ",0 "I have no idea what im lookin for ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg . I'm totally not looking forward to it ! Mine are at 5:00 weekdays .. no time for a nap . I'm gonna bore myself to sleep . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you more ",0 "Chipotle is raising prices next year ✋ ",0 "My hair is at such an awkward length . I need to get it cut so bad . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ at least now I'll have someone to talk to !! ",-1 "Nothing's worse than not being able to fall back asleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too . I had to take my mom shopping . It was horrible ",0 "I swear if I see one more picture .. ",0 "Gonnnna be a long night and day tomorrow eeeek ",0 "; -- P ;-) ; -- P ; -- P ; -- P ; --- P :-P ; --- P :-P ;-) ; --- P :-P ; --- P ; -- P ;-) ; -- ) :-P ;-) ; -- ) ;-) ; - ",0 "stepped on a thumb tack .. hello Monday morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't ever look at videos ... Summarized text to go with it ? ",0 "I miss having my old room and my old life ",0 "When I didn't have a vehicle I had everywhere to go .. Now I have one and the only excitement I get is at work ",0 "My step sister just got back after 2 weeks . I said \Hi Dani ! "" & Cooper barked . Guess whose existence Dani acknowledged ... "" ",-1 "someone walk to sheetz for me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ same ",-1 "Dang this lady must be taking her anger out on my feet #ouch ",0 "Lips are getting more worse than better ",0 "feel so lonely ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ DONT PLUG YOUR PHONE INTO YOU'RE COMPUTER AFTEER YOU PLUGGED IT IN MINE !!!! You will lose everything ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm miserable ",0 "Hate watching my mom cry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha sure ",-1 "I can't believe it's almost been a year !! ",0 "Why are travels so expensive I need to win the lottery ",0 "So the kiss in the preview is before Sami/Kate fight ?! So with #ejami so in love how do we go from this to EJ questioning Sami's feelings ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ prayers your way Han ! They are talking about diseases with me now love you , here if you need me ! ❤ ",-1 "Alriiiighty cool ! * ",-1 "The fact that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is watching Rugrats , & I'm not ! <<<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm on my 8th iPhone charger ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we miss you we need to catch up ",0 "I have poison ivy everywhere ... ",0 "I need a math whiz to help me with my prob and stats homework I procrastinated ",0 "Should've brought my chem take home test on this ferry ride ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too next time your in Wisconsin let me know we need to catch up ! ",0 "my room cold too .. ",0 "I wish my knee surgery was tomorrow so I could get this over with ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too an of course JUSTIN why ?!!! ",0 "I just can't wait to fix my phone tomorrow ok ",0 "I'm missing Michigan so much ",0 "So sick of living a double life ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha yes ! It seriously sucks ",0 "When I'm starving & there's no food in my house . ",0 "Wow ... Take it back ",0 "And I really hate that my phobia completely takes over me even in my dreams ",0 "I really miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ When are y'all coming down here ? I forgot haha ",0 "Timing & I were never good friends ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not always true #myexisanasshole ",0 "i miss papa chuck ",0 "I'm ready for the weekend ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Katie come home I miss you ",0 "Cut the crap Tyler . ",0 "woke up at 7 .... wayy to early . ",0 "What is wrong w me today ",0 "Leyte was one of the spots that got hit and my mom can't get into contact with any of her family who lives there #screwyoumothernature ",0 "Is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ever gonna come home ",0 "I can't believe it's time to register for school already ",0 "Ugh I feel super sick ",0 "My mom has more friends than I do ",0 "This is how I feel about Monday mornings ",0 "I screwed up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohhh I'm sorry . But anyways we can split the cat ... I get the ass ",0 "We had one , then we moved up here . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but my stupid phone trimmed her actual singing . ",0 "Wish I could fall back to sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I recently watched your video about the voice in your head . I have had that problem too . Since the beginning of middle school . ",0 "I miss my honey so much ! ",0 "I need a hobby or a male to get me through this summer ",0 "I miss Brandon ",0 "Why do I gotta be so picky !? ",0 "I want my hoodies back !!!! ",0 "It's gonna be different not seeing Gary almost everyday ... That's a hard habit to break . I'm gonna miss him . #sadtweet ",0 "I want to go to the volleyball game tonight , but I don't have anyone to go with me who would actually enjoy it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ too bad I wasn't their too see yours !!! haha ",-1 "My cousin Harley is coming over tm for a good home cooked meal . I feel so bad for her mom and little brother . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ in a woods ",-1 "Thanks for shooting my plans to heck and back . dad ... good going . #NoMovies #NoSafeHaven which means no happy katelyn ",0 "I don't wanna leave . ",0 "Claire might be staying with babe tonight , without me for the first time ",0 "Don't cry over spilt ice cream ",0 "that walk made me feel nothing . I officially feel nothing . no feelings for anyone . ",0 "putting butter on waffles is the ultimate struggle ",0 "Now I'm sad bc miss being little ",0 "Where is Aaron ? ",0 "Holy crap I am so tired ",0 "7 months . Fuck that ",0 "Was good while it lasted .... sorry guys ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ boooo lame .. nothing will ever top last year anyways ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ misss you and I need a job any places there you know of that pays good ? ",0 "Bubjust beat me at 2k ",0 "I can't even deal ",-1 "I just wasted an hour of sleep by watching vines . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shit I completely slept through my alarm and now I have work ... I'm so so sorry I suck at this ",0 "Not even The Office can cheer me up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she's been out of school an entire week and I'm not there today but I've seen three tweets about it already . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw man ! i'm sad you can't come , but glad I could make you happy with a little snail mail ! ",-1 "It's freezing and sleeting ",0 "the DD tonight ",-1 "When I run outta life's on candy crush ! ",0 "Today is my families last day here , then I'm all on my own . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #emotional #alone ",0 "I miss Phil I haven't seen him ",0 "No one to talk too ",0 "I'm a hypocrite ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same here I am so pissed hahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It was hard to sleep ... ",0 "First tears of the school year go to chem ",0 "I wish I had enough money to not have to work . I'd be the skinniest bitch ever . AND have a social life . Ugh .. ",0 "I'll probably feel forever guilty about last weekend #TraditionBroken ",0 "I want Starbucks . If only they delivered to my bed . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no .. It's not ",0 "I bet I killed anywhere between 25 and 35 rats today in the warehouse at work . Should have thrown a poke ball could have been a rattata ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it closed down ",0 "work til 10 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need to buy you things for missing out on your big game ",0 "It always rains on the days of my finite exams .. Coincidence ? I think not . ☔️ ",0 "I swear if I have to pay for late registration I'm gonna be super pissed ",0 "I hate getting a shooting pain up your ankle ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss watchin you play for Michigan man ",0 "I went to bed early last night and could not fall asleep #ofcourse ",0 "You told me to be honest with you .... and I should see that coming everytime . ",0 "So much to do so little time ",0 "I'm really kinda over the fact that there's no food in my house . And by over , I mean REALLY FUCKING OVER IT ! ",0 "Shitty shitty shitty shitty ",0 "I don't want _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to go on vacation ! I will miss her too much and have no life ! ",0 "no one ever said it's smooth sailing to the end ... #oneofthosedays ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ The new album was recorded before they called it quits so sadly the breakup is still on . ",0 "Migraine AND a sore throat ? Yippee , my life just keeps getting better and better . #sarcasm #fml ",0 "maaaannnn I'm getting sick . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ jeepboy ... Haha the one who lives beside the vet ",-1 "It's only 6am and I've already had my blood drawn twice today #ouch #justletmesleep ",0 "I honestly hope I got paid for sitting at that 1.5 hr long meeting ",0 "Just bite your tongue . ",0 "I'm so jealous of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ life right now #college #nashville ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ And if there was a middle finger emoji I'd use that too ",-1 "I don't wanna leave Brookings anymore ",0 "the seniors last day is the 31st of May ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why the effff arnt you going anymore ",0 "seein him tonight << miss my guy bestfriend so much . ",0 "Digging a hole in my backyard and living in it for forever ",0 "Wish I was at aim high ",0 "Lost it .. ",0 "I always fall asleep then wake up ! ",0 "It seems like nothing ever works out for me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Not in my case .. ",0 "oh cool , just remembered I have a paper due at midnight . summer semesters <<< ",0 "I do not care for global politics and would much rather be studying chem #nerdlyfe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mine wont do it ",0 "Seriously need to see a doc for my inability to sleep #insomniac ",0 "My boyfriend can come home any day now _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "Half of my face is sunburn ",0 "Why does God hate me ? ",0 "It's pretty sad how a small doesn't even for me ",0 "Dropping out of school and just gonna be a stay at home mom . Can't do this crap anymore ",0 "Thursday ... Why do I have this day off and not Saturday instead ??!!! Nothing exciting happens on Thursday !!! ",0 "Just . Dang . ",0 "okay seriously kirsten needs to stop snoring .. like right now . ",0 "Why isn't season 9 of The Office on Netflix ?? ",0 "Why am I always cold ?? ",0 "wicked mad i didn't get to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yesterday ",0 "Why aren't my friends awake ",0 "How do I get myself in these situations ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't do Friday guys ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ya because I was there ",-1 "I can only hope ",-1 "Waiting for my mom ",0 "Woke up from a terrifying dream fml ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ How would you know Cari ?! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't! ",0 "I have nothing left to live for and fuel on ",0 "this bumper to bumper traffic just keeps adding hours onto my already 12 hour drive ",0 "Haven't went yet this summer ",0 "Reaaalllly wish I was at the game right now and not at work !! ",0 "I just want someone I can practice my lap dances on ",0 "Cool it's Friday the 13th .. Looks like I'm failing my permit test ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh .. & alright . ",0 "Senior nights always make me realize that I'll never see half the people I've grown up with again after graduation .. #surreal #sad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wowwwwww DC ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Maybe 4 . ",-1 "the way he broke his ankle makes me even more sick to my stomach ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're at the drive in ?! ",-1 "I def gained weight this summer ",0 "I'm really not a bad person ",-1 "I wish I had a cute southern accent like my momma . ☺ ",0 "I really don't feel good #crying ",0 "Great .... now I'm not tired ",0 "Xbox live is all types of fucked up right now wish I had a PS3 at the moment ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you Beckybro ",0 "The season finale of mistresses was a total shocker , I don't want to wait for the next season to see what happens ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I hate when my feet gets cold .. #freezing ",0 "I hate forgetting too send a text . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I work tonight ! ",0 "Feeling lonely and down ... ",0 "Ouch there goes my toes I may lose a few toenails after that one . Grandpa ran over my toes with Grandma and her wheelchair ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mom didn't feed me ",0 "Someone babysit Miley tomorrow for me ",0 "Holy shit , it's so hot ",0 "i'm so tired of eating the same shit all the time . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know how you feel ",0 "No no no why did I say that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You just met me doe . ",-1 "I'm pretty sure _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ forgot about me ... ",0 "Can't stop coughing ",0 "Instead of writing this paper , I'm watching reruns of Jeopardy ! on YouTube . The sad thing is that my grandparents are prob doing the same ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha I'm sure ! Oh btw , thanks for come and visit us at D&E ! ",-1 "I hate everyone from muncie schools . Cause we have to go to school tomorrow and you don't #HurryUpWeekend ",0 "Writing a letter to Rick Snyder ",-1 "I instantly just get ticked off when I come home . Can't wait to graduate ",0 "it is NOT ok when hungry howies messes up my order when i haven't eaten since 10:30 this morning ",0 "Why do I feel so disgusting ",0 "Why am I up at 3:00 ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I won't have class w/ you in the morning first thing tomorrow or I'd bring us brownies ",0 "So lost right now ",0 "Why will no one answer their freakin phone ?!? ",0 "Ann and Madi right now ",0 "Why am I struggling to get out of bed at 1:13 ? ",0 "My mood went from ☺❤ to ",0 "Well that was a complete waste of time !! #frustrated #whatajoke ",0 "I will not buy Christmas tree cakes . I will NOT buy Christmas tree cakkkkkesssssss ",0 "I just wanna be yours ",0 "I've probably never texted someone like that .. Ever . ",0 "If people don't stop talking about the awards I'm gonna beat someone up ",0 "sleepover at the library minus the sleep #allnighter ",0 "I want food . Rn . ",0 "A days are so long ",0 "My brother and his friends are sadistic little assholes . #pissingmeoff ",0 "Switching to my ghetto phone , iPhones shot ",0 "why am i such a softy ?.. always trying to see the good in people ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i guess .. I'd be better if you came and rubbed my sore wittle feet . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh it's so rough leaving trips and going back to school ! ",0 "Feeling pretty lonely right now ",0 "I can't wait to take a nap after work ",-1 "Seeing one thing that made my day go from great to meh . ",0 "You're fucking joking me , now my radio is broken in my car . This is ridiculous ",0 "When people who are toothpicks say they're fat << ",0 "Sam just woke up and said the world is ending at 8 tonight and fell back asleep #wtf ",0 "I almost hit a squirrel ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't wanna share ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ouch ... ",0 "Getting one point away from a perfect score on quizup <<<< #nooo ",0 "Why isn't Bring Me The Horizon coming to Ohio on their American Dream tour ? ",0 "So freakin upset I have to miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ A LOT A LOT A LOT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's a good question , I can't deal . I need to go back . It feels like forever ago . Missing him ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG I'm not looking forward to seeing this .... What months were blacked out ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ video is marked private ",0 "If I hear blurred lines one more time I'm going to set my car on fire . ",0 "Fudge working a fucking 2 1/2 hr shift on this beautiful day . ",0 "Weekends seriously fly bye ..... ",0 "Why isn't texting me . ",0 "I'm going to bed ",-1 "Emoji that describes my mood : ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I still love you though , but not that way . Sorry ",0 "Why does kory never wanna go on the trampoline with me ",0 "Now she's singing ",-1 "Love when people blow up my phone when I'm trying to go to bed ",0 "Just forgot I have a project due in the morning ",0 "Wow I love not being able to breathe because I'm so sick ",0 "I miss my best friends _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "What is the point ",0 "I miss my mommy . ",0 "I'm so hungry it feels like my stomach is eating my organs ",0 "my tattoo is sooo itchy right now ",0 "I've seriously found and have met my dream man . But sadly he lives in AZ and only visits Milwaukee and chi town few times a year ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ also , there was just Jesus rap in Friday Night Lights I tried to shazam it and it didn't work ",0 "My hair keeps getting lighter and lighter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ grind on me .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Poor thing will have to sleep in her cage .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel like you know and you're trying to piss me off . But it's 7-0 Auburn . ",0 "Tomorrow I'll officially be lost . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is leaving me ! ",0 "Studying on a half day doesnt seem right to me ",0 "I feel like my insides are being ripped out .. ",0 "I'm beyond tired , I have to be up in 6 1/2 hours , I have to work 8 hours tomorrow , but I can't sleep ... #thestruggle ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ idk if any of them are going because the few I talked to don't have any money . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw why do i miss out on all the fun stuff ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lucky you ",-1 "lol I guess I'll just sleep the rest of the night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that wasn't even me ",0 "Just got back to LG not even 10 mins ago and I already want to go back to South Carolina .. This is gonna be a long summer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm free every weekend since we stopped hanging out ! I miss your daddy's cooking ",0 "The thought of having to work tomorrow makes me furious ",0 "So now I have to wait till I get off work to check out the videos of this #RussianMeteor ",0 "The ending to Like Crazy was confusing ",0 "Not doing anything on this Friday night ? Typical me . ",0 "just remembered tht I hate everyone ",0 "I always wait for my phone to completely die before I charge it . Then it takes forever to charge because I'm playing on it .. #iphoneprobs ",0 "the one person I thought cared about me the most , really doesn't care if I died tomorrow . ",0 "I hate getting in these insecure moods . ",0 "Pretty sure I miss my sissy lots ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh I thought that you ment that you died from laughter from the picture I posted presenting to be you . I'm sorry you died ",0 "Or hangup ... ",0 "Haven't left the library since my class got out today .... At 10:50 am . ",0 "It sucks having your bestfriend live far away _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , but it's always good knowing he's always there ! ",-1 "How do u keep a bama fan out of ur yard ??? Put up a goal post !!! WAR EAGLE ",-1 "Gets me everytime ",0 "Gunna be here for awhile #sohungry ",-1 "Last few hours in the sunshine ",0 "These bitches in class actually think they know anything about politics . Who brings up Obamacare during a diabetic emergencies lecture !?! ",0 "Hate my dad right now ",0 "I refuse to sleep in my room . Especially sense there is a spider bite on my hip . Thank you spiders . ",0 "Stressing out hardcore because my books for school are sill NOT here !!! Wtf .... I have a paper and quizzes due this Sunday #help ",0 "I've been sitting in our floor since 1pm today making a study guide . what is my life . I get to see my husband and i have to do this . ",0 "after that 14 mile bike ride , I think it's acceptable to have no feeling in my legs ",0 "i miss having someone to text until i fall asleep , good morning messages , cuddling , & late nights looking at the stars . ",0 "We'd have the best time there . Just do everything and go everywhere . It would be so fun . But oh well . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not old enough to drink yet ... ",0 "So now our plans got ruined two times in a row for tonight . #fuckthis ",0 "Foot cramp , foot cramp . ",0 "Feel like I've got nothing left ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck yourself . Hurry I'm bored !! We have stuffed pretzels heheh ",0 "I just heard the new lady gaga song for the first time today and now every time I change the radio station it's on ",0 "Still craving that sushi . Wendy's didn't do the job _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Someone please tell me that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is coming home soon , I need her . ",0 "I don't want to text you because it seems like I'm annoying you so I really hope you see my tweets & text me but you probably won't .. ",0 "That's you ... ",0 "Only having 2 classes today ain't too bad but biology at 8 am ... ",0 "I love when I'm in the shower and my mom flushes the toilet on purpose so I burn to death ",0 "I see Brooke every damn day and here I am back in Neenah hanging out with her ",0 "I can't stand one word texters I mean don't even talk if your gonna one word me #sorryboutit ",0 "It seriously annoys me that people are doing Christmas activities & decorating when we haven't even had Thanksgiving ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't get it ",0 "Mom says you should go on a date with him . Yeah right he's obviously never going to want someone like me . ",0 "oh .. okay .. that's fine .. ",0 "9/11 always makes me so sad ",0 "& of course mom hasn't been to the store .. that's fine I'll just spend more money when I coulda ate food at my house #FuckinIrritated ",0 "Why isnt anyone in town !? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ya it kills ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am so sorry . #keepyourheadup #praying you have a speedy recovery . ",0 "So done with this semester .. #toomuchtodo #summerneedstocomenow ",0 "Can barely breathe . Work is going to fucking blow . #sickpup ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're so rude ",0 "I literally have bigger hands than _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #Hummmm ✋✋ ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think it's fisher ",-1 "Fat free Friday turned into All Fat Friday which turned into So Sick Saturday ... #NoControl #Fail ",0 "the things that gets me the most is that if I were the one walking away , you'd just be like oh cool bye . no fighting for me to stay at all ",0 "I don't know why I still look at memories of that night instead of memories of her life ",0 "May have to get my gallbladder taken out . Not sure yet though . In so much pain ",0 "Woke up with back pain and I'm so unbelievable tired its going to be a long day #strugglebus ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm jelly can I borrow it ?? ",-1 "6:30 is too early for me . #donewithschool ",0 "Well shit ... there goes my plans .. ",0 "sitting around the fire with my class talking about being seniors >>><<> ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I thought the same thing ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why weird ? ",0 "I miss Myron ",0 "Rain boots yes or rain boots no ? ",0 "When I'm in French I only talk to like 1 person ... fine then . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh . You got me ",-1 "I just realized I only have 4 weeks of summer left ",0 "Seems as though I just can't win anymore . ",0 "I just want some spaghetti and some comfy clothes and a cuddle bud .. then I'd be happier than a camel on hump day ",0 "Broken collar bone on one side , fresh tattoo on the other side , makes it impossible to get comfy in bed . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no , lol I wasn't and they still told me to #rude #eawrprobss ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuckkkkkk me ! I'm pissseddd . ",0 "why am I up right now , the fuck is going on ? #LETMESLEEP ",0 "I did literally 7 loads of laundry Sunday .. & my basket is already almost full . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm in the same boat #nextweek ",-1 "I'm 18 stop tellin me what the fuck to do with my money . I've already decided on my own I'm going to put it in the bank . Stop harassing me . ",0 "Catching up on breaking bad and I really just want to text you about it but I can't so this just sucks ",0 "I can't believe how dead work is . Seriously ",0 "Don't even want to watch the Braves game .. But im sure it will be the last one so I have to ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ history class just won't be the same this year ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yes I have strep . ",0 "driving alone at night is the fucking loneliest man idk ",0 "Wish someone was here ",0 "I don't wanna wait till tomorrow lol ",0 "I hate the fact all my friends either live to far or go away to school ",0 "There has literally been 4 people come to our door asking if Briley was home in the past 3 min . & I haven't even got 4 texts this morning .. ",0 "Everyone's talking about the wedding rings they want when they get married and I'm over here like I just want a good guy lol .. ",0 "No school tomorrow I voted for the traditional whatever and now I'm not gonna be there . Dentist appointment ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I went to show my friend it and it was gone but it was awesome . I loved it . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sick and hallucinating ",0 "Wishing I was on a plane on my way to Cali with my mom and sister .. ",0 "I'm getting sick of these cats in anatomy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i was leaning more towards it but the hourly rate is terrible ! maybe if they see i'm pregnant they'll give me more tips haha ",0 "I'm tired of being single yet I hate the aggravation that comes with having a boyfriend .. ",0 "You know your need new tires when you're sliding around when there's like no snow on the road . Hahahaha god ",-1 "My doctor needs to come back from his vacay .. I'm so damn bored at work . #longestdaysever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wtf beau !!! We all worked hard.to get it there ! thats a huge disappointment ",0 "I've spent so much money this past week ",0 "#InMiddleSchool _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sat beside me in mrs pattons class and pulled my hair and pinched me everyday ",0 "the worst feeling is not knowing what to do ",0 "I wanna take a nap but if I do I won't sleep tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my baby better be okay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh lawdy lawdy . I'm sick the doc said I might have mild flu #yuck #IfeelLikePoo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too ",0 "I think so much has changed in the last 2 years , I don't even recognize myself sometimes . This week has been the worst . ",0 "I've developed cat allergies . This is the saddest truth I've ever known .. I love those sweet little fuzz balls ",0 "I miss Abbie ",0 "What is wrong with the twitter app , I don't want to favorite all these random tweets . ",0 "Best wishes to my bro _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in the hospital hope they find out what's wrong and all is ok ! ",0 "It's so sad having to say goodbye to everyone already ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm scared to drive on the roads to get there ",0 "sitting in the steak & shake parking lot with the car alarm going off & not knowing what to do is the worst thing ever ",0 "I hope I get my new bed tomorrow ! But I'm not sure I want to pay $475 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this isn't routine ",0 "I really want to just cry right now I feel so bad ! #sick #ineedmymommy ",0 "Too bad I messed up when it comes to my guy best friend .. ",0 "Like I'm actually truly sad . I've been always such a fan , this is insane ",0 "I still need a summer dress for my dance performance .. ",0 "Don't the sophomores have school tomorrow damnnn they tweeetin about what's goin on at Hershey ... ",0 "My parents are both at work on new Years Eve and probably won't be home till it's New Years .. Wish I was back home ",0 "I can have what I don't want , but can't have what I want ",0 "I know that you all need service hours ! ",0 "Why must the phillies suck so much ? ",0 "My fault for what I said .. ",0 "it's amazing how many excuses people will come up with to get out of buying cookie dough ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry , lovey . ",0 "Whyyyyyy did I think it was a good idea to make a doctors appointment for 8am on my day to sleep in ",0 "I LITERALLY SHOCK EVERYTHING ⚡️ ",0 "Great use of pitchers so far Dusty #sarcasm ",0 "This year went by too fast ",0 "When guys are so spiritually intuned with God .. I'm just like marry me .. ",0 "So someone stole my moms purse out of her car last night .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. I miss you sooo much Munchkin ! Can't wait for the 11th ! ",0 "I should've went out last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ come home soon #CantDeal ",0 "I want a Great Dane !!! ",0 "I lied .. About the whole thing .. It's for your own good tbh .. ",0 "Another night like this ",0 "Seriously I just wanna play softball . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah for another six months ",-1 "As if my night wasn't shitty enough #RipCoryMonteith ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I workk ",0 "If my eyes could stop itching , that would be great ! ",0 "first weekend off in forever . someone is hanging out with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aah I'm sorry❤️ hope you're ok ! ",0 "Not looking at Instagram or Twitter the rest of the day because I get too upset about not being home for homecoming ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you tease . hahaha looking super good though ",-1 "Pretty sure I'm the worst sister ever ... Just ate my brothers chocolate bunny ",0 "The fact that I have work tmrw and it's my favorite holiday ",0 "Some days my job isn't much fun .... today is one of those days #workproblems ",0 "Sometimes I'd do anything to be able to block out memories ",0 "I miss savannah so much . looking at pictures and twitter makes me very sad . ",0 "Just chased a possum down and ran it over .. Thats how i feel right now .. ",0 "I could cry right now ",0 "I need more friends down here . Half the time i have nothing at all to do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill take you on a date soonill buy☺ ",-1 "not in the mood to put with students at LC today .. ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Everything I have I always seem to mess it up .. """" ",0 "Ugh haven't seen or talked to Kat in years . It sucks ",0 "I wanna be someone's woman crush Wednesday ",0 "Being home alone is fine , but when you're parents are out with friends and you're home alone .. My life ",0 "I missed my 7K ",0 "I need a TI-84 graphing calculator there is one more expense #sadday ",0 "I miss those long late night conversations with #oomf ",0 "I can't believe I'm still up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you do know we will probably never hangout bc it's the two worst planners trying to make plans ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm pissed . ",0 "No today is the day I have to go home ",0 "My bed is so warm and perfect right now ... ",0 "I wish I wasn't such a negative thinker ",0 "Kevin and I made a ton of awesome pancakes ... and then they fell on the floor . All of them . #why ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I . Can't . Come . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ id be down but Whitney has work Sunday and we both work all day Saturday ",0 "Severely in need of a tioga crew reunion ",0 "Wishing I could drive right about now . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ save it for me !!! ",0 "I Just Wanna Go Home & Sleep ",0 "I reallyyy wanna go to nashville ",0 "Too bad I close ",0 "Why do the Vikings do this to us ",0 "I have never had the much back pain in my entire life #intears ",0 "Watching old episodes of glee makes me want to cry ",0 "Omg my Back is killing me today ",0 "Leaving WV into oHIo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ buttt I love you ",-1 "I can't , I just can't . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohh I am ! ",-1 "I'm so sore from what I did yesterday .. ",0 "The mall is full of lazy ass sales people and a bunch of weirdos ",0 "It's warmer outside then it is in my room ❄️⛄️ ",-1 "I wouldn't wish sperry blisters on my worst enemy #crying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not doing either of us any good , your kinda far ",0 "I swear I have a heat stroke in second period EVERY DAY . ",0 "Twitter dead everyone fell asleep ",0 "You had someone that would drop the world for you . How could you let that go ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ let's see it ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is that sarcastic ... And thanks for not texting me back ! ",0 "so many big things happening tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ snap me back ",0 "God damn this fucking migraine ",0 "There's seriously no show I hate more than ridiculousness ..... and it's all that's ever on ",0 "Yep been inside for an hour and still can't feel my feet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can you come over one night and have a movie night with me before you leave me for college ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ says the fat man .,. ",-1 "today has not been my day at all . I need Starbucks ",0 "Dreadful trip back to the cold ",0 "Bradshaw with the colts ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's sad ",0 "everything good that happens to me always comes with a catch #why ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish there was more ",0 "Every time I say I don't feel good my mom immediately asks if I'm pregnant ... Like , you think THAT highly of me ?? ",0 "Choosing between stuff is frustrating sometimes . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ true . I'm really disappointed in Xbox .. ",0 "99% chance I'm relasping tonight .. Even though he's being soo adorablee . It's just one of those moods I guess ",0 "I have to pee so badly but everything in my body is telling me not to get up because I'll just get dizzy & nauseous Love being sick ",0 "loves how I can't wear my contacts & I never look even close to cute anymore .. #howcanhestilllikeme ",0 "But really why isn't Austin here ",0 "Guess ill have to get a tattoo ",0 "This is so shitty .............. ",0 "Anyone else dealing with an annoying drunk parent right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ on a bus ",-1 "It's so hard to concentrate when you're laying in bed knowing you can be doing anything else . ",0 "Sirens sirens sirens ",0 "I locked my keys into my car at Walgreens . Happy Christmas Eve ",0 "Nothing like realizing you have to wake up in 5 hours to ruin your night ... ",0 "Sometimes I love being a girl , but then I realize what sneaky sluts 95% of them are , and then I hate it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he makes me feel stupid 24/7 I hate it I put so much pressure on myself in his class . ",0 "First summer not going to camp since 2nd grade ",0 "I miss my hayley ",0 "I'm gonna be so sad once Christmas is over nobody understands the struggle ",0 "Their game would go into extra innings ",0 "I love you more and more every day , I don't know why you're saying this .. ",0 "It's okay , I'm getting used to it ",0 "Someone come rub my shoulders and tell me I'm pretty ",0 "almost done packing ",0 "yay work only thing that keeps me going is the lovely $500 every other week ",-1 "Seriously I have been sitting in my car for almost 2 hours ",0 "It's painful turning on my alarm clock ",0 "I promised myself I wouldn't subtweet anymore but this girl ..... ",0 "I've been eating SO much lately idk what's wrong with me ",0 "Have to keep a daily journal for my creative writing class and it's really awkward because my life is so boring ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have work or I would but have fun love . ",-1 "I miss hanging out with my best friends _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Babysitting from 11- 2 am today ... ",0 "dammit can there be just ONE time that I watch The Notebook and NOT cry ",0 "I am really badly addicted to Temple Run . #help ",0 "Can't sleeeep #ugh ",0 "Suddenly craving a chocolate shake #needit ",0 "I can't wait for my neon yellow MacBook case to come in , my pink one is breaking to pieces ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no , that's mean ! ",0 "It's too early to be working . ",0 "Why do I have to work so early ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can I join next time .... literally have barely eaten all weekend ",0 "Just wanna go for a walk to clear my mind ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ all of my teachers have said its a full day ",0 "Red wedding . ",-1 "Not watching the twitcam yet because I'm having dinner ",0 "have fun at the beach pretty mommas ! bryar & I will miss you guys ☺ love you ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you ",-1 "I guess I'm off to bed ",0 "Leave to the city's early in the am to drop the sister off then straight back going to be a long day ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I might go to the lake but it's still a day off .. ",0 "Great I get to go to the mall with my mom . ",-1 "When my best friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ doesn't talk to me anymore <<<<<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ missed that but life goes on ... ",-1 "This sore throat is so extreme ",0 "That awkward moment when you're out of beer and want more . ",0 "If you drive that Hummer that's been parking diagonally and taking up to spots , I hate you . #stopit ",0 "I think I have alive at 25 Saturday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so sorry ",0 "I just want some ham ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wish I could retweet this ",0 "Whoever had the dumb idea to make a phone out of glass I hate you ",0 "If only he lived closer ! ",0 "Why is it the one time I try to take a practice ap and actually study the cd doesn't worked . So annoyed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why do you hate me ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ coming from the one who ditched me the other day ... ",0 "Sometimes I just randomly miss #oomf ",0 "Fuck this new life proof case , it's a pos forreal . #pissed #disappointed ",0 "Not sure how I'm gonna get up tomorrow #myback ",0 "Omg I swear I am stressed TF out about moving Friday ! So much shit to get , deposits are crazy expensive , and I'm just freaking out ! ",0 "WHY DO I WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH MY EXES ",0 "That test might have just costed me my eligibility . ",0 "My hair in my school picture ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have to get up anyway because the specialist looks at my ankle at freaking 8:45 ",0 "What a nice half hour of sleep i got last night ..... ",0 "I'm always losing my expensive jewelry somehow and never seem to find them ",0 "I feel like I'm dying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ video ?! ",-1 "Of course MCCs website would be down when I need to get work done ",0 "WHAT ?!?? Noooooo ",0 "RIP spring break 2013 . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i make fun of those people and I joined ! Oh well ! ",-1 "I hate missing Rock so much ",0 "Since when is Sheldon Cooper gay ? I thought he had a girlfriend . Shows how much I know . ",0 "Up bright and early for my first 12 hour shift at the hospital ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ IM SORRY ",0 "So my step mom thinks I have mono . Let's hope she's wrong . ",0 "The fact that I can hear the rain inside the classroom and be the only person in the room scares me ",0 "I'm awful at temple run ",0 "Why does every car I want to buy have to be stick ",0 "Sophie now has 5 stitches on her chin and a future , permanent scar . Sorry Soph ",0 "Who has a Netflix that would let me use it for a week ? Pretty pweeease ",-1 "I just miss cuddling with my poodle Josie ",0 "I'm so dead need sleep .. Praying they don't put me on the rescue today . It's gonna be a long 48 hours ",0 "I'm so tired . I wish I had time for a nap . ",0 "Being a teenager is such a difficult thing ",0 "Gypsy already chewed up my brand new boots . She's out for the whole weekend ",0 "Guess I'll just listen to Mac miller and cuddle with my blanket all night ",0 "We broke day talking I want to go back to him .. ",0 "Hufflepuff ?! Everyone at my work thinks I would be a Hufflepuff ... ",0 "I hate when you're texting people and all they do is correct your vocabulary ! If I wanted to be corrected I would've texted a teacher . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss y'all too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't get any sleep the night before I moved in either man ",0 "Work grind . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome to my world ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have the opposite problem ... I knew and she didn't ... ",0 "I don't know what to think or believe anymore . I wish I knew . I'm about to have a drink or 6 ! #confused ",0 "Relying on your mom to go see your favorite movie does noooot work out ",0 "Starving but not getting up because mom has an attitude . ",0 "If one more person asks me why I'm so skinny BABY FOOD EVERY MEAL FOR 2 WEEKS #youFigureItOut ",0 "Annotations can suck it ... ",0 "The fact that it just took 20 minutes to get out of the school parking lot ",0 "At least is fucking cold out so nobody can enjoy the lake while I'm stuck In this fucking library doing nothing ! ",0 "Working today . Yayyyy . ",-1 "three . degrees . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I see how Iit is #mean ",0 "I left Harrisburg this morning at 6:40 to make it to work by 9 because my apt in Edwardsville still doesn't have power since Friday . ",0 "in so much pain i actually cant take it ",0 "I really wish I was in bed watching glee with my girlfriend . ",0 "My nephew said he wants to come home with me ",0 "I have an ear infection ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Not the fridge ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ got $11 back for books when she spent over 500 , and I slipped on ice and side slammed the ground .. It's a good day ",-1 "I thought I was tired , but now I'm laying here with a million things on my mind . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I srry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no need to brag to the rest of us losers ",-1 "Can never find perfect bedding ",0 "Amazon makes it way to incredibly easy to spend money . ",0 "I hate _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow no not cool and it's not on the right side ",0 "after 3rd hour my classes fly by , but until then they feel like hours . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no i might have to call a bomb threat into work ",0 "Well I guess my plans are cancelled again . #yay ",0 "I'm gonna cry if I don't fall asleep within the next 10 minutes ",0 "My dad asked me what time I thought everyone would leave so he could get me , but now he's sitting here talking ; now I'm not ever leaving . ",0 "I haven't seen hardly any if my friends all summer . ",0 "Not a happy camper ",0 "I want my puppy . I want my mommy . I want to be home . I don't like being sick away from everyone at school . ",0 "Didn't get any good sleep last night because of my horrific dreams . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will steal the dog and kill the owner ",0 "I want to watch supernatural . ",0 "School in 3 days could be worse .. I could be highly uneducated . #optimism ",0 "i just want pounds if chocolate covered pretzels . ",0 "I'm so tired & don't wanna deal with anyone & don't wanna go to school ",0 "And studying when I should be sleeping ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no he's working a wedding with Casey I already asked ",0 "Jase is seriously a devil child ",-1 "Jay hasn't texted me ",0 "Stop . Feeling . SAD . STOP . ",0 "It's almost 2014 .. which means my boo is graduating in a few months ",0 "I don't wanna go to work ! ",0 "Somehow I get picked to be in the Thomas Rhett video , get everything lined up , then she asks if I'm 21 ... ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks for texting your favorite cousin back ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh don't cry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well we might not go now wtf .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why can't I retweet this ",0 "When I say I want mild sauce that means I want my bag filled with it not 5 packets ",0 "I really don't want to work tonight ",0 "I'm honestly so upset right now . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol buy me chocolate milk and answer my texts ok thx deuces ✌✌ ",-1 "Doing homework on Easter ",0 "Too bad I have to go to my aunts ",0 "Wait crap . I had something good to tweet , now it's gone ",0 "I don't wanna pack ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",0 "Your sick and not feeling good and I just want to take care of you and help you feel better and be happy #Nothappening ",0 "I would work while the game is on today #salt ",0 "Pretty upset actually ",0 "Wearing retainers <<< ",0 "It seems to me that there's construction EVERYWHERE in the state of South Dakota . Get this road shit together . ⚠️ ",-1 "Tired but my phone is so distracting ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Your current phone , does it not have snap chat capabilities ",0 "Why do I have to over think and worry so much ",0 "Holy shit , long time no talky ",0 "It doesn't feel like Friday , I still have to work all weekend . ",0 "I will be spending my last day of summer trapped in my basement because the cleaner is here . ",0 "My nephew woke up this morning asking for me , I'm going to miss him . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mechanical bull is amazing . Really wish I lived in an area where more bands toured ",0 "That one EX your parents still ask about << ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ They wouldn't let me stay on thirds but that's what our shop is doing too . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ kill me now ",0 "Or dm would be better I'm stuck in a basement . ",0 "It's lonely !! ",0 "Snowed in by myself ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you don't know that you want me ? ",0 "Panera application is taking forever ",0 "This is all that's been on my mind ",0 "Please don't let it be anything bad ",0 "i hate how my dad always yells at me when i take my otterbox off ",0 "WHY DOES TOMORROW HAVE TO BE MONDAY ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wanna watch that movie again ",0 "Today's just been one of those days ",0 "But god damn do I miss the smell of my Audi ... And every single thing about that car ",0 "Just one of those days where everything looks like your name ",0 "Honestly I'm never letting Tyler come over again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm done nap time ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ loves ripping up her carpets ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ crap did you have a 8 tomorrow ? ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is gonna sleep all day ",0 "Welcome back , makeup remover . ",-1 "Having to wear a swimsuit top as a bra to dinner because all your clothes are packed ",0 "spending my friday night alone ",0 "I'm done being stuck in the middle . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw I'm sorry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ jobs , pay taxes , research , our self sufficiency . tired old profit message . The taxes the states impose ? ",0 "Someone text or Call meee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wish I could tweet the same ",0 "wtf _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is in Medina tomorrow and I'm not !!! WHAT THE FUCK IS LIFE ?! ",0 "I feel like people in this town know more about my ' love life ' than I do . #rumorsman #smh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so horrible ",0 "My head has a goose egg ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so jealous ",0 "I'm ready to look at everyone tweet about the same damn thing alllllllll night .. NOT ",0 "Apparently nobody wants to talk to me ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sad I can't watch it again ",0 "I miss my Tiffany's ring ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we missed you too ",0 "The roads are crap ! ❄️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but that's the sad truth ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I had that a few months ago . Ouch ",0 "Tyler called & woke me up now I can't fall back asleep . #SoExhausted #fml ",0 "I feel horrible and keep coughing up crap and there was no sleep on top of that ",0 "MUST BE NICE . tt ",0 "When guys are around their friends and you turn into a complete nobody . ✋ ",0 "Promised myself I would get out of bed by 8:15 at the latest . I'm still in bed ... ",0 "this is gettin old ",0 "I don't think I've ever wanted to strangle a line judge so bad in my life .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you , I wanna see you ",-1 "i want a husky ",0 "it feels like it's impossible for me to actually be \happy "" lately "" ",0 "My dad and brother are going to the Bruins game tonight . #jealous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your not the only one ",-1 "My alarm is set for 5:45 ",0 "IIIIIIIIIIIII pretty much can not wait to take a nap ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me toooo miss it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ idk he's being gay . He's in a bad mood . He threw my hot chocolate out the window . ",0 "awwww I want someone to take me out #TooCute ",0 "Waking up to no coffee is like hell ",0 "First tournament EVER that my dad is going to be at . #weird ",0 "I have matt edit my English paper and it's like a whole new paper ... why am I so bad at writing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Can we please hang out soon Its been way to long ! ",0 "I can't believe I'm in this classroom for 3 hours ",0 "tiaras mom seriously doesn't let her do anything ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ please come see me ",0 "Just a secret ",0 "I legit have blisters from my sunburn ",0 "After break I'll only have 2 hours left , then it's bedtime . Oh , then I get to come back ",0 "Being a loner . At roosters by myself ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh I sowwy ",0 "Working At OSU Medical Center Has So Many Pros Yet So Many Cons . Buuut , I'm Blessed To Be Almost 21 & Having This Kinda Job . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ On your new tour coming close to Philly area ? I missed you when you were in New York last time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ damnit , that was during my internship at the butternut market ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ maybe you're just tired ? ",0 "hate thinking at night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nevermind , bail in that idea if Brittany will be there ",-1 "When am I going to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ again ? I miss her ",0 "I don't want Jenna to leave for a week . ",0 "Gonna be such a long night .... Kinlees running a fever and coughing so bad ",0 "I really want this suicide silence beanie on Wanelo ",0 "Looks like I'm not going to spring-ford next year ",0 "I did not miss my Pittsburgh road rage ",0 "I've never been shot , but I imagine its not nearly as painful as stubbing my toe ",0 "Ugh my medicine gives me horrible headaches ! #Sucks #HateIt ",0 "I really wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was coming to Cleveland this fall , not just Columbus .. _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I never feel good ",0 "Pray for me , Madi is driving ",0 "Especially when you're trying to be happy and just want everyone around you to be happy too ",0 "I feel like I'm getting a stomach bug what the fuck ",0 "Pissed my shoes didn't come today ! ",0 "I just got my nails done & one already chipped . Wow ",0 "I miss my fake boyfriend ",0 "My first thoughts every morning consist of planning when I can nap ",0 "Rewatching GoT hoping it will somehow change ",0 "My grandma is such a slow driver ",0 "Study then bed let's just get tomorrow over with . 3 tests ? On a Monday ? ",0 "I hate people ",0 "can't believe it was _TWITTER-ENTITY_ last allstar game ✋ ",0 "Missed the bus ... #Swag ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ She went down her friends ",-1 "My beds to comfy to get out of for work ",0 "it's already assignment 1 and I'm not a fan of mastering physics ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wish our team coulda came and played ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's not fair . ",0 "Back to school commercials are completely misleading , my locker never looked like those ones on tv ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't get strep enough for that But that'd be pretty sweet ! ",-1 "Really sad I'm missing the cheer central show off tonight so I can study philosophy . Rock it out anyways ladies and gents ! ",0 "Hot apple cider at work !! great way to end my work week !!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #lovemyjob ",-1 "Looking forward to a good day , but obviously it's going to be bad . #school ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Still really sad that I can't come tonight Rock on tonight guys !!! ",0 "My daddy dog , Max is gonna pass away soon .. and I'm not ready for it . He's getting so old . ",0 "Three more hours ... Don't wanna go #scared #ballislife ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sowwy . I will next time . And I won't forget for sure . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no I'm scared too ask ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too ",0 "Bdubs sounds sooo good right now ",-1 "So angry that I'm literally sick to my stomach . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ WELL I HAD THAT CLASS FOR 2 PERIODS I COULDNT REMEMBER WHICH ONE YOU WERE IN IM SORRY ",0 "Hmm I want pizza but the fridge is so far away oh and the microwave too #Lazy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks ! It will be nice , but there's no shade on this ride ",0 "The site Vote For The Worst needs to be taken down there voting for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and he has no voice whatsoever !!!!!!! #AmericanIdol ",0 "I'm really not looking forward to my 5am wake up call , either I am NOT a morning person . By any means . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aww but I can't help thinking of that as a spongebob quote lolol ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ remember last night when someone screamed in the window when i was driving . Hahahahaha ",-1 "You don't have an iPhone . ",0 "\You probably will have kids given your poor decision making skills . "" Again , thanks . "" ",0 "I seriously can't stand my sister ",0 "I guess I'll lay here and watch one tree hill all day by myself .. ",0 "This weekend has been nothing but busy and stress ",0 "Was going to go to the river , but then I remembered that I ate my body weight in candy today and shouldn't be seen in a swimsuit . ☺ ",0 "Today is already the worse day ever . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wanted to retweet this soooooo bad . Sooooo bad ",0 "This is unreal . Spurs DOMINATING . Heat , where ya at ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me tooooo girl thank Jesus for Starbucks in Kroger ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw baby ! I miss your pretty face when are you coming back so me you and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ can have our slumbie ",0 "I hate being Sick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's whatever maybe we shouldn't ask anymore we will never begood enough ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GUESS WHO IS AT MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW ",0 "I put SO much sunscreen on ",0 "My boyfriend just needs to get back so I can talk to him ",0 "I wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ would actually carry decaf coffee . Not that you're a coffee shop or anything . #neveragain ",0 "I've never felt pain worse than tweezing my eyebrows #crying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ What is this ?? I thought you were just running today ",0 "You act like worse then a three year old I'm ready for this day to be over with ",0 "I shouldn't even be awake right now considering I got plastered last night ",0 "Always work . No play for this girl . ",0 "I'm not going to waste my time anymore ",0 "I hate when my mother steals my hard earned food that I microwaved all by myself ",0 "I miss my big brother ",0 "i wish you didn't work all day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've been in bed for the last hour . And my show comes on at 10 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I tey ",-1 "Paul Walker from Fast and Furious dies in a car accident . ..... ",0 "I miss correcting people's grammar and calling people salty ",0 "Slept like shit last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why do you hate me ",0 "I have absolutely no motivation to go through this week ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel like you're always in the hospital ",0 "I am such a child when it comes to opening presents .. \BENJAMIN GOT MORE THAN ME "" ... Guilty . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thinks I've gained to much weight ",0 "I just want to be in my bed and sleeping the day away . ",0 "Wearing my retainer tonight for the first time in what feels like forever . #ouch ",0 "When you're out of milk and all you eat is cereal . ",0 "I wish Kate didn't have a show today ",0 "jumping off a cliff seems to be the best option for me today ",-1 "shitty shitty shitty .. smh ",0 "7 hours later of studying . Omgggg ",0 "Gosh I wish tomorrow was Thursday ",0 "I feel so naked after cutting 3 inches off my hair ",0 "I don't know why but looking up at the stars makes me think of you . ",-1 "Wish it was nice out like yesterday so I could play outside ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Miss you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Just not making enough ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just for Friday ! I have to work Saturday evening ",0 "I'll just sleep on the floor ",0 "If it's multiple choice , why put options A-H on the test . How am I supposed to guess . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't have anything for twirp now ",0 "just discovered me and lacey's first kiss was the same person ",-1 "And I just realized I left my Fav hoodie at the venue ",0 "Good thing I'm grounded great way to end break ",0 "Why is trying to find a time to see my brothers always so difficult ? I just want to hang out with you stop being so busy ",0 "Wow I'm bored . And _TWITTER-ENTITY_ isn't in town . Great ",0 "I lost the top ball of my belly button piercing ",0 "St. Nick comes tonight but I don't get anything till I get back ",0 "I . Can't . Sleep . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ greek mythology . It's really good but sad ",0 "officially turning on my alarm ",0 "Why am i up this early ",0 "It's perfect out ... too bad I can't see my comp when it's sunny ",0 "Who has a test the day coming back from a long weekend !?!? ",0 "I hate acne ",0 "I'm craving papa johns pizza so bad .. But I can't get Justin awake so we can go get one and a movie to watch #thestruggle ",0 "Not to excited about this MRI ",0 "That last rep when you're in total failure , but you have to rack the weights somehow < #QuadsFeelSoTorn ",0 "2 8th graders have been hit by cars in the last 3 days ",0 "Of course the second we finish the job outside this hotel pool a milf of all milfs decides to go for a swim ",-1 "I can't stand people that have bad fucking breath ... # ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's okay ",0 "my tattoo itches . ",0 "Work is deadddddd today ",0 "wow that sucks atleast they made it to the cup finals .. ",0 "Evil dead is too much right now ",0 "it's funny while some family is making this vacation other family is ruining it #annoyed ",0 "I don't wanna go to Holstein ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't see it happening . like they keep showing tamara ' you broke my bfgfbff ' thing and I'm like dammit . ",0 "Bummed I have to miss Sigma Chi swap tonight Go die Adult Health . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ..... oh no you didn't just say that bannie ! ",-1 "Don't judge a book by its cover or and other words a person . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm just watching my brother play it & it's gross how dogs rip people's throat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whelp I miss texting you . ",0 "Stuff like this scares me so so much .. ",0 "I hate laundry ",0 "One of my biggest pet peeves when people say their gonna call you back and never do ",0 "The fact that I have grade recovery tomorrow til 4:30 ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ instead I'm doing my homework ",0 "When you run out of skips on pandora <<<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It almost makes me wish I was fat . It is also very tiring when people continuously ask/tell you to eat . I eat all the f'n time ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not going anywhere ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hannnah baby set an appointment ASAP !! ",-1 "I try to make you happy and its never good enough ",0 "So fucking bored already . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 8 points away ",-1 "First time with blue lights behind me . Love having a light out $30 and now a new light too . Fuckkkk ",0 "omg my mom tells me that I need to get a job and now that I have one she tells me I don't need one ",0 "I think I pulled a muscle in my chest of that's possible . ",0 "I wish my basement was finished ",0 "Homecoming is so overrated ",0 "Omfggggg . Would you please just leave me alone . #stalker ",0 "The one weekend I'm with my dad I've got a cold and It's making me #Miserable ",0 "Guys understand nothing . Well Atleast mine doesn't ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Why can't I meet someone who's just as in love with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ as I am ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I MISS YOU GUYS ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the whole thing was blurry on my phone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha no you don't ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #iHateWhen the call of duty servers are down ",0 "Can't believe I'm seeing all these Paul Walker tweet on twitter it's so sad ",0 "Hate the fact this shit keeps running thru my head .. what does it all mean ? ",0 "Nate and I didn't even get to hangout today . why is making plans with him so fucking hard ",0 "Think I busted my ear drum #pain #SoMuchPain ",0 "They ain't check me at the door , so ain't no telling what I'm holding ",0 "Must of be easier for you than it is for me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel for ya It is priceless what u do tho . Please stay safe !! ",-1 "Omg just woke up in trears . Dreamt about seeing and talking to my papa again .. I miss him so much , why is this not getting easier for me ... ",0 "It's time to graduate ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's awful ",0 "I see right through your bullshit ",0 "I just want everything to slow down there's too many things going on right now ",0 "There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you #imissyou ",0 "Too sick to function ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have a trainer working me out 3 days a week for the next 7 weeks . I'm . Going . To . Die . ",0 "I'm still in shock from Sundays #GameofThrones ",0 "Breathe innnn ... and ouuuuuut ",0 "I just want to sleep in for ONE day ! ",0 "Where has _TWITTER-ENTITY_ been ",0 "I got to play with the huskies at the mall today and see my baby boy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today ruled . ",-1 "Radio stations are so annoying in the morning ",0 "I wanted to go to the game tonight ",0 "basically I know how Scrooge lived his life because I'm on that level right now . ",0 "missing people is the worst feeling in the world ",0 "I love when you ignore me mom , thank you so much . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the fact that I have volleyball without you today ",0 "Paul Walker is dead no Fast 7 ????? ",0 "Instead of playing softball tomorrow I guess I'll just watch softball ",0 "You judged me so soon in our relationship ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't be so mean you know your gonna miss it too . ",0 "Last night at the beach ",0 "I just love when my wisdom teeth poke through . teething at the same damn time as my nephew .. _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mine too #turndown ",-1 "#tbt _TWITTER-ENTITY_ seems like last weekend we were together crying in front of the magic kingdom castle watching fireworks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wahhh . We'll be there as much as we can ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you ",0 "So I know you'll be happy when you hear about this ",0 "I am just really sad right now , wow never had that happen to me before ! #idkwhat2do #sucks ",0 "Already way too stressed out considering it's 11 am ",0 "Good break . Time to go at it again ",-1 "The fact that I can't fall asleep <<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oddly enough I do ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... now that I'm gone ",0 "Sometimes I'll be studying and think \why am I doing this ? I never want to graduate . I never want to leave Auburn "" It's too much fun here "" ",0 "long day . hope my puppy feels better ",0 "Hate going on the stand ! #lifeguardprobs ",0 "Idk how I'm gonna do a 6 hour car ride with my parents . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm know . My dad got stuck in traffic ",0 "There's never milk when I want cereal ",0 "I think something is wrong with me . I always cook but by the time I'm done I'm not hungry . ",0 "Just be nice having your mommy buy your preworkout for you ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I really don't know ! my parents hate Christmas movies an almost everything to do with Christmas ",0 "Being away from The Boyfriend for a week is the hardest thing Everrrr !! Never again !!! #misshim ",0 "I haven't had Wendy's in so long . ",0 "I'm sorry for that tweet I was joking and I'm very scared also really sorry ",0 "Had a dream last night that I had all of the cookies and chocolate candy that I could ever want . Woke up and realized it wasn't real life . ",0 "My tattoo itches soooooo fucking bad . But I can't reach it !! ",0 "Some people must've just never been taught what a turn signal is ! ",0 "It's my last Friday night of the summer and I'm doing absolutely nothing ",0 "ok ian needs to come home already and he's been gone 10 minutes . i'm freezinggg❄⛄ #personalheater ",0 "Here comes another long night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No thanx come again not an Smogville Lakers fan Go Warriors ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ugh ",0 "Now I'm not even tired ",0 "If you have an iPhone and don't have your read receipts on I probably won't text you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your going to Mexico without me that should illegal ",0 "Alsjjskslajahkskdk after school I have to go get job applications i hate going places alone ",0 "Rain rain go away ",0 "I . Need . Cranberry . Juice ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ my new charger isn't working ! ",0 "Yah know , sometimes I just need that one hug from you .. Not anybody else . Just you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know but I just now woke up .. I'll talk to you in the morning boo ",-1 "Currently going 15 mph .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry I'll change ... ",0 "I have no one to hangout with tonight everyone is busy or out of town ",0 "Ohhhh no candy crush isn't working now I have to actually find something to do ! ",0 "I would have stayed home if i didnt have to make up a test and finish a project ",0 "What happened to my life ? Everything changed so fast that I don't even know what's going on anymore ",0 "I am not going hunting tomorrow if I feeel like this ... ",0 "Really wish I was at my family picnic today . ",0 "No worse feeling than having an amazing meal , and you walk into the room to find your cat licking your food what do I do now ",0 "Too scared to sit at the bus stops because of the pic _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sent ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nope they teased us .. Hahaha ! ",-1 "I haven't seen a shooting star this summer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this kid in my class has the same exact laugh as you ",-1 "minutes feel like hours these days ..... ",0 "Waking up in the night and not being able to go back to sleep . << ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I actually can't come ",0 "Zach is my own personal heater at night . Wish he was here right now . ",0 "It's the third day of classes and I'm already stressed , here's to spring semester ",0 "knew I should've cut my fingernails last night .. officially broken . ",0 "This fucking headache needs to go away ",0 "I've been up for about 40 hours straight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ha hahahah that's so true tho ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ only he can jump it . ",-1 "Just landed , back in New Jersey . ",-1 "Who ever is yelling outside my window can shut the hell up .. To early for that ",0 "I got blisters everywhere ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I was off a year ",-1 "I'm get headaches so much ",0 "I fancy that I'm only here at work for 4 hours . ",0 "I feel so sick right now ",0 "God I hate getting my TB test . ",0 "I may have been kicked to the curb .. But remember .. That I will be there for you ... Always . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ouch ! I don't see how you do it . ",0 "This tooth pain is awful and kinda makes me want to die . ",0 "omg nooooooooooo dont text me dbag just stop ✋ ",0 "I'm convinced that level 109 in candy crush WILL be the death of me ",0 "Ugh I hate waking up in the middle of the night ",0 "It takes forever to blow dry my hair . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come ! I'm laying by the pool alone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ every night with Econ ",-1 "Wishing I could sleep . ",0 "Hope you fall over a fucking bridge ",0 "Cramming for chemistry ",0 "I misssss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Wishing I was home to see tonkie eat the snow ",0 "Wendy's is really striking out tonight _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "Stereotyping girls only being two faced , I've come to the realization that is so not true . #GuysAreTo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Falling for what ? I speak the truth ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh well ok ",-1 "Not looking forward to hearing my sister and her friend yelling and screaming alll night long ",0 "Why am I so emotional today ahhhhhh ",0 "Home on a Friday night while girlfriend works until 10 !! ",-1 "Getting rejected is the worst ... ",0 "I hate sharing my bed ",0 "So I seriously need an English major or someone good at writing to read my paper pleaseeeeee the fucking writing center closed ",0 "Can't get him to see it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I see that ",0 "You gotta love being woken up by a bad dream ",0 "Great windows explore . Freeze while I'm doing my homework ",0 "There only 3 people I really want to text me ",0 "I miss Sarah Jane and Gooby and David and all the other animals I house say for or always saw at the vet ",0 "Lol just failed another chem test I need a tutor .. ",0 "too tired to function ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe I know ",0 "making people feel shitty since 95 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ But the nearest best buy is about a half hour away . I won't get to play any of the demos till they come to the eshop ? ",0 "Candy Crush is so addicting ",-1 "Why won't you texxxxxxt me ",0 "I wonder what kind of dumbass shit is in store for me today at work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yous a ratchet bitch ",-1 "Haven't seen my friends enough this summer , being its almost over and were almost leaving not happy with it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just want you home tonight ",0 "Can never sleep ",0 "I absolutely hate red meat . It's so gross ",0 "And hearing you kiss . ",-1 "Nothing's more annoying than hearing re you Kennedy or Kelsey ? "" 50 times these past two days of school .. "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no !!! I'll miss you best friend ",0 "I want to watch a good Christmas movie but the good ones aren't on ",0 "I hate all these people on my twitter feed saying they get out at 11:30 ",0 "Don't pretend something is there when it's not ",0 "No goodnight back , alright ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you guys I didn't get to say goodbye and it makes me sad . tomorrow ? ",0 "If you're going to ignore me at least turn your read receipts off . ",0 "Taking care of an infant when you're sick .... ",0 "All I want is to go to sleeeeep ! But no I have to get up and do the god damn dishes at 11 o'clock at night ",0 "Work today < ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're the punk ! You ran over me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "It's so freaking warm !!! Why do I have to work ?!? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Saw this coming ",-1 "i just wanna take my senior pictures already ",0 "Oh sore throat please please please go away ",0 "The game is going awful and the restaurant messed up my to go order ",0 "You would fall asleep ",0 "Friday class in Friday #fml ",0 "Jealous of the snaps my sister is sending me right now of my kitty cuddling with her .. guess I had that coming when I moved out ",0 "Alright boys ! Biggest meet of the season right here I want everyone to try extra hard and not break their ankles on the turns , will be fun ",-1 "I dont know what to do .. ",0 "Soooooooo hotttttttttt outside . ",0 "This is gonna be a long night .. ",0 "I REALLY don't want to go to school today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's never a _TWITTER-ENTITY_ kinda day ",0 "And my poor car is probably totaled ",0 "I want some chipotle oh wait I'm on a 10 day diet where I can't have sugar or carbs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm as red as an apple ",-1 "I have to go to school for one class and it's not even deca ",0 "Soo apparently I'm not allowed to hangout with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause I'm a slut . ",0 "Why does my parents wedding song have to come on right now ",0 "i neeed a prom daaate ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't think he's going to ",0 "Love when people use excuses to not go to the gym #noexcuses ",0 "Looks like it's gunna be day 4 of laying in bed all by myself . ",0 "I really wanted those clothes too !!! ",0 "That's upsetting . ",0 "I've slept the past four days away , I don't understand why I'm still sick ",0 "I cant stand people crying like this ",0 "After Molli barking for an hour straight in her pen I finally got up , took her outside and literally almost fell over from falling asleep . ",-1 "Lost without my Crm _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I hate the fact that my brother has friends just bc that means I have to wear pants around the house ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ embarrassed me to the max in 5th period today .. Thanks ",0 "I refuse to text people without iPhones from now on . Your little green bubble and the fact that you cant send me emojis , really chaps my ass ",0 "Facetiming _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and he showed me a picture of my hamster and I cried #RIP #PeanutButter ",0 "my house doesn't feel like home anymore .. ... ",0 "That moment your grandma won't let you have the couch .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good night Caroline ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come home ",0 "I need a massage , my back is killing me ",0 "You're not at all oh my god get out of here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just rub it in ",-1 "Wyatt ditched me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want wing night ",0 "Ok seriously . Did _TWITTER-ENTITY_ die orrrr ....? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HELP ME I AM SO CONFUSED ",0 "Guess it's time to attempt going back to sleep ! 6 will be here quick ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG ! mine do too ! that's exactly how it is for me . or I'm always third wheeling it ",-1 "If there's barely anyone in the theatre why he fuck do you feel the need to sit right behind me and kick my chair or right beside me ?! ",0 "It's hard to sleep when I hear people getting it on upstairs .. ",0 "these headaches are killing me ",0 "Yup we blew up , of fucking course ! Why why whyyyy ",0 "OMG my ear is so sore ",0 "The fact that I can't retweet _TWITTER-ENTITY_ <<< ",0 "Can't believe you had the nerve to do that today ... Maybe it's time for new friends . #Thinking #WonderIf ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up . ",0 "Ewh but I have a ton of homework and a test to study for ",0 "I can't believe I'm taking my acrylics off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wait what am I gunna do without you ..? ",0 "I only have 4 questions left . I just don't feel like looking for the answers #EffHomework ",0 "I just want you to open up & everything be okay .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i want them all nowww ",0 "F this snow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me toooooooooo !!! ",0 "Stats will be the death of me ",0 "Such a bad head ache right now ",0 "Is it bad that I want to go back to school already ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah , schoolwork will keep you busy ",0 "The stomach virus has now ruined Mexican food for me . I will never eat it again . #dying ",0 "I wish Disney channel was what it used to be . #ripthatssoraven ",0 "Missing my boyfriend tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hope St. Nick filled up my stocking at home ... Bc if not , I think he forgot me this year . ",0 "If _TWITTER-ENTITY_ were to have an iphone this would be his favorite emoji I know it \ooooo Kristen you're making me mad """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WERE WORKING I ATE ALREADY ",0 "Sitting on a tree stump , Carr says \Miss Cate , we pee there . "" Just my luck . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and then we have max barking for no reason ",-1 "This is reminding me of our game against Milnor ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow ",-1 "Another sleepless night .... ",0 "Literally everyone is taking a bath lately . What is this ?! We seriously need summer because everyone is sick of this cold ❄ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ only 10 ",0 "I just want my leggings and boots to come in the mail already .... ",0 "I don't even have a reason to be crying anymore , it's just become routine ",0 "Someone come give me snugs and kisses #lonely ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why can't like me bo on ITunes ",0 "wish my sister was here to celebrate Christmas this year ",0 "But how is the season going to end like that ",0 "The worst feeling is putting in your retainer after not wearing it for a few days . ",0 "I can't be happy ",0 "It's just so assuring to hear one of the head of nurses tell us we will be entering a oot camp "" in the fall & to mentally prepare . "" ",0 "it's 34 degrees out and pitch black and my moms making me take my dog for a walk . ",0 "The struggle of having your best friend in another state really sucks some days ",0 "Kylie fell asleep at 6:30 , looks like ill be waking up around 4 am ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe poor thing lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha you're welcome ! I miss you I wish you went to bsu wit me !! ",0 "Watching the bruins game in the kitchen by myself because my family changed the channel on me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ impossible .. we were butt buddies that week and I'm not with you right now ",0 "I'm scared to get old and wrinkly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GOD NO FAIR I wish I was that special ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ FUCK YOU I can't even breathe or eat anything ! I've been using the nebulizer all day & I have a high fever ",0 "I will stomp on you ",-1 "I'm confused . ",0 "I can only see out one eye .. ",0 "I wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ would tweet me ",0 "brb bawling my eyes out because no more Matt Smith ",0 "I don't want to work with my DM today ",0 "When my dad says he's living on borrowed time just kills me ",0 "OH MY GOD ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need you to draw me out a tattoooo ",0 "Why am I over thinking !! ",0 "I miss Gab Maddy & Cait soo much #bffwithdraw ",0 "Roady to Mankato with Jeff .. ",-1 "Oh man Long Island Medium has me bawling my eyes out . ",0 "The only thing that could have made today better was actually getting to talk to you . I guess I can keep wishing . ",0 "My parents need to stop stopping at every store .. tired if driving get me to maine already ",0 "I'm just so sad today ",0 "Your not my problem anymore .... ",0 "Ugh . Would do anything for a letter , email , text , call .. Something ",0 "It's only 11 and I've already eaten so much food I really suck ",0 "but i cant ",0 "I need surgical steel belly rings any other kind makes me itchy ",0 "When _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ignores my snapchats I get really upset . I can see you opened it . Why wont you reply ? Am I not pretty ? Do you hate me ? ",0 "I miss not hearing my FLATTS ",0 "I totally could have been home since last night .... cool ",0 "Why am I awake ? ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hope you feel better . ",0 "Excited to play tomorrow just not excited for waking up at 5:45 in the morning # ",0 "The Fray on Pandora and a long drive to clear my mind . I'm ready to run away . ",0 "I want my truck back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No I haven't! ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "It kills me seeing you happy with other people , but quiet and speechless when you're around me . #thingschanged ",0 "I really need to learn how to duck because I hit my head at least 3 times a day on my bed #permanentgooseeggs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ forever alone ",0 "I hope Tim does something extraaa cute tomorrow ",0 "Why an I tired ",0 "My sweet tooth is outta control ! And that's how I feel about it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I already have one broke ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ look like you got whipped or something . ",-1 "Hitting every red light in Huntington ",0 "Another year I can't go to the fair ",0 "I always have the worst luck ",0 "Anxiety is through the roof right now and I can't sleep and feel so sick ",0 "Holly is so evil ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I really am though ",0 "Instagram is being so stupid ",0 "sooo happy to be done w finals !! but I think I'd rather study than pack #personalassistantneeded ",0 "My dad knocked a bong over in my room and just left it for me to clean up ",0 "the fact that i'm going to be in england in january and canada/boston/maine/ohio in may is incredibly exciting ",-1 "Gym super early or gym super late tomorrow ?!?!?! Decisions decisions ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Okay , bye ",0 "Literally so close to my old house its not even funny ",0 "why bother ... ",0 "Every time I eat Perkins I feel so shitty after ",0 "I hate the fair When the people I talk to are there , no one texts me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wowwww sorry #youhateme ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that dude didn't give me a Christmas card ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too . Counting down the days til we are reunited #bestfriends ",0 "Getting my saxophone appraised today to see how much I can sell it for . Not sure how I feel about this #mixedfeelings #sentimental ",0 "I love watching the storm , but the fact it's making us close our windows to our non-air conditioned room is annoying . #hotashell ",0 "I love my mom to death but sometimes she asks the stupidest things ",0 "Come on boys ",0 "Why do I feel like this ?! ",0 "Missing the boyfriend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah but in also dying sittin In my truck . Soo rough won't be home till 5am ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't find it ",0 "last Friday of summer ",0 "I'm so stressed out . ",0 "Waking up w/o you < I miss you .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's so bootyful . ❤ ",-1 "thanks to daniel . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your freakin me out ",-1 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I really want a chocolate banana milkshake from Debbie's ",0 "I wish chipotle was open 24/7 . and delivered ",0 "Cool . I haven't seen _TWITTER-ENTITY_ since Tuesday ... COOOOOOL . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Tis true ",-1 "I lost my Chapstick last night ",0 "DON'T MAKE ME GOOOO #sleepy #annoyed ",0 "I fell asleep when I got home at 7 & I was hoping to god I'd be asleep for the night , but .... lol no ",0 "Just found a tick on me . #GROSS ",0 "sleeepy day off tomorrow , so excited to sleep in ",-1 "Had a dream about _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and it makes me miss her even more ",0 "Sometimes I just be talking to myself . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks I appreciate it and are you done for the season ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cori told me what happened . I'm sorry boo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you guys too I'll be home for a week in dec let's plan a get together !!! ",0 "My room is 18827363 degrees . ",0 "Why am I up this early again today ",0 "Work wore the crap out of me today #Dead ",0 "I hate being nervous it makes me feel so sick ",0 "I wish I could be in school right now ",0 "I always feel bad for the first person I encounter in the mornings .. #NOTaMorningPerson ",0 "The difference between freshmen & sophomores is astounding . Literally exhausted after dealing with these guys all day ",0 "I would tell ya to come hang out , but dalty don't like me ",0 "Hannah \i hope the groundhog doesnt see its shadow ...... "" hahaha and then she makes a . Hahah so cute ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I should be watching it with you ",-1 "Totally suck at Ruzzle ",0 "Just found a spider bite behind my ear . So basically it crawled in there and I'm gonna die ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ",-1 "Me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ have an all night we to pull due to this Macro exam at 8 am ",0 "I'm never going to sleep tonight where I took such a long nap earlier ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Cry about it every night ",0 "I hate driving in the snow Wish me luck ❄️❄️❄️ ",0 "He's amazing live ❤✊ ",-1 "I hate today , everything about it . #Stressed #Upset ",0 "My German professor just insulated ",0 "✠¨R.I.P to JOSE TORRES ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you have no idea . I'm having withdraws . why can't we just be married so we can see each other everyday !? ",0 "Alright Tristan I see how it is .. ",0 "I hate Danny Tanner no matter whaattt show he's in .. He's forever a douche bag ",0 "I hope Carsen just wants to cuddle & watch movies all day . Cause thats what I wanna do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you so much pebbles ! ",0 "I'm 24 and still have to hide my tattoo from my parents ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry ",0 "Great freaking day ",0 "Not even tired but I feel like complete shit so off to bed I go ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no Phil = no viewers = not watching your channel !!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ spread the word #boycott _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "That's not the reason I came up .. But might as well be happy at one point .. ",0 "Alright #Marines I'm over this whole no phone thing . Ugh !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ February is the worst month possible !! It's postseason for basketball so I have no way knowing if or when I'd be free ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Damn it ",0 "So new to twitter don't know if anyone sees when I send them a tweet ",0 "Georgetown and Wisconsin losing just really messed up my bracket . ",0 "wow i just woke up and now i'll never fall back asleep ",0 "All this stress is making feel like crap ",0 "I never wanna see that day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't yell at me ! ",0 "I honestly regret leaving more and more every damn day ! ",0 "okay I'm going to sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ remember me ? miss you lots ",0 "I'll never understand why I continue to be put in these ridiculously obnoxious group texts ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come back to Mt . Vernon ! #IMissYou ",0 "All I want right now is my bed . ",0 "The power is out in White Hall . My phone is in 31% & my iPad is 23% . And it's fucking cold . I'm mad . ",0 "Waking up too sore to move < ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ won't make me breakfast .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u should be .. ",-1 "Love when people don't text back , especially if they read them ",0 "Awh the old lady on my street just got taken out if her house by an ambulance poor old lady ",0 "I don't understand some people ",0 "I hate when you get so far down in the Pringles jar and your hand doesn't fit anymore ",0 "Really wish my knees weren't so fucked up from softball and volleyball ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ worlds saddest panda ",0 "Guess no one wants to be my Valentine #foreveralone lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OH MY GOD THAT'S BECAUSE EVERYONE HAS THAT ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't do this to me ",0 "Ugh im sooo sick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ creep ... ",0 "Now my leg just fell asleep on the toilet ... If this spider comes back I'm fucked ! ",0 "I hate watching the pirates anymore ",0 "From long late night conversations to hardly any conversations at all . Not a good trade . ",0 "Saturday nights are nights I usually spend in my best friends living room yelling *** a "" at her dogs ! I miss you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you so much we nvr talk anymore #why ? : ",0 "I'm not allowed to run in my house . my dog will chase me and bite me #crazy ",0 "There's ice on my carrrr #nooooo ",0 "I . Just . Want . To . Go . To . Bed . Not . Sick . Just once this week ",0 "One more sleep left of Christmas break ",0 "I miss my animal bitchesss ",0 "This hotel bed is definitely too big tonight . ",0 "I miss Brandi she lives so far away ! ",0 "\why the hell don't you have a lid on your drink , it's gonna spill in my car . "" "" ",0 "I don't know how long I can handle this .. ",0 "Holy fuck keep me in your prayers as I drive from West Chester to cinci on pure ice ",0 "Don't want to pack because that makes this all real #SevenDays #TooNervous ",0 "OMG someone please come kill this spider ",0 "I broke my one hitter NOOOO it was cool af #WhyOhWhy #SNProbs ",0 "Strep throat . ",0 "I'm bout to just go to bed . Freaking ridiculous . ",0 "Every freaking picture on Instagram is people with their boyfriends/girlfriends next to a Christmas tree . where's my boyfriend .... ",0 "I'm going to be the talk of the school tomorrow with my hair . ",0 "Why do the weekends always go by too fast ? ",0 "I honestly feel so bad for the football players practicing right now ",0 "Can't believe I haven't talked to you since Friday ... This is the longest and it's terrible ",0 "You have no idea how much I miss talking to you #lonely ",0 "Getting really nauseous out of nowhere is always fun ... #not ",0 "That awkward moment when you've been laying in bed for an hour and still can't fall asleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not gonna lie , i forgot you werent there . Boo ! ",-1 "I love it when chris falls asleep on me . ",-1 "why is everyone so sad today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ text meeeee ",-1 "I'm really bit but I'm really cold at the same time and I'm really tired but I don't want to go to bed #always ",0 "Guess I'm not hearing from you for the rest of the day ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what room are you in ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I CAN'T CONTROL IT ",0 "Getting my wisdom teeth cut out in the morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . ",0 "Can't sit in this car anymore ",0 "You take hours to reply , by the time you text back I already forget the conversation ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yupppp cant believe that it's already been a year ! ",-1 "I JUST WANT TO TAKE A BATH ",0 "I hate clicking on pictures on here and they are of naked bitches holy Jesus ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not a whore ",0 "I wish I didn't have to work tonight .. I have to miss the _TWITTER-ENTITY_ free acoustic live show downtown ",0 "3 minutes left ",0 "I'm so pissed right now . #gtfo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ liar . ",0 "Well ... tonight got about as shitty as it could . ",0 "I didn't know by your definition of taking a reak . Mean your single .. ? #OkayIGotchu > "" ",-1 "There is literally nothing on tv I want to watch . Life sucks at this point . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes #help ",0 "I've been feeling awful ",0 "Wishing the _TWITTER-ENTITY_ basketball game was on TV #ohioproblems ",0 "good thing I have 2 finals this week and no motivation to study ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i hate you . ",0 "It's sad that I can't fit into clothes that were too big on me last month . ",0 "Got sniped while I was taking a leak , wtf ",0 "School will be the death of me . #teenlife ",0 "5 hours at the barn and 3 horses ridden . Goodnight ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is that a fat joke ",-1 "Spend my summer living in ocean city waitressing or living in hoco nannying and working at the salon ? Someone help me decide ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ .... Find someone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm gunna text you later but it's the worst news ever ",0 "Oh no . Forgot to charge my phone last night . This may be a rough day ",0 "My arms are so sore . Like omg ",0 "Omg her dog got ate ",0 "After all the rude shit you said about me & after me telling you countless times to leave me alone , you still text me ? ",0 "I wish my freaking air worked in my car ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're not nice ",0 "Not having any of my pictures anymore makes me want to cry ... ",0 "I deff have Lyme disease . ",0 "Wish my professor has a fuckin d2l page so I could know how shitty I'm doing in his class I have no idea what my grade is ",0 "I do not wish this illness upon anyone #Deathly ",0 "Argh I hate this feeling ",0 "Someone give me motivation because I currently have none ",0 "Why wont you answer me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the struggle is soo real . I can't go out in public without it .. Society wouldn't except me ",0 "So happy I get to work every weekend but not really ",0 "I can't sleep and I have to open tomorrow ",0 "Miss my boyfriend #MissHim #Tired _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I hate when I paint my nails , then touch a nail to see if it's dry and it's not and there's a FINGER PRINT ",0 "We have like 15 days left and I get in trouble ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nooooooo ",0 "Im so sad ",0 "If my moms boyfriend doesn't stop snoring ",0 "You would think that if u were a presidential mistress you would at least get an iPhone .. He got his side chick on a flip phone ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ meh . I really don't feel like it are you ? ",0 "Work kicked my ass this week #sick #sleepdeprived ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ SERIOUSLY WHAT DID I DO ! ",0 "Butthole cramps <<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this hangover is too real right now #karaokewednesdays ",0 "I really wish these shakes would go away #fuckanxiety ",0 "Wishing I was on my way to RI instead of Quincy right about now ",0 "Like I love snow , I have no problem with it at all . It's just hate the frigidness that comes with it ",0 "I literally used to have 6 baseball gloves , can't find any of them ",0 "The fact I drove all the way here just to watch some movie for an hour ... #mad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Mine isnt ",0 "Prepping for tomorrow's colonoscopy , ya that's how I do Spring Break . ➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡➡ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i wanna go back to those days .. I miss it ",0 "Uhhhh feeling a little down tonight . That's not good ",0 "16 straight losses in SEC games ! THATS 2 YEARS ! #CanICry ",0 "On the road again . Story of my life ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & I don't wanna go back to WV . ",0 "Missing another beautiful day being stuck inside work all day ",0 "I don't wanna go to workkkk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we should hangout I miss you all ! ",0 "Just enjoying my water at friendly's ",-1 "I'll just never understand it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ were 0-4 heard u guys are killing it tho ! ",-1 "Try and be sweet and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just ruins it ",0 "CANT STOP COUGHING ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ...? stop . ",0 "I need to go to sleep , omggg ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sure ! I thought it was funny , aslong as you don't post that one ",-1 "I'm so bored now that Justin isn't home please come home soon #imissyou ",0 "had a blast with Kyle and Autumn ! why can't I live in their neighborhood but #somuchfun #wishes _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Also just realized that I can't tweet in the notification center anymore thanks to iOS 7 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lolololol and I remember when you were in 2nd grade .... its so depressing ",0 "I really wish he didn't live in Arkansas . ",0 "What the heck did I ever see in you ? ",0 "Well there goes my good mood ",0 "I really don't wanna work all day today ugh ",0 "That nap was a tease ",0 "I'm gonna sit right here on the edge of this pier , and watch the sunset disappear , and drink a beer ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know major mood killer ! ",-1 "My mom asked what I wanted for Christmas . I told her I wanted a bigger lift kit and rims ... She's looks at me and says \I can buy 1 rim . "" "" ",-1 "I want to stay cuddled up in my bed all day . ",0 "Why can't I evaaa get to bed at a decent hour ",0 "I hate having to fill up my car ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just sent him a bunch of emails so I'm really hoping he accepts it , this sucks ",0 "If _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was here right now I wouldn't be so lonely #missmygirl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Liv honestly who is ? ",-1 "\The guy who created the Razzies is probably my favorite person ever . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" We all know who deserves the most of them ! > "" ",-1 "And we are already getting asked if we are twins ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it just wasn't the same ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Quesadillas and One Tree Hill just aren't the same without _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "So I can't get plates till later this week .. Talk about a tease ",0 "Lifetime Christmas movies are so incredibly bad ",0 "Why do I suddenly feel like this ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ make me ravioli ! ",-1 "My mom is so difficult to get ahold of when I actually want to talk to her ",0 "my #wcw goes to the beautiful _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! Em , I miss you tonnss . I wish I got to see you this summer #Loveyou ",0 "last night with my jeep ",0 "30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes on weights I think I've earned a nap ",0 "I think _TWITTER-ENTITY_ brought over this scary movie so I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight so I could help her watch Brayden ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how are you even suppose to study for math ",0 "I'm actually really pissed ",0 "Couldn't even imagine not having one of my parents in my life ",0 "Sleeping alone is so hard when you've been wedged in a twin size bed with a hottie for the past five nights ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love it too much to give up completely I just have to give my legs a break #loveyougirl ",0 "Everyone is swimming and my pool is still closed #notfair ",0 "I hate 2 faced people . ",0 "I wish I could I get up at 8 ! I really don't wanna go school ",0 "Filling out all these applications is what stresses me out the most ",0 "No one has shut up this whole entire damn ride . STFU . ",0 "#ThatMomentWhen it is so hot you can't sleep <<<< I just want sleep . One night of sleep . ",0 "I hate puking ",0 "Chuck and Blair and so cute !!! ",-1 "I can't make up my mind I'm such a chicken when it comes to my hair ",0 "These head colds are literally killing me ",0 "hate drying my hair ",0 "I still have an ugly softball tanline from this summer ",0 "I need a redbull ",0 "It's because of him I hate sleeping alone now . ",0 "Noooooo beeeeer bong ",0 "Words can't explain how much I miss making videos ... Even though it took like 12 hours to edit them .. I need new software ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm trying ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ playoff chances dropping ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry ",0 "There's creepy and obsessive and then there's this . ",0 "I need a break . No more school ",0 "I always have headaches ",0 "Your perfect & I'm jealous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you , hope you're okay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not today though is it storming by you ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that sucks so bad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ get over here bitchessss ! #cantwait ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're not here ",0 "I'm afraid your gonna so exactly what you did last time ",0 "I really hope I'm not getting sick ",0 "Hoping for the best but preparing myself for the worst ",0 "Fuck that weekly captain shit . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #heated ",0 "This English video tomorrow is about to be super embarrassing ",0 "Having out of the blue headaches because of my long , thick hair . #ThickHairProbs ",0 "I would be working this weekend since its restaurant week ",0 "Really wish I didn't have to work tomorrow so I can go out with my whole family been too long ",0 "But why do the kardashian's say Kanye's name so weird ? ",0 "Of course I can't sleep .. ",0 "Wish we could go to OU _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but Im the only one always busy ",0 "I'm 19 and scared of the dark ",0 "i wish i had goood serviceeee ",0 "Nights that Caleb works call at the hospital <<< ",0 "Now I can't go back to sleep because some people get up too early ",0 "My abs are on fire !!! awesome hour cardio abs workout ! ",0 "I could have potentially been seriously injured and my roommates just laugh at me . How rude of them ",0 "And I guess I'm somewhat excited to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on Thursday .......... ",-1 "WHY WON'T THESE CHARGERS WORK !!!!!!!!!!! #iphonechargerssuck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahaha ! I haven't had Johnnie's in forever . Hugh's too ... My body is wondering where the chicken fried rice is . ",-1 "Girl , stay away from my best guy friend . ",0 "Instagram be lying ",-1 "Watching jeopardy without _TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha ",0 "I wish I was a stronger .. This sucks ",0 "I just wanna go see Catching Fire ... Stupid weather . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know . ",0 "Seriously crying my eyes out because I don't want to leave home . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wouldn't take my dinosaur today ",0 "I want to punch everyone in the face tonight . ",0 "Want to tell you something but I'm to scared to ",0 "I miss my babe #mushytweet #sorry ",0 "I will be so upset if they cancel Barnstable's graduation tomorrow ",0 "My mom has more game than me #isthisreallife ",0 "my mom needs to hurry up and get here with Justin already . ",0 "... Lolololololol that's going to get me beat up probably ",0 "Why don't you ever text me back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ last few hours in Colorado ",0 "like i missss youu _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i'm only on season two still , i never have time ",0 "That awkward moment when I fall in love with the gay guy that waxed my eyebrows ",-1 "A drinking hangover would be over by now . When is this #Buctober hangover going to be over ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got him like my second week of practice on a skinny post ! But never after that . ",-1 "I love cleaning when I'm pissed off ",0 "I'm the queen of procrastination right now ",0 "What's my problem ? Why do I feel depressed , down and unsatisfied lately ",0 "Finally ate . Still not happy . Got this headache bc freakin stress ! ",0 "Who runs track in the pouring rain ? Briarfield #thisisbullshit ",0 "I feel like my life is just one big awkward mess ",0 "My dog won't stop barking because he doesn't know my car yet #sleepinginruined ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love my liv . I miss you ridiculously ",0 "Someone give me soup . I hate being sick . How do I do things now ... ",0 "That was a whole lot of wasting of time between the both of us what a shame ",0 "Why can't I spend the rest of the day watching Gossip Girls ?! #StupidWork #GrownUpIssues ",0 "Ate ice walking into the rec . yep it's definitely Monday morning #graceful ",-1 "First time in the city without my baby so sad but I'm happy I'm back in my second home with some of the best people ever ",-1 "I just wanna play slap cup . ",0 "My brothers gonna fuck this up for us .. I know it .. ",0 "Packing will be the death of me ",0 "hatehatehate hateee the cold ",0 "I haven't seen _TWITTER-ENTITY_ all day this is weird ",0 "It's amazing how many seasons of different shows I got through #nolife #bored ahahah ",0 "I really miss living in grove ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ behind need more hours in the day ",0 "This Cultural Credit for AP Lit is making me want to kill myself , I should have just went to the play ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm trying I'm trying ",-1 "I ordered my Lebron X's two weeks ago , and they're still NOT here !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sooon love ! I miss you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... I've had one off & on 4 bout 4 days . I feel ur pain . ",0 "This is going to be a really lonely weekend . ",0 "I apologized cuz I care ..... night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just saw this ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh I watched that too so sad I was talking about the Skelton boys in Michigan ",0 "Whenever I try reading a fall asleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Okay ! Thankkk youu ! I feel left out because I'm not in the chat ",0 "Something that will make cry-food getting stuck in the vending machine . About to have a tantrum ",0 "Hopefully sending out Kreons for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this weekend . I am such a broke slacker . Sorry guys ",0 "... Thankful its only four days ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ huh ? I just read this , but I think I missed out .... ",0 "Having serious withdrawals from my meatballs ",0 "me being hungry ... and in bed ... #whattodo ",0 "Ever since nick left for college I've had no one to take me on random orange leaf runs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ needs to take his attitude else where ✌ ",0 "If we don't win this award for Austin I just feel like we'd let him down #voteaustinmahone ",0 "Tired of being third ",0 "This is going to get really old really fast ... ",0 "His leg wrapped around weidmans leg !! ",0 "My poof has a dent in it ",0 "Every time I hear big girls don't cry I think of how good me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ were at American idol on wii . ",0 "anyone else ever get really anxious & nervous & then can't even remember why ? no , just me ? okay . ",0 "no amount of vodka will make this day more tolerable ",0 "Anyone wants some ? I'm too small to eat this all by myself ",0 "the singer at my work is even making maroon 5 songs sound bad ",0 "I can see you read my text ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ text back > ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll tweet a pic of it . and yeah they dropped a box of them by mammoth park along the road . idk how many there were . so sad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Happy Monday to all of you ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no I tried to turn my phone off and back on and it still didn't work and I'm pissed lbds ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't get it ",0 "What is going on with my stomach ",0 "Day off ... dinner and a movie .. Life ",0 "I really miss cheer ",0 "forgot how sun burn felt ",0 "I hate being a night person some days ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no . ",0 "It doesn't feel like spring break . I have over 15 hours of homework ",0 "I'm literally so sleep deprived ",0 "Go away . ",0 "Praying for my grandmother . She's not doing well . She's always been a strong and inspirational lady love her very much . ",0 "Why am I throwing up at 5:30 in the morning ?? #help ",0 "I hate anxiety attacks ",0 "I need to stop eating ",0 "Nascar SprintCup just had the #bigone in testing , 10 cars involved ",-1 "Chem exam today ",0 "Time to head to UHS to take some shots ! Not the good kind tho ... ",0 "I can't keep my eyes open ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ah you're so lucky I hate you how far you guys ? ",0 "richies making me really jealous ",0 "I just wish I could magically lose like 20 more pounds before I am on the beach Saturday ",0 "Someone come over with ice cream and play with my hair while I lay here in pain ",0 "My mom just got a new fucking car . ",0 "No need to jump to conclusion but I need to get to the bottom of this ",0 "' Because it's Massac ' is not a legitimate reason for anything . Skanky stuff happens everywhere , not just here . Quit being stupid ",0 "I really don't know how much longer I can do this ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ pinky promise ? ",-1 "Trying to wake _TWITTER-ENTITY_ up in the morning is a task !! #HardAF ",0 "This beeping noise is obnoxious ! I just wanna fall asleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry not sorry !!! omg ha ha ha no . can't believe someone would even say that . ",-1 "Watching home alone ... Alone ",0 "I have a man stomach ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I FORGOT TO ASK HIM NAMEHES FROM LEXINGTON ",0 "Back to this waking up early shit ",0 "I Drive Your Truck - Lee Brice ... Gets me every time #RIPRyanDavid ",-1 "That gay mother fucker bought my clothes ",0 "Me and my girl are both having boys issues !! Why us !? ",0 "They are selling out so quickly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ waaaaahhhhh . I hate not having wifi . #firstworldproblems ",0 "got me stressin ",0 "The end of the semester is the time of year that the library would be completely justified in charging me rent . #tistheseason ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ now lmao ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we have the same friends ",-1 "All I want to do is go on Tumblr but the stupid wifi doesn't work ",0 "I just cried in the library watching a video a mother of a sandy hook victim made ",0 "I hope we switch teams in gym this week ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha I'll even miss the \other posh "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! I work tomorrow at 5 and Sunday at 8am ! What about you ?! "" ",-1 "I JUST GOT TROLLED BY A VANDY FAN AT WORK . ",0 "This is sad ",0 "I typed Mr. Gattis and it put Mr. Fatties .. ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LYNNNNNN ! I am right here ( 14 hours later ) ",0 "Well it's been 6 hours since I left and I'm just now leaving cbus .. ",0 "I'm so done with only being able see three feet in front of me #Frustrated ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ any other days ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cry babbby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I do I do now and true about the brain (; well I am going to get back to studying ",-1 "When I lose my Chapstick ... My facial expressions ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ My mom found the box of them under my bed and took it ",0 "Driving and crying when its raining is possibly the hardest thing ",0 "I guess it's a ignore adam night ",0 "Of course I get called in on my day off ",0 "fuck the doctors office ",0 "Gettin pretty ticked that the awards are already 15 minutes late . #pissed #letsgo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Don't remind me , dreading it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry bæ . ",0 "Nobody's fuckin with me tonight ",0 "my dad is such an uptight person ",0 "When you ask someone where they wanna eat and they say the mall #VSEmployeeProbz ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't think Matt is going now . ",0 "I just wanna be in a good mood again . #stressed #sassy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know how you feel both my brothers left for it this morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay ! I'd text you and ask but I didn't get your new number ",0 "someone spend the night ",0 "I suck at pool _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too . merry christmas , one and all . except maybe gisele . she eats like its christmas all year long . ",0 "I just want someone to play with my hair and rub my shoulders . Is it really that hard ? #complaining #whinysunday ",0 "Well Christopher and I will be spending a romantic New Years evening at Sonic . Perfect . ",-1 "Just tell me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wish I could be there tonight ",0 "Guys , I choked ",0 "Good nap , idt ill b able to fall asleep now tho ",-1 "but really i shouldn't be allowed to have Internet & a credit card , I blew my whole paycheck online shopping . #fuck ",0 "I need a gym buddy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you left me !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's so boring ",0 "I've got so much crap to do !! Gahh ! ",0 "Why is my hair so frizzy ",0 "Missed the bus that's only running every half hour . Never getting homeeeee , I could cry ",0 "Do NOT ask me a question , then argue with me about it . ",0 "i wanna watch oliver and company ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ when I see Kenna but Kenna doesn't see me ",0 "Sundays suck with the walking dead ",0 "Ran the mile barefoot and now my feet are paying for it #KMS ",0 "Stale cereal in a paper cup . Its what's for breakfast ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you hanging out with Lindsay today ",-1 "Fuckkkkkkkk why do I have to work this early ?!?? ",0 "I'm so Upset right now ! I'm so sick of people telling me that I can't do something when I have been trying for the past two years ! ",0 "I miss elite so much already ",0 "watching insidious 2 again because apparently they check for id's at the rave now ",-1 "I just realized I left my favorite blanket in wildwood ",0 "Mom is finally in Richmond for the night and I'm stuck at home sick #missher ",0 "FYI . My hair did not curl . Happy Monday ",0 "I am not sure they make a drink strong enough for my nerves right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hey ?? ESPN Streak with a diff Apple ID ",-1 "My mind is everywhere . ",0 "that picture made me miss Dana's face I used to see her beautiful face everyday . ",0 "The one day I decide to have off , I actually get sick ",0 "Having all week off makes it really hard to get up and go to work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for missing me ",0 "I just wanna go to sleep . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I would , but date is no good 3/1 I'm flying back from Vegas and 3/2 attending a wedding _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #sqlplunge have fun though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ let me know what they say about James !! I felt so bad for him . ",0 "And you know what I also want ? To not have to tweet all the things I want cause I get all of them and more every day . #wishfulthinking ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is Taylor asleep ? ",0 "Season finale of dexter , I'm sad it's almost over !!! ",0 "Oh my gosh it's 6:30 and I feel like I just went to bed an hour ago .... #iwantmysleep ",0 "My stomach is committing murder ",0 "Sam is at work and fitzy probably died and no one is texting me back . ",0 "There goes another 60 dollars . ",0 "when you get an itch on your foot but it tickles when you itch it <<< ",0 "Insidious 2 .. Only ones in the theater ",0 "I . Can't . Move . My . Body . #helpme ",0 "I always worry when my life seems to get better and better because that just tells me that something fucked up is going to happen ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too ",0 "I hate cramps , I get them so bad . I feel like I'm dying . ",0 "My toes are so cold ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ J.R. Smith is repping those Kobes . Kobe can't . ",-1 "The coffee from JV bagels always tastes burnt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wahh I know Im literally gonna be packing up until the second I leave well FaceTime lots while I'm gone !! ",0 "Laurie from that 70s show died ",0 "There's only so much you can do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you ",0 "Oh shit , I just updated my Twitter and it sucks ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Okay ! Kid u are playing her like u played me grow up and chose what u want !!!! ",-1 "First day of school tomorrow ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw is someone mad it's ok buddy , we can get through this ",0 "Happy 6 months to the one and only _TWITTER-ENTITY_ best girlfriend hands down ! I love you ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it sucks and lol same here . I lost a lot of weight last year so hopefully I can do it again lol . We can do it ! ",-1 "There are so many movies coming out that I wanna see . #brokegirlprobs ",0 "Fine i hope you are eaten by a gator since you won't have a pork chop to give him instead ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I'm sorry ",0 "Gunter keeps taking my pillow ",0 "Ducking bugs .. ",0 "At least my friends are honest , just sent them a pic of something i was considering and theyre just likeee naaa .. ",-1 "I love ice skating , but I suck at it , I always bust my ass on the ice . I wake up the next day and my knees are purple ",0 "Balling my eyes out rn from this new Chicago Fire ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ guysss Someone come with me !! ",0 "Screw this government shut down ! It is really creating problems for me at work ! ",0 "I wish I could get the chance to see the look on their faces when they get their gifts from the mail ",0 "I'm getting so frustrated ",0 "Soooo sun burnt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you should , because I told you specifically that I do NOT want mayo on my chicken salad ! There are globs ALL over it !! ",0 "My mood tonight went from to #justbreathe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Don't we all , I laid out today for almost 2 hours and have nothing to show for it .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are making me cry ! So touching today ! #GH ",0 "Damn it now I really want Oreos ",0 "I eat when in bored #imbored ",0 "I really wish I had my mom close by ",0 "I'm about to breakdown ",0 "3 hours later I finally have iOS 7 ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry ",0 "on days like this .. I could really use a another me to help this me run around ",0 "Why , Jacoby , why . ",0 "Beyond stressed I need an escape ... ",0 "Staying in bed with a heating pad all day ",0 "The fuck you mean ??? I get a new charger like every couple of months , Verizon gets so much money from me ",0 "1 day weekend is over work open to close all week & only 6 more days til _TWITTER-ENTITY_ goes back to Jersey :'( I don't like this at all . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you too my shrimpo ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no i haven't been feeling well lately ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too ",0 "Can't fall back asleep because of these cramps ",0 "Okay whose hanging out with me Saturday since all my friends will be at DMB ",0 "the rain is really ruining the mood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it sucked that much that your leaving ",0 "Woke up this morning feeling completely sickkkkkkk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah true ! I'm terrified for next fall now ",0 "Hate seeing my bestfriend like this ",0 "Cracked my damn screen .. that's what I get for taking off my otter box ",0 "Why so many commercials ",0 "Why couldn't we still have _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if it doesn't go by fast then I'll be so mad !!!! ",0 "I want Mexican good ",0 "But like , it's not necessary to scream when the person you're talking too is sitting RIGHT NEXT TO YOU ",0 "Not sleeping cause I woke up at fucking 10 o'clock ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ SO EMBARRASSING . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh so true wise one wahh no more classes together , ever ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No we are never going to be a thing .. #sadly ",0 "After watching that documentary I am never sleeping ... I just bugged out when the air conditioner turned on ",0 "Yeah I'm in a ton of pain ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't make it . Will y'all be in the area later on this year ? ",0 "Wish I could just be outside all day it is sooo nice out but I'm stuck inside all day ",0 "This pain right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ way to leave me here ",0 "My last mutha truckin day to sleep in and I decide to stay up all night asdfghjkl ",0 "Why does it sound like there's something in my bedroom ? ",0 "Disappointed in the amount of snowfall last night .. ❄️ ",0 "I feel like absolute garbage ",0 "Came home and my parents are nowhere to be found ... ",0 "Maybe I'll get all my Christmas shopping done today . But chances are slim to none . ",0 "But seriously I wanna do something with a little bit of an adrenaline rush ",0 "So bought a new belly ring and I can't even get it open ! ",0 "Really not feeling class today ... #blah ",0 "Sometimes I feel like a mature adult and then sometimes I have scary dreams that make me want my mommy . ",0 "I will never get ahead in fantasy hockey #fantasyhockeyprobs ",0 "Not feeling the suicides later . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you also . It has been a while . ",0 "Hitting my knee on the car door <<< painful #ouch ",0 "Wish i was at Redbrick tonight with my frans ",0 "I've got 800+ movies and no one to share them with . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ home ill be back later today ",-1 "Saw a dear on the side of the road ",-1 "It's just not fair ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yep for the beating up thingy ",-1 "I just wanna be cuddling and going back to sleep ",0 "I have a minimum of 3 hours of work left and there is a possibility that my phone might not make it that long ",0 "If you take screenshots of my snapchats ... We're not friends . ",0 "kinda wish I played in powderpuff today . ",0 "I am possibly the worst when it comes to pain ! Wahhhhh . ",0 "I feel like I haven't seen _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in a very long time .. #notgood ",0 "Why even go into work for 6 freakin bucks ??? #NotHappy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't have a car too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have to learn all the songs now though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't cause I got a tattoo ",0 "I hate when people send me mass snapchats ",0 "I hate texting people who don't have iPhones . ",0 "If you new how you made me actually feel would you still treat me the same ?? ",0 "Registration in a few hours . ",0 "Let me sleep ",0 "I feel like I literally suck at life . #sad ",0 "Just waiting in the day I don't get judged by _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you should hang out with me . Miss yooou ",0 "I should be banned from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ salons .... I always want to buy everything ",0 "I miss my best friend already ",0 "Went to Indiana to surprise Rosalyn and she thought I was a little girl ... ",-1 "Why is my bedroom so cold ",0 "Wake up wake up wakeeee uppppppp ",0 "Buying new cases >> waiting for them to come <<<< #thestruggle ",0 "I do not feel good right now ",0 "I was gonna drink the coronas in the fridge but _TWITTER-ENTITY_ must have beaten me to it ",0 "And my stupid knee . << ",0 "The worker at forever 21 just asked me if I was turning 17 ughhhhh ",0 "someone come get me now . so bored ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no . I love you the mostest and I miss you the mooooosssst !!! I need to see you before I leave again . ",0 "Why is everyone breaking up before homecoming ? Like wtf . ",0 "Having nothing to do tomorrow ",0 "Stop with the Chloe picture please ",0 "I hate when he has to go back in from break ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ewh ! We did it today ! It is so gross ! ",0 "My lips are so chapped ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fudge no lunch cruises I have a worst life . And yes text me wen your free ! And I better be your main ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ honesty we were so busy last night that I didn't have time to drink it then I forgot about it . Sworry . ",0 "i hate this house too many bad memories . ",0 "Im in a bad mood right now ",0 "Sad this trip is over it means I have to do homework ! ",0 "Like NOOO . I don't wanna be mental . I just wanna be a normal kid . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know it's been a good two weeks I feel like . & that is not acceptable ",0 "Candy crush is frustrating ! ",0 "On a real note though I need new friends .. ",0 "I dunno how I'm going to tell my mom that I had to drop a class again and probably lost my scholarship ... #failing ",0 "The _TWITTER-ENTITY_ show _TWITTER-ENTITY_ literally makes me cringe ! It's on 24 freaking 7 ! ",0 "My luck to run into a cute guy at the gas station and I'm just here like , no makeup , wet hair , and pajama pants on #typical ",0 "Today is going to be a tough one with many campers & fellow counselors leaving . #Bittersweet ",0 "I have lost all hope in myself , and others . I have been nothing but good to anyone and still things seem to be my fault . Theres no end . ",0 "I have bruises from oomf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ DON'T DO THAT BECAUSE I KNOW IF I SAY REALLY YOU'RE GOING TO SAY NO ;p and then I'll be sad . Don't leave ",0 "I can't believe you said that to me . ",0 "& Kenzie .. #imysm ",0 "Well my life over I'm going to go and die I thought we were going to be Forever & Always ",0 "What happened to aj and jd ?? They were keeping me company ",0 "Carpal Tunnel is killing me today ",0 "I feel like I haven't seen _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in years ! #keepdoingworkgirl ",0 "I wish I had someone to do a cute last minute couple costume with ",0 "Aw prince fielder is getting divorced ",0 "Can't believe that 5 days from now .. I'll be the only guy in my family not married . ",0 "Aaaaand it's closed .. ",0 "The smell of bagels at the gym isn't helping with my hunger while I'm trying to workout ",0 "There's only one thing in the entire world that I want right now and I can't have it this sucks so horribly fuck work and school ",0 "If something is sad and an animals involved ... it makes it 10x worse . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I doubt that prob a phone call ",0 "Well that's .. REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING . ",0 "My family is going through ",0 "I have to get off twitter now , you guys go off . ",0 "can you please shut your dog up damn why tf is it 11:30 at night and your dogs been outside barking nonstop for an hour ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahhaha oh god I can feel our class getting a lecture on this paper ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ could like stop blowing up my phone . Thanks ... ",0 "I could fall asleep right now ",0 "Hope everyone's summer is going great ! It's going by to fast ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am not ",0 "i've been working all day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol my feet are so hard to tan ",0 "Wish I could go back and change some stuff ",0 "IT WON'T LOAD !!!!!! ",0 "today is just one of those days . ",0 "Some best friend I have bitch can't even come get me in my time of need ",0 "My dad said if I brought home another kitten he would flush it down the toilet ",-1 "This class is pointless #LetMeOut ",0 "i basically walked the entire westside tonight , my feet are kiilllinnnnn ",0 "I think I was lied to about that moon thing ..... ",0 "Craving a cherry berry chiller #thestruggle ",0 "This mood I'm in all I feel like doing is eating . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I shouldn't have ate look I'm very sorry iris is I pissed you off tonight I'm usually not like that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ really omg that's so bad for you hair just use lots of breakage conditioner on it after you wash it out !!!! ",0 "I would be craving garlic bread when there's no bread in this house ",0 "Last night prez bought me a drink . I like when prez does that . Don't graduate _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Car shopping is so stressful !!! ",0 "It's been a rough day . #help ",0 "The disappointment of someone not being there . maybe next time . On to regularly scheduled workout . ",0 "I've never had an ankle injury until now . ",0 "So basically I procrastinated all of my studying and papers until now , annnnd my weekend is going to suck ass . ",0 "I hate my neighbors and their stupid truck . Why do I have to live in hick town ?? ",0 "So fucking sore ",0 "Why am I awake ? Maybe cause my mother thinks it's necessary to clean house at 7 am . I wouldn't complain except it's EVERY morning . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahhah no I don't want the morning to come ",0 "I just listened to the song I drive your truck for the first time since _TWITTER-ENTITY_ has passed away . God I miss you so much ",0 "THANKS I really wanted to go to that . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you'll have fun this weekend I promise ",-1 "Why am I so bad at packing ! ",0 "I have so much work to do this weekend ",0 "So many bug bites . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm glad someone does I LOVE YOU MORE ",-1 "Im still not used to wake up early ",0 "Pooooooop . I have to do 4 lesson plans before I can leave school too . #dang ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I fell asleep at 2:30 . ",0 "Still in bed because I'm too lazy to get ready ",0 "I really have no clue what's going on in Spanish right now ",0 "My sunburn is so itchy ",0 "Never fails .. once I'm on the road I always remember what I forgot . 3 bottles of booze & case of beer are still sitting on top of my fridge ",0 "It's gonna take me forever and a day to pack up my bedroom #justwannanap ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Too bad I can't still fit into those overalls . ",0 "Whyy is it so impossible to find a cute pair of pink stilettos ",0 "How can chapter 1 be so easy , but chapter 2 be so stressful ? #imdead . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so much for the Waterpark ",0 "I look like shit right now , why am I snap chatting ",0 "And they tell me there's hot dogs here to eat like ohhhh great thanks its not like I eat those all the damn time at work !!! #dqprobz ",0 "My quad won't stop twitching ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Did you get my last text ? Our phones hate each other I think ",0 "It's my last shrine game tomorrow ... #Unbelievable #WhereDidTheTimeGo ",0 "No im not a pedophile ",0 "Now off to work myself from 12- 8:30 ",0 "Call me call me call me call me . ",0 "I just don't feel good ... ",0 "My Instagram isn't letting me upload pictures I've deleted the whole app and re added it and its not working . ",0 "Ugh . Really . ",0 "I can't find a cute pirate costume for Jasiah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ white guy working hard . That's always nice . but as a player , way too many bad shots , bad handles and can't guard ",0 "I'm still sooo cold . ❄️ burrr ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ back off sto . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha I'm seriously not ",-1 "someone please see wolf of wall street tomorrow with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need to take my car back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I left my wings in your car ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This girl need to get the fuck out my face smellin like must” ",0 "I use way too much ",0 "Dear lost $40 .. please be In my car ",0 "Every day you request to be my Facebook friend and every day I deny it ",0 "I can't be at work for 3 more hours . I just can't do it ",0 "I lost my shin guards , shin guard sleeves , two pairs of socks and a keeper jersey omfg ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you love me . I miss you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that face will be in my dreams tonight .... ",0 "Well fellow Ohioans , Ill be back in hell around 6 tonight ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nope you're gonna have to make a Facebook ! ",-1 "I broke 2 nails in less than 10 minutes !! ",0 "The hardest thing I've had to do today was turn down _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and her idea to get swastey pants #schoolprobs who am I even ? ",0 "I can't keep my eyes open any longer . #IJustWannaSleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ COTOs is Wednesday .. ",0 "Missing Riss . ",0 "Shopping really isn't very fun when you have no money ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ too late ",0 "I really hate when . People name there name as Justin Bieber and then when u look it isn't it is very disappointing ",0 "About to be a long day ",0 "Today has been such a long day . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah , I didn't run good at all though ",0 "Sad that my friend is so sick , and that I'm so blessed ",0 "Too bad I gotta work ",0 "When he's too bust to text you #sad #lonely ",0 "I hate being used . #SoOverIt #GoFindSomeOtherGirl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ think I'm joking now ",-1 "I think my ingrown fingernail is infected ",0 "there's nothing I want more than a good night's sleep ❌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry but its okay ",0 "I don't know about this anymore . kind of depressing . ",0 "I've been getting 4-6 hours of sleep all semester so my brain assumes that's a normal sleep cycle and it continues waking me accordingly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you too ? Terrible isn't it ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh god don't remind me lol ",-1 "I just realized i didn't take a picture with Jon ",0 "I could be making poutine right now if only I had mozzarella ....... ",0 "If it wouldn't have snowed so bad this weekend in nyc ... I'd be there right now shopping and in the same city as _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this sucks ",0 "I hate with Bill has to stay in ",0 "someone come save me , I'm dying from boredom ",0 "The wait to get my car fixed <<<< ",0 "I just want to be tan again ",0 "My text messaging isn't working ",0 "Having to watch billions of girls harass your boyfriend #backoff #chill ",0 "I don't understand why we don't have off of school for Veteran's Day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ pats fans be like after the first round of the playoffs tho ",-1 "Gonna sleep for like half an hour and then I'll get ready for work ",0 "I just haven't been myself lately and it's annoying me . ",0 "The fact that I can't breathe well tonight scares me ",0 "my screen just shattered . in so upset ",0 "My baby is so sick and there is nothing I can do to make him feel better . ",0 "can anything else go wrong today ... seriously . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ guess I am eating alone #nolove ",0 "I miss you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "bahhh humbug ! hate the holidays . worst time to be single . worst time to have no family around . worst time to work retail . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too scrappy I'll come to prov tonight after work , if you wanna wait up for me to do something . ",0 "What a slow and boring week already ... ",0 "I miss my friends ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & Twitterless Levy . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know where it is but we have no ride ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you , I appreciate it . ",-1 "Brushing my hair after I get out of the shower will actually be the death of me ",0 "Have a pillow in my arms because _TWITTER-ENTITY_ isn't here to cuddle . ",0 "Should I put my nose ring back in ? #Yes ? #No ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I know ",0 "I want a diamond candle ",0 "Seriously just got out of the car to go beat on these ppls window driving infront of me but the finally moved if I had a gun they'd be dead ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh waaaay too long love you ! ",0 "When I need to wake up early , I'm exhausted but when i can sleep in I'm up at the crack of dawn ... Omg ! ",0 "Don't want go to school these next 2 days . Just want a break from everything .. ",0 "I think sister wives is gross , I would never want to share my husband , & deff not with a bunch of women . ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same place it’s been for four years . Don’t kill me homie . ",0 "Not talking to you today don't even bother ",0 "Some old men are just so sweet but they don't know when to stop talking ... ",0 "It's like the old you has completely gone far away . ",0 "I just want all of this to go away ",0 "You ever get something that you wanted so bad but once you get it you're like ",0 "I miss Cody ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha Elizabeth is already talking about getting you to layout with her tomorrow . I wish I didn't have work . ",0 "8000th tweet goes to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you ",-1 "Me and oomf haven't texted since this time yesterday .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ werea mine . ?!?!? ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not me it has been so slow ",0 "Spilled an ENTIRE glass of orange juice on my very last pair of clean sweatpants . Why do bad things happen to good people #hellojeans ",0 "Motherfuck the law . ",0 "Can't fall asleep ",0 "I just wanna see snow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ couldn't find you ",0 "It's always the same thing . #NoSurprise ",0 "I spent a good amount of the day cleaning and labeling the cabinets . And my dad puts stuffing where I clearly labeled foil/bags ",-1 "I think this is the first Friday I'm not excited about ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Definitely ... I need one too ",0 "Something's wrong when you have to take your homework to dinner with family friends . ",0 "Yes it's raining/snowing however there is NO reason you need to drive 40 . You are in Minnesota ... We know how to drive in this ",0 "This one kids hat is tilted in #drumline and it's irritating me SO much ... ",0 "Someone come pick me up from tully's I don't want to be with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ anymore #somefriends .. ",0 "Ok focus , I have to memorize this script . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that happened cause someone ate all the chicken and I got stuck with the veggies lol and now I'm starved in class ",0 "My phone battery is never above 20% ",0 "I MISS KAITLYN ",0 "Beyond so fucking confused right now #WhatDidIDo ",0 "Ever since Adaleigh hasn't been feeling good , she's been downing formula like its going outa style .. And pretty much refusing her baby food ",0 "Thanks _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for getting me sick now come take care of me ! ",0 "I can take a hint ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i don't have a channel 57 on my tv do you know the name of the channel ? ",0 "I really want some sweet tea ",0 "How am I not tired ",0 "I really don't wanna go back to Rochester . This break went by way too fast . ",0 "Hey Ty are trying to Ignore your biggest fan _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "What should I do ? Help ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ an I just missed it ",0 "Spending my final hours with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "IM SO FUCKING OVER THIS !!!! IM BAKING THESE FUCKING COOKIES NOONE IS GETTING ANYWAY ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Spring breakers actually creeps me out” weirdest movie ever ",0 "Wish I could play YouTube and do whatever I wanted on my phone ",0 "I would have to take out my bellybutton ring and close it in the middle of summer . Sad day . ",0 "Why did you have to hit me up ?... I was doing great without you ",0 "Some one come wash my hair for me ",0 "the weathers so nice but for someone who has chronic allergies this is horrific #dying ",0 "I guess no one wants big bear at the beach ",0 "my tattoo is pealing it's grossing me out . ",0 "Just passed a new Silverado , looking goodthank god they changed them & I dont have to be reminded of that dumb bitch's truck anymore #amen ",0 "It sucks that I don't get to hangout with Megan as much anymore #bestfriendprobs #mommameg ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sad the season is over though ",0 "Where are all my socks ?! #cantsleepwithoutthem ",0 "Why do I never have anything to do or anybody to hangout with ? What is my life . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish I could say were coming but I can't I have exams ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ jealous time ",0 "I just wanna go home ",0 "Oh my goodness my grandma left me a voicemail I'm so happy:'') ",-1 "I can't believe I missed meeting _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this weekend ! ",0 "The time zones are confusing meeee ",0 "Gotta stop coming home from work at 3 am , someone is going to assume I am having an affair ( it's the flowers I swear ! ) ",0 "alrighty then , whatever . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Corey Ray ! I miss you !!! How are you ? How's college ? It's been forever ",0 "Back to work tomorrow I still won't check my email until tomorrow at 9 ! ",0 "iMessage right now , I tell ya ",-1 "Ohio State bound ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nope , just released the date for it . Last week I heard justin bieber was candidate for replacement . April 10 it release ",-1 "I was so excited .. ",-1 "Why ft is windows 8 so cornfusing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh for sure !! #kidsthesedays ",-1 "i realllllly don't think i could be more mad than i am right now ✋ ",0 "Done telling you how I feel because you don't care ... really wish life was much easier ",0 "NHL preseason for Detroit begins tomorrow . ( Sigh ) ... we're in the East now ... idk how I feel about this .. #GoWings ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ actually I'm going to rephrase that , I'm a little salty because I didn't get brownies ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ drivers ed ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes I did ! Your the one that didn't text back ",0 "If my MacBook freezes one more time I'm gonna throw it out the window . ",0 "I HATE how shy I am ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You better ",-1 "I really need to be getting my ass in the shower & go to bed or I'm going to be one grumpy girl tomorrow . ",0 "Twitter isn't letting me tweet pictures ",0 "I hate when my plans get ruined ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it really will , I can't wait for that game now ",-1 "Accepting the fact that I'm going to be up all night ",0 "Why can't any of my professors cancel class once in a blue moon ",0 "It's nothing more in the world I hate than that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm already at school . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I do #Again :,( ",0 "just took a great nap and now I'm craving some French Toast .. just wish I had someone to go to ihop with .. .... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... ",0 "When my mother and I hear that my grandmother might be coming to stay .... ",0 "What is life right now ? ",0 "Honestly there's days where me and Trevor don't talk to each other or see each other and it makes me sad . ",0 "I miss you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! I haven't seen you in forever ",0 "I look gross I feel gross , ah it's gonna be such a great day ",0 "I wish these creeps would stop favoriting my tweets ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is bringing back horrible memories of being soaked on the chairlift in West Virginia ",0 "Amazingly , I'm still in love with you . ",-1 "My body aches and I can't sleep on the bright side I have a new room / roommate ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can go until later in the week but ill definitely be going ! ",-1 "I wish me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ had more than 1 class together ",0 "I just don't wanna even be bothered ✌ ",0 "I'm done texting you ",0 "Can't get out of this mood .... ",0 "Now accepting donations to the \Shasta is too nice , therefore she is broke "" fund "" ",0 "A little sad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Show People just came on my iPod in my car and I remembered all the words .... Miss you ",0 "I wish time stood still while you worked out so 1-2 hours of my day wasn't taken up . #butreally ",0 "Wish I wasn't so dead from last night so I could tailgate the home opener !! FLY EAGLES FLY ! ",0 "My stomach seriously hates me ",0 "I give up ",0 "Mcdonalds in the Lou is slacking on getting this McRib out . Not happy about it ",0 "In so much pain . Work won't be fun . ",0 "Why do I feel so sick to my stomach ? ",0 "The fact that my Saturday depends on the direction of the wind <<<<< #IsThisRealLife ? ",0 "Clueless at this point ",0 "Hate it when impractical jokers and football are on at the same time ",0 "i can't even look at lily ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I honestly don't even know what that is ... sorry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you meeting fans anytime tonight ? When I saw you in Cleveland you never came out 6 ",0 "There is nothing I hate more than fighting with you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm leaving now for class ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I don't get that . You shower after hopefully ",-1 "Our neighbor better silence their dog before I do it for them ",0 "We all get the blues ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you never asked me !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too ! ",0 "Kyle loves to put his freezing feet on me . #soocold ",0 "It's getting worse ",0 "I've made so many awesome memories this year ... this is so sad ... #timeneedstoslowdown ",0 "There's nothing to do for Halloween ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm your favorite Jew , right ? ",-1 "My headphones are missing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I still have yet to complete Dead Space 3 I've beaten Dead Space 2 on Hardcore as well ",0 "after I run my legs are literally on fire !! I think I could cook grilled cheese on them ",0 "Yep totally not my day . Been craving pizza andddd I don't have a pizza cutter . ",0 "That bike race was brutal . I went until the last lap , when I could no longer pedal , brake , or steer . DNF ",0 "I really don't want to get up !!!! ",0 "I wish I wasn't in pain so I could sleep ",0 "Holidays sure put things into perspective ! ✔️ ",-1 "I just want to lay in my bed all day and watch movies #buticant ",0 "Yep , I definitely need that thunder buddy ... ",0 "I have a kink curb that I never ride ",0 "Too much on my mind to sleep ",0 "I really need done one to talk to ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish I could ! I'm stuck in Illinois ! ",0 "I just want to scream ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : A trip to NYC is exactly what I need right now ... ” _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Well fuck you too .... Two can okay this game ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel you girl . My mood tonight is just like blah .. ✋✌️ ",-1 "Ugh two hour long tutorials back to back today . Well at least it's the only thing I have to do today . #great ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ take me with you !! ",-1 "I wish I got cute text messages . ",0 "I wanna go to California ",0 "Laying in Vinny's bed alone ",0 "God please no .... ",0 "Alright , I agree that Carrie Underwood is sexy af and she has the voice of a goddess , but we've listened to \Blown Away "" 17 fucking times . "" ",0 "My dad just turned the internet off of every device in the house so he wouldn't lag on zombies .. He needs an intervention ",0 "Why does everything always fall on the same day ? ",0 "I have the worst memory ",0 "I wish my 11:11 wishes came true . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too ",0 "Wish I knew how long it's been going on , how long you been gettin some on the side ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ feel better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know . Fml I might have actually done really badly ... ",0 "I'm such a sad panda the man I love and my best friend left today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't hate him , I just love Eli lol . & I'm surprised how he did too , I hate it & fuck matt ryan & the stupid falcons haha ",-1 "Ice bath because hamstring ",0 "My mom is a old lady now she's driving 35 on a 45 #someonekillme ",0 "Josh has this thing where HE NEVER TEXTS BACK . ",0 "I don't wanna go to work ! ",0 "Going to Somerset with only $50 . #Yup ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you'll be ok ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No way !? I think I'm going to cry ! His son turned !? #LoneWolf ",0 "Walking through campus when it's dark out and no one else is around at 6am is terrifying ... ",0 "soooo who wants to hangout now that I'm home ? No ? No one ? Ok ",0 "I haven't had any service all day ",0 "#10ThingsYouHateToDo take 2 hrs just to get ready to leave the house ! damn naturally curly hair ! ",0 "My heads gonna explode ",0 "they like it slow is pretty much the song of the last year and a half of my life #memories ",0 "Cookie dough ice cream .. Not peanut butter cup ",0 "He better not send AshLee home #TheBachelor ",0 "Wish I could be at the Citadel's Corps Day ",0 "There is a beggar on every corner if Lebanon #HardTimes ",0 "When you drink something after brushing your teeth and it's extremely cold <<<<<< #sensitiveteethprobs ",0 "Im not even caught up on PLL thanks guys ",0 "The stupid shit that comes out of peoples mouths makes me want to slap myself in the face . Do you know your stupidity or can I point it out ",0 "and my day is completely ruined . ",0 "I'm just want to Hookah ",0 "What are you suppose to do when you give your all to someone who won't give you anything ? ",0 "I loved Kara to death . So many memories and I'm never going to forget about her #RIP ",0 "I just really miss my grandma right now .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dude I'm excited okay . I sorry ",0 "Sometimes I just wish I could turn my brain off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No , my professor just wants me to summarize 20 books from the Bible . Each book summary can only be 150 words ",0 "just really hope she gets to feeling better ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hates me ",0 "So sad I don't want to go home tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my dog comes first ",-1 "Valentines Day is Thursday isn't it ... ",0 "I was 1 second away from screen shotting that snapchat _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "I seriously have to go to school in the morning !! #senior ",0 "Dang . Just watched this one Saturday with spencer . #rerun ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whyyyyy ? We will be going out every weekend . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its all youngbouls but idec nothing else is going on ",0 "Here in lovely Ohio , it doesn't snow in December it rains !!! ",0 "Phillip Phillips is my bumming music . Ugh . ",0 "Finally musk up the courage to donate blood after 3 painful pokes .... iron too low ",0 "Back to studying for me #sadlife ",0 "I hear coyotes . Ekk ",0 "When that person you like doesn't like you back >>>> ",0 "Stressing out ... can't it be Christmas break already ?! #collegeprobz ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wah I miss you too ",0 "My professor would cancel on me the 195729175919651 time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha I love the boat though it could be disastrous if we were on there together and Matt was captain ",0 "Kali killed my hopes and dreams today on the phone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whatever not anymore -_- ",0 "I took a walk to clear my head .. This is where the walking lead ... Can't believe your really gone .. Don't feel like going home ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah .. ",0 "I just want to be happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me to ",0 "I remember when he played football ",0 "My phone got shut off ",0 "The worst thing is biting and opening a sunflower seed and there's no seed in it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah I understand , thanks tho ",0 "Its freezing outside and ms hoag wants me to play golf frisbee #what ",0 "I never wear makeup but I have some on tonight and of course I forgot and just rubbed my eyes .. #awesome ",0 "Could go for some pancheroes right about now ",-1 "it's a rainy Christmas ☔️ ",-1 "Being in Jax just doesn't even feel like home anymore . I belong back in CC , with my boyfriend and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , that's my home . ",0 "That's suck a long way . And it's cold outside . ",0 "Ew I am disgustingly sweaty from the gym ",0 "People make me want to pull my hair out . ",0 "I have so much free time now and I just wish my bf was home that's all I want . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ her stomach is bothering her kept her home from school ",0 "I can't wait to go home and see my momma after work ! I've missed her so much . ❤️ ",-1 "Chandler and Monica's wedding makin me all emotional ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no they were pre-made and they just taste like ",0 "I've had a sore throat for a week now and it keeps getting progressively worse ... Thank you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "AWESOME . Left my computer charger at the house in maryville so I can't make DVDs . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ be online ",-1 "Tanners bleeding out from a legal overdose , prayers to him and his family ",0 "Thinking of sleeping in my Eeyore costume because I'm so freaking cold . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bahaha dude I'm stuck on 97 and I'm about Togo crazy I can't beat it ",0 "To bad I work on New Years ",0 "uhhhh wish I could have been in Ohio this weekend to see Raja ",0 "Im already tired of all this studying and i still have to cram for this history final friday ! ",0 "Every time I see someone running to catch a bus I'm reminded of how dumb I look doing it on the daily ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ toooooo farrrr . and now ill scare Gerry if I come out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah man ",0 "Having a whole week off really sucks ! My paycheck isn't gonna be good this week ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for hanging out with my brother and not inviting me #hateyou ",0 "Legs are jello and I forgot I had a game tonight #whoopsies #sorryteam ",0 "The fact that I'm missing most of the patriot game because of this game ",0 "These cramps need to go away . ",0 "Why is everyone dying in my family ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ got all these mean songs stuck in my head ",0 "This day sucks ",0 "getting really IRRITATED .... plane is 20 yards away from gate been there for 40 minutes now and my Colton is very sad grrrr ",0 "I swear Milan is the only school having school tomorrow ",0 "Where's my best friend when I need him _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "BUT I DONT WANNA TAKE MY ACT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why are you so sad haley ",0 "So I decided to take a break from tv & go up on the balcony to read .... lasted 20 mns . #colddd ",0 "i cant hear out of my left ear ",0 "Family bonding _TWITTER-ENTITY_ the boys hockey game with the crew _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. Missing a few _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #teambackhuscrouch ",-1 "All cozy , comfy in bed ... andddd my stomach is growling ",0 "I should of never played dodgeball ",0 "You know your at a low point in your life when you buy Christmas presents for yourself .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just went around the table I didn't mean to have you be the last one I'm sorry ",0 "I'm gonna have so much make up work from last week ... ",0 "I feel so ugly ",0 "Gotta work 13 hours tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg you are such a betch ",-1 "This dude has too much spray on I'm literally gagging ",0 "I NEED FOOD ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg I miss you so much come back to me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's ok my sister took over my room cause she moved back before me #YouHaveYourOwn ",0 "I hate when my brother has friends over ",0 "I've yet to receive a care package ... my family hates me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hate me too ",0 "Im gonna fall in love with this dog . Why are you doing this to us ?! ✋✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so sore from the river yesterday ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I swear I'm losing brain cells by the hour ",0 "RIP my poor punkins ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ exactly I wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was awake I miss her ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha . ",-1 "I just really really want a puppy right now , so bad ",0 "I don't call anyone a slut , unless they call me oneeee . ",-1 "When I need/suppose to be sleeping , I can't ... When I do sleep , I'm supposed to be fuckin somewhere ! ",0 "She once fell hard cause she dropped her guard and no body gets to stay .. It's just too late ",0 "Someone fucking stole my MONEY ! It wasn't much just 24$ , but damn I miss my money I was gonna buy something ! ",0 "Being up this early isn't even fair . I just want to take a nap #SoSleepy ",0 "I hate when the person you want to talk to most falls asleep ",0 "I hate how easily you forgot about me .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry bby ",0 "is anyone even in Bristol ? #Bored ",0 "Don't want to go to bed ",0 "I'm just pissed off I can't do anything . I hate being stuck inside . ",0 "Banged out a whole paper in an hour and now I'm stuck on the conclusion , really ",0 "I miss my best friend ! Can't wait for college life with her though ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My friends love making fun of me ",0 "Quote this a picture of us . Or not . Whatever I don't care ",-1 "P . S I love you makes me so sad . #GerardButler ",0 "Gonna miss most of the Pens game today due to work ",0 "Math used to be so easy ..... Until today . ",0 "Need to charge my phone but people unplugged the charging station for their laptops ",0 "No I'm taking the bus because it's supposed to snow all week ",0 "I really wanted to play tonight :/ :/ I'm sad but I'm glad we didn't have school . ",0 "Why does my stepmom think she can just walk in my room whenever she wants . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss my babe more come over soon ",0 "Pretty sure my awesome ice cream krunch bars I've been craving will be melted by the time I get through this line & in my fridge ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh , annoying ? ",0 "This is so fucking sadddddd omg ",0 "I'm not gonna make it another week in this school ",0 "The only that always stays cold on my body is my damn hands . #theyneverwarmup #hateit ",0 "#SoftGuyRapNight I'll give you anything you want , even the moon Sometimes , I like to be the little spoon ",-1 "Me when I don't get what I want : sochssbissbsj fuck ",0 "I don't really feel good ",0 "Great to have the day off , but my Friday morning plans are now foiled . #whywhywhy ",0 "So ur gna kick a special needs person outta ur restaurant because he made some noise ? Ur a piece of crap . End of story . #peoplethesedays ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol yeah dont feel like changing ",0 "I wish I could take it all back ! ",0 "Jen and I are bored . ",0 "If I gain one more pound I may flip the f out never been this big in my life #gymASAP ",0 "i miss my bestfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you too ",0 "I forgot my charger again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry they're staying at the intercontinental downtown , I saw that you were trying to figure out what hotel ! ",0 "I only layed in the tannin bed for 10 minutes and my back feels burnt already ",0 "I only feel good when I'm eating ",0 "Just saw a hungry Howies .. making me wish I was back in kent ",0 "Why is everyone saying that Justin is sad ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Okay the cruise is over because I was lonely ",0 "I'm not in the mood to deal with creepy ass guys today ",0 "I am not ready for school today ",0 "My CAT just chased his tail .! ",0 "Feels like I'm always doing something wrong haha .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you ",0 "Like can someone make a dock for my damn phone ",0 "I always think I'm not good enough . ",0 "I wanted to go for a walk .... #fuckshittyweather ☔⚡☁⛅ ",0 "I hate when my friends are upset ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tweets ",0 "It's constantly WWE in my house when both my parents are home . ",0 "10 hour drive home ",0 "steve keeps criticizing my lines on my graph paper ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so glad I'm BOH now ! Haha but I cut and burn myself a lot now ",0 "wish I had someone to cuddle with ",0 "I feel bad for this lil puppy just sitting in the cage but he is too little to play with Oreo and Sophie . They would think he is a toy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay yay just text me and I'll give you my address/directions . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish I knew we have no plans ",0 "Missing my bf _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wait what why ",-1 "I hate how long I won't get to see you ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "why did you have to like that picture #ugh #delete ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish ! You'd probably get fired I would tumble to stock those shelves ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh I love you !!! I miss you Carla !!!!! I just took a nap and had a dream about you ! Ha omg so ironic ! ",0 "I JUST GOT A PAPER CUT ",0 "I hate _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for posting that last tweet . Sleep with one eye open tonight . ",0 "I just subtweeted you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "I don't want to leave home ",0 "You know it bad when you tell grandpa you're gonna try and come this summer and he says I have to come skier cuz he might not be here ",0 "I'm just laying here waiting for an apology I'm never going to get .. ",0 "The only one I could go to about anything is becoming some I can't go to ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Idk .. ",0 "Want a blacked out range rover as my first car #agirlcandream ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it really is Florida is where it's at ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok mom ! bahahahaha I know ! ",-1 "It being rainy makes the whole me not feeling good a bit better . I'd be sad if it was sunny and I was stuck in bed . ",0 "It bugs me when people don't stay at attention when I call them up . ",0 "Perpetually exhausted . ",0 "Mayer the Superstars will need me for Worlds . #WishfulThinking ",0 "Why are bras so expensive ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Gosh dang sore throat in almost June . This is just noo ... ",0 "If I sacrifice sleep for you ... you know I like you . Here's to waking up in 4.5 hours ",0 "Long , hard day . The biggest letdown ? The bread pudding that I made went to waste since we were all too busy to eat it . Not one bite eaten . ",0 "Can't find my other tropical sock > ",0 "You would .... #annoyed ",0 "I fail more than I succeed .. I've noticed , so don't tell me .. I already know ; don't wanna hear it twice ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Well of course but that's such a long drive ! ",0 "I wish dance was on another night . ",0 "I got all the material things I wanted today , but my Christmas wish didn't come true ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ quit it ",0 "Well this canvas just pissed me off so I'm probably getting food and going to bed if I can fall asleep ",0 "Wide awake and have to be up at 10 . ",0 "No one even text me anymore . It sucks . ",0 "My brother is on his way here ... So much for a nice peaceful day . ",0 "still unreal .. ",0 "Can't wait for the cheer clinic tomorrow morning ",-1 "Have to sit in the freaking cafeteria for a whole testing period tomorrow ",0 "So tired from last night , and I lost my voice . ",0 "I need to sleep but I wanna go out tonight ",0 "Eating at pops for probably the last time before they close ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw I would but I'm going to work in a half hour how bout tomorrow ! ",0 "I am literally the worst person in the world at packing . It's just so annoying ... ",0 "I cannot believe I have to go to work until 6pm ... someone just kill me now ",0 "The only thing I hate about getting tattoos is how sore it gets afterward . ",0 "When you like your friends boyfriend better than your friend and then they break up and you can't be their friend #SadDay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha well that's even more specific ! ",-1 "I just want u 2 tell me \goodnight and I love you "" so I can finally get some sleep !! "" ",0 "The sad moment of realizing I have no friends #allbymyself ",0 "I want my light hair back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't have my car ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ At 7th grade , I finished multiple math textbooks and remembered when my mom bought textbooks from high school ",-1 "Someone hit a seagull with a shovel ",0 "I miss you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Maybe it's time for bed ",0 "Somebody has the same sweater as me ... ",0 "Tweeting makes me feel better ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ya it blowssss ! but in all safe and sound now ",-1 "Oh gosh , I'm out of conditioner . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why am I awake right now ?! ",0 "I need food in my belly ",0 "I'm so sad .. ",0 "I seriously have the worst luck with getting a good schedule so I'm just expecting the worst ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ going to miss you tomorrow ",0 "But I wanted to finish playin ball ..... ",0 "The fact I have a fever and I'm at fuckin school for a test <<<<<< ",0 "I like you too much ",-1 "Judging by what songs I woke up listening to while my iPod was on random I'd say this day will be filled with sad thoughts of loss . ",0 "It's so hard to be mad at someone you love #deeptweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my migraine meds do the same what r u taking ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think we should just give up all hope for that .. that is so long gone I do believe ",0 "Upsets really are upsetting #MarchMadness ",0 "Corps of Brothers just touches me on a level no other show has or probably ever will ",0 "When a teachers says \Pardon "" all the time when someone says something .. like you need to listen .. don't "" Pardon "" .. #annoying "" ",0 "She's going through hard times ....... I can tell her eyes red ",0 "season 5 of gossip girl is so frustrating Blair and chuck need to get back together ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't get it ",0 "I can't even talk in front of a class without my voice shaking ",0 "I just don't want school tomorrow ",0 "Now Channing Tatum ... Why ?... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ So I hear you're goin boating Sunday workout me well it probably won't be fun since I won't be there #JustSaying ",0 "I wanna go home and play with my dog not continue dissecting this icky cat ",0 "I want old Fall Out Boy back ... ",0 "I miss my good lookin girls _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Mid afternoon hangover onsets are the absolute worst . ",0 "I hate when I say text me and people just favorite it and don't text me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nice seeing you the other day ! I've missed you ! ",-1 "Lost the ball to one of my lip rings . R.I.P. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that stinks ! I feel horrible for you ! ",0 "Another baby kitty leaves tomorrow ",0 "I wish the relationship between me and my dad never changed . I miss my bestfriend ",0 "My headphones are broke ",0 "Apparently it's bring your girlfriend to the gym day ",-1 "The amount of people on the daily who are asking me where i want to go to college is getting so annoying ",0 "When my sister was 18 my parents took her fun places & would drag me along & I never had fun because I was like 11 & wouldn't talk to boys ",0 "Some cock sucker stole my hamper on wheels out of the laundry room #effyou ",0 "I hate that I still fall for you . Everyday . ",0 "I really wish I had a big brother ",0 "BUCKWILD is definitely not going to be the same if they continue to do seasons of the show . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's not working in mine either and I'm pissed all I want is to see Hocus Pocus ",0 "why is that literally nothing goes right for me ",0 "I just wanna see my boyfriend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I dropped my phone in the toilet ",0 "Rude people really rub me the wrong way get a grip ",0 "Babe text me back .... From- Your Boyfriend who misses you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm already nervous for my first cross country meet ",0 "I'm missing family dinner tonight with my family ",0 "Can I bring my puppy back to school please ?!? ",0 "This is getting soooo old .. ",0 "I hate taking showers ",0 "Every time I think about my classes at the college I get so nervous .. #ehhh #scared ",0 "Def need a nap .... ",0 "Taking acrylics off at home was a bad idea ",0 "Seriously Amani I'm not even trying to be annoying can you please just give it to me #Damn ",0 "I am proud of myself but still a sucky day ",0 "It's funny how horoscopes are right 9 times out of 10 not sure how to feel about mine right now . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just wait for me to get home Friday ",0 "want froyo darn you flat tire ",0 "I seriously HATE calling asleep at like 8 and then waking up ash 3 . ",0 "I used to be a slut and now I'm not , yet everyone still cannot trust me to be around their boyfriend .. Like , what kinda shit is that ? ",0 "Oh , you mean the 11th commandment that if I don't share his picture "" I go to Hell ... Yeah , I forget that one a lot #SorryNotSorry "" ",0 "The fact I still have the letter Mary wrote me in 8th grade so I wouldn't quit cheering >> has me crying . #loveher ",0 "I HATE MATH ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whew ........ Me was concerned . Glad _TWITTER-ENTITY_ got a kick out of it though ... ",0 "Not sure why my iMessage wasn't working though . ",0 "I wish I had the motivation to curl my hair every day ... Maybe if it didn't take 45 minutes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you must be one ofy only ones though ... According to kids in my school I don't have any #sadday ",0 "kind of disappointed that ill be missing bowling bc of the flu . #fluprobs . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't have too much fun without me ",0 "Why did Brooks have to leave !?!?! ",0 "61 - you're really nice and sweet but we don't ever talk anymore ! ",0 "I wish I could be in Nassau just for the weekend . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hmmmm must not like you ",0 "Ughhhh it's so hot in this classroom I think I'm dying ",0 "Miss you guys _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh hey that's a nice cliff over there .......... GO JUMP OFF IT ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh no ! I'm so sorry ! I'm doing good now ! ",0 "I have to have tickets for Christmas ! If I don't ill cry ",0 "I wish you cared more ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lexington misses you ! ",0 "I hate making my mom mad . ",0 "Should probs get out of bed now .. but chem ",0 "Maybe I'll just be forever alone .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nice ! I miss the Saturday n Saturday all day draft marathon though 1st-2nd day 1 and 3-7 on day 2 #draftday ",0 "Sore throat are the worst ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah right ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I agree ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what happened ",0 "So tired of feeling like I'm choking ... ",0 "Spending 7 hours in the mall was not my favorite thing to do today ! Now I'm gunna sleep all day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeaa .. Chris what's going on ? ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thought you would of never of said it today , but THANK YOU . 2 more hours till yours then mine is over ",-1 "Id rather be in Chicago right now . #HateSchool ",0 "This teacher talks to herself while we all listen to our music . Shut up already ",0 "I would do anything just to text you but I know you won't answer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me either ! ",0 "wah I knew I should have turned my phone off to nap ",0 "I want snow so bad ",0 "You don't deserve to even look at me then ",0 "snap chat me , I'm bored _TWITTER-ENTITY_ prettylele ",0 "I'm gonna throw up that was so gross #MarchMadness ",0 "I don't like going to bath and body works because I can't smell anything ",0 "Is it possible to be this sore ? ",0 "Every time I unmute this person they quickly remind me why I muted them in the first place ",0 "Having black out shades and a tv in my room works wonders . But yet again I'm wasting my day away ",0 "Why in the world am I awake ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whatt !! ",0 "Sorry I have such a bad reputation ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you just wanna feast on my innocent skills ",0 "Waiting for class and this guy is mumbling the lyrics to his music that's 12x too loud to be in his ears . Stop . ",0 "1124- we used to be good friends in middle school but we don't talk anymore ",0 "All I want to do is sleep but then I think about homework and packing for spring break ",0 "Right now would be perfect to snuggle with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ by the fire ",-1 "I wish hunter was doing air force too .. ",0 "Do girls find it attractive when guys dip ? I really wish I knew ",0 "why does my picture always disappear ",0 "Twitter crushes suck so bad . ",0 "I don't wanna be in this class right now , chem sucks ",0 "can I be excused for the rest of the day ? ",0 "I usually don't let things get to me , but this is getting to me and it has for awhile now ",0 "I wanna know what I got sooo bad ",0 "Just found a hole in my favorite pair of pants ",0 "Glad I got to see u for a minute tonight bc I won't have seen u for a week by the time we hangout . ",0 "I feel like this weekend was non existent ... ",0 "I wish it could be the same again . #sadtweet ",0 "It's so nice out ... It can't snow ",0 "This fucking doctors office takes too damn long . ",0 "i am so hot on the inside just sweatin under my jacket , but I'm soooooo cold on the outside of my body . I'm sick ",0 "My mom drops something off for 5 mins and gets a parking ticket _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "I wish my baby was here cuddling with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ everyone's already asking where you are but I will !!! ",-1 "There's nothing wrong with rosy cheeks ",0 "My dad just said he was going to turn the electricity off in my room . #cuuuute ✋ ",0 "i need to do something !!! ",0 "Damn it , I have to fill out scholarships ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck noooo I'm about to be 20 and they aren't even in the playoffs ",0 "I'm the biggest procrastinator ever ",0 "I hope the homeless man who has my backpack and all my highlighters is at least putting them to good use ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ busy lives ",0 "Please don't graduate _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm being completely serious when I say that I wish I were home for the Haw Creek Fall Fest today . ",0 "Shit I really did want to see insidious 2 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah maybe not ... ",0 "Havin to hold back tears In class << ",0 "I need to loose more freaking weight !! ",0 "Maybe there is a reason I've been so pissed lately . You don't know anything about my life . So shut up . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my mom won't let me leave school ",0 "Nothing like being woke up by a piercing ringing noise for a tornado warning and then sitting in a hallways for hours ",0 "Sometimes I'm such a bitch I honestly scare myself but I love it ",0 "I want a cute goodnight text ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ there wasn't any henna places at the park we were at Hopefully I get it ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're so far away from meeeee . ",0 "Why are the little children my sisters babysitting screaming ",0 "I haven't been home in almost a week I just wanna go home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you drew blood . Can't believe I'm getting scrutinized for this ",0 "I want someone to take me to see Christmas lights . #maybenextyear ",0 "So much for sleeping until 12 tomorrow ",0 "Well I hope ali wants to go Christmas shopping with me next week bc I have no one else to go with . ",0 "Hate that the fact that I rarely ever see the people I actually want to see in school ",0 "No one ever texts me ",0 "I guess I've been really good a stabbing people in the back lately ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh you're in waverly & I'm in Erin ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Okay you can't respond to my email , but you send our class a 1pg email with docs attached ?? Mine was a simple YES OR NO answer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for the invite ",-1 "I'm going to miss you so much . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #newbff ",0 "Not in the mood for babysitting right now ",0 "Wish I didn't have to work today ",0 "The weather would be crappy on my day off work ",0 "I don't want the lions to take a tackle ",0 "If I showed up to school an hour early and this girl doesn't meet me here .. I'm going to be one very unhappy lady ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sad to go having college anxiety ! ",0 "I hate #CandyCrush ! It sucks you in and makes you so frustrated ",0 "I honestly hope when I have kids they don't have two different color eyes . I got made fun of ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my mom won't let me have a candle in my room bc she thinks ill burn the house down ",0 "This will be my final tweet off of my galaxy just got a free iphone !! #WootWoot ",-1 "That was so pathetic ",0 "VH1 got a movie for TLC stg I miss them I wish they could still make music now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ be that way ",-1 "Haven't seen you in 2 weeks . ",0 "Just now finishing my homework . Still have 6 chapters left in the book to go #GuessThatsWhatIGet #Procrastination ",0 "Not being able to afford lunch . <<<<< #sofreakinghungry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm just an illusion in your eyes ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh . Ill be your boyfriend then ! ",-1 "So I like _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .... I hope he can put up with Lauren for a good while ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh damnit I'm stupid haha sorry Norah ! ",0 "#InMiddleSchool I was jealous of everyone who had a Blackberry . ",0 "About the throw tux out the window if he keeps meowing it gets so annoying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't get anything ",0 "Finally reunited with my bed after leaving it at 7:30 this morning .. #longassday #hatedrunks ",0 "Why did I ever think it was a good idea to sign up to take the ACT tomorrow ? #miserable ✏️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss my neighbor too ! ",0 "Can't get out of bed ..... ",0 "I don't fuckin feel like I'm gettin a hit !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ luckyyyyy I hope that like the peer reviewed journals and stuff on the library databases are ok to use lol ",-1 "Why doesn't _TWITTER-ENTITY_ love me like I love him ? #Haha #NotGonnaHappen ",0 "Whoever vandalized Howard's Rock should be ashamed of themselves !! ",0 "I miss my best friend come home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the only thing I lost was my appetite ",0 "praying for the balletto family right now hope everything goes well ",0 "Kick off keeps being pushed back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ gee .... I feel so loved . #somefriend ",-1 "All i want is chocolate pie right now ",0 "I need my glasses . I'm so blind ",0 "Hot chocolate sounds so good right now ",-1 "Why is my face so dry ",0 "Bummed I didn't get to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ at all over break ",0 "I could cry from how this night is going ",0 "My moms boyfriends MUGSHOT is on the Internet . #classy ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's what I thought . Not in there ",0 "Ordering a peach green tea from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and getting a regular green tea <<< ",0 "Why cant it just be summer already ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tanning beds and the sun are just so nice tho ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I work at six ",0 "I'm def not sleeping tonight . ",0 "Can it be tomorrow ? ",0 "That Malibu would be great right now ... ",0 "I just ☺ ",-1 "I miss being that college student that only had 2 worry about waking up in time for my 11am class . Now I work all day an d then go 2 class . ",0 "Walk ya ass over here an kill me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ invite me ",-1 "Sam doesn't even answer my texts ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Losing . ",0 "There's either a ghost in this house or my brother just fell outta bed . #scurred ",0 "Why does there have to be commercials ?? ",0 "The fire alarms these past few days have seriously been ridiculous . #why ❄️⛄️ So dang cold outside . ",0 "I love you too _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. Even when you make mean comments ",-1 "I hate my freckles #goaway ",0 "I spent too much money on alcohol this weekend ",0 "Lol nothing I do is ever good enough for you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is this what we used to feel like 2-3 years ago when we would come home late I'm exhausted ",0 "if I don't do good on the finals then I'll be failing like 3 classes ..... ",0 "I have the worst belly ache ",0 "Why do I not feel good ? ",0 "Contacts by day . Glasses at night . ",0 "Life is too hard ... my family has gone thru so much the past few months and it's not over yet . ",0 "But I thought we were friends ",0 "There's a 7 year old on the road doing tap dances for money . He's the cutest little thing #sosad ",-1 "Officially dermal free SAD DAY . It was real and it was fun , but it wasn't real fun . ",0 "I do not want to get up and get ready for work ",0 "Duke is going to be ranked number 1 in the country ... I hate Duke ",0 "I just want my boyfriend here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was just that awkward girl holding all your shit , talking your mom through it . Stop being so destructive . I can't lose you ! ",0 "I think way to much at night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ like 2 weeks .. ",0 "I REALLY hope I get low census tonight so I only have to work 4 nights in a row instead of 5 ! ",0 "I need my gap filled ASAP ",0 "Why am I so tired ",0 "I'm tired an sore ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ or don't waaaaave .. I see how it is ",0 "Why can't by abs more defined ! ",0 "going to the doctors << ",0 "I look gross today .. Didn't do anything with my hair or face tmrw is a new day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this bums me out ",0 "Missing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ a lot lately . ",0 "I just need someone right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ disgusted . ",0 "I really wanted to watch Stalked at 17 but I have to work tomorrow guess I'll have to record it . #sadtweet ",0 "I can't even deal ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not this time ",0 "I hate this ",0 "Omfg this not being able to breathe is gonna be the death of me ! ",0 "Why are none of my snap chats going through ",0 "Can never find a store that carries my size ",0 "Wasn't even my fault so therefore I have a bad grade ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yes . Got two more months too . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ where you would spend all your time with other people .... ",0 "But I don't wanna go to class ",0 "Plaque is really gross ... So basically if you don't brush your teeth or tongue , basically that makes you plaque , which is gross ... ",0 "I need something to do today . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if only I still lived at my old house ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't do it !!! I thought it was a good idea to cut 8 inches off of my hair and when I saw the hair on the floor I cried ",0 "I'll basically be in college next year . Ahhhh ",0 "I want to go to the beach this summer ",0 "I shouldn't have left . ",0 "Anybody wanna shoot me and hide the body ? Will dig hole an provide gun . ",0 "My dad drives like a grandma ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss yewww ",0 "Literally just got home from work someone hang out with me I'm bored ",0 "I'm tired of thinking about this ",0 "I hate group conversations ",0 "I feel like I'm gonna throw up ... #sick ",0 "I am happy and that's just the saddest lie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah but we have to grow up one day ",0 "What a great night this turned out to be .. ",0 "My back omg I'm about to just cry #icant ",0 "This rash is awful ",0 "I'm jealous of every girl that has a cute daddy daughter relationship with their dad . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so many reasons ",0 "so over today . ugh ",0 "I hate New Years , cause it reminds me that I'm still single when I don't get a kiss ",0 "Did we really get the early train ... ",0 "Every time a big tour walks by me a bee also flies next to me and I cringe like a weirdo . Oh hey guys .. #Weirdo ",0 "I hate not seeing my nieces everyday ! It kills me .. ",0 "This whole not being able to sleep thing would be so much better if I had someone to talk to . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too . But you guys can freeze ill sit here in the warmth and get paid ",-1 "I would rather be at school than on this damn car ride home ",0 "I hate that all my roomies are so far away right now I can't run and tell you about my good life decision _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "The gym killed me ughhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wanna go to a gym , but I don't know which one ! And Eugene ones are out of the way when i get off work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe ok !! I'll make sure to tell Becca ! Miss you too ! Can't believe you're off to college ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ IM SORRY ",0 "yes i love when i have to do my final project all over again ",0 "My shoulder is fucked , so much pain ",0 "Really , really wish I could play tonight this frickin sucks ",0 "I mean it's normal to wake up at 3:30 sweating with a running nose , god I hate being sick so much ",0 "I wish I could get Guccis new songs ",0 "I hate it when there is a ball game on every radio station ! ",0 "I'm just eating an apple and my dads like \you want this slice of pizza ? "" "" ",0 "I'm so sore , somebody massage me ! ",0 "i feel so bad for my baby brother , he's so sick . we might take him to the hospital . poor bubby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ kiddo ? haha but yeah I guess you're right . ",-1 "Spending the night with my boyfriend is great ! But waking up when he leaves for work at 6:30 and not falling back asleep isn't fun ... ",0 "I wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ would fight over me ",0 "I need to listen to hayley and go to bed .... ",0 "I'd do anything to go back to that ",0 "I should be at Butler today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i wanted to last summer like fire engine red haha ! But red is hard or me to keep in my hair ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my minion !!!! My parents didn't let me bring him in to my dorm ",0 "Wishing my friends weren't at work ",0 "Saying bye to my parents gets harder every time ",0 "I just wanna cry when I see the ASPCA commercials ",0 "This headache is reallllll right now . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Spring Break needs to come faster ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ until 4 am ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you more ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I though it was sold out ",0 "smashed my iPhone for the first time tonight #sosad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wait there are FOUR word searches ? This contest is confusing ",0 "Another night coming home at 11 and yet I am STILLLLL AWAKEEEEE ",0 "I've seen at least one huge spider everyday for the past week . ",0 "Why does everyone have an attitude today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hope you're alright ",0 "Please tell me when I am going to use The Arithmetic of Algebraic Functions in my life in Early Childhood Education . #never ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ when are you coming back to school I need you in choir !! ",0 "Everyone is moving into their dorms and it's making me so sad ",0 "ASDFGHJKL . SO PISSED I MISSED THE GAME ASDFGHJKL ",0 "32- I miss you so much !! Your so pretty and love you ",-1 "Someone please come get me . ",0 "I wish I had a 2 hr delay for work ",0 "So exciting but now I don't wanna unpack ",0 "Chem , Bio , & Pre calc will be the death of me ",0 "My basketball tickets suck so bad that it literally makes me angry that I paid that much money for them ",0 "Wish I could just forget about everything in life right now ",0 "My ex must be happy Lou Reed's out of the picture ",0 "Where the fuck is my sister ?!? ",0 "I accidentally bought waterproof mascara ",0 "my stomach right now ",0 "And I'm suppose to be presenting this paper . I love government ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ at first I thought this was me .. ",0 "Got work in an hour ",0 "I don't wanna leave but I can't stay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ every time you don't text me back , I have to talk myself out of strangling you the next time I see you ... ya fuckin douche ",0 "I have horses to go work but its sooo hot outside , wahhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wouldn't that just be great ",0 "My left leg keeps falling asleep . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no work til 8 ",0 "Knowing that someone is blatantly lying and they're trying so hard to make up BS stories right in front of your face . <<<< unbelievable ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I never see him anymore ",0 "Just saw my girl _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on the corner of dots but was too slow to get my window down and yell ",0 "Spending the evening with my pap .. Back in the hospital ",0 "Choir rehearsal was really good guys !! I miss it ",0 "Not really feeling like myself today ",0 "I think I'm dying ",0 "First Mother Oakwood grounded _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and now Mother Justice grounded _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ in 11 days ",-1 "does anyone drive past my house after school , I'm desperate 4 a ride home I'll pay u or something ",0 "I really want some lucky charms now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm back in trose now ",-1 "I JUST FUCKING CHANGED THESE SOCKS AND NOW THEY ARE WET AGAIN ",0 "I have surgery on Wednesday ... God I'm scared ",0 "Prayers for everyone in texas ! #terrible ",0 "I'm probably the worst boyfriend in the world ",0 "Perkins for 4 hours .... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Coming home isn't the same without Molly ",0 "So instead of Cecily painting her paper she painted me ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't even know where my boyfriend is . ",0 "Today is not the day for my Internet to not be working !!! ",0 "I have got to get out of my house . My mom needs to GTFO #shootme ",0 "I been lashing out at everyone lately ",0 "iMessage is down . #firstworldpains ",0 "No goodnight or Good mornings .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im ready to come home already ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want a real date .. ",0 "I've seen more than 1 girl cry today and it upsets me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my mom took my phone away until like 9 and I had go do yard work and clean my house . . Are you going tomorrow ?! ",0 "My cheetahs got second ... Brb crying ",0 "I wanna go to ke$ha ",0 "Need to find a ride home at 11 ",0 "CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH THE WINTER CLASSIC TODAY !!!!! ",-1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Robison Cano will make $45 dollars per minute & $ 65,753 a DAY for ten years . Let that soak in . #BaseballMoney ” ",-1 "Blah I just wanna go to the beach ☀ #takemeaway ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know but I don't have that movie #sadtweet ",0 "Today is not my day ",0 "Well my day just got ruined ",0 "Having a super rough night , anyone can feel free to text or call me if they wanna talk . ",0 "Last night made me realize how much I missed my friends I've missed hanging out with them . ",0 "I want a new car !!!!!!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i hope it's me no one ever sub tweets me ",0 "home sweet dorm room ! back to reality in 18 hours ... ",0 "Why thankyou Poetry for telling me I'm shrinking down to normal size ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw love you !! Ill miss you so much ",-1 "That's the true love when you go to a board meeting for someone and sit for an hour listening to words in english you didn't know exist ",-1 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ soooooooooooooooo freaking much ",0 "STOP BEGGING FOR RETWEETS YOU LAMES . Your parents shouldn't give you anything bcuz you got 10,000 retweets #hopeless ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you . ",0 "Andddd I hate homework . ",0 "Feeling so sick _TWITTER-ENTITY_ work . I hope I didn't get the flu from this place ",0 "every long message I send never sends as an iMessage ",0 "never asked for anyone's input ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww , you're welcome ! I wish I could have given more , but I just had to pay $400 to have my car fixed . ",0 "Now I have to wait another 364 day until Christmas again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It sucks , I have school in less than seven hours and I'm not even tired anymore . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ignores my texts , calls , facetimes , and never hangs out with me . What a good friend . ",0 "I really want panera ",0 "Haven't been able to take my nap today ... #badmood #driving ",0 "I just love being home alone on thanks giving ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i'm sad now way to gooo ",0 "I wish i lived on the beach ",0 "So not feeling classes today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop being negative nancy ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm just gonna come out and say it ... I don't like ur tude ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ already asked , my mother won't take me to goodwill ",0 "I haven't seen my boyfriend since Sunday #workaholics #babyprepping ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry If you need anything I'm here for ya . Anything to make you all happy and hyper again ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm a girl hockey fan too ",-1 "I really miss Hearing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sing for me ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ already ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I already was here because I had class so no nap until 8 ",-1 "Having a cold is the worst ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so sorry I ended up falling asleep cause I had to work in the am :/ ",0 "You know those kids in high school that kiss all of the teachers asses ? Yeah , well , there's more of those in college . #Annoying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish I could help you but we aren't hiring anyone ill let you know though if anything would ever open up ! ",0 "i just wish my house was warm ",0 "This girl needs to have respect for herself and for Hunter . ACTING LIKE A SKANK ISNT GOING TO GET HUNTER TO LIKE YOU HUN . ",0 "I'm so sick this is the second sunday in a row . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so I've figured out ",-1 "Looking at all these tweets about girls wanting boyfriends or tweeting about their relationship makes me want to kill myself ",0 "I can't even move I feel like crap ",0 "Sinus infections <<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im sorry im dumb ugh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yeah ! I think I'm getting sick ",0 "Got done in 15 mins .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey slut what's up with you being at the outlets and not coming to visit me ...? ",0 "Can't even deal ... Tonight's not my night ! ",0 "i really wish we were as close as we used to be ... #ohwell ",0 "I wish I was able to see my boyfriend whenever and cuddle with him _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Just want to go home to #GreysAnatomy , snuggle with my pillow and drink lots & lots of milk ! #lonerlife ",0 "I woke up at 5:00 thinking it was 6:00 ...... good job ailissa good job ",-1 "iPods dying I want my music , doeee . ",0 "I wanna go to the movies so bad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tell me about it ",-1 "I don't understand how every time I get drunk , I get a fucking cold ! ",0 "I wish I could go in the beer store with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ when she buys beer ",0 "so sore I could cry ",0 "If one more person asks me why my eyes are red I'm gunna flip #contactsproblems ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuckkkkk idk you tell me ill be there . I won't ditch you like you did me yesterday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im sorry I didn't make it over there . I missed you ! ",0 "I'm so upset ! ",0 "I've never had back pain like this in my life !! ",0 "I just want it to storm already ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want Arby's ",0 "This homework shit is for the birds ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shittt . This outline sucks by the way ",0 "There's really no point in me driving to work just for 3 hrs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I wanna see it too ",0 "Turning my week day alarm back on after it's been off for the weekend makes me want to cry ... I'm not ready for this week . #examsgalore ",0 "So excited for this four hour drive ",-1 "There is seriously not enough hours for me to sleep ! ",0 "Like Forreal ? ",0 "Paul Walker is too damn fine and good at racing to die in a car wreak ",0 "I really want coffee but I'm not gonna drink it . ",0 "HOW FUCKING CUTE .. STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU NASTY ASS ! ",0 "I . Am . Burnt . ",0 "I wanna go to the fair ",0 "I need a new drum throne . ",0 "It's always one thing after another .. When is something good going to happen .. ",0 "Everything was fucking perfect . I couldn't ask for anything more ... I didn't know you didn't feel the same way . Life goes on .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haven't talked to you in ever . ",0 "So there's this couple in front of me at the islander game and it's making me depressed #wheresmyhockeyboyfriend #help ",0 "a walking dead hangover and first day back to work ..... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Can't say the same for the rest of your team haha but why did you guys back out when you were gonna face me , iTank , etc .. ? ",0 "I have an extra CWS ticket if anybody wants to go with me .. ",0 "Aww speed limit is back to 65 ",0 "Someone remind me why I thought taking 18 hours this semester would be a good idea ... ",0 "I wish I had a cute girl to buy flowers for ",0 "Wish I could see you ",0 "All this snow makes me miss being at home with the sands squad ",0 "Still can't believe one of my best friends is moving ",0 "I am LIVID right now #fuckeveryone ",0 "Lemme tell ya , watching criminal minds & babysitting alone in a house that isn't yours while all kids are asleep is really not a good idea ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im still not tired . I'm gonna force myself to sleep . ",0 "I want to wear my tutu so bad but it's going to be so cold ",0 "Chloe's the loudest one in this waiting room ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ was it that bad ? I wanted to see it ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just making me all kinds of jealous but seriously I love her ",-1 "It is so hot out I'm dying ",0 "I burnt my thumb ",0 "I just love food so much ",0 "I just miss you . That's all . ",0 "Small dogs are so pointless , my hatred towards them grows daily . ",0 "No service and I'm going to a Jewish dinner instead of seeing Ali ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wish you could be here so me you and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ again ",0 "Falcons game isn't on the tv here at the hospital waaaah they are probably gonna let me down anyways . ",0 "I want to see the purge , but everyone is saying it's stupid . SOMEONE TELL ME HOW IT WAS . ",0 "I don't want to be with the family for another night . ",0 "I miss him ... shitty shit shit why am I so needy right now ? #girlfriendprobs ",0 "I just wanna go back to bed #thestruggle ",0 "Dunno why I'm at school when I could be at the farm . #farmlife ",0 "I have to work tomorrow . #itswhateva ",0 "Cleaning this room will be the death of me ..... ",0 "I forgot to put my heated blanket on my bed so I just had to get up & do it ",0 "I'm going to be one very grouchy kid tomorrow ! Poo ! ",0 "Just crying about everything in my room and the only person that I want to tell me everything will be ok hates me now so yeah ",0 "I wish I was at the Braves game tonight ",0 "Oh ... Okay ... ",0 "Over 3 hours until my flight leaves ... #whattodo ",0 "Well there went my mood . ",0 "Why can't we actually get out at 11 ",0 "Why not go for it all ",0 "welp . I miss my best friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Why didn't lauren go to school today .. Now no younglife for me ",0 "somebody text me , I'm bored and lonely ",0 "Love having no one to text on long rides ",0 "My mom just punched me in my bad knee ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't remind me hahaha that class blows ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just gave me nightmares ",0 "I really wish the pain in my tailbone would go away ",0 "I miss Vince Young right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I couldn't find you today at all ",0 "Fuck this .. This is gay as hell .. #pissed ",0 "Dammit !! Reading tweets and having the season finale of AHS ruined for me ",0 "Doctor time .. Thank god for an understanding professor ",0 "Catching up on the last two seasons of Grey's was a HORRIBLE idea . It's making me have too many feels ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't see your emoji . ",0 "Everyone always thinks my hair is fake on Halloween ",0 "Interrupting your workout cause of your phone #Guilty ",0 "When corporate come in on my #worstdayever ",0 "It's suppose to rain till Friday ☔ ",0 "I always lose at Rock Paper Scissors ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl so am I ",-1 "It's been so long since I've been on twitter ",0 "Can I die now ? ",0 "My mom doesn't think #LongIslandMedium is real and it makes me so mad !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no ! Im pretty sure they change though ",0 "Sleep deprived . ",0 "I can't taste anything though .. So I really don't want to eat .. It's depressing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My stomach is killing me right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ heck ya ! Who am I going to snowboard with when you guys aren't here ",0 "Wish me luck as I drive to Johnson County through this storm . ",0 "just want you here ",0 "When I see my dog limp its honestly the saddest thing in the world #GetBetterSnookums ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so why isn't anyone calling him on this !!?? He's getting away with everything !!! ",0 "I am very angry . Like more than usual ",0 "My ear is throbbing ",0 "I seriously hate hearing someone tell me they're disappointed in me ",0 "Lost my favorite necklace . #sadtweet ",0 "what the hell brownie , open my snapchat up . ",0 "I miss my grandma so much ",0 "Sleep ? What's that ? #uplateupearly ",0 "Someone tell.me where I can buy one ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no no .... It's cool just picked hunter over me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good to know my company isn't enough for you . ",0 "I really don't care who or what we do just please someone ",0 "Got hit with that ntb ",0 "I just instantly want to punch a hole in the wall . It's just like a rush of anger that it just happened and of it happens all the time .. ",0 "Why does my face hate me ? Pimples galore ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe I'm sorry Carle ",0 "My dad is really wanting me to go to this Spencer County Fair or whatever and watch him do this hill climbing in this truck tomorrow ",0 "It's always so hot when I go to bed , but freezing when I wake up ",0 "i wish i had a year round job so that i didn't have to save all of my paychecks to have money in winter #thestruggle ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it just ended but hey Arnold is on now so it's okay ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you too ! ",0 "I want a new phone ",0 "Goodness .... this takes do long . ",0 "Really hating _TWITTER-ENTITY_ right now .. #annoying ",0 "Just want it to be done and over it ",0 "All of our TV's aren't working and my dad said \good you should go outside and play "" JIM "" ",0 "Rain delay continues . . . ",0 "I try to play it cool when people don't text back , but deep down I'm like : at the same time . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I've been taking medicine for like three days ",0 "My bestfriend since pre school is 16 today _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "Gonna be so sad if my bathing suit doesn't come in tomorrow or Saturday ",0 "Whenever you post pictures on Instagram with your hands in your pants , yeahh it's highly disgusting ! Please just don't! ",0 "I've only been with one guy for the last 4 months , but yes I'm a skanky ass bitch . Where did respect for women go ? Seriously ! ",0 "If I had the perfect nose for a nose piercing I would so get one ",0 "Not mentally prepared for this day/night of studying I have ahead of me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whoops would you want to make it up with a class tomorrow if you don't already have plans ? ",-1 "This is awkward I don't wanna hear this shit .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I cant even afford cheap vodka for my bday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you get me so pissed off ",0 "My room is like a black hole of clothes . Putting them all away is the worst . ",0 "Chelsea isn't here todaaaaay ... Dying , literally . ",0 "Today is not my day . ",0 "tomorrow's open house , brb crying .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hate we're working opposite days so much lately . ",0 "When people are rude to my mom it makes me wanna strangle them . Only I can be sassy to her ! ",0 "Giving in to my craving for cereal ",0 "Dear best buy , I hope your ready for one PISSED OFF PHONE CALL ... ",0 "Can someone at woodridge please tell jaylen I miss him please & thank you ",0 "Atleast I have _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to cheer me up ! He is the only person who could possibly make me smile after that ...! #Thanks #LoveYou ",-1 "So close yet so far away from the weekend ",0 "if your going to be rude , do not come to paradise ",0 "My feet kill definitely not use to working .. ",0 "I feels sick after that test ",0 "Can we go home yet ? ",0 "Ill stay away from the recently divorced 25 year old ",0 "I want another puppy I miss carrying Remi around . ",0 "Wish I was doing something fun tonight ",0 "Dammit I wanna see my girlfriend ! ",0 "Watching dance moms makes me feel bad about myself I should stretch or something ",0 "When _TWITTER-ENTITY_ doesnt text me back #whereareyou ",0 "I'd rather be in Marshall right now ... even sitting at home alone ",0 "Foot Cramps <<< ",0 "Why isn't it snowing yet ? ",0 "I have a weird feeling in my stomach ... Idk ",0 "Already in 40 percent ",0 "Really wish i was horse showing today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry for a horrible workout though ... but no cookie ! \You will regret that cookie but you won't regret that extra mile "" . "" ",0 "I have never wanted to be home as much as I do right now ",0 "It was 36 out today and I went snowboarding without a coat ... I dunno how I'm gonna survive in Florida #yikes #snowlover ",0 "Why does everyone put me down . ",0 "I hate being sick ",0 "I've been a nervous wreck all day because my ceiling fan is not centered . ",0 "I hate Brennan _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg no I work Wednesday . I'm off tomorrow n ",0 "Is it bad that is one of my most used emojis ? ",0 "Sucked into the Hallmark Channel and it's evil Christmas movies again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i have to say I'm shocked and disappointed caroline wasn't picked . I favored her to win ",0 "I feel I can't tweet anymore ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ alls I wear is black socks ",-1 "Oh I'm so happy I'm locked out of my house so now I have to drive to Washington to get keys ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ in sorry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ So I'm still waiting for our National Best Friends pic . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ shouldn't be the only one care about , Vanny ! ",-1 "Who can locate my girlfriend for me ... ",0 "I want something to do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't sleep at all last night it was awful ",0 "And I just want to stay home today ",0 "The mood I just woke up in <<< ",0 "Maaaaybe one day I'll be good enough . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry ",0 "I hope my boyfriend can hangout tonight #misshim #needygirlprobs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh yeah I can't go I'm leaving for vacation the next morning ",0 "I can never find my keys when it's time to go ",0 "Just realized I won't be with my parents on Easter ",0 "it's snowing ? god damn I have to walk a mile to the train with wet hair and no jacket ",0 "Everyone come to pizza cottage . We're so dead ",0 "I just want my belly button pierced ",0 "Why isn't my wifi working ",0 "I don't even know what I'm gonna wear to school .... #thestruggleisreal ",0 "Need a massage right now #soarprobs #anytakers ⚽ ",0 "Cannot concentrate on anything right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want one ",0 "My breaks are so embarrassing . ",0 "Well I need a bed to sleep in tonight because my dogs made mine infested with fleas . ",0 "Well No . I had such a long walk . ",0 "Why do I always ruin everything ! ",0 "I swear I live in the friend zone #fml ",0 "I have to get out of bed in 4 minutes & quite frankly I don't want too ",0 "so much pain ",0 "Our one and only home computer is broken . #notagain ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Don't hate✋ ",-1 "Hey bronchitis nice to see you again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was so cold but we had a spoon fest so it was ok ",-1 "Does anyone want to do something ? I'm sick & tired of laying in me fucking bed . ",0 "It's only been 3 years , but I'll never forget what I saw ",-1 "#honestyhour my expectations are set so high I can only be disappointed ",0 "Somebody fix my piece of shit eclipse ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks babe ",-1 "Really . I can never sleep . ",0 "So excited to go into work ",-1 "Of course we've got the people going et Central's band is glad they're joining South maybe they'll get top five at state "" so ignorant . "" ",-1 "Work in the am but I'm only getting 4 hours in ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol totally ",-1 "I'm sorry that I did nothing wrong and when I tell the truth I get bitched as and no one believes me . I guess it's cuz I'm a fuck up . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me either !!! Ahhh ",0 "WHY can't we have finals this week ? I have freaking plans this weekend ",0 "If rather smell like cowshit then this wet corn bullshit ! #FeedlotProbz ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ew cam . And I have no response my twitter does suck ",0 "I want rayz ",0 "I refuse to do squats again !! I did 24 yesterday and I could barely walk today !! #burningthighs ",0 "Sooo tired today ",0 "My mom right now << ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are so mean ",0 "8 days until you're home . I'm sooo nervous . You miss up once & I'm done with you . I don't deserve to live through this again . ",0 "Stung by a jelly fish for the second time this week ",0 "Forever jealous of my roommate's relationship ",0 "I'm so tired and don't want to go to Lexington tmrw ",0 "WHAT IS GOING THRU YOUR MIND ",0 "i really hope nothing wrong with me on a serious note . i lost 30 lbs in two months and i never have an appetite ",0 "No one asks me to hang out anymore ",0 "Why am I SOOO tired . ",0 "I hate Thursdays ",0 "This Thunder game . ",0 "Someone come do homework in the basement with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish you were in A Charlie Brown Christmas !! Can I get a reply ? ",0 "It would have been nice to know school was closed/cancelled today BEFORE I drove all the way there ! ",0 "I keep attempting to go workout , but _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is just so interesting ",-1 "I pulled a muscle in my neck brushing a knot out of my hair . How ",0 "Here's to another sleepless night ",0 "When _TWITTER-ENTITY_ gets to have my awkward encounters instead of me ",0 "That awkward moment when all of your riends "" don't want to hangout with you ... "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha it's a first for everything #socute and the best chocolates for bek ",-1 "This is where you'll learn dating me Sucks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nooooo . What time ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hey . I miss you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ indeed ! ",-1 "I've never been under this much pressure in my life . So stressed out . I just want my dad ",0 "I'm not very happy with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ right now .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so jealous right now ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Justin's asleep and I'm hungry and alone ",0 "I miss Miley's old hair ",0 "If your trying to make me mad , it's working . ",-1 "I don't feel like driving ",0 "By half a point tho she could've gave it to me instead of making me retake it all over again ",0 "When the one friend you have in your class doesn't show up ... ",0 "& I thought I missed you before . ",0 "Not ready for this lawsuit today ..... ",0 "Hopefully Matt and I can enjoy #SharkWeek ",-1 "Thanks for asking I did pretty good at wrestling today ",-1 "Ok I already miss Sergei and he's been gone for only 1 hour .. Ohhh boyyy ",0 "Wishin I was going out with my girl _TWITTER-ENTITY_ but nooooo school has to be in the way ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't wait . ",-1 "i dont wanna be at work right now ",0 "Always Find A Way To Get Rid Of Me . Never Fails ! ",0 "Last week of classes at UWM ",0 "kameron just made the christmas tree fall over ..... ",0 "Absolutely freezing outside #burr ❄ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up ",0 "I'm in dire need of a back massage right now #somuchpain ",0 "My trim is WAY to hot ",0 "just watched the video of that basketball player who broke his leg ... bye #sogross ",0 "This thing got worst over night ... I swear ",0 "I just told _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that today is football Sunday . She replies with .... \It's the Super Bowl today ?! "" "" ",-1 "I just want #oomf here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was too . Already have my ticket , but I forgot to remind my boss I needed off all weekend . ",0 "if you're gonna smash someones windshield why would you videotape it and send it to people ",0 "I understand cramps are better than contractions but my god ",0 "UGH I think I need an adult beverage !!! ",0 "I am so pissed ",0 "And I'm even wearing my glasses , shouldn't that make me look older ?? #tmlt ",0 "i want to do something tonite since people like to ruin my plansss ",0 "I just wanna be crawled up in my bed with some chicken noodle soup ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the ending had me feeling depressed ",0 "I just don't want to work anymore ",0 "Seriously considering getting myself a tutor for pre calc , I always need help ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ And I used to have a baby-sized A&W root beer mug , but I lost it . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's freezing in my house but it is muggy outside lol idk why but I'm freezing ! ",0 "HOW IS IT ONLY THURSDAY ?!?!! ",0 "How am I supposed to make it through school without my _TWITTER-ENTITY_ next semester ? ",0 "Having a massive headache when trying to sleep ",0 "Asthma and this time of the year do not mix at all ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ making fun of me on the daily . ",0 "I just wish I could have someone who can come cuddle with me till I fall asleep every night ",0 "I wish when I came home from work there were flowers waiting for me ",0 "Stop it with the attitude ...... seriously ",0 "#oomf just told me they'd pick cookies over me ..... ",0 "I go to work & I do homework & I play soccer . That's honestly all I have time for anymore ... I don't even get to sleep ",0 "I really wanna text you just to say hey .. But I know it's not a good idea ",0 "Can't eat I'm to nervous for tonight ",0 "Tuesday's suck without pretty little liars 🅰 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she got raped by her student ",-1 "I freakin love balls man yum me so horny ",-1 "Learn how to press already ... for the luv of god !!!!!!! GEEZ ",0 "So fucked on this test today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its just a fact of life ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too bobo . ",0 "I'm just too tired for school today . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha bitch don't even , you pretend to sleep all the fucking time ! And I didn't mean to punch you in the face ",0 "Well time to get an airdog system for the ol dodge ! Then clutch number 4 ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have a different version of Microsoft word at home so it wouldn't let me continue witting , so I have to so it before school ",0 "some one that i miss a whole lot ... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ some one i could always go to , hang out , & talk about anything . miss ya praying for you ",0 "Not sure if Monday is going to happen .... ",0 "All these people are talking about their plans for the weekend .. And I'm like , yupp .. Get to spend my weekend at a leadership conference ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't even know why I cried love you girly ",0 "i feel like being sooo fat today omgggg . #sohungry #wantjunkfood ",0 "Nothing I hate more than when people ignore my texts ",0 "This is the last vacation we'll all be together and wade can't even be with us #GrowingUpSucks _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "today is the 8th already ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you tooo !!! ",0 "Keep staring at my lock screen ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm too sassy and that's why I don't have friends but it's okay I'll try to not be ! ",-1 "you crossed the line ✋ ",0 "It just hit me that we have school tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's the worst ",0 "Actually if you think about it .. Not having a figure just fucks up your whole life . #LivinTheLife jk . ",0 "That sounds good . But I'm to lazy for any of it #nomotivation ",0 "I would get a really bad allergy attack tonight that went to only one of my eyes . Now Patrick won't stop calling me Cyclops ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it doesn't involve me I can't even play ! ",0 "Really ? Fuck . You . ",0 "541.32 ^2- I miss you and you're halirous . Hang soon bb ",0 "My whole body is so sore ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ go Saturday ",-1 "Rest in peace whiskers ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can you take my migraine away ",0 "Agh . Now I feel bad ... ",0 "Do it one more time , bitch . You'll be sorry . #somad ",0 "Why am I always so unhappy .... ",0 "Pissed we don't have practice ",0 "having to work on game days are the absolute worst ",0 "Don't even want to think about this orgo test tomorrow ",0 "I am very jealous of anyone getting to sleep in right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've cried in the shower thanks for caring #howcouldyou ",0 "I miss the swim team ",0 "Can my dad please hurry up ",0 "I HATE seeing all these basketball tweets , it just makes me miss football that much more ! ",0 "Such a traumatic night _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Who wants to come stay with me ?! ☺ Nobody ? Yeah I thought so ",0 "The thought of Seth leaving and possibly never seeing him again is totally scary ",0 "If you text me a hundred times and I don't answer , DON'T TEXT ME A HUNDRED MORE TIMES ",0 "Can't help but wonder what if .. ",0 "If I study right before a test I get a good grade but if I take time and study at home I get a bad grade #SoConfused ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my mom hates it ",0 "Today has just been too much . ",0 "Just kidding I don't have to work today .. Back to sleep I guess ",0 "I'm disappointed in Kathy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ SAME THING WITH ME ",-1 "Someone make me less sick and less cranky please ",0 "10 days ..... ",0 "Super excited to go serve my Saturday detention tmrw at 8 in the morning for two hours , oh wait jkkkkkkkk ",0 "Why is beauty school so expensive ",0 "Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ the pictures of us three ",-1 "Why do I ever ask for advice ? ",0 "Wishing I was still with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "my phone came in the mail today and no one decided to tell me ",0 "Hearing everyone talk about bowman gray&the truck pull tonight makes me sad . ",0 "Work on a Friday is sucha buzz kill ",0 "It's the third week of school & I already wanna stay home ",0 "Oh my god it's only 4:20 ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same , American Lit is going to be a struggle today with how I am and trying to discuss poetry ",0 "But I don't wanna do my outline ",0 "Only thing I hate about summer .... Fucking BEES ! ",0 "Nick's truck is always his #WCW He's such a dork . ",-1 "Sitting in horrible traffic and i have to piss so effin bad ",0 "I love wrapping presents but I'm really bad at it ",0 "Whoever keeps clogging the only toilet on the first floor .... Stop ... Nassssssty ",0 "I hate girls who take their boyfriends for granted some people would kill for that ",0 "Woke up confused why I wasn't leaving for work yet , Saturdays should just be doubles for me too instead of closing ",0 "I'm just laying down in the back of the car and mom stops all the sudden and I go flying out of the seat into the floorboard and mom laughs ",-1 "Trying times for me . Bf and I struggle to find alone time , work is huge frustration , and cousin is not expected to live through the week ",0 "I just want an iPad #princessprobz ",0 "i will never understand how someone can be in your life one second then another be a complete stranger ",0 "We haven't talked all day ... okay ",0 "Actually so sad about leaving tinsley and school and sdt and everyone in a few weeks ",0 "This is legit the 3rd IPhone charger that has stopped working for no reason since June ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fack tomorrow is the only day I can go ",0 "It's not even 10 yet ",0 "I still wanna see Safe Haven ",0 "Someone take me to Youngs Dairy bc I've never been ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's not fun ",0 "Kyle's drooling all over my new fluffy pillows ",-1 "Only 2 hours and 40 minutes left ... Only . ",0 "I'm such a negative person #icanthelpit ",0 "Delta's classrooms are below 0 degrees ",0 "I really need to stop spending so much money ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I sent you the picture of it ",-1 "This weekend is finally catching up to me #sickling ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it just came on but now it's flickering ",0 "I miss your accent ",0 "Boyfriend come here !!!!! ",0 "When my teacher even makes fun of my speech problem ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Can we have a girls day soon please ",-1 "there goes 64 dollars of my check to fill up my tank ",0 "Oh gosh tomorrow is the day ",0 "I miss my main bitches . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Well tonight surely took a turn for the worse #needahug ",0 "The one day I decide to wear my hair down , it's windy as fuck #Ugh ",0 "I wish my text would deliver to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I need a boyfriend that will straighten my hair #newboyfriendplease ",0 "Can not sleep ",0 "Tired of these sleepless nights ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is tweeting on the toilet right now .. ",-1 "Candy crush pisses me off ",0 "Grimes hates me . She kicked me out again . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Just got home , capt elocution next door is yelling & being the 2nd craziest person I've been around today . This is very terrible . ",0 "I feel sick , and I had to stop cuddling with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and go home bc of it .. #sorrybaby ",0 "Pleaseeee text me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wth go to bed ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I just want to be finished with this project ",0 "Finished mowing . I think I'm gonna die now ... #IHATEMOWING ",0 "Can't remember a day I didn't talk to you . #thisisweird ",0 "and then do I make fried or scrambled eggs ",0 "I hate leaving Katie even for 5 minutes because she just stands there and stares and looks all sad I always feel so baddd ",0 "Her car is getting fixed or I would lol . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bec we haven't talked ",0 "No more code red till next summer ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ i wanna join ",0 "I'm just sick of this anymore ",0 "I forgot my lab manual because I suck at science ",0 "I haven't put gas in my car for almost 3 weeks but it's almost that time again ",0 "I'm out of lotion ... lord help my ashy soul ",0 "Ugh I hate my long days ",0 "I wish I had a pc that could run gta 4 ",0 "I don't know if I can study 4 days in a row #hittingmylimit ",0 "I need someone to take care of me , im sick & my bodies all Achy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you suck . hahaha . ",-1 "Laundry time for the first time in weeks .. #chores ",0 "Dreading that double tomorrow .. Fuckkk my life . ",0 "I'm about to go crazy without seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Sooo sick . My bed , nyquil , blankets , hot tea , and movies are in order . ",0 "Why do I always end up looking like a burn victim when I visit Denver ? WHY ?! ",0 "I wish my case would come in ",0 "When u are late for breakfast <<<< ",0 "Okay . This no voice thing is getting really REALLY old . ",0 "Everyone's asleep and now I'm watching this movie alone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh you were right ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't see it ",0 "well crap dude , it's for real ",0 "Don't get high an make your bed because you'll spend an hour trying to perfect the bitch an it'll be dark af when you look outside . ",0 "So glad I creeped _TWITTER-ENTITY_ profile . Ur background pic made me tear up ... One of the best ladies I ever met . #Mimi ",-1 "Oh my god , my level of exhaustion right now is over 9000 ",0 "TUCKER SHUT UP BEFORE I CAUSE BODILY HARM TO YOU ",0 "oh my goshhhhh , Waffle House sounds so good right now ",-1 "I wanna go to jingle ball so bad this year ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too ",0 "Omg I really just had to clean snow off my car ! ❄️❄️ ",0 "My babe is going back to NOLA without seeing me not okay ",0 "I especially miss Rach I still love her so much ",0 "it kills me that Starbucks doesn't open until 630 and I have to be clocked in at work by 630 ",0 "I want to go do something so bad ",0 "All I want in life is for you to be healthy and okay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dang it forgot to look at your hair ",0 "You can text me back now . That's be nice ",0 "If I hear the song strip one more time , I may lose my mind . ",0 "Staying at the house alone tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ why hasn't Haley been answering us . ",0 "What the hell I haven't had nightmares in the past month gah those two were fuckeddddddddd up ",0 "You make me want to quit . ",0 "I wish when I updated my BBT app that it updated the amount of money in my account too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ still can't believe this ",0 "I think I'm getting sick .. ",0 "My ankle itches but if I want to scratch it I have to take off my air cast , unwrap my bandage and then put all of it back on . ",0 "I'd actually been feeling okay but a night like this was bound to happen soon .. #feelingempty ",0 "I want to stretch to 3/4th already but idk if it's too soon ",0 "I can't even deal ! ",-1 "& every time Cayden obnoxiously coughs I wanna cry it's so sadd ! ",0 "I hope everyone that abuses animals , will rot in hell . #Cruel #SoSad ",0 "Safe to say my mind is about to explode after close to five hours of studying & home work . #InformationOverload ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Loren stfu you didn't even need to try out ",0 "My paycheck has already been deposited for today and I'm really considering doing some online shopping but I know I shouldn't .. ",0 "Sad it's over ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but he'll be lazy an not come ",0 "My whole right arm is killing me . Baseball is taking a toll on my elbow . ibuprofen ftw .. ",0 "So pissed right now . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ uhmmm thats a definite noooo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sooo fun ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ do it ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my Internet connection is not very good because of the snow storm ",0 "Need plans for tn ",0 "I hate wanting what I can't have ",0 "Got sick last night hopefully I can hold it all down today at work ughh #thissucks ",0 "I just need a girls day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know I'm right ! And nooooo I like fed ax ",0 "Waking up to tommy blasting his music so loud that my shelf is vibrating . ",0 "I wanna kitten .. ",0 "My mom just had to take forever and ofcourse we missed our fucking flight . ✈✌ ",0 "My boyfriend needs to hurry home . #Missin'him ",0 "I use \lmao "" too much ... "" ",0 "I'm off !!!! Now on to my second job .. 4-8 please keep me in your prayers ",0 "I miss my #RVB friends ",0 "I wish you would notice how much I still like you ... ",0 "My biggest pet peeve is when people try to fucking do my laundry for me ",0 "Work work work and more work all I do is work ",0 "how am I suppose to get up if my bed is so warm & cozy and it's pitch black in my room ",0 "Someone should take me to panera #please #starved ",0 "Wish I was going to cmu with my girls ",0 "I'm getting sick . I can feel it in my throat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh I'm only going to visit until like 10 tonight ",0 "It's safe to say that every girl here has legs the same size as my arm #hoodratproblems ",-1 "I miss it so much . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ IS AN ASSHOLE . ",0 "My body is in so much pain ! ",0 "Maaan , my board snapped ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i know what a bitch !! & I know omggggg ! He could still be alive ?!? ! ",0 "Why didn't I get the confirmation email for my uggs I want them for Chicago ",0 "I'm pretty sure when I hug Natalee today I'm not gonna wanna let go . I'm gonna miss her during break ",0 "I just want to open my pool but my parents are too lazy #itshot #wanttoswim ",0 "You're forever taking forever to reply ",0 "I miss my Heritage frennnsss ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ eeeeep were shopping shopping tomorrow ",-1 "I'm sorry for whatever I did to you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was so tired I didn't even notice . I drank almost a whole pot of coffee while I was there . ",0 "hate getting questioned everyday of my life ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha sorry , I passed out ",0 "Going back to reality ... ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ already . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awww love you whammy miss you ",-1 "I miss cici s pizza , like come back ",0 "Locking your keys in your truck at the beach _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Working out this early ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the female struggle ",0 "Go to spend another night with my babe it sucks that I had to leave all I wanna do is be there with her I miss her like crazy I love her ",0 "I'm not a fan of these UFC fights . Too much punching each other .. #yuck ",0 "Finally done stressing about this weeks assignments . Next week is finals ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok ok I'll remember next time ! Sorry ",0 "I hope no one in my class can here my stomach growling .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for reminding me . I'm gonna miss you in the morning :/ ",0 "Mom please come home and give me a massage ",0 "So . Much . Congestion . HELP ",0 "I ALWAYS BURN THE ROOF OF MY MOUTH ON PIZZA ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ got a pretty good April Fool's on me tonight ... ",-1 "Waiting on _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to get here so I can eat dinner #starving #princesses ",0 "My brother absolutely loves #oomf & won't stop asking about them . ",-1 "I just want surf taco , too bad I'm grounded ",0 "I just want to go Muncie but Seth is sleeping ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you need a biiiiggggg wedding with a dress & everything ! ",-1 "Cracked my back at least 12 times during yoga tonight . Felt amazing . But , stressed much ? ",0 "tyler eugene answer your phone ",0 "tomorrow begins the next three or so months of getting no sleep ",0 "I just figured out I have to get an IV put in my vein when I get my wisdom tooth out and I'm so scared ! ",0 "I wish I had friends that stay up as late as I do so I could have someone to talk to ",0 "My body pillow fell on me and I screamed because I thought it was a burglar ",0 "Sick right before the holidays #great ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Shot put ! it's so heavy .... and those girls are freaking huge , and I thought I was tall and everything . ",0 "I just wanna hang out with her , is that so hard to ask for ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Very super sad that I'm not seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight ",0 "This dog is meaner than I remember .. I'm going to get eaten tonight ",0 "Getting a bit nervous now ",0 "Umm why the fuck don't I have Scorpion ? I have the _TWITTER-ENTITY_ season pass . Where the fuck is my Scorpion ? ",0 "Ever feel like giving up ? Well , today is that day for me ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and it doesn't even come out till 2015 ",0 "Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok wtf can this day just be over ok plz ",0 "This homework is making me too confused and grumpy . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ughhhhhhh too much time on the phone ",0 "All I want for Valentine's Day is a can of hairspray . Not a joke . I need some no flowers or chocolate . Just my #hairspray ",0 "I'm not watching warped roadies tonight I'm too tiredddd ",0 "I've Snapchat you twice today and you didn't respond either time . You know who you are ! ",0 "It's impossible to find someone who hasn't had sex with someone you know everyone connects somehow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've been looking for that All day . ",0 "I don't think I'm going to prom anymore ... thanks ",0 "My dad just like straight changed the TV from Duck Dynasty to Dancing With The Stars .. Like , no change that shit back right now ! ",0 "Last night in Rochester .. Sunday Funday w/ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "The girls I'm with have never tried steak and they're not sure if they'll like it ...... WHAAT ",0 "EVERY TIME I GET A HAIRCUT THEY ALWAYS CUT TOO MUCH OFF . EVERY . SINGLE . TIME . ",0 "Legs . So . Sore . ",0 "Why are the best girls the biggest sluts ",0 "okkk text me when you get back have fun . you going to your hometown , Africa ? ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ then I'll just wake up worse I know it ",0 "When your dad still uses the AC in October ❄️ ",-1 "Be grateful you guys don't have to turn in your handwritten DBQ at the end of your 45 minute time allotment ",0 "Thank you to both of you that didn't answer my texts today . Sincerely a very angry Jacquelyn ",0 "Roy's in Bloomington is dead and it's sooo dead ",0 "I have sun poison ",0 "God I wish Friday was the last day in the work week . But nope . Tomorrow is another day . ",0 "Nobody knows how scared I am about tomorrow ",0 "This is gonna be one long sleepless night . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want a single . ",0 "guess I'm going to smoothie king by myself ",0 "Have yet to see Elf this Christmas season and I am DISAPPOINTED what the heck !! ",0 "Got so many invites to come back up too bad I work 5 doubles this week ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know and it's gonna be dead ! ",0 "I swear every girl I'm done with they go after a slurm ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me . I would love too .. #busythooo ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ babe me to ",-1 "Woke up feelin like I got the flu but it's almost Thursday ... whyyyy ",0 "Wearing my sperrys today was a terrible choice ",0 "I want to rip my eyes out of my head so they stop itching , and i wanna plug my nose so it stops running #allergyseasonsucks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GET EM ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel so bad for you ! While everyone's enjoying Taco Bell you won't be able to have any . ",0 "Nervous to get my tattoo .. ",0 "Horrible day ; sliced my finger in half today at work so that's cool #goodsamhospitalwaddup ",0 "About to fix a huge breakfast and some coffee , then go to town on some accounting . ",-1 "Slept in again . Why ",0 "My horoscope is seriously always so on point ",0 "I just wish I had pants that weren't too big for me ",0 "Well less . Boomer bit off ear & nose & it doesn't squeak anymore . I have 2 hold my fingers over those holes 2 make it squeak ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol ... well every click is money in the pocket . For realzy though , some Russian app gave itself privileges on my acct ",-1 "I lost my glasses so I'm literally feeling around the house for contacts to put in ... I hate being blind ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't know what your talking about you look like a ",-1 "Wish I didn't total mine ",0 "Being emo & watching glee breakup episode now it's sadder than before ",0 "So thirstyyyy eight hour bus ride and I didn't bring water ",0 "Getting sick is the worst feeling ever ",0 "Laying in bed , cuddling , watching movies , and worrying about nothing sounds lovely today . #Sigh . ",0 "getting the last couple things I need for west chester #idontwannago ",0 "Boyfriends still sleeping ... Time for bed soon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah but I work Friday I guess we'll have to wait til next week ! ",0 "I don't want to get out of bed ",0 "Wtf would someone make a page to spread rumors about people ? Seriously ? Why take pleasure in ruining peoples lives ? ",0 "Had a dream I got typhoid fever ... #scary ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg I didn't even see this until now please tell me you're coming tomorrow !! ",0 "I would slit my thumb open cutting a bagel ",0 "It's national ice cream day ?!? ",-1 "Literally in the worst miss rn good night ",0 "Cold & tired ",0 "I hate going in this early no one answers the door ",0 "Finally saw a deer ..... Crossing the road ... ",-1 "Most interesting Super Bowl game I've ever watched . Made no better by _TWITTER-ENTITY_ talking stuff during this comeback ",-1 "About to just go to church by myself . I HATE HATE walking in late . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ home I deal with tornadoes & in Florida I deal with hurricanes ",0 "I'm probably gonna be all alone all god damn night at my sketchy house . #sadface ",0 "I don't know why , but I'm so depressed right now I feel like crying til I pass out .. ",0 "Killer headache keeping me awake . #mtvstars Ed Sheeran ",0 "I wish others understood #floptheory so that when I yell out flip , hit , or cancel people wouldn't look at me like I'm fucking crazy ",0 "Trying to find info on someone and you only know their first and middle name .... lemme tell ya It Isn't Easy At Alll !!! ",0 "I feel like death , and I really just want to go home . ",0 "If I'm not stressed out , I'm worried .. I can't win ",0 "I don't know if I want to eat or nap before class ",0 "I hate making you upset ",0 "Sitting in between my parents on the ride home is so hard only because I have to resist dancing to sweet love . #MyJam ",0 "My dad's always been seriously disappointed in me that I never did cross country since he was Blanchester's ll star "" his senior year . "" ",0 "I haven't seen #BigTipsTexas ... but I assume it would involve vomiting and crying at the same time . ",0 "oh there's tornados sighted all throughout Southern Illinois ? ok , lets get called into work .... makes sense #FML ",0 "I dislike cats . #hives ",0 "Getting hit on at the mall when you're by yourself <<< ",0 "i don't like the new twitter update ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sick . ",0 "I didn't understand the ending though ",0 "If you live like by me will you come over I'm so scared ",0 "I can't get up ",0 "Kota licked my nose ",0 "I hate when people put the dollar sign at the end of the number , like wtf is 100$ ? It definitely isn't the same as $100 ",0 "Im so anxious its ridiculous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ seriously blocked me on Twitter cuz I told him he was a tweet recycler . Even though I was his #1 fan . ",0 "I can't go tanning all weekend and my membership is up monday ",0 "When someone reads your texts but doesn't respond .. Sorry I annoyed you with my friendship ",0 "WHY IS THERE NO OWL EMOJI ?!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ like hours ago ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wahhh me too let's go to a pirates game soon ! ",-1 "Work in six hours ",0 "Never got a snap _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "The single life is nice , but I want to be able to text someone everyday to make me happy .. #MixedEmotions ",0 "Molly is ignoring me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ JAMES PLEASEE ",0 "I was up all night studying for this stats test , woke up far too early with the notebook on my face & pen smeared on my cheek #GoodMorning ",0 "I swear if they don't finish this construction soon I'm going to rip them a new one !!! #constantheadache #pissed ⚠ ",0 "Terrified of bugs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you too baby doll ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You don't understand ! That spider was almost the size of my cat . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ please come back ",0 "I've come to accept that I'm officially a coastie , my skin is drying up sooo bad since I've been back #takemeback ",0 "Reeeaaaallllly don't want to drive to exit 8 right now ",0 "If only my professor wouldn't show up !.. Just once ! #neverhappens ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ story of my life ",-1 "This class will forever drag on ",0 "Shelby would rather sleep than come outside and play . ",0 "Danget I didn't even see Andrew tweet that ",0 "Was so happy its Friday , because I don't work on weekends but Nooope . Gotta get up early tomorrow for work just a few hours tho . ",0 "Just want this school year to be over☀ ",0 "Drinking before the ISU/Iowa bball game .... #getturntup #cyclones ",-1 "Slept great last night .. Even made it to the farmer's market this morning and found goodies I can't eat ",0 "Who am I gonna barrow cute clothes from when _TWITTER-ENTITY_ goes to college ",0 "Sitting here staring out my window like a little kid until _TWITTER-ENTITY_ gets here ",0 "What did I do to deserve this migraine ? #ouch ",0 "Binx is on the wrong side of the bed and he's too cute to move ",0 "My head is pounding . ",0 "would much rather be at the baseball game instead of class ",0 "I miss Tampa ",0 "I've never been so annoyed in my life , hate my floor ",0 "I wish I had a Mustang to match my purse . Or even touch one . ",0 "I promise you will not see me at the movies for the conjuring . I can't even stand looking at the commercials ! ",0 "You're not wrecking my good mood today . ",0 "i forgot what it was like when clark goes to work ",0 "I worry about you ",0 "Now Aaron doesn't get McDonald's because he was mean and posted ugly pictures of me while I was sleeping ",0 "Idk if _TWITTER-ENTITY_ got my text last night <<<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ only at yours ",0 "TELL ME WHAT I DID ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #hoe ",0 "My parents keep asking me why I'm cranky probably because I didn't go to bed until 2 and no one seems to buy food for this house ✋ ",0 "I just wanna be in Tennessee already I CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER TO SEE EVERYONE ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it would make me so happy and sorry for interrupting your teen wolf . () ",0 "I MISS _TWITTER-ENTITY_ SO MUCH ! May can't come soon enough ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Story of my life . I have gotten so many tickets from parking on the wrong side of the street bc of street sweeping . Such a drag . ",0 "Thanks for spraying me with windex _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey I'm red head ",-1 "Such a boring day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if I wasn't making dinner for the family tonight I so would . I miss you guys ",0 "I'm up early . It's not even 9 yet ",0 "How many days left of school do we have ",0 "Wednesdays are going to be the death of me !! Class from 1 to 830 #SadFace ",0 "I just miss my puppy ",0 "Why am I up !? ",0 "Having a boring 8am class ",0 "kalen hacked my twitter ",0 "I try being friendly to people and they're just assholes ",0 "I'm freezing !!! ❄ ",0 "Seriously . What is wrong with my teams ?? Packers earlier .. Now my Cardinals are looking sloppy ",0 "I feel unappreciated ",0 "I want a cuddle buddy tonight ",0 "I had about the best dream ever last night . I was in college and was playing for ASU women's softball league . If only it would come true ! ",-1 "I'm so pissed I didn't get a single picture of the city yesterday and my phone died literally as I was walking up to the overlook ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahahaha aw thankyou Megan ",-1 "Catching up with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ haven't talked or seen him since graduation ",0 "I don't wanna take the act next Saturday . ",0 "Not going to my brothers first game of the year #terribleSister ",0 "People have to be so mean ... #itsnotajoketome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've been some places ! #NoH8 ",0 "\Can't wait to drive out to Allendale tonight , "" said no one ever . "" ",-1 "Ugh too early ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea , because its the last time we will see Cinna on a poster ",0 "Two hour delay means I get to stay up later and work on my government finals #yay ",-1 "Just passed the bonas exit . ",0 "No one to text . #asuaual #someonetextme ",0 "I wish my iTunes would work ",0 "Pray for my dad cousin and his family the father is injured and their youngest daughter passed they hit a train Tuesday morning . ",0 "I really wanna go to the VMA's but tickets are unreal ",0 "My boyfriend is always sleeping ",0 "Omg this headache is driving me insane !!! ",0 "Really who knocks on the damn door that lound ? #tryingtosleep ",0 "And I have to pay my phone bill next week ",0 "Being cold is soo annoying ",0 "I MISS MY FRIENDS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have and you don't respond ",0 "dear John by Taylor swift just came on ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ K SIERRA JUST RUB IT IN WHY DONT YA ",-1 "The fact I won't see my grandpa till after Christmas << ",0 "I should have stayed home today . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah your snapchats make me jealous while I'm working all week ",0 "Life is over next week ✏ ",0 "For real thought can my bed just eat me ? So i never have to wake up ",0 "Why does my food smell like wet dog ? ",0 "The cicada bugs should be making their comeback anytime in the next week or two we're all screwed . ",0 "So if I don't find my iPod I'm going to get really sad #hadsince6thgrade ",0 "I just burned my eye lid with my curling iron . #ouch ",0 "my bank account is just dwindling ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I'm busy most of this week ",0 "Getting way too competitive in jeopardy right now ",0 "Well that's fucked up ! ",0 "I wish I had algebra 2 with all my friends #overachieverprobs ",0 "This splinter won't fucking come out . ",0 "where did all the sexy snow go ",0 "Why am I so emotional today ahhhhhh ",0 "I can't believe I didn't go to the charm today ",0 "I feel upset for no reason ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need help ",0 "I think my snap chats are so funny sometimes and then I get reminded I'm the only one who thinks their funny ",0 "Nastiest protein shake ever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow kallie . Took it a little far lol ",-1 "Dammit now I want Melt . ",0 "I just wanna just walk up to the front and yell at the person causing this ... Sheeeesh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ seriously though it's been like a year ",0 "Go ahead and check your busy schedule #asshole ",0 "I've reached my limit of dealing with ignorant assholes for the day . ",0 "So excited to get infront of the camera ! Jake always makes me feel so beautiful opposed to other guys making me feel so cheap ",-1 "I knew that if I actually left Morgantown for break that I would seriously not want to return . Well , break's over and I don't want to go ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh I miss you too pretty girl ! when do you have to get your tags ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh okay , cause I'm pissed I wanna talk to my counselor and she hasn't called me down yet ",0 "This line to see the lights is FOREVER LONG !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow ........ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ my bad my bad .. I shouldn't have even asked .. ",0 "I put you first before anything else , i wish you did the same ",0 "Can't wait to see Jacob tomorrow , I miss him so much . ",-1 "i'm ready to get my tattoo . i'm not patient enough to wait ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but in all seriousness , that sucks , I hate it when I misplace my best pair of undies ",0 "I need to find a dress for Mr. GMS !!! ",0 "I find myself searching the weirdest things online during work . ",0 "We're probably not gonna open gifts until like 1 ",0 "Post camp depression is already kicking in ",0 "I hate when I get woken up early & then can't go back to sleep because of the sun shining through all 3 of my windows ",0 "Yazmene won't get me Wendy's because I took 5 minutes to text back ... oh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was seriously just thinking this the other day ! It reminds me of my parents house ",-1 "Thursday block is the worst . ",0 "I wish my mom or dad could hug me and tell me it's going to be alright and they will help me through this ... instead I'm hated #lonely ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ call me if ya want girl ",-1 "This better not be what I think it is ",0 "Mikayla making money sounds at my son . Smh lol ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry girl ",0 "I really don't want to drive home in this ",0 "I don't understand why I can't just sleep in today , I have no class until 12:15 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are SO nice . ",-1 "Going to the dentist today This filling shouldn't have chipped within 3 months . Been more times in the last 4 months than last 2 years . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry ... ",0 "I dont know wether to worrie or just sit here thinking things will be okay ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ deff not cool !! ",0 "Really missing some old friends and old times tonight #blehh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHAHA so funny . I wanna go back to bed . ",-1 "Pretty salty that my sister got a tattoo after she refused to get a sister tattoo with me ",0 "I would appreciate it if my eye would stop leaking ! ",0 "the fact that I could be wearing my uggs today kinda pisses me off ! ",0 "I miss my favorite Canadians _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "#overheardhallwayconvos \I'm just going to watch porn before every game . It got me so pumped last time . "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ それな。 don't shame on me ",-1 "Its very hard to sleep when your throats on fire and nobodys playing with my hair .. ",0 "Keep trying to turn up my volume to watch vines & all I hear is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' s getting freaking louder ! I was watching first ! ",0 "Mason is so annoying today . ",0 "Considering I'm in fucking fair lawn , have to drive back to stow then richfield in the morning then wakeman after . so irritating ",0 "Oh my ...... ",0 "I think I like you and that scares me to death ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it could have been worse ! ... ",0 "My frustration level with people today is 30x stronger than every other day . Odds are if you're speaking to me you're making me angry . ",0 "I'm supposed to be excited for my open house but all this different shit is making me sad #whatthefuck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I have to pick by tomorrow too . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just passed your house and took a couple pictures of it ... You always gotta have the prettiest house in the neighborhood ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Why do you make fun of me for hating Mizzou . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's its just not my fault ",0 "I hate when I forget to charge my phone ... #ugh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You won't be able to cheer for Tay anymore ",0 "I'd be scared .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not kidding . ",0 "I want lobster , shrip , and muscles . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah ! I didn't get an email or anything . I went to track my order and noticed one book had been cancelled . Wtf . ",0 "Diversity presentation today . Really hope I don't turn into a bumbling mess once I get in front of the class #wishmeluck ",0 "My face is breaking out so bad .. ",0 "Don't break my stuff and then lie about it . I saw you do it . #really #rude ",0 "Help I can't sleep and I have things to do tomorrow ",0 "I wish I actually had time to read a book I miss reading more than anything ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if only I could have , he didn't when dare to look at me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I KNOW I wish you weren't so we can have a lazy day on the couch ..... like always ! ",0 "Even though she hates me I really miss my kitty ",0 "Liking someone who doesn't like you <<< ",0 "Wine & Netflix ... Is been a long week ! so thankful for weekends ",-1 "Not even night yet & this full moon is in full effect ! ",0 "Wait so tonight is the last night I see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' s face till October once .. then January ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ then who be my twin ? Madi ",-1 "#mondays suck ESP when it's gorg out ! Ugh #hateworking ",0 "I HATE going to my dads clients meetings bullshits with him ",0 "I miss sleepovers ",0 "But couldn't if you care draw a purple infinity symbol in purple on ur wrist #prayforboston heaven gained ..... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you too ",0 "can someone take me to abees ",0 "I'm freezing . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I told you to quit talking about it ",0 "Every fn place I look I see something that has to do with gymnastics . Life is fn laughing in my face . ",-1 "I can't screen shot on this snapchat ",0 "Wish I didn't have to work tomorrow and could give out candy .. #growingupsucks ",0 "The stress of moving and packing is getting real ",0 "When people take my straightener out of my bathroom <<<<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ now I'm single by myself ",0 "My remote won't work so I'm stuck watching Star Wars . ",0 "I want a boy to take cute pictures with ",0 "Have to work on my stick shift driving tomorrow haven't driven it in months ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I never have any timeeeee ",0 "I miss being able to tweet the wise words of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on a regular basis ",0 "Sweet I made a whole $38 ",-1 "Morgan blows me omg ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah I'm fine just have a concussion and muscle tear but my car is completely destroyed ",0 "He's so cute ",-1 "First a week of sneezing . Then a week of coughing . Now I have been woken up by the worst sore throat ever will it ever go away ",0 "When I am stressed I cry at randomly ALL THE TIME ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so jealous !!! Looks nice though ",0 "The lightening right now is ridiculous . ⚡ ",0 "I have been telling my dad for two weeks now that I need an ugly sweater for tomorrow . so pissed bc I don't have one now . ",0 "It'd be nice if I heard from my boyfriend today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ THREE overdraft fees ! When last time I called they set my account up to not be able to overdraw . #nothappy ",0 "if I don't see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ soon there's gonna be a problem ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I better be eligible . I'm coach's daughter ... ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ never had hothead before either sad but true ",0 "Today is one of those days I just wanna lay in bed and do absolutely nothing . #SchoolSucks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's still locked actually jerk ",0 "Its raining so hard ",0 "Sawyer went home for the weekend ",-1 "Why can't I just be cuddle up to my baby ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry i didn't know it was your best friend she was pretty good at it tho lol ",0 "Well , looks like I'll be moving into Trav's bc my landlord refuses to respond to me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i just realized we never hungout this summerr . ",0 "Aw I miss Justin ! ",0 "This is going to be such a rough week not ready for it ",0 "I'm saltier than a sea dog with all this crap they are trying to accuse Urban Meyer of .. It's called self accountability ! #DropIt ",0 "Like do I even want to go back to sleep now ?! ",0 "I really miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she always puts me in a good mood and can make me smile ",0 "My favorite day of the year is almost over ",0 "Gucci never has his phone I swear miss my ole pal ",0 "Everywhere we go Helen looks so good ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's not funny . she ended up with baby powder and soap in her hair though . I win ",0 "Really hoping I get to go to the beach with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on Friday ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awh I miss you too little lady ! It's been such a long time since I've seen you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't know you were goingggggggg ",0 "I hate thunder storms ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not about that drive ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so baddd !!! I need my BFF back again !! ",0 "Heading out to get my Iphone replaced . Thank you iOS 7 for killing my phone #Technology #Blessingandacurse ",0 "Wow these bags under my eyes really compliment my whole face ",-1 "Whyy do I have to have such a shitty job ?? ",0 "Just how I want to spend my evening , in the emergency room ",0 "Last time I checked it was summer not fall ... ",0 "Another sleepless night ",0 "Why can't this weather happen during the week instead of on 1 of the only 2 days I get off . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't ",0 "Oomf is actually really cute , I hate how he always says he isn't ",0 "My mood just went from to in a blink of an eye . ",0 "Why do things feel different ",0 "So nervous for tomorrow ",0 "that awful moment when you reallllyyyyy have to pee , but you're so comfy that you don't wanna move and get up . ",0 "I love you and you love me why can't we just be together ",0 "Ugh !! I hate the Snow !! Especially when I have to walk to school in it !!! ",0 "why aren't I sleeping ",0 "this week just keeps getting worse and worse . #justbeoveralready #please ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why aren't you guys coming to michigan ! I'm so upset ",0 "Macons sonic sucks without _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . My drink tastes like pee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same time .. Monday-Friday 630am to 315 I hate my fucking life now ",0 "Snowed in ... alone . Why do I have such a small and shitty car ?! ",0 "Fell asleep w/ gum in my mouth and just woke up to see that it's spread all across the chair I'm sleeping in and all over my good leggings ",0 "I never know who to make my tweets like my 10k tweet out too ... ",0 "My hair is a mess ",0 "Why is it so cold ",0 "I'm in to many group messages ",0 "There wasn't even a point to go to micro today . ",0 "not so sure anymore ",0 "workin that 1:30 - 9:30 today . ",-1 "I can't look at my dog without crying ",0 "I love the motivational speaker . He makes these funny life stories into a lesson and nothing could go wrong with that . #fbla ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no solid food for a while tho ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're so silly , and hey don't forget my jacket !! if you do , maybe I can pick it up Sunday ! Either way works I miss it ",-1 "I wish I had time for a job ",0 "Like obviously I'm not replying for a reason and your question marks aren't gonna make me reply either . ",0 "just in that mood ",0 "So exhausted I feel like a noodle ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you wake us up from our nap THEN leave mid conversation . Unacceptable my red headed friend . ",0 "Sleeeeeeeeep I NEED YOU ",0 "someone please bring me nail polish ",0 "wanted to go to the gretna game ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish you were here !!! ",0 "Alone tonight in my apt . WHY _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! I miss you ",0 "This is NOT how I saw my day going . ",0 "I just miss Jonas so much . ",0 "My moods throughout the day- ",0 "Seriously ? 60 degree weather ruined my tubing trip !!! I hope it's warmer tomorrow ",0 "My sister would rather hang with my dad's girlfriend than with me . ",0 "Comon Anthony let's hurry up i want to get home so I can have another beer ",0 "Fuck church's chicken ",0 "My life will seriously be over if anything happens to Puddleduck hope to god everything is okay .. ",0 "Jealous of all you people at the beach .. 2 weeks can't get here fast enough ",0 "I'm either extremely early for things or I'm extremely late . There is no in between . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ way to say hey last night ",-1 "I only have one wind sheild wiper ",0 "I hate my eyes ",0 "Well that makes me feel good ",-1 "I want to watch Freddy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ If ten million fireflies > ",-1 "Okay now that my day is ruined , it better freaking snow . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ PLS HAVE LUNCH OR DINNER WITH ME SOON , I FEEL LIKE I AM NEVER GOING TO SEE YOU . ",0 "pulled a muscle in my hip . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mine now . ",0 "I miss Hannah Montana . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's what I'm saying and I have no clue but on some days lets chill after so we can make the best of it ",-1 "My one eye won't stop crying ",0 "damn this is depressing . ",0 "Busy busy day Had a dentist appointment , doctors appointment , then had to get x-rays , and now I have practice ... Ugh !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah . The saddest is real ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know makes me sad ",0 "Done trying to get close to people . ",0 "I'm gonna need _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to come home right now and slap me before I dig myself any deeper !!! #illneverlearn #nobutreallycomeback ",0 "This storm hit at the Worst Possible Time . ",0 "I got to school at 8:30 just to sit in the parking lot and be nervous ",0 "It seems that Taylor Swift , Lady Antebellum , and Rascal Flatts know me too well lately . ",0 "My minds everywhere today ",0 "I wish you weren't joining the army so you'd be here when I get back .. ",0 "why are the funny vitamins so much more expensive than regular ones ? ",0 "My phone is on 37% and there's still like 2 freaking hours left in this movie . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't have anywhere to go on new years or anyone to be with ... ill be home .... ",0 "Nothing like getting on the bus and forgetting your badge thank you to the security officer for personally driving me over ☺ ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too Amanda shoulda been the target ",0 "why am i here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ poor thing ",0 "Markus just said I look like Cindy lou hoo ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohh well I was talking about the 2nd time I text you ! lol I'm sorry . ",0 "Good thing I just lost $200 sunglasses ",0 "Your not my problem anymore .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ now I wanna go bowling ",0 "If _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ever wants to get a breast reduction ; FEEEL FREEE TO LET ME KNOW . #smallboobsproblems ",-1 "I just want to call you mine but guess that's not gonna happen so might as well give up and let you go . #wishyouweremine #givinguponyou ",0 "seriously someone come over and sleep with me ",0 "I wish Robs grave was close by so I could go talk to him .. I miss you so much crazy man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I totally would have if i wasn't home in st. joe already ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ *** when you tripped me *** hahaha no thank god I'm so lucky , that was a mess ",-1 "Not much annoys me more than when the sheets come off a corner of my bed . ",0 "can't sleep in this room when it's ONE HUNDRED DEGREES ",0 "I'm so sore from dance . ",0 "My mom never answers when it's an emergency . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she's gonna have a small store online ",-1 "I hate driving in this weather !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my goldfish just died ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've been begging for one ! Lucky ",-1 "I love being woken up by my husband cuz he can't get into his car ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too ",0 "Worst stomach ache ever #cantsleep ",0 "wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ would wake up ",0 "So disappointed . ",0 "Someone come cheer my bad day up #strandedinctown #brokedowncar ",0 "I didn't want the pictures on my wall because they make me think back to the times we were happy together #sadtweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nooo I'm sorry . ",0 "And #mydadsgfthing just ruined my personal lounging time ... ",0 "Can't lay on my side because of this massive bruise I have on my hip . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's taking me weeks to finish . Way to sweet ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My grades suck this semester . Time to cry in a corner ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ especially the grandma .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why do you have voice overs on your new shows ?? It totally ruins it ",0 "Nobody Never Text Me ",0 "Feels like someone is pressing chop sticks in my back dimples fuck is going on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know how you feel . Just ate ice cream on top of that mocha frappaccino . BAD idea . ",0 "I don't like working out alone ",0 "Well I didn't expect to spend the rest of my night in the ER for Derek ",0 "What is this ?!? Brian can't be dead !! HE CAN'T DIE !!! It's not #FamilyGuy without him !! ",0 "I hate this town . There are no 7/11s here . So I can't get a free slurpee today ",0 "I swear people can really piss me off when I'm driving ... stupid bastards . ",0 "Seriously feeling like everyone secretly hates me ",0 "this is the longest process ever #takemehomeclem ",0 "I don't like hospitals . I am hungry . I am grumpy . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha my mom would never let me switch ",0 "Got bit by a spider on my face . Wtf ... because thats attractive ",0 "Why does _TWITTER-ENTITY_ never snap chat me back ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i know (; i tried texting you back but its not sending ",0 "I don't wanna get out of my nice warm cozy bed ",0 "it was pretty much a tease to take my cast off for 10 minutes and than out another one on . ",0 "How am I supposed to get my dq if this is still going and it's 9:30 ",0 "Cassie's a bitch ",-1 "Allergies have officially taken over ",0 "I can't stand it when I pull my hair up and then I realized I missed a piece ",0 "I miss the huge garden and all the flowers we used to have . ",0 "Hitting snooze for an hour was not the best idea ",0 "everybody's cranky and tired ",0 "Makin some cookies and brownies tonight y'all ",-1 "Failing physics because McNulty is gone ",0 "why is my ankle swollen all of the sudden ? ",0 "The little kids on the playground make miss my job so much ",0 "My dad works on air conditioners .... WHY IS OURS STILL BROKEN ? I'm dying here Tim ",0 "Hope this dosnt last for long ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's where I cried ! Because she was like nd now I'm back to sad Jenna ... "" "" ",0 "Okay that's it I want my long hairs back right meow ",0 "My legs stomach and back are killin me !! #somuchpain do I have to go to school !? ",0 "Talking on the phone with my mom and my dad is yelling at me in the background #lovely ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss yall ",0 "oh emma is getting raped aw ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Who's gunna call asking for cap ? & calling us bags ? ",-1 "I don't ever use my crutches out in public they are the most annoying thing ever and I have rashes on the side of my ribs ",0 "I just love when _TWITTER-ENTITY_ screenshots me .. #not #hateyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't do that ",0 "I've literally been sick all break ",0 "Bruised knees are the worst ",0 "It's the only show from my childhood that's still going strong !! #savespongebob ",0 "I wish I had someone to cuddle & watch movies withhh ",0 "I . Don't . Wanna . Move . On . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sadly , I get that feeling from Anne too . ",0 "I hate this feeling . ",0 "I'm so sore ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hope he doesn't like his car ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry I'm not that good at math ",0 "just did 2 essays , 3 quizzes , & 5 summaries . In one class , my brain is fried ",0 "I hate when an iMessage sends as a text message ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ not in this relationship .. ",0 "I just wish I was in weatherford . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if he would've hit him in stride it was a 1st ",-1 "I hate hospitals ",0 "On the verge of losing my fuckin ' mind ",0 "Making cupcakes for the behrend grad that works with my dad since tmr is his last day because our state sucks ",0 "Out of ALL the muscles that could be sore today , my forearms win ... wtf ? Driving is going to suck #ouchie ",0 "Walking around my room naked cause I forgot to throw my laundry in the dryer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ missss you ",0 "Boys are weird . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it is I won't ever use it anymore ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks !! ",-1 "Someone snapchat me I'm bored raachell96 ",0 "Dryers broken . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ your not playing this year ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think it's an evil plot against procrastinators ... ",0 "so sore #ouch ",0 "Ugh I refuse to get up . ",0 "I'm definitely not a morning person ",0 "That moment you lose all respect for that person you used to like . ",0 "OH WIND . PLEASE KEEP BLOWING . Please though ? It's been hot enough this morning ",0 "I wanna be blonde ",0 "2 AP exams back to back fucking sucks . I hope it doesn't affect my score ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ weird . I can't believe it wasn't sold ? Not a fan of union st citgo . ",0 "I don't feel like making this cake for mr. rossi ",0 "I'm almost at 11k , I need help ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ home misses you ",0 "All this Taco Bell talk makes me want Taco Bell ",0 "went to visit my brother in his room and he decided to take a water bottle and dump it on me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ poor wittle hamster #RIP ",0 "Yet another Wednesday down , & I still didn't get tagged in a #wcw .. #OhWell ",0 "My mom is talking over the football game .. She should know better than this . #shhhh ",0 "I need a cuddle buddy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ resend that snapchat please ! I didn't have the sound on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aww thanks , I'm coughing up a storm this morning It's breaking up which is good but this cough is awful . ",0 "Wanna hear something depressing ? I work tomorrow at 7am ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hate you , I've been cravin ' it fo dayzz . I might need delivery next time you visit . ",0 "And Craig's basement is flooded what else could go wrong tonight ",0 "The Braves have the best record in the MLB without Freeman , Mac , and Beachy playing .. Scary ",0 "I'm in so much pain ",0 "If I get anymore sunburnt my skin will burn off #ouchie ",0 "Really frustrated how slow my phone is with iOS7 & the fact I can't slide my screen down to tweet about how much my tummy kills #Sad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me and my boyfriend were fighting so I changed it lol ",-1 "I still cry every time before getting a shot and I guarantee I will tomorrow too . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Was hoping you'd feel better by now . Take it easy girl ! ",0 "I forbid _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to post summer selfies because it makes my self esteem drop #ShesTooPretty ✋ ",0 "Jordan and i have to go to the pumpkin patch with 1st graders today _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Bryan used all my case battery ",0 "A chick just projectile vomited after her routine but only after the guy that was in the routine had a freak out in front of everyone ",0 "This is not good . ",0 "This is not making me to happy ",0 "So sad tht _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Is no longer a apple buddy !! we have to hangout sometime lil lady ! ",0 "Homework on the weekend is the worst #FUCK ",0 "Sadie always judges me on my nationality ",0 "Alone on Saturday night . Fun ",-1 "Things I Hate in Life : ohiofake friendshaving no foodwhen my cat doesn't want cuddles ",0 "Screw you Pandora ads ",0 "Bronchitis is miserable ",0 "I have to wait 2 days to go to the fair ",0 "I think I broke my back at dance yesterday ",0 "It's depressing that I can't go see #BelieveMovie because it's not showing anywhere near me . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wish I could go my family will be there . You like my brother more then me for some odd reason anyways ",0 "I left work at 5:30 and got home 10 minutes ago . It was ridiculous , the roads aren't even that bad ",0 "I feel really really crappy . ",0 "R . i . p to all of the kids that have committed suicide that nobody noticed because this society only cares about the popular or cute ones ",0 "Having the flu for the first time over winter break <<<<< ",0 "Missing all my best friends that live in Illinois right now ",0 "It makes me sad that my long lost best fwiend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is all grown up now ",0 "fuck waynesburg ! ",0 "My nose is so runny and my voice is like gone . Ugh . Someone take care of me ",0 "I don't want to go to seattle with a bunch of kids i don't know to present my science project that I know nothing about either ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg brebear !! I miss you too ",0 "This government shut down sucks , I was planning to go to everywhere that's shutdown terrible timing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ There's no other way it can go !! I like it the way it is ",0 "I made mini apple pies and they look really good but I know my fam is gonna have some shit to say about them ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Emma my little angel Emma . Like I said you and Emma are two I miss the most ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey ! I didn't ask for your input .... ",0 "The ice is raining down and I'm cold ",0 "The fact that Yankee stadium is being used for a soccer game ..... ",0 "it was a mistake telling Austin about the kittens because now he's bugging me to go visit then ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if its this Saturday I'll be at the lake , next Saturday I work ",0 "Why did I get so attached so easily to you ? #somthingaboutyou ",0 "Just dropped my phone on my face ... On that note I'm going to bed #ouch ",0 "I have anger management when I play video games #bullshit ",0 "This outline for business economics is ridiculous . #takingforever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know what are you doing tomorrow night you can go to Chris's game with me of you want ! ",-1 "Okay he now just left & said i won't see him till tonight ... What the fuck . I wonder what hes up to . ",0 "S/o to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for being cute and for knowing my boy Matt and for being a stranger .. ",-1 "Nothing to do on a Friday night #lame ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's not fun at all , it's stressful I don't know how people are so quick . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ would if I just came back ? miss ya ... I need to cuddle ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right now <<< ",0 "I wish that I could stay home all day and watch the pirates marathon on _TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I have a camp meeting ",0 "the fact that I'm gonna have to deal with you for the next 4 years <<<< ",0 "Lol my dad comes up and says I got pie , cake , and ice cream . I tell him I got real groceries . Like really .... ",-1 "if someone could buy me a wiz ticket and I pay them back when I get home I will love them forever . #helptheneedy #wah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i know I am ",0 "I really don't like sleeping alone .. ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #sadtweet ",0 "So sad _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is sick and we can't hang today ",0 "Bitches with spot lights < ",0 "Glad it took me an hour to hear my alarm going off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i know ",0 "Hate saying goodbye to Alyssa ",0 "My nephew just told me he hates The Dark Knight Rises ..... is this real life ?! ",0 "WHY WON'T THESE CHARGERS WORK !!!!!!!!!!! #iphonechargerssuck ",0 "Ah I love coming to state if only it was the weekend so I could just stay here ",0 "Madison already has 28383920 presents under the tree and then today I went a little overboard #brokebitch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was just playing . ",0 "Lost my charger I'm so well organized with my shit . ",0 "It's the day after Christmas . I should be cozy warm in my bed sleeping in . But no , I'm up to go to work ",0 "I'm sorry your supposed to be my best friend yet you are hanging out with the guy I told you I was crushing on . #notokay ",0 "Can I cry yet ? So stressed ",0 "Almost too cold to fish . What do I do with my life ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Another one ? There was one yesterday ",-1 "9 of 10 family functions I miss because of work ",0 "I wish I had friends ",0 "I've been trying to pick the lock to my room for the last 30 minutes .. Words cannot describe how pissed I am .. Yup . Goodnight ✌️ ",0 "SERIOUSLY FML . #stats is destroying my faith in my life ",0 "I just want to sleeeeeep ",0 "I want a boyfriend just to watch safe heaven with ",0 "And I have to study my ass off in a few hours ",0 "I'm glad my boyfriend is able to sleep now that he's no longer having spasms all night but now he's quite the bed hog ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if our plans are ruined ill be so mad #fucksnow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sucks for us ",0 "A million feelings . A thousand thoughts . A hundred memories . All for one person ",0 "Fucker where's my charger ",0 "A baby in this restaurant has been crying for a half hour straight and it sounds like a gremlin oh my god ",0 "I forgot to say this last time I was at Danielle's but I want her old hand soap back . I'd take fresh picked pears over Sweet Pea any day ",0 "Just me and my nursing book ",0 "I just want to punch you in the face . ",0 "I still haven't carved pumpkins yet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea ! I wish we coulda met _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ too but omg ashton was amazayn ! ",-1 "Atleast someone gives me the attention . ",0 "miss my ex best friend . wish he still loved me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I really need to talk to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ like now ! ",0 "If she doesn't get to spend this weekend with me because of her gay ass parents .. I'm gonna be fucking pissed off . ",0 "It's too cold to be working ❄️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I beg to differ Jessica , I've always been nice to you . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ next time I see you I will finish it ",-1 "WAtched only one game of the entire Stanley cup finals & thinks she knows everything _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "This is how you make me feel ",0 "My face would decide to breakout the day before classes #justmyluck ",0 "Drowning my problems with Pepsi because I can't have alcohol at work ! #roughday #imissyou ",0 "My life right now honestly sucks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I TEXTED YOU FIRST A FEW WEEKS AGO , not many people get texted by me first ... I miss my mains ",0 "Why does David Yurman have to taunt me by sending me emails everyday ",0 "Another Christmas alone . And another New Year's Eve alone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ America misses you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sorrrrry is your moms pool open ",-1 "I know what I'm doing the second I get home from work today ",0 "Was excited to see that Hocus Pocus was on ... But I can't stay awake long enough to watch the whole thing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ where I slammed my back .. Is permanently numb .. I still can't feel anything were losers ! ❤ ",0 "I need a neck massage ",0 "No classes again this year ! I hate this ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "& I miss my fucking monkey . no one compares . ",0 "I can't find my cat anywhere ... I might cry . I cuddle with her every night , and now she's missing outside . ",0 "This DJ just mixes every song w/ that ' Shots shots shots ' song ",0 "Hopefully all goes well tomorrow morning #doctors ",-1 "I hate bugs . ",0 "What am I gunna do when I go back to college ",0 "I just wish Emily was here ",0 "Wish vacation didn't have to end ",0 "Only one more day of no shave November ",0 "Last day at my practicum today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i miss you !!!! ",0 "Can't even remember what classes I have today because I've missed so many days . ",0 "Only if _TWITTER-ENTITY_ would text me back ",0 "Early morning meeting with our amazing landlord . Lets see how this goes ",-1 "Don't say you're gonna help me ... if you're not gonna fuckin help me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck , I missed it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I might not be trying out ",0 "These older women are very competitive with the Yankee swaps ... this lady just snagged my snow globe out of my hands ",0 "I had a dream I was going away to college and Miss . Strege was my teacher , then I got kidnaped into a sex trafficking group ! #WokeUpCrying ",0 "The struggle . ",0 "Just woke up to one hell of a scholarship from Concordia .. This make my decision a little harder . #UWO #UWW choices ",0 "Fuck . I just washed my favvvv Chapstick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i would love that but im coming back sunday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I might give you the stink eye if you were a warm beer drinker . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ should be glad I didn't end up coming over , went to the doctor this morning and I have strep ! ",0 "Like why don't they want to wake up WERE GOING DOWN THE SHORE ",0 "Five more minutes ... ",0 "Can't believe they're ending sponge bob ",0 "Tyler wake up ",0 "Might have to take organic chemistry and physics 2 next semester omg ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he did ! I forgot he played him in Invictus . I feel less prophetic now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I can't buy the album in America yet ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't like it ",0 "Cuddling with my doggies cuz I cant cuddle with my boyfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Tearing up just thinking about the last episode of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tomorrow ",0 "still pissed he took my favorite fucking bowl ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ those were not struggle steaks . And I had more than Hawaiian bread on the side ” :: lays in casket :: ",0 "Kelsey took a vine of herself scaring me ",0 "Awh .. Nevek hates me ",0 "I don't know if I like this ask fm ha ",0 "Can't believe my hamstring is about pulled again and it's my last year of soccer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whatt how can you pass up a girl that is preggo with a vampire ! #intensestuff ",-1 "So thankful for my crazy ass family and friends . And I hate _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for not coming over today . #happyturkeyday ",0 "You're not sticking to your word .. ",0 "I need a ride to school . ",0 "I can feel a melt down coming on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ got damn it .. Now I gotta delete it an retweet it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I'm trying to get in shape ",-1 "Who is still up ? ",0 "I need to go get some Chapstick butttttttt I don't want to get out of bed ! #TheStruggle ",0 "And cue Emily quoting song lyrics for the next 30mins-8hrs ",0 "I LOVE WAKING UP AT OBSCENELY EARLY HOURS . not . ",0 "People really need to stop taking my phone and using it when I fall asleep ",0 "My pockets , they're so full ",0 "Just put more pressure on my leg than I should have .. #wah #ouch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes .. ",0 "i had to get up at 3 am and let my dog outside .. that's 5 minutes of sleep i didn't get #whopeesat3am ",0 "Pray for little man grabbed a four wheeler muffler this afternoon and burned his hand ",0 "It's gonna be a longgg day ",0 "I . Am . So . Tired . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . It is a horrible affliction . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I laugh at everything ! Sorry if I'm annoying tonight . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're obviously the only man candy to post about ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ he has , I've seen it ... ",-1 "Just found out my hubby is gonna be in Stockton ! The freak ... ",0 "I still can't believe it's our last home football game ... I hate being a senior , it's our last of everything ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ because you don't feed me ",0 "My friends are at SeaSide and I have to work on this beautiful day ☀ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Maddie woke me up from my nap so I hope she's prepared to deal with my grumpy ass all night . ",0 "Ewww Vicodin make me soooo itchy ! #goaway #fml ",0 "I am tired of playing like crap #FrustratedWithMyself ",0 "I just wanna feel better ",0 "thanks for the black eye _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "shout out to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for wasting half of my whole tank . ",0 "#confessionnight I am afraid of caterpillars . ",0 "Why can't i ever say no ???? #ahh ",0 "I wanna watch gossip girl ",0 "Crazy how people change ",0 "I NEED A RIDE HOME ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I'm sorry . ",0 "turn down your damn music so I can sleep mother fucker ",0 "Why the time keep going up ? ",0 "Too tired to do anything ",0 "Hannah's out for cheer for 4 weeks , yay ",-1 "All I'm going to hear about is softball for the rest of the year and I'm sick of it already ",0 "I spend wayyyyyy to much money ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ What is really upsetting is that all day today I thought it was Thursday and tomorrow was Friday but its not !! ",0 "Doing so bad in school ",0 "I miss Lady ",0 "I have a freakin killer headache . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ postponed ? It won't be the same game next time ",0 "Wrestling match tomorrow . So tired I wish I could just sleep for a whole day lol . ",0 "This is literally me right now ",0 "Lol I've woken up at 3 every night for like a week now , how annoying can't I just sleep through the night ? ",0 "Being stressed out until you puke <<<<< ",0 "Don't cry nateyy ",0 "Really wish phil didn't have to work so late ",0 "Missing Avalon Dunmore sucks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I could definitely go for some right now ",-1 "I think i tweet more at school than i do at home ! #SoBored ",-1 "What . Is . Going . On . With . My . Car . ",0 "My valentines day was perfect <3 ",-1 "I'm still going to have classes on time , even with this weather outside ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ have to work on hw sorry ! ",0 "Why is this week so friggen shitty ",0 "& only brought one pair of flip flops . ",0 "Is this what dying feels like ? #sosick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is my favorite dish ! It's from home goods and it literally cleans SO easy and it's adorable ... Glad you appreciate it ",-1 "Being sick on the last day of skiing <<< ",0 "The last episode of #BMS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my job ",0 "I get in my car after work & the first song to come on is \I Want Crazy "" WHYYYYY "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i love you to . Thank you so much for being here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my mom scheduled it so I didn't miss school ",0 "Keeping my mouth shut and thoughts to myself ",0 "I miss my dermals . ",0 "I want Waffle House now . ",0 "Jealous of everyone able to watch American horror story tonight ",0 "Feeling goooooood and pumped after that hour workout ! ",-1 "I hate thunderstorms . ",0 "At Coney Island seeing all these like 6 year olds with abs of steel #whatislife ",-1 "I just want to go homeeee . ",0 "The immaturity of people , especially those with children ... absolutely baffles me ! And makes me hate human kind that much more . #idiots ",0 "I need a new job I don't even make minimum wage ",0 "I miss all my babies back home ",0 "Can't wait for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to come home I miss my dude ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm going to kill you ",-1 "I constantly compare myself to other girls ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sad movie but it was good ",0 "Glad I don't have a Quiz , Exam , or Practical to study for tonight buhhh now I'm bored ... ",0 "More tired this morning than I was last night ",0 "Why is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so freaking pretty it's not even fair . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yah actually lemme get that back lol _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I currently have 8 not okay ",0 "just went out to do a few sunday morning errands , only to find that my car had been hit sometime during the night ! #furious ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no are you ?! ",0 "I was so scared because there was a huge spider in the weight room and it blended in with the floor so I didn't know where it was ! ",0 "The tweet about college I just read made me realize its so soon an I'm just not ready yet and I don't wanna leave Luke ",0 "Boooorrrreeeddd at work . Hardly any customers right now #ByrnsGreenhouse #yeeyee ",0 "Whenever I get a hundred dollar bill , it sits in my wallet for months while I complain about being poor because I'm too scared to break it . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yeah it sucks . And I work different nights each week so like its hard to get on a schedule for a workout like insanity wahh ",0 "Tbh sometimes I'm okay with having no friends and other times I'm not ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is so sad !! RIP . ",0 "My alarm going off at 6 this morning <<< ",0 "This Spanish oral will be the death of me ",0 "Feel like I haven't talked to her all day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no I'm a good one ur guys music blows ",-1 "I how do I always manage to screw things up with guys ?! Need to stop talking when I'm drunk ",0 "Sooooooo excited for prom ",-1 "I feel horrible ",0 "The fact that he knows everything about me but yet we are still just friends . It frustrates me ",0 "I'm so sorry hubby _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you don't because you know it's true . ",-1 "Somebody tell me how I'm supposed to consume x amount of water a day when every time I drink water I end up emptying my stomach contents ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ perfect . exactly . YES . ",-1 "I hate when i have a really good tweet and I forget it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the miata is being rebuilt so she's gonna miss all the shows this summer so you might have to pick me up some Thursdays ",0 "Laying in bed allllll night watching revenge . #mykindofsaturdaynight Now all I need is a cuddle buddy to enjoy it with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not sure ! I go every summer but I'm not positive if my mom signed me up this year ",0 "I need my father at all times ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ kind of ! I'm just gonna miss home . ",0 "class tomorrow .... fml time for bed . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nvm it's away ! unless you can get us a ride ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ currently questioning our friendship ",0 "I've had to sneeze for the past half hour and it just won't happen ",0 "I shouldn't even miss you ",0 "Work from 10am - 3pm ",0 "too many episodes in one night ",0 "Guys i miss when kenny and justin would always hang out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuckk I know .. #badnight sounds like we are in the same boat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ SO OVER IT . HATE . YOU . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ there goes that auburn luck again ",-1 "is it sad that I'm crying over the death of a FICTIONAL CHARACTER !? Sherlock ",0 "Awe it makes me so sad to leave Margo outside all night ",0 "My head feels like a macys thanksgiving day balloon ",0 "That one weird bitch from astronomy is in my child development class _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "Not sure why but you bug the shit out of me now ",0 "Corrine is gonna be at my house in 5 minutes and I'm still in bed ... ",0 "Lea Anna tweeting live from her 11th hour driving ",-1 "I wish someone sent me cute messages to wake up to ",0 "I just want this all to stop ! ",0 "I need a valentine ",0 "Let me out of this class it's free bagel day I don't have time for this _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I just don't wanna cry anymore I was so sure about you . ",0 "People in niles have to be some of the DUMBEST drivers I've ever seen in my life . ",0 "Finishing up season 1 of #suits just looking to post up on ny couch all day ",-1 "All I ever want is a text back from you ",0 "I was planning on going to the pool ugh ",0 "Getting a cold and having surgery on my last week of vacation ! #myluck ",0 "Smh I never learn . Have work extra early on the weekends and here I am , wide awake . ",0 "Thought id grab some gas on the way to bring Tyler back when OH FORGOT MY WALLET AT HOME can't wait to drive to school on E ⛽️ #carprobz ",0 "I hate waiting #hurryup ",0 "Literally hate _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so much right now for screenshotting every snapchat I just sent her . ",0 "kaylees a whore , & won't tweet me back #ok ",0 "MILLIE HATES ME ! ",0 "why are people soooo complicated ",0 "I have a test tomorrow and I have no plans on studying even though I really need to because I failed my last one and now have a C+ ",0 "I lost over 600 pictures ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well hailey dropped it ... So it was all fucky but I fixed it & it's yummy but wings with bones are a no go ",0 "Thank you wkctc for calling me and waking my ass up to tell me I don't have class today .... when I don't have class on Friday anyway ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is in Cali for 3 weeks and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are at camp for the week so FRICK , my 3 besties are gone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ooohhhhhh , your cute . #Asshole I'm actually sick ! ",0 "Such a fast and crazy day , my mind won't slow down so I can sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you suck . ",0 "Dempsey to MLS he's better than that ",-1 "every time a girl takes pictures of them getting flowers , I get so jealous . ",0 "Work till ten ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you too beeb ",0 "But I feel like I just wasted my time filling out my application , there's no way I'm getting in ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Anna just called me into work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ But you was mean first ! I apologize ! ",0 "why do I have to work on such a gorgeous day ",0 "Good thing I only work a half of a day today !!! I feel like ! Can't sleep ",0 "Separation anxiety after not seeing your friends for 12 hours ",0 "Not looking forward to tomorrow , third time going to the oral surgeon this week ",0 "Can anyone imagine dying from appendicitis ? How sad ! And I'm a nurse ! You think I'd had more faith in the medical system #ineedhelp ",0 "Isaac made me take off my picture because he's a track star . ",0 "first night in the new house .. feels kind of weird #mixedemotions _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohcause i was at one other day and thought i saw u ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shit I don't get it in osh ",0 "Getting Old Blows .... No one has Time for Anything Anymore #nofun #wannaplaydodgeball ",0 "I don't know what I want ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't cry !!! If you need to .. you're more than welcome to cry at my house and I can cry with you . ",0 "I'm such a Scrooge anymore .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg leave me alone ",0 "The fact that my boyfriend is the cutest I love you so much <3 I miss you baby _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Had the worst nightmare anybody could ever have ... Woke up crying and shaking . What is wrong with me ?! #mehhh ",0 "When lululemon is closed <<<< ",0 "So far tonight I've been complimented on my looks by everyone except you . ",-1 "I HATE PANDORA COMMERCIALS ",0 "Our Christmas get together is at my house this year ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ jealous I want footies ",0 "How come everyone likes Ian Eastwood now ? ",0 "Excited for college , yet not ready to leave home #2weeks ",0 "Why would no one tell me I have conditioner in my ear ? It looks someone shot a load in it ... ",0 "I'm in such a shitty mood because I have to leave tonight . This has been the best few days ",0 "Been listening to my brother snore for the past hour ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I knowwwww ",0 "Ready for tonight #ready ",-1 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Totally not seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ at this game ",0 "It'd be nice to talk to you .. ",0 "I need someone to text I'm soo bored ",0 "I want a steak ",0 "Anddddd I'm allergic to everything #ItsOfficial ",0 "Wish I was in bed with Paris right now ",0 "Diva nails ? Worst service and employees ever ",0 "So .. Is crawling into a hole and dying an option or ... ",0 "This is gonna suck _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I might not get to see you ",0 "Errr i hate A days and i do not like snow and the cold ",0 "I wish I had more friends in Kansas .. I wanna be on a boat and BBQ all weekend . I dont work , and dont get to do anything . #sigh ",0 "I miss playing the hot corner . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was thinking the same thing , but it's just the edit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bring me back one #jealous ",0 "I'm soooooo exhausteddd .. ! ",0 "Fucking bike cops ",0 "Well now I am disappointed no Joe Diffie . ",0 "Watching this movie called bully on Netflix , so sad . ",0 "Okay , thank you for opening my snap and not snap me back . That's exactly what I wanted you to do . ",0 "I'm a distraction ",0 "2nd time Tyson has pissed on the sheets .... Tired of washing sheets ! Pissed . ",0 "Im sorry if I didn't hang out w/ u over my winter break . Its just I spent everyday I possibly could with John before he leaves in 10 days ",0 "4 fillings tommorow than I have to go close #PrevTweet ",-1 "I just want the power to come back on ",0 "I have full reception so why isn't insta loading . ",0 "I got the earliest lunch today ",-1 "This day and how I feel right now << ",0 "Just landed in Atlanta ... now a 2 & a half our layover . Feel free to shoot me . ",0 "One of the people I miss the most from moving is Kyle Versalle . ",0 "Women have too much power in their pants ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you should . He's definitely an honorary member of #LTDH . ",-1 "Seeing you , or even hearing your name , STILL makes me cringe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohh gee thanks☺️ you too ! I miss youu ",0 "A ticket to Arizona for 5 days round trip is only $108 bucks ... but thanks to my new job I can't go ",0 "It's that time of the week again , when I complain to the world about how much I hate my job ",0 "I just wore my underarmour backwards for a good hour . So not ready for camp . ",0 "I can't believe I'm up this early . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You're supposed to just be MINE . What is this ! #CuttingForAbbi . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so laura thebossmoneymakinbitch$$ isn't acceptable ? #lmfao #jk bahaha ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you guys too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i want a first job . Period . Idk where to work in eagle river ",0 "I don't feel good , it's gonna be a llloonnnnnggggg night I wish I could've stayed with him tonight .. Like he wanted . ",0 "I have no want or desire to get ready for anything .... #solazy ",0 "I don't like it when teachers have nothing else to talk about but the class time isn't up yet so they just keep rambling . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha I seriously want to find one ! But I can't find them online ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ PMS kills my self control ",0 "Or you could just stay here with your best friends who will miss you so dearly _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you so much . Please don't leave ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ exactly ! The chicken breast is way better ! I always get a nasty piece of fat in my pieces of chicken lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it makes me want to cry ",0 "School can go to hell . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ an hour an a half isn't THAT far ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ WHAT !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Mitchell quick tweeting this girl and tweet me ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no one again sorry master . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ya i know . So im stuck in this hell hole called swansboro high school for a little while longer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh man you do Toronto camps just when I move to the USA ",0 "def gonna be coughing up blood by the morning ",0 "I hate loosing friends to there boyfriends but oh well . ",0 "Aaaaaannnddd I need to stop ",0 "Now they took the cat from me ",0 "Sometimes my sister is too much ... When it comes to girls that like me ..... She's too much ",0 "Of course when I wanna lay out there are other farmers outside #Leave ",0 "Ive never been a guys WCW . ",0 "Having the hardest time trying to study right now . ",0 "Coty brought home a dog and it won't quit barking . I'm going to kill him . ",0 "Going through some kind of country music phase ... What is happening .... ",0 "Why does Leffew keep it so cold in here . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow Emily ",-1 "Missing out on 2 kegs tonight . ",0 "S/o to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for making fun of me limping while I have an injury ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ at least somebody didn't try to bleach yours . ",-1 "I wish I had somebody to watch fireworks with #foreveralone ",0 "Can John legend just sing on my wedding day ",-1 "Forever being screwed over . ",0 "I have GOT to limit myself to 2 espresso shots at work ",0 "Whatta punch in the face ",0 "i need a break from life . ",0 "I just move in and already have to drive home at 10am tomorrow for a dr appt yay I love driving ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if they really cared about my health I would be home sleeping ",0 "I'm literally about to throw my phone at a wall #pissed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ur mean ",0 "there's no way in hell that I'm paying that stupid parking ticket it's the least of my worries this week ",0 "Redd's Apple Ale tastes like cheap wine . Don't recommend it ",0 "So many goodbyes ",0 "great now this songs stuck in my head ",0 "I wish I was just old already so I had a reason for my back to be in so much pain other than volleyball ",0 "I haven't gone tubing all summer . ",0 "I miss my boyfriend so much at night ",0 "But I don't want to drive the rest of the way ",0 "I wish Kasey and I could cuddle and listen to the rain ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg lex I'm so sorry about not coming to see you I completely forgot ugh I'm a bad friend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Are those the soft , slimy things in black shells ? ",-1 "One thing I absolutely can't stand : Girls who won't leave what's MINE alone . ",0 "I miss youuuuuuuuu _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm so confused #cantdothis ",0 "I love my phone but I may have to take it back it since I can't talk to my girl ",0 "I just want to sleep all day but nope I have work ",0 "ummm ouch . i'll be in pain for a couple days againnnn ",0 "Oh this headache can go away any minute now ",0 "I once had a best friend that's now a stranger . ",0 "The ONE song I didn't wanna hear would come on ",0 "My issue is I don't like taking chances . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you guys are ridickulous . I miss all of you . ",0 "You guys are really acting like 5 year olds over keys ... ",0 "I go crazy when people talk bad about lance ",0 "Well it looks like I won't be getting car insurance this week which means I won't be driving this week either #sucks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ league football/baseball without a care in the world ",0 "My left eye right now <<< get better ",0 "I would rather be walking around outside than in theater lab right now ",0 "I be so tired there's not enough hours in the day ",0 "Signing Caleb's yearbook made it sink in that I might never see him again after he leaves ... ",0 "I just voted so many times today ",0 "All I want Is for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to tell me goodnight THATS ALLLLL ",0 "To think ranch didn't used to be a main condiment .. No ! I can't! ",0 "Last night though >> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "Dear bestestguyfriend please call me ... I promise I WANT to answer ... my phone is just failing at lifeeeee xoxo ",0 "Someone cheer me up ",-1 "So much drama #ugh ",0 "The fact that yesterday was high 70s and today was high 40s .... #cold ",0 "I guess It's national tell a girl she's beautiful day .. #wellthen ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yeah , I know ! But I'm not going to school this semester . So that's why I'm not rooting for anyone . ",0 "The woods are so cold . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ still didn't get a snap back . Ryaaaan hates me ",0 "I burn myself with my wand every time ! It never fails ",0 "Haven't gone tanning in two days ... #feelgross ",0 "My entire body aches and I have to work a 9 hour shift ! ",0 "Im sore & tired ",0 "Apparently the Olympics is going on in my room right now . Miya I doing flips and jumps off of everything ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it'd be nice if you told your friend that has your old number to quit snapchatting me #annoyed #creepedout ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ need to hurry up .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too it's so catchy . ",0 "I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate when people waste their food ",0 "This kid did not just call me bro ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yooooo the last two pics you've sent me !!! ",0 "This rain is totally killing my run ",0 "Tomorrow night's Utah state basketball game tickets are only 5 bucks ! But I have stuff to do ..... ",0 "OH MY GAWD ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are just giving your momma lots of extra time before you leave me next year ",0 "Don't everyone text me at once . ",0 "Yeah , haha , great talking to you today . ",-1 "HOW IS IT A COMMERCIAL ALREADY !? THERE JUST WAS ONE TWO SECONDS AGO ",0 "I never got a dick in a box as a gift ",0 "When my snapchats won't send ",0 "how the hell does my dad survive with his house set on 80 degrees ",0 "I want to get my belly button pierced ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ SO I'LL SEE BOTH OF YOU TOMORROW .... Greattttttt ! ",-1 "3% don't die on my now babbbby ! ",0 "I guess I should probably buy my abnormal psych book now .... #fuck ",0 "Oh my god why do I ever go back to you , you are so mean to me . I am done ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know the struggle .. #DormProblems ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ never talks to me anymore ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you more !!!! Lets see each other real soon ! ",0 "Lost 5 Ibs in less than a week ",0 "It's seriously hot as ball sack at work . Like I'm dying #tjmaxxneedscoldair ",0 "Sean's making plans on twitter when he knows we got plans at 6 . ",-1 "We barely talked today . I don't like that ",0 "I miss you already .. _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "The notifications at the bottom of twitter is so delayed ",0 "God I don't understand please help me . ",0 "Horrible morning already ",0 "I could really use a goodnight text and kiss ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im sorrry baby girl i wish i could ",0 "I wanna watch the Carolina game but nooo work work work ",0 "Done babysitting gosh I will miss those kids !! Now back to my real job ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is serious if you all are out then so am I ! ",0 "my mind is just racing & I can't sleep at all ",0 "Really dont feel like working both shifts tomorrow ",0 "looking back at pictures .... So many of us ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wish it was Miami loved staying on the beach ",0 "I hate having to wait to do gifts bc of santino ",0 "I don't understand you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ poor guy .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I work tomorrow and I have the flu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no , I got it and came right back to the bed lol ",-1 "#confession I wish I was dead right now life is not ok and I cut which was a path I was trying 2 avoid doing again but it happened ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ trying ! When is drew getting a phone !? ",0 "I can't deal with anything right now . Like I need to go to bed ",0 "Lesson of the weekend don't walk home with your heels on #owch ",0 "Head is still pounding ",0 "Denver , Colorado is such a beautiful place with mountains everywhere its breathtaking I wish I could stay here longer than 20 min ",0 "I just realized that Indian food does not photograph well after posting my picture . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ misssss you to ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I thought we were friends ",-1 "Don't lie to me , I'm not stupid . ",0 "Missing my marine ",0 "My life = I hate the bull crap that is going on in my life ",0 "Back to hell ",0 "Should have went to sleep before all this rain and lightning .. ⚡ ",0 "Just sitting in the doctors office waiting room ... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is lucky she has me ! ",0 "Say something I'm giving up on you ... #truth #reallifesucks ",0 "Ugh anxiety attacks suck so bad ",0 "just wanna be with that one guy , right now . miss him . ",0 "And why do I have a job ... ",0 "Wish i was going to the beach again this summer with my fam ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you make me feel so horrible ",0 "I have a feeling things will never go back to the way they used to be ",0 "Give up anything to have you back ",0 "Where is everyone ..... Why can't I be home #bored ",0 "I hate when it have time to do nothing but think ",0 "Happy new year 2013 here is to a better new year ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have practice tomorrow 5:30 -8 and tuesday 6:30 -9 what about Thursday ",0 "Tanned with the same lotion I always tan with & getting out of the tanning bed with a rash all over my legs & butt . Wtf . #painful ",0 "I think I'm the only girl who still hasn't tried the Nerd Slushie .... ",0 "I wish Conor Pritchard had a twitter .. ",0 "This music is not helping my mood . Might just try and get some sleep ",0 "I wish I could eat without getting fat ",0 "My eyes are so puffy ",0 "So happy #cantgetthissmileoffmyface ",-1 "I miss my best friend/girlfriend I'm lame . #sappytweet ",0 "It's okay ... please continue to take your time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Samehere completely sucks ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know seller .... ",0 "Being sick sucks .. My head is pounding , I'm constantly cold , and my stomach feels like it's being ripped open from the inside . Yay . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is a bitch for tryin to sneak in my living room and scare me during my movie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm happy for youuu . Have a good sleep ! ",-1 "I'm cold as hell ",0 "I can never go back to sleep after _TWITTER-ENTITY_ leaves for work . #tired #needsleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ please please please pretty please come home soon ",0 "I have so much homework to do tonight . ",0 "#FirstDayOfSchoolThoughts where is my _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "No one to talk to ? ",0 "THAT WASN'T A JOKE . I WANT A FRIGGEN PICKLE NOW ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so you got your phone back or something ? Thanks for letting me know ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh the memories ... ",0 "Never letting _TWITTER-ENTITY_ leave me this early ever again ! Besides the fact that I miss him like crazy .. I also can't sleep without him ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Damnit Ryan !!!!! ",0 "Now there's 2 people snoring someone please kill me now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no ... ",0 "I hope I can make it through this double today . I am BEYOND exhausted . #nosleep ",0 "Some random number has been calling me everyday for the past 2 weeks ",0 "I hate being ignored .. ",0 "So many people never fail to disappoint . I don't even know anymore ... ",0 "I'm not a slut Sam ! ",-1 "You're cute ... #not ",0 "The paint on my mx helmet is chipping ",0 "I'm not liking this feeling ",0 "I love how both _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ never texted me back ",0 "My mommy won't answer my calls she hates me ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I didn't get your calls ",0 "Harpers mom lost her baby I'm honestly so so upset ",0 "I'm irrationally irritated right now . ",0 "6th period is slack af . We've already had the final exam . #boring ",0 "Looks like the monster has been unleashed #beware ",0 "I want a puppy so bad ",0 "He needs to come home . ",0 "I feel like you're losing interest in me . ",0 "Why am I thinking about all of this right now ",0 "Actually going to bed before 12 for once because I'm actually tired and I have nothing else better to do . ",0 "I'm not sure , but I think she's singing in her foreign language in the bathroom ",-1 "I really need to go ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know #mourningMorneau ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahhh darn I knew it was either that , Colby , or Kobe and I guessed wrong ",0 "He practically only exists to be an dick to me . ",0 "My back is so burned #ouch ",0 "I haven't talked to Morgan all day .. What is life .. ",0 "It's so sad when celebrities die ",0 "So . Much . To . Do . Before I go back to the zoo Sunday yet so little time ",0 "just hid in the bathroom for like 10 minutes ... I don't wanna go back ",0 "I need to go buy chad some jeans for our maternity pictures , all his are disgusting ",0 "Everyone seriously makes fun of Kenny & he doesn't even realize it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you more We'll hang before I leave ",0 "For once I'm actually getting so frustrated in class ",0 "I want my license so bad ",0 "I hate having to take my lip studs out every Thursday . #nursingprobs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha not those kind of steroids ..... I'm sickly ",0 "All I wanted to do was come home and spend Christmas with you . But that's obviously too much to ask for . ",0 "Worst day .. That just topped it off ",0 "Doctors should not be open this early . ",0 "I've been kicked out of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ room ",0 "I hate going to bed not talking to you ",0 "Feeling soooo sick right now and I don't want to drive to work in the snow storm that's supposedly coming tonight . Wahhhhh ",0 "Nick just left and I want him to turn around and come back right now ",0 "It's so convenient when our bath tub takes 20+ hours to drain ... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Hair curly or straight ",-1 "Wow I woke up cranky ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish I did ",0 "So sad this is my last full day in Toledo flying out tomorrow ! Been so nice spending time with my Twinkie ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so ooollddd . I love that movie . ",-1 "The one person I wanna talk to the most isn't able to talk to me right now . I miss you so much Jarrod ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤️ ",0 "still don't know why you've pushed away ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm being fuuuuurrreal ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahahaha you getting into IU ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ now you lie to me too . ",0 "I'm so ready to be home , in my warm bed . Can't sleep in the car . <<< freaking tired ... ",0 "State has for to get it together ! This is ridiculous . ",0 "I just wanna be taken care of for once ",0 "Justus has been on my mind all day !! ",0 "threw up about 12 times last night and i wasnt even drinking ",0 "Okay for real , every time I need to write a paper the internet stops working . How convenient . ",0 "I want my belly button pierced but Cody said its trashy ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "God this headache ",0 "Someone send me more moves in candy crush ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i sowwwry bb . ",0 "I just love not being able to sleep ",0 "I like older guys .. that's legit all I'm attracted to .. I wish my brother had cute single friends #ForeverAlone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ FINE BUT IF ANY ONE KICKS ME ILL STEAL THEIR SOULS . ",0 "If you don't think lucky or cinna stixs are cute . We have problems . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cant w8 ! But maddog ditched on us .... ",0 "Being hungry and not able to eat anything is the worst ",0 "Couldn't even workout ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no ride then ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I do ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh I'm so sorry RIP fishy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ STOP NOW I KNOW !!!!! ",0 "Going to Teddy's play he better love me ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't remind me ",0 "Gimme a chance ",0 "I've been missing those good morning texts ",0 "Wasn't gonna ask people questions away . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can tell ... Ha ha ha ",-1 "Wishing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was here . I need a cuddle buddy ",0 "nope . had to undo a retweet to tweet this _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Looks like you're free ( ._. ) \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Twitter Jail:''( . Somebody free me now """""" ",0 "I don't understand anything ",0 "I wish I didn't have to wait until Tuesday to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tho #bffs ",0 "Why would you never be interested is my question . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't see emojis ",0 "Why am I so tireddddd ",0 "I could rant about Business Calculus for hours . #NotNecessary . ",0 "I wanna go to the doctor ! #SoMuchPain ",0 "Cass and Matt are fighting about math . ",0 "I'm honestly so scared to get my staples out tomorrow morning ... Like Ive never had to have anything like that done before ",0 "Seeing that makes me want to throw up . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha no I'm just always crabby first hour ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I understand go on Tuesday and we can throw around ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Did you lose it at work ? ",0 "I just love how snow ruins everything .... ",0 "My phone is so dead . ",0 "How many days till graduation ? ",0 "Omg sooooo sick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol . I miss you . It's not the same . ",0 "Lol my phone battery lasts from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep bc nobody ever texts me . #itscool ",0 "Once again to the person who stole from my car ... can I at least have my book bag back you can have what was in it ",0 "I'm so cold ",0 "Thought I was getting done early when my aunt walked in the door but then she left again .... ",0 "Thanks for having us at your HOUSE . we're getting so old #grownups _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Where did the weekend go ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you both so much . ",0 "soooo much to do today ... ",0 "About to fail my history test ",0 "I'm seriously so tired if this ",0 "Seriously the seniors are gonna be missed so much ",0 "I just want to get ready with someone ",0 "It's hard for me to say this but I think it's the beginning of the end for Roger ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I get so depressed when I see the schedule and ur not on it merp ",0 "I have a dentist appointment this week . Fml ",0 "Oh Toby . You miss your Mom so much . #pll ",0 "EWWW I tried to pull the bird out of my grill and it's leg came off ",0 "I wish I was down the shore ",0 "He lied straight to my face ",0 "Can't wait anymore ! I want my new ring ",0 "Dissecting the cat today ",0 "No home game for me Friday ",0 "45 minutes waiting just to pee in a god damn cup #AREYOUKIDDING ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have terrible grammar Megan ",0 "God you're such a dick sometimes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's my favorite too ! I love how easy it is to make haha , the dining hall didn't have any tonight I was sad ",0 "I feel like am old lady . I have to stretch before doing the littlest physical activity . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it won't let me watch it ",0 "Kush isn't acting normally at all and it has me so stressed out . Poor guy just isn't feeling good . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what is your tumblr ? I can't find it ",0 "my fire alarm keeps on beeping every 10 seconds . i've changed the battery 3 times . what's a girl gotta do to get some sleep ? ",0 "If I don't see you Thursday I'm gunna be more than upset ",0 "I hate how my boyfriend goes to bed so early ",0 "So sick of love songs , so tired of tears , so done with wishin ' , you were still here .. ",0 "It's so nice out and I'm stuck in my bed sick .. ",0 "I am not having a great day so far ",0 "Manhattan is not the same without my besties _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ why did you have to graduate ",0 "China is going to burn down !!!!!! why couldn't it be Haney's we need a new roof anyways ",0 "Things just took a turn for the worst . ",0 "I'm so sad that another season of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is coming to an end ",0 "Almost wedding time !!! ",-1 "That moment when you really need a kiss from him but he's not here ",0 "I'm sick of my diet haha fuck eating chicken and protein shakes every day ",0 "When is the show going to be like it used to be ? #dancemoms ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he's in Mansfield !! ",-1 "Coughing so bad its making me puke ",0 "I am soooo extremely tired ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same here . ",-1 "why do I do this ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #fml ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it is closed forever we should go on strike ! ",0 "In less than 7 hours I have a 3 hour practice ! AGAIN . ",0 "She's seriously my favorite ! I'll cry if she goes home ",0 "It's so hard to walk away from such chill people and an amazing weekend #neverwanttoleave ",0 "I just ant a bulldog puppy ",0 "One of the most frustrating things is having no clothes and knowing you have to dress up tomorrow ",0 "S/O to the rain for down pouring right when I finish washing my car ",0 "Ive gotten cheated on bc I wouldn't give it up so they went to girls that would . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have to work every single day of that weekend ",0 "I'm completely over feeling like this ",0 "I don't want tomorrow to happen . #funweekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can I come play it please ",0 "Why do you have to play so hard to get just stop #annoying ",0 "My mom just sent me a pic of my dogs that the dog sitter sent her .... Since when do we have a dog sitter ",0 "I'm trying so hard to fix it ! But is don't know what I did wrong ",0 "But has ever occurred to you , that I can't say hello to you , without risking another goodbye ",0 "Just kidding , I feel worse ",0 "I feel like I gained 10 lbs because I'm so bloated #ew ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for the invite ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you should of poured water on me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're so welcome !! I miss you already I'll be back ! Then we can play the drive though game and scout out some guys ",-1 "I've been out of my car for two seconds and I'm already getting bitched at . Thanks mom and dad . Missed y'all too . ",0 "If you are going to be behind the wheel of a big truck , learn how to drive the damn thing ! ",0 "Throbbing headache right now ",0 "I hate when people continue to talk after they're told to be quiet . #rude #stfu ",0 "I really just don't wanna work this 3-11 shift ",0 "my legs are jello after that workout ",0 "I miss Asia so much ",0 "I'm so sick of being surrounded by sick , coughing people . Like , I know you can help it but ",0 "I use \ghetto "" words to be ironic . You use them because you think they're "" cool "" . There's a difference . "" ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not once ",0 "I would be in auburn during our only snow day ❄⛄ ",0 "Hate waking up and thinking about things and not being able to go back to sleep . ",0 "Wish I had someone to talk to . #lonelylife ",0 "exhaustion is an understatement ",0 "My dad is gonna wake up for work in 5 min and I haven't even gone to bed yet . Seriously . What am I doing . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thats my least favorite ride I'd cry ",0 "I can't even focus anymore ! ",0 "I just saw my bf dave on my tl and then I realized someone just has him as his twitpic and said their name was dave franco ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ baileys was another 20$ on top of what i bought yesterday so i didnt get any for pudding shots ",0 "Why is Rania always busy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah I'm sure she would ! This smells so yummy in my room ",-1 "YOU ARE SO FAKE ",0 "Soooooo sad that Mindy McCready was found dead She had great talent but chose to go down the wrong path of life ! Feel 4 her kids RIP ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wish I was there ",0 "Time for more sleep ",0 "I hate histamine ",0 "non thirsty bitches be bringing disapointment to testosterone ...... #thestruggle ",0 "I hate second hour now cause _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is in there .. ",0 "Wish I could go to the movies .. But no I have work ",0 "I'm dumb ... ",0 "Aww it's only a hour show tomorrow night ",0 "I need someone to talk to .. Somebody that will actually listen ",0 "You win Economics and Accounting . Someone give me a drink now . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I dont know what that means . ",0 "I miss Cuzs . ",0 "I think I'm having a nervous breakdown right now ",0 "Cream cheese or peanut butter ? I CAN'T DECIDE ",-1 "They just put my dad on the stretcher and took him away ... ",0 "Why am I only in Spanish for one semester ? ",0 "A Walk To Remember is on ... oh great #bringonthetears ",0 "I can't stand working late ",0 "Homework ! #NobodyLikesYou ",0 "Crazy night at work .. And there's still 3 hours left . ",0 "I always hate my life when I'm drunk someone make it stop ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just don't wanna accept it ",0 "I just want food that's not ice cream someone bring me a crunchwrap right meow ",0 "Why does this happen to me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can never have 2 good games in a row ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ baby , where'd you go ? ",0 "When people pop their joints it seriously makes me want to vom . #disgusting ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yet it shouldn't .. ",0 "I need to make an eye appointment but my eye doctor offends me 90% of the time I need a new eye doctor . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow cool grant .. I wanna be your role model !!! #Annoyed ",0 "Football is over ... ",0 "Oh Jesus that letter . ",0 "Anddd another person I know died of a heroin overdose . Come on people this isn't cool ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what happened with this weekend ",0 "I . Need . Coffee . ",0 "If someone doesn't get me out of this house I'm going insane . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ The downfall of Christmas money and after Christmas sales ",0 "Most likely nothing I have no life ",0 "And I can hear a lot of people talking shit in me in the back ground ",0 "#mytop20bands Cults , Say Anything , Chiodos , Best Coast , and Fleet Foxes . ❤ This was so hard sorry all other amazing bands ",0 "So the one day I don't wear a hoodie it's freezing outside . ",0 "I miss when you were there 24/7 ",0 "Ouch I burnt my finger ",0 "I have no motivation to get out of bed knowing that I have 10 hours of classes ahead of me ",0 "I was doing so good in my diet .. now I'm fucking it all up . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mi so sorry I had my nieces christening ! ",0 "I love how you take 10 mins to answer me back , but when I do it to you , you send it 4 more times ",0 "My ask told me I had a question , but then there was no question ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ what a shut down ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry same happened to me with the toronto ones ",0 "I should get up ",0 "My eye are in fire #DamnAllergies ",0 "If anyone has some free time , come to my job and shoot me to put me out of my Boredom .... ",0 "Tonsils so swollen that I can barely talk . Oh and it's my first day of orientation . ",0 "It's always a struggle getting out of bed for work ",0 "You have to drive like a douche sometimes to get KY drivers to go more than 25 mph ",0 "I don't wanna stay home tonight again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you tooooo come next weekend !! ",0 "THE GRAPES ARE ROTTEN AND SOFT MOM SO \let them sit for a day or 2 "" WON'T MAKE IT BETTER ... "" ",0 "Can't believe I'm not going to rascal . ",0 "When _TWITTER-ENTITY_ doesn't answer the phone ",0 "Back roading ! Just wish it was with you .. ",0 "I hate showing people good music and they just don't appreciate it consider yourself lucky ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't handle it .. ",0 "You've got to be fucking me ... Surprise fucking paper due in like 3 days #fml ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ take it back ! ",0 "This business class is so boring ",0 "I don't want Ethan to leave today ! Three weeks is tooooo damn long ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't even know ",0 "I just want to feel better . Tired of being sick . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ go where lol I'm about to be at the gym what are you guys doin later ",-1 "I miss babysitting Riley . She's so cute . ",0 "It's getting harder and harder right now ",0 "How bout _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today in drivers ed laughing about my tongue ... ",-1 "Why do we have a sat . Practice ? #dumb ",0 "I'm exhausted !!! Hopefully I sleep good ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I see ht ya mean by that but it is very good ! ",-1 "IT'S HOT . IM DOING NOTHING LET ME GO HOME DAMNIT !!!!! ",0 "It's taking so long to warm up ! ❄️ ",0 "And throw my stuff around ? No buddy . No ",0 "I feel like #dammit ",0 "why did this weekend have to go by so fast ... i don't wanna go home ",0 "Slowly losing hope .. ",0 "So much to do today so little time to do it ! ",0 "Everytime a guy likes me I don't feel the same , but when I like a guy I always get fucked over ... Will I ever win ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it might just happen ",-1 "And it's until 10pm so I have to stay until Thursday ",0 "Not gonna get to see my _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this weekend ",0 "So sad that I'm missing #IndianaBeta Convention this weekend hope everyone is having fun though ! ",0 "Lunch time is over ",0 "Doing nothing on a Saturday .... Might as well just go to sleep ",0 "You can't be serious with spelling win like that ",0 "When creepy people like your Instagram photos #wtf ",0 "It's just one of those days ",0 "I guess I should go get ready ",0 "Honestly could punch myself right now ",0 "Annnnnnnnd once again you have to be an asshole as soon as I come home #awesome #thanksdad ",0 "25 days until school .. ",0 "The senior hallway is so sad and empty ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's happened to me a few times but don't worry . It's just a dream . ",0 "Can't believe I took that nap at 9:30 I'm gonna be up all night !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes I do ! ",-1 "I'm probably not even gonna make the track team because of my grades ",0 "16+ inches of snow in Rochester ... awesome .... can't wait to get there ",0 "I keep thinking my cat is my Molly #Wantmypuppy ",0 "I was beyond tired like 3 hours ago but I came home and now I'm not at all ",0 "The days that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I walk to class together are always the better days ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you tweet everyone except me ",-1 "Of course the night I'm most tired the more homework I have . Can I please just be done with school ? ",0 "I love when my Internet is slow and how the wifi works in half of the house ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #withdrawals ",0 "As long as ur happy . ",-1 "I wish I was going to Kicks Country Fair tomorrow ",0 "So sick of this weird girl taking my seat everyday go away ",0 "Extremely jealous of girls who get to talk to their boyfriends everyday ",0 "Because working 8:30 -11 makes perfect sense .. ",0 "I'm really having a bad day today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you okay ? ",0 "Why am I just waking up now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I looked for you guys too… I had a severe flat and had to get a ride home . ",0 "Please snow . Please snow . Please snow . Please snow . Please snow . Please snow . Please snow . Please snow . ",0 "work 4:30 to 8:30 ",0 "More than a year later I'm still paying for my wreck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you already ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ way to boo on my status ",-1 "I need to go shopping ASAP I have no clothes ",0 "you're so gross and ugly as fuck why why why . someone slap me ",0 "I don't get to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ all day . This is the worst day ever . ",0 "So much for my happy ending ",0 "At this time last week I was gettin my drink on at Iron Thunder .... Wish I was there right now #takemeback ",0 "All the classes I need are taken #nkuprobs ",0 "I've read the same page like 100 times ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't get paid till I get back home . I wanna come back out here for a few days sometime soon though . ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm covered in dog hair #huskyprobs ",0 "Guess I'm not getting any sleep tonight . ",0 "I hate when the my hair gets super poofy from the rain ",0 "That feeling you get when you hug someone and you just don't wanna let go . ",0 "I'm about to just freak the fuck out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't wait either ",-1 "No one talk to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... She's being an ass ",0 "My mom always say I don't ever get out of the house but when I said she says no ... Wtf ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it is ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ IM SORRY . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ or what women ? ",-1 "And of course I screw everything up once again ... ",0 "Dad do something fucking useful with yourself and go get me a slushie ",0 "This could be the longest day ever to exist . ",0 "Everyone is aggravating me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks , babe ! Love you too ! And thank you so much ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't get to hear ",0 "Ughhhhh my bath tub is clogged ! Looks like I'm becoming a plumber tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao I know ! i'm terrible at texting I will text you back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's sad how this can relate to a whole pizza too ",0 "I don't wanna dress up tomorrow but I have to ",0 "I hate when my phone goes off and it's not who I think it is ",0 "Omfg . I wish I could do the knife game like bffl . ",0 "Need to wash my hair sooo bad . It's not even soft today . ",0 "I don't see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nearly as much as I'd like to #imissyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't get a text from u ",0 "Sure would be nice to have a dad ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh gawwwd , it isn't near what it is made out to be silly ladies ",0 "I enjoy getting postcards from my principal telling me I'm going places in life ❤ #nerdtweet ",-1 "It's an over thinking kinda night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ryan I definitely will miss you ",0 "Need something to do ",0 "#ThingsGirlLike douchebags #obvi ",-1 "Neeeeed to make food and write 2 papers but I caaaaaant even focus on making food without forgetting ",0 "If someone could deliver me ibuprofin and broccoli cheddar soup from panera , that would be great . ",-1 "We have seriously smelled skunk all the way home from Nashville ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh I wanna play with you two more weeks and we can play ",0 "Just drove by the Wirzburgers & seen Sammy sitting so pretty in the glass door , staring outside at me ❤ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "Im not even joking , My parents literally look for things to do and say to piss me off and inconvenience me ",0 "Milo played in a mud puddle now I have to give her a bath ",0 "Every time I look at a guy or analyze him as far as seeing if he's attractive or good enough ... I'm just like damn . He's not kev . ",0 "Just thinking about _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on her way 3 hours away at 10:30 at night and I'm just like its already past my bed time !!!! ",0 "I need 2 extra graduation tickets . Ill pay if I have to .... DM me if you have any . ",0 "WHY am I still awake .... ",0 "I need to find an apt and move out ASAP ! #cantdeal ",0 "Not even being able to go home to spend Mother's Day with my mom , grandma , or Bailey . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... Booooo ",0 "Someone come save me from these kids ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think we're both wondering the same thing where's our invite ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah most painful bruises ever . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ no since I live in Ohio , I can't go to the arena . Tickets are CRAZY expensive for my family . But I c- ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ NO YOU WILL NOT . ",0 "Wish it was warmer out ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you tooo ",0 "Can't sleep because I can't stop thinking about pizza .. not again ",0 "I won't have time to do my hair ",0 "This has become so confusing ",0 "Being so stressed out is really ruining my day ",0 "I'm freezing , and stuck here for 3 and a half more hours ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hate you I have a cold now ",0 "I'm so tried ",0 "I wish I could just stop thinking so much all the time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I mean you were going to hang with my bro without me because that's perfectly fine ",0 "Forgot my ugly Christmas sweater and Christmas wreath at home ",0 "What do you mean they don't cancel work for snow ? ❄️ ",0 "Ben Affleck as the new #batman ?! Nooooooooo ",0 "Haven't worked for a week and I'm still dreading work today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I misses you guys tooooo !!! ",0 "ahaha say goodbye to our lead ! #GetYourShitTogetherSox ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh thanks bitch . Love ya too . ",-1 "Shower then sleep . Work at 11 tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You won't be at E3 How will I get my 2K14 news ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ says the man who wants to drink arsenic ",-1 "Here comes the annoying 4/20 tweets ........ ",0 "I just want jane abb and liz to come home for good missin my crew ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ MAKE ME ANOTHER BRACELET MINE FELL OFF AND NOW WE'RE NOT FRIENDS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know . ",0 "don't wanna feel like this anymore ",0 "This test over the Torah is going to demolish me ",0 "Probably no one should ever text me because you will want to kill yourself from boredom . I'm so sorry . ",0 "so tiredd but can't sleep bc the people in my house are animals ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry .... You know Hardcore tho .... Hardcore porn you FAGIT !!!!! Jk ",0 "Boston will never be the same again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I said that in the car ",-1 "I'm in such a bad mood and I can't even help it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can i not want to go make snow angels , go ice skating , eat a whole roll of tollhouse cookie dough , and snuggle with her BFF ? ",0 "The fact that I have to wake up at 650 on my day off ...... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it sucks doesn't it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry I wish I could ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i dont got your number no more ",0 "The struggles of getting up at 7 . #SoSleepy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm mad at you ",0 "Today is a very sad day . I was just told that my Netflix subscription has been cancelled ",0 "If iTunes was a person I would take a bat to him or her ! can't stand this shit ! ",0 "I'm so stressed about Christmas shopping . I have no money at all and I need to get so much stuff ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my left eye , is closed . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I asked you earlier if you were working and you flat out ignored me whore ! ",0 "Can I not go to my locker without being accused of meeting somebody ? Damn Mattick #chill ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too we need to figure something out so we can hang out ! ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ KYS Sean ",-1 "I miss having a coach , and being on a team . I could have the worst day and go to practice and forget about everything ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Baby Grayson still doesn't want to come out yet !? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but ... I want one . ❤️ ",0 "day ruined . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are doing this on purpose !! ",0 "Mrs. Workman is never at school and we always have Mr. Seip everyday because of it ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ send her my love and prayers she's an amazing lady ",-1 "I could shave my knees 5 times in a row & I'd still miss hairs ",0 "Sqaure Dancing is absolutely the LAST thing I wanna do right now ",0 "this headache though .. ",0 "#SomethingImScaredOf breaking out in hives ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I could cry ",0 "ridiculously nervous . ",0 "I have a very sad daughter ... kittens not doing well .. ",0 "It's too cold to get out of my bed and go to my geography lab ",0 "Can they please show the Hannah Montana Halloween episode on Halloween so we can remember normal miley and Luanne . ",0 "They just left me To go to mburg . #takemewithyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ still can't believe you're leaving us #smh _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Better not be doing work in my classes today ",0 "Fuck ADHD I fuckin hate this shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WE STILL HAVE TO GO TO SUMMER SCHOOL MY DAD GOT AN EMAIL TODAY . IM GOING TO MY COUNSELOR TOMORROW . ",-1 "shout out to my manager for giving me the worst back pain of my life ... #somuchpain ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well if you're ever around or at the beach or something lmk so we can reunite for the first time in 82529 years ",-1 "I wish I was going to see Anderson Cooper tonight . ",0 "Annnnnd my toes are freezing . Wtf ",0 "So I just got home from the sleep over , and no we did not have pizza ",0 "I just want #DayOfLen2013 to be here today and not on Friday ",0 "Third night without it ",0 "I'd give anything to go back to that first year of BigStuf with the people I went with and met there #reminiscing #BigStuf2012 ",0 "I feel stupid for doing that now ",0 "When your hair is perfectly straightened and you have to shower ",0 "If I lost him idk what I would do ",0 "I would change so many things if I could . ",0 "I didn't get to go to the fair ",0 "Still haven't heard back from the vet ..... getting rather nervous now ",0 "It's just comical to me how bad of a this has actually been ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Come save meeee i hate math ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so jealous ",0 "I really can't even handle this right now . ",0 "Oomf never speaks to me anymore . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my moms moving to Butler ",0 "Once again , everything is my fault . ",0 "I hate when _TWITTER-ENTITY_ comes over and puts the thermostat down to like 65 ❄️ #Frozen ",0 "I forgot how to do math ",0 "When you wake up from a zombie apocalypse nightmare and you and your best friend are the last survivors in the WHOLE WORLD !!! ",0 "so mad I'm missing Wiz but Michigan is about to be the beEeeEEEsssSSsSssT ",0 "I guess it's about time for me to go home ",0 "Most guys turn cuddling into something else , it makes me angry ",0 "Friday school is bout to suck a big one tomorrow .. Don't get out till 6:15 !? ",0 "Guess whose dumbass left her debit card in the check at Applebee's last night ? ",0 "Getting a call my mom is in the hospital is not what I expected of the day . ",0 "Subtweeting is funnn ",-1 "someone that will just listen .. ",0 "It's snowing out and our house is set to 62 ... Not okay . I'll just keep my winter jacket on ",0 "I have no will power ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ someday , i'll have an iPhone ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is gonna kill me in the morning ",0 "Oh yeah , I work til 3 #buzzkill ",0 "Just really miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Didnt work again today ... Now it's been 2 weeks . Tells me the schedule changed & he'll call me if he ever needs me . Ohh ",0 "The snow plow always misses my road and snows me in goodness . ",0 "I dont wanna be sick anymore ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just wish it was 25$ to cup and muffin you guys make da best coffeeeeee ",0 "Well since I left all of my shoes and school , I have to change again . ",0 "Seeing you , or even hearing your name , STILL makes me cringe ",0 "I have so many things to do after I go back to brazil still have 1 month and 29 Of vacations ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ friday then ",-1 "I'm ready for tmrw night ... today was hectic & I'm sure tmrw will be too . ",0 "My favorite people in the world are graduating this year . ",0 "I miss my chihuahua and boyfriend so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was a scary squirrel . ",-1 "Eric and John are making me play hacky sack with them ... ",-1 "It's nice to have a guy friend that I can see almost whenever again although I do miss my Dearest ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so bad at training but I love you . ",0 "Work this early in the morning ",0 "midland gets down for the 4th . I miss it down here so much around the holidays . ",0 "As much as I love dancing .. I'm reallllly not feeling it this morning ",0 "My nose has been bringing me trouble my whole life ",0 "Ap stats and ap physics left ",0 "Why does the hottest chick in fast 6 have to die ? ",0 "Something is causes these bad dreams . But I don't know what ... ",0 "I really don't wanna work tomorrow #Ick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's what I've heard !!!! But I'm sure we'll be at college by the time it's here ",0 "My favorite neighbor puppy hadn't been at the window lately . I'm concerned ",0 "This is going to be one bittersweet banquet ",0 "People who just grab food off your plate <<< stop you have your own ",0 "It's cold in the house and woke up sooo early to go to a class I don't like ! Awesome ! Fml ! ",0 "Gotta love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ broke down truck . Looks like no Taco Bell for us ",-1 "English exam tomorrow <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ",0 "Someone died at TURNER FIELD TODAY !? ",0 "Damn it , why can't I be 21 already ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh . One of you let me know how it is ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't even get on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",0 "Dixon is so packed it's not even funny . ",0 "jordan nags me to do my homework more than my parents do ",0 "Did someone say bowling till midnight .... ",0 "welllll then . ",0 "Brandon won't be at lunch . ",0 "But there's so much to do in 21 days ",0 "Dang it just realized we are timing the 2 mile tomorrow ",0 "So hungry but don't wanna eat ",0 "This is gonna be a loooonnng day . ",0 "This is not the time for a migraine ",0 "I hate when I develop little crushes on cute guys that I have absolutely have no chance in the world with ",0 "I hate the first day of class cause they have to pronounce my name and they butcher it ",0 "I wish I was at the Wild game right now ",0 "Speaking of ! #oomf compared me to a fruit ",-1 "I shouldn't have ate before practice ",0 "I think Kaitlyn scratched my lip last night ... ",0 "If I put eyeliner on for nothing I'm gunna be pissed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i know it's been like 4 days but i just really miss you already ",0 "I wish my brother would just go away for a week and hopefully learn how to grow up ",0 "I just want some Taco Bell ",0 "So annoyed I don't have an iphone ",0 "I don't know which is worse , regular time or a 2 hr delay .. #SoTired ",0 "I want to go swimming so bad but I want to go to Holiday World more #COMEON #LETSGO ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "if I leave my bedroom door open while I'm not home my animals come in and get into my stuff but if I keep it closed it's freezing . ⛄️❄️ ",0 "If u see a beaut silver truck w/ godsmack stickers on the back its me driving Greg's truck .. he took my car to drill for the wknd #missit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why is it impossible for you to notice me , I love you so much 1 ",0 "No I do not was to fucking play jelly splash !! Quit sending me requests on Facebook !!!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahhh ... oh god ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ all the notes we're gonna have to take ",0 "Remembering you have homework << ",0 "Oh I hate migraines #badday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what ?!?! text me ",0 "Could barely focus during my game bc of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sexual comments you suck at reffing ",0 "It's not her fault .. ",0 "Only if people could see me right now they be like ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ please come home , right now . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nooo never ever . Our true beauty would be too much for social networking ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i love you though ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry I'm such a slut ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Meanie ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ poor kid ",0 "My weekend is gonna suck without _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "tell me with your mind body and spirit , I can make your tears fall down like the showers that are British #1D ",-1 "This day could not get any worse ",0 "not sure what the hell is going on with my head . ",0 "Avryl is taking over my best friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm the back up friend . People only talk to me when they need someone to talk to . When they need me , they lean on me . Then they leave . yep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ blame school and work , not me ",0 "Most depressing day of the year .. Day after Christmas . ",0 "I'm just embarrassing myself . My dreams will remain dreams ",0 "I want to skip psych ",0 "When your crying so hard that you cant see and you fall down the staires ",0 "I really wanna play GTA ",0 "THIS IS WHY I HATE SNAPCHAT . FREAKS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I knowwww ! ",0 "I'm so glad I get to spend my last moments of school before break with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #mixedemotions ",-1 "I get the biggest sweet tooth at night ",0 "My butt is sore ",0 "Gonna watch _TWITTER-ENTITY_ play goalie tonight . This is going to be interesting ... ",-1 "Almost done with the last book ",0 "I wish my room would clean itself ",0 "I have so many scratches on my iPhone it makes me sad ",0 "When lil bro cheers because his sister will be home in 11 days >>>> #sosweet #everyonemissesher ",-1 "In the summer you have to force my dog to go outside and play . Winter snow comes around and he goes nuts and refuses to come in ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you faggot #DayRuined ",-1 "The _TWITTER-ENTITY_ drivers are always busy lately ",0 "Twas not a wise choice to stay up so late #dying ",0 "I miss last years seniors ",0 "Sooo nobody asked me any questions .......... I'm so UNPOPULAR ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't ruin this day for me bitches ",0 "Think I'm gonna take a nap bc I'm so tired right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ So heated right now . What a joke of a game today . ",0 "Hearing Risa and Tim just make me upset because I don't have that anymore .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same ! And sneezing every 5 seconds ",0 "I absolutely hate my job ! ",0 "I'm trying to go swimming ",0 "Like whyyyyyy couldn't his parents let him take his phone ",0 "I don't wanna work this weekend . ",0 "probably the worst decision in my life . ",0 "I think I'm having a food aversion to Seafood . It just doesn't taste right anymore . ",0 "Heath Ledger was such a good actor , Joker scares me so bad . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey life flies by in twenty four years that two years will feel like nothing .. But I know ",0 "Ugh . I miss you ",0 "getting sick to my stomach , this is gonna be a rough night seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for the last time on assembly hall ",0 "screw this scheduling shit #pissedoff ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tell her to snapchat me baaaaack ",-1 "Why is it dark outside already nooooo ",0 "they're so white and big ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm dying bc I'm stuck at work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ! hey I go give plasma today for the first time ! ",-1 "Deciding on which Twitter symbol to use sucks . #IHateDecisionMaking ✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❃ ❋╰☆╮⋆ ✢ ✣ ✤ ✥ ✦ ✧ ✩ ✪ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✯ †∞☮♬ Wahhh ",0 "Now that I think about I might have them damn sneakers ",0 "Okay this can stop now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't do well with those kinds of things ",0 "OH MY GOD I CAN'T BREATHE ",0 "My foot fell asleep ",0 "I'm missing Ready for Love and Awkward tonight . ",0 "the neighbors bass is so loud that it just knocked my pretty flowers off my wall . ",0 "I wish I could watch Game of Thrones tonight ",0 "Literally cannot stand people who smack their food ... like ahhh stop !!! It's repulsive . #imdying ",0 "Do I even want to wrestle this year .. ",0 "Training the girl who is taking my place at work this summer I'm gonna miss it ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me to ",0 "today's going so slowwww . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't get a nickname !!! ",0 "I feel like I'm always the third wheel ",0 "So tired . But so much work to get done . ",0 "I miss my best friend . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Whoever is calling me from a blocked number please leave me alone ",0 "I've cried way too many times in the past 3 months ",0 "I'm too lazy and tired to workout today ",0 "I have like the worst knee cramp right now . ",0 "all i want for christmas is you . ",0 "When my bestfriend doesn't reply to me ",0 "If I don't play pond hockey this break I will be mad ",0 "I hope my brother gets out in April ",0 "My feet a freezing !! ",0 "i feel like i'm getting sick ",0 "So cold that I'm currently typing under 2 planets . ❄️ ",0 "Leave my house so I can eat already ",0 "That was so mean , sorry ",0 "All I want to do is something that I can't do right now ",0 "Glad I get asked to your games ",-1 "Somebody text me while I'm working ",0 "#StoryBehindMyScar the stretch marks I have ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why do you hate me please tweet to me I love you ",0 "I really hope I'm not getting the flu ",0 "Need distraction from studying , going to die from macro terms . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is at a hot yoga class with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I've gotten no snap chats #wtf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't like this post at all !! You deserve to be happy ! ❤️ ",0 "& my Hoodie is wet now too #cold ",0 "I hate getting shots #ouchy ",0 "it sucks that they're so bad for me ... ",0 "Seriously don't need this . ",0 "I have nothing to do today .... sad to say but I miss working ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry that I'm annoying doe ",0 "4:40 , and I'm still awake ... Netflix is to blame ",0 "Praying all goes well at the doctors #scared ",0 "I was looking forward to going to the game tonight and seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #maybenexttime ",-1 "Drinking last night prolly wasn't a good idea since I had to work this morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me neither ",0 "Dropped three hundred dollars on my car today ",0 "So . Fucking . Annoying . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ at least someone understands ",-1 "just slept for 15 hours and still feel like crap ! #HelpMe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not that's you ",0 "My wisdom teeth need to come out ASAP cuz this pain is seriously intolerable ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lucky you ! ",-1 "I WANT CHOC COVERED STRAWBERRIES ",0 "I can hardly hold my eyes open right now . ",0 "I hate sad movies . ",0 "All you do is bitch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww that's right are you going to bring someone else with you ? ",0 "WHY DO I HEAR RAINDROPS ON MY HOUSE ",0 "DAMN WHY DO THE FALCONS SUCK THIS YEAR ",0 "Seeing that picture of you makes me miss you so much .. ",0 "My neck is killing me . Makes me wish I didn't sleep last night . ",0 "I hope _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are just livin ' it up in Cali ..... While I'm in Wathena Bring me back something nice ",0 "I just wanted to color some damn eggs ",0 "But I don't want to be sick during spring break ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I would love even a whole day ! We didn't have time to get off our tour bus at anything itching to go back !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm pumped now ! You better be coming ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whim working til 10 ",0 "I want to be cute tonight but also warm ... THE STRUGGLE ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ew puke ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you disappeared from my snap chat list . ",0 "the bank statement I just got in the mail made me wanna cry a little ",0 "Thanks for making me hot tea _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #sickgirl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ boo i missed you guys ",0 "It really upsets me the friends that I've become distant from this past year . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you TR ",0 "I hate when I take a nap & one that was suppose to be maybe 2 hours turns into a 4 hour one & your whole evening is gone .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so many good things . DONT JUDGE ME ",0 "Annndddd here comes the stampede from the people above me ",0 "Sometimes I go to retweet one of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tweets only to be let down and realize I can't . Like , why ? ",0 "Gonna miss seeing you everyday .. ",0 "I miss shelb and nic and all my other sisttaaas ",0 "Whyyyy is jimmy johns closed ",0 "It needs to not rain one day . My car is in need of a bath ",0 "I want to go home !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will drive 2 hours next time just to be there ! I'm so jealous ! ",0 "Tomorrow I have to talk with two other people in Spanish for TEN MINUTES . So like , can I just go ahead & give myself an F & call it a day ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't even make it today ",0 "Wes gets off in 15 minutes too bad I can't freaking see him ",0 "A week and a half off ... tomorrow is going to be rough #backtowork #ugh ",0 "I've never been on a plain before I think I'm going to have an anxiety attack ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ who's gonna give me a ride back to the school ? ",-1 "I dont want to get up for basketball tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm gonna miss you !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh I fucking wish about 9 more months ....... ",0 "Stressed to the max . ",0 "This rain makes me so lazy ! ",0 "I misses the touchdown everyone is talking about !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry ",0 "I'm sick , and I sound like a man . #embarrassing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I missed y'all too ! I was forced to go to Georgia ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ those are disgusting ",0 "Patrick can wake up now please ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I am though .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ for me it's everyday it SUCKS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I just want you to come back so we can play in the sand ",0 "I just want to study for this test ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ those bitches . Get better bbg ",-1 "This is exactly what I knew would happen . Fall asleep only to wake up a couple hours later . ",0 "I hate how my blanket and pillows have _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' s beautiful scent , but she isn't here ",0 "#arresteddevelopment season 4 is so weird . It's like a completely different show . And I can't figure out what's happening . #help ",0 "Well it looks like I can't cross the New Years kiss off my bucket list ",0 "My rant is over . Sorry . I'm not trying to be mean but it's all over my timeline and I get stresses out very easily ! ",0 "Why am I not tired . Tommorow is gonna kick my butt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i dont tweet that ",0 "And I can't hit the snooze button again ",0 "I wanted the game though ",0 "Wow I will seriously be SO pissed if it rains on Saturday . I want it to be sunny & beautiful out for hash bash . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ now we will have to wait until camp .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my dad won't let me ",0 "I just saw a tweet from an hour ago from a tri-valley kid & I'm so pissed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I meant bed . But , you right , you right . Best sleep ever . ",0 "Too bad _TWITTER-ENTITY_ isn't here today .. I need a hug ",0 "Holy soreness . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you can still come this weekend right ? ",-1 "Mrs Manheim's exam was brutal , especially since it was after she read us off every answer before taking it . ",0 "Someone tweeting but not texting you back .. Cough cough _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I have a bruise on my arm from Travis ",0 "I don't want to be an old lady . All they talk about is interracial relationships and quilt shops . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss your face at practice ❤ ",0 "So many questions without answers ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh thanks ",-1 "I had to get up at 5 to get ready to leave at 7 to get to my 8 AM class to find out that would be the only class I would go to ",0 "I miss my mom so much . ",0 "My parents are going to see Shinedown next month and I can't go because its 21 and over . #pissed ",0 "Can't even go to sleep because the side I sleep on my leg is cut up too pieces !! #sore #tired ",0 "Thank goodness for my 10 foot long charger ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg I have no clue why you were blocked !?!?! ",0 "Somebody hangout with me tonightttt ",0 "I literally have no idea on what to do for the next hour until the hawks game ",0 "My Ears & headKill✈ ",0 "you were my hero & i was your sidekick ",-1 ".... so I work 9 days straight before I get another day off awesome just awesome ",0 "I NEED to be at the beach SOOOO bad ! ",0 "NOTHING in me wants to get out of my warm , comfy bed . NOTHING . ",0 "Why do I even let myself get excited about boys anymore #guardsgoingbackup ",0 "I'm sick of this dang iPhone ! #IPhoneProbzz ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ OH NICHOLAS But no .... squad on deck . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my gosh , he's getting so big ",-1 "I don't like getting ignored ",0 "i need to get away from everything , i wish it was spring break time ",0 "Fuck English . Forreal . ",0 "I really need chase right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was so weird ",-1 "Don't lie to your friends about hanging out with your boyfriend ",0 "Every time I fall asleep something wakes me up .... ",0 "my perspective of life is totally changing after that shit happened last night ",0 "When my girlfriend sleeps so late I'm so lonely _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I really miss Kayla . ",0 "I finally get an iPhone and now everyone's saying galaxy's are better . fuck that I think iPhones are way better . ✌️ ",-1 "I don't even know what's happening ",0 "Sorry for being such an embarrassment ",0 "physical therapy for the second time within 24 hours . I might die ! #ughhh ",0 "Literally on my death bed ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you too . ",-1 "I don't wanna go to school tomorrow ",0 "Getting emotional writing out all of these senior pics for my friends ",0 "I was just driving on the wrong side of the road and a car was coming towards me #DEAD ",0 "February vacation was the best and April vacation will be the worst ",0 "Of course the day I get my tonsils out its supposed to be 81 degrees ",0 "I'm fucking pissed . ",0 "Sweet ..... I can't walk . ",0 "I hate humidity ",0 "Wish my face would stop breaking out #Stressed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know 6 is too early ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my mom would be like , \Oh , you dying ? K sweetie , see you in hell in like 50 years . Say hi to grandma for me . Love you . "" "" ",-1 "I miss Rochester and all my friends there ",0 "Got my prom dresses today ! #excited ",-1 "Hopefully _TWITTER-ENTITY_ comes watches this movie with me ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ k jerk ",-1 "whatt my phone is getting crazy ",0 "At the doctors and the nurse had poked me 3 times and still can't get my blood #ouchhhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ id go with ya ! If I was still in Florida ! ",-1 "I just wish I could eat and not feel like I have to puke afterwards ",0 "I hate Sundays ! Everyone makes you wait till the football games over to hangout ",0 "I'm going to take that as a no ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ah I would but I'm away , can't play any games until next week ",0 "This pain is worst then anything .. ",0 "Laying in bed , not able to sleep leads me to thinking about the most absurd things . Past , present , future , life , non-existent ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ very bad if we did that we would have been pulled over ! ",0 "I'm literally praying I don't have to work on me and Christians anniversary . ",0 "I just took the scariest picture of my dog ever .. I couldn't even send it to Brett . ",0 "Working at chestnut makes me depressed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you both dearly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm one of those people and tucker ALWAYS does it wrong ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it wasn't her who made it . But I know . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sad but beautiful song #SaySomething ",0 "Can I just go home ? Please . ",0 "Nothing . Talking to my puppy dog cause I got no one else to talk too ",0 "My day just went from bad to worse . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ um ! :/ ",-1 "Well my fishing date got cancelled . ",0 "I'm scared for Kent . ",0 "I hate feeling so shitty . #fluprobs ",0 "i cannnot even get a break ",0 "everything's perfectly fine when we're together , then this shit has to happen ",0 "Thank god I have Tiffany's sunglasses so I can be extra happy when I sit on them and break them ! ",0 "I can not express how much I'm ready for this semester to be over with ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not leaving town or I would ",0 "I live too far away to hang out with , yet you'll drive past my house to go to the barn ... logical . NOT ! #lame ",0 "I wish I actually got to go home tomorrow ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I guess it will have to be unless you come hang this weekend ",0 "I wanna go to the MSU game .. ",0 "I need to invest in some rain boots & an umbrella . ☔ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's ok I think we're better than ice cream ",-1 "I love the fact I have midterms to study for after today ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oops but you're already an angel remember ? ",-1 "I can never shave my knees ",0 "the smokers club tour would be so fucking sick to go to ",0 "Caleb is cuddled up close to me , but screams if I even touch him ",0 "I can't find my car charger ",0 "I remember those days when talking to you were daily things to do but now it's lucky to be a year thing ",0 "when your nails are bad , so is your entire outfit ",0 "Such a shitty night of sleep ",0 "I hate these pants ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I do tooooooo !!!!!!!! ",0 "USC baby ! Bringing home the natty tonight ! Back where it belongs !!!! .... wait , shiiiit #number1toUnranked ",-1 "my hobbies include browsing wanelo and then crying #helpmeimpoor ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am so scared for Spanish ! ",0 "Emma lost my oakleys . ",0 "so mad at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for not coming to see me .... ",0 "So my car broke down ",0 "Went to subway bought one footlong and got another one for free ",-1 "This game is upsetting me ",0 "I probably should have practiced everything I need to do on my model Tuesday but I slept all day instead #NeedToGetOnIt ",0 "Over the ending for tonight being so near ",0 "I wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why didn't you say anything ",0 "baby brooks is probably gonna be out for the rest of the season ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not in it ",0 "Twitter is off and on tonight , anyone elses work then not work ??! ",0 "But seriously , I just want a Matty in my life .. ",0 "Is it 6:15 yet ? ",-1 "The kid behind be in class must think he's a professional drummer because he taps on his books allll class ",-1 "I had some really good pizza at Whole Foods with tomatoes , basil and mozzarella . And it was just like the pizza we had in Italy ",-1 "It's too the point I don't need waypoints anymore I know the whole map ",0 "I didn't though ass face ! ",0 "What a day it has been ",0 "completely lost it today . today SUCKS . ",0 "Feel like complete crap ",0 "NEVER . TAKING . A . CAB . AGAIN . ",0 "I hate when people come over and I let them wear my cloths and they never give it back . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's in your settings ",-1 "My body feels like it got hit by at least 20 semis ",0 "I miss the bond me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ used to have . #twintime #missyou ",0 "I miss Athena ",0 "I'm not about that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ life ",0 "My parents are coming here for thanksgiving so I definitely won't get to see my frans ",0 "I'm too poor to be addicted to Redbull . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I willl be ! ",-1 "I always get screwed over with online shopping .. ",0 "Damn near had to walk to McDonalds since Wabash is pulled up .. The things we'll do for a diet coke _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm so bored ",0 "Mississippi isn't any warmer ",0 "I want to tell everyone about my plan . but I don't want Dom to find out ",0 "After this week ill be the official first loser of fantasy football finishing 1 game out of the playoffs ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : -.-"" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : (˘̯˘ ) she'll win ! "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yep """""""" ",-1 "So done with everything ",0 "Little People Scare Me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I WANT TO RETWEET THIS ! ",0 "... but I'm lazy . ",0 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! Sorry I was being an ignorant bitch last night ! #loveyou ",0 "totally just cried my eyes out because my boyfriend hit a chipmunk the chipmunk looked at me before he died .. like he knew it was coming ",0 "My baby's in twitter jail . ",0 "I had a really good weekend I miss it ",0 "Can't deal with this sunburn can I just crawl back in bed and cry ? #ouch ",0 "It's the end of the world when someone eats your dinner for the night and you just found out ",0 "Bam doesn't even look cute with this haircut ",0 "I really hope I can just make the appointment on the phone I've already been there to get it done the first time and I NEED SLEEP ! ",0 "So bored I wish the tournament wasn't canceled , I hate snow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its not for sure yet , but im assuming that im going to the end of year-camp in DC around May 30th . ",-1 "He just need friend to talk , not need me . ",0 "Are they really canceling SpongeBob ? ",0 "Greys anatomys on I don't have time for homework ! ",0 "almost paid $50 for my missing key & then searched Ellie's bag n found it #CheerCamp2k13 ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ; Rigggggght !! Especially when I have to come back again later ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish i would have ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol , always . You used to talk to me every single day in school . Oh wait , I know why that was fag . ",0 "I'm gonna miss them ",0 "The bill nye tho account has been suspended apparently ... my life is over ",0 "I hate Burger King ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ agree completely ",-1 "I blame the horrible ref _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for my loss in that extreme Rock , Paper , Scissors duel me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ had ",0 "So much for getting for getting out of work at 2 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry girl ... it did weird shit like send pics to ppl that I didn't check and much more .. I missSnapchat but I'm over it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wth is wrong ?! ",0 "Cannot go a day with out eating Keith's pizza . Addicted ",0 "Ryan Braun is a disgrace . ",0 "I miss drew ",0 "Why is this bugging me so much ? ",0 "MOM RLY WHERE ARE YOU ",0 "This weather is making me tired & cranky ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you cannot match me ever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry summer .. I'll be nice to you from now on . ",0 "HOLY SHIT HE SAID MARCO WHEN HE'S TRYING TO KILL THIS GUY AS IF HE'S GONNA BE LIKE YEAH POLO COME KILL ME ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so sorry I hope whatever you're going through gets much better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is your diet coach speaking ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for disappearing on me today ",0 "I wish I had money ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no one more month and i'll know ! ",-1 "To tired for this wish I could cuddle with her ! #cutie ",0 "I miss my cat Mommy will be home tomorrow , buddy ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i haven't . and i probably really don't want to . ",0 "I miss my _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Someone get subway with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry ",0 "Where is Ryan ",0 "I only have two chapters left of my book ",0 "Fuckin dentist tomorrow ",0 "I wish I could go to cp already ",0 "Saw the cutest German Shepard puppies but dad doesn't think they were pure breed . ",0 "I wish I got to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ more ",0 "Just fucked up my ankle again ",0 "That moment when I dry my hair for what seems like 20 minutes and it's only half dry #forgetit ",0 "I just want a duck ",0 "I had to spend all day today with family and I wasn't allowed to use my phone ",0 "Chills . Aches . Fever . If you need me I'll be in my bed . ",0 "I wish you were still awake ",0 "I just need you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for the invite ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ poor you just come back early ! Call in sick ! ",0 "i hate people ",0 "I don't like tummy aches ",0 "I . Can't . Read . Anymore . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and you say I'm mean and take forever to respond ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't have blue berries ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're arguing with me tho and won't tell me anything ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's bc you need a beer ",-1 "I've been doing 95% of the painting today . Time for a break ",0 "Growing up was the worst idea I have ever had ",0 "i finally figure out what i want and i can't even have it ",0 "walking through mud and hosing down my dog is NOT something I wanted to do minutes after a shower ",0 "Why do I have trust issues ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha sorry cant do it . Don't have a picture of you or Taylor to put on there lol ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ even if I make a knife song video ? ",-1 "Teen wolf #shocked ",0 "We have planes but my dad thinks its a great idea to drive nine hours instead .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ya I know I just wanna call off and sleep all day though , I feel like complete shit still ",0 "FUCK why are the vans I want back ordered until July ",0 "I don't like that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ doesn't have Facebook right now #stalkerprobz ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ if I wanted your opinion I woulda asked . #jerk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Katie me and my mom see that man quit a bit , when he was with his dog . Now we saw him without ! Ik it's weird . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ uh yea I knowwww ! ",-1 "Bethel is closing at 1 . Only problem ? My classes were at 8 and 930 this morning . #sadday ",0 "I miss my friends _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Im getting bored of the single life . No advantages to it since I dont sleep around w guys or have flings . I want a long lasting relationship ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you and me both .. And no medicine really helps so it's basically the most annoying thing in the world ",0 "Just love how your family talks shit about me AND your son ... Im DONE ! ",-1 "Wish someone would work for me ............. realllllly need to study ",0 "Does anybody know a thing about Physical science ? ",-1 "My dads showing all my family members the video of me getting hit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha not many do you we're just mean last night ",-1 "It would rain all day on my day off ! ",0 "Can't go to the tractor pulls now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right .. ",0 "The one thing I hate the most is having to wait on something ",0 "Spending another day in nj ",-1 "Wish I had someone I trusted enough to talk to about this ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Please thank everyone for the ideas ... they are all good ....... a lot I hadnt thought of .... ",0 "I really wanna see Silva vs . Weidman 2 but I know my dad won't order it ",0 "they have complete nudity in dexter ?? whyyy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ blame science . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so mean ! ",0 "I know that you've reached a better place , still I'd give the world to see your face .. ",0 "ugh why didn't i go last night ",0 "This is literally why I never text you . ",0 "My feet have blisters from those heels last night , and tomorrow I have to put my cleats on for my tournament #ouch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah you like him but didnt like my link . I see . ",0 "I've seriously been back to school for twenty minutes and I already have anxiety #help ",0 "I am on the verge of tears someone bring me ice cream ",0 "Stuck on you . ",0 "Oomf is coming over tomorrow yay !!! & pep-rally , pajama day , & game after school !! Tomorrow should be good other than my Algebra test ",-1 "How am I even awake someone help ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish I could ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ means the world to me . Idk where id be or what id do without him i love you so much ",-1 "I'm so tired and ready for bed . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so sad they're cancelled ",0 "I let the smallest things get under my skin when I wake up . Then I'm in a shitty mood for the rest of the day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ SORRRYYYYY I was just thinking of who went to Stowe last week ! Forgive me ❤❤❤❤❤ #loveyou ",-1 "Need to learn to lock my phone since I deleted like 10 pictures on insta by mistake ",0 "Being nauseous is the worst feeling ever ",0 "But I have to wait like a week to dye it ",0 "All I want for Christmas is a good nights sleep in my hotel room .... But that's not going to happen ",0 "Feel like I'm getting sick ",0 "Lollll guy from chick-fil-A .... totally almost gave me a free Orange juice b.c he was too busy talking to me .. should have taken it ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ please come home now . I miss you . I think I am going threw a withdrawal . . ",0 "I feel empty inside because there are no announcements today . ",0 "Today's big interview went super and all , but upon reflecting on it I have driven myself nuts over one of my answers #postgradproblems ",0 "I feel like I'm getting sick ! ",0 "Looking for cars is so stressful ... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Just came across an amazing scholarship _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I don't even graduate until 5 months after the scholarship must be used ... ",0 "I have yet to see THIS IS US because no one will go with me worst fan ever , sorry babe _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you more ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too ",0 "This holiday would have been way better if I could have seen _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . ",0 "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuccckkkk . ",0 "Transformation Tuesday : Wow you grew in size ! Everyone does . And I saw a baby picture last Tuesday , you still look the same this Tuesday . ",-1 "Fudge working a fucking 2 1/2 hr shift on this beautiful day . ",0 "It's not an award show with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Really liking this turf burn on the whole side of my leg . ",0 "No mirror pic Monday today _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 ": you were mad at me last night for something I never did . But you & Lauren man (; gettin it . Bye . ✋✋ ",0 "I'm so mad at my dad . ",0 "I need more lady time , but that means I need girls who actually want to hangout ",0 "I'm wearing a maxi dress for the first time tomorrow . Don't judge ",-1 "Feeling completely overwhelmed right now . We have to watch willies moms dog while she has surgery and he's a pain ",0 "I'm already up and ready now ",0 "My room is so fucking cold , it's like antarctica ❄⛄ ",0 "Look I don't know who taught you how to drive , but when it is so fogging you can't see you TURN YOUR LIGHTS ON !!! #rantiftgeday ",0 "Can I just not be getting sick ? ",0 "omg I feel so desperate right now #nolife ",0 "Why are you in my dreams ? #getout ",0 "feeel so shitty now time for beddd ",0 "Will you please just disappear already .. ",0 "kinda sad now .. #SofiaTheFirst went off and now I have to clean . boooo ! ",0 "I'd like to know why there are so many mullet dresses I'm stores #theyresougly ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too i'm so irritated ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ want me to beat him up for you ? ",0 "Why do I feel so tired ? I'm trynna do somethin today ",0 "I never have a day off to kick back and check out my sabres !! I really need to see my team once ! #Raketheleafs ",0 "I just wish I had time to nap ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ never mind ",-1 "What is up with this weather ?! It's totally killing my summer vibe . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",0 "I forgot my headphones ! ",0 "That shot is just disgusting ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I knowww ",0 "Seriously want to cry right now . I spilled coffee all over myself . ☕️ ",0 "I can't wait till getting home at 9:30 is early and I don't have to worry about homework or waking up to an alarm in the morning ",-1 "The fact that I have to work at 9am . ",0 "Whyyy do gyms not have pools ? #IDontGetIt ",0 "To lose someone close can cause so much pain but to lose him I could only imagine how messed up I would be ",0 "I need to study my Spanish , this quiz is going to be so hard ",0 "Someone tell me what the heck _TWITTER-ENTITY_ did . And if we guys can't know will you stop tweeting about it please !? ",0 "I already miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Well that got shot down . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I drank all of mine ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Amanda why do you take forever to open my snapchats "" cause I have a life "" ",0 "So aggravating how this school doesn't help you with the stuff you need #WHYDOYOUEVENWORKHERE ",0 "One more month till school .... I feel like we just got out ",0 "Class till 6- 8:45 ",0 "I Think We All Dooo . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I tried that entire night but somehow that didn't work out very well ",0 "I'm sick of these crutches already ! ",0 "Working on a Sunday is exactly what I want to do with half my Christmas shopping left ",0 "just going to bed , some shitty day ",0 "oh , micro . I hate you so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh Gosh ! I Can Think Of MANY Times We've Sat In The Car Listening To Music ! God I Miss Those Days ! ",0 "The one time I actually take medicine it makes it so I'm wide awake #ugh ",0 "If only I was turning 21 ",0 "Derrik is trying to make me cry by talking about how little time we have until we turn 30 ",0 "maddie j left like 2 hours ago & i miss her ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ FUCKING STOP I SWEAR TO GOD ",0 "Wanting someone , who doesn't want you <<< worst feeling ever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ now I'm at dinner how's 8- 8:30 ? ",-1 "And my professor is strict about cell phones ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was a Netflix movie ",-1 "Why is everyone being so mean to me lately ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what shot did you get !? ",-1 "Already in bed haha such an old lady ☺️ ",-1 "This woman is in an insane asylum because she's a lesbian ... So ridiculous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wahh I know , I'm goanna cry , I miss being with you 24/7 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You're a big liar . ",-1 "Half way done but it feels like only the beginning .... #fuckessays ",0 "Seriously within like two hours there's only been like 6 pics added on insty ",0 "this pony tail holder doesnt even keep my hair up ",0 "Sims won't load . Now I'm mad . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ knee haha ",-1 "I need to go to sleep I am already dreading that I have to work this week ",0 "#TBH Say what you want , but I really miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you okay rachy ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you , me too ",-1 "You complained about athletics all year last year , you had the choice not to do it this year , and you did , SO STOP COMPLAINING NOW ",0 "It's muggy as shit in this school ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ very much so ",-1 "Have three tests this week #twoinoneday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and didn't stop to see me ? ",0 "It is hot as balls out today . #sweating ",0 "Keexia needs to wake up I'm bored ",0 "Do I really have to go to this class for 8 weeks .... #nooo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ family dinner is a must . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ needs to come too . And lots of family time before you both leave me ",0 "I seriously neeed to stop biting down on my back teeth #ouch ",0 "I'm glad my next 2 classes are in the same building . I don't have an umbrella ",0 "it's not even raining anymore and I don't like it ",0 "I usually don't lose my cellular device , but when I do . It's on silent . ",0 "I just need advice ",0 "tossing and turning for an hour straight in the middle of the night isn't fun ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG I miss you so much ! And idk why ! Let's get together this weekend ❤ ",0 "I wish I was going to volleyball tonight ",0 "Made my lunch this morning and forgot to grab it #SadFace ",0 "Really over this feeling like crap stage ... ",0 "I love a man ... but I must concentrate on myself & do whats best for me before I continue my journey of life with someone else . ",0 "If I just throw up I'd at least feel a little better #ugh #sicktomystomach ",0 "Soo not looking forwards to school Tuesday .. ",0 "I am going to be standing in this line for an hour so my brothers can sit on santas lap ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if I didn't have work I'd play ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ > #Dontworry #Behappy ",-1 "Why do I care .. I never care ",0 "I hate getting up this early , oh well have to get my ultrasound done anyway ",0 "I wish I could grill out with my family , and mick . Buttt I have stupid work At least I'm off tomorrow ",0 "I wish my boo would texts me back ",0 "And then you remember you never got to watch the sunrise ... ",0 "The only thing I hate about the new snapchat is it doesn't send the pictures and it doesn't refresh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Matt is talking to himself ",-1 "Hate working in the rain ",0 "Called my mom 5 times annnnd nothing . She's a light sleeper too ",0 "Its so early but good morning ",0 "Having a severely down-on-myself moment . ",0 "so much for shooting _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #stupidrain ⚽ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish I'm in mt . Pleasant right now touring cmu ",0 "Someone put a freaking smile on my face ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I hate that you can only skip so many times on pandora . ",0 "So sad reading about the 19 firemen that lost their lives in Arizona . Praying for them and their families . ",0 "once again my hatred for Comcast has returned ",0 "I just want to be nakey and sleeping .. Like is that so much to ask for ? ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish it was just a joke love "" i wake up every morning expecting to see you and Ry sitting in your room "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what an asshole ! ",0 "Pretty sure I just got ripped off at the nail salon ",0 "I am about to die it hunger ",0 "So I've come to the conclusion that there is no way I'll pass this Theatre test tomorrow ... ",0 "I can not fall asleep !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's probably the most annoying thing ever ! And it's not even snowing anymore ",0 "I would rather shoot myself in the face than do MCAS today ",0 "Literally so pissed at my dog for breaking my ankle bracelet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ uh maybe if you would talk to me more you wouldn't ",0 "I think I just eat a ashtray . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I miss you ",0 "I lost touch with so many of my old Keystone friends . It's kinda sad ",0 "I hate so much anger an hate built up towards others .. I wish I could just let it all go an be at peace for once in my life .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're jokes aren't funny now ",0 "I lost 3 pounds at practice ",0 "I feel so bad ",0 "If Aria and Ezra can't make it no one will !!! #PrettyLittleLiars ",0 "I just wish my momma was here to shop with me #wah ",0 "If you ever wanna feel like your on fire , blow dry your hair with a mineral hair mask in it and then go in the tanning bed . ",0 "Paige from the Vow , her mom is Sister Jude from American Horror Story . ",-1 "I feel so bad for some of the dudes who date these girls thinking they're good but in reality have been with every guy at their schools ",0 "and still ..... no text whatta surprise ",0 "I hate the rain .. And I hate it even more knowing I'm gonna have to walk through the giant pond in the parking lot tomorrow . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ have fun ! I will miss you at work . Get a beautiful tan ☀☀ ",-1 "The snow makes me so miserable ... #goaway ",0 "Dammit beyond sad right now ... So disappointed .. ",0 "Works freezing ! ",0 "But I don't want to get up ",0 ". Practice at 10 tomorrow ",0 "Another day of missing yoga bc of work not a happy camper ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh . Autocorrect changed it to that . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that makes me want to cry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Big time sick ! #jenny had it Saturday ",0 "Holy shit it smells like shit outside ",0 "Will keeps making me dip ",0 "whats so good about picking up the pieces when none of the colors seem to line up anymore ",0 "Pretttty upset about leaving that Gatorade at the Student Center . ",0 "Guess I'll go kill a couple hours on Pinterest now ... ",0 "School without _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think you should come on back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry ",0 "I honestly wake up super late every stinkin ' day . ",0 "I lost feeling in my pinky ",0 "I am freezing and I just want to have my bed back ",0 "I just fell out of my bed and hit my head ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't like it when someone offers me blueberries that were on the floor haha ",0 "I'm just confused as to why there isn't a pumpkin emoji ",0 "Time to drop everything and move forward ",0 "I'm dreading having to layer up tonight #TitanUpThursday ",0 "Today was a good day til now . Now I feel like I'm dying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh god awful ",0 "A bad childhood incident made me xyrophobic . I can't even look at someone shaving . It makes me cringe ",0 "If I'm getting sick again I'll be heated ",0 "I'm about to throw this computer across the field into a pile of cow shit ",0 "When _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is a wench bag ",-1 "My Pinterest app on my phone hates me . #Whyyyy ",0 "So many bruises ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wish I was there wifff you ",0 "It's gonna be a long long day ",0 "I am so cold ! ❄️ ",0 "I'm really pissed off that Eve ate the mother effing apple right now . ",0 "Stayed in on a Thursday to write a paper ... What is happening to me ",0 "And just when I thought you changed ... ha . #yeahright #oops ",-1 "I really hate you if you print off a million pages in the library ... ",0 "All I want is to feel better dang it ",0 "I thought it was Friday ",0 "When my snapchat doesn't work ! #notcool ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why'd you pull them off !! Haha you should've soaked them in acetone ",-1 "Just had an amazing workout but my #cramps got worse ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ twenty minutes to be exact ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wtf .. It says page cannot be found ",0 "I wish with my career I could actually do my nails . But no that's not possible ",0 "Considering my foot is blue compared to my other one , I can't close it or barely walk on it . But you seem to find nothing wrong with it . ",0 "Death sucks . My loved ones need to take care of them selves to I don't cry ! I love you Grandpa Ed , now you can see Grandma Kitty ! ❤️❤️ ",-1 "i feel so stressed and anxious and i could not tell you why . ",0 "My hair always gets so dark this time of year ",0 "I'm so dizzy ",0 "One of the ladies here at work just said im super pale compared to most normal people . I'm so abnormal ",0 "thank god I skipped my class today to take care of my dog she's so so sick love my little baby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not funny ! Jerk ! ",0 "Peter spends 6 hours on the computer a day sucking up the wifi ",0 "I can't believe it's almost Halloween and I don't have a costume or any plans #favoriteholiday ",0 "My bed feels too big at the moment ",0 "hate that rob works the nights I don't .. bored alllll night ",0 "This rain better stop ",0 "Wifi isn't working at work . Great . What am I supposed to do for the next 7 hours ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's not even our team . And hey that hurricane thing was mean ! ",0 "I just wanna be at a warm beach right now ",0 "☀in paradise ... Yet missing someone very much right now ",0 "So much for being able to play our home games on campus ",0 "10% of the population gets constant reoccurring canker sores ....... so happy to be a statistic ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ have you been able to visit ? ",0 "Some people look so terribly awkward when they run I just pray I don't look so freaking stupid ",0 "I keep telling myself \it's me , not you "" who can't be real and at least try for a relationship . I wish it actually was so I could fix it . "" ",0 "I wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ would get up ",0 "Why does everyone feel the need to go in my room and look for stuff and not even ask me ? ",0 "My biology teacher assigns us to read 9 pages in one night #why ",0 "It stopped . Going back to sleep . Still pissed . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it won't let me look at it .. you still have the screen shot ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks ! will do . Oh and hey . Miss you ",0 "I don't know if that was towards me or not ",0 "“If you wanna be alone I understand , but you're hanging out with other people so I feel like it's just me you don't wanna hang with . \ "" ",0 "I feel so sick right now ",0 "I am so stressed out ",0 "Damn going to miss Man City play cause of class !! ",0 "I workout like every single day .. for a couple years now . but yet I still don't see the results I really want #Whyyy ",0 "Id rather jump off black water cliff again then be at work today ... ",0 "I can't sleep so naturally I'm searching online for log cabins that are for sale that I can't afford anyways ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ....... join the club ! Same ! I even took off this friday and saturday #missingmysweetveisha ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Kanye brought Jesus out on tour . This whole time I thought he'd be with me on this flight . ” ",0 "Will someone take me to dunkies ",0 "idk what happened to my best friend # ",0 "bout to lose my toe nail again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I work all weekend we will plan it for when my parents are out of town ",-1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It's too early for this . ” told ya ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good . She can be a slut sometimes tho . ",-1 "Checking every five minutes to make sure this guy keeps his hands to himself ",0 "vanilla coke has me wired right now . ",0 "My knee is fucked up ",0 "I hate it when my dog barks extremely loud in the middle of the night freaks me out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i miss having someone to get ready with every night so muchh ",0 "Thinking I hit send then five minutes later looking at it again and realizing you didn't <<< ",0 "Def have to keep moments like these before I know it July is gonna be here ",0 "OMG I think I left my water bottle in the weight room ",0 "Just closed the pool feels like summer really is coming to an end #bittersweet ",0 "So mad I can't go to the Michigan game ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ at my sisters dance competition ",-1 "My last Zachary's until December ",0 "Oh my fucking god this headache ",0 "Why the fuck do I have school tomorrow I want to go out ",0 "Damn sometimes things just get to me . #Goodbye2013 #goodnight ",0 "Vine is so annoying sometimes ",0 "Looks like I'm not going to bed anytime soon ",0 "I swear if _TWITTER-ENTITY_ messes up my bed tonight , war has begun ",0 "you really fucking piss me off ",0 "Wish this weekend wasn't over ",0 "It's the worst when tired but you can't pass out ",0 "I hope _TWITTER-ENTITY_ gets better ",0 "Moose is about to die ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my mom has tomorrow off . I miss you already ",0 "At this point , I just need someone to tell me what to do #confused ",0 "it really makes me mad that I am not getting any of my notifications for anything in my phone !!! ",0 "I just wanted to go to a movie ! ",0 "Same shit , different day #asalways ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I'm going to end up doing it too I hate Pandora but I love it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shoot i wont be in OS/OR until like 1:15 ish ",0 "set an alarm for 6:45 , and shut it off during my sleep and i'm now just waking up ",0 "Why does the bank close at 3 ?! ",0 "I feel bad that I got pissy with Derrik because Tori put me in a bad mood #sorrybabe ",0 "Hmmm . If I get chosen to work at the maze it better be with people I know ",0 "I haven't had a day off of work in 9 days ",0 "Can't wait for another wonderful family gathering later ",-1 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so much . ",0 "At the Naval Aviation museum ... museums ",0 "Like I can't handle this movie ",0 "Lauren Conrad is engaged ",-1 "I feel like I haven't seen Kasey in ages ",0 "Im literally going to cry #RipCoryMonteith ",0 "Haven't eaten anything today I'm starving ",0 "It sucks to have a headache before you get on a plane . #death ",0 "023- you're so pretty i miss how close we used to be ",0 "I have absolutely had it with today #beoveralready ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's why I never see you anymore at the y ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u still at wccc ? I never see you ",0 "But i get my license in a month or so ",-1 "But I owe you 300$ ",-1 "Why does my face and chest get red at the most random times . #weirdo < my face right now minus the angriness . ",0 "Lucy is sick and it's really scary . ",0 "First dates make me cringe ... Especially when you are the most awkward girl on the planet . Help . ",0 "I'm so worried about Gpa people's ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe my split ends are horrible but i dont want to take the risk of going omg ",0 "Cool , glad we know how this weekend is going to go now . ",-1 "When we go back to school , im not gunna have anyone except _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . everyone else is leaving me ",0 "I just want to be wined and dined . IS THAT TOO MUCH TO FUCKING ASK ?!?!?! #idonothookup #singlegirlproblems ",0 "Feel like i haven't seen my friends in ages _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Im sick of being alone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too . I'm in lunch detention right now holla ",0 "I think I have a stalker ... ",0 "My weekends aren't what they used to be ",0 "Ice on the knee is a rude awakening in the morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I TRIED TO FIND A WET FLOOR SIGN FOR US AND THEN I COULDNT FIND YOU IM SORRY ",0 "not even home to get my paycheck ",0 "I wish I still lived in my old neighborhood ",0 "I need a new book to read ",0 "Cody hurry up and get home so you can hug me .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol my mom . She made Ellaina cry after graduation ! ",-1 "This headache omg ",0 "People are so ridiculous ",0 "I by far have the dumbest locker ever . And it's in the girls bathroom . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nobody wants to hang out with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ i knowww , sorry Mad ",0 "My nose is stuffed up . ",0 "Heated to the max right now ",0 "Day after Christmas and I'm still shopping for Christmas presents ",-1 "Too cold for life right now ❄️ ",0 "So cold ! ",0 "I hate winter ",0 "I can't take this daycare smell right now ",0 "Having to wake up at 9 bc I miss my best friend <><><><> haha love her !! ",0 "I feel like a piece of shit ",0 "Forever being mistaken as Asian #NativeProblems ",0 "My mom had some serious road rage this morning ",0 "Just washed my face , now watching my sisters keeper ",0 "I don't think anyone understands how much I would give to see Zac brown band next Saturday . #PLEASEEE ",0 "I can't even get up to make food ",0 "Welcome to UND , where students puke in the doorway of classrooms and it doesn't get cleaned up #sick #gambleproblems ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't believe you're going to be in high school !! Seriously it's scary we still need to go to lunch sometime ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i guess that's one way of looking at it , i think he might wanna see a doctor and have that checked out though . ",0 "No way my roommate just handed me a book light and said \I'm going to bed , have fun with your homework "" ...... "" ",0 "One day you're going to wake up and notice that you should've tried ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's so true but he's taken lest he's happy tho ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ when will you be back in the pleasant mountain ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ .... Tiger is being difficult ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im sad they are breaking up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ il leaving for camp right now i wont get to see you before you leave . Have fun in Wisconsin ! come back and visit soon ! ",0 "I love that no body talks to me any more #ForeverAlone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so do we not go to class on monday anymore ? i never got the memo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ gonna miss you next semester ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the things I would do to be in Israel at sunrise right now omg #withdrawl #homesick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",0 "I saw lesbos making out hardcore by my locker today . WHY #EW ",0 "I love my hair but seriously , sometimes it just gets in the way !! #girlstruggles ",0 "Gargling salt water << ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she's embarrassing me ",0 "Just when I think all of my shit involving my grad pictures is done ... Something new comes up . #annoyed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its been two dude ",-1 "There will always be that one guy .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ rebellion ! Keep it going haha I no longer can since I graduated . #meep ",-1 "I just wish my relationship could be like high school again . It was so much easier when we could see each other every day . ",0 "Working is the death of me #uhh ",0 "I've had this migraine for five days now , i think it might be time to go to the doctor #makeitstop ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't be sad shill ",-1 "Everyone in my study hall is bragging about their grades like stfu plz ",0 "Dhgjcxc I so not wanna get outta bed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... well I know exactly how you feel ! Its been forever & a day for me ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ please pick meeeeeee I've been trying all last week ",0 "I might just be PMSing a lot but I don't want to go back to school ... I like being at home ",0 "watching the notebook ",-1 "I hate eating the morning , but I have to ",0 "I am honestly so tired Work should be fun ",0 "Arianna has to go home today ",0 "I hate my body it's disgusting ",0 "Awkward season finally tonight ",-1 "i missed my 5000th tweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ehhhhh you're right , id rather drown myself ... ",0 "training with the city officials next week . #fml #shootme ",0 "The Crazies is probably the scariest movie I've ever seen ",-1 "Nothing pisses me off more than when Russell uses all the hot water because I just love taking cold showers ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i hate that ",0 "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awe That's okay , it would have been fun to have met up somewhere but I understand ! ☺ ",0 "\Okay we'll watch something you want to watch . "" Then zach puts on something he likes . #boysannoyme "" ",-1 "Expect it's never going to happen . I can barely date someone only a year older than be , better yet my actual age ",0 "Okay ew why is everyone talking about being single ",0 "I always forget when so you think you can dance is on .. ",0 "We so could've played softball today . ⚾ ",0 "Man where's _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's not a family dinner without her . Miss you bb ",0 "I hate waiting for my nails to dry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you serious .?! Because of storms .? My sister and I are supposed to work ",0 "Tomorrow still isn't Christmas ... ",0 "I'm drunk . I'm such a lightweight now . . ",0 "i suck at making ramen noodles ",0 "Ugh I really can't deal with anything anymore , just wanna go away for awhile ",0 "quit texting me ",0 "I wanna go muddin tomorrow ",0 "Oh yeah and 3 hour shifts = so pointless . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Level 30 on #CandyCrush can go to hell ! ",-1 "Bryan still has my bat since baseball camp . ",-1 "I need a drink . And it's 130 pm . Typical life of living with Brent Boukal . ",0 "Not the news I wanted to wake up to ... So many people are getting killed so young ",0 "Why are you so damn confusing ?! ",0 "Thoughts and prayers to anyone onboard the plane that crashed near Wake ",0 "I just called my moms work to talk to her and she's not working today ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha pet peeve ! ",-1 "Still haven't done my math homework because idk how to do it #great ",0 "I messed up in my text . And messed up correcting it . ",0 "Someone text me or snapchat me or doing something to occupy me ",0 "Why do migraines exist ? ",0 "Getting to the wellness center and it's closed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good luck to you all probably won't be seeing you . ",0 "Hate when you get the chills and your leg hair grows .. The struggle ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ - _TWITTER-ENTITY_ has 2 pairs - we need to find a third so we can wear em when taking about Mario ",-1 "Boyfriend is passed out and I'm wide awake . ",0 "Why did I ever take a 8am class ",0 "I hate seeing my boy in pain ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was thinking the same thing a few minutes ago ",0 "I really wish I never met you ! ",0 "So upset . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was not enough biscuits ! ",0 "Never fall asleep when you're with Alex and Lexi . ",0 "Now I'm hooked on candy crush again . ",-1 "My mom said I could've stayed home but then I wouldn't be able to do anything this weekend ",0 "so guys . 4/20 is on Easter next year . how you feel now ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hmm Idk what too do , but I'm bored ",0 "Ughhh I don't feel well ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish I could join . ",0 "My hair couldn't dry fast enough I wanna straighten it and get dressed and leave . I'm getting depressed as fuck . ",0 "Teaching yourself how to play guitar is not easy at all . ",0 "So dam tired of being sick ! Why won't it stop ! !! ",0 "And of course I'm sunburnt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it suuuucks so much ",-1 "Why is everyone going home this weekend ? ",0 "Well I don't have a life anymore guys because I've gone through all 4 available seasons of 90210 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh why didn't I go ",0 "I Get Attached To People Way To Easy ",0 "Why do people talk so loud ? ",0 "Stop bitchin . You know who you are . ",0 "I wish Alex would get off work early like last night . This whole seven days a week thing ain't fun . ",0 "I hate pandora commercials . ",0 "My moms having a field day with me coming home on break she's already scheduled me a doctors app , dentist app , and an eye doctor app . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ right . It's the flipping worst . We both #suck ",0 "Failed sister .... ",0 "Beautiful weather the only day I need to be in the empo all day #myluck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for the invite people ",-1 "The women who so annoying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just been unfriendedhahaha #fakeasslove ",-1 "I have to drive home in rush hour now ",0 "I just wanna sleep forever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ make me one ",-1 "Why do I always have to be so damn emotional ? #IHateIt #WishICouldChange ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe it'll be ok . ",0 "Not looking forward to that run to u-Mary tomorrow tho . ",0 "Just because its the final does not mean you get to sit in the seat I've sat in all semester !! ",0 "I need to be around some love it's wayy to cold out here ",0 "The only thing I'm going to miss in high school is my sexy best friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe man I will be in Ohio all weekend ",0 "This is impossible ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was deep ",0 "I dislike Josie & Randi ... ",0 "Can tomorrow be here already .... please ! ",0 "I'm tired can I go home ",0 "Too bad you're taken . ",0 "I'd rather kill myself than furniture shop , unless its Kennsington ... Who didnt look forward to the laffy taffy and warm cookies ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ NICE BLYN ",-1 "I wish I fucking went back with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Why the hell am i awake . Now i'm hungry i want breakfast . #hungry ",0 "I have never been so tired ",0 "I'm soo hungry and I have soooo much to do and it's soooo hot ",0 "I haven't been sick all semester but of course I'm sick af right now when I have 8 million things to do before finals ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're not in first anymore ",0 "Thank God I made it to Florida's coast . If I wouldn't have been able to be on a beach cause of Ohio weather I woulda been pissed . ",0 "I really like going to school and all my classes but I can barely afford to get there every day ",0 "Im happy he's had a girlfriend for this long . Too bad I'm not gonna get any cousins out of it . ",0 "my mom told me my cat won't leave my bed and both the dogs sleep in my room every night . I miss them . ",0 "I rode into town to visit _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and now .... I don't wanna ride y bike all the way back ",0 "I don't have headphones for this flight ",0 "Fantastic . I let my nerves get the best of me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel like you hate me brooke ",0 "So much homework today ",0 "I hate when I screw up tweets ",0 "I have a fitness test today ... Kill me now . ",0 "I'm SO pissed that I just spent 25 dollars on my nails and like four of them are already chipped ",0 "It never fails . Anytime I have a huge test , I wake up horribly sick the day of . ",0 "My mood went from ☺ to ",0 "COME ON VERN YOUR MAKING ME HUNGRY ",0 "I have goose bumps constantly at school it's so damn cold ",0 "Stressed is a bit of an understatement just wish things were different ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no screw off ",-1 "I'm slightly irritated that I went from making more than minimum wage to making minimum wage in a week . ",0 "It's already been on hell of a day ",0 "Already thinking about sleeping in Tuesday ",0 "I wish I knew why I wake up through all random times of the night ? ",0 "Seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ favorite my tweets makes me miss her even more ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ correct ... App on four devices with no cross sync ",0 "I would do anything in the world for you yet you keep going back to her and she couldn't care less about you ",0 "Why the fuck isn't my iMessage working lately ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am too jealous of this . Balls ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I would love to but sadly , you're too far away from me #loveyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh trust me me and Emily have even waved to him and he doesn't respond . Or to our other friend in another group ",0 "Way no such luck in that first class being cancelled lol only esu would stay open today when every other college campus closed ",0 "I have tummy cramps come rub my tummy ! Pwease ?? ",0 "I haven't hung out with tori in forever ",0 "Most moms help contain your shopping impulses . My mom somehow convinced me to buy TWO purses at coach , and then got offered a job there ",-1 "I always rush to the dentist to be on time but end up waiting for an hour ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg she was ridiculous .. I can't even haha she was acting so irrational and rude .. ",-1 "I can't even drink apple juice in the morning without getting sick .. Fml ",0 "So I was really getting in the groove on my paper AND my computer shuts off WTF ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg I hate your tweets they are so mean I kinda wanna kick him in the back of the head ",0 "I hate when My computer fucks up while I'm doing homework . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you let me down ",0 "Wish Billy didnt have to work so early . Hate sleeping in this bed aloneeee . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I missed you too ! ",0 "Somebody rescue me from my house I'm bored . And my parents are leaving soon . ",0 "being exhausted all the time is exhausting ",0 "So there was this guy Who turned out to be a girl ",-1 "someone paint me a picture ",0 "when you have to pee but you're all coze in bed , the bathroom seems miles away ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so jealous . I wanted to go so bad , but none of my friends here could ",0 "Sometimes I wish we were more then friends ",0 "Can I just get a tattoo now ",0 "I feel like shit , can't wait to take a nap when I get home . Wish I didn't have math class at 3 or I'd just go home ",0 "I'm constantly charging my phone . ",0 "I've been waiting for this bitch all damn day and she's still not fucking here _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I just wish all of my pretty friends were home right meow ",0 "I should probably be used to it by now . But I'm still astounded at how trashy one person can be .. ",0 "Someone text me #Bored ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry it scares me that he can fall off the deck or come to his death with one swat from peppers !!! ",0 "My boyfriend hates me bc I do t have sex with him every day ... ",0 "Nights like these seem to happen more often now a days #ThisSucks ",0 "My summer last year was 10x more eventful ",0 "So upset .. This is stupid ! ",0 "I'm not getting an egg hunt this year . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah 12-7 ",-1 "yeahh .. I'm definitely going to lose one of my \privileges "" after this morning #unbelievable "" ",0 "A pig ? That's what I waited months to find out ? #PLL ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha that little shit would be in my bed . He looks so long ",-1 "It still baffles me that they use Muncie , Indiana in \Valentines Day . "" Like what ? #Random "" ",0 "Can't sleep in this house alone too freaked out wahhhhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you tooo ",0 "I can't believe I lost all my Alex and Anis ",0 "This floor burn though .... ",0 "and I use to get excited to go eat there ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the pain we girls have to deal with just to look half way decent ! ",0 "At least y'all can watch your team get the shit kicked out of them . I'm at work reading about mine ",0 "why do I always have hiccups ? ",0 "I hate when I forget to bring my retainers with me . I feel like my teeth are going to move over night . ",0 "Don't wanna close tonight ",0 "Ashley's pool is so deep . Like why did my glasses have to go to the bottom ",0 "Making history notecards ",-1 "How can I have a summer with all this rain ?? ",0 "My life revolves around math xl #alldayeveryday ",0 "Can anybody get signed out of school and come over ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wouldn't be complaining as much if it wasn't my own bed . You little buddy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ .... Because its Monday ",0 "Cleaning my closet out . ",0 "When Im not with aust I feel so lonley . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just don't want you to leave ",0 "Someone text me , this is gonna be a long ride ",0 "I'm pretty upset that Tay went and saw _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this weekend and I didn't get to join ",0 "I need laundry done but idk how & my mom's in the Bahamas ",0 "This is the WORST bday ever ! A paper plus two test tomorrow ",0 "Apparently there was a snag on the chair I just walked into . Now , I have a lovely hole in my pants . Awesome . ",0 "waitressing nightmares are the worst ",0 "Miss the force _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "13 applications to fill out ",0 "When we change the clocks back it'll be this dark at 6:00 . ",0 "So ready to get off you guys , like for real . I've cried 3 times today and I still have 3 more hours . Wahhhh . ",0 "Typical . Flat tire on the way home from the cape ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nothing is open today ",0 "Hate living here can't do anything #Bored ",0 "someone come take care of me #sick ",0 "My aunts kinda getting better not fully #praying ",0 "Kristi is eating my tomatoes . ",0 "Your mom should have swallowed ... ",0 "Only two more episodes until the summer finale of pretty little liars ",0 "All this lightning <<<<< ",0 "Why must I be working when these awesome fights are on , why why why why why ",0 "Get out of my room stupid fly ! No one likes you . You don't even have an emoji ",0 "My friends . ()Me . () #ForeverAlone #SingleGirlProblems ",0 "Got me missing my show , cmonnnnn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I never do ",0 "Get off my hair today . ",0 "Someone come pack my car for meeeeeee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tour dates just came out ... and i can't make it to any of the cities . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay bro ! ",-1 "i miss youu _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "MY HAIR WILL NOT BLEACH WHITE . ",0 "There's no point in having classes Monday & Tuesday this week . Millersville is so dumb . I wanna go home ",0 "Come on Mr. McElroy ! Cancel school ",0 "That fml moment when your tv goes on by itself ",0 "What a liar ... ",0 "Another day without her gunna be a terrible day again ",0 "Thanks for textin back . ",0 "i love my life im just missing one thing ... ",0 "... So annoyed , I better get off twitter before I say something I shouldn't!! ",0 "When the one person you rely on just lets your world crumble with no emotion at all . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you #thankyou #loveyou ",0 "I think oomf is bipolar ",0 "I wish Britt would come and lay down with me ",0 "no more homecoming stuff . it's making me depressed . ",0 "And the worrying begans ",0 "So glad I saw so many of my friends tonight #NOT ",0 "Last travelers log ( for now it's 13 degrees and I've already fallen butt deep in snow . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my hair fading really fucking bad > ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't want to move ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG ! Well damn I know what I'm not doing anymore ! But my phone loves my flatless chest ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we were just talking about how we miss you too let's all hangout this weekend ❤️ ",-1 "Disappointed in _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Practices during the day are way worse . It is extremely hot ... And I'd rather wake up at 5 in the morning & play . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was ? ",-1 "Do not want to go to my second horn of the day . My bed is so warm and cozy and perfect and I've only been laying here for like 5 mins ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ highly upset _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I are supposed to be at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and can't be ",0 "Gonna take my temperature again . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ached Then I grabbed a quick nap and ended up going out to dinner with a couple of girls at the Mexican Restaruant where ",-1 "Mom keeps saying my spots look like chicken pox or maybe it's merca . #ggrreeaatttt ",0 "Please please please cancel my meeting today mom ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have all state softball this weekend So text me when you get back & we'll figure something out . Love you too ! ",-1 "this week has actually been so long and horrible I can't even ",0 "my stomach kills . ",0 "I hate my English class ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No I couldn't figure them out neither . we have to talk so many tests /: ",0 "The little squeeze and go apple sauces are the nastiest things ever . Everytime I see someone eating on I get grossed out ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know I'm not sayin it on here”iMessage or nah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol Na shits expensive and nerve wrecking as all hell ... When's your day !? ",0 "my schedule changed and now im confused #wtf ",0 "I want to go back to New York ",0 "when my plug falls out under the treadmill ",0 "I wanna go see springsteen and I tonight with my family ... ",0 "I also just realized that I probably will never be inside _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' s current house again since he's moving in the next few weeks ",0 "I fell asleep last night , again , so we didn't get to FaveTime ",0 "Omg .... WHY can't I fall back asleep ?! ",0 "I wish Ravens phone worked . ",0 "Don't tell me you have to ask or tell me something , and then not tell me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ help me use Hulu idk how and I still haven't watched it and the new one is on tonight ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ...... and you're currently dating my future husband .... so yeah . You're winning ",-1 "Sad to be leaving the best frand today #asslandbound #ello ",0 "This is why I never stay at my house , their is something that they do or say to piss me off an then I'm a big bitch , an get in trouble ",0 "It's sooo cold❄ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that doesn't help me lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I haven't gotten mine either ",0 "Fucking holes in my wall ",0 "Thank you miss bott for making me run all over boardman high school for you . It's awesome . ",-1 "It's only been a day though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! Can't wait for next when the cards join the ACC . Going to be some good games to come ",-1 "The next 3 to 6 months are going to be the longest of my life ... I pray to god my nails come in normal .. #SoSad ",0 "the fact that time flies by when I'm with Andy . <<<< #neverfails ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I haven't talked you in forever ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no not yet !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ says you ",-1 "Damn my allergies tho ",0 "People is these movies are so stupid obviously your family is dead . Get outta there . Omfg . Go . Get . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wah wah ",-1 "I can't believe Christmas is over ",0 "Why do I get a headache every single day ",0 "Just because I made a stupid mistake doesn't mean you should leave the group ✋ sorry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ now I'm curious to who this is ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wow ! So disappointed I missed class ... ",0 "Blake is going to make me shoot a poor , helpless rabbit tonight . ",0 "I just wish donovan would cuddle with me #nolove ",0 "It is not necessary to go 20 mph down my road asshole ",0 "That four hour nap after school was not a good idea #cantsleep ",0 "I just want to go to bedddd ",0 "I work with a bunch of idiots ",0 "OMG . WHERE IN THE HECK IS MY WALLET . SOMEONE PLEASE FIND IT . ",0 "So much homework . I don't wanna !!! ",0 "I really wish my knee would get better ",0 "My brother is getting too big to cuddle with me ",0 "I wish I was going to hobo days this weekend to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my cat hates me and left ",0 "going to sleep ",-1 "Trying so hard to fall asleep .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if only ",0 "It's gonna be so hot on Saturday and it's a noon game ",0 "I'm getting flustered . ",0 "I seriously find out everything its kinda scary . Don't lie to me ",0 "Where did the sun go ? ",0 "Of course the Packers lose their LT and best offensive lineman for the season with a tore ACL . Rodgers will get sacked 50 more times . ",0 "time to come home _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . i miss you already ",0 "It is okay that you didn't reply , I didn't expect you to . Just kinda made me sad . ",0 "I don't wanna lose you now . I'm looking right at the other half of me ! ",0 "No it can't be ! #RipCoryMonteith ❤ ",0 "Totes could have skipped this class ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You'll see me soon I promise ! ",-1 "i guess im making a sandwich for jack this weekend ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Like shoot me . ",0 "Eminems new album I'm so sad it's his last one tho ",0 "After Halloween I wouldn't be totally upset if someone could just freeze my body until after mid march hints my holiday blues ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I hear noises all the time it's scary !! ",0 "I miss the barn #needtogetback ",0 "Instead of saying things , people seem to like just ignoring it . ",0 "im scared for todayyyy ",0 "I didn't have service for a full 24 hrs ",0 "Holyyyyy tequilla and working at 7 don't mix ",0 "Words don't explain ... ",0 "Time for school ",0 "Can't wait to watch the browns kick some ass tonight ",-1 "Only would I , have cut my finger on a powerade bottle ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ouch ! Idk what I did to mine swollen from last night ",0 "Oh my god . I don't know how to close . ",0 "Omg so sick from dinner puke puke puke ",0 "I hate how every room is so sticky and i hate this humidity ",0 "The Final is such a sad movie ",0 "Some nights I think about my cousin so much and how much I miss him , and how hard it's gonna be to not see him watching me graduate ",0 "At a middle school girls basketball game . Exactly where I want to be on my Friday night ",0 "Can't get my permit today ",0 "2 hour classes can suck a big one especially when the classroom is about 50 degrees ❄ ",0 "Figuring I've been an adult for almost three years , I thought I have graduated from the kids table ... I figured wrong . ",0 "I miss Katie and Julya ",0 "I'm so #grumpy ",0 "I have off next Friday night and all day Saturday I got excited until I remembered I have to spend that time studying for the praxis ",0 "Going to bed cause I cant handle life ",0 "My family is making me get rid of my kitten .. They said that if I don't do it myself , they'll do it while I'm at school ... ",0 "Get . Outta . My . Head . ✋ ",0 "I'm never gonna get noticed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I need it ! ",0 "You can be so freaking two-faced ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's really all that matters ! I just got back from one , I felt really fast until I turned around and was against the wind ",-1 "my dad won't get me a coffee because he has to get back to watch the game .. ",0 "I honestly miss living in my house ",0 "Why didn't I go to the lake with Meredith ",0 "feel like pooooooop . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me either ! At alllllllll ",0 "This song brings back so many memories it's ridiculous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I WAS LOOKING FOR THE RESIDENCE HALL I was just going to pick up a friend ",-1 "I think everyone but me is in a crabby mood today ",0 "Omfg just love me ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ AND IT ROBS YOU OF LIFE ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "If you don't know me ... Don't call me out on stupid stuff . Bitch back the hell up ",0 "Frankenstein is terrible why did we pick this haha ",0 "I really wanted to work out tonight but it doesn't look like ill be able to ",0 "If jade doesn't stop blowing up my twitter ........ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "wish I could see Kait tonight ",0 "I had wayyy too much coffee today . I'm not even tired ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i wish i could just help him . i tried when he dated & it didnt work & now hes just worse . like he needs to control himself . ",0 "YOU ARE IMMATURE !!!!!!!!!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ true . ",-1 "Going insane looking at these minerals ",0 "The video I received this morning of a preschooler from this summer made my entire day . I miss those kids so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Baby it's bad . I wanna go have fun n I'm suppose to after work but I wanna go now .. This place sux ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love youuuu ! ",-1 "So many unwanted thoughts ",0 "Rain I don't mind you untill you mess up my tv then I mind you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Well Thanks ",-1 "girls shouldn't get punished for not being pregnant ",0 "and here come the paid programs ",0 "So much to do today , so little energy I really have to go to the doctor ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. i pretty please want huff socks for christmas ",0 "Ruined my day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my everyday problem when buying shoes #tallgirlprobs ",0 "Throwback Thursdays aren't suppose to be from 2 weeks ago ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ last night was bad for me too ! But today is even worse . I haven't gotten much sleep the past 4 days ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jackie found a phone and put it in Erica's room but idk if it was yours ",0 "The hot guy always dies ",0 "It's only been 2 weeks into bball and I've already missed 3 practices ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I noticed ! How come ? ",0 "Why am I doing this ",0 "I miss jesslynn even though I saw her like an hour and a half ago ",0 "Getting everyone's drunk pictures at school while I'm over here laying in bed watching teen wolf ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ when do you come back ?! ",0 "What it would be like to have no financial limits and know I'll be okay next month . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #SingOff whatever _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! Bummed that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ or _TWITTER-ENTITY_ didn't win ughh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill claim when I get home the app is not downloading on my phone ",0 "I hate when I have to find rides home from school ",0 "The family locked me out of the house #thanksguys #forgotten ",0 "oh yeah ... i cracked my screen last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah you like him but didnt like my link . I see . ",0 "The facts that I'm out of storage on my phone ",0 "I just went down my news feed on instagram and saw 6 pictures IN A ROW from two different guys of shoes ",-1 "Of course I'm at work when the _TWITTER-ENTITY_ get a free game of the night ",0 "I think I'm getting sick awwwsome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're switching schools ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ kill yourself ... ",0 "Writing out this deposit slip and I'm out of here . #FuckMyJob ",0 "I must have seen the movie Jaws at least 100x , but every time it's on I can't help but watch it again . ",0 "Not looking forward to the 5 hour car ride tomorrow ",0 "Can I just go to bed ? Tonight's by far the worst day this week and its only tuesday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's great ! But I already watched 4 of the only 12 episodes ",0 "My mom just punched my shoulder ... WTF OUCH ",0 "No no no ",0 "Pretty sure I just walked around the library for 30 minutes looking for a place to sit and study #annoying #hotasballsinhere ",0 "First day and I'm already stressed to the max . #collegeprobs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need some advice ! There's auditions for a talent show at my school , ( I'm want 2 sing ) How do I get over my stage fright ? ",0 "Trying to get my life in order . What a joke these last few weeks have been ",0 "I just want it to be 7 ! ",0 "walking from the baseball lot in the rain ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel ya girl , I fucking feel ya . But you have to realize that when someone stops caring about you , you have to do the same .. ",0 "Why can't I fall asleep . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish but I'm a baby and can't drive and don't have a ride ",0 "Does anybody have AMC so I can come over and watch Breaking Bad tonight ? I don't have cable . ",0 "My allergies are killing me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shanda is leaving twitter ",0 "#oomf just told me they'd pick cookies over me ..... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ plantar fasciitis in my left foot ",0 "At wangs , ate so much I'm constipated ! ",0 "I just want my boyfriend right now . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they've moved a lot because my retainer doesn't fit and you have pretty teeth ? I thought you had already had braces lol ",0 "I'm a screw up . #night ",0 "Don't know what is going on w/ me but I have so much dang pain & can't go back sleep at all grr going be a very interesting night _TWITTER-ENTITY_ work . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ booooo I have to go before then ",0 "Next top model , me . HAHAHA in my dreams . ",-1 "I'm craving Olive Garden soooooooo bad !!! Someone take me please !!!! ",0 "so fuck it . ",0 "Will someone come over and just hang out with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I told mom , she told dad ... IM GROUNDED FROM IT . ",0 "Back to Ohio we go . Michigan was fun as hell though✌ definitely want to come back . #UsAgainstThemTour ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ too much I asked for a trim and she pretty much shaved my head . ",0 "So jealous of everyone already on summer break #3morefinals ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know lol ",0 "Does not want to get cavities filled in the morning ",0 "Fuck city hall and everyone inside it ",0 "soooo not feeling this whole work thing ",0 "Wish I was at the beach right now ",0 "And even worse idk if I should sign up for another semester or wait this out . I don't wanna have to leave classes for bootcamp half way ",0 "I need to curl up and go to sleep #sick ",0 "Just called my house phone 5 times to have my mom come blow out a candle for me in my room and she won't answer ",0 "It's basically impossible to study accounting on a Friday ",0 "Just wish I was at boys camp right now . ",0 "Idk if I can do this whole another week away from you thing ",0 "thinking about my future & realizing how many more years of school I have left <<< #8Years ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it will be a sad sad sad 3 weeks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and see me ",-1 "feelin sick mommma forcing me to go to school ",0 "I can already tell getting up at 5 in the morning won't be an easy task . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ My twitter won't even let me see my first tweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight I'm moving what are you doing tomorrow though ? ☺ ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh damn ... I woulda loved that !!!!! ",0 "My nose is SO sore from hitting head with Tyler ",0 "looking through _TWITTER-ENTITY_ pictures makes me wish things still went on in this town ",0 "All alone outside hannaford ",0 "I'm SO over this ",0 "I need help .. This is ridiculous ",0 "So all of this is my fault ? ",0 "Why won't Dillon let me play with the kitties ",0 "I want everything to go back to normal ",0 "Ugh the storms are heading to southern Illinois ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just been laying down I got heat flashes and shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg HELLO wow i should have tweeted that earlier ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I took those in confidence ! #YouBetrayMe ",-1 "Everyone isn't asleep they are just ignoring you like I should have ",0 "The way you act kills me . I just wanna punch you in your face ! #SorryNotSorry ",0 "Is it nap time yet ? Not sure what Jared was thinking getting us up at 7 today . ",0 "I just can never so anything right . Damned if I do and damned if I don't . ",0 "I really don't wanna do homework or anything school oriented today .. FML ",0 "It's gonna be a long night .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ughh it's so shitty ! ",0 "today is the day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ BUT THEN WE'D HAVE TO NAME ANOTHER ONE FRANCES BECAUSE THAT'S MY MIDDLE NAME ",-1 "Why is the bathroom so far away ? ",0 "I just don't understand why our foreign is getting fired for riding on the rapids with us . ",0 "It's gonna be one long winter ",0 "First class of the week ... ",0 "I just get annoyed with everyone So quickly ",0 "Sketchy Toby ? ... no , I can't take this again ... #PLL #Spoby ",0 "I just can't wait until I can grow a chin strap ",-1 "I fckin hate when I wake up and can't go back to sleep , like why do this to me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's okay ... ",0 "I need some aloe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too but hey we only have 2 more Mondays ",0 "Missed the game tonight ... Thanks fever . Thanks so very much . ",0 "God Elizabeth is just like my mom MAKING me go into the store w her & telling me she has 1 thing to get when she has 4 ",0 "I hate people ! Goshh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm gunna watch #americanidol even though I have the flu .... tweet me back . ",0 "I'm really not feeling volleyball today . My body just isn't up for it ",0 "Another lost chapstick smh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Not even . You're being like dad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ literally dying . ",0 "C'mon I wanna watch the outsiders . ",0 "I always knew I wasn't the only girl you said I love you to ",-1 "My phone is so broken ",0 "It's 3:30 am and I'm so hungry !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you really are ",-1 "Why have I felt so miserable lately ? ",0 "I think I'm coming down with the sickness #sickandtired ",0 "had an absolutely horrific dream ",0 "Power just went out ... ",0 "Of course I would get on Facebook and see a picture of you and her .. ",-1 "Scrolling womens fashion on pinterest makes me want to kms ",0 "I wasn't trying to be rude ",0 "Praying I do not catch the stomach bug Clayton had . I cannot miss anymore work ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ if feels weird not talking to you guys or Sam all day . ",0 "I want my car back . ",0 "Lmfao ! \Ratchet fat ugly shouldn't wear crop tops "" shit _TWITTER-ENTITY_ says , wonder how she talks about me then "" ",-1 "I just wanna go to the gym and not work and not be sick and feel this way ",0 "I can't sing today ",0 "Uhhhh why do I feel so shitty still ",0 "NOOOOOO TOBY IS TOO HOT TO KILL OFF ! #TobysDead ",0 "I need a wine night ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we haven't had one of those in forever ",0 "My mom just said THE words #haircut ",-1 "Well I've run out of things to do . Getting soo bored . 1 more hour & I'm going home . ",0 "I'm leaving 80 degree weather for 50 degree weather ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have like 20 pages to look off of too much 100 stankin questions ! ",0 "No more after work shots with coworkers ",0 "Finding out she doesn't want to talk to you anymore is a total mood killer . ",0 "This is not fun I hate Econ ",0 "Alright now Jerra isn't going to this shower . I'm gonna jump out a window . ",0 "All I wanted was breakfast this morning _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg I wish . I'm stuck at home the weather is too bad to drive back . Drink for me Paris ",0 "Time to get up ",0 "Twitter is like my best friend .. ",0 "Watching eternal sunshine of the spotless mind ... ",0 "I miss Merrick now ",0 "I absolutely hate walking on campus in the dark . I think every two seconds I'm going to get mugged . Give me back my pepper spray . ",0 "Mmm . Well , you might be my soul mate , but you may also be a lost cause . #confused #weh ",0 "Oh my goodness . I just lost it . I wish I was with my sister . ❤ ",0 "Stop asking when the fireworks are , they have websites and newspapers for that shit ! #beeducated ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 3rd floor adirondack . ",-1 "AM I ABOUT TO FIGHT THIS MAN AT A&W ?!? I am if he doesn't stop laughing at us . ",-1 "Tree ( n Something that stands still for 40 years then suddenly jumps out in front of a female driver ... Apparently ",0 "Now I feel sick ",0 "I go down my newsfeed on vine and everything's retweeted by either _TWITTER-ENTITY_ or _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my Instagram wont let me upload a pic of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for man crush Monday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ was it cause i threw the pistachio ",-1 "Two large Starbucks espressos downed in less than an hour because I'll be up all night doing work ",0 "My bracket is screwed now if only that game was played at Mizzou arena #mizzouproblems ",0 "I just had a dream I was in a plane crash I think I'll just stay inside all day today . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i miss you too can't wait til you come home ! ",0 "This is horrible . I just want my girlfriend . ",0 "Oh honey aren't you just so presh ",0 "I wish I had a cuddle buddy . ",0 "I want to go to college now ! ",0 "Still have an hour & 45 minutes left of this god awful class and I'm on 10% battery with no charger ",0 "IM SO TIRED !!!! ",0 "I really wish I didn't give up fast food so I can eat the cool ranch taco ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're lying if you tell me you enjoy driving on it ",-1 "praying for the families ",0 "come on skers . you've gotta win , I want my boyfriend to be happy . ",0 "I'm so impatient ",0 "Fuck this . Goin back im my room ",0 "VHS2 review ...? thought I'd see it today _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "My nails chipped in less then 2 days . ",0 "My brain on overload ",0 "I just want hot chocolate ☕️❤️❄️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm glad you have each other ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I knowww I've just always wanted some ! That's what I was leaning more towards ",0 "Almost just annihilated 2 dogs with me jeep ",-1 "Why is it so cold it better be nicer for LBD _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I found my car on ebay and I wish my dad would just buy me it . ",0 "If the sun don't come out I'm not either ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ except Amanda and Kayla use to beat us ",-1 "I hate being in hospitals . Waiting for my surgery ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you sam ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well damn have fun ! ",-1 "My coworkers are growing up so fast ",0 "Luies in the car chewing his little snack laughing all to himself ! why ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just one of those shitty days ",0 "too anxious to sleep ",0 "I hate when my hair dries all frizzy ",0 "I just randomnly woke up and can't get back to sleep #cool ",0 "I always the one being picked on ",0 "Some couples really just shouldn't be together .. #smh ",0 "Got a 12 - 8 shift I gotta tackle today . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I thought I did .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was kind of sad at the same time though , and Lila , as crazy as day bitch was ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm confused ",0 "Now he wants to see my bird ... ",0 "My back is killing me ",0 "I am fried ",0 "First night at work . I am absolutely exhausted . ",0 "I can look at food and gain weight ",0 "If I complain about anything there's always that one person that's like \go tweet about it "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm up ",0 "UW Madison , you will be the death of me . Can't . Read . Any . More . ",0 "I need to catch up on my sleep ! #nevergonnahappen ",0 "Idk if I'm gonna be able to deal with him that early in the morning ",0 "I really miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I swear a little spider or something bit my toe in bed earlier . Makes me nervous as I'm getting into bed now . ",0 "I wanna work at the theater ... ",0 "Took my Lola girl for a nice long walk ... I hope this rain goes away and doesn't ruin everyone's 4th of July ! ",0 "Lucas always gets sad if I don't text him back fast but I'm busy ",0 "BORED TO DEATH ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you more friend ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ do I even want to know who asked that question ??? ",0 "I wish Mosquitos would just leave me and everyone alone . Everyone and I got a MILLON bites from lastnight ",0 "It's a tragic day when your eyelash curler breaks ",0 "I can't keep any food down but at least I might lose a couple pounds . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . On muscle relaxers right now . ",-1 "Going swimming after eating wasn't a good idea #tummyache ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it really is but lets do this ",-1 "I just love when my teacher tells me that class was cancelled ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sadly ... I did ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh well same here but we don't pretend to hate each other he just moved far away from me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss my Malori ",0 "McDonald's breakfast please ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know . I sowwy I miss working with you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love your emojis ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ said they're in my language's settings . I downloaded them but can't find them ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I really miss you ",0 "Awwh I feel so bad ",0 "and I honestly miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ more than anything right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... the best ",-1 "#summer is almost over ",0 "Sleeping seems to be an issue lately ",0 "#FictionalDeathsIWillNeverGetOver The scene in \The Green Mile "" where they electrocute the main character "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey punk ! We got our nails done ! You could've asked ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the snow isn't even heavy . I wanted to have our game ",0 "Five days later and I still haven't heard back from my advisor ",0 "Wow every school is closed and we get a delay , let's go Bruno ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Only if we had the same times open ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ still never retweeted me #sad never gonna give up tho lol ",0 "Have to stay up Til 11 to take my pills no ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no 11-7 tonight and 3-11 tomorrow . ",0 "WHY , WHY , WHY , do I care so much about you ? ",0 "It's just not there anymore ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wait until I send you a picture of these bitches shoes ",-1 "It's just been a really bad day ",0 "Lol I hung up of disrobed first time and then when he called back and the safety guy talked to me I was like ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ They miss me ",0 "Well this is depressing ... ",0 "Stop getting used and put your foot down #wannatrythat ",0 "Truth is ... I gotta lot of scars on my body ",0 "Dreams that you're pregnant are terrifying ",0 "Well just forget it ",0 "I think the hardest thing about not being home is not being able to see my brothers wrestle _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and Aj .. #tearitup ",0 "It wasn't there before so how's it here now ? ",0 "The sunburn I experienced last summer tho < Most painful thing everrrrrr I was a lobster ",0 "Tonight is not our night _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "What in the name of the Game of Thrones is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ doing with his beautiful face ?! ",0 "School in less than a month ",0 "My stomach right now <<<<< ",0 "Just sitting here flaring my nostrils at these weird people I call my family for eating crab . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what have you done with my best friend ",0 "Windy days are a sad day for a longboarder #nospeed ",0 "When your mom wakes you up when you were in the middle of a good dream <<<< ",0 "I just need a boyfriend ",0 "My veins stick out way too much ",0 "My throat is really sore ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay ! Lets ! ",-1 "Don't make me send out that Harlem shake video , Justin ",0 "Two things I hate .. My room like 80 In here , 2nd my freckles .. ",0 "I really don't wanna work tomorrow ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I wish I was with Andy . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ WHAT ABOUT ME ?!?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my god ........... wish I didn't see this picture ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same here . it sucks . I'm here 4 ya if you ever need a friend 2 talk to . ",0 "I wish I had a baby to borrow so I could dress it up for halloween ",0 "Did my paper 20 mins before class and now I'm running so late ",0 "Going back to the old you ... ",0 "I can't run today ",0 "Awe . Why not ? ",0 "I just want to go see The Great Gatsby ",0 "Like I bought coffee creamer yesterday and there's like a sip left because Josh guzzled it all . ",0 "Maybe people actually do care☺ ....... ahhh who am I kidding ",-1 "This math test tomorrow <<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I am ",0 "I seriously hate working on Friday nights ",0 "This #BecauseOfMyEx tag is speaking to me on a annoyingly depressing level . #FavoritingSpree ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha god I love you . I miss you too ",0 "I'm so tired and hungry ",0 "Ethan I'm so glad I got to see tonight ! I missed you so much , you're so sweet and funny ! I miss having stud gov with you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Now-a-days it kinda feels like I'm babysitting ",0 "I gotta open tomorrow ",0 "I miss my uncle so much , like really I dont know ht I'm going to do ! ",0 "I hate waiting ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what's app still don't work yet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tell Chris he needs to feel better so he can come over tomorrow I miss him and if he he feels like death I BLAME YOU mhm ! ",0 "Feels weird being separated from 2 people that I was living with for evs now . Missing my roomies ❤️ #seeyasoon _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Last night i was annoyed . And took it out of others . I'm a biotch ",0 "I know theres nothing to worry about but I'm still getting upset about it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we don't even have one anymore ",0 "Ok my dog might have to be put down cuz she has a tumor in her leg ",0 "it really does not make me happy that it's dark now when I have to wake up . ",0 "What the hell !? That was a horrible way to end the season ! I mean really ! > #TheDome #seasonfinale ",0 "I just sat in dog pee .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i miss you ",0 "Got 3 yes of being everyone's DD #FMyFamily ",-1 "Just get me home and in my bed ",0 "I don't know what is worse , listening to reds gay ass music , or listening to her sing it .. _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ idk you !! So when I quote you don't say stuff to me ",0 "All the summer kids hate me now ... There goes my summer ",0 "Rob did not just call me Alex ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Okay sounds good . Me and Ash will text you after the hockey game ! ",-1 "So much food , so little time ",0 "Can my brother not park in the back row ",0 "oh no I think tomorrow is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ day off which means we won't see him til Wednesday ",0 "Bored of everything .... and everyone . ",0 "Seeing wrecks makes me so scared ",0 "Why does life decisions have to be so hard to make ? ",0 "great ... Ending my night being reminded I look like Taylor ",0 "Missing my boy today ",0 "I hate you more then ever ",0 "A good loyal girl can only take soo much .. Never allow me to be fed up ☝ #ullbesorry #seriously ",0 "I have to take pictures looking ratchet rn oh my god no ",0 "I haven't gone to bed happy in quite a while ... ",0 "cold , tired , sick & can't fall asleep ",0 "I need a place that has a garage ! I'm sick of these birds shitting on my car ! ",0 "I just want to Skype . #Bored ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ always reads my texts and just doesn't respond ",0 "Goodbyes are even worse when the story is not finished and the book is just closed . ",0 "I just took a five hour nap .. And I'm still tired . I hate being sick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am alive princess Brooke ! But barely ",0 "Way too early to have to be up . The sun is probably over in Europe still . ✈ ",0 "Please God , don't let me have a migraine today of all days . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Doesn't surprise me ! ",0 "Oh my gosh I hate this #why ",0 "Does anyone else get so nervous for tests that they make themselves sick ? Oh wait , just me ? ",0 "Wow is South Park on I would never know WITH ALL THESE FUCKIN TWEETS ",0 "I need it for my cereal . ",0 "The fact that my mom is making me go get her some ice cream #TOOLazy ",0 "I literally got zero sleep . ",0 "It's one thing to fuck around when you're single and another when you're in a relationship .. Just don't do it ",0 "I feel sick and I'm freezing ! ",0 "Of course , I only get snapchats on days I work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ did you enjoy the blizzard last night ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you my father ? #please #ImLooking ",0 "Why won't anyone snapchat me back . ",0 "Please let it rain today . #miserablyhotinhere ",0 "Frick I want a girlfriend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my goodness you are cray . Thank you so much !! ( My name is not marge and I'm 19 ) k thx ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you can't do that !! ",0 "Can't believe Dorfy got cut . ",0 "UNICEF commercials are so freakin sad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Why . Just why . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have no idea missing my best friend way to much right now ",0 "Boy talk ugh #overit can we just go get drunk now please !!!! ",0 "Must . Go . Back . To . Desk . ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my phone died at the game call you tomorrow ?! ",0 "Mentally preparing myself now for how HORRIBLE & MISERABLE tomorrow is going to be ",0 "Of course on my way home in the car a bunch of sad songs come on ",0 "I wish my hair would hurry up and grow back . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want you to sing to me #iwish ",0 "What am I going to do when I'm done with The Desperate Housewives series ?.. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lost Internet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you two ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I completely agree ... But honestly you have no idea how tempting it still is . It's probably what I miss most about HS . ",0 "Why why why did I pick up a shift on Sundays #stupid ",0 "Why is my English class such a joke ",0 "I can't stand when people don't text me back after they text me first ",0 "I really dint wanna get up at 6 ",0 "I hate you . ",0 "Why is it so cold ? ",0 "I just don't have a good feeling about it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ my mom would kill me I've worn mine the past 3 nights & omg it kills ",0 "Those little things that can really getcha down .. ",0 "If they treat you like an option , leave them like a choice . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think I found it ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Not Sure What’s Going it’s still giving me “Hash Sum Mismatch” ",0 "Thomas is so lame .. ",0 "2nd time I have a quiet table on a Friday ",0 "I don't think I've ever been so bored .. Honestly I'm doing my homework ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ WHY DID I JUST SEE THIS ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but it was my favorite ",-1 "Why didn't I get coffee before my class ",0 "I wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was coming to camp . ",0 "I'm so tired but I can't sleep & I have to get up in 5 hours ",0 "Bestfriends no matter what right ? ",0 "I miss my state girls ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Hopefully See you Wednesday . Minus _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cuz she sucks . ",0 "Please bash my head against a wall . ",0 "Someone is always going to judge you and they say to just do what you want . Well I want to be perfect dammit . ",0 "My parents have taken up the hobby of making bird houses for fun .. and they won't stop sending me pictures ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh guys stop I might be staying home so it's okay ! ",0 "he really isnt haley . he is too BUSY for anyone .. ",0 "Lol at my last chem & anatomy exam grades .. I give up . You win UC . ",0 "Dammit someone figured out that I'm a psychopath ",0 "Enough about Miley ",0 "Make an awesome super healthy salad for me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and she didn't even want any of it ",0 "Why do I feel so sick all of a sudden ? ",0 "I wish ahs was at 9 instead of 10 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's only 9 !!!! Brianna leaves on Saturday come out with us ",0 "This is the least I've been prepared to Christmas in a long time . Sorry for the gift cards everyone #isuck ",0 "Enough is enough !! I am looking at houses down south and moving ! I can't take this cold weather anymore ! ⛄❄ ",0 "Oh being at work on Friday is soooo much fun ! ",-1 "Today seriously felt like the last day of school #hurryup ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel like I haven't talked to you guy in forever !! ",0 "Waiting for your food to get here <<<< ",0 "Randomly i think to myself why do I have a big butt like where the hell did it come from ",0 "Cyber Monday should be after I get paid they should give people time to recuperate from Black Friday ! ",-1 "why does it take so long to get in shape and only a couple of weeks to lose it ? #ugh #backtothegym ",0 "Really hate that all I hear right now is gun shots ",0 "At the Pediatric office I work at , we only have one guy .. & he's so immature ! It's annoying AF ! He's only there bc he's the Dr's son . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sowy !! ",0 "I need food before my stomach eats my insides ",0 "I did not want to go home tonight ! ",0 "I have to be to at 5:45 the rest of the week . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ still never got the email ",0 "Jagr isn't coming back I really wanted to use the #JagrSalutePlayoffEdition hashtag too ",0 "Nothing like a good morning run .......... until a turkey tries to kill youu !! ",0 "have you ever had a dream that's seems so real and it's so perfect but then you wake up and realize that it's so far from reality ? #hateit ",0 "Dude .... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm to lazy to carry your shit ",0 "All I wanted at the end of this day was an ice cream and the fuckin place was closed ",0 "And we're through ... That was easy ",0 "After being at the hospital for 5 hours , the doctor finally decided to tell us that Bookie has a pulled muscle . #YouHaveGotToBeKidding ",0 "I wonder sometimes have I met the one of my dreams yet , have I met my knight & shining armor ! My husband to be ? ",-1 "Remember Me is the cutest movie ",-1 "Well PT is over feeling dead really need a cuddle buddy #sore ",0 "Been feeling so shitty ",0 "I need more friends . I'm such a loaner . ",0 "That War of the Roses ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Since right now . Why are you not getting dropped off anymore ?! ",0 "Chillin at home on a Friday night ? Awesome night #jk ",-1 "I am so tired ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ answer me for Doritos sake ",-1 "S/o to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for having cunt family members lol , but I don't think your one , but you have a adorable relationship and I'm jealous ",0 "should be going home tomorrow , instead i have to wait until friday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I KNOW !! The last time I came in , Connor was working for you . I was so upset !! ",0 "Shit , I am exhausted . ",0 "seriously always have the worst headaches after math everyday ",0 "I really hate how the play the same episodes of SVU all the time on USA #seenthemall ",0 "I think I have a splinter in my butt cheek from sitting on a table ",0 "Truth is Lynnette made me wait till I was 13 to get my ears pierced . So if you were a little girl and had yours chances are I hated you ",0 "Snapchat won't let me go to bed ! Faaaaaaaaaaack . ",0 "Love how my mom schedules me an eye appointment at 10:30 in the morning without my consent first ",0 "I hate fighting with Jess ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not in Netflix and I don't have my hdmi cable ",0 "I can't find my work clothes ",0 "I miss you more then ever And I can't even talk about this to anyone ",0 "it sucks going over to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' s house and knowing he's not gonna be there ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no actually 8 and a half hours ",0 "I'm tired ALL the time ",0 "Waking up with a belly ache is not fun . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ really ?! Yay ! Tickets are only $29 . They go on sale Friday I'm so happy haha ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hate myself . It's so hard . ",0 "I just want Cheerios ",0 "yepppp cody , you can text me back anytime now . ",0 "Every time i look at with disgust ",0 "GOD DAMMIT KAYLIE ",0 "House full of children ",0 "Works cited is the most pointless , stupidest thing I've ever had to do ",0 "I need more friends so that I don't have to sit in my room alone eating pizza and watching sons of anarchy ! #pathetic #OneManWolfPack ",0 "I hate when people fall asleep ",0 "Studying for sharkey ... Still ",0 "Thanks to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I legitimately just almost chugged DIP SPIT SHIT WATER BOTTLE THINKING IT WAS FUCKING ICED TEA ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need my old Spanish pals ! This makes me so sad . ",0 "So I have to fix something in the women's bathroom , but there's a woman in there taking a 15 minute shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Carly bb ! I mish you we need to hangout !? You live like a street away from me and we never hangout ",0 "3am and my internet stops working is this I sign I should leave the library ? ",0 "Why isn't Tommi texting backkkk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm the only one that can use that line ",0 "On top of everything from last week , the kids won't listen , this puppy is a spaz , and I have too much schoolwork to do before Monday #rant ",0 "Not happy about being up at 6:30 in the morning on a Saturday ",0 "But I want cocoa puffs ....... the real kind ",0 "I don't wanna study for psychology .. #soboring ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ last time I saw them was in 08 at the barfly haha ages ago man , but I'm not keen on their new stuff though ",0 "Austin be swearing he at the door and really just be pulling in my neighborhood ",0 "Having after rave depression ... take me back to last night ",0 "Some people don't really change much ... They just get better at making people believe they have .... ",0 "Oh yay I have geometry homework ",0 "I need like a 48 hour nap or somethin . ",0 "My ice cream melted ",0 "Knowing I don't get to see you all weekend ruins my whole weekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ absolutely terrible ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ gosh dang !!! I'm sorry I forgot ! Shhooooott ",0 "You are all ruining PLL season finale for me .... Waiting on 1:30 ",0 "if my antibiotics aren't ready in 2 minutes rite aid ... i swear i will make a scene ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the only way I can talk to you is on twitter or phone call . Why no texting ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I already said it was a selfish tweet ",0 "Woke up with the worst anxiety ",0 "Pretty much ODing on ibuprofen and it's not helping at all ",0 "Praying to god I don't see any of these scumbags at her house . Fucking trash . Karma isn't working fast enough . ",0 "Crabby & pissy . ",0 "Just got a wiff of something that smells like cocoa butter and it immediately made me think of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "Get ready for bend and about to lay down and there is a huge spider just chillin above my pillow #arachnophobia ",0 "Weird ... But i miss what we had sometimes .. ",0 "Seriously prom is gonna be sucky this year if I don't have a date ",0 "I miss Wing's egg drop soup . ",0 "Me tonight ☺ . Think it's time for ",-1 "To whoever from our team just turned the light in the hall back on . I hate you ! ",0 "Just woke up from a dream that me and all my friends were going to be murdered #itsgoodtobealive ",0 "Feeling a bit down in the dumps today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're probably right ",-1 "I hate when I upset because I tend to take it out on my sister #imanasshole ",0 "Who ever had _TWITTER-ENTITY_ phone I'm going to kill you ",0 "3 finals all day long ",-1 "I really miss my brother ... It's been like three or four months .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you have senior year for that ",-1 "I miss those summer nights on my roof with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and Topher ",0 "I'm ready for this day to be over . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't even mean to kick u ?! ",0 "It's almost 1 and I'm still up ... why ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ seriously ?!? ",0 "Crust I have a headlight out on my girly ! sadtruckapandaha ",0 "Cleaning my room is the struggle ",0 "Watch me wake up at 10 just because that's the only day I can sleep late ",0 "Packing for a flight is so stressful ... ",0 "I'd much rather sleep all day than go into work right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh I'm sorry ! Are you not going to Aledo anymore ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It's duct tape because my windows broken hahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't want to talk about it ... ",0 "Really wish I could vent to a cheerleader right now ",0 "The one fucking machine that has yoohoo's won't take bills ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh and you don't even know how to spell my name . Ouch ",0 "They brought their families to Jamaica and it was so cute ! ☺ #antm _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "My back is so sore ! I'm a bitch ",0 "And the hits keep coming so down today ! ",0 "Going to bed in a miserable mood ",0 "People suck . ",0 "In denial that this is my last day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that sounds so good right now ",-1 "Why am I watching all these love shows tonight ! Might have to ruin my diet and go get ice cream ! #depressing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "#priceisright class of 2013 addition , this kid just won laundry service and free papa johns pizza for a year , plus $3000 towards books ",-1 "I just want today to be over already ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay ! I work Saturday & Sunday morning at 8 though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME WATCH IT ",0 "I hate when people say \is everything alright ? your acting different . "" obviously not if your asking me "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it happens too me all the time ! like it's not that hard to text backkk lol ",0 "I always get stuck on the end during scary movie ",0 "So I was all proud of my parents gift and them they open it , not the reaction I hoped for & my mom is all pissed about it . #cantwin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's really how I feel . ",0 "#IReallyDislike the friend zone ",0 "It's depressing that I have an exam and a practical before my final in anatomy . ",0 "Knocking can be heard by all now . Probably is the engine . #FML ",0 "Getting sick of all these school shootings ",0 "Is it bad that I like you ",0 "Some days I feel skinny and other days I literally feel huge ",0 "Why is it 66 degrees in my house ?!?? ❄️⛄️ ",0 "My phone just cracked ",0 "My feet are freezing & I can't find any socks WHY ",0 "I hate wanting to go out and no one wants to do anything ",0 "Almost quiz time . ",0 "I never wear makeup but I have some on tonight and of course I forgot and just rubbed my eyes .. #awesome ",0 "Wow ! Wish this was a dream ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Do not jinx me Christopher ! I'll probably just pass out dead lol ",-1 "Ugh you're cheeky ",0 "Sorry I just sounded like a douche . ",0 "Missing Madison , to bad I can't go home for a month and a half ",0 "beyonces sexiness went down about 60% since she shaved her head ",0 "But then he pointed at the burnetts , laughed and asked if people actually buy that #oh ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why do some couples make their status single every time they fight . I dont put orphan when I get into fights with my parents ",0 "Turn your read receipts on ... Pussy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't feel that special ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wishes he was a girl ... Surprise surprise #smh ",0 "Comcast guy- plz don't leave I need to find clothes ",0 "Kills me how some guys will tell you anything to get what they want . #Smh #Pigs ",0 "Can someone make a time machine and fast ? I need to relive this weekend ",0 "So not gonna be able to get up for work in the morning .. ",0 "Why am I not in Cali with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and Dalton right now ? ",0 "omg you have become one of them ",-1 "i wish you would just come with me for a night . just get away and have a good night like planned _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill give you one guess ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah I know new technology piece of shit 5.3 lol can you get the shit ? Mashed potatoes & gravy if possible . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I sowwyyy ",-1 "If I get cut off one more time I swear ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whaaaaat ?! I never get the call ! I have to work tonight . #MERP ",0 "And it's back to having to get up at 5 every morning . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm trying it won't let me ! ",0 "how I feel about school ",0 "It is too hard to keep my eyes open in class right now #sotired #class college ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ some are new and not on there because they just came out ",0 "noooo , I just want to go back to sleep ",0 "summer is ending ..... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got one from a friend of a friend because I heard they sold out in like 3 hours ",0 "I miss HS when you could get your Ash Wednesday ashs during school ",0 "I'm wasn't hating on you . But now I am because you're being a bad thunder buddy ",0 "Oomf is lucky I don't have my license right now .. ",0 "I acidentally erased my locked messages ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not always Joan . ",0 "I'm not at all happy . ",0 "It's Monday and its raining .... why am I in school ",0 "I finally get a goodnight text and it almost makes me cry thanks _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Guess it's just going to be one of those nights . ",0 "Seriously someone come play with my hair . ",0 "It's about that time again .... humans vs zombies ",0 "I don't want to be here right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey what can I say I have a gorgeous teacher that drives me crazy like you wouldn't even know ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if I wasn't a slave I would ",0 "You honestly bother me ",0 "Time to get up and study for this exam . I'd rather be at the gym ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I go to Dwight now .. Not Seneca . Sorrrryyy ",0 "I honesty feel like a piece of shit not having a car ",0 "I kept getting so excited when Peyton would throw the ball beautifully but I had to keep reminding myself he wasn't a colt anymore ",0 "Watching home videos is making me miss my grandma even more . She made everything better . ",0 "This medication makes me so queasy ",0 "not that I'm legible to get a tattoo , I'm over thinking this way to hard ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've tried I was so tired today & look I'm still awake ",0 "Now if I could just make myself sit down and study ... ",0 "I want to go watch fire works ",0 "Someone please rub my back !!! It is once again shot from laying on Bubby's floor watching Jake . Sigh ... ",0 "Mom .. Come home I need you .. ",0 "You find out who your true friends are sooner or later . ",-1 "They still didn't put my money back on my card ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha or people that I don't like or talk to say it #awk ",0 "Hannah and Kaitlyn are the cutest ",-1 "Sometimes I love you , sometimes I hate you , but there's not a day that goes by that I don't miss you . ",0 "I love how over half my beer gets drank and it's not by me ",0 "I just want my bed . ",0 "OMG .. _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "Meep , it's 6:00 and pitch black outside ",0 "The last five minutes of any class are the longest ",0 "I have a love hate relationship with liquid eyeliner ! you mess up and its all fucked up but it looks so good when it turns out ! ",0 "Tomorrow will be so scary here ... It's supposed to be 97 with a chance of storms .. ☁⚡ ",0 "Chicken and mtn dew as my after school snack :V ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that sucks ",0 "Just hold this extreme massager on a knot in my back and BOOM gone ",0 "Someone come and teach me how to run this phone ",0 "Just got home from school ",-1 "Already on the final season of Weeds ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ apparently _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "I would have never expected my life to be the way it is now .. ",0 "so nervous for work ",0 "Damn it .. Wish I knew that one of my books on my required list .. Wasn't really required ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this past week hasn't been the same without my meatball ",0 "I wish I had a hot tub ",0 "seems like Illinois is turning into the rainy dayz state ",0 "I miss floridaaaaa . ",0 "uggggh the fact that I'm STILL having to go Christmas shopping ",0 "☺ I'm soooooo emotional right now .. What is wrong with me ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it sucks oh btw thanks for saying hi when I picked Tj up ",0 "I freaking hate paying for gas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't get it ! ",0 "I miss my suite mates ",0 "It pisses me off how my little brother is spoiled ",0 "I can't even force myself to drink anymore . What happened to me ",0 "I am rocking some sick tan lines ... ",0 "Seeing your life flash before your eyes ",0 "text back so I know it's real . ",0 "I think it's time for me to face the music , cause I'll never win when it comes to you . ",0 "Guys . I'm thirsty for a homecoming date . I wish Derek didn't join the military ",0 "I feel like a giant butt hole ",0 "Seeing your car << I wanted to just ram my car into it ",0 "I feel so bad for the guy in up !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know that's how his name came up for GL ",-1 "Why have I been acting like a bitch lately ",0 "Can't focus right now . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ uh oh thanks for thinking of me doe ",-1 "I miss my bestfriend . ",0 "Dad worries me too much ",0 "I just got ditched by my puppy #nocuddlebuddyforme ",0 "I hate missing an episode of pll .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im glad you get it now .. ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i know but you have fun anyway and don't fall in any mud holes ",-1 "Well my sonny boy is gone now Can't wait for Spring Break when he comes back down . House will be so quiet without him . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is terrible ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks boo !!!! I miss you too ! #loveyoulikecrazy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stinks so bad , Chane is one of my all-time favorites ",-1 "I hate not being able to sleep .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ gave me poison ivy . It's all over my face and arms and legs . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ boo .... ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahah yeah ! I had to get off though ",-1 "My puppy is growing up so fast #Stoppp ",0 "if I see one more fucking tweet about snow .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sure you are ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you just gonna sub me huh ",-1 "Well , farewell Twitter , see ya when I see ya ",-1 "When you shave your legs and you miss one spot ",0 "Prom dress shopping just made me miserable . Fuck a date fuck a dress fuck prom ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and me ... Won't get nothin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and chapped lips ! ",-1 "I usually don't pray a lot but I made sure to tonight . Sierra's family needs all the prayers they can get after losing Sierra & her dad . ",0 "I wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was in Troy . I wanna have some fun ",0 "I need to get my nails re done . The ratchetness ... ",0 "wow I'm always sleeping ",0 "I need to cool the f down #toohot ",0 "A pipe burst , so no water in the house for now #sadcat ",0 "Jess how many times you gonna go behind my back with all these secret lovers ",0 "Of course the one day out of the week I can sleep in I'm wide awake at 9 . ",0 "I miss you guys _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I love when people try to tell me who I am and what my emotions are . Why thank you , I wasn't aware ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ two weeks of complete recovery and then 4-6 months of sling and physical therapy ",0 "Baby stangs heading to the shop in the am so I get to drive the humV all day #bigdifference ",-1 "Shoot me now ",0 "I wish we where close again ",0 "I hate when my snapchats go to the wrong people !! ",0 "Nothing is more frustrating than having a project for college you don't understand having a teacher that doesn't email you back ",0 "I defiantly have the hangover from hell . ",0 "Being alone is the worst thing everrrr ",0 "Why can't it be Wednesday already !? ",0 "For the love ! ",-1 "The fact that I can't find a hair dresser who knows how to do my hair RIGHT ",0 "I ALWAYS end up with color on my hands . #neverfails ",0 "Not looking forward to going to the doctors tomorrow morning and then giving my speech in class ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah ",-1 "Where did the 90 degree weather go ",0 "I wanted to go adventuring today , the rain ruins everything ",0 "missing my girls _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Damn , this sucks ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I've spent a lot of time with people that didn't even deserve a second . "" you and me both "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you don't look healthy anymore . I love you , I'm always here for you . ",0 "WANELO . WHY DID I DOWNLOAD YOU . ",0 "When my roommate talks in her sleep <<<< I get so scared some paranormal craps gonna happen ",0 "They should not have taken lackey out ... ",0 "But I will deal with it and wait 208274 years for a respond . #TheStruggle ",0 "Well this day just got instantly depressing ",0 "This class though <<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's .... that cannot be real . ",0 "It's gonna be one of the worst nights I've worked in a while ! I'm in a pissy mood ! > ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Or liking someone you know you have no chance with ",0 "if you have a problem with me , text me about it so we can talk . don't try to talk about it on the internet , I won't do it . kthanks . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHHAHA it's not like I'm much better at writing ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awww , when are we gonna hang out again ? ",0 "Still obsessed with Wolf such a badass album #OF ",-1 "This movie is gonna be the end of me , I swear . ",0 "Ok . Well my KFC bowl is gone ",0 "There is not a single time when I don't mess up my nails after painting them . ",0 "Why are all my friends out of town tonight ",0 "Hahahaahahahhahahahahaha my dad better be home soon im going through withdrawal ",-1 "I am not ever tired at night because I am afraid to fall asleep because I have nightmares every night ",0 "I think me and molli are going to bed ",-1 "It's way too cold to sleep naked tonight ❄️⛄️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the fashion police of central . ",-1 "I have to go to hitting and my phones gonna die . Noooo ",0 "This paper is so stupid that it's making me consider smashing my expensive laptop #fuckkkkkkmahlife ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I still don't trust my knee on my bike . I really messed it up . ",0 "I ate pita pit but I'm still starving . ",0 "I wish you could see my disappointment and frustration right now . ",0 "How did I forget the only belt I wear at home ? ",0 "20 minutes at Starbucks drive thru ",-1 "My life is just a continuous string of rough days ",0 "I hate when my ears pop OMG no ☁ ",0 "Summer needs to slow down . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love and miss the shit out of you ! sorry my phone had zero service last night forgive me ",0 "Keegan Bradley lost the lead . #sad ",0 "Sun burnt as fuck ☀ ",0 "I work 32 hours next week ! #FML ",0 "I hate not having someone around I need people around me all the time . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ finding roommates is hard #stressed ",0 "Damn why does Taco Bell sound so good right now ",0 "Today sucks someone come hangout with mee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LAAAV MEEE ",-1 "Gonna go to bed now , no one better tweet at me while I'm sleeping .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I'm all the way in Sallisaw and I'd have to get ready ",0 "Hoping all my kids are back from the weekend HEALTHY . I hate seeing them sick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just saw the play poor Tim Hudson !! ",0 "I get so excited when I hear a motorcycle go by because I think it's Uncle John , but it never is . ",0 "How did I somehow overwrite some images . Now I don't have the ones I wanted . #SoMad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm jealous . I wish I had nothing to do . I have so much to do before Friday ! #ihatecollege ",0 "Goddamn it . I hate miss spelling words ",0 "I'm the worst at keeping secrets like this ",0 "my poor roommate has to hear me sneezing , coughin and snifflin all night . sorry camille . #sickhanny ",0 "Round 3 saw me getting my ass handed to me , & the chances of 1st place going poof . ",0 "Our news honestly can never get the girls soccer schedule correct . ",0 "I always forget to text people back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we have practice until 530 so it's going to be tough to go ",0 "Don't look at me like you're my mother ... ",0 "School flunkie pill junky ",0 "Fix my eyes Dr. Chow ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hate when that happens ! And then it takes like an hour to send ! ",0 "Sundays go so quickly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have to be quiet and I can't venture downstairs now , everyone's sleeping , and I'm not the quietest person .. Esp . bc #clumsy ",0 "Never stand by the 10 commandments while eating a root beer slushy . Roost will blend in and you will eat it . And trust me , it's gross . ",0 "My moms really gunna come in here & wake me up to ask me what drugs I'm on bc I been sleeping all day ? Uhm no , I don't have time for that . ",0 "I knew you didn't mean it ",0 "I don't care about any stark that isn't named Ned . So stop showing me them ",0 "Although I seen this episode a hour ago . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you never called ",0 "This nigga texting me and I didn't know who he was and he said lay off the pills ",0 "Having to get up at a decent time on my real day off is depressing . I don't even have class ",0 "I really really really suck at writing letters ",0 "Why do I do this to myself #goaway ",0 "Wait ... I'm in America ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes ",-1 "Don't tweet famous people rude things . It's embarrassing for us all to witness ",0 "I'm sorry but salad and pasta are not finger foods #applebees ",0 "My mood today #mixedemotions #weird ",-1 "So glad Siri is so helpful , asked her to give me directions to the nearest \Five below "" ... Drove 15 minutes to look at land "" ",-1 "stressin so much ",0 "And to think I offered you crackers #lmfao ",-1 "Twitter is dead already ? Wat ",0 "Shouldn't even have to tell you , you should do it . ",0 "I like you a lot ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i'm not stupid look at the tweet right before it I was watching ",-1 "Even though I could have my Maryland license by now , but whatever ",0 "Why am I breaking out in hives ",0 "Oh I get so freakin ' aggravated with #oomf ",0 "And I'm bored as hellll omfg ",0 "My life would be better if I could tan for more than 20 minutes a day .. Best naps ever ",-1 "Deleting pictures makes me sad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahha I'm weak ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ will you bring me icecream ",0 "Having the worst leg cramps today oh my god ",0 "And I'm super mad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha i can't! ",-1 "My stupid fish will only eat 1 out of the 3 foods that comes in the dial . Every time I try to feed him something else , he spits it out ",0 "fml #tired #mondayprobz ",0 "Another freakin all nighter lord please let me get through this semester of chemistry #collegeprobs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish sibling bonding isn't complete without you here ",0 "Whenever i talk now , i always catch myself saying \doucher "" ... Thanks a lot guys "" ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no you're not ",0 "Energy levels have dropped pretty hard this afternoon . Still 5 hours before I get home and can rest ",0 "My whole family goes out to eat and leaves me at home ",0 "wanna go shopping more ",0 "Really wishing I was rapped up in my baby's arms right now ",0 "I didn't even get a hug .. ",0 "An hour and 40 mins for a pizza from pizza joes ? Really ? I'm not gonna be hungry anymore ! ",0 "Found a $50 visa gift card on the ground but I feel too guilty to keep it .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no we just had to find some randos to sell ours too why aren't you going ",0 "I want to leave this game ",0 "5 more days of summer . #bummer ",0 "Andy's dog is so cute ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay ! I'm excited ",-1 "Why can't I let go .. I just can't do it ! ",0 "Every time there's storm warnings my inner child comes out . #goaway ",0 "im seriously going to die without having my glasses today . #blind ",0 "why is my house freezing cold ? ❄️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we would be getting ready to go like now too ",-1 "My phone is a pos ",0 "I have to work during the bulls heat game ",0 "5 and a half more hours left in this 10hr shift #fml #workaholic ",0 "GAB TANDIAMA condolence po ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i miss you to sissy ",0 "Getting an email that isn't from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ makes me mad . And automatically gets deleted . ",0 "Awwww I'll give Zak a rose !! #teamzak #TheBachelorette ",-1 "Tomorrow very well could be one of the busiest days I've had in a while . ",0 "I don't get why people constantly try and make me upset I try to be happy all the time and get along with everyone but it's getting so hard ",0 "I just wanna smile and laugh and be happy ",0 "Sick on this thanksgiving ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ The gym .. Trying to ignore the fact that I think my bf exploded on the sun . ",0 "The dreams of been having lately #scary #theywakemeup ",0 "I don't fall asleep until like 12:30 .. ",0 "Walking Dead is on and so is football I wanna watch both ",0 "Upsetting when there's absolutely nothing you can do ",0 "I .... can't .. stop .. COUGHING . ",0 "I don't know if your just really nice or really my friend ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you two !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wanna watch the _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ game ",0 "my sister did not just say that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh gosh me too ! ",0 "\I'm the most clever person ever "" says the person who almost burned the house down "" ",-1 "In desperate need of something to do or somewhere to go tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ noooo i am at a hair appointment ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah until you wake me up and say \can I turn off that fan ? I'm cold ... "" "" ",0 "not ready for this rant in band ",0 "To the point where I can't study anymore #braindead ",0 "I'm going to be a wreck until tomorrow when I pick my baby up ",0 "My sleep paralysis is back ",0 "It's actually like 0 degrees in my house ",0 "Migraine AND a sore throat ? Yippee , my life just keeps getting better and better . #sarcasm #fml ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm watching it alone bc both my boys can't hang past 10 apparently . Ugh . Get off work to everyone sleeping . ",0 "I miss my friends .. ",0 "Wide awake but I wanna be sleeping ",0 "Anyone else have this cold/flu going around or had it ? Been a week for me and wish it would die . The cough at least . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Grrr . Im still mad at your ditching self ! ",0 "Well this completely sucks ",0 "Apparently I'm selfish .. ",0 "Nothing like a nice PRP shot in the morning #ouch #help ",0 "idk Idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk ",0 "It's so nice out , I wish I wasn't always stuck at work ",0 "If you have a baseball softball relationship I hate you ⚾ ",0 "Why do people ALWAYS wake me up !? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that blows man ",0 "taylor hurry up in the shower ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we however are not ... ",0 "My mood is alllllll over the place today .. ",0 "Really suck when you loose your charger ",0 "Schools the number one reason for all my problems . #needabreak ",0 "could someone tell me why I break out so bad ?! #gross ",0 "Hate sleeping alone .. any takers for cuddling ",0 "I drunkenly fed the cat bacon last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't know what number he wanted ",0 "I wonder if _TWITTER-ENTITY_ remembers me ",-1 "The next time I have to take this test about teachers ",0 "Ugh that dream = ",0 "อยุไกลพ่อแม่แล้วรู้สึกดี แต่เป็นห่วงเราเกินไปป้ะ ก็เข้าใจ แต่ไม่ชิน ",-1 "So much to think about today !! I have ALOT of work to do in the next few weeks ..... ",0 "It's gonna take a good week or two to get over this loss do NOT take about ❌ichigan in front of me . ",0 "Why can't I upgrade my iPhone ",0 "When people tweet but don't text back << ",0 "In a shitty mood at 5:30 in the morning .. Today is gonna be awesome , I can just tell ... ",0 "Someone come over . I don't wanna be alone today !! ",0 "This sucks #Frustrated ",0 "Sometimes I hate that I don't pick up my feet when I walk because I get shocked by everything I touch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm way more behind than the rest of you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh , I'm sorry . ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I don't wanna walk home but I am because I wanna go home "" where you walking from . "" ",0 "Why is there so much traffic on 22 right now , it's not even 12 ",0 "WOW Brian's just using me to get girls ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ our boys had a rough day . ",0 "Glad everyone gets to drink and have fun everyday over break while I have to work every damn day ... Kill me ",0 "so confused on when I stopped watching teen wolf .. can't figure out which episodes I missed ",0 "So close yet so far away from grad school . Looks like I'll be spending my evening in the Union . ",0 "Me tonight ☺ . Think it's time for ",-1 "It's so hard to not cry right now . ",0 "My mom won't take me to the doctors . ",0 "Fuck making up these math classes at 830 ",0 "I could of gone so long without knowing that .. )': ",0 "If I'm already late then why take fucking forever to bring me ? Really . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they probably have heated offices ",0 "It upsets me that the day before I leave the babies are finally used to me and run and want to play with me . Just my luck . ",0 "I'll just never understand why ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh god . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dannnnny it wasn't your fault . Don't be upset :/ you both are safe now and you have each other !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dude , I second that . I'm gonna be so tired at work today . I didn't sleep well ",0 "My mom just called me a ratchet hoe .. Well then .. #no #youdahoe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I won't be here to come see you ",0 "I miss him I shouldn't of done that ugh ! ",0 "It's like everyone had a terrible day today ... #todayblows ",0 "I wish you would come back home already ",0 "Wish I could spend New Year's Eve with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ but i have to babysit by myself instead ",0 "You can tell its Monday when a coworker is combing toothpaste and snot out of your hair thanks _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're a trooper ",-1 "I just want to watch the draft ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is it in like knots !? I do that alllll the time ",0 "every time i put something into my mouth i regret it . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh I love you too !!! I wish I could have a relationship like your guys that would probably complete me .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey I miss you so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i know !!! to wet out ",0 "Its 19 degrees outside & there are 3 houses on fire , Please keep those firefighters & families from those houses in your prayers ",0 "Woke up with a killer sore throat & searing back pain . Happy Sunday funday y'all ",0 "Alyssa won't rub my back to put me to sleep ",0 "One week till Plymouth #dontmakemego ",-1 "that childhood ruined twitter account is the worst thing that has ever happened to me #why ",0 "To think next years my last spirit week is really depressing ",0 "Few things I hate more than packing .. ",0 "wish i could be celebrating moms bday with her instead of working ",0 "Love third wheeling ",-1 "but i dont have any money ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ How can people be so ignorant ? Totally uncalled-for .. ",0 "A little over a week before I leave and I drop and break my phone ... awesome ",0 "That was not what I wanted to read ",0 "Oh my gah please work ",0 "Honestly , sometimes I miss having that one special someone in my life ... ",0 "Extreme makeover makes me cry every time ",0 "thinking of the family/friends of the mingo co sheriff what a sad week ",0 "Seriously tho , someone come keep me warm . It's so cold . ",0 "Why do I have to wake up early tomorrow ",0 "The only food I like here is fruit .. ",0 "Are we ever going to have Spring ?? ",0 "Literally wasted my whole day indoors writing lessons never again will I procrastinate so much ... #jk #yeahright ",0 "I love when girls reply \hahah "" or "" Yeahhh "" ....... #Subtweet "" ",-1 "Really wanting to go outside and help with Olympic Field Day ! It's way to pretty to be sitting in school . ",0 "My fucking socks are soaked ",0 "Why are sour patch kids the #1 worst candy ? ha that's my FAVORITE CANDY ... ",0 "I have to be at school at 6:00 tomorrow morning ... And I have to dress up #tired #studentcouncilproblens ",0 "I do not want to take the taxi to work today . ",0 "Why is it so weird texting when we are so close in person ? ",0 "Why don't liquor stores deliver ? ",0 "Grrr that is my pet peeve when people say that ",-1 "The fact my mom won't let me have MY money that I earned from working . Bitch it's not yours . Give me it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 5 of those names are Juniors .... ",0 "so help me God if I have to write another research paper anytime soon I will kill someone . #dead ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes you keep putting that picture up and it's so ugly of me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't worry come work with me at 615 . Leaving my house at 545 ",0 "Love getting a whopping $7 back from selling my book when I payed $400 #gottalovecollege #fuckme ",0 "Why does watching the vs fashion show make me want to buy more cute bras ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not like me . ",0 "My mood right now = #goodnight ",0 "Someone please text me . ",0 "I wish I had my permit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao i figured you was going tooo ! but i was so mad ! but you gotta do what you gotta do when you don't have a lighter . ",0 "It's a good thing I'm on break so I don't have to bawl my eyes out at work . #itsfine ",0 "Missing the whole damn draft right now ",0 "i wish this stupid movie would just continue to play instead of making me sit here in silence .. ",0 "I'd rather not work tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ needs to get better !! I'm so lonely without you ",0 "My room is so small ",0 "Just ran over a squirrel #sadday #roadkill ",0 "Who wants to come with me to get my nails done tomorrow ",-1 "Every time someone says \idk "" in response to one of my questions about tonight's plans , my blood pressure skyrockets "" ",0 "I don't know how to react to someone in my family dying ... I only had to do it once and I wasn't old enough to understand #rip #angel . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't have enough gas for that ",0 "When is it actually going to be nice for once this summer ? #seriously ",0 "I just want to go to bed already ... ",0 "tonight's workouts killed me ",0 "The power just flickered .. If it goes out ill be pissed . ",0 "Gonna be up all night .. ",0 "Unloading another train .. 3rd one In 3 days . ",0 "I feel awful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ MISS YOU ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Waaaaait . No Christina ?! Whyyyy ?! ",0 "Good ! Class isn't as interesting when you're not there but you're welcome . ",0 "I hate being up early ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I keep trying to text you but it keeps saying message failed ",0 "i hate that i couldn't go to the gno dinner with my girls ",0 "FOH bish u didn't tell me GM either ",0 "All I want to do is drive back roads and listen to good music but I don't have any friends that are willing to listen to good music ",0 "The snap chats I'm sending Jamie right now _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",-1 "I didn't even see Caleb today like that's the only reason I like school ",0 "I physically can't get up #miserable #makemebetter ",0 "woah , I'm one angry elf right now ",0 "Wish I never let our friendship slip away !!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ next weekend is so far away ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey it's not my fault ",0 "Thinking back on my dreams at night this past week I just wish they would stop happening . #toovivid ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have missed you and SARC so much ",0 "Realizing that christmas is going to suck this year cause your not here anymore ",0 "my body aches . ",0 "Wishing I was getting my back massaged right now #WishfulThinking ",0 "My mom went to Olive Garden without me ",0 "Can someone come over or something ",0 "When you can't make somebody you care about happy . < ",0 "Why must it be so chilly outside ... I want to beable to walk on the trails with Rj in his stroller and just enjoy being outside ... ",0 "SHUT UP . Omfg . #headache ",0 "My back is fried ! ",0 "I have the most sickest feeling in my stomach knowing its my last day today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was either this or not go ",0 "Ever since I quit smoking , I get such a bad headache when people smoke cigarettes around me . Idc of you smoke , just do it away from me . ❌ ",0 "24th of July and I got no plans , imma stay at home and do the loner dance . #ThisIsNotOkay ",0 "Burning up right now I just wanna lay in the snow ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need a new charger ugh """" ",0 "Why don't I feel any better ",0 "I just want to hangout ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nikki is being mean to me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ help me ",0 "Wow I am not looking forward to this 3 hour 9 am lab #TooEarly #TooLong ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks babe I hope you did too , miss you lots ",-1 "WHYYYYYYYY YOU LEAVE ME SO SOON ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've never been so jealous of a bear in my life ",0 "Why aren't my texts sending as iMessages ",0 "I've been so out of it lately . ",0 "I realize I say a lot of what's on my mind but there's just so many unsaid things nobody would ever understand nor could I explain ",0 "I just drafted the best fantasy football team ! Too bad it was a mock draft ",0 "Thank god I don't have to work #stillsick #waaaah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good but I'm gonna be down the beach ! ",0 "I'm missing Indiana and everyone from there . ",0 "I truthfully can not deal with my Christianity teacher ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ zachary please ! ",0 "I need to tan . ",0 "You just gotta love being sick #feellikeshit ",0 "My last thanks giving meal I'm thankful for my God and so many other things ! ",-1 "I'm so sleeeeepy and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is a CHATTTTTTERBOX right now . lolololol ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ feel better ! ",-1 "These kids are annoying todayy . ",0 "College stuff stresses me out ",0 "I can't handle these zombies ",0 "Ugh I have a lot to do within the next 4 hours ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dude I might get a new bed . Hahahha we might have to sleep together ",-1 "I hope I wake up in the morning feeling better ",0 "many things annoy me ",0 "I wanna see my girl _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! ",0 "Yay for watching the vow all alone with my dog ",-1 "No diggity won't get out of my head ",0 "Prayers for Texas as well . So sad ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cool that's great all I need now is a good collectors edition for the U.S. feels like we don't get much for this one ",0 "Just want a good nights sleeeep ",0 "Wait☝ isn't it just as dangerous for cops to use computers as it is for normal folk to text and drive ? Not fair . ",0 "If I'm walking with headphones in clearly avoiding eye contact , I don't care if I look young , bitch don't stop me to ask if I'm a freshman ",0 "Time to play this fucking game again ",0 "Every time I drive by my dream house in Alexander I cry a little cause I doubt it'll be for sale again anytime soon ",0 "Work is creeping me out this morning . ",0 "Just walked passed the salem ymca ",-1 "#iCant STUDY . ",0 "Don't have data for three weeks ... Cool ✌️ ",0 "I'm honestly having car withdrawals ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Nothing is frustrating me more right now than the fact I'm missing the KC vs Texas game .. ⚾ ",0 "Is it Ignore Sarah Day ? ",0 "Ok I want it to be Sunday already #missingsomeone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is it weird I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and you harassing me ?! Haha butttt I seriously miss everyone ",0 "Work what a drag wish i could be cuddle with my blanket in my bed #hatework ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bahhh I know . It's pretty rough . Just had to pull over to puke . ",0 "Why is my pool still cold ",0 "Watching Paranormal Activity 4 alone in my basement was not a good idea ... ",0 "Pretty sure this Christmas is going to turn me into a Scrooge .. except for when it comes to Savannah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Going to homecoming , & not having someone for the slow songs . Seeing the cute couples makes me so sad . #jealous #depressing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I had the HUGEST crush on him when I saw the first fast and furious movie this is so sad ",0 "I still cannot believe that tonight was my last golf match ever .. I'm deff gonna miss my golf life .. ⛳️ ",0 "I hate this song right now ... ",0 "And realizing I def had time to get a tea ..... ",0 "Man I'm still hungover from last night ",0 "Where are we going ? I see no light at the end of the tunnel . It's always the same every night . #iwanttobehappy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ id probably forget to feed it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ join the club #sickgirlprobs ",0 "Just wanna eat all the string cheese in my fridge ",0 "Im freezing and nauseous . ",0 "Giving up on these feelings ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I MISS YOU ALREADY BBY ",0 "Ew do i seriously have a lab 8:30 -11 tmrw ",0 "My allergies would act up when I wanna go to sleep . ",0 "What a day it has been ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will off someone if you drop #B3 before Xmas ",-1 "I want to go to the lake . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you don't act like it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know you put that pic on twitter just so everyone can see you got over 100% .... #ImOntoYou ",-1 "Sometimes I forget I only just turned 23 two months ago . I have a long way to go . ",0 "I'm not leaving my bed until summer comes back . ❄❄❄❄ ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I want my boyfriend here ",0 "Guess I'm a little too late ",0 "I miss when _TWITTER-ENTITY_ used to come stay with me and we would stay up all night and then sleep all day . #missthosedays ",0 "i want my boyfriend , aka _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , to come back ",0 "My mom needs to get home from the casino ",0 "I hate when I'm this tired but I can't fall asleep ",0 "T-Pain is whack . I feel like a tool for ever liking him ",0 "it's too early to be doin ' a study guide . ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ! I hate the remix ",0 "Feel like shit ... not tryna go to class ",0 "Gramma is making _TWITTER-ENTITY_ buns just for coming up . We all know who the favorite grandchild is . ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Exactly but its still too early for me to be upp ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i will never like the end of this tweet ",0 "Last years Christmas was so much better ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry I'd bring them too you if I could ! Onions <<<<< ",0 "My 1st day at my 2nd job tomorrow I have a long day ahead of me both jobs back to back #ImThankful though ",0 "School busses . <<<<<<<<< ! ",0 "I swear I ruin everything ",0 "I'm so annoyed right now , let's add more on ",0 "I HATE Tuesdays it's just lectures .... Let me just shoot myself a couple times before tomorrow comes ... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "It was dad ",0 "Getting sad #Ezradontgo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ my twitter app doesn't even have an update . It's kind of annoying the shot out of me ",0 "I think last nights the first time someone actually denied my apology ",0 "Doesn't even seem like Christmas is tomorrow . ",0 "Now Stanford is going to jump OSU ",0 "I hate when my parents are mad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they don't buy the 5% that do are probably acc hoops fans or Syracuse fans and you're obviously neither ",0 "Do we get the Chiefs vs Texans game in PC ? Not that I'll be home to watch it anyway ",0 "The best show to ever be on tv has just ended ",0 "I wish my brother had his license and could go pick up my prescription #dying ",0 "Getting fake nails on was the worst decision of my life ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It's sad how you used to be one of my best friends and now we don't even speak . ”lol my life with allll my old friends ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ JUST MISSED YOU ",0 "I wish you knew the actual me . Not the person I was when I acted like that ",0 "I need my friends . ",0 "When you wake up in the morning and your eyes can't seem to stop watering ... ",0 "Just once could one thin in my life so right . seriously just one thing .. ",0 "I have way to much energy and I'm about to be in a car for another hour ... ",0 "Christmas break and i still decide to work . ",0 "I'm so sad awkward is over until next fall ",0 "how much more obvious could i make it ??? #talk2me ",0 "Remember that time I worked 21 hours on a single weekend ? ",0 "Letting go of your Oreo while dipping it in milk <<<<< _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I wish I could stay in my bed all afternoon but noooo I have to go back .. ",0 "The shots & blood work I had done earlier is makin me not able to move my left arm which means I can't play gta so I'm pretty pissed . ",0 "How do you make coffee #helpme ",0 "Desperate need of coffee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too ",0 "You're seriously like everything I want in a boy ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we barely hangout anymore ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im so , so sorry . hugs and Brie kisses <3 ",0 "Missing my Super Summer family #gojesus ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awhh ! ",-1 "This week is no longer MTWTF it is MTWS ( Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , School ) ",0 "I'm really gonna need _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to come home .. This is getting a bit ridiculous ",0 "School alarm set for 8am tomorrow ",0 "Why am I drowning in all this homework all of a sudden ",0 "I never have any good pictures for Throwback Thursday ",0 "OKAY SERIOUSLY ME FALLING DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS IS GETTING OLD . I HAVE FALLEN DOWN TWICE TONIGHT I AM SO RETARDED ",0 "It is extremely annoying when you accidentally like something on ask.fm and you can't unlike it ",0 "My feet and hands are always soooo cold ! ",0 "Why wont you answer me ",0 "Packing is such a struggle ",0 "And wtf happened to all my snap buddies ? ",0 "Dreading the thought of waking up at five in the morning for softball ",0 "I don't want to go to work _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we should ditch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry early night tonight ! Need sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Remember ! ",-1 "Seriously ... I love everything bagels . But the everything bagels that were purchased for my consumption have sunflower seeds . #yuck ",0 "I hate shaving so much ",0 "Hate that I can't ever sleep at night ",0 "Of course the girl named Windsor went to Harvard .. ",0 "So , hypothetically , if I wanted to go full sleeve with my Phoenix , should I build off it or random piece it up ? I'm stuck ",0 "I guess I'll stay single for awhile ",0 "People who put a show on to look better on a social network . #ridiculous ",0 "Shedding a tear of how cute of a brother & sister _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are they are just so cute . What happened to my brother ",0 "What a fucking small world we live in ",0 "don't wanna do this ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ :P :'( ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know I suck at texting ",0 "I swear I have the weakest stomach ! #sick #annoying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss your cool parents , it's been almost a month ",0 "My poof has a dent in it ",0 "Why am I so creepy ? ",0 "My thighs are so sore from yesterday ",0 "What the hell . Its 9:15 . Like ummmm ",0 "It's not supposed to rain while you're at the beach . ",0 "I can't believe I am missing Pearl Jam at the Key Arena tonight ... I would do anything to see Last Kiss live ! ",0 "yay for being sick . praying I'm not sick for thanksgiving and work on Black Friday ",0 "I'm sitting by myself . ",0 "I suck at writing papers ",0 "I didn't pass my science ECA . It's okay though . Still have a B ",0 "Missing Alex so much today . 3 years today and it doesn't get any easier . ",0 "The thing I hate about getting older is that I never get any fun presents because I always know what they are ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ test tomorrow ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I care ? ",-1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Bahaha I'm sorry ",0 "I can't type tonight #annoying ",0 "thanks for opening the snap chat i sent you and not replying . ",0 "Now you text me !! Ugh I hate this why play games with me ? Haven't you done enough . ",0 "How does Jenna get Matty then not want him . What even ",0 "Never again will I get a sweet tea from Burger King . It tastes like water . #angry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ crying at the fact I don't get so see my boy tomorrow ",0 "I wish I had friends to hang out with right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ of all days , I would be sick a day I'm working for you ",0 "This headache <<< ",0 "Legit 64 degrees in our room ⛄ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I say it yet you don't listen it's like what I say has no meaning to you anymore ",0 "Get me back to school , I miss my healthy food ",0 "Now I just gotta get through today .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i dropped it annd it cracked really bad and i got glass in my finger so it had to retire its miserable ",0 "we're about to be busy af today ",0 "it's the perfect night to chill in the cabana but it's just too buggy out ",0 "I really don't want to leave Ocean City ... Too many GOOD memories ",0 "but it's gonna be a long semester ",0 "I have shin splints like a mother fucker . Someone massage and ice my legs ",0 "Watching liz put on jeans while I lay in bed without pants and being silently sympathetic to her struggles ",0 "Burning your bagel <<<< ",0 "Anybody else see that turkey hill commercial trying to copy Hump Day , are you kidding me ! ",-1 "I can't stand the fact the my little sister and I both wear the same size pants .. And thats Angi alway mixes up our jeans ",0 "I would still do anything to have the 12 valve over my truck i wish gil would just trade me already ",0 "When freelance clients say one thing but mean another . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh !!!!!!! ",0 "#ItsHardForMeTo admit I'm wrong .. I honestly hate it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss all of you ",0 "can someone take me to Florida ... #springbreakisboring ",0 "#StoryBehindMyScar me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tend to accidentally let our hands fall through windows .... ",0 "seriously enroth what even just happened ",0 "If I have these cramps all day I'll kill everyone ",0 "I'm an idiot ",0 "I knew today would be shitty ",0 "I HAVE A CRUSH ON OOMF . But yeah . ",0 "Ugh ! I don't like being at home without my babies , even Summer is gone : ( ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ be asking me questions on twitter like she don't have my number . Let me find out ",0 "Oweee , nobody bet not come in my fucking room nor say a mf ' thang to me ",0 "Lets go heat lets go heat lets go heat let's go heat I don't wanna lose my money ",0 "Bye K . ",0 "Nikia left me : ( #BadBestfriend ! Lol ",0 "All my aunties talk loud as hell at family functions #BeingBlackProblems ",0 "boreddddddd out of my mind ",0 "I didn't sleep good last night .. I think I'm sick ",0 "they don't know how to feed a nigga in here im tf hungry . that's why i don't like going to other ppl house ! ",0 "If it's ma rain then it's ma shower .... ",0 "Lmao I'm mad as hell right now ",0 "You just ticked me off bye , #GOODNIGHT ",0 "I Can Never Be Happy ",0 ", I know all these fat ass people ain't stay at my house ",0 "Wtf ??? #Oomfs Tripping ",0 "I'm just tryna free myself that's all ion wanna bother nobody ",0 "I Aint Gone Wanna See or Chill W/ Nobody Tomorrow !! ",0 "Lol practice\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : dunno how to just chill n relax my body so use to being busy !! Wtf cant keep calm ! smh smh """" ",0 "I'm bored & not sleepy ",0 "I got something in the mail today that I completely forgot I ordered . I'm ordering too much shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : the cyphers come out at the hip hop awards . y'all stupid ”DICKHEADS ",0 "Fuck my old hoes , they ain't mean me no good . ",0 "My mama must b cleaning glasses ... I smell vinegar ",0 "I hate spiteful people . ",0 "But why Heem and boogie playing 2k back to back tho ",0 "We lost by 3 again ",0 "King ain't lettin me sleep tonight ",0 "I Wanna Bae . Everybody All Cuffed & Happy ",0 "nothing there anymore ",0 "Somebody Anybody call me ",0 "She irks my nerves ",0 "That dream just raised my blood pressure !!! Tf ? ",0 "Judi Alwayss Fuckingg Crying ",0 "nigga never loved us do it look like we stressin ' ? ",0 "I just brought hair and it was awful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I only changed yours , cuz it was something ugly up there ",0 "Who tf gets mad cause you talking to fam you only see 2 times a year shit lame . ",0 "Fuvk nigga don't want gunplay ",0 "See this is y I don't like going to the damn doctor !!! They always wanna poke u with needles & ish ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ My shit look way different my letters tiny as hell ",0 "#10ThingsYouHateToDo 1 ) Turning off the light when I'm lying on my bed feeling sleepy already 2 ) Pretend that I'm ok , but in real not ” ",0 "I can't write no more , my hand writing look ugly asf ",0 "I would DIE to at least try to do some of those stunts ",0 "These bitches nasty I can't take these hoes with no self respect ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If You Didn't Already Update Your Twitter .. DON'T DO IT ”why ",0 "Real bad dry skin ",0 "I be Talking in codes n shxt up here ✋' Y'all ain't low ... Don't kno Shxt ",0 "I hate that gay ass face boys make in they pictures be looking like ",0 "I should've went to Texas ",0 "I was really harsh last night . I should apologize ",0 "I've Been Craving , Chicken Alfredo All Week every body at school while I'm at home being sick . . I'm Feeling Some Type Of Way ✊ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ naw you missing why I want time to speed up changing it on my phone won't help ",0 "Wishes _TWITTER-ENTITY_ didn't have to work tonight ",0 "I'm not drinking no more ",0 "Dwight Howard is a bitch ass nigga ! He will never have my respect ! Ole wide shoulders having ass botch ",0 "Mfs damn near pregnant n wanna be wit me Were they do that shit at ",0 "You know how you catch a attitude , and you dont know why ... thats how im feeling right now ",0 "I hate liars . ",0 "I Wish Nafee Was Here For One More Day ",0 "I really miss my grandma ",0 "had a dream i was at a dinner for hard head fred .... ",0 "Ima delete my Instagram or let somebody have that shit , that shit boring now ",0 "Yoo DNA i hate u for puttin on that . Beat durin da k-shine battle ",0 "Shawty keep tweeting dumb shit like stfuu ",0 "wish I was seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this weekend ",0 "Good morning !! Hungry but don't want to get out of bed ",0 "In my feelings this morning ... ",0 "Make me some food ",0 "* sigh * I Give Up Man ",0 "Omg feeling sleepy ",0 "Wtf , she want me to eat for , if I'm not hungry ! But , I'ma eat anyway ! ",0 "that'll work . yeaap . goodnight yall . bye Jarada * mutes phone * nighht hoess ✌✊ ",0 "My Babes So Ratchet , ( Nyla , Jessica , & Toodie ) This House Is Too Big For These Hoes To Be Playing Hide n ' Seek & Shit #GrannysHouse ",0 "He said im too spoiled tf ",0 "so nai I guess it's \ fck keikei "" "" ",0 "Guess I'm Ridin solo 2 nite ... ",0 "Who wanna ft I need to vent ",0 "But Wait Dnt Lock Me Out _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "If I'm mad with you , you gotta do a hell of a lot to make me not mad with you ❗️ ",0 "He always surprising me w/ something ! Mama all jealous & shxt but she finna go get a car ✋ ",0 "Awww cry me a river ✋ ",0 "rell punishing me , i gotta send him a pic of me everynight ",0 "My printer actin stupid man !!! ",0 "I Gotta Work Today ",0 "THC all through my bloodstream ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bruh I can't even say ",0 "Wanted to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in the superlounge but it was too crowded and people kept running into my belly ",0 "something bit me on my face ",0 "My mood really affects my appetite ; whenever I'm feeling bad or down I completely lose my appetite for the day ",0 "I should've asked for a ride . Tf was I thinking .... salty asf ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ That's how mine is looking too . LOL . Was going to clean it our but its raining . ",0 "Honest hour I been single for Soo long ",0 "Nisha really mad ",0 "if yuh not my niggah , then dont call me while im tweeting ",0 "Nigga you on me tf ",0 "When Does Time Go Back ? ",0 "Why Doesn't Isaiah Tweet ? ",0 "Hey Twitter ....... I Hope Y'all Had A Nice Day Yesterday ",0 "Slick don't have nothing to do today .. ",0 "Guess Thats A No ",0 "I Pop Pills To Run Away From My Problens . ",0 "let me chill out ... ✋✋✋ pick myself up right quick ",0 "I'm fucking somebody tomar ard gn ",0 "Some timing ass ",0 "She's ugly !!! ",0 "So the hubby is out kickin it for him and his brutha bday so I guess i ' m going to bed alone tonight ",0 "How old is Peter ? ",0 "the moment you realize im not worried about you , but you still worrying about me ",0 "I just want that 1 message or phone call apologizing for everything ",0 "Fine guys that just talk to any and everything <<<<< ugh ",0 "But , I Aint Bouta Be Here ..! ",0 "Y tf am I still up ",0 "Come on JT ",0 "always calling somebody a hoe ! ",0 "im bored ltf ",0 "he really put , irritated the fuck outta my soul yo ",0 "Yu Never Should Of Tld Me Yu Love Me & Yu'll Never Leave ",0 "I like regular songs with the beats .. I hate this uck me like a raw pit bull "" shit "" ",0 ", my father always lying when itt comes too money like tf #manii ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aw , Man Im Bored ",0 "I just wanna FT ... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : who wanna text ? ” Me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hurry uppp . ",0 "DON'T LOOK LIKE THAT ! ",0 "im walking all lonely and shit ",0 "he really don't like me ",0 "Fuck Louisiana Weather Bruh ",0 "My charger piece keep falling off ✋ ",0 "What the mudda faaaaaaaack ! ",0 "No grass no Nothin ",0 "I swear ques & Corey my personal dumb & dumber ",0 "* deep breath * ",0 "Ill never get a car playing ",0 "I hate watching movies with nay she ask a million questions lol ",0 "I can't stop crying ",0 "Omg I forgot it was the 21st !!! IM MISSING SCANDAL ",0 "It's Cold Wet And Rainy Outside☔️ ",0 "I hate school ! ",0 "RFT \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Damn I hate a bitch that like to argue in shit """" ",0 "I hate when people use yo ex in joke to u I be like did u really just say that name ",0 "Y'all so dry tonight g ",0 "My morning didn't go as planned steady cappin with johno on GTA ",0 "Whyyyyyyyyyyyy ... just had to be too good to be true ",0 "My nigga mak got cut ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you said wake up hoes !! ",0 "Wanna go ova boo house ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whaaa ?? ",0 "I got so emotional last night ",0 "Gotta be black ppl ",0 "' Feelin Single Like Shit ",0 "Kj takes over my phone when his daddy calls ",0 "I'm at the point in my life , if it doesn't: 1 . Make Me Money 2 . Make Me Better ☺3 . Make Me Happy I Won't Make Time For It . ⌚☝ ",0 "These some real ass tears . ",0 "I RealLive Hate Dat Sneak Dissin SnakeShit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I catch feelings for the wrong people , that's my fuckin problem . ” ",0 "TJ Be Straight Dismissing Me ",0 "What Smitty Just Said !!! <<<< ",0 "Man fuck that I'm driving ",0 "\Man I swear these hoes and niggaweak as hell """" ",0 "i thoughtt my baby was ingoringg mee , but my message not goin through . ",0 "Sunday they want me to be on my suit and tie shit hell no for one its to hot and I don't wanna look like walking death ",0 "\ Rasheeda & Kirk lame ass << """" ",0 "After Winter Break , Im Outtieeee ! ! Best friend && everybody else mad at me they'll be ok ",0 "Phone on 5 percent that fast damn lemme let my phone charge smh ",0 "Ion Want Nobody Sayin , That Picture Was Not Cute Ron . ",0 "I need knee knee ",0 "Call me crazy shit least you callin ",0 "The Person You Want The MOST Play The MOST Gamess ",0 "Yo my fucking grandpop just died . ",0 "MarMar don't wanna talk to me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Miss my brothers _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” -- sis cheer up we might be together today ",0 "That lady really irked my nerves this am , banging on my fucking foor in the last 15minutes of my sleep ",0 "Braids out ! Now I'm sitting here like !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : She said she sleep like I'm ugly or some shit . ” calm down . It was t like that . ",0 "Can't Find My Charger ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I pray all Toledo bitches get clothes for Christmas smh” ",0 "Mann . I Just don't even care ",0 "Niggas stole my mommas condoms ✋ smh ",0 ", my stomach ",0 "I hate the fact that lil boys be attracted to me ... I am not a cougar ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lls dnt remind me bitch i look back now like ewwww ",0 "WHY TF YALL KEEP STEALING MY TWEETS ",0 "I want Chick-fil-A but I don't wanna get dress to go get it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Just catch the damn ball !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay ✋ ",0 "Up & bored ",0 "Beyonce's I miss you always brings me back ",0 "I'm Tired And I'm In Pain ",0 "School round the corner , I ain't ready ",0 "Still aint get no sleep i guess im vamping or wateva ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't you wanna come save a lil nigga from boredom ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Who wanna sniff a Molly . .?????? Ill buy it to watch u do it ..... ” wtf ",0 "People only text/call you when they need or want something #Bastards ",0 "everybody wanna smoke now , tht shit erkin ' ",0 "Dude this is exactly how I feel . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait to get tht wash , conditioner & blow dry ",0 "Still sleep get tf up ",0 "Park dead ass hell ",0 "14 % ✋ ",0 "My Girlfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ must be sleep ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ noI missed it” ",0 "old chicks cryin ' cuz they know tht they lost out ✌ ",0 "Lord why didn't you bless me with patience ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : You know i know ” ",0 "✋ Up out my face ",0 "They robbed him ",0 "Really still pissed off ... ",0 "Glenae really be trying to stunt but be all in my face ",0 "I've realize I've stick all my big bills in the Goose bootle .!!! ",0 "I had a good day with my Best Friends . I miss these days so much ",0 "I have so many pics to upload from prom ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hope you feel better soon ! ",0 "My bae is money hungry ",0 "Was only in 5th period for 5mins ... #stupidbus ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I don't have any friends I can watch the game lol Smfh it's cool tho it doesn't bother me anymore” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes ! Smfh ",0 "I Can't Even See My Grades ",0 "Mannnnnnnnn I don't wanna hear that shit ! ✋ ",0 "I wanna go see bestman holiday aqain even tho i cry like ah baby ' im not going w/ my bestfriend he go say im pussy ",0 "I would laugh at what she said but she said I can't ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ took you allday ",0 "I'm at work tho ",0 "Finna Head Home . ",0 "Y I'm over here laughing & lol n shit I'm salty af ! I miss my man ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Thats YOU .. Im Not d One Thats Doing Wrong ! ” ",0 "False alarm .., you think you know someone and then you google them smdh I'm going to be single FOREVER !!! ",0 "These Hoes Flooding My TL With This BULLSHIT ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfaooo always defending him ” ",0 "One braid sticking up & the one on side of it coming out ",0 "Gotta drive 21/2hours now ",0 "Did he just ask for head ",0 "Trash ass rental cops ! ",0 "I miss my nigga _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .... Not that she care ",0 "jus got pulled over by them dicks ! ii HATE these bitches ! ",0 "it's hot as hell out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bring me sum to eat I'm starving ",0 "Imma Go To Sleep Until Sum Shake Cause He Ain't Replied Back !! ",0 "Ona Phone With My Babyfather ' Ugh I Just Wanna Jump Threw This Phone & Choke The Shit Out Him ",0 "* SIGHHHH * ",0 "I forgot to get that book for Pritzlaff ",0 "Hello goodmorning can I speak to \Jacoby "" .... really lady ??!! where the hell do you see a C or a B in my name ? "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you don't act like it ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u thought dat was dat other nigga popping up .... ” mannnnnnnn ain't nobody got time for that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need a middle finger emoji ",0 ", just called bae & had this dry ass conversation the beef is REAL ",0 "Damn im alone && my boo home ",0 "Wait wat ok just die .... ",0 ", youu aint try too text back so yeaahh dont talk to me * foldsarms * ",0 "Phone dry .. What's new ",0 "Why tf would she call me ",0 "Why u sooooo ? ",0 "I hate when somebody try and use me ",0 "Wtf Nooooooooooooooooooo cut him off the team !! ",0 "Why ppl say I act likes daddy ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I called you yesterday ",0 "Amen\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas be letting the wrong females down ✊ for bitches that been all around ... ✌ """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ no U didn't that's crazy ” stop lying ",0 "Some dudes just disrespectful ",0 "It feel toooooo fucking good outside . ",0 "Only Michonda would head to the mall knowing she gotta be at work in 30 min ",0 "My fonee doin number ritee na - but idnt feel like talkin or txtin nobody ",0 "I can't go to my homecoming I'm just going to cry all day ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Mellie ” ",0 "Still sleep get tf up ",0 "Mannnn ii need therapy or some shxx ",0 "I need them Gamma Blue 12s on my feet ",0 "Well Didn't Get My Morning Text ",0 "Getting schleepy ! ",0 "How Kayla ganna tell me come to her house , && iThinkk this Bitch Sleep ",0 "seems like ameriyan was right about you . ✋ damn . ",0 "Smh this shit is a joke ",0 "I'm bored as shit ",0 "I'm so unapologetic ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ plz dont go tank voice” <<< u know its just too little too late jojo voice ",0 "My bisshhh Amber got sick on mee today so she ain't T.U. like she wanted too # FELT SORRY FOR MY FRIEND ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ alright . ✌ ",0 "shizz needa come home I want the D ",0 "I hate the kissing noise ",0 "Stank ass cierra ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ IS !!! You'on see nun but leg ! ” I see a asscheeck . I want fight , showin my goodies n shit .. ",0 "I got bored now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ completely shocked So sad I can do nothing but cry . ",0 "Horny & he sleep ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Watching sex in the city 1 ... without _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ”nooooo ",0 "EAN SAY APRIL FOOLS ALREADY , PLEASEEEEE ! ! ! WHYYYYYY ! ? ",0 "I need a session ",0 "tay erks my soul yo ",0 "Both of them jinxed me like TF ",0 "Bitches really be erking meeee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I asked him is we done he said he don't wanna talk about it , he said he don't wanna talk to me right now he need time to think ",0 "I'm done dawg ! ",0 "Suburbs So Weak ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I knowwwww ",0 "I need a check ",0 "Feel like sucka ass nigga lmao ",0 "Good Grief Charlie Brown !!!!! ",0 "They killed my nigga TC . RIP BRO ! ",0 "O man _TWITTER-ENTITY_ finna come home ",0 "I vamp and still woke up early still sleepy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm crushed ",0 "Y aint daro in right now .. WtF ",0 "My homie Tre going through it .. #PrayingForBRich ",0 "& My Phone Gotta Be Off ",0 "all dis rain ",0 "mad Jaslyn used me until her boo called last night . then i was bored ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thats enough on ex's” ",0 "Lord when i see this black ass child tomorrow ' ima try my best not to punch him in his shit ",0 "Eating Good at BoneFish Grill .. Full af Ready to go home ",0 ", I just got irritated ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ * shrug * ",0 "I Be Like ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Wish Nushka was round my way ” Crybaby ahh” ",0 "* He can't come w/ me though <<< ",0 "Labria Always Wanna Play When I'm Sleepy ",0 "I was so happy when ole boy brought me my food he took so freaking long tho ",0 "Crowds make me Nervous ' Esp a With Young Dumb Mf's ",0 "Feeling sick as hell this morning ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh that light skin shit ",0 "damn lil sexy jawn can I buy you a Pepsi ?? ",0 "Fenna get tree soon as I leave dis school cuz mfs been tweaking wid me all day n here ",0 "Jeriah really get on my nerves y'all don't know how real it is . ",0 "Let me call kaylah back this shit just irritated my life ",0 "Man ion wanna go to school im sleepy , tired && getting sickkk ",0 "People really will go broke trying to look rich ",0 "Fuck I keep throwing up smh . ",0 "I swear they don't ",0 "I have a fucking headache ",0 "✌ im done ",0 "I wanna see mama dee v.d Erica mother ",0 "We boutta go back too school ",0 "I be late asf on kik , The app be force closing ",0 "Mf needa call me like NOW ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I can't believe I just played that bad ... "" yall still was doing they ass "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm tooooooo MAD ",0 "I'm so irritated like its not even funny no more ",0 "Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh not today ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : * sticks middle finger * ( at everyone)”at me too ",0 "I can only hear so much chief keef ",0 "And he called me like 3 times !!! ",0 "I be feeling so bad when people speak to me & i be having no clue who they are ",0 "Got me up all night , all I'm singin ' is love songs ..... ",0 "I can barely txt wit this ban-aid ",0 "Boutaa take these to make my hair grow longer ",0 "Potatoe Sack body havin ass bitch smh ",0 "Boy Candace was been supposed to come over and .. ",0 "8% I need a Life ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im always in the cut ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bored ” Come hang out with ur wifey ” bout to fuel up the jet cherie ",0 "Emojis make texting soooooooo much better .. like bitch if you sad/mad ion wanna see or > , shit betta be .. & ",0 "Man it's goin on 1 o'clock n da morning and I'm still washing and drying ",0 "#bitchesbelike i hate him i cant stand him especially after what he did but on his line heavy af ✋ ",0 "That beef shit is OLD ✋ , If a Mf say they beefing with me . They lyin , They beefing with they damn self . Cuz IDGAF ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too ",0 "So Annoying .. ",0 "Ugh I don't think I wanna talk to anybody no more I think I'm just be to myself ",0 "I need to learn how to drive ! ",0 "Everybody in my class except me and 2 people went to that basketball game and i'm in class bored asf ",0 "Omg I just saw a picture and heard about the Boston explosion ",0 "And left me by me self !! ",0 "My eyes all red & swollen I guess no sleep and crying will do that tho ",0 "No reason why I didn't like his bird ass no more ",0 "fuck them bitches .. ✌ ",0 "She working my nerves tho ",0 "I'm always sad when i leave my granny but i got to get back to work in the am .. #Maconbound ",0 "i ain't got no hoes .. shit crazy ",0 "Caught up on your ex still , I can get you pass it .... while I guess not ",0 "Pull my hair smack my ass type shit YESSSSSS ",0 "I got em & don't kno what to do with em ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ noI missed it” ",0 "My face right now : ",0 "I want my nails done so bad for tonight ",0 "Why tf is the font on the new twitter update so big . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was wondering what happened ! Kept trying to call you ”yes this shit was finally went out on me ",0 "Thought I was gone have ma lulu tonight bhut I guess ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ a real bad one next year I'm gonna stop spending as much ”liess ",0 "Bored as shit ",0 "Takia ain't txt back oka ",0 "Joe Budden fine ass ",0 "Im still pissed bout this fucking crack on my iPad !!! ",0 "If I knew what I know now I woulda been did better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ You cheated on mee too much ",0 "I rather u be my nigga ",0 "I aint even get time to fix my hair ",0 "In A Bad Mood ",0 "Where is Adre'onia ",0 "mad cause the wifi acting up ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lol . People Never Want To Be My Friend Because They Think I'm Stupid ” ",0 ", where the fuck is my girlfriend ",0 "My Back Really Killing Me !!! ",0 "Mfs Really Irritating Me ",0 "they playing with our emotions !!! Where dat Nigga CHOCOLATE DROPPA at ? ",0 "lost all my music ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : im bored ... """" ",0 "bout to throw a coat on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mad at me ",0 "Boogie never Ppl back but then complain about how he don't got no hoes ",0 "Chilling at dha house with alot on mii minnnd ... <3 ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Im So Tired Of This Shit , i Cant Get A Break smh” Its ohkayy babee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know awwww she gone be a big girl !!!! ",0 "\Can you blame her ?, she wants to see her baby "" sometimes I dislike my mom "" ",0 "RAVENS NATIOM , WE FUCKING READY ",0 "All this glue shit i cant deal wit i need my hair now ",0 "Omgggg why my dumb ass tweet that ",0 "Haven't talked to my dude allday , I miss . him ",0 "Why is this child in my kik ? Where is his gf ? Tata need to get her friend . ",0 "My feet cold .. lol ",0 "i DO NOT find interest in talking about YOUR ain't shit ass boyfriend . ✋ ",0 "Hate that I have to go to this 6:00 ",0 "Guess Imma lay it down then ",0 "His foot steps coming straight toward my room ",0 "Listening to Channel Orange . ",0 "HATERS BE LIKELOOK AT THAT NIGGA OVER THERE SUCCEEDING AND SHIT .. ✈️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stfu .! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_  real shit doe” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i dont remember none this shit yo , im sorry ",0 "So , like , who wants to be my header ? No one ? I mean , that's cool too ... ",0 "Ain't Nobody Let Fry Get Fucking Jumped ,,, Everybody Just Basing They Opinions On That Lil ass clip ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got expelled , and charged with assault ",0 "This Waiting Shit Ain't For Me I Have No Patience At All ",0 "My stomach growling ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ pissed da fukk off she gt mah ears ringing ain even shown kno interest in da convo she still goin ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol if I feel like it” ",0 "You have to make sure the girl you call homie gone do what you willin to do for her .. 50/50 that's how it go .. Fucking joe blows ",0 "Aww ima miss Imani ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It's nothing like sleeping in ya own bed ”yes lawd lol ",0 "Damn cam took the bih I was Finna fuck ",0 "Phone Dry Twitter Dry Instagram Don't Even Work ",0 "i wanna have sex ",0 "I want some reeboks but the ones I want for men ",0 "Out of rillos ",0 "Like im hungry af ",0 "These ninjas still copy and paste !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hate the word no ",0 "Up super earlier not looking forward to this road trip headed back home ",0 "Up & omw to work ",0 "When I was at school my dad filled my tank up every Friday without me asking , now I gotta chase this nigga down for my gas money ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” I don't have any energy ",0 "I was soo mad BK put cheese on my whopper ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that didnt happen ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : this bum just blew me .. I was finna curse him out but what if he flicked my liiiip ” bum bump ",0 "I can't now I'm on my way too class ! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My lower body is so sore ! "" u gotta stretch or its gonna get worst” "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yall fake ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what's wrong with hmd !? ",0 "I hate that I wasn't talking to my cousin like I should have ",0 "Darryiana ignorant AF !!!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yessssa bum bump” ",0 "ugh they done pissed me off for the day ",0 "Emojis make texting soooooooo much better .. like bitch if you sad/mad ion wanna see or > , shit betta be .. & ",0 "blah blah blah ",0 "Y'all bitches be pressed for love , I swear yo ",0 "Nah I don't get ass shots I just got a fat ass that's all fuck wrong with him ",0 "Trying to make a way but she never call back ",0 "This tattoo itching like a mf !! ",0 "free my bby _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✊ ",0 "#oomf souped Bitch BYE ✌ ",0 "I Really Just Wanna Cry ",0 "Wassup crazyyys iam at home and guess what I'mmmmm BORED UUUUUUU HLEP this is shit um ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yesss yuh did , den gonee try andd blame it on meh talkin bout kiraa stop beforee yuh havee meh crying too ! ",0 "His tweets blow me lol ",0 "I'm done dawg ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : National fight day ? I wish a bitch would” ",0 "Hoes making it easy on niggas & they look at the terms in my proposition like I'm not interested if you like them , more that you understand ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol my point exactly ! It's the struggle ",0 "I swear I wanna be like \FUCK that nigga ✌ "" but the thing is I got SO MUCH LOVE for that nigga ✋✋ "" ",0 "My Boo Ain't Even Text Me Today ",0 "My Charger Broke ",0 "Soooo ! The Dunkin D by my job got robbed last night ! ",0 "I don't kno y I'm still up ",0 "i ' m woke ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lol , smh .. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she gonna curse me out” Yes she will ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm mad you ain't respond to my message ",0 "I really do not feel like going to work today ",0 "Clearly I'm bored Twon sleep ",0 "Trying to update my phone !! ",0 "I really miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ them hoes wanna be on LD and shit .. ",0 "He Has The Audacity To Call My Phone ",0 "Whyyyyyyyyyyyy ... just had to be too good to be true ",0 "On my way to the swap shop with family ugh ",0 "That Shower !!!!! I feel refreshed .. But ima be up for a minute got shit to do .. ",0 "Hate When People Stunt On Me . ",0 "Yo She Juss Tweaked On Me ",0 "we hate yu too cous ",0 "I'm up irritated asl . ",0 "Off Work !!!! Finna Hit This Homework And Take My Ass To Sleep ",0 "Not texting back ",0 "can this game be over already ? ",0 "Ion have x's I have y's , Y THE FUCK DID I DATE YOU ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awwww .. looka here * tear .. * tear ",0 "Everybody ready to go back to school I am too though ",0 "Bitches be saying how they don't have no friends . 🆗🆒✊ So when you getting your ass beat don't expect me to help ",0 "I be like get off my shii ",0 "Everybody ignoring me ",0 "I'm Tired And I'm In Pain ",0 "8 o'clock game ? Oh .... Great .... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u didn't even talk \ Guah iWas Sleep Ian Even See It Till This Morning ✋ "" ",0 "he wont leaveee me aloneee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ watching tv bored af lol you going out tonight ? ",0 "My sweet as would be like ",0 "girls , get there homegirl too ask her homegirl too ask my homegirl do I mess with somebody ",0 "I wish everytime i spent money id automatically get it back while I'm sleep .. #wishfulthinking ",0 "I hope nobody jump on that mixtape ",0 "I wish #OOMF wuld check they damn DM ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nothing in the house looking At walls ",0 "everybody talking bout ' the conjuring gonna be so scary , just like yall thought the purge was & it turned out phoney ✋ ",0 "He not fucking dead yo ",0 "That moment when the person ur calling sends u to voice mail ! ",0 "Yal killing me with this \Path "" bs on IG .. "" ",0 "But b4 he got locked up he try be my friend but I holds grudges real bad I can go yrs & months ",0 "Ths Man Behind Me Blowin Meh . He Has Hearing Problems ",0 "I Needa Get My Nails Did ",0 "Don't answer me then ",0 "I'm up but I don't know why ",0 "Trying to update my phone !! ",0 "I'm moving today but ain't shyt packed ",0 "I Gotta Shower && Then Pack . ",0 "My kids loves their daddy's ugly ass girlfriend uuugg smh owell ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm out ",0 "I almost feel for that last Shocky tweet nope but ha booty is nice though ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches Do All That Twerkin ' & Ass Shaking , But Can't Ride A Dick ✋” . ",0 "Lil Kim was the shit back then , now she just .. ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : my grades stress me out more than anything """" ",0 "An laughing that shit ain't funny with his long body ass ",0 "I'm Ready To Move ",0 "He Txtd Bck I Been Thinkin Bout Him Evr Since ..... Tht Was 10 Sumn This Mornin ",0 "#WeCantDateIf you dont like chris brown ",0 "somebody just txt me doing that ",0 "I'm convinced #oomf don't like me .. Damn , sad case lmao . ",0 "I'm n a pissy mood this morning ",0 "You don't have to \like "" every single picture of me all at once "" ",0 "I'm a baby , am I the only person 17 ",0 "I can't deal with this fool calling me ",0 "I don't really wanna stay I don't really wanna go Wat I really wanna kno is can we get it Togeva ",0 "My Body Stay In Pain .. I Think Ma Muscles Be Tightenin Up ",0 "#Goodnight Everybody , IM SLEEPY AS FUCK !! ",0 "Only god kno my struggle !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm tired of that private , Feds watching shit ! ",0 "Kanye West x Guilt Trip > ",0 "Too many fuck niggas ",0 "My Saturday night ",0 "Just ate & threw it back up here comes the sickness ",0 "Back to work tomorrow #ohlawrd ",0 "ard ` ard real shit cause I'm hungry lol ",0 "Devon Gonna Ask Me About Shoes And Not Reply Wtf ",0 "Like I could cry right now , smh .. ",0 "I miss my baby ",0 "I hate India ",0 "All this shit over a Fuckin Phone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't even wanna be off that long ",0 "Fuck anybody that agree wit the old mfs✋ #5 ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol Ewww man ” ",0 "Waiting on shajuan ass too ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ why our nigga aint anwsering his phone ? ” playing it doe ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Anybody see or hear from my girl let her know ima make it real hard for her to breathe”” ",0 "I guess I should clean my room now ... ",0 "Son forreal forreal , chill ! Delete this ( your voice ) “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Yo DESMOND really a snake . Don't trust ya bitch around him ” ",0 "Damnit Georgia ... I cant order mimosas until 12:30 . .. How wack ",0 "I know her mother would pissed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how do yall share the URL .. mine is not lettin me lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If My Girlfriend Gotta MCM & it Ain't Me ' . I Bet That Bitch Be Single Tuesday ✅✌” Cause Forreal ",0 "Wat am I gonna eat ",0 "I read his tweets & then get mad af I need help ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Damn I'm at work ",0 "Im pissed once again ",0 "I implore you niggas plz !!!! Don't let the black classics die ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Monday for sure I gota work toma I'm omw to work now ",0 "Tired but not sleepy ",0 "My babies stop call me now ..... its so sad ",0 "But ion think don't think I said her name yet she feel guilty bout something or nah ",0 "I miss Michael Jackson !!!! #1inspiration #rip ",0 "Hope i don't get a damn ticket ",0 "Off Work !!!! Finna Hit This Homework And Take My Ass To Sleep ",0 "I woke up angry as shit ",0 "It's hard to believe Michael Jackson being intimate with a woman .. just the the thought of it .. I'm shut up now ",0 "Go back to sleep “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Should I go stand in line for these taxi 12s releasing at 8am or go back to sleep ?! ” ",0 "I ont know nobody who sell ",0 "Not my day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm doin homework ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ grl yeah said I was tryn kiss a nigga and sent it to somebody I mess with I can't live yo”in the way ",0 "Its still rainin . ",0 "Bitch boo ... Enjoy ya lil ride✋ ",0 "Amen\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas be letting the wrong females down ✊ for bitches that been all around ... ✌ """" ",0 "He Has The Audacity To Call My Phone ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hit it first ” i hit it last ",0 "My emotions right now ... ",0 "Where is my Boyfriend ? ",0 "I gotta do this long ass AP HW tomorrow ",0 "Lets Go Nigga . . “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I really wanna go too the carnival tomorrow” ",0 "Been waiting on this food for like 30mins now ",0 "It won't stay up and it's stressing me out ! ",0 "Im really sick dog ... No voice ",0 "My Phone Finna Go On Do Not Disturb Already . ",0 "3rd 8-8 season in a row ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ asshole lol”licks ketchup from fingers ",0 "Feel like I'm Finna throw tf up ✋ fuck hate this time month ! ",0 "Goodmorning Woke up to another cloudy day Smh . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Awwww I want to go back to Cali ” I'm goin I'm goin ,, uhh uhh , uhh uuhh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im going to Stay ” wtf ? Oh lawwd ",0 "Don't ever ask me to come over ",0 "Can't sleep && no one to talk too ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I might as well fuck with the ACT again stupid ass test "" aint it mandatory now . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok . Yeah ig . Just holla at me later . Got stuff to do & nt feeling this convo no more . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm all nosey and sh -- lol . ” don't use my shit ... ✋ ",0 "My phone is officially broke ",0 "He Just Been BLOWING Me All Fucking Dayy Dawgg ",0 "bitch fuck u ",0 "This goofy bitch bout to make the devil come out of me ",0 "Damn meech on my dick ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ my head big as shit”lmaoooo omg we was cute but burger lol ",0 "I Wanna Go Somewhere to Day But I Have No Destination ",0 "Weak as fuck ",0 "i'm just gone chill tonight .. ",0 "Can't be stingy it's not in me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why yu wanna txt me bein friendly but talkin shxt on twitter dhtx how nighas do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ & ain't tell me ",0 "My teddybear needs to get softer . ",0 "These n ... as be jus as messy as these females . foh joe blow ✌ ",0 "talking that over shit again ? ",0 "Y'all I'm So Bored ",0 "Heem Need To Wake Up Before I Beat Him Up ",0 "I'm trynna enjoy myself tonight y'all , please don't ruin it wit some pointless ass shooting let everybody make it to the new year safe !! ",0 "# So Mad Right Now❗ ",0 "Oh I def know how that shxt go ",0 "my momma finna leave ",0 "Immmm soooo fucking Sleepy ",0 "Im still sleepy , but finna do my sister hair .! Smh mfs always want something done .! ",0 "But I ain't got nobody to go with ",0 "My cousin told me I better fill out some apps ",0 "Krock bet not left dog ",0 "Sleepy n on the line ",0 "My grannie dtm n kno she b doing too much ",0 "I ain't with this love triangle shit ",0 ". imy already ",0 "Body feeling !! ",0 "I'm tired of sneezing every 10 mins especially if I need tissue afterwards ",0 "That still ain't gone make nobody want yo weak ass ",0 "Feeel fi lasco enuhLawd geee meh feel like meh nuh eat fi dayzzzz ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not mines ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why my 5 and 6 year old getting put off the bus ”cuz u need to whip they bad ass ”I do they just fight more ",0 "& I'm turning my phone off or just let it die ",0 "What if Vash wasn't talking about me in that tweet ? ",0 "I like how niggas tweet but don't say good morning to nobody #SubTweet !! ",0 "Tf Kae been ? ✋ ",0 "Remy Me Please ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up ",0 "Wht u want bestie ?! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm so hungry ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mines passed out on me smh ",0 "My grandmom so fake .... I can't with her ",0 "Bitches Really Be Thinking Im Stupid Moe ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Oh my gawwwdddd Please don't be in school with them damn Block shoes on and them brick chucks ” UGHHHH I HATE THEM SHOES ",0 "why did i miss practice ? last one i'm missing ",0 "I take not texting me back serious yo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : T.i know he looks good”❕❕ ",0 "Coya kick me in my croch ",0 "I would much rather be laid up or anything but going to work right now ... ",0 "That song from choirs stuck in my head ",0 "Stayed Da Night up here In Sumter LastNight . Just woke up . I hungry thou . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want some ! ” I'm you shouldn't even fix your mouth to ask me for any food when I've BEEN waiting for my food !! ",0 "About to send My letter off #Free bv ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why everybody gay "" NOT COOL AT ALL !!!! -__-"" ",0 "Im Mad Asf ",0 "& nothing boring yo ",0 "I need him right now . ",0 "I so sick of these black bitches crying cuz the black ",0 "Gotta Mean Ass Headache Nd Irritated Asf ! ",0 "I need your admiration for infinity Not that this aint lucrative but I just need your energy ",0 "Pussy ?..... that ain't shit to me it never was !! ",0 "Wtf I can't find my phone charger ",0 "Bout to force myself to sleep , gotta leave the house by 5:45 ✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they really had me for no damn reason ",0 "I hate when he be on his phone when we spending time ",0 "get these niggas out my face non rapping ass ",0 "my bath water wayy too hottt so I have to wait to get in ",0 "Bipolar wanna throw slangs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ why not ",0 "I cant leave you alonee , you got me feenin ",0 "Whyyyyyyyyyyyy ... just had to be too good to be true ",0 "Finna buy me a charger ",0 "over thinkingg kills the happyness ",0 "Moe , Ive NEVER Been So Bored &' Irritated Doee Tf ' ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My sister just asked to hoop in my lebrons , almost punched that bitch in her mouth ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ain't shit ” whatever ✋ ",0 "And iHope She Know She FAKE Just Like EveryBody Else Know She FAKE ! ",0 "#RavensNation LET'S GO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ",0 "I'm wake awake and fucking bored ",0 "sometimes you just need to smack a bitch ” Who Want it ",0 "I'm finna smash so hard bruh ",0 "it is what it is .... ",0 "Demond always fucking up ! Derick always lien .. ",0 "Finna get ready for work . I'm beyond sleepy !! ",0 "I need dem 12's early ",0 "About To Eat ",0 "Then People wonder why I only mobb with my boyfriend ! I hate waiting on ppl ! Day wasted ",0 "My stomach jumping ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel left out lol "" < The more the merrier . "" ",0 "I'm SO sexually frustrated bruh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I already know tho ✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aww shit ",0 "- Sittin W/ My Mother In The Hospital .. , She Needa Get Better ",0 "I cut my finger ",0 "I need my shoes too man ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I don't think I wanna play ball anymore” ",0 "Ughhh I Kant find myi freaking kase nowhere ughhhhhh ",0 "Rudy gay not playing like rudy gay tonight smfh ",0 "Smh I don't think Trap Lord leaking ",0 "This bitch just shhhhme ",0 "I can't breath out my nose ",0 "Ughhhhhhhhhh this is a lot !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no fair I never got the question ",0 "It's cold outside , I just walked over here & not walking back ",0 "No Reply or No Call !!! ",0 "I feel hella sick : ( ",0 ", why am I up this early ",0 "but I got so wet !! Fuck you rain ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hope BD not in his glory he still aint SHIT ! ” ",0 "I miss my Pooh ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I want some ice ” ",0 "Miss Love & Hip Hop Atlanta ... ",0 "Plies- 1 mo time ...... Take a listen ",0 "This gone beh a long ass year with these teachers❗❗ ",0 "A relationship has : tears fightstrustfaithpainargumentspatiencejealously ",0 "Me And Ean Were Like White On Rice Now He All About Them SJC Niggas And I'm Like Tf Boy ! ",0 "Damn dawg I wanna see a lot of movies ",0 "I'm full and sleepy and aggravated !!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I Haven't Seen You Since Elementary Lmao .. Who Told You To Get Taller ” lol I know right & nature ",0 "Justice typing my paper for me ",0 "Driving with the worst cramp in my foot ",0 "wuz fena roll up but see the way this stupid asz gar set up !! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yeah bruh . sound like you hating . ”No need to hate baby girl ",0 "my night just got even worst ... I feel like crying ",0 "imm mad as shit ",0 "I dnt see how ppl can sleep wit clothes on ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ naw ” idk tell me ",0 "My baby always on the move ",0 "Fresh off of school Mann I been there all say ",0 "#ImNiceUntil you eat my food ",0 "I'm convinced , ima be a bitter old bitch man . ... ",0 "Gonna be late to school ",0 "So many girls tweaked on me dumb dikes ",0 "After Winter Break , Im Outtieeee ! ! Best friend && everybody else mad at me they'll be ok ",0 "They telling me to turn down ",0 "& I woke up to NCIS wit LL Cool J ... I used to call Caly that all the time smh this is unbelievable . ",0 "Bae Txtin To Slow ",0 "Im mad ashit mad ashit mad ashit ! My purple mac lipstickfell behind the header in my bathroom earlier i jus brought that not too long ago ! ",0 "I'm gone man ❗❗❗❗ ",0 "back to school tomorrow ",0 "I wish my momma would text me back dang ik she got my MF message !!! ",0 "Up feeling sick af : ( ",0 "Hate waiting on railroad crossings !!!! ",0 "Wishes _TWITTER-ENTITY_ didn't have to work tonight ",0 "Kandice And My Mother Left Me At School . ",0 "replyin back late ",0 "Don't talk shit about me to Any body talk that shit to me ",0 ", why would my dumb as just ever fall down the steps ",0 "in my feelings tonight ",0 "Jaterra is my otherHalf ✊ , She cant leave Dawg ",0 "ready to get my hair done ! ",0 "My baby back to being lazy ",0 "Redskins fans be like ------> ",0 "Nd Wen I Say He Just Blew TF Outta Me He Just Blew Me !!! #Terrel ",0 "Kayla is turntttt moe , she won't even stop talking ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wish shae take her back to school ass to sleep with these hit pictures” can I live ?? ",0 "I don't think I was trippin ",0 "i Can't sleep fa shit ,!! ",0 "Gotta to GTF up n stand n line for these tickets huh ",0 "Is missing my baby _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Bitches be worried about the wrong shit ",0 "I'm so irritated like its not even funny no more ",0 "Got ah bad feeling ",0 ", he told me what I wanted to hear and my dumb ass believe him ",0 "Bruh they always be leaving me at home ",0 "Just one more day of waking up early  ",0 "That one ex that people still ask you about <<< ✋ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just saw ya ugly ass \ your Meat , But ima Miss you Sis "" ",0 "Need another job . ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Right Right .. "" K "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : That “Call Me” text . << Bitch , why don’t you just call me ? ” ",0 "We use to be going hard to ",0 "Aw K dog going make me fat . ! Trynna feed me all late ",0 "When u stuck between to channels ",0 "Now I have nothing to do my boo gotta work when she get off ima be going in ",0 "My beats dead ",0 "This Bitch Caking OTP & Im Like _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "That I'm sorry bullshit can go to the next bitch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my mom or her I got a feeling Tgey gone keep me ",0 "Annoyed and still legally blind ",0 "I gotta pee ",0 "I need to eat ",0 "nobody turntup like me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Today was an emotional day ” ",0 "My boyfriend a Virgo ugh ",0 "must be nice ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that damn chicken ",0 "Bout to just leave everybody alone I only want to talk to that one person but ....... She hate me now ugh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : missing my pnc _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” I know I'm depressed over here can't believe I missed I'm not there ",0 "Now iCant Goo To Sleep Because Imm Talking Too Him . Its All His Fault .... : (( ",0 "iNeed Someone Ta Talk Too ",0 "Keke Get On My Nerves !!!! ",0 "My mama make me so angry man ",0 "I gotta problem if I want it I gotta cash it ! ",0 "WHO THE FUCK THROWS !!???!! ",0 "I need something new this ain't gone cut it !! ",0 "Deontae need to call me ima curse him out for falling asleep on me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ No !!! ",0 "Why he keep asking the same question like Nahh ! ",0 "I'm gettin a sore throat ☕️ ",0 "diced pineapples is STILL my shit ",0 "Watching jungle fever n I missed the sex scene what’s the point now ",0 "We get on FaceTime every night & bae be mad . Ima have to stop fuckin ' with Dj at night . ",0 "Tired af ... imiss Deja ",0 "This Bitch Said Man I Want Some Candy && Picked Up Cough Drops Im Weak ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you ain't even text me back yesterday wicho lightskinned ass ",0 "over thinkingg kills the happyness ",0 "I want him so bad and he don't even know it ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wish I can just walk down the street n somebody ask do I wanna work at they store lol I need a job ” ",0 "decide to stay longer tho ",0 "Sucking And Fucking Too Find That right Niggca ",0 "Dese lil kids on the bus telling Steve he fuck peewee ... smh lil kids be soo childish ",0 "Free My Brother ",0 "I'm really not cuffed yesinel told me to play it off ",0 "If we still have practice yo I swear ",0 "This food couldn't get done anny faster . im like sooo hungry man . ",0 "going back to dunbar i want Burger King ",0 "That lady really irked my nerves this am , banging on my fucking door in the last 15minutes of my sleep ",0 "Hopefully it stop raining soon I ain't got time ☔️ ",0 "You gon tell me that now ",0 "I miss almeek yo ",0 "Now I'm up all lonely & I can't go to sleep .. WTF ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Friend zoned ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm hungry” me 2 ",0 "Poor Bree Sad ! ",0 "When people don't text me back I really just wanna irritate them all day ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hype Beast Calm down , A$AP is ass and that's Real Shit” True Shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ugggh Bitch ! I Can't Deal ! ... ",0 "we ain't talked all day ",0 "Cleaning my room . I'm soooo hungry ",0 "Bae Doing Sum He Ain't Got No Business Doing !! ✋ ",0 "Ughh bbl tweeple .... ",0 "It's hot as nuts out here . I got all these hot ass clothes on ",0 "all that shade ain't even called for ",0 "I Miss Getting Tuck In At Night ",0 "wass gonna go to the movies but nahhh ",0 "Feel like the whole world turnin up but me ",0 "My mama irking me with her \ #pandoraflow "" "" ",0 "Nobody wanna text me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im dumb asab ",0 "Where's My Food ",0 "mimi erks me now always trynn b hard like bitch talk that shit wit stevie & joseline , dont bring that shit over here bitch ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : bitches be leaning they head all on they shoulder tryna make they hair look like its longer ✋✋✋” ",0 "My mother nappy head ass broke my comb ",0 "But the swelling on my nose need to go down . ",0 "Squad left me hanging tonight ",0 "Ma mama want me to go to Camilla with her .. ",0 "Can't find my DVD tho ",0 "Everybody think I'm MEAN DF ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm lonely as shit now lol” man what lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm so picky ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ imma be at work til midnight ",0 "What the Hell !!! ",0 "My mama need to get up and takw me to the nail shop ' these eyebrows aint go wax itself ",0 "I don't want to see him yo ",0 "Wish St John Parish was off tomorrow ",0 "Ray stupid ass act like she couldn't hold on fuck her ",0 "He aint text me back ughhhh ",0 "my niece getting surgey : ( ",0 "I Dead Be Counting The Weeks Shit Real ",0 "Goin To The Doctor By Myself Tomar ",0 "U R beautiful . #ijs “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm way too cute to be single like this ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ really ? how ? ",0 "But He Ain't Even Text Me Yet ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Sometimes I really hate my life "" !!!!!! "" ",0 "I hate when ppl front for the cameras That's so like 2012 ",0 "Got me in this ghetto ass Home Run pizza on the Westside ",0 "Lockdown for 2 hours with no service nigga said he was gonna columbine this whole shit ",0 "its like i cant gts though ",0 "' Cause when I was true , all I heard was bye more , Fuck you , who is that ? And I don't know why more ",0 "I didn't eat nun today or yesterday I'm stomach on E frfr ",0 ", shontel acting dumb as shit in my dms ",0 "Every time I wanna sleep or just rest that's when my phone wants to ring all crazy & people wanna text & call me ! ",0 "I haven't talked to my twin all day mane _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I remember when I would of done anything for my bd ... but he didn't give af so I stopped too . ” ",0 "I hope you feeling me like I'm feeling you ",0 "I think I have ADHD ! ",0 "Dats cus my attitude ain't to hot & dese niggas can't handle it Lol ",0 "Mf like you growed up on me and comin in wit remy and high don't make it no betta #5 ",0 "I use to like Lamar Odom but he a crackhead now ",0 "I'm lonely tonight he gotta work ! ",0 "bruh this food Finna hit ",0 "I juss want one relationship with no cheating , No lying , No exs getting in the way , No arguingNo bullshyt ",0 "Someone come get me ",0 "I Like Just Woke Up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hey ” ",0 "Babe stop . Stop It ! Bae Quit .. Baby You Play Too Much ! Stop That's My ... You Still Want Me To Stop ? HELL NO ! ” ",0 "Phone dry asab ",0 "Sick again . ",0 "Ain't nothing worse then a chipped nail ",0 "My auntie straight passed today dang man I'm straight Hella sad right now fck ... ☁ ",0 "I see why I show anger more then my true feelings ",0 "Nobody to talk to ! ",0 "who wanna come run my back & my feet ? ",0 "Ring The Alarm I Been Through This Too Long But I'll Be Damned If I See Another Chick On Ya Arm ",0 "Somebody STOLE my phone today !!!!!!! ",0 "I Hate mofos That Always Want attention ✋ ",0 "Jasmine no miss me ",0 "1omf aint SHIT ",0 "Where is my lil phone at ",0 "& my phone ready die ",0 "I need to go back to sleep cause I woke up stressing ",0 "fuck varina deadass ",0 "I'm getting irked ",0 "Guess it's me and my music tonight because my phone gets no love lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Woulda Been Over There Whooping Dallas & the bitch ass ” ",0 "I miss my one & only ima cry ",0 "Spring break is taking forever to come ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mann i miss yhu alot i regret wat i did i fukin love yhu to much ta let u go i been cryin please go bak wit me ",0 ", I think he opened my DM earlier ",0 "Sick Is Shit Hitting That Jay ! ",0 "Np : Rich Kidz - Most Tonight .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too !!! ",0 "Damn he ain't call me today . Guess I'll be going to sleep . ",0 "My FB gone & I need this shit to be gone ",0 "This shit pissing me off ",0 "Everytime she on here , she feel the need to say something stfu sometimes ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Im freaking hungry "" Make Me Something to "" ",0 "Up , knowing I need to be sleep ",0 "I miss Shawna mane ",0 "bout to try to go to sleep again ",0 "I have the Munchies ",0 "Than wanna be somebody friend when ain't nobody talking to his EVIL ass ",0 "I wish it would snow this morning ",0 "Tomorrow Friday , but I think my ass going need to get some sleep in cause I know im going be so tired in the morning ugh ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My hair right now <<<<<< ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This headache won't go away ”yu need sum or ",0 "Bitches gon talk , don't they always ",0 "I been sleep allday na I'm up bored ",0 "Nastassia is a horrible cook y'all ",0 "phone on 7% ",0 "Let me charge my phone just in case Brandon feel like talking to his Gf ",0 "Fxck a nigga name Dahntay Jones bitch ass , sad ass , pooh ass , hatin ass , ugly ass , look like a created player off 2K ass , hoe ass NIGGA !!! ",0 "I hate how the man next to me is moaning getting his pedi ",0 "Bored as shit bored as shit ",0 "I'm still sleepy tho ",0 "“Shit I Don't Like Drama✋ Slow texters Being woke up out my sleep Being bored Low battery Hoes Being lied to ” ",0 "these niggas really having a kickback at my fucking house with these loud ass bitches << ",0 "im in pain , so the extra bullshit & irrelevant ass opinion ..... ✋save the shit for another day please ! ",0 "Trust none ✨(NOT EVEN ONE ) ",0 "I hate when hoes act like they know about niggas cause if that's the case bitch why you can't keep one wit yo niggaless ass #5 ",0 "My man too upset with me : ( ",0 "Mfs be irra . ☝☝☝ ",0 "#InNewOrleans I hope all y'all bitches get in twitter jail so the tweets can stop ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why you ain't come get me ",0 "Teja was eating her underarms on ft last night ",0 "Ppl be mad when u dont speak to them in here like bitch its too early for all that tf ",0 "I want a relationship so bad ",0 "I thought it was MCM not MCW ",0 "Finally got some money and the people I thought were friends are no where .. fare weather fucks ",0 "I'm So Sick & Tired Of Being Single Like Man This Shit Is B O R I N G . Ppl Say I Got So Many Hoes Den Why Ain Nobody Asked Me Yet ",0 "Nobody Wants Me ",0 "As Longg As Thats Her Name I Will Not Be Conversating With Her ",0 "Ik his ass not sleep ",0 "I'm ready to get off this stank bus ! ",0 "I will beat ass ! Don't blame shit on my baby Amberlee ",0 "Soo nobody saw my last tweet then , y'all ain't shit ",0 "Was up doing hair this late #lifeofabeautician ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm so picky ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I miss oomf . ”Rico ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ let me go back to sleep then  ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ IS !!! You'on see nun but leg ! ” I see a asscheeck . I want fight , showin my goodies n shit .. ",0 "Wasnt even talkin bout her ",0 "prolly smoking w/o me ",0 "I'm a instigator y'all ",0 "I know I can't beat my dude ' wish I could ",0 "I had a migraine fah 3 days str8 and dis shyt killing me ",0 "Fuck These Bitches ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch stop hating "" I take yo girl "" ",0 "Randi is forever cursing at me ✋ ",0 "not like they thongs or something ",0 "I thought I said 15 mins ",0 "its sad my momma has to do it all ",0 "I wish I had some candy . ",0 "pillow talk is pillow talk , that shit aint REAL . ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ playing around with samirah dumb ass ",0 "My boyfriend better call in the next 15 min . Fck wrong with him ",0 "Playing games like he'll never lose you ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Workout's got my body aching ”wash up then ",0 "But anyways , my mommy on her way back to Baltimore . I missed her ",0 "Is really Africa outside ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can you make it til 7:30 . I overslept . ",0 "My Eye Irritating Me . ",0 "I'm ji feeling her young ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I really wanna smoke but I don’t have a gar "" <<<<< awww maw ... store run ... lol "" ",0 "Yo it's hot as shit ",0 "Headache again ... ugh ",0 "When He Mad At Me He Get On IG && When Im Mad At Him Get On Twitter ",0 "I'm goin to sleep .. ",0 "Dont call me jus because you & ya girl going thru sumn !!! Thats a No No ❗ ",0 "It really don't feel like its about to be a new year . Its just me right ??? ",0 "Finna just go to bed I'm irritated ✌✌ ",0 "He picking at me cause I'm sick ",0 "Don't nothing ever good happen ' I sware I just be wanna give up bruhh ",0 "Guess that conversation is over .. ",0 "Listening to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thinking about my first Mother's Day without my Granny .... broke down in the car ",0 "Almost Game time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe man ",0 "My Bae Broke His Jaw ",0 "My stomach growling ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : What day is it ? ” <<< lol I think Thursday ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Someone Text me """" ",0 "I need and want sex ughhhhhhhhh . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yeah tone ' we moving ! ",0 "I haven't been outside the house in DAYS ",0 "omgg REALLY !!!!!! ",0 "I Hate This CRQ Shit ",0 "I hate bragging ",0 "I swear it seems like whatever u do for a gurl , it ain't never good enough smh ",0 "Folks got Christmas lights out and we haven't gone through Thanksgiving yet ",0 "Beyonce think cause they got all that money they don't have to comb they baby hair ... ",0 "Let me get ready for accounting ",0 "I think she sleeping on me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know it dry as helland looking nasty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ need glue ? ",0 "who calling me tonight ?? ",0 "I'm tired but I ain't sleepyb ",0 "* SIGHHHH * ",0 "Its Nothing To Do At Work ",0 "I want #oomf ",0 "Jesus ! Help me Laaawd ",0 "I wish I was Nicki's seat too #BETAwards ",0 "I'm so sick ",0 "Opelousas is boring af man ",0 "-yall my shayla fina leave me ",0 "Somebody save meeeee ",0 "So that li ugly rat aint text me back , that's why ion like her ",0 "Can you fucking kik me back damn ",0 "I'm sick asl OBD ",0 "Woke up to something beautiful but real unexpected ",0 "im staying in my room , my mother being erky ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ somethin I shouldn have ...... a chicken box what yu gettin ",0 "I be like ",0 "I just hope y'all leave that silly ass acronym hot "" in 2013 . "" ",0 "Nyia listening to Payroll with her sad ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ He never left !!! ",0 "When somebody say #Free somebody I don't mess w| my face be like ",0 "I Got The Worst Cousin Stamp _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "mayne im talking bout em lonely nights ! ",0 "I need new hoes !! ",0 "Who wanna text ",0 "I'm Not Even Feeling Myself Nomore ",0 "Man I feel like shit ",0 "I Ain't Crying For No Damn Body ! I Than Cried My Last Tears At My Granny Funeral !! ",0 "I Dont Know Who Thirstier These Niggas Or These Bitches ",0 "How I'm take care of her by myself * crying * ",0 "why do I get jealous fast af ",0 "When I don't text back but I . Keep tweeting .. .. ",0 "I hate when he mad at me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My mama smashed my finger in the door now my nail hanging . ”I'm bouta come beat her up ",0 "Sooooooooooooooooooo fucking bored ..... ",0 "“Cant no bitch make me mad off a nigga I already had .. That's like getting fly off shit I already wore ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ctfu he'll yea that's why I was like it ain't real lol ",0 "Watchin the game studyin and missing her ",0 "I'm screaming ain't no woman like the one I got ✊ , but she be always worring bout the one I fuck ",0 "Ughhhhh I'm soo mad I can't sleep I miss my baby and on top of that I want my Aleeyah Janae ",0 "I swear it's too much going on around . Like i just want to move & take Troi with me . ",0 "I miss my Bestfriend ",0 "My Sister Moves Into Her Dorm Tomorrow .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know that's why we don't get along . ",0 "Oh shit I lost my iPod .. It has no case , my house got two stories , a dog , and three bad ass kids in it . it's a goner ",0 "No girl he keep playing me now he talking bout come in the morning at 11 ",0 "Ain't dats sum shit rite dere ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need a massage dawgg "" that's like everyday . "" ",0 "Dang I Barely Talked To Lè Baè Today < ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ be mad now at me ",0 "I Feel Stupid Now ",0 "nobody texting me ",0 "I'm cold asf ! ",0 "Butta Steady Wanna Get Fucked Up By The Head And Get That Fufu Shit In His Head ",0 "I'm really not playing with #B ",0 "3rd 8-8 season in a row ",0 "2013 the first year I ain't had a girlfriend ... Hope 2014 don't be the same ",0 "I needs a shawty frfr ",0 "I need to get him OFF my brain bruh . Ugh ",0 "He lowkey just made me mad ",0 "Im Irked As Hell And Its Crazy Dawg Crazy ",0 "Oomf dint check on me yesterday but cool ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ bye baldy ! ” my shit look just like your forehead lol ",0 "No no no ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate when people stunt for twitter ... don't get carried away” subs are for pussies ",0 "That lady really irked my nerves this am , banging on my fucking foor in the last 15minutes of my sleep ",0 "Some days I just wear a even tho I b ",0 "I Know I'm Not Ugly But DAMN ! Can a Bitch Get Some Type Of Affection Or Nah ? ",0 "I'm tweeting alone ",0 "I'm Sweating So Hard It Look Like I Pissed Myself ",0 "Thought i was gone get sum more sleep but my sissy just put an end to all dat ",0 "Up high n dry ",0 "I can’t lie is lA fans be at home crying like please win we gotta make the playoffs ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wnt someone to spend da night with me tonight who down "" nobody """" ",0 "I did “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ not as much as I miss you text me” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love her just not that ",0 "Mastery don't give af about us we probably have school ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what time ? ",0 "my stomach keep growlingg ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me either ",0 "Going back to sleep fuck y'all . ",0 "I need a friend ",0 "I feel like shit !!! ",0 "These Bxtchz be Needing These Niggas to Survive ' ✋ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I WANT you , but I DONT NEED you as fast as I LIKED you I can LEAVE ✌you ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just saw ya ugly ass \ your Meat , But ima Miss you Sis "" ",0 "I miss Michael Jackson !!!! #1inspiration #rip ",0 "My ankle still fat ",0 "my daddio told me too stay home y'all ",0 "I wanna hear RHQ mixtape ",0 "I want a relationship so bad ",0 "Running out on your favorite lotion and forced to use the lotion with the strongest perfume fragrance ",0 "I'm Still Tireddd ",0 "I don't have any plays ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ”tell yo chill ” I did man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ U my son and I don't want custody ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Soooooooo nobody wanna hear my pick up line Y'all get on my nerves ” ",0 "Mooka Man Aggy ",0 "I need ..... ",0 "I wanna marry Kobe ",0 "Ayo ima pissed ",0 ", breaks <<<<<<< struggling <<<<<< coping ✋ ",0 "I'm mad all over again ",0 "Here y'all go with this shit man ",0 "I didn't get no sleep last night ",0 "now my to not bouta argue over phone services ... a phone is a phone like wtf ",0 "No phone calls I don't wanna talk ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause what ? ”lol chill out ! I ain't saying nothing ",0 "I went to sleep a 2 and I'm up now ..... but I'm up like it's time for work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't want to get jumped ",0 "I'm Cold And Hot How TF Is Dat Possible ",0 "Talm bout \man I wanted that ass "" ✋ "" ",0 "I don't even sleep I just take long ass blinks ",0 "Goddamitt !!!!!! she making me go to school now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ rd I left my charger ... I'm come back up there ",0 "head thumping ! ",0 "Some body was Fuckin witt my Instagram & I cant get back on ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Alotta People Temporary To Me” ",0 "To constantly be accused of the same shit that your not guilty of ....... ",0 "I want some cookout food ",0 "I feel like sk8ing , yo ... Real shit ! ",0 "Ugh this work shit is for poor people . Ugh I can't deal . ",0 "Just need a good breakfast before I take this test ",0 "thinking bout calling out like shit ",0 "BITCH YOU BROKE ! Shut Up ☝ DON'T talk to ME ✋ GET YO BREAD UP ❗ ",0 "Dang I can't get a Ty Danii ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ #stopit ",0 "It's too early for me to be seeing bullshit on my TL ... ima chill tho ",0 "I'm allergic to the necklace Nick got me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yea : ( ",0 "This ThotsChicago Page Got Everybody Woke Tonight ",0 "Only If He Could See My Tweets ! ",0 "Had to re watch some of season 3 ... now all ready for new season of #TheWalkingDead ",0 "ion like cooking ibe forgetting the food be on lol ima get better !! ",0 "☺I got all these Emojis and cants see one . ",0 "The way I feel right now <<<< ",0 "It hit me harddd : (((( ",0 "In my feelings cuz I gotta dead Beat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ punk ass it ain't funny ",0 "Why do I pay for a cell phone bill my line been so dry lately . ",0 "over thinkingg kills the happyness ",0 "I wanna Smoke Wit Shay Dem : ( ",0 "Ya Know ? I don't even care ..... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ go look .. ",0 "Stupid Thot Bitches Out Here ",0 "When I am up to talk <<< he goes to sleep .!! ",0 "Fuck this weather ..... no wifi ",0 "He left ma grandmom ",0 "Lynn a fraud and ima curse her out ",0 "I really hate school ; I wish it was over already ; but good morning ",0 "I feel like yelling ... ",0 "Just Got Home . Work Be Killin A Nikka ",0 "No text backkkkk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am such a fan just want to say hope you feel better soon ",0 "I think I'm dry na shoo .. ",0 "somebody come slide on me ",0 "Fuck the Raiders ",0 "Somebody is walking down the street with a box fan in they hands so disrespectful ",0 "they Don't Really fxck wit u ✋They Ain't never Do me like tht ",0 "Raining like shit .. ",0 "ashanti - foolish & k michelle - i cant do this .. describes my relationship ",0 "wish i coulda stayed with na na ",0 "My sex game in a drought i need my _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "she same way she feel is the way I feel when she get a girl && that's every month . ",0 "I don't want her grow up ",0 "Replying late ! ",0 "How school never b turnt up ",0 "“Can't no bitch make me mad over no nigga I done already had I know every trick he got for yo ass been there done that .. ",0 "Why ppl gotta call me when I'm sleep ",0 "Tremiya lil flaw self ain't even call me back ",0 "some females make me sick wanna keep putting they whole fucking relationship on twitter bitch grow UP NOBODY CARES !!!!!!!!! ",0 "Just broke my fucking home button ' ",0 "Phoneless til Friday ",0 ". Whoever Told The Lie , Made Him Get MAD At \Me "" , iSolute YOU . What A Job Well Done ! "" ",0 "This hot bubble bath ",0 "Got my stuff for my dress situated thank god , cause i was going threw it over here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Daras go be in ATL go find someone else && break up with me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I wonder what's wrong ??? ",0 "just hit tf out my toe lol I hate that shit ",0 "I don't wanna be a playa no more . ",0 "hate slow texters ",0 "ii got the hiccups ",0 "Mane Im Hungry Af ",0 "mm , i wish tink tell me whats wrong . ",0 "Hp5 got people stressing ",0 "My Friday . My Friday . No Turn Up For Me . ",0 "Now niggas said fuck daht I fucking hate when I say shit and get clowned & then later people say it and its popular ... ",0 "Somebody got me some trues for Xmas I swear I got trues put up I never put on lowkey tried of trues ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Done playing .. I'm out ! ✌” ",0 "Bus don't come til 10:02 ",0 "Wasn't ready to get this kinda tatt but it's coming ",0 "FaceTime Anybody ?? ",0 "My young nigga just left . ",0 "Ok I lied !! ",0 "Diamond want me yall ",0 "I feel a whole lot better than the other days but im still n a lil pain ...... #tired ",0 "Mama Just Left Me At The House Tho ",0 "Don't Try To Call Me When My Music Platinh I'll Curse That Ass Out ",0 "Keep calm you can be a body ",0 "Bre taking way too long ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh fine ",0 "No 10's for me ",0 "I hate when I ask somebody for a lil favor and they act like I'm in debt to them my whole life ",0 "ion think I'm going out tomar if it's cold my ass ain't with it ",0 "& I'm still up ",0 "Half of these hoes who talkin was fuckin Prolly b4 13 so stop it ✋✋ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm not begging nobody to stay in my life . ✋” ",0 "I wish i woulda knew this yesterday now i gotta wait for this corny bitch to show up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm not sure if I get too much sleep or not enough . ” weirdo it's 4 in the morning ",0 "Went the whole year without using 1 colored pencil ",0 "I really look like sum shit going to the store ",0 "Kicking myself for packing no leftovers ... What was I thinking !?! ",0 "Everybody Makinn Me Madd Todaee ",0 "this heater on and im still cold ughh ",0 "Son Dj really blew me , FUCK HIM . I fuckin ' haaaate him , & i hate him with a passion but its all love ",0 "Juicy j don't never come to the hip hop awards <<<< #TrippyNation ",0 "Don't wanna be in this house ",0 "I need to get out here and get my life rolling !!!!! I need help !!! Tho ! ",0 "I can't sleep !!!!!!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hate waiting on my gma , she take so damn long ” Nobody cares ... ",0 "Smoke n fuck ",0 "noooooooo I wasn't prepared ",0 "Ran into the wrong person on the g ",0 "Idk why I called her #pointless ",0 "been sick since lastnight , baby miss his daddy ",0 "I miss his crazy ass doe ... Ain't gon even lie ",0 "He Has The Audacity To Call My Phone ",0 "This Nigga Binky Just Pulled Out A Little Ass Flip Phone ",0 "Off to sleep ... gotta work early ",0 "Mfs Just Blew My High & Im Not Even High ✋✋ ",0 "i do wanna have *** tho ",0 "I dont think i ever been this hungry ",0 "I want a snowball ",0 "Ain't Nobody Text Me Today ",0 "Bitches be like : girl you better talk to him cous he got a car !! ",0 "I over-think A LOT ..... To the point where I put myself in a bad mood ",0 "I had this headache for 2 days ",0 "why I gotta feeling my 1st Bby father sent me a request on ig with his raggedy ass ",0 "I work Saturday & Sunday ",0 "That One Girl In My Section Was Pissing Me Off Today ",0 "We gon stop talking cause she aint wanna facetime me because her hair oh fucking well its for the best idgaf ",0 "Somebody asked wea I get the name Christian ... Like my name not Christafae ",0 "I just don't want a rat bitch , retired hoe man hell naw ",0 "I think i fell for #oomf too fast !!! No shit sharlock !!!! ",0 "Bad enough you let a nigga skit in you then kick it on your ass ",0 "I Miss Georgia .. I Wanna Go Back ",0 "Niggas never reply on Hdm ",0 "How This Nigga Manage To Get My New Number ",0 "Yo ! I'm Not Eeven Going To School On Monday ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know lol ",0 "Mfs ddnt txt me bck all day .... its coo doe i gt em ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : my Moma don't be cooking . Lol she lazy den a bitch . Man fuck her me : yo Moma bro ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : only sometimes bro ",0 "I really need to get my phone fixed ! ",0 "I need some sleep ! Work at 10 . ",0 ", imaa Bouta Cry , where is my mom she never stayed out this late a movie not 4hours long ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Long overdue !!! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ugggggggghhhhhhhhhh ! "" Feeling like me ! "" ",0 "In A Bad Mood ",0 "That s/o to my ex on IG is soo young to me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Don't cry !! ",0 "find yo own shit ! ",0 "My nose .... ",0 "braylin jst smacked me inna head w . This hardd as brushhh smack the shit outta himm ",0 "I'm Hungry As Shit ",0 "Man I'm not tryna go to school ",0 "Fuck da shit then I'm k.o. ",0 "She actin stank af act like her punkass can't come shit ",0 "My babes FaceTime messing up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : - i want a cold SPRiTE ... ” ",0 "My Phonee Dry Af ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ son don't violate ",0 "They loud as shit down stAirs stfu ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My sister just asked to hoop in my lebrons , almost punched that bitch in her mouth ” ",0 "i want some pussy ",0 "she really just pressed my shit this morning .. BYE ",0 "I quit playing ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : if mfs got big balls to hit my ASK they should have bigger balls to hit my DM fuck”or simply come on 87 tf ! ",0 "My weekends now Imma be tooo busy ",0 "I wanted to ft bae tonight but wifi wanna act stupid ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i had no choice ! Like i was already all into the tv and couldn't look away lol ",0 "I hate him right now ",0 "Where tf is my ugly boyfriend ? ",0 ", I know all these fat ass people ain't stay at my house ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know it dry as helland looking nasty ",0 "if you want to go out then go out shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I did the other day I'll leave her alone” awe man I missed it ",0 "This headache is fucking killing me fam . ",0 "Might not be going to church the way I feel ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry thought it was funny ",0 "Tonea want to be twatching nd shit iont fuck with that bitch fuck her nd all she stand for ole busty dusty hoe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im sorry ...... ",0 "I wanna go to N.O. I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ retarded ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn fr why yeen staying ? ",0 "That moment when the person ur calling sends u to voice mail ! ",0 "They only good on the grill !! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Luv turkey burgers n I want one now ” ",0 "iHate niggas that wear Saggy Big ass Khakis ",0 "I feel like shit ",0 "Ok chill and suck it easy ",0 "* Silence in the car * Tev : \i think we illuminati we ahead of our time .. "" Me : wtf "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't get them ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lawd , you gone be up all night ",0 "Wtf Nooooooooooooooooooo cut him off the team !! ",0 "Can somebody go , to the mall with me ",0 "I need my hair done !! ",0 "Ughhhh I hate thunder ",0 "I wanna yeaaaaaaa ",0 "Where Tondi been ? ",0 "I want Chick-fil-A but I don't wanna get dress to go get it ",0 "Wish I Could Go To Sleep : ( ",0 "My Nail Broke ",0 "Currently fucking the bathroom up ",0 "desss going too sleep on niggas & shit . ",0 "I really don't fuck with nobody no more .... can't trust nobody nd I get these niggaas on my head FUCK EVRRYBODY DAWG ✊ ",0 "In Relationships , No One Is Ever Yours , It's just Your Turn ",0 "FUCK !!!! . ",0 "Terry Stay Bidding . . ",0 "In need of a back massage ! ",0 "I hate Lil slick shit . ",0 "FUCK CARING ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ shid I ain't got no money ",0 "Damn he ain't call me today . Guess I'll be going to sleep . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm Trying ... This Cold Kickin My Ass ",0 "braylin jst smacked me inna head w . This hardd as brushhh smack the shit outta himm ",0 "Niggas Tried to Kill Me moe ",0 "This shit crazy man . ",0 "Niggas texting me asking me where I'm at ",0 "Gotta be at work at 10 am .. But these niggas want me to cook .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need a middle finger emoji ",0 "Giants tripping tonight ",0 "At a lost for words .. ",0 "everybody say I'm getting fat ",0 "Things I don't feel like doing today .... Moving ",0 "lol im just talkin . i didnt have company last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yu made me spit on this boy just now iam in tears ",0 "Bout Too Crawll To my Kitchen Pray For Me ",0 "Ma head killin me smh ",0 "Aint nobody n my neighborhood ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas who pull ugly females always tryna talk about having hoes .. No nigga you got pets ”teddi ",0 "Pissed off .. ole lame , no pussy getting ass .. ",0 "No plans fah today ",0 "Mann these classes fuckin up my plans like frfr ",0 "Ima call #oomfs on FaceTime tomorrow night since he keep saying I don't fuck with him smh he must don't know . ",0 "It don't make any sense to be this bored ",0 "No me creo que me queden solo horas para coger el primer avion #noquieroirme ! ",0 "* sigh * ",0 "My mama just irritated me ",0 "My life is jus blahhh rite now ",0 "Thirsty hoes ✋ ",0 "my eyes burning ",0 "Or ima be pissed ",0 "i have got to lay low man ",0 "I should be sleep I got a doctors appointment and work in the morning ",0 "He Already Know Damnn ",0 "These 80 hours are about to kick my ass . Anybody want my job !!!!???? ",0 "Scared money don't make no money !!! #s2s ",0 "About To Leave Out For School ",0 "I broke a nail ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you though . ",0 "No skool for me a young nigga expelled !!! ",0 ", how can I ever forgive myself I betrayed you . ",0 "I showed my feelings ",0 "Sharon just put her feet on my toes . I don't like that at all ",0 "Yeen neva lied \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fuck this .. I wanna have sex """" ",0 "So nobody wanna hit Crave with me tonight ???? Bet that ",0 "SMACKING IRRITATES THE FUCK OUT OF ME ",0 "I hate feet & when people put there hands on my face ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you never texted me ",0 "My Vibe Has Been Kilt ! ",0 "Where my babe _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tho ? she ain't text me back ",0 "Phone on 8% ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't . ”Awww dam ",0 "Only a couple more weeks til school ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i textd you Goodmorningg n youu didnt respondd backk ! ? But text mee right now star ",0 "stomach killing the kid w . no gun ",0 "My Hair It's Curly Some Places & Straight Some Places WTF ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : when you see people's true colors come out <<< yo time is up ✌️” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Missing someone & not being able to see them is the worst feeling ever ! ” ",0 "there goes my plans for the day ",0 "Up & bored ",0 "I hate fake Muslims ✌️ ",0 "He Really Don't Believe Me ",0 "I need to go back home .. y'all Philly bitches swear I want y'all man !! ",0 "Everybody being mean to me ",0 "Ctfu I can't be Muslim yo . Tysheen just gone have to chalk tht marriage shit ",0 "I'm ready skip ",0 "Why TF I'm so sleepy !! ",0 "This Girl str888 fell asleep on me again ughhhhh !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why bruhh ",0 "&& I'm hungry !!!!!!! ",0 "Take off my shoes && jump a gate && kill a bitch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm mad u went to sleep on me ",0 "Alisha be putting Ona front for the world I swear ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I gotta find me another job Bfor da day is out so I can quit this dumb ass job” ",0 "he waits until the last min to tell me he didn't go to school .. ima kill em ",0 "I HATE when people say this quote \I used to trip over the smallest shit .. now I'm blind to the bullshit✌ """" ",0 "Somebody just got bodies ",0 "Mc Donald's again I'm sick of this ... ",0 "Guess ian gettin da grapes <<<<<< ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : FUCK ERR BDYYU IRRELEVANT MF'ERS .!! ” ",0 "im not tryna get shot by your gf _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I keep forgetting I don't have an IG ",0 "Not texting .. Just laying here , being a social network stragg ",0 ", the fronting shit I'm not feeling it ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Spoiled females HATE the word o "" ” "" ” "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was mean ",0 "destiny wanted to keep playing yesturday , it was too hot manee ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : we go together & break up everyday "" him or nah ? "" ",0 "Aint none of my plugs answerin da line man im sick af ",0 "It's cold af in my house ",0 "It's Soooo HOT ... ",0 "That whole argument I just had with my mom ",0 "I hate feet , i will smack the shit out of somebody if they feet touch me yo ",0 "I hate losing money ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ meany !!! Lol ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I feel sick to my stomach I can barely move . "" aww poor baby !! "" ",0 "Stupid ass bitch , fuck hoe ass bitch , ole bum ass bitch , smut ass bitch , trickin ass hoe lol , traffilin ass mf , lets us not go there ",0 "Guess I'm not going back to sleep ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Byrd spelling shit wrong clearly his bedtime” i'm a died person bro ",0 "I don't play that smoking cigarets shit ",0 "I do the dumbest shit sometimes ",0 "I hate when Hoes/Niggas play both sides ",0 "These ppl making me sick now ",0 "There's A Thin Line Between Love &' Hate ; iHate That iLove Him _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I don't feel like getting up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was wondering what happened ! Kept trying to call you ”yes this shit was finally went out on me ",0 "This graduation process though I just better get a job straight outta school man ",0 "I feel unloved ",0 "I Want Ice Cream ",0 "Up listening too music , thinking bout things just want to get up off my mind already . ",0 "Phone dry asf ..... bm not even on my line dets crazy !!! ",0 "I'm dumb tired ",0 "imma wake up sober ascell ",0 "I Need To Smoke ",0 "Ion think I'm coming to school tomorrow ",0 "Sickish & back killingg me mann ! ",0 "I just got mad man ",0 "Kolbi fake smh ",0 "I still want some black history month Kobe's thobut they so hard to find ",0 "Cryn Like Alil Bitch Nt Feeln It This Morning ",0 "We should just get naked ",0 "Newborns be having me like ; all that crying not fah me damn it ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wanna go even though I cnt drink ",0 "From that ungrateful , undecided ass sun . ",0 "I wish I was from the Dominican Republic ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate when ppl want curse & don't know how to , like how tf you tell somebody go to shit !? ” ",0 "I did kinda want drake to win tho ",0 "On twitter but ain't text me back ! ⭕⭕⭕⭕ ",0 "My gma ask too many questions Ina morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ How about just work consistently ??? I turned mine off !!! ",0 "Ooo off early ",0 "real shit tho ",0 "Bored And Hungry ",0 "I have a headache & my eyes burn ",0 "First Day Back At Work And Im Talking Big Shit Fuck Them #RavensNation ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Byeeee Maaaaaan ",0 "I remember when my belly ring broke cos of Jordan I was pissed ",0 "need money ASAP ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ harsh ",0 "Sometimes I just don't feel like getting dressed !! ",0 "Me & bae over here looking like crack heads scratching in shit all these damn Miskitos ",0 "Ready for school ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate nothing to do "" Walk me somewhere” depends on where "" ",0 "Bae Need To Call Me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you welcome hunnie ! Omgosss and nobody ain't invite me ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lol yo“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Don't talk that shit & Run NOW ! <> | ___/ _/_\”” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm going to remind Kelsey that I didn't want kids so she better be thankful she made it full term” ",0 "Some fat nigga broke my toe ",0 "Didnt get 44 niggas havin mi play O and D line .. TF I LOOK LIKE BEIN ON THA O LINE 0_o ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im really erked now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so you not gone text me back but u on twitter ? Just like a nigga ",0 "im so thirsty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is a situation where I think it's my only option ",0 "I guess in dumb for waiting on the mail today ... But I trusted that damn lady !!! ",0 "I miss my girlfriend yo ",0 "I'm still salty ",0 "CTC is tf shot out she's NEVER tf chillin yo ",0 "I Can't Sleep Wit My Tv On ",0 "im getting THICKER or whatever ",0 "They Blowing My Shit ",0 "Where's my baby ?? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : So irritated w/ Everything ” pretty much somes it up for me to ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not sleepy ",0 "Noo u can't leave me I need someby to talk to I need you ",0 "got so much to do in the morning & im up doing a sew in ... oh & coloring my hair back blizzack ",0 "mad as hell ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if u pick a Ig hubby nn its not me <<<<< ",0 "I'm still tf mad that Live Mixtapes still messed up ",0 "It's crazy cause I jus don't give af about nobody no more it's sad but I jus don't vibe with mfs no moe . Like ion want y'all round me fr ",0 "Cramping like a bitchhhhh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I really don't know how to lie” I always get caught up or tell on myself” man I'm working on it ",0 "she talking to damn much .. ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Spoiled females HATE the word "" no "" """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Erika told nette to do it like nike nette ass said who is that I'm in tears ”Bruh fuck y'all ",0 "Okay we all see she pregnant , shut the fuck up ",0 "been in this bitch all day starving & she comes home with this ",0 "That hoe tried to get me suspended ",0 "I wanna go to the movies tonight so bad ",0 "A fill-in calling my name nshit . ",0 "I remember pooda merked somebody on the block , but ion have the video nomo ",0 "just cuz a nigga say sumthin too u dnt mean a he being thirsty I hate bitches like that shit is a complete turn no matter how pretty u are ",0 "I might just heat up the barbecue from the other day and eat that for breakfast ",0 "I got to peepee ",0 "Young bitches these days need extracurricular activities .. An being on the Twerk team don't count .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whelp you'll be ok ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i miss you bae ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ in bed fighting my sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ at home BORED ",0 "Why can't I figure out how to turn my page on private on my iPhone ... I don't wanna get up and get on my laptop ",0 "Done with Raymell stupid dumb retarded ass . ✋ ",0 "Juicy j don't never come to the hip hop awards <<<< #TrippyNation ",0 "ion wanna fw nobody ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oohhh nooo you so cute tho ",0 "the fact that they was talm bout me ",0 "I'm just waking up and I gotta work at 4 ",0 "Friends wanna fukk just kuz they see how im stileing ",0 "Man this dude at the barbershop got Lebron line ",0 "I read his tweets & then get mad af I need help ! ",0 "I want some t.g.i Fridays jack Daniel ribs ",0 "That moment when u find out somebody u cared about and had feelings for fake AF and ain't real ! * shakes head * ",0 "I'm fukin hungry !!!!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : When I tell people they card declined they be like making life decisions about what they gotta put back ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aww man . But all I wanted for Christmas was you ",0 "your hair didn't even touch your shoulder though let alone the back of your neck ",0 "let check on my ' child she be sleep like she wrk ah 9 ✌ 5 , ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : When I finish getting in trouble , my momma go tell the whole damn world ! ” ",0 "I guess I'm not gonn be texting Trevor tonight ",0 "Niggas out here eatin ass but won't eat pizza crust . ",0 "I wish i still had me n shaakira messages ",0 "Can't wait to post this shit on IG the look on niggas face when they find out you fuckin they sister ✋ ",0 "The inboxes I get on fb ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i dont pay attention to this that much no more ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ But you can't text me back tho ",0 "Guess I'll be sitting in the house tomorrow !!! No turning up for me !!! Turning down !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I can't stand bullshitters tho ” i know fam me either ",0 "I don't know a lot if ppl but a lot of ppl know me ' wtf ",0 "where is Lafarrin ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Keke think she coming over not happening ",0 "I really hope Iont regret what I did tonight in the morning Rs lol ",0 "I'm not dumb ",0 "Now Prissy in my face wining ",0 "Davon got these bitches feeling they self ",0 "I have to call my father and godmother ",0 "I just want somebody I can call mine ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know , I should've listened ",0 "my mother is so irritating ",0 "Just left McDonald's and my uncle den ate one of my burgers ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My app wont even LET me copy and paste ” screenshot them then .... ",0 "A lot of people finna be mad ",0 "My Mood Son . ",0 "Now Ima Have To Turn My Phone Off in school Cause My Phone Broke & Siri Gone Be Talking ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lies , you never try to text me or anything . You don't love me ",0 "BUUUTTTTTT WHHHYYYY ??? ",0 "I want cake ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas mad ashit they don't got no moves , get off everybody dick that do with ya lonely ass ""   "" ",0 "Man i don't want NO HOES i don't wanna talk to NOBODY i just wanna be in a relationship with the one i love is that too much to ask for ? ",0 "I miss My Neice ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I miss you moreee ",0 "Fuck dat wack ass cany crush game doe !!! ",0 "i try not to ne in my feelings but i can't help it ",0 "FUCK !!! stank ass ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Tonight was fun but i missed my _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” soon cheri ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why not ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ calm tf down ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why is sleeping so difficult "" who knows "" ",0 "Major said mommy where my batman at he said I'm mad at u awwwww daddy ",0 "You niggas paying at my hoes & I'm like where they do that ?? ",0 "I been in the house all day bored ",0 "As late as it is ... My grandma tryna go get some fucking water .!! I just don't understand .!! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I dont got time for games Keep that shit real With me or get the fuck out my face ✋❕ """" ",0 "My mother really erking my nerves as always ",0 "I cracked my otter box !! expensive ass shit !!! I want a new one now , it's ugly ",0 "I don't want no kids yet ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My Whole Fuckin Screen Cracked , ! ” Damn when yhu did that ",0 "I'm Soppose to be cleaning me room but he Ina way ",0 "Still haven't found my headphones ",0 "But im mad ashit tho ",0 "I was playing a close ass game too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop trying to dismiss me like imma fucking lame or thirsty nigga ",0 "Brionna & kharyi irking with these DM's yo ",0 "this fucking phone blow me . and my dumbass boyfrieand ain't text bck . ",0 "Arddd she spoke before ",0 "What Everybody Peeped ? I Wanna Peep ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Let me get this elliptical flow poppin off ..... Hill climb for 35 minutes .... Jesus be a fence ya hear me” ",0 "This Dame Sed If U Dont Pay 300$ Phone Bill You Can't Talk To Me ",0 "still ainn wash my hair ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wanna talk to my baby . ” you can't even text back ✋ ",0 "all this for what tho ",0 "Somebody drunk my clear fruit & won't say who it was I can't have shit ",0 "I hate when I get snapped on for no reason by a female ",0 "Still Waiting Fa Dis Bxtch Tuh Pull Up !!!!! ",0 "I'm running so behind ",0 "Nobody texting me ",0 "What's the point of feelings when Mf's don't care about them ",0 "My eyes burn , im cold , lonely , and stressed . Thats coool ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ”dont look at me like dat ! ",0 "I present my personal manifesto today ... up and down ",0 "I wonder do somebody know I got that request ",0 "Single , Waiting On Some Real Shit ",0 "Dammn I Swear these Bitches Be Playin Both Sides On my Granny #SMH ",0 "Why is Asia so difficult !!!! She make me so madddddd .. this is so untrue , but she is difficult j ",0 "Renee opened up like 3 messages !! I'm trying to get to 200 ",0 "☀ all this food . but i dont want it . morning thou . ",0 "Getting my tooth pulled sucks ",0 "Finna do my homework ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Love vineyard 7&8 ! I was supposed to have a tasting/tour there today but had to cancel ",0 "I'm sleepy but he not , I should leave him up by himself like he do me ",0 "This Would Be The Time When I Need Mother Nature To Come !! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Today is Tuesday tomorrow is Wednesday nothing new same shit new year . """" ",0 "The type of shit Damon and his roomate do in college , make it seem like they don't have a life ",0 "Ion know my password to my ipod ",0 "im soooo hungry ! ",0 "~ a nigai need some head . ",0 "I hate when people touch my hair .. ",0 "Damn , me & Erikah haven't took pictures together in a while , not cool ❌ ",0 "I'm still tf mad that Live Mixtapes still messed up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what chu Should Do AGoff Screenshot Them Niggas Your Protected Now that Nigga Have No Life Trying To Be The Hitman smh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awww booby : ( ",0 "Only One Of My Headphones Work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got him in the morning it's past my bed time my mom not gone let me out ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : We all a sucka for SOMEBODY . """" ",0 "I just took the best nap ",0 "I need FOOD ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Who wanna chill ? Nobody ? Okay ” ",0 "Goofy ass bitches tryna fly wit out no wings❌ #youcant !! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I can't believe I just played that bad ... "" yall still was doing they ass "" ",0 "Jada really over here talking bout KeeKee damnnn bitch shutup !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I got a thing for girls , but I'm not a lesbian” ",0 "Man I don't wana go to work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I gotta ride to walnut street first Imma text ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm kicking A$$ today what the what who did it .. ",0 "I want sum McDonald's breakfast but its Too late ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I ain't shit !!! Yet ",0 "Shit pisses me off on a totally different level and right now is the calm before the storm ",0 "bae not answering the phone ",0 "My wife _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is going 30 days without refined sugar . I wonder how that affects Xmas cookies ",0 "Spanish Hard Asf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he's a ho , tryna make it seem like I'm the unfaithful and he the one cheating ",0 "all my friends want me to have a baby !! .. fuck them bitches ! LOL ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she like yu ain't see it I'm like I'm high as shit I ain't see shit ",0 "Shana weak asl for not coming back to tc ha ass could have finished out the year ",0 "Waiting on this mail to run I'm gone be pissdt if my shit don't come today ",0 "I gave up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol sorry ",0 "I want .... ",0 "I'm bored though , ",0 "all these hoes gettin pregnant ",0 "oh no * i hope oomf don't think he going over no female house .. urning up "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you boo ",0 "ikno isaw sum dumb hoes but dam is it dat serious too be dat fckn STUPID ! ",0 "I'm bouta fuck something up right quick son ",0 "It's mad hot tho ",0 "He was lowkey trying to fuck last night ",0 "i wanna change my name ",0 "I want #oomf ",0 "Sabrina said aint nobody tell you to take that 5 hour nap ",0 "I been sleep all day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not funny , I feel like whooping his ass again ",0 "My mom won't buy me a coat cuz I lost my NF from last winter so I'm finna be colder than a bword this winter . ",0 "My sister leave Tomorrow for USC ! Noooooo ! ",0 "Can't find my girl friend again sigh ",0 "yoo he said go treat yourself since you want them so bad I hate bull yo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u ain't hit me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ all ",0 "I have a Attitude promblm ",0 "I been 5 forever ! "" ",0 "tht moment when she suck yo balls too ",0 "I need some TLC ",0 "Damn everybody cuffed up now huh ? Except my ass ",0 "Kelly Rowland in Freddy vs Jason LAWWD I love kelly but they was wrong for having her look that way in that movie ",0 "Man wtf dawg ",0 "Oomfs didn't even check on me ! ",0 "ROcheLiee ain't tryna share dem chips . ",0 "He use the same joke EVERY FUKN TIME BUT U KNO WAT ... it's cool !!!! I still PULL YOUNGINS .... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fat bitches with normal sized legs be looking like car keys . ”” ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , I just saw her face for a while month straight ",0 "Dont nobody understand that i dont know any better cuz i dont got a Father in my life ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : HA suckA --> “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Working on Sundays licks nuts”” ",0 "you can't say you talk to somebody & it be somebody else boyfriend ",0 "Yesssssss DFL NOT ME ",0 "Where my boyfriend sleepy head ass at ",0 "I didn't get any deeno Lmfaooo ",0 "People so damn nosey folk ✋ fall back ",0 "My mom got nails to do tomorrow fuckk she gonna blow me ",0 "I wanna cry ",0 "It's Too Many Dickeaters In This School ",0 "Pola35 don't talk about the wings if you don't want the bone get a chicken strip yo ",0 "Nobody to talk to ... Keep gettin curved . & nutass Sherane _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just curved my facetime too ... I'm just a lonely ass nigga ",0 "I'm getting off the shit today frfr Devon was cool AF and my lil big nigga in dyett I miss him so damn much god why ",0 "Summer Hoes turning into Winter Wifeys smh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Spent an hour looking for the pictures of when i went to the wold championship of First ! Didn't find anything ! ” Tbt pa poze ",0 "What a night/morning smh ",0 "time is flying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ pack me in your bag ! I want to come ",0 "Got a fat dumb scratch on my nose ",0 "I been sleep all day ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I only want #Oomf . That's all ! ❤❤” ",0 "My Phone Was Dead For Like 2 Hours ",0 "This finna take a good 2 hrs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Daras go be in ATL go find someone else && break up with me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "These hoes bout get on my mf nerves about my brother ",0 "Who The Fuck Was Talking To Him , NOBODY , right ",0 "Rain on a Monday is cruel and unusual punishment ",0 "This my shit ",0 "Folks crying ova a bitch ion want tf type shit is that ",0 "Ctfu it's dark as shit in here . All this shade ",0 "Lmao , i Shole Defrosted Some Chicken .. But After The Shit i Did Today , Hmmph ... i Just Needa Go To Sleep . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ about ten min ago . ” < lies ",0 "Why tf am I not asleep ? ",0 "Not Gon Be Able To Get The Laneys ",0 "igotta work 3-9 today but hey its all good . ",0 "Y u ain't answering my calls ? “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : YOU CAN RUN GAME ON A NIGGA AND PULL HIM FUCK HIM THEN DUCK HIM AND HE GON STILL BE CALLING” ",0 "The fact that I gotta work thanksgiving ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Salty I broke my phone charger already ”damnnnn ",0 "I Need To Get Out This House .! I'm Going Tf Crazy ",0 "Keep your shit lowkey , don't trust everybody ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stfup cause you be pissed Tf off ",0 "Me : wats up with a break Kdurb : Tyquan fucced dat up for everybody likeMe : ",0 "My DM won't load on IG ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My phone is beyond finished now ” !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol my station I always see people walking down . And I was in there when you got coffee .. i said hi but u didnt hear me lol ",0 "Still haven't found my headphones ",0 "How You Okay With Your Man Talking To Other Hoes & You Sitting Around Looking Stupid ",0 "Idk if its the flunor what but im sick as hell but i gotta do this 12-6 today ",0 "Man Can't Nobody Tell Me Shit , IM GETTING MY SHIT TOGETHER ",0 "I like agitating ppl but I be damn if imma let somebody do it to me ",0 "Fuck u fuck u fuck u .!!!!!!! ",0 "#InNewOrleans I hope all y'all bitches get in twitter jail so the tweets can stop ",0 "Im really mad now . Angry ",0 "ima get in trouble ",0 "we fuckin 1-8 yo shit suck ❗️ ",0 "talked to baee , bath&atee guess I'll go to sleep tiredd ",0 "I'm bored , who's Trynna kik ? ",0 "She Always On my page ! ! But Don't Want to give me her password ? Hmmm ",0 "Hope I find my way back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , Yoooo I'm so fucking weak you gotta chill man ",0 "I told him to leave the heat on when we left last nite now a pipe froze and busted smh it always something ",0 "I'm cold asl ",0 "It's just once I get home I don't feel like leaving again ",0 "Ctfu caught myself ",0 "✋ Don't text me I don't fuck witchu ",0 "When GHETTOOOOOO Gurls Bee Typing Like This Cause They OVERR DOO EveryTHANGGGG ... no bitch stop ",0 "I Just Stuck Ah Thumbtack In My Foot ",0 "I GOTTA TELL MY EX SOMETHING ?? ",0 "Really Bubbie ? Really ",0 "np : betrayed ",0 "Ughhh weeeee Going out Eat hella Lateee Cuss , my granny still ain't Hear , and she still got do my sister hair , Im fucking hungry ",0 "I need a couple drinks , but i need to go to church ! ",0 "I'm sad to : ( ",0 "I don't even think about half of these little ass roaches the bitch ain't got she going for her self ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It's about damn time !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I desire it too but I know many will not come into the knowledge of the Truth ",0 "Me nd oomf both got Ot to bad we ain't all that cool . ",0 "Ajay do the most ",0 "Bernard broke my umbrella ",0 "I just wanna roll over to my man an kiss all over him one day ",0 ", wan ah mess ",0 "so thts why you cnt txt me back , I hope u havin all the fun in the world ",0 "These Crust Boogies In My Nose Killing Me ",0 "I wanna marry Kobe ",0 "I hate being late for class ! ",0 "My facial hair is growing slow af ",0 "Why is everything with you so complicated ",0 "I hate yoo wit ah passion ... ",0 "Keith about to take me to get something to eat ",0 "I'm not the type of baby mother who will work it out with the daddy just for the child , not me . If ion want be with you I'm not ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : if mfs got big balls to hit my ASK they should have bigger balls to hit my DM fuck”or simply come on 87 tf ! ",0 "Feel Like Im Gettin Depress I Feel It ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its so ugly ",0 "That fucking _TWITTER-ENTITY_ got me in here .... She gonna open up a oyster and say \It look like Betty White's Vagina """" ",0 "Quanna Sayinq It Like Im REALLY REALLY Tom-Boyish !! ✋ ",0 "ya lies make me sick ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I be so glad when I leave for the navy ” bitch u ain't going nowhere ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate group Mgs wit ppl I dnt kno” yes like really though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you though . ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm hungry """" ",0 "Monet always beefing wit a random ",0 "My phone be so dry !! why do I continue to pay this bill ",0 "This bitch be so irritating man dam ",0 "Nd can't go back to sleep ",0 "Smh my shit all fucked up right now ",0 "We really not gonna do this tho ughhhhhhh . Erked to the max ",0 "In Church And This Ol'head Next To Me Smell Like Liq And Ass ",0 "She better hurry up & give us this free write before I fall asleep they be RAPPING ",0 "On the slick my best friend told me she was gonna call back ",0 "It's so cold in this class ! ",0 "Whyyyyyy Dawgg Tf , Smhhh Im About Try Sleep It Off ",0 "Heads in bed before 10 I need to watch scandal in peace ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh smh I should have smh but thanks Derrick ",0 "Whyyyyyyyyyyyy ... just had to be too good to be true ",0 "Somebody help me ",0 "woke up early , mind flooded right now ",0 "Mariah Is Beyond Greedy ",0 "U can say bye to his football career ",0 "Watching the wayans brothers bored #HerBoyfriend ",0 "Man , I be having typos like a mothafucka . ",0 "I'm really fuckin erked ",0 "I Can't Put Emojis In My Twitter Name <<<< . Why ? ",0 "Jasmine , is stupid yall . ",0 "I Miss Terrell ",0 "ima b miserable with out my earphones ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm glad this our last week before break I been waiting """" ",0 "Oh lawd ! Somebodies flying into town & so is Aunt Flo .... I just . cant . deal . ",0 "I miss lex ",0 "I Tell These Thots , I Just Want Top ",0 "I don't feel goodI feel sick ",0 "this nigga said its my fault he lost his money in a gamble ",0 "Lataviaa in my House waking Up Niggas && Shit ",0 "But they all scared of mike ",0 "I gotta stop drinking soda ",0 "Last Time I Trusted A Nigga He Played MeLast Time U Trust A Bitch She Betrayed MeSo Excuse My Attitude But This How Y'all Mf'er Made Me ",0 "sad day when the 11th come around and I'm still in Chicago ... Smh ima just walk to Miami ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If I didn't fuck you , don't claim me """" ",0 "That long nap did a number on me ",0 "Not myself today hair pulled up , no earrings or nothing , Feel like crap ",0 "I'm tired , I need some sleep ",0 "lemme get back to work ",0 "Thats a bomer , quess ill talk to him on his only break ",0 "Liars < especially when I know you lying .. That gets under my skin brah , I swear ",0 "Aint no food in here ",0 "I want to leave class early but my professor the hype ass bul who'll take attendance twice ... ",0 "No Wunda Why I Got Trust Issues . I ALWAYS Get Fucked Ova .. Nobody Take Relationships Serious Now A Dayz . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hit it first ” i hit it last ",0 "Tyeisha told me I be fuckin her bait Up ...... Bitches DNT be tryna talk to her Bcuz of me Bitch that's a Damn Lie ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : 109 hard ”yes gawd”how u get up there so fast” I'm addicted and now I'm stuck ",0 "I can't even sit up straight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's not funny ",0 "My niece is becoming Aggytime to make tht trip to her Mother ",0 "She killed her husband wtf ",0 "aint feeling this shit ",0 "wtf is on kenya's face ? im mad about it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I guess it's karma for back then lmao ",0 "If Key was my nigga . I promise you that shit woulda been paid for ",0 "Phone dry as hell man ",0 "I needa be in a relationship ",0 "Came to the car for break now I dont wanna go back in ",0 "I need some FaceTime ",0 "I Been Throwing Up All Morning ' I Wish My Son Will Chill Out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stress kan !!!! waaaa ",0 "#onethingihateaboutme - when I fall I fall hard ",0 "Whyyyyyy Dawgg Tf , Smhhh Im About Try Sleep It Off ",0 "Omfgggg , yo i hate this shit ",0 "Somebody playin on my phone ",0 "My letter to my son was deleted ✋ ",0 "And my hair too nice to be in a pony tail ",0 "On park ave walking to the store , tired ",0 "Nobody got respect for my sleep ",0 "CAN I PLEASE GET SOME GOOD FUCKING NEWS IN MY LIFE !?!? HOW IS THAT ASKING FOR TOO MUCH DAMN ",0 "I miss her ",0 "I want something serious like the real kind ",0 "Bored as shit , what's the move ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Im sleep”” ",0 "I miss you like everyday ... wanna be w you but you're away . ",0 "Next class ain't till 11 ",0 "I Can't See My Brovas Play Today ",0 "I could really say some shit to her , but fuck it , coulda stayed at Jo house if my mama was gon be with bs .. goodnight ✌ ",0 "This boy stink my god ",0 "Nigha Be like Baye Let Me Take DIS Call My Mama CallingNighaotp ) with other girl be like yea bae miss u too im doing somethin im call bak ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Somebody just jumped in front of the damn train "" realshit ? "" ",0 "COME GET YO HOE ! ",0 "Ughhhh , I gotta take that algebra 1 test tomorrow !!!! ",0 "THE DAY I DONT COME TO SCHOOL PEOPLE FIGHT ✋ ",0 "So Nae ain't answering oh that's cute . ",0 "You Really Cannot Trust These Snakey Ass Females Fr . ",0 "Phone Dry Twitter Dry Instagram Don't Even Work ",0 "Phone Dying ! ",0 "Taz Goin Be Madd At Me ",0 "Coach Dell Talking That Dumb Shit Saying We Got Practice After School ",0 "So Tell Me Why I Just Jump Up Out My Sleep & Thought A Nigga Had School ! #TheStruggle . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I miss oomf . ”Rico ? ",0 "I don't want to go to work tomorrow ",0 ": -Free my cousin ",0 "im fucked up off this Henn ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yass the Struggle And Poodey To Tell You Stupid GIRL” He Sicknen ",0 "Aggravated and hungry ",0 "I juss want one relationship with no cheating , No lying , No exs getting in the way , No arguingNo bullshyt ",0 "My mama just said I'm messing up my stomach ",0 "Fuckin hate boul ",0 "Man it is sooo true wen u Put ur worries and problems in God hands it life getss betta living my life now no worries ",0 "That's was so fake just now ! ",0 "Home from work . Mannn ! My legs are killin ' me ",0 "Smh .. WHY ?? ",0 "fact that im still in single digits ",0 "Its Nowhere For Me To My Right Here ",0 "Bisexuals be like .. this pusdick is on point !! ",0 "Who is this bitch screaming , \Christy !!!!! Christy !!!! "" outside my window ? Only in New Orleans . "" ",0 "I hate it when I be home alone looking like beyonce . Nobody can't even see me ",0 "He do to much .! ",0 "Not feeling good O lord ",0 "These niggas asking to be somebody's mcm sound just as thirsty as these bitches on wcw . ",0 "iono why ppl don't like me - ion do nobody nothing ",0 "I miss you like a deadline ",0 "SHYHEIM NIGGA YOU PHONEEEYYYYY SMMFH ! ",0 "Why isn't my clock turning from 3:07 ???  _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm The Only Person Who Don't Like The Show \Hit The Floor """" ",0 "Holding Back These Tears Lawdd . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you said wake up hoes !! ",0 "Dawg I wish goodfellas was on ",0 "On IG looking like ",0 "man , my daddy play too much man he keep calling me \ lil guh "" & he rushing me off the phone . "" ",0 "Baton Rouge so damn shitty ",0 "I miss lala . ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I swear I say "" Mhmmm "" to EVERYTHING when I'm mad .. """" ",0 "There keeping me over night ",0 "I lost my voice watching this game ",0 "My Baee won't wake up w/ his over sleepy Ass ",0 "A Nigga Hungry ",0 "shit anit the same nomore ",0 "I want some reeboks but the ones I want for men ",0 "Jaden Keeo waking me up man ",0 "Ion like when mfs twatch me ",0 "Replying late ! ",0 "Block dryin me out wit dis 80's music ",0 "rondo torn ACL ",0 "N church missing da game ",0 "I hate when I get snapped on for no reason by a female ",0 "I Fucking Hate IG ",0 "I'm bored . ",0 "No fine girls in my 9:00 ",0 "Drinkin coo , but smokin betta ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u got a slow leak need to tighten up or nah” I need a new tighten up fuck yu geeking for ",0 "See This Y White Ppl So Lucky Natural Long Hair && Shit Bitch Aint Gotta Steal Nothing But Some Relaxer ",0 "Wtf Is A Lowkey Relationship ??? Everybody Better Know We Together , Yo BestFriends , Mama , God , Yo Pastor ⛪ , I Dont Play That Shit ✋ ",0 "i want some ",0 "Just cracked my screen fucking with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "ole dude said I had 8 heads in front of me . ",0 "Sometimes iBe wanting to Smack the shit outta my mother ",0 "Nubeeya the only person that's texting me ... Somebody need to change that ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Been Mad ALLL Day !! & Still Is ” ",0 "Hate To See Her On My TL . ",0 "Finna Do My HW ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm upset at myself for forgetting letters ” ",0 "Mannnnn ii can't slp ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : That Look So Painful "" bruh , her titties were purple yo "" ",0 "The bullshit I get myself into ... ",0 "The people I use to fuck wit ion even fuck wit nomo ",0 "Dis dude wont give up , lyk iont kno wat else too do iont txt back or nuttin ",0 "After dis ... Neva Eva again n I mean dat ",0 "* Gasp * it's that deep ? ",0 "I'm tryn to play black ops but my bro takin over playin saints row in shit ",0 "No Fb From _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yet ",0 "My love life so boring , I don't talk to a single soul . ",0 "Somebody make him stop ! ",0 "You hoes look sad , pop a since u so mad ",0 "I'm having pains in y legs like WTF ? ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My baby dad Carlos better not be dead that's all I know !!! I'm gonna cry if he is on life "" I alive boo "" ",0 "I wish I wasn't born yoo . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : nakia & j'leshia wouldnt stop kissing lastnight ” tell them hoes I hate them ",0 "Cabs always puttin me on hold ",0 "I think the ravens smoked before the game dey playin so sluggish ",0 "Wet = drunk ",0 "Can somebody bring me meds , Sick ",0 "Seems like when things are going great something just has to try and ruin it but I won't let it ! ",0 "Curling my hair tonight just hope it don't get messed up !!! ",0 "Okay so it's all these seats & he wanna come sit next to me my bag was here for a reason ",0 "Eating old bananas < so mushy ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Be thankful i didn't smack the shit outta you . ” ",0 ", about to take a nap ",0 "Like its not even 7:30 and erielle wanna Play ",0 "I hungry tho ",0 "what happen to us ? we were almost there ",0 "I'm soo mean oh well ",0 "I burnt my ear when I was flat ironing my hair ",0 ". It iss what it iss ",0 "I got a page left , FML ",0 "I miss myi other sister who's in the Army she been on my mind the last three days ",0 "Mind in a thousand places right now ",0 "Stupid ass pics won't upload to twitter ",0 "7 mins #PrettyLittleLiars no i want more _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Watching Home Alone & I feel like this nigga "" damn lol "" ",0 "I can't find my earphones ",0 "TF Niggaz jumping now !! ",0 "Ewwwww my granny just brought sum Chitterlings ",0 "They Never Let Me & Marquise Be Great #TrionaTweet !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what you can't talk to me nomore ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I get 24 hours Of sleep den Im up 24 "" hustlers don't sleep bro ... "" ",0 "My bro _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tried to play me yesterday though .. \Why come the only time I see you is when I'm with Reggie ? "" - lol "" ",0 "Coach glover ain't here ",0 "Dam ion wanna go to work .! ",0 "I hate Priah ",0 "These Sucking Ass Redskins Fans <<< ",0 "Man I swear he bet not break nothing in my mama house ",0 "ii miss my dred head he need to cme bak ",0 "Dam nobody ask me questions ",0 "Some Niggas Need 2 Headshotz'But I Pray For them Niggas Who gone catch 3 ✋Karma Is Bitch & She A Real Sneaky one two ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nowhere , I was supposed to be going out ! But you know how shit always gets fucked over ",0 "But how imma do all this b4 work tho ",0 "My og don't be for none if I call & tell her my daddy not giving me my way she be like put me on speaker ",0 "Bored . Toy is leaving me to go out ",0 "So Mf's Can't Text Me Back ? Oh Okay Bet ! Don't Get Mad When I Hit You With That \Who's this ? "" "" ",0 "I gotta chill ",0 "I need daaat ",0 "So tired work be killing me ",0 "We Dont have school so I cant see my gf ",0 "Ooooooh well in that case… FRIDAY hurry up ",0 "☺I got all these Emojis and cants see one . ",0 "I swear ion take Ppl Serious ",0 "Smh !! I knew it !!!! ✌ ",0 "Sometimes I wanna break down & cry ",0 "Went To Sleep On my Gf Lastnight She Took Allday And Lef Me Starving _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 ", why my nose keep running ",0 "Like this episode of loiter squad is even funny it's aTitle ratchet and raunchy and I don't like it ! ",0 "I forgot my locker combination ",0 "That Arguement Blew Me ",0 "Motherfuckers never loved us ",0 "Females Get On My Fuckin Nerves Moe #ISwear ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ * gasps * GAHIJI !!! ",0 "I'm gone get richer , They gone get sicker Cause they hating on me Cause they ain't in the picture ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ughhhhh I feel like complete crap right now ” lmao I bet you told us every shot you had last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so do I ",0 "Still going to school tho ",0 "Man I want some Wings but there's no where to go ",0 "Wish I never met that dh ",0 "percy tweeting but he aint answer when i just called him on facetime smh ✋ ",0 "I HATE Liars ! ",0 "Y do hoes talk jus stfu nobody how u feel wut u thinkin yo thoughts bitch nobody currself ",0 "My Weed LOUD ",0 "Who trynna txt ??? Nobody ok .... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm a baby , am I the only person 17 ”yes the only one I know ” ",0 "I gotta be ready in 15 min n idk what to wear ",0 "Stop talking to meeeee ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok bruh "" so my lips not hot ? "" ",0 "Shawn told me to delete my twitter account by Sunday ",0 "mm , i wish tink tell me whats wrong . ",0 "A nigga sleepy and horny bad combo ",0 "I don't like talking bout ppl bout how u ya daughter n ya baby father goin b ugly tho ",0 "I'm only up cause my tooth is tf killin me ",0 "bae always tryna like my worst pictures ",0 "This sprained ankle gonna kill my vibe ... ",0 "Omw 2⃣ school ",0 "Iont Know When Im Goin to Sleep ",0 "Skinny chillout we ion wanna see all that ",0 "me & j in the bed , bri need to wake up ",0 "My Trues Cost More Than Ur Face ✋ ",0 "My Wrap Didnt Even Turn Out Rite Tho ",0 "I miss my grandma cooking tho R.I.P ",0 "Oh shit he blanked ",0 "SEND ME EMOJIS ",0 "So who gonna take care off me & keshera ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : She say she get her time erday u betta on spend time i rather spend money && he aint got it” Broke ass ",0 "i remember when she told me she didn't want me to get in trouble ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I see how it is . Lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I just fixed my room up put on some background music . Anybody wanna get on ft now ? ” ",0 "They come in loud as shit wake a nigga all up ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you Baby !! "" I miss you to suh !! "" ",0 "Then she be cussing the whole block out ... It's too cold for shit ",0 "know she ain't just go to sleep .. too early . ",0 "Still mad at daddy ! Just wait to he get home it's war time ",0 "aww I didn't get a chance to use it yet _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : We leaving \THOT "" in 2013 right ? "" ",0 "Somebody ate my food yday .. Bought more today & somebody ate it again that somebody gone pay for my shit !! ",0 "Let me get ready for class ❄ ",0 "Wendy Williams Just Get On My Fucking nerves man looking ass ",0 "Dwight Howard is a bitch ass nigga ! He will never have my respect ! Ole wide shoulders having ass botch ",0 "I woke up angry as shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not arguing wit ppl that's childish . Didn't really go down like I wanted tho cuz they backed up & sum1 grabbed me ",0 "Igottah Throw Up ",0 "B****es be like ",0 "not worried bout what not mine ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't try and go on me mfer u ain't call none yesterday now u wanna talk shit on twitter ✋ u go to sleep ",0 "Swear God I ain't been this mad n a long fucking time ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel likee ... ” Wat You Feel Like Sis ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I no man !! ",0 "I hate web champ ppl kiss ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : , im fat & i need to lose weight ""  "" ",0 "- ark needa leave me alone moe ",0 "I feel like i care too much & n he care too less ",0 "Dang ion feeli like washing my hair ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you still mad at me ” a lil bit ",0 "I need them Gamma Blue 12s on my feet ",0 "Up chilling bored outta my mind need somebody to talk to ",0 "#Lt but now I got ain't shit ta do ",0 "daddioo must be sleeping ",0 "You called and woke me up out my sleep ... To say I'll call you back shit like that ",0 "Deja Retweeted My Stuff .. WE AINT NO KIND ! ",0 "She got me on government and shit ",0 "Man F.ck All I Wanna Do Is Go To SLEEP ",0 "I be fucking myself up ",0 "Lil dick niggas < ",0 "If only i have a Boyfriend ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I miss #oomf .... But I hate yo ass ” ",0 "I'm fina post my new song ( love dont live here ) about the chick that tricked me into thinking I was ah father #tragic ",0 "My first nights sleep in my bed was a fail , up early heading to the er ",0 "Quan think he going keep my car charger !! that's out ! ",0 "Man I Wish Y'all Get off my TL Wit This Bullshit .... ",0 "I hate clothes , but its cold as shit in here ",0 "I think I'm irritated cause I'm still thinking about that shit . ",0 "I hate being around #oomf ",0 "Who gone tell me I can't ? Oh okay ",0 "Pooty Keep askin for Jordan ",0 "I gotta stop cursing so much ",0 "I HATE When Bishes TRY To Be just Like Me . ",0 "Whatchu wish you can take back what you said ",0 "Ain't nothing on TV I'm about to just watch movies .. ",0 "Nobody text me ",0 ", I need a charger ",0 "I'm really mean , ion care though ! Goodmorning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No I Told Her To But She Said You Know I don't Do Pictures I Was Mad Lol .. ",0 "But then Again timesike this when we not together all the other females be trippin like dam you gotta child nd shit like that ",0 "Have a headache ",0 "Mad the stuff I ordered don't fit me right I don't want this butt anymore ",0 "The Streets Only Hot ..... Cuz Niggas Run Dey Mouths ",0 "i jst get madd easilyy . like nowww ",0 "These Damn Pittbulls ! ",0 "She always is ",0 "I do not wanna go 2 church tomorrow . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im Sad ",0 "she keep calling this man her \husband "" she a fucking dummy yo !! She finally bout to leave his ass "" lets see how long this last "" !! "" ",0 "Messing wit twitter I forgot I had a good morning txt .! Shrugs ✋ ",0 "i need a nigg to smell good . cant be smellin like water g ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ii Hate When ii Leave My House Looking Like Ah Haitian && Nigga's Try && Talk To Me "" wear a mumu then "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm tooooooo MAD ",0 "Damn no goodmorning back #sayless ",0 "what I just seen .. need a girl yo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hell ya I suck toes . ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Just Kno I don't play abt _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ‼️ That's RS” we know ",0 "I sit back and say to myself \if people only knew "" "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate loud rude ugly hoes BITCH yo face already fucked up ..... Why TF you wanna be loud to ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ look in your phone hoe .. Prolly deleted me ",0 "I hate wen drug dealers don't answer dey phone ",0 "I'm mad at him , I hate him , I wanna go in on him but I miss him at the same time ",0 "I guess they heard too much complaining bout his throwing skills ",0 "But that would be purposeless right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol naw I have to work in the morning ",0 "I just want a home cooked meal ",0 "Where is my mommy ",0 "Stop it this tru lol \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : 22 year old lady breast fed her 2 month old baby while she was drunk , baby died the next morning """" ",0 "I need 2 get lit ",0 "Alicia better hurry her ass up ",0 "Thank god he's okay !! ",0 "I want GTA5 so bad ... Gotta get Mike Mike game fixed tho .. ",0 "my ankle itch ",0 "Tf did Aj do to her ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : IF THEY TAKE LINK FOREVA IM RUNNIN IN THEM GROCERY STORES WIT DA PIPE OUT * LIKE * BITCH PUT DA FOOD IN DA BAG” ",0 "I needa iPhone charger yo tf ",0 "Who wanna wash my hair ",0 "I guess she dont have to be my main priority ... But he knows ",0 "Noooo Chris noooo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Think I'M getting sick omg damm ",0 "Bring me some food ",0 "Im Up ... Alone ... ",0 "This headache in my temples is a sign that I didn't need to smoke all theses blunts tonight ",0 "I swear niggas be clowns shit erk my soul ",0 "* sigh * ",0 "Keep having dreams I'm gone die ",0 "Got Some Chairs For My Haters I Can't Stand Dem Muthafuckas ",0 "Donquez irritates me ",0 "I hate calling ppl ",0 "Im Fenna Go Lose My Virginity ! Fck Wit Yall After My Nut ✌ ",0 "I need a boo ",0 "JUST CRACKD MY FUCKIN PHONE UGHHHHHH ",0 "Be blowing me foreal ! ",0 "I need a nap , my man to hold me why I nap and some fruit to eat when I wake up ...... she's here ",0 "Nobody answering they phones though ",0 "Juice is sick , n I want to go to church ",0 "so many Jays coming out in December ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nothin wyd☺” nothing ",0 "i lost 22 poundss none of my clothes fit mee ",0 "I Don't Have No So Called \Bitches "" I Swear "" ",0 "A nigga always tryn bump me like Ima bitch ",0 "Meek Mill was soooooooooo ugly ",0 "My nose stopped up ",0 "I'm glad key gave me my case back I almost died ",0 "Hunger Games pissed me off ",0 "I don't know how I got a MF whole in my tights ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Gotta Go To Fayetteville Then Magnolia "" better come see mee "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",0 "Missy mad at me frfr shit didn't even text me back ",0 "Another wack Friday night ",0 "This rain tho !!!! Ugh !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yessss I'm hungry ",0 "niggas mad bored , ion understand why i couldnt go wid tremani !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Sumtimes yu b Getn On My Nerves I say I HATE YOU bt that shyt Dnt Work ✘ CuZ Everytime we Say We Threw wit it we BACK in LOVE AGAIN  ",0 "Everybody Almighty & Baddies . The Struggle ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm so picky ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ heyy girl my last tweet wasn't about you if that's what you thought” I was like oh this bitch faking ",0 "I Been Eating Food All Dayy ' & Im Still Hungry ",0 "I gotta do this long ass AP HW tomorrow ",0 "Breaking out in hives !!! I need to get home !!!!! ",0 "chilli .... not my type of dinner ",0 "Greg bring yo charger i left mines in sherwood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not sleepy & #vampgang ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hey doc can I get down on the tour . ",0 "im lazy as shit ",0 ", Me , My Brother & P-Nut Was In Here Watchin The Tv Like ... but My Mom Was Like ",0 "My attitude don't make shit better ",0 "Me Right Now NextWhen Im Done ⛽ ",0 "I need a nap , my man to hold me why I nap and some fruit to eat when I wake up ...... she's here ",0 "I hate fake people . I hope they all die ! ",0 "In the P all week and I still ain't seen nobody ",0 "Brandon Siggs ain't real though .. ",0 "My Mother Petty I Gotta Cook For Thanksgiving ",0 "How I'm take care of her by myself * crying * ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ always making up stuff ",0 "Mfs Was Actin Up Lastnite Too , I Wasn't Condoning Dat Shit Doe ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : my hands feel like I been playing in sand yo ” damn ",0 "I LOST MY HEADPHONES TODAY ... Bull ish !! ",0 "This HSA Got Me Fucked Up ",0 "getting my text messages slow ",0 "What tf is he doing ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I be wanting to blow my mom out ” ",0 "My ma be playing bout doing my hair ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If my boyfriend mixing and get put to sleep ima lay right next to him ✊ #loyalty "" you died !!!!!! "" ",0 "Had to make Payton cry hisself to sleep OMG he spoiled as shit ",0 "This some BS ",0 "I done listened to \Trust "" like 44 times .. "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : These bitches TOO easy . """" ",0 "Wayne Wonder - Letting Go .... ",0 "Phone be dry af smh ",0 "✋ I didnt come here to make friends anyway just tryna make my money & leave fuck yall ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I guess ill be in 8 lunch tomorrow .. bitches gone pee on they damn selves” lol why ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i have a habit of putting my hand in my bra .. and just letting my hand sit”glad im not the only one ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Nobody wants ta feed me & my lil baby "" i got cha "" ",0 "Back to school commercials already ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Idk wat to get ppl for Christmas dats why I never get ppl anything” ",0 "I feel terrible ",0 "Enjoyed the lil time wit da family 2day ... but made homein time for THE BIG BANG THEROY luvh this show ...... now chillin in my bed ... ",0 "Hope ain't shit wrong with me fr me ",0 "Nobody texting me ugly fuckers ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ SMH ",0 "blah blah blah ion givva fucc ",0 "Everybody checked on me !! ",0 "desss going too sleep on niggas & shit . ",0 "Y'all niggas be wanting bitches y'all can control UNT UNT nigga not me ",0 "He don't love me no more ",0 "I Can't See My Brovas Play Today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's what I said its a cute dubbie ( as my granny would say ) but I hope this doesn't catch on with the ratchets ",0 "Jatia goin beat my ass . ",0 "moe i feel violated ",0 "I really need Tarnetta to cook & stop acting goofy ",0 "He needaaaa get his phone fixed cause I'm tired of these calls coming to my phone for him ",0 "not sure if I even have a bf ",0 "She really not Trynna put them air conditioners in I'm really hot n shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bye girl you saw me ",0 "The bitch keshera is cut off she treat me just like how these niggahs do lie to me and shit ",0 "My Curly sleep on me ",0 "Huhhhh iGotta Take Swim iDont Wanna Take Swimming ! ",0 "i hope i aint on her TL ",0 "My boyfriend need to tell me what he want to eat it's cold outside ✋ ",0 "Bitch tryed to touch my hair I moved my head so quick I'm like WOAH !!! ✋ #5 ",0 "I'm skinny , but when I put on leggings ...  ",0 "I'm ALWAYS Doing WRONG !!! ",0 "Hearing shit after just having a nightmare sintering too pleasant :/ ",0 "She Coulda At Least Tryed ",0 "Everybody taking exams we in class chilling and doing regular work ",0 "Soo you take my phone Like wassup !!! Pussyyy ",0 "I take that back ! ✋ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : When am alone i think to much and put maself in a bd mood : /” I swear !!! ",0 "I'm very tender headed , ",0 "_ Ohhhh Miiii Goshhhhhh Mii Stomach & This Cramp Bouta Kill Me ' _ ",0 ", now ima be cranky cause I'm sleepy ",0 "So people think I'm stuck up cus I don't hoe people ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fake af ",0 "When you fall into the same trap , over & over & over again <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ",0 "Smh what the hell ",0 "My head is killing me ",0 "Ion think I like my new joint . My tatt man wasn't there ",0 "everything lately << ",0 "Just Remember Ion Give Af Now But I Once Did ",0 "I want money but don't wanna work for it lol ",0 "Single and Talk to Nobody ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know awwww she gone be a big girl !!!! ",0 "Lawd somebody come get me ",0 "If yo ass wasnt on games that nbs wuda been you ... But oh well ig ",0 "I hate a guilty mf ",0 "I Dont Wanna Waste You Time ",0 "This weak ass AR just pissed me TF off man I just wanna hit that sissy bitch in his mouth man ... #38 ",0 "If we dont get shit like this settled we aint gone last : ( ",0 "I Got This Crazy Ass Boogie In My Nose ",0 "Pissed off .. ole lame , no pussy getting ass .. ",0 "My Everything Left Me Today ",0 "Ugh dawg ... ",0 "big fuckn baby act like she can't sleep unless I'm holding her I'm not on this tonight I'm tryna watch LifeTime & I can't do both ",0 "My room so hot it woke me up ",0 "I left my charger !!!! ",0 "When Im In A Relationship I THINK I Know Everything #Andthatstheproblem ",0 "That's why y'all can't be trusted y'all be trynna do the shit we do Lls and shit blow up in y'all face ",0 "yu worship allah when ya hair not done ❗ ",0 "Im so Bored ",0 "Oh tomorrow I'm taking all durag selfies #TBT ",0 "Every time I leave out I run into somebody my cousin know ",0 "Yung I just feel like fuckin somebody up yung too many ppl pissin me tf off ... ",0 "Missing mii lil bro _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "The fact that I just peeped sharif ain't call me back ",0 "I like the summer but this heat .. ",0 "I'm really not trynna go to school tomorrow omg . ",0 "My planss went all wrong for this weekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wasn't going to help anyway ( sticks tongue out ) :-p ",0 "I'm blaming kiya and her big head uncle for making me sick ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Damn beyonce an jay-z separated ”fr ? ",0 "He had the hick ups the other day n I wasn't there ",0 "there go kasia ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Bye !!! Sho we don't care !!! ",0 "Love is the fakest person I met in my life yo ✊ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ really !! Half of them don't even know shavon like that .. just tryna be seen ",0 "I be wanting to text #oomf but ....... ",0 "That was a big ass bug ",0 "My steering wheel doesn't have to be up this high ",0 "I ain't never waiting on Iymaani ass no more ",0 "Fuck this shit !!!! ",0 "Board at right now hacked by Derrick ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My hair right now <<<<<< ” ",0 "Bout to get ready for work ",0 "Call Me Back ",0 "I need to be sleep gotta work in the morning ",0 ". Im Hella bored ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was wack lol ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Daras go be in ATL go find someone else && break up with me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Ik how I did him wrong i just want them to tell me ",0 "bored sitting here texting boo , scrolling down my tl ",0 "So sick of these nights alone and now its going to be every night . I've really got to find a friend !!! ",0 "I wish i would have never told him call me back Ina morning !! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Dymond went get Cane's without me ! ”that chick been acting bad lately ",0 "I'm going through it over here ",0 "Ugh Brittani needa wake up so we can Bake , Go to breakfast☕️ , and Chill Til she got work ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ion give a fuck about that bitch ! how does u talking about me have nothing to do with me fuck off ✌ ",0 "omggg i almost lost my phoneee ",0 "All & all I know this bitch twatching ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : this time yesterday tho < "" HEAD MF "" ",0 "My room Stink hella Bad Like Wtf my dumb Ass left tht milk N my room for 2 or 3 days < #BIGDUMMY ",0 "My phone going back on the charger .. this battery ain't shit , lol✋ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ no they don't . ” I took my picture today ",0 "who up ? ",0 "imma miss them ",0 "Being prego and sick is NOT the move !!! ",0 "Omg I think Skylar bouta wake up .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hoe where you been ? I miss my big sister ",0 "I really ain't had to fuck that chicken up like dat ",0 "Blah . She's on her way over . I'm too damn nice . ",0 "Why Df EVERYBODY Talking About They Granny & Great Grandma !!!??? ",0 "I Hate When People Wanna Keep Arguing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Missin my love ",0 "Abt to sip ths drink & I pray I dnt get in my feelings ",0 "12% & I'm about to leave out ",0 "Yea wen I txtd my nigga , he dnt txt back buh he on twitter .. ( Cough cough ) _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ This little boy done pissed in my bed ” EEWWWW ",0 "ion even catch myself interested in sex anymore , ion think bout it , having did it , I guess ",0 "I guess #oomf aint dm me bac cuz thats a no ",0 "Ima be pissed if I don't go shopping today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didnt even get to see him ",0 "- Its Not Gonee Be The Same Nomore ! ",0 "Bored out my fucking mind ",0 "That Just Irritated My Fuckin Soul ",0 "But I want it wrk out thou ☝️time ",0 "#MyGirlFriendNotAllowedTo go to the club that's disrespectful . Better turn on pandora & get to dancing in the living room ",0 "It's all early ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too , wish I was at a plant” me to I'll be in there soon enough ",0 "I over-think A LOT ..... To the point where I put myself in a bad mood ",0 "2 exams today ",0 "Y'all some weak ass hoes ",0 "1234567EIGHT !!!! Nigga !!!! ",0 "I really don't wanna be here at all ",0 "at work like ",0 "Dis Being Single Shit Sucks Ass ",0 "' I hate be lied to ",0 "got a fuckin baldy . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hoe where you been ? I miss my big sister ",0 "I hate hoes ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It feel so right but ik its so wrong """" ",0 "Why it gotta be this hot g ",0 "She said I'm ungrateful ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Where ever Keisha at ”smh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes man that was my face when I heard it ! Like not never ! ",0 "something bit me on my face ",0 "Bitches keep telln me i look like i was in pretty ricky like thats a fuckn complement !? bitch ion grind on floors , i ain singn to u hoes ",0 "I need to get my body back in shape , this is ridiculous ",0 "I'm Still Salty Though ❗ ",0 "She Really Think im Feeeena Move w . Her & She Gotta Dawg Humm Nahhhh ",0 "Thats all she do is ignore me ",0 "Why My Dad Keep Calling Me Talking Bout Nothing ",0 "I Want Sumthing To Eat ",0 "I'm so ready to be out this chair ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Im Bet Benzino gotta turn his whole body to look around” ",0 "everything dry ig , my phone , twitter , , Facebook , MySpace & this bitch face on my tl got damn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ watching tv bored af lol you going out tonight ? ",0 "But that's $500 that I don't got ",0 "I wish I was in summer school . ",0 "Tl slow as shit ! ",0 "You bitches steady wishing for a boyfriend Y'all ass need to be careful for what y'all wish for ✊ Shit ain't all fun & games ",0 "The MOST popped hoes be talking shit .... like really wash yo ass and mouth before saying ANYTHING .. ",0 "Didn't Really Enjoy School Today ... Been Quiet All Day & Haven't Spoken To Anyone Really . .. Just Been Down ... Senior Is Different For Me : ( ",0 "Sick is a Bytch Been n da Bed Nd Bae aint even Cum Over smh no txt bak or nun ",0 "I don't feel like driving home !! ",0 "Who gone do my haaaaaaair ? ",0 "My next off day not until next Wednesday .! I work two doubles this weekend back to back .! #work ",0 "Got my baby with me but she K.O ",0 "TL slowly dying down ",0 "Jr . Miss Kevin : (( ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate the winter time ” I love it ",0 "Calm down , JC ... Don't get outta pocket now ... #VMA2013 ",0 "It must look like I got STUPID written across my forehead ",0 "she done melted my Reese cup ",0 "I'mma miss callin Larri sayin let get fucked up ",0 "I'm lowkey bowlegged . fr . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋✋✋✋ Bitch Don't Be Stamping SHIT ON MY CHILD DAWG ! Tf Type Shit You Onn ' ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm still throwing up”bitch I told u the reason ",0 "Selling my iPhone I need top dollar ! ",0 "Waiting on my bookie to charge da phone up nd call back .. ",0 "2ppl gone free meh ",0 "I'm screaming ain't no woman like the one I got ✊ , but she be always worring bout the one I fuck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ JAM we acting brand new ? Don't agree wit her . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whack !... But I want it today ",0 "Phone dry as hell man ",0 "My High school Teachers Didn't Show Me Shit ",0 "Up feeling horrible ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fakin ' Once Again . . ",0 "My girlfriend phone always dead ",0 "eve ???? “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why must this lady irk my life ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i no smfh mo & them leff me on sum nutt shitt ",0 "I cant even sit dwn ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need a job ” I got one for ya * gay moment * ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she dont like me ",0 "I'm a big girl now , and she got to work !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah he know better than to reply . ",0 "I Needa Wash My Hair ",0 "I been eating all day ",0 "My uncle need to come on with this money so I can go get my hot wings .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ everybody is .. Everybody said I was mean ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't see her .. ",0 "Vague ass convo ... ",0 "Left my sneakers . I swear I be on some dickhead shit ",0 "Haven't talk to my baby allllll day ",0 "Dont u b holding backkkk ",0 "Awwww she mad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ But you not talking bout what I'm talking about ",0 "but im sooooooooooo bored . ",0 "Dj Khaled & Rick Ross Needa Sit They Fat Ass Down I Know They Tired ",0 "that was so fucking funny how they cut Mindless Behavior off ! ",0 "Bae text so slow ",0 "It should have rained outside tonight ",0 "But these Oreos so good ",0 "Major toothache got me <<<<>>>> ",0 "Sometimes I wish I had a boyfriend then I be like , naahhh ",0 "I hate an irritating motherfucker ",0 "I wanna be sleeping ",0 "should've been with you though ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Thirsty ” go get something to drink duh lol ",0 "Niggas leaving LOYAL Girls Cause They Aint Giving It Up Like These THOTS Out Here ✋Smh ",0 "I dont like how she just turned them bright ass lights on .! ",0 "I need a new printer !!!! ",0 "Nobody texting me ugly fuckers ",0 "Ion even kno y I set alarms anymore ",0 "Iont Trust Niggas Who Talk Alot ",0 "Sick of this bullshit ",0 "I'm not even impressed wit that drive ",0 "I be zappin for no reason , then be like damn .. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Por que rayos no publican el resultadooo” estoy asiiiiiiiiii ",0 "I want #oomf but I don't think Imma ever get her she my boo even tho she get on my fucking nerves ! ",0 "Munchie needa hurry up & call back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's yo fault I'm up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop changing my tweets . ",0 "I hope I don't fell asleep .. ",0 "Man my grandma just pooted goddamn its raw ",0 "I miss the shit outta NAJEEA Some one tell my Bestfriend I love her ",0 "Hmm .. He Better Be Ina House ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you bout to be 18 !? Damn I'm old ! lol”lol thts what all my cousins n sisters be sayin ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ chileeee” & they talk about bitches !!! Smh ",0 "Can't believe I missed scandal lastnite ",0 "My fucking bus just rode right pass me ",0 "No one to talk to on my break .. ",0 "Nobody loves me ",0 "This About To Be Hard ",0 "Taz Goin Be Madd At Me ",0 "I think I'm at my Spazzing point ",0 "Ima hit ' em with that who is this ? ✊ ",0 "Ugh my head tho ",0 "I need some weed ",0 "I THINK imma text her tomar . idk I do miss her or whatever . ",0 "If I Say I Dont Wanna Be Bothered , DON'T FUCKING BOTHER ME ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ((((((( ",0 "Im really upset Goodnight tho ✌ ",0 "I'm the worst person at replyin to text I look at half at them like ok what you want to say ",0 "Cut my hair today . ",0 "Lately I feel like everybody hating ",0 "This hoe aggravatin af ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause what ? ”lol chill out ! I ain't saying nothing ",0 "I'm said for Urlacher . You should've just took the money homie . We need your leadership ... ",0 "Man if _TWITTER-ENTITY_ dont stop acting slow ",0 "Bt I gotta go get the bike from way off sister street ",0 "This bitch slap so hard dawg lol ",0 "I listened to oomf last night and called it made it worse ",0 "Ion do nobody nuttin ",0 "My body so cold ",0 "his leg alone up the seat ",0 "No ones up to do illegal things with me Fugeee ",0 "Taj is killing me tonight ",0 "Wtf Is A Lowkey Relationship Bitch Everrybdy Better Know We Together Yo BestFriends , Mama , God , Yo Pastor Ion Play That Shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ o ok lol wat made yu woke up”I dont know i always do this insane shit ",0 "It ain't a game . confused ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i get irritated so easily ”❗❗ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I don't even like Red Loster but that Commercial was mouth watering ” always but then that shit be dry ",0 "Awww my lil sister sick ",0 "hate when people dont text me back when I take my time of day to text there ass ! ",0 "she snoring & shit ",0 "Today Aint my fucking day ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I know my vibrator sick of my trifflin ass” ",0 "I'm bout to try & go back to sleep ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : What y'all doing ? I'm bored” me too ",0 "Now your mad ",0 "Now everybody doing slide shows on IG of they pics ... come on ! ",0 "miley cyrus use to be a BUMB ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : REAL feelings don't just "" go away """" man they just don't "" ",0 "Bitches be hit Forreal ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : why Chris Brown doing this to me ? ” . ",0 "Niggas be making me mad yo faggies ",0 "Dis Weather Ain't What I Want ",0 "NAWWWW I'M STILL SINGLE ",0 "I Miss My OG _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Back to work in the morning pray that I find a new job ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Sitting in class thinking bout Byrd ; I did the Byrd call but no response head down ... "" Here i go "" ",0 "got ONE ☝person ill never give up on , no matter what we go thru , how many times we stop talking he gon be my baby regardless .. ",0 "Uggggh just uggggh ",0 "My wisdom teethe finally came ",0 "I aint gonee liee likee i dont lovee me somee Cedricc ❤ . ",0 "I c you been throwing shots ",0 "Tf whyy we on lock down‼️ ",0 "Miss boo and Jayden I should've went home to them ",0 "Dreek ! I can't sleep !!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Bad dream got me up early ",0 "ard I'm sleepy now ",0 ", mad i gotta go to therapy ! ",0 "I hope dis download fckn work !!! ",0 "\This weekend went by too fast "" Me : ( oO) ? Bitch you was on Twitter the whole time "" ",0 "I new some time to think about how Im finna handle all this ... Shit moving to fast ",0 "Yoooo these ppl won't stfu outside ",0 "ughhhh , bouta be inna cut thaa rest of the day ",0 "Why Tf Is Noodles Here Thinking Bout That ? ",0 "Nigga supposed to had called my hands out & he ain't do that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ NOT YOU . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wake up !!! ” ",0 "she seems MAD ",0 "Day 1 I leave my headphones at home ",0 "imma get off here shit going get me in trouble ",0 "Miami getting me hot smfh ",0 "Good Lord I'm Mary Jane ",0 "fck it then ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Everybody pregnant but where's the BABYDADDY ? ” RFT ",0 "My sister leave Tomorrow for USC ! Noooooo ! ",0 "I'm a loner tonight ! Blah No boo to cake with ! ugh ain't that a bitch ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuk y'all I use to spit in y'all drink haaa didn't know that did it ? ” ",0 "Shun , stop .. ✋ ",0 "grandma fried the turkey like a pro fr . ✊ ",0 "I'm gettin fucked up tonight ",0 "Home Alone .. Watching Shawshank Redemption ",0 "not a goodnight ",0 "like Trey Songz x Fumble .. ",0 "Yessss please die please die “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I keep fucking round and my phone going die ” ",0 "Watch #Oomf is going to text me this week saying ohh come to my house we gotta talk and it's not gunnha go we'll ",0 "Guess Im Spending Thanksgiving By Myself .. Dis Gone Feel Odd ",0 "Sash really dne changed on me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : my hands feel like I been playing in sand yo ” damn ",0 "Wtf Nooooooooooooooooooo cut him off the team !! ",0 "Imma shout my boy out early I might be sleep ",0 "Jus the smell of cigarettes ",0 "Praying that My Daddy be okay ",0 "Ima Miss Yall especially My Family And Friends ",0 "\Can you blame her ?, she wants to see her baby "" sometimes I dislike my mom "" ",0 "Damn Bae Aint Text Me ",0 "Somebody kill Mona ",0 "I miss my girl mane ",0 "Im so tired ",0 "Straight up its not even about me having trust issues it's when your actions don't back up what the fuck you saying ",0 "Imma miss it ⚾️⚾️⚾️ ",0 "Fuck off my shit ",0 "This what I get for waiting on people Imma Going to See riri ",0 "And I just cried ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Tarik Was Mad When I Left And I Didnt Get A Good Goodbye ",0 "Old People Talk To Damn Much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Daras go be in ATL go find someone else && break up with me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Man the bitch selfish coulda shared the hoe with me .... ” ",0 "She hung up ",0 "When yu kno who yu want ... But yu kno yu can't have her <<< ",0 "I'm soooooooooo bored ",0 "Kizzy Just Forgot About A Nigga Again . ",0 "Ppl are just asking anything !!! ",0 "Dh peeled off his prostration mark got a dumb ass light spot on his forehead ",0 "Khalil just ERKED me y'all I shouldn't of never told him to call me ",0 "Cant buhlee the hoe said poor willoh ",0 "I refuse to push a stroller before i push a whip #sesly  ",0 "Nigga : I eat pussy Society : You that nigga !!! Female : I suck dick Society : You nasty triflin ass hoe . ",0 "Kinda tired . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #BAMnnAssMondays “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Faded Monday”” a B thang I see ",0 "Bored asab with out ma dukes near me bra wtf <<<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me no see emojis ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's not funny he I'm here singing and shit ",0 "I HATE When I Wanna Talk To Somebody And They Act Dry Like BITCH You Killing My Vibe ",0 "this process of waking up early in the morning is just not for me , tired af ",0 "Tiffany & Shay need to come around here I miss them so much y'all just don't fucking know . ",0 "This shit hard ",0 "Smh saying goodbye to ma cousin tomar is really going to be hard for me I'm really going to miss you Lekah ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Man , I wish I didn't have break on a Wednesday "" I wish you had it Monday with me & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! "" ",0 "keep me cummin ' , keep me going . keep me hummin ' , keep me moaning . . ",0 "Been out since 10 this morning ",0 "It's biting outside I hope yall hoes ain't tryna get to cute ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Soul Source under construction again” right I'm pissed ",0 "i don't know you ",0 "Hold on wait a minute y'all thought I finish ...... But I need my Rubbed ",0 "I do not feel like mansion ",0 "Fuck twitter jail ima real nigga * gets put in twitter jail * ",0 "Im not even tired ... ",0 "phone dry asf ",0 "#InMiddleSchool I got to arguring with the secretary mrs. lee all the time hoe get on my nerves ",0 "I hate my name ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i need u too bestie , i swear u gotta come get me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Dumb muthafuckers & their fucked up priorities ” ",0 "Np : Rich Kidz - Most Tonight .. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Refuse To Be In A Line With Them OTHER Bitches . If You Ain't Making Me Your FIRST Option Nigga Im GONE ✌✋” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bye bitch .! ",0 "If it wasn't raining i would've left ",0 "My TL ain't shit tonite ✋ ",0 "I need to ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ughhh people erkn i miss my sis ",0 "Smh That Game _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Tustin Earlier Really Made Me Miss Playin Football ",0 "Imma be alone on valentines this year wow haven't been like this since I was a pre teen ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Blame My Momma ",0 "Mind in a thousand places right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ p.s BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH ",0 "Only A Dumb Ass Person Would Ask If IHOP Is Open Right Now .... Bitch It's Open 24/7 ",0 "I'm soo sleepy ",0 "Struggles “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't wanna go back to tomorrow either if we didn't go to Miami I would of had Mother's Day off” ",0 "My Eyes Itching Now ",0 "I need to go to bed fa real ! ✋ ",0 "4:30 canceled .. At 4:30 ",0 "Man This shit Ain't right ",0 "We shouldn't have even broke up smh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I thought you turned Muslim on me” never noo I love my pork ",0 "Talking bout we don't love these hoes duhh hoes never get love ! Tf ",0 "ohhhh nobody ohh ok ",0 "IAINT GT MY JORDANS YESTURDAY !! iwas cryn lbs . But idgf MARCH16 gttn my jordans ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I it just stops” it's rainy hard over here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mhm , anything for you ",0 "School Tomorrow <<<<<<< ",0 "I keep having weird dreams , idk what they're suppose to mean though ",0 "Now I'm up all lonely & I can't go to sleep .. WTF ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why is that ! ",0 "Thirst Trap Shawty ",0 "Feel like its getting hotter outside #humid ",0 "Des females mad thirsty for attention n ish smdh ",0 "alexussssssss where are you !! ",0 "i just noticed . who tf changed my header ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : - > “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Nothing soothes me like this Bob Marley Station☀”” ",0 "I can't even sleep now ",0 "He makin me mad ",0 "A fucking walk-off doe ? ",0 "its crazy how dudes will fuck a pregnant chick but be pissed when they bm fuckin somebody else ... ",0 "bout to get a glass eye ",0 "This long ass ride to the jail i dnt gt time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bye Ish ",0 "C man .. just about to call u but forget it ... smh the thirst of #oomf is to real smh .... and I'm going to sleep nw lol ",0 "What a night/morning smh ",0 "phone on 20% & my charger ain't working now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ iont know ",0 "I need ah bestfriend ",0 "Quan is the reason my phone moves so slow ! I should have never let him jail break it . ",0 "I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really HATE LIARS‼️‼️‼️ ",0 "I'm just like ",0 "ugh they done pissed me off for the day ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ion wanna b mad no more ” it be like that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Bye !!! Sho we don't care !!! ",0 "i hate when im laying down & everybody keep walking around the house like sit tf down ",0 "I Aint Beefing w/ NOBODY . I Either Like You❤ Or I DONT Like You . BEEFING Aint Gon Solve Shit , IT'S ONLY Gonna Waste My Time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Diary we don't ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you not loyal ",0 "- best friend just sent me a long ass sad message ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need to get my drake ticket” me too ",0 "I hate when when I be giving up this DOPE dick and the bitch pussy don't make me cum ",0 "I'm fuckin ' impatient man I hating when folks take forever to respond back to a simple txt ... ",0 "My Eyes My Eyes !!! & This Why I Dont Kik Random People ",0 "Idk what I want for dinner tonight ... Chipotle . Jakes Philly cheese ... Decisions . ",0 "Jesus I come to you tonight to ask you to simply help me end this drought . #Amen ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we cool though , u my nigha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cookie stop running that fucking bill up . you know ion get paid until the 1st . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My hair right now <<<<<< ” ",0 "EVERYBODY Just Pissing Me Off Today . Ugh ",0 "me & #1omf be like ; Then we be like ✌Then shit gets confusing and We be like Then right back to like we never left ",0 "I can't roll ",0 "Gonna be late to school ",0 "Waits for my text back .. ",0 "And You Hung Up Smh That's Crazy“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Dog thats crazy but alr” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wanna see two baldhead bitches fight … Aint gone be NO hair grabbing ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Winter on TV looking like a kilo of flour in a hefty bag . That's why God pushed her to the floor he wanted her to have a seat . ” ",0 "Lil wayne tho < < < ",0 "Awwwwe : ( ",0 "Switch it & this me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hate when I'm mad at him so he gets mad at me then when imnt mad nomore he still wanna be mad like wtf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm ugly is what's wrong ! ",0 "ughh im in pain ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ straight spoiled ",0 "- Sittin W/ My Mother In The Hospital .. , She Needa Get Better ",0 "I want some HEAD ",0 "I'm beyond irked ",0 "im madd iscell i thought i was bout to bump till my ear drums bust but one of the SPEAKERS dont work ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ everytime u don't get your way don't call u , u ain't a real friend ! ” Oh I'm not whore ok” ",0 "Lyfe Jennings Just Does Something To My Soul ",0 "Ain't talk to Broski all day wonder if he cool✊ ",0 "Who wanna ft I need to vent ",0 "All the fun is over with once I get off work ",0 "Everybody done went to sleep on me .. ",0 "I'm gettin sick ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ where you take the test I want to know my score . ”creep” ",0 "I Forgot _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : How Taija gone text me and when I text back she don't respond ! ” ",0 "Spare Me .. ✋ ",0 "my head not big ",0 "really ready to jus snap tf out ! ",0 "Im soo bored ... ",0 "3 Losses in a row on Madden25 Im going to sleep before I commit a crime ",0 "Devin lil but woke me up ",0 "I miss the shit outta NAJEEA Some one tell my Bestfriend I love her ",0 "Bitches Be Stunting On My dead Brother ",0 "I haven't talked to Jalen Ugly Ass In 2 Damn Days ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ these hoes don't know me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss him ",0 "Getting ready for work ",0 "Brittany sickening ugly ass ",0 "Gotta crush . had a good time with him . But he had to leav ",0 "I really was tho all on IG like why can't I find it “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was really looking hard I'm dyingggg” ",0 "I Been Thinking An Thats What Been In My Head ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Byeeee Maaaaaan ",0 "Niggas always fraudin ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : it's about that time to hit this Road ... ” <<< i Dnt Want You 2 Go”Jus why ion fuck with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ now ",0 "Y'all hoes can't spell man✋ ",0 "Would play 2k wiff Mario but he mad at me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need a BF so I can stop playin w/ these Lil Niggas ”AMEN lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My mama cooking .. Guess ill order some pizza” chill ray ",0 "Ima Be Too Mad My Brother Cut His Dreads Off ! ",0 "Niyah nd mare up fighting nd snitching already ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ This house ",0 "somebody jus text me & asked me was i dead ? i jus been chillin ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Watched the nick story again today on my phone can't believe _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & amp ; harmony died I cried” right ",0 "I'm hungry I want wings ",0 "Dammit I Never Got To Say Im Thanful For Twitter ! Shit Im 2 Mins Late ! ",0 "Havent talked to him all day ",0 "It's hot af ",0 "Man these fucking dogs knocked over my trash !! Uugh ",0 "them fake twitter pages be blowing me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches be like \girl you better quit playing , that nigga got a car "" ” sad But True "" ",0 "That was petty ",0 "I miss my bestfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I hate when when I be giving up this DOPE dick and the bitch pussy don't make me cum ",0 "I ain't eat shit all day ",0 "that shit blew me ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "If I didn't have Jalen I would be going through this alone ",0 "Niyah nd mare up fighting nd snitching already ... ",0 "the shit im txtn sada , iswea yall dk wat be goin thru my head ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "So all these k . Michelle fans and nobody going ",0 "Smh boy looka dis shit hea ",0 "Haven't talk to my boyfriend since I left his house ",0 "This Dumb Ass Charger ",0 "Chicago kicking our ass yo #HEATgame ",0 "Drake tellin me Girls Love Beyonce , but Chief Keef claim Bitches Love Sosa . What it's gone be ?? ",0 "I plays games wit these they so Fake n they Phony ",0 "I wanted her 2 ",0 "ugh im still sleepy but let me get up n get ready foee dhis 11 1/2 shift ",0 "I don't feel like leaving back out ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It's gonna be in the mid 70's all Nxt week !!! \YO FELLAZZZZZ "" * Pump it .... pump it .... pump it ... pump it * ” "" ",0 "CLOSE MY FUCKING DOOR WHEN YOU LEAVE MY ROOM # GoodMorning ",0 "Where everybody at mane ? ",0 "Lebron and his whole crew on my TL gone be like .... ",0 "He den fuckedd upp ",0 "I Wann Facetime . ",0 "Mfs was staring at me last night ✋ ",0 "I should've stayed tf home !!!!!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the struggle ",0 "I got a banging ass headache ",0 "Niggas claiming they got they dick sucked but no enough girls sucking dick Some shit ain't adding up ",0 "Davis Didn't Even Care .. He Probably Don't Care About Piccs Anyways ",0 "Stolen car almost ran into us ",0 "Everybody leaving fast ",0 "Yeaaaaaa ... see ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what about Cleveland ",0 "I hate dha fact she's crying n I'm not there to hold her or wipe her tears away ",0 "Mama said if ion feel better when she get back up we going to the hospital bet I won't go ! ",0 "After dis ... Neva Eva again n I mean dat ",0 "Da fact dat i be getting so mad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I texted you to invite you to game night and you never replied ",0 "I need my phone fixed ",0 "Back to sleep Igo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Raion just scared tf outta me mannn . ”” ",0 "I Ain't Scared To Go To Jail , Shoot Him In His Face Cause If I Shoot Him In His Mother Fucking Leg He Gonna Tell ",0 "Darius left me the car and I'm too lazy to go to the grocery store Good morning ! ",0 "Sometimes its for the best \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : NOT talking to someone you used to talk to everyday <<<< """" ",0 "Them loud ass headphones got my ears ringing ! I hate that shit ! ",0 "Im Lookinq Like ? ",0 "That means I gotta clean up tho ",0 "In Pain , Why Would I Put My Nipple Ring Back In ",0 "Too many fuck niggas ",0 "Only 8:07 im sleepy g ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ o Iigh , & ya punk ass been duckin my calls ",0 "I got to go to school tomorrow . ✋ this irritating I HATE SCHOOL ",0 "#np Aaliyah imissyou . This song make really sad . ",0 "Niggas geeked but shit ain't sweet ... Wantchu to look out but dnt be lookin out .. fuck I look like ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : The person you want the most play the MOST games  "" on blood "" ",0 "U can say bye to his football career ",0 "Like is y'all mad that I stole the tweet so much kissin ",0 "I hope this woman STFU !!!! ",0 "Feeling sum type of way just that damn quick ",0 "U just a whole turn off ",0 "Goodnight .. Twitter Erkin Me ✌ ",0 "I'm goin to buy me more of these jogging pAnts I can't go these mfs smack man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I no man !! ",0 "It's To Damn Dry Man ",0 "My sister leave Tomorrow for USC ! Noooooo ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Wanna See My Baby """" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas will leave their girl just because she's bossy or not submissive . "" that's true Niggas dont like bein told what 2 do "" ",0 "Imma slap the shit outta her when I see her later ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right I didn't even get them ",0 "This whole day gotta be a dream ",0 "I see how it is ray .... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'M HUNGRY ” me too ” fuck our life ” for real tho a rican is starving ",0 "I needa notha car ",0 "This hoe talking bout hay BFF girl GYL can't stand a weak link they calling others BFF when my shoulder was their napkin at times plea ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yesss lame asses didn't even know about her album until it was on Instagram fake dicksucking fans ” ",0 "Freaky ass lame ass pussy hungry niggas eat bitches out never did that before df I look like ",0 "I Wanna ...... Ummm Nevermind ",0 "I miss Dony ...... ",0 "My phone acting dumb my messages not coming thru or they not sending ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was like shit , Fuck it no back I guess ",0 "My phone died at 30% ",0 "Think I might see what this be bout . Shidd why not get cuffed up . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ being fake already . Ain't even been at school for a whole week ",0 "Boutta Get Dress && Walk Dis Dogg .. ",0 "Up and bored ",0 "my bones cracking ewwww ",0 "I got sick out of nowhere tho ",0 "Going To Sleep Sad !!! ",0 "When u talking to a nigga with a babymom it's nothing but drama I can't even keep up ",0 "Ewww butt fingers !!! #DFL ",0 "Need some weed ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ",0 "spoil ass lil bra jus realize he took my boots ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop changing my tweets . ",0 "TEXTIN MY BBY TROY ........... ",0 "damn damn damn , dont feel like goin to school today . ",0 "I Miss My Long Weave ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nooooooo ❗ shhhhh ☝ low low sista lol””I wasn't here” ",0 "My life so boring ",0 "Everybody mad on my TL gone head witcha mad asses ",0 "I want food ",0 "I'm getting old don't have time for childish ish ",0 "where is my momma ?? shoot !! ",0 "Bout to get off here just got sad thinking about those days ✌️✌️ ",0 "Being mad at somebody you wanna talk to the most be the worst feeling ",0 "Mello just blew me ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm just tryin to get my hair done ,, He came and I'm gone now yo ",0 "I really hope my granny is okay ... I'd go crazy if something happened to her . ",0 "Females was up elmwood taking a spill ",0 "Whyyyyyyyyyyyy ... just had to be too good to be true ",0 "Dat 40 Wake His Ass Up Just For Sleepin On Me ",0 "It's not gone never be the same when my uncle gone like this ",0 "Ok over that ... bored ass fuck at work right now ",0 "Ugh This Baby ",0 "My scalp itching ",0 "I have too many damn eyebrows , they just really do wtf they want ",0 "not talking to nobody ",0 "I'm irritated and can't sleep ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : People annoy me & piss me tf off , more & more everyday ! """" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate twitter nobody never wanna coversate with me "" ill conversate with you .. heyy  "" ",0 "Bae was suppose to meet me but he had to work ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u ain't shit nigga” and I prolly never will be shit ",0 "I guess so ",0 "Ray rice needa check his self ",0 "I really miss Ayden ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao I'm hungry ",0 "That commercial <<<< who would wanna see the Timberwolves and Hawks ??... Week ass game ",0 "Just fucking pissed me off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Just catch the damn ball !! ",0 "Announced my last day at my current job ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : So my cousin don't mess with me no more but it's cool _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ”Bruh .. ",0 "Mama said I need a boyfriend my reaction : ",0 "Finna get ready for work . I'm beyond sleepy !! ",0 "If I call this woman one more time and she don't call me back ",0 "Fuxk now Wes ain't gon be my boo no more ",0 "This bitch is sleep in my ear man !!!! ",0 "I'm cold , I'm sleepy and I'm ready to go home !!! Ughhhhhhhhhh ",0 "My eearssss !!. I hear my parents doing it ",0 "I'm hungry again SMH ",0 "FACETIME , DM me y'all ",0 "Where tf is my McDonald's ? ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : No Time 4 Mind Games """" ",0 "She need her new phone ",0 "I wanted to shake it like a red nose ",0 "I get no twitter love ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wanna go nbs ",0 "She Aint Text Me Back ✋ ",0 "I have a headache . ",0 "Been Watchin The Same Shit Allday ",0 "No deng bang tonight aww man ",0 "She Wanna Be Miss Queen B But She Cant Be Dats Why You Mad At Me ",0 "i need another blunt my high going down ",0 "this little boy yo oh my ",0 "695 is killing me Yo ",0 "Hungry ashit hungry ashit smh ",0 "Missing my lil cousin kendei ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bit u gone remind me every hour ???? ",0 "Why am I still out is the question ... just don't feel like driving to Brookfield ",0 "I Only got Keke & Shaunie PW Omg I Needa Step Up Like G ",0 "I think I missed out on those Concord SBs ",0 "iSaid Hmmmph ! ✋ ; ",0 "I did “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ not as much as I miss you text me” ",0 "I never wanna hear no ",0 "Mar you know I been thinkin about it ",0 "im bipolar asf ' ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me to . ",0 "damn how can you shoot yourself in the head twice tho ! ",0 "See i been waiting for this for so long ",0 "ig I'll take me a lil nap na , shit that's all it's gone be ",0 "I juss want one relationship with no cheating , No lying , No exs getting in the way , No arguingNo bullshyt ",0 "Mya & Tajah was cheating ",0 "I'm tired ashit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I did you went to Delaware and lost your . ass mind *** Lmao Cause I Was Tired Of The Damn Couch ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Need someone to talk to until I fall asleep . ”Awww Bri . "" I can't sleep at all”me either Bri .... sike "" ",0 "Sometimes when tweet I just wish you wouldn't ",0 "This lor girl always got a attitude ",0 "I Wish My Feelins Left When U Left . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It could've been fucking 7 months tomorrow wtf” ",0 "Finna just go to bed I'm irritated ✌✌ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ -__- nun smh” ",0 "This Message I Just Got ",0 "Nobody Thinking Bout Me Either , Thats Sad !! ",0 "fck it then ",0 "Idk If This Boy Got Me On Hold or Sum But I'm About To Hang Up tho !!! ",0 "I'm Hungry .... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Drake wouldn't have me feeling like this ” ",0 "KeKe is an ass hole ",0 "My last RETWEET ",0 "my baby left mee bt , ill see ha tommorow ",0 "I need bottle of 1800 no juice ",0 "Nobody ever text my phone ",0 "No 11's again ",0 "I don't feel the love nomore ‼️ ",0 "The Way My Tech . Substitute Say Zero <<> ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I shoulda never texted that bitch ” ",0 "I MISS HIM : ( ",0 ", about to take a nap ",0 "New # ... My so dry ",0 "I think he went to sleep on me ",0 "Bruh this quiz hella hard . I can never pass easily . ",0 "yall erking me ",0 "Man I'm still mad Ricky got shot ",0 "who knows u mite win\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you'll surely win this time cuz I can't concentrate right now """" ",0 "I'm hungry !! ",0 "Wouldn't mind going to Knoxville this weekend to the game but I have class ",0 "My allergies are getting the best of me tonight ",0 "This sinus headache ",0 "My Baby Sleep ",0 "I have a head ache having been to sleep in 2days I'm going to sleep so good tonight hair appointment tomorrow Or cut I'm scared . ",0 "In my feelings cuz I gotta dead Beat ",0 "Donavan had detention ",0 "That lil alien mfka don't know if he wanna be gay or str8 ",0 "I don't wanna go to collinwood no more ",0 "She didnt even come talk to me when she got home smh ",0 "I heard they killing people now ",0 "It's cold as shit in my room ... But when u mad you really don't care ",0 "i knoee deep down he feel dahh same wayy but i wonder whts holdn him back from making ithd like ithd was .... 1OO11O ",0 "I Gotta Work Today ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Mills Today !! ” i wanna go ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Who else is having a boring Friday night ? ” ",0 "Iknw im sick cuz , I cant even get high .!!! smmfh #Tragic ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn !!! ",0 "My lil brother told me I'm his romodel n he wanna b just like brought tears to my eyes tellin dnt say not call me dat ain't makin him proud ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no they don't ",0 "I miss seeing Britt at lexington .. ",0 "I just be ready to sleep all day I be so sleepy ",0 "Waiting for the 33 ",0 "Somebody Playing On My Jack ",0 "I have a headache . I'm about to take some meds , then take a nap ! ✌ ",0 "✌❤7⃣ : youu cool & i aint get my hdm & i hope you got back wit lex . ",0 "I Gotta Stop Depending On People ... ",0 "Everybody so mad tonight ",0 "Aine that bout Some Shit .. ",0 "My Heavy Is Fuck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how tf you going tell me come to school you not even in school ",0 "everything dry ig , my phone , twitter , , Facebook , MySpace & this bitch face on my tl got damn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he's a ho , tryna make it seem like I'm the unfaithful and he the one cheating ",0 "Y'all I miss my sister begin 30 mins away ! Now she 2 days away ",0 "* sighs * ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I See Through All The Bullsh*t ... ” y tf did u just * for shit I'm confused ",0 "In My Feelings . ",0 "Sorry for bring a little rude tonight but I just don't give af ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you be so mean to be smh let me go cry in a corner somewhere ",0 "i wonder how he would act if our daughter was here ",0 "Before I go to sleep tonight ima talk to LPK ",0 "My mama go out every night ",0 "Oomf BETTER Text Me Back ! ",0 "I could be so happy & then be so sad ",0 "Damn Moe And I Know Bro Had Da Dawg On Him ",0 "i guess its out of #LOVE ( who knows ? ) ",0 "Low key I do miss pat and Maurice staying here with me they use to be the bid all day everyday ",0 "Relationship Status : Forever Alone ",0 "Oh lawd ! Somebodies flying into town & so is Aunt Flo .... I just . cant . deal . ",0 "Guess that's a no ",0 "Somebody once told me its hard to move on wen u still care ",0 "sleep can't sleep ",0 "Me : Iyaina !! Don't ok , ok , ok me , ok !? Iyaina : ( look of confusion on her face ) Uhh ok ... LMMFAO ",0 "Fake Ass Lil Durk Fan's !!! ",0 "So dah girl father is Highly pissed offKause I wouldn't let myi dolls kome over today ITS FUCkIng RAINing !!! Duhhhh ",0 "No one to talk to ! ",0 "dis a shame ain got no hoes ",0 "Just Woke Up ",0 "This shit need to hurry & come for my room ",0 "Stupid Ass Bestfriend ",0 "Tay Needs To Come Take Care Of Me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Want Me Some More Braids ”me too ",0 "So now everybody wanna go to sleep ",0 "Kiya faking like shit like I won't smack her ass ",0 "if ya ass fat but its hard , it defeats the purpose ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If I got $50 and my girl broke then we both broke cause I'm not telling her I got $50 .. ” that's op ",0 "im gne miss my purple & my purple Honda ",0 "I'm sooooo hungry I could eat my aunt right now ",0 "#oomf better chill ion wanna see there head get knocked off ",0 "Baw I eat all day , but don't be getin better ",0 "Bitches be 15 years old but acting like they 30 smh fast ass ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : The crushing blow of a rent payment ... """" ",0 "Bitch I hope everyday u wake up u fall n break every fucking bone n yo body witcha low down stubborn ass I cannot stand yo ass weak bitch ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Now days everybody loyal but so many people get crossed "" true lil cuz "" ",0 "Prolli just opens up from for some scheme shit to go down ",0 "I need to go find something to eat I'm hungry ",0 "my boo mad at me . it's my fault tho ",0 "Quan & this dumb ass jail break got my phone moving so slow . ",0 "Not feeling #oomf right now must be a new nigga around ",0 "Everytime shy tweet she in ha feelings bitch get out yo feelings dot nobody wanna see tht pussy ass shit ",0 "I don't like ppl so that means I need somebody that's gon humble & soften my mean ass ",0 "Cousin got me on pause ",0 "i dnt care fa my job , just b|c of thee pusssy shit they do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ man she was going to call me a long time this me at the same time ",0 "I didnt get out the hostipal until almost 4㏂ : ( ",0 "I think.my momma going to.my granny house !! ",0 "On my porch bored as shit ",0 "I'm not wearing jeans any more til I can fit them again wtf man I shoulda just kept my Lil belly ",0 "Charger not working ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell naw about time I got up to to they was closed ",0 "I miss my boyfriend ! ",0 "Bout time to lock down Jeff ass ",0 "Vine Is Not For Everybody ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm tired of y'all fake gucci belt wearing ass niggas ✋ """" ",0 "I Miss My Twin _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My Charger B On Bullshit Time ",0 "If there is something in this world that drives me crazy is a bratty little child . Discipline your child dammit ",0 "Gym is soooo mutha fuckin boring like ! ",0 "Chief Keef In Jail Now It's Over ✋ ",0 "im freezing man ",0 "I'm irritated af & I feel horrible ",0 "I need some parody friends mayneee ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ uh uh nope because then he gonna expect one back & I ain't with the half” damn to bad for yo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Idk ",0 "I hate when a bitch ask me where i get my shit from & tell me my outfit cute & the next day they got the same outfit on ",0 "Damn near in tears , I hate seeing my Nana like this ! ",0 "My bf with the shit right now ... ",0 "I'm up irritated asl . ",0 "The World Witout Music ....... I Would Be A Horrible Place ",0 "I swear it seems like whatever u do for a gurl , it ain't never good enough smh ",0 "That shit is out of pocket an I'm not dealing with it ",0 "I ain't no fighter but uhhhhh ",0 "Howard is fake af lol I can not stand him ",0 "I don't love these niggas ",0 "Me n si'yae home but I should of stayed in the hospital though my body is killin me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : No girl wants to hear about your \other girls "" ” "" ",0 "#1omf young is shit that's drawn & she in the 9th smh ",0 "Why in the world must I always be sick ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : my problem is my ass is too fat and nobody can handle it #manlessproblems ”i could handle it bae ",0 "Whyyyyyyyyyyyy ... just had to be too good to be true ",0 "Michelle know her ass was always flat like a Pack of boloney ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : At Lonnie Young Boredd Watching them practice”I'm On my way ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea cuh till august but yu kno we blown it dwn soon as i get off & lil bro grabbed da wheels im stuck in da spot today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i miss yo ratchet ass ",0 "My mama sholl get of eht 11 im worried ",0 "I'm hungry & horny ",0 "Her Sesame Street ass ain't talking \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : microwaveable ass bitches , """" ",0 "The Color Bae Wants Me To Get ",0 "it's been so fuckin long ",0 "this fucking phone blow me . and my dumbass boyfrieand ain't text bck . ",0 "Crooked Smile Video Soo Sad ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : it's about that time to hit this Road ... ” <<< i Dnt Want You 2 Go”Jus why ion fuck with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ now ",0 "hate being sick ",0 "Not feeling good , but still gotta go to school smh I might just leave early or something ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you ain't reply to my text ",0 "My mono gotta flip phone & She really getting on my nerves ",0 "Smh .. WHY ?? ",0 "Like I Said Big Forehead Ass Hoe Aint Nun Of My Bitches Ugly They All Bad AS FUKK Hating As Bystander ✋ ",0 "I'm really tryin see The Conjuring ",0 "Bout Too Crawll To my Kitchen Pray For Me ",0 "This week a long week ",0 "i wish he get out ",0 "I need to learn how to drive ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know now its yo turn ! ",0 "Stupid Thot Bitches Out Here ",0 "but im sooooooooooo bored . ",0 "smh his ass done fell asleep ",0 "Fuck #Oomf And His Bitch Ass Attitude ",0 "he got that shit off in time what the fuck #LakerNation ",0 "my hair is itching ",0 "97 degrees tho .. ",0 "The struggle is real ! ",0 "i'ont like opening up too people ",0 "Nosey hoes be like I watch everything ",0 "My tummy needs too calm down though ! ",0 "Bout to b piss in a min ",0 "I hate a Dick riding ass bitch , wanna be friends with everybody ass bitch , calling everybody sis ass bitch , tryna be down ass btch ",0 "I hate this shit ",0 "MF's Don't Feel My Pain , It Ain't A Game . ",0 "I CAN FUCK WHO I WANNA , WHEN I WANNA !!! SINGLE !!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh thts her Fav excuse ..... but it's a great excuse tho lol” aww man don't do that ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Unsaid feelings <<< ” ",0 "Lips are zipped .. Until I know ..... ",0 "Ion feel like wanding my hair ",0 "Don't bother me ",0 "Soaking my nails off , this stuff making my hands dry . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I tired to FaceTime you yesterday ",0 "Wonder where the money goes ",0 "My Phoneee DRY af like always ",0 "Can never stick to a damn plan smh ",0 "Why is the same tweet getting me thou ",0 "Oh he'll no they cut beyonce Pepsi commercial down ",0 "I hate asking ppl for favors . I rarely do it .. Cuz they take forever !! And the thing is u can't complain cuz they the ones doing u a favor ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ PETTY ASS” ",0 "I Wish These Dudes Figure Out The Move ",0 ", let me get myself together ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lawd Please Sing Ur Old Songs R Kelly ! I'm Beggin ”u got ur wish lmao ",0 "Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ mornin ' girl . Jus saw u on my TL and wanted to say hi . A bitch at hm n shit cause of the shut down smh ",0 "My phone dieing so i gotta tweet off his ",0 "Maaaan y'all need to chill with this lil ass dick on my TL ",0 "Worda my dead grandmother rose I can't sto crying ",0 "Gm my baby dont feel good , but she OG !!! ",0 "well imma just delete that tweet ",0 "my night is the fucking worse ",0 "Hit the shit outta my toe ",0 "I need this money fast ",0 "I want some junk food early this morning tho .. ",0 "Lord , i hope this aint nobody i know ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this house bored af ",0 "stop being cocky , how you know it was you . . . ",0 "I'm just sitting her like . ",0 "I lost my phone for an hr .... in my boobs !!! #TheStruggle ",0 "if only i had somebody to text ",0 "B gonna make me beat him up ",0 "I need sumbody to chill wit today ",0 "I don't want to see that shit on my TL tho ",0 "Kay Is Single W/Nobody 2 Fw ",0 "SOMEBODY like me ! I know ! But they ain't gone tell me ",0 "Ion got nothing else to do ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ chill i be hungry and i like to eat”shit ain't nothing wrong with dat free loader ",0 "i think im older than everybody ",0 "Chill i shut that down when i was 13 \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My mom comes and wakes me up at 7 am to wash dishes """" ",0 "Deja Late Ass ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was just saying this . ” like forreal !! ",0 "Who up wit me like yall boring as shit ",0 "Why I'm SO bored though ? Ugh ",0 "Getting schleepy ! ",0 "My battery low tho ",0 "ooooo , slick wanna see bout that too secret but . off the market ✋ & you my bruvva's . ",0 "So my sister is on twitter but can't fKn txt back ",0 "My other charger officially broke n my phone on 20% ",0 "not in da mood ",0 "ik chump was mad at me for goin to sleep ",0 "Davis Didn't Even Care .. He Probably Don't Care About Piccs Anyways ",0 "I Got The Worst Cousin Stamp _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Dee bald headed ass better call me back for I fall tf to sleeep ",0 "Itchy ass couch I'm leavin ",0 "I'm mad she waited so long ",0 "Up with my sick baby I really hope she feels better ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ like they couldn't think of nun else”exactly ",0 "My luhh baby gotta go to Emory ?!!! ",0 "Cant stand going over there yo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ chill yu dnt understand they struggle ! ",0 "Eww Moe Aunt Donna 53 & Uncle Cee Cee 56 But They Nasty Wrinkled Asses Ina Bath Tub TOGETHER Making All This Noise ! ",0 "Kacey Is So Loud Man ",0 "Kelita Always Tell Me iMake Her Sick ! ",0 "Had no intention of being up but the screaming rugrat made me get up ",0 "Never babysitting again yo ! Children are the devil ",0 "Me && muffin been on Ft for a min && he been ignoring me , cause he playing that Stupid ass game ",0 "Keyano up & moved & didn't even tell me !! #bold ",0 "That workout kicked my ass though . ",0 "GTF Out My Face ... Where Was You At When A Nigga Had Nothing ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want both of y'all ok ???? ” ",0 "Keri On The Phone Moaning ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Think They Tryna Book Me Ion Like This Shit "" me either "" ",0 "Doing too much ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'M HUNGRY ” me too ” fuck our life ” for real tho a rican is starving ",0 "HATERS BE LIKELOOK AT THAT NIGGA OVER THERE SUCCEEDING AND SHIT .. ✈️ ",0 "hatee beingg beingg sickk cant evenn sleepp ",0 "Im sick as hell . I just wanna lay in bed all fucking day . ",0 "Bitches always talking shit , but can't their mouth to action ",0 "On June 24 It Will Be A Year : ) : #Happy /Sad ",0 "My mom left to go to Miami ",0 "I wish my grandma leave me alone like damn don't ya lil old ass get tired of popping shit ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I got stuck && hit a curb ” u alright ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",0 "Who in central gonn sice Me with a Charger ",0 "I can't believe what I seen ",0 "My sex game in a drought i need my _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Mary Texting Me On Some Bullshit ",0 "Damn the Only People From PE&T I Know Is My Cousins ",0 "I hate all the ests "" so much "" ",0 "I want French toast ",0 "Had love for that Nigga , Now its like Fuck that Nigga ✌️ ",0 "See ion like when a nigga keep saying fuck with a real nigga real niggas move in silence they don't gotta they real ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ SHAY PLEASE DNT ”she Team Tim ... Shay Must Die ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i wish ebo would come rub my stomach \ "" ",0 "Im not gone be shit in life if i keep procrastinating like i do ",0 "I'm High In Skool I Gotta Be Qen it's Dis Dru ",0 "Of Kairae go to sleep I'm going to be up alone ",0 "Yo this bitch is so bitter ",0 "now i know why i waited so long , shouldve known ",0 "Fuckin pissed is a understatement metro ain't shit ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My RM in here playing jazz & it's annoying tf outta me "" she tryna set the mood "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Suppa hungry "" I swear "" ",0 "I'm blaming kiya and her big head uncle for making me sick ",0 "I hate when we argue ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YOU FAKE ! Y'all was suppose to come see me ! ",0 "I knew there was a reason I waited to download this song . Damn FrankOcean and that penmanship . ",0 "Why can't I put emojis in my damn name ",0 "I think I'm in my feelings ",0 "I Wish My Burfday Boy Was Here Right Now ",0 "I wanna be ducked off with oomf but she not ready for no real shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ man I was trying sleep I can't ”cause u thinking too much ",0 "Kyran still sleep thank The Lord he gave me the run around last night . ",0 "Now why I just order me a case another 1 I spend money when I don't need to spend it uugh ",0 "School shopping Saturday , no getting much thanks to this fucked up ass uniform policy this year ",0 "I'm high asf ",0 "I dont like when people play with me ",0 "I haven't run in like 3 days ..... Preston got me fucking up that should be no days off . ",0 "Got moves to make in the AM , Need to be sleep ",0 "Bitches be cuttin ' up like lunch lines ",0 "I want #oomf but I don't think Imma ever get her she my boo even tho she get on my fucking nerves ! ",0 "A cuz I haven't seen in yrs asked for a brush & my mom had the audacity to pass them mine . U think I want it back . #IDontShareMyBrush ",0 "Gerica Baby Ass Need To Be Her Crib Sleep ",0 "Bruhhhhh Im DEAD ",0 "Ian fuckin wit dese flks no moe he bout mad et me ",0 "She tryna b my friend now ",0 "Son , I been in this bih for 2 hours ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm hungry """" ",0 "I ont want to go to go to school !! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : WHY THIS BITCH ACTING LIKE SHE DON'T KNOW WHAT SHE SAID ”She dumb yo then she got the nerve to have an attitude ",0 "my mood : ",0 "Lol IThink She Ignoring Me ",0 "In My Feelings . ",0 "phone on 20% & my charger ain't working now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ leave me alone ",0 "Wont be hitting the stage till 11:30 , too much on my mind ",0 "Dang this catfish episode ",0 "Not tryin stand In that line Saturday ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : who won the first game of the NBA finals ?! I didn't get to watch it "" #SPURS "" ",0 "She interrupting our sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ text me back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whyyyyyy would u ever lie ?? Wish like Shit ",0 "Ain't no wifi in here moe ",0 "I just hope this ain't what I think .... Again . ",0 "Loudd mouf dom done woke up my daughter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OK BUT YALL GOTA COME GET ME , I DONT HAVE NOBODY TO GO WITH ",0 "Bae sleepy tho ' ",0 "I'm about to hit the road ! ",0 "Demons Hate You When You Angel ",0 "I don't like tweeting from this iPad ",0 "they know I do anything ",0 "I thinkk oomf hate me .... y'all really think im ✌ but im really ",0 "Where is my mama !!! ",0 "Nigga really ain't loyal ",0 "thisss thee 2nd time i fussed at him like thiss .. ",0 "I Can't Spend how I Wanna Cus I'm Saving Up For This Vehicle ",0 "My stomach turning inside out n shit ",0 "Somebody daughter need to come rub my back ",0 "Only a dick head ass nigga will lose his down ass chick✊ .. Fucking with a clown ass bitch🃏 . ",0 "Im ready to get from under this damn dryer before they blow my fucking SCALP ! Tf ",0 "Ang pangit ng Johnny Bravo disappointed ",0 "he's back !!!! ",0 "You mad when I don't text back .., but you tweet about it #hmph ✋ ",0 "Dam I got another 4 hours of work ",0 "Drake x Too Much ",0 "Ughhh ' I Was Sleep & Missed Bae Phone Call Tf Dawg & He I Know He Nor Still Ina House ",0 "AT&T Internet suck .. I couldn't even Do anything last night ",0 "please don't ! ",0 "GETTING TIRED OF BITTING MY TONGUE THE TRUTH IS ABOUT TO BLEED ",0 "Fuckin allergies man ",0 "can I go back to sleep ? ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I just wanna get drunk tomorrow """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : got practice on a friday ” ",0 "Idc about the cable my wifi need to come back on ",0 "i wish this little girl would go to sleeeeep ",0 "Another wack Friday night ",0 "I'm Nt Even Here ' Thts Wat It Feel Like Cdfup ",0 "I think Skylar about to wake up .. right when I'm about to k.o though ",0 "Just found out I gotta work tonight ",0 "Knowing damn well I didn't wanna say goodnight ",0 "That money bring you power ✊ ",0 "I really think I'm da most nosey ass person in the world yoooo ion even gotta ask shit ppl just tell me shit or I just know shit ",0 "Tariq gtfo don't change me name nomore ! &that Is not my name . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hey . Trying not to catch a cold . ",0 "I so don't feel like cooking my own breakfast ",0 "I'm Grown Asl ",0 "This cold kicking my ass right now && on top of this I haven't talked to my bae today .!! ",0 "Smh I Miss My Gmom Yo I Would Do Anything To Get Her Back ",0 "School has fucked up my ability to sleep all day . ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It's Hot In My Room "" Soo Take Off Alll Yaaa Clothes lol "" ",0 "Draining just shut up already ",0 "My feet are killing me ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : idc idc idc if you talk to me YOU TALK TO ME ONLY ✊ "" no bullshit ... "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Id say play me in madden but I know longer have my ps3 ",0 "she said its not an option nor up for debate like i gotta do this ",0 "This bitch sed for the kickback we gonna get some lil Caesar n some Chicken blk ppl can't go wrong with chicken right I can't ",0 "so nai I guess it's \ fck keikei "" "" ",0 "Aww #Catfish u should at least hug the girl and wanna keep in touch ",0 "this that bullshit man tuh . ",0 "I wanna man who can mak his bread n dnt fo get abt mhe ",0 "Bout to listen to some music to get this shit off my mind ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Iont Feel Like Playing , Its Hot As Shit Outside ” ima play for you son . ",0 "I Need A Dress Before The 11th Of Oct ",0 "I wanna cookie or a brownie something yo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate sleepin alone ! ”lol soft ass ",0 "My sister leave Tomorrow for USC ! Noooooo ! ",0 "I ain't gone lie I'm tipsy ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : not in Bastrop foo , Monroe ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” I guess I shouldn't of said nuhn huh ? ",0 "I know we not together but #oomf cut off man ✋ . ",0 "Where Nay nay At ? ",0 "Y'all boring ! ",0 "I'm ready to go tf home sleep ",0 "I wish I had a twin so she could take my place at school when I dont feel like going ",0 "When Im right , Im fuckin right & I don't give a fuck who think other wise ! ",0 "Man it's too early for all this slurpin she doing ",0 ", this is y I just can't get , with you ",0 "Wtf wrong with my phone ",0 "This sew in itches to bad ",0 "Finna be up ALL night .. ",0 "Aint got shit to wear & no way up dere ",0 "I Cnt Sleep ",0 "FaceTimed my mommy && the cherry s today . Oh how I miss them ",0 "oomf turned stranger real quick ",0 "I don't wanna talk to nobody ",0 "I'm really Ctfu likein all these old pics of esh and jas ",0 "Ppl do some stupid stuff make me fucking sick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ where my chicken tho ",0 "Bigg DUMB bitch ",0 "I'm Just Waiting On My Daddy ... ",0 "Fuck A IG ",0 "Somebody Keep Playing On My Phone ",0 "When I go to college ima be sad I don't wan leave my girls ",0 "this is by far the worst , ",0 "Still upim tired ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im not height challenged ",0 "she whine too much fa me . ✋ ",0 "I just wanna curl up next to #oomf & get my stomach rubbed . ",0 "nothing can get stuff off my mind ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : & amp ; & amp ; she only one & amp ; & amp ; so bad ... ”& rude & she's a fuckn brat ( that's the last thing & I'm done ) ",0 "i still love him . he just blow me ",0 "Sad cuz _TWITTER-ENTITY_ done gave my fav brown purse i got from rainbow away lol ",0 "Giving EVERYBODY the stank lip ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yall fake ",0 "I be thinking \ what's the point in texting somebody telling them you miss them if you KNOW they're not going to care "" "" ",0 "I need a boyfriend ASAP my lil lonely self ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hey guise . I'm single” ",0 "Finto walk in this hospital ",0 "I ain't see bae in 2 days ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ;; I don't wanna vent to anybody . I'm just gone go to sleep ! ” you can vent to me bookie ",0 "Can she hurry up ",0 "let me get ready for work ! ",0 "Why TF I ain't got 1k on twitter yet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ugh now I'm hungry ",0 "India keep playing wit my belly button dat shyt is annoying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh still dealin wit the same shit ",0 "Mixed Emotions <<<<<<<<<<<<< ",0 "knew something was gone fuck it up . ",0 "I want some pussy ",0 "Can't play in my bae dreads ",0 "Why He Gone Text Me & Say That ",0 "Niggas STILL be using the same corny ass lines . boy : wyd ? girl : laying down boy : without me ? ✋ . NIGGA Yes w/out you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Where The Hell My Sister Went ? Give Her Back ",0 "Lashawn was sick when she found out her name was Jawn from Olney ",0 "I wanna see my boyfriend ",0 "My Girl Going To Brooklyn On Saturday , Niggas Gonna Be Lonely ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this nigga getting me sick I gotta get away from his ass ",0 "\Franny phone off ?! Oh lord we boutta die "" "" ",0 "I can't go down there imma be all types of bitches & freaks & shit nigga caught up that's def to close to ",0 "when my doctor try to tell jokes <<<< ",0 "Gotta pay my rent tomorrow ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Everybody best friends now "" same shit I said cousin "" ",0 "Some people do unnecessary shit . Just chill tha fuck out . ",0 "Caesar is so dumb ",0 "Whyyyyyy Dawgg Tf , Smhhh Im About Try Sleep It Off ",0 "ima be just like shekinah !!!!!! ",0 "So fcat next week my momma told me I can't go no where ",0 "I really don't pay you hoes no type of attention . fucking jokes . ",0 "No one to get lunch with today I miss my Jae ",0 "The inboxes I get on fb ... ",0 "mane i'm so tiredddddd ",0 "&& clean mhy house ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got so burnt today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ii had plans they got fxckd up so ii guess nothing ",0 "I really miss my baby Yaelyn ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wish shay still went to our school ”me tooooooooo ",0 "So Mf's Can't Text Me Back ? Oh Okay Bet ! Don't Get Mad When I Hit You With That \Who's this ? "" "" ",0 "Koko don't believe me ",0 "Fuck now I can't go back to sleep !!! fuck it goodmorning ",0 "I Miss Her Doe ",0 "Where's My Best Friend When I Need Him _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "It was so hard getting out of bed this morning and its soo cold ",0 "I'm So Bored ",0 "How you txt me off a txt free number and try to treat but wont say the shit to my face lmao ppl so scary man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ because I'm the only person you call sexxy ",0 "Niggas Tried to Kill Me moe ",0 "Daddy ass get all da sleep & I'm forever up on mommy duty ",0 "Wish she could have stayed ",0 "iReally Dont Know Y U Textinq Me !! ",0 ". Whoever Told The Lie , Made Him Get MAD At \Me "" , iSolute YOU . What A Job Well Done ! "" ",0 "Bac den i didnt even feel loved by my own momma .... ",0 "My kik messages not even coming in . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bye boy I be like walk me to class you be no ima be late I don't wanna be late now don't lie ",0 "' Bitches Is Not Real Not At All ! ",0 "& bae snores ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lls Now I ain't Got Shit ",0 "I Hate To See My Baby _TWITTER-ENTITY_ So Down✊ ",0 "I'm Off Here Ugly Ass Barbies Making My Balls Itch ",0 "I'm hungry again ! ",0 "My body so sore foo ",0 "TF I'm Up So Early For ",0 "Everybody wanna be loved right ",0 "I HATE Liars ! ",0 "I broke my charger ",0 "#InMiddleSchool Hoes was so messy mane .... Damn but that's in high school to✋ .. ",0 "☺I got all these Emojis and cants see one . ",0 "he need to wake up ",0 "Wellyn think I'm playing but im serious lil kids and shit getting killed that la dude didn't even much get to enjoy his life yet dog ",0 "I need somewhere to go ",0 "Wayyyyyyyyyyyyy dark and not lovely lmaooooo ",0 "#TweetSomethingYouSayAlot \ I'm throwing shade if I can't get paid "" . . "" ",0 "I'm sorry Cali . ",0 "Fatima didnt hmj all day ",0 "Omg he just ask what's my real name .., why ctfu ",0 "I don't know how I got a MF whole in my tights ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ in a bad way or good way ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn ”I know right ",0 "ALL Relationships come w/ hatin ass hoes , drama , jealousy , arguments .. ALL THAT . Only REAL couples laugh at the shit & stay STRONG ",0 "I'm surprised Fashion Queens is still on .... ",0 "Tonight is not my night ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate dudes . "" ” what ? Lol "" ",0 "I wanna cut his dick off cus im so mad but i might need it later ",0 "✋ she fucking ass whole ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh ",0 "my mouth is something serious lol I swear I don't being care I can't hold my tongue for nothing or nobody ",0 "Mama said I need a boyfriend my reaction : ",0 "* that feeling when u wake up & wish u could go back to sleep ",0 "Why Am I Up So Early ? ",0 "That nap I took gave me so my LIFE but I wake up to find myself at home by MYSELF ugh ",0 "That wind is a bitch ",0 "i miss my Baby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ too much cologne ? ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I don't eeeen have phone sex , text sex , picture sex , FaceTime sex , ..... real sex ... ..... """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all fake ",0 "I'm so bored in gym !!! Save Me !!! ",0 "I wanna watch love & hip hop .. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My Phone be so damn dry” ",0 "He ain't call me back he prolly sleep ugly ass ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : CIP _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! We damn sure missing you down here man "" rns shit aint ben da same wit out mi lul homie "" ",0 ", Shawty Leaving Me ",0 "Doo Anybody Gotta Extra Screen Protector ? Im Kinda Desperate . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Darkskins ain't no good , but lightskins ain't no fun ; Hispanics chicks want a black niggaaaaa ; Fat girls all want a hug ” ",0 "I always think why my fridge is empty but to be honest I know why it is I love food ",0 "Janice not answering my text I need you ",0 "y'all im still waiting on my food ",0 "All these out of towners ... but my main chick ain't here though ... ",0 "What is this called ",0 "Whooped Da'Vion ass and made him take a nap I dont like that shit but I had too ",0 "they making me go to church ",0 "Your legs are like consequences mouth , it NEVER CLOSES ! ",0 "Don't want spend today by myself again ",0 "i should b crying but i just cant let it show ",0 "I kind of don't want the 5 . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she talking bout Daj stop putting my picture up Daj ",0 "#oomf not going to East Side ",0 "Where did my best friend go _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I just walked out side my fat ass almost fainted . Whoooooa ",0 "I can't standddd cliff & Lamar ",0 "Cnt go back to sleep ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Please tell me everybody name ain't guwop now ... ” ",0 "Will there be any black performers . No offense .... ",0 "All I wanna do is go crawl right Back in that bed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well then why don't you ",0 "CJ Tryna Make Me Talk To Him ",0 "Guess I did vamp to 6 ",0 "That Shit Just be pissing Mee Off Bra mf's think I don't be see shit they be saying but if you feel tht WAY BE W/ THT BITCH BRA ! ✌ ",0 "IHOP for 2 free pancakes ? FUCK IS THAT GONNA DO ? I NEED A MEAL THAT'S A SNACK ! ",0 "I'm so tired of Ribault ",0 "That moment when you in the middle of a good movie and you make a mistake and change the chanel ",0 "The More I Try To Control My Attitude The More People Push Me To Da Limit ",0 "Tymara didn't answe my call ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , wya ? ” Home ",0 "I'm so mad # punk ass pussy ",0 "Finessing .. Lls at this boring ass job moe _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Quickest way to get ignored is ask me questions back to back grrrr tf ",0 "Valentines day coming up i'm going be lonely as shit again ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao no I'm just ready to settle down again” ",0 "Should of turned up tonight man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't you wanna come save a lil nigga from boredom ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nah I don't pay attention to it nomore lol a few pieces fell out tho ",0 "Bitches always saying they hate drama but always speaking on ah bitch ",0 "Eb tryna battle with me this ain't what she want ",0 "Praying my prayers get answered ! ",0 "she reactivated her twitter to still be on mines ",0 "i'm still up tho ",0 "Went to plug my phone up and forgot it was destroyed earlier ",0 "No no And no ! ",0 "Oomf keep tellin me to text em but he'on text back ",0 "I don't understandddd why these bitches so sleazy ... ",0 "If I ask ray y she ain't text me back she gone LIE & say she never got a text ",0 "I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really HATE LIARS‼️‼️‼️ ",0 "Bae Fina Wake Up Juicy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ really ?! ",0 "ii think that text wuz for kearra cuz me and this boy dnt text , only texted one time and that wuz soo long ago ",0 "Every time I wanna sleep or just rest that's when my phone wants to ring all crazy & people wanna text & call me ! ",0 "Fuck fuck fuck fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk ",0 "Oh lawdddd she not Rey let me live doe ..... Gahhhhhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ call my fucking phone young . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ik the feeling shit nasty lol”I just wanna go home I got all my shit on wide awake ",0 "Gotta get my hair done ",0 "i didn't wanna lie too youuu ",0 "My pockets empty ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch I woke up horny ”” I want the D ",0 "No Pilates tomorrow .. gotta babysit .. ",0 "They tripping even for babies size ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Nobody Wants A Friendly Girlfriend Or Boyfriend .. Tf You Friendly For lright asx hoes "" ",0 "bitchhh it's drizzling and we don't got the car I'm droveee ",0 "I really do have a big bottom lip ",0 "I Hate Catching Feelings ",0 "I'm Stubborn Af & Ion Care ",0 "Kj always wake up humbuggish ",0 "bruh today Lorenzo did all that ",0 "I Got Hit Again ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I feel nauseous "" what I tell you !!!! Lmao ! It might b that medicine "" ",0 "I don't really fuck with Easter so don't say happy Easter to me ",0 "Dam I got another 4 hours of work ",0 "My mama need tew cum on here ",0 "i got slapped so hard today during my gym block ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I miss you ” ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : His wild ass giving to much now poor baby trying so hard for attention "" Find Your Chill "" ",0 ", She Probably Sleep ",0 "On my life dis boy just lied on me .!!!!! Ian called & told him shit bout det dumb pregnant hoe .!! Pissed tf off .! Ain gotta watch shit ",0 "Thats fucked up doe ",0 "alone at home ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This man still Tryna teach , nigga cut us some slack . Last day "" walk out that bitch "" ",0 "Slick but im always to kno the truth , regardless ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I gotta work today myself .. ",0 "She gets no text back #THOTTIES ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I cnt wear 2 pieces no more” ",0 "& it doesn't get any better then this now I lost my Glasses : ( ",0 "Ugh I swear my twitter name keep changin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I still can't ",0 "Shakaki Day is coming up .... Me Miss ha ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh lol ok ",0 "That's wht my nosey ass get ",0 "I miss Mf being Mf ",0 "Lmao Chanel is like a little Kidd . I was astounded to hear her curse . . Now calling me a butt face ",0 "I gotta throw up .! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Spoiled females HATE the word "" no "" """" ",0 "I'm finna delete my twitter lol . damn ",0 "Im getting tired ",0 "Ain't this some shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lml , I only smoke on weekends now ",0 "Hair appointment tomorrow . Def needed ",0 "Why am I in my feelings ",0 "I knew that night was lieing .... broke ass ",0 "Somebody play me on FunRun ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Can't Fuck W| No Sometimee Ass Bitch ” nigga to ",0 "My lil shit all fucked up today smh ",0 "My sick ass ",0 "An laughing that shit ain't funny with his long body ass ",0 "I wonder if tremiya even asked her mother ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's what I'm sayingggg cause this 4s look terrible ",0 "this fucking phone blow me . and my dumbass boyfrieand ain't text bck . ",0 "I'm getting old don't have time for childish ish ",0 "I Just Dial My African Nurse Friend Number It's Not Changed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ blah blah ",0 "! Thee heatt wass on , ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : my line dry af ! "" I wish my line was working : (( "" ",0 "I hate Monday's more than anything ",0 "TD bank be on some bullshit ! Always getting me for some bread yo ",0 "I guess Ray .. lol ",0 "I wonder who wanna help me take my braids out ",0 "I'm so mad wit myself “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I WATCHED SCANDAL”I knew it tho ” ",0 "I was ctfu . Alex was crying ",0 "I want to leave class early but my professor the hype ass bul who'll take attendance twice ... ",0 "dayummm from the rip ",0 "She barely singin forreal tho ",0 "I need some dog ass attention ",0 "Devin so disrespectful . ☝ ",0 "I can't sleep for shit ",0 "I can't E ",0 "Somebody Stole My Candy to , iWoke up this Morning and that shit Was Gone ",0 "Gone to sleep missing my mommy ✌️ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch you live soo far & you don't be even tryna meet half way ”you never ask bitch ",0 "I ont think before I say dumb shit ",0 "I HATE taking septa !! Like I ALWAYS get lost !! ",0 "PLEASE LET MY GODDY GET HER OWN CAR ! ",0 "I bored & pissed TF OFF‼️ ",0 "Goodnight , don't feel good✌ ",0 "Yet I'm home alone and bored ",0 ", I'm only gone be 19 young as shit forreal ",0 "If I tell him I have hoes he gone pay a personal visit to my house and beat my ass . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : All these B's ain't cuttin it -___- ” <------ ain't it tho ! ",0 "WTF y is it soo hot in my house ... ",0 "I haven't been sleeping none tho ",0 "If its not him im not replying ✌ ",0 "My Mana Stay At The Store ",0 "i got an attitude ... ",0 "Them 15 mins b going soo fast ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u don't want to know what I see in u ",0 "It's a hunnit ugly bitches on this bus .. ",0 "Won't see my baby until January ! ",0 "That just irritated tf out of me ",0 "I wanted hoodie weather .. not big coat under another big coat , scarf , gloves , hand warmers , ear muffs , ski mask and a hoodie weather .. ",0 "I almost forgot I have to work in the morning ",0 "They shot at my nigga Rozaayy smh ",0 "I misss my ma sooo much . ",0 "I wanted to wake up not be tf energizer bunny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too man . ",0 "I been sleep since I got out of school ",0 "I take that as a no that he ain't tryna keep his word I guess oh well ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i miss you too ! ",0 ", ion like that shit ",0 "Tht shit wasent funnie real live just fucked my life up lookin at tgt shit fagget ass bitch ",0 "My Phone Is Dry As Shit Tonight . Smh Sad Case ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ AW NAW LORD JESUS ! not the baby ! Why Jesus ",0 "Broke Hoes 3 Words \OUT MY FACE "" ✋ "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Life without love and hip hop "" man get of that blood shit my ni20a "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes that was just my phone bill by it self ",0 ", why would bre just say I went with a nigga in southern ",0 "Im Bored & Its _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fault ",0 "Im so fucking hungry smh boutta order but idk what I want ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Shutup Omar . ” ",0 "I miss my pudd ",0 "They eat to much ",0 "Downloading music and the song aint with its original beat tho ... Ugh these phucking bogus ass Dj's nowadays !!! ",0 "She Not Answering Me ! Im Getting Worried ! ",0 "Even Mohammed With His Girl ",0 "i want a salad ",0 "Didn't go to sleep until 5:00 ",0 "This class is really blowin me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im mad at yhu hunny ",0 "enjoyed myself ... in the house early ",0 "Lips always movin ",0 "I'm up throat killing me ",0 "Damn Mann I need somebody to talk to since I can't talk to my baby ",0 "Need a refill . Bad ",0 "can you believe somebody had the nerve to eat my food so many ppl in here idk who to point the finger at ",0 "Why me ??? ",0 "A nigga sleepy and horny bad combo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ who fault is that ? ",0 "Ready To Leave This Dead Ass Town ",0 "Tired of seeing them tweets ",0 "Oh Shit I Gotta Go ✌✌ Goodnight Twitter ... ",0 "Like wtf mfers don't need to see all that especially me ",0 "Mello left me in the house ",0 "I can't sleep ",0 "Wow , shit getting real ",0 "Can't stay up , so I'm goin to sleep .! Goodnight .! ",0 "Wake Up Diss Morning Hungry As Shit No Parents Home So Back To The Basic Good old Cereal ",0 "My mother stay GASSIN , where the fuck is the Lasagna ???? #UGH ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't boo Thts y I'm up bored listening to music ",0 "Mii stomach killin me : ( ",0 "Then to just think of another bitch tryna take my place !!!!! ",0 "I need bottle of 1800 no juice ",0 "Just left skate rink Finna shake out too Eat my phone at 19% glad I brought my charger w/ me ",0 "Ima tell my mama in the morning man ",0 "I'm up bored af boe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you ain't catch my shit ",0 "I really need #oomf Back , She completes me On some shit , ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ needa get her phone back "" I'm about to go get my old phone reactivated ! "" ",0 "ik y'all thank being the talk is sooo tight , this shit is aggy ",0 "That's some grimy ass shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nothingg I can't go to sleep ",0 "Deavin stupid ass said if you head butt me I'm just gonna say okay an take yo ass home ",0 "Bruh bruh bruh ",0 "Why They Keep Dunning This Girl On Ig Tho ",0 "Bitches dont wanna get in the pool alone ✋ ",0 "I'm bored af right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you forgot me : ",0 "How one min I'm driving my car & the next min my Tranny go out ... W/o warning ",0 "My stomach killin me ",0 "I hate when people think my son is a girl because he has a lot of hair ",0 "Bored .. No gf ",0 "Somebody come pump my gas , it's freezing ",0 "What I did was very wrong , I can admit I was wrong but damn are you gonna stay mad about something so petty forever ",0 "Making Cupcakes For My Friends ! If We Barely Speak Don't Be In My Face ! ✌ Fat Ass Kids #ClassOf2014 ",0 "☺I got all these Emojis and cants see one . ",0 "He want to ",0 "I try to put my hard role on , but at the end of the day im a softie .. ",0 "I'm so sick of the school g ",0 "Man I need a fucking way homeee #Rache ",0 "He a damn lie ! ",0 "I need some new friends ",0 "My mother stay GASSIN , where the fuck is the Lasagna ???? #UGH ",0 "These bitches trying to play match maker I'm way to picky of a person for this ",0 "Don't you just hate wen Yu ain't on ya feet ",0 "My fawtha in law aint been on or ijus aint been seein him ",0 "That's one of the reasons why I wanted to ball ",0 "Stewie is fucking retarded this fool said there's a baby at my preschool with HIV ",0 "I new some time to think about how Im finna handle all this ... Shit moving to fast ",0 "I hate them everybody ya cousin people ",0 "BORED AGAIN !!!!! But what's new ?! All the hobbies I have that keep me busy and all I want is someone to talk to ! Other than the dog ",0 "Yung TF My Phone Just Woke Me Up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u have no rhythm NONE ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I want her lil brownskin ass "" weirdo "" ",0 "Ctfu we gotta chill we sound hungry as shit _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Somebody FaceTime Mee .. Boredd ",0 "#oomf name in my phone went from >>>>>>>>> to <<<>>>>><<<<<<<>><<<<<<<<<<<>><<<< ohwell it's just \ C . """" ",0 "weeeee stay on the frontlines ",0 "Where T'f Is Steve At⁉️ ",0 "YESS getting sleepy .. Been at work from sun up to sun down .. Well deserved sleeping in for me .. Night y'all .. say it back ",0 "i know this black mf ain't gts on me fr . Ugghh ! Im finna be bored na . ",0 "No He Didnt Say No Shit Like That ",0 "I want some Ihop ",0 "gotta work this morning ",0 ". Cuss I'm Finna hav HB have ppl McDonald's pull my application ., FUCK MY MOM she think somebody need her ✋ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm jealous cause I ain't get no led money .. I'll admit it .. ” me too . ",0 "Moe , Ive NEVER Been So Bored &' Irritated Doee Tf ' ",0 "My ma still ain't home yet ",0 "Omg I Still Have To Wash Kiyah School Clothes !!!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ain't text me backit's cool ",0 "Just woke up watching tv ",0 "i hate seeing people i dont like , pop up on my tl . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol my point exactly ! It's the struggle ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I have nothing to wear ” toutounu bound !!!!!!! ",0 "Aye bruh I need a gifriend ",0 "my cousin calls her bd in the bathroom to wash her back ... thats cute i guess ",0 "Anit scared of no beef but I can't let ah nigga cook me ",0 "Kordei Hate Getting Hair Done ",0 "Nigga I just texted her ass sayin thanksgiving #Epic fail ",0 "Wonder what his ahh is doing ",0 "Amari just won't go to sleep !! Ughhhhh ",0 "Bored && sleepy ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I refuse to kiss ANY body ASS✋ , you wanna be mad at me over some petty shit ? stay mad IDGAF✔❗❗❗❗” ",0 "when I go up to Kenwood mfs look at me like I'm from another planet . ",0 "I'm having a mad Craving for McDonalds ",0 "my Kik tweakin ",0 "Nothing much heading to work . Smh “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Whats shakin likee ” ",0 "Just got a B on my math test even tho I wanted an A ",0 "Keri Pissing Me Off ",0 "Kickin my ass in chess ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wanna post my MCM butttttt ion want y'all to peep . ”they gone peep anyways .. They roxy af”exactly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ seslyyyy . ",0 "Drake x Too Much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Where's my plate ?? ",0 "If you can't own up to what you say then don't say shit at all . ",0 "i look like i'm dying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we must talk asap !! ",0 "I'm like precious stupid ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i need to drop bluemonday ‼️”YES ",0 "this shit aggy , we never gonna score a TD with these newbies ",0 "This prom shit irkin ! My step dad bitchin bout ordering my stuff ! Tf ??! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wont let me see her phone ",0 "I miss my brother he supposed to spend the night over here and shit and NEVER come ! #SpeakingOfFavBoy he so mean but I ain't trippy ",0 "I miss my bestfriend we still on bad terms I just wanna hug him .. ",0 "I still want a Helly ",0 "He really erk , my life with that sometimes shit ",0 "I can't sleep ! ",0 "Ambition is my shit ",0 "Damn . All I see is Attractive girls on twitter . ",0 "My bf really got drunk and was getting on my nerves ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Racism is still alive . Lord help us ",0 "Aww man her comes the love & Hip Hop tweets ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ shot his ass down ” ",0 "I ain't even see Toni yesterday ' ",0 "I don't like my avi man . Finna change the shit again . ",0 "Didn't sleep last night ... ",0 "Dont feel like walking ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : A man should never put his hands on a women no matter what . ”I just wanted to grab her ass ",0 "Obligée d'attendre qu'on mette le lien sur youtube pour regarder ",0 "I miss Jo he needs to hurry up ",0 "Y do I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she soo fony ",0 "Where my girl at yo ",0 "Here comes this ",0 "Tomorrow aint coming fast enough ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it got locked "" aww "" ",0 "You Wouldn't Dare Catch Me At Six Flags ",0 "I hate when my friends get boyfriends I be salty cuz they get a new attitude ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm not motivated .. At all” me either ",0 "Im hungry denna hoeee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ As usual !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whatchu mean I wasn't crushing and he was I'm not going me that ",0 "Don't think they know ",0 "I never seen mama b4 in my life until ig ",0 "Mama down bad , she made her a salad but ain't make me one ",0 "i want them pictures from last night but idk who have em ",0 "Real relationships go threw the bullshit . And Come Out like this ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need somebody to text on this lonely night ... "" same way I'm feelin "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I gave urs away ! ”wht , why ??? I was coming to get it ",0 "i cant hang yooo ",0 "Wanna cuff oomf hitta ",0 "We need to find a way to streamline our shopping ... this is taking too long ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Boul gave up a football scholarship to rap .. Niggas dickheads ” and that shit was a full ride D1 ",0 "Don't got shit to do ",0 "Pud just called me a sucka ",0 "TF she got that music so loud for !? ",0 "My header won't change ",0 "Been feeling like shit all day ",0 "Booty Me Down ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : but if she was still at walls we coulda got some today” ",0 "Man I'm bored : ( ",0 "I hate one word replies ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ go to sleep ! ” fall back . ",0 "Bucking . ✋ ",0 "My bed is too big for me to always be sleeping alone ",0 "Single As Shit ",0 "moodinside : outside : ",0 "I be so hype watching fights like its me I know ima kill whoever I fight next ",0 "IDon't give not a fuck “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : - now bitch i dont like you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so keep yo sorry ass disturbing ass ovr there” ",0 "Jaquan ain't answer my FaceTime . ",0 "What the hell wrong with oomf , telling me Happy Mothers Day and shit ",0 "I hate when you listening to pandora and that commercial come on like \sorry to interrupt your music "" but bitch you did "" ",0 "This candy crush shit ain't no joke . ",0 "I'm doing something today ... I am not sitting in the house and my daddy gave me money ",0 "Ughhhhhhh January can't come any faster ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop it young blood”✋ I'mma grown ass THUG ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches can't wait to wear black leggings wit the Gamma Blue 11's ... ” ",0 "My vine & my path not poppin ",0 "I hate the cops ",0 "THAT CRY BABY ASS GIRLFRIEND WHO GOT A SAVAGE PERSONALITY❗️& SPEAK HER MIND & GET ON YO ASS OVA PETTY SHIT ",0 "I'm always I'm this house alone yo ",0 "Guess I'll try to go to sleep then ",0 "Ooooo that ass tho ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I feel like no one never heard of my nationality before smh we get no love """" ",0 "niggas be disrespectful ",0 "That shit is so fuckin weak ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : only two people told me Goodmorning , "" Goodmorning > "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ todau has been a looooong day for me ii been in Pain ",0 ", shit really blows me whate when i wanna talk too him & he acts like he dont have too time too talk ",0 "I was waiting too ! ",0 "Ole bish ahh .!!! ",0 "everytime a new year cum roun errbody say da same shit dey said last year imma change . imma not fck wit 2 many ... stfu dnt nobody care ",0 "Scottie shoulda had a Phone ",0 "* This white boy won't leave me alone ! ",0 "I didn't even know it was raining ",0 "Brianna need Ta give this fucking song a rest ",0 "' I don't like the way that shit going .. Smh something not right ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I sent it but its not posting yu don't have Daily ... Scope ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ both of you can save it !!!! ” she mad bro ",0 "I really wish my father was home to tell me about these boys : ( ",0 "Squad left me hanging tonight ",0 "That shit really just made me mad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ leave me alone ",0 "I Guess It Is True That Thick Girls Can't Take Dick ",0 "I need some money ",0 "I've only seen Krissle once since she was home . ",0 "Gotta pee but i dont wanna get up nd ppl ask me for stuff ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : FML I feel like murdering evrybdy rite now” ✋ chill lil homie don't say that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know he finna run df out of us ",0 "who tranna get on oovoo with me nd skylar ? we bored ",0 "I keep telling my sister I miss Derrick lol I know she sick of me ",0 "Mixed Emotions <<<<<<<<<<<<< ",0 "Rain is blowing mines ",0 "Trill called me a groupie bc I was on stage I wish he stfu b4 I kick his ass in his face ",0 "Feel like doing some crazy shit ! When I get mad I do crazy shit without thinking but I can't afford to go to jail right now ! ",0 "Makin sure all my niggas safe , niggas was just shootin on my block . Smh reckless dickheads ",0 "I think I'm irritated cause I'm still thinking about that shit . ",0 "soo I guess me & Shea over that's tf crazy yoooo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that jawn is tuff but ain't nobody taking that damn risk ” that shit crazy yo if that shit break ",0 "He get on my damn nerves ",0 "Tell me you love me , only for tonight , oooohh , even tho you dont love me ",0 "GOOD LORD HERE THEY COME WIT THESE LOUD ASS SPEAKERS ON THEY CAR TELLIN WHO YU SHOULD VOTE FOR ",0 "Somebody's down . ",0 "#1omf really talk to alot of people ",0 "I can't find my charger ",0 "bruh why so many good movies coming out around thanksgiving tho ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't want ya stank chicken anyway Pop ",0 "I felt some type of way ",0 "i knoee deep down he feel dahh same wayy but i wonder whts holdn him back from making ithd like ithd was .... 1OO11O ",0 "I just woke up crying n shit ",0 "I have had the worst night ever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ funeral tears ",0 "Sawty talking bout she don't trust me I don't trust that bitch ✌ ",0 "What My Other Half Just Told Me . #NoTalking I'm Spazzing Out Period . ",0 "I hate a Dick riding ass bitch , wanna be friends with everybody ass bitch , calling everybody sis ass bitch , tryna be down ass btch ",0 "Treat me good right this not even fucking close ",0 "After Winter Break , Im Outtieeee ! ! Best friend && everybody else mad at me they'll be ok ",0 "I feel dumb now ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My ass gotta cold & shit "" Me Tooo "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not much of a girlfriend .. I never seem to get a lot ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you said wake up hoes !! ",0 "shouldnt of took that nap earlier ",0 "I Be Trying Tho .... ",0 "I needa notha car ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ never in life ! ",0 "I'm so ready to kill his ass ",0 "Um dne getting use too ! ",0 "I just woke up deneya , she straight mugged me , mad ashit I'm dead ",0 "What My Other Half Just Told Me . #NoTalking I'm Spazzing Out Period . ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : umm , oomf just aggravate me now , everything she do be making me wanna slap tha f * outta haa ass . """" ",0 "Still otp .. ",0 "Irritated and annoyed ",0 "I wish y'all shut up ",0 "#GetFamiliar .... #Crumbs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awl man ",0 "I miss my boo Jizzle .... #FunSize ",0 "Brionna Keep Talking Bout My Mizz Like Shit That Sweet ",0 "Damn ion wanna go to practice ",0 "&& I Neva Really Thought I Had To ",0 "This none singing ass bitch keep singing on my TL ",0 "To constantly be accused of the same shit that your not guilty of ....... ",0 "Tray getting on my nerves fuck ",0 "I Check On My First Love Here & There Cause I Know I Don't Wanna Lose Him For Sum Stupid !!! ❤ ",0 "I have trust issues , anger issues , & people issues ",0 "I hate when ppl front for the cameras That's so like 2012 ",0 "☺I got all these Emojis and cants see one . ",0 "My pinkey is so cold ",0 "Lionel werks my last nerve ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Missing someone & not being able to see them is the worst feeling ever ! ” ",0 "My lonely Ass ",0 "Im soooo , sickk ",0 "hate you then ilove you then ifckn hate yo ass again stupid ass bitch ",0 "If i dont eAt sum im gone go ham . no pun intended . ",0 "Maybe not ! Fallback session still in effect . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im not crazy ",0 "I don't feel like doing annnnytthhhiinggg bro ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not really ",0 "She keep sayin wateva I want ",0 "yoo , jawn dumb as shit ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : When somebody be like "" I gotta ask u a question "" I be knowing exactly what they gone ask me "" I be like "" ",0 "in my feelings fuck everybody , ",0 "This lil boy woke up cryin loud as shit wakin me up ",0 "Just wanna be happy ",0 "Trina irritates me ",0 "Dudes be in they feelings when it come to me . Like nigga stopppp . ",0 "FORREAL doe “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Wack ass SPRINT .!!! ” ",0 "Still & shit ",0 "I need a move ! Iont feel like sitting in the crib ",0 "Why chief keef change his flow is the question I still ask ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't quote me text me ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Tears Running Down My Face "" why you crying ? "" , Just Thinking Im Good Tho "" ",0 "Ungrateful motherfuckas !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Im really always high of life”wish I was ",0 "Ugh ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Want Text Me Back !!! ",0 "I am extremely tired ",0 "Omw to kipp ",0 "NOBODY WANNNA FACE TIME ",0 "Liv bout to cry ",0 "Ughhhhhh my homie ",0 "This class is really blowin me ",0 "Well then , there we go ",0 "Last night , He Had Me Speechlesssss ",0 "Im tf cold ",0 "Just got irked ",0 "I Have Not Talk To My Baby All Day On The Phone Today I'm Mad ",0 "sometimes things happen unexpectedly . ",0 "Ik My shit weak ",0 "Phee the only nigga I kno who talk bout his bitches all day telling the same story over and over ",0 "Keyano up & moved & didn't even tell me !! #bold ",0 "I wana go home ",0 "Im getting oomf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm just tryin to get my hair done ,, He came and I'm gone now yo ",0 "Niggas so petty swear I hate y'all mfs . #GabbyTweet ",0 "Today was the worst day of my life ",0 "I wanna get OTP ",0 "my headphones broke ",0 "Getting out of bed for school be so hard for me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Uhh I'm not dusty & far from being \pewh "" don't keep playing with me "" ",0 "Fuck whizcity they no how we cumin ",0 "#oomf moved today ",0 "That beef shit is OLD ✋ , If a Mf say they beefing with me . They lyin , They beefing with they damn self . Cuz IDGAF ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not funny I'm changing it back toma ",0 "Don't talk shit about me to Any body talk that shit to me ",0 "I Woulda Ran Away Man Smack Me Like That ",0 "I need to wash my hair ",0 "Bitch ... How dare you disrespect like that ? ",0 "that's why I don't text people first ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Wish My Grandma Was Here ... "" so we cud vibe like we used too” "" ",0 "Ull never kiss me with a cigarette mouth/breath <<<<<<<<<< ",0 "Ion like this sht ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not lol”thank you ",0 "See Imani Didn't Even Reply To My Tweet . . Choosin ' ! ",0 "Cramps With No Medicine Been Curled In A Ball All Day ",0 "wack ass mofo ",0 "Phone on 7% fuck it imma just let it die ",0 "why didn't I listen to her ?! ugh ",0 "i need a life on Candy Crush ",0 "Damn that girl stay at somebody house !! ",0 "I want Dee braids though .. _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Imma nosey mf ",0 "This snow fucked everything for me ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bye cus yu know ion play "" lol I knew u was coming "" ",0 "Fuck niggas frowning up , we don't care we round em up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ noI missed it” ",0 "Dude straight #noNewFriends ",0 "Ughhh ! still #TeamHeat ",0 ", this rainn inn thee waaaaay .. ",0 "#OOMF Don't Want My Reads ✋ ",0 "I'd rather be in my bed than anywhere near this game today . ",0 "she slapped my ass ",0 "Tossing & Turning .. Huh wtf bra ",0 "Bitches love to get the wrong nigga but when a real one come they they do dumb shit , I don't understand yall ",0 "he not trynna get me no eggrolls ",0 "I don't like how she left me for her boyfriend , ",0 "Slammed my foot in the door ",0 "I hate when we don't have practice some days . I be so bored at home ",0 "my nose stomped up , my house hot af ",0 "Is the 21st gone hurry up or nah ",0 "I'm too alone fam ",0 "' No tweeting , my phones almost dead . ",0 "Standing by my side yelling out ZonerLife .. ",0 ", just called bae & had this dry ass conversation the beef is REAL ",0 "Donta Do To Much ",0 "Bitch stepped on my kicks today shoulda seen my face made me think bout what jada said ",0 "& the next flight not leaving out til 9pm ",0 "I wish you would text me back . ",0 "The shit don't even make sence ",0 "On life I can't see my uncle Lonzo no time soon .... Imma beat his ass ! He blew me the last time . He burnt up wit me . ",0 "Relationship more complicated then Donny G and jhene aiko ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my phone don't even notify me when somebody tweeted me ",0 "NOOOOOOOO keira what tf is she doinnnnn dawggg knowing they love eachother deep down inside she actin nutty ",0 "Yea blame the filter “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ayyoo lmfao I'm not even that back , it was dark & I had a filter on lol” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm forever tellin people I'm 30 ” they better not believe you yo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : As long as my brother name money I better no EVER make it to see George ”if babe got a detainer she gone be sitting ",0 "I'm mad as hell .. ",0 "This show . ",0 "I just got my Samsung phone . Now the new iphone is out . ",0 "Not texting back ",0 "I hope I'm not gttn a cold ",0 "Moe let me go and wash my hair ",0 "not sure if I even have a bf ",0 "I want somebody to be real crazy over me g be jealous all that cute shit Why can't nobody be crazy over me ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my school still owes me 2,000 pale grant ion got time for this govt shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no bitches no bitches no bitches NO NO NO !!!! ",0 "Made me some breakfast Oshea still sleep ",0 "☺I got all these Emojis and cants see one . ",0 "' I don't like the way that shit going .. Smh something not right ",0 "Mannnn im MADD ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't know I could do it that way ",0 "hot & black ",0 "I jus dnt care ",0 "I hate aryanna ole ugly ass ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Extra ugly ass” yo ass look like ",0 "Baby sitting idk a damn thing about babies ",0 "My baby been sleep on me he kno him daddy made me mad so he fussed at him all morning ",0 "- FINNA EAT ME SME CNDY ! & WATCH CRINIMAL MINDZ UNTIL IFALL TO SLEEP ! #TIERD ASS HELL ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ mean ass ”- ima for yhu ",0 "Havent seen my boyfriend since tuesday ",0 "Inna this hot ass room < ",0 "I need somebody to talk to ... Not feeling to grate rite now ",0 "Wtf Nooooooooooooooooooo cut him off the team !! ",0 "Lets go heat lets go heat lets go heat let's go heat I don't wanna lose my money ",0 "My Kids Dnt Go Bak 2 Skool Until Jan13th I'm So Close 2 Transferring Them ",0 "My auntie straight passed today dang man I'm straight Hella sad right now fck ... ☁ ",0 "Damn I go back to school next week ",0 "Mixed Emotions <<<<<<<<<<<<< ",0 "Here we go “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I was jus fucking dem girls i was going get right back” ",0 "Why Fir call me his future Ex wife .. Like who plan on getting a divorce ",0 "<<< this is the devil ",0 "If you think you too lady like to give head then I guess I'm just to broke to spoil you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Long overdue !!! ",0 "Idris even looks good as Mandela ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ o wow well u need to find out cause its so boring this way ",0 "Am so damn Hungry ! ",0 "I Was Sleeping Good Before I Called My Baby Back !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nothing , blew and some moe shit , what you doing ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm crying” ",0 "My throat is killing me ",0 "I just want some hair . I'm tired of damaging my hair cuz I want curls ! I'd rather damage somebody else's hair ",0 "A nigga bored asf though ",0 "But I have no reason to be but I still am ",0 "MAN I MAD I MY COUSIN CANT BE HERE FOR HIS 19th BDAY MAN R.I.P SYN SPOON ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ son !!!!!!! Like I can't why !!! ",0 "My brother here to wipe my tears . ",0 "Going to target b4 school cuz I can't do it without no headphones ",0 "Driving with the worst cramp in my foot ",0 "now I wanna fight !! ",0 "Ok CeCe keep Blowing me Talking about her BF When She know ",0 "Im missing seeing them smh : (((( ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm Still Tf Up ",0 "They just pissed me off at school with this student loan shit ",0 "i dont like bowwow ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Some niggas be up they homeboy ass all damn day every day . && you tryna tell me yeen homo ?? I'm not convinced . ” ",0 "I really felt like I was dying last night Now Im feeling better but not fully ",0 "I vamp and still woke up early still sleepy ",0 "I miss my lil boo already ",0 "We go from this <<< To this >>> And that's why we this >>> ",0 "hope they don't get my pics from Facebook mane ",0 "I Aint Gone Be Sleep To Bout 4 && I Got Practice Tomorrow ",0 "Look like a straight dike wit my hair braided like this ",0 "Mmm I remember those days .... ",0 "My Righthand being mean .. ",0 "No !!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ too soon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wtf man ",0 "I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really HATE LIARS‼️‼️‼️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Soooo Phony ",0 "My Hot Water is Going To B The Death Of Somebody That Shit Jst Burnt My Hand ",0 "So much for that ",0 "Crying myself to sleep B ughhhhhhhhh goodnight night twitter ✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why don't I have your number ",0 "Mama said I need a boyfriend my reaction : ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish I could've seen it now lol ",0 "No Sleep ; But I Aint Thuggin ",0 "Bae gne miss it & our bdayy ! ",0 "I'm back to working Sundays ",0 "She always tryna leave me just b givin me ✌️✌️ ",0 "Today was a good day then my mother pissed me off ",0 "# So Mad Right Now❗ ",0 "Ugh I gotta French test tomorrow ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I have a lot on my mind ” ",0 "she always makin detoursss tf ",0 "My drought should never be this long tho ",0 "I miss the shit outta NAJEEA Some one tell my Bestfriend I love her ",0 "Shanny scratched the side of my face ",0 "Now Syfy come on with this movie !!!! This is not what I call a Syfy fix ..... guess I won't get it today ",0 "I need a dutch but i cant walk to the store .. Somebody gone snatch me up ",0 "Im sick af ",0 "Ehhhh 5:00 traffic though <<<<<< ",0 "Niggas too busy trying to be someone there NOT ! ",0 "Lola go outside atleast 10 times a Day I feel sorry for this baby wen I get a Job ",0 "Why am I up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ il make sure i never post em again” ",0 "I really miss my baby Yaelyn ",0 "Home from the ER ",0 "20 more minutes ",0 "#oomf better DM me back ",0 "Fake ass barz dh ",0 "y'all my iPhone acting stupid I can't hear nothing !!! ",0 "I Was Ok Until He Called Me ! ",0 "I'm cramping like shit ",0 "Otw to work ",0 "Gotta pay cable too almost forgot ",0 "This cone head bitch meeky better leave me alone ! ",0 "Its Nothing To Do At Work ",0 "I Be Having So Much Shit In My Pockets ",0 "I need sleep ",0 "Relationships Aint Easy ",0 "Left my money in the house ",0 "This loud ass nigga over here .. ",0 "Feeling sick as hell this morning ! ",0 "Why My Niggas Gotta Die ..... Why They Mothers Gotta Cry ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i really love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” but do she even know you ",0 "Oh God .... ",0 "This drought I'm in <<<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't seem like it ",0 "* This white boy won't leave me alone ! ",0 "WON'T catch me slipping !! ",0 "Ugh fuckin hate when i'm depressed moe ... ",0 "My hair is still tight ",0 "This cold I got ain't wassup ",0 "Still writing this paper .. Im about to cry .. even tho it's not due til Wednesday ",0 "I'm just not gone say nothing . ",0 "He goin make me beat them both up ",0 "This shit Finna irritate the fuck out me ",0 "I'm nobodies MCM ",0 "bord can't go to skool tomorrow ....... wtf ",0 "So my mom cooking & didn't tell me ",0 "I need my phone fixed . ",0 "I Ain't Scared To Go To Jail , Shoot Him In His Face Cause If I Shoot Him In His Mother Fucking Leg He Gonna Tell ",0 "This baby just snatched my damn belly ring . ",0 "Headache coming back ",0 "Got a headache ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : , omg yall dont understand quante is being soo erkyy ughh” always ",0 "Swear you got game ",0 "NW : #Friday ☁☁ ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I did something ? "" just stop talking to me ✌ "" ",0 "Never met a more angry person ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : When I was younger , $20 felt like $100 , now $20 feel like a $1” """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : All the ppl I was with lady night was blind ... ” last & fuck u I'm not blind any more ! ",0 "She don't call me no more tho ... ",0 "think I'm getting sick ",0 "ain even take no pics yesterdayii was OUT b ! ",0 "My Creep Gone ",0 "Man i swear ",0 "She said she wont let us Fall Off but what happened ",0 "Might as well jag off ",0 "I'm beginning to hate this hotel crap #2moredays ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Why don't we be huddling tho ? What happened to Womanly Wednesday ? What happened to my apple pie ? ",0 "I miss Derrick ",0 "Finna go take this placement test ✌✌ ",0 "I hope this stuff works this time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ CTFU smh ",0 "I'm so over this shit rey go back to sleep ",0 "i have to take the ACT kill me now . ",0 "my lil ' brah 2 years old . && he gotta cell phone && it do #'s ",0 "Girls don't even be tryna introduce me to their parents anymore , I gotta meet their kid now ",0 "Oh Shit ! I Want My Boyfriend ! It's Finna Rain mannnn !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need a snack or smthg ",0 "IDGAF If You Dont Like Me I Bet You Ain't Gone Do Shit But Stare At Me When I Walk By Lurk Thru All My Shit & Wish I Gave AF ✌ ",0 "This shit crazy man . ",0 "MADD asl Noww ",0 "I'm Ready Go Home Now ",0 "I cant sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hope not ; ima go off ",0 "If she come down here ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I miss J . ” I miss you too ",0 "Mixed Emotions <<<<<<<<<<<<< ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ why you say that to him ? ”because he tried to come for me calling me flat joke ass ",0 "Can I get some more emojis in my DM ",0 "Aint doing shit at my desk but shop'n on line ",0 "Man I need a fucking way homeee #Rache ",0 "Ima really miss Gus ! ",0 "Df ima eat ? They cooking all this nasty ass breakfast food ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I swear I fuck up EVERYTHING ! Can't do nothing right """" ",0 "yes yo but they bad ",0 "Damn ma nigga & bitch ain't talkin to me ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Spoiled females HATE the word "" no "" """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : send me #'s in my dm , yes or no if ill date you . I'm bored why not lol” smh you be fishing . ",0 "Potatoe Sack body havin ass bitch smh ",0 "Abt to sip ths drink & I pray I dnt get in my feelings ",0 "Bitch did I ask you to speak ? Oops no I didn't . ",0 "Paying this deposit to my light bill just aggravated tf out me ",0 "Mannnn my screen stop touching on my phone ",0 "Somebody get me from school ",0 "Why Is It Raining ",0 "Real relationships go threw the bullshit . And Come Out like this ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Noo , I'm sorry Boo ! I been Slippinn ' ) : imma get back on track ; Ayeeeee , Yesssss ! TWERK TIME ' ( : ",0 "Bitches a Trip ! Ion Never Hear From Yo Ass But You Callin ' & Askin For Shit ! ✋ FUCK YOU ",0 "I'm mad asf yo ",0 "I'm so irritated for no reason ",0 "I wanna get out this house yo ",0 "Aww ima miss Imani ",0 "She Really Think im Feeeena Move w . Her & She Gotta Dawg Humm Nahhhh ",0 "My Phone Sooo Dry Omg Somebody Text Me ",0 "I been broke for a while now man ",0 "Nobodies Texting Me ",0 "If I knew #oomf I wouldn't wanna lie to her ! ",0 "Everybody got plans ",0 "lonely as shit ",0 "I want a grilled chicken salad ",0 "Niggas come and go but why this fast ",0 "bruh today Lorenzo did all that ",0 "All that fucking candy we had is gone ! Them niggas ate like 10lb+ of candy in like 2 weeks ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I strongly dislike my father & his stupid ass ways .. ” No good fathers , bruh . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no , I'm mad at you lol ",0 "But I want it wrk out thou ☝️time ",0 "these girls be crazy man ",0 ": hate black forreal ",0 "It's hot asl ",0 "he got TOO MANY \sisters "" for me ... ✋ "" ",0 "When I miss somebody ... they will never kno ",0 "Somebody told me we should go on da Maury lmbo .., I probably wouldn't know how to act especially wen Maury read da results llh .. # ",0 "Cut the roof of my mouth ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no we text ... occasionally ",0 "When You Stop Hearing From Me It's Cause Ion Fuck With You ✋ ",0 "I Can't Stand This Bitch Jalen ",0 "i cant breathe thru my nose ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas be flogging KNOWING DEY STARVING ” ",0 ", I'm not even tired ",0 "Get the fuck off my time line _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Forreal tell her check her phone ",0 "Sorry Deon ... “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate when I see nudes on the TL while I'm in church” ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate pretty boys """" ",0 "Lemme Get In The Shower Before My Mother Explodes ",0 "Got to heads to do tomorrow and all the money going towards my phone bill ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , kay imma call . You when my momma get off the phone & i miss you MORE ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : After 25 it's all down hill” no it ain't ",0 "mood right now ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need a shape up soooooo bad .. . I keep everybody's hair together but mine . ” How doe ? ",0 "Straight crack my phone again ",0 "I want some soda so bad but I closed the ginger ale to tight and now I can't open it . ",0 "Oh yeah &' I'm bored ",0 "Im Up Wit No One To Talk To ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ text me I don't have ya number no more ",0 "I wanna see !!! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Cut off everybody for somebody and ended up with nobody . """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : When I finish getting in trouble , my momma go tell the whole damn world ! ” ",0 "I'm bout to go BERSERK ! ",0 "all these hoes gettin pregnant ",0 "Keep chasin ya dream youngin “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I really got better at ball .. but nobody be wanting to play with me ” ",0 "Ion think she care fr ",0 "* He can't come w/ me though <<< ",0 "It's late asl ",0 "It's cold knee Finna act a fool ",0 "Let me do my homework ",0 "Not Gone See Him Til Tomorrow .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh kno what chu be eating ? ",0 "I Hate When People Say I Said Something That I Never Said ",0 "He don't seem okay , let me check on him ",0 "so nobody likes my AVI ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bra & Panties Is Exposing ? Bitches Wear Swim Suits All The Time . ✋”Nbs ",0 "Im Gone Fr ✌ ",0 "I guess it is just me now ",0 "Niece getting on my nerve & I got a hangover I'm about to catch as case ",0 "I hope Tomar is a better day tho , I was only looking forward to 2 things and got neither ",0 "Im so bored I'll do anything p ",0 "My BestFriend still ain't text me wtf is her problem ! ",0 "I really miss pooh ",0 "Jass finna leave ",0 "fuck u bitch I won't tell u shit else the bitch said again ",0 "Im hungry ashit ",0 "He Bout To Go To Sleep ",0 "I'm hungry but I'm not hungry ",0 "So ain't no nail shop open on Sundays ",0 "Fuck da shit then I'm k.o. ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : who won the first game of the NBA finals ?! I didn't get to watch it "" #SPURS "" ",0 "Lord I'm sleepy ",0 "Idk why I'm so irritated man ",0 "And Dymond don't wanna rub my shit ",0 "Wake Up Diss Morning Hungry As Shit No Parents Home So Back To The Basic Good old Cereal ",0 "Pray for me tonight if Miami loses . ",0 "Malik got this stupid ass saying he got now ",0 ", the conversation I was having lastnight idk what tf I was talking about ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right when is my turn lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : got practice on a friday ” ",0 "Can I use somebody Netflix account please ??? ",0 "Don't nobody wana answer my FT ✊SOLIDD ",0 "Raining && shit man ",0 "- I look so ugly now ",0 "Everything happen so fast ... ",0 "Omfg , I can't find my beats nor my headphones bruh wtf !!! ",0 "Word up\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : """" ",0 "I can't find my card ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I want #oomf number ” _TWITTER-ENTITY_ him ",0 "Uggghhh !! Finddd myy ringgg dat myy boothanggg gavee meee ",0 "Why they got practice til 11 ? ",0 "I hate girlls that wake up with a raspy voice and wanna talk otp ",0 "ii been thinking abt cha yuu know know , know , do yuu think abt me still ! ",0 "Man where's my bae ? ",0 "Getting sleepy see this why i quit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm mad I still can't say the school yet lol ",0 "I'm never using that soap again , ",0 "You don't know me either lol “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't know them . ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I gotta fuckin throw up dude” Aree you otay ",0 "Tht shit will kill yu yo ",0 "It's pointless for me and Dre to exchange gifts on Christmas he know what I got him and he know what I got him ",0 "Crazy I Don't Mess With NOBODY ",0 "I told _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I needed her to finish my hair she said she couldn't help ",0 "What's everybody doing ?? I'm at work ",0 "She can stop texting me now cause I feel like I'm about to curse her ass out . She better text that other girl with that goofy shit ",0 "Can _TWITTER-ENTITY_ finish this girl hair ! I'm hungry ",0 "ugh ! I need something to do ! ",0 "Sooooo wat about netflixs but u talkin bout u sleepy ",0 "I wanna go to the liquor store buy some junk food ",0 "I'm convinced he will never mature ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Sometimes I really hate my life "" !!!!!! "" ",0 "I havnt talked to him all day ",0 "All that construction had me so lost , Siri just said you on your own ! ",0 "I got this banging ass headache out of NO WHERE !! ",0 "Nigga stay writing a whole paragraph on my shit like the way this world set up idgaf what yu talking bout ",0 "I don't wanna go ",0 "I'm sick & i don't wanna go to school ",0 "My sleep pattern has been thrown waaay off !! ",0 "Ugh fuckin hate when i'm depressed moe ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aggy af ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ take a nap . You know you love me . "" Lmfao no I don't!! "" ",0 "The word oomf <<< ",0 "a nigga ankle killing mane ",0 "I don't like my friends ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I distance myself from people for a reason . """" ",0 "Soon as a nigga cross . He think he can fucking slow dance STOP ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : So many rappers wanna work with me now .... but ... nvm” ",0 "Ugh my BFF went to sleep on me . ✌ ",0 "In too deep ",0 "Y'all _TWITTER-ENTITY_ been neglecting me . ",0 "I swear to god befoe I eva starve ill take a nigga shit ",0 "Rafini or whatever doesn't love herself . Poor thing ",0 "I cnt sleep ",0 "i hate when your friend gets in a relationship and then just .. pushes you away ",0 "hating smdh .. ",0 "I hate when niggas be bored then try to hit u up ",0 "Malcolm killing my vibe with these corny ass songs ... ",0 "No one Cares ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I feel weak af and it's game day #sick "" You Scared As Hell Nigga "" ",0 "Okay so which is it ",0 "I Need To Get Out This House .! I'm Going Tf Crazy ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Gucci Be Tweeting Like Fuck Grammar ....... ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Bye Auikei ",0 "i gotta charlie horse ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get the fuck up yo ",0 "The \hoes "" had to go "" ",0 "This lil nigga staring at me like he can't get fucked ",0 "y'all still talking about boul saying ICDC college like shutup ! ‼ ",0 "stressin so much my head bout to blow !!! ",0 "Once you break a $20 bill That shit is gone ",0 "Ugh I miss my bed ",0 "Broke niggaz always got sum to say ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ion wanna drive all the way to lakeside tho ” walk ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches on twitter : Bitches in person : ” real talk ",0 "Damn I'm still up ",0 "When ppl ignore me & I'm trynna tlk pisses me off ",0 "My head is killin me !! ",0 "Fuckeryy , Pure Fuckeryyyy ! ",0 "Guess ima go to sleep ✌ by y'all ",0 "When u have good ass hair and cut it u feel like u whole life just ended ",0 "I use ta get stupid GM txt .. Den I drop ta 1 person ! Now dat 1 person don't een love me no mo 🅱 ",0 "No 11's again ",0 "Gotta pay my mama 25$ a night out of my tip money ",0 "But when he be acting petty ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : No Matter How Mad I Get I Still Love My Mother . ” ",0 "Fuck around nd do some stupid shit , Juss for the fun of it .! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ughh Stop ",0 ", this single shit really suck but I don't think I'm ready ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : people really hate me that bad I don't bother anybody ! ” ",0 "I keep getting booty cramps I think that mean it's growing ",0 "Beyond IRKED ! ",0 "Smh my mama just ",0 "I hate when he mad at me ",0 "I'm sleepy !!!!!! ",0 "My phone keep forcing it ",0 "My emotions !!!! ",0 "im forever over #oomf house , & he dont even know ",0 "everybody sleeping bruh ",0 "Saying bye bye to my iPhone ' oh how Imma miss my emojis ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know .! ",0 "Not Looking For No Nigga . Stop Tryna Holla ",0 "I wanted this NOT THIS >>> ✌️✌️ ",0 "Than i woke up && she wasnt Here <<< ",0 "My lip ring itches ",0 "Oh god what did I do ????!!!! ",0 "my mood : ",0 "I Wanna Talk To My CryBaby Boyfriend !!! ❤ ",0 "I swear I say \Mhmmm "" to EVERYTHING when I'm mad .. "" ",0 "not my main man OchoCinco ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #2 tho that list dumb ",0 "I want My chain Back ",0 "When that gut feeling come back ",0 "Not going to school , ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cool take care of the burnseriously let me know if ya want Zulu stuff .. I have too much lol ",0 "I'm Bored AsShit , I'm Ready To Mix ",0 "My youngings in my room keep saying this \YESSSSS "" shit after everything ! "" ",0 "I slick got mad and cut my card . ",0 "I need A life Sumin my line dry ion got nobody to tlk to ",0 "I'm to nice to people about to go back the way I use to be & Idc ✊ ",0 "Mixed Emotions <<<<<<<<<<<<< ",0 "- Locked out my house and my fone on 2% ",0 "where is my baby ",0 "Wellyn think I'm playing but im serious lil kids and shit getting killed that la dude didn't even much get to enjoy his life yet dog ",0 "I HATE Liars ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ well he like her ! He just don't like Christine ",0 "After Winter Break , Im Outtieeee ! ! Best friend && everybody else mad at me they'll be ok ",0 "Niggas worrisome keep ringing my damn doorbell when im tryna sleep ",0 "Damn damn damn ",0 "then he took me hat at the game & won't give it back ",0 "The way my nephew do timbs ",0 "Sooo I found my headphones ..... ",0 "Killed my lil nigga trap ",0 "I want my bae ",0 "I want my boothang bak ",0 "Lawd ! I'm being baptized in ass right now ! ",0 "When It Rain It Pours☔ ",0 "Can't send email to this stupid job ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me ?!? ",0 "Whyyyyy lord am I still TF woke ",0 "I miss my boyfriend ! ",0 "My head fukin banging ",0 "I can't even enjoy my sub cus I can't chew on the right side ",0 "No fucks have been given this summer . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sorry sir ",0 "It's super boring ",0 "Still Got A Headache ",0 ". I miss #oomf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mhm that's what they all say when they being fresh ! ",0 "chillin .. bored ",0 "ima fuck Naya up ! ",0 "Somebody needs to come fill my tank up dawggg ",0 "but we gon make it through this shit regardless cause I'm not going no where Ima be there til the end ☝️✊ ",0 "All these #Creeps on my TL ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ He never left !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Oooohhhhh nobody told me it was o panties day "" * heads to bathroom*” #ijustdied #ctfu "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If My Girlfriend Gotta MCM & it Ain't Me ' . I Bet That Bitch Be Single Tuesday ✅✌” Cause Forreal ",0 "I'm hungry & ion want no fucking thanksgiving food ",0 "To The Left , To The Left If You Wanna Leave Be My Guess You Can Step ",0 "somebody just called me and said i heard yu bisexual ? im like . wtf ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ \cause you wake up bit ber day "" ? ION KNOW "" ",0 "I'm bored and ain't nobody calling me I'm finna go to schleep ✌️ ",0 "i be trying to retweet jada but her tweets locked ",0 "Text ? No . K bye . ",0 "im tired of everybody keep telling me im pregnant ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Tha fact that I have grey hair is not cool”damn son lol” ",0 "Chaise so mean he thought I wanted some of his cereal so he told me move ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill take some pussy too whatever comes first Dfl sike lls” I wasn't ready ",0 "I wish I Never Released a lot of pics Of Ny'Shay ' mf's Post anything under Pics these days ",0 "I missed 11:26 ",0 "I'm scared to go up to the jail cuz say if I go in labor ",0 "Now he everybody bro #WierdShit ",0 "You Ain't Getting Money Yo Lil Lying Self ✋ ",0 "bitches at my school bums ! ",0 "Was . Finna ride out but these side affects ",0 "Caint remember my #Twitter password ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don’t worry the cuff jones is creeping up on me not like me to be getting all mushy ",0 "Lil Wayne gon be like \I beat the case .... George Zimmerman "" <------- this shit here RECYCLED ! Quit tryna pass it off as your own thought ! "" ",0 "Don't judge me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop playing on my ig fr fr ",0 "Saying bye bye to my iPhone ' oh how Imma miss my emojis ",0 "Taylor better not cut her hair on Friday ",0 "my iphone boutaa check ",0 "i knoee deep down he feel dahh same wayy but i wonder whts holdn him back from making ithd like ithd was .... 1OO11O ",0 "This bitch stay on my dick I swear ",0 "I MISS HER ALREADY !!! NIA ",0 "Both of they bald headed asses !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want both of y'all ok ???? ” ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Nobody wanna text me FUCK Y'ALL "" Tml "" ",0 "iwish my momma would shut up ! ",0 "I just unlimited money ",0 "What To Do When You Dont Know What To Do ! ",0 "I'm really not that motivated to find a job ",0 "Dam ion wanna go to work .! ",0 "I cant fight or argue over whats not or never been mine ",0 "Soft niggas usually send the hate through the bitches ",0 "Yo I hope my tat man ain't go to sleep , imma be pissed ! Cause he not responding now ! Fvck ",0 "I'm drove I fucking some up for nothing .. Ion have to be in this bitch till 1 ",0 "& sober smh ",0 "Lol Man how about my cat jux tried to take my kit kat not cool ",0 "This is really some bullshit ",0 "This girl blowing me ",0 "I'm love Sick too .. Cause i like berry , but Oomf like berry too & that's My Fam .. plus She like him first . GAWDDD ",0 "People be looking good from far away .. But close up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that shyt can't come nowhere near me ",0 "Lord please give me the strength to not go to these stores promoting their huge sales in my email ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come see me tomar ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmaoo Noooooooo Its Not Like That i Just Always Happen To See And I Be Wanting To Mess With You ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol diary don't even know me no more ✋ ",0 "I lightway don't wanna go to HC , I ain't got nothing to wear and I don't think I can get anything before than ",0 "Irritates me when ya ex don't hear from you in a while so they want to pop up or keep calling periodically ... NICCA beat it I'm Gucci✌️ ",0 "Aww poor lil tink tink ",0 "ALL Y'ALL NOT A RAVEN FAN ALL Y'ALL ARE SOME DICKRIDING NUT HUGGIN CUM SWALLOWING ASS PEOPLE ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ ",0 "juss took my nephew home , now im sad now ... its so quiet ",0 "Ppl got issues be wanting to piss me off ",0 "Had ta get that out my system ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Kms Somebody Please Get Mookie Off My TL”Please ",0 "Swine don't like my hair ",0 "Ready to get tf off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ha ! I wish ",0 "She get on my nerves ...! ",0 "I can't change my Avi ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : FUCK ERR BDYYU IRRELEVANT MF'ERS .!! ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm forever tellin people I'm 30 ” they better not believe you yo ",0 "I ain't going to be able to do shit ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Shane the only boy in the class that sag bruh” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Cramps”ouch ",0 "My Heavy Is Fuck ",0 "It's A Shame To See These Lil Kids Walking Around Pregnant ! ",0 "The tiresome is real ",0 "I'm ready to go on break ",0 "I really hate this game ",0 "Coach glover ain't here ",0 "I'm bout to ask this chick why she don't like my pics nomore ",0 "Soon as u get in the House they Gave me the baby like tfuck !? I ain't make this lil nigga why I'm always taking care of him ",0 "Why did I have a dream about him of all people ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ If I Dont Talk to my Gf Imma Past Tf next ",0 "Tell me keedy Marie not pregnant ",0 "I want my food ",0 "I'm still waiting thou ",0 "Jusz Gott Maddddd ! <> \ \_ _ _ ",0 "Applecrunch pie or snickerdoodle ... Plumcake wetdream .. I be like STFU ",0 "I been bored since Friday , when Shawty gone kik back . ",0 "My room don't got noo signal ",0 "don't feel like this sht ... ✌️ ",0 "not a goodnight ",0 "At Work Extra Bored ",0 "No phone calls I don't wanna talk ",0 "Mastery don't give af about us we probably have school ",0 "im always hungry yo ",0 "Still haven't been to sleep ",0 "Up & omw to work ",0 "Lol practice\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : dunno how to just chill n relax my body so use to being busy !! Wtf cant keep calm ! smh smh """" ",0 "Why my ex just make a fb and try to add me ",0 "Lmao . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I was really chillin but then wu-tang forever came on ... now I'm in my feelings #thanksDrake ",0 "Ughhh , I got practice today ",0 "Naw really my mom said sound out your words but alphet doesn't sound like outfit my nigga plz ",0 "So ig she jus dont like me no mo . ",0 "I can't stop crying ",0 "Oxygen made my hair sweat out ",0 "I can't even sleep I got trap shit in my head ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fuck my cycle over slept ? That bitch late”Dtfl My Shit Here” I ain't playin wit her ",0 "ma'sai getting a pass cause he sick ",0 "I need a fucking iphone charger ",0 "I'm so tired of being single these niggas need to grow up shit ",0 "Mf you knew he was suppose to be with you but it's cool ... I'm leaving him in the garbage ",0 "This piano ... ",0 "Wish I had my old twitter stupid password ",0 "My Little Brother And Harold Snatch My Shit ",0 "Fucking with these nasty ass frontos until the am ",0 "Ugh I really need my laptop smh another all nighter ! ",0 "Im so tired ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no we text ... occasionally ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol nope I got a long way to go ! ” ",0 "Lonely Night every night tho ",0 "I hate feet , i will smack the shit out of somebody if they feet touch me yo ",0 "That's what's wrong w/ ppls now they always throwing shit up on twitta get a life ✌ ",0 "Beyond IRKED ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ty aint shit”*** Always Treating me Bad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Dont holler At me ",0 "Kop got lite so ima need these 3hrs to speed up so my ass can go home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ikr smh ",0 "I really be into these movies like its real life ",0 "That moment when u find out somebody u cared about and had feelings for fake AF and ain't real ! * shakes head * ",0 "somebody get this peasant out my face ",0 "My legs sore I need a massage ",0 "This nigga always catching feelings ",0 "Fuck everybody who laid up , drinking or smoking ",0 "CTFU ! FLATBREAD« _TWITTER-ENTITY_ i wish i had a big butt » ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel like you when you ain't get them Yeezys bruh I ain't see my boo ” my LiL homie went ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas Be Letting The Wrong Females Down ✊ For Bitches That Been All Around ” ",0 "My momma is so irritatin ",0 "i want some love as breakfast food young ",0 "Oomf really got my arm all purple in sore from punching me ",0 "My mother almost Smack the Shit outta me w/The Newspaper ",0 "Pissed off .. mad asl ... GOODNIGHT ",0 "I'm so fuckin mad at her now I'm blocking her ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : The grinch was so ugly as a baby . And when he was in school” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Long overdue !!! ",0 "Something about ole girl ass aint right .! ",0 "But I still had homework ",0 "Ok Bitch .. I'm have kill YOU .. For hang up on mee .. SHAWN GOT LIFE FUCK UP then call me 3 times just say goodnight like wtf ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ughhh people erkn i miss my sis ",0 "Baby Wake Up ",0 "BUT it just came in black & leather . ",0 "This lil ( expletive ) ain't show up ... ",0 "Marcus ass always taking over the tv : ( ",0 "This Really Gettin the fuck on my nerves ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i kno smh ",0 "Oh shit I lost my iPod .. It has no case , my house got two stories , a dog , and three bad ass kids in it . it's a goner ",0 "Sittin in the car at work ... ready to go home ",0 "Pandora sooooooo slaw now ",0 "Another wack Friday night ",0 "FUCK I WAS FAITHFUL THOUGH , nNEVERRRRRRRR AGAIN ",0 "My mama otp & not paying attention to me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Smokin withoutt meeee ",0 "juhs feeln so sick on dahh stomach as dese tears roll down myy face ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ waaaait ..... tell me how you really feel ",0 "fuck mike jones at ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",0 "Where's Briauna when you need her ",0 "It Dont Even Feel Like Its 12 ",0 "wuz fena roll up but see the way this stupid asz gar set up !! ",0 "Why you gotta leave me ! ",0 "Phone So Dry ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches be dick dumb ” ",0 "mesha just facetime me & hung up ! ",0 "&& they Grimey as shit ",0 "Ughh I don't feel like doing this 11-7 I wanna shop ",0 "I can't find my ear phones whyyyy ",0 "Bored as hell ! ",0 "Naw really my mom said sound out your words but alphet doesn't sound like outfit my nigga plz ",0 "Okayy soooo I don't have school today but I'm still up for no damn reason ",0 "Still waiting !!! ",0 "The Food Ready ",0 "Then I get me a bagel if I'm eating I tend to be calmer ... Tell me why the fuck this little bird swooped down and tried to take my bagel ",0 "I can't believe I allow yhu to treat me dis way & still I stay ",0 "That's a good apology cause you cursed ... ",0 "Iont tolerate disrespect , and right now I feel real disrespected ! Bout to get in my fucking bag ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I dnt like _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” wht I do ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Who be capping these Shitty Ass Females Up ?? ... I need answers” ",0 "It was so hard getting out of bed this morning and its soo cold ",0 "I stay biting my fckn gums ",0 "Kiara stay clowning her people bruh smh ",0 "Smh gotta place a bet fo my bf to do some . Sad smh ",0 "* looks at * the fact that I have to wait for January to load up on fabric . I need a sponsor . Like Forreal ",0 "I'm hot af ",0 "21 here I cum .... ",0 "& nobody wants to talk to yu heisman lol let it go ",0 "I'm just irritated Forreal .. Stupid ish I tell u ",0 "But let me chill for his bitties get mad & show him my shit again I'm just the baby mother that's all ",0 "Just wanted to sleep late ",0 "When I don't have to work I get up early ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thats crazy yo , he lucky he dont live in baltimore yo ",0 "I cnt never be laid up w/ no broke nigga knowing I got a mouth to feed at home Tf ",0 "My baby was fighting today I really gotta find him a daycare . I didn't know he was that aggressive ",0 "Dumb thot ! ✋ ",0 "no Quett u not touching my boo hair im doing it byee ",0 "Theses sinuses <<<< ",0 "my moms said she aint buying my hair TF yes you is ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the struggle ",0 "I don't want no nasty ass food on my TL RS ! ",0 "If you keep whining bby you gone loose me .. Betta choose me bby cum choose me ",0 "Mama keep saying don't cry but mane this to much for me ",0 "It took Tae 3hrs to text me back ",0 "My mother called my phone a struggle phone ",0 "I hate waking up in pain ughhhh ",0 "Whats hiring ❓❓❓❓ i need a second job ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why I gotta wake up to bullshit "" you aint the only one . "" ",0 "She done went to sleep ona playa ",0 "on 17% fuck it goodnight ✌ ",0 "I feel so bad right now it's unbelievable ",0 "I need to really get a life , twitter is not gone work all the time ",0 "Lawd it's Boring ",0 "I don't like how it went off the season finale got me all hyed up but I knew something was gon fuck up his carrer so I was Right damn likk ",0 "Why my ex inbox me ??? You see why your title is my \ex "" He stay waking me up though "" ",0 "So I finished watching Gossip Girl and now I don't know what to do with my life . ",0 "ii need to go to the mall and to the hair store ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. I need a gf ",0 "I dont wanna be home , i wanna go back to bowie ",0 "I gotta go to sleep ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ at this rec looking for food n sips” I wish I could come out for sips ",0 "juhs wanna be tahh myyself ",0 "went to sleep on scoo gotta apologize to my bestie ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Dyke bitches love being step fathers””” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I dont play w/ people kids ”you no fun then ",0 "A lie kept ya bitch ass outta jail so you better be thanking god every moment of your fucking life !!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : champ always tryna turn up by herself lol” man listen ",0 "As soon as I delete your message thread cause there has been no exchange in days .... You show up ! ",0 "ION SEE NO DAMN SNOW , YALL NIGGAS HIGH ",0 "Imma miss game day on Monday's ",0 "School coming too fast ",0 "☺I got all these Emojis and cants see one . ",0 "I'm really hungry I'm really about to order me something to eat ",0 "Where my thunder buddy she's all the way up cheyney ",0 "I be like ",0 "I'm so damn hungry ",0 "Getting out of bed for school be so hard for me ",0 "I Can't Sleep ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Gee ! I deleted the tweet ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It's Be Sooo Hard To Sleep Without Hearing Him Say That ” GUHH HE SAID IT . NOW GO TO SLEEP ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My TL Dry fuck everybody sleep """" ",0 "Somebody txt me ",0 "I'm soooo fuckin Irrated right now yooo !! I don't even wanna talk to nobody ! ",0 "Ppl say fckd up shit & quick to tell you that you taking it wrong . But they take shit you say wrong & swear up & dwn that's what you meant ! ",0 "Ima be up all night I just woke up ",0 "Vampin on accident . ",0 "Omg that Text I Just got frm Tay <<<<<<< ugh That Shit ant funny ",0 "you can't disrespect me with the same mouth you ate my with .. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I don't share my friends my friend is only MY friends ”❗️❗️❗️ but I share all y'all bitches smh ",0 "I hate when ppl assume instead of asking me ",0 "He really made me mad tho ",0 "GOT MY COUSIN LOCKED DOWN HE ANIT EVEN DO THE CRIME ",0 "Mike epps at NJPAC tonight nd i didnt even know : ( ",0 "Everybody number in my phone got deleted ",0 "Got A Headache ",0 "Where Is Sasha ? That little girl doesn't listen too nothing I say ! ",0 "momma always told me .. Go looking for something ... An you gonna find it ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ratchet ass looking like the struggle """" ",0 "I don't want to be broke !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WithOut Me Thoe .? Smh ✋ ",0 "i jus want my big strong man to go home so i can hear his voice say how much he love me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm not trying hear ya fucking excuses” ",0 "I wish \Dreads "" weren't a trend I be irritated when ppl only have them for the styles / color etc . "" ",0 "Knicks BLOWING Me ",0 "Aint no food in here ",0 "Nooo I think I miss youu moreee _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I had fun tho .. Now its time to study ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My mon just told me im selfish bc i dont want to have a baby wtf "" lol "" ",0 "Dre just left ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mhm , you to Trenton today still ? ",0 "All that damn swimming I did I still can't go 2 sleep #really ",0 "Was . Finna ride out but these side affects ",0 "Dang , School Tommora ",0 "nobody on my timeline cute ",0 "This bitch playin on god kill me a hoe ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My twin & Bestfriend need to fuck && get over it damn dfl” hmm she gotta boy now ",0 "Boutta go to Sean fashion show by myself W/ my uni on I don't feel good & I really don't feel like going but I'm NO BS'er some I'm out ! ✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm suppose to go in for training but idk man it's cold as hell outside ",0 "My boyfriend irks me , not listening nshit . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww man don't do me like that damn !!! Lol ",0 "Emojis make texting soooooooo much better .. like bitch if you sad/mad ion wanna see or > , shit betta be .. & ",0 "Wow his mom died .. I feel bad for him .. Know now that shit feels ",0 "Phone off & shit ",0 "\This weekend went by too fast "" Me : ( oO) ? Bitch you was on Twitter the whole time "" ",0 "Montana Right Now <<<<<<<<<<<<< ",0 "Kiwi set me up mane ",0 "people b getting on my nerves . ",0 "A nigga always tryn bump me like Ima bitch ",0 "earlierr , i was sickk as shit nobidy caredd doe ",0 "I'm Feeling Like Shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hope BD not in his glory he still aint SHIT ! ” ",0 ", I'm very ANGRY ",0 "Nobody ? Ok cool ",0 ": I wish my phone would vibrate right now and your name comes up on the screen ☺” ",0 "If She Did ;; She Would Kno I'm Sick As A Dawg Over Here ",0 "I got enemies I never even knew about ",0 "Just dropped my phone ...... On my face smh ",0 "Guess who sleep first and BEEN sleep all day ? ",0 "I need something new this ain't gone cut it !! ",0 "I'm Hungry Af ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wish I had someone that was crazy for me ” ",0 "Them faces gotta go ju ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : my feelings - , then this me cause how dare I be falling in love and shit """" ",0 "That moment when u find out somebody u cared about and had feelings for fake AF and ain't real ! * shakes head * ",0 "I want some 2s and another pair of 7s so bad . ",0 "Omg it don't matter wtf I'm doing u end up on my mind ",0 "I wanna go too sherwood cee being boring ",0 "My phone charge so slow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh .. ",0 "Everybody hate meesh ",0 "Can't fucking sleep ",0 "I gotta fuckin headache ",0 "I miss him low key , lol we don't even talk nomore ! Now who I'm gone cheer for at them games ? Myself ? ",0 "Larry talks a hole in your head ",0 "Where is my Boyfriend !!! Gahhhh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Y'all mad ? ” shuttup you not even a steelers fan ",0 "I miss my boyfriend n I just seen him yesterday ",0 "Folks back .. ",0 "What I just heard ",0 "I need some new friends ",0 "Everybody aint real c'mon nah get intune man loyalty ain't got no shape real talk ",0 "idk if I shud wear my real hair for the holidays or either get long tracks .. Somebody help plz ",0 "White T's .. boot cut jeans and foamposites smh ",0 "GOODNIGHT !! ✌ ",0 "lost ALL my music ",0 "I'm Feeling So Dammn Bad ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just wanna go to sleep but I can't”me tooo” ",0 "I need somebody to do my makeup for prom ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't love me nomore ",0 "Wake Up Diss Morning Hungry As Shit No Parents Home So Back To The Basic Good old Cereal ",0 "I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really HATE LIARS‼️‼️‼️ ",0 "He stop texting me ",0 "They wont stop talking ",0 "Want me a boyfriend ",0 "The dreams i just had wtf i woke up scared as hellllllll ! ",0 "Hate a person who Quick to Another Before themselves ",0 "Bae Stop ! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Blah Blah Blah . ” ",0 "I'm irritated af & I feel horrible ",0 "my valentines day plans fucked up <<< I want a Valentine's ",0 "Hungry hungry hungry ",0 "I'm always on the edge of the bed .!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ leave me alone yo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Like how you a dike fucking a nigga ? ” How uu a nigga fucking a dike ? ",0 "These niggas on some other shit , <<< ",0 "I want to leave class early but my professor the hype ass bul who'll take attendance twice ... ",0 "ova here waiting aight ",0 "I really dislike fake ass individuals . They stupid as fuck and think that everybody gotta live for them . Lies . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awww Shit !!! My Man Went Back To China !!!!! ",0 "What Smitty Just Said !!! <<<< ",0 "I'm still hungry ",0 "Hope he don't get tf lost . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahh shutup ",0 "Gasp “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : DONT COMMENT ON WHAT HOES DO ON TV WHEN ALL Y'ALL BROKE LONELY MISERABLE HOES ON MY TL IN THE SAME SITUATION ” ",0 "i was doing that like last week always dicking yo . ",0 "Cuz now i c all yhu hoez wanted to do was fuck mhy baby daddy ",0 "jus got pulled over by them dicks ! ii HATE these bitches ! ",0 "Dang , School Tommora ",0 "My stomach really rumbling ",0 "My room don't got noo signal ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I REALLY wish y'all would stop posting these dry ass plates of food on social media” ",0 "Hoes petty I swear ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Wish I could go to Phils” First years ",0 "I really lost my playoff game .. smh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ This Cable Man Is Moving So Slow And I Can Barely Understand What He Saying ",0 "I'm Sad Af Doe ",0 "I'm sucka though ",0 "tht moment when she suck yo balls too ",0 "... iight nw I'm like ",0 "I tried to text my little sis _TWITTER-ENTITY_ where the hell is she ? ",0 "My Dad Always Takin My Shit ",0 "single , waiting on somebody to change it ",0 "I'm not cute at all I get it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dnt _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me talking tht bullshit \yu know the shit "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shit not funny ",0 "Ok but this movie is bullcrap .. sooo gonna find another still a good night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mine too I'm sick ",0 "I have a lot on my fuckjn mind good niteee ' ",0 "Bored & sober ",0 "Dude going to far ",0 "Don't Lead Me On Knowing I liked You ✋ then Fuck Around and Get in a relationship with a lowkey hoe ",0 "niggas runnin red lights & shit like whaa ?!? not on her period #nah ",0 "Feelin like I'm bout to get annoyed !!!! ",0 "BOAN : Hkiqhk AsF ! && All Mii Feelinqqs In Mii Ass Ritee Now ! ",0 "Can y'all stop ? ",0 "I need a boo ",0 "My momma taking all day in the shower damn I need to get ready ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's how I be feeling every morning ",0 "Shit gone blow me ",0 "Home all Alone ",0 "Ugh , Mari don't get off till ' 5 ",0 "Keisha Drove Me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ heyyy im not special ",0 "Why Was _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Was Tryna Bidd Earlier ",0 "I can't even say TGIF it's been Friday for me for a couple of weeks ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know but imma be the only one home ctfu imma be bored as hell . ",0 "Refuse to play wit shamira ass tonite ✋✋ ",0 "Niggas be like I pay all my bills !!! Watever nigga u poor as shit u live with shawty n she got low income housing ... ",0 "I'm getting use to it . ",0 "Ion think we will ever be the same how we use to be he ain't going trust me & ion blame him ",0 "Heyyyyyy where kita ass at ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks man but you haven't seen me in person , I look like a broom stick lol but foreal ",0 "She better stop talking to him ",0 "She need to wake up tho so I can tell her up meet somewhere already ",0 "I Gotta Update My Phone .. ",0 "My Daddy Keep Asking Me About My Grades Tho Tf TSU Be BULLSHITING Frfr They Sooooo Fucking Unorganized ! SHIT ! ",0 "swear robb ass gone get punched . ",0 "why do I get jealous fast af ",0 "Derricka correcting me and shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I swear I'll kut a niggha dick off .. Ain't no bitch gettin no DADDY STROKES round this bitch after me ✌”chiillllllll !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Chilling over my moms crib on my last day here” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel like you when you ain't get them Yeezys bruh I ain't see my boo ” my LiL homie went ",0 "They blowing me ",0 "myy body really tired n i got alot on dahh brain ",0 "☺I got all these Emojis and cants see one . ",0 "GOODNIGHT I'M Mad Asf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Some Food <3<3 . LOVEYA ",0 "I'm TIRED !!!!!! Tf iont like feeling like this dawg !!!! ",0 "Bitch ... I'm fine cute and beautiful ... yo mama mad huh ? That's bold ",0 "Man these fucking dogs knocked over my trash !! Uugh ",0 "I'm soooo fuckin bored ",0 "Waiting for a phone call ",0 "Bitch Done Blew Me Fck That ",0 "These Bitches Keep Wanting To Beef Like Bitch Grow Up & get Cute ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you already lost weight ! You den got smaller ",0 "My drought should never be this long tho ",0 "“Shit I Don't Like Drama✋ Slow texters Being woke up out my sleep Being bored Low battery Hoes Being lied to ” ",0 "Y'all these pills I take are big as hell ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sum bull from Roman here talkin to us nd he boring ",0 "Bae ain't texting me bk ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Man I have to drive myself to wrk” good morning bcareful nae ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you mad at me ",0 "Lord know I don't wanna go the damn wedding outside tf ",0 ", never front on somebody who was always there for you ",0 "I'm beyond bored .. ",0 "Kayla always drawling ",0 "Barely know how to read ",0 "This Has Been One Rainy ☔☔☔ Summer ",0 "Hungry hungry hungry ",0 "I just wana sleep ",0 "Man goodnight !!!! Thanksgiving this year is sad ! ",0 "I Was Bout To Remove Them Emojis Off His Contact .. ",0 "Tryouts in the a.m. ",0 "They Cheatin So Damn Bad In This Bulls Game Man ... Fuck The Bulls Officiating Wit They Cheatin Ass ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Would y'all believe me if I told y'all I don't own a coat ”wat da fucc ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : That moment you lose all respect for that person you used to like . ” ",0 "She will have something else to do other then sit twitter and talk shit❌ ",0 "#irritatingthings people on iG saying shit they know ain't true Yes I'm talking about y'all ",0 ", my selfish ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh Ig ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know It's crazy holding my babies now ! ",0 "Why TF Am I Up ",0 "Don't text me with BULLSHIT i hate that man ",0 "Just pissed me off . ",0 "Lord , i hope this aint nobody i know ! ",0 "I don't feel like walkin to school ugh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Gee ! I deleted the tweet ",0 "Im Losing Weight : ( ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : When Somebody Says They Gone Call You Later & Y'all Both Know It Ain't True , I Be Like Tf """" ",0 "im just tryna find my life . but no new niggas . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I love going too sleep real cold so I can bundle up in my blanket . But Dkid always manage too unrap me . ”hate Cold Period ",0 "Dam ion wanna go to work .! ",0 "its cold as shit outside ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ baw when dev was clowning lil Ricky ” that's sad af baw ",0 "1234567EIGHT !!!! Nigga !!!! ",0 "Blah blah blah blah ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm going be up till like 7 in the morning like I was last night ",0 "Waitn for her to cum get these damn kidz ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i miss you more Brittani ! ",0 "Two weeks with a ima be sick ass shit ",0 "This lil boy in the salon just hit me so I clipped him and he cried ",0 "Mixed Emotions <<<<<<<<<<<<< ",0 "Phone on 4% .... I wannaaa go homeeeew ..!! ",0 "Niggas gettin charged wit burglary only cuz they put the damn evidence on IG ... stupid as shit ... ",0 "I can't sleep , I keep thinking bout her ..... ",0 "I want some compannnyyyy ",0 "I miss my cedes ",0 "I hate shit like that but anyway ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ man what ",0 "ii see wea ii get dht from ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Mama Phne need to get it together ! Ha shyt DUM” don't talk about my phone ion know what happened ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This Bitch Keep Talking To Me And Im Holding My Nose She Dont Get The Picture” ",0 "I need to get high this is too much ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hope this whole show ain't bout Evelyn "" she a nasty ass attention hoe my nigga chad fucked up for life "" ",0 "I want some food now ",0 "Why Do Everybody Think its okay To say What They Want ? I will Slap TF outa You ",0 "my phone broke , dawg ",0 "Just wanna be at the chapel . ",0 "Think I might need to drive to the cookout cause I ain't gone wanna be there all day and I know my friends gone wanna be in the mix ",0 "im sooooo fckin tired of seein ' tht sloth on the gram tho ",0 "Bouta be like this all fucking day ",0 "They can't see I'm the shit they must be blind ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you okay I'm listening to #OKE \Love On Fire "" "" ",0 "I Gotta Real Bad Headache ",0 "& I'm Sleepy ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Jst wanna slap the shit outta EVERYBODY !! """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ listening to music upside down ! Bored and mad af .. ",0 "Terry told me what's a waist that bitch tryed to make me feel good , cause my stomach ain't gone yet ",0 "I just . Want 1 f ",0 "Ain't nothing worse then a chipped nail ",0 "I miss Michael Jackson !!!! #1inspiration #rip ",0 "Poobie li uglyy ass aint text me back ",0 "✋ like really tho ? ",0 "I was Irratated at first ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches went from sharing clothes to sharing Brazilian ✋ stop it . ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I miss my baby ”missya2 . ",0 "Somebody Save Me ",0 "My sister corney ashit she at the movies right now to see best Man holidayshe should've told me shewas goin knowin my young ass cantget in ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I want baeeeeeee ” ",0 ", females irritate me ",0 "My lilsis culdnt hang she fell asleep on me smh its kool tho ",0 "My whole body sore ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lawrd i hope naht ... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I miss him like shit but fuck that nigga ” ",0 "Mane I'm tired aab ",0 "\Can you blame her ?, she wants to see her baby "" sometimes I dislike my mom "" ",0 "got suspended for \ slamming "" Brian i pushed em ! "" ",0 "I wanna go to breakfast but not alone ",0 "Got alot of fukin pressure built up ",0 "Them fire red 3s ugly too me . ",0 "I need a new printer !!!! ",0 "arm felt like it got shot off ... ",0 "I'm WTS tough ",0 "ugh iguess our basketball game canceled ",0 "Now I gotta go another week or longer with no book !! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I dont chase kiss ass or beg . Thats a NO NO✋❌” ",0 "Ion like when ppl cheat on test that be soooo easy ",0 "All I do is text ",0 "Iain answering Nika calls no more . ",0 "Why Randy Foye doin this to us ",0 "She went to sleep ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too Lucy an right man !! ” ",0 "My sex game in a drought i need my _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I swear .. That junk still getting to me <<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sometimes I I I cryyy Charlene if ya listening ... ",0 "The text in this new twitter to small ",0 "My Dm waiting for Emojis ",0 "wait .... that's if I even make it to college . ",0 "tired asf i can say that . ",0 "its really over ",0 "How can a female argue with me if I busted in her mouth ",0 "Nigga : I eat pussy Society : You that nigga !!! Female : I suck dick Society : You nasty triflin ass hoe . ",0 "Now I see what Lisa talks about like is critical thinking that fuckin hard ? ugghhh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My Whole Fuckin Screen Cracked , ! ” Damn when yhu did that ",0 "Orientation Next Week , Not Even Trying Go ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww no I don't ",0 "Stay positive you will pass “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : God really testing me ” ",0 "I See Death Around The Corner And Its Waiting On Me ",0 "I really don't like amber right now lmao ",0 "miley cyrus use to be a BUMB ",0 "Uggghhhhhh I hate her mouth ",0 "If my boyfriend is mad at me i'll call & text her 100 times Idgaf if i look thirsty That's my bf he gone know I care ",0 "He fell asleep on me on FaceTime ..... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : mannnnnnnnnnn” ",0 "Damn I'm up now ",0 "I GO TO THE DOCTOR TOMORROW I HOPE THEY TELL ME SOME GOOD NEWS MAN IM SO READY FOR HER TO COME OUT ME SHE GOT ME IN HERE CRYING MAN ",0 "Mane IAN got my damn taxes yet !! ",0 "Even If We Dont Always Get Alone ",0 "Do he ever get tired of saying \I love yu "" cuz I sure get tired of hearing it "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Sosa about to be free . ” Awe fuck ! ",0 "Her bum ass I see why she not responded ... ",0 "hella niggas tryna fck w.me but the only nigga I want don't pay me no attention ",0 "I know this girl ain't sleep ",0 "I'm not in good mood ",0 "I miss my baby ",0 "I Gotta Leave Da Hood ",0 "I be like ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It feel so right but ik its so wrong """" ",0 "I told _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I needed her to finish my hair she said she couldn't help ",0 "Lol who moves to Virginia , && not tell somebody ",0 "I'm bored .. somebody keep me company ",0 "Bitches be like My Nigga Faithful .. Keep calm so I can screen shot his faithful ass ",0 "She mad about dumb ish ",0 "She get on my fuckin nerves .... ",0 "I was so hungry now i ateeee to much ! ",0 "Cause we by have our Liesences ",0 "Saying bye bye to my iPhone ' oh how Imma miss my emojis ",0 "I really miss my daddy bra ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hey ” ",0 "My mans pissed . His lil sis was on there . . I'm about to lose a friend tonight . ",0 "why everything i say is HOE dis HOE dat ?! #thefuckery ",0 "joe as shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Joseline done gave all sideline hoes hope ” ",0 "Tragic \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ come get it """" ",0 "He talking all that shit but still ain't upload this convo I would do it but ion own a kik ",0 "My stomach is killing me ",0 "I hope MY BUNNY WABBIT feel BETTER BRO SHE SICK OH NO HERE I COME ",0 "I want my baby ",0 "\ C .... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ H .... “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Hate The "" B "" Word ” "" ",0 "He hung up or whatever he busy anyways I guess ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol tommarrow we gon turn up in text messages like old times I'm tired today ",0 "I called him lastnight he dnt love me no more . ",0 "I SWEAR A NIGGA CAN NOT GET ME TO MAKE A VIDEO THESE NIGGAS GET DISRESPECTFUL AS SHIT BITCHES SUCKING DICK ON IG NOW yu good grl ❗ ",0 "Hoes that don't shave can't be trusted .. What you hiding in there ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I still got a hour an a half left ",0 "Otw to Central✌ ",0 "I'm not looking tho ijs ",0 "Im beyond bored ",0 "My knee fucked up ",0 "Females be like \who tryna take me to Brunch ? "" ... Its 7pm "" ",0 "Damn I swore the game came on at 8 .... missed 3 tds already ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If Your Breath Stank , Don't Talk To Me ! ✋ """" ",0 "They gone get tired of this \or Nah "" saying idc "" ",0 "Can't believe he actually came over here ",0 "But when you make a status about them stating yo feelings it's a difference story they blind asl they can't see ",0 "Man he went to sleep again ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yessssa bum bump” ",0 "Swore I was bout to watch temptation but the DVD won't work in my dumb laptop ",0 "✋I don't do tha #oomf Games Sorry if I Missed it ",0 "Mixed Emotions <<<<<<<<<<<<< ",0 "my messages won't open tf ",0 "left my lip gloss at home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just got back on I was doing my work ",0 "Why he wanna kill me tho ?? ",0 "Up & omw to work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , What ? ",0 "Oomf still ain't text me tho ",0 "I Fuckin Hate B.O.B. He Sooooo Assssss ",0 "grow up “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Imma still be mad on monday tf” ",0 "I might go to sleep early , i dont feel good ",0 "Rip Rico .!! ",0 "i miss my sister yoo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I gotta hear it ! ",0 "They outta pocket ",0 "I can't find my charger ",0 "Ain't nobody cook today ",0 "AJ just kilt my fucking night , he always on some stupid ass shit shit get on my nerves ! ",0 "He don't love me no more ",0 "i wish i was a boy sometimes ",0 "That's why I'm in a pissed off mood . ",0 "YoungBull Irking Me ",0 "High as a window I swea ",0 "Me Right Now NextWhen Im Done ⛽ ",0 "This generation is lost✔ ",0 "Hate Gettinq Into My Feelinqs ",0 "Now You Hoes Dont Be About , Broke Ass Hoes Always Worrying Bout A BitchYou Type Hoes Aint Going Never Have ❗❗✌ ",0 "I MISS THEM ! ♥♡♡♡♡ BABY COME BACK TO MEEEE _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm bored af at wrk !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause you going back too ",0 "Nobody be texting me lol I need new contacts ",0 "PleasePleasePlease don't wear sandals if the bottom of ya feet thick as shit ... shit look disgusting ",0 "Now I hate my skin being dry ",0 "Just woke up ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It ain't shit but lame ass little ass kids in Julian , I hate this weak ass school ” ",0 "Mad as shit b ",0 "what's wrong with you ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I work now jitt $$BigWop$$ get it right ",0 "I Haven't Cried Dis Much In So Long Moe ",0 "Damon really leaving tomorrowww ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yesss yuh did , den gonee try andd blame it on meh talkin bout kiraa stop beforee yuh havee meh crying too ! ",0 "IM SICK OF THESE BITCHES ",0 "Momma better not have her baby on the 23rd ",0 "Gotta Memorize 20 Lines By Tomorrow For Valasek ",0 "you ever been 2 & you fuk around & some you ain't wanna ... ",0 "Somebody come watch this movie with me ",0 "I could punch the news for being on right now ! ",0 "yu worship allah when ya hair not done ❗ ",0 "& dey know wen its time , iput it down ",0 "Why tf they hate on me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... I'm mad I can't see the reality show right now what station does it come on ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you just killed me bro ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ whatever you so mean . ” Sike naw I was gon come , but yu not even having it nomore ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I'm not good at guessing ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fuck angry , goodnight once again . ” ",0 "RIP To my niggas that ain't here ",0 "fck ii need to smoke , stupid asz gar ! ",0 "I'll give the world to see her face again ",0 "Oh yeah &' I'm bored ",0 "What the fuck yo ",0 "He ain't text me yet ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : .... bae gone get back with his baby momma ” ",0 "tryna go to Molly World ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : At Lonnie Young Boredd Watching them practice”I'm On my way ! ",0 "Wanna go downtown ",0 "No txt back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ baby , I quit ",0 "I need a new phone ",0 "I'm soo tiredd ",0 "I ain't stressing no girl I move on ✊ ",0 "my mom quick to make breakfast for herself and leave me the dishes ",0 "How could you love me and leave me !! ",0 "MADD asl Noww ",0 "Now she mad with me ",0 "ANTHOINE pressed my shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Damn it's thanksgiving I wanna see some ass shaking ” strip club ..... ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Sharp pain in my back "" Oop "" ",0 "People so damn nosey folk ✋ fall back ",0 "its bout dat time for me ! ",0 "I missed lim call on FT yesterday ",0 "Man I'm hungry ! ",0 "Been feeling like shit all day ",0 "I swear it's too much going on around . Like i just want to move & take Troi with me . ",0 "But im not takin no shifts for the ppl iwork w/ unless iwant too . ",0 "Y'all Never Do My Emojis ",0 "Noooo campout tops the concord one .. Stuff got real ",0 "Why do these niggas be doing they girls like that ? ",0 "But India having a thanksgiving dinner at her skool but it's rainin ",0 "TF I'm Up So Early For ",0 "Mfs kills me with \she/he having shit "" phrase "" ",0 "Kanye full of shit i swear . Ugly ass ",0 "Grinding For My Loved Ones Everyday I'm Out Chea ✊ ",0 "Somebody out there must hate me right now ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm sexually frustrated ” ",0 "Ugggg Hear Go Kai Not tht Seriouse ",0 "This dry cough got to go ! ",0 "Ain't Nothing But Love Ms. Newbooty“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My lips so dry """" ",0 "Niggas can't sleep ",0 "This Damn Haskells Line Is CRAZY ! All on the highway this Some bullshit .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Don't Judge Me ",0 "So pissed that my tracking number isn't working I feel the steam coming from my ears ",0 "my momma shoulda work ALL dayy ",0 "my head been booming all day long . ",0 "Omg Siarre leave me alone ",0 "Tony straight left me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I misses you ",0 "Go back to sleep “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Should I go stand in line for these taxi 12s releasing at 8am or go back to sleep ?! ” ",0 "How did I know this nigga was gone tweet about me ",0 "Dryed da fuck out smh .... ",0 "Bored asab with out ma dukes near me bra wtf <<<<< ",0 "Going To Sleep Sad !!! ",0 "I'm locked out & these niggas out here tryn talk to me ",0 "being up by myself ",0 "Hope I get this job ",0 "Ii Dont Like Being Single . : ((((((( ",0 "When I See Other Couples I Be Like \ That Could Be Me And Somebody But Shit Happens "" "" ",0 "I hate sneakers though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you acting iffy ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Don't plan on coming back to Philly no time soon . Not even for school ” ",0 "Ont got nobody ",0 "Jus woke back up been in the bed cruisin .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ain't shit funny ",0 "My mom making me mad as shit ",0 "I'm bored af at wrk !!! ",0 "Nigga Darius sleep on the phone ",0 "Lately ....... Been thinking bout you baby just sitting away , watching the day go bye ",0 "Man these fake ass opps man they don't really be with that street shit #BalloutTheRookieOfTheYear ",0 "Sick af I need to go to the hospital ",0 "Dis Thot ✋ ",0 "Im bored doe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ am not ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im going to Stay ” wtf ? Oh lawwd ",0 "Smh I can't help it no energy to fight it ",0 "Wishin I could wake and bake , but I gotta keep the oven clean #thingsidealwith ",0 "This dumb ass cut of her ear cuz she needed money ",0 "Ugggg Hear Go Kai Not tht Seriouse ",0 "I miss babe ",0 "But .. she really calling ",0 "He ain't on speaker phone ",0 "She said just call him , & tell him how you feel ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I really wanna see my Brittany today "" #Tc "" ",0 "I might go to sleep early , i dont feel good ",0 "bruh today Lorenzo did all that ",0 "I miss my _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm just a bum doe ",0 "I hope Nicole come on & cook ! Fuck , I'm hungry af . She blowin ' me . Nigga ain't ate since 8 this morning . Ughh ",0 "I HATE Liars ",0 "Why these lil kids keeping walking in my fucking porch ",0 "I Swear EVERY FUCK NIGGA can Leave My Life cuh all I need is the Nigga who was with Me since Day 1 & that's My Twin ",0 "Bout To Put Me In My Feelings And Shit ",0 "Girls stay talking about something they lready had "" , you don't have it nomore so stfu "" ",0 "Bitch get out my inbox before I expose yo thirsty azz ..!! ",0 "I got the job ! I just wanna thank The Lord for blessing me everyday #jobnumber2 with god all things are possible ☝️ ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Nobody wants ta feed me & my lil baby "" i got cha "" ",0 "Believe I'm giving up . ",0 "lightskinned ass texters ",0 ". Whoever Told The Lie , Made Him Get MAD At \Me "" , iSolute YOU . What A Job Well Done ! "" ",0 "Tori punk ass better look like calling me ",0 "I hope 12 get here FAST , bc ion feel good ! Should've stayed at home ",0 "MLT >>>> I'm So fr ! I Really Hate That Shit !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ As usual !!! ",0 "Them mfs kno they can get under my skin ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Uggggh im tired of seeing this virgo shit all down my tl "" aww too bad lol #VirgoNation "" ",0 "I hate when grown people smell like a kid the been playing outside all day sweating n shit .. ",0 "My emotions !!!! ",0 "I done came home n layed down knowing I gotta clean all this shh up ",0 "I really was tho all on IG like why can't I find it “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was really looking hard I'm dyingggg” ",0 "I miss my pooh _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "These folks be at the job cuffing the job phone & shit ... having hour conversation w/ they baby daddies .. hoe buy a cell phone w/ ya check ",0 "Mad Causee Jhtavious muss Fagot all About me ... Wat a Boyfriend ! ",0 "A Snake And A Rat I Hate Does ",0 "Ughhhhhh ppl right now ",0 "Finna Make Sum To Eat ",0 "The rain really messed up my moves for today . ☔️ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I just wana try on my homecoming dress alreadyyyyyyyy .. ” you got it ? ",0 "This nigga talk to much ",0 ", this school nutty ",0 "I told kenny call me back in 20min that's was more than a hr ago ",0 "Gotta Memorize 20 Lines By Tomorrow For Valasek ",0 "He ate them honey buns I want one ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I wish I can retweet this ",0 "Wtf Itss Been FOUR Dayss Now ",0 "Ughh my mama not coming til 4 ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : -_- Bogus Ass Lunch Period ! ” what you got ? ",0 "He always being so hype . ",0 "People Who Dry Text <<<<<<<<<<< I'd Rather You Just Not Text Back . ",0 "Smh but let me not say nothing . Keep everything to myself . ",0 "Lemmie Get Ready It's Almost 12 Even Tho She Probley Gone Be Here At 1 Black People Time ✊ ",0 "I'm phone is dead ",0 "Mf lied to me early dis Mornin bt ain gne trip ",0 "Pissin me off man ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #2omf really some undercover hoes smh ” thro the _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sign Ctfu ",0 "Damon really leaving tomorrowww ",0 "Didn't get the foams ",0 "Goddamitt !!!!!! she making me go to school now ",0 "Can't get him off my mind man Get Well Soon Gpop ",0 "Not in da mood , like I literally cried idc . ",0 "he got that shit off in time what the fuck #LakerNation ",0 "I gotta while attitude ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol thats not cool ",0 "Real relationships go threw the bullshit . And Come Out like this ",0 "I'm always Getting woke up for my momma damn packages ",0 "I Don't Eat Cheesecake ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I want her lil brownskin ass "" weirdo "" ",0 "I be like ",0 "She sleep && shit ",0 "I over-think A LOT ..... To the point where I put myself in a bad mood ",0 "My long week ... No Days Off & 2 Jobs ",0 "I think I'm still smack lol that shit killed me earlier ",0 "broderick no my daddy . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck you brah ” ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Nobody wants ta feed me & my lil baby "" i got cha "" ",0 "Why Fat Ppl Shoes Gotta Lean That Way Tho ",0 "Somebody come too the nailery with meeeeee ",0 "Testing all day ",0 "Can't wait for my dinner to get done I'm starving ",0 "I'm all confused right now ",0 "But why did DeAndre go to kick boxing classes ",0 "I Miss My Godson ",0 "I miss tf outta my girlfriend man ",0 "24/7 My Phone Is Dry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't play with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nothing . ",0 "Ima go to sleep on Kenny ass ",0 "Save That Shit Nigga✋ ",0 "So not looking forward to tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nooo . ) : ",0 "I wanted this NOT THIS >>> ✌️✌️ ",0 "Goodbye 3rd shift ",0 "Miss my shooter shaun . Rip ",0 "Me to ..... “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I just really suck at math I be Like FUCK THIS SHIT” ",0 "Yoo fucked my sister ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Keep it with me , or gtfo ✌ """" ",0 "I just wanna go to sleep ",0 "what damn club he go to ",0 ", wanna come outside ",0 "My phone dry , twitter dry , ",0 "Bitches be dicksucking the fuck out of niggas in #EEVPA these bitches be pissing me off too early ",0 "Im not in the mood really , I don't feel like that shit ' ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Jus whoop Jordan I feel bad ”swear I can't whoop riah at all outta 3yrs I still can't do it ",0 "come on stafford ! ",0 "Lord , ii got so much on my mind ",0 "My mama ain't make groceries in 2 months cuz for the holidays my ppl come and eat the food we cooked and our snacks so nah we gotta suffer ",0 "I'm ready to get out this class ",0 "Why these lil kids keeping walking in my fucking porch ",0 "1st class coast .... ☁☁ ",0 "Im sooo bored omg ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry thought it was funny ",0 "Who tf changes schools on there last year .... This nigga Rod ",0 "Imma Miss Tre , Dee & KEITHRIC ",0 "Kashay just lefted me ",0 "< ~ headache ",0 "hating smdh .. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Get tf off my line witcha fake ass ”put a name on so I kno it's real ",0 "Thotty Just Text Me .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lies ! I hate 79th ",0 "Acting like I ain't know ",0 "Jason really disrespectful ",0 "2omf need to stop allat talkin and sneak dissin ",0 "I got so much on my mind ",0 "Lebron and his whole crew on my TL gone be like .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fat Ass Done Ate Now U Sleepy && Shit ❗ ",0 "I am too done ",0 "Once you break a $20 bill That shit is gone ",0 "This is some BULLSHIT !!!!!!!!!!! ",0 "My header won't change ",0 "i want some more pizza ",0 "mad Jaslyn used me until her boo called last night . then i was bored ",0 "I don't like people ",0 "I Could Never Cut My Dreads ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HELL NO ! ",0 "#irritatingthings people on iG saying shit they know ain't true Yes I'm talking about y'all ",0 "I hate when people can't respond . ",0 "Wait am i the only one that peeped today is SUNDAY ",0 "Never Get to Spend Time With Her ",0 "Bae Didn't Text Me Back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ chill y'all what I do to y'all smh . ",0 "why TF ppl was talking like it wuz soo cold ? ",0 "Somewhere we went wrong , we were once so strong . ",0 "People be tweetin that real shit , but dont live that real shit ... smh ",0 "Man I wanna go to the mall n pick up a few things but time may not permit me ",0 "Would rather be at someone else's house though cause this lady is working my nerves !! ",0 "Munchy better not call my phone nomore dumb ass nigga ✌️ ",0 "Imma Stop Getting On Twitter Lbs . Mfs Be TWATCHING The Outta My Tweets ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I been laying on the floor for 20 mins I wish somebody could get on top of me ”what man ",0 "Now all these young bitches wanna act like they knew TLC ",0 "I Feel Like I Cried all My Feelings Out At My Cuz Funereal , Imma Miss Him ",0 "Y'all ever text somebody and don't wanna open the text because your scared of what the response is gonna be ? Yeah me either . ",0 "Want some Wendy's who gone take me ",0 "Always thinking I'm cheating ik you do don't lie jst say it bae ",0 "Where Are You _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh it's only 11:19 here ",0 "nobody understands me but me ",0 "It's way too pretty outside to be stuck at work ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I curse toooooo much , from now on I don't curse ! ” ",0 "This the shit that I live for . ",0 "iTook A Nap Earlier && Woke Up && My Phone Wasnt Even Charging ",0 "Gotta dogg ass headache ",0 "Soo somebody put ms ruby in the gram !! Lmao I'm dead !! I can't do it !! Lord Jesus ",0 "Now I'm annoyed ",0 "Ughhhh I really don't wanna pay that high ass bill ",0 "I Aint Gone Wanna See or Chill W/ Nobody Tomorrow !! ",0 "hope he be back soon ",0 "& yall know twitter not gon let them live right ",0 ", brandon trying be like me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you always frauding ugly & umm don't think ya fast ass going anywhere tmr all the cousins gotta help aunt nee move in tmr ",0 "My emotions right now ... ",0 "Yeahhh tht bitch went sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i miss you baby ! ",0 "Bored at work ready to go ",0 "TL Getting Weaker & Weaker By The Minute ",0 "Missing him already ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ My bad Bae I havent talked too you I lost my phone !. : ( ",0 "Bruh im sooooo tired ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ neither do you , & besides my phone is off ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #HoesBeLike . | |\ /\ | \_/ \ | (( | \| \ | \ \ We're just friends ",0 "Almost messed myself up today , just insta I almost put that pic from Friday on there ",0 "U kill me with this fuxk shit bruh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohhh no ",0 "I miss my high school friends they all still keep me rolling til this day ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If My Girlfriend Gotta MCM & it Ain't Me ' . I Bet That Bitch Be Single Tuesday ✅✌” Cause Forreal ",0 "bitches bbydaddy be like text me ii wanna fwy forreal ",0 "I Need Help ",0 "bestfrann ain't even call me on her break lah blad head ass ",0 "somebody text me & said \strong on deck "" who dafug cares tho ? "" ",0 "I got food poison , ",0 "I'm soooo fuckin bored ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Por que rayos no publican el resultadooo” estoy asiiiiiiiiii ",0 "Annoying ass girl man ...... ",0 "No boyfriend , no mess around , no boo , Damn imma lonely motherfucker ",0 "I'm not even sleepy ",0 "Sometimes its for the best \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : NOT talking to someone you used to talk to everyday <<<< """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Random park drinking ” ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm not talking to you "" look at this .... look at this .... somebody come look at this * KH voice * "" ",0 "Errytime she tweet I be hoping its bout me ......... never is ",0 "These Hoes Flooding My TL With This BULLSHIT ! ",0 "Man ..... yassss ",0 "Man apple on work ",0 "Still can't feel my left arm & now my right arm going numb ",0 "Wifey mad at me ",0 "I feel like sk8ing , yo ... Real shit ! ",0 "yu can't be nice to these raggedy ass niggas ❗ ",0 "I'm so fucking evil idc though ",0 "This slient lunch and gender basis ain't gone work for the rest of the semester ",0 "I slick wanna play first again .. I kno my shit better than ________ on some shit ",0 "couldn't wait to get to it ! I feel like I was power loading all heavy bags all day ",0 "Myself told myself I'm the man I don't need no muthafuckin help ... ",0 "i hate having to put food away after dinner ",0 "She called me a Bitch too . I be ready to blow her shit out .. ",0 "Shannon Keep Changing My Shit !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yes I Do ! But I understand that I've been replaced ... it's cool ",0 "Somebody FaceTime me or Something ! bout boreed asf . ",0 "I had this headache since yesterday I cant take this shit no longer ",0 "Nae ignored mah tweet ",0 "What tf you did ? Suck dick on accident ..... VINE ",0 "stop it rell ",0 "Always trynna make jokes , but i clearly dont find anything funny ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : -Im Beat , Work Has Really Been Wearing My Body Out .! ”pop a Molly ",0 "And My Gf Want Help Me !! ",0 "Omw To Dis Bummy Ass School Still Gotta Go To Work Doe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not even Mexican ",0 "My brother going give me this Lil ass corner crumb piece of sandwich ",0 "liars never prosper ",0 "why am i even here ? ffs ",0 "Dis Baby Got Gas Ughh ",0 "Droughts cause frustration ",0 "Ex girlfriends & baby mommas stay in the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay always trynna make a come back & shit ! ✋ ",0 "chilll Kevin funny ass shit but the show still dumb ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hey guise . I'm single” ",0 "Bra my eyes won't open mane ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's my fault ?! You changed ",0 "I feel really ugly right now ",0 "I'm about to just go to sleep ... Ain't nobody texting me , calling me , face timing me , tweeting me , nothing ... ✌✌✌ ",0 "Why tf would she call me ",0 "can't believe the shit I seen yestrday doe like ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he's a ho , tryna make it seem like I'm the unfaithful and he the one cheating ",0 "Theona gone dub my ass ",0 "Just got done reading my do now ",0 "Don't Know Why Im Up ",0 "My phone in 35% smh .. Gotta get to a dang outlet ",0 "Early morning cramps ",0 "Damnnn . Wade Got Suspended ",0 "Bitches still talking shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao im . really crying he was cute too nd it was the workout pic he cmntd on ",0 "I Gotta Keep The Same Circle Cause A lot Of These Dudes Act Lame To Me ",0 "Bitches Can NEVERGive Props When Its Due It's Always Going To Be A \HATING ASS BITCH "" Coming Out The Cut "" ",0 "my cake fell !!!!! ",0 "Slammed my foot in the door ",0 "Yes man yes .. TF ",0 "Just can't go to sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol ik I wanna get rid of this phone ",0 "Slow texterssssss <<<<<<<<<<< ",0 "I Feel Like Crying Mannn .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I would come but the way these 1000 miles is set up #missmybabies ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Spoiled females HATE the word "" no "" """" ",0 "Maliah better text me ",0 "Np : Rich Kidz - Most Tonight .. ",0 "he said he came to pick me up from work ion need no ride ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Precious Baby Look Slow As Hell” wassup w/ you ? That baby got a fucking disability ♿ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm leaving lol” lol ",0 "I think I might get an htc apple play to fucking much ",0 "Tryna Memorize These Lines ",0 "I come home in 3 more days I miss my black face bf ",0 "I wanna cry so bad but I'm not cause I know he wouldn't want me to be crying n stuff ",0 "for dude too say ieat but igotta be right dea , mf ion even get a period & iwould never - im eatin dis as well as you & my child ! ",0 "Wanting my hair done though ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : What's sunny side new #”bet they dont answer , they boomin ' LITERALLY” ",0 "Why Is This Nigga Dave Keep Talking To Me I Can Barely Understand This Nigga ",0 "Phone on 9% & im still not home from the trip ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop fuckin playing with me ",0 "If You Have My Number Call Me On FaceTime Im Tooooooo Bored ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My nieces & nephews be stealing my money out my window that's my just in case money damn” just invade money Myia ❓ ",0 "Mixed Emotions <<<<<<<<<<<<< ",0 "They Got My Baby Locked Up For Assault #FreeBrianna ",0 "might order Chinese food #prayfornysear ",0 "Aint een text the bitch ",0 "Imma have to bathe mommy . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I don't have hoes ” who ever he subtweeting he's lying to yu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know mannn ",0 "Good gawd this drought ",0 "Smmfh I'm pissed .! Good fucking morning ",0 "What's wrong with my bestfriend ?? The one && only ! since day 1 ! ",0 "All of us make mistakes ",0 "Ain't nobody got no pretty kaki pants & ion wear anythang ",0 "i wish Lauren hurry up and guess who it is lol ",0 "I Miss my silly ass boyfriend ",0 "I don't have a clue why I'm still up . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lemme send my gm texts .. ”you never send me one ",0 "Kik Me : Paper_Planes400 ",0 "still slick irritated tho ",0 "Need to go to the mall soon ",0 "Anything plzzzz I'm bored af ",0 "Hospital ice is addictive my lips blue as shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awwww missed you wanted to see you that's all ",0 "my hands so dry ",0 "I wanted to be with my bestfriend for New Years ",0 "I Wont Argue Over A Nigga I Know Who Hit My Line Everyday ",0 "Im really not in the mood for this ",0 "buku tired . ",0 "I need to get out this house ",0 "My baby gotta get her shots next Monday ",0 "Need a texts or two ",0 ", I hate when niggas talk to you just to get they dicks wet like bye ✌ ",0 "My Boyfriend Josh Finna Make Me MAD ",0 "My nose soo stuffed up , this cold kicking my ass frfr ",0 "I think I'm catching a got damn cold ... ",0 "Ain't shit on TV to watch ",0 "Some ppl are so fake ",0 "Been up since 5am <<<< ",0 "Why I'm SO bored though ? Ugh ",0 "Fuck this I'm going home Monday ",0 "Don't really feel good : ( ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Work tomorrow !! ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't do that bro ",0 "Lies ... \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Done getting tats for a while ! """" ",0 "I don't wanna get out if bed ",0 "i really dont feel good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ take yo ass back to sleep man ",0 "Great amari is sick ",0 "abt to leave my baby house he jst made the only puppy face when i told him i gotta go lmao ",0 "My thirsty ass ",0 "It's 2013 An U Got Grown Ass Women's Wit No Car Asking To Be Picked Up #GetRightOrGetLeft ",0 "Damn as William and Kendrick would say , #RIPTC ",0 "waiting on my food ",0 "idk wat i been drinkin ",0 "this shit erks ",0 "Running on the track tomorrow , ima get black af ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Just left outta Edgard . ” ",0 "This old lady ass is 2 fat ",0 "I need some grub ",0 "Shot after shot drinking till I over dose ",0 "Only one's that talk to me on my dad side is my aunt Leen && markee && my uncle moe when he was home the rest of em iont know ",0 "I need to get out here and get my life rolling !!!!! I need help !!! Tho ! ",0 "Not Anymore by Letoya L . ",0 "I TEXTED CANDICE EVETTE & didnt get a reply i miss my stink ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Ny was actin like she ain't wanna speak today ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : JAZZY lying . ” Nooooooooo IM NOT ",0 "I hate this shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ must be ignoring me today ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ keep calm fat fat”okay . ",0 "I'm feeling so lazy right now ",0 "My bby sick ",0 "These fools can't even use the pregnancy test ",0 "I can't sleep . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ grl yeah said I was tryn kiss a nigga and sent it to somebody I mess with I can't live yo”in the way ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ITS FUCKING GAME TIME !!!!!!! #HeatNation TURN YALL ASSES THE FUCK UP !!!!!! """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Just Woke Feeling Like crap ” ",0 "It's always something ",0 "These people are never gone let me go home ",0 "I Want Some Attention From Him ",0 "Was Just Feeling Good Now Im Mad ",0 "Here it go ... Smh ",0 "If y'all was here “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't even break your homies off ” ",0 "Gotta Wear My Other White Ones . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't say that ! I had to find out news on here about you . ",0 "I Been Throwing Up All Morning ' I Wish My Son Will Chill Out ",0 "fina clean up and chill till #oomf get back in my inbox aha iMissHym already ",0 "Trust none . Smh . ",0 "She can't rub my feet for me Ian tripping ",0 "I'm in my feelings this morning ",0 "When will they give W . Houston a tribute ??? ",0 "fuck my TL not loading ",0 "I knew a couple bitches that love takin bird baths in shit like , like TF they scared of water bitch u need to Soak I know it's been a min ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Spoiled females HATE the word o "" ” "" ” "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nope . I don't get paid til next Friday ",0 "So Now Everybody Favorite Actor Paul Walker Now .... Cut Dat Shit Out ",0 "I'm TIRED !!!!!! Tf iont like feeling like this dawg !!!! ",0 "Right back to work ! ",0 "I'm not high . ",0 "Side Nigga Struggles tonite ... ",0 "Under this dang dryer ",0 "Damn . I messed up again ",0 "Thats y i need glasses now , looking at this phone so damn hard ",0 "I'm really got it baD ! ",0 "School Next Week Ion Miss That Shit At All ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bad relationships can change good people . ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my dm acting stupid ",0 "Lett Me Slip & Go To Jail Watch How Many Niggazs She Fuckk ",0 "My maw aggravating TF out me right now ",0 "Watching Full House , This Show Just Made Me Cry ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : she said "" he not ready for this . this a whole meal "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" yes yo the bid "" ",0 "My phone really be weak lol fuck it . ",0 "That's Nasty #Oomf Nasty Asf Ewwww ",0 "iWish iHada Seen My Big Brother Jawanz When He Came Down Here ",0 "Damn moe that's fucked up ",0 "watching my lil sister 4o ' clock where are you ",0 "Taj is killing me tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ playing around with samirah dumb ass ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My day going the opposite way I just jumped out the car with it in drive” ",0 "I hate when ppl ask me something then don't listen I.e Manesja ",0 "Yea Ikno imma Forgive him , but will I Forget wadd he did No ",0 "Rd im the bid cuz i spilled roast beef on me  ",0 "Been up since 6 arguing w a bitter ole miserable ass old woman ",0 "Bitches act like they can't live without a nigga . I could care less Nigga switch up like bitches I don't have to have that in my life ✌✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ poor drake no new clothes either huh damn ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ the struggle is real” for real yo . ",0 "Fat Bitches Kill Me Man ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : He was talking to you to get to yo Friend UEONO”aw man ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : DM's Open Tho ”they always open tho ",0 "I'm still cold tho ! ",0 "Having to go into work the day after your #christmasrocks do is longgggggg ",0 "Laying with this fool I really don't wanna move ",0 "#Oomf On And Off Like Shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I was Trinidad Leak , than ASAP Leaky , now I'm Leak Mill ” ",0 "Ugh let me unblock his ass he keep calling the house phone waking everybody DF up ",0 "I can't believe I'm going to this haunted house shit Saturday I blame _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Get out you feelings karlette .! We don't love these hoes .. ",0 "Clearly , I'm being punked ",0 "Fuck a HEAT !! ",0 "&& I hate tht shit smhh .! ",0 "So freaking boreddd , about to put some clothes on ... ",0 "My Boo Ain't Even Text Me Today ",0 "<-- damn I'm bored af ! ",0 "I ain't shit ",0 "One Of Yo boos \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Somebody on my shit clearing my DMs before I can read em . """" ",0 "why would my mother ever leave me alone w my sister , knowing i don't feel good ",0 "single & tryna learn how to deal w / the sht ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ what I do ? ” Your bitch ass stood me up ",0 "iAint Even Fenna Text Dude ",0 "I missed the Brady magic why did I forget he played today ",0 "My waist skinny and my ass more fatter then yours ",0 "So Renee Called Me Ungrateful She Knw She Wrong iHate long Hair Smh ",0 "The things some girls do to get attention ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Let me get up I'm beyond tipsy and gotta drive all the way west ",0 "Niggas Fall In love At First Sight Sucka Ass Niggas ",0 "My youngings in my room keep saying this \YESSSSS "" shit after everything ! "" ",0 "Man they fuckin blowin me with them expose pages ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Damn I'm a 3month ass virgin """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut the fuck up up ? No you shut the fuck up up ✋ ",0 "Damn my wife was comin 2 lay up with me and I missed it ",0 "Got credit recovery in the A.M I hate waking up early . ",0 "Gotta Smoke A lot Of Dope Jus Cus I Want To ",0 "I think I want to call off work tmrw I just can't deal with this lady ",0 "I need to talk to Dail _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I I want Philly Flavors ",0 "I'm wishing dat #Oomf wuz here watching da game with me ",0 "See this is y I don't like going to the damn doctor !!! They always wanna poke u with needles & ish ! ",0 "dont like my pictures Jaymese Xaminia Smith ,, ugly self took my Headphones ",0 "I'm still sleepy ",0 "My eyes all red & swollen I guess no sleep and crying will do that tho ",0 "In my feelings cuz I gotta dead Beat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sighs lol ",0 "I need to see this nigga chop like ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Its a rough life being an Eagles fan sometimes ” ",0 "Woke me up now I can't go back . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ima really shoot you right now ",0 "Tired but I can't fall a sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fake ahh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but that's not me and everything is all diff now ",0 "all these subtweets on my damn TL gah lee ! ",0 "what's happened tho ? - Rocky was crying ✋ ",0 "My mama getting on my nerves early in the morning ",0 "Him passing turnd me to the devil I'm evil af now ",0 "I hate the way flight club look now ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I HATE WHEN PEOPLE BE MAKING POSTES ON IG LIKE THEY TALKING TO SOMEBODY STFU ant nobody beefing with u "" & on here "" ",0 "but hey , what do i know .... i'm just a girl in a relationship ! * shrug * ",0 "I wanna get me something eat but I don't wanna walk downstairs though ",0 "Early morning problems how nice ",0 "ewww ... & this bitch be tlking about me gay ..... !! ",0 "I Reallly wanna go to the game 2ma . ",0 "Gotta be up early but can't .... stop .... studying ",0 "These Ask.fm thugs act like I don't know who they are ! ",0 "Niggas on lockdown cause of McNair ✋ ",0 "My screen soo messed up ",0 "I hate broke ass niggas ",0 "I need a girl ",0 "Winter break hurry up !! ",0 "I wanna go to breakfast but kani won't answer my FaceTime cause she sucking I wanna see ion care ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's cool ! I understand !! ",0 "MAN FUCK THAT ECONOMICS HOMEWORK ! ",0 "Nera lieing to me ",0 "This hoe talking bout hay BFF girl GYL can't stand a weak link they calling others BFF when my shoulder was their napkin at times plea ",0 "I'm too mad shoo ",0 "I miss my Nana I use to be a spoiled brat by her !!!! ",0 "I need a hair cut ",0 "It didn't hit me that my bf is a truck driver until this morning when he said \I'm on the road , can't talk right now "" "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hear a lot of bullshit but I never sweat it , cause when you ask them , they be like \I never said it "" ☝ . ” "" ",0 "I got mad . ",0 "Fake ass brother ",0 "I need some headphones as soon as possible .!!! This ppl on this bus LAME ASL .! Omfg .! Every time .! It never fails .! ",0 "Jawonte Say DaDa All Day Not Havin One Cluee Wea his Daddy At ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Houston I'm hungry now ",0 "why is my TL poppin ' _TWITTER-ENTITY_ 5 in the mornin ' ",0 "I fucking miss my BROTHER mannn ! I really need to talk to him at the moment ! #FreeERIC !!!! ",0 "To early to be feeling like dis ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I really miss #oomfs but I'm too stubborn to let em know """" ",0 "head thumping ! ",0 "Wtf wrong with my phone ",0 "Hey , how do I delete these pictures off my twitter they came back ",0 "Watching all that hooping got me thirsty for Monday ",0 "Driving with the worst cramp in my foot ",0 "Y'all all fake .!! SAVE IT CHILE .!! ✋ ",0 "Ugh this work shit is for poor people . Ugh I can't deal . ",0 "Okay know it's getting hot AF out here ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Stuck in the storm with loud and food that's all you need . Fuck cuddlin” ",0 "i almost fell twicee inna parkinglot that wouldve bee embarrsingg . ",0 ", shit really blows me whate when i wanna talk too him & he acts like he dont have too time too talk ",0 "Just bouta go to bed ",0 "Cant find my hat ",0 "Imma murder somebody in this a Damn house , WHO TF Ate My Red Velvet Cakee ????? ",0 "I'm jus nt gettn up Ima b up all damn morning ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I sure hope _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tell these hxes her booty not fake” she been said it was . Lol” don't do me that ",0 "I'm Tryin Move Out Waldorf ..... Fuck Pg County ",0 "OMG my phone gone be dead before I make it home ",0 "I Kno How Dat Shit Feel Shit Dont Hit You To U Get Older Cause My Daddy ..... JESUS ",0 ".... half on a ... ooooh na na na na ",0 "Finna shower & wash my hair this shit ridiculous ",0 "What I Do Now ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dats fucked up ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what's wrong .... I jus woke up like a hour ago ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Who the fuck is Sharkeisha that's my name & middle name but together” You Don't Know Sharkeishaa Youu Don't Wanna Know Her ",0 "I'm jus nt gettn up Ima b up all damn morning ",0 "Why Do I Always Tend To Clog The Toilet Moe ? ",0 "Nah was havin a convo last night .... idc how late it is it could 2030 I still wanna finish it So she better txt me back ",0 "I'm tweeting alone ",0 "I wish I could sleep under my baby tonight .. ",0 "stupid ass fone ",0 "I'm always hungry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you said wake up hoes !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dumb ass spell check ",0 "I hope Nicole come on & cook ! Fuck , I'm hungry af . She blowin ' me . Nigga ain't ate since 8 this morning . Ughh ",0 "Damn , y'all snapping on me ",0 ", Me , My Brother & P-Nut Was In Here Watchin The Tv Like ... but My Mom Was Like ",0 "Babes not up & I can't go back to sleep .. Idk what dooo ",0 "Idk what I wanna eat hungry ..... ",0 "the law was grilling the shit out us ",0 "Smh I spoiled na'ziyah bringin her gifts home everyday ... cause she really dnt care abt these gifts ",0 "I been up all nite ",0 "90mins in this classssss ",0 "It was a Fckn JOKE ✋ . ",0 "fuck u bitch I won't tell u shit else the bitch said again ",0 "Bitch Told Me her Opinion And I Killed It ✋ ",0 "niggas mad bored , ion understand why i couldnt go wid tremani !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I gotta work da weekend ",0 "I like agitating ppl but I be damn if imma let somebody do it to me ",0 "Why do #Oomf gotta always be on my mind ",0 "Wit that damn hat ",0 "Mannnn my screen stop touching on my phone ",0 "When I tell Halston my plans for next few months his expression is going to be this ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I only want #Oomf . That's all ! ❤❤” ",0 "My titties ain't gone never grow ",0 "Idk why I save temporary numbers ",0 "Just need somebody that I trust right now .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm bored .. ",0 "- Friday I smoked to muchh ",0 "Terrance blew me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yu Leaving Today or Tomorrow ?? ”changed my mind about goin ",0 "he fucking irritating ",0 "When oomf be in Prattville they don't know nobody . ",0 "Damn everybody cuffed up now huh ? Except my ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no ! You stfu !!! He made me sooo mad yoooo ! ",0 "This Ig shit blowing me ",0 "noonie gone be mad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OOOOKKKKKKK I'm shutting up right now ....... ",0 "I can't log in my kik ",0 "If You Can Go A WHOLE Day Without Talkin Tu Me .. Itss Clearly Timee For Me Tu Fall Back ! ✌ ",0 "They erking me ",0 ", he soo harsh ",0 "When People like Nyshay pics ' dat he ain't fxck with I'm be having to catch myself ",0 "I would still be sleep of taleta didn't call me ",0 "I hate wen niggas ask u dumb ass questions ✋✋ ",0 "IM TRYNNA COP !!!! I just don't know what size I need ",0 "He don't even fucking care ",0 "Cold Af , ",0 "Sooo hungry ..... hurr'up fam !! ",0 "I'm hungry again & I just ate ",0 "Sabreea ugly ass tryna be funny ! ",0 "Work in three hours ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It could've been fucking 7 months tomorrow wtf” ",0 "Shit Be Crazy Down Da Wick ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm single ” Stop lying” I'm dead ass ",0 "Another lonely night ",0 "twitter make u dont even want a girlfriend sumtimes the stupid shit these bitches say ",0 "Everybody at home thinking like \dam toma school ??? shits finna be weak """" ",0 "Been vampin all weekend . I can barely keep my eyes open ",0 "&& He Ugly Now With That Thingy In His Head ",0 "I hate liars , especially when all I did was keep it real with you ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Hate This Stupid Operator Bitch That Talk Forever When My Bf Call Me "" Yes I hate that too "" ",0 "I don't wanna go ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hate u ",0 "Last Time I Trusted A Nigga He Played MeLast Time U Trust A Bitch She Betrayed MeSo Excuse My Attitude But This How Y'all Mf'er Made Me ",0 "Hol up . I move Tf outta this house this year . ✊✊ ",0 "He got da ........ ummmmSMH ",0 "Ask Me If I Give A Fuck ",0 "im soo full ",0 "Amen . “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Don't Text Me On No Us Shit & Get on Social Networks & Act Like You Don't Need A Bitch✌️” ",0 "What I just heard ",0 "Hate getting denied and told no .... ",0 "i hate when ppl be tryna stunt ! ",0 "Early morning problems how nice ",0 "I been gone for a min ",0 "this bitch said \why would I smash somebody with no neck "" "" ",0 "Ima slap his ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i dont mind i just hate pencil cause like its to light ",0 "But ii can't lay on my side due to unwanted circumstances ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If u miss me send a txt than ... ”I did earlier !! ” ✋ cuz it wasn't even for us it was about somebody ",0 "I really don't know how to save money ",0 "Being prego and sick is NOT the move !!! ",0 "If I go to sleep now I'm not gon wana get up . So I'm fighting sleep ",0 "Free my brother Nate ",0 "Fuck The Falcons ",0 "They dun killed my vibe , they dun killed my vibe ",0 "I was just sleeping sooooo good man . #DaammnnnIiittttt . She just had to wake me up ! ",0 "This headache & They wanna be loud ",0 "Hadiya always want me to baby her ",0 "I'm mad nd salty my fish have bones !.. Thought I was about to go in ! dnt even want it nomoree ",0 "Whhhyyyyy Meee ! ? ",0 "She had tears n her eyes ",0 "iMa Be Here Till The End No Matter Whaa ",0 "\: Got A Family That Love Me And Won't Me To Do Right """" ",0 "These Bxtchz be Needing These Niggas to Survive ' ✋ ",0 "watever .. I'm hungry ",0 "Lakers lost by 31 ",0 "She threw my candy away ",0 "My foot sleep !! ",0 "This nigga talk to much ",0 "Im fskw .. ",0 "Ugh my client is in the way ",0 "phone on 20% & my charger ain't working now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get robbed yo ",0 "First thing he said is \what are u doing here ? "" I'm jus like "" fuck u too "" "" ",0 "Hmmmm thinkn bout sum shyt I need it ! ",0 "Work in three hours ",0 "The tiresome is real ",0 "Got me fucked up .! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Spoiled females HATE the word o "" ” "" ” "" ",0 "Why chief keef change his flow is the question I still ask ",0 "Twitter wanna get real when i got alot to do ! ",0 "This bitch and them edges ",0 "Armoni Goofy Ass Went To Sleep On Me ",0 "Damn I seen some pretty ass females in my time but wtf is wrong with that face ",0 "I hate dha fact she's crying n I'm not there to hold her or wipe her tears away ",0 "I did make a lot of cookie dough but still ",0 "I'm So Frustrated Right Now ",0 "me & oomf gotta get back to how we was ",0 "don't got shit to do tonight or tomorrow ",0 "Co said don't do it son , I'm still going do it .. So he wasting his breathe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't say it like that ",0 "I dnt wanna go to sleep cause imma be up all nitee ",0 "I miss my bestie Shaunie already ",0 "Nd I gotta wake up early ",0 "boutta go back to sleep ",0 "Aliyah never called me ",0 "oh ... It don't come on til Thurs “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ no I ordered it . Lol . It's always on abc family though . ” ",0 "mani .. didn't text me ",0 "Just was talkin real heavy in my messages ",0 "I gave in I kiked em back ",0 "Bro I hope I get to come back to school ",0 "I can't believe I go back to work tmrrow . Paid vacays make it sooo hard to return . ",0 "She need to lay off da drugs ",0 "I need A life Sumin my line dry ion got nobody to tlk to ",0 ". My momma urking my fuckin nerves ",0 "im just tryna find my life . but no new niggas . ",0 "i don't like that girl bruh ",0 "Keyonna said she coming to school on Monday she better not be lying either ",0 "So nobody wanna hit Crave with me tonight ???? Bet that ",0 "Didn't answer his phone ",0 "ray ray irking ",0 "Baby boy on like this but feeling like this ",0 "I'm single , but I'm not single . But I'm not faithful . It's complicated ",0 "No basketball till Jordyn is here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not dh ",0 "Mane im bored now ",0 "mad as hell ",0 "this feeling in my stomach ",0 "Who tf calling me blocked ",0 "she making me mad now ",0 "Really don't like being called Phoney ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I'm the only one ForreL bring me some dude ",0 "I need a new Iphone ..... Errrr since the update it's been a piece of shit . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Kobe Bryant Ass ” ",0 "Omg I love eating steak but I hate when it gets stuck in my Braces lol ",0 "All these track is loose ",0 "Rondo gne have me actn like a nigha I nd 2 doe ",0 "☺I got all these Emojis and cants see one . ",0 "smh to some shit ",0 "Yea blame the filter “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ayyoo lmfao I'm not even that back , it was dark & I had a filter on lol” ",0 "As much as I love my car ... I need a new one ",0 "made lasagna but didnt bring none to lunch ",0 "Damn Damn Damn ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I never had the chance too” ughhhhh I know you was moving em”Mann whattttt ",0 "Pissed Tf Off ",0 "I laid my head on my pillow at 5am only to get right back up at 5:45 am ",0 "Have no one to do anything with ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I was Trinidad Leak , than ASAP Leaky , now I'm Leak Mill ” ",0 "Time really waits for no one ",0 "I need 2k ",0 "It's raining and I'm On my way to work ",0 "That ain't a . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Y'ALL WAKE UP W/ #WCW ON YA MiND LAWD . ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ right” ",0 "Fuck u mean suppose to be ?? ",0 "My phone bill gon be stupid high ",0 "Every Night I'm Up With Nobody To Speak To ... ",0 "I jus cracked my phone ",0 "Shawty keep tweeting dumb shit like stfuu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , would you talk to his ass please ",0 "My boo need to call me back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Daras go be in ATL go find someone else && break up with me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Laying here wyd ? ” Eating about to get ready for work ",0 "Ion wanna work ✋ ",0 "The Lies I stay believing them ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too when stitch said he had a family lol we too emotional tink ",0 "This update just fucked up my header ",0 "This dude jus piss me tf off on fb ",0 "I work Double all week !! God give me strength ! ",0 "I gotta fcking attitude ! ",0 "This HSA Got Me Fucked Up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm hip ... ",0 "idk what color tho ",0 "It was so hard getting out of bed this morning and its soo cold ",0 "These niggas will stand outside on these streets all day long , & still BROKE ",0 "I swear I need a new phone ",0 "Got OT somebody come over here I'm bored ",0 "Hate goin thru break ups ",0 "It's raining my hair can't get wet ",0 "Mama down bad , she made her a salad but ain't make me one ",0 "I need something to take this pain away ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ His dumb ass ",0 "This My Shit Forreal ",0 "Unc got busted ",0 "But anyways , my mommy on her way back to Baltimore . I missed her ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : THEM POETIC JUSTICE BRAIDS BE GIVING THESE BITCHES NO JUSTICE” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I CANT ” take some ",0 "Broke his fuckin Ankle's ",0 "i fell asleep on Lavelle . ",0 "he sleep _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and didn't invite me that's crazy . ",0 "I tripped and fell into some feelings , I'm good now , I brushed that shit off ",0 "I wanna go to sleep , but I can't ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Y'all know I got fatter since I graduated high school don't lie cause I already know like ”that shit sexy Ctfu ",0 "wanna be Ina relationship ",0 "I'm mad _TWITTER-ENTITY_ be in Auburn and I haven't seen her ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh We Beefing ",0 "What I jus saw on my TL smh ",0 "ughhhh he fell asleep on me ; he aint shit smetimes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ trynaa go to sleep .. ",0 "Fuck yo mad af ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ My head is POUND . ING . ” I bet ",0 "Yea I don't believe it people are always making up stuff ",0 "Today I just wanna chill with bae , watch movies & play the game is that too much to ask for ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . I know smh . I need a Job to occupy my time . U in Petersburg or you here ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , I'm hungry but I don't wanna make it nor go get it so can you ? ",0 "Finally get to talk to her ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol he don't be caring if I come cause he know they him continue it and I can't see him away hit it be a waste ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I understand ! I be saying the same shit ",0 "Don't pass me no mid hoe ",0 "I . Hate . School !! ",0 "Tracy ass cant hang no more ! ",0 "Ppl be like ... Can u take me to hell and back , I got 5 dollars fa gas ! ",0 "chillllllll lol that's why I ain't wanna tell you ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ We Miss Y'all Too Since You Off Now We Slick Can TU !! ”that's right !!! ",0 "I fell asleep and now I'm up tf ",0 "I wish I was from the Dominican Republic ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "WOWWW !!!!! He missed ",0 "Brittany make me sick ",0 "I swear I hate hospitals ... ",0 "where is bff when i need her ",0 "My last retweet got my ass in tears ",0 "Niggas Disloyal I Swear ",0 "Mad I was on probation tho ",0 "Having a very bad day ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ STOP LYING !!!!! ✋ "" How am I lien ??? "" ",0 "Fell for oomf now I'm looking like ",0 "Ain't talk to him all day ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't enjoy it anymore” ",0 "Not answer oovoo calls at 4:15 -___- I want to go to sleep so badly but I'm here for my new puppy ",0 "Today my last off day ",0 "Shit aint gone never be the same nomore ",0 "he taking forever to respond & i'm sleepy ",0 "Miissinq Myi Smooche ' UUGGHHHHHH ",0 "Tryna get this dumb google voice on my phone cause I ain't changing my number again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea yea ... I feel neglected bay .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mee too I can't sleep ",0 "I just need to consistently keep looking at the rim too when I finish because when that contact bout to come ..... idk what be happening ",0 "Yo big ass in dat sundress .. Owe .!! .. ",0 "Im bout to . cry ",0 "That shit just made me tf mad ",0 "spent too much money ",0 "kik names ? ",0 "I miss my bed ",0 "Well lite it up “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wanna smoke but i hate smoking alone & Dana still at the studio ” ",0 "Lol practice\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : dunno how to just chill n relax my body so use to being busy !! Wtf cant keep calm ! smh smh """" ",0 "Bc they be like ik u read my txt but can't txt back I swear u be playing tf out of me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I hate expressing my feelings ",0 "Ugh in soooo mugh Pain Rite Now ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Da fact dat me n donsha was stuck in a muddy ditch Lastnight for Abt a hour "" #tragic dats messd up ... "" ",0 "Im just irked ",0 "People don't know where Camilla is ... ",0 "Keyano up & moved & didn't even tell me !! #bold ",0 "I'll Lowkey Hump #OOMF In His Sleep ✋ Sorry Y'all ",0 "Erky ass brother , ",0 "Remember bitches stayed yellin \money make me cum "" ? But every nigg she fucked was broke "" ",0 "I got 5 hours of sleep ",0 "I'm liable to curse any & everybody TF OUTTTTT ",0 "its just a love hate thing ❤ ",0 "Whyyyyyy Dawgg Tf , Smhhh Im About Try Sleep It Off ",0 "Bruh ..... I'm feenin for them Christmas tree cakes ",0 "4 more hrs just 4 more ",0 "I cut my fro fr man : ( ",0 "Damn I broke my earphones ",0 "Side bitches be like ... Y'all still together ? ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "* somebody call me ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : IF I DNT GET THOSE GAMMAS TOMORROW IMA GET SOME MORE UGGS ... ” Me Too ",0 "My head is still fucking pounding ",0 "This nigga not never playing bow wow ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nobody wants to help me figure out what kinda laptop to get ",0 "you goofy ass niggas , just lie for no reason ",0 "I'm so fucking bored and lonely ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches go out lookin for drama ... sit y'all lil messy ass down some wea ✋” ",0 "Babymamas n fighting cut that shit out bruh y'all look stupid ",0 "Tez u on twitter ? “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Cleaning out our closet ! I should be done by next year #HELP ”” ",0 "It's Snowing Bad Asf ",0 "I'm gone man ❗❗❗❗ ",0 "Me to ..... “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I just really suck at math I be Like FUCK THIS SHIT” ",0 "Beautiful morning ... ",0 "I just CAN'T! ",0 "I'm really irked , I really wanted cereal . I should call her at work and curse her out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ trynaa go to sleep .. ",0 "Dam I got another 4 hours of work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get the fuck up yo ",0 "I'm finna cry y'all ",0 "Still In Twitter Jail Tf ",0 "Why do I be Zoning out before I go to sleep #iBeDrawn ",0 "Ain't nothing but big aas babies in my phone man . ALL A YALL . shit ",0 "What Ah Fucked Morning For Me !!! ",0 "people who text me & I text back but they decide not to text back afterwards <<< ✋ ",0 "then the call dropped and i fell back to sleep , but i ended up waking up ' em back up cus my stomach was killing me ",0 "I Hate When People Call Me Jayquan That Ghetto Ass Name ",0 "Traci blah blah blahhhh ",0 "Idk If Im Goin Back Up To The Hospital Again Today ",0 "In My Feelings . ",0 "Kill- Lls ; smh ! It's crazy how this society lives for these \CELEBRITIES "" ! #FAILED ✔ "" ",0 "That song really make me cry . It's crazy how you think your the only one . Until you meet someone that been three the same shit ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Diggy worst rapper hands down """" ",0 "I might be going to a Cathloic school y'all ",0 "I got so emotional last night ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Where TF is OUR food ” RIGHT ❗️ ",0 "I'm nowhere near dressed ",0 "I have 4eyes how can I miss it “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ see how u so quick to throw away our friendship ?? ” ",0 "I miss Jahsean ... dhareus really had me thinking he was coming up here ",0 "I cnt get any of mii txts or txt bak ugh sad face ",0 "Ughhhhh what am I gone do ",0 "They bad as shit lls .. Lyrique gon put the FT on mute ",0 "It hot asl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too ",0 "Then off to my friend house I got some beer I'm about to drink till I pass out .. ",0 "Bitch my bae do know what he doing ",0 "Sooo my body is tellin me go back to sleep but my eyes & fingers don't wanna let me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awwww Mann ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Get dress n gotta shit” ",0 "Memories they soon delete ",0 "I thinkk oomf hate me .... y'all really think im ✌ but im really ",0 "At work with it though . ",0 "all the bitches around there probably broke !! . Gotti bought all the broke bitches out ",0 "Waiting for Tasia ",0 "Fake booji hoes ",0 "I needa iPhone charger yo tf ",0 "Amari just won't go to sleep !! Ughhhhh ",0 "Oomf must be sleep ? ",0 "\I Don't Fight I Don't Wrestle , I Beat Bitches Up "" "" ",0 "I don't pay these bitches CLOSE !!! ",0 "I'm tired of Destiney and Aubrey voice ! they been talking since I got here ",0 "I might have not slapped that hoe if I had one . ",0 "Pandora be coming throu ",0 "I been mad at yu lil nigga ",0 "I'm not wearing jeans any more til I can fit them again wtf man I shoulda just kept my Lil belly ",0 "my throwbacks i be like ",0 "And Kayla You Probably Deleted My Number , I'm Already Hip ",0 "Who gone come fwm ....... Nobody oh Ohk ",0 "I Would Never Respect A SnakeAss Person ",0 "My luhh baby gotta go to Emory ?!!! ",0 "I Almost Treated that bitch today ",0 "Damn People Water Bouta Go Off ",0 "My Mood Son . ",0 "DCPS guest shitt blowing me ",0 "If anybody see me rite now they know I'm in pain ; look a mess and hair is every where ",0 "Can't believe I missed scandal lastnite ",0 "Ppl that can't cook << ",0 "Im boreddddd . . . ) : ",0 ", sitting here thinking bout alot of shit .. ❗ ",0 "We . Was Just Inna Same Fuckin House Tho ! What Typa Shit iS That ?? * scratches head * ",0 "Ugh I'm beyond ready to move ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",0 "This man keep looking at me .. .. ",0 "I know Wayne would be happy if I bought him weed for valentines day ",0 "Sleepy , But fighting it ! ",0 "bruh today Lorenzo did all that ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Currently cutting my hair off as we speak ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ trynaa go to sleep .. ",0 "Damn damn damn !!!!!! ",0 "Wait !!!!!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is playing right now and no one told me !!!!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Imma fa real make some time fa my baby _TWITTER-ENTITY_ next weekend I need to spend some time wit him cuz he stay mad at me lol” ",0 "Fuck that nigga , goodnight . Good fucking night . Fuck life fuck everything . ",0 "Jesus I come to you tonight to ask you to simply help me end this drought . #Amen ",0 "My mom just made me do all this extra shit just for a fuckin Reese's cup ",0 "I gotta go to the store everyday I didn't make groceries thus month at all ",0 "I was gone get him a moncler coat . But ain't no point now ",0 "Who does that shit son ? Like ion have a phone on something #keepcalm ",0 "Why Df EVERYBODY Talking About They Granny & Great Grandma !!!??? ",0 "- Um Mad Ass Hell &&' d Dhe Person II Wanted Tew Tak Tew Jus Blew Mhy Nite , II Need Sum Body Ta Tak Tew Huhh Sum Bodyy Kal Mhe .. ",0 "my mood : ",0 "just woke up .. still irritated & hot & my phone acting slow ...... ",0 "I just got pissedd ",0 "Hate When A Mf Call Or Txt Me Tawkin Bowt Who Dis ?? ",0 "I'm still tripping that this bitch really took my fuckn cookie !!! -_- that shit not cool my dude !!! ",0 "Just threw 3 pair of shoes away ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I use to call that soulja boy # praying he answer motherfucker lied slick still mad ” ",0 "Everybody At My House Gone ",0 "Nevermind her shit fake ",0 "She Blow Me ",0 "I know tasha feel shawty ashit !! She should'nt have did that dumb ass shit anyway that shit wasn't cool nor was it funny !! ",0 "My body goin be fucked up wen I get old ",0 "I wonder if other states slang ,,., is as dumb as ours ",0 "Somebody in my ask.fm has a small dick complex ... Awwww how sad lmao ",0 "Whyyyyyyyyyyyy ... just had to be too good to be true ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause yu ain't Neva came fukked wit ah niggga since tha last time I talked ta yo chump ass !! it ain't good famo lol ",0 "Finna be up ALL night .. ",0 "How tf ' u get mad at me bc Ian text u , last time I checked phones work both ways then catch a attitude w/ me ! Yo ass can be dismissed ✌ ",0 "Every time I leave out I run into somebody my cousin know ",0 "I gotta get out of that ",0 "That's becuz of that schemin ass bitch I don't have a bestfrand ..... fuck her dumb bitch ✊ ",0 "✋Thinking bout leaving & going Early ",0 "And if #oomf walks beside me again thinking that I'm invisible ....... 5 words , IT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN ! ",0 "I don't get mad , I just be like \ud83dí¸’ welp , I'm logging out "" or "" I'm not texting back """" ",0 "Renee won't be home till 1 something then it's gone take a min for her phone to charge ",0 "I'm so sensitive ,, & emotional ",0 "I need to clean my room , but i dont feel like it ",0 "Dnt get my number if u not going to use it tf that shit so petty n u asked for it ",0 "Need a new ringtone for my text .. Tired of hearing this nigga Chief Keef ",0 "They not going to let me show them .. ",0 "Making me wait til my phone on 30% to call him ",0 "im glad that interview wasnt today . i woulda turned up on that lady ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's really stupid !! It's the first day people got shit to straighten out”exactly ",0 "Im 19 -but I look 22 ",0 "How many people texting me right now ? ⚪0⚪0 ⚪0All of the above ",0 "I'm bout to walk downstairs in the dark I'm scared as shit yoo ",0 "Unh unnhh u ain't flexing boy u need some exercise ",0 "I Don't Give a Fuck If The World Stops ✋ \FUCKING "" With Me I'mma Fuck With Me ! Believe Me Ain't No ☝ Bunk Beds In a Casket . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aww , why ? You ain't got to ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Oomf ugly as shit , then got the nerve to have a collage for an Avi so we can see her ugly ass x4” ",0 "nigga I don't keep track with names you better be lucky I remember how to say it ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Its Freezing In Here ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's not ",0 "Police come here at least twice a week smh it's only middle school ",0 "I'm up why tho ",0 "I'm not fat I weigh 91 ",0 "Why tf I just wake up nd go down stairs nd my mom drunk spread out on the dining room table knocked tf out ",0 "my hand fell asleep : ( ",0 "I woke up too early ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ not you .. but you irkin me too ! hating in my messages” meat ",0 "Everybody on my ig TL going on lunch dates looki g cute and shit ",0 "I'm hungry . All i had was a granola bar ",0 "miss my broski a lil bit ",0 "When you coming back ? “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I miss you too Deja “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hey my love i miss you ! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : GoodMorning ””” ",0 "bitch , i was bustin ' down WALLS tryna get to the toilet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hope not ; ima go off ",0 "Its gone rain later ",0 "Thats The Shit Im Talking About ",0 "My Baby Sad Now !!! ",0 "I Don't Think He Gone Let Me Mess This Up ! ",0 "im sooooo fckin tired of seein ' tht sloth on the gram tho ",0 "!!!!! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Don't make your intention known , you end up in the friend zone ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ NIGGA THAT text wasn't suppose to be n PUBLIC SERVICE Internet HOE ",0 "Wayne Wonder - Letting Go .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ion know ",0 "Godson been here all of 5 mins and he's acting crazy ",0 "My grandmother is so fucking aggravating ",0 "Why do people feel the need to ride their brakes when infront of me x10 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I expected better of you , but I guess I wasn't there for her either ",0 "I wish my baby had a car so he can come get me ",0 "juhs feeln so sick on dahh stomach as dese tears roll down myy face ",0 "sixers lost . ",0 "Food ain't shit . It never do what I need it too ",0 "fuck my life ",0 "Money never impressed me . Fck I look like a broke basic bitch I'm Gucci ",0 "Ughhh I'm always doing something wrong ",0 "I feel like twerking w|my niece _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Idec though . ",0 "I'm so damn frustrated ",0 "But I don't wear pack hair ",0 "ima b miserable with out my earphones ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need u ... ",0 "The beginning of this movie is so sad . She should've said yes ! ",0 "I Can Do Bad By My Damn Self ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I WANT you , but I DONT NEED you ✋ as fast as I LIKED you I can LEAVE ✌ you ! """" ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Got my REFILL n now im ready for plate #3 n to bed o and take another bath # man its was Great !!! ",0 "Ion wanna text talk or shit to nobody tonight Finna take my ass to bed fuck that ... ",0 "I hope I can make that move for AAU tho ",0 "Irks me lls ",0 "Woke up to more stretch marks ",0 "Damn , when I say I have NO hoes . I really mean that . That's fine though . ",0 "I get 3 different types of mad : when I'm extra mad that I cry when I'm mad & SNAP & when I'm mad & just don't speak to anyone✌ ",0 "I'm just looking for my husband ",0 "I don't like the look of my 4th of July ",0 "My Knee From My Opposite Ankle I Sprung Been Messing With Me AllDay !! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : That song be having me thinking I'm some type of freak or something “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Own it ! ””okayyyyy lol wit no boyfriends ",0 "Awe he bored as shit at work ",0 "I use to be so strong now yu took my soul ",0 "Im in my feelings again man . . I need to get all this off my lil chest . ",0 "This is the wrse morning to go to NY ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I'm not SLEEPY ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my fault ",0 "I'm mad AF I don't have any barbecue for these wings ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you serous ? I went but it was sold old ! Let's date this weekend” ard ",0 "My TL Ass ",0 "Love is the fakest person I met in my life yo ✊ ",0 "When major be fuckin hiz new shoes up I be mad ass hell ",0 "What Am I Too Do ",0 "Like its raining so much in July ! ",0 "I cant take crosseyed people serious ",0 "With a face like hers she should not be saying nothing ",0 "I lost respect for alot of people this year ",0 "Ain't nobody talking to me ",0 "Parkway was ass ",0 "Den My Mama Get A Attitude Wit Me I'm Prolly Jus Bout Yo Leave Oms ",0 "Dat Aint Nuffn Tf ",0 "On 52nd st with my phone on 3% ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ leave me aloneee i'm bout to call ya dumb ass”ard ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmfao ... All these girls take ... What imma do ",0 "For everybody that's celebratin 4/20 .. I hate you , lol .. That is all ",0 "My toe nail broke off ",0 "Block Number Keep Calling My Phone Talking Bout \Hey Baby , I Know You Want Me "" "" ",0 "That's me right ",0 "IMF . . ",0 "I really want the 5s but ion think my dad gone feel that ",0 "Kik Me : Im_Danielleeee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ LMFAOOOO NOOOOOOO ",0 "Where we watching the game at tonight ? #HEATGANG ",0 "Who wants to come get me I'm tired of being in this house ",0 "I really need to get outta bed ",0 "ii gotta peanut head ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sad To Say Huh Ion Care Doe Its The Truth ",0 "Smh boy looka dis shit hea ",0 "Y'all heat Fans too Crunk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you stupid ! ",0 "- I'm missing my show ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tf i do ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : So oomf dont wanna come to my turnup cause hoes gon be there tf” who ???? ",0 "I still gotta work tonight fuck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mine too but she not trying to come get me though ",0 "I think I eat too much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it wasn't me . ",0 "She get on my nerves ...! ",0 "im n my feelings ",0 "My Stomach Is Killing Me . ",0 "Ion ean know why I did ask nobody never ask me questions anyway ",0 "I gotta go to church and I'm so sleepy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well damn , hope you feel better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was busy ",0 "I miss Tony mann ... wonder if he go be home for New years ",0 "mo went to sleep on me ",0 "But I can't find him ",0 "No more baby need to find something else to do ",0 "Let me stop tweeting for a while i dont wanna be in twitter jail ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ go to sleep” I can't . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ SHUT UP KITA DAMN CREEP ASS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Tell me , Tell me ",0 "I guess I'll give TG another chance to be my bro again ",0 "Man O man ",0 "u text me good morning but failed to ask was i okay ! ",0 "Knicks BLOWING Me ",0 "i feel so bad & im knowin he gon be pissed for days ",0 "I gotta take a shower ASAP ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn they workin you too hard ",0 "Mixed Emotions <<<<<<<<<<<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmfao ... All these girls take ... What imma do ",0 "I think terianna fell asleep ",0 "I'm about to eat & eat & eat bc that's all I know how to do when I'm sad ",0 "Guess What Yall ...... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I look just like drake bruh ... ” no donnie ",0 "Man all the Good Teams inna NFL fuckin up ",0 "i misss him so ",0 "Fuck Schoo ' , Cuhs Schoo Got Me Wakin Up Dis Early ! ",0 "It never fails , Smh ",0 "Stank grandmom want me to bring si'yae to see her ",0 "I want some more sweetwater I think I'm addicted ",0 "My Boy Just Left ",0 "No goodmorning texts ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My extra charger in the car & I don't wanna go get it ! ” I will leave work 2 use that mother fucker ” ",0 "She bouta be like \DaeDae go TF to sleep shit "" "" ",0 "Hungry as shit hungry as shit hungry as shit hungry as shit hungry as shit hungry as shit hungry as shit hungry as shit ",0 "Great amari is sick ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Swear Monday Last Longer Than The Weekend Smh” I know right . ",0 "My Bad , Goodmorning Everybody ",0 "I helped u get out the dumpster B “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ - that's not what happened ! ” ",0 "This aint ryte Bruh .. ",0 "Irritated to the fucking MAX !!!! ✈ ",0 "Im still woke with no one to text ",0 "I'm relaxed in this chair doin homework I'm about to be knocked out . I'm full too ",0 "Twitter got boring again ",0 "he said he going beat me up shitting me yu can't do what yu want & I can't guess we going be then niggas don't scare me B ",0 "Thursday almost here ",0 "Earl Clark wanna be takin ' them dumb ass 3's They were not needed ",0 "It's going to be that one person tommorow who's going to erk me and I'm have to fuck them up ",0 "Not Gon Be Able To Get The Laneys ",0 "My day went from being great to bull shit right before I clocked out #heated ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : In Gentilly . ” ",0 "GOODNIGHT WORLD !!! ALL WORK NO PLAY !!! ",0 "Hella cold man ❄️❄️ ",0 "My love prolly mad at me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Miss My Boy But I Ain't Going Back ! ” I was feeling that way today in class ",0 "I want #oomf but I think he to young ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fuckkkk I need to go get this charger but I don't wanna move "" I was saying the same but I got my ass up Lol "" ",0 "Lord I went to sleep in pain & woke up with the same pain . ",0 "i lost 22 poundss none of my clothes fit mee ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Benji sleepI'm not gettin no action” sucks to be u yo ",0 "I just had to give out meds ",0 "im off this yall .. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ariane fucking mimi” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : hoe ass ",0 "Bruh .! IT'S A BIG ASS ROACH ON THIS DAMN BUS .! ",0 "Oomf know EVERYBODY bruh .. ",0 "mahh sister dead got slapped lastnight cuz she came in dumbb highh ..... lml I bet dhat shit blew mindsz ! ",0 "I really threw up after I ate thou I feel empty now ",0 "Even if I was tryna go out my body wouldn't allow me ",0 "Still upim tired ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I called you ",0 "im getting THICKER or whatever ",0 "chillen , bored wyd ? ",0 "Random emojis cause I feel like it ",0 "I should switch back to my old # ... My dry as shit ",0 "Aww I think he fell asleep . ",0 "Mane , I just got pissed off ! Goodnight ",0 "Liv bout to cry ",0 "I haven't seen my boo on 4days ",0 "i gotta pee again ",0 "Use the \@"" button PLEASE "" ",0 "It's 3:00 am ",0 "A lot if these bitches be dumb as shit ",0 "I Hate Sneaky Hoes , #TheyCantBeTrusted ",0 "Somebody messed up my contacts son , changed everybody name in my phone lastnight ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My Back Full Of Scratches "" Hoeeeeeeeeeeeeee” bitch HE possed to have the scratches , NOT YOU MF . "" ",0 "Face timing my Braggs I miss him ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause u gob miss me so much if nah ? ” ",0 "Is niggas really mad about these jays ??? ",0 "Off to SLEEP iGO .. ",0 "Lil lee fried and she ain't even know it ",0 "my son 9 days old he growing up too fast ",0 "I wish we can get stuff together with the crew ... ",0 "I wish I wasn't do anti ",0 ", fell to sleep for alil min I'm tired ",0 "I hate this park , eww ",0 "I want a relationship so bad ",0 "I Gotta Real Bad Headache ",0 "THAT woke me up . And made me mad ! ",0 "My phone just got me mad as hell ",0 "big fuckn baby act like she can't sleep unless I'm holding her I'm not on this tonight I'm tryna watch LifeTime & I can't do both ",0 "Ik his ass not sleep ",0 "phone dry asf ",0 "Damn Bruh ! I Miss My First Love !! ❤ ",0 "bruh whaaaa ??? ",0 "I know this dude is not talking bruh ",0 "don't got no hip pads or nothing ",0 "Wake and blaze ",0 "About to blow up this nigga iPod . Need to get that phone fixed . ",0 "That shit make me mad yo ",0 "damn man sht CRAZY ! ",0 "Everybody's textin me ",0 "I bit my damn tongue earlier .. ",0 "Everybody Cut Up Saturday But Me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I almost purchased a perm today . Lettuce us pray #natyralhairproblems ” praying real hard for you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sexually frustrated to though its been months ! ",0 "My hoes acting upp ",0 "My mommy hasn’t text me back yet ",0 "Can somebody call me ",0 "My cousin graduate Friday .. & I might miss it .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeaa sum wrong wit yo phone or yu blocked me asum cuz I just tried nd it said I can't send messages to yu .... so u blocked me ",0 "Damn I'm finna get tatted ",0 "Dionna Blowing Me ",0 "He Really Outta Pocket ",0 "Ctfu Eric just told me I need the D and to be choked . Why man it's to early for the trash talking ",0 "Don't tell me you miss me , but you ain't comin to see a nigga , you ain't textin a nigga , you ain't callin a nigga ... ",0 "i'ont like opening up too people ",0 "Tre sleep on my feet ",0 "Smh boy looka dis shit hea ",0 "im fuckingg worrying my fuckingg head off while these niggas out being fucking niggas ! ",0 "I get frustrated when I don't eat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mine too ",0 "i got a job at burger king ",0 "I remember When NOT GO LET YOU SIDE & I got Da Rooster Was I Fucking Theme Songs ",0 "The kidz pop takes all the black music and turn it into their own .. Can we just live to stay ghetto fab damn ",0 "im juhs lost ",0 "But I quit after that last one ",0 "I'm so bored in gym !!! Save Me !!! ",0 "This Thirst McGirst doesn't get it !! ",0 "My mouth gets dry . My hands get all clammy , can't stand straight . I be a mess . ",0 "I don't like when my shit go missing ",0 "Now she got me ready to scream ... I want my homie back ",0 "I need FOOD ",0 "My chest so white ",0 "So he sleep ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . I know smh . I need a Job to occupy my time . U in Petersburg or you here ? ",0 "Ain't nobody hitting my phone man I feel neglected .. ",0 ", sheen mad as shit he can't tweet ",0 "They Left Me ",0 "Her bum ass I see why she not responded ... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ihate everything about moving” yesss me 2”the freakn worst” it will b over b4 u no it ",0 "I'm gutted we played so well on D ! Really should have won that game ",0 "Looking at his face ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate when people text mE then when I respond they DON'T ” ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : do you ever wish you could take someone else's pain or fear away and just go through it for them instead "" yes I do "" ",0 "Chris will be working all weekend ! I'm upset cause even though we live together I still barely get to see him ",0 "Man Im Finna Just Say Fuck It && Tweet This Straight Boy ",0 "i want some now i should of them when i was already out ",0 "The earphones they sent me one don't work ",0 "Her Mama Lost Her ",0 "I orders some shit before Christmas and it still ain't came . ",0 "Morning nose bleed ",0 "my chargers broke ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I don't have any friends I can watch the game lol Smfh it's cool tho it doesn't bother me anymore” ",0 "I Need A New Zodiac Sign Cuz My Shit Has A Bad Rep ",0 "I'm So Irritated Everybody Is Just Blowing Me Foreal ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they not open yet !!! Gm ",0 "Bruh she going back to her light skin ways texting me back 3 years later and shit ",0 "Aye bruh I need a gifriend ",0 "Somebody come smoke a blunt !! I just like da smell and I can't smoke I will pay for da blunt #NoBullshit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was sooo tired ! ",0 "#ooMf know I want her ",0 "He just called ",0 "this headache crazy ",0 "I need somebody to talk to young ",0 "anyways , I'm not tryna go to school ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Phone on 8% bout to go in ” ",0 "Gotta clean the house tommar ",0 "Every time I wanna sleep or just rest that's when my phone wants to ring all crazy & people wanna text & call me ! ",0 "This nigga still haven't texted me ",0 "Treating these niggas like bitches ain't nobody got time for these nothing ass NIGGAS ❗❗ ",0 "I just wanna smoke my weed jack ",0 "Send me the dumbest shit ",0 "Sometimes I feel like Ima person that don't even matter ",0 "When I cough I sound like an old lady dying I can't even get my cough out ",0 "I be feeling lame af at home wishing I could be in school lbs , ahhhh ",0 "But I can't leave Any hair out I'm scared it's going to look like a wig ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Her so good i missed my son game to go to her son game” ",0 "Niggas turning on they on ppl . Claiming they real but they really showing evil ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm crying” ",0 "Ain't shit but offense played around here , we don't give yo defense a chance . ",0 "Bitch ass school I'm so mad ",0 "This nigga and this game ",0 "I miss my real wild curly free hair . ",0 "ion use my fingers I got toys & triple a batteries ",0 "Phone just froze .... ",0 "Memphis in the a.m ",0 "I really want him to drop that song ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm a baby , am I the only person 17 ”yes the only one I know ” ",0 "Lucky you ! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Class was suppose to get out at 11:30 but she ended class early ” ",0 "Eating & then going to sleep since #oomfs gotta go work ",0 "One more day of work !!! ☺️I'm exhausted !!! ",0 "My Wrap Didnt Even Turn Out Rite Tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Byeeee Maaaaaan ",0 "I need my piece back from quan my phone is at 2% ",0 "How I gon dismiss me ? O ✋ ",0 "To Fuck Something Up Like Me ",0 "Smh I can't help it no energy to fight it ",0 "going through it , yo ",0 "Where tf my mama at ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “TeamDarkSkin vs TeamLightSkin” = A very pointless rivalry between black people . ” ",0 "I really eat all day & don't gain a pound ya girl trying to get in a size 6 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's how I be feeling every morning ",0 "My momma dropped her phone in some water ",0 "last yr i cuff tht bitch well now its overr ",0 "#2omf always sub tweeting each other , fuck out my TL . ",0 "I'm a lazy 18 year old girl #unheardof ",0 "Tony keep tryn give me microwavable food I don't want that shit he Bettah sell his true's so he can buy a nigga some food dfl ",0 "Cleaning my house up ! ",0 "That's cuz ya wife was there “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't u in my bed last night ” ",0 "Me & my brother just fought . That bitch scratched my face ",0 "y'all bitches don't know if y'all wanna beef or speak , back bite or dickeat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no really ",0 "If we're TOGETHERAll them hoes ? GOTTA GO ! That one ex ? GOTTA GO ! All your bullshit ? GOTTA GO ! Cause if not Then YOU GOTTA GO ! ",0 "So that li ugly rat aint text me back , that's why ion like her ",0 "Dey be SOUNDIN dumb af ... I juz be where da ' s at ... my cool ass ",0 "Feeling I just got ... ",0 "He really making me mad ",0 "Don't Type In Caps Unless You Fuckin Yellin BITCH ! ",0 "Lol , I be getting all mushy with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. I miss him .. ",0 "Free my lover man shit got me going tho it ",0 "Chris Been Singing Too Every Song ",0 "Lij can't buss .. this nigga must stop ",0 "i try not to be in my feelings , but sometimes i can't help it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Cheyney smh ",0 "I Would Kik Oka , But She Probably Don't Care ",0 "I just never can make her happy ",0 "Lol if people claim other people be soo thirsty then why they dont give them nothing too drink ",0 "Ii just ant got time for this mother of mine ",0 "I really dislike my math teacher ",0 "This what I get for waiting on people Imma Going to See riri ",0 "bri think im playing im so fr about this ",0 "Mann I'm so sick with it this am ",0 "Finna leave my brutha ",0 "Staying in 2night as bad as I wanna go out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn .. I'll save you a plate ",0 "Everybody Like Me .. ",0 "I'm Hungry AF ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Damn beyonce an jay-z separated ”fr ? ",0 "I wish I was home inna bed . ",0 "I'm tired of going to school man dang ",0 "I Slick Aint Finna Get No Attention ",0 "Who Foe Foe think he talkin to ? ",0 "Tayda came over here lookin for Durl n in just waking up ",0 "I was so hungry now i ateeee to much ! ",0 "Smh Im lost ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : wtf yo , i just fucked my leg up in a bus accident .. stupid ass driver "" sue them niggas bro "" ",0 "I'm hungry !!!!!! ",0 "We all bad right now “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ mine too ! Smh” ",0 "This wild bitch getting her kitty ate while I'm on the phone with her ! ✋ ",0 "I believe this ... ",0 "soo I guess me & Shea over that's tf crazy yoooo ",0 "I need to talk to some right now ! ",0 "Homework guess I'm up all night ",0 "Within 3 mins of being home & walking to the store guys already tryna take me to dinner I just can't w/ this Philly life .. Love y'all tho ",0 "why haven't i heard from my big sis in like two weeks though _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Nobody to vamp with ",0 "ugh my mommy b blowing me ",0 "I gotta headache .. ",0 "Mad I ain't with em ",0 "8% I need a Life ",0 "My chest so white ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : wish these people get a life & hop out my inbox ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ In Dumb ass Maryland ",0 "Dougie right past his text , eventhough I wanna text him back ",0 "LaRon , Lewis , or Ebony ain't text me back ! Ahhhh man ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : this rain shoulda came later on tonight , towards tomorrow morning """" ",0 "5 Days Of ISS and I'm on Day 2 <<<< ",0 "This Bitch Caking OTP & Im Like _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I miss jasmine .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ huh .... u need sleep !!! ",0 "I'm really mad too BRUH ",0 "I'm sleepy af ",0 "my mother said she almost snapped her neck right in half ",0 "i still cant read it ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ not dis mornin tiff lls and Im serious yu do b MIA” just tryna get sum shit in order Boo ",0 "Went To Sleep On my Gf Lastnight She Took Allday And Lef Me Starving _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I want some Burger King ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it took me 25 minutes to download it ",0 "Da Fuck ??????? ",0 "Omg Siarre leave me alone ",0 "who wants too come get me ? ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I miss my honey bun """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I'm grown ",0 "But at this point , I'm ready to pinch somebody ! Was Finna rip ha down but Ian bout that life ",0 "This Bitch Boring ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ dnt bluff bitch I'm really hungry”ard ",0 "here she go dickeating .. ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate when ppl put laughing emojis just to lighten up the mood . Like no if you mad .. be mad . "" or they put lol "" ",0 "Slept Till 3:30 Today Ima Be Up All Night ",0 "Summer school ain't for me Tired of this shit Already ! ",0 "Why my school got twin day though ",0 "When it's time for me to wake up early for work ima be like this ",0 "I'm done shit see where tf nice get u no fucking where ",0 "Cramping like a bitchhhhh ",0 "I'm back hungry again ",0 "Watching tv waiting on my bf to text back he left me all bad he went too the movies ",0 "gotta walk home w slides home . ",0 "da one person i thought i could always talk to . neva der fo me ",0 "It's way too pretty outside to be stuck at work ",0 "Cause mfrs could be lying & shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My nose all stuffy ”baee youu want me come take care of youu ? ",0 "I'm bored tho ",0 "I know this mf seem me text her .. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : No Rello ” ",0 "Twitter hot is shh tho telling ppl where I'm at ! ",0 "iiM LOOKIN LiiKE iiM FEELIN ",0 "#MyGirlFriendNotAllowedTo go to the club that's disrespectful . Better turn on pandora & get to dancing in the living room ",0 "Brandi Leaving Me ",0 "That sandwich was everywhere ",0 "Baby Wake Up ",0 "I'm hungry asf ❕ ",0 "I only go on 87th for two ppl and I can't see either one and I miss both of em !!! ",0 "i ' m irritated ",0 "I don't understand people who block people just to talk more shxt about then !!?? ",0 "He Irritating , I Dont Think Nobody Cares ",0 "too many ppl on mytsu so i can't login .. wtf ! ",0 "We done went outside cleaned the satellite off and everything and still nothing ughhh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : See _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ”tf ? Okay my bad .. ",0 "I Need Somemore HeadPhones ' Ughhh ",0 "Damn I wish I had my nigga bean for this rest easy dawg ‼️ ",0 "I want crabs ",0 "I got the worst headache ever ",0 "Begging ass hoes ✋ ",0 "I LOST MY HEADPHONES TODAY ... Bull ish !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh and I'm mad is shit bitch I gotta work at the other job new years they makin me come in ",0 "I really don't wanna do a tie ",0 "- this life ",0 "im not feeling so well .. im feeling weak and tired ... damn !! i need rest ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't see it though .. But ok ",0 "Irritated as fuck ",0 "I think me and my brother got some type of stomach virus smh ",0 "This rain n the damn way ! ",0 "lol Carey Ass ! My Ole Bestfriend Went Ghost On My Ass ! ",0 "Tf u on ",0 "Nothing good never happen nomore mane I give up ",0 "They not letting nobody out for lunch today ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ✋” ",0 "e Bandz sitting here doing NO work , jamming to ghetto music ",0 "School got Me waking up early on The weekend ",0 "Taking this driver improvement class ",0 "I hate when people be with that slick shit ",0 "He den fuckedd upp ",0 "Check phone , nothing * roll back over * ",0 "irritated out my mind ",0 "I Want Cierra Back But Ian Tryna Sound Like No Groupie ",0 "Twitter dead FB been died insta dead afffffff ... ",0 "Like Ugly Hoes Ion Get Niggas #Smh ",0 "She check my phone , what's that about ? Any other ho I would've cursed her ass out ",0 "Didn't get the foams ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't you wanna come save a lil nigga from boredom ? ",0 "Im bored man ",0 "Dat 40 Wake His Ass Up Just For Sleepin On Me ",0 "I Roll Up n these hoes be hating becuz I don't wont them get a life bitch !!! ",0 "Opelousas is boring af man ",0 "got a headache ",0 "Bitch t o o f a r ",0 "I don't even know how to kiss your lips ",0 "Beyonce - Resentment ..... is the story of my life right now . ",0 "Where samiya at ?. Bestfriend been missing in action ",0 "Sosa ain't text me back ",0 "I swear I'm not tryna go back to NC right now . ",0 "Alot Niggas Die ..... Do to Crimes And Homicides ",0 "ugh now I gotta wait for my mama to interview this lady .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was not my fault nd I'm not a corner hoe ",0 "Tryn keep calm , but it's so hard young ",0 "The doctor prescribed my granny syrup for her cold , shit was gone in 2 days . One of these muthafuckas sold that shit ",0 "Ion Wanna Be A Playa Nomore used to be my Shxt ' Young as hell singing it too ",0 "Who Tf Is Lightskin .... Cuz I'm Chilled An Laid Back I Gotta Be Lightskin ",0 "bitch please dont kill my vibe ",0 "I need to be sleep like I ain't got orientation in the am ",0 "Bouta Just Listen to Music to Calm Myself Down ",0 "Kashia sick , I'm bored Asf ! We just ain't having a good night ! ",0 "I like a girl with confidence , but I hate a girl that think she the shit ",0 "I wonder did they kill him ",0 "Finna shower & wash my hair this shit ridiculous ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Only dudes I mess w . Is my brother Jaylon & my BFF Sean . ” ",0 "Son I know #oomf aint cut his hair , I pray ",0 "Nitra act like I ask the bitch for anything ",0 "can you believe somebody had the nerve to eat my food so many ppl in here idk who to point the finger at ",0 "why like ..... ",0 "#WhatMadeMeMadAsAKid War , Prejudice , Molesters , Liver-n-Onions , Nuclear Weapons , Parents Fighting , Taking Naps & The very thought of death ",0 "Bitch b tryna play me lik ah lil crash dummy or sumthin ..! like my nigga really ?? ",0 "Worst morning in a long time ",0 "Everybody on my ig TL going on lunch dates looki g cute and shit ",0 "You once told me , you wouldn't give up on me then turned around and gave up on me ",0 "Wondering why the fuk am I still up ",0 "Drake x Too Much ",0 "Sometimes its for the best \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : NOT talking to someone you used to talk to everyday <<<< """" ",0 "Opelousas is boring af man ",0 "fat stomachs , stretch marks , extra fat . . that shit is so unattractice ",0 "It is not that cold for these niggas to have this heat on 90 !!! MFs fuckin up my sinuses ",0 "I can't win for loosing wit these bitches man ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i already know by time I turn 25 ima be fat as shit ” ",0 "its always cold in this house at night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ DELETE IT NYLA NOWWWWWWW ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need it to go away I can't find my umbrella ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u & diamond but ard ! ”you Anit care if I was depressed ",0 "i miss stinkk ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It's Always A Breakup ✊✌ Then A Makeup If Yo Shit Don't Bounce Back , Y'all Shit Wasn't REAL """" ",0 "We missing a wire for the PS3 . Nicole gone whoop some asssss ",0 "I give up on life it's just full of disappointments ",0 "Why TF I'm so sleepy !! ",0 "Lol if people claim other people be soo thirsty then why they dont give them nothing too drink ",0 "I'm bored I don't have no one to geek w/ via text anymore lol ",0 "I been sleep allday na I'm up bored ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Sex would be so clutch right fucking now !! ”RFT ",0 "I need some different ",0 "Aww man now everybody sensitive all day ",0 "Jasmine Take Yo Ass To Sleep ",0 "Tht first verse ",0 "That fucking _TWITTER-ENTITY_ got me in here .... She gonna open up a oyster and say \It look like Betty White's Vagina """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why Tf Did ICare So Much ? ” ",0 "Not in a good mood ",0 "Briana was heree !!!!!!!!! ",0 "I Can Honestly Understand A Dead Beat Father \ But Not A Dead Beat Mother To Yo "" ",0 "I'm so damn frustrated ",0 "I hate this phone naw ",0 "I Jus Think like Damn what if that happen to one of my Bros ",0 "somebody text me ",0 "I need too get high ",0 "Everybody Cufffed & Im Like ",0 "U can't bring him back stop crying the Pussy dead in my plies bag ! ",0 "I got the job ! I just wanna thank The Lord for blessing me everyday #jobnumber2 with god all things are possible ☝️ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ chill out before you make me mad at you ” sowwy shawty ",0 ", ion't think my mom coming back today ",0 "My momma too nice to her for me ✋ ",0 "Im over here hungry w . the white lips & my mama wanna cook red meat knowing DERN WELL i cant eat that ish ! ",0 "jelli locked up ",0 "My feet smell like Malik's feet ",0 "Im getting mad !!!!! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ain't nobody talking bout shit "" swear u say the samething everyday "" ",0 "I ain't fina be on this train for long next stop I'm off ",0 "I hate a crowded ass bus ",0 "She won't even let me use her iPod charger and I'm the mf who gave it to her ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch stop twatchin me ✋ ",0 "I see he on that bullshxt tonight ! Not even in the mood for it ",0 "ooooh muh godd , all these thots around me ",0 "So Kayden just head butted me in the eye ",0 "I'm bored , ",0 "whyy me lol I'm not tired anymore ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl gone ",0 "Smh “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I be twatching like shit * shrugs * ion care” ",0 "I swear _TWITTER-ENTITY_ be tweeting how I feel all the time ",0 "I Miss My Boo's Cookie & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My legs are killing me . ",0 "I miss my twin _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! She need to hit my phone up ",0 "Just got after driving for 3 hours from upstate New York to Mount Vernon.so tired . ",0 "Why Tf everybody else FB cracking But Minee dead ",0 "When I tell Halston my plans for next few months his expression is going to be this ",0 "My Girl going to sleep on me ",0 "Dajour sleep I guess ",0 "I'm bout to order ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh why ???????????? ",0 "I leave atlanta today I don't want to leave !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sick of y'all , I need some ",0 "She got me wanting Carribean food now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ who fish head ? but yo idk wtf tyron did too my phone ' when I was sleep I woke up and it was like that im mad yo ",0 "I could use some company rite now , I need to see my honey ! ",0 "Shawn Need Hurry Tf Up text me bck ",0 "MaKyi Is rapping on his mic Omg he's going in like I ain't sitting right here ",0 "sleepy & horny AF ",0 "RFT !!!!!!!!! \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i aint the type to judge a mf , but when nggas stunt so f'ckin hard i be like """" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Damn . Should I just upload it to IG "" Yessssss "" ",0 "Man this dude at the barbershop got Lebron line ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Community had me beefing on social networks ” ",0 "if I ain't talking ta you stop fucling talking ta meh ! ✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you ain't text me back ",0 "The individuals on my TL that attempt to be deep , but end up sounding remedial .. X100 ",0 "Tryna do something with my hair but I can't get into my moms room for the cream stuff ... ",0 "So why da cops pull me over cuz I was Ridin up the block on a bike the wrong way ",0 "Bitch dont even know my name but I fucked up ",0 "She the onlii reason why iont regret her dad ... ",0 "I'm up early asl tf ",0 "Somebody pull up to the hood ... wit food ",0 "* Didnt see blah blah blah today ! ",0 "Phone on 8% ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I want some New Years sex ” ",0 "I need some new house shoes ",0 "Petter wack is he'll ",0 "I'm full and sleepy and aggravated !!!! ",0 "i Miss BabyBoo . ",0 "Y'all killing me w . That dick pic ",0 "Damn I missed tweeting man thought this shit was over with ",0 "Liness longggg Af ",0 "Went to sleep at 12 back up what 3 hours later ",0 "Today was the worst day of my life ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hate u”sike ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fix Your Face ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Text Backk . "" Ok "" ",0 "I miss Wendy so much ",0 "I need some attention ❗I need some attention❗twerkers gone wild ! Twerking by the twerking by the ",0 "Im mad Af ",0 "Zaza went to sleep on me again i guess I'm boring to her Lls ",0 "tf is joseline saying ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Boys these days jus don't kno wat they got they so use to the bitches that's Tryna kick it w/ no legs . ” ",0 "Sleep as shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dhts not nice ",0 "Today is not my day , had to go to the damn dentist ",0 "Mane IAN got my damn taxes yet !! ",0 "Working my nerves ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol if I feel like it” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Tootie I want you ! ” ",0 "talk to me ",0 "She , called me .., told me she was gonna call me back ..,. never did . ",0 "So pissed that my tracking number isn't working I feel the steam coming from my ears ",0 "I wish he wake up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I feel like cakin ✋serious though” ",0 "This About To Be Hard ",0 "Hate when ppl text slower then me ",0 "Spaids game gone bad though ",0 "That's his shit he over protective ",0 "I got a banging ass headache ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If know one gives a fuck about you and your well being , FUCK THEM ” !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you never txt me ",0 "Now Ima Have To Turn My Phone Off in school Cause My Phone Broke & Siri Gone Be Talking ",0 "Rip Doe B ",0 "iswear all ieat is ice , ineed to stop but icant help myself ",0 "BITCH IM BORED Fuck man ",0 "I Really Got That DICK Look , I'm Drove Af . we Had Some Going good . my DUMBASS Fucked it Up ! damn Bruh I'm Hope We Wrk things out . ",0 "This slient lunch and gender basis ain't gone work for the rest of the semester ",0 "Only one's that talk to me on my dad side is my aunt Leen && markee && my uncle moe when he was home the rest of em iont know ",0 "I want him to come tonight but it's too late for him to be walking IDC what he say ",0 "Oh lord snagg back on here to instigate ",0 "That's all I see ",0 ". I miss #oomf ",0 "been up all night ",0 "i be so bored in the house manee ",0 "Can I use somebody Netflix account please ??? ",0 "I was supposed to go out with oomfs today smh I'm sorry ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch .. stop playing & get dressed . ” I refuse ",0 "Even tho I know imma wake right back up once he gets off and call me ",0 "I needa bay ",0 "I'm Irritated With Everybody ! ✌ ",0 "where is bae ",0 "jus got pulled over by them dicks ! ii HATE these bitches ! ",0 "All these ass clapping videos going down my TL ",0 "I guess it's been a while bc all I see it pork swords ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ chill y'all what I do to y'all smh . ",0 "these niggas really having a kickback at my fucking house with these loud ass bitches << ",0 "Like beyond , ",0 "Oh , I Forgot I Had To Ask Jay For Permission To Go Out ! Lls ",0 "i cant eat if i dnt smoke , im really a potheadd ",0 "Mad she broke my phone ",0 "Fuck man I wish I didn't fall alseep !!!! ",0 "How the fuck we lose ",0 "Somebody Need To Flat Iron My Hair ",0 "When I don't have to work I get up early ",0 "Homework guess I'm up all night ",0 "I'm not Kevin friend anymore one he never texted me back yesterday && two he just disrespected me ",0 ". me Either\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : No one answers my phone calls at night ” "" ",0 "' Tah don't respect me but let his father call he gone listen to him tf !? ",0 "everything is so hard w/o my grandmother ",0 "This baby just snatched my damn belly ring . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why not ",0 "The Lies Must Stop ",0 "I'm so damn frustrated ",0 "I Want Some pumas ",0 "Everybody at home thinking like \dam toma school ??? shits finna be weak """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Bye !!! Sho we don't care !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea ... Was trying to make us say shit she couldn't say ” ",0 "Not Cuffed & feeling lonely ",0 "Sooooooooooooooooooo fucking bored ..... ",0 "My feet cold ",0 ", getting sleepy again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I HATE U ",0 "I said I'm still up .. You text back awww ... ",0 "Why am I stuck on this one girl ",0 "All my friends gone be with they dudes this weekend ",0 "I wanted to go to Winter WonderFest Tama ",0 "I don't feel like goin in here today ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” I don't have any energy ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ain't Got No Time , Give A Bitch No Time , My Watch Broke , For Bitches ? I Got No Time ❌✌\u201d "" ",0 "Capo got everybody thinking they can't cuff shit . ",0 "DeNasha nasty < ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sexually frustrated to though its been months ! ",0 "I fucking hate coming to these meetings on Tuesday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I tried yo . But I can't sleep ! ",0 "I just got off the phone with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , we was talkin bout _TWITTER-ENTITY_ breast . She said she seen em . I'm so jealous . ",0 "Who want in on this GrindTime ??? ✊ ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If Mone Dont Come Ima Be Baby Mone Tonight Lol I Trained For This Day """" ",0 "Try to get dressed & undressed & feed himself he moving to fast ",0 "Damn I fucked up ",0 "Going To Sleep , I Gotta Mean Ass Headache ",0 "I'm bored ltf ",0 "In 5th Period Bored Need Some To Do Aint Nobody Sayinn bun Wit They Silent Ahh ",0 "if he think imma lay in this bed all day he crazy I gotta go to my 2 nd job ",0 "But everybody wanted me to ride over here now I'm suffering ",0 "I hate this shit ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : , im fat & i need to lose weight ""  "" ",0 "Bored Asl Now ",0 "Then They Be Screaming I'm Not Having No Baby Until I Get Old Them Be The Main Ones Pop Up Pregnant . ",0 "Hello goodmorning can I speak to \Jacoby "" .... really lady ??!! where the hell do you see a C or a B in my name ? "" ",0 "I new some time to think about how Im finna handle all this ... Shit moving to fast ",0 "Nyzir and Mya sick ",0 "Never trip over what ain't mine ✋ ",0 "Fuck the lakers my money on the raptors ",0 "when a \good thing "" goes bad , it's not the end of the world ... -pull it together , keep it together & cont . to improve ... ✔ "" ",0 "Lor stupid self , i was supposed to be ignoring him for 2 days ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Stay where you are .. ",0 "I'm late every b-day ",0 "Damn I dun broke another nail ",0 "I hate when nigga take picture with there baby an be Like imma father befor Anything nigga Please You ain't seen that Baby In 6Weeks ",0 "Everyone Tweeting Bout Insidious Shut Up w| Alat Am Mad Cause My'Pland Got Crash & I Aint Go ",0 "lost ALL my music ",0 "My Dad Always Takin My Shit ",0 "ima be super early for school tomorrow ",0 "virgos & capricorns have a hate \ love relationship ",0 "call me whenever you see this _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , we really need to talk ",0 "I had a night mare and woke up with a tooth ache . This is when I need a special somebody . ",0 "Watch how my 10th grade year fly past ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ huh .. my profession has nothing to do with saving women .. fuck these hoes ",0 "only 25 with 3 kids , daughters at that .. shit is hard & I'm single ",0 "It's gone be soooooooo hot ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm tooooooo MAD ",0 "aint gon lie , ikinda got jealous he let my kinfolk hit ",0 "Even tho His Head big as Hell .. ✋ ",0 "i don't wanna go to twitter jail no more ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & I'm heated cuz my dick musta went to sleep on me ” now that's bad chile you #losing rite now ",0 "Even tho you make me cry I wanna stay with you , people tell me leve you tell me I don't need you I'd be better off . ",0 "My youngings in my room keep saying this \YESSSSS "" shit after everything ! "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nigga , we just be some fucked up zombies then” ion wanna be no ugly ass Zombie ... ",0 "Today is a better day ........ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i kno man thats why i'm really mad ",0 "This Message I Just Got ",0 "I CANT BELIEVE HE DID THAT SHIT TO MY SIS WTF IS WRONG WIT HIM THAT SHIT PISSED ME TF OFF ",0 "She fuckin fake✋ ",0 "Always up by myself ",0 "I had that feeling earlier today when I left my baby ",0 "I remember Juan was teaching me how to make smoke go out my nose . ",0 "My ugly self with these twist in ",0 "Damnnnn I got my ass bagged in the rain tho ",0 "I'm still woke ",0 "These hoes trynna get saved ✋ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My OG just now walking in who she think she is”tell her she left her draws over here ",0 "I hate texting light skin people ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ik ik man smh ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kobe ain't shit "" <------ #TwitterLies "" ",0 "I'm really ain't feeling dis shit ",0 "I know no ones gonna text back until this is over ",0 "I know he mad at me ✌ ",0 "I took a nap ,.. Woke up ,, & then went back to sleep ugh I thought I was goin out last nite ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Cigarettes are by far the BIGGEST turn-off <<<<<< ❌ #swerve ” ",0 "couldn't wait to get to it ! I feel like I was power loading all heavy bags all day ",0 "got this mk watch . know you wanted one . ✌ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I ain't buy shit for school yet ” ",0 "I'm up early af Wtf ",0 "Dont fuvkinggg liee to mee ",0 "My phone ha no connection for 20 mins sprit ",0 "Still up tho vamp life I guess ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I gave urs away ! ”wht , why ??? I was coming to get it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not I'm jus real ✊〽XEMG ",0 "Everybody wanna rock with you when you got something they want . that's shit so fuGaNG to me ! ",0 "I need a phone ",0 "THIS I S MY MUTHA FUCKING WIFE _TWITTER-ENTITY_ gtf off her page like real tlk im nuns playin dis thick ass dime is engaged so please gtf : - ",0 "aint nobodyyy textingg mee : ( . dafuggggggg ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 2 late I was bombed that u didnt come ",0 "I hate these fake twitter accounts y'all don't have nothing better to do ? ",0 "I'm over here crying because I don't know what's going on all I see nicki going everywhere .. ",0 "My tracks keep acting up ",0 "Man I miss my bestfriend ",0 "I'm Tired as Shit ",0 "Why do these nothing ass , ugly ass , broke ass bitches keep speaking on me or comparing me to them ? ✋ . I just be chilling ! ",0 "Smh .. WHY ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ listenin to music cant sleeo . My bae sleep ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : WHY THIS BITCH ACTING LIKE SHE DON'T KNOW WHAT SHE SAID ”She dumb yo then she got the nerve to have an attitude ",0 "Noooooo come backkkkkk ",0 "This class is really blowin me ",0 "Lordy my momma went to bail my granddady out he better pay her back tf ",0 "niggas lie all day ",0 "im done w/hot baths , my dr said it cooks ya baby - oh hell no im not gettin in no mo hot water , ",0 "She Always On my page ! ! But Don't Want to give me her password ? Hmmm ",0 "Markis Woke . This Mf be irritating ! ",0 "I'm irritated like ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ He never left !!! ",0 "My wife divorced me ",0 "Been Need To Wake Up Before I Beat Him Up ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate them type bitches that got more thighs than ass """" ",0 "I Need To Get Out This House .! I'm Going Tf Crazy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want some dh lol ",0 "Mad as shit its raining n I have no umbrella Tf ",0 "Fuck It I'm Stayin Home ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I only act up for 3 reasons , it's either I miss you I want ya attention or I just need some act right ” yes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goddbaby wat happendd to yuhh promisin mehh dat yuhh wass gonnaa call mehh wen yuhh gt homee ",0 "These Fuckin Questions About Him <<< Stop Askin Me About Him ",0 "The last time I got real drunk I threw up all over the place & they say I stripped not happin Iknow my limit ladies don't do that 4free ",0 "I Just Wan Go To Bed , High & Wake Up High ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nothing , blew and some moe shit , what you doing ? ",0 "I'm mad they still haven't put my tv on my wall yet ",0 "Whateva nigga fake as shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Shit made me lick my lips Made my shit dry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u don't hot a car charger ? ",0 "Ms booth flat booty ass blowing it ",0 "I'm fucking beyond pissed ",0 "Im in my feelings again man . . I need to get all this off my lil chest . ",0 "I just saw a girl eating ass . that's so fucking nasty . The nigga was just sitting on her face . ",0 "Lady told me it take hours to get the taste of condoms out your mouth I didnt wanna know that s**t ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ back in town ... Means I'm going out more smh lol #ThotgoBulls ",0 "Ion she tay no more <<< ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Who bored with me ? Be honest ... ” Fuckin me ! I miss my gramfam ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : it wont let me reply . ✋” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I be so glad when I leave for the navy ” bitch u ain't going nowhere ",0 "Ughhh ' I Was Sleep & Missed Bae Phone Call Tf Dawg & He I Know He Nor Still Ina House ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ain't been replying to my text lately . I know her boost mobile iPhone not off . ",0 "So yaw ain gone ask me shit ? Ight hoe ",0 "Shake it off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I deleted that corny app ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol smh I'm still here man ",0 "I Hate When People Call Me Jayquan That Ghetto Ass Name ",0 "Done w/ everybody & everything thing man ",0 "I missed her . #MSUFAM ",0 "look like its gone rain ",0 "I Got The Worst Cousin Stamp _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Everybody Swear Me and My Momma Look Alike I Swear we dont ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's hella long ",0 "me & #1omf be like ; Then we be like ✌Then shit gets confusing and We be like Then right back to like we never left ",0 "this nigga Lij can never focus .. been doing hw for hours ",0 "but I know he going be texting me all day ✋ ",0 "Snoring in my ear ",0 "Might see a bitch & forget I hit it ",0 "Finna Do My HW ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you see this .. ”hey mar my baby , I miss you ” I miss you too . ",0 "i dont wanna be ... be without ya be without ya ",0 "I done listened to \Trust "" like 44 times .. "" ",0 "I can't believe what I seen ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Being single at night is not wassup . ” ",0 "I apologized though .. Even though I really didn't want too ",0 "Damn A Nigga Ain't Got No Bitches ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why Niggas Never Be Outside On Chapman No More .. ” ",0 "Twitter really won't let me change my avi ",0 "No answer , I mean , that's cool too ",0 "i can't go to sleep ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Y'all know I got fatter since I graduated high school don't lie cause I already know like ”that shit sexy Ctfu ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas be letting the wrong females down ✊ for bitches that been all around ... ✌” ",0 "Qua Put Me On Samiches Now I Want Some This Early Before I Enter The Trap ",0 "They was Fucking ",0 "Ima delete my Instagram or let somebody have that shit , that shit boring now ",0 "goodnight I guess ! ",0 "I was suppose to get my hair cut yesterday ",0 "for this 15 to ever smell like Eggs and shit ❗️ I'm irked now ",0 "I'm always sleepy before , during and after plans ",0 "but I need a ride ima ask my brova take me ",0 "I'm bouta sleep SOOO GOOD tonight ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : On everything im going all the way to Chicago just to get my hair done , yo they got some serious weave killers out there ! ” ",0 "I need somebody to delete my twitter & Instagram . I don't have a computer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Whatever hoe <> | __ |_/ _/_\ | / \ / \” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you talking about pissed ",0 "What females worry about : WeightHairBoobsBootyLooksMakeupHimClothesWhy he didn't text backOh , & everything else . ",0 "Still up on the phone with him at 1:00 in Tha a . m ... Um and I'm not even sleepy yet but he's falling asleep on me I hate that ",0 "Roses are red , I have a phone , But nobody texts me ..... Forever alone . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ight man you coming to the game tomorrow you being \lowkey """" ",0 "moodinside : outside : ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Yeaaa ,... I don't have a Valentine , * shrugs * ,. ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : but eating mc . donalds” Really ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Why ? Different blessing come to different ppl at different times ! ",0 "I Miss My Bae Daija ",0 "Jamir getting on my nerves ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Some niggas get the girl they always wanted and still fuck up” ",0 "OMG this is so akward ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I gotta bike tho ",0 "Nitra act like I ask the bitch for anything ",0 "Locked out the house ",0 "Some Africans will let you commit sin ",0 "laying down widt tears running down myy face dhis ah crazyy world i swear ",0 "Kashia sick , I'm bored Asf ! We just ain't having a good night ! ",0 "My phone ain't hitting shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why do I let people in my life so easily ? Because I'm so used too people coming in & out of my life” ",0 "I Swear EVERY FUCK NIGGA can Leave My Life cuh all I need is the Nigga who was with Me since Day 1 & that's My Twin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitches soft beefing with there selves I'm not with this twitter shit I'm done ",0 "I dislike twitter upgrade ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww man those sound super good though ",0 "Some wrong ? Hmu . “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : big bro ima need you to hit my celly up ASAP _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . ” ",0 "I wish I wasn't born yoo . ",0 "My ig not working ",0 "im tired of everything & everybody ",0 "Where's _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & Alexis when I need them I'm over here stressin ",0 "Bae mad cus I left him twice ",0 "Stop subbing non factors then ant eater looking ass ",0 "Just got on the bus ",0 "I ain't even gonna lie , I missed him though ",0 "* sigh * I Give Up Man ",0 "I just one more of you to look at me too hard . ",0 "I'm starving . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tf u had a nerve to have the sexy voice on” shut up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Kmsl I'm bored man and I can't mess with Japaul he scary ! ” ",0 "I gotta drive at like 7am . Tf bro & I'm still up . ",0 "i miss morell ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u didn't even talk \ Guah iWas Sleep Ian Even See It Till This Morning ✋ "" ",0 "Finally get to talk to her ",0 "Cause I know Chazton gone call Ina morning and wake me up , im Finna be mad I know it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im tryna change it's just so hard .. lmaoo ",0 "Bout to get off twitter y'all fucking irritating .... ",0 "where tf is twonika ugly self ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ummmmmm ain't nooooobody call me I ain't no y'all was fins turn up I feel so left out ",0 "I HATE FAKE PEOPLE !!! JUHH GETS TEW MHEE ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I deleted it” u making PPL mad on this Friday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why not ",0 "Man I can't sleep ",0 "Guess it's true u never want what's good for u ",0 "I miss my twinn _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "At first then now -----> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #fuckasubtweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ayyee Ohk Mine Allready Passes : ( ",0 "FatZ really getting big on me ",0 "Bitch stepped on my kicks today shoulda seen my face made me think bout what jada said ",0 "I CANT . with this school shit man .... ",0 "My nose stopped up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Them coaches really woke us up to go practice again ! ” ",0 "I really hate being ignore ",0 "people get mad when u treat them how they treat u ",0 "Im about to cry it stink moe ",0 "Magic going to the line every possession ",0 "ugly ass header ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Everybody on my TL all like and I'm all like ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : edges rougher than Harriet Tubman toes ass bitches ” ",0 "Damn I feel dumb ",0 "Niggas b cryin like bitches ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i can't feel my pinky . ” Lol ",0 "Wish I had somebody to talk to ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ suicide is not the route to go ” you thinking bout killing yaself ?? ",0 "I gotta get braces in June ",0 "I wanted this NOT THIS >>> ✌️✌️ ",0 "Everybody in my house just left . It's raining mfs . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ O come back” I'll be over tomar ",0 "We really not gonna do this tho ughhhhhhh . Erked to the max ",0 "I want some donuts ",0 "But surprisingly enough you are 35 ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yess cause I really wanna see him ",0 "Huuuh been on the phone all evening ! Texting really has me spoiled ",0 "Doug ✋ . So not the move anymore ! ",0 "I Shouldn't Have Asked That Question ",0 "Lord , i hope this aint nobody i know ! ",0 "I'm Beyond Pressed ",0 "I hate having a stuffy noss ",0 "Why won't she talk to me ",0 "Gronk presences is needed this game and we can't use him cause the doctor's bitch ass ain't clear em !!! so tired of this bs ",0 "lol I hate when folks don't text me back ... Like bit ✋ ",0 "Sissy really dont come home til tonight .. I missed her for them la 2-3 days . How imma deal when she move fr fr ? ",0 "Broke the side of my new case ",0 "I really hate school ; I wish it was over already ; but good morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im so dead ass ",0 "Noelle cheated in Scrabble ! ",0 "Nahhhh why do these men fall for the decoy on Maury ?! ",0 "People Complain About the Dumbest Shit Ever ",0 "Oh lord I pray that bout time destinee done my hair I have edges ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ never come outside on time . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Myyy hold weekend been fuck up ",0 "I hate when ppl r over top of u while your in your phone ! ",0 "I Miss my sissy ",0 "Dang that reply tho <<< ",0 "Hungry as shit hungry as shit hungry as shit hungry as shit hungry as shit hungry as shit hungry as shit hungry as shit ",0 "This shit getting ass now smh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I miss baby” ",0 "Im hungry , ",0 "this biitch sittin next 2me straight smell like all fuckin fish ... damn didnt u wash ur ass ... fuck man ... smdh at this biitch ",0 "I miss Derrick sooo much .... ",0 "Even If We Dont Always Get Alone ",0 "RIP Baby Harly ",0 "I hate that it's no brunch places by my house ",0 "That workout kicked my ass though . ",0 "Where Was You At ? “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all had fun I see ” ",0 "ann tryna blame spellcheck for her not knowing how to spell ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : When I die please don't lie If I ain't fuck with you please don't cry """" ",0 "my baby really mad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you still ain't share tho ",0 ": Bitches Pussy Be As Shit Tryna Get A Lil ” ",0 "Deleting my twitter in one hour ",0 "U mad bro “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Not hate just help “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u hate me y ? ””” ",0 "My Dad Really Think I Smoke Shit Drawn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want to really bad ",0 "& bae snores ",0 "momma always told me .. Go looking for something ... An you gonna find it ",0 "We got a sub n i'm still n class wtf ",0 "I Gots To Pee Maaaaan ",0 "Yooo that was some baby boy type shit !!! my bestfriend is the worsttttt ",0 "Movies without my baby ",0 "Why do people tweet like they talk ",0 "I present my personal manifesto today ... up and down ",0 "Wait . Hold Up . Please Let Me Roll Up ... ",0 "I'm gone be late to work .. ",0 "I hate doing laundry ",0 "well “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ i Meant To Use This Emoji ” ",0 "Im mad a.f i couldnt go on this DATE !!!!!! Fckn pissed ",0 ", in chemistry ... irritated ",0 "I hate opening up to the wrong person . ",0 "Irritated about to cry #TaeDoll ",0 "Me and my girl jus broke up ... We was together a whole three weeks ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Some rain , for you thirsty hoes/niggas . ``、ヽ``、 、ヽ ` ヽ`、ヽ` `、ヽ`ヽ`、、ヽ `ヽ `、ヽ``、ヽ ` 、ヽ`ヽ `、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽ``、ヽ``、 、ヽ ` ヽ`、ヽ` `、ヽ`ヽ ",0 "I miss my Pumpkin I Love My Daughter Dream ",0 "Last time I checked I didn't eat nothin all day smh ",0 "Ummmm His hoes aint showing him no attention . ",0 "This show is stupid af ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you don't say ",0 "In Class Bored Af With These Hoes ",0 "my mommy want to move ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ctfu I'm up just can't find shit to wear ! Fuck it all black and some chucka's ",0 "Yal Know I'm Boredd ",0 "Ima jus smoke my Dutch n go to sleep I betta wake up to a text or phone call ",0 "Soooo in still at school ",0 "#GRIND STILL ON ID ",0 "My mom is getting on my fucking nerves !!! ",0 "Jus like a female .. iAlways find shit out .. iMight not say it right away .. but iKnow wassup ! ☝ ",0 "I tried to sleep through the whole day , but it didn't work out ",0 "Ard i quit yall yall making me act like a thot ",0 "That long nap did a number on me ",0 "& them fucking \wyd bae "" post got to fucking go "" ",0 ", Just woke up I was tired ",0 "Like Why TF It Be 12 O Clock Early Afternoon && Yall Girls Be Full Faced Make Up Church Is On Sunday B ",0 "this girl smell like a wet dog ",0 "This day really boring ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : - i want a cold SPRiTE ... ” ",0 ".. but ain't nobody even tell you to talk to me though ... ",0 "in the nail shop imma be here all day ",0 "when yu doin sumthin yu not pose to be doin , the last words yu wanna hear is \oh shit "" "" ",0 "I Don't Wtf Going On Cause Since Yesterday Everything Been DIFFERENT ! ",0 "Aw I miss a New york ",0 "Damn it's gone be cold as'f tonight ",0 "Where is my boyfriend ? ",0 "Saw my boo today but didn't get a hug _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I hate all these steps ",0 "Monkey man forgot about me ! ",0 "I Gotta Wash My Hair ",0 "I hate when my tongue ring comes out while eating ",0 "So Lenny think he shooting dice he in here shooting change now I'm bout to call his father I play sometimes but not all the time ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ UAlready know I'm up on yahh asss” na I ain't Know That ! You prolli don't even kno my Name ",0 "Let Me Ask Now .. While She Ain't Yelling ",0 "Girl that does not apply to you ",0 "I like the summer but this heat .. ",0 "2 people just texted me this face ",0 "Spaids game gone bad though ",0 "I got 5 hours of sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop being mean to people ",0 "Shot after shot drinking till I over dose ",0 "I'm so hungry ",0 "And ima need my room back to myself dead gotta be in the dark cuz this bitch knocked out ",0 "I'm about to get my number changed , these randoms keep texting me !! ",0 "fr tho . ",0 "Ok , feeling better now ... Still wona text tho .. ",0 "Look like the dumb fucks they are ",0 "Had a long ass night ",0 "Y'all Ima Sucka .. Let Me Chill ",0 "I am too done ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you never texted me smfh ",0 "These Allergies Man ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm bouta eat the last of my mozzarella sticks "" Nooooo . "" ",0 "gah damn ! that avi is but we still not speaking ",0 "wym \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I seriously hate getting lied to . """" ",0 "I didn't say drown I just said dive and never come back up ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Wtf Footaction got goin ? They need to send my dang on shoes "" wt is a "" dang on ? """" ",0 "Wait .... Lilly retweeted me ... My DAMN BESTIE .... that never talks to me . Smh umm umm umm lol ",0 "You don't go to cookouts and cook . You go there to eat ",0 "I really don't got nothing to do today ",0 "Ima be up all night ALONE ",0 "I'm hungry and I want food ",0 "why I take this man charger out the wall and he was looking right at me #norapp ",0 "Mama bitch ass ",0 "\We only have Grape jelly ma'am "" me : "" ",0 "Finna get ready for work . I'm beyond sleepy !! ",0 "My friends dropped me off so they can go to the club ",0 "You don't have to \like "" every single picture of me all at once "" ",0 "Damm I Forgot To Ask Erie Can She Show Me How To Download Music On My Phone ",0 "Why Is It So Cold ? ",0 "Ughh tf man ",0 "Ill smack a nigga if he lying to me I have that bad ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why mom really being stingy wit her beef sticks ” pause ",0 "I dnt fuck with jasmine no more ",0 "While Im Smokin On Dis Dope This Bitch Keep Callin My Phooooooone Dont u see im Gettin High Bitch Jus Leave me ALonee ✋ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bye . I miss ya ” when you coming back down here ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yall mf always leave me out !!!! Fuck yall hoes man #38 ",0 "A lot if these bitches be dumb as shit ",0 "FaceTime aint shit . ",0 "suin wrong widt myy babyy n ioun like ithd ",0 "When people ignore my text message ! (҂`_´) <,︻╦̵̵ ̿╤─ ҉ - - - - - - - \ \ , /﹋╯ ",0 "I think I wanna go to the movies tonight but that new movie don't come out till next Friday ",0 "I swear i was too nice ",0 "back in Ezeji borin ass class ! ",0 "I can't go back to sleep ",0 "This Lady McDonald's bag ripped ad fell onto the sidewalk&all she can do was look puzzled and try to clean it up . while birds flooded to it ",0 "A lot if people keep saying they didn't get they invitation like watt ",0 "I hit the highway n it rains ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its already hot ' i aint tryna sweat manee ✋ ",0 "I just went from having a good day till a bad one in a matter of 5 seconds ",0 "Keith Sweat Don't Look Better Than Me ",0 "I don't have a clue why I'm still up . ",0 "Taylor don't nvr wanna tell me shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up ",0 "I got called in to go to work earlier , niggas don't respect my hunger issues ",0 "My mooka gone be gone for two days ",0 "Man y'all foul asf kissing y'all girlfriends after y'all ate another bitch cooch ",0 "Mannnn fuck that Jamie bitch ! My mans coulda had that ",0 "this shit happen all da time n it's a damn shame ...... ",0 "this shit erks ",0 "Emojis make texting soooooooo much better .. like bitch if you sad/mad ion wanna see or > , shit betta be .. & ",0 "Like ... I understand my bestfriends be OVER protective but , bitch DAMN ",0 "\ wish I had a bae "" "" ",0 "Smh , I Might Just Put My Phone On Airplane Mode And Take My Ass To Sleep .. Y'all Pissed Me Off ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm done I'm not Finna beef wit a nigga dat I gotta take 8trains 4planes and a boat to get to em #Traffic ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I ain't Sukkin Toes Shit She can suck mine tho !! ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause Its still the principal tf , ” don't get mad at me MF” lmfao Im bouta text you .. ",0 "Im ready for taxes & idc who ont lyk it ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I want some New Years sex ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I couldn't .. #imGoinHamTho ",0 "i hate when my uncle drunk ass can't make it to his house and he come over here ",0 "Been up since 1am still haven't been back to sleep my mind is racing & on top of that I'm not feeling too good ",0 "i hate feeling like im getting played ",0 "Well Since We Feeling Like That ! Let That Shit Happen Then !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yesss in worked cause I gotta see one of y'all off why y'all can't leave together ",0 "Kayden be going to Malik before me ",0 "I hate oomfs ",0 "if i pull the shxt other ppl do me , it'll be the end of the world ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : That Look So Painful "" bruh , her titties were purple yo "" ",0 "That hoe had a nasty ole tucking ",0 "Bout to be on campus ALL day ",0 "I have nobody , when I really need somebody ",0 "\Where are these hands that you speak of "" .... "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Sleep sounds good , too bad it's not gonna happen ! ” TRUUUU . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I'm the only one ForreL bring me some dude ",0 "Ohne ofv my speaker want out mad ",0 "Hungry & Bored ",0 "I'm late every b-day ",0 "GM Y'all sleepy Khalil wanna be Otp all Night ",0 "i miss Khalil ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I dnt want to ",0 "My 🅰ce always got dips , side jawns , and back up niggas & me I'm just like .. Help me ",0 "My eyes are getting red becoz of not getting enough sleep . ",0 "Was suppose to go mall today ",0 "Now Ima Have To Turn My Phone Off in school Cause My Phone Broke & Siri Gone Be Talking ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't sleep , I'm bouta take a pill that makes you drowsy ",0 "Ughhh I really wanted to know ",0 "its tha thuggish ruggish boooone . its the thuggish ruggish boooo oooo ooone ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. Nooooo ... Don't be like that .. ",0 "Can A wake up please ",0 "Tf this suppose to be ",0 "I'm bout ready too let this GO ✌✋ ",0 "Mannnn all my hoes be acting like detectives ",0 "lol .. my mama left me at home by myself & won't come back & get me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ever since I got a new number my phone so cawny”bye Cuse I don't got that shit so eff yu ",0 "Okay so which is it ",0 "My phone actin dumb ",0 "I'm not cute at all I get it ",0 "When he call later we gone have phone sex fuck it ",0 ", grandmother just died this morning , what Ima do now ? I have nobody . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Gotta feelin ima be up all night doin homework .. ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ” ",0 "My Eyes Itching Now ",0 "I miss playin wit Kayla , lil bb , Q nd Chelsea ! Idk if them hoes miss me tho ",0 "Y'all About Be Sickk At The Ibiza ' This Fishy Ass Bitch ASHLEY Going && She Just Came On Her Period Yesterday ! Her Stinky Ass ",0 "Sooo I haven't been sleep yet ",0 "When people ignore my text message ! (҂`_´) <,︻╦̵̵ ̿╤─ ҉ - - - - - - - \ \ , /﹋╯ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol that ain't spoiled , how else ima eat ? I need food stamps ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I lost the email in a freak accident ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I ain't ask for ya 1 cent ✋ , don't even have enough to make 2 cents thot ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I text you no reply but you twatch then get mad fuck type shit they be on” ",0 "yo my phone acting like a fucking meatball ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Me too this shit not Cute "" right  "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haven't eaten a full meal in two days ” ",0 "- lmao ion ' even think I know that damn song ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i wanna go to sleep "" I wanna go to sleep with you "" ",0 "I have not talk to Jasmine Scarber .! I guess she don't fuck with the kid no more .! ",0 "My mama just said I'm messing up my stomach ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : So many people irking my nerves tonight ”well tell them to leave u alone and fuck wit the . Ones ",0 "Somebody come take care of me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he waitin fir my ain't to move to go in the stash ",0 "Im bout to . cry ",0 "Jus dropped anotha Dolla on Clothes #fuckit dis 4 all da FUFU ass niggaz hatin on me ",0 "my little man is gone for tonight Im bored : ( ",0 "#RETWEET IF YOU WANNA TEXT I'm bored ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My nose dry dumb ass weather” it suppose to be wet ? ",0 "im in so much pain & mommy wont wake up ",0 "Gotta work today I don't feel good any everybody except 1 person is getting on my last nerves ",0 "This All-Star traffic ain't no joke ",0 "Seen Link pic on IG with the Bel-Airs on ... & I slick don't want em no more .... #Jealous ",0 "Juicy j don't never come to the hip hop awards <<<< #TrippyNation ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know right I was cleaning my room it was alot too do . ",0 "iTuness Pissin Me Off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm hungry too ",0 "NOT AGAIN ! ",0 "Oh Gawd , Lil Jon & The Eastside Boyz Just Came On ",0 "I want my baby ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : fussing with this complicated ass bitch ass bipolar ass hoe ass nigga .. "" he might not wanna argue after all that "" ",0 "My Nephew Finna Go Get His Hair Cut Off : ( ",0 "Hate that I have to go to this 6:00 ",0 "Everytime shy tweet she in ha feelings bitch get out yo feelings dot nobody wanna see tht pussy ass shit ",0 "Its Cold Asl Outside ",0 "That's a good apology cause you cursed ... ",0 "Dam I got another 4 hours of work ",0 "Jadah Just Woke Me Up ! ",0 "For The Last Time It's Fool Not \Foo "" "" ",0 "He stay talking bout other girls like I give a damn ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Tf was the purpose for that ? ",0 "wanna talk otp ",0 "fuckin nut ass cough syrup ain't doin shit ",0 "Gotta pay my mama 25$ a night out of my tip money ",0 "feel like a creep ",0 "Quan is the reason my phone moves so slow ! I should have never let him jail break it . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Im in so muvh pain ” we can tell you spelled much wrong ",0 "bring on tlc please ",0 "Bitch we hear yo loud ass ain't nobody listening though . ",0 "All this hw ",0 "Nobody loves Shani ",0 "Not in da mood , like I literally cried idc . ",0 "Lemme get 3 hours with oomf & Feel The Rush playing in the background ...  ",0 "fuckin nut ass cough syrup ain't doin shit ",0 "It gotta be the ratchet people to be talking loud in the morning like we don't wanna hear your convo so please inside voice ✋ ",0 "I be feelin so used at times ",0 "Would rather be at someone else's house though cause this lady is working my nerves !! ",0 "Oh god what did I do ????!!!! ",0 "Bye bye pissy ",0 "I really need my hair done ",0 "well when the momma stop fuckn with you ",0 "Noooooo come backkkkkk ",0 "Tell u tha truth ain't NA gonna bring me down ",0 "& I don't mean tweak to get the dope dick I receive ",0 " the way Fidahee coughed ",0 "Nobody to talk to ! ",0 "Bored as life . ",0 "Some Head Right Now ",0 "Ugh i wanted to leave out now but I got my nephew ",0 "Hate a Person tht show off .. ",0 "Everybody in my class except me and 2 people went to that basketball game and i'm in class bored asf ",0 "Team C.N.A ......... ",0 "Emojis make texting soooooooo much better .. like bitch if you sad/mad ion wanna see or > , shit betta be .. & ",0 "Iont wana be a home wrecker “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Boyfriend problems huh _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” no he not a problem at all” ",0 "Yuwel better text me back . ",0 "...... I am wasting my time ",0 "Goofys ain't nobody got time fo dat ☝ ",0 "She might still be mad ",0 "Word up\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : """" ",0 "welp iaint goin nowea in dis rain , jus was plannin too go eat cabbage ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : shiid not me ... I'm not even safe dogging right now “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : So all yall raw dawgin or nah ? ””LMAO ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why look another stolen tweet ",0 "If I was to tell you something Nette .. maaan ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Take my tweets serious and you will hate me”too late ",0 "Dick riding I see . ",0 "gah damn ! that avi is but we still not speaking ",0 "Smhhh gotta make a new one .! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I couldn't think fast enough !! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches Walkin Round Lookin Like Caillou ” ",0 "When we get paid tf ",0 "And I'm Way Too Forgiving ",0 "Incomplete ass night ",0 "Leaving Tuesday to head back to sc ima miss Philly a lil ",0 "need a wife ",0 "I be going crazy ......... LIKE REALLY CRAZY !!! #lowkey ",0 "My brother trying his hardest to get over here to see Tasha bean head ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is pure garbage ! Smh” Make it stopppppp ",0 "Guess ian gettin da grapes <<<<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It's about damn time !!! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I get mad everytime a rat bitch say some rat shit "" i swear man "" ",0 "Trust none bitch I don't ",0 "Fuck man !!!!! ",0 "Omfg , my nanny uncle never stay at home bruh wtf it's 10:46 & they already over here , go home ",0 "Bad Bitches Be Straggs Too ..... Don't Get It Twisted ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My son isn't nothing but 3 so how tf hell he know what \Embarass "" means ”lmao he growing up ! "" ",0 "Finna go take this placement test ✌✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lies now u never there on A days only on B days when u get out early ",0 "Damn it Twitter , I'm trying to get up but you won't let me ! ",0 "Father help me I'm in this car w/ my bro who has 2 chains playing and complaining about my pimple ! #imissmycar ",0 "Llahctgtsg ..., - ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I only act up for 3 reasons , it's either I miss you I want ya attention or I just need some act right ” yes ",0 "fact that i done seen all my nigga's fuck #nohomo ",0 "im very talkative ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches will never be entrepreneurs at this rate . These hoes don't know how to mind they OWN BUSINESS """" ",0 "NO ! ! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Omar she's not calling you ! Omg . go to sleep now ! ” ",0 "Mama said I need a boyfriend my reaction : ",0 "need a new sim card ",0 "Hate when ppl text slower then me ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitchhhhhhh you got my twitter and ig she ain't got no mo ? "" nope not now "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Shit I Don't Like : Mondays Math Slow textersWaking up early Being wrong❌Being boredLow batteryHoesDrama””” ",0 "I'm not feeling this new twitter at all ",0 "Let me call my doctor ; idk how I went back to sleep ",0 "!!!!! \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches say turn up , to anything . """" ",0 "He don't even fucking care ",0 "Man I need some ",0 "Now if I get dogged im smack Tf outta who ever else say it ",0 "I wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ drop hsh 5 ",0 "I need my hair done ✋ ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol wen I was der u wasn't hangin wit me "" i wasn't invited "" ",0 "Walking to school since busses wanna leave early and shit ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : When You Text Somebody Something Serious And They Dont Reply << """" ",0 "My mother stay GASSIN , where the fuck is the Lasagna ???? #UGH ",0 "He just irritated the shit out of me ",0 "My lit pussy ass need to stop ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got so burnt today ",0 "No car show today ",0 "Baee left me today ",0 "Cough cough your welcome birah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no I'm disappointed in you I miss talking too you ",0 "I'm so fuckn tired ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Byeeee Maaaaaan ",0 "I need me a track girl foreal foreal , but some of them be stuck up and don't be trying give a nigga no attention ",0 "Cekaah needa get off the phone with him cause I gotta tell her what happened <<<< ",0 "my iphone boutaa check ",0 "i hateee whenn peoplee singlee RG3 out ... Redskinss gon be Redskinsss with and without himm ! ✋✋✋ nuff saiddd #RedskinsNation #HTTR ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I step on a hoe before I let a hoe step on me ! ” We step on these hoes ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Where tf my mama at dawg !? """" ",0 ", imma smack boo cause she ain't text back yet ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Girllll . ” I'm juss really moody right now ",0 "Man idgaf bout nothing or nobody else I just want my baby dawg . Real ass shit ",0 "8 doobies to the face fuck that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Mean ass ",0 "\ !!!!!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ever since I got money , everybody need favors """" ",0 "Sometimes I Hate Having Braces The Inside Of Ny Cheeks All Cut Up N Shit ",0 "I just broke my book bag strap ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Blame it on the black man why don't you lol Cut me some slack I be fuckin up lol ",0 "Plain chips always make my gums bleed tf ",0 "where tf is kaiya yo !!? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Man I stayed a weekend with her Never was I there for 3 weeks ”she said the same about _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol ",0 "i need a nap ",0 "I Wanna ...... Ummm Nevermind ",0 "Woke Up Cryn ",0 "my lil ' brah 2 years old . && he gotta cell phone && it do #'s ",0 "Aj sitting on my bed tearing up paper towels ",0 "I swear I hate this txtn bullshit son ",0 "Having some childish moments earlier made me realize I miss being a child . ",0 "My love life so boring , I don't talk to a single soul . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was playing that group shit that I shouldn't have never played . Now I see how niggas was feeling ",0 "I can't go nowhere frfr , niggas wanna get geek and get trigger happy every trip ",0 "Got kicked out . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel like there is shade being thrown in that last tweet lol ",0 "Smh , I Might Just Put My Phone On Airplane Mode And Take My Ass To Sleep .. Y'all Pissed Me Off ",0 "Mama Dee W/ Dis Stale Ass Weave ",0 "My eearssss !!. I hear my parents doing it ",0 "Work 2mar and Sunday ",0 "I'm hungry damit ",0 "Got a stupid ass college tour to go on tomorrow ",0 "I was hot ashit walking ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ughhh people erkn i miss my sis ",0 "Swine don't like my hair ",0 "Y she didn't text me bac she prolly don't hav a answer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Damn Ryte ",0 "I didn't get my lipstick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ man I didn't no u wanted something ",0 "Somebody FaceTime me or Something ! bout boreed asf . ",0 "Let me change my damn music ..! ' me and this nigga beefing ..! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : She brought me a turkey leg .., do it look like I eat those big shits ... ” don't eat it chile they got that shit in em ",0 "My tat itch soooo badd yooo FML ! ",0 "Shit just fucked up ",0 "TFT I got a black eye . ",0 "Single and Talk to Nobody ",0 "I'm so fuckin mad at her now I'm blocking her ass ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ”you starving that bad ? Lol ",0 "I miss the old Disney . ",0 "this bitch must be stopped ! ",0 "&& i b lik damn bitchu said dat lik im 21 wit 3 kids ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Talking bout I wish it was loud ” ",0 "Bae gat her back turn to me ",0 "I miss my baby . ",0 "If yall seen how baggy my pants are ",0 "I'm home alone & it's thundering , & everybody I'm texting just don't gaf ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ text me back ",0 "Why would quil just let his phone ring for that long ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they closed ",0 "I'm tired of seeing that girl with a std down my TL , you should keep yo legs and mouth closed ",0 "Where Jakeel Man ? ",0 "Niggas Better Stop Disrespecting Me Even If They Is Playing , I Dont Play About My Girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ man kik me dude ",0 "Why you act like you know me or something ? ",0 "Mane I'm up w/ no purpose I ain't talking to nobody not a damn soul smh ",0 "This nigga keep rappin bout the same shit everyday Lls . ",0 "I nearly lost my mind ... Guess it was a test .. && u said it cuz u mad but then u took it all back ",0 "ugh i can't stand her ass ",0 "I just know her ass not gon let me get no sleep ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate when I be like "" I miss you "" & they be like "" what you miss bout me ? "" like BITCH .. "" lol right "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i know that's right . My head is throbbing ",0 "So now everybody wanna go to sleep ",0 "i need some sugar ",0 "Sometimes you just need a friend or a shoulder ",0 "I Miss My BloodSister ",0 "This old woman pregnant ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Baby fathers be like "" that's my son when I feel like it "" """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm feeling myself ' I'm feeling myself ” why you feeling yo self you better be feeling coach alexander PACKET ",0 "This don't make no sense you saying you been playing this long ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #oomfs give they number out like they don't got a gf though . Shit just be giving out like water . ”ASS ",0 "Imma bout to cut Eb off just like I did Whitney ",0 "My hair proofing up already . See ... this is why I can't leave it out ",0 "this fool just fumbled ",0 "Mimi be sounding like a battered wife .. Blow me ",0 "I Hate When Exes Just Be On Wood For No Reason , Bitch Your Name And Cross My Mind Since Last Year And Yet Im A Daily Topic For You ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why not ",0 "Bruhh my cousin snorin soo fuckin loud this bitch sound like damn garbage truck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao . i dont wanna grow ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #mpjeopardy WHat year did we get air conditioning .? ” ",0 "I'm lonely tonight he gotta work ! ",0 "Side bitches be like ... Y'all still together ? ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm glad this our last week before break I been waiting """" ",0 "I haven't been to sleep wtf ",0 "Ty So Fucking Full Of Shit ",0 "I had this crazy dream y'all , well it wasn't crazy it was just different I'guess . ",0 "I wish bitches in Arise keep my name out they Fuckin Mouth ",0 "and these lil niggas still hating on me smh SAD ",0 "I hate thinking about something old or being reminded of something and it instantly pisses me off ",0 "Damn bitch wats his social security ✋ ",0 "Ahh Hell ! ",0 "Where the fuck is my stylist tho ",0 "WTF YOOOOO IM BORED ASF ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Mfs Always Want Something Real , But Cant Be Faithful For Shit , Stfu❗❗❗ """" ",0 "I mad nah damn ! ",0 "football practice is too long , . ",0 "\Ima call you back "" .. Lying a * "" ",0 "My bro always go home when I'm not there ",0 "when boys i went to school wit request me on instagram ",0 "I'm so upset BAE died ",0 "My head is rocking ",0 "I Need A Dress Before The 11th Of Oct ",0 "ain't get a text since 12:55 ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I NEED A JOBBB” ",0 "this my \& ur point is ? face "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lol , damn ! My bad . ",0 "Oomf hick "" ass "" ",0 "but Imma just keep quiet ",0 "Somebody drunk my clear fruit & won't say who it was I can't have shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : like really you don't have to lie , just say you don't wanna go . ” ",0 "I'm getting fat ",0 "Nobody is texting me ",0 "I'm sleepy af but quin won't let me sleep ",0 "Just Made Me Mad LMFAO ",0 "I feel special when we talk But Knw I think he's ignoring meehh Smh _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I really hope they don't think that's my child ” aww Daddy Gabe ",0 "Smh I can't help it no energy to fight it ",0 "All these old names y'all know y'all history ",0 "My single Ass ",0 "School really next month ",0 "I hate when ppl call me and say \ who this ?? "" Botch u called me tf "" ",0 "These keystones really gone stress me tf out tomorro shit gone be tha death of me !!! ",0 "I Think My Baby Really Gonna Be Gay ",0 "I'm so over bein at home alone ",0 "Jeric just crushed me ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nothing cause I didn't go food shopping ” lol ",0 "Its so awkward when ppl say \im going natural now "" but i know my hair wont go straight like yours "" . Me : yes it can ! Them : it wont Me : oh "" ",0 "I wish i woulda knew this yesterday now i gotta wait for this corny bitch to show up ",0 "Theses Fake ass hoes think they the shit go sit down hoe \__ ",0 "Damn I hate a bitch that like to argue and shit . ",0 "I wanna ft Alia ",0 "his black ass better not be sleep ... ",0 "Throwing the bubble coat on ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Y'all know I got fatter since I graduated high school don't lie cause I already know like ”that shit sexy Ctfu ",0 "Where tf is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ a niggah lonely ",0 "Y'all Dont Know What Im Going Through Over Here ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Sean a hoe ass nigga for hacking my page earlier , gay ass nigga ” Nigga what ? ",0 "Mama said I need a boyfriend my reaction : ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I reaaaallly want a Sprite ” my favorite ",0 "ii had brought the big bag of hotwings frm SAMsand my mama nem been smashing my shit ",0 "No phone calls I don't wanna talk ",0 "How tf ' u get mad at me bc Ian text u , last time I checked phones work both ways then catch a attitude w/ me ! Yo ass can be dismissed ✌ ",0 "my pandora right now ",0 "This ain't right ",0 ", I'm hungry ",0 "HELP , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I had to restore my #iPhone5 … upon restorng my purchases , your site won’t restore the awesome latest Gangster Squad ",0 "Slick think oomf flex bout her phone getting took . Bt it's bool ",0 "Just like that yall niggas is over Lil Snupe ... OH SHIT IG GOT A RECORDER NOW !!!! ",0 "This is a boring ass saturday night ",0 "Imma murder somebody in this a Damn house , WHO TF Ate My Red Velvet Cakee ????? ",0 "I hope Nicole come on & cook ! Fuck , I'm hungry af . She blowin ' me . Nigga ain't ate since 8 this morning . Ughh ",0 "I Only Have One Problem At The Beginning Of The School Year ! Where The Fuck Do I Sit At Lunch !! ",0 "Watching Pitch Perfect wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was here ",0 "I always hated the song \Stay "" "" ",0 "SMH ...... JUST MADE IT IN THA HOUSE ..... WAT A GOOD NIGHT ",0 "Shit just fucked up ",0 "Oohhh this my shit ",0 "i'd rather you be honest instead of lie , cus ik the truth ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate group Mgs wit ppl I dnt kno” yes like really though ",0 "I Think My Baby Really Gonna Be Gay ",0 "Smokey back here taking a shi ! ( Ezell !! ) ite ite man i aint gone tell nobody else ! ",0 "I'd rather u say something than nothing at all ",0 "I swear yo even the real ones switch up ",0 "I would goto the let out buttttt .... Im not 18  ",0 "Damn I ain't kno tomf fought ! ",0 "Been otp for a 2 hours ",0 "I'm fucking sure he knew he was over booked before he said he could do it ",0 "I need to eat ",0 "Bitches can't wait to wear black leggings wit the Gamma Blue 11s ... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Tori said email her kella !!! I can't deal with this child _TWITTER-ENTITY_ all” ",0 "my face is fat lol ",0 "This heat ... ",0 "This Latino at subway slow af retarded ass ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm ready for the weekend but that's nothing new """" ",0 "I'm just wide awoke while chaise and dre snoring their asses off ",0 "Everybody there today tho ",0 "Oh god what did I do ????!!!! ",0 "Izzys cheating on me ?..... let me find out some shit ",0 "Juicy j don't never come to the hip hop awards <<<< #TrippyNation ",0 "It's gettin on my nerves ",0 "Feelin like I'm bout to get annoyed !!!! ",0 "Im Crazy Man ! Bol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Champ” the fuckery ",0 "It's always that one falcons hater . ",0 "Let meee be greattttt ",0 "Why they gotta mess with me get out !!! ",0 "all i remember is twonika ugly ass waking me up to make her some damn breakfast now idk where tf she at ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish ",0 "I Dont Think I Look That Oldd . . ) : ",0 "Her deep throat ass you can hear everytime she swallow ",0 "Idgaff pissed me off stupid ass ",0 "Why do you keep talking to me ? Why ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Soul Source under construction again” right I'm pissed ",0 "I need new earphones ",0 "i can't stand that child ",0 "Might As Well Go Taa Sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mine too ",0 "We got clamps ",0 "wide awoke nah ",0 "& johnny not here , sooo ima be bored ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Dam . Wheres Trice when you need her . ”✋ damn that's her girl too” hell naw don't be sayin the bs ",0 "Apologies Dont Heal What U Thought U HAD , But Realize Yu DONT ! ",0 "I don't be having no energy ",0 "Yooooo you always snapping on me .... Smh _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "The granny's just blew the shit out of me how tf they gonna pick frank ocean gay ass over Chris brown ",0 "My bby head was broke out badd … ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I HATE When Ppl Read The Text Message Yu Sent Them But Don't Reply ” that's the lite ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #Oomf avi ugly af ' ”don't appreciate you talking about me ",0 "I Gotta Go Back Home Just To Come Back Up Here ",0 "I Feel Like I Cried all My Feelings Out At My Cuz Funereal , Imma Miss Him ",0 "#oomf keep calling me ",0 "i miss my baby his sexyy asss uhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell no !!! haven't since April I'm _TWITTER-ENTITY_ genesis hc & I hate it ",0 "# So Mad Right Now❗ ",0 "I'm really not trynna go to school tomorrow omg . ",0 "I Aint Beefing w/ NOBODY . I Either Like You❤ Or I DONT Like You . BEEFING Aint Gon Solve Shit , IT'S ONLY Gonna Waste My Time ",0 "Kinda lovestruck over here !! Smh ",0 "Can't stand these wanna be Muslims man ",0 "Oshea snoring woke me up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ woke me up guess ill go to the mall with her ... ",0 "It's 2013 An U Got Ass Women's Wit No Car Asking To Be Picked Up #GetRightOrGetLeft ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Where do my money be going ? ” #MANNNLISTEN ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Then Mother Nature done came through #fuck "" I hate when that hoe come ”mane "" ",0 "I'm gona hear his mouth all day ",0 "Noooo Yo Ass Aint !!! ",0 "I miss my bed ",0 "I'm tired of wanting crabs n not gettin them ",0 "I'm Still UP ",0 "eating my shit his back would've got caved in FUCK DOT ",0 "Bby , I want you to staaaaayyyyy ",0 "Shymeek playin in my face ",0 "I still talk like you ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop playing on my ig fr fr ",0 "Niggas man how u get mad cause u still a kid TF ",0 "I hate being ignored but I'm not gonna kiss his ass ",0 "I hate Doing Dishes !!!! ",0 "Almost killed myself today at the gym ! Keep telln y'all folks I WANT THIS SHXT TO BAD ",0 "I Think Don't Nobody Fuck Wit Me ",0 "Ismoke strong til my lungz weak .... ",0 "my avi is truly ugly ",0 "Don't know if I can listen to Silent night right now . That may be too much for me ",0 "I lost my glasses ",0 "I want some company ",0 "bitch shut up . ",0 "when you step on your younger sibling's toys . <<< ",0 "Missy mad at me frfr shit didn't even text me back ",0 "I Just Feel Like Danceing #TwerkkkTeammmm ",0 "I be tripping !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl I'm gone be home soon . & when I do get back you know he not letting you come out . ",0 "Bitches be worried about me and how I'm eating ✋I got this ",0 "Had fun wid mii cuxn on southmain but wen I got hme last nite it hit me again I got sixk af ",0 "Y'all an these fucking arrows is killing me ",0 "Where is my bestfriend ",0 "Need a otter box ",0 "Just put more global on my phone this shit be killin my pockets . ",0 "My phone stay dyin ",0 "I'm so mad at my mommy I have nothing to say ",0 "Hate when my iPod does this to me ",0 "Lady told me it take hours to get the taste of condoms out your mouth I didnt wanna know that s**t ! ",0 "Niggas keep saying I'm in my feelings man foh just feel some type of way ",0 "RFT\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : So now I'm stupid ?! Okay ” "" ",0 "I hate being sick ",0 "Lord I'm tired ",0 "Feeling I just got ... ",0 "I guess people know my love life tf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want some ",0 "I was chillin . Wit my lil man than mfs wanna call crying smh ",0 "He think I'm playing ",0 "he need to wake up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh and my books whaddup ? Lol and I'm hungry too ",0 "can't watch TV with my mother unuh !! she stay asking questions !! ugh ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I got soft feelings ' that's why if Im mad I cry """" ",0 "Man Im Single Bt Got mi Eyes on tht One Person wonder do she want me !!!! :/ : ? ",0 "My brother stay playing that damn \Money phone "" song out . I hate the fucking song man . "" ",0 "I hate cocky bitchessss URK my nerves ",0 "Where Nay nay At ? ",0 "I remember back when u didn't have to be in VIP to smoke in the fuckin club !!!! TRUE OLE HEAD ... right here ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : my grandma keep making me go outside ima be sick af . ” Stop Going Outside Then ",0 "Niggaz be like \I'm bout that life , I grew up around all killers & savages . "" And I be like "" oh .... how many ppl have they killed .. On GTA "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm pissed , like do you see that shit ? ",0 "Shit pisses me off on a totally different level and right now is the calm before the storm ",0 "School is so fucking tedious ... ",0 "I slick hate my iphone , foreal ! ",0 "✋ Calling me blocked ",0 "I dnt have a case on my phone feel like I'm finna brake it ",0 "I Want A Black Gucci Hat ",0 "Byee how im looking right now i sleep ",0 "Charlie ain't shit but Quinn now ",0 "#RETWEET IF YOU WANNA TEXT I'm bored ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Damnnnnnnnnnnn _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just went MIA on a bitch .. ” Yup . Sure did . ",0 "I gotta go to school next Thursday ",0 "I need to get out the house ",0 "I'm about to BLOW TF UP ",0 "Dude Really Bogus For Sayinq That Shit ! OML ! Like Really ? ",0 "I need him right now . ",0 "I'm confused ashit ",0 "Lol i dont want just sex ",0 "Up & bored ",0 "shardae stay lien . ",0 "Great ... I'm up sick , baby is up sick ... But I get no sick days here . ",0 "My baby janise not feeling good ",0 "My phone drier than Gucci Mane Lips ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : - hate a mf with private tweets , mf grow tf up ! """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Y'all ever looked at y'all boyfriend/girlfriend and been like \ue106 damn that's all me ? ” "" ",0 "My tummy needs too calm down though ! ",0 "I'm sooo lit tho ",0 "somebody's finna get they ass beat . ",0 "These Niggas Gon Catch Sum Fuckin Wit These Cyber Hoes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that shit make wanna delete my twitter ",0 "Now he Finna kill ha ass ",0 "I hate Bashir with a fucking passion . ✌ ",0 "I just peeped some ",0 "My mama just said I'm messing up my stomach ",0 "I can't even give some females Complements they might think I'm thirsty or something . ",0 "I just wanna curl up next to #oomf & get my stomach rubbed . ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : im so sleepy it don't make no sense """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel cheated and angry !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Quadir & the bull gotta chill on my Tl , with the youngbull shit ” I'm outta high school ",0 "Brandon ain't playing Friday ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I miss Dd ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Noooo ... can't stand to see a woman cry !!! ",0 "I just want him here . ",0 "If Kayla don't stop tweeting bout them fuck ass cowgirls ",0 "This class ready to have me K.O ",0 "Yo thats why i try not to beef wit this boy even tho he erk my soul so bad cause shit like this ",0 "These freshmans so damn ugly ",0 "I want some hair ",0 "I hate coming to his job cause all the inmates be like \Hey Captain Davis Daughter "" "" ",0 "I might just be up all night ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Women still sucking uncircumcised dicks ? ” call em pissy lips ... ",0 "Bae done feel asleep on me .. ",0 "They Cutting Up In My Messages ",0 "I felt like drake last night ",0 "they gotta chill on they in my butt !!! ",0 "I had this headache since yesterday I cant take this shit no longer ",0 "I misss y'all my bitches mar dkay Kee . St , Ts , Bri , Nylia , Ericka & that's it ",0 "\Can you blame her ?, she wants to see her baby "" sometimes I dislike my mom "" ",0 "I hate when hoes be like \Somebody call me "" but don't give out number .! I'm like what !? "" ",0 "Damnnnnnn shit Kraziii ",0 "I'm feelin alot better tho but I'm still sick #5 ",0 "I bet u gotta deep throat too ",0 "I Hate Joe Ass BitchesJoey Jihad Ass BitchesJoes Crab Shack Ass Bitches Sloppy Joe Ass Bitches Fat Joe - Lean Back Ass Bitches ",0 "Times like today I miss my mother the most ",0 "I really threw up after I ate thou I feel empty now ",0 "My stomach is so weak ",0 "something bit me on my face ",0 "This is the wrse morning to go to NY ",0 "I Wish it Was Still Hot Out Side ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Mike call me dawg ” alright ",0 "His Haitian ass need to hurry up & fix a bitch breaks ",0 "Beefing w/my nigga he keep hitting me on my trap phone ",0 "kirk ugly ass get on my nerves ",0 "Cay jus picked all over my crab cake i'ont even want it ",0 "I guess I'm not gonna get this nap .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wake up I gotta tell u somethin ",0 "Heyyyy y'all _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hacking Trent's page because my phone died ! Nooooooooo ",0 "Guess I gotta watch more hockey ",0 "SMH I'm patiently waiting . ",0 "Deandre so fvking stupid ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yeah poor little me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ready for this weekend !!! ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ooh I work 3-11 tomorrow . ",0 "I'm going be late for work cause of this dumb ass sedan bitch ",0 "Just cause the simple fact ' we as clique tight & our mamas dont play that shit ",0 "Phone line dry no boo thang nothing ",0 "I dnt like sleepin alone world . ",0 "really sleepy . ",0 "I need some company ",0 "I don't like ppl so that means I need somebody that's gon humble & soften my mean ass ",0 "My ex twife lyin to me #Pannnnnn ",0 "HE WAS LIVING RIGHT ACROSS THE HALL FROM HER THE WHOLE TIME too bad I don't have an app with a hall lol he was ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Dante can't talk I seen that video with that black fast sweaty girl . ” lmfaoooooo dooooog . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I give him no play he be mad as shit” block list shit ",0 "niggas do to much bluffing for me the shit I see on my TL on ig man ",0 "I'm Hungry as Shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she ain't friendly ",0 "Wes really the bid , irking nshit ",0 "They never invite me no where I SWEA ",0 "I Be Walkin Thru PE&T Like : Wassup Wit Allll These Fuck Niggas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ too late !! ",0 "I just gotta find a location ",0 "I hate beingg in the cribb by myself I be all lonely .. ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ain seen My A1 in 5 Day ! I MISS HER MANE "" awwweee "" ",0 "Somebody save me ",0 "Every night its the same shit , its getting old ",0 "My nerves got bad just that quick ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Nobody to goto Simons with .... """" ",0 "Dis Niqqa PMTFO ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ pizza but I'm waiting in these pork chops lol” you always got food .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wha iDo ,!??? ",0 "I can't even sit up straight ",0 "i hope oh grl dnt ' think i forgot bout ha I'm still gone pop tht la ugly face ",0 "Leaving my Android Family for the Iphone they finally got me ..... ",0 "Gotta Get Out This House ! ",0 "WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY BEST FRIEND ???????? I'M SCARREEDDDD !!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ??? ",0 "I'm hungry damit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I miss my baby ”I miss you too ",0 "I love making you jealous but don't judge me , and I know I'm being hateful but that ain't nothing . I'm just human , ",0 "Lt : Both Of They Ass At That ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Finna put his ass in his crib . This shit ridiculous ✋” you can't hold my lil nigga down Brit . FREE LIL BRYSON ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . I hope he know ",0 "I Low Key Jih Like Wanted The Taxis ",0 "I'm tired of seeing these same tweets ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me either twin !! I miss you ",0 "Alot on mi mind ",0 "My wifi getting weak now this rain needa CHILL , for I get off ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Stop Giving It Out If You Don't Nobody To Have It ” DON'T Subtweet me BITCHH ”Uhhh okay ",0 "Dis nigga ain't called me yet ",0 "My TL <<< ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Wish People Stop Talking About Being Exposed & amp ; Exposing People . It's Corny . Yall All Dickeating Foreal Foreal ” ",0 "wish he was home from work already ",0 "Know it or not Timothy was really tryin me up at lunch . ",0 "MAN FUCK THAT ECONOMICS HOMEWORK ! ",0 "somebody come see me ",0 "#InMiddleSchool , i got suspended for kayla & zuri fighting them girls , the heard me tell Kay & zuri to beat they ass ",0 "everybody say that shit ",0 "I don't like seeing that lovey dovey shit on my timeline .. I'm single shit fuck y'all .. I'm faithful to this single life ",0 "Hospital Bound . ",0 "Braids out ! Now I'm sitting here like !!! ",0 "Man I swear I wanna say fuck it and go back to sleep ",0 "My Body Stay In Pain .. I Think Ma Muscles Be Tightenin Up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #HoesBeLike . | |\ /\ | \_/ \ | (( | \| \ | \ \ We're just friends ",0 "I was just like DF ",0 "I gotta clean the kitchen ",0 "Probably cause it's cold & I don't wanna get out ",0 "Just got down here where the hoes at an it's time to go ",0 "Idk what I was thinkin bout .. staying up til 2 sum ",0 "If ur email is ratchet pleas change it or kill ya self ",0 "Miss Ha Otl .. ",0 "For some reason why I gotta feeling trill going run off with my charger to the night he prolly think imma be at work all day ",0 "I need my hair done !! ",0 "Malik wanna have an attitude tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ As usual !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they kills me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I swear broke bitches make me sick ”make that the two of us don't forget scary ",0 "Just Fell down my Stairs on Some other shxt ",0 "Ion like texting mfs without iPhones ",0 "I don't talk to nobody ",0 "i miss my brother yo ",0 "I swear yo even the real ones switch up ",0 "Fuckin bored yo ",0 "This random text message ",0 "Alot on mii mind ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she won't quit , I see ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea cuh till august but yu kno we blown it dwn soon as i get off & lil bro grabbed da wheels im stuck in da spot today ",0 "Damn nobody loves me anymore fuck y'all to then ",0 "Sick & Cnt eat ",0 "I wanna fight _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'd rather be in my bed than anywhere near this game today . ",0 "No leave me alone I'm mad u do not want whit girl Rena to get mad my face turn red ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If bloodthicker than water , then why do family turn they back on you too”not on me they don't ",0 "Don't be wasting my time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't drink it anymore ",0 "If its not him im not replying ✌ ",0 ", how I'm feeling right now just looking at my baby ",0 "Really don't wanna curl my hair today ",0 "woke up late ",0 "Bouta Clean Up My Room . Who Wanna Help ? Oh , NOBODY ? Cool ....... ✌️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm about to zzzz I gotta go somewhere in the am ",0 "Really wish I wore a fuckin hat ",0 "this lil boy still sleep ? ",0 "Waiting on my burgers im hungry ",0 "Yall Niggas Not Gone Keep Stealing My Tweets ! It Took Hard Work & Patients To Copy & Past That Shit ! ",0 "Mmm ... Daddy ..! ",0 "Had to text Malik first & shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ctfu leave me alone ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Us 90's babies getting old ... """" ",0 "Went back to the mall to get my hoodie , and left my mf card in the car ",0 "Henny had the nerve to ask why I called her the horny one .... As if she won't raping niggas EVERY night ",0 "You know I'm sleepy when I'm talking to the remote as if it was the phone ",0 "Javon said I'm depressed ",0 "lawdd wat is everybody tryna find out ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't feel like learning Irvington to go there ",0 "I hate expressing my feelings ",0 "No pill poppin ",0 "Goodbye world ✌ ",0 "Ain't nothing worse than a LOUD UGLY INSIGNIFICANT FEMALE , you already ugly tf you gotta be loud for ? seen nor heard .. ",0 "i wanna go home ",0 "My head under water but I'm breathing fine ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't get it ",0 "I miss living in Norcross . ",0 "This damn rain acting a fooly & people on my TL talm bout .. \MALL LATER "" need they ass whooped "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Smh ",0 "This lil nap ain't finna owe me nothing ' ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ no she didn't ”shut up yo ",0 "Ared call before you come to see if I'm home “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yesa , I be over there around 6” ",0 "wish I was seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this weekend ",0 "my mother wanna be playing on my phone early in the morning she has no life ",0 "“In last period can't wait to go home . ” ",0 "Tf where she at ",0 "i bought this funky wack ass charger from the mall Saturday & it's broke ALREADY ",0 "Ain't nothing like the grassWhen you Stressing ",0 "Tori needs to take me with her ",0 "He Has The Audacity To Call My Phone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Daras go be in ATL go find someone else && break up with me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Nobody to talk to ! ",0 "Let my mom take my 4G lite off , I'll kick her ass ",0 "CNT BOTHER ME _TWITTER-ENTITY_ FUK ON SUPA HIGH# ",0 "And he called me like 3 times !!! ",0 "good fucking night Sarai just blew me ! Tf dude ",0 "This nigga keep rappin bout the same shit everyday Lls . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Shanilla don't know what she doing ... ”one thing about it I always know what I'm doing something is wrong with my ",0 "& baby we dont need a bed ..., ",0 "Man I can't deal w/ Chris as ",0 "I should've did something tonight ! ",0 "Cenaaa been pose to come to my house ",0 "Smh wonder how many hours will past until she finally notice me } ",0 "Jordan ' Knocking On My Door And Shit Nigga Chill iGotta Get Dress ✋ ",0 "Y’all’s see how Rico treat me man I be busy ",0 "ain't nobody tryna take me to Taco Bell ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wish this graduation can hurry up” NOOOOOO ",0 "I'm 18 can't make me do shit ",0 "I pray to god I never fall in love again . ",0 "i'd hate for me and #oomf too stop talking eh ",0 "How You Know Me When You Don't Even Know Me ",0 "Everybody outside in the heights ",0 "ion understand niggas I swear we not together he can do what he want but I can't I'm all the dumb bitches & this & that ",0 "It take all day to get to the city ",0 "* sighs * niggas aint shit ... ",0 "i needa brush my teeth ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me either ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm ugly is what's wrong ! ",0 "Keep fucking w . me && Imma up the mag on hoes\/ | --- |\ | | / \ / \ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I just want to know who keeps hacking my twitter ” << you should know that !! ",0 "Back to sleeping alone ",0 "Fuck around & go to sleep early ",0 "Tl refreshing slow ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : But there’s nothing in this world that I want moreThan to have my baby back in my arms” ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : School scressful """" ",0 "I liedd I'm not singlee y'all , chill regular ✌ ",0 "I need louder speakers ",0 "Mad as shit ...... I can't find my bra ",0 "I want Some Sweets ",0 "I'm Drunk as Shit Moe ",0 "I hate driving his truck when he's in the car ",0 "I guess it bes like dat whn you FAITHFUL & a nigga out doin wat he want ",0 "i SENSE the SHADE on my timeline && lemme ' qotta remind a bitch , they still broke & ain ' got shit ",0 "Wearing dis onesie and my feet still cold as fuhh ",0 "I got food poison , ",0 "Fuck ass .............. I'm finished . Next subject ! Fuck this game ! Fuck the Spurs ! Fuck the Heat . Fuck Lebron ! Still win though Spurs . ",0 "Oh shit I lost my booty not cool at all ",0 "My stomach touching my back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but you don't drink tho ",0 "I Wish My Burfday Boy Was Here Right Now ",0 "Ah shit I hope he wont think I was calling him bae .... ",0 "Now I have nothing to do my boo gotta work when she get off ima be going in ",0 "Bruh I swear these lady bugs man ... ",0 "My Boy Just Left ",0 ", ' ii want baeee . ' ",0 "my mama never texts me back ",0 "- dam I'm the only one up - I guess I gotta go too bed ",0 "Every time we get into it I get these stupid ass headaches .... ",0 "We don't do no robbing . All we do is grind . ",0 "My Abu is back from ATL . ",0 "This bitch be so irritating man dam ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Everyone tells me \you'll get in "" but they don't know my troubles ” Carissa shut up "" ",0 "I'm MAD at jeno ",0 "KeKe is an ass hole ",0 "Still a Lil sleepy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ didn't ether bother to call ",0 "Twitter Messing up ",0 "This Teacher Blowin Me Im Bouta Steal His Ass ",0 "Damn she blow my MIND ..... GOTTA KNOW I LOVE HER ",0 "My leg , & foot sleep ",0 "Uhhh Shit My Stomach . ",0 "You Got Friends .... Dat Ain't Friends No More ",0 "I looked cute yesterday n anit take no pictures ",0 "My Daddy Goin 2\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My step daddy leave for Texas tomorrow """" ",0 "& Lauren wild sleepin ass won't go over I ain't got time for this shit ",0 "Yasss !!! U LIVE on dis biii “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My phone can't properly charge because my asz can't stay off twitter and IG ” ",0 "#HONESTY is the hardest thing for muthafckas nowadays ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ must be ignoring me today ",0 "this little boy yo oh my ",0 "phone bout to die ",0 "Everybody like this while I'm like ",0 "I'm cold asf ! ",0 "Hate That Sneaky Shit ",0 "Where Is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ? : (( ",0 "I miss my twinn _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Might sound stupid but I rather deal with weed scent than cigarette ",0 "Ihope he straiqht cause he aint txtin me back or answerinq his phone ",0 "If you got a problem wit me text me If you don't have my number that mean you don't know me well enough to have a problem wit me . ",0 "I'm sleepy ..... ",0 "Ughhhhh I'm soo mad I can't sleep I miss my baby and on top of that I want my Aleeyah Janae ",0 "I coulda swore I told somebody to text me ",0 "Y'all don't even know ",0 "I don't have a charger ",0 "ion even know that girl ",0 "At first then now -----> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #fuckasubtweet ",0 "She Might Of been there from The Beginning But it Only matters who gone be there at the end ",0 "He Play All Day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww , what's wrong with her ? & in ms. price class you know how she stay leaving lls but I'm just doing work .. Bored ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I want some ice ” ",0 "If youu miss the 2013 BET Hip Hop awards . . . Youu havee no lifee . . . : ( , ",0 "Really still pissed off ... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I can't STAND people who chew with their mouth open”b ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate a chick with no ass ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ boy put it up here then tf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can you do it ",0 "Mannn I Want Some BoilShripms From The Casino ",0 "I always end up messing with a sleaze ",0 "I have another year of school ",0 "I wanna chill withh Zo ",0 "My dog really just bit me tho ",0 "Ughhhh now Iam scared ",0 "Y'all don't even know ",0 "my throwbacks i be like ",0 "Mmm ☝️ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's over ! I want a divorce you C H E A T E R gon go get married to somebody else on me . ",0 "I'm not suppose to be on here but i can't help it ",0 "What the doctor say about ya arm ? ",0 "This nigga _TWITTER-ENTITY_ never answer the fuckin phone neither _TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all on that BALDHEAD HOE SHIT #5 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ His dumb ass ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Damn idk what game to watch Nick Young or the Cavs ?? ” niggas aint even say lakers they said nick young ",0 "I'm mad now ! Dammit ! Shit ! ",0 "My emotions !!!! ",0 "School got Me waking up early on The weekend ",0 "Wish i could talk to my momma about shxt like this .... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : lightskin girls will be on the phone with u and still tweet \somebody text me , I'm so bored "" ” "" ",0 "I'm pissed the fuck off ",0 "I been texting all day my phone won't shut up . ",0 "gotta work tomar morning ",0 "Raheem never _TWITTER-ENTITY_ who he be talking about ",0 "My btch prolly won't even speak if you talkin money ",0 "I swear every morning I wake up and javaris is in his feelings .... please just talk to her ",0 "Popeyes breakfast was bullshit ! ",0 "This movie my great gma watching just got stupid ",0 "Kevin black ass “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Who “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : How he going just stop texting me like that ”” ",0 "what I just seen .. need a girl yo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ham , don't get fucked up ”lol I kno his work ",0 "I learned that the hard way ",0 "Cuffin Hours And I'm Drinking Water ",0 "iPhones be like \On my way ! "" like damn nigga i aint that enthusiastic "" ",0 "Omfg , I can't find my beats nor my headphones bruh wtf !!! ",0 "Jaidlin Message Made My Phone Go Slow ",0 "My Phone stay Having ah Low Battery ",0 "I can't even sit up straight ",0 "My mom making me mad as shit ",0 "3rd 8-8 season in a row ",0 "I'm a baby , am I the only person 17 ",0 "Mane , I just got pissed off ! Goodnight ",0 "The fact that I gotta move 3 cars around the corner once I get home ",0 "Ion like nobody saying what to me if I huh u u huh me back ",0 "Soo I miss my godson .. ",0 "Didn't come in til 4 ",0 "We need a crunched ice machine in this house ",0 "this shit erks ",0 "Omg here we go again smh ",0 "I hate when mfs ask to see my phone imma say no if u wanna see a phone buy one ",0 "Switch it & this me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hate when I'm mad at him so he gets mad at me then when imnt mad nomore he still wanna be mad like wtf ",0 "Niggaz always be like I fucked tho ... low key that's all that matter ",0 "I don't even think about half of these little ass roaches the bitch ain't got she going for her self ",0 "I been wanted #oomf but now I can't have him ",0 "Im really feeling bad ... N i gotta work all day tomorrow ",0 "Don't expect loyalty when you can't provide honestly ",0 "Gucci's twitter got deleted ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I mad now fr "" better find another way lol "" ",0 "so wen i finally get tahh sleep myy sis comes n wake me up ",0 "Twitter notifications never come to my phone ",0 "Tf is wrong w/ you ? “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I would really be a stripper ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My Whole Fuckin Screen Cracked , ! ” Damn when yhu did that ",0 "I Need A Bestfriend ",0 "This city need to be stop lil kids getting kill for no reason ",0 "If he waits he's the one if he puts pressure on you , he's only after one thing ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too Lucy an right man !! ” ",0 "Ion ean know why I did ask nobody never ask me questions anyway ",0 "I hit it I hit it I hit it I hit it I hit it first ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe text me , I need to talk ” kk ",0 "I fuckin ' hate Cancers & Taurus ",0 "Yo I'm mad I been the same size since I was like 17 ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Yo side bitches even making obituaries and shit mains better step it up” wht ",0 "Just gotta new phone and don't even use it ",0 "Dawg That's Some Shit You Don't Say , I Feel So Dumb ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Assume & Jump To Conclusions Too Much """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yoo I was like this nigga always busting my groove I can't do shit”shit I tho he was coming to fight ",0 "Ughhh I'm always doing something wrong ",0 "I don't respect no nigga that call me ah bitch ",0 "i dnt think they would be telling me this for nothing man ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : - if jared don't cum tf onnnn ✌ "" he always . take long "" ",0 "Man look , I just ate and I'm hungry again already FDS . ",0 "I Hate When Exes Just Be On Wood For No Reason , Bitch Your Name And Cross My Mind Since Last Year And Yet Im A Daily Topic For You ",0 "No text , till this nigga learn some manners ",0 ", omfg I just got scared as shit ",0 "I dare someone i know to dye their hair grey ",0 "I'm Getting Irritated ",0 "On my way , on my way , On my way down ",0 "My whip took a beating today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i Knoeee ! But At Least We Dont Gotta Do Np Detentions For 3 Hours . We Do W/e Want ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmaoooooooo !!!! Yessss omg Kalia was so disrespectful in that class ",0 "Up & bored ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ without me .. ",0 "Got me up all night . ",0 "Damn“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Can't find my wallet ” ",0 "Wait until I tell Yasmeen about my day yo , oh lord ",0 "I keep that iron , you can get creased ",0 "& She Getting On My Nerves ",0 "He just irked the shit out of me IDGAF about this lil placement call . He bout to get hung up on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I thought you was talking bout my baby !! ",0 "My mama gonna say , \The stars out tonight . Where yo woman at ? "" I'm like , .. "" ",0 "Im ready to get from under this damn dryer before they blow my fucking SCALP ! Tf ",0 "I need to blow the pack ",0 "That lady really irked my nerves this am , banging on my fucking door in the last 15minutes of my sleep ",0 "that bath was everythingbut ii still feel horrible ",0 "Well do u see my location ... Yea of course I'm fvcking bored !!!!! ",0 "Kinda Bored In This Bihh ",0 "But any way let me get in the shower to relax my nerves ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : You Bitches been working on y'all Summer Bodies for 3 years ... When y'all supposed to be finished ? ” this is me lmfao ",0 "My hair is a mess ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Then Mother Nature done came through #fuck "" I hate when that hoe come ”mane "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cuz Byron aint give me what I wanted ",0 "Can't wait to be off work ... stupid ass job ",0 "Ugh I hate when that happen to us .. ",0 "Why my text messages be messing up ",0 "y'all im in my feelings this bullshits happens when I stay up to late and fight my sleep knowing damn well I be sleepy ",0 "My Day Was Goin Until Just Now <<<<< #Smh ",0 "They like Sosa where you beeeeeeeen Sucka , I been buying guns for these bitch ass suckas ",0 "Now My Mama Not Gonna Buy Me Everything I Want At The Mall ",0 "I don't feel like doing anything tonight ",0 "Hate Wen Females Text Me Bout They Problems ... DF I Look Like Doctor Phil ",0 "Im ready to get from under this damn dryer before they blow my fucking SCALP ! Tf ",0 "I'm jus annoyed this morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm tooooooo MAD ",0 "I don't fish either ",0 "Shit Just Fuck'd Up . ",0 "Whyyyyyy Dawgg Tf , Smhhh Im About Try Sleep It Off ",0 "Sally left me ",0 "I want abs ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches keep talking about Lebron hairline but don't have no edges """" ",0 "He sounded so sad , it made me wanna cry !! ",0 "I thinkk oomf hate me .... y'all really think im ✌ but im really ",0 "Was . Finna ride out but these side affects ",0 "Shuda stayed outside now I'm n da hse bored ",0 "She so down ",0 "Nigga really tryna set me up he won't share to I come back that's some petty as shit ",0 "bessfrann wont let me sleep ",0 "Should've Got them play offs 8's ",0 "I gotta work in the a.m ",0 "#oomf was suppose to facetime me , guess she going to sleep tho ",0 "Mfs Think Cus They Got My Brother On Some Set Up Shit They Gone Get Me SHIT DEADD ",0 "- My Nail Brokeeeee ",0 "Home all Alone ",0 "I want a girl ",0 "Its Been 8 Months And 13 Days : ( : ",0 "This man was so scary ",0 "Girl stop you just lay there ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : All the pretty females only single cause they crazy as hell” ",0 "Baby Done Went To Sleep ",0 "Phone on 9% & im still not home from the trip ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry "" it's ok "" ",0 "Bitches wake up roll over & hop dead on IG when they have a whole man right next to them ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i miss you ",0 "Feeling sick from that wrap ",0 "damn fr bad u feel dat way .... went from homie to hate him ",0 "I'm trying to call you .. call me back # wayne tweet ",0 "Being SINGLE .. Still don't Noo who yha Want << ",0 "im so got damn sleepy ",0 "Ion like no movies without action ",0 "I RealLive Hate Dat Sneak Dissin SnakeShit ",0 "That shit drawlinIt suppose to be rainin all day ",0 "❗ feed me goddamnit ",0 "Ride dat face n Roll my Dope at the same damn time ",0 "- Tryna see how ima get to newark , ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know Trace .. But I can't ",0 "&& they just keep pushing !!! ",0 "It's not letting me dm ",0 "Stomach killin meeeeeee .. Cramps go awayyyyyyyyyy ",0 "What the hell , who went through me DM's ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm About To Take My Attitude Out On Everybody Just Cuz He Made Me Mad .. ” don't do that ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Just catch the damn ball !! ",0 "I need a boyfriend ASAP my lil lonely self ",0 "I'm always hungry ",0 "Just woke back up & its back to throwing up all over again ",0 "I don't think I can do another day of celebrating .. My body is exhausted tweople .. I'm thinking of tapping out .. lol ",0 "Son .... this girl been rapping on the phone since 7:30 shut upppppppp Kashmiere niggas tryn sleep ",0 "Somedays we get lost and stay lost I just wanna stay lost ...... ✨✨✨ ",0 "I feel sick still from all that Ciroc last night ",0 "It's Boring When It's Just Me At My Mamma House . I Miss Abo & Tia Men ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I walk past old friends & Ex's… Like I never knew them✌✋ """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmfaoo bye .. ",0 "Ugh this work shit is for poor people . Ugh I can't deal . ",0 "I'm off today but still have to go to my job . ",0 "I wish this dog outside stfu ... ",0 "I got to go to school tomorrow . ✋ this irritating I HATE SCHOOL ",0 "Son Dj really blew me , FUCK HIM . I fuckin ' haaaate him , & i hate him with a passion but its all love ",0 "Meek be up all hours of the night and morning talking bout nothin but money his friends and music ",0 "im madd iscell i thought i was bout to bump till my ear drums bust but one of the SPEAKERS dont work ",0 "My phone be straight tripping ",0 "And Thus Bitch Give Us A Test everyday✋ ",0 "✋ ... Ok I wish this day wud End Already tho ",0 "Oh shit . I forgot all about bulls playing heat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yhu kno what fuck it shid ii won't give yhu no inspirational speech/Preach nomo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ The lies ",0 "I would call my Jawn back .., but I don't wanna be bothered cuz I'm ... ugh ",0 "I hate a girl that's cool with everybody girl I talk to . ",0 "Why I'm so tired ",0 "I'm still tripping that that bitch called me UGLY ",0 "This a boring ass Saturday ",0 "I've realize I've stick all my big bills in the Goose bootle .!!! ",0 "Pee hung up on me do um goin to sleep ",0 "When I'm mad/sad I think about that lil voice #oomf put on ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh thts her Fav excuse ..... but it's a great excuse tho lol” aww man don't do that ",0 "Somebody please help me find a dress or anything ",0 "I Hope He Okay ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Waking up in the middle of the night so weak” GrowUp ",0 "I Don't Trust Nobody Nomo ,, I Feel Like Everybody Trynna Play Me ",0 "Where is this traffic coming from ?!? ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : When I was younger , $20 felt like $100 , now $20 feel like a $1” """" ",0 "Keenan been asking me to do Big Lexi dance for him he don't know yet , im not . EVER ",0 "I'm up don't worry . ",0 "I lost big time doe ",0 "Im mad a j ross ",0 "I got a big ass stress headache ",0 "i miss you !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm tooooooo MAD ",0 "Biggest fear is having to bury one of my patnas or my sister ",0 "I have a serious problem with people touching my stuff ",0 "Your phone still dead huh ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh ",0 "Baby you don't even have to read my mind cuz yu kno I wanna get it in✊ ",0 "Fuck Live & Affection , I Need Money & A Blessing , & Some Head Cuz I'm Stressin ",0 "Noooooo come backkkkkk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ man ion een no wat ta say ..... Dm me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ o wow well u need to find out cause its so boring this way ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wake up bae ! ",0 "Phone So Dry ",0 "Lord , i hope this aint nobody i know ! ",0 "Niggas Goin Hate ..... But These Bitches Goin Choose ",0 "my night is the fucking worse ",0 "Bitches be like \I Don't Like You "" I be like "" Umm And Who Are You Again "" ? "" ",0 "Man I swear to god my mama be killing my fck'n vibe smh ",0 "Can't find my girl friend again sigh ",0 "Tay needs to hurry up from the fuckn mall & bring my pineapples ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I feel so lazy today ” ",0 "My father didnt show ",0 "I Gotta Leave Da Hood ",0 "I felt some type of way last night but I ain't mean to flex on him like that ",0 "I hate DMV ",0 "But I ain't got nobody to go with ",0 "What was I thinking we ont trip over these females , they for everybody ",0 "Ugh , I swear to God I'm going smack the shit out my ex young . #MOVABRAINNN ",0 "I swear I won't get no sleep tonight and I got a big test to take tomorrow . ",0 "He's out I'm jealous !! Gn ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : bitches look like they going to church , not prom talmbout they kilt it . . wtf you kill , the holy ghost ?? ",0 "Girl this old last just slid me her paper and said full this in .. as if I know her I told her calm down moms I don't know u and this a test ",0 "Just put my lil brother out not tonight buddy ",0 ", Fuck It They Can Do All The Bouncing Back They Want ... I Already They Had Feelings 4 Eachother ",0 "Damn king we came far tho ",0 "I probably gained like 3lbs from the shit I been eating ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Y'ALL WAKE UP W/ #WCW ON YA MiND LAWD . ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Malik quit talking to yourself” I was reading ",0 "my daddy not picking me up inna morning ",0 "my grandmother urky as shit ",0 "I lost 10 pounds wtf I need to stop stressing ",0 "I just woke up deneya , she straight mugged me , mad ashit I'm dead ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I haven't seen any of that or greys almost all season I'm messing up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause im broke af ",0 "School ... Ugh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I don't feel like washing my hair ” I got you . And imma give you some finger waves wit a bang ",0 "Mfs Just Blew My High & Im Not Even High ✋✋ ",0 "Side bitches be having main bitch emotions ' ",0 "People Wanna See Us Black People Fail ",0 "Yo big ass in dat sundress .. Owe .!! .. ",0 "Crazy I Don't Mess With NOBODY ",0 "My best never called me back ",0 "Only If I Was In Sikeston ",0 "Everybody mad .. ",0 "still laying here ",0 "I n needa hurry get my money ",0 "The dm is made for niggAs to get hoed in and we fall in the trap each time ",0 "wanna see her ",0 "Niggas be choosing bitches be choosing Tf the way this generation set up it be alot if choosing going on B ",0 "I'm crazy tired ! ",0 "Zaniya wanted to talk to him buuutttt ",0 "erbody keep saying I'm fat ",0 "today just needs to hurry up and end ",0 "Im Just Now Waking Up ",0 "The kids at the park might steal his clothes while I'm not watching ",0 "I bet DV forgot my chips ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ aye boa I drive just don't have a license to ",0 "My phone back on feel free to call or text me ",0 "Who loves me ??? My phone don't be hitting on shit . !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ man I'm from the hood it ain't shit ",0 "Can she hurry up ",0 "Still up though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ trynaa go to sleep .. ",0 "I left my lunch home ",0 "I nearly died today ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I was drawin on the bus _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was mad ” noo she was mad ",0 "Ion even like gettin on twitter no moe i always see sum dat blow me ",0 "Cold ... .. Where is the heat when you need it ",0 "Uma Miss #Oomf : ( ",0 "My sister won't stfu ",0 "Yo I'm mad I been the same size since I was like 17 ",0 "Highed Up Bored ☺️ ",0 "my room messed up mane ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ without me ",0 "I don't like my nieces father . at all ",0 "I'm up though ",0 "Omfg I Have Noo Feelings For That Girl ",0 "Comcast done lost they mind ",0 "Got a headache ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Im Soooo Madd At Larry ",0 "It's mad hot tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didnt get it ",0 "this shit crazy pissing me off looking at it ",0 "Just now charging my phone ",0 "For real .? ",0 "When it's time for me to wake up early for work ima be like this ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know "" smh my couldn't even see u on my last day .... smh .... but u better up for next year its cur year boo "" ",0 "Newborns be having me like ; all that crying not fah me damn it ! ",0 "Yu Never Should Of Tld Me Yu Love Me & Yu'll Never Leave ",0 "Yall just dont kno how bad I want mi hair done ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Well my boyfriend girlfriend has been takin him away from me ”no minessss her lil ugly ass ” ",0 "Mane ain't answer nshit , probably knocked out ",0 "Oh nd _TWITTER-ENTITY_ disrespectful ass ",0 "but I do miss star ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ idk ! ",0 "Nancy That NIGHA ! ",0 "He love me , but he be damned if he trust me ",0 "I'm Up Irritated Asl , What Ah Fukin Morning ",0 "I need a dutch but i canf walk to the store somebody might snatch me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : IF THEY TAKE LINK FOREVA IM RUNNIN IN THEM GROCERY STORES WIT DA PIPE OUT * LIKE * BITCH PUT DA FOOD IN DA BAG” ",0 "Somebody STOLE my phone today !!!!!!! ",0 "When Stevie told him that watch was fake ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you shut up ",0 "i hate when ppl assume i have an attitude when im talking too em ",0 "This twitter update making me feel stupid .. ",0 "I Got These Niggas Hatin On Me But Ion Give A Fuck Because They Bitches Waitin On Me ",0 "Don't won't D'allen to go to that 2 day game tomorrow tho ",0 "Goodnight y'all ✌ ",0 "These infomercials ain't wassup ",0 "Just Fucked My Night Up ",0 "Ughhh My Eye !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ truuu ! I hope don't nobody get odied "" fr tho . "" ",0 "They all get on my nerves . ",0 "Guess oomf ain't foolin wit me tonite ",0 "I need my hair done !! ",0 "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bre Clearly Dont Know Her ABC's” ",0 "This class is really blowin me ",0 "\Would call my mama & cry to her but she has to work in the morning """" ",0 "that's so fucked up ",0 "My phone is officially broke ",0 "Drake Sitting At home Like ",0 "Salty Shugga didn't wanna take no pictures us ",0 "Up & cant go to schleep ",0 "Maaaan y'all need to chill with this lil ass dick on my TL ",0 "Shair a fucking faggot yo dumb ass lil boy ",0 "Shit i dont have a Physical . ",0 "She always so mean ...... ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate when ugly hoes be tryna talk spody or have a bad attitude "" Lol OK Hoe Sit Yo Ugly Ass Dwn "" ",0 "I heard my mama telling my brother to ask me to go to the store . He came in my room and I faked like I was sleep ! then he left ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ please don't go !!!! tank voice ... Lmmfao ",0 "Rey get up & make something to eat I don't feel like it tho ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Spoiled females HATE the word "" no "" """" ",0 "And this why I dont trust ppl around my child ",0 "What he do _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Damn what's wrong with my cousin #50 #ChristianSpencer ” ",0 "My baby father stay callin my phone tryna be funny like ",0 "Guess it Wasn't Never Meant To Be Smh ",0 "He just cracked my damn toe dog trynna be funny ",0 "Been blowing my Dad up from everybody phone for hours and he just now calling back at 2:30 . Gotta love him ",0 "Dammn I Swear these Bitches Be Playin Both Sides On my Granny #SMH ",0 "Ima jus smoke my Dutch n go to sleep I betta wake up to a text or phone call ",0 "My Vamp Life Vicious As Shit ",0 "Shit ! Finna Be Crazy fr fr ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : wish ihad a boyfriend """" ",0 "Ugh I Really Miss My Pooh ",0 "I could've sworn Tay was sleep . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol , but they don't hear me doe ",0 "Bored as hell ! ",0 "* All these rappers like associating w/ me but ian getting no guap yet ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I want it all back .... """" ",0 "if yuh not my niggah , then dont call me while im tweeting ",0 "Ima just end up spazzing . ",0 "She over here texting paragraphs and shit . ",0 "I been attracting the attention of a lot of older men .... Too bad they don't attract my attention ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks man but you haven't seen me in person , I look like a broom stick lol but foreal ",0 "his bitch ass blocked me on twitter fake big feet mad ass ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Shit jus ruined my day ” << I know that feeling bro ",0 "I don't fuck wit anybody that don't fuck wit me .! ✋ ",0 "My TT be sad when she gotta go to school & I be here .... I be wanting to keep her home but she gotta go 2 school tho ",0 "Mane I'm scared of Vee she be trying to put them paws on me ",0 "I sent a \happy Christmas Eve "" text I gotta "" who dis "" text back DAMNNN "" ",0 "i wonder why everybody went MIA on me today ? ",0 "I'm so mean ",0 "i just wish she was a lil bit more romantic ",0 "Omfg , I can't find my beats nor my headphones bruh wtf !!! ",0 "I should've got some pack before going in break ",0 "Rip to my big bro Rich just can't believe he gone LOW END OR NO END . RichWorld ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't wanna ",0 "Another lonely night ",0 "Not really feeling today ",0 "My daddy just called meh nd told meh why ii haven't called yhu ! ",0 "Work tomorrow tho ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It was never that serious yo !! ” ",0 "dang this fool still playing football ",0 "I need a better job ",0 "kasia to jealous for me ",0 "These folks been ctfu !! I jus went down my TL n died two times !! ",0 "I don't feel good ",0 "How these GA Mfs Gettin my number ? Callin ain't sayin shit ",0 "About to send _TWITTER-ENTITY_ a rude text .. ",0 "I want him so bad and he don't even know it ",0 "We bouta lose ",0 "I hate ugly ppl ",0 "But I'm hungryyyy and it's to late to be eating ",0 "Gotta pee but dot feel like getting up !!! I'm all lazy lol ",0 "I miss you Sean ! ",0 "When is the food gonna be ready , niggas is hungry ",0 "bae just left ",0 "Imma Be Up All Night Working On This Project ",0 "I have a attitude for no reason ",0 "I wanna go out do but ion got time to get beat up ",0 "man somebody need to come see meh ",0 "Tf whyy we on lock down‼️ ",0 "My Christmas break gone be so weak cuss ion no friends or fw nobody ",0 "But h don't kill my vibe ✋ ",0 "Took a sleep aid last night and I'm regretting it this morning . ",0 "noooooooo I wasn't prepared ",0 "Gotta Memorize 20 Lines By Tomorrow For Valasek ",0 "Nobody wanna text me ",0 "I hate when someone keeps trying to hold convos when I have my earphones in ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't get cute !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nooooo I don't have it I gotta redo it bro ",0 "why did i miss practice ? last one i'm missing ",0 "Blowing my smoke ",0 "Tiarra baby I have no back ",0 "Don't Feel Like Practicing . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hell Yeah Yo , Ima Have To” Don't listen to him , he showing off ✋” ",0 "Cant trust these niggas , no matter how much they sweet talk you ",0 "✋ My sister know damn well she wanted to say \ eww that sound like it stank "" cause I know I did ! "" ",0 "Mad as shit its raining n I have no umbrella Tf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and everything's good I really need to come visit her so she won't think I'm phony but Bria going outta town this weekend ",0 "I Cant Make it to Practice ",0 "Long ass message I just sent her ",0 "Finna read : ( ",0 "Got some research to do in the computer whole time ",0 "The way my nephew do timbs ",0 "yu can't be nice to these raggedy ass niggas ❗ ",0 "Some girls really treat their good boyfriends so wrong . ",0 "that was my last draft ",0 "they tryna give my cousin 15 to life ",0 "bitches be claiming they dont like me .. but dickeat me ",0 "GWS NANNA ! ",0 "He Ah Piece Of Fuckin Work . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Rip i just killed a bug MF crawling by me almost killed a thug ” ",0 "My charger piece keep falling off ✋ ",0 "If YOUR girl don't like a BITCH don't disrespect her by talking to the BITCH ❌ don't ask no questions just ✋ just drop that BITCH ! ✌ ",0 "I give up _TWITTER-ENTITY_ never respond o well ",0 "Just got irked ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tuhhhhhhh yep ... ” no that don't ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aaww shit it's the eye !!! ",0 "I got on all black just in case I gotta do some hits ",0 "I can't see myself behind bars in a jail cell doing time . nah not me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ man what ??? ",0 "hope I never changed ",0 "my mother keep tryna say i put that knot onna back of my brother head ",0 "Sleep not for me tonight like wtf ",0 "Bucking . ✋ ",0 "My car is defiantly still at Food lion , my poor baby ",0 "My ankle is still like grapefruit ..... ",0 "I have a headache . I'm about to take some meds , then take a nap ! ✌ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Wish I had a gf to chill with right na .. ”some type of hubby ",0 "I Ain't Dat Bitch To Begg For Nobody's Attention . ",0 "Bitch Done Blew Me Fck That ",0 "hard to let go ",0 "My waist skinny and my ass more fatter then yours ",0 "somebody call me tf me or sum ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ughhhh ewww nakie bodies all over my TL ”they look good ",0 "Just mean nd fake ",0 "I was tlkn to the jail bird I didnt get the FaceTime “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch I know u saw me call and FaceTime u” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss being and alchy ",0 "Found out who was playing on my phone , Nykera ass ! ",0 "My nigga Michael Jordan got robbed for his gammas in Chicago Thats not cool g . ",0 "my school check gon be like $73 .... #geeked ( sarcasm ) ",0 "Where my boyfriend ? I'm bored ",0 "Take them fake water tattoos off you too black anyway to have ink “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Maaaannn take dem fake ray bans off ! . ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awwl noooooo !!! : ( ",0 "I got a nigga mentality I can't stay in compliance I like BITCHES ❗❗❗❗ ",0 "Some Hoods I Just Don't Fuck Wit At All ",0 "Henny had the nerve to ask why I called her the horny one .... As if she won't raping niggas EVERY night ",0 "I can barely understand what my brother/sister is saying !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I use to call that soulja boy # praying he answer motherfucker lied slick still mad ” ",0 "I can't keep fucking calm ",0 "Y Is This Fat Ass Kid Inboxin Me Fb .?? ",0 "I Miss My Lil Sis Dasia ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ maaaaaaaaaaannnnnnn ",0 "I'm Soo Bored ",0 "When people say \ PAUSE . Backspace Delete "" tf ? Juss say whatchuu gotta SAY . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up ",0 "Ima miss my braids ",0 "Jaden taking a nap ",0 "the saints I'm lose dis game Sean Payton stupid ass calling all these dam ass plays fuck man he going like a rookie coach . ",0 "Cuffin Hours And I'm Drinking Water ",0 "I was inna fuckin barber shop from 2-6 damn near 7 imma need a plan b ",0 "too manu turning they back on me , too many fcking over me ",0 "I Need Yo Assistance ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "A mf gone learn I'm not shit to play wit now u really gone see my bitch side ",0 "Just b getting hung up on ",0 "Girls stay playing wen u try to cuff them smh ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I really don't fuck with everybody """" ",0 "I just lied . Ion want her ass to goo but I understand why . ",0 "My mama want me to stop everywhere ",0 "I'm ji bored ",0 "Devastated ... I'm just thankful that all they took was my phone && not my life ... Pray 4 me ya'll ",0 "Man I Missed My Babies And They Missed They Tete ",0 "I need 2 meet _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : That one Ex you thought was he one "" <<< ”hell yea the bitch ain't shot but a bitch "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol Not Funny & The One I Met & ComeDwnstairs . ",0 "I'm bord since my boo don't want to answer his phone ",0 "Everybody in my TL talking bout how they don't wanna go to school ",0 "I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really HATE LIARS‼️‼️‼️ ",0 "Lord want you take this pain from me ",0 "I really miss my boy ",0 "I gotta pay my own tuition ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh ✋ ",0 "Well fine , y'all bug headed mf ' ain't have to answer me ",0 "Why TF is \Hey There Lonely Girl "" by Eddie Holman playing over & over & over in my head "" ",0 "I be so bored I need him home ",0 "I know I'm gonna fall asleep on this game ",0 "i hate boys ",0 "I've only seen Krissle once since she was home . ",0 "i couldn't get no sleep ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Some niggas get the girl they always wanted and still fuck up” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ chill y'all what I do to y'all smh . ",0 "Instagram acting stupid ",0 "I am not crazy lmao “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're crazy too smh . I apologize for all of the pics from today ... Ok ?? ” ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Okay ... I hate my friends . "" even me ? I thought u love me "" ",0 "I can't keep doing this ... I just can't . ",0 "I Wanna FT But I'm Ugly ",0 "Super side-eye !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : One side of me telling me that I need to move on , but the other side wanna break down and cry ” ",0 "This break should've been longer , I still got shit I wanted to do ",0 "Be driving me !! ",0 "Im hungry and he take forever ! ",0 "Why I'm still watching this game ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah no Tf you not ! ",0 "Phone dry AF !!! ",0 "My charger completely broke ",0 "That Pool Messed My Hair UP ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : got practice on a friday ” ",0 "I don't have a girl bestfriend ) : < < < < . ",0 ", my sound keep going in and out on my phone ",0 "I want some Ching's ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate a bitch thats always horny && then wanna be up under yo dealings ! Tf ",0 "Got Myy Hopes Up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch I'll be at your job in the am brace face ",0 "Now Khalil wanna he funny .... ",0 "I am everybody damn dr Phil ",0 "Shella aggy as the FUCK ",0 "Kirk just ughhh Rasheeda deserves WAY better ",0 "I wanna see him : ( ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ a job and tryna move ",0 "I need my feet Rubbed ",0 "I still can't believe my manager threw my work away ",0 "if ya ass fat but its hard , it defeats the purpose ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ For now ... ",0 "i dont like that bitch she play too much . ",0 "She not << ",0 "I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really HATE LIARS‼️‼️‼️ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bestie i swear i do the same thing” ",0 "I can't see my avi ",0 "Didn't Get To See _TWITTER-ENTITY_ over the break ... : ( lol it's all good thoe .... Imma get up with her sooner or later . ",0 "Nigga you at work that's yo move !! ",0 "My boo need to call me back ",0 "Dont You Hate When Your Phone Super Dry ? <<<< ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's not funny he I'm here singing and shit ",0 "Then my Nigha ain't got no loud .. ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate a "" Send me a pic "" ass bitch """" ",0 "I broke too many promise ! ",0 "I want a relationship so bad ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It be wrong if we said \Bitxh send me a pic of your nappy ass ponytail with your dry ass edges "" right !?!?!? ” "" ",0 "He fucking said onions I ain't hear that one before ",0 "#InMiddleSchool I got to arguring with the secretary mrs. lee all the time hoe get on my nerves ",0 "My phone just got me mad as hell ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Sorry I don't do that smoking shit ” ",0 "cant wait to get a drink .... ",0 "I have nobody , when I really need somebody ",0 "I hate when skinny ppl be like \I'm goin on a diet "" stfu & go eat a burger or sum'n "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't do me lil boy ",0 "well “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Cheating really not as bad as y'all make it seem ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I have a wall built up ” I need a wall ",0 "Then u at that ...... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I told yall they was gonna turn Whiplash into 58 ... Smh they better open Packy's up again ! ” ” ",0 "My phone gets no love ",0 "Bored & sober ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u just made me mad ! Bye stupid ! ",0 "must be nice ..... ",0 "Let me get my self together before I drive home from work .. That nap was everything ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I dont want these hoes .. I just want #oomf .. ” ",0 "My mom just getting home and she getting on my nerves already , she should have stayed wtf she was at ",0 "den da next few minutes we be like \ bixtch fxck yu gtf on stoopid dumb ass hoe "" well damn wht happen jus dht fast "" ",0 "sad .. goodnight ",0 "Send #'s to my dm , I'm bored ",0 "i hate gta5 i told bar imma break that game ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Missing someone & not being able to see them is the worst feeling ever ! ” ",0 "Jaquan ass went to sleep ",0 "oomfs talkn about dick n shit ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OH NO ... so sorry to hear that ... ",0 "I want some ice cream ",0 "I wonder wth Dre got going on he ain't call yet this week !!! ",0 "i dnt think they would be telling me this for nothing man ",0 "I missed love & hip hop ",0 "Family Ain't Shit , They Will Turn On Before Your Friend Will ",0 "y'all never text me ",0 "soon enuff uma get sick , wen dat happen uma be mad asf ",0 "Damn I gotta wake up early in the a.m ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no you don't ",0 "Oh so jasmine still single on twitter alright I see how it is ",0 "She never text me back g what the fuck cool ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cleanser and benzoyl peroxide . : Im out of town and I accidentally left my stuff so my skin is kind of mad at me right now ",0 "Always Throwing Shade At Me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thats a fcking lie . . & you bipolar ",0 "mayne im talking bout em lonely nights ! ",0 "everytime i want my hair done she always have ah client ",0 "I Be Like ",0 "My grandma really just disrespected me cus she woke me up ",0 "bruh today Lorenzo did all that ",0 "Ughhhh my mother just woke up playing ",0 "OFF with her FUCKING HEAD !!!!!!!!!! You don't play like that !! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ✋ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hacked me I don't have no freaking aids ! ” ",0 "This long ass ride to the jail i dnt gt time ",0 "Everybody Be Like Just Talk To #Oomf But I Dont Wanna End Up How I Was With My First Love ",0 "i aint talk to bae all day ",0 "Where tf is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ a niggah lonely ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so u just gone ignore my tweet !? ",0 "93 tomorrow and I have nobody to go to Water Country with ",0 "Bc they be like ik u read my txt but can't txt back I swear u be playing tf out of me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what's wrong with my baby ",0 "yo I swear I'm fat I can't even run nomore ",0 "Somebody deleted my comments on my ugly picture . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfuh I'm dying I was playing dawg wya”I'm in the crib it's not funny almost fucked you up ",0 "Seven was mad at me smh my bad _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "What the fuck is Terrence waiting on ? ",0 "That's why I beh leaving ha ass lonely _TWITTER-ENTITY_ night ",0 "I wasn't feelin dat tho ",0 "I ain't got nobody to talk to till 3:00 ",0 "Me & marlon Shoulda fucked Stepahnie & her friend that night we ain't have no Condom , Stephanie ass was super Fatty ",0 "When it's time for me to wake up early for work ima be like this ",0 "Don't get off till 7 ",0 "I Wanna Go Somewhere to Day But I Have No Destination ",0 "Other people like Baton Rouge outside of it ... I'm ready to gtf ",0 "My phone acting dumb like wtf ",0 "she really just pressed my shit this morning .. BYE ",0 "Ughhh I'm always doing something wrong ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she was talking to me not you ",0 "Bae Still Mad At Me ",0 "Bucking . ✋ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Y'all and y'all opinions ion give af keep them to yourself , this my life imma do what I want REGARDLESS what you think . ”❗️ ",0 "Right back to work ! ",0 "I need another iPhone charger ",0 "Kyron not answering none of my stuff ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I do you just do t never see it ! ” Dats bad if I don't see it cuz I'm on da pc all day at work ",0 "She Better Wake Up And FT Mee ",0 "Wtf just happen I was texting my phone rung but the # ain't pop up ",0 "Damn People Water Bouta Go Off ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I told her text me first I clearly ain't get one yet ” stop bitching cous I was just abt to text you . ",0 "I can hear my daddy snoring and he waaaaay in the other room ",0 "I'm Sweating So Hard It Look Like I Pissed Myself ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just seen this I just got off work imy MORE ",0 "#oomf need to hmj ASAP tho ",0 "That Lil Gurl Aint Got No Draws On #BeyondScaredStraight ",0 "It's something in my eye ",0 "Uggh I Miss My Baeee ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Don't kill my vibe yo ” ",0 "i ' m sick of playing games with these lor ass boys tho ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't say shit I go down yours too” did u see my breakdown this morning ? I was crying lol ",0 "I be in this house ready to cry watching xfactor !!! I wish I could sing ",0 "I'm never sleep tho ",0 "Yoooo said keep ya nigga in compliance he won't keep hitting my shit I'm just like yu mad or nah cause I ain't the 1 fucking him ",0 "Had to be him ",0 "Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook Nook ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yu Stpped Fuckin Wid Me To ",0 "TF I'm Up So Early For ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need some snacks rite na”me too "" Go get yu some "" ",0 "Im mad _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sleep though ",0 "Y'all Botches and that \Her Shit "" <<<< Take A Grammar/Speech Lesson Uneducated Bitches "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : so apparently sharkisha was killed in a random drive by ... she got set up .. damn” wait ... Wtf !?! ",0 "Tired as shit moe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ where my chicken tho ",0 "Please Get Tf Out My Face ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Smh Drawn ",0 "Ozo text hella slow I'm Finna bitch slap Shawn . Cuss his ugly ass want get me a fucking Strawberry Lemonade ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay im sorry boo ",0 "This nigga keep rappin bout the same shit everyday Lls . ",0 "Kickin my shit jus Coolin ' Bout To Smoke Another O ",0 "Not Mikes & Designer ",0 "I Went Through This Whole Day Thinking Today Was Tuesday ",0 "We have practice tomorrow ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I really missed Kiki today ” aww ",0 "Feeling some kinda way ........ Oh well this too shall pass ",0 "I been broke for a while now man ",0 "This trick in her feelings ",0 "These late night cravings be getting me . I just ate BBQ chicken and a pizza pocket , and I'm still hungry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lies . ",0 "The wind going crazy . Chill out ",0 "Ard I'm annoying ... So what ",0 "OMG SHUT TF UP !!! ",0 "i dont kno how i feel anymore . ",0 ": wassup & I know you got my FT call ",0 "I'm beating his ass . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you said it's too early remember ",0 "Bitch , go to bed ",0 "I really miss Lu2x ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ima stop worryin bout people who aint worried bout me ✌ !! """" ",0 "Im soo mad ",0 "my TL ass ",0 "I gtta get a new phone my shyt just broke I gtta talk on the speaker ",0 "My Lips Bust Smfh ",0 "I just can't get enough ",0 "someone trade mothers with me ? ",0 "I need a nap , my man to hold me why I nap and some fruit to eat when I wake up ...... she's here ",0 "Me Right Now NextWhen Im Done ⛽ ",0 "Why they gotta mess with me get out !!! ",0 "Look at some niggas like wtf was I thinking ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Oldhead snapped on me last night , I ain't appreciate that ”morning sister ",0 "If I don't f.ck w/ YOUU .. Why you texting my phone ",0 "Wait coach shane wife had a baby ? He still cheating on me ",0 "I swear man I HATE !!!! This bitch Lester !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ",0 "Coach Dell Talking That Dumb Shit Saying We Got Practice After School ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aye doe my phone still ain't ring ",0 "Bitches be having the priorities all fucked up ",0 "Haven't talk to my boyfriend since I left his house ",0 "She gave up her leg for human transmutation to bring back her brothers life #GeekStuff ",0 "What The Fuck is Love ? ",0 "im tired asshit yo ",0 "Ain't Nothing But Love Ms. Newbooty“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",0 "I can't go to my homecoming I'm just going to cry all day ",0 "Bored and Single ...... Two Things I Don't Wanna Be ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wanna go get some chucks I want some water ice so bad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sorry boo <3 ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hate waiting on my gma , she take so damn long ” Nobody cares ... ",0 "I Aint Leaving For Pride Until About 2 & i Aint Staying That Long ! this Shit Dont Phase Me Nomore . I Really Dont Even Wanna Go Nomore ",0 "I'm going to talk some crap tonight and I want a drink ",0 "aysiahh DAMN we see youu andd yo baee !!!!! ",0 "He say that he a boss but he never took a loss ✋ ",0 "Hmmmmph ! ✋ ",0 "Dry ass social networks ",0 "I'm so pissed ",0 "Jes Gt Pulled Over ) : ",0 "I wanna see my bro ",0 "That's Shit Nasty ",0 "I don't feel goodI feel sick ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Twitter is so annoying sometimes . ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I know my vibrator sick of my trifflin ass” ",0 "I need a privacy screen ASAP ! ",0 "Damn Thats Fucked Up Ctfu .. Only #Oomf Caught It ",0 "Butta Steady Wanna Get Fucked Up By The Head And Get That Fufu Shit In His Head ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : y'all guess wtf Darricka did ; THIS BITCH DROPPED MY BLACK IN THE TOILET ” ",0 "These Fuckin Questions About Him <<< Stop Askin Me About Him ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Finna head to work "" iight young real nigga "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , oh ok ... ",0 "I should have never got back on twitter ",0 "These Dumb Ass Fat Bitches Really Getting On My Fucking Nerves ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why you ain't tell me you was back ",0 "Dis Being Single Shit Sucks Ass ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Im Sick AF .. Sumbody Come Take Care Of Me Please "" aww poor baby "" ",0 "Ayo I'm over my daughter attitude in the Womb ",0 "Brionna & kharyi irking with these DM's yo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Well my boyfriend girlfriend has been takin him away from me ”no minessss her lil ugly ass ” ",0 "I think I missed out on those Concord SBs ",0 "I'm finally woke , but my kidneys killing me ",0 "Currently looking for new jobs , shoprite ain't cutting it ",0 "RMFT !!! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Don't assume . Just ask me first☝ ! ” ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : my grades stress me out more than anything """" ",0 "This boy got the nerves to be face timing me with MY headphones that he STOLE ! ",0 "phone on 5% mad as shit ",0 "I wann get Beam up & ease my pain ",0 "Alexis don't know how upset I am i feel like a bad person ",0 "I almost got stung by a fuckin bee ",0 "Spelled dat shit wrong as hell #5 ",0 ", shit really blows me whate when i wanna talk too him & he acts like he dont have too time too talk ",0 "my moms mad at me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I swear I use to want her the most ",0 "Bitches be like in guh- ",0 ", my mom forever putting my daughter pull up on backwards ",0 "I wanna talk to #oomfs in person , he be at my school , my job , errrrrwhea w/ his fine ass ",0 "My Girlfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ must be sleep ",0 "It's bright isshxt outside ... And i wanna smell some bacon #Rs ",0 "I personally like ios7 ",0 "\We only have Grape jelly ma'am "" me : "" ",0 "I'm gone miss my brother _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ( but then again I can live w/o The hair pulling and titty Grabbing ",0 "I'm hungry damit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : & I will never sleep with a p*ssy nigga ... ” Don't eat with them either ",0 "Their Prostitutes And They Don't Even Know It ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : but eating mc . donalds” Really ",0 "I want buddy to wake up now .. ",0 "It is not that cold for these niggas to have this heat on 90 !!! MFs fuckin up my sinuses ",0 "I'm in my feelings ✋ ",0 "Bbl gotta go this man fixing on my car talking shit let me dog his ass out its hot out here anyway ",0 "#Weakness Tattoos and Piercings ",0 "My nut ass mom woke me up ",0 "All your shit designer , but your mom live in housing or on section 8 ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : They just can't text it cuz it aint a iPhone lmaoo niggas be sick too ✋ "" #RFT "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yea They Goin Deliver It” I'll be waiting for years ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I can't even eat pistachios ” They So Nastyyy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ uniform volation and didnt attend saturday school ",0 "Don't NOBODY Keep It W/ Me No Moe .. ",0 "Guess I'm bout to take it dwn ",0 "WATCHING MY MOTHER WALK IN MY ROOM TO USE THE COMPUTER .. GO SIT DOWN OLD LADY ",0 "I need some skittles in my life ",0 "text you . You don't text back . I feel stupid . Therefore , I won't be texting you again . ",0 "nigga's envy cause i got they bitches . sooooo whatttt ?????? ",0 "oh lawd ... ",0 "I'm hot w . this damn onesie on ! ",0 "TF Is A Lady Murda Gang ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No we been doing everything else ! Lol I forgot . We been in the scene ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you serous ? I went but it was sold old ! Let's date this weekend” ard ",0 "This rubbing me the wrong way ",0 "I Aint Been Over My Daddy House In A Min ",0 "Fuck My Life Lls ",0 "I Forgot _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : How Taija gone text me and when I text back she don't respond ! ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol i can't go to sleep ",0 "One day you here one day you there one day you care you so unfair ",0 "Damn I'm hungry ",0 "everybody got a job but me ",0 "Back then nobody wanted me but now nobody want me ",0 "Gee shit ion like when people fuck with my Lil sis like I be like ☝✋✋✋ fucking stop ",0 "Heat damage is a bitch ! I really need to stop flat ironing my hair for a while I need my hair to grow out more ",0 "I wanted to ft bae tonight but wifi wanna act stupid ",0 "My Body Stay In Pain .. I Think Ma Muscles Be Tightenin Up ",0 "This new twitter is dumb . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Everybody spiritual this mornin ” ain't me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Texting this wanna be thug ! ” _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me if its at me ",0 "I'm sleepy as shit ",0 ": , everybody in school speaking on it ",0 "ctfu RFT \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : - I'm reel sad she blocked me lol it won't like I was picking w her or anything I jus poped her & left her lone """" ",0 "Still up , waiting on my call ",0 "My auntie straight passed today dang man I'm straight Hella sad right now fck ... ☁ ",0 "Beyond IRKED ! ",0 "I can't keep doing this ... I just can't . ",0 "Just saw something I didn't want to see ",0 "I Guess I'm Funna KO My Baee Just Went Too Sleep ",0 "She needa get wit it be4 i get bored ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I mad now fr "" better find another way lol "" ",0 "iAint Talk To Meraa & Destiny In Hours ",0 "she seems MAD ",0 "Damn I Hate A Bitch Who Like To Argue & nd Shit ✋ . ",0 "GWS NANNA ! ",0 "I miss my fav . lil sister _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "So fucking irritated right now ",0 "Some boy just told me I would be his . If I didn't live in uptown . What bull ",0 "she just irritated the shit outta me❗️ ",0 "Stink Be So Nice Too ME #bae ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ok this drive is killing me ”where you coming ? ",0 "I hella just got all sad and shit #moodswings ",0 "I get 3 kinds of mad .. when I'm so mad that I cry when I'm mad & I flip tf out & when I'm mad & just don't speak to anyone✌ ",0 "THAT CRY BABY ASS GIRLFRIEND WHO GOT A SAVAGE PERSONALITY❗️& SPEAK HER MIND & GET ON YO ASS OVA PETTY SHIT ",0 "Phone acting stupid ",0 "School & basketball wit my son takes all my time “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need a home cooked meal ” what happened to u cooking ?? ” ",0 ", GUESS WE NEEDA BREAK !!!!!!! # EVERYBODY LEAVE ME T.F ALONE ",0 "Sheesh . OMG .! TONY PARKER MAN . ",0 "The conditioning after practice be crucial ",0 "Hate when I'm fucked up , I can never fall asleep ! <<<< ",0 "This Gone Be A Long Night For Me ",0 ", what ima do to my hair ",0 "My foot fucked up , I can't go runnin tonight ",0 "Cramps With No Medicine Been Curled In A Ball All Day ",0 "When I can't Sleep I Get To Thinking Bout Alotta Old Shit , & Wonder Why To Me ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ * hatian smh ",0 "I'm home alone & it's thundering , & everybody I'm texting just don't gaf ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Y'all Think They Gone Cancel School ? ✋ Y'all Forgot This Is PHILADELPHIA """" ",0 "She Scares Me So imma Chill ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you acting lik yal could've made it ",0 "My temper is actually pretty bad… I might need to work on that or ppl could just stop pissing me TF off !!! ",0 "I might just stay off it myself soon ",0 "Ready go 2 sleep bored asab ain't nun else 2 do <<<< ",0 "Just cause we cool , don't mean I have to hear yo opinion about my life ... We still ain't cool like that anymore chill ",0 "My mother called my phone a struggle phone ",0 "Been feeling like shit all day ",0 "People think I'm playing , I'm really selling Brazilian hair ",0 "So sore . Need a massage ",0 "This damn battery tho ",0 "HATERS BE LIKELOOK AT THAT NIGGA OVER THERE SUCCEEDING AND SHIT .. ✈️ ",0 "I ain't no I had so many fans down west✋ ",0 "iGot pushed in the street today ",0 "Mama said I need a boyfriend my reaction : ",0 "I need some advice girl ",0 "That's was one of them wake a nigga up n slap the first thing u see type alarms smh school time lil nigga ",0 "I Hope I Don't Wake Up In My Sleep Tonight ! ",0 "Who up I cant sleep ",0 "RC don't even no what in talking about !!! ",0 "The fufu shit ",0 "My phone off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no I'm not lol ",0 "What if Vash wasn't talking about me in that tweet ? ",0 "all myy contacts deleted . ! ",0 "My Lil sister has to get a life she had the crib to her self nd still just dry at least I can trust her ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why you gotta say something ",0 "I'm still up tho ",0 "Damn I Miss U Bae _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Anyways ! let me try to go to sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it kept ringing lastnight wya ",0 "You betrayed my love ",0 "I miss my Grand Prix ",0 "But Wait Dnt Lock Me Out _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'll never understand . ",0 "Y'all Some Phoney Ass Nigga's . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches weave be looking nice as hell on their pictures but nappy as hell in person” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't wanna play ",0 "Was on da phone wit my MAN ... Den I heard yellin in da background n he had to call me back #armylife ",0 "They got my lil baby locked up ! ",0 "☺I got all these Emojis and cants see one . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i miss bae ” ",0 "I'm beginning to hate this hotel crap #2moredays ",0 "Damn !! I just realized the coke gone break my face out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ nah don't try to talk to me now ",0 "Just got a headache ",0 "What u mean look at u compared to me ?? Don't talk shit if u can't take an ass whooping fuck u mean ",0 "Teddy <<<<<<<< # ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Im Dizzy & Stuff ” baby is you okay ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tf yo ! ",0 "The bugs was fucking my legs up I hate walking outside cause them bugs always wanna play tag & shit ✋✋ I don't wanna play ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right when is my turn lol ",0 "my damn arm is killing me ",0 "No nigga outchea can say he fuckin wit da Kidd strong !!!! I been kickin shit by myself fa so long , nobody to talk too nun a dat ",0 "They not even telling me how much I got on my link .. I was enjoying my 229$ stamps ",0 "Y'all play man ",0 "Man all durl notifications keep coming to my phone I be thinkin ppl talkin to me & it be for her _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bored & erked ",0 "I Miss Her Like Shit ! ",0 "Why does it take so long for people to get on and off the bus ! ",0 ", she come in this room w/ this stinking ass pancakes & syrup ",0 "How I'm feelin : -\ o_O :-D B-) ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ;; I don't wanna vent to anybody . I'm just gone go to sleep ! ” you can vent to me bookie ",0 "I gotta pee ",0 "Damn 100grand back in the hospitalShit fuckin wit me , i thought he was good the first time he came home manee ",0 "The Person You Want The MOST Play The MOST Gamess ",0 "Here y'all go worrying about Dom again ",0 "I need to hurry up & get another phone . ",0 "I don't feel like getting up cleaning this room ",0 "He the only person I can really talk to n laugh with >>>>>>><<<<<< ",0 "Hov just blew me Tf always being sneaky ",0 "I CANNOT SLEEP !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yessss he won't get them though , he pointing behind my dresser they not even there he playing with me ",0 "King is dumb ass ",0 "I Wanna Fuck My Neighbor Dawg She Look to Good ",0 "feel like talking .. nobody to talk to tho ",0 "crying my eyes out ",0 "this little boy yo oh my ",0 "don't talk to me for days but tried to ft me ",0 "Hoe better not talk to me I hate being hung up on ",0 "Bitch I got a bum bump ",0 "I miss my baby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i no smfh mo & them leff me on sum nutt shitt ",0 "Just blew me , I hate when ppl assume shit , I didn't say shit about nobody in my tweets ",0 "Bitch b tryna play me lik ah lil crash dummy or sumthin ..! like my nigga really ?? ",0 "Phone going dead . But ion give no fuck . Nobody to talk too . ",0 "I need to wash my hair ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ stay ya sick but at home ! Ain got time for the flu ",0 "Rft ! \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i treat the wrong boys like kings and get nothing but bs in return """" ",0 "Bae is really mad he want answer ! But I have no clue what he mad for : ( ",0 "The fact that I got school tomorrow < ",0 "Why they Yelling bout Nothing tho ",0 "Mannnnnnn Tha Shit I just Seen My On TL ",0 "Nights like this the old me would hit the strip club ",0 "WTF is Comcast doing ??? I'm getting mad , HURRY THE FUCK UP !! ",0 "Emoni Called Me A Bitch LastNight Over A Password ",0 "Jus got done wit my 45mins walk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Idk ",0 "wtf am i doing up man ..!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh !!! ",0 "Amari just won't go to sleep !! Ughhhhh ",0 "that's fucking bullshit !!! ",0 "Owee Damn NUNU ShowingOUT ",0 "His bitch want me ",0 "Guess I can't go wrong wit sum ",0 "I don't even know anymore ",0 "Why am I not sleepy ? ",0 "This Nigga Went To Sleep On Me ",0 "Bitches be having me all fucked up ",0 "goofy ass niggas trying to fly without no wings ",0 "Ain't talk to him sence earlier talked to my mom inlaw thou ",0 "Somebody Need To Take Me Out For Drinks . ",0 "Apple be jugging w/ these cheap ass chargers ",0 "Why can't nobody find u huh ? Lil bitch ",0 "Kaylin Talk So Much . ",0 "- Sittin W/ My Mother In The Hospital .. , She Needa Get Better ",0 "I'm always having these big headaches when I wake up ",0 "Mannnnn I'm stopped up like a MF damn Can't Smell Shit tho !!! ",0 "Taking me forever to delete all these damn old Instagram pics <<<< !!! ",0 "Everybody and their mother call Mark when they need a babysitter . Remember to make your appointment early . ",0 "i Miss BabyBoo . ",0 "watching for chioma to tmp back <<<< _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wish this graduation can hurry up” NOOOOOO ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause it's for grown ups only ” ",0 "I didn't get to see my Homewood babies Cornecia & Paco before prom ",0 "I refuse to go anywhere with all of this traffic ! ",0 "EAN SAY APRIL FOOLS ALREADY , PLEASEEEEE ! ! ! WHYYYYYY ! ? ",0 "GOD I Wish This Headache Would Go Away !!! ",0 "I'm so damn hungry man havent ate allday ",0 "& She Got A Damn Bonnet On ✋ ",0 "He want get on instagram but cant text me back .. The boyfriend i have .. ✌️ ",0 "Yall some hating ass Kids ! Cant even give props ",0 "I still gotta work tonight fuck ",0 "I wish she call me so I can cry in her ear .... ",0 "I wanna chill withh Zo ",0 "Times Ain't The Same I Seen Ream Niggas Change ✋ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bestie i swear i do the same thing” ",0 "Whyyyyyyyyyyyy ... just had to be too good to be true ",0 "Guess Im Spending Thanksgiving By Myself .. Dis Gone Feel Odd ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I use to feel dat way too ” shit A Blower ",0 "if yu tapped out before dnt lie , it is wht it is ❗ ",0 "Irritated Af !!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ND I ALREADY HVE AN COLD NW” hope u get better ",0 "Bitches tweet shit for my attention attention seekers ",0 "And ima need my room back to myself dead gotta be in the dark cuz this bitch knocked out ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Wake up early , grind early , miss breakfast tummy aching , I gott another day to shit on the hoes/niggas """" ",0 "Ahmad shut yo sensitive ass up . She want you to man up ",0 "Ugh My HubbyBunny Phone Is Goin Be Off ",0 "I need to go to MAC I'm runnin outta ruby woo ",0 "Mannnn I want some bww _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "The way I feel right now <<<< ",0 "This Dame Sed If U Dont Pay 300$ Phone Bill You Can't Talk To Me ",0 "Myy axx bored asf && mama went to sleep on me : * ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right && dumb ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yoooooo I just went to WU . Timken is really gone !!! ” ",0 "Ahh .. I can't wait til Mariah gets back .. I need my hair done ",0 ", omw to school ",0 ". I miss #oomf ",0 "Somebody Dm Me , Im Bored ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we blew that pack thts why u couldn't find us ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : You on twitter but can't text back ”sorry ",0 "My mama think she know everything ",0 "I need some ' s . I'm blind ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ des man ",0 "- I just went thru a Break up ",0 "latin next .. ",0 "Zayhion Make mee so fuckin Mad like stfu , go bck to act how u w early , tht ghetto shit Aint cut it Mann , like frfr I hate way he talk ",0 "hate walking up these zamn stairs ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ya niggas kill me wit this bro shit half of the niggas ya be calling ya bro ain't your fucking bro” ",0 "I refuse to be nice anymore ",0 "tf off m tl w/the creep shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thinking about that night just made me shiver” rightttt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ rip'd the social last week and now no one wants to go tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ No !!! ",0 "I'm just upset i have to wait ",0 "Where they at ",0 "I hate yo ass fr fr now ",0 "My fateful of a brother lost my fukin umbrella so guess who got rained and snowed on today ",0 "oomf dont hit niggas up nomore ",0 "Wanna be layin right next to him ! ",0 "Everybody texting me except him . ",0 "tired as shit ",0 ", im so over this situation ",0 "My Bae called me last nite n I was sleep > ",0 "I don't think I can do another day of celebrating .. My body is exhausted tweople .. I'm thinking of tapping out .. lol ",0 "This fuckin nigga ",0 "Im sick in the Head ",0 "I really be into these movies like its real life ",0 "I almost got shot so do not come around me with no gun , I'm gone get paranoid & real irritated ",0 "I'm ready 2 go ",0 "Mack Bout To Wake Up To Some Crazy Shit ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Need A Wife To Make This Money With Me #Single "" No youu Dont , Youu Good By Ya self .. "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Finding somebody \REAL "" is my fucking problem” "" ",0 "And now I got some food ion een want it ",0 "God damn I'm bored .. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I miss him like shit but fuck that nigga ” ",0 "I'm Hungry AF ",0 "Haven't eaten all day . ",0 "I Just Fucked Up Bigggg Man ",0 "J Cole x Losing My Balance ",0 "V“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : So wen i go to bed tonight hopefully my dreams will be at ease lol #NotRandom ” ",0 "I hear the train mfkas music car alarms train horn that went off like three times ",0 "Mommy gone to work but what she told me before she left ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hate waiting on my gma , she take so damn long ” Nobody cares ... ",0 "I ain't even ready fa school ",0 "Salty my lights went out ",0 "They Feeeena Blow Me in Mhy T|L ",0 "If It Ain't Money To Be Made Today I'm Not Leaving the House ",0 "The last time I got real drunk I threw up all over the place & they say I stripped not happin Iknow my limit ladies don't do that 4free ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know Trace .. But I can't ",0 "Where is my Boyfriend !!! Gahhhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hellll no lls dis man told me today i was like wtf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ummmmmm ain't nooooobody call me I ain't no y'all was fins turn up I feel so left out ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I want my lip & my belly button pierced . ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why can't I sleep ”cuz you suck !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ rs we use to have shyt poppin I miss those days ",0 "old ashit tryna talk to me ",0 "You don't know me either lol “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't know them . ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Yoooooo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm finally off 70 ” I'm really stuck on 125 I think I'm having 1 of your moments ",0 "She was scared .. ",0 "If it wasn't so late I would drive to Gloucester , I don't wanna sleep alone tonight ..... I'm tired of being lonely ",0 "Damn bro I'm fed the fuck up ",0 "I miss my Bestfriend ",0 "Woke me up out my Sleep thts how I kno it's Real ",0 "I look so throwed off today ",0 "This cold keeping my from going to sleep ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : been mad all day . I hate everybody "" bitch dont hate me because im mad to , cause they should or been together .... "" ",0 "I hate that bitch voice !! She sound like a man trying to talk like a woman !! ",0 "Jennica suppose to be my Bff but she always doing Somthing and never hits me up I ain't fw it ",0 "I need some vitamins ! I have lil to no energy ",0 "My nephew will be 7 tomorrow geesh ! Time is flying !! I don't want him to get big !! ",0 "Omg .... I want some BBQ ",0 "Ronzell Said I'm Coming With Bullshit But How tho !!!??? ",0 "My emotions !!!! ",0 "I need love and affection ",0 "- this life ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hoes be like \I swear on my 3 sons I'm a virgin dawg ! "" really though , they gotta chill . ” "" ",0 "Apologies Dont Heal What U Thought U HAD , But Realize Yu DONT ! ",0 "I DON'T EVEN GIVE A FUCK NOMORE GOODNIGHT IM GONE ! #NotInTheMood ",0 "Oomf avi tho >>>> sigh ",0 "Lord , i hope this aint nobody i know ! ",0 "Trill called me a groupie bc I was on stage I wish he stfu b4 I kick his ass in his face ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too ",0 "It's boring af over here ",0 "I still wanna be on vacation ",0 "This nigga texting me back slow ashit , fuck is he doing !?!?!? ",0 "Komsi li fe sens pou li 20 degrees now fuck man ",0 "Dats So Nasty ",0 "☺I got all these Emojis and cants see one . ",0 "Im Hot Mann ",0 "The fact that Pebbles is really trying to sue cause of the movie though Bitch u ain't eat off them enough ? ",0 "she always get ta textin when we near a bridge ",0 "Women will agitate and their nigga mad on purpose to get that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I been at the same place I been in years su ",0 "Ughhh Gotta seee the Doctor in the am .. ",0 "He wanna flip mics & kick his leg & all that broke fine ass ",0 "I don't hear from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ anymore ",0 "Dropped everybody for somebody , and ended up with nobody ",0 "I won't Instagram it thats no lie ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This bitch Rihanna was really tryna get it in the \Pour it Up "" video .... OKAY lol””oh no I'm not a fan of it "" ",0 "Nobody loves Shani ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry to hear ! ",0 "This nigga got a restraining order in him .... I'm done ... ",0 "Vampin on accident . ",0 "I ain't hungry ",0 "Why is it ! 1:30 am and you paid for VIP parking and gave your son a Ipad to hold him over til your drunk a#* finish having it up #Ghet ",0 "Tht was mean , I'm sry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ ain't nobody got time for that lol .. It's 1:06 am & you all in ya feelings ",0 "Omg here we go again smh ",0 "Lies ... \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Done getting tats for a while ! """" ",0 "My Phone stay Having ah Low Battery ",0 "She left the food at work pissed me off ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches be like \girl you better quit playing , that nigga got a car "" ” sad But True "" ",0 "No good morning text ",0 "Just getting up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : this bum just blew me .. I was finna curse him out but what if he flicked my liiiip ” bum bump ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too Lucy an right man !! ” ",0 "I Hate Pretty Females That Can't Dress ",0 "“Come get me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ leaving my house” ",0 "I got sick out of nowhere tho ",0 "Mad Finna Tear Some Shit Up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao im . really crying he was cute too nd it was the workout pic he cmntd on ",0 "I can't wait for this cold to leave ",0 "If i Found out Mfers Subtweering About me when i see they ass im hitting them in they Stuff they done did enough talking ",0 "Sometimes I wonder .. #Whatif's ",0 "Me Right Now NextWhen Im Done ⛽ ",0 "But wait ' y'all don't even dig it ",0 "If he did it Before . I know he will do it again ... ",0 "She forgot about me . ",0 "My phone really won't charge ",0 "Lordy he talking to fast ",0 "that Prolly ain't my Baby , I need Maury ✋ ",0 "✋ cause I can't fuck with bitches who love to talk behind my back but be in my text messages trynna fix a riendship "" ... Nahhhh ! "" ",0 "He really get on my fuckin nerves ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I can't believe how Sasha won't allow me to not be with Deejay . she annoying” ",0 "Niggas tryna knock me dwn ",0 "#5222 You A Bad Ig Husband You don't really talk to me anymore DM Me ",0 "I Love Jayme But We Needed A Break From Each Other ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm Still Tf Up ",0 "Acting like I ain't know ",0 "My stomach growling like shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bruh I can't even say ",0 "We playing games , when we know I'm here to stay ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuq yall nigga !!!!! I aint giving u shittttt” smfh when ima get paid !!! ",0 "my phone extra dry I have nobody to talk too ",0 "They click weak as fuck ",0 "somebodyy teexxxttttt meeeeee ",0 ", wan ah mess ",0 "Shut .... the fuck upp ! ",0 "I really hope I like my new classes when we go back to school ",0 "If he turn Muslim for this girl , I really will fuck him up . That's clearly dead . ",0 "I was chilled now im highly pissed off ",0 "I'm faking for oomfs & they ain't tryna catch me ",0 "I hate when a person text me Wyd I tell them then they be like Oooo , like what was the point in fucking texting me ",0 "#oomf said me & #oomf play too much but he always messing w/ me & he said im on his shit list ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I didn't get it then ! ",0 "Instagram acting stupid ",0 "I can't keep doing this ... I just can't . ",0 ", why dashon feel as tho he can just walk in my house ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Did this nigga just throw money ..... on another nigga .. Yo I would beat his ass . lmao” HELL NO TAKE THAT DAMN MONEY ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugh she thirsty ” my nigga you said hey first so chill out before we jump you . ",0 "Ughhh go in the house uglyy ",0 "TF she got that music so loud for !? ",0 "At home by myself sitting in my dark ass room just thinking ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Juan bouta irritate my soul omg y'all dnt understand Ctfu ” what he do ",0 "James forgot . ",0 "This bword _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ain't called me yet , I know she not still tipsy ",0 "anotha lonely ass night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ naw stopped at baskins on my way back to campus to teach ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches on twitter : Bitches in person : ” real talk ",0 "Smh Im jus a sap ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : lol owit on dat .... Im tryna break yall” lol I'm already broke i ws ask you too let hold some too play .!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Attend To The Pretty Baby Plss , Fuck On Bug Damn ✌” ",0 "Dikes get to many passes & ion like them bitches just need to remain bitches & not fake ass niggas ❗ ",0 "What the hell wrong with oomf , telling me Happy Mothers Day and shit ",0 "Raven better hit my line ",0 "goodnight im mad ",0 "I Wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was Mines ",0 "G .. O ... O ... D ......... M ... O .. R ... N ... I ... N ... G ............... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "These boys fenna cuff this big ugly bitches now smh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Gotta feelin ima be up all night doin homework .. ” ",0 ".... I just got back and I'm getting argued with .... well okay ",0 "Then lean on sprint not me meany “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ my shit not sending” ",0 "Niggas Sneakers Be Fucked Up , But I Be Seeing Bitches Shoes That Look Like They Got Hit By A Train ",0 "I'm tired I'm about to say good night twitter but I'm trying not to ",0 "Tf outta here . ",0 "I Realive Have Nobody to Talk To ",0 "Hair almost done den emergency room I can't take dis pain ",0 "Some Wrong W/ My Pooh Baby !!! <<<< ",0 "Being frustrated <<<<<< ",0 "Damn wish people a blow my phone up .. I'm cool tho ",0 "My mommy just found a bag of weed in my room that shit don't belong to me ",0 "Fucking with these nasty ass frontos until the am ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need something different ... """" ",0 "Somebody but me a phone case ",0 "Sooo idk what Ta talking bout & im mad ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : , Aggrvated why do everybody wanna make me mad "" RMFT ! "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfaoo I wanna talk otp ",0 "Cheap Ass Beds . ",0 "Fuck everything I'm gone to bed champ on her own shit ",0 "If procrastinating was a job , I'll be rich asf ",0 "Where my baby at when I need him ❤ ",0 "Damn I don't want to be here ",0 "Lets gooooo !!!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Mother Nature said that not me ",0 "Pissed I left my fuckin lunch on the counter at home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Khole I'm scaaaaaared !!! ",0 "Deja Late Ass ",0 "I don't have time for the games ✋ ",0 "School tomorrow , why god why ? ",0 "This nigga pissin wit da door open .. ",0 "My niece facetimed me while they were at outback ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ”tell yo chill ” I did man ",0 "Draining just shut up already ",0 "I Lost To Many To Some Stupid Shit ",0 "I miss that nigga and don't even know why though ",0 "Oh Well I Probably Want Be Sitting Him Today ! ",0 "ii always thnk about my bree my phn jus been off ndd ii forgot ii can txt frm my imessage haan ",0 "I hate being late for class ! ",0 "What tf you did ? Suck dick on accident ..... VINE ",0 "Old Relationship Convos Wtf Is The Point ",0 "I hate Being cheated on Then Lied To just be honest with me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ google it you'll see it didn't sell read about it ",0 "Dat nigga don't fuck wit me like I fuck wit him ",0 "Who tf they talkin bout a nigga running ",0 "Somebody else expose me to real so I could hate lames ",0 "Suppose to be goin out to eat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need to be sleep ",0 "i want my steak ",0 "What I do ? “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u ain't no good” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hell Yeah Yo , Ima Have To” Don't listen to him , he showing off ✋” ",0 "Something have to give !! All i keep smelling while walking from lunch is pure piss and cigarettes .. So disgusted with outside right now ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ctfuuuuuuuu as always yo ! Since World days smh\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My bottom lip dry . "" ” naw my lipgloss used to pop "" ",0 "I'm hungry as shit though ",0 "Do we really have to dress up the entire week for Business Week ? ",0 "my niqqas ain't my niqqas nomore ! my hoes ain't my hoes ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need to learn how to bite my tongue .. Being a bitch all the time is not cute "" Same heree  "" ",0 "Why can't nobody find u huh ? Lil bitch ",0 "Man I swear I wanna say fuck it and go back to sleep ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fuck Youuu ” I KNEW YOU WANTED ME ... YOU STILL A JOKE ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mine too ! ",0 "he got that shit off in time what the fuck #LakerNation ",0 "Zamir need to hurry up back & take me home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not arguing wit ppl that's childish . Didn't really go down like I wanted tho cuz they backed up & sum1 grabbed me ",0 "i want a hotdog w/ relish , onions , & mustard ",0 "My lilsis culdnt hang she fell asleep on me smh its kool tho ",0 "if yu tapped out before dnt lie , it is wht it is ❗ ",0 "Stomach In Knots ",0 "I'm so ready to kill his ass ",0 "He . ain't never tired free Him Btw ",0 "No we not , Fuck sonny's . Fugazzy ass chicken ",0 "- Anywho I'm starving , feels like I'm drying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too . You in school ? ",0 "I HATE LIARS , I HATE CHEATERS , I HATE FRAUDS , I HATE LIARS WITH A PASSION ... Like wtf man I hate to be played like I'm a nut ass bitch ",0 ". My momma urking my fuckin nerves ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I do ",0 "Aint shit to do ",0 "I Miss Jayme ",0 "Jigguh not talking ",0 "Jesus please take the wheel ",0 "At This Point Im Mad ",0 "Heyyyyyy where kita ass at ? ",0 "Time Be Flyin Like Shit ",0 "luv is a fucking creep yo ",0 "These Bitches Be Fake Happy I Can't Deal ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Some rain , for you thirsty hoes/niggas . ``、ヽ``、 、ヽ ` ヽ`、ヽ` `、ヽ`ヽ`、、ヽ `ヽ `、ヽ``、ヽ ` 、ヽ`ヽ `、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽ``、ヽ``、 、ヽ ` ヽ`、ヽ` `、ヽ`ヽ ",0 "I been sleep all that time and still sleepy ",0 "Guess I can end my night like dis .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I see how it is . Lol ",0 "Quan think he going keep my car charger !! that's out ! ",0 "Somebody save meeeee ",0 "She don't understand ",0 "Tj she cursed lmao cos the water was cold ",0 "I miss my Xbox yo ",0 "All this nose in my ear Ain't no way Im gonna get some sleep now ",0 "Never what you got until its gone . I be looking at #1omf like damn I messed up ",0 "Ion Be Doing $hit Bruh ",0 "She was on the dick like ... ",0 "dropped my Gatorade & my phone , all this Gatorade was on it ",0 "It's fuck oomf ! Bible ",0 "And my cousin at his army basic training omgg man ion want him to come home to his ma being gone ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : if you know she a hoe & she give you a condom she poked a hole in it welcome to parenthood ” that's fucked up . ",0 "But surprisingly enough you are 35 ... ",0 "Bbl boutta get washed n dressed n go chill with ma boy !!! Ain't got time for her attitude ",0 "I wanna look at niggas different but I can't I wanna try to trust these bitches but I ain't ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm bout to go tf offffff !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! """" ",0 "I Could Had Died Last-night But Nobody Would Had Known ",0 "This some bullshit ",0 "These Bitches Be Hating N Shii ",0 "People shouldn't stunt like they got it like it & behind close doors its all a lie ",0 "Trying to amp myself up for a workout ... I'm still sore from yesterday ",0 "Tired but can't sleep ",0 "What to make for lunch ???? No longer in the mood for breakfast . ",0 "<<<< Please man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you don't mean it ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I got unlimited texting for what ???? ”shit still be dry ",0 "- I'm missing my show ",0 "Theses two jobs killing me ... But the money so nice ",0 "i'm hot as shit ",0 "y'all messy asdf she wasn't even talking about her .... ",0 "What's on the agenda today ?!?? Besides work of course ? ",0 "He don't even fucking care ",0 "Headache coming back ",0 "#InHighSchool at homecoming a fat bitch tweak was trying to twerk me i was like no lmao ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My wife is sooooooooo ignorant like why ” ",0 "Forget Deja && Kelita ! ✋ ",0 "My mama leaving me tomorrow ",0 "andd he called me fake dis morningg cuz i dnt talkk to him no moree ✋✋✋ u havee a mouth too shawdd ! ",0 "Missing My Baby ",0 "I do and say alot of gay stuff but i could never be gay . Like kissing a dude Das nasty . ",0 "Found out who was playing on my phone , Nykera ass ! ",0 "Quincy ole irritating uppity ass ",0 "All you had to do was say that \I'm sorry "" & "" I'm in love w| you , baby I want this "" ! ❤ "" ",0 "I'm always I'm this house alone yo ",0 "What Tf Does My Sister Be Doing ",0 "All these broke bitches got iphones for christmas now ... ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : , i always wanted a twin . or a sister that was close to me in age .. """" ",0 "Just got bit my a Mosquito ",0 "Shit Just Fuck'd Up . ",0 "Another dull day might just go to work early ",0 "I swear every boy wantnme to trow the opp iont know every girl in philly ",0 "This rain is blowing me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Damn Leem ”lol my bad bro I take it back ",0 "-damn I ain't seen you in a while and I miss you ",0 "all y'all bitches getting SMALL & I'm getting BIG . . . fuck y'all . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I MISS YOU ",0 "Her underarms sweating ",0 "I'm sleepy as shit yo , ",0 "Don't go ghost on me ima go Thriller on ya ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm hungry af tho but I just ate !! Like this shit is ridiculous "" hmmm ! Sound like u got one ion the way , j / k "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol Don't Fight Anymore it's stupid && I told neka the same thing , it's pointless ",0 "Wish somebody could bring me food ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : MY DAD DIED IN WILSON PARK IN SOUTHPHILLY "" rs ? "" ",0 "If I don't fall out before I make it there .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hungry . Rey get off the bus ",0 "bruh today Lorenzo did all that ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Missing someone & not being able to see them is the worst feeling ever ! ” ",0 "I wish my momma would text me back dang ik she got my MF message !!! ",0 "My God i have anger issues ! Fuck !! Where's the bottle ! ",0 "I Hate When My Mom Sabotage Time ",0 "Every girl has that one boy that she'll never lose feelings for . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ non non non non ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aint in church ... I'm bored .. he was suppose to be my church buddy today ..... ",0 "No basketball till Jordyn is here ",0 "ii wanna be wit oomf ",0 "Going through old pictures and messages <<< ",0 "Suppose to be getting my hair done , but ol girl still at work ",0 "In my bed feeling SINGLE AF ",0 ", My Aunt Left ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ SMH but yes they still do❕❌ ",0 "Just know that I know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel cheated and angry !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ & I gotta go to the dentist ",0 "gotta wait until next week to get my hair done ",0 "why these two bitches I church textn me clownin ? Fsee ",0 "cus ik he tired ",0 "Miissinq Myi Smooche ' UUGGHHHHHH ",0 "they gotta chill on they in my butt !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I count the minutes smh some of em spit it out tho ",0 "And kinda thick hair BUT not outta control shit y'all niggas kill me with these Nasty ass birds nest temps ✌ ",0 "KG always calling me a hoe .... I been chillin smh ",0 "I want my baby !!!!!! Feeling lonely af ",0 "That single shit only hit you at night . ",0 "Soo My 4.22 Never Texted Back So Goodnight : ( ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wake up bae ! ",0 "Jaylan still here ",0 "A cuz I haven't seen in yrs asked for a brush & my mom had the audacity to pass them mine . U think I want it back . #IDontShareMyBrush ",0 "Joe crazy man ",0 "It was cold a.f ",0 "not fighting for no spot . either you want me or You don't ",0 "Aint nobody even at my crib likeee ",0 "Brandon ain't playing Friday ",0 "SMH At Some Of These Niggas Out Here ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I do , I just don't know what you talking bout” bye ",0 "Lemme Get Up ",0 "Char famous ass better text me ",0 "I really need to get in touch w| my papa .. I haven't talked to him eesince he gave me that money ",0 "When it's time for me to wake up early for work ima be like this ",0 "\everybody cut idc bye . """" ",0 "I'm not gay but still ",0 "I'm Mad At oomf ",0 "I need a new avi , smh ",0 "I'm bouta cry ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate a chick with no ass ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know don't nobody wake my fat ass ",0 "I don't even know what time he get off work ",0 "This whole shit ✋ stop it I hate when people say that over and over that make it sound weak ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I want to be at school today , but I won't be back til Tuesday . ” , missss yaaah” miss you too ",0 "It's about time I get my crown redone ",0 "He needa hurry up i miss him ",0 "Ugly ugly ugly ",0 "Nobody's texting me fuck y'all to ",0 "I Wish He Text Me Back Already He In The Way ... ",0 "going through it , yo ",0 ", please cause I don't know my password can you tell me it PLEASE ",0 "Mb - becoming a stranger again yb ",0 "My damn battery low ",0 "Keep it am I ugly ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : That song be having me thinking I'm some type of freak or something “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Own it ! ””okayyyyy lol wit no boyfriends ",0 "I want Fred's ",0 "I hate when you tryin sellin something & people bullshit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need a $100 real quick”g me fucking too ! ",0 "tf , my brother hype over this game ",0 "This Bitch Caking OTP & Im Like _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "TF Niggaz jumping now !! ",0 "See that's why I need a boo friend to give me back my money I lost ! lol but serious ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'M HORNY as fuck tonight mannnnnn !!!!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Vibe just killed ... ” Mines too ",0 "Aw why this slow girl catch the bus by her self . And she go to my church . Awww ",0 "I hella just got all sad and shit #moodswings ",0 "Market for two things in this long line ",0 "K-baby always falling asleep on me she can't hang . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ very racist” why ",0 "Man why everybody getting engaged ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bye Jaliya”NOOO I can't go you have stay ",0 "Y'all bullshxtin fxck the rain , I'm losing money .. ☝ ",0 "All this hw ",0 "This Snow Gone Mess Up My Day ",0 "lexis if yuh ah hater i jst got 2 words ck yuh , fck yuh "" "" ",0 "Lie about the simplest shit ",0 "Just need the ends tended to Lord ",0 "2 more minutes till when I was supposed to b wakin up ",0 "Oomf better be callin me he is out of class now its 7:32 up there ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ For now ... ",0 "Iight let me behave before I get double bro punched even tho one bro disowned me ",0 "I Miss Scooter . ",0 "☺I got all these Emojis and cants see one . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ .... What's your address ",0 "I need a new avi , smh ",0 "Gotta download all my music over . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my phone calls keep failing .. ",0 "I did 2 sew ins .. Free at that & still ain't got mines done . ",0 "Malt ain't call me ",0 "Today I work 9am-11pm ",0 "I'm goin to sleep .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too BestFriend kik me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Right moe I just be wanting to so Sumthin ",0 "Where is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ?!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Dobbins you had all ya FREEDOM they must just was sick of meidk how I even got kicked out smh ! ” ",0 "I hate feeling like this ",0 "I Hope I Can Switch Over To T-Mobile Cuz I Refuse To Pay This Ratchet Ass Bill ",0 "Today was A1 .... Well alomst ",0 "When people text me and tell me to like their ig pic << likeee .. No ",0 "I just twatched the shit outta Siani ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too ",0 "why do I get jealous fast af ",0 "My future mad at me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ why the faces ? ” Cause you dont look thick to me you look normal” ok ",0 "Ima just lay here ❗ ",0 "I can't really say \ I KNOW HOW WE ROCKING "" cause I really don't man . We happy one day , next day we fighting . "" ",0 "Last nigga was too insecure & we wasn't even together YET smh ",0 "I just need to consistently keep looking at the rim too when I finish because when that contact bout to come ..... idk what be happening ",0 "I'm schlep from that play ... Sit on the side for that ",0 "jr slobbd in my phone n fuckd my speaker up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this town is forsaken ",0 "I Need Some Games on My Phone ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I fuckin hate the way cigarettes smell """" ",0 "Moe ineed some ass ",0 "If you could read my mind it would be so much easier ",0 "How dare you tell me it's tougher for you . Like ion hear Abt them bitches you fuckin with too ",0 "let me leave mani alone too ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Then Mother Nature done came through #fuck "" I hate when that hoe come ”mane "" ",0 "I wish my baby had a car so he can come get me ",0 "i want my mama to qet off the damn phone ",0 "ova here waiting aight ",0 "The Bae Sleep ",0 "Deon sound asleep ... I wanna put his ass on Slap cam but that would b juz unfair ... He a prolly smack my ass back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It's about damn time !!! ",0 "But Why Is They Leaving Ussss #NelliTweet ",0 "That new Eminem Song So Ass ",0 "Rest Either I DAWGED or We DAWGED Each Other Out or They DAWGED Me Out !!! ",0 "Nick Be Like Fuck Bitches Get Money ",0 "That blew me .. ",0 "Can somebody call me ",0 "These New York niggas be mad as hell when you dont give them no play ",0 "Chillin bored af ",0 "why u wasting my time tho ",0 "Mii buttons on mii fone not workin ! But im fcked up still thuggin ... Hoes on me ... To me its still mii bday ! ",0 "I forgot he got a baby ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate the smell of hot sausage but them bitches be good ! ”righhhhtttt . ",0 "awwwww , man Rip Pop ",0 "Money Hungry Jay ",0 "I thought we was cool ... guess cool really ain't shit .. thanks dad ",0 "The person I wanna talk to not texting me ",0 "But don't judge me girl ",0 "Why kera keep stayin I got the bitches ?? ",0 "funeral for Caly on Tuesday ",0 "I miss messing with Regine ",0 "Girlfriend HERE !! ♥ ",0 "Seems like when things are going great something just has to try and ruin it but I won't let it ! ",1 "Lol , I know I can ",0 "Y'all wild'n for respect ",0 "bitches really be ugly as shit thinking they the shit ",1 "JUST FINISH PUTTIN THE FOOD UP COOLIN UP ON THE PATIO ",0 "I'm not dealing with Sharae and Shenae tonight man lol . Tryna yiken & shyt ",1 "Shower sex be that umph ",0 "K Since I Have Noone To Talk To I Guess Ill Take A Shower ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bring me bacc sum famo lhh ",0 "He love a nasty girl who swallows what's on the menu ",0 "Thanking The Mad Above For Another Day !! #Blessed ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she in have nothing else to do” I no man ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ alright stop talking to me jet ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Rihanna would killed beyonce's new song I'm just sayin ... ” even Ciara . ",0 "Dat shyt was funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey tiwana ",0 "- I may b young but I'm so playa where my pimp hat ! ",0 "hair almost done ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that looks OD good ! ” It was .. ❗ #Banging ",0 "Dat Ain't A Circle Nigga .. Y'all A Square ... ✋ Stop It ",0 ", Pussy pop like Coca Cola plus it tighterthen a choka ' got him smiling like the joker🃏 . ",0 "Mann . She said my baee ugly . Tf . LmMfaooo . She just playingg tho . BETTA BEE . FR FR !! ",0 "Goodnight Hun _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . ",0 "Shower flow bbl ",0 "fr yanna ! ",0 "If you my chick why wouldn't I thatch ya ass ",0 "I'm Bout To Say Fuck PE&T Tryouts ",0 "These Niggas Salty .... They Salty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you more pooh ! What's been up ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodnight take ya ass to bed sleep tight ",0 "Niggas in they little sister toy box snappin pixs “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Good Laughs Today Thanks To My TL Making Fun Of Barbie” ",0 "Lmfao better yet Leah put that Hot comb to that shit ! Them edges gone Sizzle ",0 "Every morning I wake up with a song stuck in my head yo ",1 "I knew James was a real nigga ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stfu bx ",0 "Bestest nigga get it right ",0 "I got to tell Regg wat I did !!! Lol ",0 "Thot thot thot thot THOT ! ",0 "Got me some goodies from Top Shop today ",0 "she just don't know ",1 "Saturday : ) >>>>>>>>>>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww ! I'm just now seeing this ",1 ", Thinking About The LOML ",0 "I'm nver chilling ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'll Ride or Die For My Big Bro """" ",0 "My gal want to do sum things in tha dark huh ",0 "I luv it remix trey verse gives me life everytime is lil inappropriate self ",0 "I been thirsty all day for some cold ass water ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey goodmorning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl fly ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not me yo ",1 "3 more weeksssss ",0 "Nate boutta turn up tho ",0 "Lmfao Corey always sending me dumb stuff ",1 "What da game been missin streetrunna ",1 "Gudmornin Big Head >>>>>>> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Wait until I tell Yasmeen about my day yo , oh lord ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : U in love wit Instagram hoes nd yu ain't never met em smh ” ~~> shit sick ",0 "Ol basic dck having ass nigga ! Lmfdo !! * insider * ",0 "I'm trying give laylay a baby and I'll hit you about it ",0 "The shit I come up with ",1 "Good times with Mommy ",0 "He got me on 10 this morning ",0 "she a fat bitch ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ text me ",0 "Broke the remote fuckin em up ",1 "Gege fullA shxt ",0 "I'm feeling some type of way ",1 "I'm bout wat Yu bout nuff said ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning bookie ",0 "Oh how Bria ERKS ! ",1 "Finna chill like a mf ",1 "I jus couldn't fckin do it i'ont care ",1 "I hate dressed up faggies that don't look right ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you kno I'm getting them ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ l love u cuz u can call my phone to l miss u ",0 "Kairrah Really The Coolest Ex I Got , That's My Nigga ✊ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ uu gon b one hungry hoe lmfaoooooo & uu gon b thirsty ",0 "ain't No Way I Can Let You Down ",0 "\Take yo ass down to the welfare ! "" "" ",1 "Nuski Tom Bout Ppl Kids ",0 "LMFAO I Hope #Oomf Get His \Beauty "" Rest Whit Is Lion King Looking Ass While He Telling Me "" Night "" Mad Ass "" ",0 "When a girl says \ Ayeeeee "" when a song comes on ..... Get ready she bout to TWERK TWERK TWERK THAT ASS "" ",0 "Yay I get to skip Monday this week , no work for me ",0 "Keep em on cause I like my women tall ",0 "Goodnight school tomar ",0 ", Yo told the teacher she should had been a Stripper ",0 "I need some good ass ",1 "Pat in here dancing ",0 "my auntie got her food stamps ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nah fuck that , fuck all these dolphins and unicorns . You heard it from the best ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Don't be . ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✌️ go head act crazy” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no Rico debarge did ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ THEY WOULD HAVE HAD ME FUCKED UP I WOULD HAVE BEEN LIKE EXPLAIN BITCH OR SOMEBODY FINA DIE ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas be tweeting like Chief Keef but texting like Drake” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol grrrr you late ! We already on it , we had that planned for a week now ",0 "Starlet bitches catch u in that corner & mug u ",0 "Lls People Out Here Funny as Shit ",0 "~ we got handshake ✋ ",0 "Seems like when things are going great something just has to try and ruin it but I won't let it ! ",1 "I ain't looking at ya bitch ass I'm looking at ya bitch ass ",0 "Pandora slow jamz ",0 "Swazzy still at the shop && im still gettin dress ima be fucks up out of him if i beat him to his house ",0 "Hoes love Jello shots ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thats gay asF ",0 "Just made my dayy >>>>>>>>>>>> ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My extra charger in the car & I don't wanna go get it ! ” I will leave work 2 use that mother fucker ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wats up ma u got a phat ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning ! ",0 "Where da hoes at ?? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yu a fukn nut yoo ",0 "My kids drive my mother crazy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't stop laughing ",0 "I hate when nigga take picture with there baby an be Like imma father befor Anything nigga Please You ain't seen that Baby In 6Weeks ",1 "These slow songs making me UGHHH ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't wanna play ",1 "Palmer just said he broke ,. The lies ",1 "bout to qet ready to qo to church in dha few , ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kmfsl just tell em your friend Jo eating a moon pie cookie ",0 "R . i . P to Papi miss u ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ let granny eat Ty ",0 "Look like a straight dike wit my hair braided like this ",1 "#oomf is so cute to me He just too young for me ... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm always geeking Dfl” u crazy” I'll admit it” ",0 "ASK ME QUESTIONS link in bio ",0 "yes domi still luv me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Feel like doin sme freaky shit ” ",1 "I got a nother bitch nigga w . me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Text me tho ! ",0 "that was my list ",0 "&& We fresh out the shower ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WOW ! Who recorded this ? he gon kill hisself ",0 "Nah that's YOURS ",0 "Talm bout she don't go no hoes though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning tay ",0 "WEAK BITCH ! ",0 "This Thot Chicago page tho ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Watchn bad grandpa they funny af”RFT ",0 "Oomf is crazy yea i make these hos sick . The er gone b full n MARCH #THEYMAD n boosie voice . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but y she gonna cuss her out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lolss yo cunta kintae lookin ass !! ",0 "Lol calie think he the only one that know how to do ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ . That ",0 "Niggas geeked but shit ain't sweet ... Wantchu to look out but dnt be lookin out .. fuck I look like ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Still stuck that oomf stole somebody panties .  She just nasty . ” I'm through lmao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea but you won't mean it ",0 "Can’t wait til I see my baby ",0 "Nahh that's a hard working woman ! ",0 "Ima call #oomfs on FaceTime tomorrow night since he keep saying I don't fuck with him smh he must don't know . ",1 "I laugh at the wrong shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ true that ",0 "Lmao !! \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'll let a bitch twerk on my tongue for the Gamma Blue 12s """" ",0 "Finna go to bed ",1 "Ralph Lauren watch on deck ",0 "Why bitches always so worried bout me lol get the fuck off my page lmfao I tweet what the fuck I want don't like than stop twatchin bitch ",0 "I'm just BLESSED to be here : ) ",0 "Coach T a fool . ",0 "This shit funny as shit thoee neverrrr ",0 "i just wannna hear Rick Ross say UHHHH in my ear ! ❗️ ",0 "Ayee freaky naughty \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : whatever you do to me , i do to you .. """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning ",0 "Pop off son ! ",0 "Goodnight from Us ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol Awwwww ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ finally got some bacon ",0 "Ion care tho lol ! I'm foreva good ✊ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ AWWw u miss me tweeting lol”just a little bit ",0 "Got A iPhone Might Get Cashed Out But I Got A Temporary # ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good ... passin all my classes too ",0 "& knowing us we like to fuck like its the first time ",0 "Single af !! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awl I love you too .! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao I was like i kno she ain't talmn bout me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I feel it all over my body ””” ",1 "Damn he ugly ! I am fucking crying ",1 "My mama swear she gone prove me wrong ",1 "STILL LISTENING TO MY BABY DRAKE ",0 "Now I'm Watching \Just Go With It "" . I Love This Moviee . "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : MAN MAN FINNA GET ON MY NERVES ” ",1 "Damn .. He's cute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Then she killing that #BellPepper nose son smh Lmao ! I'm done ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wassup : ) ",0 "Pull my hair smack my ass type shit YESSSSSS ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you see this .. ”hey mar my baby , I miss you ” I miss you too . ",1 "Bitches Be Sayin Million Dolla Pussy But it Smell Like Cool Ranch Doritos ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't do me that man ! lmak ",0 "-Whoo Uhppp !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmao , Ok Lul Roger ",0 "* waits * ",0 "I bet u gotta deep throat too ",1 "Popping Out W/My Other Half . ",0 "Omelly got barz ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ name a mix tape he dropped ... Lmao ",0 "These hoes be off for 4 days after workin 2 weeks straight and lose it ",1 "I don't give af about you singing this sap ass song on this phone bitch #BYE ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao my hair ain't that nautral ! ",0 "I'm slow Brah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaoooo idek I'm bored as shit ",1 "Good Morning _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mane you KNOW it's the TRUTH I don't gotta lie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning Hun !!! ",0 "Waitin on tiana ",0 "bc what ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Can't Imagine My Self In Jail” metro SWEET ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I made Monay like dat "" ... "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ight cuz ",0 "The Text I Just Woke Up To From My Baby ",0 "where tf is kaiya yo !!? ",1 "Blow On The Dick , Call It Blow Pop ",0 "Ppl Spazz out on twitter , and Fb for what . Pointless ",1 "You love me like you love that other nigga that don't do shit for you ",0 "* New Years when the clock strikes 12 *Everyone : Me : ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ naw I kid I kid I joke I joke .. ",0 ": watching back at the barnyard . ",0 "went off on Cinco ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oooooo Killem baby ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hell yeah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sherf chill boy u kno ima have dat shit ",0 "That push goin be on worldstar lmao ",0 "I found my sexy voice ✋✋✋✋ ",0 "He really made me mad tho ",1 "Fuck that lil chick mane . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ * takes it to the head ",0 "i lowkey love iMessage when im txting hym #TeamiPhone ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm text this light skin female to make an appointment to text with her next week” ",0 "going see my godson later ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ iKnow y'all some Ass ",0 "Lol whatever happened to talking shit out ",0 "I love messing with takia ",0 "lmao my pandora right now ! ",0 "Everybody said the same thing ☺️ why though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #FB ?????? ",0 "Sex on the ceiling ",0 "Everybody got a boo niggas gone be lonely forever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fashow sis ",0 "Ily2 Big Babyyy : ) ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ctfu "" Whats Funny ? "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "& longs my son cool I'm cool ",0 "And Im Coming Outta Uniform Everyday This Week . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bored ” Come hang out with ur wifey ” bout to fuel up the jet cherie ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lonely Bitches Be Like ",1 "Janky Promoters >>>>>>>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fb ? ",0 "Wine & Chocolate ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you think so though ",0 "Grab my four loko & get ta steppin ",0 "I was boutta curse dontaye out like why you leave him bitch ?! ",1 "They us all over again ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn imma get Melo shit for you ",0 "Hoes Gne B Hoes ",0 "Teesie so crazy ",0 "We aint talkin on the phone bitch we straight textin ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” don't laugh at her Mal I no who I'm get to shut her up !! ",0 "me & skylar bestfriends then we in a relationship cus we talk about everything & everybody ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ion think everybody going do that but yeah we can try ! ",0 "Dis time we sleep in da bed ima fuck insider ",1 "CLAIM THEY DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ME BUT CONSTANTLY TWATCHiNG WANTING To KNOW MY EVERY MOVE ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is how I'm feeling ",1 "My nigga on his way ! ",0 "The weather is so beautiful ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "I love girls that wear red lipstick ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lols not now fav i got it on me . "" Ok cool let me hold sum fav "" ",0 "Bull & His Gf Weird As Shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's you gon be buku tired ",0 "Kiara stay clowning her people bruh smh ",1 "No reason why we was on that level yesterday ",0 "Zaza went to sleep on me again i guess I'm boring to her Lls ",1 "Lmao .. I ain't even mad ",0 "Idk why but dudes with nice butts bring me joy . #PervyTweet ",0 "I just watched the funniest shit of the nite ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you ain't put in on this man . Lmao ! ( Smokey voice ) ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I shoulda never texted that bitch ” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm pumped for no reason tho ” ",0 "LMAO = Lick Me All Over ! ",0 "Mfs be claiming me and shit lmao ",0 "I be dancing bymyself ",0 "Not even on no broke shit but im not paying for that fuckin mixtape ! He trippin .. I dont even pay for jayz shit ",1 "When I Say \K "" "" Aw True "" Or "" Lol "" Im Tryna END The Conversation . Lbs "" ",0 "But ima let her live ",0 "BUT Again , Good Morning Twitter ",0 "#oomf always tweet some freak shit But she ain't a real freak ",0 "Got these hoes #teamMad ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol you lurkin ”lolthat's the first thing I seen gone and get ya ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "Gotta Change My Shits Now lol ",0 "Cant wait till liyah come back ",0 "I got jump back boy !! ",0 "Bummy thots hang together ",0 "The Kush Master Is A Fool ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol bye swelly ",0 "Retweet for a goodmorning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well he was on ig knocked tf out but wyd ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lnao that Avi !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm coming just so I can irritate kiarra ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm on the toilet ",0 "Catch a thot , fuck a thot ! ",0 "Ridiculousness funny as shit ",0 "bull a fraud yo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Happy 23rd bday to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” foh u wasnt with her in notre dame ",0 "Im Here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here ",0 "Oh naww , nvm ✌ ",0 "But Ima Stop Complainin Cause They Came Out Cute ",0 "true : ) ",0 "Lol summer ain't over for me I got all year ",0 "Lol I Aint do Nun To Uu ",0 "if I don't text you January 1st that means I left yo ass in 2013 & I don't fw you no more ",1 "I Never Expose A Girl That's Jus Gon Ruin The Chances Of Gettin Pussy In The Future ",0 "Be ready 2 record your moment you have with me , because you gone wonta see it ova ..... ",1 "Oh that's your boyfriend ; girl never mind ",0 "Everybody can get they girl back but me ! how tf y'all do that ",1 "Dummy dummy dummy dummy ",0 "me , darien & bri have the best group chat daija you MIA ",0 "I gotta crush ",1 "Omg , he is too much for me . ",1 "Dating My Ex ? Shit I Don't Care I Already Know What That Mouth Do \"""" ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yoo you drawn ! ” Rs , That was the fattest shit ever & you know it , , I would've fucked around & bussed ",1 "I tried to bite lateyah cause I was hungry ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... Awwww iKnew you would .. They looked like sum u wuld wear ",0 "I like them red chicks yeah , but them sexy black girls , oweee LORD knows ",0 "Lebanese it is #MyFav   ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm 2 job shawty now "" Congrats where at ? "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmornin Diary ., ❤ ",0 "Some nigga gettin his head kicked in on ya corner cuz _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Mayb I'll get some poetics !! ",0 "When I miss somebody ... they will never kno ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Llss , That Just Made My Night Moe . . That Is A Ugly Nigga ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I love ti swag !!! "" yesss me too .... thts my boo lol” "" ",0 "Going to see bestfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tomorrow ., she thought I was coming today lol nawl boo gotta go booed up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lmao I gotta go to the sex store ” you nasty ass” lmao man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey buddy ",0 "that's so fucked up ",1 "She then lost it again✋ ",1 "Know . that when u c me im a real asz to nigga >>> ",0 "U aint shit ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I see how it is . Lol ",1 "Now he in my DM ",0 "I'm Finna Mess With Everybody Mfs Finna Be Mad ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh yea expose time ",0 ", I say \ You like thet "" ? She like "" yah you riteee "" . "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I had to snap real quick lol”you right at him tell meek its levels to this shit ",0 "lowkey finna grow my own herb . me and Jonae ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got you , and l0l well tell her when she wake up ... but that's whassuppp How is Kendall ? ",0 "Ha sum sh*t be funny as hell all I do is Smdh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ violently ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Joseline stripper name is Shanelicka similar to Shanilla _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” shut up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "But don't rush me back ",1 "Oh my bad , sorry .... ",1 "I'm so crazy ",0 "ayo I really got a LIGHTSKIN Bby ",0 "I Thought I Lost My Jesus Piece I Was Finnah Spaz Tf Out ButT , hen I Found It In My Shoe . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol boy u always cuffn ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lls no , go poly beat city ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Myy Seed !!!! ' ",0 "Niggas be singing hitting high notes thinking they Musiq SoulChild and shit . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Be The Baddest On My TL ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you funny ashit cuz ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",1 "Easy as one two three , understanding is what I need ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm loving the attitude ",0 "i love the things that come out for boys . ",0 "I want to text and blow up somebody phone with love lol I need more contacts ",0 "I use to stay calling her as soon as I got out class cause I ain't want be by myself ",1 "Niggas gonna hate on keta when i be on some new shxt imma have to walk around wit a knife on me ",1 "- finna go outside with ebony ",0 "Still on the phone with Ron Ron ! ",0 "Aww that's soo sweet ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : - I Need A Bitch With Back Dimples Face Dimples & Who Suck Dick "" -_-"" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol girl somewhere I ain't got no business JP ",0 "He just a boy ",0 "No she didn't retweet that like she single tho ",0 "I Gave scooter a Big Hickey ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : why everybody talkin bout schools , shut da shit da fuck up school ended hours ago” !!! ",1 "Just go chill man“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Simone would hit my girl back in the day and just hoop without a care in the world ” ",1 "Good Morning Twitter #FemalePapiTweet ",0 "All I can do Is laugh . im done wit this shit . ",0 "Beefin wit other niggas plays already lol that's wild ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ AWWw u miss me tweeting lol”just a little bit ",0 "My Goddy A Trip . ",1 "for monshell to be talking about me tho ' ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm chillin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ na you not & you gotta do it ",0 "my righthand tho ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #inDobbins i remember when the jawn was suckin dick in the basement” ",1 "Niggas Still up thou ",0 ", but i don't even want him ",1 "Y'all remember when that nigga was lookin salty ova liyah ",0 "He like where you at , i told him i was home n i have cable . He like can I come to your house today he aint shit ",1 "Ion Be Worrying About It , Cause When He Get Home He Gone Do Me Real Good ! ",0 "Took tha kids to get their Vday kards for their klass mates ",0 "☺I got all these Emojis and cants see one . ",1 "Now tae know I wanna see his cute ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you drawn ",0 "yaaa got my babies ",0 "School just needs to not come back ",1 "Domonique & Cocoa sitting in the tree F U C K I N G ' first come umm that's all I remember ",0 "when I turn my iMessage off people be mad as shit ",1 "I fucked up alot of shit . Do i regret it ? Aha , Nope ",1 "This nigga Jaylin wild ",0 "Thanking the man upstairs for allowing me and my love ones see another day .! ",0 "I Don't Givee A FCK If You Ont Like Me ! ",0 "Car in shambles . Should of took his car and made him clean mine ",1 "Why did I open that link I'm to noisy ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yu need to txt me wholetime ",1 "What Mfs On For Halloween ",0 "I have way to my much energy right now ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I Love My Baby To Death ♥ She Too Loyal ",0 "I really can't believe Justin blocked me ",1 "Ken Favorite all the pics ",0 "I got two more hours then I'm done ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ask Mellie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck so funny ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi >>>>>> ” Thank You Baby ",0 "mahh sister dead got slapped lastnight cuz she came in dumbb highh ..... lml I bet dhat shit blew mindsz ! ",1 "Dat nigga _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just told this bitch she look like big foot lmao yoooo ",0 "if i get that Boy .. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol truu I be watchin it too ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I mean can I eat wit you ? ” yoi ment that first tweet ",0 "Terrell Called Me A Groupie & A THOT Rd I Quit ",0 "Chilling with LaLa again ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hell Yeah Yo , Ima Have To” Don't listen to him , he showing off ✋” ",1 "I need these clouds to clear up ... I got plans that includes crabs and the grill ! Spring time grillin , family chillin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No Problem ",0 "Fuck this fuckboy I dnt need him .... ",1 "Lol !!! Shut up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ catch me down SouthB ‼️ ",0 "They always killin me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm do happy I feel like punching somebody n tha face lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch you live soo far & you don't be even tryna meet half way ”you never ask bitch ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my boney ass husband ",0 "Chillinn With Bae ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ,, Nfb ,, ! , ♥ ",0 "only difference she rich & y'all bitches still broke ",0 "Dudes be in they feelings when it come to me . Like nigga stopppp . ",1 "i love the things that come out for boys . ",0 "I need some pussy ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol up bumping dis T.i nd tweeting lol that's all popin my way #Slow ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ima call my brother later and be like mane school in another week I showl need me some nice kicks ” broke ass ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I don't share my nigga I'm stingy I'll fuck his ass up if I find out he cheating ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm turnt out jus w/ my nigga tho . You know meee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I won't see it until u come to New York and be my date for the movie ",0 "but look right i aint gone sit here an fuss w/ nobody home girl ",1 "It's 2 some she talm bout go get some ass ",0 "Damn it's real on twitter ",1 "you funny If you think you about to get my girlfriend ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : we not gone have them shoes tho ! ” ",1 "Daysia Said She Would Let A Nigga Pee On Her While/After They Have Sex !! LMAOOO , I'm Weak ;; #NastyAss ",0 ", miss me w . the bullshit : ) ✌ ",1 "Damn nobody text me all day ",1 "Who wana get tatted with me tomarrow ? IM PAYING ",0 "Yu kno Sumbody dnt got a iPhone wen u put n dey put ; ) ",0 "Just Tu Be Under Him For A Day Is All II need♥♡♥♡♥ ",0 "My honey dip #KellyRowland ",0 "- ! January 14 Need Tooo Hurry Up .... ",1 "My Mommyy Said She Might Put Me & Southeastern Or finney , But im smoove At Osborn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not yet nigga i jst feel it ",0 "Lemme find out y'all love me cause Im gone ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I know she always telling me to read books & shit & I guess idk I have nothing to wear foreal ",1 "Just talk , text , nd sex no strings attach ... ",0 "I swear me and my boyfriend argue like a married couple ",0 "Boooooooooooo !!!! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Give me the keys to yo mind , I promise I'll drive you crazy like only Rudy can” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you In School Read That Text Book ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Some SEX would put me right to sleep doe ... ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what does it say ??? ",0 "Lol He Handicap ",0 "I hate when somebody lie to me I think somebody rubbin off on ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just chill . People already think we go together . Guess you the one I'm married too huh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wanna make love to my babyyyy ” ",1 "Im from the EASTSIDE where it ain't no taco bell ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey boo imy ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Once I change n drop every body for u it's real it's not a game """" ",1 "told my mama she a Thot she said I'm a what lil bitch ",0 "Ooo lmmfaodnt b no fool !! I cus Neva b a back up plan !! Fuck off ! ",0 "My tt said these days boys hit yo ass back ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This da day u suppose 2 b cuddled up "" you gone be cuddle up with me ” he'll yea u already know "" ",0 "me and tavon be on dat hte shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fb ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Goodmorning "" good morning Jas” gm boo imy "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your hair ",0 "- &' D Wanna Thankk The Lrd For Waking Me Up ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ have a great day . ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , Yooo idc no more cuh lmaooo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Its like you a opp now” my niggaa Quiem ! text mee bruh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lessons suck lol I'm being a ”I see you know I ain't raise no chump now toughen up nigga ",0 "Watching 2 Broke Girls ? Got to see my wifey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Smile in ya face and talk behind ya back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm lying I'm knowing asl ",0 "David sound like Drake for a sec ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fb tho ",0 "You niggas paying at my hoes & I'm like where they do that ?? ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol you not even that cute ☺ ",0 "On Facetime with my baby _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Yooooooo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ going HAM on twitter lmao ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I love a skinny bitch with a ass that's kinda fat . Cause they got the wettest cat and I fell in love with dat ” ",0 "Females really call this guy \ZADDY "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "Exactly !! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas jail off bitches everyday B ” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My Dog Let One Loose , Daaaamn , ”✋ my cat be doing tht shit shit b deadly ",1 "And then u make it all better ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #FreeBoosie ” ",0 "1⃣2⃣0⃣4⃣1⃣2⃣ Got Hoes Madd ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : call me fattie crocker” I think this my last day ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wen that nude come up ima let ya kno scrap ",0 "Somebody : what u worried about ? Me : Nigga I ain't worried bout Nothin ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm DONE ... for now .. ",0 "That light skin shit . ",0 "Me & Jadera made a twerk video ",0 "Lol this person crazy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ B ) F ) YOU & Both What ? ",0 "She Must Wanted The \D "" Last Nite ? . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yall getting fried ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up”dang homie ok✊ ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My day going the opposite way I just jumped out the car with it in drive” ",1 "i have the biggest crush on my IT teacher in my mind , he is my husband ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ leave my bish alone ",1 "I'm abt to take a powernap I ate nw Im ready to crash ... lol bby tell u ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Thts if they get tht ! I'll buy em socks me !! ” ",0 "Quan got me rolling already mane ",0 "Twitter wanna get real when i got alot to do ! ",1 "Even though Marcus get on my last nerves .. That's still my bae no matter what ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao hell nawl they ain't even swing str8 talkin poo assess ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : my RELATIONSHIP aint your RELATIONSHIP , so main your business\ preach bae ctfuu "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao no ! They make sooooo much money ! ",0 "it's just us nigga ",0 "just got off the phone .. ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Anybody see or hear from my girl let her know ima make it real hard for her to breathe”” ",1 "Charles talking bout y'all conversations be juicy asl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get off my dick ",0 "Just twatching lol ",0 "ima shut up ` but when he stop tweeting ..... ima be back again ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was bored ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes nigga ",0 "Katy Perry and Juicy J on a track❤️ ",0 "Happy Friday the 13th y'all . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good-Morning n hope you have a nice day ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm Never No Sucka That Shit Over With ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh Aite . And I'm Comin ' Back To Workouts ",0 "Fuck tha oppz ",1 ", Mariah Wrong ! ",0 "✨ - you pretty but dm me ",0 "Goodmorning idk if it's 7 or 8 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ kilt em ! ",0 "I miss you but I'm getting over you . ",0 "Cause if you really want to be alone I will throw my hands up cause baby I tried ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks not ah fighter ima a lover ”a lover thats always trana fight me lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but u gonna _TWITTER-ENTITY_ who u was talkin bout ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ y tho ",0 "So what that beenin saiid goodnite twitter bugs ! ",0 "The fufu shit ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she said you need to be in this conversation ",0 "Let me go take a pic for my AVI ",0 "Otp with my hype ass everything ",0 "I tripped and fell into some feelings , I'm good now , I brushed that shit off ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ his bad lol * thug shrug * ",0 "I was drunk as a bitch but not drunk as the bitch ",1 "I Like Saying Ha Real Name Its Cute : )) ",0 "Imagine Chick-Fil-A Open On A Easter Morning . . OMG ",0 "He going to be there for \ daddy && Me day "" at her school "" ",0 "Everyday A bitch turn they back on me but you think I give af ? No : ) ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I miss #oomf .... But I hate yo ass ” ",1 "havent seen you since 8th grade , you slick thick , cutee , yo boo go to my schoool & you can dress . ",0 "I wouldn't even be surprised if I seem _TWITTER-ENTITY_ pic on #catfish Lls ",0 "Bitch how yu gettin money and yu GD ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : * ima bad man * * pats fro and looks in mirror * ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #YouPissedYourFianceOff ” ",0 "My mama walk in the house we both was like heeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy girllll too funny man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell yea ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas who pull ugly females always tryna talk about having hoes .. No nigga you got pets ”teddi ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ changing my shit ",1 "Fuck my avi , I ♥ my header more ",0 "I just woke up deneya , she straight mugged me , mad ashit I'm dead ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ >> nf .. fb ?? ",0 "They Have a Dance called Chicken WingOnly In the South ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ima Go & Be A Hoe Ok ? Since These Bitches Love Me Oh So Much ✌ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck yu was at ? Lebron James house ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Cant Wait To See Vonna Lol I Know She Missin Me "" I Do I Do I'm Pluck Your Nerves Tomorrow """" ",0 "She Cuffed Up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm just tryna stay fly like y'all” NAH✋ my bum ass shop at rainbow ",1 "Church was good tuday ",0 "Kop got lite so ima need these 3hrs to speed up so my ass can go home ",1 "Kml Oomf A Freak ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thats bae ",0 "Let me call this hairstylist . Something different coming soon ... ",0 "I had fun today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol yess all these lil brees running round her but you the best ",0 "Everybody saying my ass getting big ",1 "Jarren sexy ass lol ",0 "Niggas Be Like \ Leave tht Nigga alone "" "" ",1 "girrls love that delete button ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my niggaa ✊ #otf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was just asking ion think my moma going for that ",0 "Malibu's Most Wanted deleted was funny as shit too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh arrd , Kingsley be real yo ",0 "Talm bout she gone be pregnant her senior year y'all cappin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lets do it !! I'am watching , yes !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ya avi > ”thanks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LMAO !! ",0 "\Oh Yea ? "" My Girl Said I Sound Like The Kool-Aid Man "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : SHE GOT CATFISHED BY LIL BOOSIE” ",0 "I ain't going no where ",1 "He wanna flip mics & kick his leg & all that broke fine ass ",1 "\You got a nasty ass mouth . "" "" You got a nasty ass hat "" "" ",0 "Aye KeKe tha questions stopped ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , I miss you too hunny bun , did you get your phone back ? ",1 "Texting My Girl ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we bouta to come around there and take samiaa to the stu she got bars ",0 "bout to delete allat shit . ",1 "Watcha Doingggg ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ goofy nigga ",0 "All I Need !! ",1 "#DieBssssssss Like My Bae ",0 "This Bitch Crack && Ass All Out LordHaveMercy a This Bitch Really Done Blew It Fa 2nite _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ umhum u a freak ? u know im signing to the heat next week if u a freak ",0 "Ppl w/o the iPhone mad ashit ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : YU WAS NEVER MI BITCH FROM DA GET GO I SEE HOES GET DAT TWISTED DESE DAYS ✔ "" all the time "" ",0 "She passed around but ain gone say her name ",0 "Lol , ill b there nice & hungry : ) “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ my mommy cookin dinner tomorrow” ",0 "#Hacked by _TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss u bunchies luv u #Muahsssss LOL back to my page I go !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning have a greatday #NF ",0 "Kendrick Lamar had everbody turnt up ",0 "Niggas playin boyfriend #2 ⃣ ",0 "Today is a new day .. Making the steps I need to make to make me better ... ",0 "Lawdddd It I Couldd Get Away With MURDER . Mann Ole Mannn ",1 "Today was popping ",0 "niggas ain't ready for that life !! ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Idk wat to get ppl for Christmas dats why I never get ppl anything” ",1 "YOU TEY SACE DAT HIE SHE FUCKIN SOON AS YOU AINT AROUND ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why ? I'm just tryna greet my bro ",0 "Lmao she trippin ",0 "I love twitter it be so much funny shit on here ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This nigga _TWITTER-ENTITY_ eating noodles in his avi lmao "" CAUSE IMA NIGGER "" ",0 "I Don't Think Dhakey Mad At Me No More #NotSure ",1 "#oomf be lurking on the twatching shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up we dnt care stop talking to them weak ass niggas .. Damn stop cryin .. ",1 "Black bul hype as shit he just better knock bul the fuck out ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : These hoes dont fuck like they tweet , cause they be bucking on twitter , but they be running from meat . ” ",1 "jalacey got smacked ",0 "I'm be in Twitter jail ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ was here ",0 "bitches really can't spell ",1 "Mi Mamie buying me a outfit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you a heights nigga now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thru my knees jp Bye Man ! ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ i cant find that jawn -__- ” it's Newarkhigh_thots ",1 "TAMA I GOT UH LOT TA DO ",1 "#NIKE FUCK YOO RITE GIRL ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that nigga drawled ",0 "I got 99 problems but these bitches ain't 1 ",1 "#Np Doughboyz Cashout- whatever you want ☺ ",0 "My uncle said yaw niggas talkin bout tht bacon killing you .... name one nigga tht died while eatin tht shit ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Stacy ... How are you ? ",0 "\Tré's Voice "" Look at Tré Melvin !!!! "" Jasmine's Voice "" Tré Melvin has a female gay lover ? LOL !!!!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "Diamond erky aunt Gotta be Toni ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : , Lastnighttt Was Poppinggg A Nightt To Remember ♡ "" we don't care . "" ",0 "#HonestyHour When I Have A Boy Then Thats All I'm HAVING ! Dominic or Devin or Caleb Maurice Cole or Haynes ! ❤ ",0 "Vibing too _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. My sissy ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bouta text #oomf : ) "" yayy . i've been waiting all day "" ",0 "Bitch walk up and said u go with folks um why u wanna know goofy ",0 "In the car , while the L♥ML on the phone sleep I Love Me Some Him ♥♥ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ when her and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was downtown at the peachdrop keke dug her wedgie out ",0 "I really than went hard let me in click this Man Button okay 1 ... 2 ... 3 .. Alright fish mode back in tact HAY YALL .. lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ alie Yeen finna shoot me you tryna put me up in the hospital . ",1 "Borddddd waitin on my pops to bring dat sack lmaoo ",0 "Hell yeeesss ! , were gonna just chill saturday , & then we hittin up paint ballin , & the movies sunday , we gone see texas chainsaw ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If you been with a nigga more then 5 months yeah you sucking that dick yeah sorry you can't lie too me ”✋ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hating on me && my Big Dawg ! ",0 "I remember my twitter name was Topbillin ",0 "I'm dumb bra ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lmaoo Fse They Say Gang Bangin Bitches Moan Like .... Ona Guys Bae Dnt Stop Im Finna Cum On Bro .. !! "" lmao im dead "" ",0 "He said I'm still his girl NO TF IM NOT ✌ ",0 "This US Thing , Yep , Its 4Ever ! #LondonTweet ",0 "The only time my I let my phone charge to 100% is when I'm sleep , I can't be up and just not on my phone ",1 "when yu doin sumthin yu not pose to be doin , the last words yu wanna hear is \oh shit "" "" ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Sending out LOVE TO YA'LL "" ... Thank you ! I need it , right back atcha "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nothing la dude dang ",1 "Niggass be wearing each other shoes & clothes ",0 "well bitch you late . ",1 "People always think I'm tweeting bout them * cough * ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : , exactly .. ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was talkin bout ma dukes ... Let me stop lol ",0 "Lawwwd who cares ",0 "I think Darius just getting Home Sick ! ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Sometimes i feel like OOMF tweets be directed towards me ! Lol” they say if the shoe feel u better wear that mf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wrd Iam ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . shid i . might come back for our senior year ! ” ON GOD ? ",0 "I just Pranked my daddy , & said I'm pregnant ",0 "I'm rob merrit then tell him to gring harder ",0 "Goodmorning _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ) ",0 "I no he ain't fuckin crying yo ",1 "Bae Said He Missed Me , Aww# Bae Tweet ! ",0 "Wereeee youuuuuuuu , when i said i love u ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ awww thx u just made me smile ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ard , KEEP CALM ❗️ ",0 "Lhh can't we all just get along or nah ? ",0 "I knoww I knowww ahmad aint that nigga he say he is ",0 "Heard she wanna fuck me know you feel some type of way .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ SASSSSSYYYY BOO ",0 "Hey I just seen _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on the Channel _TWITTER-ENTITY_ WOW ",0 "Lol that 5$ Ina tank ",0 "That nigga don ugly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ watchu mean ",0 "Imma end up going to sleep & plans Gone be fucked up lol ",0 "yana & mirah was my Burberry twins today ",0 "u play all day ",0 "S|O Too _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! ",0 "One a FAT BLACK BITCH ",0 "Its a scary site 2 ",0 "Stuffed mushrooms and potato skins ",0 "Don't see How y'all Could Hate Lebron So Much ... an Y'all The Weakest Niggas On Street Hoops ",0 "she didn't do anything I gotta scratch on my neck ",1 "I'm going to talk some crap tonight and I want a drink ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , anything for you bae ",0 "Chill tld me oomf said he was gne beat my ass ",0 "Got my charger ",0 "Whatttttt !? that tweet just made me laugh so hard ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nothin bored asf . Wbu ?? ",0 "Omw to work my hands ashy as shit ",1 "Cuz I Swear I won't Bring U Non-Factor Irrelevant Bitches Up ",0 "But once DC3 do drop .. Don't bother me imma be in my zone ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Seen a white girl say \ if you can't relate to drake you can't relate to me "" my point had been proven .. ” "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lls she making me mad ",1 "still need oomf ",1 "Im feeling that new avi jasmine ok boo !! ",0 "Thank God My Daughter Got My Hair ",1 "gadon track loool ",0 "Sis was fold ",0 "Bout time Plum stopped gasping .... #relieves ",1 "They Be Hating , Like Damn I Wish I Was Her Size , She Shaped Bad Asf & She BE crispy Asf That's The Reason & Point ",0 "Gibbs got me out the house to cheer me up ... how sweet ! Feeling 100% better ",0 "he could be stupid , watch when i go by his house ! ",0 "This Dh A Cop But Don't Know The Miranda Rights ",1 "It's always that one clown in my circle ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ all I see is your horny ass on my tl ",0 "I can't wait to have a housewarming ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea me 2 to slim 2 wen ",0 "Saw my sister _TWITTER-ENTITY_ at the game today , I missed her ",1 "I remember my Og use to buy all my stuffnow I go drop sacks MY DAMN SELF ",1 "seen my tookaman today he Gave me the biggest hug ",0 "i had sex on _TWITTER-ENTITY_ floor ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : )) ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sexy sexy Da'Yona ✊”booo❤” imuuuu ",0 "Nicki a fool ",0 "boo - liking bae - talking baby - dating Its levels to the shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yo what up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ leave me alone yo ",1 "my nappy hair ass ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dick SUCKER . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cdfu shhhh can you let me fraud for twitter ",0 "Nigga told me he was gone give me 1000$ yesterday I called him today , he crying cuz he aint got no money I already knew that ! ",1 "So Ayana FaceTimed somebody named tyrese but can't FaceTime me ? That's cute ",0 "Mario Chalmers got 48 ",0 "Dee being childish yall lmao I said Goodmorning\ she gon talk about some Goodafternoon """" ",0 "That fuckin nap tho ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cook for us ☺️” I think I'm just go to grannys ",0 "Ok back to nothin to say tho ",0 "Chill Lil bro “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Dez is some hoe nigga” ",0 "Right ?! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Bitch really be on niggas dick ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Can't wait til next weekend ” ",0 "Mhmm He Gotta Girlfriend ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you mad ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Joe hope u as well ",0 "Jus gettin in south street was / stay poppin !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fuck I look like a car ",1 "Yo gotti is MY HUSBAND , Wiz is MY BOYFRIEND .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know I don't like that face ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you seen someone from campus want to fight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GM sis !! ",0 "My cousin and i was finna fight yesteday ova my booty tlkn bout my ass to loose ' fa my age we was going back and FWd ",0 "Me-you smell that Him-shh bruh Me-GIVE ME SUM Him-I'm Finna go flush this Me-HELL NAHHH PASS IT MY WAY , WASTIN MARIJUANA !!!!! ",0 "That Nigga Brought That Shit Back ",0 "Chris tucker got that long ass _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ WHO ????? ",0 "I need me hoop shawty : ) ",0 "Packing my shit Finna be omw to my bae ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , I aint turning DOWN : )) R.I.P too everybody that didn't make it im doing it for them ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey pretty . ",0 "I was thinking bout EVERYTHING lastnight , i was done ",0 "Done #PrettyGang _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you so irra ",0 "My bf so good to me ! ",0 "Max took my bottle as soon as I walked in ",1 "I play too much ",1 "Eastside got to many whores ",0 "My Mommy Told Me Im NOT Going To Miramar ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ why ”cause you be coming out no where n post sum real gangsta shit ",1 ", they said he got that dope shit ",0 "Dude got me so weak this morning lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ will do and you do the same ",0 "Texting him , ",0 "GoodMorning Thugg's : )))) ",0 "Déjà is soo irkin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Shaunney Mad as shit Foreal ",0 "Delay and a changed gate T-8 . Delta don't let me down ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok boo ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas in hea stealing in shit "" smh "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tf ? ",1 "let me get yo ass alone , let me make you .. say my name , say my name ",0 "Yeah aight lol ",0 "Fse I play all day ",0 "Good morning y'all ",0 "No one is home . Im gonna play some music while I get in the shower ",0 "Woke up feeling HORRIBLE but still thanking God for blessing me with another day !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ got me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ over here in tears laughing ... #CarryOn ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This hoe in love wow , who loving this thot !? ” ",0 "They don't want us together but who cares . ☺ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : these red beans off the MEATRACK . ” ",0 "I keep laughing && this kid saying what's funny ?! Lol I laughed some more ",0 "Them heat fans real nervous ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ twinn my text me ",0 "I'm still laughing like shit . Everytime I look at her ",0 "Not talking to none of you bitches tomorrow ",1 "Niggas say they a shoot but nah ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Rey get Some Mc Donalds "" pick me up some "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I swear to God I was just thinking is that why Dae Dae calls me that lmao” so you're just understanding ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ man idk shit ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Kyla so spoild ... she love her mama Tyra & her mama Tyra love her "" awwwwwwww "" ",0 "I told em ima get him some loud he said \ im takin whatevr u givin """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfaoo ✊ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ & I love you more ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my li punk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awwwwwwww , I wasn't even paying attention ! I love you so much baby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ctfu So You Trynna Say If You Ain't Black You Ntt Funny ? ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" you got savage squad stretch laughin "" ",0 "I feel different nbs ",1 "Hey Bae twitter ",0 "- GoodMorning ! & HAPPY FRIDAY ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #InMiddleSchool there were a lot of hoes ... hoeing . & we was young af . ” hell yeah sad ",1 "go head sis do it for the vine ",0 "Damn these bitches ! Wanna be thee bitch so bad ... When she jump out y'all jump in ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol , yeah ! People need to get like us ! ",0 "' Jasper's New Friend ' ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ AVI wooooh lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hoes Stay Talking Bout Sumbody Dumb Retarded And A Failure But Be Fucking Da Shit Of Em ” lmfaooo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u biding ",0 "fool “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ meowwww” ",0 "Bae bae & I ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol yea we used to alk "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stankin booty self ✋ ",0 "I'm glad Kiera and Blue finally got back together , they cuteee ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Humbled Her Mean Ass” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm trying to be the Kanye of DJn .... Not cuz I'm great . I just want to spazz out on niggas and they be aight with it lol” < ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfuuuuuuu I dare you ",0 "My #WCM _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Thanks Kevin Lol ",0 "Gucci only said eminem name once ",1 "Every time I see lil mama I think about her 2 hit songs \Lip Gloss "" & "" G-Slide "" . "" ",0 "Y'all hoes suppose to be fucking suckin 69 and all that shit with y'all mans I'm just being real !! ",1 "That was funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ geeeesh ",0 "Thick Chick , Got Mo Ass Than A Muthfucka >>>>>>>>>> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "30 Rock Is Hilarious ",0 "stop it rell ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Turn down fu kini ?! ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nigga stfu . ",0 "she said its not an option nor up for debate like i gotta do this ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ take away from me ",1 "A bitch like me will get up & go hit if I had a booty call this early ion care I need sum niggas dfl ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #MyGirlFriendNotAllowedTo LISTEN TO BEYONCE CUZ SHE GON TURN INTO A INDEPENDENT WOMAN AND FIND A BETTA NIGGA THAN ME” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ because they are addictive #balance of picklish and salty ! ",0 "Her shitty ass ",1 "Somebody get _TWITTER-ENTITY_ off my tl I can't with him today ",0 "Dude auh bb iiqht , ii got hem str88888 ",0 "Kmsl !! Somebody said that big grizzly bear walked right n2 that trap !! Lmao TF ? Grizzly bear ? Lol my fam a trip ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : The bitch that just sat next to me smell like all this piss -_- ! ” ",1 "After u fuss with ah bitch then they be lurking on ya shit then u block em they be drove yea ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ohhh shit !! ",0 "Bored . # . Wifey Tweets ! {♡} ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nite Nite Big Head ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ who you work for ESPN now ?? ” jokes !!! Lol ",0 "Getting my phone tommaro I'm to press .. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ at work washing ass . ” It's to cold for a car wash ",1 "Night night TL ",0 "LMFAO I Love My Babies ( Jaila , Keri , And Janeeva ) They All Got Me THINKING Likeeeeee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lies bitch ",0 "Black ppl yo ",0 "I Love When It Rain ' That Cuddling Type Shit I Gotta Love Frfr ",0 "bruh who tf was talking to keya crazy ass ? thirsty dumb hoe ! ",1 "Go Big Lexi ",0 "desric beefin wit mond cuss he wont go to burgerking for us ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need a girl bestfriend "" No You don't im your girl & Your Bestfriend . Can't get no better than that my nigga "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i love chief keef "" bitchesss screamin out sossaaaaa ! "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ MANE y'all always goin sum whea with out a NIGGA FUCK !! ” cause you stay on the otherside nigga ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck u , stick figure ass , body look like the cinnamonn stick from apple jack , egg head ass . ",0 "It's beautiful out here tweople .. ",0 "What Y'all Need To Be Worry About Is While Yall Out Watching The Game Im Probably Fucking Yo Bitch ",1 "NP : Drake \Take Care "" ..... dis was my song fa da BD "" ",0 "My fuck everything attitude >>> I love it ",0 "weak weak weak ✋ ",0 "qoddxmn , anii finna steal nothing .. ii pay for wateva ii want ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tht shit still gone be stuck in my head ",1 "Ii Aint Going Tripp Doe #GF ",0 "Im bouta lay dwn nd chill .. sumbdy call me ",0 "I miss my btc keekee ",1 "Mutha fuckin flies flyin around shit chilllin like they niggas and shit !!! ",1 "A Month & 1 week : ) ",0 ", Gone Ahead and Try ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ very handsome ",0 "Ugh this trick in my room lol , Jp love this trick _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "All that getting && giving number over twitter & IG over .... Females under cover niggaz & shit ",0 "dont worry bout who nutted in me , idc who he got kids w/ das not my prob - unlike you ALL MINES GOOD ! ",0 "Halloween Movies Tonight ",0 "He was balling && he still didn't buy his bitch nun ! Look how she look lmaoo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lls I dnt really want them I just wanted to bother you ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch dm me your fucking number before I don't kiss u nomore ",0 "a . t . g - we stay geeking .. am i black or t .. but i love you hoe ",0 "Good Morning world ",0 "Lol , Im Bored ! ",1 "Eating AngryBirds Fruity Snacks & Getting A Back Massage . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao !!!! Im dead !! ",0 "When somebody who crosses your mind text you out the blew ",1 "Just went thru this break up , it's okay I got my cake up ",0 "I got my honey buns ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Let me put some clothes on and go up to bet and tell some jokes lol” ATE ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ foh jay”Ctfuu ",0 "Happy BDay too My Favorite TT ",0 "I told you I was gonna turn up just cuz I was bored “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lmaooo dis shit too funny” ",0 "Lol Imma act like a big kid too ",0 "That moment when you think you found the right person ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ready to get back to Orlando , idek why lol” my dawg in love ",0 "You kno when you get under a birch skin , ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sonn I'm so serious though lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know that wasn't the case ms Erica #im team Erica all day babes ",1 "Moms said I might not be at school on Monday ",1 "My nigga said shawty gotta wrap ",0 "He just got onnat with Wale ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! So true ",0 "My dad bouta make that paper✌️ ",0 "Siri call me Nique Thick ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "Slipped n cow shit n baked it . Wow ~ MasterChef ~ . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ MY NEXT MOVE DTFL Niggas Bouta Be Sick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im coming to fuck around with the fuck arounds ",0 "BITCH IM BORED Fuck man ",1 "Esh u ready for me to come mess wit u out nah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ BOL .. Too big fa ully's "" Dai yeen lien doeee "" ",0 "All I want for Christmas Is a job ",1 "She Funny ✌ ",0 "I have a twin named Amari . ",0 "I Have Myself Rolling Sometimes Especially When I'm High ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I use to call that soulja boy # praying he answer motherfucker lied slick still mad ” ",1 "Don't forget tha back fat #imgone “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ugly lashes ✔ ugly eye makeup✔ kangaroo pouch✔ = the baddest chic ! ” ",0 "Later on my long lost girlfriend shar boogie going come see me and Sy'fir ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol I just ask my dad too and he said he wouldn't mind . ",0 "Oooohh CottonTail #WhiteChicks ",0 "Practice what you preach x Barry White ",0 "someone better take me to the bitch in july ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you told her to to take her ass back to poptropica ",0 "What happened to all that \Who Dat "" bullshit yall was talkin ? "" ",0 "He Gone Propose To His Gf Tomorrow ",0 "y'all im in my feelings this bullshits happens when I stay up to late and fight my sleep knowing damn well I be sleepy ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thats my chick now dont tell her ",0 "if ii aint the shit bitch gone let me thank it ! ",0 "My boo on my TL .. ",0 "Exactly why I act like a bitch Because some niggas stupid yo ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Want Baby Legs Now ”u girllll me to ",1 "Cece Tho I Quit ✌️ ",0 "today was really crazy yo ",0 "LIFE IS NOT PROMISED #2 # US SO MAKE THE BEST OF UR LIFE && NJOY IT ",0 "Niggas be begging in messages but be fooling on twitter & instagram fuck on ",0 "That boy dunked all on Bosh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #Its2013WhyDoYouStill have a hairy pussy ? ” ",0 "Lol , I'm done tho , ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey sexy ass tweet changer ",0 "My Night >>>>> ✌ ",0 "If I Dont Talk To Her I Miss Her Lightskin Ass ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wkwkwk asem aku malah yg jadi bahan ejekan gimana ini , kurang ajar ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no she some where being a slut but she was suppose to come over here ",0 "Ayeeee Nkeiriaaaa Thoo ... You Misseed Mee right ... YESSSSS (( : then she gavee me a Lul Sweet Babeee HUG ",0 "✋ like really tho ? ",1 "This shit is Tf funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ um no . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ kill yo self ",0 "that white van beating on god ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodNight Babyy ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Deleting my school so I can focus on Twitter . ”ctfuuu ayooooooo you got rollin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hmmmm they say once u pop u can't stop so u got a couple more to go ",0 "Y'all remember when everybody used to forward messages ? ",1 "I thinkk oomf hate me .... y'all really think im ✌ but im really ",1 "Just saying all them dudes hair he super nappy .. That's the first thing I notice ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋chill she can though ✊ ",0 "I loveBad bitches .. Only for income tax tho ",0 "I'm a good ass daddy . ",0 "It's some freaky shit mfs do with ice ",1 "I watching Scooby Doo movies an shit ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : So now dat everybody kno u a tru push dey dick ride ” bro must ran for real or sum ",0 "wait , y'all tweeting these songs so fast !! I can't keep up with y'all . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love Kelay❤❤ ",0 "ii love my tattoo on my bck ! ",0 "Out n about with my main ,,,,, my daughter ",0 "- Now , Im laying In Bed ... Charging My Phone ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ idk if Mariyaa sleep but tell her fuzz playin on tv Toma at 6 on Espn2 channel 30 on Comcast ⚾ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hope u never stop ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfuuuuuu ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : 31 days til Cali ☀️✈️⛵️⛽️” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ gone ahead then baby girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ dinwiddie lmao ",0 "I guess yella buns saw my subtweet ",0 "look at smoove ugly ass on here ",0 "But they all scared of mike ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ i like” thanks ",0 "I can't wait for the Big Apple Classic ",0 "I'm all in to this story ",0 "I hym to look like he miss neh ",0 "Haven't worn flats outsode ina while I'm wearing them today though ",1 "I keep telling him no , but I let him keep doing if .. Yes lawd ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yo be losing ",0 "I'm late but my last tweet , made me look real dumb . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you dont know which house is mine so . . ✌️ ",0 "WON'T catch me slipping !! ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm sharkeisha'n bitches OMS ” ",1 "Damn I missed tweeting man thought this shit was over with ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok I better ",1 "On a cash$$ move ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ No HOW TF ME KRABS MADE PEARL ?! #thatsTheQuestion ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ FatKat u so messy !!!!!! ",0 "Stop the madness y'all two ",0 "i need to calm down , all that shakin ' up & down , i be cuttin ' up .. bae on was on FaceTime like ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If me and a girl get in a fight and she wins I'm pressing charges . Fuck y'all she gotta go to jail” #dead ",0 "Like ah nigga playing 2k with the sliders up ",0 "I absolutely love love love love love my life .... ",0 "Jada be cheesing hard ashit in all her pictures ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he is ",0 "Playing #GodOfWarAscension #KikMe DarKenATL ",0 "Females was up elmwood taking a spill ",1 "Ain't nobody business but mine & my baby ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and they dead Tf serious Tooo ",0 "Everybody in a mood this morning huh ",1 "This nigga Zay ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Always the ugly bitches who got the biggest mouth . Insecure wilderbeasts got the most to prove ... ” ",0 "Somebody get this bopper of my tl she dnt even be on twitter ( mia ) ",0 "Good Morning : Happy Friday and Thanks LORD for allowing me to c it !! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I don't think anybody listens to drake more than me lol I love dat nigga on some I wanna cuff him on some shit no homo \ "" ",0 "She called her ass ah groupie #itsahseatthang ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I want a bitch that break her neck to make me happy ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey boobie how u doing miss , u hun ",0 "S/O _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm #nfb sweetie !!!! ",0 "I Gave scooter a Big Hickey ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ morning lil nigga ",0 "I don't like soft ass niggas I want a nigga that will take charge ",1 "Got Em CHOOSING ! Picky Ass Clowns ' ",0 "Meshio Mekiyel Bae ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ they said Bo dick sick ",0 "Ppl been beefing all damn day ",1 "I'm Pretty , But I Am Not Beautiful . I Sin , But I Am Not The Devil . I'm Good , But I Am Not An Angel . -Marilyn Monroe . ",0 "Listening to \I will love you "" by Whitney Houston . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im not tho wyd ",0 "Nahhhh why do these men fall for the decoy on Maury ?! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , gah what you no about that ",0 "- FInna Lay Down & Enjoy My Night ! ",0 "Bayyy Coming Over . ",0 "He already know ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorninggg Fb ",0 "Dont Think They Know ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too Patrick ☺️ Fine self ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ kmsl smh ",1 "omg , my thoughts beh crackin meh TF up !!! ",1 "Charnice still got them braids awl man ",0 "Dead Serious I'm Going To Sleep Now ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ pause dawg .. he gotta mix me .. and ima pop em afterwards ! ” That's what I'm saying ",0 "Oan goodmornin people ",0 "Last night was 2⃣ funny ",0 "Goin to visit my sister next month tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfu Lol ",0 "Sheee fineee thoughh family . Shee kan get it Neday Lol On ma momma ",0 "Still Logged In _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Tweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ >> nf ... fb ?? ",0 "She gne eventually be MINES ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ shawty calm that down . Im thirsty cause I said his TC cute ? Your insecure as fuck ✋ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : We twerking ” ",0 "Imma Toss This Money Like A Free Throw , You Jus Keep On Dancin Like A Freak Hoe ",0 "If her titties big n her ass flat ... compromise !! At least try to ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ imma call dhs on ya ass ",0 "I get up in dat pussy hit her wit moves u.o.n.e.o ",0 "I Might Slide To The Hills This Weekend ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Justin Timberland Is A Cute White Guy "" ✔ "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fire Shanahan "" /Out of a Canonan .... HA ! See what I did there ? "" ",0 "well “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : you Dunn it all or nah “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : They call me Dunn Dunn ... ”” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LOLL !!!! MornTing ☀ ",0 "Highed Up Bored ☺️ ",1 "I am about to smash this plate tho !! ",1 "Me n _TWITTER-ENTITY_ gotta get on it since _TWITTER-ENTITY_ gone n _TWITTER-ENTITY_ be booed up ... Lmao ",0 "Destiny said I talk like I'm from Texas and not New York . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OD lol ",0 "My Eye On A Prize ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Opp niggas sayin thotianna we say eat eat we dnt won't no fuckin sex tell dat bitch to eat eat obd ✌️ """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dimples in Avi >>>>>>>>>> ",0 "Jolly rancher drinks and stripper pole ",0 "#oomf Got On Her Too Cute Jeans N Her Avi .. ",0 "She alley she a hood . ",0 "Bytches b haters hahaaa fuk em tho lol bytch u jus mad y yo bum so big big on tha toppa yo head .. basic bytch !!, ",0 "she doing all kinda tricks w/ her tongue ring & shit ",0 "I remember my brother put ole dude in thee hospital for calling me a bitch and they lied and said he used a lock he ain't have shit ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : But i bet NONE of yall would call em hoes to they face except for tyreke "" I would "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wassup fam ! ",0 "Lol .. Just Gettinn On FB && See Baee Done Inboxedd This Dude Back ",0 "Damn stomach unlimited ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ But Yo really said appalled tho ",0 "I swear bitches be ot liking "" me for shit "" ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I woke up fa him this Nigga walked home” ",0 "His Brace Face Ass Need TO Charge Up His Phone In Call Me we Need To Have That One Talk ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my hood cuh ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : boo - liking bae - talking baby - dating Its levels to this .. """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she clearly get from her mom ❕” I be having to put her in her place lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ UR RIGHT I DO CARE BUT ILL GET OVER IT U GOT TO BE THE FOOL THO HOW MANY LICKS DOES IT TAKE GET TO THE CENTER ASK TERRY ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ go to sleep then ” I'm waiting for 12 to hit . ",1 "* Pandora flow , & shower flow right now ! ✌ ",0 "I CAN'T WAIT HAPPY BDAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✔✔ ",0 "Zyy made me soo mad brah ",1 "I salute my boyfriend everyday b “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I salute any man that can deal with my crazy ass ” ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Alotta ppl be corny asf on twitter lol be havin me weak """" ",0 "Balance It Out By Rocko ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ happy cday ",0 "My Daddy Tryna Drive Fast Cause He Know He Late . naw Playa ",0 "City turned up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Everybody on my TL all like and I'm all like ” ",1 "She do push ups WIT HA FACE ",0 "✋ oomf talk / trying to talk , to my cousin . ",0 "Lmfaoooo why hak wilding ",0 "Cassie say she love Reggie ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I love ahh handsome ass sexy smooth chocolate boy” I'm not really handsome but .. ✊ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i think yu late bro ",1 "Diamond want me yall ",1 "Niggas geeking early ",0 "This lil petty mess they b on for the birds ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Some head would be love right now ””here you go lol ",0 "Muthafucker Jones lol #horriblebosses #fse ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think he got my number or dm me Cause I wanna no . "" ok "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ c'mon that don't got nun to do with food ",0 "This bitch sed for the kickback we gonna get some lil Caesar n some Chicken blk ppl can't go wrong with chicken right I can't ",1 "The fact that she blowing my phone up tho ",1 "Beefing w/my nigga he keep hitting me on my trap phone ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get better soon ",0 "shawty sick asf brb twitter ",1 "Tf wrong with these hoes bro ; fuck It Im Chillinggg ; Make My Nephew Some Chicken Nuggets with my TEMPORARY Ass ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your beautiful ",0 "- spongebob & fruit loops : ) I'm gone to the moon !! ",0 "Back then they didn't want meee .. Now I'm hot they all on meeee . ",1 "You aggy ! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Just got off , park with jonjon & amp ; my baybeeee in a few . ”” ",0 "niggas be like \ion beg these hoes for shid "" but be in they text line talking bout "" can i have you for a minute ? "" LMAO "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ight I get it now ima chill ",0 "I seen like 10 people on my tl tweet the Samething ",0 "I be tryna learn every dance ",0 "iWas Like Really Nay Nay ?? Because He Gave U A \DOLLAR "" , Hugged U , && Said U Was His GF ? "" ",0 "Nigga said I just hopped off the porch I ain't a pro ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im saying ..... I want my wife to be a freak .... yeh .... I said it .... i said it on twitter I said it lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lls ord she cool for real ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ this is dope . ",0 "Yal Know I'm Boredd ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kmsl aye love Sosa !!!! ☝ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u aint even have 2 do me like dis doe ! Lls ! but dis is so fukn tru man ... smh ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This shit is crazy nigga really married to his side chick” ",0 "Niggas be in they feelings like some hoes ! Smh ",1 "Cause if you really want to be alone I will throw my hands up cause baby I tried ",0 "Im Single Too ",1 "LeekO be swallowing kids ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : a Ratchet on my TL” ",0 "Imma Have So Much Funn ",0 "This girl Bookie gotta crush on me & shit ",0 "Goodnight twerps ! ✌ ",0 "lols ii swear dem hoes gne dawg his ass out kmmfslol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ya head fat ass shit like a android charger ",0 "This boy said he cool ",0 "Finna get ready 2 go ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im hippp ",0 "He'll yea .!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ”” <- boi you must be the rat catcher”lol ",0 "Most Fat Bitches Are always Angryy It ain't my fault you cant put the cheese steaks down ",1 "Im glade im done with braces‼️ ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm So Damn Thirsty , To Get My Twist "" me too "" ",1 "Im Over It Now ! : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dat lil nigga man lol ",0 "you can't say you talk to somebody & it be somebody else boyfriend ",1 "Oh he was talking about chackalacka oh well FDB FDB FDB ",0 "Qua used my own picture on me though ",1 "I Miss My Man ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lls you had too see how it looked like mixed emotion cunt ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Let me pack my lunch for tomorrow back to the money”//bag lunch ??? Didn't kno u do that ... ",0 ". NIGHT OVER ✌✌ TIME TO BE MUSHY .... LOL BESTIE TLK .... ",0 "She bout to be mad ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you wish your team would win like shit ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea you is fr , lhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bit I'm going 2 dah glide on Friday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tell Lola I said Good morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It's All Over The Gram . . Cuzz Just Coolin ' In The Bleachers ",0 "I just loveee my hair ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I Love You Dearly Sis ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Nothing A Maid Looking Hoe Can Say Today Can Make Me Mad My Baby Joseline Wrote Meeeee ” a maid looking hoe ",1 "I know my baby gone be looking >>>>>> woooo ! ",0 "She pulling niggas cards she said he call her more wen he was in jail then now that he out ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Better let that btc go cuz we all hit her” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ until I uploaded this big ass fat ass burger ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : pinjem gitar ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟_ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "Just Got In Was With _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Allday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol Damn We Cnt Both Get In On This .?? Smh ",1 "I hate aggravating ppl but I love to aggravate other ppl , so selfish ",1 "I couldn't wait to get off to hold him ✋ I need to stop spoiling him ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Well you already know I got em lined up for you You know I got chu Lls ",0 "Just read through some old messages on twitter from #oomf ...... real goofy person frfr .! ",0 "he said grochiery ",0 "mee & dede qot fanss ",0 "Lls I'm done ✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they still my favorite chips ",0 "Ima spoil the sh*t out of my guy when i get one . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lhh dude hella silly ",0 "I'm not Kevin friend anymore one he never texted me back yesterday && two he just disrespected me ",1 "Good morning TWITTA ",0 ", welll my futuree tweeting so bblater : ) ",0 "Finally in the house , lookn forward to going to sleep ",0 "2chainz metime skit tho ",0 "Bad enough you let a nigga skit in you then kick it on your ass ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok lol I miss you baby ”I miss you too ",1 "FamIly Time Always Da Best Time ",0 "Why Rape A Girl When Hoes Throw Pussy Like A Outlet Pass ",1 "- You cool ",0 "I play to much ",0 "Hoe Wat You Come For ",0 "They talm bout game boys in shit ",0 "Brill Don't Slip Pass Nothing ",1 "Everybody love Matt ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : And If They Win They Gon Have Too Fight For They Money” ",0 "Make me think bout oomf . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same her yoo lol ",0 "gotta bad ass bitch just bouncin on my dick ",1 "Soooo Niggas Wanna Play Lbs 🆗🆗🆒 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks bri‼️ ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This is not a joke but Day 26 , Donnie Klang & DeAngelo , & Redman are going on tour ... WHY !! and WHOO booked them ??!?! "" I cnt "" ",0 "I LOVE reading my linesisters tweet .. I can hear them talking in my head ! ",0 "Money talks , bullshit walks ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ DAMMM CTFU ”u just got hit with all da X's in da emojis app ",0 "What y'all waiting for y'all know the routine get y'all ass out the back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm dying !!! see you there ! ",0 "Never End #HerBoyfriend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm done ",0 "otp with OOMF >>>>>>>>>> ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : She fuck me she might get famous ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmao I didn't even know you went out she doesn't hate you lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay wadd timee youu comin thouu ",0 "mother brought food home from work meatballs & home made mac & cheese ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck ya bf chief keef ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey baby Imy Wyd ? ",0 "She blowing kisses at me with her pussy , smooches ",0 ": you cool that's all I feel like I can really say we don't really talk anymore ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so it was a good tweet .. whatcha doing I miss u ",0 "Deon sound asleep ... I wanna put his ass on Slap cam but that would b juz unfair ... He a prolly smack my ass back ",1 "✋ My sister know damn well she wanted to say \ eww that sound like it stank "" cause I know I did ! "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ay I was a sexy baby with my shower cap ",0 "When fantasia sang tweaking by fish ",0 "why y'all keep laughing yea I play to much ",0 "Hi Twitter #TwannayTweet ",0 "so my mommy coming to take me out ",1 "Iwanna give yo pussy a hickey ",0 "Oooweee me nd my moma love us sum Charlie Wilson ! ❤ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was about to come thru but I was too high ctfu” ",0 "Lil Phat >>>> he's still BAE ",0 "Lawwwwddd Jamond on this phone is cracking me up ",0 "&& i wantSomeee ",1 "Let's Fuck These Niggas && Pass Emm On ! ",0 "Lls Gary Love them Thots ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's what I'm talmbout august !!!!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ && im not ah basketball wife nomoree ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ BY WHO ???? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all better come ",0 "I love getting brain that never made me DUMB that just made me Cum☺❗ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol You Hip You Know I Love You ",0 "Son when a niggass about to cum he be looking like ",0 "Listening to my big sis Trina today ",0 "Why Cam Puttin Em Up Like He Was Sayin Cuffin Words Too ",0 ", this boy keep looking at me smiling like tf hi ",0 "Ma lil cousin badder than a lot of yu bishes _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Tisha so corny ",0 "When monkey niggas slide in ya girls dms Silly mfs ",0 "This bish got me in tears ",1 "why he changed his avi again :/ but that one poppin too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tryna be like me .. I see ya ",0 "what i was finna tweet was gone be funny .. but I knw oomf mouth was gone be wide open when I was gone say sike ... ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : skin tone like Hershey "" lord have mercy lol "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch that wasn't a typo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Manemane Made Me Fall Tryna Get Tha Ripstick ! ” ",1 "i wish dujuan leave me alone ",1 "I havent thought about that dude in weeks ..!! ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Man we got a game the day before and the day after Mardi gras . ” ",1 "these vine kids really bad ",0 "stevie j whipped he switched on zino tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh lol i never seen a baby one before lol ",0 "he on yo ass _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Aye 3 years ago ! If you knew how to \ cook "" you automatically got 5 numbers in the club "" ",0 "Dess Got Dess ",0 ". She so fuxkn Pretty ta meh lord .... ",0 "Finna Head Home . ",1 "bruh the DM I just got ",0 "Mark A DH I'm Still Thinking About What He Said About #Oomf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol who knows what he doing smh he prolly do though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Righthand !! ",0 "I'm not stunt nobody I swear I'm doin . My own thing > ! ",0 "ayo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cut tht rap wit _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we just gon tell G Roc ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she crazy ",0 "Going to see bestfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tomorrow ., she thought I was coming today lol nawl boo gotta go booed up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If I pay $50 for a haunted house . I better get stabbed fr . ” ",1 "☺I got all these Emojis and cants see one . ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : THEM POETIC JUSTICE BRAIDS BE GIVING THESE BITCHES NO JUSTICE” ",1 "Pat told me if you can ride me a bike you can drive a car ",0 "We be all night ",0 "Listening to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea yu gon learn taday lol ",0 "I cheated on my fears Broke up wit my doubts Got engaged to my Faith Now im marrying my Dreamz - ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ silly self ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nfff crush ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh hell no , you need a friend for that or something ",0 "Bae set a date , damn ! ",1 "Happy Saturday ! ",0 "Boo just text me ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol Thank You ! "" Welcome "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avii >>> ",0 "Everybody and they Bae like I'm just like ✌️ Idc M.O.B. ",0 "He So Ocky Man I Swear ",1 "Trynna give _TWITTER-ENTITY_ a baby nd no one can stop me ...! ",0 "These iMessages >>>>>>> YES LAAAAWD ! ",0 "FaceTime with my twin Niyah later !! ",0 "3omfs told me \my right cold "" , wtf that mean ? Just curious but foreal "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ This some bullshit yoo ",0 "She ain't wanna shake dat ass she wanted 2 sing 4 me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ord thanks , I'm flicking everybody up at work tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ dtfl ",0 "~ we got handshake ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ heck yeah !! She crazy as helllllll !!!! But she gone be like Ciara . You saw her getting down after Ciara performed !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ onnn whaaa ",0 "aww thank you soo much \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Compliment ; Your eyes are so Pretty """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know u be Ard doe ima sleep for u”so not funny ",1 "I gots to have her . frfr !!! ",0 "My sister in law bringing me McDonald's ",0 "Y'all can take y'all lor outfits for Rick Ross back .. you een rey get that ticket money back though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dont tweet me nigga bout a situation on IG i needed a laugh bruh man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Morning Mama !! ",0 "he said she look like a Shaggy Dog thou ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I remember when you was like in 5th grade ” Ctfu & I would be outside with James & them everyday ",0 "When iHave Carmax on my Lips iFeel Like a Whole new Women iFeel so Beautiful , Carmax is my Like Lipstick Healthy Lips are the Best ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck y'all I'm done ",0 "bout to call a random person & snap on em ",0 "No school 2morrow !!! ",0 "Wen itsz just me && my bby #Jordan aha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ SALTY BALLS BUT YOU SHOULD COME AROUND HERE ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "If it wasnt so late i tell ya slid thru my nigga ",0 "Me and Essence tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ayyye preach on it !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : lmfaoo that tweet >>> ”which tweet ? ",0 "Got A Hoodie On & It Cold To Him Cause He A Baby Talking About He Ard She Ain't Shit ",0 ", I love to show her off ' cause all the dope boy wanna ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol Idk Where TF We At ! ” she stupid ",0 "My mean ass ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi >>> ",0 "Niggas wanna be like me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sayless nigga ",0 "Listen to PANDORA ",0 "Smh that's crazy for a half of baby ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my bad lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm on to you miss” dfl no u not or w/e ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get sleepy ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . im winning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ morning fave , I love you way more keep ya head up ! ",0 "Age ain't nothing but a number ",0 "♓/ yu cute Waddup ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It's Not A Big Deal Tho . ",0 "I wanna white girl ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I Want Ah Boo ! Lol Ah Lil Secret ",0 "you look like you be on ya diin mash'aallah if so keep it up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ I aint the one who made yo hoe ass Mad with yo funny ass NO NEED TO WORRY WE GOOD ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u & diamond but ard ! ”you Anit care if I was depressed ",1 "You don't go to cookouts and cook . You go there to eat ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my fault ",1 "In The Bed Boo'd Up With My Bebes ! ",0 "Life is priceless live it to the fullest ",0 "Kissed her on her head earlier ",0 "Kobe really ass .. So please stop talking like he good ",1 "Shante lante was cuffin this funny ass lookin nigga ",0 "Watchin law nd order ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I swear I say "" Mhmmm "" to EVERYTHING when I'm mad .. """" ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ STFU . End of story . ” sorry .. ",1 "Ttyl smooches my fat friend ",1 "... I'm bout to not go I want my 10 dollars ",1 "-'Smashing This Chicken Alfredo ",1 "Watching Cold Case !! ",0 "She is now BLOCKED ",1 "<<< She ain't got a man , bt she not alone , Miss independent !!!! .. Yea she got her own ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm haitian bitch ! ”no wonder why I love you so much !!!!! ",0 "LaRon called back ",0 "Somebody get these 2 off my TL ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LMAO ! ",0 "Maury Is A Show For Making Black People Look Stupid ",0 "I'm qeet ma Sista&&brothaz name oms ",0 "Morris Chestnut a fool moe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , kml yeap I was like no she didn't ! ✋ ",0 "Darius morris just chopped the shit outta bull ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ remember when odb got arrested in south philly at mcdonalds ?? ",0 "So smacked !!!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lol I stole oomf tweets lol let's see If she see” yea I caught it bitch ",0 "my armis killingme and my grandma drawlin and making me mad like cant wait to go homein ten1⃣0⃣more days ",0 "With my mommy & my granny ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yo Momma University ",0 "Really Love goin Natural My hair is softer n healthier now !! Yaaaaay Me ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yessss llss ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and how do you kno ",0 "* wheew * ",0 "Ididnt wanna tell oomf she get on my nerves bc she pregnant n emotional lmao bt she b doin too much ",0 "that's some childish shit ! But it might be true ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I thought when ig got videos I was gonna see hells twerk videos I aint seen shir yall ain't real lol” ",1 "jim & his son bond relationship ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ leave me alone ",1 "Mf ain't gotta worry about me having hoes 0⃣ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ TF wrong wit yo Bestfriend tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh no ",1 "U don't do nun like me ",0 "Cherelle my forever girl tho >>>> we been threw it at all lbs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ too early fa did shit ",1 "get this man off American idol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no u jus killed ma vibe ",0 "People really must think i give 2 fucks ",1 "Long distant twitter relationships .... ",1 "Good morning to all ! Woke up on a great note ! ",0 "- ! Nowww Gotyah Find My Close For ToMa ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm back down ! ””” ",1 "When I saw jamar yesterday I miss him ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ my mommy told me not to associate myself with strangers over social websites . "" yo mom Oswald "" ",0 "Noooo brooooo I fell in the shower this morning ! ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why was chief Keef in my dream though ” on god he was in mines too ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Raion just scared tf outta me mannn . ”” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol soo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm wide awake . ” stfu” oh ",1 "To Turnn Mee Onn \ Be Yoself & nn Makee Mee Smilee : ) "" ",0 "I swear ur beautiful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I only got a piercing .. I ain't even kno he was there til he was done lol .. Dnt b mad .. wht day u wanna go get something ? ",0 "She In Trouble ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hope my ex mother have a cookout she cant cook or whatever but u cant fuck up something on the grill "" only you yo "" ",1 "Real relationships go thru real shit ",1 "What does the Thot say ? ",0 "Wait .... Lilly retweeted me ... My DAMN BESTIE .... that never talks to me . Smh umm umm umm lol ",1 "Lmao let's be honest _TWITTER-ENTITY_ downgraded his bitch ain't Fwm ijs ",0 ", imma try to go to the BDCP dance show Saturday if I'm not too sick ",0 "Ronald u got Hella Baes sooo stawwwp ",0 "She say she ready to rape ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ In your Emotions huh ? ",1 "Glenn Getting His Hair Cut And The Nigga Gave Him A BALD SPOT IN HIS HEAD G I'm DYING ",0 "BYE BYE CLIPPERS !!! #marcgasol ",0 "Braxton said itch you stink "" "" ",1 "Katrina Ass Be Flexin ' ",0 "Kmsl , Oomf Avi Ugly Af ",0 "Lmao I bet RJ like \Bout damn time she tweeted bout me "" "" ",0 "Eatin like a dog then imma go get me a red white & blu drink like a fish ... ",0 "Lol in this bitch killin this work A+ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Goodmorning ☀⛅ FB ",0 "EveryTime I Try To Be Mad At , He Always Seen To Have Me Like ☺️ ",0 "I put him to sleep everytime ",0 "them bitches in the tub ",0 "Im over here dying man ",1 "I love'm brownskinned && my bread Light ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what about it ! He look good ",0 "CTFU wit her rat ass !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning rollie ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : IM HAPPY I GOT SUM ASS "" # Lolsss "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorninggg Fb ",0 "These boys was in my school yesterday was hype talking about jumping somebody ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Kirk ass lurking "" chill bruh "" ",0 "Say my name , say my name * drake voice * lmfaoooo ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #oomf and her friends a mess , I pray shawty don't fucc around & go over there & get beat "" llh sayrigght "" ",1 "Made it to West Palm Beach . ",0 "Imy girl lbs “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Heyy Sissy “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Quita bae ✌”” ",0 "Tommorow my bday turn up ",0 "My shit 🅰1⃣ ",0 "Crazy bitches got good pussy , ask Rihanna !! ",0 "Tajah and yb date\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Df is 7-29 ? """" ",0 "I can make cocaine , i just fell in love with a Cuban . ",0 "- Guhd ' Night Twitter Um Ah Bout Ta K.O. ☀ . ",0 "Put Yo Hand Up !!! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #FreeBoosie ” ",0 "Wish I Was Somewhere Boo'd Up With Oomf ! ",1 "You kept smacking my ass wantin me to Twerk lol “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was just twerking everywhere last night ” ",1 "My BackBlock Savages Hang With Me✅ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ now you wanna pull that wwjd!!' Huh ",0 "I ain't gone take that“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",1 "<<< over here like ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ have fun u needs b on a plane flyin 2 Baltimore LOL ",0 "Bitch forever u stunted on dat nigga ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfuuuu yes look at my baby . Give em kissy for me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ima act like I aint even see this ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I ain't tryna bug his ass he be selling niggas dreams But why niggas still tweet dissin ",0 "That nigga lebron got blocked by Nate Robinson LMAO ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yu mad or nah ? ",0 "HDM Don't Be Scared ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmao Go To Sleep ",0 "Bitches be crazy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lil nigga ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ like you my only friend or some ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : KC gone get some hoes shot ! Lol” my bad bro ",0 "Kenny just .... Ugh nvm ! ",1 "In lunch smashin !! ",0 "Ugly Black Bitches Be Like \Skin Tone Like Hershey "" I Be Like Naw✋ You A Piece Of Shit "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's my name ",0 "Vamping Is Lameee Bye ! ",0 "I jus died .. Somebody called dude from Catfish Corey Baxter .. ",0 "A Badd Bitch wit a foreign whip ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh Ard lmao ",0 "#oomf just don't know ",1 "Lol yess bruh ",0 "Every Mall In Pg County Some Shit ",1 "Call it a front I'm laughin at this nigga ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ poor girl . ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #nf _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ”thanks nfb” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I ask everybody tht ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #FB ??? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi is cool as'f . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl I knowww ",1 "jus wont up : ) ",0 "Llh a lot of them females out there can't say the same ... ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Once You Get Attached To Someone , Its Soooo Hard To Break Away From Them ”✊ ",1 "I'm wearing heels for Mardi Gras ! But I'm tall already so me & God gon be talkin ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Heeeyyy , i just knew one of my hunnys would show me some love ☺ ",0 "All I do is ball , fuck bitches , and sell work ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too” see you there Chris ",0 "I'm going to sleep with all smiles ",0 "I'm really not cuffed yesinel told me to play it off ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why would I suck ? These niggas ah have to eat my pussy if they want a tweet back ” lightskin shit ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ who ??? ",0 "- you never text me back but you cool ",1 "kmsl he better not be talkin to me * plays it cool ✋ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ put the iPod down LIL dawggggg and ",0 "I like talking back to folks ",0 "Dis nigga chief keef got out of jail den locked back up in one day ",0 "Finna go mess w/my bad ass Jayda woke up feeling good ",0 "Why is this child in my kik ? Where is his gf ? Tata need to get her friend . ",1 "Chilling with my bestie ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Messy Messy as bit ! ",0 "I go to bed thinking about you , I wake up thinking about you , I can't go a day without thinking about you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I LOVE YOU BABY !! ❤ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : That TLC movie save Lil Mama career cause that lip gloss been dried the fuck up” weak ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Damn I'm Wet Af , ! ” ”lmfao yhu sounded gay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ on this jawn ",0 "Chris Not Gettin His $3 ",1 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟☺ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "Today is a better day ........ ",1 "I'm think about sayin fuck this Shit ...... ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I almost got killed fucking up a niggas car before don't fuck with me #Shrugs ”Wish That nigga would shoulda act Right ",1 "#LilStank know I hate being told no ",1 "just got back home , chillin with my baby all day ",0 "Y'all funny as shit early in da morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well it's cold as Shit And snowing so ... ",1 "Yea it's about that time ... ✌ ",0 "I can imagine that bih lil voice saying that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its ok theres nothing wrong with telling the truth ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow someone played your own game smh . Chess moves ",1 "Wearing my blue jean meks tomorrow ",0 "I want oomf ",1 "Coach Blank love me as much as I love him !! ☺️✋ ",0 "allat belly gtfo ",0 "I quit playing ",1 "Mayne on Beale tell Me y I seen this gurl with a bun on ha head and no hair n the back .... ",0 "Man man stay sayin I'm a hot nigga yea ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Morning would be love ""  "" ",0 "most of these hoes just take pictures with clothes on & you ain't even going no where ",1 "When I Meet That Nigga I Gained Alotta Haters && The Topic Of Every Bitch Conversation ! #Ohh Welll ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hiii Sir !!!! ",0 "I Promisee Ima Look Up ' & Talk To You EVERYDAY . Or Jis To Hear You Say Heey Lil Trice You So Pretty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ might go Tamar , I'm ugly now ",0 "I need to delete oomf number & all of our messages . ",1 "Yo Niqqa My Main Thot ! ",0 "No need to be ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : You niggas worrying about exposing hoes go get you some money”” ",0 "call back so we can be on 3way again im lonely in my room ",1 "She not gone _TWITTER-ENTITY_ em tho ",0 "Did this bitch really juss tell me to quite my job so we can talk all day ? ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i live in Virginia ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too ” ",1 "Lay bday in December Wait Wait Wait Wait on it 🅰1⃣ day1⃣ ",0 "Up singing ain't worried bout nun , ain't worried bout nun , lol OMY to wrk tho !! ✌ ",0 "Everybody is beatiful & there own way ",1 "#InMiddleSchool I was always in the mix , I'm ashamed . I'm chilling now tho . ",0 "Just talkedd too Baee , talm bout he got aa bitch smilin from ear too ear ! ",0 "bitches be claiming they dont like me .. but dickeat me ",1 "Might Tweet Off Jeremy Page tho ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My friend a bad dike & she ain't even know it !! ”who u subtweeting yo ” not u yo ! The other Tarnetta ",0 "U Aint Text Me Back Girl ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ctfu alright sweetie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's how you gon cry ",1 "I be knowing what I be doing ",1 "Do That Lil Thing Wit His Tongue That Get Me So Hype ' ” ",0 "Eating a pomegranate ",0 "I want 1omf & only 1omf ",1 "Im not messy ' i just be saying wateva bout whoever ' idc if they right by or not bx go act like she dont hear me anyway ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hell if I kno !! I thought ubwas chillin w/ one of yo boo's and she was buyn u Straw-Ber-Ritas n all dat : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning ",0 "My Niggas Do Homicides So Wen you See Em Get Out The Way ",0 "My bestfriend tacker then a mothafucka ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ chill Tmp ",0 "remeber when you and ashley wet me with water and i tryed to get yall hoes and ashley fell up the damn stairss #GOODTIMES .! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "- Bbl ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have hella moneys no more Tree on me ",0 "Nike go curse me ",1 "my son 9 days old he growing up too fast ",1 "If ill wear my galaxy cross leggings , Saturday or Sunday it's bout time I pull'em out ",0 "Yoooooo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ RUN ME DAT 50$ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ juice tmp” arrd ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mines pretty ",0 "Somebody Gon Steal Her Man From Her lol ;; Dnt Nobody Want Somebody Who Nags All Dayy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yes You Do , You Sound Country Lol ",0 "somebody made chloe an emoji all jokes ",0 "Tay going to hell for lacking fun of Peter Pan ",1 "My tt said these days boys hit yo ass back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ been saying that for years now ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I get called that all the time smh ” I thought u was my boo lashonte in your Avi ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh yu get to go have fun doe turn up ",0 "Niggas be in yo text messages like \ud83dí¸˜âœ¨ "" And be on twitter like "" fuck bitches "" Come on nigga which one you gone be ✋ "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you so LAME ! ",0 "IDONT TRUST BITCHES OR NIGGAS ION TRUST PPL PIDDD ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Jay he cute ashit ” _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me Next Time ",0 "She ain't fuck with me since damn Shame ",1 "this lor bush ",0 "Don't fuss and fight over any female , especially when I have already had her and smashed her shidd we can pass that bitch around ! ",0 "Oomf look good AF !! Salute to ya !! ☺☺ ",0 "Niggas be like P I love you .. I love me too ",0 "Me & ma cousin out next weekend she got a nice lil wip tho , I can't believe she drivin doe .. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I got first dibs when oomfs get older ” I hope yu not talking bout the person I think yu talking bout ",1 "lmao I'm dead yo ",0 "Chopping it up with bae ",0 "WOKE UP to a wet ass phone ",1 "Ta'charsika Ty'aye Shaviel Smith , go to sleepppp ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm taking my shit off your phone next time I see you nigga ! ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ & good I can't complain , wby ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Drake that nigga .... idc idc idc ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tell me about it I had some earlier ” ",1 "Shakey Nasty Af ",0 "Waitn on answer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Bitches really be on niggas dick ",0 "Got my belly pierced ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This diaper bag tho ” lmao man my homeboy tried !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Dre you betts gone with yo Dill pickle head ass ",0 "Having sex while ya man is watching his fav football team play is a must try LADIES ",0 "LaLa Bad Ass Fuck mann ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ w/e lies and deceit im just a good ole nice guy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , shutup boney ass ! ",0 "We used to be on twitter like .... ",1 "bitches be mad when they don't got no nigga nor ✌ these niggas only going act right with a bitch they wanna b with if dat ",0 "I was gettin love from all da niggas today ",0 "I'm high and can't swallow my spit . Call the cops ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey cuzo how u been ? ",0 "Y'all gots to chill ",0 "Not really a Jordan fan but , I guess I'll get all the releases that are coming , CAUSE I CAN ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : it's never too early for a good laugh carry on” #CarryOn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ooooowee THAT STREET CRED ",0 "If only yuh know what am saying ctfu ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : His voice , chubby face , everything . He so cute ”Who me ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ why you play ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : When I drop I'm going be .... Nvm ””stop thinking nasty jas” sorry walks away slow ",1 "that was so sweet ",0 "But the lurking I was just doing ; Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww B .!!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "LOOK AT BIG BOOSIE ON MY TL THO ! ",0 "☺I got all these Emojis and cants see one . ",1 "this show on B.E.T tho ",0 "Idc wat my baby daddy want the name to be I got it picked already ! You ain't shit this baby out nigga ! I did . ",0 "I don't beef with females , i keep it brief✌ with females , emoji with the sunglasses because i don't seeyou females✌ ",1 "Damn damn damn ",1 "BITCH don't kill my vibe ",1 "she need to stop playing . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get TF OUT MY MOTHER PERVING ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fb ? ",0 "i'm sleep ❗️❗️❗️ ",0 "I Phi Fish Fry ?? “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : What's goin down sept 7th ? ” ",0 "Kiya going through a thang while Ashley ass cooked . Lmao . FSE ",0 "Gdn well I'm just gtn off here bout to go sit on my Auntie front steps im bored n imma bout to smoke ",1 "Getting MaMa a MK watch & purse fa Christmas #WatchMeWork ",0 "Sidelines ONLY there cause the MAIN bitch ain't SUCKING NO DICK ! That why you mainly there for !!!!! ",0 "I love a fat ass tho ",0 "Good morning y'all ",0 "I'm sending 4 her ever since she got the # off twitter Kl *** can't say names ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you don't have no choice to Love A Real NayNay Likee Me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thts nasty ",0 "What it is hoe ... what's up ",1 "Im up early af If u up with me retweet this ",0 "Yall ugly as shit at home goin on some rich niggas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , lol y'all some Mitches ",0 "Alr bro . Well u know im here for yo fake ass !!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ NA THAT'S WHAT YOU CALL \ECONOMICALLY FRIENDLY "" ” "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm jamming #thatsall ",0 "Bitch You Crazy Lol ",0 "nomore .. im all good . ",0 "Make me arch my back : ) ",0 "aysiahh DAMN we see youu andd yo baee !!!!! ",1 "Call kj fat ass ! Kj say boy !! ",0 "Drawlin wit these differnt niggas rapping differnt languages nd shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ to the hair dresser ",0 "These hoes be .. but y'all be loving em tho ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : He str8 Talila "" LOL She Tryna Get BeatUP "" ",0 "Otp w/ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ >> fwu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't come empty handed love you babes ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I found a chicken nugget in my titty .. that shit was salty as fuck , but it was good tho . ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my songggg .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol yeahgo head get your own - y'all do look just alike tho ",0 "If yo parents are aqanist da person yhu lovee sooo much thm tht persom not rite for yhu listen too yo parents thy knw whts best fo yhu : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ DARE to be different ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #Oomf a cum dumpster and everyone knows it ! ” ",1 "My Girlfriend Cute ",0 "Lmaooooo , he thought that was about him ✋ ",0 "Me and Deb really rapping on twitter tho ",0 "Nesha dont make me no betteri already be w/ that .. She be gettin me on that buck ! ",0 "MFZ B QUICK ASLTOSCREAM PUT I GOT HOES THO !!! ",0 "Mekaa I HATE YO ASS ✌ ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas can spot fake J's but can't solve for x . ” me ",1 "#InitialsOfSomeoneYouCareAbout D.W ♥♥ ",0 "My feet cold .. lol ",1 "Nyeeri is Aa Bad Girl . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Mee too son ! ",0 "Getting Money Fucking Hoes Is Wat I Kno Best ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I LOVE YOU AND YOU KNOW ITS TRUE BECAUSE IM NOT OUT THERE HAVING A LIFE ",0 ", otp w . my FAV doo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ as far as I'm concern y'all ain't bout shit fr fr ",0 "Name buddy ..? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg ha !!! ",0 "Only lame niggas say they hit it first , Ray J ass niggas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was the check getting on my fuggin nerves "" look "" ",1 "She said yhu betta hol on to det one ! #momaknowsBEST ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ morning boo ",0 "SLICK ASS BEEF , yall hoes sick ",0 "I can't with this fool in my messages ",1 "My name Dooda in her phone ",0 "They gone get tired of this \or Nah "" saying idc "" ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : When I see oomf , on the inside I be like on the outside I be like ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ never lied ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up ",1 "Finna watch b.a.p.s nd chill ",0 "Miley Cyrus twerking tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you sooooo much ! ",1 "Bitties going try there best ' to look good tomorrow just cause it's CHRISTMAS ✊ ",0 "I'm ease droppn my mom talkn on the phn to her ",0 "Ionn kiss ass tho soooo\ yoh shid gne be dead tonight "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao !! fapp gang . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning baby ",0 "I wanna marry Kobe ",1 "I be like fuck that nigga I'on even wanna discuss that nigga ! Then I call my girls like omg I really love that nigga . ",0 "TF she dumb ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u a fool son ",0 "Tony a weirdo ",0 "I'm good babe it aint no worries ",0 "Finally at the studio .. ",0 "Yup I'm coming out this weekend : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Tho --> ",0 "#Best2012Memories When Jazzy Use To Always Lick Me LlS : ) ",0 "Free _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Free _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Free _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Free _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Free _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Free _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Free _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "This goofy bitch bout to make the devil come out of me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I didn't text u this morning I was tired I LOVE U ABD I WILL BE OVER THERE TODAY TO SOEND SIME TIME WITH U ",0 "Daniajah Ah Big Hoe .! ",0 "kmsl she was out dea screamin you kicked me in my face ",0 "Bitches funny tonight ",0 "My family is IN-SANE ",0 "Tweet watching let me find out ya really a lame guh ✌ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : He my gangsta & I'm his shoulder .. ” _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I Hope I Get The Job ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Finna Go Cook .! "" what you cooking ?? "" ",0 "No you not , ✋ ",1 "On my way out day 2 of the 7day turn up for my bday ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Juices is a funny word ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Avi >>> omgoshh ",0 "A cold sweat hot headed believer ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm going into 2014 -single-real as'f - &' ME ! - got me feeling like the man fr """" ",0 "I wake up wit u on da brain ",0 "Good laughs this morning with Kayla and Dre ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It b funny when shanilla talk sometimes ... ” I'm not a fuckn comedian ",0 "Drey know i be playing with him ",1 "who tranna get on oovoo with me nd skylar ? we bored ",1 "been did it girl lol \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : -I Wanna Make A Sex Tape Tah See How I Beeh In Action ! """" ",0 "Woke up this morning cut all my hair off hello new year ! Planning to do some damage tonight !!! ",0 "Mizani was hereeeeeee ",0 "I want some Jamaican food ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn yo use ya fingers and wipe it on a wall ",0 "It Was Fun While It Lasted Now Im Ready To Move Past It With All Smiles ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fucking with me they will ",1 "Talkn ' bout they the ass cheek director . Get the fuccckkkkkkk ",1 "My mama Keep Me Cool ",1 "I Love Myself , Im The Shit ♊ ",0 "Me & My Child Father Needa Take A Trip To My Bedd ' Im Sleepyyy ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ baby girl ! ",0 "My booty finally right ",0 "- I love youuuuuuu !! I think this school year gone make us close and I want it too ! We finna fuck it up lol ",0 "Your bitch ain't got NO ASS she must work at HOOTERS ",0 "I'm bucked up Yannie showed me vibe front camera ",0 "I Hit It I Hit it I hit it 1⃣st #RayJ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell yea ",0 "Ok Bye Forreal Yall .. #KeshaunaTweet ",1 "Yea I love her crazy ass ",0 "ppl really think its my lil cousin bday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yo avi laaaaawd ",0 "Thank you \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is handsome ! """" ",0 "Tripping Tf Out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Loll neverrr but whasssup ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ friend maker ",0 "So thankful for so much ! ",0 "he strugglinggg wit dat big ass baggg ",0 "Wish Myy Phone Would , Ring And It Will Be , YOU ! ",1 "Lil Wayne gon be like \I beat the case .... George Zimmerman "" <------- this shit here RECYCLED ! Quit tryna pass it off as your own thought ! "" ",1 "When you can feel a deep sleep coming on ",1 "Dey duin numbers fa lul keema ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "i hate ah cocky bitch !!! Bitches Arm Don't Be As Strong As They Think ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Stay Low Key ⬇️ I Keep My Eyes Open Trust None ❌ Fear None """" ",0 "Khalil had me rolling all last period ",0 "Dhat just blew me ",1 "Lmfaooo ' s ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Do random white people favorite yall tweets from like a week ago too ? """" ",0 "She was looking old last season though .. ",1 "These Bytches Lovee Niquaaa ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I french kiss that pussy like muah """" ",0 "Dat ass lol “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I no u want my body and you think I'm sexy “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cunt”” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ii was Ina tub ",0 "#InitialsOfSomeoneWhoMeansSomething C.T.T _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My mans pissed . His lil sis was on there . . I'm about to lose a friend tonight . ",1 "I ain't shit ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what it came on ",0 "Y'all turn 18 and still be the same ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ weh bajidut aku ngomong apa adanya , T i ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you wrong is shit ",0 "That nigga Ray use to freestyle ",0 "I like talking back to folks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Happy Bday ",0 "Doing shit because I'm bored * shrugs * ",1 "Christians getting upset ??? Learn about y'all religion ✊✊ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey Jas” hey babe ",0 "sissy back in Philly ",0 "She really is a clown tryin keep up with him ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wrong wet wet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what's gud ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell naw ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they tight or nah ?! ",0 "I love him .! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If I Got $5 & Jerrell Not Nothing , I'm Gone Have $2.50 & He Gone Have $2.50 "" Mbk and Msk type shit lmao "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you Avi ",0 "This lil nigga staring at me like he can't get fucked ",1 "Still weak tho ",0 "Nahhhhhh . “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao well this time☺️” ",0 "My bro retarded I asked him how you spell something he talking bout some damn you better google that shit that's a big word IM DEAD ",1 "They salute when I come threw ",0 "Ray Ass Funny ",0 "I mean like if I was ya bitch u will never be lonely ",0 "Hopefully soon I feel ",0 "It don't feel good being cheated on but once you move on life is swell >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you to FAKENESS ",0 "Lmao lord that damn Jayda nd Aeriol !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mine sooo everyone ✋ keep calm on this TL ",1 "niggas still hating but it ain't working , lil bitch ",1 "nite nite twitter !!! ",0 "ok headass bih ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good morning ",0 "Regardless of what we are .. He ours a smile on my face like never before #my nigga ",0 ".... Really Drew ? ",1 "lmao . my mommys buying me shoes cause she bet on the losing team . what a sucker ",0 "Me and oomf have the same name #Missy Cuute ",0 "Left My Ex Alone Cause He Was Crying Like As Bitch ✌️ ",1 "Smoking Out The Pound ",0 "goodmorning☀ I look ",0 "U aint shit ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ riiiiigghhttt you better be down there too ",1 "#oomf got bone thugs in harmony stuck in my head now ",0 "Fuck a ... Tattoo✒RingPasswordSwitching PhonesJust don't cheat , don't lie , & don't leave .. & I'll know its real ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ my titties was on hard” was ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good morning ",0 "Its Friday , It's Friday ... ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea Tiph !!! Thanks ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It feel so right but ik its so wrong """" ",1 "Textinggg Himmmmm ' ",0 "My Momas trynna clown me on Instagram right now . Lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ im booku late , but y'all real petty ",0 "iSaid Hmmmph ! ✋ ; ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , Miss berry Miss Berry lol whatcchhhha yuh doing in pherb voice ",0 "I Told Him He Not My Friend Nomore ' Imm Not Playing Either Fuckk Himm ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , Lmfaooo , Havee Them Hoess On They Knee's Sayingg Owee Daddy Pweez Lmaoo ",0 "I love you man _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Well Nigga U Comin Out Ya Pockets Then Cause I Dnt Get Paid Enough To Be In Charge Of Yal Sloppy Ass Strippers ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ remember you said that ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Spurs fans mad now huh ”naw ",0 "Tyree Ah DH ",0 "Got these hoes thinking about me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ grow up hoe you just ain't had the right D yo life you will one day ",0 "We all a sucka for SOMEBODYYYYYYYYYYY ",1 "My tl a Lil hot ",0 "All I want is sum money , everything I see is $$$$$$ including u hoes excuse mwah French ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ done ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ok So somebody Clockin my Twitter & Run to tell Darius ”its too late at night for the bullshit ",1 "I got that Rocket in my pocket ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yani you on my dicky wings ",0 "Did That Yesterday I'm Done Only 1 Person On My Timeline Hip ",1 "This nigga had a WWE World Heavy Weight belt ",0 "I peep 2omf subtweeting each other ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh”chill on me ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ all u do is play candy crush ”djm ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Dooky got them damn shits in his head again ” Dread Head nation lol ",0 "Imma get him to teach me how to play then imma fry him . ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause we both foreign ” you Full Nigga Stop lyin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Iont even like feet im fuckin witchu ",1 "Lawwwwd that picture Gio just uploaded >>>>>> ",0 "Its noting like family time i love my man and my little baby joelle ! ",0 "Ain't nothing like laying up under a boy that will never cross u and will forever love u don't matter what shout out to my son he keep me ",0 ", i promise i wont let gooooo : ) ",0 "Juwan had me dyinggggggggggg earlier ",0 "good night twitter !!! ",0 "For Some Reason Ima Try Get Aezya Guh Tonight Idk Why ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lightskin girls don't have to have a fat ass they got pretty faces ” ",0 "lol ii wuz holding niya and ii put her dwn she said why you put me dwn ? ",0 "Getting some ice cream ",0 "I hate hoes who always talking about other niggas just _TWITTER-ENTITY_ em you in love abd shit and they don't Even know it ",1 "Oooo , what oomfs just told me about oomfs <<< I knew it allll along ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you whore ! * regina George voice * ",0 "I can't w/ ppl .. I gotta remind myself everyday , too continue looking Straight Forward ",1 "My lil cousin said u know what they say bout ppl and tongue rings ",0 "LMAO I see it now Tahiry popped yo ",0 "Pop It For Pimp . ",0 "Wake and blaze ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm lovinggggg it ! ",0 "IG be boosting bitches egos ... Bitches be having on the same leggings in every pic but niggas be too thirsty to notice so they double tap ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ EAT ME ",0 "The fact ceicei beh vampin smh ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hi "" hey luv "" ",0 "Young Thug need to lay off that shit ",0 "THIS I S MY MUTHA FUCKING WIFE _TWITTER-ENTITY_ gtf off her page like real tlk im nuns playin dis thick ass dime is engaged so please gtf : - ",1 "clown ass niggas ",0 "Shawna look TF ' good ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it issssss , I miss you relly rell ",1 "Thank God for moms lol my mommy is gonna buy me some headphones ! Lol I'm so happy ! #YayMom : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Avi >>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ naw I'm not mad ",0 "Orlando Scandrick Need 2 B On Somebody Practice Squad Jerry jones a Fool ",0 "K . Michelle - My Wife - ",0 "He got all ugly bitches defending him ",0 "Do we care ",0 "I'm About To LEAVE My House To Goto The Store ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : one of her fans subtweeting me . Bye lady kill yourself” they said Beyoncé fans crazy about her ",0 "Thanks to your big mouth n twitter , now I know Ctfu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dam they got a real nigga huh !! ",0 "Soo somebody put ms ruby in the gram !! Lmao I'm dead !! I can't do it !! Lord Jesus ",1 "I tried to sleep through the whole day , but it didn't work out ",1 "Ain't Nobody Safe ",1 "We really n here bidin off my Aunt Shelly ",0 "Life is wat u make it dats y I strive for SUCCESS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ guh dis bitch subtweetin about me cuz her boo I guess was tweetin me ",0 "I'm a mutherfucking G i don't play with you bitches ! ",1 "Heat bulls game on Derrick Rose out tho ",0 "Ayo y u so mad “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I won't ask that dum ass bitch shit else” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , Yooo idc no more cuh lmaooo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodnight bae ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that look just like that mane ",0 "This Album Tough Tho MY NAME IS MY NAME Pusha T ",0 "This go to oomf ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fuck you ",0 "My Lifee Has It Ups &' Downs But iStill Keep My Head Up &' Crack Ah Smile ",0 "Goodmorning beautiful women/girls Goodmorning handsome men/boys ☺ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : U bitches be in relationships wit single niggaz .... ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but why doe ",0 "Just got done eating & giving Skylar a bath ",0 "Don't ever let your girl tell y'all problems to another nigga .. kause she no longer yours fr . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl I'm gone be home soon . & when I do get back you know he not letting you come out . ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Just took a good ass Shit !!! Boyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!!!! My stomach feel better”meeeee too ",0 "Been listening to Rihanna all day . ",0 "And I said it so good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well i hate it so good for u ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm playing ! "" I know nahh but I gotcha tho "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I swear to god I love my boyfriend !!!!! ”fuck that nigga ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck it i just need my shit booming ",1 "Movie Bout Funnie Af ",0 "Thvts crazy how you was just all under aleysia now you trying to get with nelly THOT _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I would have never knew tht if you didn't just tell me but which shoe come out today ? ",0 "Childish Rite ? Who Gives 2 Fucks G ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Thanks You ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ got the hoes and stay cheating on me lol ",0 "Goodmorning . To _TWITTER-ENTITY_ have a great day . ",0 "Sleep time ✌️ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tell him cause im bored & i aint got nobody to tlk to ! ” HE SAID YU NEXT CTHUUUU ",1 "Puff was trynna go down the unit ",0 "It's Always Ah Ratchet Bitch ",0 "U Mad Or U Mad Af ",0 "He said whaodie ",0 "Then she proceeds to say its rare to get a compliment from another pretty woman I told her girl I know cause Bwords be hatinnnnn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u get on my nerves ",1 "keke better leave me alone ",1 "Lmao I'm bouta to expose Quan on FaceTime ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I don't got no hoes & i really don't want none , that's to much work ” ",1 "I didn't even go to work , wtf wrong wit me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LOL !! Amen !! ",0 "K asked me ",0 "Jasmine , is stupid yall . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaoo that video foul ",0 "I'm glad Kiera and Blue finally got back together , they cuteee ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Class of 2014 """" ",0 "he said it must was meant to be ",0 "ALL ' S DIS WAY ....... U HEAR ME !?!?!?!?! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Welcomee Hun .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not sleepy & #vampgang ",1 "Than he gone block me ",1 "s|o to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Imma beat the fuck outta Gucci Mane if he dont ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If a bitch call you and kill herself while you ona phone what you gonna do ? ”hang up ✌️ ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ maneee hit my DM ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol , we gone have a mix baby lmboo !! ",0 "Am bored where is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "Ferraris & Goddesses ",0 "I didn't even know he put that picture up ",0 "This summer was ASS !! school need to hurry up I wanna see some fights n shit lol ",1 "my daughter got me laughing I luv her she always making me laugh ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why not ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss talking to you guys ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ heyyyyy ion remember that ?? But u cool in my books IMy ",0 "Listenin to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. Niggas talkin bout \how many times you gone listen to it ? "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thankyou stank ",0 "my grandma just said to my lil cousin i know her better then she know her damn self ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ please check your fb inbox . ty ",0 "Aint going nowhea tonight ... I rather stay home && let donta rub mhy feet ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Girls would swear up and down they love you til they ex text them ! #ThenItsOver ” that's real yo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ true ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fb ? ",0 "Ill see em tommorow hopefully . . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : everybody want me in their avi , look josh one ! pooka still got me in his ? i can't see cause he still blocked .. ” Ahh thanks son ",0 "I dont really trust Shawn , Ima be honest As Always !! ",1 "Her whole fam made the list tho ... ",0 "I don't like carnivals so me and T gone get high ",0 "I love my chickk . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : im waitin on Punkin mugshot ” don't do her ",1 "The end of that song >>> that was real but lawd he nasty ",0 "I Had Fun w/Lil Blaze Today ",0 "Fool sprayed pepper spray in his eyes and than tried to swallow cinnamon ! His ass went CRAZY ",0 "every man should have only one woman , and that's his wife : I love you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "When He Use To Be My Stink >> ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : don't be mad cause ya nigga want me” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hush kea ",0 " \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This hoe hair nappy , slicked , & bushy bitch """" ",0 "Yo said damn I would suck her ass cheeks like the bottom of my feet & suck the skin off my vagina the thirst is to real I swear yo ",1 "20 rounds ?! He gone kill her ass lmao ",0 "What I just sent ",0 "Im growin da rick ross ",0 "we going to rolling thunder on monday ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's the truth” #CurrentlyJudging ",1 "Being sick is never fun . But you find out who really cares about u ",0 "I'll never wear it cause I have no where too go ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just bust out laughing lls” ",0 "Rakeem a be like \ a cat got yo tongue "" "" ",0 "Earl Campbell throwed ",0 "My Skinn is so Soft >>> ",0 "_ That Bath >>>>>> _ ",0 "Iont even kno her ",1 "Finally in the atl ",0 "Ceejay Still Love Ya Tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤ I u pretty ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I heard if you microwave ya iphone its gone charge it .. ” How long to put it on ? ”3hunna ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I kno who flashy .... Nvm ",0 "I finally got the Krusty Krab number ",0 "Fuck dat bitch ",1 "dis lil boy on karate kid jus got DISQUALIFIED ",0 "Allysia Voice Sound So Ugly #BHTWEET ",1 "Night “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Gn” ",0 "Never tripping over something that ain't mine ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm a lip biter . """" ",0 "#oomf was everywhere but doing work thou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Cuz What Uu Said Off My IG Uu Terrible Mane , ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ where you at ? ✈️” conyers ga lol ",0 "My day was legit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thats Me Huh ??? ",0 "I heard u Thuggin ?? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ It's 345am we up taking shots of 1800 ” can I have some lol ",0 "Riss Mom Funny As Shit Yo ",0 "S/O To _TWITTER-ENTITY_ FB PLEASE ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol u very welcome ",0 "Between _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tweets I can't breath best #catfish tweets ",0 "I gotta take my main thang out when i see her again . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "Jamil tryna get me locked up lol ",0 "Fred Joaning Me !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ My Pleasure ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao big daddy Romeo though I can't with you ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Class of 2014 in this BITCH .. fuck who don't like !! ” ",1 "Meek got y'all basic bitches thinking #itslevels2disshit ",0 "Talking Too Maya ",0 "Im really feeling her thou ",0 "Lol so it's dis gay girl dat take a klass wit me & I jus be askin her questions she say sheon use strap ons , they bump pussies ",0 "imma be knocked out all day , ",1 ">>>> Jus got off da fone All ",0 "That means I gotta clean up tho ",1 "Last night was funny as shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yooo I can't with you , he call you mommy ?? ",0 "Love messing with my homie _TWITTER-ENTITY_ even though she be mad ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : He got a thing for big dick balling niggas ” nigga u gay ",0 "MS . SAYlESSSS BOYfREWNd <<<<<< EWWWW . ",1 "Clippers playin OKC ",0 "Shawdy already kno what it is lol rs thou ",0 "& I don't mean tweak to get the dope dick I receive ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I Bet Yu Ain't Hit ",0 "Let the dick eat begins lol ",0 "boutah text keysha i miss her ",1 "This nigga munch tryna set niggas up ",0 "Whole time just a thought ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol , you know I am !! But I'm going to tell him but that's wassup keep her happy cusso ",0 "I need some sex ✨✨ ",0 "Mann I don't think y'all understand my love for webbie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut upppppp ",1 "Nun what the b for Bulter ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ he gave the answer when he said that lol” nigga gay ",0 "Watching My Wife & Kids ",0 "Weedy n Rita got me tickled ",0 "Kik me .. nicoleswe .. ",1 "That Last Retweet The fact That Ijus said That In My Head ",0 "niggas cuttin up !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sexy As'fffff Yesssss Lawwwd ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ take that ass to sleep ",0 "TGFAD , rest Well MA ",0 "On my ass tho _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ewww , I don't look nothing like her ",1 "Playing Wale ✘ BAD ",0 "Baby boy stop it . ",1 "Damn no more Oreos ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : theses FUCK NIGGAS ain't seein me n I put dat on EVERYTHINGGG """" ",1 "I'm weak ltf ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : & amp ; I ain't the type to argue with NO bitch over a nigga . If its that serious you can have him ” ",0 "Even thought I said I wasn't having no more celebration in my house ",0 ". girl yu funni af ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : in the car with Shanell Ctfu” wya ",0 "lemme buy you a drink ",0 "She Wade Wayne stupid ",0 "Onna Phone Wit My Shawtyy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw ok cool ",0 "Gotta get my #FuckYous on after school tomorrow ",1 "I been getting money where df you been ? ",1 "Well I do !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all cute ",0 "Ah told yo old bitch she was fucking a lame ah turned her to a train ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u stupid ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you trippin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ & if I did ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ shouldnt of been actin stank with me ",1 "Gonna To Sleep Happy Cause I Know I Got Something To Look Forward To Tomorrow ✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ O Ard Girl Bye w Hit Me Wit Ya Best ",0 "And u might not ",0 "But y'all love lightskin niggas tho ",0 "Day Day retarded as sh*t ctfu ",0 "This Dude Dreads On Maury ",0 "Their singing my song ",0 "Is These HF Hoes Off Tha Molly ? ",0 "Boy u should kno that ur love is always on my mind ",0 "Bitches Be Testing Me . # Bae Tweet ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol ✋✋ wyo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bday tweet 6:21 ",0 "Damn ju you being lame ! ",1 "NP : Drake \Take Care "" ..... dis was my song fa da BD "" ",0 "I don't mind rushing threw traffic just to get dinner ready in time✔ ",0 "Don't call it a come back . ",1 "Jodie Meeks bald ",0 "Finna Cookout Tuday My Suh BoyFriend Bday Tuday ...... Let's See How Tha Day Gone Go ",0 "Treated myself today at the mall getting my eyebrows done sometime this week ",0 "He don't even know her ",1 "y'all remember when all gold everything first came out ? all you heard around school was \ popped a molly I'm sweating """" ",0 "This Nigga Binky Just Pulled Out A Little Ass Flip Phone ",1 "Dese Niggas Gone Be Singing I Did You Wrong ✋✋✋ I Quick ",0 "Pull Up on Yo Bitch Ibe Flexin , Young Nigga Juggin And Finessin ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ asshole lol”licks ketchup from fingers ",1 "Im Forreal I Love Vicky secrets man ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Cause my filtered pictures be giving beyonce ” u stupid ",0 "Mario x Somebody else ft . Nicki Minaj ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Tahj was tripping so hard when we blew at Omari house . "" lmfao niggas was literally stuck . ” Lmao "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmmfao she should anyway !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ still waiting for you to use it ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol i use to happy to see u ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , what i say ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wssp ROD guh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ gotta say anything to make smoke fly up here lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Text Me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ be cold then ❄⛄ ",0 "\And I don't give damn Shawty let me knock your boots off "" my Gawd the weeknd is so sexy "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all better trash them ",0 "I found a bird ass nigga , free McDonald's ",0 "FUCK Twisted linae that shit stupid ",1 "I can't comment ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : She got that family dollar that family dollar mmm mmm . ”” ",0 "Who wanna be my Baee forever ❤❤ ",0 "I rarely snap chat so when I do I get one back instantly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ moe chill ",0 "Bitch Better Gave My Money ✋ ",1 "I'm irritated ✋ ",1 "Lmfao I hate Daishawn so much ! that's why I told Jazmynne ",0 "She really swear she Saying shit idc ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ those eyebrows are killing it though !! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you : )” #CelticsNation ",0 "i like my kisses down low make me arch my back ",0 "GoodMorning ; TGFAD ; rest well MA ",0 "Fuck Mrs. Pearson Bald Headed Ass ✋ ",1 "Lol she was acting goofy man nbs ... Kept saying the same shit over ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Want A GIRLFRIEND : ) I I'm Finna CUFF TF OUTA OOMF . "" uhh , noel ? "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ * clears throat OF COURSE WE MISSED YOU ! ",0 "the shit tray send to my phone bruh I swear I be like this bitch going on the block list I can't deal ",1 "Bestfriend ready to go back and work nshit NEVER seen someone so damn happy to work ",0 "Ballout Where Them Oblock Gurls At ? ",0 "I hit it , I hit it , I hit it , I hit it , I hit it , I hit it first ",1 "TT Gotta Be Stopped ",0 "My _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Button Broke ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Bitch Thtss Why Yo Dumbass Need Too Stay Inn School Stupidd , Bt Imuu ",0 "Van always talking about these imaginary females on twitter . ",0 "niggas love food u can put in the microwave #MyNonCookingAss ",0 "That's My Boo ",0 "Y'all taking homecoming to serious lmfao wtf it's not prom y'all fuck around go broke on homecoming and shit chill out ",1 "« _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Big shoutout to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for bringing my niece Ariana into the world in style .. » We do what we can .... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ trust man shit was too funny ”was it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I saw the vine . Yu can't dunk ",0 "dang yo new boy some ",1 "Aww“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she always here for me no matter what n know what to say to make me laugh love that Mary Jane gal✋” ",0 "With who ass ",0 "Then I won't be lonely ! \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Imma learn how to be lusty like Shay one day ... ” """" ",0 "Des hoes will talk down on a nigga wit da same mouth dey ate dat dick wit ",0 "\ Females Will Argue With You For 30mins Then Be Like "" I Ain't Even Gonna Argue With You ! "" """" ",1 "Don't get famous off my shit ✌️ ",0 "This nigga Moses got beat up again ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi >>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ & Your Not Really Laughin Out Loud ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my daddy taken me Saturday . Ima come see you one of these days ",0 "Yall Wanna Know Who She Is ? Yall Good ",0 "Ion cheat it's to much you gottah do , ya gotta delete messages , put ah lock on ya phone , think of lies , I'll rather be loyal ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thats up to you baby ",0 "Dey came OVA here and killed dat old man na dey tuff ",0 "oomf soo cuTe ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I told BD ass like I'm Finna pull this mf and air balled ” lmfao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im good never better never better ",0 "Every REAL nigga got a emotional side For a REAL BITCH ",0 "I just be Coolingg ya know ",0 "lol foo we cool ! you know i fwy the longggg way ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Tell yo auntie I'm trynna get her pregnant ""  . Lol , she dont want you . "" ",0 "Shaw said he love me . Lmao whatever that means ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Everybody pregnant but where's the BABYDADDY ? ” RFT ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Sucking on her clit until she cum >>"" Ayeeeeeee "" ",0 "MISS MY MOMMY THO BUT I STILL GOT MY OTHER MOMMA THO MS . FAYE ♥♡ YA MOMMY ",0 "Screenshot is my Bestfriend ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Yall think dey fucking ova Boosie , Dey finna throw Gucci ass under dat bihh .. "" Fasho Bra "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I'm here ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” & she really was serious son .. ",0 "Turn up , Turn down for what ",0 "Kmsl in ya feelings lil hoe ? ",0 "Big Kanye Fan !!!!!! ",0 "Finna go see my Great Granny ♡ ",0 "YEAH I SAID KIM K LOOKS GORGEOS ! I love KIM K despite what people say . Dont judge me . Only GOD can judge n e of us . He said it , it is so ",0 "When it's a group picture everybody try to be in the front ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "She don't won't me hoopin for moneies . She so cute ",0 "that text I sent my girl >>>> ",0 "I can't stop laughing this is too funny ",0 "boy you know that I adorn you ",0 "then , guy said he KNOW me cause his seen my tweets being RETWEETED ✋ ",0 "& Gt Off that Gay Shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell naw we got da real deal .. Tell yo mama da brang u over here ",0 "My twitter TimeLine : iOS7iOS7GTA5 iOS7iOS7DrakeiOS7iOS7and some hoe talkin bout don't text her if you text another bitch ",1 "* im That One Crazy Bitch Name SHANTEL , <3 ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : HELL FUCKING YESS !!!! They Can't Hold My Gay Ass Down ”✌ Goodnight You Funny As Fuck !!!! ",0 "Niggas Be Flexing In That Fu fu Shit✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fb ? ",0 "10:25 for destiny ",0 "Yo naimah a dumbass yo ",0 "I present my personal manifesto today ... up and down ",1 "I Remember When Korryn & #Oomf Went Out She Know Who She Is ",0 "ion care what nobody say i haven't seen one fight better then the saw boys & the girls in pc dat night lol ",0 "When I Just Got Off The Phone With _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... The Timer Said 8:14:03 .!!! You Can't Tell Me We Don't Have Something ..!! ^____^ ",1 "Lol My Header >>>> ",0 "I love my cousin kharan ",0 "Every Dude She Fuck She Love It ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it aint nothing just dont be a stranger ",0 "I asked him y he sleep with the cover on his face he said cuz he a real man I can't deal ",0 "Put my baby right to sleep ",1 "Jerron Has No Type Of Chill Button Moe . . Reckless ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Oomf Stay Trying To Be Cool ” RFT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao yes she do cause she MINES : ) && nope I can't do . that ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Yo I hate Parking ” cause you don't know how to ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u hip ",0 "GM Y'all sleepy Khalil wanna be Otp all Night ",1 "I been drinkn ... I been drinkn ... ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Drake jump out that mf Bentley like his ass dont remember bein on crutches” ",0 "Ctfu you finna be done with thos yo moma stuff .!! ✌️ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmaoo Yha Corny Ass Jokes !! ” Forreal Yu Gotta Come Harder ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Need A Stress Reliever "" I'm bouta call Austin okay bestfriend and tell him you need that stress reducer ! "" ",0 "Nightt ! ✌ ",0 "TIFF Mad Is It's Still Rainin ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ty son ",0 "I just Be Mobbin on tha low ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ grow up ",0 "He really means a lot to me ",0 "I'm going off in ya , ",0 "House phone shopping with my Mommie ",0 "Lemme Pay Messy People ",0 "That was funny ",0 "Youu Know Youu Need Me & Shiit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks hun ! ",0 "Facts ! The light skin girl you cuffed Robbin ! ",0 "I wonder if tht bitch still lurk w/ her ugly ass yeah bitch ",1 "he was like you my little chocolate drop . ",0 "I think I still am gonna take that drive home wed .. ",0 "My Daddy So Fucking Funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ grow up lol ",0 "My rap name gone be chief Kesha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I misss you more ",1 ", boutta get dress & go too IHop : ) ",0 "Y'all on Facebook I'm going waaaaay back I'm talking MySpace ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : well I guess u got Harden then , cuz u knowwwww ... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Otp with Mimi” ",0 "Rae Not Gettn Nun ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✌️bye bruhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got u in check ",0 "ill never forget ",0 "Vamping Or Nah ? ",0 "It took a minute but I finally found the girls from boss ass bitch Facebook pages . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Yo can't leave your phone around booda and Shanell they in way !!!! ” what they do” acting up ! Smh ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ guh gyab ",0 "Lol My Thristy Ass ",0 "& Yo new bitch ain't got nun on me it's time to put that bitch up #HANNNN ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ && it still getting kissed ",0 "8amTo2pm , 3pmto11pm story of my life !!! Grind time .. Dnt be mad get glad !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Morning love ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bruh , you mad or something ? Lol ",0 "I don't love jail niggas my nigga just happen to be in jail & i love him ",0 "Lmfaooo ' , Now Keyanta Know Damn Well ...... ",0 "Ima be Draww'n forever now ",0 "Imma Sharkeisha that ass * Bugging * ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ of course , it's nobodies business ",0 "Ppl be speakin to me like they my bestfriend && ion even be knowing these hoess names , ian liein ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ty Miss you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh iforgot u cant see emojis ",0 "Just got my hair dyed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ctfu , Awwee .. Thanks .. But I Was Talkin Abt The Burger ",0 "Happi B day ... to everybody in tha month of FEBURARY .!! ",0 "I swear the pretty girls don't like me . All that fat hoes and Ham ass females like me . ✋ ",1 "I'm hungry for pussy ",1 "If She Don't Suck Dick Put That Bitch In A Corner Since She Wanna Act Childish ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ No I am fine ... this bird has a very strong back . ",1 "Cuz they scared “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lmaooooo y'all still got your star QB out there ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ * rolls my eyes * anyways child ✌ ",0 "I done seen like three twitter beefs today borrrr this shit worst den instagram ",1 "I'm Greedy As Shit ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ seriously just stop with the subliminal tweets n dnt worry about my sister or her n damon baby K ! Goodnight ",0 "Ina Bed Widd Myy A1⃣ D1⃣'s _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My name Dooda in her phone ",0 "Shout out to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! ",0 "Qua still n bed unless he took off his ass super late ",1 "Gotta Meet With Sgt Matterson Today && Major Davidson With Her Fine Ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ morning fave , I love you way more keep ya head up ! ",0 "Melissa gone hop on dat 3some it might b good da way dat bit Tawkin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fblil ass ",0 "I know a few ppl that stunt like they in that bracket ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nebraska sthu yo ",0 "Wife her if : She gets jealous Loves you Is goofy Puts up with your shit Trust you Dresses well Listens to you \"""" ",0 "Lil Jaint can sing man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he better keep it on the dl not my tl ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Edens must take roll cause some of you muuuhfuckas got Perfect Attendance Lol” ",0 "#InMiddleSchool Hoes was so messy mane .... Damn but that's in high school to✋ .. ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : too tired to even put clothes on after my shower . ” Thirst Trap Fail ",1 "I can't take twitter Fr Fr ",1 "Shit a cool as girlfriend she a keeper ",0 "Ctfuu Lies .. U Tell Somebody On The Streets U A Thug & They Hear Ya Name You Gone Be A DONE BUN SON ",0 "\Don't whoop me , whoop your own ass "" lmao "" ",0 "awww lawddd she iss madd ",1 "Shoutout to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she cole yall ",0 "That mane be talking plenty if shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! Yours ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Mhmm , momma Too ! Ask em "" dnt be tlkn bout my bby "" ",0 "Everybody Wanna Be Me and Mike So Bad CTFU .... Wipes Tears , YA CAN'T ! ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Gucci look like a upset stomach ” nohuh ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I LIKE A GIRL WIT A BIG ASS BOOTY ” lol ",0 "Kota Bad As Shit ",0 "Ima be like : \wat ya doinnnnn ?? "" .... Jus like dat girl off phineas and ferb "" ",0 "Me && Kianna be having the best conversations ",0 "Tomorrow makes a month ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know how I am ",0 ", Sometimes You Gotta Learn Ta ' Let GOOO : ) && I FOUND Out Da Hard way ",0 "Rap on my name .... Cause you want a lil fame ",0 "i said I'm done & this nigga done said you know where home at lmao , I can't with this fool ",0 "This R . kelly Skit tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right !!!!!! ",0 "TEAMSINGLETEAMSINGLE RETWEET THIS IF YOU SINGLE ",0 "I don't chase people , I chase the money . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmao oh yea lol He bouta take it down ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : lol , my goon is the biggest fan of Keyshia Cole lol .. """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your avi is omgee ",0 "We bout to TurnUp frfr on this phone ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm pretty female , fuck I look like dissin a bitch ? I got too much going on for myself to be mad about a bitch ✋” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol naww leftovers ",0 "Yo these pictures really the bid ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaoooooo . A nigga been workn shittttt lookin for a second now ",0 "Bruh this nigga just said this girl built like a chewed up tootsie roll ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kayyy ^_^ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I aint mad _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yu , do I sound mad lhh plz excuse my lingo but I talk like det ",1 "Beef ? Yu making nachos ason ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yo nosey ass ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Congratulations !!!! ",0 "She got me up all night .... all I'm saying is love songs ",0 "Sham jus called me talkin bout \WSUP WIT DA BULL GARY "" #DisAintWatUWant "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ baw you love me ! ",0 "wait , hell nah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got you ",0 "This girl need to gtf out my messages im crying laughing ",0 "Norris cole nd reggie bush ",0 "I think Kish ready to settle down with me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I told her text me first I clearly ain't get one yet ” stop bitching cous I was just abt to text you . ",1 "Toni Romiti x Blame Them ",1 "ii jus said boyy ii love yu ",0 "Baby mad bout dem Jordan's ",0 "I ain't your friend , fuck that shitTryna find another me , girl good luck with that shit ",0 "Son this ribbing session so funny ",0 "How can Orin ( my dad ) say he has niggaritus ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yass Kemar lmao go put some clothes on ",0 "iMma Go See Shaq &' d Lazy Today . iM iNna Really Good Mood Today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you man ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "Bae getting my toes and nails done ",0 "She already telling lies I can see now , WE ain't gone be cool ",1 "Ithought it was soo kute whn he hit meh lol ",0 "Meagan Good nd Honey Cocaine ",0 "Fuckah nigga if aint loyalty , Longest my bitches Loyalty ",1 "Had fun wid mii cuxn on southmain but wen I got hme last nite it hit me again I got sixk af ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh up and down not side to side .. ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Oh Man Lauryn Cute lol” off limits ✋✋✋ ",0 "I'm tryna fuck the shit out your aspirations ",0 "Kendrick Lamar did rip dat jawn control tho ",0 "Mines well go back to sleep ✌ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nomore IPod ",0 "Juwuan ignored my call LMFAO ",1 "I luh him tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol u letting all that damn smoke out Rookie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up ! ",1 "This Nigga Turnt Cause They Beat The RedSkins ",0 "Da'viin Bout to get Some God Aunties fuck it lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ these tricks ain't right yu better take ya ass back home just this one time ",1 "Nothing like \I missed you "" sex . "" ",0 "I'm hungry & ion want no fucking thanksgiving food ",1 "This double cheese burger finna be love tho ",0 "Ii Gotta Get Off This Floor ",1 "About to go cook if I don't set the crib on fire ",1 "My Grandpa Watching Jerry Springer Talking Bout This Shit Crazy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we love u moreee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Foreal tho ",0 "Turning up today 2ma and Sunday ",0 "my grandmother used to say ooster "" lmao “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I had a wiwi ... until I grew the fuck up ” "" ",0 "On da FaceTime thang with this nigga _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 ", chief keef - ballin ",0 "Nigga Turn Down 4 What ",0 "I Hate Joe Ass BitchesJoey Jihad Ass BitchesJoes Crab Shack Ass Bitches Sloppy Joe Ass Bitches Fat Joe - Lean Back Ass Bitches ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Oh Hey Ray , I Ain't See You” ",1 "dis All I do everyday ",1 "I don't want you looking , talking , texting etc . My BOYFRIEND !! You better take yo chicken head ass somewhere fr ima slump yo ass !! : )) ",0 "Zimmerman is going to get rapped its a set up ",0 "My lock screen ",0 "Son Ya'll Are Too Funny Tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl ima jack more tweets ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : He tryna argue with DB bout how many 1s in his picture like it ain't a bigger issue at hand . ” ",1 "Girl that ain't even ya nigga nomore cut it out ✋ ",0 "Watchin #Scandal that's my show .!!! ",0 "Got A Thing 4⃣ A Street Nigga ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It's Always A Breakup ✊✌ Then A Makeup If Yo Shit Don't Bounce Back , Y'all Shit Wasn't REAL """" ",1 "ii told my lowkey BIXTCH YU BET NOT CHANGE ON ME #SubTweet ",0 "why I take this man charger out the wall and he was looking right at me #norapp ",1 "Have a nice day ppl ",0 "No disrespect to him , but idek why Kanye thinks he's some type of god with a porn star as a wife and a damn compass map as a daughter ✌ ",1 "that sound like shit watcha call her would do ",1 "Hip hip horray , my mouth is great ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dang she tweeted yhu ",0 "wanna be ? I think ya bae kei baby look up to me ? it might be because I'm rocking 200 dollar jeans and 200 dollar shoes #squad ",0 "Im In The Mood This Morning For NO BULLSHIT ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #2omf really some undercover hoes smh ” thro the _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sign Ctfu ",1 "why do I think this so funny lbvs , ✌️ ",0 "Bitch I'm sulayman every bitch know me if a bitch don't know me let me tell u hoes about me I'm ballinnnnn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ eyyyyy we got some Thangzz in common ! Lmaooo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ retweet me nigga ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too !! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yesss all zari do is laugh && smile to”YESSSSS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you got me lol I can't deal ",0 "\ She told me she don't fuck "" "" ",0 "yo childish gambino funny af ",0 "Don Lemon sexy ass that's my future hubby ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hang ya self” you a pimp with NO limp ",0 "Let's See What The Fuck Lil Cuz Do Tomorrow Doe ! #OTF ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : LOL man somebody come get Jayla .. this girl went crazy on me because I take that pen from her . ” ",1 "Oh shit I just pulled a bitch that fast ... ... she ugly tho but hey I still pulled her ",0 "that vine video was just funny as shit ",0 "Ok I'm gone ❤ ",0 "Good Morning Twiiter .! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ight I Got U Moe ",0 "This boy stupid ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Jeans with no pockets , you know how we do “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Keyosha come help me find something to wear ! ”” ",0 "Big head on twitter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you the homie for real . I'm gonna pay you 20 fold with that dinner we gonna set up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : mannnnn i had too pee ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol . Of Couse ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sissy Bran ! ",0 "I would beat bull tf up tho ",0 "Ur just like #FineChina ",0 "I want It In The Morning ☀️time Want Have Sex In the evening Time It Some Abt His Love ",0 "I see u tweet ya shit everyday I be like You just don't know ",0 "let me stop playing ",0 "My baby feeling it laawd I hope no kids get made to that song ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell yea ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck he thought he was light skin nigga” ",0 "Welp waitin on Jojo to get off so me an stank can talk to him ",1 "Eat her pussy when she madEat her pussy when she sadEat her pussy when she sleep Eat her pussy when she hornyJUST EAT HER PUSSY ",0 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she cute & cool asl ghee ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ all it say is dc ” nah it shows my whole neighborhood ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Who dick can I suck for a dollar ? ” PAUSE ",1 "Of dr. Collins don't stop coming in here everyday imma have no choice but to think he checking for me . ",1 "My grandma think she a Thug TF she smokin on ❓❓ ",0 "Screen Shot This Shit Yo ",1 "I always end up otp with him my #1 ",0 "Folks really want amber niggas tellin jokes and shit ",0 "Out wit mah babies ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , fuck you fat pregnant hoe ctfu ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ making moves on my lah chick GTF nigga ” Yeah we gon run that shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : How you Mad another nigga fuck yo Cyber Bitch LMFAOOOOO” ",0 "My Nigga Jenn Bout Be Out Here Touchin Niggas ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I can roll a blunt and season chicken , matter fact I can COOK . Fucc you talking bout ” ",0 "Oomf Wanna Play Me One On One For His Iphone Toma ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ twitter don't need to be in our business ",1 "Y'all boring .. ",1 "Me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jus Seen _TWITTER-ENTITY_ On Tv Ayeee Lets Go Boop ",0 "Wasn't Speakin ' To You At All Slim “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't type her name , think her name , breathe her name . ” ",0 "Dfl that picture i just seen on iG ",0 "I was about to say if bestie ain't reply back to my cute goodmorning txt I was gonna to fight her _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "CHRIS BROWN FLOW ",0 "This nigga wayne said\ you dont wanna hit my blunt i been eatn pussy all day "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Cute : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Boyyyy we use to love that shit ! ",0 "Hoes tryna delete messages they sent ! Bitch it don't work like that ",1 "my bubba always check up on me . thats why he my nikka ",0 "Ion Really Like #OOMF ",1 "You shit say BallIsLIfeBasketball but you shitty asf doe lol thats crazy asf # ",0 "Some how , I was blessed with the ability to make a Bxtch feel like Shxt ! ✨ ",0 "Talkin but yeen gettin ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : S/O to that black girl wearing KSWISS lastnight . I seee you ” YOU ARE LYING ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : People be really take them pictures when the not looking and say ... \Smh caught me slipping "" foh lol” that's what you do "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ been chillen low lol yhu dnt mess wit me nomore ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i texted it ",0 "im sleepy boe ",1 "Tiff and these dogs ! ",0 "Gotta Game Tomorrow ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If I could be popped , just imagine how high you would be , Otis = Molly”plagiarism lmao I don't pop Molly's ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ send your baby sister $300 instead ",0 "Johnnie got me crying ",1 "Thought the fucking world was ending shit flying . ",1 "We got othing at all "" but your moms stay coming over here taking Da dick goofy ass bitches "" ",1 "- team_strawberries >>>> Kik Mheee Sumbody Anybodyy ... ✅✅✅✅ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u staying for me lol ",0 "My hormones on 10 ",1 "Dis Weather Ain't What I Want ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not lyrical tho ",0 "Ump Friday the 13th .. Anywho 9 days til my bday #VirgoNation ",0 "Omw to the doctor I go . ",1 "Somebody come get this child ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ gurl yo avi cute ”thanks daughter I'm coming to see u Ty Jamal n my Cuddy when I get home ",0 "I'll never forget when I showed my momma a picture of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & she said , \He's real handsome , what you gone do with him ? "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaoo , now niggas know if she light , her response ain't right . ",0 "Fat girl FDB tho comedy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ boy tryna use detroit slang ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yoo I was really trippin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . #NotYours ! ",1 "Tyrese & Clarence Over Here Tweaking ",0 "WAKiNg UP TO SWEET MESSAGEs ---> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I like you & all but Scappy's miness ",0 "Just talk to my azion ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ BEST TWEET EVER ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmmfao oh ok you think my Feelinqs baby you succ that Dicc like you been y'all ain't gone never End ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Her daddy strict .... She gotta Tracfone & he count the minutes✋” ",1 "Yeaa So I decide to go to college in Atlanta .. That's what I'm working towards everyday ",0 "all these sussex niggus funny is hell ",0 "#oomf a real clownnnnn do better ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : see .... told ya'll . Quinn couldn't wait to use them gums ! #Scandal ” LOL ",0 "IW- you funny ashit & hmu ",0 "At Y'all Now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aight lemme kno when u watch ur cuz I was dyin ",0 "Girls at western , Crack me up .. ",0 "niggas do some bitch shit period ",0 "Chilling with my Girl ",0 "wore my lebron's today ...... it's been a while ",1 "She like a black ass Cuba Bean ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟” ",0 "Im jp , I aint got no gf ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Everybody had this mornings before Me : Good Morning Baby ☀️ Bae : Morning Me : ” Lol Foreal ! ",0 "It didn't sink in Yet ",1 "Walynn you kno ",0 "I don't know what think he lied . ",1 "I feel like playing monopoly ",1 "Well i be damned yummmmmmm i can just taste it on my breath _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "ain't no way !!!!! ",1 "Lol you got it“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : back off “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ok on my way“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Just come snuggle wit me ””” ",0 "Its absolutely Gorgeous !!! Today ! feeling like spring has arrived early ... But of course this weather it'll ice cold soon ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ya dad is real handsome tho ..... distinguished ",0 "A nigga don't want a female his age ! I always seem to attract the older men ! Ion know why but I guess it's a habit ! NO LA BOYS ",1 "Enjoyed bay , Britt & Kendall ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ rs I'm nt playing ",0 "Smile Bby ! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Woke up mad” ",0 "Im done wit niggaz ",0 "Fye me up Lia . Wit your tall sexy ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lil girl ? Let me check dat real quick , Im grown honey 18 with 2 jobs im a lady not lil girl ! Aha . ",0 "Ok #Overdrive I'm still out here .. Still turnt up .. What's wrong wit me .. Lol #StillSaucy . Com ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'd be on my period just for that weak ass $60 dinner ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : HP5 it is . ”✋lie ",0 "Let me stop nigga wish it been like 4 months ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I never forget ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lil bit sike nah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ has no chill tonight ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ foo always wanna check ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Desirae ! Wyd tonight ? Wanna get ucked up "" ! ? "" ",0 "I ran them all away ",0 "Cowboys fans aint Rapping nomore doee ",0 "I mean i use to ware you out , made u say my name hella times ",0 "School Bout To Be Funny As Shit ",0 "Who got a kik ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sister I Gota Son A Lil Rell ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ let him & her tell it you funny as shit ... Btw I went too McDonalds too u needed a salad ",0 "I love you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ built ass ",0 "FaceTime Anybody ?? ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Goodnight” GN” ",0 "She Was Otp W/ Aj Tlkin Bout Yu Still My Son-In-Law ",0 "I Came Home And Passed Out In my Room ",1 "I'm really Ctfu Linda really had gt MADD at Kiki cuz she wanted to wear hills ",0 "Cm7 will never get old to me bumping my nigga gotti ",0 "Im good , no worries ",0 "they bouta turn up lol at some random nigga house ",0 "Im glade im done with braces‼️ ",0 "But You Gotta Fuck'em To b ",0 "Brook got that hook head _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I gotchu you thoe ",0 "Niggas will send miss you text like they really mean it ain't no body got time for that lmao ",0 "Thing is they went to greet Kobe afterward ... not the people who played . ",1 "Nah My THOTS Aint gone switch up that's fast ✋ ",1 "i can be a good person at times ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , iloveyou ✌ cousin ",0 "It would be crazy if he gave me somebody else number ! ",0 "Im in love : ) ",0 "My Girls got to have Class and Standards ",0 "She Wanna Freak Because I'm Ah Star Lowkey ",0 "Her lor head ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ..................... GOOD NITE .......... FB ",0 "\Bed Peace "" though _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is a goddess "" ",0 "Niggas want smoke Turn up nigga ain't shit Savin us ",1 "Took a Pic . Like a BF ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww , baby what's wrong ? ",1 "i needa brush my teeth ",1 "Raggedy ass iphone ",1 "Ma man Russell hit a game winner #rightbackatyall #okc ",0 "Let go hair line ",1 "they giving bull a stack on my TL ",0 "Gwafff , I Sholl Called Dre Lil Chief Keef , When I Saw Him ",0 "K . Michelle Doo Havee Ah Fatty Onn Myy Daddy : ) ! ",0 "So you think what I do is easy ? By all means ... Take a minute to walk in my shoes . Just a minute ... ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : All my fans hit my dm & let me know whats on your mind ... "" you "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aigh I got you ",1 "Time to fall shop ",0 "My tl dead as shit ! Wake up ! ",1 "Lmao , I tell ya bout these niggas Bruh ain't shit .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what I do ? ",0 "Somebody tell Eric leave that music shit to me lls bc it took him forever to put music on his phone ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋oh btw I miss u ",0 "If you don't like me then that's yo problem ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ keep ya head up baby yo lil bit love youuuuuuuu ",0 "Dat ass ❤ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ripped his ass ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch we team Erica you can't be quoting shay ... but that was funny lol ",0 "Sis say I was spoiled ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ heyyyy evoo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺️ coming to see you tomorrow ",0 "Bitches got problems ",1 "But wait why this nigga look like he just got out of jail ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my picture in a triangle . Duhhhhh ",0 "I make your life Awsome _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Who him yea that's everybody freak ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey jas” hey doll ",0 "S/o 2 _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for being a homo thug ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ man what I'm saying ",1 "He got up holding his butt . he was down there for a good min too ",0 "ain't nobody tryna take me to Taco Bell ",1 "No when me & #Oomf was Ona bus & she thought the lady was talking bout her & she snatched the out her ear & was like WHAT ?! ",0 "Quote This Wit A Cute Picture ",0 "Otp w| Ivana ",0 "I just notice ion be sayin nothin bout #1omf no more ",1 "Gm twitter bugs ",0 "Lmaoo . I found out oomf still in middle school & she bout grown as hell bitch kill yourself ",0 "Them I miss you , never want to let go of you hugs >>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea you know \shit-happens "" but jus hmu wen you in town though we gotta catch up "" ",0 "I miss talkin to her .! ",1 "Her bday tweet 4:06 ",0 "My last tweet ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : never trust a man that drinks strawberry milk . ” Lmao ! ",0 "That's how u know mf can't fight ",0 "That bitch ain't ur bitch dawg !!!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Go get you some money , stop wasting time on them bitches ” ",1 "☺ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfu okayyy ",0 "This emoji , should only be used as an emoji , bitches make that face in they pictures like its cute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ go to sleep ",1 "Just Got Them Jordans I'm Spoiled >> ",0 "Tev callin her hella ugly ass bball players ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aw ThankU Angel ",0 "No sex been dah best way since December n i want it dat way till April or may ",0 "Y'all I'm in love ",0 "smash really childish ",0 "that cheap ass was 3$ ",0 "I didn't even know he put that picture up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Smh Half Of These Niggas Females ",1 "Trap music be having y'all feel some type of way ",0 "She dont want work frm baby daddykins amber , jus chill fool _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm bout to walk downstairs in the dark I'm scared as shit yoo ",1 "The person below this tweet suck elephant dick ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : KEEP CALM bitch my tweets are bout random shit so if you think it's about YOUUU , you ah RANDOM BITCH ❕❕❕ """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes lol all they food it poppin . You wouldn't believe it's a gas station ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ joeybadd wat up boy .! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤ I u pretty ",0 "Aye ! This boy on my TL ! >>>>> & he play basketball ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good nite hun !! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : His wild ass giving to much now poor baby trying so hard for attention "" Find Your Chill "" ",1 "Big CHECKS ! #BigFlexx ",0 "Gm guys Have s blessed day . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",1 "I love you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "#Oomf gotta Bighead _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ let me get this ” lol you can USE it ",0 "Talking bout I'm having mood swings ",1 "lol y'all childish ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell naw Lls ",0 "That nigga gassing Erica up ",0 "GoodMoring everybody !!! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Boy , I Love Me Some cobi """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ UM WEAK Y'ALL GOT JOKES AND SHIT .!! SHE WAS GNE GET DAT ASS BEAT LIKE B4 .!! ",0 "Scooter retweet me lol bit need to fuck wit me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't live ! ",1 "Since I Can't Go Out imma be on FaceTime date with my boyfriend ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : These hoes don't kno how to turn up lol ” these hoes simp ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ti shit !!!! ” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",1 "Lmao y'all funny as hell ",0 "All These Hulks And You Still Wouldn't Let Me Smash ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodMorning ❤️ ",0 "I hate a girl that's cool with everybody girl I talk to . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh now I get it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Avi >>>> ",0 "Niggas leaving in 2weeks and really stOp fucking wit me << But SHIDD life goesss on ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ always & forever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hurry up . The opps out ",0 "I can't win for loosing wit these bitches man ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ brother your avi cute .. ” thanks lil sis ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need oomf ”@ em ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ morning baby girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuk yu dawg ",0 "Just Got In Was With _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Allday ",0 "bro nem Funny asl ",0 "I'm bout hungry as hell girl give me that pu**y ",0 "Hoes be like I love you ... I be like wyd lol ",0 "my brother & sister fighting ",0 "got that text ? yess laawdd ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I ain't finna play wit Chad ass ”I love u folk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes can't u tell ",0 "Yall know how i do , i can do dat im dat nigga ",0 "My daughter gone have a electrical lock on her so when her lil fast ass get wet her dumbass get shocked ",0 "My Mama Finna Cook Breakfast #DatGrub ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wrk ",0 "Goodnight Nickas : ) ",0 "not even gone bring it up . ",1 "I really don't pay you hoes no type of attention . fucking jokes . ",1 "Ain't Nbdy Txtin Yo Ass Cus Yue Aint Gta Phone ",1 "All hoes need to have poetic justice braids . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ talm bout how she fold towels ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I keep telln y'all only insecure niggas got muscles , all buff n shit . ” ",0 "She Mad I Kindly Jumped In It She Swore She Was Gone Just Agure Wit My Bestfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ No Bitch Yu Gotta Agure With Me To Ugly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohhhhhh nah ",0 "Hoesss Be Thinking Someone Going wife Them while they fuck with everybody ",0 "J . Cole is the next Tupac . Love this guy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nahh Brah she's mine , ask her . I eat it on a daily basis . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i love em bro ",0 "O yea .... fuck yaw and have a good night ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : damn , what my nigga quan on punishment && got his phone took .. lmao” funniest shit I seen ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HELL NAWWWWWW ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I always fb ",0 "from the looks of her twitcon , I thought that was a boy man looking ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ get the hell off my damn TL with the lies .. Which bby daddy haha ",0 "Got me a funnel cake : ) ",0 "Some bwoy dont kno weh fi talk seh mi ah talk up Mi ah tell yuh seh mi ah beg yuh ah fuck , fat cocky mek yuh pussy cock up . ",0 "im At OliveGARDEN ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Play again to win , its so easy to see . Yuh need a reason to smile #LouisianaLottery ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wassup Babyyyyy ",0 "I just want somebody thats gone make me laugh n feed me is that to hard to ask yo ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Avi Rate ! -Fine-pretty☺-Cute✔-Okay-ugly "" wazzam "" ",0 "&& .... GoodNight ",1 "Kmsl ii Kno Zita Was Madd When She Had Her Lil Boy In She Had Ta Wait Dem 6wk Wit No Sex ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ & Shawn Relationship >>>> Yes They Fuss & Fight But I'll Be Damned If They Don't Work It Out . Love You Boo . My Motivation ",0 "I don't know why I keep calling it a James tattoo . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Im Bouta Move To West Chester ” Awwwwwww ",1 "I stay Flexing On a Punk Bitch ",0 "Shatrya told the teacher side get off his dick fuck yall ",0 "Turn Down For What : ) ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : - I Need A Bitch With Back Dimples Face Dimples & Who Suck Dick "" -_-"" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Free you brother ",0 "I loveeee my teddyyy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Oomf a bad mama jamma ",0 "Oh yeah !! It's Goin Down ",0 "Just Talked Too My Brother . ",0 "Isis LOVE me lol ",0 "shiddd let me practice on my twerking bitch . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's the car light dumb ass ",1 "Yooooooooo Wild N Out just had me weak ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ looking ass . Ctfuuuuu ",0 "My Granny Coming This Weekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lml Soooooooo ",0 "Malnutrition ass hoes swear they thicc ✋ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was singing tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ >> nf ... fb ?? ",0 "My Brother Lame Af ",0 "Y'all MADD cause y'all know my shit was moving ",1 "If she had a dance school I'd be there ",0 "Y'all dimples crazy ",0 "I guess I'm Single ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welp ....... That nigga S.O.L. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lejason a hoe ass nigga he owe me 100 and he been ducking me !!! ” I'm weak af ",0 "Could it be You & Me until the end of time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi >>>>>> ",0 "Bitches Be So Champ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : After A 54 Point Lost Et Dat , ! ” DAMN ",1 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "Netflix is showing out with these real life serial killer movies . First Ed Gein and now John Wayne Gacy ! ",0 "I wanna talk to #oomfs in person , he be at my school , my job , errrrrwhea w/ his fine ass ",1 "I'm bout go sleep fuck it ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ iLike Yo Avi ! . ",0 "They got my lil baby locked up ! ",1 "Watching pretty little liars ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : McLean office has allllllll the bait . ..... ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't make me faint . ",1 "Hell naw soons I sent that text to Gbaby I see the real one in my TL #5 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you gotta add him in there next time !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ extra gorgeous asses .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ soFrknKool _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ '' Kool ptsOutTheWindow&All twistedUpInTheGame''-(BringnDwnTheHouse ) ",0 "I AM IN LOVE W R . KELLY Lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ heyy Diaryyyy ",0 "Massage before class ",0 "I gotta talk to sis ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my ass where lebron hair line at ?? ",0 "I ain't baking shut with Jaylan no more baww telling me all the wrong thing ! ",1 "Him && Mikayla are my Pride && Joy ! ",0 "Keyanta Ain't Right , Lmaoo ' ",0 "These keystones really gone stress me tf out tomorro shit gone be tha death of me !!! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they need ti switch it up hell ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Umm its 27-7 just leave my money on my dresser when yhu get off work ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Wtf Is Wrong With Mama DeeI Think She On COKE ❗”❕❕❕❕❕❕❕ ",1 "He Said Im Hiss Future Wife ",0 "siekeii got bi polar ",0 "Ion like dark-skinned boys , I like light-skinned , brown can pass I guess if they fineee❗️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Omg this is soo like me , 1/27 all day ",1 ", 5 : 16 for me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no your Lil stuff ",0 "watch hoe fast bro call my phone ",1 "I play All Day ! Kml ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao ion even know you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ twin avi ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Truu , I love you wayy more & im done ! #Thanks4TheSmile ",0 "Going to sleep wit her on my mind ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Chill Son ",0 "Lmao Tinesha is too much for me ",0 "Don't have sex because you will get pregnant and die . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Frank Ocean Trued To Get His Booty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whole album is everything keep killing everything ",1 "Shoot out to asap rocky HE SAY You GOOFY BRO Bro WATCH YO MOUTH BRO BRO WATCH YO MOUTH HE GOOGY AND FUNNY AS HELL Bro Bro .. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill smack the shit outta Lebron bro ” he gone smash ya shit in you too small ",0 "These bitches ain't shit but hoes nd tricks but baby girl yu different ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i do ",0 "Thinkin wat I'm sayin gon make him not want me anymore good 1 ",1 "Kendrick Be Saying Corny Shit ... But it Be Funny . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you funny bruhh ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ chill b , I fuck hoes lol ",0 "ain't nobody finna want #oomf now , he den fucked himself up ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ clappas huh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yall crazy like after a couple secs we was fighting i saw all yall running up ",0 "I Wanna Eat Some Pussy ... Not Now But Right Now #WatsUp ",1 "That talk w . My BFF _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love my nigga 🅰1⃣ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Watching weddings always put me in a mood ... A good one ! ” Mary Mary ?? ",0 "Tooo late boo boo already done \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Danyell should of never did that man let me go get my phone from her ! """" ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This that ass whoopin where you be like \don't you dare touch them sticks again bruh "" really 31”lmao "" ",1 "\ Females Will Argue With You For 30mins Then Be Like "" I Ain't Even Gonna Argue With You ! "" """" ",1 ". . . Okayyyyyyy .!! Geesh ! Guess I wont buy baby Tim these Tru Religions . But that cracked me upppp ",0 "Keikei ass faf ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If I see this picture on more time it's cute but you keep posting it it's getting old ””✋ ",1 "#nigga call me sayin do u fuck wit my bitch ??? I say nawl I jus rip ha up cuz she say u ain't do it betta den me ahhh #ItsLevelsTewDisShit ",0 "I do it for the retweets ",0 "Lil boo called me a hoe you mad cuz i didnt settle down with you ayee calm down ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Avi >>>> "" thank yaaa hun ♥ "" ",0 "I wonder just cuz u got a half of ounce of purp u doing it big ???...... NO ! step ur game up lah boyz ",0 "ima cuff somebody son oneday & you'n even know it . ",0 "Y'all know who I fuck wit ",0 "Suck ah nigga dick 4 a tat kit that shit funny ",0 "Feel free to text me though ",1 "And if #oomf walks beside me again thinking that I'm invisible ....... 5 words , IT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN ! ",1 "Our Convo Doee ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My Back Full Of Scratches "" Hoeeeeeeeeeeeeee” bitch HE possed to have the scratches , NOT YOU MF . "" ",1 "Brianna goofy ass go ask where I'm at like bitch I'm right here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know that's why we don't get along . ",1 "Fuck everything I'm gone to bed champ on her own shit ",1 "Just Got In ",0 "My hormones on 10 ",1 "My header is flames ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : jus got a new bitch she niccceee”I miss you so much , I'll see you later "" fo sho "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fse I Had Fun Wth My Lil cuzin _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Omg We Look Just Alike Ugh I Gotta Love Her We Got tattoo together today """" ",1 "... I forgot his \T "" hold up "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good-Morning n hope you have a nice day ! FB ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Understand DOZE , and I shall . I love you too shawty ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good Morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ trying to be like me kid >>>>>> ",0 "Somebody throw me a Oop yo ",1 "Beautiful morning ... ",1 "I'm tired , I need some sleep ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jaydaaaaa Babyy Wassup ",0 "Bitches be best friends & fucking the same nigga that is not your friend ",1 "Gretchen Tryna Preach About Our Generation ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thats wild , niggas dont chill tho ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas will be laying down & tweet "" TURN UP "" ... """" ",0 "Before He Pull Off My Panties He Tell Me I'm His Future ",0 "Tony was tf slumped last night ctfuu ",0 "she at basketball campand ima just get dressed early everyday now lmaoo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ where the oops chan ? ",0 "Lmao , im On Track For Graduation ? Are You ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is that rightt ",0 "Gotta couple shottas on my team ",0 "Crumps cupcakes are ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wadih teman yg baik bratti ",0 "Prolly Finna get back with 1 one my Ex's , everybody been waiting on This day anyway ✊☺ ",0 "Moving In On Monday ! I Got Cable Galore !! ",0 "Lmaooo“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ if it wasn't raining I would shoot a big ass cannon in somebody window” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Man I stayed a weekend with her Never was I there for 3 weeks ”she said the same about _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : She sucking a dick in her avi ” who DM her name lmfao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awwwwwww .... Im feelin it !! ",1 "gotta work tomorrow , so you know I'm going too sleep soon as I get out that tub . ",1 "why must this trick play ? ",1 "GM tweeps #BeBlessed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ who should I send my address to ? ",0 "My Bae Ain't Text Me All Day I Know You Making Moves _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "Mixed Emotions <<<<<<<<<<<<< ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you gotta chill ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ TRUUUUUUUUU ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao !!!! Word . ",0 "_ They Some Bad Influence ! _ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ish I don't like ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I love niggas that be clean & smelling good #Weakness """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ They look long asf huh ? ",0 "Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers ",0 "Real relationships go threw the bullshit . And Come Out like this ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no freaky lil bra ✌️ ",0 "I Fcks W/ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Who Mad .?? ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I absolutely hate em ",1 "I Be Makin Nesh House SEPTA ",0 "I still want a Helly ",1 "these fools so funny ",0 "I slept so good last night ... today shall be a good day ",0 "he got this sad ass sissy ass story child please #catfish ",1 "/ ya fingers broke ? ",1 "slap a hoe ..,,, beat a bitch ",0 "I was all likee ☺☺☺ I love you too BaeCakes ",0 "Weed & punany ",0 "i said what yu got somewhere to go keep talking bout a phone lay Tf down & go to sleep he scared to leave that wifi or nah ",0 "Wacka flocka momma is a mess ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that lil nigga look like a handful of trouble ",0 "Fr doe“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmao boy u a damn clown” ",0 "sucker lol “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I bet I won't either I ain't crazy lol” ",0 "I like this purple khimar on me . lol .. ",0 "he dead wrong mane ",0 "Micah Keep Callinn Her Poppinn Wheelies ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you sure don't eat like it ",1 "Tomorrow makes a month ",0 "They Be Hating , Like Damn I Wish I Was Her Size , She Shaped Bad Asf & She BE crispy Asf That's The Reason & Point ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I had to break it down in RATCHET terms cause they ain't know where them bones was located ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao dang ! I thought y'all was my boys !! ",0 "She told me she wanna b wid me forever 1K ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ loll Wordd and Okay : ) ",0 "Some of ya best can come from a state of depression ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I well not be .. ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ heyy : )) ",0 "Everybody be saying #OOMF's ugly af in person ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #TurnDown4What your eyebrows turned up enough are u super surprise” ",0 "Tatted up Shawty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cut it out mannn you actin crazy ",0 "All Lucia messages coming to my phone ",1 "STOP KISSING ASS ... ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #oomf look like this in her Avi "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "They Say SUCCESS Dont Change You it REVEL YOU ",0 "Lol I'm out in Cal city mfs tweakin ",0 "ard I quit !! Lets just finish texting punk . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tru that's a good look bout to get like you lol been a long day and feeling the Avi ",0 "I needa get up too lol ",1 "Me and babe doing a bike challenge . Were gnna train all summer ",0 "Aye I know it's some ghetto nigga stole his phone ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ chrissia u better turn up to lol but Jada won't be there fuck dat ",0 "Vday wid my shawty girl _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & saw oomf smh nun big but ifeel loved <3<3<3 ",0 "Guwopp My Nigga Bro Ass Stay Trying Heat A Mf ",0 "Gabrielle Union tho >>>>> Lawdd ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ exposing thots nigga wild ",0 "#bbl : ) ",0 "bitches bbydaddy be like text me ii wanna fwy forreal ",1 "#BlackPeopleNames DaeDae lol _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i didn't want it la momma ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I guess you can say that ",0 "I'm trynna sex somebody daughter down ",0 "Lmao sis please stop !! \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I saw him on the 33 """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no bitches no bitches no bitches NO NO NO !!!! ",1 "dis bitch told me to go to sleep and she tweeting ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Cute pics and ugly in person smh” bad situation ",0 "I want oomf and she don't even kno it well she should she da only one online ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I bit them ",0 "I'm at the point in my life , if it doesn't: 1 . Make Me Money 2 . Make Me Better ☺3 . Make Me Happy I Won't Make Time For It . ⌚☝ ",1 "Fuck him , & his nut ass \girlfriend "" ugly ass Thot couple "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ guh man man got some lmao he can't stop smiling ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why you drawlin on em ",0 "Bitches Talk Shit & They Ass Get Beat & This is Not A Fucking Threat , This A Fucking Subtweet ",1 "Bet once used all the power to make her glow weave ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Yall dont let lil tookie convince yall she bout that life ! ” lol riteee my punk ass . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ",0 "he guilty or nah bc I ain't say no names I just keep hearing the phone go off & everybody knows imma go in dat phone ion care ",1 "You Not The Only One Brah “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Call me ignorant or rude but every time a girl put up a picture of her self crying I laugh so hard . ” ",0 "Good Morning Twitter ☀️ ",0 "Got a pedi and eyebrows done ; thanks to my mama ",0 "June so damn funny no she ain't going nowhere ",0 "I was so geeked lastnight i thought i had on my bonnett lml but i had on ah shower cap . ",0 "7:12 My Bday Tweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☝ hol up , let me see what they got on here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nall that bii mad ",0 "I saw it mye ",0 "She posted a pic of her all hugged up with a nigga after they fucked , then He blocked her & ignored all her calls ",1 "I Thought Tae Was Eddy I Was Finna Say BITCH STOP PLAYING WIT ME ",0 "Pizza on its way ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning asia ☀ ",0 "I guess nobody can tell the truth today ! ",1 "Im Here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning ! ",0 "Every time I get a conch fitter from miracles I pray over it lol ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmaoo , you know you big bro fat bitch . ape looking ass . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : But she right tho ” thanks ",0 "Keith Urbans cute ",0 "Love him like a brother , but f*ck him like a husband ! ",0 "DRESSED ! NOW RDY TO GO ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao naw I'm at the crib ",0 "Kj funny Ishell ",0 "My corn beef smelling good should be about ready to come out ",0 "I'm sleepy but dat d he jus gave me got me like n i cnt sleep ",1 "I pray I get to feel that mommy feeling b4 the world end ! ",1 "An wen yhu make sweet love to me baby I want yhu to take it all off to naked ... cause yhu kno I love to turn yhu on .. >>><>> ",0 "12:31 my lil sis day love yo ugly ass ",0 "It turns me on to know I turn on ",0 "I mean WHITNEY woulda sung it better tho !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was a subtweet too ",0 "Oh no I lied its here ",1 "Nigga Kev always cheesin ' ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sike naw sis , here I come ",0 "GM T G F A D && My Son && Family ",0 "Boys that love basketball ",0 "Everybody was baking Michelle all night . But soon as keyshia cole do it y'all mad ?? ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yesss OG daughter ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ If u want subpar battery life and viruses get a Galaxy ",0 "Yo some these commercials be phoney as shit ",1 "DNT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT NO HATER LONG AS MY BABY LOVE ME ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are beautiful , no matter what they sayyyyyyy ",0 "Y'all going crazy over my baby bey new cut . ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Gucci Be Tweeting Like Fuck Grammar ....... ” ",1 "She Be Pissing TJ Off With That Name ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : All these niggas supposedly \ shooters "" but y'all don't have NO guns ” "" ",1 "I care about you but don't play me like you don't care about me ",1 "Hopefully this one is a keeper . ",0 "Wanna See DJango So Badly ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you creep ",1 "bout to eat ",1 "He funny Ashit Yo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fa sho bruh ✊✊✊✊ ",0 "LMAO MY MOMMA N DEZ COMPUTER GMES REALLY GTN ON MY NERVES SHE TAWKN SHT 2 DA LAP TOP LYKE ITZ GNE SAY SUM BAC ! A MESS ! ",0 "I Walk Into A Non Moving Car Tho ",0 "Laaawd thet nap was fyeee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he be around us he can't help that shit ",0 "Y'all gone be so mad when I really feel like shitting on y'all ",1 "It really applies to me ",0 "She the best wit dat head even better den corrine ",0 "~ Love yaself girl or nobody will ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u Kno A Nigga Goin Go Extra Once Hear Datt ",0 "Kev said \lil meatball built boy "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I told youuuuuuu !!!! ",0 "Boyfriend #2 or nah ? “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I done fuck a couple of you niggas bitches while y'all was book calling home for a green dot ” ",0 "he exposed me to real now I hate lame remember I use to run from him now I like pain .. he call sometimes just to ask is it his thang ",1 "My night will be spent with my girls & my home skillets ! ",0 "Oomf avi lhfh ",0 "Finna try to go to sleep fr fr , good night again Josh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : The ugly bitches always phatter then me lol whats in their water dfl” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bra it's like he get loud den get low den get back loud and shit ! ",0 "I Heard Niggas Don't Like Me .... IDGAF BOY ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ naw fuck it , tht shit gay ",0 "I like my avi . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning hun ",0 "Bae bad and all but I'm better ",0 "Why big booty hoes be thinking they the shit and be hit af ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol ha ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : so glad I don't have to worry about these thirsty bitches in my man face tonight cause he's home ” ",0 "Male twerk team ",0 "I've been in the house bored and shit enough is enough lol “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ see i told yall , ik she was gone cuss me out ",0 "Mink finna be in the doom buggie ainn she ? ",0 "I'm not attracted to hood niggas but 1 ",0 "Had his bitch mad when she seen me ",0 "Said\ # I know that seat happy "" "" ",0 "My baby otp sleep awwl ",1 "Shawty said the Shii confident tho lmao .. \Im finna go see Texas Chainsaw Master tomorrow "" .. Wait wen that come out ?? "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nigga aint doin shit ",0 "They Both Wannna Play BET ",0 "Im happy peaceful vibes ",0 "4 way and shit ",1 "- I fwy you fwm , that's just the way things are ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ very nice my bestie is only up this early if .... ;-) ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Goodmornin world """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I play too much ” ",1 "She Be On That Dumb Shit ✋So Now I'm On That ME Shit ☝️❗️ ",0 "MIND YO DAMN BUSINESS ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hi my name is Jasmine & I'm a Cancer ! ” The best ✌️” yes we are !! ",0 "Ok I hate random tweeters so let me stop . GN y'all ✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cnt change no nigga ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : goodnight peeps , im out ! ❤✌”goodnight my nigga ",0 "Lmaooooooo Henny got me weak !!!!!!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl & that's the same thing he do w/ me !! ",0 "She cute fr tho ",0 "Im really weak tho ... You wake up at thr crack of ass tho ?? Waab ",1 "Girls wiff them big bootys ",0 "Mmm Mario Got Sexy ",0 "My night ! thought I was gone die !! Never again !! ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I see twitter beef "" where everyone keep saying that shit "" ",1 "I know Wale in tears somewhere right now with the praise he just got ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmbooo who you telling ?? ",0 "I need to go get my jacket made . . so I can be like trey trey , nd duke them : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm still in the bed doeww ",0 "Wat Mfs On ",0 "iMiss My _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Zayhion Make mee so fuckin Mad like stfu , go bck to act how u w early , tht ghetto shit Aint cut it Mann , like frfr I hate way he talk ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaooo raw bacon ' on bread in her mouth she eating it now raw bacon !! That's all he kept saying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ control the bitches that got your account ! You ain't smacking shit . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u silly ",0 "Got yo nigga in the cut got damn .. ",1 "This Bitch Said Man I Want Some Candy && Picked Up Cough Drops Im Weak ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : NO YALL turkey be dry as shit don't say everybody's ☝️ "" lls "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he ain't Chicago niggas shiesty lmfao ",0 "bbl .. hit the cell up ! ",0 "In The Car Doe ",0 "Left my sneakers . I swear I be on some dickhead shit ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ all u do is play candy crush ”djm ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yoo u funny as shit ",0 "Man I just heard this Song about some girl who be fucking Dtw niggas burning they ass fried ",1 "Something about her ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good-Morning n hope you have a nice day ! FB ",0 "But why did DeAndre go to kick boxing classes ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Text me bro ",0 "that's so mean ",1 "Booty flakes though ",0 "' lord peanut me too lol ! ",0 "I got somethin for Bae ",0 "Imma subtweet bout somebody ",0 "If u don't do boss shit ..... U don't get treated like a damn boss just that simple ",1 "lls I'm famous now nigga ",0 "I almost know the song now ! It's real ",0 "I'm so cool , like im COOL asf . Why have Beef w . Me ! Just Eat da shit ! ",1 "I need some anybody willing 2 loan me 10,000 ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : They Say I'm Getting Fat , Bitch This What Them Bands Did "" RFT "" ",1 "Domonique always think somebody getting some dickkkkk ' I don't even know how to get booty ",1 "Bored Out My Mind ! ",0 "Still ain't at 10k tweets yet . ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Is light skin ppl still in or nah ? ” in ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Sitting here with my grandmom . She bussing it up on her Razor . ”aww ",0 "Bron dunk nasty !! ",0 ", oh hell nahhhh we don't love these hoes mhy g ",1 "I Got My Favorite Food Which Is Marconi & Cheese !! ",0 "Hater ! Lol ",0 "Soulja boy is so ass man ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cuh yo bday cumin up ",0 "goin home inna few ",0 "I Love Myself , Im The Shit ♊ ",0 "Screenshot ain't no joke .. You fuck around with a fuck-around & you fuck around & get EXPOSED ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tootie put u up to this ✋ ",0 "- juss crushed popeyes with boo . ",0 "Bang bang Goonie gang ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Get A New Phone ",0 "Retweet If You See Your Class2k132k142k152k162k172k18 . Fuck no everybody going retweet Nobody fuck 6 ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I heard her head game A1 ” ",0 "Lol yall should hear jaee curse & shit when she mad , she be cursin all hard & shit ",0 "He said she had them YAMS !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's never gonna happen ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you lame ",0 "Yeah bitch im back on this thang ",1 "Make you bitches wonder , why lil diamond stunt in a lil BISH ",0 "I need a good asss laugh ima bout to text _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Talkin to Favors ",0 "Stay faithful && loyal you can have whatever you want ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lay down ",0 "Ms. Cason always getting cursed out ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Coo ' & it was str8 iguess . . What you got up for the day ? ",0 "This lil boy straight tripping ",0 "All these old ass songs on my ps3 ",1 "nia bluffing ass ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ got this nut ass bag on my head with this little ass hoodie ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Finna see Bae tomorrow _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Miss You I can't wait ",0 "We was gone sell his xbox on eBay for $2 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you got it , text me doe ",0 "I miss him too mannn ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lls get it girl ",0 "Got my baby ",0 "Deedy playin on my feet ",0 "only faggies , flap they jaws #ijs ",0 "Bitches be cliques full of thots ",0 "Just Got My Rocks Off & My Skin Was Real Soft Y'all : ) ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ . ",0 "Retard “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Somebody really texting me full convo I don't even kno yo .. I'm like where u kno me from he say \Around "" ” "" ",1 "Who want me to bring them some food . Feeling nice today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ LMFAOOOO ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wuld lik a galaxy s4 thanks advance ",0 "Kml this gul is tripping me out acting like a ghost !!! LAWWDD my duke ",0 "Finally off work ",0 "Nelly ova bopping his head tho ",0 "Moving . Soon ",0 "I swear you a dumb bitch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning ",0 "But I did laugh on some nut shit you no your always be my boo boo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's him ",0 "mook laughed at me when I told him what I was watching ",0 "Nelly always been fine af ",0 "icatch errything , jus as well as itold ny dem hoes jus tryna leach on to sumn . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : To Kelly Clarkson In the words of Ricks James .. Never mind who you thought I was .. I RICK JAMES BITCH !! Ha ! ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm chilling ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ The package came today thank you for shipping it so quickly construction of the Ani-Mia has begun ",0 "My Cousin Doodie Is Crazy .! She Said They Be Solider Hating On Insta .. ",0 "we already planned that shit . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ jaide got that ass knocked tf out ! ",0 "my lip piercing getting love ",0 "GoodMorninG _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hope You Have A Good Ass Day ",0 "Who dat nigga ? Man get dat nigga , kill dat nigga . ",0 "Bitches be so mad yo , they will roll they eyes at you just for looking at them ",0 "She had a Euzera praise ",0 "Up singing &' Shi ' in my feelings ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hellllllo”wasup strangeThang ?? ",0 "Lame dude , please leave my lil sista alone . She don't want yo ass . Thanks ",1 "Tlkin bout hey was Beef Yakkkn "" "" ",0 "I'm outta hea _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just got me tight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ have several seats ",0 "yea I know how that is ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ the girls on there ",0 "= ' I Love #Scandal Thats My Fav Show !! ....... ",0 "Lord & I'm small he be pickin me up throwing me on that bed ! ",1 "Barbershop with my boys ",0 "I told coolie his black ass raggedy ",0 "Idk what this Kush do but I think of u when I get high ",0 "I smoked with oomf's Today ",0 "Bow wow say turn up is old will he should grow up ",0 "I would kill to have Kelly's body . Her legs are to die for ",0 "Nikki got jokes tonight ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nall I never told u that ",0 "* goodmorning _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ for real who house ",0 "Got my j's on ",0 "Eat a dick old man _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "ion understand niggas I swear we not together he can do what he want but I can't I'm all the dumb bitches & this & that ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ok I like kaci pick lol can we change our mind ?? lol” ",0 "Jawanz Called Me && Told Me He In Town .. ",0 "futureeeeee >>>>>>>> OMG LAWD !! ",0 "#CHERRYHILL winning tonight lol ",0 "I wanna cut his dick off cus im so mad but i might need it later ",1 "I see me & Kelvoo on Da Shit Lols ",0 "my li ' nigga becoming a MAN lmao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you silly asl g . I ain't drawing ",0 "rik fucking up .. meanwhile her cousins broke ",1 "I Can't Help It That I'm #Arrogant I'm Aye #90'sBaby ",0 "I kno like hell they ain't talking bout Paul George edge up where is Lebron hairline ",1 "Mann I gotta thing for cuffed thots ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” he aint shit ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yeaaaa , Rusheena ”yeah I kno who yu is ",0 "When A Nigga Be Like \I Love You "" Siri Do The Job For me She Be Like "" We Dont Love These Niggas "" "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I got these CHEERLEADERS in check” ",0 "Lls i stay messing w . my righthand ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea yea only a dumb found bitch a fall for all that shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we good then . ",0 "that txs doe ",0 "shake , shake , shake , shake , shake it off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Come over to my crib juicy j lol brittney trippin . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nun bord ",0 "Charnese be on it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ real rap . Tell him too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how ? And bored under the air my back killing me tho ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I must love you a sumn” u betta lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I knew that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ pussy ass ! ",0 "Can't even lie .. #Oomf cute AF ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning : ) ",0 "sleeeep my baby comesss homeeee nd im goin to seee him today ❤❤☺☺☺ ",0 "i love shayla building its free wifi ",0 "Peki hissetmesi ? Sanirim psisik cansu geri geldi ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she like yu ain't see it I'm like I'm high as shit I ain't see shit ",1 "i said I'm done & this nigga done said you know where home at lmao , I can't with this fool ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao idk wea dis came from but i aint fina play with yu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wkikiki mantep ya : * ntar dipindahin duluuu , baru tak kirimin km ; ",0 "Better be ready when I see u !!! ",0 "Lmao _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on some hangover type shit ! the wolfpack ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanx Sis ",0 "This World Star Mexíco page on fb has me dyyyyong ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao that's what I do when I'm bored ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You Know Babygirl ",0 "Codi Had His First Bath Today ",0 "bomfl , Tisha telling me & Shar about the dream she had last night ",0 "Woke up to breakfast s/o to my moms , bbl I'm finna smash ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nah ” I love my haters ",0 "i was kiddin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry baby . ",1 "- idek why u sent me these , im on ft with you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol damn u look younger ",0 "I'm Dressed DarkBlue Jeans Meks Navy Toms Dark Blue Cami . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bener yooo , tak dm in nomerku yg baru po ? aku kalo ketrima uny ya di uny , kalo gak di uajy lha km ??? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol no jut skinny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ion wanna be next ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Godbless you , as well as your friend "" l- told u ! We CANNOT quit ! Its coming , just gotta be patient "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you hatin jordan babe ? ”face ass lhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea but don't nobody want his ass ",0 "Black cyna type shit lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ have fun Pamgood morning ",0 "I wonder if K . know D . cheating on her ",1 "I was Tryna Make It Cook Fast ",1 ", otp w . bae ",0 "Only fat girls call they self divas ",0 "I'm dieing laughing ",0 "` Green Tea Helps Me , When i feel sick yo . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . I already did 9 . Weeks left ",1 "Ain't trynna fuck ? Get out !!! This a suck a dick house !!!! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey boo ",0 "Got a slick lor Swagg that's what the broads tell me 🆙✔ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ctfuu !! That's because you my friend , don't know what I'm capable of . ",0 "I Missss My Lauryn BABY : ) ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Instagram be likeeeee . RIP we just killed vine It only gave y'all six seconds So we added nine ! ✋” lol ",0 "Lls i see yu lookin ... lls cute shxt boo ya knw ? ",0 "I'm still tripping that that bitch called me UGLY ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nite nite ",0 "- mee &' DAVE be blowinnn the shitt outta each ovah ' butt thats my favorite brovah ♥ ' i hadda make suree he wass GOOD ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lml I Love My Best Tho ”me or the other ones ! ",0 "I gotta go to the nailery today ",1 "Since Thursday - \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ready for the weekend ?!? """" ",0 "Oomf avi tho >> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ya rapping ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ctfuuuu !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you must be really hungry fam ",1 "9:27 for meeeee ",0 "i Just Wanna see Uu Strip : ) - ",1 "#PussySoBad my dick got soft ",0 "And it's a 23 game streak baby !! Ha ima be there to see them get the 24th too aahhhh !!!!!! #teamheat #teamlebron ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause I didn't want that ",1 "No boyfriend , no mess around , no boo , Damn imma lonely motherfucker ",1 "Kiss my tatt \"""" ",0 "I hit a nigga main in the TRAP . That mean she a #BandoFreak . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awee shit now ! So I'm sayin doe whadd up with it ",0 "hoes be outta line .! ",0 "I don't missionary over here ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : You Can't Stop ME” ",0 "They in here biding ",0 "Grl nothin u kno she a bitch “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yesss yo I'm dflll rere K” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank god no mor weave ... much better now ",0 "nigga say \Like happy "" "" ",0 "When I be high & driving it be so funny ",0 "baw oomf hard up eh ? ",0 "Whoever you fuckin widd ain't got nothing ✖✔ on me , I can tell by the way you fuckin widd me . ",1 "Lmfao I asked that shit ",0 "- yeah when I put this song on replay ",0 "made my day ",0 "She said lemon diesel and I was like what about lemonade ",0 "Gotta crush . had a good time with him . But he had to leav ",1 "Finna hop in the shower tho ",0 "Jasmine Outta Control ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh I Thought U Had Fresh Legs forget it ",0 "Bet NOBODY quote that shit ",0 ", goodmorning yall : ) ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : tiara rolled her eyes at me” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm fucked up a lil I'm off twitter ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Kenya so damn dumb she got me dying in class from that txt she sent me . ""  i just cant deal with the fuckery "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol anything for you shugga muah ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : malik big brother used to be my bae we was cute , malik was hatin hard . ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ DAM !! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah of course ! "" Yessss see u then baby girl ! "" ",0 "When I tell tyrese this . ",0 "Who Gon Eat Dis Dick Up ? ",1 "This new church I attend though .. ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : These niggas in my last block , ALWAYS ask for my # df” deaddd ",0 "Ducked off somewhere ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I get my face lick without the tears am I winning or what YEAH ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I told my homeboy da same thing , he still in denial ",0 "Des really Killen me w/These Lion Tweets ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you to freaky for mee ",0 "I got new cases ",0 "my attitude right now >>>>> ",0 "My Last Tweet Directed Towards _TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I'm So Serious Tho ",0 "If you ain't talkin about getting my dick suck , or making money then we ain't talkin . ",1 "11:11 me and bae forever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol broo ? Buhh i miss you moree ",1 "Kim and demonie told me good night but they still up ! Straight son'd my ass low key lol ",1 "Should I get the Iverson braids or The aye bay bay braids ? ",0 "Naw lemme delete that  ",1 "Im Thankfull My FAMLIY YO !!! R.S No Matter How Much I Wanna Kill Them ! ",0 "Ctfu wasn't talking bout Chu ' I was talking bout another black ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl , nobody hoeing they self around this neighborhood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no lil Durk just being Takia gave ya lor ass what you was askin for ",0 "Niggas Gonna Be Geeking ",0 "DAT PUSSY SO GOOD I MIGHT LET HER MOVE IN >>>> ",0 "My nigga _TWITTER-ENTITY_ scared 2 make that transition . It's all good ",0 "Damnnnnnn shit Kraziii ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ congratulations . U & kandi had good news _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ur daughters today ... u two r great moms ",0 "I just gave him his first bottle : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wat cuz im nt wit u ?? ",0 "You Welcome Lovee You Too ",0 "So in love with my BF best friend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oooohhh killem ooh killem oohhh gotcha !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ go tf head cuz ",0 "He say I be on his mind like money ",0 "Mine makes me feel some kinda way . ",0 "Woke up to some hating ass shit lol . All these mad ass females son ",1 "My nigga in the house ... wat up thug _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Money baby , money baby , money baby .. _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Happy New Year to the East coast tweeters ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I ain't gay ",1 "Okayy ! IGUESS it aint nothingg wrongg with him ! /: ",1 "Lex on here ",0 "These people auditioning tho ",0 "I hope I get off at 4 ",1 "Iwn be mentally prepared for half the tweets on my TL tho . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Okaay bae imma Chill ... Lmaooo JK ! Ahaa ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol well i aint goin nowhere ",0 "Smile bitch being mad make you look old as shit ",0 "Lemme stop before boo exposé me ",0 "My kentwood nigga >>> your kentwood nigga ✌️ ",0 "Ok I'm goin to bed fr this time ✌ ",0 "Outta All People Quay Recieve So Much Hell From Me Lmfao Idc Though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wyo TruGod ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ like where can I find these” irdk . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ AVI Thooo >>> Back That Ass Upppp ! ",0 "Y'all niggas be broke claiming y'all getting money tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wait can I at you ? ",0 "DeeMarr look like he should star in Dont Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Juice In The Hood : The Sequel ",0 "Big head ass done went to sleep but wen he wake up he gone catch hell ! ",1 "This lady On Beyond Scared Straight !! FAKE CRYING TO HA MOMA !! ",1 "I'm Just Bored & Cant Sleep Right Now , But iRealize This Not where He Wanna Be ✌ ",1 "Tee said if you dating a light skin person then yo phone will always be dry ✋ she play too much ",0 ", I'm nice ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaooo i never knew that & i forgot y'all went out ",0 "I put a rocket ! Shit gets real ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YALL light skin chicks stay showing off ",0 "Love when i got yo mind wondering ",0 "Dis nigga Shawn said willy smell like yesterday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ on twitter duhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm on it ! Thank you Pam ",0 "Idgaf about nobody feelings ",1 "Yo remixed my tweet tho ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wats funni” pig !! ",0 "Deshawn stupid aab bruh ",1 "Malik bruh straight clown ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I call alot of mfs daughter , but my real daughter Woo ! """" ",0 "Call MY Boo And We . Talked The Whole Time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell naw you sick ",0 "Im regular Too ",1 "my day w / keith & the text he jusr sent me >>>> ats my baby ",0 "she ont got da clappas ",0 "I WONDER IS MFS REALLY GONE WALK OUT OF SCHOOL AT 12” ",1 "she must have saw my tweet ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #1omf always need a ride home” I'm always catching on something ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ aye #Reallydoe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he almost got my ass if it wasn't for that seat belt !! I prolly would've been the first one to be upper cut by a bus driver ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i just might #miguel #legdrop the next female i have in bed lol” that was sooo wrong ! I would sue his ass ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ a lil but u kno my thug ahh ",0 "Popped A Molly , Im FLEXINN ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm bout to bring a new boy from UPTOWN home ✋3⃣”me too , Mrs. Hankton ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ n txt ",0 "What Kerry Ann said after lunch to me & ....... After Lunch ! ... I was cracking up ! I still believe she loves me more ! my team ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm done ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ He'll gone with me ",0 "She luv messing wit me . so I'm calling her out tonite ",0 "All my cousins around my age they booty big only about 5 not mines bigger .. But still i be feeling like shit ",1 "I love my twin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I Lovee Youu Too Sisterrr ☺☺☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ flexing and finessing . ",0 "Y'all hype as shit over Beyonce ",0 "JUST FINISHED MY MOTHERS #BDAY GIFT ",0 "She sendin me pics like ima put on the gram for her ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Reese The Type Of Nigga To Get Hit By A Car Then Come Back Next Day Ready For Practice Lol "" LMFAOO his life story "" ",0 "Or is it really a lot that you can't remember ",1 "Oh hell no “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ jus no shit was crazy down der” ",1 "Lunch date today with my aunt today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ otp txt me ",0 "Pour it up make me wanna dance with my boo like its the last song for the night in the club ",0 "Don't fuck with Yeezy ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao dog I know . ",0 "I loveee seeing Happy Couples ",0 "He said im too spoiled tf ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I find it so funny when I tell somebody something they go and run they mouth twisting up words and shit "" yassss "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ SAME TO U HUN ",0 "Not Really Sure How Too Feel About Something About The Way You Move ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahhh .!!!! o ... My bad lmao .!!! ",0 "Yooo shut up “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Let me pick my plan b pill up now ” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My ma don't never wanna unass no money ! ”you know she ain't got nun to unass ",1 ". She so fuxkn Pretty ta meh lord .... ",0 "She cheatin on me ",0 "Bitches beef more then niggas now a days lmfao and niggas pose to be tuff ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop biding ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ian see u ",0 "My bf so good to me ! ",0 "Trey Trey & Deja >>>> soooo cute ",0 "Audition done ! Now we wait ",0 "She Got Haters But We All Do #Bad ",1 "Maybe if u would cam got me that night it wouldnt be like this ... * Shrugs ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ima go gay fuck it ” here you go with this shit ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ immmm hungry and I want some to drank ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bouta DM yu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahhh You sweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol Let me Live ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfaooo .... Trueee ... What's ya fave . drink ?? ",0 "* ERIKA ! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : You kno its real when he took my phone just to tweet ericka lmfao ” ",0 "I Love His Ass . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Mfs damn near pregnant n wanna be wit me Were they do that shit at ",1 "them socks tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes sir mr. zut ",0 "My Nigga Clownin On This Expose One Song ! #IM DONE ",0 "✨ jayyy you ain no damn angel tf ? lol you cutee long hair dont care , your laugh make me laugh you slick slow , & when you cuss > < ✋ ",0 "When im Sober I Be Fuckin Up ",1 "Y'all gotta chill wit da Bow wow & Ciara tweets ! Y'all so childish ",0 "Lemmie See This ✋ ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol Ik , ",0 ". She a fool ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol he don't be caring if I come cause he know they him continue it and I can't see him away hit it be a waste ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Why you so childish Lmmfao ",0 "Comeaux have some FINE nikkas , lawd ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ima have to pass one Friday I'm not to tired after work a shake low Lmao” girl u stupid ",1 "i got a scab on my ear from where Ms. Danielle burned me w/ the flatirons ",1 "Can't wait til my first day at work ",0 "Knickers Be Like We Gone Beat The Heat ",0 "He getting mad cause I don't know the full song of crawl ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : my sister in the way” leave her alone ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol true dat always happen ",0 "Chief Kief sound like he got a mouth full Jolly Rachers in his mouth when he rapping but ... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ well they cut him right off doe” CTFU Yess ",0 "so happy my granny and my papa here I missed them so bad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning ⛅ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : A WARNING !! Fuck you goin do , delete my twitter ?? ” ",1 "this bitch job description is side hoe ! ",1 "My mama be texting my BestFriend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ turn up ",0 "Imma rock all blue today cuz I'm tryin to be down wit skyy ",0 "Reading old msgs got me like ☺️ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmao im so SERIOUS” <<< the fatest mf I've ever met ",1 "bounce that hulaaHoop ",0 "just got my letter from momss !! ",0 "Ain't no shame in my game ",0 "You ain't a real man if yu don't eat it up ",0 "Nobody like Kirk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋now u kno damn well I don't fux wid those ",0 "She Got A Burnt Booty ' iHiiiiiiiiii ",0 "Her mom was like \Bitch if you don't get yo dumbass off the phone "" She was like "" Aye Ima call you back in a couple minutes "" "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's y I laughed , ",0 "Waab , she blocked me #BitchLife ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that damn neck ",1 "When I was on some US shit , you was on some YOU shit . Now Im on some ME shit , you wanna be a WE . Bitch , on to the next . ✌️ ",0 "Shadae get together was great ., ",0 "So my Dad gotta attitude ? IDC IDC ",1 "The picture my mother told me send kp ",0 ", lol don't talk skit if you can't back it up ✌ ",0 "My Stank Sum Serious ",1 "des tlkn shit too this dog ",1 "if thee hoe looking stupidd gone check hea den ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ iKnow . But They A Gemini , Im A Cancer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ in here talking to doors #nshit ",0 "I gotta learn to keep quiet sometimes !!! ",1 "Niggas gon be mad wen I make Lebron take his headband off in 2K14 ",0 "Just finished my flat twist can't wait to see what it looks like tomorrow ! Goo night y'all! ",0 "He awl iwant & need ",0 "I'm thinks bout cooln with my coolb today again ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I think my butt getting biG !! ” ” oh think that's funny ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I won't tell him so go head” you 2 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Luvin This Pluto 3D My Fav Rapper ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what Ctfu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ save me sum doe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ made my day ",0 "Chris gettin old af ",1 "Getting them lips wet tonight ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fuck me good , Fuck me long , Fuck me numb”yass ",1 "3:02 Baee _TWITTER-ENTITY_ BDT ❗ ✌ ",0 "Lmaoo I'm done with June bra them jokes extra weak lol like his sex life kml ",0 "Money constantly hittin ma phone fwm u kno I got it$$ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the . Shit was funny as a bitch ",0 "My mommy just found a bag of weed in my room that shit don't belong to me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ && it still getting kissed ",0 "- my baby .. ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ shouldnt u be eating coochie or something ” fuck u !!!!! ",1 "I told yall she iz crazy lol ",0 "He said he was gone beat my ass .. ✋ ",0 "I'm so hoooooooodddd ... What does that song remind you of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm Very High ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ heyy .. hru .?? Lol "" lol , im just fineeeee .. how about yurself ?? "" ",0 "Ms. Shanell was straight tryna spit game for her daughter on Monday ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ \you got a whole boyfriend "" lmaooooo” idky I always say that shit to bitches "" ",0 "Quote This Wit A Pic For My Header ",0 "GoodMorning BoughtHead . Love you ",0 "95 lil head ass ",1 "When you horny af smfh #sheesh ",1 "Rio tryna go on BD“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got my bread on Juan” ",0 "Never get out your hook up handle your shit the right way ",1 "this nigga _TWITTER-ENTITY_ gotta upgrade that damn trap phone he don't even know he missin out on these deuce messages .. funny as a bitch ",0 "R . I . P to Everybody Anit Make It To See 2014 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey gf wyd ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that shit not cool i got to stay away from yall niggas”ctfuuu sike naw im playin ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me neither ... I was just wondering ",1 "I think somebody paid my bill whoever it was thank you ",0 "These Niggas Fighting ",0 "she said meFUCKINGow though . ",1 "My co workers hate when I come to work n I'm a mute . They nervous ",1 "Well omw to work ",1 "On The Phone With My ROD Talking Abt My Everything ",0 "Come back to school tomorrow , going CRAZY watch ",0 "just got off the phone w/ my boooo zariyah ",0 "What ima get into tomorrow ",1 "Swear the US Ain't shit ",1 "No pain no tease I just wanna have a good time ",1 "I'm a crazy , bipolar bitch lowkey ",1 "Screaming Happy Mf Bday To Bro _TWITTER-ENTITY_ love youuu turnupppp ! hml toma . ✊🆙 ",0 "That dream I had ",1 "My boyfriend voice in the morning ☺️ ",0 "Can't trust none of these nigga can't trust none of these hoes I c yo woman when I want I got that bitch tvo'ed! ",0 "Text to say pay attention , how am I suppose to if your texting me !! ",0 "2 bad chicks , K Michelle & Joseline . ",0 "Reek really fightin it tryna hop on da track ",1 "p*ssy so good , make me wanna sang , wanna sang to her ! thats my shit ! ",0 "Naya anti now ! Wonder what happen go her ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ jus go” nah ",0 "Good Morning Twitter ☀☕ ",0 "In the house Wut u tryin do “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm Not Even Mad Tho "" wya tho I need to be drunk” "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm mad I missed jayz fucking with Mickey Mouse”you're see him another time ",1 "I love messing with oomf he still my baby lol ",0 "got the Chinese bitch pregnant tho , Bri funny ",0 "& wen im turnt ! aynt No turnin mhe dwn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i gotchu then ",0 "Bitch knees ashy as fuck ",0 "Yay , I reached 10k tweets or whatever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ big mama sexy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ still tipsy ?? ",0 "All My Bitches Were Dimes ",0 "Keem bouta bring me some food love him even thou he erks me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ when yours ",0 "- About to get some pizza with my girls Janae and Mimi ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ VOTED !! ",0 "so fuckin bored ",1 "Tweet 9:27 yallllll ",0 "Im Silly ! #BestfriendTweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤❤❤ ",0 "I wanted this NOT THIS >>> ✌️✌️ ",1 "It feel so good to smile . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ make me feel like a baby . Like I don't have a worry or care in the world . #AREALMAN ",0 "I won't waste ya time tho .. ",0 "Love my life n errbdy thts n it .... # ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao .. u gud ",0 "Steebie J sound bite ; Lmao !. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : New twitcon what yhal think ? ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Dfl who \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lawddd that thing gotta strong face” "" ” ion no I'm laughing at ronette "" ",0 "I want somebody to come see me today ",1 "Lmao how u talkin shit n u Neva helped TBN fight us ✋lmao stop it bro should be dah last mfa talkin if u ain't helpin yo guys n dah field ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thats good gurl !! We are going make some good social workers one day . ",0 "\She giving me head for a 3.5 that's 50$ . "" King Louie a damn fool . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is heeerrree ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Get out my TL w that emotional shit ctfu” we miss yoooouuu ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg ! ” lol the ladies clearly love what I got under these draws ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it would only be BS if I actually went out tho ",0 "Ariel & her mama < ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u gettin a kick outta dat ",0 "Damn its gon snow lmao , heeeyyyy Chazzzz LoL \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : In a qood mood """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kmsl aye love Sosa !!!! ☝ ",0 "aint NOBODY Give me shit , iHad to make a way ",0 "These Questions Tho >>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you thank you ill be here all week ",0 "Orrr then I let them call me a bitch I thought it was you ",0 "Lol Keep Goin ",0 "Bout to Get Dressed & Go $$$$$ Shopping ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ man I didn't no u wanted something ",1 "My Mama call her daughter in law lol >>> ",0 "No the breakfast store on 60st “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I don't feel like walking to uptown”from west Philly ? You must be crazy” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ better get that good ole house phone lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol aye bring money i ain't paying for ish ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nfb "" "" ",0 "send me emojis ",1 "National grab pussy day ? ✋ hella niccas gonna be grabbing pads & pulling tampons out ",0 "Number 7 on SF team is cute ",0 "Vibinggg #TagTeam R.O.D ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : One Night With The King wins lol .... -_-"" ' : "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : gots to clean my boots or i might ask breshia can i wear hers ! save my energy !! lol” hell no ! ",1 "I'm up early . Goodmorning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im weak to lol ",0 "Awhl stfu ! U knew wut waas up ! Frfr ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ iknow i know ",1 "Tarnetta acting goofy ",0 "It's raining but I'm good☔️⛅️ ",0 "I ain't wit dat lovey dovey bitch you can fuck or suck me ",0 "Watching Family Hustle Christmas special w . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "when was on the phone rolling this the shit I like ☺ ",0 "Ima be kicking TF out him in his back ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so beautiful forever my crush <3 ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ In the meantime , I'm gonna listen to this again .. for research purposes .. "" Yaass ! "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Going into 2014 in a relationship  """" ",0 "After Winter Break , Im Outtieeee ! ! Best friend && everybody else mad at me they'll be ok ",1 "4:02 mojo BDT ",0 "... Fuck you !!! If I wannaa play , I'll simply tell baby to put me in . Lol ",0 "I keep it real , youu know that deal ",0 "MAN I LOVE MY DJ HE IS SO FREAKN SWEET ( WEN HE WANNA B ) ",0 "Yessss cousinn , \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Itsssss officiallll China P is not single !! Mhm mhm "" !!!!! What !!!!! """" ",1 "Furness Is Sooooo Shitty They Didn't Even Passed the 50 Yard Line When I Played Last Year ",1 "Best friend stfu on my tl lol ",0 "Ctfu , that interview lil Wayne dude had me weak ",0 "_ Then He Gonna Say \ Nawww Jst Playinq Bt Hope Yhu Feel Better "" Awww : ) _ "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Who u talking about ? Be a man .. don't throw hints ! ",0 "Iont have Nothing but myself ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yea boop ",0 "mfs too funny ",0 "my Gma funny as shit moe ",0 "these niggas bro !! Loool ",0 "Give up .. ",1 "Come through beating 30's like some congos ",0 "Beyond IRKED ! ",1 "i still haven't picked up on no ho's but all honesty , ion want none . they be flocking too much ",1 "He told me I could ride his face ",0 "Otp with Regine ",0 "Happy Mothers Day To My Mommy ! ☺❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ in bed tell Mike stop being ghetto ",0 "Hell naw cece ass funny asl ",0 "dog E40 a Legend b ",0 "Woke up to goodmorning texts ... Someone loves me ",0 "dtfl nothing bob _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the U . ",0 "Church this morning ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : why am i called june bug  wtf is a june bug” who gave you that name ",0 "I betted $20 dollars on this game . Boys y'all better win ",0 "Bitches is slacking forreal lol . ",0 "We take turns telling each-other good-morning !!!! ❤❤❤ ",0 "Dese TBH Videos On IG ",1 "Lol I be talking to Hov like he my son I'm talking bout \don't dang me , just do what I said "" gotta treat him like he my seed man "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aitee ✌ , ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you ma or nah ? ",0 "My dad sure knows how to make a girl feel special !! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Game night w/ my Bae was too funny ... We kicked up in taboo !!! ☺” y'all ain't kick up it was 1-1 lol ",0 "It's 10:30 and I'm still making money ® ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Nah but fr y'all ain't had no good baked macaroni if ya grandma ain't use that block government cheese ”you gotta chill ",1 "Mhee Eyess Trynaa Tewh Closee ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ gotcha bitchh ",0 "Texting my Jojo ",0 "who he talking to ? ",1 "When them big ass girls crowded me , I was like nooooo I wasn't ready !!!! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shit me too ! You should make US some ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ who me ",0 "White line chalk'em ",0 "These Lil Niggas Straight Ass Like Nicki Minaj in a thong ",0 "I'm happy for her #Catfish ",0 "Codename kids next door still my favorite show ",0 "#InMiddleSchool i met my best friends _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Can I say wake && bake ",1 "She found hair ",0 "should know how to act ❗ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nigga it's 2 I'm the morn go to sleep ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Shanika ' s Lor Dic .... nvm ”finish the sentence ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YEP N DEY OFF DA CHAIN ",0 "« _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ She's so perfect ! I want to bite her ! » Thank you ! ",0 "Yoooo Im On Dis Bitch : ) ",0 "I got chipotle waiting ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks ... Okay Now Vanish ... ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok coo i see gettn ya GQ ON !! ",0 "Savannah tomorrow turn up turn down for what nigga !!!! ",0 "I cant take crosseyed people serious ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ FB ? ",0 "My Ma Cooking A Pecan Pie . ",0 "i always ask for ah cup & fill it up w . sprite ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ima gone head & say APRIL FOOLS . Cuz yall know me too well . i hate yall .. I cant lie good anyway "" FCK noo Dnt Try Hide It "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hate her moe ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : They just can't text it cuz it aint a iPhone lmaoo niggas be sick too ✋ "" #RFT "" ",1 "I love you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yeah you keep flourishing then !! Living the good life ! ",0 "Lol , I make these hoes feel some type of way ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i will lmaoo ",0 "I can't Chris Bosh toooo ugly ",0 "Bae ass says she would talk to me no more I love her ass ! ",0 "I ain't got beef w/nobody I'm chilling . I might have a couple bitches that don't like me , But they ain't making no kinda noise frfr ! Blah ",1 "Gotta keeeep it pushin ",1 "Why yall putting me this positon _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Fuck it im about to watch ted ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I remember !!! Hilarious !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wish I Could Had Been There” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I can't stop laughing moe , this shit sad” your laugh prolly irritatinnnn right now ",0 "Good Morning Twitter ",0 "\let Me Hurry Up Before The Bitch Comes "" "" ",1 "I'm convinced #oomf don't like me .. Damn , sad case lmao . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ imm cooolin ",0 "Malik got this stupid ass saying he got now ",1 "Joseline a clown bruhh ",0 "I'm Cuffed To The iPod In My Hand ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmornin ✌ ",0 "Small road trip today with the family ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning my liddle red head ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im Soooooo Not Ugly ",0 "S/O to my EX's ... Lol I kno he aint fuckin u rite lol ",0 "That blunt got us trippin . ",0 "Call her Tae Dolla ",0 "Why he call me aby "" like I'm his damn baby . "" ",1 "But anyhoe Goodmorning ",0 "#oomfs got fcked a Takia house and she still claim that she a virgin SMFH ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ if You Gon Say illogical Things You Gotta Go ",0 "Lmfaoooooooooooo tht subtweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ text me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I miss Ty\ Aww I Miss You Too Ahjyy "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ watching spongebob , & you looking just like your mommy in that AVI ",0 "Man I'm Glo'd all the way up bumping that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "JAS DONT THINK WE FORGOT DOO KNOCKED YO TEETH OUT BITCH W/DEM FCKN DENTURES ! ",0 "Had to DM bae some cute shit right fast ",0 "Watching Kingdom Come ! I LOVE ME SOME _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !!! ",0 "When I give him this make that nigga spend money that he don't got ",0 "Dang I never called back the other day oop lol ",1 "My morning with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Rey be Mall bound with Bae ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm so damn messy bruh . Especially if you ain't my nigga "" bruhhh  "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nope show me ",0 "Biggie just came in here & gave me a kiss ",0 "Where ebonie and esh tho fuck they hiding ? ",1 "24 Years Old Workin At Wendy's & Livinn ' At Home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ told me what ",0 "Wife u deserve da label ",0 "I just recapped on everything that happened last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You the next walla ",0 "I'm about to blow your mInd ",1 "Ju funny as shit .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's because the don't have a dollar to in his / her pocket ",0 "Wait that was to explicit ",0 "why everybody so worried about me ",1 "Tony be erky as shit when he high always wanna lay on people & touch ctfuu ",0 "Mfs Be Trying To Sleep On Us Darkskin Niggas ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm on my way now ",0 "Good morning sweety _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how you been , ",0 "That felt good af ",0 "I'm so sleepy fr tho ",1 "These niggas is crazy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stenton nd mt . Airy , lol ima see wassup ",0 "#bitchesbelike i hate him i cant stand him especially after what he did but on his line heavy af ✋ ",1 "- the same niggas that b tripping , b slipping on they pimping . ",0 ", I bet That Was Towards Me ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ -.-"" "" ",1 "Make me get Karim ",0 "Ctfu he mad ashit saying my voice deep idc I love my voice ",0 "But Didn't She Get Put Down Wit One hit By ",0 "They beating they ass ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Everybody at Waffle House , Shidd bring a bitch some bacon ""  "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ whoooaaaaa my niggaz” whoooooaaaa wassup wit niggas ",0 "Kanye is such a dork ",0 "Oh yea tho ",0 "Shower at 2 ",0 "People Keeeeeeep ! Asking Me Am I Pregnant Again Nah My Nigga I'm Just Eating GOOD !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ when you have sex you gonna be like is it in yet ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao I would luv to get a tester of everything a site to see/taste lmao” ",0 "Like a red nose ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bye girl "" tell my lover i said goodnight i miss my baby "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmaooo rightttt .! That's some people house rent on my feet ",0 "He fuck me lik he mad at me ",1 "On the phone with LaRon ",0 "Hdm ❓ retweet ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋✋✋✋✋ nahh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao oh shit imma change it in a min ",0 "WATCH WHO YOU BUMP CAUSE MY BROS ON THAT TIP #yeadoe ",0 ", goodmorningg ' yall ",0 "If she would've came over , we wasnt going to sleep ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yesss lame asses didn't even know about her album until it was on Instagram fake dicksucking fans ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah g lmao ",0 "Thank you God for waking me up this morning ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao no i did it with an app . You didn't see it on IG ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Was thinking about having a girl but I pass” ",1 "yoo , jawn dumb as shit ",1 "Kana babes , when we riding to the movies again ",0 "I'm comin “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Cant wait til friday ... first day in my new apt u know im turning up ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Work , internship , classes , & just life ! ” << sounds like my schedule ” we can do it ",1 "Just got the fresh ass line up though .., ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #FB ?????? ",0 "Guess I'm going Christmas shopping with mommy tomorrow ",0 "LastNight Tho ! >>>>>>>> ",0 "Why ya girl keep blowing me up when I answer I deflate ",1 "Wowwwww I jus kno noooooooo ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yes it is and I appreciate that . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : When I see oomf , on the inside I be like on the outside I be like ” ",1 "Mane drew dumb as hell mane ",0 "let me calm down .. i had a nice day today .. ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ , I'm in my right mind now ! "" lol yeah and I'm light skin "" ",0 "Ooooo , Let me stop my mess ! ✌️ ",0 "You Wanna Fuck Me ? Bitch My Dick Not For Free ! ",1 "UnTamed4L Mfers don't want no _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Squaddddd !!!! ",1 "Finna get ghost whn I get thru eatn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop it !! ",1 "Goofy relationships >>>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lolshit u gotta do it some day ",0 "Haven't talked / Texted/ Seen/ Called/ My Twin In A Hot Minute & It Kills Me , I miss you Baaaaaby , Sexy Self . Lol _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "Niggas think I wouldn't do that ",1 "Goofy ass bitches tryna fly wit out no wings❌ #youcant !! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that turban on his head tho << ",1 "I wanna see my grandma , I miss her so much ",1 "All My Bitches Were Dimes ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wonder what kind of food they're gonna have at this potluck .... I should've ate before I came lol” I've done that b4 ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmfao , Dang I didn't know that nii ! Maybe I should go get checked too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she hay kira lol ",0 "Niggas got school in a few ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good Night Sweetie !!! ",0 "Then Got Me A Turn Up Buddy Too !! Uhhh Uhhh !! Macaroni Time !! Lmao ",0 "That just made my day ",0 "Gotta a lot of money and a big ass gun to ",1 "yall im getten played lmaooooo ",0 "Gamee Wass Funn , Seen All My REAL Niggass .. ",0 "Im over here Bumping ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟THNX _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "This bitch Shanique is childish man lmfbo lord I'm done !!!! Dawg ",0 "she finessed his ass #5 ",0 "Nancy But You Didn't Fight Tho ..... bitxh why u breathing hard ? ",1 "To cute to be going DUFFY . ",0 "Lmaoooo at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ \song "" I'm going to need her to find several seats and sit in ALL of them ! "" ",0 "I love Noobie ! Fr fr ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good Morning ♥ ",0 "Nigga just cuffin anything just to be down you better watch ya girl ",0 "my phone charge it but I doesn't show it ",1 "i gotta tell my bff some ",1 "Feeling good out .. ",0 "Cause im one stingy mf ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that shit got my stomach churning bad !!! ” ",1 "And I'm Going Shopping Wit Mikayla Saturday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks sis will do !! Love you too fam ",0 "grow up “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Imma still be mad on monday tf” ",1 "Hopefully lol but you never know ",0 "If he love u he gone mmmm \pops tongue "" Spend dat "" ",0 "Yass Traci Beat To Gawds ",0 "Goood Morningg _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "With the squad ",0 "2,000 dollar purse with no cash in ya purse . ",0 "Baee left me today ",1 "She Aint Text Me Back ✋ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fucking right ' all the boys out thea was ",0 "Chopping it up with D-money we getting these case together for tomorrow ",0 "not Finna play with her man ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnn kmichelle booty "" its fake I like my woman natural "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ard imma let u live ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got one big dumb one , I'll get another if u pay ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Next time we fuck I don't wanna fuck I wanna make love ” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Soooooooo nobody wanna hear my pick up line Y'all get on my nerves ” ",1 "Thats the first & last time a nigga rob me . Watch me get a gun & be bussin shit . ",1 "All the people who want the gammas now the ones who don't get them gone on my TL next week like \don't nobody want them weak ass shoes "" ✋ "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! That Shit TFF ! ",0 "Tf bitch that aint cute ",1 "rain down is my shitttt ",1 "Boy boy boy ",0 "I hate feeling pressed ... ",1 "Oooop ! My Daddy Retweeted Me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . ",0 "I can't stop laughing !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Dayum ",0 "/ You Cute Asl Need To Dm Me Back . & Seem Cool And You🅰1⃣ ",0 "He want nothing but a THOT anyways ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ always in the spotlight shining bright like a Diamond ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yayy can't wait . ",0 "Had a great day today , she was looking hella kute today though ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I be twerking .... "" bishhh stop "" ",1 "Wait i got phifer this semester he use to stay putting me out his class ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we Had tht Effect on Each Other ✋ Us Togetha Was \Dangerously inlove "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ see I ain't know allat give a nigga credit af tryin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i miss u too ",0 "I'm really trying not to take these twist out my hair but I'm looking so rough I need a perm ",1 "Y'all forcing that shit ain't nobody gone fight ",1 "I wanna thank god and ice cube for Friday ",1 "Standing outside cause I got put out doe ",0 "When I Went To Suitland I Gave No Fucks ",0 "He said \ONA E , iont got no BFF "" lmao spook said you bet not nigga , too funny "" ",0 "Now wow got that wade swag .. Speaking of I got called him yesterday for his swag ",0 "Marrshell Woke Me Up Out My Sleep Drawling ",1 "I Fell In Love Wit A Trap Bitch ",0 "Folks got me fucked up ",1 "Going home tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Bryce in it too ",0 "Sade a fucking fool man ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome Hunni ",0 "I want some pussy ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Carla needs to stop doing that ... ””lol grrrrrr ”haha sorry girl but he caught u !! ",0 "Me and my wife eatin pizza rolls .. Lol ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟☺ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i guess so ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah I see i feel you tho , nomore dtlr discount ❓ ",0 "How I'm now up on that shit I feel dumb slow :: slaps knee :: ",1 "Niggas still call yo cole ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ pure ignorance ",1 "They like damn he tall ",0 "Somebody save me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I Was Your Buisness Too With your Dick Riding Ass See You Soon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Somebody Teach This Nigga How To Eat Sunflower Seeds ",0 "Lol yu nice it would've been good if yu had some McDonalds tho “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol yeah . It ain't gone walk to you * ",0 "If Ion Like That Bitch , ima FLEX on Her ! ✋ ",0 "I have big pretty brown eyes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know .. We should text ",1 "Meshae BDT 12:02 Shityy ",0 "I be losing count stacking these bags cause I'm so focused on perfecting my stack ",0 "Cuz they all I got ",0 "I Seen My Fav Creep ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : goodmorning yall "" mornin mornin  "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Kmsl I'm bored man and I can't mess with Japaul he scary ! ” ",1 "I'm looking for a virgin , with some career goals , a relationship with God , a personality and a nice body . That don't too much to ask for ",0 "Lil bhadd Ass ",1 "Bestfriendd im on yo shit AGAIN #Shonteria's TWEET ♡ ",0 "Tanya love my guyysss ",0 "I'm trying get a bad bitch to come dance for me ",0 "Everybody hate meesh ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nf fb ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i cnt stop ",1 "I Can't Take These Niggas Serious ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm late but yea ... But u gotta #wherearubba ",0 "Y'all need phones ! The Dm'ing shit & waiting for you to get on twitter . Be drawnnn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ child yess I was just talkin bout dat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yo he gon catch on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ forreal doe I'm outside ",0 "School was popping today ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you wanna fight ? you gon end up on the news . ” Yeah for Whoopin Yo Ass ",0 "1:01 for Lani ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Y'all say y'all ready for these babies until life really smack ya dumb ass . But not everyone fails so hey ! ”✊ ",1 "So much to do so little time ",1 "Im a big dawgggg , you got that lil girl complex . ",0 ", currently getting my hair done : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl fly ctfu ",0 "WYS ! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Khyla is my only friend dats not a bestfriend . lbs she get hip on everythang .. dats my main thang ! ” ",0 "Kml nvm ik ",0 "Yoooo I want to see This is the End lol !!! ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ctfuuuuuuuu as always yo ! Since World days smh\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My bottom lip dry . "" ” naw my lipgloss used to pop "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ FB ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good Morning to you Bonnie ! ",0 "I love dis fuckin phine tho .... ",0 "Otp with nick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaoo school came back around too quick for ya'll!! .. & iight ima tell her too ! LOL ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I dropped a hot wing on the ground & threw it away last Sunday & I been thinking about that shyt ever since . ” ",1 "I sat here ate all Kia chips ",0 "My Ex Funny As Shit B ",0 "These folks been ctfu !! I jus went down my TL n died two times !! ",1 "But idc cause thats still My Shordyyy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao boy bye that ain't your life . Stick to basketball hun ",0 "Dopesmoke_ don't want no smoke ",1 "I kno she Love me cuz I'm Very Loyal ",0 "Khalil called me on FT I told him I was reading his messages and he clocked me ",1 "- Just Smashed Some Chinese Food &&& ` It Was Flame Asf <3 . ",1 "Bored ashit nobody textin me ",1 "U bitch sound lik blah blah blah ",0 "About to get dressed n head to jersey ",0 "GoodMorningg Dj Tweeters ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well ok Jack Imma be turnt up ",0 "My Night Ended Good ",0 "Nahhh where the fuck y'all finding these ugly ass toys from ? I can't breatheee ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao you not a thug for real coco ",0 "Nvm , Ima just text my junior cake ",0 "Nobody Ever Made Me Feel This Way , U Kiss Ma Lips Nd Then U Take My Breath Away .. ",0 "Mama said I need a boyfriend my reaction : ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ right mane she a flute ",0 "They Arguing Ova Bxtch Tht I Dne Had , Already ",1 "Im High Out My Mind . ",0 "one big room , full of fat bitches ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u must b drunk u tweetin the wrong person ",0 "I'm just sitting her like . ",1 "I Put Ma Hair Up In Pony Tail Today , Forgettin I Had A Mark On Ma Neck Nd Some Lady Was Starin Hard Shit , ",0 "FaceTime with my bro was fun lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfaooo randy said u tone death ",0 "9:04 for my all&one ",0 "Knowing heen Got no thots w/ his Faghot ah ",0 "But on my way out now finally ",0 "my phoney ass father _TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi 🅰1⃣ ",0 "Goodmoring , Im inna Good Mood Today ",0 "I'm bout hungry as hell girl give me that pu**y ",0 "I'm glad my sister leave in SPRINGFEILD I can go to her house whenever I want ",0 "Last time I loved a hoe .... She left me ! ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : & while u talkin dat shit , pardon my back bitch .. im tooo busy doin me to be worried abt u !!! """" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need to be sleep ",1 "if I'm your girl say my name boy . let me know I'm in control ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ o ok I thought ...... Now carry on ",1 "Goodmorningg TGFAD && My Son ",0 "My botfriend love my family and he fit in with us ",0 "I was sho bout to git in tht ass spelling my damn name wrong but for ur info I dnt smoke no more hopefully ill be able to for 4/20 ",1 "5555- my thugg nizzle ! you cool af and could dress ! ✊ ",0 "Gahhhhhh Damnnniiitt I Love It ",0 "#InHighSchool I loved wearing that ponytail ! ",0 "Me n yo nigga convo tho .......... smh ",1 "LOVE my BFF ✊ ",0 "I Miss My HeadAche Tho ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Eat some make up , so maybe you'll be pretty on the inside too , bitch . ” --- ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ugly ass” _TWITTER-ENTITY_ he still at it he fucked up right here doe ",1 "When Stevie told him that watch was fake ! ",1 "WCW >>>> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I got eyes all over dont play with me . ” stalker ass ",1 "Still ended up with Milo's ",0 "These niggas talk bad bout these hoes but still end up wifen the same bitch he was talking bout I swear these niggas petty ",0 "Im Up ! Fell asleep in my politics book ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HOE YOU LIEN show me a picture ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank yoouuu ",0 "Yall my phone gotta whole in it ",1 "I need to change my avi ",1 "He say it was on young man porn I'm weak ",0 "If You Like It , I Love It ",0 "Tezz be blowing me moe . ",1 "Who am I kidding I'm a still be messing wit the ratchet ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ read tweets ",0 "Our 3 way convo right now >>> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning have a nice day : ) ",0 "I hate watching movies with nay she ask a million questions lol ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : im the kinda chick dat smoke weed , get money , and slap hoes ✊” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ who u hiding from ",0 "Everytime I see you or think about you I smile ☺ ",0 "let me stop brah . ",0 "Aha Lett Me Find Out Mf's Dry Hunching ",1 "why yuh getting mad anyways ? ",1 "Clearly you ain't text me back ",1 "Lightshow and em just jih fucked dat joint up . ",0 "Somebody need to beat her ",1 "bruh today Lorenzo did all that ",1 "Imma let that slide ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ❤️”Slims what up ???? When am I gonna get that heat ?? ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ both of y'all some shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ima just laugh at they ass . I want them to feel dumb ”❗️❗️ ",0 "Ima nasty motherfucca ",1 "It's just something about her ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "Where The Hoes At ? ",1 "Watching Lizard Lick .. ",0 "ROTFL THIS NIGGA JOC SAID HE WAS GON KEEP ME BUSY SO I WOULDNR THINK THEN SAID \so you ready to get this prostitute "" b what "" ",0 "Goodnight give y'all moms a kiss goodnight from me ",0 "I don't back watch n I learn ! I see folks for who they are n not what they try to be ! ",0 "I love my avi ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ word but it's cool cause if .... Woulda asked nvmd ",0 "A-1 Dick ! ",0 "Maybe tomarrow will b a lil betta ",0 "Brianna funny aslI'm not goin see the end of summer ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Damn ol girl look nice is she from Milwaukee ???? "" No but I live here” "" ",0 "Goodnight , Taking it down now ! ",0 "Shaq a fool ",0 "Chilling with my baby _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I kno u got me , u kno i got chu too ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao the remix .. Dat shit b crazy 🅱 them thots got that comeback ” ",0 "In My Feelings ... Wait ... I Forgot .... I Ain't Got Nun !! ",1 "Lol she was killin dem DRY ahh chicken tenders thoe ",0 "this shit is fun I'm just fucking wit ppl and they don't even know ",1 "Lmfao #oomf play too much man , Calling me talking reckless ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ do it ",0 "Its finally . Over ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you welcome ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #RebelKeith ” ",1 "Then niggas hate it when u don't buy grass from them ",1 "my tv never on either ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Mike just bit me in the face , he acting real goofy”o yea tell him come get his son ” ard he said he coming ",0 "U sure is wasn't “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Guess I'll go check out best man tonite .. How was it ?? ”” ",0 "Hey PEPs I'm Jessica and I'm 12years old I'm on YouTube I cheer for the west 7 ram's ",0 "Last night ✨ poppin ! This morning even better ! ☺ ",0 "Anybody tryn go out golden corel or all u can eat im so high n hungry ☺️ ",0 "Cancers is daaaa best♋️ ",0 "What happens on da bus stays on da bus cumin soon 2 a vine near u lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he gone kick yo ass out he the manager lmao ",0 "Yasmin miss me ",1 "I lie ! ",0 "& I Got My HotSauce ",0 "Damn , now I like her forreal ",0 "Oomf tweet so much G I swear ... ",0 "I can make anybody laff : )) ",0 "Ain't nobody business but mine & my baby ! ",0 "Wayne called TMZ like make me #Relevant Justin Bieber out here slapping cameras down ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not mad lil Chapo ",0 "Kerry said somebody getting greased tomorrow ON BOO lmfaoo ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmao It's Been Done "" ahaaaa was it good ? "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 2013 goes down in history belonging to 1man , 2 unexpected ' words ' : Matthew _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !! #truedetective #dallasbuyersclub ",0 "Don't nobody give a fuck about them tears ",1 "Bobby Jay Tho My New Boyfriend Lol ( I Wish ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ where ya _TWITTER-ENTITY_ button dh ? ",0 "- mfrs miss me , & they know it ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dfl you gotta chill yo ",0 "` othaa Half _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wssp _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Nomore Gangster Tweets For Me ",0 "Bitches be like , * flips weave . * Weave be like , * stays in place . * ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Tori said email her kella !!! I can't deal with this child _TWITTER-ENTITY_ all” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I swear I hate stinky breath , that's why I don't be in people's face like that idk what fumes are coming out that shit . ” ",1 "Yooo Kayla cousin crazy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yall Funny , But Shawn Aggy ",0 "wen bitches was tryna play on me , it was ok - now its happenin too yall , & yall mad about it & wanna fight huh ",1 "Fiinnahh Finishh Textinn #OOMF Untill I Fall Asleep . Even Thoe He Textinq Back Slow ",1 "On the phone with my bestfriend ",0 "Lol to b honest everybody claim to b real and none of them really r ",0 "Chiree got mad ",1 "ima be just like shekinah !!!!!! ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : CTFU IM DONE ! Y'ALL NIGGAS MUST NOT KNOW WHAT REAL RAP IS CAUSE Y'ALL LIKE LISTENING TO JAY-Z CORNY ASS "" u don't know "" ",0 "LMAO = Lick Me All Over ! ",0 "' he probably was gone goo off on me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ watching TV with my dad . Hope you are having a good evening too ",0 "Bout to go home and be bored for the rest of the day ",1 "ctfuuuuuu never , chill yo ! Lol ",0 "Lil darryl tlkin all dis shit but still finna give up dis money fo my girl mama head phones it dnt matta wtf he say he gne do it ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't want ya stank chicken anyway Pop ",1 "TOOT TOOT ! Lol ",0 "My brother not mad at me nomore y'all Furnell called me , & told me why he was mad , & he love me & allat . ",0 "Lmao at Catfish ",0 "lmaoooo jerry springerr thooo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ TTFO laaawd ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ remember Kenaya said leave me alone y'all i got some really bad news today allshe had was a sore throat ",1 "Alot of people in public said I should be a comedian ? Because everywhere I go I be having them crying laughing even old white ladies ",0 "This pedicure tho !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ man watchout ",0 "He don't love me no more ",1 "I'm really in tears off that vine wtf ",1 "Fukk it up , ill Fukk you up . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” hi ",0 "All They Old Ass cutting Up On Stage ",1 "She Silly Mane . ",0 "Joseline look like Rihanna ona slick !! ",0 "Why she at it read all my tweets u auh see ",0 "The person u kno u can drop everybody for ",0 "The text Dijon just sent me yo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ morning young ”not young though ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Moonie AVI winning , that header .... Not sooo much "" amem "" ",0 "Plus Im still waiting for my baby love ",0 "i'm down . “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : , FaceTimeee ? Oovoo ? maneee who down ? ” ",1 "Hey cuzin I wld like a breakfast plate !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "goodnight bruh icd ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Catch my girlfriend tweet 00:00 ””lol me an her all cuffed up ",0 "Melly sleep on some early shit ",1 "Niggaa ass was all in that baw face ",0 "Light might be bright , but brown is all the way round ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you a fool !!! ",0 "Jordan in James room Beating his ass ",0 "boutaa get readyy tahh go tahh work foee ah few hours ",1 "I dnt even know the hidden agenda lmao ",0 "Niggas think they hitting got another thing coming ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol naw just want to do something diff ",1 "UMMMMM OK ION REALLY GIVE A BLEEP .... CAUSE IMA DO ME ",1 "I'M finally done working with feelings ",0 "Oh she got it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shoulda told him getting jiffy with it ",0 "Shiloh ass nigga ",1 "Big Homie Say He Got Me ",0 "Chris brown voice >>>>>> ! He mutts up to you ",0 "La'Mistha gone for the night . Goodnight #ThanksssBF : -* ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Nigguhs hate me , like Black girls hair hate water lol . . ” not this black girl ! I play in rain ",0 "If u not gonna suck my Dick ya pussy is not to be eatin RNS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Goodmorning TJ , hope u have a blessed day !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i kno man thats why i'm really mad ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cmon nah cberry” _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ my Bad ",0 "Mari don't know how to type . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ he can have my girl if it get that deep ",0 ", HAVEN'T BEEN ON HEAA iN A WHiLEE ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I ain't marrying her but , y'all bro y'all need to get married and chill out ",0 "Let me leave boo boo & mamas alone before Veah whoop my ass ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ask lou if her & kt coming to church tonight . . ik lou ain't going ! ” Lmao You Already Knoww ",0 "Stay Hungry & Stay Humble ! ",0 "That's Ah Big Ass \If "" "" ",0 "They say I'm messy cause I say whatever it is that comes to mind #shrugs ",0 "1337- you cute ",0 "hate being sick ",1 "left my phone upstairs brodiee was widee awake , camee backk this nigga SNORRING louddd ",1 "Jack ass got meh TTFO ",0 "This lil THOT funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ When I Listen To VSOP , I Feel Like U Are Sitting Next To Me .! ",0 "I woke him up ",1 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟Fwm ",0 "- ugh ya ass lol ",1 "I dead tht nigga said alligator skin ",0 "I'm lying to Nasir thou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ >> nf .. fb ?? ",0 ", what I heard today ",0 "I Don't Do Roller Coasters Kno More Ather What i see on tv ",0 "To all high school dropouts just remember 2 things ( 1 . You tried your best ( 2 . I love pickles on my Big Mac's ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ bye baldy ! ” my shit look just like your forehead lol ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : When I get a boyfriend ” Mofos Won't Be Able To Tell Me Shit ",1 "Long ass message I just sent her ",1 "Lookin fa a Ruby ",0 "I need to add a few as well ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol naw , ima let you think that tho . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ its past your bedtime dh”chill dh I never sleep ",1 "youu claimingg ' ah girl thats not claiming youu . . but she claimingg everybody else smhh ",0 "Good Morning ladies and gentleman ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ \stop it lil nigguh "" ”lmaooo migos voice "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao lol you my bitch ",0 "Nell said get it on his foot . We in here fooling the shade . She so fckn shady yoooo ",0 "My Lil Baby Tried Ta Stay Up &' Wait On Me Ta Get Home ",1 "I got a plug on the orders n I aint telling nobody ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Good morning "" Goodmorning "" morning "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ian ask fr yo opinion kml . "" lol I no yhu didn't I was jus sayin "" ",0 "So childish mane . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no & idk ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I want me a White girl BESTFRIEND ! #Frfr ” Can I fuck her ? ",0 "Asked her can I have u or nah ",0 "Idk Why My Baby Wanna TweAk ❤❓❓❓ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I said it in my rachet voice too lmao !! ",0 "Dwight Howard is a bitch ass nigga ! He will never have my respect ! Ole wide shoulders having ass botch ",1 "Take yu from yo nigga ",0 "I see Ashlea got the tit out in the avi ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no u don't ",0 "White dude just called me a nigga online ",0 "A Lil shopping will make me feel better ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Nigga called me a hoodbooger yo .! "" you look damn good but cheap as fuck . "" ",0 "Just drove past _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch ass ",0 "THANK YOU JESUS !!! Everything on your time ",0 "#ThingsDoujinsHaveTaughtMe is trending ? I'm crying dog ",1 "Ctfu lemme go check out whatever titty talking bout ! ",0 ", imma call don today if I can find his number ",0 "Having a drink with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you a fucking clown ",0 "I Love Their Accents Though ",0 "Yu lavish niggas lame bruh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ heyyyyy ion remember that ?? But u cool in my books IMy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol wyd ",0 "Most def Finna get on nat ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Umm nice ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : What is bre doing ?! ”what is Kerry doing ? ",1 "-- Watchingg Hurricanee Seasonn ",0 "He really think we in a relationship ",1 "I wantd to commit a couple crimesWit lil relly ... But put a smile on light bright ",0 "now everybody calling wanna go to edens ❗❗❗ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋✋ ! Icd ",0 "He just sucked jada dick ",0 "Finna Tweet Kazyia Back Off This Lame Ass Twitter . #Girlfriend Tweet ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : On the phone with my bro _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” -- bxtch you a fool ",0 "Ass grabbingggg >>>>> iteeee ",0 "BBL Bout Too Eat Dinner ✌✌ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ol girl said \you gon fuck around & get raped "" .. naaaaaw , YOU gon fuck around & get pregnant ” play too much !! #weak "" ",0 "10:09 for meh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ look at my boo avi sheesh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ salty af ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Whaa happened to \Dollar Gang "" ??? ”” chill b . "" ",1 "My mother said I could never hold on to a relationship , she already knew it wouldn't last ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaoo REAL ",0 "In see some fat ass shaking bae go kill me ",1 "Only if she new that I really want her ❤ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it really is tho” dang ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✌ ok ok ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ n don't b lien ",0 "The game was hype ",0 "These iMessages >>>>>>> YES LAAAAWD ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ umm open yur eyes chink ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Baby fathers be like "" that's my son when I feel like it "" """" ",1 "Lemme kno we bout it bout it ",0 "EARLY BIRD GETS THE WORM ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love U Empress ",0 "Jakkie ? Zay ? LMFAOOO ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ do wat da for ? ",0 "I Got #13 But that man _TWITTER-ENTITY_ messed up big time ",1 ", breh this bill gates freestyle gone be a killer . lmfao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stealing , this was last year tho ",0 "Goodnight lil baby✌ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 ", bouta get & the shower & chill ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am calm shitty ",1 "Yall females suppose to be listenin to gah damn mary j blige an shit yall listenin to trap music ",0 "Lol shawty stay throwing stuff ",0 "Niggas be telling females they love them knowing damn well they don't ! ",0 "Oh shit guess I'm not in twitter jail ... With that being said goodmoring tweeters ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this night Jordan tried to say teddy was better than AJ ",0 "I've realize I've stick all my big bills in the Goose bootle .!!! ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol but wait . You can't tho bitch ! On God you don't know me lol don't fuckin play bitch” stay in ya lane ",0 "Them Pink Kisses On My neck ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If I never sucked ya dick with pop rocks I didn't like yo ass for real #NoLie bitches love sucking dick with pop rocks ” ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Tf they talkin bout ? nigga "" ctfu but wh6 they crying tho ? "" ",1 "Making love to the the money , I swear the sex great ",0 "Going to RVA in a few weeks to visit _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "DES hoes on my DICK ",0 "She said she had a pic of her husband cheatin n he said it wasn't him lmfao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u still got me block CTFU ",0 "Imma young nigga that got it ",0 "Y'all and these RG3 slanders ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I cant lie iont wear levi's” what are Levi's ? ",0 "Goodmormin stink this is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hacking ya shiiiittt ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : lol I will never understand ppl waking up horny ” it's natural for males ",0 "Haaaaannn lol ` You Not Tho ? I Gotta Feeling ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hope BD not in his glory he still aint SHIT ! ” ",1 "I don't know the difference between Darkskin and light Skin ",0 "Lean Drinkin heven ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ where do I send my resume ✨✨✨ ",0 "My lock screen ",0 "I'm Not Safe ",1 "I can't wait until she get crazy g . Lol I love that shit ! ",0 "Just won $20 on a $2 scratch ticket . Today has been a good day ",0 "Bitches be mad at everybody BUT the nigga thats cheating on em !! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me and my man” who are y'all ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awww * tear * u too good , bad and the ugly ! #DownAssChick ",0 "GoodNight Twitter ! ✌ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey how are you ? ” Heyyy ... I'm good how are you love”good feeding my fat face as usual lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #BowWowTextToCiara You know Future ain't fresh as am iz” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you would be soo proud of me ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck you nigga ",0 "it's charging now ",1 "I crack myself uppp ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ard ima chill ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Im salty af this nigga stole my clothes though smh” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Dats What them hoes wanna see How u living BITCH PLZ !!!! ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u prolly doin the same thang ",0 "soft ass nigga mane . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fb nd wats Qaun name on here ? ",0 "SHE CAN GET IT ",0 "OTP with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Gucci Mane x I Heard . # Bae Tweet ! ",0 "Catch up bitches ",0 "I must stick w| you my babyyyy ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im so dead ass ",1 "Kids Havin Kids , Yall Ainn Readyy #Alex : ) ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : them nasty ass teeth In Torrey mouth” ✋ ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Now you dark skin and brown skin ladies ” ",0 "With my mommy & my granny ! ",0 "Got Yo Bitxh Send Pic Of Her Asx In Ah Thong ",0 "Ham The Geek ",0 "She ain't going nowhere .. Even though I thought she was this morning ",1 "I said I was hungry this lady said she got a meal on wheels for me nah I'm good ",0 "My IG ... STRAIGHT FLEXIN DOE ... ✌ ",0 ". I need a gf a good girl ..... slow me down .. i think i need a lady friend ",1 "W/ my daddy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you not sleeeppp ",0 "6:18 My Sis Kionna ",0 "Its good to c family u ain't seen n forever ",0 "She wasn't right in the head y'all ",0 "Lol _TWITTER-ENTITY_ them lips tho lls ",0 "He had me weak tho ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ft me bro I'm trynna watch the fight ”ctfuuuu my shit on 8% ",0 "goin to the movies to see warm bodies ",0 "She aint gon get it ✋ ",0 "That's watsup im not missing your visit this time .. mz babybang ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , text me 4)516)6822 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ crazy about you and because of you ... now ... CAN YOU DIG THAT , SUCCCKAAAA ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ik what yu talkin about .... But see the way my lips is set up .. if aint get nun then yu ain't get nun .. but I thought about it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi >>> ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : l wonder if my boo at work today ” nah I'm off lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up they gone be popping ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I Been Told You Bye Lawno FSE And You Right ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck you bitch , you ain't come ",0 "Who got Change for a Dollar ??? Nobody alright lol ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . U Play Soo Much Guah ! Smh✋ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Gotta love making money ” ",0 "Build a bae ",0 "« _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Out of clinicals early » oh ",0 "The Door Rang & Tonya Asked Me Do I Hear It , \ I Saidd NO IM SLEEP "" ! She Guhhhh '"" ",0 "if he dont pick up onna first ring i already know it ain't happenin lol ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ \ Mr. Hauck , how do we do- "" * smirks and shrugs * "" I don't know ! ☺️ """" ",0 "So He Call His Self Madd At Me KMSL Gonne Be Madd No Worries ",0 "Y'all niggas lurk too . ",0 "She a bulls fan and I like da heat she mad as shit ",0 "When I don't text back but I . Keep tweeting .. .. ",1 "A nap is well needed right now ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : all of my friends love my parents , I just be like lol” my pops too nigga , don't be selfish . ",0 "So nobody defending drake tonight ....... ",1 "My brother back ",0 "my fingers look like skinny rectangles ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ buh buh ! ",0 "Since my sister the candy lady finna steal a drink bow ! My ass might as well be a fish I'm always thirsty . ",1 "I wanna be a do right Man ... ",1 "Come on ! This Nikka got all these models and his own clothing line and gotta Fucc wit mines .! ",0 "The thug can't help but to come out of Rihanna !!! Love her ! ",0 "You doing you soo why not do me ..... ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ do Chris brown - they don't kno ",0 "\ Keeps The Thugs In Jail , you Know What I'm Saying ? "" #LotteryTicket "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ naw I'm get toG there mines bigger than muffs now I wear a 34c ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl byeee . ",1 "Smh now this big madea lookin hoe tryna subtweet sum shit , YEAH I CAUGHT IT ... IAN GOTTA TLK THAT LIFE U KNO IM BOUT IT AYE ",1 "IM BACK ! ",0 "Jerk fish , shrimp & spaghetti for dinner ",0 "Ppl need Ta realize he gone be where I want him Ta be ",1 "College girls >>>>> ",0 "I make myself laugh ",0 "I'm so mad # punk ass pussy ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I went and looked at the tweets dawg lmfao ! I'm dead ",0 "Erica cheek bones are nice af ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Well we gotta link up & get some seafood” yesssss , we need to ASAP ! Ctfu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol Iight ",0 "Shout out to my weed man ",0 "yo ya gotta chilllllll “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Drake the type of nigga to cry on Maury when the kid isn't his . ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know I never had a problem I'm not pregnant now so I can sling your ass better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the red one ",0 "I Wanna New Header .. ? ",1 "You know who put the regular gas in the car ? That regular bitch you was with ",0 "my armis killingme and my grandma drawlin and making me mad like cant wait to go homein ten1⃣0⃣more days ",0 "Say he cashed out ? APRIL FOOLS ",0 "Message I just got oomf funny bruh ",0 "Got 2 Words For Y'all Haters Fuck You ",0 "Just got my hair did by my lil sister ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : You just don't get it or idk .. But mi LIIIIKE YOUUUU ! "" better be talking about me nigga ! "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks mama "" lol no problem pai "" ",0 "Gettin my hair done today ",0 "My nigga my nigga , my nigga ✊ ",0 "My dog is already scared punk ass ",1 "Tracy ass cant hang no more ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I see ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning beautiful Fb ? ",0 "Omw to Benihana's w/ my mommy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh hell yea , hey my amazon queen good look buff ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good Morning Love & Fb ",0 "It's just a damn post don't nobody won't dem ",1 "Is this Video on 106 and park serious ",0 "I miss bae ",1 "Messy than a dog _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Out side coolin by myself”So .. ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what's up boo ",0 "im not cheating , im just speaking my mind .. im so faithful ",0 "bitches love niggas w/ iPhones ",0 "oomf need to go sit ha funny looking ass down somewhea ",0 "Lol she disrespectful for that ",0 "Ahhh shit . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ They jus b talking Boo u no u cute kml but cho ugly ass isss poe tho ",0 "He trynna be sneaky iKnow what he meant by that ",0 "mainee yall just dnt kno wat ",0 "lmfaoo watching loiter squad ",0 "Lol I said Ima be virgin till I'm 28 soul one said in her accent \shidddd you have fun with that shit "" "" ",0 "Tell'em Nae Nae ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ a rat tho ew ",0 "trill still wining or nah ",0 "Staying up all night folding clothes dtfl ",0 "Don't worry about me , baby I'm good ",0 "TARA A FUCKING BOSS Bruh she don't give a fuck . ",1 "& He just texted me but he think I'm mad ",1 "In My Feelings ... Wait ... I Forgot .... I Ain't Got Nun !! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmfaooo I wish my her ass would she gone complain bout everything .. Why the ride so big ",1 "She cute fr tho ",0 "Nika ass a FREAK . This idea she got though fse ",0 "The Miami Heat Mutted the Harlem shake ! Lebron got off ",0 "I can't wait to track session ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ chill moee u prolly listening to drake ",0 "let me guess , all the hoes scared of thunder ? ",0 "Got my night cap gm ",0 "BGC reunion , oh YESSS ! ",0 "Whooped Lerie TWICE ! ",0 "I had fun today ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟☺ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "bouta txt sexayy chocolatee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ turn up lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate ah \ COME SEE ME "" ass nigga ” "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oooo ok ok ",0 "Cap and grown pics today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hooly F . So u d crazy fucker been stealing her money and our bread huh before ya weekly payment ,. no wonder you got fired !!! ",1 "Mann I gots to try that Chipotle place one day ",0 "Ima miss Bae tho ",1 "My bae & I still do that ",0 "Levis On My Ass Make Me Look THICK ",0 "Good Morning ! Everyone ",0 "Imma geek ☁️ ",0 "Ima Call My Bf & Clown His Lil Ass ",0 "Bitches need to stop getting home made braids in there hair only be having bout 8 of em & edges still be out . ✋ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nah lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u not bout it smh faking on twitter Lls ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good-Morning N have a nice day ! ",0 "Lol quee got me weak ",0 "I be texting back slow as shit ",1 "Pregnant or nah ? ",0 "12:18 For Ken ",0 "The message Miesha sent me >>>> ",0 "Chllin wit mii youngins ",0 "Rey text Bae ",0 "It should have rained outside tonight ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Paul walker is gonna come back before D . rose” that's fucked up _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",1 "Kanye & Kim bout freaky as hell for that Bound 2 video . ",0 "Ima be shrewwwwww Friday drunk aab !!! ",0 "Heyyyyyyyy Baby !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Derricc rose thought his sill ass was slicc still got the heat FIRST game” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : He so fine , he make my blood boil” ",0 "& she ain't know I got a screenshot of ha extra cheesy ahh on FaceTime . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck u nigga ",0 "Girls Be Boss Ass Bitches Until It's Time To Read In Class ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . GOODMORNING ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok ok ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol you card was declined ",0 "Cap and grown pics today ",0 "My new connect a blood that nigga said word to blood you my lil nigga word on my 5 ima send head shots for ya ",0 "I ain't gotta fxck yo bitch I got my own girls ",0 "Like I Care That's What Myy House For ",0 "My nigga Aman Coming home 1/2 of the fiens ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ gettin high as fuck and got the motherfuckin munchies right now you feel me girl $$$ !!!!! $$gettin papper too$$$ !!! ",0 "Love his grilled cheese ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Goodmorning Bae , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Have A Good Day , & Remember I Love You ^__^ ♥ "" Baeeeee ! Okaaaay ! "" ",0 "_ Big Mech Did iiT Uhp Ta Night Na : ) _ ",0 "Tyeler try say she got them all right try lie ",0 "I'm a silly person I laugh at everything ",0 "Nya is going off on twitter , I'm bouta hit my \Crazy Legs "" lol "" ",0 "He called me baby ",0 "#wcw !!!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ shittin on yo women crush ",0 "Kee #Turntup this Mrng #ImConvinced ",0 "Somebody Text Me . My Fone Dry As Somebody Grandmother ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ FUCK DAT BITCH LLS” ",0 "It's my time to shine bitch I Thank ya lord for it all ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , what you make on that quiz ? ",0 "But wait y'all the little girl still tryanna rumble . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks baby & we missed you too !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ has me and my coworkers in tears right now !!! PTO !!! Nooooo ",1 "That's Some Nasty Soda ! Uuggghhhh . ",1 "Currently working on my dreams until 8pm when #gameofthrones comes on ",0 "Bbl , going to tweet off my bestfriend page : ) ",0 "This Movie Just Made Me Cry ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Them coaches really woke us up to go practice again ! ” ",1 "You Can't Ball Even Once , Ya BUMM ' _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Ayo juwan is in love with her ",0 "& For Me To Think Ii Was Finna Go Back To Sleep & Dream About Megan Goods ? Hell Nawl This Is Better My Baby Can Wait ",0 "I rather be beating some up when the ball drop then getting turnt up ",1 "Bored Out My Mind ! ",0 "Bitches be so worried about other bitches they be forgetting to get they shit right ",1 "-Lol You Pretty But Ya Avi Scaring Me ",0 "I'm siting here laughing cause he said he was go smack me ",0 "Was ballin today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Okk But Imma Ask My Daddy ",0 "chicken nd waffles for b fasttttt ",0 "ido got a trick up my sleeve doe ",0 "Im A Celebrity To These Weak Ass Bitches ",0 "Seen my boo today .. ",0 "I have a weakness for people with accents ",0 "I Need Too FUCK Some Bad I Got Some Pressure Build Up #Boosie ",0 "Boy Get Yo Life ",1 "My Momma Keep On Talking Bout The Spurs & Hollowering For Them Ha Ass Didn't Kno Shit About No NBA Until Tonite . ",1 ": up on dhss earlyy morningg ... ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why thank you lol ",0 "after ye perform nigga gone forget all about kendrick shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ kiddie peach !! Lol ",0 "Lames niggas always sneak dissing ",0 "Yo gotti song i know thats my shit ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ has made my day !!! ;-) ” - ",0 "if I was him I'd cheat on her too ",0 "Damn I was finna say _TWITTER-ENTITY_ didn't get on twitter tonight then I seem her tweet ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Don't stress what coulda or shoulda happened .. because what DID happen prepared u for what's GONNA happen ! #TheSW "" AMEN ! "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah brother look good or watevaa ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh thts her Fav excuse ..... but it's a great excuse tho lol” aww man don't do that ",1 "Somebody should come see me : )) I ain't about too waste myPRETTY $$ fr ",0 "Lol They Hard On Lil Kim ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know bkuz yo daddy was to busy burping me ! Fukk wrong wit u ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ who fish head ? but yo idk wtf tyron did too my phone ' when I was sleep I woke up and it was like that im mad yo ",1 "Why do Ravyn think I be serious I never nothing from no one ",1 "These Vegas stories wild as fcuk !!! \She say she was dipping chicken fingers in ranch buttaball NAKED ! "" ",0 "I Guess Bro _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Stopin Talkin To _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol ",0 "GETTING MY BRACES SOON CAN'T WAIT TO CLOSE MY GAP ",0 "I wana make love ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm going to remind Kelsey that I didn't want kids so she better be thankful she made it full term” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm crying ",1 "Don't Chase These Niggas ! They Can't Do Shit For You That You Can't Do For Yourself ! #StraightUp ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just being honest ",0 "Angel called too check on me today ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm fine , just tired after another long day at work . On my way home and will be so glad when I get there . Eat , then sleep . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wiley told me to tell u be ready wen he get out he making u his guh❗❗ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sunday morning ",0 "I was TerRio size when I was a kid , I nvr grew outta it . But I bet you won't say shit to my face ",1 "Quinn Cook Look Like J Cole ",0 "OMGGGG . lol I juss got likeee sooo happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ really makes this face tho #reallife ",0 "Adrionna & kyren >>>> ",0 "God Really Toke His Time On _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "School Almost Out ",1 "I Aint Tripping ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ always n my prayers -- u & ur family ..... all the best ",0 "I hate these hoes . I don't want em ",1 "That car wash we had tho was >>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes old boo ! ",0 "<--- thats me holdin it in lol ",0 "Who Wanna Be My New Header ? ",0 "Lol just got me a big asx smile ",0 "you got hair frm India , but edges frm Africa ✋ bitch go head . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yo like you crazy I'm really gotta chill ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Girls Go To College And Get Freaked Out Foreal ! ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's Christmas And We Crying Its Gotta Stop Ill Stop First Cause I Kno U Might Keep Crying Smile Please ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love her too ",0 "Fuck outta her with that Loyal shit ",0 "Put Ayanna On Silent ",0 "& She Got A Damn Bonnet On ✋ ",1 "Lol Clothes On , Hair FlatIron , Looking Sexxayy , Fin To Get Out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ name spelled right ✔ , and Oohhhh yu hate me huh .. Join the list ✏ ",0 "then we got mad as hell cause now everybody goin be on it ! ",1 "I get Payed Tomorrow !!! ",0 ", Ian never change my password & he ain't never changes his . ",1 "Homie skate board say Sketchers ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ freaky ASF yo ",0 "Ray Lewis doing them squats >>>>>>>>> ",0 "All these _TWITTER-ENTITY_ songs & y'all niggas still haven't learned . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lay Down ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't worry bout em ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao I love your passion .. but my squad got it this year ",0 "Still At Home ",1 "tanishia ain't even have to say anything to em tho . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay boo ",0 "Send me some emojis to my d.m & ima tweet about you ",0 "I want a long ass , serious ass relationship ❤️ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ",0 "Watching Bad Boys ",0 ", Its my WildDay ! 12.13 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfuuu mad as shit ",0 "Kik : taht2timesInsta : msstreisand_Show me love on her and I'll show it back ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My girl ain't got me doing what josh be doing ” I'm a virgin lol ",0 "Quote this with a picture I can make my header ",0 "changed my AVI , HEADER & bio . lol tha boringness ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : He Mad as shit I puts lock on my phone” bitch u married take it Off ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes lawd ",0 "Evry nigga u use 2 fuck wit got ya numba and still kall uu ... But uu ain't doing nuttin loll ✋✋ ",0 "Every time I see the word FRIENDS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ racist bitch ! ",0 "I'm not racist at all .. I just talk crazy . I love my white bitches ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good nite Chou ",0 "yasss jon b ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you sexyyy ",0 "What you call a white girl with AZZ ? White Choclate ",0 "#WCW #2 _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Creep shit man ",1 "Mane * Swack Voice * ",0 "ODU Saturday to see my bf _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Make up sex going down tonight ... Ima make em tap out ... ",0 "Lmaooo My Mama Calll Back Just To Ask Who Sang See I Met Her At Magic ",0 "#RizzoliandIsles im am about to cry i have 7mins now till it over ",1 "My nephew growing up so fast ",1 "Webbie x Shawty Know ",0 "Goodmorning yall I'm inna Good mood ! ",0 "nigga try justify a situation & got caught up he thought mama was goin lie for him bitch just his ass yooo I'm weak don't cheat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺☺ Kay ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u gonna choose a restaurant dats near u but hella far from me”lmfaoo i juss choose one my fault ",0 "Really ain't feeling my second job 2 much .. hope the day go by fast . Goodmorning tho ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : "" Lloyd-players prayer "" throw back . I took it back forreal y'all . "" smh memories "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what's up friend ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : , DONT worry about who im calling Baee uu need tah watch who yo man calling BAE nick ! """" ",0 "Hoes desperate niggas thirsty what is this world coming to now everybody trying to be captain save a hoe aka Dr. Phil ",1 "Destini throwin shade ",0 "Just got 200 off my card ",0 "These thangs on Jerry Springer <<< ",1 "I'm Bored AsShit , I'm Ready To Mix ",1 "Free Staccoooooooooooo keep it up ... ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you peep Ree ? ",0 "Dead and a half ",1 "I'm tired but I gotta go to suh house . ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This Weather Bisexual . ” ",0 "Try nobody ... ",1 "7:26 For _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm the type of nigga that's built to last you fuck wit me I put my foot in ya ass lmfao !! gotta love 2chainz ",0 "Dro & scoob was flexin inna projects earlier ",0 "chief keef needa make a song off that ",0 "Catfish be funny as shit ",0 "but ithds cool ill do anything foee myy sis n bruh ",0 "Ppl be lying shit I don't even be getting mad anymore , I'll just laugh your ass out ",0 "What to Tweet About ? ",0 "Im Irvington Park Balling Up ",0 "He told me he has to be mother father grandmother and grandfather my reply was oXoxo ",0 "Fuxk fuxkin a Bitxh and leavin her , I like to keep hittin dat pussy over & over ",0 "Had fun with my baby today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol u will c .. Try me ... U gone make me bring the gangsta out of me ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : new avi "" >>>> nice avi "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : dinner , ice cream , & amp ; movies withhhh my baby daddy ❤” that's real , cheater ",0 "Naps Salty as shit Cause we Fucked Them Carver Bears Upp lmfaaaooo ",0 ". ' this boy stupidd ! ' ",1 "Because we complete each other there's no love like black love . #igotathingfor black guys ",0 "Wanna go have lunch ☺ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Play Migos at My funeral if they catch Me slipping TTU” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Them DSLs”” ",0 "maneeeee kee murked da da ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yeen Finna leave Dothan ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you Trynna go ? Bet . I know my shit round . Lol” naw I ain't on shit tho lol ",0 "Don't worry my man won't mind as long as we bring him something ! Lol !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ IM SCHLEEP ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ FB ? ",0 "\ Get out the way Rasheeda ! "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we Gne See ",0 "She Told Me Go Deeper ., I Know I Just Ain't Hear That✋ ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lil brother just told me hats why you going be a woman beater "" tf that aint even no insult dumb dick” MY NIGGA ! "" ",0 "He Lying His Ass Off Smmfh ! ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Keep yo Head up Lit Dre Sorry For Yo Lost "" Thanks "" ",0 "I Came Home And Passed Out In my Room ",1 "He Told Me She Keep Her Pussy On 360 . ",0 "Quannie Got Them Chief Keef Knuckles ",0 "WE GOING ON A PICNIC ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No i wouldnt lol imma virgin ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop fuckin playin with me mr. boggs” just stop talking moe damn ",1 "Beef it up . ✊✊ | ✊✊ \ |\ / \ / | / | | / \ / \ / \ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u upset cause ii got more hair than u ",0 "Did the president eat her tho lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm taking a shit dawg I got the runs ",1 "he said his mother ganna Kill him ",0 "Their singing my song ",0 "cuz got me joked .. ",0 "ii was drilling Brice ahh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao ! not finna play with you ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Nigga need some food "" go get some after school  "" ",1 "Doctors appointment is a week away ! I'm ready to tell my doctor all about these little movements ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Mane on everythang my cousin bitch betta stop comin ova with ha thick ass . Me & Lil Mark gone toss that hoe” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's so petty ",1 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟_ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ happy 4th ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lil fresh hood dry as shit tho ",0 "Niggas Always Worried Abt If A Bitch Hair Go Past They Ear ✋✋ Worrie Abt If Ya Dick Go Past Ya Balls ",0 "He Said I Can't Feel My Snowballs ",1 "These Ask.fm thugs act like I don't know who they are ! ",1 ", these two ppl at my job is the funniest like Leah keep trying wait too I leave out too talk too niggie they is erky ",0 "TV is drake . He was in class singing drake lyrics . And texting drake lyrics . He fuckin cried in class . I was so dead ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ :  buddy say when I was little I use to love smelling weed & fall asleep ! ” ",0 "7:27 Kaywane Beeday Tweeet ",0 "On the phone with Bestfriend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks doll ",0 "Before having sex with a girl \FINGER HER "" & put it 2 her nose if she jump back "" SEND THAT HOE HOME "" !! "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ikr .... Quria Soo Crazy ",0 "Im Geekd Up . Ah Couple Mo Mary Janes And Its Grub Time !!!! ",0 "Can y'all have another one tomar foreal ",0 "That nigga Brandon betta run .. The whole New Orleans boudta be coming for that ass #NoSnitchesAllowed ",0 "But the #Heat fans really though they was gonna win this game tho ! Pitiful ",0 "I Know Girls Wit Fake Names To Hide Their Thotty Ways ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think you are jealous we miss you too !!!! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too ! ",0 "My brownies done ",0 "Boy wtf , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so gangster on this song ya , damn I scared of that bit now ! put a chopper to yo wife ! Damn boe u to damn gangsta ",0 "Watching Barbershop 2 ",0 "Welp we had fun while it lasted ",0 "Texting oomf she want the same things I want in life ",1 "I love my cousin man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ✊ & you know I don't never stop ",0 "7:25 for this baddie _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✊ ",0 "Wait but who she fucking up ? ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lil nigga was irk ",0 "Grandad was high on weed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Biz Knowledge : bitches like fucking niggas with bitches . ",0 "This hoe diamond ✋sheesh ",0 "Can't wait to do hair after school this should be fun ",0 "I'm boss & you a bitch ",0 "I might gett oomf sumin for her b day on some being nice Shit ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , tell her take them ratchet ass flip flappers off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wyd ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hard Work Pays Off ... Luv It” ",0 "Had a good night just talking to my loves : ) ♥ ",0 "Ctfu lbvs lbvs lbs lbs lbs lbs ",0 "Thnks To Dree iFeel Better Noww ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that shit too funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes , Keith was mad as shit tryna get it back ",1 "Thursday Night basketball ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aww !! I miss you too !!! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he say grace before he eat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I know his aggravatin ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u never chilling grinding them up like that smh ",1 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟Basic bitch tweet ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ Wait You Talking Reckless Outta Hunger , Quit It .! ”u not cutier den me quit it ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmao I'm dying laughing you got me tears you funny as hell ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ call me ",1 "Smh wnic is my tl rite nowerrbody on hea tweetn abt it ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u keep changing it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this bitch yo ass will be overseas . ",1 "My fav⭐️ jus left #TLJ . We gon roc 4eva no matta wht ! ",0 "Lhu told me off her so ima off her she put a price on ya head wit no auction ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you gotta chill ",0 "9months and counting ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This lame ass chick called my son ugly ” want me to slap her ? ",1 "Ig Be Lying ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fuck you too . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what glizzy say pop des niggas don't want no work like a Monday _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "deezy shutup ! ",1 "Retweeting my boo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ like shit cause she on one ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I really love my grandma """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl u ain't never on twitter ",0 "Im the pettiest person alive !! ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ AN I DNT CARE WAT KIS FRANDS SAY WAD WE HAD WAS LIKE JAY AN BEYONCE ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning ..! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You Got My Chinese Boyfriend In Yo Avi ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol devilish things ",0 "She be having them lil white tonsil stones on her mic ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' ohh uu ready tu have your BABYGIRL ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol tommarrow we gon turn up in text messages like old times I'm tired today ",1 "- U Cute & Why You Keep Playing Wit My Bro _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i cant let no nigga who suck dick hit my weed wtf wake up with a onomatopoeia on my face” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Get out yo feelings h*e #GuiltySpeak ” who ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop lying hoe ",0 "i have crawfish ",0 "Woke to a Good Morning Text from my Stank ",0 "Let me txt Tj Bates !! ",0 "Lmao oomfs got the hoes .... Gone head playa do yo thang ",0 "I mean call it what you want . Ms Edna baby simba timone don't matter lmao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , early morning breath havin ass ",0 "I wanna leave Birmingham for the summer .. jst me & #oomf go to Florida , California or some ' ! ",1 "DeMarcus Was About To Drill Chalmers Too ",0 "Ugh Brittani needa wake up so we can Bake , Go to breakfast☕️ , and Chill Til she got work ... ",1 "Baby i just wanna play with you ",1 "Gotta love her tho : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that is yo sis ain't it em em em ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Like that girl couldn't walk but could run lmfaoooo now walk it out” LMBO !! Girl you silly ! ",0 "Nobody in my messages got emojis ",1 ". NIGHT OVER ✌✌ TIME TO BE MUSHY .... LOL BESTIE TLK .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You so damn silly ",0 "Yo avi duhh ",0 "anything for me ? um * listen * ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ”she be hatin Cj ! ",0 "Yazmin Got Me Fucked Up If I'm Doin All them Emojis ",0 "I play too much I'm a clown ",0 "Y'all I love my big sister . ",0 "BEING HER >> ",0 "I remember when _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was cuffed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good-Morning n hope you have a nice day ! ☀n FB ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Real Niccas Only Settle Down With One Female #Word ”A Krab Nigga Would Say Dis 4 A Retweet” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh I know ! ESP on instagram !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ infected booty lil girl ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitches think thy ass gettin fat , now me HA ; he puttin in wrk errytime . ” Not you too hater ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just showing love ! ",0 "2014 Summer Gon Be Poppin , I'm Not Allowing It To Be Ass This Year ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Where's My Baby ? "" right here "" Ughh Not Yu Lol But Heyyyy Cousinnnnnn "" ",1 "But im the one who soo call be trippen .. iiqht bet ",0 "Lmaoo bulls like damn I 2 lost ",0 "Its cooo , I woke speak on it ! lol ",0 "I lowkey like irritating my boyfriend .. shit funny as hell . he get so mad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell nawweeeeeee stop it ",0 "We some damn #Monsters ",1 "If Money ain't the Subject then change it . ",1 "Got like a million an 1 compliments today !! ",0 "toyaaaa be trippin hard doggg she still my friend thooo i love toyaaa long ! forever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I can tho #swerve p ",0 "Me & ma cousin out next weekend she got a nice lil wip tho , I can't believe she drivin doe .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ put me down foo ",0 "This bitch just said her nigga don't be on the gram or twitter , but he be in Facebook playing hisself cause he know she don't be on there ",0 "Couldn't be sober with a drunk ass tweet like that ",0 "these pics right now ",1 "On my way out day 2 of the 7day turn up for my bday ",0 "Bout to shower & lay down & wait on him to call me ",1 "She ugly as shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ anybody would” dam dug she really playin wit u ",0 "well how mines taste ",0 "Responding back to my text all late & shxt <<<<< I don't like that shxt ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Your header cute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's C Hamp right there !! Wit her twatching ass ! She's a twatcher ! ",0 "Them Groupie Bitches See A Nigga Balling . I Straight Hit Them With The \SWERVE "" !! ✋ "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too ",1 "Man this nigga Kendell swear he got waves thoe Tf man no waves ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I don't feel like washing my hair so I'm going to class tomorrow just like this !!! * shrugs*” wash that shit ",1 "Waiting for my dad , Eddies for dinner ",0 "These Young Ass Girls Claimin Niqqas That's & 33rd On They Way To Prison Some where Lmao I'm DONE ",0 "Bitches Be Like \ Soon As I See Shawty , Its On Sight ✊ "" * Shawty Walks Past * "" She Lucky She Ain't Look My Way "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks kushhhh ",0 "long nites EARLY MORNING up thuggin it .... #loving it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , lmao I got chu : ) ",0 "Going go see about another job thursday money the only thing that excite me ❗️ ",0 "Joseline said hey maid #LHHATL ",0 "My baby been sleep on me he kno him daddy made me mad so he fussed at him all morning ",1 "im goin be a stripper , ",0 "I love u ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good seeing u the other day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop lying ",0 "Ctfuuuu a gay boy took her away ",0 "I got money put upand in the bank I don't got the bag I want ✋but I'm good I'm not done yet I hope u niggas watching ",1 "ii want sumoee tats manee !! >> ",0 "Quett messing with Danielle riend "" lmao "" ",0 "Teesie singing * feelings * ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : yall is maaaaaad he did ray rice dance  chill on him  mad asses” Ray Lewis ",0 "When the white niggas was arguin wit the Mexicans in City view on Erie be the funniest ",0 "He Get Me What I Want , But Ain't Got No Feelings For Em ' What So Ever ✌ ",1 "Bestfriend ? #DT ",0 "GN Tweeples ! ✌ ",0 "My doorbell don't work so if they don't knock ohh fucking well ",1 "I touch her soul wen i hit that pussy frm the back ",0 "- GoodMorning ! Biig Day today ...... but whats to say ... Work Flow _TWITTER-ENTITY_ 4 ; 30 ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Let the Truth be Told ! .. hope u enjoyed the first episode "" it was great . Im glad you coming into your own "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you Baby !! "" I miss you to suh !! "" ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ outta line ”big ass red circle though ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I lowkey look thick tonight ” let me see lol ",0 "Im My Own Bestfriend Lmao ",0 "Bra I knew tht was the reason why I ain't get text all day ✋ * save tht Shit for birds * ",1 "All My Tweets Was Dam Near About D.L But Anyways Goodnight ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ctfu , next thursday im getting on facebook & amp ; sending that picture of me & amp ; shadae to her phone . ” like shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I understood it ",0 "My room hot as fuck >>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ baby gotta lil TWERK in her ",0 "Her body Bhad asl doe ",0 "my ma is sooo mfn dramatic , it make no sense , ny daddy be like stfu , lmao ",0 "Good afternoon tweople .. LastNight was sexy as hell .. So many ladies .. Smh #Colorful ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It's 2 in the morning and all y'all on beyonce's dick ”you mad ? go to sleep ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cool” sike my servants Goin cook for us _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Everytime I'm sad I look at my pics thru my phone and I always come across a video I didn't kno I recorded then I'm happy again .. ",1 "Oomf just tweet jacked another oomf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes can't u tell ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodnight kydaa ",0 "Gkgkgkgkgk wsup my jersey shore crew ",0 "This niggaa drawlin ",0 "ppl so petty & childish these days ",1 "Shit Gettin Realer Everyday ",1 "White sauce just kilt it real quick ",0 "My phone died at 30% ",1 "I hate when hoes act like they know about niggas cause if that's the case bitch why you can't keep one wit yo niggaless ass #5 ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lhhhh , I mean . #ayyeeeeee , you must up a good chance lbvs ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I got my eyes on you cause I'm a stalker ” #creepflow ",0 "Why y'all trippin off me & my baby ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bad girl ",0 "This old man just bought my hot Cheetos thinking he was getting my number ! ",0 "Dis dude swear he 2 chains ",0 "Fat Ass MeatBall Head ",0 "there u go ",0 "B and J .... I just love them ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Why ? "" dm . "" ",1 "Lol , my mama gonna snap on my ass ! I still ain't went and got in the Tub ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you fucking play ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitches love when niggas get locked up they kidnap em ",0 "Well CC really showed up and out for prom Don't come for my school unless we Send for u #Chief ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : bitches tryin ' not to like me , niggas call me great ” I think u hot bear by a hair . But your definitely great ",0 "Lets make a bet ? The heat lose the finals All Yall bitches gotta suck this dick ? They win y'all gotta suck lebron dick , ",0 "Nick Young my cousin , we got the same last name ",0 "I Love Me Some Him ",0 "but I ask my gift owns can she fuck Rell judge ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yup . ill take you there one day if u want lol """" ",0 "I still love my butters tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol yes I do !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey maya mayaaaa ",0 "Love & HipHop ... Was Popping Tonight ",0 "9:13 Y'all .. Catch It ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺thank you !!!!!! B ",0 "The news I just got ",0 "My HEADER BETTER✊ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "who Tf said I can't be mad hold my sack foh ",0 "She was scared .. ",1 "I Got Hella Thots Some Of Em \ Take The Pace Buss "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ petty as hell ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ iWas Rey Get In Your Beat ✔ ",0 "I can sing : ) ",0 "Ima take it off her phone , cut it , then put it on my phone cuz she know she don't need that . ✋ ",1 "Look at snoop ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Me & jaylin had a Vaseline & powder fight ” that white people shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaoooo onna block though ? She must be like that ",0 "Im talkin to my friend about the whole situation and he makin me feel better ",0 "dandreadoyle _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . com❕ ",1 "Off this loud ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ stamp ! ",0 "ray j really made a diss track ",0 "My Guilty Pleasure ",0 "Sittn at da table mo mo gone tell me yu drinkin dat stupid juice early lmao she kno wat bar juice iz ",0 "Ha Lil ass a Lil freek a leek #5 ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Can't wait to get away for alil ☀ """" ",0 "I'm going to sleep now ✌ ",1 "Had ta get that out my system ",1 "Fight Me ! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Go to sleep” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It's gonna be in the mid 70's all Nxt week !!! \YO FELLAZZZZZ "" * Pump it .... pump it .... pump it ... pump it * ” "" ",1 "Judge Debra just read his ass .. #zimmermantrial ",1 "youngboul just got treated yooo ",0 "My get paid today . , that's why she aint home ! ",1 "Nooo Baee . ",1 "llf my hmegrl refers to kisses as flower ; she asked if she could give me a flower & my slow ass like hell yea ",0 "Finna KO ! Goodnight . ",0 "GoodMorningg _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Have A Nicee Day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that nigga a sag ",0 "I get shawty mad wit me every nite shiddd idc thats just me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they WAS !! ",0 "Heyy . um . chillim ya knw ? Ian trynna go hme juss yet mii youngin out heaa ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop being mean to people ",1 "Cheif Keef Pandora ",0 "Hol Up , Is You Feelin Tha Lovee Right Now .. ",0 "I do the dumbest shit with my paintball gun ",1 "Cinco went hard just now ",0 "CTFU this bitch tryna b like me .... WTF ",1 "Lawdd please don't let this young hoe grow to be a dumb hoe ",1 "one thing about we may FIGHT && ARGUE but they still gone be my 3Favorite's in life > Chauncey , Doo , && Malika #KnooThat ♥ ",0 "Lhh bruh how Gucci was just asking tyga to be on a song now he talking shit see thats that hoe shit lmao ",0 "Females be on sum other shits ! Lik fr fr ",0 "Power went out for no reason ! and moms mad cause she just tripped over my shoes ! ",1 "The Shyt I Send To Tyrell ",0 "Bitches be like \I let you have him "" , naw you just couldn't keep your nigga "" ",0 "On skype With Jaelah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao .. I'm hard headed #CantHelpIt lol ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Girl so bipolar """" ",0 "Da shower & dove did my body good ",0 "Fg niggaz funny as shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol ight im not gone pressure u friend ",0 "Early bday money this morning ",0 "Why Fir call me his future Ex wife .. Like who plan on getting a divorce ",1 "They gonna bench RG 3 ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Nadia Little Friends Be Real Pressed When She Come OutsideThey Be Like Heyyyyy Nadia” that's cause my girl Popularrr lls ",0 "That vid just made a real nigga cry ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's like asking am I thirsty for it , I guess ",1 "All I gotta say she gotta big stupid donkey booty .!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yooo she outta pocket I was really just Ctfu Ashe gt right at his situation ",0 "that's all I'm going to say ",0 ". Call Mee Crazyy , But I'm Yoursss And Youu Minee ! Pleasee Don't Set Mee Free ., Call Mee Crazyyy Crazyy \Call Me Crazyy "" -Seyvn Streeter "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I thought it was me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i wish i was on the phone with minesss ",1 "Whoever be on boul twitter they be snapping . They won't stop texting him ",1 "Now my lil sister on twitter ... Time to go . ",0 "Wade Jus Cracked Tf Outta Paul George But He Fucked Up On A Bad Pass ",0 "Sleep talkers be so frustrated when you don't understand them too . Like they talking regular ",1 "They Boudd Funney Asf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Bol no just my eye ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dat boy fresh in da avi ",0 "for dude too say ieat but igotta be right dea , mf ion even get a period & iwould never - im eatin dis as well as you & my child ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Hun ",0 "He said he dam miss ha kus we jokin wit ha on twitter ... mills a lovey dovey as nigga ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you got it ! Let em go if they leave .. you can put yours out there just like the rest do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Goodmoeninn Kiaaaaaaaaaa ",0 "All my bitches FREAKY , salute Yu bitches ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG u ain't gotta do me like that well u kno I'll be 18 in 18 days ! So get ready for that invite ",0 "Girls with bad attitudes be more faithful ",0 "I thought I was going go on IG and be irritated but they funny as shit on there yo rotflmmfao ",0 "Ladies help these nigg@'s .. The city will be a better place .. ",1 "Yea im From Newark ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ jazia you acting like y'all just met sha ; ",0 "Girl I love the way you do it ",0 "I'm moving next month . ",0 "BrownSkinned been Allat , We just was piping Yall light skinned Girls for the moment How y'all Feel ? ",0 "I'm happy now ... I was blind but now I see !! Lmao ! #insider ",0 "Tweet 7:04 7:04 7:04 FOR MEHHHH ",0 "Wide awoke Otp n texting people ima be up for a while ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck that nigga ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : morning "" morning sexy lil thangg "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so walsup check up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fat Ass Done Ate Now U Sleepy && Shit ❗ ",1 "Nigga even on my brokest day y'all niggas still can't do betta den me #5 ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ How cute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ keep yo head up bestie he gone be straight hopefully they keep him in there for some time only so he'll get it this time ",0 "Less then a year ... Less than a year .. That all I keep telling myself ",1 "We go from this <<< To this >>> And that's why we this >>> ",1 "Just Talked Too My Brother . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come on you rock D . Rose & I'll be rocking J . Noah LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IT ",0 "Send emojis ✊ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nah I saw my cuz last nite ",0 "Lebron be Snapping ",0 "Think I'm turning my phone off while I'm at school tomorrow again . I did all my work : ) ima cut it back on _TWITTER-ENTITY_ 11 when I go to the doctor ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you think ? ",0 "- Off Work ...! & chilling , jus finish doing My granny haiir ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes !! :: ",0 "Wash it first “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : And Aaron kiss my ass ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ man dude you ain't lol when you do trust me you gone be like damn dreeh was right ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh shit my bad ",1 "Really ain't feeling my second job 2 much .. hope the day go by fast . Goodmorning tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ he was singing to you at prom ",0 "Lmfao her parents changed her room to a sex room lmfaooooo ",0 "I got lipstick on somebody ",0 "- You Got Who You Want ! Soooo Be Happy & Leave me alone .... Im good ",0 "CTFUUU who gets fcked in they ass doe ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i love messing with people !! ” ",0 "She a creep young I stamp ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : u a weirdo if u go to prom Nd dont graduate” ",0 "Couldn't shoot back I wasn't strap ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Stick Yo Tongue Out if You Thick ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lyin my nigga told me bout u ”what nigga doe lol ",0 "I want a Basketball Boyfriend ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck no ! I want my phone Cdfup ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what she say yo ?! ",0 "People can get mad imma be nice too them ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LMFAOOO BRUH ",0 "Slipped And Fell Into Her Dms ",0 "Rissa cousin looking all Good ",0 "She say she aint gone fuck wit me nomoe ok . tell the truth I Neva liked ya Azz noway ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i be mad in the inside doe ",1 "Quita_Badazz wht it do baee lol ",0 "Cuddled up wit my baby ",0 "my valentine & nd prom date the same person !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damnnn g I can make you straight again tho ",0 "Oomf a true hoe from the info I got today ",0 "A Nigga Just Found 17 dollars and some bob Marleys I'm Winning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wtf happened ? ",1 "I do want some sugar cookies from mcdonalds though ",1 "I trick a bitch quick . Dnt let that mouth hit that . I jus want that mouth babe ",0 "First I need to get my shit then go to Taurus then home ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Alicia keys lost her touch .. we all know it but I like her tho” bitch , she been busy w her family ! FYM . ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Like a good neighbor state farm is there ... With a sandwich” < ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao I was talking about who you retweeted ",0 "Nigga was bragging bout Gucci ",0 "Baby Ima Grown Ass Boy .. im just liven this Young Life ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Goodmorning & Bri told me what chu said Yesterday ! ",0 "I'm On Punishment By Riss ",0 "Ion spare bitches niggas , unless they MARRIED ! Soo in other words ion give af bout the Next bitch & ha so called nigga ",0 "Lhu told me off her so ima off her she put a price on ya head wit no auction ",0 "me n boosie n the cut that's a scary site waiting for my nigga to knock at the door ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's tough ",1 "Lmao that shit had me cryin ",1 "Everybody saw him say he got me right ? Anit no pussying outta this ",0 "I'm really just bout to fuck tray up fr ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Is that checkers ? ",0 "Alexis Header >>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I meant to call yu early .. Never got that stuff back but tell Riah I bought her some other clothes ",0 "Make sure y'all look out for tony Parker and1 mix tape ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fat ass , lol ",0 "Butt tht dreamm ii hadd wass DOPE ASF ! ",1 "Don't Listen to What People Say ✋They Don't Know About UsHow Could They Know ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this nigga den got soft on niggas ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Des what you scared of ...... "" FUCK YOU YOO !! iHate both of yall "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodNight Malik ",0 "The whole city smashed you girl ✋ you throwing pussy in first month of y'all relationship , please STOPn ",0 "My Mom know I don't play she told tj he better clean that stuff up for I beat him ",1 "But laying ina bed w/ My laaBro Tyland , he str8t caking & His gf Bri got me weak af ",0 "This hoe diamond ✋sheesh ",0 "Corey get on my nerves ",1 "Goodmorning reva _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ alright alright alright lol ",0 "They call me cookie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that can't be my bro ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If my boyfriend mixing and get put to sleep ima lay right next to him ✊ #loyalty "" you died !!!!!! "" ",1 "I dont wanna feel my ... Legs ",1 "My single ass ",1 "Now we got a show !!!! KELLY ☺☺ #HollaAtMeBaby ",0 "This the song they play in the club and weak ass niggas all get in a circle together jumpin up and down nshit lookin weaaaakkk ",0 "Beyonce think cause they got all that money they don't have to comb they baby hair ... ",1 "Leslie is funny .. Talkin bout she gone whoop my ass ??? TUH ✋ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Yall take yall asses 2 IG & like my pix tho”I just might ",0 "Instead Of Dealing With Fuck Boy As Niggas Lemme Get Back To These Awards ",0 "* They wasn't readyyyyyy ! ",0 "Lol I'm happy to be home for some reason ",0 "Smile smile smile ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ only bcuss yuu lil sis ",0 "got alot on myyy mind but imaa juhs laugh ithd off but im juhs saying who gets preg on purpose tahh keep ah niggauh lmao ... SILLYhoes ",0 "I hope he's twatching , with his twatching ass ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : females be like \it's levels to this shit "" when it come to some weave ” "" ",1 "Iyana is too fuckin funny when she drive ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah when yhu make it ",0 "Im still cracking up ",0 "Hair , pedi , nails , eyebrows , and shopping ",0 "Mann I need to do some more gun shoppin #5 ",0 "Lol “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : All this from a girlfriend application Omar” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ard , we clearly pawpin ” You Awwwready Snoww ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol naw nigga !! It just happened . ” --- #LiesBlackPeopleTell ",0 "I got this pretty ass dress from American Appeal ",1 "Bitches can't wait to wear black leggings wit the Gamma Blue 11s ... ",1 "Although me and Jordan argued and fight bout Rhianna and shit in the past ... She still cool and she gotta phat ass #WCW _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Plus Im still waiting for my baby love ",0 "Look like she looking for food on the ground n shit ",1 "Shut .... the fuck upp ! ",1 "Otp wit her dum ass ",0 "Hope Iitd DntRain Tomorrow ",0 "Omg I want jasmine ",1 "My baby keep me laughing .... That's all I need . Got my own money ... ",0 "Btw , Good Morning ",0 "Dog I ain't know that Bugatti song was ace hood joint I hate that nigga ",1 "Was suppose to get my tat finished today then go get my bank card but it's a change of plans ima get my nails & hopefully my hair done ",0 ", goodmorningg babyyyyyyyyyy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Lol Jess u got it ",0 "ugly ass thot ",1 "I Miss Muffin SOOOO MUCHH ",1 "these bitches don't wanna see me ! if SO they would've BEEN spoken up , scary ass dont wanna make NO noise ",1 "A girl That Can Cook ",0 "Yesterday was >>>>> ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : When you on the phone with somebody you really like & you walk around the house just fuckin w/ shit like a lil ass kid . >>> ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ black ass ",0 "Smh !!! Lol ",1 "I'm just one lovable mfer ! What can I say ? To know me is to love me . : ) ",0 "Smh i shoulda never cane back ",1 "Reruns ... Cake .. Ice cream .. My bed .. My kinda Sunday ",0 "That was a good g ame ",0 "These hoes be LOWKEY hating ",0 "I stay ready to go off .. It's ridiculous ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Young Dro made all these hoes turn dyke when he said "" my girl got a girlfriend "" "" lol damn rite now that I think about it "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im so proud of you ",0 "\Lmao _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm still mad about this WE shit like tf lmao can I get a jersey with yo name on it ?? Damn !! """" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao naw yu gotta take the shine ",0 "About to turn down in the bed lol i'm sleepy ! ",0 "ian know .. errbody talking about that bih like it's s new phone .. preshate it tho ' . “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ update . ” ",0 "My Bigga nigga ! ✨ ",0 "These don't be having no type of money but being saying they racked up ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's right !!! ",0 "bruh today Lorenzo did all that ",1 "jae be fucking lieing about lil stuff but ion care hope she have fun real talk . ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Neither Of These Teams Is Going To Win The Superbowl Tho "" bitch  "" ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Wanna Get My Nipples Pierced ” ",1 "Went to one of my fav restaurants earlier and it was delicious ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Shittinnn the fuck outta me !! ",1 "He got out wit a kiddie lunchbox I coulda sworn he was gon pull a kid out the back seat but he pulled out a suit ",0 "Fuck is this nigga taking about ",1 "Lmao Man that shit was funny i swear ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u don't want it ",1 "These actors in moesha were terrible ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ heyyy trick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ That's fine too ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Retweet Honest DM's ”lol you STAY laughing . ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : House with dew moonie & niyah "" fb "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u crazy girl lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's 1:50 , good afternoon ",0 "Imma young nigga that got it ",0 "Lol block his ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol why ?? that shut is pure comedy ",0 "3 & Out #RavensDefense ‼️‼️ ",0 "fck yeah !! turn up !! happy new year nigga ",0 "Bet if any opp try me bet any opp drop ",0 "Je'da dumb ass better be drunk tweeting ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mfs funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , young jerm though ? lol isee you . Your cool . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sup sweets ? ",0 "RICH HOMIE QUAN hey boo ",0 "Baee Bdt 5:23 ",0 "Niggaz be out of high school fucking these young girls ",1 "Where my brava at moe , im tryna spark some purple shit ",0 "I be late asf on kik , The app be force closing ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning : ) , have a wonderful day ,.! ",0 "GoodAfternoon Ma _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I called her a \Twit Twit Hoe "" "" ",0 "Lmaoo , lemme stop ",0 "You nigga lmao that's what I call you cause that's what ya real name sound like “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Who tf is that tho lol” ",0 "_ Lmfaoo , Chris iiN Family Dollar Yelling \ Ohhh Brea Yhu Get Black Ain't iiT "" Lmfaoo , iiBeen So Shame ' _ "" ",0 "She got fat ",1 "Like riiiddddee his face ! ",0 "Jayme I Love You ❤ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why ppl always using ox "" & "" cheeks "" ?! What happened to the REAL words ... ” Cheeks ? I'm weak "" ",0 "Blahhzay blahhhzay ' that's all I hear come out yo lien ass mouth ' ! #BeniteeTweet ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmfao . Which late bitch sis ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dats yo boi tho ",0 "On My Way Back To My Stinka Boo ",0 "He said I feel like boxing ",0 "this nigga crazy bruh ! I'm weak ",0 "Interview at 9 , hope I get the job * fingers crossed * ",0 "he not Trynna let him spend the night Jason a fuckin clown ",1 "He stutters omgggg this not funny but I'm dying ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Call Me \BIG Booty Cassie "" For Now On ” what has the world come to "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Meek Mill so nasty looking "" "" ",0 "Naj I'm with homie ..... Everybody got em ! Lol I'm a very modest dude ... I got a few ",0 "EveryTime I Try To Be Mad At , He Always Seen To Have Me Like ☺️ ",0 "I wont tell Nobody ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ attempt to surprise me earlier >>> Lmfao ",0 "I love eating ice ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeaaaaa we willll ",0 "Oooohhh U Get On My Nerves Ion Fucc Witchu But Fucc Witchu Guess I'm Stucc Witchu BITCH ",1 "Donn always tryanna play 1omf ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ - yooou aa hoe * !! wassp tho hoe ? ",0 "Instead of mcclease retweeting me she should TEXT MEEE ",0 "I Txt Everybody GoodMorning ",0 "My header too sexy tho lol ",0 "Down here stepping to RKelly I love stepping and doing slides . Happy I put these songs on my phone ",0 ". Ppl Aht ALJ Bhe Killin Mhe w . That Shaw Shxt LoL ",0 "#priceless “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My son daddy you know how much I love you ?? I said how much he said 150 thousand lol ” ",0 "Meek Childish Bruh ",0 "otp with my bestfriendddddd , I love her so much lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Give me that Beckyyyyyyy ” ",0 "I love it , I love it , I love it when you eat it . ",0 "Keenan been asking me to do Big Lexi dance for him he don't know yet , im not . EVER ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ James ""  ard jus askin "" ",0 "Lil sexy Puttin Pics up nshit ",0 "I guess ima have to jus take it then ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thats why you mad stupid mf . ",1 "Had fun tonight tho ",0 "Lmao Bron Bitches Ass Mad ",0 "June 27th ! ❤ ",0 "I'm bouta bother Titus ",0 "TMNT is still Downloading . ",0 ", y'all was like my sisters I considered y'all as folks ✊ grimmey ass bitches man you never play em close . ",1 "Brionna gone say \ Marquetta , I'm mad , let me touch on yo tittes "" "" ",1 "Normal girls pop up at cribs crazy ass _TWITTER-ENTITY_ popped up at clubs ",0 "Bitch You Need To Pray , Cause You Let Anybody Hit It , Mane Fuck These Hoes They Anybody Bitches ",0 "had a good day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love u too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's old ",1 "I'm tired as fuccccckkkkk . I need a massage and I know somebody nigga got me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ better not be cause you was talking bout me anyway ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yess mam ",0 "Make money . Have sex . Laugh and joke . = ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me & my sister are on the phone dying laughing at your name Denzel sausageton ",0 "Lawd Jesus people still creating fake pages . ",1 "Tank cum home real soon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ coco keep lying to me ima fuck u up ",0 "I'll Loose My mind before I Loose My Bitch ",0 "lol , I am ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ add me on facebook _TWITTER-ENTITY_ pinkgotti bahd ",0 "\if iAint Got Nothing idont give a damn b|c I know I got you "" "" ",0 "ххх : Ребенка нужно заводить с умом ! Поэтому мы пока подождем немного ... yyy : Ума или ребенка ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aw I love you more honey ",0 "Niggas be like \I have 3% can I use ya charger "" ..... "" yeah gimme 2min I'm on 99% "" "" ",1 "Stick yo neck outside ",0 "Y'all mad cause y'all hatin ? Or hatin cause y'all mad ? ",0 "Im Drawin ??? ",0 "Still up on dis #Flight widd her ",0 "It's been good My Nigga ✌️ ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I lurk ! Ima nosey ass bitch "" lmao "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao nah .. ",0 "PPL prolly think I be playin wen I put the up NO I be really CTFU ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if the ring fit wear it ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ a shitty one . ” I can tell Well get out of it !!! ",1 "U can be tellin the truth ill still be Thinkin you lyin ",0 "Round 2 tomorrow ",0 "Chilling thinking bout my baee missing her like fuckk mad that i cant see my baee today still love her _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "Heyy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I see yah boo ",0 "Fuck with me you know I got it ",1 "I meant to say snoop ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfu kadija is that your twin ",0 "Had A REAL NICE CONVO WIT MY BAE !!!!!!! WAZ MISSING HIM !!!!!! ",0 "A REAl NiGGAh .. ThAt D0Nt liE Ab0Ut N0thiNG ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao Thanks Bestfriend ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Promise dat u will sing about me”i promise no homo ",0 "bestfriend acting up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fisher sit yo ugly ass on da bench !!! ”I told you fool . Now you see how I felt . ",1 "You Gotta Text A Lightskin Girl \Merry Christmas "" Now if You Want A Reply On December 25th "" ",0 "I'm so nice I made them food ! ",0 "Otp with Nell ☺️ Free him ",0 "These girls think I'm so dumb I'm clever as shit cause Ik shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kmsl yu ah fool !!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Its not about you ..... its not about me ........ its about the whole team . ” ctfu , shut up !! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ju was stinging mega mind ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : S/O To My Ex She A Fool With That Neck """" ",0 "Zont touch me after this ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ who ? ",0 "Carolina kitchen >> ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "Dark Skin , Light Skin , Asian&White Women !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ & u are too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ouuui chawaaa et tooooi ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh n we got the same name chill on me tho . Bluffy lol”I'm chilling ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ty sholl ain't got no ass me & April got a lil some "" lol baby we wrking with a lot "" ",0 "A L L his hoes needa check his favorites . heyy y'all ",0 "Need to go to sleep bout I need to tlake to my bae , first ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yea , HXE Oh Yea , UU Still UGLY Aha ! DUCK Mouth Bitchh ! ",0 "Keisha & Shia Convo ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Like how Jalyn win that tablet today -___- Dinwiddie let anybody pass they SOLS "" Somebody is Jelly "" ",0 "I have a big so wake up ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Riqht ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , I'm goon to these street ' in to my daddy I'm still his baby ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea go to sleep for that ” and I ain't get my haircut yesterday so I really ain't going ",1 "* 3 hours later * how this nigga text ",1 "Thank god I woke up ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : wassup bitch nigga _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",0 "I'm drinking sunkist at 2am I'm bumped dwn mannn ",0 "gah damn ! that avi is but we still not speaking ",1 "Shawty eyebrows bouta touch kmsl eww ",0 "I just wanted to laugh dead in her face #5 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol Guah ! Den Wen He Got Outta School , He Still Had On That Wind Suit Including The Jacket & It Was Zipped All The Way Up ",0 "Gotta have these bitches in compliance ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol .. Noooo ... I made my some Waffle house . ",0 "owee im fena feel like myself again ! lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wassup nigga ",0 "I'm bored I miss my job ",1 "In Mr. Brady Class Talking About These Females He Keep It Real . ",0 "That shit got me dead kinda lmao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hate that face ",1 "Jaylon sent me a gm message ",0 "Good Morning _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "This Emoji Got Every Nigga Thinking They Real Niggas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning Lil Thug ",0 "heyy the feelinggg is mutual ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok I will” thank you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sexy As'fffff Yesssss Lawwwd ",0 "Destiny Think iWant Her Gay Ass Boo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wat u talking bout son ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmao Hey Ma ",0 "I looked right cute tonight doe . Sexy but not trashy , never ! #knowme ",0 "bitches at my school bums ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ because those are booty hours and you don't want to be obligated yo give up the buns ???? ☺☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol my fault ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol yup cuz I'm coming home next weekend ",0 "I Think I'm In Love With Liquor ",0 "Netflix just got real .. Cdfu ",0 "Bitches be wanting yo nigga cause they seen you with him ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Tht Avi ",0 "Got Another JUGG ",0 "Shamar Salty lls ",0 "Still ridin wit ma day 1 bitchs !!! ",0 "Catch my bday tweet ? 9:27 ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Chicken how u like Richwood ? ummm i cnt remember ur _TWITTER-ENTITY_ name but you gne c it” Ion like Tht School !! ",0 "They was dead the fuck serious ",1 "Hope I still got a Netflix date tonight ",1 "DJ FINALLY FELL ASLEEP UGHHH DIZ DA ONLY BREAK I B GETN WEN HE B SLP GOTTA LOVE HYM DOE #1 MAN N MY LIFE !!! ",1 "Sherri Thought She Was Stuntin ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Alotta hoes then fucked my squad but I ain't no snitch ! ”damn that's deep ",0 "Gn y'all takn it dwn wit her ",0 "You can't fuck with my jean game ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Touching base with the girl with the drive .... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nothing can stop you ..... #POW "" - xoxo "" ",0 "Lmaoooo This Reunion .......... I Made ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but ... yea lol exactly but ill dm my # & dont be a stranger playa ",0 "Lol was that mean ? ",0 "Lmao tell your ' baby ' to do that lol “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ blow me bitch . ” ",0 "Today Was A1 ",0 "I deserve rounds tonight ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Skinny girls eat like 10 grown ass men ” iSho Nuff Do ! ",0 "Rd yall get yall screenshot cause im boutta delete em ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodnight cutie , sleep good ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol you being a pussy today ” --- bruh chill . ",0 "Man this hoe a clown that man fucked you now look at you .... You be dicked ",0 "Malik mama talm bout some \Y'all was fucking hard "" I was soooo embarrassed . I was sleeping anyway "" ",1 "Chilling tonight .. With boo if he act right lmao ! ",0 "What happened is still in my mind !!!!! ",1 "I want cheesecake ",1 "Selamat tahun baru islam 1433 H ",0 "imma shut up before Bul come knock me the fuck out ",1 "Stayin wit Bae Tonite ik she been missing me ",0 "Im really feeling her thou ",0 "S/O to Dunbar I bleed blue and white !!!! ",0 "Ho's break they back for a nigga That won't break a nail for them ",0 "this nigga is funny ashit yo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck you just clean out your drafts ? ” ima do it again ",1 "' Myy Fonee Bee Soo DRY ✌ ",0 "Early Morning txts makes my day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ssshhhh , lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol gm baby” ",0 "Mmm my bae zoo it well lmao ",0 "Can't wait til tomorrow ",0 "Lol folks talm bout Simeon ✈️Kennedy King ",0 "TWO MO MONTHS TELL SKOOL END !!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I love watching the food channel ” Fatt asss ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ BITCH I SAID YOU REALLY GAY DAWG YOU AIN'T LOW ! Bitch ",0 "I forever got Lainey back . Cause dats my shawty white ✊ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not a damn thang * smokey voice * ",1 "He Just Cant GET ENUFF ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yu Too Young ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ gotta touch down && get this money $$$ -- about to shake it for a real nigga they not ready MANE ",0 "I'm DIFFERENT I bet . Lol because I tweet whatever comes to mind ",0 "So ready to see my baby chris brown Friday ",0 "I have times when I hate practice n I have them times when I fucking love it ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "Najee Say She Gone Cut Me Off Ight Doe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I see u lmao ",0 "Mines is MINES . Been mines , gone stay mines & forever gone be mines . I act a fool behind mines . Bitches don't forget , not yours but MINES ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : No New Friends """" ",1 "Would I Drawl If I Sleep In The Rental ? ",0 "My kentwood nigga >>> your kentwood nigga ✌️ ",0 "I just wanna marry the pussy ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ its not like that lls ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tf is knick knacks ",0 "Burger King hit the spot . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Rd U Down Boring Ass 9Th Street❓ ",1 "Dail & Penny stay arguing .... ",1 "I Gotta Crush On _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Melo Fucked Himself Up Because Of Them Nut Ass Sneakers ",1 "I really love my wife ",0 "Bitches be likeI suck dick* five mins later *Chill y'all that was my cousin playing on my phone Bitch stop lien ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ayeee lol turn up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too I'm about to text you cause I'm about to get freaky with u ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You wasn't saying that 24 hours ago . ",1 "Gotta run my big dawg some shit ",1 "Bitches be on social networks like I'm faithful I love my boyfriend but be in group messages with they friends like look at my new boo ",0 "#oomf got exposed , like NOOOOO , she wasnt readyyyyyy ",0 "I swear i ain't rich , but I can take yo nigga to the Dollar Tree and ball out ✋ ",0 "Damn , damn , damnnnnnnn ",1 "Thinking bout straight sex ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm bluffing” ",0 "#np Kendrick Lamar collard greens ",0 "Lil man in player's club ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I had a big girl at the crib before and she wanted to watch porn so I put BBW porn on but she wasn't wit it . I was so confused . ” ",1 "Don't judge me 2night lbs lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #FAMU17 >>>>>>>> ",0 "These other hoes ain't got nuthin on ya ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nahh She Ain't Go Too School Either ",0 "I spy with my little eye _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in the #DancingwiththeStars audience ... ",0 "TYPO MENT MARSHONA ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao I cannot ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Females don't know what they want . shutup ” ",1 "N that gap he got . ♌️ ",0 "See oomf tomorrow/today ✌ ",0 "Curry white rice & veggies is on the menu ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh”lOl he dnt mind ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol it's to the point now that Nighas just trying call me broke like I be stunting or something ",1 "Swear I cracks myself up _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Brush yo teeth before u hit the blunt nigga .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Na Bit Yu know I wouldn't rob a Pennie , lol we getting bands The Whole Squaddd lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : That nigga new nickname is MegaBus” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell nawl” ",0 "My phone be barkin while im at work txt messages ! ",1 "Not Answering His Facetime Since He Hung Up ' ",1 "Going My Lil Horny ass To Bed .. #GoodNight ✌ ",0 "Now my bulls need to win next season then ull see a whole another side of me ",1 "* muya name stand for money ",0 "Mfs b omd on ask.fm it b so funny . Nd i b knowin who it is ",0 "I Fly w Tha Fish I'm Fuccin Yo Bitch ",0 "Goodnight _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✌ ",0 "Aww Shawtyy Mad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaoooo Onna hood sonn ",0 "Am i tripping or is everybody writing the same shit ? ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao mf look like a he she Shem look like some ish off alien vs . predictor ",0 "Idk which of my cousins r more crazier _TWITTER-ENTITY_ or _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love my girls tho ",0 "He said how old is my Sister she talkin bout how old is his Money ",0 "iGot some service ☺☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your hair ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you qua ",0 "I just . Want 1 f ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nope ! "" Yess Punk ASS "" ",0 "Oomf cute ass needa dm me ",1 "WELL MAMA * & STEPDAD COOKING ! IM CHYLIIN & TEXTIN MY BESTIIE .... SO FINNA TWEET UNTIL THEN .... ",0 "only watching the ama's for tlc ahhh i love them so much ",0 "Waiting For Tayanah To Wake Up ",1 "I became friends with #Oomf by givin her a apple pie from McDonald's last year ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #NoTwitterBanana Shots fired ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I be peepin shit from the rip” nigga u aint slick ! Lemme smell ya dick ",0 "Lady murder gang ",0 "Be good gudnight ",0 "We talk about the realist shit #FavoriteFriendTweet ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Somebody playing on my phone who is MacDaddy ? ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stfup cause you be pissed Tf off ",1 "This nigga Tay ... Lmaooo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ look at u ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lovee juu Tooo ",0 "The same mouth he talking down on her with the same mouth he ate her out with ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey babe ",0 "OTp with my stink ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : TK TRIPPIN !! ”LMFAOOOOO ",0 "This convo doe ",0 "that commercial tho ",0 "Cloud 9 , dreaming about unicorns and shit ",0 "Guess it's another late night ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ look like you was talking bout the man da sing d song ",0 "Larquaya instagram champ she is too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks sweetie i hope have an blessed day add well ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes I am honey atleast twitter got me feeling like one ",0 "It's truly a beautiful day in da neighborhood .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Just chill shawty no need to showout ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If I got 50$ and my girl got 5$ ... then I got 55$ .. lol """" ",0 "I DNT GAF wat nobody say ..... That's my Boo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ all you need Is a bandu my blue jacket and mc hammer lol they cute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but yea tho ",0 "Lol tht mane slick peeled me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm cold asf ' ”i gt yo heat hope tht warms you up ",1 "I gave him too you girllllll & don't you fucking forget it !!! ",0 "ima be like new weave !!! new weave !!! ",0 "Goodmorning & RIP _TWITTER-ENTITY_ WE MISS U BRO #800 ",0 "My og don't be for none if I call & tell her my daddy not giving me my way she be like put me on speaker ",1 "Chileee , goodmorning ",0 "Still goin tweet my shit , who goin check me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's real ",0 "that bath was everythingbut ii still feel horrible ",1 "Take them fake water tattoos off you too black anyway to have ink “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Maaaannn take dem fake ray bans off ! . ” ",1 "Erica we gone keep calm with ha mad ass ",0 "blah blah blah ✌ ",1 "The way my morning is set up lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ donte stop teasing me ok” real niggas come a dime a dozen I'm a dime ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hope that nigga catch on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes we did ! Glad u enjoyed yourself hun ! ",0 "#800 Cute Lil DreadHead Hml ",0 "Lol he so drake #schleep ",0 "Livin .... lovin ... n laughin .... ",0 "Moma white daddy black so that ass super fat ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I love me a light skinned females they drive me crazy an when I find me 1 of my own its bad "" exactly bruh "" ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Somebody just yelled to me "" yooo you got a fat ass butt "" lmaooo don't pipe my head up ""  capping you up "" ",0 "the sundown , nobody around thats one hell of ah scene ! ",0 "LEBRON FUCKIN JAMES BITCH ",0 "Who free at 2 ? I made some reservations that I need to keep !!! Well , more so because I'm feignin for a specific restaurant . Text me ",0 "Pacers mad af over there ",0 "I swear i love my team man team bby get money we money ✔ we need more 25/8 girls tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ For real & they got the nerve to talk about us tho ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ & That's Real ",0 "Couples Be So Cute ☺️ ",0 "Bitches Talk Shit , And Get Their Shit Split , That's That #Trill Shit ",1 "Lol at first I didn't like it but now I do lol ",0 "U was twatching or nah ?? ",0 "The come up for me was mighty real ",0 "With _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . ",0 "fina b wit my love ones ",0 "HE AIN'T LIEN 🆗🆗🆒“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This nigga talm bout the best sleep is when you go to sleep after a good ass whoopen ” ",0 "whyy y'all gotta brag when y'all get somethingg likeee , wee knw it Christmas y'all gone get it ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol , ",0 "My nigga yes that's my Nigga .. ",0 "Texting My Baby Got Damn ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I ain't do it ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ⚽ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟” ",0 "RFT !!!!!!!!! \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i aint the type to judge a mf , but when nggas stunt so f'ckin hard i be like """" ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Real homies don't play both sides unloyal ass nigga” SAY THAT SHIT 2x ",1 "I gotta a lil twitter crush on a couple of my handsome twitter homies ! ",0 "* goodmorning Lijah _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol u tripping ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ freaky af ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : When I see oomf , on the inside I be like on the outside I be like ” ",1 "Twitter popping at it ",0 "#oppsiforgot to text you off my fake number ",1 "I'm OUT like a unpaid light bill .. So did that make sense ? If not ? Idgaf .. Goodnight ✌ ",1 "i love to pray . i feel like God stops everything he is doing jus to listen ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Cory thought he was waka flocka flame in highschool ”that jive was ma favorite rapper lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : We have to go sing \we belong together "" next week at karaoke _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” yes my fav "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just had 1 and it was dat ! ",0 "Get that ish outta here lol shitted on Washington #ROFL # ",0 "Leeanna came and seen me ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Going Into 2014 W/ No Babies , No Criminal Record , No STD's & NO Fucks To Give "" RMFTT "" ",0 "Bitches be talking shit about _TWITTER-ENTITY_ but won't _TWITTER-ENTITY_ him . ",1 "I like the way he keep checking up on me ❤️ ",0 "-I Let Alot Of People Out My Life .. ",1 "I think I wanna be a nun I ain't getting none no way ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yess I miss my baby ",1 "Hes a pussy ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas can name 30 different pair of Jordansbut can't name 5 elements from the periodic table . ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl now Thts throwed off ! Yu Betta watch out fah him girl ! He really is angry Shelby ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ already I'm hopping this weekend too . ",0 "Ay y'all !!! I graduated today !!!! ",0 "Damn y'all bad it'll be 14-10 now #touchdown #RollTide ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that header tho you look mad af ! ",0 "bored listening to all music just don't give a fuck !!! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wake up ",1 "laughing to the bank ",0 "Joey took a Chicken hostage , lol . Why ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaooooooo okay . ” thank you babygirl * does the wobble * ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Da Bullshit ",0 "I miss my Shae butt _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! ",1 "Lebon headband fell off ",1 "Half of these hoes who talkin was fuckin Prolly b4 13 so stop it ✋✋ ",1 "Bout to eat & go to work !! ",1 "Stevie J smile be having me weak !! ",0 "not tha pussy , but me being pussy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ looking like your twin ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : She put Ha head thru that bitch first Wif Ha hands ova Ha eyes” ",0 "When I get home today , I'm gon be knocked ",0 "Had a real convo with my grandmother love my Lil lady to death !! I know she got my bak if nobody else I got my bak ",0 "text me long paragraphs I like that shit ☺ ",0 "Lmao she spill her drink ",0 "Bitches broke , acting like they got it tho ",1 "❗ let me stop . ",1 "J cole bae ",0 "Ain A Camera Freak Nomore \/ . # Bae Tweet ! "" ",0 "Enough of that sentimental shxt ",0 "Lmmfao Doughboyz Aint Cashing Out Today lofl ",0 "Joseline hair look hot as a damn mess ",1 "Lol Sharnell Knocked out otp Lil sleepy . Head ass <3 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wkwkwk asem aku gak dikabari dewe ki ",0 ", 6:29 for my bestfriend ",0 "Just got off the phone w/ my faav ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah”I prolly fucked your hoes ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #LifeWouldBeBetterIf girls would stop taking flicks on the gram with their ass out talkin ' bout \Got a new phone case "" . ” "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck u laughing at ",0 "#IGottaThingFor kissing on the neck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was bound ta happen somebody ✌ its life ",0 "my bitches here y'all ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : but ona E i will nene , we gone talk about that later tho ! "" YAY and ok "" ",0 "I Be Makinn Niggaz Mad As Fuck ",1 "I'm tryna make a ask they bout to come at me cuz nobody likes me ",1 "Good Morninq !! #FB _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "watch she gon say \whyyy babbyyy ? "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ah lie ... yu kno u miss me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so ray or Stevie wonder to my text ? ",0 "Lol Half Of \ US "" Teenagers Tweeting About People Being Crunk For HP5 Mad Cause We Aint 18+ .. "" ",0 "Lmfao my new wallpaper ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ya header got me ctfu ",0 "Man Me & Randy Usta cut tf up in Spanish .! my paw paw ",1 "lol you got some food didnt you ? o okay ",0 "I be smoking on good Jamaican ....... ",1 "Young nigga from the 410 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ greatttt mindddsss we need to hang again fyiii ",0 "I'm i ugly or NAH ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Well my boyfriend girlfriend has been takin him away from me ”no minessss her lil ugly ass ” ",1 "Big sis _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Tweet #TeamTrenzo ”NO ! ",0 "All them staying at my house I know I'm not finna be sleep ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we can't be a couple bitch so we a team ! matter fact we the DreamTeam ! Think about us even when you sleep ! ",0 ", he aint my forever for nothing ",1 "Shit You Like A Pound Of Reggie , They Can Get You For The Low ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Girl so bipolar """" ",0 "And my track team love me too \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I love my track team #dailytweet """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm mad I missed jayz fucking with Mickey Mouse”you're see him another time ",1 "Mama Makin ' Cookies Too ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ New Testament , of course ”na rockin with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ old wave ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ already lol ",0 "No pun intended ",0 "Iff ! Lmao !! Bawh look shyrawn \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ She Thought she was on """" ",0 "I Would Goto Tep Jus To Rock A Dashiki ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao I won't . ",0 "Waiting on my og to bring me my McDonlads #GoodDaySoFar ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I gotta try it . I know ima be 3weak ",1 "#oomf so good make u wanna thank the personally ",0 "sooooo mya said she rip my pussy piercing out when she see me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmfao ",0 "That wasn't even talkin bt !!! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Goodmorning love ",0 "I Catch Feelings QUICK , But I LOSE Feelings QUICK Too ✌️ ",1 "Yassssss !!!! >>>>>>>>>> ",0 "Y'all falcon fans ready to go NITE NITE nigga ",0 "Jesus Jesus Jesus ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel lame asl ",0 "Texting My Babbie Rere ",0 "I got a blunt my uncle got a cigarette guess who gone be feelin better ",0 "oh hell no , sumn aint right ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : These hoes get these box braids and got crazy” hell naw bubba lee ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hope she don't wear them GRANNY HEELS . Lmfao” ",0 "Trapped Em ' ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Looka Awl Ma Hoes On Twitter ; Hey Hoessssss”hey hxe ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ctfuu I would talk about how you be shaking casper hand but imma let chu rock out”ctfu yoooo ",0 "I Gottah A Sub In 2nd Mod ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she ask to hold everything ",0 "Cash can't go with nobody they say he ah crybaby ",1 "He said her pussy probably smell like corn beef I'm too weak ",0 "Good morning you opp mf !!! ",0 "Do Your Hair Come Pass Your Ear ? I Wonder How Many Girls Can Retweet This ? ",0 "I be tweakin to high folk lml ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Head or sex ? "" Both "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeaa . But thanks for asking though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey boo ",0 "Needed That Back To Bed ",1 "Man let me stop cutting up ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol tf it got for you in strip clubs ?!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u do day shyt all da time ",0 "Lmao Some Shit I Do I Do It On Purpose , HaHaHaHa ",0 "I salute my boyfriend everyday b “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I salute any man that can deal with my crazy ass ” ",0 "Nigga just said what's a big D ctfu this show ",0 "bull a weirdo im ctfu ",0 "Lol ion know why I'm helping people's relationship & Ima sideline ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If Mone Dont Come Ima Be Baby Mone Tonight Lol I Trained For This Day """" ",1 "she said \it's at or nah ? "" Like whaaaaa you a hoe or nah ? "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ naw naw never "" kik me faggot "" ",0 "Fye me up Lia . Wit your tall sexy ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up ",1 "Curling my hair tonight just hope it don't get messed up !!! ",1 "I know my tweets going to your phone so imma keep tweeting and still not text you back ",1 "Lightskin girls oww y'all don't know what y'all do to me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no I'm not lol ",1 "When u see a girl wearin foams u kno her feet big !! ",0 "Ain't nobody mad ! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ what I tell you bro lmao _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : No tianaaaaaa ctfu we gon do facials , watch movies , have a pillow fight , and talk about boys & girls lol u kno me ” ",0 "I asked Mar what he doing , he said chilling on Facebook Facebook tho ? Really mar ? Really ",0 "Niggas focused on being hood niggas when they forgot the goal was to get out the hood nigga ! ",0 "Mmmmm my gosha reality .. get with it baby ... ",0 "If somebody flamess in ball , they might go to the NBA & you fuck wit em that aint dickeatin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cuz u didn't meet me yet .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i can tell doe ' ",0 "Talking To Tae ",0 "Thanking God For Another Day ",0 "but im not sweating everything good LIYAHBOO wayy boutaa take me ah bath n chill widt myy boo ",0 "I'm up tweaking hard I keep tolm bout my friut punch juice from my job som lean in everybody sipping tolm bout lean ain't nasty ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ look at that beautiful woman in that avi !! , you r beautiful shaw ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : All them bitches ugly and can't dress """" ",1 "Kill niggas be goin to school wearin the same Uniforms ",0 "Niggas In Shaw Be Comping 2's ✌ ",0 "When #oomf do get on twitter all he do is look & barely tweet cause I never see him on here ",1 "It's a slow process my nigga ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : She can get the dick wen she want to """" ",0 "Now she wana txt me ... no mufucka i dnt think so .. and u might see this but i dnt give a fuck !!!! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ FRFR best believe I will get the album for Christmas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mane this shyt a rap baby boy ",0 "But you can't keep one either ",1 "I be like Lamar Lamar Lamar .. all day err day !! ",0 "Ctfu I member we was smoking w/ Sb , Antoine & Lamar they had me weak af ! ",0 "This nigga Troy always actin like a fuckin sucka ",1 "aww thank you soo much \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Compliment ; Your eyes are so Pretty """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you going be high off that water tho”I ain't missin to boats lmfao ",0 "3 . Nobody's judging you for sleeping with the loser I'm really judging cuz u gullible as fuck ! ",0 "Darius J n my SMS Talking Shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : my lil cousin tawnbout she hope her man home .. she only 13 tho Jesus be a BRANCH in my hand” ",0 "imma get off here shit going get me in trouble ",1 "I enjoyed my time with my bestie .. like fr miss her ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need a sugar daddy ! ” they take good care of u ” that's Wht I hear ! Shit ",1 "Me & Nique convos be funny af ",0 "And she's on the way ... ",0 "when them female get to running that mouth bout them niggas & it be true swear they be like ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol u know I don't got time for lame ass niggas ",0 "mhmm lets keep it real . . people say they know everything bout me mmm thats what u think ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I love them AT&T commercials with them kids man ! I be asf ” ",0 "Ice-T bouqht tha bitch sum new boobz & nd a new azz & nd she still fucd ova him lolz .! ",0 "How Many Of Yall Mf's Lurk That Tweet I Just Sent Bria ? ",0 "Fat ppl dnt play bout dey food ",0 "Desean my baby ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : , smokingg with my uncle #bluedream . ”frauding ",0 "* goodmorning _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. ",0 "my baby Christmas gifts >>>> ",0 ", siiyah just hit my nephew in his thang ",0 "Ima whoop yo ass like a souja Betta stop playing With Me Lols !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "jus waitin for him too get off in my ass now ",1 "Girls be like my booty big or I think my booty grew I be like through her pics she wasn't lying ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Everybody best friends now "" same shit I said cousin "" ",1 "All these bitches think they dimes I flip uh coin ",0 "He talk shit too these hoes online , but he know who he got at home ✊ ",1 "Something I just noticed lmao ",0 "Well stop trying Ft you drawling on my TL ",0 "Breshe Funny Moe ... ",0 "I said that shit real fast ",1 "Caught my nephew looking at porn ",0 "im lieingggg . lol iDid give $50 tho -.- ",0 "Otp with Chris . He erking ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Header Hungry Ass ",1 "Shee Tweet Watchinqq : ) ",0 "Janiece name got me singing soldier in my head ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ The harder u work 4 it , the more u value it ",0 "Kevin Needa Chill B ",1 "Essence aint have to steal my tweet thou ",1 "Im weak _TWITTER-ENTITY_ def took me to my bait last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nice avi >>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ look at you . Hellafied mouthpiece ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Game night w/ my Bae was too funny ... We kicked up in taboo !!! ☺” y'all ain't kick up it was 1-1 lol ",0 "The prettiest girls have an \A "" in their name . "" ",0 "Got boss back at the right time . ",0 "I Miss Him ... I'm waiting for his text ",1 "Females still on that hatin sht ... grow up damn ",1 "That ain't gone happen who I'm fooling ? ",0 "Good morning / Goodafternoon ",0 "She bout to run with chicken ",0 "Aye is mr. Bill who use to drive the blue truck ... He used to be in longwood selling all type if shit off his truck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol good , you better ! ",0 "Some Of Y'all Not Even Reall Enough To Listen To Fab ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you always been a lul chunky bestfriend ",0 "Im one of the realist torrion said mommy yhu the best mommy ina world ",0 "Still didn't get a text ",1 "i Wish My Baby Was Here Im Going To See Him This Weekend I Hope #Excited ",1 "I need some sex ✨✨ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Philly aint safe becareful smfh ",1 "Confession : I cheatd once In my whole life .................................................................. on a game ",1 "She went there with the \we still or naw "" good reference , Mr. Tendler would be proud "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : SWOOPE .... ( _TWITTER-ENTITY_ )The First Dark Skin Nigga To Overly Defend A Light Skin Nigga ( J . Cole ) "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao i miss you more kyla ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I do too ",0 "#oomf mf she think im dumb but i aint irdc so i dont say nth✋ ",1 "I'm happy with da one I gotta ",0 "He gettn big ",0 "I ignore the roxy's ",1 "My niece is becoming Aggytime to make tht trip to her Mother ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ my boy tweeting off my page & amp ; uu stole his tweet .. ” Oh sydad and u cuffed now ",0 "10:07 For Me ",0 "Must be you never called me dat Idc Idc Idc ' ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I dnt judge creep ",0 "Im Never Chilling ",0 "But I'm calm now ",1 "U love wen I get up in it ",0 "Wen I saw bae at the movies she had that horny but i gotta go look in her eyes ",1 "Shiiiddd I need to be wit #somf when Ciara come on .. Y'all talkin bout dancing & shit ",0 "\Trampoline booty "" came on , so y'all already know I stopped and twerked _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't like him anymore either ! He agg too ! Disowning all y'all children ! ” ",1 "love love love it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol Lawd ! ",0 "I Love You Too All-In One ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't have to subtweet my _TWITTER-ENTITY_ button work just fine killa ",0 "I gotta stop spoilin dese niggas ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #Fb "" nf "" ",0 "City's Campus Shits On Every School So Why Bother To Argue On How We Look ",1 "Judge Judy servin up asses again y'all ",0 "Yea I'm bored ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Malik quit talking to yourself” I was reading ",1 "Shay said she finna leave school && get the D i can't deal ! ",0 "Texting pooh ugly butt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you cuff master flex lex ",0 "The laughs we got from yesterday tho ",0 "Been actin shady but oh well he gon realize wen ishow out on his ass . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I eat hotsauce with err thang so baby if u want meh to eat ur pussy bring me some hotsauce ” ",0 "meraaaa just played with me doe ",0 "What's up Tweeps !! Yall miss me ??!!?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will , but I came to tell u that I LOVE YOU BAEE ",0 "I hate Schazz lmao ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fb N Goodmornin . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol he push me hahahahaha” I Murph You ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No prob hun ... * with dimples * ",0 "i kinda wanna see meek mill .. ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u ballin 2mar ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awwwnn Morning BB ! You , too boo . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Drake wouldn't have me feeling like this ” ",1 "luv is a fucking creep yo ",1 "You kno when you get under a birch skin , ",0 "My hungry ass ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you already know ",0 "Got an interview tomar another dentist office ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ; lmao , I ainn gone tell nobody else . ",0 "No Boyfriend No Problems ",0 "Jabria said Me and Breanae crazy we gone be in the house killing each other ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ U still look hungry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao i was ",0 "u petty “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Keep sayin he just wanna love me love somebody else tf I'm not ready for dat shit” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ CHRISTEN !! & I just be playing with that guh .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dm mee !! ",0 "In straight cake mode ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ( For No reason ) ",0 "Primero Dios todo saldrá bien ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nf .... fb ",0 "my poohbear fix .. to damn happy now gettn da tires for dem ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I Wasn't Ready ",1 "Dfl tht old lady >>>> ",0 "It ain't nobodies business ",1 "Julz ... You Can Get It ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm jealous cause I ain't get no led money .. I'll admit it .. ” me too . ",1 "I be like Lamar Lamar Lamar .. all day err day !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol , them summer time memories !!! ",0 "Yess dee they love the team _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "That pic i sent I'm dead asf ",0 "Notice I'm losing a lil weight , hell I wouldn't that big to begin wit ",1 "I hate them loud ass , joe ass , Baldheaded ass , 🆙 always in the mix ass , can't sit tf down ass bitches ✋ ",1 "Helping Jabril pick his outfit out for tonight lol ",0 "I put him too sleep & wake him up right ! ",1 "Omg , my favourite emojis : <3 ",1 "I'm finna go lay down and finish talking to dequan ",0 "Got my baby with me ",0 "Dees Niggas funny roun hea lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good Morning ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Well you already know I got em lined up for you You know I got chu Lls ",0 "That Bitch Was Like Let me Walk you home , iStepped on his Foot and Said No bitch && Ran ",0 "On My Dead Brother Jordan The Only Nigga I'll Ride For & Rock For ✊ His Irra Ass _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Plate number 3 #Thanksgiving ",0 "I had a really good day ",0 "Feeling Great Right Now ",0 ", bout too get upp & A min Nd call tiana ",0 "I gotta put Kenzie crib back in my room cuss .... ",1 "Yoo , char sleep or even cuffed up on the phone as always ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u know it ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I really can't text no one but my baby and she not even texting me back ” ",1 "txting Lsu fans , they mad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn smh ",1 "We can celebrate our 1 year anniversary and valentines day there ",0 "Bae Tl Lame ",0 "ALI is a mess girl I love her Ali said I'm a queen of the universe _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My granny is funny af man ",0 "I love Amber . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning baby ",0 "Goodnight tweeps #girlfriendtweet ",0 "still tryna figure out when these hoes suddenly became friends ✌️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lay down somewhere B lmao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you need god ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill never get caught slipping #NEVA ",0 "nil can't ball tho keep talking this ball life ",0 "Henny had the nerve to ask why I called her the horny one .... As if she won't raping niggas EVERY night ",1 "Ayeeee subway got they 2$ subs Ctfu ",0 "Oh Lawd , not again !!! ",1 "Not Finna play wid jasmine ass Finna blow ma high ",1 "LMMFAO !! scary girls be like ✋ ",0 "I need some & some ",1 "I forgot the best one was \Forever Boy "" . <3 _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "goin home inna few ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no you not but hmp ",0 "Dear God : make a man out of him before u make a HUSBAND out of him for me . Thanks n advance #myhusband ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GM Myra ",0 "Jeanette has no chill ! She made the collage and everything ",0 "Bahahaha yeaa she mad ",0 "Good Morning 1st shift Twitter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we did not , it was just a nice lil walk , nun like that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just be a serial killer u can't go around smacking ppl with guns ",0 "Gone On To Thee NEXT << These Hoess Can Haue Youu ! ",1 "Good morning up with my cry baby .. ",1 "Up early so ion fck up ",1 "lol that nigga ain't MINES tf ",0 "He don't love me no more ",1 "More ratchet tv tonight thanx to vh1 ",0 "bitches love summer shopping ",1 "Smoking purp wit my niggas #FFC ⛽ ",0 "I guess I'll just cut some tomorrow and that'll on leave him the choice to cut it ",1 "she fuck bald head give this bitch some type of hair .. she got WOLF PUSSY FADE SPECIAL ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao !! ",0 "I Wanna Be The Reason You Smile ",0 "This dread head ",1 "When people don't text me back I really just wanna irritate them all day ",1 "Dyanna otp got me dyn ",0 "Stop Calling Me Out My Damn Name i Ain't Gonna Tell You That Anymore Mr. Williams ! #Girlfriend Tweet ! ",1 "money tall , NBA ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ more like black like the night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck dem niggas peel off Bruh lhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yess don't mean to butt in but its addictive ",0 "We Cooling In Lil Kiki ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LMFAO THATS WHAT Y'ALL CALL YALL SELVES ??? ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : 3:09 Jerrell BDT ♥ "" ayyye lol "" ",0 "These niggas twatchin me ",0 "Vine got me weak ",0 "Ppl AlwaYs TalkiNgg Abt How iType ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I get my locs next week ",0 "Huck the only one not getting some ass , he prolly murder the too ",0 "Aye boy ? you ? Yea you ? You aint believe me when i said i fuck bitches better watch yo hoe huh ?? now look what happen u know who u is ",0 "Run up on me , GET YO ASS BEAT BLEW BACK ",1 "That's What She Get For Coming In Here Tryna Talk Shit ",1 "NO ! ! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Omar she's not calling you ! Omg . go to sleep now ! ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I remember u pissed me off boy but I don't hold grudges I got over it fast ",0 "Yo why tf boul run to his car like tht ",1 "If she a hoe she a tweakIf you can hit don't tell me ",0 "I was in the park whylin ",0 "I like how Jalen ugly ass over here going on what I look like ",0 "FB & Instagram pics ! #THEGOODTHEBADTHEUGLY 0/ ",0 "My TL dry where tf y'all at ",1 "Now richard be over west ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Quay iis krazy ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lml goodnight thooooo ",0 "Lol shawty get a boyfriend and think she the ❗ That's Dead ",0 "The only nighas that talk about my height is rod & quan bitch ass ",1 "Feel like I'm Finna throw tf up ✋ fuck hate this time month ! ",1 "Brandi exposing people ",0 "#CCM JACKGIRLS BTC GET HIP BUM IM #CCM NIA BBY ",0 "aye ian know that was ebony ",0 "On the phone w/ my cousin Fu he talmbout \ where yo friends at "" "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #oomf stalk me & #oomf "" you aint gonna _TWITTER-ENTITY_ them tho "" ",0 "I love you ...... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I you but we ” wht I do ",0 "Any nigga I put on some pussy I need a check ",0 "KP Montana x I Like It ",0 "These Harlem shake videos ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good Moring Cousinnnn ! ",0 "Can't till tommor turning Up frfr ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nf .... fb ",0 "I ain't even tellin this nigga nothing back ",1 "#NE Oreo double stuff c'est troooooop boooooon ",0 "- FIINA GT READY AND GO ! ",0 "Lmao I knew Jada didn't have a iPhone her messages GREEN as hell ",0 "I'm out & bout wit mii family , not having fun ! sad , bouta turn up in thiz early morningg ! ",1 "Imaking OOMF the Bae 4sho 4sho she know who she is ",0 "That moment when you think you found the right person ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ This Was Wayyy Toooo Funni !!! ",0 "Oomf cute ass needa dm me ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #oomf need to change her Avi back she was ”@ ? ",0 "My god baby is here with me today ☺️ #babysitting ",0 "3 type of Niggas• Niggas that make it happen• Niggas that watch it happen• Niggas that don't even know wtf is going on ",0 "Don't worry amber boo ill help you sleep . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ off da chain ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ man you should hv told me so I can give you your 101 class lol”lol I should of ",0 "my lil sis be sleep walking ",0 "What tf you did ? Suck dick on accident ..... VINE ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awww Hell Nahh ",0 "Laying here feeling sooooooooooooo good ",0 ". I need a gf a good girl ..... slow me down .. i think i need a lady friend ",1 "I knew that night was lieing .... broke ass ",1 "On the phone with rod ",0 "She always wanna play ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ has everything in my room smelling like him , disinfecting is a must . #cheesy You try and be nice and show him hospitality . ",0 "Gudmorning ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i dont want a light skin daughter cause she gone call me thirsty when i pick her up” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you don't bd telling me too ctfu you stay around the corner ",1 "what can i say you Cute ! ",0 "Slow Dance x Keri Hilson >>>>>>>> ",0 "Can't fuck my hoe cause its levels too this bitch !!! ",1 "Fuck with me and I'm bussin ! BOW !! Fuck Wit me and I'm bussin ! BOW !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "... bout to hit this lick ... ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : S/o to the bitches that have nothing to be exposed ” ",1 "If he got a car we can be cool ",0 "this night drunk af , he looked like he was bout to fall or sum ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cuz running from The Gas⛽ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ only u thinking that .. lol wat it matter ? We kno u didnt” you like mess though i forgot ! ",0 "But twitter dont apply to us ... RIGHT ! Not even fina text back cause the irrelevant , since the world know ",1 "✨ - you pretty & I Like ya Avi ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ fxck y'all ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she's ratchet ” she has some nice songs though ! ",0 "Got my number changed ",0 "Twitter Be Funny As Shit ",0 ". im tuu dead ",0 "Hell Yea Fam ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u mad or nahthat's not all im making ",0 "Yooo da bitches stuck Vic's up his ass now he Purin champagne up his ass ",0 "It's levels to this shit man ",1 "All I see is signs , all I see is dollar signs ",0 "Limp cuzzo ? Limp .. awww mann homie ✋✋✋✋✋✋ ",0 "no but for real that sweat suit got me feeling some type of way niggas be looking good in sweat suits ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : What Meka ? ” ",0 "Mama Cooking >>>>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good morning ",0 "Kmsl what I told #oomf what i learned today , all they couldaa do was shake they head . ",0 "fina head to the bus texting this punk >>>>> he too Kool ",0 "I Neva Paid Em Bt He Paid Da Kid ",0 "Bayy Always Give Me Some Advice . iLove Him . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't be irritated by that ",0 "Them boys TURNT this morning . ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Oomf >>>>♥"""" ",0 "i hooked my self on to that song now ",0 "Everybody's somebody's freak ",0 "She really is a clown tryin keep up with him ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love u tooo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ctfu them thot pages be bullshit , ” bitch YOU BULL SHIT ",0 "Wendell aint fighting nobody shut up moe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ guh yuh better not get in dhat shit cause yuh already kno how I'm cumin - ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me2 ... Spare Nobody . ” exactly ",1 "Jayme I Love You ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ IKR .. Was having some Me time .. Now off to work .. LY sis call me later ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ look at this ”I'm Done ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . What do i need to do to get you aty church in detroit ",0 "Mann .. I been saying the same shit ! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Damn i gotta get up at 7:30 tho . Goodnight✌” ",1 "Lmaooo Im Bucking Hard ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Chris brown isn't a libra .. Fuck that ! ” Lol naw my baby is a taurus ❤ freaky freak ,... Love em ",0 "Fenna Have Ky Ah Lil Brother ",0 "I'm glad I feel better ! Bc yesterday was one of my lowest days ",0 "Loooolz Got U Tho “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bout she shave off her hair . Good one _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tek man fi clown ” ",0 "Waiting on bae ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i know ! Could we possibly come see yall Tomorrow ? Or Sunday ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ aye boa I drive just don't have a license to ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My father acts like a little girl around his bitch . I hate being around them . ” you funny asl ",0 "Dahmere Prolly Gon Go to that Workout Jawn I'm Stuck In The Crib All Day ",1 "Shyt jus got real ",0 "Keisha can't find her dress damnnnnn ",1 "I don't look at like she a hoe or freak . She just got some friendly pussy ",0 "If my girl was to ever get jumped Idgaf I'm punching a bitch out ",1 "Somebody is walking down the street with a box fan in they hands so disrespectful ",1 "Ard let me take my loyal ass back to sleep ✌ ",1 "Lmaoooooo leila ap tuyem a reponse li yo lmaoooo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me either . than teedy always wanna eat out our plate ❗️ ",0 "High af ... _ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fb > new twitter ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Potomac basketball was on TV !! we to nastyyyy”wat ch ",0 "My header > .. ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ; I bet ",0 "The bitches on stage ",0 "We hang out one time missy turn up or something !!!! ",0 "Call of duty made break my controller again ... ahhh the life of cod ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas got garbage weed n still skimp yu” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Beyonce is soooo baddd” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't know I ain't asked , you stuck in goula ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , she doing the cat DADDY ",0 "Lmao she said blow some clouds I'm dead ",0 ". ' -i juss wanna beat somebody ass lmao ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I swear broke bitches make me sick ”make that the two of us don't forget scary ",1 "Girl You Look Good Why Don't You Back That Ass Up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yo I swear I'm done after that ",0 "My nigga my nigga my nigga ",0 ", lol do he miss these lips or whaaaat ? ",0 "' yeahhhh , text me righhhht now !!! ",1 "Kmsl . I just Got Happy asf When I Seen that Message Pop Up on my Phone !!. ",0 "Put him on leash since his a ** like to roam !!! Lol ",0 "Lol you the one who wanted the session not I ... I love you bookie ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm so over every nigga and they bullshit”u think they aint tired of yo shit too ",1 "Goodnight don't forget to pray ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ U Clown All Day Bruh . ",0 "A chance to make this love last ",0 "make dht hoe call me big daddy while im hittin dht ass frm da bak ✋ ",0 "If we Play We Play for Keeps ",0 "oomf >>>> ♥ ",0 "I see you ",1 "LMBO !! Kendria My Dawgg !!! She Got That Number For Me Though !!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfaoo I think I got it now ” ",0 "Aww hims a baby ",1 "-wassup Fool You Cool As Shit I Fucks Witchu Real Shit ",0 "I Can't Stop Lauging ",0 "Thought I found a deal ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lls naw it would be samsapples ",0 "Skip want LeBron to fail so bad it's pathetic ",1 "My baby woke y'all ",1 "bored out myy mind had ah ball dhis weekend widt myy baee _TWITTER-ENTITY_ n sis yaz ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm not mean I just don't deal with BS well . #LibraThatsMe ” that's me ! ❤ """" ",0 "My Name Is Porshia But You Can Call Me : Pretty #Sosa ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well somebody thought they was THE shitt ",0 "Fish and grits for lunch ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Idk I'm here now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u childish ",0 "Don't nobody like a bitch that act tougher then Nem mines well be wit a nigga ",0 "Even tho it ain't that serious , but wat up tho ",0 "I got threatened today , she called saying she will fuck me up cudnt do nun but laugh as she kept saying it ",0 "Somebody better get ready cux Im going in this weekend ",1 "Niggas be swearing we gone fuck ✋ ",0 "Ya Body On Mines Up & Down ",0 "Fuck me & my nigga we getting married today & all them bitches be hating can catch our bucay ",0 "Vamping #500 looking for somebody Bitch lol\ #500 "" ",0 "That message I just got ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Bitch Im On House Arrest I Get Off May 31St #GANG ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : my girl gon hold me down ” Aww shit Nigel ✊ ",1 "She was with it till I said 16 ",0 "It's hump day ",1 "Ray J , I Hit It First ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you look miserable ",1 "Put This Pussy In His Face && Shut Him Up Real Fasst ! ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ greenfield ✊ Right with you boo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you dickeating ",0 "I one night his girl ☝️ , and he spoil ha . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shit yea ... gram Yo Ass ... ",0 "More to see what it look like cause I know I can fit it it's a small ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yo you really had me looking back at my tweets too "" ctfu it's okay izzy "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lol Dai Better Hit Shy Up & Say She Want The Poom Poom ” ",0 "My IG juice ",1 "But wen she open her eyes n c me by her side her smile light up d room ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol , we was getting it ! ",0 "I'm jtfo she ah clown dawg ",0 "ohhh , you knw im slow smash .. ",1 "Nigga get out your feelings !!!!! Damn ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol no just come && keep that ass jumping ... lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : people that be messy but cant fight ? okay ” haaaaaaan ",1 "They don't know about y'all ",1 "Copping my iversons lol only cuz they black & gold ... Yall know a bitch turned gold ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I have some bad news to tell taj ” I'm by my self ?! ",1 "I want knee knee ",1 "F is friends who do stuff together U is for you and me !!!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitch u NEVER left Blake st still dnt kno how to drive nd got a Fukin fuk trophy to show fa yo hoeing ! ” ",0 "Love done got me Trapped again . <3 ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Everybody & amp ; they mama messed with Jd lol frfr smh” ",0 "Nia hate me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ weed lol . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : They told me not to say nothing but fuck it ...... Beyonce is bringing Lil boosie out during halftime . ” ",1 "You got it good'N'tight ? ",0 "He made my night so im finna k.o ",0 "It's finally DRE DAY ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ He Lacking On Me Ronald ",0 "Then sum of u bitches a Theif and dnt even know wat your doin ..... Gettin dat ass caught , yea I seen your picture in the Store ",0 "I ain't crying over no nigga I ain't weak mane ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Where the Heat fans at ? "" right here "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just adding to the convo .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ shitting me who yu with ",0 "Quis funny af ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This Girl Got Her Test Took Cause She Was On Her Phone . ” dumb ass ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Look At Sheemy Dooo ",0 "You Should Know Bitch You Real Stupid .. iLove How You Told Jamelle Me & You Fell Out When Ain't Shit Had Nun To Do W/ You _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas With Lil D's Need To Slit They Wrist , Drink Bleach , & Hang Themselves ! ” #DammitMan ",1 "Oh , hey boo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u outbackk” yesss I do ",0 "I know your only mistress is Mary Jane ",0 "just got in bout to pass out☺ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : GN . Y'all gonna say it back or nah ? ” go Tf To Bed ",1 "Im Hitting That Bit Up Too Charlie ",0 "Got a human up disguise but my face is a doggy ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : funniest vine ever that big fat ass girl talking about that ice cream . "" hell yeah  "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Its god to be home” good nigga ......... Fuck you in heaven ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I got first dibs when oomfs get older ” I hope yu not talking bout the person I think yu talking bout ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol . right right ",0 "Did me . Rogers just tweet ✋ ",0 "Tired as a muthafucka ! ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lol no it don't bitch” ",0 "Bitty just played and called me a fake ass Rocko lol ",0 "I need a job ! ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : These bitches Come & go so I'm not wifing AnyOne” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ exactly since it's no quad , I bet you be there tomar ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank youuuu‼ ",0 "Just beat _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in NBA 2k13 .... by over 20 . Chris Paul got fouled out lmfaoooo ",0 "Or should I say groupies ",0 "I'm so happy to be off my feet and I'm my bed ...... body tried after the day I done had ..... work ..... shoppin .... dinner .... wooo I'm beat ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Tht man tlkn rite before love Sosa come on Kmsl >>> ” kno Dat nigga got caught wit a ratchet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ojo lah , ngko ndak 15rb ku ilang ",0 "I wish Ray would get out her feelings tonight ! ",1 "tf is joseline saying ",1 "You beautiful \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : But guess wat .. I'm still prettyyyyyy """" ",0 "? Glad its funny ",0 "Now IFeel Like Fuckingg Withh Somebody ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but that dimple is MY LIFE ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ naw u foldin ",0 "Dam it’s that real cats think I’ll go gay before I give up light skin chics lemme go get me a brown skin honey ",0 "I would like to thank .. TURN UP ion wanna thank nobody ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i was tryin speak u carried me ",0 "I think that girl gave me her number to be my friend ",0 "Cause iswear bay hanlde his business VEY WELL ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hoe ass nigga ",0 "Usher a freaky bull supahead funny as shit .. ",0 "Whooooa I just seen \Fuck Boosie "" on my TL I had to remind myself this just twitter . "" ",0 "I ignore 4 phone calls I'm sorry I'm playing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ all the way threw ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Even when I'm constipated I still shit on Bishes” LMFAOO ! ",1 "He messing wit Tia lmao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck you bitch you gone go and quote her tweet hoe ",0 "We Sum Shitt For Datt ",0 "Tah a dh ",0 "I'm still home ",0 "Man mfs be tweakin go hop on folks dick when he get out #FUGANG ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Cause Your a Bald Bitch & You Know It , You Act So Different Around Weave”✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all cute bruh ! ",0 "Chicken is petty as hell !!!! I told him I'm finna get a I.d && he gone say he nt gone snatch me up he just gone tell my I.d fake ",0 "Precious bouta steal that chicken y'all ",0 "I'm about to blow your mInd ",1 "Atleast he stuck around through it all : ) ",0 "I'm high y'all ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yuh Sum Heat #iwontlie fwm doe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfu thats wassup . I'm happy for the both of yall . He damn sho feel the same ... hows the fam ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Tired . Good night ✌” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ exactly . ",0 "We watching movies and on twitter ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Girls phone : Babe Boys phone : Thot 1 ”” true ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aye , maybe you feel as if you bitter ",0 "ima sock her yo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol lol boaaaaa sure u can ",0 "Eww bitch lol , there ain't gone be another day ",0 "Lmao jaden needa chill ",0 "Lips always movin ",1 ". Mhy Baby Got Auh Pretty Ass Bestfriend She Blessed . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I peeped it said niggas , when I meant the one that said females .. lol” nooo agree with me ! ",1 "Goodmorning tho twitter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Just Like Yo Legs ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I told y'all it was blood over my Dick ! I was serious ”girl please be silent ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jassmine no !!!! ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Wallawulasa gasolinaaa” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Juan bouta irritate my soul omg y'all dnt understand Ctfu ” what he do ",1 "Jus got off the phone with him gn twitter ",0 "Me & Jaylin was messing with that girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey Mel ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : yoooo Tasha said bout that gay life !!!! I'm done with her” ",0 "My lil sister friend over her ... she got on some big ass panties IM DEAD ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : that government better be up by thursday cause thats when i get paid ” ",1 "My Nigga Is Mine ' NoMatta How yu Take it ' it is Wat it Is ' Don't sk him , Talk to him or about him or Even look his Way bxtch "" ",0 "They ham on FB ",0 "I gotta make my mama proud ",0 "Brandon Marquis Williams #StampThat ",0 "SHERMAINE gone make me knock her big headed ass out ",0 "for this 15 to ever smell like Eggs and shit ❗️ I'm irked now ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Blunts n ' bottles """" ",0 "my pants wrinkled cous idc ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao He Krazy Too He Gone Aight ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'll never put my hands on a Female ....... But I'll sweep kick that hoe downstairs if she touches me” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey besties ",0 "Ali and his Lil brother grinding each other up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ naw naw naw ",0 "Wtf is somebody knocking on my room door when it open when it closed u knock dummies ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : - WHN YAl SEE ARiEl D'NiTA ANDERSON TEll HER iGOT A SlAP WAiTiNG ON HER fACE .! ””KMSL JUX LYKE THAT ... KMSL ",0 "Niggas b like ion even kiss hoes lmao #DaLies ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol forreal ? ",0 "This emoji cracks me Upp for some reason ",0 "Texting My First Love !!! ❤ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ header popping” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you sooo much retweet me ? ",0 "I wanna see my lil baby ",1 "What u mad for ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ l lmao . fope she seem dope so I asked . ",0 "Peterman fry his corn dogs , WTF ? Lol ",0 "☺I got all these Emojis and cants see one . ",1 "jabria so slow damn bru ",1 "But im Still & Thiss Bitch ",1 "you lost #oomf first now me , pathetic guess you love trash right ? ",1 "Beyoncé is a queen that has money , a husband , a baby and millions of fans yet y'all hoes still say the stripper Kash Doll is y'all idol ",0 "Bitches sharin leggins what dis world cumn too .. Smh next it a be pads .. ",1 "Lmaoo , this shit here . ",0 "lowkey females >> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ blouse Charles Barkley ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not crazy , it's that nigga ",0 "my throwbacks i be like ",1 "I Was Rollin Thru Upper Darby Earlier , It Was Dead As Shit ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ naw she just be D/e ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao !!!!!! ",0 "Man this dude at the barbershop got Lebron line ",1 "Bitch is a caption save her ass ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nope ... always room for Spunky ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you aggy she just retarded .. ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dfl no u the other one ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm stranded in Lakewood again ” you must got a chick out there cuz you stay out there ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wat u got going on today ijs .... ",0 "Going to the city for the first time in my 17 years with this ginger _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! Can't wait ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I finally got my senior stuff” Ian got my shit yet ",0 "Im to kilt femi stupid ",1 "I Jus Got Up From My Power Nap ",1 "Lol awwwww he said that ",0 "Nobody's texting me fuck y'all to ",1 "Awl im holding the babe ",0 "Pound a fool ",0 "Vickey Still Greedy ",1 "No other girl I rather be cuffed by ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's amess ",0 "Yall so fucking fake ",1 "This bish gon be bad with her new haircut !!! Don't believe me just watch ",0 "Im ctfu .. Sabb a dh ",0 "my mother said she almost snapped her neck right in half ",1 "Who Tryna Text Me ",1 "mane that shit said ",0 "I be too damn bucked ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ like why ppl gotta lie bout they relationship ",0 "it's cool though ",0 "Why My TL Stop Workin ",1 "ii wanna be w/ you ! ",1 "Played wit Dinka for two days had to bust her up ",0 "Luv u Rosie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh ardd , you coming ? & what's score gone be ? ",0 "Sent that message to the wrong person ",1 "I love the way meek mill rap . I be weak ",0 "Lol she tryna mix me tho ",0 "No lickin , if ain stickin ❗ ",0 "My mom and stepdad are soo funny ",0 "My Sister _TWITTER-ENTITY_ &' Ha Friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Going To Hell Man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got a boyfriend ",0 "dude so fuckin mean dawg ",1 "I Think I Just Saw _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Dad In My Neighborhood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ samething sleepy bored asl wyd tadayyy ",1 "Can't go to sleep bout tht vamp life lol ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shits gone my nigga ",0 "These hoes ain't did SHIT 4 me , so these hoes can't get SHIT from Me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't blow down B that's my sign ",0 "We made a deal lets see if he do what he suppose to do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ;; Dnt Do Me That Mane ",0 "Put my baby right to sleep ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodnight fb ",0 "My Aggy Bout Wavy Is Hell , Keep Calling My Name !! : )) ",0 "Finnah Showahh . Bbl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lol , thanks so much beautiful . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she gone be yo ass ",0 "This single life is the best thing that ever happened to me . Lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm texting you now so hush lol ",0 "bruh yall jus dk how im ready too fck dat thanksgivin food up ",0 "Bae in her feelings early ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ....... ! lol ",0 "i cant deal ✋ ",0 "Your texts make me smile , even before I read them . Jocelyn ",0 "- I love youuuuuuu !! I think this school year gone make us close and I want it too ! We finna fuck it up lol ",0 "Fuck Thanksgiving When it end my Gma ain't cooking shit I till that food get low ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfu , the same over here ✌️ , ",0 "#Oomf always trynna get somebody to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol ",0 "got everybody sayin \or nah """" ",0 "ima get set home today ",0 "I have the IDGAF disorder ",1 "I'm Trying To Get My Grub On ",1 "Day 1 niggas , yall stuck w/ me dawwwggg ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ion think I'm moving out this bed today” ",1 "French kiss that pussy like M U A H ! ",0 "I woke nip aceeeming like who got me z ",0 "I thought that oomf thought that I was weak nbs lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You not hoe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol : ) ",0 "I Told Em To Tell Otha Suck My Right Nut ✋✋ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : - If your daughter say \ Turn Up "" before she head out for the night you gotta make her stay home . ” "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its true though ",0 "On my way out day 2 of the 7day turn up for my bday ",0 "Yo lmao !! I know quan mad oh well ! ",0 "nick cannon told them they a couple ",0 "Lajanai My Baby Fr ",0 "My sister in labor ",1 "if yu tapped out before dnt lie , it is wht it is ❗ ",1 "Finna get my schedule changed again ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was coming next ",0 "im getting a lor Cakey ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ GOO BIGG LEXYY ! ” ",0 "I love his vine videos tho _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #imdead ",0 "Let me find out ",0 "T is for T-Rex ",0 "Ima put that million dollar pussy on him make em Rich ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : when I was like 21-23 I wanted to be sophisticated sexy grown etc nah I'm just like fuck I do what I want ” YESS !! ",0 "My girls told me ignore her she just mad ",1 "just sent everybody a \mawning "" text "" ",0 "Side line hoes be like ..... ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ”” ",0 "Got yo daddy all in my ass I'm just being honest ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning ",0 "Ima have the Benzino face fuckin wit Kai ",0 "Finna call Darius ant heard from him in Hellas . ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fav . Guy done forgt about me sooooo BBL ... "" Um about to kik you "" OKツ "" ",0 "#threewordsafter getting beat up wilding out !!!! ",0 "Jeeezy , My Nigggga : ) ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : skinny girls be havin that Super ☔ >>>>>>> ❤ """" ",0 "It's so warm n my room tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how brah ? ",0 "Jaquan and Syiah ratchetttttttttt ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #RapLikeLilWayne bust a nut in her eye , guess she seen it cummin ” ",0 "I see where we stand now .. lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh yea its time i get a job too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Get u a white man that loves you for you and is down for that . #Youstillgettingblackpipe ",0 "SlO To _TWITTER-ENTITY_ She Bhadd Asl #FB ",0 "This Nigga Plies Said ... Gave Huh Some Of This \Sweet Meat "" .... Lmao "" ",0 "Lmaoo duking her ass on the locker tho ",0 ", my BESTFRIEND ! Know I will give him hell ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you crazy lol "" But that . Why you love me !!!!!! "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I kno ask Jamal bout me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fat bitches with normal sized legs be looking like car keys . ”” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol why tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfaooo bro idk ",0 "I gotta uptown nigga cause them hoes say they hot ",0 "Watchn reruns off my BITCH _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss her dat bitch KEPT DAT BADD BITCH MENTALITY DON'T GIVE A DAMN ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ U Stupid ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Love My Boyfriend Yall ! He ! ♥♥” ",0 "Just got finished eating cookie dough ",0 "I Am & Love With A Leo He Blows My Mind ",0 "Isamar Let Me Sleep On Her Lap ",0 "Lightskin girls god bless y'all ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm soooo in looooove ” ",0 "This song on the sims is the worst ",1 "Oomf a hoe ",0 "Where da shootas at cdfu ",0 "Now y'all tweeting ",0 "Dey be cursin On the radio now lol I'm late ",0 "Don't drop that thun thun , aye ! dont drop that thun thun _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My friend came back for me ! ",1 "! I Missed My Granny ",1 "What ever happend to T-Pain , Young Joc , Lil John , ",0 "I Wanna Go With #Oomf ",1 "Stuck my tongue all in her ass u shouldve seen the way she wobbled .! ",0 "Up early on my way home ☺ ",0 "my skin tell me i'm black , my hair tell me i'm mixed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋✋✋✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning fb ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ date ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shit up Mimi !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfu is you nuking or nahh ? watching beyond scared straight ",0 "I'm Finna Go to Diamond House ",0 "New Avi . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes dead serious doe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lhh Yeahh Poodie Tooo Fcking Real ",0 "a white Christmas would be great ! ❄️⛄️ ",0 "WRK N DA A.M ,, LORD DA LIGHTS NEED 2GO OUT ! SO ICNT GO ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ion even have that ",1 "Ig hoes ! ✋❗❗ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You Been A Stranger Too Dari ",0 "I could be childish but im not ",1 "I asked her a question ! I wonder if she could see that it's me ",0 "U betta put some water on that damn shit ",1 "Some things niggas dnt understand ",0 "Yes !!! Anaconda vice on Michael Cole ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hit yo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i got yu ",0 "Wonder if she get it ",0 "Lmao I knew that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmaooo Love u to bestieee ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ✋ I Can't Deal . """" ",0 "I want some honey BBQ wings from KFC & ima get em too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know that's who knocked us out if the playoffs ? ",0 "I ' appreciate all them people who bought me good today .. ✊ ",0 "CHILLN WATCHN MOVIES N EATN ICE CREAM WIT MY DJ GUDNITE TWEEPS ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ DUMB !!!!!! Now time for the preached word !!! Today's topic FREEDOM ",0 "When Bae snoring DOEEE >>>>> lol ",0 "\That's why you don't run on wet dicks "" "" ",0 "He was feelin hisself ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ctfu then I save it again lol with all these emojis”yesss yo ",0 "Niggas be fly as shit but can't spell‼️ ",0 "I love my Mike Mike tho ... ",0 "Me and babe over here hype . #game6 #spurs ",0 "Gold Morning Beautiful People ! ",0 "But she got some more new stuff today ",0 "- I love youuuuuuu !! I think this school year gone make us close and I want it too ! We finna fuck it up lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I deleted it” u making PPL mad on this Friday ",1 "FSE THAT NIGGA LIKE EVERY GIRL HE TALK TO #SMH ! ",1 "Kinda lovestruck over here !! Smh ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Diamond & lol I miss you Dude ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know smh how could everyone forget ? ",1 "December 13 , 1992 . Sunday nite _TWITTER-ENTITY_ 8pm a beautiful chucky baby was born name Kim Denise Brown to Beatrice Brown ... ",0 "Everybody And They Mama Wanna Rap Know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wat Manz will kiss SOME DICK LIPS . Lls I'm gone ",0 ", I'm convinced they wana join out TEAM ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YESSSSS ' ",0 "Dont be a bitter biddy , that's all ",0 "#2omf always sub tweeting each other , fuck out my TL . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Come Outside Later ? : ) ",0 "Finna get otp w/ boo , bbl . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good Morning : ) quit being anti ",0 "Got on twitter , seen #oomf new avi and was like gahhhhhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hey sis What's up ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If that pussy don't come with that head ion want it "" #Amen "" ",0 "I get off at 5:30 i will take it at 5 ",0 "Txting _TWITTER-ENTITY_ && _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! these sum fools ! ",0 "wen da winter hit yall betta CUFF yall nighas cus wen ii cme threw im choosin whueva ii wnt ' && takin him to his new home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ turn up I'm bored fwm ",1 "The devil in this bitch ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ loongass igot my Kalebbbb "" Awe nkeiriaaaaaaaa <33333 well yeaaa you got me Nd I simt goinn No where "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ but ” what about him ? never had one by him , oh okayyy ",0 "Mike Tyson cant sing ",1 "OJ jus what I need ",1 "she ran ! ",0 "Woke me up out my Sleep thts how I kno it's Real ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My car knows my struggle bc this mf'a still going and its been on E for 2days . "" #ThugLife "" ",0 "That mane stupid he on IG cuffed up with a flipper . ",0 "How u gone trip about me calling u \Ha "" and now I'm lame when I say ya name lmao "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you got that one lol well GO that way then ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too ",0 "I'm changing my name to Ant McFatty ",0 "Yo Avi cute _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ they lady there” I'm confused now ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Gimme One Good Kiss Baby , Promise I Won't Tell Nobody . """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! : ) ",0 "Mad I was on probation tho ",1 "I'm up for it “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Who . up and wanna text” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol u cant beat me 4 shit ... no one can ",0 "All my cousins around my age they booty big only about 5 not mines bigger .. But still i be feeling like shit ",1 ".. this nigga said i aint tryna be no main im tryna be a side nigga if that ! Lmao ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ok babymom "" ayeeeee ya poppin lol "" can I be da gos father "" ",0 "Scrappy put the paws in Erica ",0 "And I Can't Lie When I Lay In Yo Arms Baby I Feel So Sexy : ) ",0 "Yea that's my testimony this morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my phone do it big ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Your welcomelol ",0 "Got 5 unread messages but only looking at one ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bye bye negativity ain't getting in today lmfao”right ",1 "ifckd yo bitch dont be mad aint too many of these dawg hoes icant have ",0 "my gf sooo frustrated trying hook this game up ",1 "I'm dying laughing at Savia ..... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , DH that's what THOT mean . ",0 "& I'm sneaking my homework in ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why you ain't say heyy lol ",1 "Wat you doin BruhMan ?! Nun ... jus Chilln . Makin a sammich .. ",0 "He Said I'm On Punishment lol ",0 "Tahiry fuckin Mr. Clean ",0 "Maury 65 years old and still exposing these hoes , lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ let me see ",0 "Man Niggas Be Lying like Bitches ",1 "He said fck me tho ",0 "Lol whatsup babe ! Who ya snapping on ? ",0 "ky ass like TADOW -kytweet ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Destiny take pictures all day "" lol Cause iBe bored Mason "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you was w/yo man && ain't get none ? He out you on punishment or something ? ",0 "Carroll Choir > The Greatest Choir In The WCAC ",0 "My tinka is 3 Months ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao okay desenia u get my vote for them shoes ",0 "Ain't got no service in this place still tweetin on you bitches ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Would you believe me if I said I'm inlove ? YOU BETTER NOT BITCH” ",1 "Otp w/ Nafessa ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmaoo Nah That's Funny In The Hood ",0 "This new Twitter Update is Life right now ",0 "I'm glad my sister leave in SPRINGFEILD I can go to her house whenever I want ",0 "he said it smell like ass ",0 "Lol this reunion bananas lmfao ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : . FINAAAA TWERRRRRKK♡♥ツ” I'm coming to watch lol ",0 "Fuck imma b doin tomar yo ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ready for friday ... nd saturday ",0 "Ill see em tommorow hopefully . . ",0 "Know des eyes bad ",1 "this convo me & her having . ",0 "you shitting me ",1 "She Say I'm KIK Tuff ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ twitter works without wifi ",0 "We should just get naked ",1 "Skarkiesha got shot I can't deal , that's not funny but it's funny ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Oos I really want #oomf "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Em "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol ... I aint got SHIT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ FB ? ",0 "Beyonce singing the national anthem . lol ",0 "LET IT SHINE is on !!!!!!!!!!!! ",0 "Just woke up to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hugging me !!! ",0 "Girl got that uspa on lmfaoo , hell nahh ! ✋ ",0 "Flashpoint & Pineapples >>>> later . Flashpoint & dinner+ monkey bread >>>>> ",0 "Shawty so bad she walk like she need her ass kissed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ; I do that to everybody sha ; be kool ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ feel free too hmj , night sis ",0 "Good Morning _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Have A Blessed Day & Enjoy It : ) ",0 "Niggas Stay Frontin fa Ig & Twitter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fareal Mane Ah Niqqa Tired ",0 "Going to RVA in a few weeks to visit _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u mad as shit now bull ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ soo where tf it's at I'm but fareal I'm hungry ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you babbbbbby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lets Turn up mannnn .... ",0 "I Miss My Cuzooi Shayyy ",1 "lies i stay trynn trap you ",1 "Good morning tweople .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ her jawn got cooked ",0 "I SWEAR A NIGGA CAN NOT GET ME TO MAKE A VIDEO THESE NIGGAS GET DISRESPECTFUL AS SHIT BITCHES SUCKING DICK ON IG NOW yu good grl ❗ ",1 "She Say She Wanna Fck , I Juss Want Some Head , ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ talk to ya brother man , don't he be on ig ? lol sneaking on it and shit ",0 "my mother & father be having me dyingg laughinggg ",0 "You Kno What I Like That Is Y I Like It Babybee ",0 "It seems like I can't stop smiling ",0 "Oomfs look good in that avi can't stand him thou ✋ ",0 "niggas feed these Bitches lies ",0 "Pandora crankin rite now ",0 "8:02 for my lil sis _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "61 people like the \To Be Real "" post and I only did nine "" ",1 "Phone on silence : ) ",0 "I wanna marry Kobe ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how is your beautiful baby snooki ??? ",0 "; It's Funny How Day By Day , EveryThing Change But When You Look Back EveryThing Is Different . ✌✊ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ awww that ain't never her ! ",0 "The way my morning is set up lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao fuck u "" the Rocky movies was aight . ”lol only u Usain "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just about ",0 "Well twitter im good noww ",0 "Me & Jewyl play too much ",0 "Yeah I know , get some rest ! Goodnight ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't ever use franks name like that nigga shit get physical ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wouldn't be ya bm dh ",0 "He Could Do SOOO MUCHH BETTER ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ >> nf ... fb ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! Yea a lil sum sum ",0 "It's always gone be yours ",0 "We Fuss & We Fight But Its Clear & Understood Dat We FOREVER ♥♡♥♡♥ ",0 "naw I'm just fuckin ' witcha tho ",1 "Turn down da whet ! \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Headin to ATL !!!! Time to be TURNT !!!! """" ",0 "Buss it for dem mikes ",0 "Lhh Im Weak ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u good girl ",0 " - We Used To Be Like My Bestfriend And Shit But Now It's Like . Your Avi Is Gorgeous Btw ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok ok ",0 "Your My Lil Secret ",0 "They say I'm broke , dnt make a nigga laugh ",0 "My Bitch Pussy A1 ",0 "I can't wait until my new bundle of joy comes in February ♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥ #happytweet ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Knocked yo bitch didn't need no reason , take my bitch and call it even """" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's all love "" bye waddy .. see you January 14th  "" ",0 "I'm so mad wit myself “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I WATCHED SCANDAL”I knew it tho ” ",1 "Hey just made my day ",0 "Flicked the lighter , I'm sweatin .. wooooo ",0 "Mane oomf look like a monkey Ion discriminate tho ",0 "That nigga stripper Krazy ",0 "I Got Em Like ",0 "Ant Mizz Gave Me Them Condoms You Snow What Dat Mean ",0 "#oomf look like they putting .... Nvm ",0 "I remember I bussed Bria ass in ball at jd house ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nfb .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your Avi tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol thank u ",0 "MAKING HOMEMADE CHILLI FOR DINNER 2 NITE GONNA BE ON #3HUNNA # LIKE ALWAY'S ",0 "Have A Craving For Chocalate ",0 "I will ! Me and my son hero'd up ! ",0 "Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ mornin ' girl . Jus saw u on my TL and wanted to say hi . A bitch at hm n shit cause of the shut down smh ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : before i eat that pussy . i say my grace "" ..... haha real funni "" ",0 "Never flex on a girl that had your back & a girl that found out something bad & she was still by your side ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too ",1 "they had my nigga markeese rapping yesterday ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I got a fat bitch name slim” ",0 "HA ! \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : What if u saw Stevie wonder liking pics on Instagram .... """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Avi >>>> ",0 "Everybody Almighty & Baddies . The Struggle ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : shit bouta get real in like a hourrrrr "" wyg "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know I got ya homie lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #FB ????? ",0 "this shit too muchhhh hahaga ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ kk baby thanks ”np ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me If Its _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me . ",0 "I gotta watch this catfish episode where Shawty said Bowwow catfishing ha ✋ ",1 "Man I'm dead ",1 "Ctfu Everybody In Jail Now ",0 "Nut ass nigga made me miss a trolly ",1 "Good morning everybody ",0 "Everybody Loves Dav ",0 "These niggas pussy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol don't she look like Elvis long lost son though ",0 "He just made my night ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause it can be war” do it ",0 "I kant say my man dnt beo on it ",0 "IM FINALLY FUCKIN HOME in the house relaxing and shit ",0 "Lol sometimes Tiny's weirdness surpasses mines and I just cant keep up ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Is that a treat baby ? ” non mon amour c du love !!! ",0 "Bahahaha she got me . ",0 "She so thick g .... ",0 "FREE MI ACE MANE ! THE 12s THEY PUTTIN HER IN TWITTER JAIL _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "These social networks be deceiving us some of y'all look crazy in real life ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : We get out at 11 tomorrow , I might come back to chic fil a ” which one ! ",0 "I never watch football but dayummmm ! Lmao good job Auburn ! ",0 "People be playing down ! ",0 "The Girl _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Work Told Me I Look High As Shit ! .. IAM ",0 "Dymond just never know what she believe in so I be shocked each time ",0 "hadda download tango , for my android niggas -Deajaih ",0 "Stevie J fave making ass ",0 "My school popping right now ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ awww thx u just made me smile ” ",0 "Sis them my hater blockers ",0 "This nigga in jail mad cause I'm not sending him no money . Suck a dick bitch ",1 "Aye Moee ' Let A Real Jamaican Go On BadGirlsClub ",0 "Bestfriend cooking breakfast since I just woke up .... ✊ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ chill ctfu ",0 "11:11 Loyalty & Power ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My wife sed she juss wants a jacc & coke , a cheesesteak , and a ciggarette ...! ” #thesimplethings ",0 "✋✊*caught it *✌️ ",0 "Still tweeting bt G ? Why tho ? swerve bitches , it ain't even that serious ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks boo !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You sooooooooo cute ",0 "To the honeys gettin money treating niggas like dummies ✊ ",0 "Im up rise and shine to me .. ",0 "brang them out them bullets make you run fast ' ",0 "It was funny tho ",0 "You know how they do how they act see you with another nigga then they want you back ",1 "#teamlilbooty be sexy in the face & d boney in the waist ",0 "this lonely shit is true SIKE NIGGAAAAAA ",1 "My mama went to get me some haskells ",0 "Layin with my baby ",0 "I love rocky ",0 "Shoutout to Lele she like My 10 year nigga igotta lovee her #yaknoo & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ joked yea son ",0 "It Won't Stop x Sevyn Streeter Ft . Chris Brown ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : All I see is ppl talkin about rough sex on my tl what happened to making love lol ? ” nobody tight anymore ” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : MCBBQ today thoooo ” Then the punch out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LOL Nah ",0 "Just had the best convo with my husband ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I tried . He has too many testimonies on his page . ",0 "My mama my Valentine , LOL ",0 "Lol ! #OOMF fav that twit pic ",0 "Yea Im Back Bitches Did U Miss Me Or U Aint Care Bitch ",0 "So glad _TWITTER-ENTITY_ fixed that avi !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ooooo YOUU MADD . ",0 "had fun with baby today ",0 "That's fine though ",0 "Some Head This Morning Tho Would Be Nice ✊ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Mannnnnn , I be having that Ass when my Jeans come Off && UOENO ” ",1 "Bout to get up so I can workout . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ What ??? You Don't Like That , Well You Gone Be Boo Thang : ) ",0 "T . i - Now Thats A Handsome Man Right There ",0 "S/O To _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fb ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Wonder wat _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is doing "" She on her way to church "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Cause her Instagram be lyin , making people think she fineee . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ”” ",0 "THESE BITCHES LOVE SOSA .... Playing my ish !! ",0 "MeeMee gave me her beats ... ",0 "We : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Need Some Food .. ” ",1 "' my sweet thanq uh be OKAY ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : These niggas be fussin all day "" I'm not fussing I'm discussing” "" ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Real Niccas Only Settle Down With One Female #Word ”A Krab Nigga Would Say Dis 4 A Retweet” ",0 "Silly Ole Girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good Morning Odaliss ",0 "Only if she new that I really want her ❤ ",0 "- 11:21 Fo Mhee .. ❤❤ ",0 "- we had differences for no reason nbs but u cute cool and yo titties is just so big for no reason that I can't help myself ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ jtfo hope yo ass choke on the milk ... ",1 "I miss them classic days man ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : In a way I got exactly what I wanted for Christmas ✨ """" ",0 ". No bitches ... No hoes .. No Tricks ... No Tramps ... Single as a pringle .. lol .. ",0 "My Only BestFriends Thvts Been There Since Say ONE Is Kamar , Raymond , Jatayah , & nd Theresa Love Them To Death ♥' ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : That shower was heaven” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yesssss !!! she a whole rat !! should I _TWITTER-ENTITY_ her ratting ass so she know it's real ? ”it's too late ",0 "#Oomfs is Bae ",0 "i said what yu got somewhere to go keep talking bout a phone lay Tf down & go to sleep he scared to leave that wifi or nah ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If bb don't get off my TL sounding desperate” Lmfaoo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : bitch eyebrows on font size 36 times new roman bold italics smfh cant be seen wit u hoe” ",1 "G got me full tho . ",0 "This jeezy life ",1 "You can't never like somebody , without bullshit .. #single ",1 "Oops #SickleCell anemia tht is !! ",0 "A nigga get shot we still won't give our girl da code to unlock da phone nigga hop str8 up and say oh I'm ard bae it's only a flesh womb ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitch To Me .. Talkin Dont Mean Shit To Me ! ” haaaann now whu yu talkin bout lawd ",1 "Lmaoo She So Funny ",0 "Candy dutty bout too much work ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Niggas Hungry Fool ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate wen my pussy get moist ” ",1 "Im So Funny ",0 "Turn up turn up turn up ctfu ",0 "Talkn too my bestfrandd ",0 "12:31 my lil sis day love yo ugly ass ",0 "i need some white friends , they always having fun & they got money ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol you need a quiet place and ",0 "It went down like that only so i can get somethinq better ",0 ", Bang Bang Superman Gang ",0 "He Wana Eat Dat Lowkey ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ mf yeen broke ! ”lol I don't want no food tho ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wyd big head ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mybad bro ",0 "KP Montana x I Like It ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You Too : ) & I don't be on ig no mo ",0 "My dad is a mobster “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ acting like a straight Mitch ” ",0 "Goodnight lovely lovess ",0 "got em singing drunk in love ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol what I do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sike naww ",0 "I fell in love with a Haitian in Miami ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitches be happy as shit they can see emojis now & how tf you going say serious face but then put the laughing face ",0 "I use to be dumb af round here Putin shit pass a bitches poor old me ",1 "Fucked some girl up today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I tried lia ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she really MADD as shyt yo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ must be ignoring me today ",1 "Bitches be like \Ima go on Twitter & talk shit about her cause we just friends on Facebook ✋ "" nah bitch ✋ "" ",0 "Girls day with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & nd _TWITTER-ENTITY_ has been wonderful ",0 "Ima do good today yall ",0 "GoodAfternoon Btw ✌ ",0 "Out in traffic with Og granny .!! Cooling just got the nails and eyebrows done #YaHearMe ",0 "Bol unhuh : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm tellin juu snoo me lmfaoo ",0 ", Tell Me How Youu Feel Abouute ",1 "Imaa August Babyy yeaa im winning ",0 "Honeeee n Sasha Doe My Niggas ",0 "Lol She Mad . ",0 "Bestfriend you see what I see on my TL ",0 "Happy BDay to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Straight porn on my TL ",0 "Mungkin dia lebih penting ",0 "Eating gumbo , wby ? ",0 "My brother came in the house cryingmy mama must have tore that ass up ",1 "Might slide to they workout lil thingy I miss them anyway ",0 "Watching Kick Ass ",0 ", Collizion Crew is so talented && good looking ",0 "Girll You Know Whaa Im Talking About ' In The Bedroom Or Thee Couch ' Imma Have You Screaming Ahhh ",0 "Lol , ima Let These Hoes Be , Cause Them Bitches Don't Wanna See Me . ",1 "I love mr. Schmit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that we was cool ? ",0 "Omg I love eating steak but I hate when it gets stuck in my Braces lol ",1 "Bro dawg ass Friday got home like 4 ish tired af low key ",1 "Ima stop before she try fight me again ",1 "#InMiddleSchool everybody had a razor phone mines was pink lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ danggggg donte she told yu about yo self then bruh ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I HATE WHEN PEOPLE BE MAKING POSTES ON IG LIKE THEY TALKING TO SOMEBODY STFU ant nobody beefing with u "" & on here "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Df you killing ? You ain't no savage lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : lmao “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Do it for the vine ”” ",0 "Jr talkin bout \Hol up hol up ooh ooh all my stuff ooh ooh """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning Fb ? ",0 "When I see my baby I'm a say zaddddddy ginmie kisses , ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww imy too G lol where you been ? ” OUTCHA ! 3hunna ",0 "Imaa sing to my Dapple tonight . ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I Can’t ",1 "Tryna make yourself look good on twitter , like you get hoes ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what's up .! Let's get chocolate wasted .! Talk about ppl and dog bogus men lmao ",0 "All thess females in they feelings on my TL ",0 "Joseline Finna fuck they whole little conversation up ",0 "Naay stay calling somebody CHILD do I look like a fucking child ",1 ", one min ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #WordEyeHeard Radio is on _TWITTER-ENTITY_ NOW ! And I got tix to the _TWITTER-ENTITY_ White Out ! #RespectTheFro ” bday gift or nah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ chilling with my boyfriend thuggin ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we be there tomorrow” good ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : T0p n0tch qL _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ch ! ck . ” ",0 "Kill they out to get me ",1 "cos bitches FUFU ",0 "Lol medicine x ",0 "Happy as girl ❗️ ",0 "Bitches be like \How you get your phone in ? "" ... I be like bitch "" #TeamiPhone "" "" ",1 "This nigga gay asl on this song with Kendrick Lamar talm bout I just domed a nigga ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohhhhhhhhhhhhh baby girl got jokessssssssssss ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ chocolate tear drop ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all two are clowns lol ! Laughing in the background ",0 "LOVE U ENJOY YO DAY _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! ",0 "I'm a little too in my own world right now lbs ",0 "Bitch Me&His Momma Talk Faithfully Erday Meanwhile You Fuckinq With His NiqqasSwerve ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : We all a sucka for SOMEBODY . """" ",1 "Hello Hello “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hey !!! Look who is on twitter !! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Whaddup ? ”” ",0 "Kml bitch fuck you ",0 "Don't need to know who I'm talking to .. Just know its not you lol .... ",1 "Chris Brown Voice ",0 "Mf talking bout gin some good shit !!! ",0 "That Food My Mommy Cookin Smelling A1 ",0 "Need To See My Lil Homie Asap ",1 "I cooked this meal for yu naked #freakjustforme ",0 "Scrappy Og a SNAKE ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Framel ugly Asab yo "" yes lawd "" ",0 "Aww To 2omf !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hurry ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hit dh ",0 "lol , you sure are i forgot . \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ i am i am ✊ """" ",0 "G .. O ... O ... D ......... M ... O .. R ... N ... I ... N ... G ............... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "That shit stink yo ",1 "It ain't that deep girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfaoooo noooo them shits onna $$$ ",0 "Bout to be at union ",0 "I Want To Call Somebody ",1 "Everybody mad on my TL gone head witcha mad asses ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ain't right at all ",1 "My name Dooda in her phone ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : What it is wassup got ya nigga in the cut GOT DAMN ” ",0 "Sinqleee , Patiently Waitinn ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ya avi > ”thanks ",0 "made ah new friend name chicken littlee ",0 "I Need To Clean My Nails ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I gotcha !!! ",0 "Nahhhhh I'm deadass cryinggggggg lmaoooooo .... how u can't hide being a lame on twitter ?? ",1 "Had a wonderful tym w/the ppl I luv the most , We turned up like no other , I luv my family , we never turn down ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi >>>"" thanks "" ",0 "I need this wifi password ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ boudda leave home lol wbu ? ” You said it like you bout to run away or something & waiting on dis move ! ",1 "That #Doritos commercial tho ",0 "I took ya bitch before I can do it again . These niggas ain't got nothing on me #Facts ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ go To Bed BOY ",0 "Cant just go running back B , thats where I'll fuck up at .. This shit aint new too me .. I know how the game go ! ",1 ", i wonder how my dick taste , its always in somebody mouth must taste goood - ",1 "But it's this baseball player I seen ! Owwe ! ",0 "Listening to music ",0 "3⃣ : 2⃣5⃣ For My Lil Boy ",0 "Feeling good this morning even though my hair is a mess ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you ain’t bout that life lil one ✋ ",0 "We don't never do no work in that bitch ",0 "How she called him Malcom x I'm done ",0 "NBA uncensored trash talk #10 ... ",1 "Sit back Sit Back This The Free Game Show Brandon Kno What's Up ",0 "Ctfuu Eminem Ain't Make a Song Since 2011 Foh ",0 "Ken ken came over to chill with me today . ",0 "Who in central gonn sice Me with a Charger ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know you ain't calling NOBODY fat ?!?!? ",0 "waiting under the tree ",0 "My aunt said she was goin take me out to eat tomorrow , SWEET ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Well how majestic” ",0 "If Kenya click that fan one more time ",0 "i only watch jerry springer for the fights they be so funny ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Goodmorning . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes you will sweetie !!!! ",0 "Nancy said I don't like Alisha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea dh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi >>> ",0 "When ur completely independent House Car JobsEtc Cnt u do wt the hell u like THANKS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she funny as hell yo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm in the trap lol ",0 "I love her Baby Zaddy he'll never let me go ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww thanks ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Morning "" good morning . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ fb ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ain't shit ",1 "Real Live Moe Y'all blowing me ",1 "this bitch last name is Whoo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Welcome back Bron ... We missed you !! ” lmao ",0 "Lowkey is the best way to be ",0 "✋ Really tho ' Tighten up Sweeti ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she still laughingg ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you look like a ratchet ass lil girl in ya avi ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Man I hate being sober .... damn I hate being sober #HardTruth """" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ S.O ? Please ",1 "I want you ... No secrets ... No games .... No lies .... Just Me & You ❤ ",0 "I wanna be a pornstar tho ",1 "Imma Be Turnt The Fukk Up At 8 BET MUTHA FUKKING AWARDS WAAB ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good Morning Lisa ! !!! You look so pretty today .... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fb plz ",0 "this nigga keem said \ she like the b2k in bump bump bumping "" "" ",0 "WENT TO GO SEE IRON MAN 3 IT WAS GOOD : - ",0 "Josh not loyal ! Better watch his asss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fb : )) ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : All Nutt do is retweet them peekeers bitches all day” ",1 "I'm ready to get off this stank bus ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all share belts ",0 "Poodie really think crossland goin beat us ",0 "My mama go so hard bruhask anybody ' i be laughing at ha all day ",0 "Dey ainn got nun on ya ",0 "Spent Some Of The Day With My Ma'InLaw . Now Waiting On Daddy To Come Home . ",0 "I feel a breeze ",0 "Diddy acting up #KendricksVerse #HipHopAwards ",0 "Nobody Thinking Bout Me Either , Thats Sad !! ",1 "i remember darian try fight me for a piece of chicken ",0 "Baby helped me with my homework ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you , ",0 "The Feeling I Get From Him ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ gotdamn tho lol ",0 "Hacked by yo Bonnie _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Lol she know I love her“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all 2 Sumin else gwaf” ",0 "Jay vine videos be funny ",0 "Idk how it feel to be a fake nigga . Ikno how it feel to get dis paper doe ",1 "I go in that bii I see woo ass he posed to be help me get out his ass next door with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Gggggggggoooooooooooooooooooodddddddddd morning ",0 "I'm not fuckin with virgie ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : We go be all by da gas station , tryna see the da game” LMFAO ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ foreal man I'm not tryna present that shit ",1 "In My Feelings ... Wait ... I Forgot .... I Ain't Got Nun !! ",1 "Switch Up On Him ? NEVERRR .. That's My Nigga FOREVERR ✊ ",0 "this bitch said \why would I smash somebody with no neck "" "" ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ what I tell you ! ” you still down there ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you must do "" maybe” "" ",0 "My Momma Said She Miss Desie Too Bad I Dont Lmfaoo ",0 "This will be a YOLO type of week ",0 "i can't stand that lil girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tnx hun . ",0 "but i do got my eye on one ",1 "People Still Say Dat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ shitting me lil née née ' shhh I still count . ",0 "Woke up with one person on my mind ",1 "I look like a African by the head having me look like #1omf ",0 "Tmarr & Fiki offical like tissue ",0 "Bring Yo Niggas Before U Snitch On Me ",0 "Can't wait to ride in the Big Body ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wassup & no problem : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thankss boo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hii Uncle Ctfu . ",0 "#متى_تقول_لا اذا جاك واحد وقالك ابطلب منك شي بس وافق ",0 "Listen To Music ",0 "She aint goin fa it ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohhhh BOO , You Know Im Daddy .. lol” noo noo my daddy jst got off the phonee & now inna shower ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ i usedd tuhh always call myself uglyy . remember that ? now im conceded like a mf ” Truee aha i can see that ",0 "Y'all ain't hear karate chop playin in the back ground ",1 "She Need Some More Face To Go Wit Her Nose ",0 "... lol they have me too weak ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol nuh huh its on my tl . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm texting you now so hush lol ",0 "Just stfu nigga ",1 "Im gud he gud we gud goddd ",0 "I get Payed Tomorrow !!! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wanna sing at the game but what if they boo me y'all know don't nobody like my ass "" Dont think ma go for it "" ",1 "this thot think her bf faithful ",0 "Og then came clutch ",0 "Neal really wild son ",0 "Who y'all looking for thirst traps from ? Me or my hoes ? ",0 "Made a few mistakes this yr .... ",1 "Mari kita bersibuk sibuk membantu Kakak ",0 "We was clapping ZOWNNNNNN ' ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I LIKE ",0 "Was ballin today ",0 "real shit tho ",1 "Craziest way to light the Blount up didn't have a lighter so I used the toaster ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't stand yo light skinned ass lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning fb ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you got that one boss ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Avi Thoo : ) >>>>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ call megan good tonight thenn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u welcome ",0 "\Whr her ass ??? "" "" ",0 "Rihanna can just stand there ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I know _TWITTER-ENTITY_ better tell her friend that drama ” ",1 ". Can't explain this feeling ... ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lonqq as these mfkas kno shay qone banq whooeva Lol && still gone keep it classy ",0 "I already got my New Years outfit it's bomb ",0 "Fug it , let the night #Begin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank U ",0 "I love twitter it be so much funny shit on here ",0 "I Still want them LowTops 11s Ain't kno Them Bitches was gone be that Cold ",1 "I HATE when I call a person , and I KNOW they are sitting watching the phone ring , lol . Ok .... u got it ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl bye gtfo ",1 "When you set a time to get off twitter , y'all never get off ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how u tho chump ?? ",0 "Ass And Titties Ass And Titties She Got Ass And Titties ",0 "Send numbers to my DM ill make a tweet about you ... ",0 "I'm up early asl tf ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Im Bet Benzino gotta turn his whole body to look around” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ \Lil "" ..... "" Baby "" ?! nah cuh ! "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : don't do it lil fairy "" kmfsl ik what yu talking bout lmaooo !!! "" ",0 "Jodie gots ur girl ",0 "he called her a hood rat & said her ass was fake ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the lies ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nope idek what it was ",0 "I can't stand a mad mf ",0 "LoL anybody graduated from Midfield ! I need somebody number ",0 "Bull gay is shit in this class ",0 "SHITTING DISORDER . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , I'm goon to these street ' in to my daddy I'm still his baby ",0 "Don't be bitter ... your blessed either way ",0 "lol I used to like Pretty Ricky songs though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sup lil ugly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it didnt come up ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Dnt You Hate When Side Bitches Try To Come In The Mix Like They Doing Something ? """" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I Wouldnt Havr Did Dat ... ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol with his if you in the Dallas , Tx or surrounding areas please hit my dm up looking ass ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I went to the pool and lord knows” u fuckin ” yessssss ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u have a new avi ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : y'all ain't bout to clock my tea .. I see yall "" haha we already got it "" ",0 "You deserve that Emmy tonight , I'll be watching and I hope you get it good luck #Emmy4Kerry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ was turnt up at Waffle House ",0 "The truty will alwayz set u free ... luvin this convo off the HOOK ... # ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just died _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "Lex acting crazy .! ",0 "LIKE A BOSS BITCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ",0 "Go to sleep naked ' & Woke up naked ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao yessssss . That ass toooo fat ",0 "They gonna be like where you going ima be like to class b ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ DOPE when are you doing mine NEGRO ?? ",0 "everything dry ig , my phone , twitter , , Facebook , MySpace & this bitch face on my tl got damn ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ itee sayless ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟☺ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "Teezy had her once , now she want labutter .. Ash tryna hit that thang , I'm warning you don't love her ",0 "Bouta eat & pop this bottle !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfuuu ooooh kill em ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Kaylin kaylin kaylin ........ let me go kiss and hug my daughter” ",0 "Otp w/ freaky ass . My baby being so bitter ",1 "Love is love frfr , it don't matter bout the looks long as both y'all is feeling the relationship . That's how I feel truthfully ",0 "The way my life set up rite nw either u wit me or against me str8 up!'n Nt takin NO shit ! #Blessd n #Luvd by _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ alright dm me your number and i'll text you when i get back ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : In Every Relationship There's Always A Breakup ✌ Then A MakeupIf Yo Shit Don't Bounce Back Y'all Shit Wasn't REAL ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im Sexyyy & I No It Lmaoo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry babiess , you aint even goingg is it ? ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish I was 127 . I'm trying to get there soo bad lol ",0 "Im Thankful for my Righttoe Dre , shit without him I wold only have 4 toes onna right ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Brittany is crazy she probably bout to go fuck somebody's shit UP ! lmao < I knew she was ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I held him down when nobody was around """" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you more ",0 "Mad cause she Aint like me .. Oh you mad cause she Aint never did it like me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "Shamar called me lastnight ",0 "G O O D N I G H T ! ** ",0 "my crush on alia , was soo serious ... ",0 "But why the poo emoji smilin hard like that tho ? You happy to be some shit . ?! ",0 "#wcw _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bae look too good ",0 "That 1 contact that you love seeing pop up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't trust you bleed you a big Faker ",0 "I'm so in love with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !!!! ",0 "Pop That Coochie Baby Pop Pop That choochie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol chill ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 2 600 fa sum like det ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol Yesss ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Just thinking I love me some him ”awww ",0 "Omg That Lil Weak Ass Verse ",0 "I would just kiss him none stop fuck breathing ! ✋ ",1 "Lol me n 4 just got high asl ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why tf is this ugly ass little girl looking at me ”She Prolli Like You ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ o yea yo I got chu ” ",0 "I Got Them Hoes Goingg Crazyy Lmaoo . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Good Morning !! ” morning ☺”morning britt ",0 "So Oqua'netta wanna text me that stupid shit ",1 "GloGang Team Work ",0 "Bout too put some clothes onn ",0 "NW : Spongebob : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn her nipples long as shit yo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ These Niggas Don't Hear U Tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm older tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol yess gotta Lovem doe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , when I eat there are no left overs I make SURE I'm full ",0 "Forever strong for my big brother ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avii >>>> ",0 "Just woke up to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hugging me !!! ",0 "Llss wen me and my brova joan its no stoping we be at it for hours bouta go flame his ass up real fast ",0 "Lol my daddy said he getting these mother fuckas✋✋ wait wait ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfu !!! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I just want some neck hoe , Pull yo pants up """" ",1 "Dam bih u crazy ",0 "Bri ya avi poppin or nah ? ",0 "All I want to do on my week off of school is lay up with my nigger .. ",1 "This nigga just said you acting like a twitter thot ",0 "Y'all seen y'all boy Kobe Brykant tonight 4 shots made ",0 "My mom came here with all this stuff for ny I love her ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : That bitch been jealous ” ",1 "Lol he always say I go hard over him ✋ ",0 "Well not lee she don't have that many more ! ",0 "She happy cause she somebody WCW . Girl look like a man son ",0 "I miss the bus , warm it up , make ya jump Kris kross ",0 "I need someone to DM me anybody out there ",1 "do ya thang baby , i ain't mad at chu .. ",0 "O well guess I'll sleep the day away until something pop off ... ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell yeah ... drop thm babies brii "" you sound like baldy its only 1 !!!! "" ",1 "Last Exam In A Few ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ To take a shot . You'd be surprised how many ppl say they bout that life only to get all scary when the time comes ",1 "can't judge her !! ",0 "Andrianna is da baeeee . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all play ",0 "What Cj just texted me >>>>>> okaaaay ",0 "She lay me on my back and she blow me like boom ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ooo yo real freak body ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ na sis check this out this here was some crazy shit lol I swear ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dats wats up iam jockn yo pics by da way sexy ",0 "Good Morning _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Have A Great Day $ ",0 "HALF TIME BBYYYYYYYY YESSSSS !!! ",0 "niggahs need to add mee onn path Tr£llyGotChuußitch (; ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ do u like Rihanna's hair at the Grammy's” ",0 "I had the craziest dream ever last night .... Smh , loved every minute of it ",1 "Man I can't deal w/ Chris as ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you ugly wit yO fine ass lol”right back at you monkey butt ",0 "Cherelle my forever girl tho >>>> we been threw it at all lbs ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol oh I'm slow , I was like what Deonte ass do now ! ” I'm finna text you ",0 "Boy you best stop posting them mirror pics w that big ass heavy ass old ass IPHONE . ",1 "Keep BS at a Distance Please & thank you : ) ",0 "That Hot boy shit today ",0 "Kevin Mosley is the bid right now ",0 "Ion cheat it's to much you gottah do , ya gotta delete messages , put ah lock on ya phone , think of lies , I'll rather be loyal ",1 "Sabrinaaaaa oh - god I'm really ctfuuuuu ",0 "I'm up early but got an hair appointment . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ No shit !!! ",0 "Lebron got dunked on tho #Sixers ",0 "But I miss Tweety I need To G See Her And My God Child ",1 "I CAN'T WAIT HAPPY BDAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✔✔ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : 27th st chinese store ”‼️‼️ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I got a thing for girls , but I'm not a lesbian” ",1 "got his ass popped in air . ",0 "Lmfaoooo If Only Ya Knew The Shit I Be Googling ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u need that class to graduate ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i love you more big bro ",0 "My mother mad at bae ! Dfl ",1 "Let me call Angela ♥ ",0 "youngbull don't know what I'm talkin bout ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm feelin the same way , rushed home to take a shower and I'm not even tired ",0 ", im never lackin ",0 "Only female n my crew n i kick shit like a nigga do ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Set it up” ",0 "tyione just fell ",0 "I can't even give some females Complements they might think I'm thirsty or something . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi gaaah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol hell yea ... Let _TWITTER-ENTITY_ em ..... Nah imma chill ",0 "ima do it for HIM ",0 "LAWD KNOWS I LOVEE ME SOME CHRISTOPHER BREAUX ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is so dam cute to me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's all good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning Champ !!!! ",0 "Blessed to see another day ",0 "Welp we kno Mondo ain't talkin bout me lmfaoooo ",0 "Daddy went to go get our food & snacks for the night #ImSoSpoiled LoL ",0 "look at Malcolm's stamps ",0 "Lmao , this girl say she want a man . A big strong man ",0 "I ain't fake I just don't fw you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lls shit : ) give it to me ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning : -* ",0 "My dress sexy as shit ",0 "Don't judge me off what ya friend think , Ain't no telling why that HOE mad ✋ ",0 "U DONT LIKE WAT IM SAYIN GET THA FUCK OFF MY TWITTER TUH EASIER SAID THAN DONE HUH ",0 "Kate mad as shit ",1 "Both names tho “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ gm Glenny pooh” ",0 "Gone be in hp5 like ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't you gotta go to church for 10 ? ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Brianna * but yeaa ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmao .! Ima need for u to do better now .. ",0 "I broke Quinn HeadPhones , I love him tho ",0 "Broke niggas make jokes , Real niggas laugh at them ",0 "that was my last draft ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ delete all lat shit ",0 "Females dont like me bkus .. Eitha they man do bestfriend dont or the bitch jus jealous #SIMPLE ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how yu kno ? ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Stevie avoided the shit outta that question "" Im hip "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nun I just got back in the crib from seeing my wife ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dawg u got me rolling who u talking bout ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girll who did your hair ? ",0 "ii really dnt be caring wat ii sayooh well im not suppose tooo ! ",1 "Since when Alana threw away her chill button ",1 "I Really Hope , Hope , Hope My Sis In Laws Water Breaks Today She's Supposed Too . Anyways Its Her Due Date I Wanna Meet The Little One ",0 "The Ugly Truth Is That Every Chick Ate Dick Before & Niggaz Still Believin These \Iont Suck Dick "" Excuses ?? "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning And Fb ",0 "Bitches be like : girl you better talk to him cous he got a car !! ",1 "We jus chillin ",0 "He make me feel some type of way ! ",0 "Drake the type of nigga to click \Exit "" because he wasn't 18 yet "" ",0 "She want to be a glory girl , but she don't like my glory guys . ! I know this bitch a thot , she wanna meet my momma now , unn huhhhhh ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I tried to wake him up ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : adaaaaaa ..... cpt pulang taaa , tp ya kok pengen tak susul kesana jg ya . Kmrn ga sempet kmn2 , kemepetan waktu ",0 "1:23 my bday tweet ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Yall Niggas Gay” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your avi look like mizz twerksum ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how yu doing ? ",0 "Highlight of my day was definitely going to wax and overhearing the guy next to me explain that he's only waxing one leg due to a lost bet ",0 "Lakers came back to win !! ",0 "Chris brown voice >>>>>> ! He mutts up to you ",0 "Lol Shaniquia caught me twatching tho I was tryna be sneaky #sheaintevenknoit ",0 "I'm weak off Juicey man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ here u go every morning you talking so e goin shit ctfu you Mobben or naw ? ",0 "Bitchhhh imm the trending TOPIC ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Then I got with Jazz , Bear and Lary and won chips in unlimited I was the man as a pup "" FB huh "" ",0 "Nobody be tryna come direct tho fucking punks ✋ ",1 "Lmao iHate Vine ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea u Knw hu”hummm !! How I know huh she my cousin lol ",0 "Why dat girl be making dat tyson face dont look like dat !!!!!!!! ",1 "fuck you Alexis for saying I gotta big head my baby is not going to be big . ",1 "Damn ass wanna ack crzy ova petty ass ❗ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want/need to go to the gym . Don't leave me ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Someone should go to the movies with me .. """" ",1 "I love messing with oomf he still my baby lol ",0 "Broke niggas so funny ✌ ",0 "Tell these niggaz _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's ok u do that alot mooooneyyyy ",0 "That still ain't gone make nobody want yo weak ass ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love u 2sissy ",0 "ouuu I'm nasty , lotta tattoos get at me ",1 "Sherman just got ran through ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... and have good taste ! ",0 "My Phoneeeeee Comeeee In Tooo Moreeee Daysss ! ",0 "Girl come here looking for dexter ",0 "I wish I was layin next to Yuwel right now , frfr ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , couldn't pay me too sit with you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know you do ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am tee baby ! ",0 "I'm ready to see Ashley & Taaj ",0 "Watching meet the browns ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ who yo mama ",0 "Talk shit on TWITTER but WONT say shit in PUBLIC ! #Squaddddddd ✔ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm chilling ",0 "But I really , was about to take him real personal . ",1 "0⃣3⃣ 0⃣9⃣ 1⃣2⃣✌️ ☺️ ",0 "Somebody get this 12yo , freaky ass dude off my TL !! ",1 "I Wanna Get On ooVoo With My Bae ",0 "Let her takeover over my gram ",1 "texting my Kira booo ",0 "Loll I aint goong with no on es else till I go with Oomf <333 >>>> ! ",0 "Weave is a need for natural pple . ",0 "Bare face head scarf i ain't trippin my pockets phat tho u mad ",0 "Stuck my tongue all in her ass u shouldve seen the way she wobbled .! ",0 "#FutureBoyfriendd lightskinedd wanna be taller than me wanna be in control or whatever cute with beautiful big smile ♡ yassss baee ",0 "Cuff yo nigga ! I got mine owns tho !! ",0 "Chris Tucker got me in here ",0 "Night Night TL ",0 "Quan said he look like a slow person wit his fro ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm Finna be stupid tatted”I already am ",1 "i miss stinkk ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Nothing A Maid Looking Hoe Can Say Today Can Make Me Mad My Baby Joseline Wrote Meeeee ” a maid looking hoe ",1 "Just got shitted on twice ",1 "Might be going to New York to see my mom Maya Moore play on the 27th ",0 "I mean afternoon ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wassup : ) ",0 "Catch my bday tweet 9:27 ",0 "dre on here going off on hoes ",0 "Lmao y'all hell ",0 "Wendell not gone _TWITTER-ENTITY_ him tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ chillllll ",0 "Ion smoke lol ",0 "Wale & Drake know exactly what to say to get in these draws ",0 "At school at tutoring chilled with my niggas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , who you gone tell ",0 "Morning .. thanking god as usual .. blessef #dailytweet ",0 "So Yu Mad ?! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mad at me ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hope soon ”sooner than u think ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jss Triedd Tahh Flood My TL ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will still look better then you Shayla ! ” ",0 "they even heard about his tongue game , how the nigga give brain & ain't stop til the cum came ",0 "Sarai wanted me to spend a night she gone miss the kid ya knoww ",1 "That Versace fine ",0 "Haa that's his name in my phone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nuun I Lovd U More ,! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches tweet , \I miss him "" & be talking about 4 niggas . ” "" ",1 "Nigga said slithot yo ",0 "Ciara Is My Wife ",0 "See these niggas talk out in public it nothing nigga weed be louder then some of y'all niggas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fr though ! I was too lol .. ",0 "The faithful gf's be mad when they find out that they nigga aint so faithful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ kmsl u gone bring it ",0 "Shee Saidd Youu Ain't Talkedd to That Lyingg Ass Boyy . Fvck Nall , ionn Fvck w / Hiss Breedd .. ",1 "Tonight Was The Best . ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟_ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "Lol I Hope Yhu Beat Ass Too ",0 "I Just Used Sean Shit !! ",1 "Bitches Can NEVERGive Props When Its Due It's Always Going To Be A \HATING ASS BITCH "" Coming Out The Cut "" ",1 "My nigga .!!!! Ramon .!!!! damn .!!!!!!! #catfish ",1 "#wcw Me , Myself & I ",0 "I swear i think Nya be stealing niggas tweets ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "I just thought a out it I haven't talked to my man since earlier ... hmmm oh well I kno ill get a crazy txt n a few ... ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea I'm ol school with it lol ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : But Like I Said Sum "" kml "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bring me sum baby i got you ",0 "My dick be rock hard every morning ? Like damn ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ noooooo and had the nerve to rock the toe ring ",1 "bbl twitter ✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #FB remember me lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ true stamp of a crazy woman lol ☺lol” #yep ",0 "Versace Versace Versace Versace ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hell naw ",0 "Everybody on the team getting 69 ♋ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Push my ass down and tell me I'm not good no where ! I love that shit "" going * lol "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my phone reset yu text me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I kno ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ idk I be at the games tho ",0 "I heard my mama telling my brother to ask me to go to the store . He came in my room and I faked like I was sleep ! then he left ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this that lightskin sht don't be telling me too text you I gotta girl ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lol me too & that's my problem “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I really think everything is funny ! ”” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank You Baby ",0 "- Sweaa Britt love callinq me Shawty ! Lmao datx my niqqa doe ! ' ",0 "now I gota shut up cooo you know you don't want me to tho ",1 "this girl always loud , ghetto ass man . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he happy as shit he got a phone gon tell me itch you got my number "" i was like he happy as shot "" ",0 "I dnt lik u no more _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol I can't fareal doe B !! ",0 "All bitches thots 2 me fr fr ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If you MY girlfriend , be prepared to get TWATCHED ! ” ",0 "That nigga air balled ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm jus fuckin wit you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Your Not ",1 "Tears of Joy right now ",0 "Lil Bro Almost Made Me Piss On Myself . He so damn funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he too damn corney for that lol I was salty asf like boy ",0 "Joseline speak up BITCH Mimi getting her ass ",0 "Got the keys to my Brother car and no ones home ",1 "ITHM - best best friendddddd I thow good oops or nah ? Ctfu . I miss and love you uglyyy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ BOFL !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Enjoyed Yo Story ",0 "My uncle & his girlfriend , got me CTFUUU ",0 "Turn a gay nigga on having loving girls ✊ Beast ",0 "Have A Craving For Chocalate ",0 "I love K Michelle . ✊ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ They Don't ? I'm Pretty Sure They Do ",0 "When I Move To NCH Im Coming Back To Roselawn JustTo Smack Ah Couple Hoes , Punch A Couple Niggas ( & ) Thats On God Â¥ ",0 "Guess WHAT ? I want your boy ..... OHH YEA && imma get him ",1 "Saturday will B here Soon# ",0 "Hate ah Everybody Bxtch ✋Bxtch cool with or just Know Everybody Oh it's a lot of y'all out here ",1 "tell jamarcus dont nobody like beyonce ugly boney stanky ass ",0 "I just got banged on ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : WHY DID I HOE MYSELF LIKE THAT ON YOUTUBE ?! "" man what ! "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : A nigga down bad if he trying to bang some mid ... I just lol off dis 1 ",0 "Going with The Flow ",0 "Nigga Be Vamping b ",0 "LeBron silly as hell for laughing though ! ",0 "My mama be telling me some funny ass stories ... ",1 "im Lovin This Rain ",0 "never saw so many sexy ass people in my life until lastnightt lol ",0 "Why she texted me , forcing a nigga to catch on and shit . Dumb ass !! ",1 "nfb . \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nf #fb """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what about love at first sight ",0 "I'll go to Sleep when My Baeee text back ! ",0 "Niggas Coming Up Too Me Like I Heard You Cuff Now ",0 "We did give mrs. Hunt hell I got put out almost everyday #jonesstreetmeomories ",0 "✋ don't text me now bitch ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fr tho ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Shannon is a man !!! Idc what nobody say lbs” DEAD !!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : That Ex that you deleted their number only to realize that the number is still in your memory” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can u put pics up of the baby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hacking fwm .. ",0 "Juhs got home : ) im tired ",0 "My mommy said lord girl your Butt look bigger in those Levi's ",0 "Bitches be like I love shoes but I love food more ",0 "I'm horny yall ",0 "Had a few laughs . Great Morning ",0 "I swear he got me feeling some type of wayy ",0 "aww man ... Yu just broke da stirring wheel wid dat 1 ",1 "Do I wanna wear my hair in a ponytail or do I feel like straighting it decisions decisions .. ",1 "This Reunion Tho Got Me Rolling ",0 "Vine got me dead ",0 ", i want too be single for a lil bit of time unless its my BABY : ) ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ be like fuck I wanna smoke but I gotta Job interview tomorrow” ",1 "Bbl , Tweeting for treenay ",0 "This bitch in here dumb hungry ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl I'm serious !! ",0 "Gots to be mo careful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you gone make me fuck you up in front of all these ppl on ya tl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sooooooooooooo done with you lol ",0 "Got my overgarments ☺ ",0 "shira nd tiy was at my mother jokess . corny ass . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ i was bout to fight em ",0 "21 here I cum .... ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell nawl ill get you some though ",0 "side bitches be crazy . ",1 ", Tyrell said he like me that's cute ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfuuu”that shit wouldve been dead ",1 "Ima HORNY bastard ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you gotta chill youngin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hope for best & payer for the worst #imissherevilbutt ",0 "marquis swea he own me or some shit ",1 "Let me take my bitter ass to sleep ✌ ",1 "whassup fam ? ",0 "I love getting brain that never made me DUMB that just made me Cum☺❗ ",0 "S/o To #Oomf ",0 "Jahcilynn mad eht meh ",0 "it's not even that deep tho ",0 "Maya dumb bra ",0 "They need take a fuckn nap ",1 "It's not easy it's hard out here for a queen u gotta do what u gotta do except sell ass something I will never do that's for onyx hoes ",1 "Everybody swea they got that million dollar , gtfo here with that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GOOD MORNING GOOD MORNINGGOOD MORNINGGOOD MORNINGGOOD MORNINGGOOD MORNINGGOOD MORNING GOOD MORNINGLIL MAMA .... ",0 "dtflll these bitches coming out the cut . for her ",0 "Next period eeeeeeeeeeeee ",0 "Finna Stop Giving 2Fuck About Anything ",1 "Shidd Icd ' ",0 "Im not the type to sit around &' get played , I just laugh at all the hoes you tried to save .. ",0 "#Bitcheslove a nigga in some tru's itch he got moneyyyyy "" "" ",0 "I learned that when some guy stole from me ✋ ",1 "Damn . Dick rider much ? ",1 "errbody horny on my TL ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : yawl exposing ugly mfers tho but you \only fuck with bad btchs "" ✋”say that shit again mfs silly asl smh "" ",0 "Salt was bryond the way we was feelin today cdfu _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Chillax mayetta . It ain't even that deep . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I'm the only one ForreL bring me some dude ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Get sum rest sir n tomorrow I'll have dinner ready for ya ",0 "yea I cooked him rice we ate out the same bowl . \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u gotta chill did ya African prince take u home """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh yu getting a box ",1 "i ' m always in my feelings with Bre i ' m to damn emotional . ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My tl jus wreckless lol”Right ! Done Went HAM ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Females kill me man lol ... we are some funny , sneaky , manipulative , discreet mofos !! ” -- ",0 "im Done Fuck oomf ",1 "GOODMORNIN EVERYBODY !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ make me fuck u upp nigga and nw give me a s/o plz ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ why it look like you been doing push ups with yo nose strong nose ass” ",1 "Darkskin Girls Brownskin Girls ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Tia too . ",0 ", niggas hate getting hit with the ' who this ? ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "I'll see y'all niggas 7:30 sharp ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ translation ( l _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ) laughing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u in the morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ As Are You ",0 "I sees my sister , MONICA COOPER , is on Facebook , while I'm on Twitter ",0 "goin home inna few ",0 "Yuppp maybe I jus wait till yu get off to see you ",0 "Brandi just face it I won ",0 "I need some & some ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm knowin , lawwd ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh I need a trade they all dumped me ",1 "Who booty is it , who booty , who booty , who booty is it ? ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #oomf i swear "" Thanks "" ",0 "I ain't trippin tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we ghetto iscell : ) ",0 "I need a strong women like Chrissy & a funny women like Gina❤☺ I would love that bond and that long lasting relationship ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If he don't eat Pssy . Make him paint your nails since he act like a bitch . . . ” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm over here cracking up at space jam ” they about to give lebron one though .. ",0 "Doing My motherly And Wifely Duties For tonight ! Lyriq will be with her Granny Tomrw after School ! Yaaas free weekend ",0 "He came thru mah nigga * denzel voice * ",0 "Guidee lee ii thouqhtt ii wass meann ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you too homie ! He's good ! We just been vibin lately .. How u been ? ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Y'all know that vine with that boy and he be like "" I got that bubbly "" ima be like on New Years "" dat shit had me dead "" ",0 "The Shade On My T-L is REAL Hunni LMAOO ",0 "TGFAD ; Rest well MA ",0 "couSinBby said she wasn't swoop nation she was THOT nation lmao i can't deal . ",0 "His lips >>>>><<<<<< I kissed that ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cool ! Enjoy ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : avionne” what brah ? lol . ",0 "Ctfu Jesse gone be the Bid tomar in school ",0 "Jaidlin Message Made My Phone Go Slow ",1 "Lmao nigga you a young nigga forea ! & ill tell you that straight up lmao ",0 "Goodnight Love you ! ",0 "can't nobody look at me w/o fat ass gettin mad ",1 "Miss kissing on him ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol Yo Ass Need A Hobbie Or Somin ... Laughin Like Yo Ass Work For Monster Inc . ",0 "He just made my night ! ",0 "Fuck this bul ghost rider ",0 "No I didn't “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I tried to introduce Vernell to one of my friends she hit me wit the nah(Chief Keef voice)” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was just boutta _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u tho bro ",0 "Nigga ohhhh killed em cougars ",0 "Sis recruiter officer funny as shit ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Mike girlfriend reminds me of beyonce everytime I see her "" SHUT THE FUCK UP "" ",0 "Goin In OBLOCK Toma . We Finna TURNUP ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ooooweeee S/O to my ex && his new girlfriend Happy Sweetest Day ” ",0 "allat riah riah tlk time bring the glock out ",0 "Mama cooking Sunday dinner & it smell soooo GOOD ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just opened up that damn at work vine thinking it wouldn’t have sound since my phone was on silent ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ where ya eyebrows ",0 "_ Lls _ ",0 "I still got Halloween candy ",0 "Purdom ain't like his first block tho ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodnight and like wise ",0 "But You On My Linee Fuck Outt Here ✌ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wake up thirsty AF ",1 "Young nigga finna be skinny af , im hungry again ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ on me ",0 "I must meet my dream husband waka this year ❤❤❤❤ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "i jus be so scared * ramando voice * ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh Yea && Happy bday Homie turn Up in philly ✊ ",0 "Lol my niece said she tryna get po kmsl !! ",0 "i WILL NOT sit here & believe i was asked for an APOLOGY . ",1 "I haven't tweeted and IDK WHEN lbs this feels good ! ",0 "yu worship allah when ya hair not done ❗ ",1 "Poke Her From Behind Her ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ look at that beautiful woman in that avi !! , you r beautiful shaw ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Kedric stankin ass .. be balling att the mall .. and get me shitt im a lil mad .. ” lil shit ",1 "This ya dick if you want it ",0 "My grandma goin on shay ",0 "im down to ride if you is ❤️ ",0 "Lmao I hope she know that animal eats its own SHIT !!!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u right ",0 "- girl you really seem kool ATF , & you sum pretty . ",0 "Fat nigga but my dick grand . Beat the pussy up my dick like a kickstand . ",0 "No cannon ball that's right bae ",0 "Heads in bed before 10 I need to watch scandal in peace ",1 "Shayy , here ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Know a couple niggas that's down to ride for a homicide when it's drama time """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WEST BOND ! ",0 "Over here dying laughing at sis right now ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Naaa yoo I just seen brina ass BARE twerk ” ",0 "My Day Was A1 W . Them We Was Fooling ",0 "Stop playing Evette ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ctfu I'm up just can't find shit to wear ! Fuck it all black and some chucka's ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oooh ....... SHIT ",1 "Quan just called me and said he missed me ",1 "I bet he got that smile tweetin ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Just saw a man riding a woman on his handlebars ☺️ "" #RealLove "" ",0 "Camera man being a creep .. Keep showing her ass from behind the drummer ",0 "I LOVE DIS LADII ",0 "Broke bitches be quiet via _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao !!! I love my blood sis ",0 "When he call later we gone have phone sex fuck it ",1 "back to that sex scene on #BeingMaryJane tho . ",0 "She say she ain't no dike but she going dike today ",0 "Bitch Changed Er Name & All ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yeah You Needa Come Out Suitland An Turn Up With Us ",0 "Boo loving on a late night Rod ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Dont we all\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Want Duke To Win But I Fucks Wit Arizona "" ” lol Way to Switch That Tweet Up "" ",0 "Bitch always laughing at some shit ",0 "Morning baby , “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ morning ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you just a funny ass nigga fool ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaooo you’re funny ! Him and frank ocean got in a fight ",0 "✨ - you pretty but dm me ",0 "she ah stupidd bitch forreall ",1 "Dat bitch was Holden on that fence for dear life !!! Lml ",0 "i need some white friends , they always having fun & they got money ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol you dunked on Quon head ",0 "I be getting so mad ",1 "Just Let My Love Adore You ",0 "She thought I was talking bout her ",0 "Now I'm Watching \Just Go With It "" . I Love This Moviee . "" ",0 "Wearing black white and pink tomah ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I straight wutang and dmac d past those texts ... Then i sexy walked over to the delete button . ” ",0 "stand down baboy thats not cho hoe she community service = evry body hoe . ",0 "~ Love yaself girl or nobody will ",0 "Then I ended up with Brandon ! ",0 "I respect kwahih leonard and Gerald Wallace , it's 2013 and they still rockin braids ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so is u gettin rocked today or nahhh” rocked up or w/e ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ on your TL ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i did it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ had the out ",0 "Teja was eating her underarms on ft last night ",1 "funny shaped ass nose ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I cant eat cheese im lack toe in taller ant” Lmmfao ",1 "Omw to school ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn he called u Osar Proud bro cuttin up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kmsl yu ah fool don't nobdy care wht n dat pond shoot yu da 1 takin da pic !!!! ",0 "Hell by the time I get married that song might b vintage ",0 "Niggas swear they tht but whole wont bust shit _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Niggas Be Like , \I LIKE HER BUT SHE BE PLAYIN "" Naw Nigga You Wanna Fuck Her & She Ain't Going For It✋ "" ",0 "Or the time somebody tooth got knock out for talking bout this girl ... I ain't saying no names though , ",1 "Nadi big head ass be trying to treat I got something for that ass Thursday ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ no man chill Lml that's not my nipples damn ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he called it candy ",0 "Good Night Like ... Sweet Dreams !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Goodmorninqq Lovee : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I THOUGHT YUU WAS DONE WIT HIM ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ got me trippin ",0 "Lol he said I promise I'm gone stop ! ",0 "Niggas STILL be using the same corny ass lines . boy : wyd ? girl : laying down boy : without me ? ✋ . NIGGA Yes w/out you ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got it EJ ” loll ard , ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are u buying grand theft auto ? ",0 "Hi my Tweety Birds , Nazarene mbc Youth were Awesome last nite at there midnite musical , Go ya'll & God bless u ",0 "Goodmorning yall say it back !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill be ya valentine ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : We getting drunk or nah ? \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : It's almost my cousins birfday ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! "" ”smh , there will be a kickback at the crib "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ikr ! but I been working on myself . llf ! ",1 "Dres drunk ass lmao ",0 "Why my mama just come in here like u listening to tht new Drake ? ",1 "Let me stop i'ont want problems ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lolxzz Boy Byee , Yhu Posee Tewh Be Bringg Mhee SomeThingg Tewh Eat Shootaa &' Yhu Tight Up ",0 "What _TWITTER-ENTITY_ called me tho ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! Mfs be faken now days ! ",1 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "Talking That S *** With Yo Back To Me Jus Kno Ot Always Get Back To Me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : -if money make u come well wat dis foodstamp card ah do ? ”LMMFAO Funny Af ",0 ", why would my dumb as just ever fall down the steps ",1 "Get the fuck off my time line _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's cool cuz I don't even Fw Seafood like that anyways ",0 "This bitch on Instagram said I look like Terio ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u hate me ",0 "aaaaahhhh i forgot im blocked from his page ",1 "I love hearing my nigga Saying I love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im rey blow his phone tf upppp ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ruby laughing lame ",0 "U can call me daddy ",0 "Booty Scratching ? \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I love the culture that comes with being African """" ",0 "I'm on time for class ",0 "They be talkin shit ",1 "lmao , a tweet I seen ? ",0 "Dez hoes dumb ",0 "i was happy to see all my cousins , aunt & uncle ",0 "People Talking About Getting Claim Not ",1 "She Fav My Tweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Heeey ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmaoo , Fuckk What ? ",0 "I would just kiss him none stop fuck breathing ! ✋ ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I want #oomf number ” _TWITTER-ENTITY_ him ",1 "Waiting on my hoe to get off ",0 "I got a picture of Mitchell when his line-in was straight . Boy got a lebron line-in ",0 "iHiiiiiiiiiiiii He Not About Understand Shit I Just Said To Himm ' Only Me & Caribbean Ppl Know ",1 "Older the berry the sweeter the juice ... Man it's the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice . Well yea she black then a muhfucka too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nomore IPod ",0 "A tear drops EVERYTIME I see yonnie on my TL ",1 "#oomf better watch her nigga cause we Kool on the low lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmaooo How you know ! ",0 "finally found the one i likee & he gone drive me crazyyy ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ no bitch you just got snatched off the curb” ",0 "We Knew Each Other a Since We Was Likee 5 ",0 "I damn near wanna go to the movies toma ",1 "So I work with my cuz in-law grand pop he be drawn Ctfu like ole head u fuck around and croak fucking with me ",0 "people say \ stunt like ya daddy "" , what if you dont wanna be nothing like ya daddy ? "" ",0 "Gym in a few hours .... not this time !!! I need rest !! ",1 "Shawty dont believe that tho ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I swear we finna punk this nigga ! That guh say she goin give him the worst sex ever ! ” how she go do that ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ massage ?? lmao ",0 "It Won't Stop x Sevyn Streeter Ft . Chris Brown ",0 "I'm Finna milk Lauryn ",0 "Real Nigga's Need Real Love ",0 "Listening to my boyfriend abandon song , ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love it ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Not Knowing How To Sound Like A Pigeon Ass Bitch ” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lmaoo nah I love my friends ! ” ",0 "That nigga was so salty ",0 "Destiny is waiting for ME , YOU can't stop ME !!!!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel u tho .. ",0 "i wanna chill w| da boo tonight ! SIKE ! ion have on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao lol you my bitch ",0 "I Want A Bf ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmfbo dude you lame bruh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ he got ya there Vontrell lol ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ as soon as I'm invited "" ... Well _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , are you listening ? I can't do it all ! "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well you know closed mouths don't get fed . ",1 "What do Toya think about me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aha well uk im Gud at thing I do ",0 "Then my weak ass county nigga co worker says ... \ Allat for some Reggie .. you know I stay high do I know "" "" ",0 "Aj sub tweetin her whole fan club lol lol . An its sum friends in there too ",0 "Chest sore form working out ",0 "I can't stand no hoe ass nigga ",0 "We watching movies and on twitter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ pls find ure way out of this convo no spoil my show dis night ",1 "Kanye whipping on niggas now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn he fine as fuck #faints ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hit my phone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my future coming soon type shit ",0 "My mommy called to see was I OK I LOVE HER ",0 "Fuck you thunder you can suck my dick ",0 "Olivia know what it is ",0 "Me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jus Seen _TWITTER-ENTITY_ On Tv Ayeee Lets Go Boop ",0 "idk its something about this girl , i still want her , but she cant be my girlfriend * right hand on head * uggggh i like her ",1 "I think oomf mad ..... ✋ lmao ",0 "Maybe He Don't Be Realizing He Keep Repeating It ... I'm Here To Let His Ass Know . ",1 "My baby on his way ",0 "Chilling with my lil crush #HerCuteAzz ",0 "Turn On When A Girl Roam Thru My Hair & Rub Slowly On My Arm & Neck ",0 "Shit Be Too Funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol nigga I'm hip but yea we all ain't ready lmao ",0 "My cousin told me I better fill out some apps ",1 "☺☺☺☺ “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ no problem” ",0 "I Need Some Morning Head ",1 "She really something nice ",0 "Who really a be cute w/no weave no lashes no nothing ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I dont feel like payin ",1 "She screaming go daddy , so it's Fab and young Danica ",0 "Niggas laugh when they found out they fucked the sane girl , bitch wanna kill each other we dumb af ",0 "South Beach/Miami Vice x Floral -Roshes ... I WANNTTT THESEEE ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nigga chill ",0 "IWentt To See My Peonn Todayyy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ D@₩G , ¡M 0UT . G00DN¡GHT . ",0 "Coach Blank love me as much as I love him !! ☺️✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my career has yet took to take off Im NOT Ready yet But DONT SLEEP ON ME ",1 "She Mad She Mad but I love you Domonique Michelle Jolla . ",0 "Me and wizzle ain't cool no more laughing at me an shit ",0 "Boul Said I Gotta Nice Ass . Im Done Wit Uptown✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Want me to give it to you ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u kno how ",0 ", imma call don today if I can find his number ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lmfaoo I remember this bitch came to school with a band-aid under her eye talm bout she Nelly "" * left eye dummy ! "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ * ignores * ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao u tryna let twitter know nsht lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ass running the fuck out wit this gotti ” that's MY MANE ! ",0 "my grandma talking to me and I'm not paying attention lol ",1 "Lmao ik she didn't just tweet that ",0 "Just got home I had a long day lbs ",1 "How you on ig and twitter flexing w other people shit on ? ",0 "He calld to say I love you & goodnight ♥ ",0 "Bitches wanna a nigga like meek but that do drake shit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ilove tlkin to my boo butt _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !! ”awwww baby I love talkin to you too ",0 "Aaaayyyyyyyyye * twerks * ",0 "Hating ass that's why yu can't see mines ha ha“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fuck all u iphone users that use emoji on twitter . ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you Hun ",0 "Bout my Sister Sum Pineapples n put her Ass on Moves ",0 "I'm Unloyal lmao better not fuck with me !!! CTFU ✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , bett : ) ",0 "Yayyyy My Cousin Getting My Phone On For My BDay ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hoes be on twitter like \My wet as shit like "" .......... meanwhile in them panties ...... ☀” "" ",0 "Donnell come back tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi >>> like damn ",0 "He say my style so hood , He wanna see what I'm about ! ",0 "Im on Ig & My Shit den froze up & liked my nigga _TWITTER-ENTITY_ pic ",0 "I Would Goto Tep Jus To Rock A Dashiki ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ qood morninq ",0 "Lord Forgive Me for My Sins cause ima Fucking Sinner ",1 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟☺ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "These lil niggas ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If a female continues to come back to you regardless of the situation then that's your rider ” ",0 "Can't wait to get my shit tossed been a min ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm Tryna see how deep you are ... And believe me shawty , I ain't talking bout no intimate conversation ""  "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ imma fuck ya daughter ",0 "took a nigga bitch i promise ima give her back ",0 "Yuh disqualified shAWdy u disqualified living with your friend u don't have a ride shawdy u disqualified no swag no STANDARDS ",0 "Hello .. Toni Great talking with you yesterday- Hope your having a great day ",0 "Lol shit bout to real ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ luv cuz ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nigga really beef wit everybody ",0 "Got my old twitter back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , anything for you bae ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ swear ima be done for real .! ",0 "Yea Im Back Bitches Did U Miss Me Or U Aint Care Bitch ",0 "No School , Tomorrow ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I absolutley love T-town "" awww rookie "" ",0 "Terrell mad Cus my mama ain't let him go out with Brandon and Freddie on bourbon ",1 "CAUGHT ME ONE ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ see you should've came to my sleep over "" Right but my mom erking but you got a # "" ",1 "Ean . . Shawtyy Hit Me With The \Waddup Doe "" And I Don't Even Know Who She Is ! "" ",0 "futureeeeee >>>>>>>> OMG LAWD !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ real rap , u was teaching me shit !! I was so irked because u was youngerrr than me !! ",0 "Tommy Still a Virgin ... Say He Waitin On Jesus ... but He Said The Bitches Welcome to Rent his Mouth out ",0 "My bae look like money but Smell like a Check _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she could be my grams .. ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' s voice on \man down "" was sexy as shyt #Loud "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what that mean ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yo goof ass that's yo lover I seen u kiss that bitch” no Huey from boondocks ",0 "#DarkSkin chick 4 life ",0 "I Remember Sherri Called Me a \Header Hoe "" "" ",0 "Tht nigga said y'all niggas doing the nae nae my niggas doing the spray spray ",0 "Everybody on some cuffing shit , and I'm like this ",1 "I'm hungry y'all ",1 "Got me up all night . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ always telling somebody to shut up ! ",1 ", my lor brother got a iPad mimi ' he going to be happy ✊ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : SNAP YA FINGERS ! DO YA STEP ! YOU CAN DO IT ALL BY YOUR SELF ! LET ME SEE YOU DO IT ! AYYYEEE !!! ” Lmfaooo !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bout to send yours ",0 "My mother be ease dropping like a fool ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is a pretty girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Naahhh ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ morning baby girl ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : They said r kelly threw his hat In the crowd and killed 8 people ”” faf ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : she mad .. Damn”-hate you lol ",1 "But your happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my bae ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Gone be a father in less then 2 months . "" Congratulations big bro ✊ "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ima mean the world to someone one day . ✨♥ """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : boutta fuck some 8 counts up today” lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I guess there open ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ since I ran out of excuses idk what to say to you lhh” say im finna txt you lol you slippin ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Just got in trouble cos Justyna got a new girl dog and I asked my momma have she seen Justyna BITCH ... Lmfao ! ” Goofy ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm So Silly ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you play to much shoo ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ """" ",1 "Yo love tweet stealing lls ✋ ",0 "<<<<< New Avi ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I'm just bored af lol tweeting facts ",1 "We Got Endless Ham Left And Ima Fuck Dat Shit Up ",1 "The text #oomfs just sent me >> ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I just hope dont nobody try & fw me cause i will fuck them up "" naw all the hoes who think they tough is really soft "" ",1 "Milahn been actin up i think i gotta get Cam _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Dat Bitch Lovely ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ grow up” ",1 "Dwayne wade is a great role model for men .. I bet he shitted on every make at their own prom lmaoo ",0 "Scrolling my TL I see a lot of Twiiter beef Where I'm from when we see you it's going y'all Niggas Fighting with y'all Fingers ",0 "I'm smiling tho !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ text me punk ",0 "LIL CUZ JUST FOUND MY 2K ",0 "she said weenies kmsl ",0 "Joseline Be READING to the gawwddd'sss ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ya flat ass ",0 "I could be so happy & then be so sad ",1 "Lmaoooo did she really think bow wow would talk to her ",0 "Drunk Sex Tho lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im still laughing at that pic ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GOODMORNING TATIANA ",0 "I be killing that gotti strIght hood af ",0 "Niggga told me I couldn't quit cause he was losing his money ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Would you believe if I said I'm in love ... ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fighting For these Hoes Unun !!!! I only want ONE NIGHT” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : oalahh ... iya ya . Whatsapp nyaa yg nmr telkomsel itu mba . ",0 "Shrimp fried rice ",0 "A good convo yday with my longgg lost friend . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well uh * pops collar * I do my thang . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ouuu good morning ",0 "Dead asl where the opps ? ",1 "* cheesing * ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ m baw vag ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn Ard ",1 "I wonder if reggie evan still thnk blatche and joe johnson on the same level as lebron ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Nigga was tryna wave his chain over his mouth and shit . I see ya missing tooth my nigga you ain't low ” ",0 "I loveeee tall skinny niggas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you see my last tweet ",0 "I was buggin early !! ",1 "I need some dog ass attention ",1 "had to come back home to bestfriend tho ",0 "GoodMorning World ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw ! Text me ! I come by u all the time on the way to church ! I have to stop by soon ",0 "Gotta give me $5 tho ",1 "Shatrya told the teacher side get off his dick fuck yall ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whore why u tweeting do ya fucking work ",0 "Lol Stop calling ppl ugly !! \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Goodmorning Ugly people """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ha he'll naw it was like a slip the lil rell thing broke off lol and I was going in ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao . I think it's calming down I'm Tryna go to Zumba ",0 "S/0 to my newbies ",0 "No worries tho , god always comes thru for me ",0 "I fuk wit u lik a middle finger baby ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Oh Mary Don't You Weep . #Scandal ” ",1 "Let me go ind something to cool off my tongue ",0 "cuddling naked with yall bra in panties on !!! >>>>>>>>>>> ",0 "He Said He Be Wanting To Choke Her ! LMAOO ",0 "Well . He Already Said If Im The Jealous Type It Want Work ",0 "Ppl complaining wats on their newsfeed but um ain't nobody made u press play !!!! # ",1 "Tabitha not right here listening to ecause I got high "" "" ",1 "We bout to go to the south side and get some breakfast ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bye lil boy . ✌ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mannnnnnn beeeeedonneeee ",0 "lol it was aighh . “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I must was cute ? ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ \ Whoa Whoa Baby Look One Rule . . Don't Ever Touch My Car Or I Will Not Take A Picture "" "" ",1 "BYE BYE CLIPPERS !!! #marcgasol ",0 "Teddy never chillin ",0 "Paige wish we was going somewhere ",1 "I got money put upand in the bank I don't got the bag I want ✋but I'm good I'm not done yet I hope u niggas watching ",1 "Ima fool gwaf ",0 "Lmao hell naw this shit to fucking funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Why U Put BOO In Big Letters Lol , I See Ya BOO ",0 "Not getting the taxi's but im Getting both Gamma Blue 11's & 12's ✊ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , lol ohhhh gawd . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Damn Leem ”lol my bad bro I take it back ",1 "Got on mii black white nd red cant tell me nun lol do ya thing bri ",0 "Slink was in jamirra ass Wednesday ",1 "jeeezy My Boy , Fuck Youu If youu dont like Himmm : ) ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I bet that hair down there , never gets wet Tahaha .. Dry Cat ” that wheat bread pussy FUCK OUTTA HERE ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmao okay I see how it is Dont buy them then yuh Finna see wat these hands like ! ",0 "I BET !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yo Bro Let Me Hold Something ",0 "Fuckin Yah Feeling I'm Feel Free ..... Yu Want Real Thats Real In Mee !!!!! ",1 "Facebook a fck up everything u got going so me && my bff delete it .. ",1 "And my dawg chubby chub * drake voice * ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” thanks shooshie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you fool ",0 "If give anything for a night with official girl owe Cassie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that nose lol ",0 "How about them heat fans ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Happy sunday ” happy sunday booo ",0 "Tevs lil sister with the joke of the year ! ",0 "I smoke so much weed y'all it Crazyyy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmbo !! You crazy Noe .... ",0 "That's Why She Gotta Get A Neon ",0 "The Game crazy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. I need a gf ",1 "i wish smash ass gts ",1 "Ma say she finto call the police ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : What it is wassup got ya nigga in the cut GOT DAMN ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol that's right I love you my little Indian ",0 "over thinkingg kills the happyness ",1 "11:13 Her #Bdt ",0 "Aw , I love you too Shontel , fuck you Kanesha ",0 "none of my friends r chilling today ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm fucking wit you lol that's disgusting ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ who me ... No no no lol ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Hun ",0 "aiin been on dhiis shiit iin a gud lil miin ..!! ",0 "I been spending money all day .... I'm exhausted .... ",1 "Dnt wake me bc I'm sleep then she says ... Wake yo ass up !! ",1 "Son , my lil sister so bipolar ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the ones I got ? That wud be cute ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fuk turning up ... I wanna turn up && eat ... ” fat fuck ",1 "Holyyyyyyy Shit , Son Destiny Just Sent Me A Video Of Her Fight !! It Wasn't Even A Fight , She Whooped That Bitch Ass Son ",0 "im always tweetin bout stuff -.- ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ kid ? yeah rd den where you been lor boy ? ",0 "TI can go head and be my daddy . ",0 "There goes my twitter crush ",1 "Good Morning : Time for praise and worship ",0 "that's how wanna bang a bitch relieve some stress ",1 "Low Key these Bitches Don't Even Impress Me Nomo ",1 "Mmp lemme go call . My bae back after i press him foh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Yea Im Chilln Mani”ard pumpkin just making sure ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ only good thing about this is that I still have my cupcake ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I was crazy bout kipp lol that's the old me I'm weak cause I use to act just like that smh lmao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh i guess everybody growing up .. Another chick said we favor im like i dnt know that nigga ",0 "Nicki mad tho ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I get back on & amp ; see Omar ” ",0 "Bro Go Clout ",0 "My Ma Charlene just told me she loves me .. Love that lady ",0 "that lil ugly nigga ctfuu ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you can get it ",0 "Pussy talking like \Well Done "" "" ",0 "lick my balls , ",0 "Oms niggas alwayz say y yuh fuckn wit tht broke niggga ..!! In clam they dnt hate ..! Get off his dick bitch yuh dnt even no hym .. ",1 "Lol 4Play ? ahhh mann ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm good you eat a blood puss yuck mouth ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Chocolate Drops aunty did the damn thing in her modeling pics !!! #WINNING Cc : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” . Thanks boo I got one for u ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well done indeed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol , That D ! Jp ",0 "Aye , that's luxury dawg ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck you ",0 "Goodnight Twitter . Enjoyed y'all while it lasted ",0 "Ready too spoil myself .! ",0 "Ayee Twitter Popping Tonight ",0 "I'm Glad I ain't come them“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it got real ratchet in there lol” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Pop your ass and flip your hair lmmfao ” yes yes ",0 "Gimme dat shit lil Earl ! ",0 "Attention seekers << ✋ ",1 "Shxtt Cray Cray ",0 "!!!!!!!! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ One week til my spring break ... ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well get chu sum ",0 "RC don't even no what in talking about !!! ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Rockdale watching right now hell we not have breakfast in the morning ” ",1 "eveytime ii wake up in tha A.M , ii qoo check mahh fone like auh newspaper kml ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : He fucked you once nd never fucked you again bitch tht ain't nobodies Fault But Ur Easy ass” ",0 "I hate when people ask to wear yo shit take all type of pics and it and give it too they friend ",1 "These Broke Bitchess Dont Like Me Cause They Say I Think Im All That ☺ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ;; All This Ass Yu Trippin Dude ",0 "My Bestfriend Called Me On Facetime ❤ ",0 "The Reunion of Love n HipHop is Sick Lol I knw MiMi is tried n Dne ",1 "If a man never introduced you too his family but trying to lay between your legs , means you are just being taken for a ride ",0 "I'm happy Keyandra not going to jail : ) ",0 "Cleaning MY home ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i kno u da bid ",0 "Ain't Shit Sweet , Bitch I'm From The EastSide ! ",1 "A play slap , a real slap , a hard slap , a soft slap ...... IT'S STILL A SLAP TO ME .... Dats why dat nigga had to get got Lmbo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Heading up there now lol ",0 "I hope somebody catch that shit ",1 "Man I Would Be All In HP5 If I Was Tiki ",1 "And she jus put it dwn b4 she left fa work !! I love mii bby !! ",0 "I'm erky I know ",1 "Now Taking Twifey Applications ",0 "dee stay snappin on them white people ! it be too funny mane . ",0 "I'm bout to take a nap bc I told this boy he can come over but iam tired I ain't for nobody sitting in my damn face right now ",1 "Beyonce & Frank Ocean ",0 "Yo Niqqa My Main Thot ! ",0 "Boaaa half of yall iPhones dnt even got internet , yall gotta use WIFI !! Andriod made this shit boa HOTSPOT & EVERYTHING !! ",1 "She ask me was me & my girl still together I told her yeah we working it out and still trying . ",0 "These niggas Claiming all my Old Hoes . ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Can't wait !!! ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ kk ! Imma try n make the trip sooner then later actually so I will def be seeing soon ma'am!!!! love ya ! ",0 "My BFF think my niggas be ugly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol , You Takinn Everything lDo When Im Talking Aint Telln You Nun Else ",0 "She Tweet watching ",0 "Ibn at da mall alllll day .... imissd all da DRAMA onna internet today lmmfao ",0 "Them skinny girls be the coldest man ",0 "New Header #Philly ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Tf This Bitch Just Say About My BOYFRIEND ! I WILL BRAKE HER NECK FAHREAL ! UU BETTA GONE HOE ! "" you snapping "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ take the pine cone out ya ass 3timezzz ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what's up lady ? Hope u feeling great this am ",0 "Kml Oomf A Freak ",0 "Aye y'all _TWITTER-ENTITY_ now that's the real bae dem ",0 "Dammm I missed me & joee date tweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you right boo ",0 "My other bundle if hair came ",1 "My uncle say he finna bring me some ice cream ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up ",1 "I Like Darkskin Females Now ",0 "I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOOOOVVVEEEE HIIIMMM !!!!!!! ❤❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ greenfield ✊ Right with you boo ",0 "Somebody else expose me to real so I could hate lames ",1 "I got a nigga mentality I can't stay in compliance I like BITCHES ❗❗❗❗ ",1 ". Shiiiddd ! 5OK iSwea Twiitter Gotta Loveee Mhee . I Been Tweetin All Damn Dae ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell nawl ",0 "I Ain't Got Time ",1 "Guess again ! \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Yall niggas thought it was over huh ??? """" ",0 "hoes really need to KNOW THEY PLACE ! I'm the GIRLFRIEND , so get used to it . cause I'm here to STAY ! #girlfriendtweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm joked out ",0 "imma boss chick . : ) ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Musty pussy” u fucking behind me ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟” ",0 "These hoes don't matter ",0 "8moreMorning ! 8more dayss ",0 "Lmaooo she kept saying \I'm finna send u a picture """" ",0 "Chilling wit tha cuzzo !!!!! #fam _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Drinks & Crabs w my auntie & her gf . ",0 "#100ThingsThatMakeMeHappy , Myaa Too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lolz .! dnt play wid me nooo .! ( in yo voice ) ",0 "Bad girls ain't no good & good girls ain't no fun ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol no ",0 ", and ain't get the msg til this morning ",1 "Let It Be Known I Sent In My Audition _TWITTER-ENTITY_ So Go Check Your Email Plz ",0 "I Got A Taste For You ",0 ", siiyah went to sleep eating cheese curls ",0 "Maybe one day everybody will be loved by that person they want . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awwwnn Morning BB ! You , too boo . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks love ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Its Freezing In Here ” ",1 "I really was tho all on IG like why can't I find it “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was really looking hard I'm dyingggg” ",1 ", bitches be 13 && getting niggas my age ",0 "That's ... ima leave it at that ! Goodnight Twitter ! ",0 "Chelsea's avi tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ breakfast on yu ",0 "I have Halo AND Call of Duty for my xbox ... I'm ready to die now . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ >>> nf .. fb ?? ",0 "When the come everybody no you nah D/h go back to doing you ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kmsl dont do me bf ",0 "My boo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in #COBBLESTONE lookin good ... Thanks fa am twerk mama ",0 "Lol mfs tryna be funny ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh nothing lol .... good shit tho young grasshopper ",0 "Get Paid In A Few Days . I'm Bout To See Who Bitch I'ma Take Out To Eat Then Smash ... ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Early to bed , early to rise . Goodnight "" r u in gh ? "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank You Baby ",0 "My lockscreen tho ❤ ",0 "Kaylen dumb bruh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank u I'm jtfo lmaooooo ",0 "I'm so cruddy ",1 "People who said they'll be here forever , the same people who switched up and left ✌️ . NIGGA DONT CARE , fuck y'all and SUCK MY DICK . ✊ ",1 "He Called Me Chunky Monkey ! ❤ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : That was a fella ain't no way around it she had a weenis lmao”weenis ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you not gone _TWITTER-ENTITY_ her tho ! I wanna see ",0 "Kema showed me how to Twerk with my face ON the ground & my butt up lmaoo ",0 "otp w/ bri ",0 "she said she said control them edges ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I ain't that bold ",0 "These bitches aint shit #swea ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omfg me too him & Quavo ",0 "I got wait until tomar ",0 "I hate that man . ",1 "I'm good either way it go >>> ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I woke up and see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Next to me straight #Knocked "" twitpic "" ",0 "They said my refund is being processed ",0 "Fat fat just made my night he taking me to go get some seafood tomorrow ... But I'm sleep doe ",1 "She always on my TL soo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ DM me ",0 "Christina just text me & said \ i'ma punch yo ass "" I replied "" what's up * throws my roll up * "" she said "" this ain ' what you want "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Goodmorning !! ",0 "Bitches be fucking like .... ",1 "I'm feelin sum type of WAY ",1 "i was suppose to been going to sleep ",1 "Lol they talking bout Chiraq on black girls rock ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I like oomf avi but I won't tell him that tho lol "" talkin bout me ? "" ",0 "Making Hamburg helper ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao !!!! Word . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yu can EAD & cause yu said idc ",0 "These some fools on #RHOH ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tf is that thing well I know it's a skull but whet lmao ",0 "Fuck you if you HAD me ! ",1 "Umya sooo funny when she be ribbing ",0 "this mad at the gas station butt is all out bruh . ",1 "Feels good knowing I'm off tmrrw , #IMFREE !!! ",0 "sada fckn stupid bruh ",1 "Lol I use to say \I hate when girls call me "" son """" type of shit ? "" ",0 "Lmao no this bitch DIDNT lmaooooooo u ah lame n u ugly asf so WTF I gotta pee lmao that shit is funny af n watch all y'all get popped !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' thanks lovely ",0 "U will always be my friend ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I luv it ",0 "Good Morning _TWITTER-ENTITY_ You Have A Blessed Day & Enjoy It : ) ",0 "U speaking brokanese like can I have a dollar please !!!! You talking brokanese I took yo bitch and broke ha knees !! Migos x Borkanese ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fr , like some of it but damn dont push me into the wall ' might fuck sump up in my head ",1 "In Florida with the people I love the most my family and boyfriend !!! ",0 "♊ - walsup young ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thiss whiteee dude i knoo hiss lipssss niggg and sexy , ROTFL ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Daishon & Zell got me ctfu” ",0 "I'm still ctfu at Rozay ppls at statuz on sat I love her tho ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wanna see two baldhead bitches fight … Aint gone be NO hair grabbing ” ",1 "Can kiss my ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ remember y'all was living on 48th & my head gone hit against the wall ",1 "bouta call them back on facetime ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches Walkin Round Lookin Like Caillou ” ",1 "Hoes bouta be fake ass Muslims today and their weave gona look crazy under it too ",1 "Thats wat ii thought .... guess iill take \MY FAT ASS "" tew mcds ..... "" ",1 "Stamp , no text .. Respect ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks boo ",0 "``) lolx ! HOPEFULY Ican GO BK TO SLEEP . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I Been Sleep All Day So I Couldn't Tell You ",1 "So I just put my pRHOphytes on the \smell to dick "" song . If you haven't heard it please go view it on YouTube . Your welcome "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ard young Dae Dae . ",0 "I see a lot of libras on my TL s/o to y'all ! . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaooo I thought I told you don't do anything unless I'm there ",0 "I'm knowing my cousins deshayla laughing at me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol , good morning dimples ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning ",0 "Some bitches lie on dey jus lik nigga lie on dey ",0 "Its pourin dwn n swainsboro wadley hea I come ",0 "Turned Up Lastnight For My Nigga Abb Ayeee Love You Baby Boy #Rip ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nah he told u too stfu ",0 "my mova Juss called me talm bout some \iiiiii girl you mad is shit , you turnt all the way down boo "" i was like what girl ? "" ",0 "Peter ain't rite ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Damn idk what game to watch Nick Young or the Cavs ?? ” niggas aint even say lakers they said nick young ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Keep My Eyes Open Trust None Fear None I May Not ❌ Speak On Everything But Trust Me , I Know About It . ” ",1 "I Get Everything I Want # I'm Not Spoiled ^__^ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao ! ",0 "My foot sleep !! ",1 "Don't come back to mean when them niggas Pull something on ya ass ",0 "OTP Widd Myy Bighead ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Inuit moree bby ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Anybody wanna work out with me ? ” ",0 "If you wanna win me over buy me a Philly #NBS ",0 "I know faith mad as shit I woke her up n then changed my mind ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lowkey .. ",1 "#Rule1 throw it back as if ya life depended on it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good-Morning n hope you have a nice day ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that boy bout slow ",0 "Trey a gold digger my mfn nigga man ",0 "Omw to see my momma <3 #FREEHER 2Hours Drive -_- ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : FRESHMANS PLEASE DO NOT TAKE YOUR COLLEGE BOOS HOME TO MEET YA MOMS !!! ITS ONLY BEEN 4 MONTHS #aamu #AAMU17 ” TRUE ",0 "Evander know he dnt turn up like dat tryna get off the porch ",0 "Got dis lean in me ",0 "You funny but in hilarious bring it ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your not the only one ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ night love ",0 "Ian kno that , wow u learn something new about yourself everyday ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wouldn't ignor your texts” lol I feel bad now ! ",1 "need to change my bio ",1 "iThink #OOMF Caught Eli Subtweet , But The Tweet Was So Messy ",1 "He spoilin already ... gotta hold a real man down !!!! ",0 "If he think that's a butterfly he clearly can't see ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol shardae taking like 30 yrs lol ",0 "The only thing I can do is laugh ",0 "Once I smoke this blunt you bitches get the treatment ",0 "I could have sworn Mimi was sleep , til she woke up out her sleep dancing to the McDonald's mcbites commercial !! Fishy fishyyyyy ",0 "I would tell ya who use to like me but she be denying it .. ",1 "Bitches stupid fussing ; talm bout being a niggas \ main bitch "" or "" naw homegirl , you better be his only bitch "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ these 2 in dey bag ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you fucking up ",1 "She confused asl like this nigga ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im call u but if u come by here i want Call you Ok ",1 "I still ain't wash up and people gone be at my crib in a lil bit ",1 "EVERY★ONE HAVE A GUD DAY ",0 "So anyways my header ",0 "Had all subs today . ",0 "Had tooh finishh myy testt ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol yup I do ",0 "pengalaman membuat engkau untuk mengenal sebuah kesalahan bilamana engkau melakukan nya lagi ",0 "Good Morning y'all . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah i still pass it ain't that damn serious lol I'm not bout that life ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ why y'all do me like that man ",0 "He really is ",0 "Tl Bout Dry As Shit A Bunch A People Talking About Nothing ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ these hoes ain't shit'! ... Lmfao ",0 "I'm in love y'all . ",0 "Why do niggas hate on Kobe ? ",1 "U Can Have Her Back . Huh ... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Oooooooooo oooooooo oooooooo * terio dance*” ",0 "I'm to silly . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I like oomf ” ",0 "I'm crying get him off my tl ",1 "Poke coming to my school .. He the star basketball player and I'm the cheerleader ☺ can you say #TeamPoke we so lame ✔ ",0 "I wanna be with you ",1 "Imm Not Losing No Sleep Trust Me On That , ",0 "Screaming in my ear like I just don't! ok ",1 "Karr students mad ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i guess u goin have to hate the boy ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hoes always sending shots Yall got chill & fall back ✋✌” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he ganna be salty as shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lls sike JJ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's a good thing tho ! Good morning to u also ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kay lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : my header ”her shit look fat ",1 "3 ; couldn't even be mad at you for along time I'm salty about that . But w.e you my nigga I guess . Can't fwm on that grinding shit ",0 "Go on my Myspace if you don't believe me ",0 "My lil baby keep it & I love him for that #lowkey ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol coo coo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ As Told By Kijahh Lol Kijahh You Look Like Ahh Bull Dog ヽ (^。^) ノ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wat you doing ugly ",0 "I spoil my brother so ! That's my baby !! ",0 "my co-worker try so hard to be \FRIENDS "" with my gf not in this lifetime "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ctfu you OP don't tweet about me dh ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : They need to illigalize cigarettes and legalize weed "" Just Weeed . "" ",0 "Whole Time I'm finna Fuck Sum ",1 "Good morning jada ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fatima really my aunt doe lol """" ",0 "Lebron really told his barber \Give me the best "" "" ",0 "Had to go give Neik some money I love my lil bro ",0 "R . I . P rest in pussy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol ",0 "I caught up w| lee on these tweets FINALLY ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : - tomar make it 2 months """" ",0 "I fuck with who I want and fuck who I don't ' don't like it suck a big ole long sausage fuck all y'all petty hoes ✌️ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ btfu I can't deal with yo ass !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao stop ",0 "Fse lil Durk be yellin foe ",0 "That leg drop was serious tho ",0 "Some dreams come true . : ) ",0 "Kik her _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she got a fatty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ O OK : ) ",0 "2 cold to be on twitter✌️ ",0 "Just tell me why YOU MAD tho ? ",1 "These kids in church fighting ",1 "Soo small might as well pull a Melvin ",0 "U don't got emojis ",0 "It takes a hour for that shit to cook though .. Ima fall asleep ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I saw u at the mall today but u aint see me an ya face looked serious as hell ",0 "Gym with momma ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : that shit was hilarious”On my life foo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches Throwing Shots But Missing Me Because If You Ain't Stating Facts Then You Ain't Dissin ME ! ” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Keairra yo mama nasty asl gettin nat nastery” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's the after affects of the surgery & medication girl !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww I love you to ... ",0 "I tend to laugh everyday ",0 "In Ms. Dunn Office ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she just mad cause you my favorite ",0 "ppl kirking from the girl in the group message ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : MY NIGGAS DONT SMOKE REGGIE” fraud lol ",0 "Twitter tweeting while I'm at the cash register ✌️ bye yaaaal tweet yal later #work ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : R - Kelly better perform trapped in the closet , that's my shit ” oh no how long is that ? ",1 "Well its late so nite world see yhu 2 morrow dnt for get 2 pray befor bed ... #nite nite #1 of the bests day i had in a long time ",0 "i looooooooooooooove _TWITTER-ENTITY_ love u long time ",0 "I Only got Keke & Shaunie PW Omg I Needa Step Up Like G ",1 "This nigga Duce be on some emotional shit some days ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ man listen a chick ain't been hit the long way in a long time ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm fucking dead ! ",1 "Nah . Swerve Hoe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what you going through man ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got u tho ",0 "He laughing come laugh by me ",0 "Was steady pooting in 7th period ",0 "About to take me a nice hot relaxing bath ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Yess i do WANT U , yess i do WANT Us , but dnt ever get to Thinkin i NEED YU ! ”i knew you wanted me” oh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love u bro ",0 "Mack Maine went Ham And Turkey on Tmz ",0 "I hate when people have little ass cars with BIG ass rims ",1 "Fuck em up ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ get in her ass yo "" yo funny as shit  "" ",0 "Say she cashed out APRIL FOOLS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , Why BookBag tryna Cut his braids ",0 "Ready for this fair ... 3moredays ",0 "Rod got that \ I just fucked up my money "" look on his face LMAO "" ",0 "2 days ♑️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I ain't got nuffin but thirsty hoes on mines subtweeting ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Grammy be rapping !! ",0 "SITTEN IN THE TRUCK ! WAITIN ON MAMA ...... ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #oomf is obsessed with sex .! #frfr "" Don't tell nobody else Keyah . Lol "" lmao ok I won't .! "" ",0 "I Love my Daughter Pooh ",0 "I want knee knee ",1 "Me & My Baby Convo >>>> ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟” ",0 "Niggas be choosing bitches be choosing Tf the way this generation set up it be alot if choosing going on B ",1 "Kiarrah belongs to NOBODY ",1 "Good morning “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Good morning ” ",0 "& knowing us we like to fuck like its the first time ",0 "Her deep throat ass you can hear everytime she swallow ",1 "Today Was Crazy But I Had Fun ",0 "' lol , Keyon got alllllll the hoes . Eeeeen my hoes . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she beg too damn much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol sure !! ",0 "Damn she got him sprung , its cool ",0 "Talking to my sister about Tampa ",0 "Cap and grown pics today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ IM DEAD ",0 "Im not goin ha !!! ",1 "One time for Kas ",0 "R . I . P rest in pussy ",0 "She is beautiful ✊ ",0 "The dedication to my body is real ",0 "Steve said he busted a nut in her !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmao cause I know this is your song ",0 "chill for me with the thirst for these females ",1 "Be tweeting talm bout y dey haven't bought my childcut da act he's only dea cus I had to work ",1 "Iant even goin lie ",0 "You Ain't Getting Money Yo Lil Lying Self ✋ ",1 "#nw the Boondocks #TheFundRaiser ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LOL FORREAL ❓❓❓ ",0 "Their singing my song ",0 "So #Oomf Said \Thots Make Me Mad "" #FSE She Had Me Rollin . "" ",0 "Hoes lie too yall jus not us niggas , trust me I view the shit everyday naw fr ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ilove tlkin to my boo butt _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !! ”awwww baby I love talkin to you too ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : darksin boys are everything . """" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fat bitches wit big titties be thinkin dey fine af lmao """" ",0 "I be goin dumb !! ",0 "Hating for no reason , it's funny tho ! Tryna play me but look stupid contradicting yaself , hype about a similar situation dumbass ",0 "This lil girl man ",0 "jr crawlin towards dis baby ndd she runnin ",0 "You sleep in the basement if ya mom house ass nigga ",1 "Heyyyyyy“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : heyyy ya'll ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : na itu yg plg sy takutkan emang Pak . Orgnya ketinggalan , bekalnya brkt sendiri kekntr ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ people be thirsty in ask.fm Dfl ",0 "Miguel bird chest ass ",0 "This gm got me all types of confused ",1 "Been ignoring arrion all weekend ✔️ ",1 "& his face be looking just like dat . ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Delete all that shvt ! ” ",1 "1 down , who else dont like me #lemmeknow ? ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good Morning Sexy : )♥ ",0 "Via just left ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ .... NF ",1 "Got these hoes #teamMad ",0 "Ppl tht brag & know yeen really got it like tht I find tht funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ only for you boo ",0 "I rather fucc u than argue ",1 "Sex will make you get feelings lol ✋ ",0 "Riding With Bae & Nande ",0 "Cordarrien . juS went2 sleep.ni im finna qo ! Goodniqht twitter ",0 "DNT WANNA SHARE , iM fROM TAllUlAh WHERE tHEY DEBO SH . T ! ",1 "They ain have the 3's so I copped green glows .. ",0 "n ioun mean staying under housing thinkn yuee dewhn suin bc yahh ass ain't ",1 "Off to my exam ",1 "Winter 2014 ?!! They ain't never gonna drop ! #maybackmuzik ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaoo shadap ! ” ",0 "otp with Kiara talking about the game . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ waab that's why you not playing ... ",1 "#NF _TWITTER-ENTITY_ HBD ! ",0 "got mfs lined up ... ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : sucka yo ass a sucka _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” wya ",1 "and I only know a few #s by hard ",1 "GoodNight Twitter ! ",0 "Goodnight Destiny _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "i love you ",0 "All these gays on my twitter talking about Beyonce ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Made it home safe”good I'm happy ",0 "imma chill for now but later imma be back ",0 "Wanna hear a joke ? .. COACH BAGS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ughhhhh here u go ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Kobe Bryant Ass ” ",1 "Like no nigga I just got that touch : ) ",0 "I mean girl .!!! Kml #catfish ",0 "Daija grandma funny ",0 "Forreal y'all look at mike epps actin like Charles Ramsey ",0 "you seem cool ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ soo tf whatt ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Every little thing you do got me feeling some type of way """" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches be like I'm crazy over him I got to let him fuck """" ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : scrappy mean aab ""  "" ",0 "my bestfriend ... makes me smile ",0 "All my ex's say it don't feel right looking at me like this ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol aww shiiiiiiit ☺☺☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! So y'all in the same boat ! Lmao ",0 "Dis bitch scared of ketchup #Rivals2 ",0 "Found her ass tho . She was a light skin . Much expected ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avii >>> ",0 "This hoe built like a banana ",0 "My avi cute dont ya think ",0 "Happy To See Another ! Thanking The Man Above For This Blessed Day !! ❤ ",0 "glad i gt mi hair take out felt like forever lol no more bradis for me oan want em no time soon lmao fr ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no but I can write like her songwriting team ",0 "Everything was the same ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you guyz suck bro”boy you must ain't got cable ",1 "Everybody I nicknamed still go by that name _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me too but I got these pills ",0 "I'm crazy too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ got some candy ? Lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : The best women are a little crazy” ",0 "can't nobody look at me w/o fat ass gettin mad ",1 "yoo everybody bout ta b fightin ova this ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋✋ im done ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol okay sexy ",0 "Remember every Nigga in Baltimore , wanted to be Muslim ? ",0 "Imma sharkiesha his ass ! im so bored ! Then dee dee stuttering ass is trying ctfu up on me cause Ian text back ! ",1 "Had Days Go By My Life Get Better In Better . ",0 "As-Sallam Aliakum && Wssup Twitter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ard well you still talking abt me ... child ? You was born in 1998 an think you a fucking grown lady okayyyy ",0 "Got all dem all gunz n yeen shot shit ",0 "today was not my day but i put it a side kissed my son let it all out then i was good ",0 "she really trying me , ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : bitches b going crazy bout these niggas & ain't even get no dick in em yet ! "" right "" ",0 "Boutta get some Oreos ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ BAE I LOVE U ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no ass ",0 "i swear . Niggas < ",1 "& if kamm think dame bouta cuff her while she so repped out . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Man fuck what y'all talking about I'm tryna have sex ! ” thirst trap” ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If somebody will bring me a James plate to Winnsboro I'll buy them one too but I ain't got y'all on gas tho "" WELL U OUT "" ",0 "I wanna drive to Waffle House ",1 "bitches always wanna make a video ",1 "Need A Relaxer But Ima Try To Hold Out Till December lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ word fuck that shit mane ",0 "Yo my TL is going in on Tiago Splitter right now ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need to see em in hand them be looking good as hell online . ",0 "1000 kisses from you is never too much ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sup p "" koolin u been laying low !! "" ",0 "Destiny need to stop snooping on my twitter ",1 "Lunch Time ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ heeeey vine or wateva I say that shit all day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hope that's me ",1 "Nira so funny ! Lhh I love my Luh cousin bra ... Dats my god sis too ... Soooo ya do da math ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ looking ass ✋ ",0 "Lol but who can beat me thoo ? No one , oh ard ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ understood Imaa be hype Ashid when dey off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol nigga idk ! I'm talking shit anyway I'm at work , I would have to clown you another day ",0 "Texting my baby ",0 "Lemme ride ya face ",0 "My Barkleys Is Done They Bout To Go On the Wire ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GOOD MORNING ",0 "“I gave my ex all that brain && she still dumb ” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Play Migos at My funeral if they catch Me slipping TTU” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fact I slick got a gf now ” ",0 "BYE BYE CLIPPERS !!! #marcgasol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol mommy always saying \ daughter "" ”yes "" ",0 "This girl look like the jawn from that sex video .. I wanna ask her if it was her ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awww baby get bwetter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't ✋ ",1 "Imma Keep Asking ",1 "I ain't tripping off ya ",0 "even if she got 4 diffrent baby daddys , ion care long as she happy idm cause yuh can't JUDGE her ! ",0 "Skype with my man ",0 "5 . He sweet |Sometimess ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Aye naw nigga don't try n brin up them hoes now er gay nigga den fucked some hoes” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I pray healing for u in Jesus name .. Quick healing ... ",1 "Goodmorning Twitter ☀️ ",0 "This girl just ask me ' did i go get some toystf ima do w/ toys ! ' ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Now why Jo fcked up my baby's lyrics ???? ” my bad I know it's something like that ",1 "That kiss last ' night though ",0 "I gotta Carmel cake and it look pretty with Victoria secret on top !!! ",0 "Ain't talk to him sence earlier talked to my mom inlaw thou ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cookie stop running that fucking bill up . you know ion get paid until the 1st . ",1 "He got all on her ",0 "In his phone like bitches be like .......... ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Dude foolish ",0 "And I DNT know why ",1 "Lol this what I get for Twatchin . ",0 "Mixed Emotions <<<<<<<<<<<<< ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww I miss u too u can call me sometimes ",0 "expect u to , naw u ride for me cuzz that's just u ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you so funny ",0 "Yelling out MESHA MESHA MILLION DOLLARS ",0 "Lemme go Bck Outside ! It was kinda fun with all them Ratchets ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok only because you gorgeous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol i aint even gone put u out lil thotbox ",0 "She Called Me Son ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want my raybans back today ",1 "I got on all black just in case I gotta do some hits ",1 "Just Talked Too My Brother . ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I fuck wit khaliah only real one #respect "" Ctfu I don't fuck with you tho "" ",0 "he trynna Book th Chinese Bitch ",0 "Enjoyd myi day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck you then punk ",0 "I keep sending everybody off on what I'm getting china for Christmas cuz ik people gone go . Back ",1 "My Bitchs Love Me ",0 "i need to calm down , all that shakin ' up & down , i be cuttin ' up .. bae on was on FaceTime like ",1 "His new avi ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning sugar , enjoy ur effin day !! ",0 "- Mfs Really Think They Making Me Mad ; Naah Not Making Me Mad At All , Cause Imma Stilll Do Me Reguardless # Yaa Feel Mee & Yanno ",0 "These bitches in my room singing Lean on me ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I love everything about basketball ! ” ",0 "#Oomf full of it shit hilarious ",0 "Can't trust every face shit u gotta watch em ☺☺ ",0 "I wanna be with you ",1 "What Ass Rae ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ naw . She was kik that IG Name on the pic & sent both pics . But she kik my pic as her den folks on ig was like dats lil muffin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Omg . Im So Happy For You : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol u sure bout that !? ",0 "Lawt he dne says my name ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't do that lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , Fb ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I kNO DATS RiGHT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OKAY NOW YOU REALLY IN MY BUSINESS !! ** LOGS OFF TWITTER ** ",0 "Red Dreads && uh New Tatt SATURDAY ",0 "My mama should be on her way home from church I'm bout to piss her off n be laying in her bed like \ oh hey boo "" "" ",0 "' GoodMorning TGFAD ",0 "Big bra _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Tonja sed Heyyy .... ",0 "Ladies if you seen yo homie yo homie lookin all in the camera suckin and fuckin would you be shocked or do you know yo bitch bout that ? ",0 "That thotler really flexing for twitter ",0 "I love we he say SOSA BABY ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think it will be the latter ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aye I'm done ",0 "Lmaoo , more like \Butch queen "" "" ",0 "Omw to Potomac Mills ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thankss , yours too : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohh yeah I talked too her . Thanks bae ",0 "Juss Got In Da Housee ",0 "_ Wassup BITCHES ? ",0 "YONNIE bye girl call the cops ",0 "Lmfaoooooooooooo tht subtweet ",0 "All my niggas shooters ",0 "I'm dead ah \Let Me Introduce Myself """" ",0 "Just seen my hubby _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #AllStarWeekend #DUNKCONTEST !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I sent a message to y'all weather and it went like this . \ Plz stop storming so my Miya can come home "" "" ",1 "Mayweather got mo money than everybody on my TL so y'all can suck his dick ",0 "He said he whoop a nigga ass ova $2 .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Young Lady ",0 "High As Shit ",1 "Lmao I told libny ",0 "So ii should order hip hop abs ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Terrell stick to scanning milk and cheese . Talkin bout the car is the spot ” chile ” ",0 "she da bid ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LMFAOOOOOO : )) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ watch out I had to get outta there lowkey ",0 "They gon be mad af lmao ",0 "It's just me nd ray ",0 "We all tryna hop on this bitch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ That's my man too ",0 "Oomf Need Check Her Dm ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ laugh now ! cry later ! ",0 "PEOPLE ACTIN KINDA SHADAYYY BABYY WHY YALL TRHOWIN SHADE ! ",0 "Laying here trying to guess what style I wanna give off today swagg or Fag lol I hate that word but only I can say it to self ",1 "Bruh this music gotta go ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Where the girls with the nice smiles ? ” "" "" ",0 "NO school for mee ! ",0 "Llss if tht was me i would have drive off ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahhh shit ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If you a grown man you should never blow in another man eye to get something out of it "" "" ",1 "Shon Thang Taught Me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ILOVEYHU too . ",0 "aggedy neck niggas """" ",0 "I need a pic of them dreads ",1 "She actin like she dont know who im talkin bout ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'll love you forever if somebody bring me some headphones """" ",0 "Just Downloaded Thank Me Later ",0 "You kno she crazy if she say if I fuck wit you Im stuck wit you ",0 "I can't stop laughing ",0 "Mane nigga just got closed line ",0 "Keep It 100 ! My New AVI Chillin ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she champ as shit Lls ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : So many rappers wanna work with me now .... but ... nvm” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ikno rite smfh lol idk ",0 "Takin my papi out to dinner tonite , he jus dnt knw it yet . Thank god he doesn't b on here anymore ",1 "my old bitch tryna suck up cause she seen that i lucked up #Haaaaaaaaaaaaannnnn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your foot look nasty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ain't shit down here either nigga be bored aab ",0 "She nosey af ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u funny ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "ericka & scrappy finna make mee cry .. awwweeee ! # , ♥♥ ",0 "Happy bday to my brother Damionaay lol thats Diddy to yall ",0 "she Betta be lucky she got some good head ",0 "Yoooo , why tf I see heat haters posting their favorite team . ",1 "This bitch gotta bun with bangs & a flip phone ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : s/o to the hoes who gone hold they nxgga dine if they SEE em fuckin det other bxtch ! xtch get off my man ! come on bae . ” "" ",0 "That picture did my plat down bad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why arrreee u answering his phone ? Y'all petty & lame ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u know Mimi a beat that ass boy ",0 "Nick Be Like Fuck Bitches Get Money ",1 "lol _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch don't talk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ain't worrying bout nothing huh ? ‼️ ",0 "Meia going to hell ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lls u rhymed ",0 "Thts ha new nigga !! LHH HE AINT GOT SHIT ON ME ",0 "I Give My Homegirls and Homeboys nick Names all the time yoo ",0 "Sexy back jesus ... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm Meltin ",0 "Living my life and doing me to the best of my abilities ",0 "Ima let him get his fame for knocking my helmet off ",0 "Ooooooh , I see some slaying going on my tl .. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Gotta luv the hood fellas \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nothing they said I was geeking ! "" ” Yes man "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol stop stylin tink lol”lOl I am thts ma boo boo ctfu ",0 "Favorite scene on ATL >>>>> ",0 "of course i am if that was talkin bout me ",1 "Don't kill a nigga that owe you . Let him live , ball on em , then fuck his hoe too . ",0 "Aye y'all ray Lewis can get it ! That man so sexy ! i said GOOD LAWD !! And yes I'm thirsty ! And I want him to quench my thirst ",0 "Off work bitches ",1 "awwww he Bae #Taken ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fa him to say call my brother lol no sir nt for those baby licks”DEAD ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why she fuck up my twerking section tho _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ✌ ",1 "\You better put some water on that damn shit ! "" "" ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If ya can't cut hair you not touchn my fuckn head ! ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I knw bae always ",0 "Been wit her all day fuck the rest ",0 "Welcome To Swaqq WORLDD ",0 "lol , i told her i wasn't gone tell 🅾🅾mf ; lol she said \ What the hell "" "" ",0 "The mall will clear my mind today ",0 "TADAY WAS GOOD ",0 "This nigga _TWITTER-ENTITY_ one of the funniet niggas alive lmfao u gotta chill bro ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Mid .... Ion want no damn mid #MidStillSellin tho "" lol STOP IT "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you going to be bricks for days ",0 "who still call ppl private lmao ",0 "cuh already got a snow bunny in the header tho ",0 "The way this bitch just coughed ... , I think it's a nigga or either she just needah stop smoking ! ",1 "Sumbody juss let ah choppa loose cross tha bayou ",0 "8:24 MY DAY , NEXT WEEK #TURNUPP !! ",0 "Munchy hit that shit like \ that cross sided ass bitch "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what you was gone say I'm beautiful lol but you know you beautiful tho ! ",0 "Y'all killing me with this TT ",1 "Lol let me stop before they kall and tell on me AND !!! bihh I'm grown lmao she really fucked up bout him lol shrugs Who fucking cares ",0 "I bought bae that furla bag ",0 "U ain't gotta be rich to get what u want & fuck who you want .. U just gotta love life abundantly amongst all circumstances up or down ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the helping me thing cuz u being funny I'm not going out with my self ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ big hot ass suits and boots ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how bout no ",0 "I can't wait to see Dwayne that was my homie in biology ",0 "All the subtweeting gotta stop ",0 "My TL Showin Out ....... Oh yea I forgot it's Friday ",1 "Dannq Ok ! But U Really Didnt Snap ! ( Just Thought I'd Let Yu Know ) ✌ ",0 "-\Would Love To keep Tweeting Bout This Game But .. They ont Pay Me """" ",1 "why y'all hating on my twitcon ? ",1 "She keep talking shit me and leaks Finna jump her ass nbs ",1 "Iont know what it is with me and titties but I love titties Lbs #Freak ",0 "+ These niggas outside funny as shit was going smack at bitches ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Do y'all think i got hoes ? ” ",0 "\ What You Gone Do Benzino ? "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ indeed truth . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ya Head Bigger Than Mine ",0 "Man fuck that ",1 "I Was A Sexy Ass Baby >>>>>> ",0 "When Bad Girls Club Reunion cum on .???? ",0 "Still on FaceTime with jada ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi >>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Zamn Zaddy gimmie that Zaddy zick ",0 "RMFT \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Got Bitches Feeling Like I Ole Them Some """" ",0 "I rather u be my nigga ",1 "she asked do he kno tank !!! ",0 "Lmao you outta pocket ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wasted to much time trying please a hoe """" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning to u hun see u this even ",0 "Whatever u say my nigga ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning Hunn ☀☁ Have A Good Day & Fb ",0 "my lil sis going crazy ! ",0 "All G ...... Yu Happy + Me Happy = A Gud Relationship ",0 "they irking yo ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This girl really a bird ! ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol right . I swear u got me hooked in the remy now . ",0 "Redskins fans actin like they wouldn't be getting dogged right now ",1 "Welp , im fenna see !! ",0 "Only vince would fucc a good moment up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thts a Crazy Mf ' for ya ✋ He is Blind not to see its ova wait he is Blind ",0 "Was gne chill in tha hse 2day bt changed mii mind goin 2 fuck wit mii youngins ",0 "JR : Roweyyy , you my bro & i knew you since I was young ✊ ",0 "Joe told my mama he wanna move to the heights ... Na she thinking about it ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : But then others hell nah , bitches try and bust ya balls . ” ",1 "I had some addiction problems aint nobody know about ... but I overcame ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : 2 ready to let my favorite _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hook me up again ! I'm try not 2 be so .... Lmao ” I hear ya homie lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning ..! ",0 "She clapping all fast , punching the air . IM DONNNEEE ",0 "Tired pulled 12hrs still cooked for my babies thats what mothers do ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im 6'2! Is that tall enough ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's why I'm Savin ya videos in my phone I'm sending them to man man”idgaf they on IG ",0 "I Don't Care Tho ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all tho✌️ ",0 "Girls know they don't like Light-skin Mfz Stop it !! ✋✋” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I really don't know how to lie” I always get caught up or tell on myself” man I'm working on it ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ inaa house for today ",0 ". I need a gf a good girl ..... slow me down .. i think i need a lady friend ",1 "2⃣0⃣ BBQ Wings Small Mac&CheeseSmall Potato Widgets 1⃣ Biscuit Medium Cherry Pepsi All 2⃣0⃣ Dollars At KFC I'm Fina Turn Up ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My daddy sent me to voicemail fuck "" ,  "" ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I know I texted this faggot back tho . ” <<< ",1 "The fact that people are actually retweeting Rocky's tweet tho ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh n we got the same name chill on me tho . Bluffy lol”I'm chilling ",0 "Good night yesterday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Avi >>>>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol yess but goodnight tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awww ok * hug * ",0 "These ghetto booshy ass black people man ",1 "Soooo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just pinched the shit outta my nose for no reason kush got her geekin ",0 "This nigga haslem jus threw up a J ? Or am I jus tripping ? ",1 "demetrice got to chill ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u dam rite ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Queen Bosh” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #weak ” lmao it's the truth tho ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ reshia said stop tweeting ya man and come on ",0 "Tariq gtfo don't change my name nomore ! &that is not my name ! ",1 "MiMi New Weave >>>> ",0 "Fat bitch sittin there snorin ! Ain't even sleep ! ",1 "I GOT MORE PULL YOUR MAIN NIGGA , THEY DO AS I SAY LIKE A MAID NIGGA #POW ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ a grown ass lady , Well at least that's what she look like .... That's my LayLay tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh shit I ain't een kno u was _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in dis jawn dawg head ",0 "Time to move out . Its gone feel good to have my own space ",0 "He said dang girl you Be Killing that They should put the yellow Tape Every you be chilling at ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I want oomf number lol "" You Ain't Gon _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Her Doe "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao that's what I noticed first ! ” Cdfu like she gt like 10 dildos in her room . ",0 "Then I will text your Ass in the morning n say DNT trip I was drunk smh ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am such a fan just want to say hope you feel better soon ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If I got $50 and my girl broke then we both broke cause I'm not telling her I got $50 .. ” that's op ",1 "Bron cussing Bosh out ",0 "I gotta call my baby ",1 "I was about to say if bestie ain't reply back to my cute goodmorning txt I was gonna to fight her _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im not , my hands aint down yah pants ",0 "He said Meme Why you so mean to me ? You don't know what u mean to me ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hi Nuddy imy” jazzzzzzyyyyy come holla at me 2mar u been MIA” I bee chillin I will ",0 "that was funny tho bc muff always got an excuse for something ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \when I french kiss .. I'm sucking on that bottom lip "" >>>>>>>>”"" ",0 "I love girls that love girls !!!!! ",0 "She love to climb on top ..... then walk off limping ",0 "It's you and me never gotta worry cause we always got each other ❤✊ ",0 "With My Baby ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #GeminisWeAre Gemini loves to experiment and sex with a Gemini is full of novelty and excitement”TTTRRRRUUUUEEEE !!!! ",0 "That subtweet was bull shit ",0 "Tashawn stay in my ass ",1 "Personally I hate that nigga ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fried pickles ??? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ & My Cousin _TWITTER-ENTITY_ will make the BEST Couple HANDS DOWN ",0 "aint that some shit ? ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Was thinking about having a girl but I pass” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol Yo Ass Need A Hobbie Or Somin ... Laughin Like Yo Ass Work For Monster Inc . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ - what we doing then ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GM Girr ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that damn chicken ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : City full of undercover fags geezusss lol” yes yes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Killa Dae ",0 "awwww got the best most unexpected email today ",0 "send emojis ima do em all & being honest ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl I'm limping and then a glass fell on my foot and shattered so you know I'm out of there ",1 "Sex on the beach sounds sweet ",0 "If you can't fuck a 10 , fuck five 2s . LMAO ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wish Shanilla stop retweeting stuff about us Sagittarius's lol” I can't help it ! ",1 "Imma beh on some fuck shit Thursday ",1 "Aye he funny doe ",0 "2013 was faster then Chis Brown dying on Stomp the Yard ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Okay & dnt break my shxt wen I give It to you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea they be lil spar drill tho ! ",0 "jasmine be so erky w/ these oldass catch phrases ",1 "Looks like I gotta date on Sunday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... ik cuffed up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ or vise versa ” fuck all that ! It shoulda been me ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Damn y'all families ugly” ",1 "See you at 8am bro smh lol“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : & lt ; ---- Looking forward to everything about this weekend ! ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol hw bout yu share n I can reimburse yu ",0 "Georgia Tech been terrible a minute now ",1 "A cold sweat hot headed believer ",0 "Bath den relax wit her ",0 "That's so something I would do ",1 "Been watching the \Jamie Foxx show "" "" ",0 "Im about to change his display name Lol he gonna change it back . ",0 "Dat nigga _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just told this bitch she look like big foot lmao yoooo ",0 "1 less groupie ✌ ainn sweating thot ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks my love "" Your Welcome Sweetie .. "" ",0 "I'm not gne keep retweetin u Thas over dickeatin ima jus steal yo shit ",0 "Pandore : got me hype ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol truuuuu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's how I felt when u asked me how I spent a whole 50$ of ya money in Greek village ",0 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate Instagram captions << especially when it ain't shit to do wit the pic ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm done wit u ",0 "#oomf tf of my tl w/ that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Still there . Still holding my breath ",0 ". What son .? ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we went to the Hyatt n it wasn't packed ... foods ok , drinks overpriced , trades = zero lol” all is TRUE !! Lol ",0 "Watching Love And Hip Hop .... Shit Funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 1point for u 0 for me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol i have it actually just got it back ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Our month my nigga ... ”oh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not the one who needs help ✌ ",1 "I WONDER IF _TWITTER-ENTITY_ CAN HEAR TODAY ..... OR IF STILL GOT A POUNDING HEADACHE .... ANYWHOO GOOD THINGS U DID YESTERDAY FOR THE LADIES !!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If you from the 17th won't ' cha make noise .. ” ",1 "I'm OUT like a unpaid light bill .. So did that make sense ? If not ? Idgaf .. Goodnight ✌ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all chill . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yo baby ",0 "TI can go head and be my daddy . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she in her feelings ”naw don't text my phone since I'm n my feelings .. ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u been crazy since we were kids ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ima look like Wade from the back ",0 "Nigga u aint neva been my fuckun dady ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ in the morning ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you sure u do ? ",0 "On baleine on dolphin a on boutey malta ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , lol oh i didnt turn on mine yet eitha Mary ",1 "These msgs tho >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ definitely in my near future ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao good one ",0 "Hoes stay worried about me whyy shidd i aint worried about yall ",1 "This is my all to you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Amen sis !! Keep it up and read Proverbs 18:16 ... Nite , nite !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good show 2Nite ! Its about reaching back as u climb the stairs ",0 "Dis Niggha got me on edge so ima hoe but I ain't fukkin nun cuz I damn sholl ain't fukk u ... lol Niggha we huntched u ain't get no cat ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ DAMMM CTFU ”u just got hit with all da X's in da emojis app ",0 "Smoking dope early morning thang ",0 "So I got into the club free ",0 "He Do dis Lil Thing Wit his That Get Me So Hype ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning Fb ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh that's Paige ? ” ",0 "That phone call ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ JTFO nigga gone tear that boy up !!!!! The first day he come home ",0 "Atl bound ... sunny out ... beautiful day ... ",0 "Live on dis Friday nite I sho hope I c my Chay Hatas yea yea ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tmp rasta ",0 "Me & my folks gone turn up in cascade Sunday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lls first song I played \ WORD ON THE STREET IMA SUSPECT """" ",0 "I Can't Stand My Mama Dawg ! ",1 "My chemistry . Teacher just said she wanted to name her son & Daughter Chalcogen && Halogen && they fucking Chrmistry Terms ",1 "Good morning _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ with my mouth open wide ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ",0 "Awwwwy poor baby out cold ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lofl Girl Byee . SNAPSHOT It That Tells It ALL Bc i Wanna See ",0 "Cb Told Me He Treating Anybody Who Try To Do Anything Extra To Me ! I Love My Nigga ",0 "I want It In The Morning ☀️time Want Have Sex In the evening Time It Some Abt His Love ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol Ikr & you bidding ",0 "Would Post That other Pic of Me Kay , and Tia but we was hella ugly making that face ",0 "Somebody come get tre big ass lol he keep insisting on doiin a high jump over my damn suitcase _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "Yo said the turkey came out with a leather jacket I can't lol .. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks fee ” your welcome ! ",0 "\I Don't Fight I Don't Wrestle , I Beat Bitches Up "" "" ",1 "Im in everybody business tonite ,, ont care ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ naw let me stop u irreplaceable ! Fuck what beyonce said ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Just won $150 from my Cowboys W "" barely "" ",0 "People still play on phones ? Lmao smh gta feeling its d lil childish hxx ! ",0 "i'm chilling lowkey ",0 "Ik Some Shit Bout Dawg ",1 "#oomfs been around since the 1 problem I had & now he here for the 2nd one that's love ",0 "i like white people ",0 "#oomf freaky ass ",1 "Got my cappuccino wawa ",0 "rd if I see you tomorrow you better speak ",0 "Won't brag but the boy been blessed mane . ",0 "Jordan got jammed for some jordans ",0 "The bond me & my baby got ",0 "til we get it right , we gone some more ! ",0 "Feel like I'm gone baw ",1 "i seen Jamie the other day i dont think he like me ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟” ",0 "WEAK BY SWV >>>>>>>> np : ) ",0 "iHavent Got A Nude In Like 2 Days ",0 "Mommy Brought Chipotle home ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hell naw Cope . You helped me with ONE lil ass index card✋” he ain't even know what he was doing ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ladies it's too hot to have on all dat make up today” some of them hoes can't live without it tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you ain't call me bitch u lying cause u don't have the number ",0 "np : Boosie - gansta bih ",0 "She Tryna make me open my legs ",1 "Can't wait fa spring break tho !!! ",0 "This nigga jibril a fool bro ! ",0 "Man gee really funny . Before we took our test Gee say Miss I gotta take my medicine , I can't function ",1 "Iont wana be a home wrecker “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Boyfriend problems huh _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” no he not a problem at all” ",1 "neisha play ! For lj to beat u ",0 "She always screaming i be bout to smack her ",1 "LMFAOO I don't pay to fuck u ",0 "Why girl always laugh when you ask em is they a virgins ? Cause their head they thinking ya but I did get some mean ass head ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol stop lurkin u might not be the Mario I'm talking bout ",0 "Taking my gf out for sweetest day ",0 "Send #'s to my DM ",0 "Auntie over here going in lol ",0 "\Gay "" bitches still be getting dicked downnnnnn "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am TOO done with this episode ",1 "Imma be watching Never Say Never !!!!!!!! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ say yu sware 2 god ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I might move back to Cali soon ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ”” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck yo background lols yu ran frm me make me tell everybdy ",0 "Myy Swagh Gne Be Too A1 , Nvm Already Is : ) ",0 "grapes be da baddest ",0 "She was the city's most wanted till I said gimme your number ",0 "And I want her nigga to stop CALLING ME FROM BLOCK numbers cause I won't answer his phone ",1 "Wassup Meir I Got That Loudpack ",0 ", I'm cuffed to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Fohhh hoes back tf upk cause she here to stay nd this wife . Chu heard I LOVE YHU . : ) ",0 "Everybody on KIK shit add me : YReynolds12 ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't”why ? ",1 "She not really my daughter tho , chill out ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you be talking to nene ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol naw nigga I saw that lil scooter ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My son jus asked can I buy him a nanny” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get a life ",0 "Ima skinny nigga but I feel like I'm the biggest ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ baby girl ! ",0 "I look at keil Avi & was like WHO'S THAT BITCH HE KISSING ON THEM MY LIPS .. Then I realized it was a bear .. ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ummmmm no baby Jan is ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good Morning ",0 "I want some air jordan 1's in white and some other color I can match with ",1 "Me and KeNiya getting away for a weekend in june ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whateverrrr ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cuz u b textn me when I'm sleepy ",0 "bout time Mimi & Joseline went at it , im ready for next week ",0 "Someone jus said \how I'm possed to dress supa clean a button up wit some gators on "" ! Lawd help me I'm back souf "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : You Can Be The Prettiest Most Loyal Nicest Bitch ☺️ & A Nigga Gonna STILL Be A Nigga """" ",0 "Smh ... Do betta lmao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why he shit on her daddy ashes tho ",0 "This nigga not never playing bow wow ✋ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes dey did ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tahaha my nuggha it's gone be highway to robbery on a nuggha hoe ROTFL ",0 "Come lil Wayne pull thru this .. your not done here yet ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yu goin make way tew the back tho ! ",0 "My Cow Swear I'm Being Grown ! Nah ! Never That Shawty !!! ",0 "- Been Sleep Halv Of tha Day ! Now im Up .... Txting Myyi Bestiie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't Wait ! ",0 "Slept until 10 ...... That's a big deal for me ",1 "Taking my hair down this weekend . . Tired of this shidd . Who wanna help . ??? >>> ",0 "I Just Can't Stop Laughing ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fasho bro ",0 "I knew _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was gon be in my inbox soon for that tweet ",0 "When talking about black people goes wrong ",1 "In the barber shop flexin ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Meagan got some big ass titties ”opposite” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Happy 4th Get at me ",0 "Real relationships go threw the bullshit . And Come Out like this ",1 "LPG this nigga wild as shit ",0 "Playing GTA somebody Tml or ft me ❗️❗️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nope ! ",0 "bitch how you buyin food but aint got a plate on yo car ? kmsl das yall life doe ! ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ AYOO we to fyrr "" Truee "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Tae Srry Sisyy Already Had Him && Nd Bitch Get Your Life .. Tf Shawdy .. She Got My Sister Left Overs .. ",0 "Lil Keith singing the one in here ",0 "They ain't gone lemme eat ",1 "Yo wtf this bitch doing on the floor on Maury ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I lov u too ",0 "Chris Tucker will ALWAYS be SMOKEY ",0 "my mama needa come on home if she gone curse me out bra ain tryna hear that all day fr ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Bubbles guess who Im Trynaa Cuff ",0 "My header >>> I got that in 1 hour ",0 "Have you Eva woke up & thought bout sumbody then shook yo head like fuck that bitch ",1 "This Nigga Just Turned 11 Talking About He Turning Up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ let's get this money . I'm high that had nothin to do wit anything ",0 "Damnnn todayy going good af ",0 "Tequa Lil Nigga Ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ivan u know I'm nice ",0 "MAN I LIVE IN TWITTER JAIL !!! But I ain't no punk tho ",1 "Ok we know now lawd ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ the end was not popping and my man Mair will knock him the fuck out "" !!!! "" ",1 "Good LUCK and prayers for you and your girls ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u look nice ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hi my name is Jasmine & I'm a Cancer ! ” The best ✌️” yes we are !! ",0 "KMl GTS ! I AiNT bOUT tO PlAY W/ u ",0 "y'all heard what JG said ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I ain't Doin nothing wrong dfl” ",1 "I promise I'm coming back with full cut shit ! I'm buying bitches house and kicking out just cause you ain't text me ",1 "Did the experiment today ",0 "GooodMorning _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✨ #NF ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Dumb ass” I was so confused ",1 "Papers just feel healthier to my body especially while I'm trying to live a cleaner lifestyle these days ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm Lauren London ☺ && ppl kno that tf ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it ain't that fat boo boo ",0 "Goodnight twitter sweet dreams ✌ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : im done with dealing with a nigga that aint mines like that chapter of my life ova ✌” ",1 "tht bitch face swole like she got the measles , ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn you just kicked us the fuck out the dance ? Huh . disrepectful !!!! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol Cause Uu Is Whatcha Talm Abou iHavent Talk Too Uu all Day ( ) ",0 "I got the best girlfriend in whole wide world love her to death she would do anything for I appreciate it all _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Cus yall bitches fucked ... js .. : ) ",0 "We don't love dese hoes but inna messages loving hoes . ",0 "Okay I'm done with Keith Sweat lyrics lmao ",0 "word “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks” ",0 "I know where you better end the night !!!!! ",1 "On da FaceTime thang with this nigga _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my boney ass husband ",0 "I miss My Dope Boy ",1 "Drinking him under the table as usual ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't come empty handed love you babes ",0 ", Diamond let me hold her S-Pass till Friday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he don't beat shit ! ",0 "Getchoo happy ah ✊ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaoYou bout that single life tho ? ",0 "Me ? Heeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy ",0 "I missed my lil shaww ain't even gone lie ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I dropped that mcchicken laughin at that dude at mcdonalds his jacket said brittany” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ play too muchhhhh g . niggas wasn't expecting that ",0 "This fool say chicks before dicks .. Naw I ain't gay ",1 "Replying late ! ",1 "Shout Out Too My Stylist She Always Get My Right _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ but u never said u will leave him tho ” know you can be replaced . ",1 "If you fskw that's not my fault that's yo bad ",1 "I swear I say \Mhmmm "" to EVERYTHING when I'm mad .. "" ",1 "I like my girl mixed breed , ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was just talking bout it with some one bra u gone get yo ass beat lol 1⃣6⃣ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its acting dumb & dont play wit my phone wit that cracked up iphone ",1 "Trynna find Keisha Gamble's Business Number . ! ☎ ",0 "my niggaa _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I really wanna ask these ppl why they don't like me I'm so nice ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Your plate already put up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whet suh ? fav ",0 "Tears19 : )) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol lol somebody gone save my ass ",0 "I Got Chris Back ",0 "Today was maxxxx funny >>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ U can stop tweetin me cus all FACTS were proven over here yo ass aint got shit to say good day ",0 "Now we finna end our night work n the am !!! I love him #gn ",0 "Right cause when you said that I'm like what lol “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Well the REAL ones anyway ” ",0 "CTC is tf shot out she's NEVER tf chillin yo ",1 "I think I'm dry na shoo .. ",1 "My client told me yesterday I'm not how she thought I was she thought I was ghetto ",1 "ok I'm done I'm over here dead laughin at myself for no reason ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I was loud as hell telling them how ugly that boy was had me fucked up Saturday boaa” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not gone say ",0 "This man be killing me bruh ",1 "\ Foh Bitch Ill Sharkeisha Your Shit """" ",0 "I hate that bitch voice !! She sound like a man trying to talk like a woman !! ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ OTAY I GUEZ ILL ACCEPT✋”уυ had иσ choice ",0 "That shit be driving i bet she though i was talkiing about her the hole time smdh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up ☺️ ",0 "Ain't Gone Drop No Names Bt Dada Drive Em Crazy ",0 "Somebody clearly on that girl page again ",0 "I Fell In Love Wit A Trap Bitch ",0 "See you all in a few _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "lawd ii finally find out whu she was talkin bout wen she said \ my grandson a put it on yu yu slim fine """" ",0 "Out south 2003 swagg with Gucci belt ",0 "These v day post on Instagram killing me ",1 "$ome pussy would be clutch righhht now ",0 "Anthony hit me , me & Melo gone jump him !! ",0 "Des so tired but tryna stay up playin dem games ye tlkn bout stuff ion even kno ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfu ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao I knew you was bouta b like who is this ",0 "my armis killingme and my grandma drawlin and making me mad like cant wait to go homein ten1⃣0⃣more days ",0 "I know who cam talm bout ",0 "I need plans for this weekend I wanna go out wit ma babby gal dymone ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wanna go ",1 "Man I Love This Shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ! ",0 "I deleted oomf number cause she made me mad . ",1 "That girl say anything bruh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I kno niggas/hoes be tired of me ”RFT me to but sooooooo ",1 "My baby too happy I ain't gotta wrk tonight .. It's just us 2 at home . Just how he likes it !! ",0 "✔️- I don't fwy boul ",0 "I am not crazy lmao “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're crazy too smh . I apologize for all of the pics from today ... Ok ?? ” ",1 "My mother just told me she wants me to stay home Halloween and pass out candy ✋ thought like shit ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shit wack to #fuckboy ",1 "Need 2 make her an appointment 1st thing this morning ! ",1 "Saw Ant Text And Swiped it Back up #LightSkinShit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i kno ",0 "My rap about you dumb hoes ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟☺ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nigga do it look like a send messages you got that nigga number ",0 "Why Tf she wanted her purse like she had a 30a some ! ",1 "Turnt listen to Chief Keef ",0 "I deserve this get away n ima enjoy it to fullest ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's a song mane ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Morning everyone "" Goodmorning ” how are you "" ",0 "Tweet about me so I know its real ",0 "big daddy lol ",0 "Dat Nigga Must Not Be Hitting It Right . ",1 "When it's a group picture everybody try to be in the front ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Everything is just getting weak to me I need Tre back in my life . ” ",1 "Guah Come ! iWanna Laugh _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Some Moe Action ! ",0 "I wanna be ya mother ya father ya brother ya sista ya everything ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You my boo thang so you know imma go all out for you ! ",0 "Lmao Gucci Mane fresh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My father making all this noise what is he doing ” ",1 "Can't trust every face shit u gotta watch em ☺☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ man what I know right we act like we don't even know eachother ",1 "she must really ' be tired she mad noise i wnt by ha nd she close her eyes again ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's the after affects of the surgery & medication girl !! ",0 "She want a one nigga ",0 ", the conversation I was having lastnight idk what tf I was talking about ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol dat gin nd juice doe !!! ",0 "Somebody help me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ exposing niggas ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : why she keep trying to make my cousin the bid . ? "" She ' ont want it forreal . ” "" ",1 "hockaday the only boy that'll listen to my problems ",1 "I Wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was Mines ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ call me this corn ",0 "this orange soda taste like peach ",0 "yea ard “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : tell her NO & she'll go nuts ” ",0 "2146C4D3 invite dong :'(( yang invite kmren re-invite mksh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks bri‼️ ",0 "Nobody know like me ",0 "I'm really mean , I don't wanna be its just me . ",1 "Feeling Some Type Of Way ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ great job ” ",0 "Tezz be blowing me moe . ",1 "I can wait a Lil longer ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #ImMiddleSchool we played truth or dare when we had a sub . ” I CUD FINALLY TWEET BOUT THIS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yu should get sum to make both of feel betta ! ☺ ",0 "I wonder who she tweeting about on twitter lol her other girl . ",0 "Finna cop some Nike joints ",0 "ace hood ripped fuck what happens tonight ",1 "Phone on silent #NiteNite  ",1 "I bet my tweets still come to her phone ",0 "- you chillin & shit .. Great convos !!! ",0 "Caught up in her lie , Now she don't Txt back ✌ #YallTrippin ",1 "Y'all gotta go to YouTube and type in gallon smashing Harlem shake . That shit got me crying laughing . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : WTF is a TRADE ? ”a cute boy””fix ya mouth”shocking”why ..? ",0 "Hank doing all that bragging ",0 "When Someone Ask Me If Im Taken ! I be IDK !! Tbh ",1 "i care nun bout they ass as long as my boo Kam ohkay . ",0 "single is great but cuffed is better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Right ! It Better Not Be ! you Must of Forgot Who Yo Girlfriend Was ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : CTFUU She Salty Thoee "" LEAVE ME ALONE  "" ",1 "How could you love me and leave me !! ",1 "I can't respect a fuck nigga . Sorry ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I love when ppl tell me they know who my bro is and he's a good ball player !!! ”girlllll ",0 "Oh yeaaa Goodmorning loves !! ☀️ ",0 "shawty said ima Come threw Just wait on it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kmsl ahh man looka you Dawg ",0 "That's wild brvh yo said ard imma hit ya phone that's skraight gangsta ! ",0 "Dashaun Put In That Word For Mee ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : even tho he feeling sum kinda way cuz he got my name tatted & I still ain't got his”tatted !!! So I know it's real ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Everybody talkin bout how hot they school isI bet it's cold as'f at shaw it be freezing .. ”It's Cold As'f ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch yu dont take baths , all dem stankin ass bumps on yo face !! bitch hmu wen yu bout that !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ima do a back on that shit ",0 "She said she be totting big pipes in the field ",0 "Ain't nobody tell his punk ass to play in them in da summer I should let his Lor ass feet freeze & change my # ",1 "My mommy came in the house with some hot chocolate & Dunkin ' Donuts ! ",0 "Them lips mmm , tht smile mmm , Them dimples mmm , tht T ..... Oooop nvm ",0 "Winnie type bad yea ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was to me ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whites only lls ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it look all choppy , like she cut it herself ! ",0 "Her bday tweet 4:06 ",0 "Y'all gotta chill fr ",0 "Good Morning Guise ",0 "Be my lock screen ? ",0 "Came All Way Down Temple For Chinese Food ",0 "I'm like fuck a bitch it's finesse season I'm about hit some licks ",1 "I want some head it's been a while ",1 "Kendrick move over Chocolate Droppa just killed the scene ",0 "glad im off tahmar n sat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao u wish WE DON'T LOVE THESE HOES ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that website tho ",0 "Sitting outside its hot as hell .. had a good sleep .. horny for some reason oh well about to lay back down and chill out ... ",1 "bitches be like \we ain't talkn right now "" naw bitch you just mad "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : truuuu hope u have a good day _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” thanks u 2 ",0 "Fuck Wit Ya Lata My Twiqqas… : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u fat ass shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how you was doing ' & imy too ",0 "this bitch Rima bout to make me beat her shit ",0 "I'm ready to go ",1 "John ? Can't lie that was bae from young ",0 "This dude said Haitian girls put voodoo in their spaghetti to keep a man lol wtf ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol , i cant find them ",1 "Laker fans happy they beat the weak ass timberwolves ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Dick too bomb ” ",1 "Bout to step out just me and my bae _TWITTER-ENTITY_ get sum us time we really need it luv u bae 5yrs and still goin that real luv ",0 "My Boy Jerron Got A HoopMixtape ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol we gone stop this madness flat booty big girls are #Winning btfol ",0 "dats some funny shit ",0 "I'll always remember that day ",0 "Everyday my stomach shrink ",1 "Fuck thst BEEF bitch JUMP ona $$$$$ Train ! ",0 "Do what u want nd fuck the rest ",0 "Men be careful who feelings you play wit and how you play wit a women emotions cause karma is a motha .... ",1 "Gotta kill the fucin competition ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ughhhhh , Yes ma'am ",1 "I wanna see me & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bestfriend ",0 "Its LIFE tho .. Life cums wit BS juss gotta no how2deal wit it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yup ...... Lookin ass ",0 "Soulja boy up in this , ohhh , watch me crank & watch roooolll watch me crank that soulja boy now supper man that hoe now watch me yeeeew ",0 "that was my main squeeze forreal tho .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good luck ",0 "Goodmorning yall say it back !! ",0 "Shit I got 2 rings ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "Aww me nd Mear seen her daddy today ",1 "She know team choo global TF ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your welcome trey lol . ",0 "Good morning world ..... ",0 "The Last Bxtch I Trusted Betrayed Me , The Last Nigga I Trusted He Played Me , So excuse my French , but this is the way they made me : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yass . ",0 "He say he only mess w/bad Bishes ; so I take as Im a Demon . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u ugly wit that shit on lmaooo ",0 "I'm ugly foreal ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol they big ass foreheads ",0 "🆗 why you ain't try out this year ",1 "Got his Goofy , Delusional Ass #Treated !!! ",0 "That text From Oomf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u right I ain't have to say it ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Boul gave up a football scholarship to rap .. Niggas dickheads ” and that shit was a full ride D1 ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come !! : ) ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : keep calm & suck dis DICK . Lmao "" CTFU "" ",0 "I get it I get it , I swear that I get it ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love u ”aww love you too . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning ..! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ima FaceTime u Ina min ” kk ",0 "Its A1 ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lls like shit ",0 "my momma gon fuss ",1 "Lol Anita Love Calling Me BossBigB She Be Coping Me With The Names ",0 "Happy mii bookie culd cumm widd uzz ",0 "Mi Bestfriend since middle skl mi brotha frm a anotha _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bday n 2days ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ guhhhh byeee ",1 "Goodmorning hun _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , you have a nice day too ",0 "noonie say i say i hate him everyday ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol text me girrrrlllll ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u no it's never a problem ",0 "That's luv “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Pancakes pussy & sloppy head just cause you a real nigga ! ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ chill yo when u leave yo ?? ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ain't no acting up when you got a crazy bitch like me on yo hands cause I got that act right for yo ass """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Betta You Know I Taught You Well ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi >>> ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ard I'm done playin 4 tonite lol” nooo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ FB ? ",0 "Diamond They All Hit You With \I Forgot My Pswrd "" let It Go "" ",1 "lemme stop , me & jae dont fuck w . each other . ",0 "If I get my old nigga back imma do right this time RS ❗❗❗ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tell shike I said heyyyyyyyyyyyyy baby fat ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #Thats How Yu Kno We Related Ha ",0 "iima surprises im up waas . Ohn dhaa fne witd my lover last night ",0 "They mines well mix in front of wendys downtown ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ buku apa ? Cieee terobsesi jd arsitek juga . Semoga elo dan gue bisa jadi arsitek yg jago kayak bapak lo yaa ",0 "Mhy Maa Throwed Down Tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh no she told me he texted me soon as you told her ",0 "Somebody send me a life tho ",1 "Sitting here goen dwn memory lane .. When I took that pregnancy test wit Muhammad no one else seen the 2nd line but me !! I seen it tho ",0 "Talk otp ❤ ",0 "She txt me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ash lee it's 2 ll lol wen people say my name u gtta make the L's roll off ur tongue ",0 "Look in her pic u see how she hidin her right eye , the mole on that side , kmfsl she tryna hide it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmmfao ",0 "Oh shit you light skin on the inside “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Vernell Hit A Soft Spot . ” ",0 "At Lenox , Christmas Shopping )~ #BIGTHINGS #FENDISHIT ",0 "I think I put too many ups ! YOLO ",0 "I gotta crush on Oomf ! ",0 "Good morning everybody ",0 "Lol , them boys take that shit SO SERIOUS . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok now I love him ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes so u no my lor s moving”” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao ",0 "Ahwww shit she done got my auntie mad shit boutta get real ",1 "Awwwwwwee . Walt my Manz thought ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfu omg stfu it was ah typo ",0 "havent seen you since 8th grade , you slick thick , cutee , yo boo go to my schoool & you can dress . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all jus winnin by 5 points but we comin bacc ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ) ",0 "Pooka go blow tf outta me !! ",1 "Guess who just text my phone tho ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Oomf yea i want "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ em "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : angel kinda look like gabrielle union or however u spell it "" aw she do ! "" ",0 "If You Don't Like Me And I Don't Give A Fuck .... DON'T ✋Tell Nobody That We Beefin . Just Understand That You Just Mad . It Take ✌ To Beef ! ",1 "That's funny Ragine know this all this nigga chief keef lyrics ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Females be fighting over niggas like he was loyal to one of y'all .... Dumb hoes ”man what Iont fight ova no niggas ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I’m Hip Brah , Change Your Twitter Name To “Fat Swag” ",0 "B5 is back I guess ?? ",1 "im a hoe but clearly imust b doin something rite becux we team mates so ig yhu a jr hoe cux i stands above all kno dwnfall ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : & her friend know bout me that's why she know to stay in her place bitch better tweet subliminal "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for reason "" ",0 "Ctfu she straight told you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea she is Yooo lol ",0 "he got mad ✋ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lls helyeaa and then Remeber how u Was fighting Buck ",0 "he a freak bitch ☺☺☺☺ yu good boy yu is good ",0 "shut up man ",1 "Watchn Maury : ) ",0 "Joe crazy man ",1 "I love chantel ",0 "Sexy bit I hope she bout it .. ",0 "Ima backwood smoker .. I dnt c how y'all do dem rellos n dutchs ",0 "Did ma running around moe gone nd me nd ma kids chilling ",0 "Ugh I'm ready to see my bae I missed he black ass ",1 "Kyra lame juu , all these jokes she got tonight . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ y u syh doe ",0 "Mannnn “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Texting _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao fuck wrong with that nigga kitta ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GOOD MORNING ND FB ",0 "Hi Af right now . #WakeAndBake & I Even Been Sleep Yet ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning ",0 "I Do Wat TF I Wanna Do Pussy ! ",1 "Couple more hours and ill have twilight breaking dawn 2 in my hand ☺☺☺☺ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : F.ck Terrika & nd Ciara FUTURE BEEN MINES TF .... ” Hoes be in denial . It's cool tho poo you wanna live our life . #freebandz ",0 "Via just left ",1 "Bre gone make me kick her ass , she can youngbul Teddy but not me ",1 "If you ain't on that Opp shit then we salute you ☝️ ",0 "lmfaooo raebanzz or whatever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ check ya shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nope , that sound like sum you'll do . ✋ ",0 "AW . Ima drop kick yo ass ",1 "dis a shame ain got no hoes ",1 "Good Morning _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Have A Great Day ",0 "I might be alot of things but ugly aint never been one of em i take a pretty face over a phat ass any day❗️ ",0 "She Got Outta Jail Wit A Red Bandana And 16 Tattoos ",0 "Kayla trifling ass a bitch for that bruh ",0 "Wait but wheres the rack to the grill ",0 "I MISS MII POOH ALREADDDDDDYYYY ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Why U Tryna Fake ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ FUCK YOU ",0 ", happy New Years ",0 "She's My Skinny Minnie , Boo Thang ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's cuz I left ! ",1 "in goingg to that model call tomorrow ",0 "Still up ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh Levi's ",1 "I love princeton ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yes . Yeen Lied . I Be Cheesing To Hard , He Be Having Me Rolling , We Get Along Well Wbu & T ? ",0 "Lmaoo ' , They Won't Let Stevie Speak ",1 "If i aint fucking wit nobody im fucking with my blood yerme , doodie been here since day one , been rocking with stank since 7g . ✊ ",1 "IM NOT WITH THAT DRAMA SHIT SO IM COOLING ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me either ",1 "Yea u look Cute wit your Broke Ass☺ ",0 "Yay !! “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : bruhhh i been havin a good timee , im all wet & amp ; stuff but w/e lol” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wassup Lil Hoes NoOffense ",0 "Fuck around see me on food network #CookingWithGlenn ",0 "feel like i was born to ballin out ",0 "Why can't we all gket alone who the fuck I'm tellin I be ready to smash a opp ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol Fool U The Fake 1 you Can't Even Text Me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wheeewwww ! Better know it ... Goodnight sweetie ! Aha .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfaooo , my Inlaw dumb man ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I bought a burger from that old man ! I want my money and my round ! ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kay baby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I'm feeling lighter now ",0 "Hay maid .. I'm bust that on my college cafeteria workers sike just playing ",0 "NW my fave tv series _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! What is Dr. Lecter eating now ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : on a mission to ask all fat women their due dates” hahahahaha lmaoooooo ",0 "I luv me sum Big Smooth ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : for dese niggas wit dey wellin ass !!! ”” ",0 "Here come my girl ciara ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ * clears throat OF COURSE WE MISSED YOU ! ",0 "They Be Hating , Like Damn I Wish I Was Her Size , She Shaped Bad Asf & She BE crispy Asf That's The Reason & Point ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ might b fr cause u kno i dnt fuc wit kids ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the baeeeeeee for my Christmas gift ! ",0 "-Weird Ass Emojis But you Like One Of The Prettiest , And Coolest Girls I Know ",0 "Yessss poo poo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ya tweets popping 4 now ! Lil Papia ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm Trying ",0 "Bestfriend jus told me to come match her nd her girls , damn right !! ",0 "Shut don't go up , prices do MANI !! ",0 "dee & Syria told me I was flexing . I bet ",0 "Let me get up before I pee on myself ",1 "Mommy Want Her Kids Safe . Sooooo No School Today ! ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wish I Could Had Been There” ",1 ". , Was Gon Wear Sum Heel-Less Shoes But Naww All Da Hoes Wearn Dem So I'm Jus Goin Wit My Red Bottoms ",0 "Shay over here mad as hell LMFAO ",0 "&& i don't argue over niggas that's not mine weirdo shit ",1 "Watching The Game ",0 "- YASS !! Kim Possible is on !! Lls i miss this show ",1 "Fuck love , make love ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn right homie ",0 "HDM ? #Retweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ kick ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ foreal , they mise well put my son on .. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #myboyfriendnotallowedto get high ! it might be hoes in them clouds ! ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will answer for u TY TY ",0 "Right when they got in the house I put my three in a plastic Baggie ",0 "Need plans for tomorrow after school tho ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg ! ” lol the ladies clearly love what I got under these draws ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : So nobody really wanna talk to me . ”cause you talk to damn much ",1 "Goodnight from me n bae ✌️ . ",0 "Hoes love chief keef ",0 "Some lightskin niggas fuck it up for all y'all man I swear ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ig well ttyl . ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : got that hair done "" noo now homie ! "" ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm abt to ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ a trash bag tho ",0 "I'm Annoying As Shit Idc ",1 "You don't say ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' Girll go Playy a damn game ! Ole hop scotch ass hoe ",0 "This Boy Told His Daddy Stop That Fuck Shit Bra ",0 "I be fuckkn niggas bitches so what ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ALL DAY I LOVE HER ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn why shoot ? ” I Didnt Mean That lol ",1 "take that man off yo avi ! you cute , you can dresss , lol the way you be cussin & you in love w| justin , but gawd yass he fine ",0 "Why Reese and Jamal clowning like this ",0 "Good fucking Morninggg ❤❤ !! ",0 "Straw-ber-ritas and Kinky !!!!! ",0 "My bf look so good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Avii Rate : 8.7 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey besties ",0 "& if I ever find out he's capping to his bitch imma expose his fufu disloyal ass to his bitch . #omm ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas be like ... “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bout to call her ”” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning : ) ",0 "This Morning My Mama Had Me CRYING Lawd She Was So Mad ",1 "fuhqk dhet hoe shulda NEVA let dhet bih knew yuh was on tha way ",0 "Girls be getting nipple ring and be having the ugliest nipples lol that dnt make em look better ",0 "This nigga got me waab #my nite thoe ",0 ", the stuff i see on twitter yo ",0 "Lea Stop Tweetin Bout Dick !!! ",0 "Im Very Impatient when It Come Down Too Talking Too Myy LOVE ",0 "- felt good ",0 "my lil sister like 6'0 .. NO LIE that little girl would be crumbled up gram crackers ",0 "Fenna Go On Ah Date W/ My Love ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ how long u been stuck ? ” Feels like 4ever ! ",1 "I was hot ashit walking ",1 "yo hoe the swoop everybody know that ",0 "Lmao #TeamPacers oh .. ",0 "Lol that just made my day ",0 "I love it ! ",0 "Her chest nice & not a wrinkle in her ass . ",0 "We ain't on that playing shit we ah come through spraying shit ",1 "Special Occasions Specials Events Or Holidays Lmaooo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lame ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning Hunn ☀⛅ Have A good Day & Fb ",0 "Now Javon think he run me ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Meek swear the whole Philly against him lol” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning bookie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning ❗ ",0 "Why tf somebody just text me about some weed outta nowhere like wtf ",1 "my bitches in here n on her WYLIN ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right here : )) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ rs only my grandmom really know tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that fucking baby musa from Africa ",0 "H _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in it ok l.p. ",0 "I work hard bitch !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Son Your Wild ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ face ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfaoooo sooo I knw yu gne let me ms I love mii bae ",0 "; Idk even know what to say to that ; ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ALL DAY EVERYDAY , CUZZO !!!!!!!! ",0 "Vans of the wall ",0 "She Talk To My Nigka Shaquawn Ctfu She A THOT #SillyBITCH ",0 "We all fuck the same bitches though the city small ",1 "That's Really My Song ! I was hitting them high notes ",0 "I'm out here froze liking old pics #nshit y'all don't mind me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ NuNu said she gone be bored without us ",0 "Lil Wayne said pop that pussy like a zit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : On my way to my interview ” Good Luck ",0 "Girls love PINK ",0 "I act spoil to Keisha nd nesh ",0 "That was ah good laugh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ LMFAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAOAO ",0 "Hating Ass Bitches ",1 "Im Never Sleep ✋ . \ud83dí¸ """" ",1 "He shouted his gf out awwww ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ funny guy no more Rappin ",0 "She said you can come over anytime , it don't matter if Terrell Bighead ass not home we can spend time together ",0 "My new growth aint no joke ",0 "Chicken , greens , spaghetti , macaroni , nd dressing ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Them uptop niggas gone dump y'all on y'all shit if yall keep coming at quilly neck ctfu #disaintwatuwant ”real shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ owe , & yeah I see what u saying but don't let that shits bother u cause 9x out of 10 them on be the same people on yo dick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shit Lashae don't do the flexing keep that shit nigga I'm eating now talk what dnt no lol ",0 "Goodmorning Everybody ! : ) ",0 "i Can Hold Up For Mine , Yea i Said it & if Ya Really Wana Know Sum , BITCH Ya Friend Or Whateva Tf She is The One Who Showed Me The Shit . O ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #FB ???? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Broke niggas should be wearing leggins .... the fuck you need pockets for .... lmao ..... ”leggings tho ",0 "My grandmother cooking for me and bae ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel you . ",0 "BOUTA TXT OOMF ! ",0 "but mannnnnn next week double ocho make his appearance on the field ",0 "My granny bringing me lunch ",0 ", Good Afternoon I meant ",0 "Some days I just wear a even tho I b ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : they lose its gone be b/c of champ old ass and that mismatch”Champ looking like you out there ! ",0 "Foxx said level sound like a fat dike ",0 "Everything I Do I See Somebody Watching ",0 "Ctfuuu niggaz funny ishell ",0 "Lakia funny as shit ",0 "bitch ass nigga , pussy ass nigga , i see you looking witcho looking ass nigga ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Tha fact that I have grey hair is not cool”damn son lol” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too . ",0 "This y i love Twitter !! U see every Dayum thing !! ",0 "Don't get shit confuse tho ! Only to her ",0 "Pill has no chill ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u seem happy ! ",0 "Now ima show u fuck all dat we brothers shit Kuz ion wanna hear dat this time ",0 "She got that million dollar ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ He From Uptop A Lot Of Them Niggas Got 2nd Personalities When They Hop On Here ",0 "y'all messy asdf she wasn't even talking about her .... ",1 "I got it right ",0 "Ain't it funny When Yu Catch A Nigga Stealing ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohh no but you late as shit slick head” ✋ foh I can respond back whenever I want . ",0 "She Say Im That Niggga ",0 "You thought I was playa playa back then but watch my ass work now ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you talking about pissed ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ijs cause im the realest ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ grabbing US a lil sumthin ta eat ",0 "Send #'s to my DM ",0 ", bae talks in her sleep ",0 "Tequa Lil Nigga Ass ",0 "Mfs know I'm in this bitch high too #5 ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol imma fuck u up nigga what yu mean ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ now you know .. Lol but I miss your crazy self ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cant fade this rain bruh ",1 "But Babyyy When We Got Off I DEAD ",0 "wess got me ctfuu ",0 "He said okayy um cummin 2 fuck wit yall .. Lol okay yu do dat ",0 "I know I got hella dishes when I get back home . Oh well , I'll go home wash them get in the tub & go to sleep . Talk to my baby maybe : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ FB ??? ",0 "Nigga hit me up talking bout we went to the same ELEMENTARY SCHOOL fwH Ugh nigga no idgaf ! Lmao ",1 "I'm fucking somebody tomar ard gn ",1 "I need a debit card so I can get this money ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Meshia .! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : let me stop before I get beat up lmfao , scurr scurr scurr scurr ... NEVERRRRR ! FUCK THAT SLAB SHIT ! ” ",0 "When _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tweets bout her mother >> ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ima player yea its True , But i changed the game for you , wanna See what it Do ✊”my tweet look nice ",0 "This how you know niggas ain't shit , Ray Charles was blind and that nigga STILL cheated on his wife ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ no I know he think that doe "" well is they ? "" ",0 "iFeel like kissing somebody ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Was sherry talkin bout lil ole me cz I'm not stuck on my ex ”I THOUGHT IT WAS MELOL ",1 "Tf is my mama lame ass listening too ? aaahhh * yall gone make act a fool up in here up in here * IM DEAD aaahhh he said ass & titties ✋ ",0 "If he balling tell that nigga but you something BITCH ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so what's next ? U still playin ? ",0 "Ayshja is a groupie . lmfaoo ",0 "She Aint Mines But She Mine ",0 "These niggas trippin ' ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ i cant deny my thirst for u tho” ✊ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl I can't breathe stop it ! Stop it now ",0 "Lhh gtta get out da park cuss its rainin nw ! ☔ ",1 "Bae bad and all but I'm better ",0 "Too good to be true ☺ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Por que rayos no publican el resultadooo” estoy asiiiiiiiiii ",1 "Dawg Yu-Gi-Oh got me weak ",0 "I swear I remember everything I don't forget shit ",1 "I ain't messing Quan yo ",0 "Where Ya Real Friends At .... Somewhere telling ya business to the next bitch CHOOSE WISELY ! ",0 "Woahh #oomf I don't even know what to say ...... ",1 "How lame am I ? Guess what ion gaf ",0 "Yayyy I got a date with some bubbles when I get home .. and a cute girl ... ",0 "thats the kinda dumb shit she say when the discussion ain't going her way ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ got back up ... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Im fun size & I love it ☺️”❗️ ",0 "Nooooo “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I think I know what's gonna happen ... Raz B bout to show up in the end ! #CatfishVibe ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why u keep callin her Bobbi Christina ",0 "One thing I can say is I make the goodies noodles they be so fye y'all I'm telling u ",0 "⚫Vs⚪ Just Cause They Got The Same Name WeGone Smash Them ",0 "Damn Fitz #ScandalABC ",0 "This Zaxby's Is Sex Right Now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , ikr . Lol . But nun chillin . I miss you punk ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ exposing niggas ",0 "Dnt even gotta act out fa da attention cuz u givin it all ",0 "Watching _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. ",0 "I love my teeth ",0 "imma get two golds likee him lols imma fuckingg clown bruhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 12/13 mi bday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahhh hush up ",0 ". Goodmoringg twitter ♡chiptweets ! ",0 "My little brother gon say why they kissing on tv ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : GoodMorning "" goodmorning lil girl "" ",0 "The fact that I'm doing this <<< ima weirdo ",1 "Waiting to see this _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and French visual ",0 "yall think im mad tho ... nah ",0 "Otp with my crush ",0 "this shit been coming since this nigga throw my Ralph away ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good luck w that .. if u need any ideas just call on me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love u too gurl ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ FB ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol frfr ",0 "Females Always Saying The Single And Talk To No One But Have Hella Niggas Numbers In Their Phones ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning : )) ",0 "All right lets get this ball back !!!!!!!! Take it to the Bridge !!!!!! ",0 "I can't take these clown ass niggas serious ! ✋✌ ",0 "I swear I don't want nobody but YOU ",1 "Niggas plotting to steal my phone ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha , QOTD ? ",0 "yea I know I know ",1 "I want some head it's been a while ",1 "Niccas wake up on that , tip for No reasons , nd then try to take it out on pleasepple , I hate that !! Go get your life ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : just saw a few sneak peeks for J's shoot . gorgeous ! mind you , the pics haven't been edited yet . ” ",0 "Step in a gym ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , hmm . Ion even have yo number nomo .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not lying b ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning fb ",0 "I look so ugly in that picture idc tho ",1 "imma be forever remembered by Ke for doing that lmaoo ",0 "Use the \@"" button PLEASE "" ",1 "Ke ke Lil ass play 3 much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ w wyd ",0 "They said I look like a model doee , ",0 "I have about 1 friend it's cool though ! ",0 "Blunts & Loud ",0 "I'm so hungry .. I want a 10 piece from Harold's ",1 "Omg My Baby Can Finally Tie His Shoe Yessssss #Tears !!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you to ",1 "But first thing Bitches do is Eat good then hit da Mall ",0 "My Grandma Just Asked Me Was She Ratchet ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Boy look lie Stevie J ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning sweetie !! ",0 "nera ready rock my shit up ",0 "Terrance Henderson lll will be in dis world february 18 Kant wait Mommy babyboy ",0 "They really can tho ! Nigga talking bout buying me a Pepsi , it's cold as shit DH ! ",0 "This song ! ",0 "My bae needa go home . #Wife Tweets . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ son let me be bucked up ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Good morning” morning ",0 "shit gone be tight af ",1 "Mcdonalds run with Gladwin yesterday was blessed ",0 "He sexy .... he fine he say love me I know he lieing ",0 "I'm nice n full ",0 "Told my momma to give me 10$ .. She slid 40$ up under the bathroom door .. Little do she kno I already got $$$ .. I hate spending my own $$ ",1 "My mood right now☺️ ",0 "oomf made my night man ☺ ",0 "Tyra said , shadae ! I said huh ? Share said I love the shit outta you I said why ? She said you just me fucking bitch ",0 "Go To Bed“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too is what it stands 4” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i like that ",0 "Ohio State beat Michigan ☝ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that tough act gon get yo ass left stanky ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol truuuu ! * Blows smke in ur face ",0 "got me fucked ",1 "Iiiiiiiii ctfuuu she screamin forever ' butt im onaa foneee ' w . Your forever <3 ctfuuuu : )))) # hoodgirlaaa . ",0 "Nigga said #iknowthatseathappy ",0 "Im talkin HANGOVER !! ",0 "We was goin be hackin off at the carnival ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I apololie ",0 "Top 5 Hoes That Fucked My BabyFather !! ",0 "So how my phone get dry like that ",1 "whoever dud that fur John Adams is boo boo ",0 "She ❤️ tho ",0 "I swear I'ma kick that nigga ass if I see him again then ima throw 10 moe dollas at that broke ass nigga fr tho ",0 "I'm not leaving home for none of you hoes ",1 "✋ cause I can't fuck with bitches who love to talk behind my back but be in my text messages trynna fix a riendship "" ... Nahhhh ! "" ",1 "dude i hate being single now . ",1 "☺I got all these Emojis and cants see one . ",1 ", I just wanna be with my baby ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Might just eat 2 Bananas for breakfast ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awwww ya gf pretty brother ",0 "She said I'm posed to be bae ",0 "Wasnt even talkin bout her ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nfb ... ",0 "What the fake porn be on that's on Tv on late nights ",0 "My Noodles Readyyy ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : my phone go dead quick and it die quick . ”nigga you said the same thing 2wice . ” ",1 "#GRIND STILL ON ID ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If I take yo nigga will you understand ? """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao you tweaking ",0 "Cole , u stupid ( n tommy voice ) ",0 "You the 1 I dream about all day , you the 1 that I think about always !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Ighht , If I Jummp Ouut Thaa Window . . You Gonee Caatch Me ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ HELL NAW !!!!!!!!!!! ",1 "Pahaha damn “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : T.O got his new baby momma pregnant from a 3 some ” ",0 "My granddad just said jay z is an ugly nigga that lucked up ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Will do . I am at almost all home games Here tonight . ",0 "she knew it was me ",0 "Oprah Ain't Get No Dick Since The Civil Rights Movement ",0 "I found my sexy voice ✋✋✋✋ ",0 "Just caught up on my TL and I’m over here WEAK at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Instagram pic battle !!! ",0 "I still got all this checkers left ",0 "After I fuss at kash , she come to me and give me a million kisses .... She always put a smile on my face , I love this one ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HOW WOULD I LOOK WIT DREADS ",0 "jus got from maryland ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I knew it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wait .... Sneaky tho ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Talmbout we ",0 "<----- new avi ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love u too ",0 "This Hoes Worship Beyonce . . . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dnt ampd me up bra ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao bitch you got jokes tonight my bousins bumin threw but we ain't gone put no runnin music on ",0 "Jodi prolly lost .... like why I'm saying this nonsense to her ",1 "Second day at the new job here I come ! ",0 "Wonder what _TWITTER-ENTITY_ doing I know he miss me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , What ? ",1 "Niggas really throwin eggs at front doors ",0 "U know u loveeeee ur moma _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Muk ♥♥♥” aw boo ",0 "My Dm told me I was too old to have a little brother when he seen Jaizel .. #shotsfired ",0 "Ya avi >>>> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that 449 I think lmao well I neeed da new won then ",0 "She ain't got wait no moe . I Found her ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea boi I doh really come on here like that no more . To busy with meh wife and kids . So Crappo is de daddy lol ",0 "Cutting up : ) ",0 "Cole Brown gotta texturizer ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I fuckin love Dis Pic . ",0 "Man Im Finna Just Say Fuck It && Tweet This Straight Boy ",1 "I don't compete with these ratchet hood rats cause in reality ima always win ! ",0 "What bitches is he fucking ",1 "Tera slide thru them dm's ",0 "Ma Tlkin Bout Sum Thts Foreva Wifey And Fat Daddy Look Like Me ! ☺ ",0 "Oomfs think ima foul , aha naw nun that ✋ ",0 "lmfaooooo sheilaa funny asl ",0 "we was running around the house and all that ",0 "Finnah Shower .. BBl ",0 "Yo them niggas let me get my pockets ran and they just looked .. They some flutes ",0 "DAM I HATE BEIN SOBER , IMA SMOKER ",1 "I wonder what's gonna be the outcome if I tweet this address ",0 "These faggots on Jerry funny as hell ",0 "They told that baw \ I heard first 48 brought some niggas in for questioning to find out who cut your hair "" "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Red girls be having shit stain in there panties ..... ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no judgment passed ",0 "I'm happy I'm growningg up ",0 "Goin to sleep , I'm gettin tierd gn yall .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol awe ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My daughter in here on her Molly maid shit ” tell my baby sit down lol she don't have to clean ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My name and face Bentley in these streets ""  "" ",0 "bitches be lying & faking for twitter mane ",0 "son going ham on hoes ! Lmao . ",0 "somebody snoring loudd . . Either itss the dogg or gigi ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause I love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u just realizing that lol ",0 "Ima skinny nigga but I feel like I'm the biggest ",0 "Hmmmm . Liking this ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaoooooo FIND YOUR CHILL B !!!! Lmaooo ",0 "kmsl leelee hatin cause I'm cute ",0 "She make that Tyson face ( don't look like that ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ FRFR best believe I will get the album for Christmas ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Off to the store I gooooo” I want brownies lol ",0 "You Dnt Like Me Butcha Babydad Do Ctfuuuuuuu ",0 "Moms said I might not be at school on Monday ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Where can I buy a boyfriend from ?? ” eBay ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nooooooo ❗ shhhhh ☝ low low sista lol””I wasn't here” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ who ?? ",0 "Idek what Tucci talking bout no ",0 "I love scorpions ",0 "I Need To Get Out This House .! I'm Going Tf Crazy ",1 "Lol she was walkin up in down Chester ave ... ",0 "Jarvis play to much - ",0 "_ Nd Wake Uhp w | Her N Mii Arms , iiF Da Lord Allow Me To C 2Morrow : ) _ ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ""  felicia ... lhhh "" ",0 "Used to Always Stay Up & Watch My Mother Putting Gifts under The Tree ",0 "I need a strong women like Chrissy & a funny women like Gina❤☺ I would love that bond and that long lasting relationship ",0 "Took chy shit again , she ❤me tho ",0 "Boys with good hair ",0 "My Lil Brother Said He A Hoe WTF ",0 "Happy 4th of July !! ",0 "Bitch Cut Doe ",0 "Wait Stevie said head of lettuce oooh my new terminology for oral sex ",0 "niggas put a pic of Paul wall up ",0 "& ITS HIS MONEY - HE REALLY A GET MONEY BOY YEA HE FROM JHALL ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : What if that bitch pooted ? ✋ . How would she explain that . "" Not pooted sis !!!!! "" ",1 "What Maleah on doe ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ain't bout dat life tho ",0 "Hell Yea Good Shots ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HURRY !!!! ",1 "You got a1 when yo nigga just be like this even in his sleep ",0 "When I Was A Yougin , Momma Beat Me Wit The Belt .. ",1 "I be so tired man ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ remember when Leah dropped the calculator on her foot ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You Serious !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fym it's New Year's Eve go out and Turn tf Up🆙 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too honey ",0 "I gotta DM Sheria real quick ",1 "Getting my hair done tho ",0 "they called me twitter thug lmao NAH ! ✋ ",0 "This nigga Heem ",0 "I need to go to bed fa real ! ✋ ",1 "Derek Wells/ Julian Jerome is just sooo handsome #GH ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ BABY NO ",1 "she shut her fatass up ! ",0 "#RapLikeLilWayne nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga ",0 "Bae Bettah not be playing bout my food tomar or we ganna fight ",1 "Wait wait nevermind ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ iGuess Chiraq REALLY Chiraq , Niggas Got Army Equipment & Shit .. Ctfu” ",0 "Ntelos sum shit to ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ugly hoes , you can NOT have attitudes ! You need to be nice” ",1 "Dis dick bitch ",1 "My Twitter Don't Want Me Talking To Nobody But #oomf ' It Always Deleting My DMs Except For Juss That One ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I got stuck && hit a curb ” u alright ",1 "Dem damn platinums smh : ) ",0 "Chyna idnt give af ",0 "Good Morning Everybody ",0 "#oomf in love wit me gone talm bout taking what's mine ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is my CRISPY HALF ! ",0 "It ain't trickin if u got it ",0 "edmondson do need a new field ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn girl ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Some rain , for you thirsty hoes/niggas . ``、ヽ``、 、ヽ ` ヽ`、ヽ` `、ヽ`ヽ`、、ヽ `ヽ `、ヽ``、ヽ ` 、ヽ`ヽ `、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽ``、ヽ``、 、ヽ ` ヽ`、ヽ` `、ヽ`ヽ ",1 "I better get my damn head phones today ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh hell no , baby 🅱 gotta stay away then . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Umm Ok But Tweety Bird Is Gay Who The Hell Act Like A Boy One Day Filp Like A Girl Yea He Gay Lol ",0 "Time to lurk oooooo shit lmao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi rate 0 Cuzco I don't like boys ",1 "He Just Cant GET ENUFF ",1 "Yooo said loose pussy ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wen u goin leave Kai for a real nigga ?? ",0 "Rihanna sexy ass omg Lawwd ✊ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you blowing me ",1 "I swear I do no tripping ✋ ",1 "I'm really laughin hard I'm so extra man ",0 "I'm bout to be knock out in 5min y'all lol ",0 "im very talkative ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey sexy ass tweet changer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she is cool ",0 "She said turkey ham ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ gooood morning babyyy & I love youuu to girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bye young man ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Like Ruff Sex ' Shut My Lil Ass Up And Make Me Take That ! ”wya ? ",0 "Niggas In Converse Love Tupac #IgnorantTweet ",0 "- heyyyyyy , I know you ? ",0 "She was clearly twatching ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's how we are when we want y'all to come home ",0 "I Love Ha Thoeee , #Faithful ",0 "Come here lil daddy . ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I don't take these niggas serious . They playing their damn self ☝ """" ",1 "But None Of Yall Would Step Foot In Carroll And See Us , Oh Aite Bitch Ass Niggas ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no I'm not cause that be you wanna talk wreckless all the Time ",1 "I remember back when u didn't have to be in VIP to smoke in the fuckin club !!!! TRUE OLE HEAD ... right here ",1 "I remember I told him I was gone be a stripper that pissed him offb ",1 "vine be killing me ",1 "It's official I'm taken , been talking to this boy since last year & we together now & I like the feeling 1.5.13 Waiting to see were we go ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i miss u too ",0 "On my way to work ",0 "She told me to call her bestfrewnd , But he just so funny actin sometimes #OOMF : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yupp lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You gone be like mrs ferreeeeeeeer lyke calm dat shit down lyke you iz gettin on my nervez ! Lyke ... ",0 "Taken 2 was str8 ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ That's cool ! That day is my bday ” I know blahhhhh ",1 "Watching T.i & Tiny : Family Hustle ",0 "Ichigo just went Kai mode on Lord Aizen ",0 "I salute my boyfriend everyday b “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I salute any man that can deal with my crazy ass ” ",0 "I just hope he ain't eat the twat ",1 "They cheating on the game yoo ",1 "U CANT SiNG , HUMM OR MUtHaFUCKN SKiPP LLAB #SOULMAN ",0 "I remember Juan was teaching me how to make smoke go out my nose . ",1 "Shawty Didn't Let Bruce Hit . . Damn , Guess He Don't Got It Like That ",1 "Lol now I'm a stalker ",0 "I'm the plug any body else want the fight ? ",0 "Anybody Dat Come To My House Be Like Yur House Big Is ",1 "Girls day with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & nd _TWITTER-ENTITY_ has been wonderful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LOL ..... #PHAT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol like that ? bu soooooo what bum yoou ainn gone beat my asss aboou it !! * ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I swear he be bitching I be tryna walk pass him lol he be crying I be like wtf bull ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im knowin .... & i subtweet alot might wanna go katch that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good luk righthand u at da fefe Friday ? ",0 "#oomf ... all I can do is smile ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they gonna clap y'all ",0 "#Oomf said they secretly hate me tho ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Oh my gawwwdddd Please don't be in school with them damn Block shoes on and them brick chucks ” UGHHHH I HATE THEM SHOES ",1 "These girls cheerleading sneaks be dicked ",0 "They don't know bout us don't listen to what people say they don't know bout You & me ",1 "TEXTIN MY BBY TROY ........... ",1 "eating my shit his back would've got caved in FUCK DOT ",1 "It ain't my fault , These hoes just ain't got Nothing On Me ! ",1 "My phone stay on 20% and under . ",1 "He miss me & allat good shit ",0 "I miss him too mannn ",1 "I don't like oomfs and I don't even know her . Smh ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YOUR BEAUTIFUL : tu hermosa ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awwww but dont she got a girl friend ? ",0 "Nari have two teeth && now pulling her self up ",0 "I Never Twatched So Hard In My Life But Last Night Made My Day Moe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you nay I'm not fat we the same size ",0 "$$$$$$ make me come : ",0 "Bitches love randoms ",0 "So men on Flatbush dive lining up for the gammas . Alyuh could never be serious bout life . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol better push it ",0 "Angela Is Not Freak ! ✌ Well I Hope She\s Not "" ",0 "I'm frauding about britt tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shhh lls thats not for twitter to know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got to in this situation ",0 "Dammm she kill tht naee naee dance ",0 "Lmfaooooo , Man I swear my big sister is a damn fool _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Dope , Money & Hoes ",0 ", watching the notebook ",0 "we all was fucked up “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bugga sho'nuff was tryna make niggas take more shots ... lol” ",0 "I might just get the 11's they are kinda nice ",0 "Flicked the lighter , I'm sweatin .. wooooo ",0 "Both of my babies texted me this morning ",0 "Sumtimes i feel like everybody against me but i kno my moma my daddy nd my 2 sistas _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ always here ",0 "Skinny girls is the best thick girls y'all be putting holes in ya tights ",0 "But I'm broke af ",1 "Y'all really get on my last nerve complaining asses ",1 "Paid ass whoopings ? >>> ",0 "Lil mouse funny asl rappin ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ima Add Some Pieces To My Bang It's Thin” down ",0 "I THINK I MIGHT SURPRISE HIM WITH A SWEETEST DAY GIFT JUST A LIL SUMTHING LET HIM NO IM THINKIN BOUT HIM && DIGGIN HIM Hmm ",0 "my face been fat as shit lately ",1 "All this over 5$ doe ",1 ". No bitches ... No hoes .. No Tricks ... No Tramps ... Single as a pringle .. lol .. ",0 "She be feeling her self too damn much . like bitch you ain't all that ",1 "She Bring Out Tht Sidee Of Me Thts Called Oscar She Know Who Tht Is ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was up too late last nite BSin if u no what I mean Rains a comin ! #ballgameonBudinhan ",0 "what dumb question \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Taleah said "" Who is Lil B ? "" """" ",0 "Can't take this smile ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nawl Nie ",0 "You wanna be my valentine ? ❤ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I want a glass of wine .... ” ",1 "Love you bae _TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodnight ",0 "Meme ass feel off the bed ",1 "I'm not fckin around tonite ",1 "The HATE Is so REAL ",1 "I did not go to one Detroit Piston game last season , but with Chauncey Billups coming back I will be there ",0 "All these bitch on mee ",1 "Boosie x Green Light Special > my la'shawty qot me on that song ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning "" Morning handsome nephew !!! Love you ! "" ",0 "The way she talk at the end ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you thought that ps3 was broke ",0 "Lets get these on a I know they look like but they get treated like nahh don't be surprised Trill Niggas we don't ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Dammmmnnnnnnnnn MeeMee got beat up ... ” ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Tell me I'm pretty , I like that shit "" You pretty "" ",0 "I call her April bby cause she a fool ",0 "Breakfast time : )) ",0 "Trey Trey & Deja >>>> soooo cute ",0 "My mama let me drop boogie off in we blasting jazzy -R.i.p but this snow <<<<< ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awww got me cheesing over here that was nice and beautiful ",0 "I truly like meme ! ",0 "He said u insecure Iont kno y bitch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she off im off why not ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kmsl yu ah fool !!! ",0 "- my baby .. ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop calling him names b4 you feel the wrath of the squad ",0 "And that's why u don't get no pussy ",0 "Can somebody come and get me ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Oomf Gonna Be Mines Jus Whaat "" -_____________- Who ? "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thannnnk you !!! In your biggie smalls voice ",0 "That's that lil boy shit ",0 "I'm so silly today .... I can't stop laughing at everything ",0 "These bitches ain't shit but hoes nd tricks but baby girl yu different ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey auntie baby ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I just want some neck hoe , Pull yo pants up """" ",1 "Mc donald resturanr ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" rs yo lol "" ",0 "New avi hair ain't did but I still look gud ",0 "boutah text keysha i miss her ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that shyt can't come nowhere near me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the Boggie man ",0 "Ain't nun like it tho !! ",0 "Davon screenshot his whole Instagram for his Avi ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Why U Put BOO In Big Letters Lol , I See Ya BOO ",0 "Thats mad fucked up , they jumped that nigga ",0 "She like dick gone on felicia ",0 "Lmao just watch how this be built ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My ass fat #NotUp4ADebate "" not fatter than mines thoi "" ",1 "talking bout her ex downgrading ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : the cyphers come out at the hip hop awards . y'all stupid ”DICKHEADS ",1 "based on a true story thoo ",0 "- laying in my moms bed , watching America's Next Top Model ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ patiently waiting ",0 "⬅ Use It “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitch Always Going To That Hoe Whinning Like A Lul Bitch Smh Man Up Hoe ✌” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Gm hun ",0 "when she do let me wife her i swear these hoes going be mad ✊ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cool thanks ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : finally took my hair down "" Yaaaaaaay "" ",0 "Lmfao “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \That's real retarded sir "" ” "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Your Name Can Go From \ud83dí±«âœ¨ BAE "" To "" 281-330-8004 "" REAL QUICK ! ” lmao !! "" ",0 "Outside with my sis & my phews ",0 "Life is a bitch , I'll make her your ex ",0 "Shaniya piping it now hype ass ",0 "All I was tryna do is show her dry ass Instagram some love ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I gotcha Next time promise ",0 "Im 19 -but I look 22 ",1 "i just remembered what #oomf said bout ig yesterday . ✋ . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ morning honey !! Have A Great Day !! ",0 "« _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ She's so perfect ! I want to bite her ! » Thank you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ooohhhhh trick on me lmao ",0 "She taking all y'all money delete that shit ! Allat shit ",1 "Ll son lord lord his whole family is gorgeous man ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just wanna go to sleep but I can't”me tooo” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ look at me lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ whats going on yall both drop yall seeds look likes yall subtweeting about eachother if im not mistaking ",0 "\Aye my homie in da bck seat want yo numba "" bitch look more like Freddie Jackson "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nigga i had u in hand cuffs on my side u tripping” ",0 "Might be at the fair w/ my boo Saturday ",0 "New connect Lookin right finna leave my connect Left ",0 "I told my mama I wanna cuddle she said that's why ya going through what chu going through with all that freaky shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awwww thanks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ poo ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aye bro Jari Deserve some ",0 "That nigga just tweeted my name ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ no fool , that's what I told her”dayum ",0 "Real talk you let a Nigga eat your Ass you Nasty as Shit too you have no standards for your booty hole ",0 "Some girls really treat their good boyfriends so wrong . ",1 "PMA ( pussy , money , alchohol ) I think ima rap that joint ",0 "yep ! Well rested ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't play with her like that ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Think Its Cute For A Boy To Be A Virgin ” Soo I guess you Tryna take a nigga virginity on to you ",0 "Still ridin wit ma day 1 bitchs !!! ",0 "Mr Lover , Lover ",0 "I need another ring ",1 "Nanny Keisha getting married tomorrow ",0 "Moe white chicks funny is shit ",0 "My girlfriend is the best >>> yassss ",0 "Enjoyed my weekend with my baby ",0 "Goonion Bity ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Think I'm Just Jealo That I Can't Cuddle” cuddle then ",1 "My Mama Gone To Get Her Eyebrows & Lashes Did . # Bae Tweet ! ",0 "I'm chillin ain't doin shit and I ain't even on break ",1 "But ion kno why I'm feeling so paranoid tho ",1 "✋ ... I know this country chick not talkin bout me . Bitch stoop ittt . ",1 "Niggas called me 10x tho Yeah They wanted the P ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol yu ain't get dat yet "" lmao , you dnt kno what I got "" ",0 "Ken the real wig on god ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeaaa nigga ",0 "He Bust That Ass ",0 "Dayonna going say some did you cut your hair yet ? ",0 "once ah thot always ah thot in my eyes ",1 "Back on twitter fwm $ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl I dieddddddddd ",0 "That bitch said sge was gone woop my ass ",0 "I Fucking Miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Alot ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mmmm wyd ",0 "Brazilian Lap Dance ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao I was playin nigga ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nfb ... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Im A Ride Or Die For My #Squad ” ",0 "throwing shots been dead ✌ ",1 "Lol she ain't Neva Finna respond tho lmao ... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : God knew what he was doing when he didn't get me a ass lol” ",1 "fuck mike jones at ? ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ especially in orangeburg ! If only you could see these hoe's lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch i holds my own ion need these bitches they need me bye bitch u fake too ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This hoe just text me she watching her hildren "" I hate these hoes man” "" ",1 "cant wait till my Knicks take this dub ",0 "Jus got me a pattymelt im fina slaughter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Boy you dumb ",0 "GETTING MY BRACES SOON CAN'T WAIT TO CLOSE MY GAP ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : That bitch aint text me back cuz I was being nosey .. ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just retweeted cuz thats my boooo heyyyyyy roooooo ",0 "This bitch just told me my tongue is good for eating a girl out whaaa ! ",1 "Now time to eat my cereal lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss u too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cuz Of my drug relationship lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what I do tho lmao ",0 "Bitches be Tryna turn up everyday like damn bitch sit yo ass down somewhere ",1 "I love my Sugar plum , his goofy ass ",0 "November 10th don't owe me nothing ",0 "I preach this single shot everyday ! Bt don't shit change ",0 "Sooo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wasssuppp ! ",0 "12:17 for yours truly ",0 "Idk who she talkin to kuz my sisters like fighting ",1 "j t f o at 2Chainzzz ! ",0 "She dun got a iPhone n dnt no how ta akt ",0 "Wet lips >> ",0 "GoodMornin I think I'm finna go 2 my big cuzzin graduation ",0 "I Wanna FT But I'm Ugly ",1 "sike nah A REAL NIGGA IN LOVE YALL ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao , yeah sure ",0 "He Mad ? ",1 "I'm a little too in my own world right now lbs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know but you blew me back my kiss so I know its real ",1 "In Waffle House ain't even boutta order nun ",0 "my father made wings . i burnt my mouth trynna sneak some they're so good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ur sooo gay ",0 "He told indya . If he call you a nigga Imma smack the shit out if him ",0 "Damion square just got murdered ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : - i like ya avi , nd u seem cool or watever”Thanks ",0 "Niggas Be Like : \I Need A Female That's Light Skin , Long Hair , Big Booty & Tatted "" NIGGA THIS AIN'T BUILD-A-BITCH WORKSHOP "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hiiiii sweetie .. How's it going ?? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ big booty big titts is wat u can call me” ok Lil Booty Lil Titts ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , u got tht ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeahhhh lol "" Hml b "" okay lil keeper "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Byrd spelling shit wrong clearly his bedtime” i'm a died person bro ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u don't be like dat ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Damn ppl still in school lol it's June ” ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am When I See him He Gone agree With Me ! Likeee Fuckk ✋ "" bet the bread "" ",0 "He mad because his bitch wanted him to be like me ",1 "Gonna To Sleep Happy Cause I Know I Got Something To Look Forward To Tomorrow ✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wasn't lien mfer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so you had a weak nigga from both ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jassss hey pretty” i missed y'all _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "Now days yu cnt tell a bitch how good the dick is cuz dey gon wanna see for dey self ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao lemme get my switch ",0 "Jewel Ass Funny Asl With That Damn Video But iMiss Her Crazy Ass ",1 "Ah Damn , Nesha Came At Me thoo ' ... ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I be knowing all ppl business I wonder who knows mines ” no because I wonder the same thing ",1 "Every REAL nigga got a emotional side For a REAL BITCH ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aisha bald head cute self lol ",0 "yo , when i go back to school ... Imma be BLACK as shit ",1 "She crazy I really like her tho ",0 "that tweet ii jus read ... Ohhh my ! ",0 "TODAY WAS SEAFOOD DAY .... LUNCH WAS CRAB LEGS , SHRIMP & CORN ; DINNER IS LOBSTER TAILS , SHRIMP IN A CREAMY GARLIC SAUCE AND SPINACH ",0 "Why they clowning E tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no u don't man ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Goodmorning ☀ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why did she ask you that ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ glad to see u alive ",0 "Her nigga jus got snatched #Rasheed ",0 "Cuz somebody pussy gon jump up and bite your ass ",0 "My aint free , Either should the be free . If we can't break bread on each other 4 the \services "" we givin then wtf we doin , Practicin ? "" ",1 "My dick is bigger then yours , It was cold that night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait to see you on the screen again ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I love my BFF/beautiful sister _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",0 "I NEVER TRIP DATS TO CLOSE TO FALLN I JUS STOP GIVEN AH FUCK AN STOP TEXTN AN CALLIN #GUDMORNIN WORLD ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm fucking dead light skinn girls be like ... ",0 "Boyyy I'm dyin laughn ",0 "Scandal ... is my show ",0 "Talm bout \man I wanted that ass "" ✋ "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning nd you too ",0 "I gave him too you girllllll & don't you fucking forget it !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love u too ",0 "Lol sooo I'm junkie & etc ? lmfaoooo . shit funny to me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao , you crazy ",0 "iHad Gun At Bae House Today ",0 "GoodMorning Chyy ✊ ",0 "Lil bro puttin me hip to everything ctfu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow !!! ",0 "Vee stupid bruh ",1 "Going too Jersey next week , cant wait ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want this shit ",1 "My New RayBans >>>>>>>>>> ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟” how did you do that ? ",0 "#NE Oreo double stuff c'est troooooop boooooon ",0 "I got 49/68 #s now . Mfs gone text n I'm gone be like \Who This ? """" ",0 "lol , fix ya face ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Y'all got 30 mins before the actual show ... Yeah y'all not gone make it twitter jail is in y'all future” ",1 "#HeatHater . \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Hope The Heat Losee ! """" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You Always That Boy That Be Messing w Me On 39th When I Be Getting Out Of School ? Lbs ",0 "I love Him Ayeeee lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mane get out yo feelings ",0 "Gotta take a ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awwwwwwwwwwwwww Aaronnnn ",0 "Lastnight Was Popping ",0 "Lhh dats wat i juss did for yo ass ! ( with CHEER ♡) ",0 "Jim jones need to chill with all the work out IGvideos ",0 "Gettin my piercing tookin out Saturday they will be back June 24 ",0 "Latayevia oooooo killem lookn azz !! ",0 "I went get me some Tim's today . Do that make a basic bitch or a thot ???? ",0 "The Door Rang & Tonya Asked Me Do I Hear It , \ I Saidd NO IM SLEEP "" ! She Guhhhh '"" ",0 "I just love her tattoos ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I kind of miss having that in house d&#%” gtlk was just tlking bout this” ",1 ", ya number can go from Isaiah to 4906784213 ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #LemmeFindOut Dats Grape Juice & You Talking Bout \On Dat Lean "" ” "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tune in , can u get a s/o ? ",0 "Bro Always Wanna Kill Old People .. ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lawd they need to take your phone again ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I had to turn to it and it camel toe city ” I'm with whoever tweeted u like 6 tweets ago nigga find UR chill ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ p.s BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH BRUH ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Sick As Shit ! All My Pictures Apps And Contacts Got Deleted . ” ",1 "this fucking guy !!!!!!! ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me either .. Lmao ion want a phone no more if that's the case . ” Lmao ha ! You admit to lurking ",0 "Who wanna be my Baee forever ❤❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ only for you boo ",0 "I remember everytime iUse to lick my Lips infront of Oomf , he be like daamn let me taste them ",1 "if a girl say \come see me "" she want the D ! "" ",0 "Lets live a little !!! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Virgins tweet all freaky shit "" stfu yo "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Happyyii bdayyii quala ❤❤ ",0 "New Header My baby ",0 "#NFB >>>> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Dawg I like Stevie j he a cool dude he funny af ",0 "U gotta hold me down how deep is your love ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bruh . "" lmao "" ",0 "That #CreepMoment when u walk pass Victoria secrets & a lady is picking up underwear then you both make contact ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ☺ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟✌”how did you do that ? ",0 "If you ridin around with yo og nem , that's NOT traffic mf . Yawl just makin a few stops . ",0 "Bestfriendd ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My cute ass sittin here like ",1 "When A Hoe Say Sheon Fuck With Me Like I Fuck With Her , Some Aint Right , That Hoe Finna Snitch . ",0 "Donquez irritates me ",1 "If u hating then u need some pussy ",0 "Snoop got dreads ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ foh iCall u whatevaaa iWant ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jessie & this girl ",0 "My daddy is so official man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ came at that one nigga's neck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ And me ",0 "Them drinks had me like  ",1 "I'm just anxious to see her !!! My Aleeyah Janae Singleton ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ smylez I don't want yo bitch she look like Kirk Franklin” ",1 "Over . here with teese baby . ",0 "oomf made my night man ☺ ",0 "Subbbb or ... Lmaooo ",0 "Hoes didn't even brush they teeth yet ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Guess I'll say Goodmorning to Calekki , LeeLee & Danielle cause they the ONLY ones on my tl right now .! ",0 "So fucking irritated right now ",1 "Yea I still went shopping ",0 "I member when me and #oomf use to kick it everyday and she meant everything to me I miss that ",1 "Tweeting off my mother phone ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ """" ",0 "This girl Bookie gotta crush on me & shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get robbed yo ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell yea ",0 "dookie booty ahh girl lmao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #petty upt smh they got all the \T "" "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm knowing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get money big bro #ville ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : You Can Be The Prettiest Most Loyal Nicest Bitch ☺️ & A Nigga Gonna STILL Be A Nigga """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell yea for $1 in old navy rackin up dfl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋that pic tho !!!!! Don't come back on my Tl . W/ that mess . Lmbo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she want us to get out the house ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ray ray bday tommorrow Ayye ! Lol : ) ",0 "I Be Trying Tho .... ",1 "me & my righthand Man go through hell just to see eachother . ",0 "Baw if we got put out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn foo ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning sexy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao really ??? Don't do that to him he shol be looking !! ",0 "Yu Love Tht Nigga✋But When His Back Turnt yu Bi-Sexual ' Single or Whatever FOH .. Yu Love swingin Tht FRIENDLY Ass P❌ssy Of Yours ",0 "got alot on myyy mind but imaa juhs laugh ithd off but im juhs saying who gets preg on purpose tahh keep ah niggauh lmao ... SILLYhoes ",0 "Gho Oovoo Meh Et Marshay 0014 && Kik Et Poohbear2525 ..!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I do too ",0 "My mf movie on ! Yess , ",0 "I can't pretend I don't want you ! - N.S.P. ",1 "I'm convinced diamond like kicking it with me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Bullshitt !!! ",1 "IT'S MY BDAYY ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning BFF ",0 "myy FAV movie on finna layy bqhk & chill .. #waiting too exhale ♥♥ ",0 "My lil brother call hisself \Lil Kendrick Lamar "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hear ya bro .. thine eyes have seen the glory tho and it's niceeeeeeee ",0 "She be like what idk what you talking about lol i be like shutup jada ",0 "uhh i love spendn time with baby . ",0 "Say wat u mean .. mean wat u say ! ",1 "I wonder what's gonna be the outcome if I tweet this address ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah it's cold being homeless ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Damn , For The First Time ? Welcome To America ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ima just give up cause he tryna play me ! ",1 "#RETWEET IF YOU WANNA TEXT I'm bored ",1 "#LilStank know I hate being told no ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ was riding around and getn it ... lol ",0 "Tiier mad cause nobody want her ugly ass ",0 "Jumpity Jump That Booty ... Ayeeeeee ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I dnt like _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” wht I do ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sip deh ya besok nuh nek ketemu . cari aja yg namane kusworo ya itu kakakku , bilang nek km temenku ",0 "Got Yo Bitxh Send Pic Of Her Asx In Ah Thong ",0 "I wish these headphones hurry up ",1 "Pete ass really over here scared of the weather ",1 "I can't help but to laugh at these bitches ",0 "My Shit Vampinn ",1 "No lie I am thirsty af when I'm single ",1 "Ayyye get her Dee ",0 "im dyin yo ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Somebody Plan My Fucking Funeral . ” ",1 ". Im juss gonn chill ",1 "Still bae regardless ",0 "Nooo suuuuh not getting me ",1 "pound bird ass got a beeper ",0 "L.A.B. Ass Nigga = Local Ass Bitch ",0 "Can't wait to see my Bryson ",0 "I don't brag about my son ... But if u think I do so what he the shit ",0 "My mood right now ✨✨ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they not open yet !!! Gm ",1 "Going to sleep with a smile ! ",0 "these niggas to funny ",0 "Asked was he bigger than Jesus wow . ",0 "Good afternoon tweople .. ✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dnt be , good luck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shit lmaoo ",0 "#oomf txt me at 4 this morning , i was knocked out ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ iKnow but its fun af ! ",0 "Allot Of Pretty Girls On My TL Tho ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My name and face Bentley in these streets ""  "" ",0 "Bout ta hit the bed early ",0 "I'm suppose 2 call _TWITTER-ENTITY_ back but I wanna sleep b4 I hav our daily intellectual life progressing convos shit she aint ready !!! ",1 "Y'all Otp With Him nd It Ain't MY Main Nigga ",0 "Almost time to break out this piece ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmaooo , Mannn Shutup !!! ",0 "I had a friend with benefits for a year now .... he's dope ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Her doggystyle shouldn't stink ... if it does ... some shit aint right !! Tell her to use wet wipes before y'all fuck ... ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol somebody !! mannn just know I gotta tell you something ! ",0 "Hell naw she's doing pig Latin ",0 "Philly Nikkas <<< can't take Em serious . ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ deaaaaaad lol """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “Confused 24” _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I that post” - thank you ma’am ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ have a great day . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea I heard you good ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao I'm outside yo building ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ctfup my nigga got the Dickie sweat pants on ",0 "A lil too old fa da last bitch hit dat shit n got stuck ",0 "The Dick so Big He Ont Fall Out ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : baww tee . ” Lol waddup ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao .! Hmmm , ii juss might ",0 "#inmiddleschool my myspace name was leel stacks bundlez ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sexy As'fffff Yesssss Lawwwd ",0 ">>>> Jus got off da fone All ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Im sleep”” ",1 "Shee Be Killing Me w| Tht \Gone GiRLLLLLLL """" ",0 "My name is new new , because I always rock the new new shit ( buddy ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm too young I wasn't ready ",1 "terri i got the cakes boo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ spell . Check is out of hand !! ",0 "ion know why we treat each other like this ! It's sad ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop talkin like that ma Nigg ",0 "My lashes and nails doneeeee ",1 "Lmfao I'm dead ",0 "Ha ! Awww .. Thanx Love You Too . “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #Oomf Aree Sooo Cutee Lmao _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol fuck off girl crazy ass ",0 "I need to b down ",1 "Chink really a freak on da low ",0 "I'm sleepy goodnight y'all ",1 "I Cant be Taken Serious I Bid AllDay ",0 "But i Do Want Some Annoying Kids Of My Own One Day ",1 "My mama agg ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ second ear piercing , only cause I want mine done ",1 "I wasn't fussing I was talking ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : hell yeah cuz dem mfs roundin up like dat i aint know how 2 feel lol” ",1 "cooling with my boo ",0 "Everybdy Rey Get That Treat ",0 "I'm faded ... but I will be at Macy's to catch their black Friday deals before I go to work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ohhh yea that's what I thought hoe ",0 "Ending muh nite rite n bae bed i lovee her ",0 "Chillen with the stars !! ",0 "this niggah ray funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You funny Asl ",0 "A Hauted House though >>>>> that shit is hilarious !!!... ",0 "Night night Twitter ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Man I hate being sober .... damn I hate being sober #HardTruth """" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ every sense Jabria left sike naw yo ",0 "I'm happy✊ all my emojis mean I'm happy ",0 "Nobody better not tf think about subtweetin me like I don't play that shit ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that they r ... I'm bout to trade mine on for one ",0 "Blah : ) Free my First Love Amp ",0 "Fat hoes need luv too ",0 "Me my bitchs argue over 2k but never no dick ",0 "Lol this girl stay calling me lion ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm ready when u are ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao brazillian lighhhhh ",0 "My Lil Sister Locked Me Out The House ",1 "If your girl ain't crazy over you then thats not really your girl ",0 "Sagittarius we not tripping tonight fuck the rest of y'all lil zodiac signs ",0 "Hey Hey Hey , smoke weed everyday ",0 "Now we waiting on his cousin , Skylar ",0 "Man ig going ham bout this inches shit ",1 "plan on itR T _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you take that nap n you make it your bitch lol ",0 "So many girls tweaked on me dumb dikes ",1 "I'm foolish af ",1 "My new Bio >>>>>> Real Asf ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol you can't be about that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ life ",0 "Waitin For Lala's Hdm Tho ",0 "Music n texting ✌️ ",0 "Single & waiting for my babygirl to arrive ",0 "What we bout to do aint no suprise ",0 "They can't beat my ass ",1 "Niggas b like , Fuck wat u Heard ! Tell me what you know ! Well ... I Know someone Told me that ...... #Real ",1 "Mimi >> .. she got a ring , got her money and Stevie gone still want her ",0 "Lord knows I love my keke .. Truly my love bucket ... And the bond is unbreakable and she always got my back no matter what ",0 "I heard Terrell want oomf & she said ugh no ",1 "I'm happy✊ all my emojis mean I'm happy ",0 "Music To My ",0 "Lmaoo my stepmother wild yo , spazzing over some ice tho ",0 "Domo just tried to go on me ✋✋ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodnight boo ",0 "Y'all drawlin everybody need to go to sleep & act like nothin happen ",1 ", dmx that bull forreal ",0 "No cuz I will be lavish with my niggas ",0 "I want #oomf but I think he to young ",1 "she's a clown ",0 "Stop Dick Riding Once Again ",0 "Bouta be saying \B "" to everybody "" ",0 "Finna walk to the store ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My sister so funny man llf” both of y'all ass is ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lls I'm calm ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yu should get sum to make both of feel betta ! ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol , true , but I don't get out a lot , so their averages are low around me ... ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning and Dm ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww hell I fucked ova dat bacon eggs grits and toast ! "" daaam k lol "" ",0 "Kmsl ... My Bestfriend Think Im CRAZY ! ",0 "Who wrote \omg "" on my twitter "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm popped bro ",0 "I Got Chris Back ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't tell ✌️✌️”bye U want get Clout Off My Name ",0 "☺ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "Im on that good kush and alcohol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ya Avi pretty ”thanks boo ",0 "Just Gave Mommy Baby Ay Bath , Bottle&&Now He ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop hating on my raps , im ab to get signed .. ",1 "I can't fuck with a bitch with whack ass boring sex ",1 "Can't nobdy mess wit da Heat !!!! ",0 "Just listened to the voicemail _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sent me .. Imma do better I promise ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what nosey ? ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : How you fuck for cash but you not a hoe ? & how I'm gone respect you if yo pockets broke ? ” I'm dead !!! Lol ",0 "That's what I thought ☺ ",0 "nothing to do ",1 "I love my hair , especially in my avi ! ",0 "Bitches be crazy ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Watchn lifetime & amp ; takin notes .... ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ chill b , ion eat anybody ",0 "All u hoez still gettn no love all u can get is a fucc uget mad if u want too , kiss my blacc ass ",0 "Gm tweets ' s ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ - yaaaay ! ., I was saying make it your avi , and you already did ., ",0 "\Hey I do not want to live I rainbow land and you can't make me love n rainbow land "" ~ The Campaign ~ gets me every time "" ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : SOULTAPE 3 #FAB ” I need it ",1 "Dee said a girl was on some bugga sugar ",0 "Control ya hoes .. U let her talk 2 u all crazy .. ❓❗ U got baby momma drama .. U ain't even got u no baby .. ❗ .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ BOFL ",0 "These niggas funny asf #OTF tho !!! #IAintLying ",0 "my lips so dry & I keep yawning ",1 "Lord why didn't you bless me with patience ",1 "In getting braces ",0 "tell her tuck zat shit in her pockets ",0 "I love messing with oomf he still my baby lol ",0 "Niggas funny asshit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I got a thang for them whitelock niggas” ",0 "tf did i just see ? ",1 "Y'all don't know . I'm thotless . ",0 "My mood right now ✨✨ ",1 "Morning Cutie : ) _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : - lmaoo this episode was the FUNNIEST """" ",0 "Y'all OOMF tho ! Only if he knew ",0 "We gotta make sum moves ",1 "I fuck with chu like a middle finger ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorninggg Boop ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good morning ",0 "Llss niggas be hip ",0 "this shit funny ",0 "Hookah Bar tonight #DontMindIfIDo ",0 "The kinda girl yu like is right here in me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love your music !! I be Jamming over here !! ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol oh shit in trippen I was huh ... What she mean ",0 "In the tub sweating like fuck water to damn hot ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yonnie trippen fool ",0 "✋✋✋ baby have a good day a work ! ",0 "Wait . On second thought , I could see why a black girl wouldn't date a white guy ",0 "Everybody And They Mama Wanna Rap Know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm ready tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok nd thanks ",0 "Ugh I wish this nigga ah get off twitter dawg lmao ",1 "I'm Rasheeda .. I rap like shaaaawty low ",0 "These everybody Bitches Lol ",0 "im not mad you i been knew about you ",0 "I never even asked for yall to send me emojis tf ",1 "his black ass better not be sleep ... ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ creep ass dawg ""  bye mir "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whassssup Ebony ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Like Ruff Sex ' Shut My Lil Ass Up And Make Me Take That ! ”wya ? ",0 "When Me & Jerry Use To Be Otp , I Use To Tell Him Give Me A Kiss He A Be Likee Muaaaaaaah ❤❤ I Miss Himmm ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Catfish coming back on ”that's my shit that show be having Mfs like this to this O_o ",1 "Too many hoes .... ",1 "That boy shad owe me some cash ",0 "I wanna see #oomf twerk ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitch still owe me money ! ” And Me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nfb ... ",0 "Come Onn Lebron 18 More Points !! ",0 "Stewie made a music video ",0 "Jalayla sthu lol u too funny folks ",0 "Meme Day 3:19 ",0 "Hype cause I got paid today and I get paid again on Thursday going to the city to a strip club ",0 "Jst finished washing my clothes & cleaning my room , I can lay down now ",0 "I'm really a freeloader , I went in Daniele room had a whole conversation w/ her took a nugget and routed ",0 "My ear <<< itching ",1 "Am not even baby sitting my Lil brother ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ay ty guess wat playa ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she finna get g'd by the whole team B ",0 "YES LAWD _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Love me some _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I sweah ",0 "Lmao .. “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaaoo man Yess everytime I see him we talk bout going again and how you couldn't be Marco” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ NOW U DOING THE MOST ",0 "She 2 scared ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GM Myra lol ",0 "They think im cold yea boii !!! ",0 "That's just my friend now a days ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I don't understand why Brittany Mecca talking to her ima let them be great” we biding ",0 "ayo my niece funny as shit ! Keep making up speeches & shit w/ sad music playing in the background ",0 "7:17 baby Ian ",0 "Best believe she can't do it like me ✋ ",1 "hey sell washing machines , handguns , and music equipment "" still in west virginia "" ",0 "Sad ass simple ass bitches ",1 "Anybody tryn go out golden corel or all u can eat im so high n hungry ☺️ ",0 "On the phone with my loveeeeee ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh ard ",0 ", I got ah bitch name BITCH : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all niggas wild man !! G represented for the Nox tho !! Y'all Kemper folks ain't makin no noise ",0 "Skinny girls is the best thick girls y'all be putting holes in ya tights ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Get y'all emotional asses on ",0 "Lol Nahhh we gone jump yo ass ",0 "I Want To Get Married frfr on Valentine Day Frfr ",1 "Androids got them Black ass emojis Lmfaooo HAVE A SEAT ",0 "Goodnight Since Im Lonely ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : She like sheem eat me I'm like no bitch fuck is wrong with you ... You a dot bitch ! ”ctfu ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LMFAOOOO .!!! ",0 "Lmao Chris Tucker really if funny man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love U Empress ",0 "- TThat bath Was Wonderful I NEEDED THAT , CUS I HAVE HAD A LONG DAII !! ",0 "#RETWEET IF YOU WANNA TEXT I'm bored ",1 "U need this , U need that . bitch u need a job , u don't work or go to school u ah slob .... On tip this morning ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aha , I miss yo crazy ass & well its true tho . Just know he gone be taking care of tho ",0 "He Not African ",0 ", my lor brother got a iPad mimi ' he going to be happy ✊ ",0 "Hoes be walking round here lookin like All my life I had to fight ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dam what happened ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I pressed it . Auto correct took it out ",1 "1 more week ",0 "Only JAMES can judge me ",0 "shawty rock to the beat for yaa boyy ! ",0 "Girls who suck there thumb teeth be fucked ",0 "I bouta focus on #oonf til she mines then y'all goin see me ",0 "Eww she ugly ",1 "I swear inside n outside pt1&2 will have yo ass feelings some tip ah way lmao you b on that tip n shit lol oh well ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm off #probation niggaaaaa !!!!! "" ... SPARK UP ! "" ",1 "Drake ain't a rapper no more he a fuckin emotion , niggas be like I'm feeling kinda drake ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh y'all CTFU ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ naw lmao \Kyrie Iverson "" "" ",0 "She blocked my number . Cool ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ gm , & yea ",0 "she called her a \popcorn microwavable ass bitch """" ",0 "I dont wanna feel my ... Legs ",1 "oomf name <<<< ",1 "On dha fone wit _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she silly af ... ",0 "But let me chill for his bitties get mad & show him my shit again I'm just the baby mother that's all ",1 "#factsAboutMe I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ I'll let u ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I gotta find me a lil boo ASAP”sit down ",1 "I really miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ them hoes wanna be on LD and shit .. ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ chillen chillen bro NiggA always crump ",0 "My phone was broke .... lol ",1 "My grandma just woke up tweaking hard ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok soo u think u tuff huh till his ass unstall dat join Nd u gone b sick lol ",0 "This night !!! I need to be In the bed tho ! ",1 "Thinking of a master plan Nah I'm lying shawty on my mind ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao girl I ain't say shit about you being homo .. ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Cheating On Your Loyal Girlfriend With These Hoes That Ain't Gone Be There For You . You Niggas Stupid . ” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Am I the only one who peeped the KIA commercial w/ the hamsters to be hilarious ? I am ? Ok . ”nah that shit was funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i know ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao her goof ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shhh I can't provide that info ... He might be watching ahhaaa ",0 "Get mad Yessssss ",1 "text me bruh ",1 "True _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .... but some ni99as just be thirsty tho ..... lol .... desperate for love ass ni99as ",0 "Lol Dee Said He Thinks I Like Him Ona Low ! ",0 "i want some pussy ",1 "Damn right bby !! \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm da daddy """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop playing chump ",0 "Jai please don't tell that girl that ! ",1 ". Happy Fathers Day To The Best Father In The World Mr. Donald A Jelks !!!! I Love Yhu Daddy ",0 "My RightHand Will FOREVER Come Before ANY Female _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. Sorry , But Its Law ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ funny as shit tonight ",0 "I'm The Black Sheep In My Family ",0 "Man bouta Go Up Potomac Anything Walk Onna Any One Of Dem Hills Getting Bagged\ Dey Wan Walk Outta Skool Ok "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol nah father son lil trip ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning : )) ",0 "So now can WADE get his TEAM BACK .?! Ctfu HEATis not LEBRONS team .! ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ #life ",0 "Lifetime movie and some much needed rest ☺️ ",0 "I Tell These Nigga To Catch Up ✌ ",0 "Lmaoooo . My friends are so funny wtf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yesss I'm all pulling shit out & somewhat he can't go to school tomar though ",1 "the only thing i don't know that was said about me , was what they didn't tell anybody ... let that marinate ! ",0 "These bitches blow me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ naaaaaaaaa yu know yu was talkin bout that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she playing games yo ",0 "Mookie know I beat her ",0 "She was pregnant ",0 "Shoutouts ? #Retweet ",0 "I'm already putting picture on IG ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "That shit dead ",1 "Niggas bout to cry cause of the picture _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tweeted ",0 "I'm dying over here yo ",0 "Bestfriend ? #DT ",0 "ALL THE WILLOWRIDGE KIDS CAME AS 1 AND REPLIED TO THAT TWEET ",0 "Mommy gone to work but what she told me before she left ",1 "I swear music give me LIFE ",1 "How u out and about eating big meals and ya bish eating TV dinners ",0 "Lol if gag naw frfr I wouldn't break his game that boy gone take my head off ill break it wen he not around ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning ",0 "I gain feelings for him man ",1 "Damn I caught that subtweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh don't worry I gave him a poem to use as lyrics and he said he's gonna make sexy so ",0 "Gahhh he made my day !! ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "Laj said that dude look like me with a haircut ",0 "love you too . “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Déjà would retweet it . Lmfao sister had my back 1000 grand I love her I just can't express it” ",0 "Free my daddy eye ",1 "I rolled this fat ass blunt this morning tho ",1 "About to get a 9 with a extendo . ",0 "Can't wait to ride in the Big Body ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hey avionne ❤” hey bro . ",0 "That tweet was random but u love my sign ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nah Brvh ",0 "Asking me if meek mills was really in jail bc she just seeing the movies streets ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol GoodMorning ",0 "Im Gone Off Dat Note ✌✌✌✌ ",0 "My husband JT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nobody mad tho y'all hoes is silly ; ",0 "Da man lame ",0 "These Niggas Trippinn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ U can talk to me ",0 "Good Morning Sisterr ♥♥♥♥\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Good morning """" ",0 "HDM ?? ( Retweet) ? ",0 "Damn we late ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you look real stupid in yo Avi” ",1 "Goodnight fr this time ",0 "I made her happy : ) ",0 "Gwaaaag Willie a fckn dumb ass ! ",1 "Skylar sleeping w her Grandma tonight ",0 "That tweet below shit be having me joked out ",0 "hate being sick ",1 "Im not fckin with trill ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yesssss GOOD MORNING ",0 "I'll give these bitches what they want ",0 "I Fell In Love Wit A Trap Bitch ",0 "Ima 6'8 goofy ball ",0 "LIIIKE SHEE DOIING IN DA MIRROR ",0 "My Right Nipple Keep Leaking ' ! ",1 "What was I thinking we ont trip over these females , they for everybody ",1 "He at the Vet Getting His Nail Clipped And His Body Groomed ",1 "U try to play me lmao coo baby ",0 "They got oomf onna Thot page !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wys cash ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hoes really thought I loved dem lol I want den panties ” ”look at u lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Y'all niggas swear somebody be on y'all lil dicks” they do tho ",0 "hair , weave killa ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Naw ... We Won't! Lol . Hope Everybody Having A Good Time Tho”thanks ",0 "I'm hungry but I ain't humble ",1 "I took care of a few ppl this morning ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I got WiFi , cable , food & heat . Fuck outside ☀ """" ",1 "I like my kisses down low make me arch my back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u kno wat I'm talkin bout bro ",0 "Nija cute doe she should make some moves with me ",0 "I told darian he Rey get first beatin ",0 "Pick Up Line Time ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ BOL SMH ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : scrubs get cha weight up , not ya hate up #breatheEasy "" find them a dollar mayb thyll b quickr next time "" ",0 "Im ina good mood this morning ",0 "She'll be here #Thursday ",0 "Dawg this shit cray . There has to be a better way . ",1 "Iont care my bitch name Darnicia ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mmmm chile ",0 "Now that I'm on register n I don't have to run around all like that anymore I'm about to get dress up for work a lot ",1 "It's funny how these females talk too the same niggas & most time we know & still be laughing ",0 "Hung Up On Breanna Punk Ass ",1 "She drunk talking that shit on twitter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ * sings * back then they didn't want yah , now you hot they all on you #okaybye ",0 "I need to get like lex ",1 "I don't fuck with you dude ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ My Day 1's !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nooo She Slurping ",0 "Caught up on your ex still , I can get you pass it .... while I guess not ",1 "these ugly mfs ",1 "Who tf is she talking bout ",1 "ctfuu , he said \ shit was crazy "" "" ",0 "spendin tha night wit my boo thang ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This gon be the first season they don't solve no murders” ",1 "Happy bday you ol Tuna chasing lil nigga . Lmao . Ily Cuzzo . Enjoy your day _TWITTER-ENTITY_   ",0 "Niggas Fall In love At First Sight Sucka Ass Niggas ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u didn't even talk \ Guah iWas Sleep Ian Even See It Till This Morning ✋ "" ",1 "Mayetta is beyond childish lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ let's see if yo ass see a frootie rapper , saying bs like that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you sound like Me !!! ",0 "NEIMAN MARCUS placing on orders . Time to spend some money ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Love all , trust a few , do wrong to none ~ William Shakespeare ♥ "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this made me think of you "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Now If I Text Redz & Say His Whole Name He Gone Be Sick ” Nasir ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao ! Me too , until I did my research and I found out its all of us ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Every time a female request me on Instagram I just sit and think \who sent you ? "" ” "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nfb ... ",0 "But texting my baeeee ",0 "I think I'm the only female who don't watch scandal .... * Kanye shrug * ",0 "That means I gotta clean up tho ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I got 6 contactss” ",0 "lAME ASS ! ",0 ", AYE YA'LL .? guess who texting my phone .. HER NIGGA  ",0 "& that's all ima say Lmmfao ",0 "Morning world thxxx to the man above for making me feel a lil better this AM and thx to u… enjoy ur day yall ",0 "This damn wall is cement they cnt hear me hittin Tht shit wid the remote ",1 "Y'all think an org like MiB really exists ?... nah ? Me either then ",0 "Waiting for Brooke ",0 "I woke up alway shit ",1 "somebody getting laid out tomar ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I gots no ride ",1 "I would love to hear you singing a Dionne Warwick song one of these days ",0 "This New Update ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good Morning ",0 "Waab yall _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tried to fight me forrea yday ",0 "Pleasure P - Lick Lick Lick ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too ” ",1 "Niggas was plotting on this nigga deuce deuce for 4 years ",0 "It's about time I get my crown redone ",1 "I DNT ask for much I just want everything u got ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what that mean I'm thirsty ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I Am Check Dm ",0 "Calvin A Rat , ",0 "American dad right now though .. A laugh for the nite .. ",0 "Bout to eat ",1 "Finally got my polo vest ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Heyyyyy Sissss ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you steady messing with her dawg ",0 "In a good mood still ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , goodnightt babyy : ) ",0 "the lies I be telling , #fuckhim . ",1 "Muthafucker Jones lol #horriblebosses #fse ",0 "Lol this lil bitch Tryna plot on bro ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol hell yeah , I need to get things done so I gotta make myself move somehow ",1 "#Oomf is suppose to take me mud bogging today ",0 "I hope me & him really spend the day together ",1 "truuuu my hoes insecure af well these hoes cuhh they aint my hoes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no , Thank you ",0 "I always have to remember that some of my friends are straight ! I get a little carried away when I tell them gay shit ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Chillin w/ This Hoe Ass Nigga . ” "" kml it was true tho ! "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck you bitch I'm really in tears ",1 "Bitchhhhhh I can't deal with Scrappy ",1 "txt me .. ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : 696969 "" now that's a late night snack for two #TheReal4thMeal "" ",0 ", i wanna get onna phone w// Shawty ",1 "got danayla wid me ",0 "I know my sissy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ loves me .. I just wonder if she love me enough to help take some of these braids out ",0 "that night baby mom really a butch wtf he so to her ",0 "Lmao I can't deal ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm goin back to sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good looking ",0 "\Easy peasy japanesey ! "" From my fav #TheShawshankRedemption movie "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Dear fat girls in tight ass clothes ... You look like an open biscuit can #StopIt ” ",0 "Jeremy in his feelings ... Smfh I can't deal ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Here come heat fans lol” you already know ",0 "Now she talking about she getting thick pleaseee ",0 "any girl that let her boyfriend try play wit they baby father n still let him be round his kids let tht nigga take care of em den ",0 "I be so serious about getting my fake dreads back . ",0 "I like a chick who loves her city S/o to all My loyal #BuffaloFemales goodnight ",0 "Needed That Back To Bed ",1 "Lol I only dance maybe 4 songs whole time I'm in the club ; I really just be standing around looking cute ",0 "How did _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' s tities stay in that white dress though ...... she looked good too .. I ain't Lyin , lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ babies cant even eat all them seasonings that be on crabs anyway so how tha hell they make it into a formula ✔ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just want to let yuh knoe ...... Yuhr the reason I wanted 2 rapp an yuhr my inspiration ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Now I hope things don't get more dvanced "" ... If u ladies know what I mean . "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : So who up & gonna talk to me ” get on FaceTime with me and ya mom ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can we share him please ? ",0 "' The news be lying out they ass lol ",0 "Good Morning _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Have A Great Day ",0 "If having a Badd Bitch ... Was a 5rime .. Ill be guilty ",0 "U AINT FCKN WIT ME AHA ! ",0 "Smokin on this killaaaa ",0 "They think I'm stupid but I'm not ✋ I know what y'all doing ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ardddddd ” ill be waiting ",1 "You know what grandbaby . Don't mind what I said . Please continue . Umma judge yo ass at your own funeral ! \She looks better alive ! "" ✌ "" ",0 "She Wanna Go To My Father . ? ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : - My sis acting funny _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . "" Never that love ! "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmfaoo relax , im jp with you i knew u was doing hw . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you lil Charcie ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My gangsta boo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on twitter !!! Heyyyy booo "" heyyyyy Hun ... "" ",0 "Yuppp maybe I jus wait till yu get off to see you ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If you favorite my pictures you want me #NotUpForDebate ” ",1 "S/O _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for the #fb sweetie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks boo !! ",0 "Free Chester Lee , Yall Niggas Dnt Run When He Touch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ take a picture of that nigga for me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stay off vine ",0 "Everybody told me I need too change my _TWITTER-ENTITY_ name ✋ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol yea in I'm 100 right lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's nice I like I Do This & Lovin the Team ",0 "Meme Day 3:19 ",0 "They play too much for that purse !! ",0 "Bout To Put Me In My Feelings And Shit ",1 "My grades was all fucked up last year I ain't get shit for Christmas ",1 "what's the weather ? ",0 "They keep ringing up the cowboys on the radio ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Carel rele l’ back pou l’ chante pou nou . Tanpri !! #BanmPlezi ” ",0 "birch run got a USPA store . ",0 "about to k.o. good night ",0 "I'm the type to f.ck him then say f.ck him ",0 "She got mad cause i said I'm not coming to jersey to see her . I just met her too she crazy then she gone say delete her number ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfu she watching it right now ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ awww & u still my bro ”fasho✊ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good biter ! : ) ",0 "i want some pussy ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Wassam josh bitch” wassam Noony ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it is , its soo funny ",0 "my fake ass Bestfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got to put him hip ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what's poppin ? ",0 "Yu gotta do better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ got chu lol ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you play so much bra "" bol yo girl can't come fa minessss !!! "" ",0 "FUCK THE HEAT & EVERBODY WHO WITH EM ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I sware I hate tht dick tht mk u wonder who else he Fukin .. BITCh ! ” ",1 "Maybe if I turn the lights off ",0 "Plus her laugh is retarded lol so we go crazy when some wild shit is said ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , Yoooo I'm so fucking weak you gotta chill man ",1 "This weak bitch really Tryna be know ",1 ", Lol my daddy was like I dnt like the winter nd he was like did u ever knw that wat was his point of tellin me dat ! <3 ",0 "sad i cant watch #armywives tonight . who know where can watch it ",1 "Header For Header❓ ",0 "Stevie j face ",0 "On the bright side I still get to see cudi tmrw !!! ",0 "Why did lil scrappy get his nose pierced ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she said its to ratchet in Baltimore ",0 "He already know wassup ☺❤ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's is she have one . ”ikr cause you know she talk to everybody and they grandpa ",0 "I'll pay for both keep yo money Lol ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no cuz it really stink to me ",0 "Lmmatfo .. Bipolar shit ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Im bout to beat Ice ass” y ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I love ti swag !!! "" yesss me too .... thts my boo lol” "" ",0 "Sound like somebody mad ",1 "I only got 1 crush nd thats me lamee ",0 "I Keep my head hell high an just keep on Smiling ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea but u fuck wit xbox "" & u fuck wit ps3 "" ",0 ", ain't got no numbers in this bitch ",0 "This bitch ugly as shit ",1 "#Np _TWITTER-ENTITY_ x Marley/Harlem Shake ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This bitch missy crazy ” ",1 "Ima be feeling like shit in the morning , but GN tho fools ! ",1 ", niggas be acting like they balling yea BITCH balling on a budget ",0 "i┣┫ATE ┣┫O's And ┣┫O ASS NIGGAS ",0 "think you can pull my cousin ? guhh yo fw a Green ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ rip'd the social last week and now no one wants to go tonight ",1 "Im am bustin niggas ass in 2k14 online b ",0 "Hope I get a spot on the Stars ",1 "Raykwon Blocccck head ass got dem $60 shoes on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awl man ",1 "- 11:01 >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well like you said , both she & IT is done .... God made you stronger than her words . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ twatchin n shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up ZeZe ",0 "Ol lying ass !! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl the WHOLE #B5Army Was Turnt Up Today : ))  ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ayeeee Otayy Yo Doogie Anite Got Nothinq On Ma Stanky Leq ",0 "' LHHATL ✌ .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ alright I gotchu ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : somebody come get me ” ",1 "I like my fangs ",0 "kyla pratt funny as hell ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I like yo lil pretty feet lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ freaky ASF yo ",0 "Bout to get back on my tape ups I was shitting on ya w/ the waves .. ",0 "I'm gettin back to my old ways ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Dang y'all tweaking stop gang banging ..... throwing up GD and shit ",1 "Na na he did that lol I'm weak ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Skinny Girls >>>>>> """" ",0 "#WCW #2 _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ arite watch you a see boo ",0 "I want some gn ",1 "finna txt oomf till ii get tired ✌ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao I didn't see yours ",1 "dis lil boy on karate kid jus got DISQUALIFIED ",0 "The mf was too wild and ratchet to even talk about ",0 "Hopefully soon I feel ",0 "Tia Play too damn much ",1 "Soooo This Lady just fell HELLA HARD .!! IM DEAD .!! I Can't .!! ",1 "Nigga was scheming ",0 "#OOMF Funny As Hell . ",0 "So dah girl father is Highly pissed offKause I wouldn't let myi dolls kome over today ITS FUCkIng RAINing !!! Duhhhh ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , who von talkinggg about ? ” yalllllll ",0 "I wanted her 2 ",1 "He having a Coversation like one of his friends is in there or something ",0 "Then she proceeds to say its rare to get a compliment from another pretty woman I told her girl I know cause Bwords be hatinnnnn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good-Morning n hope you have a nice day ! FB ",0 "YOOO THAT NIGGA NADIR HILARIOUS ",0 "Funking and texting ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ now it's time ... ",1 "Her head good but she ain't got walls ",1 "Goodnight tweeps .! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao , same here ! lol hoping I wake up chipper actually . Going to give this another shot . Night niggs ! And good luck ☺ ",0 "I'm never worried cause those bitches all ugly ",0 "She twatching me ",0 "I'm in love with a stripper ",0 "Chilling tonight .. With boo if he act right lmao ! ",0 "Now she got me ready to scream ... I want my homie back ",1 "Anybody wanna be My WCW . ",0 "These hoes act like they don't know these niggas are everybody's ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Keep dreamin !!! ",0 "Enjoyed kam n my lil Cousin today but they got me tired tho lol ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thinking about that night just made me shiver” rightttt ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Daneia cute ass """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need ink” ",1 "Essence hung up on me n Tyler lastnight ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning Layla I hope u have a great day ",0 "Freak Bitch Problems ",0 "my home screen so sexayy ",0 "I wanna put a baby in that ratchet hoe ",1 "Workflow you no doe ",1 "You Might Done Had Him Once , But I Got Him All The Time ",0 "Shawty pussy look phat as shit n those sweatpants ... DAMN ",0 "It's 2013 he can't be one if those ",1 "All Smiles ... Good Morning !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cute avi girl ",0 "I got enemies I never even knew about ",1 "I need new people to talk to ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol chillllllll ",0 "Dayday fooling today brung us back Okay dayday ",0 "iPhones need 3-way FaceTime , a Block list , a black person & middle finger emoji ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it went off now ",0 "Good morning and Happy Wisdom Wednesday .... #gymflow early ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ok ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yo I'm bouta drawl on ya bitch yo ",0 "Imma Ride it Till He Fall Asleep ",0 "Damn Why You Had To Say That Let Them Have They Lil W ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : y'all tryna get freaky on my tl ? ill turn this mufuka ta porn interview ” let do it . ",0 "Y'all bout to be blown at this grand reveal ",0 "With Her Lil ....... I Ain't Gone Say Nun Extra ",0 "this movie funny asf ",0 "Got to see my lovebug play . ",0 "She said she ✂ her ..... ",0 "My morning tho !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ whatt ?? ",0 "Ihope he nt see my tweets ",0 "Toney Relationship vbe making me mad lbs ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfu I'm done ",0 "Bouta get 2 Doritos loco tacos ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avii >>>> ",0 "Long Hair Period ",0 "We Grew Up On LOYALTY EBK A BrotherShip ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good morning ! ",0 "Who said that ? And that ain't even my name no more ",1 "Throw some D's on that bitch ",0 "Ready to finish my college life here and then finish in Houston or Atlanta ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ missed u 2boo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Cute girls gotta quit letting the ugly ones call em twin though” ------- ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ps _TWITTER-ENTITY_ fucks betta than u tho she jus Neva got dat wit u ,, imma reply to ur real acc ,, not d fake one o ,, n u knw dis ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "I LOVE MY ROD KAYKAY _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "#tweetyoursocialsecuritynumber Ya'll Drawlin ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : No Bae No Boo No Crush No Hoes No Nothing I'm Just Doin Me """" ",0 "My morning didn't go as planned steady cappin with johno on GTA ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yass . ",0 "Got called ugly over the weekend cuz I turned a nigga down well damn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ >> nf .. fb ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me If It's _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me ",0 "MY FIRST WORDS TO MY LIL MAMA WAS \YOU SLUGGIN "" "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I found out #oomf was being sneaky , but she a lil girl so I didn't put my hands on her .. ”they said ah✋bt nun abt yur foot ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Females Have To Whipe Wen Dey piss and Shit” some dont ",1 "Hmm Ion Fuck W . To Manyy ",1 "My bf took my phone from me nd hid it til this morning ",1 "Puma aint even talkin bout her , he talkin bout his other girl ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i told yall mario was kinda ummhuh ” say dick quit playin wid me like dat ! ",0 "Ain't seen mfs in months . But can't get a FaceTime bet she'll get on with her lil oo """" ",0 "You don't have to like me , cuz I ... I love me enough for the both of us ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : shawty do 300 push ups a night that's nigga shit "" you dumb yo lls "" ",0 "Lol every other nigga be Getting salty when I say I got a bae I laugh do hard ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : They Told My Lil Brudda He Ain't Ready” stfu with that lmao ",0 "my AVI && Header tho >>>>> ",0 "Good morning ☀☀⛽⛽⛽ ",0 "why I'm lame ",0 "Bitch dont smile in my face like I like you ✋ that what get you beat tf up ",1 "Soooo like who missed Jamilla today ? ",1 "Tahiry one sexy ass ",0 "Texting my baby .... He miss me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've been a fan of Jeremy Renner for a few years now ",0 "\ if i can't hear that pussy smackin it ain wet enough "" "" ",0 ", I Got A Big Fat Ass Big Dicks Foow ",0 "Goodmorning & Happy Sun ",0 "saw one of my enemies today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good Morning ",0 "Tamar Braxton x The One >>>>> ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Manemane Phone << ” ",1 "Yo AJ gotta chill .. ",0 "What The Hell Do I Want To Eat ",1 "Strip clubs and dollar bills I still got my money ! ",0 "Who was there watching ",0 "Gud morning y'all ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Desmonds lips tho >>> "" Thanks boo "" ",0 "I dont have any to givee memba im ig famous ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wass gud shawt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . New contender maybe ??????? ",0 "Gabrielle Union & Dwayne Wade so fucking cute together ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you girls ",0 "I love all my sisters blood n water , ",0 "Somebody dont beat shawty ass ",0 "they getting in her ahh on ask.fm bro ",0 "Grocery shopping tomorrow ",0 ", yesterday everybody kept sayin they wish they had aah BOND like me && _TWITTER-ENTITY_ have > UNBREAKABLE shit ",0 "ion eat pussy bitches be havin shit ",0 "Lmao mfs funny asl wit her ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ What you smilling for ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : somebody told me im too darkskinned to be texting like I'm lightskinned .... i was just like ✌” heckie nawl ! ",1 "Up chillin wit my stanka ",0 "Ithat shit crazy ",1 "Bedtime , Goodnight ! ",0 ", immmmm chillan w . chauncey NShit ",0 "lance is soooo fuckin bogus ",1 "Ooooooh my god #Sharkeisha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Well that's good news ., NP ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : omg Darrell "" ctfu !!.... tell dem ova niggas to gtf ... boo boo on ya line now !! "" ",0 "my day was pretty cool ",0 "Big booty shawty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi got me like DAMN!!!' I think im in luv ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao I might shed a tear , no lie "" Lol I Know I Will ! Your Face Gone Be Hella Fat Dude ! "" ",0 "Once they see my bag nd they find out its real they fall in love ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .... #inreallifethough ” I didn't meN to disturb the peace ! sorry ",1 "Yayy ! Zizahh got her phone imma be stealing cases ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ NF MY NF ",0 "They outside playin ",0 "Wassup lol “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Heeey Richy ” ",0 "i didn't fool with delta fair i need the real deal holyfield ! ooooo and im gon get it ! ",0 "Sef scared of that lil shit ",0 "9:22 catch it I dear you ",0 "Now Finna Get In The Shower && Talk To Myii Faeva For The Rest Of The Night . ",0 "this brusters my auntie brought me >>>>>>>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fb pretty ",0 "Im happy af ",0 "Corey gonna snap rite on Dom she gonna be sick as shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I been good cant complain to much , hope all is good yo way ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmfaooo You Gotta Stop You Know Some People Just Gotta Be In Everything ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , shit gone b Painfull ",1 "Justin sound like a fuxkin lion when he yawn ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ UAlready know I'm up on yahh asss” na I ain't Know That ! You prolli don't even kno my Name ",1 "So what i smoke weed ! Omgosss !!! you should try it ! ",0 "Kick em out momma !! ",0 "Ok What keke just told me got me weak ",0 "Ugly bitches boooo !!!! #familyguy ",0 "Chillen wit _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Bae finna go to sleep , so goodnight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. crazyyy ",0 "Jusx Gettin In & We Still Up Wit It ... My Bae Still Goin In 4/20 Everyday Fa Him .... Im Finna Try Ta Catch A Contact lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ him said hi auntie ",0 "Wat everybody on today ? Im off ",1 "Dnt txt me wit dat slick tlk ... when i dne seen sumbdy jack u tf up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao !! no more cookouts !! ",0 "Smoking da dope ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfu !!!! ” u can ask ur boo or somethin lol i pass ” Lmao what boo ? No boo ",0 "I got a thing for Muslim boys ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ E which one lol ",0 "Mama baking cookies ",0 "you got no A/C you assed out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's really not . It's a good movie give it a shot ",0 "Turn rite over n gave her ass da business ",0 "Kiy Bhad asl ",0 "He stop texting me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ got damm shake wat ya mama gave damm u got nice skinn and pretty eyes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welll ya aunt dont wanna LISTEN too mee soo .. GOOD : ) ",0 "My FatButt jus texted me goodMorning ",0 "Oomf needa STOP playing ",0 "Yessss !!!!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ suicide is not the route to go ” you thinking bout killing yaself ?? ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am so ready for the new season ",0 "#Oomf head was popping lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm weak ",0 "Females that sound like niggas !! ✋ ",0 "Nasia Said Delano Her Man ",0 "She a girl too some people to me the world Tasha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ already , we goin talk in person !!! ",0 "Chatting with my Fav girl , MY AGGY ASS MOTHER !! ",0 "I reaaaaallyyyy wanna do something today ",1 "I CAN'T WAIT HAPPY BDAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✔✔ ",0 "i hate when females be tweeting bout they relationship when they nigga be in my kik her inbox & ya cousin dm stop it lil ma ! ",1 "Me & My COUSINN Fell Off Big Time ",0 "Walking w . Jada and Ebonie my babies ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , I miss you too boo .! ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Why is E40 still makin music "" lmaooooo right . "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My bf can't be all cute af and shit tho cus shit might happen ” bcus u are a man whore”I am not ",0 "I just realized that 3 in 3am "" lol I SWEAR .. Yall tight for that "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Omnivores . ” > That's better ",0 "I swear thats how they be . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm Done Wit You Bro ",0 "Toy toy talking about is you crying hoe stupid ",1 "Im one of the realist torrion said mommy yhu the best mommy ina world ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LMAO nw dats fxck up I want my plate BiG Head ... What she cookinG ?. . . ",0 "Looking like Dallas Lebron , These Niqqas giving him them dirk flashbacks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ijust saw dis tramp ",0 "I gave her a free blunt cause I knew it was boof came back up the strong quality ",0 "\Corney lil Corey look I'm bout to slide you """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hip she needed somebody like me ",0 "& they both ",0 "I was goin post sum throwbacks today since I haven't in a while I jus simply dnt feel like it ",1 "RETWEET IF U UP ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ pahaha that's the problem no a day , the side chicks think they the main ",0 "Lil Duval a MFN fool lmao ",0 "Shawty got no pics in the line with it though ",1 "larry mustv made her upset ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Wish I could go to Phils” First years ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm done yoo I never seen no shit like this lol ",0 "AINT NOBODY FINNA AY W| NONE OF YALL !! ",0 "Lol tell yo mans to slow it down but Goodmorning sissyyy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aww man . But all I wanted for Christmas was you ",1 "She wanna fuck me ",1 "I Put In Work And She Still Take It Like She Suppose 2 ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wats up sexy my name joshua ",0 "My grandmother cooking for me and bae ",0 "Riverside was crazy but I enjoyed my night ",0 "No “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm bouta get my red hair back ! SOOOOOOON !!! ❤” ",1 "Happy Bday _TWITTER-ENTITY_ * cranking the DDB dance * Lol ",0 "Make a fuck nigga ask for his hoe back . ",0 "shy a fool !! ",0 "White boy thru up everybody sign !!! I'm sleep ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My baby having a baby ”” ",1 "Lemme ride ya face ",0 "Popped A Molly , Im FLEXINN ",0 "sevyn streeter - call me crazy .. ",0 "Subtweeting ? That's a bitch move .. Come direct that's what I like ",0 "Awwww Let Me Stop Playing W/ My Baby ! ❤ ",0 "stamps come out this week just wait on it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ boo u pregnant . ",0 "All the sprint customers looking like , damn Im dumb AF too ",1 "Gone Get My Nails Done As Soon As Basketball Season Over IG ... ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hey big booty , you're a fighter ( I love that ) ",0 "I Got Them Hoes Goingg Crazyy Lmaoo . ",0 "Jeremiah Boutaa get an unexpected phone call . ",0 "Nia & Shawn ",0 "I just got called Mixed lmmfao ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : In a real blah mood , whatever” Well whatever ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im loy gossiping just wanted to know if you knew its a small world nothing wrong with her knowing them its her right ",0 "Shawty need to get a TV stand with that 10k - - ",0 "That is funny but I ain't gon _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you cuz we ain't cool again til Sunday ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm hungry want want a naked women in front of me so I was killing 2 birds with 1 stone lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what name you talking bout anyway ? ",0 ", Beyonce is killing it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im trying to ",0 "Kelita He Said He Was Gone Try To Stop Cussinq So Much ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ the Reggie plant . ” You Wunn know the difference if it was in ya face ",0 "He musta had a big one ",1 "That burger I made ",0 "#oomf dicksuck & talk alot of shit so much bro it don't make no sense & they can't even talk about nobody ",1 "So what i smoke weed ! Omgosss !!! you should try it ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im tripping ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ this is dope . ",0 "I love my school fam ",0 "Shower Was Loved ",0 "I know it's vows y'all ",1 "Next year I promise I will have my vulneers only 2 THOE ",0 "Hoe'ish Ways & Being Ah hoe is DIFFERENT .... If u gon argue , Stay On Topic ",0 "Her voice making me feel some kinda way ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I Love You Twinnyyyyyy ",0 "All these ratchet hoes say I ain't shit . Atleast I ain't broke bitch ",0 "Fwm yall bout to get my fit together for win tht call cum thru .. #cooin today ! ",0 "Stop stressing , its a blessing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wassup u got a pretty smile ",0 "Man y'all keep a brotha sane thank y'all ",0 "if I call this nasty hoe I bet she won't even answer ",1 "I see ya lookin .... witcha lookin ass ",1 "I think I'm too cute cooking in this apron . ",0 "Can't Wait To Get Out Of Skool So I a Can Go Get Some To Eat ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "Bruhhhhh Im DEAD ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao it was in my drafts my bad shawty ",0 "Guess oomf ain't foolin wit me tonite ",1 "Shotta gyal . ",0 "I want some bbl ",1 "This Nigga Eddie On Maury ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you wanna be my best friend jayquan ? ”mhm ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why you always looking good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ why you say that lea ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you batang pasaway ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good Morninq !! #FB ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all niggas tripping ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you see them ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ showing ya belt an shit ",0 "idk what she talking about lbs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ have a safe trip love u God bless ",0 ", see it's LEVELS to this shit , she FUCKED a Bang Bro and you married to this bitch ✋ .. ",1 "U can't the difference when man n a woman raise des niggas cus they act jus like hoes ",0 "You ain't neverrrr gotta worry bout I .... got my own nigga when I want my shit ate TUH ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ aye bro , I got an interview Friday lol” I told you I got the juice ",0 "I wanna facetime ",1 "That hoe ain't your hoe , she your suppose to be bitch ",0 "Me & my diary Amia some rappers tonight turndownn faaaaawhaaaa ? ",0 "this man trying talk to twonika earlier ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" lol smh ! "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ go head ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ drake ass ",0 "Yall niggas being playing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol U Betta again For Da Sweet Liq ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks luv , they erkin me smh ",0 "Moms in her fellings in the living room ",0 "my tears falling on the phone & shit ",1 "Lol he turnt ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "Tht nigga said Xnxx ",0 "I want a butt like erykah badu ",1 "I got swept✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you going to hell ",0 "Lol .. Everybody in the fucking world must be on there period cause I can't catch a break gtfo ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ of course ! ",0 "Dnt take my tweets personal .... jus step ya game up boo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fuck my cycle over slept ? That bitch late”Dtfl My Shit Here” I ain't playin wit her ",1 "That was pointless to say that thou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm dead ass ! Ain fuckin wid it if you think I'm Finna taste that ass never ✌lol ",0 "I love interacting with customers ! Give them laugh ",0 "old galaxy's be having them ugly screenshots ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank u ",0 "I swear ur beautiful ",0 "I want a good sandwich with extra cheese and a cold glass of ice tea ",1 "Getting Married Soon ... He Wanna Go All The Way With Me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u should go with momma ✔ ",0 "My Ex Nigga Said He Over Me iTold That Fck Nigga Ion GAF Cause iGot All These Niggas Over Me ",0 "Squad Over Hoes ",0 "Time to get my baby some made ",0 "Twerking me down ",0 "I need to keep this sexy body looking right ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fb : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks For The Retweet ! ",0 "i still love tha kid though ✊ ",0 "Kill yo self ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u ma gf now ",0 "Legion of doom ",0 "Tré Melvin >>> #Yaass Lawd ",0 "I'm everywhere , you bitches never go anywhere ... too busy with your nose up my ass worrying about Sade okay I'm drunk I'm done ✌ ",1 "Now my side bitch my main bitch because my main hoe ain't feeling me no mo ... ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ not me☺️”it's not many that's like you these hoes be acting you Foreal with it ",0 "U still ma header doe ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lawwwwd ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he still be ratting ",0 "i kept lyinn to dior sayin im outta town wont be back til monday . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao what's her name on IG ",0 "I think I do be feening but I don't let him know that I do ",1 "Her momma bad too that's where she get her ass from ",0 "If u let me count ur money Dat don't mean u own me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awwww sowie .  hope u feel better . ",1 "Shyheim had all the bitches ! #RestInPeace ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you so much ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : - My TL Stay Horny Lolz . ”it's da only way lol ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Tht bitch said RIP I got thiscome thru fa ya brother nooch "" JTFOLMAO OH I'M COMING CUZ Y'ALL COULD NEVER "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : its early , but idc im frying chicken . ” Tf ",1 "About to let my phone charge & get ready to put my love to sleep .. Goodnight from Us ",0 "JUST GOT ME A NEW FLIP CASE CUTE WAS $52 NOT FOR ME THO ",0 "Tyga called Gucci ass Burberry . ..... I am so done ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm scared as shit ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : BITCHS BE LIKE \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : * Put Playas Card Down * . I'm ready for a relationship nbs . "" ” "" ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My ass fat #NotUp4ADebate "" not fatter than mines thoi "" ",1 "MY A.D SOO HANDSOME ",0 "Coolin w/my baby ",0 "MY BAE HOME I FEEL MUCH BETTER BUT FINNA RUN ME SOME BATH WATER & TRY & FEEL BETTER IM HUNGRY STILL THO ",1 "That nap I took gave me so my LIFE but I wake up to find myself at home by MYSELF ugh ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hey ” ",1 "Watching ATL >>>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mmmhm oh ard ",0 "These folk childish ",0 "Its like when I was in a relationship everybody and they mom wanted me now I'm not in one that shit like umm yeah ",1 ", im not gone worry about it -_- im cooling n the dark alone anyway sooooooo yeap ",0 "Realshit ---> “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : knowing people think I'm crazy . ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shid bitches love Cruddy Ronald ",0 "Lmao ohhhhh shit ",0 "Heyy Eddie Rest In Peace Boo ",0 "She say she hate meh ! lies ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ soo what , watch me do it ",0 "BallOnEmNaee & Show Em How To Come Up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , They Be Like Adrian On Dick < He Sucking Her & Shit . ✌ ",0 "\ I'm still going fuck that free candy up , tomorrow , fuck dot "" .. "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't pay them children any mind they grew up living a hard life twitter is their only friend ",0 "Branch ass niggas ",0 "Don't bring your girl around me true #Slanger fr she wanna see it fr ",0 "If I can't fuck yo nigga then my sista can ",0 "My grandma Crazy yo ",0 "508 for me ! ❤ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : We do this EVERY summer jam . Think of scenarios where Hov can come out . We used to this shit . ” #truuu ",0 "Say Yess girl ",0 "Smoke a straight shooter bitch ",0 "Im bouta go bck to sleep ..... ",1 "Querrio said he jamming my bays ( migos ) ✊ ",0 "I lied she smell good ",0 "Somebody get _TWITTER-ENTITY_ out my inbox I can't lOl ",1 "My mama cut no corners , she keep it too real . Sometimes I be like hold it ma I'm your daughter watch what you telling me ",0 "Ain't Nothing Better Than , When Im Insideeeee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfaooo that's sad . I'm weak ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I been single for hella years """" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Dhat LEAN ",0 "What He Gone Say ??? ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ How ? U wanna stay out ? U Do that .... Just dnt never come back ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ might as well just get at me too ",1 "Why ppl Who Be in my Face Didnt Tell Me tho ? ",1 "My waist skinny and my ass more fatter then yours ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ man I'm from the hood it ain't shit ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm Done Putting Bitches In They Glory No You Can't Wear My Clothes” Yesssssss ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Love My Boyfriend Yall ! He ! ♥♥” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This is baby making season ! ” jeezy don't do it” ",1 "Np keyshia cole zero ",0 "Just got in , tired got the next 2dayz off ",0 "All My Bitches Badd With A Fat Ass ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : this bum just blew me .. I was finna curse him out but what if he flicked my liiiip ” bum bump ",1 "OSS You Use To Speak When You Wanted Too Member When We Was Bidding On Twitter ❓ That Night Was Popping ",0 "Not the nerd from ballou just try go smack doe ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao don't cry this time tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ But your hair falling out so you cry , ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same shit i said ",0 "ion know what type of EASTSIDE bitch he be fucking but ummmm no get me high & we fucking ion get high I use to smoke weed ",1 ", I Fuck With You Girl ✊ ",0 "I miss my baby man ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ jus dm u ",0 "CUZ DATZ DA ONLY THANG U DEN HD BT IG ! U CN KP GTN IT CUZ U NT GTN MY SON DO WT U GOTTA DO ! N ILL B DMND IF U HVE MY SON ROUND ANY BTCH ! ",0 "Lol . He said all he been seeing on IG is selfies of me ",0 "These bitches crazy ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Was sherry talkin bout lil ole me cz I'm not stuck on my ex ”I THOUGHT IT WAS MELOL ",1 "I want to go to Fridays & drink my life away .... they got the BEST drinks ",0 "Lol I swear thats me every time Jarvis text me ",0 "Everybody on my TL take y'all mf'n asses to sleep now lol ",0 "That lil alien mfka don't know if he wanna be gay or str8 ",1 "Damn wasn't even tryin to talk an I get faded ",1 "Last Sunday in 2013 .... #blessed to be alive ! ",0 "Oh yea Don't gotta scratch my own back tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ naw some drunk ass dude bumped me hella hard & me & my friend got hella pissed we was ready to beat his ass ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Dis man choked his babymama out and she didn't do nun "" what she pose to do ? "" ",0 "Clap for a nigga with his sleepy with a pillow and a cover I just might pass . . ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know isn't he just beautiful ? lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my bad you trying to ft now ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",1 "If a bitch don't like you & she don't know you , she just mad at the fact that she can't fuck with you , Period #Remember that ! ” ",1 "When some crushing on yu I'm school ",1 "Say word ... ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss u ",0 "He would give me some money ",0 "Brookhaven , I'll see you soon ! ",0 "ignoring thaa WORLDD w . my Headss phonee in , feeling good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wolverine bout to put them paws on me sike naw quezzy ",0 "Lawdd i love kenn avi . ",0 "RiGHT ! \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ aye that shittt was real so oh well lol bitch """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✌️ go head act crazy” ",0 "Lol myia crazy ",0 "Got on that scale and busted out a big ",0 "I gotta crush on #oomf ",0 "Keyshia Cole -Love ",0 "Prolli go over ma aunt house today they cookin out ima slide thru there right quick > ",0 "I wish someone will be kind to take me to the movies to see mama ",1 "blessed to see another friday ! ",0 "Real couples argue , break up , and bounce back leaving other people salty swearing they was going take ya place ",0 "lhh mugs talking big boy shid ",0 "this nigga rell keep saying he had a hangover since Sunday !! #CryBabyAss ",1 "Up and at it today I slept so good last night .. ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ soulja boy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ",0 "I'm weak Asf , . ! ",0 "My nigga RJ on that run up in a nigga house shit lmao ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : The tattoo man like me so he try's to give me free tattoos , he a sucka ""  smh yo a flute "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wanna get one of ya drawings tattoo on me ",0 "Having a good day \ "" ",0 "Eat da got damn cake Anna Mae ",1 "So uncalled for !!! ",0 "My 10 , 000 tweet Dfl finally ",0 "That picture of Reek though . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Mannnnn I'm Crushing Hard ”aww ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thankyou stank ",0 "If yo nigga bought you the bootleg copy of \ The best man holiday "" .. Instead of taking you to the movies you his side bitch "" ",0 ": -Free my cousin ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bruh that's a dance move ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfuuu he proli at it right now”he is . Go look ",0 "One more thing mane & Im a have to go on inn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ enjoy it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ morninggg cousinnn ",0 "She Said That Ugly Lama Lookn ' Bitch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im out ✌ ",0 "Dat be da Fse ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im sorry Loll : ? / ",1 "Goodmorning yall say it back !! ",0 "id wanna be beyoncé or rihanna . y wud i wanna b them im joseline hernandez ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ them pants cute ' ” Thanks ",0 "Timmy is a Bigass Bully I'm rey Make a Trip upp his shit so we can fight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey boo ",0 "Open her mind like a watermelon ",0 "Ain't Nothing But Love Ms. Newbooty“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I hate you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” ",1 "Jadaa On A NUT ",0 "I kno he looking . ",0 "chilling w . telciaaa joyclenn ashlaneaaa brantel btw .. _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I love dat Bitch ",0 "That bitch pussy was breathing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me either though girl .. ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey that's my song ",0 "Lol hongs are like wedgie machines "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning boo . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch u would ",0 "Iont Brag & Iont Boast , But when it come to Bread Fuck a Slice I need a Loaf ",1 "No no no I wasn't ready , my Adidas faced ass ctfu ",1 "Ant You A Weirdo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Goodmorning Jeweeeeeeeel ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋ ” > don't get it twisted ,.. Nt trying to hit on u ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I Just Upped Bae ” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Anybody Got A Bitch Pregnant Bring Her Over My House I A Trip Her Down The Stairs For The 50 Ball” ",0 "How many drinks baby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes can't u tell ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I love emojis man lol ☀” ",0 "chillin with my wife jazz ... ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm at this church that I had to sing at and he said that .. lol” Lol what did he mean by that ? ",0 "Goodmorning timeline * ",0 "I knew a couple bitches that love takin bird baths in shit like , like TF they scared of water bitch u need to Soak I know it's been a min ",1 "cause she want jump in that fight with beedy out the fisher and some hoe ",0 "\Where are these hands that you speak of "" .... "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come get me pooh ima make you happy ",0 "but WAYMENT I wanna watch hustle & slow whip that trick ",1 "this nigga needs to stop staring at me #rns ",0 "Flexing baby all I know is flex if a nigga wanna stunt they gone have to pump his chest #BlowUp ",0 "I be beating Ausar ass yall ... don't let him fool yall . Straight beat his ass ",0 "trust me , if I was the one getting action , y'all would know . ",1 "OG Quan should text me . Lol _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got some perks ” bring me 1 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Why i gotta be a big head ",1 "omg , what did that girl do to yall ",0 "KINDRA nah She Karress That's My Girl Cashawna My Cuddy G ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ waab u saw my name dont try to play me ",1 "My man finally out #3hunnit ",0 "lol _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me slick snapping & shit . ",0 "You my boo thang this used to be my song ",0 "My Lil Cousins Actinq A Fool ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Dtfll Ikr ",0 "I'll Eat the Cooch if it's Clean ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ain't nobody worried bout u ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Its was cute until it cryed and turned red af I was ummmmmm HELP” lmaoooo you silly af dom ",0 "These hoes be WACK asf ",1 "you lying \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Just got in """" ",1 "Neisha bring something too _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Good morning !!!! ",0 "I hate being around #oomf ",1 ", wan ah mess ",1 "It explains why I like you so much Jerry ",0 "Ain't texting first nomore . Crazyridge ",1 "Oovoo Wit Her ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You done gave me my laugh ",0 "Every girl gotta \Fuck me voice ! "" "" ",1 "Jux woke up Cleaned up now bak n da Bed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ohhhhhhhh Is He A GD ? I Swear All Them G-Boyz Do That Crazy Shit✔ ",0 "I'm a good kisser .. I feel like kissing now ",1 "My ex funny as hell ",0 "ask me if I care ... ",1 "Haha ... just called Mindless Behavior \B2Fake "" ... I'm a joke lol "" ",0 "I wish Inae stfu , we get you ain't been on twitter for a while but damn cdfu . ",1 "FSE My Thots Calling Me Like Why You Been M.I.A ? Yelling And Shit . I Said \Why Is You Mad ? And I Gotta Nigga And You Aint Him So Thats Why "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hope you had a lot of fun ",0 "Good Morning Tweeps ",0 "Im happily taken <3 ",0 "Omw home ... feed these kids & put em in bed been past their bedtime then sum me time ... ",1 "55 hoes on my dick bitch it's Christmas lil b ass ",0 "all these hoes wanna fuck with a nigga like me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will be fine , I love you too ❤ ",0 ", he so jealous ",1 "Na kiss my ass if u hatin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kml hoe I don't give a fuck ask me do I care hell to the nawl ",0 "I didn't know women still call themselves barbies ",0 "Dont Drop That Thun Thun Thun ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nfb ... ",0 "#Salute to my big cuh _TWITTER-ENTITY_ though !! ✊ ",0 "ONE NiTE ONLii YU THANK THAT NiGGA YO BESTFRiEND BUT HE BE ALL ON ME ",0 "Noooooooooooooo I wasn't readyyyyyy ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ witcho gay ass”stop playing with him please and thank you . ✌️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ telling me shit that I already know #FOH ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmaoo Oh Hushh , Thank You Babymovah , I Love You 2 ",0 "She dancin on me my dick hard under my 501's she ain't een kno it ... ",1 "Finally In Maryland ☀☀ ",0 "RI$E && $HINE YA'LL ",0 "My nigga in the house ... wat up thug _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "watchin baby stories : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aisha bald head cute self lol ",0 "In the end I never thought oomf would still be here with me for 2K14 ✊ . He down for whatever ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh ... 2⃣ Bluffing ass real niggas I'm schleep lmao ",0 "Terrence Howard so funny in this junt ",0 "Chicken , Fish , Fries , Okra x 1800 ! ",0 "They gone kill yo ass too ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ be smooth iPhones send texts with ease ",0 "Whether you doing bad or good people still gone talk about cha ... But goodmorning ",0 "Call the plug !!!!!! ",1 "soo make him wanna sang to ha . ",0 "Bouta go to sleep cause my shit bout to die and I don't feel like getting up ",1 "Thanks for the correction _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ t ",0 "You funny Used to walk away from me ✌️ Same bitch in my face talkin ' bout I ain't have no money . ",0 "Goodmorning beautiful ppl ",0 "I can touch rim on 10 feet !!! ✊✊ ",0 "Ready to meet my little ",0 "As longs as my bitches love me .. ",1 "This white boy so gangsta and laid back he stay blasting some hood music ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ savannah state ",0 "3:02 Baee _TWITTER-ENTITY_ BDT ❗ ✌ ",0 "Niggas Be Like \ Whts My Number In Your Phone ? "" I Be Like 267 "" ",0 "I Missed Nana Mann ! I Got The Chance Ta Kick It Widd Her Today ",0 "I wish a nigga \wood "" like a kitchen cabinet "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i didn't lie the last time either ",0 "Can't wait to see the fam later ",0 "i laugh in my head when im gettin ' topped off likee look at this bitch right hurrrrrrrr ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Goood Morning ! Have a Radically Blessed Day !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh , lls . Okay boo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aye bruh , yo cuz fuckin up game . She ain't got no pimpin .! Kml .!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u must have a lot of stalkers ",0 ", I need ah New Phonee ",1 "My Men Got Me Weak ! They Sice Everything Moe ! ",0 "watching The Bride of Chucky . Tiffany asked Chucky if he had a rubber .!!! ",0 "Love him like a brother ,. but fuck him like a husband #Wayne ",1 "Back too sleep until my phone rings ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I thought you fell victim to that drake ",0 "Jesus please take the wheel ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dfl i think i'm lying i owe everybody except t mobile ",0 "Beysus though .?? y'all gotta chill ",0 "She told him bye im bouta go I told that hoe bye he gone call you , he said now woe you messy ",0 "Babe got to babysit ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches Listen To Drunk In Love Everyday 🅱” ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : "" You buying bitches furs now .. """""" ",1 "Oomf Say It Look Like I Work Out All Day Every Day I Take That As A Compliment Tho ",0 "Y'all just wouldn't understand ! ",1 "I stamp everybody wore their 5's today ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : - Walsup Weirdo ”why I Gotta Be All That ? ",0 "Thatz Why She Aint Hml ",0 "Ima chase the shit out my dreams ",1 "This song always makes me think of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "this shit to funny BITCHES CLAIMING THEY KNOW I GOT THEY SHIT BROKEN INTO BUT WIth no proof da hell ",1 "I mean , I know she had fake Jordan's , but I'd still hit ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I'm about to make myself go to sleep ✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nah not my scene I don't do that bar shit nomore my lifestyle ",1 "- Guess ima Wear My Dress Today ! ",0 "I could stay here forever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why the girl 22 shoot on the wrong basket ",1 "I love my sister i swear i do ... going to get nails and feet done today ..... ",1 "I hate dumb females ",1 "I admit I'm deeply in love ! I sound stupid ! I'm serious tho ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : How you drunk in love with no niggah” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ o rd ",0 "sydnee mad asf ",1 "aint lookin for love , lookin for that stop & go you run outta gas ica fill ya up ",1 "It's something about you baby that drives me crazy-bf\ud83dí¸âœ¨â¤ "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in yo feeling ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : She tryna suck up now ” ",1 "You knwww i deww dem numbass dawq ... but he da oneee ",0 "This lil convo with Robbie ",0 "U kill me with this fuxk shit bruh ",1 "Chris outta pocket ",1 "Man was trying to hind from me last night && now he wanna text me trying to talk ! ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too hunny cookie : ) "" wyd .? "" watching the game/ramyron have me drinking with him lol "" ",0 "They should make an Aaliyah movie , and make me the star ✨ ",0 "Lil rube hollin ",0 "Lord knows I love my keke .. Truly my love bucket ... And the bond is unbreakable and she always got my back no matter what ",0 "Bookie && zell HERE ",0 "i cant wit _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "I luv whn Juicy J says \Mmmhhhmmm "" in his songs .. i b trippin ! "" ",0 "She lay me on my back and she blow me like boom ",0 "Nah you dont know nuffin ",0 "My Twin Dumb What He Just Txted ! ",1 "Like water be good as shit ",1 "Lmao , these folks some characters ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi >>>>>>> ",0 "The little thing in life that make me smile ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i spice shit , cos iont care """" ",0 "✌ text mee ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Weed hit harder than Sharkeisha”☺️ ",0 "Oh she was talking about a tatt I thought she meant .... Lol nvm ",0 "Well atleast my bills are paid . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dude u gotta twitterlmao ",0 "I Love Jaylon Fat Head Ass . ",0 "Good Morning Beautiful ppl !! ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why u ? ",0 "Lil girl just asked if any sneak n here cost $13 fck wrong yb ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , no nigga ",0 "Home frm droppin my hubby off ... luv him to death ... lovin this thing called US headed to bed tho ",0 "All these retweets from no where ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Lmao , you funny . It would be petty for me to fight you . But guess what ... I'm Just that Petty . What's up ? ” Ctfuu ",0 "Lakers boutta lose ",0 "Where's my Wife _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "Put em in handcuffs & make love to em ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ kmsl ✋ ",0 "Had to re watch some of season 3 ... now all ready for new season of #TheWalkingDead ",1 "I wanna move to Cali but ain't nothing like Louisiana food ",1 "Wale so stupid for that ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol thnx ",0 "Raina & Diamond really crazy ",0 "I be like ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Right Cause Your Phone A Be ( that means cracking ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Imy Siss ",0 "Wussup , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "✋wait i knew he was gone say that ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Rude ass ev "" haaaan . "" ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ heyy girl my last tweet wasn't about you if that's what you thought” I was like oh this bitch faking ",1 "Had fun in gym w/Bubbles & Crump : ) I wanna run track now , or be the manager or something ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yep !!! ",0 "He pulled a Chris Webber ",0 "Why is he talking to that ugly Bitch ? ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Goodmoring Love ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Goodmorningg "" Morning Fav "" ",0 "Fresh out the shower doee ",0 "- bout to go : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me Either We Going To 6e On Da Phone 24/7 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao aite bru ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stop changing my tweets . ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bow down bitches bow bow down bitches """" ",0 "quit bein boojie ",1 "Coo , day >> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i'll knock you out ",0 "Good thing I'm not listening to ssd cause I would've been text my him all in my feelings ",1 "Never suppose to fold you suppose to stand straight up ",1 "Me spending money on a bitch that's rare ",0 "I never seen somebody so thirsty like u was on dis niggas then his friend now tha next nigga smh and it funny cuz they all talk about u ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I Can't Lie u SQUADD . You funny Af I love yo crazy ass but you been bein grown so imma have to get my belt out YouHappy ? ",0 "That car wash we had tho was >>>>> ",0 "Finna go to sleep I like how my day finna turn out ✊ ",0 "Thank god i lived to see another day ",0 "Turn a dike bitch out have her fuckn boys BEAST !!!! ",0 "Shizz And Tre Kept Callin Ppl Cunts ",0 "Lol GoodMorning Yall ",0 "now they mad ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ trueeee we need to see who else gone be in there . I dont want no mfs i dont like in there because On Me im beating mfs ass ",1 "Ok but this movie is bullcrap .. sooo gonna find another still a good night ",1 "Im still up looking crazy I need so like rite now ",1 "Gabrielle Union & Dwayne Wade so fucking cute together ",0 "My new Avi something els Ctfu ",0 "- team_strawberries >>>> Kik Mheee Sumbody Anybodyy ... ✅✅✅✅ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ relo Imu blood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfuuu stop twatching me . You not my nigha ",1 "Im going to twitter jail ",1 "Reed Look Like Lik Reese ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Didn't I tell Zahria yesterday they wasn't shit ! ” ",1 "I Be Makinn Niggaz Mad As Fuck ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is gonna kick my ass for that ignorance ! ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol yeah my niece made me .... hey babe ! I realize I dont have to be so filtered here ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : THIS IS NOT CUDDLING WEATHER BITCH ITS GRAB YO FAMILY , RUN TO THE BASEMENT & PRAY WEATHER """" ",1 "Sponqebob in dha mornin ",0 "Ya knw how black folks act when they get dem YAMPS ! Lls #lt ",0 "Wifey ------ ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey buddy ",0 "Off work thgh so I'm free from plantation as my cuz calls it ",0 "Imma make dat pussy tapout ",0 "nao demora e logo eu to de volta ",0 "U ever see a bitch an just be like yup that hoe had an STD befor I kno it ",0 "Ummmh oh yeah ",1 ", gotta take care of my sis mani ",1 "FOLKS PLAYING On My Phone ! I Already Know It Is , Stupid BALD Head Ass Bxtchh ! HOE ' Thats Why YOU UGLY ! Yeah ALL THAT There ? YEAP ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol shid that white nvm nvm ",0 "she got the niggas on deck ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol see smh ! Crazy” Yea . Lol I was feeling some type of way ",0 "messing with my sister ",0 "I have a twitter now ",0 "He wanna tweet each other yo hit my horn bro _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Joseline funny as hell ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok find out so I can set a date”ok cool ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : BIG GRIP wya ”you think that's funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ true that . Can't wait to see what Olivia cooks up with her gladiator guru ways . ",0 "Wtf , Girl you better play yo lil butt back to sleep ! ",1 "I told jody ill be there in 5 mins this nigga goes ight imma count to 60 5 times i cant ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cool will look out "" Thanks "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Riiiiight .. Lmfaoooo Imma keep my comments to myself lol ",0 "That's why I try to stay away from sw ",1 "I guess in dumb for waiting on the mail today ... But I trusted that damn lady !!! ",1 "Oomf got all the niggas sweating her ",0 "Catch ysoe tweet _TWITTER-ENTITY_ 1030 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm good sweetie !!! ",0 "Watching Matilda , that lil girl better make me some food too I'm hungry , lmaoo ",1 "boutta hop in my bag ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lololol .... Let me charge my phone good .... PHOTOSHOOT !!!!!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need a BF so I can stop playin w/ these Lil Niggas ”AMEN lol ",1 "Bt lemme go to sleep ... Ba-byee ✌ ",1 "If Only These Ppl Kno ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ like wine , your acting skills , better with time no doubt movie is phenominal ... Congrads on your success , handsome pic . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✋niggas don't be complaining tho ",0 "Niggas said 2 chainz wand curl his hair . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol Hey Dre and Guess what our song just came on the Tv ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : U tryna save d hoe , she fukn soon as u ain around -__-"" HA I rubbed off on yhu I see "" ",0 "Ctfup cuzz it true ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ naw sput shit ",0 "I dnt just make love I stroke ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha my boyfriend ",0 "Drinking that pink moscato ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ AWW ??? you gon see "" Ite Stop talking to me ! "" ",1 "Lmfaoooo these hoes funny as fuck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yurp bul ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you tooo ",1 "Ask.fm fuck that y'all got my number lmao ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : There ALWAYS a hater "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tho .. lol” "" ",1 "NY tu time with tha homies grown folk type shit ... ",0 "Hacked by _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you baby !!!!! ",0 ", up w . maadukess , karon & Lil Meechie : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up ",1 "Lol , he made a kik just to talk to me ! ",0 "lmao at that txts from bro hell nawl ",0 "She said she love me whatever that is ",0 "The Same Mf Tho ! ",0 "lanisha was right but I'm not gone tell her about what though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : hihi ... blm pake blush on dan kawan2nya lo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dats wat I'm talkin bout dumb bitch jk ",0 "I'm bout bout ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol yea Dat nigga wanky be on his shit” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You Gone Hoop Wit Me ",0 "she said some \ hopefully I'll stop fucking your husband "" . "" ",0 ", let my husband try to kill me imaaa burn his J's & put them out with bleach ",1 "You fucked em tho FakeAss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "my bday tweet 7:01 ",0 "Im nvr madd thoe .. ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I Bet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ \Ion know ya'll , ion mess with ya'lll .. "" lol "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well good maybe you need to sit yo ass dwn lol ",0 "NiteTweetsFinna finish txtn till I fall asleep NiteTweets ",0 "▶️R . Kelly ft . Migos & Juicy J- Show ya pussy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm like Velma from scooby foo with my grandma eyes ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Good morning ”morning ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I think a couple in fucking in the car outside my house . WORKDSTAR ! ” Perv . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ see now that why yo hair gonna be fucked up tomorrow ",0 "& I'm DONE ",0 "Nothing but trouble ",1 "I swear I did a 360 since last year . ",1 "machine gun raps ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you going back to cricket lol” << cheaper than these other heffers ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Essence talking to Sherrie & Jigga like she ain't use to be in love with him or ... nvm” ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch that's what you do ""  "" ",0 "I want a Basketball Boyfriend ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that Shit Was Crazy . , Caught Me Off guard ",0 "That girl cute with her applebottom jeans on !! ",0 "Laying with this fool I really don't wanna move ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ then bring ya ass to see ur favorite Mexicans !!! ",0 "Hahahahahaha “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : After all that music !!! Shhhhhhhhhhhhh #BETAwards ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning Sis ",0 "Sis went to family dollar to get me some snacks & something to drink . Love her ",0 "Don't got school tama ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nobody cuz we stayin on our side of the bed ",0 "Imma keep it to myself lol ",0 "She Only Text Or Call Me When She Boredd ",1 "You can't wear a Dickie set with less then $500 on you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfaooo her name tho ",0 "to bad he still gone fuck with me now let that sink in ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lls I don't care that's the thing ",0 "#InHighSchool RetardedShine tried to rob shatik ina chicken shack lmfaooooo ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Wasssuppp _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ” wassup wyd ? ",0 "lmao he think he tuff ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Sick” Want me come heal you bae ? ",1 "I Died When Larry Told Me #Oomf Name In His Phone Was \Whore "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh ard ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Justt lovee _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !! Stayy ctfu” I love you too !!!!! "" u make the show mamita !! Love itt "" ",0 "Nobody ThankFul For Me ",1 "Perks of having your own place : Get to walk around naked air drying fresh off a shower .. And be as ashy as u wanna be . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Gucci look like a upset stomach ” ... I think we forgot to laugh . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LMFAOOO CTFU ",0 "Whatever I'm doing ,... it's WORKING ! I'm WINNING !!! 1st Place . Be Mad ",0 "I'm do the dance later tho ",0 "Lmboooo this nigga got retweet from uggs ",0 "BARU TONIGHT _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❗️❗️❗️ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My sister just woke up out her sleep straight singing ... Lol I bet her breathe on 1,000 ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ run ! Make sure yo doctor aint a thug ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Idk which on of them niggas I miss the most I know I know #hoeshit "" ctfuu t&a or nah ? "" ctfup "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all sick lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : DMs open from 9am -5pm . ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ remind me I owe yu a knockout wen I see ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ My wifey #Beyonce wore those in a video , her feet were killing her when she got home ",0 "Lol , thanks handsome ",0 "Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #Nf #fb ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your twit on scared me u dm me ",0 "Guess who just text my phone tho ",1 "Juvie you better tell that nigga , he aint been juggin wit us .. Shrimp ass nigga ..... Jumbo shrimp ass nigga ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If you had a bad day just rib Kirk” that's fucked up ",1 "the foolery I see Yu fuckz Tweet ",0 "bitches be mad cuss the niggas dey want choosin , dam aint my fault . ",1 "Lebron was Mutting it ! ",0 "Cam Tryna Get Me Todo Some Shit ",1 "-we was texting before but iont know what happen you cool though ",1 "Phone back on ",0 "And With That Said ",0 "if ii have a ugly child ima screammm ",0 "But #Scandal so ill get back to all that kickball business later ✌ ",0 "I'm Nt Even Here ' Thts Wat It Feel Like Cdfup ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : This fuck ass yorkie just walked up to me and bit me for no reason” ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Prettyyyy Mani ” ",0 "Ebonie always fcking dancing needa sit her ass down ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahhhhhhh you stfu ",0 "Cause U Always Actin Lik A Bitch , BITCH #Angie ! ",0 "Really enjoyed myself ",0 "So I Guess They Didn't Break The New House Inn Yet #ScandaI ",1 "High lifeHigh lifeHigh life ",0 "Stfu Joi ✋ ",1 "Dont Know Why She Worried Bout Me When She Gotta Crush #MarkTweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I guess you still not getting what I'm saying . But oh well , I just had to prove that I ain't sound dumb ",0 "lol whtt myy ma called in said ",0 "just got back in thaa House ! playin w . my Kinggg i Love my baby ",0 "Damn man I'm so tired . Hard work ! #Paysoff ",1 "It's been good My Nigga ✌️ ",0 "\God gave me this forehead , but he ain't give you them runt down ass shoes .. "" "" ",1 "Otp w/ freaky ass . My baby being so bitter ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LMFAOOOO omggggggggg I so knew that was gon happennnnnn !! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Mama Jones suckin dick on elevators LAWD ! She bout that life ! ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : The community had a hold on me . I had to rebuke it in the name of Jesus” mannnn let me tell u ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I wish I could graduate this year !! ” Too bad !! "" you's on my dick lol "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Well ... Well .... Whoeva inquiring HE UGLY ........ So keep it moving LMAO ..... ",0 "He be fucking with freshmans ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ a ok ",1 "Enjoyed my weekend with my baby ",0 "Keil Is implying that Lafayette girls ain't shit . Well I'm not lafayette girls . I'm Jo so hey boo ",0 "Kml , save that shit ",0 "Awww _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ghotta Lil Name Foee Me ( Sweatz ) ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : this nigga trying to fuck me but he don't even know how to swim ”✋✋✋✋✋ ",1 "I'm sad but I'm getting my money ",0 "My auntie is sitting here twerking ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Damn , im watchin it to never really psy it no mind but its gud !,,, "" told yhu bae "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ huh who ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea ... Was trying to make us say shit she couldn't say ” ",1 "A1 Since Day1 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but did niggas say \ForeverDOM "" ?? "" ",0 "Aye lil shawty , ' * ",0 "Happy thanks giving to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✊ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's a trip lol but you gotta make it to the crib wit them mfs to if you ain't drive ",0 "Finna Go Get Some ",0 "столько всего задумано , столько всего запланировано ... только бы сбылось ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I dont brag or boost , im use to this honey ! ” what ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ foh ",0 "Everybody \say "" I got hoes and I don't kno why "" ",0 "Well I was ! Fuck nigga hung up on me ",1 "Ol Gorilla Hair Neck Looking Ass ",0 "Everybody getting Brazilian weave , some people think they got the real shit ",0 "-Squishy Butt You Pretty Af tho And you be Showin Love ",0 "music flow this morning as usual Good Morning ppl *^▁^* ",0 "You gotta stop ! ",0 "Fuck around & pull a muscle Tryna flex on me ☝️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aye be cool white girl be4 I catch you lacking lol ",0 "Yea That Boy Ty A Savage ",0 "Up Bored Fuckin Wit People ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ no they don't . ” I took my picture today ",1 "hell naw “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : my brother said \obama's car should have a license plate saying "" i wish a nigga would "" lmaoo” "" ",1 "Bitches i tell u ",0 "bitches bbydaddy be like text me ii wanna fwy forreal ",1 "Even niggas be talking about me , Ctfu well bitches whatever ",0 "Wildnout funny af ",0 "My new favorite word . ",0 "GoodNight tama shawna gone wear me out AGAIN ",0 "Ima gone do lil mama perm . When I get done her shit gone laid ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awwwww i knoee yuee happy ah lil yaz ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ riiiiigghhttt you better be down there too ",1 "Dawg I'm thru ",1 "Do Yall Think Melo Trimble Would Give _TWITTER-ENTITY_ A Bucket ? Everybody At School Said Marcus Would Get Killed ",0 "OOMF gotta android & she cant see this ---> or this ---> ",1 "I cannot tweet no freaky songsthats hoe shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nfb .. ",0 "She buckin ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oop ! Suck Ma Big Toe ! \ "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Trey tell me that too !! \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : girl you know that you the shit , ain't nobody gotta tell yaa "" ” "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ noo I was sayin bye ",1 "Did Fitzpatrick just punt that to the Texans ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfaoooo . Sorry my peeps ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : #RebelKeith ” ",1 "I like her n her pj's that shit cute ",0 "Niggas in the pen already battling on who gon get Zimmerman's cheeks ",0 "Juss got home from outside wit my Baby ",0 "Gudmorning ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yessssa bum bump” ",1 "2 ✌ more days for da bae to be home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I really don't know smh I know a few who know the dude gotta girl am be sitting in his face while he talking to His girl ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sew-in bebby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I need some too I should go too yo cousin crib FRFR ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ anytime double LL don't care ",0 "Going to kick it with my Kayla and quineisha for they bday .. #TURNUPP ✔ ",0 "I really wanna ask these ppl why they don't like me I'm so nice ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ what he do” I thought ya had the same Avi ",0 "Y'all are hilarious forreal lmbo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ The schnipey u have to slightly brush between Ur eyebrows at ur nose ridge w/ Ur pointer finger and smell Ur thumb lmao rotff ",0 "Gald my day over ",0 "good morning ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I got dimples on my thighs , back , & on my face ! ” I got it in my thighs !! ",0 "What i'ont give out that vibe or sumthin ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfuu look at yu in the back tho looking like a sad puppy ",1 "Somebody gotta die ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ what u should do is come visit me ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : these folks crazy” !!!!!!!!! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love yu ",0 "Opted for a shower instead ... It was gooood ",0 "Feels good to work hard ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too” see you there Chris ",0 "She Scares Me So imma Chill ",1 "My bed is too big for me to always be sleeping alone ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao rite ",0 "ATTENTION to all of u who are #teamiphone NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR EFFING UPDATE !!! thanks bye : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey if the ass shots fit !!! Lol ",0 "I can stand a laker fan ... i jus dnt like rafe as a laker fan , like u wasnt scared a week ago wen dem niccaz wasnt n da offs ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got you” ok ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol Wassup ms ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : , layinn dwn watchinn t.v bumpinn & amp ; & amp ; eatinn pizza "" imma FUCK YOU UP !! "" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Mfs just ain't playing yo number game Nick "" cause mines too real "" ",0 "Markel talking bout he'll step on Armond head . Helllll nawllllll ",0 "Fina eat pizza , fries , and hotwings ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck with me tomar morning fool & you know my sis & yours best friends ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Y'all talking bout people already Yall waste no time ”✊ ",1 "talking to my grand ma ",0 "imm getting tha D tonight .. kml ",0 "Strike a thick bitch pose ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol no she dont cuz i aint lik dat nd ikr cuz lil willie luv his sista ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Has any dude had sex with their timbs on ?? ” lol ... yea but Iy shoes are on its usually a quicke ",0 "My lil nieces really have me rolling . ",0 "Dude straight #noNewFriends ",1 "Niggas talkin shit on da book lol we about dis muthafuckin life money gang lookin for me lol team no lackin bitch ",0 "Shades on with ya J\s on just to bring me something to eat "" ",0 "Talking About All these damn taxis And y'all still don't have No ride ",1 "She thought I wasn't tweeting her got to tweet my Freak ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ what we looking at ? ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Its COFFY ... \ is the color of skin "" Lol "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ i bet chall niggas aint gon clap shit ! ",0 "I ain't kissing no ass you wanna go then ✌ ",0 "Ima tell Keke on Keria calling her by her government name ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish I was maybe for inauguration ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ alright ” ^_^ ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah , me you & tiff gon stay down that bitch ",0 "Bout to FaceTime _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to see what she doing ",0 "I Gotta Quit Fucking With YOU ",1 "Eating Waffles , Bacon , Sausage & Eggs ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Need someone to talk to until I fall asleep . ”Awww Bri . "" I can't sleep at all”me either Bri .... sike "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ forreal lmaoo I was ratchet as shit down there why you ain't speak slime ? ",0 "I fuccs with gucci lmao ",0 "Spike lee face right now !!! ",0 "✔ Awake ✔ Grateful ✔ Blessed ✔ #DearGod Thank you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh hush goof goof ",0 "Finally out Columbia ",0 " im weak \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ girllll hellllll nooooo I hadda shitttt """" ",0 "my thick ahh ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitches Be Like ScreenShots Tells It All """" ",1 "Can't wait tell my husband come home ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tell him he welcome ",0 "So my auntee wanna twerk n my face she forget it juss me n her that live here I'm getting pay back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ boy u hell ",0 "THC all through my bloodstream ",1 "My sister calls her dog Rusty Russell ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Happy sunday ” happy sunday booo ",0 "My fresh pedi look so cute in my Gucci sandals ",0 "Lajanai My Baby Fr ",0 "i do wanna have *** tho ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ will do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yess they damn near kicked bull face off ",0 "I'm not goin lie before me and Dre became anything when he use to like my IG pics I use to be too pump ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Is It Me Or Shoot IDK .. My Tooth Be Itching ” ",1 "She on 100 I'm not even talking bout you ",0 "We ain't worried about shit my boys about to get right no worries ! ",0 "I'M HISX d r e a m g i r l ",0 "They don't know about us , they don't know ",1 "S|O Too _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! ",0 "Scrolling dwn my TL listening to my headphones , w . my bby _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ) ",0 ".... Awww I miss Mya we b arguing then she be like fucc outta here ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you so petty brah ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao you a mess ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the curve !! I SEE YOU ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wake up yoo ",1 "My momma just threw some money at me and said \merry Christmas "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ kik me boo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh I know that too ",1 "At least I'm moved in and validated ",0 "Lol still no response back # ",1 "My lil sister funny af ",0 "6ig Cuz ugly asf ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Goodmorning Jeweeeeeeeel ",0 "Cowboys gon make this crazy come back #JustWaitOnIt ",0 "Got these hoes #teamMad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol lightskin shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeen lying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao aha chill ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ forreal , ima yell daddy bc ik they ain't coming gone until about 3 ",0 "Niggas think they slick shitting me ",0 "Last night tho >>>>> ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Girl so bipolar """" ",0 "I still owe you for missing Saturday “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I need a drink and a girls & Quan night ” yes , I agree 100 %” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I just heard my gma fall in the bathroom , I'm playin sleep don't feel like helpin her” yoooo ",1 "Damn I'm loney af ctfu ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GoodMorning Hunn ☀☁ Have A Good Day & Fb ",0 "Eyes Fulla Tears Bitch . Ill never forget tha girl that buried me alive . Bye * Mwah * #SleepingBeauty_ i mean that :'( ♡ ",1 "Lmfao #oomf hoed me boi ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bout time but shit wsup on this food you can at least cook some ",0 "Every time dewayne see me at work he be like \ooo she got them 18 inches "" every since I corrected him for calling me 18 "" a 14 . "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm not even bald \ yes you is "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol as far as dat it may take ah minute lol lol my connect dont have those i dont think i have to check when i holla at em ",0 "Money make the world go round . .. STILL GOT My MONEY ' S ",0 "If I tell him I have hoes he gone pay a personal visit to my house and beat my ass . ",1 "Currently texting my twin helping him with his ish ",0 "B is hella funny y'all ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok sweets ",0 "Gangsta x Kat Dahlia ",0 "Lemme text my baby !!! ",0 "Lil daddy woke me up with dat early morning wood ... Big on my face ... whew best ever ! ",0 "<<< this is the devil ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shit crazy ",0 "Good morning ☀☀☀ ",0 "The first 48 should be called the The first 48 snitches ",0 "Bonk that thing tf down ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Keep In Touch I Kno What You Need ",0 "Oh ... And u know whats next .. Nobody needs nobody !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ go 2 bed shay but b4 u go give me dat Neck ",0 "Lil Dawg Play To Much ",0 "Datz y im Finna roll yo blunt up bitch ",0 "I was like some wrong with her ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Smoke break !!! Yess """" ",0 "But mo matter wat their actions to God be da glory .... ",0 "I don't even let her suck me off I let her polish it ",0 "On My TL , I got : Smokers Lovers Shit Talkers Wanna be famous Educated Athletes ⚽ Fake Ass Ballas Trill Asses ",0 "Females that still wear baby bangs ?? ✋✋ ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you can do it ! I did it and left MCC with a 3.0 ^_^ ",0 "͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ",0 "This HSA Got Me Fucked Up ",1 "Hair finished , clothes packed , now finna eat & bathe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ now I am later tho ",0 "Gotta luv ma mom for ma beats ",0 "Fake cocky real cocky chick better wine pon it before her man or woman leave ",0 "- bumping webbie ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ them hoes gone feel some type way ” youknowthat ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao ... doughnut heaven ! ",0 "I can't wait till after this GAME & FAIR I BEAT I GO HOME W/ ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Guess We In Bdubbs Tonight "" -__-"" ",1 "I'm weak dawgggg ",0 "Blowing , reading & writing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will tho ",0 "Yesterday My Baby Said I Smelled Good ! Ayyyye ! That Axe Had An Nigga On Point !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i wanna be early but welcome . ",0 "Everybody talking bout TLC on my TL then saniyyah came outta nowhere talking bout twitches ",0 "Niggas Be Smoking \LOUD "" But They Pockets Quiet Is Shit "" ",1 "Shawty x Plies ",0 "I'm telling bop ",0 "I think Kish ready to settle down with me ",0 "If that bitch don't swallow kids then that hoe basic ! #2Chainz said it .. Not me .. ",1 "I Want A Boy Bestfriend ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch u ain't that special ",0 "Bitches Can NEVERGive Props When Its Due It's Always Going To Be A \HATING ASS BITCH "" Coming Out The Cut "" ",1 "Don't we all \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I loveee smelling good ! """" ",0 "Man ..... yassss ",1 "Lord that damn fb a mess I'm Rollin ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaooooooo okay . ” thank you babygirl * does the wobble * ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Oh , I didn't tell you ? Must've been none of your damn business . ” #truth ",1 "Lol he mad bt IDGAF !!! ",0 "I bouta focus on #oonf til she mines then y'all goin see me ",0 "This Bish said Daviontae !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Okay . Talk to you tomorrow . Good night . ",0 "LUDA ABOUT TO COME ON !!!!!!!!! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You Could've Bumped Me Or Some Shit ",1 "Loveeeeeeeee && Affection ",0 "ithink cutee thoee ",0 "Got a early gift ",0 "What a surprise he just called ",0 "Hoes need to grow up claim u ....... grown ..... ",1 "this group messagee be giving me ALLL typees of life ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you playing ? ”read the post and then read what you asked me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ctfuu ayo why i was thinking that doe ctfuu”you a dh ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ordered Papa Johns bouta crushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” shit Goin be like dat ",0 "Im Gladd Everybody On My Dick About Me Missing Tyla ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im ✋ yo ass ",0 "Bxtch mii name . jazmine yu kan kall me Jazzy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao ok bae ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ima say what the fuck i wanna say on my twitter . Anybody who gotta problem can _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me . Thats real ✌✌”ohhhh kaee ",0 "Chicks be commenting on pictures like \I loved this when you sent it last night . "" Liiikkkkeee whaaaa why you reaching for attention "" ",1 "About to role one !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww damn she winking ... what the hell y'all say ???!!!! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ he don't fwy "" yes he do just cause you dont that don't mean he dont yous a hater that my bf "" ",0 "JM - lil lol sike .. Wassup nigga ? We haven't been bidding since idk when ",0 "I Guess ATL Will Have To Do .. I Wanted To Go To Jamaica But #ImBrokeBaby ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ edge control don't always work on nigga hair tho ",1 "Music In My EarBlasting ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is funny nigga for that video on IG man I'm can't stop crying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ FB ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm trying to hit 1000 fuck you mean ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wtf u got nigga ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Maine Mind Ya Business With Ya Skittle Ass Head ” ",1 "kmsl nahhh I ain't had none of that ",0 "S/o To #Oomf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes I am honey atleast twitter got me feeling like one ",0 "ima fxck yo nigha but ii promise ima give him right bak ☝ ",0 "Heyyyy kee heyyyy i miss yo ol bitch ass _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "I wanna go to the liquor store buy some junk food ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ smh ! What School you going too ",1 "I remember I was younger people use to constantly call the house phone , my mama use to say they wanna talk to u that bad buy u ah phone ",1 "He think gay facts ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol thanks to yo ass ",0 "Chief Keef A Young Gucci Mane In Training Lol ",0 "#oomf said he'll cuff me awww lol ",0 "I'm scared of blade ass ",1 "Nick bag trappin ass niggas ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u a clown ” ",0 "Good day tweeples what have I missed ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Sir , YOU WILL NOT be prancing around in my lingerie tryna get these yams . ” <<< ",1 "Mastery don't give af about us we probably have school ",1 "Boy ima crush you ! Where you want me meet you at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "you could catch me in the gym shootin widd JASON TERRY nem .. ",0 "she miss me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ morning cuz ",0 "My cousin said he was coming smh ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning OG ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ see now ima fuck you up lol ",0 "I like that one RNO nigga ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : A nigga with a sexy voice "" Like me ? Preciate it ! "" ",0 "Had to take it to the dm ",1 "I be like fuck that nigga I'on even wanna discuss that nigga ! Then I call my girls like omg I really love that nigga . ",0 "I'll let you beat me there as far as finish lines go ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ grrrrrrr if u say so Brandi ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Big curly wild hair on black/mixed girls is the one ! Slyly jealous when I see it .. ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : lamonica be popping up on my tl like whoaaa” guh ppl be callin me with shit ( EARLY ) I be like Fuck let me live ",1 "Idk if I should wear my 8s or 11s ?? ",1 "I'm not drunk nomore it b drawn when you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ school ",0 ", Corey hit me with the you still got the bald head trying too be so funny like you know I don't ",0 "Oweeee I love the way ",0 "Just left golden corral w / my peoples ",0 "My Nigga P Playing Ready 2 Rumble ",0 "Trev Just Kilt me ",1 "Thanking the man upstairs for allowing me and my love ones to see beautiful day .! #DailyTweet ",0 "Crying ? Nope . I'm doing me baby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't!! But ok imma text you off another number later ",0 "Adrian swears she's a DJ y'all! She keeps me up to date on all the new music though !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wyd ? ",0 "- You Bishes be so bitter ",1 "So ready to see my baby chris brown Friday ",0 "Never flex on a girl that had your back & a girl that found out something bad & she was still by your side ",0 "Talked to my Bff just like old times ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you forever playing with my emotions ",1 "Keith funny is shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahhh shits dead ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : JJ” ",1 "Good Morning _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm buggin OTP tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn how did dat happen ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : All DES shoes and she still walked out my life” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sick of y'all , I need some ",1 "Up watching  Again "" "" ",0 "Eat her pussy when she madEat her pussy when she sadEat her pussy when she sleep Eat her pussy when she hornyJUST EAT HER PUSSY ",0 "Wats understand should NEVER need explaining ",0 "at Fridays w/ my bestfriend ✊ ",0 "fvck dat bitch ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bootcamps trynna get sum lol” lil sneaky ass ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ um yes ... Yes u are” FK u ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If a girl drink E&J she prolly reuse bath water . ” ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ get me a job!!!””---I'm serious ! ” . Me 2 though ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I don't have hoes ” who ever he subtweeting he's lying to yu ",1 "everybody complaining bout Sprint ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Take my tweets serious and you will hate me”too late ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ So very handsome ;-) ",0 "Valentina ugly af ",0 "I'm in new play !!! ",0 "A White Boul Said Nigga In Class Today ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you mad cuh” ion wear snoopy t's ",0 ", On My Way To Work ✌ ...! ",0 "So I wanted to get Dilan this Rolex for his bday right .... them hoes .... I was like .... no bro like I'm thinkn them hoes a rack or two lol ",0 "A freaky , goofy , loyal ❤ Girlfriend >>>>> ",0 "I wonder if this girl know I see her diggin ",0 "A Text & A Call From Booman This Morning , Now Im Omw To School ",1 "Sometimes , Sometimes , Sometimes ",1 "I'm Drunk Af Listen To _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Turn Up . I'm TTU ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Boy said \ she aint gotta pussy , she got a kangaroo pouch cause all the niggas wanna hop in "" ” "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you play mane ! ",0 "Lol all they ass some stampers ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nothin .... ",1 "Nf _TWITTER-ENTITY_ fb ",0 "Montre high asab ",0 "aint worry abt a nigha cause myi nigha got meh best ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I did too though ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : A freaky , goofy , loyal relationship >>>>>"""" ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Fat bitches gotta stop tweeting about how their pussy is wet . it's sweat bitch . shut the fuck up . "" "" ",0 "Told That Nigga Give Me Head Ocho Cinco #HANNNNNNN ",0 "lil baby chief keef my cousins don't have no chill ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ chaela my chaela n da sweetest tone dat it could b said n ",0 "I got so many pictures from last night , mane but they will not get put on social ",1 "That ref sound bout dumb as fuck ",1 "\Why I gotta be a nigga "" lmfao "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nothing is funny weirdo” your mad ",0 "I'm mad she was serious about that question ... ",1 "Like bitchhh DONT NOBODY WANTS HIM !!!! I already got my baby 090711 ",1 "Nigga I'll steal from my momma b4⃣ I mess with ya shit #friday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm big daddy ",0 "busts rhymes ft nicki minaj - twerk it ❤ >>>>>>> I freeakin love it lol ",0 "3 ; 17 ✨ #GoCrazyyy ",0 "My friend tells me goodmornin every morning : ) ",0 "Spending my Friday night cleaning and doing laundry . It's ok .. But tomorrow night !! #turnt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ he was mad ? ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bitch yo old AVI hoe lol and arite the one that I put on twitter ",0 ", these bitches can't stand me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao word went under ah car an shit ",0 ", Juss Got Off The Phone Wiff Shay And Kimberly ",0 "#Nw #RHOH LMAFO ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm dead ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ That's What I'm Sayin” she better not be ima kick her ass ",0 "Then he said he don't date black girls ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : The sounds of good sex >>>>"" I told you you would enjoy it . . ur welcum "" ",0 "Sittinq Here Watching ATL T.I BEAT TF OUTTA ANT LMATFO ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nice Header ! > > ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jazz Yu Gotta Stop , Yu Still Bored ? Sayn Anything ",0 "#Lt Face in pillow Ass Up .. hmmm y'all kno Wht else ... ",1 "buttaaaaaa anyway HEY YALL ",0 "wassuh tho' ? ",0 "Thug Set His Self Up For This Shit ",1 "where ? “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Ididnt even know that iwas still getting my peircing . But yessssss ” ",0 "Females always screamin out they thick and b lookin like a ✏️✏️ !! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : bruh my mama called my cell phone and asked who this is . . ” ",1 "thy bottom lip is a person by itself ",1 "If ya nigga don't brag about you Show you off in public , make you feel better EVERY time you downTHAT'S NOT YA NIGGA ! ",0 "Going to college this fall , getting everything right & situated ",0 "Ray j really mad kanye fucking his x I can't ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my lil shawty ",0 "Got my nigga down so I'm screaming fuck the law ❗️free rich ✌️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Squad ",0 "This Krispy Kreme ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I ain't leave u u left me remember ",0 "rickey smiley tho ",0 "Baton Rouge got sooooooooo many FINE white girls ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Hate waiting on my gma , she take so damn long ” Nobody cares ... ",1 "These Bitches Be Hating N Shii ",1 "Find u somebody to play with ",0 "- idek why u sent me these , im on ft with you ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Side girls be like ... ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟” ",0 "I love silk & Keith sweat ",0 "people be eating ass & shit✋ too far ",1 "Good morning jada ",0 "Boy .. tht nap i took earlier >>>> i woke up feeling wonderful aha ",0 "12/10 Yep Yep Dats My Boy Born Day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ya dumb ass prolly do some dumb shit like that's that's why you mad ",0 "Niggas don't wanna yea bag a bitch nomore they wanna ride that mama face I can't see it ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Jamie Foxx is just .... ooweeee ” ",0 "-Kmsl , She Said Her Momma Had A Kool Aid Smile Haha- ",0 "1:24 for dammmond lil head ass ",0 "He Txt Me In Saidd Heyy Gorgeous ",0 "Mfs Layin down smilin hard af Lhh ",0 "Nene and I gone try to stay up all night ",0 "I Know He In The Crib Thinking He Mario ",1 "Hello twitter ... Goodnight twitter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bye girl I'm on here again !!! ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Man I hate being sober .... damn I hate being sober #HardTruth """" ",1 "Just left out the beauty supply store and seen a picture of me when I 1st cut my hair lol in this magazine bet believe I brought it ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ but she gone make it right” idk she ask me If she don't make it am I'm going to buy it for her lol ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If im with my girl and 15 niggas on the step call her a bitch , fuck im supposed to go fight . ”” ",1 "A Old Man Just Told Me I Look Really Good , And He Use To Look Like Me When He Was Young ",0 "My Momo said think she fine But she ain't Finer den me ",1 "Baby it yours nobody esle is ",0 "ILovee Thatt Lady : ) ",0 "you niggaz funny . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no me ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kayyy ^_^ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Show up at all 3 like a fuckin boss ! I'm dragging you along ",0 "Don't got school tama ",1 "NATE !!!!!!! #DENvsCHI ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I'm done with you ",0 "Lol , damn T ! ",0 ", if ya gf wanna be like me tell er get on her grind ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ aye im tryn fw that bus tho "" ok , dnt you got my numba ? "" Na Dm it . "" ",0 "Tf ! He surely is something else ",1 "Lol I remember when Me & Tyrico was Talking . He use to call me every Monday & Friday & Write me every Sunday I miss Dat . ",0 "Westboundd Omw witt myy daddy ",0 "High af ... _ ",0 "When girls look me in my face , I be like \ fuck you want me book you ? """" ",1 "But oomf >>> ",0 "Otp ' with My BaeBae ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you sooo much retweet me ? ",0 "My header my lil cousin Kasia ",0 "Oohhh oohhh ahhh ahh ahhh . ",0 "My baby got a touchdown ",0 "My feet are swollen * and I didn't even know * ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Love has no limits ... ” That quote is the reason my _TWITTER-ENTITY_ name is what it is now ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Oomf >>>>♥"""" ",0 "Call da popo☎ hoe lmaoo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't do it I would kno ha ",0 "Ctfu I'm going and that's that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he only hit and bounced on you lol stay and your lane and your fucked his brother oh yeah you a slider ✌✋ ",0 "#wcw my baby ",0 "I Be Like ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and ya line wasn't ? ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Where my fan at , I need it .. * fans self with hand*”you looking for me ? HEAR I AM ( mistca voice ) ",1 "They Be Hating , Like Damn I Wish I Was Her Size , She Shaped Bad Asf & She BE crispy Asf That's The Reason & Point ",0 "We all know you ain't bout what'chu be talkin bout ",0 "But did y'all see meek on the bag of weed talkin bout it's loud ",0 "Bro funny as shit ",0 "These folks cray , thats why ion mess w/ nobody but myself ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't think I asked for opinions ✌️ ",0 "Shaneka is foolish ya'lll ",0 "Alexia Aunt Talking Up Ah Storm ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks love ",0 "I really just whooped _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ass in ruzzle lol ",0 "It took me years to accept , utilize&believe what had been inprinted . Always c the light no matter how dark the pathway may b ... ",1 "Mookie ain't Neva talm bout shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol bruh yo name ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I just wanna be with you ”I wanna be with you too lol” ” ",1 "Everybody loving my avi ",0 "Lemme get a thick pretty ass white girl ",0 "Precious fat as shit cuhh ... ",1 "She probably driving her daddy crazy lol ",0 "1:23 my bday tweet ",0 "Im Sleepy Ass Hell . ",1 "Im goin to da movies tonight ",0 "Waiting on this phone call ",1 "I don't even trust her daddy to pick out her clothes ",1 "Skinny girls do it better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell yeah they waiting on they ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Let us Live ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ * takes it to the head ",0 "Ashley gon always be my boo .. #NoMatterWhat <3 ",0 "Me & Rochelle tweeted basically the same thing ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes .. he told her \you ugly n don't look like your pics get out ! "" ” IM "" ",0 "I'm on some new shit watch wat u say to me .! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how was the show ??? LOL _TWITTER-ENTITY_ said yall got pooped on ",0 "Hate to leave my MR .... but gotta gooo ... #VD # ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No !!! They got big mouths that they can't keep shut !!! ",1 "You drank all my soda lol ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ That's good mines is doing good no complaints ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thats cute ",0 "2:14 my day BITCH !!!! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I'm forever tellin people I'm 30 ” they better not believe you yo ",1 "There soo like koo now get the fuck out of here ",1 "Karisha Laugh Ugly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #hannnn yes indeed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fr tho ",0 "Papa pope handing out love and Liv don't want any ! #Scandal ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmaoooooooo im saving the 1 with the animal in it ",0 "on my way to dha barber shop , ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ naww I'm out ",0 "No love lost fr ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u stupid bro ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you lil bih ",0 "As long as CSI Miami is on , im happy : * ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lil bro sit down somewhere . You still got my number ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ got yu for Christmas ",0 "- Awwwl Daii Cool AS A Bitch Dey Jive Needa Hmu Sometimes Like #Boaw ",0 "Great afternoon so far tweople .. Just waiting on my connect flight .. ✈ ",0 "Lead me to them bitches ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill put u on mines ",0 "I be watching ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same thing I was thinking ",0 "I'm Schleep Doe ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Texting this wanna be thug ! ” _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me if its at me ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ u said am i gonna call u later & i said yes ofcourse & u neva texted back ” lls i no u just like fuckin wit u ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yessss ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he a goofy he not tryna talk to me cause he sleepy ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i love you too ",0 "21 & over is mad funny ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ☝️✋ act like I dnt fuck with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ da long way✊✊✊ "" Shid its up dea . Dis forever Shyt !!! "" ",0 "Txtn this foolio early ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Boy I'm drankin ! "" Kool-Aid ? "" ",0 "\Y'all got water ? Naw "" ‼️ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "IG wild Asl For Them Thot Pages ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning ",0 "Look at you , and look at us .......... ALL MY NIGGAS LOOK RICH AS FUCK ",0 "omg I had to go all day w/ out any carmex today in school smh #thestruggle ",1 "key on trash wit that one ",0 "That could really be my son yo we both go off fuck it .. Affa that Seveemf sgit of Patrin man I Coulndt tasse it ",0 "I be like \Text me "" .. But i don't text back "" ",1 "I got my laughs for the nite ! ",0 "Awww #oomf iis stiil mii friend .. ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Avi >>>>>>>> ",0 "Haters ? . . . Niggas MAD at the paper ",1 "lol she said HUH ! ",0 "The bitch woke up & said I'ma beat yo ass u Janet Jackson reject fuck him ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Bitchess Be 4 Feet & Be Wanting A Nigga That's Like 6'10 . Fuck You Wanna Kiss ? His Ankles ? ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodmorning ..! ",0 "If I ain't fckin yu wht yu really mad for ??? Lol ",0 "my lor cousin mad i turned off my hotspot ",0 "scola is lost LMAOO ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If i tried to fwu && you aint fwm i ont like you no more ! ” that's cute ",0 "Texting little bro _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & cousin _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : On the way to the spot” LMAO ",0 "Let it be beauutifffuuuulllll ",0 "dat shower sex da dum way !!!! * ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ take u places u been see shit u never seen ” I'm scared ",1 "miley cyrus use to be a BUMB ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Me & my sis convo's be decent Asl I Love Her _TWITTER-ENTITY_ """" ",0 "Doing my hair , and lord my phone blowing up ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , lol ",0 "But at this point , I'm ready to pinch somebody ! Was Finna rip ha down but Ian bout that life ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cidden uzakta oldugumu hic hissetmedimm <3 hephephep berabeer en eglencelisinden yillaraa ",0 "Like me & oomf relationship >>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn Nikeya look bad as hell . ",0 "At Lenox , Christmas Shopping )~ #BIGTHINGS #FENDISHIT ",0 "I wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hurry up & peep my young bull ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol man nawl I thought yhu just it out ",0 "1omf eat everybody Coochieeeeeee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Damn I'm Bouta Get Dressed Imm Call You ",0 "Uh , ima do to sleep . Byeeeeeee ",1 "Wildn roun Georgetown talking bout , give me my dipp ",0 "Lil Phats ' Wifeeyyyy ",0 "Too much salt will kill you ! Guess that's why these haters keep throwing it on me lol I never leave the house w/out my salt proof vest ",1 "Currently with my plug aka my big bro Grand daddy purp but yesterday it was Dro ... Sunday OG Kush ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Niggas get nice things to impress other niggas ” what type niggas you know lmao ",0 "You do know they have sales on phones right .... ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea lol ",0 "Ayee my mommaaa bbringinn me somee mcdonaldss ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ , yea .. ",0 "My sister said they always talking about me down Western ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dtfll nah he sleepin onna couch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yo left to get away from trouble and u on probation in another state now ",1 "BOOIIIIII OOMFS AND THEM GREASY ASS LIPS IN HER AVI ",0 "It nothing like a home cooked meal at the end of the day ... slow cooked ribeye steak , mash potatoes , peas , n a hot roll ... I'm so full ... ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aggy is in this hotel curled up in the chair boo lovin ! ",0 "I'm so bored at home . Augggg ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ i did tho . ",0 "Becuz of last night I think my nxt girl gotta be skinny cuz man o man song ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : LoL ... O Yhu Will Kuss ",0 "she bout to spazz out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can NOT be replaced remember that lol ",0 "Shawtys be bad as shit on here see em in person be looking Shanaynay Jenkins & Bonquisha ",0 "she mad and I'm loving it .. ",0 "I won't be happy tell I could wake up every morning next to you ",1 "Niggas Kiss && Tell F.ck && Tell Get Head && Tell But Eat && Lie ✌ ",0 "He looked cute today ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i hope Naj come to the game , i miss my baby .. ☺”i miss you too bby ",1 "Found my baby a fit ",0 "We Got Us ✊ ",0 "2 Pretty Girls Just Retweeted Me Im That Nigga ",0 "la girl got me weak ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ pinky promise ",0 "I Wanna Bae . Everybody All Cuffed & Happy ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ You're so awesome ! I miss u ♥♡♥♡” i miss you too . 🅰1⃣ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol you prolli just woke up , talking bout vamp queen ",0 "Now why I bothered #oomfs ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what are you and apryl getting married i think it , s time o let me no so i can be there Lol i am forreal ",0 "Donnesha so funny , That guhh talk about everybody . #DEAD ",0 "This nigga really be on here like he that bull ",0 "kmss my grandma asked my mama \ wea tf quiicy check at ?? """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ call his ass ",0 "I Think I Might Vamp Tonight W/ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My stripper name tho ",0 "#UA17 where y'all living at fam ??? * waits * ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whateva Mu Daddy ' Bring Me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u just made me mad ! Bye stupid ! ",1 "The things I wanna do to you ",1 "8amTo2pm , 3pmto11pm story of my life !!! Grind time .. Dnt be mad get glad !! ",0 "at home under my covers ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm still throwing up”bitch I told u the reason ",1 "This lil boy is toooo cute !! #american idol ",0 "I love that side of you ",0 "heee keep mee wet in my drawssss ",0 "i found the page with the zarko pics ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ settle down with who Siss ? ",0 "let me find out oomf , at my head on the low b . tch have a SEAT ! ",1 "#Oomf gotta Bighead _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I really miss Remi . "" I miss you too BRIEZZZZZY "" ",1 "I need some sex ✨✨ ",0 "niggas funny as shit ",0 ", Dont Trust Me Around Yo Girl Cuz Ima Snatch Her UpJuss Being 300 ",1 "ii like wen my nigha talk his shxt while we doin our li thing if its good enuf ii might even call him daddy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you cute ",0 "What we did ",0 "I told _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I needed her to finish my hair she said she couldn't help ",1 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : U know I ain't got no bitches when I got a free house but don't got nobody to come over """" ",1 "Bitches swear u b tweeting bout them✋ Bitch have a seat i PROMISE it's PLENTY of bitches Thts just like U ☺️ ",0 "Dionshey Funny as shit i see what she up tooo ",0 "Look at da bitch face u be like ... den look at da bitch feet nd be like ... duhn duhn duhn duhhhhhnn !!! Lls ",0 "Lol Otp , bbl ",0 "I Remember My Past How I Used To Let Shit Disappoint Me Fast But Now I'm Like Fuck It Shidd I Got Ca$h Ta Count Nbs .! ",1 "Boo back jugging lol _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Lmao all I can do is laugh at his dumb ass smh !! ",0 "Up Bright & Early ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im not Im dead ass you can do that tho ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Still rolling around in the streets , Where's my Nae "" right here hun . "" ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺☺ooo wow like that like that ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Damnnnnnn have y'all ever heard of brushing yo teeth "" He Havent ------> _TWITTER-ENTITY_  "" ",1 "Yo yall remember when we got caught watchin that flick in dwayne room at grandma house _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thas old ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sthu I don't even eat honeybuns . UGGGG ",1 "Watching #FashionPolice n _TWITTER-ENTITY_ has noooo filter ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... uuuu gat it "" - "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you lyingggggg \ ah whole one ? Aw maaan "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ",1 "Who put the regular gas ima car Kevin ?! That regular bitch you was w . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I low key love my relationship” I love it too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my lung capacity been nice thou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you kno I'll handle you ",0 "Really enjoyed celebrating _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bday ! Another sister from another mister ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay then , you cant call mines big , if your fat as shit cdhu” well which one u talking about ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ work at shoe carnival , i know tht hoe tryna steal ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no that's cheating she gotta give me her # ",0 "#0326 You Seem Real Cool You Pretty & You Aint On the Drama Shit With Your Bestfriend .. I salute Bitches Like You You Got Your Own BRAIN ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Watching my jv players have a basketball convo lol how cute”Ctfuu "" I'm Dead”me2 "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell yea my boy you do lol ",0 "let me find out im in my feelings i gotta stop the madness .. ",1 "Wednesday my Babydaddy giving me some more money ",0 "Niggas over here watchin major payne ",0 "Her & OOMF need to cut it out ... ",1 "The way daiyah fell thoooooo ",1 "G Roc gon say , \damn oldhead , you like tht young meat "" "" ",0 "now let's be real ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ as soon as I'm invited "" ... Well _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , are you listening ? I can't do it all ! "" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : ⚽ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟” ",0 "That's muhfuckin nigga man ",0 ", talk nasty for my boy ' silent treatment for the feds ✨ ",0 "I Smacked Josh & Was Gone In That Video He Wasn't Bout Too Beat My Ass On Camera ",0 "If she say something to me Today .. IMA GO CLEAN OFF ! SHE IONT WNT IT SHE GONE GET BEAT . SOMEBODY BETTA TELL HER . I SWEAR IMMA WOP HER ",1 "But then we all Mobbed out of Votech together ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Take ya feelins out this bruh we ain't rockin like that lol "" Goonie "" ",0 "Last night was real ",0 "Swear I was just thinkin bout that ",1 "GoodMorningg up early : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nf ... fb ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ turnt to the maximum ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol lets get it !!!!!!!!!! #turnup ",0 "I rather not express my feeling to nobody but my little sister ",1 "Bitch Duece Duece ! ✌✌ ",0 "Can't wait to have more days like today ",0 "Von eat like a pregnant girl lbs first it was hot sauce and BBQ sauce in his noodles now he eating noodles with hit peppers ",0 "ain no way ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : The single life a while back >>>>>>>>>>>> the single life now <<<<<<<< #basically ” uhhuh cuz it's gettin cold ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fuck Uu Got A Tera ? ” ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me Neither ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fr ? ",0 "He really make des hoes feel like dey mean alot aww thats sweet ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My nose all stuffy ”baee youu want me come take care of youu ? ",1 "but u can always count on Skip Bayless to be disrespectful as hell when it comes to Lebron .. with his ole bitch ass !!! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kmsl wateva ugly self \eww girl yo booty stank """" ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Raion just scared tf outta me mannn . ”” ",1 "-Lol You Pretty But Ya Avi Scaring Me ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Donte biggy smalls Chian faith Evans and I'm lil Kim ” Lil Kim got betta pussy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ said \Sorry Combs ! "" Lmfao !!!!! "" ",0 "Lmao _TWITTER-ENTITY_ killing this man wit Kindness ",0 "Lots of weed and liquor thats what I'm on tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Just askin ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nall that bii mad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ call me urban MatchMaker I ain't rich so I gotta come up with sum creative ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol you gotta iPhone now ? You better fucking FaceTime me ! I'm still one of your best friends bitch ... ",0 "Dutchess is laying it on real THICK ",0 "Every time i tell a nigga i dnt want to talk to them , they ask me again like my answer gon change ",1 "Relaxed , calmed down - ishall catch her away from her grandma ; since the granny tlkn bout gettin her gun ",0 "But my booty LOL ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck he got a time schedule ",0 "Damn , they been hatin lilGab tho ! ",1 "Yoo taylor always pop up when i say somethin about west philly ",0 "she need to make me laugh ",0 "I Likeee when we both out having fun ",0 "I want my eye lashes done but ion want em to look like old girl on MYY tl ! ",1 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",1 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : i cant keep drinkin Nyquil to go to sleep lol dat shit cant be healthy .. iaint even sick . ” I be doing that ctfu ",1 "I bet she wke up with a smile on her face ",0 "mad or na ",1 "My Dad Just Asked Me , “What The Fuck Is Lean ? ” ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yeahh I really wanna answer ' Or Maybe you can't answer that ",1 "Y'all hoes be sharing niggas , y'all girlfriend in laws ” ",0 "Squad need a stain . ",0 "Look at her eyes ",0 "I came up with a world-class scheme to get the boy of my dreams ",0 "Went to the Doctor Today & Im ........ ",1 "I see Mii n sis gotta thing for dreadheads ",0 "Congratulations to my sister Amber , she finally had my nephew Baby Zel : ) ",0 "My TL is all #RHOA , but I'm watching the Bubble Guppies ... make sure you all remind the GrandBoy of this if he forgets my sacrifice .... ",0 "Dis Hoee get Freaky Early ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ BOL , Whats Up Doe .. "" Nothinn Much Chillen Fiqhten My Sleep :/ You ? "" ",0 "Nw : Waist Deep ",1 "China Funny Asf On Twitter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nigga dont retweet that shit ",0 "BOUT TO TAKE IT DOWN WIT A SMILE ON MY FACE ",0 "Rich Homiee Quan Madee It ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ rey charles too text ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : A freaky , goofy , loyal ❤ relationship >>>>>>>"""" ",0 "Rocket - Beyoncé ",0 "But they ain't talking , they mumbling ! ",1 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ LOL he can get it the way he want toy or no toy he just want it all cuz he like it all #TeamFreakyyyy ",0 "Lil Mike Is Sooo Funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yu ah hater witcho hating ass Niggah ",0 "That's not for you janae lord ",1 "I like my avi . ",0 "Lmaoo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tweets are too funny ",0 "The girl I'm with ",0 "Out with my girl ",0 "It's Dance Moms , Double Diva night☺ ",0 "Just died and ended up in a heaven of jewelry .. Accessories and more !! Check out Charming Charlie ! Ahh ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha , we still love you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you the face behind the _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Twitter account ? ",0 "Anyone this weekend wanna go watch GI Joe with me ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I like sneaking up on you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw thanks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fast 6 .. ",0 "It's that time of year again ⚾ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks BRAH ! Bestest times evaaaa ",0 "Make plan to go a #reds game this year ?! #prettyplease !!! ",0 "#TeamRuthless may come out tonight y'all hope you're up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love Nikita , I own all three seasons and am so upset that the CW canceled it . Love this final season so far #Nikitaforever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #askriley not even a question but you and your brother's voices are lovely ",0 "Thank you to everyone that told me all there secrets last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you accidentally put a comma in there ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey boo ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am !!! Kinda lol . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh cuz we have some fucked up pics from the hamptons ",0 "made some tea and now time for some painting and then some writing ",0 "Sooooo what if I stood outside the movie theater until tomorrow at 1:20 . I would cause IM SO EXCITED ! #BelieveMovie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ keep on dreaming scrub . ",0 "But McDonald's hashbrowns ",0 "I have the bestest girlfriend ever ! #love ",0 "6:30 n the morning and I'm eating a grilled ranch salad from McDonald's . oh boy ! ",0 "So proud of our football boys this year ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I like it when you all tweet . ",0 "Getting treated right 24/7 >>> ☺ ",0 "Im in such a giggly mood right now .. this is gonna be a good weekend i can feel it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks girl ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha yessss I think so ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too ! ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will ! She's like my favorite person ever pretty sure she's coming down got Christmas ! ",0 "D0000d . I get money soon ",0 "New theory : every time I do a chem problem I get a Hershey kiss ",0 "I love my girlfriend shes fucking AMAZING ",0 "GIRL POWER _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I love Hannah ",0 "Does anyone have a motorcycle ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you too darlin ! ",0 "The weather is just sexy down here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awww❤ ! Well you can have some Allye food anytime you like ! #TopChef ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bring my somethin home ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks bby ",0 "Woke up to hearing my jam on gma by john legend #GMALegend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good same for you <33333 ",0 "Hacked by the best friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I can't wait for pay day on Friday and I leave for the beach ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think this calls for a coupon to thank us ! ",0 "THE CAT IS CRYING I AM DONE ",0 "It's so attractive when guys dress all preppy . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ word I'm stuck at my friends in South !! I'm getting me some pizza ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay . ",0 "Danielle's so cute . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this made my day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey y'all . Speaking of sociology would someone be so kind and send me a picture of their chapter three notes ? ",0 "Pool time with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Just in the school parking lot waiting on Alexus and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Loooooveeee your profile picture ! ",0 "Kody in chorus today at the end of the period ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sounds like a good plan to me ... idek what any of my classes are hahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe thanks boo . ",0 "Kickin it wif my BFF _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "The serving size on Oreo packages are 3 cookies . Please ✋ who ever listens to that ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ crazy cray ! NUBS ! ",0 "Shopping with my biff in a little ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is COOL . ",0 "I can tell you right now I'm gonna go off this summer ",0 "I'm obsessed with Sam Bradford ",0 "I can't wait to see Chance and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "This whole day my mom was telling everyone she's 39 now but we just did the math and she's really 38 ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww !! Thanks , girl ",0 "The happiest guy right now !! ",0 "Colbie Caillat's beautiful voice . > ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are most welcome ",0 "I love today . Today is good ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ of course ",0 "I'm the happiest I've been in a long time #allsmiles ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know haha but only couple more days ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I do too . ",0 "pretty amazing christmas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes ! I am so excited now ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your welcome ",0 "Don't make me do it I will fucking shit on your bed .... - The Lovely Words of Jordan Sincerbeaux ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey you're gorgeous ",0 "Good god Adam Scott is hot . Wow . Hit some golf balls in my direction ",0 "My best friends coming over tonight . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that'd be cool ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I doooo ",0 "My dads new car >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha , no problem When I get bored at work I look up Zep memes , and figured I'd share this guy w/ a fellow Ledhead/LOTRfan ",0 "Well obviously Emily too ! Oops _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Made it to class early . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Tay . Love youuuu☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good luck ! ",0 "After hiding my bar for a month , my mom saw it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "Just a little positive reinforcement for everyone on this rainy day gotta love miss Betsy J ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ have fun at your prom , beauties ! Love you ! ✨ ",0 "Waking up at 6 to go shopping tomorrow ! ",0 "Hopefully getting a car by Saturday ",0 "I wouldn't have asked for two better friends to spend my senior trip with . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ aka the Jeremy's . ",0 "The way _TWITTER-ENTITY_ eats cracks me up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kidding bro ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ glad I could help ",0 "Cookies and my nephew #perfectnight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks babygirl forsure ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh thanks . Don't get me wrong , I like ON . My wallet doesn't . You're welcome though . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank god they don't ... ☺ ",0 "Tonight .. was just perfect ",0 "Going to the zoo lights & ice skating tonight ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ brownies make everything better ",0 "I'm about to look cute at the barbecue ! Lol I'm not even going for the food . Only to see ommf . ",0 "He makes everything better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ text me sometime ! #raulph ",0 "Having a best friend that is in love with Luke Bryan couldn't get any better ! #judgeus ✌️ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "opening scene . she just wrecked her day . #youdead ",0 "That one lady that basically has an orgasm while Edward is cutting her hair ",0 "Giving out a lot of stickers at our booths today ! We'll just make you sing or dance for them #SOCAPac13 _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I do , it's just the first one of the spring ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Of course ",0 "I cannot wait to cuddle my dogs so much tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I believe in you !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you as well ",0 "When you see your ex with somebody who represents a sewer animal > ",0 "The fact there is cheer practice tomorrow . ",0 "I am obsessed with gold tattoos ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you for being in my audience tonight precious ",0 "Snap chat mee _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's sounds good to me ! Text me so we can plan it ! Since me and you throw the best bangers around ",0 "I give _TWITTER-ENTITY_ props for talking to those girls ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is that really Lorde and her BF ?? Because her butt .... ",0 "Movie date with my bebe _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "HAHA some stupid hoe on my personal twitter made a tweet about me talking shit about my new hair #ILoveIt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ can I bring my kitty ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "Planning my life around _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #omg ",0 "Taco Bell breakfast #dead ",0 "Sitting here listening to Haven and Madison's 6th grade boy drama ",0 "\I'm gonna pop some tags , only got $20 in my pocket . "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ think of you every time that song is on the radio "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can we please ! EcKstRommmmmmmxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxox Is ready to roll ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is gona have 82 texts from me lol #saintsupdate ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's been a long time ! But thank you !!! ",0 "Never to old for the ice cream truck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ",0 "Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ your awesome . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Glad happys stupid ignorance makes you happy ",0 "Movie date with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh wait ... ",0 "Find someone who accepts you for your past and plans to make your future better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg I love you too and by the way you're my #wcw again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ send me your schedule I wanna see you guys play this year ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahaha , all in good spirit ... Promise ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks girl ! ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come to the temple !! us future professionals would love it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you love love you most ",0 "Yeeeeeeee it's fwd driftin weather ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yup ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol !! You're welcome ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is my favorite person in the whole wide . #notevenkidding #loveher ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss and love you guys ! ",0 "Omg White Chicks is on tv ",0 "She's 15.9 pounds & 23 1/2 in long , she's such a big girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well , shucks . You my numba one bitch and that ain't neva gon ' change . #iloveyou #myboo ",0 "It finally doesn't bother me anymore , I've never felt so relieved in my life . ",0 "Bye bye gym membership Hello hot yoga classes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thankkk you ",0 "But you haven't walked away yet so it's all gooood , ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I probably would've been freaking out !! Hahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your snapchats are hilarious ",0 "Front row bitches ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you koopy koop we make a good pair ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ call and get your schedule if you haven't already ! You work on Sunday with me ! ",0 "As of today I'm half way done with my summer class ! #yayyy #happyfriday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's quicker ",0 "Jamal Crawford's handles ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ THANK YOU !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Congrats on the reteeet yesterday I'm happy for you ",0 "He's got me cheesin from cheek to cheek #crushin ",0 "GAME DAY ⚾ ",0 "OU has spent more time at number 1 in the nation than OSU has in the top ten . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ will it make your night if I unblock you ? ",0 "Anne's date with my wife _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Yeah , I'm real excited to go to work for the 3rd day in a row when its like 50 degrees , I freeze my ass off , and no one comes ",0 "I can be the biggest bitch #sarrii ",0 "I'm feeling rebellious today ! What can I get in to ?? Lets find out ! ",0 "Only if _TWITTER-ENTITY_ would buy me a truck >>> ",0 "I forgot how great my love for Of Monsters and Men is #seriouslysogood ",0 "I love the fact that your girlfriend is a dumbass ! You deserve each other bro . ",0 "Bonfire and tequila #summernights ",0 "That mcflurry was so good ",0 "Kenneth is so perfect I love my family ",0 "helium balloon talking ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ good job ! playin like champs ! ☺️ ",0 "Come see me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause we're cute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ a week beats 3 months any day ",0 "Just bought the cutest wrapping paper ❄️⛄️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have a surprise for you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no doubt .. Is it gay I really laughed at that .. Lmfao ",0 "I seriously love playing in the snow with my puppy ❤️☺️ ",0 "My boyfriend is the best _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ♥ ",0 "Ever realized how it's always my fault ? You're NEVER wrong . You perfect little saints . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your bro ugg just like you ",0 "I love my girl _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for waking up at 4:30 to take care of me ",0 "Sleeping in a bed for the first time in a week ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hooray !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welll goood !! Im surprised he let me drive . honestly lol atleast . were . all safe and at home ... But it was fun ( at the begining ) ",0 "Errands , workout , bonfire hopefully . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah ! Do you work at Delphos Animal Hospital now ?! I love that place ! Congrats ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I still love you mike ",0 "Out for the night at the beach shopping then going to dinner I can't wait to get dinner !!!!!!!!! ☀ ",0 "Super Bowl Sunday = Puppybowl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks it's gorgeous out ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know how it is ... #ivetoldyou ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its okay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn that's ass haha _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ already did ",0 "Words can't describe my love for Chris Keller ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ on Friday kento & I kept slapping him in the face & he said he'd knock us out if we did it again . Kinda like the dream hahaha ",0 "All I want right now , is my girlfriend ! ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ country night ",0 "First time I laughed really hard for a very long time #lol ",0 "It smells like fried chicken out side of my house ",0 "Someone should take us on a drive ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's sooooo good ",0 "I love when my mom gives me her card & doesn't give me a limit on how much to spend . ",0 "On my way home ",0 "Spring break . Spring break . Spring break . Hurrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy pleaseeeeeeeee ! ",0 "I hope your in a good mood , because i need someone to cheer me up #bestfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was talking about the main men in my life YOU KNOW YOU MY BITCH see you Friday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the best girl ever & is so fun . I just love her #thisiskacey ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol , love you too ",0 "overall had a great day ! work was easy , shopped for HOURS , and saw my favorite siblings ever _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ happy you noticed my creeping on you #reunitedSoon ",0 "Literally making myself cry laughing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahahahahahaha so was the lady today ! #nosouls ",0 "Man pagent was pretty funny ",0 "Sams the best _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Hope _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is having a lovely day at work . ",0 "I have met so many amazing people over the past few weeks ! So much to be thankful for ",0 "I dont know the last time I laughed this hard ",0 "Someone needs to bring the reign of Sharon down haha that commercial . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah you are . And can you do me a huge favor and stfu thanks ",0 "Why'd you say it Ron ? Why ? You're my hero Ron ! Then you go out and stink like that , with your poop , your poop mouth ",0 "Wanna jam out a little harder ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's a Blake Shelton song duh . ",0 "Yay ! My sweet boyfriend is ordering depot to go for supper . ",0 "I'm so glad I have a boyfriend that loves me despite the fact that I'm a complete idiot . #imretarded #seriously ",0 "finally get to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Shanda got a snapchat ... And if I remember correctly , she sent me a 3 second snap of her cookah . ",0 "watching my back one day at a time ",0 "How wonderful of Ben Affleck to thank the troops serving during his acceptance speech ... that has to be a first ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no problem have a good day ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fine . You caught me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes , yes , yes !! I PROMISE !!!!! I wasn't able to pick many of my co-workers hrs in July so I will be around❤ ",0 "Glasses of wine before temple .. Much needed ",0 "That picture just made my whole entire day #lookinrough ",0 "Oh hello . I love my sister all the time and I eat birds . ",0 "Anyone see me almost tie tumbling ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love youuuuu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was thinking about going on one with my church , and I'm going to a school next year that deals with missions ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shanks boo ! You aren't too bad yourself !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ even better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me isn't even in miserable ",0 "Oh my Lord I'm dying !!!!!!!! ",0 "#ZaynTo10Million he deserves it because he is amazing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ the only thing that was awkotaco was that yoshi bitch at the parade ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your mom all night ",0 "It's supposed to be in the 50's all week ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you should have a weather icon on your phone ... you could always check it before you dress for the day ... ",0 "Welp . Might as well have a Sunday Funday with my favs _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Killed a spider with a lint roller ",0 "Eric is so perfect he's the best thing that's ever happen to me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ERMAGERD Jack Pantoja tweeted us ",0 "Just got my tragus pierced #happy ",0 "Night walk with my family ",0 "I think males are winning with this #TweetLikeTheOppositeGender ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ coulda been wine ",0 "Holy grail on the way home ",0 "I can't wait to live in the city ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ So I say the Rock is freaking HUGE ! Will says bout as big as me "" wow "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Bahaha well my sisters Tara soo like you no ",0 "\You look so skinny "" #thankyou "" ",0 "101 out of 100 on my calc 2 semester test ... Don't mind if I do ",0 "Sleeping in my own bed >>> ",0 "Is it weird that I'm excited to go back to work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks I sure will ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ learn to play the guitar or drums and get back to me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know we're not that close , but if you ever need to vent .. I'm here ! ",0 "Would anyone wanna get Jason Aldean pit tickets with me . $168.99 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ look who's talking . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ next weekend pine haven if I can get money ... Lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah she did ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awww thanks Fletch ! It's true , I'm not as magical with the fire as you are ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just like heaven ?! I love that song ",0 "I'm actually excited to write this one . Especially since I get to watch my husband Leo DiCaprio . ",0 "Could pandora get any better ",0 "Can't wait til later #excited ",0 "I can't wait to give Austen his Christmas present ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we woke up at the same time ",0 "I tweet to much . ",0 "I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW ",0 "21 more days #17 ",0 "Still laughing over that last vine video _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Not you tanner ❤ ",0 "So happy I got to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today ! #Reunited ",0 "Dream on fucker I like it ",0 "It's seriously one of the best things ever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I like to think so too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I get to see you this weekend though !! ☺️☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Done ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can sleep when I'm dead . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the funniest person I've ever not met ",0 "\I'm so happy I get to risk my life for an education today "" said no one ever .. "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks babyyy ",0 "I cant wait for the senior new york trip ",0 "He's getting so much love ",0 "#YoureMoreAttractiveIf you wouldn't mind sitting on a wrap around porch drinking tea with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cheer up buttercup ! I love youu ",0 "Glitter coma . ✨ ",0 "SUBTWEETS FUR DAAAYZ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺ I agree ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ She's literally making one as we speak ... she's just as childish as the rest of us ❤️ ",0 "At Perkins with my dad for a late night snack . ",0 "Lol I love my best friend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It was the ghost ",0 "- I used to have the biggest crush on you in 8th grade lol you are really nice . I haven't talked to you in a while I hope all is good ! ",0 "Just ran 2 miles ! #feelinggreat #makingprogress ",0 "Gettin mama cool to talk me up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's your bed time . #rest #sleeptight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love this movie ! it's adorable ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ They will be . You and Justin will make lots of cute babies ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl that's what I'm saying ✌ ",0 "Thanks _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for making my day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm more excited to remember who wasn't ",0 "I didn't know I could make such ugly faces until Snapchat #hiddentalent ",0 "People don't believe me for some reason at first , but I'm a Presbyterian Christian . I have a very strong relationship with God . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're to sweet ",0 "I'm so excited ! I'm getting my second tattoo soon . It's gonna be my family motto and my dads getting the same one ",0 "If only all girls looked like Beyonce . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was creeping on your pictures and notice I could retweet them and you can't do that on a private account ",0 "They just made a Game of Thrones reference on How I Met Your Mother . Gosh I love this show #HIMYM ",0 "Date tonight with my girls _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ with you it is ",0 "I don't think I will ever order jimmy johns again without a pickle . #favoritething ",0 "Lake tonight with all my loves . ❤ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Muscles and a fat ass ",0 "Sidney Crosby interview special on _TWITTER-ENTITY_ right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is too country y'all ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe , thank you chels ! ",0 "Lucky Charms ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up you love me ",0 "I can't wait for Black Friday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just made my night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ We need to get our plan of action together ladies before it's too late ",0 "Good luck to both _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on their first days at their new jobs ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ couldn't have said it better myself , ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whatcha durinnnn gurllll ?!?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's what I said ",0 "That awkward moment when you feel someone staring at you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so glad ",0 "you had me at hello ",0 "Time to watch Pretty Little Liars #happytweet ",0 "That heavenly moment when you realize that there are frosted flakes in the cupboard ",0 "Congrats on the win tonight _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "We are right on schedule . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha . Definitely not you then ",0 "I'm so happy !! I can't stop smiling #HAPPY ",0 "Hope everyone enjoyed that Snapchat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think you just talked me into it . All I want to do it sleep . ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ babeeee you comin to hunter Hayes ",0 "Me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are so sweet to eachother . ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LMFAO . You're adorable . ",0 "Best commercial of the night I love old people ",0 "It's funny because while you were talking to him , you turned into a beach girl , and now you're back into a country girl ",0 "Girl , Santa saw your Instagram pictures .. & you aren't getting shit for Christmas . ",0 "If it stays this nice I am hitting the beach for sure ",0 "I can't wait for The Vineyard to premiere on July 23rd ",0 "Teams are stacked this year ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are we doing yoga today ? #NotWearingJeansAgain ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we was listening to that song last night . ",0 "9 more class days #youcandoitanna #stayfocused ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER EASTKN HAYES . #YoureWelcome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it happens . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ seeing it tonight !!! CAN'T WAIT ! ",0 "I can't wait until Friday just to be with my favorite people ",0 "I have a great Throwback for tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you can come watch The Walking Dead with me ",0 "When in doubt watch netflix until you forget that you have a real life ☺️ ",0 "So happy ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "Re-reading The Lucky One because it can only be better the second time around #NicholasSparks ",0 "Got a new sweater ",0 "Shoutout to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for brightening up my day with her beautiful smile and for being the second loudest girl in the school ☺️❤️ ",0 "This weather >>> #StayThisWay ☀ ",0 "I swear he's the sweetest boy , that was the best random dm☺️ made my night ",0 "Watching shark week outside under the covers with my main bish Mandy . Perfect way to end my Sunday . ",0 "SHE'S JUST GOTTA HAVE IT _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Brent your simply perfect . I don't know how I would get through life without your vines #BrentRivera #brenttaughtme _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Classic #goodstuff #loveit ",0 "I'm sooo glad I got to spend some much needed time with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ last night ! I've missed her soooo much ",0 "I might have the best mom ever . she bought me windshield wiper fluid ",0 "great night with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "The blonde workin at Biggby has a bootyyyyyy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's so weird , and mind blowing . Stay safe tonight ",0 "been with the most beautiful _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for 9 months today ",0 "Hi Heather . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ got that Afro . ",0 "Someone come order Olive Garden take out and watch lifetime with me ",0 "Me and my friends are always assholes to each other . Lolololol . ",0 "So glad to see my sister ",0 "On the brighter side , I'm smugly satisfied with my own taste in men . This time around anyhow . ",0 "Netflix all day long ☺️ ",0 "Welp , baby is back to sleep so that means .... goodnight ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I cannot embrace your return to android as much as I'd like . ",0 "I would love to live off of iced coffee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awwww ! Yes we are ! ☺ ",0 "Be with someone who makes you wanna do better . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey girl what's your numba I have a ques about hair haha ",0 "New #catfish in 15 minutes . Cannot wait . ",0 "Who's needs a BFF when you've got an Adam to vent to #HeProbablyHatesMe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ more like best person you ever met ! ",0 "Bye LSC see you next year hope everyone has a great holiday see you all next year ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if only I lived closer ... challenge accepted . ",0 "Fedyski can't tweet ",0 "Thank you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for introducing me to the song Terrible Things by Mayday Parade #sogood #sosad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hi Nikki ! You will love it here . Join the Facebook group and meet other new panthers . ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Amazing day ! ” ",0 "Currently jumping up and down in excitement for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to come down to visit this weekend ! Tomorrow couldn't come sooner ",0 "If tomorrow goes as Haley an I plan >>> #GirlsDay #Lake ",0 "Feels wayyyy too good having my best friends back ",0 "Bdubs sounds so good right now ",0 "Love love love the paddle that my precious little made me !! Its perfect ! Love you so much _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know who I am ? ",0 "Interview with the radiology school at cvph at 3:00 . #SOnervous ",0 "On the bright side I get to play my Bach Strad for the audition miss playing it so much ",0 "Glad i got to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ last night i missed her !! ",0 "One day _TWITTER-ENTITY_ will notice me , I love him so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ try not to let it bother you . Everyone has their issues with something or another . Brush it off girk ",0 "can't wait to hang wif Morgan ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahahaha !! No not at all ! I'm still cracking up ! we are hilarious no matter what anyone else thinks ",0 "Christmas Eve spent with my bitch _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Dwight is on my fantasy team though , so keep him on him ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'd love to cook for you ",0 "I'm going to Eufuala with my mom . I don't know why we're going . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait til tomorrow dawgggg ",0 "movie date with Ryan and his fam ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was so crazy ! Loved it miss you babe ❤ ",0 "I'll be the one if you want me to ",0 "//Going to Hooters ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're pretty so it's acceptable ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that makes two of us . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ilysm best friend ",0 "I saw _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today and my day was made ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thi may just be the best thing you've ever tweeted ",0 "I hear Kennesaw is pretty cool . I just happen to live there . Just sayin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ",0 "Excited excited excited excited excited excited excited excited excited excited excited i'm too excited , adrenaline is pumping ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ indeed yes . I can't wait until it is legalized everyware . Legalize it , don't critisize it lol ",0 "Cannot wait any longer for Grey's Anatomy tonight ",0 "Jamie talks to the computer . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know we miss you more . Keep up the good work . You make me so proud . ",0 "Mom goes ooohhhh .... football players look ! As we drive through Easterns campus . ",0 "Trey songz is honestly so sexy .... His voice #ahhh #marryme ",0 "Late night phone calls to catch up with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ > ⭐ ",0 "The fact that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is making me get cute for mystic lake .... Haiiiii everyone ",0 "Goodluckk _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in the pageant tonight ! Youll do awesome ! ",0 "Ommgggg _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is having his babyy !!! ",0 "If it smells like fish its a tasty dish ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good luck at school tomorrow yondo ",0 "Lol playin some Gun Game in Black Ops just stabbing people ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i am just that beautiful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ like a billy mays commercial we can sell gay in a can that guarantees you get the girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Lauren ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ its Awsome ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I like you . #jk #itslove ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok that was blank sexy stud ",0 "Veggie Delight subs from Subway >>> ",0 "I bet most of you don't know what an au pair is haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I respect that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dawh thanks ",0 "Never realized how many sayings from \Super Troopers "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ references daily until right meow as I'm watching it . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we on for Saturday ? ",0 "Reason #875974 I love fall : It's the time of year my hair grows the fastest ",0 "Getting married next month ",0 "I have the best guy out there . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh yay ",0 "Clothes boots candy phone cases ",0 "Get your snapchat to work !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha I know I know ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's pretttty great ",0 "My best friend trumps any best friend in the world ❤☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHAHAHA I don't think Evan would like that too much ",0 "and my mom wonders how I became such a good liar . #LikeMotherLikeDaughter ",0 "I'm almost to 5K tweets !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no prob ",0 "It's 5o'clock somewhere with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha sucks to suck Ralph ",0 "The fact that we have a three day week makes me overjoyed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if only you were relevant in the social world I might care what you say so I could give a shit right now , have a great day ! ",0 "#MileyTheMovement in less than an hour . Can I get a uck yeah "" ?? Love that bitch _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not even kidding ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ always making my nights better ! Thank you ! ",0 "IT'S MOVING DAY ! MKE , here I come #finally #homesweethome ",0 "How old are you and you play with swords ",0 "Halloweentown bein on TV just made my whole day 20 times better ",0 "i hate the rain , but it's perfect cuddle time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll DM it to you after I get off my plane ",0 "Spent 150 dollars tonight on just Christmas presents and little things I need for myself . ",0 "Anyone wanna hang tomorrow ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ long time till those shows . Lumineers are first along with a couple of others ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ snapchat just made my day love and miss you babe ",0 "Working out makes me feel so good ",0 "Oh daisy : ) why yea ill take some pizza and sweet and sour chicken home with me . Don't have to buy food for a week now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww so are you ! I'm glad we have become friends . #comevisitme ",0 "my leila girl just said that ms. dudding is a sunshine i'm so glad we were blessed with a such an awesome teacher that she adores . ☺ ",0 "Best day I've had in a while . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ obsessed with you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ CO-ED #decisionmade ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg your avi > ",0 "I love when my bub actually wants to snug #happy ",0 "Strawberry festival , yayyyyyy ! ✌ ",0 "the christmas carol is my fav i've been looking forward to this all week ",0 "So thankful im not gonna end up like her . #positivethinking #goodvibes ",0 "\I know how to spell . Leave my brother A-L-O-N . "" #Glee "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awh ok just keep ur head up pretty and can't wait till then ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #askmiley #votemileyHow are you still so awesome after all these years !??? <3 <3 <3 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Okay ! ",0 "Gotta love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I's novel length texts . We just have so much to say and gab about ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the most work you do in a day is running from the breadstick container to the back hall #noshame #youreperfect ",0 "I'm way too obsessed with my Snow Whirl dress ",0 "Skylar Astin will always be my true love ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and how's that ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll have to research that reaaaaall good . My love for apple products is almost unbreakable ! ",0 "THAX for the vid of team dinner ! feel like I'm there ! ",0 "Id love to go downtown at night ! #cutedate #hinthint ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the 19th I believe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you too girl again soon !! ",0 "1 you are someone I truly care about & love honestly you make my life better when I'm with you you are the sexiest lets make babies ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was all you but its okay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yay ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaaahh callmm yourselff ! Hahah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're gonna do awesome babe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good morning Norman , I thought the same thing when he got shot ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ SEE YOU THIS FRIDAY gonna be one of the best nights ever #cantWait _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "ordered graduation dresses ",0 "Good luck with everything ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Good game _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #soproud #baller ! ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too can't wait to see you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she's my angel and she means the world to me ",0 "Shout out to Brendan Bromwell for originally telling JT to ask me out ! ",0 "I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so much !! More than anyone else she is my favorite person ✌ ",0 "My interview with Taco Bell went good I personally think , I was nervous but I stayed cool during it ",0 "Even though its pre season , I'm still excited !! #Hockey #RedWings ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just smiled so big You're amazing ! Happy valentines day to the best boyfriend ever , Im so excited to see you <3 #iloveyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I thought you were awkward ",0 "It looked like he fogged up the whole helmet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it is . Lol . I drink responsible what you been up to ? #Missyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I'll be the best damn coat girl out there☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm getting paid Monday .... And Thursday .... I've got all the time in the world for you baby cakes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is almost home from Wally World !!! ",0 "I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh hey jamie ",0 "Have you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ him yet ? ",0 "I'm glad I don't eat a lot of the crap I usually do lately because I'm feeling better in so many ways ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yessir I did & aw thank you ☺ ",0 "I'm seriously so happy ",0 "Coffee and pedicures . My mom is awesome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill have to read that one when does it come out ? ",0 "It's a perfect day for the park ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thats something i'd definitely love to watch ",0 "Panera bread with my mom and Travis mom ",0 "Just napped with little Lulu now Chinese for dinner #lifeIsGood wake up _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just waved to me while driving , while turning a corner . Both of his hands were out the window . WHO THE FUCK WAS DRIVING ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ driver you are ",0 "Sydney loves me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if I bring you hot chocolate can I spend the night ",0 "It's exactly one week until Christmas !! ❤️ ",0 "I wonder if _TWITTER-ENTITY_ has checked his snapchat lately ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lauren told me ",0 "Ready for St. Pattys day now ",0 "I'm in a good mood again ... Finally freaking done with that stupid drama . Moving on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's awesome ! that's such a pretty shopping center to go too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ blondes or brunettes ? be truthful ! real fans won't be offended ",0 "Brayden blowing kisses to Delena on snap chat ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me too ! This episode gave me goose bumps . ",0 "Just dancin in my room . Celebrating ",0 "Anyway , he always gets me the best cream of crab soup and subs in the world . Love the Greek peoples . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha and hunter talking about some Russel the love muscle shit ",0 "Hit a 30 yard shot frolfing tonight . It was pretty exciting ",0 "I hope I Love College by Asher Roth is my life theme song by the time I'm there tho ",0 "#MCM always to my boo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #loveyouhomie ",0 "Only one more week until I'm home #couldntbehappier ",0 "Blake sheltons voice ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome to twitter grandma ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks love ! ",0 "Laughing so hard I'm crying . #lovemyfamily #brothersback ",0 "This mornings been great ",0 "Mornin Lovelies ! Have a great day everyone ! ☺☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ down at the liquor store ",0 "Little Christmas Eve at my grandmas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ laugh out loud I love coffee I have a gold card from Starbucks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm down . ❤ ",0 "Packed up the camper and went fishing with the whole family . Had a good time #exhausted #bedtime ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ text me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Michael and I are going to the gym after school , come with us too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Don't ever forget it ! Bff's for life ! ",0 "Dr. Wall's drawings ",0 "Stars played Going , Going , Gone , Tru and Reunion ! Some of my favorite jams !!!! Tonight rules ",0 "Guys that can sing >>>> ",0 "#wcw _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she's always gonna be one of my wcw's . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I should probably just get everyone to tweet this for me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your too much Logan ",0 "Anchorman 2 with the fam . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish I could go but I'm seeing you in Louisville ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha and I didn't your texttt ",0 "My nights can change direction so fast . Haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok who's were ",0 "Off for a nice run and then ... LIFEGUARDING COURSE ! At least we have each other #Sonervous _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just wish I wasn't sick ! Oh well , at least I get to see you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ send me pictures of Miami pleaseeeee ❤ #obsession ",0 "This weekend is going to be so fucking fantastic if everything works out the way it should ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the sweetest boy hands down ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Cody almost just fought some 7th grader possum Joey off ",0 "I'm sorry you don't approve of what I'm doing with my life , but have fun being a superficial jackass , I'm already doing better than you ",0 "Spring break in flordia with trinity , yeshhhhh . ❤ ",0 "Like comfy socks .. honestly who doesn't love a pair of brand new comfy socks ?! ",0 "So excited for thanksgiving . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahaha . Fine , jump in and then let me know how it feels . Lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so do I !! They are adorable ! ",0 "#InMiddleSchool _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & I took the most embarrassing pictures . ",0 "Today was perffffff ",0 "Aaaaand got peed on by a huge tiger ",0 "LOL my friends and family and amazing . I would be bored and incomplete without them ! I LOVE EVERY ONE OF YOU GUYS ! ❤️❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ soooon please we'll go mudding or some crap❤❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ congrats . Please help keep #Romo upright & open some big holes for running backs ! ",0 "The lion king is one of my favorite movies ",0 "Well , dark shadows is probably one of the most weirdest movies I've seen but I enjoyed the laughs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Are you going to Brent's tomorrow ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg the most famous person ever tweeted me back come visit soon cutie !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks hun and if I learned anything from yesterday it's to not be afraid to stand out ",0 "Can't wait to break out my new yogas for Christmas morning tomorrow . #VSNiceList ",0 "Hmm actually i think i dooo know someone who could top that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no its for me saying how much if a good guy i am and how great i treat bellaboos , shes my baby❤️ ",0 "Finally got my eyebrows done ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ third time I'll be seeing you guys this year ",0 "Thing just got a lil awkward he has a staring problem _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i like beer now ! But that one is my favorite we're twinsies ! #gous ",0 "Pizza for dinner , and I'm a little excited _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "- you're gorgeous , any guy would be lucky to have you . ",0 "Kells has been in the studio soo much lately . Makes me excited . ",0 "Time to go swimming . ☀ ",0 "Some of the stuff _TWITTER-ENTITY_ does ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you too Josh ! ",0 "It's so beautiful out ☀it makes me so happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is no laughing matter ! Lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ where ! ",0 "I'm ready to be off work relaxing with my boy . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's so cool ! It's a big job trying to get music out !! Mine will be out soon too been workin on it FOREVER it seems ",0 "Glad I got to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight !! I'm coming over Sunday !! #yay ",0 "So proud of him today _TWITTER-ENTITY_ did great !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Not me you're just basically calling us guys sucky haha . Maybe some just don't know how to treat women right ",0 "It's gonna be a good day _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they're amazing ",0 "My mom forreal just now realized she forgot to wrap my brothers kinect for christmas so she just gave it to him .. ",0 "Can't wait for the IU game later!' ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she seems like a real nice lady ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is definitely a keeper ☺☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ That's the shit I DO like ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg I was the most annoying with that haha seriously I do need new songs to download though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can get the business , any day any time any second ",0 "My babe _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Getting Chipotle is the only thing to do right now .... All alone gives ya time to think #Happy ",0 "Spring Break is in 3 weeks and 2 dayzzzzz . ",0 "My sister asked me to snapchat her puppies to her , I said no & she called me a \evil hitler reincarnated little slut "" #notthatbad "" ",0 "I laugh at your stupidity ",0 "Heading back to marist with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just tryin to help out leah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Welcome home . I friended you on fb ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no problem ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I for even know . Haha . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm only ever gonna use it at AE and pay it as soon as I buy . it just saves you a lot of money and builds credit . on clothes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ha sounds good to me if I get a connection to tickets for that game I'll let you know . ",0 "Ryan's the cutest when he walks around in his underwear lol so adorable☺ ",0 "Singing to feel this moment lol ! ✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tjmaxx ! And Marshall's I've been buying most of my things there lately they're great places ",0 "watching one tree all day with my bestfriend ! ☺️ #greattdayy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Getting my nails done finally ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whatever that is ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YOU'RE COMING ?! ",0 "I surprisingly ended up having a really wonderful day . ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my mom has Instagram ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ let's dress up in bed sheets and show up to his house at 3 am and pretend to be ghosts . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you boob . Get better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that is hilarrr ",0 "24 hours until Raven comes home ",0 "I like my dog more than you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thankyouuu Jalennnn ",0 "Tara and I are wearing the same clothes just in different colors ",0 "These life chats with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ >>>>> #loveyouboo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ uhg it's so mushy tho ",0 "13 ; you're gorgeous and i love you ! & volleyball should be fun ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank boo #missyouu ",0 "My addiction ? Eating raw cookie dough ",0 "I wish I still had those videos from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on my iPod . That'd make my day ",0 "Whoever invented s'mores .. I fucking love you #SoGood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha absolutely the best ! Thanks !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yayy ! We will be reKINDLING our friendship ! I'm so funny ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm in loveeee ",0 "When _TWITTER-ENTITY_ plays with my hair >>>> #thankyeww ",0 "The voicemail I just got from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ made my day !!! ",0 "Five days till the parade !! ",0 "I love Christmas because everybody is so happy and it reminds me how blessed I am ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh hey thanks ",0 "Big congrats to my seester _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on becoming a JCHS cheerleader ",0 "Coffee sounds so good right now ",0 "Me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ need to hang out more often . ",0 "The cutest of all school supplies ",0 "3,600 tweet goes out to my family because no one else is always there besides them _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #loveyouguys ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Your too cute !! ",0 "Pieces are falling into place . I'm getting excited ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you Kadee ! & feel the same way ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHAHHAHAA OMG ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ for damnn sure . So bad lol ",0 "I'm so bless that my little kids love to read couldn't have found better kids to nanny all summer ! ",0 "At least then he said he's a great performer and transforms on the stage ",0 "John Mayer tonight what a great bday gift from my bff _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank u !!! ",0 "In Nashville ! #woopwoop ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how could I forget ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love and miss you ",0 "About hunting !! ☺️ ",0 "waiting for mom to come by with my siblings & bring me icing for the cookies . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okie b ",0 "Having to be nice to stupid people and being able to do so is a beautiful thing #very difficult ",0 "Okayy Ben and Brody just won me over #favorite ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I win !! I always win !!! ",0 "Summer & Gatsby are almost here ! Not sure which one I'm more excited for #happydays ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh yay !! ",0 "Brittany is like a little kid with my bed bc it airs up and down ",0 "I could listen to #CharlesRamsey all day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh boy ! I'm here again .. damn vodka and hot sun !!!! ",0 "lunch with Ryan , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , Steven & Matt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right . There also really cute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ He's stunning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your lending me one !? You're the best shaina ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Let's go !! I said today I was dying to go !! #ILoveJT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Your welcome Chris ☺️ I hope you have a great evening ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Brittany , you're one of those pretty girls #shutup ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he hasn't seen anything that was just a warm up ! Haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no problem bull me and Danny will miss you tons ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you won't regret doing it , it's so much fun ",0 "#TweetLikeTheOppositeGender Channing Tatum Pls marry me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you miss you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ THIS YEAR WE'LL ALL BE VARSITY ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we are obviously hanging out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you should be very excited !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nevermind we good haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you !! ",0 "That nap >>>> ",0 "Taylor Swift > ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm just kiddin btw ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ That's just how it goes ",0 "i know today a rough day for you baby girl but just remember god heals everything & be strong , love you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Nothing but greatness ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah , I'm funny . ",0 "16 : I miss you a lot . We didn't really talk until your senior year but you're really cool and supa nice ",0 "Or tubing , tubing sounds wonderful ",0 "Can I have a relationship like Dawson and Joey please ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ isn't she so crazy she like screamed when she found out , lolol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're a freak ! Lmfao ",0 "So many good songs out right now , can't wait to dance to them all tomorrow !!! ",0 "The lake house >>> #greatmovie ",0 "s/o to the beautiful Penn State boy on our flight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Stick to the words on your spelling list . ",0 "That person will you never get over .... you know who you are ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ did you eat corned beef ?! ",0 "Only got 4 hours of sleep , and Larry brings me coffee so I can wake up #surprise ",0 "Leave it to my boyfriend for being the one to carve a penis on his pumpkin ",0 "Bible study was good . Got me back on track for the week . #ready ",0 "I had a wonderful night with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I guess _TWITTER-ENTITY_ too with her cute little voice ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ be happy !!! See I tried ",0 "Grand lake here I come ! #IceFishing #GoingToBeAGreatDay ",0 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ since I've known you ... freshman year ... you've continued to be a great friend to me ! Thank you for being in my life ",0 "Who wants to buy me a camo steering wheel cover for my car ? #latebdaypresent ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn girl I can't wait to see you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got the same thing to complete my collection of course !!!!! #2020Experience #myobsession ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ He is the greatest ! On that one I am sure we agree ! ",0 "I've always had the biggest crush on you and always will ! #AnythingForYou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm here too ! Painting a dorm ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's very true ",0 "I can't wait to see my boyyyy ",0 "Friendship is too valuable a thing to lose to risk leaving the friend zone . I like things the way they are now . Safe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ std filled ducks ?! ",0 "Played pass in the yard with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ now watching him , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ play basketball ",0 "\You are looking for someone to bang the sadness out of you "" #girlcode on rebounds "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No problem ! ",0 "Shoutout to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for always zipping/snapping my lamb costume #twinsistahs ",0 "Movie night with my best friend <3 _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My diet today will consist of nothing but cookies , milk and apple cider . ✌️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ NO BATMAN ! ",0 "Happy 7 months to the love of my life _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . I love you baby . ",0 "Cuddling in my bed all warm watching OTH till I have to go to work and then I get to come home and bake cookies #perfectday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry had to love you ",0 "Does coach rally think people know what's goin on in this story ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Pitch Perfect is on ",0 "My mom loves 23 by miley cyrus . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ he has lighter colored hair . Typically talks a little less on camera _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Quaker steak and lube . #yum ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yuppp , for about another month til softball ",0 "Getting the galaxy note without upgrading my contract early , so then in November when I can upgrade , I can get the galaxy 3 #imbrilliant ",0 "Me- I have bug bites everywhere ! Why do bugs like me soo much ?! Anthony- it must be because you're so pretty babe . It makes perfect sense . ",0 "I'm such a Daddy's girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ do you get off today ?!?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I STILL LOVE YOU !! ",0 "Smooooth legs >> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ very much so ! Very much ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what is there to be confused about ",0 "These snapchats from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ crap .. My bad #lookingdumb ",0 "Thank god for Lily . ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ heheheheh I'm kidding you're a princess . I love you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ have fun with that !! It won't happen again for a while ",0 "had a good day today , thanks whit❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ what did I just read ",0 "It was fun until it rained ",0 "Going to winter formal with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm happy I got to spend the day with my wonderful boyfriend . Tonight should be evvvvenn better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ My feet are definitely faster than my body when I'm upright , but rolling down the slope I think body wins ! Faster for sure ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait to play again soon ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao I think we're probably pushing the envelope here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes get to bed I'll overwhelm you more tomorrow maybe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ! We try ☺️ ",0 "Last day to vote for CASC homecoming . Vote Tracey and Zaver ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is just too funny . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ heck yes ",0 "Anyways , at least someone texted me ! Thanks babe _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that sounds amazing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Girlfriend I am talking a bottle or two a day to help a sistaaa out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you'd never say that if you didn't wreck ",0 "Jake comes back tomorrow ",0 "Cinderella is on . ",0 "That movie put me in such a good mood . Ahhh , all those perf memories . ",0 "2012 has been one amazing year ! It was one of the best years of my life . Here's to 2013 being much better ",0 "Tomorrow marks me staying at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ house for four days ",0 "can't wait until sunday #walkingdead ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 90s pop for cardio ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am done with you ! ",0 "I'm mentoring in the labor and delivery unit at doctors west tmr . I'm soooo excited ",0 "My 11:11 it always for you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YAYYYYYY !!! I <3 _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ college is great jules ! and don't forgot I'm only a little over an hour away in case ya need me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤️I love you thanks for being someone I can count on !!! ",0 "My dad is reading me a joke in this hilarious accent idk what he is saying but I am dying lmao ",0 "Friday Night Lights with babe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Best Friends since Pre K I love you too ",0 "Twenty One Pilots playing November 27 at House of Blues .... OH MY GOD YESSS !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its fun to tweet it ! ",0 "I always go give _TWITTER-ENTITY_ some flamin ' hot Cheetos because we be fucking them up ",0 "At least he now is gonna get me more for Christmas ",0 "I love how brutally honest I am with my friends ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG a cat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ about time you asked we best do someyhjng ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's from today . It was class color day for spirit week and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ put a weird filter on it . ",0 "Day just got a million times better . ",0 "I tweet so much when I'm emotional ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ - \Don't worry ma'am . I sat in the drive thru so long that I shot out that money . "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is going to have a ghetto roommate ",0 "I'm laughing so hard at this right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we're excited ! #goscots ",0 "Last night was one of the best nights all year❤️ So happy with life right now ",0 "i love rain when it's sunny out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your welcome enjoy your break !! ",0 "talking to you makes me happy ",0 "Bedtime . Snuggling with my sweet kora ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mmmhmmm (; and don't be !! It's my job ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we can get drunk tonight ",0 "On time for the first time ever . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It really is , I'd love to have one in my future home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ We are too good ",0 "And the Chargers are winning ⚡ ",0 "Ahhh love this feeling #youresocute ",0 "Got to see my boys during their Hell Week ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm so happy I'm home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I watched one this morning after you woke me up I can't wait !! What time do you get out of class ?! #loveyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah about that ? ",0 "We are having too much fun !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Cold in my room , but when you got 4 blankets on you , you're toasty like a little cat curled up in a ball . ",0 "I've done way to much running around campus for it to only be 9:30 ... Good thing I'm done for the day at 10am woop woop ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh thank youu ! ",0 "So many mixed emotions today ! ☺ #iNeedToVent ",0 "Watching the hangover ",0 "Such a good day to watch movies and cuddle with my boyfriend ",0 "Movie night _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm obsessed with Grey's Anatomy !! ",0 "Ready for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to get home so I can eat some yummy food she makes ☺ ",0 "being blonde is always a trip #thestruggle ",0 "Done with school till wednesday . Only 1 final Wednesday then officially done with this semester . Yeah , I made it my bitch . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you get to see my beautiful face ",0 "- I love you ! You're always here for me when I need you & can talk to you about oomf , because we're in the same place . ",0 "Nick said \it's like a museum "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Okay sounds good . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ syd you don't have to do this . I love that you have my back . But I don't need it . I physically could care less . ",0 "Everyone _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the best ! Love and miss you !!! ",0 "I must have been good this year because Santa brought me presents ",0 "the note I wrote _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today was adorable ",0 "Day 5 of shark week and it still hasn't gotten old ",0 "Lol if I do get trashed who would be my DD ? It wouldn't be _TWITTER-ENTITY_ because this kid needs a drink as much as I do . #wut #okok ",0 "My head is throbbing hope _TWITTER-ENTITY_ will drive me to work ! He's the best #lovehim ",0 "Spent all day and night with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Couldn't ask for a better time . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so I can kill people in my room . ",0 "I've skipped PE for the last 2 months to sit in the Drivers Ed car so the teacher and I are like bffs now , & we went and got coffee today . ☕ ",0 "This conversation >>>> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "EVERYONE WRITE #BELIEVEACOUSTIC ON THEIR WRIST TOMORROW ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol . mom keeps telling me too go through stuff too I'm gonna have too eventually ! ",0 "Getting picked up from school and smoking a blunt >> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I thought so ! Thank you ! ",0 "After sleeping with Nikki's drugrug last night , I NEED to get one holy crap it was amazing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ week let me know when your mommas home alone so I can show her the good time she's been missin ",0 "The fact that I was doing burnouts this morning & hit a fucking fire hydrant >>>>>> holy shit funniest thing ever ",0 "When you poke _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on the butt while she's on the treadmill and she screams >>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lookin cute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hellllssss Yeahh we are ! ",0 "Finally a beautiful day ! ☀ ",0 "I'm glad that me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just killed sing star for an hour and a half ",0 "I have the house to myself . My dad doesn't count . All he does is clean and read the newspaper !! ",0 "There's a young , 5-child family at this hotel and the parents have taught them baby sign . Tiny signing hands are the cutest ! ",0 "716- We've talked a little , hope that changes to a lott you're a cutie & text me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nice ! Me too ! I also see that you retweeted Ashley . I know her from working at sunshine ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah next time ! ",0 "Me and ash have been through hell and back for about 7 months now and we have still managed not to kill each other . I love my bit☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Monday and Wednesday and off on noon thursday ",0 "Tyler and Stevie forreal got me crackin up at my TL right now #MissThem ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lolol ! I don't know what that is either ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good ! Glad to hear that XO ",0 "Our seats for Jason Aldean this weekend are gonna give us a great view _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I can't wait till warped ",0 "This morning tho , gah the smooth face ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so i can't google it to make it ? bc that's sounds soo delicious ! ",0 "To whoever walked in the office , hope you get a raise for giving me that Reese ",0 "nothing is better than working all day than being treated to dinner at margritas after ",0 "I finally got a mini white and pink Christmas tree for my room ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Brock ! ",0 "I seriously love Jennifer Lawrence ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's what normal people do ",0 "Great time seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm so in shock at what _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just told me ! ☺️❤️ ",0 "Okay , I need sleep . Goodnight y'all ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahhahahah I just died ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It'll be okay though big guy #iloveyou ",0 "I have the best friends _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha I have better judgment than that ",0 "Going into school at 9:30 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hope you liked your candy ! ",0 "Giving blood !!!! Wasn't planning on it , but it's in the basement of my dorm , so I figured , hey , why not . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cool . ",0 "Going into biolife expecting failure so I won't be disappointed . Again . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ video snapchat ",0 "Happy Father's Day to Chris ! You're like my dad . You've cared more then i ever thought and done way more then i ever asked . Thank you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't think Cole can be that nice all the time now burn book stop ur nonsense anti but book keep doing u ",0 "#TweatYourWeakness neck kisses ",0 "Shower time and then seeing me girlfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will I promise !!! I meese you and I feel like if I was in Illinois we'd be able to get into a lot of shenanigans together ",0 "Love life right now . ",0 "Well the Steelers win . I think I'm the only one in Michigan who is happy . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is too scared to grab a moth ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you justin <3 ",0 "#O2LHITAMILLION _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ SO PROUD OF YOU BABES ❤140 ",0 "Jalapeño popper chicken for dinner tonight ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ did you watch the first Haunting in Connecticut ? Thought it was great , I bet the second one will be too #haunting2 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was actually on my list of possibilities !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just had them tied last week ",0 "Why is my life so perfect ? ",0 "The text _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just sent me >>> ",0 "Wow and 3 of my best friends are going to cedarville too ! ☺️ ",0 "Six tattoos in ",0 "Gained my weight back finally ",0 "Out to lunch with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Maddison .. Stop tweeting&text me back . Thanks . ☺️ ",0 "Yay could possibly be getting my new phone today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hello ! . How are you ? ",0 "Got Evan down for his napppp , now getting my tan on for Jamaica I . Cannot . Wait . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't k me Garrett I still love you ",0 "I couldn't be happier with where my life is right now . ☺️ #purehappineds ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my god hahahahaaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ BEST BOOK EVER ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my first ever tweet , I'm ashamed was , teach me how to tweet teach me teach me how to tweet ",0 "My grandpa has been texting people LOL this whole time ... Thinking it meant \Lots Of Love "" ❤️ "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I LOVE that pic Danielle has as her twitter pic . I bet you took it ?? ",0 "#incomingfreshmanadvice when a upperclassman guy calls you in the middle of the night wanting to hangout , it means he likes ur personality ",0 "The best in Dark Horse by Katy Perry >>>> ",0 "I can't wait to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "So excited to wake up in 5 hours ☺️ ",0 "I can't wait to go watch this movie with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this was a out Morgan ✌ ",0 "Milo from General Hospital ",0 "getting asked out on 11/12/13 would be so cute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ doesn't count . You're skinny fat . ",0 "Someone text me until I fall asleep , please and thank you . ",0 "Can we all please take a moment to reflect back on _TWITTER-ENTITY_ last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ \what's up with it ? "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahah nd lovin me "" that's awesome #nightmade "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you !! lol I wanted some with my truck but they said it wouldn't fit in the studio lol ",0 "So excited/nervous for my tryout today ",0 "If you honk your horn and your vehicle implodes , you're gonna have a WHEELY bad time . Eh , Zoe ? ",0 "Sparking up the Midwest ! one face at a time ",0 "That snapchat _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Why are you so great ",0 "mrs theodore moved the test to tomorrow and bri had her praying hands and looked up like hank you ! "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we had it allll . Ham , mashed potatoes , gravy , stuffing , roll , baked beans , green beans , corn . and pie . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry but I can't help but look at this it's the funniest thing I've ever seen _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 123 tweets ago ",0 "This guy in my sociology class ",0 "He's the cutest thing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ watched that with four teenage boys and watched them all LOVE it . ",0 "Christophers mom is down from NC . spending the day with her . ",0 "you think you can beat her in a fight she'll kill you ",0 "Austin just looked at me & said , you're my bestfriend babe & one day I'll marry you ❤️ ",0 "Zimmerman is free Cory Monteith is dead Kyle Massey has cancer Casey Anthony is pregnant . How are you today ? ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm all cuddled up in my bed with my pillow pet "" Hahaha , you loser ! "" ",0 "Cheer bbq's always makes it a better day .. ❤ #lovemyteam #cheerleading > ",0 "Michigan is booty so is Nebraska and Georgia's defense ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LIVIN LARGE BITCHES !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ jayroneal ..... Blurred lines ... Reminds me of a song we'd like !!!!!!! ",0 "Seriously if my cousin come over this weekend it would make me happy ",0 "I can't wait for Christmas . My new clothes are too cute , I have wonderful taste ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok thank you ",0 "just thinking about how I wanted to go to Altoona and them my mama texts me asking for me to go with her . um YEAH ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok good ",0 "This gay guy just called me his girlfriend and said its vodka Sunday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ who ? I'd like to know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea , you're pretty much the only senior that I know who has it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sounds like fun to me ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I only saw one shooting star but it was so nice to just lay in my yard and gaze up at the sky ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Pirating is just bad . Ask _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to gift it to your Cydia ID they’re nice about it . ",0 "Who knows we might Go down in flames , but then again you might just change my name ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ really so the naked pictures I sent you were enough for you to make a sculpture ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I like Christmas movies ! It's the cold weather and Christmas music that I don't like ",0 "Homecoming lataa . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jordan you would screenshot it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ! I'm so glad I'm finally learning how to do things with it , hahah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ",0 "I have Logan and daizie both snoring with their heads in my lap ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahh love it ! Good choice ",0 "Have fun with that one ",0 "Ellyse killed a spider for me ❤ ",0 "Awe my brother made me a milkshake . Love him ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just your faces ! It's crazy ",0 "So warm and bundled up in bed , I could stay here all day #lovethisfeeling ☺️ ",0 "Oh hey mom .. I'm going to bed I have school in the morning love you !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you should !!! I want that internship so bad . Hopefully see you soon ",0 "She got that good good ",0 "And also , s/o to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for making my bed this morning . #thankyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just let me know when you're allowed to have one ! Dogs are the best . Especially on rough days . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks to me ",0 "But tomorrow is Anthony's first fathers day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I know I'm just hilarious ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love all of your tweets , can you tell ?! ",0 "God damn I love nicki minaj so much ",0 "At Ashland University to watch Jared play rugby !! Go BW !! ",0 "have to get up at 7:30 tomorrow to go to the doctors but it's okay because I get to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ after ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you buying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ see you tomorrow night buddy . ",0 "Knowing that I finally get to drive my dads truck tomorrow makes me one happy daughter . #DaddysGirl ❤ ",0 "What _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is now realizing is that EVERY car rental is #Horrible & people r always mad . Even the employees r gritting their smiles ",0 "$1 subs at Jimmy Johns ",0 "Ready to be in the woods ",0 "When girls wear all black bikinis at the beach .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you so much !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you could always dye it darker . ",0 "I can't even begin to describe how happy I am from the news I just received . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is so gorgeous ! I love your avi ☺ ",0 "I think that stripper had a crush on me ",0 "Haha I'm glad I have friends that could always tell me what time it is . You guys are always there for me☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and if I just retread what you mean , I actually meant # and you misunderstood :P ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you so much for this tweet ",0 "I still love watching Angels in the Outfield with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ as a little kid . #suchacutie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well ur twitter name is i love my bones ..... so i just assumed lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think that's it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are hilarious . I miss you ",0 "That goodnight text was a perfect way to end my night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and 300 likes #famousssss ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was content w Darryl but ok ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes !! Just yes ! ",0 "I swear the only person I will send ugly picture for her to save is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ because she is my Nigglet and I trust her with them ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OH , I WON'T! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ also the apple of my eye this is perfect . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Did you notice him pull her beside him ?? Like does it look like I give a fuck ? But thanks for doing that ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ get some sleep ladies #GAMEDAY tomorrow ",0 "I love how you keep posting pictures with your girlfriend and how much you miss her but you keep messaging and snap chatting me ? #juststop ",0 "a movie in first period ",0 "So creepy ! ",0 "When a girl has good taste in music >>> #ShitiDoLike ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he's a tool ",0 "OBSESSED WITH MY SEPTUM !! ",0 "Next week at this time !!!! ",0 "Anyone wanna take me to lax to get my nails done ?! ",0 "Working in nanty glo today for the opening wellness event ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... it's good being in the company of superheroes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol that's ok , so did I ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg i need a golden ticket ❤️ ",0 "Jakes first time watching Movie 43 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ should that even be a question ? haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well you definitely had your license and a car 2 years ago ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bahahhhaha that's great ! ",0 "i'm getting a tattoo soon guys & my nose pierced . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thx for the tear fest I just had seeing this pic !!! The love for your family is overwhelming ::::: ",0 "Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ remember that time I changed _TWITTER-ENTITY_ facebook profile ?? panda on a rocking horse ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I guess you need to ask madie who sent it to her .. Haha ",0 "Girls night out ",0 "I love being with someone who you can not care what you look like and be yourself around ",0 "Literally feeling 100 times better since yesterday #goodmood ",0 "I'm going to look like a Mexican from an old western movie ",0 "just realized my music keeps playing when I open Snapchat ! My day is made ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ howdy aaron it would make my life if you retweeted and/or tweeted a single word to me <3 your biggest fan #yourock ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' s tweets today are cracking me up right now ",0 "I'm such a happy girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I heard you guys giggling like little school girls hahahahaha ",0 "12 more days of school till Christmas break ❄️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ were gonna take even longer now so you have to sit there and be bored for along timeeeeee #havefun #lololol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ will do ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you too ! #ComeVisitWC ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've told my self I'm going to the library all day and I'm still laying on my bed ! ",0 "Get to stay after school another and a half . If you love me you'll come pick me up ",0 "#Arrow #RoyHarper . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are the most beautiful girl I kno and I have a giant crush on you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I'm a good boy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ as always haha ",0 "Since you're ugly get surgery ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and my sissy with that second goal #whooooo ",0 "Our waitress at the Waffle House is awesome ",0 "I laugh so hard every time I pass the escalade that says ESCALADE across the windshield ",0 "Can't wait to go to Edons walk out with Casey ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hate to butt into a conversation buttt just come to the first week at least !! Give it another shot ",0 "The snapchat Caleb just sent though haha ",0 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ he is the greatest boyfriend ever couldn't ask for anyone better ",0 "Me & Kelsey slept with our arms wrapped around each other ",0 "Cannot wait to pick my new car up tomorrow !!!! #excited !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awh ! That's sweet ! I will always love you too ! ☺️ ",0 "Watching old musicals with Niko ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you tweeted this you fag , therefore it doesn't count ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ & I just switched roles . He's talking like a girl & I'm talking like a guy . ",0 "Going play with the kittens at hobo hotel tomorrow ! ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh really funny ",0 "Could not be happier to be home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ atta girl ",0 "I AM FULLY BLONDE !!!!!!!!!!!! Yay ",0 "When _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is trying not to laugh at himself ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ after I get my books from home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just wanted to let you know that you're beautiful in every way . I'm thankful your mine . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah dinner and I can give you your presents ",0 "And shoutout to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for taking care of me Friday night ",0 "Kaytee's such a jackass to people . ",0 "#FF _TWITTER-ENTITY_ My go to friend when I need \computer "" advice "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ umm heck yes , of course I am !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sounds like a plan ! ",0 "My dad just bought me a whole pizza ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too Have a great night ☺️ ",0 "I'm just happy try out week is over ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh you're so sweet I'm here if you need anything too beautiful ",0 "2 words , 1 finger . ",0 "Been laying here looking at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for 5 minutes now ...... Thanks a lot _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "when _TWITTER-ENTITY_ trusts me with his truck #UhOh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're a brat ! enjoy and take lots of pics ! ",0 "I absolutely love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤ ",0 "So excited to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this weekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will tomorrow ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nice it's good once in a while . ",0 "Getting school stuff done so i can have a little fun with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this sunday evening ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ babe I still want to date you your my one and only forever and ever #iloveyou ",0 "Pregnancy plus , my boobs have grew two cup sizes ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ made me laugh . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bout time we hang out ",0 "All my Lourdes babies are getting their invitation the first day of school . I didn't forget about you guys ",0 "still not over what Maddie told me #toofunny ",0 "I didn't know you posted all these pics of me ! I'm touched ",0 "the conversations me and tori have about zack and Christian would make them wanna leave us ",0 "Can't wait to be with the loves of my life tonight _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "the Steelers trade for Levi Brown and within a week he gets put on IR ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ great legs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ i just had a chocolate milk and a bagel ",0 "Nightmare Before Christmas with my babes #perfectnight ",0 "Had a good work out at the YMCA today with my daddy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you !! ",0 "I love this update ",0 "I think I may be a tish obsessed with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! Express my love towards time to my friends every day ! ",0 "#IGotAThingFor a boy from the south ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ EVERYONE knew about that Miranda hahahha you just didn't know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ rachael ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're so weird ",0 "Soooo close to a new tattoo . Hahh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Those look super delish !! Enjoy !! ",0 "I'm going on a diet , if I got my back dimples pierced it would be so hot ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahhaa maybe ... I will explain later though ",0 "When the sub talks , everyone gets quiet because we all adore him ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ least you have your tickets ! ",0 "I don't even care that Dylan Sprouse was sending nudes , he was lookin ' F-I-N-E . ",0 "I'm legit SOOOOO EXCITED NOW !!!!! ",0 "Prettyyy pleeeease with a cherry on top pleeease pick me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ <3 #BSBonGMATomorrow <3 ",0 "S/O to the super sweet _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for allowing me to eat his dinner . Cons of working 2nd shift , I suppose ",0 "Woke up with a text from Mr. Johnson ",0 "Can't wait to see my best friends again _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ keep your head up Matt if it's meant to be , things will work out ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you , scott . And same to you and yours ! ",0 "#100ThingsThatMakeMeHappy my two best friends . Fuck with them and you'll die . ",0 "i rode a rollercoaster with the really cute band director and he grabbed onto my leg ",0 "Ansley's selfies on my phone >> #gonnamissher ",0 "Sooo excited for the weekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I saw you too T-T rain ",0 "Bye Bluffton , it's been great ",0 "I told Megan I'd find her a boyfriend if she found me one . ",0 "Softball games canceled = me getting to watch #TheVoice ",0 "This day went from bad to good due to leaving school early , getting Mcalister's , and listening to Jason Mraz ",0 "Currently laying on top of three people in a back seat . What would my dad say about that huh ? ",0 "im a-okay with all these grind on me vines ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just saw youuuu ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ SEE YOU FRIDAY ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it Just got done ",0 "Funn night ! #Taren ",0 "Holy hot guys ",0 "OMG . I'm excited now ! thank you Darby #foodisforever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ on my way ! I just finished class . ✏️ #collegelife ",0 "you're going to be the best female athlete in the nation senior year !!!! And you help me so much in chem thank you !! ",0 "Talking to Lynn really makes my nights like 1000x better . Love her ",0 "\He must be messed up in the head "" oh how I love my mom "" ",0 "I am a size 9 shoe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wellllll , I'll talk to you ",0 "Has an amazing boyfriend/daddy when this momma is running late he did everything for me <3 love him ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just said \when did Shayla grow balls ? "" "" ",0 "Weird to say it was just snowing earlier today .. #PureMichigan ❄⛅☀ ",0 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for being really nice . & I think it's awesome that you lost so much weight ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love seeing Ed speak . He's excellent to watch Carlisle WILL be won #voteLabour2015 ",0 "Because if you are about to drown youll learn to swim ☺️ ",0 "What a great weekend to be on the lake ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I would love to get together soon ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if I'm spending that much money your gonna be wearing something I like lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT TOO ",0 "Wow that turned my horrible mood into an awesome mood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've never had chocolate filled .. ",0 "Trying to convince my mom to let me go to Sayre with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "What to do to kill time between class ? Have Mikey teach me stick shift . ",0 "I don't think anyone understands my LOVE for pumpkin pie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh shit son ... U famous now ! Can I have your autograph ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sounds gooood to me ❤️ ",0 "Let the good luck tweets and texts begin ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks baby love you so much ",0 "I get more and more excited for Safe Haven every time I see the trailer . ",0 "Hi my name is Lila Ruffin and Im gonna marry an immigrant and have little immigrant babies _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I will never be in love again . Because you will be the last personthat I will give my love . I intend to keepthat promise . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you Abi ❤ love and miss you too ! ",0 "Stuffed pork chops home made mashed potatoes with gravy and sweet corn yummy can't wait to eat ",0 "This girls hair look like ramen noodles ",0 "Wow .. . in nine days it will be six months with Jake .... there something special in him <3 ",0 "Girl your texts to him are so silly #yourembarassingyourself ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hehe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ",0 "YES YES YES ",0 "There's about to be a better me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ jeez that's awkward give it to him next time . I feel like I gave Logan his months ago ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I HAVE B LUNCH !! ❤❤❤ it'll be just like last year . ",0 "first game tomorrow #beatWestwood ",0 "I'm so excited about Throwback Thursday ! ",0 "A huge S/O to my boo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ he's perfect in every way , and I'm so lucky he's mine . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is my new favorite ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yess babes i miss you too , for sure for sure ! text meee & we'll plan it out ",0 "Now my case is yellow . Since it's spring weather I don't mind . I don't really like yellow tho but this will do until I get another one . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I'm just as obsessed with you as you are with me ",0 "Time to go to target and then home tk pack haha ",0 "I think today is my lucky day ",0 "Kels stay strong ! It will go smoothly ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I need to make a public announcement ! Chaz and I are in fact  thing "" "" ",0 "Welcomed back to the country after 9 days with an hour long border wait ",0 "These Elf Yourself videos make my day ",0 "New episode of #JerrySpringer . I'm about to flip out . One of the new security guards is foineeee ",0 "Going out to dinner for my dads bday . Love you dad ",0 "This weekend was absolutely amazing ! #happygirl #hesthebest ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hope you're kidding ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're hilarious I love all your vines . ",0 "Emo bunny . He doesn't carrot all ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao no . It was in my trunk not really sure how that happened .. ",0 "Will someone please come take care of me ? I will seriously love you forever and ever . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't say anything that wasn't about him ",0 "My sister is a freak nine times out of ten ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha why r u scared ? ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Can't wait to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tomorrow it's been too long ❤ "" I am seriously so excited I've missed you like crazy "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well if you're not back by then we'll do it Saturday night ",0 "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ",0 "That was one hell of a game ! ",0 "This weather makes me wanna go sit in a tree stand all day lol . #niceandcool ",0 "brad is such a sleep talker ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺️ it's on three days this week ! I'm recording them for you . ",0 "late night talks with her . ",0 "New years round 3 _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Happy with my life . #keepingtomyself ",0 "Knowing the wicked witch won't be in Alfred anymore makes me so happy . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nope . I just randomly saw the quote on a gratitude stationary kit and loved it . ",0 "No matter who wins tonight , you are all winners in my book _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #VoiceFinale _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just thought it was funny .. no offense to my baby Em or Europe ",0 "Lol I'm out at a bar in Mansfield . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh I won't . He's safe and sound in my purse lol ",0 "things have just been working out perfectly . ",0 "That was the best six and a half hour nap I've ever had ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come on that's too much lol jk ehh we'll see ☺️ ",0 "Chipotle , Starbucks , and now waiting for a bus back to school . If I make it back in time for AHS , my night is made . ",0 "Lol , wtf ?! ",0 "Amazing boyfriend and bestfriend fighting over my ass priceless _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Jilly is coming over ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ invitation is so adorable . I can't wait to see her . ",0 "New Tattooo Tonight #cantwait . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but it's all good cause I'm coming tomorrow and you'll forget all about it ",0 "oh my gosh if momma Jen gets me I'll be able to hang out with Hayden and my bestfriend ",0 "Cozy and warm in my bed ",0 "I had a very successful online shopping sesh , THEN I read that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ got picked up for a 2nd season ! IS THIS REAL LIFE !? ",0 "Hope everyone enjoys my good morning snap chat ",0 "Woke up in such a good mood it's going to be a fabulous day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's what sisters are for ",0 "If I get to see my boy today my day will be made ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ they have them at mr. Snow too but it's called a pink lady with cream !! #soogood ",0 "Clean sheets and shaved legs . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't remember if I ever responded , so thanks ! Hope your Panera was good the other day , too ! ",0 "I know you don't know it but you're fine , so fine ",0 "This brand new Chevy with a lift kit would look a hell of a lot better with you up in it !!! ",0 "Time to go riding ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Uhhh the 23rd I hope your ready , Alex's 21st !!! ",0 "About to go lay outside until the sun goes down☀ ",0 "High speed chase . Literally . ",0 "This is going to be such a special Christmas I love making people happy ! ",0 "Karma will catch up with you . ",0 "Okay now in happy af because NY is about to legalize my true love❤️ ",0 "Amazing doesn't even begin to cover it . ☺️ ",0 "Matt Damon in School Ties >>>>>>>>>>> #dying ",0 "3.3 - idk why you sent me a 3.3 cause yous a 10✊ lol I miss you ! we need to hangout soon ! Love ya ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your life has now become awesome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we need to hang out and swim asap ",0 "My socks for the games tonight were great . ",0 "#1DDayLive UTAH UTAH UTAH !!!!!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you really out there ? I'll come check it out just so I can say I've been there and so your not the only young person ! ",0 "Don't you love forgetting about homework you had until 11 PM the night before it's due ? ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I be missin you at morning workouts ! "" been working a lot , but I'll be there tomorrow ! "" ",0 "Playing ping pong with Jeff ",0 "Imma sucker for blue eyes ",0 "Just had a dream that I was getting a lap dance from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .... If only my dreams came true ",0 "When I get bored in the car I send _TWITTER-ENTITY_ snapchats of me singing #BestFriendLove hahaha ",0 "Christmas break ! I see you ",0 "we used to talk and then your cousin fricked it all up but you're one of the nicest people I've met and I'm glad we're friends ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I mean always expect the unexpected there are bad people out there just looking out for my Cal ",0 "Forgot I ran into _TWITTER-ENTITY_ at the bar until I just found the pic we took . ",0 "Good day today so far hopefully it stays this way , just gotta keep your head uppppp . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can help you be happy ",0 "I've had so much fun the past 2 nights for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ 21st ",0 "the 2 most stressful days of this year are finally over ♥ ",0 "Hunter calling me pretty today made my day so much better ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that shit cracked me ip ",0 "Successful sibling shopping trip with the Maffett's ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm good . Work keeps me busy which is a good thing . I've lost weight , too ! IDK how much but IK I have You ok Fratello ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait to see you eitherrrr ",0 "I'm going to Denver over 420 ",0 "Had a really good day ",0 "I'm so excited to go home . Mostly cause I can finally have a jacket and not freeze to death anymore . Also so I can see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you never know ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awesome !! ",0 "omg . drake ",0 "the fact that i got a blender for christmas #thanksmom ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YES I WILL HANG OUT WITH YOU ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ glad I could do so ",0 "Didn't think my day could get any better . And then you texted me ",0 "He called him a nigger at McDonalds ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm still in bed but in a real bed now ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww love you Carl ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and this is why I love My girl friends we can help each other out ! ",0 "When Britt and I drive by the buffalo blaring the horn and yelling \Hey fuck face "" and all the calfs take off running #disruptingthepeace "" ",0 "Had a bad day and hoped it will be better tomorrow #Hopeful #Happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ playing Warped now ? After the RATT cover I think he can handle it ",0 "I'm in love ... #icecream ",0 "#10ThingsIGetAlot you're very blunt and outgoing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you have to be 21 !!! You should still get the permit ! keep one at your condo at least for protection ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ correction : Safety Steve Gregory sucks so bad he couldn't crack the Jets horrible safeties . Hah ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just text me and let me know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill tie you too the back of my truck and put it in Neutral and let it cost and walk behind you as it drags you .. ",0 "So glad I seen _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today ! That made graduation practice a lot better ! ❤ ",0 "Love my best friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Forsure . You be gotten my number ? ",0 "Just bought ten scarves at Entourage for $35 dollars and it makes me soooooo happy ☺️ ",0 "Cancun in 2 days ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yep ! I've even slept all day how bout you ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you retweet me so much . But I love it . & you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ going to bed , i'm sure you're just planning a good morning text ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg that's a great idea ",0 "Lmao _TWITTER-ENTITY_ introducing herself as Anna's opinion . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ but you'll get to see me ! ",0 "#easilyattractedto a guy who knows how to make me laugh a way no one else can ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thaaaaaanks you . ",0 "so can barnabys close tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ the teeth thing is def a stereotype , and I think British accents are the second sexiest accents ever , behind Boston ",0 "S/O anyone ? retweeeet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I work every night besides Thursday will that work ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all are beautiful too ! ",0 "Chicken salad for lunch thanks to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Congrats to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ getting her license with only 16 points off ! ",0 "I love witnessing random acts of kindness reminds me of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ during lent one year #1RAKeveryday #goodpeople ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tell your mamma I said happy Mother's Day please ",0 "I love jamming out in my car by myself ! so glad nobody can see me lolol ",0 "Gonna be a productive day of cooking nd cleaning and running and shopping and tanning ",0 "People should snapchat me jenna_isaacs ",0 "Okay , IT'S OFFICIAL _TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAS WON BEST BOYFRIEND AWARD ",0 "New Hampshire bond ! Colby sawyer here I come ",0 "Cannot wait to go into the hot tub ",0 "Wow , just getting a simple txt like that and im in a better mood !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good spots ! Early advise , eat something before you get them done ! ",0 "this nurse i just seeing is beautifull ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my god ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hehehe love you more ☺ lets do this though you me and Paige ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes that's it ",0 "Four months and I will be in Cali again ",0 "i have a four day weekend come up ",0 "Hopefully _TWITTER-ENTITY_ still loves me after tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ acquired Fez recently . It's extremely pleasant . First videogame I've played in a year . Thanks for reminding me why I like them ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we should all plan a day to go to the cheese cake factory and shopping ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ gonna sick your tough ex's on me ? lolz ",0 "Auburn is a perfect distance from home because of nights like these . Last minute decisions to drive home are the best . ☺️ ",0 "George Strait ❤ #ACMAwards ",0 "I have the best boyfriend in the entire world ",0 "Good job tonight Wildcats ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how about Aberdeen ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha you just made my night explains it ",0 "What would I do without my best frand _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "mile run today ",0 "the swiffer comercial w the old couple is so cute ",0 "No matter what happened tonight I will always love these boys !! Ganna miss the ones leaving but happy for next year ",0 "Taking the bus for the 2nd time this yeat ",0 "Just realized I'm eating a PBJ watching Hop in my batman pajamas and Cookie Monster blanket . How old am I again ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I would've but I just now saw your tweet ",0 "We love you tooooo ",0 "The fact that Kaleb is excessively kissing Katie >> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "#WeirdAttractions boys that wear their hat backwards ",0 "Your ass must look better than your face because my face looks better than yours ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LMAO what !!!! ",0 "Jevon's so soft when it comes to me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're goofy . ",0 "Same thing with peanut butter Oreo #todiefor ",0 "Saw my boy Channing tonight in White House Down , still perfect . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha no problem ! Glad you guys like it good luck tomorrow ! ",0 "Had a dream a made out with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ last night . I woke up looking like ",0 "Best news about my bestfriends getting into college in the past 2 days !!! Yay _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ love u guys so much congrats !! ",0 "I IS stuffed ! #BIGLUNCHDINNER ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not by myself ! Hahahaha he was getting his ice cream . ",0 "Its official , my boyfriend loves me . We are currently going to get a pedicure ! ",0 "Can't believe there's only 3 days until Christmas ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ go #Cards ",0 "New phone and number . Dm me if you want it ",0 "The Spanish guy I get my lunch from wants my curry chicken and peas n rice ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ because hes TRASH !! Haha am I gonna see u guys in a week ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love it . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are so tall ",0 "God has been so good to me ! ",0 "Getting new soccer stuff is the best ",0 "Thanksgiving break is a week full of no makeup and camo in a tree stand ",0 "I Facetime cal at the most inconvient times . When he's in class walking to class working out pooping . Hahahhahaha . ",0 "But Hey , it's Friday !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ totally agree ! Sweet dreams . ",0 "What is on my arm ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ on twitter ",0 "Me Kassi & Nora have the best conversations ",0 "Tonight was fun just remember black people are scared of woods ",0 "It's always a good feeling when clothes that didn't fit you now fit #happytweet ",0 "I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so much . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the sweetest !!! #loveher ",0 "LAINEY IS MY FAVE COUSIN . ",0 "The butterflies I have right now .... ahhhh >>>> ",0 "Aren't we all glad prom was yesterday ?? ☔☁ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wonderful day today . Say Hi to Ron from us !! Take care ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mine to lmfao I have another 8 in the freezer tho I wanna mount just because his rack was better than my first ",0 "That one time someone anonymously messaged me on tumblr telling me that I'm an ugly person inside and out and then called me a bully #luvit ",0 "Shower then bdubs date with my sissssssy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My night had been made ",0 "Is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in the background of the catfish after show right now ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ let me know how it is ! I'm thinkin of that or title boxing ! ",0 "Hutning in this weather ? No thanks daddy ! ☝ ",0 "I really couldn't ask for a better recovery from my wisdom teeth ",0 "Feelin this iOS7 update , now I have all the things I like about android #winning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is my favorite off of #PitchPerfect and he doesn't even talk . that body roll and attractiveness ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YA TAKE PICS ON MY PHONE ",0 "I love this kid so much _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too ",0 "Wrap it before you tap it ",0 "The fact that it's finally October just made my life 5739302x better #favoritemonth ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ very antsy , like I can't sit still but tired at the same time lol I can tell the new synthyroid is working <3 ",0 "I'm gonna go take more Advil cause I feel like I'm dying ",0 "Big thanks to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for taking care of me & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ last night . You guys are seriously the best ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love how we saw each other last night ",0 "The dish box has a lost remote button omg ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Worlds is in 5 days . When & where can I watch ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks so much ! Means the world ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao !! Aw memories !! Now I get to establish those priceless moments 4 my daughter ! I'm the bestest Mommy !! Lol !! ",0 "Omg a horse and buggy with a sound system keeps going by my house #amishmafia #crazyamish ",0 "Finished my first and only research paper of the semester . Celebration time . #blessings ",0 "Can we have nightly talks every night like that ?!?! Good god , I love you man ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Nothing finishes my week off better then spending it with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ♥ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so glad you're finally happy . Text me , and we can swap our wonderful lives ! ❤ ",0 "I'm on my way baby ",0 "My poppys so drunk he's throwing up ",0 "got my squares , now I can walk to school happy ",0 "I hope all freshmen have a good day moving in ! Welcome to #EKU ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you ! Sending email now . ",0 "66- you cute and really funny . ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I made him do that emoji in person ",0 "I'm so glad I don't have to go through goodbye for college with jake ",0 "Rebel wilaon ahow on tommorrow night !!!!! Can't wait !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha okaay ! What you doin tonight ? ",0 "I love this song & that album cover ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ congratulations ! #welcomeZion ",0 "Drive Inn ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh yeah ! And we will have them all to ourselves ! Those skinny biotches don't eat donuts ",0 "When I hear Kelly Pickler's Best Days I think of this girl from highschool who hated me only bc we were both being played by the same dude ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ pretty clever ehhh ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ > ",0 "Taco Bell with my love ",0 "Zac Efron's voice makes me melt . #soperfect ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you's gorgeous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No . I meant Hispanic boys . Not , the Kronander family . ",0 "Travis told me I was single because hot guys don't like me #thxxxxx ",0 "Can't wait to spend New Years with my baby ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ book 2 girl who played with fire . that one reminds me of mhib actually . Youll know what I mean ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well thank you very much ✊ ",0 "Madison's with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I don't think anyone is as special as I am ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol I totally forgot about that . Made my night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you really have no idea how bad I wanted to say _TWITTER-ENTITY_ me next time to that tweet . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ made me so happy . ",0 "Can't wait to see my beautiful girlfriend #missher ",0 "Can't wait to go shoppig tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aweee ! It was so nice seeing you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just keep swimming swimming swimming what do we do ? We swim lol ",0 "I'm happy now . So I think I'm just gonna watch ridiculousness all day until I have to go to work to keep up my happiness . #lovemylife ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is this real life hahahahahahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it doesn't matter whatever you wanna bring ! Ill get some drinks for us and bring a sheet or blanket to sit on ",0 "Huddle House _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks phew ",0 "The snapchat I sent zach ",0 "10 months & going strong . I love you ☺️ #HahGaaaaay _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Have a good day at work ! Look for me on Reds live tonight before and after ! I will wave✌ ",0 "Also that he's not a douche like all the other guys I've dated ",0 "That was so funny . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is gay af ",0 "Fuck yeah soccer tonight ",0 "So happy Ashley was chosen for next great baker ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fanks girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my whole weekend is made ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill miss you ! Even though I haven't seen you since CIY ! You made it a ton of fun !!! ",0 "I love when my dog jumps on my bed and is so surprised and excited that he gets to cuddle love him ",0 "The fact that people have told _TWITTER-ENTITY_ countless times not to put them in group messages and yet she still does >>> ",0 "Ice blue raspberry lemonade is da best seriously my fav . #liquidheaven ",0 "No girl should do No Shave November , sorry not sorry . ",0 "Tommarow a Christmas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good , love ya ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww . don't worry I'll be back Thursday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill see ya today at lunch ",0 "Sitting in bed , listening to the thunder roll . #amesweather ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i think we should do this every week ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes , you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whoever is asking you this stuff clearly has nothing better to do with there lives you are gorgeous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good ! Now I can just retweet your stuff instead of being creepy & check peoples profiles to retweet things from like 3days ago ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kash ! You are my second brother . Just a lot bigger . #KASHMAN ",0 "\I feel like your intelligence has gone done cause you don't read or anything "" thanks mom "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wellllllllll IF i was in parma we could been at 2 bucks or harry buff ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wing women for life ",0 "Funny thing is you don't know about all the girls , just some ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's me ",0 "5 minutes #JakesBigAnnouncement ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes they are ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YOU ARE TODAY ",0 "There's so many Christmas tree farms around my house ",0 "Taking _TWITTER-ENTITY_ jrecks virginty was my best idea ever ",0 "Awkward group messages are the best ",0 "finally sleeping in my own bed☺️ ",0 "So nervous for my ASVAB test Monday ! FREAKING OUT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what's not wierd ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg I'm dying ",0 "Picking up my bracelet today !!! ",0 "Who's coming swimming ? ",0 "oh dear lord ... skater boys . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you love ",0 "So if _TWITTER-ENTITY_ or _TWITTER-ENTITY_ could look at their phones that'd be great ",0 "Eating at T . Murphy's right now , OMG so good ",0 "The Rock is bigger but Vin Diesel is still better ",0 "Finding love at the end of the semester _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you put up with mine too ! us psychos get along great ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and it's our date tomorrow ! ",0 "Can't wait to be with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight ! Been too long ",0 "Hannah Montana on pandora all day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ glad to be in the fandom ",0 "Gonna enjoy myself tonight #tgif ",0 "Thanks for visiting me at work _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sounds like a plan ",0 "Home sweet home ❄️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ do it ",0 "I can't stop re watching Taylor swifts reaction to Miley ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it would be like a modern day woodstock ",0 "Rachel is duct taping a box on pancake mix . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Just thought I'd let you know , I am drinking ORGANIC milk hahaha ",0 "Couldn't have asked for a better weekend with my favorite people ☺ ",0 "Lucy is awesome ! Finally going to watch Pitch Perfect tonight , can't wait ! #FirstTimeWatchingIt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wasn't mad . . But thanks for trying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ snakes and spiders are soooooo different ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow aren't u the luckiest girl on the planet ...... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so excited to see you in the halls this year our lil freshman ",0 "For some reason I like when the sky☁️ looks like this ",0 "Home in my Jammie's ",0 "I am so excited to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hang out with us we can always cheer you up !!!! #goodson ",0 "Can't wait till Sunday when _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I go to meet _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ s baby girl ",0 "Finally Halloweentown ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww . I miss you . It was so good to see your pretty face ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Had an amazing night with my angel _TWITTER-ENTITY_ """" ",0 "I like when my friends show that they think of me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we need to have one soon !! I log love our adventures ",0 "Thank you Sherwin-Williams for spray painting Luke's jeans on #ACMs ",0 "The past two days have been so wonderful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come and get me !!! I might still get paid if I get kidnapped ",0 "My 10K goes to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for bein my girl since day one .. Love you ! ",0 "Give me half of you she can have the rest ",0 "I get to drive I KY tomorrow . ",0 "But I'm pretty excited about seeing my cheer babies tomorrow ",0 "Saw _TWITTER-ENTITY_ while working at the Ambler YMCA today and I was basically speechless ... all I could get out was HI !! #FoodNetworkStar ",0 "Ok I can officially say that was the sweetest thing in the world ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you to ! ",0 "Love talking too & meeting all these new people ",0 "Cannot wait to get my senior pics done in October ",0 "Leave it to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to put a check underneath the doormat , that happens to be surrounded with a huge puddle .. How'd you miss that ?? ",0 "lol my eyes are watering hardcore , tays mom is going to walk back in and ask what happened ",0 "My boyfriend checked in the Great Wolf Lodge to be with all of his family . Me included . best Christmas Gift ever ! I'm crying . ",0 "Ushers Pandora radio is uhhhmazzzing tonight ",0 "OMG ur so clever and original ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! Love you too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hmmm well i do love me so maybe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Love you ! Have a good day ☺ ",0 "Shelby is happy . ",0 "Haha so bro we r going ridden _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Who needs the bar when you can sit outside and enjoy this weather with some yummy dranks !? with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fair enough ! ;p if you want to see the context- it's from all of grace by Spurgeon ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ If You Say So Have Fun With Your Mushy Teen Romance While I'm Off Getting Educated ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHAHAHA YES ! I've been waiting to show you forever ",0 "Rihanna YES PLZ & THANK Ul ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sweet tits ! I'm excited ! Miss you guys ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sometimes you concern me ! ",0 "Our team has a tweet train ",0 "Tabi would be proud ",0 "I don't think I will ever get tired of the song Medicated . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love u to baby ",0 "Love my new job if your over 21 please come buy shots off of me tomorrow night ",0 "He told me he would be back today & he just rode ! Same kid that gave me a hug yesterday ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay !!! I work most days this week , but all the fun things happen after dark anyway !! ",0 "beth , that was really funny for some odd reason ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we will go without her ! ☺️ ",0 "Ordering my new phone Tuesday ",0 "Panda is the best ",0 "Good luck to my gorgeous friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ modeling prom dresses today ! Don't fall #LoveYou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WINNING !!! ",0 "I think _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is a great basketball player . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol okay best friend . Love you ❤ #no ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right !? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ really does love me ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ FOOTBALL FRIDAY . ",0 "Yay my ring fit #bouttime ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl you're obsessed ✋ ",0 "Nothing beats days like this . So incredibly blessed to have my loving husband and beautiful daughter . #ProudMom &Wife ",0 "My boyfriend is the best ☺ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ definitely just made me laugh just imagining that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Always here to help ",0 "The great gatsby is serious my favorite movie ",0 "Impractical Jokers >> ",0 "I cannot wait to see Taylor Kline play tonight . ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh well I'm over it ",0 "I get to open one present tonight yay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you spelled you're wrong . But I love you so much it doesn't matter ☺☺ ",0 "Congrats to my babe _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on his huge win against Billerica , can't wait to watch states ⚾❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Can't . Stop . Laughing . !!!!!!!! (; Its okay to be gay ",0 "#InitialsOfSomeoneYouCareAbout even though you didn't do mine . A . N . V . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤✌ love ya bitch . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey bitch ! Haha I'm on 2 teams & thats still one of them ",0 "The things I should be livid about I find hilarious after my window cracked I kept laughing .. Who does that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay ! when ?! ",0 "The worker at potbelly just randomly decided to give me a free lunch #mademyday ",0 "What a sneaky fiancé I have ! Called me to tell me he missed me and loved me . ",0 "I love my baby sister _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤ ",0 "Wisconsin 2 missed serves in a row ? Way to screw yourselves over . #pennstate #2 -0 ",0 "I can't wait to see this bitch out in public ",0 "When guys ask me to take them mudding #no ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ when the cowgirls will choke ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well you already texted me back , silly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so I gotta look like a nerd and stay after !?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think I can handle it haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ IDK but it's so funny ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too ",0 "I think oomf is so cute you will be mine one day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol awh , thank you ! but you are very beautiful yourself <3 ",0 "Shobo is our diamond in the ruff _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Good , better , best ! Never let it rest ! Until your good is better and your better is best ! ☺️☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No way . I would NEVER tell my wife that ! You look fantastic ! ",0 "Dinner and bible study with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and Kelly Jo ",0 "Hanging with Chris ❤️ ",0 "I wish to meet you momma . Someday . I have hope you're still in the world with me at this moment . #XoXo #LoveYou ",0 "The only reason I'm excited for valentines day this year is because safe haven comes out . #cantwait ",0 "Thank you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for getting that song stuck in my head again ",0 "Going to New York in 4 days !! Can't wait ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ like you . ",0 "The best kind of relationship is when you can be the weirdest weirdo around him and he joins in . ",0 "Anyone in the lib wanna flex me Starbucks ? ",0 "Color vibe w/ my long lost best friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tomorrow ! ☺❤ ",0 "there are so many people in my grade i haven't seen since school got out ... & i'm okay with that ",0 "400th tweet _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Nothing better than a nice little fight with my little brother ! ",0 "If someone wanted to bring me a naked right now I would be so happy . ",0 "Now I'm ready to go shopping downtown tomorrow #chicago ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we'll be in shelbyville for 2 weeks after we're released from the hospital ! Come visit us !! Only 6 days till my due date ! ",0 "Adventure time with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good nighty nights !!!!!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I had to make sure you knew how much I was missing you at work haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's about time for a nightly update ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes I'm fine , thank you ",0 "Someone come over and play Just Dance 2014 ",0 "Wondering if _TWITTER-ENTITY_ will let me squeeze in a promo for the _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #AtlasV launch this coming Monday . ] #BloggerNight ",0 "who wants to buy my VIP ticket to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ??????? ",0 "The heat was hilarious . Oh my god ",0 "I love just standing outside while its raining ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw thanks best friend , I know ",0 "I'm seriously so luckyyyy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you !! I will in a few ",0 "lol I love watching people napping during class doing the classic head nod ",0 "A conversation where you both can't help but smile because you make each other so happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ My banana Combat powder ! I'm lovin ' it #MPnation ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LOVE YOU TOO ",0 "Yay got my snowball dress ",0 "Cute EMS driver ",0 "Curled up in bed with Netflix #perfectday ",0 "I look super ratch in both those pics ",0 "I love the #driveat5 the music always puts me in a good mood ",0 "Pedicures tickle so much #icant ",0 "Straley getting carried around the gym >>>> ",0 "Miguel leg drops the fuck out of that bitch ! Then gets up an sings like it didn't happen ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Beanies are nice from like middle of September to March . Not at a show in the summer . ",0 "Brushing your teeth before bed ",0 "wow I never realized until now , Adam Levine is pure sex . ",0 "subway dinner with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Hahaha movie nights with my mom always end up with us both crying because of the movie ",0 "\When she ties her hair up before , you know it's gonna be good "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ great show tonight at #funnybones in the cuse ! eat friut tn ! "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Doooo ittttt ! I still play almost every day . 95% of the time in WvW . Less when we get match ups that we blow people away . ",0 "brad pitt movie marathon ... I'm not complaining #whatababe ",0 "Jimmy Fallon looks like Chuck Bass and I love it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ way to dm me and then never respond !! Haha #thanksalot ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'd beat your pussy up to a new level of pleasure ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know bring in a 4th person because I don't do odd numbers ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay soo happy to hear n thanx for keeping us beasties posted happy Friday to u Catherine n ur family ",0 "That Nissan commercial just then ",0 "Actually having a pretty good day . #finally #happygirl ",0 "Sometimes I catch myself smiling thinking about the fact that in 56 days my last name will be Richardson ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ellen u crack me up ! Thank u 4bringing me a _TWITTER-ENTITY_ a bad time ! ",0 "Keith bought me this huge lollipop ... I shall eat the rest of it now . ",0 "Just put in my first load of laundry . Feeling all adult like ",0 "Love it when I wake up in a good mood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sure glad to do it for you . ",0 "The love Peeta has for Katniss is un-freaking-real ",0 "One time me and Marykate had this brilliant idea to get on a train and go to New York by ourselves without telling anyone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wana say thanx for your music , ur inspiring . ",0 "You had some of the best times you'll never remember with me .. ALCOHOL ",0 "I am really looking forward to losing this 6 pounds ",0 "I wanna go on at least three road trips this summer . Anyone wanna come ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ancestors for sure ",0 "LOL at you for thinking things will change this time . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goooood luck ! ",0 "Why does everyone hate on us ? Hahahaha ? Like it bothers us ? Uhhhh , ner ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm in love ",0 "It's The Great Pumpkin , Charlie Brown is on . ☺️ ",0 "Can't get over how hot Ryan Sheckler is ",0 "About to spoil myself . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know , I'm defiantly gonna have to go tonight ! Haha ",0 "uhm . all I can say is I have a huge smile on my face right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ meh , I already beat Jon . I don't care who wins now . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your . Like a blonde lol jk but how have you been ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he really is ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ was it me or were we super giggly last night ... I think I laughed like at everything ",0 "My idea if perfection is Nathan Scott ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I love that song ",0 "I have physiological ecology with three of my fellow red river zoo summer 2013 zookeeping interns !! #wining #wootwoot ",0 "Guess me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are gonna have a fun time by ourselves ",0 "My mom is laughing so hard she's crying and I can't even ",0 "For once it feels good to be a Jets fan ",0 "Love running into good friends _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #ryry ",0 "Gonna have a good day today ",0 "If you're a Jefferson airplane fan Ill Automatically love u forever ",0 "There's so many lightening bugs #pretty #summer ",0 "Someone should buy my dinner ",0 "Ava's 15 months old today ! ",0 "going sledding tonight anyone is free to join us ! it's #byos ( bring your own sled ) #COME ",0 "00- you're funny af . ",0 "Enrolled for winter , still on time to graduate ",0 "No bracessss . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait ! ",0 "accepted to cnu #yay ",0 "Sooooo glad we found Bella a new , good home ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Words CANNOT explain how excited I am for my last day of work tomorrow !!! #yaaaaaaaaaayyyyy ",0 "Pizza rolls with ranch at 10:30 ? Don't mind if I do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me me me me you little cunt bag . No one loves you baby the way I doooo ",0 "Thee aggressiveness has got to stop ",0 "The fact that I just fit into my tiny Hollister jeans for the first time since sophomore year of hs & they're a little big >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am SO glad I get to see you today ! ... WAIT . Are you back at school ?! My sick little darlin . Feeling better ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dawhhhhh <3333 glad you do the girl that's not me is so bootyiful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ noooo ! I just ordered one online #BestBestFriendEverAwardGoesTo ",0 "Tonight was spontaneous & was so much fun !! Could've killed Corey for throwing me in the pool in my clothes but it made everything fun !! ",0 "I like when you see people you thought you were friends with talk shit about you like oh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so funny hahahahahah ",0 "Cuddling and watching Rose Red with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I love people who snapchat me back quickly ! ",0 "Darian sticks panty liners to the inside of her leggings _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #imcrying ",0 "Pedicures with Mom and Cal ! ☺️ ",0 "Another 12 hr day in Geneva tmrw . Sure I'd like a big fat check ",0 "Can't wait to reunite with my Xbox ",0 "I love water ",0 "Can't wait to see my man tonight with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was I there ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ play station . Haha just kidding post scripture ",0 "Verlander is so damn pretty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awwh thank you we will ! ",0 "Good luck carle I love you girl _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Let the night , Begin ",0 "all I can concentrate on is catching Fire tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dont worry you're not the only one awake ... or the only one going hard on the christmas cookies ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahahaha awesome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You look so pretty in your new avi ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ anytime flawless ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good thing it's a my house this year ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and gay ",0 "Gym flowwww with beckyyyy ",0 "Excited to go ham at the gym with Brooke tonight tho . ",0 "Totally see . A different side of Chelsea tonight ! In a good way ! #ChelseaLately _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just wish I could read your mind for one day . I literally die laughing at your tweets . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks dear friend ! Appreciate it ! ",0 "MY EXCITEMENT TO SEE DESPICABLE ME 2 TOMORROW CANNOT BE CONTAINED !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kay merry Christmas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know it ! ",0 "My bed still smells like _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're a puss boy and Texas sucks ",0 "Watching Homeward Bound with Gabe and Logan ! This Monday turned out to be okay after all ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that cover made me smile . Nice job ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ SOO ready for your dance tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ really !? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg that's literally the cutest thing I've ever seen !! ",0 "Successful day of dress shopping ",0 "Staying with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! I love her bunches . <3 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ killin me ",0 "Can't wait to go get my stuffing at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ house tonight ❤️ ",0 "Family BBQ today ! Hamburgers , chicken , steak tips , and fresh Maine lobsters are on the menu ! Yummy !! Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yep ! almost in mtown holla ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im fine ",0 "Marissa switched buses ",0 "My daughter makes the cutest little noises when she sleeps ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm invisible girl/Batman ",0 "So how about that Europe trip for German mom ",0 "Mine and jades conversations at 1:30 in the morning . #icant ",0 "homework ✔️showered ✔️ now time to get cozy in bed & watch Say yes to the Dress ☺️ ",0 "When my moms boyfriend comes home with ice cream and food from McDonald's ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ! ",0 "I can't tell you how happy I am that my math project is due the 11th and not Tuesday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg yay any of our friends that wanna come feel free ",0 "Justin Timberlake's performance was definitely the best ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my goodness my new favorite movies ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorrrry , my new one came in the mail and I can't resist !!! ",0 "Please tell me Kylie's boy has a brother who is just as sweet #canttakeit #toocute ",0 "Yes , me and my boyfriend do go from screaming at each other to kissing and holding each other in 30 seconds , and that's why I'm so in love ",0 "Hanging out at my parents ' , drinking the Mt Dew _TWITTER-ENTITY_ left in the car ",0 "I only get up this early because my boyfriend clearly doesn't understand the time zone change yet after 5 days lol still love him ",0 "First day at Busch Gardens !! #Excited ",0 "And I found my wallet #hellyeah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I had no choice ",0 "The fact that I'm seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ later ! >>> ",0 "saw _TWITTER-ENTITY_ twice today so I figured I'd do something this time . honked and flipped him off .. idet he recognized me . lol #whoops ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you always make my day better ",0 "Going to sleep with a smile on my face bc of him☺️ I better wake up by my dad telling me I don't have school . #goodnight #lovehim ",0 "Ask is so fun ",0 "#2013taughtme that things change and in the end it's all for the better ",0 "Good luck to all the cheerleaders tomorrow you guys will do great ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha this is why I love you just made my night ! #youretheratchetass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just left . ask Emma or savanna ",0 "Snuggling with my babers after a hard workout ",0 "Full tank of gas never felt so good ",0 "If you want a good boot camp work out come to Cape Horn pronto ",0 "I know I'm Muslim but if anyone wants to buy me a 3DS for Christmas I'll be more than happy to take it ",0 "Didn't go to school today but enjoyed sleeping in now waiting for my boy to get off work . Hope everyone had an amazing day ❤️ ",0 "Made such a great sandwich ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tell me that when I'm saving ur life ! ",0 "You're beautiful _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Got up early today to go grocery shopping , now cleaning on commercials of House Bunny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ on comcast it's channel 6 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome ! I enjoyed it ",0 "The last time I went to the movies was probably summer ... I'm about to eat a large popcorn to myself popcorn for dindin tonite ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ seriously so comfy and we can cuddle ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ very welcome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't play with me you know your name in my phone used to be teddy ! Lmao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ be glad you live in Canada . Tonight is the NFL draft and can't escape hearing about it . Not a football fan ",0 "Wow I am blessed !! Had a great day , can't wait for tomorrow . Goodnight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is one of the best friends I've ever had . I love her to death ! ",0 "Instead of being full on carbs , starches and sweets , I'm full on love , life and happiness . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your welcome ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we just got our hotel in Tampa for tonight ! Hitting the town see you tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I knew you were getting me something from Lulu for Christmas ",0 "Seriously ? Tweet it directly to me next time ",0 "Can't wait to hit the gym again , I've got goals and I'm about to reach them ! #March2013 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ um someone has been watching too much Dora ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcomeeeee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have a surprise for both of you when I come back ",0 "Working out made my day ten times better and helped clear my head ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yayayayay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that is honestly the funniest thing I have ever heard . I'm so sorry doll , forgive them they're great people . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ profile picture is so gorgeous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we might need to go on double dates with our Tylers you gotta see this one ",0 "Best thing about this cold weather on campus YOGA PANTS >>>>> ",0 "catching fire is the best movie ever made , holy shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ have fun love ya ",0 "Well I made a good grade on my Cardio quiz .. This changes my mood ",0 "I feel like my brothers such a thug when he drives with the way his hands are on the wheel and his bass haha ",0 "I'm so glad my family is mostly gingers so Dustin doesn't feel out of place ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bahahaha oh my !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they have peppermint this week ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's legit what they would look like ! Lee is a C.O. , can confirm ! ",0 "I have the best girl friend in the world _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Me and Allie getting into football ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg perfect ",0 "Ashley is reading texts on insta to me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sure you'll finally get that family dinner ",0 "Idk why I find my last tweet so funny ",0 "Cowboy boots lifted trucks bonfires #summer2013 ☀ ",0 "I don't listen to One Direction , but Zayn ... When you're ready come & get it ",0 "I love going to bed with you every night and waking up to you every morning ",0 "I like how Brady had his double cans last night ",0 "Ben Sweeney is the funniest kid I know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm christening my new bowl tonight ",0 "Noodles and company with my bby _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "New header _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bc u is bootiful and I love you alof but I'm goin to bed forreal now so nighttttt !! ",0 "SnapChatting this kid . >>> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aww , thank you , Ana ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sure do love you to beautiful ",0 "Gary def said he was done with twitter for the night ",0 "Found out that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ has a small obsession with me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ buy me one too ",0 "So sick of hearing about how great Catching Fire is when I haven't seen it yet ! But I'm excited to see it with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight ",0 "Hoping to see big things at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this morning ! ",0 "Gonna save my money to go to Florida for spring break !! ☀️ ",0 "Whenever I want to know how Bri's morning is , I just stalk _TWITTER-ENTITY_ newsfeed ☺️ ",0 "I vote class outside ☀ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's not even a question . We are . And if anything , we could be roomies at some point too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Love you so glad you came ",0 "What's the difference between The Gators and Cheerios ? Cheerios have a bowl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww thank you !! Means a lot ",0 "This lotion smells so good ",0 "Fuck these bitches babe me and you till the end no matter what _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's the spirit ! ",0 "Biceps and arms with the trainer then P90X biceps , triceps and back hello pain ",0 "might be slightly obsessed with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I forgot how funny 21 Jump Street is ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ On my way to the gym ... Have a good run ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but good luck anyways ! ",0 "And we are on our way to New York ! See you later O-Town . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cya baby ",0 "Cathh finally made little Kay a chiropractor appt . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the besttttt ! You just made my day ",0 "Guess who gets to go see Disney on ice ?? This girl !! ",0 "Gabby's snapchat cracked me up . \He didn't lick my tongue I got away . """" ",0 "I cannot wait for Teen Mom 3 ",0 "I've been doing nothing but working , but it's making the time until I see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ go faster #1week ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It was a joke ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ maybe you do sometimes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome ! ",0 "Date night with the one and only _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and Im probably the happiest girl alive now ! That was much needed ! ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're a jigaboo . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck that hoodie hahaha ",0 "make up plans for me tonight _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I want another date with her☺ ",0 "Happy Daylight Savings ",0 "This Dunkin Donuts coffee got me bouncing all over the place .. ☕️☕️☕️ ",0 "had such a long day . work all day/all night . getting a text that says \good night gorgeous "" ... night = made on that note #goodnighttwitter "" ",0 "50 cent corn dogs are a college kid's best friend . ",0 "Just bought $30 shampoo and conditioner ........ #bigsexyhair #inlove ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Elisa+laugh = danger = no more lamps ",0 "I look at my pregnant pictures from April till I had him & I'm like DAMN I was HUGE ... Woowwww ! Lol I'm so glad he is here . ❤❤❤ ",0 "Boyfraaands awakeee . ",0 "Appointments made for prom ? #CHECK ",0 "An Oreo Blizzard ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww Chris thank you so much ! That really means a lot it was great seeing you ! Can't wait to come down ! love you <3 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thx for the edit wood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol what ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ absolutely no sarcasm whatsoever .. #loveyoutoo ",0 "Tweeting live from world history ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you chica ",0 "Honestly , I sleep better at my dorm than at home . My bed here is just too comfy . ",0 "Thank you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for the wonderful gifts ",0 "I feel so cool that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wants to hang out with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is just too cute . I'm so excited to see her tomorrow ! ",0 "Baby cuddles after naptime ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ if y'all wanna baby sit for an hour or two , go for it ! Lol Keagen probably wouldn't wanna tho ",0 "Tubing with the girlfriend ❤ ",0 "Church was good ",0 "S/o to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for makin my day with a phone charger ",0 "That's my cool holler man rite there ! Sup JT ? ",0 "I'm wayyyy to excited for oomf to be coming home☺️ ",0 "My couch is so fuckin comfy ",0 "You piss me off every time you tweet , like do you not know how pathetic you sound lmao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ let's hang soon beautiful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ four wheeler >>> Wisconsin #priorites lol ",0 "I'm so glad we've been hanging out more . Love yah girl _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my !! Can you please pick me up one ? Pretty please ? ",0 "I'm going to run away . Haha to bad I can't run ",0 "When people find out how much I work and what my grades are I feel so proud with how I am doing so well ☺️ ",0 "What an amazing boyfriend I have _TWITTER-ENTITY_ came out this morning and scraped my car off so I didn't have to #whataguy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm guess that's what you'll look like when she's done ",0 "I love that my cat knocked my roommates fish tank off the counter ",0 "The amount of hott guys in The new Fast in Furious >>> ",0 "I love the Fall , favorite time of the year ",0 "My grandparents are seriously the cutest ☺️ #truelove ",0 "Today was great . ",0 "Found my own nerdy white boy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ great song ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well duh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you so much !! ",0 "I can't wait to watch miley Cyrus ",0 "Anyone wanna get lunch at 12 ? ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's my dad not you lmao ",0 "Blessed with the best ",0 "Day 16 ..... Ab challenge and I ran 6 miles .... ",0 "Gonna be a great day in Murray with Deanna ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha ! Yess I did ! I like to know when you are having a twitter war with some rando ",0 "This weekend should be fun ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dangg ! I seen this too late .. But it was MTV ! New episode on Tuesday ! ",0 "I love when I get a scramble in the dining hall and they use tater tots instead of potatoes #loveit ",0 "Killed my last workout until Saturday , time for some R&R at the lake tomorrow with my family and schan for my sis's 21st ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this was the best tweet ever hahahaha i love you Andrea ",0 "You know it's going to be a good day when your best friend brings you coffee ",0 "Call me .... Stalk me . #stickit _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ effed up ",0 "just pulled a all nighter to finish 3 essays due today . very successful , now to make it through the rest of the day . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh-thanks American sis ",0 "Praise Jesus for an awesome hair day #pleasedontrain #itwouldruinit ",0 "Friends . Lol . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ gotta hair appointment , but afterwards ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was seriously about to tweet the same thing too you lolol .. I've been M.I.A btw ",0 "Movies all day with my kids on this rainy day ☔️ ",0 "Mrs. Dunn just said have a great day to me ",0 "Yoga leggings >> ",0 "I'm glad Tyler is playing my candy crush for me ! lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ EEEEK !!! I LOVE KIDS ! yessss ",0 "If you make me happy , I applaud you . I know it's a very hard thing to do . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well have fun with that one . Lol ",0 "\Whoever invented rope was a real a-hole "" #BladesOfGlory "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm coming babe I love you . Sooo close ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wish there was a wiener emot . Cuz i would so put it as your name in my contacts ",0 "The fact that I just saw a picture on _TWITTER-ENTITY_ of someone I know >> ",0 "A resident just told me I'm 40 % of the reason he'll never be a saint . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I see you girl !! ",0 "73 on tuesday ... i am so happy ☀ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we're so cute ",0 "I'm too loose with my wallet when I drink and am doing something competitive ",0 "I GET TO SEE SYDNEY AND ALLIE TOMORROW ",0 "I love my beanie ",0 "2nd period is always the best ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know weird question haha . okay thanks I will too then . ",0 "I can always count on _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to have my back #bff ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sounding like _TWITTER-ENTITY_ with that handicapped pass shit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you can cuz ! You're the best thing ever ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll be in front of the admin building if you need a ride home or if you want to come see me ",0 "Awe dad called me his baby girl ",0 "I am in such a happy mood right now . ",0 "Hey , Amish Peach Salsa . Remember me ? I'm back ",0 "I was playing ",0 "Can't wait to pierce my smiley tonight ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awe , I love youuu . ",0 "Christmas is tomorrow ",0 "Just had a 2 hour and 37 minute conversation with my boyfriend on the phone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ maybe , I think so ",0 "Just remember that I always win .. ",0 "Pops gave nana an empty box with a note that said \get whatever you want , good luck and see you soon "" with $5 attached #champ "" ",0 "Panera with my grumpy boyfriend before work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tanks baby ! ",0 "I love coming home to Liam ",0 "Interview went really well ! Hoping I got the job . #crossinmyfingers ",0 "I've got my fill of amusement for the day !! Thanks to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I are laughing our asses off !! ",0 "That text made my day better ",0 "At least I get paid ",0 "God bless whoever invented flannel sheets . ",0 "Feeling so much better ! ✌☀ ",0 "My big bear is seriously beside me every night , I just love it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ight see you there ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 81 biochhhhhh ",0 "getting ready then job hunting wooo good mood today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ for the better of course ",0 "Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , I love you ",0 "Omg can I have you ",0 "My tweet was not about Eric AT ALL esp knowing we've been separated for over a year & I'm in a way better relationship . So \GTFO "" "" ",0 "It's amazing how one person can completely turn your day around . #happytweet ",0 "I love #GirlCode ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh yeah super attractive ",0 "The only thing I want right now is a hug from my Mikey poo . ",0 "Watching Grease . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think you went a little overboard the other night ",0 "Finally having Sams for the first time of the season #happiness #wheressummer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me either I would do 8th grade and freshmen year again then jump back to senior year ",0 "I will be people watching in the UC waiting for the next hour to pass , if anyone wants to join me ? #merp ",0 "My new header Is amazing . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ s/o for becoming a really good friend of mine and I can go to you for anything and you blow at gta , ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was an epic 3 days . And the cabin was cute . I'll have to dig out some pics later today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lmao ! Chad just said he's disappointed in Aramis ",0 "Being vegan was the best decision I've ever made ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i did ",0 "This is by far the best summer yet ☀❤ ",0 "I've never brought a boy to meet my grandparents before . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ must be pretty special ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hopefully soon . don't worry ",0 "Lol says the one who checks my twitter page every day . Your ignorants kills me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fav senior ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you mostest ! ",0 "Missin my girl@ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ told stories about our good , hilarious , and ratchet times #youdabomb ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao yes . Since we had one ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's kinda hard not too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I'm a guy , you added an s ",0 "Watching brave I've been waiting for this for forever ",0 "Everytime I saw Ham now I think of your video _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you lost me at ice cream☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your snapchat stories crack me up . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we will figure something out doll ",0 "I kill small bucks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's probably so he won't forget it ",0 "Justin Timberlake on Ellen right now ",0 "Well I caught up to that cop quick . whoops . ",0 "I can't wait for tomorrow my sister is spending the whole day with meeeeeeeeeeeee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ put together that sounds like a wrestling move or a doctors procedure in a hospital . ",0 "Hopefully I have lunch with Mason ",0 "Explaining why we like Ohio State to Ava and her response is \Michigan is YUCK ! "" #iloveher "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww wow this really did make my day thaank you !! ",0 "Nonny just did fierce ",0 "GUYS IM EMO NOW ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #Mr . Snickers for cute ",0 "For real though the dream I had last night was the greatest thing ever ",0 "That was a really sweet goal ",0 "That's morelike it ",0 "Lollll the way my brother is looking at me while I'm laying here snap chatting hahah ",0 "Getting a pit bull from Pitbull and Parolees in New Orleans this summer ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll still be at grand blanc for the whole year ... Maybe ! But I will seriously have you come over and spend the night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm tryna chill soooooon ! ",0 "God it feels good to watch college football again #LSU #TCU ",0 "Dinner with my future roomies _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "And now the fun can begin ",0 "Especially Jace and Luke . I can't wait til the second movie . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nice z ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahaha I won't be there till like 8:45 and I'm only going if it doesn't rain ",0 "I'm falling even more in love with you I'm hanging by a moment here with you <3 ☺️ ",0 "Games at 8:45 & 10:45 tonight . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ glad shopping is the priority ",0 "I don't care , I love it ",0 "lol I'm so glad I'm not a psycho girlfriend like you ",0 "⛄️- your really nice and fun to talk to !!! ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I drive a yellow one ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have yet to see some of not rock a pair !! The baggier the better ",0 "This day was and will be one of the most Amazing Days of My Life Thank You Everyone . I'm So Proud To Be a GHS Graduate of the Class of 2013 ",0 "Getting a Galaxy S3 #nbd ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ of course ! ",0 "So happy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ offered me an orange the other day . Now one of my favorite fruits ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay to new friends ! Lol ",0 "Scrambled eggs and ketchup sound so good right now . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ only one more hour kels ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I know ",0 "This house is like Disney world ",0 "Did i say stabby ?? I meant the queen ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have a mini one and a big one so you can play with both ",0 "Favorite if you think _TWITTER-ENTITY_ should let me paint his nails zebra ",0 "Reign is so amazing . I'm so hooked ! Love the look of it all , the story so far and I love all the characters ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm already knownin ' I was ggone retweet one of his tweets & then tell you , but nahhh ",0 "Ill hold you tightly and tell you nothing but truth ",0 "I love the sound of rain on a tin roof so much . ",0 "#FirstDayOfSchool what about love is my alarm _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's a song silly . And shhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too ally cat . ",0 "And my break ends in Chicago ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shushhhh your beAutiful can I get your number ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is such a doll . ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ well actually , I don't have to imagine cause it's my whole twitter timeline ",0 "Eating at Flo's w . the fam Best clamcakes ever ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ THAT'S THE SPIRIT . ",0 "Lololol I put _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on my screen and my chicken kept pecking her avi ",0 "Gonna be a crazy night ",0 "This is us was better the second time ",0 "My house smells soooooo good right now . ",0 "That was hilarious ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my day just got 100% better ! YOUR THE BEST ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you always make my nights awesome #bestguyever ",0 "Time to carve the best pumpkin ",0 "My friends call me pizza cause I can deliver ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes room with a view ",0 "#InElementarySchool I was best friends with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I went to your cabin one time and we played treasure hunt all the time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sorry Mia , he's just so beautiful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're both the bestest from the westest ",0 "Listening to the beautiful sounds of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea , it's a good day ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ only reason I hang out with you , is to see your mom ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ That's so awesome . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ That's it . Tell him I am on my way . He better hide . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we really were ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ alright you win ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Of course .! Anything for my girls ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whatcha doing next weekend ? ",0 "Dinner date with my bestieeeee _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #rideordie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the best thing is about our two situations is I totally got a shamrock shake tonight ",0 "I've actually lost a lot of weight and I'm so proud of myself ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes I would . ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ will do ",0 "My girls are picking up what I'mputting down ",0 "So many hot cowboys ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ when we go shopping soon we will use it ! ",0 "⚽⚾ we've had some dull moments , but your still one of my really good friends . And yoooour so dang pretty ",0 "That was a good hour and a half workout . ☺️ ",0 "Hannah Rodgers pitching again for Florida right now . Wowzers ",0 "I'M FINALLY EIGHTEEN !! ",0 "Karlee is seriously my favorite person in the whole wide world . I can't even .. _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not with my abs of steel . ",0 "Can't wait to see my soccer babes tomorrow ❤❤⚽ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good attitude . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you for being the best friend anyone could ask for #lolz ",0 "Just found the perfect snowboard jacket online . Can't wait to order it next week ",0 "Guys with wash board abs ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so good ! stoked for old souls ",0 "Gonna be in Bierce Library until 10:45 if anyone wants to come visit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah that's true ",0 "frickin sound cloud >>> #missedit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ This . ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you were correct ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you did amazing today I was proud ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've been trying to figure this tweet out for a solid 5 minutes . but YES ",0 "sweating like a whore in church #ohmylawwwwd ",0 "Words of advice ... Avoid parking tickets by leaving your windshield wipers on high ! Your welcome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ See my previous _TWITTER-ENTITY_ retweet . That was you yesterday ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Well that's good . ",0 "I loooovvvveeeeee youuuu❤❤ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ even tho we are sitting right beside each other ",0 "Dern , Chelsey just told her .. ",0 "JUST BOUGHT MY _TWITTER-ENTITY_ TICKETS . See you October 23rd ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Merry Christmas Jamie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got to see Little Sarah from Eagles in Training yesterday ! ☺️ #favorite ",0 "Gym today >> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's otaaaay . ",0 "It's a sign , IT'S A SIGN !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you can have my left overs ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I text him about 1000 times a week and he wants to hang himself but we still love him _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I've had such a great day , and even tho I'm miserably sick , I can honestly say that I'm very happy . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am love ",0 "Finally have an insomnia buddy .... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get me lots of strawberry please ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too baby girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and hangout with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's why the best forum in Michigan for public policy higher education is actually the James Madison school at MSU . #GoGreen ",0 "There are few things in this life that can make me happy . #thankyou ",0 "I love talking to new people . Especially if you're cute☺️ ",0 "☺️ night 100% again ",0 "Gotta feeling its gonna be a good night on twitter .... ",0 "That phone call > ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you both ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ um lets hangout now .. oh your in pittsburgh !! But i leave for vacation on tuesday ! Promise as soon as i get back ! ❤ ",0 "Sooo excited and ready for NYE ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You're welcome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Conner taught me how to hockey stop ",0 "I've met so many amazing people and it's only the first day #SESSIONS ",0 "So happy I gotta spend the last day of the year with you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ pretty excited ?!?!?! More like ecstatic !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ frozen vagina ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha ! Good luck with that .. #itsuuuuucks ",0 "I Have Good Morning Texts From Yesterday Waiting To Be Read . Whoops . ",0 "Houses with iPhone 5 chargers >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is my overall favorite ! I would DIE if I didn't have her at central ! She is my motivation & the funniest person I know ! ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he'd love it ! ",0 "If I could tweet exactly what came to mind just now >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Charles , you need to go ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jeeze haha ",0 "at least im going to bed in a good mood and tomorrow is Friday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YAY I know ! Of course we should ....... and we will ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you better ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ! ",0 "Man of Steel ",0 "anything cooked over a campfire >>> ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Can't wait for tomorrow ! Bowling Green vs . Pitt Let's go BG ! #BGSU "" wtf no #H2P "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ If done geographically , they ought to bring Columbus into the East . They won't listen to us though ! ",0 "Big Dipper with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I will never forget when i touched _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ass when he was crowd surfing .. it was the only thing i could get to in that mosh pit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you too ",0 "Finally got my prom dress love it ! ",0 "Yeah the girls in my section gone love that ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good idea ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I better be seeing you tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all my girls you deserve some love ",0 "I am SO excited for this James Franco Roast ",0 "17 and 18 years old ... What do we do for fun ? Play twister . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "We are so proud of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ right now _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm literally dying because of your tweets ",0 "I just like to prove happiness to people ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll let you know !! ☺️☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bahahaha , either you got it or you don't . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they look goooood ",0 "me and alikims just had a mini photoshoot ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha , he always does ",0 "Austin Mahone , marry me ? ",0 "Lauren is the coolest person ever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait ",0 "A HUGE shoutout to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for getting me a much needed job ! I owe you forever baby !!! ",0 "The drama on toddlers & tiaras right now . ",0 "Football players are hot ",0 "More prayers & thoughts for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , her mom & entire family ! Be strong ! Love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg ",0 "I am strong all because of you ",0 "Smooth legs yeahhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay good plan I think I get off at 7 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks johna ! ☺☺ I love you too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ -_- yup that's me ! maybe you and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ can visit the mug again sometime ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have a good one of you from OCMD in the bathroom ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You can text me ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Bring me something home pleaseeee Haha . ",0 "Good luck with that ",0 "Florida tomorrow #cantwait _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "It's meet day again ",0 "Pumped for this softball tourney this weekend . #SUAP #ShutUpAndPitch andddd I get to see the beautiful _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I DO WHAT I WANT ! ",0 "Those Oreos >> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ of course because he's a little shit ! And Whoohoooooo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'd like you know you're the only reason I'm keeping my cable provider ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ryan gosling ",0 "I seriously love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I AM SO EXCITED !!! ",0 "I don't try to impress anybody .. BAHAHA who am I kidding ? Yes I do . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ look so adorable ! I hope you guys have fun ! Loveeee you bothhhhh <3 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the best bad joke maker EVER . ",0 "Oh and a lab due on the 1st yay ..... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ better not _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is my other half . Id kill over her !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha I cannot with you ",0 "All Too Well is on the radio right now !!! #freakingout #soexicited ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I could have won state ",0 "Ok I better get the main role in legally blonde this year I mean come on ",0 "Sleepover with my best friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ DITTO ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh really ? ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yep got some lucky tokens and lesser lucky tokens yay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yaaaaaaaay . ",0 "Sorry for my sappy boyfriend tweets . I just luhhhh him and you can get the fuck over it twitter . ",0 "I think I'm going to make a new twitter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm comin over ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ someone's creepin on my tweets hah ... But I don't blame you ! Just come ",0 "I love wifi ",0 "My recent conversations with Corn have made me miss her so much !! ❤ ",0 "Prom dress lookout _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ all * lol silly auto correct ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ maybe Tuesday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for sharing ! So glad you enjoyed it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you bïth ",0 "Obviously my life is more interesting than yours if you're stalking me ",0 "The pictures I have of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I are going to be talking about that movie all day tomorrow !! ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ be happy sissy you're beautiful ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah I'll agree with you on that . #dumbass ",0 "Beautiful weather .. Moon looks crazy . Couldn't have picked a better night to go for a bike ride ",0 "I love the wintery weather just because of all the cute clothes I can wear ",0 "No one understands how happy i am to have these two weeks off . ",0 "One day you will learn ! ",0 "can we go back to when we were bestfriends please _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Then do me a small fav and stfu . Thanks boo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're a gem thanks ! ",0 "A 106% on my last anatomy lab exam !!! #DayMade ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she's hawt . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ CANT WAIT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so good ",0 "And FINALLY know who my true friends are ! Learned a lot of lessons in the past couple weeks .. life can't get any better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not hardly babe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahhaha we'll consider that one water under the bridge ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you !! Thank you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goood luck today Landon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks baby ",0 "finally got myself a leather jacket ",0 "At 🅠±'s with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I swear you have the cutest smile ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ This advice seems to assume something at the outset . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I love you ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fine I'm visiting before you leave ",0 "Always makes my dayy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wanna do dinner ?! Or a cuppycake ?!?? ",0 "About to watch The Breakfast Club #AllTimeFavoriteMovie ",0 "10-Like OMG you're so beautiful . ",0 "Yaay tomorrow's sweetest day I'll be getting nothing like always ! ",0 "You can spoil me ",0 "Practice = wasn't bad today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ YES OMFG YES YES YES ",0 "Words of my little cousin \stop being a pussy puss "" lolol "" ",0 "Ill wait till twitter is poppin to show the world ",0 "I'm working a double tomorrow so we work together tomorrow night ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My biggest dream right now is accually hunting with my girlfriend . ",0 "How many times have we made it to a championship game and got second ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "\Looks like love to me "" We haven't even been together long enough to say the L word but it made me smile that someone said that . "" ",0 "Worlds Greatest Bestfriend goes to you for talking behind my back though ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha #loveyoutoo ",0 "Now Tristan's here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly Molly ",0 "Can't believe it's already been 8 months together , I love you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm so excited ahhhh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and guys . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I go to Weeki Wachee and I heard you would like to go to a big church and speak , and I would love for you to come to mine ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah , Indiana State . I doubt any of my friends will come , but that would be awesome if they did ! ",0 "Ready for a perfect night ",0 "I can't wait until _TWITTER-ENTITY_ momma gets here to make us pasta . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay !! love you <3 ",0 "- You're really pretty also at the beginning of the year you were my senior crush for quite some time ",0 "And I love that she came out with me Friday night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you so much babe , and so thankful for you too and everything we've been through together ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good how are you !? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ LETS GO ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes and how about you get first dibs on my snack next game ",0 "Mason and my sister are singing Stay in the car ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh yeah that's right you were home by like 1 weak person ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you see Mason , someone cares .. So suck on that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got a B+ on my Spanish test I thought id do worse . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I guess that just shows how much our community has grown since then ! ",0 "Cocoa butter is the best smell ",0 "Fried green beans & beer yes pls ! ",0 "This _TWITTER-ENTITY_ twitter . ",0 "In Illinois ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hope you day wasn't too bad .. And that tomorrow is better ❤ #keeponsmilingbaby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ see ya bright and early ! ",0 "6- you're gorggg and I love ur dark hair ",0 "Merry Christmas everyone ! ",0 "Got a new sweater and scarf today ",0 "It was a great night ",0 "I can't wait to plan my wedding , like seriously . It's going to be the most fun I've ever had . ☺️ ",0 "Ready to get away this weekend leggoooo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks lovie . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks !!! ",0 "This is great _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I seriously love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . She is the funniest person I have ever met . #loveyasis ",0 "Lmao as soon as my alarm went off for school i quickly checked twitter to see if it was canceled ! Then went back to sleep ! Thanks peeps ! ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is sooo perf . ",0 "I can NOT wait till this summer . I will not be in Maryland hardly ever . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ maybe Sunday depending when we finish the cupcakes we could get mani's too ! ",0 "I'm so happppy ",0 "Making a feast lol . Someone come eat with me and we can smoke down fr ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You're still amazing , I don't think Kim has gone anywhere ",0 "Guys with nice teeth >>> ",0 "Got that old rock going ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hope you have bad dreams ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is a loser ",0 "And thank you for the popcorn balls that was a good touch to the present :P ",0 "being paid to have a a sleepover with your bosses daughter >>> Ill take it ! #girlsnight ",0 "I love the socks I have on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ AHHHH THANK YOU GRACE ",0 "Watching last weeks episode of Teen Wolf with a cup of tea cant wait for the new episode ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think your beautiful tiff #fuckthehaters ",0 "I ask mom how much she loved me and she said , \more than spongebob loves him pineapple . "" #loveher "" ",0 "Who wants to hang out with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg . I'd love you more than you could ever imagine ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "I picked out my engagement ring and I absolutely love it ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you baby cakes !!! I loooove you ! ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Trevor Brazile just favored my tweet ! ",0 "Road tripping to Eau Claire with my bro _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! Can't wait to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Bruno singing Treasure on #thevoice ",0 "Get to spend all day with the boyfrannd tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw just made my day ! I miss you girls too ! My breaks good but I can't wait to be back in CP . I hope you're enjoyin yours ",0 "You bet me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ did the cup song at the softball game today ",0 "Love this movie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you !!! ",0 "BOUNCE IT on REPEAT ",0 "People be acting like 4/20 is a holiday #happy4 /20 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I saw that pic of u on Facebook , nice foam finger . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're really fun to hang out with and you didn't let me Motor boat you and you're not ugly or dumb and I don't hate you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nooo not , change it . Like live the exact moment again ! Like some of the happiest times ",0 "Seems weird to not be spending this Christmas as a big family but so grateful to share it with my parents ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I did the interval inclined running last night Trying to figure out this HIIT training ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good thing no one else's opinion matters but mine when it comes to you then . ",0 "But I have a weakness for trucks ",0 "When my mom calls and tells me to come home and hangout with her this weekend ",0 "Actually I lied if its _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and 2 chainz ill lose my mind #laceup #iloveyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am working Tuesday and Thursday from 7-1130 and Fridays from 1030-4 at stirfry !! Ill see you Fridays !! ",0 "Shopping with my babe _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I always feel love Cuz ethan has a grilled cheese waiting for me after school . He knows I love them so . ",0 "You have a great time dear ",0 "The carnival comes to town tonight !!!! So freakin excited #shinedown #carnivalofmadness ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ very true , and probably your lake is cleaner than the one over here #sqlplunge ",0 "And this is why me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are friends . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's a date ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wil I better see it pop up sooooon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's a parrotlet , the smallest parrot breed ",0 "why hello Cody Zeller . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Are those blue raspberry !? ",0 "me , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ would have a blast if we were all 3 together ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Of course . You know I'm here for any questions you've got ",0 "Tammy is screaming boats and hoes out the window ",0 "I drank an entire pitcher of water to myself at top diner . With four other people there . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahaha so sweet of you Matt but thanks ! And thank you for the awesome gift ! ",0 "Harry potter and the chamber of secrets with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #perfect ",0 "ONE WEEK until I see my best friend for the first time in almost 5 months ! ☺ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WAIT , did you see the Pastor shout though ?!?? ",0 "Getting ready for work listening to my new cd ",0 "Today >>>> it was great !!! ✌️☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you better ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks , she is somethin else ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hellooooo u two . Nice to meet u both . ",0 "The fact he cares this much this quickly . ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ check out my tweets I'm a whore ",0 "Nap time , cleaning then a free hr massage . Yeeees #zen ",0 "you're so strong , and I admire you for that . you've come such a long way , and I'm happy to know you even though we've had our ups & downs ",0 "Movie date tonight with my best friend #thehost #loveher _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Mess with bull get the horns ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we have the beach , y'all don't! ",0 "Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't think we've officially met . Hi im Ashley hehehe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ theres still tonight ! #comeeee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ buh ! ",0 "I loved my stay in Athens ☺️ my bestfriends are my life and they bring me so much happiness . I love you ☺️❤️ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i really could care less ",0 "Mayfield has some of the most sweetest seniors , defiantly the one who took the time out of their day to send me the most precious thing . ",0 "Summer's in the air , and baby Heaven's in your eyes . #np ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Merry Christmas , hope to see you again soon !! ",0 "Cutest thing ever at Roneys . Guy comes out to my car in the drive thru to tell me that I look really pretty and shook my hand ☺️ ",0 "Everything was perfect ❤ ",0 "one direction and the anchor man cast on SNL was probably the funniest thing ever ",0 "shaiese always knows what I'm tweeting about ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ almost to 3K ",0 "Alex just swung the door open and totally just rocked a freshman #brbdying ",0 "Another eventful night in the mini van ",0 "On a brighter note I leave for Spain in about 1 month . Holy mother of god ✈ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Merry Christmas Darlings ",0 "i'm so over this school year . cannot wait to be at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Well I found what im gonna do tonight ",0 "Hahah Miley is still gettin to me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hang in there ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ have fun lovins ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well sleep is an option . Or tattoo an anchor on your face ",0 "I have the most beautiful little on the planet _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you to the moon and back ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ for real though ",0 "But really though we have to see Vinny Chase next week _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #Entourage #Mizzou _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you for a great dinner & chat !! Hugs all around ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I thought it'd be funny . ",0 "my mom is making hommade taco salads >> ",0 "My license picture is atrocious ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sounds good with me . which place ? ",0 "Eric Church's voice .. Oh my god ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awh not awl at all ",0 "I actually like being called weird so jokes on you ! ",0 "\if i was a guy i would beat off all the time "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "On the bright side , at least my truck is 100% fixed and the gas cap cover is back on finally ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't be sad , football season will be here before you know it Think opening day tailgating ",0 "Dalton just sent me a text saying to come over and that he's making cinnamon rolls .. ",0 "Baby it's you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ morning beautiful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "Watching Back to the Future with my family ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yay !!!!! Bubbies on social media !!! ",0 "My profile pic >> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Seminole is the definition of ratchet . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Great ! Thanks for the update ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks dear ",0 "Successful day of shopping ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too , and you bettter ",0 "Black Friday shopping tonight ☺️ ",0 "Too handsome for your own good .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well , the press often deserve the bird , present company included ! ",0 "Finally buying a truck ",0 "Reached for the handshake got a hug ",0 "I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wait can we meet u too ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah I totally understand it was delicious ! ",0 "I has pizza last night ! ",0 "I'm buying myself new jeans for next weekend because I can . ",0 "Very successful shopping trip ",0 "So gage and dad just broke into the FSU locker room and took selfies on Jameis Winston's cell phone . #okay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ some dedicated people ",0 "So weird to think that this is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ last first day of high school ?! Congrats bud !!! Have a great day ! Love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohh .. lmfao well good luck today ! See you later ",0 "Bill nye the science guy . Ahh you go ! Love him #DWTS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ backatcha I love you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you already know . ",0 "I miss nights with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ more than anything . We had so much fun just eating and studying for stats❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ agreed . But I think it's just me and you tomorrow sista ",0 "The good morning text I got today >> ",0 "Academy is prob my fav store besides Cara's . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it'll be okay , they'll love you eventually ",0 "I actually had a really great Christmas☺️ #Thankful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's true ",0 "okay _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is actually perfect ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thinks states of water were from actually states ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ such a gentlemen pulling the car up to the door so I don't have to walk in the freezing cold ",0 "Someone hang with me so I can wear my new clothes and be cute please ",0 "Had a wonderful last few days can't wait to have a functioning car though ! ",0 "Early morning bitch sesh with my mama are my fave ",0 "Watching white chicks for the first time ever #toofunny ",0 "Got off work an hour early ! That makes being back there in 12 hours much better ",0 "Special feeling to make me feel special and great ",0 "Words can't described how good of a friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just proved herself to be . #IfuckingLOVE YOU ! ",0 "\What I do is I look a woman up and down and say ' Hey .. how you doin' ? '"" The one and only , Joey Tribiani . #Friends #classicpickupline "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I thought the EXACT same thing . \Hey I know you're engaged but I still love you bye "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good job you did it right this time ",0 "Right on baby ",0 "This is so relaxing watching Monday night football in bed ",0 "My countdown app likes to send me notifications saying _TWITTER-ENTITY_ will be home in 3 days ! ",0 "enjoy that sun . love you more than you know _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Thinking of someone with \Long eye-lashes and smelling that sweet perfume "" ☺️ "" ",0 "OMFG BAND TOMORROW . ",0 "Thanks to everyone who came to the beach with me today ",0 "You got me like dayum baby☺️ ",0 "My Friends >>>>> ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ saves us lots and lots of $$$$$ ",0 "Catching fire tonighttttt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol you know what I meant ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well thanks baby . I love you ! ",0 "All of my texts consist of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , and my mom . Wouldn't have it any other way . ☺ ",0 "Watching That's So Raven >>>>> ❤ #favoriteshow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've been up since mom left cause she slammed the door & yeaaaa watching zoey 101 lol ",0 "Best Fran's is coming over and bringing peanut butter cups ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thirsty for your attention Derek ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miscommunication at its finest ",0 "Thank you !!! ",0 "Can't wait to get dinner tonight with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks , bebe ",0 "When I tell max a hundred exciting things via text and it takes him 4 hours to respond bc he's in class ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't see the blonde because of the filter but I like it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ um fuck you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lucky ! Yeah she's perfect ",0 "Shoutout to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for being the dog on cutest dinosaur I've ever seen . ",0 "Awake only because I promised my bell that id see her play today good luck babe . Rep it today ladies . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My life >>> ",0 "Girl we are like in the most basic of chem classes just because you did good on the test doesn't make you a genius ",0 "our conversations >> ",0 "safe haven is going to be my second favorite movie I think , right after the notebook #cantwait #feb14 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ say hello to Derek for me ",0 "Scootering around campus and bombarding high school tour groups #FunAtKSU ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yessir , lol . Obviously one I'm familiar with ",0 "It's so cute when Cory talks to the dolphin about Tapanga ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh oh oh , gotchaaaaa ",0 "Big is going to love her paddle ! Ahhhh !! ",0 "Cleaned this guys gutters today and he owns 3 dunkin donuts stors i told him i needed a job and he pretty much said to apply and i got it ",0 "The two of you all over my twitter ",0 "You just always know how to make me smile ",0 "I mopped ! And by mopd I mean the kid took a bath splashed water all ovr the floor and I wiped it up with towels ! Chores done ! Woot Woot !! ",0 "Just think about it guys . There is only 20 more weeks of school an then we can have 12 weeks with no school✌✌✌❤❤☺ ",0 "Happy 7month babygirl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Don't worry . We'll fix it ! #Hope ",0 "Goodnight world ... Georgia in the morning with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ # ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ after Morgan's meet !! Can't wait to see ya ",0 "#oomf has been texting me all night☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome . ",0 "hello victoria secret girls ",0 "Single as the number 1 _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "1213- I'm lucky to be able to call you one of my closest friends . Youre beautiful inside and out and you never fail to make me smile☺️ LUVYOU ",0 "Berry sour patch kids ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ of course not ! That sounds delicious ! ",0 "So excited for Boston ! ",0 "Me : if he looked like justin I wold know him . My mom : if he looked like justin , I would date him . that's my mom ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ has a thing for me ",0 "One kid asleep one to go ",0 "Good Lord , Luke Bryan and his baseball hats #AmIRight ",0 "It is quite hilarious how much we have to dope my dog up to go get him groomed so he won't bite anyone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love love ",0 "My mom just got me the cutest bathing suit for Florida ",0 "I am the luckiest man on the planet #ahh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss u too toots !!! ",0 "This New Years Eve is going to be so fun I can't wait ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we didn't go love so you didn't miss it ; maybe the 3 of us can make it happen SOON ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ try it !! People are having a lot of success with her program ! She's the best she kicked my butt this morning ! ",0 "Even when the sky comes falling , even when the sun don't shine . I got faith in you and I ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ way to go wool book ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we are hot messes ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ who just sits at Micky d's for an hour just to talk ? Ummm us ! ",0 "hearing wake me up being played in the dorms and thinking of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ listen to happy music ! works everytime ! ",0 "When Honeybee by Blake Shelton comes on in Forensics ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not bad enough too hang out with me , that's why you're adorable . ",0 "Well after returning from the hospital , the cripples are drinking spiked hot chocolate ☕️ ",0 "Cloudy with a change of meatballs 2 ",0 "Getting some quality rays ! ",0 "Red hot chili peppers >>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I'm seriously so excited ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no he thinks I'm beautiful . ",0 "Hemlock gorge with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Okay , Ill text you right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hi there !! ",0 "Mattie in 13 Going On 30 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ idk if the world can handle the gayness . CUT THE SHIT . Thanks . ",0 "1 test down two to go ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ seriously ! Hahah we have at least 30 on our main floor alone ! ",0 "Heading . Back to the snow show ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ next wed were going to the city and getting buck wild for my 25 !!! ",0 "But just remember he had sex with me , & you're putting his dick in your mouth #LOL ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ We really are !!! The next 2chainz up in hurrrrr ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know right ? There's one more dance we haven't learned yet and it's supah cute ",0 "Deuces . Schooolll . ✌ ",0 "Can I just say I feel very accomplished .. I learned the cup song the days after u watched it haha #Awesome ",0 "Zac is pretty much doing my whole English project ",0 "I love all my friends #sothankful ",0 "I have secret buttons on the back of my onesie so I can go pee ",0 "Listening to all the sings I did last summer >>>> #SummerCanHurryTheHellUpNow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mountain climbin ' , trail hikin ' , and long bike rides . Don't get no better than that now . hahahha ❤️ ",0 "The drama on love it or list it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just wait until you see what you're getting tomorrow for it being Friday !! ",0 "Watching Freaks and Geeks . 1 . Why is there only one season of this show ? 2 . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤ ",0 "Is it Thursday yet ? Beyond ready for this weekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sometimes you just have to take a chance ! There are amazing people every where . Sometimes you just have to introduce yourself ",0 "Late night workout tips from Kolby >> ...... Just kidding I don't workout #fatty ",0 "My dude is ride or die ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what ?! I thought that was just me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know it Stephhy ",0 "Like crazy . Has my favorite actor in it . ",0 "The cowboys tho >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHA me too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if you decide let me know if you want a friend ! Lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao well besides us all we do is cuddle , watch movies & vent ",0 "It was the most perfect weather to be outside today , that's for sure . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it will be minus a couple wedding members ... but 100 Xs the fun ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm with kellie on that ",0 "I got invited to three dinners tomorrow ! I may not be with family , but I'm blessed with some amazing friends . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ well you better save one of those 8 days for us ",0 "I just had so much fun URI IT TURNS OUT I DO LOVE YOU❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good see you at lunch ! Night night ",0 "Bad for Me by Megan and Liz >>> too good ",0 "I miss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , enjoyed my morning with her #babycomeback ",0 "Just me and my baby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ok ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Whenever you're aloud ! ",0 "Can't wait to wear my new bathing suit tomorrow☺ ",0 "watching the GoT finale with my love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ go ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I saw him summer of 2011 #amazing ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the bestest ! ",0 "I would kill for the perfect pint right now ... If I didn't have to chug it again _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ But of course , funniest person I know ! ",0 "I think it's funny when girls say \I can't wait for wrestling season !!! I love it ! "" Cuz if you actually had to do it you would probably die "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we made it !! ",0 "What a wonderful surprise to wake up to ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hosting the today show ! ",0 "At least the giants didnt lose to the chiefs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohh ! Haha ",0 "I haft to say my butt looks pretty great in these silver jeans today ",0 "My grandma loves her Atlanta braves _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 40 times ",0 "Watching the sitter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'd love to go tho ! ",0 "Everything will work ! ",0 "4 more days #4days #Christmas ",0 "I'm so excited to be going to South Dakota on Friday !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's because the two people you bbm are the only two people you need in your life ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is such a beautiful man ! #FGL ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get the crock pot bags ! It's like a plastic liner that you put in and when you're done you just throw it away ; no scrubbing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ The song was great , you're really talented ! Send me more videos , I'd love to listen to more ❤ ",0 "Date with the main bitch tomorrow _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too !!! ill snapchat you !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ maybe for basketball , but volleyball ? #rollfreakingtide . ",0 "The only thing that makes my week is still that I touched _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good afternoon sara !! have a great day ! ",0 "Oh well , bass pro later ",0 "It feels good to wake up every morning to a \I love you beautiful "" text . "" ",0 "Even though it was early , I really enjoyed tennis practice this morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and you should babe #9days ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks Rascal it was one hell of a weekend ",0 "I can't over the video of me and Jenna ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ",0 "It was a good day at work a lot of nice people and it stayed a good busy ",0 "I send the ugliest snapchats #noshame ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tell me if it's good ! Please . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you to come over and see me though ",0 "What's the perfect way to end a productive day ? ",0 "Awkward #obsessed #yourewelcome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH IM DYING ",0 "Maybe it will tell me in the next dark night ",0 "Sitting by my fire place >> ",0 "Cannot wait to see Emily when she comes home from bama and go Christmas shopping ",0 "My dad makes a dang good breakfast . Yummmm ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ looks awesome to me ",0 "Time for American idol ",0 "Wrecking ball for the ten millionth time tonight . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "as soon as grant went to work , I took a nice 4 hour nap ",0 "Jk nighthawk , Id even know you but it sounded good ",0 "\Your gonna hate your life "" famous words of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah HOT WATER AND HOT DOGS BITCH ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she told me she's kitten ",0 "Speed boats are soooo friggin fun ... I'm bout to go tubing to !!! #HellYeah ",0 "Waking up to that >>> ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh boo boo I love you an you know it won't change . Love you shugaaa ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I agree ",0 "S/O to my boyfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for being the best boyfriend ever on the planet and making me the happiest girl in the world ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just embrace corn hole , Jessica !! ",0 "I just have a thing for cheerleaders .. Like I have since middle school , and it will probably never change .. Lol . They're my favorite . ",0 "seeing couples in the hallway fighting ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was a literal answer soaking up the sun trying out a possible new menu item . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you !! I'm trying . ",0 "Really almost ran over the hot guy we've been creeping on all night at the mall _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "New Avi just for all you cunts ",0 "Omg my Mamaw is watching catfish !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no waaaay . Ahhh I'm excited ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am very insightful Tanner very ! ",0 "Too excited for this Starbucks ",0 "Thrilled that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is finally using twitter !!!! ",0 "We are like sisters except we don't fight all the time ! I love it _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺❤ ",0 "youre so prettty omg ",0 "John Tucker Must Die & Remember The Titans is on . ",0 "so many babies on my Instagram ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha thanks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well of course ",0 "Our boys tanning >> so damn sexy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "zac efron in high school musical 2 is sexy ",0 "I can't wait to get a gym membership ",0 "Christian likes to see how many people he can get to believe we hooked up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you Sarah ! Hope your Friday is awesome !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how am I the best if I already am with the best ",0 "Red , White , Blue is in the Sky , Summer is in your hair , baby heaven is in your eyes , I'm your national anthem ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I win this battle then . ",0 "Gonna go for a long ass run so I don't feel so bad about eating my ow weight in stuffing and pie today #HappyThanksgiving ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is the greatest tweet ever and it's your favorite phrase . ",0 "Christmas movies and music now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you should probably work out with ry more so he can get you ripped and I can teach you game haha ",0 "Happy bday to my guuurl _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Got my voice back , I can actually talk now ! #thankgodd ",0 "Brandon always puts air in my tires , he's the best ❤ ",0 "Dinner with the bestie _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & Clifton since they are leaving me for a week to go to #NOLA #Jealous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Times like thus i very glad my youngest is about to turn 16 ",0 "Worst singer ever award goes to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I can't wait to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ live in 17 days ! ",0 "I love my babe _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Dirks Bentley is sexy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you so much ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't wear long dresses though , but you wouldn't know the struggle ",0 "A commercial for Alaska just came on that said \If you visit in the summer , you're missing half the fun ! "" Like they know I'm watching it "" ",0 "Can't wait for tomorrow for a weekend in Gatlinburg with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you baby ❤ ",0 "So we're doing a small worship set during youth tomorrow night and I'm singing yaaaaaaay ",0 "Yoga pants are out in full force today ",0 "Had an amazing weekend with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !! Can't wait till next weekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what mall u going to ... Brian taking me shopping then were going to dinner ",0 "omg so fine , so clean , and those eyes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey did you and your mom want to come to my grad ceremony ?? 2 left ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get the fuck outta here I will admit you play the best D but still can't stop me ",0 "Vera Bradley now makes headbands ?! I couldn't live without it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ahh ! So exciting ! I hope you enjoy it ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ If you stay in Ames this summer , you can cook for me all the time ",0 "We belong together by Mariah Carey > ",0 "You think you're like the best person ever , & you think you're perfect no ",0 "Going to bed with a smile on my face ",0 "Thank the lord for Tom Brady & his good looking selffff ! ",0 "You have got to be joking ",0 "Watching Bonnie and Clyde with my lovie ❤️ #perfectnight _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ shouldn't have left I boxed a girl a black girl #winner ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you guys made me feel better tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha nobody will ever get us ! ",0 "Boy I've loved you from hello ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ congratulations , you guys did amazing today I'm so proud of you guys ",0 "Wacha is such a hottiieeeee ",0 "ONE MONTH TILL PRE SEASON LOL ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you toooo mikkkkk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Your bestfriend misses you too . I'm coming home soon ",0 "Hopefully I get my belly button pierced today ",0 "I hope _TWITTER-ENTITY_ knows that she is my best friend & beautiful & amazing & there is no reason to ever doubt that . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ You defs act a lot older ! but YAY . ",0 "Anyone wanna go on a run with me ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't be depressed ! Your an awesome person who brings joy to others so you should be joyful yourself ",0 "Live a Little ",0 "Burger King in Dunkirk is finally open ! ",0 "congrats to my sista on her job at the big kahuna of all B-Dubs in Columbus . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahahahah . ",0 "CASEY JUST SURPRISED ME IN TUSCALOOSA AND IT MADE MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE . BEST SURPRISE EVERRRRR !!!! BEST BF EVERRRR !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank youuu❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nap for a couple hours and leave it to fate if you wake up to study !! haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ be nice I'm bringing you apples ",0 "My dad making fun of the Polo and Armani ads in GQ #LoveMyDaddy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You know I love you and think you're beautiful . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you left the blizzards of Belarus to come home to hail and high winds . Welcome home Can't wait to her about your trip ! ",0 "Lmfao . New Year's Eve was absolutely hilarious . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha if you buy me something I will ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #college Allie , collage is like a bunch of pics _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is slacking again ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Time of our lives , schools out scream and shout ! ",0 "Victoria's Secret fashion show on tuesdayyyyy so so so #excited #vsfashionshow ",0 "But on a lighter note , its a beautiful day outside ! ",0 "I day til I'm 18 ",0 "I love being done with classes for the day before afternoon even hits ",0 "I love when my customers from ale house tell me they aren't going there anymore because I'm not working there anymore muahahahah karma ",0 "So my mom it me this firefighter calendar for Christmas and any highschool volleyball player would understand old centennial vball coach ! ",0 "Can I just have Dylan off of sweet home Alabama 4 please !! #ohlordy #hesperfect ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you and cody should come to the carmeet one thursday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ CONGRATS GIRL !!!! ",0 "Honestly , today was the best day I've had in a whileeeee . ",0 "\Dude , you just puked and peed in the same place "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "Addie loves the mac & cheese with vegetables baby food ! ",0 "Kiana is probably one of the funniest people I know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i work Saturday morning but we could work something out ",0 "I know what Manziel will be doing in the first half .. Probably signing autographs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know but I was trying to think of one for Saturday hehe ",0 "Give me a love like jack and rose ",0 "I bought myself a couple books for having a good day today . ",0 "Running is the best thing for me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I never thought of it ",0 "Wait this girl hit a kid over the head with a bottle last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ people . And the fact that I'm gonna nap in your bed when I get home till you're done with work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ same same same same same ",0 "It's basically just me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tweeting . #notevenmad ",0 "I love coming home from school and seeing Chris here ",0 "I turn 19 in 3 months today ",0 "Happy September 1st ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahaha , omg ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you must've ran your mouth Jeron . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ google translater ? What's that ? I've never used that . ",0 "#TweetYourWeakness guys taller than 6'2 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm going with nick Hauck at 720 ",0 "Seriously the little pep talk I got from my boyfriend about college tomorrow just made my night . I'm ready to get shit done ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wash that nasty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺ still so beautiful . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ make sure to put pinkies up ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I think it's so cute when guys notice the little things about you .. Your tits "" my life Hahahaha "" ",0 "I just need May to come fast then it's off to Charleston . It's decided . That's where I'm moving . #needachange #golfallyear ❤⛳ ",0 "I'm so happy Meow meow meow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was goaltending fam haha _TWITTER-ENTITY_ know it was on glass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are my FAVORITE people to snapchat ",0 "Still can't get over how pretty _TWITTER-ENTITY_ looked at prom ❤ ",0 "Anybody need prayer or wanna know the Good news of Jesus Christ ?! Hit me up ! Message me on twitter or Facebook . God Bless ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sorry Kev but no one compares to Harry ",0 "It's lovely not having a final today , I'm laying in bed drinking coffee and watching key and Peele ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm off tonight and am day drinking to celebrate ! You can come help if u want the boys are pussies and sleeping ",0 "I'll have my boyfriend with me at least ",0 "Keep it up Tigers ! ",0 "25 days til Kenny Chesney #beyondexcited ",0 "AWKWARD OCTOBER 22 !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol i suppose ",0 "Bentley is so funny he brought all his toys up on the couch and is now laying on and cuddling with them hiding them from Roman . ",0 "World Wide Web ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we're going idc what you say ",0 "Push me away , I'll pull someone else closer ",0 "Another wedding with Phil on Saturday !!! ",0 "The fact that my advisor remembers everything we've ever talked about makes me love her even more ",0 "Be with someone who won't stay mad at you , who can't stand not talking to you , and who's afraid of losing you . - I found my someone ",0 "My subway date with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today .. It's always good catching up with my bfff ☺️ ",0 "Can't wait for my first college football game ",0 "I'm referring to the fact that I'm going to sleep now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just one more game ",0 "Holy cats . Santa comes tonight !! ",0 "I'm actually kind of excited for this week ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ redemption doesn't always make sense , does it ? The good news is that grace can be found at any stage of life ! Am I right ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks Mandy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got u girll lol . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we still on for Maxcy with Lizzy later ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you going to broadway ",0 "But I've been looking at pictures on google images , and I already found the perfect bench next to the pier that I can live on . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ .... On burger buns . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Shhhhh I still love you though ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha good question ! I'll have to take one Rocco is with daddy ",0 "Listening to country today ",0 "Tomorrow ... I'll be home this Florida girl is missing the sunshine and 70 degree weather ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's a great idea ! But his crib is a 3-in-1 and transitions into a full size bed ",0 "Me & Kaylee on a bike together >>> ",0 "hopefully mom gets me Miley Cyrus tickets ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and you could see that emoji how .... ",0 "Tanning then going for a run !! Family day today ",0 "The bestest roomie in the world said to me , \why are you so pretty ? "" #mademynight #loveher _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "I guess I'll get up off my lazy ass and make pancakes for my boyfran ",0 "Looking at old pictures of me and my aunt when we were little ",0 "there's no wiping this smile off of my face ! ☺️ ",0 "Hope my lovely _TWITTER-ENTITY_ makes it home safely and in one piece #fighter #shedontbackdown ",0 "Can't wait to see my grandpa ",0 "Coming back to the ville tonight #homesweethome ",0 "When mrs. young asked if any of us had any questions one of the foreign exchange students asked how old she was ",0 "I would shake it for Luke Bryan anytime , anywhere . #SoSexy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Did you get the chance to stop by Dunkin Donuts today ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we could really take this to a bad place but we won’t Rach . Only messing w/ ya ",0 "So excited for the Fred gym ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is SO talented and literally perfect . It was great meeting you and I really enjoyed your set ! ",0 "MAGIC MIKE MOVIE NIGHT ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Finally we changed to Happy Gilmore #classic ⛳️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ at bdubs with my friends lol why ? ",0 "my man candy Monday every Monday is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺♥ ",0 "Good job toilet papering guys and then you got pulled over by the cops . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ glad to be working with you ",0 "I'm up right now eating Nutella with crackers ... how perfect #Nutella #nomnom ",0 "This is the Lebron I used to love to watch on the cavs but he's on the heat now so he is gay ",0 "Good day to be a trackster ",0 "Excited to see what happens in the gym tonight ! ",0 "Staying with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cool ! Thank you ! ",0 "Hey Ty . You should come over Thursday night after I get off and stay till Saturday . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lies your hands were all over me so I smelt like crayola ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow , It's bigger than i thought , its perfect ! Thanks for the delivery too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what a great idea ",0 "Cuddling with my Slider pillow pet in hopes of waking up in baseball season ❤ thanks _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for buying him for me ",0 "\The only thing saving Johnny Manziel is Miley Cyrus "" -Charles Barkley "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am bull crapping the entire thing . #copyandpaste ",0 "Moms salty bc something stole the grill brush off of our grill probably a racoon hahhaa #suckstosuckmom ",0 "Seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ all giddy ",0 "Mountain Dew and brownie mix ",0 "Got my phone back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill have furniture waiting on your assembly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yep 8 mile is where I got it ",0 "Hahahahahaha I have never laughed so hard at someone's tweets . ARE YOU BLIND ?! ",0 "I love when my nail girl talks just as much shit as I do #LoveHer ",0 "Good Night !! #bed #sotired ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ came to see me at Wendy's ",0 "My grandpa is hardcore rockin out to creepin right now ",0 "Lee would find that picture . Hahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ senior pictures are absolutely gorgeous ! I love them . I can't wait to see more ! miss you girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay dennnn ",0 "Awe I miss seeing you at pankow but I'm so glad I dance with you now , you're such an amazing dancer and I love you ",0 "1st swim practice of the season already cutting corners ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Well good I don't need you being disappointed ! ",0 "I will fall walking into the marriott hotel on Saturday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ look at you and then look at Ethan ",0 "going to meps in Denver on Wednesday to officially be sworn into the United States Navy⚓️ ",0 "Olive Garden with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "FOUR thousand seven hundred and TWENTY tweets ",0 "15 minutes and I'm gone ! ",0 "6 bottles /tubes of Carmex in my purse . No wonder Caleb named my new gecko Carmex ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aren't grandparents the cutest ? And she's not wrong☺️ ",0 "My swimsuit is here guys !!!!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I knew you guys would live to know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ try me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was good seeing you too . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are u a producer a video maker ",0 "JUST KIDDING GUYS ",0 "To the Smithsonian zoo today ",0 "Only one more week till it's totally acceptable to listen to Michael buble Christmas music ! ",0 "Can 2omf fall in a hole ? Please and thank you ☺️ ",0 "Two more weeks then I will be done with this 9hrs Tuesday's and Thursday's schedule !!! ",0 "Finally done my homework thanks to Landen for helping me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ praying for you !!!! Can't wait to read it ! ",0 "Can't believe tomorrow will be two years and were getting married . ",0 "Just on the slight chance mrs hoppers daughter would come in ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh just wait till next year you'll know me for sure ",0 "You're unhappy , let me make you happy ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ferris bueller quoting john lennon ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't believe you actually still have them ! ",0 "Seeing you never gets any easier . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you , you know your girlfriend will always take care of you ",0 "New Years is gonna be sick this year . ",0 "If I see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tomorrow ill be so happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No problem ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes we ARE !!!!!!!! Save the date☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shucks ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ someone sent it to me ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you have like one long hair on your chin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ has the best advice about the sassy hand ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ pretty sure it is obsessed to tweet it #creepy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ <3 love you ",0 "So excited for black friday with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ",0 "Sometimes I just laugh at myself because of my snap videos #straightupcomedian ",0 "I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know you're going through a hard time . If you need anything I'm here ",0 "Listening to Lee Brice just makes me that more excited to see him Saturday ! ",0 "The fact that the heat lost makes me so happy . ",0 "Babe is graduating this semester and I'll be done next semester . Excited for what our future holds . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I texted back now ",0 "If you're muscely & ripped ... ",0 "guys carly said i can suck her dick ",0 "making mommy dinner ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ well done walker ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sure you will ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg lets go hit him up ",0 "They need to make more men like the ones on temptation ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yeaaaaah ?! I might like that better ! ",0 "Who's ready for tomorrow to be turnt ! ",0 "Laying in bed with my boyfriend #perfect ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I got yours ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ go get some then bring me some too #crunchmunch ",0 "Kristen-oh perfect , their golden brown , I've never got them golden brown before ",0 "I hope _TWITTER-ENTITY_ doesn't mind I'm wearing a pair of her pants tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHAHAHAH NO ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we deff are listening to it this weekend ! ",0 "Yayyyyy finally a fight gotta love hockey ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ pink really is a badasssssss  #diva ",0 "Pedicure time _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Oh my goodness . Bridesmaids dresses are in and absolutely PERFECT !!! I am so glad I took a leap of faith and ordered these . LOVE !!!! ",0 "Loved seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight #missedyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love what work you are doing . If you need anything else let me know ! Anything for ya ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha IT'S SO CREEEPY ",0 "movie night !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oops my bad ",0 "Freddy vs . Jason ! Thats my movie right there #scarymoviemood ",0 "this group text >> ",0 "Celebrating Christmas with the Tyners ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no biggie , just had a lil pepperoni and cheese fight during our not so study session✋ ",0 "Getting my nails done tomarrow #excited ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow . You two looked stunning . ",0 "Is it now cool to keep less than 10 pictures ?? #mustnotbecool ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know ! It's kinda sad but I definitely love the adult I'm becoming and can't wait to see where left takes me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ She got it ",0 "I love naps ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ or tomorrow ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah know but that tweet though ! ",0 "My step father is in the kitchen cussing the AT&T guy , and as I walk in he turns to me and says \What color s4 do you want ? "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I found that picture on Facebook ! if that's real I'll shit my pants ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your such a girl sometimes ",0 "Prof waited to take attendance till I got there ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wouldn't know either lol ",0 "Helping nana with her yard work today for mothers day ",0 "So excited for the wedding tomorrow ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my gosh I LOVE _TWITTER-ENTITY_ - SO DAMN AMAZING . I'm in . So in . ",0 "I have a whole whoppin 18 tweets ! ",0 "I swear , it's the sweetest thing sayin I love you for the first time . I just saw two people do it ",0 "Happy and PROUD of my decision . ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry , forgot to tag you .. But here it is ! ",0 "#TweetYourRecentEmojis ; ❤✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you Sooo much !!! My first day went great !! ",0 "Jason Derulo >>> ",0 "It's insanely great ",0 "Finally being reunited with my main woman tonight after nine long ass days without her beautiful face being in my presence _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤️ ",0 "Mooned a train today .. The bystander bikers got a glympse instead #oops ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the first 5 hands just dug me into a hole I couldn't get out of lol ... my little winner ",0 "When _TWITTER-ENTITY_ burps in a dead silent movie theater >>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Here we go again ?! Happy New Year to everyone _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Hanging out with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this weekend really made me miss high school when we did everything together .. #bestfriendstatus ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no way girll ! .... Girl code ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love and miss you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can I go with you ??? ",0 "So which one is the more , dominate one between you two ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay that sounds pretty convincing . ",0 "Vokoun is doing amazing #LetsGoPens ",0 "An employee at Taco Bell just gave me his number ... as I was going through the drive through ",0 "Probably bc it looks like 420 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the definition of perfection at its finest ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no , you should have protein . Grilled chicken , for example . ",0 "I love you Miss Maggie keep your beautiful head up ! ",0 "I am homeward bound for ten whooooole days ",0 "excited to see my triplets at worlds of fun today _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm crushing on you girl ",0 "My yellow nails >>>> ",0 "Who wants to go trick or treating with me tonight !? ",0 "My brothers are home for break !!! #happytweet ",0 "The cat singing behind miley ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay sounds good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ HEY ! Watching #1Ddaylive ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel like we're going to have such a great time there ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YOU HAVE FIVE FRIENDS ",0 "I love some of the talks me and Leah have at werrkkkk ☺️ ",0 "CAN'T WAIT FOR _TWITTER-ENTITY_ TO BE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA WITH ME NEXT YEAR you were meant to be a hawkeye all along ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i looked like a giant ball of sweatwill dooooo ",0 "But on the other hand , this random guy at work told me that I have  smile that makes the world a better place "" . #MadeMyDay "" ",0 "Just gave a couple thousand tickets at an arcade to a little girl I love doing random acts of kindness ",0 "I have the greatest boyfriend in the whole wide world _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I already love youuu , and know you love me back ",0 "We have the best newspaper staff . Made in once again ! ",0 "I can't wait to eat omgggg #HappyEaster ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ! ",0 "Drinking water after brushing your teeth ",0 "At my dorm room right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no problemoooo . You seem like you'll be a cool freshie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you anna !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha so true but he's so cute ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yes ma'am! DVR is set to record . I have an early wake up in the morning . Will watch tomorrow for sure ! ",0 "After the past few long days , today's the day where I can finally relax enjoy all the wine I want , and enjoy the holidays #tistheseason ",0 "My cousin lives like an hour away from me but my friends still know her . they know her as my twin _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "David wants to give me a bath to make me feel better #challengeaccepted ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you going to the tournament tomorrow ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Much more acceptable than my bearded ass dancing around to her ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ to see your favorite cousin in the world ! ",0 "THOR 2 The Dark World !!! I am fan girling so hard !!!!!!!! ☺️ ",0 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for being so pretty nice & a great cheerleader . Miss you & love you ! ",0 "Things are getting feisty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ jk I'm jus kitten ",0 "Guys I have first lunch . It's been a long time coming ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Can't wait till we play you guys next month ! ",0 "Today's gonna be a good day☺️ ",0 "Can't wait for this weekend #OU ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ see in so nice . ",0 "Baseball boys >>>> ",0 "aweeeee I love baby key , you are a great boy and you are so real unlike most people it's nice ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha I was dying . ",0 "What me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are wearing tomorrow >>>>>>>> #goodkidprobz ",0 "Somehow have to fit in 17 sleepovers while I'm home with Graham ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ were too cute quite a transformation that we last posted of us on here ",0 "Boose works so fast I love him ",0 "So warm now . ",0 "Valpo bound with the first load of stuff for my apt ",0 "The simplest things make me smile ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ probably a yes for being there . Can't tell you kids no . Lol . No thanks ever needed Brandin .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha nope , you were the only one ! tooo funny , i died when i saw this ",0 "At a football game ",0 "It stopped cleaning ! It's all good ",0 "How many people's families throw a 3-day family reunion ? It's about to be a GREAT weekend #lovemyfamily ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ alright . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was a little confused to , it's okay ",0 "Today's gonna be a good day ! I can feel it ! #HappyTweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nice to see you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ridin 2 mph so everybody sees us ! Jamming like old times ! #WantedDeadOrAlive ❤❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahahaha I know right ?!?! WOO ! Can't wait !! ",0 "At least I bought a new movie yesterday . Scary Movie 5 ! ",0 "So I have now today applied too two colleges and ya that's scary to me and exciting #idkhowifeel ",0 "I can't wait to make myself cheesecake filled strawberries tonight . Happy Valentines day to me . ",0 "Have I ever explained my love for Lydia ? Because I love her more than anything in this world ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the love I have for you ",0 "We're eating at Stafford anyways purrrrfect ",0 "I seriously love these dogs in the morning . So lovable and playful ",0 "So happy that the sun is out up here in New York☀ #perfectday #sunshine ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sounds perfect ! lol & July 20th ! I'll send invites closer to the date . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ woke up to that this morning ",0 "So ... who wants to come over today and bump Eminem with me ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tweet , tweet , tweet ... I just tweeted you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your making me so fricken happy right meow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this sounds very interesting ",0 "3 different horoscopes just told me to maintain a positive outlook because this year is going to bring many challenges ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol okay then ! Thank you ",0 "and getting the lyrics in a text message is the sweetest that's happened to me ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no I didn't according to your last tweet . I win night ",0 "I might be the most thankful person ever considering #HardcorePawn is on almost every minute of everyday #clutch ",0 "I can't decide if I am more excited for race week or my training after Eagleman for Placid ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ YAY ! I've always wanted to go ! Can't wait ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG HAHAHAH YOU'RE SO MEAN !!! ",0 "Madis laugh go on my Instagram . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if I lived 200 miles closer to stadium I'd buy season bleachers seats ! ",0 "my girl _TWITTER-ENTITY_ at my place tonight #goodtime ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you never know what can happen with time . Keep your head up baby girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ truly love you too ! ",0 "Happy bday _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , with 2 minutes to spare hope it was a good one ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ask him too❤ ",0 "Senior pictures today !! ",0 "Awe I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so much ! She's the best ! ",0 "Kazmir vs Clemens tonight ! #GoIndians this is the biggest game of the year ! Need to win this to maybe take the lead ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will thank you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh come on buddy I'll score a point just for you please ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what is your Avi ?? ",0 "Point blank flat the fuck out _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha are you sure ? ✌ ",0 "I motivated Kaitlyn to clean her room just by sitting on her bed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You just taking pictures of random kids ? ",0 "I can't wait till the game next Friday ",0 "I think I am evil > ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ both . ☺️ ",0 "I'm way too open with my parents ",0 "My grandmas house smells all types of popping oh ma gawd ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lets do emojis since she can't see them ☺☺☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao you're killing it !! ",0 "The road trip episode of Its Always Sunny is on #GrandCanyon #FavEpisode ",0 "We loko crazy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait for my interview tomorrow , were gonna be co workers ",0 "Home time for homework and some relaxation Who wants to cuddle lol ",0 "Just now waking up >>> feels so good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ha I have my sleeves neck and one tattoo on my caller bone ! See at 1 today in hot topic ",0 "So happy to have tomorrow completely off ! Spending the whole day shopping after we leave the gym in the morning ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol C'mon . You'll Receive Ah Blessing From Me ",0 "Last time doing plasma , hallelujah . ",0 "That why Jess writes mine for me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks Jordan , same goes for you ",0 "I want a boyfriend so I can go to there games and cheer them on #awhh ",0 "I probably take 3 bubble baths a week . It's just , I love them so much . ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah I'm gonna go with both then ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ perfect . Where we at ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so proud of you staave ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so gorgeous !! All your picslips are AMAZING ! Was gonna comment on em all but didn't wanna blow up your interactions ! ",0 "My voice and accent is so different from everyone here ",0 "Lassssst night ! >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and/or taking online classes . we will deff have baby play dates ! and momma play dates hahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ special region ",0 "Inflatables & skating timeeeeee ! #BestNightEver ",0 "Red Sox parade tomorrow !! ❤️⚾️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ feel better ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ correction , you'll be jumping in Mirror Lake in less than a week ",0 "A great night# LIVING WITH NO REGRETS ",0 "\I feel like every country guy says hey girl .. like excuse me I have a name "" "" ",0 "The music video for Marry Me is easily the cutest thing ever☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahah I try ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sneaky little biotch ",0 "Younger kids be like , oh I can't wait for my first day of high school ",0 "I want to be a waitress to where ever my grandpa goes to eat most . He just tipped a guy 25$ ",0 "with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lets just invite the whole basketball program ",0 "MaKayla slipped and fell , and ran into the table #Dying ",0 "Hockey game tomorrow night . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ on it ",0 "I think girls will stop lying about being good drivers when guys stop lying about what 8 inches really is #girlcode ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you so much ",0 "You are attractive . #justsaying ",0 "At least I have a good view while going through the car wash ",0 "Swensons potato teasers ",0 "Dexter would make me feel so safe , demons and all . Is that creepy ? ",0 "Getting breakfast made for me ! #illtakethat ",0 "Interview went really well hoping for the best ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha I'll make it up to you . just wait . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why thankkkkk you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YOU GOT A TWITTER ",0 "My mom might get me salad works tonight ",0 "Have you seen Jonathan Rhys Meyers tho ? Like , holy shit . ",0 "408 cobb hall .. My new home for the next year ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm coming anddddd I'll play gym , but that's only because I love you♡ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ although I might have stepped up to #kingkong now that you and Jess say I look so much older haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the joy of knowing I'll be home in 2 weeks = ",0 "B105 right now lettin the night roll ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ seriously I had to share it hahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll try ",0 "We out here _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Going from running in 21 degree weather to 39 degrees makes such a difference ! It felt almost too hot this morning ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! I'm proud of you too ! On that work flow , finally . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ gotcha . Well one day it'll be a throwback ",0 "I get to meet _TWITTER-ENTITY_ next weekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well . At least we know someone's pregnant . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay okay pretty girl ",0 "Well might as well take a nap with Michael . I'm tiiiiiired ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kelly .. I love you and all you stand for .. And you are such an #inspiration .. Thank you ",0 "guys butts in football pants _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I didn't even know he did that in the pic ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Brett ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha probably one of the funniest things I've ever witnessed . Like I'm still dying ",0 "Hahahahahah but what was I thinking . ",0 "Free facials with my favorite beautiful girl in the whole world ! Can't wait _TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you and can't wait til Monday !!!! ",0 "#20FactsAboutMe - country boys , baseball players , and military men are probably my favorite thing in the world . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you love me ",0 "Me and matt are so attractive in our snapchats ✌️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so happy I saw you today !!!! ",0 "Hanging out with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , my two favorite girls look amaaaazing ",0 "Lunch date with my princess _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he's so hot ",0 "So excited to be able to surprise my mom with my presence tonight ! And to see my new kitten ! ",0 "Hangover + work = death #sundayfunday wins ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are such ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're pretty . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hopefully you have an iPhone , or that'll just be jibe-rush to you ",0 "So happy for soon to be mom _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and soon to be dad _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #perfect #cutebaby ",0 "done with class for the day ",0 "I love heels . I will wear them to school everyday , let some jealous bitch say somethin ",0 "#YoureMoreAttractiveIf you use emojis ",0 "#YouGainPointsIf you have brown or blue eyes ",0 "The conversation me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are having rn >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good ! ",0 "The fact that today is a half day and my first Sixers game of the season makes today amazing❤️ ",0 "The Twilight Breaking DawnDres #TheLeague ",0 "Mario Lopez . ",0 "Gotta get into M&G , sneaking innnn ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same !!! ",0 "I did too Hunter ",0 "Yay I'm grandma is here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ movies ? ",0 "I love me some Criminal Minds ",0 "I am a sucker when it comes to guys with blue eyes ",0 "When a helicopter is so close to your house you can feel viberation ",0 "I kinda got a thing for red heads ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just so you know , we would scream \CARNIVAL SUCKS "" on a regular basis while flipping off your boat . "" ",0 "so happy footballs back on so baseball doesn't fill the top ten ",0 "I'll let ya tell yourself that though ",0 "This morning I fell in love with a tall skinny vegan guy who gave me lemon grass tea . ",0 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for being my 1,000 th tweet . We have the greatest conversations . Love you ",0 "That was a good talk he's perfect ",0 "Well at least I get to spend my last day of summer with my boyfriend ",0 "What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Halloween ? ... Halloweentown movie marathon on Disney Channel #cantwait ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha I love you ! You're the best ",0 "Everybody go vote for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's not like y'all have anything better to do ! ☺️ #voteaustin ",0 "I love the feeling of taking of your socks after a long day ",0 "If I were a cat , I'd spend all nine lives with you ☺️ ",0 "Tonight's episode of pretty little liars is about to be intense !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ relationships aren't easy . Didn't take long for me to figure that one out . But if its true love , it will always prevail ",0 "Hall of fame time ",0 "13-literally I love you so much . I love when you come to me and talk to me about your problems and stuff . txt me beb ",0 "Scotty McCreary >>>> ",0 "Yayyyy my bestie is home ☺ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Is anyone doing anything fun tonight ??? ",0 "Dinner with my guys this evening . ",0 "Oh biggby you know how to make a girl happy ☕ ",0 "Feels good to let that off my chest ",0 "Vampire diaries ❤ ",0 "Off to see Chris Cagle with Josh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ What does _TWITTER-ENTITY_ think about this ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ( continued ) i know this probably wont happen but i would die if i got the chance to meet you . It would mean the world to me ",0 "Miley Cyrus raps and wears Jordan's now . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ! Miss ya ❤️ ",0 "Forget homework , I'm enjoying twitter too much tonight . #lovemyfriends #braves ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I enjoyed like 45 glasses of Schweppes yesterday and thought of you ! ",0 "OHHHHH MEEEEEAHHH GERDDDDD❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want some new Nikes ! Let's go ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ AWW , YOU ACTUALLY CHECKED IT OUT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just what I wanted ! You're the best .... I don't love your chest hair that much haha #thatsgross ",0 "Small workout , shower , breakfast , work , twirling , gym . #motivated ",0 "And I got to meet back up with people I had made friends with at Drivers Ed ",0 "This is awkward ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ go to soelbergs and get a whole pack to yourself ",0 "Aria's bf makes a hot cowboy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I do the same haha I don't mind ",0 "So happy to be getting the acrylics back on ",0 "Best performance all night . Flat out . #EricChurch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahah I think you got this one . It's so simple you don't need my help . ",0 "So excited to go to VS in Newyork with four secret rewards cards Sunday ",0 "I'm glad MWC also got a McAlisters !!! Now I can go get it on my lunch break ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im kidding you know i love you ",0 "My dads truck . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I LOVE it Lol Have you never seen it ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i thought you were being serious wtf ily erika , you're perfect too ",0 "Found a $100 bill and a credit card at blooming foods market . Gave it to an employee . . Could have been $100 richer . ",0 "it's good to have my bestfriend back , he always knows what to say ",0 "Getting free undies from VS is the best thing ever ",0 "\Welcome to Solvay , where the roads are filled with potholes , & the village is filled with potheads "" "" ",0 "~ gotten a lot closer this year and your really good to vent to ",0 "But I am so excited to see my family ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ya know .. It would prolly help if I knew what that meant !! ",0 "Always makes me smile and be happy ",0 "I love when school in 2 hours late !! #sleepin ",0 "Strawberry daiquiri virgin ? Oh I was thinking not virgin ? Hahaha ☺️ ",0 "Today marks 22 days without a day off ! All I can say Is my mind is on the money ! ",0 "Fantastic Day !! Could it be I'm actually liking school lol ?!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know you told me your sleeping , but I'm just so excited . So many stories . & I have a surprise ",0 "Ice skating next weekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well duh good luck on your finals , text or call if you need big Brudder ",0 "It's a great day to be alive ☀ ",0 "Ready to get shitty tonight with my loves !! #letsdoit ",0 "Had A good time with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and Bobby . Good talks , and good to chill ",0 "Travis just skip work and stay with us . We'll watch pitch perfect all night . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I tore 3 ligaments playing basketball in early December . Hopefully I'll be able to golf this summer ! ",0 "Great Gatsby in the hotel room ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay dokey . Ill probably be at your house before that though ",0 "Aweee thanks ! Means so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ soon plz !! ",0 "= shania going to be black ",0 "My movie collection grows everyday ",0 "- In my Spanish class & seem cool ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ home ! Are you going to come see me tomorrow we play home too ",0 "A Single Man is such a good movie jfc , it's basically the same movie as American Beauty ",0 "Pretty good game Storm Chasers Won !!! ",0 "I am going to the winter dance , now to find a date . If I have to I'll just take my cat ... ❄️ ",0 "what ... the hell did I just watch #SaveTheDay #ohmygod ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha when I'm not busy , I think I'm going to my dads in lake county tomorrow . I'll try to stop by ",0 "Ozarks tomorrow !! ",0 "Can someone tell me why the emoji is pretty high on my recently used emojis page ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahah that describes you so much though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh man I wish I was going . I would love for you to be my cabana boy ! Have a blast sexy ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ us too ",0 "So excited for this weekend Kalahari with my main _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✊ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm happy to make you laugh ",0 "Work at 7 sucks bass balls but I almost always catch the sunrise and that's pretty kewl I guess ",0 "#favoritecouple me and my bed #missyoubabe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ at least I like perrie or else this wouldn't be going well ! ",0 "HA HA . You got what you deserved ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you love ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ uh I think we're friends ..... ",0 "Beyoncé & Jay Z's Drunken Love >>>>>> ",0 "Your name gives me butterflies . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ snazzy ... ",0 "CLINICAL CANCELLED HAPPIEST DAY EVER #goodnight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will soon ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too chipotle date tomorrow ? ",0 "Am I the only white girl that doesn't like Starbucks ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the best idea ever ! Me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ will come soon ",0 "Tired .. Movie and relax time when I get home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so jealous !! sounds amazing ☺️ ",0 "Watching The Lion King at work ! Perks of working at a daycare ",0 "So on fire & so in love ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yup on my way to Charlotte ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHAHAHA ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha you do not !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ did that all day ! ",0 "These videos of Taylor ",0 "I'm just a cold beer drinker ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ baha whatever loser ",0 "This day is turning to hell , good thing I have oil to make it better ",0 "Checked in and beer in hand with the one and only _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Today , I met an attractive cowboy . ",0 "Lol _TWITTER-ENTITY_ when the ball drops _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just stares at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and she just storms off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ keep ya head up , miss you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we are in the same state at the moment ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ She said thank you ",0 "Strawberries and whip cream is like heaven ",0 "Chinese for lunch ",0 "Love my _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! ",0 "ALL THAT MATTERS IS THE BEST SONG EVER I LOVE IT ",0 "S-moneyyyyyy & Colby are the best ",0 "Her laugh tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ahhh I can't wait !! ",0 "Ate a whole bag of chocolate covered pretzels in 30mins #noshame ",0 "Hot bubble baths >>> ",0 "Soft serve with Mallory ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes !! coming out this summer ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol finally we get to hangout ",0 "Does anyone else set an alarm on #thekeyapp one minute later than the actual time so when it goes off you can hear justins voice ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I sent you a message honey can't wait for you to read it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol awhhh . I do owe you ☺️ ",0 "Had a great Christmas ! Hope everyone else had a great one too☺️ #MerryChristmasEveryone ",0 "christina your voice is like an angel thank you☺️ ",0 "Omg I'm really over here giggling at these snaps ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Townsend only doucherrs from Chicago are good enough for jessi . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you more ❤ ",0 "Kara and I are literally on a Mariah Cary kick .. Love her Christmas music ❤️ ",0 "That argument after chemistry today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ holy Jesus yes , I was just a little guy wayyyyy back when ahahahahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just thought I'd let you know , it's what friends do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come to cbus ",0 "Sitting in the porch with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #lovethem ❤ ",0 "I'm the best daughter ever I saved my mommy some food for when she gets home from work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes love hearing about new things at games ",0 "Cousin love is some of the best stuff out there ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I sure hope so ! ",0 "Well tonight was fun cause we got our car towed in Canada ",0 "No filter on her mouth or her cigarettes , oh baby what you're lookin at is what you get . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your welcome ",0 "Dancing to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ with my gma aunt and mom while cooking dinner . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha i know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay ! We are hanging out asap ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this May have made my night ",0 "Out to campus tonight with my girll _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Goin back to sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your welcome ",0 "Can't wait for my acting class tomorrow ! ",0 "Justin bieber is honestly the cutest guy I've ever seen . ",0 "These Teen Wolf commercials are actually kinda creepy especially with the lullaby in the background ",0 "eating this bagel in my bed right now could not be more ideal ",0 "the fact that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ called me this morning to tell me that she put her pants on inside out and had to wear them across campus >>> ",0 "GOD DAMN I LOVE FROSTY'S ",0 "I knew _TWITTER-ENTITY_ would favorite that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha !! I love that movie ! ",0 "I'm so lucky to have such amazing friends around me . Love you guys ",0 "I seriously can't wait for country jam #camping ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know who this is abouuuuuutttt ",0 "The fact that both my babes are coming to my game tonight _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol !! Yeah not even a division championship under his system !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was fantastic ! I loved the sets , especially how they used projected images . It was all really great ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you so much ",0 "Titanic is on ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bring me some ",0 "I think she likes me ",0 "that text just made me soooo happy ",0 "IVE BEEN REQUESTING #MadeInTheUSA ALL DAY ! WANNA MAKE MY DAY AND NOTICE ME PLEASE _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha you were dad last night . Thanks for taking care of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you my girl for life !!! ",0 "Cannot get over how in love I am with my moms car . #nightride ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you'd probably get in shape faster if you spent your time working out instead of tweeting #justsayin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'M IN LOVE WITH THEM ",0 "Front this cheer group message I'm literally laughing out loud & I just can't help it ... ",0 "The song _TWITTER-ENTITY_ showed me . #OhBo ",0 "You could Say it Was a Fun night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ....... so what's the answer ? ",0 "I should probably learn to stop saying things I don't mean #oops ",0 "First Thursday of the semester , lets go buck tn ",0 "Okay over him , going to enjoy my life to the fullest . He is my past and God has an amazing future ahead for me ! ",0 "We'll hey there ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you tell him ",0 "A week from today ill be a free man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I watch it every night ❤ ",0 "When i kept spanking David >> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good night my favorite !!! Love ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll be home from October 12th to the 20th !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can tell ",0 "That dog tho >>>> OMG ",0 "Going to be a great week ",0 "If the rumors are true about _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and Lamar cheating on her , that's messed up . Khloe you deserve so much better . Love ya doll ! ",0 "Going to the Fair tonight with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! Can't wait ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ahaha maybe ! Yeah were heading down tonight and staying at my gmoms in Rehoboth so I told ma mom I'm shopping withcu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ inviting myself over for some of that ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the bestest for ordering us pizza ",0 "Solid first day back . Love my haven peeps !!! ",0 "Perfect night for mom's homemade chicken noodles ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I LOVE YOU TOO ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes . Hard to think that and remember it . But I'm trying ! Tomorrow ill let you know what my dad says . Night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ old news ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You have the best twitter avatar EVER ! ",0 "Midnight drive out to French Lick . #lovely ",0 "Smilin like an idiot ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I kicked your butt ",0 "I really wish I was going to see the Gatsby tonight but I'll settle with going tomorrow . #cantwait ",0 "Aww a bunny made a nest for its babies in my yard I'm gonna play with them later lol ",0 "Soooooooooooo close to working from home !!!!!!! Ahhhhh this excites me more than anything ",0 "Yes , I bump my hair . #getthefuckoverit ",0 "#YoureMoreAttractiveIf you play hockey ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I did horrible at those , but thanks and I'm glad you're playing too ! It's gonna be fun ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good good ! text me ! i'll dm you my number ! we can make plans for something ",0 "is it the weekend yet ? ",0 "First night of my leadership field experience tonight ! #excited ",0 "Amanda Seyfried is so pretty , and I want her hair ",0 "Free coffee from the cute guy at Dunkin ",0 "#7 from Lakeview >> ",0 "When my dad said \I like him . Keep him around for awhile "" >>> ☺ "" ",0 "hahaha I'll cheer for you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the best girlfriend everrrrr ",0 "Now I'm really excited for this weekend ",0 "In lake Geneva ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I like that picture ",0 "I got into a screaming match with this one lady over a medium coke she wanted but didn't pay for . Lol She didn't expect me to tell back ✋ ",0 "cute emoji . But you are so adorable and you . Are . Hilarious . I love you bae ",0 "I love to listen to music !!! ",0 "I jus love listenin to beautiful voices ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ maybe if you came over here ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why do you look so awkward in this ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will , thank you for not putting me down . I really appreciate it ! if you ever wanna debate or talk a little , message me ! ",0 "I love that my boyfriend takes care of me when I'm not feeling well . He's the best . ",0 "Helping with the mother daughter dinner ",0 "This weather , I think sleeping all day is the deal ",0 "So I love my wittle angel _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Excited for what my future has in store for me ✨ ☺️ #BigPlans ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ keep your head up kid ",0 "That was probably the most embarrassing video I have ever sent ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right ?! I convinced them to go to Michigan ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ \Be "" has to be the greatest place ever "" ",0 "I don't think _TWITTER-ENTITY_ realizes how adorable he is ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awe Dahvie that is so sweet but a guy don't need to be treated like shit either but that was so sweet I got called a Freak ",0 "That's my cousin _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "No sling today ! ",0 "Love family time . ",0 "Cheesecake Factory is an entire experience ... the wait , the beer , the food , and obviously the cheesecake , glad to be here w _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're so gay ",0 "I'll always love Dave Navarro ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ! It was a blast ",0 "I probably took like 5,000 pictures on _TWITTER-ENTITY_ phone last night ",0 "Stick to your carriages and English stuff , you don't know nothing about western riders . ",0 "I listen to two totally opposite types of music . Country and rap . ",0 "if you look good with long hair or dreads ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what the hell is up with your avi ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is there anything new in the mall ...? ",0 "Excited about this weekend ! #Happy ",0 "JUST ORDERED _TWITTER-ENTITY_ AND MY A DAY TO REMEMBER TICKETS ",0 "Stressed to the max and I have a 5 day weekend ! Lol seriously I'm ready to just let loose and have fun . #letsmakeplans ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Brady being a bad skippa lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you cutie ",0 "The good news is , you're the easiest to replace✌️ ... already replaced ",0 "I honestly can't wait or plattsburgh soccer games ",0 "There is nothing I enjoy more than coming home to cuddle with my dog and hot chocolate the end ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't worry it's planned already ! Yessss I'll remind you obvs when it's closer ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll be there the week after next babe don't you worry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know !!! But it's cute ",0 "Just aced my test !!! I feel great !! Now to go home and enjoy my night !! ",0 "I melt everytime I hear Keith Urban . He's so sexy ",0 "Eating pizza tonight reminded me of having to pick the bell peppers off of oomfs pizza this summer ",0 "Sammi literally read my mind . ! Leggings tomorrow . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ being it⚽ill watch ",0 "I woke up with the biggest smile on my face ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think you're right ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i love you too ! happy 1 year faggot ! ",0 "My friends are the best people in the world #fuckwithus ",0 "When my sister was younger she use to wear her clothes to bed that she'd wear the next day so she wouldn't have to get up early . Hahahha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this has to be the cutest reunion ever . I love Delena . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm seriously loling just thinking about that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no way ?!? JDKhpzbai . Vic is so beautiful ",0 "Got all my classes for my first semester at UST #yay ",0 "Debating whether or not I want to go night swimming . It would be relaxing with all the tiki torches and the crickets ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what i'm just being honest ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Have a few drinks for me babbbby !! ",0 "This is all for the better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is a qt ",0 "was a good day with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was an entire family of camouflage with facial piercings . ",0 "Ready for spring ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yours is gorgeous though ",0 "omg haha math makes me want to kill myself haha ",0 "Ill do ya a favor and rip out that rats nest of yours #dizzybitch ",0 "He's about to pass out from meeting Kelly Haha . And omg he's sing wanted by hunter Hayes ",0 "Idk , you're hot . I know it , they know it , you know it . So hi . ",0 "Thought I had 1 paper to do before midnight but I actually have 3 this situation would be cool if the papers were chicken strips or beer ",0 "Today's gonna be a good day . I already know it ☺️ ",0 "I wouldn't be mad one bit if we danced to a throwback Spice Girls song ... Just sayin ",0 "I will marry Adam Levine some day ",0 "the fresh prince of bel air came on and right away i thought about your video rapping it _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well that's nice of you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ We are still currently reviewing the update and will release it as soon as possible . ",0 "I'm different & I refuse to change . Don't like it ? There's the door & I'll help you see your way out☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got you hooked to the Redwings ",0 "Lately its one good day after another . And going to sleep with a smile on my face is becoming a nightly thing . ",0 "Hair appt finally hopefully they don't take too much off ! ",0 "Yet another perfect day with him I never imagined I could find someone who would seriously make me this happy ! #hesthebest _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "This flannel smells just like you ",0 "I can adapt to any atmosphere ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it describes me perfectly ",0 "When your boss calls and says you don't have to come into work >>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's fine it's out there now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I crack myself up ",0 "Going out with everyone to friendlys ",0 "I cannot wait until this weekend . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you don't see too excited about it .... ",0 "The snap chat Charlie just sent me made my night ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good luck ! You'll be fine ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I mean , if you really wanna see these ' s . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait to see your cute face in 4 days ! ",0 "9 minutes till #sytycd ",0 "I like to play this game where however long you take to text back , I'll take longer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was trying to be subtle but I'm glad you noticed . Miss ya Jomby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuckin right lol !! ",0 "Fun fact for ya #MallCop ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ jealous !!! sounds so good right now !! #workproblems ",0 "I love having so many different friends and appreciate how great they all are ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ will do ",0 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ taking homecoming two amazing kids right there . HC king and queen ? ",0 "I don't like Marley , but I love Melissa She's adorable . ",0 "Going through my old notes on my phone >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sure you can . Just be confident . Soon , everyone will be doing it . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't you mean bump .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we need a sleep over with lots of chick flicks n junk food ! ",0 "Someone go see Frozen again with Ashten and I this weekend . I'm obsessed with that movie . ❄️☺️⛄️✨ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I loveeee you ",0 "Jacob should bring me to yolickity soon ",0 "The plus side of only having one class on Tuesday is that I make my dad drive me and take me to breakfast after ☺️ ",0 "Hey . Osakis friends . Let's do something tomorrow night ",0 "the pod is on shuffle .. this should be interesting ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm straight up dying right now ",0 "Still trying to decide what to do today . Im stuck home with no car for 2 days . May make the girls go for a walk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Read it word for word . ",0 "There's a really sexy blacked out jeep right next to me and I'm thinking of you ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I did ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You should come home with Rachael sometime . Sometimes its good to get away from the dorms . ",0 "Whadddddupppp ill dance for you . ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's just because no one is as perfect as you ",0 "While everyone is tweeting how much they hate the cardinals , I'm just enjoying the game #stlcards ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im glad I'm not the only one who thought this ",0 "Tonight is gonna be goooood _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come on over ill spoon you ",0 "The classic honk and wave to the opposite side of the road ",0 "Boardwalk Empire is one of the greatest shows ",0 "Finally home time to relax for the evening ",0 "Popping my Kill the Keg cherry ",0 "Carrie underwood come Marry me ",0 "Well aren't these butterflies in my stomach the greatest ",0 "6K goes out to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺ ",0 "I love cuddling with my muh little munchkin ☺️ ",0 "My sister finally got a twitter ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ remember when we were friends that was cool ",0 "Well good bye twitter Merry Christmas ! Today is for the family . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes yes !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG ! Thank God !! ",0 "Looking forward to a good weekend with my love❤️ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Finley Ohio tomorrow Get to play more softball with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . ",0 "getting completely caught up in all of my classes #goodday #doingitright ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahahahahaha that was actually the work of a glass dildo ! I used the battery's out of the bullet for my Xbox controller lololol ",0 "Obsessed with See You Tonight by Scotty McCreery ",0 "My parents are hungover as shit and fricken hilarious ",0 "Can't wait to spend the whole week/weekend with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #mybestfriend ❤ ",0 "Omg this the coolest thing I've ever experienced in my life I'm the happiest girl in the world right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It spell checked it ! haha . but I love you too . ",0 "I wonder what is in store for tomorrow ☺️ ",0 "Finding out this information just made my entire month that much more better . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ snapchat stories are always the best . ",0 "My dad is so funny ",0 "Out to lunch with daddy Than groceries and the state liquor store ! Hahaha #GoodDay ",0 "Time for my closet clean out ",0 "I called this \Laura Edmonds "" and she actually sounds like a mom , soo that makes the things she's saying now seem even weirder "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just welcoming you to the family ",0 "I get to see my big sissy tonight _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Oh sweet seat warmers ",0 "And than all the other pictures I got too lol it's gonna be a good #mcm next week ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and then your car died and a creepy manager guy helped jump your car !!! Hahahaha ",0 "Another pound downnnnn feeling good ",0 "What do you call a bear with no teeth ? A gummy beat ! #hahaahah ",0 "Great night with my friends and my boyyyyy ",0 "If only I was laying in a hammock in his arms looking at the stars just talking about life <3 #soundsperfect ",0 "Your conclusion might just be accurate .... Haha wine really does make any day better ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Dang describe your whole day ! How's world lit goin ",0 "What did I do to deserve a love like our God's ? The answer is absolutely nothing . I never could , but He gives it anyway #blessed ",0 "So happy the decision that I have made . ",0 "Eating millionaire matchmaker ",0 "Probably obsessed with Drakes new album ",0 "Oh just waiting on _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' s #tbt post while watching #BoyMeetsWorld ... I think I might be stuck in the ' 90s .. oh well , best decade ever ! ",0 "Dear _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , make sure you find sommmmmewayyyy to come . Thanks your girlfriends great friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bahahahaha !! #ineededthattweet #goodlaugh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just waitttt I will when it's done ",0 "My boyfriend makes me happyyyyy , and I'm drunk . But even sober . He makes me so happyyyy <333333 I like you Derek ",0 "Yesssss ! 35 episodes of #TheWalkingDead on netflix ! So much easier to watch than online ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ IM SO JEALOUS I loveeee him ! I like cried bc he was on the other side of the wall as me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ พวกเอ็งชอบทำข้า งง อิแม่ไม่กินหมาละหรือ ",0 "I think it's because I got her HIGH ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ all I can picture is you opening that app and that dog going \yeah dawg "" and then you laughing for possibly an hour "" ",0 "Omg when my mom randomly tells me and em I can FINALLY spend the night at Emily's house ! Eeekkkkkk ",0 "insidious 2 who coming to see it with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ only the best for you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ done . ",0 "I flopped my cookies #churchwomenprobs _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha me too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have a great idea ! Please tweet me back☺️ ",0 "Hahahah I would just like to let all of you know .... that I'm sorry for being so awesome ❤❤❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It's a bird , it's a plane , it's an ugly guy in a blue spandex suit . ",0 "so grateful for nice people that get out and push my car off my road ! lol . ",0 "Brock Fittery though ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you bebe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awesome , ill keep a look out for ya ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well this cheesiness is nacho cheese ",0 "He never fails to make me laugh ",0 "#WeakFor a mixed girl .... They the hottest ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hehe love you more ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you sure will cause you deserve it ! #MissYou ",0 "Two weeks until #BANGERZ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Second coffee of the day #happyfriday ",0 "my grandmas BLT's >>>> ",0 "Hangin out with my best friend today has been a good day !!! ",0 "All these tumblr long distance couple videos meeting for the first time is the most cutest things ever . ",0 "It's feels so nice to think that tomorrow is like a friday ",0 "You picked a true winner this time ..... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you for giving me so much hope . I owe you big time . ",0 "I'm out in that one ! ",0 "I love when emily and steph come to see me ",0 "It's my favorite weather ",0 "Bradley Cooper is sexy as fuck I don't care how old he is ",0 "Me & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ watching Stacy dance to Staying Alive by the Bee Gees ",0 "Yay done with classes time to enjoy the weather ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ SVU #eastcoastbaby ",0 "Omg i love my new purse ",0 "It's finally here !!! #HappyHalloween only a three hour work shift stands in between me and my excitement ! ☕️❤️ ",0 "Nikki Manij works at Dunkin on Knoxville ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes he's my fav ",0 "My grandma is convinced if you were a 2 piece bikini then it's the devils way of saying \hello boys here I am , come get it . "" I'm done✋ "" ",0 "Oh man !! I may just cry !!! #happyhappyhappy !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ one day , maybe ! Tell Grayson hello for me . ",0 "Favorite for an honest DM . ",0 "Playing baseball in the hallway >>> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Merry Christmas Mr. Incognito ",0 "If you want your bones to deteriorate , become a cheerleader ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll be your peeta any day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Do you think she will extend the due date since we have been out so long ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good text me ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I knew I could put that to use . Had it saved in my pictures for months now haha ",0 "Dangos is well needed tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we all judge you ",0 "I feel so included . Going to hang out with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . and we are going to iHop ",0 "My favorite place is in my bed with my kitty . ",0 "I just got atleast 10 snapchats that said \On what "" ? "" ",0 "JUST SAW MY GIRLS ON THE NEWS . ☺☺☺☺❤ ",0 "my kitty is literally the most adorable thing ever ",0 "So excited Jay Warner is coming home #finally ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ says the kid who plays chess on his computer for fun ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ jealous ! Take a picture of the penguins for me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was ? Oh ... the socks in the toilet ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Maddie I loove yaaaaa ",0 "but I'm soo comfy ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill just buy it and u can keep it if its like 5 dollars ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ im so cool ",0 "Couldn't have asked for a better night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you probably don't remember cause I drank all of it when I got there ",0 "Omg hm's cat is adorable ",0 "She's crying now lol ",0 "Catch Phrase >>> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #family ",0 "#PeopleWhoMadeMyYearGood _TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you big sister ☺️ ",0 "Kim bought me a coffee before work Best girlfriend evaa _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hehe of course ",0 "Senior cruise was so much fun ! A night I'll never forget #ClassOf2014 ",0 "Just remembered my surprise present and I can't stop smiling ... ",0 "In life all you need to be is confident in who you are & what you have to offer everyone has something amazing about them #cornybuttrue ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ new twitter picture >>>>> #Amazing ",0 "Actually in a pretty dang good mood for once .. ",0 "Michigan bound with my girl _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to see my best friends , family , and basically everything I love all in one weekend . So happy ! ",0 "Polar express . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't child me , BOYYY . But yes the song does have a good beat . I spit that hot fire all day er ' day ",0 "The smell of fierce cologne >>>>> ",0 "Gym & lunch with mama . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ vines though >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aweee I wuv you too babe it's my pleasure I'm always here for ya !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we've had 3 tornado sightings this morning . ",0 "Is anyone selling homecoming dresses ? ",0 "I love when _TWITTER-ENTITY_ makes adventure time references . Things like that makes me smile ☺️ #whattimeisit #AdventureTime ",0 "oh gosh , you're literally perfection ",0 "It honestly feels so nice to not have to do anything all day ",0 "I love it when Avery falls asleep on my legs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm full of them ",0 "I just saw the funniest thing . ",0 "So yeah . New friends are pretty cool ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bring fawny with ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Athens is a great place to live from what I've heard and pretty sure some awesome people live there . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yes please ! We're free the next 3 days ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ BEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes of course ",0 "Last home game today can't wait ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love it toooo ",0 "Getting that surprise phone call from my family in Florida saying they are on their way to Wisco for a visit #mademyday #cantwait ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well thanks Randy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was so nice seeing you both ! Debbie you are a fantastic waitress & my margarita was delicious !!! ",0 "im so content with life , i couldn't be happier ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww thank you molly . love you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ right now ! Shhh ! ",0 "Let's just take a moment to say that one of God's finest creations was born 27 years ago . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Christmas pictures with Calib today . ",0 "Miley is on repeat ",0 "Oh hell my girlfriend has a twitter now . ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ with me ",0 "Wonderful weather were having today ",0 "Caught that one ☺️ ",0 "I LOVE FAKE FRIENDS WHOOOOOOO ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺️ I think we might get in some trouble together so text me 5412234847 ",0 "So happy that I have a mom that can be the most amazing mom ever and even a more amazing father ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww yay well maybe I'll see you !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ my night is officially made . ",0 "Texas Roadhouse with the babes ",0 "Lookin ' like a hick today ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Who wannaa hang with me da nite befor New Years an my mom said there was a prize for me and my friend !! lol WTF !! ",0 "Me and my girlfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Double Wide Grill . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Jake pees alot ",0 "Subway is open until 2 ? #winning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ comes naturally ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Cheer up , piddle ! text me if you need anything !! I lost all my numbers . #chinup ",0 "Been in the best moods lately ",0 "So she ha to walk across the hall in my pink robe and get one from my brother Hahahahaha I'm dying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ They mean nothing to me now . They've showed their true colors now ",0 "I swear I don't know what I would without _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! She makes my days 10x better ! ",0 "You try so hard to fit in ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ one door closes and another one opens ryry ",0 "what did _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just snapchat me ...? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ soooooo ! Name them .. jack and jake ",0 "I have faith in you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ let's go ! ",0 "When Andrew comes over he brings me my favorites from taco bell #keeper ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodnight beautiful can't wait to see u in 10 hours ",0 "Love it ! the highs are amazing . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha okay !! ",0 "Good day today saw my jaydey poo ",0 "I appreciate everything she does for me , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ id be lost without you ",0 "Nothing like a Fons family Christmas Eve #soblessed ",0 "Kutztown bound cant wait to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !!!! ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ BBQ at five so I can come ",0 "Holly hell my nurse is sexy !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha I mean at least you THOUGHT about getting something healthier , that counts right ...? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yuppie kids pretending to be hockey nuts . So pathetic it's comical ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm waiting on your mommy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ! I'm going to have to come watch ",0 "good morning twitter . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I lurv you babe . The feeling is definitely mutual . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Maybe I should learn the piano then . Ha Jk . I have know clue how to play any instrument . ",0 "Eric Church though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have it !!!!! Lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It was great . My mom is addicted now too . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill buy you a gallon ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol . It's a country song . I'd tell you to listen to it , but I know you despise country music . It's my jam , though ! ",0 "congress is soooo close ! ",0 "Going out of town to see my fam ☺️ #hellohuntsville ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Daddy's boy ",0 "Fast and furious 6 this weekend ",0 "Sooooo which one of the Waterford boys is bringing me to prom this year ",0 "I CAN'T BELIEVE WE JUST THAT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok I will . ",0 "Okay .. Drinking hot chocolate then crawling back to bed , because my bed is my only friend right now ",0 "One month today ready for many more ",0 "I was secretly cheering for the Ravens .. lol ",0 "shopping all day today ",0 "Seen dolphins today when we were on the beach #favoriteanimal ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ alrighttt ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love your profile pic ! Girly you could seriously be a model #modelstatus #BEAUTIFUL ",0 "Driving through Branson listening to Christmas music . Perfect . ",0 "People who put their whole life in their Instagram bio ",0 "All I wanna do is go to home , cuddle up and watch Christmas movie while drinking some hot chocolate . ⛄️❄️☕️❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's in Kansas City ",0 "I'm obsessed with collar bones ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks bebe I miss yours !!! And yes we need a KAL night very soon ",0 "Who is giving me plans tonight , my last weekend or week to hang out for like 3 weeks so make plans with me !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank youu it's amazingg ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was just about to write you and say cheer up my doll , Sean will make it all better ! lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha it made me laugh so I figured it would make you especially happy ",0 "Getting ready then going to my sisters for the weekend ! ",0 "Happy October first everyone ! ❤️⛅️ ",0 "This is why I should be a detective ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I still can't believe that happened today I was speechless hahaha ",0 "Kylee gave me a hug guys ",0 "#GrowingUpIBelieved if you kissed a guy , you were pregnant . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao I love you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yayayay I get to see youuu !! picture ?! ",0 "I somehow managed to get off work for all of thanksgiving break ! #thankgod ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wouldn't mind being stalled by you either hun❤❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goooooood luck today ! Kick some ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ those are Delish your sooo lucky ",0 "Getting closer to 4k #tweets ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was tho goooooood one homo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so ? I'm moving south when I graduate , and those kids are too adorable not to want them !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ask your mom and dad ",0 "omg officially accepted to Stanford so excited ",0 "My first time doing a sock bun & it actually came out pretty good ",0 "Couldn't ask for better friends ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks miss ya too kid ! ",0 "Swim meet tonight ! Whoop ! We're gonna die ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you spelled browns wrong haha boo steelers ",0 "Totes can't wait to see Jessie ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ya know , I said the same thing . He's at his parents in the Italian Alps . Real deal ",0 "Sinead just had a conversation with the love of my life like fuck you whore ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I figured you were pretty cheap .. ",0 "I love my boyfriend so much❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he said you probably wouldn't see it so I made you see it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ when you provide me evidence besides when I jokingly call someone a name you Come talk to me ",0 "college letters for the rest of the night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "Anyone have the twilight movie eclipse ? Can I borrow it please ?! ",0 "\Don't let fear hold you back from pursuing what you really want . "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #prettymuch ! "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dat ass ! ",0 "The only reason I watch secret life is because _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is in it . #hawtie . #celebritycrush ",0 "I just finished all nine seasons of One Tree Hill ☺️ #pleasedontend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll pressure on them to vote for you .. Just like last time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no little dog ! Maybe a pig but what about cats ?! ",0 "S/o to the boys on the side of 275 in the truck . #callme ",0 "These kids never fail to put a smile on my face ☺ #CSL ",0 "Dad wanting to move to bluff #finally ",0 "No more waking up at 7:45 for me !! So glad I'm done with this 8am class ! ",0 "Even tho it's rainy I Decided to get myself all dolled up for church tonight smokey eyes and feeling pretty ! ",0 "WVU Bound _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Sarcasm in texts ",0 "My header never gets old . ",0 "For anyone who watched #XFactor tonight ... How sexy was that guy who proposed ?! #hotdamn ",0 "S/O to randy for fixing my car #thanks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nkotb 98 degrees and boyzllmen ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ & I love you for it ",0 "Tonight is my second rookie initiation ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry to hear that , hope everything turns out good ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill switch ",0 "A man in a business suit ' Tis the season of interviews ",0 "Who's got the greeeenery ",0 "Final after 4 months of living in my new place I am getting cable and Internet .... just in time for the new season of vanderpump rules ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ would love to be with you ",0 "Finalllly spending this wonderful summer with my wonderful boyyy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My room is so clean . Yay ! Happy Amanda ",0 "Well idk what i would do with out u 2 ",0 "Didn't need 11:11 tonight _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ more than anybody and just want her to smile ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's my boy ",0 "I'm glad me and Sydney stayed out in the pool till 1:30 . ",0 "free days are seriously my favorite ",0 "I bet you jalens thinking , aj is massive spoiled even tho I'm not ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ funniest thing ever ",0 "Goin to Topeka today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh my gosh , look at that !! That's just way too cool . Makes all seats \window seats "" !! "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm good at that so ok ",0 "Good golly gosh I love my little bros☺️ ",0 "The 50 Shades Of Gray commercials though #mustwatch #50shadesofgrey ",0 "Dark days dont last forever !!!! Feeling so blessed ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ur right down the street from me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you jessie ! ",0 "Playing EMT and medical assistant today ",0 "All that matters is that I have my friends & my family . Wouldn't trade these guys 4 nothin ! #neveralone #allineed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Looks like it ! ",0 "You find some of the hottest guys when you're boating ",0 "When _TWITTER-ENTITY_ dances to bubble butt >>>> ",0 "Ahhhhh it's time for #AlmostHuman ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg i totally forgot about that movie !!! Yayayayay ",0 "Tanning sesh during study with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and #twitterless jordyn ",0 "Time to celebrate with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight !! #Congrats #PearlStreet ",0 "Been waiting for date night all week ! #CatchingFire #FancyDinner _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Bubba makes me laugh so hard #lovehim ",0 "Listening to all this music makes me so excited for prom this weekend ! ",0 "It is seriously a Sleeping With Sirens kind of night #votesws ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ there sooo good ",0 "Beyond ready for Wilmington with my girls _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤ ",0 "Watching _TWITTER-ENTITY_ vlogs all day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was like crying from laughing so much . ",0 "Might get to see teddy this weekend #happygirl #timeformudfest ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ idk it's my strange addiction ",0 "\You either deal with how stupid they are , or you become a lesbian . "" -Ke$ha's mom on boys #gotthatright #momquotes "" ",0 "just got the sweetest text from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ here I was going wow i love Mykayla Skinner's leotard and its one of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you so much Amy for encouraging me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just added another camp to our summer schedule ! June 17-21 Middleburg High School ",0 "I always feel so much better after going running ",0 "Toots I've missed you ! ",0 "Philadelphia . Home of the Phillies . ❤⚾ #proudphilliesfan ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ See you then ! ",0 "I wouldn't change how my life is for anything . So so happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ name in my phone is \Sister Number 2 """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ glad to hear it ",0 "YAYAY and he's taking me to Nike ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ for like a week everyone has been retweeting sad things from you . Cheer up girl . ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get some dreads ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not gonna tell you so yeah just go with that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your welcome ",0 "Anyone want to come to chipotle with me ? ",0 "my brother comes home tonight !! Yayyyy #missedhim ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we were so in love ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ safe travels . Great seeing you ! ",0 "Didn't do anythig ",0 "Night beautiful flowers ",0 "I smell like farm animals and I love it #wilmimgtonisawesome ",0 "The fact that I got my cigs in WV last night for $3.91 makes me so happy ",0 "Finally got a fan today so now hopefully I won't burn up as much ! ",0 "I've deffinatley had the best most craziest summer so far ✊ ",0 "Nothing like being reunited with your best friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's all to lure you to come to California so you can draw on it . ",0 "when _TWITTER-ENTITY_ already knows what I want at Tudors and orders for me > #BestFriendStatus ",0 "I may be the only person who didn't like JT's Suit and Tie song , but I'm obsessed with Mirrors . Such a good jam ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohhh shush ",0 "I feel like I've been waiting forever for this finale ! It better be good _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I've turned Windsor ratchet . It's official ",0 "11 hours of sleep felt so good ",0 "Tonight's gonna be a good night ",0 "Oh Nicholas Sparks , you never fail to amaze me and make me jealous with all your romantic books and movies ! Safe Haven was so so good ! ",0 "I bought the cutest onesie tonight for my baby stepbrother for Christmas ",0 "Everyone probably thinks Gabriella is my sister but nope it's my teddy bear ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao ! I would have to agreeZ hopefully we're next to each other in every meet so we can have a conversation . #hellyeah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ SUNDAY WORKS FINE FOR ME ! I have a job interview that night so we will go early ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahah #dead ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I saw that one and was cracking up ! Thank you for understanding my obsession ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well thanks ... haha #liar ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good night my little vanilla drizzle . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol , sped ",0 "Saw #Frozen . Disney has out done themselves again ! ",0 "I've been in a good mood all this week . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good to hear ",0 "I get to see Darbs tomorrow ",0 "Accidentally lost Seth last night . Lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't wait to hear what they've got !! Stuck in dentist office with the kids ! ",0 "& repoed a van with pageant trophies in it ",0 "Ya know you would think that ONE girl would find me interesting . Nope . ✔️ ",0 "Just ordered Ana a blue and gold chevron dress !! So excited shell be extra classy and sassy this wvu football season ! ",0 "I love burlesque ",0 "It's so pretty outside ☀ ",0 "I've literally had no homework this wek except Monday . #happybappyhappy ",0 "Watching Major Payne in first hour ",0 "123- you're so funny & gorgeous ! I'm glad we meet at the all star game ! ☺️ ",0 "just remembered the originals is on tonight ",0 "Yaa .. I went there ",0 "Can I have a boyfriend to take cute pictures with in a photo booth ? ",0 "My brother told me to get my tongue pierced with him ",0 "Fuck everyone babe it's just me and you forever and always ",0 "Had a lot to drink last night . Funny thing , is that when we all went to bed , I fell asleep on the chair but woke up on the front porch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we were going to but then we didn't haha well stop sometime ",0 "6 days until cedar point ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nice ... Have a safe trip then . Good talking to you . Load any pics of u & Mellisa .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that sounds like a good plan . ☀ ",0 "299 days till Christmas ",0 "Ricky Spanish episode is on _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I love brushing my teeth ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's why I'm sexy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okieee i will ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you did really good ! I'm proud ",0 "Ready for December 10th HEAT vs PACERS #love ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohhh Karen ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao I just saw this OMG ",0 "Thanks _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for the invite to the pastors lunch . I look forward to it ",0 "Texting ky brings a smile to my face _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #besties #loveher ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☝ whatev ! Are you excited for the 18th ?!?! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we are coming to Tulsa . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay !!!!! ",0 "Amazing night . I'd do that again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hope you're still close to meee #LoveYouuu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol Thank Ya ! ",0 "Stuck on you . ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes as ready as we can be lol . How are you ?! ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll be out side at 5:30 be ready I'll bring some breakfast too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so was I but now I'm making it ",0 "I'm basically bouncing off the walls right now ",0 "On a happier note I can't wait to stay the night at St. Joes again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh , and thanks for the favorite haha . You're the best ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey they are pink !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Right . Well keep those laughs comin in !! ",0 "Bosh is a stat sheet stuffer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just made my night ! Miss you can't wait for Saturday ! ",0 "Spending the morning and early afternoon tomorrow at oak hill for the PGA Championship to⛳ ",0 "Nothing like a cooooozy movie night with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was kidding but it was funny ",0 "Half day today ! Listening to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ all day ❤️✌️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha okay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my rock ",0 "Hunny likes me , Brought me 2 cases of Angry Orchard and Captain . He's okay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I saw it on Pinterest and it actually works for me lol ",0 "Moving to West Virginia for the man of my dreams #tyler #buckwild ",0 "Tonight , i like that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I love people I can be weird with ... Wait I'm always weird ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ always puts the biggest smile on my face #BestBoyfriend ",0 "That nap was superb . ",0 "Mulan is on . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah ! It's 95 dollars ! Hahaha and only Denny's in Vegas . Just heard it on the radio this morning ",0 "Can't wait to see Kelsey Good this evening ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahahahaha stop I'm dying ",0 "Last night >> ",0 "rain while I go to sleep yes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha love you too ",0 "I love Adam from Workaholics sooo much ",0 "It felt great seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ too late oooooh gotta be quicker than that ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ of course not ! Snoopy screams adult ! Lol The pumpkin really puts it over the top . ",0 "watching american horror story for the first time ",0 "Good fucking day !!!! #happytweet #amazing ",0 "Hahah that hump day commercial actually just killed me #cutesy ",0 "Currently screaming because Adventure Time is now on Netflix ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I probably sat there got 5 minutes trying to figure that out ",0 "Driving my truck >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm going there laterrrr girrl ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay . ",0 "as much as I am going to miss my costa fam , I am happy to be back ",0 "Having a snap chat conversation and have no idea what your talking about anymore but keep going along with it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks beeb miss youu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yee ! I got a temp plate today so i can get safety and emissions also get it insured by Friday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hey come on now ... look at the bright side of this !!! 12 days until spring ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you !!! Thank you so much can't wait to see you in a few weeks ! ",0 "My car is oh so happy right now . Feels good to stretch the legs once in a while . ",0 "My friend got hit on an his opening line was that he's a stripper .. What is life ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ happy April fools guys and gals ",0 "The bae is taking me to moes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ i hear this from everyone ",0 "Yes grandpa is bringing me food from the Root Beer Stand . #score ",0 "Baby I just point at you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! you are also perfect and great !!!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ already have it . I Win ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I meant cause we'll be together forever ",0 "This is my kind of weather . ",0 "Fore we laughing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ avi . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're such a dweeb ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GQ shoot >>>> #drooling #sosexy ",0 "Finally time to relax and watch some movies with my best friend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey when are you stopping by we have been waiting to meet you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Only one more day and then you can catch up on some sleep ",0 "Someone fun text me while I try to do my homework . ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are such a babe ",0 "Strawberry lemonade from Wendy's is my addiction ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't know why but I thought that was so funny ",0 "The best feeling in the world is when an attention whore tries to get your attention but you give NO notice to them , I love it . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hope so yay I'm excited ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ where ?! Awesome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not salty . I'm sweet ",0 "Miley's gonna be in boston tonight _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG who said that Nathan ur the most amazing guy ever if someone thinks that then they are missing out ",0 "Too much excitement for all the things I'm doing today to sleep !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ going to see it in 3 hrs ! I appreciated the warning at the beginning of the podcast btw #STID ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ for your senior awards I wouldn't be surprised if you were voted : Most Likely To Be A Prostitute by Phone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you for making my day ☺ ",0 "A 106% on my last anatomy lab exam !!! #DayMade ",0 "No open container law in indy ??? Ill accept that #winning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg same we should probably get on that lazy betches ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just did ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ like chicken ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ almost makes up for the 5 guys I have on the DL ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dude i wuv you bb ",0 "Jacob just gave me the best sweetest day present and he says there's more tomorrow . I love my baby ",0 "London bridge on 94.9 #ohsnap #throwback ",0 "If you get serious on guitar , ill teach you drive ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ retweets are on point ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ exactly ! ",0 "Cold War kids ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good for you ! keep it up ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah maybe I will ",0 "I fuckinnnn love lifeeee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no !!! When they pulled up in my drive way I was in back of the truck cause she brought my brother home ",0 "My texts today where all emojis #lol #ItsFunny ",0 "MY PUPPIES EYES ARE OPEN !! ",0 "Nothing like my mom asking me and kasey what a rim job is while we're eating dinner at a classy restaurant ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ think more positively ! ",0 "Beastly is on ",0 "Snow on Friday >>>>>> ",0 "Now going to go see my family number 2 for dinner ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ usually because of us ! ",0 "Just bought the cutest tank top ",0 "He makes me so happy ",0 "Done at 3 instead today ",0 "#PerksOfDatingMe ill make breakfast for you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is a cutie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☔️⛅️9⃣#⃣0⃣#⃣⬇️5⃣2⃣ what now ? ",0 "first real bec in like a year ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw I love you hays , thank you baby❤ ",0 "Congrats to Tab on her beautiful baby girl . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha omg except him ",0 "I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so much she brings me up when I'm down and she's just a gray friend love you boo ",0 "I love being warm ",0 "Lol at these cool cats with their subtweeting _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're so funny ✌️ ",0 "Can't wait to watch Catching tonight ",0 "Cooking supper , steak and potatoes , then monsters university ",0 "I'm a great Parker ",0 "How many guys have you fucked and they all just \one night standard you """" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG this picture , what even ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ blood diamond . Love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you golf , too ? Awesome ! I love golf ! I sucked at it . I suck worse now that I lost my arm , but I still play !! ",0 "I'm excited for tomorrow .. Hopefully I get to stay with Austin too ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ i like being the chameleon ! ",0 "Can't wait for tomorrow morning ☺️ #YouKnowWhoYouAre ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I didn't know how serious you were ",0 "What in gods name r u wearing #ThoughtsDuringSchool ",0 "This day was great an full of laughs ",0 "I can't wait for fall so I can wear all my favorite clothes & boots ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was the sugar puffs ",0 "This cup noodle taste like heaven right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hope you're having fun at the game sweet cheeks ",0 "Yay it's Friday ",0 "Sooo excited to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight !! ❤ ",0 "i’M SO EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS I’M GONNA EAT A FRICKEN TREE ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ jeans and boots baby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i will i promise i love you i do not hate you never said nothin bad plus i bought you something ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ touché touché ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well watch it and you'll feel like ☺ ",0 "AWKWARD is on tonight !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Chillin with baker and gray ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill gladly wait , all I know is we're for sure getting season tix next year !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just asked _TWITTER-ENTITY_ if she wanted to hang out ! Maybe we should all hang out again ? ",0 "Looks like I can't bring my phone to Mexico but I'll have facebook and twitter . Cya guys in a week ",0 "Subway >>>>> Having a subway in the hospital I work >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ",0 "Yesssss Notorious !!! ",0 "Finally got Apple TV and picking up my MacBook tomorrow ",0 "HAHAHAHA _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you trying to sing asap rocky i can see you reading the lyrics bud nice try ",0 "Someone take me fishing after work tomorrow #PrettyPlease #FreeAfternoon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you'll do great brother ! Just throw in some religion jokes every now and again ",0 "R/t for a s/o ",0 "finally finished English questions now all I have left is geometry , algebra 2 , and biology . woooo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I watched it today and thought of you the whole time ",0 "Lincoln Land has a Harry potter class ... Omg . ",0 "Seeing catching fire again tomorrow ☺️ woop !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too ! ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just trying to give you a good laugh ",0 "i love the people at moms work so much . #SoutheastKia Sweetest People Ever ! ",0 "I love our little Christmas tree , it lights up the room ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is a singing mood ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well sleep walk to the kitchen and get me some water !! #prettyplzz ",0 "My dog is sooo cute . I love her so much . #Bestfriend ",0 "Listening to people talk like they think they know everything about insurance when really they don't makes me giggle ... Cuz I do ... ",0 "Can't wait for Bree's bday ! She's getting either a four wheeler or car #spoiled ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sending my love and prayers , Stay strong and always remember I am a call away . Love you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ did you get the update yet !? ",0 "Congrats _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on getting 99% on your exam today . The one you missed ? ALWAYS go with your first instinct . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ holy look at your avi you're gorgeous ",0 "Tonights rehearsal was wonderful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've been that person for awhile now Robin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I do what I cann ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol nope not a joke ! But I love you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we were never that good of friends anyways ",0 "I LOVE BASKETBALL SEASON ",0 "can't wait til tonight ",0 "I like to ease drop ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww I love you guys ",0 "Getting Transcript Recognition for working as a CNA . #HellYeah ",0 "My huge German shepherd and my cat are spooning right now . I can't . ☺ ",0 "What kind of music do you like ? \I like Hardrock .. So if they really suck I can just pick it up and throw it at them ! "" #MyDad #Steve "" ",0 "What is life ? A guy ginger in my psych just had a black thong on ",0 "USHER IS WEARING A CAMO TUX RIGHT NOW ❤ ",0 "I'm honestly in such a good mood ",0 "#NationalTellAGirlSheIsBeautifulDay every girl is beautiful ",0 "shout out to the pharmacist named Zach for being so adorable ",0 "Things are finally looking up .... #happytweet ",0 "K . Drew & I will laugh at anything . Even if it's not funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you for that ",0 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ U 2 will be the First Ladies in the UFC hall of fame in a few years from now . Isn't that cool ? ",0 "Happy weekend . Plan on making soup and sleeping in ! ",0 "Leftover Olive Garden ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm turnt off eggs and toast ",0 "The best feeling in the world is knowing someone regrets losing you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's us being the cutest people in the world ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm proud of you , you did better as the night went on ! ",0 "Ahh how I love being the boss's niece #gettotelleveryonewhattodo ",0 "Now time to curl up with a good book , a fuzzy blanket and some eggnog . ❤️ ",0 "Someone my mom works with called me sophisticated hahah made my day ",0 "My sister told me she's never met anyone like me i don't if I should take that as a compliment or insult . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you friend ",0 "Oh ! And I had a rather swell day today . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg yay !! I've never been there and always forget about it . Looks like that's where I'm going this morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I could care less no offense Alex ",0 "Every Sunday me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tweet about the walking dead ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I make good ones ",0 "Seriously I was on the phone with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for an hour and a half , and We could have kept talking ",0 "I have to wear my cardigan tomorrow and my dress on Friday , I just have to . Like I'm so excited , and I LOVELOVELOVE dresses ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's alright ... just good luck getting me to take you on a date . Smelly girls aren't my thing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just can't help it . Just thinking and quoting away . Figured I'd tweet something other then the snow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if you're ever at Penn State hmu ",0 "Had a splendid day and spent time with every single one of my favorites . ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I was ! I forgot to tag you in it but yeah we definitely will ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so funny though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg dying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "The smallest , simplest things are so sweet to me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well if your doing it I am definitely doing it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ anytime Shelbs ! If you can't tell by the picture sand took over as my skin and formed a scab ! ",0 "Going to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' s #BelieveMovie tomorrow night with my boo boo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ feeeeel better soon !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HANGOUT SOON ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we're alright I'll be sober next time though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ like next Tuesday _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "im perfectly okay with a lazy weekend , since I work all weekend ☺ ",0 "But the war has just began bitch > ",0 "I love when _TWITTER-ENTITY_ washes my car ☺ #BestBoyfriend ",0 "#ImAttractedTo a guy with a nice smile and a great body . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ word on the street ",0 "pretty pumped about pizza with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and the boys at the park ",0 "Work 9-5 today ! I'm so excited !!!! ",0 "I'm so excited for no shave November #beardseverywhere ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I applied for the Disney College Program for the Fall ! Hopefully I get accepted ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sweet boy ",0 "Ready for mom to get a new car so the Tahoe is allll mine . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your amazing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahaha I love itttt ",0 "Probably had the best arm work out today ! Feeling it right now tho ",0 "Someone please buy me SLC Punk ! and it's soundtrack ",0 "Ahhhh it's payday for me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha I love this so much can't wait for you to finally be here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ literally stopI introduced you to that game credssss ",0 "The past 3 days have literally been the most productive I've been in a while #feelsogood ",0 "lets go movies or some shit like that ? hahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ true I wanna know what it is though lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I might move back to gr and work at jj ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #TDillMadeAMill ? ",0 "Okay twitter , it's been real . See you at 8am . ✌ ",0 "I just really like seth rogen . Plus he looks like anthony ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i know you do jerbear , you're a good friend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ a b hole ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaaaa !! ",0 "Meat is finally done ",0 "Added new pics !!!! ",0 "Aunt barb and her beer ",0 "Oh and the next chapter for Begin Again should be up later today maybe ... Idk maybe tomorrow but deff sometime this week ",0 "Seriously nothing funnier than just watching my mom while she is on her iPhone . ",0 "I organized my whole closest by color and brandlet's see how long it stays like that ",0 "Kristina is being so cute rn ",0 "Can't wait to eat the biggest breakfast ever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just wear leggings and a vneck ",0 "Who needs guys when you've got friends like _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ uhm yes ",0 "Seriously love watching movies . ",0 "I don't think that guys with beard are attractive .. Until I met you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you . ",0 "I got a cute little date with jäger ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it depends on the tattoo parlor . Call and ask ",0 "Excited that it's Friday and for all of this weekends festivities #TGIF ",0 "Going to put my house back together !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sounds great to me ! ill text you so you have my number ",0 "A big bowl of jello and duck dynasty #mykindofnight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ! Always . ",0 "When a girls life revolves around a celebrity that will never give them the time of day makes me laugh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol we'll get past it #staybeautiful #loveyou ",0 "\cause youre a bad jone & i know it """" ",0 "Ride by somo ",0 "I'm like SO happy ",0 "That selfie Sunday kinda scared me ",0 "I'm too nice with that favorite button , could you be less cute , and witty !? Yeah that would be wonderful . Actually don't change ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You're very welcome . ",0 "Well , I made a new pageant sister I love that girl ! Congrats Lexi ! And my old pageant sister , Hannah !! Congrats guys ! ",0 "The fact that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is a guy and most of the tweets consist of saying how hot Zac Efron is just kills me . ",0 "I like you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ be home next weekend ! ",0 "This dude freakin out has a fear of diapers .... his roommate approached him w/ a diaper full of pudding ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ those are great seats have fun ! Take lots of pictures ",0 "Last NW District show tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ where my girl budget at ? ",0 "Such a good tumbling night though ",0 "Did you all see that too ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Fireworks with my daddy !!!! ",0 "I know I've said this before but #YoureMoreAttractiveIf you wrestle ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you could've tagged a sista ",0 "Your a bad bitch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's a date ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohhhh yes , just like you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ rumors are pretty sweet . You deserve it bbg . Love ya ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no seriously .. I'm obsessed ",0 "Got that tanning package ",0 "I can't wait to be reunited with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you night not ruined ",0 "700 goes to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I can't remember who else did but S/o to you as well ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right !! We have so much in common . ❤ ",0 "Going back to Maryland ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome ! ",0 "unless you're #oomf ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she's too pretty , that's the problem . Her good looks cause her nothing but trouble ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome ! I love you ! Sweet dreams ! Goodnight ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ queen of the awakens young grasshopper ",0 "can't wait to be at the shore tn ",0 "I think it's cute whenever your boyfriend comes to your house surprisingly ",0 "A nice night in with my handsome babybabe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome [ Gsm ] haha ",0 "Just died and went to Heaven . ",0 "Bye Menard , see ya in a few weeks ! South bound ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay ",0 "Forever cheesin and blushin ",0 "Michaela's for movie night _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I have so much planned for June I wish it was here already , I'm toooo excited ❤ ",0 "I am forever eating ice cubes . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait to see you on tour ! You're amazing ! Can't wait to see what you have in store for your bright future ",0 "Booked a cruise in thanksgiving this year ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so glad I got to see you too ! Lets plan a dinner date ",0 "\She is workin the #TooNastyTuesday & we working the #RespectYourselfTuesday "" only my bestfriend would say this . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my god ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ go !!! I'm going ",0 "The only girls I ever talk to about deep shit is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . I love you guys ",0 "forever laughing at the girls who use \perfect 365 "" to edit their pictures . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you so much ange !! you're so sweet !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ",0 "The only thing that made getting out of bed okay this morning is the fact I'm going to see catching fire . ",0 "I'm so happy that I'm moving next week . #CaliforniaBound ",0 "\You can't be anyone you want to be when you are reading a book "" ( in British accent ) I love Troy and Tj #maboys "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're ignorant ",0 "So happy now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hey thanks for taking care of us today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohh yayyy ! Hit me up , I'll go ! ",0 "I look like the biggest fool ever eating this Nutella at the baseball game but I don't even care , it's amazing . ",0 "So many yoga pants so many asses so little time . Looks like I'm getting whip lash #LoveCollege ",0 "Knowing that I'm seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on Monday is unreal . And I cannot contain my excitement ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was just kidding lol ",0 "Happy Thankgiving everyone ",0 "feels great to be back in my messy room ",0 "It's so funny how people put such deep quotes on pictures .. that never really have anything to do with the picture itself . ✌ ",0 "My RAs are freakin out over this fashion show ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell yeah sleeping til now or getting up and going hunting I am living the life ",0 "Successful day of shopping ",0 "The phone call I just got from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ >>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it must be ! ",0 "Best comeback ever by Jenna Sue : \whatever Zach I can like Titus if you like his mom "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your in it a lot ",0 "Can't wait till next month ",0 "Saw so many of my favorite people on my walk to class ",0 "13.5 hours until I get to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I've never been so excited ☺❤☀ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait to see you !! Friday night !!! ",0 "I love you papaw . I know you are in a much better place . Fly high , I'll love you forever in ever . Have fun celebrating Christmas in heaven ",0 "Your a baseball & basketball player , and taller than me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and he wears Converse . Sounds like a cool cat . ☺️ ",0 "Do you sell hotdogs ? Cause you can sure make a weiner stand . #onlineclass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ! ",0 "78- idrk you but your gorgeous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol you got it ! ",0 "Making cupcakes with my Mommy ",0 "Finally something positive happend !!! ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ going back to 5th grade right there ",0 "Soooooo excited for this weekend so I can see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #FOCO ",0 "Five Guys ! ",0 "Nothing's better than a rest pot of coffee ☕ ",0 "Having a dream about someone you know and waking up with a temporary crush has got to be the most awkward thing in the world ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me you and Jess could have matched today ! Can't wait for tomorrow ",0 "atleast I get to wear sweatpants ",0 "My day = made ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you the most now ",0 "Driving down the road . What is that noise ?!? Forgot to put my gas cap back on ... oops !! #blonde moment ",0 "Can't wait to go to Texas road house with my mommy tonight ☺ ",0 "All four of us guys are going to The Hunger Games at 12 on Friday .. We don't care ",0 "Finally about that iOS7 life ",0 "All I can think about is gettin you home too , Chris Young . You and that sweet voice of yours ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ happy new year , mama . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omfg this >>>>> ",0 "Gonna get my weave did tomorrow ",0 "How homophobic my family is actually makes me laugh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I call the first hug . Fuck Raelynn . ",0 "And I guess I'm somewhat excited to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on Thursday .......... ",0 "Red hot chili peppers in the avalanche #jammin #bass ",0 "I love my babe I can't wait to get home and snuggle ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha , thanks girl ✌️ ",0 "\I literally have like three friends "" sounds about right _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "Watching Brian do his photo shoot is the cutest thing ever ",0 "Who's in AP English 3 and wants to tell me what y'all did in class this week ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh yeah ",0 "Officially have a job as a college graduate ! #happy ",0 "thank god for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "It'd be sweet to have a BMW ",0 "Everyone is so into this movie and me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are on twitter ",0 "Kaleb : I don't like Budweiser , I like bud light better . He's eight , lol what ",0 "YES GUYS , I brought out the old guitar hero . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ on my way to get some ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ let me know what you get and if it is good ! ",0 "I have the best people in my life . I couldn't be a happier girl ",0 "Christmas just makes me happy ☺️every one have a great day ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you , you too baby cakes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha thanks what are you wearing ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Amahia for making me feel forever alone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wanna talk but she slackn :/ but your my girl still ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I am officially in the athletic training program !!! ” I'm so excited for you sista !!!!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right ! Ill see you at Bville prom tho so we can reunite THANK YOU✌ ",0 "I love The Wizard Of Oz . #judgeme ✨ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ See you in Indy ",0 "I'm gonna be bored for the next 3 hours . So I'm blasting two chainz and laying on my floor hahahah ",0 "New chucks make me very , very happy . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your sister was telling me how the judge use to ride your cheetah moped around ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mission accomplished ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you babe ",0 "Lol _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' s stepdad just asked us if we roomed together if we would be able to live together #obvi ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah I may be 4 states away but I know my drama !! so is everyone freaking out about it ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ MY GIRLFRIEND AND ILL KILL FOR HER .... #hehehe ",0 "By next week ill have my permit ",0 "My family always knows how to make car rides interesting ",0 "Annie K's with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☕️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It's okay works funnier wit u there ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm trying thanks . ",0 "Can't wait to get off work and snuggle with my man _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thankss kait ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wait why is this so funny ",0 "The new guy is freaking hilarious ",0 "Nothing makes my day better than hearing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ manly voice on the phone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can screen shot though ! ",0 "Can't wait to go watch my Audrey's soccer practice tmrw ⚽ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ pahahahahahahaha you just made me feel a ton better thanks ! ",0 "The fact that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is blowing up twitter simply with emojis >>> ✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ marry me , thanks ",0 "Love when my mom makes bomb breakfast and brings it to me in bed ",0 "King and maxwell ",0 "Literally so in love with my life ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wuv you holt . ",0 "Just watched the proposal on last weeks Greys #herecomethetears ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hmm why thank you doll face ",0 "I love when people tell me I'm sweet because that means I must be doing somethin right ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you and your group better be ready for Sunday Funday at the golf course ! I'm waiting for ya ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you alpal ! I miss you already ! ❤cant wait for my road trip down to Nashville !! love you ",0 "just thought about how much I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤️ ",0 "All this stuff going on remind me of some one else I know oh wait reminds me of half the VC lol . ",0 "Watching Ted makes me think of you ",0 "I can't wait for summer !! Just one more week and a few days ",0 "12 - we basically grew up together ! We definitely need to hang sometime sooon ! ",0 "Looks like my tweet limit wasn't a bad thing after all boys _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Drew Brees is so sexy in that NyQuil commercial ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ have an amazing day Mama Mahone . ",0 "Keith's voice makes me happy #biff ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your welcome ",0 "YES !! LSU got beat ! Yes ! Way to go Georgia ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't assume girl . For all we know this bitch could just be a stalker ",0 "Sat around the fire for a couple of hours , it was nice ! #Lovethecountry ",0 "All my friends are getting their braces off and well I'll have them on until I'm 30 yay I LOVE my life ",0 "I get to see my love and my friend ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wellnot as good as _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ they don't know what PG13 is #ikeepitclean ",0 "#LiamsOurBatman is trending ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "When you're with the right person >> ",0 "Just saw #projectimagine on the news _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ samesamesame ! So good to finally catch up ! ",0 "I think ... Someone should change their pic to something cute .. kinda like us ",0 "Remember only god can judge ya , unless you're busted then a judge can judge yaaaa . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I can't believe my sister is coming home tomorrow ! I'm so excited ! ",0 "Finally ended it today ! Completely single and the past is going to rest there ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha hes legit so cool ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yep he's not a bad actor , you have a great night ",0 "Maybe I'll tan for once ",0 "If anyone wants to come hang out with me they can ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thats good with me ! ",0 "I just love her to death _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ be there in a jiffy ",0 "no matter if we on or off , he will forever be my baby & that's just the what it is & what it's always gunna be , no matter what ❤ ",0 "I'm pretty pumped for cedar point ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ minion !!! ",0 "I caught that goal on vine ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awh , like a date ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you'll love her . Lol and we all have to hang out ! ",0 "When your at your grandparents for dinner and your grandpa is late , and he comes in a brand new Lexus LS460 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that seriously just made my whole day ! Thank you , Morgan . ",0 "it's so nice to not being doing homework right now ",0 "Third wheeling like a boss #mylifeisajoke #nothingnew ",0 "Spending my last night at home watching the Lucky One with my mom and dad and eating ice cream Hope it's as good as the wait to see it ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol duhhh ! Ahaha we should be models !! ",0 "110 days till I'm 18 ",0 "excuse me while I fangirl over _TWITTER-ENTITY_ liking my picture on Insta . ",0 "Cyrus sleeps with his pet dinosaur . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ chewed 3 packs of gum in the last 2 hours ",0 "I love food ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks girl ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm glad you're back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the biggest fag at COD is awarded to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she needs help . ",0 "Whoever takes me to kip moore in Sioux Falls on December 6th I will love you forever ",0 "This weekend >>>> ",0 "So , so , so , so , SOOO excited for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ with all of my pretty friends tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ! love you too ! ",0 "just got the text saying the mall is closing at four . looks like no work for me . ☺️ ",0 "I was confused you didn't have any rubber bands on your door or anything _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #imweak ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hmm pink , white and light green please and thank you ",0 "The finally spelled my name right at something at Skutt ",0 "It's never too late ",0 "I seriously love wen Devon just surprises me and comes over to say hi to me☺️ ",0 "my mom is literally the strongest woman I know . ",0 "Last day of freshman year !!! #soexcited ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Right back at you ",0 "Cupcake icecream is now my new obsession ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I actually turned it down ",0 "Love my team ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're sweet ! I'll survive ! My hubs gets home tomorrow night . I think I can caffeinate until then ",0 "So glad I saw my two favorite people at Tamollys tonight . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Going to the battle field . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Victoria is a horrible cooker btw ",0 "Some flowers would really brighter up me day ",0 "the littlest things can make my day 100% better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for that great advice ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You're welcome Alyssa ",0 "Scared the shit outta my grandma with a firecracker ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the best sister in the world . #blessed ",0 "Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... I just wanted you to know I love you ! ❤ ",0 "Someone be a sweetie and text me ! ",0 "Stillwater is such a beautiful place ",0 "I just love lifeeee guys . Spread da loveee ",0 "That's exactly whatLiz did ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ will do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Loretta said shes gonna miss you #wordsofwisdom ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's a gift<--that's a thought butthole ",0 "Lunch : favorite time of the day ",0 "Seriously obsessed with Kesha now ",0 "Almost at 1,000 tweets ! ",0 "So happy I'm leaving this place you call Southern Illinois . It's nothing but fakes , racist and complete idiots . YALL CAN HAVE IT ! ✌️✔️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Can we spend everyday together ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hooray ! I'm so excited to see it this weekend ",0 "Time for bed ! Hopefully some fun adventures tomorrow ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh yeah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i'd join him ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ both !!! ",0 "Driving stick in heels this should be interesting ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol call it an early card for next year ",0 "Off their rockers - best show ever ",0 "Jalapeños are the shit . On pizza . Sandwich . Stuffed . Anything ! #HotHotHoy ",0 "Hanging with my cat , drinking hot chocolate & watching 25 days of Christmas bc I don't have tickets to jakes show tonight✌️ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ on Ellen ",0 "Pumped to spend the day with Tyler for his 3rd grade field trip to Wild Things Farm . I think I will fit in perfectly ! #lovebeingadad ",0 "#ThingsThatMakeMeLOL drama in Twitter . ",0 "dont remember the last time i played on a playstation #missedit #soinlove ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was confusing to figure out but thank you ",0 "You haven't experienced anything yet till you mix them ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ text me ! ",0 "does anyone wanna hang friday ? ",0 "3 you're chill and funny and you date my boy . And you're nickname is Chelsea #commentator ",0 "Last night was one of the best nights of the summer ",0 "Dad said a guy at his work saw my senior pic on his tool box and said something and my dad goes \dude I will kill you "" "" ",0 "I don't care what anyone says , lI've done a complete 180 compared to last year ! I'm so proud of myself and who I have become ! ",0 "\When was the last time you took a girl on a date ?... 2009 ?! "" #gotthisshit "" ",0 "Apparently it's normal to have boats in pools now . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yayyy ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahh yeaaah it was kinda funny cause she was looking at me weird she was giving me that do i know her kinda look ",0 "They said Drakes next album is gonna be called \ I used to be a bottom now I'm a top "" . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the joys of being pregnant☺️ I GOT to see you soon ! I don't work or anything right now , I'm always free ! We need to reunite ",0 "Awko taco _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "That last Instagram was priceless . ",0 "Unicorns eat rainbows & poop butterflies ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okkk i might try it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey dog ! Haven't got the chance to congratulate you I'm so proud of you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome ! ",0 "#oomf is seriously sexy af . ",0 "Every time I look at my engagement ring I smile ear to ear because _TWITTER-ENTITY_ did such a great job ! ",0 "I can't wait to hang out with my sexy sophomores tomorrow _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Buckwild never gets old ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ always got your back baybayyy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is my favvv ",0 "Anyone with a car should come pick me up ",0 "One time i snuck out with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in Rehoboth and i almost took a tumble off the roof .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Did you enjoy filming Secret Admirer ? It looked like a fun movie to make ! ",0 "That's more like it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks girl I can't wait to see you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ",0 "We all need to see the HOST movie _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are so caring Dahvie . Hopefully she gets better ",0 "Coffee and this blazing fire ... So gooooooooood ",0 "My grandma says we gotta find me a doctor to marry ... I like that idea . ",0 "A bonfire is going to have to happen soon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No problem ! And thanks ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hear you girl .. I'm so happy to be out of high school ! If you need anything text me , 570-933-4220 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why thank you ! still waiting for that text however ! ",0 "Allllllll I want for Christmas is youuu ☺️❄️⛄️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and id do it all again ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome babe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ agreed . That’s what I thought too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ study for that math quiz ",0 "Four more letters today ! #19andcounting ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe really ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahhh I can't wait to watch it !! ",0 "It's just funny because no one really likes you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well good morning mrs mollie I'm just fine !!! ",0 "HALLOWEENTOWN IS ON TONIGHT ",0 "33- we used to talk and you were always really nice to me . I wish we were still close friends . We need to hangout soon you're a cutie ",0 "So much gratitude going out to those who covered my shifts _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and #twitteessfarrah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ of course ! ",0 "My papa called Brandon boss . ",0 "Have an obsession with cucumbers lately ",0 "This Is the End is my new favorite movie ",0 "I'm so beyond grateful for the family I've been given . ",0 "Porn star dancing #np ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ooh so now it can be spread out ... #MARSisComing "" ITS OK NOW ! LOL "" ",0 "Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're my #mcw but in all understanding you're just really cute ",0 "watching what a girl wants ",0 "You never cease to make me laugh ",0 "Last day of Wednesday classes ! ",0 "Elf is the best movie to watch at school ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if all goes as planned we will be there the 2nd weekend in November !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he's a stud ",0 "I can't wait to see how beautiful all the seniors look for prom on Friday ❤ #lovethem ",0 "I didn't cry at all at graduation ! #ProudOfMyself ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha okay good ",0 "Thanksgiving breakkkkk #gobblegobble ",0 "I was blessed to have 6 parents my own 2 step & my 2 white parents ❤ #Thankful &Grateful ",0 "Sorry y'all , but Isaac is ALLLLL mine . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm literally doing the same thing I'm deciding whether or not I should wear real clothes ",0 "I'm easily the most unproductive person you've probably ever met . #NotEvenSorry ",0 "Going to the hot springs on the side of the mountain ",0 "I can't help but giggle at how often I get asked re you okay ? "" Or "" are you sick ? "" When I don't wear makeup "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm pretty sure I had this poster on my door in my room in high school ",0 "Typing in caps makes the convo more fun . #iloveit ",0 "MY LEGS ARE SO SOFT RIGHT NOW OMG ",0 "Second all nighter went great no homework for this girl all I have to do is study for my tests !! Not even tired let the day begin ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too real good ☺️ ",0 "Tonight was what I needed ! Still not 100% ! But I'm getting there ! Talking to someone always makes it better ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Love you Ev ",0 "Girls who can pull off glasses makes them 10x more attractive ",0 "I can FINALLY see my hamstring definition since my first surgery ! ",0 "So proud of our football team ! Keep it up guys !! #51 -7 ",0 "Just 15 days until _TWITTER-ENTITY_ returns !!! #itsbeentoolong #cantwait ",0 "Thanks bubby for fighting for our country your the best I love and miss you ! <3 #armystrong ",0 "The video I have from last night >>>> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "What if she said no to him on that flight ? How's that vacation in Mexico now ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I agree . That's one thing I won't do is go to bed mad , it's never healthy . Thank you I'm only hoping ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ turn down for what ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you just made my whole day a billion times better #soulsisterforever #thankyouboo ",0 "Going to sleep like a rock #sochill ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yayy ! Ill be there ",0 "I love when people call me beautiful . I just love when you say it more . ",0 "Getting an A on my philosophy paper instantly made my day . ",0 "Glad I got to spend some time with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ last night love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you more ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha its a inside joke ",0 "When jeff calls danielle a slut ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you and me both ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ also another favorite CASEY were twinsies with music ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Feel better . Someone as pretty as you doesn't need stomach cramps mucking you up any ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no the other one ! Hahahah ",0 "Brb dying from laughing my damn ass off !! ",0 "Knowing that they looked for a way to contact me & took some time to just send a smiley face means a lot . \ud83dí¸Š """" ",0 "#IHaveAThingFor _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sucks but with all seriousness , that's where my parents met . Have fun ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are killing me❤ ",0 "Cabin life I haven't seen so many shooting stars it's amazing . Wish for the same thing every time #wishin #believin ",0 "I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! She's such a doll ! any boys can talk to her because she's my little sister and I love her ! #truth #sisterlylove ",0 "Congratulations to my pretty little cousin _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for committing to UNH today !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so I've heard ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are perfect #inlove ",0 "For the next month I only have school from 7:25 to 9:07 yay ☺️ ",0 "GUESS WHO HAD A FULL ON CONVERSATION WITH A CUTE BOY TODAY THIS GIRL . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ highlight of my day . ",0 "4 pieces of Fried chicken , 3 whole eggs , 2 protein pancakes and a large glass of milk ☺️ ",0 "Goin to bed with u on my mind #mybabe ",0 "Thanks _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for making my night ! ",0 "Thinking about when my friends and I drove to New Jersey to go to the Cake Boss and cracking up laughing ",0 "#onrepeattt I wanna take alittle ride with you ",0 "I just spent like a good hour and a half watching _TWITTER-ENTITY_ videos and I can't stop laughing ",0 "The best don't stress ! ",0 "\Maggie your crazy dancing and singing screams I'm too joyful to contain it . "" Narnia encouragement "" ",0 "I love my morning Snapchats with Ashton . She just makes me day . ☺️❤️ ",0 "Tyler listens to one direction !!! ",0 "So happy I got to hang out with my girls _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight !! ",0 "Reunited with the best . #twitterlessbrittney ",0 "Baby , I'm the best , so you can't do better . ✌ ",0 "Hmm should I work at lowes near my aunts or a spa by my house ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha , Americans are a bunch of assholes . Trust me , I am one ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ got you ",0 "Anyone else ever notice that all the hot men do blue collar work ? I.e. construction . Mmm hot men ",0 "The lost boys ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we did last night ! It was heated ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what u have a tweeter now !? welcome to the cool world . ",0 "Brady's playing with naked Barbie dolls . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ better have ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell yeah ill be there girl ",0 "Last day . ☺️ #Fallllbreakkk . ",0 "Can't wait for tonight tho .. ☺️ ",0 "I'm thinkin swim and run again today ",0 "I love my new Jordan's ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ how do you guys always have a classroom to make vines in ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is so us ",0 "The sound of my baby's snore is the most relaxing feeling ever ",0 "I actually have really good friends in all of my classes ! ( And a class with Madelyn ) hopefully gonna be a great year . ",0 "Some of the faces guys make in the gym are priceless ",0 "I'm in such a great mood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ actually I'm 13 , blonde , & blue eyed . But you were correct about Niall being my fave ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ would you like to talk about this during some ball tomorrow ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am crying you're my favorite person ",0 "It's amazing what a little caffeine can do for you #bouncingoffthewalls ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thursday babies ! ",0 "I hate that we don't have class anymore ! but I still trust you with almost my life ! you're the best central friend ",0 "\ I'm just jiggling your balls "" -Tasha "" ",0 "Last day of class and then finals on Tuesday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm headin there next weekend should go then ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just so you know Luke Bryan was amazing ok ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ best tweet I have seen all day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yayy ! I work at 10 at the jimmy johns right there you guys should get food delivered I'm the driver lol ",0 "In such a laughable , happy moodd . I want everyone to feel this good with me ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay !!! #stefon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for saving Ana's life , on a deep , spiritual level . ",0 "Every time I watch Insidious it reminds me of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #MissYouGuys ..... well except for chase ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ make sure to wear yours tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Your welcome doll ! U just keep doin what ur doin ! ",0 "It's finally game day #RedSoxNation ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ all guys are dicks .. Even me just keep your head up ",0 "Trey songz new mixtape ❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you sweet baby Jesus ! ",0 "BK officially knows more about me then most my girl friends ",0 "I wouldn't be mad tho if someone came and snuggled with me ",0 "Feels so good to be sleeping in my own bed again ",0 "me and Abby just ran in the parking lot at Flemings and touched the door were justin bieber was _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll DM you my number . Text me . Lol . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh it's okay girl ! And your welcome ! Love you more And yes I loved it too ! teheeeeee☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ah you've made this week so much better ",0 "Cuddles and watching Brave with muffin ",0 "Good night with my baby ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I just can't believe a boy would lie !!! Lmao lmao ",0 "I'm thinking about actually coming over . Haha ",0 "Wreck it Ralph is the cutest movie I swear ",0 "The amount of screen shots I have of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is crazy ",0 "Reunion with the one that makes me laugh the most - _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Family trip to orange leaf #lovemylittles _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Seriously missin _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !!! Can't wait for some Huntin this month with this stud ",0 "The only thing getting me through day 1 back in PGH is this new bag ☺ ",0 "My day is always so much better when you text me #hadabadday #needyou ",0 "Getting my Z71 back ☺ ",0 "Game night with mamaw text meee ",0 "I have been genuinely happy the past couple nights ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and where are you getting your info from Wiki Kitty ? Cuz I do believe its incorrect ",0 "I love walking into work , they always make my mood better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait to see you eitherrr who did you guys play today ?! ",0 "Cleaning my room it's really messy I found floor yay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ go to bed ",0 "Learning how to swing dance ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha yes it happened today I would hope I remember it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Of course Kim ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ of course ! ",0 "my mom said if I find a ride to states I can skip Friday . ",0 "I'm such a good friend #FlaGaLine ",0 "Late night talks with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are the best ! ",0 "Time to decorate the tree ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahahahah it pretty much speaks for itself . No one will ever know the stories behind that song ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg yes . So adorable ! You should bring her when you stay this week ! ",0 "Tomorrow night will be so amazing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WHAT ?! no snow coverage for you !? Aren't you lucky ! ",0 "Spoonful of peanut butter & a cup of milk . Best #dinner Eva . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh trust me I won't ",0 "Lol . I hit Shawn with my car ",0 "Soccer players >>>> volleyball players >>> gymnasts #SoccerBooty ",0 "Alice in wonderland ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we need a trip to wv to meet _TWITTER-ENTITY_ like seriously . Only like an hour away ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ did you get the lipstick off your cheek ?? ",0 "Can't wait to see my love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tomorrow ! Crazy how much I missed her over this weekend . Two days too long . ",0 "There's no better feeling than waking up beside him ❤️ ",0 "Life honestly couldn't get any better ✨ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yAy ! I'll be seeing you this weekend ",0 "Here Comes the Boom is on ",0 "Oh my my , he's so handsome ",0 "I don't care much for golfers , but Rory McIlroy .... Good lord your one fine piece of meat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Darling , I'd love for you to come find me and say what's on your pitiful mind to my face , please ? that .. Or STOP . ✌️ ",0 "- Hi I'm talia nice to meet you pretty girl . We have never met but your gorg and seem fun ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you so much baby I love you more than anything in this world baby I love you forever and always ❤️ ",0 "Looking at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ with my girlfriend >>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got a video of it , I'll show you it tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm glad you understand ",0 "My bayybeee comes home tomorrrow ",0 "Still kinda smilin ' after seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on #ACAs tonigh ",0 "u can get the spotlight all night . ",0 "Champaign with Peyton ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ IN A POUCH . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you !! ❤ ",0 "Happy couples everywhere just in time for the holidays ... At least I'm saving money . ☺️ ",0 "Seriously in love right now ",0 "Spending the day with my main girl . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "First time tanning in over 6 months . Love it ",0 "Enjoy your Friday eve everybody ! ",0 "Ankle is feeling much better today . Fingers crossed I can wear my brace and scrimmage Sunday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YOU CAN COME HERE ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol yes I know what that means ",0 "Super stoked to discover that I get the Lifetime Movie Network !! yesssssss ",0 "#BackInJuniorHigh my goal was to move back Middleburg and graduate as a bronco . ",0 "Em and I have spent a compiled 9 hours away from each other this weekend ☺️ ",0 "Buuuut he is my poopy head ❤ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I LOVE MY FRIENDS !!!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thannks lovee ",0 "FINALLY HOME♥ where the phone service is perfect ! Yaaaayy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your avi >> hello beautiful #missyou ",0 "One of my bathing suits came in today . ",0 "I already know who I'm gonna marry . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just ordered our food for tomorrow & I got the cake ",0 "I'm going to marry John Lennon . Someday even if its in a dream or when I die ❤ ",0 "Dodgeball cracks me up everytime ",0 "I can honeslty say this has been the best monday ever . ",0 "Aww my baby _TWITTER-ENTITY_ looks so cute on JimmyKimmel ! ❤ ",0 "i don't have school tomorrow . #woo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol what are dads 4 . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome doll ",0 "TFT _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just now heard Eric Church's song ' The Outsiders ' #BlessHim Sheltered little boy . ",0 "Get to see Matthew and the 2nd family thIs weekend ! #cantwait #lovethem ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank youuu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ alright well I gotta get up in like 5 hours so Im gonna go night night . Gooodnight❤ ",0 "Fake here fake there fake people everywhere !! #wee love it . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait ",0 "I had the nicest customer earlier , he was having issues talking to me and he said \I'm sorry , I can't concentrate , you're just too pretty """" ",0 "I love Mrs. Barb she just switched around my schedule for me ",0 "I can't wait to have my own family and send out our own little Christmas cards . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe thanks Broc ! ☺ I was just being stupid lol but really you just don't know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ send me a picture ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel like this is that one random fact of the day , that makes everyone's day better ",0 "JUST SAW MY BIG and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ at WAWA . I love you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤❤❤ . hiii ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks muffin love you ",0 "OMG IT'S TOBY ",0 "Wellllll I'm scheduled to take my drivers test on the 11th to get my license back . ",0 "I love my BOYFRIEND _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm ready for prime times again !! February 16th couldn't come any sooner ",0 "Who wants to sit and watch Ethan show with me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Idk but it'll be a surprise ! ",0 "Bama girls I know where I'm going to college . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahahaha I know right ?!?! WOO ! Can't wait !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're really nice we don't know each other that well and it need to change ASAP rocky ",0 "I love Jess so much❤ ",0 "Super excited for the next couple of months ! ",0 "I make you act like a girl #paintingnails #doingyourhair ",0 "Who wanna DM nudes on twitter or instagram now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can ask my boss today when I go in because I'm not really sure . My parents got me my job ... Hahaha but I'll find out . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha nice ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ How nice does it look outside with a little snow on the ground #finally ",0 "I'm literally getting paid tonight just to walk around my store and listen to music . ",0 "I love winning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good , I always want to make you have a smile on your face ",0 "So ... Anyone up for some hide and clap ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hope you showed your dad ! ",0 "I love The Frey ",0 "I suggest you all soak mango in pineapple juice . Orgasmic ",0 "Tennis drills tonight .... This is going to be interesting ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ will do ",0 "My name is Hannah ☺ ",0 "But the book is amazing so far . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WHAT . You so do not suck . You're wonderful , Kal . Love you tons and tons . ",0 "You can't play a player baby boy . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bring her well strap her in ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's okay I am too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was so glad to see you Amanda Shannon and Madison I love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that we smoking ? ",0 "Kelsie won't shut up about getting a smoothie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just re-watched my snap story from last night Bahah you so stupid I love it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ greaaaaaat !!! ",0 "Taco bell sounds so gooood ",0 "Literally can't wait to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight !! #longlostbestfriend ",0 "A week and a half until my brother is moved home and my nephews due date ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Count me in . ",0 "I cannot stand you and I'm actually really glad you're gonna be gone next year ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha . I'm ugly in all the other ones . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ needs to send me the other ones we took on her phone . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what can I say I'm a funny fella ",0 "Wow ctfuuu u blow me off then ill b a bitch ",0 "I got all I need , and it's alright by me . ",0 "Guys ... Tomorrow's game day . ",0 "Oh my god Netflix now has old Disney movies life = made #yes #Disney ",0 "My bebe comes home this weekend ahhhhh too excited #notwhatyouthink ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha my bad ",0 "Teaching my grandma about snapchat . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me and you ? ",0 "So proud of my boyfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ good job ❤ ",0 "To all my Moses lake friends I will be in town tomorrow at noon to just stop by for lunch if you want to meet or say hi text me ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not really bad for me , I have all three seasons of The Walking Dead on DVD ",0 "Seeing Evil Dead again . Can't wait for the blood bath !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I know ",0 "Words cannot explain how excited I am for this California trip with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✨☀ ",0 "so excited for tomorrow ",0 "In a really good mood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bed is too comfy right now #thanksbabe ",0 "Finally learning how to mix well ☺️ ",0 "Spending the day with this fag _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "In a good mood on a Monday for the first time ever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ i should've recorded it so i could watch it over and over again it was so funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have never in my life talked to anyone directly in Japan . I think it is good . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ none of these people in my neighborhood got pools except for them kitty pools . ",0 "I can't even poop without Luke outside the door ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I would be with you if you weren't with One Direction ! ",0 "I like watching football with guys ... Because I can laugh at how ridiculous they look when their football team makes a touchdown ",0 "I luuuuh my frans . ",0 "oh my god why am I so funny . ",0 "That little fight between Kells & Slim during All We Have was literally the cutest thing I've ever seen ☺️ ",0 "Haha he called me jazzy lol ",0 "FUCK YOU SCHOOL AND YOUR SHIT . ☺ #suchasweettweet ",0 "Black Ops 2 with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hope . how is everything and how's your little angel . ",0 "Just got the best surprise ever . Dinner with the lovely _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awe thanks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are very welcome . I think you'll do just fine findin ' a man on Christian mingle ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay ☺️ ",0 "Hannah is standing right next to tristen and he goes \Claire is the hottest cheerleader "" so funny "" ",0 "Yay I get to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today !! #happygirl #happytweet ",0 "23 your funny as fuck we need to have classes together next year ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha , very true ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey you too ! ",0 "I love it so much when my students practice . It makes my job so much more fun ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I try to be ",0 "I love my team so much ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe thank you pretty ! You're so sweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for a wonderful Skype call tonight . Hope you're well ! ",0 "Yay my headaches finally goin away ",0 "everytime i see a ford f-150 , i legit get a chick boner . as weird as that sounds , idgaf #judgeme ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ still has it going on ",0 "Downloading iOS 7 #excited #iOS7 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ha ha ha PMSL !!! ",0 "My best friend is coming home guys _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks Zabb ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha wow chris ",0 "About to eat all of this candy and gain like 20 pounds ! #candy #yummy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know . I love you too ",0 "Clapping between words is the best infuses ! ",0 "Favorite for an honest dm ☺️ and i mean honest ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm assuming since you favorited my tweet we're getting married thanks ",0 "You know you're Italian when your mom sends you to work with a homemade meatball sandwich for dinner #italianproblems ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but youre so much more gorgeouser ! Hahaha . i miss our letters and you .. - . 0 ",0 "Last shift over #sohappy ",0 "Just making up some future celebrity couple names .. no big deal ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok then , darlin . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah cuz ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he's hilarious at family gatherings ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ pheobe has anyone ever told you that you're gorgeous and perfect in every way because hEY gorgeous what's up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm not . far from it but thanks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ excited to see you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ >>>> #girlfriend ",0 "looks like its finally my turn with him ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she is right !! Hope your all snuggled up and staying warm Julie . Have a nice and relaxing evening my friend XOXOXO ",0 "Thinking about cutting my hair for 2014 ",0 "The text _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just sent me >>> #zoomzoom ",0 "Saganos takeout , football , and movie night with my boy ",0 "Toby Keith's tonight ! ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we will tomorrow if you come with us ",0 "Aww at the game this blued baby girl wanted me to hold her . It was too cute ",0 "Passed the asvab☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg that's definitely my peak ",0 "This show on #MTV ",0 "Drunk and bowling ",0 "Yay my phone works again which means I can tweet an snapchat again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha , at least I have an early out ",0 "Aw Kyle is sweet ",0 "Lol now you're quoting rock bands in Italian ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I am coming back this weekend ",0 "I love candy ! ",0 "Noodles & Company with my other half ",0 "She said the only thing she learned is that she stinks . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait to see you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ totally agree ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha thanks I want yellow or purple !! Text me , I have stuff to tell you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you don't get it at orientation at least I didn't when I went about a week ago . Just to let Cha know ",0 "It's 7 o'clock and I already want to go to bed . This week has been hell . One more day and then I get a relaxing weekend with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm gunna call him tonight ",0 "Happy Thanksgiving Everyone ",0 "My neighbors prob think someone's dying in my house , nope , just me trying to teach _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to play the flute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ horay ! You are actually beig nice now ! #loveyoutoo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're telling me , like i saw it i was like woah that's like mine ",0 "Can't wait to play tommoorow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dude these pictures are killing me tho ",0 "Be a typical girl and wear pink/red on Valentine's day or wear something that matches my mood for the day .. All black #DecisionsDecisions ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ there is something about those Pyle boys ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okee dokee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so fucking excited ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my number is5176729156 you can text me when your free ! ",0 "So exited to go order our new furniture tonight . ",0 "#mancrushmonday _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . You're perfect . ",0 "Hopefully gonna be a good day . ",0 "Parents ask me how was school and then they ask did I have fun . Hahahaha no . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ummmm , I have no clue right at this very second . Maybe something in The Mall perhaps ? ",0 "Mmmmmm . The fresh sent of burnt hair in the morning . #gameday ",0 "Heather had a blonde moment ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow you really are perfect I can't wait to playyyyy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we will have to have more ! You guys are awesome ! I will miss u guys sooooo much ",0 "Josh Hutcherson movie marathon tomorrow ? I THINK YES . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sooooo glad to hear !!! We can all be planning our trips to Nashville to visit you I sooo can't wait ",0 "making chocolate chip cookies ! ",0 "I love Zach so much ",0 "last night was amazinggggg ! ",0 "Just dominating _TWITTER-ENTITY_ at NBA 2K13 ",0 "My ab and cardio workout I'm planning for tomorrow is looking wonderful ",0 "I love finding all these random notes around my dorm my mom and Jasmine left me #socute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you best friend ",0 "I can't wait to see my best friend soon !! ❤ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "What a weekend .... lots of fun with friends ",0 "Shopping and Applebee's #goodday ",0 "Head up _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! I love you baby ! You're too beautiful to be sad ! #1fan ☝ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ was my first kiss of the year . ❤ #2013 #love ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ am naked in ur pool and I made a warm spot ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how'd it go ?!?! ",0 "Blue October tomorrow night so idgaf about anything ",0 "It's just too beautiful outside ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tomorrow !! ",0 "I just love dinner dates with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Everything will be great tomorrow girl . Love you . #praying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haley told me she loves me ",0 "sooo excited for senior pics august 2nd _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahaha yes ",0 "No French or world politics today ",0 "tonight is gonna be so much funn _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey . We might still have a meet tomorrow so be prepared just in case and it will be determined tomorrow . tell others if you can . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hands down had the best costume last night !! ",0 "Daddy is home from his golfing trip ",0 "I like him , it's true . ",0 "Hope all my friends have a pleasant day at school tomorrow ",0 "The video games these boys play in #Kirkkohf Are you sure you're in college ? #lol ",0 "14- great girl , really pretty , athletic and nice always here bud❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm game ! ",0 "Chic fil a ... Blaze as fuck right now ",0 "Promoted to brown belt tonight ! ",0 "The stuff I got for my babe >>>> ",0 "Ahhh the little Asian baby that The Little Couple has >>> #socute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I LOVE YOU THANKS TOO MUCH ",0 "Pretty satisfied with my ap scores ",0 "when my mom orders through the drive thru she yells ",0 "Shoutout to this guy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "The Ringer is on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I may or may not be busy but I will tell you for sure tomorrow ",0 "Weird how things work out sometimes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you booo , we'll have sing alongs again soon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you can be pretty nice sometimes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ as am I !?? ",0 "Pretty great night if you ask me ! ",0 "i get to go to school with my best bud again , just made me pretty hype thinking about it lol _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Watching the exorcism of Emily Rose at 8:40 in the morning ",0 "Every time I go to Farretti's I'm in my pjs over it . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we can always look next weekend ",0 "Time to teach drums ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh yes you've never done that before ",0 "\Sometimes I just like to win "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "Robin gave me gummy bears to keep me awake . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Same ! Love you ",0 "Mojitos and The Great Gatsby with mommy ",0 "No morning is ever the same at work always a new joke , new reason to smile and look forward to the day . #optimism ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww okay ! Were thinking of taking it to the humane society or something . Molly's allergic and it keeps taunting Bailee ",0 "Canobie with the best ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHAHAHAHAHAHA . Who fucking sent you that !?!? ",0 "I'm so happy that I get to sleep in and not take the PSAT's #halfday ",0 "My new obsession is the how Dexter weird show but super good ",0 "Yeah I'm skipping class so I'm not late to play bball so what ??? I do what I want ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me toooo !!! We will ",0 "That text I just got from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ >> #sosweet #loveyou ",0 "Love my new phone case _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ik u are beautiful & I trust ur decision ok ? U really are gorgeous maddie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ -Yeahhhh . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ the quantity required would put you in coma ",0 "Wow . It's been good ",0 "Cruzin in the truck _TWITTER-ENTITY_ >>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no problem ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but you have your Starbucks so it's gonna be okay☺️☕️ ",0 "Can't wait to see Rocko and Annabelle tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ SAME . ",0 "Someone with ambition & intelligence is the sexiest quality of all ! ❤ ",0 "If someone brought a peppermint coco or peppermint mocha to me I'd love you for ever ❄️ ",0 "So happy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is now a server at the Ranch ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ u 2 ladies look absolutely sexy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha don't you hate that !! at least you were thinking of me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was perfect ! You killed it love you ",0 "Does gatsby wanna go to lunch tomorrow ? Hahahaha ",0 "Good luck tonight _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't wait to watch you play sorry about your squishy ! I love you #basketball #DoWork ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have mine on my phone omg ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is why you're my favorite . I owe yah . ",0 "I bought a dozen doughnuts for no reason but I'm going to eat them ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I mean .. They all have small eyes , right ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ could get any girl a boy who loves jesus and has a voice like that perfect ",0 "I looove getting the pizza boxes from Pizza Hut ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks for lunch !! #ILoveYou ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha I don't even know what to say to that one .. thanks ? ",0 "i cant wait for this weekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ The old me is dead and gone Justin !! LETS DANCE !! Big Johns Dance Fitness ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me ! ",0 "I can't wait for fall ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the best alarm clock evaaaa ⏰ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ stay off your phone down there ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is awesome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well you get to see me .... so it's gotta be pretty freakin ' great ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ maybe you need a cuddle buddy to change your feelings of thunder storms ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't take the pain of a wittle dodgeball ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck . Good bye cruel world . Lmao now I'm wide awake and about to die . GREAT . Glad I met you before this happens ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #jackass love it #BlueBloods ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay just text me ! We need to do dinner date soon since all I do is eat and sleep haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ vine videos last night >>>> hahaha girl u cray ! ",0 "Tomorrow is going to be a great day , doing nothing at school then new boots and finally Justin Moore . ",0 "Pretty great day , considering I was the lucky guy to get a hug from a amazing girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHAHA yes !!! Love you ",0 "so excited to but kt's Christmas present ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was awesome when he was doing color on Raw ! The man can sling sarcasm like nobody's business . ",0 "I am the noisiest person ever . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HALLELUJAH ! ",0 "Becoming addicted to COD . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you can pick them up , they'll B tied to RR tracks ",0 "Good day in school and home yesss ! ",0 "Yes thank you Luke Bryan's wife for letting him shake it !! Love it #AMAS #Sexy ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ where are all the haters now ??? Do not doubt the Hawks !! ",0 "I seriously love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ like my gosh she's perfect and I'm happy to call her my friend ",0 "1101 South walnut street !!! Giving EVERYTHING AWAY !!! Come see us ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuuuuuuuck yoooouuu !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMGGGG I JUST NOW SAW THIS ! OMGOMGOMG ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LOVE YOU TOO ",0 "Weekends > ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i just listened to both if them ! ",0 "Baby is obsessed with green beans and 4 cheese instant taters haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're my badass boyfriend ",0 "That was the cutest ever . ☺️ ",0 "Every time I hear #BlurredLines I think of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I in cayman ",0 "Have fun in Florida _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are beautiful though Taylor . And perfect ",0 "Officially in the dentist's office ",0 "Uncle-Daddy is here !! and he's drinking . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ shit talkers . I got enough lovin to go around ",0 "I just love talking to you ! ",0 "Screenshots will come in handy one day ",0 "I've never want the week of Christmas to come to an end any faster ... But it's for a good reason ☺️ ",0 "Here's to the good times ",0 "oh wait ... you're prob too stoned to care gosh i'm hilarious #fuckyou ",0 "Summerfest day two . ",0 "Y'all should see this kid in her walker ! Hilarious . #speeddemon ",0 "Bradley's butt >>>>>>> #thirsty _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks girl ! #MeansALot ",0 "\do u ever just make scenarios in your head that will never happen but makes you so happy so you just keep on imagining them” _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "I'm good . I'm golden . ",0 "i loooove spending time with my best friends ☺️ ",0 "I could live off of Disney movies ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've missed you too !! Had a fun night with everyone !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was thinking I'm glad you came by the wanted ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good luck at your game today ",0 "C'mon buffalo pick up tebow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ MEEE your biggest fan ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I tried to be ! And yay ! Hahaha I have a date ! ❤❤❤❤ ",0 "My favorite thing about gander mountain is all the badass trucks in the parking lot . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I happen to love them all because when I see them I think of all the fun we had at the wedding ",0 "oh wait ... I'm going to Disney World on Tuesday #ohhappyday ",0 "todaaaay was so much fun . ",0 "I crack myself up ! ",0 "One more final ! ",0 "Just scared _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and he literally screamed for three whole seconds . This is not an exaggeration . ",0 "This weekend had had it's challenges but it's also been amazing thanks to friends , conference and the gospel ",0 "When my mom sends up chicken and stuffing for me to eat >>> ",0 "and with my babies ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Goodnight . Love you Ky . Sleep good . ❤️ ",0 "successful weekend with the boyfriend . ",0 "Last night was probably one of the funniest nights I've had in awhile ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ CODY IS GORGEOUS ! ",0 "can't wait to watch ps I love you tonight #abcfamily ❤ ",0 "Got my new car ",0 "Vanilla Carmel ☕ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you heard wrong ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ best friend will most likely be here tomorrow ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we won our 5th game in a row , still undefeated . Looking forward to meeting you ",0 "I love being an instagator . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ quit lying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're the best love you wifey ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OUR MOMS ARE IN THE STATES❤❤ now we will have good other than cereal and mandarin oranges to eat ! #lovemymomma ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll try ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I appreciate it ! And the same goes for you ",0 "The Lion King is on ... Hello childhood ",0 "The things my brother says >>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome ! ",0 "I laugh at people who change their Bestfriend everyday ",0 "ONE DAY until I see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and two until I see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺ #bestfriends #sisters ",0 "I work with weirdos who listen to backstreet boys while making the dough ",0 "Friends with benefits ",0 "Drove myself all the way to Huntsville today without freaking out or getting lost !!! #yayyme #lovelyday _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ⚠ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have full bars now ",0 "In a month I'll be 20 minutes from Chicago ! ",0 "Oomf confuses me to no end ",0 "I love when swimmers bring us coaches goodies !! ",0 "I will gladly accept more sexy rick grimes dreams any night #marrymayyyy ",0 "Budweiser Clydesdale commercial . Best commercial so far ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sorrrrry ! i think they are prettier !! .... but your just all around beautiful anyway ",0 "He asked me what I was making and to forget about it and come eat with him lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha fish again ",0 "Show them how it's done right ",0 "Girls night with theeee bestie ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Just brought my snuggie on the 5 minute car ride to my grandmas . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ muwahaha , I would put it on here but you would hate me . it's reaaal cute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Probably ! Haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol for real people make it so awkward at USCb hahah third time I looked up and this weirdos staring at me #CanIHelpYou ? ",0 "Little bit of everything is just one of those songs that gets better every time I hear it #Keith ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺ >>>> my reaction to reading that tweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wtf she's perfect ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ very sexy . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I find it amusing that we both have the extended versions haha . Just put in disc two ",0 "Cassie's coming over #mybabe ",0 "CANNOT WAIT to squish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ face in a couple days ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love youuuu ",0 "I had a dream mom gave me permission to drop out of college and it was the best dream ever . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ West Chester's homecoming is this weekend ! Let's show them how it's done ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : oh any time ",0 "Jake's cheetah print tux is my favorite thing I've ever seen ",0 "I love the fresh prince of bel air and I love will smith ",0 "Taylor is going shopping for me and I keep telling him to take me with ",0 "I believe God gives every 1 a gift in life . Mine just so happens to be my wonderful boyfriend I love you ! <3 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I can pretend I'm in Bama #noprob ",0 "Gahhhh I can't wait to see safe haven ! ",0 "Big trucks >>> ",0 "Time to go giftcard shopppinggg ",0 "I'm pretty sure we had a lot of plans for tonight ... But some how just ended up sleeping over my grandmas house #oppps ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think ice skating is gonna be easier to do ",0 "Hahahaha just saw the creepiest ice cream rapist van ever #dying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me and Aaron literally just got done eating that 5 minutes ago ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me 2 . Hhaha . Turn down 4 wut ? ",0 "Green Apple Smirnoff #hellyeah ",0 "All I can say is . LETS GET ITTTTT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ go on a sushi date with me !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ will do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahahaha . I meant may 31 ",0 "We're the Millers ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you & your Santa >>> #cute ",0 "come home _TWITTER-ENTITY_ 1:30 am and by the slightest miracle my father is still awake and is willing to stay up & do mine & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ laundry ",0 "66 we used to tumble together an you're so good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ soak them in finger nail polish remover ",0 "I honestly have the best mom in the world ! ",0 "If I was on the voice and more than one eam "" wanted me and Adam was one I'd be team Levine just cause of that body and face ! "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Go big or go home ! We will be praying for y'all . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ IT'S ONLY FOR A WEEK ",0 "House/dog sitting for a long weekend at a house that has HBO is the best gift I could ever receive . Newsroom AND Anna Karenina the movie . ",0 "So cool to hear _TWITTER-ENTITY_ telling the real Christmas story at #Epcot , backed up by a few hundred chorus members , of course . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you babe ",0 "My days just keep getting better and better . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHA #comboverswaggie THANK YOU MARY ❤ ",0 "I cannot handle this girl . I LOVE WORKING OUT WITH YOU _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ looks the same to me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we are all perfect ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh I know ! Thanks ",0 "Apparently it's beer can appreciation day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Charlie I'm not talking about Kyle .. ",0 "Why , hello , Mr. NFL player ",0 "My boyfriend needs to be done working , however his mommy is nice and makes him so he has money to buy me a Christmas present ! ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes ! okay I'll text you Thursday and we'll make sure everything's good for sat then ",0 "Just tweeting so it would tell me where I was .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ really ?! We need someone to be destinys riding buddy ",0 "Thanks for coming last night guys xoxo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ better nickka ",0 "Can the weather get any more perfect today ?! ☀ ",0 "My hair is drying so straight it's like I'm wearing a wig . Go keratin . It's magic . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha wait ",0 "Cant think of anything that can top this night #BestNightEver ",0 "You're so jealous of him hahaha ",0 "So Thankful For Mrs. Edwards And Alyssa They Are The BEST ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just made my day by coming to visit me at work ",0 "This has been the best freaking day of my life ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hold up , I'll come over ",0 "Get to meet the new baby today ☺️ ",0 "I am a firm believer in the abundant overuse of emoticons . ;P ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ take it as a compliment hahahha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my family is eating dinner but I'm seriously biking there right now HAHHAHAHA save some for me ",0 "Excited for tonight ",0 "I'm lucky to have good friends like _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I love Pitch Perfect ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow . Well I guess it helps when I put stuff on my calendar as reminders . btw checj out my marketing business site on profile . ",0 "So proud of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I will never forget how scared _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ two new rear speakers in the car also . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh i wont ! Your secret is safe with me ",0 "Can't wait to hang out with #oomf tomorrow ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ writing about annoying television children makes it all better ",0 "Zachs reaction to me pouring cold milk on him while he's in the shower .... #priceless ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ they come back for more ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Alli's face our team is seemingly full of predators ",0 "Let's be real if you put a piece of chocolate cake in front of my face I'm gonna get it . #cheating #sorrynotsorry ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ in love with your eye makeup ",0 "Justin all night long ",0 "I love how Sally's mom calls me maddiekinz ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ See \Conrad "" , he does want me "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awweeee thank yaaa . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I'd need to get to know you first , but for now I have a ring pop for you ",0 "And I was correct . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good luck today , I know you'll do amazing sweetie , I love you ",0 "Good night with the girls .. And Matt .. _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we are excited ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sameeee I can't wait till I can change it lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shout out ?? ",0 "all the girls in this movie >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just playing ",0 "Dreams will be dreams ",0 "I forgot how much I loooooove October in Arizona ! Now I'm more excited for my returnnn . ",0 "Stuff all over your house and then u called the cops on me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Words can't begin to describe how much my grandparents mean to me <3 always a good day when you get a chit chat on the phone with them ",0 "I love getting compliments on my hair ",0 "I can't wait to go to New Orleans for Mardi gras ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my gosh that was too good Olivia ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I agree ",0 "Dinner with best friend mark ",0 "I think I'll get out of bed and go get Staggs now ",0 "Haha I love to mess with people who hate me for no reason ",0 "What's the point of smiling if you don't show your pearly whites ?! ",0 "First day at work went good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't let a guy get you down girl #cheerup ",0 "HAPPY 21st CHELSEA !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just shut up lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you always seem to tweet such nice things xx ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ EXCELLENT episode , kudos all around ",0 "So Florida from October 14th to October 20th ? Yeah , I'll take that . ",0 "Can't wait for tomorrow ! ",0 "My room is nice and chilly ",0 "Flowers , Texas Road House , Bowling and a night of cuddling .... Couldn't be happier !! ",0 "\Lets get a cat , look out jack "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I try ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no problem ",0 "She's me header ",0 "Lol . My twitter name used to be Callie Franco . ",0 "Oh yes McDonalds for dinner ",0 "Quite the interesting night here at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ house ",0 "be with someone who makes you happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahahahaha oh my god what were we doing !?!? These are great ",0 "It's been a long day for the 1st day of tournament ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll try ! ",0 "i can't wait for #BadDay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ☺️ you're the best ",0 "What an awesome open to the game #BostonStrong #Bruins ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ all dem crevices ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the only way to be you can even borrow my recent purchases if you so wish #QualityMusic ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ was the only good Teen Mom throughout all the seasons . #GoodMommyAward ❤ ",0 "Bless me with a country boy that'll sing me to sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey baby , just saw you in the hallway . I hope everything is okay . You can talk to me if you need too . Love you beautiful ",0 "Well , I guess since I've done all my homework and scrubbed the entire house up and down , I will get beautiful for my boyfriend . ",0 "\I read somewhere that their periods attract bears . the bears can smell the menstruation . "" #theAnchorman #RonBurgundy "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yes , its been a great resource of info for me too . I'm a few years into this and I'm still learning , its awesome . GL ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the best for buying me a new watch ! #loveher #toocute ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ honey crisp bitch ",0 "Seany doesn't know how to pronounce hilarious #idiot ",0 "Brewery with momma ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao oh my god I can only imagine ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ honesty is the #BEST policy . ",0 "Seeing Prisoners for the 2nd time in less than 24 hours ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jealously is the ugliest trait babe . ",0 "Oh the costumes of tomorrow . This should be interesting . ",0 "Getting told I look like my mom is the best compliment ever ",0 "I get to see my long lost BFF tomorrow _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #finally ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank ya love you too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Absolutely !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha dammit Claire ! He's so sexy though But you don't have to be on #TeamWhiteBoys , just be on #TeamRay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah lol and if I get this job I think I'll like it lol . And they make good money ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just think about the time we were dancing at shikhas house ",0 "Didn't know that was the way you roll Eddie ",0 "I hope _TWITTER-ENTITY_ feels better soon . ❤ ",0 "Final guests just left #AmericaFest at the Muellers 2013 . What a fantastic 4th in our new house ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WOOO WHOOO !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome ! I wish I would have known about you before . Excited to see you at Warped in Georgia ",0 "Thank you guys for always loving and accepting drunk ratchet Katie sorry about last night haha _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was great ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol hope its a good one then ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't we all ! ",0 "I love this feeling ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks neighbor ",0 "So how about those guys earlier .. _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is this about me ? ",0 "when _TWITTER-ENTITY_ brings you flowers . >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I feel that way right now too . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what about pa . id love to meet you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao oh nothinnnn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha well thank you ! ",0 "CANNOT wait to get my nails and toes done . Pampered ",0 "Ummmmm the guy that altered my dress loved my Santa sox ",0 "Happy b-day ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Lol I'm legit dying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yayyy !! Glad you like it !! ",0 "Dang another gorgeous sun set ",0 "At least my bfffffff finally came home ",0 "my little brother super glued his fingers together ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WE JUST CAN'T DEAL ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LMFAO IT LOOKS LIKE STEF ",0 "Don't hate on my snapchat story guys . ",0 "MCM _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !!! #loveyoubud #missyou ",0 "SO HAPPY ! ",0 "That was Taylor guys . Cause , y'all know he's just so charming . ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha guys shut up ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just trying to make up for what I just did ",0 "I'm probably hanging out with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ later and that is perfect . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm a violent guy ",0 "\He really can't go up there and sleep by himself ? "" my 12 year old sis killin me . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Jeff I hope I see you soon ",0 "I can sleep in Tomm ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank youuuuu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lucky ! That's awesome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you would make a great one ",0 "If someone wanted to bring me ice cream , I'd be one happy girl ",0 "Night made ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ watching all the classic Christmas movies all day today ! It's A Wonderful Life is next ☺️ ",0 "PANTS OFF DANCE OFF ... in my basement _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Let's see if tonight will compare to last night ",0 "Singing along to Christmas songs , & cracking up at the same time cause it's not even Halloween yet ",0 "I've had the best weekend☺️ ",0 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for video taping all that ! Huge kudos to you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's not his fault he knows how to treat a girl ",0 "Guys _TWITTER-ENTITY_ will be here tomorrow ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awwh love you too !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm freakin out for tomorow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the life of a softball player ",0 "Ihop with my babe was soo yummy this morning ",0 "I love the sprint commercials ",0 "Blessings come in all shapes and sizes . My current blessing is the fact that I'm finally feeling good enough to play Skyrim #Surgery ",0 "#ManCrushMonday _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #mancrusheveryday ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have a good night so so should you ",0 "Watching finding Bigfoot . #Yes #Winning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's what I was thinking they're sooo good ",0 "A good pair of house shoes are a necessity in Alabama during winter ☺️❄️ ",0 "How _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hit a turkey I'm still dying . then she yells , \It's all Kims fault ! She told me to ! """" ",0 "Having a really good day ",0 "Alex Pettyfer reminds me of josh ",0 "I just watched in awe as the girls passionately kissed each other while I was walking to my car . My night is made ",0 "rue life : I'm too beautiful "" are you kidding me ? if you're on that show you need a serious reality check . "" ",0 "Ten minutes until The HUNGER GAMES !!! ❤️ #HungerGamesCatchingFire ",0 "S/o to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for being coool af , listening to me rant about Christian , & being super pretty . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't think we have a date but probably in August ! ",0 "Looks like I'll be watching fily guy again I sure do love having Netflix on my tv !! ",0 "Mmm ice cold beer and burgers on the grill ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 5k shout out ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they better ! Or else ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ duck my nasty ",0 "So I finally have a \him "" to talk about "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol , I'll be back tomorrow ",0 "Shout out to my girl _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on being Homecoming Queen ! ",0 "Tyler Posey post the best vines ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oops ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sounds goooood ",0 "Just told my parents that my drinks of choice are gin , rum , whiskey , and bourbon and they looked at me like I'm not their daughter ",0 "I'm getting a new t.v. ",0 "It's definitely a good night w/ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✌ ",0 "Got the mega ticket so I can see my girl and listen to country allllll summer long ❤☀ #pumped ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Don't you have something you wanted to say sir ? ",0 "God I want one of him haha . He's just too gorgeous ",0 "Hell yes ! No work New Years Eve ! ",0 "I love fresh sheets . ",0 "The ideas I have for stuff to take to panama >>> ",0 "My destiny is greater than your prospective live life like your destined for broader horizons and dusk will dawn your days ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you look #tan nice pic ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well um im replying because i have nothing better to do ",0 "I can't wait until Monday that way I can spend 4 days at the beach #4thofjuly ",0 "my neighbors are so classy . ",0 "OMG I AM SO HAPPY MY PAPER ISN'T DUE UNTIL JUNE 3 ",0 "#NeverSayNever _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you were such a cutie ",0 "When _TWITTER-ENTITY_ goes on tweeting sprees I get so happy ",0 "Reds fest time ",0 "I bet my roommate thinks I'm weird considering I can't stop laughing at the moment . #dying _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "to your face ",0 "Can't wait for this weekend . ",0 "#initialsofsomeonespecial - H.T.E.S. cause he's my main ! good luck tonight ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Nothing like a guy with tattoos , a beard , and muscular as fuck ",0 "Had a lot of fun at the ball game last night ",0 "Ring , ring , ring , whatcha callin me for ? I see your name , & I press IGNORE ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm dying .. ",0 "So last night there was this guy at open mic and he sang and played guitar and I totally fell in love lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ make me that ",0 "almost to Blacksburg ",0 "& there he goes , so perfectly , the kind of flawless I wish I could be . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw tanks gurl !! ",0 "Finally finished my lululemon application . I will die if I get a call back #dreamjob for now at least ",0 "I've missed you☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahaha omg . One night we'll have to try . ",0 "YES that made me so happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ heather blocked me so I can't tweet her and I don't have her number . could ya let her know that I'm not a crack whore ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you so much for Shkelly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're my #1 fan ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're right ! ",0 "I wonder what _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is doing after being the man tonight . hiiiii ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh geez thanks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ HES ALIVE ",0 "I can't wait to be coming home tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You're welcome ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ummm daddy , we just had the weekend . What did you do to contribute ? I was irked about same thing girl and I'm not preggo ",0 "Mirrors by Justin Timberlake . >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok call me as soon as you're here ",0 "This lady's crazy ... What am I watching ?! ",0 "I had such a great night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just copied your last tweet .. Lol but my own little version ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just got so happy ",0 "Go to Florida to get away from Claysburg and Claysburg is coming to Florida ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was ",0 "The best people saved me tonight ❤ ",0 "57 DAYS to no more metal in ma mouth after four and half years ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LOL #K'd ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' s foot literally just went in the trash can and she fell . ",0 "Bosh cracks me up when he complains about getting a foul ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ annnnddd abby and I ",0 "forgot how good it felt to workout #motivated ",0 "So freaking excited for true blood tonight !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hehehe thanks boo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ True But When You Know Your Talent And Proud Of It You Gotta Good Chance At Winning ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome ! ",0 "If only my grandma knew what ratchet actually means ",0 "Hearing berzerk on my way to class puts me in a better mood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Chrissy ! Love you tooo ❤ ",0 "I just passed Tyler Haws on my way to class and we shared beautiful eye contact . #byu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you remember wiz last year ? ",0 "One more week until anchorman 2 ",0 "Coud I'm getting right in madden right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sure we could make that happen ",0 "Just got a little too excited that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is coming to Cincy this summer ",0 "Have a good day at school babe _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Time to make some changes ... new beginning here I come ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ let me borrow it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ WHAT THE FUCK . Lmfao that was supposed to be for your pleasure only ! ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well thanks ! Listening to your stories was a whole lot better than doing these critical readings ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this reminds me of that episode of Seinfeld . ",0 "No matter what kind of day I'm having , just a single \hey "" from you makes my entire day . "" ",0 "Had a great day with u babe _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I have _TWITTER-ENTITY_ blasting in our office todaywe aren't even sorry ! Getting ready for Saturday #JT2020Tour #Pittsburgh ",0 "Can't wait to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ results tomorrow we will be TWINS ",0 "Gonna go see my best friend tomorrow #yayyyy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you can borrow it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYONE'S EVER LOVED ANYONE ",0 "Season 3 of the walking dead is now on netflix ",0 "I was the first one to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ since she's been home ",0 "Cause I have camp then I'm going to Wisconsin and apparently now maybe Colorado if I want . Yay traveling ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ HahHahahah it's there fight , no need to include them in your tweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we should keep retweeting this so the boys will do video diaries for the WWA tour ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahha yeah I'm going just for giggles ",0 "13 days till lex ! #KY #herewecome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG IT'S SO CUTE I CAN'T EVEN ❤ ",0 "movie timee . ☺️alone . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAVE FUN ! ",0 "Except for asian girls .. I have nothing against them because I'm asian myself , but I prefer hispanics , some white girls , and mixed girls ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh baby ",0 "Got myself a brand new outfit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ waitin on a woman ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm at Dylan's right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ definitely ! ",0 "Missing my other half tonight but glad we get to spend Easter together with our families _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you more and more every day ",0 "Can't wait to sleep in tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bring _TWITTER-ENTITY_ with you and ill bring _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we'll play 2 on 2 games of horse and show ya how its done ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks love ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I really didn't ",0 "4 days left here in Logan for awhile . Bittersweet . ",0 "With only the 3 weeks of therapy I've done ; I can ride a bike now , leg press & keep my legs straight while walking ! #improving #proud ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ uou and ed sheeran on the same stage #epic ",0 "64- oh dang . Well . I Luh you we have 6th hour together and it's pretty fun but you're funny and really pretty ",0 "Lmfao James Franco and Seth Rogan's video ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think it looks good on you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can I claim the APUSH one ?? ",0 "Can I go to the next Alabama baseball game to meet _TWITTER-ENTITY_ again since everybody and their momma did tonight please thank you ",0 "I want to pump up my bike tires and go for a ride later ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ want to join ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Will have to have a working TV first . ",0 "happy thanksgiving everyone ",0 "I am over the top excited about getting my senior pictures done . ✨ #cheese ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ put away your phone crankky pants ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and watch Netflix ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ BEST MOVIE EVER ",0 "Maybe it means he'll do that for me since he favorited it ? ",0 "some random guy at the red light in Oxford : \HEY we are in a Hyundai ! Roll your window down "" like wut "" ",0 "Out for the night !!!!!!!!! ",0 "I'll be applying for schools this month too I can't wait to get out of this town . Wooo ",0 "So excited it's not raining for once so I can have a lake day☀lets get this workday over with ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ pinky swear ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Your mom is watching twerking videos haha ",0 "I can't even explain how excited I am to wear sweaters and snowboard everyday ❄ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao all that loud in the gummy worm package ",0 "Might get a hedgehog #DecisionsDecisions ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh ! thanks so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LOVE YOU TOO ",0 "My check this week #sohappy #hardWork ",0 "VROOOM VROOOM GUESS WHO PASSED THEIR DRIVERS TEST _TWITTER-ENTITY_ DID ",0 "Just discovered #TheMindyProject on OnDemand a couple days ago and now I'm addicted . Catching up on all 3 seasons , all weekend off . #boom ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't wait for that day !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ! sorry I just saw this happy late bday to you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ would ya please !! Might increase my chances of seeing you !! ",0 "It's crazy to think after tonight , we only have 1 more dance class before dress rehearsals #soexcited #cantwait ",0 "What an amazing way to kick off the summer . So sad it came to and end but it was a great trip spent with a great person _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Going to see Superman tonight . I'm pretty pumped . ",0 "From across the room mid conversation with some guy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ says \Bigs ! I think you're my best friend "" and goes back to her convo "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is very happy again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm makin skettie for supper , makes me think of you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol that would be soooo awesome . ",0 "My boyfriend may or may not have ripped one trying to lift me up .. ❤ #definitionofstruggle #truelove ",0 "Having you back in my life has made me so happy ",0 "Matt thinks I will know the things on the final ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's in his bio hun ... ",0 "Designated driver ? ",0 "Manbearpig always reminds me of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ did he have hooves and a snout ? No . Damn ! Thought we bad em . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok ! I better get a huge hug in the morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my car isn't ugly ! It's cute ",0 "You seem perfect . ",0 "Erika seriously knows me better then I know myself . So blessed to have a bestfriend like her ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's by Todd Agnew as well , ya made me pull out my iPod ",0 "Sooo excited to learn how to use my new dj console tonight ",0 "Everyone was right you are a player ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I have it lol . mazzey2003 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome bebe !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was thinking a flavored vodka too . We'll see what mood I'm in when I get there ",0 "I am obsessed with lifewater ",0 "Soooooo happy for once !!! ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that sucks ... so glad I don't have an alarm set for tomorrow ☺️ hahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that'll work . Thankkss ",0 "I love how we talk when we're chopped best conversations . love these girls _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahhhh I'm so in love with him . #marryme ❤ ",0 "So who wants to play DD tonight ? ",0 "movie night w kayley come over ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks baby !! love you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh but I do ",0 "I get to sleep in tomorrow for the first time in a long time ☺️ ",0 "-for sure going to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nov 10th ☺️ so excited ",0 "My son is so adorable . ",0 "OMG GUYSSSS IT'S HAPPENING . \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I will be announcing the name of my album and it's preorder date on Monday . #soon """" ",0 "This conversation >>> ",0 "Christmas candles > ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love the way you wrap gifts ",0 "Watch me on the news at 6 tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ talk to you when you get here !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ toooo good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got you girl !! We will have have loads of fun Saturday !! Xoxo ",0 "I took it as such . Of course , even glass houses can have drapes ... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lets go !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good ! Then you better hmu once you get itt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thata girl , Sammi ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thankyou ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am too iloveyou ",0 "Miss you Landon ! Not a day doesn't go by when we don't think about you buddy ! I will see you again soon ! Bet them ladies in heaven love ya ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah I hate you so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ my god you two ",0 "My godsons turning 1 tomorrow , I'm buying him his first rocking horse time flies by so fast . ",0 "Grandpa right now #makinmyday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ when and where is your show in ny so I can see you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll be over after school ",0 "please excuse me while I like all of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Instagram pictures ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ on the radio tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl obviously ",0 "Yessss ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ gets to dance #DWTS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shareeeee with me ",0 "I told him o cause they would jump me "" "" ",0 "Don't worry , Phil is not a person ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahaha these away messages always have me in them ! But I gotta say I do love my football boys ",0 "Ian felt the baby move !!! Then he said there's a baby in there ! Makes me so happy ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sounds like fun ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ couldn't we all ? #okwuaddiction ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Can't watch your snapchat vids in public because they make me laugh too hard ",0 "I had such a great weekend . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the best ! ",0 "My dad likes #Ridiculousness ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so done tho ",0 "Can't wait for the road trip to ocean city with my roommate ",0 "I'm so greatfull for my mom ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I'm trying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ That's gorgeous it's gonna look so good ! ",0 "\I think you might have the craziest life of anyone I've ever known "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ for Homecoming Queen ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ What kind ? If you tweet me then it will magically appear in your house ",0 "It's a beautiful day , and I can't stop myself from smiling #favoritesong #amazing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Queen Sandra does this everywhere ",0 "well now I don't have to explain what penetrate means to Melissa ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're awesome . ",0 "Really hope I get to go watch _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and the _TWITTER-ENTITY_ next weekend in Little Rock ! #arkansas #basketball ",0 "Nate and I are possibly going to the BC game next Friday ! ",0 "Aaron Rodgers is nice to look at ",0 "Ending my weekend with a smile from ear to ear . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is too excited right now but it's understandable !! ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good to know . ",0 "First time at the Cheesecake Factory ! ",0 "Haley went through and tried to delete 3,883 pictures off her phone and it didn't delete . Someone's pretty salty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I LOVE YOU TOO !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha you love when I take your phone ",0 "Literally can't stop laughing right now . Holyyyyyy shit _TWITTER-ENTITY_ WAKE UP . You gotta hear this . #dying #dead ",0 "I love getting DMs from random people☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hope you have an amazing Christmas liam getting anything special for Sophia ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ! ",0 "I'm so thankful to have somebody like you in my life #Lucky Blessed #Mine ",0 "Timmy Ho's and Elaine's cheese bagels for breakfast ",0 "Random guy standing on a car at teels( _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ) ",0 "I havent laughed this hard in awhile ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Classic advice from Taylor herself ",0 "EVERYBODY CALM DOWN : I just stated an opinion , we're all entitled to our own so please just breathe . You do your thing and I'll do mine ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ love it & how do I write a post ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ok I will hopefully be there ",0 "Is it 8 yet ",0 "2 a days tomorrow ... Can't wait !! ",0 "I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ with everything in me ",0 "Why are sloths so awesome ?! ",0 "Looking at plane tickets ",0 "were just bestfriends ",0 "Baby Blue Eyes by A Rocket To The Moon is so cute ",0 "Making cookies . ",0 "I can't wait for the girls to open their presents , Camo , John Deere Tractor , and babies .. #littleangels ",0 "GOSH DAMMIT LITTLE NICKY IS STILL SO FUCKING FUNNY ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you sweet girl ! I love you big ! ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ awesome sauce . See you there ! BTW your cat is adorable ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ jut saw it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I'm better #getit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your welcome sweetie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm an atheist and I'm praying for you girlie lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ great day with my girlfriend even though she caught more fish than me ... ",0 "Good luck today senior dancers , leave it all out on the stage ! I love you guys , break a leg ❤ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "The dr drew show always unintentionally makes me laugh . bahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol okay thanks hun when you getting there ",0 "Finally got to pick up my dress ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cheer up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ all 3 of you go listen to it and stop judging me . it's an amazing song ",0 "good mood . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I could use like 10 right now ",0 "my new bathin suit from victoria secret >>>> love it . ",0 "Got called a babe for the first time ever . ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" Whoever finds a friend , finds a treasure . "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay I'm here until 4 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right back at ya , pretty girl good luck with everything ! I love you ❤ ",0 "Thank you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for being my alarm clock . ",0 "Rebecca checking herself out in the mirror .. \Damn my ass looks fine "" lollll "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's going to be so pretty ! ",0 "Whenever mother of pearl instead of mother fucker comes out of your mouth .... I'm going to crack up everything guaranteed ",0 "This man Jamal after I catch his oops >>>>> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ before rake ends please ",0 "I can't wait to spend time with my soulmate this weekend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha , yeah , so good . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ha yeah , totally a holiday appropriate meal ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's better . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Okay well everyone except Benny then ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha oh it's easy .. If hoffy can do it , than so can you jk hoffy .. But fo real doe ",0 "way to go , girls ! great job on your win tonight ! ",0 "I'm in such a good mood do going to bed ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha thanks kait ",0 "are my absolute favorite emojis ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ",0 "tbh _TWITTER-ENTITY_ outfits are so sassy i can't take the sass rn . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay thanks ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ any thing for you boys ",0 "Absoutely love Lee Brice ",0 "I am thankful for my amazing husband who will do whatever to make me smile Yes .. Even putting up outside Christmas lights ! #hottfireman ",0 "Maybe I'll get to see this boy again he's like perfect in every way possible☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah it went by so fast for me . I didn't want to grow up either . 18 was the scariest age for me . But it was also fun ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ were having a snowday !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ around 3 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aweh thank ya keat . so did you ",0 "I have the best friends ever ",0 "I met kyler last night . ",0 "10k tweet goes out to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . She was/is/and always will be my best friend . ",0 "Every little thing about ya ",0 "GOOD LUCK TO THE SOCCER TEAM TODAY ! ⚽️ ",0 "This boat is beautiful and the view is even better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha . yes . now ! December 6th ! ",0 "Parker always puts a smile on my face ! ",0 "I'm sorry , but I just fell head over heels in love with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤️ #sosogood ",0 "Hardest thing to go through , but Bailee and I will be right by your side and we won't let you go through this alone . I love you Pay . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my Hahahaha ",0 "Thanks to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's where my daddy works ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw , that's so cute babe .. <3 ",0 "Johnny football is going pro !! #GoodLuck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its a scary site 2 is wayyyy too hard ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ be happy ash ! ❤ ",0 "Damn girl you a freak with those tities ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha !!! Then he awkwardly smiles at me it's the worst ",0 "My baby cousin told me to move into his house so he could have me over all the time ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but you love me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell ya buy one get one for $10 ",0 "Watching #Shrek with my little boy !! ",0 "GOOD LUCK TO _TWITTER-ENTITY_ TRYING OUT FOR THE VOICE TOMORROW YOU WILL DO AMAZING HAVE FUN KICK SOME BUTT ",0 "Coco runs up to my room and gets under the covers and cuddles with me . Who needs boys ? I've got my cocolicious ",0 "I've been talking up the Twolves since summer the wolves are coming ! NBA CHAMPS BOIII ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #sotrue #prime hope you have fun with your mama ! ",0 "Long day at work . But at least I have the night off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha no , but the difference is , BK has quite the abundance of leg hair .. . He would love to snowplow for this POOKS !!!! ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I try to be haha you're the sweet one ",0 "Hey guys I got my schedule bout to post it up here . Lemme know if we have any classes together ",0 "Breakfast then cheerleaders at waconah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LOL I retweeted like 15 of your tweets . I was like- wow . She's gonna think I'm a creep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ holy crap , congrats !!! Now lets try to get it to number one ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know who plays Friday ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I would have been sooo disappointed !! Thank you !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thx bby ",0 "Best buddies for life ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Accept my request ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ probs should ",0 "Hey everyone _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is friggin gorgeous ! ",0 "Am I seriously texting Cassidy ?! ",0 "I love my mom so much ! She is a saint ! Wouldn't be where I am today without her ! ❤️ ",0 "It's always a joy to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! ",0 "Driving with my window . I think yes ",0 "Dude you're a bitch ",0 "Good to know that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & I feel the same about you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ calm down it's just lyrics ",0 "Jeremiah is a name from the bible ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay ! Yes I am I got my camp for free someone payed for it ",0 "Happy Hump Day !!! ",0 "Got my buck picked out !! #6days ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HEY LOOK THEY HAVE CANOES ! ",0 "My favorite cousin is soon coming over _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your a hoe anyways .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh crap . you fooled us . ",0 "This is so beautiful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you have a nice day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ prepare to get pens thrown at you ",0 "Beyond proud of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on landing her dream job in palm beach !!!! I'm so excited for you ! we just need to find me a job & sign a lease ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay ! that sounds good ",0 "the kids have sleepovers in each others rooms and laugh all night . they may not act like it but they'd be lost without one another ",0 "perfectly content with the way things are going right now #keeplookinup ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cant wait to see you too !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohh shhuusshhh .... ",0 "bye everyone ! Have a good night sleep ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tweets right now >> ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha i do !!!!! And ALL my neighbors make fun of me for it !!!!!!!! But i kept it up for you ",0 "Dates are fun . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so mode it be that's the only Masonic speak I know !! ",0 "26 pts tonight & some pretty amazing defense . never ceases to make me proud #beast _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahh being comfy is the best ! ",0 "I love surprise visits ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #yay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is so true ! I have today off too ! ",0 "I really like your name , if you know what I'm sayin lol _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ❤ ",0 "Christmas lights with my lover , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤️ ",0 "Can't wait till next weekend when I'm staying overnight in NYC for my bday #Sweet16 ",0 "Oh and there is 7 days left till Christmas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ never will I ever forget that quote ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ",0 "Pizza and movies nowww if only Mason would get off work right meowww , that would be perfectttt ",0 "My new neighbor is pretty cute I must say ",0 "Tyler is seriously so perfect , spending all this time with him made me realize how lucky I am & how much I truly love him . ",0 "Did I just see owen mower with a Mohawk ? Is this real life ? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahha nope ur good do u have his info ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thats everyday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so am I don't worry literally made my night . How long did that take to take pictures of ? ",0 "We drove in my neighborhood so I got to show coach Coleman my 4runner ",0 "Nothing beats a morning with my monster ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's just going to be a repeat of that ",0 "Yeesssss I get to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tomorrow it feels like it's been forever ",0 "Being a parent is so much fun . Being Santa and baking cookies to eat in the middle of the night and putting out more presents is awesome . ",0 "I'm just a teenage girl that LOVES One Direction _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #1DDayLive 44 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ because I do and I totally agree ! We're so in sync with each other it's stupid ! Hahaha ",0 "the look this kid just gave me was priceless ",0 "Oh and a guy with an amazing smile is also a plus ",0 "Dorbear . You can stop when ever you want ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Okay ! That sounds good to me ",0 "Hell yes ! War eagle ",0 "I'm so exhausted ! Only slept like 2 hours ! Freshman initiation was the best ! ",0 "So blessed to of had _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in my life for 1 year and 5 months #iloveyou #fanda ",0 "Definitely needed a night like this with some good friends ",0 "Last night was so fun . ",0 "Emerson Drive & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight #thunderinthesky ",0 "Just Made The Best Batch Of Coco Wheats☕ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can we get a cute best friend pic tomorrow ? ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome ",0 "My mom made me breakfast again ! ",0 "luckiest girl in the entire world ",0 "How I feel about #oomf right now >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too ",0 "the littlest things make my day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤ that was so fun ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just looked at all ur snap chats from the other night hahaha I'm dying Asians everywhere ! Lmfao ",0 "anybody else know that there's a school in pennsylvania who's mascot is a snowball ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Morgan ",0 "Nervous or excited ... #ThatsTheQuestion ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thankssss cutie ",0 "Longhorns has some great looking waitresses ",0 "I get so many butterflies when I see dylan ",0 "Free Buffett and won 30 bucks ",0 "My closet is way warmer than my room ? I might sleep in there from now on . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will be ! Haha I got you ",0 "Painted my moms nails . ☺️ ",0 "Compliments are seriously the best ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hope to see u soon ",0 "I don't know if this is just me or the people I was with but A Haunted House was hilarious #iwasdying #thewholetime ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ every time I look at it , I pee my pants a little ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ",0 "Much better . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeahhhhh yours would be ten times worst then that & on too of that probably panties thrown at you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good !! Becoming frozen over . Stayed cozy at home today and enjoyed the sparkly snow ",0 "So happy my sister finally signed her lease for her house in TTown ",0 "There were so many hot guys at Great America yesterday . Omg ",0 "Gonna make today productive , and I'm gonna go get my oil changed since I'm 7,000 miles over . ",0 "It was good seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today ☺️ ",0 "If it feels so good it can't be wrong ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ And the same to you Donna ! Enjoy your day and don't work too hard ! XOXOXO ",0 "Good luck to my boy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ during surgery ! ❤ I'll be there soon with you ! I love you ! ",0 "I don't care who judges me , but Lolly by JB #OhEmGee ",0 "I love being able to have a vivid image of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ dancing in my mind every time I hear \My Pony "" . "" ",0 "I'm out of twitter jail ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ready to rage ? ",0 "I love that even if _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I haven't talked in a while we can instantly be like we never stopped #bestfriends ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ most reckless shit I've ever seen ",0 "I have never laughed so hard until today ",0 "Meg is going to visit Williamsburg after the New Year ",0 "& on the raft & the boat . Would anyone be down ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Welcome to Minnesota and twitter , glad you're here ! How do you like it so far ",0 "November 12th >> #RememberItThisTime ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love ya too ",0 "That's the funniest thing I've heard all day ! ",0 "No words to describe you . Oeistujinfoewv ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Biology AND food ?! Two of my favorites ! This is just awesome ",0 "Flashlight by Chris young >>> ",0 "I laughed so hard that tweet ",0 "Renny loves Kim more than me . Wow . ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohh I love you tori . #missya ",0 "So happy that the hunky man still works at my grandmothers nursing home ! #Relieved ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ both of you stop this pointless BS and be friends again . Okay ? Okay awesome . ",0 "Sitting at the bar with my parents and their friends . It's hilarious to see how the interact ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I can wait I guess :/ . Haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just laughed so hard I almost peed myself because of his face ",0 "Up and at em . Game day boyzzzz . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're very welcome ",0 "My khalto sent me like 5 new ankle bracelets ",0 "Nothing better than finding old drunk pictures ",0 "Of course the pants I buy , Diana tells me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ already owns . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my gosh Mr. Hogan ! haha #hoganyawesome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay ",0 "She's a hot one ! ☀☀ ",0 "My bed feels like a cloud ☁ #goodnight ",0 "I remember the day in class _TWITTER-ENTITY_ asked me how you say o "" in Spanish because she forgot "" ",0 "Some people don't understand how much I appreciate compliments . Thank you so much . ",0 "I leave for vacation tomorrow . Beach life here I come . ☀ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm such a wuss I wore gloves on my run yesterday AFTERNOON ",0 "#TGIF and I get to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay !! We are napping buddies !! ",0 "Loved seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today . Even if it was just a drive by , honk , and kisssss and I pray that was Jess w/ you . Ha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ makes the worst things in life so funny ",0 "Going to pick up my angel and have dinner at gmas then pediatrician apr in the am god is great to good ppl ",0 "just no #youwish ",0 "Never let your prayin ' knees get lazy , & love like crazy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but ... i'm meeting you in october ... Is this real life ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG YOU ARE ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahhhh !!! I love you too !!! #loveyou #proud ",0 "My mother is making me French toast , SCORE ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha it was tho ! I walked in the house and my mom looked at it and went right back to sleep ",0 "Waiting for Payton to come over so she can be my netflix buddy tonight ☺️❤️ #onelove sorry Tyler ",0 "I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HIM IN HIS ACU'S & DRESS BLUES !!! ",0 "Tequila , frozen strawberries , redbull & strawberry marg mix ",0 "absolutely lovin this new bluetooth speaker in my room #thanksmom ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks babbyy !! Miss you SO much !! ",0 "The weak days when you had to swing the milk to lift in into the fridge ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I LOVE REBA . Watching her all day , errrrrrday ",0 "Bacon , eggs , pancakes , and a chance to learn how to cook from my wonderful mother Best Sunday morning in a while ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she said that to me too worm ! ",0 "I am dying at this season premiere of the kardashians ",0 "Now what ...? Haha I think a good ass time is what . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good plan !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am super exited !! ",0 "Lol hairy arm butt pics ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ close call for me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't even fuggin wait ",0 "So glad I got to see you tonight ! I missed the hell out of you ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ renew your vows .. immediately ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ maybe a good thing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha more like we fucking suck ",0 "I can honestly say I've never been so happy . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcomeeee ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ anytime ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol welcome I didn't know how to at first either ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your McDonald's gift card is still in my truck !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks for your consideration ",0 "New greys anatomy in 15 mins ",0 "Cooking for people makes me happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you better ",0 "We can still go to the National Championship .... with a few losses in our favor ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You areeeee ! Haha for sure #bigbaby ",0 "I was real surprised when I got a text from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today . #iMissYou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha you're more of a goofball than me ! #trueee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you too☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ about 45 and we are considered big lmao ",0 "Watermelon is so heavenly ",0 "I love it when Andrew asks me to play call of duty with him cause then I don't die so fast ",0 "So Rodney tried his first dip today ",0 "Happy Thursday ! Only one more day after today til the weekend ! #Rodeo with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tomorrow ! :] ",0 "haha , you would . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you saw me Paige so it's okay ! ",0 "My girl Katy perry is gonna be there ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you too conn man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ youre my winner ",0 "He goes I wonder who you like ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too ❤ ",0 "#YoureMoreAttractiveIf you love children and animals ... and have dimples . Dimples are cute too .. ",0 "Liz FINALLY texted me back again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girl you'll see ✋ ",0 "home run is such a good movie ",0 "Haha Alena . ",0 "So over . I'm obsessed w now . ",0 "I have a job interview Wednesday !!! So happy ! really hope I get this job ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good luck !!! Love you guys ! ",0 "I love finding old movies to watch on tv ",0 "People may think this convo is weird but I love it ",0 "Jordan is in such a good mood and It's putting me in one . ",0 "Buffalo Wild Wings is one of my favorite places late night dinner with my baby ✌️ ",0 "Spent the day with my sister and nibblings . ",0 "Accidentally sending a snapchat to the wrong person . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #whoops ",0 "Tony romo is out for the rest of the season ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ of course hmu when you allow company ",0 "Out of class an hour early ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank youuuu ",0 "The Corpse Bride makes me smile too big ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was the highlight of my day right there ",0 "Reading Cosmo had told me that leather and studs are in this fall . Aka it's a dream come true for this gal ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea plan on the 27th . Can not wait to see you guys . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you more than life ",0 "Starbucks double shot expresso ",0 "Ahh , it's raining You all know how happy that makes me ! ",0 "As game and the beach today . Yay ",0 "Just killed the biggest spider in America with my brave roommate _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this kid I went to elementary school woth ",0 "Can't wait till next week _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Love that song !!! It was our graduation song 1985 - lol - I cannot believe how free I was then ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ to bad you pull of the outfit better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ doesnt matter cause I'd be the tow truck right behind you ",0 "Hickies >>>>> ❤ ",0 "Riff Raff is my favorite ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha yeah it was so sketchy ! This summer we should hangout again though ",0 "Eight Crazy Nights ",0 "How nice it feels to lay my head on my pillow again ! #lovely nighty night tweeters ! ",0 "Never thought I would see the day _TWITTER-ENTITY_ would be back on twitter ",0 "Ryan Gosling and Bradley Cooper in the same movie #canthandleit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ going to the beach ! Come join me ",0 "Drew's love of Gandhi just makes me so happy . ☺️ #emblem3 _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "You need to shut your whore mouth ",0 "It's about time I hit up suncoast or the $5 bin bc I need some new movies ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ number 2 by ralph lauren ",0 "Shoutout to my girl _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for hooking it up , I got ya phone girl didn't forget ☕️ #pumkinspice ",0 "It's a great day for an outdoor wedding ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' s snapchat story is amazing ",0 "So my new friend is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "you're a keeper ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Omg my bro is doing a history project and it reminded me of jack off josh oh the joys of being a freshman . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ duck you ! ",0 "That girls was definitely on drugs lol _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #PCB2013 ",0 "I love watching snow fall . ❄️ ",0 "I'm so lost when it comes to one direction stuff so I ask _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if she's feelin better and my parents don't care i will ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can I have some ",0 "I love showers ",0 "Sitting in don with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ while she talks to her grandma ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ text me please messaging you my number ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . sleep well my friend . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was there today I live about a half hour or so outside of Seattle ",0 "29 minutes till I see my boy on YouTube ",0 "Dinner was too good !! Glad to be with my love ! ",0 "Wonder how Noah would act with Kelsey ",0 "she is tickling my feet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it stands for Hannah Jean ",0 "DEGRASSI IS BACK TONIGHT #pumped ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohhh yeah that was ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no worries ",0 "thinking about _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no problem sweetie ! I figured I should let you know eventually ",0 "Oh and hey , happy thanksgiving everyone ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you again for everything the last two days ",0 "Sweet text messages >>> ",0 "I'd just like to point out that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is absolutely gorgeoussss ! Miss you ! Hope to see you soon ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll make some just for you ",0 "I love Liam ",0 "Luke Bryan rn though ",0 "When your ex asks you out and your already in a relationship ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is 100% an honest guy #Nolie ",0 "I SAID SNAPCHAT ME ! and Luke ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you college girl ",0 "Watching a movie with babe and the boys <3 _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ forever and always #bfffe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ or _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , they look the same don't leave one out ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good thing we can ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come cuddle with me then ",0 "Today was great ! ",0 "Racks on racks on racks _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha you're goin down though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao just kidding you throw out them fighting words ",0 "Cuddling with this gorgeous guy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "At McAlister's with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "So Cheer open gyms in two weeks ? Good thing I've been working out all year round . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh darling just call me coffee ! love you too ! Anytime ",0 "3.10 for the semester !!!! #illtakeit ",0 "Remember when Katie Couric told Mariska that her and Peter were kind of revolting ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love your avi ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that you bb . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I are having a grand old time tonight ! ",0 "BG be in his room with a box of tissue waiting for a second chance ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahahaha , that's so funny . ",0 "Woops sorry . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I really glad you agree scott !! my college friends didnt ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no not at all just stating the truth ",0 "i hope youre having a wonderful night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YES ! ",0 "12 : I love how you don't get mad when me and my obnoxious friends come into DQ . You're very nice and I feel like we're super close !! ",0 "I really hope my last retweet is true because that would be so amazing omg . I could get that & stop wearing blue contacts ",0 "I'm in love with positivity ",0 "He verified her ass on twitter tho ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha that's ok it gave me a great laugh ",0 "Bdubs lunch date with my babes _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #60cents #missedmygirls ",0 "So proud of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for pumping gas for the first time #Oregonprobs ",0 "Wahoo it's Friday and payday !! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Someone could text me if they want "" Yeah someone text this person . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ there is an app for everything (; but if you find one let me know ",0 "TFT me & wes just went cricket hunting for his sisters pet lizards ",0 "Getting a bunch of new disney songs for the bus ride tomorrow #soexcited #disneybound ",0 "Rochester better be ready for me .. I miss my biiitches . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ see you guys tomorrow . ☺ ",0 "AND LET ME KISS YOU . ",0 "That just made you 500x more attractive ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's all good though , my smile is always on . lol ",0 "Clean sheets right out of the dryer #heaven ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's my absolute favorite ",0 "I'm so glad I have friends from oakfield or this prom would be awkward ",0 "Before me and one of my girls get off the phone , we all say \Love you , later . "" It's like a reaction . "" ",0 "Trent's SnapStory with Coach Meuer and Slater >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Im so serious about the tatt though !! ",0 "happy saint patrick's day everyone ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't mind me I'm just lol'ing over people's besties right now ",0 "I already won .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks livvv ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ anytime ! ",0 "I love seeing old friends . It always lightens my mood ",0 "Well that was a slap in the face #lol ",0 "i watch full house everynight before bed , it just puts me in a happy moood . ",0 "Told my mom I'm going skiing Saturday and she didn't say no #score ",0 "About to cuddle up and finish this book ",0 "The Snapchat I just sent _TWITTER-ENTITY_ >>> ",0 "today is going to be a strictly relaxing day , filled with movies and family time ❤️☺️ ",0 "Giving a kid five dollars because your to lazy to hold money ... #lukeproblems smh .. Lol☺ ",0 "You make my life such an adventure . But that's one of the reasons why I love you . ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It's true ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i saw you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ remember when your mom ran Allie over ",0 "Got my first lesson tonight on driving a stick shift . I only killed the battery twice ! lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome now go back to bed ",0 "Holy crap this kid just walked inform of me and looked just like lance . So of course I called him lance and he gave me the shitest look ",0 "Lol night babes✌ #NightNight love you !! ❤ ",0 "I love days I get to sleep in . ",0 "House Of Wax . ",0 "Can't wait to watch catching fire aka me drool over peeta ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah it's not that . I just could've sworn someone told me that once . Oh well , thanks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ luke and ashton ",0 "Somtimes I crack myself up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I might be going to the _TWITTER-ENTITY_ appreciation thing tomorrow night now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm dying to know !! Need I fill me in ",0 "The fact that I get my new car tonight or tomorrow >>>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ It's the truth though ! ",0 "Do you know how to wake up a baby colton ? Ya shake em ... Nah that's how you shut em up hahahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it better be good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ morning love bug ",0 "I don't think anyone loves _TWITTER-ENTITY_ as much as I do . #soperfect ",0 "Probs coming home tonight guys ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha thank you ! I hope you had a good day too ",0 "Having a guy Bestfriend is like the best thing ever .. Like no lie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have that dress too ",0 "This girl . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ >>>>>>> ",0 "Jenna loves me again ",0 "New Steve Madden boots are always an amazing thing to come home to ",0 "Guys , Jess might have her baby Tuesday . Just let that sink in . ",0 "Brittney , just wait ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know !!! I'm so excited ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she's baccccck ",0 "Bama !!! Roll tide !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I met you back in Ohio in February after you guys played at Frankie's . we talked for quite some time . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good to hear ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that'd be great , although you don't owe me ! I'll email you deets . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha weak hours . Yesterday at McDonald's at 5:30 am . Stayed till 10:30 pm . At McDonald's at 8am today ended at 6pm #ILoveMoney ",0 "45 i love you so much your one of my best friends and your amazing and beautiful one of the greatest girls ive ever met ! lets hangout soon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ these all look so good ! thanks girl ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh well . It's my loveeee ",0 "Today was absolutely amazing thanks to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !!! I LVE YUUU ",0 "I DIDNT KNOW EASTON WAS GETTING A FREE PEOPLE STORE ",0 "tonight has been an interesting night ",0 "The vineyard is my new fav ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you go glen coco ",0 "whatever . people lie about age . life goes on . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "#TweetADateYoullNeverForget 12-22-12 #DayMySonWasBorn ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok let me know ",0 "Catching Fire was amazing ",0 "Dad ; What are gonna do today ? Me ; Cocaine . Dad ; Ok .. Ya got any extra . #what ? ",0 "I don't think I've ever be this excited can't wait to meet you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha good , be proud . #lol #ohmaddy ",0 "T-minus 5 minutes !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks so much ! ",0 "Thank you lane for helping me take care of my tattoo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm fine , thank you . I just woke up ! good morning from America ! ",0 "Lol every other tweet is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ talking about luke Bryan .. I think my best friends have an obsession ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Me too !! It's ridiculous , but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wahhhh okay ",0 "Shrek is on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aweee I love you ! You're the best ❤ ",0 "I'm so glad _TWITTER-ENTITY_ came to the holiday recital . He's the best boyfriend everrrrrr ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too girl ! How have you been ? Text me ! What did you get ? ",0 "17 we have a bromance I can't tweet what I have to say about you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just admitted that he love me ! I knew it☺️ ",0 "today was a good day . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut the hell up ",0 "Movies with Daniel for the rest of the night . ❤ ",0 "Day one of my personal trainer ... Check ✅ ",0 "4- I miss you sooooo muchyou're gorgeous and hilarious and I love being around you bc we have the most fun times ever ILYYYY ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you'll have fun ! ",0 "Bought fuzzy pajama pants with pigs on them because why not ☺️ ",0 "There was this guy at the diesel drags hottest thing I have ever seen tattoos black hair and pretty eyes ❤ ",0 "I feel like a little kid on Christmas Eve right now ... I can't sleep !! Haha . So excited to get away tomorrow !!! ",0 "I seriously have soup everyday for lunch and I don't care #yum ",0 "Just got told my dimples were perfect ",0 "I'm literally dying at these Sharkeisha tweets ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay what time ? U know where i live right ",0 "Can't wait to come home and go to sleep tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ on the #TalkingDead right now . Oh my oh my oh my . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha this was awhile ago ",0 "My mom just yelled \you jackwagon "" #whereigetmyroadrage "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤ I finally fell in love with the most amazing piece of Gods work ever & it's you ",0 "So excited for tomorrow ⛺☀ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol just did nice name #imlaceup24 ",0 "It's so beauteous out ",0 "Wing time with my boys #nomnomnom ",0 "Friday could not come any slower #hurryup ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha I won't , promise ! You'll be seeing a lot of me next semester anyhow . ",0 "When guys bring you food to work >> ",0 "New York goes to work was so funny ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha phone got jacked but I do love you britta ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Avi Rate : 8 ",0 "My hair feels so soft right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺ ",0 "Congrats to Zayn and Perrie i mean if he had to marry anyone id want it to be her so ",0 "Kind of weird how you post a selfie directly after I post one like every single time ",0 "I can't wait to get my quad , I'm literally soooo happy ❤ ",0 "I love it when he talks crazy ",0 "So excited ! My old roommates are coming over tomorrow ",0 "Those legs though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I forgive you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww , when do you find out what you're having ? ",0 "Shoutout to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for finding my keys . Best roomie ever , I would be lost without your continual help with finding my lost stuff . ❤️ ",0 "Apparently that's all I needed to be 100% content with my life ",0 "All night long ",0 "I love my second family ",0 "I've met you once before and you're super nice and pretty cool ",0 "Finally the weekend . Prom tomorrow cant wait ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Do it !!!! ",0 "Turnin up in Lex tonight with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Texas Roadhouse rolls and butter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ congrats to the #Falcons for beating the seabirds . They made us nervous but pulled the win out in the end ! I was so glad !!! ",0 "Full I guess time for a movie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg ! Yes we doo ! ",0 "Watching Austin and ally ",0 "Don't be so good that you're considered among the best of the best , be SO good that you're thought to be the ONLY one doing it ",0 "SEAN I GET TO SEE YOU TOMORROW _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awh , you're makin me blush ! ☺ #loveyou ",0 "I use honestly , literally , and seriously in almost every tweet . No lie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cheer up ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your welcome . And me too ",0 "My favorite cousin is soon coming over _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "This week is the definition of a slowwwww week ",0 "I get to see Dalton tonight #bestfran ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no prob ",0 "Finally skating Sunday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ uh oh ",0 "I parallel parked a few times today for the first time ! It's actually really easy ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girls with muscle is a good thing period ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ in your avi I'm changing my belly ring . ",0 "We are like sisters except we don't fight all the time ! I love it _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAVE A SAFE FLIGHT BABY BE CAREFUL ",0 "Watching the NFR is easy on the eyes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ drunken cook too ",0 "I could talk about my horse for daysssss ",0 "Life works in mysterious ways . So thankful to see my sissy Liss unexpectedly today . Turned my day all around ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wait until you watch last night's episode ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ “ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : On Friday , my podcast chat w/ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ creator Vince Gilligan . 100 minutes . Soup to nuts . Fantastic . ” ",0 "Tweeting rampage haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we'll set up a payment plan for you . Especially since you've always made my sweet onion chicken teriyakis . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Looks really good !!! Enjoy in our honor !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha Bc I haven't had a good nights sleep in like a month so I'm just done trying to ",0 "I almost forgot . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the greatest person alive and is a complete saint #LuhYew ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what'd u get me ",0 "everyone who doubted me is asking for forgivness ",0 "Niko just went HAM on vault , he makes GAB proud ",0 "I love ticking my sister ",0 "And then he turned you down , which is even more hilarious . Get some originality and backkkk up !!!! ",0 "It's so comfy ",0 "Can The Slick Nick Burger trend please . ",0 "I waved to Shabrea on stage ",0 "jersey shore gives me things to tweet about ",0 "My mom when I'm in a cleaning mood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw same to you gorgeous love youu ! ",0 "I think the game plan is church , lunch , homework , ukulele , and then volunteering with kiddos #bestday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too thanks ",0 "It's so tempting to take another nap #wornout ",0 "Watching puss and boots ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Cooking for carly "" Wtf ! I can retweet you now ! MIND EQUALS BLOWN . "" ",0 "Is anybody up ?, that would like to talk #plz ",0 "Our Spanish teacher bought us donuts ",0 "I can ride my bike with no handlebars . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Everything gets better . You can't get an lower than bottom you can only go up . And babe you're going up ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahaha , EXACTLY . If I went to a wedding with a bride wearing black I'd be like where the hell am I .? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay ! mkay I'll go and find a movie theater ",0 "i love my relationship . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #myeverything #loveyouboo ",0 "I honestly love my life in Spokane ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I welcome you to the Softball Crew ☺️⚾️ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nice to ' meet ' another who is obsessed with the great DDUB . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodnight baby ",0 "I can sing every word to wreaking ball _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Shit was too funny though ",0 "Crazy how much he makes me smile ",0 "Happiness don't drag it's feet ! #HeyPrettyGirl ",0 "#StrangeAddictions she's obsessed with her #blowdryer ",0 "I think Melanie should curl my hair tomorrow for school ? ",0 "You're so clueless and it's so funny ",0 "#KeatonsBooty is amazingggg . ",0 "Can't stop laughing at My Story from last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ seriously though ",0 "Another interview tomorrrrrow ",0 "It's always good to be honest ",0 "I always stare at girls when they wear leggings ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha you're right you're right ",0 "I feel like something magnificent will happen today #justafeeling ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ see you when you get back buddy ! ",0 "I'm still in a good mood because if you think about it none of the teams in that game would of made it to the Super Bowl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ THANK YOU SOOO MUCH ! It meant so much that you all Came ! Love you girls ! Thanks again ! ☺ ",0 "So ready for some _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight #basslights ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I are the only ones home tonight so looks like we'll be treating ourselves to a steak dinner ",0 "Keep on asking guysssss ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I witnessed that . You're perfect . See you tonight . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ also , * freshman ",0 "Happy i got to see her before work ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ who is that ? Lol ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ k go make me one just kidding ",0 "I've never had as many boners as I do when you cook me food _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha omg this is awesome , thanks so much sams love and miss you so much ",0 "Playing ball at zappos tonight with Tyler ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ didn't think I would like it but it is probably the best change that has ever happened in my life ❤️ ",0 "WE ARE GETTING THE DOGS TONIGHT !!! #TooPumped ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm watching catfish right meow .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ * types in google * ",0 "I could get use to being in college ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's what twitter is for ! Letting everything go ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I agree !!!!! ",0 "Team fucking Katie _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Lmao Bobbie took our shampoo & conditioner when he left & trashed our kitchen . Real mature . ",0 "My mood today #mixedemotions #weird ",0 "Being called Linny >>> ☺ ",0 "That's horrible , but so funny . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nope out on the towwwwn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ WOAH . Um no . Lol that'd be so weird ! ",0 "I'm loving my hair right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you I'm glad you appreciated it ",0 "Finished my first shift and it was great going to enjoy this summer #Summer2013 #YellowstoneNationalPark ",0 "I LOVE _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Pool and beer time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you !!! ",0 "at least my lips are soft ☺ ",0 "Can't wait for winterjam tomorrow ",0 "25- Hello . You're really cool and you're kind of funny lol , we don't talk though .. ",0 "88- come and eat ! ",0 "Woodys happy hour ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg . Abby you are seriously the best ! I love you ! Make sure they're not to small . ",0 "When he waits for me at work >>>> #hesthebest ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come over & cook ",0 "I'm so thankful to have such a wonderful daddy ",0 "Hopefully the weathers like this for all our softball games this year ⚾ ",0 "Can't wait until tomorrow ",0 "Who is happy with his life right . This guy ",0 "It was so good seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ last night ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha you'll do fine I promise !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we just go out in full out fist fights in the middle of nowhere ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ i am a good driver ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nice selfie . ",0 "Haha when I watch _TWITTER-ENTITY_ vines they automatically put me in a better mood . #toofunny #goodjob ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ there are so many too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I literally laughed out loud by myself in my car . I CANNNT hahahah ",0 "#PerksOfDatingMe We don't always have to go out . We could just stay at home watch old disney movies and cuddle . ",0 "When your girlfriend tells you she is okay and is getting to go home☺️ i love you Sabrina☺️☺️☺️ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Today is gunna be soooo long , but I'm really already having such an awesome day ",0 "Have some great pictures for my wcw ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Sorry _TWITTER-ENTITY_ im cheering for the Seahawks because I love their uniforms . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you so much !! You're the best Ray !! ",0 "Sam croaked when the dog fell ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao it honest made my night I remember I was yelling at you for everything calling you a damn foreigner ",0 "Watching movies with daddy on my Friday night . ",0 "My profile picture of Brooke and I from last night still geeks me out ",0 "Seriously laughing my ass off right now . The shuttle driver just wrecked this lady's hoverround ",0 "BOSTON IS READY FOR YOU , 9 more dayss _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Catfish hotel bound ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ what is that ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too Wes ",0 "I cried just watching the previews of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ s wedding ! Friggin LOVE them xoxxx ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wuv you brad ",0 "Happy happy happy ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the picture of me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha you two are the funniest guys ",0 "I will see you when I get home !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "What I wouldn't give to be with you cuding in bed right now ? ",0 "You're growing on me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hurry Up ! ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I LOVE YOU TOO ❤️ ",0 "Someone should buy me the Little Mermaid ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh thanks megan so are you !! ",0 "Put me on your to do list ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ! ",0 "Does someone need a hug ? ",0 "Loving this weather . Its deer season y'all! ❤❄ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe okay can't wait ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have those ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahah I found this & was like omg kill me lol ",0 "shake it ! shake it ! you're so fantastic ! just don't break it you're only made of plastic ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #rugrats hahaha ",0 "S/O to Lindsay for bring me a coffee this morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't know man , we spent so much time together , idk if we can top that this semester ... but ok sounds good to me ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you on wwhl tonight ? ",0 "I'm pretty sure the only thing that will pull me out of this is booze and an over night stay with my bf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Austin ! ALL I AM ASKING IS FOR YOU TO CLICK A BUTTON AND BOOM I AM HAPPY . ",0 "Were still in middle school .. #whhhy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I can't wait to see my bestest friend , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on Saturday !!! Wooohoooooo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get u behind that stove in No time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ remember when we were Camerican Vapricorns ?! ",0 "Mac and Cheese ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh my goodness ! How cute !!! Lovin all these old church pics with wittle Haley ! ",0 "Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you and your family my friend , hope you get what's coming to you .. Peace to you my friend ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ please marry me ",0 "Ladies Night Comedy Night tonight at The Bank ! Doors open 7pm . 18 and up . $5 . And yes ... males are welcome to attend ",0 "Can't wait for our first weekend day off together EVER _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill probably get it later on when I get down to Hotchkiss ! We are going so ill text you when I have service ! ",0 "working out . going to the sauna is working out , right ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ reminds me of Sara jean underwood ",0 "I can't wait to take a nap after work ",0 "\A capital S and a little i "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "My mom and grandma will love the chocolates I got them ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ SO PROUD ",0 "Craig Kimbrel ⚾❤ ",0 "This DMACC class should be interesting today ",0 "A guest that hasn't been here in a while just told me he missed my smiling face and thanked me for always being so kind . ☺️ Too sweet . ",0 "#ImAttractedTo Southern Methodist University's TAG program ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHAHA . Okay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that would make me real happy . so yes please . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome ☺️ ",0 "Beautiful Day ! #besafe #havefun ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your so pretty ☺️ ",0 "I'm so comfy ☺️ ",0 "I've seen u at your worst and I still think your the best _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #loveyou ",0 "Yay we play Aubrey's team first tomorrow . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks buddy !!! ",0 "Maybe Austin and I will go this weekend ",0 "\Continue on with your day . And if you can see Emojis here "" OMG best thing I've heard all day "" ",0 "If I faaaalll lemme down eaaaassyyyy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Max showed me years ago . ",0 "sleeeping in >>>> ",0 "Love you babe _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Sabres new players ... gunna be a good year ",0 "This burger kind is hitting the spottttt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ did you mean fixing autocorrect or something else !? ",0 "Actually got to hangout with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight #loveyou #bestfriend ",0 "Can't forget my contact ! ",0 "For all you ignorant idiots , the Flower Mound Lacrosse team has a good number of players from Marcus too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahahaha ! Are you still coming with us ? ",0 "2 more days & my best friend comes home !!! ❤ #excited ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too ",0 "Couldn't be happier right now ♥ ",0 "It's a noles Christmas this year #merrychristmaseveryone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ give me money to do fun and crazy things and I'll let you make a TV show about it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just kiddin man ",0 "Josh's tattoos > ",0 "Taking the kiddies to the pool ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I would love to hear your stuff sometime !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome and yes we do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we were doin what we do best ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ try two weeks ago ",0 "Finally finished reading Silver Linings Playbook . Now I can watch the movie . ",0 "I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ more ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank ya ! ",0 "Riley talking about Alana Blanchard his is the most hottest girl I ever saw "" he is 6 ! "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ! See ya there did Mcrobie stay for it all !? ",0 "Can't wait til Thursday so I can see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "This 40 year old on the bus with his gameboy ",0 "Ethan & Aiden though >>>>>>> ",0 "I would seriously work at a retirement home . And the mean ones are the funniest #TRU ",0 "smooth legs > ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ better think of something ",0 "Giving random people rides home , while they tell you about they're punishment for doing Methamphetamine . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ such a good song ",0 "I'm excited for this weekend ! ",0 "At The Cheesecake Factory ",0 "My boo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ would be proud of me I brought my lunch to work today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ deff next time for sure but whenever u can come over that would be cool ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cutest kid I've ever seen ",0 "One more month until the beach ! #cantwait ☀⚓ ",0 "Oklahoma City here we come ",0 "I hope it rains so I can go play I the mudddd ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if I make it through this week alive , I promise I will text you and we can hang out ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Your show is a HIT !!!!! Looooooove it ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is alec good yet i was hoping some of my skill would rub off on the controller i sold him ",0 "Glad you had a good time smoking that bud with your friend ",0 "WE HAVE THE LEAD !!!! c'mon Wildcats !! #WeAreUK ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I already have it planned . I'm gonna stock chocolate in my NetBook case and eat it when I'm hungry ",0 "lol .. i sent that goodnight text for no reason . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ saying you are my best friend is an understatement . I love you so much Lecs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't call me dumb asshole ! by the way 47 on chem ",0 "The tornado siren is going off & Westville & I'm making my gpa go too dollar general too get me tampons . ",0 "Mr. J's AGAIN #Loveeee ",0 "Packers win , which means _TWITTER-ENTITY_ night is better = happy me ",0 "I love my friends ",0 "OMG I've had so much coffee this morning I'm just like ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he brick "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Congrats ! I remember thinking we'd see you Ina new home ! Brian will be thrilled ",0 "What my boyfriend told me yesterday honestly made me the happiest girl ever #RealTalk ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Andy says Kenzley Christmas Carroll should be her name ",0 "I'm gay mikes better than me ! ",0 "Just realized that I've been in the same building as Miley Cyrus before #starstruck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i love you too ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well at least now we're both in the states again ! & I'm planning on coming back to Washington soon . ",0 "Extremely happy with my life at the moment . ",0 "#FictionalCharactersIWantToMarry Stefan Salvatore ",0 "If I could stuff you in my suitcase you'd be in there by now . Sneak in the trunk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ say hi to some of the mizzou guys if you see them there lovie !! ",0 "I love emojis ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sounds good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's okay now ! We fixed it ",0 "I cannot contain my excitement for the CMA's tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha . Y'all still are jealous of the Dover girls ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks loveyyyy ! ",0 "Finally get to hangout with my babee tmrw _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My mood today #mixedemotions #weird ",0 "Thank you radio commercial for telling me science is the work of evil #wow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I guess were even . ",0 "I finally beat level 24 on pet rescue ! I've been stuck on that bitch for a few days .. Happy moment right now ",0 "first stop in Ireland is Guinness brewery ?!?!? of course were going on that trip ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm dying over here right now reading these texts did I really ask someone \how's the water "" #dying "" ",0 "don't have anything to do tonight ? stop by the treehouse to see Billy play at open mic night ! ",0 "Sleeping with my basketball tonight . ✌ ",0 "Looking toward to Friday ! Shopping all day in DC and Georgetown with my Aunt ",0 "vanilla chai and buffalo chicken pizza ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he's the best ! kaaa chowww ",0 "SO HAPPY I GET TO SEE _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ TONIGHT OMG ",0 "I loooove boys like girls ",0 "I crack up every time I hear Pops from regular show ",0 "The most ill miss about school is seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ all cranked up ",0 "Such a nice surprise seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ walk through the door ",0 "Can't explain the words I feel right now . jeez my friends drove 4 hours + 3 hours at a mechanic to come see me . ☺ blessed blessed blessed ",0 "This better work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just post a selfie ! we'll love you and think you're hot no matter what so there's nothing to worry about ",0 "the amount of pictures I have is ridiculous ",0 "Hayes and I was going crazy over them dunks tonight ! ",0 "2nd ANNIVERSARY , GET A MAID AS A GIFT GOD KNOWS OUR NEEDS ",0 "All day river day with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #effyeahh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw you're so sweet thank you . ",0 "My moms going crazy with cooking right now ! She made homemade apple cider , apple crisp , and is gonna make apple pie ! Thanks Madte ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks paul ! ",0 "I'm a happy girlllll ",0 "My dad bought me a whole box of twinkies to myself ! He knows me to well . ☺️ ",0 "Can't wait to get home and see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #MissHer ",0 "My moms nachos tho > ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahahaha we do it best poor _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just awkwardly sits in the middle but its okay we still love each other ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm getting up at 7:30 for my sisters game ! hahah she owes me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I miss you .. We will go on one of our walks here soon . Sound good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ but of course ",0 "It's nice finally having a girlfriend who I don't have to worry about who she talks to or what she does . I have complete trust in her❤ ",0 "Perks of being a wallflower with Devon , Marisa and my mommy ",0 "Me and my mother are obsessed with any crime scene show . #twins ",0 "I can't get over Luke Bryan's new album ",0 "you're soft . I'll come take your soul , give it back , then take it again just to show you who's in control here ",0 "Non alcoholic drinks and dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe ",0 "Having this conversation with and having to sit next to you in class tomorrow ",0 "I'm giddy and just in a happy mood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ excuse me \duh "" isn't a word . Perhaps . #nicetrytho btw don't you have school in the am ? Don't miss English "" ",0 "Tonight might get a little crazy ... ",0 "Can't wait to see #oomf next week ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ very true !! Same here butttt I also love piercings haha . If it didnt look ... Interesting ... I would have them everywhere ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks girly !!! Can't wait to see you this weekend !!!!! ",0 "Listening to my bff rant & rave _TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I luh her ",0 "The steelers and bengals are doing so good today I'm so happy ",0 "Are we still on for tomorrow ?? _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "seeing mr goodman at town tavern ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks babe ! Love you ",0 "So lucky to have the most amazing boyfriend ☺ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I still can't believe you never seen it ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ THAT'S RANDOM . but thanks Alex ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow my bestfriend is gorgeous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ let it go girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sooo good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ if I wasn't at work I would I love your hair ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Hilary !! Hope you have a great day too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you can come use mine hahaha ",0 "Watching Halloween 4 ",0 "axel is one of the most adorable little kids I've ever met ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you very much you're amazing <333 ",0 "New things are the best ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your cute af !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks Emily ",0 "We all live on islands if you really think about it . #justsaying #slightlyaccurate ",0 "Can't wait to go on a run tomorrow morning ",0 "Pretty upset _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in Sunday and I don't have tickets , o well next month ill see him , can't wait to see my boys . Kill it Sunday ",0 "the bomb dig diggggity mandy_hutch11 ",0 "So in love with my dress ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no Kyle he's the #Truth ",0 "hahahaha . im so gonna drop watc #fuckthat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg I was too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome ! And thank you ",0 "I got a good night text made my whole year☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is why I love you and why I look up to you ! You're so sweet and you help whenever you get a chance ! ",0 "Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wanna go get sushi ?? ",0 "Miley Cyrus your dad must be so proud ",0 "Happy Thanksgiving ! ❄️⛄️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wait a minute ... WHAT ?! You got a hedgehog ?! I do love that name , such a rads nerd . #radass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao of course I'm gonna eat ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love and miss you too !!!! Can't wait to see you ☺️ ",0 "I love you !! Can't wait to go pick up your new trailer tonight _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Saturday = mother-daughter day I may be 27 but spending time w/ my awesome mom never gets old ! ",0 "the new _TWITTER-ENTITY_ store at the freehold raceway mall is heaven !! so beautiful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ chicken and Doritos casserole for dinner !! Everyone loves it !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I'm also a princess . ☺ ",0 "Ordering a new glove when I get home ",0 "Park date round 2 with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I want to marry Luke Bryan ( _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ) . ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that is too funny ! Thanks for thinking of me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ pass interference should be renewable if their eyesight is that good #Cincinnati ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg thank you so much !! ",0 "If someone came over and watched the grinch with me right now ... I would love you for ever ",0 "That message just made my day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww . Love you babes . ",0 "When _TWITTER-ENTITY_ helps me pick my outfits out . He's the best #lovehim ",0 "got my dorm ! tut room 215 !! everyone come visit ",0 "Lunch with my mini me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "in the most positive way you are just unexplainable ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ true that ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ single since 2010 ?! Must change that . ",0 "Glow In The Dark Pep Assembly Today ✨✨⚡️ ",0 "I just lost all respect for oomf #funnythough ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank youuuu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just saw someone spell \Volkswagen "" , "" Volts Wagon "" . Please tell me that bothers you as much as it does me ! #TeamVolkSWAGen "" ",0 "So blessed to have such great friends and an incredible boyfriend . ",0 "I seriously love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ together ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awh , I love this ! You're in mine too ! ❤️ #BestestFriends ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol that made me blush for sure . Hahh . But thanks ",0 "Who are you calling a cutie queen , you lint lickerrr ",0 "I literally love you ",0 "The lion King is on #favvvvv ",0 "Olive Garden breadsticks ",0 "I'm so glad Awkward is back on ! #happyhappyhappy #awkward ",0 "I laugh to myself all the time , I'm too funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ eeeep is right ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tomorrow ill pick you up from school ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ class acts last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahah like you don't know who I'm talking about ",0 "So glad to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #missedthisbitch ",0 "I swear _TWITTER-ENTITY_ makes me feel SOOOO much better #thebest ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cool I need to try it then lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome princess ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohhh ..... Hah I haven't even looked at one thing ",0 "My #700th tweet goes to Chloe for never failing to make me smile ",0 "Apparently I'm a frog _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ BACK AT IT CRAFTMATIC ALL I KNOW IS MATHEMATICS ON THE STOVE COOKIN CHICKENS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah ik thanks ",0 "Summer season Finale !!!! Here we go ......... #TeenWolf ",0 "Joshs new truck >>>>> #loveit ",0 "This day >>> I will definitely be sleeping good tonight ",0 "If Isaiah would like to wake up before 5pm that would be totally great ",0 "Baseball players >>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that is hilarious ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol thanks babe ! ",0 "14 - I wanna get to know you better !! ",0 "#WCW _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you Dalton for always being there representing ! I know _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is ",0 "Shoutout to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for the free macaroni bites though ! It's Macaroni time _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Noggins is gonna be a shit show ! Lmao ",0 "All these compliments go straight to my head ",0 "Actually doing something fun >>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thought you were referring to me ... Kidding idk wut I'm sayin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I spread my wings and flyyyyyy awayyyyyyyy #vinnyshutup ",0 "My best friends are seriously the best ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I had an amazing day with you today ! ",0 "This weather couldn't make me any happier☀ ",0 "Kristen's gonna end up being my best friend ",0 "S/O to Pig for scoring his 1,000 th point tonight ! . & to the boys for getting that win ! . ",0 "Brink slept from 9 to 6:15 !!!! #luckiestmamaever ",0 "yay im going tubing today !! ",0 "I haven't been this happy with my hair color in a long time . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ does a great job ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ missed you guys ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ they can't make you do anything you don't wanna do . But yea I was serious raven . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I sure would ! Thanks ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you , little lady . can't wait to hear about your adventures ",0 "I can't wait to visit Liam on college ",0 "does anyone want to go shopping ",0 "I love rollerblading ! ☺ I felt like a kid again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no I usually do cause I'm really good at it ! But I'm going on vacation next week so I'm getting it professionally done ",0 "I love waking up next to the cutest boy in the world ",0 "Who wants to do something tonight ",0 "I'm actually excited to nanny tomorrow !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh whoops . sorry . awe see you do stay correcting me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I would love you forever haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too . Hopefully I'll be back for Christmas though ! .. When it's cold ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was one do fight In a long time that I know of ???? & dudes shouldn't touch girls #realtalk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YOU'RE A GOON AND I LOVE YOU FOR IT !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yaayay . I'm so excited . ",0 "Haunted Adventure at about 8:30 -9 . Come if you want . ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sounds like a plan to me ",0 "Check skinny dipping off the bucket list _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ please make your friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ be nicer to me ",0 "You guys make fun of my name , then how i look . I have some great friends ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I should be pissed because of the game but I'm literally lol'ing ",0 "Movie & pizza kinda night gotta rest up for the next two nights ",0 "Bowling with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Just taught Lynn that there is such thing as a DILF ",0 "\Holy shit , I look like a thumb . "" - _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "I'm excited I'll be with Paige and juls tonight ",0 "so excited theres a cinnabon 3 miles from my house that opened today time to go get oneeee . ",0 "I love when coach whary calls dom Charlie brown ",0 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for being perfect and scaring me for being the same as me all day today . #twins ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your very welcome ",0 "I had a pretty great weekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I are coming to the u Thursday !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah a lot later than most ! And ill never post about it again don't you worry ",0 "oh & my sheet are silk come sleep in my bed ",0 "I've been so productive in the mornings lately , I love it ",0 "Ok Katie is And autumn is While I'm ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Tomorrow ! Hope it'll improve by then . The heater's doing a good job I didn't expect the storm , will make do . ",0 "My dream ✨ : for a guy to come up to me ask me for my number , and after i walk away he calls me to see if it's actually my number #socute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Kate ! ",0 "Puhhhhlease someone come kill this spider !!!! ",0 "Smell my perfume so I know it's real # ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't be too jealous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha you're the best ",0 "And it's a great day to be aliveI know the sun's still shinin ' When I close my eyes☺️☀️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha awe it'll be okay ! You're hair is a pretty color . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I watch it every night ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you . ",0 "Country Boy's World just came on the radio . You know who's now a very happy girl _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well no one else can now considering it's dark ",0 "Call me gross but their is just somethin about a guy who dips #mytype #country ",0 "Listening to some _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #SweetHoney ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHAHAHA drunk bro talks at 3 am ? Moonshine will do that to ya ! ",0 "Peoples choice awards at 8 with momma ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hiya you're like a God ",0 "Tomorrow's gonna be a good day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the best . Love you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yayyy ! Thank you lover ! I love you long time ! ",0 "lemme know how my pussy tastes babygirl ",0 "Getting my senior pictures tomorrow !! Let me know soon if you want one ",0 "i love when my dad calls me and tells me where all his buddies are running radar at #thankful #leadfoot ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll take pics next time . or you could come and enjoy breakfast here some time . ",0 "Your both sluts just accept it we have all had our moments ",0 "just blocked 20 people ",0 "Off to D.C. With _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !! See ya soon _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "One week til OU kicks off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is it weird that my grandma cooked the same thing ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ possibly ... I'm going to lacrosse tm so please teach me your ways I may need help ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks bro ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks so much !! #J4L ",0 "OMG FRANKENWEENIE COMES OUT JANUARY 8TH !!! Yep .. I'm getting it . ❤ ",0 "Austin Mahone is SO hot ",0 "Is it slutty to take snap chats while your in the tub ? I do that shit all the time !! I'm so classy ",0 "Man Adam Levine playing the drums ",0 "This whole \Randy photographs 3 different football games in two states in a 24 hour period "" thing seems quite silly at the moment #fb "" ",0 "but facial hair is just so sexy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay okay ",0 "I'm having a successful shopping trip ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Rachel !! For everything We are the best of friends ! ",0 "How am I just discovering this new love for drake ?? ",0 "Felt good to be back at Church this morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will try let's leave it at that ",0 "On the same thought process right noww _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Glad _TWITTER-ENTITY_ made it here to Murray !! ",0 "Tall , dark & sexy . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YES ashlyn ",0 "Chicago for the weekend ",0 "If you think I don't like you , you're probably right . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and you'll actually answer ? ",0 "Well At Least I Can ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right !! ",0 "Baby fall into my kiss , it should just happen like this , trust it so much that there's no one else but us #lovee ",0 "I will live in Chicago ❤ ",0 "GOOD LUCK to my junior powderpuff ladies especially _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! Use them track skills and #WINNNNN ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are flawless ",0 "my new bed tho ",0 "Seriously me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are pretty much twins ! ",0 "First time ever my iPhone is runnin LTE ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I got a lawn mower , a take , a shovel , and plenty of free time ",0 "I love you so much _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ jayla we all know the real reason you play soccer .. redruM ",0 "Just got a snap chat from some black guy I don't even know .. \ Hi snap chat me "" umm how about no "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha it was funny though ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no it's to lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's what I thought buttercup ",0 "Let's go buffalo ",0 "I can't even right now . like what ? I'm so confused but dying of laughter at the same time ",0 "Cinci looks so pretty at night ",0 "An unexpected person came back into my life yesterday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah not for me ! It's just ending ",0 "What's all this Cooper Minnetonka nonsense , Osseo won state so nobody should say anything ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Alright is a really really good song . ",0 "I'm ready for Christmas ",0 "Bedtime , 6:30 comes early ! ",0 "Im a happy girl ",0 "I find the weirdest crap on tumblr ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have some ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh your sooo funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ gunna be real honest rn some pictures I post you may have seen on tumblr I got them from google ",0 "I had a great day for the first time , In a long time ☺️ well , I actually have a great day everytime I order something offline ",0 "Never been so excited for college football LETS GO !!!! ",0 "It feels like the first time ",0 "if i could dream of the perfect place too be , it'd be in Boston #InLove ",0 "Yepp good night omg never fails ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "#LT I feel like I have a whole new wardrobe haha , still can't believe I left that much stuff there when I moved out OVER a yr ago ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it wouldn't surprise me one bit ",0 "Timber is my jam ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I did most of my summer ! Lol I need another pair though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I missed your perfect face more ! It was amazing seeing you ! love you always ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Can I please have a selfie of you smiling !!! ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ let's go exploring ! ",0 "And I fit into kids size 4 shoes ",0 "I like when guys shop at urban outfitters ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome ",0 "Can't wait for this wedding ! And I'm one week away from being back in Grand Forks ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yes , I use android . I have mixed feelings about Apple products ! I think they are a bit overrated ! Just my opinion ! ",0 "Marry me _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I think _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was the winner of this twitter fight . Congratulations you win nothing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe I did to babe We will hang again soon !!! When I came home mom was looking at cars !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes please thy would be my dream come true ",0 "Fr some one snap chat me sabrinasfkxoxo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol you wish ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell yeah they did ",0 "So Dakota is supposed to come over this morning & make me and ReBecca breakfast .. Like if he pulls through he can be boyfriend of the year ",0 "I Hit a milestone today ! Proud of myself #Lift ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ would be throwing tomatoes next to me #watchout ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I loved it when you guys did all the old dances it was so amazing ",0 "Got my boo by my side and my best friend in the other room . #lovethem ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha !! I didn't even notice that ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah , dick . ",0 "So glad the band can watch and enjoy the whole game today , so I can watch Pinckney beat south Lyon's ass with my closest friends ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dear god ",0 "hey everyone go watch the #AlllThatMattersMusicVideo k thanks☺️ ",0 "If _TWITTER-ENTITY_ were to give me #twelvedays , I'd move in with my boyfriend ASAP because we wouldn't have to buy all the furniture ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ : If what you think you know and what you know you know meet up ... You gonna live a good life _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "So good to see my favorite ladybugs _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ now that the masters is over , you've got some free time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I mean do what you want ",0 "Little Wayne's English teacher's must have been grammatical geniuses . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're beautiful ",0 "Thanksgiving dinner with my love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Great day spent with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok hammer thumbs hahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Love youuuuu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe i love you so much ",0 "Eminem is beyond perfect . I've listened to him since I was 5 , & he will always be my favorite . ",0 "I don't think anyone actually understands how proud I am tonight ",0 "Katy Perry is always some good shower dancing music ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ a ton of people already made my year on Friday ",0 "Seth just said he should become a plumber bc he can tighten a screw on a toilet . Lololololol _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I love when you can text someone all day and never get bored ",0 "5th in the 1D youth ! ☺️ ",0 "I'm taking a racquetball class next semester ",0 "Ewwww odd day and cheer ",0 "I know you may not like me like that but I like you like that ! To the unknown that you will never know ! ",0 "S/o to the cool kids who still bring a lunch box to school ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm the cure to everything ",0 "I can't wait to get and give robs Christmas present to him ⛄️❄️it's forever away doeeeee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're the one with the license ",0 "I'm so excited for the banquet tomorrow ⚽️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ text me when you get this so we can make our plans ! ",0 "Such a perfect day so far with my mom just what I needed ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaaa video it if anything happens ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha if you were twerkin I'd be recordin ! but I went through the drive through and seen ya through the window lol ",0 "High on life today☺️ #goodmood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Girl , I would worry if ya didn't! #hottie ",0 "I really cute trust me ",0 "You're fine as hell ",0 "I get to sleep in tomorrow ",0 "Seeing Dawkins play well makes me smile ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ maybe you should get hit by a car more often ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ of course ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I was dramatically dancing so be jealous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're my everything omg I love you so much happy 1 day ",0 "I will get another piercing before I come home ",0 "Sam is legit fighting with a 3 year old over this game I can't ",0 "Wait , Cassidy what was that list for ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ehhh maybe later ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes haha ",0 "Watching Jake bowl . Getting some dinner . Possibly the galleria mall . Then off to the Sabres game . Solid day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yaaaay ",0 "We need rain lol just kidding !! however I would like a warm not hot sunny day to get some laundry done please n thank you ~ clothes line ",0 "Always a great night with my _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "In such a weird mood tonight ",0 "you can suck a softball through a straw haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss u . And Haley kamryn was going thur my phone and pulled up a pic and yelled that's me and Haley ",0 "Last minute Christmas shopping .. ",0 "When my friends snap chat me back on my 30 minute break >>>>> ",0 "Came home to a fridge fulllll of Pepsi . I love my best friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "The Phantom of the Opera never gets old ",0 "Woo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ has a twitter ! #finally ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well you know of him , at least . Have you by chance seen his new movie ? ",0 "But at least it's nap time now ",0 "Funniest English class yet with the goobbbb _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I might be able to make that work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too ",0 "I have a beautiful girlfriend ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ uhmmmm I've got time for that too ! Yummmmmy ",0 "I just saw that beautiful rainbow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I figured ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you , me and A-Wall in science . ",0 "The day my parents finally decided to expand the driveway instead of continuing to park in the grass is finally here ",0 "Nothing is cuter than Joshua in his glasses ",0 "Great day at the beach and now hanging with my family in Mississippi ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ guess what I just saw on 240 ! A dick lavy truck ",0 "Hearing sail on the radio , reminding me of when we screamed sail at 3 in the morning _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ youre gonna be teacher our future children ? Lord help em . Jk but I actually just read on our website that thats a good idea ! ",0 "You give me that smile and I'm somewhere , somewhere sunny and 75 ☺☺☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okee dokee I'm always happy to help ",0 "Getting to sleep in _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bed AND getting to wear her clothes >>> #CanIBeYou #womancrush ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't worry cutay well have so much fun when we come back for syllabus week ",0 "about to watch the thanksgiving day parade ",0 "Woah that was my boyfriend ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love it ! We'll take all the cubs fans we can ! ",0 "Finally home . Currently have $130 ! ",0 "At least I was Sam's WCW . Since he posted a picture of me and it so happens to be Wednesday . Fell better _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! ",0 "I can't wait till The Wolverine comes out ",0 "my shoes have been found everyone today is a good day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol seriously , we were comedians back then ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss my makenzee ❤ don't worry ill be there tomorrow ",0 "Who else wants to go to prom with Ariana ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ belle and Ariel ",0 "Today has been a pretty good day ",0 "Taylor Swift's backup dancer sang to me , so I sang back , and she squeezed my hand ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ r u having some drinks ?????? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's our weekly AA meeting of course Ill be there ",0 "Dinner and movie night with Dev ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I LOVE YOU ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I want yelly I love iliana tooo ! ",0 "Shelly threatened to get a Twitter ",0 "All the cancer is gone from my grandpas brain ! Now a few more spots in his chest and he won the fight ! #keepgoing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you mom ",0 "I get to see my _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today ! #Besties ",0 "I love getting to school when the sun is actually out #senioritis ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ when ? ",0 "Ahhhh best news ever ",0 "my fav movie is on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh , Thank-you ! Yeah , that is me . It's hard to see it on here . Glad that you like and appreciate it . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're monkey burnt really fast ! ",0 "is anyone in the cities next year looking to get a house ? I'm moving back to the cities & Ozzy and I want some roomies ",0 "I loveeeee water for elephants . Such a good movie ",0 "Homecoming with the most amazing boyfriend and most amazing people . #BLESSED ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Do a #AskKeaton ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was woundering why I smelt skunk when you walked in nasty girllllll ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I ALWAYS DO ",0 "That tweet wasn't about Cassie haha ",0 "YAY THE WALKING DEAD COMES ON SOON ! #cantwait #beentoolong ",0 "17 ish you could have at least one more year with me ... I love you !! I'll come see u in college ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's a little red but still lookin sexy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the nanny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you twinny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Woah babe . That was good ! You're the best . #imtired #holycow ",0 "After watching this Canadian dance I may never drink and dance again ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Literally I have the best friends . ",0 "NOW ! BEYONCÉ is No . 1 in 72 countries ! really suprise album LOL , you are the winner _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh thanks gf you always pull through ❤️ ",0 "morning bike ride to main street for some shopping ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ When it comes on Netflix I will ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ will do tmw at temple ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and yeah maybe a little bit ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Dog Train is one of my fave all time top tunes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ again ?! Good luck ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ depends #seewhatididthere ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes sweetie thank you at work what a busy day how are you and good morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it must take after you ",0 "Maybe one of these girls can handle it tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg yess ",0 "Pandora must really like me tonight , it's actually playing decent music #thisneverhappens ",0 "So thank you Chels ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i worked out last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm in ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahah that's cute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got a new phone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill join ya ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cheer up buttercup ",0 "Just overheard Lucas say that the present he got me is huge muahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Their Salad bar ",0 "Let's get our spirit week on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ give me $200 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've eaten multiple pieces of pie a day since Thursday and I love myself for it ",0 "I am so excited about Christmas ! ",0 "I want everyone to have emojis , they just make everything so much better ☺ ",0 "Spent my Christmas Day throwing up with my little cousin hooray ",0 "Katrina right now is so over tired its fricken hilarious ",0 "So fun with Laura then work ",0 "Whitey is such a good ol ' man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh , idk what I was thinking ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right at 12:00 ",0 "I truly am blessed with the best ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your already my bestfriend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ k . I suppose I forgive you . This time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ at least we're funny ",0 "This guy is just talking about his TL on the phone like you're cool . ",0 "I seriously have the best boyfriend ever , just as long as I've got him I'm SO happy , and NOTHING else matters ",0 "Whoa three tweets in a row with that smiley face laughing really hard ... Musta saw how covered in glitter my phone is ",0 "Can't sleep too excited #VansWarpedTour #Pumped ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i knew you would post this ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol I just like teasing Uncle Sharmiel with that song tho ",0 "Everything was talked out all good now going to be a good night ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ really !? You guys are twins now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill see what I can do ",0 "So happy I saw _TWITTER-ENTITY_ last night ☺️ ",0 "Psh yeah right , you crazy !! ",0 "3 months with my amazing boy today ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ That is a candy bar like no other . Stock up on the calories . We will work em off beginning tomorrow ",0 "Gracen says \I'd like to hear this song translated please "" "" ",0 "Panera make and cheese ",0 "can't wait till next year when I can finally be in cos ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she's the best ! haha ",0 "Going on a crazy adventure tonight ",0 "I'll be in Pittsburgh tonight . So I want to see all you weird friends of mine . ",0 "Good luck on your drivers test _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha got me . ",0 "#BelieveAcoustic is seriously going to be the best thing ever . just , bieber and his guitar everyone watch out ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg I know ! We will be hanging out very soon I promise darling ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ head up ",0 "I can't wait to be on the boat July 4th ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good luck ! I'm going to sleep night ! ",0 "Dinner and a movie with my dad ",0 "The text _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just sent me >> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Shut the hell up ! Hahahahahahaha . ",0 "After about 10 mins , my dad finally figured out that I was chucking snowballs at him while he was snow blowing the driveway #hilarious ❄ ",0 "My great grandma is the cutest thing ever I swear . ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I was ready to go all night hahaha he had been working all day though so he was exhausted ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's a Himalayan rock I bought from the market . It's good for allergies and getting rid of bad germs ",0 "Catching Fire was great now I can't wait for Mocking Jay to come out ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "Officially DONE with high schoolLike for real this time !!!! Woot woot !!! ",0 "I'm excited for Thursday _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ man I love me some TOMMY PIPES !! He is the shit AND can do just about anything . #luckyyou ",0 "Pretty sure I've watched _TWITTER-ENTITY_ cover of pretty brown eyes over 50 times he's just so perfect ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I would go with ! ",0 "just kidding . i love you ashlyn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ reunited this weekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks !! Love you ",0 "#WeakFor someone who can play guitar AND sing ",0 "I made homemade brownies & they're soooooo good ",0 "Oh how I love payday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ya got me ",0 "Glad I finally got to meet THE _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺️ ",0 "Smells like wheelin weather . And I brought my boots ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am home babygirl . I'll be there tomorrow . "" good I have bunches to tell you !! "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hannah I'm just that special ",0 "Dylan is my favorite roommate . ",0 "Pretty thrilled about getting my hair cut tomorrow ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol !! Nike does it again .. I mean every country gets the treatment ",0 "I actually had a really great MEA much needed ",0 "Instead of gaining the freshman 15 ... One more pound and I have lost 10 pounds #ThankGod ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you two best be prepared ... I have my skit all ready for you ! #crackingup ",0 "Omg _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are the best ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Saturday in brewer at 12 be there . ",0 "I'm in such a good mood after seeing my Kiki-kins☺️ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good night have a nice rest sweet dreams ",0 "My ENTIRE Vine timeline is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sloshed ass . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is Chip the name of your new boyfriend hehe ",0 "Shopping in Asheville ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ all my K's >>>> ",0 "Woohoo !! We're in !! 4.112 to make it in the field , I can breathe now #nhra ",0 "Painting signs has never been this fun before ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I know ! I felt like if I cut it all off I would miss it the second after I cut it ! ",0 "The fact nick is the best boyfriend in the world makes me so happy #ImSoLucky ",0 "why is Cody teel so perfect ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same same God is good cant complain ",0 "Cuddle time with my puppy lou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if she used the wand it looks way better when someone else does it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good morning ! Thank you so much , you too ",0 "getting a phone call from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ saying she's in town and wants to go to culvers , made my night #yum ",0 "Goodluck !! to my two favorite boys today _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I compliment you and all you do is shrug ? If we were on Skype you would of been all like ☺ ",0 "The smell when you walk in Abercrombie & Fitch >>> ",0 "You bring out my smile even when I have a bad day ",0 "Having the best day so far ",0 "Anthony you made my day with that even thought it wasn't necessary ",0 "Peanut butter Oreo balls ",0 "177 days !! ",0 "Cannot wait to go Black Friday shopping tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YOU CUT YOUR HAIR ! it looks amazing ! ",0 "Next stop , south hills village ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ blonde girl probz ",0 "Well at least Koozie likes the snow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks Mrs. Liv ! Love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're close enough to me ",0 "Come on baby let me take you on a bike ride , no windows riding by my side . ☀️ ",0 "My interview went awesome !! Let's wait on this call ",0 "So happy to hear that subway is donating to the soup kitchen today . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Did you get my tweet from last night ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey we can just come dressed for Black Friday shopping , we wore yoga pants last year ",0 "2 years with Keaton today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ got me dying with his tweets right now !!!! ",0 "So excited for this next tattoo I can hardly wait ",0 "Happy it's snowing even if it is only a little bit ❄️❄️❄️❄️ ",0 "Can't wait for west Virginia this weekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if you retweet me that will be number 6 !!!! ",0 "Between getting a snapchat video from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tweets about tswift my night is made ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha girl ...... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ would you be willing to sick a needle in my ear and hear me scream in pain ? It will be fun ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yesss ! or come down to Oshkosh sometime soon ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yes , love it ! I could listen to it all day ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you haven't even seen it in person .. 10x cuter ",0 "Lexi is such a bitch ",0 "Time to set up his dorm ",0 "I can't wait to see who gets slimmed ! Oh yea and I can't wait to sis my bestie !! ",0 "Seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ face makes me happyyyyyy #LoveHer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes ma'am ",0 "I like that I can go to either lunch now ",0 "Everyone tells me that #oomf and I would be cute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome babe ",0 "Loveeeee a clean house #ImSoOld ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so jealous ! Have fun ",0 "We can take Cody places now !!!!!! Woohooooo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I wouldn't miss PSB for the world . So don't you worry your pretty little mind ",0 "Being the designated driver has it's perks and it been great to see bunch of people I don't normally get to see ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is great ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I can't wait to see you too #missyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! And yeah you have no idea ",0 "What Luke asks me the day after he brakes his foot ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ till 3 ! and again tomorrow from 6- 12:30 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that just made my night ",0 "40 minutes #goodluckjessiecountdown ",0 "Knowing that tomorrow is Friday >>> #ThankGod ",0 "Blues are gunna win and cards are winning helllllllll yeah !!! ",0 "And yes I just ordered the cutest personalized planner #erincondren ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ at least I'm not the only one live tweeting . ",0 "Well tomorrow you will for sure ! ",0 "I can NOT wait to see Connor & Brielle today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's hiding ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right like what do you know about our cheers mrs Davis ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i bet your having funnn . ",0 "Will forever & always be obsessed with Samoa cookies ",0 "Im so excited for our first meet even though were gonna lose , the competition is fun ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahhahaha , but you and your boy were cute ",0 "Having lunch with my gramma & her friends .. These old ladies are crazy ! They're 80 talkin smack about the other old ladies . Lol ",0 "Have a surprise for one my friends hope they like it ",0 "Family dinner so good to be home ! ",0 "The blurred lines video ",0 "Cameron Mathison is on The View ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will honey , don't worry ",0 "Told my dad I wanted an oz of coke for graduation ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ow ow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ or an Asian ..... just kidding ",0 "We went thru 4 bottles of liquor this weekend , were the perfect couple . ",0 "My dad is the funniest person I know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll try not to ! looove you ! ",0 "Pancakes with jelly of them are so good ",0 "Excited for bowling tonight with my girls and whoever else wants to go ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sweet you can buy me stuff !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is great . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ eating your food 6 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hoping for our #studysession !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I like how you understood that ",0 "If you plan on breaking up with your girl when you go to college why keep dragging her on ? #idontgetsomepeople #lol ",0 "I'm ready for this Olive Garden though ",0 "as my dad would say ... he's going for the team that will win him money . oh dad silly raiders fan ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ah ! Thanks ! I was thinking 8 ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't help but retweet all your stuff today #sorrynotsorry ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha thank you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ of course ",0 "Just rode a bicycle for the first time in foreverrrr . I feel like a little kid again ",0 "2- you gave me your # but I never texted you . but you're really attractive & have good tweets ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha thanks tone ",0 "My countdown is half way over until I see Aaron again . ☺️☺️ ",0 "I love getting compliments ! ",0 "I ate really healthy until we went out to eat and I had 6 pieces of bread .. #whoops ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I see you little hot in the pants are we ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ looks good with eyeliner . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ High Five ! ",0 "Had fun at St. Thomas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yep yep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Monster Jam in Saginaw February 22-23 . Take me . ",0 "Steak always sounds good ",0 "Thank you God for an amazing rodeo weekend #soblessed ",0 "I can't contain my excitement for softball season⚾️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank liv , love you too ",0 "Anyone wanna do the color run or the electric run this summer ?! ",0 "004 . Yess ",0 "I just think it's hilarious when a guy's voice cracks . ",0 "I've had a total of one hour of sleep tonight !! Whooo am I look forward to today or what ?!? ☀ #riseNshine ",0 "Tomorrow is pajama day again #love ",0 "Sleeping with my babyyy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your funny ",0 "Breakfast dates are so cute ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yea . But yea fine by me if she wants too . Lol . ",0 "So my dad asked if I wanted to go to Starbucks and instead he brought me I to the sprint store and got me a new iPhone 5S ",0 "Because what kind if life would that be to live ",0 "Really enjoy playing hockey again . Def still got it ",0 "She's The Man is on and you could say I'm pretty happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah oops ! ",0 "Ahhhhh Adam ❤ ",0 "But I have a huge nose and like chubby cheeks and a huge head ",0 "Making breakfast for supper tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ur welcome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your avi is amazing ",0 "Nicks over for dinner ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Netflix needs a huge upgrade !! Haha ",0 "But 6 lbs in two weeks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay goodnight ! ",0 "Just picked up 7 extra hours by closing today . I get off at 4 am . We'll see how this goes ✌️ ",0 "Going to my cousins baby shower on Saturday ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what the fuck are you tweeting about ? ",0 "You . Are . So . Hot . Omg . ",0 "Swiss style chocolate milk today at lunch #ThereIsAGod ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he was amazing how voice ... Mmmmm ",0 "If anyone could get me anything for Christmas it would be something One Direction ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ",0 "So happy for you dear . ☺ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Ashland has decided to be fun for a weekend ",0 "I'm going to the mall to get a beer bong who wants to have some fun ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hey pal .. How are you ? You gotta bring back Look At Me Now . Remember that one ?? ",0 "God is my first love ",0 "#tweetyourrecentemojis ❤✌☝ I don't even know what to say about that .. But if you put two and two together .. ",0 "I might be bad but I'm perfectly good at ! #playermayer ",0 "What is with your avii Avery !? ",0 "I love my mom even tho she just throw a slipper at me ",0 "Can't wait for my new phone case to come in !!! ",0 "Can't wait for the beach tomorrow with my favorite people☀ ",0 "Wonder how pissed my sister would be if I showed up to her prom pictures in my dress and photo bombed all of the pictures ? Happy prom night ",0 "Getting out of bed just to make McDonald's breakfast ",0 "Dinner date w/ my girls . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #madison ",0 "Knoebels with Eric ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol fuck , get it . Hahah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know i cancelled all my Rochester plans .. BUT just wait , ill surprise you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . I did let him know that the tumblr feed Troy and Abed in Engineering is hilarious though , and he said he would check it out . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey just saw u were on here thought I would say hey ! ",0 "I swear _TWITTER-ENTITY_ got me socks for Christmas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ boyfriend ? Date ? So it's official and public now ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome love ",0 "Yay you caught that☺️ ",0 "I love Casey's Avi . ☺️ ",0 "Hangover is gone time to shower and go smoke ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Its when a daddy fork meets a mommy spoon and you know ... spork ",0 "on my way to see Taylor Swift ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ glad we're on the same page ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's always good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ They're my favorite . Always guaranteed a good laugh . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you beautiful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shush up Cody !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ god I love you ",0 "Woops ... Nvm .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's so funny ! #poorcassidy ",0 "I got a kitty today his name is mufasa . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Back atcha . ",0 "#TweetYourWeakness guys who hunt and fish ",0 "2 1/2 me and Donny will be getting our babies foot prints on our back <3 can't wait . Jayden Anthony . ",0 "Love you Haley ",0 "Why did I not do this soo long ago ?? #happynow #icansmilenow ",0 "Can't wait to be throwin back cold ones and floating down the river with everyone ! Hope we don't flip our canoe ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you can do my math of you want ",0 "My family's newest addition will be born in exactly one week A beautiful Golden Retriever puppy ",0 "That was a good dream . ",0 "Just realized I'm a freaken giraffe compared to everybody in my grade ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I feel you girl . ",0 "I am making it a point to make my hair as long and thick as _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am ! I love those cookies ",0 "I could give a shit if you like me . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Malachi Johnson ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... DUH I will be downtown Saturday !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm just too sweet ",0 "Chicken , mashed potatoes and Mac n cheese . Yum ",0 "Tonight is looking promising ",0 "I Wana go on a float trip ",0 "Attention everyone !!!!! I would like to officially welcome my bestie _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to team iPhone !!!! ☺☝ ",0 "A 2nd grader just told me I need to get a One Direction case for my phone . They know me all to well !!! ",0 "Was my last tweet about Nick or my horses ? You decide . ",0 "I love my bed #naptime ",0 "I love my boyfriend so much , he's the best ever . I love you so much babe _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love watching you in the morning ! Thanks for the updates and being on point ! I will make my day great hope yours is also ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my god I love Montana haha so awesome ! ",0 "Jalina is making me get flappy bird ",0 "Ruthie just fell asleep to all gold everything #HoodInstincts ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm going ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I mean you always looks good soooo ",0 "Made chocolate chip pancakes for the family ",0 "our video made it to the international final ! im top 45 in the world ! now ill be in oregon the last week of school meeting famous people ",0 "S/o to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for my 9,000 tweet ! Thanks for being my best friend ",0 "so happy for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ rn❤️ ",0 "I'm so lucky to have a best friend like Leah #alwayslistens #snookiandjwoww ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and u got to see me ",0 "Watching Superstar with Effy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ maybe in tine you will get a second chance ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ...... got this tweet ",0 "When my mom buys me things randomly >>>>> #FeelinSpoiledForOnce ",0 "Coed Elite 2013 plus _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ room was the best I could ask for such an amazing team ! ",0 "And I'm spending time with my second family ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaa why did I just see this ?! I love you and also I'm terrified for whatever it is you're planning ",0 "On that note , bedtime ! ",0 "I wish more of my guy friends were asking girls to homecoming bc I think of the cutest ideas of how to ask a girl ☺️ ",0 "This is perfect ",0 "Glad that it's going to be blizzarding as I drive home tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ If it were , you would be first on the guest list ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too or else I would be asleep ",0 "Having a movie night with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ makes my day better ",0 "YAY ! My cousin finally had her baby ! Can't wait to meet little baby boy . Corbin ",0 "I'm so glad _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is my friend !! #loveyou #ELBOMAS ",0 "Did last night really happen ? Top ten best nights of my life ",0 "Shopping with my favorite person in the world ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ isn't he ? ",0 "If you had a dollar for everyone who really liked you , you'd have 31 cents , giving you credit for the goldfish you had when you were 8 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was quick !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha ! You're me in girl form . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Goblet of Fire ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just needs to love me back ONE more time <3 he's perfectionnnn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ good , I love you guys !! We all need to get together soon ❤❤❤ ",0 "HALLOWEENTOWN at 8:30 !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You in that hot rod gets my gears runnin fast for ya beautiful ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm at Jimmy John's and not making a mess . #clean ",0 "Lets just take a moment to recognize how pathetic your life is ",0 "Everything radioactive comes on , I think of when me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ were listening to it and she thought it was eady to rock you "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come to the union and go to to write love on her arms wiff me ",0 "She's actually a satan spawn . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is sooo amazing ",0 "Aren't you cool ? ",0 "Oh Sam Adams you are my new lover ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww thank you . Same ♡♡ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your find some one #somebodyforeveryone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm down for anything as long as it involves me not sitting on my ass with this food baby belly lol and yes !!! Lmk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I totally understand ! But it's gonna be alright ! Things happen for a reason ! Always remember that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ This actually made me giggle . Like a lot . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Eeeeppp ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha amazing !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Hannah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ literally has the best surprises EVER . ",0 "I feel like we have a tail . #wefest _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . ",0 "Smiling like an idiot because of a text >>> #sofreakingcute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you babe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's so sweet baby❤️ ",0 "Ayoooo I respect you for playing ya role and keeping it a We need more chicks like you in the world it would be a better place . ",0 "You're so cute when you're telling me to fuck off and I have absolutely no idea why ",0 "I have one large left in the v-necks , five smalls in the crew , five XL's in the crews , and two larges in the crew . LET ME KNOW only $10 . ",0 "Have a good day at school tomorrow kids . ",0 "My Mom watches some of the craziest shows ! #gottaloveher ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes ! I was actually going to suggest that ",0 "Looks like Momma Deb and I are going to the cotton bowl ! ",0 "Can't even go to Subway without getting hit on . I'm too young for u bro ",0 "That was wonderful . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ be back soon ",0 "Game Day #getsomeswagger #coachphiferquotes ",0 "I can't even handle this , this is the most I've laughed in so long literally . ",0 "Plus about babysitting ... They have degrassi channel !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ penns cave at the tractor show haha I didn't look at him either but still the fact makes me laugh ",0 "Why are my friends so amazing . Idk what I would do without any of them . They mean so much to me and I would die without any of them ",0 "Everything is so much better when you just don't care ",0 "Alan brought me ice cream when I was sick . ☺ ",0 "getting new people on #teamiphone everyday ",0 "Jamie's on twitter while driving right now ... ",0 "Good morning everyone ! Hope you all had a great weekend and were able to spend it with someone you care about . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill make sure it's just as fun next time you come home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're both gingers ahhhh I can see it now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ THE CAR RIDE THERE IS GOING TO BE FUCKING AMAZING !! WE ARE GONNA LISTEN TO EVERY ALBUM AND JAM OUT AND EAT JUNK FOOD !! ",0 "my mom just texted me \That woman sitting beside us running her mouth has false teeth . She had them out when she looked over here "" dead "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ snapchat her ! her name is just lorrinschofiled ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come overr fag ",0 "It's snowing ! ❄️❄️❄️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ he does in that picture tho ",0 "Fuji with the softball girls ",0 "Home for Christmas ☺️ ",0 "That scruff and his eyes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ They'll be in good hands ",0 "Someone play me in fun run _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Chey ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ count on it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ got you the greatest going away gifts ever ",0 "\I'd have to explain it to Barb . "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. "" Her name is Beverly . "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just wait till 6:15 youll see hot ",0 "When you call _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and she answers going \I am legitly in the shower right now . Let me call you back in like 5 seconds "" hahaha . "" ",0 "Hopefully I feel better than I do now tomorrow since I am closing and basically gonna be working my butt off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Surprisingly my mother is considering it . Like forreal ",0 "\Caylin I wish we were on a traveling softball team . Yeah and we would go to Utah "" Of course Utah _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "Officially a freshman ",0 "Got payed today love teaching my little kids ",0 "55 . We've got good memories from west You're even crazier than me and you're funny as hell ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is this you , hinting to me , how to ask you to prom ? ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm glad I could show you it can . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #mycrazybeautifullife tonight #cantwait ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you gonna miss me ugly ? ",0 "also , i am making brownies too ",0 "The only reason I'm excited about going home soon is knowing that ill be able to go back to PT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ glad I could be of assistance ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can hear your laugh from Lipinski's room ! #greatlaugh ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we know who the best team really is ",0 "I can't wait to moveeeee out of this town ",0 "Well I might as well tell you about Jesus ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ smallest graduating class of like 12 kids ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just snap chatted me , love youuu #TheVineyard ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love youuu ",0 "This bed is pretty much the best thing . ",0 "I'd say VIP at Pourhouse downtown Minneapolis was a success tonight _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha okay phew !! ",0 "Let's just hope it's sunny ! ☀ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love ya ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's how I do haha jk . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks darlin ! You're the best ! Love you to the moon ! ",0 "Hi your cute . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't have any fines to pay off anymore they dropped everything #happytweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm thinking about trying out for cheer here at RU next year but we'll see ! Have fun judging ! ",0 "#ReasonsSophiaShouldGoToWayneville We watch Bill Nye ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sounds like perfection ",0 "omg so fine , so clean , and those eyes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll be sure to ",0 "Literally smiling at the window in biggby cause it's snowing outside . How is it possible to be so happy right now during finals week ❄️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hey I haven't met you . And this is crazy . Come to Wisconsin . Lambeau maybe ? hahha ",0 "; I get my new phone next Friday ! ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Okay ! Good thing I was only kidding . It was great seeing you tonight btw ! "" It was great seeing you too ! "" ",0 "So happy that I have the day off ",0 "When people think they're intimidating >> ",0 "Excited for the weekend ",0 "Good day . ",0 "She got that family dolla ",0 "Getting my papas ranger finally so happy to be getting his pride and joy ",0 "I can't wait to be reunited with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tomorrow ! ",0 "Such a good family day today love all my boys ",0 "I love the lunchable commercial ",0 "Tom and Jerry yayayayayay . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh gram ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I ! where are you headed to ?! ",0 "Getting egg rolls ",0 "Despite recent findings I'm still happy as can be #cantbringmedown #onetoughcookie ",0 "I'm in a fucking gosh darn jolly mood today ! #happyhappyhappy ☺ #MakeADifference ",0 "The funny thing that sub was about a girl not a guy haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I LOVE YOU ",0 "literally drove all the way to marina's house #driver ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ remember this ?! ",0 "5 am and made breakfast for all ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have a whole other bowl of it at my house ",0 "And I'm the who is a little to attached . #lol ",0 "Win or lose , I love watching _TWITTER-ENTITY_ play basketball ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hannah ! no ! she's my friend , lol . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ All this and apparently new underpants yesterday as well . You're living the dream ! See ya Friday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OOOO kay will you let me know as soon as you do ? because I will get the other lady work for me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha well thank you maybe next time ! ",0 "lol I love not having friends ",0 "The best break with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ everrr . ♥ exspecially these last two days and nights spent together ! ",0 "Love showing off _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to my family she is an absolute angel ! ",0 "Can't wait to right to Dave tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Merry Christmas love ",0 "Deer hunting today and tomorrow #soexcited ",0 "This weather puts me in such a good mood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "16 days until I can get my restricted !!! ",0 "Getting starbucks with my girls tomorrow ! #firsttims ",0 "Can't wait for summer camp ",0 "Guys The little mermaid is on ",0 "S/O to the best little brother _TWITTER-ENTITY_ with his U16 Michigan Selects tournament this weekend in Detroit . #KickAss #WhyNoHockeyEmoji ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You have or i get to punch you ",0 "Lol i won !! #mmm ",0 "When you look in the mirror and see tan lines . #SummerCountdown2013 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can be your admirer but no secret ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she's perfect ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ a little arsenic ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wanna see you too ! Let me know what your schedule's like ! ",0 "had a crush on a boy since i was ten , nine years later we found our way back to each other and it's perfect . ❤️ ",0 "I saw _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight ! She seemed pretty excited to see me for the 5 seconds I saw her ! Hahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ BAHAHAHHAHAHA omg now I do ! She said I was the best at being single right ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good thing my dogs pretty and cute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHAHAHHAHAHA . I got the same one . ",0 "Ben Rector on repeat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it is bb ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we should rage it up together this summer ",0 "I can already tell that tonight's SNL is going to be a classic ! #JT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yepp I will be done ! My exams are tomorrow ",0 "When the word lesbian is said on Jerry Springer , the crowd goes crazy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't even handle this right now . We're going to have too much fun ",0 "A little boy just winked at me Aweeee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao !! yes ! That's the funniest video I've seen in a while ! Haha thanks for making my night ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! I knew I was doing something ",0 "\I would drink his bath water "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "Hunter Hayes everybody ",0 "holy shit that made my night ",0 "Cyclones won , got to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings , and now going to #SafeHaven #BestDateEver _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "bris coming down to Warrensburg for thanksgiving break . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you !! ",0 "I love Mary !! ",0 "Still pretty pumped that I dead lifted 325 5 times ",0 "It's a respect thing . ",0 "I love Coach Lemaster ",0 "Let's be real I'm a gigantic asshole , unless your a female that I like in which case I'm the corniest , most sweetest , lovey dovey guy ☺️ ",0 "lolling at the goofy people I work with ... ",0 "Congratulations _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and SHS band ! ",0 "I'm so glad that I saw everyone that I did last night , I've deff missed some of you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ making fun of how bad the patriots have been lately >>>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHA little does she know he has cheated on every girl he's dated .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ them power cleans tho stuck at 95 lbs foooo life #weighifting #pros ",0 "21 days till my 21st ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ been a fan for 7 years now ",0 "Had a dream I was a badass skier . The adrenaline rush was fun while it lasted ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "It's yours , it's yours , it's always gonna be yours ",0 "I'm so blessed to have _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in my life ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ! Thanks madzie ! ",0 "#TweetYourWeakness neck kisses ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YES !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 8 for me . Please keep in touch , love . Hope you don't mind the Halloween pics and all . Damianettes are a wild bunch ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill try my best ",0 "Dad just sat on the couch and it flipped over ",0 "It felt so good seeing my best friend after a long vacation I missed her so much❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Gonna pick up my lil sis from school and take her to lunch today #loveher ",0 "Actually happy tonight☺️ ",0 "That boy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thooooo >>>> ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome you guys were adorable ! I had to tweet about it lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay ! See they should hire me because I recruited you to go there ",0 "16 more days ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we should ! ",0 "Well that went really well ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill send you pictures later and you can pick ",0 "When _TWITTER-ENTITY_ purse gets caught on old folks wheel chairs at the retirement community >>>> ",0 "Better hangout with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ a few more times before we are out for summer #bff ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ our friendship is weird . ",0 "I got a good feeling about this ! ",0 "I'm so happy living with my best friends in the cutest house , have an awesome mentee , great class schedule , and I bought a cactus . ",0 "Thank you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for saving my team tonight ... #neededyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Anytime girl ",0 "Off to the beach house tomorrow for the next four days . A beach house right on the ocean .. Paradise is calling my name tomorrow ",0 "I feel so improved with volleyball and I'm so glad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ That's so amazing ! I love and admire _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so much ! He's a musical genius and the reason I love music as well . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ every time we were together ",0 "Had soo much fun last night #Hungover ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you soo much emma ! You always brighten my day !! ",0 "Who on the 4th floor wants to help me practice for my game presentation tomorrow ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ around the same time ! ",0 "And another s/o too _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think this girl is amazing !!! beautiful on the inside and out ! ",0 "Going to get my hairs did ☺️ eepppp ",0 "Gramps is bowling all strikes today up there . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that is really pretty . awww I'm going to be covered in pierce the veil som day . Ahaha ",0 "going to bed with a huge smile on my face ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know . There was a reason you said yes . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too uglyyy ❤ ",0 "You are perfection . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sounds good to me ! just text me ",0 "I'll tell you one thing . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ looks smokin with the new hair . ha . who am I kiddin . she a 10 already ! #iloveyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ knew you would love that response ",0 "Even from 3 hours away _TWITTER-ENTITY_ always has my back . Thank you bb ",0 "hahahahahaha there's a jewish kids show on pbs it's a jewish version of sesame street ",0 "So I'm sleeping in the school Parking lot right now just to make sure I make it to practice #Dedication ",0 "Wait was that tootsie pop ask like REALLY sexual cause if so omfg ",0 "I'm not a fan of the spurs but I'm willing to be their #1 fan as long as they beat the Heat ",0 "Oh my god we got new floor oh my god I'm in love dance studio here I come ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohhhh , you'll be fine I did it to my iPad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ha thanks . I have a tumblr ",0 "I feel like a high schooler sippin on warm wine coolers ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww seriously u are the sweetest !! Love ya babe have a wonderful Wednesday #sisterlylove ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ there is always one in every crowd ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I've been saying that for years ",0 "Oh my gosh yes Luke Bryan mmm mmm mmm mmm mmmmmmmm _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ willamette and Springfield game . Duh babe . You got your girls . Maybe we can do to dinner before . ",0 "I just can't stop looking at my phone now ! It looks so pretty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ next time we hang ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hope you had a good bday !!! ",0 "Omg I love full house ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Seriously !! I'm just loss for words ❤❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ABBY JOHNSON only good coming out my mouth ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome !! ",0 "All I have to say on this Friday evening is ... LYLAJ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Like I don't have time for that id rather sleep haha ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ glad you had a great time babe xx ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill be getting my new iPhone through u when it comes out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes it is come watch with ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Are you excited for volleyball ?! ",0 "The pool feels like a nice big warm hot tub . ",0 "Test driving carsss ",0 "You're quite welcome _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm lookinnn ratchet af in your pic of you & Whitt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank yeeww ",0 "Bad decision adding me on snap chat _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ couldn't finish❤️ I hope your thinking about me❤️ ",0 "Finally getting my Indian colored in Friday . No more outline tattoos for me ! ",0 "IF ANYONE LETS ME BORROW THEIR MAC CHARGER FOR A FEW HOURS GOOD THINGS WILL COME YOUR WAY . Ps I can pick it up☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm trying really hard not to plagiarize rn ",0 "Home for the night to pick up my other baby . Time to trade in and get that 2014 This will be my third Cadillac In 5 years lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me too !!! I think those dogs are sooo pretty ",0 "Home made half baked cookie dough ice cream ",0 "Bring me pancakes so I know it's real ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah safety first I guess ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahahaha ",0 "Memorial Day weekend was a success ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Love you too ! ",0 "I can't wait to watch the game tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whaaaat haha I wish I had a clothing store . or a closet the size of one . either works ",0 "We were obsessed with Barry's accent last night _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I love when guys open up to you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love him you'll like passenger too ! ",0 "my new Dead Sea Creations lotion >>>> #thebest ",0 "These flowers on my dresser remind me of how thankful I am☺ ",0 "When he gives you his bracelet to wear ! ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ baby come baaack❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah ! I have all weekend off ! I'm going to a benefit in the evening but maybe after ! ",0 "Going ridin ' again #MemorialDayWeekend ",0 "Saturday THAT and Sunday Tri-state . Come on already ready for the weeekkkeeennddd #LoveMyRacing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "CSM training at work tonight #finally ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks to you I've been listening to Chris August pretty much nonstop ",0 "Crawling into bed after a long day >>> #finally ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm kidding ! I know you'd take care of me if you could . I love you ",0 "Monsters University with my two favorite people . ",0 "That moment when you are in the middle of a rant to your best friend and you sound like Jenna Marbles ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my pleasure . ",0 "Triple dates are way funner than anything I've ever done #justsaying #youshouldtryit ",0 "Making _TWITTER-ENTITY_ brownies ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha we just need to go one day . I can never turn down good Chinese ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Kay . I got number 2 ! ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Happy AKAversary A . M . I . R . A” thanks Mo ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will ! Haha and thank you so much ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ THAT'S WHAT IM SAYING !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LOVE YOU SHIT HEAD . ",0 "Giants win ANDDD knock the lions out of the playoffs . There we go GMEN ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahhhhhh I always knew it . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll see you tomorrow ?! ",0 "I seriously CANNOT wait till October ",0 "Running errands with my gurrrrl _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you babe ",0 "The fact I got three pairs of shoes today . >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ busted with that ! I guess you need less stuff ! ",0 "Watching Pitch Perfect with the family ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's Wednesday ",0 "I'll make time for you anytime ",0 "Prom = the one day of year where I think I actually look nice ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it makes me smile when you reply ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wait he had one drawn on him the other day ",0 "*** whisper *** Mama . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #SweetDreams ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ IS THAT YOUR DAD ",0 "Alli thinks her subtweets are good ",0 "Got new arrows , and target practicing tonight . State tournament in the morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you !! ",0 "I'm gonna have fun writing this essay over love & how everyone has their \Other Half "" ❤️☺️ #HopelessRomantic "" ",0 "It's only 66ish in wabash .... it's 81 in Oxford ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ have fun !! ",0 "Soooo if anyone wants to know the pumpkin spice lattes are at Starbucks !!!!!!!!!!! #sohappy #finally ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Kes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha . Wtf is wrong with these people ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ anytime ! ",0 "I can't wait till tomorrow ! Gonna be with my best friends , which is my family ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you like that ? ",0 "Holy crap that was a loud burp ",0 "It's a _TWITTER-ENTITY_ kinda day ! #playitagain #drinkabeer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ coming from a latina thats always tan nothing wrong with getting tan ",0 "I want to marry you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am girl . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm done ",0 "I seriously love naps !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love it so much ",0 "Hoping I'll be out of this brace soon and into a smaller one , therapy is going good . Back up on my feet and walking again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ he's so cute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i love you too , darlin'! #wittlecousin ❤ ",0 "More amazing news from home , love ittttt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha love ya too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Dave I can't even deal ",0 "Nothing more attractive than when Eddie raps eminem ",0 "had a great day actually .. #blessed ",0 "Listening to the purr of a cat ... #soothing #relaxing ",0 "Cant wait to spend some time with my girls _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you too bub ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll take the blame , . I think we we'll have the same colors . I felt like it was a super hero cape today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ love u too ",0 "Ahhh I love when the heat turns on ",0 "I can't believe how far the boys have come . I am beyond proud of them . These 5 boys saved and changed my life . Love them #1DMoviePremiere ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wanna hang with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and me tomorrow ? ",0 "great night with corndog ",0 "Goo luck Lauren ! You got this doll ! ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you look like a princess ! <3 ",0 "No guy will ever replace my daddy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's suchh a backhanded compliment if the stars align perfectly , I'll non-easy bake you and Maggie dinner ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll make it up to you , I promise ",0 "So psyched for teen wolf tonight #Finally ",0 "#easilyattractedto tallll guys ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's why I work out at 5 am and get it done with ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks lol ",0 "LOL at the snap _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just sent me . ",0 "Tonight's gonna be one hell of a night ! #PumpedUP ",0 "We would be more than honored to have you sing the National Anthem for us firefighters . Let us know what you think _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "We are soooo pretty _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #snapchat ",0 "I seriously love my job . ",0 "I actually really like that Friday's high is 68 . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ gooood text me ! ",0 "My uncle has been watching the Christmas Story since 8 am and he still laughs every single time ",0 "My psych teachers to cute she gave us food an juice in class ☺️ ",0 "Chads trying to wall TWERK ",0 "I got my college girl . ",0 "Fav this if you wanna be my WCW ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm still loving your pic #cutie ",0 "Paperboy is by far the weirdest movie Zac Efron made it beats Miracle Run . ",0 "Christie made Sam a sex mix tape ",0 "Not even gonna finish my homework haha GOODNIGHT ",0 "Family reunion at the gym _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I honestly don't know what I would do without _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in my life . She makes me the happiest I have ever been . I love you baby ",0 "First Boston Red Sox game at Fenway Park !!! ⚾ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ girllll apply for a credit card at Victoria secret . I got one ",0 "Happy Halloween ! Can't wait to see all the sluts out today ",0 "Realizing how much a eat subway☺️ ",0 "Apples w/ peanut butter ",0 "Who wants to be my drinking buddy tonight ",0 "I try to be considerate of people I tweet who I know don't have an iPhone and draw out my smiley faces . ",0 "After work ... I'm speeding home , grabbing my grav and getting zooted as fuck and then passing out with my lover and my pups☺️ #myfriday ",0 "What's happening ? I'm having an awesome night that's what's happening ",0 "James Franco has a brother ?! Is this real life ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ any recent pictures ? #hessocute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so proud of you #ladyoftheyear ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right back at cha Hannah !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same here !! Haha my mom just said this , and pretty much just like that too ",0 "Woke up this morning to Scott , wearing nothing but a towel , asking If I'm ready to get a shower . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so was _TWITTER-ENTITY_ shelbs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love youuuu ",0 "you're too sexy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm pretty stoked about this new friendship ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you good sista now we both know what it's like to have a bunch of people hate on you over twitter ",0 "Yayay soccer in the sunshine with daddy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ anytime ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ThankYou ! ",0 "Volleyball Season is so close #tryouts ",0 "My dad's house tho ",0 "Heels from Charlotte Russe >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I hope you get a lot of boos ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ for one month ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is so damn cute #BestGirlFriend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thankkkk uuuu ",0 "Going to the Timbers game today , gonna be tough but they might make it to the finals ⚽️⚽️⚽️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah okay gurl ill text u ",0 "A very high number .. ",0 "I like new and different ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will ",0 "Hold it against me by Britney Spears just came on and totally broke out the moves from a TC hip hop dance !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you should text me sometime ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hang in there mag ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was in the wayyyy it was said ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LAWLZ . okay deal ☺️ or you can live with us .. in the basement ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and surprise phone calling you is my favorite ! Totes was doing the creep . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm pretty much going to retweet or favor every hatred tweet you post related to chemistry because I'm in the same boat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we will show you , you would enjoy it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha cool with me ",0 "Blake sheltons based on a true story album is beyond perfect ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ \you're adopted ! "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that sucks ... so glad I don't have an alarm set for tomorrow ☺️ hahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I LOVE UUU plz do come see me soon & thanks gorgeous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ happens to the best of us ! Drive safely #LifeGoesOn ",0 "Heat and Bulls game ! No better way to spend my Friday night ! #letsgoheat ",0 "The text _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just sent me ☺ #bestfriend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao thanks ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes you were lets go to the pool when the sun stops hiding !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we had a debate about dogs and cats the other day . ",0 "When people compliment my hair ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can never say thank you enough for the personal sacrifices you to make the bhs smile & have a good time ; we love you ",0 "Don't ever think ill stop loving you because that day will never come ☺❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ will forever be my favorite person on the entire planet❤️ ",0 "Finally settled in Florida can't wait to get on the cruise tomorrow !!! #soexcited #timetorelax ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you , oh my . Amazing game tonight !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you more hopefully I see you on Thursday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I agree ! I think you've got his hopes up ! ",0 "I could cry at how pretty my new bras are ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha one eye open ",0 "Modern Family though ",0 "Can't wait to get our tattoos ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Sexy men out tanning on this gorgeous day . This weather can stay . ",0 "I cannot wait to have kids of my own . ",0 "Might be going to South Carolina again this weekend ? Okay ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Brett , Can I get an early Christmas gift by a re tweet !? It'd make me and my girls day ! #PackersLegend ",0 "It's about to go down . ☺️ ",0 "Done working shower and back to work again lmao #mylife ",0 "Dreams do come true ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome . believe meee , things are gunna be better . & i have something to discuss with youuu . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ means we are gonna be extra shitty and skanky tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can I drive you , then kick you onto the curb !? and speed away .. haha jkkkkkkkk . it better go away , I may have plans ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am definitley one of them I know I am ... ",0 "My night with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #Perfect ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ because I'm awesome . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 25 #5SOSACOUSTICOHIO #5SOSFAM Luke , Come back we really want to see you all again xx ",0 "that's the reason there is a password on my phone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ of course ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ do it ",0 "I could eat cuties all day ! ",0 "gotta wake up at 4 for our flight at 6 tomorrow #excited ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh this double date sounds so perfect ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohhhhhhh perfect ",0 "as much as i hate at&t , i love their commericals . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks girls can't wait to see you Saturday ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's probably a little crusty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you poop at school ? ",0 "Society is so stupid and deficient it makes me laugh . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ get used to it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahaha #toolate you're fine !!!!! I say at home so it's okay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you heather ! ",0 "When you text me first ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ happy I could make ya day ! ",0 "Panera date with mommy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Come over Friday night or Saturday for the weekend . #Shopping ",0 "Watching the Titanic ... Oh how I'm obsessed with this movie and learning about the actually ship ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jeremiah 29:13 andddd right now it's The Lord our God by kristian stanfill ",0 "Hump dayyyy and thanksgiving vaca next week . #Letsgetthisoverwith ",0 "Kill them with kindness ",0 "Well , Thanksgiving is over . You know what that means ? TIME TO GET IN THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT ! ❄️⛄️ ",0 "But at least I get outta school early today ",0 "the fact I have a wawa gift card waiting for me at home >> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ absolutely stunning cabin w a view ! ",0 "Just like Tony Romo ",0 "Tonight was probably the most interesting night I've had this whole Christmas break ",0 "There's nothing I love in this world more then my girl Cali . Falls asleep right in my arms no matter what ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just said ' hey girl ' & then realized it was _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #literallydying ",0 "Mmm hiii . ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well it's the truth☺️ #judgeme ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I got a mcdouble w/ no mustard or onions ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ILL BE THERE <3 ",0 "111 : I love you girl !! We still need to hang out SOON ! Hit me up one of these weekends ",0 "Good luck best friend at competition _TWITTER-ENTITY_ let me see ya dance hahahaha ☺️ ",0 "Thanks to my awesome roommate _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , we've got out _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tickets ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that may be the cutest thing I've ever seen ",0 "To you i maybe nothing but to me your everything ",0 "I see the windmills #almosthome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hi Jordan I was wondering if you had any advice for an aspiring singer who doesn't feel they're good enough to make it ? ",0 "Going to target today only and hour and a half drive away . #steamboatproblems ",0 "I'm so loved and I'm so lucky ☺️ ",0 "keep hopppinn through girls ",0 "Movie day with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Omfg best text all day from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Rob that cradle ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm a teenager now ... ohmygod ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they've known ",0 "Today is a good day ",0 "Have an interview at Sanford next week for my first big girl job .. So excited/anxious ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm very proud ! lol . I love being with you all , especially by the pool in the sun ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll be sure to visit ",0 "No way no way I think you need a new one ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Never met a girl with standards or a girl who wasn't a slut from there either bud . ",0 "Welcome to the snapshot world _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is about to be fun ! ",0 "Nothing beats waking up and someone bring you coffee , my boyfriends the best ☕ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ busy day at school today ? I see all your new pins ... ",0 "Hah , yeah I'm totally kidding ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's why you my chocolate thunda ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too dear and you're pretty fantastic yourself ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ they need to get over themselves but whatever ",0 "Just getting off work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ all you gotta do is text me ",0 "Can't wait to have the next three days off and be in slip tomorrow ! ",0 "Haha watched VMA haha now everybody is tweeting about Miley ! Ariel tried to do this fucking moves haha u need to work on it _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "God gave me you ",0 "My moms got nice gifts ",0 "Ordering my Chucks for 4th of July . ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ would you shut the Fuck up no one likes you ! Haha #Kidding ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm of tommrw I'll make you so _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ pwease ? ☺ I know you want to ... ",0 "Grilled cheese and tomato soup ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come say hi im in the grass next to the bus ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ got it ",0 "I found what in wearing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ German and Dutch are considered white ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I saw that !! Soo excited for her !! Can't wait to see the numbers for the second week . And the pic of nick was so cute . ",0 "I'm gonna make you proud babe . You'll see ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love youuuu ",0 "That Jim's cheesesteak last night though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good and we will b by u may 10th ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ S/O For Being Beautiful ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ amen to that ! Lets all hang out soon ! ",0 "But Anchorman 2 soooon with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ✌️❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this tweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahaha I'm like smelling ur hair & love u both ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ poor guy ! It was pretty fun tho !!! ",0 "Uhm not really into this football but I'll root for the #Ravens or whoever wins #superbowl2013 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is the true definition of Kentucky and by far the gayest thing I've ever seen ! ",0 "Waiting awkwardly outside of henni like im just chillen haha #youknow ",0 "Tonight was good _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺ ",0 "love love love this time of the year ",0 "16 years old and my mom gets asked if I would want a sucker in the drive thru at the pharmacies #whynot ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sorry I thought you where referring to my tweet about you but I love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tanks baby cakes , I was able to focus a teeny tiny bit #LOVEYOU ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your arm candy ❤️ ",0 "Me and my sisster are about to have a stoners night _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺️ ",0 "Drinking some brewski's with my mainnnnnnn squeeze _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Great night with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ really wants that date with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so we'll guess till we are right _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Finished 1st in my age group in the Teapot Trot ! 28th overall with a 27 minute time . ",0 "THANK THE LORD BABY JESUS that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is still living in kent so when I get too depressed as a commuter I can stay with her ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yessss please ",0 "If he offers to drive you around & let's you drive his truck he's a keeper ",0 "Come visit me at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Do it . Do it . ",0 "Got a 3.66 GPA for my first semester of college ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG . THAT WAS SO GREAT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I didn't plan on making you cry more but I love you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well as soon as you get back we'll have to so something fun OH THAT'S RIGHT WE GO 2 THE DELLS IN 6 DAYS ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ doing ok thanks life going on .... lol . Getting some good runs in . Just focusing on my upcoming runs etc ",0 "Idc I used to love sweating when I play ball I still do ",0 "Does anyone want to let me borrow Looking for Alaska , please ",0 "Boys are so weird ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i had french toast .. ",0 "Who wants to go to the gym ? ",0 "Who lives in Wilmington and wants to be my first friend here ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm just being nice n I know she has helped me w my anatomy class so much ",0 "My cat had her baby #yay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ why hello there ",0 "I love Will . He's such a sweetie and my best friend <333 I appreciate him so much ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha you wish #dreamon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell yeah ",0 "The highlight of my night is that the Frankendoodle episode of Spongebob will be on within the next hour ",0 "The Magpie and the Dandelion album just made my day . It's perfection _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ So pretty ",0 "I'm gonna make us breakfast while kayla is still sleeping #goodfriend ",0 "How the grinch stole Christmas ",0 "I'm such a freaking happy person ",0 "I will always love Val ❤️ ",0 "So Cole & I just made a home made card for my dad for Christmas we so cute I know he'll love it more than any other card not home made ",0 "This is just too good to be true . And that's what makes me leery of it . ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Forever destined to eat at the kids ' table . #soml "" Its good to be young .... and beautiful "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm free after five everyday ",0 "Closer the thighs , the closer to the mermaid tail ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ True and it couldn't of happened to a better person ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ us too !! I'm going to Nike town in Chicago this weekend ",0 "Get to baby sit the cutest little girl today and see the lovely _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for dinner later ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Your music is AMAZING too ... The Way is my new jam ! Lol Just wanted you to know that .. Have a great day ! #loveyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks i try .. its a tough job but someone gotta do it right .. lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love ya loser hang out soon ? ",0 "Jesus loves me this I know for the bible tells me so . Let Jesus wash you white as snow . I am a sinner saved by Gods grace . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You know what's stuck in my head ? Food . So lets go get some . My treat ",0 "GOOD MORNING !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good now grab a bucket of extra cruelty and spicy and let's pig out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you guys sooooo much ! praying I get to see ya Thursday ! Hope tour is going great ",0 "Boyfriend is on the radio ",0 "I love how my sister is always there for me I love her so much #bestfriends #ANDsisters ☺️❤️ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "my Tuesday was fun as fuck , was yours ?! ",0 "It's okay haha I should learn to look at the name before I open the picture ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ & Leeann !!!!! ",0 "This thunderstorm is amazing ⚡☔☁⭐ ",0 "LOL how did I know #calledit ",0 "I enjoy drama lock-ins _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and others ",0 "My brons will be here tomorrow ",0 "I won't give up ! I will fight for love ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha yeahh oh well ",0 "I'm having so much fun ",0 "When Jake Owen opened singing ' Anywhere With You ' >>> #bestthingever ",0 "Drake & josh though ",0 "family dinner with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and his fam this weekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Y'all dumb as hell ! ",0 "68 days until I'm home for a whole month ",0 "Well hello there ",0 "Little bit latter on kills me when he does the girl voice <3 ❤ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Can't wait to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ There's counselors at Longview for that yanno . ",0 "Church with everyone !!!!!!!!! I love my church family ",0 "my dad dropped a light bulb and said \dang flab it ! "" .. He watched too much Hannah Montana "" ",0 "You know I'm usually a pretty unlucky girl ... But I'm feeling real lucky recently ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No wawa for you ",0 "he thinks all my tweets are about him omg noo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe baby , I love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome ",0 "11 you are seriously my best lady that's a friend ( didn't know how to say it ) but ik you have my back ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you look it ",0 "A big thank you to the multiple hot boys that help me in math class ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just remember , pretty little liars ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you Justin ",0 "Have fun at basketball practice today boys #dontdie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome pretty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ watch out bell ",0 "Hunters cracking me up .. ",0 "Christmas movies >>>> ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ GRETAS LONG LOST GIRLFRIEND ",0 "Let the weekend begin ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww thank you so much !! #bestcomplimentever ",0 "Ill be 18 in 31 days ",0 "I would love if there was thunder & lightening ! ",0 "My mommy and daddy are coming up this weekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol no you're amazing hahahah ",0 "Even tho you make me sad I still love you more than anything ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your sucha pretty & sweet girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ran to the gym , ran at the gym , sprinting on my way home ! ",0 "I love shark week ",0 "At coldstone with chap and dee next is the hookah bar In Doylestown ! Hmu if you wanna chill ! ",0 "Go to bed happy and wake up happier . ",0 "Couldn't ask for a better group of guys to let me drive with me all day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Forward thinking…excellent ! ",0 "Straight bumpinnnn at 5 in the morning ",0 "Haven't even lunch or dinner yet !? Anyone up to joining Me ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ or most of your ads on websites have to do with Disney ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll be your thunder buddy ",0 "I love Chloe from vine ",0 "Baby it's true , the taste of your kiss is so bittersweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you tooooooooo ",0 "My night is finally turning around the three F's on a Sunday night . Food , family , football . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you know it ",0 "I'm some how actively holding 3 twitters at once . Omg ",0 "Doug , you're so obvious . ",0 "Surrounded by a bunch of guys and know what each and every one of them has done Seriously wish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ was here ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't ask because I'm scared and I hangout with him because I have no other plans . I can see him other nights ",0 "I really love chocolate milk ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ 59 ? Wow ",0 "anyone wanna take me & Josie to Taco Bell ? ",0 "#thingsilike star wars marathons with my friends ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ",0 "Where I'd be without _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , I have no idea .. Love my best friend . ",0 "going through childhood memories of when me and nick use to play Pokemon cards ",0 "Town house day on Saturday is just getting me super amped !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahah I'm gonna laugh when it's me that's walking by and sees it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's fine though not your failt haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ there ya go , yes you should be with your girl on Valentines day watching it with her . Js . ",0 "#YouGainPointsIf you gotta ass ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you look gay all the time . It's okay ",0 "Having another baby in the family >>> #yay ",0 "Dinner was great ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok so I have to know ... Is there German Chocolate Cake just everywhere in Germany ?! Lol and if so can you smuggle me 1 back ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I changed the pic again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I made it home ! ",0 "I'm so thankful for all the awesome people in my life ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you guys ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait to be with this dime ",0 "If my daddy shows up with McDonald's for me in the morning I won't mind ",0 "I am honestly in the best mood like I haven't been this happy in a whole ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha omg it really is ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's still funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes definitely ",0 "Time warp was so fun can't wait for our next show ",0 "My mom got nerd glasses ",0 "Nice touchdown _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ were basically the same your text to me on Saturday made my night ! Love you ! ❤ ",0 "Great workout this morning ! #FeelingGood ",0 "Get to wear my shoes to David's ",0 "Nights like tonight >>>>> ☺️ ",0 "I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE MY BEST FRIEND I missed you too much _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Your never leaving me again ",0 "I asked my brother if I was bossy and he goes \I'm not answering that question . "" Good boy "" ",0 "Ohio State plays a tough schedule #joke ND has played 7 teams ranked at some point this season . OSU has played 7 in last 2 seasons ! ",0 "1 more tweet til my 10k ",0 "I just love the smell of cinnamon ",0 "NSYNC #ohmygod #throwback ",0 "Might get an iPhone 5 today or in the near future ",0 "Harry Potter marathon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ needs to change his header ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good luck on the NCLEX tomorrow !!! ",0 "LOLING right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ then I tackle them . ",0 "Movie moment in action . #bigsister ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #VEVOaskreply Will you consider meeting some fans when you go on tour or whatever with Taylor swift ? ❤❤❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ... Yep we are ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ JUSTIN !!! omg <3 well my bestfriend makenzy is in the hosiptal and i was wondering can you skype her or ill pay for a meet ",0 "As much as I didn't think it would be , Hangover 3 was just as good as the first two ",0 "I saw _TWITTER-ENTITY_ last night . Miss you buddy !! #CampusBar #Big12 ",0 "Rihanna is so bad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ And a beautiful day Enjoy ! ",0 "Travis is so cute . Like he's adorable . ",0 "When the person you like , likes you bad . #OhGosh ",0 "Its a beautiful sunny fall Saturday ! ",0 "Emma and I just called each other out on wearing areopostal pants . O ",0 "shoutout to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for that cookie ",0 "SARAH TEXTED MEE I MISSED YA TOO DD ",0 "Come on D Webb , we can use one more day out of school this week ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I wasn't worried ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ save some for me then ",0 "Watching Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Green With Evil Mini Series On Netflix ",0 "God truly has blessed me with the most amazing life . So unbelievably in love with my life and the people in it . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your welcome ",0 "Yeah girl you heard what I said , I'm gonnna make you wet the bed _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahah we'll see about that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ He was amazing ! ",0 "HOLY SHIT GONNA FREAK OUT .. In a good way ",0 "gunna buy some stuff tonight ",0 "Brody Jenner , I give you permission to marry me . ",0 "Seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ smile instantly makes me smile . ☺ #canthelpit #ilovehim ",0 "Omg tomorrow is Thursday and I get to sleep in ",0 "on the train to NYC with baby for the day ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Don't say that ! I think you're a way cool girl ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ it switches when I get a notification from your account ",0 "Just to see your name on my phone . ",0 "Glad my bestie has my back !! #loveie u !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Racheles so good at singing she literally sends chills down my back☺ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : They over here singin ' math songs ”ummm how are you focused yet tweeting in SCHOOL .. Email to Mrs. Smelko in full effect ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this is so great im flattered ",0 "i speak for girls all around the nation . Lookin mf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no lmfao dude we know its not you telling her to say stuff . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too ! ",0 "sound of music live ",0 "Still loling that I drove my car through an exploding fire hydrant yesterday ",0 "I swear I send _TWITTER-ENTITY_ the hottest snapchats ",0 "yeaaa thanks . ",0 "The fact that it's raining means ill probably sleep like a baby tonight ☔⚡ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awh thanks ! ",0 "eff it , bought myself a Wii for Christmas ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ actually had a good comeback for once #proud ",0 "I should have more cute days ",0 "Went to the tattoo parlor to get my next tattoo planned out ! ☺️ #tatted #loveem ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes ! It's in the newspaper ! We can't help that we look alike ",0 "Good way to end the night #feelingaccomplished ",0 "21- I just love ya ! Your an amazin ' lady !! ",0 "Good morning ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ where my gossip be at , I'm dying over here ",0 "☺️ my mood right now >> ",0 "Eating at with my baby and his mom then going to Troy then to warrenton then back to Ofallon to rest for the night great day so far ",0 "I'm so excited I can't sleep #weekendatthebooths ",0 "Honestly , June has been really productive so far ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fucking love first dates ",0 "If you think I need to grow up then that's hilarious . I actually take care of my child and work 2 jobs . And go to school . ",0 "101.1 fever , on finals week ? Yay ",0 "My grandpa is so happy he's a veteran just because he gets a free meal from Applebee's today ☺️ ",0 "Me and Julia finally have Latin together again ",0 "Played with a 4 month old puppy that looked like a baby polar bear ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Delivery day ?! I won't be mean and ask you to deliver to Oshkosh .. ",0 "I've never talked to you but you seem really nice ",0 "Came home from work and find summer at the door waiting for me #imissedher ",0 "Happy to have _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in my class !! Yay !!!!! ",0 "Planning on not remembering tonight ",0 "I MUCH happier anyways ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ September 24th !!! ",0 "I LOVE talking football with my Dad .. and he's actually cheering with me today , not against me #neverhappens #lovemyDad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fall means two great things- #Haven and #NFL ",0 "In about 2 weeks I'll be licensed ! ",0 "FINALLY THEY HAVE HIM !! #KeepTodayPositive ",0 "Holy crap tonight is going to be the best night of my life !!!!! SO EXCITED !!!!! ",0 "Can't wait for the new season of keeping up with the kardashians ",0 "Aww cold weather .. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes YES ! ",0 "the end of summer was way better than the beginning ",0 "my next car will be a chevy cruze #excited ",0 "Be safe tonight _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha I know you love me too much anyways ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuckin pisses me off ! Can't wait to see yew tomorrow ",0 "Omg I love babies ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ obv best friends for a reason ... ",0 "Can someone just come over here with some bud light lime ... it would be very much appreciated ",0 "When my mother asks a worker where the fat women clothes are ",0 "I can't get enough of katy Perry's album .... ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : My sister just made the best peanut butter fudge ever _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" Thank ya ! "" ",0 "I'm such a thoughtful person ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ all I do is put emails , letters , and pictures in there ! Luckily for guys it doesn't have to be creative haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ were rubbing my elbow like weirdos today☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ GET IT #LP ",0 "basketball players holy turn on . ",0 "If you think students are the ones that want a two hour delay the most then you have some rethinking to do .... Teachers want them more ❄️ ",0 "getting called beautiful randomly >> ",0 "Ben and Jerry's ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm goin to shorelines snowball ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so it's a no brainier ! ",0 "my little brother said one day when you have boyfriend let me know , then he says oh wait that will be never #thestruggleisreal ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you . #stuckup ",0 "My bestfriend completes me ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill text you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg ! Omg ! Please order that !!! Cool waiter/waitress ? Please order that !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Howe Civic Center ",0 "I LOVE JENNELLE . #teenmom2 ",0 "I can't stop smiling ☺️ ",0 "Taylor and I are on the prowl for a roast ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks Faithy ! Wuv you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh your going to ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I loved it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can’t do contacts , they weird me out . Oh , and , yes , great photo . ",0 "I somehow stumbled upon my N'sync , Westlife , Spice Girls , and Backstreet Boys playlist . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha she was having fun . I saw her leaving last night ",0 "Nothing like waking up to group messages full of drama from the fam ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't stop laughing omg . I'm gonna pee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just one of my brilliant ideas ",0 "\Hey mom , can Allyssa spend the night one Thursday when I get home ? "" Hahaha we are literally soul mates _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wine , gossip . "" ",0 "Life is literally amazing . And it's only getting better !!! ",0 "Back to the old plan , finally gonna be related to my BEST FRIEND IN THE ENTIRE WORLD _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm pretty happy and content with everything right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well of course you do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you babe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes I can ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey ",0 "Just kidding I love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ were goin down to lily & you better be there ! ",0 "I'm so freakin proud of myself for being so tough during this surgery and afterwards . I think the meds are going to my head ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you for the love thoughtful of you to tweet me . ",0 "At least Marissa finds me humerus ",0 "Seeing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today >> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ or you can think beautiful creatures ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Can someone please just post the volcano Harlem shake video ?!? "" I'm saying !!! "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Def ... watchin it wouldn't miss it for the world .... hugs ",0 "we wake up and the entire bottom sheet is off of the bed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we kept complaining so we are going now ",0 "Kelsey and I just went 69 mph over railroad tracks . #69 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yesss very soon as soon as my brother is born you can comeover and meet him ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welllll I'm glad you agree ",0 "Oh my goodness , I just realized I get to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight ❤ #cousinlylove ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you so much izzy , I love you too and see you soon love❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha ok I love you ! ",0 "Stilllll going to Warped Tour though ",0 "super skinnny white boys > ",0 "I've gotta thing for you ",0 "Mom just got the call . ",0 "Loving the tweet action tonight ",0 "I just love watching Grayson ! he never cries and is always in a good mood . he's happy playing outside and reading books . what a ham ",0 "Tomorrow is Friday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha oh well ",0 "My boss flew to Chicago to watch UK , they lose . My boss goes to Dallas , wellllll . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love me some Vicodin ! Those damn back problems ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you Liam . Please cheer up ! ",0 "can't wait to go lay into my bed . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol Im still gonna write you a longer one I just have to think of a good one lol okayy and no problemo ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I couldn't ask for a better best friend ",0 "Chicagooooo with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha that's great ! I get along best with people like that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you gotta come try one they're so freaking good ",0 "So glad I got to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks so muchhhh ! #ifeelloved ",0 "In the bathroom sitting on the floor yelling to my mom from upstairs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha nope ",0 "laundry is done and apt is clean time to make our lunches for tmrw and then snuggle up in my nice clean sheets #TheGoodLife ",0 "& I'd be walking to Tyler's Atleast 4-5 times a day in this freezing snowing rain whatever you wanna call it . I was a true mf bestfriend . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Miss you pretty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺ ",0 "My dad just asked me how to use email . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Love the Coco Chanel ! Very chic . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg ! I totally wish I could leave right now ! But I'll come up and visit and we can go to a Jazz/OKC game ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "#reasonsimsingle oh wait ... I'm not . Bahahahahah _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤️ ",0 "My four year old brother listens better than I do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha ok ok maybe like 5 years ",0 "Gonna be an Aunt !!! ",0 "Snobiz with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol mmm have fun love you and miss you too boo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they have just been so amazing I can't even describe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I Love You . ❤ ",0 "Lesbihonest my best friend was a good New Years kiss last year ",0 "A month from today ill be 17 . ",0 "Idk how people can be vegetarians . Steak is so good ",0 "My boy perfect ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My life is so awkward . ",0 "So excited to lay in bed all night and watch movies ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are def my favorite 8th graders ever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok I'll go hahah I'm off this weekend ",0 "I don't know what's wrong with everyone . Despite it being cold , it's beautiful looking outside . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ best tweet ever ",0 "finally came to the conclusion that I'm better without you & that I'm moving on ",0 "Ready to have a fun night tonight just like last night ",0 "I still laugh thinking about the time Mikayla woke up with a spider on her face ",0 "Barstool is this weeeek ",0 "I love me and Andrews little dates ",0 "Seth is killing me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I literally cannot wait to see the Carrie diaries tonight ! You're literally one of my idols ",0 "I want a Harley SO bad . Maybe when student loans don't own my soul I'll finally own one ",0 "April 12th .. at the palace .. bangerz tour . ",0 "I brought home a moonshiner ",0 "can't wait to go shopppping soon ",0 "Seriously that Jennie's waiter and finally Corinne and Maddie can see ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nice background . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks for info ",0 "Missing Thursday and Friday to go to NYC with my cousins and aunt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I make amazing red beans and rice ",0 "I feel like _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I will be really good friends this year considering we have so many classes together . ",0 "Thank you lord for only having me work only 10 hours today . I can't ask for anything else ! Thank you ! ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ blasting it on my 4 12in subs in my room , hope my neighbors enjoy it also ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oooh ! Haha I'll see what Jorie thinks ",0 "So , I have four free predator tickets . Very successful night . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ daaaamn ! That stinks . I'll give ya rides when I get mine ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay ! Asap ",0 "This is a nice city with nice people ",0 "Just as long as I'm where you're at , I'm gonna have a real good view ! #jakeowen #seeyoutomorrow ",0 "Who wants to be my #1 powderpuff fan ? ",0 "Watching _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in The Inbetweeners movie ",0 "Anna's farmer melon joke today at lunch _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ This made my day ! ❤️✨ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just wanna say thanks for everything dude . You've taught me so much in life that I'll use . It's been good . Love you bro . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YOUR AVI IS SO PRETTY CHELS !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ah Kay ",0 "I take really cute selfies on the toilet the lighting is perfect ",0 "Just speaking the truth nothin but the #truth ",0 "Got my mask for homecoming last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your welcome I cant believe I ate that much lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was such a funny night . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodnight . ",0 "I will never get tired of that smile ",0 "Bout to be Kansas bound with my best friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dude I gotta teach ya the gas pedal dougie ",0 "It's fine ydk the situation ",0 "So excited for tomorrow #goodnight ",0 "Taking a shower so hot that steam still comes off your body when you get out >>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Justin said if you prefer it could be just us two ! Whatever works for you ",0 "Accepted into Honors at Bloom ",0 "I won't stop ! Group of people against that your son , Jesus , died for anything but I will show them that I am changed because of Jesus ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Congrats !! So excited 4 u ! Can't wait 2 read more from #TLOS ! ((( Chris ))) #hugs4chris ",0 "I'm bringing home Emmy Girl Scout cookies . Hers gonna be soo excited ",0 "I think my mom had a little too much fun face timing _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't it hated you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hell I can't ski anyways so have fun ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha thanks ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw of course , its only the truth ! ",0 "Loved those Murphys Ale house girls that visited me at work today . You are welcome back at Bonkers anytime #comebacksoon #please ",0 "I could really go for some Starbucks and someone to cuddle with ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your welcome . ",0 "Was gonna update my phone but why do that when I'm getting a new one Friday #finally #iPhone5S ",0 "Date night ! Here we go ",0 "Here come The Voice tweets ",0 "17 likes on _TWITTER-ENTITY_ insta pic ! So proud #newrecord ",0 "Can't wait for hunter Hayes tonight ",0 "Alive by Krewella _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HEY . HEY YOU WATCH IT . Dude some trashy girl tried to fight with me you missed it ",0 "Why is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ the best person ever ? Thanks for taking the rest of my shift gurrrl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ CANT WAIT ",0 "I'm so excited to see my mom today . ",0 "So excited to have a ormal "" day tomorrow ! My 1st paycheck will hit my bank account , manicures with Rachel and then dinner and a movie ! "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you can tell me . ",0 "I love making plans and having stuff to look forward too weeeee New Years in Cincinnati with my favorites ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're super attractive & your accent OMG . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sore loser ",0 "This is _TWITTER-ENTITY_ first game at Camden Yards ! I hope he's enjoying it #Birdland ",0 "This may be the best movie ever made ! #SharkNado ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I have no problem with Adams yet you're fine . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is seriously the cutest person ever !! ",0 "I swear , some of our tweets are about the same girl . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ unless its just VERY , I mean very coincidental . ",0 "Good days make for good nights sleep ",0 "Danced with my boything , Ryan Jr , and a German . Yeah , I'm that cool . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you beautiful . ☺ ",0 "I'm gunna live where the green grass grows watch my corn pop up in rows anyone wanna join ",0 "Gabe told me he likes me because I'm a poopy head . ",0 "Mine & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ conversations >>> ",0 "Eeeeek my 4 day weekend is finally here ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are so stunning , Sarah . it's baffling that someone exists as gorgeous as you . ",0 "Popcorn and movies with my little brother #loveyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I fucking love you for this ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Oh my lanta ill wait for him ",0 "I love spending every day with the boy I love ",0 "Me too . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "- aye girl . You're pretty cool ",0 "Seeing a lot of people I know at work today #higuys ",0 "Loving my new 5ft . charger ",0 "Love when people are here for me . >>> #MissedYouBo ",0 "I'm so excited for these combos ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hi all ! Have a great day ! It's almost Friday xx ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Tori ",0 "Anyone have an account for the _TWITTER-ENTITY_ community ?!? I need more friends to add !! Haha #sims ",0 "Sweet random text messages >>>> #lovethem ",0 "That felt good now ready for this long night ahead of me . #StJoeBound #BlackFridayShoping . ",0 "This #SubTweet is just for you #YouKnowWhoYouAre ",0 "I love it when people say hi to me in the halls✌️ ",0 "Love my girlfriend ☺️ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Oh dear time for a big bubble bath with tons of bubbles ",0 "All packed for Disney ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Far away by tyga is such a good song and I don't even like rap like that . "" Already back to the old Jojo !!! "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ personally I feel that the rock should come into contact with the water at a 30 degree angle , but overall it's a good guide ! ",0 "She just made my day love you booboo #bestfriends ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ain't that the truth ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am sooooooo excited !! haha can't wait !! You , Me and Jessica .... have to see it together foreal #1D3D ",0 "Heating blankets are heaven ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : I have a big butt , you have a big butt . We’re totally meant to be best friends . "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I shall ! I will send you a picture when I hang it oh the door ",0 "panera bread mmmmm ",0 "I love you to death I'm your biggest fan and we're getting married on the logo so everyone can see ! I'm your biggest fan ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤ ",0 "I am such a blanket freak .. I'm always buying new throws and blankets ",0 "Taco Bell #yumyum ",0 "Def showed my stinking creek pride lastnight ",0 "#10ThingsImAttractedTo someone who drives a Chevy and not a ford ",0 "I had such an amazing night with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Definitely won't forget it . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ must be nice its about 45 degrees nice and sunny today ",0 "I'm honestly so excited for We're The Millers to come out ",0 "Just found out one of my best friends is pregnant . I'm so excited for her & her fiancée & can't wait to see the amazing parents they'll be ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohh idk lol ",0 "Had a blast to and from the game tonight with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! #missedher ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same here ! ",0 "Also S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for really stepping up in my time of need yesterday ",0 "Intense game of monopoly with dave vicky and their friends ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its ok love and yes pleease stop by I need bestie time !! ",0 "\ Try hard trying to halo jump "" lol I had a 3 KD , I think it worked chief "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ c'mon , you've gotta assume we love the same things considering we're soulmates ",0 "I turn 19 in a month from today ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahah free buzz day here at mott ",0 "The fact that my only class of the day was cancelled >>>>>>> ",0 "Being reassured always makes things better ",0 "I'm probably most excited to meet _TWITTER-ENTITY_ at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this year . ☺ ",0 "Doctor just added me on Facebook . I absolutely love her . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are you taking me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ who is on the cover ? gonna goo find it and buy 10 copies .. im a proud friend ",0 "There's so much more to life ! ❤ #lovemine ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awesome !! Hopefully I get the pleasure of seeing ya ! ",0 "Brooke is definitely my favorite from one tree hill . ",0 "Can't wait to see my love tonight been awhile . #misshim ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll hold you Lou ",0 "Ohhhhhhh ! #caughtme #redhanded ",0 "Tip off tournament this weekend and Alyssa is coming home !!! It's about to be a fun filled time !! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i love the food , the food loves me ",0 "So glad to be out of work ... Time to relaxxx ",0 "Mylia is ratchet ",0 "Tomorrow is payday ! ",0 "I'm gonna carve my pumpkin later ",0 "So happy we do yoga in my class , never fails to cheer me up ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ everything will be okay ! I got your back ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ But that's ok ! ",0 "I'm slightly obsessed with my new Keurig . ☕️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Nick ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha sorryyy but I don't think so ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ damn ... oh well it's still a great job ! ",0 "A girl just came in and said he cinnamon bun is fucking terrible "" #respect "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ have a good day darling ",0 "Those good morning texts >>> haha jk never happens . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ kisses for my misses ",0 "The more I think about it I really do wanna make this work ! I deserve the best and I know that's him ! #love ",0 "One night at work down 5 to go ! Beach is another day closer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Aweee you're too fucking sweet !!! I seriously love you two #psicantstopusingemojis ",0 "I can't wait to see the Hunger Games tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ coolest sophomore I know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for coming to kennesaw with me best friend ",0 "yes he showed love & I adore him the most for that ",0 "One week from today I will be with my sweet Tess !! I love you baby girl I can hardly contain my excitement❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha I know I know me and Kelsey are getting them done for Christmas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you pretty ❤ ",0 "Yeah your right Ahahaah #subtweet ",0 "Cody Zeller is looking mighty fine tonight . ❤ #iubb ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's an understatement to what Friday will entail ..... ",0 "I love finding out more and more lies ",0 "What a Winter Wonderland ☺️❄️⛄️ gonna build a snowman today ",0 "Shout out to my best friends _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for making my 21st memorable ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jill I vote you being in charge of planning it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you Taylor love you so much big sissyyyy❤❤ ",0 "Best day of my life wuld be 3-8-13 #beatnight #bestweekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and we cuddle ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ of course we can ",0 "Jus got told I'm a bad mom . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're right . I won't go as long as we can go when you get back to Fargs . ",0 "Brandon said my bed was the big comfy couch because he finds the most random stuff in it ",0 "I think _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is my favorite from auburn ",0 "A hot boy that can sing , reaaaaallly rings my bell . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awwww your so sweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well that's good . I'll be tweeting snippets of it throughout the night so atleast someone will know what I'm saying ! ",0 "What kind of pictures is Taylor sending me right now ?! ",0 "Okay guys we have to win a State championship now ... Sheldon's gonna lease me a camaro for a week if we do !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ LMAO OMG YES . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh ya ",0 "So I was #1 on Roly , Izzy & Devin's list . My top 3 on Twitter so I'm pretty much feelin like a mf rockstar ",0 "Welp . The $10 an hour job is a no go . But the bakery job is still a possibility ",0 "you can't not laugh at that picture ",0 "#PerksOfDatingMe I actually genuinely care , ill work out problems not throw it away when something's broken , ill be your bestfriend ",0 "I think I have a white boy crush ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ on the bright side , tomorrow will be better since the bad is out of the way☀️ ",0 "Justin Timberlake is one of the FEW people tht can sing live all night and still sound just as AMAZING . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i had school which was terrible but i had pizza for dinner and no homework so how was your day ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ soo much perfection ",0 "Peter Pan was amazing !! You all did a fabulous job !! ",0 "Loved talking to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today at cheer . Its been forever ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will give you my attentive dates and we can do this ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut up but text me I have story ",0 "Back too Saginaw Valley ! Had fun at home while it lasted ",0 "My niece is just too funny ",0 "Guys who drive trucks >>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah November will be here before we know it . ",0 "I love being Lebanese I get money on Easter and New Years ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ halo 4 . I got a double kill in my second game #badass . ",0 "I love Elliot ",0 "i love putting up the Christmas tree ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ They're not boots ... They're my cats ",0 "Scheeemin up ideas for Christmas for my love ❤️ muahahahahaha !! ",0 "I will never understand why more guys with girlfriends than single guys hmu ? Whateverr ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You voluntarily listen to Taylor Swift and NOT The Beatles ? Girl you need an music intervention , FAST ",0 "Successful wedding ! Congrats _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh stop subtweeting about me ",0 "baseball playoffs soon ⚾ ",0 "Two great minds think alike Aaliyah ",0 "Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! I'm writing a O2L Fanfic ( clean ) and I was wondering if you'd be one of my characters , and read it and stuff ",0 "Starbucks would be fabulous right now . Yeah , I'm getting Starbucks☕️ ",0 "Camille cracking me up with these tweets ",0 "Josh Duhamel is one of the hottest , most charming guys on this entire planet . #SafeHaven _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "It ne'er would've worked anyways .. he's a steelers fan _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Im so funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you Sarah <33 can't wait to see you Friday ",0 "Text me im about to be off work ",0 "You have a new best friend and boyfriend every week it seems like ",0 "I guess I'll practice for the Alumni Tournament ! #lolz ",0 "This sleeping in thing puts me in a great mood ",0 "Babysitting for the night ",0 "Funny thing is it wasn't even rude ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Glad I can make someone happy . ",0 "Morgan's so cute ",0 "its a compliment to me when someone retweets your wizardry ",0 "Wisdom teeth & the then The Conjuring today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well thanks ",0 "being sick for Halloween is always great ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ adorable lol miss you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol now I got it . No I meant my little girls on computer not u . Sorry about the miscommunication . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too so much !!! Can't wait to see you Saturday #wewillbothbeokay ",0 "So softball team gave me the nickname D-Wheels lol it's a lot better than tootsie or Kelsis name UglyRooRoo ",0 "Probably one of the best days yet thankful for my friends _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ soo true ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ . Gotta love her ! And you for a like boldness to take ' em on ... ",0 "Super excited for later _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "And my day just got better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that is not at all what I was expecting ........ haha but love you too ",0 "I still remember all the sweet things you said , they keep me up at night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm here to make it alllllll better . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what are you doing tonight ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lololol thanks bb ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goodnight love ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ one of the best bby ",0 "My boyfriend is one handsome guy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ night beautiful !!!! Xoxo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ y'all can eat a bag of Dicks . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ VERY GOOD great choice ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just kidding lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dawwhhh I'm just kiddinggg . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks . ",0 "Dean Brody how about you love me ? ",0 "Could not be more excited right now !! Officially a working woman ... Broadway here I come ! #speechless ",0 "I'm still laughing at Lizzy from last night ",0 "I think I just may give the able , Nashville , a chance .. #looksgood ",0 "I can't wait to spend the summer with my new family ☀ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YES . ",0 "So since there's a pool at our hotel .. POOL STUNTINGGG ",0 "Already got February's issue of Cosmo reading it while watching some ncis . #addiction ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good luck tonight bestie ",0 "I wonder if anybody really realizes just how many transactions are made in the dillons parking lot ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think we should be more concerned with the video I sent you ",0 "The moment when u realize u only keep going because of the wonderful drink called coffee☕ & these happy pills for being CrAzY ",0 "Angry orchard on Christmas Eve ? Thanks Mommy ! ",0 "Coffee☕️ . Interview☺️ . Class . Study ",0 "My last retweet looks absolutely delicious ",0 "I love buying people christmas presents ☺️ ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Baseball players are destined to be with softball players . ” Agreed !!! ",0 "These two are so cute together ",0 "These guys seriously act like they've never seen a girl in a bikini before ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha ! ❄️ #noiceskatingemoji ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that doesn't sound too tasty haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ do you know how excited I am rnnnnnn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I told em not to ",0 "can't wait to work another 8 and a half hour shift tomorrow ",0 "This lions game ! ",0 "I'm obsessed with my Herschel wallet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the fact that you just hashtagged all those names ",0 "Noah is so cute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ☺ ",0 "That's was a really fun night✋ ",0 "I made it to enterprise ! Yay ! ",0 "Omg this is hilarious ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ brand new suit comes Monday ",0 "Getting so many donations for Dayton children's at work today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ youre welcome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we can take him sweetie !! And same here I'm glad we did !! just give me one whole night babe or many nights ",0 "Ice cream on the couch ",0 "You are seriously the cutest boy ever ",0 "I should probably warn tob and ang that there's a skunk on their porch before they get here . ",0 "Can _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just get married already ? ",0 "Seriously my son is one the funniest people I've ever met ",0 "Ryan sheckler on ridiculousness !!! ",0 "New radio , mom got a new car , Did our cancer walk , and we have another new little puppy . Awesome weekend ! ",0 "Pretty pumped to finally work with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Done babysitting early . Lovely ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this week I get to see you #icantwait ",0 "Great day it is in the sun !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ right ?! ",0 "Hahahha my dad cracks me up sometimes . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have so many members if my ward that are masons and one is including me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw thanks ! Haha hope Uve been doing good ! ",0 "Okay good night everybody . Especially you Cheyenne since you're the only one awake ... Text me tomorrow ",0 "Texas Roadhouse babes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have the same one ",0 "Just so happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I did ",0 "sleeepy day off tomorrow , so excited to sleep in ",0 "Got me on your mind still ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ YES ! that sounds like a fabulous idea ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was happy you wrote that story explaining what Disney did . And what YOUR opinion about Purity rings are you are AMAZING . ",0 "Merry Christmas !!!!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dear god ",0 "I got a thing for tatted men serving our country ",0 "I'm actually really happy at that . Now I'm not freaking out about Dover ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ TJ Maxx has so many ! ",0 "I wonder who wrote _TWITTER-ENTITY_ name on my car ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just gave me the best present in the world ! #cuzzo ",0 "~ you would pick that emoji but your one of my day ones . We fight sometimes but I always got your back and keep living up your dreams !! ",0 "Dreamt that I met _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and it was beautiful . Please come back to Seattle so we can stop relaxing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I totally agree ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahahaha !! Funny thing is its true✌ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is seriously one of my favorites right now . #perrrrf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ have so much fun it's ridiculous . ",0 "my big just made my life 100% better from 15 hours away . miss you so much & thanks for always being there _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Well hey on the bright side I saw Kenny bell ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shoulda found one with Ronald weasly !!! Dats muh man !!! ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you doll face ",0 "Seeing not a cloud in the sky and the sun shining makes me so excited for summer with my boyfriend . ☀ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Then text me silly ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hbd a . soto ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks for doing it . ",0 "Its almost like Christmas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg all the food you eat looks so good ",0 "Installing Bioshock Infinite ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah ! That's fine ! ",0 "My whole room smells like _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "ll you need is Jesus . ",0 "I feel strong after saying that to you . ",0 "I can't wait to drink this bottle with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Nothing's better than finding out you work Friday and Saturday when you THOUGHT you were off the whole time ",0 "SUBWAY #EatFresh #FoodOfChampions ",0 "#YoureMoreAttractiveIf you send me ",0 "Actually got up for breakfast ",0 "My camaro runs just fine ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hi , I don't know who that Kaitlynn girl is .. But I sent your convo with her to Kirkley bc I figured she'd love to see it . ",0 "Haha I don't feel sorry for ppl who have to go back to school cuz I'm already done ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ FOUND IT ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks my white Mexican #loveyou #YoureMyFavoriteAutumn ",0 "Enjoyed hanging out with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "7 more days and I will have another baby brother ",0 "When _TWITTER-ENTITY_ pulled me close for the picture , and held me tighter for a hug ❤❤❤ ",0 "\I only shave above the knee for special occasions like weddings or funerals . "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I MIGHT GET OFF MY CRUTCHES TOMORROW ",0 "I love baby goats so much ",0 "Oomf was balling it up last night ! ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we really need to stop , be happy and make the most out of this year ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ really though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm just proud of you for going ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok Hopfully it ends up being all day ! ",0 "The fact I'm sitting next to a sexy volleyball player from duke . ",0 "Mary-Kate and Ashley movies never get old ",0 "Can't get over how good _TWITTER-ENTITY_ looks in Dolphins gear ",0 "you're so immature #likeseriously ",0 "Good luck _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and the rest of the girls basketball team tonight ! #GetTheW ",0 "Thanksgiving with the second family ",0 "At least my lips aren't chapped anymore and I get to see my joshhyyy today . ❤ ",0 "Can't wait to see my sista , GVSU bound for the weekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're so weird ... ",0 "Hope my cousin gets better after breaking his femur at the St. Pauls game last night love you Connor ! ",0 "I might be bad but I'm perfectly good at ! #playermayer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I told him I was gonna hit him with my crutch yesterday cause he keeps trying to adjust them on me ",0 "This whole not having someone to buy things for constantly is becoming a good thing cause I do so much more for myself ",0 "i literally love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I've hungout with Carley before but I wanna hangout with Her , Haley And Bailey I think it would be a lot of fun ! ",0 "Wait I'm actually laughing ",0 "It's the flu season so you gonna have issues . Go and get a bug box of Kleenex #SNL _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #JenniferLawrence ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Meghan ",0 "Got my first college acceptance letter ",0 "today is actually an extremely good day so far ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bahahhaha that's the best !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill get them if you guys do lol ",0 "10K goes out to my current best friend and the new friends I've made at Springs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I'd marry him ",0 "Don't get me wrong , I'm pumped for WeFest 2014 .. But I would DIE if the lineup were Blake , Kenny , and Tim #myfaves ",0 "Going to bed with a smile on my face ! #lovemyhusband #blessed ",0 "Wild for the night makes me wanna do crazy things . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm dead . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohhh awesome !! Congrats .. are you going to be around this weekend ? #missyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ works for me ",0 "I'm actually going to try to sleep before midnight tonight ⭐ good night ",0 "If my mom says you're a skank , you're most likely a skank . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she's a babe ",0 "The biggest highlight of this weekend to me at MSF is that we prolly took a state championship away from Alex ",0 "We've known each other and been around each other MILLIONS of times for almost three years , and I still make you nervous ? That's cute ",0 "wrecking ball >>>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I read this and could hear you saying it hahahaha ",0 "The fact that you called him my best friend . ",0 "Derek already hates me more than life so what's there to loose right ",0 "Kinda want a Vinatieri jersey or Andrew luck jersey ! #justsayin ",0 "Meeting Aunt Becky and Uncle Larry in Meridian Friday then driving the rest of the way with them ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're always welcome Steven ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think its funny as hell ",0 "In love , that's the only way to describe this feeling ",0 "Dinner is done ! Just relaxing a bit b4 I get to see my honey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "When My mema calls my dog a whore #dead ",0 "I'm glad that like no one knows my new number ",0 "#NationalTellAGirlSheIsBeautifulDay _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤ ",0 "Nothing is better than catching up on _TWITTER-ENTITY_ latest tweets ",0 "Oh what a night last night was #amazing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not too bad ! I embarrassed myself on the register a few times and listened to Lou and Ellen yell at each other the whole time ",0 "going to get my license tomorrow ",0 "Me and my roommate are going to have thanksgiving by buying a turkey since we both live on the east coast . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah I know !! I'm so excited for it !!! ",0 "come to the movies at 9:30 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha good for you guys !! happy Halloween ! ",0 "Good rides on topper always put me in a great mood ",0 "Bowling with baby soon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good luck ! We'll be doing that the end if April . I used to think it was fun but not anymore haha ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will see you soon boo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't wait to see you either ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh yesssss me to ",0 "Boo at the zoo ",0 "Finished the paper I've been working on for two weeks Now to read 100 pages of philosophy and memorize it all for tomorrow ",0 "Can't wait for my jadyn to get here Karee is going to do so good ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will be right over baby to help you work it off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel like Wegmans is the closest thing ! ",0 "Maybe that old man hit you a little tooooo hard ",0 "These places _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is naming off to me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ EW GROSS ! stay away from me .. lol but alriiiighty then , let me know #missyou ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you need to get on your twitter game and tweet more ",0 "The Band Perry _TWITTER-ENTITY_ OSU tonight ",0 "Off work and watching #criminalminds ! ❤ ",0 "I CANNOT wait to be toes deep in the sand ☀ ",0 "SOS . I need a super cute dress for a wedding in two weeks ! Know of anything I might fancy ? Help a sister out ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "That'd be sweet , I'd run fast for you all ",0 "DEVON HAS TO DIG A HOLE AND WRITE A 600 WORD ESSAY ON IT HAHAHAHAHAHA ",0 "I could eat Subway everyday ",0 "Hello , Bowling Green ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe you're so cute I love you ❤ ",0 "- you're terrible at keeping combos going but you're gorgeous ",0 "Cypress Kids Team has a unique way to honor their long time volunteers . It involves chanting and #sillystring . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they're perfect ",0 "Seriously I live right by highland come over . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha clearly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I almost forgot !!!! Go measure your kitchen ! I'll measure his while he's napping ",0 "Had an amazing day thanks to him and few others #BestDayEver ",0 "I forgot how cute the movie #Cinderella was ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the gas mileage ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will ",0 "Whys my bf so cute for ",0 "So pumped to try ΣΑΙ's homemade tea today ! My expectations are high ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay I'm fucking down ! This week is kinda busy but next week I'm definitely in ",0 "Gobs be driving the next 90 minutes . If anyone wants to chat feel free to call ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you have no idea how hard I'm still laughing but yes . you're going to hell ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yayyy ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ also , if you ever need anything I'm only #atweetaway ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "18 days and counting since I've been working out . Haven't missed a day yet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we are in the 70's now ! Less than 3 months ",0 "Mud Bawg anyone ? ",0 "Lol panicking when I came to the window ",0 "Goodnight , sweet dreams ☺ #xoxo ",0 "Sunday night hockey ",0 "I can't wait for tomorrow #couldntbebetter #excited ",0 "I'm overwhelmed and so excited that all my favorite people are home , it feels awesome ☺️ ",0 "Feeling the best I've felt in awhile thanks to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "That phone call scared the shit outta me but once I knew it was a joke I'm the happiest I can be #ARMYMmom # ARMYSTRONG ",0 "We express our love by insulting each other _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ SO EXCITED ",0 "I can't wait to red ombré my hair ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ eliminated ! I love you so much !! ❤ so damn talented ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you lovie ",0 "I was home for maybe 5 minutes last night before I had to go see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ because she's my favorite ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't wait to see you !! ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how's Indy ? ",0 "He refers to tampons as \ girl stuff "" "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome to twitter babe ! ",0 "Thursday night live ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hey Greg , Mason is completely full of ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yay ! you have my number ! ☺ ",0 "Luke Bryan is sexy affff ",0 "This morning has been full of laughter . I love it . ☺ ",0 "Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ can be on our team again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ bri we both are thinking about it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha . I thought I turned it off .. But I guess not ",0 "I just made Cookie Brownies ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha , nothing at all ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahaha good one ",0 "One Direction tickets OMG pick us _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao !!! Thats embarassing ! ",0 "Chris browns body >>> ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good good ",0 "No better way to end Christmas than to have _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sleeping right beside me ",0 "#IGotAThingFor cute texts ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahhahaha thats nasty . ",0 "I had one amazing day with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and my mom ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hehe every time I see someone log a run motivates me to run ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same i think . yess that sounds wonderful & much needed ! Miss you ",0 "I'm legit so ready for Riverbend . FlaGa Line , Jake Owen , Dierks Bentley , Gavin Degraw & Hot Chelle Rae AND I get to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha , YES . Thank you ! ",0 "30 mins and counting ! ",0 "I'm so excited about tomorrow . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll see what I can do ",0 "if you're happy without me , awesome . as long as you're happy & content . ",0 "Watching the thunderstorm with my babe ",0 "So excited I get to work with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha !! Thanks ! Merry Christmas to you too ! ",0 "Twitter is so kind to me ",0 "Just woke up from a dream where I was camping with Jake from Hannah Montana ",0 "hell on heels here we come ",0 "Time for Skype with #oomf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yessss he was !! I haven't been camping for a month ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you have nooo idea .. wait till you're in a room with both of us ",0 "what just happened on girl code made me laugh ",0 "Random phone calls >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are welcome ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ muahahaha I know ! Everyone should be jealous ",0 "I found my dream truck ",0 "Soo happy I got _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to like country ☺️ ",0 "I am the happiest I've ever been in my life ! ",0 "Mom and memomma arguing over which way we need to go #mommawillwin #alwaysdoes ! neverletsanyoneelsewin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg I love u so much ☺️ ",0 "Breakfast with some people I work with ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks Clairee have fun in SC ",0 "Literally just LOL'ed at devins tweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh gawwwwdd . & thanks . ",0 "That just put me in the best mood . October 13th will be the best day of my life wether I go with a friend or by myself ",0 "Some guy straight up asked _TWITTER-ENTITY_ \do you wanna hoop up tonight ? "" Dying "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Anytime sweetie . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dude .... he looks like the puppy I want too #PuppyNapper ",0 "Nothin like How the Grinch Stole Christmas on the first of December . It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha thanks I figured , but since I just went and saw it , it's all I can think about . Seriously an amazing show . ",0 "I have more fun with my sister than anything Pearson probssss ",0 "Gettin ' my grill cleaned ",0 "When the girls come home from their dads >>>> ",0 "Going to bed now because I'm a really exciting person with a really active social life ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you baby ",0 "Going to out fish _TWITTER-ENTITY_ here in a little while . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shut it . I have fat thumbs ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks brookie !!! ",0 "Making love faces in the cafeteria ... ",0 "Dad just gave me 2 Red Sox tickets for July 2nd to see the game & the fireworks show _TWITTER-ENTITY_ better be ready to get weird !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks joshyyyy wuvv you ",0 "It's getting there . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just retweeted _TWITTER-ENTITY_ .. How gay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come over and cuddle . I just got home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me obviously ☺ ",0 "I am greatful for fuzzy socks ",0 "Me & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sending snapchats of Pretty Wild to each other #obsessed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well that's awesome tanner ! Proud of you ",0 "When Rich Moon plays a song on the jukebox about acid ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome love you too ",0 "I loooveeee when people snapchat me ",0 "I can't wait for the Bob Marley performance and Frank Ocean ",0 "I love how much Rob loves Walk The Line Bc we get to watch it all the time☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ see you Nov . 5th ",0 "What's squid up too ",0 "Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm always here if you need to talk . Cheer up bud and smile because you look adorable when you do ",0 "Eating some cookie dough ",0 "I told my mom I needed something new in my life & she said I needed to find a fun & exciting boy ",0 "Funniest thing of the day _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just shit on this girl's day #yougogirl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ What's you're Facebook ? I'd like to see it ! ",0 "I can't wait to hear _TWITTER-ENTITY_ preform burn on _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! She's amazing !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my whole day has been made thank you ",0 "I have the best friends and sisters anyone could ever ask for . Words cannot describe how grateful I am to have them in my life . ❤ ",0 "95 . My best friend I love you so much ! ! And I'll always be here for you . I can't wait for our trip to hays in the morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay baby gotchaaaa ",0 "I mean I love snapchatting so anyone's welcome to snap meee _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Hanging with gibs and Sammy ! <3 . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my god that sounds so amazing ",0 "Eric and Jessie !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we sure hope so and Taylor said hell yeah !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺️ love yah girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg you look so pretty in your twit pic ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ there's a cute Asian in sweat pants in my stats class . Just come take a look . And all your problems will be gone ",0 "S/O to my girl _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for winning these tickets . Love you ",0 "It is about what's on the inside , but she definately has to be attractive to see whats inside . #SubTweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you , boo . ",0 "Holding baby alivia #socute ",0 "Omg my other uncle came over to show my dad his new vape pen ",0 "The \Harry Potter Film Score "" Pandora station is the most perfect music to do any calming activity to . "" ",0 "Alicia calls a dodge cummins a Cummings . City girl probs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know it is momma only gets the best of everything baby girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just got a new iPhone case and thought of you . ",0 "Wait , Psy is actually hilarious . I might have just fallen in love . #whatelseisnew #loveisintheair ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I'm in ridge just so you know !! ",0 "Even if it's just a few minutes of seeing/talking with my best , she makes my day that much better ❤️ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Love spending tonight with my sister and her babies ! #niece #nephew ",0 "I seriously care for ALL the guys at my table well besides one ... But other than that Ill be there for them ",0 "Can't stop thinking about you ! But I'm always smiling because you make me happy ! ",0 "The ending to the OU game has put me in a good mood for the rest of the day ",0 "Face timing with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just makes my day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good luck today !! Jeepers , I didn't realize that was 7 weeks !! Take it easy lady ☺️ ",0 "One reason I'm so excited to put our tree up as a family and daddy will put the star on top ☺️⭐️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I feel like it's totally fine lmfao ",0 "My bad luck seems to be turning around . Got another interview tomorrow . ",0 "2nd place in the staff tourney !! Thank goodness I had a good team ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & Ryan Webb #GoBears ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks girl ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I saw you tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fuck you ",0 "I'm not the type to invest my time and feelings into someone . If I let my guard down for you ; that's when you know you're something special ",0 "First day of the next chapter in my life tomorrow . #excited ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too babe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't worry cutie ill be back before you know it ! Ill miss you !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wow , love this . Such beautiful words ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes it is ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "so who's coming running with me everyday this week ? ill cook dinner . ",0 "I love that my nail tech just greeted me with a hug ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I just like Harry in the bathtub ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha stoppppppp ! I was just kidding ",0 "taking Isaac on a walk ",0 "I love old rap so much ",0 "Don't mess up my mood today . There will be consequences ! #HaveAGoodDay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ",0 "Peeta and Gale are just too attractive and wow ",0 "I really do have THE best boyfriend in the entire world ",0 "Signing up to rent a puppy this afternoon ! So excited ",0 "Perfect day ; shootin , grill out , and swimmin with some of my favess ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no problem !! If you need help choosing what style lemmie know & text me I miss you darling !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love the pics of you and pax ! Can we come over this week and see you guys ? Monster play date ",0 "The anticipation of next Saturday #RedRocks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey do me a favor see if I had another check in the register please ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well you can bring that look back any time soon . .... Hahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh thanks Justin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ spell however you want you me alexis and Alexa all know you sent that picture to yourself ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are fantastic and it's not your fault .... i think there is always a price for anything to pay ... you are famous now ",0 "the littlest things make me happy . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your welcome ",0 "I can't wait for tonight ",0 "No more blonde hair ",0 "Alright somebody tell me the score of the Sweetwater game pleeease ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ comeover at 630 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my mom just asked why there were cups in my closet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I do ",0 "I'm so hyped for my state cup play down game tomorrow against Black Watch ",0 "I'm a werido . ",0 "I got It BADDD ",0 "I've done more peoples hair now that schools over than when I was actually in class . #lovelovelove ",0 "Ready to hit up the Entercom radio station building over in Mission for a tour !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe thanks Riley miss you too ☺️ ",0 "Sebastian is intoxicated and I am not so I am getting a show right now lolol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah , I saw that , but they got it fixed . Now it's . family thing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes me and Meleah are ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha . Try it sometime ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ money , haha . ",0 "Omg _TWITTER-ENTITY_ has a twitter now ! Yay !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg wittle baby !!! ",0 "Probz getting the iPhone 5 tho #excited ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hehehe ! ",0 "#ImAttractedTo country guys . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it goes faster ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ all the very best to a great personality . Enjoy your Thanksgiving ",0 "thought I wasn't gonna do shit tho ? I even offered to take it down the street hahaha ",0 "51 days til the first competition !!! ",0 "Excited to finally spend some time with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe I can't wait for him to come home how's he doing ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay sounds good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ have a good day . ",0 "ALSO , I am looking for an extra ticket to Alt-J if anyone has one to sell or knows someone who's selling ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm coming over so we can take cute pictures in the snow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Awe , Kirra ! Your avi is gorgeous ! ",0 "Baby's later ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I think your are a FOXXXX . ",0 "I swear , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the best thing thats ever happened to me .. She's absolutely amazing .. I'm crazy in love with that girl ! #futurewife ",0 "Aw a proposal on the X factor how sweet ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaah so much fun so glad it's over with ",0 "Road tripping to cloud today . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #Shopping ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ uh huh ! I thought you would enjoy that ! ",0 "I'm soooo happy ",0 "Makes the night go by fast too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Don't know if Buxys is still there but used to like it . Steelers bar , but still cool ",0 "Nick Popovich from the tv show Airplane Repo is coming to KSU on Wednesday !! #pumped ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha I love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ didn't think so . I've spent every penny , you're out of luck . Maybe next time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love that you bring out my bitchiness when I'm with you ! Lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome ☺️ ",0 "Julie just got sat on . ",0 "Tennis drills tonight .... This is going to be interesting ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it'd be sweet if you could visit ",0 "HUGE S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ on getting her job at the hospital !!!! ",0 "I totally just laughed out load ... My roommates are going to stab me lol I'm so sorry !! ",0 "Today is the day we finally get bring Jackson home !!! #puppylove ",0 "Honestly seeing and being with my grandparents has made me such a happy girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Your were mumbling and smiling ",0 "quit crying lol ! everyone likes me✌️ #BooHoo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shanks baby girl . Love you tooooo ❤️ ",0 "Olivia thinks I'm going to tumbling tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you Kaylaaaaaaa ",0 "Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ can we just cuddle over break ? ",0 "I love it when the gay guy sits by me #giggles ",0 "A whole week away with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ at the Outer Banks is going to be amazing can't wait for summer to be here . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hehe . love you sister ! i'll be over soon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you'll do great ! Hope I can make it ! ",0 "Getting along with BraShel makes things so much easier . Blessed to be accepted for Kam and Pay ",0 "Chloe on repeat mhmmmm _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I seriously love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ she's the best cousin ever ! ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ",0 "When the little kid I babysit just wished me a happy friendship day❤ #soadorable ",0 "Pandora is on top of it today ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haah well that's a good sign then ",0 "Biggest loser competition as couples ! Dakota and I VS . my parents #GettingFit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think you have been drunk every night since you've been home ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes ! Every time I hear that song I think of you guys and die laughing . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay baby ",0 "The time is NOW ! ☺ ",0 "Think I'm ready to move on to something better ",0 "#theviewtv I adore Jason Biggs lol ",0 "#TheShowWithVinny #askvinny Will you marry me ? ",0 "Just a month and some change till my 21st ! #February15th #icantwait ",0 "the sweet message I just sent trey . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Getting my Florida kitty tonight ",0 "#YouGetMajorPointsIf you play basketball ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love youu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no u are ",0 "Frakenmuth with the babe . happy 8 months baby . I'm glad we figured everything out . ❤️ ",0 "#YoureMoreAttractiveIf You look like Channing Tatum ☺ ",0 "Last night before Blue Lake ! ",0 "Just got my week one training and nutrition packet from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !! You all have NO idea how excited I am . Nooooo idea . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will in a bit ",0 "#InitialsOfSomeoneWhoMeansSomething L.E.E. .... at least that's what they will be in a couple years _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thursday ! ",0 "Harry Potter marathon ! Don't mind if I do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ My bb . ",0 "I love to snuggle ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the besttttttt for sending me iTunes Gifts for season 3 episodes of New Girl #thankyou #happygirl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ This guy I used to talk to ex girl friend ",0 "I'm obsessed with caramel frappes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thinks I'm funny ! #bouttimesomeonedoes ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what else is new ",0 "Steak omelette with cinnamon apple pancakes and sausage ",0 "It's a good Horse riding kinda day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's awesome !! And your English is just super what's your favorite Gerard Way quote ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't forget about me okay , movie night at my house soon or something ",0 "I love how whenever I go in public with my brother , people think I'm a teenage mom and that my mom is the grandma lol ",0 "Alabama Moon >>>> #GoodBook ",0 "Doing stuff for Spiegeltent this year at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ - come visit us ..? ",0 "Watching storage wars ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh I have skills !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you have a best friend who does come over ! ",0 "Bedtime . Great way to end the weekend . Only 4 days to go then Christmas time and possibly more ticketssss ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg i love you right now thats so true ",0 "#OMG Words can't describe how excited I am for Justin Timberlake's new album this year !! Can't wait for the new song tonight either ! ",0 "Bill straight cheesein ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahaha I could so picture you saying that rn ",0 "Just discovered ice cream in the freezer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm too excited to meet the little one when she comes ❤ ",0 "day with babe tomorrow . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Piano Man was my absolute favorite performance from idol and the idol tour . He killed it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can picture you singing this in your car ",0 "My dad hanks for being good this week while we were gone "" #pro "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you thank you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awhh you have a good day too ",0 "I'm still laughing at the Kayla Cam last night Lolololololol . I hope you enjoyed that this morning when you watched it ! Hahahaha ",0 "Luke Bryan should always perform ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Same place ! ",0 "Long Island for the weekend ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ of course you are ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ text me . ",0 "The pictures I found of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & I from 5th grade ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Wrong . Your nonsense is just perfect ! ",0 "I turned on the puppy cam today and they were wearing costumes ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ That's good ! When you having that baby ? ",0 "had fun with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today ",0 "I made a 92 on my anatomy test !! Soo freaking happy right now !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cute couple ! ",0 "Honest to god the snail from monsters university though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll be back soon ! And I'm coming to say goodbye at 5am ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm laughing so hard , just an Indian ",0 "Finally after a year we are together ",0 "New ringtones new text tones new everything omg !!!! ",0 "Arkansas might just have the best punter and kicker in college football ... #LSU gotta go 99 1/2 yards for a score ",0 "Can't wait to reunite with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ soon ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ But there cute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know . Thanks girl , I'm holding it together . Love you . ",0 "Since I'm the only unmarried girl in our household , I get to bless everything that new and expensive in our house ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's so sweet , your gorgeous love youuu !! ",0 "Novacane - Frank Ocean . ",0 "High sleep is the best sleep ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good just trying to relax , you ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my brother in law is also ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ were badddd ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok so definetly hanging out this weekend ? ",0 "Ya know ... I could deff get use to this whole going to bed happy thing #ContentWithLife ",0 "I'm so ready to actually get off of work and go celebrate today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ all I heard is you are getting me a new Xbox for Christmas ",0 "Once again , I'm so thankful my boyfriend is an amazing cook . I get gourmet food pretty much every night ",0 "Me & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ' s valentine story's are so presh wish guys were like that now a days ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm gonna ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I work but I will be there at 5:30 am #EarlyBirdGetsTheWorm ",0 "Emily's happy cause people are favoriting her tweet to the asseenatiup account ",0 "I broke my foot and I laughed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sure thing Nichole ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hell yeah ! ",0 "Welp , jus went 32-0 , going back to bed . ",0 "I will never forget the day that Zachary came over and told me about a scholarship he got but didn't even care because they put \Zack "" "" ",0 "I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ verrrry much hope everything went well this weekend ",0 "Good luck _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ eeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!! You guessed correctly !! ",0 "Watching #GuyCode with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thanks I appreciate that ... hoping it will be a help to our community and we have a 6 member woman team ... ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah I know but txt me ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's what I thought ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thinks shes gonna find me a man ",0 "He has such a pretty butt ",0 "I'm a complicated , hard to understand mess but if you can handle it then we'll be perfect ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nothing to be scared of ! call me if you need something ! ",0 "People ask me what's the best thing about being gay and I honestly can't pick just ONE because its all amazing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the board that made King the Kid happen ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh wait I forgot all your gonna see is boxes . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ exactly what my dad does too with the camaro ! It's like they think their cool ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ This was nowhere near as bad killed me in a good way lmao ",0 "Pigs these days ... Gotta love em ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're sitting next to me on the plane we'll both be 21 . It's gonna be a good time ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ made me breakfast in bed #THEbestboyfriend #Thankyou ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will have another post sometime about duality of functions and objects ",0 "I think it's safe to say that I don't give a fuck anymore . #happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was so happy I got to see you !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Best Christmas ever - * he * wrote back ! You must be over the moon ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is ot "" gay with me #AprilFools "" ",0 "69BABE i love you sm and and you're a cutie ",0 "Had a really fantastic week ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mom >>>> Only thing that made me smile today ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMB , ",0 "Nothing better then fresh blown out hair ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hit me up anytime & we'll kick it ",0 "“ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ At least he's thoughtful .... BAHAHAHAHA ! ” exactly !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh stop it you ☺️ ",0 "I can't wait to get paid tonight half goes in the bank then going shopping with the other half ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that belly ring looks badass from what can be seen ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You're welcome ! ",0 "#YoureMoreAttractiveIf you have scruff ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's always nice . At least you never had to clamber in through the back door and climb over like a friend of mine . ",0 "\You like the drive thru ? How about I drive my fist through your face . "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "Love waking up in the best mood ! ",0 "Going to see great aunt bobby in SketchNation , TN ",0 "I've got 5 days off in a row including a weekend and a holiday . You better be planning something big meester _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Spider-Man kiss episode of The OC ☔ >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Love you too Christian ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey boo , can I get a box of clothes from ya ? Tehe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ next time take me ",0 "That adorable moment when one of the worst kids runs up to you gives you a big hug and tell you he loves you !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Have a great day babe ",0 "It's amazing how fast shopping can brighten my mood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you actually did it ",0 "Really happy at this point ",0 "Although , he's still gonna be immature . #NBD ",0 "I cant wait to see my grandma tomrw ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're the definition of a crack whore . Good luck at your interview ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your bringing me BWW ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao you had me dyin at that tell me what señor thinks about it tomorrow ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait either ! good luck on your finals ! ",0 "Going to see You're Next on Saturday ! #cantwait ",0 "8 seconds with the sister ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you guys too and if you love me I will have a puppy when I get back home ",0 "ahhhh workout time !! pure stress relief ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes it is !!!! 5 months & 5 days ",0 "so excited to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Next Sunday Adam Levine is singing Sunday Morning on the Sunday Morning show #myidol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol ur funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just wait , we will be getting nice Christmas presents in the near future ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you so much gorgeous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love talking to people except when they talk in a foreign language ",0 "So I can totally shave tomorrow . ",0 "Nights like this remind me why I love my friends and don't need anyone else ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok if it comes out the way I'm planning ill post a pic ! ",0 "Does anyone know if Rush is touring in 2014 ? ",0 "I'm just glad that I get to watch a college football game with my dad☺️☺️☺️ ",0 "however , since we're all taking boats , let's take some fishin rods too ! we might get lucky and catch something . ",0 "ACCOMPLISHED . Haha least I got one fan . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Wearing sweaters for today and tomorrow inspired by thanksgiving haha love this time of year ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Jackie and I were just saying last night we need to take a road trip to see you and Kelsey ",0 "Where can I get a little Asian persuasion ? #seriously ",0 "I'm in such a good mood . ☺ ",0 "Just sitting at the table with my dad ! Both on twitter haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you make my life #Complete ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you won't be disappointed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ me to ty : ) ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Well , at least you don't have to shovel rain . Lol . Enjoy your day ",0 "This emoji looks just like our cat _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol , it's always nice when boys have a little meat to them , it's comfy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG I'm so excited ",0 "The look on people's faces when I give my mom alcohol suggestions . #Priceless ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks lovely ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I knew you would love it ",0 "Just got to get through these two classes then it's off to Wrentham with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for a girls night ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ am I included ? ",0 "casey is so protective of me sometimes , I love it _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #bestfriendprobs ",0 "my dad could tell Abby was over just because of her laughing in the background on the phone ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ then we will fight ... And I'll win ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I LOVE YOU !!!!!!! LOL ❤ ",0 "I wasn't even scared at bogies . I was too busy laughing at _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hitting zombies in the face . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ your cramps >>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Merry Christmas ",0 "Can't wait for my cletes and phone case tomorrow >>> ",0 "Looks so pretty when it's snowing in New York ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm dead ",0 "Philly cheese steak dinner with walid drinking a beer ",0 "Girls love beyonce . ",0 "Chapstick right now though ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ just looking out for you . #loveyou ",0 "941 : awww we used to be in each other's classes always and now I don't think we even have 1 together you are so nice and so funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so freaking cute if only we find love like that someday ",0 "Who needs a boyfriend when you have _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Can't wait for my parents to visit in a month . Especially if _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tags along too ",0 "Y'all might not know this but I'm in love #twitter -pated #iloveyoubaby ",0 "I would Love to get a good morning textfrom you Tomrrow ",0 "when LSP karate chops a snake ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks beautiful love you ",0 "The perfect guy would have to be the type that sit and watches Disney movies with you while cuddling ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ If she knows the right way to get it out of you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can't wait to see my best friend again ",0 "Shane thought it'd be funny for me to blind pick a movie . His loss I picked the one I wanted by chance ☺️ ",0 "Spanish is the sexiest language #talkspanishtome ",0 "Be back together in an hour ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what the fuck lol you don't have to be so rude . I can be an ass if you want me to ",0 "My day just 10x more awesome . ",0 "Ordering everything for my dorm next year ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Goodnight . Love you <3 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha gotcha ! Good luck tomorrow ",0 "Class cancelled today !!! I can dig ",0 "Bleaching the tips of my hair .... Hopefully it turns out right ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nice work Erin ! Training is coming along well ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ were gonna be like fox and the hound except cuter and more punk ",0 "So souped for break , dayglow Christmas , new years , all that good stuff ",0 "OMG BEST NEWS EVER I'm on 2 tmrw ❤❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ don't get too crazy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill be visiting ",0 "A McChicken with tomato with fries and some BBQ sauce sounds pretty great right now . If anyone wants to bring me that ... I live on Eley ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao we're comin to the next one ",0 "Caleb just said \you keep tweeting #FuckCaleb ... HE STOLE MY NAME ! """" ",0 "getting ready yk for the plans I don't have life is great ",0 "Danielle is beyond beautiful . ",0 "Sons of Anarchy time !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ umm can you wear then at Mohegan 5/28 and 5/29 . I will let you know what I think ",0 "Family dinners with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ily ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know exactly who ! ",0 "Shout out to the best girl I know _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for making my day and stealing me 2 oatmeal raisin cookies from the science center ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok will do !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I just texted you again ! ",0 "Of monsters and men . ",0 "Carl brought me lunch and it was the nicest thing ever ",0 "March of Dimes walk today #shaleise ",0 "Hangover 3 was seriously too funny last night ! #MustSee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ We're funny like that . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dang sweet ! So close to me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ knows why im nice to people .. shhhh ",0 "That phone conversation I just had with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #toogood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you showtime I never text anyone anymore though , haha . ",0 "The funny thing is no one even reads during SSR we all just play on our phones and ipads ",0 "I can honestly say I have spent the last 22 months with the best boyfriend I could possibly ever have . I love you , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤ ",0 "I love going to the dentist ! ",0 "Something happens when I see her it's right out of a fairy tale ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I most deff agree ! ☺ ",0 "The voice _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sister bri is about to sing cheering her on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I couldn't agree more ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we can rage ",0 "banana cream pie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ smile I get to see you in two or so weeks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ But hey , congrats _TWITTER-ENTITY_ !!!!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was good ! Never had so much fun in the student section ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I read 2 pages .. ",0 "She's so ugly #loveit ",0 "Group message with all your bestfriends is literally the best #dying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know girl I had a blast , we need to all hang out again , soon !! ",0 "Having lunch with my brother at good old Blaine ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you Mac ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha that's probably why you don't get any titty pictures . ",0 "that coach bag though ",0 "I can't stop thinking about how sexy Bruno Mars was tonight _TWITTER-ENTITY_ in Pittsburgh !! He was on point ! #Amazing ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ That was fun I'm going to try to come up with at least enough money to go to Philly for one day . ",0 "I love the way you make me feel .. I love it❤️ ",0 "The sunrise is absolutely gorgeous this morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ she's like 5 ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Cinderella ! ",0 "It's gonna be a great day ! The weekend is finally here ",0 "tonight was great ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is that what the block on my account is for ? hahahah I need to change my 201 to 108 again ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yea girl . I am ",0 "You crack me up #ohgolly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe thank you ! And so are you ",0 "Had a good afternoon workout with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "shout out to my manager Emma who's probably reading this bc I know she stalks my twitter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG . This would be amazing . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ what grade does he have ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it was amazing !! I highly recommend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no way butthole ",0 "Nick is one funny kid . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ soon as my knee is better ill give a try bud ill Prob end up back at the hospital ",0 "Beyond excited to see my best friend . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #13days ",0 "Going to see a movie with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's a good ! ",0 "Happy two months to my bestfriend/rock/love/world .. my everything . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ , I love you so much . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it is navigation and all ! ",0 "Taylor and I ate snow ❄⛄ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "American idol needs another _TWITTER-ENTITY_ prettiest girl in the world and best voice ever #OneOfAKind #MyHero ",0 "Off work , think I'll stop by and see my old macdons crew . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that would be a dream come true . Or even more so they cancel Friday too lol like 13 inches of snow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is Larry real ? I think it is but I don't think you and Louis are gay .... Are you ? sorry for asking ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know I'm actually happy though because the room is a little bit bigger ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okkkk ill bring it to ya I'm the morning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's so cute ",0 "She got looks that'll kill and legs that should be a crime ",0 "Never ever did my little brother wrap all this old toys and give them to us ",0 "Just 17 haircuts to go ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tweet on silver screen today cracked me up so bad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yes it does ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got your back . Get it girl . Love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your tweets are perfect my night has been made ",0 "Boys with tattoos >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got whiskey and coke #grownmanshit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ WHAT ky got the job !? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will fight you too . Me and pay make a good team ! ",0 "I EVEN SAW MY _TWITTER-ENTITY_ TODAY !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ never fails to make me smile & laugh☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay Allie and I were planning on doing it then anyway but text me I have something else to say . ",0 "Getting told I get to leave work early >> thanks jimmy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ fair enough . Appreciate the clarification and agree ",0 "Sibby made a funny ",0 "My day just got infinitely better . Joined the gym and transcripts are on their way to the destination . ",0 "Thanks for coming to my work Christmas dinner with me it was great _TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ",0 "Hannah is killin me ",0 "I can't wait to workout tomorrow ... oh wait . I guess it's today ? So in the afternoon ",0 "Actually , who am I kidding . I always love eating . ",0 "So excited for liiiife right now ",0 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for the ride home . Nicest guy you'll evvvvvvaaaa meet ",0 "That is ratchetness at its fullest ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ",0 "CAN MONDAY COME FASTER SO I CAN GET MY NEW CAR ",0 "That was a great surprise thought u were asleep ya got me # ",0 "when I get married , me n my bridesmaids are definitely choreographing a dance with a bunch of diff . dances in it that'd be so cute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha ok ! I'm here till five . ",0 "How awesome would it be if KU pulled off this win ",0 "Aw such a sweetie . ",0 "I love it when my boyfriend does or should I say \help "" me with my homework "" ",0 "My 10 year old cousin just said \Hurry up . What are we waiting for Jesus to take the wheel ?! """" ",0 "You touched his boot .. Well I touched his guitar ",0 "Now taking applications for someone to be my movie buddy ☺️✋ Not . #lonalyfe ",0 "Thinking I just made _TWITTER-ENTITY_ day ",0 "Sleeping with him is the best . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that smile ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you going to stay tonite ? please ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ totally cozy Whiskeytown weather ",0 "I get a fishy today ",0 "Peking with dad ",0 "He always looks at me with those big blue eyes and says \you're sweeter than the sweetest thing out there "" . Then he kisses me . ☺ "" ",0 "Happy Hour #Yay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHAH soon babes soon ",0 "Ah , Bismarck #HomeSweetHome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you ",0 "Zac Efron in the first Highschool Musical >>> ☺️ ",0 "Attack of the birds in the hunger games ",0 "That was the cutest thing ever . ",0 "Who wants to go see the new hunger games with me ",0 "Feeding little man then back to bed for me ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ obvi ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you <3 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I actually cannot be tamed ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ when do you actually work for dad ?? #familyintern #jokes ",0 "Bridesmaids at the PEIF ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dude dude dude dude #ShitISay ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we have the same car . Mine just comes in nicer packaging . ",0 "happy food stamp day everyone ! #cashierproblems #ebt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good luck today !. ⚾ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Just an idea . Release ( with permission if needed ) in studio groups/singers on CD and donate all $$$ to NSAL . Just an Idea ! ",0 "One week from today is all that's on my mind !!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Loveeeeeee macklemore !! ",0 "Hahahahaha I love duck dynasty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you should get a dog , one more animal you get is one less to be beaten to death ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my ! Sure , Shelbz ! ",0 "Woohoo ! 2 _TWITTER-ENTITY_ songs in a row on the radio ! This is gonna be a great day ! #beautyandabeat #thatpower ",0 "Insidious 2 was way scarier than the conjuring ... _TWITTER-ENTITY_ knows ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Fun . I'll get your gift to you like Thursday , I'll be in Tennessee this week . Or you can come on your way here ",0 "Just put my 2 weeks in ! so excited to get the hell out of this place ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Well honestly I barely know you haha ! But everyone needs a friend ",0 "\We'll go get some tacos soon . "" Why am I still laughing . #nolife "" ",0 "I don't care , that snapchat was funny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you babes ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahha not you silly ! ",0 "The last song is my favorite ",0 "Wanna go to the car meet tonight They seem so fun lol ",0 "catching fire was absolutely phenomenal !! it's going to be literally impossible to wait for mockingjay ",0 "My uncle is engaged !!!! ☺ ",0 "I text _TWITTER-ENTITY_ everyday . ",0 "Had a wonderful night with my love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and his amazing family ! And then I finally got to meet _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to top it off ! #greatday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awee ! Lol . John and Boston and bre are all at there dads ! But that's cool I didn't know that ! Do U everr babysit ? Lol ",0 "S/O to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for looking so hot at her shoot ! ",0 "Refund days are always the best ",0 "I only have to take 3 finals can I get a #hell to the #yeah ",0 "OMFG Miley in that VMA commercial ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Just 20 more minutes till you're with me !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my \ #YoureMoreAttractiveIf "" tweets are about you "" ",0 "Aweee he called me ",0 "Yea I send smiley faces to my mom when we text cause were just that cool ",0 "Just heard senior skip day by Mac miller and thought of you instantly hahahaa _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Beautiful day to spend with a cookout at the beach ! My summer is SO not over yet☀ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ahhhh I'm so hyped ! ",0 "First chemistry test !! #nervous ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ had a great time tonight !!! See ya boys again soon ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my goodness I love your dogs ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ needs to tweet more ❤️ ",0 "I decided to surprise everyone with my presence in class on the first day and only say that I have 6th lunch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank YOU ! You guys are the best ! #ATB ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ",0 "I need an excuse to go somewhere so I can wear my new hunters and my new rain coat ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ of course ",0 "But it was extremely nice to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG ",0 "my mood tonight though . ☺️ ",0 "Got a little stocking today with candy canes and chocolate from one of my preschoolers how stinking cute ! ",0 "Satisfying my craving Wednesday ! ",0 "Im excited for tomorrow !! #camping #nature ",0 "Maybe they'll be a cute couple because they look like twins . #sorrynotsorry ",0 "Currently cuddled up in my parent's floor because it's Christmas Eve and I will never outgrow the excitement of this night . ",0 "Willa's the biggest , sweetest dog ",0 "YOU ARE HILARIOUS . You made me talk like Paula dean cause you always did and I lovveee you ! Hope to see you again soon ",0 "Loved getting to open presents with everyone got some great stuff and loved seeing people open what I got the ",0 "Warm bodies with babe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmao !!!!! That's what she said . #SorryHadTo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well I saw you tweeting about your mom , so I decided to put my input in on how I feel about her , lol ",0 "The government is shut down , but we still turnin ' up ! ",0 "Definitely made a lot of memories ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Well it's the truth . Inside and out . I hope things are wonderful with you ! ",0 "Yay don't have to go to school . back to sleep . ",0 "4,000 goes to my favorite person in the world _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "It's so nice out I love it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know u will ",0 "So productive today ",0 "Sleeping with the bae ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I almost tweeted that to you the other day haha ",0 "Fall Out Boys new song >> #sogood ",0 "I love people who use a lot of emoji ! ❤️✌️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's fine you're coming to visit all the time ",0 "We are busting the 49ers OPEN ",0 "Iron man 3 was great . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your cover photo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh man , thank you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hope you win #MLB13Cutch ",0 "Closing shift wasn't too bad today . Got home at a semi decent time ",0 "Christmas Oreos with peppermint chocolate milk is the best ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha !! #truth ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ great surprise seeing you this morning at the salon #missedya . ",0 "At least Trey is excited that I'm back #ifeelloved ",0 "Excited for tomorrow night . ",0 "What just happen to Jess & I >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Alright alight maybe I can fit that in somewhere within the next few days ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think it's $100 ",0 "Currently sleeping in my own bed for the first time this month ",0 "I guess \you're too pretty for jail "" is considered a compliment nowadays "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well you can come back anytime now ",0 "Sidney Crosby #justthebest ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahahha no ik someone named cat for real ",0 "There's also nothing like running into Orlando Bloom in the flesh !!!!! ",0 "I graduate tomorrow . I'm excited ",0 "Realizing I deserve better ? Good . Doing something about it ? Even better ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah that's so dumb . Okay bring coffee ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol this is great ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ see !! We both know who we're talkin about ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your legacy still lives on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your always invited sweet cheeks ",0 "I suggest everyone find a beard to keep them warm this holiday season . That means men , grow beards so girls will want you to keep em warm ",0 "So proud of myself ",0 "I thoroughly love the person I am #IRock ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ life is more interesting than a Nicholas Sparks novel these days ",0 "I love Sundays for one reason #SoMoSunday ",0 "Hope that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ has a great first day of work ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! Love and miss you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haven't even done any of it yet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ dead your new famous line i will cut you oh god im buying you a new knife for Christmas . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wuv yew ",0 "You have no idea how bad I want to take a crowbar across your face , and the only thing stopping me is prison Have a great night sweetie ",0 "American Horror Story , rootbeer , and pizza #perfect ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I like cold pillows hahahah oh yeahhhh I forgot to post your zombie pic ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how'd your chem test go ? Hahah ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you have to wait a couple weeks . ☺ ",0 "Anchorman 2 ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHA lets pretend I intended that ",0 "My new sight just came in for my AR-15 !!! very excited ",0 "Literally had such a good evening and night yesterday . I am beyond happy . ",0 "#WhenIWasLittle I pretended to be a spy and a tornado chaser with my cousin #thosewerethedays ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ its just meant to be . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ trust me ik ! ✋ ",0 "Get to work with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight ! #bestdayever ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank ya . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha yeah right ! You better get in the holiday spirit ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you ! Im fine ! And you are the apple of Gods Eye or an angel undercover ! Love and Peace and Gods Greatest Blessings ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yes will rite now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ok ! I'll see if I can ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG the guru has exposed me to something new I need to buy ",0 "Texting my best friend . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ",0 "Soooo when can I marry Mike Posner ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ guys I would like to inform you my cat is fixed and has been inside since I got home ",0 "Now that's all I can think about . ❤️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lori I'm coming over when you're home ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I have half of yours . The other half is coming very soon . Can't wait to give it to you ",0 "Late night drives >> ",0 "more smiles , less stress ",0 "Twitters so amusing sometimes ",0 "Getting _TWITTER-ENTITY_ mad >>>>> ",0 "Going to see the hunger game tomorrow ",0 "Hunny , those pants .... Have got to go .... Put on something that fits you !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I am ! I hope you are too !! Miss you so much , let's hangout soon ! ",0 "Hope all my softball ladies are having a good first day ! Love you guys ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you !! ",0 "A lady came in and got like 20 gift cards that took me forever to ring in but she tipped me 25$ !!! Feelin ' the holiday spirit ☺️✨ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I are such good pranksters ",0 "Lindsey bribes me with Texas Roadhouse don't mind if I do ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay I'm ready to go ",0 "A successful day of hanging lights outside . ",0 "Who wants to go Black Friday shopping with me after work ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well thank ya ",0 "I love how close _TWITTER-ENTITY_ & I have gotten ! LOVE YOU ! ",0 "Never give up on the things that makes you smile . ",0 "Regardless of what goes wrong , _TWITTER-ENTITY_ can always make it better ",0 "My brother has a girlfriend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "242- Omg .. There's too much I could say about you , We need to hangout \soon "" . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what ? You jealous ",0 "Snookie and JWoww premiers tonighttttt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ there's a farm stand outside ' primitives for ewe ' open every day 10-6 . Red apple farm has a farmer's market on Wed 2-6 ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cheer up , you deserve to smile ",0 "I'd kill for a Green Tea Lemonade from Starbucks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ miss you ! visiting you 4 soon !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you !  ",0 "I don't think Smalls has ever seen a cat . He's like freakin out ",0 "operation find the most obnoxious Mother's Day card complete ! I think a hamster that cheers will do the trick ! #funnykids ",0 "Just drove a standard for the first time and didnt stall the truck ",0 "Watching magic mike for the first time ... All I can say is GOD DAMN ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are a silly rabbit lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you love ! Hope everything's going good for you ! ",0 "Happy it's chilly outside so I can wear my spirit jersey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they do they do ",0 "We never dated tho so let's give it another go ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm so down . We really need to . When i get my license we'll definitely do both ",0 "Loved having my meeting with Erin and Stu today . Couldn't be more thankful that I have such understanding and caring coaches ! Huskies #BU ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ this weekend ! ",0 "Can't stop laughing and loving _TWITTER-ENTITY_ account just cuz I love my piggg ",0 "Someone come hangout with me ☺️ ",0 "grandma- \Linda , suck an egg . "" DYING "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey Coach Hudak , just wondering if u could please send my sectional film to jmotherwell@uwf.edu thank you ",0 "if Alyssa sends me the emoji one more time ,,, ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i'm only joking I loveeeee you ",0 "I freaking love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ SO DEAD ",0 "I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you !!! ",0 "Macklemore tonight ! ",0 "I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I think _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ will be there this weekend ! ",0 "my room is sooooo clean ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ he got it off a bench ",0 "The Littler Mermaid is on _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I got me a smoothie . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ do you still like me ? #instapun ",0 "Clay is walking around in his underwear .... & he just jumped in the pool . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "Love being in a good mood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ No ... Not even talking . We tried #awkward ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you are a Twitter whore with your favoriting . ",0 "Going to work out in an hour . And all I can think about is that candy dish full of chocolate kisses sitting in front of me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Glad I'm not the only one . ",0 "I think I'm gonna go to my moms afte work to see Liam ☺️ miss him ",0 "Tell me how you like it #TRUST ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ seriously just giggled reading that !! #youcrackmeup ",0 "tonight I made the right choice #yayme ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh thats good then ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got you boo ",0 "My life may not be perfect , but I'm pretty content ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha yes it did ! And as I was laying in bed I realized I skipped dinner so I just made a pb&j and now I'm goin to sleep ",0 "I'm sorry holly but I'mo legit trying to get to 10K by the end of the weekend ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg I mean if you saw the vine who wouldn't ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know Arnels documentary like the back of my hand ! You can ask me any trivia and I will know the answer ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ so much love in the building ",0 "Just found out this bitch is gonna be a mommy ... I need to get on twitter more _TWITTER-ENTITY_ congrats boo ! ",0 "drenched in sweat from walking _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to class like a child have fun ",0 "every little cute thing you say , puts the biggest smile on my face . ",0 "I find it hilarious to watch people pretend like they don't see you #SociallyAwkward ",0 "My boyfriend is the most handsomest guy ever !! I love him so much !! ❤❤❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're the best ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome sweetie ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha me neither till now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love your dad he's the best ✌ ",0 "Cowboys win !!! Great thanksgiving ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Okay , I change my mind . FGL . ",0 "You pinned the tail on the wrong donkey ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you too ! ",0 "Twitter is kinda depressing tonight ... SMILEEEEEEE ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ is the best for driving me around all of Eastern Connecticut last week ",0 "And there's no more to explain to me'you know I know your game & I'm feeling what you do so I'm bouncing ✌ ",0 "I don't think anyone could understand how I could deal with you lol _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "☺zZ szzZ . ZN , $ ",0 "I spent $20 on gas and got 3/4 a tank full ",0 "I've know izzy for 10 years . I ain't giving up on our friendship ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love that I get to see your face every time I open my fridge ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's definitely been a good night ",0 "\I got up at 6 to do my chores cause I'm a workin ' boy . Hashtag farm life . "" Lolol Ross "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you and pitch perfect . ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ YOU WILL ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You ever been with that girl that you thought you'd spend the rest of your life with ? Yeah me either . Hahaha . ",0 "Cooper seriously just peed in Haley's mouth ",0 "I love a girl that can rock my football jersey ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ SLEEPOVER THURSDAY . Then were going to see a movie then go to the guys game later . #bestwaytospendtheday #bestfriends ",0 "No one has ever seen an uglier picture of me than _TWITTER-ENTITY_ sees daily on snapchat ",0 "S/o to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for being so nice and awesome at track ! I'm so glad we're getting close this year ! ",0 "Braces on in 9'days! You could say I'm happy ",0 "just saw dolphin , day is made ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ our remake of \I like big butts "" is soooooo much better than the original ! #toofuckingfunny #iloveyouguys "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm super excited ! Thank you !!!! I had no idea ",0 "I can't stay mad at you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha I think you'll be alright ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ he is working so I'm sure he is enjoying all the notifications but he said that was fine last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha ",0 "This old man just hit on my mom ! \I lost my number can I have yours "" ? cutest and funniest thing of my life "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ & _TWITTER-ENTITY_ have been there tonight and I couldn't ask for better friends . thank you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg that show was so funny ! Remember how they had to audition for it at the beginning represent where they were from #sostupid ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good luck today girl ! You're gonna do great !! ❤❤❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahah okay I shall enjoy being the little one for a while more !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but hey we're getting closer to wsf ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that would be insane ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm dying ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ wuvvvv you more ",0 "Hey _TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're perfect I hope you know that . ",0 "omg my doctor . ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I care buddy #fuckoff ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yeah hahaha she has a ton of videos !! #cracksmeup ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ",0 "Miley's voice >>>> ",0 "City Park Pool w my fav _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Miss and love you , too , Sherb ! Hopefully I'll see you soon ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey now ! I can imagine you just like slidin down outa the seat ... and it's pretty funny .. go to bed its past ur bedtime !! ",0 "I have something for you guys hehehe _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I wanna be badass like you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ LOVE ME ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Sleep well ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Bummed I missed this ! Ethos slings the yummiest treats urrnight til 11pm ! Now you know for next time ",0 "2 days till I get my license ! no more back roads ",0 "Having the most amazing time with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this week ! Lets hope for our luck to finally turn around tonight with racing !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love talking to you babe ",0 "Thanks for favoriting almost every single one of my tweets _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Seriously so happy ",0 "Purchased a dozen strawberries from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for me and my daughter today . Next weekend will be yummy ",0 "Still cant believe me caitlin and ryan snuck into that 5 star hotel on the beach and swam ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's actually a great idea , I'll probably fail them all anyway ",0 "It's almost Ice skating season ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks love ",0 "It was like #DRW12Days want to answer my prev tweet ....... #perfectgift !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ always a pleasure seein my favorite light skin babe ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you ! It was a couple years ago ! But , we basically still look same ~ except she just keeps it going ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yep ! I was wondering why you would punch a kid in the helmet ...? ",0 "If I didn't have _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to keep me grounded and out me back in my place , don't know where in the clouds I would be #loveyouBB ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ talk to you soon ",0 "Pure happiness is the best feeling in the world . Haven't felt it in a while and it feels great ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you . And miss you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ maybe not set up , I just think the little guy needs a friend ",0 "gonna go shoot pool with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Nice to see longtime friend _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sure she is very proud of you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're right ! ",0 "The microwave is my best friend #CantCook ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Lol she doesn't make them simple . Thanks for helping ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ the bromance is real , but it's cute . ",0 "About to hop in the shower ",0 "Just gave my boss an overlook on how to use twitter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ RIGHT ?! ",0 "I'm honestly really happy for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ because I will be so excited if I get accepted into OU . ",0 "lunch date with Dustin tomorrow . ",0 "100% chance of snow ❄️⛄️ ",0 "But I love _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and we are getting married ",0 "My mavs are about to beat the rockets ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cheer up bb ! Love you . Here if you need anything ! ",0 "Nothing better than a bunch of men in army suits ",0 "I don't really care about this football game however Alabamas QB is a hottie ",0 "Can't wait for this sleepover tomorrow night _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you lucky . im taking a bubble bath ",0 "Yay 4:30 is almost here ",0 "If you wanna be my lover .... ",0 "God bless all the girls who wore grey leggings today ",0 "There's nothing better than sitting on the porch watching my little cousins play . ",0 "So I'm about to take the Durango out .. And my dad says , \Don't forget to turn the lights on ! "" #lmao #really "" ",0 "2 chains and robin thicke's song is absolutely awesome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no problem ! ",0 "getting a perfect score on my international law midterm has been the bright spot of my day so far ",0 "I had so much fun today . Thank you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for buying my ticket to see the jets lose ",0 "I wish I would tan better , it takes forever to actually get a nice tan ! #palegirlproblems #whiteasaghost ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ very welcome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you !! Love you boo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ HAHAH we told you we shaved your arms when you finally woke up and you just looked at your arms and got all sad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ good afternoon ❤️sorry I'm late ",0 "If someone wants to bring me cider and donuts , I'd love you forever . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ interesting turn of events ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I still love you ",0 "R/T & ill DM you a tbh☺ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ will do . Same to you and yours ",0 "Let's do this and change the world !! I feel God moving , shifting , and shaping an awesome future ! Tomorrow , I am ready for you #sytycd ",0 "Thunderstorms ! ☔⚡ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ remember when i almost put the mexican restaurant up in flames ? it happens , when you live the life of a badass . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was a good one ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ REALLY ? OMG I feel special ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ OMG ! My jaw is on the ground ! Nicest thing EVER SAID ! #hugesmile #thankyou ",0 "Spent $34 on makeup . oh well ! ",0 "Love when people fav my tweets . Makes me have hope that I'm somewhat popular .. ",0 "So happy it's snowing ",0 "Looool Danso eeh _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : now gye wo prize , GALA \ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Medaase Odo _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ no need to be shy "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome ",0 "Cops bad boys ",0 "Loling at these #bloomfieldprobs tweets _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you too ❤ just know I'm here for you through it all ❤ ",0 "you have the best jumps besides me of course ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I WANT PICS OF THE NEW PUPPY ! ☺️ ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Text her something sweet while she's sleeping , so in the morning she wakes up with a smile on her face . "" Rihanna's lucky . "" ",0 "Yay excited for the football games ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha fuck them pigs . John you should go lay some rubber again ",0 "I love when _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wears tank tops ",0 "A snow day would be fantastic tomorrow ! ❄ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ we're so lucky to have you ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks doll ",0 "Visiting with Scott right now . He's doing pretty good today . ",0 "So productive today ",0 "Halfway done with this week and then I get to go home for the weekend ",0 "Drunk Cassy was very happy to see all of the friends hungover Cassy is needing a nap ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I will off someone if you drop #B3 before Xmas ",0 "9 weeks till graduation . Seems crazy ",0 "I love how close I've gotten with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ kool snitches get stitches tho ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw thank you mads ! Love youuuuuu ! ☺ ",0 "Love having talks with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I need a new book to read any suggestions ? ",0 "Lmao ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ prolly got _TWITTER-ENTITY_ shittin bricks about her car . ",0 "Having someone that makes you laugh & smile constantly >>>> ",0 "In a good mood today ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're welcome baby ",0 "There's more than one of you ",0 "Great date night with Drew #fireflygrill #movies ",0 "I was so happy to see Justin last night ",0 "Thanks mr brand for the ride over to the high school ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I miss you both sooooo much . Can't wait for thanksgiving #loveyougirls ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ shhhh not you , you're fine ",0 "no school for me tomorrow ! #eyedoctors ",0 "Can't breathe he's actually talking to me ... No one understands how much I love him _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ if you take the facetiousness out of the comment ... I agree with everything you said ",0 "Fit life >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's just as relaxing and awesome as I dreamed it would be ",0 "i love TI's family there such a big happy family !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well thank you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm awake . I have little ones , and a dog ! ",0 "Good mood today !! ",0 "Successful first meal in the house . #grilledcheese ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ healthy alternatives . ",0 "You've gotta smile that can light up this whole town ",0 "In love with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love all 4 of you so much I hope you feel better , sweet boy . You mean so much to us #5sosfam ",0 "The chiropractor makes my back feel so good ",0 "Oh my god could this staff worker at the gym be ANY hotter #lordjesus #motivation ",0 "Happy 1 month _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I can't wait until I'm older☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm good , thanks . So much to do , so little time ! ",0 "#youremoreattractiveif you like trucks and country music ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too ",0 "Family Christmas tree decorating time ",0 "Johnathan came home earlyyy from work eaaaarly this morning/last night ! happy valentine's day ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh ok ! Ill text you tomorrow ",0 "#easilyattractedto curly hairrr . ",0 "My 4,000 th tweet goes out to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! ",0 "finally coming home ",0 "I'm very happy for you ! Your current jobs and new found career goals are fantastic ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ looks so fine tonight ",0 "Can't wait to watch my favorite mommys on #TM2 _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Omg I can't even rn ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sounds like a plan can't wait to back in Gville with you ! ",0 "Check out my sis _TWITTER-ENTITY_ FaceTime ' n me from the next room over to take a look at her pink eye cause she kno it's contagious ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahah noooo im good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know . Jason aldean is just that great ",0 "I know that you like me ! No way ! No way ! You know it’s not a secret . Hey ! Hey ! You ! You ! I want to be your girlfriend ! ",0 "Sean treats me better than any boy ever will ",0 "On the bright side , it's pay day ",0 "cant say i remember the last time i was this happpy ... about timeee ☺️ ",0 "My pt girl >>>> holy hot ",0 "Lolol those tweets are funny as fuck ",0 "Bubble gum kushy and great food ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ what's your favorite song by them ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so sweet thank you ! ",0 "If your age is on the clock you're too young for the cock ",0 "Just saw some dolphins while kayaking ",0 "The Vineyards on tonight ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's how I felt with mine too ! Just gotta get use to itt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's because josh and I sang to you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I got you ",0 "Going to lunch with Grandma ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ please , girlfriend . Get it together . You're a cute and gifted person . Don't ruin it . ",0 "The delta sonic crush page makes me laugh so hard the things people say ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you !! I am so proud of you !!!! ",0 "There's a field coming up on your left . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Watching Tim get his nips pierced Hahahaha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Good thing you love me ",0 "When my mom puts chicken wing dip in my lunch >>>> ",0 "BEST FANS EVER I LOVE YOU GUYS ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ anything for you ",0 "Coming back from class Friday morning any my bed is still warm ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's how I just was ! I ended up getting over eight inches off ! Haha I was so nervous . But I'm sure anything will look good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha truuu warming up whocha was the highlight of my day and you did good in goal today girl ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ was already there today ",0 "Seriously the black people today _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #Dancing ",0 "Rodeo day parade !! love my cheer girls ! #cwucheer ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't either . but you don't have many . I have tons of you though ",0 "That Doritos commercial . >>>>> #DEAD ",0 "I'm so ready to make so many new memories with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☀ #loveyou #vacation ",0 "I'm ugly #wellthen ",0 "Seeing someone walk on the highway .. That's really safe ! ",0 "I'm so happy Kyle and I are at the same place ",0 "Had a great day with Marrissa and her family . Hopefully going shopping tomorrow . ",0 "Round two of gifts perks of two families #SoSpoiled #SoGrateful ",0 "It looks like _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is doing the dudes version of the duck face in his profile pic #SuperCute ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ up you should get your butt on stage ",0 "Half day . Thank god ",0 "Lmao I'm such a dork haha I can't believe I said that ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol those were the days ! But thanks babes I love and miss you ! ",0 "We got my dad a table saw and I've never seen anyone so happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ future hooker ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ switch that to to relax my mommy is the worlds best nurse . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok ! ",0 "You smile like you are trying to make your eyebrows touch your hair line . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ disc 3 season 2 ",0 "Fucking Wes Welker ",0 "\That awkward moment when you're halfway through telling a story and you realize it's a stupid story . "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha in the bathroom "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ cause jay loves his alli☺ ",0 "So baby let me love you down . ",0 "I find it SO SO SO funny you think you're better then me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that icecream video ",0 "Wtf lmao tyler is way too funny ",0 "I'm going to be reunited with my dog in three days YAAAAYYYY ",0 "We're listing to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ now so I'm very content ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are too ",0 "Movie date ! Identify theft ! With _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "But seriously tho , this is such an amazing movie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oops . My race car driver instincts musta kicked in . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Frantastic Monday today looks really interesting ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Theresa I love you and your family ! I never miss your show . It would be so fun to meet you ",0 "Cibos for dinner ",0 "The fact that Sydney's coming over to do my hair because I don't feel good and I don't wanna do it >>> #bestfriendever ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm such a lucky guy ",0 "Can't wait to watch Because the Internet and Wolf next year _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ but I have no clue what we're doing this year ",0 "I basically see every tweet everyone makes ",0 "Coop you noticed ",0 "Morning texts from the best boyfriend everrr >>> _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Life is better when you're constantly laughing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ nasty .. chicken ? ",0 "The majority of the girls on this Alabama 2018 page >>>>> ",0 "CATFISHHH I WONDER WHICH ONE IS REALL _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ in love ",0 "✨you're just a panini head hahahaha but really you're the best friend ever and we're gonna grow old together ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ >>>>> #Hilarious #BestBigCousin ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aaaah !! You're buckling under the pressure !! One step at a time . ",0 "To be honest today feels like Christmas morning ... t-minus 4 hours till I get to go home !! ",0 "Our coach made us do 6 down and backs ... No running , just diving and rolling . Mmmm wanna see mah bruises boi ?! #arousing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ crafty , I like it !! ",0 "Downtown is wild & I'm lovin it . ",0 "I'm such a great friend ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #dying #loveyouguys ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha well if you ever need anyone to bring you your booze I guess I can help out lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I guess I'll allow it then as long as you don't turn on the lights until after Thanksgiving . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hey txt mee ... Got a question for ya . ",0 "Looking at high top sperrys ",0 "Eminem is my ONE true love ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I try ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you babe ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Ok sounds good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ heard it for my first time this morning . It issss pretty good ",0 "Just discovering how good Kid Cudi is ",0 "Mmmmm pumpkin latte ",0 "Motherfuckas know I'm Fuckin ' crazy . #me #GOODFriday ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You should make more videos , Im in love with watching them ",0 "The difference between a gymnasts tumbling and a cheerleaders tumbling is crazy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha idk you would think that someone who is into photography would change their picture often ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's amazing !! Congrats girl you will rock it out ! Now I am going to have to pick your brain on face products & such lol ",0 "The amount of traveling I'm doing this summer is so exciting ",0 "It's enlightening when you can look back at the past and be grateful for your experiences , whether happy or sad . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Doesn't get any better then slow dancing in the rain ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks riv ! & you , me , and Seth need to hangout again and have stay out till 6 and i'll buy you macdons this time ",0 "Mrs beemers text made my day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha seriously ?! That's funny ",0 "Being held in his arms .. >> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You , Laken , Mac and I are gonna have to go to haunted houses and such ! ",0 "Red lobsterrrrr . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey ! So you're coming up here for conference ? ",0 "Giving \strangers "" rides home #toocoldtowalk #youoweus (; "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha who's tongue is that ? Haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i found the video !!! lol ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha okay phew ! I was like how did I already piss people off ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahahahaha ",0 "Glad to know that everyone's fake ✋ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ treat yourself to some ice cream #NationalIceCreamDay ",0 "Last night was great ",0 "East Lansing here I come . Again . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ prolly ! I'm all grow up now tho ",0 "Wonder if _TWITTER-ENTITY_ will put that black mail Wednesday up of _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm in like the best mood ever right now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ perfect ! what are you ladies doing tomorrow night ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ goood make sure to eat . Lot of protein . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay thanks ",0 "Lmao I think it's funny tho that people have nothing else better to do but talk shit about me ",0 "Tanning ✅ workout ✅ vitamins✅ now for bed until hanging with the girls later ",0 "I'm comin for you JB ",0 "I don't know why but sex in the lounge just puts me in a good mood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks babe ! you're the best ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awww baby ! You're too sweet . I love you too and I can't wait to be back tomorrow ",0 "Heading in for day 2 at Starbucks , excited but can't wait to get home for more cuddling ",0 "The one you puked on . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ spoiled me today ! Thanks ! #LoveYou ",0 "Hahah tell me that was about me .. ",0 "I'm probably single bc I'm more of a guy than most of the guys I know ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no , ☺️✋ you shouldn't forget your math book . ",0 "Lake Day ☀ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I mean I love you ",0 "Work in the AM ! Have a great night ! ",0 "You're quite possibly the shittiest friend I've ever had and I can't stand you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's obvi you babe ",0 "Getting up early to take my nephew to school ! he's so silly . ",0 "You have been hacked love you ",0 "Seeing Evan before i go to bed >> ☺️☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hehe sorry but it's true ! ",0 "When sandy brings me ice cream when I'm sick > ",0 "✌ out stetson finally summer is hheerreee ",0 "Still can't believe _TWITTER-ENTITY_ took me to watch the fireworks on top of the Lafayette hotel ! ❤ #BestBoyfriendEver ",0 "Wait , Im actually so excited to see my girls Sunday ❤ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Or a professor for that matter #pt ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ nighty night new friend ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol welll too late now ",0 "I'm the funniest snap chatter ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm sooo proud of you keep up the good work keep your head up and we will be with you every step of the way promice ",0 "Pretty little liars is a little over a month away !! #imsoexcited ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's so fun ! I went last year & it was such a great experience ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well thank you very much ✊ ",0 "Yay , no more rain ! ",0 "Super excited to head to Bowling Green tomorrow and watch the WKU vs Ole Miss basketball game #tops ",0 "I CANNOT WAIT FOR CATCHING FIRE omg peeta marry me ",0 "Dude I have driving school with roger Brookes tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I hope your doing better sweet girl , love you ! ",0 "Seriously I can't wait till this years over I'm already getting excited for college ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awww gotcha . Well thank you !! That's sweet ",0 "Funniest thing is seeing a random persons vulgar comment on a famous persons picture ",0 "Love spending my nights cuddling with kaden & ky ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Haha running all around my wittle babies . ",0 "Mady's Three Personalities . >>> #TriPolarProbs ",0 "Watching white chicks right now .. ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lol and I bet people say that about you when they know it's you in the deli , too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was laughing almost the whole time ",0 "So um I think I'm going to go to Taco Bell .. ",0 "Also looking forward to the SYATP Rally this upcoming Monday through Wednesday ! Can't wait to play the game with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Almost 1 month with my bestfriend☺️ ",0 "Tim McGraw's music is so beautiful . ☺️ #Perfection ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't take a day off ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ one picture , so much meaning ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ like the last vine I tagged you I'm has me seriously over here like ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well If your mom lets me ! ",0 "I'm so happy that they put the second season of American Horror Story on Netflix ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ glad you have signal . After 2 Tmo phones with wifi calling , Liz & I got N5's and are resigned to Skyping from home now . ",0 "So glad I got to spend a little time with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ last night . ☺️ ",0 "Kid ink tomorrow ",0 "I'm 100% a-okay with this episode of glee . I mean , who wouldn't want to see hot naked glee guys for a solid hour ? #glee ",0 "Shoutout to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for being the best sissy I have and always having my back !! ",0 "$3 burrito from chipotle on Halloween if you go in with a costume ... Fuck yes ",0 "Nice day out to ride the 4 wheeler ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I always bring it ",0 "I still get so excited every time Rocky Top comes on the radio ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg in my accounting class EVERY guy is beautiful ",0 "#shoutout to _TWITTER-ENTITY_ for not thinking in a freak when I accidentally send snapchts to her . Your super cool ! ",0 "First thing I did this morning was texted her . ",0 "Fuck that shit I'll just love on HS secretly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ are on point tho . >>> #SameSituation #Bff ",0 "I just can't stop laughing . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ SHOESSS YES ! My girl ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your guys would be cute ",0 "If anyone wants to do a cover with me soon text me !! I'd love to ",0 "Woke up being so pumped for this tourney ! ",0 "Mine and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ snap chars #TheFuck ",0 "Two classes cancelled and going home at noon . Happy Halloween to me ☺️ ",0 "In the best mood ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you summer ",0 "Happy Thanksgiving !!! I'm so thankful for each and every one of you !! I hope you have a great day !! Eat lots of food too ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay ! what's your number ? Lol ! I'll text you ! ",0 "My dad and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ relationship . >>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Because I love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you should definitely come to my soccer games ? I made the JV team . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awe thank you !! You too ",0 "Can't explain how happy that just made me !!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ omg just omg ",0 "I'm so lucky to have such an amazing bestfriend . I love you dearly , babygirl . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "The anticipation . ",0 "Homemade Blueberry Bread . ",0 "And now were trying to decide where to enter at next weekend #lovingthis ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ~ Maybe those ninjas could stealthily bring me some more coffee ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh you know my boo thang .... Clear it up for you ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can't stop ",0 "Train your mind to see the good in everything ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your awkwardness is pretty damn amazing . #BoobLicking #LoveYouToooo ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's pretty easy when someone like you is in my life . You bring out the best in me ",0 "I'm actually really excited to see how Molly's pictures turned out ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ahahha thank you !! I'm still trying to get used to it ",0 "\Good stay high . "" Hahahahahahahahahahaha _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "Chinese food and shark week ... awesome ",0 "It's so nice and pretty out today ! That puts me in such a good mood ",0 "I'm so happy for you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ! You are so deserving of a man who treats you right !! #loveya ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you boys deserve it !! ",0 "When people compliment on how athletic I am >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you're beautiful , I miss & love you , & don't worry about college drama you're too good for it ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha i was listening to your music on YouTube all day ",0 "Alex is such a sexy ass name ",0 "So happy my bestfriend is ok ! ",0 "Goodfellas gets me everytime ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hey that's me !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I love eachother ",0 "Out to eat with the girls _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "555 : I don't know you very well but you seem fun to hang out with ! I think you play basketball ! ",0 "My boyfriend is so damn sweet ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh my gosh . that was great . Ha ",0 "Had some good quality best friend time with _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight ",0 "S/O to Dustin for wearing that chicken suit all night _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I'm so happy I'm becoming friends again with someone I was once really close with ",0 "Awkward is on ",0 "Good thing other people can see my nicknames for people on snapchat . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ bahahaha to this day I can't believe that happened #bad #asses ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ your welcome ",0 "Couldn't ask for a better friend or Friday night _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ any time ",0 "First time sleeping in my bed in the past couple nights . Feels amazing ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahaha our conversations go from like super deep to like random pictures and weights ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ made my day go from horrible to actually decent . Their videos are hilarious . ",0 "Heyyy you . Haha yeah you . Raise your hand ✋ . Now that's how many people cares ",0 "Darien just tickled the shit out of me . ",0 "I think I met the love of my life today at work . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ my life flashed before my eyes that day . And then you made me go back the next day and ride it with you again ",0 "Awe , my BFF Ty graduated from covington adult yesterday ! ✏ ",0 "prom dress shopping ",0 "finding candy in my pocket ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ You too , girl ! ",0 "The face that you have that one person that you can tell anything to ",0 "Daddy/daughter bonding time to church and lunch ☝☺ #WhatILoveAboutSunday ",0 "My perfect guy would take me to ball games , make me laugh constantly & wear chucks . ",0 "I love that the people in my life understand my craziness and except it . ",0 "Being at work alone = Can't wait for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ to be here #storytime ",0 "You want a white wedding and a hand you can hold . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ! ",0 "Justin Bieber wants to be black is hilarious ! #comedy ",0 "And this is why _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is my bestfriends ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aww ! I just smiled when I read that ! thank you so much , that means a lot !!! ",0 "new season of #GuyCode ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ aw thank you you are too I miss youuu !!!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was waiting for the reply brotha haha fuck am I thinking . Tressa just smacked my ass back to normal ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ this was when we almost had a tornado ! Haha and we tried getting everyone to do the wave ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ they have an above ground point in their back yard ... Can't wait ! ☀ ",0 "I'm pumped about Duck Dynasty coming on tonight ",0 "About time !! congrats to you and your beautiful baby ! Hopefully I'll meet her ! ❤️ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "I LOVE YOU _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #cheers ",0 "The new iOS 7 is so much faster☺️ ",0 "YES Doug is making chicken cutlet for dinner . ",0 "Got to see _TWITTER-ENTITY_ today at work !!! Made my day . I truly missed her . It was like old times again . <3 ",0 "Just got a 100 on my quiz ! Apparently I do my best work after midnight and two days before its due #collegelife ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ lmfao . ",0 "Haha I'll just laugh #idc ",0 "Definitely . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is wayyyy hotter than _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ glad to be considered awesome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ well looks like we will definitely be here all night ",0 "I have so much to look forward to now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thx ik I am ",0 "honestly I've said it once and ill say it again , Spanish boys are the absolute hottest ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love youuuuu ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh ........ LOL ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ That looks great !! ",0 "Got to gear his voice 2 days in a row miss him ",0 "Blessed is an understatement . I am so happy with life right now ",0 "Finished season 1 of 90210 in a week ",0 "the fact that _TWITTER-ENTITY_ will probably go to black beach makes me laugh so hard ",0 "Being able to fall asleep in his arms #love ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ >> #myidol #sofunny ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ kinda ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ awh although I look stupid I love you ❤️ ",0 "Anytime my baby sister does anything bad now my mom does the JJ Watt finger wave to her . ",0 "Justin bieber got down in london ",0 "Atta boy _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'd love to , you seem amazing ",0 "So glad I get out early tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks we just have a happy and fun relationship everyone's should be that way ",0 "But had a good day at home and with friends and my kids ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ text me how to do it ? ",0 "I'VE LISTENED TO LOVE AND SEX SONGS ALL DAY _TWITTER-ENTITY_ WOULD BE SO PROUD ",0 "30 minutes left of school & I will be home and resting ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ You get picked on that much ? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahhaa oh my god . I don't even understand what's going on in that picture ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I get one , I think its the same as Ca$h's ",0 "People tellin me my eyes are pretty . #awwshucks ",0 "s/o to the hot guy at coldstone tonight #inlove ",0 "Idina Menzel is PERFECT and I don't even know how to describe it she's so perfect and I love her so much and she's so funny and TALENTED ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm in if mom approves another one ! ",0 "So , forgot all my dresses in Texas last week . Hopefully they get here in time for _TWITTER-ENTITY_ wedding tomorrow ! ",0 "eeeek , calling about a house for rent in Mineral Point tomorrow ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ sounds good to me !! ",0 "beach and shopping tomorrow ☀️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ need smoke more weed ",0 "thus early morning weather >>> it is BEAUTIFUL outside !! ☀ ",0 "Nothing makes me happier than when people tell me I'm funny ",0 "I love when my boyfriend plays with my hair .. #noshame #princessprobz ",0 "Wish we woulda got bdubs last night . But oh well we smashed at Stevie b's instead ",0 "Sam called me a princess today at lunch . She knows ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ come on over ",0 "I LOVE CHIPOTLE ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ we still banter ... Just not about traffic . Lol ",0 "Aww Heidi loves me ",0 "So many tweets about me ",0 "Omg .. I love you I love you I love you #yay ",0 "412- you're always here for me and I'm always here for you . We don't talk alot . But id still consider you a close friend . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ us the only one awake . Go to bed . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ohh wordd thanks girl !! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Tyler might be able to fix it so I'm gonna let him try before I buy a new one buuut I'll do that if he can't! Thanks ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Well you already got one today .... I think I deserve one ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you so much baby ",0 "So nice seeing everyone ",0 "An this weekend ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ #chad ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Got you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ there's gonna be more where that came from ",0 "Date day with my man ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I are the funniest . ",0 "Possibly one of the best nights I have had in awhile #thankyouguys #letsdoitagain ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ same to youuuu , ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm ugly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that's why you have me ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ tonight haha ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahah it was an interesting concept . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Doug Doug Doug dougie Dougie Dougie Doug ❤ #hangover ",0 "I really love some people . ",0 "Christmas at the new house ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Nevermind . You are . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ whooo ! way to go girl ! and you're welcome ! ",0 "This Chinese just made my whole life #nommmm ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Thank ya pretty girl ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ If I were you I wouldn't even wear it , just wear your leggings & you're other cute stuff & you'll be good to go ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ the entire new album plus his body and face ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ us every other day ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ maybe Santa will be good to you this year #positivevibes ",0 "Out To Dinner With My Dad . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you ",0 "All clean sheets and blankets ",0 "I can't wait for 20/20 to be officially released tomorrow ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ is in point with this one !! ",0 "I love how on the news they put queen B instead of beyonce ",0 "I'm so ridiculously in love , and I love every second of it . #TGG ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ do me a favor and try to not die on your way to dance I feel like you're accident prone ! ",0 "Can't wait for my tattoo . 12 days . ",0 "Get to see my baby cousin Lilly ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ Hahahahahahahaha . I can't stop laughing !! ",0 "I can't believe I just saw _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ all in one night ",0 "What me and Gabe were talking about on the phone >>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay I did it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so does this mean I don't have to take her ?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'll send you a picture of the candle light walk . You will cry it's so cute the whole town square is lit up ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ mine was pretty good , so it worked for me ",0 "can't wait to be in camo . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I was completely fine too ! Like 100% . I'm just a mess ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ not my fault you have an actual life outside of Stark ! You are def there in spirit ..... In fact I think I see it in the corner ",0 "How hard _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and I are laughing right now >> #Fml ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ That's amazing lutko ! I'm very happy for you ",0 "Anywhere you wanna go baby , I'll go with you . Can depend on me yours truly I'll stand by you ",0 "18 more days till i get to go home ! ✈️ ",0 "I think I'm gonna sleep in my hoodie !! Haha !! ☺️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ welcome hope you have a good day ! ",0 "Tonight was fun ",0 "\His tattoo looks like satan drew it with fire . "" "" ",0 "I love you best friend !!!! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Last weekend being a blonde✌ ",0 "The last text I received from _TWITTER-ENTITY_ tho >>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ let me just drive 700 miles to get it ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ and we went and saw Cameron ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ that was a good one though give me some credit I crack myself up ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ yess ! I'm so excited ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ The guy from The Blind Side ... I love you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ can we get married and move to New Zealand and live in a hobbit hole please ? ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you too ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I know she is my favorite teacher by far ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ definitely my favorite ",0 "#LongIslandMedium I'm tweeting Theresa ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ loving the new avi !! Looking good in the Christmas spirit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thank you , babyy❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay , well I'm going down Saturday morning , not sure if I'm driving or takin the train yet but if you're free you're welcome ",0 "Have an amazing day everyone its Friday ! Be happy ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ how's ya bed !?! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you will soon enough , don't worry ! ",0 "Told my grandma I wanted to go away to school and she said it'd be a good idea . ",0 "wow _TWITTER-ENTITY_ insta pro pic is hot ",0 "It's one thing to people watch but when you people watch drunk people it's 10x funnier ",0 "Merry Christmas I love you guys ! Especially you _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ☺️ ",0 "Got that right ☺ #Rememberit ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ they have a guy in the middle of the mall ... can pick ur color and font 10 in was 10.95 but gave me two for 20 ",0 "Can't wait to see how my babes doin tomorrow . Hang in there _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ill see you soon . ❤ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ oh I don't have one Marisa . Do you ?? ",0 "a bird keeps running into the window in my grandmas room I'm done ",0 "✊ you are the funniest little shit I've ever met lol I've known you since middle school and you're a great friend ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha thank you ! ",0 "I'll probably see you 8th graders in biology next year ",0 "That girl who said said my voice is sexy >>> Wtf is she on ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ of course ! ",0 "I think there's a skunk in Madison's yard ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ thanks love you ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ it's gonna be okay ! Make up for it ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ only thing getting me through this week . can't wait to see my best friends ! ",0 "& I'm perfectly happy with that ",0 "omggg , Ki'esha knows me so well you guys . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ no problem baby girl , what are best friends for ?? ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ You should do it ! Come over Thursday night . It will be fun ",0 "With _TWITTER-ENTITY_ finallyyyy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I can already see a friendship ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I'm in the parking lot now ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ i love you tooo !!! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ You Boys >>>>> ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I don't get it but I don't care HALF A DAY ",0 "Our song and our car ! Waking up to that made my day ! _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "My waitress just told me I have very beautiful hair .. #rubytuesdays ",0 "Goinn to bed with a smile . First time in awhile ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ #NoShame I love my highschooler . _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "\I'm a nympho , not a whore . "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "Even at our worst moments I can't stay mad at you cause I love you to death _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "The snap chat _TWITTER-ENTITY_ just sent me >>> ",0 "Hey , #oomf , if you're going to do smiley faces , they have to be like this not this just saying ",0 "Apparently me and _TWITTER-ENTITY_ are the only people who have our shit together lol ",0 "My dads the best . lmao ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Yayy I can't wait !! ",0 "Em called me last night and asked me if is stay on the phone with her tell she fell asleep☺️ how can I say no to that ? ",0 "Country cruising . ",0 "I love fruit snacks . And the fact that it has the word ruit "" in it makes me feel okay to eat a lot . "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ love you girl ! ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ hahahaha I seriously just love sloths !! ",0 "What a great night .. came to visit my cousins and took them to incredible pizza ",0 "Chili's date with momma ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okay , sounds good ! ",0 "I love hearing birds chirp in the morning ",0 "#O2LHITAMILLION You guys have come so far , it makes me so happy ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ in hometown St. Louis it's soda . Here in KC it's pop . Can't bring myself to call it pop w/out Giggling . Still sounds weird . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ haha ! Oh god I almost died when he said that there not jens .. Their not Morgens and their not mine ! ",0 "Welcome to the family Eric Berry !!!! ",0 "This is me when I see you , or hear your name , or when you text me . ",0 "Campus is going to be full of puppies on Friday ",0 "I love my boyfriend . He makes me happy . Definitely my favorite person ever . You're the absolute best babe . ☺️❤️ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ closest without going over ? ",0 "I loved seein everyone's facial hair last night ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ so , glad I got to see you tonight pretty ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you won't ever be a belieber but if you respect him ily ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I love you ",0 "I love The Netherlands #futurehome ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ okie dokie ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ ok good ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ I bet I could get all guys to agree that they would rather see her naked than you . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Come over bitch ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ This is perfection . ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ best place ever ",0 "Is it bad that I'm still laughing at the team we played today ? ⚽️ ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ I suppose I can ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ you may want to archive via gmail It may take awhile with the app . ",0 "I think it's funny my boyfriend dumped you because you had a stache . ",0 "Jamie's snowboarding all day & I'm working all day . Can't wait to see him at 5:30 ",0 "can't wait to watch the new AHS tonight ",0 "it's been a greattt day ☺️ ",0 "\ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ : Down by 45 , Bulls are just 5 points away from playing a game as ugly as Joakim Noah . "" _TWITTER-ENTITY_ "" ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ Just left Fun Times , Thanks For The Faygo Homie ",0 "Night in with my two best frands _TWITTER-ENTITY_ _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Dylan is adamant about this May Day basket ",0 "I love Christmas music ",0 "_TWITTER-ENTITY_ catch me if you can ",0 "I found all the embarrassing pictures I could of myself on my phone . feel free to upload embarrassing pics of me but tag me . I wanna laugh ",0 "I'll see you after work _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "This just goes to prove wishing on 11:11 does come true ! Ha one of my wishes came true ! ☺ ",0 "#IRememberIGotInTroubleFor drawing a different picture in class than what my teacher seen _TWITTER-ENTITY_ ",0 "Trust me if you were in my shoes you would hate your life to ! ",0