{"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 1 They came to Bethphage and Bethany, near Jerusalem at the Mount of Olives. Jesus sent two of His students. [King James Version] ", "output": "And when they came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount of Olives, he sendeth forth two of his disciples,", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 2 with these instructions: \"Go to the next village ahead. Just within its limits, you'll find a tied up colt, which no man has ever sat upon. Untie him and bring him here. [King James Version] ", "output": "And saith unto them, Go your way into the village over against you: and as soon as ye be entered into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereon never man sat; loose him, and bring him.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 3 If anyone asks you why you're doing so, tell them that the Lord needs the colt, and he will send the colt along at once.\" [King James Version] ", "output": "And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this? say ye that the Lord hath need of him; and straightway he will send him hither.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 4 They went to complete their task, finding the colt tied up at a street crossing and releasing him. [King James Version] ", "output": "And they went their way, and found the colt tied by the door without in a place where two ways met; and they loose him.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 5 Some people loitering there asked, \"why are you releasing that colt?\" [King James Version] ", "output": "And certain of them that stood there said unto them, What do ye, loosing the colt?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 6 The disciples said what Jesus had told them to say, and the people let them pass. [King James Version] ", "output": "And they said unto them even as Jesus had commanded: and they let them go.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 7 They returned to Jesus, put their garments on the colt, and Jesus sat on it. [Analysis] The KJV uses \"him\" only because the original Greek word was masculine, not neutral. [King James Version] ", "output": "And they brought the colt to Jesus, and cast their garments on him; and he sat upon him.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 8 Lots of people put their clothes on Jesus' path, while others cut palm branches down and placed them on the path. [King James Version] ", "output": "And many spread their garments in the way: and others cut down branches off the trees, and strawed them in the way.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 9 And all the people along the route sang \"Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! [Analysis] In fact, this is a direct Greek translation of the Hebrew idiomatic phrase that means, \"Welcome!\" The word used for \"blessed\" here means \"spoken well of\" rather than \"not-cut-off\" as was quoted by Matthew and Luke at the Sermon on the Mount. The word Hosanna is Aramaic for \"Save, I pray.\" [King James Version] ", "output": "And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 10 \"Blessed is the kingdom of David, our father, which comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest.\" [Analysis] In other words, \"Welcome to King David's kingdom.\" [King James Version] ", "output": "Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 11 Jesus entered Jerusalem and went into the temple, and when he had seen everything and it was evening, went to Bethany with the Twelve apostles. [King James Version] ", "output": "And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple: and when he had looked round about upon all things, and now the eventide was come, he went out unto Bethany with the twelve.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 12 Leaving Bethany the following day, he was hungry. [King James Version] ", "output": "And on the morrow, when they were come from Bethany, he was hungry:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 13 He saw a fig tree in the distance, which had leafed, and went to see if there was fruit upon it. But there was nothing but leaves, for the fig season hadn't begun. [King James Version] ", "output": "And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 14 Jesus declared a parable in the hearing of His students, \"no man will eat your fruit evermore.\" [King James Version] ", "output": "And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 15 They entered Jerusalem and Jesus entered the Temple. He threw out the vendors and toppled the moneychangers' tables and dove-sellers' seats. [King James Version] ", "output": "And they come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves;", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 16 He would not let any man carry their wares through the temple. [Analysis] The spectacle of the commercialization of the Temple, carried out as it had been under the Pharisees' noses, stood as further indictment of their hypocrisy. [King James Version] ", "output": "And would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 17 He then taught the true doctrine: \"Isn't it written that My house will be the house of prayer for all people? But you have turned it into a den of robbers.\" [King James Version] ", "output": "And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 18 The scribes and leading priests heard about this and conspired to destroy him, fearing him and the people who were amazed by his teaching. [King James Version] ", "output": "And the scribes and chief priests heard it, and sought how they might destroy him: for they feared him, because all the people was astonished at his doctrine.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 19 In the evening, Jesus left the city. [King James Version] ", "output": "And when even was come, he went out of the city.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 20 In the morning, they passed a fig tree which had dried from the roots up. [King James Version] ", "output": "And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 21 Peter remembered what Jesus had said, and declared, \"Master, look! The fig tree you condemned has withered away!\" [King James Version] ", "output": "And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 22 Jesus then provided the answer, \"Have faith in God. [King James Version] ", "output": "And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 23 I tell you the truth. Anyone who says to a mountain, 'move out of my way and jump into the sea,' and has no doubts in his soul but believes it will come to pass, that man's words will become true. [Analysis] This is the origin of the phrase \"faith that can move mountains.\" [King James Version] ", "output": "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 24 So I tell you, if you pray for whatever you desire, and believe that you'll receieve it, you will. [King James Version] ", "output": "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 25 And when you're praying, forgive anyone that you have anything against, so that your father God in heaven will forgive you your sins as well.\" [King James Version] ", "output": "And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 26 \"If you don't forgive, God your heavenly father will not forgive you.\" [Analysis] The provenance of this verse is disputed. It is consistent with verse 25 above, but also redundant. [King James Version] ", "output": "But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 27 When they returned to Jerusalem, the leading priests, scribes, and elders came to Him as He was walking in the Temple. [King James Version] ", "output": "And they come again to Jerusalem: and as he was walking in the temple, there come to him the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders,", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 28 And they asked him \"Who gave you the authority to do these things?\" [King James Version] ", "output": "And say unto him, By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority to do these things?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 29 Jesus replied, \"If you will answer one question, I'll tell you by whose authority I do these things. [King James Version] ", "output": "And Jesus answered and said unto them, I will also ask of you one question, and answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 30 Tell me. Did John's baptism come from Heaven, or from men?\" [King James Version] ", "output": "The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men? answer me.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 31 They debated with each other, \"If we say 'from heaven,' then He will reply, 'Then why didn't you believe him?' [King James Version] ", "output": "And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say, Why then did ye not believe him?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 32 But if we say, 'of men,...!'\" In fact they were afraid of the people because everyone considered John a true prophet. [King James Version] ", "output": "But if we shall say, Of men; they feared the people: for all men counted John, that he was a prophet indeed.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "21a64f89_6__Translated____Conservapedia__King_James_Version", "input": "[Verse] 33 So they replied to Jesus, \"We don't know.\" And Jesus responded, \"Neither do I reveal to you My authority for my deeds.\" [Analysis] By saying that they didn't know, the elites copped out, as Jesus knew they would. [King James Version] ", "output": "And they answered and said unto Jesus, We cannot tell. And Jesus answering saith unto them, Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mark 9-16 (Translated) - Conservapedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "King James Version", "url": "http://www.conservapedia.com/index.php?title=Mark_9-16_(Translated)&redirect=no", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_374880606_2.json"} {"task": "3df40f4e__For_New_Testament_Christians___Abraham_s_Tithe", "input": "[Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Only Jacob (promised to) tithe and not his sons and servants [Under the law of Moses] Only Land owners growing crops and cattle owners tithed to Levites and Levites tithed to the priests. Poor and workers in the farms did not tithe [Abraham\u2019s Tithe] ", "output": "Only Abraham tithed and not his servants", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Abraham\u2019s Tithe", "url": "http://tithingstudy.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_238053951_2.json"} {"task": "3df40f4e__For_New_Testament_Christians___Abraham_s_Tithe", "input": "[Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Promised to pay only once [Under the law of Moses] Levitical and Festival tithes were yearly paid for 6 continuous years and Charity tithes were paid once in 3 years [Abraham\u2019s Tithe] ", "output": "Only once paid", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Abraham\u2019s Tithe", "url": "http://tithingstudy.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_238053951_2.json"} {"task": "3df40f4e__For_New_Testament_Christians___Abraham_s_Tithe", "input": "[Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Promised to pay from whatever God would give him [Under the law of Moses] Yearly paid Levitical and Festival tithes and Charity tithes were paid once 3 years [Abraham\u2019s Tithe] ", "output": "Not from possessions but consisted of war spoils only", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Abraham\u2019s Tithe", "url": "http://tithingstudy.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_238053951_2.json"} {"task": "3df40f4e__For_New_Testament_Christians___Abraham_s_Tithe", "input": "[Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Hebrew language says Jacob had fear and doubts about God and to manipulate God he made a conditional vow to tithe! [Under the law of Moses] It was mandatory [Abraham\u2019s Tithe] ", "output": "Abraham wanted to pay tributes to God and return the rest to the King of Sodom after rescuing his nephew Lot", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Abraham\u2019s Tithe", "url": "http://tithingstudy.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_238053951_2.json"} {"task": "3df40f4e__For_New_Testament_Christians___Abraham_s_Tithe", "input": "[Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Voluntary but no record of Jacob paying tithes [Under the law of Moses] Compulsory and followed at least levitical, festival and charity tithing systems. [Abraham\u2019s Tithe] ", "output": "Voluntary (or probably a custom in that area at that time) and tithed to Melchizadek and returned 90% back to the King of Sodom!", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Abraham\u2019s Tithe", "url": "http://tithingstudy.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_238053951_2.json"} {"task": "3df40f4e__For_New_Testament_Christians___Abraham_s_Tithe", "input": "[Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Not commanded to tithe [Under the law of Moses] Commanded to tithe [Abraham\u2019s Tithe] ", "output": "Not commanded to tithe", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Abraham\u2019s Tithe", "url": "http://tithingstudy.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_238053951_2.json"} {"task": "3df40f4e__For_New_Testament_Christians___Abraham_s_Tithe", "input": "[Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Did not give the rest to of the 90% to anyone [Under the law of Moses] Levites tithed 10% to the Aaronic Priests and kept the rest of the agricultural products and livestock to themselves. [Abraham\u2019s Tithe] ", "output": "Gave the rest of the 90% to the King of Sodom", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Abraham\u2019s Tithe", "url": "http://tithingstudy.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_238053951_2.json"} {"task": "3df40f4e__For_New_Testament_Christians___Abraham_s_Tithe", "input": "[Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Previous Conditional vow [Under the law of Moses] Not subject to vow [Abraham\u2019s Tithe] ", "output": "Vow (either before or after)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Abraham\u2019s Tithe", "url": "http://tithingstudy.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_238053951_2.json"} {"task": "3df40f4e__For_New_Testament_Christians___Abraham_s_Tithe", "input": "[Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Only one type [Under the law of Moses] Multiple \u2013 at least 3 different tithes specified in the law [Abraham\u2019s Tithe] ", "output": "Only one variety \u2013 war spoils", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Abraham\u2019s Tithe", "url": "http://tithingstudy.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_238053951_2.json"} {"task": "3df40f4e__For_New_Testament_Christians___Abraham_s_Tithe", "input": "[Jacob\u2019s Tithe] No record about the recipient [Under the law of Moses] Levite got the 1st tithe and in turn tithed to the Priests, poor received the tithes and consumed by the owners during festivals [Abraham\u2019s Tithe] ", "output": "Melchizedek was the recipient", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Abraham\u2019s Tithe", "url": "http://tithingstudy.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_238053951_2.json"} {"task": "3df40f4e__For_New_Testament_Christians___Abraham_s_Tithe", "input": "[Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Total \u2013 Uncertain [Under the law of Moses] Total \u2013 23.3% (10% Levitical, 10% Festival and 3.33 % Charity \u2013 6 year average 23.3% & if Sabbatical year included it averages about 20%) [Abraham\u2019s Tithe] ", "output": "Total \u2013 10%", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Abraham\u2019s Tithe", "url": "http://tithingstudy.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_238053951_2.json"} {"task": "c0aed71d_he_ESV_and_the_KJV___ESV_Bible__Psalm_23__KJV_", "input": "[Psalm 23 (ESV)] The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. [Psalm 23 (KJV)] ", "output": "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The ESV and the KJV \u00ab ESV Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Psalm 23 (KJV)", "url": "http://www.esv.org/esv/history/kjv/", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00178-ip-10-236-191-2_439594261_0.json"} {"task": "c0aed71d_he_ESV_and_the_KJV___ESV_Bible__Psalm_23__KJV_", "input": "[Psalm 23 (ESV)] He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. [Psalm 23 (KJV)] ", "output": "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The ESV and the KJV \u00ab ESV Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Psalm 23 (KJV)", "url": "http://www.esv.org/esv/history/kjv/", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00178-ip-10-236-191-2_439594261_0.json"} {"task": "c0aed71d_he_ESV_and_the_KJV___ESV_Bible__Psalm_23__KJV_", "input": "[Psalm 23 (ESV)] He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name\u2019s sake. [Psalm 23 (KJV)] ", "output": "He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name\u2019s sake.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The ESV and the KJV \u00ab ESV Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Psalm 23 (KJV)", "url": "http://www.esv.org/esv/history/kjv/", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00178-ip-10-236-191-2_439594261_0.json"} {"task": "c0aed71d_he_ESV_and_the_KJV___ESV_Bible__Psalm_23__KJV_", "input": "[Psalm 23 (ESV)] Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. [Psalm 23 (KJV)] ", "output": "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The ESV and the KJV \u00ab ESV Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Psalm 23 (KJV)", "url": "http://www.esv.org/esv/history/kjv/", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00178-ip-10-236-191-2_439594261_0.json"} {"task": "c0aed71d_he_ESV_and_the_KJV___ESV_Bible__Psalm_23__KJV_", "input": "[Psalm 23 (ESV)] You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. [Psalm 23 (KJV)] ", "output": "Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The ESV and the KJV \u00ab ESV Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Psalm 23 (KJV)", "url": "http://www.esv.org/esv/history/kjv/", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00178-ip-10-236-191-2_439594261_0.json"} {"task": "c0aed71d_he_ESV_and_the_KJV___ESV_Bible__Psalm_23__KJV_", "input": "[Psalm 23 (ESV)] Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. [Psalm 23 (KJV)] ", "output": "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The ESV and the KJV \u00ab ESV Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Psalm 23 (KJV)", "url": "http://www.esv.org/esv/history/kjv/", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00178-ip-10-236-191-2_439594261_0.json"} {"task": "8812f95d_e_Bible___Dr__Herbert_Samworth__ption_that_is_in_Christ_Jesus_", "input": "[NKJV] NASB For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith. This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed; for the demonstration, I say, of His righteousness at the present time, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.", "output": "being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus;", "options": [], "pageTitle": "A Guide to Modern Versions of the Bible - Dr. Herbert Samworth", "title": "", "outputColName": "being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,", "url": "http://www.solagroup.org/articles/historyofthebible/hotb_0003.html", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00141-ip-10-236-191-2_727148335_6.json"} {"task": "8812f95d_e_Bible___Dr__Herbert_Samworth__ption_that_is_in_Christ_Jesus_", "input": "[NKJV] ESV For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins. It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.", "output": "and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,", "options": [], "pageTitle": "A Guide to Modern Versions of the Bible - Dr. Herbert Samworth", "title": "", "outputColName": "being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,", "url": "http://www.solagroup.org/articles/historyofthebible/hotb_0003.html", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00141-ip-10-236-191-2_727148335_6.json"} {"task": "8812f95d_e_Bible___Dr__Herbert_Samworth__ption_that_is_in_Christ_Jesus_", "input": "[NKJV] RSV Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, whom God put forward as an expiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins; it was to prove at the present time that he himself is righteous and that he justifies him who has faith in Jesus.", "output": "they are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus,", "options": [], "pageTitle": "A Guide to Modern Versions of the Bible - Dr. Herbert Samworth", "title": "", "outputColName": "being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,", "url": "http://www.solagroup.org/articles/historyofthebible/hotb_0003.html", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00141-ip-10-236-191-2_727148335_6.json"} {"task": "8812f95d_e_Bible___Dr__Herbert_Samworth__ption_that_is_in_Christ_Jesus_", "input": "[NKJV] NIV For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished; he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.", "output": "and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "A Guide to Modern Versions of the Bible - Dr. Herbert Samworth", "title": "", "outputColName": "being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,", "url": "http://www.solagroup.org/articles/historyofthebible/hotb_0003.html", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00141-ip-10-236-191-2_727148335_6.json"} {"task": "8812f95d_e_Bible___Dr__Herbert_Samworth__ption_that_is_in_Christ_Jesus_", "input": "[NKJV] NLT For all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard. For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God\u0092s anger against us. We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us. God was being entirely fair and just when he did not punish those who sinned in former times. And he is entirely fair and just in this present time when he declares sinners to be right in his sight because they believe in Jesus.", "output": "Yet now God in his gracious kindness declares us not guilty. He has done this through Christ Jesus, who has freed us by taking away our sins.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "A Guide to Modern Versions of the Bible - Dr. Herbert Samworth", "title": "", "outputColName": "being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,", "url": "http://www.solagroup.org/articles/historyofthebible/hotb_0003.html", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00141-ip-10-236-191-2_727148335_6.json"} {"task": "8812f95d_e_Bible___Dr__Herbert_Samworth__ption_that_is_in_Christ_Jesus_", "input": "[NKJV] NEB For all alike have sinned, and are deprived of the divine splendour, For God designed him to be the means of expiating sin by his sacrificial death, effective through faith. God meant by this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had overlooked the sins of the past\u0096 to demonstrate his justice now in the present, showing that he is himself just and also justifies any man who puts his faith in Jesus.", "output": "and all are justified by God\u0092s free grace alone, through his act of liberation in the Person of Christ Jesus.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "A Guide to Modern Versions of the Bible - Dr. Herbert Samworth", "title": "", "outputColName": "being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,", "url": "http://www.solagroup.org/articles/historyofthebible/hotb_0003.html", "wdcFile": "39/1438042989126.22_20150728002309-00141-ip-10-236-191-2_727148335_6.json"} {"task": "0192f3fa_rs_Association__2008______NCSE__Cultural_Knowledge", "input": "[Religious Knowledge] Seeks answers to any question that can be posed including answers to the ultimate questions (What is my purpose? What is the meaning of life? Is there a supreme being? etc.). [Philosophic Knowledge] Seeks answers to any question that can be posed including answers to the ultimate (What is my purpose? What is the meaning of life? Is there a supreme being? etc.). [Science Knowledge] Can only seek answers about the natural world but cannot answer ultimate questions (Is there a god? What is the meaning of life?). [Cultural Knowledge] ", "output": "Seeks answers to any question that can be posed including answers to the ultimate questions (What is my purpose? What is the meaning of life? etc.), but generally relates to how people treat one another.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arkansas Science Teachers Association (2008) * | NCSE", "title": "", "outputColName": "Cultural Knowledge", "url": "http://ncse.com/media/voices/arkansas-science-teachers-association-2008", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_169720178_1.json"} {"task": "0192f3fa_rs_Association__2008______NCSE__Cultural_Knowledge", "input": "[Religious Knowledge] Seek predictions on any event based on faith and belief. [Philosophic Knowledge] Seek predictions on any event based on point of view. [Science Knowledge] Seek predictions about future natural events based on observational evidence and testing. [Cultural Knowledge] ", "output": "Seek predictions on any event based on belief and cultural history.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arkansas Science Teachers Association (2008) * | NCSE", "title": "", "outputColName": "Cultural Knowledge", "url": "http://ncse.com/media/voices/arkansas-science-teachers-association-2008", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_169720178_1.json"} {"task": "0192f3fa_rs_Association__2008______NCSE__Cultural_Knowledge", "input": "[Religious Knowledge] The rules may vary among the different religions. [Philosophic Knowledge] The rules may vary among the different philosophic views. [Science Knowledge] Has a set of rules that must be followed in order to be called science. [Cultural Knowledge] ", "output": "The rules may vary among the different cultures.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arkansas Science Teachers Association (2008) * | NCSE", "title": "", "outputColName": "Cultural Knowledge", "url": "http://ncse.com/media/voices/arkansas-science-teachers-association-2008", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_169720178_1.json"} {"task": "0192f3fa_rs_Association__2008______NCSE__Cultural_Knowledge", "input": "[Religious Knowledge] Explanations are based on beliefs and faith and seek to understand and follow an ultimate purpose. [Philosophic Knowledge] Explanations are based on logic or viewpoint and seek to understand and follow an ultimate purpose and may undergo some type of testing. [Science Knowledge] Explanations are based on observation, evidence, and testing. [Cultural Knowledge] ", "output": "Explanations are based on beliefs and seek to understand and follow an ultimate purpose.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arkansas Science Teachers Association (2008) * | NCSE", "title": "", "outputColName": "Cultural Knowledge", "url": "http://ncse.com/media/voices/arkansas-science-teachers-association-2008", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_169720178_1.json"} {"task": "0192f3fa_rs_Association__2008______NCSE__Cultural_Knowledge", "input": "[Religious Knowledge] Explanations can include supernatural forces. [Philosophic Knowledge] Explanations can include supernatural forces and viewpoints. [Science Knowledge] Explanations cannot include supernatural forces. [Cultural Knowledge] ", "output": "Explanations can include supernatural forces and other historical viewpoints.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arkansas Science Teachers Association (2008) * | NCSE", "title": "", "outputColName": "Cultural Knowledge", "url": "http://ncse.com/media/voices/arkansas-science-teachers-association-2008", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_169720178_1.json"} {"task": "0192f3fa_rs_Association__2008______NCSE__Cultural_Knowledge", "input": "[Religious Knowledge] Hypotheses need not be part of the religion, nor do hypotheses have to be tested nor proved or disproved. [Philosophic Knowledge] Hypotheses may be a part of the philosophic view and hypotheses may or may not have to be tested and proved or disproved. [Science Knowledge] The hypothesis used in tests must be able to be disproved. [Cultural Knowledge] ", "output": "Hypotheses need not be part of the cultural view, nor do hypotheses have to be tested nor proven.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arkansas Science Teachers Association (2008) * | NCSE", "title": "", "outputColName": "Cultural Knowledge", "url": "http://ncse.com/media/voices/arkansas-science-teachers-association-2008", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_169720178_1.json"} {"task": "0192f3fa_rs_Association__2008______NCSE__Cultural_Knowledge", "input": "[Religious Knowledge] Is a belief system and seeks truths. [Philosophic Knowledge] Is a point of view and seeks truths. [Science Knowledge] Is not a belief system nor seeks truths. [Cultural Knowledge] ", "output": "May be a belief system rooted in historical views and seeks truths.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arkansas Science Teachers Association (2008) * | NCSE", "title": "", "outputColName": "Cultural Knowledge", "url": "http://ncse.com/media/voices/arkansas-science-teachers-association-2008", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_169720178_1.json"} {"task": "0192f3fa_rs_Association__2008______NCSE__Cultural_Knowledge", "input": "[Religious Knowledge] Knowledge may not change greatly over time, but may be swayed by culture. [Philosophic Knowledge] Knowledge may not change greatly over time and may be influenced by culture. [Science Knowledge] Knowledge may change as new data arises. [Cultural Knowledge] ", "output": "May be a belief system rooted in historical views and seeks truths. Knowledge may or may not change slowly over time.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arkansas Science Teachers Association (2008) * | NCSE", "title": "", "outputColName": "Cultural Knowledge", "url": "http://ncse.com/media/voices/arkansas-science-teachers-association-2008", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_169720178_1.json"} {"task": "0192f3fa_rs_Association__2008______NCSE__Cultural_Knowledge", "input": "[Religious Knowledge] Accepted knowledge does not need peer review or verification. [Philosophic Knowledge] Accepted knowledge may seek peer review or verification, but conclusions may differ among individuals. [Science Knowledge] All knowledge must have peer review and verification. [Cultural Knowledge] ", "output": "Accepted knowledge may seek review or verification, but conclusions may differ among individuals.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arkansas Science Teachers Association (2008) * | NCSE", "title": "", "outputColName": "Cultural Knowledge", "url": "http://ncse.com/media/voices/arkansas-science-teachers-association-2008", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_169720178_1.json"} {"task": "d925211c___First_Baptist_Church_Roswell__Title_", "input": "[Date:] 7/26 [Speaker:] Lead Pastor Aaron Colyer [Description:] Take a walk with us through the book of Titus and see what a healthy church should look like. [Title:] ", "output": "Keep the Gospel the First Priority", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons | First Baptist Church Roswell", "title": "", "outputColName": "Title:", "url": "http://www.fbcroswell.org/sermons", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_427112642_0.json"} {"task": "d925211c___First_Baptist_Church_Roswell__Title_", "input": "[Date:] 7/12 [Speaker:] Lead Pastor Aaron Colyer [Description:] Take a walk with us through the book of Titus and see what a healthy church should look like. [Title:] ", "output": "Displaying Godliness to the World", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons | First Baptist Church Roswell", "title": "", "outputColName": "Title:", "url": "http://www.fbcroswell.org/sermons", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_427112642_0.json"} {"task": "d925211c___First_Baptist_Church_Roswell__Title_", "input": "[Date:] 6/21 [Speaker:] Lead Pastor Aaron Colyer [Description:] Take a walk with us through the book of Titus and see what a healthy church should look like. [Title:] ", "output": "Grace and the Gospel: Motivators for Godliness", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons | First Baptist Church Roswell", "title": "", "outputColName": "Title:", "url": "http://www.fbcroswell.org/sermons", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_427112642_0.json"} {"task": "d925211c___First_Baptist_Church_Roswell__Title_", "input": "[Date:] 6/14 [Speaker:] Lead Pastor Aaron Colyer [Description:] Take a walk with us through the book of Titus and see what a healthy church should look like. [Title:] ", "output": "Displaying Godliness: Letting the Truth of the Gospel Shine Brightly", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons | First Baptist Church Roswell", "title": "", "outputColName": "Title:", "url": "http://www.fbcroswell.org/sermons", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_427112642_0.json"} {"task": "d925211c___First_Baptist_Church_Roswell__Title_", "input": "[Date:] 6/07 [Speaker:] Lead Pastor Aaron Colyer [Description:] Take a walk with us through the book of Titus and see what a healthy church should look like. [Title:] ", "output": "Displaying Godliness: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons | First Baptist Church Roswell", "title": "", "outputColName": "Title:", "url": "http://www.fbcroswell.org/sermons", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_427112642_0.json"} {"task": "d925211c___First_Baptist_Church_Roswell__Title_", "input": "[Date:] 5/31 [Speaker:] Lead Pastor Aaron Colyer [Description:] Take a walk with us through the book of Titus and see what a healthy church should look like. [Title:] ", "output": "Displaying Godliness: Setting an Example", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons | First Baptist Church Roswell", "title": "", "outputColName": "Title:", "url": "http://www.fbcroswell.org/sermons", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_427112642_0.json"} {"task": "d925211c___First_Baptist_Church_Roswell__Title_", "input": "[Date:] 5/24 [Speaker:] Lead Pastor Aaron Colyer [Description:] Take a walk with us through the book of Titus and see what a healthy church should look like. [Title:] ", "output": "False Teachers Must Be Silenced", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons | First Baptist Church Roswell", "title": "", "outputColName": "Title:", "url": "http://www.fbcroswell.org/sermons", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_427112642_0.json"} {"task": "d925211c___First_Baptist_Church_Roswell__Title_", "input": "[Date:] 5/17 [Speaker:] Lead Pastor Aaron Colyer [Description:] Take a walk with us through the book of Titus and see what a healthy church should look like. [Title:] ", "output": "Pastors: Called To Be Blameless", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons | First Baptist Church Roswell", "title": "", "outputColName": "Title:", "url": "http://www.fbcroswell.org/sermons", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_427112642_0.json"} {"task": "d925211c___First_Baptist_Church_Roswell__Title_", "input": "[Date:] 5/03 [Speaker:] Lead Pastor Aaron Colyer [Description:] Take a walk with us through the book of Titus and see what a healthy church should look like. [Title:] ", "output": "The Who and What of Paul's Letter to Titus", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons | First Baptist Church Roswell", "title": "", "outputColName": "Title:", "url": "http://www.fbcroswell.org/sermons", "wdcFile": "39/1438042988305.14_20150728002308-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_427112642_0.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Thucydides Of course he says that \u2013 he is speaking at a funeral of Athenian soldiers! But why was Athens great? Because it abandoned religion for a purely rational scheme? No. Its greatness was based on the laws of Solon (c.639-c.559 BC). Before Solon, Athens had a serious economic crisis. Many Athenians were in debt, many were sold into slavery. An inefficient aristocracy ran the city. All these things (payment of debts, leadership by those whose families have the experience of leading) are entirely rational. Centuries later, when Athens declined, it was again due to rational approach to accumulating wealth. But Solon as different. His reforms enshrined the need for religion \u2013 temple ceremonies, consulting the oracle, etc. So it is plainly false to imply that the Athenian state shows the triumph of rationalism over religion. (For details, see the Grollier encyclopedia, \u201cSolon\u201d by Plutarch, and Timon of Athens \u2013 which was based on a true story \u2013 and Aristophanes\u2019 Plutus.)", "output": "Thucydides extols the greatness and honor of Athens.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Epicurus This does not follow. We often feel nothing during sleep, and that is not the end. Besides, according to many near death experiences, we often do feel something in death. (The source of those feelings is not the issue \u2013 the fact is that we sometimes feel.)", "output": "We feel nothing at death, therefore it is the end.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Mencius Hence the need for religion! Religion provides a clear example of how we can be good again, as well as strategies for overcoming the distractions.", "output": "Men are naturally good, but events and circumstances come along and smother these instincts.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Cicero Fair enough, but religion goes beyond simply ethical teaching. It offers much more.", "output": "Cicero (like many other classical authors) praises ethics.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Lucretius It is just as crazy to think that a living body would pair up with unliving clothing, or that electromagnetic radiation would pair up with a TV set, yet it happens all the time.", "output": "It is crazy to think that an immortal spirit would act together with a mortal body.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Seneca No evidence is provided for either claim.", "output": "Death is the end of any existence, and holds no fears because we did not live before we were born either.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Fair enough. But why should anyone follow? It is perhaps possible to work out a logically sound and complete system of ethics separate from religion, but nobody has ever done it. Or at least, not in a way that the common man has heard of. So all the ethical advice carries little force. Religion, on the other hand, is very successful at providing reasons for ethics.", "output": "Antininus also praises ethics, and he encourages good deeds.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Celsus And some prefer knowledge, and have it. The same is true for humanists \u2013 some prefer to attack all religions regardless of the facts, while others are more cautious with their conclusions.", "output": "Some Christians prefer blind faith to knowledge.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Montaigne Why? I think Montaigne has been reading too much Plato.", "output": "Eternity must be entirely different from this present physical world, so all physical promises are foolish.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Spinoza I agree!", "output": "It is wrong to be miserable now in the hope of release at death.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Jean Meslier That is true! That is one reason why Jesus said we need living prophets.", "output": "There is evidence that the scriptures were tampered with by copyists, and there is no firm basis for the present canon as opposed to some other choice of books.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Voltaire I agree! The church by that time was not led by prophets and apostles. It was in a state of deep apostasy from what Jesus taught.", "output": "The Christian councils (e.g. Nicea) produced a lot of nonsense.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] David Hume It is true that there are much stronger arguments than this. However, the critics\u2019 theories are not intrinsically better and have the weakness of being based on ignorance (see the discussion of randomness in the page on science and the spirit world). It should also be noted that this argument is often confused with the more powerful argument from scale (see the page on logic).", "output": "The argument from design \u2013 that the earth is beautiful and therefore must have been designed \u2013 is not a very strong argument.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Denis Diderot If he had studied further, he would have seen that \u201cfire and brimstone\u201d is only figurative, and even the worst kingdom in the next life is physically better than mortality. Our torment is in our own minds, when when we realise the glories and opportunities that we have rejected.", "output": "Eternal punishment is unjust, since the person involved only sinned for a limited time.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Baron D\u2019Holbach It is powerful evidence from an evolutionary point of view. There must be some very powerful advantage in religion for EVERY society to adopt it.", "output": "The fact that all societies believe in religion of some kind, is not admissible as evidence.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Adam Smith Friends often feel that way. What does it prove?", "output": "David Hume was a great man.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Edward Gibbon Then it was probably caused by unusual storm clouds. This is not a very good reason to reject religion!", "output": "The three hours of darkness (at the crucifixion) was not mentioned by astronomers.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Thomas Paine By Bentham\u2019s ethical law (see below), this was an act of kindness. If he had not, then a greater number of injustices would have resulted. The tiny nation of Amalekites, for example, practiced child sacrifice. Also, war was the norm at the time, and vengeance can continue for many generations. And so on.", "output": "God told Moses to destroy a whole nation, including women and children.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "0a195e25_ormon_Prophets_Mormon_Prophets__beginning___the_Master_said___", "input": "[Confucius] Condorcet This is a good question. How can it, without a goal, an example, and a common set of standards? The twentieth century has seen more atheism than ever, yet has also seen more wars, environmental degradation, starvation, etc.", "output": "The question is asked, \u201cwill mankind progress?\u201d", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Arguments Against Religion - Mormon Prophets Mormon Prophets", "title": "", "outputColName": "(Various principles of ethics, each beginning, \u201cthe Master said.\u201d)", "url": "http://mormonprophets.org/doctrine/arguments-against-religion", "wdcFile": "39/1438043062723.96_20150728002422-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_166049018_7.json"} {"task": "207a3260_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] Congress could request states to pay taxes [Constitution] Congress has right to levy taxes on individuals [0] ", "output": "Levying taxes", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://faculty.polytechnic.org/gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_86109282_0.json"} {"task": "207a3260_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] No system of federal courts [Constitution] Court system created to deal with issues between citizens, states [0] ", "output": "Federal courts", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://faculty.polytechnic.org/gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_86109282_0.json"} {"task": "207a3260_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] No provision to regulate interstate trade [Constitution] Congress has right to regulate trade between states [0] ", "output": "Regulation of trade", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://faculty.polytechnic.org/gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_86109282_0.json"} {"task": "207a3260_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] No executive with power. President of U.S. merely presided over Congress [Constitution] Executive branch headed by President who chooses Cabinet and has checks on power of judiciary and legislature [0] ", "output": "Executive", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://faculty.polytechnic.org/gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_86109282_0.json"} {"task": "207a3260_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] 13/13 needed to amend Articles [Constitution] 2/3 of both houses of Congress plus 3/4 of state legislatures or national convention [0] ", "output": "Amending document", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://faculty.polytechnic.org/gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_86109282_0.json"} {"task": "207a3260_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] Each state received 1 vote regardless of size [Constitution] Upper house (Senate) with 2 votes; lower house (House of Representatives) based on population [0] ", "output": "Representation of states", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://faculty.polytechnic.org/gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_86109282_0.json"} {"task": "207a3260_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] Congress could not draft troops and was dependent on states to contribute forces [Constitution] Congress can raise an army to deal with military situations [0] ", "output": "Raising an army", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://faculty.polytechnic.org/gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_86109282_0.json"} {"task": "207a3260_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] No control of trade between states [Constitution] Interstate commerce controlled by Congress [0] ", "output": "Interstate commerce", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://faculty.polytechnic.org/gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_86109282_0.json"} {"task": "207a3260_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] Complicated system of arbitration [Constitution] Federal court system to handle disputes between states and residents of different states. [0] ", "output": "Disputes between states", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://faculty.polytechnic.org/gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_86109282_0.json"} {"task": "207a3260_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] Sovereignty resides in states [Constitution] Constitution was established as the supreme law of the land [0] ", "output": "Sovereignty", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://faculty.polytechnic.org/gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_86109282_0.json"} {"task": "207a3260_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] 9/13 states needed to approve legislation [Constitution] 50%+1 of both houses plus signature of President [0] ", "output": "Passing laws", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://faculty.polytechnic.org/gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00333-ip-10-236-191-2_86109282_0.json"} {"task": "7462ead0____Contemplative_Outreach_Ltd___Lectio_Divina", "input": "[Centering Prayer] Receptive [Lectio Divina] ", "output": "Participatory", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Frequently Asked Questions - Lectio Divina | Contemplative Outreach Ltd.", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lectio Divina", "url": "http://www.contemplativeoutreach.org/faq/lectio-divina", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00327-ip-10-236-191-2_381514860_0.json"} {"task": "7462ead0____Contemplative_Outreach_Ltd___Lectio_Divina", "input": "[Centering Prayer] Passive [Lectio Divina] ", "output": "Active", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Frequently Asked Questions - Lectio Divina | Contemplative Outreach Ltd.", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lectio Divina", "url": "http://www.contemplativeoutreach.org/faq/lectio-divina", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00327-ip-10-236-191-2_381514860_0.json"} {"task": "7462ead0____Contemplative_Outreach_Ltd___Lectio_Divina", "input": "[Centering Prayer] More Receptive [Lectio Divina] ", "output": "More Concentrative", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Frequently Asked Questions - Lectio Divina | Contemplative Outreach Ltd.", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lectio Divina", "url": "http://www.contemplativeoutreach.org/faq/lectio-divina", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00327-ip-10-236-191-2_381514860_0.json"} {"task": "7462ead0____Contemplative_Outreach_Ltd___Lectio_Divina", "input": "[Centering Prayer] Sacred Word has no conceptual content except intentionality [Lectio Divina] ", "output": "Word of Scripture has content", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Frequently Asked Questions - Lectio Divina | Contemplative Outreach Ltd.", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lectio Divina", "url": "http://www.contemplativeoutreach.org/faq/lectio-divina", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00327-ip-10-236-191-2_381514860_0.json"} {"task": "7462ead0____Contemplative_Outreach_Ltd___Lectio_Divina", "input": "[Centering Prayer] Let go of thoughts, images, insights [Lectio Divina] ", "output": "Use thoughts, images, and insights", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Frequently Asked Questions - Lectio Divina | Contemplative Outreach Ltd.", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lectio Divina", "url": "http://www.contemplativeoutreach.org/faq/lectio-divina", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00327-ip-10-236-191-2_381514860_0.json"} {"task": "7462ead0____Contemplative_Outreach_Ltd___Lectio_Divina", "input": "[Centering Prayer] Stresses ones\u2019 intimacy with God [Lectio Divina] ", "output": "Stresses our relationship w/God", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Frequently Asked Questions - Lectio Divina | Contemplative Outreach Ltd.", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lectio Divina", "url": "http://www.contemplativeoutreach.org/faq/lectio-divina", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00327-ip-10-236-191-2_381514860_0.json"} {"task": "7462ead0____Contemplative_Outreach_Ltd___Lectio_Divina", "input": "[Centering Prayer] Supports the motivation for practice of Lectio Divina. [Lectio Divina] ", "output": "Supports the motivation for the practice of Centering Prayer", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Frequently Asked Questions - Lectio Divina | Contemplative Outreach Ltd.", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lectio Divina", "url": "http://www.contemplativeoutreach.org/faq/lectio-divina", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00327-ip-10-236-191-2_381514860_0.json"} {"task": "7462ead0____Contemplative_Outreach_Ltd___Lectio_Divina", "input": "[Centering Prayer] Rest sustained by use of sacred word [Lectio Divina] ", "output": "Rest comes and goes; is not permanent", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Frequently Asked Questions - Lectio Divina | Contemplative Outreach Ltd.", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lectio Divina", "url": "http://www.contemplativeoutreach.org/faq/lectio-divina", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00327-ip-10-236-191-2_381514860_0.json"} {"task": "7462ead0____Contemplative_Outreach_Ltd___Lectio_Divina", "input": "[Centering Prayer] Helps us overcome the obstacles to living the terms of the relationship [Lectio Divina] ", "output": "Focuses on the terms of the relationship", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Frequently Asked Questions - Lectio Divina | Contemplative Outreach Ltd.", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lectio Divina", "url": "http://www.contemplativeoutreach.org/faq/lectio-divina", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00327-ip-10-236-191-2_381514860_0.json"} {"task": "7462ead0____Contemplative_Outreach_Ltd___Lectio_Divina", "input": "[Centering Prayer] Group or private [Lectio Divina] ", "output": "Group or private", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Frequently Asked Questions - Lectio Divina | Contemplative Outreach Ltd.", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lectio Divina", "url": "http://www.contemplativeoutreach.org/faq/lectio-divina", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00327-ip-10-236-191-2_381514860_0.json"} {"task": "d95d4235_Six_Days____Answers_in_Genesis__Biblical_account_of_creation", "input": "Stars and sun before earth [Biblical account of creation] ", "output": "Earth before the sun and stars", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days? | Answers in Genesis", "title": "", "outputColName": "Biblical account of creation", "url": "https://answersingenesis.org/days-of-creation/could-god-really-have-created-everything-in-six-days/", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_854117415_0.json"} {"task": "d95d4235_Six_Days____Answers_in_Genesis__Biblical_account_of_creation", "input": "Earth a molten blob initially [Biblical account of creation] ", "output": "Earth covered in water initially", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days? | Answers in Genesis", "title": "", "outputColName": "Biblical account of creation", "url": "https://answersingenesis.org/days-of-creation/could-god-really-have-created-everything-in-six-days/", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_854117415_0.json"} {"task": "d95d4235_Six_Days____Answers_in_Genesis__Biblical_account_of_creation", "input": "Dry land, then the oceans [Biblical account of creation] ", "output": "Oceans first, then dry land", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days? | Answers in Genesis", "title": "", "outputColName": "Biblical account of creation", "url": "https://answersingenesis.org/days-of-creation/could-god-really-have-created-everything-in-six-days/", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_854117415_0.json"} {"task": "d95d4235_Six_Days____Answers_in_Genesis__Biblical_account_of_creation", "input": "Life started in the oceans [Biblical account of creation] ", "output": "Life first created on the land", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days? | Answers in Genesis", "title": "", "outputColName": "Biblical account of creation", "url": "https://answersingenesis.org/days-of-creation/could-god-really-have-created-everything-in-six-days/", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_854117415_0.json"} {"task": "d95d4235_Six_Days____Answers_in_Genesis__Biblical_account_of_creation", "input": "Plants came long after the sun [Biblical account of creation] ", "output": "Plants created before the sun", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days? | Answers in Genesis", "title": "", "outputColName": "Biblical account of creation", "url": "https://answersingenesis.org/days-of-creation/could-god-really-have-created-everything-in-six-days/", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_854117415_0.json"} {"task": "d95d4235_Six_Days____Answers_in_Genesis__Biblical_account_of_creation", "input": "Land animals existed before birds [Biblical account of creation] ", "output": "Land animals created after birds", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days? | Answers in Genesis", "title": "", "outputColName": "Biblical account of creation", "url": "https://answersingenesis.org/days-of-creation/could-god-really-have-created-everything-in-six-days/", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_854117415_0.json"} {"task": "d95d4235_Six_Days____Answers_in_Genesis__Biblical_account_of_creation", "input": "Land animals before whales [Biblical account of creation] ", "output": "Whales before land animals", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Could God Really Have Created Everything in Six Days? | Answers in Genesis", "title": "", "outputColName": "Biblical account of creation", "url": "https://answersingenesis.org/days-of-creation/could-god-really-have-created-everything-in-six-days/", "wdcFile": "19/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_854117415_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within. [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "These grievances essentially boil down the the King interfering with local legislatures to prevent them from passing laws that the local inhabitants wanted. Of course, the Federal Government does that now: the people of numerous states have voted to legalize marijuana possession. The Federal Government has refused to permit this. Numerous states have proposed to reduce the drinking age, and the Federal Government has opposed this. The Federal Government does not have to disband state legislatures like the King did; rather it merely threatens to withhold highway, educational, law-enforcement or medical funding.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "As bad as King George was, the Federal Government is worse. It has made it impossible for people to legally come here and to work. It was the influx of people eager to build new lives, who had the initiative to move to a new country that helped make the U.S. one of the most prosperous and pleasant places to live.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers. He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "This is actually one area where I know of no usurpations. The Federal Government, as far as I know, does not interfere with the appointment of judges in state court systems", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our People, and eat out their substance. [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "the alphabet soup of Federal agencies that interfere with all sorts of local matters are legion. We have the EPA, DOE, ATF, DOD, HUD, FEMA, OSHA, DEA etc etc ad nauseam. These people make our lives a living hell, prohibiting people from earning their livelihoods, imposing expensive regulations, interfering with the attempts by people to enjoy their property.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures. [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "The United States Army is the most dangerous army in the world, based on its sheer firepower. While it is true that state legislatures don\u2019t protest the existence of this vast force that is a dangerous threat to our liberties, they do not consent to it, and stand helplessly by while the military consumes vast resources that leave the people poorer and less able to care for themselves.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power. [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "The United States military is rapidly becoming a law unto itself. Particularly troubling is the use of military jails to hold \u201cenemy combatants\u201d, people \u2013 including citizens of the United States \u2013 who have been arrested and then transferred to military custody. Particularly galling is the attempt by the former president and the federal legislature to remove detainees held by the military from the jurisdiction of the courts", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation: [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "The Berne treaty on copyrights, the UN directives on disarmament, the creation of the ICC are all examples of the U.S. government making the citizenry subject to laws over which they have no control or representation, laws that are frequently crafted by those who benefit from them.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "The United States military now consumes nearly 5% of GDP. This is equal to 50% of world military spending. This arsenal is paid for by taxes levied off of the American people. This military spending has been used to prop up mass-murderers, Islamic terrorists, Communist agitators, suicide bombers, the firestorming of cities empty of military personnel and packed with civilian refugees. The militarized branches of the Department of Homeland Security, groups like the ATF, TSA and the ICE routinely harass the citizenry. The Federal Government also issues older weapons like heavy machine guns and armored personnel carriers to local police forces. More disturbingly, the Federal Governments assistance to local police forces, particularly in the name of fighting the War on (Some) Drugs is militarizing the local police forces which are increasingly behaving like occupying forces.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from Punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States: [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "On several occasions in the past 20 years, Federal agents have murdered U.S. citizens. They have not been prosecuted. Invariably after a pro-forma investigation, they are found to be not culpable of any crime. And, should any state prosecutor attempt to prosecute them for their crimes, the prosecution will be blocked because agents of the Federal Government are immune from prosecution in the state courts for crimes committed while on \u201cofficial business\u201d", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world: [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "Would you like a Cuban cigar? How about some cane sugar from Costa Rica? Some ivory from Senegal? Would you like to gamble on-line? Purchase a Belgian rifle? How about buying some unpasteurized milk? Would you like to grow and sell some hemp? The Federal Government, through tarriffs, import regulations, sanctions and other commercial regulations routinely prevents trade with other parts of the world. This interference frequently benefits a few special interests while hurting everyone else.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent: [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "Every recent bailout bill was overwhelmingly opposed by the citizenry. Yet these bills have passed imposing a crushing tax burden on the citizenry in the future. Moreover Congress often imposes tariffs on necessities like steel and sugar that create shortages and high prices that all of us must pay. In this day of the income tax, most of us do not recognize that they higher prices due to protectionism are, in fact, taxes. Yet they are the very taxes that prompted our ancestors to take up arms and to drive the distant king\u2019s armies from their lands.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury: [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "I am going to ignore the effective suspension of Habeas Corpus by the previous Congress. I am going to ignore the attempt to jail Padilla indefinitely without trial. While these were outrageous abuses of power, they only have affected a few men. What I will focus on instead is the tens of thousands of men who have been jailed without a trial. Only 5% of prosecutions result in a trial. Most prosecutions are settled by a plea bargain, where the defendant pleads guilty to lesser charges in exchange for a lenient sentence. At first this practice seems benign, until one considers that it is really the result of a vile practice known as \u201ccharge stacking\u201d. A single act can result in tens or even hundreds of charges, with the real possibility that a conviction will result in the defendant being sentenced to jail for the rest of his life. People who are innocent of any crime, who had a reasonable chance of getting a jury to find them not-guilty of the primary charge leveled against them nonetheless plead guilty, accepting a certain short jail term rather than to face the risk of a longer jail term. Moreover, the Federal Courts have made a mockery of jury trials, when judges are permitted to choose how defendants defend themselves. In the case of Charlie Lynch, the judge effectively prevented from making any defense at all. Given that the jurors who, after the trial, became aware of the facts that had been kept from them have announced publicly and formally that they would now vote to acquit, it is hard to claim that his jury trial, while meeting the form of one, was in substance nothing more than a charade. For every Charlie Lynch we know of, there are hundreds that we never hear of.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offences: [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "Extraordinary rendition anyone? The arrest of Padilla and his placement in military custody? Why transport people when they can be made to disappear into a black hole?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] For abolishing the free system of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies: [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "At first it seems that this grievance is yet another that we are now free of. After all, we can\u2019t blame the Federal Government for Canada. But consider Guantanamo bay. Consider how the policies of Gitmo were transferred to Abu Ghraib prison. Consider the enclaves throughout the west that are owned by the Federal Government, in some cases comprising of 40% of the landmass of particular states. Consider how the state laws are in effect void in those enclaves. Consider how the Federal Government has eroded its respect for the right of people to their property and to be free from arbitrary searches and seizures. Consider how this disregard for Common Law protections has similarly been condoned when practiced by the states. Consider how multi-jurisdictional task forces and federal subsidies encourage similar contempt for our rights on the part of the states, and this stops being a funny anachronism. The Federal Government has made the entire United States an land of arbitrary government where the freedoms once accorded to Englishmen have been completely undone.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our Governments: For suspending our own Legislature, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "How often does the Federal Government pass legislation that overrides state laws? How often do they bend states to their wills via passing unfunded mandates and threatening to withhold aid? The states are no longer independent. They are vassals of the Federal Government, merely administrative regions for enforcing Federal will.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us. [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "ICE raids? Border patrol checkpoints? ATF raids?. DEA seizures? The Treasury Department\u2019s attack on the Liberty Dollar and E-Gold? The assaults on travelers carried out daily by the TSA? Is this not a war on us? Last week, the EPA declared CO2, the product of our breath to be a pollutant! They may not be massacring people in front of the state house, but they are waging war on all of us.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "Have not the environmental regulations that have made it illegal to exploit the wealth of our land not been a form of plunder? When the Federal Government forced farmers to destroy their crops during the Great Depression were they not ravaging our land? When the Agriculture department forbid a meat-packer from testing is beef for Mad Cow disease, costing them their most lucrative markets were the meat-packers livelihoods not destroyed? When the DOD is permitted to pollute the land, when it is made exempt for lawsuits by privileges like \u201cthe state secrets privilege\u201d manufactured out of thin air by an out of control judiciary and executive are they not laying waste to our lands? When the Federal Government outlaws the manufacture or consumption of life giving medicines because they are \u201cunproven\u201d or popular with black Jazz musicians are they not killing the people?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands. [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "Why import mercenary armies when through propaganda our youth can be brought to bear arms against us? Remember the soldier patrolling New Orleans after Katrina who marveled that he was doing in Louisiana the same thing he did in Iraq? Remember the weapons confiscation? The Federal Agents preventing Walmart from shipping in drinking water to affected areas while people dies of heatstroke and thirst?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "6ad416ed_gitimacy____The_Liberty_Papers_pare_to_the_Federal_Government_Grievances_from_2008", "input": "[Grievances from 1776] He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. [Grievances from 2008] ", "output": "Why import Indians when we can adopt their methods of war? The United States as ceased to respect the laws of war. It attacks civilian populations. It bombs indiscriminately. The senior leadership encourages barbarity, viewing charity and civilized behavior as being \u201csoft\u201d or \u201cappeasement\u201d. Through the constant wars, the state of emergency that has been in force since 1932, the contempt for the rule of law, the Federal Government has encouraged and rewarded savagery and suppressed enlightened, civilized behavior.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "No Secession, No Legitimacy! - The Liberty Papers", "title": "How does the United States Government compare to the Federal Government", "outputColName": "Grievances from 2008", "url": "http://www.thelibertypapers.org/2009/05/01/no-secession-no-legitimacy/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042988650.6_20150728002308-00341-ip-10-236-191-2_759332383_0.json"} {"task": "b279aff5_Glossary__ngs_for_a_greater_common_good_", "input": "[White Conch] Precious Parasol", "output": "The umbrella represents protection and shields us from disaster and enduring suffering.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Glossary", "title": "", "outputColName": "The conch shell symbolizes the 'Om\",which allows us to summon our courage and accomplish great things for a greater common good.", "url": "http://www.hinkyimport.com/glossary/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042985140.15_20150728002305-00184-ip-10-236-191-2_491293933_7.json"} {"task": "b279aff5_Glossary__ngs_for_a_greater_common_good_", "input": "[White Conch] Victory Banner", "output": "The victory banner represents our victory against outside forces and obstacles that cross our path.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Glossary", "title": "", "outputColName": "The conch shell symbolizes the 'Om\",which allows us to summon our courage and accomplish great things for a greater common good.", "url": "http://www.hinkyimport.com/glossary/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042985140.15_20150728002305-00184-ip-10-236-191-2_491293933_7.json"} {"task": "b279aff5_Glossary__ngs_for_a_greater_common_good_", "input": "[White Conch] Golden Fish", "output": "The golden fish symbolizes freedom. The freedom of the fish to swim through water and our freedom to move through life without fear.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Glossary", "title": "", "outputColName": "The conch shell symbolizes the 'Om\",which allows us to summon our courage and accomplish great things for a greater common good.", "url": "http://www.hinkyimport.com/glossary/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042985140.15_20150728002305-00184-ip-10-236-191-2_491293933_7.json"} {"task": "b279aff5_Glossary__ngs_for_a_greater_common_good_", "input": "[White Conch] Dharma Wheel", "output": "The golden wheel represents Buddha\u2019s doctrine, and how by continuing to follow that doctrine, we can find joy.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Glossary", "title": "", "outputColName": "The conch shell symbolizes the 'Om\",which allows us to summon our courage and accomplish great things for a greater common good.", "url": "http://www.hinkyimport.com/glossary/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042985140.15_20150728002305-00184-ip-10-236-191-2_491293933_7.json"} {"task": "b279aff5_Glossary__ngs_for_a_greater_common_good_", "input": "[White Conch] Eternity Knot", "output": "The auspicious drawing stands for the union of wisdom and compassion at the time of enlightenment.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Glossary", "title": "", "outputColName": "The conch shell symbolizes the 'Om\",which allows us to summon our courage and accomplish great things for a greater common good.", "url": "http://www.hinkyimport.com/glossary/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042985140.15_20150728002305-00184-ip-10-236-191-2_491293933_7.json"} {"task": "b279aff5_Glossary__ngs_for_a_greater_common_good_", "input": "[White Conch] Lotus", "output": "The lotus flower represents the purification of our body and mind by the deeds that we perform.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Glossary", "title": "", "outputColName": "The conch shell symbolizes the 'Om\",which allows us to summon our courage and accomplish great things for a greater common good.", "url": "http://www.hinkyimport.com/glossary/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042985140.15_20150728002305-00184-ip-10-236-191-2_491293933_7.json"} {"task": "b279aff5_Glossary__ngs_for_a_greater_common_good_", "input": "[White Conch] Vase of Treasure", "output": "The treasure vase symbolizes the blessings attainable in this world, including wealth, and a long life.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Glossary", "title": "", "outputColName": "The conch shell symbolizes the 'Om\",which allows us to summon our courage and accomplish great things for a greater common good.", "url": "http://www.hinkyimport.com/glossary/", "wdcFile": "19/1438042985140.15_20150728002305-00184-ip-10-236-191-2_491293933_7.json"} {"task": "1853f083_September___2009___ZeroGov__Articles_of_Confederation", "input": "[0] Levying taxes [Constitution] Congress has right to levy taxes on individuals [Articles of Confederation] ", "output": "Congress could request states to pay taxes", "options": [], "pageTitle": "September | 2009 | ZeroGov", "title": "", "outputColName": "Articles of Confederation", "url": "http://zerogov.com/?m=200909", "wdcFile": "44/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00303-ip-10-236-191-2_868589066_0.json"} {"task": "1853f083_September___2009___ZeroGov__Articles_of_Confederation", "input": "[0] Federal courts [Constitution] Court system created to deal with issues between citizens, states [Articles of Confederation] ", "output": "No system of federal courts", "options": [], "pageTitle": "September | 2009 | ZeroGov", "title": "", "outputColName": "Articles of Confederation", "url": "http://zerogov.com/?m=200909", "wdcFile": "44/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00303-ip-10-236-191-2_868589066_0.json"} {"task": "1853f083_September___2009___ZeroGov__Articles_of_Confederation", "input": "[0] Regulation of trade [Constitution] Congress has right to regulate trade between states [Articles of Confederation] ", "output": "No provision to regulate interstate trade", "options": [], "pageTitle": "September | 2009 | ZeroGov", "title": "", "outputColName": "Articles of Confederation", "url": "http://zerogov.com/?m=200909", "wdcFile": "44/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00303-ip-10-236-191-2_868589066_0.json"} {"task": "1853f083_September___2009___ZeroGov__Articles_of_Confederation", "input": "[0] Executive [Constitution] Executive branch headed by President who chooses Cabinet and has checks on power of judiciary and legislature [Articles of Confederation] ", "output": "No executive with power. President of U.S. merely presided over Congress", "options": [], "pageTitle": "September | 2009 | ZeroGov", "title": "", "outputColName": "Articles of Confederation", "url": "http://zerogov.com/?m=200909", "wdcFile": "44/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00303-ip-10-236-191-2_868589066_0.json"} {"task": "1853f083_September___2009___ZeroGov__Articles_of_Confederation", "input": "[0] Amending document [Constitution] 2/3 of both houses of Congress plus 3/4 of state legislatures or national convention [Articles of Confederation] ", "output": "13/13 needed to amend Articles", "options": [], "pageTitle": "September | 2009 | ZeroGov", "title": "", "outputColName": "Articles of Confederation", "url": "http://zerogov.com/?m=200909", "wdcFile": "44/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00303-ip-10-236-191-2_868589066_0.json"} {"task": "1853f083_September___2009___ZeroGov__Articles_of_Confederation", "input": "[0] Representation of states [Constitution] Upper house (Senate) with 2 votes; lower house (House of Representatives) based on population [Articles of Confederation] ", "output": "Each state received 1 vote regardless of size", "options": [], "pageTitle": "September | 2009 | ZeroGov", "title": "", "outputColName": "Articles of Confederation", "url": "http://zerogov.com/?m=200909", "wdcFile": "44/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00303-ip-10-236-191-2_868589066_0.json"} {"task": "1853f083_September___2009___ZeroGov__Articles_of_Confederation", "input": "[0] Raising an army [Constitution] Congress can raise an army to deal with military situations [Articles of Confederation] ", "output": "Congress could not draft troops, dependent on states to contribute forces", "options": [], "pageTitle": "September | 2009 | ZeroGov", "title": "", "outputColName": "Articles of Confederation", "url": "http://zerogov.com/?m=200909", "wdcFile": "44/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00303-ip-10-236-191-2_868589066_0.json"} {"task": "1853f083_September___2009___ZeroGov__Articles_of_Confederation", "input": "[0] Interstate commerce [Constitution] Interstate commerce controlled by Congress [Articles of Confederation] ", "output": "No control of trade between states", "options": [], "pageTitle": "September | 2009 | ZeroGov", "title": "", "outputColName": "Articles of Confederation", "url": "http://zerogov.com/?m=200909", "wdcFile": "44/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00303-ip-10-236-191-2_868589066_0.json"} {"task": "1853f083_September___2009___ZeroGov__Articles_of_Confederation", "input": "[0] Disputes between states [Constitution] Federal court system to handle disputes [Articles of Confederation] ", "output": "Complicated system of arbitration", "options": [], "pageTitle": "September | 2009 | ZeroGov", "title": "", "outputColName": "Articles of Confederation", "url": "http://zerogov.com/?m=200909", "wdcFile": "44/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00303-ip-10-236-191-2_868589066_0.json"} {"task": "1853f083_September___2009___ZeroGov__Articles_of_Confederation", "input": "[0] Sovereignty [Constitution] Constitution the supreme law of the land [Articles of Confederation] ", "output": "Sovereignty resides in states", "options": [], "pageTitle": "September | 2009 | ZeroGov", "title": "", "outputColName": "Articles of Confederation", "url": "http://zerogov.com/?m=200909", "wdcFile": "44/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00303-ip-10-236-191-2_868589066_0.json"} {"task": "1853f083_September___2009___ZeroGov__Articles_of_Confederation", "input": "[0] Passing laws [Constitution] 50%+1 of both houses plus signature of President [Articles of Confederation] ", "output": "9/13 needed to approve legislation", "options": [], "pageTitle": "September | 2009 | ZeroGov", "title": "", "outputColName": "Articles of Confederation", "url": "http://zerogov.com/?m=200909", "wdcFile": "44/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00303-ip-10-236-191-2_868589066_0.json"} {"task": "ab0a90a1_ble_Word_Study___BattleFocused__English_Standard_Version", "input": "[0] Mark 3:9 [The New King James Version] So He told His disciples that a small boat should be kept ready for Him because of the multitude, lest they should crush Him. [English Standard Version] ", "output": "And he told his disciples to have a boat ready for him because of the crowd, lest they crush him,", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Proskartereo \u2013 Bible Word Study | BattleFocused", "title": "", "outputColName": "English Standard Version", "url": "http://www.battlefocused.org/articles/proskartereo-bible-word-study/", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00212-ip-10-236-191-2_309072416_0.json"} {"task": "ab0a90a1_ble_Word_Study___BattleFocused__English_Standard_Version", "input": "[0] Acts 1:14 [The New King James Version] These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers. [English Standard Version] ", "output": "All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Proskartereo \u2013 Bible Word Study | BattleFocused", "title": "", "outputColName": "English Standard Version", "url": "http://www.battlefocused.org/articles/proskartereo-bible-word-study/", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00212-ip-10-236-191-2_309072416_0.json"} {"task": "ab0a90a1_ble_Word_Study___BattleFocused__English_Standard_Version", "input": "[0] Acts 2:42 [The New King James Version] And they continued steadfastly in the apostles\u2019 doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. [English Standard Version] ", "output": "And they devoted themselves to the apostles\u2019 teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Proskartereo \u2013 Bible Word Study | BattleFocused", "title": "", "outputColName": "English Standard Version", "url": "http://www.battlefocused.org/articles/proskartereo-bible-word-study/", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00212-ip-10-236-191-2_309072416_0.json"} {"task": "ab0a90a1_ble_Word_Study___BattleFocused__English_Standard_Version", "input": "[0] Acts 2:46 [The New King James Version] So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, [English Standard Version] ", "output": "And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts,", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Proskartereo \u2013 Bible Word Study | BattleFocused", "title": "", "outputColName": "English Standard Version", "url": "http://www.battlefocused.org/articles/proskartereo-bible-word-study/", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00212-ip-10-236-191-2_309072416_0.json"} {"task": "ab0a90a1_ble_Word_Study___BattleFocused__English_Standard_Version", "input": "[0] Acts 6:4 [The New King James Version] but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word.\u201d [English Standard Version] ", "output": "But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.\u201d", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Proskartereo \u2013 Bible Word Study | BattleFocused", "title": "", "outputColName": "English Standard Version", "url": "http://www.battlefocused.org/articles/proskartereo-bible-word-study/", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00212-ip-10-236-191-2_309072416_0.json"} {"task": "ab0a90a1_ble_Word_Study___BattleFocused__English_Standard_Version", "input": "[0] Acts 8:13 [The New King James Version] Then Simon himself also believed; and when he was baptized he continued with Philip, and was amazed, seeing the miracles and signs which were done. [English Standard Version] ", "output": "Even Simon himself believed, and after being baptized he continued with Philip. And seeing signs and great miracles performed, he was amazed.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Proskartereo \u2013 Bible Word Study | BattleFocused", "title": "", "outputColName": "English Standard Version", "url": "http://www.battlefocused.org/articles/proskartereo-bible-word-study/", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00212-ip-10-236-191-2_309072416_0.json"} {"task": "ab0a90a1_ble_Word_Study___BattleFocused__English_Standard_Version", "input": "[0] Acts 10:7 [The New King James Version] And when the angel who spoke to him had departed, Cornelius called two of his household servants and a devout soldier from among those who waited on him continually. [English Standard Version] ", "output": "When the angel who spoke to him had departed, he called two of his servants and a devout soldier from among those who attended him,", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Proskartereo \u2013 Bible Word Study | BattleFocused", "title": "", "outputColName": "English Standard Version", "url": "http://www.battlefocused.org/articles/proskartereo-bible-word-study/", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00212-ip-10-236-191-2_309072416_0.json"} {"task": "ab0a90a1_ble_Word_Study___BattleFocused__English_Standard_Version", "input": "[0] Rom 12:12 [The New King James Version] rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; [English Standard Version] ", "output": "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Proskartereo \u2013 Bible Word Study | BattleFocused", "title": "", "outputColName": "English Standard Version", "url": "http://www.battlefocused.org/articles/proskartereo-bible-word-study/", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00212-ip-10-236-191-2_309072416_0.json"} {"task": "ab0a90a1_ble_Word_Study___BattleFocused__English_Standard_Version", "input": "[0] Rom 13:6 [The New King James Version] For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God\u2019s ministers attending continually to this very thing. [English Standard Version] ", "output": "For because of this you also pay taxes, for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Proskartereo \u2013 Bible Word Study | BattleFocused", "title": "", "outputColName": "English Standard Version", "url": "http://www.battlefocused.org/articles/proskartereo-bible-word-study/", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00212-ip-10-236-191-2_309072416_0.json"} {"task": "ab0a90a1_ble_Word_Study___BattleFocused__English_Standard_Version", "input": "[0] Col 4:2 [The New King James Version] Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving; [English Standard Version] ", "output": "Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Proskartereo \u2013 Bible Word Study | BattleFocused", "title": "", "outputColName": "English Standard Version", "url": "http://www.battlefocused.org/articles/proskartereo-bible-word-study/", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00212-ip-10-236-191-2_309072416_0.json"} {"task": "ab0a90a1_ble_Word_Study___BattleFocused__English_Standard_Version", "input": "[0] Eph 6:18 [The New King James Version] praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints\u2014 [English Standard Version] ", "output": "praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Proskartereo \u2013 Bible Word Study | BattleFocused", "title": "", "outputColName": "English Standard Version", "url": "http://www.battlefocused.org/articles/proskartereo-bible-word-study/", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00212-ip-10-236-191-2_309072416_0.json"} {"task": "1db863aa_tion___Aura_Cacia_Aromatherapy__chakra", "input": "[meditation] Consider doing this simple meditation outside, sitting on the ground. It is important to connect with the earth for this practice. This is also an excellent practice to do in the morning. [chakra] ", "output": "root", "options": ["root", "sacral", "solar plexus", "heart", "throat", "third eye", "crown"], "pageTitle": "Chakra Meditation | Aura Cacia Aromatherapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "chakra", "url": "https://www.auracacia.com/chakras/chakra-balancing/chakra-meditation.php", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00205-ip-10-236-191-2_908255387_0.json"} {"task": "1db863aa_tion___Aura_Cacia_Aromatherapy__chakra", "input": "[meditation] Focus on the opening of emotions by relaxing to fully express. Try this meditation in the evening after a bath. Light some candles and engage your senses with aromatherapy and soft music. [chakra] ", "output": "sacral", "options": ["root", "sacral", "solar plexus", "heart", "throat", "third eye", "crown"], "pageTitle": "Chakra Meditation | Aura Cacia Aromatherapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "chakra", "url": "https://www.auracacia.com/chakras/chakra-balancing/chakra-meditation.php", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00205-ip-10-236-191-2_908255387_0.json"} {"task": "1db863aa_tion___Aura_Cacia_Aromatherapy__chakra", "input": "[meditation] When you meditate on the solar plexus, your focus should be on connecting with your personal power. This guided meditation is designed to help empower you. [chakra] ", "output": "solar plexus", "options": ["root", "sacral", "solar plexus", "heart", "throat", "third eye", "crown"], "pageTitle": "Chakra Meditation | Aura Cacia Aromatherapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "chakra", "url": "https://www.auracacia.com/chakras/chakra-balancing/chakra-meditation.php", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00205-ip-10-236-191-2_908255387_0.json"} {"task": "1db863aa_tion___Aura_Cacia_Aromatherapy__chakra", "input": "[meditation] This heart-opening meditation is perfect for times when your heart needs some focus. This one is best done lying down. You'll want a meditation space with an association to the element of air, so try doing this with an open window or a fan blowing. [chakra] ", "output": "heart", "options": ["root", "sacral", "solar plexus", "heart", "throat", "third eye", "crown"], "pageTitle": "Chakra Meditation | Aura Cacia Aromatherapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "chakra", "url": "https://www.auracacia.com/chakras/chakra-balancing/chakra-meditation.php", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00205-ip-10-236-191-2_908255387_0.json"} {"task": "1db863aa_tion___Aura_Cacia_Aromatherapy__chakra", "input": "[meditation] Consider doing this simple meditation while listening to light background music, sounds of nature or specific tones for the throat. Music is a key component in support of the throat chakra and will help enhance the focused meditation. After the meditation, you'll find it's the perfect time to embark on a creative or artistic endeavor. [chakra] ", "output": "throat", "options": ["root", "sacral", "solar plexus", "heart", "throat", "third eye", "crown"], "pageTitle": "Chakra Meditation | Aura Cacia Aromatherapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "chakra", "url": "https://www.auracacia.com/chakras/chakra-balancing/chakra-meditation.php", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00205-ip-10-236-191-2_908255387_0.json"} {"task": "1db863aa_tion___Aura_Cacia_Aromatherapy__chakra", "input": "[meditation] This third eye meditation helps you find clarity and enhances your perception. Breathe in and just be. [chakra] ", "output": "third eye", "options": ["root", "sacral", "solar plexus", "heart", "throat", "third eye", "crown"], "pageTitle": "Chakra Meditation | Aura Cacia Aromatherapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "chakra", "url": "https://www.auracacia.com/chakras/chakra-balancing/chakra-meditation.php", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00205-ip-10-236-191-2_908255387_0.json"} {"task": "1db863aa_tion___Aura_Cacia_Aromatherapy__chakra", "input": "[meditation] This meditation practice is best done in Corpse Pose (Savasana). Transcend the everyday and focus on the pure presence of the moment. [chakra] ", "output": "crown", "options": ["root", "sacral", "solar plexus", "heart", "throat", "third eye", "crown"], "pageTitle": "Chakra Meditation | Aura Cacia Aromatherapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "chakra", "url": "https://www.auracacia.com/chakras/chakra-balancing/chakra-meditation.php", "wdcFile": "44/1438042990445.44_20150728002310-00205-ip-10-236-191-2_908255387_0.json"} {"task": "d8d1fb5b_y_God_Repents_From_Doing_Evil__Comparison_of_Translations_King_James", "input": "[Verse] Genesis 6:6 [New American Standard] The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. [King James] ", "output": "And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Does the Bible Say God Repents From Doing Evil?", "title": "Comparison of Translations", "outputColName": "King James", "url": "http://godandscience.org/apologetics/does_god_repent.html", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00227-ip-10-236-191-2_106781251_0.json"} {"task": "d8d1fb5b_y_God_Repents_From_Doing_Evil__Comparison_of_Translations_King_James", "input": "[Verse] Exodus 32:14 [New American Standard] So the LORD changed His mind about the harm which He said He would do to His people. [King James] ", "output": "And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Does the Bible Say God Repents From Doing Evil?", "title": "Comparison of Translations", "outputColName": "King James", "url": "http://godandscience.org/apologetics/does_god_repent.html", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00227-ip-10-236-191-2_106781251_0.json"} {"task": "d8d1fb5b_y_God_Repents_From_Doing_Evil__Comparison_of_Translations_King_James", "input": "[Verse] Judges 2:18 [New American Standard] When the LORD raised up judges for them, the LORD was with the judge and delivered them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge; for the LORD was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who oppressed and afflicted them. [King James] ", "output": "And when the LORD raised them up judges, then the LORD was with the judge, and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge: for it repented the LORD because of their groanings by reason of them that oppressed them and vexed them.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Does the Bible Say God Repents From Doing Evil?", "title": "Comparison of Translations", "outputColName": "King James", "url": "http://godandscience.org/apologetics/does_god_repent.html", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00227-ip-10-236-191-2_106781251_0.json"} {"task": "d8d1fb5b_y_God_Repents_From_Doing_Evil__Comparison_of_Translations_King_James", "input": "[Verse] 2 Samuel 24:16) [New American Standard] When the angel stretched out his hand toward Jerusalem to destroy it, the LORD relented from the calamity and said to the angel who destroyed the people, \"It is enough! Now relax your hand!\" And the angel of the LORD was by the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite. [King James] ", "output": "And when the angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it, the LORD repented him of the evil, and said to the angel that destroyed the people, It is enough: stay now thine hand. And the angel of the LORD was by the threshingplace of Araunah the Jebusite.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Does the Bible Say God Repents From Doing Evil?", "title": "Comparison of Translations", "outputColName": "King James", "url": "http://godandscience.org/apologetics/does_god_repent.html", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00227-ip-10-236-191-2_106781251_0.json"} {"task": "d8d1fb5b_y_God_Repents_From_Doing_Evil__Comparison_of_Translations_King_James", "input": "[Verse] 1 Chronicles 21:15 [New American Standard] And God sent an angel to Jerusalem to destroy it; but as he was about to destroy it, the LORD saw and was sorry over the calamity, and said to the destroying angel, \"It is enough; now relax your hand.\" And the angel of the LORD was standing by the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. [King James] ", "output": "And God sent an angel unto Jerusalem to destroy it: and as he was destroying, the LORD beheld, and he repented him of the evil, and said to the angel that destroyed, It is enough, stay now thine hand. And the angel of the LORD stood by the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Does the Bible Say God Repents From Doing Evil?", "title": "Comparison of Translations", "outputColName": "King James", "url": "http://godandscience.org/apologetics/does_god_repent.html", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00227-ip-10-236-191-2_106781251_0.json"} {"task": "d8d1fb5b_y_God_Repents_From_Doing_Evil__Comparison_of_Translations_King_James", "input": "[Verse] Jeremiah 26:19 [New American Standard] \"Did Hezekiah king of Judah and all Judah put him to death? Did he not fear the LORD and entreat the favor of the LORD, and the LORD changed His mind about the misfortune which He had pronounced against them? But we are committing a great evil against ourselves.\" [King James] ", "output": "Did Hezekiah king of Judah and all Judah put him at all to death? did he not fear the LORD, and besought the LORD, and the LORD repented him of the evil which he had pronounced against them? Thus might we procure great evil against our souls.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Does the Bible Say God Repents From Doing Evil?", "title": "Comparison of Translations", "outputColName": "King James", "url": "http://godandscience.org/apologetics/does_god_repent.html", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00227-ip-10-236-191-2_106781251_0.json"} {"task": "d8d1fb5b_y_God_Repents_From_Doing_Evil__Comparison_of_Translations_King_James", "input": "[Verse] Jonah 3:10 [New American Standard] When God saw their deeds, that they turned from their wicked way, then God relented concerning the calamity which He had declared He would bring upon them. And He did not do it. [King James] ", "output": "And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Does the Bible Say God Repents From Doing Evil?", "title": "Comparison of Translations", "outputColName": "King James", "url": "http://godandscience.org/apologetics/does_god_repent.html", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00227-ip-10-236-191-2_106781251_0.json"} {"task": "6fb0d366_istory__Government__Amendments__Right_s_", "input": "[Amendment] 1 Freedoms [Historic Roots] The English gov't had suppressed speech, assembly and press rights in an attempt to quell the growing colonial discontent. Additionally, many early settlers (such as the Pilgrims) came to America in search of religious freedom. [Right(s)] ", "output": "Freedom of Religion Freedom of Press Freedom of Speech Freedom of Assembly Separation of Church and State (no national religion)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "[RegentsPrep U.S. History] Government: Amendments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Right(s)", "url": "http://regentsprep.org/Regents/ushisgov/themes/government/amendments.htm", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_199460945_11.json"} {"task": "6fb0d366_istory__Government__Amendments__Right_s_", "input": "[Amendment] 2 Right to Bear Arms [Historic Roots] In the period prior to the revolution, the English attempted to limit militia activity, as they rightly feared preparations for a coming revolution. [Right(s)] ", "output": "Right to keep and bear arms", "options": [], "pageTitle": "[RegentsPrep U.S. History] Government: Amendments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Right(s)", "url": "http://regentsprep.org/Regents/ushisgov/themes/government/amendments.htm", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_199460945_11.json"} {"task": "6fb0d366_istory__Government__Amendments__Right_s_", "input": "[Amendment] 3 No Quarter [Historic Roots] The Quartering Act passed by English Parliament required the colonists to house and feed British troops stationed in the colonies. [Right(s)] ", "output": "Right to protection from troops being quartered in homes during peacetime", "options": [], "pageTitle": "[RegentsPrep U.S. History] Government: Amendments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Right(s)", "url": "http://regentsprep.org/Regents/ushisgov/themes/government/amendments.htm", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_199460945_11.json"} {"task": "6fb0d366_istory__Government__Amendments__Right_s_", "input": "[Amendment] 4 Search and Seizure [Historic Roots] British troops often search houses and property at will, in an attempt to suppress organizations working towards a revolution. [Right(s)] ", "output": "Right against unreasonable search and seizure Warrants require cause and must be specific", "options": [], "pageTitle": "[RegentsPrep U.S. History] Government: Amendments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Right(s)", "url": "http://regentsprep.org/Regents/ushisgov/themes/government/amendments.htm", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_199460945_11.json"} {"task": "6fb0d366_istory__Government__Amendments__Right_s_", "input": "[Amendment] 5 Rights of the Accused [Historic Roots] Many accused under British law in the colonies, were jailed without being accused of a crime. It was also not uncommon for a person in the colonies to be tried under the laws of Britain, without regard to the local laws passed within the colonies. [Right(s)] ", "output": "Accused must be indicted by a Grand Jury Cannot be tried for the same crime twice (double jeopardy) Cannot be forced to testify against yourself Right to a fair trial with all proper legal rights enforced (due process) Right to fair compensation ($$) when the gov't takes your property for public use", "options": [], "pageTitle": "[RegentsPrep U.S. History] Government: Amendments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Right(s)", "url": "http://regentsprep.org/Regents/ushisgov/themes/government/amendments.htm", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_199460945_11.json"} {"task": "6fb0d366_istory__Government__Amendments__Right_s_", "input": "[Amendment] 6 More Rights of the Accused [Historic Roots] In the era prior to the revolution, British courts could keep a suspect in jail without accusing him/her of a crime or bringing them into a court of law. Many suspects sat in prison for years awaiting trial, only to be found innocent an released. [Right(s)] ", "output": "Right to be informed of the charges against you Right to a speedy and public trial Right to an impartial jury Right to face witnesses against you in court Right to counsel (a lawyer) Right to call witnesses in your defense", "options": [], "pageTitle": "[RegentsPrep U.S. History] Government: Amendments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Right(s)", "url": "http://regentsprep.org/Regents/ushisgov/themes/government/amendments.htm", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_199460945_11.json"} {"task": "6fb0d366_istory__Government__Amendments__Right_s_", "input": "[Amendment] 7 Rights in a Civil Case [Historic Roots] This provision protected the idea of trial by jury (a fundamental notion in both English and American law) and extended it to all cases private or public. [Right(s)] ", "output": "Right to a trial by jury in a civil case (non-criminal case)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "[RegentsPrep U.S. History] Government: Amendments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Right(s)", "url": "http://regentsprep.org/Regents/ushisgov/themes/government/amendments.htm", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_199460945_11.json"} {"task": "6fb0d366_istory__Government__Amendments__Right_s_", "input": "[Amendment] 8 Cruel and Unusual Punishment [Historic Roots] Even given that English laws applied to the colonies, English run colonial courts did not enforce the law evenly or fairly in the eyes of many. Excessive fines were levied for small offenses and extended sentences were given colonists perceived as threats for even the most minor offenses. [Right(s)] ", "output": "Right to protection against cruel and unusual punishment Right to protection against excessive bails and fines", "options": [], "pageTitle": "[RegentsPrep U.S. History] Government: Amendments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Right(s)", "url": "http://regentsprep.org/Regents/ushisgov/themes/government/amendments.htm", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_199460945_11.json"} {"task": "6fb0d366_istory__Government__Amendments__Right_s_", "input": "[Amendment] 9 Unenumerated Rights [Historic Roots] The founding fathers wanted to be certain that rights articulated in the Bill of Rights were not thought to be the only possible rights. [Right(s)] ", "output": "Guarantee that rights not enumerated (listed) in the Constitution are still protected", "options": [], "pageTitle": "[RegentsPrep U.S. History] Government: Amendments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Right(s)", "url": "http://regentsprep.org/Regents/ushisgov/themes/government/amendments.htm", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_199460945_11.json"} {"task": "6fb0d366_istory__Government__Amendments__Right_s_", "input": "[Amendment] 10 Reserved Rights [Historic Roots] Many of the founding fathers feared the domination of the people and the states by a powerful federal government. To insure the containment of this power, people and states are granted all the powers that the federal government is not. [Right(s)] ", "output": "Guarantee that the people and the states have all of the powers not specifically delegated the federal government (reserved powers)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "[RegentsPrep U.S. History] Government: Amendments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Right(s)", "url": "http://regentsprep.org/Regents/ushisgov/themes/government/amendments.htm", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_199460945_11.json"} {"task": "f6818445_nfucian_or_Legalist____Balneus__Aspect_of_Chinese_society", "input": "[Confucianism] Government was extremely important. A ruler had to be good in order for his subjects to be good and obey him. Government existed for the benefit of the people, not the other way around. [Legalism] The people are there to serve the government. The government comes before everything in a Legalist society. [Aspect of Chinese society] ", "output": "The role of the government", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Modern Chinese Government \u2013 Confucian or Legalist? \u00ab Balneus", "title": "", "outputColName": "Aspect of Chinese society", "url": "https://balneus.wordpress.com/2010/02/05/modern-chinese-government-confucian-or-legalist/", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00073-ip-10-236-191-2_868457066_2.json"} {"task": "f6818445_nfucian_or_Legalist____Balneus__Aspect_of_Chinese_society", "input": "[Confucianism] People should love and respect each other (treat each other by the golden rule). [Legalism] The people should not focus on being loving and caring. Instead, they should spy on everyone around them to report any law breaking. [Aspect of Chinese society] ", "output": "Relationships between individuals in society", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Modern Chinese Government \u2013 Confucian or Legalist? \u00ab Balneus", "title": "", "outputColName": "Aspect of Chinese society", "url": "https://balneus.wordpress.com/2010/02/05/modern-chinese-government-confucian-or-legalist/", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00073-ip-10-236-191-2_868457066_2.json"} {"task": "f6818445_nfucian_or_Legalist____Balneus__Aspect_of_Chinese_society", "input": "[Confucianism] History and poetry are educational resources and people can study them to further educate themselves. [Legalism] History and poetry didn\u2019t help make the government more powerful, therefore they were useless and a waste of people\u2019s time. [Aspect of Chinese society] ", "output": "Importance of traditional Chinese history and poetry", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Modern Chinese Government \u2013 Confucian or Legalist? \u00ab Balneus", "title": "", "outputColName": "Aspect of Chinese society", "url": "https://balneus.wordpress.com/2010/02/05/modern-chinese-government-confucian-or-legalist/", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00073-ip-10-236-191-2_868457066_2.json"} {"task": "f6818445_nfucian_or_Legalist____Balneus__Aspect_of_Chinese_society", "input": "[Confucianism] Family always came first before anything. A son/daughter should do his/her best to protect and respect his/her family. [Legalism] Family came second to obeying the laws. One\u2019s duty was to turn his or her family members into the government if one of their family members broke a law. [Aspect of Chinese society] ", "output": "Responsibility towards family", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Modern Chinese Government \u2013 Confucian or Legalist? \u00ab Balneus", "title": "", "outputColName": "Aspect of Chinese society", "url": "https://balneus.wordpress.com/2010/02/05/modern-chinese-government-confucian-or-legalist/", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00073-ip-10-236-191-2_868457066_2.json"} {"task": "f6818445_nfucian_or_Legalist____Balneus__Aspect_of_Chinese_society", "input": "[Confucianism] As long as you study hard and are a learned person, then you can move up in social class. A man should not be born into power and nobility, he should prove himself worthy through how educated he is. [Legalism] You could change your social status all depending on how many heads you kill during wars. The more, the higher status you are. [Aspect of Chinese society] ", "output": "Social mobility", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Modern Chinese Government \u2013 Confucian or Legalist? \u00ab Balneus", "title": "", "outputColName": "Aspect of Chinese society", "url": "https://balneus.wordpress.com/2010/02/05/modern-chinese-government-confucian-or-legalist/", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00073-ip-10-236-191-2_868457066_2.json"} {"task": "f6818445_nfucian_or_Legalist____Balneus__Aspect_of_Chinese_society", "input": "[Confucianism] Religion wasn\u2019t practiced in Confucianism. Confucius believed that people should focus less on the supernatural and spend more time working towards a peaceful and caring society. [Legalism] Religion is allowed to be practiced if it does not involve any behaviors that do not benifit the state and support the same behaiviors the government wants to encourage. [Aspect of Chinese society] ", "output": "Religion", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Modern Chinese Government \u2013 Confucian or Legalist? \u00ab Balneus", "title": "", "outputColName": "Aspect of Chinese society", "url": "https://balneus.wordpress.com/2010/02/05/modern-chinese-government-confucian-or-legalist/", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00073-ip-10-236-191-2_868457066_2.json"} {"task": "f6818445_nfucian_or_Legalist____Balneus__Aspect_of_Chinese_society", "input": "[Confucianism] He believed that of all things someone could have, education was the most important. An emperor with no education is no better than a peasant with education. [Legalism] Scholars and books that disagreed with Legalists beliefs were destroyed. Legalists wanted people to think the same way and not gain too much knowledge. [Aspect of Chinese society] ", "output": "Education", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Modern Chinese Government \u2013 Confucian or Legalist? \u00ab Balneus", "title": "", "outputColName": "Aspect of Chinese society", "url": "https://balneus.wordpress.com/2010/02/05/modern-chinese-government-confucian-or-legalist/", "wdcFile": "7/1438042988311.72_20150728002308-00073-ip-10-236-191-2_868457066_2.json"} {"task": "889d60a7_e_last_working_day_of_creation__7", "input": "[0] DAY SIX [1] Gen 1:24 [2] Gen 1:25 [3] Gen 1:26 [4] Gen 1:27 [5] Gen 1:28 [6] Gen 1:29 [8] Gen 1:31 [7] ", "output": "Gen 1:30", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Kids Creation lesson Day 6 Genesis - Questions about the last working day of creation", "title": "", "outputColName": "7", "url": "http://www.sundayschoolkids.com/creation/day6scriptures.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00011-ip-10-236-191-2_751534469_0.json"} {"task": "889d60a7_e_last_working_day_of_creation__7", "input": "[0] RSV [1] And God said \"Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.\" And it was so. [2] And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the cattle according to their kinds, and everything that creeps upon the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. [3] Then God said, \"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.\" [4] So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. [5] And God blessed them, and God said to them, \"Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.\" [6] And God said, \"Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. [8] And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, a sixth day. [7] ", "output": "And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.\" And it was so.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Kids Creation lesson Day 6 Genesis - Questions about the last working day of creation", "title": "", "outputColName": "7", "url": "http://www.sundayschoolkids.com/creation/day6scriptures.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00011-ip-10-236-191-2_751534469_0.json"} {"task": "889d60a7_e_last_working_day_of_creation__7", "input": "[0] NIV [1] And God said, \u0093Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind.\u0094 And it was so. [2] God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. [3] Then God said, \u0093Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.\u0094 [4] So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them [5] God blessed them and said to them, \u0093Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.\u0094 [6] Then God said, \u0093I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. [8] God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning\u0097the sixth day. [7] ", "output": "And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground\u0097everything that has the breath of life in it\u0097I give every green plant for food.\u0094 And it was so.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Kids Creation lesson Day 6 Genesis - Questions about the last working day of creation", "title": "", "outputColName": "7", "url": "http://www.sundayschoolkids.com/creation/day6scriptures.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00011-ip-10-236-191-2_751534469_0.json"} {"task": "889d60a7_e_last_working_day_of_creation__7", "input": "[0] KJV [1] And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. [2] And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good. [3] And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. [4] So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. [5] And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. [6] And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. [8] And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, [it was] very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. [7] ", "output": "And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein [there is] life, [I have given] every green herb for meat: and it was so.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Kids Creation lesson Day 6 Genesis - Questions about the last working day of creation", "title": "", "outputColName": "7", "url": "http://www.sundayschoolkids.com/creation/day6scriptures.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00011-ip-10-236-191-2_751534469_0.json"} {"task": "889d60a7_e_last_working_day_of_creation__7", "input": "[0] NRSV [1] Then God said, \"Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.\" [2] God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good. [3] Then God said, \"Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.\" [4] 27 So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. [5] God blessed them, and God said to them, \"Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.\" [6] God said, \"See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. [8] God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. [7] ", "output": "30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.\" And it was so.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Kids Creation lesson Day 6 Genesis - Questions about the last working day of creation", "title": "", "outputColName": "7", "url": "http://www.sundayschoolkids.com/creation/day6scriptures.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00011-ip-10-236-191-2_751534469_0.json"} {"task": "889d60a7_e_last_working_day_of_creation__7", "input": "[0] THINK ABOUT IT [1] First, God creates all land animals in this God day- by simply saying so - wild animals, cattle \u0096 what we think of as farm animals, creeping things that are likely snakes and their relatives. (Since this story was written many years after the creation, the use of the word cattle is important. Cattle are animals which later on are for offerings to God (Genesis 4:4), food (Genesis 9:3, clothing (Gen 3:21) and other uses \u0096 separate from wild animals. ) [2] This confirms that God created all land animals in this God day- wild animals, cattle \u0096 what we think of as farm animals, creeping things that are likely snakes and their relatives. [3] Since God is bigger and more powerful than we can imagine, and our language is too limited to show that greatness and complexity, God uses the word us, instead of me. Me is too small a word. So this is God\u0092s plan to make men and what their duty and position in the world will be. He plans that people should be above all land creatures and birds. [4] God\u0092s makes people \u0096 man and woman. [5] God\u0092s blesses the people. Tells them to reproduce and that their position in the world will also include being above the sea creatures as well as land creatures and birds. God says that people have dominion over all these things. Dominion means the power or right of governing. We must remember governing comes with responsibility as well as power. (The creation of man is separated from creation of women in Genesis 2: 20-25) [6] God is talking to people and telling them that they are given the seed bearing fruits, grains and vegetables to eat**. [7] ", "output": "God also gives the plants to the animals to eat. At this time, animals and man are veagetarians**. Animals do not kill other animals for food. (This is all later in the Garden of Eden \u0096 see Genesis chapter 2-3)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Kids Creation lesson Day 6 Genesis - Questions about the last working day of creation", "title": "", "outputColName": "7", "url": "http://www.sundayschoolkids.com/creation/day6scriptures.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00011-ip-10-236-191-2_751534469_0.json"} {"task": "fd2e6271_tal_preachers_are_identical_____e_Hypnosis___How_to_Hypnotize_", "input": "Phenomena of Hypnosis [Pentecostalism] Almost a perfect description of what happen in Pentecostal churches!", "output": "In response to direct and specific suggestions the hypnotized person may be rendered happy or sad, angry or pleased, liberal or stingy, proud or humble, pugnacious or passive, bold or timid, hopeful or despondent, insolent or respectful. He may be made to sing, to shout, to laugh, to weep, to act, to dance, to shoot, to fish, to preach, to pray, to recite a poem or expound a theory. The expressions of the subject in response to the suggestions is most significant, as its very earnestness and profound. The attitudes and gestures are equal to the best effort of an experienced actor. Delusions and Illusions or Hallucinations may be induced by hypnotic suggestions, for instance, when a chair is taken for a dog, or a broom for a lovely women. Various physiological effects can be produced in the state of hypnosis. A subject can be caused to cry and shed tears on one side of the face and laugh on the other. The pulse can be quickened or retarded, respiration slowed or even accelerated, and perspiration produced all by suggestion. Even the temperature of the body can be affected. If a subject is told he has a high fever, his pulse will become rapid, his face flushed, and his temperature increase. If suggested that he is cold, goose bumps could develop. Hunger and Thirst, could be created or retarded. (Shadow's Stage Hypnosis)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Hindu Gurus and Pentecostal preachers are identical!!!", "title": "", "outputColName": "from, Shadow's Stage Hypnosis, \"How to Hypnotize\"", "url": "http://www.bible.ca/tongues-kundalini-shakers-charismastics.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042987662.63_20150728002307-00277-ip-10-236-191-2_66134637_29.json"} {"task": "fd2e6271_tal_preachers_are_identical_____e_Hypnosis___How_to_Hypnotize_", "input": "Sudden Jerk Method [Pentecostalism] Precisely what Pentecostals do in their meetings! Phrases like, \"receive the Spirit\", \"here it comes\", \"get ready for it\" are very common just before slaying in the spirit. Touching often occurs. Faith healers actually shake heads, give sharp hits to the head.", "output": "Hypnotist Jim Hoke used this method of instantaneously hypnotizing with great skill. Whilst passing through the audience, when he notices a spectator showing symptoms of susceptibility to hypnosis. He will suddenly reach out, grip the persons hand, and give a forceful jerking forward causing the persons head to flop down to their lap. At that very instant he will command \"Go the sleep this very moment!\" Immediately he will then place his free hand on the back of the party's head and press down, while rapidly continuing suggestions, \"Melt down, melt down into deep hypnosis now.\" From experience the hypnotist can become expert in seizing the \"moments of anticipation\" of members of his audience resulting in instantaneous hypnosis. It looks miraculous. Hoke will pass through an audience snapping person after person into hypnosis by this method. The effect is compounding on the spectators, seeing it work in another excites expectations that it will work on oneself. (Shadow's Stage Hypnosis)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Hindu Gurus and Pentecostal preachers are identical!!!", "title": "", "outputColName": "from, Shadow's Stage Hypnosis, \"How to Hypnotize\"", "url": "http://www.bible.ca/tongues-kundalini-shakers-charismastics.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042987662.63_20150728002307-00277-ip-10-236-191-2_66134637_29.json"} {"task": "fd2e6271_tal_preachers_are_identical_____e_Hypnosis___How_to_Hypnotize_", "input": "Head Tap Technique for Deepening [Pentecostalism] Pentecostals will use a whole series of different touches. Touch head, chest, palms etc. All the while saying, \"open up to God\" types of phrases.", "output": "It is suggested that every tap in the top of the head will increase the depth of hypnosis. The operator commences a series of regular tapping upon the top of the subjects head. The subjective effect of the method being that each tap is recognized by the subconscious meaning, \"You are going down deeper and deeper into hypnosis.\" It is an effective technique for deepening hypnosis. (Shadow's Stage Hypnosis)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Hindu Gurus and Pentecostal preachers are identical!!!", "title": "", "outputColName": "from, Shadow's Stage Hypnosis, \"How to Hypnotize\"", "url": "http://www.bible.ca/tongues-kundalini-shakers-charismastics.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042987662.63_20150728002307-00277-ip-10-236-191-2_66134637_29.json"} {"task": "fd2e6271_tal_preachers_are_identical_____e_Hypnosis___How_to_Hypnotize_", "input": "posthypnotic suggestion [Pentecostalism] This is seen often in Pentecostal churches. The audience is trained so that when the faith healer says or does certain things, the result is slaying in the Spirit. One faith healer turned the slew the entire choir, except for an old deaf man who didn't HEAR the cue!!!", "output": "Possibly the surest way to obtain instantaneous hypnosis is to give the hypnotized subject a posthypnotic suggestion that when you do such and such he will immediately become hypnotized. The \"such and such\" can be any cue desired. A simple one would be to suggest: \"When I look into your eyes and tell you to 'GO TO SLEEP' you will instantly become hypnotized. The subject is then awakened. You can then test the response. Passing by the subject, suddenly turn and look in his eyes and forcefully state: 'GO TO SLEEP.' Immediately hypnosis is induced. (Shadow's Stage Hypnosis)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Hindu Gurus and Pentecostal preachers are identical!!!", "title": "", "outputColName": "from, Shadow's Stage Hypnosis, \"How to Hypnotize\"", "url": "http://www.bible.ca/tongues-kundalini-shakers-charismastics.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042987662.63_20150728002307-00277-ip-10-236-191-2_66134637_29.json"} {"task": "fd2e6271_tal_preachers_are_identical_____e_Hypnosis___How_to_Hypnotize_", "input": "expectancy method [Pentecostalism] What more can be said, identical to Pentecostals!!! The audience is expecting people to be slain in the spirit!!!", "output": "Expectancy to being hypnotized is a great factor in being hypnotized, instantly. That is why subjects watching others being hypnotized become excessively responsive themselves. By way of example : A person is sitting beside a subject being hypnotized on stage. They see him \"go to sleep\" on you command. If you suddenly turn your attention to that person, look him squarely in the eyes and shout, \"SLEEP!\" Down he goes. It takes experience to use this method effectively. The hypnotist has to learn to recognize the symptoms of readiness in the potential subject. i.e. Intensity of interest, a focusing of the eyes, even an increasing of the breathing rate. The skill of successful instantaneous hypnotizing comes through an instinctive recognition of anticipation plus forceful boldness! (Shadow's Stage Hypnosis)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Hindu Gurus and Pentecostal preachers are identical!!!", "title": "", "outputColName": "from, Shadow's Stage Hypnosis, \"How to Hypnotize\"", "url": "http://www.bible.ca/tongues-kundalini-shakers-charismastics.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042987662.63_20150728002307-00277-ip-10-236-191-2_66134637_29.json"} {"task": "fd2e6271_tal_preachers_are_identical_____e_Hypnosis___How_to_Hypnotize_", "input": "The Head Rap Method [Pentecostalism] Pentecostal preachers actually use this!!! They PUNCH people in the head with their palm as if they were serving a volley ball! The blow knocks the head back! The faith healer shouts all kinds of things at the point of contact, exactly like the hypnotists!", "output": "A sudden pain will often snap the subject into hypnosis. This method is related to the foregoing. Passing by a subject, suddenly catch his eye. You can tell when this occurs as his eyes set upon yourself on the instant with something of a surprised, bewildered blank look in their focus. Having captured such attention, suddenly snap the knuckles of your right hand with a rap (not too gentle) on the top of his head. At the moment of contact with the skull, shout, \"SLEEP!\" The subject will instantly snap into hypnosis. You can then soften things by suggesting: \"The pain from the rap is all gone now, for you are in hypnosis. You feel all comfortable now. Go deep to sleep now in profound hypnosis\" (Shadow's Stage Hypnosis)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Hindu Gurus and Pentecostal preachers are identical!!!", "title": "", "outputColName": "from, Shadow's Stage Hypnosis, \"How to Hypnotize\"", "url": "http://www.bible.ca/tongues-kundalini-shakers-charismastics.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042987662.63_20150728002307-00277-ip-10-236-191-2_66134637_29.json"} {"task": "58a403ca__Para_Bellum___Obsidian_Portal__Pelangianism", "input": "[Late 5th Century Catholicism] Man Can Only Be Saved Through God\u2019s Grace [Pelangianism] ", "output": "Man Can Be Saved By His Own Works", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pelangianism | Age of Arthur - Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum | Obsidian Portal", "title": "", "outputColName": "Pelangianism", "url": "https://aoa-parabellum.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/pelangianism", "wdcFile": "42/1438042988310.3_20150728002308-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_847897155_0.json"} {"task": "58a403ca__Para_Bellum___Obsidian_Portal__Pelangianism", "input": "[Late 5th Century Catholicism] God Saves All Men, Just Don\u2019t Screw It Up [Pelangianism] ", "output": "Man Work for His Salvation, God Finishes It Up", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pelangianism | Age of Arthur - Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum | Obsidian Portal", "title": "", "outputColName": "Pelangianism", "url": "https://aoa-parabellum.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/pelangianism", "wdcFile": "42/1438042988310.3_20150728002308-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_847897155_0.json"} {"task": "58a403ca__Para_Bellum___Obsidian_Portal__Pelangianism", "input": "[Late 5th Century Catholicism] Man Was Born In Sin And Requires Grace To Save Us From Our Inclindation To Sin (Original Sin) [Pelangianism] ", "output": "You Will Be Judged Only For What You Do, You Control Your Inclinations", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pelangianism | Age of Arthur - Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum | Obsidian Portal", "title": "", "outputColName": "Pelangianism", "url": "https://aoa-parabellum.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/pelangianism", "wdcFile": "42/1438042988310.3_20150728002308-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_847897155_0.json"} {"task": "58a403ca__Para_Bellum___Obsidian_Portal__Pelangianism", "input": "[Late 5th Century Catholicism] Baptism Is Needed From Infancy (Original Sin) [Pelangianism] ", "output": "Baptism Is Only Needed When Ready to Commit to Christ", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pelangianism | Age of Arthur - Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum | Obsidian Portal", "title": "", "outputColName": "Pelangianism", "url": "https://aoa-parabellum.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/pelangianism", "wdcFile": "42/1438042988310.3_20150728002308-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_847897155_0.json"} {"task": "58a403ca__Para_Bellum___Obsidian_Portal__Pelangianism", "input": "[Late 5th Century Catholicism] You Must Have Grace (& Baptism) For Good Works To Count [Pelangianism] ", "output": "Good Works Are Good Works, Grace Will Attend You", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pelangianism | Age of Arthur - Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum | Obsidian Portal", "title": "", "outputColName": "Pelangianism", "url": "https://aoa-parabellum.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/pelangianism", "wdcFile": "42/1438042988310.3_20150728002308-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_847897155_0.json"} {"task": "58a403ca__Para_Bellum___Obsidian_Portal__Pelangianism", "input": "[Late 5th Century Catholicism] Sins Can Be Wiped Clean by the authority fo the Priesthood of the Church, New Sins Are On A New Tally [Pelangianism] ", "output": "If You Regress Back to a sin for which you previously atoned, the liability all comes back. Repent again, do better.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pelangianism | Age of Arthur - Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum | Obsidian Portal", "title": "", "outputColName": "Pelangianism", "url": "https://aoa-parabellum.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/pelangianism", "wdcFile": "42/1438042988310.3_20150728002308-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_847897155_0.json"} {"task": "58a403ca__Para_Bellum___Obsidian_Portal__Pelangianism", "input": "[Late 5th Century Catholicism] The Church Is Fundamentally Required For Salvation All Through Life [Pelangianism] ", "output": "No Central Authority Is Needed for Salvation After Baptism If Living A Good Christian Life", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pelangianism | Age of Arthur - Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum | Obsidian Portal", "title": "", "outputColName": "Pelangianism", "url": "https://aoa-parabellum.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/pelangianism", "wdcFile": "42/1438042988310.3_20150728002308-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_847897155_0.json"} {"task": "58a403ca__Para_Bellum___Obsidian_Portal__Pelangianism", "input": "[Late 5th Century Catholicism] Who: Urban centers, Romans, Romano-Britons, Irish Gaels, young Saxon converts (under 30) [Pelangianism] ", "output": "Who: Rural area with weak ties to Rome, Britons, Non-Hibernian Gaels & Picts, old Saxon converts (over 30)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pelangianism | Age of Arthur - Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum | Obsidian Portal", "title": "", "outputColName": "Pelangianism", "url": "https://aoa-parabellum.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/pelangianism", "wdcFile": "42/1438042988310.3_20150728002308-00111-ip-10-236-191-2_847897155_0.json"} {"task": "5eee22ba_Big_Sur_Tapes__May__Rollo__Description", "input": "[Code] 01405 [Name] May, Rollo Recollections Of Abraham Maslow [Price] $11.95 [Description] ", "output": "Rollo May, Denis O`Donovan and Anthony Sutich speak movingly of their friend Maslow (1908-1970) and the influence he had on their personal lives and work as well as on psychology and the broader human potential movement. - 1971 Esalen - One Audiotape", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Big Sur Tapes: May, Rollo", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.bigsurtapes.com/merchant.mv104.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00259-ip-10-236-191-2_326044103_6.json"} {"task": "5eee22ba_Big_Sur_Tapes__May__Rollo__Description", "input": "[Code] 04001 [Name] May, Rollo Violence and The Daimonic [Price] $11.95 [Description] ", "output": "May traces the sources of violence and aggression in our culture and man's relationship to evil and the daimonic. He explores the concept that evil can be used for good and that in every act of justice, we need to be sensitive that there is also an injustice. - 1970 Esalen - One Audiotape", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Big Sur Tapes: May, Rollo", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.bigsurtapes.com/merchant.mv104.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00259-ip-10-236-191-2_326044103_6.json"} {"task": "5eee22ba_Big_Sur_Tapes__May__Rollo__Description", "input": "[Code] 04003 [Name] May, Rollo Creativity And The Daimonic [Price] $18.95 [Description] ", "output": "In psychotherapy and the creative process, May considers it necessary to confront and wrestle with the daimonic. He defines the daimonic as any natural function which has the power of taking over the personality - sex and eros, anger and rage, and the craving of power - and discusses the curious phenomenon that a creative person always lives with, and produces partly by virtue of the daimonic. - 1968 Esalen - Two Audiotapes", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Big Sur Tapes: May, Rollo", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.bigsurtapes.com/merchant.mv104.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00259-ip-10-236-191-2_326044103_6.json"} {"task": "5eee22ba_Big_Sur_Tapes__May__Rollo__Description", "input": "[Code] 04004 [Name] May, Rollo Dimensions Of Consciousness [Price] $36.95 [Description] ", "output": "We live in a culture afraid of creativity, often demanding security and predictability instead of fully entering the richness and depth of human consciousness. In this set of lectures, philosopher and psychologist May plumbs those depths, describing creativity and phenomenology as bridges between the natural world and our personal experience, and myth as the language of the unconscious. - 1966 Esalen - Four Audiotapes", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Big Sur Tapes: May, Rollo", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.bigsurtapes.com/merchant.mv104.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00259-ip-10-236-191-2_326044103_6.json"} {"task": "5eee22ba_Big_Sur_Tapes__May__Rollo__Description", "input": "[Code] 04005 [Name] May, Rollo Will, Wish and Intentionality [Price] $36.95 [Description] ", "output": "May examines human psychology and motivation in terms of individual responsibility for our actions. The Victorian belief that our rational minds are sufficient to lead us through the world dissolved after Freud, but has often been replaced by a sense that we are powerless, passive products of our world rather than active participants. The critical issue now is to re-discover the experience of personal significance in our lives. - 1965 Esalen - Four Audiotapes", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Big Sur Tapes: May, Rollo", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.bigsurtapes.com/merchant.mv104.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00259-ip-10-236-191-2_326044103_6.json"} {"task": "5eee22ba_Big_Sur_Tapes__May__Rollo__Description", "input": "[Code] 04006 [Name] May, Rollo and Sam Keen Loss Of Innocence [Price] $11.95 [Description] ", "output": "This lively spontaneous dialogue looks at myths of the West, focusing on death and tragety as the elements that give a story the depth of mythology. Keen claims America has been trying to live without myth and without a past - in denial of death and the transcendent. The two esteemed teachers take this as a starting point to ask, \"What does America need? What's the new myth?\" - 1974 Esalen - One Audiotape", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Big Sur Tapes: May, Rollo", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.bigsurtapes.com/merchant.mv104.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00259-ip-10-236-191-2_326044103_6.json"} {"task": "f501dbc2_rical_and_Theological_Analysis__2", "input": "[0] I. [2] ", "output": "The age of discretion for both Confession and Communion is the time when a child begins to exercise his reason. This is normally around the seventh year, more or less. From this time also begins the duty of keeping the precept of Confession and Communion.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Fr. Hardon Archives - First Confession: An Historical and Theological Analysis", "title": "", "outputColName": "2", "url": "http://www.therealpresence.org/archives/Sin/Sin_001.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00196-ip-10-236-191-2_762445209_3.json"} {"task": "f501dbc2_rical_and_Theological_Analysis__2", "input": "[0] II. [2] ", "output": "For first Confession and first Communion it is not necessary to have a fully complete knowledge of Christian doctrine. Afterwards, however, the child should gradually learn the whole catechism according to his mental capacity.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Fr. Hardon Archives - First Confession: An Historical and Theological Analysis", "title": "", "outputColName": "2", "url": "http://www.therealpresence.org/archives/Sin/Sin_001.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00196-ip-10-236-191-2_762445209_3.json"} {"task": "f501dbc2_rical_and_Theological_Analysis__2", "input": "[0] III. [2] ", "output": "The religious knowledge required of a child for suitable preparation before first Communion is the following. He should understand, according to his ability, the mysteries of faith necessary for salvation, and be sufficiently able to distinguish the Eucharistic from ordinary corporeal bread, to approach the most holy Eucharist with such devotion as can be expected at his age.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Fr. Hardon Archives - First Confession: An Historical and Theological Analysis", "title": "", "outputColName": "2", "url": "http://www.therealpresence.org/archives/Sin/Sin_001.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00196-ip-10-236-191-2_762445209_3.json"} {"task": "f501dbc2_rical_and_Theological_Analysis__2", "input": "[0] IV. [2] ", "output": "The preceptive duty, affecting the child, to receive Confession and Communion, mainly falls on those responsible for his care. This means the parents, the confessor, teachers and the pastor. It is the father\u0092s right, or of those who take his place, and the confessor\u0092s - according to the Roman Catechism - to admit a child to first Communion.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Fr. Hardon Archives - First Confession: An Historical and Theological Analysis", "title": "", "outputColName": "2", "url": "http://www.therealpresence.org/archives/Sin/Sin_001.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00196-ip-10-236-191-2_762445209_3.json"} {"task": "f501dbc2_rical_and_Theological_Analysis__2", "input": "[0] VI. [2] ", "output": "Those who have charge of children are most urgently to insure that, after their first Communion, these children often approach the Holy Table. If possible, they should receive even daily, as Christ Jesus and mother Church desire; and that they do so with such devotion of spirit as corresponds to their age.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Fr. Hardon Archives - First Confession: An Historical and Theological Analysis", "title": "", "outputColName": "2", "url": "http://www.therealpresence.org/archives/Sin/Sin_001.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00196-ip-10-236-191-2_762445209_3.json"} {"task": "f501dbc2_rical_and_Theological_Analysis__2", "input": "[0] VII. [2] ", "output": "The custom of not admitting children to Confession or of never absolving them, once they have reached the age of reason, is absolutely condemned (omnino reprobanda). Consequently local ordinaries are to make sure, even using juridical means, that this abuse is completely rooted out. [18]", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Fr. Hardon Archives - First Confession: An Historical and Theological Analysis", "title": "", "outputColName": "2", "url": "http://www.therealpresence.org/archives/Sin/Sin_001.htm", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00196-ip-10-236-191-2_762445209_3.json"} {"task": "dee39e4d_omophobic____Fishing_The_Abyss__Western_Greek_Thought", "input": "[Topic] Ideas & words [Eastern/Hebrew Thought] Words & ideas are concrete and experiential, focusing on what one can experience with his/her senses. A strong focus on poetry, imagery and symbolism for the purpose of demonstrating truth. Visual art is less stressed in order to avoid creating \u201cgraven images\u201d. [Postmodern Thought] Words and ideas are concrete, focusing on what one can experience with his/her senses. A strong focus on satire and parody and visual art for the purpose of deconstructing truth to show that no truth is universal. [Western/Greek Thought] ", "output": "Words & ideas are abstract, focusing on logical definitions, bullet-point lists, narrative prose, and conceptual descriptions, for the purpose of demonstrating truth. (NOTE: by displaying this in a table, I\u2019m obviously a Westerner at heart", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Thinking Hebrew for the Pomophobic\u2026 | Fishing The Abyss", "title": "", "outputColName": "Western/Greek Thought", "url": "http://www.fishingtheabyss.com/archives/39", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00108-ip-10-236-191-2_448327564_0.json"} {"task": "dee39e4d_omophobic____Fishing_The_Abyss__Western_Greek_Thought", "input": "[Topic] Numbers [Eastern/Hebrew Thought] While numbers may hold quantitative value, they often hold just as much, if not more, symbolic value \u2013 for the purpose of demonstrating truth. [Postmodern Thought] Numbers are a quantity, but the truth in those numbers is relevant to each individual\u2019s bias. [Western/Greek Thought] ", "output": "Numbers are a quantity, and that quantity demonstrates truth.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Thinking Hebrew for the Pomophobic\u2026 | Fishing The Abyss", "title": "", "outputColName": "Western/Greek Thought", "url": "http://www.fishingtheabyss.com/archives/39", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00108-ip-10-236-191-2_448327564_0.json"} {"task": "dee39e4d_omophobic____Fishing_The_Abyss__Western_Greek_Thought", "input": "[Topic] God [Eastern/Hebrew Thought] In Hebrew thought, God is assumed to exist. He is seen as relational, with personal ties to the community and the individual as they experience Him. Faith is described by the relationship (\u201dwalk\u201d) with Him. [Postmodern Thought] In postmodern thought, God is assumed to NOT exist, though if one chooses to believe in a god, that is acceptable (though pushing that god on others is not). If faith is expressed in a god, it is based on the individual\u2019s experience [Western/Greek Thought] ", "output": "In Greek thought, one seeks to prove/disprove the existence of God. God is defined (by the believer) by his attributes and descriptors. Faith in Him is described in creeds and doctrinal statements with proof texts to support each of them.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Thinking Hebrew for the Pomophobic\u2026 | Fishing The Abyss", "title": "", "outputColName": "Western/Greek Thought", "url": "http://www.fishingtheabyss.com/archives/39", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00108-ip-10-236-191-2_448327564_0.json"} {"task": "dee39e4d_omophobic____Fishing_The_Abyss__Western_Greek_Thought", "input": "[Topic] Truth [Eastern/Hebrew Thought] Truth is a religious and experiental process, which unfolds over time as God continually builds on His creation. The focus of scripture is on stories of who did what, and how that relates to the readers\u2019 experiences. As such, truth can be experienced in multiple ways, rather than a single \u201ctruth\u201d experience. [Postmodern Thought] Truth is an experiental process, and is defined by each individual for only that individual. Multiple \u201ctruths\u201d are assumed and accepted as normal (and often valued) in community. [Western/Greek Thought] ", "output": "Truth is scientific, logical and rational, and typically confers a single \u201ccorrect\u201d answer. It may take time to discover the truth, but once discovered and defined, it remains static.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Thinking Hebrew for the Pomophobic\u2026 | Fishing The Abyss", "title": "", "outputColName": "Western/Greek Thought", "url": "http://www.fishingtheabyss.com/archives/39", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00108-ip-10-236-191-2_448327564_0.json"} {"task": "dee39e4d_omophobic____Fishing_The_Abyss__Western_Greek_Thought", "input": "[Topic] Language [Eastern/Hebrew Thought] \u201cPoor\u201d languages (Hebrew, Aramaic), in which most words hold many meanings. These allow the speaker/writer to create multiple \u201clayers\u201d of meaning, where deeper levels of truth can be suggested. [Postmodern Thought] \u201cRich\u201d languages are valued, because they can be used to create new double-meanings, unique to the individual, and can more precicely describe truth, as seen by the individual. [Western/Greek Thought] ", "output": "\u201cRich\u201d languages are valued, because they can precicely describe truth in both absolute and temporal terms.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Thinking Hebrew for the Pomophobic\u2026 | Fishing The Abyss", "title": "", "outputColName": "Western/Greek Thought", "url": "http://www.fishingtheabyss.com/archives/39", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00108-ip-10-236-191-2_448327564_0.json"} {"task": "dee39e4d_omophobic____Fishing_The_Abyss__Western_Greek_Thought", "input": "[Topic] Humanistic Focus [Eastern/Hebrew Thought] The focus of Hebrew thought is on the community first, and the individual second. [Postmodern Thought] The focus of postmodern thought is on the individual, and communities are only collections of individuals. [Western/Greek Thought] ", "output": "The focus of Greek thought is on the individual first, and the community second.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Thinking Hebrew for the Pomophobic\u2026 | Fishing The Abyss", "title": "", "outputColName": "Western/Greek Thought", "url": "http://www.fishingtheabyss.com/archives/39", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00108-ip-10-236-191-2_448327564_0.json"} {"task": "dee39e4d_omophobic____Fishing_The_Abyss__Western_Greek_Thought", "input": "[Topic] Sin [Eastern/Hebrew Thought] Sin is expressed in a person (or community\u2019s) actions. It is wrong behavior which is a product of a person\u2019s faith. [Postmodern Thought] Sin is expressed in a person acting in a manner that is in opposition to his/her expressed beliefs. [Western/Greek Thought] ", "output": "Sin is expressed in a person\u2019s (or community\u2019s) beliefs or thoughts. What a person knows or believes about faith is emphasized.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Thinking Hebrew for the Pomophobic\u2026 | Fishing The Abyss", "title": "", "outputColName": "Western/Greek Thought", "url": "http://www.fishingtheabyss.com/archives/39", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00108-ip-10-236-191-2_448327564_0.json"} {"task": "dee39e4d_omophobic____Fishing_The_Abyss__Western_Greek_Thought", "input": "[Topic] Kingdom of God [Eastern/Hebrew Thought] The \u2018Kingdom of God\u2019 is being experienced in the present and will continue after one\u2019s death. It is \u201cliving life in harmony with God\u201d, and is in evidence by how the people live today. [Postmodern Thought] The \u2018Kingdom of God\u2019 (or its equivalent) only exists in the present and is represented by living life in harmony with other people. [Western/Greek Thought] ", "output": "The \u2018Kingdom of God\u2019 is removed from the current world, expressed in the perfect life with God after this world has ended.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Thinking Hebrew for the Pomophobic\u2026 | Fishing The Abyss", "title": "", "outputColName": "Western/Greek Thought", "url": "http://www.fishingtheabyss.com/archives/39", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00108-ip-10-236-191-2_448327564_0.json"} {"task": "dee39e4d_omophobic____Fishing_The_Abyss__Western_Greek_Thought", "input": "[Topic] Conversation and Debate [Eastern/Hebrew Thought] Valued for the purpose of bringing clarity to how truth is experienced. [Postmodern Thought] Valued for the purpose of understanding how each individual sees truth. [Western/Greek Thought] ", "output": "Valued only for the purpose of defining what truth is.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Thinking Hebrew for the Pomophobic\u2026 | Fishing The Abyss", "title": "", "outputColName": "Western/Greek Thought", "url": "http://www.fishingtheabyss.com/archives/39", "wdcFile": "42/1438042989018.40_20150728002309-00108-ip-10-236-191-2_448327564_0.json"} {"task": "b7d06f3c_ixie_Outfitters___Lincoln_Myth__His_Modern_Libertarian_Critics", "input": "[Lincoln] Willing to use war to advance policy", "output": "Opposition to aggressive force and war", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Dixie Outfitters | Lincoln Myth", "title": "", "outputColName": "His Modern Libertarian Critics", "url": "http://dixieoutfitters.com/pages/blog/lincoln-myth/?ol=no&pi=2670&ri=2669", "wdcFile": "42/1438042988310.3_20150728002308-00210-ip-10-236-191-2_73475688_3.json"} {"task": "b7d06f3c_ixie_Outfitters___Lincoln_Myth__His_Modern_Libertarian_Critics", "input": "[Lincoln] The will of the federal majority", "output": "Natural rights, including secession.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Dixie Outfitters | Lincoln Myth", "title": "", "outputColName": "His Modern Libertarian Critics", "url": "http://dixieoutfitters.com/pages/blog/lincoln-myth/?ol=no&pi=2670&ri=2669", "wdcFile": "42/1438042988310.3_20150728002308-00210-ip-10-236-191-2_73475688_3.json"} {"task": "b7d06f3c_ixie_Outfitters___Lincoln_Myth__His_Modern_Libertarian_Critics", "input": "[Lincoln] Centralization and consolidation", "output": "Decentralization; secession even by small political units", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Dixie Outfitters | Lincoln Myth", "title": "", "outputColName": "His Modern Libertarian Critics", "url": "http://dixieoutfitters.com/pages/blog/lincoln-myth/?ol=no&pi=2670&ri=2669", "wdcFile": "42/1438042988310.3_20150728002308-00210-ip-10-236-191-2_73475688_3.json"} {"task": "b7d06f3c_ixie_Outfitters___Lincoln_Myth__His_Modern_Libertarian_Critics", "input": "[Lincoln] Politics and law as preferred methods of social change", "output": "Persuasion, culture and economy as the preferred methods of social change", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Dixie Outfitters | Lincoln Myth", "title": "", "outputColName": "His Modern Libertarian Critics", "url": "http://dixieoutfitters.com/pages/blog/lincoln-myth/?ol=no&pi=2670&ri=2669", "wdcFile": "42/1438042988310.3_20150728002308-00210-ip-10-236-191-2_73475688_3.json"} {"task": "b7d06f3c_ixie_Outfitters___Lincoln_Myth__His_Modern_Libertarian_Critics", "input": "[Lincoln] Mercantilism", "output": "Free trade and free markets", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Dixie Outfitters | Lincoln Myth", "title": "", "outputColName": "His Modern Libertarian Critics", "url": "http://dixieoutfitters.com/pages/blog/lincoln-myth/?ol=no&pi=2670&ri=2669", "wdcFile": "42/1438042988310.3_20150728002308-00210-ip-10-236-191-2_73475688_3.json"} {"task": "b7d06f3c_ixie_Outfitters___Lincoln_Myth__His_Modern_Libertarian_Critics", "input": "[Lincoln] Imperialism", "output": "Local control", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Dixie Outfitters | Lincoln Myth", "title": "", "outputColName": "His Modern Libertarian Critics", "url": "http://dixieoutfitters.com/pages/blog/lincoln-myth/?ol=no&pi=2670&ri=2669", "wdcFile": "42/1438042988310.3_20150728002308-00210-ip-10-236-191-2_73475688_3.json"} {"task": "b7d06f3c_ixie_Outfitters___Lincoln_Myth__His_Modern_Libertarian_Critics", "input": "[Lincoln] Moderate opposition to chattel slavery and its spread", "output": "Opposition to all forms of slavery: chattel, tax, regulatory and conscription", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Dixie Outfitters | Lincoln Myth", "title": "", "outputColName": "His Modern Libertarian Critics", "url": "http://dixieoutfitters.com/pages/blog/lincoln-myth/?ol=no&pi=2670&ri=2669", "wdcFile": "42/1438042988310.3_20150728002308-00210-ip-10-236-191-2_73475688_3.json"} {"task": "f146719b_October_9__1843__Times_and_Seasons", "input": "[Smith Diary] Conference Cutler Cahoon & Hiram spoke on the temple. P. M. Joseph preached funeral Sermon of Gen James Adams-- [Clayton Diary] P.M. at the conference Prest. J. preached Judge Adams funeral sermon. The people were well edified and a very good feeling prevailed throughout. [Times and Seasons] ", "output": "Funeral of James Adams Monday, 2 o'clock P. M. Conference reassembled, and listened with profound attention, to an impressive discourse from President Joseph Smith, commemorative of the decease of James Adams, Esq., late of this city, and an honorable, worthy, useful, and esteemed member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "October 9, 1843", "title": "", "outputColName": "Times and Seasons", "url": "http://www.boap.org/LDS/Parallel/1843/9Oct43.html", "wdcFile": "24/1438042989043.35_20150728002309-00103-ip-10-236-191-2_338733762_0.json"} {"task": "f146719b_October_9__1843__Times_and_Seasons", "input": "[Smith Diary] All men know that all men must die.--What is the object of our coming into existence then dying and falling away to be here no more? This is a subject we ought to study more than any other. which we ought to study day and night.--If we have any claim on our heavenly father for any thing it is for knowledge on this important subject--could we read and comprehend all that has been written from the days of Adam on the relations of man to God & angels. and the spirits of just men in a future state. we should know very little about it. [Times and Seasons] ", "output": "We Should Seek to Understand Life and Death He spoke of the importance of our understanding the reasons and causes of out exposure to the vicissitudes of life, and of death; and the designs and purposes of God, in our coming into the world, our sufferings here, and our departure hence--that it is but reasonable to suppose that God would reveal something in reference to the matter--the ignorance of the world in reference to their true condition, and relation. Reading the experience of others, or the revelations given to them, can never give us a comprehensive view of our condition and true relation to God.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "October 9, 1843", "title": "", "outputColName": "Times and Seasons", "url": "http://www.boap.org/LDS/Parallel/1843/9Oct43.html", "wdcFile": "24/1438042989043.35_20150728002309-00103-ip-10-236-191-2_338733762_0.json"} {"task": "f146719b_October_9__1843__Times_and_Seasons", "input": "[Smith Diary] Could you gaze in heaven 5 minutes you would know more than you possibly can know by read all that ever was written on the subject. We are one only capable of comprehending that certain things exist. which we may acquire by certain fixed principles-- [Times and Seasons] ", "output": "Need Revelation - Ordinances Knowledge of these things, can only be obtained by experience in these things, through the ordinance of God set forth for that purpose. Annihilation Better than Disappointmenst in Resurrection He remarked that the disappointment of hopes and expectations at the resurrection, would be indescribably dreadful. 1", "options": [], "pageTitle": "October 9, 1843", "title": "", "outputColName": "Times and Seasons", "url": "http://www.boap.org/LDS/Parallel/1843/9Oct43.html", "wdcFile": "24/1438042989043.35_20150728002309-00103-ip-10-236-191-2_338733762_0.json"} {"task": "f146719b_October_9__1843__Times_and_Seasons", "input": "[Smith Diary] If men would acquired salvation they have got to be subject to certain rules & principles which were fixed by an unalterable decree before the world was, before they leave this world. [Times and Seasons] ", "output": "Organization of Spirits - Obey Ordinances for Salvation - Abr. 3:5-3:19 That the organization of the spiritual and heavenly worlds, and of spiritual and heavenly beings, was agreeably to the most perfect order and harmony--that their limits, and bounds were fixed irrevocably, and voluntarily subscribed to by themselves--subscribed to upon the earth--hence the importance of embracing and subscribing to principles of eternal truth. He assured the saints that truth in reference to these matters, can, and may be known, through the revelations of God in the way of his ordinances, and in answer to prayer.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "October 9, 1843", "title": "", "outputColName": "Times and Seasons", "url": "http://www.boap.org/LDS/Parallel/1843/9Oct43.html", "wdcFile": "24/1438042989043.35_20150728002309-00103-ip-10-236-191-2_338733762_0.json"} {"task": "f146719b_October_9__1843__Times_and_Seasons", "input": "[Smith Diary] what did they learn by coming to the spirits of just men made perfect? is it written. No! The spirits of just men are made ministering servants to those who are sealed unto life eternal. & it is through them that the sealing power comes down-- The spirit of Patriarch adam [Adams] now is one of the spirits of the just men made--and if revealed now, must be revealed in fire. and the glory could not be endured--Jesus shewed himself to his disciples and they thought it was his spirit. & they were afraid to approach his spirit. Angels have advanced higher in knowledge & power than spirits \u00b6 Judge Adams had some enemies, but such a man ought not to have had an enemy. I saw him first at springfield, when on my Way from Mo. to Washington. he sought me out when a stranger. took me to his house. encouraged & cheered me & give me money-- when men are prepared. they are better off to go home.-- [Burgess Record] A great many men suppose there is no difference between a spirit an angel and a spirit of a just man made perfect but Paul makes a distinction in the 12 chap of Hebrews he tells us that the hebrew church had come into the presence of God and Angels and to the spirits of just men made perfect The spirit of a just man made perfect if he made his appearance he would appear or be enveloped in flaming fire and no man in this mortal state could endure it, but an angel could come and appear as an other man for Paul says be careful to entertain an strangers for some have entertained Angels unawares. But to prove spirits view the Saviour after his resurrection when he appeared unto his diciples. they were afraid and thought they had seen a spirit but he convinces them of their mistake by teling them to handle him for says he a spirit has not flesh and bones as ye see me have. J Smith Prophet. [Times and Seasons] ", "output": "Spirits of Just Men - Reveal Endowment - Spirits and Angels The Hebrew church \"came unto the spirits of just men made perfect, and unto an innumerable company of angels, unto God the Father of all, and to Jesus Christ the Mediator of the New Covenant;\" but what they learned, has not been, and could not have been written. What object was gained by this communication with the spirits of the just, &c.? It was the established order of the kingdom of God--the keys of power and knowledge were with them to communicate to the saints--hence the importance of understanding the distinction between the spirits of the just, and angels. Spirits can only be revealed in flaming fire, or glory. Angels have advanced farther--their light and glory being tabernacled, and hence appear in bodily shape. \u00b6 Concerning brother James Adams, he remarked, that it should appear strange that so good and so great a man was hated. The deceased ought never to have had an enemy. But so it was, wherever light shone, it stirred up darkness. Truth and error, good and evil, cannot be reconciled. Judge Adams had been a most intimate friend.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "October 9, 1843", "title": "", "outputColName": "Times and Seasons", "url": "http://www.boap.org/LDS/Parallel/1843/9Oct43.html", "wdcFile": "24/1438042989043.35_20150728002309-00103-ip-10-236-191-2_338733762_0.json"} {"task": "f146719b_October_9__1843__Times_and_Seasons", "input": "[Smith Diary] Bro Adams has gone to open up a more effectual door for the dead.-- \u00b6 Flesh and blood cannot go there but flesh and bones quickened by the Spirit of God can If we would be sober, & watch in fasting and prayer, God would turn away sickness from our midst. Hasten the work of the temple. and all the work of the Last Days. Let the elders & saints do away light mindedness and be sober.-- [Times and Seasons] ", "output": "James Adams Received Endowment He had anointed him to the Patriarchal power--to receive the keys of knowledge, and power, by revelation to himself. He had had revelations concerning his departure, and had gone to a more important work--of opening up a more effectual door for the dead. The spirits of the just are exalted to a greater and more glorious work--hence they are blessed in departing hence.2 Spirits of Just can Observe Us Enveloped in flaming fire, they are not far from us, and know and understand our thoughts, feelings and motions, and are often pained therewith. \u00b6 President Smith concluded with exhortations to the church to renew their exertions to forward the work of the Temple, and in walking before the Lord in soberness and righteousness. \u00b6 Such is a faint outline of the discourse of President Joseph Smith, which was delivered with his usual feeling and pathos; and was listened to with the most profound and eager attention by the multitude, who hung upon his instructions, anxious to learn and pursue the path of eternal life.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "October 9, 1843", "title": "", "outputColName": "Times and Seasons", "url": "http://www.boap.org/LDS/Parallel/1843/9Oct43.html", "wdcFile": "24/1438042989043.35_20150728002309-00103-ip-10-236-191-2_338733762_0.json"} {"task": "5348f9ee_m_Rabbi_Laura_Novak_Winer__RJE__V_ZOT_HA_BRACHA", "input": "[0] Giving of blessings [B\u2019REISHIT] God blesses the work of creation and the Sabbath. [V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA] ", "output": "Moses blesses the each of the Tribes.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Rabbi Laura | wonder, wisdom and whimsy from Rabbi Laura Novak Winer, RJE", "title": "", "outputColName": "V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA", "url": "http://rabbilnw.com/", "wdcFile": "24/1438042986423.95_20150728002306-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_199840247_0.json"} {"task": "5348f9ee_m_Rabbi_Laura_Novak_Winer__RJE__V_ZOT_HA_BRACHA", "input": "[0] Strength, fertility [B\u2019REISHIT] \u201cBe fruitful and multiply\u201d is the very first commandment in the Torah. [V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA] ", "output": "Moses blesses the each of the tribes, bestowing upon them abundance, strength to overcome challenges and future generations to inhabit the land.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Rabbi Laura | wonder, wisdom and whimsy from Rabbi Laura Novak Winer, RJE", "title": "", "outputColName": "V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA", "url": "http://rabbilnw.com/", "wdcFile": "24/1438042986423.95_20150728002306-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_199840247_0.json"} {"task": "5348f9ee_m_Rabbi_Laura_Novak_Winer__RJE__V_ZOT_HA_BRACHA", "input": "[0] Completion of a task [B\u2019REISHIT] \u201cAnd God saw that it was good.\u201d At the end of each day God reflects upon God\u2019s work, declaring it completed and good. [V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA] ", "output": "V\u2019zot Habracha is Moses\u2019 final moments, the time in which he completes his task of bringing the Israelites to the Promised Land", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Rabbi Laura | wonder, wisdom and whimsy from Rabbi Laura Novak Winer, RJE", "title": "", "outputColName": "V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA", "url": "http://rabbilnw.com/", "wdcFile": "24/1438042986423.95_20150728002306-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_199840247_0.json"} {"task": "5348f9ee_m_Rabbi_Laura_Novak_Winer__RJE__V_ZOT_HA_BRACHA", "input": "[0] Lifecycle moments [B\u2019REISHIT] We read about the creation of the universe and the birth of humanity. [V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA] ", "output": "We read about the death or Moses, as well as witness the birth of the nation as they make a final approach into the Promised Land.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Rabbi Laura | wonder, wisdom and whimsy from Rabbi Laura Novak Winer, RJE", "title": "", "outputColName": "V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA", "url": "http://rabbilnw.com/", "wdcFile": "24/1438042986423.95_20150728002306-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_199840247_0.json"} {"task": "5348f9ee_m_Rabbi_Laura_Novak_Winer__RJE__V_ZOT_HA_BRACHA", "input": "[0] Boundaries of the land [B\u2019REISHIT] We learn the location and boundaries of the Garden of Eden. [V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA] ", "output": "We learn the boundaries of the Promised Land through Moses\u2019 blessings and his viewing it from atop Mt. Nebo", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Rabbi Laura | wonder, wisdom and whimsy from Rabbi Laura Novak Winer, RJE", "title": "", "outputColName": "V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA", "url": "http://rabbilnw.com/", "wdcFile": "24/1438042986423.95_20150728002306-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_199840247_0.json"} {"task": "5348f9ee_m_Rabbi_Laura_Novak_Winer__RJE__V_ZOT_HA_BRACHA", "input": "[0] Helpmates/partners [B\u2019REISHIT] God creates humanity as God\u2019s partner in completing creation. And God creates man and woman has helpmates to each other. [V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA] ", "output": "Moses and God have been partners in the process of bringing the Israelites out of slavery, through 40 years in the desert and to the Promised Land.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Rabbi Laura | wonder, wisdom and whimsy from Rabbi Laura Novak Winer, RJE", "title": "", "outputColName": "V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA", "url": "http://rabbilnw.com/", "wdcFile": "24/1438042986423.95_20150728002306-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_199840247_0.json"} {"task": "5348f9ee_m_Rabbi_Laura_Novak_Winer__RJE__V_ZOT_HA_BRACHA", "input": "[0] Disobedience & consequences [B\u2019REISHIT] Adam and Eve face the consequences of eating of the fruit of the Tree and are expelled from the Garden of Eden. [V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA] ", "output": "Moses finally confronts the consequences of his previous disobedience and is prohibited from entering the Promised Land.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Rabbi Laura | wonder, wisdom and whimsy from Rabbi Laura Novak Winer, RJE", "title": "", "outputColName": "V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA", "url": "http://rabbilnw.com/", "wdcFile": "24/1438042986423.95_20150728002306-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_199840247_0.json"} {"task": "5348f9ee_m_Rabbi_Laura_Novak_Winer__RJE__V_ZOT_HA_BRACHA", "input": "[0] Vision/Seeing [B\u2019REISHIT] Upon eating of the fruit of the Tree Adam and Eve\u2019s eyes are opened and they see their nakedness. [V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA] ", "output": "God grants Moses the ability to see the full expanse of the Promised Land from atop Mt Nebo, a feat which is humanly impossible.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Rabbi Laura | wonder, wisdom and whimsy from Rabbi Laura Novak Winer, RJE", "title": "", "outputColName": "V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA", "url": "http://rabbilnw.com/", "wdcFile": "24/1438042986423.95_20150728002306-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_199840247_0.json"} {"task": "5348f9ee_m_Rabbi_Laura_Novak_Winer__RJE__V_ZOT_HA_BRACHA", "input": "[0] God \u201cdoing\u201d for humans [B\u2019REISHIT] God clothes Adam and Eve. [V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA] ", "output": "God buries Moses.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Rabbi Laura | wonder, wisdom and whimsy from Rabbi Laura Novak Winer, RJE", "title": "", "outputColName": "V\u2019ZOT HA\u2019BRACHA", "url": "http://rabbilnw.com/", "wdcFile": "24/1438042986423.95_20150728002306-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_199840247_0.json"} {"task": "d35fabfc_g_in_the_Holy_Spirit_1989_2015_Spiritual_Gifts_Series_Description", "input": "[Title] 1. Receiving the Giver [Media] Alternative content [Description] ", "output": "To receive spiritual gifts, you must know the Giver of the gifts--the Holy Spirit. Copyrighted Recording Length: 55 minutes. The Goodwins' teachings on the gifts of the Holy Spirit and spiritual operations were highly esteemed by Kenneth Hagin, Howard Carter, Gordon Lindsay of Christ for the Nations, and by many other people who heard them. This recording is a thorough examination of the Holy Spirit and His baptism as evidenced by speaking in tongues.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mel Montgomery Communications International | Celebrating more than 25 Years of Ministering in the Holy Spirit 1989-2015", "title": "Spiritual Gifts Series", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.brothermel.org/audio-video/65", "wdcFile": "24/1438042989790.89_20150728002309-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_347581263_2.json"} {"task": "d35fabfc_g_in_the_Holy_Spirit_1989_2015_Spiritual_Gifts_Series_Description", "input": "[Title] 2. The Word of Wisdom [Media] Alternative content [Description] ", "output": "The Word of Wisdom and how spiritual gifts are to be desired and potentially be received. Copyrighted Recording Length: 55 minutes. Rev. Goodwin gives examples from both scripture and from personal experience of this spiritual gift. He also gives an example of how he refused to follow the counsel of a famous healing evangelist concerning the time to enter ministry--and this decision turned out to be the wisdom of God. This gives a wonderful insight into lessons the Goodwins learned concerning ministry, and how these same lessons can be applied in your life and ministry.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mel Montgomery Communications International | Celebrating more than 25 Years of Ministering in the Holy Spirit 1989-2015", "title": "Spiritual Gifts Series", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.brothermel.org/audio-video/65", "wdcFile": "24/1438042989790.89_20150728002309-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_347581263_2.json"} {"task": "d35fabfc_g_in_the_Holy_Spirit_1989_2015_Spiritual_Gifts_Series_Description", "input": "[Title] 3. The Word of Knowledge [Media] Alternative content [Description] ", "output": "The Word of Knowledge, and how it can work in conjunction with other spiritual gifts. Copyrighted Recording Length: 55 minutes. Dad gives examples of this gift from the Old and New Testaments and from personal experience. He further gives directions on how it may manifest, and how it may operate in conjunction with other spiritual gifts.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mel Montgomery Communications International | Celebrating more than 25 Years of Ministering in the Holy Spirit 1989-2015", "title": "Spiritual Gifts Series", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.brothermel.org/audio-video/65", "wdcFile": "24/1438042989790.89_20150728002309-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_347581263_2.json"} {"task": "d35fabfc_g_in_the_Holy_Spirit_1989_2015_Spiritual_Gifts_Series_Description", "input": "[Title] 4. The Discerning of Spirits [Media] Alternative content [Description] ", "output": "The discerning of spirits, how it operated in the Goodwins' ministry and how it can operate in yours. Copyrighted Recording Length: 55 minutes. He cites examples from scripture and examples from incidents that had happened in the Goodwin's church. He gives a particularly interesting example of a deacon in their former church, who had a wrong spirit. Brother Goodwin also draws from the reminiscinces of old Pentecostal saints who had been present in the early Pentecostal outpouring at Topeka and Azusa Street.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mel Montgomery Communications International | Celebrating more than 25 Years of Ministering in the Holy Spirit 1989-2015", "title": "Spiritual Gifts Series", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.brothermel.org/audio-video/65", "wdcFile": "24/1438042989790.89_20150728002309-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_347581263_2.json"} {"task": "d35fabfc_g_in_the_Holy_Spirit_1989_2015_Spiritual_Gifts_Series_Description", "input": "[Title] 5. The Gift of Prophecy [Media] Alternative content [Description] ", "output": "There is a great difference between a believer prophesying and someone who stands in the office of a prophet. Copyrighted Recording Length: 42 minutes. He gives wise advice about prophecy to those who are called to ministry. And he tells an interesting story about a song leader in one of their previous churches who began to wonder whether Mom and Dad Goodwin were rehearsing the messages in tongues and interpretations in advance, and then just performing a pre-arranged script in the church services. God answered the man's doubts. (In spite of being cleaned up by our sound expert, this recording still retains a muffled sound. You may need to adjust your sound settings in order to hear this recording in full clarity).", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mel Montgomery Communications International | Celebrating more than 25 Years of Ministering in the Holy Spirit 1989-2015", "title": "Spiritual Gifts Series", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.brothermel.org/audio-video/65", "wdcFile": "24/1438042989790.89_20150728002309-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_347581263_2.json"} {"task": "d35fabfc_g_in_the_Holy_Spirit_1989_2015_Spiritual_Gifts_Series_Description", "input": "[Title] 6. The Gift of Faith [Media] Alternative content [Description] ", "output": "There are clear distinctions between saving faith, the fruit of faith, and the specific supernatural gift of faith. Copyrighted Recording Length: 49 minutes. Includes the story of the healing of Mr. Stone, whom the doctors expected him to die before the night was out. When first stricken, Mr. Stone--an unbeliever--said, \"Call the doctor. And if the doctor won't come, call Brother and Sister Goodwin. I have more faith in their prayers than in all the doctors in the world.\" My brothers and sisters that is exactly how we should be seen by the world--as the bringers of God's power and mercy. When there is no hope in the natural, there is still hope in God.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mel Montgomery Communications International | Celebrating more than 25 Years of Ministering in the Holy Spirit 1989-2015", "title": "Spiritual Gifts Series", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.brothermel.org/audio-video/65", "wdcFile": "24/1438042989790.89_20150728002309-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_347581263_2.json"} {"task": "d35fabfc_g_in_the_Holy_Spirit_1989_2015_Spiritual_Gifts_Series_Description", "input": "[Title] 7. The Working of Miracles [Media] Alternative content [Description] ", "output": "The Working of Miracles, examples from the Bible and personal experience. Copyrighted Recording Length: 47 minutes. The Goodwins experienced numerous manifestations of the gift of the Working of Miracles. Therefore, their teachings concerning this gift will help you to reach up to God and believe for the manifestation of this gift. Brother Goodwin accepts questions from the class.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mel Montgomery Communications International | Celebrating more than 25 Years of Ministering in the Holy Spirit 1989-2015", "title": "Spiritual Gifts Series", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.brothermel.org/audio-video/65", "wdcFile": "24/1438042989790.89_20150728002309-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_347581263_2.json"} {"task": "d35fabfc_g_in_the_Holy_Spirit_1989_2015_Spiritual_Gifts_Series_Description", "input": "[Title] 8. Gifts of Healings [Media] Alternative content [Description] ", "output": "How the Goodwins understood and ministered to others through the Gifts of Healings. Copyrighted Recording Length: 51 minutes. It is through the manifestation of the Gifts of Healings, and through other spiritual operations, that the world will be confronted with the reality of the power of Christ's resurrection. Conviction of sin will follow when the Gospel is preached, and multitudes will be turned from darkness to light.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mel Montgomery Communications International | Celebrating more than 25 Years of Ministering in the Holy Spirit 1989-2015", "title": "Spiritual Gifts Series", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.brothermel.org/audio-video/65", "wdcFile": "24/1438042989790.89_20150728002309-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_347581263_2.json"} {"task": "d35fabfc_g_in_the_Holy_Spirit_1989_2015_Spiritual_Gifts_Series_Description", "input": "[Title] 9. Tongues and Interpretation [Media] Alternative content [Description] ", "output": "The proper order in exercising the Gift of Diverse Kinds of Tongues and the Interpretation of Tongues. Copyrighted Recording Length: 41 minutes. God has invested great spiritual potential in the gifts of Divers Kinds of Tongues and the Interpretation of Tongues. The Goodwins were among the few that ever searched out the depths of these gifts, and walked in the full power of them. Dad interprets a couple of messages in tongues from the class.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mel Montgomery Communications International | Celebrating more than 25 Years of Ministering in the Holy Spirit 1989-2015", "title": "Spiritual Gifts Series", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.brothermel.org/audio-video/65", "wdcFile": "24/1438042989790.89_20150728002309-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_347581263_2.json"} {"task": "d35fabfc_g_in_the_Holy_Spirit_1989_2015_Spiritual_Gifts_Series_Description", "input": "[Title] 10. Summary of Spiritual Gifts [Media] Alternative content [Description] ", "output": "A summary of all that Brother Goodwin has taught up to this point including key insights concerning the operation of spiritual gifts. Copyrighted Recording Length: 42 minutes. Now you have heard a complete overview of the principles Mom and Dad Goodwin taught and demonstrated concerning spiritual operations and the orderly exercise thereof. from this point onward, you can listen to the other Goodwin recordings and expand your understanding of spiritual operations. The Goodwins never believed that they had a \"special anointing.\" They taught that any minister or church could see the same intensity of spiritual operations if that minister or ministry would follow the Lord in humility and apply these principles in faith.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mel Montgomery Communications International | Celebrating more than 25 Years of Ministering in the Holy Spirit 1989-2015", "title": "Spiritual Gifts Series", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.brothermel.org/audio-video/65", "wdcFile": "24/1438042989790.89_20150728002309-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_347581263_2.json"} {"task": "4eaba046_ence____Salvation_in_the_Bible__Israel___Gideon__Judges_7_", "input": "[Our salvation (Eph. 2:8,9)] saved from sin [Israel & Gideon (Judges 7)] ", "output": "saved from Midian", "options": ["saved from Midian", "a gift from God", "by grace", "not earned by human hands", "man cannot glory", "conditions (obedience) required"], "pageTitle": "Grace of God: Mercy, Works, Law, Obedience, & Salvation in the Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Israel & Gideon (Judges 7)", "url": "http://www.gospelway.com/salvation/grace-mercy.php", "wdcFile": "8/1438042988511.77_20150728002308-00074-ip-10-236-191-2_478677202_3.json"} {"task": "4eaba046_ence____Salvation_in_the_Bible__Israel___Gideon__Judges_7_", "input": "[Our salvation (Eph. 2:8,9)] a gift from God [Israel & Gideon (Judges 7)] ", "output": "a gift from God", "options": ["saved from Midian", "a gift from God", "by grace", "not earned by human hands", "man cannot glory", "conditions (obedience) required"], "pageTitle": "Grace of God: Mercy, Works, Law, Obedience, & Salvation in the Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Israel & Gideon (Judges 7)", "url": "http://www.gospelway.com/salvation/grace-mercy.php", "wdcFile": "8/1438042988511.77_20150728002308-00074-ip-10-236-191-2_478677202_3.json"} {"task": "4eaba046_ence____Salvation_in_the_Bible__Israel___Gideon__Judges_7_", "input": "[Our salvation (Eph. 2:8,9)] by grace [Israel & Gideon (Judges 7)] ", "output": "by grace", "options": ["saved from Midian", "a gift from God", "by grace", "not earned by human hands", "man cannot glory", "conditions (obedience) required"], "pageTitle": "Grace of God: Mercy, Works, Law, Obedience, & Salvation in the Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Israel & Gideon (Judges 7)", "url": "http://www.gospelway.com/salvation/grace-mercy.php", "wdcFile": "8/1438042988511.77_20150728002308-00074-ip-10-236-191-2_478677202_3.json"} {"task": "4eaba046_ence____Salvation_in_the_Bible__Israel___Gideon__Judges_7_", "input": "[Our salvation (Eph. 2:8,9)] not earned by human works [Israel & Gideon (Judges 7)] ", "output": "not earned by human hands", "options": ["saved from Midian", "a gift from God", "by grace", "not earned by human hands", "man cannot glory", "conditions (obedience) required"], "pageTitle": "Grace of God: Mercy, Works, Law, Obedience, & Salvation in the Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Israel & Gideon (Judges 7)", "url": "http://www.gospelway.com/salvation/grace-mercy.php", "wdcFile": "8/1438042988511.77_20150728002308-00074-ip-10-236-191-2_478677202_3.json"} {"task": "4eaba046_ence____Salvation_in_the_Bible__Israel___Gideon__Judges_7_", "input": "[Our salvation (Eph. 2:8,9)] man cannot boast [Israel & Gideon (Judges 7)] ", "output": "man cannot glory", "options": ["saved from Midian", "a gift from God", "by grace", "not earned by human hands", "man cannot glory", "conditions (obedience) required"], "pageTitle": "Grace of God: Mercy, Works, Law, Obedience, & Salvation in the Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Israel & Gideon (Judges 7)", "url": "http://www.gospelway.com/salvation/grace-mercy.php", "wdcFile": "8/1438042988511.77_20150728002308-00074-ip-10-236-191-2_478677202_3.json"} {"task": "4eaba046_ence____Salvation_in_the_Bible__Israel___Gideon__Judges_7_", "input": "[Our salvation (Eph. 2:8,9)] conditions (obedience) required [Israel & Gideon (Judges 7)] ", "output": "conditions (obedience) required", "options": ["saved from Midian", "a gift from God", "by grace", "not earned by human hands", "man cannot glory", "conditions (obedience) required"], "pageTitle": "Grace of God: Mercy, Works, Law, Obedience, & Salvation in the Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Israel & Gideon (Judges 7)", "url": "http://www.gospelway.com/salvation/grace-mercy.php", "wdcFile": "8/1438042988511.77_20150728002308-00074-ip-10-236-191-2_478677202_3.json"} {"task": "2e0e9950_t_3_Dr__Leon_James_Spring_2008__rrespondences_of_Divine_Speech", "input": "And Pharaoh spoke to Joseph thought expressed by the natural but belonging to the celestial of the spiritual.", "output": "what we think in our conscious natural mind is a reaction by correspondence to what we think in our unconscious spiritual mind", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Laws of Correspondences Lecture Notes Part 3 Dr. Leon James Spring 2008", "title": "", "outputColName": "THEISTIC PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE 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"2e0e9950_t_3_Dr__Leon_James_Spring_2008__rrespondences_of_Divine_Speech", "input": "Behold, I was standing on the bank of the river from boundary to boundary", "output": "our mental organs are arranged in top-down discrete layers that do not overlap but function together by the laws of correspondences", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Laws of Correspondences Lecture Notes Part 3 Dr. Leon James Spring 2008", "title": "", "outputColName": "THEISTIC PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE spiritual-natural correspondences of Divine Speech", "url": "http://www.theisticpsychology.org/books/correspondences.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00070-ip-10-236-191-2_753523610_15.json"} {"task": "2e0e9950_t_3_Dr__Leon_James_Spring_2008__rrespondences_of_Divine_Speech", "input": "And behold, out of the river at the boundary", "output": "the layer that separates the conscious natural mind from the unconscious spiritual mind", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Laws of Correspondences Lecture Notes Part 3 Dr. Leon James Spring 2008", "title": "", "outputColName": "THEISTIC PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE spiritual-natural correspondences of Divine Speech", "url": "http://www.theisticpsychology.org/books/correspondences.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00070-ip-10-236-191-2_753523610_15.json"} {"task": "2e0e9950_t_3_Dr__Leon_James_Spring_2008__rrespondences_of_Divine_Speech", "input": "Seven cows were coming up the truths belonging to the natural", "output": "the conscious knowledge we acquire by study and comprehension of Sacred Scripture", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Laws of Correspondences Lecture Notes Part 3 Dr. Leon James Spring 2008", "title": "", "outputColName": "THEISTIC PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE spiritual-natural correspondences of Divine Speech", "url": "http://www.theisticpsychology.org/books/correspondences.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00070-ip-10-236-191-2_753523610_15.json"} {"task": "2e0e9950_t_3_Dr__Leon_James_Spring_2008__rrespondences_of_Divine_Speech", "input": "Fat-fleshed embodiments of charity", "output": "applying the truths of Sacred Scripture to one's daily willing and thinking, thus effecting character reformation and regeneration", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Laws of Correspondences Lecture Notes Part 3 Dr. Leon James Spring 2008", "title": "", "outputColName": "THEISTIC PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE spiritual-natural correspondences of Divine Speech", "url": "http://www.theisticpsychology.org/books/correspondences.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00070-ip-10-236-191-2_753523610_15.json"} {"task": "2e0e9950_t_3_Dr__Leon_James_Spring_2008__rrespondences_of_Divine_Speech", "input": "And beautiful in form expressions of faith resulting from these", "output": "the progressive understanding of still higher correspondences of Sacred Scripture, from natural, to interior-natural, to spiritual and celestial-rational", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Laws of Correspondences Lecture Notes Part 3 Dr. Leon James Spring 2008", "title": "", "outputColName": "THEISTIC PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE spiritual-natural correspondences of Divine Speech", "url": "http://www.theisticpsychology.org/books/correspondences.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00070-ip-10-236-191-2_753523610_15.json"} {"task": "2e0e9950_t_3_Dr__Leon_James_Spring_2008__rrespondences_of_Divine_Speech", "input": "And they fed in the sedge instruction", "output": "character reformation and regeneration is only by means of the truths of Sacred Scripture, hence from Divine Speech of the Divine Human", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Laws of Correspondences Lecture Notes Part 3 Dr. Leon James Spring 2008", "title": "", "outputColName": "THEISTIC PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE spiritual-natural correspondences of Divine Speech", "url": "http://www.theisticpsychology.org/books/correspondences.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00070-ip-10-236-191-2_753523610_15.json"} {"task": "2e0e9950_t_3_Dr__Leon_James_Spring_2008__rrespondences_of_Divine_Speech", "input": "And behold, seven other cows were coming up after them falsities present in the natural close by them", "output": "there is a tendency in the natural mind, from inherited evil, to prefer falsified truths from Sacred Scripture, which allow us to retain many inherited hellish traits and enjoyments", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Laws of Correspondences Lecture Notes Part 3 Dr. Leon James Spring 2008", "title": "", "outputColName": "THEISTIC PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE spiritual-natural correspondences of Divine Speech", "url": "http://www.theisticpsychology.org/books/correspondences.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00070-ip-10-236-191-2_753523610_15.json"} {"task": "2e0e9950_t_3_Dr__Leon_James_Spring_2008__rrespondences_of_Divine_Speech", "input": "Weak and extremely bad in form empty and lacking in faith", "output": "such falsified truths are contrary to rational spirituality and the truths of Sacred Scripture, hence they cannot effect character reformation and regeneration", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Laws of Correspondences Lecture Notes Part 3 Dr. Leon James Spring 2008", "title": "", "outputColName": "THEISTIC PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE spiritual-natural correspondences of Divine Speech", "url": "http://www.theisticpsychology.org/books/correspondences.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00070-ip-10-236-191-2_753523610_15.json"} {"task": "2e0e9950_t_3_Dr__Leon_James_Spring_2008__rrespondences_of_Divine_Speech", "input": "And lean-fleshed lacking in charity", "output": "their lack of power against our evil traits is because they are not rational, and only rational truths from Sacred Scripture have this power", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Laws of Correspondences Lecture Notes Part 3 Dr. Leon James Spring 2008", "title": "", "outputColName": "THEISTIC PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE spiritual-natural correspondences of Divine Speech", "url": "http://www.theisticpsychology.org/books/correspondences.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00070-ip-10-236-191-2_753523610_15.json"} {"task": "2e0e9950_t_3_Dr__Leon_James_Spring_2008__rrespondences_of_Divine_Speech", "input": "I have not seen anything like them in all the land of Egypt for badness which were such that they could not by any means be joined to forms of truth and good.", "output": "falsified truths are discordant with the truths of Sacred Scripture that we acquire in our rational understanding", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Laws of Correspondences Lecture Notes Part 3 Dr. Leon James Spring 2008", "title": "", "outputColName": "THEISTIC PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE spiritual-natural correspondences of Divine Speech", "url": "http://www.theisticpsychology.org/books/correspondences.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00070-ip-10-236-191-2_753523610_15.json"} {"task": "2e0e9950_t_3_Dr__Leon_James_Spring_2008__rrespondences_of_Divine_Speech", "input": "And the lean and bad cows devoured falsities which were not expressions of faith and not embodiments of charity would banish", "output": "truths from Sacred Scripture are falsified in our mind due to our desire to use them for selfish purposes and personal gain", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Laws of Correspondences Lecture Notes Part 3 Dr. Leon James Spring 2008", "title": "", "outputColName": "THEISTIC PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE spiritual-natural correspondences of Divine Speech", "url": "http://www.theisticpsychology.org/books/correspondences.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00070-ip-10-236-191-2_753523610_15.json"} {"task": "2e0e9950_t_3_Dr__Leon_James_Spring_2008__rrespondences_of_Divine_Speech", "input": "The first seven fat cows truths which were expressions of faith derived from charity", "output": "truths from Sacred Scripture remain genuine in our understanding if our motive is to be a better person", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Laws of Correspondences Lecture Notes Part 3 Dr. Leon James Spring 2008", "title": "", "outputColName": "THEISTIC PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE spiritual-natural correspondences of Divine Speech", "url": "http://www.theisticpsychology.org/books/correspondences.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00070-ip-10-236-191-2_753523610_15.json"} {"task": "2e0e9950_t_3_Dr__Leon_James_Spring_2008__rrespondences_of_Divine_Speech", "input": "And they devoured them completely an interior banishing", "output": "falsified truths in our mind lead us to vastated mental states in which all truths seem to have disappeared from our mind", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Laws of Correspondences Lecture Notes Part 3 Dr. Leon James Spring 2008", "title": "", "outputColName": "THEISTIC PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE spiritual-natural correspondences of Divine Speech", "url": "http://www.theisticpsychology.org/books/correspondences.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00070-ip-10-236-191-2_753523610_15.json"} {"task": "2e0e9950_t_3_Dr__Leon_James_Spring_2008__rrespondences_of_Divine_Speech", "input": "And no one would have known that they had devoured them completely the truths of good were no longer discernible", "output": "once we falsify truths of Sacred Scripture that are in our mind we are unable to differentiate between truths and falsified truths", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Laws of Correspondences Lecture Notes Part 3 Dr. Leon James Spring 2008", "title": "", "outputColName": "THEISTIC PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE spiritual-natural correspondences of Divine Speech", "url": "http://www.theisticpsychology.org/books/correspondences.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00070-ip-10-236-191-2_753523610_15.json"} {"task": "2e0e9950_t_3_Dr__Leon_James_Spring_2008__rrespondences_of_Divine_Speech", "input": "And their appearance was malign, as it had been at the beginning no communication or joining together existed", "output": "the state of vastation that ensues prevents further progress in regeneration", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Laws of Correspondences Lecture Notes Part 3 Dr. Leon James Spring 2008", "title": "", "outputColName": "THEISTIC PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE spiritual-natural correspondences of Divine Speech", "url": "http://www.theisticpsychology.org/books/correspondences.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00070-ip-10-236-191-2_753523610_15.json"} {"task": "2e0e9950_t_3_Dr__Leon_James_Spring_2008__rrespondences_of_Divine_Speech", "input": "And I awoke a state of enlightenment", "output": "after the mental vastation, the Divine Psychologist provides a state of enlightenment and peace", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Laws of Correspondences Lecture Notes Part 3 Dr. Leon James Spring 2008", "title": "", "outputColName": "THEISTIC PSYCHOLOGY SCIENCE spiritual-natural correspondences of Divine Speech", "url": "http://www.theisticpsychology.org/books/correspondences.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00070-ip-10-236-191-2_753523610_15.json"} {"task": "9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] Congress could request states to pay taxes [Constitution] Congress has right to levy taxes on individuals [0] ", "output": "Levying taxes", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json"} {"task": "9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] No system of federal courts [Constitution] Court system created to deal with issues between citizens, states [0] ", "output": "Federal courts", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json"} {"task": "9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] No provision to regulate interstate trade [Constitution] Congress has right to regulate trade between states [0] ", "output": "Regulation of trade", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json"} {"task": "9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] No executive with power. President of U.S. merely presided over Congress [Constitution] Executive branch headed by President who chooses Cabinet and has checks on power of judiciary and legislature [0] ", "output": "Executive", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json"} {"task": "9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] 13/13 needed to amend Articles [Constitution] 2/3 of both houses of Congress plus 3/4 of state legislatures or national convention [0] ", "output": "Amending document", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json"} {"task": "9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] Each state received 1 vote regardless of size [Constitution] Upper house (Senate) with 2 votes; lower house (House of Representatives) based on population [0] ", "output": "Representation of states", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json"} {"task": "9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] Congress could not draft troops, dependent on states to contribute forces [Constitution] Congress can raise an army to deal with military situations [0] ", "output": "Raising an army", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json"} {"task": "9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] No control of trade between states [Constitution] Interstate commerce controlled by Congress [0] ", "output": "Interstate commerce", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json"} {"task": "9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] Complicated system of arbitration [Constitution] Federal court system to handle disputes [0] ", "output": "Disputes between states", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json"} {"task": "9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] Sovereignty resides in states [Constitution] Constitution the supreme law of the land [0] ", "output": "Sovereignty", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json"} {"task": "9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] 9/13 needed to approve legislation [Constitution] 50%+1 of both houses plus signature of President [0] ", "output": "Passing laws", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json"} {"task": "47246f53_ion__and_the_Churches_of_today___those_who_overcome_themselves", "input": "[Early church] in Ephesus [Christ speaking as:] He, \"who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstands\" [acknowledgement] hard work, perseverance, cannot tolerate evil men; \"disgust Nicolaites as he disgusts****\", and discerned false apostles; pacience and bearing up for his name's sake; and has not grown weary. [rebuke] \"...you abandoned the love you had at first.\" ...\"repent and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.\"", "output": "\"To him who overcomes I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The \"7 Churches\" of the Revelation, and the Churches of today", "title": "", "outputColName": "goal for those who overcome themselves", "url": "http://www.ways-of-christ.net/b/churches.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00072-ip-10-236-191-2_819085730_0.json"} {"task": "47246f53_ion__and_the_Churches_of_today___those_who_overcome_themselves", "input": "[Early church] in Smyrna [Christ speaking as:] \"he who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life\" [acknowledgement] \"I know your afflictions and your poverty - yet you are rich - and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.\" [rebuke] \"Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. \"", "output": "\"Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. He who conquers shall not be hurt by the second death.'\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The \"7 Churches\" of the Revelation, and the Churches of today", "title": "", "outputColName": "goal for those who overcome themselves", "url": "http://www.ways-of-christ.net/b/churches.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00072-ip-10-236-191-2_819085730_0.json"} {"task": "47246f53_ion__and_the_Churches_of_today___those_who_overcome_themselves", "input": "[Early church] in Pergamum [Christ speaking as:] he \"who has the sharp two-edged sword\". [acknowledgement] \"you remain true to my name and you did not deny my faith even in the days of Antipas my faithful witness, who was put to death among you, where Satan dwells.\" [rebuke] Some who hold the teaching of Balaam: Balak- cult with eating food sacrificed to idols and practices of sexual immorality; some Nicolaitans. \"Repent then. If not, I will come to you soon and war against them with the sword of my mouth.\"", "output": "\"To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone which no one knows except him who receives it.\"'", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The \"7 Churches\" of the Revelation, and the Churches of today", "title": "", "outputColName": "goal for those who overcome themselves", "url": "http://www.ways-of-christ.net/b/churches.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00072-ip-10-236-191-2_819085730_0.json"} {"task": "47246f53_ion__and_the_Churches_of_today___those_who_overcome_themselves", "input": "[Early church] in Thyatira [Christ speaking as:] \"the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and whose feet are like burnished bronze\" [acknowledgement] \"I know your deeds, your love and faith and service and perseverance, and that your latter works exceed the first\". [rebuke] They tolerate the false prophetess Jezebel practicing temple prostitution and eating food sacrificed to idols. Threat: to suffer intensely, unless they repent, and strike her children dead. \"I will give to each of you as your works deserve\". To the rest who do not hold her teaching: \"I do not lay upon you any other burden; only hold fast what you have, until I come.\"", "output": "\"To him who overcomes and does my works to the end, I will give authority over the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, even as I myself have received power from my Father; I will also give him the morning star.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The \"7 Churches\" of the Revelation, and the Churches of today", "title": "", "outputColName": "goal for those who overcome themselves", "url": "http://www.ways-of-christ.net/b/churches.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00072-ip-10-236-191-2_819085730_0.json"} {"task": "47246f53_ion__and_the_Churches_of_today___those_who_overcome_themselves", "input": "[Early church] in Sardis [Christ speaking as:] He, \"who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars\" [acknowledgement] \"I know your works\". \"You have still a few names in Sardis, people who have not soiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy.\" [rebuke] \"you have the reputation of being alive, and you are dead. Awake, and strengthen what is about to die, for I have not found your works perfect in the sight of my God.\" Remember what you received and heard; keep that, and repent. If you will not awake, I will come like a thief\".", "output": "\"He who overcomes, like them, shall be dressed in white, and I will not remove his name out of the book of life; I will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The \"7 Churches\" of the Revelation, and the Churches of today", "title": "", "outputColName": "goal for those who overcome themselves", "url": "http://www.ways-of-christ.net/b/churches.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00072-ip-10-236-191-2_819085730_0.json"} {"task": "47246f53_ion__and_the_Churches_of_today___those_who_overcome_themselves", "input": "[Early church] in Philadelphia [Christ speaking as:] \"the holy one, the true one, who has the key of David, who opens and no one shall shut, who shuts and no one opens\" [acknowledgement] \"I know your works. I know that you have a little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. Because you have kept my word of enduring patiently, I will keep you from the hour of trial which is going to come on the whole world, to try those who live on the earth.\" [rebuke] \"I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie - I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and learn that I have loved you.\" \"Hold fast what you have, so that no one may take your crown.", "output": "Him who overcomes, I will make a pillar in the temple of my God; never shall he leave it, and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The \"7 Churches\" of the Revelation, and the Churches of today", "title": "", "outputColName": "goal for those who overcome themselves", "url": "http://www.ways-of-christ.net/b/churches.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00072-ip-10-236-191-2_819085730_0.json"} {"task": "47246f53_ion__and_the_Churches_of_today___those_who_overcome_themselves", "input": "[Early church] in Laodicea [Christ speaking as:] \"the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation\" [acknowledgement] (\"I know your deeds\"; but here is no clear positive acknowledgement.) [rebuke] \"because you are lukewarm****, neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth\". \"...You don't know, that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked. Therefore I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire...\", \"and white clothes...\", \"and salve to anoint your eyes...\". \"Those whom I love, I rebuke and chasten; so be zealous and repent.\"", "output": "\"Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. Him who overcomes, I will grant to sit with me on my throne, as I myself overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The \"7 Churches\" of the Revelation, and the Churches of today", "title": "", "outputColName": "goal for those who overcome themselves", "url": "http://www.ways-of-christ.net/b/churches.htm", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00072-ip-10-236-191-2_819085730_0.json"} {"task": "2609931c_FINITE_LOVE_OF_GOD___tBlog_com__Topic_in_the_parable", "input": "[Meaning in Christianity] Jesus is teaching sinners, emphasizing their need and opportunity to be reconciled with God. [Meaning in Buddhism] Buddha is teaching spiritually advanced disciples (arhats) the need for attaining a higher position, that of a bodhisattva. [Topic in the parable] ", "output": "The context", "options": [], "pageTitle": "INFINITE LOVE OF GOD | tBlog.com", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic in the parable", "url": "http://raf07.tblog.com/", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00177-ip-10-236-191-2_203269277_19.json"} {"task": "2609931c_FINITE_LOVE_OF_GOD___tBlog_com__Topic_in_the_parable", "input": "[Meaning in Christianity] God and the sinners [Meaning in Buddhism] Buddha (the ultimate impersonal Buddha nature) and the ones struggling to attain it [Topic in the parable] ", "output": "The characters", "options": [], "pageTitle": "INFINITE LOVE OF GOD | tBlog.com", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic in the parable", "url": "http://raf07.tblog.com/", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00177-ip-10-236-191-2_203269277_19.json"} {"task": "2609931c_FINITE_LOVE_OF_GOD___tBlog_com__Topic_in_the_parable", "input": "[Meaning in Christianity] The human attitude of rebellion against God, called sin [Meaning in Buddhism] Ignorance starts the wheel of karma. [Topic in the parable] ", "output": "The meaning of the son's departure from home", "options": [], "pageTitle": "INFINITE LOVE OF GOD | tBlog.com", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic in the parable", "url": "http://raf07.tblog.com/", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00177-ip-10-236-191-2_203269277_19.json"} {"task": "2609931c_FINITE_LOVE_OF_GOD___tBlog_com__Topic_in_the_parable", "input": "[Meaning in Christianity] The human condition under the power of sin, away from personal communion with God [Meaning in Buddhism] Karma and reincarnation force one to wander from one physical existence to the next [Topic in the parable] ", "output": "The son's miserable condition", "options": [], "pageTitle": "INFINITE LOVE OF GOD | tBlog.com", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic in the parable", "url": "http://raf07.tblog.com/", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00177-ip-10-236-191-2_203269277_19.json"} {"task": "2609931c_FINITE_LOVE_OF_GOD___tBlog_com__Topic_in_the_parable", "input": "[Meaning in Christianity] A personal decision to leave sin, called repentance [Meaning in Buddhism] Karma and reincarnation lead one to the proper level where wisdom and spiritual progress can be attained. [Topic in the parable] ", "output": "The decision to return home", "options": [], "pageTitle": "INFINITE LOVE OF GOD | tBlog.com", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic in the parable", "url": "http://raf07.tblog.com/", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00177-ip-10-236-191-2_203269277_19.json"} {"task": "2609931c_FINITE_LOVE_OF_GOD___tBlog_com__Topic_in_the_parable", "input": "[Meaning in Christianity] Complete forgiveness of sin and restoration to personal fellowship with God [Meaning in Buddhism] Buddha's \"grace\" makes one progress little by little toward liberation. One has to deserve his position by a process of spiritual development. [Topic in the parable] ", "output": "The father's attitude at the son's arrival", "options": [], "pageTitle": "INFINITE LOVE OF GOD | tBlog.com", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic in the parable", "url": "http://raf07.tblog.com/", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00177-ip-10-236-191-2_203269277_19.json"} {"task": "2609931c_FINITE_LOVE_OF_GOD___tBlog_com__Topic_in_the_parable", "input": "[Meaning in Christianity] God the Son incarnated as Jesus Christ paid the price for our forgiveness through His death and resurrection. [Meaning in Buddhism] The disciple has to \"pay himself\" the price for erasing his ignorance, by constantly accumulating wisdom. [Topic in the parable] ", "output": "Who pays the damage for the lost fortune", "options": [], "pageTitle": "INFINITE LOVE OF GOD | tBlog.com", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic in the parable", "url": "http://raf07.tblog.com/", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00177-ip-10-236-191-2_203269277_19.json"} {"task": "2609931c_FINITE_LOVE_OF_GOD___tBlog_com__Topic_in_the_parable", "input": "[Meaning in Christianity] Eternal communion with God in His kingdom [Meaning in Buddhism] Attaining an impersonal Ultimate Reality (shunya), where there is no room for personal communion [Topic in the parable] ", "output": "The son's inheritance", "options": [], "pageTitle": "INFINITE LOVE OF GOD | tBlog.com", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic in the parable", "url": "http://raf07.tblog.com/", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00177-ip-10-236-191-2_203269277_19.json"} {"task": "2eb0dc98_rism_and_Preterist_Eschatology__Matt__21_33_46", "input": "[Mark 12:1-12] 'A certain man planted a vineyard, and set an hedge about it, and digged a place for the winefat, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country. [Luke 20:9-19] A certain man planted a vineyard, and let it forth to husbandman, and went into a far country for a long time. [Matt. 21:33-46] ", "output": "There was a certain house- holder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandman, and went into a far country:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "James Stuart Russell : The Parousia: A Careful Look at the New Testament Doctrine of the Lord's Second Coming (1878) Free Online Books @ PreteristArchive.com, The Internet's Only Balanced Look at Preterism and Preterist Eschatology", "title": "", "outputColName": "Matt. 21:33-46", "url": "http://www.preteristarchive.com/Books/1878_russell_parousia.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00147-ip-10-236-191-2_653094585_16.json"} {"task": "2eb0dc98_rism_and_Preterist_Eschatology__Matt__21_33_46", "input": "[Mark 12:1-12] 'And at the season he sent to the husbandmen a servant, that he might receive from the husbandmen of the fruits of the vineyard. And they caught him, and beat him, and sent him away empty. [Luke 20:9-19] 'And at the season he sent a servant to the husbandmen, that they should give him of the fruit of the vineyard : but the husbandmen beat him, and sent him away empty. [Matt. 21:33-46] ", "output": "and when the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it. And the husbandman took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "James Stuart Russell : The Parousia: A Careful Look at the New Testament Doctrine of the Lord's Second Coming (1878) Free Online Books @ PreteristArchive.com, The Internet's Only Balanced Look at Preterism and Preterist Eschatology", "title": "", "outputColName": "Matt. 21:33-46", "url": "http://www.preteristarchive.com/Books/1878_russell_parousia.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00147-ip-10-236-191-2_653094585_16.json"} {"task": "2eb0dc98_rism_and_Preterist_Eschatology__Matt__21_33_46", "input": "[Mark 12:1-12] 'And again he sent unto them another servant; and at him they cast stones, and wounded him in the head, and sent him away shamefully handled. And again he sent another, and him they killed, and many others; beating some, and killing some. [Luke 20:9-19] 'And again he sent another servant: and they beat him also, and entreated him shamefully, and sent him away empty.'And again he sent a third: and they wounded him also, and cast him out. [Matt. 21:33-46] ", "output": "Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they did unto them likewise.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "James Stuart Russell : The Parousia: A Careful Look at the New Testament Doctrine of the Lord's Second Coming (1878) Free Online Books @ PreteristArchive.com, The Internet's Only Balanced Look at Preterism and Preterist Eschatology", "title": "", "outputColName": "Matt. 21:33-46", "url": "http://www.preteristarchive.com/Books/1878_russell_parousia.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00147-ip-10-236-191-2_653094585_16.json"} {"task": "2eb0dc98_rism_and_Preterist_Eschatology__Matt__21_33_46", "input": "[Mark 12:1-12] 'Having yet therefore one son, his well-beloved, he sent him also last unto them, saying, They will reverence my son. But those husbandman said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be ours.' And they took him, and killed him, and cast him out of the vineyard. [Luke 20:9-19] Then said the lord of the vineyard, What shall I do? I will send my beloved son: it may be they will reverence him when they see him. 'But when the husbandmen saw him, they reasoned among themselves, saying, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours.' So they cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him. [Matt. 21:33-46] ", "output": "But last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, They will reverence my son. But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance, And they caught him, and cast him out of the vineyard, and slew him.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "James Stuart Russell : The Parousia: A Careful Look at the New Testament Doctrine of the Lord's Second Coming (1878) Free Online Books @ PreteristArchive.com, The Internet's Only Balanced Look at Preterism and Preterist Eschatology", "title": "", "outputColName": "Matt. 21:33-46", "url": "http://www.preteristarchive.com/Books/1878_russell_parousia.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00147-ip-10-236-191-2_653094585_16.json"} {"task": "2eb0dc98_rism_and_Preterist_Eschatology__Matt__21_33_46", "input": "[Mark 12:1-12] What shall therefore the lord of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others. [Luke 20:9-19] What therefore shall the lord of the vineyard do unto them? He shall come and destroy these husbandmen, and shall give the vineyard to others. And when they heard it, they said, God forbid. [Matt. 21:33-46] ", "output": "When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husbandmen? They said unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men and will let Out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "James Stuart Russell : The Parousia: A Careful Look at the New Testament Doctrine of the Lord's Second Coming (1878) Free Online Books @ PreteristArchive.com, The Internet's Only Balanced Look at Preterism and Preterist Eschatology", "title": "", "outputColName": "Matt. 21:33-46", "url": "http://www.preteristarchive.com/Books/1878_russell_parousia.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00147-ip-10-236-191-2_653094585_16.json"} {"task": "2eb0dc98_rism_and_Preterist_Eschatology__Matt__21_33_46", "input": "[Mark 12:1-12] 'And have ye not read this Scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner: this was the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? [Luke 20:9-19] 'And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? 'Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. [Matt. 21:33-46] ", "output": "Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the Scriptures, The stone which the builders, rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes? Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "James Stuart Russell : The Parousia: A Careful Look at the New Testament Doctrine of the Lord's Second Coming (1878) Free Online Books @ PreteristArchive.com, The Internet's Only Balanced Look at Preterism and Preterist Eschatology", "title": "", "outputColName": "Matt. 21:33-46", "url": "http://www.preteristarchive.com/Books/1878_russell_parousia.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00147-ip-10-236-191-2_653094585_16.json"} {"task": "2eb0dc98_rism_and_Preterist_Eschatology__Matt__21_33_46", "input": "[Mark 12:1-12] 'And they sought to lay hold on him, but feared the people: for they knew that he bad spoken the parable against them: and they left him, and went their way.' [Luke 20:9-19] 'And the chief priests and the scribes the same hour sought to lay hands on him; and they feared the people; for they perceived that he had spoken this parable against them.' [Matt. 21:33-46] ", "output": "And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them. But when they sought to lay hands on him, they feared the multitude, because they took him for a prophet.'", "options": [], "pageTitle": "James Stuart Russell : The Parousia: A Careful Look at the New Testament Doctrine of the Lord's Second Coming (1878) Free Online Books @ PreteristArchive.com, The Internet's Only Balanced Look at Preterism and Preterist Eschatology", "title": "", "outputColName": "Matt. 21:33-46", "url": "http://www.preteristarchive.com/Books/1878_russell_parousia.html", "wdcFile": "47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00147-ip-10-236-191-2_653094585_16.json"} {"task": "9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish", "input": "[0] I [Catholic] I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me. [Protestant*] You shall have no other gods but me. [Jewish] ", "output": "I am the Lord your G-d who has taken you out of the land of Egypt.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "10 Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish", "url": "http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm", "wdcFile": "33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json"} {"task": "9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish", "input": "[0] II [Catholic] You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain. [Protestant*] You shall not make unto you any graven images. [Jewish] ", "output": "You shall have no other gods but me.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "10 Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish", "url": "http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm", "wdcFile": "33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json"} {"task": "9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish", "input": "[0] III [Catholic] Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day. [Protestant*] You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. [Jewish] ", "output": "You shall not take the name of the Lord your G-d in vain.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "10 Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish", "url": "http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm", "wdcFile": "33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json"} {"task": "9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish", "input": "[0] IV [Catholic] Honor your father and your mother. [Protestant*] You shall remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. [Jewish] ", "output": "You shall remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "10 Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish", "url": "http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm", "wdcFile": "33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json"} {"task": "9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish", "input": "[0] V [Catholic] You shall not kill. [Protestant*] Honor your mother and father. [Jewish] ", "output": "Honor your mother and father.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "10 Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish", "url": "http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm", "wdcFile": "33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json"} {"task": "9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish", "input": "[0] VI [Catholic] You shall not commit adultery. [Protestant*] You shall not murder. [Jewish] ", "output": "You shall not murder.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "10 Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish", "url": "http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm", "wdcFile": "33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json"} {"task": "9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish", "input": "[0] VII [Catholic] You shall not steal. [Protestant*] You shall not commit adultery. [Jewish] ", "output": "You shall not commit adultery.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "10 Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish", "url": "http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm", "wdcFile": "33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json"} {"task": "9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish", "input": "[0] VIII [Catholic] You shall not bear false witness. [Protestant*] You shall not steal. [Jewish] ", "output": "You shall not steal.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "10 Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish", "url": "http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm", "wdcFile": "33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json"} {"task": "9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish", "input": "[0] IX [Catholic] You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. [Protestant*] You shall not bear false witness. [Jewish] ", "output": "You shall not bear false witness.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "10 Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish", "url": "http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm", "wdcFile": "33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json"} {"task": "9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish", "input": "[0] X [Catholic] You shall not covet your neighbor's goods. [Protestant*] You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor. [Jewish] ", "output": "You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "10 Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish", "url": "http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm", "wdcFile": "33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json"} {"task": "808ac0be___How_Do_We_Grow_as_Disciples___Begin_By", "input": "[Discipleship Practice] Pray Daily Prayer is essential to the life of faith. It is the chief way we communicate and stay in touch with God. [Ultimate Goal] To pray without ceasing and live prayerfully. [Begin By] ", "output": "Setting at least one time period each day when you will talk with God.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "VPC |\u00a0How Do We Grow as Disciples?", "title": "", "outputColName": "Begin By", "url": "http://www.viennapres.org/about_us/what_we_believe/how_we_grow_as_disciples/", "wdcFile": "33/1438042981753.21_20150728002301-00159-ip-10-236-191-2_801195229_0.json"} {"task": "808ac0be___How_Do_We_Grow_as_Disciples___Begin_By", "input": "[Discipleship Practice] Worship Continually Communal worship is the primary way Christians connect both with God and each other. [Ultimate Goal] Worship God in every moment of life and join with God\u0092s people in worship as often as possible. [Begin By] ", "output": "Worshiping with a congregation every Sunday.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "VPC |\u00a0How Do We Grow as Disciples?", "title": "", "outputColName": "Begin By", "url": "http://www.viennapres.org/about_us/what_we_believe/how_we_grow_as_disciples/", "wdcFile": "33/1438042981753.21_20150728002301-00159-ip-10-236-191-2_801195229_0.json"} {"task": "808ac0be___How_Do_We_Grow_as_Disciples___Begin_By", "input": "[Discipleship Practice] Study Diligently Studying the Bible, theology, and Christian history develops our minds and helps us to focus our thinking on God\u0092s will. [Ultimate Goal] Significant daily time devoted to study and several group learning experiences each week. [Begin By] ", "output": "Participating in at least one group learning experience each week.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "VPC |\u00a0How Do We Grow as Disciples?", "title": "", "outputColName": "Begin By", "url": "http://www.viennapres.org/about_us/what_we_believe/how_we_grow_as_disciples/", "wdcFile": "33/1438042981753.21_20150728002301-00159-ip-10-236-191-2_801195229_0.json"} {"task": "808ac0be___How_Do_We_Grow_as_Disciples___Begin_By", "input": "[Discipleship Practice] Live Faithfully To have integrity our lives must reflect what we believe, and we must seek to live in harmony with God\u0092s will. [Ultimate Goal] Complete honesty and integrity. [Begin By] ", "output": "Seeking God\u0092s help in overcoming bad habits and behaviors.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "VPC |\u00a0How Do We Grow as Disciples?", "title": "", "outputColName": "Begin By", "url": "http://www.viennapres.org/about_us/what_we_believe/how_we_grow_as_disciples/", "wdcFile": "33/1438042981753.21_20150728002301-00159-ip-10-236-191-2_801195229_0.json"} {"task": "808ac0be___How_Do_We_Grow_as_Disciples___Begin_By", "input": "[Discipleship Practice] Serve Creatively All Christians are called to ministry in Jesus\u0092 name. In our ministry we should creatively channel our spiritual gifts and interests to give glory to God. [Ultimate Goal] Generate ministries in which you engage others as partners in ministry with you. [Begin By] ", "output": "Engaging in one ministry activity.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "VPC |\u00a0How Do We Grow as Disciples?", "title": "", "outputColName": "Begin By", "url": "http://www.viennapres.org/about_us/what_we_believe/how_we_grow_as_disciples/", "wdcFile": "33/1438042981753.21_20150728002301-00159-ip-10-236-191-2_801195229_0.json"} {"task": "808ac0be___How_Do_We_Grow_as_Disciples___Begin_By", "input": "[Discipleship Practice] Give Generously Our lives should reflect the self-giving love of God in Christ by the way we give of ourselves and our resources. [Ultimate Goal] Commit to giving freely of your time and resources (tithing and beyond) as God calls you to give. [Begin By] ", "output": "Committing to giving a set proportion of your time and your income for God\u0092s work.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "VPC |\u00a0How Do We Grow as Disciples?", "title": "", "outputColName": "Begin By", "url": "http://www.viennapres.org/about_us/what_we_believe/how_we_grow_as_disciples/", "wdcFile": "33/1438042981753.21_20150728002301-00159-ip-10-236-191-2_801195229_0.json"} {"task": "808ac0be___How_Do_We_Grow_as_Disciples___Begin_By", "input": "[Discipleship Practice] Witness Boldly Openly share your faith with others, both through your words and your actions. [Ultimate Goal] Freely share and discuss your faith and values with everyone you encounter. [Begin By] ", "output": "Sharing and discussing your faith and values with your family or a close friend.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "VPC |\u00a0How Do We Grow as Disciples?", "title": "", "outputColName": "Begin By", "url": "http://www.viennapres.org/about_us/what_we_believe/how_we_grow_as_disciples/", "wdcFile": "33/1438042981753.21_20150728002301-00159-ip-10-236-191-2_801195229_0.json"} {"task": "4fd60222__Chakras___Dimensions_of_Light__Chakra", "input": "[Gland] Adrenals \u2013 send out adrenaline in response to the fight or flight mechanism of the body. They also get rid of rubbish. They back up the kidneys, which is why we retain fluid when we are stressed. Although the adrenals are above the kidneys they are connected to the base centre because they are the first glands to be formed in the womb. [Cosmic Connection] Sends out the high frequency Divine energy of spiritual enlightenment. [Governing Archangel] Gabriel [Chakra] ", "output": "Base", "options": ["Base", "Sacral", "Solar Plexus", "Heart", "Throat", "Third Eye", "Crown", "Seat of the Soul"], "pageTitle": "The 5th, 6th & 7th Dimensional Chakras | Dimensions of Light", "title": "", "outputColName": "Chakra", "url": "https://balancingmindbodysoul.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/the-5th-6th-7th-dimensional-chakras/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042992543.60_20150728002312-00216-ip-10-236-191-2_863635917_1.json"} {"task": "4fd60222__Chakras___Dimensions_of_Light__Chakra", "input": "[Gland] Gonads (ovaries & testes) \u2013 these glands govern the sexual and reproductive organs of the body. The testes produce sperm and the hormone testosterone. The ovaries release an ovum (an egg) each month and produce oestrogen and progesterone. After the menopause the ovaries reduce oestrogen production. This chakra is responsible for creativity and emotions. [Cosmic Connection] Radiates a high frequency balancing energy and ultimately draws us into the wisom of the Divine Feminine. [Governing Archangel] Gabriel [Chakra] ", "output": "Sacral", "options": ["Base", "Sacral", "Solar Plexus", "Heart", "Throat", "Third Eye", "Crown", "Seat of the Soul"], "pageTitle": "The 5th, 6th & 7th Dimensional Chakras | Dimensions of Light", "title": "", "outputColName": "Chakra", "url": "https://balancingmindbodysoul.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/the-5th-6th-7th-dimensional-chakras/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042992543.60_20150728002312-00216-ip-10-236-191-2_863635917_1.json"} {"task": "4fd60222__Chakras___Dimensions_of_Light__Chakra", "input": "[Gland] Pancreas \u2013 deals with sugar and nourishment. It secretes insulin and digestive enzymes. On another level it enables us to absorb emotional and mental sweetness. This is the first gland to show disease in the body. [Cosmic Connection] Radiates great power and wisdom. [Governing Archangel] Uriel [Chakra] ", "output": "Solar Plexus", "options": ["Base", "Sacral", "Solar Plexus", "Heart", "Throat", "Third Eye", "Crown", "Seat of the Soul"], "pageTitle": "The 5th, 6th & 7th Dimensional Chakras | Dimensions of Light", "title": "", "outputColName": "Chakra", "url": "https://balancingmindbodysoul.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/the-5th-6th-7th-dimensional-chakras/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042992543.60_20150728002312-00216-ip-10-236-191-2_863635917_1.json"} {"task": "4fd60222__Chakras___Dimensions_of_Light__Chakra", "input": "[Gland] Thymus \u2013 governs the immune system. This gland is proportionally bigger in children and is responsible for growth. When it is over-stimulated, arthritis results. If it is under-working, we are vulnerable to immune deficiency diseases, extremes of which are AIDS and cancer. [Cosmic Connection] The cosmic heart sends out the heartbeat of the Universe. [Governing Archangel] Chamuel [Chakra] ", "output": "Heart", "options": ["Base", "Sacral", "Solar Plexus", "Heart", "Throat", "Third Eye", "Crown", "Seat of the Soul"], "pageTitle": "The 5th, 6th & 7th Dimensional Chakras | Dimensions of Light", "title": "", "outputColName": "Chakra", "url": "https://balancingmindbodysoul.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/the-5th-6th-7th-dimensional-chakras/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042992543.60_20150728002312-00216-ip-10-236-191-2_863635917_1.json"} {"task": "4fd60222__Chakras___Dimensions_of_Light__Chakra", "input": "[Gland] Thyroid \u2013 governs the metabolism and the production of antibodies. When it is overactive the eyes bulge. When underactive we may lose our voice or have tired, leathery skin. The parathyroid enables us to absorb calcium and balances the calcium levels to keep our bones strong and healthy. [Cosmic Connection] The cosmic throat chakra transmits the great qualities of power and leadersip. [Governing Archangel] Michael [Chakra] ", "output": "Throat", "options": ["Base", "Sacral", "Solar Plexus", "Heart", "Throat", "Third Eye", "Crown", "Seat of the Soul"], "pageTitle": "The 5th, 6th & 7th Dimensional Chakras | Dimensions of Light", "title": "", "outputColName": "Chakra", "url": "https://balancingmindbodysoul.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/the-5th-6th-7th-dimensional-chakras/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042992543.60_20150728002312-00216-ip-10-236-191-2_863635917_1.json"} {"task": "4fd60222__Chakras___Dimensions_of_Light__Chakra", "input": "[Gland] Pituitary \u2013 is the master gland; it controls the working of all the glands, i.e. urine production and brings in breast milk. This is the gland of eternal life. If we are so programmed, it will send out ageing hormones, so it is our task to reprogramme it to emit rejuvenating hormones. When this chakra is balance we are in balance but it closes down with stress. The hypothalamus, between the pineal and the pituitary glands, controls the pituitary. [Cosmic Connection] The cosmic third eye transmits the light of Mastery. [Governing Archangel] Raphael [Chakra] ", "output": "Third Eye", "options": ["Base", "Sacral", "Solar Plexus", "Heart", "Throat", "Third Eye", "Crown", "Seat of the Soul"], "pageTitle": "The 5th, 6th & 7th Dimensional Chakras | Dimensions of Light", "title": "", "outputColName": "Chakra", "url": "https://balancingmindbodysoul.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/the-5th-6th-7th-dimensional-chakras/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042992543.60_20150728002312-00216-ip-10-236-191-2_863635917_1.json"} {"task": "4fd60222__Chakras___Dimensions_of_Light__Chakra", "input": "[Gland] Pineal \u2013 in this chakra emits and absorbs lights and keeps us in Divine Harmony. It creates melatonin. [Cosmic Connection] The cosmic crown chakra pours out the light of illumination. [Governing Archangel] Jophiel [Chakra] ", "output": "Crown", "options": ["Base", "Sacral", "Solar Plexus", "Heart", "Throat", "Third Eye", "Crown", "Seat of the Soul"], "pageTitle": "The 5th, 6th & 7th Dimensional Chakras | Dimensions of Light", "title": "", "outputColName": "Chakra", "url": "https://balancingmindbodysoul.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/the-5th-6th-7th-dimensional-chakras/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042992543.60_20150728002312-00216-ip-10-236-191-2_863635917_1.json"} {"task": "4fd60222__Chakras___Dimensions_of_Light__Chakra", "input": "[Gland] The Eight Chakra (just above the crown). The Seat of the Soul, holds the ancient knowledge of our soul contracts and ultimately, our life purpose. It also holds the records of what our souls had agreed as specific lessons in our upcoming lifetimes and past lives. [Cosmic Connection] Is the energy center of divine love, of spiritual compassion and spiritual selflessness. The seat of the soul is the major core star of our energetic system. [Governing Archangel] Zadkiel [Chakra] ", "output": "Seat of the Soul", "options": ["Base", "Sacral", "Solar Plexus", "Heart", "Throat", "Third Eye", "Crown", "Seat of the Soul"], "pageTitle": "The 5th, 6th & 7th Dimensional Chakras | Dimensions of Light", "title": "", "outputColName": "Chakra", "url": "https://balancingmindbodysoul.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/the-5th-6th-7th-dimensional-chakras/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042992543.60_20150728002312-00216-ip-10-236-191-2_863635917_1.json"} {"task": "a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1", "input": "[0] 1. [Antiochus Epiphanies] Antiochus appeared at the end of the Seleucid control over Jerusalem. [The Antichrist] The Antichrist will lead the armies in the end to destroy Israel. Zechariah 12:3,9-10, Revelation 19 [1] ", "output": "He will appear in the latter time of their kingdoms", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Daniel Chapter 8", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json"} {"task": "a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1", "input": "[0] 2 [Antiochus Epiphanies] Most of Israel accepted Antiochus except for those who went in hiding and revolted with the Maccabees [The Antichrist] The Antichrist will appear at the end of the age when sin is at its height. [1] ", "output": "He will appear when the Transgressors are come to the full", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Daniel Chapter 8", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json"} {"task": "a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1", "input": "[0] 3 [Antiochus Epiphanies] Antiochus was diabolical betraying his brother and his sons, who saved him from the Romans [The Antichrist] The Antichrist will seduce the world through peace. [1] ", "output": "A king shall arise, Having fierce features, Who understands sinister schemes", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Daniel Chapter 8", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json"} {"task": "a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1", "input": "[0] 4 [Antiochus Epiphanies] God allowed him to have power for period. [The Antichrist] God allows the Antichrist to come to power. Satan indwells him and works through him [1] ", "output": "His power shall be mighty, but not by his own power", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Daniel Chapter 8", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json"} {"task": "a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1", "input": "[0] 5 [Antiochus Epiphanies] Antiochus was a master at deceit and manipulation [The Antichrist] The Antichrist will deceive and fane peace to establish himself. [1] ", "output": "Through his cunning He shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Daniel Chapter 8", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json"} {"task": "a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1", "input": "[0] 6 [Antiochus Epiphanies] Antiochus proclaimed himself as god manifest. He demanded worship of himself, pictured as Zeus [The Antichrist] The Antichrist will curse the God of heaven and those who dwell there, he will demand worship by those on earth. [1] ", "output": "he shall exalt himself in his heart", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Daniel Chapter 8", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json"} {"task": "a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1", "input": "[0] 7 [Antiochus Epiphanies] Many of the wealthy in Israel submitted to Antiochus, turning Jerusalem into a Greek city. [The Antichrist] The wealthy rather then losing their possessions will submit to the Antichrist [1] ", "output": "He shall destroy many in their prosperity", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Daniel Chapter 8", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json"} {"task": "a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1", "input": "[0] 8 [Antiochus Epiphanies] Antiochus set up an image in the Temple and proclaimed himself god, he demanded to be worshiped. He died insane in 164 B.C. having heard of the success of the Maccabees. [The Antichrist] The Antichrist will challenge the God of Israel, by placing an image of himself in the Temple and demanding worship. [1] ", "output": "He shall even rise against the Prince of princes; But he shall be broken without human means", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Daniel Chapter 8", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json"} {"task": "a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1", "input": "[0] 9 [Antiochus Epiphanies] Antiochus is a picture of this end time king. [The Antichrist] The event occurs at the end of day, before the return of Christ. [1] ", "output": "it refers to many days in the future", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Daniel Chapter 8", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json"} {"task": "ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD", "input": "[DENOMINATION] Bible Ecclesia / Home Bible Fellowships [THE GOOD] We like to see these. They are short-lived. These pop up now and again, often in homes. Often a preacher leaves a big money-driven church and gets back to the Bible and there is a little revival. Home fellowships led by the Brothers devoted to action, no matter the cost, (see writings of Gene Edwards for a description of this), can light Spirit fires that will never go out. Home fellowship groups have been turning the world right side-up, for 2000+ years. [False Prophet] The wive's emotions and half of the guys who stand up to talk. [THE BAD] ", "output": "Unlikely to challenge the core issues of living in Babylonian society. Can be the \"church of the eternal pot-luck supper.\" Unlikely to survive without the unbiblical \"pastor-centric\" model, so they tend to morph into Baptists. Men generally don't know what to do with themselves; The men often let the women turn the fellowship into a home-school support group. Can devolve into \"book-study\" foisted upon them by the promotional efforts of some \"Christian\" publisher. It takes 2 to 5 years for the brothers to figure out how to lead, by which time they have disbanded because they hate each other, or at best, have resolved never to do anything useful, because action causes infighting. Can be dens of materialism, instead of a place to coordinate selling your possessions and giving to the poor, because bible fellowships often spring up among subdivisions with large homes. Can worship the Bible, or their culture's (mis)interpretation of it, instead of living in the Spirit. Can underestimate the incredible amount of money, collaboration, cooperation and work it takes to actually run a functioning fellowship with skilled, orderly, effective regular meetings with music. Tend to be quickly overcome by demonic forces and commercial culture which can pollute the meetings with poor quality, un-scriptural songs & teachings. Swear oaths, like the rest.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS", "title": "", "outputColName": "THE BAD", "url": "http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json"} {"task": "ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD", "input": "[DENOMINATION] Mennonites [THE GOOD] Righteous. Calm. Gentle. Nonresistant. Nonviolent. Kind. Very helpful. Very modest. Try not to swear oaths, kinda. Serious about divorce: Divorce almost unheard of. Understand head covering, to a degree. Don't (or shouldn't) take welfare. Politically separated (ideally) Won't use insurance or government benefits (ideally) Except for a strong Pharisiacal tendency, the best overall stable group we've found. [False Prophet] Early Church Fathers & Tradition [THE BAD] ", "output": "Some Menno's tend to elevate head covering above all other virtues. Rejection of musical instruments, dance, and exuberant praise. Use dispensationalism to invalidate anything in the Old Testament that they don't like. Can be quite judgmental, even when they're wrong. Tradition often elevated above scripture. Pacifism sometimes used as an excuse to escape military service. Often redefine the definition of \"oath\" to whatever suits them at the moment. There are thousands of sub-types of Mennonites, many know and care almost nothing about Menno Simons and Jacob Amman and their way of following Yahshua. Home, family, business and food can become gods.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS", "title": "", "outputColName": "THE BAD", "url": "http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json"} {"task": "ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD", "input": "[DENOMINATION] Amish [THE GOOD] Same as Mennonites, even moreso. Incredibly modest. Tend to be the most serious about divorce and not swearing oaths, and maintaining political separation. Have an advanced understanding of community and sustainability. Won't compromise on their convictions. Hard workers. [False Prophet] Tradition [THE BAD] ", "output": "Same as Mennonites, even moreso. Tradition can almost totally choke out the scripture. Won't change their errors. Focus on multiplying physical children through sexual reproduction instead of focusing on multiplying SPIRITUAL offspring through proclaiming the scripture in lively songs. Have begun buying cheap ingredients at mass-market stores and sell their products to tourists who believe Amish products are \"all natural\" and \"wholesome.\" Serious health crisis ensuing.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS", "title": "", "outputColName": "THE BAD", "url": "http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json"} {"task": "ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD", "input": "[DENOMINATION] Pentecostal / Charismatic / Assembly Of God [THE GOOD] Embrace most of the whole bible's teachings on music, which is a conduit of Spirit. Very exuberant. Excited about the faith. Some are modest. [False Prophet] Emotion [THE BAD] ", "output": "Can lack discretion and be open to demonic manifestations. Can lack logic. Can overly focus on emotion. Can be materialistic. Can lack substance. Long sermons and prayers. Can develop a dual personality: holy at church, sinful at home.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS", "title": "", "outputColName": "THE BAD", "url": "http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json"} {"task": "ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD", "input": "[DENOMINATION] Adventists [THE GOOD] Amazing recognition of the importance of the Sabbath and certain other commandments. Missionary zeal. Helpful. Generally kind. Health-savvy. [False Prophet] Ellen G. White [THE BAD] ", "output": "Tend to turn the Sabbath into a mere Sunday one-day-early. Tend to only focus on select Old-Testament commands and ignore others. Will ignore or misinterpret the scripture in blind faith in Ellen G. White, whose writings naturally have some errors. Will Swear oaths just like the pagans, for example. Woman-dominated.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS", "title": "", "outputColName": "THE BAD", "url": "http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json"} {"task": "ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD", "input": "[DENOMINATION] Hebrew Roots [THE GOOD] Amazing depth of learning of Hebrew spirituality. Rich and powerful expressions. [False Prophet] Jewish tradition/Talmud [THE BAD] ", "output": "Mono-focus on Sacred Name and Mosiac Law. Lack of understanding of Galatians, which commands that we should not enter into the Sinai contract. Legalistic at times. Infected with errors of Zionism. Swear oaths.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS", "title": "", "outputColName": "THE BAD", "url": "http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json"} {"task": "ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD", "input": "[DENOMINATION] Baptists [THE GOOD] Fairly well-organized. Civil. Decent. Fairly decent doctrine. [False Prophet] Protestant reformers [THE BAD] ", "output": "Lukewarm. Worldly. Mono-focus on salvation as an acquisition. Swear oaths. Sloppy grace often without fruit.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS", "title": "", "outputColName": "THE BAD", "url": "http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json"} {"task": "ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD", "input": "[DENOMINATION] Seeker-Sensitive Churches / Non-Denom's / [THE GOOD] Relevant. Well-produced, efficient, impactful presentations. Some focus on the Word. Fairly well-organized. Civil. Decent. Fairly decent doctrine. [False Prophet] Popular Culture [THE BAD] ", "output": "Afraid to speak the heavy truths. Worldly. Likely to attract followers looking for entertainment, who will fall away when commitment and dying to self are required. Swear oaths.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS", "title": "", "outputColName": "THE BAD", "url": "http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json"} {"task": "ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD", "input": "[DENOMINATION] Presbyterians / Lutherans / Methodists / Episcopalians [THE GOOD] Orderly, civil. Often skilled at music, though restrained. [False Prophet] John Calvin, Martin Luther, etc. [THE BAD] ", "output": "Lots of bad theology derived from murderers such as Luther and Calvin. Status-quo non-world-shakers. Often materialistic. Droll and boring, on purpose. Swear oaths.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS", "title": "", "outputColName": "THE BAD", "url": "http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json"} {"task": "ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD", "input": "[DENOMINATION] Jehovah's Witnesses [THE GOOD] JW's try to be politically separated from the pagan world, to a degree. Great missionary effort. Guard monotheism. Zeal for the NAME of YHVH (Jehovah). Fairly modest. [False Prophet] Charles Taze Russell / Watchtower society [THE BAD] ", "output": "May tend to try to defend certain wrong ideas of Charles Russell. May be seen as shills/salesmen for the Watchtower society's publications. May neglect certain truths regarding the unity of the Father and Son that Trinitarians clumsily try to describe. Extremely resistant to efforts to improve on the mixed-bag of Watchtower Society doctrine. Shun ex-members.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS", "title": "", "outputColName": "THE BAD", "url": "http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json"} {"task": "ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD", "input": "[DENOMINATION] Catholics [THE GOOD] Long track-record. Lots of good works. Organized. They have their act together. Tend to keep their services flowing, free of long sermons. [False Prophet] Pope / church hierarchy [THE BAD] ", "output": "Horrible history of murder and corruption, which is probably to be fair no worse than the Protestant record, given the time-span difference. Un-biblical mandatory celibate priest doctrine. Subject to accusations of child molestation. Extreme lay/clergy separation. Call men on earth \"Father.\" More than any other Christian group, perpetuates the old Babylonian mystery religions, due to their origins in antiquity. Swear oaths.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS", "title": "", "outputColName": "THE BAD", "url": "http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json"} {"task": "ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD", "input": "[DENOMINATION] Mormons [THE GOOD] Focus on family. Hard workers. Great missionary effort. Trying to guard Monotheism, though clumsily. Fairly modest. [False Prophet] Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, etc. [THE BAD] ", "output": "Lamentably tied to many ridiculous proven-debased writings of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. Missionaries tend to focus on white, rich areas. Can be materialistic. Swear oaths.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS", "title": "", "outputColName": "THE BAD", "url": "http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json"} {"task": "ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD", "input": "[DENOMINATION] Church Of Christ (U.S.) [THE GOOD] Organized. Civil. Serious. [False Prophet] Church tradition [THE BAD] ", "output": "Worldly in a very closeted way. Hypocritical. Illogical and demonic rejection of musical instruments. Maniacal hyper-focus on whole-body baptism. Judgmental of all others. Swear oaths. Obsessed with the unreadable King-James translation.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS", "title": "", "outputColName": "THE BAD", "url": "http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json"} {"task": "ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD", "input": "[DENOMINATION] ALL DENOMINATIONS [THE GOOD] Better than nothing, in that through them some Truth from YAH's word reaches peoples' ears. Each group has a few members of the remnant. [False Prophet] Normalcy [THE BAD] ", "output": "More like social clubs/tribes than actual groups of committed disciples. Elevate their virtues and discount the virtues of the others. Discount/ignore the \"Hard Commands\" to never swear oaths, always love your enemies, forsake all, sell your possessions and give to the poor, etc. Generally materialistic. Mission efforts tend to perpetuate a worldly Christianity, not a biblical separation into the Kingdom of YAH. Most of the members of all these groups will be told by our King: \"Depart from me into everlasting fire, you workers of iniquity; I never knew you.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS", "title": "", "outputColName": "THE BAD", "url": "http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json"} {"task": "da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description", "input": "[Stage] 1 [Level of Activation] Dormant [Description] ", "output": "Only the centers of the Conscious mind are operating. The contents of your higher vehicles of the Subconscious, Metaconscious and Superconscious mind do not enter your conscious awareness. Your attention is stabilized in the waking state of awareness. Your functioning is automatized and seamless, with no withdrawal of functioning. This is the fully grounded state of kundalini shakti.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reflections on Kundalini Shakti", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json"} {"task": "da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description", "input": "[Stage] 2 [Level of Activation] Low activity [Description] ", "output": "Some of the kundalini energy is drawn up and activates a higher vehicle. This operates in the background of your conscious awareness. There is no withdrawal of functioning and your attention is not drawn up into the higher vehicle. This stage typifies activation of vehicles in your Subconscious or Metaconscious when you are carrying out habitual tasks and your attention is on other things.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reflections on Kundalini Shakti", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json"} {"task": "da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description", "input": "[Stage] 3 [Level of Activation] Moderate activity [Description] ", "output": "More of your kundalini energy is raised into a higher vehicle so that this higher vehicle is stirred into heightened activity. The contents of this higher vehicle's activity enter your conscious awareness, and your attention may begin to become absorbed in this content. This stage typifies activation of your vehicles when you are deeply absorbed in thought, trying to work out a problem, or listening to your intuition. You may become absent-minded in this stage, not paying attention to what is happening around you in the environment.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reflections on Kundalini Shakti", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json"} {"task": "da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description", "input": "[Stage] 4 [Level of Activation] High activity [Description] ", "output": "This is the first stage of true kundalini awakening. The kundalini energy becomes powerfully focalized. Your attention is irresistibly caught up in its energy. Your higher vehicles begin to become suffused with light and are stirred into full activity. The content of this higher vehicle becomes the focus of your attention. You begin to experience the first stages of withdrawal of functioning: fascination, dissociation, numbness and tingling of your extremities, and an inability to speak. You may begin to feel the sensations of the \"rising serpent\" as you palpably feel this energy rise up through the spinal tube in your Subconscious mind. You may also feel your chakras begin to awaken.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reflections on Kundalini Shakti", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json"} {"task": "da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description", "input": "[Stage] 5 [Level of Activation] Activation of the unconscious mind [Description] ", "output": "As kundalini rises into the unconscious bands of your awareness between the Subconscious and Metaconscious mind, you may begin to experience emergence phenomena. There is strong withdrawal of energy at this stage, and you may begin to spontaneously express the content of your unconscious mind by re-living emotions, making involuntary movements, or talking irrationally. You enter a powerful hypnotic trance at this stage, and your attention is riveted on the content of your unconscious mind. A variety of painful and unpleasant physical sensations may accompany this state.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reflections on Kundalini Shakti", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json"} {"task": "da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description", "input": "[Stage] 6 [Level of Activation] Metaconscious activation [Description] ", "output": "As kundalini ascends into your metaconscious vehicles, your attention is powerfully drawn up into them and you become aware of their contents. As the serpent rises through each vehicle, it is suffused with energy, and shuts down into a resting state. At this stage your entire personality is submerged in this energy\u0097you cannot move your body, you cannot think, you cannot speak.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reflections on Kundalini Shakti", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json"} {"task": "da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description", "input": "[Stage] 7 [Level of Activation] Superconscious activation [Description] ", "output": "Kundalini will then cross another veil of unconsciousness between your Metaconscious and Superconscious mind. Here you may experience more emergence phenomena. The kundalini will then progressively rise through the vehicles of the Subtle and Planetary bands, and will gain union with your Soul. The culmination of this ecstatic state confers the state of enlightenment\u0097the awakening of the Soul's knowledge of its own nature with full awareness. Your personality is here fully shut down and your attention is caught up in the visionary cascade of the Superconscious mind, progressing to complete union with the Soul.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reflections on Kundalini Shakti", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json"} {"task": "da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description", "input": "[Stage] 8 [Level of Activation] Higher Unconscious activation [Description] ", "output": "Kundalini then rises into the higher unconscious separating your Soul from liberation. You may gain glimpses of the state of liberation and higher stages of the Path. You may witness the chakras of the Planetary Man and gain temporary union with your Monad. This union with a universal, all-pervading consciousness has been referred to as Sabikalpa Samadhi. Your personality is fully shut down and your attention is carried along with the rising kundalini.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reflections on Kundalini Shakti", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json"} {"task": "da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description", "input": "[Stage] 9 [Level of Activation] Higher Octave activation [Description] ", "output": "Next the kundalini travels upward into the higher octave vehicles of the Transplanetary, Cosmic, Supracosmic, and even Transcendental bands of the Superconscious mind. You gain union with the nuclei of identity and ensouling entities of these realms.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reflections on Kundalini Shakti", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json"} {"task": "da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description", "input": "[Stage] 10 [Level of Activation] Return to the Origin [Description] ", "output": "Finally the energy of the kundalini merges again with a great ocean of Peace. This confers multidimensional awareness of all levels of the mind. Your attention is drawn into a great, peaceful void.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reflections on Kundalini Shakti", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json"} {"task": "013aed0b_protests___DumpDC___Page_3___", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] Congress could request states to pay taxes [Constitution] Congress has right to levy taxes on individuals [`] ", "output": "Levying taxes", "options": [], "pageTitle": "protests | DumpDC | Page 3", "title": "", "outputColName": "`", "url": "https://dumpdc.wordpress.com/category/protests/page/3/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00175-ip-10-236-191-2_873035942_0.json"} {"task": "013aed0b_protests___DumpDC___Page_3___", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] No system of federal courts [Constitution] Court system created to deal with issues between citizens, states [`] ", "output": "Federal courts", "options": [], "pageTitle": "protests | DumpDC | Page 3", "title": "", "outputColName": "`", "url": "https://dumpdc.wordpress.com/category/protests/page/3/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00175-ip-10-236-191-2_873035942_0.json"} {"task": "013aed0b_protests___DumpDC___Page_3___", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] No provision to regulate interstate trade [Constitution] Congress has right to regulate trade between states [`] ", "output": "Regulation of trade", "options": [], "pageTitle": "protests | DumpDC | Page 3", "title": "", "outputColName": "`", "url": "https://dumpdc.wordpress.com/category/protests/page/3/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00175-ip-10-236-191-2_873035942_0.json"} {"task": "013aed0b_protests___DumpDC___Page_3___", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] No executive with power. President of U.S. merely presided over Congress [Constitution] Executive branch headed by President who chooses Cabinet and has checks on power of judiciary and legislature [`] ", "output": "Executive", "options": [], "pageTitle": "protests | DumpDC | Page 3", "title": "", "outputColName": "`", "url": "https://dumpdc.wordpress.com/category/protests/page/3/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00175-ip-10-236-191-2_873035942_0.json"} {"task": "013aed0b_protests___DumpDC___Page_3___", "input": "[Articles of Confederation] 13/13 needed to amend Articles [Constitution] 2/3 of both houses of Congress plus 3/4 of state legislatures or national convention [`] ", "output": "Amending document", "options": [], "pageTitle": "protests | DumpDC | Page 3", "title": "", "outputColName": "`", "url": "https://dumpdc.wordpress.com/category/protests/page/3/", "wdcFile": "13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00175-ip-10-236-191-2_873035942_0.json"} {"task": 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Contending.", "title": "", "outputColName": "New Age", "url": "http://defendingcontending.com/category/the-occult/", "wdcFile": "38/1438042981969.11_20150728002301-00198-ip-10-236-191-2_61350559_0.json"} {"task": "c12eb699_ccult___Defending__Contending___New_Age", "input": "[0] Basic Human Problems [Naturalism] Superstition and ignorance [Christianity] Sinners in rebellion against God [New Age] ", "output": "Ignorance of our true human potential", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Occult | Defending. Contending.", "title": "", "outputColName": "New Age", "url": "http://defendingcontending.com/category/the-occult/", "wdcFile": "38/1438042981969.11_20150728002301-00198-ip-10-236-191-2_61350559_0.json"} {"task": "c12eb699_ccult___Defending__Contending___New_Age", "input": "[0] Solution to the Human Problem [Naturalism] Scientific advancement and technology [Christianity] Salvation by faith in the finished work of Christ [New Age] ", "output": "Transformation of consciousness", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Occult | Defending. Contending.", "title": "", "outputColName": "New Age", "url": "http://defendingcontending.com/category/the-occult/", "wdcFile": "38/1438042981969.11_20150728002301-00198-ip-10-236-191-2_61350559_0.json"} {"task": "c12eb699_ccult___Defending__Contending___New_Age", "input": "[0] Death [Naturalism] The end of human existence [Christianity] The end of our earthly life; eternal life for the believer and eternal wrath for the unbeliever [New Age] ", "output": "An illusion; the entrance to the next life", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Occult | Defending. Contending.", "title": "", "outputColName": "New Age", "url": "http://defendingcontending.com/category/the-occult/", "wdcFile": "38/1438042981969.11_20150728002301-00198-ip-10-236-191-2_61350559_0.json"} {"task": "c12eb699_ccult___Defending__Contending___New_Age", "input": "[0] Jesus Christ [Naturalism] A merely human teacher [Christianity] The unique incarnation of God; the only Lord and Savior [New Age] ", "output": "One of many gurus or master teachers from history", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Occult | Defending. Contending.", "title": "", "outputColName": "New Age", "url": "http://defendingcontending.com/category/the-occult/", "wdcFile": "38/1438042981969.11_20150728002301-00198-ip-10-236-191-2_61350559_0.json"} {"task": "716113dc_then_Religion___An_\u00c1satr\u00fa_Blog__ianity___Universalist_Religion", "input": "[Heathenry / Folk Religion] Limited to one's own folk group (tribe/culture group)", "output": "Targeted to all people in the world", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Characteristics of Heathen Religion | An \u00c1satr\u00fa Blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Christianity / Universalist Religion", "url": "http://www.asatrublog.com/2013/09/13/characteristics-of-heathen-religion/", "wdcFile": "29/1438042987628.47_20150728002307-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_296340538_0.json"} {"task": "716113dc_then_Religion___An_\u00c1satr\u00fa_Blog__ianity___Universalist_Religion", "input": "[Heathenry / Folk Religion] No active \"mission\"", "output": "There is a mission to save souls or accomplish something similar", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Characteristics of Heathen Religion | An \u00c1satr\u00fa Blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Christianity / Universalist Religion", "url": "http://www.asatrublog.com/2013/09/13/characteristics-of-heathen-religion/", "wdcFile": "29/1438042987628.47_20150728002307-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_296340538_0.json"} {"task": "716113dc_then_Religion___An_\u00c1satr\u00fa_Blog__ianity___Universalist_Religion", "input": "[Heathenry / Folk Religion] Life-based (e.g. the proper way to live in the here and now)", "output": "What happens after you die is most important", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Characteristics of Heathen Religion | An \u00c1satr\u00fa Blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Christianity / Universalist Religion", "url": "http://www.asatrublog.com/2013/09/13/characteristics-of-heathen-religion/", "wdcFile": "29/1438042987628.47_20150728002307-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_296340538_0.json"} {"task": "716113dc_then_Religion___An_\u00c1satr\u00fa_Blog__ianity___Universalist_Religion", "input": "[Heathenry / Folk Religion] Peace (frith) with the world is the main objective (includes the \"spirit world\")", "output": "Freedom from the trappings of the physical world is the main objective", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Characteristics of Heathen Religion | An \u00c1satr\u00fa Blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Christianity / Universalist Religion", "url": "http://www.asatrublog.com/2013/09/13/characteristics-of-heathen-religion/", "wdcFile": "29/1438042987628.47_20150728002307-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_296340538_0.json"} {"task": "716113dc_then_Religion___An_\u00c1satr\u00fa_Blog__ianity___Universalist_Religion", "input": "[Heathenry / Folk Religion] Centralized around cult practices (what you do; right action)", "output": "Centralized around belief (what you believe; right belief)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Characteristics of Heathen Religion | An \u00c1satr\u00fa Blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Christianity / Universalist Religion", "url": "http://www.asatrublog.com/2013/09/13/characteristics-of-heathen-religion/", "wdcFile": "29/1438042987628.47_20150728002307-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_296340538_0.json"} {"task": "716113dc_then_Religion___An_\u00c1satr\u00fa_Blog__ianity___Universalist_Religion", "input": "[Heathenry / Folk Religion] Non-dogmatic (proper practice and understanding changes from region to region)", "output": "Dogmatic (there is one correct way to believe in order to achieve your ultimate goal)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Characteristics of Heathen Religion | An \u00c1satr\u00fa Blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Christianity / Universalist Religion", "url": "http://www.asatrublog.com/2013/09/13/characteristics-of-heathen-religion/", "wdcFile": "29/1438042987628.47_20150728002307-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_296340538_0.json"} {"task": "716113dc_then_Religion___An_\u00c1satr\u00fa_Blog__ianity___Universalist_Religion", "input": "[Heathenry / Folk Religion] You learn via your community's traditions/personal experience", "output": "You learn via teaching and instruction from others higher up in the tradition", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Characteristics of Heathen Religion | An \u00c1satr\u00fa Blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Christianity / Universalist Religion", "url": "http://www.asatrublog.com/2013/09/13/characteristics-of-heathen-religion/", "wdcFile": "29/1438042987628.47_20150728002307-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_296340538_0.json"} {"task": "716113dc_then_Religion___An_\u00c1satr\u00fa_Blog__ianity___Universalist_Religion", "input": "[Heathenry / Folk Religion] Polytheistic", "output": "Monotheistic", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Characteristics of Heathen Religion | An \u00c1satr\u00fa Blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Christianity / Universalist Religion", "url": "http://www.asatrublog.com/2013/09/13/characteristics-of-heathen-religion/", "wdcFile": "29/1438042987628.47_20150728002307-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_296340538_0.json"} {"task": "716113dc_then_Religion___An_\u00c1satr\u00fa_Blog__ianity___Universalist_Religion", "input": "[Heathenry / Folk Religion] Male and female cult leadership", "output": "Male cult leadership", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Characteristics of Heathen Religion | An \u00c1satr\u00fa Blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Christianity / Universalist Religion", "url": "http://www.asatrublog.com/2013/09/13/characteristics-of-heathen-religion/", "wdcFile": "29/1438042987628.47_20150728002307-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_296340538_0.json"} {"task": "716113dc_then_Religion___An_\u00c1satr\u00fa_Blog__ianity___Universalist_Religion", "input": "[Heathenry / Folk Religion] Less concentration on sacral buildings", "output": "High concentration on sacral buildings", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Characteristics of Heathen Religion | An \u00c1satr\u00fa Blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Christianity / Universalist Religion", "url": "http://www.asatrublog.com/2013/09/13/characteristics-of-heathen-religion/", "wdcFile": "29/1438042987628.47_20150728002307-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_296340538_0.json"} {"task": "716113dc_then_Religion___An_\u00c1satr\u00fa_Blog__ianity___Universalist_Religion", "input": "[Heathenry / Folk Religion] One's personal honor in the community determine one's morality", "output": "Freedom from sin and redemption is determined by one's morality", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Characteristics of Heathen Religion | An \u00c1satr\u00fa Blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Christianity / Universalist Religion", "url": "http://www.asatrublog.com/2013/09/13/characteristics-of-heathen-religion/", "wdcFile": "29/1438042987628.47_20150728002307-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_296340538_0.json"} {"task": "716113dc_then_Religion___An_\u00c1satr\u00fa_Blog__ianity___Universalist_Religion", "input": "[Heathenry / Folk Religion] Centers on the good of the collective", "output": "Centers on the belief of the individual", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Characteristics of Heathen Religion | An \u00c1satr\u00fa Blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Christianity / Universalist Religion", "url": "http://www.asatrublog.com/2013/09/13/characteristics-of-heathen-religion/", "wdcFile": "29/1438042987628.47_20150728002307-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_296340538_0.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] A Declaration by the Representatives of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in General Congress assembled. [ENGROSSED COPY] In Congress, July 4,1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "A Declaration by the Representatives of the United States of America in general Congress assembled.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. [ENGROSSED COPY] When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "When in the Course of human Events it becomes necessary for a People to advance from that Subordination, in which they have hitherto remained and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the equal and independent Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the Causes, which impell them to the Change.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with inherent & inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their happiness. Prudence indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes: and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations begun at a distinguished period and pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to expunge their former systems of government. The history of the present king of Great Britain is a history of unremitting injuries and usurpations, among which appears no solitary fact to contradict the uniform tenor of the rest; but all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this let facts be submitted to a candid world, for the truth of which we pledge a faith yet unsullied by falsehood. [ENGROSSED COPY] We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. \u2014That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this let Facts be submitted to a candid world. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "We hold these Truths to be self evident; that all Men are created equal and independent; that from that equal Creation they derive Rights inherent and unalienable; among which are the Preservation of Life, and Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness; that to secure these Ends, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the governed; that whenever, any form of Government shall become destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter, or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its power in such Form, as to them shall Seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence indeed will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shown, that Mankind are more disposed to Suffer, while Evils are Sufferable, than to right themselves, by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, begun at a distinguish'd Period, and pursuing invariably, the same object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Power, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity, which constrains them to expunge their former Systems of Government. The History of his present Majesty, is a History of unremitting Injuries and Usurpations, among which no one Fact stands Single or Solitary to contradict the uniform Tenor of the rest, all of which have in direct object, the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be Submitted to a candid World, for the Truth of which We pledge a Faith, as yet unsullied by falsehood.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] He has refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good: [ENGROSSED COPY] He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained, and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. [ENGROSSED COPY] He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and, when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing Importance, unless suspended in their operation, till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended he has neglected utterly to attend to them.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people unless those people would relinquish the right of representation, in the legislature, a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only. [ENGROSSED COPY] He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large Districts of People, unless those People would relinquish the Right of Representation in the Legislature, a Right inestimable to them, and formidable to Tyrants only.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] He has dissolved Representative houses repeatedly and continually for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the right of the people: [ENGROSSED COPY] He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "He has dissolved Representative Houses, repeatedly, and continually, for opposing with manly Firmness his Invasions on the Rights of the People.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] He has refused for a long time after such dissolutions to cause others to be elected whereby the legislative powers incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise, the state remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without and convulsions within: [ENGROSSED COPY] He has refused for a long time after such dissolutions to cause others to be elected, whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation have returned to the People at large for their exercise, the State remaining, in the meantime, exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "He has refused, for a long Space of Time after such Dissolutions, to cause others to be elected, whereby the legislative Powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their Exercise, the state remaining in the mean Time, exposed to all the Dangers of Invasion, from without, and Convulsions within\u2014", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states, for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither; and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands: [ENGROSSED COPY] He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "He has endeavoured to prevent the Population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their Migrations hither; and raising the Conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] He has suffered the administration of justice totally to cease in some of these states, refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers: [ENGROSSED COPY] He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "He has suffered the Administration of Justice totally to cease in some of these Colonies, refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] He has made judges dependant on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices and the amount and payment of their salaries: [ENGROSSED COPY] He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "He has made our Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the Tenure of their offices, and amount of their Salaries:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] He has erected a multitude of new offices by a self assumed power and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance: [ENGROSSED COPY] He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "He has created a Multitude of new offices by a Self-assumed Power, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our People and eat out their Substance.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] He has kept among us in times of peace, standing armies and ships of war without the consent of our legislatures: [ENGROSSED COPY] He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "He has kept among us, in Times of Peace, Standing Armies and Ships of War.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] He has affected to render the military, independent of and superior to the civil power: [ENGROSSED COPY] He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "He has affected to render the military, independent of, and Superiour to, the civil Power.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitutions and unacknowledged by our laws, giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation, for quartering large bodies of armed troops among us; for protecting them by a mock trial from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states; for cutting off our trade with all parts of the world; for imposing taxes on us without our consent; for depriving us in many cases of the benefits of trial by jury; for transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offences; for abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government and enlarging its boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these colonies; for taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and fundamentally the forms of our governments, for suspending our own legislatures and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever: [ENGROSSED COPY] He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation: For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: For protecting them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States: For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world: For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent \u2014For depriving us in many cases of the benefits of Trial by jury: For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences: For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies: For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments: For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "He has combined with others to subject us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution and unacknowledged by our Laws; giving his Assent to their pretended Acts of Legislation; for quartering large Bodies of armed Troops among us; for protecting them by a Mock Tryal from Punishment for any Murders they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States; for cutting off our Trade with all Parts of the World; for imposing Taxes on as without our Consent; for depriving Us of the Benefits of Trial by Jury; for transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offenses; for taking away our Charters, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Government; for suspending our own Legislatures and declaring themselves invested with Power to legislate for us in all Cases whatsoever.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] He has abdicated government here, withdrawing his governors, and declaring us out of his allegiance and protection. [ENGROSSED COPY] He has abdicated Government here by declaring us out of his Protection, and waging war against us. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "He has abdicated Government here, withdrawing his Governors, and declaring us, out of his Allegiance and Protection.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns and destroyed the lives of our people: [ENGROSSED COPY] He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the Lives of our people. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "He has plundered our Seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the Lives of our People.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy unworthy the head of a civilized nation: [ENGROSSED COPY] He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "He is at this Time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to complete the Works of death, Desolation, and Tyranny, already begun with Circumstances of Cruelty and Perfidy unworthy the Head of a civilized Nation.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] He has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions of existence. He has incited treasonable insurrections of our fellow-citizens, with the allurements of forfeiture and confiscation of our property: [ENGROSSED COPY] He has excited domestic insurrection among us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "He has endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitants of our Frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known Rule of Warfare is an undistinguished Destruction of all Ages, Sexes, and Conditions of existence. He has incited treasonable Insurrections of our Fellow Citizens, with the allurement of Forfeiture and Confiscation of our Property.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of distant people, who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian king of Great Britain. Determined to keep open a market where Men should be bought and sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce: and that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished dye, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them by murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them; thus paying off former crime committed against the liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "He has waged cruel War against human Nature itself, violating its most sacred Rights of Life and Liberty in the Persons of a distant People who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into Slavery in another Hemisphere, or to incur miserable Death, in their Transportation thither. This piratical Warfare, the opprobrium of infidel Powers, is the Warfare of the Christian King of Great Britain. He has prostituted his Negative for Suppressing every legislative Attempt to prohibit or to restrain an execrable Commerce, determined to keep open a Market where Men should be bought and sold, and that this assemblage of Horrors might want no Fact of distinguished Die. He is now exciting those very People to rise in Arms among us, and to purchase their Liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the People upon whom he also obtruded them: thus paying off, former Crimes committed against the Liberties of one People, with Crimes which he urges them to commit against the Lives of another.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms; our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injuries. A prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a people who mean to be free. Future ages will scarce believe that the hardiness of one man adventured within the short compass of twelve years only, to build a foundation, so broad and undisguised for tyranny over a people fostered and fixed in principles of freedom. [ENGROSSED COPY] In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injuries. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress, in the most humble Terms; our repeated Petitions have been answered by repeated Injury. A Prince, whose Character is thus marked by every Act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the Ruler of a People who mean to be free. \u2014 future ages will scarce believe, that the Hardiness of one Man, adventured, within the Short Compass of twelve years only, on so many Acts of Tyranny, without a Mask, over a People, fostered and fixed in the Principles of Liberty.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] Nor have we been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over these our states. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here, no one of which could warrant so strange a pretension: that these were effected at the expence of our own blood and treasure, unassisted by the wealth or strength of Great Britain: that in constituting indeed our several forms of government, we had adopted a common king, thereby laying a foundation for perpetual league and amity with them: but that submission to their parliament was no part of our constitution nor ever in idea, if history be credited; and we have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, as well as to the ties of our common kindred, to disavow these usurpations which were likely to interrupt our connection and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity, and when occasions have been given them, by the regular course of their laws of removing from their councils the disturbers of our harmony, they have by their free elections re-established them in power. At this very time they are permitting their chief magistrate to send over not only soldiers of our own blood, but Scotch and other foreign mercenaries, to invade and destroy us. These facts have given the last stab to agonizing affections, and manly spirit bids us to renounce forever these unfeeling brethren. We must endeavor to forget our former love for them, to hold them as we hold the rest of mankind enemies in war, in peace friends. We might have been a free and a great people together; but a communication of grandeur and of freedom it seems, is below their dignity. Be it so, since they will have it: the road to happiness and to glory is open to us too; we will climb it apart from them, and acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our eternal separation! [ENGROSSED COPY] Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations which would inevitably interrupt our connection and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must therefore acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our separation and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "Nor have we been wanting in Attentions to our British Brethren. We have warned them from Time to Time of attempts of their Legislature to extend a Jurisdiction over these our States. We have reminded them of the Circumstances of our Emigration and Settlement here, no one of which could warrant so strange a Pretension. That these were effected at the expense of our own Blood and Treasure, unassisted by the Wealth or the Strength of Great Britain; that in constituting indeed, our Several Forms of Government, we had adopted one common King, thereby laying a Foundation for Perpetual League and Amity with them; but that Submission to their Parliament, was no Part of our Constitution, nor ever in Idea, if History may be credited; and we appealed to their Nature, Justice and Magnanimity, as well as to the Ties of our common Kindred to disavow these usurpations, which were likely to interrupt our Correspondence and Connection. They too have been deaf to the Voice of Justice and of Consanguinity, and when occasions have been given them by the regular Course of their Laws of removing from their Councils, the Disturbers of our Harmony, they have by their free Election, re-established them in Power. At this very Time too, they are permitting their Chief Magistrate to send over not only soldiers of our common Blood, but Scotch and foreign Mercenaries, to invade and deluge us in Blood. These Facts have given the last Stab to agonizing affection, and manly Spirit bids us to renounce forever these unfeeling Brethren. We must endeavour to forget our former Love for them, and to hold them, as we hold the rest of Mankind, enemies in War, in Peace Friends. We might have been a free and a great People together but a Communication of Grandeur and of Freedom it seems is below their Dignity. Be it so, since they will have it: The Road to Happiness and to Glory is open to us too; we will climb it, apart from them, and acquiesce in the Necessity which denounces our eternal Separation.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "28cce14c_Compare_Versions__FIRST_DRAFT", "input": "[REPORTED DRAFT] We therefore the representatives of the United States in General Congress assembled in the name and by authority of the good people of these states, reject and renounce all allegiance and subjection to the kings of Great Britain and all others who may hereafter claim by, through, or under them; we utterly dissolve all political connection which may heretofore have subsisted between us and the people or parliament of Great Britain, and finally we do assert and declare these colonies to be free and independant, and that as free and independant states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honour. [ENGROSSED COPY] We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, that these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent states, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. \u2014 And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor. [FIRST DRAFT] ", "output": "We therefore the Representatives of the United States of America in General Congress assembled, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of these States, reject and renounce all Allegiance and Subjection to the Kings of Great Britain, and all others, who may hereafter claim by, through, or under them; We utterly dissolve and break off, all political Connection which may have heretofore subsisted between us and the People or Parliament of Great Britain, and finally we do assert and declare these Colonies to be free and independent States, and that as free and independent States they shall hereafter have Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which independent States may of Right do. And for the Support of this Declaration, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honour.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Compare Versions", "title": "", "outputColName": "FIRST DRAFT", "url": "http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/compare.htm", "wdcFile": "29/1438042990123.20_20150728002310-00271-ip-10-236-191-2_828184295_2.json"} {"task": "343faa30_n_in_Christianity_and_Buddhism__Topic_in_the_parable", "input": "[Meaning in Christianity] Jesus is teaching sinners, emphasizing their need and opportunity to be reconciled with God. [Meaning in Buddhism] Buddha is teaching spiritually advanced disciples (arhats) about their need to attain a higher position, that of a bodhisattva. [Topic in the parable] ", "output": "The context", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparative Religion - The Parable of the Prodigal Son in Christianity and Buddhism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic in the parable", "url": "http://comparativereligion.com/prodigal.html", "wdcFile": "9/1438042990611.52_20150728002310-00031-ip-10-236-191-2_49685511_0.json"} {"task": "343faa30_n_in_Christianity_and_Buddhism__Topic_in_the_parable", "input": "[Meaning in Christianity] God and sinners [Meaning in Buddhism] The Buddha (as the ultimate Buddha nature) and those challenged to attain a similar status [Topic in the parable] ", "output": "The characters", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparative Religion - The Parable of the Prodigal Son in Christianity and Buddhism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic in the parable", "url": "http://comparativereligion.com/prodigal.html", "wdcFile": "9/1438042990611.52_20150728002310-00031-ip-10-236-191-2_49685511_0.json"} {"task": "343faa30_n_in_Christianity_and_Buddhism__Topic_in_the_parable", "input": "[Meaning in Christianity] The human attitude of rebellion against God, called sin [Meaning in Buddhism] Ignorance starts the wheel of rebirth. [Topic in the parable] ", "output": "The meaning of the son's departure from home", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparative Religion - The Parable of the Prodigal Son in Christianity and Buddhism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic in the parable", "url": "http://comparativereligion.com/prodigal.html", "wdcFile": "9/1438042990611.52_20150728002310-00031-ip-10-236-191-2_49685511_0.json"} {"task": "343faa30_n_in_Christianity_and_Buddhism__Topic_in_the_parable", "input": "[Meaning in Christianity] The human condition under the power of sin, away from personal communion with God [Meaning in Buddhism] Karma and rebirth force one to wander from one physical existence to the next. [Topic in the parable] ", "output": "The son's miserable condition", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparative Religion - The Parable of the Prodigal Son in Christianity and Buddhism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic in the parable", "url": "http://comparativereligion.com/prodigal.html", "wdcFile": "9/1438042990611.52_20150728002310-00031-ip-10-236-191-2_49685511_0.json"} {"task": "343faa30_n_in_Christianity_and_Buddhism__Topic_in_the_parable", "input": "[Meaning in Christianity] A personal decision to leave sin, called repentance [Meaning in Buddhism] Karma and rebirth eventually lead one to the proper level where wisdom and spiritual progress can be attained. [Topic in the parable] ", "output": "The decision to return home", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparative Religion - The Parable of the Prodigal Son in Christianity and Buddhism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic in the parable", "url": "http://comparativereligion.com/prodigal.html", "wdcFile": "9/1438042990611.52_20150728002310-00031-ip-10-236-191-2_49685511_0.json"} {"task": "343faa30_n_in_Christianity_and_Buddhism__Topic_in_the_parable", "input": "[Meaning in Christianity] Complete forgiveness of sin and restoration to personal fellowship with God [Meaning in Buddhism] The Buddha's \"grace\" allows one to progress little by little toward Buddhahood. One has to deserve his or her position by a process of gradual spiritual development. [Topic in the parable] ", "output": "The father's attitude at the son's arrival", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparative Religion - The Parable of the Prodigal Son in Christianity and Buddhism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic in the parable", "url": "http://comparativereligion.com/prodigal.html", "wdcFile": "9/1438042990611.52_20150728002310-00031-ip-10-236-191-2_49685511_0.json"} {"task": "343faa30_n_in_Christianity_and_Buddhism__Topic_in_the_parable", "input": "[Meaning in Christianity] Jesus Christ paid the price for our forgiveness through his death and resurrection. [Meaning in Buddhism] The disciple has to pay himself the price for erasing his or her ignorance, and constantly accumulate wisdom. [Topic in the parable] ", "output": "Who pays the damage for the lost fortune", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparative Religion - The Parable of the Prodigal Son in Christianity and Buddhism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic in the parable", "url": "http://comparativereligion.com/prodigal.html", "wdcFile": "9/1438042990611.52_20150728002310-00031-ip-10-236-191-2_49685511_0.json"} {"task": "343faa30_n_in_Christianity_and_Buddhism__Topic_in_the_parable", "input": "[Meaning in Christianity] Eternal communion with God in his kingdom [Meaning in Buddhism] Attaining an impersonal Ultimate Reality (shunyata), where there is no room for personhood and communion [Topic in the parable] ", "output": "The son's inheritance", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparative Religion - The Parable of the Prodigal Son in Christianity and Buddhism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic in the parable", "url": "http://comparativereligion.com/prodigal.html", "wdcFile": "9/1438042990611.52_20150728002310-00031-ip-10-236-191-2_49685511_0.json"} {"task": "c887cdab_esus___Jesus_as_Wisdom_Teacher__Conventional_wisdom", "input": "[Jesus\u2019 alternative wisdom] God is gracious [Conventional wisdom] ", "output": "God is punitive lawgiver and judge", "options": [], "pageTitle": "A Portrait of Jesus | Jesus as Wisdom Teacher", "title": "", "outputColName": "Conventional wisdom", "url": "http://www.aportraitofjesus.org/wisdom2.shtml", "wdcFile": "9/1438042988511.77_20150728002308-00237-ip-10-236-191-2_289732811_0.json"} {"task": "c887cdab_esus___Jesus_as_Wisdom_Teacher__Conventional_wisdom", "input": "[Jesus\u2019 alternative wisdom] All persons have infinite worth as a children of God [Conventional wisdom] ", "output": "A person\u2019s worth is determined by measuring up to social standards", "options": [], "pageTitle": "A Portrait of Jesus | Jesus as Wisdom Teacher", "title": "", "outputColName": "Conventional wisdom", "url": "http://www.aportraitofjesus.org/wisdom2.shtml", "wdcFile": "9/1438042988511.77_20150728002308-00237-ip-10-236-191-2_289732811_0.json"} {"task": "c887cdab_esus___Jesus_as_Wisdom_Teacher__Conventional_wisdom", "input": "[Jesus\u2019 alternative wisdom] Everyone is welcome around the table and in the kingdom of God [Conventional wisdom] ", "output": "Sinners and outcasts are to be avoided and rejected", "options": [], "pageTitle": "A Portrait of Jesus | Jesus as Wisdom Teacher", "title": "", "outputColName": "Conventional wisdom", "url": "http://www.aportraitofjesus.org/wisdom2.shtml", "wdcFile": "9/1438042988511.77_20150728002308-00237-ip-10-236-191-2_289732811_0.json"} {"task": "c887cdab_esus___Jesus_as_Wisdom_Teacher__Conventional_wisdom", "input": "[Jesus\u2019 alternative wisdom] Identity comes from centering in the sacred, from relationship with God [Conventional wisdom] ", "output": "Identity comes from social tradition", "options": [], "pageTitle": "A Portrait of Jesus | Jesus as Wisdom Teacher", "title": "", "outputColName": "Conventional wisdom", "url": "http://www.aportraitofjesus.org/wisdom2.shtml", "wdcFile": "9/1438042988511.77_20150728002308-00237-ip-10-236-191-2_289732811_0.json"} {"task": "c887cdab_esus___Jesus_as_Wisdom_Teacher__Conventional_wisdom", "input": "[Jesus\u2019 alternative wisdom] The first shall be last...; those who exalt themselves will be emptied... [Conventional wisdom] ", "output": "Strive to be first", "options": [], "pageTitle": "A Portrait of Jesus | Jesus as Wisdom Teacher", "title": "", "outputColName": "Conventional wisdom", "url": "http://www.aportraitofjesus.org/wisdom2.shtml", "wdcFile": "9/1438042988511.77_20150728002308-00237-ip-10-236-191-2_289732811_0.json"} {"task": "c887cdab_esus___Jesus_as_Wisdom_Teacher__Conventional_wisdom", "input": "[Jesus\u2019 alternative wisdom] The path of dying to self and being reborn leads to life abundant [Conventional wisdom] ", "output": "Preserve one\u2019s own life above all", "options": [], "pageTitle": "A Portrait of Jesus | Jesus as Wisdom Teacher", "title": "", "outputColName": "Conventional wisdom", "url": "http://www.aportraitofjesus.org/wisdom2.shtml", "wdcFile": "9/1438042988511.77_20150728002308-00237-ip-10-236-191-2_289732811_0.json"} {"task": "c887cdab_esus___Jesus_as_Wisdom_Teacher__Conventional_wisdom", "input": "[Jesus\u2019 alternative wisdom] Fruit of centering in God is compassion [Conventional wisdom] ", "output": "Fruit of striving is reward", "options": [], "pageTitle": "A Portrait of Jesus | Jesus as Wisdom Teacher", "title": "", "outputColName": "Conventional wisdom", "url": "http://www.aportraitofjesus.org/wisdom2.shtml", "wdcFile": "9/1438042988511.77_20150728002308-00237-ip-10-236-191-2_289732811_0.json"} {"task": "ca9c376d_Asher_Yatzar_Prayer__r_G_d_the_King_of_the_Universe", "input": "We are created with a physical body and a Holy Soul - therefor we have a double use of (Nekavim and Chalulim). That for every physical organ, we also have a spiritual organ. Hashem created man and gave him wisdom, and Hashem used wisdom to create man. This is demonstrated in the precise balance of man's organs and functions.", "output": "Who fashioned man with wisdom", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Asher Yatzar Prayer", "title": "", "outputColName": "Blessed are You Hashem our G-d the King of the Universe", "url": "http://www.torahzone.com/AsherYatzar.htm", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989331.34_20150728002309-00179-ip-10-236-191-2_782190392_1.json"} {"task": "ca9c376d_Asher_Yatzar_Prayer__r_G_d_the_King_of_the_Universe", "input": "For each physical opening there is a spiritual one. An example of an opening is our mouth, ears....", "output": "He created within man many openings", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Asher Yatzar Prayer", "title": "", "outputColName": "Blessed are You Hashem our G-d the King of the Universe", "url": "http://www.torahzone.com/AsherYatzar.htm", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989331.34_20150728002309-00179-ip-10-236-191-2_782190392_1.json"} {"task": "ca9c376d_Asher_Yatzar_Prayer__r_G_d_the_King_of_the_Universe", "input": "For each physical cavity there is a spiritual one. The cavities are the inner hollows that contain such organs as the lungs, heart, stomach, and brain.", "output": "And many cavities", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Asher Yatzar Prayer", "title": "", "outputColName": "Blessed are You Hashem our G-d the King of the Universe", "url": "http://www.torahzone.com/AsherYatzar.htm", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989331.34_20150728002309-00179-ip-10-236-191-2_782190392_1.json"} {"task": "ca9c376d_Asher_Yatzar_Prayer__r_G_d_the_King_of_the_Universe", "input": "The angels that bring sickness to the world know the potential dangers in the body. Our being able to exist, body (Guf) and soul (Neshama) together as a human being, shows G-d's wondrous acts.", "output": "It is openly known before Your Throne of Glory", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Asher Yatzar Prayer", "title": "", "outputColName": "Blessed are You Hashem our G-d the King of the Universe", "url": "http://www.torahzone.com/AsherYatzar.htm", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989331.34_20150728002309-00179-ip-10-236-191-2_782190392_1.json"} {"task": "ca9c376d_Asher_Yatzar_Prayer__r_G_d_the_King_of_the_Universe", "input": "These are usually closed, should G-d forbid they open...", "output": "That if one of the organs which is closed should open (Chalulim - cavity)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Asher Yatzar Prayer", "title": "", "outputColName": "Blessed are You Hashem our G-d the King of the Universe", "url": "http://www.torahzone.com/AsherYatzar.htm", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989331.34_20150728002309-00179-ip-10-236-191-2_782190392_1.json"} {"task": "ca9c376d_Asher_Yatzar_Prayer__r_G_d_the_King_of_the_Universe", "input": "These are usually open, such as the lungs.", "output": "Or if one of the open ones should close (Nekavim - openings)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Asher Yatzar Prayer", "title": "", "outputColName": "Blessed are You Hashem our G-d the King of the Universe", "url": "http://www.torahzone.com/AsherYatzar.htm", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989331.34_20150728002309-00179-ip-10-236-191-2_782190392_1.json"} {"task": "ca9c376d_Asher_Yatzar_Prayer__r_G_d_the_King_of_the_Universe", "input": "From the time that man is born if what needs to open stays closed, or what needs to close stays open - one could not live. When one is sick and needs to constantly go to the bathroom - he is unable to stand before Hashem in Prayer, even though he can exist in the world.", "output": "It would be impossible to exist and stand before you", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Asher Yatzar Prayer", "title": "", "outputColName": "Blessed are You Hashem our G-d the King of the Universe", "url": "http://www.torahzone.com/AsherYatzar.htm", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989331.34_20150728002309-00179-ip-10-236-191-2_782190392_1.json"} {"task": "ca9c376d_Asher_Yatzar_Prayer__r_G_d_the_King_of_the_Universe", "input": "some include this verse, some leave it out since one can live a short time, but not long if his body's organs malfunction)", "output": "(Even for one hour)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Asher Yatzar Prayer", "title": "", "outputColName": "Blessed are You Hashem our G-d the King of the Universe", "url": "http://www.torahzone.com/AsherYatzar.htm", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989331.34_20150728002309-00179-ip-10-236-191-2_782190392_1.json"} {"task": "ca9c376d_Asher_Yatzar_Prayer__r_G_d_the_King_of_the_Universe", "input": "we thank Hashem for healthy working bodies that he gives to ALL his creatures.", "output": "Blessed are You Hashem who heals all flesh", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Asher Yatzar Prayer", "title": "", "outputColName": "Blessed are You Hashem our G-d the King of the Universe", "url": "http://www.torahzone.com/AsherYatzar.htm", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989331.34_20150728002309-00179-ip-10-236-191-2_782190392_1.json"} {"task": "ca9c376d_Asher_Yatzar_Prayer__r_G_d_the_King_of_the_Universe", "input": "Here we talk only about man - That Hashem has attached the highest form of spirituality (Neshama) to the lowest level of physicality (Guf - one's physical needs). These two complete opposites stay together even though we have many openings in our body!", "output": "And acts wondrously", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Asher Yatzar Prayer", "title": "", "outputColName": "Blessed are You Hashem our G-d the King of the Universe", "url": "http://www.torahzone.com/AsherYatzar.htm", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989331.34_20150728002309-00179-ip-10-236-191-2_782190392_1.json"} {"task": "8a04eaaa_God_s_11_principles__The_Committee_Version", "input": "[0] 1 [Single Author] I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me. [The Committee Version] ", "output": "Our assets are our people, our culture, and our Lord, who motivated us to leave Egypt with a determination that has become our ultimate hallmark. Experience shows that if we serve the Lord well, our own success will follow.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "God\u2019s 11 principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Committee Version", "url": "http://blogs.reuters.com/emanuelderman/2011/09/08/gods-11-principles/", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00055-ip-10-236-191-2_33556225_0.json"} {"task": "8a04eaaa_God_s_11_principles__The_Committee_Version", "input": "[0] 2 [Single Author] You shall not make unto you any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. [The Committee Version] ", "output": "We make an unusual effort to avoid serving anyone else but the Lord. The threat of severe punishment unto the third and fourth generation is intended to align our interests with those of the Lord.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "God\u2019s 11 principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Committee Version", "url": "http://blogs.reuters.com/emanuelderman/2011/09/08/gods-11-principles/", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00055-ip-10-236-191-2_33556225_0.json"} {"task": "8a04eaaa_God_s_11_principles__The_Committee_Version", "input": "[0] 3 [Single Author] You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. [The Committee Version] ", "output": "We try to be unswervingly dedicated to avoiding disrespectful or discourteous behavior towards the Lord. While individual rights are encouraged, not mentioning his name will always be a good policy, and an important part of our success.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "God\u2019s 11 principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Committee Version", "url": "http://blogs.reuters.com/emanuelderman/2011/09/08/gods-11-principles/", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00055-ip-10-236-191-2_33556225_0.json"} {"task": "8a04eaaa_God_s_11_principles__The_Committee_Version", "input": "[0] 4 [Single Author] Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. [The Committee Version] ", "output": "Our goal is to work hard and play hard: to this end we encourage our people to totally relax on weekends. We would rather be rested than win by overwork. In keeping with our diversity policy, we require that our son, daughter, maidservant and manservant, even our cattle and strangers, cease from work too.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "God\u2019s 11 principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Committee Version", "url": "http://blogs.reuters.com/emanuelderman/2011/09/08/gods-11-principles/", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00055-ip-10-236-191-2_33556225_0.json"} {"task": "8a04eaaa_God_s_11_principles__The_Committee_Version", "input": "[0] 5 [Single Author] Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God giveth you. [The Committee Version] ", "output": "We take great pride in our heritage and ancestors, more than most other peoples do. We think this is a vitally critical part of our culture.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "God\u2019s 11 principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Committee Version", "url": "http://blogs.reuters.com/emanuelderman/2011/09/08/gods-11-principles/", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00055-ip-10-236-191-2_33556225_0.json"} {"task": "8a04eaaa_God_s_11_principles__The_Committee_Version", "input": "[0] 6 [Single Author] You shall not kill. [The Committee Version] ", "output": "We believe it is unwise to denigrate, maim, incapacitate or eliminate our enemies, except when the Lord thinks it really necessary. We know that eliminating idol-worshipers serves the Lord, but we must always be fair enemies.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "God\u2019s 11 principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Committee Version", "url": "http://blogs.reuters.com/emanuelderman/2011/09/08/gods-11-principles/", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00055-ip-10-236-191-2_33556225_0.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] A Chink in the Armor [Scripture] 2 Chronicles 18-19 [Description] ", "output": "What happens when good leaders become involved with bad ones?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Abraham's Journey [Scripture] Genesis 12 [Description] ", "output": "Every person's life can be plotted as being along some point of Abraham's journey from Mesopotamia to the Promised Land, a metaphor for our spiritual walk in this life.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Binding & Loosing [Scripture] Daniel 10 [Description] ", "output": "In many areas the church is trying to use biblical teaching about binding and loosing as an instrument to deal with something it was not designed to deal with.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] The Book of Jonah [Scripture] Jonah [Description] ", "output": "There is no Hebrew prophet whose life does not foreshadow or typify the Messiah who would come after them, to bring in the Redemption which they prophesied.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Book of Ruth [Scripture] Ruth [Description] ", "output": "The book of Ruth tells the story of a rich powerful Jewish man who takes a Gentile Bride and exalts her, the way that Jesus, on the day of Pentecost, raised up the Gentile church, as the Bride of Christ.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Charismatic False Teaching [Scripture] Luke 21:8 [Description] ", "output": "Defining the doctrinal error that has been allowed to infiltrate and grow within the Charismatic Movement.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Christian Cults [Scripture] Various [Description] ", "output": "Deals with the subject of organizations which are evangelistic in theology but cultic in their organization.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Christmas is Coming [Scripture] Various [Description] ", "output": "What does Christmas, the Nativity, have to do with the Last Days? This may surprise you, but the answer is - everything.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] The Divine Aristocracy [Scripture] Ecclesiastes 9-10 [Description] ", "output": "God says, however, that only the things that last forever are real riches. Silver, gold and jewels will not get you off the road to hell - nor will they get you into heavenly Jerusalem.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Ephesus [Scripture] Various [Description] ", "output": "In depth detail of one of the seven ages of the church history and the future historical prophetic antitype.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Egypt, Babylon, or the Palm of God [Scripture] Jeremiah 40 [Description] ", "output": "What are the options for the faithful remnant in the Last Days? Previous biblical examples provide a picture of what it will be like for Believers.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Elijah: A Man Who Could Make It Rain [Scripture] James 5:16-18 [Description] ", "output": "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours. Elijah was a man who could make it rain. The Holy Spirit, through this text, is trying to tell us that, if he can do it, we can do it. We can make it rain. But what does that mean?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Hanukkah, Part 1 [Scripture] John 9-10 [Description] ", "output": "How does the celebration of Hanukkah, a festival NOT found in the Old Testament, provide greater insight into biblical themes such as the Messiah? How is Hanukkah handled in the New Testament?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Hanukkah, Part 2 [Scripture] John 9-10 [Description] ", "output": "How does the celebration of Hanukkah, a festival NOT found in the Old Testament, provide greater insight into biblical themes such as the Messiah? How is Hanukkah handled in the New Testament?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] House of David/House of Saul [Scripture] 2 Samuel 3:1 [Description] ", "output": "The kind of war I dread is when you have to fight against your brethren.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Judge Not? [Scripture] James 4 [Description] ", "output": "From the pen of the same apostle, in the distance of a few paragraphs, in almost the same breath that he is saying \"do not judge,\" James calls worldly churches \"adulteresses.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Kashrut & Famine [Scripture] Leviticus 11 [Description] ", "output": "An explanation of the typology of the Hebrew dietary laws, and how it deals with what is clean and what is unclean. Unclean being unbelievers, false believers, and their wrong doctrines. What we eat, we are. Deals with how to eat what is clean.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] The Last Days [Scripture] 1 Timothy 4 [Description] ", "output": "The First Century church in certain respects typologically prefigures the Church of the Last Century.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] The Living and the Dead [Scripture] Leviticus 21 [Description] ", "output": "Who are the living, who are the dead, what is the temple, and who are the priests?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Midrash [Scripture] Various [Description] ", "output": "If you look at the way the New Testament quotes the Old Testament, it is clear that the apostles did not use western Protestant methods of exegesis or interpretation.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Midrash: Jesus in the Garden [Scripture] Genesis 3 [Description] ", "output": "When you were physically born, you were born of Adam. When you are born again, you are born of the last Adam, who is Jesus.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] The New Galatians [Scripture] Galatians [Description] ", "output": "There is a misguided element in the Gentile church which desires to return to the source of Christian faith, which is biblically and historically a primordial Jewish faith. Unfortunately, they arrive at the abrupt conclusions that anything \"Messianic\" must be right.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] One Messiah, Two Comings [Scripture] Acts 1:4-8 [Description] ", "output": "Everything under the ground is Old Testament Israel, but everything above the ground is the New Testament Church. The Church is the spiritual continuity of Old Testament Israel, not its replacement.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] The Reign of King Asa [Scripture] 2 Chronicles 13 [Description] ", "output": "What God's Word really reaches about revival.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] The Sabbath [Scripture] Genesis 2:2-3 [Description] ", "output": "Deals with Jesus as our Sabbath rest. It looks at the meaning of the Sabbath and shows how our Sabbath is in a Person and not in a day. This is an important message in understanding the errors of the Seventh-Day Adventists.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] The Sons of Zadok [Scripture] Ezekiel 44 [Description] ", "output": "Compares the righteous clergy with the unrighteous clergy, and explains how to know whether your pastor is righteous or unrighteous. Details the characteristics of each.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] This Generation [Scripture] Matthew 24:34 [Description] ", "output": "Explanation of the meaning of \"this generation\" in the Olivet Discourse.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Typology of the Dietary Law [Scripture] Leviticus 11 [Description] ", "output": "An explanation of the typology of the Hebrew dietary laws and how it deals with what is clean and what is unclean, unclean being bunbelievers, false believers, and their wrong doctrines. We are what we \"eat\". Deals with how to \"eat\" what is clean.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Typology of the Temple [Scripture] Numbers 2 [Description] ", "output": "Deals with the spiritual symbolism of the architecture of the Hebrew Temple, pointing to the fact that the church seven times in the New Testament is called the Temple of God, and looks ahead to what this will ultimately mean for the coming Antichrist.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Understanding \"The Mixture\" [Scripture] 1 Thessalonians [Description] ", "output": "Arriving at a right doctrinal position and discerning things in a biblical manner in times like this has become more and more difficult for many sincere believers.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Watchmen Who Are Not Watchmen [Scripture] Isaiah 62:8 [Description] ", "output": "Looking at the biblical character and nature of watchmen however we see that so much of what is being promoted as 'Watchman Ministries' are actually the mere devices of men.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "794acb26_Sermons_in_Afrikaans__Description", "input": "[Title] Who Are the Jews? [Scripture] Various [Description] ", "output": "Deals with the question, \u201cWho are the Jews?\u201d etymologically, anthropologically, judicially, geographically, and biblically. Also defines three kinds of Judaism (Mosaic, Talmudic and Messianic).", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sermons in Afrikaans", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://moriel.org/Sermons/Sermons_Afrikaans.html", "wdcFile": "45/1438042989897.84_20150728002309-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_160457263_1.json"} {"task": "f6c48115__and_Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching__Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching", "input": "[Hexagram] 9 [Wilhelm/Baynes I Ching] The Taming Power of the Small Has success. Dense clouds, no rain from our western region. [Eclectic Energies I Ching] ", "output": "Minor restraint. Progressing. Dense clouds, but no rain from our western outlands.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparing Wilhelm/Baynes's and Eclectic Energies I\u00a0Ching", "title": "", "outputColName": "Eclectic Energies I Ching", "url": "http://www.eclecticenergies.com/iching/comparison.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00138-ip-10-236-191-2_430571237_0.json"} {"task": "f6c48115__and_Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching__Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching", "input": "[Hexagram] Comments - 9 [Wilhelm/Baynes I Ching] This image refers to the state of affairs in China at the time when King Wen, who came originally from the west, was in the east at the court of the reigning tyrant Chou Hsin. The moment for action on a large scale had not yet arrived. King Wen could only keep the tyrant somewhat in check by friendly persuasion. Hence the image of many clouds, promising moisture and blessing to the land, although as yet no rain falls. The situation is not unfavorable; there is a prospect of ultimate success, but there are still obstacles in the way, and we can merely take preparatory measures. Only through the small means of friendly persuasion can we exert any influence. The time has not yet come for sweeping measures. However, we may be able, to a limited extent, to act as a restraining and subduing influence. To carry out our purpose we need firm determination within and gentleness and adaptability in external relations. [Eclectic Energies I Ching] ", "output": "One is held back, but things are progressing nevertheless. There is a potential for new resources, but they are not yet coming.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparing Wilhelm/Baynes's and Eclectic Energies I\u00a0Ching", "title": "", "outputColName": "Eclectic Energies I Ching", "url": "http://www.eclecticenergies.com/iching/comparison.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00138-ip-10-236-191-2_430571237_0.json"} {"task": "f6c48115__and_Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching__Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching", "input": "[Hexagram] 24 [Wilhelm/Baynes I Ching] Return. Success. Going out and coming in without error. Friends come without blame. To and fro goes the way. On the seventh day comes return. It furthers one to have somewhere to go. [Eclectic Energies I Ching] ", "output": "Return. Progressing. Going out and in without distress. A friend arrives. Without fault to, instead of returning to one's path in seven days, come back again. It is beneficial to have a goal to move to.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparing Wilhelm/Baynes's and Eclectic Energies I\u00a0Ching", "title": "", "outputColName": "Eclectic Energies I Ching", "url": "http://www.eclecticenergies.com/iching/comparison.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00138-ip-10-236-191-2_430571237_0.json"} {"task": "f6c48115__and_Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching__Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching", "input": "[Hexagram] Comments - 24 [Wilhelm/Baynes I Ching] After a time of decay comes the turning point. The powerful light that has been banished returns. there is movement, but it is not brought about by force. The upper trigram Kun is characterised by devotion; thus the movement is natural, arising spontaneously. For this reason the transformation of the old becomes easy. The old is discarded and the new is introduced. Both measures accord with the time; therefore no harm results. Societies of people sharing the same views are formed. But since these groups come together in full public knowledge and are in harmony with the time, all selfish separatist tendencies are excluded, and no mistake is made. The idea of Return is based on the course of nature. The movement is cyclic, and the course completes itself. Therefore it is not necessary to hasten anything artificially. Everything comes of itself at the appointed time. This is the meaning of heaven and earth. All movements are accomplished in six stages, and the seventh brings return. Thus the winter solstice, with which the decline of the year begins, comes in the seventh month after the summer solstice; so too sunrise comes in the seventh double hour after sunset. Therefore seven is the number of the young light, and it arises when six, the number of the great darkness, is increased by one. In this way the state of rest gives place to movement. [Eclectic Energies I Ching] ", "output": "Returning early from what one was doing, for something better. There is nothing wrong with this, and it shouldn't give any stress. There is still progress. It is a good idea to not lose sight of one's aims.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparing Wilhelm/Baynes's and Eclectic Energies I\u00a0Ching", "title": "", "outputColName": "Eclectic Energies I Ching", "url": "http://www.eclecticenergies.com/iching/comparison.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00138-ip-10-236-191-2_430571237_0.json"} {"task": "f6c48115__and_Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching__Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching", "input": "[Hexagram] 28 [Wilhelm/Baynes I Ching] Preponderance of the Great. The ridgepole sags to the breaking point. It furthers one to have somewhere to go. Success. [Eclectic Energies I Ching] ", "output": "Too much. The roof-beam is sagging. It is beneficial to have a goal to move to. Progressing.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparing Wilhelm/Baynes's and Eclectic Energies I\u00a0Ching", "title": "", "outputColName": "Eclectic Energies I Ching", "url": "http://www.eclecticenergies.com/iching/comparison.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00138-ip-10-236-191-2_430571237_0.json"} {"task": "f6c48115__and_Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching__Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching", "input": "[Hexagram] Comments - 28 [Wilhelm/Baynes I Ching] The weight of the great is excessive. The load is too heavy for the strength of the supports. The ridge-pole on which the whole roof rests, sags to the breaking point, because its supporting ends are too weak for the load they bear. It is an exceptional time and situation; therefore extraordinary measures are demanded. It is necessary to find a way of transition as quickly as possible, and to take action. This promises success. For although the strong element is in excess, it is in the middle, that is, at the centre of gravity, so that a revolution is not to be feared. Nothing is to be achieved by forcible measures. The problem must be solved by gentle penetration to the meaning of the situation (as is suggested by the attribute of the inner trigram, Sun); then the change-over to other conditions will be successful. It demands real superiority; therefore the time when the great preponderates is a momentous time. [Eclectic Energies I Ching] ", "output": "Something is too much for this situation. One better make a plan to do something about it, and make it more robust. There is progress.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparing Wilhelm/Baynes's and Eclectic Energies I\u00a0Ching", "title": "", "outputColName": "Eclectic Energies I Ching", "url": "http://www.eclecticenergies.com/iching/comparison.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00138-ip-10-236-191-2_430571237_0.json"} {"task": "f6c48115__and_Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching__Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching", "input": "[Hexagram] 29 [Wilhelm/Baynes I Ching] The Abysmal repeated. If you are sincere, you have success in your heart, And whatever you do succeeds. [Eclectic Energies I Ching] ", "output": "Getting accustomed to the abyss. Have confidence and hold on to your heart. For progress, taking action has value.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparing Wilhelm/Baynes's and Eclectic Energies I\u00a0Ching", "title": "", "outputColName": "Eclectic Energies I Ching", "url": "http://www.eclecticenergies.com/iching/comparison.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00138-ip-10-236-191-2_430571237_0.json"} {"task": "f6c48115__and_Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching__Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching", "input": "[Hexagram] Comments - 29 [Wilhelm/Baynes I Ching] Through repetition of danger we grow accustomed to it. Water sets the example for the right conduct under such circumstances. It flows on and on, and merely fills up all the places through which it flows; it does not shrink from any dangerous spot nor from any plunge, and nothing can make it lose its own essential nature. It remains true to itself under all conditions. Thus likewise, if one is sincere when confronted with difficulties, the heart can penetrate the meaning of the situation. And once we have gained inner mastery of a problem, it will come about naturally that the action we take will succeed. In danger all that counts is really carrying out all that has to be done - thoroughness - and going forward, in order not to perish through tarrying in the danger. Properly used, danger can have an important meaning as a protective measure. Thus heaven has its perilous height protecting it against every attempt at invasion, and earth has its mountains and bodies of water, separating countries by their dangers. Thus also rulers make use of danger to protect themselves against attacks from without and against turmoil within. [Eclectic Energies I Ching] ", "output": "A situation that is unfamiliar and dangerous, that one needs to get into and get accustomed to. Have confidence, and keep in touch with your feelings. Feeling fear is natural in this situation. Taking action is needed in order to have progress.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparing Wilhelm/Baynes's and Eclectic Energies I\u00a0Ching", "title": "", "outputColName": "Eclectic Energies I Ching", "url": "http://www.eclecticenergies.com/iching/comparison.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00138-ip-10-236-191-2_430571237_0.json"} {"task": "f6c48115__and_Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching__Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching", "input": "[Hexagram] 34 [Wilhelm/Baynes I Ching] The Power of the Great. Perseverance furthers. [Eclectic Energies I Ching] ", "output": "Much force. It is beneficial to persist.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparing Wilhelm/Baynes's and Eclectic Energies I\u00a0Ching", "title": "", "outputColName": "Eclectic Energies I Ching", "url": "http://www.eclecticenergies.com/iching/comparison.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00138-ip-10-236-191-2_430571237_0.json"} {"task": "f6c48115__and_Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching__Eclectic_Energies_I_Ching", "input": "[Hexagram] Comments - 34 [Wilhelm/Baynes I Ching] The hexagram points to a time when inner worth mounts with great force and comes to power. But its strength has already passed beyond the median line, hence there is danger that one may rely entirely on one's own power and forget to ask what is right. There is danger too that, being intent on movement, we may not wait for the right time. Therefore the added statement that perseverance furthers. For that is truly great power which does not degenerate into mere force but remains inwardly united with the fundamental principles of right and of justice. When we understand this point - namely, that greatness and justice must be indissolubly united - we understand the true meaning of all that happens in heaven and on earth. [Eclectic Energies I Ching] ", "output": "Using force. Persistence helps this to be effective.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparing Wilhelm/Baynes's and Eclectic Energies I\u00a0Ching", "title": "", "outputColName": "Eclectic Energies I Ching", "url": "http://www.eclecticenergies.com/iching/comparison.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00138-ip-10-236-191-2_430571237_0.json"} {"task": "fcb80f97_bl__Genesis_1_to_12_first_part__The_Brown_Bible", "input": "[King James Version] 8. And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, sayin [The World English Bible] 8. God spoke to Noah and to his sons with him, saying [The Brown Bible] ", "output": "8. Then God said to Noah and his sons,", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Parallel Brown & KJV & WEB Bibl: Genesis 1 to 12 first part", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Brown Bible", "url": "http://www.creation-science-prophecy.com/brownbible/brownbiblecomparison.html", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00299-ip-10-236-191-2_388997301_24.json"} {"task": "fcb80f97_bl__Genesis_1_to_12_first_part__The_Brown_Bible", "input": "[King James Version] 9. And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you; [The World English Bible] 9. \"As for me, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your offspring after you, [The Brown Bible] ", "output": "9. \"Notice and observe that it is I, Myself; who makes this agreement with you and all your offspring who come after you,", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Parallel Brown & KJV & WEB Bibl: Genesis 1 to 12 first part", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Brown Bible", "url": "http://www.creation-science-prophecy.com/brownbible/brownbiblecomparison.html", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00299-ip-10-236-191-2_388997301_24.json"} {"task": "fcb80f97_bl__Genesis_1_to_12_first_part__The_Brown_Bible", "input": "[King James Version] 10. And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go out of the ark, to every beast of the earth. [The World English Bible] 10. and with every living creature that is with you: the birds, the livestock, and every animal of the earth with you, of all that go out of the ship, even every animal of the earth [The Brown Bible] ", "output": "10. and also with every living creature that is with you; birds, tame animals, and all the wild animals; Everything that came out of the ark with you. This includes every animal on land.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Parallel Brown & KJV & WEB Bibl: Genesis 1 to 12 first part", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Brown Bible", "url": "http://www.creation-science-prophecy.com/brownbible/brownbiblecomparison.html", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00299-ip-10-236-191-2_388997301_24.json"} {"task": "fcb80f97_bl__Genesis_1_to_12_first_part__The_Brown_Bible", "input": "[King James Version] 11. And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth. [The World English Bible] 11. I will establish my covenant with you: all flesh will not be cut off any more by the waters of the flood, neither will there ever again be a flood to destroy the earth.\" [The Brown Bible] ", "output": "11. I make this agreement with you: It is a pledge that I will keep. I will never again destroy all living things by a flood of water. Never again will I destroy the land with a flood.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Parallel Brown & KJV & WEB Bibl: Genesis 1 to 12 first part", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Brown Bible", "url": "http://www.creation-science-prophecy.com/brownbible/brownbiblecomparison.html", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00299-ip-10-236-191-2_388997301_24.json"} {"task": "fcb80f97_bl__Genesis_1_to_12_first_part__The_Brown_Bible", "input": "[King James Version] 12. And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: [The World English Bible] 12. God said, \"This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: [The Brown Bible] ", "output": "12. And God said, \"This is the sign of the agreement between Me and you and every living creature that is with you, and for all the future generations.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Parallel Brown & KJV & WEB Bibl: Genesis 1 to 12 first part", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Brown Bible", "url": "http://www.creation-science-prophecy.com/brownbible/brownbiblecomparison.html", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00299-ip-10-236-191-2_388997301_24.json"} {"task": "fcb80f97_bl__Genesis_1_to_12_first_part__The_Brown_Bible", "input": "[King James Version] 13. I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. [The World English Bible] 13. I set my rainbow in the cloud, and it will be for a sign of a covenant between me and the earth. [The Brown Bible] ", "output": "13. I place my rainbow in the clouds, and it will serve as the sign of the agreement between me and the land.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Parallel Brown & KJV & WEB Bibl: Genesis 1 to 12 first part", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Brown Bible", "url": "http://www.creation-science-prophecy.com/brownbible/brownbiblecomparison.html", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00299-ip-10-236-191-2_388997301_24.json"} {"task": "fcb80f97_bl__Genesis_1_to_12_first_part__The_Brown_Bible", "input": "[King James Version] 14. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud: [The World English Bible] 14. It will happen, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow will be seen in the cloud, [The Brown Bible] ", "output": "14. So, when I bring clouds over the land, then the rainbow will appear in the clouds.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Parallel Brown & KJV & WEB Bibl: Genesis 1 to 12 first part", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Brown Bible", "url": "http://www.creation-science-prophecy.com/brownbible/brownbiblecomparison.html", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00299-ip-10-236-191-2_388997301_24.json"} {"task": "fcb80f97_bl__Genesis_1_to_12_first_part__The_Brown_Bible", "input": "[King James Version] 15. And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. [The World English Bible] 15. and I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh, and the waters will no more become a flood to destroy all flesh [The Brown Bible] ", "output": "15. And I will remember and pay attention to my agreement between Me and you and every living creature, so that the waters will never again become a flood to destroy all life on the land.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Parallel Brown & KJV & WEB Bibl: Genesis 1 to 12 first part", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Brown Bible", "url": "http://www.creation-science-prophecy.com/brownbible/brownbiblecomparison.html", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00299-ip-10-236-191-2_388997301_24.json"} {"task": "fcb80f97_bl__Genesis_1_to_12_first_part__The_Brown_Bible", "input": "[King James Version] 16. And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. [The World English Bible] 16. The rainbow will be in the cloud. I will look at it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.\" [The Brown Bible] ", "output": "16. When the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and I will pay attention to the agreement that will last as long as the land continues, between me and every living thing on the land.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Parallel Brown & KJV & WEB Bibl: Genesis 1 to 12 first part", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Brown Bible", "url": "http://www.creation-science-prophecy.com/brownbible/brownbiblecomparison.html", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00299-ip-10-236-191-2_388997301_24.json"} {"task": "fcb80f97_bl__Genesis_1_to_12_first_part__The_Brown_Bible", "input": "[King James Version] 17. And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth. [The World English Bible] 17. God said to Noah, \"This is the token of the covenant which I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth.\" [The Brown Bible] ", "output": "17. So God said to Noah, \"This rainbow is a sign of the agreement, a solemn pledge, that I make with all living things on land.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Parallel Brown & KJV & WEB Bibl: Genesis 1 to 12 first part", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Brown Bible", "url": "http://www.creation-science-prophecy.com/brownbible/brownbiblecomparison.html", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00299-ip-10-236-191-2_388997301_24.json"} {"task": "09b1a9cf_istian_and_Buddhist_worldviews__St__Francis", "input": "[The Buddha] born Siddhartha Gotama [St. Francis] ", "output": "born Giovanni Bernadone", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Lotus and the Cross: comparing Christian and Buddhist worldviews", "title": "", "outputColName": "St. Francis", "url": "http://www.frimmin.com/faith/lotuscross.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00143-ip-10-236-191-2_463604868_4.json"} {"task": "09b1a9cf_istian_and_Buddhist_worldviews__St__Francis", "input": "[The Buddha] thought his destiny was to become a king [St. Francis] ", "output": "thought his destiny was to become a knight", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Lotus and the Cross: comparing Christian and Buddhist worldviews", "title": "", "outputColName": "St. Francis", "url": "http://www.frimmin.com/faith/lotuscross.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00143-ip-10-236-191-2_463604868_4.json"} {"task": "09b1a9cf_istian_and_Buddhist_worldviews__St__Francis", "input": "[The Buddha] privileged early life [St. Francis] ", "output": "privileged early life", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Lotus and the Cross: comparing Christian and Buddhist worldviews", "title": "", "outputColName": "St. Francis", "url": "http://www.frimmin.com/faith/lotuscross.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00143-ip-10-236-191-2_463604868_4.json"} {"task": "09b1a9cf_istian_and_Buddhist_worldviews__St__Francis", "input": "[The Buddha] loved Yasodhara [St. Francis] ", "output": "loved Clare", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Lotus and the Cross: comparing Christian and Buddhist worldviews", "title": "", "outputColName": "St. Francis", "url": "http://www.frimmin.com/faith/lotuscross.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00143-ip-10-236-191-2_463604868_4.json"} {"task": "09b1a9cf_istian_and_Buddhist_worldviews__St__Francis", "input": "[The Buddha] encounters with suffering led to rethinking his life (sick man, old man, corpse) [St. Francis] ", "output": "encounters with suffering led to rethinking his life (POW in Perugia, kissing the leper, etc.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Lotus and the Cross: comparing Christian and Buddhist worldviews", "title": "", "outputColName": "St. Francis", "url": "http://www.frimmin.com/faith/lotuscross.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00143-ip-10-236-191-2_463604868_4.json"} {"task": "09b1a9cf_istian_and_Buddhist_worldviews__St__Francis", "input": "[The Buddha] renounced world to live in joyful poverty and chastity [St. Francis] ", "output": "renounced world to live joyful poverty and chastity", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Lotus and the Cross: comparing Christian and Buddhist worldviews", "title": "", "outputColName": "St. Francis", "url": "http://www.frimmin.com/faith/lotuscross.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00143-ip-10-236-191-2_463604868_4.json"} {"task": "09b1a9cf_istian_and_Buddhist_worldviews__St__Francis", "input": "[The Buddha] rejected excessive asceticism [St. Francis] ", "output": "rejected excessive asceticism", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Lotus and the Cross: comparing Christian and Buddhist worldviews", "title": "", "outputColName": "St. Francis", "url": "http://www.frimmin.com/faith/lotuscross.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00143-ip-10-236-191-2_463604868_4.json"} {"task": "09b1a9cf_istian_and_Buddhist_worldviews__St__Francis", "input": "[The Buddha] noted for compassion for all creatures [St. Francis] ", "output": "noted for compassion for all creatures", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Lotus and the Cross: comparing Christian and Buddhist worldviews", "title": "", "outputColName": "St. Francis", "url": "http://www.frimmin.com/faith/lotuscross.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00143-ip-10-236-191-2_463604868_4.json"} {"task": "09b1a9cf_istian_and_Buddhist_worldviews__St__Francis", "input": "[The Buddha] taught non-violence [St. Francis] ", "output": "taught non-violence", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Lotus and the Cross: comparing Christian and Buddhist worldviews", "title": "", "outputColName": "St. Francis", "url": "http://www.frimmin.com/faith/lotuscross.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00143-ip-10-236-191-2_463604868_4.json"} {"task": "09b1a9cf_istian_and_Buddhist_worldviews__St__Francis", "input": "[The Buddha] opposed the caste system [St. Francis] ", "output": "opposed the class system", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Lotus and the Cross: comparing Christian and Buddhist worldviews", "title": "", "outputColName": "St. Francis", "url": "http://www.frimmin.com/faith/lotuscross.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00143-ip-10-236-191-2_463604868_4.json"} {"task": "09b1a9cf_istian_and_Buddhist_worldviews__St__Francis", "input": "[The Buddha] received \u201cmarks of a Buddha\u201d [St. Francis] ", "output": "received stigmata after visitation", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Lotus and the Cross: comparing Christian and Buddhist worldviews", "title": "", "outputColName": "St. Francis", "url": "http://www.frimmin.com/faith/lotuscross.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00143-ip-10-236-191-2_463604868_4.json"} {"task": "09b1a9cf_istian_and_Buddhist_worldviews__St__Francis", "input": "[The Buddha] tamed the mad elephant [St. Francis] ", "output": "tamed the wolf of Gubbio", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Lotus and the Cross: comparing Christian and Buddhist worldviews", "title": "", "outputColName": "St. Francis", "url": "http://www.frimmin.com/faith/lotuscross.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00143-ip-10-236-191-2_463604868_4.json"} {"task": "09b1a9cf_istian_and_Buddhist_worldviews__St__Francis", "input": "[The Buddha] founded a religious order with thousands of monks and nuns by the time of his death [St. Francis] ", "output": "founded a religious order with thousands of friars and nuns by the time of his death", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Lotus and the Cross: comparing Christian and Buddhist worldviews", "title": "", "outputColName": "St. Francis", "url": "http://www.frimmin.com/faith/lotuscross.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00143-ip-10-236-191-2_463604868_4.json"} {"task": "09b1a9cf_istian_and_Buddhist_worldviews__St__Francis", "input": "[The Buddha] tried to stop a war by King Ajatasattu [St. Francis] ", "output": "tried to stop a war by the Crusaders", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Lotus and the Cross: comparing Christian and Buddhist worldviews", "title": "", "outputColName": "St. Francis", "url": "http://www.frimmin.com/faith/lotuscross.php", "wdcFile": "46/1438042988922.24_20150728002308-00143-ip-10-236-191-2_463604868_4.json"} {"task": "7f6ac405_Reading_Auras__Clear_Bright", "input": "[Colour] Red [Muddy/Dark] Dark red may symbolize one who has a quick temper and is nervous or impulsive. It may also reflect serious aggression, uncontrolled lust, or violence. Dark reds can indicate illnesses in the reproductive system, or ailments relating to sexual function. [Clear/Bright] ", "output": "The color of strength, strong passion, and willpower. Also a colour of energy, fire, drive, determination and fire. Can reflect anger, love, hate and unexpected changes. This colour reflects love as well, although more to the physical nature of love.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reading Auras", "title": "", "outputColName": "Clear/Bright", "url": "http://witchscauldron.net/cauldron/aurar.htm", "wdcFile": "46/1438042986444.39_20150728002306-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_260236359_0.json"} {"task": "7f6ac405_Reading_Auras__Clear_Bright", "input": "[Colour] Orange [Muddy/Dark] The muddier shades of orange may indicate pride or vanity, as well as worry or anxiety. A person with orange in their aura may suffer from kidney ailments, or lower GI issues. [Clear/Bright] ", "output": "Color of warmth, thoughtfulness, and creativity. This colour may also reflect on courage and joy. An opening new awareness. Golden orange denotes self-control, and self-knowledge. Orange is also the colour of physical pleasure.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reading Auras", "title": "", "outputColName": "Clear/Bright", "url": "http://witchscauldron.net/cauldron/aurar.htm", "wdcFile": "46/1438042986444.39_20150728002306-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_260236359_0.json"} {"task": "7f6ac405_Reading_Auras__Clear_Bright", "input": "[Colour] Yellow [Muddy/Dark] Muddy yellow may represent the owner is shy or withdrawn. It can also reflect too much thinking, being over-critical, or feeling deprived. Sicknessess associated with dark yellow are usually chest or stomach ailments. [Clear/Bright] ", "output": "This colour shows mental activity, and optimism; it can also mean new learning opportunities. A golden yellow means that the person takes care of him/herself. Yellow can also reflect wisdom, intellect, enthusiasm, and early spiritual development.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reading Auras", "title": "", "outputColName": "Clear/Bright", "url": "http://witchscauldron.net/cauldron/aurar.htm", "wdcFile": "46/1438042986444.39_20150728002306-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_260236359_0.json"} {"task": "7f6ac405_Reading_Auras__Clear_Bright", "input": "[Colour] Green [Muddy/Dark] Dark shades of green can indicate one who is jealous or uncertain. It can also indicate someone who has closed off their heart to others, to avoid being hurt. Aliments associated with green in the aura are generally related to the heart and blood. [Clear/Bright] ", "output": "Green is the color of sympathy and calm. It can also reflect empathy, sensitivity, and emotional growth relating to relationships with others. People who are predominantly green are reliable, dependable, open-minded, and may having a healing ability", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reading Auras", "title": "", "outputColName": "Clear/Bright", "url": "http://witchscauldron.net/cauldron/aurar.htm", "wdcFile": "46/1438042986444.39_20150728002306-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_260236359_0.json"} {"task": "7f6ac405_Reading_Auras__Clear_Bright", "input": "[Colour] Blue [Muddy/Dark] Deeper shades of blue can reflect loneliness, blocked perceptions, or someone given to rushing into things. Blue may sometimes represent a tendency to be moody and depressed, if it appears to be smoky, or greyish. Ailments associated with blue are usually throat, or mouth/teeth related. [Clear/Bright] ", "output": "The color of quiet and calm. Blue also represents spiritual devotion, seeking truth. Blue is the colour of communication. A lighter shade means active imagination. Finding royal blue means the person is given to honesty, and has good judgment. Any blue in the aura is good to have, but deep, clear blue is the best. One with deep blue in his or her aura shows a person who has found their purpose in life.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reading Auras", "title": "", "outputColName": "Clear/Bright", "url": "http://witchscauldron.net/cauldron/aurar.htm", "wdcFile": "46/1438042986444.39_20150728002306-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_260236359_0.json"} {"task": "7f6ac405_Reading_Auras__Clear_Bright", "input": "[Colour] Purple or Indigo [Muddy/Dark] A need to overcome something blocking development, or feeling misunderstood. Also intense erotic imagination without release, or over-bearing personality. Illnesses connected with purple are often brain problems, or neurological disorders, as well as mental illness. [Clear/Bright] ", "output": "The colors of one who is seeking something in life that is greater than themselves. Purple reflects the blending of heart and mind with physical and spiritual. It can also mean independence, and a high level of active intuition. Purple also shows an ablity to handle affairs with worldliness and practicality. Cosmic connections.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reading Auras", "title": "", "outputColName": "Clear/Bright", "url": "http://witchscauldron.net/cauldron/aurar.htm", "wdcFile": "46/1438042986444.39_20150728002306-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_260236359_0.json"} {"task": "7f6ac405_Reading_Auras__Clear_Bright", "input": "[Colour] Pink [Muddy/Dark] Darker muddy shades of this colour reflect immaturity, a lack of compassion, or a lack of truthfulness. Also related to heart illnessesm or emotional problems. [Clear/Bright] ", "output": "Pale pinks show compassion, emotional love, purity, joy, comfort, and love of art and beauty.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reading Auras", "title": "", "outputColName": "Clear/Bright", "url": "http://witchscauldron.net/cauldron/aurar.htm", "wdcFile": "46/1438042986444.39_20150728002306-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_260236359_0.json"} {"task": "7f6ac405_Reading_Auras__Clear_Bright", "input": "[Colour] White [Muddy/Dark] Dull or off-white may reflect a newly acquired taint, or the need to continue cleansing. [Clear/Bright] ", "output": "Many times this is one of the first colors you will see when learning to read aura, because all the colors of the energy field are blurring together. It takes focus to be able to let them blend out. However, when it is a true and strong color of the aura, it reflects purity and truth. It may also be someone who is cleansing and purifying themselves.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reading Auras", "title": "", "outputColName": "Clear/Bright", "url": "http://witchscauldron.net/cauldron/aurar.htm", "wdcFile": "46/1438042986444.39_20150728002306-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_260236359_0.json"} {"task": "7f6ac405_Reading_Auras__Clear_Bright", "input": "[Colour] Grey [Muddy/Dark] Dark grey shows physical imbalances, a secretive nature, and deception. [Clear/Bright] ", "output": "Grey reflects a movement toward un/veiling ability. Also neutrality, balance.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reading Auras", "title": "", "outputColName": "Clear/Bright", "url": "http://witchscauldron.net/cauldron/aurar.htm", "wdcFile": "46/1438042986444.39_20150728002306-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_260236359_0.json"} {"task": "7f6ac405_Reading_Auras__Clear_Bright", "input": "[Colour] Brown [Muddy/Dark] Dark or sickly browns, if seen in areas of chakras or energy centers, means those centers need to be cleansed. Can also mean a deliberate blockage. If found in a particular area with another dark or muddy colour can indicate the start of severe illness. [Clear/Bright] ", "output": "This could reflect a person who is very \"earthy\" - found above the head reflects new growth, while around the feet reflects grounding, setting down roots. It can also reflect openness, and an understanding of the world as being internconnected (\"All My Relations\").", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reading Auras", "title": "", "outputColName": "Clear/Bright", "url": "http://witchscauldron.net/cauldron/aurar.htm", "wdcFile": "46/1438042986444.39_20150728002306-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_260236359_0.json"} {"task": "7f6ac405_Reading_Auras__Clear_Bright", "input": "[Colour] Black [Muddy/Dark] On the negative side of black, it can show in a person who's hiding something to decieve another. It may possibly indicate imbalances as well. If seen in the outer edges it means holes in the field. The presence of black spots in the aura may indicate that it is imbalanced in some areas. That may mean that person has some negative habits that he or she should work on. Meditation sometimes helps to reduce these spots, as does things like exercise and sunlight. [Clear/Bright] ", "output": "Black carries with it both positive and negative meanings, despite it having only one tone. (There is no clear/muddy split here.) On the positive side, black is the color of protection. It can also mean deliberate withdrawal or internalization.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reading Auras", "title": "", "outputColName": "Clear/Bright", "url": "http://witchscauldron.net/cauldron/aurar.htm", "wdcFile": "46/1438042986444.39_20150728002306-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_260236359_0.json"} {"task": "7f6ac405_Reading_Auras__Clear_Bright", "input": "[Colour] Silver Lights, or Twinkles [Muddy/Dark] See first column. [Clear/Bright] ", "output": "Seeing these in a person's aura may mean that they are pregnant, or are soon to be. However, it may also represent a person who is allowing great creativity in their lives.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reading Auras", "title": "", "outputColName": "Clear/Bright", "url": "http://witchscauldron.net/cauldron/aurar.htm", "wdcFile": "46/1438042986444.39_20150728002306-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_260236359_0.json"} {"task": "7f6ac405_Reading_Auras__Clear_Bright", "input": "[Colour] Flames or Other Energy Forms [Muddy/Dark] See first column. [Clear/Bright] ", "output": "This doesn't actually indicate any color, but rather a energy form. If the aura looks as if the person is surrounded in a corona of flames, of any color or colors, then it may indicate great personal power or that the person is an avatar of some kind. As well, some people's auras may not be humanoid. They may be specifically shaped into things for different purposes, or many naturally be that of another creature, as is common with Otherkin.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Reading Auras", "title": "", "outputColName": "Clear/Bright", "url": "http://witchscauldron.net/cauldron/aurar.htm", "wdcFile": "46/1438042986444.39_20150728002306-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_260236359_0.json"} {"task": "c464eb76_Prophecies_of_Jesus_Fulfilled__Jewish_Expectations", "input": "Before His ministry began, Jesus was so respected as an observant Jewish man that He was regularly taught and read scriptures in His synagogue's Sabbath meeting. Jesus was by both his Father and Mother a direct descendant of David, Joseph through Solomon (Matthew 1:7-15), thus inheriting the legal right to the throne of David, and Mary through David's son, Nathan (Luke 3:23-31), her line thus carrying the seed of David, since Solomon's line had been refused the throne because of Jechoniah's sin. [Jewish Expectations] ", "output": "Be an observant Jewish man descended from the house of King David", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Prophecies of Jesus Fulfilled", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish Expectations", "url": "http://hallvworthington.com/NewProphecies.html", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_103228505_3.json"} {"task": "c464eb76_Prophecies_of_Jesus_Fulfilled__Jewish_Expectations", "input": "Jesus was the Son of God, who humbled Himself to become an ordinary man to die on the cross. He was looked on as just the carpenter's son, an ordinary man. [Jewish Expectations] ", "output": "Be an ordinary human being (as opposed to the Son of God)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Prophecies of Jesus Fulfilled", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish Expectations", "url": "http://hallvworthington.com/NewProphecies.html", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_103228505_3.json"} {"task": "c464eb76_Prophecies_of_Jesus_Fulfilled__Jewish_Expectations", "input": "As He does bring peace to anyone in the world who accepts Him and follows Him to the cross, to receive peace as the fruit of the spirit. [Jewish Expectations] ", "output": "Bring peace to the world", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Prophecies of Jesus Fulfilled", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish Expectations", "url": "http://hallvworthington.com/NewProphecies.html", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_103228505_3.json"} {"task": "c464eb76_Prophecies_of_Jesus_Fulfilled__Jewish_Expectations", "input": "As He does gather all real Jews, those with a circumcised heart, into spiritual, heavenly Israel. [Jewish Expectations] ", "output": "Gather all Jews back into Israel", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Prophecies of Jesus Fulfilled", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish Expectations", "url": "http://hallvworthington.com/NewProphecies.html", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_103228505_3.json"} {"task": "c464eb76_Prophecies_of_Jesus_Fulfilled__Jewish_Expectations", "input": "As He does rebuild the temple in New Jerusalem, the heavenly, spiritual Jerusalem; Jesus and His saints being the temple, each saint being a living stone, each overcomer of the world and its lusts being a pillar in the temple. [Jewish Expectations] ", "output": "Rebuild the ancient Temple in Jerusalem", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Prophecies of Jesus Fulfilled", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish Expectations", "url": "http://hallvworthington.com/NewProphecies.html", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_103228505_3.json"} {"task": "c464eb76_Prophecies_of_Jesus_Fulfilled__Jewish_Expectations", "input": "1) Certainly He unites true believers from all nations, particularly the Gentiles, in worship of the Jewish God. The Jewish God is acknowledged as God by billions all over the world. 2) Jesus preached observance of the law, and He even strengthened the law. He made adultery, not just the act, but the thought in the heart. He made murder, not just the act, but the anger and hate in the heart. He changed \"eye for an eye\" to: \"turn the other cheek, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you.\" He told us not to repay injury or insult. He told us that restraint of sin was not enough, but that we were defiled by what was in our hearts; so our hearts must be cleansed of even the desire or inclination to sin. And so His true believers, who have crucified their lusts and affections on the inward cross of self-denial, observe the law, even exceeding the law by walking in the royal law of love: Owe no man anything, but to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. For the commandments: \"you shall not commit adultery, you shall not kill, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness, you shall not covet,\" and any other commandments, are all briefly summed up in this saying, namely, \"You shall love your neighbor as yourself.\" Love works no ill to his neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. Rom 13:8-10. For all the law is fulfilled in one command, even in this: \"You shall love your neighbor as yourself.\" Gal 5:14 Do we then render inoperative the law through faith? Absolutely not, instead we establish the law. Rom 3:31. A man who walks in the royal law of love, is prompted and energized by God what to say and what to do, so that his every action and word is from loving obedience to God; truly such a man loves the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Deu 6:4-5; such a man greatly exceeds the law. [Jewish Expectations] ", "output": "Unite humanity in the worship of the Jewish God and Torah observance", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Prophecies of Jesus Fulfilled", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish Expectations", "url": "http://hallvworthington.com/NewProphecies.html", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00062-ip-10-236-191-2_103228505_3.json"} {"task": "5a3e9f2c_se_of_Sharon___Learn_The_Bible__METAPHOR", "input": "[PARALLEL] Christ, touching his human nature, is the offspring of David, or \u201ca rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots,\u201d Isaiah 11:1And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: See All.... [METAPHOR] ", "output": "A Rose is the offspring and fruit of a good, though seemingly dry root.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christ the Rose of Sharon | Learn The Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "METAPHOR", "url": "http://www.learnthebible.org/christ-the-rose-of-sharon.html", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_545305837_0.json"} {"task": "5a3e9f2c_se_of_Sharon___Learn_The_Bible__METAPHOR", "input": "[PARALLEL] Christ is said to be \u201cwhite and ruddy\u201d Song of Solomon 5:10My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand. See All.... Some understand thereby his two natures, by the white his divinity, by the red his humanity: the one denotes his natural purity and innocency; the other, his bloody agony and suffering for our sakes; hence said to be \u201cred in thine apparel\u201d Isaiah 63:2Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the winefat? See All.... No object so delightful to the eye, as Jesus Christ is in his exaltation, appearing at the Father\u2019s right hand for us. True and evangelical sights of Christ delight the eye, and ravish the soul of a believer. Christ is a perfect and complete beauty. [METAPHOR] ", "output": "A Rose is a beautiful flower, very pleasant and delightful to the eye, of different colors, red and white, and in some curiously joined and intermixed together, red and white; shows an excellent complexion, and makes up a perfect beauty.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christ the Rose of Sharon | Learn The Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "METAPHOR", "url": "http://www.learnthebible.org/christ-the-rose-of-sharon.html", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_545305837_0.json"} {"task": "5a3e9f2c_se_of_Sharon___Learn_The_Bible__METAPHOR", "input": "[PARALLEL] Jesus Christ yields a most fragrant and lovely savour. What is so sweet and refreshing to the spiritual sense of the soul, as the merits and saving graces of Christ? \u201cThy name is as ointment poured forth,\u201d Song of Solomon 1:3Because of the savour of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee. See All.... [METAPHOR] ", "output": "A Rose is a fragrant and sweet flower, it yields a most excellent and odoriferous scent. This may hold true of every sort of Rose, but it is such an one Christ compares himself unto.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christ the Rose of Sharon | Learn The Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "METAPHOR", "url": "http://www.learnthebible.org/christ-the-rose-of-sharon.html", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_545305837_0.json"} {"task": "5a3e9f2c_se_of_Sharon___Learn_The_Bible__METAPHOR", "input": "[PARALLEL] The Lord Jesus is excellent for profit and spiritual value. [METAPHOR] ", "output": "The Rose is a useful flower. It is full of virtue.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christ the Rose of Sharon | Learn The Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "METAPHOR", "url": "http://www.learnthebible.org/christ-the-rose-of-sharon.html", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_545305837_0.json"} {"task": "5a3e9f2c_se_of_Sharon___Learn_The_Bible__METAPHOR", "input": "[PARALLEL] Jesus Christ infinitely excels all others, whether angels or men; none are to be compared to him. He is the Head, the flower, and glory of things in heaven, and of things on earth, \u201cThou art fairer than the children of men\u201d, \u201cthe chiefest among ten thousand,\u201d Psalms 45:2Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee for ever. See All..., Song of Solomon 5:10My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand. See All.... [METAPHOR] ", "output": "The Rose is called by naturalists the queen of flowers, none to be compared to it.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christ the Rose of Sharon | Learn The Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "METAPHOR", "url": "http://www.learnthebible.org/christ-the-rose-of-sharon.html", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_545305837_0.json"} {"task": "5a3e9f2c_se_of_Sharon___Learn_The_Bible__METAPHOR", "input": "[PARALLEL] There is nothing eminent and refreshing in any creature in a natural way, but it is supereminent, and infinitely more in a spiritual way in Christ. Christ is singular, touching the unity of the two natures in his Person, singular in his incarnation, in his humiliation in his conquest and exaltation. [METAPHOR] ", "output": "The Roses that grew in Sharon, were the best and chiefest of Roses; they were singular in beauty and property.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christ the Rose of Sharon | Learn The Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "METAPHOR", "url": "http://www.learnthebible.org/christ-the-rose-of-sharon.html", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_545305837_0.json"} {"task": "5a3e9f2c_se_of_Sharon___Learn_The_Bible__METAPHOR", "input": "[PARALLEL] Jesus Christ was not planted by man, but by the hand of the Father; when brought forth into the field of this world, how open did he lie to evil beasts, such as Herod and the Jews were? How was he plucked to pieces, as it were, and trodden under their feet? He was laid open to almost all manner of sorrow and suffering, Isaiah 53:3-5 [3] He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. [4] Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. [5] But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. See All.... [METAPHOR] ", "output": "The Rose of Sharon signifies the flower of the field, Sharon being a place or plain wherein king David\u2019s herds and cattle were fed, 1 Chronicles 27:29And over the herds that fed in Sharon was Shitrai the Sharonite: and over the herds that were in the valleys was Shaphat the son of Adlai: See All.... Roses that grow in a field, are not planted by man, and indeed do lie open to beasts, to be spoiled, plucked to pieces, or trodden down.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christ the Rose of Sharon | Learn The Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "METAPHOR", "url": "http://www.learnthebible.org/christ-the-rose-of-sharon.html", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_545305837_0.json"} {"task": "5a3e9f2c_se_of_Sharon___Learn_The_Bible__METAPHOR", "input": "[PARALLEL] Jesus Christ is free for all poor sinners, whoever will, may come and take the good and gracious virtue, and soul-refreshing blessings that are in him, Isaiah 55:1Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. See All..., Revelation 22:17And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. See All.... He is a fountain opened, Zechariah 13:1In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness. See All.... The good that is in God is no other ways communicated to mankind, but in and through him. [METAPHOR] ", "output": "The Roses of Sharon were free: persons might have access to them, when they could not to other flowers that were in close and secret gardens.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christ the Rose of Sharon | Learn The Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "METAPHOR", "url": "http://www.learnthebible.org/christ-the-rose-of-sharon.html", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_545305837_0.json"} {"task": "5a3e9f2c_se_of_Sharon___Learn_The_Bible__METAPHOR", "input": "[PARALLEL] The Son of God is the beauty and glory of mankind, by assuming of our nature into union with himself. It is he who is the crown of mortals, sitting in glory at the right-hand of the Majesty in Heaven. [METAPHOR] ", "output": "Roses and other delightful flowers of the field, are the beauty and glory of the field, they clothe the grass.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christ the Rose of Sharon | Learn The Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "METAPHOR", "url": "http://www.learnthebible.org/christ-the-rose-of-sharon.html", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_545305837_0.json"} {"task": "5a3e9f2c_se_of_Sharon___Learn_The_Bible__METAPHOR", "input": "[PARALLEL] Christ is to be found in green pastures, in his churches, where his word is truly preached, and sacraments are duly administered: \u201cHe maketh me to lie down in green pastures,\u201d Psalms 23:2He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. See All.... [METAPHOR] ", "output": "Sharon was a place of pasture, a place of feeding, where the flocks used to rest, a very fruitful valley.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christ the Rose of Sharon | Learn The Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "METAPHOR", "url": "http://www.learnthebible.org/christ-the-rose-of-sharon.html", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_545305837_0.json"} {"task": "5a3e9f2c_se_of_Sharon___Learn_The_Bible__METAPHOR", "input": "[PARALLEL] Jesus Christ affords a very precious oil, called the oil of gladness, which is of a most sovereign virtue. [METAPHOR] ", "output": "The Rose yields a very precious oil, good in divers cases.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christ the Rose of Sharon | Learn The Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "METAPHOR", "url": "http://www.learnthebible.org/christ-the-rose-of-sharon.html", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00234-ip-10-236-191-2_545305837_0.json"} {"task": "f4b931cf_ing_form_or_infinitive_English__To_go_on", "input": "[To admit] To avoid [To dislike] To enjoy [To postpone] To practise [To go on] ", "output": "To imagine", "options": ["To imagine", "To involve", "To keep (on)", "To leave off", "To mind", "To miss"], "pageTitle": "-ing form or infinitive-English", "title": "", "outputColName": "To go on", "url": "http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-3979.php", "wdcFile": "4/1438042991076.30_20150728002311-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_750753834_4.json"} {"task": "f4b931cf_ing_form_or_infinitive_English__To_go_on", "input": "[To admit] To burst out [To dislike] To fancy [To postpone] To risk [To go on] ", "output": "To involve", "options": ["To imagine", "To involve", "To keep (on)", "To leave off", "To mind", "To miss"], "pageTitle": "-ing form or infinitive-English", "title": "", "outputColName": "To go on", "url": "http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-3979.php", "wdcFile": "4/1438042991076.30_20150728002311-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_750753834_4.json"} {"task": "f4b931cf_ing_form_or_infinitive_English__To_go_on", "input": "[To admit] To carry on [To dislike] To fancy [To postpone] To spend [To go on] ", "output": "To keep (on)", "options": ["To imagine", "To involve", "To keep (on)", "To leave off", "To mind", "To miss"], "pageTitle": "-ing form or infinitive-English", "title": "", "outputColName": "To go on", "url": "http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-3979.php", "wdcFile": "4/1438042991076.30_20150728002311-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_750753834_4.json"} {"task": "f4b931cf_ing_form_or_infinitive_English__To_go_on", "input": "[To admit] To consider [To dislike] To finish [To postpone] To stop [To go on] ", "output": "To leave off", "options": ["To imagine", "To involve", "To keep (on)", "To leave off", "To mind", "To miss"], "pageTitle": "-ing form or infinitive-English", "title": "", "outputColName": "To go on", "url": "http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-3979.php", "wdcFile": "4/1438042991076.30_20150728002311-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_750753834_4.json"} {"task": "f4b931cf_ing_form_or_infinitive_English__To_go_on", "input": "[To admit] To delay [To dislike] To give up [To postpone] To suggest [To go on] ", "output": "To mind", "options": ["To imagine", "To involve", "To keep (on)", "To leave off", "To mind", "To miss"], "pageTitle": "-ing form or infinitive-English", "title": "", "outputColName": "To go on", "url": "http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-3979.php", "wdcFile": "4/1438042991076.30_20150728002311-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_750753834_4.json"} {"task": "f4b931cf_ing_form_or_infinitive_English__To_go_on", "input": "[To admit] To deny [To dislike] To go [To postpone] To think of [To go on] ", "output": "To miss", "options": ["To imagine", "To involve", "To keep (on)", "To leave off", "To mind", "To miss"], "pageTitle": "-ing form or infinitive-English", "title": "", "outputColName": "To go on", "url": "http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-3979.php", "wdcFile": "4/1438042991076.30_20150728002311-00176-ip-10-236-191-2_750753834_4.json"} {"task": "b948bbff_Faith_Formation_for_Adults__Professing_the_Faith", "input": "[Sessions] 1 [Celebrating Baptism] Water [Living the Faith] New Life [Professing the Faith] ", "output": "Gift of New Life", "options": ["Gift of New Life", "Gift of Salvation", "Gift of the Father", "Gift of the Son", "Gift of the Spirit", "Gift of the Church"], "pageTitle": "Faith Formation for Adults", "title": "", "outputColName": "Professing the Faith", "url": "http://www.anchoryourfaith.com/", "wdcFile": "4/1438042991076.30_20150728002311-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_288619197_0.json"} {"task": "b948bbff_Faith_Formation_for_Adults__Professing_the_Faith", "input": "[Sessions] 2 [Celebrating Baptism] Renouncing Sin [Living the Faith] Freedom from Sin [Professing the Faith] ", "output": "Gift of Salvation", "options": ["Gift of New Life", "Gift of Salvation", "Gift of the Father", "Gift of the Son", "Gift of the Spirit", "Gift of the Church"], "pageTitle": "Faith Formation for Adults", "title": "", "outputColName": "Professing the Faith", "url": "http://www.anchoryourfaith.com/", "wdcFile": "4/1438042991076.30_20150728002311-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_288619197_0.json"} {"task": "b948bbff_Faith_Formation_for_Adults__Professing_the_Faith", "input": "[Sessions] 3 [Celebrating Baptism] Professing the Faith [Living the Faith] Gift of Faith [Professing the Faith] ", "output": "Gift of the Father", "options": ["Gift of New Life", "Gift of Salvation", "Gift of the Father", "Gift of the Son", "Gift of the Spirit", "Gift of the Church"], "pageTitle": "Faith Formation for Adults", "title": "", "outputColName": "Professing the Faith", "url": "http://www.anchoryourfaith.com/", "wdcFile": "4/1438042991076.30_20150728002311-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_288619197_0.json"} {"task": "b948bbff_Faith_Formation_for_Adults__Professing_the_Faith", "input": "[Sessions] 4 [Celebrating Baptism] Rite of Baptism [Living the Faith] Gift of Hope [Professing the Faith] ", "output": "Gift of the Son", "options": ["Gift of New Life", "Gift of Salvation", "Gift of the Father", "Gift of the Son", "Gift of the Spirit", "Gift of the Church"], "pageTitle": "Faith Formation for Adults", "title": "", "outputColName": "Professing the Faith", "url": "http://www.anchoryourfaith.com/", "wdcFile": "4/1438042991076.30_20150728002311-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_288619197_0.json"} {"task": "b948bbff_Faith_Formation_for_Adults__Professing_the_Faith", "input": "[Sessions] 5 [Celebrating Baptism] Anointing [Living the Faith] Gift of Charity [Professing the Faith] ", "output": "Gift of the Spirit", "options": ["Gift of New Life", "Gift of Salvation", "Gift of the Father", "Gift of the Son", "Gift of the Spirit", "Gift of the Church"], "pageTitle": "Faith Formation for Adults", "title": "", "outputColName": "Professing the Faith", "url": "http://www.anchoryourfaith.com/", "wdcFile": "4/1438042991076.30_20150728002311-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_288619197_0.json"} {"task": "b948bbff_Faith_Formation_for_Adults__Professing_the_Faith", "input": "[Sessions] 6 [Celebrating Baptism] Light and Garment [Living the Faith] Life of the Church [Professing the Faith] ", "output": "Gift of the Church", "options": ["Gift of New Life", "Gift of Salvation", "Gift of the Father", "Gift of the Son", "Gift of the Spirit", "Gift of the Church"], "pageTitle": "Faith Formation for Adults", "title": "", "outputColName": "Professing the Faith", "url": "http://www.anchoryourfaith.com/", "wdcFile": "4/1438042991076.30_20150728002311-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_288619197_0.json"} {"task": "67c5a5e1_Download_Area__DESCRIPTION", "input": "[PRODUCTION] The Shepherds The Shepherds (French) [DURATION] 15 min [CAST] 8 to 10 [AGE GROUP] 13 to Adult [DESCRIPTION] ", "output": "A story of the announcement of the Messiah's birth to the Shepherds. This play touches down on the humility of the birth of Jesus and our proper response to him. A humorous beginning but serious when it's suppose to be.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Download Area", "title": "", "outputColName": "DESCRIPTION", "url": "http://www.christmasplays.com/Christmas_plays_2.htm", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_356807654_1.json"} {"task": "67c5a5e1_Download_Area__DESCRIPTION", "input": "[PRODUCTION] Mr. Wilson Finds Christmas [DURATION] 20 min [CAST] 10 to 15 [AGE GROUP] 13 to Adult (5 minor roles can easily be played by younger students) [DESCRIPTION] ", "output": "A unique story of a modern day millionaire that comes to understand the true meaning of Christmas after a lunch with an old friend from high school and having his home broken into. What seems to be a disaster turns out to be a blessing. This play is best played out as half stage performance half video projection, although the video scenes can easily be done on stage. Check out a churches production and overview of this play at... http://quebecbaptistchurch.homestead.com/youthxmas200210.html", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Download Area", "title": "", "outputColName": "DESCRIPTION", "url": "http://www.christmasplays.com/Christmas_plays_2.htm", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_356807654_1.json"} {"task": "67c5a5e1_Download_Area__DESCRIPTION", "input": "[PRODUCTION] The Magi A Journey of Faith [DURATION] 20 min [CAST] 11 to 14 [AGE GROUP] 13 to Adult (4 minor roles can easily be played by younger students) [DESCRIPTION] ", "output": "A story of the Magi's journey to Bethlehem to worship the promised King of the Jews. On their journey the Magi run into physical and spiritual trials. They learn about walking by faith as the star is obscured from their sight for a number of days. Upon arriving in Jerusalem they find a people ignorant of the birth of their Messiah and a king that is cunning, cruel and crazed. The challenge at the end of the play is to be like the wise men and seek after God and not be like Herod who would not give up the throne of his life.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Download Area", "title": "", "outputColName": "DESCRIPTION", "url": "http://www.christmasplays.com/Christmas_plays_2.htm", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_356807654_1.json"} {"task": "67c5a5e1_Download_Area__DESCRIPTION", "input": "[PRODUCTION] Simeon and Anna [DURATION] 20 min [CAST] 10 to 14 [AGE GROUP] 13 to Adult (5 minor roles can easily be played by younger students) [DESCRIPTION] ", "output": "An embellished story of the day the Simeon was led to meet baby Jesus at the temple. At the temple a sinner that does not have a sacrifice to offer is comforted by the prophetess Anna. This play incorporates the scoffer from Proverbs, the self righteous Pharisee, the every day average Israelite, but most important, God's mercy towards a sinner. Very powerful ending!", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Download Area", "title": "", "outputColName": "DESCRIPTION", "url": "http://www.christmasplays.com/Christmas_plays_2.htm", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_356807654_1.json"} {"task": "67c5a5e1_Download_Area__DESCRIPTION", "input": "[PRODUCTION] The Perfect Fit [DURATION] 20 to 25 min [CAST] 10 to 12 (more can easily be added) [AGE GROUP] 13 to Adult (One role should be played by a younger girl in grade 4, 5, or 6). [DESCRIPTION] ", "output": "We may not always know where are giving goes, but God does. In this play we see how through the faithful giving of one family, God provides for another family's need. Also in the play, children of an upper-class Christian family learn a lesson about how truly blessed they are when they have an unexpected encounter with a poor mother and her daughter when an elevator they're on breaks down At the end of the play the audience learns that Christmas is not only about giving but that it is primarily about receiving; and that God would like nothing more than for all of them to receive the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Download Area", "title": "", "outputColName": "DESCRIPTION", "url": "http://www.christmasplays.com/Christmas_plays_2.htm", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_356807654_1.json"} {"task": "67c5a5e1_Download_Area__DESCRIPTION", "input": "[PRODUCTION] The Christmas Competition [DURATION] 20 min [CAST] 10 to 14 [AGE GROUP] 13 to Adult, but some parts can be played by younger students. [DESCRIPTION] ", "output": "This story is about two rival neighbourhood families who through their constant efforts to out due each other lose site of the true meaning of Christmas. It is only till things go terribly awry that, through the help of friends, the two families begin to gain an understanding of what Christmas is really about. Very humorous!", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Download Area", "title": "", "outputColName": "DESCRIPTION", "url": "http://www.christmasplays.com/Christmas_plays_2.htm", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_356807654_1.json"} {"task": "67c5a5e1_Download_Area__DESCRIPTION", "input": "[PRODUCTION] Christmas In Iraq [DURATION] 20 to 30 min depending on music choice. [CAST] 9 (although parts can be added or deleted) [AGE GROUP] 12 to Adult [DESCRIPTION] ", "output": "This story is about a young boys struggle with faith in God as his father is sent to do service in Iraq. Things get worse for a while as his father is reported as missing in action. But through prayerful help of friends and the faithfulness of God things take a turn for better.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Download Area", "title": "", "outputColName": "DESCRIPTION", "url": "http://www.christmasplays.com/Christmas_plays_2.htm", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_356807654_1.json"} {"task": "67c5a5e1_Download_Area__DESCRIPTION", "input": "[PRODUCTION] A Christmas To Remember [DURATION] 15 to 20 min [CAST] 12 - 15 [AGE GROUP] 12 to Adult [DESCRIPTION] ", "output": "Coming Soon", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Download Area", "title": "", "outputColName": "DESCRIPTION", "url": "http://www.christmasplays.com/Christmas_plays_2.htm", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_356807654_1.json"} {"task": "67c5a5e1_Download_Area__DESCRIPTION", "input": "[PRODUCTION] Angels On Assignment [DURATION] 20 min [CAST] 15 (although parts can be added or deleted) [AGE GROUP] 12 to Adult (Some parts can be played by younger students) [DESCRIPTION] ", "output": "An excellent play about the Christmas Story as seen from a heavenly perspective. The angels of the Lord are assigned their duties to communicate God's messages to Zacharias, Mary, Joseph and the shepherds. You must read this play through to the end as the last few lines really make the play quite thought provoking!", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Download Area", "title": "", "outputColName": "DESCRIPTION", "url": "http://www.christmasplays.com/Christmas_plays_2.htm", "wdcFile": "4/1438042982502.13_20150728002302-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_356807654_1.json"} {"task": "804416c0_Studies_for_Christianity_Today__Title", "input": "[Read/Listen/View] Access [Category] Grab Bag (Very Interesting) [Summary] Christian fiction can be very entertaining; but, is it based on biblical scripture? If it isn't, could it be harmful to read it? [Title] ", "output": "The Good and Bad of Christian Fiction", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christian Bible Studies for Christianity Today", "title": "", "outputColName": "Title", "url": "http://www.heavenlymanna.net/", "wdcFile": "2/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00071-ip-10-236-191-2_498717808_2.json"} {"task": "804416c0_Studies_for_Christianity_Today__Title", "input": "[Read/Listen/View] Access [Category] Christian Growth [Summary] Sadly, many Christians have confused the dividing lines between positive thinking, the law of attraction and pure faith in God. Learn how the teachings of the bible are related to the law of attraction and positive thinking. [Title] ", "output": "How the Teachings of the Bible Are Related to the Law of Attraction and Positive Thinking", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christian Bible Studies for Christianity Today", "title": "", "outputColName": "Title", "url": "http://www.heavenlymanna.net/", "wdcFile": "2/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00071-ip-10-236-191-2_498717808_2.json"} {"task": "804416c0_Studies_for_Christianity_Today__Title", "input": "[Read/Listen/View] Access [Category] Christian Growth [Summary] This is a continuation of, The Parable of Wheat and Tares - Part - I, in which we raised the questions: 1. Why can't the holy angels of God distinguish tares from wheat? 2. Why does God allow the tares (the children of the enemy) to grow with the wheat (children of the kingdom of heaven), knowing that the tares will greatly trouble the wheat? [Title] ", "output": "Parable of Wheat and Tares Part - II", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christian Bible Studies for Christianity Today", "title": "", "outputColName": "Title", "url": "http://www.heavenlymanna.net/", "wdcFile": "2/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00071-ip-10-236-191-2_498717808_2.json"} {"task": "804416c0_Studies_for_Christianity_Today__Title", "input": "[Read/Listen/View] Access [Category] The Paranormal [Summary] We know that in television world haunted dolls exist. They talk, walk, think, growl, and sometimes they kill. But, certainly they cannot be haunted, possessed, or cursed in real life--or can they? Learn of the real life mysterious experience a young teenaged girl had with her baby doll. Also, at the end of this content are links to our Christian articles that tackle the subject of cursed objects from a biblical perspective. [Title] ", "output": "Haunted Dolls: Do They Really Exist?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christian Bible Studies for Christianity Today", "title": "", "outputColName": "Title", "url": "http://www.heavenlymanna.net/", "wdcFile": "2/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00071-ip-10-236-191-2_498717808_2.json"} {"task": "804416c0_Studies_for_Christianity_Today__Title", "input": "[Read/Listen/View] Access [Category] Grab Bag (Very Interesting) [Summary] Do you love to read? If so, read free short stories online at TheBestFiction.com launched in 2013. Whether you like inspirational true stories, flash fiction, romance, Christian fiction, or ghost stories, you will find some of the best fiction that has been published at our site. [Title] ", "output": "The Best Free Short Stories Online: Fiction Based on True Stories", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christian Bible Studies for Christianity Today", "title": "", "outputColName": "Title", "url": "http://www.heavenlymanna.net/", "wdcFile": "2/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00071-ip-10-236-191-2_498717808_2.json"} {"task": "804416c0_Studies_for_Christianity_Today__Title", "input": "[Read/Listen/View] Access [Category] Physical/Mental Health and Wellness [Summary] There are four personal protective equipment levels about which emergency medical technicians (EMTs), paramedics, firefighters, and law officers learn. This is an introduction and overview of those levels. [Title] ", "output": "Personal Protective Equipment Levels for HazMat Operations", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christian Bible Studies for Christianity Today", "title": "", "outputColName": "Title", "url": "http://www.heavenlymanna.net/", "wdcFile": "2/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00071-ip-10-236-191-2_498717808_2.json"} {"task": "804416c0_Studies_for_Christianity_Today__Title", "input": "[Read/Listen/View] Access [Category] Christian Growth [Summary] Learn of the power of intercessory prayer for those things that must have God's intervention in order to be moved or resolved. The Christian Bible stresses the need for the true followers of Christ to pray intercessory prayer as the Holy Spirit leads. Few believers realize that even baby Christians should be encouraged to experience the power of intercessory prayer for God's intervention into their life and into the lives of those for whom they care. [Title] ", "output": "The Power of Intercessory Prayer - Part I", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Christian Bible Studies for Christianity Today", "title": "", "outputColName": "Title", "url": "http://www.heavenlymanna.net/", "wdcFile": "2/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00071-ip-10-236-191-2_498717808_2.json"} {"task": "e035bbf7___David_W__Orme_Johnson__Ph_D___Short_Response", "input": "[Question] Is the Transcendental Meditation organization a cult? [Full Response] Is TM a cult?(click here ) [Short Response] ", "output": "The Transcendental Meditation organization does not have any of the defining characteristics of a cult. The TM organization is not isolated, but interacts openly on both personal and professional levels with all levels of the larger society. There are no intense indoctrination methods. Most people who learn the technique never join the organization, and those that do join and stay do so purely of their own volition. There is no unquestioned allegiance to Maharishi, but rather Maharishi invites open discussion on all topics in public forums, including regular globally televised press conferences. Research shows that those involved in the organization are physically and mentally healthier than the norm. The Transcendental Meditation technique produces physiological and psychological changes that are in the opposite direction of a cult, including increased open-mindedness, increased ability to see the perspective of others, increased resistance to social pressure, increased intelligence and creativity.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Individual Effects - David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D.", "title": "", "outputColName": "Short Response", "url": "http://www.truthabouttm.org/truth/IndividualEffects/index.cfm", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00276-ip-10-236-191-2_808995760_17.json"} {"task": "e035bbf7___David_W__Orme_Johnson__Ph_D___Short_Response", "input": "[Question] Is the Transcendental Meditation program a religion? [Full Response] Is TM a religion?(click here ) [Short Response] ", "output": "Although the Transcendental Meditation program originates from humanity's oldest continuous spiritual tradition, the Vedic tradition of India, it is not a religion per se because it requires no belief, faith, or change in life style to practice the technique or gain its benefits. The Transcendental Meditation program is practiced by people and religious leaders of all faiths. Maharishi University of Management is nonsectarian and its faculty, staff, and students represent all the major religions of the world.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Individual Effects - David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D.", "title": "", "outputColName": "Short Response", "url": "http://www.truthabouttm.org/truth/IndividualEffects/index.cfm", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00276-ip-10-236-191-2_808995760_17.json"} {"task": "e035bbf7___David_W__Orme_Johnson__Ph_D___Short_Response", "input": "[Question] Isn't transcendental consciousness just a metaphysical state? [Full Response] Is TC just a metaphysical state? (click here ) [Short Response] ", "output": "Extensive research shows that transcendental consciousness is a unique neurophysiological state of restful alertness, referred to by physiologists as a wakeful hypometabolic state, characterized by decreased metabolic activity together with increased EEG coherence. Recent research has distinguished transcendental consciousness from other states during meditation.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Individual Effects - David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D.", "title": "", "outputColName": "Short Response", "url": "http://www.truthabouttm.org/truth/IndividualEffects/index.cfm", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00276-ip-10-236-191-2_808995760_17.json"} {"task": "e035bbf7___David_W__Orme_Johnson__Ph_D___Short_Response", "input": "[Question] Is anyone getting enlightened? [Short Response] ", "output": "Many people are experiencing the classical milestones of enlightenment, which arise from regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation program. These include witnessing of sleep and activity, equanimity during challenging experiences, and increase creativity. Recent published research on these individuals has scientifically verified the reality of unique physiological characteristics and benefits of enlightenment. Moreover, the entire body of research on the Transcendental Meditation program demonstrates holistic development of the qualities of enlightenment.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Individual Effects - David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D.", "title": "", "outputColName": "Short Response", "url": "http://www.truthabouttm.org/truth/IndividualEffects/index.cfm", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00276-ip-10-236-191-2_808995760_17.json"} {"task": "e035bbf7___David_W__Orme_Johnson__Ph_D___Short_Response", "input": "[Question] Is suffering a necessary part of the creative process? [Short Response] ", "output": "Research shows that creativity arises from the silent inner depths of bliss consciousness. The writings of artists who suffered in their lives, such as van Gogh, indicate that their creative process was an escape from their suffering, not that suffering was the cause of their creativity. Their periods of suffering were down times when they could not create.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Individual Effects - David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D.", "title": "", "outputColName": "Short Response", "url": "http://www.truthabouttm.org/truth/IndividualEffects/index.cfm", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00276-ip-10-236-191-2_808995760_17.json"} {"task": "e035bbf7___David_W__Orme_Johnson__Ph_D___Short_Response", "input": "[Question] Is it necessary to suffer on the path to enlightenment? [Short Response] ", "output": "Any negative effects that one experiences on the path to enlightenment arise from pre-existing conditions in the individual that he has created for himself through his past behavior. These stresses in the system are blocks on the path to enlightenment, and the Transcendental Meditation program normalizes them as one progresses. An individual with few stresses would not experience any negativity on the path to enlightenment. In principle, suffering is completely unnecessary for gaining enlightenment or for attaining anything else.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Individual Effects - David W. Orme-Johnson, Ph.D.", "title": "", "outputColName": "Short Response", "url": "http://www.truthabouttm.org/truth/IndividualEffects/index.cfm", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00276-ip-10-236-191-2_808995760_17.json"} {"task": "d8e57a2e_Curriculum_for_Family_Ministry__DESCRIPTION", "input": "[ACTIVITY] Flowers [NAME OF LESSON] Easter around the World: Bedouin Encampment [DESCRIPTION] ", "output": "Investigate the symbolism behind a wide variety of flowers and horticulture in relation to the Easter message of the Resurrection and new life. Then go to a flower shop or a nursery in search of those flowers. Consider a field trip or family excursion to a local botanic garden or conservatory with displays of Easter flowers.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sunday School Curriculum for Family Ministry", "title": "", "outputColName": "DESCRIPTION", "url": "http://www.cstones.com/family_ministry.htm", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00193-ip-10-236-191-2_410959772_1.json"} {"task": "d8e57a2e_Curriculum_for_Family_Ministry__DESCRIPTION", "input": "[ACTIVITY] Bible software [NAME OF LESSON] Easter around the World: Bible @ Your Fingertips [DESCRIPTION] ", "output": "Explore the Holy Sepulchre (the site of Jesus' crucifixion and entombment) in the software Pathways through Jerusalem. Use your home computer as a tool for family-friendly Bible Study. This particular program features nine different tour guides of Jerusalem from across the millennia. This makes a nice connection to the Mary & Martha's B&B lesson.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sunday School Curriculum for Family Ministry", "title": "", "outputColName": "DESCRIPTION", "url": "http://www.cstones.com/family_ministry.htm", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00193-ip-10-236-191-2_410959772_1.json"} {"task": "d8e57a2e_Curriculum_for_Family_Ministry__DESCRIPTION", "input": "[ACTIVITY] Easter Bunny [NAME OF LESSON] Easter around the World: Bible Improv [DESCRIPTION] ", "output": "Are you having trouble explaining the Easter Bunny? Try this lesson at home to explore the differences between the biblical Easter story and how it is represented by the commercial world in America.Video Live is fun as the children create a newscast that explores the history and origin of the Easter Bunny in relation to the Resurrection.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sunday School Curriculum for Family Ministry", "title": "", "outputColName": "DESCRIPTION", "url": "http://www.cstones.com/family_ministry.htm", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00193-ip-10-236-191-2_410959772_1.json"} {"task": "d8e57a2e_Curriculum_for_Family_Ministry__DESCRIPTION", "input": "[ACTIVITY] Kites [NAME OF LESSON] Easter around the World: Created by the Spirit [DESCRIPTION] ", "output": "Learn how Bermuda celebrates the Resurrection by flying kites. Make kites and fly them on Easter morning.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sunday School Curriculum for Family Ministry", "title": "", "outputColName": "DESCRIPTION", "url": "http://www.cstones.com/family_ministry.htm", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00193-ip-10-236-191-2_410959772_1.json"} {"task": "d8e57a2e_Curriculum_for_Family_Ministry__DESCRIPTION", "input": "[ACTIVITY] Kitchen [NAME OF LESSON] Easter around the World: Eat your Way through the Bible [DESCRIPTION] ", "output": "Make kolaches, raspberry lemonade and kielbasa while learning how Slavic people celebrate Easter. This is a great time to tell your family story of ethnic background, faith traditions and holiday memories. How about doing this as a prelude to dying your Easter eggs? Is there a Slavic church nearby to visit?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sunday School Curriculum for Family Ministry", "title": "", "outputColName": "DESCRIPTION", "url": "http://www.cstones.com/family_ministry.htm", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00193-ip-10-236-191-2_410959772_1.json"} {"task": "d8e57a2e_Curriculum_for_Family_Ministry__DESCRIPTION", "input": "[ACTIVITY] Candles [NAME OF LESSON] Easter around the World: Mary & Martha's Bed & Breakfast [DESCRIPTION] ", "output": "Who can act as Peter, telling his story of denial, witness and leadership in the church. Learn how the Greek Orthodox tradition celebrates Easter Eve at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Share any dreams you have of making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Decorate candles to remember that Jesus is the light of the world. Is there a Greek Orthodox church nearby to visit? This makes a nice connection to the Bible @ Your Fingertips lesson.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Sunday School Curriculum for Family Ministry", "title": "", "outputColName": "DESCRIPTION", "url": "http://www.cstones.com/family_ministry.htm", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00193-ip-10-236-191-2_410959772_1.json"} {"task": "7c8bcdfc_Baptist_History_and_Doctrines__Description", "input": "[Title] Why I am a Baptist [Description] ", "output": "A few reasons why I am a Baptist", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Baptist History and Doctrines", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.baptistbasics.org/baptists/index.php", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00279-ip-10-236-191-2_311747343_0.json"} {"task": "7c8bcdfc_Baptist_History_and_Doctrines__Description", "input": "[Title] What is a Baptist? [Description] ", "output": "Short essay on what it takes to be a Baptist", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Baptist History and Doctrines", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.baptistbasics.org/baptists/index.php", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00279-ip-10-236-191-2_311747343_0.json"} {"task": "7c8bcdfc_Baptist_History_and_Doctrines__Description", "input": "[Title] What Does a Baptist Believe? [Description] ", "output": "A look at the Baptist Distinctives", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Baptist History and Doctrines", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.baptistbasics.org/baptists/index.php", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00279-ip-10-236-191-2_311747343_0.json"} {"task": "7c8bcdfc_Baptist_History_and_Doctrines__Description", "input": "[Title] Where Did Baptists Come From? [Description] ", "output": "A brief view of Baptist history", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Baptist History and Doctrines", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.baptistbasics.org/baptists/index.php", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00279-ip-10-236-191-2_311747343_0.json"} {"task": "7c8bcdfc_Baptist_History_and_Doctrines__Description", "input": "[Title] What is an Independent, Fundamental Baptist [Description] ", "output": "Briefly, what makes an Independent, Fundamental Baptist.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Baptist History and Doctrines", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.baptistbasics.org/baptists/index.php", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00279-ip-10-236-191-2_311747343_0.json"} {"task": "7c8bcdfc_Baptist_History_and_Doctrines__Description", "input": "[Title] Did Baptists Begin in England? [Description] ", "output": "A short refutation of the common position of Baptist historians of our day.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Baptist History and Doctrines", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.baptistbasics.org/baptists/index.php", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00279-ip-10-236-191-2_311747343_0.json"} {"task": "7c8bcdfc_Baptist_History_and_Doctrines__Description", "input": "[Title] Are Baptists Protestants? [Description] ", "output": "A look as to whether the term \"Protestant\" can be applied to Baptists", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Baptist History and Doctrines", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.baptistbasics.org/baptists/index.php", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00279-ip-10-236-191-2_311747343_0.json"} {"task": "7c8bcdfc_Baptist_History_and_Doctrines__Description", "input": "[Title] What is a Fundamentalist? [Description] ", "output": "A short description of a true Fundamentalist's positions", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Baptist History and Doctrines", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.baptistbasics.org/baptists/index.php", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00279-ip-10-236-191-2_311747343_0.json"} {"task": "7c8bcdfc_Baptist_History_and_Doctrines__Description", "input": "[Title] Origins of Independent Fundamental Baptists [Description] ", "output": "A look at the roots of the IFB movement", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Baptist History and Doctrines", "title": "", "outputColName": "Description", "url": "http://www.baptistbasics.org/baptists/index.php", "wdcFile": "2/1438042981856.5_20150728002301-00279-ip-10-236-191-2_311747343_0.json"} {"task": "01a58e0a_tist_Church___SPIRITUAL_GROWTH_U_MIGHT_WANT_TO_PARTICIPATE_IN_COURSE_NAME", "input": "[DESCRIPTION] An introduction to the basics of Christianity. Recommended for those just starting out or who need a brush up so they can share their faith more effectively. The course gives you time and space to think through who Jesus is and why it matters. [COURSE NAME] ", "output": "Christianity Explored", "options": ["Christianity Explored", "Discipleship Explored", "The Truth Project", "Doing the Right Thing", "Does God exist?", "Can we trust the Bible?", "Foundations", "The Crescent Project", "Becoming a Contagious Christian"], "pageTitle": "Custom House Baptist Church - SPIRITUAL GROWTH", "title": "STUDIES YOU MIGHT WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN", "outputColName": "COURSE NAME", "url": "http://www.customhousebaptist.org.uk/SpiritualGrowth.php", "wdcFile": "41/1438042986451.45_20150728002306-00206-ip-10-236-191-2_378628626_0.json"} {"task": "01a58e0a_tist_Church___SPIRITUAL_GROWTH_U_MIGHT_WANT_TO_PARTICIPATE_IN_COURSE_NAME", "input": "[DESCRIPTION] A follow on from Christianity Explored. Discipleship Explored is an informal 8-week course for anyone who wants to make the most of their Christian lives. We look at what St. Paul meant when he said 'for me to live is Christ and to die is gain.' [COURSE NAME] ", "output": "Discipleship Explored", "options": ["Christianity Explored", "Discipleship Explored", "The Truth Project", "Doing the Right Thing", "Does God exist?", "Can we trust the Bible?", "Foundations", "The Crescent Project", "Becoming a Contagious Christian"], "pageTitle": "Custom House Baptist Church - SPIRITUAL GROWTH", "title": "STUDIES YOU MIGHT WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN", "outputColName": "COURSE NAME", "url": "http://www.customhousebaptist.org.uk/SpiritualGrowth.php", "wdcFile": "41/1438042986451.45_20150728002306-00206-ip-10-236-191-2_378628626_0.json"} {"task": "01a58e0a_tist_Church___SPIRITUAL_GROWTH_U_MIGHT_WANT_TO_PARTICIPATE_IN_COURSE_NAME", "input": "[DESCRIPTION] The Truth Project is a DVD-based small group curriculum comprised of 13 one-hour lessons taught by Dr. Del Tackett. This study is the starting point for looking at life from a biblical perspective. Each lesson discusses in great detail the relevance and importance of living the Christian worldview in daily life. [COURSE NAME] ", "output": "The Truth Project", "options": ["Christianity Explored", "Discipleship Explored", "The Truth Project", "Doing the Right Thing", "Does God exist?", "Can we trust the Bible?", "Foundations", "The Crescent Project", "Becoming a Contagious Christian"], "pageTitle": "Custom House Baptist Church - SPIRITUAL GROWTH", "title": "STUDIES YOU MIGHT WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN", "outputColName": "COURSE NAME", "url": "http://www.customhousebaptist.org.uk/SpiritualGrowth.php", "wdcFile": "41/1438042986451.45_20150728002306-00206-ip-10-236-191-2_378628626_0.json"} {"task": "01a58e0a_tist_Church___SPIRITUAL_GROWTH_U_MIGHT_WANT_TO_PARTICIPATE_IN_COURSE_NAME", "input": "[DESCRIPTION] A six part exploration of ethics from a Christian worldview. For instance we ask questions like 'What is it to be human?' and then go on to tackle contemporary world views on sexuality, euthanasia, abortion and so on. [COURSE NAME] ", "output": "Doing the Right Thing", "options": ["Christianity Explored", "Discipleship Explored", "The Truth Project", "Doing the Right Thing", "Does God exist?", "Can we trust the Bible?", "Foundations", "The Crescent Project", "Becoming a Contagious Christian"], "pageTitle": "Custom House Baptist Church - SPIRITUAL GROWTH", "title": "STUDIES YOU MIGHT WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN", "outputColName": "COURSE NAME", "url": "http://www.customhousebaptist.org.uk/SpiritualGrowth.php", "wdcFile": "41/1438042986451.45_20150728002306-00206-ip-10-236-191-2_378628626_0.json"} {"task": "01a58e0a_tist_Church___SPIRITUAL_GROWTH_U_MIGHT_WANT_TO_PARTICIPATE_IN_COURSE_NAME", "input": "[DESCRIPTION] These studies look at the evidence for God's existence using arguments from philosophy, science, cosmology and plain common sense. A really intellectual course developed by Focus on the Family's True U. [COURSE NAME] ", "output": "Does God exist?", "options": ["Christianity Explored", "Discipleship Explored", "The Truth Project", "Doing the Right Thing", "Does God exist?", "Can we trust the Bible?", "Foundations", "The Crescent Project", "Becoming a Contagious Christian"], "pageTitle": "Custom House Baptist Church - SPIRITUAL GROWTH", "title": "STUDIES YOU MIGHT WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN", "outputColName": "COURSE NAME", "url": "http://www.customhousebaptist.org.uk/SpiritualGrowth.php", "wdcFile": "41/1438042986451.45_20150728002306-00206-ip-10-236-191-2_378628626_0.json"} {"task": "01a58e0a_tist_Church___SPIRITUAL_GROWTH_U_MIGHT_WANT_TO_PARTICIPATE_IN_COURSE_NAME", "input": "[DESCRIPTION] This 10-part DVD set presents arguments from history and archaeology that prove the Bible is a reliable historical document, demonstrating how its claims have been upheld repeatedly by corroborating evidence. [COURSE NAME] ", "output": "Can we trust the Bible?", "options": ["Christianity Explored", "Discipleship Explored", "The Truth Project", "Doing the Right Thing", "Does God exist?", "Can we trust the Bible?", "Foundations", "The Crescent Project", "Becoming a Contagious Christian"], "pageTitle": "Custom House Baptist Church - SPIRITUAL GROWTH", "title": "STUDIES YOU MIGHT WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN", "outputColName": "COURSE NAME", "url": "http://www.customhousebaptist.org.uk/SpiritualGrowth.php", "wdcFile": "41/1438042986451.45_20150728002306-00206-ip-10-236-191-2_378628626_0.json"} {"task": "01a58e0a_tist_Church___SPIRITUAL_GROWTH_U_MIGHT_WANT_TO_PARTICIPATE_IN_COURSE_NAME", "input": "[DESCRIPTION] Teachings on Christian Doctrine. So if aspects of the Christian faith like the Trinity or the Second Coming trip you up this is the course for you. [COURSE NAME] ", "output": "Foundations", "options": ["Christianity Explored", "Discipleship Explored", "The Truth Project", "Doing the Right Thing", "Does God exist?", "Can we trust the Bible?", "Foundations", "The Crescent Project", "Becoming a Contagious Christian"], "pageTitle": "Custom House Baptist Church - SPIRITUAL GROWTH", "title": "STUDIES YOU MIGHT WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN", "outputColName": "COURSE NAME", "url": "http://www.customhousebaptist.org.uk/SpiritualGrowth.php", "wdcFile": "41/1438042986451.45_20150728002306-00206-ip-10-236-191-2_378628626_0.json"} {"task": "01a58e0a_tist_Church___SPIRITUAL_GROWTH_U_MIGHT_WANT_TO_PARTICIPATE_IN_COURSE_NAME", "input": "[DESCRIPTION] For those who are interested in sharing their faith with Muslims. It is a non-combative course that teaches Christians to reach Muslims with the love of God through graceful speech and friendship [COURSE NAME] ", "output": "The Crescent Project", "options": ["Christianity Explored", "Discipleship Explored", "The Truth Project", "Doing the Right Thing", "Does God exist?", "Can we trust the Bible?", "Foundations", "The Crescent Project", "Becoming a Contagious Christian"], "pageTitle": "Custom House Baptist Church - SPIRITUAL GROWTH", "title": "STUDIES YOU MIGHT WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN", "outputColName": "COURSE NAME", "url": "http://www.customhousebaptist.org.uk/SpiritualGrowth.php", "wdcFile": "41/1438042986451.45_20150728002306-00206-ip-10-236-191-2_378628626_0.json"} {"task": "01a58e0a_tist_Church___SPIRITUAL_GROWTH_U_MIGHT_WANT_TO_PARTICIPATE_IN_COURSE_NAME", "input": "[DESCRIPTION] Becoming a Contagious Christian is a proven course designed to equip believers for effective evangelism in today's world. It avoids stereotyped approaches that feel intimidating to many Christians. Instead, it shows ordinary believers how they can share the gospel in a natural and powerful way while being the person. [COURSE NAME] ", "output": "Becoming a Contagious Christian", "options": ["Christianity Explored", "Discipleship Explored", "The Truth Project", "Doing the Right Thing", "Does God exist?", "Can we trust the Bible?", "Foundations", "The Crescent Project", "Becoming a Contagious Christian"], "pageTitle": "Custom House Baptist Church - SPIRITUAL GROWTH", "title": "STUDIES YOU MIGHT WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN", "outputColName": "COURSE NAME", "url": "http://www.customhousebaptist.org.uk/SpiritualGrowth.php", "wdcFile": "41/1438042986451.45_20150728002306-00206-ip-10-236-191-2_378628626_0.json"} {"task": "ff794e1e_Book__Color_Interpretation_Key___that_would_best_describe_you_", "input": "[Crown] Third eye", "output": "Celestial. The color of the third eye reflects your spiritual state. Your insights, celestial dreams and spirit guides also affect this chakra.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Aura Imaging - Aura Book: Color Interpretation Key", "title": "", "outputColName": "Experience. The color seen over your head is what you experience for yourself now. It\ufffds the color that would best describe you.", "url": "http://www.auraphoto.com/examples/aurabook/key.html", "wdcFile": "1/1438042990112.50_20150728002310-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_306166214_0.json"} {"task": "ff794e1e_Book__Color_Interpretation_Key___that_would_best_describe_you_", "input": "[Crown] Throat", "output": "Communication. The color on the throat is traditionally energy actively being expressed or held back. It could be a sore throat or a song.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Aura Imaging - Aura Book: Color Interpretation Key", "title": "", "outputColName": "Experience. The color seen over your head is what you experience for yourself now. It\ufffds the color that would best describe you.", "url": "http://www.auraphoto.com/examples/aurabook/key.html", "wdcFile": "1/1438042990112.50_20150728002310-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_306166214_0.json"} {"task": "ff794e1e_Book__Color_Interpretation_Key___that_would_best_describe_you_", "input": "[Crown] Heart", "output": "Empathy. The color of your heart is usually the force coming into your being.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Aura Imaging - Aura Book: Color Interpretation Key", "title": "", "outputColName": "Experience. The color seen over your head is what you experience for yourself now. It\ufffds the color that would best describe you.", "url": "http://www.auraphoto.com/examples/aurabook/key.html", "wdcFile": "1/1438042990112.50_20150728002310-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_306166214_0.json"} {"task": "ff794e1e_Book__Color_Interpretation_Key___that_would_best_describe_you_", "input": "[Crown] Solar Plexus", "output": "The color of the solar plexus is usually the center vibration of your being. It is the most common center for suppressed desires and feelings.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Aura Imaging - Aura Book: Color Interpretation Key", "title": "", "outputColName": "Experience. The color seen over your head is what you experience for yourself now. It\ufffds the color that would best describe you.", "url": "http://www.auraphoto.com/examples/aurabook/key.html", "wdcFile": "1/1438042990112.50_20150728002310-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_306166214_0.json"} {"task": "ff794e1e_Book__Color_Interpretation_Key___that_would_best_describe_you_", "input": "[Crown] Sex", "output": "The energy coming from the sex area is what sparks all creative an social impulses. It emanates sexual desires, but also feelings of love.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Aura Imaging - Aura Book: Color Interpretation Key", "title": "", "outputColName": "Experience. The color seen over your head is what you experience for yourself now. It\ufffds the color that would best describe you.", "url": "http://www.auraphoto.com/examples/aurabook/key.html", "wdcFile": "1/1438042990112.50_20150728002310-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_306166214_0.json"} {"task": "ff794e1e_Book__Color_Interpretation_Key___that_would_best_describe_you_", "input": "[Crown] Root", "output": "The color of the root area is generally the energy of the physical plane and the person\ufffds common reality. This is where all impulses for emotions begin, and it lies just below your belly button.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Aura Imaging - Aura Book: Color Interpretation Key", "title": "", "outputColName": "Experience. The color seen over your head is what you experience for yourself now. It\ufffds the color that would best describe you.", "url": "http://www.auraphoto.com/examples/aurabook/key.html", "wdcFile": "1/1438042990112.50_20150728002310-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_306166214_0.json"} {"task": "24a41b85_BALANCED_TRUTH_OF_CALVINISM__Balanced_Calvinism", "input": "[Doctrine:] Man's responsibility [Unbalanced Arminianism] Rightly emphasise it but believe it implies man's ability & so deny man's total depravity. [Unbalanced Hyper-Calvinism] Deny man's responsibility in a vain effort to protect the doctrine of man's depravity. Reduces man to being a block of wood. [Balanced Calvinism] ", "output": "Believe that man is absolutely responsible for his actions while God is absolutely sovereign.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "BALANCED TRUTH OF CALVINISM", "title": "", "outputColName": "Balanced Calvinism", "url": "http://www.baptistlink.com/creationists/calvinism/balanced.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_302249902_0.json"} {"task": "24a41b85_BALANCED_TRUTH_OF_CALVINISM__Balanced_Calvinism", "input": "[Doctrine:] God's Sovereignty [Unbalanced Arminianism] Believe it in regards to creation & providence etc., but deny it in the most important matter of all i.e. salvation. [Unbalanced Hyper-Calvinism] Hold to this doctrine but over emphasise it to the exclusion of man's responsibility. [Balanced Calvinism] ", "output": "Believe this truth holds in every situation. \"All my ways shall ever be\ufffd ordered by His wise decree\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "BALANCED TRUTH OF CALVINISM", "title": "", "outputColName": "Balanced Calvinism", "url": "http://www.baptistlink.com/creationists/calvinism/balanced.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_302249902_0.json"} {"task": "24a41b85_BALANCED_TRUTH_OF_CALVINISM__Balanced_Calvinism", "input": "[Doctrine:] Man's depravity [Unbalanced Arminianism] Deny this doctrine believing that all men have the ability to repent & believe the gospel. [Unbalanced Hyper-Calvinism] Hold to this doctrine but over emphasise it to the exclusion of man's responsibility. [Balanced Calvinism] ", "output": "Believe that while all men are required to repent etc., SIN has robbed them of the power to do so.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "BALANCED TRUTH OF CALVINISM", "title": "", "outputColName": "Balanced Calvinism", "url": "http://www.baptistlink.com/creationists/calvinism/balanced.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_302249902_0.json"} {"task": "24a41b85_BALANCED_TRUTH_OF_CALVINISM__Balanced_Calvinism", "input": "[Doctrine:] Election [Unbalanced Arminianism] Make it conditional upon faith. Effectively self election rather than \"God's election\" [Unbalanced Hyper-Calvinism] Hold to this doctrine but over emphasise it to the exclusion of man's responsibility. [Balanced Calvinism] ", "output": "Place it where it belongs - in the hand of God. Unconditional so as to put God under no obligation.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "BALANCED TRUTH OF CALVINISM", "title": "", "outputColName": "Balanced Calvinism", "url": "http://www.baptistlink.com/creationists/calvinism/balanced.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_302249902_0.json"} {"task": "24a41b85_BALANCED_TRUTH_OF_CALVINISM__Balanced_Calvinism", "input": "[Doctrine:] Extent of the Atonement [Unbalanced Arminianism] Believe that it extends to every last son of Adam, including those who eternally in hell when Jesus died. [Unbalanced Hyper-Calvinism] Afraid to preach the universal aspect of the atonement (Compare the Calvinist belief) lest they be considered Arminian. [Balanced Calvinism] ", "output": "Believe that although sufficient for all men in its merit\ufffdyet intended to redeem only the elect.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "BALANCED TRUTH OF CALVINISM", "title": "", "outputColName": "Balanced Calvinism", "url": "http://www.baptistlink.com/creationists/calvinism/balanced.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_302249902_0.json"} {"task": "24a41b85_BALANCED_TRUTH_OF_CALVINISM__Balanced_Calvinism", "input": "[Doctrine:] Effect of the Atonement [Unbalanced Arminianism] Largely ineffectual since many of those for whom Christ is said to have died are bearing those same sins in Hell for which He is said to have died. [Unbalanced Hyper-Calvinism] There does not seem to be any imbalance here on this particular point. [Balanced Calvinism] ", "output": "Totally effectual since every last one for whom Christ died will be gathered in, thus making His feeling of satisfaction (Isaiah 53:10) credible.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "BALANCED TRUTH OF CALVINISM", "title": "", "outputColName": "Balanced Calvinism", "url": "http://www.baptistlink.com/creationists/calvinism/balanced.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_302249902_0.json"} {"task": "24a41b85_BALANCED_TRUTH_OF_CALVINISM__Balanced_Calvinism", "input": "[Doctrine:] Preaching of the Atonement [Unbalanced Arminianism] Although sound in preaching the free offer of the gospel, their theology is inherently compromised. [Unbalanced Hyper-Calvinism] Will only preach it as a fact. As above, will not offer it. Believe that the free offer implies creature power\ufffd which it doesn't. [Balanced Calvinism] ", "output": "Preach the free offer of the gospel, assuring every last man (elect or not) that if they come to the Cross, they will find pardon.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "BALANCED TRUTH OF CALVINISM", "title": "", "outputColName": "Balanced Calvinism", "url": "http://www.baptistlink.com/creationists/calvinism/balanced.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_302249902_0.json"} {"task": "24a41b85_BALANCED_TRUTH_OF_CALVINISM__Balanced_Calvinism", "input": "[Doctrine:] Effectual grace [Unbalanced Arminianism] Believe that the grace of God can always be resisted by the sinner. [Unbalanced Hyper-Calvinism] Too much emphasise on this doctrine leaves them in a state of practical fatalism. [Balanced Calvinism] ", "output": "Believe that the elect and non elect alike can resist the grace of God\ufffd but there comes a time when the elect find it irresistible.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "BALANCED TRUTH OF CALVINISM", "title": "", "outputColName": "Balanced Calvinism", "url": "http://www.baptistlink.com/creationists/calvinism/balanced.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_302249902_0.json"} {"task": "24a41b85_BALANCED_TRUTH_OF_CALVINISM__Balanced_Calvinism", "input": "[Doctrine:] Perseverance of the Saints [Unbalanced Arminianism] Rank Arminians believe that true Christians can lose their salvation. Others who disbelieve the first 4 points of Calvinism, effectively believe the last. [Unbalanced Hyper-Calvinism] Although they believe this doctrine in theory\ufffdyet their over emphasise on other points leaves them constantly in a state of gloomy doubt. [Balanced Calvinism] ", "output": "The elect will persevere in holiness unto the end and so will be saved, being kept by the power of God through faith.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "BALANCED TRUTH OF CALVINISM", "title": "", "outputColName": "Balanced Calvinism", "url": "http://www.baptistlink.com/creationists/calvinism/balanced.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_302249902_0.json"} {"task": "24a41b85_BALANCED_TRUTH_OF_CALVINISM__Balanced_Calvinism", "input": "[Doctrine:] Evangelism Click here for article on Calvin - the Soulwinner. [Unbalanced Arminianism] Believe it in although their basic message is compromised & they have no absolute assurance of the success of their mission. [Unbalanced Hyper-Calvinism] Don't believe in evangelism at all. At best will but state the gospel facts, but will not plead with men to be saved as the great Calvinist evangelists did in the past. [Balanced Calvinism] ", "output": "Believe in it - can offer a Saviour who actually accomplished something at Calvary - as opposed to merely making it possible - and have absolute guarantee by divine decree that their mission will be successful.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "BALANCED TRUTH OF CALVINISM", "title": "", "outputColName": "Balanced Calvinism", "url": "http://www.baptistlink.com/creationists/calvinism/balanced.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_302249902_0.json"} {"task": "24a41b85_BALANCED_TRUTH_OF_CALVINISM__Balanced_Calvinism", "input": "[Doctrine:] Holiness [Unbalanced Arminianism] Holiness is to be found among all schools of God's people\ufffd often despite their doctrine. [Unbalanced Hyper-Calvinism] Holiness is to be found among all schools of God's people\ufffd often despite their doctrine. Unfortunately there are those in the hyper camp who believe that if you are going to be saved, then you will be saved no matter how you live. Such Antinomianism is to be abhorred and separated from. [Balanced Calvinism] ", "output": "Holiness is to be found among all schools of God's people\ufffd often despite their doctrine.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "BALANCED TRUTH OF CALVINISM", "title": "", "outputColName": "Balanced Calvinism", "url": "http://www.baptistlink.com/creationists/calvinism/balanced.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_302249902_0.json"} {"task": "f507d7e2_WATCHMEN_BIBLE_STUDY_GROUP__The_second", "input": "[The first] The taken by satan (spiritually) [Verses] Verses [The second] ", "output": "Those left till the Second Advent", "options": ["Those left till the Second Advent", "The true Messiah", "The faithful", "Those saved", "The true Savior, Jesus Christ", "The plan of God", "In that Day"], "pageTitle": "WATCHMEN BIBLE STUDY GROUP", "title": "", "outputColName": "The second", "url": "http://biblestudysite.com/rapture.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00104-ip-10-236-191-2_24782728_0.json"} {"task": "f507d7e2_WATCHMEN_BIBLE_STUDY_GROUP__The_second", "input": "[The first] The spurious messiah [Verses] Verses [The second] ", "output": "The true Messiah", "options": ["Those left till the Second Advent", "The true Messiah", "The faithful", "Those saved", "The true Savior, Jesus Christ", "The plan of God", "In that Day"], "pageTitle": "WATCHMEN BIBLE STUDY GROUP", "title": "", "outputColName": "The second", "url": "http://biblestudysite.com/rapture.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00104-ip-10-236-191-2_24782728_0.json"} {"task": "f507d7e2_WATCHMEN_BIBLE_STUDY_GROUP__The_second", "input": "[The first] The disobedient [Verses] Verses [The second] ", "output": "The faithful", "options": ["Those left till the Second Advent", "The true Messiah", "The faithful", "Those saved", "The true Savior, Jesus Christ", "The plan of God", "In that Day"], "pageTitle": "WATCHMEN BIBLE STUDY GROUP", "title": "", "outputColName": "The second", "url": "http://biblestudysite.com/rapture.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00104-ip-10-236-191-2_24782728_0.json"} {"task": "f507d7e2_WATCHMEN_BIBLE_STUDY_GROUP__The_second", "input": "[The first] Those in danger of the Judgment [Verses] Verses [The second] ", "output": "Those saved", "options": ["Those left till the Second Advent", "The true Messiah", "The faithful", "Those saved", "The true Savior, Jesus Christ", "The plan of God", "In that Day"], "pageTitle": "WATCHMEN BIBLE STUDY GROUP", "title": "", "outputColName": "The second", "url": "http://biblestudysite.com/rapture.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00104-ip-10-236-191-2_24782728_0.json"} {"task": "f507d7e2_WATCHMEN_BIBLE_STUDY_GROUP__The_second", "input": "[The first] The false savior, satan [Verses] Verses [The second] ", "output": "The true Savior, Jesus Christ", "options": ["Those left till the Second Advent", "The true Messiah", "The faithful", "Those saved", "The true Savior, Jesus Christ", "The plan of God", "In that Day"], "pageTitle": "WATCHMEN BIBLE STUDY GROUP", "title": "", "outputColName": "The second", "url": "http://biblestudysite.com/rapture.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00104-ip-10-236-191-2_24782728_0.json"} {"task": "f507d7e2_WATCHMEN_BIBLE_STUDY_GROUP__The_second", "input": "[The first] Satan's corruption of God's plan [Verses] Verses [The second] ", "output": "The plan of God", "options": ["Those left till the Second Advent", "The true Messiah", "The faithful", "Those saved", "The true Savior, Jesus Christ", "The plan of God", "In that Day"], "pageTitle": "WATCHMEN BIBLE STUDY GROUP", "title": "", "outputColName": "The second", "url": "http://biblestudysite.com/rapture.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00104-ip-10-236-191-2_24782728_0.json"} {"task": "f507d7e2_WATCHMEN_BIBLE_STUDY_GROUP__The_second", "input": "[The first] In that night [Verses] Verses [The second] ", "output": "In that Day", "options": ["Those left till the Second Advent", "The true Messiah", "The faithful", "Those saved", "The true Savior, Jesus Christ", "The plan of God", "In that Day"], "pageTitle": "WATCHMEN BIBLE STUDY GROUP", "title": "", "outputColName": "The second", "url": "http://biblestudysite.com/rapture.htm", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987775.70_20150728002307-00104-ip-10-236-191-2_24782728_0.json"} {"task": "b30ad3eb_America___Federal_Jack__Pros", "input": "Constitution [Cons] (1)Any Constitutional Amendments within the Bill of Rights will be null and void. Any Federal Constitution Amendments that are not duplicated within the State Constitution will be lost and unenforceable. [Pros] ", "output": "(1)Federal Government would no longer be the Supreme Authority therefore all corrupt and bad Federal Court rulings would be void within the state. All corrupt Supreme Court Justices that commit high treason won\u2019t have to be followed anymore under case law nor within the state.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "America : Federal Jack", "title": "", "outputColName": "Pros", "url": "http://www.federaljack.com/tag/america/", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00078-ip-10-236-191-2_441081532_1.json"} {"task": "b30ad3eb_America___Federal_Jack__Pros", "input": "Human Rights [Cons] (1)It can be far easier for a state to legalize slavery of certain colors or even all humans then it would be for the US Constitution convention. [Pros] ", "output": "(1)Slavery can still be banned just like within the Bill of Rights. The State would have to introduce a Constitutional Amendment banning any form of slavery and end racism. A federal Government isn\u2019t needed to end slavery but only a government with good sense of morals and human rights support.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "America : Federal Jack", "title": "", "outputColName": "Pros", "url": "http://www.federaljack.com/tag/america/", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00078-ip-10-236-191-2_441081532_1.json"} {"task": "b30ad3eb_America___Federal_Jack__Pros", "input": "Executive Authority [Cons] (1)The White House could decide to send troops into the states that left the Union since they are no longer under the protections of US Constitutional Law. [Pros] ", "output": "(1)The White House, the Supreme Court, and the Congress would no longer have jurisdiction over the state that left the union. All Federal laws will be unenforceable within the state. The FBI will not exist within that state anymore so harassment of peaceful activists and news reporters will be history since the FBI has no regional jurisdiction over a state that is not within the Union.(2)The White House will not have any executive authority over the state, instead the governors office will be the commander in chief. The Governor will decide whether to start war with another state or not.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "America : Federal Jack", "title": "", "outputColName": "Pros", "url": "http://www.federaljack.com/tag/america/", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00078-ip-10-236-191-2_441081532_1.json"} {"task": "b30ad3eb_America___Federal_Jack__Pros", "input": "Government assistance [Cons] (1)All Federally funded and sanctioned government assistance programs will not exist anymore and will collapse unless the state takes control of and sanctions the assistance programs such as Medicaid/Medicare, Supplemental Disability Income (SSI) benefits and other programs to help the elderly and disabled below the poverty line, Food Stamps (EBT/SNAP) also apart of the Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy assistance programs, and other federally sanctioned assistance programs. [Pros] ", "output": "(1)All Corporate welfare sanctioned by the Federal Reserve and Congress would cease to exist.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "America : Federal Jack", "title": "", "outputColName": "Pros", "url": "http://www.federaljack.com/tag/america/", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00078-ip-10-236-191-2_441081532_1.json"} {"task": "b30ad3eb_America___Federal_Jack__Pros", "input": "Park Service [Cons] (1)Since the National parks are designated under US Code, if the state refuses to quickly add state code to re-designate the national park territories as a state park territory, then the National parks can be looted and destroyed since the land was only protected by the Federal Government. [Pros] ", "output": "(1)All National parks within the respected state would have to be transferred to the State Government for protection of the natural resources and preserve the site for future generations. In other words all national parks would then have to be taken on by the state and become state protected grounds.(2)The National Park Service and Department of the Interior would not exist anymore within the secession states but instead the state park service or whatever legal name it is designated as will be in charge of all parks designated and declared by law to be protected and under that particular agency.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "America : Federal Jack", "title": "", "outputColName": "Pros", "url": "http://www.federaljack.com/tag/america/", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00078-ip-10-236-191-2_441081532_1.json"} {"task": "b30ad3eb_America___Federal_Jack__Pros", "input": "Government Supremacy and Authority [Cons] (1)The very Federal Supremacy clause that hurts the states and it\u2019s people, can also be a good thing in regards to state corruption and dealing with a out of control state leadership. Under a secession the Federal Government cannot legally and will not lift a finger against any issues within the state. [Pros] ", "output": "(1)The Supreme Court and Federal Supremacy clause will have no merit. All authority will come from the state.(2)The State will have the authority and right to produce it\u2019s own currency whether fiat or backed by backed by precious metal. As of before the Congress only had the authority to produce the currency by the Department of Treasury. Although the Congress has sold out the treasury to the US Private Federal Reserve complex.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "America : Federal Jack", "title": "", "outputColName": "Pros", "url": "http://www.federaljack.com/tag/america/", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00078-ip-10-236-191-2_441081532_1.json"} {"task": "b30ad3eb_America___Federal_Jack__Pros", "input": "Criminal/Civil/Police [Cons] (1)A Criminal that violated a law within the state can simply flee into another state before the secession begins and be protected by the state against the police from the other state since the police would have no jurisdictional authority under the more recent state of residence with the exception of extradition from one country state to another using a treaty system. [Pros] ", "output": "(1)All criminal and civil cases will be dealt with by the state, for only state laws.(2)If somebody was set-up as a criminal within another state they can be exiled by fleeing to the neighboring state and be protected from the corrupt law enforcement and be safe from political persecution.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "America : Federal Jack", "title": "", "outputColName": "Pros", "url": "http://www.federaljack.com/tag/america/", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00078-ip-10-236-191-2_441081532_1.json"} {"task": "b30ad3eb_America___Federal_Jack__Pros", "input": "Political Corruption [Cons] (1)State Corruption will still exist and state politicians live more closer to people within each respected county therefore if the politician knows a district attorney within the county they can hunt down and kill/destroy political enemies exposing corruption within the state. The only thing that politician needs is an excuse or set up the person for a crime then slam them into prison. Usually when exposing a corrupt US Senator or Congressperson, they just ignore you but with a state politician, they know where you personally live locally and close to where they live. [Pros] ", "output": "(1)Political corruption within the Federal Government will cease to exist.(2)Corrupt Federal Court rulings would cease to exist and can be reset to the very beginning so if a new union forms between states, that union won\u2019t enforce court rulings before the secession. (3)All Federal laws that are corrupt and in violation of the Constitution and harm the peoples liberties will also cease to exist.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "America : Federal Jack", "title": "", "outputColName": "Pros", "url": "http://www.federaljack.com/tag/america/", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00078-ip-10-236-191-2_441081532_1.json"} {"task": "b30ad3eb_America___Federal_Jack__Pros", "input": "Military/Defense Forces [Cons] (1)All foot and vehicle traffic would have to be subjected to inspection, seizure, or even state customs inspection when moving between states. Traveling between states will become rapidly difficult within encountering military and state boarder guards.(2)Traveling from one state to another may require a traveling VISA and Passport. [Pros] ", "output": "(1)All US Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, and any other military force bases would no longer belong to the Federal Government but to the state and it\u2019s governor will become the Commander in Chief unless the State Constitution has no provision for this radical change without the state legislatures rapid and fast changes to the State Constitution.(2)The state will have to forge a State Defense Force or State National Guard, State Army or Militia, State Air Force, State Coast Guard, State Navy, and other needed state military forces. (3)The State can decide whether to create a intelligence agency to counter the CIA, NSA, and Defense Intelligence Agency the intelligence arm of the US Military.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "America : Federal Jack", "title": "", "outputColName": "Pros", "url": "http://www.federaljack.com/tag/america/", "wdcFile": "48/1438042987034.19_20150728002307-00078-ip-10-236-191-2_441081532_1.json"} {"task": "8c2ec201_Argument_For____The_Exponent__rgument_For_Women_s_Ordination", "input": "[Argument For Women\u2019s Suffrage] Women should have equal political rights with men as provided for in Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 8 because\u2014", "output": "Women should have equal participation in the quorums of the Church because-", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Argument For\u2026 | The Exponent", "title": "", "outputColName": "Argument For Women\u2019s Ordination", "url": "http://www.the-exponent.com/argument-for/", "wdcFile": "28/1438042989301.17_20150728002309-00167-ip-10-236-191-2_751327144_0.json"} {"task": "8c2ec201_Argument_For____The_Exponent__rgument_For_Women_s_Ordination", "input": "[Argument For Women\u2019s Suffrage] Women are equal to men intellectually. In fact, if we take the number of graduates from our schools and colleges, we must admit that they are farther advanced mentally.", "output": "Women are equal to men spiritually. In fact, if we take the number of women in the pews and records of the Church, we must admit that they are farther advanced spiritually.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Argument For\u2026 | The Exponent", "title": "", "outputColName": "Argument For Women\u2019s Ordination", "url": "http://www.the-exponent.com/argument-for/", "wdcFile": "28/1438042989301.17_20150728002309-00167-ip-10-236-191-2_751327144_0.json"} {"task": "8c2ec201_Argument_For____The_Exponent__rgument_For_Women_s_Ordination", "input": "[Argument For Women\u2019s Suffrage] TWomen should not be subject to taxation without representation any more than men. \u201cConsent of the governed\u201d means women as well as men; for they are subject to government as well as men.", "output": "Women should not be subject to policies without representation any more than men. \u201cBy common consent\u201d means women as well as men; for they abide Church policies as well as men.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Argument For\u2026 | The Exponent", "title": "", "outputColName": "Argument For Women\u2019s Ordination", "url": "http://www.the-exponent.com/argument-for/", "wdcFile": "28/1438042989301.17_20150728002309-00167-ip-10-236-191-2_751327144_0.json"} {"task": "8c2ec201_Argument_For____The_Exponent__rgument_For_Women_s_Ordination", "input": "[Argument For Women\u2019s Suffrage] Women are recognized in the family as a large part of the governing force. The state is only a large family composed of both sexes. Why should she not be considered in the government of the larger family?", "output": "Women are recognized in the family as a large part of the guiding force. The church is only a large family composed of both sexes. Why should she not be considered in the leadership of the larger family?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Argument For\u2026 | The Exponent", "title": "", "outputColName": "Argument For Women\u2019s Ordination", "url": "http://www.the-exponent.com/argument-for/", "wdcFile": "28/1438042989301.17_20150728002309-00167-ip-10-236-191-2_751327144_0.json"} {"task": "8c2ec201_Argument_For____The_Exponent__rgument_For_Women_s_Ordination", "input": "[Argument For Women\u2019s Suffrage] Women have been given suffrage in numerous countries and in several states in this Union, and partial suffrage in nearly all civilized countries. We have no knowledge of such action having proved to be a failure or of such laws being repealed, which of course, would be done were the experiment not a success.", "output": "Women have been ordained in numerous churches and sects in the world. We have no knowledge of such action having proved to be a failure or of such policies being repealed, which of course, would be done were the experiment not a success.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Argument For\u2026 | The Exponent", "title": "", "outputColName": "Argument For Women\u2019s Ordination", "url": "http://www.the-exponent.com/argument-for/", "wdcFile": "28/1438042989301.17_20150728002309-00167-ip-10-236-191-2_751327144_0.json"} {"task": "8c2ec201_Argument_For____The_Exponent__rgument_For_Women_s_Ordination", "input": "[Argument For Women\u2019s Suffrage] Women are better morally, as evidence by the criminals in the penitentiaries. For example: in the penitentiaries in California we have about three thousand men and about thirty women, and the cases tried before the police courts probably average about the same. We must, therefore, admit that women would be a great factor in promoting honesty, equity and morality if given the ballot.", "output": "Women are better morally, as evidence by the criminals in the penitentiaries. For example: in California, women make up only 6% of the prison population. We must, therefore, admit that women would be a great factor in promoting honesty, equity, and morality if given leadership responsibilities.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Argument For\u2026 | The Exponent", "title": "", "outputColName": "Argument For Women\u2019s Ordination", "url": "http://www.the-exponent.com/argument-for/", "wdcFile": "28/1438042989301.17_20150728002309-00167-ip-10-236-191-2_751327144_0.json"} {"task": "8c2ec201_Argument_For____The_Exponent__rgument_For_Women_s_Ordination", "input": "[Argument For Women\u2019s Suffrage] It is argued that all women do not wish to vote. The same argument applied to men: for it has become common practice on election days to send conveyances for a large percent of the male voters, and many who go voluntarily do so from a sense of duty. Women, being more faithful to duty, will exercise their right of franchise and do it cheerfully; besides, their presence on such occasions will make the whole occasion more enjoyable as well as a guaranty that everything will be carried on respectably.", "output": "It is argued that all women do not wish to have the priesthood. The same argument applied to men: for it has become common practice for it to be hard to find home teachers willing to visit families and be available for prieshood blessings, and many who go volunarily do so from a sense of duty. Women, being more faithful to duty, will exercise their right of franchise and do it cheerfully; besides, their presense on such occasions as baptisms and baby\u2019s blessings, will make the whole occasion more enjoyable as well as a guaranty that everything will be carried on respectably.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Argument For\u2026 | The Exponent", "title": "", "outputColName": "Argument For Women\u2019s Ordination", "url": "http://www.the-exponent.com/argument-for/", "wdcFile": "28/1438042989301.17_20150728002309-00167-ip-10-236-191-2_751327144_0.json"} {"task": "8c2ec201_Argument_For____The_Exponent__rgument_For_Women_s_Ordination", "input": "[Argument For Women\u2019s Suffrage] Women who are in touch with public affairs are none the less womanly, but, on the contrary, they are better and more companionable wives, more interesting mothers, because they have a common interest with their sons.", "output": "Women who are in touch with church affairs are none the less womanly, but, on the contrary, they are better and more companionable wives, more interesting mothers, because they have a common interest with their sons.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Argument For\u2026 | The Exponent", "title": "", "outputColName": "Argument For Women\u2019s Ordination", "url": "http://www.the-exponent.com/argument-for/", "wdcFile": "28/1438042989301.17_20150728002309-00167-ip-10-236-191-2_751327144_0.json"} {"task": "8c2ec201_Argument_For____The_Exponent__rgument_For_Women_s_Ordination", "input": "[Argument For Women\u2019s Suffrage] The time was thought that to allow a girl a high school education would ruin her morals, destroy her religion, impair her health, make her more masculine, and take away her desire to be a good wife and mother. Such theories are long since exploded, and, as we have progressed in these matters, let us progress in reference to suffrage; let us show the saloon element, the gambling element, the selfish element (for these are the opponents of women\u2019s suffrage) that this great state of California is really a progressive state in every way.", "output": "The time was thought that to allow a girl suffrage would ruin her morals, destroy her religion, impare her health, maker her more masculine, and take away her desire to be a good wife and mother. Such theories are long since exploded, and, as we have progressed in these matters, let us progress in reference to priesthood; let us show that this great Church is really a living and true church in every way.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Argument For\u2026 | The Exponent", "title": "", "outputColName": "Argument For Women\u2019s Ordination", "url": "http://www.the-exponent.com/argument-for/", "wdcFile": "28/1438042989301.17_20150728002309-00167-ip-10-236-191-2_751327144_0.json"} {"task": "12e0b605_amaritan_woman___Nelima_s_blog__Samaritan_woman", "input": "[Nicodemus] He is a Jewish man [Samaritan woman] ", "output": "She is a Samaritan woman", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman | Nelima's blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Samaritan woman", "url": "https://nelima.wordpress.com/2011/08/23/nicodemus-and-the-samaritan-woman/", "wdcFile": "28/1438042990112.92_20150728002310-00013-ip-10-236-191-2_868643216_0.json"} {"task": "12e0b605_amaritan_woman___Nelima_s_blog__Samaritan_woman", "input": "[Nicodemus] He is named [Samaritan woman] ", "output": "She is anonymous", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman | Nelima's blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Samaritan woman", "url": "https://nelima.wordpress.com/2011/08/23/nicodemus-and-the-samaritan-woman/", "wdcFile": "28/1438042990112.92_20150728002310-00013-ip-10-236-191-2_868643216_0.json"} {"task": "12e0b605_amaritan_woman___Nelima_s_blog__Samaritan_woman", "input": "[Nicodemus] He is socially respectable [Samaritan woman] ", "output": "She is a social outcast", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman | Nelima's blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Samaritan woman", "url": "https://nelima.wordpress.com/2011/08/23/nicodemus-and-the-samaritan-woman/", "wdcFile": "28/1438042990112.92_20150728002310-00013-ip-10-236-191-2_868643216_0.json"} {"task": "12e0b605_amaritan_woman___Nelima_s_blog__Samaritan_woman", "input": "[Nicodemus] He seeks Jesus out at night [Samaritan woman] ", "output": "Jesus seeks her out at noon", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman | Nelima's blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Samaritan woman", "url": "https://nelima.wordpress.com/2011/08/23/nicodemus-and-the-samaritan-woman/", "wdcFile": "28/1438042990112.92_20150728002310-00013-ip-10-236-191-2_868643216_0.json"} {"task": "12e0b605_amaritan_woman___Nelima_s_blog__Samaritan_woman", "input": "[Nicodemus] Jesus does not fully reveal Himself to him [Samaritan woman] ", "output": "Jesus clearly tells her He is the Messiah", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman | Nelima's blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Samaritan woman", "url": "https://nelima.wordpress.com/2011/08/23/nicodemus-and-the-samaritan-woman/", "wdcFile": "28/1438042990112.92_20150728002310-00013-ip-10-236-191-2_868643216_0.json"} {"task": "12e0b605_amaritan_woman___Nelima_s_blog__Samaritan_woman", "input": "[Nicodemus] He hides his belief [Samaritan woman] ", "output": "She tells the whole town", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman | Nelima's blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Samaritan woman", "url": "https://nelima.wordpress.com/2011/08/23/nicodemus-and-the-samaritan-woman/", "wdcFile": "28/1438042990112.92_20150728002310-00013-ip-10-236-191-2_868643216_0.json"} {"task": "12e0b605_amaritan_woman___Nelima_s_blog__Samaritan_woman", "input": "[Nicodemus] He misunderstands \u2018being born again\u2019 [Samaritan woman] ", "output": "She misunderstands \u2018living water\u2019", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman | Nelima's blog", "title": "", "outputColName": "Samaritan woman", "url": "https://nelima.wordpress.com/2011/08/23/nicodemus-and-the-samaritan-woman/", "wdcFile": "28/1438042990112.92_20150728002310-00013-ip-10-236-191-2_868643216_0.json"} {"task": "ab48f414_ion__Convert_Stories_in_Europe__Convert_Story_Highlight", "input": "[Story Title] \"I received a great grace from God\" [Name] Marco Boni [Locale] Rome, Italy [Former Religion] Catholic (Member) [Convert Story Highlight] ", "output": "Former Religion: In the light of this truth, I asked where the Catholic Church draws the origin of the teaching regarding the so-called Trinity. He read two passages from the book \"Discourses on the Apostles Creed\" written by a Catholic priest in which it says that in the Council of Nicaea, in 325 A.D., the Catholic Church defined that it was an article of faith that Jesus Christ is God; and in the Council of Constantinople, in 381 A.D., that the Holy Spirit is God. There are no biblical bases of the teaching of the so-called Trinity. This fact made me deeply upset, so much that I asked a priest whom I recognized then for an explanation. But rather than answering me in a calm manner, he was outraged and sent me away. Iglesia ni Cristo: Any question I asked him he answered by reading verses in the Bible, never in his own words and neither did he pronounce the prophetic sentence of the Catholic priests that it is a \"mystery of the faith\"! One of the doctrines that touched me deeply is the truth regarding God and Jesus Christ who, according to some religions are one, but in the Bible, they are two and are entirely different. . . . . What determined my choice to become a member of the Church of Christ was when I asked Brother Santos to show me where in the Bible we can read that Jesus Christ is not God. He took by hand the Bible and read to me different verses, among which are: John 17:3, John 20:17, and I Timothy 2:5. These verses left me surprised, especially John 20:17 wherein Jesus Christ makes clear that He is not God. Convert Story-15 Click here to read full story", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Iglesia ni Cristo Converts, Conversion, Convert Stories in Europe", "title": "", "outputColName": "Convert Story Highlight", "url": "http://www.studyiglesianicristo.com/Converts/convert-stories-europe.html", "wdcFile": "43/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00254-ip-10-236-191-2_737025615_7.json"} {"task": "ab48f414_ion__Convert_Stories_in_Europe__Convert_Story_Highlight", "input": "[Story Title] \"A totally new experience for me\" [Name] Rory Johnstone [Locale] England, United Kingdom - Tokyo, Japan [Former Religion] No religious affiliation [Convert Story Highlight] ", "output": "Former situation: I had no prior religious affiliation. I neither had sets of religious beliefs nor made any attempt to avail myself of the teaching of the Holy Scriptures. I was born to a typical English family in England whose religion is called Church of England. Until now, I am still not sure what this means. But one thing I realized was that it is not the true faith. I have now lived and worked in Tokyo, Japan for one and a half years. Last year was a time in my life which proved very difficult. My father was diagnosed as having a terminal illness\u2014. My wife and my son returned to the United Kingdom after a turbulent period which resulted in a divorce. On the other hand, my job required me to work almost twenty four hours a day. Because of these, I felt very low and dejected, often contemplating on my life and its severity. Over the past few years, I felt there was something missing in my life. I have never felt self-satisfaction. I don\u2019t remember praying or consciously asking for help. Iglesia ni Cristo: One day, I unexpectedly met a Church of Christ member from Kowloon Locale in Hongkong. She invited me to attend the worship service the next evening. . . . During the worship service, I observed that there were no graven images. I thought I was in the wrong place. However, the solemnity of the worship service made me feel very humble\u2014the segregation of the male and female worshippers, the uplifting hymns, the formality and respect of the offerings, the honest message delivered by the resident minister, and above all, the sincerity of the highly spiritual prayers. I felt very different. It was totally new and unexpected. Before returning to Tokyo, I attended one more worship service and was handed a pamphlet entitled, Introducing the Iglesia ni Cristo. I read the said pamphlet with a great deal of interest and referred to an old Bible. I checked the quoted references, all of which I found to be true. This was something that has always made me feel secure\u2014the pureness of the Church and her sheer observance of the Holy Scriptures. . . . . . I found our Bible study very enlightening. The truth about the Catholic Church and her teachings was equally astonishing. I learned the true way of attaining salvation. I also continued with my Bible study, attending worship services twice a week until I was finally baptized in Ibaraki, Japan. I have always felt how refreshing it is to be able to find a true and a unique Church in today\u2019s world of false prophets. I can now stand up with certainty that the Church I entered is the one and only true Church. I am now able to cope with life\u2019s trials and tribulations. I can always find solace and peace in our loving Father. Convert Story-30 Click here to read full story", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Iglesia ni Cristo Converts, Conversion, Convert Stories in Europe", "title": "", "outputColName": "Convert Story Highlight", "url": "http://www.studyiglesianicristo.com/Converts/convert-stories-europe.html", "wdcFile": "43/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00254-ip-10-236-191-2_737025615_7.json"} {"task": "ab48f414_ion__Convert_Stories_in_Europe__Convert_Story_Highlight", "input": "[Story Title] \"I thank God for calling me\" [Name] Karl Metzinger [Locale] Vienna, Austria [Former Religion] Catholic [Convert Story Highlight] ", "output": "Former Religion: I WAS BAPTIZED into the Catholic Church in the same way as my parents, grandparents, and most of the people in Austria were baptized. During my school days, I attended the mass and other religious activities regularly. . . . I believed then, that I was worshipping the true God so I did not realize that I was following man-made teachings like worshipping images. . . . . At the age of 21, I stopped attending religious activities because of my ambition to get into sports. . . . My mind was no longer set on reaching that most important goal\u2014being prepared for the second coming of Christ on Judgment Day. For many years, I wandered away from \u201csalvation\u2019s path\u201d and lived without hope until one daysomethingsomethinghunexpected appeneddto my life.my life. Iglesia ni Cristo: In June 1991, I took a trip to the Philippines where I met Airen Borlagadan. I was so impressed by her kindness that I kept her address before I left the country. . . . After a few days, I wrote a letter to her. Coincidentally, I also received a letter from her. In her letters, she asked me about my religion and she also told me that she is a member of the Iglesia ni Cristo or Church of Christ. She emphasized that this is the true religion where God commanded people to enter. So If I wanted to learn more about her religion, she would be glad to invite me to go to her church with her and her family. At that time, it does not really matter to me, which church one belongs, as long as he leads a Christian way of life. But later on, I changed my mind and finally decided to inquire into the teachings of her church, the Iglesia ni Cristo, with her assistance. . . . . When I returned to the Philippines to visit Airen in March 1992, I attended my first worship service in her church and the solemnness of the occasion gave me a good feeling. I had never felt this before. One thing I noticed was the deep devotion of the worshippers. I was also impressed with the way the minister expounded the teachings written in the Bible. Moreover, the brotherhood and the unity among the members (as I learned later) made me interested to learn more about the Church of Christ. Convert Story-33 Click here to read full story", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Iglesia ni Cristo Converts, Conversion, Convert Stories in Europe", "title": "", "outputColName": "Convert Story Highlight", "url": "http://www.studyiglesianicristo.com/Converts/convert-stories-europe.html", "wdcFile": "43/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00254-ip-10-236-191-2_737025615_7.json"} {"task": "ab48f414_ion__Convert_Stories_in_Europe__Convert_Story_Highlight", "input": "[Story Title] \"I am now part of the Lord\u2019s Church\" [Name] Marcel Voshol [Locale] Dordrecht, Netherlands [Former Religion] Protestant [Convert Story Highlight] ", "output": "Former Religion: Although I was born a Protestant, I never went to church. When I reached the age of 20, I started to wonder and think about what would happen to me when I die. It was then that I started to become interested in religion. There are so many different churches in the Netherlands but for some reasons I never attended any of their worship services. Iglesia ni Cristo: I agreed to go and what I saw really surprised me. There were so many people in one place listening to a man preaching about God. It was really a different experience seeing all those people. . . . Attending worship service soon became my next goal. Dressed up in my best clothes, we went to the place of worship\u2014a huge worship building situated at the center of Cebu City. Inside the building of worship, I was surprised to see the men and women sitting separately. I was ushered to the next seat vacant and waited for the start of the worship service. During the worship service, something different happened to me. While I was listening to the lesson, I experienced a strange, indescribable feeling\u2014as if I felt a gentle, invisible hand on my right shoulder. From that moment on, I knew in my heart that I had found the true religion, the Church of Christ. Convert Story-34 Click here to read full story", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Iglesia ni Cristo Converts, Conversion, Convert Stories in Europe", "title": "", "outputColName": "Convert Story Highlight", "url": "http://www.studyiglesianicristo.com/Converts/convert-stories-europe.html", "wdcFile": "43/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00254-ip-10-236-191-2_737025615_7.json"} {"task": "ab48f414_ion__Convert_Stories_in_Europe__Convert_Story_Highlight", "input": "[Story Title] \"I gained more than what I lost\" [Name] Marzia Bangrazi [Locale] Rome, Italy [Former Religion] Catholic [Convert Story Highlight] ", "output": "Former Religion: I was an active member of the Roman Catholic Church. At that time, I was already separated from my husband and was struggling hard in taking care of my two kids on my own. Iglesia ni Cristo: Sister Lory persuaded and convinced me to attend the instruction in biblical doctrines in their area, knowing that if I would join the Church and serve the true God, I would find solace for my sufferings. . . . I was so eager to learn the doctrines of the Bible and so I didn\u2019t hesitate to ask everyone many questions. Since then, my close friends and even my relatives had started to change their attitude toward me. But in spite of the fact that they were against what I was doing, I continued attending doctrinal instruction and worship services. During the course of my joining the Church, I encountered hindrances and heavy persecutions; many of my relatives and friends disowned me because of my decision to join the Church. It was my faith in God and conviction to serve Him that made me strong enough to overcome these things. Convert Story-35 Click here to read full story", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Iglesia ni Cristo Converts, Conversion, Convert Stories in Europe", "title": "", "outputColName": "Convert Story Highlight", "url": "http://www.studyiglesianicristo.com/Converts/convert-stories-europe.html", "wdcFile": "43/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00254-ip-10-236-191-2_737025615_7.json"} {"task": "ab48f414_ion__Convert_Stories_in_Europe__Convert_Story_Highlight", "input": "[Story Title] \"Now I feel God in my life\" [Name] Gregor Stuckert [Locale] Erlenbach, Germany [Former Religion] Catholic [Convert Story Highlight] ", "output": "Former Religion: Since childhood, my mother would accompany my brother and sisters and me to attend the Catholic Mass on Sundays. . . . At the age of 12, I told my mother that I would no longer attend church services as I could not feel anything by doing so\u2014I could not feel God. . . . She asked me to go on attending if only for her sake. I agreed but I attended only twice a year and this was during Christmas and Good Friday of the Holy Week. . . . At that young age I already had a lot of questions about so many things concerning my religion. I asked myself why I was baptized as a baby when I could not yet answer for myself. Another big question in my mind was on the doctrine of celibacy. I could not understand why the priests were not allowed to marry when they have all the right to do so. I asked myself why. Iglesia ni Cristo: My first attendance in the Iglesia ni Cristp worship service was at Frankfurt Locale sometime in February of 1989. Many things attracted my attention\u2014how the deacons and deaconesses were formally dressed, the seating arrangement that separated the men from the women, and the solemn atmosphere. I sat down and observed for a while until I, like the others, closed my eyes and prayed. At that moment, I felt something that I have never felt before. It was an overwhelming feeling that I could not describe. . . . When the minister started to preach, some of the questions that have lingered in my mind since age 12 were answered one by one. After having attended the worship service, I felt I needed to know more about this Church. There was also this invisible force that seemed like a hand guiding me to attend again and again. For the first time in my life, I found what I was looking for\u2014a peaceful relationship with God. Convert Story-37 Click here to read full story", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Iglesia ni Cristo Converts, Conversion, Convert Stories in Europe", "title": "", "outputColName": "Convert Story Highlight", "url": "http://www.studyiglesianicristo.com/Converts/convert-stories-europe.html", "wdcFile": "43/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00254-ip-10-236-191-2_737025615_7.json"} {"task": "fd613608_The_Fetzer_Institute__hers_are_viewing_on_Fetzer_org", "input": "[Popularity] 12,006 views", "output": "Conversation Cards Incorporate more love, forgiveness, and compassion into your daily life with these conversation starters. 52 cards with quotations, questions to discuss, and actions to take. Designed for you to use on your own or with others at home, school, work, and elsewhere. Also available in Spanish: ...Visit Page \u00bb", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Fetzer Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "Check out what others are viewing on Fetzer.org", "url": "http://fetzer.org/pulse", "wdcFile": "43/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00003-ip-10-236-191-2_93794164_0.json"} {"task": "fd613608_The_Fetzer_Institute__hers_are_viewing_on_Fetzer_org", "input": "[Popularity] 8,053 views", "output": "Power and Love Meet at TEDxNavigli \u201cLove,\u201d there is no single definition or understanding that fully encapsulates this concept. Rather, love inspires a prism of perspectives, definitions, and direction. This is what inspired me to curate TEDxNavigli: The Power of Love on March 20 in in Milan, Italy, an event...Visit Page \u00bb", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Fetzer Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "Check out what others are viewing on Fetzer.org", "url": "http://fetzer.org/pulse", "wdcFile": "43/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00003-ip-10-236-191-2_93794164_0.json"} {"task": "fd613608_The_Fetzer_Institute__hers_are_viewing_on_Fetzer_org", "input": "[Popularity] 6,651 views", "output": "Three Fundamentals of Forgiveness My internal \u201ca-ha\u201d brought a moment of clarity and calm. I set my pen down across the pages of my journal and looked out the window. Then, as if speaking from the center of my soul, I said, \u201cThis will be important to me for the rest of my life.\u201dSo began my practice of...Visit Page \u00bb", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Fetzer Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "Check out what others are viewing on Fetzer.org", "url": "http://fetzer.org/pulse", "wdcFile": "43/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00003-ip-10-236-191-2_93794164_0.json"} {"task": "fd613608_The_Fetzer_Institute__hers_are_viewing_on_Fetzer_org", "input": "[Popularity] 5,597 views", "output": "Multidimensional Measurement of Religiousness/Spirituality for Use in Health Research This publication is the product of a national working group that examined key dimensions of religiousness/spirituality as they relate to physical and mental health outcomes. Its 12 papers include brief literature reviews, recommended instruments, and bibliographies for each of the 12 identified...Visit Page \u00bb", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Fetzer Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "Check out what others are viewing on Fetzer.org", "url": "http://fetzer.org/pulse", "wdcFile": "43/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00003-ip-10-236-191-2_93794164_0.json"} {"task": "fd613608_The_Fetzer_Institute__hers_are_viewing_on_Fetzer_org", "input": "[Popularity] 4,903 views", "output": "5 Ways to Bring Compassion to Your Working Life Do you feel disconnected from your highest self at work? Do you wish you handled conflict better? Have you felt burnt out by others\u2019 stress or emotions? Do you wish you could bring more warmth and connection into your daily life?Practicing more compassion\u2014for yourself and for others...Visit Page \u00bb", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Fetzer Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "Check out what others are viewing on Fetzer.org", "url": "http://fetzer.org/pulse", "wdcFile": "43/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00003-ip-10-236-191-2_93794164_0.json"} {"task": "fd613608_The_Fetzer_Institute__hers_are_viewing_on_Fetzer_org", "input": "[Popularity] 4,599 views", "output": "Cultivating Love and Forgiveness in China Spreading knowledge about the power of love and forgiveness to religious leaders in China and Taiwan -- as well as bringing back learnings about the many mindfulness practices in East Asia \u2013 were the key aims of a recent east-west partnership that included the Fetzer Institute.\u201c...Visit Page \u00bb", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Fetzer Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "Check out what others are viewing on Fetzer.org", "url": "http://fetzer.org/pulse", "wdcFile": "43/1438042988399.65_20150728002308-00003-ip-10-236-191-2_93794164_0.json"} {"task": "965849d6___Christian_Research_Institute__ISSUE", "input": "[Islam] Views it as largely corrupt, but accepts portions. [mormonism] Views it as largely corrupt, but accepts the KJV Bible \u201cinsofar as it is translated correctly.\u201d [ISSUE] ", "output": "Bible", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Are Mormons and Muslims Apples and Oranges? - Christian Research Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "ISSUE", "url": "http://www.equip.org/articles/are-mormons-and-muslims-apples-and-oranges/", "wdcFile": "43/1438042989042.37_20150728002309-00025-ip-10-236-191-2_434246598_1.json"} {"task": "965849d6___Christian_Research_Institute__ISSUE", "input": "[Islam] Strong overall sense: believes Islam will spread throughout the world and ultimately dominate. [mormonism] Strong overall sense: believes Mormonism will spread throughout the world. [ISSUE] ", "output": "Religious Destiny", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Are Mormons and Muslims Apples and Oranges? - Christian Research Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "ISSUE", "url": "http://www.equip.org/articles/are-mormons-and-muslims-apples-and-oranges/", "wdcFile": "43/1438042989042.37_20150728002309-00025-ip-10-236-191-2_434246598_1.json"} {"task": "965849d6___Christian_Research_Institute__ISSUE", "input": "[Islam] Experienced power struggles and confusion; smaller sect followed descendants of the prophet. [mormonism] Experienced uncertainty regarding successor; smaller sect followed descendants of the prophet. [ISSUE] ", "output": "Division afterDeath of Founder", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Are Mormons and Muslims Apples and Oranges? - Christian Research Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "ISSUE", "url": "http://www.equip.org/articles/are-mormons-and-muslims-apples-and-oranges/", "wdcFile": "43/1438042989042.37_20150728002309-00025-ip-10-236-191-2_434246598_1.json"} {"task": "965849d6___Christian_Research_Institute__ISSUE", "input": "[Islam] Human beings are basically good. Biblical atonement is not needed. [mormonism] Human beings are basically good. Atonement allows the opportunity to become gods. [ISSUE] ", "output": "Human Condition", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Are Mormons and Muslims Apples and Oranges? - Christian Research Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "ISSUE", "url": "http://www.equip.org/articles/are-mormons-and-muslims-apples-and-oranges/", "wdcFile": "43/1438042989042.37_20150728002309-00025-ip-10-236-191-2_434246598_1.json"} {"task": "965849d6___Christian_Research_Institute__ISSUE", "input": "[Islam] Muhammad received angelic revelations (and other) revelations. [mormonism] Joseph Smith received angelic (and other) revelations. [ISSUE] ", "output": "Origins", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Are Mormons and Muslims Apples and Oranges? - Christian Research Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "ISSUE", "url": "http://www.equip.org/articles/are-mormons-and-muslims-apples-and-oranges/", "wdcFile": "43/1438042989042.37_20150728002309-00025-ip-10-236-191-2_434246598_1.json"} {"task": "965849d6___Christian_Research_Institute__ISSUE", "input": "[Islam] Is sanctioned by the Qur\u2019an; practiced by Muhammad and other followers. [mormonism] Was approved until 1890; practiced by Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and other followers. [ISSUE] ", "output": "Polygamy", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Are Mormons and Muslims Apples and Oranges? - Christian Research Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "ISSUE", "url": "http://www.equip.org/articles/are-mormons-and-muslims-apples-and-oranges/", "wdcFile": "43/1438042989042.37_20150728002309-00025-ip-10-236-191-2_434246598_1.json"} {"task": "965849d6___Christian_Research_Institute__ISSUE", "input": "[Islam] Believes Muhammad was God\u2019s last and greatest prophet. [mormonism] Believes Joseph Smith was God\u2019s key prophet. [ISSUE] ", "output": "Prophets", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Are Mormons and Muslims Apples and Oranges? - Christian Research Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "ISSUE", "url": "http://www.equip.org/articles/are-mormons-and-muslims-apples-and-oranges/", "wdcFile": "43/1438042989042.37_20150728002309-00025-ip-10-236-191-2_434246598_1.json"} {"task": "965849d6___Christian_Research_Institute__ISSUE", "input": "[Islam] Claims to restore true religious worship. [mormonism] Claims to restore true religious worship. [ISSUE] ", "output": "Restoration", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Are Mormons and Muslims Apples and Oranges? - Christian Research Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "ISSUE", "url": "http://www.equip.org/articles/are-mormons-and-muslims-apples-and-oranges/", "wdcFile": "43/1438042989042.37_20150728002309-00025-ip-10-236-191-2_434246598_1.json"} {"task": "965849d6___Christian_Research_Institute__ISSUE", "input": "[Islam] Works-based. Allah will judge good and bad works. [mormonism] Works-based (though some contemporary LDS trends are moving away from this model). [ISSUE] ", "output": "Salvation", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Are Mormons and Muslims Apples and Oranges? - Christian Research Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "ISSUE", "url": "http://www.equip.org/articles/are-mormons-and-muslims-apples-and-oranges/", "wdcFile": "43/1438042989042.37_20150728002309-00025-ip-10-236-191-2_434246598_1.json"} {"task": "965849d6___Christian_Research_Institute__ISSUE", "input": "[Islam] Qur\u2019an was divinely revealed and without error in the original Arabic. The Bible is filled with unauthorized changes. [mormonism] Book of Mormon was divinely revealed. Smith claimed it was \u201cthe most correct of any book on earth.\u201d The Bible is true only as far as it is translated correctly. [ISSUE] ", "output": "Scripture", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Are Mormons and Muslims Apples and Oranges? - Christian Research Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "ISSUE", "url": "http://www.equip.org/articles/are-mormons-and-muslims-apples-and-oranges/", "wdcFile": "43/1438042989042.37_20150728002309-00025-ip-10-236-191-2_434246598_1.json"} {"task": "965849d6___Christian_Research_Institute__ISSUE", "input": "[Islam] Proclaims: \u201cThere is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet\u201d (known as Shahadah, meaning \u201cto bear witness\u201d). [mormonism] Proclaims: \u201cI bear my testimony that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, that the Book of Mormon is true, that the LDS is the true church, etc.\u201d [ISSUE] ", "output": "Testimony", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Are Mormons and Muslims Apples and Oranges? - Christian Research Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "ISSUE", "url": "http://www.equip.org/articles/are-mormons-and-muslims-apples-and-oranges/", "wdcFile": "43/1438042989042.37_20150728002309-00025-ip-10-236-191-2_434246598_1.json"} {"task": "965849d6___Christian_Research_Institute__ISSUE", "input": "[Islam] Denies it. Sometimes interprets it as consisting of God, Jesus, and Mary [mormonism] Denies it. Interprets it as three separate gods. [ISSUE] ", "output": "Trinity", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Are Mormons and Muslims Apples and Oranges? - Christian Research Institute", "title": "", "outputColName": "ISSUE", "url": "http://www.equip.org/articles/are-mormons-and-muslims-apples-and-oranges/", "wdcFile": "43/1438042989042.37_20150728002309-00025-ip-10-236-191-2_434246598_1.json"} {"task": "7aeca03b_Life_Application_Ministries__Scripture", "input": "[Reference] Proverbs 13:12 [Produces] Depression, self-pity, doubt and unbelief, heart problems, anxiety and stress, parkinson's [Scripture] ", "output": "Hope deferred makes the heart sick", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Life Application Ministries", "title": "", "outputColName": "Scripture", "url": "http://www.lifeapplicationministries.org/Rootlisting.htm", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_557307808_1.json"} {"task": "7aeca03b_Life_Application_Ministries__Scripture", "input": "[Reference] Proverbs 17:22 [Produces] Joy, peace, health [Scripture] ", "output": "A merry heart does good like a medicine", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Life Application Ministries", "title": "", "outputColName": "Scripture", "url": "http://www.lifeapplicationministries.org/Rootlisting.htm", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_557307808_1.json"} {"task": "7aeca03b_Life_Application_Ministries__Scripture", "input": "[Reference] Proverbs 17:22 [Produces] Brittle bones, allergies, fear [Scripture] ", "output": "A broken spirit dries up the bones", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Life Application Ministries", "title": "", "outputColName": "Scripture", "url": "http://www.lifeapplicationministries.org/Rootlisting.htm", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_557307808_1.json"} {"task": "7aeca03b_Life_Application_Ministries__Scripture", "input": "[Reference] Proverbs 12:4 [Produces] When women shame their husbands, it can produce health issues in a husbands bones [Scripture] ", "output": "Shame to a husband is rottenness to his bones", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Life Application Ministries", "title": "", "outputColName": "Scripture", "url": "http://www.lifeapplicationministries.org/Rootlisting.htm", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_557307808_1.json"} {"task": "7aeca03b_Life_Application_Ministries__Scripture", "input": "[Reference] Proverbs 26:2 [Produces] There is a reason to everything that happens. Take a look at Deuteronomy 28 to see the list of diseases - these are listed as curses. [Scripture] ", "output": "A curse causeless shall not come", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Life Application Ministries", "title": "", "outputColName": "Scripture", "url": "http://www.lifeapplicationministries.org/Rootlisting.htm", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_557307808_1.json"} {"task": "7aeca03b_Life_Application_Ministries__Scripture", "input": "[Reference] Proverbs 14:30 [Produces] Another bone disease [Scripture] ", "output": "Envy is rottenness to the bones", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Life Application Ministries", "title": "", "outputColName": "Scripture", "url": "http://www.lifeapplicationministries.org/Rootlisting.htm", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_557307808_1.json"} {"task": "7aeca03b_Life_Application_Ministries__Scripture", "input": "[Reference] Proverbs 4:24 [Produces] Bitterness, strive and every evil thing [Scripture] ", "output": "Critical and perverse lips", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Life Application Ministries", "title": "", "outputColName": "Scripture", "url": "http://www.lifeapplicationministries.org/Rootlisting.htm", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_557307808_1.json"} {"task": "7aeca03b_Life_Application_Ministries__Scripture", "input": "[Reference] 2 Timothy 1:7 [Produces] Fear is a spirit that God has not given. Many roots to dis-ease starts with fear. [Scripture] ", "output": "God has not given us the spirit of fear", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Life Application Ministries", "title": "", "outputColName": "Scripture", "url": "http://www.lifeapplicationministries.org/Rootlisting.htm", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_557307808_1.json"} {"task": "7aeca03b_Life_Application_Ministries__Scripture", "input": "[Reference] Proverbs 12:1 [Produces] Not much clearer than that. The body begins dying at the cellular level. We have time to get things right in our heart long before final death happens. [Scripture] ", "output": "He that hates reproof shall die", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Life Application Ministries", "title": "", "outputColName": "Scripture", "url": "http://www.lifeapplicationministries.org/Rootlisting.htm", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_557307808_1.json"} {"task": "7aeca03b_Life_Application_Ministries__Scripture", "input": "[Reference] Proverbs 16:20 [Produces] When we truly trust God, we will have peace and peace produces health and health produces happiness [Scripture] ", "output": "He that trusts in the Lord happy is he", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Life Application Ministries", "title": "", "outputColName": "Scripture", "url": "http://www.lifeapplicationministries.org/Rootlisting.htm", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_557307808_1.json"} {"task": "7aeca03b_Life_Application_Ministries__Scripture", "input": "[Reference] Proverbs 18:21 [Produces] Our words do matter, it can cause others to feel good or to feel terrible which can, if long term, produce illness. [Scripture] ", "output": "Death and life are in the power of the tongue", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Life Application Ministries", "title": "", "outputColName": "Scripture", "url": "http://www.lifeapplicationministries.org/Rootlisting.htm", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_557307808_1.json"} {"task": "e889c1ba_n__Compatibility_Chart_for_Leo__4", "input": "[0] Leo With Aries [1] Attractions The attractions between Leo and Aries could be passionate, fiery and instantaneous. [2] Interests This relationship will likely see a lot of action but both will want to be boss and problems can arise when their equally large egos get in the way. [3] Positive Challenges These are two partners who have genuine admiration and respect for each other, but they need to learn how to take turns in issuing commands and delivering orders. [5] Conclusions There is a mutual admiration here and with Aries as the initiator and Leo as the one who follows through, each has an integral niche within the partnership. [4] ", "output": "Negative Challenges Natives of both Signs can be impatient and proud. Moreover, the Aries partner may be bothered by the flirtatious nature of Leo.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "All about Leo Zodiac Sign: Compatibility Chart for Leo", "title": "", "outputColName": "4", "url": "http://allaboutleozodiacsign.blogspot.com/2013/05/compatibility-chart-for-leo.html", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_4684806_0.json"} {"task": "e889c1ba_n__Compatibility_Chart_for_Leo__4", "input": "[0] Leo With Taurus [1] Attractions There is so much mutual admiration between Leo and Taurus. An infatuation may begin the moment these two become acquainted. [2] Interests Each knows how to stroke the other's ego and each loves to have his or her ego stroked. In addition, the needs of this couple are similar. [3] Positive Challenges Leo is frequently flamboyant about attentions and gift-giving, which will greatly please the Taurus partner, who adores the most traditional forms of courtship. [5] Conclusions Leo Taurus combination is a rather good match, particularly when each partner understands the errors of the other. [4] ", "output": "Negative Challenges Although this pair can work together quite nicely, it is not a garden of roses for these two. Both are stubborn individuals who must work hard to understand and accept one another.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "All about Leo Zodiac Sign: Compatibility Chart for Leo", "title": "", "outputColName": "4", "url": "http://allaboutleozodiacsign.blogspot.com/2013/05/compatibility-chart-for-leo.html", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_4684806_0.json"} {"task": "e889c1ba_n__Compatibility_Chart_for_Leo__4", "input": "[0] Leo With Gemini [1] Attractions Natives of Gemini thrive on mental stimulation and thus, will be extremely attracted to Leo's creative and dramatic spirit. [2] Interests These couples share an ability to adapt to each other's moods and ways, making for a very good union...either because of the challenges it offers or in spite of them. [3] Positive Challenges The Leo/Gemini relationship will be playful and high-spirited, characterized by light activity and optimism. [5] Conclusions This combination can be a good one but not necessarily. The Leo native loves with the heart first, while Gemini loves with the mind. [4] ", "output": "Negative Challenges In a physically romantic sense, the variable desires of Gemini may be a complete mystery to the Leo native, who is prone to love whole-heartedly.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "All about Leo Zodiac Sign: Compatibility Chart for Leo", "title": "", "outputColName": "4", "url": "http://allaboutleozodiacsign.blogspot.com/2013/05/compatibility-chart-for-leo.html", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_4684806_0.json"} {"task": "e889c1ba_n__Compatibility_Chart_for_Leo__4", "input": "[0] Leo With Cancer [1] Attractions Cancer will be very attracted to Leo's regal bearing and fun-loving attitude. And Leo will be attracted to the quiet outer facade of the Cancer personality. [2] Interests Both Signs require dedication and tender, loving care...but while Cancer seeks stability and emotional harmony, Leo craves heartfelt compliments and sincere admiration. [3] Positive Challenges The Leo/Cancer combination is generally one of mutual understanding for the most part. Basically, each knows how to satisfy the primary emotional needs within the other. [5] Conclusions The best aspect of a Leo/Cancer match is the mutual commitment to a sincere relationship. Together, this couple can share a supportive, positive and healthy partnership. [4] ", "output": "Negative Challenges Both Signs like to take charge, but they approach the leadership role from vastly different directions. A multitude of disputes are liable to arise from these differences.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "All about Leo Zodiac Sign: Compatibility Chart for Leo", "title": "", "outputColName": "4", "url": "http://allaboutleozodiacsign.blogspot.com/2013/05/compatibility-chart-for-leo.html", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_4684806_0.json"} {"task": "e889c1ba_n__Compatibility_Chart_for_Leo__4", "input": "[0] Leo With fellow Leo [1] Attractions Each partner here was probably instantly attracted to the good looks of the other and neither would have been shy in manifesting their desires. [2] Interests Without doubt, this pairing will draw a great deal of attention and much notice. Two such stunning, creative and gregarious individuals appear to deserve each other to such a degree that those around them may actually hold their breath at the glorious sight. [3] Positive Challenges Great lovers of pleasure, Leo natives enjoy the finer things life has to offer and this couple would never think twice about showing each other a good time. [5] Conclusion The best aspect of a Leo/Leo match is the amazing fun-loving capacity the two shares, coupled with their wealth of creativity. [4] ", "output": "Negative Challenges Leo/Leo combination would probably not get along as well as other identical Zodiac Signs since both partners would likely be totally inflexible and troubles would undoubtedly ensue before the relationship had gone very far.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "All about Leo Zodiac Sign: Compatibility Chart for Leo", "title": "", "outputColName": "4", "url": "http://allaboutleozodiacsign.blogspot.com/2013/05/compatibility-chart-for-leo.html", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_4684806_0.json"} {"task": "e889c1ba_n__Compatibility_Chart_for_Leo__4", "input": "[0] Leo With Virgo [1] Attractions Leo and Virgo may overlook common interests and believe they have nothing to gain from one another. Yet, this is a relationship that could evolve over time, with each partner gradually understanding and appreciating the other. [2] Interests Leo is by nature extroverted, dominant and charismatic, but often cursed with a very short fuse. Virgo is inherently studious and withdrawn, blessed with far more versatility than Leo. [3] Positive Challenges Although there are obvious differences, this pair can sometimes make for a rather wonderful love match, provided each mate can warm to the other's unfamiliar style. [5] Conclusion Although the two personalities here are opposite in many ways, they can make for a rather complementary union...provided both are willing to invest the time to make it work. [4] ", "output": "Negative Challenges In the early days of this union, Leo and Virgo may see nothing but faults in the other's personality. Leo will probably appear tyrannical and Virgo may seem too judgmental.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "All about Leo Zodiac Sign: Compatibility Chart for Leo", "title": "", "outputColName": "4", "url": "http://allaboutleozodiacsign.blogspot.com/2013/05/compatibility-chart-for-leo.html", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_4684806_0.json"} {"task": "e889c1ba_n__Compatibility_Chart_for_Leo__4", "input": "[0] Leo With Libra [1] Attractions On the surface, the Leo/Libra partnership promises to be an agreeable one. There will be an understanding by both partners of the inner workings of the other. [2] Interests In a romantically physical sense, the appetites here are about equal. Libra desires glamour and fantasy in the arena of intimacy, looking to his or her mate to furnish such [3] Positive Challenges Leo and Libra are both outlandish as opposed to reserved, and a smooth union could result given that each has the ability to appreciate and benefit from the positive attributes of the other. [5] Conclusion The hale and hearty nature of Leo may prove to be too overwhelming for the more sensitive Libra, even though the pair have much in common that could result in a favorable relationship. [4] ", "output": "Negative Challenges Both are \"on again/off again\" workers and will spend long periods simply lazing around doing nothing. Yet, neither will recognize their own trait in their mate, resulting in the hurling of insults of indolence at each other.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "All about Leo Zodiac Sign: Compatibility Chart for Leo", "title": "", "outputColName": "4", "url": "http://allaboutleozodiacsign.blogspot.com/2013/05/compatibility-chart-for-leo.html", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_4684806_0.json"} {"task": "e889c1ba_n__Compatibility_Chart_for_Leo__4", "input": "[0] With Scorpio [1] Attractions The Leo/Scorpio relationship tends to result in a dynamic and intense union, with each partner normally being well-tuned to the needs of the other. [2] Interests Scorpio demands respect and harbors a deep desire to be wanted, while Leo needs adoration and has to be constantly complimented. [3] Positive Challenges Both individuals are extremely loyal and often possessive of one another, but each is ably equipped to provide what the other needs while still enjoying the strengths possessed by his or her partner. [5] Conclusion Since both Leo and Scorpio are so determined, this couple will need to work very hard in order to understand and accept one another. [4] ", "output": "Negative Challenges Jealousy will play a major role in this relationship. Conflicts and any success for happiness and longevity will depend on many factors.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "All about Leo Zodiac Sign: Compatibility Chart for Leo", "title": "", "outputColName": "4", "url": "http://allaboutleozodiacsign.blogspot.com/2013/05/compatibility-chart-for-leo.html", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_4684806_0.json"} {"task": "e889c1ba_n__Compatibility_Chart_for_Leo__4", "input": "[0] With Sagittarius [1] Attractions Both Leo and Sagittarius are blessed with the same warm, generous and loving characteristics. Plus, these two have a genuine admiration and respect for one another. [2] Interests Both individuals are warm, charismatic and charming. Consequently, other people find enjoyment basking within the energy radiated by this couple. [3] Positive Challenges Both Signs are extremely dynamic and enjoy life to the fullest extent. This is energetic pair who is fun to be around, with each individual encouraging the other to aim high. [5] Conclusion This combination is close to perfect...most of the time. Both Signs love change and excitement. In addition, they share a magnificent zest for life. [4] ", "output": "Negative Challenges Leo and Sagittarius are each domineering in nature, which could result in trouble if the Leo partner tries to regulate Sagittarius to the sidelines.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "All about Leo Zodiac Sign: Compatibility Chart for Leo", "title": "", "outputColName": "4", "url": "http://allaboutleozodiacsign.blogspot.com/2013/05/compatibility-chart-for-leo.html", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_4684806_0.json"} {"task": "e889c1ba_n__Compatibility_Chart_for_Leo__4", "input": "[0] With Capricorn [1] Attractions On the surface, this appears to be a rather unlikely couple, but love can grow if time is taken to unearth the similarities between these two Signs. [2] Interests A Leo/Capricorn union generally results in a mutually supportive relationship, although the Capricorn partner will be more conservative, hard-working and traditional in outlook. [3] Positive Challenges Both enjoy comfort, being pampered and working toward their personally set goals. Both also relish the spotlight and harbor a fondness for material possessions. [5] Conclusion These are two very determined Signs and with a little careful attention, the Leo/Capricorn couple can sympathize with each other and eventually come to realize that they have much to learn from one another. [4] ", "output": "Negative Challenges Those governed by Capricorn usually find it difficult to see the brighter side of life while Leo tends to be the eternal cock-eyed optimist. Thus, this pair will probably be at odds over even the most minor of things.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "All about Leo Zodiac Sign: Compatibility Chart for Leo", "title": "", "outputColName": "4", "url": "http://allaboutleozodiacsign.blogspot.com/2013/05/compatibility-chart-for-leo.html", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_4684806_0.json"} {"task": "e889c1ba_n__Compatibility_Chart_for_Leo__4", "input": "[0] With Aquarius [1] Attractions The aloof nature of Aquarius would undoubtedly prove to be something of a challenge to the Leo subject...and quite possibly the initial \"draw\" that brings these two together. [2] Interests The merging of Aquarius foresight and Leo creativity will cause those around them to take notice of this pair. An energetic and unstoppable partnership, there is never a dull moment in the Leo/Aquarius union...although occasional competitions may occur. [3] . Positive Challenges These are both congenial Signs and that could make for a good relationship. In addition, both tend to be idealistic and highly motivated. Attracted to all things novel, this couple will be thrill-seekers. [5] Conclusion Perhaps the best aspect of a Leo/Aquarius match is the ability to create magic when they are together. Fixed Fire and Fixed Air should have little trouble in covering all the bases. [4] ", "output": "Negative Challenges Both these Signs are known for their pride and fixed opinions, which will almost certainly result in many arguments between this couples.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "All about Leo Zodiac Sign: Compatibility Chart for Leo", "title": "", "outputColName": "4", "url": "http://allaboutleozodiacsign.blogspot.com/2013/05/compatibility-chart-for-leo.html", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_4684806_0.json"} {"task": "e889c1ba_n__Compatibility_Chart_for_Leo__4", "input": "[0] With Pisces [1] Attractions Natives of Pisces natives tend to give the impression that they need to be protected or mothered and this could be the initial attraction for Leo individuals. [2] Interests Both partners here will be vain individuals and share in the love of extravagant clothing...but that is about as far as the sharing will go. [3] Positive Challenges When there is true affection between Leo and Pisces, each can fill the other's voids and luxuriate in a caring relationship that is mutually beneficial. Since Leo is a natural leader, he or she often becomes the guardian of the weaker Pisces in this pairing. [5] Conclusion This combination is probably equally as likely to meet with failure as it is with success. In short, it is something of a gamble. [4] ", "output": "Negative Challenges Both Signs relish romantic interludes...and relish them often. In order to keep Leo happy, Pisces must learn to control the inherent changeable moods and strive to keep such moods separate from the love life.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "All about Leo Zodiac Sign: Compatibility Chart for Leo", "title": "", "outputColName": "4", "url": "http://allaboutleozodiacsign.blogspot.com/2013/05/compatibility-chart-for-leo.html", "wdcFile": "11/1438042987171.38_20150728002307-00001-ip-10-236-191-2_4684806_0.json"} {"task": "0534fca2_Tribulation_Network__Trumpet_Vial", "input": "[Reference] Rev. 8:7 [Consequence] Hail and fire followed, mingled with blood thrown to the earth \u2013 1/3 of trees and grass burned up [Trumpet/Vial] ", "output": "First Trumpet", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tribulation Network", "title": "", "outputColName": "Trumpet/Vial", "url": "http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/new_tribnet/ebooks/wonderful_numbers_of_sacred_canon/unraveling_the_numbers_of_revelation_sec4_pt46a.html", "wdcFile": "18/1438042989142.82_20150728002309-00219-ip-10-236-191-2_741645476_2.json"} {"task": "0534fca2_Tribulation_Network__Trumpet_Vial", "input": "[Reference] Rev. 16:2 [Consequence] Severe and malignant sores upon the men who had the mark of the Beast and those who worshiped his image. [Trumpet/Vial] ", "output": "First Vial", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tribulation Network", "title": "", "outputColName": "Trumpet/Vial", "url": "http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/new_tribnet/ebooks/wonderful_numbers_of_sacred_canon/unraveling_the_numbers_of_revelation_sec4_pt46a.html", "wdcFile": "18/1438042989142.82_20150728002309-00219-ip-10-236-191-2_741645476_2.json"} {"task": "0534fca2_Tribulation_Network__Trumpet_Vial", "input": "[Reference] Rev. 8:8-9 [Consequence] Great mountain burning with fire thrown into the sea \u2013 1/3 of sea became blood and 1/3 of living creatures in the sea died and 1/3 of the ships destroyed [Trumpet/Vial] ", "output": "Second Trumpet", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tribulation Network", "title": "", "outputColName": "Trumpet/Vial", "url": "http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/new_tribnet/ebooks/wonderful_numbers_of_sacred_canon/unraveling_the_numbers_of_revelation_sec4_pt46a.html", "wdcFile": "18/1438042989142.82_20150728002309-00219-ip-10-236-191-2_741645476_2.json"} {"task": "0534fca2_Tribulation_Network__Trumpet_Vial", "input": "[Reference] Rev. 16:3 [Consequence] Sea turned to blood and all creatures in the sea die [Trumpet/Vial] ", "output": "Second Vial", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tribulation Network", "title": "", "outputColName": "Trumpet/Vial", "url": "http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/new_tribnet/ebooks/wonderful_numbers_of_sacred_canon/unraveling_the_numbers_of_revelation_sec4_pt46a.html", "wdcFile": "18/1438042989142.82_20150728002309-00219-ip-10-236-191-2_741645476_2.json"} {"task": "0534fca2_Tribulation_Network__Trumpet_Vial", "input": "[Reference] Rev. 8:10-11 [Consequence] Great star fell from heaven \u2013 rivers and springs affected by Wormwood and 1/3 of waters became wormwood and many men died from waters because they were bitter [Trumpet/Vial] ", "output": "Third Trumpet", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tribulation Network", "title": "", "outputColName": "Trumpet/Vial", "url": "http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/new_tribnet/ebooks/wonderful_numbers_of_sacred_canon/unraveling_the_numbers_of_revelation_sec4_pt46a.html", "wdcFile": "18/1438042989142.82_20150728002309-00219-ip-10-236-191-2_741645476_2.json"} {"task": "0534fca2_Tribulation_Network__Trumpet_Vial", "input": "[Reference] Rev. 16:4-7 [Consequence] Rivers and springs became blood as a result of the shed blood of the saints and prophets \u2013 the \u201cangel of the waters\u201d declares: \u201cYou have given them blood to drink \u2013 for it is their just due.\u201d [Trumpet/Vial] ", "output": "Third Vial", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tribulation Network", "title": "", "outputColName": "Trumpet/Vial", "url": "http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/new_tribnet/ebooks/wonderful_numbers_of_sacred_canon/unraveling_the_numbers_of_revelation_sec4_pt46a.html", "wdcFile": "18/1438042989142.82_20150728002309-00219-ip-10-236-191-2_741645476_2.json"} {"task": "0534fca2_Tribulation_Network__Trumpet_Vial", "input": "[Reference] Rev. 8:12-13 [Consequence] 1/3 of sun, 1/3 of moon, 1/3 stars were struck with darkness and 1/3 of day and 1/3 of night had no light \u2013 announcement by angel of WOE, WOE, WOE [Trumpet/Vial] ", "output": "Fourth Trumpet", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tribulation Network", "title": "", "outputColName": "Trumpet/Vial", "url": "http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/new_tribnet/ebooks/wonderful_numbers_of_sacred_canon/unraveling_the_numbers_of_revelation_sec4_pt46a.html", "wdcFile": "18/1438042989142.82_20150728002309-00219-ip-10-236-191-2_741645476_2.json"} {"task": "0534fca2_Tribulation_Network__Trumpet_Vial", "input": "[Reference] Rev. 16:8-9 [Consequence] Sun had vial poured upon it to \u201cscorch men with fire\u201d \u2013 with great heat but men did not repent nor give Him glory [Trumpet/Vial] ", "output": "Fourth Vial", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tribulation Network", "title": "", "outputColName": "Trumpet/Vial", "url": "http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/new_tribnet/ebooks/wonderful_numbers_of_sacred_canon/unraveling_the_numbers_of_revelation_sec4_pt46a.html", "wdcFile": "18/1438042989142.82_20150728002309-00219-ip-10-236-191-2_741645476_2.json"} {"task": "0534fca2_Tribulation_Network__Trumpet_Vial", "input": "[Reference] Rev. 9:1-12 [Consequence] Bottomless pit opened \u2013 sun and air darkened by pit\u2019s smoke \u2013 locust come out of smoke harming only those not sealed by God on their foreheads \u2013 five months of torment, pain as by the scorpion\u2019s sting but no man died \u2013 they had power for 5 months and their king\u2019s name was Abaddon or Apollyon. [Trumpet/Vial] ", "output": "Fifth Trumpet First Woe", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tribulation Network", "title": "", "outputColName": "Trumpet/Vial", "url": "http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/new_tribnet/ebooks/wonderful_numbers_of_sacred_canon/unraveling_the_numbers_of_revelation_sec4_pt46a.html", "wdcFile": "18/1438042989142.82_20150728002309-00219-ip-10-236-191-2_741645476_2.json"} {"task": "0534fca2_Tribulation_Network__Trumpet_Vial", "input": "[Reference] Rev. 16:10-11 [Consequence] Kingdom of Beast became full of darkness since fifth bowl poured out upon the throne of the Beast \u2013 they gnawed their tongues because of the pain \u2013 but they blasphemed God because of their pains and sores and did not repent of their deeds. [Trumpet/Vial] ", "output": "Fifth Vial", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tribulation Network", "title": "", "outputColName": "Trumpet/Vial", "url": "http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/new_tribnet/ebooks/wonderful_numbers_of_sacred_canon/unraveling_the_numbers_of_revelation_sec4_pt46a.html", "wdcFile": "18/1438042989142.82_20150728002309-00219-ip-10-236-191-2_741645476_2.json"} {"task": "0534fca2_Tribulation_Network__Trumpet_Vial", "input": "[Reference] Rev. 9:13-21 [Consequence] Four angels released at River Euphrates - Army of 200 million horsemen via smoke, fire and brimstone out of their mouths kill 1/3 of mankind \u2013 these 3 plagues did not cause the rest of mankind to repent \u2013 they persisted in their worship of demons and material idols, along with their murders, drugs, sexual immorality and thefts\u2026 [Trumpet/Vial] ", "output": "Sixth Trumpet Second Woe", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tribulation Network", "title": "", "outputColName": "Trumpet/Vial", "url": "http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/new_tribnet/ebooks/wonderful_numbers_of_sacred_canon/unraveling_the_numbers_of_revelation_sec4_pt46a.html", "wdcFile": "18/1438042989142.82_20150728002309-00219-ip-10-236-191-2_741645476_2.json"} {"task": "0534fca2_Tribulation_Network__Trumpet_Vial", "input": "[Reference] Rev. 16:12-16 [Consequence] Water dried up at River Euphrates \u2013 way of the \u201ckings of the East\u201d prepared for Babylon\u2019s judgment \u2013 3 unclean spirits from dragon\u2019s mouth, beast\u2019s mouth, false prophet\u2019s mouth (the anti-trinity) calling in deceit for the whole world to gather for the \u201cbattle of that great day of God Almighty\u201d \u2013 Armageddon \u2013 Jesus interjects He is coming quickly [Trumpet/Vial] ", "output": "Sixth Vial", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tribulation Network", "title": "", "outputColName": "Trumpet/Vial", "url": "http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/new_tribnet/ebooks/wonderful_numbers_of_sacred_canon/unraveling_the_numbers_of_revelation_sec4_pt46a.html", "wdcFile": "18/1438042989142.82_20150728002309-00219-ip-10-236-191-2_741645476_2.json"} {"task": "0534fca2_Tribulation_Network__Trumpet_Vial", "input": "[Reference] Rev. 11:12-15 [Consequence] Resurrection and Rapture of Two Witnesses \u2013 Israel and the Church \u2013 all saints since Adam \u2013 Last Trump, loud voice: COME UP HERE \u2013 enemies saw them resurrected/raptured \u2013 GREAT EARTHQUAKE (3rd Woe) \u2013 Second Coming of Christ after the Third Woe [Trumpet/Vial] ", "output": "Seventh Trumpet Third Woe", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tribulation Network", "title": "", "outputColName": "Trumpet/Vial", "url": "http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/new_tribnet/ebooks/wonderful_numbers_of_sacred_canon/unraveling_the_numbers_of_revelation_sec4_pt46a.html", "wdcFile": "18/1438042989142.82_20150728002309-00219-ip-10-236-191-2_741645476_2.json"} {"task": "0534fca2_Tribulation_Network__Trumpet_Vial", "input": "[Reference] Rev. 16:17-21 [Consequence] \u201cIT IS DONE\u201d \u2013 Thunderings and lightnings, GREAT EARTHQUAKE \u2013 Babylon the Great divided into 3 parts (3rd Woe) \u2013 \u201cDrink the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath\u201d \u2013 1 talent hailstone fell from heaven \u2013 still men blasphemed God. [Trumpet/Vial] ", "output": "Seventh Vial", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tribulation Network", "title": "", "outputColName": "Trumpet/Vial", "url": "http://www.the-tribulation-network.com/new_tribnet/ebooks/wonderful_numbers_of_sacred_canon/unraveling_the_numbers_of_revelation_sec4_pt46a.html", "wdcFile": "18/1438042989142.82_20150728002309-00219-ip-10-236-191-2_741645476_2.json"} {"task": "795c5c45_Susan_Conroy_on_EWTN__Synopsis", "input": "[Episode] Faith [Synopsis] ", "output": "Susan begins her series on the inspirational life and witness of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta with a look at the faith of this great woman of God and what we can learn from it.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Susan Conroy on EWTN", "title": "", "outputColName": "Synopsis", "url": "http://www.susanconroy.com/ewtn.shtml", "wdcFile": "37/1438042991019.80_20150728002311-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_731131847_3.json"} {"task": "795c5c45_Susan_Conroy_on_EWTN__Synopsis", "input": "[Episode] Love [Synopsis] ", "output": "Susan continues her series on the inspirational life and witness of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta with a look at the profound charity of this great woman of God and what we can learn from it.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Susan Conroy on EWTN", "title": "", "outputColName": "Synopsis", "url": "http://www.susanconroy.com/ewtn.shtml", "wdcFile": "37/1438042991019.80_20150728002311-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_731131847_3.json"} {"task": "795c5c45_Susan_Conroy_on_EWTN__Synopsis", "input": "[Episode] Humility [Synopsis] ", "output": "The series continues on the inspirational life and witness of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta with a further look at the profound charity of this great woman of God and what we can learn from it.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Susan Conroy on EWTN", "title": "", "outputColName": "Synopsis", "url": "http://www.susanconroy.com/ewtn.shtml", "wdcFile": "37/1438042991019.80_20150728002311-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_731131847_3.json"} {"task": "795c5c45_Susan_Conroy_on_EWTN__Synopsis", "input": "[Episode] Suffering [Synopsis] ", "output": "Susan continues her series on the inspirational life and witness of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta with a look at how this great woman of God dealt with suffering.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Susan Conroy on EWTN", "title": "", "outputColName": "Synopsis", "url": "http://www.susanconroy.com/ewtn.shtml", "wdcFile": "37/1438042991019.80_20150728002311-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_731131847_3.json"} {"task": "795c5c45_Susan_Conroy_on_EWTN__Synopsis", "input": "[Episode] Holiness [Synopsis] ", "output": "Susan concludes her initial five episodes on the inspirational life and witness of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta with a look at the profound holiness of this great woman of God and what we can learn from it.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Susan Conroy on EWTN", "title": "", "outputColName": "Synopsis", "url": "http://www.susanconroy.com/ewtn.shtml", "wdcFile": "37/1438042991019.80_20150728002311-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_731131847_3.json"} {"task": "795c5c45_Susan_Conroy_on_EWTN__Synopsis", "input": "[Episode] Prayer (part 1) [Synopsis] ", "output": "In these two episodes on prayer, we share how the saints inspire us to incorporate prayer in our everyday lives, so that in the words of Saint Paul, we can \u201cpray without ceasing!\u201d We will touch upon how prayer strengthens our relationship with God and with each other.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Susan Conroy on EWTN", "title": "", "outputColName": "Synopsis", "url": "http://www.susanconroy.com/ewtn.shtml", "wdcFile": "37/1438042991019.80_20150728002311-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_731131847_3.json"} {"task": "795c5c45_Susan_Conroy_on_EWTN__Synopsis", "input": "[Episode] Prayer (part 2) [Synopsis] ", "output": "Susan continues her two episode coverage of how the saints inspire us to use Prayer.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Susan Conroy on EWTN", "title": "", "outputColName": "Synopsis", "url": "http://www.susanconroy.com/ewtn.shtml", "wdcFile": "37/1438042991019.80_20150728002311-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_731131847_3.json"} {"task": "795c5c45_Susan_Conroy_on_EWTN__Synopsis", "input": "[Episode] Our Lady (part 1) [Synopsis] ", "output": "In these two episodes on Our Lady, we look at the importance of true devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the vital importance of cultivating the virtues that Our Blessed Mother exemplified. In the words of Saint Therese: \u201cshe prefers imitation to admiration.\u201d", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Susan Conroy on EWTN", "title": "", "outputColName": "Synopsis", "url": "http://www.susanconroy.com/ewtn.shtml", "wdcFile": "37/1438042991019.80_20150728002311-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_731131847_3.json"} {"task": "795c5c45_Susan_Conroy_on_EWTN__Synopsis", "input": "[Episode] Our Lady (part 2) [Synopsis] ", "output": "Susan continues her episodes on the Blessed Virgin Mary.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Susan Conroy on EWTN", "title": "", "outputColName": "Synopsis", "url": "http://www.susanconroy.com/ewtn.shtml", "wdcFile": "37/1438042991019.80_20150728002311-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_731131847_3.json"} {"task": "795c5c45_Susan_Conroy_on_EWTN__Synopsis", "input": "[Episode] Holy Eucharist (part 1) [Synopsis] ", "output": "In these two episodes the Most Holy Eucharist, we share insights into this \u201csource and summit of the spiritual life,\u201d with the purpose of deepening our understanding of Christ\u2019s love for us.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Susan Conroy on EWTN", "title": "", "outputColName": "Synopsis", "url": "http://www.susanconroy.com/ewtn.shtml", "wdcFile": "37/1438042991019.80_20150728002311-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_731131847_3.json"} {"task": "795c5c45_Susan_Conroy_on_EWTN__Synopsis", "input": "[Episode] Holy Eucharist (part 2) [Synopsis] ", "output": "Susan continues her episodes on the Most Holy Eucharist.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Susan Conroy on EWTN", "title": "", "outputColName": "Synopsis", "url": "http://www.susanconroy.com/ewtn.shtml", "wdcFile": "37/1438042991019.80_20150728002311-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_731131847_3.json"} {"task": "795c5c45_Susan_Conroy_on_EWTN__Synopsis", "input": "[Episode] Heaven (part 1) [Synopsis] ", "output": "In these final two episodes, we explore how to reach our ultimate destiny of everlasting happiness in Heaven, and how to live it even here on earth.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Susan Conroy on EWTN", "title": "", "outputColName": "Synopsis", "url": "http://www.susanconroy.com/ewtn.shtml", "wdcFile": "37/1438042991019.80_20150728002311-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_731131847_3.json"} {"task": "795c5c45_Susan_Conroy_on_EWTN__Synopsis", "input": "[Episode] Heaven (part 2) [Synopsis] ", "output": "Susan concludes the series with further discussion on Heaven.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Susan Conroy on EWTN", "title": "", "outputColName": "Synopsis", "url": "http://www.susanconroy.com/ewtn.shtml", "wdcFile": "37/1438042991019.80_20150728002311-00263-ip-10-236-191-2_731131847_3.json"} {"task": "7b01a9db_i_for_Ultima_and_Ultima_Online__Law", "input": "[Virtue] Honesty [Law] ", "output": "Thou shalt not lie, or thou shalt lose thy tongue.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Eight Virtues - The Codex of Editable Wisdom, a Wikia wiki for Ultima and Ultima Online", "title": "", "outputColName": "Law", "url": "http://ultima.wikia.com/wiki/The_Eight_Virtues", "wdcFile": "37/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_243242772_3.json"} {"task": "7b01a9db_i_for_Ultima_and_Ultima_Online__Law", "input": "[Virtue] Compassion [Law] ", "output": "Thou shalt help those in need, or thou shalt suffer the same need.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Eight Virtues - The Codex of Editable Wisdom, a Wikia wiki for Ultima and Ultima Online", "title": "", "outputColName": "Law", "url": "http://ultima.wikia.com/wiki/The_Eight_Virtues", "wdcFile": "37/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_243242772_3.json"} {"task": "7b01a9db_i_for_Ultima_and_Ultima_Online__Law", "input": "[Virtue] Valor [Law] ", "output": "Thou shalt fight to the death if challenged, or thou shalt be banished as a coward.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Eight Virtues - The Codex of Editable Wisdom, a Wikia wiki for Ultima and Ultima Online", "title": "", "outputColName": "Law", "url": "http://ultima.wikia.com/wiki/The_Eight_Virtues", "wdcFile": "37/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_243242772_3.json"} {"task": "7b01a9db_i_for_Ultima_and_Ultima_Online__Law", "input": "[Virtue] Justice [Law] ", "output": "Thou shalt confess to thy crime and suffer its just punishment, or thou shalt be put to death.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Eight Virtues - The Codex of Editable Wisdom, a Wikia wiki for Ultima and Ultima Online", "title": "", "outputColName": "Law", "url": "http://ultima.wikia.com/wiki/The_Eight_Virtues", "wdcFile": "37/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_243242772_3.json"} {"task": "7b01a9db_i_for_Ultima_and_Ultima_Online__Law", "input": "[Virtue] Sacrifice [Law] ", "output": "Thou shalt donate half of thy income to charity, or thou shalt have no income.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Eight Virtues - The Codex of Editable Wisdom, a Wikia wiki for Ultima and Ultima Online", "title": "", "outputColName": "Law", "url": "http://ultima.wikia.com/wiki/The_Eight_Virtues", "wdcFile": "37/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_243242772_3.json"} {"task": "7b01a9db_i_for_Ultima_and_Ultima_Online__Law", "input": "[Virtue] Honor [Law] ", "output": "If thou dost lose thine own honor, thou shalt take thine own life.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Eight Virtues - The Codex of Editable Wisdom, a Wikia wiki for Ultima and Ultima Online", "title": "", "outputColName": "Law", "url": "http://ultima.wikia.com/wiki/The_Eight_Virtues", "wdcFile": "37/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_243242772_3.json"} {"task": "7b01a9db_i_for_Ultima_and_Ultima_Online__Law", "input": "[Virtue] Spirituality [Law] ", "output": "Thou shalt enforce the laws of virtue, or thou shalt die as a heretic.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Eight Virtues - The Codex of Editable Wisdom, a Wikia wiki for Ultima and Ultima Online", "title": "", "outputColName": "Law", "url": "http://ultima.wikia.com/wiki/The_Eight_Virtues", "wdcFile": "37/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_243242772_3.json"} {"task": "7b01a9db_i_for_Ultima_and_Ultima_Online__Law", "input": "[Virtue] Humility [Law] ", "output": "Thou shalt humble thyself to thy superiors, or thou shalt suffer their wrath.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Eight Virtues - The Codex of Editable Wisdom, a Wikia wiki for Ultima and Ultima Online", "title": "", "outputColName": "Law", "url": "http://ultima.wikia.com/wiki/The_Eight_Virtues", "wdcFile": "37/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00295-ip-10-236-191-2_243242772_3.json"} {"task": "2d47734f_Spirituality__Kinship", "input": "[AUTHOR] Balog, Florence [TITLE] My twin lesbian daughters [Description] Florence expresses concern that the institutional church judges her twin lesbian daughters without knowing them, and is grateful that her parish follows Jesus' message and welcomes everyone. [Kinship] ", "output": "Mother of lesbian daughters (twins)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spirituality", "title": "", "outputColName": "Kinship", "url": "http://fortunatefamilies.com/spirituality/", "wdcFile": "50/1438042991951.97_20150728002311-00037-ip-10-236-191-2_89591985_0.json"} {"task": "2d47734f_Spirituality__Kinship", "input": "[AUTHOR] Balog, Steve [TITLE] The light has been passed [Description] After his fearful first sharing of having twin lesbians daughters with his church congregation, years later Steve hears of the positive effect it made with one parishioner. [Kinship] ", "output": "Father of lesbian daughters", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spirituality", "title": "", "outputColName": "Kinship", "url": "http://fortunatefamilies.com/spirituality/", "wdcFile": "50/1438042991951.97_20150728002311-00037-ip-10-236-191-2_89591985_0.json"} {"task": "2d47734f_Spirituality__Kinship", "input": "[AUTHOR] Garascia, Beth [TITLE] Family, Sexuality, and Spirituality - Why Do I Remain a Catholic [Description] As the mother of a gay son and a lesbian daughter, Beth has experienced both grief and joy in her love for her children. She has also found that letting go of expectations and listening to others provides a path to mutual love and acceptance, a path she hopes her Church might follow more closely. [Kinship] ", "output": "Mother of gay son and lesbian daughter", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spirituality", "title": "", "outputColName": "Kinship", "url": "http://fortunatefamilies.com/spirituality/", "wdcFile": "50/1438042991951.97_20150728002311-00037-ip-10-236-191-2_89591985_0.json"} {"task": "2d47734f_Spirituality__Kinship", "input": "[AUTHOR] Garascia, Beth [TITLE] Pain and possibility \u2013 being a Catholic parent of gay children (An article in Fortunate Families newsletter) [Description] As the mother of a gay son and a lesbian daughter, Beth has experienced both grief and joy in her love for her children. She has also found that letting go of expectations and listening to others provides a path to mutual love and acceptance, a path she hopes her Church might follow more closely. [Kinship] ", "output": "Mother of gay son and lesbian daughter", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spirituality", "title": "", "outputColName": "Kinship", "url": "http://fortunatefamilies.com/spirituality/", "wdcFile": "50/1438042991951.97_20150728002311-00037-ip-10-236-191-2_89591985_0.json"} {"task": "2d47734f_Spirituality__Kinship", "input": "[AUTHOR] Szumiloski, Len [TITLE] Enfolding Gay Son Elevates Family [Description] Len's Christmas experience of family with his gay son and his partner enables him to understand how they have enhanced his family despite a contrary message from the church pulpit. [Kinship] ", "output": "Father of gay son", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spirituality", "title": "", "outputColName": "Kinship", "url": "http://fortunatefamilies.com/spirituality/", "wdcFile": "50/1438042991951.97_20150728002311-00037-ip-10-236-191-2_89591985_0.json"} {"task": "2d47734f_Spirituality__Kinship", "input": "[AUTHOR] Wagner, Rita [TITLE] A Mother's Experience (Article in Fortunate Families newsletter) [Description] Their daughter\u0092s feeling of rejection by thAe Church leads the Wagners to become activists seeking to make everyone welcome in our Church. [Kinship] ", "output": "Mother of Lesbian Daughter", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spirituality", "title": "", "outputColName": "Kinship", "url": "http://fortunatefamilies.com/spirituality/", "wdcFile": "50/1438042991951.97_20150728002311-00037-ip-10-236-191-2_89591985_0.json"} {"task": "2d47734f_Spirituality__Kinship", "input": "[AUTHOR] Word, Deb [TITLE] Parent's Journey [Description] Deb shares her journey as the parent of a gay son at a November 2008 Diocese of Memphis Day of Reflection. [Kinship] ", "output": "Mother of gay son", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spirituality", "title": "", "outputColName": "Kinship", "url": "http://fortunatefamilies.com/spirituality/", "wdcFile": "50/1438042991951.97_20150728002311-00037-ip-10-236-191-2_89591985_0.json"} {"task": "dcf0706f_Mass__Traditional__Tridentine___Things_to_think_about", "input": "Expanded use of Vernacular: \"Since the use of the mother tongue, whether in the Mass, the administration of the sacraments, or other parts of the liturgy, frequently may be of great advantage to the people, the limits of its employment may be extended.\" (Sacrosanctum Concilium 36.2) [Things to think about] ", "output": "Vatican II did not outlaw Latin. The Sacrosanctum says: \"... steps should be taken so that the faithful may also be able to say or to sing together in Latin those parts of the Ordinary of the Mass which pertain to them.\" (Sacrosanctum Concilium 36) \"it is for the competent territorial ecclesiastical authority ... to decide whether, and to what extent, the vernacular language is to be used; ... confirmed, by the Apostolic See ...consult with bishops of neighboring regions which have the same language. (Sacrosanctum Concilium 36.3)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ordinary Form of the Mass (Novus Ordo, New) compared to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (Traditional, Tridentine)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Things to think about", "url": "http://catholicbridge.com/catholic/mass_new_vs_old.php", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988061.16_20150728002308-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_43223542_0.json"} {"task": "dcf0706f_Mass__Traditional__Tridentine___Things_to_think_about", "input": "Adaptations to consider cultural customs: Anything in these peoples' way of life which is not indissolubly bound up with superstition and error she [the Church] studies with sympathy and, if possible, preserves intact. Sometimes in fact she admits such things into the liturgy itself, so long as they harmonize with its true and authentic spirit. (Sacrosanctum Concilium 37) [Things to think about] ", "output": "This doesn't mean bring a death metal rock band into Mass. However, reverent music, that raises the Spirit, which is in a style that is part of a \"people's way of life\" can certainly be considered. For instance, in some Churches modern praise and worship could be considered if there are many young families. In Africa, people have a natural sense of rhythm. Dampening that by forcing 16th century white European classical music on them is not the way to win their hearts for Jesus. Forcing them to stand up straight and never move to the music because white Europeans do it that way, is not what Jesus is about. The Church is growing fast in Africa. Note: Trying to force European culture on indigenous people was an absolute disaster in the early 1900s when the pre-Vatican Church set up residential schools for indigenous children in North America. In North America having too much movement (such as liturgical dance) during Mass would not be appropriate because it is not core to our culture. The Vatican is recommending Gregorian Chant be restored, and that music be Catholic.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ordinary Form of the Mass (Novus Ordo, New) compared to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (Traditional, Tridentine)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Things to think about", "url": "http://catholicbridge.com/catholic/mass_new_vs_old.php", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988061.16_20150728002308-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_43223542_0.json"} {"task": "dcf0706f_Mass__Traditional__Tridentine___Things_to_think_about", "input": "Study and Experimentation before making adaptations: Under the ...ecclesiastical authority ... promote studies and necessary experiments whenever there is question of adaptations to be proposed to the Apostolic See. (Sacrosanctum Concilium 48) [Things to think about] ", "output": "The document promotes studies and experimentation before proposing regional adaptations to the Vatican. Keep the essence allow for renewal of the form. Anything that distracts from the celebration of the Eucharist should be discarded. \"the [Bishop's] commission is to regulate pastoral-liturgical action throughout the territory\" under approval from Rome.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ordinary Form of the Mass (Novus Ordo, New) compared to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (Traditional, Tridentine)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Things to think about", "url": "http://catholicbridge.com/catholic/mass_new_vs_old.php", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988061.16_20150728002308-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_43223542_0.json"} {"task": "dcf0706f_Mass__Traditional__Tridentine___Things_to_think_about", "input": "Participation of the Laity: The Church, therefore, earnestly desires that Christ's faithful, when present at this mystery of faith, should not be there as strangers or silent spectators; on the contrary, through a good understanding of the rites and prayers they should take part in the sacred action conscious of what they are doing, with devotion and full collaboration. (Sacrosanctum Concilium 48) ...this sacred Synod strongly urges pastors of souls that, when instructing the faithful, they insistently teach them to take their part in the entire Mass, especially on Sundays and feasts of obligation. (Sacrosanctum Concilium 55) [Things to think about] ", "output": "The Rosary is great. Our family does it almost every day. But there was a tradition during the Extraordinary Form of the Mass to do it while the Priest was presiding, because the faithful didn't understand Latin, and they were not included as participants in the celebration. Having a lay person read the first or second Bible reading or leading prayers after the homily, demonstrates that reading the Bible and praying is not just for Catholic Priests and Protestants. Bible reading among faithful Catholics has increased since Vatican II. Having the priest face the audience is more controversial among Traditionalists. However, Vatican II never mentioned it. Personally we are more engaged an present when we can see everything. However, there is certainly a trade off.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ordinary Form of the Mass (Novus Ordo, New) compared to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (Traditional, Tridentine)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Things to think about", "url": "http://catholicbridge.com/catholic/mass_new_vs_old.php", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988061.16_20150728002308-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_43223542_0.json"} {"task": "dcf0706f_Mass__Traditional__Tridentine___Things_to_think_about", "input": "Remove repetition, restore important sections: For this purpose the rites are to be simplified, due care being taken to preserve their substance; elements which, with the passage of time, came to be duplicated, or were added with but little advantage, are now to be discarded; other elements which have suffered injury through accidents of history are now to be restored to the vigor which they had in the days of the holy Fathers, as may seem useful or necessary. (Sacrosanctum Concilium 50) [Things to think about] ", "output": "Prayers for the faithful was restored, the blood of Christ now available to the laity. The priest used to make dozens of signs of the cross over the elements. These have been reduced.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ordinary Form of the Mass (Novus Ordo, New) compared to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (Traditional, Tridentine)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Things to think about", "url": "http://catholicbridge.com/catholic/mass_new_vs_old.php", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988061.16_20150728002308-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_43223542_0.json"} {"task": "dcf0706f_Mass__Traditional__Tridentine___Things_to_think_about", "input": "More Bible: The treasures of the bible are to be opened up more lavishly ...a more representative portion of the holy scriptures will be read to the people .... (Sacrosanctum Concilium 51) [Things to think about] ", "output": "More Bible is good! We used to have only 5% of Old Testament Scripture and only on special occasions... now the Old Testament is a regular part of our readings.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ordinary Form of the Mass (Novus Ordo, New) compared to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (Traditional, Tridentine)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Things to think about", "url": "http://catholicbridge.com/catholic/mass_new_vs_old.php", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988061.16_20150728002308-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_43223542_0.json"} {"task": "dcf0706f_Mass__Traditional__Tridentine___Things_to_think_about", "input": "Don't skip the homily: the homily, therefore, is to be highly esteemed as part of the liturgy itself; in fact, at those Masses which are celebrated with the assistance of the people on Sundays and feasts of obligation, it should not be omitted except for a serious reason. (Sacrosanctum Concilium 52) [Things to think about] ", "output": "This is where the priest can share his depth and knowledge and teaching", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ordinary Form of the Mass (Novus Ordo, New) compared to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (Traditional, Tridentine)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Things to think about", "url": "http://catholicbridge.com/catholic/mass_new_vs_old.php", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988061.16_20150728002308-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_43223542_0.json"} {"task": "dcf0706f_Mass__Traditional__Tridentine___Things_to_think_about", "input": "More Prayers: Especially on Sundays and feasts of obligation there is to be restored, after the Gospel and the homily, \"the common prayer\" or \"the prayer of the faithful.\" By this prayer, in which the people are to take part, intercession will be made for holy Church, for the civil authorities, for those oppressed by various needs, for all mankind, and for the salvation of the entire world. (Sacrosanctum Concilium 53) [Things to think about] ", "output": "Intercession prayer after the Homily had fallen out of practice before Vatican II. Prayer is a good thing!", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ordinary Form of the Mass (Novus Ordo, New) compared to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (Traditional, Tridentine)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Things to think about", "url": "http://catholicbridge.com/catholic/mass_new_vs_old.php", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988061.16_20150728002308-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_43223542_0.json"} {"task": "dcf0706f_Mass__Traditional__Tridentine___Things_to_think_about", "input": "Re-introduce the Blood of Christ to the faithful:... the faithful, after the priest's communion, receive the Lord's body from the same sacrifice, is strongly commended. ...communion under both kinds... also to the laity, in cases to be determined by the Apostolic See ... (Sacrosanctum Concilium 55) [Things to think about] ", "output": "Vatican II says receiving Christ under both auspices to be a \"more perfect for of participation'\" (Sacrosanctum Concilium 55)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ordinary Form of the Mass (Novus Ordo, New) compared to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (Traditional, Tridentine)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Things to think about", "url": "http://catholicbridge.com/catholic/mass_new_vs_old.php", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988061.16_20150728002308-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_43223542_0.json"} {"task": "0bce89a5__we_doing____Reclusive_Leftist__1848_Declaration_of_Sentiments", "input": "[#] 1", "output": "He has never permitted her to exercise her inalienable right to the elective franchise.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "160 years after Seneca Falls: how are we doing? : Reclusive Leftist", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cInjuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman\u201d from the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments", "url": "http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/2008/07/19/160-years-after-seneca-falls-how-are-we-doing/", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_682815368_0.json"} {"task": "0bce89a5__we_doing____Reclusive_Leftist__1848_Declaration_of_Sentiments", "input": "[#] 2", "output": "He has compelled her to submit to laws, in the formation of which she had no voice.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "160 years after Seneca Falls: how are we doing? : Reclusive Leftist", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cInjuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman\u201d from the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments", "url": "http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/2008/07/19/160-years-after-seneca-falls-how-are-we-doing/", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_682815368_0.json"} {"task": "0bce89a5__we_doing____Reclusive_Leftist__1848_Declaration_of_Sentiments", "input": "[#] 3", "output": "He has withheld from her rights which are given to the most ignorant and degraded men\u2013both natives and foreigners.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "160 years after Seneca Falls: how are we doing? : Reclusive Leftist", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cInjuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman\u201d from the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments", "url": "http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/2008/07/19/160-years-after-seneca-falls-how-are-we-doing/", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_682815368_0.json"} {"task": "0bce89a5__we_doing____Reclusive_Leftist__1848_Declaration_of_Sentiments", "input": "[#] 4", "output": "Having deprived her of this first right of a citizen, the elective franchise, thereby leaving her without representation in the halls of legislation, he has oppressed her on all sides.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "160 years after Seneca Falls: how are we doing? : Reclusive Leftist", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cInjuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman\u201d from the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments", "url": "http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/2008/07/19/160-years-after-seneca-falls-how-are-we-doing/", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_682815368_0.json"} {"task": "0bce89a5__we_doing____Reclusive_Leftist__1848_Declaration_of_Sentiments", "input": "[#] 5", "output": "He has made her, if married, in the eye of the law, civilly dead.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "160 years after Seneca Falls: how are we doing? : Reclusive Leftist", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cInjuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman\u201d from the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments", "url": "http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/2008/07/19/160-years-after-seneca-falls-how-are-we-doing/", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_682815368_0.json"} {"task": "0bce89a5__we_doing____Reclusive_Leftist__1848_Declaration_of_Sentiments", "input": "[#] 6", "output": "He has taken from her all right in property, even to the wages she earns.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "160 years after Seneca Falls: how are we doing? : Reclusive Leftist", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cInjuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman\u201d from the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments", "url": "http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/2008/07/19/160-years-after-seneca-falls-how-are-we-doing/", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_682815368_0.json"} {"task": "0bce89a5__we_doing____Reclusive_Leftist__1848_Declaration_of_Sentiments", "input": "[#] 7", "output": "He has made her, morally, an irresponsible being, as she can commit many crimes with impunity, provided they be done in the presence of her husband. In the covenant of marriage, she is compelled to promise obedience to her husband, he becoming, to all intents and purposes, her master\u2013the law giving him power to deprive her of her liberty, and to administer chastisement.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "160 years after Seneca Falls: how are we doing? : Reclusive Leftist", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cInjuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman\u201d from the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments", "url": "http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/2008/07/19/160-years-after-seneca-falls-how-are-we-doing/", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_682815368_0.json"} {"task": "0bce89a5__we_doing____Reclusive_Leftist__1848_Declaration_of_Sentiments", "input": "[#] 8", "output": "He has so framed the laws of divorce, as to what shall be the proper causes, and in case of separation, to whom the guardianship of the children shall be given, as to be wholly regardless of the happiness of women\u2013the law, in all cases, going upon a false supposition of the supremacy of man, and giving all power into his hands.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "160 years after Seneca Falls: how are we doing? : Reclusive Leftist", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cInjuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman\u201d from the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments", "url": "http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/2008/07/19/160-years-after-seneca-falls-how-are-we-doing/", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_682815368_0.json"} {"task": "0bce89a5__we_doing____Reclusive_Leftist__1848_Declaration_of_Sentiments", "input": "[#] 9", "output": "After depriving her of all rights as a married woman, if single, and the owner of property, he has taxed her to support a government which recognizes her only when her property can be made profitable to it.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "160 years after Seneca Falls: how are we doing? : Reclusive Leftist", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cInjuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman\u201d from the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments", "url": "http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/2008/07/19/160-years-after-seneca-falls-how-are-we-doing/", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_682815368_0.json"} {"task": "0bce89a5__we_doing____Reclusive_Leftist__1848_Declaration_of_Sentiments", "input": "[#] 10", "output": "He has monopolized nearly all the profitable employments, and from those she is permitted to follow, she receives but a scanty remuneration.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "160 years after Seneca Falls: how are we doing? : Reclusive Leftist", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cInjuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman\u201d from the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments", "url": "http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/2008/07/19/160-years-after-seneca-falls-how-are-we-doing/", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_682815368_0.json"} {"task": "0bce89a5__we_doing____Reclusive_Leftist__1848_Declaration_of_Sentiments", "input": "[#] 11", "output": "He closes against her all the avenues to wealth and distinction which he considers most honorable to himself. As a teacher of theology, medicine, or law, she is not known.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "160 years after Seneca Falls: how are we doing? : Reclusive Leftist", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cInjuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman\u201d from the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments", "url": "http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/2008/07/19/160-years-after-seneca-falls-how-are-we-doing/", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_682815368_0.json"} {"task": "0bce89a5__we_doing____Reclusive_Leftist__1848_Declaration_of_Sentiments", "input": "[#] 12", "output": "He has denied her the facilities for obtaining a thorough education, all colleges being closed against her.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "160 years after Seneca Falls: how are we doing? : Reclusive Leftist", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cInjuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman\u201d from the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments", "url": "http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/2008/07/19/160-years-after-seneca-falls-how-are-we-doing/", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_682815368_0.json"} {"task": "0bce89a5__we_doing____Reclusive_Leftist__1848_Declaration_of_Sentiments", "input": "[#] 13", "output": "He allows her in church, as well as state, but a subordinate position, claiming apostolic authority for her exclusion from the ministry, and, with some exceptions, from any public participation in the affairs of the church.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "160 years after Seneca Falls: how are we doing? : Reclusive Leftist", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cInjuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman\u201d from the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments", "url": "http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/2008/07/19/160-years-after-seneca-falls-how-are-we-doing/", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_682815368_0.json"} {"task": "0bce89a5__we_doing____Reclusive_Leftist__1848_Declaration_of_Sentiments", "input": "[#] 14", "output": "He has created a false public sentiment by giving to the world a different code of morals for men and women, by which moral delinquencies which exclude women from society, are not only tolerated, but deemed of little account in man.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "160 years after Seneca Falls: how are we doing? : Reclusive Leftist", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cInjuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman\u201d from the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments", "url": "http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/2008/07/19/160-years-after-seneca-falls-how-are-we-doing/", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_682815368_0.json"} {"task": "0bce89a5__we_doing____Reclusive_Leftist__1848_Declaration_of_Sentiments", "input": "[#] 15", "output": "He has usurped the prerogative of Jehovah himself, claiming it as his right to assign for her a sphere of action, when that belongs to her conscience and to her God.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "160 years after Seneca Falls: how are we doing? : Reclusive Leftist", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cInjuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman\u201d from the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments", "url": "http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/2008/07/19/160-years-after-seneca-falls-how-are-we-doing/", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_682815368_0.json"} {"task": "0bce89a5__we_doing____Reclusive_Leftist__1848_Declaration_of_Sentiments", "input": "[#] 16", "output": "He has endeavored, in every way that he could, to destroy her confidence in her own powers, to lessen her self-respect, and to make her willing to lead a dependent and abject life.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "160 years after Seneca Falls: how are we doing? : Reclusive Leftist", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cInjuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman\u201d from the 1848 Declaration of Sentiments", "url": "http://www.reclusiveleftist.com/2008/07/19/160-years-after-seneca-falls-how-are-we-doing/", "wdcFile": "0/1438042988458.74_20150728002308-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_682815368_0.json"} {"task": "909120d9_The_Islam_Project__5", "input": "[0] Pillar [1] Meaning [2] Spiritual [3] Worldly [4] Individual [6] Cultural Influences [5] ", "output": "Communal", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Islam Project", "title": "", "outputColName": "5", "url": "http://www.islamproject.org/muhammad/muhammad_04_GeographyArabianPeninsula.htm", "wdcFile": "22/1438042990609.0_20150728002310-00258-ip-10-236-191-2_530103424_6.json"} {"task": "909120d9_The_Islam_Project__5", "input": "[0] SHAHADA [1] Profession of the creed: There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God (Allah) [2] Acknowledges that there is One Creator, and that He has sent messengers and revelation to humankind [3] Islam forbids worship of idols or images, which also means bowing to false gods or humans; places limits on materialism [4] Focuses on the individual\ufffds direct relationship with God, without any intermediaries [6] -There is no central religious authority in Islam, no theocracy since no one can claim knowledge of God over others -Limitation on the power of worldly authority over Muslim societies; Islamic jurisprudence = Islamic law system developed -Arabic language of Qur\ufffdan spread [5] ", "output": "One simple message universal to time and place; reverence for the prophets and earlier scriptures like Bible & Torah; acceptance of earlier religions", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Islam Project", "title": "", "outputColName": "5", "url": "http://www.islamproject.org/muhammad/muhammad_04_GeographyArabianPeninsula.htm", "wdcFile": "22/1438042990609.0_20150728002310-00258-ip-10-236-191-2_530103424_6.json"} {"task": "909120d9_The_Islam_Project__5", "input": "[0] SALAT [1] Five obligatory prayers at the time and in the way taught by Muhammad [2] Obedience to God\ufffds command to worship; Regular purification during each day [3] Physical act and spiritual act joined; healthful exercise and mental relaxation [4] --Self-dsicipline and self-renewal woven into life pattern --Opportunity to seek forgiveness and ask God for help [6] --Establishment of masjids (mosques) everywhere groups of Muslims went; architecture, decoration and sacred art --need to set prayer times led to study of astronomy, math, geography to set prayer times and direction--rise of colleges & universities for science and religion [5] ", "output": "--Binds society together in regular worship and contact -- Established regular pattern to daily and weekly social life", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Islam Project", "title": "", "outputColName": "5", "url": "http://www.islamproject.org/muhammad/muhammad_04_GeographyArabianPeninsula.htm", "wdcFile": "22/1438042990609.0_20150728002310-00258-ip-10-236-191-2_530103424_6.json"} {"task": "909120d9_The_Islam_Project__5", "input": "[0] ZAKAT [1] Giving to the poor and those in need a percentage of wealth beyond basic needs [2] Purification of wealth by giving a portion away--\"a loan to God\" [3] Constant and dependable stream of charity available to Muslim society [4] Limitation on greed and accumulation of wealth Stimulated both required and voluntary additional charity [6] (WAQF) charitable foundations developed as permanent source of funding for mosques, schools & colleges, universities, hospitals, wells and travelers\ufffd accommodations, institutionalized help for the poor [5] ", "output": "Early development of charitable institutions and foundations; collective public works free from state control, tax exempt", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Islam Project", "title": "", "outputColName": "5", "url": "http://www.islamproject.org/muhammad/muhammad_04_GeographyArabianPeninsula.htm", "wdcFile": "22/1438042990609.0_20150728002310-00258-ip-10-236-191-2_530103424_6.json"} {"task": "909120d9_The_Islam_Project__5", "input": "[0] SIYAM [1] Fasting from dawn to sunset during the month of Ramadan (9th lunar month [2] Fasting is a tradition of prophets; purpose is coming near to God; annual renewal of spirit [3] Fasting is said to contribute to health, rid the body of poisons [4] Self-discipline & sense of achievement; breaking up bad eating habits; God-consciousness [6] --Ramadan is an international celebration all over Muslim world --Stimulated math & astronomy for setting lunar calendar [5] ", "output": "Whole community participates, visits, shares food, renews contact --Additional prayers & Quran readings", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Islam Project", "title": "", "outputColName": "5", "url": "http://www.islamproject.org/muhammad/muhammad_04_GeographyArabianPeninsula.htm", "wdcFile": "22/1438042990609.0_20150728002310-00258-ip-10-236-191-2_530103424_6.json"} {"task": "909120d9_The_Islam_Project__5", "input": "[0] HAJJ [1] Making the journey to Makkah to perform the rites during the pilgrimage season [2] \"Dress rehearsal for Judgment Day\" Standing before God; recalls obedience of Abraham [3] Orients Muslims even in remote places toward a world community; encourages travel and communication [4] --Developed sense of individual being accountable to God --Gave people the desire to travel, think beyond own backyard [6] --Contributed to the mobility & connectedness of Muslim society over 14 centuries -- Renewed common beliefs and practices, overcoming local traditions --Increased trade & scholarship [5] ", "output": "--Brought people together to trade and exchange knowledge --Organized huge pilgrim caravans from each city; established roads, wells, ports for better travel", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Islam Project", "title": "", "outputColName": "5", "url": "http://www.islamproject.org/muhammad/muhammad_04_GeographyArabianPeninsula.htm", "wdcFile": "22/1438042990609.0_20150728002310-00258-ip-10-236-191-2_530103424_6.json"} {"task": "b2a3487e_Maccabees___The_Maccabee__Operation", "input": "[Biblical Passage] Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. (Matthew 13:43) [Rock Song] You\u2019re not the only one staring at the sun afraid of what you\u2019d find if you stepped back inside. \u2013 Staring at the Sun, by U2 [Operation] ", "output": "Staring at the Sun", "options": ["Staring at the Sun", "Ingesting Feces and Urine", "Drinking Salt Water", "Detecting Ghosts", "Remote Viewing", "Invisibility", "Telepathy", "Lyncanthropy"], "pageTitle": "Maccabees | The Maccabee", "title": "", "outputColName": "Operation", "url": "https://maccabaeus.wordpress.com/tag/maccabees/", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00102-ip-10-236-191-2_874367151_0.json"} {"task": "b2a3487e_Maccabees___The_Maccabee__Operation", "input": "[Biblical Passage] To the men that sit upon the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you. (Isaiah 36:12), [Rock Song] And another one gone, and another one gone\u2026Hey, I\u2019m going get you too\u2026Another one bites the dust. \u2013 Another One Bite the Dust, by Queen [Operation] ", "output": "Ingesting Feces and Urine", "options": ["Staring at the Sun", "Ingesting Feces and Urine", "Drinking Salt Water", "Detecting Ghosts", "Remote Viewing", "Invisibility", "Telepathy", "Lyncanthropy"], "pageTitle": "Maccabees | The Maccabee", "title": "", "outputColName": "Operation", "url": "https://maccabaeus.wordpress.com/tag/maccabees/", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00102-ip-10-236-191-2_874367151_0.json"} {"task": "b2a3487e_Maccabees___The_Maccabee__Operation", "input": "[Biblical Passage] You are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor\u2026it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. (Matthew 5:13) [Rock Song] I\u2019m stepping into the twilight zone\u2026Place is a madhouse feels like being cloned\u2026So you\u2019ll come to know when the bullet hits the bone. \u2013 Till the Bullet hits the Bone, by Earrings Golden [Operation] ", "output": "Drinking Salt Water", "options": ["Staring at the Sun", "Ingesting Feces and Urine", "Drinking Salt Water", "Detecting Ghosts", "Remote Viewing", "Invisibility", "Telepathy", "Lyncanthropy"], "pageTitle": "Maccabees | The Maccabee", "title": "", "outputColName": "Operation", "url": "https://maccabaeus.wordpress.com/tag/maccabees/", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00102-ip-10-236-191-2_874367151_0.json"} {"task": "b2a3487e_Maccabees___The_Maccabee__Operation", "input": "[Biblical Passage] All manner of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven\u2026but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost will not be forgiven. (Matthew 12:31) [Rock Song] All we are is dust in the wind\u2026 Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky. It slips away and all your money won\u2019t another minute buy. \u2013 Dust in the Wind, by Kansas [Operation] ", "output": "Detecting Ghosts", "options": ["Staring at the Sun", "Ingesting Feces and Urine", "Drinking Salt Water", "Detecting Ghosts", "Remote Viewing", "Invisibility", "Telepathy", "Lyncanthropy"], "pageTitle": "Maccabees | The Maccabee", "title": "", "outputColName": "Operation", "url": "https://maccabaeus.wordpress.com/tag/maccabees/", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00102-ip-10-236-191-2_874367151_0.json"} {"task": "b2a3487e_Maccabees___The_Maccabee__Operation", "input": "[Biblical Passage] And the devil, taking Him up unto a high mountain, showed\u2026Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. (Luke 4:5) [Rock Song] Sundown you better take care If I find you been creeping around my back stairs. She\u2019s\u2026looking like a queen in a sailor\u2019s dream. \u2013 Sundown, by Gordon Lightfoot [Operation] ", "output": "Remote Viewing", "options": ["Staring at the Sun", "Ingesting Feces and Urine", "Drinking Salt Water", "Detecting Ghosts", "Remote Viewing", "Invisibility", "Telepathy", "Lyncanthropy"], "pageTitle": "Maccabees | The Maccabee", "title": "", "outputColName": "Operation", "url": "https://maccabaeus.wordpress.com/tag/maccabees/", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00102-ip-10-236-191-2_874367151_0.json"} {"task": "b2a3487e_Maccabees___The_Maccabee__Operation", "input": "[Biblical Passage] They took\u2026up stones to cast at Him: but Jesus hid Himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by. (John 8:59) [Rock Song] He got early warning. He got muddy water\u2026He say \u2018One and one and one is three,\u2019 got to be good-looking because he\u2019s so hard to see. Come together. \u2013 Come Together, by The Beatles [Operation] ", "output": "Invisibility", "options": ["Staring at the Sun", "Ingesting Feces and Urine", "Drinking Salt Water", "Detecting Ghosts", "Remote Viewing", "Invisibility", "Telepathy", "Lyncanthropy"], "pageTitle": "Maccabees | The Maccabee", "title": "", "outputColName": "Operation", "url": "https://maccabaeus.wordpress.com/tag/maccabees/", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00102-ip-10-236-191-2_874367151_0.json"} {"task": "b2a3487e_Maccabees___The_Maccabee__Operation", "input": "[Biblical Passage] The LORD said\u2026Why did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I\u2026bear a child, when I am old? Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. He said, \u2018Nay you did laugh.\u2019 (Genesis18:13-15) [Rock Song] Tell me what you find when you read my mind\u2026Put your back on me, put your back on me. The stars are blazing like rebel diamonds cut out of the sun when you read my mind. \u2013 Read my Mind, by The Killers [Operation] ", "output": "Telepathy", "options": ["Staring at the Sun", "Ingesting Feces and Urine", "Drinking Salt Water", "Detecting Ghosts", "Remote Viewing", "Invisibility", "Telepathy", "Lyncanthropy"], "pageTitle": "Maccabees | The Maccabee", "title": "", "outputColName": "Operation", "url": "https://maccabaeus.wordpress.com/tag/maccabees/", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00102-ip-10-236-191-2_874367151_0.json"} {"task": "b2a3487e_Maccabees___The_Maccabee__Operation", "input": "[Biblical Passage] Who knows that the spirit of man goes upward, and that the spirit of the beast goes downward to the earth? (Ecclesiastes 3:21) [Rock Song] I hope we\u2019re not too messianic or a trifle too satanic\u2026I am just a monkey man\u2026I\u2019m glad you are a\u2026monkey woman. I\u2019m a monkey, I\u2019m a monkey. \u2013 Monkey Man, by The Rolling Stones [Operation] ", "output": "Lyncanthropy", "options": ["Staring at the Sun", "Ingesting Feces and Urine", "Drinking Salt Water", "Detecting Ghosts", "Remote Viewing", "Invisibility", "Telepathy", "Lyncanthropy"], "pageTitle": "Maccabees | The Maccabee", "title": "", "outputColName": "Operation", "url": "https://maccabaeus.wordpress.com/tag/maccabees/", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00102-ip-10-236-191-2_874367151_0.json"} {"task": "cd17ac52_Original_Catholic_Encyclopedia__Subject", "input": "[Note] a theological science which has for its purpose the explanation and defense of the Christian religion [Subject] ", "output": "Apologetics", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Curricula - Original Catholic Encyclopedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "Subject", "url": "http://oce.catholic.com/index.php?title=Curricula", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00002-ip-10-236-191-2_184289484_3.json"} {"task": "cd17ac52_Original_Catholic_Encyclopedia__Subject", "input": "[Note] range of human activities, creations, and expressions that are appealing or attractive to the senses or have some significance to the mind of an individual. [Subject] ", "output": "Art", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Curricula - Original Catholic Encyclopedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "Subject", "url": "http://oce.catholic.com/index.php?title=Curricula", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00002-ip-10-236-191-2_184289484_3.json"} {"task": "cd17ac52_Original_Catholic_Encyclopedia__Subject", "input": "[Note] the science of oral instruction in the elements of the Christian religion, especially by question and answer. Covers basic concepts, notable personages, etc. [Subject] ", "output": "Catechetics", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Curricula - Original Catholic Encyclopedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "Subject", "url": "http://oce.catholic.com/index.php?title=Curricula", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00002-ip-10-236-191-2_184289484_3.json"} {"task": "cd17ac52_Original_Catholic_Encyclopedia__Subject", "input": "[Note] an outline of all major developments regarding the Church's understanding of Our Lord Jesus, including both his divinity and humanity. [Subject] ", "output": "Christology", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Curricula - Original Catholic Encyclopedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "Subject", "url": "http://oce.catholic.com/index.php?title=Curricula", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00002-ip-10-236-191-2_184289484_3.json"} {"task": "cd17ac52_Original_Catholic_Encyclopedia__Subject", "input": "[Note] the totality of powers established in the Church for the guiding of man to his eternal salvation [Subject] ", "output": "Church Hierarchy", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Curricula - Original Catholic Encyclopedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "Subject", "url": "http://oce.catholic.com/index.php?title=Curricula", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00002-ip-10-236-191-2_184289484_3.json"} {"task": "cd17ac52_Original_Catholic_Encyclopedia__Subject", "input": "[Note] to 1517 A.D. [Subject] ", "output": "Church History", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Curricula - Original Catholic Encyclopedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "Subject", "url": "http://oce.catholic.com/index.php?title=Curricula", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00002-ip-10-236-191-2_184289484_3.json"} {"task": "cd17ac52_Original_Catholic_Encyclopedia__Subject", "input": "[Note] a survey of pre-Christian systems, and the educational activity of the Church, including Institutions, Writings, the Teaching Work of the various religious Orders, and Catholic School Systems [Subject] ", "output": "Education", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Curricula - Original Catholic Encyclopedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "Subject", "url": "http://oce.catholic.com/index.php?title=Curricula", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00002-ip-10-236-191-2_184289484_3.json"} {"task": "cd17ac52_Original_Catholic_Encyclopedia__Subject", "input": "[Note] the branch of learning that has for its object the history of the saints and their veneration [Subject] ", "output": "Hagiography", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Curricula - Original Catholic Encyclopedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "Subject", "url": "http://oce.catholic.com/index.php?title=Curricula", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00002-ip-10-236-191-2_184289484_3.json"} {"task": "cd17ac52_Original_Catholic_Encyclopedia__Subject", "input": "[Note] the science that studies the composition and delivery of a sermon or other religious discourse. Covers historical development of preaching; Scriptural precedents; plus noted homilists, preachers, and orators [Subject] ", "output": "Homiletics", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Curricula - Original Catholic Encyclopedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "Subject", "url": "http://oce.catholic.com/index.php?title=Curricula", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00002-ip-10-236-191-2_184289484_3.json"} {"task": "cd17ac52_Original_Catholic_Encyclopedia__Subject", "input": "[Note] an outline of the major aspects of the Church's understanding of The Blessed Virgin Mary. [Subject] ", "output": "Mariology", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Curricula - Original Catholic Encyclopedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "Subject", "url": "http://oce.catholic.com/index.php?title=Curricula", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00002-ip-10-236-191-2_184289484_3.json"} {"task": "cd17ac52_Original_Catholic_Encyclopedia__Subject", "input": "[Note] the science of the lives and writings of the Fathers of the Church and of their contemporaries whose writings bear witness to the Faith of the Church [Subject] ", "output": "Patrology", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Curricula - Original Catholic Encyclopedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "Subject", "url": "http://oce.catholic.com/index.php?title=Curricula", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00002-ip-10-236-191-2_184289484_3.json"} {"task": "cd17ac52_Original_Catholic_Encyclopedia__Subject", "input": "[Note] The science \"which is concerned with first causes and principles\"; \"the profound knowledge of the universal order, of the duties which that order imposes upon man, and of the knowledge which man acquires of reality\"; covering the philosophical disciplines: Cosmology, Psychology, Logic, Metaphysics, Theodicy, Ethics, Aesthetics [Subject] ", "output": "Philosophy", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Curricula - Original Catholic Encyclopedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "Subject", "url": "http://oce.catholic.com/index.php?title=Curricula", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00002-ip-10-236-191-2_184289484_3.json"} {"task": "cd17ac52_Original_Catholic_Encyclopedia__Subject", "input": "[Note] An outline of the development of religious life, and the development of communities dedicated to self-perfection while seeking union with God [Subject] ", "output": "Religious Orders", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Curricula - Original Catholic Encyclopedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "Subject", "url": "http://oce.catholic.com/index.php?title=Curricula", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00002-ip-10-236-191-2_184289484_3.json"} {"task": "cd17ac52_Original_Catholic_Encyclopedia__Subject", "input": "[Note] an outline of all major aspects of Holy Writ. [Subject] ", "output": "Sacred Scripture", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Curricula - Original Catholic Encyclopedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "Subject", "url": "http://oce.catholic.com/index.php?title=Curricula", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00002-ip-10-236-191-2_184289484_3.json"} {"task": "cd17ac52_Original_Catholic_Encyclopedia__Subject", "input": "[Note] a survey of Science and the Church, including major scientific endeavors, key contributors by field [Subject] ", "output": "Science", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Curricula - Original Catholic Encyclopedia", "title": "", "outputColName": "Subject", "url": "http://oce.catholic.com/index.php?title=Curricula", "wdcFile": "31/1438042988924.75_20150728002308-00002-ip-10-236-191-2_184289484_3.json"} {"task": "fc65acf7_Two_Visions__1", "input": "[Mainstream Baptists] God reveals himself by incarnation. God uniquely and supremely reveals himself in Jesus Christ. [SBC Fundamentalists] The Holy Bible is God\ufffds revelation of Himself to man. [1] ", "output": "Revelation", "options": ["Revelation", "Testimony", "Criteria", "Official Interpreters _____", "Guides for Interpreting Faith", "Soul Competency", "Priesthood of Believers", "Liberty in Christ"], "pageTitle": "Two Visions", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.mainstreambaptists.org/mob/two_visions.htm", "wdcFile": "31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00225-ip-10-236-191-2_565283042_1.json"} {"task": "fc65acf7_Two_Visions__1", "input": "[Mainstream Baptists] The Bible is the record (testimony) of God\ufffds revelation of Himself. [SBC Fundamentalists] All Scripture is a testimony to Christ, who is Himself the focus of divine revelation. [1] ", "output": "Testimony", "options": ["Revelation", "Testimony", "Criteria", "Official Interpreters _____", "Guides for Interpreting Faith", "Soul Competency", "Priesthood of Believers", "Liberty in Christ"], "pageTitle": "Two Visions", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.mainstreambaptists.org/mob/two_visions.htm", "wdcFile": "31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00225-ip-10-236-191-2_565283042_1.json"} {"task": "fc65acf7_Two_Visions__1", "input": "[Mainstream Baptists] The criterion by which the Bible is to be interpreted is Jesus Christ. [SBC Fundamentalists] The criteria by which the Bible is to be interpreted are \ufffddoctrines revealed in Holy Scripture\ufffd that \ufffdwe hold precious and as essential to the Baptist tradition of faith and practice.\ufffd [1] ", "output": "Criteria", "options": ["Revelation", "Testimony", "Criteria", "Official Interpreters _____", "Guides for Interpreting Faith", "Soul Competency", "Priesthood of Believers", "Liberty in Christ"], "pageTitle": "Two Visions", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.mainstreambaptists.org/mob/two_visions.htm", "wdcFile": "31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00225-ip-10-236-191-2_565283042_1.json"} {"task": "fc65acf7_Two_Visions__1", "input": "[Mainstream Baptists] Every believer under the direct guidance of the Holy Spirit is an official interpreter. _________ [SBC Fundamentalists] The \ufffdblue ribbon\ufffd committee members Paige Patterson appointed to revise the BFM are the official interpreters. _________ [1] ", "output": "Official Interpreters _____", "options": ["Revelation", "Testimony", "Criteria", "Official Interpreters _____", "Guides for Interpreting Faith", "Soul Competency", "Priesthood of Believers", "Liberty in Christ"], "pageTitle": "Two Visions", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.mainstreambaptists.org/mob/two_visions.htm", "wdcFile": "31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00225-ip-10-236-191-2_565283042_1.json"} {"task": "fc65acf7_Two_Visions__1", "input": "[Mainstream Baptists] 1) Confessions of faith are guides that are not \ufffdofficial creeds carrying mandatory authority.\ufffd 2) Dialogue with others in a face to face community. 3) Reflection on the Church\ufffds historical traditions and testimonies. _________ [SBC Fundamentalists] 1) Confessions of faith are guides that are \ufffdinstruments of doctrinal accountability.\ufffd 2) Submissiveness to the authority of pastors, elders, deacons, administrators, etc. who hold believers accountable . . . under the word of God.\ufffd _________ [1] ", "output": "Guides for Interpreting Faith", "options": ["Revelation", "Testimony", "Criteria", "Official Interpreters _____", "Guides for Interpreting Faith", "Soul Competency", "Priesthood of Believers", "Liberty in Christ"], "pageTitle": "Two Visions", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.mainstreambaptists.org/mob/two_visions.htm", "wdcFile": "31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00225-ip-10-236-191-2_565283042_1.json"} {"task": "fc65acf7_Two_Visions__1", "input": "[Mainstream Baptists] Soul competency \ufffdunder God.\ufffd Believers are directly accountable to God. Every person is accountable to Christ for reading the Bible and interpreting His will for their own life under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. [SBC Fundamentalists] Soul competency \ufffdunder the church.\ufffd Believers are \ufffdaccountable to each other under the word of God.\ufffd Every person is accountable to others for how they read the Bible and interpret God\ufffds will for their life. [1] ", "output": "Soul Competency", "options": ["Revelation", "Testimony", "Criteria", "Official Interpreters _____", "Guides for Interpreting Faith", "Soul Competency", "Priesthood of Believers", "Liberty in Christ"], "pageTitle": "Two Visions", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.mainstreambaptists.org/mob/two_visions.htm", "wdcFile": "31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00225-ip-10-236-191-2_565283042_1.json"} {"task": "fc65acf7_Two_Visions__1", "input": "[Mainstream Baptists] Each believer receives gifts from the Holy Spirit that are to be exercised in serving the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit determines how gifts are distributed and calls whomever He wills to serve as pastor. Pastors are \ufffdservants\ufffd of the church. [SBC Fundamentalists] Each believer receives gifts from the Holy Spirit that are to be exercised in serving the body of Christ. Women cannot receive gifts giving them direct authority over men and cannot serve as senior pastors. Pastors are \ufffdrulers\ufffd of the church. [1] ", "output": "Priesthood of Believers", "options": ["Revelation", "Testimony", "Criteria", "Official Interpreters _____", "Guides for Interpreting Faith", "Soul Competency", "Priesthood of Believers", "Liberty in Christ"], "pageTitle": "Two Visions", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.mainstreambaptists.org/mob/two_visions.htm", "wdcFile": "31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00225-ip-10-236-191-2_565283042_1.json"} {"task": "fc65acf7_Two_Visions__1", "input": "[Mainstream Baptists] Each believer respects the right and responsibility of others to be accountable directly to God. Each believer follows the dictates of a conscience that is directed by the Holy Spirit and guided by confessions of faith, dialogue with others, and reflection on the traditions and testimonies of God\ufffds people throughout history. Whenever believers conscientiously hold differing convictions, we agree to respectfully disagree agreeably. [SBC Fundamentalists] Accountability to the church is \ufffdvoluntary.\ufffd Missionaries, denominational employees, and seminary professors who disagree with the new confession of faith are free to resign. Al Mohler said, \ufffdNo one is forced to accept [the terms of ] employment.\ufffd Members who disagree with the pastor and/or the new confession of faith are free to move their membership. No one is forced to remain a member of a Southern Baptist church. [1] ", "output": "Liberty in Christ", "options": ["Revelation", "Testimony", "Criteria", "Official Interpreters _____", "Guides for Interpreting Faith", "Soul Competency", "Priesthood of Believers", "Liberty in Christ"], "pageTitle": "Two Visions", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.mainstreambaptists.org/mob/two_visions.htm", "wdcFile": "31/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00225-ip-10-236-191-2_565283042_1.json"} {"task": "59b55708_Hadley_Fitzgerald__Entry", "input": "[Name] C.M. [Entry] ", "output": "Created On: 12/31/2010 22:38:43 Today, where souls can be fragmented by our fast-paced, high tech but low touch material world, Hadley Fitzgerald, astrologer and psychotherapist, has helped me balance my heart and soul for the past 18 years. She has facilitated this process with a deep regard for who I was during each of the stages of our work together. Never once did I feel I was just another client to her. What I find remarkable about Hadley is that she honors that one\u2019s emotional and soul work is hard, that change is harder still, and that change is a process that cannot be measured by the calendar or clock. Through her reassurance I learned that change would happen with facing old patterns, diligence in establishing new ones, and a respect for divine time. Most important, Hadley taught me that compassion for oneself makes change easier. In that gentle, honest, yet dry-humored way of hers, she held a mirror to what I could not or would not see about myself or my situation. There were times when these moments made me cry with the release of sadness, or laugh with the irony of it all; and sometimes Hadley was silently laughing or crying right there with me knowing all the while what it took for me to get to that point in my work with her. I am certain that Hadley\u2019s work has crossed all aspects of human nature and yet she does not bring judgment to her clients\u2019 soul work, nor does she confuse her own work-in-progress with theirs. In her presence, one can feel the tremendous respect she has for her clients, and yet she maintains both personal and professional balance that stems from a heart-felt personal code. Perhaps that inner code is a reflection of a deep connection with the soul \u2013 hers and ours. I truly believe Hadley\u2019s work is soul-directed and that she is God\u2019s gift in my life.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Hadley Fitzgerald", "title": "", "outputColName": "Entry", "url": "http://www.findanastrologer.com/Hadley-Fitzgerald/", "wdcFile": "20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00311-ip-10-236-191-2_444010253_10.json"} {"task": "59b55708_Hadley_Fitzgerald__Entry", "input": "[Name] Melissa McElrath [Entry] ", "output": "Created On: 04/26/2010 14:39:22 I walked into Hadley\u2019s office at a very young and formative age. It took about three key sentences from her and I knew she would change my life. I consider Hadley to be one of the most important and influential people on this planet and certainly in the top two of my world. Her integration of astrology and psychotherapy have shaped my life, her direct and sobering approach keeps me honest, her love for the individual and the collective continues to inspire me...I try to channel my \"inner Hadley\" everyday. There are truly not enough words to describe her impact. She is my guru.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Hadley Fitzgerald", "title": "", "outputColName": "Entry", "url": "http://www.findanastrologer.com/Hadley-Fitzgerald/", "wdcFile": "20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00311-ip-10-236-191-2_444010253_10.json"} {"task": "59b55708_Hadley_Fitzgerald__Entry", "input": "[Name] Verlaine Crawford [Entry] ", "output": "Created On: 10/12/2009 16:25:50 Of all the people that I have met, which number in the thousands, Hadley Fitzgerald is one of most brilliant, insightful, and by far the most well-read human being I know. She combines her knowledge of astrology, psychology, mythology and extensive experience in counseling to assist each individual she counsels to rise above their limited emotional dramas and move into a true, healthy relationship with themselves and others. Hadley has helped me through many \"soul-wrenching\" experiences over the years since we first met on a terrace in Bali during an Earth Day conference. Her wisdom and understanding have guided me through career changes, a divorce, family upsets, accidents and illnesses, years of co-dependency and general confusion into a life that is stable, peaceful, abundant and joyful, even during these uncertain times. Her yearly astrological readings of the energetic transitions that I would be facing in the near and distant future have given me a grounding and prepared me to move more easily though transitions that have been deep and life-changing. I highly recommend Hadley as a coach, confidant and counselor who will be the closest person you will find to a physical Guardian Angel living on this planet. She can help you, your family, friends and co-workers to live harmoniously in alignment with the Universal Flow.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Hadley Fitzgerald", "title": "", "outputColName": "Entry", "url": "http://www.findanastrologer.com/Hadley-Fitzgerald/", "wdcFile": "20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00311-ip-10-236-191-2_444010253_10.json"} {"task": "59b55708_Hadley_Fitzgerald__Entry", "input": "[Name] A.R. [Entry] ", "output": "Created On: 10/05/2009 10:21:03 I wanted to share with you about the recent victorious resolution regarding my employee status at my company\u2014and moving on with my life. I went back and read the notes I took at our session last September, and it was interesting that of the many, many dates you highlighted over the course of the session, one ten-day period stood out. So I was\u2014and wasn\u2019t\u2014surprised that the business meeting ended up being postponed (3 weeks!) till that time. It turned out to be the right timing for me, as I went in last Thursday feeling quite empowered and mentally prepared because of what we\u2019d discussed. Of course I also lined up with my higher self to be in sync with the universe\u2014and it all went my way, which means I received reasonable compensation out of the situation, something fairly unheard of for this company. And of course, it was a moral victory, what I characterize as \u201cIntegrity wins over mean-spiritedness.\" The two-year stand off is over, and I won !!! I now move on free & clear, as well as having completely earned the benefits due me, etc. etc. Our session helped me so much. Thanks for being an important source of support in my preparation to \u201cfight city hall.\u201d I\u2019m so happy to report this.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Hadley Fitzgerald", "title": "", "outputColName": "Entry", "url": "http://www.findanastrologer.com/Hadley-Fitzgerald/", "wdcFile": "20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00311-ip-10-236-191-2_444010253_10.json"} {"task": "59b55708_Hadley_Fitzgerald__Entry", "input": "[Name] Shawna Reininger [Entry] ", "output": "Created On: 10/01/2009 12:03:29 I have been working with Hadley Fitzgerald for more than 15 years, and I continue to value her for her excellent guidance and assistance in navigating through the most joyous and most challenging times of my life. I have always come away with the validation, tools and information I need to access my own wisdom and strength. She helps to bring into full awareness what I know I need to do to make the best possible decisions for my life's journey.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Hadley Fitzgerald", "title": "", "outputColName": "Entry", "url": "http://www.findanastrologer.com/Hadley-Fitzgerald/", "wdcFile": "20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00311-ip-10-236-191-2_444010253_10.json"} {"task": "59b55708_Hadley_Fitzgerald__Entry", "input": "[Name] M.M. [Entry] ", "output": "Created On: 09/15/2009 11:08:15 This amazing woman gives the clearest, most professional insights of anyone I have ever known. A reading from Hadley is a wonderful gift for yourself or your loved ones. Several friends and I are clients of Hadley\u2019s and we can each attest to her being the \u201cbest of the best.\u201d She is brilliantly uncanny at mapping the choices, emotional issues, and opportunities for expression, expansion and evolution of the soul on its journey through this life and/or in the cycles just ahead of you.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Hadley Fitzgerald", "title": "", "outputColName": "Entry", "url": "http://www.findanastrologer.com/Hadley-Fitzgerald/", "wdcFile": "20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00311-ip-10-236-191-2_444010253_10.json"} {"task": "59b55708_Hadley_Fitzgerald__Entry", "input": "[Name] Cheryl Grace [Entry] ", "output": "Created On: 09/12/2009 10:10:08 I was referred to Hadley by a friend after the sudden death of my best friend. Hadley gently helped me through a difficult time with her expert and intuitive knowledge of astrology. For 10 years I have consulted with Hadley for strategic guidance in business decisions, changes in career, and personal matters. There isn't a better mentor and advisor to skillfully guide you to reach your full potential. I'm such a fan, and I\u2019m so grateful to have her in my life.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Hadley Fitzgerald", "title": "", "outputColName": "Entry", "url": "http://www.findanastrologer.com/Hadley-Fitzgerald/", "wdcFile": "20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00311-ip-10-236-191-2_444010253_10.json"} {"task": "59b55708_Hadley_Fitzgerald__Entry", "input": "[Name] Karen Magarian [Entry] ", "output": "Created On: 09/01/2009 04:23:50 I feel an enormous sense of gratitude and appreciation for the depth of insight that Hadley Fitzgerald provides in her astrological consultations. While exploring natal and progressed charts, Hadley shares her appreciation for the art and root of language, of archetypes and knowledge of the psyche, in addition to her honed intuition. The integration of these skills help me to recognize the various layers and patterns at work in my life (including those which no longer serve me). Balancing wisdom, elegance and wonderful sense of humor, Hadley is a seasoned and trustworthy guide as I continue to navigate the challenges of \u201cearth school\u201d \u2013 which at times finds me kicking and screaming, but more often at peace and in harmony with the flow of life. I feel blessed to work with her.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Hadley Fitzgerald", "title": "", "outputColName": "Entry", "url": "http://www.findanastrologer.com/Hadley-Fitzgerald/", "wdcFile": "20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00311-ip-10-236-191-2_444010253_10.json"} {"task": "59b55708_Hadley_Fitzgerald__Entry", "input": "[Name] Mary, Holistic Bodyworker [Entry] ", "output": "Created On: 08/23/2009 09:22:44 Working with Hadley is truly an experience that has changed and shaped my life. I started with a birthchart in 1994 and look forward every year to having my birthday reading with Hadley. I\u2019ve discovered through the years that I find myself revisiting her words long after I\u2019ve left our session. Hadley has a way of presenting her information in a clear, concise, narrative fashion rather than the mumbo jumbo jargon-packed way that many other astrologers out there do. Hadley is a gifted and skilled practitioner, and her work has been a tremendous support to me as I evolve on my path of discovery.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Hadley Fitzgerald", "title": "", "outputColName": "Entry", "url": "http://www.findanastrologer.com/Hadley-Fitzgerald/", "wdcFile": "20/1438044160065.87_20150728004240-00311-ip-10-236-191-2_444010253_10.json"} {"task": "35d2950f_l_The_Land_s_General_Documents__Deuteronomy_5_6_21", "input": "[Exodus 20:2-17] 2I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; [Deuteronomy 5:6-21] ", "output": "6I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery;", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Heal The Land\u2019s General Documents", "title": "", "outputColName": "Deuteronomy 5:6-21", "url": "https://healthelandgeneraldocuments.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_871815243_2.json"} {"task": "35d2950f_l_The_Land_s_General_Documents__Deuteronomy_5_6_21", "input": "[Exodus 20:2-17] 3you shall have no other gods before me. [Deuteronomy 5:6-21] ", "output": "7you shall have no other gods before me.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Heal The Land\u2019s General Documents", "title": "", "outputColName": "Deuteronomy 5:6-21", "url": "https://healthelandgeneraldocuments.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_871815243_2.json"} {"task": "35d2950f_l_The_Land_s_General_Documents__Deuteronomy_5_6_21", "input": "[Exodus 20:2-17] 4You shall not make for yourself an image, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. [Deuteronomy 5:6-21] ", "output": "8You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Heal The Land\u2019s General Documents", "title": "", "outputColName": "Deuteronomy 5:6-21", "url": "https://healthelandgeneraldocuments.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_871815243_2.json"} {"task": "35d2950f_l_The_Land_s_General_Documents__Deuteronomy_5_6_21", "input": "[Exodus 20:2-17] 5You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me, 6but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments. [Deuteronomy 5:6-21] ", "output": "9You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and fourth generation of those who reject me, 10but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Heal The Land\u2019s General Documents", "title": "", "outputColName": "Deuteronomy 5:6-21", "url": "https://healthelandgeneraldocuments.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_871815243_2.json"} {"task": "35d2950f_l_The_Land_s_General_Documents__Deuteronomy_5_6_21", "input": "[Exodus 20:2-17] 7You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name. [Deuteronomy 5:6-21] ", "output": "11You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Heal The Land\u2019s General Documents", "title": "", "outputColName": "Deuteronomy 5:6-21", "url": "https://healthelandgeneraldocuments.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_871815243_2.json"} {"task": "35d2950f_l_The_Land_s_General_Documents__Deuteronomy_5_6_21", "input": "[Exodus 20:2-17] 8Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy. 9Six days you shall labor and do all your work. 10But the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work\u2014you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns. 11For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and consecrated it. [Deuteronomy 5:6-21] ", "output": "12Observe the sabbath day and keep it holy, as the Lord your God commanded you. 13For six days you shall labour and do all your work. 14But the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work\u2014you, or your son or your daughter, or your male or female slave, or your ox or your donkey, or any of your livestock, or the resident alien in your towns, so that your male and female slave may rest as well as you. 15Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm; therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep the sabbath day.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Heal The Land\u2019s General Documents", "title": "", "outputColName": "Deuteronomy 5:6-21", "url": "https://healthelandgeneraldocuments.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_871815243_2.json"} {"task": "35d2950f_l_The_Land_s_General_Documents__Deuteronomy_5_6_21", "input": "[Exodus 20:2-17] 12Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. [Deuteronomy 5:6-21] ", "output": "16Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God commanded you, so that your days may be long and that it may go well with you in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Heal The Land\u2019s General Documents", "title": "", "outputColName": "Deuteronomy 5:6-21", "url": "https://healthelandgeneraldocuments.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_871815243_2.json"} {"task": "35d2950f_l_The_Land_s_General_Documents__Deuteronomy_5_6_21", "input": "[Exodus 20:2-17] 13You shall not murder. [Deuteronomy 5:6-21] ", "output": "17You shall not murder.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Heal The Land\u2019s General Documents", "title": "", "outputColName": "Deuteronomy 5:6-21", "url": "https://healthelandgeneraldocuments.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_871815243_2.json"} {"task": "35d2950f_l_The_Land_s_General_Documents__Deuteronomy_5_6_21", "input": "[Exodus 20:2-17] 14You shall not commit adultery. [Deuteronomy 5:6-21] ", "output": "18Neither shall you commit adultery.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Heal The Land\u2019s General Documents", "title": "", "outputColName": "Deuteronomy 5:6-21", "url": "https://healthelandgeneraldocuments.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_871815243_2.json"} {"task": "35d2950f_l_The_Land_s_General_Documents__Deuteronomy_5_6_21", "input": "[Exodus 20:2-17] 15You shall not steal. [Deuteronomy 5:6-21] ", "output": "19Neither shall you steal.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Heal The Land\u2019s General Documents", "title": "", "outputColName": "Deuteronomy 5:6-21", "url": "https://healthelandgeneraldocuments.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_871815243_2.json"} {"task": "35d2950f_l_The_Land_s_General_Documents__Deuteronomy_5_6_21", "input": "[Exodus 20:2-17] 16You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. [Deuteronomy 5:6-21] ", "output": "20Neither shall you bear false witness against your neighbour.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Heal The Land\u2019s General Documents", "title": "", "outputColName": "Deuteronomy 5:6-21", "url": "https://healthelandgeneraldocuments.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_871815243_2.json"} {"task": "35d2950f_l_The_Land_s_General_Documents__Deuteronomy_5_6_21", "input": "[Exodus 20:2-17] 17You shall not covet your neighbor\u2019s house; [Deuteronomy 5:6-21] ", "output": "21Neither shall you covet your neighbour\u2019s wife.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Heal The Land\u2019s General Documents", "title": "", "outputColName": "Deuteronomy 5:6-21", "url": "https://healthelandgeneraldocuments.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_871815243_2.json"} {"task": "35d2950f_l_The_Land_s_General_Documents__Deuteronomy_5_6_21", "input": "[Exodus 20:2-17] you shall not covet your neighbor\u2019s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor. [Deuteronomy 5:6-21] ", "output": "Neither shall you desire your neighbour\u2019s house, or field, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Heal The Land\u2019s General Documents", "title": "", "outputColName": "Deuteronomy 5:6-21", "url": "https://healthelandgeneraldocuments.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00189-ip-10-236-191-2_871815243_2.json"} {"task": "97369577__Forcing_Tithing_On_Christians__Under_the_law_of_Moses", "input": "[Abraham\u2019s Tithe] Only Abraham tithed and not his servants [Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Only Jacob (promised to) tithe and not his sons and servants [Under the law of Moses] ", "output": "Only Land owners growing crops and cattle owners tithed to Levites and Levites tithed to the priests. Poor and workers in the farms did not tithe", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians! | Not Against Giving But Against Forcing Tithing On Christians", "title": "", "outputColName": "Under the law of Moses", "url": "https://tithingstudy.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00283-ip-10-236-191-2_893752336_2.json"} {"task": "97369577__Forcing_Tithing_On_Christians__Under_the_law_of_Moses", "input": "[Abraham\u2019s Tithe] Only once paid [Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Promised to pay only once [Under the law of Moses] ", "output": "Levitical and Festival tithes were yearly paid for 6 continuous years and Charity tithes were paid once in 3 years", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians! | Not Against Giving But Against Forcing Tithing On Christians", "title": "", "outputColName": "Under the law of Moses", "url": "https://tithingstudy.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00283-ip-10-236-191-2_893752336_2.json"} {"task": "97369577__Forcing_Tithing_On_Christians__Under_the_law_of_Moses", "input": "[Abraham\u2019s Tithe] Not from possessions but consisted of war spoils only [Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Promised to pay from whatever God would give him [Under the law of Moses] ", "output": "Yearly paid Levitical and Festival tithes and Charity tithes were paid once in 3 years", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians! | Not Against Giving But Against Forcing Tithing On Christians", "title": "", "outputColName": "Under the law of Moses", "url": "https://tithingstudy.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00283-ip-10-236-191-2_893752336_2.json"} {"task": "97369577__Forcing_Tithing_On_Christians__Under_the_law_of_Moses", "input": "[Abraham\u2019s Tithe] Abraham wanted to pay tributes to God and return the rest to the King of Sodom after rescuing his nephew Lot [Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Hebrew language says Jacob had fear and doubts about God and to manipulate God he made a conditional vow to tithe! [Under the law of Moses] ", "output": "It was mandatory", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians! | Not Against Giving But Against Forcing Tithing On Christians", "title": "", "outputColName": "Under the law of Moses", "url": "https://tithingstudy.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00283-ip-10-236-191-2_893752336_2.json"} {"task": "97369577__Forcing_Tithing_On_Christians__Under_the_law_of_Moses", "input": "[Abraham\u2019s Tithe] Voluntary and tithed to Melchizadek and returned 90% back to the King of Sodom! [Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Voluntary but no record of Jacob paying tithes [Under the law of Moses] ", "output": "Compulsory and followed levitical, festival and charity tithing systems", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians! | Not Against Giving But Against Forcing Tithing On Christians", "title": "", "outputColName": "Under the law of Moses", "url": "https://tithingstudy.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00283-ip-10-236-191-2_893752336_2.json"} {"task": "97369577__Forcing_Tithing_On_Christians__Under_the_law_of_Moses", "input": "[Abraham\u2019s Tithe] Not commanded to tithe [Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Not commanded to tithe [Under the law of Moses] ", "output": "Commanded to tithe", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians! | Not Against Giving But Against Forcing Tithing On Christians", "title": "", "outputColName": "Under the law of Moses", "url": "https://tithingstudy.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00283-ip-10-236-191-2_893752336_2.json"} {"task": "97369577__Forcing_Tithing_On_Christians__Under_the_law_of_Moses", "input": "[Abraham\u2019s Tithe] Gave the rest of the 90% to the King of Sodom [Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Did not give the rest to of the 90% to anyone [Under the law of Moses] ", "output": "Levites tithed 10% to the Aaronic Priests and kept the rest of the agricultural products and livestock to themselves", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians! | Not Against Giving But Against Forcing Tithing On Christians", "title": "", "outputColName": "Under the law of Moses", "url": "https://tithingstudy.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00283-ip-10-236-191-2_893752336_2.json"} {"task": "97369577__Forcing_Tithing_On_Christians__Under_the_law_of_Moses", "input": "[Abraham\u2019s Tithe] Previous vow [Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Conditional vow [Under the law of Moses] ", "output": "Not subject to vow", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians! | Not Against Giving But Against Forcing Tithing On Christians", "title": "", "outputColName": "Under the law of Moses", "url": "https://tithingstudy.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00283-ip-10-236-191-2_893752336_2.json"} {"task": "97369577__Forcing_Tithing_On_Christians__Under_the_law_of_Moses", "input": "[Abraham\u2019s Tithe] Only one variety \u2013 war spoils [Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Only one type [Under the law of Moses] ", "output": "Multiple \u2013 at least 3 different tithes specified in the law", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians! | Not Against Giving But Against Forcing Tithing On Christians", "title": "", "outputColName": "Under the law of Moses", "url": "https://tithingstudy.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00283-ip-10-236-191-2_893752336_2.json"} {"task": "97369577__Forcing_Tithing_On_Christians__Under_the_law_of_Moses", "input": "[Abraham\u2019s Tithe] Melchizedek was the recipient [Jacob\u2019s Tithe] No record about the recipient [Under the law of Moses] ", "output": "Levite got the 1st tithe and in turn tithed to the Priests, poor received the tithes and consumed by the owners during festivals", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians! | Not Against Giving But Against Forcing Tithing On Christians", "title": "", "outputColName": "Under the law of Moses", "url": "https://tithingstudy.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00283-ip-10-236-191-2_893752336_2.json"} {"task": "97369577__Forcing_Tithing_On_Christians__Under_the_law_of_Moses", "input": "[Abraham\u2019s Tithe] Total \u2013 10% [Jacob\u2019s Tithe] Total \u2013 Uncertain [Under the law of Moses] ", "output": "Total \u2013 23.3% (10% Levitical, 10% Festival and 3.33 % Charity \u2013 6 year average 23.3% & if Sabbatical year included it comes to about 20%)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tithing Is Not For New Testament Christians! | Not Against Giving But Against Forcing Tithing On Christians", "title": "", "outputColName": "Under the law of Moses", "url": "https://tithingstudy.wordpress.com/", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986357.49_20150728002306-00283-ip-10-236-191-2_893752336_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] You are that being, that Awareness, in whose presence actions, perceptions, and thoughts take place. When you say, \"I perform action\", it is not Awareness that performs any action. It is the eyes which see, the thoughts which move in the mind, all in Awareness, in consciousness. [Author] Swami Dayananda [Topic] ", "output": "Action", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] If you seek the kernel, then you must break the shell. And likewise, if you would know the reality of Nature, you must destroy the appearance, and the farther you go beyond the appearance, the nearer you will be to the essence. (1) [Author] Meister Eckhart [Topic] ", "output": "Appearance & Reality", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] Wherever there is attacment to any body-form there is also suffering. Attachment bears in itself the seed of suffering. Attachment consists in assimilation with the object and assimilation coincides with possession... In this world of fleetingness we can possess something, a form, a relationship etc., only to lose it. [Author] Raphael [Topic] ", "output": "Attachment", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] You can clean the floor like a robot, a mechanical thing; you have to clean it, so you clean it. Then you miss something beautiful. Then you waste those moments in only cleaning the floor. Cleaning the floor could have been a great experience; you missed it. The floor is cleaned but something that could have happened within you has not happened. If you were aware, not only the floor but YOU would have felt a deep cleansing. Clean the floor full of awareness, luminous with awareness. [Author] Osho [Topic] ", "output": "Awareness", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] Withdraw into yourself and look. And if you do not find yourself beautiful yet, act as does the creator of a statue that is to be made beautiful: he cuts away here, he smoothes there, he makes this line lighter, this other purer, until a lovely face has grown upon his work. So do you also: cut away all that is excessive, straighten all that is crooked, bring light to all that is overcast, labour to make all one glow of beauty and never cease chiselling your statue, until there shall shine out on you from it the godlike splendour of virtue, until you shall see the perfect goodness surely established in the stainless shrine... Never did eye see the sun unless it had first become sunlike, and never can the soul have vision of the First Beauty unless itself be beautiful. (1) [Author] Plotinus (Enneads) [Topic] ", "output": "Beauty", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] No one is born; no one dies. What is born is only a concept. There is no entity to be freed. Not understanding this fact constitutes the bondage of ignorance; apperception of it is the freedom of truth. [Author] Nisargadatta Maharaj [Topic] ", "output": "Birth and Death", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] You are not in the body, the body is in you! The mind is in you! They happen to you. They are there because you find them interesting. [Author] Nisargadatta Maharaj [Topic] ", "output": "Body and Mind", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] What we really desire is not the object, because if it were, its possession would eliminate all desire. What is desired is bliss, Ananda, which exists at all times in myself and everything. The realisation of this bliss was lost to me when I became a separate ego, thereby losing sight of my essential identity with it. [Author] Jean Klein [Topic] ", "output": "Desire", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] To ask the mind to kill itself is like making the thief the policeman. He will go with you and pretend to catch the thief, but nothing will be gained. So you must turn inward and see where the mind rises from, and then it will cease to exist. [Author] Ramana Maharshi [Topic] ", "output": "Ego", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] If you have the choice between enlightenment and a million dollars, take the million dollars! Because if you get the million dollars, there will be somebody there to enjoy the million dollars; but if you get enlightenment there's no one there to enjoy the enlightenment. [Author] Ramesh Balsekar [Topic] ", "output": "Enlightenment", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] Faith, no doubt, is a great and mighty ally to the seeker; but blind faith, born from fear and thriving in ignorance is a chain of slavery. [Author] Swami Chinmayananda [Topic] ", "output": "Faith", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] All the activities that the body performs are predetermined. The only freedom you have is to choose not to identify with the body that is performing the actions. [Author] Sri Poonjaji [Topic] ", "output": "Fate and Free Will", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] Every time you look into the face of fear, it disappears but if you keep looking to the shadow, it grows and grows. [Author] Satyananda [Topic] ", "output": "Fear", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] It is bondage when the mind desires or grieves at anything, rejects or accepts anything, feels happy or angry at anything. Liberation is attained when the mind does not desire or grieve or reject or accept or feel happy or angry. It is bondage when the mind is attached to any sense experience. It is liberation when the mind is detached from all sense experiences. When there is no 'I', there is liberation; when there is 'I', there is bondage. Considering thus, easily refrain from accepting or rejecting anything. [Author] Astavakra Samhita [Topic] ", "output": "Freedom", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] Be aware, the one who stands still, in his stillness finds God. The man who runs after God never attains to him because the running is of the mind, and that highest spiritual element can never be obtained by the mind. [Author] Osho [Topic] ", "output": "God", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] Relatively, what causes suffering is wrong; what alleviates it is right. Absolutely, what brings you back to reality is right, and what dims reality is wrong. (3) [Author] Nisargadatta Maharaj [Topic] ", "output": "Good and Evil", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] All responsibility and guilt are imaginary concepts based upon the mistaken notion that a sentient being has independent existence, autonomy and choice of action. [Author] Ramesh Balsekar [Topic] ", "output": "Guilt", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] Happiness is not a result to be attained through action, but a fact to be realised through knowledge. The sphere of action is to express it, not to gain it. [Author] Alan Watts [Topic] ", "output": "Happiness", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] No god is a philosopher or seeker after wisdom because he is wise already. Neither do the ignorant seek after wisdom; for herein is the evil of ignorance, that he who is neither good nor wise is nevertheless satisfied with himself. [Author] Socrates [Topic] ", "output": "Ignorance", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] The consciousness in you and the consciousness in me, apparently two, really one, seek unity and that is love. (3) [Author] Nisargadatta Maharaj [Topic] ", "output": "Love", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] Transformation cannot be brought about, it can only happen. Indeed, practicing meditation is itself bondage! Transformation presupposes the total absence of any doer practicing anything. (3) [Author] Ramesh Balsekar [Topic] ", "output": "Meditation", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] Memory is a false witness, because it was not present at the time of the activity reported as being remembered. [Author] Atmananda Krishna Menon [Topic] ", "output": "Memory", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] To me nothing ever happens. There is something changeless, motionless, immovable, rock-like, unassailable; a solid mass of pure being-consciousness-bliss. I am never our of it. Nothing can take me out of it, no torture, no calamity. [Author] Nisargadatta Maharaj [Topic] ", "output": "Realised Man", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] It (Brahman) is known to him to whom It is unknown; he does not know to whom It is known. It is unknown to those who know well, and known to those who do not know. (2) [Author] Kena Upanishad [Topic] ", "output": "Reality", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] Reincarnation implies a reincarnating self. There is no such thing. The bundle of memories and hopes, called the \u201cI\u201d, imagines itself existing everlastingly and creates time to accomodate its false eternity. To be, I need no past or future. All experience is born of imagination; I do not imagine, so no birth or death happens to me. Only those who think themselves born can think themselves re-born. All exists in awareness, and awareness neither dies nor is re-born. It is the changeless reality itself. (3) [Author] Nisargadatta Maharaj [Topic] ", "output": "Reincarnation", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] Study of the scriptures is fruitless as long as Brahman has not been experienced. And when Brahman has been experienced, it is useless to read the scriptures. (3) [Author] Shankara [Topic] ", "output": "Scriptures", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] To go beyond the mind, you must be silent and quiet. Peace and silence, silence and peace - this is the way beyond. Stop asking questions. [Author] Nisargadatta Maharaj [Topic] ", "output": "Seeking", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] If there were no consciousness there could be no movements in consciousness. The movements, irrespective of whether I call them thoughts, or feelings, or sensory perceptions depend on the fact that I am there first as consciousness in which they can appear. So, for example the belief in a bound and limited 'I' is only possible because I am there first as formless, timeless, witnessing consciousness (Atma) without which no idea of 'I' can appear. This is the origin of Shri Shankara's remark that the appearance of an ego is by itself the best proof of the fact that we are not an ego. [Author] Wolter Keers [Topic] ", "output": "Self", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] Thoughts are not necessarily a distraction. Thoughts are arising in this present awareness and dissolving back into it. The silence remains untouched, unstained, immaculate. Thoughts are only a problem if you are preoccupied with them, giving them all your attention, believing in the entity of \"me\" around which the thoughts swirl. [Author] Catherine Ingram [Topic] ", "output": "Thinking", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] The truth is now and here. So it is everywhere. If it is not first found now and here, it will be found nowhere else and at no other time. [Author] Atmananda Krishna Menon [Topic] ", "output": "Truth", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] Am I the body, senses or mind? No. If I claim to be anything, that must be with me wherever I go. Doing, perceiving, thinking and feeling do not go with me wherever I go. 'Knowing' alone is always with me. So I am knowingness of Consciousness alone. I am that always, and I am free. I can only be that which remains over when the object or active part is separated from the perceiver, perception or percept. (4) [Author] Atmananda Krishna Menon [Topic] ", "output": "Who am I?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] You are not of the world, you are not even in the world. The world is not, you alone are. You create the world in your imagination like a dream. As you cannot separate the dream from yourself, so you cannot have an outer world independent of yourself. You are independent, not the world. Don\u2019t be afraid of a world you yourself have created. (3) [Author] Nisargadatta Maharaj [Topic] ", "output": "World", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "5c2664f1_om_the_Sages__sorted_by_Topic___Topic", "input": "[Quotation] (1) Sunder Hattangadi [Topic] ", "output": "Acknowledgements:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Quotations from the Sages (sorted by Topic)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topic", "url": "http://www.advaita.org.uk/resources/quote_topics.htm", "wdcFile": "30/1438042986625.58_20150728002306-00251-ip-10-236-191-2_259608303_2.json"} {"task": "6484d011_e_to_The_Crossroads_Initiative__ding_on_the_Catholic_heritage_", "input": "[Passing on the Faith] Why Marriage is a Sacrament [Array] Array", "output": "The Catholic perspective of the nature and goals of marriage as both a natural and supernatural vocation.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Best of Catholic Speakers| Catholic Talks, Seminars, & Retreats by Catholic Speaker Marcellino D'Ambrosio -Welcome to The Crossroads Initiative", "title": "", "outputColName": "How the family, parish and Catholic School play various roles in the process of handing on the Catholic heritage.", "url": "http://www.crossroadsinitiative.com/talks.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042988051.33_20150728002308-00076-ip-10-236-191-2_383429142_13.json"} {"task": "6484d011_e_to_The_Crossroads_Initiative__ding_on_the_Catholic_heritage_", "input": "[Passing on the Faith] Love, Sex, and the Catholic Church [Array] Array, For Catholic Teens", "output": "The Church is a champion, not enemy, of true love. As America debates the Gay Marriage Question, this talk gets past the misunderstandings and presents Catholic teaching on Sex and marriage in a way that makes eminent sense.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Best of Catholic Speakers| Catholic Talks, Seminars, & Retreats by Catholic Speaker Marcellino D'Ambrosio -Welcome to The Crossroads Initiative", "title": "", "outputColName": "How the family, parish and Catholic School play various roles in the process of handing on the Catholic heritage.", "url": "http://www.crossroadsinitiative.com/talks.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042988051.33_20150728002308-00076-ip-10-236-191-2_383429142_13.json"} {"task": "6484d011_e_to_The_Crossroads_Initiative__ding_on_the_Catholic_heritage_", "input": "[Passing on the Faith] Parenting as a Path to Holiness [Array] Array", "output": "Family life, as well as religious life, provides amples opportunities to grow in the character of Christ.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Best of Catholic Speakers| Catholic Talks, Seminars, & Retreats by Catholic Speaker Marcellino D'Ambrosio -Welcome to The Crossroads Initiative", "title": "", "outputColName": "How the family, parish and Catholic School play various roles in the process of handing on the Catholic heritage.", "url": "http://www.crossroadsinitiative.com/talks.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042988051.33_20150728002308-00076-ip-10-236-191-2_383429142_13.json"} {"task": "6484d011_e_to_The_Crossroads_Initiative__ding_on_the_Catholic_heritage_", "input": "[Passing on the Faith] The Family as the Domestic Church [Array] Array, For Catholic Teens", "output": "This talk lays out the vision of what the Catholic family is called to be in a way both challenging and inspiring.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Best of Catholic Speakers| Catholic Talks, Seminars, & Retreats by Catholic Speaker Marcellino D'Ambrosio -Welcome to The Crossroads Initiative", "title": "", "outputColName": "How the family, parish and Catholic School play various roles in the process of handing on the Catholic heritage.", "url": "http://www.crossroadsinitiative.com/talks.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042988051.33_20150728002308-00076-ip-10-236-191-2_383429142_13.json"} {"task": "6484d011_e_to_The_Crossroads_Initiative__ding_on_the_Catholic_heritage_", "input": "[Passing on the Faith] The Art of Parenting--it's all about Balance [Array] Array", "output": "Practical strategies on how to turn vision into reality in your own family life.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Best of Catholic Speakers| Catholic Talks, Seminars, & Retreats by Catholic Speaker Marcellino D'Ambrosio -Welcome to The Crossroads Initiative", "title": "", "outputColName": "How the family, parish and Catholic School play various roles in the process of handing on the Catholic heritage.", "url": "http://www.crossroadsinitiative.com/talks.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042988051.33_20150728002308-00076-ip-10-236-191-2_383429142_13.json"} {"task": "6484d011_e_to_The_Crossroads_Initiative__ding_on_the_Catholic_heritage_", "input": "[Passing on the Faith] The Sacraments - God's Body Language [Array] Array", "output": "How God in His loving mercy allows us to see and touch Him through the gifts of the seven sacraments.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Best of Catholic Speakers| Catholic Talks, Seminars, & Retreats by Catholic Speaker Marcellino D'Ambrosio -Welcome to The Crossroads Initiative", "title": "", "outputColName": "How the family, parish and Catholic School play various roles in the process of handing on the Catholic heritage.", "url": "http://www.crossroadsinitiative.com/talks.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042988051.33_20150728002308-00076-ip-10-236-191-2_383429142_13.json"} {"task": "6484d011_e_to_The_Crossroads_Initiative__ding_on_the_Catholic_heritage_", "input": "[Passing on the Faith] Keeping Your Kids Catholic [Array] Array", "output": "So practically, how do we raise kids who are truly Catholic, with a commitment to holiness and mission? This talk by Catholic father and speaker Marcellino D'Ambrosio abounds with nitty-gritty suggestions on how to strike the balance between formal religious education in the home, and teaching by example, between affection and discipline, the role of parents and the help of other adults. You\u0092ll walk away with clear strategies that you can implement in your own family life.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Best of Catholic Speakers| Catholic Talks, Seminars, & Retreats by Catholic Speaker Marcellino D'Ambrosio -Welcome to The Crossroads Initiative", "title": "", "outputColName": "How the family, parish and Catholic School play various roles in the process of handing on the Catholic heritage.", "url": "http://www.crossroadsinitiative.com/talks.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042988051.33_20150728002308-00076-ip-10-236-191-2_383429142_13.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAT 1:25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son... [New International Version] ", "output": "But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAT 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; [New International Version] ", "output": "But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAT 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. [New International Version] ", "output": "And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAT 9:13 ...for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. [New International Version] ", "output": "...For I have not come to call the righteous but sinners.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAT 15:8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. [New International Version] ", "output": "These people honour me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAT 16:3 ...O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? [New International Version] ", "output": "You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAT 17:21 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. [New International Version] ", "output": "\u0097\u0097\u0097", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAT 19:9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery. [New International Version] ", "output": "I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness and marries another woman commits adultery.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAT 20:16 So the last shall be first and the first last: for many be called but few chosen. [New International Version] ", "output": "So the last will be first, and the first will be last.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAT 20:22 But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?... [New International Version] ", "output": "You don't know what you are asking, Jesus said to them. Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAT 23:14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. [New International Version] ", "output": "\u0097\u0097\u0097", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAT 27:35 And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots. [New International Version] ", "output": "When they had crucified him, they divided up his clothes by casting lots.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAT 28:2 ...for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. [New International Version] ", "output": "...for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAT 28:9 And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail... [New International Version] ", "output": "Suddenly Jesus met them. \"Greetings,\" he said...", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAR 1:14 Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God. [New International Version] ", "output": "After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAR 1:31 And he came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up; and immediately the fever left her. [New International Version] ", "output": "So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAR 2:17 ...I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. [New International Version] ", "output": "...I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAR 6:11 ...shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, it shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment than for that city. [New International Version] ", "output": "...shake the dust off your feet when you leave, as a testimony against them.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAR 7:8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. [New International Version] ", "output": "Ye have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAR 7:16 If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. [New International Version] ", "output": "\u0097\u0097\u0097", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAR 9:44 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. [New International Version] ", "output": "\u0097\u0097\u0097", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAR 9:46 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. [New International Version] ", "output": "\u0097\u0097\u0097", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAR 9:49 For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt. [New International Version] ", "output": "Everyone will be salted with fire.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAR 10:21 ...and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me. [New International Version] ", "output": "...give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAR 10:24 ...Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God. [New International Version] ", "output": "...Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAR 11:26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses. [New International Version] ", "output": "\u0097\u0097\u0097", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAR 13:14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not,... [New International Version] ", "output": "When you see the abomination that causes desolation standing where it does not belong,", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAR 13:33 Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. [New International Version] ", "output": "Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAR 14:68 But he denied, saying, I know not, neither understand I what thou sayest. And he went out into the porch; and the cock crew. [New International Version] ", "output": "But he denied it. \"I don't know or understand what you're talking about.\" he said, and went out into the entryway.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] MAR 15:28 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors. [New International Version] ", "output": "\u0097\u0097\u0097", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] LUK 1:28 And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. [New International Version] ", "output": "The angel went to her and said, \"Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] LUK 2:43 And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it. [New International Version] ", "output": "After the Feast was over, while his parents were returning home, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] LUK 4:8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. [New International Version] ", "output": "Jesus answered, \"It is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.' \"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] LUK 9:54 And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? [New International Version] ", "output": "When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, \"Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] LUK 9:55 But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. [New International Version] ", "output": "But Jesus turned and rebuked them.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] LUK 11:2\u00964 ...When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. [New International Version] ", "output": "When you pray, say: Father hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] LUK 11:29 ...This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet. [New International Version] ", "output": "...This is a wicked generation. It asks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] LUK 17:36 Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. [New International Version] ", "output": "\u0097\u0097\u0097", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] LUK 22:31 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat. [New International Version] ", "output": "Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] LUK 22:64 And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee? [New International Version] ", "output": "They blindfolded him and demanded, \"Prophesy! Who hit you?\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] LUK 23:17 (For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast.) [New International Version] ", "output": "\u0097\u0097\u0097", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] LUK 23:38 And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. [New International Version] ", "output": "There was a written notice above him, which read: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] JOH 1:27 He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose. [New International Version] ", "output": "He is the one who comes after me, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] JOH 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. [New International Version] ", "output": "No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven the Son of man.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] JOH 5:3\u00964 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had. [New International Version] ", "output": "Here a great number of disabled people used to lie \u0096 the blind, the lame, the paralyzed.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] JOH 6:47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. [New International Version] ", "output": "I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] JOH 11:41 Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid. [New International Version] ", "output": "So they took away the stone.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] JOH 17:12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name... [New International Version] ", "output": "While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me...", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] ACT 10:6 He lodgeth with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by the sea side: he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do. [New International Version] ", "output": "He is staying with Simon the tanner whose house is by the sea.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] ACT 20:32 And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace,... [New International Version] ", "output": "Now I commit you to God and the word of his grace.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] ACT 24:6\u00968 Who also hath gone about to profane the temple: whom we took, and would have judged according to our law. But the chief captain Lysias came upon us, and with great violence took him away out of our hands, Commanding his accusers to come unto thee: by examining of whom thyself mayest take knowledge of all these things, whereof we accuse him. [New International Version] ", "output": "and even tried to desecrate the temple; so we seized him. By examining him yourself you will be able to learn the truth about all these charges we are bringing against him.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] ACT 24:15 And have hope toward God, which they themselves also allow, that there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust. [New International Version] ", "output": "And I have the same hope in God as these men, that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] ACT 28:16 And when we came to Rome, the centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard: but Paul was suffered to dwell by himself with a soldier that kept him. [New International Version] ", "output": "When we got to Rome, Paul was allowed to live by himself, with a soldier to guard him.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] ACT 28:29 And when he had said these words, the Jews departed, and had great reasoning among themselves. [New International Version] ", "output": "\u0097\u0097\u0097", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] ROM 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness,... [New International Version] ", "output": "They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed...", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] ROM 9:28 For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth. [New International Version] ", "output": "For the Lord will carry out his sentence on earth with speed and finality.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] ROM 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! [New International Version] ", "output": "And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] ROM 13:9 ...Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not covet;... ... [New International Version] ", "output": "\"Do not steal,\" \"Do not covet,\"...", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] ROM 14:6 He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks. [New International Version] ", "output": "He who regards one day as special does so to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] ROM 14:21 It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak. [New International Version] ", "output": "It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything that will cause your brother to fall.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] ROM 15:29 And I am sure that, when I come unto you, I shall come in the fulness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ. [New International Version] ", "output": "I know that when I come to you, I will come in the full measure of the blessing of Christ.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] 1CO 5:7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: [New International Version] ", "output": "Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast as you really are. For Christ our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] 1CO 7:5 ...that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, [New International Version] ", "output": "...so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again...", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] 1CO 7:39 The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord. [New International Version] ", "output": "A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes, but he must belong to the Lord.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] 1CO 11:24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. [New International Version] ", "output": "And when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, \"This is my body which is for you: do this in remembrance of me.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] GAL 3:1 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth,... [New International Version] ", "output": "You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] EPH 5:30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. [New International Version] ", "output": "For we are members of his body.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] EPH 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. [New International Version] ", "output": "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] PHI 3:16 Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing. [New International Version] ", "output": "Only let us live up to what we have already attained.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] COL 1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: [New International Version] ", "output": "In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] COL 3:6 For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: [New International Version] ", "output": "Because of these, the wrath of God is coming.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] 2TH 1:8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, [New International Version] ", "output": "He will punish those who do not know God.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] 1TI 1:17 Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, [New International Version] ", "output": "Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God,", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] 1TI 4:12 Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, charity, in spirit, in faith, purity. [New International Version] ", "output": "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] 1TI 6:5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. [New International Version] ", "output": "And constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] 2TI 1:11 Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles. [New International Version] ", "output": "And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] PHM 1:12 Whom I have sent again: thou therefore receive him, that is, mine own bowels: [New International Version] ", "output": "I am sending him \u0096 who is my very heart \u0096 back to you.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] HEB 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high: [New International Version] ", "output": "The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] HEB 2:7 Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: [New International Version] ", "output": "You made him a little lower than the angels; you crowned him with glory and honor.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] HEB 7:21 ...The Lord sware and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec. [New International Version] ", "output": "...\"The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind: You are a priest forever.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] HEB 10:34 For ye had compassion of me in my bonds, and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance. [New International Version] ", "output": "You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] 1PE 4:1 Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, [New International Version] ", "output": "Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] 1PE 4:14 If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified. [New International Version] ", "output": "If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] 1PE 5:11 To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. [New International Version] ", "output": "To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] 2PE 2:17 These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever. [New International Version] ", "output": "These men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] 1JO 2:7 Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning. [New International Version] ", "output": "Dear friends, I am not writing you a new command but an old one, which you have had since the beginning. This old command is the message you have heard.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] JUD 25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. [New International Version] ", "output": "To the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] REV 2:13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest... [New International Version] ", "output": "I know where you live...", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] REV 6:1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. (Also in verses 3, 5, and 7) [New International Version] ", "output": "I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, \"Come.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] REV 11:17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O LORD God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. [New International Version] ", "output": "saying: We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] REV 12:12 ...Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you,... [New International Version] ", "output": "...\"But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you!", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] REV 16:17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. [New International Version] ", "output": "The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, \"It is done.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "aa02d788_ipped_From_The_Bible_Chapter_1__New_International_Version", "input": "[King James Bible] REV 21:24 And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it. [New International Version] ", "output": "The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Ripped From The Bible-Chapter 1", "title": "", "outputColName": "New International Version", "url": "http://biblebelievers.com/Floyd_Jones/Jones_Ripped1.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_27121345_0.json"} {"task": "1e8ac476_ison_of_1646_WCF_and_1689_LBCF__r_III__Of_God_s_Eternal_Decree", "input": "1. God hath decreed in himself, from all eternity, by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely and unchangeably, all things, whatsoever comes to pass; yet so as thereby is God neither the author of sin nor hath fellowship with any therein; nor is violence offered to the will of the creature, nor yet is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established; in which appears his wisdom in disposing all things, and power and faithfulness in accomplishing his decree.", "output": "1. God from all eternity did by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass; yet so as thereby neither is God the author of sin; nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures, nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tabular Comparison of 1646 WCF and 1689 LBCF", "title": "", "outputColName": "WCF \u2014 Chapter III: Of God's Eternal Decree", "url": "http://www.proginosko.com/docs/wcf_lbcf.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042988051.33_20150728002308-00078-ip-10-236-191-2_660218115_4.json"} {"task": "1e8ac476_ison_of_1646_WCF_and_1689_LBCF__r_III__Of_God_s_Eternal_Decree", "input": "2. Although God knoweth whatsoever may or can come to pass, upon all supposed conditions, yet hath he not decreed anything, because he foresaw it as future, or as that which would come to pass upon such conditions.", "output": "2. Although God knows whatsoever may or can come to pass, upon all supposed conditions; yet hath he not decreed any thing because he foresaw it as future, or as that which would come to pass, upon such conditions.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tabular Comparison of 1646 WCF and 1689 LBCF", "title": "", "outputColName": "WCF \u2014 Chapter III: Of God's Eternal Decree", "url": "http://www.proginosko.com/docs/wcf_lbcf.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042988051.33_20150728002308-00078-ip-10-236-191-2_660218115_4.json"} {"task": "1e8ac476_ison_of_1646_WCF_and_1689_LBCF__r_III__Of_God_s_Eternal_Decree", "input": "3. By the decree of God, for the manifestation of his glory, some men and angels are predestinated, or foreordained to eternal life through Jesus Christ, to the praise of his glorious grace; others being left to act in their sin to their just condemnation, to the praise of his glorious justice.", "output": "3. By the decree of God, for the manifestation of his glory, some men and angels are predestinated unto everlasting life, and others foreordained to everlasting death.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tabular Comparison of 1646 WCF and 1689 LBCF", "title": "", "outputColName": "WCF \u2014 Chapter III: Of God's Eternal Decree", "url": "http://www.proginosko.com/docs/wcf_lbcf.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042988051.33_20150728002308-00078-ip-10-236-191-2_660218115_4.json"} {"task": "1e8ac476_ison_of_1646_WCF_and_1689_LBCF__r_III__Of_God_s_Eternal_Decree", "input": "4. These angels and men thus predestinated and foreordained, are particularly and unchangeably designed, and their number so certain and definite, that it cannot be either increased or diminished.", "output": "4. These angels and men, thus predestinated and foreordained, are particularly and unchangeably designed; and their number is so certain and definite that it can not be either increased or diminished.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tabular Comparison of 1646 WCF and 1689 LBCF", "title": "", "outputColName": "WCF \u2014 Chapter III: Of God's Eternal Decree", "url": "http://www.proginosko.com/docs/wcf_lbcf.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042988051.33_20150728002308-00078-ip-10-236-191-2_660218115_4.json"} {"task": "1e8ac476_ison_of_1646_WCF_and_1689_LBCF__r_III__Of_God_s_Eternal_Decree", "input": "5. Those of mankind that are predestinated to life, God, before the foundation of the world was laid, according to his eternal and immutable purpose, and the secret counsel and good pleasure of his will, hath chosen in Christ unto everlasting glory, out of his mere free grace and love, without any other thing in the creature as a condition or cause moving him thereunto.", "output": "5. Those of mankind that are predestinated unto life, God, before the foundation of the world was laid, according to his eternal and immutable purpose, and the secret counsel and good pleasure of his will, hath chosen in Christ, unto everlasting glory, out of his free grace and love alone, without any foresight of faith or good works, or perseverance in either of them, or any other thing in the creature, as conditions, or causes moving him thereunto; and all to the praise of his glorious grace.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tabular Comparison of 1646 WCF and 1689 LBCF", "title": "", "outputColName": "WCF \u2014 Chapter III: Of God's Eternal Decree", "url": "http://www.proginosko.com/docs/wcf_lbcf.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042988051.33_20150728002308-00078-ip-10-236-191-2_660218115_4.json"} {"task": "1e8ac476_ison_of_1646_WCF_and_1689_LBCF__r_III__Of_God_s_Eternal_Decree", "input": "6. As God hath appointed the elect unto glory, so he hath, by the eternal and most free purpose of his will, foreordained all the means thereunto; wherefore they who are elected, being fallen in Adam, are redeemed by Christ, are effectually called unto faith in Christ, by his Spirit working in due season, are justified, adopted, sanctified, and kept by his power through faith unto salvation; neither are any other redeemed by Christ, or effectually called, justified, adopted, sanctified, and saved, but the elect only.", "output": "6. As God hath appointed the elect unto glory, so hath he, by the eternal and most free purpose of his will, foreordained all the means thereunto. Wherefore they who are elected being fallen in Adam are redeemed by Christ, are effectually called unto faith in Christ by his Spirit working in due season; are justified, adopted, sanctified, and kept by his power through faith unto salvation. Neither are any other redeemed by Christ, effectually called, justified, adopted, sanctified, and saved, but the elect only.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tabular Comparison of 1646 WCF and 1689 LBCF", "title": "", "outputColName": "WCF \u2014 Chapter III: Of God's Eternal Decree", "url": "http://www.proginosko.com/docs/wcf_lbcf.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042988051.33_20150728002308-00078-ip-10-236-191-2_660218115_4.json"} {"task": "1e8ac476_ison_of_1646_WCF_and_1689_LBCF__r_III__Of_God_s_Eternal_Decree", "input": "", "output": "7. The rest of mankind, God was pleased, according to the unsearchable counsel of his own will, whereby he extendeth or withholdeth mercy as he pleaseth, for the glory of his sovereign power over his creatures, to pass by, and to ordain them to dishonour and wrath for their sin, to the praise of his glorious justice.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tabular Comparison of 1646 WCF and 1689 LBCF", "title": "", "outputColName": "WCF \u2014 Chapter III: Of God's Eternal Decree", "url": "http://www.proginosko.com/docs/wcf_lbcf.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042988051.33_20150728002308-00078-ip-10-236-191-2_660218115_4.json"} {"task": "1e8ac476_ison_of_1646_WCF_and_1689_LBCF__r_III__Of_God_s_Eternal_Decree", "input": "7. The doctrine of the high mystery of predestination is to be handled with special prudence and care, that men attending the will of God revealed in his Word, and yielding obedience thereunto, may, from the certainty of their effectual vocation, be assured of their eternal election; so shall this doctrine afford matter of praise, reverence, and admiration of God, and of humility, diligence, and abundant consolation to all that sincerely obey the gospel.", "output": "8. The doctrine of this high mystery of predestination is to be handled with special prudence and care, that men attending to the will of God revealed in his Word, and yielding obedience thereunto, may, from the certainty of their effectual vocation, be assured of their eternal election. So shall this doctrine afford matter of praise, reverence, and admiration of God; and of humility, diligence, and abundant consolation to all that sincerely obey the gospel.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Tabular Comparison of 1646 WCF and 1689 LBCF", "title": "", "outputColName": "WCF \u2014 Chapter III: Of God's Eternal Decree", "url": "http://www.proginosko.com/docs/wcf_lbcf.html", "wdcFile": "27/1438042988051.33_20150728002308-00078-ip-10-236-191-2_660218115_4.json"} {"task": "0e285205_vents___Mystical_Arts_of_Tibet__1", "input": "[0] Lama Chopa Puja (Guru Puja) [2] Duration: 60 minutes [1] ", "output": "This is a ceremony where the Monks make an offering and say prayers through songs. To grow spiritually without diversions or distractions we need someone who has travelled along that path and who can advise us in moments of doubt or confusion through his experience; this is what the guidance of a Spiritual Master can offer us. Practicing the Guru Puja or Lama Chopa helps us develop and establish the positive potential necessary to achieve a connection with the Spiritual Master.Those present must dress in white with white socks, bring their kata (long piece of white cloth, symbol of welcome between he who offers it and he who receives it) and carry an offering of white flowers and a white candle.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Activities: Riviera Maya Events | Mystical Arts of Tibet", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.haciendatresrios.com/area-attractions/riviera-maya-events/maya-tibet-encounter/activities/", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00264-ip-10-236-191-2_495742151_0.json"} {"task": "0e285205_vents___Mystical_Arts_of_Tibet__1", "input": "[0] Praises to the 21 Taras [2] Duration: 60 minutes [1] ", "output": "The monks carry out the praises to the 21 Taras (symbols for inner growth), through songs to eliminate obstacles, negativity and sickness, as well as to attract good fortune and long life. Also, the aim of these praises is to eliminate fears, negative karma, develop wisdom, drive off depression and sadness, bad feelings of others towards us and even contagious illnesses.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Activities: Riviera Maya Events | Mystical Arts of Tibet", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.haciendatresrios.com/area-attractions/riviera-maya-events/maya-tibet-encounter/activities/", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00264-ip-10-236-191-2_495742151_0.json"} {"task": "0e285205_vents___Mystical_Arts_of_Tibet__1", "input": "[0] Making the Mandala [2] Duration: 3 days [1] ", "output": "Mandala is a Sanskrit Word that translates as \u201cthe center and its surroundings\u201d. A mandala represents the illuminated cosmos that is perfect in all aspects, and to create it the monks pour sand grain by grain on a surface that will be carefully and beautifully sculpted for several days. There are different types of mandalas but the one to be built here is a Green Tara Mandala that represents the illuminated activities and the purpose of which will be to bring healing energy and peace to the world, resolve conflicts and be successful in a positive way with respect to work and prosperity.To mark the beginning and end of its making ceremonies will take place in which the monks will use multiphonic songs and musical instruments, recite mantras and lead meditations dealing with the purpose of the mandala.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Activities: Riviera Maya Events | Mystical Arts of Tibet", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.haciendatresrios.com/area-attractions/riviera-maya-events/maya-tibet-encounter/activities/", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00264-ip-10-236-191-2_495742151_0.json"} {"task": "0e285205_vents___Mystical_Arts_of_Tibet__1", "input": "[0] Private Pujas (Blessings) Personal or Family** [2] Duration: 20 minutes [1] ", "output": "Buddhism is a tradition more than 2,500 years old, in which circumstances are counteracted, such as unexpected, painful or unwanted events, through rituals, ceremonies and meditation.Pujas or blessing ceremonies are carried out through reciting and singing the sacred scriptures written by Buddhas, enlightened beings and Bodhisattvas, to transform any negative energy into positive.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Activities: Riviera Maya Events | Mystical Arts of Tibet", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.haciendatresrios.com/area-attractions/riviera-maya-events/maya-tibet-encounter/activities/", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00264-ip-10-236-191-2_495742151_0.json"} {"task": "0e285205_vents___Mystical_Arts_of_Tibet__1", "input": "[0] Shamata Meditation Practice [2] Duration: 60 minutes [1] ", "output": "Tranquility meditation or shamata is practiced while sitting in the cross-legged posture and it helps us to calm our mind and reduce the effects of negative emotions such as anger, worry and suffering in general. Following one\u2019s breath, shamata is also useful for developing concentration and memory.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Activities: Riviera Maya Events | Mystical Arts of Tibet", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.haciendatresrios.com/area-attractions/riviera-maya-events/maya-tibet-encounter/activities/", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00264-ip-10-236-191-2_495742151_0.json"} {"task": "0e285205_vents___Mystical_Arts_of_Tibet__1", "input": "[0] Green Tara Initiation [1] ", "output": "Mother Tara, liberator of the unfortunate, has the quality of being able to quickly and effectively help anyone who entrusts himself to her with faith and confidence; she also helps to remove obstacles that prevent us from reaching temporary and final desires for the good of mankind.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Activities: Riviera Maya Events | Mystical Arts of Tibet", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://www.haciendatresrios.com/area-attractions/riviera-maya-events/maya-tibet-encounter/activities/", "wdcFile": "27/1438042989826.86_20150728002309-00264-ip-10-236-191-2_495742151_0.json"} {"task": "b7c9da55_Techniques_to_Help_Ease_Stress__Health_Benefit", "input": "[Technique] Meditation [Description] Meditation teaches people to focus their attention and be mindful of sensations, thoughts and feelings without judging themselves. Most types of meditation include: finding a quiet location with few distractions, assuming a comfortable posture, focusing your attention and having an open attitude. [Health Benefit] ", "output": "Meditation calms the body from a stressful state by lowering your heart rate, slowing breathing and improving blood flow and digestion. Meditation may have a physiological response that relaxes the mind and body.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Techniques to Help Ease Stress", "title": "", "outputColName": "Health Benefit", "url": "https://www.aarpmedicareplans.com/aarpoptum/techniques-to-help-ease-stress?hlpage=health_center&loc=health_articles_tab", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_894587381_2.json"} {"task": "b7c9da55_Techniques_to_Help_Ease_Stress__Health_Benefit", "input": "[Technique] Yoga [Description] Yoga is a movement practice that combines physical postures, meditation and breathing. It is generally considered low-impact and safe for most healthy people, but talk to your doctor first. There are many styles of yoga and you can get hurt if you don't do it right. Taking a class with a certified instructor is recommended. [Health Benefit] ", "output": "Research suggests that yoga may help people maintain their health and well-being. It may increase your strength, flexibility and overall physical fitness. It may also improve quality of life by helping to relieve anxiety, lower your blood pressure and heart rate - traits that are linked to stress.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Techniques to Help Ease Stress", "title": "", "outputColName": "Health Benefit", "url": "https://www.aarpmedicareplans.com/aarpoptum/techniques-to-help-ease-stress?hlpage=health_center&loc=health_articles_tab", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_894587381_2.json"} {"task": "b7c9da55_Techniques_to_Help_Ease_Stress__Health_Benefit", "input": "[Technique] Tai chi [Description] Tai chi is a non-competitive series of slow movements that you do at your own pace. Practitioners focus on deep breathing and clearing their mind. It is a low-impact, safe activity that is usually suitable for most healthy people. It can be practiced alone or in a group. [Health Benefit] ", "output": "Tai chi has been used to improve overall well-being. The practice is meditative and promotes relaxation and staying focused in the present moment. It also may help improve physical fitness and sleep.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Techniques to Help Ease Stress", "title": "", "outputColName": "Health Benefit", "url": "https://www.aarpmedicareplans.com/aarpoptum/techniques-to-help-ease-stress?hlpage=health_center&loc=health_articles_tab", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_894587381_2.json"} {"task": "b7c9da55_Techniques_to_Help_Ease_Stress__Health_Benefit", "input": "[Technique] Relaxation practices [Description] Autogenic training - This method focuses on your heartbeat or breathing and picturing your body warm, relaxed or heavy. Deep breathing - You slow your breathing and focus on taking deep, regular breaths. Guided imagery - A visualization technique guided by you or a practitioner that replaces negative thoughts with pleasing images. Progressive relaxation - You focus on tightening and relaxing muscle groups one-by-one. It is often combined with breathing or imagery methods. Self-hypnosis - This method uses a phrase or nonverbal cue that helps you trigger your relaxation response. [Health Benefit] ", "output": "The goal is to create a relaxation response, the opposite of the stress response. It may help lower your blood pressure and slow your heart rate. It may lower levels of stress hormones to help counteract the negative effects of stress. Relaxation is also used for other conditions such as chronic pain, insomnia and depression.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Techniques to Help Ease Stress", "title": "", "outputColName": "Health Benefit", "url": "https://www.aarpmedicareplans.com/aarpoptum/techniques-to-help-ease-stress?hlpage=health_center&loc=health_articles_tab", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_894587381_2.json"} {"task": "b7c9da55_Techniques_to_Help_Ease_Stress__Health_Benefit", "input": "[Technique] Stress journal [Description] This is a place where you write down the stressors in your life and how you deal with them. Write down how you feel physically and emotionally when stress occurs. [Health Benefit] ", "output": "You may see a pattern in your stress that could help you learn how to cope with certain stressors. This may give you a sense of relief and you may learn how to handle a stressor the next time.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Techniques to Help Ease Stress", "title": "", "outputColName": "Health Benefit", "url": "https://www.aarpmedicareplans.com/aarpoptum/techniques-to-help-ease-stress?hlpage=health_center&loc=health_articles_tab", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_894587381_2.json"} {"task": "b7c9da55_Techniques_to_Help_Ease_Stress__Health_Benefit", "input": "[Technique] Positive self-talk [Description] Positive self-talk is talking to yourself in an upbeat way. This can include giving encouraging messages to yourself or turning negative thoughts into positive ones. You can do this aloud or in your mind. [Health Benefit] ", "output": "Positive self-talk can help reduce stress by calming you and turning negativity into optimism. You can practice it at your desk, in your car or whenever you notice negative thoughts entering your mind.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Techniques to Help Ease Stress", "title": "", "outputColName": "Health Benefit", "url": "https://www.aarpmedicareplans.com/aarpoptum/techniques-to-help-ease-stress?hlpage=health_center&loc=health_articles_tab", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_894587381_2.json"} {"task": "b7c9da55_Techniques_to_Help_Ease_Stress__Health_Benefit", "input": "[Technique] Social support [Description] Share your stress with family or friends. Talk through what you are thinking and feeling. [Health Benefit] ", "output": "Speaking with someone who can be sympathetic may relieve some of the burden of stress. Sharing your problems may help you find a solution. Spending time with someone else may also be fun and help you relieve tension.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Techniques to Help Ease Stress", "title": "", "outputColName": "Health Benefit", "url": "https://www.aarpmedicareplans.com/aarpoptum/techniques-to-help-ease-stress?hlpage=health_center&loc=health_articles_tab", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_894587381_2.json"} {"task": "b993d60e_s_And_Name_Of_God_In_The_Bible__Son_of_God", "input": "[Son of Man] The Branch [Son of Righteousness] The Root of David [Son of God] ", "output": "The Vine", "options": ["The Vine", "The Way", "The Bread", "The Word", "The Amen", "King of Kings"], "pageTitle": "The Names And Name Of God In The Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Son of God", "url": "http://www.the-name-of-god.com/", "wdcFile": "12/1438042990114.79_20150728002310-00122-ip-10-236-191-2_736858283_0.json"} {"task": "b993d60e_s_And_Name_Of_God_In_The_Bible__Son_of_God", "input": "[Son of Man] The Door [Son of Righteousness] The Living Water [Son of God] ", "output": "The Way", "options": ["The Vine", "The Way", "The Bread", "The Word", "The Amen", "King of Kings"], "pageTitle": "The Names And Name Of God In The Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Son of God", "url": "http://www.the-name-of-god.com/", "wdcFile": "12/1438042990114.79_20150728002310-00122-ip-10-236-191-2_736858283_0.json"} {"task": "b993d60e_s_And_Name_Of_God_In_The_Bible__Son_of_God", "input": "[Son of Man] The Life [Son of Righteousness] The Lamb of God [Son of God] ", "output": "The Bread", "options": ["The Vine", "The Way", "The Bread", "The Word", "The Amen", "King of Kings"], "pageTitle": "The Names And Name Of God In The Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Son of God", "url": "http://www.the-name-of-god.com/", "wdcFile": "12/1438042990114.79_20150728002310-00122-ip-10-236-191-2_736858283_0.json"} {"task": "b993d60e_s_And_Name_Of_God_In_The_Bible__Son_of_God", "input": "[Son of Man] The Truth [Son of Righteousness] The Faithful Witness [Son of God] ", "output": "The Word", "options": ["The Vine", "The Way", "The Bread", "The Word", "The Amen", "King of Kings"], "pageTitle": "The Names And Name Of God In The Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Son of God", "url": "http://www.the-name-of-god.com/", "wdcFile": "12/1438042990114.79_20150728002310-00122-ip-10-236-191-2_736858283_0.json"} {"task": "b993d60e_s_And_Name_Of_God_In_The_Bible__Son_of_God", "input": "[Son of Man] The \u201cI AM\u201d [Son of Righteousness] The First and Last [Son of God] ", "output": "The Amen", "options": ["The Vine", "The Way", "The Bread", "The Word", "The Amen", "King of Kings"], "pageTitle": "The Names And Name Of God In The Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Son of God", "url": "http://www.the-name-of-god.com/", "wdcFile": "12/1438042990114.79_20150728002310-00122-ip-10-236-191-2_736858283_0.json"} {"task": "b993d60e_s_And_Name_Of_God_In_The_Bible__Son_of_God", "input": "[Son of Man] Alpha & Omega [Son of Righteousness] Good Shepherd [Son of God] ", "output": "King of Kings", "options": ["The Vine", "The Way", "The Bread", "The Word", "The Amen", "King of Kings"], "pageTitle": "The Names And Name Of God In The Bible", "title": "", "outputColName": "Son of God", "url": "http://www.the-name-of-god.com/", "wdcFile": "12/1438042990114.79_20150728002310-00122-ip-10-236-191-2_736858283_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Aloe [Symbolism] ", "output": "Due to its ability to survive where other plants do not it is regarded as a healing plant. It is good for spells that are to sustain the body or to dispel discomfort.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Bamboo [Symbolism] ", "output": "Bamboo is an extremely versatile plant and has many uses, it represents growth and versatility.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Bayberry [Symbolism] ", "output": "Symbolizes illusions and appearances, it is used for visions and divining.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Beech [Symbolism] ", "output": "Because of its smooth grain it was often used for writing surfaces and has come to represent ancient knowledge through objects and writings. It is often used as a replacement for oak.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Blackberry [Symbolism] ", "output": "This was considered by all to be the food of the faeries and it was extremely taboo to eat them within celtic britain.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Bloodroot [Symbolism] ", "output": "This herb is used to heal wounds and aid with regeneration. It symbolizes healing, strength and growth.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Bluebell [Symbolism] ", "output": "These are very enchanted plants it is believed that their bells call the faeries to their midnight processions.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Boneset [Symbolism] ", "output": "It was used to help set broken bones as well as treat wounds. It symbolizes fixing, mending, regeneration and strengthening.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Butterfly weed [Symbolism] ", "output": "Like the butterfly it is considered a good plant to use for healing transformation and rebirth.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Cactus [Symbolism] ", "output": "With its ability to store water it symbolizes hidden treasure as well as endurance and the ability to adapt to situations and environments.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Catnip [Symbolism] ", "output": "Most animals either find this a powerful stimulant or a sedative, due to this seemingly contradictory effect it is used in spells for deception or paradox.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Cattails [Symbolism] ", "output": "A water growing plant that turns ponds into swamps then into dry earth this plant symbolizes strong earth energy, balance and stability.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Cedar [Symbolism] ", "output": "Excellent at repelling negative energy. It is used for protection and warding away negative spirits.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Chrysanthemum [Symbolism] ", "output": "A very decorative plant it denotes nobility and royalty. It is particularly good for speeding up the rate and flow of spells.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Clover [Symbolism] ", "output": "With its three-fold leaves it was very special to the celts symbolising balance and the triad. A four leaf clover is very lucky, and it is said that wearing one within your hat will allow you to see fairies.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Corn [Symbolism] ", "output": "Corn is one of humans most treasured plants, it has always been a great source of nutrition as well as providing medicine. It is closely related to the sun, harvest, health and the earth goddess.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Cypress [Symbolism] ", "output": "This is regarded as a sad tree, as it was used to build funeral pyres it is associated with mourning.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Dogwood [Symbolism] ", "output": "This tree symbolizes charm and finesse, it is used to enhance personality as well as aid in social stature.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Elm [Symbolism] ", "output": "It is associated with shadows, darkness and depression and was used to mark off tainted areas of the countryside.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Eucalyptus [Symbolism] ", "output": "It is seen as a protecting and nurturing tree. It can also symbolize 'sloth' due to its narcotic foliage.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Eyebright [Symbolism] ", "output": "As the name suggests it has long been associated with farsight and clearness of vision. It is used for seeing faeries, the truth and farsight.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Fern [Symbolism] ", "output": "Ferns are the favoured plant of the pixies and wherever these grow you are supposed to find them nearby. It also represents ancient knowledge and archaism.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Feverfew [Symbolism] ", "output": "So called because of its ability to banish fever it is good for healing.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Fireweed [Symbolism] ", "output": "Fireweed is one of the first plants to grow after a fire, and it is also extremely useful providing humans with many uses. For this reason it is seen as a good plant to have as an ally.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Ginseng [Symbolism] ", "output": "This plant concerns clarity of the mind and is used to enhance focus.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Goldseal [Symbolism] ", "output": "It is mainly used as a cleaning agent and in spells it is used to purify and cleanse.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Grass [Symbolism] ", "output": "This is a hardy plant that is the first to grow in most places it symbolizes food, concealment and hardiness.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "a41802be_Plants_Shrubs_Fruits_Herbs_A_H__Symbolism", "input": "[Plant] Hibiscus [Symbolism] ", "output": "Hibiscus symbolizes beauty and fertility, its 5 petal flowers speak of protection and its random growth that of chaos. It is used for spells involving randomness, glamours and repelling negativity.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Flowers Trees Plants Shrubs Fruits Herbs A-H", "title": "", "outputColName": "Symbolism", "url": "http://www.uponreflection.co.uk/ogham/plant_lore_ah.htm", "wdcFile": "12/1438042981460.12_20150728002301-00306-ip-10-236-191-2_799728819_0.json"} {"task": "6a20ea8f_What_Bible_Are_You_Reading___12", "input": "[0] SCRIPTURE [1] Romans 1:16 [2] Matthew 19:17 [3] Luke 2:14 [4] Matthew 18:11 [5] Mark 15:28 [6] Colossians 1:14 [7] Hebrews 1:3 [8] I John 5:19 [9] Luke 7:30 [10] John 9:35 [11] Acts 3:13, 26 [13] II Corinthians 2:15 [14] Mark 10:21 [15] Jude 1:1 [16] I Thess. 5:27 [17] Romans 8:1 [18] Ephesians 4:6 [19] Acts 8:5 [20] I Corinthians 1:21 [21] Acts 4:4 [12] ", "output": "I John 5:13", "options": [], "pageTitle": "What Bible Are You Reading?", "title": "", "outputColName": "12", "url": "http://www.realhelpforteens.com/index.php?PGNM=bible_comparison_chart", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00101-ip-10-236-191-2_667886973_25.json"} {"task": "6a20ea8f_What_Bible_Are_You_Reading___12", "input": "[0] KJV [1] I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ [2] There is none good but one, that is God [3] good will toward men [4] For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. [5] And he was numbered with the transgressors [6] through his blood [7] purged our sins [8] wickedness [9] rejected the counsel of God against themselves [10] Dost thou believe on the Son of God? [11] his Son Jesus [13] are saved [14] take up the cross [15] sanctified [16] holy brethren [17] who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit [18] God\u2026who is in you all [19] preached Christ [20] foolishness of preaching [21] the word [12] ", "output": "that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God", "options": [], "pageTitle": "What Bible Are You Reading?", "title": "", "outputColName": "12", "url": "http://www.realhelpforteens.com/index.php?PGNM=bible_comparison_chart", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00101-ip-10-236-191-2_667886973_25.json"} {"task": "6a20ea8f_What_Bible_Are_You_Reading___12", "input": "[0] RV [1] I am not ashamed of the gospel [2] one there is who is good [3] men in whom he is well pleased [4] For the Son of man came to save that which was lost. [5] omitted (marginal note) [6] omitted [7] made purification of sins [8] the evil one [9] rejected for themselves the counsel of God [10] Dost thou believe on the Son of God? (marginal note - Son of man) [11] his Servant Jesus [13] are being saved [14] omitted [15] called [16] brethren (footnote - holy) [17] omitted [18] God\u2026who is\u2026in all [19] Proclaimed\u2026the Christ [20] Foolishness of the preaching (marginal note - of the thing preached) [21] The word [12] ", "output": "omitted", "options": [], "pageTitle": "What Bible Are You Reading?", "title": "", "outputColName": "12", "url": "http://www.realhelpforteens.com/index.php?PGNM=bible_comparison_chart", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00101-ip-10-236-191-2_667886973_25.json"} {"task": "6a20ea8f_What_Bible_Are_You_Reading___12", "input": "[0] NASB [1] I am not ashamed of the gospel [2] There is only One who is good. [3] men with whom he is pleased [4] Parenthetical with disclaimer [5] omitted (marginal note) [6] omitted [7] made purification of sins [8] power of the evil one [9] rejected God\u2019s purpose for themselves [10] Do you believe in the Son of Man? [11] His Servant Jesus [13] are being saved [14] omitted [15] called [16] brethren [17] omitted [18] God\u2026who is\u2026in all [19] proclaiming Christ [20] foolishness of the message preached [21] the message [12] ", "output": "omitted", "options": [], "pageTitle": "What Bible Are You Reading?", "title": "", "outputColName": "12", "url": "http://www.realhelpforteens.com/index.php?PGNM=bible_comparison_chart", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00101-ip-10-236-191-2_667886973_25.json"} {"task": "6a20ea8f_What_Bible_Are_You_Reading___12", "input": "[0] NIV [1] I am not ashamed of the gospel [2] There is only One who is good. [3] men in whom his favor rests [4] omitted (footnote) [5] omitted (footnote) [6] omitted (footnote) [7] purification for sins [8] control of the evil one [9] rejected God\u2019s purpose for themselves [10] Do you believe in the Son of Man? [11] his servant Jesus [13] are being saved [14] omitted [15] called [16] brothers [17] omitted (footnote) [18] God\u2026who is\u2026in all [19] proclaimed the Christ [20] foolishness of what was preached [21] the message [12] ", "output": "omitted", "options": [], "pageTitle": "What Bible Are You Reading?", "title": "", "outputColName": "12", "url": "http://www.realhelpforteens.com/index.php?PGNM=bible_comparison_chart", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00101-ip-10-236-191-2_667886973_25.json"} {"task": "6a20ea8f_What_Bible_Are_You_Reading___12", "input": "[0] NKJV [1] I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ [2] No one is good but One, that is God. [3] good will toward men [4] For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. [5] And he was numbered with the transgressors [6] through His blood [7] purged our sins [8] sway of the wicked one [9] rejected the counsel of God for themselves [10] Do you believe in the Son of God? [11] his Servant Jesus [13] are being saved [14] take up the cross [15] sanctified [16] holy brethren [17] who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. [18] God\u2026who is in you all [19] preached Christ [20] foolishness of the message preached [21] the word [12] ", "output": "that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "What Bible Are You Reading?", "title": "", "outputColName": "12", "url": "http://www.realhelpforteens.com/index.php?PGNM=bible_comparison_chart", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00101-ip-10-236-191-2_667886973_25.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] A Declaration by the Representatives of the United States of America in general Congress assembled. [ENGROSSED COPY] In Congress, July 4,1776. The Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "A Declaration by the Representatives of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in General Congress assembled.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] When in the Course of human Events it becomes necessary for a People to advance from that Subordination, in which they have hitherto remained and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the equal and independent Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the Causes, which impell them to the Change. [ENGROSSED COPY] When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] We hold these Truths to be self evident; that all Men are created equal and independent; that from that equal Creation they derive Rights inherent and unalienable; among which are the Preservation of Life, and Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness; that to secure these Ends, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the governed; that whenever, any form of Government shall become destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter, or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its power in such Form, as to them shall Seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence indeed will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shown, that Mankind are more disposed to Suffer, while Evils are Sufferable, than to right themselves, by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, begun at a distinguish'd Period, and pursuing invariably, the same object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Power, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity, which constrains them to expunge their former Systems of Government. The History of his present Majesty, is a History of unremitting Injuries and Usurpations, among which no one Fact stands Single or Solitary to contradict the uniform Tenor of the rest, all of which have in direct object, the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be Submitted to a candid World, for the Truth of which We pledge a Faith, as yet unsullied by falsehood. [ENGROSSED COPY] We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. \u2014That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this let Facts be submitted to a candid world. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with inherent & inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their happiness. Prudence indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes: and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations begun at a distinguished period and pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to expunge their former systems of government. The history of the present king of Great Britain is a history of unremitting injuries and usurpations, among which appears no solitary fact to contradict the uniform tenor of the rest; but all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this let facts be submitted to a candid world, for the truth of which we pledge a faith yet unsullied by falsehood.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. [ENGROSSED COPY] He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing Importance, unless suspended in their operation, till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended he has neglected utterly to attend to them. [ENGROSSED COPY] He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and, when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained, and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large Districts of People, unless those People would relinquish the Right of Representation in the Legislature, a Right inestimable to them, and formidable to Tyrants only. [ENGROSSED COPY] He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people unless those people would relinquish the right of representation, in the legislature, a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[ENGROSSED COPY] He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] He has dissolved Representative Houses, repeatedly, and continually, for opposing with manly Firmness his Invasions on the Rights of the People. [ENGROSSED COPY] He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has dissolved Representative houses repeatedly and continually for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the right of the people:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] He has refused, for a long Space of Time after such Dissolutions, to cause others to be elected, whereby the legislative Powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their Exercise, the state remaining in the mean Time, exposed to all the Dangers of Invasion, from without, and Convulsions within\u2014 [ENGROSSED COPY] He has refused for a long time after such dissolutions to cause others to be elected, whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation have returned to the People at large for their exercise, the State remaining, in the meantime, exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has refused for a long time after such dissolutions to cause others to be elected whereby the legislative powers incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise, the state remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without and convulsions within:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] He has endeavoured to prevent the Population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their Migrations hither; and raising the Conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. [ENGROSSED COPY] He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states, for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither; and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] He has suffered the Administration of Justice totally to cease in some of these Colonies, refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers. [ENGROSSED COPY] He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has suffered the administration of justice totally to cease in some of these states, refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] He has made our Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the Tenure of their offices, and amount of their Salaries: [ENGROSSED COPY] He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has made judges dependant on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices and the amount and payment of their salaries:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] He has created a Multitude of new offices by a Self-assumed Power, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our People and eat out their Substance. [ENGROSSED COPY] He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has erected a multitude of new offices by a self assumed power and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] He has kept among us, in Times of Peace, Standing Armies and Ships of War. [ENGROSSED COPY] He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has kept among us in times of peace, standing armies and ships of war without the consent of our legislatures:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] He has affected to render the military, independent of, and Superiour to, the civil Power. [ENGROSSED COPY] He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has affected to render the military, independent of and superior to the civil power:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] He has combined with others to subject us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution and unacknowledged by our Laws; giving his Assent to their pretended Acts of Legislation; for quartering large Bodies of armed Troops among us; for protecting them by a Mock Tryal from Punishment for any Murders they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States; for cutting off our Trade with all Parts of the World; for imposing Taxes on as without our Consent; for depriving Us of the Benefits of Trial by Jury; for transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offenses; for taking away our Charters, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Government; for suspending our own Legislatures and declaring themselves invested with Power to legislate for us in all Cases whatsoever. [ENGROSSED COPY] He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation: For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: For protecting them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States: For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world: For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent \u2014For depriving us in many cases of the benefits of Trial by jury: For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences: For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies: For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments: For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring tbemselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitutions and unacknowledged by our laws, giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation, for quartering large bodies of armed troops among us; for protecting them by a mock trial from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states; for cutting off our trade with all parts of the world; for imposing taxes on us without our consent; for depriving us in many cases of the benefits of trial by jury; for transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offences; for abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government and enlarging its boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these colonies; for taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and fundamentally the forms of our governments, for suspending our own legislatures and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] He has abdicated Government here, withdrawing his Governors, and declaring us, out of his Allegiance and Protection. [ENGROSSED COPY] He has abdicated Government here by declaring us out of his Protection, and waging war against us. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has abdicated government here, withdrawing his governors, and declaring us out of his allegiance and protection.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] He has plundered our Seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the Lives of our People. [ENGROSSED COPY] He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the Lives of our people. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns and destroyed the lives of our people:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] He is at this Time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to complete the Works of death, Desolation, and Tyranny, already begun with Circumstances of Cruelty and Perfidy unworthy the Head of a civilized Nation. [ENGROSSED COPY] He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy unworthy the head of a civilized nation:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] He has endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitants of our Frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known Rule of Warfare is an undistinguished Destruction of all Ages, Sexes, and Conditions of existence. He has incited treasonable Insurrections of our Fellow Citizens, with the allurement of Forfeiture and Confiscation of our Property. [ENGROSSED COPY] He has excited domestic insurrection among us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions of existence. He has incited treasonable insurrections of our fellow-citizens, with the allurements of forfeiture and confiscation of our property:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[ENGROSSED COPY] He has constrained our fellow citizens taken Captive on the high Seas, to bear arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has constrained others, taken captive on the high seas to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] He has waged cruel War against human Nature itself, violating its most sacred Rights of Life and Liberty in the Persons of a distant People who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into Slavery in another Hemisphere, or to incur miserable Death, in their Transportation thither. This piratical Warfare, the opprobrium of infidel Powers, is the Warfare of the Christian King of Great Britain. He has prostituted his Negative for Suppressing every legislative Attempt to prohibit or to restrain an execrable Commerce, determined to keep open a Market where Men should be bought and sold, and that this assemblage of Horrors might want no Fact of distinguished Die. He is now exciting those very People to rise in Arms among us, and to purchase their Liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the People upon whom he also obtruded them: thus paying off, former Crimes committed against the Liberties of one People, with Crimes which he urges them to commit against the Lives of another. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of distant people, who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian king of Great Britain. Determined to keep open a market where Men should be bought and sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce: and that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished dye, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them by murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them; thus paying off former crime committed against the liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress, in the most humble Terms; our repeated Petitions have been answered by repeated Injury. A Prince, whose Character is thus marked by every Act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the Ruler of a People who mean to be free. \u2014 future ages will scarce believe, that the Hardiness of one Man, adventured, within the Short Compass of twelve years only, on so many Acts of Tyranny, without a Mask, over a People, fostered and fixed in the Principles of Liberty. [ENGROSSED COPY] In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injuries. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms; our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injuries. A prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a people who mean to be free. Future ages will scarce believe that the hardiness of one man adventured within the short compass of twelve years only, to build a foundation, so broad and undisguised for tyranny over a people fostered and fixed in principles of freedom.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] Nor have we been wanting in Attentions to our British Brethren. We have warned them from Time to Time of attempts of their Legislature to extend a Jurisdiction over these our States. We have reminded them of the Circumstances of our Emigration and Settlement here, no one of which could warrant so strange a Pretension. That these were effected at the expense of our own Blood and Treasure, unassisted by the Wealth or the Strength of Great Britain; that in constituting indeed, our Several Forms of Government, we had adopted one common King, thereby laying a Foundation for Perpetual League and Amity with them; but that Submission to their Parliament, was no Part of our Constitution, nor ever in Idea, if History may be credited; and we appealed to their Nature, Justice and Magnanimity, as well as to the Ties of our common Kindred to disavow these usurpations, which were likely to interrupt our Correspondence and Connection. They too have been deaf to the Voice of Justice and of Consanguinity, and when occasions have been given them by the regular Course of their Laws of removing from their Councils, the Disturbers of our Harmony, they have by their free Election, re-established them in Power. At this very Time too, they are permitting their Chief Magistrate to send over not only soldiers of our common Blood, but Scotch and foreign Mercenaries, to invade and deluge us in Blood. These Facts have given the last Stab to agonizing affection, and manly Spirit bids us to renounce forever these unfeeling Brethren. We must endeavour to forget our former Love for them, and to hold them, as we hold the rest of Mankind, enemies in War, in Peace Friends. We might have been a free and a great People together but a Communication of Grandeur and of Freedom it seems is below their Dignity. Be it so, since they will have it: The Road to Happiness and to Glory is open to us too; we will climb it, apart from them, and acquiesce in the Necessity which denounces our eternal Separation. [ENGROSSED COPY] Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations which would inevitably interrupt our connection and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must therefore acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our separation and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "Nor have we been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over these our states. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here, no one of which could warrant so strange a pretension: that these were effected at the expence of our own blood and treasure, unassisted by the wealth or strength of Great Britain: that in constituting indeed our several forms of government, we had adopted a common king, thereby laying a foundation for perpetual league and amity with them: but that submission to their parliament was no part of our constitution nor ever in idea, if history be credited; and we have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, as well as to the ties of our common kindred, to disavow these usurpations which were likely to interrupt our connection and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity, and when occasions have been given them, by the regular course of their laws of removing from their councils the disturbers of our harmony, they have by their free elections re-established them in power. At this very time they are permitting their chief magistrate to send over not only soldiers of our own blood, but Scotch and other foreign mercenaries, to invade and destroy us. These facts have given the last stab to agonizing affections, and manly spirit bids us to renounce forever these unfeeling brethren. We must endeavor to forget our former love for them, to hold them as we hold the rest of mankind enemies in war, in peace friends. We might have been a free and a great people together; but a communication of grandeur and of freedom it seems, is below their dignity. Be it so, since they will have it: the road to happiness and to glory is open to us too; we will climb it apart from them, and acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our eternal separation!", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "5e87745c_ID_BAPTISTE_CHIROT__2009_06_28__REPORTED_DRAFT", "input": "[FIRST DRAFT] We therefore the Representatives of the United States of America in General Congress assembled, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of these States, reject and renounce all Allegiance and Subjection to the Kings of Great Britain, and all others, who may hereafter claim by, through, or under them; We utterly dissolve and break off, all political Connection which may have heretofore subsisted between us and the People or Parliament of Great Britain, and finally we do assert and declare these Colonies to be free and independent States, and that as free and independent States they shall hereafter have Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which independent States may of Right do. And for the Support of this Declaration, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honour. [ENGROSSED COPY] We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, that these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent states, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. \u2014 And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor. [REPORTED DRAFT] ", "output": "We therefore the representatives of the United States in General Congress assembled in the name and by authority of the good people of these states, reject and renounce all allegiance and subjection to the kings of Great Britain and all others who may hereafter claim by, through, or under them; we utterly dissolve all political connection which may heretofore have subsisted between us and the people or parliament of Great Britain, and finally we do assert and declare these colonies to be free and independant, and that as free and independant states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honour.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "DAVID-BAPTISTE CHIROT: 2009-06-28", "title": "", "outputColName": "REPORTED DRAFT", "url": "http://www.davidbaptistechirot.blogspot.com/2009_06_28_archive.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042988312.76_20150728002308-00020-ip-10-236-191-2_397078935_4.json"} {"task": "10a5e0be_aterial_is_not_included_in_Did__Borrowing_", "input": "[Source] 1.1.3 [Reference] And for this reason they affirm it was that the \u201cSaviour\u201d\u2014for they do not please to call Him \u201cLord\u201d\u2014did no work in public during the space of thirty years,\ufeff thus setting forth the mystery of these Aeons. They maintain also, that these thirty Aeons are most plainly indicated in the parable\ufeff of the labourers sent into the vineyard. For some are sent about the first hour, others about the third hour, others about the sixth hour, others about the ninth hour, and others about the eleventh hour. Now, if we add up the numbers of the hours here mentioned, the sum total will be thirty: for one, three, six, nine, and eleven, when added together, form thirty. And by the hours, they hold that the Aeons were pointed out; while they maintain that these are great, and wonderful, and hitherto unspeakable mysteries which it is their special function to develop; and so they proceed when they find anything in the multitude\ufeff of things contained in the Scriptures which they can adopt and accommodate to their baseless speculations. [Mt.Loc.] 20.1-6 [Matthean Text] For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. 2 \u201cWhen he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius for the day, he sent them into his vineyard. 3 \u201cAnd he went out about the third hour [Borrowing?] ", "output": "Clear", "options": ["Clear", "Probable"], "pageTitle": "Since an extremely large portion of the Synoptic apocalyptic material is not included in Did", "title": "", "outputColName": "Borrowing?", "url": "http://christianthinktank.com/noquotes1.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00231-ip-10-236-191-2_46945452_1.json"} {"task": "10a5e0be_aterial_is_not_included_in_Did__Borrowing_", "input": "[Source] 1.3.2 [Reference] The production, again, of the Duodecad of the Aeons, is indicated by the fact that the Lord was twelve\ufeff years of age when He disputed with the teachers of the law, and by the election of the apostles, for of these there were twelve [Mt.Loc.] 10.1 [Matthean Text] When Jesus had finished giving instructions to His twelve disciples, He departed from there to teach and preach in their cities (but notice the link to Luke's 12yo story in the temple!) [Borrowing?] ", "output": "Clear", "options": ["Clear", "Probable"], "pageTitle": "Since an extremely large portion of the Synoptic apocalyptic material is not included in Did", "title": "", "outputColName": "Borrowing?", "url": "http://christianthinktank.com/noquotes1.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00231-ip-10-236-191-2_46945452_1.json"} {"task": "10a5e0be_aterial_is_not_included_in_Did__Borrowing_", "input": "[Source] 1.6.1 [Reference] And this they declare to be \u201cthe salt\u201d\ufeff and \u201cthe light of the world.\u201d [Mt.Loc.] 5.13-14 [Matthean Text] \u201cYou are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. 14 \u201cYou are the light of the world. [Borrowing?] ", "output": "Clear", "options": ["Clear", "Probable"], "pageTitle": "Since an extremely large portion of the Synoptic apocalyptic material is not included in Did", "title": "", "outputColName": "Borrowing?", "url": "http://christianthinktank.com/noquotes1.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00231-ip-10-236-191-2_46945452_1.json"} {"task": "10a5e0be_aterial_is_not_included_in_Did__Borrowing_", "input": "[Source] 1.2.5 [Reference] Christ then instructed them\u2026.\ufeff He also announced among them what related to the knowledge of the Father,\u2014 namely, that he cannot be understood or comprehended, nor so much as seen or heard, except in so far as he is known by Monogenes only [Mt.Loc.] 11.27 [Matthean Text] All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him [Borrowing?] ", "output": "Probable", "options": ["Clear", "Probable"], "pageTitle": "Since an extremely large portion of the Synoptic apocalyptic material is not included in Did", "title": "", "outputColName": "Borrowing?", "url": "http://christianthinktank.com/noquotes1.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00231-ip-10-236-191-2_46945452_1.json"} {"task": "10a5e0be_aterial_is_not_included_in_Did__Borrowing_", "input": "[Source] 1.3.1 [Reference] They tell us, however, that this knowledge has not been openly divulged, because all are not capable of receiving it, but has been mystically revealed by the Saviour through means of parables to those qualified for understanding it. [Mt.Loc.] 13.10-13 [Matthean Text] 10 And the disciples came and said to Him, \u201cWhy do You speak to them in parables?\u201d 11 Jesus answered them, \u201c To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted [Borrowing?] ", "output": "Probable", "options": ["Clear", "Probable"], "pageTitle": "Since an extremely large portion of the Synoptic apocalyptic material is not included in Did", "title": "", "outputColName": "Borrowing?", "url": "http://christianthinktank.com/noquotes1.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00231-ip-10-236-191-2_46945452_1.json"} {"task": "10a5e0be_aterial_is_not_included_in_Did__Borrowing_", "input": "[Source] 1.3.2 [Reference] while, for the same reason, they tell us the Saviour said, \u201cOne Iota, or one tittle, shall by no means pass away until all be fulfilled.\u201d [Mt.Loc.] 5.18 [Matthean Text] \u201cFor truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. [Borrowing?] ", "output": "Probable", "options": ["Clear", "Probable"], "pageTitle": "Since an extremely large portion of the Synoptic apocalyptic material is not included in Did", "title": "", "outputColName": "Borrowing?", "url": "http://christianthinktank.com/noquotes1.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00231-ip-10-236-191-2_46945452_1.json"} {"task": "10a5e0be_aterial_is_not_included_in_Did__Borrowing_", "input": "[Source] 1.3.3 [Reference] They further maintain that the passion which took place in the case of the twelfth Aeon is pointed at by the apostasy of Judas, who was the twelfth apostle, and also by the fact that Christ suffered in the twelfth month. For their opinion is, that He continued to preach for one year only after His baptism. The same thing is also most clearly indicated by the case of the woman who suffered from an issue of blood. For after she had been thus afflicted during twelve years, she was healed by the advent of the Saviour, when she had touched the border of His garment; and on this account the Saviour said, \u201cWho touched me? \u201d\ufeff \u2014teaching his disciples the mystery which had occurred among the Aeons, and the healing of that Aeon who had been involved in suffering. For she who had been afflicted twelve years represented that power whose essence, as they narrate, was stretching itself forth, and flowing into immensity; and unless she had touched the garment of the Son,\ufeff that is, Aletheia of the first Tetrad, who is denoted by the hem spoken of, she would have been dissolved into the general essence\ufeff [of which she participated]. She stopped short, however, and ceased any longer to suffer. For the power that went forth from the Son (and this power they term Horos) healed her, and separated the passion from her. [Mt.Loc.] 3.13-17; 9.20-22; 10.4; 26.14-16 [Matthean Text] Then Jesus *arrived from Galilee at the Jordan coming to John, to be baptized by him. (3.13).. And a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years, came up behind Him and touched the fringe of His cloak; 21 for she was saying to herself, \u201cIf I only touch His garment, I will get well.\u201d 22 But Jesus turning and seeing her said, \u201cDaughter, take courage; your faith has made you well.\u201d At once the woman was made well. (9.20-22) ... Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed Him (10.4)... Then one of the twelve, named Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests 15 and said, \u201cWhat are you willing to give me to betray Him to you?\u201d And they weighed out thirty pieces of silver to him. 16 From then on he began looking for a good opportunity to betray Jesus. (26.14ff) [Borrowing?] ", "output": "Probable", "options": ["Clear", "Probable"], "pageTitle": "Since an extremely large portion of the Synoptic apocalyptic material is not included in Did", "title": "", "outputColName": "Borrowing?", "url": "http://christianthinktank.com/noquotes1.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00231-ip-10-236-191-2_46945452_1.json"} {"task": "10a5e0be_aterial_is_not_included_in_Did__Borrowing_", "input": "[Source] 1.3.5 [Reference] They then represent the Saviour as having indicated this twofold faculty: first, the sustaining power, when He said, \u201cWhosoever doth not bear his cross (Stauros), and follow after me, cannot be my disciple; \u201d\ufeff and again, \u201cTaking up the cross follow me; \u201d\ufeff but the separating power when He said, \u201cI came not to send peace, but a sword.\u201d\ufeff They also maintain that John [the Baptist] indicated the same thing when he said, \u201cThe fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly purge the floor, and will gather the wheat into His garner; but the chaff He will burn with fire unquenchable.\u201d\ufeff [Mt.Loc.] 10.34, 38; 3.12 [Matthean Text] Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword\u2026 He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it. ...His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear His threshing floor; and He will gather His wheat into the barn, but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire [Borrowing?] ", "output": "Probable", "options": ["Clear", "Probable"], "pageTitle": "Since an extremely large portion of the Synoptic apocalyptic material is not included in Did", "title": "", "outputColName": "Borrowing?", "url": "http://christianthinktank.com/noquotes1.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00231-ip-10-236-191-2_46945452_1.json"} {"task": "10a5e0be_aterial_is_not_included_in_Did__Borrowing_", "input": "[Source] 1.7.2 [Reference] There are also some who maintain that he also produced Christ as his own proper son, but of an animal nature, and that mention was\ufeff made of him by the prophets. This Christ passed through Mary\ufeff just as water flows through a tube; and there descended upon him in the form of a dove it the time of his baptism, that Saviour who belonged to the Pleroma, and was formed by the combined efforts of all its inhabit ants. In him there existed also that spiritual seed which proceeded from Achamoth. They hold, accordingly, that our Lord, while preserving the type of the first-begotten and primary tetrad, was compounded of these four substances,\u2014of that which is spiritual, in so far as He was from Achamoth; of that which is animal, as being from the Demiurge by a special dispensation, inasmuch as He was formed [corporeally] with unspeakable skill; and of the Saviour, as respects that dove which descended upon Him. He also continued free from all suffering, since indeed it was not possible that He should suffer who was at once incomprehensible and invisible. And for this reason the Spirit of Christ, who had been placed within Him, was taken away when He was brought before Pilate... [Mt.Loc.] 3.13-17; 27.2 [Matthean Text] Then Jesus *arrived from Galilee at the Jordan coming to John, to be baptized by him. 14 But John tried to prevent Him, saying, \u201cI have need to be baptized by You, and do You come to me?\u201d 15 But Jesus answering said to him, \u201cPermit it at this time; for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.\u201d Then he *permitted Him. 16 After being baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and lighting on Him, 17 and behold, a voice out of the heavens said, \u201c This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased.\u201d ... and they bound Him, and led Him away and delivered Him to Pilate the governor [Borrowing?] ", "output": "Probable", "options": ["Clear", "Probable"], "pageTitle": "Since an extremely large portion of the Synoptic apocalyptic material is not included in Did", "title": "", "outputColName": "Borrowing?", "url": "http://christianthinktank.com/noquotes1.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00231-ip-10-236-191-2_46945452_1.json"} {"task": "10a5e0be_aterial_is_not_included_in_Did__Borrowing_", "input": "[Source] 1.7.4 [Reference] But they relate that when the Saviour came, the Demiurge learned all things from Him, and gladly with all, his power joined himself to Him. They maintain that he is the centurion mentioned in the Gospel, who addressed the Saviour in these words: \u201cFor I also am one having soldiers and servants under my authority; and whatsoever I command they do.\u201d [Mt.Loc.] 8.9 [Matthean Text] \u201cFor I also am a man under authority, with soldiers under me; and I say to this one, \u2018Go!\u2019 and he goes, and to another, \u2018Come!\u2019 and he comes, and to my slave, \u2018Do this!\u2019 and he does it.\u201d [Borrowing?] ", "output": "Probable", "options": ["Clear", "Probable"], "pageTitle": "Since an extremely large portion of the Synoptic apocalyptic material is not included in Did", "title": "", "outputColName": "Borrowing?", "url": "http://christianthinktank.com/noquotes1.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00231-ip-10-236-191-2_46945452_1.json"} {"task": "10a5e0be_aterial_is_not_included_in_Did__Borrowing_", "input": "[Source] 1.8.2 [Reference] the following are some specimens of what they attempt to accommodate out of the Scriptures to their opinions. They affirm that the Lord came in the last times of the world to endure suffering, for this end, that He might indicate the passion which occurred to the last of the Aeons, and might by His own end announce the cessation of that disturbance which had risen among the Aeons. They maintain, further, that that girl of twelve years old, the daughter of the ruler of the synagogue,\ufeff to whom the Lord approached and raised her from the dead, was a type of Achamoth, to whom their Christ, by extending himself, imparted shape, and whom he led anew to the perception of that light which had forsaken her. ...\ufeff Again, the coming of the Saviour with His attendants Then, also, they say that the passions which she endured were indicated by the Lord upon the cross. Thus, when He said, \u201cMy God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? \u201d\ufeff He simply showed that Sophia was deserted by the light, and was restrained by Horos from making any advance forward. Her anguish, again, was indicated when He said, \u201cMy soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death; \u201d\ufeff101 her fear by the words, \u201cFather, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me; \u201d [Mt.Loc.] 9.18-26; 26.38-39; 27.46 [Matthean Text] While He was saying these things to them, a synagogue official came and bowed down before Him, and said, \u201cMy daughter has just died; but come and lay Your hand on her, and she will live.\u201d 19 Jesus got up and began to follow him, and so did His disciples. 20 And a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years, came up behind Him and touched the fringe of His cloak; 21 for she was saying to herself, \u201cIf I only touch His garment, I will get well.\u201d 22 But Jesus turning and seeing her said, \u201cDaughter, take courage; your faith has made you well.\u201d At once the woman was made well. 23 When Jesus came into the official\u2019s house, and saw the flute-players and the crowd in noisy disorder, 24 He said, \u201cLeave; for the girl has not died, but is asleep.\u201d And they began laughing at Him. 25 But when the crowd had been sent out, He entered and took her by the hand, and the girl got up. 26 This news spread throughout all that land ... Then Jesus *came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and *said to His disciples, \u201cSit here while I go over there and pray.\u201d 37 And He took with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be grieved and distressed. 38 Then He *said to them, \u201c My soul is deeply grieved, to the point of death; remain here and keep watch with Me.\u201d ... \u201cMY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?\u201d [Borrowing?] ", "output": "Probable", "options": ["Clear", "Probable"], "pageTitle": "Since an extremely large portion of the Synoptic apocalyptic material is not included in Did", "title": "", "outputColName": "Borrowing?", "url": "http://christianthinktank.com/noquotes1.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00231-ip-10-236-191-2_46945452_1.json"} {"task": "10a5e0be_aterial_is_not_included_in_Did__Borrowing_", "input": "[Source] 1.8.3 [Reference] And they teach that He pointed out the three kinds of men as follows: the material, when He said to him that asked Him, \u201cShall I follow Thee? \u201d\ufeff104 \u201cThe Son of man hath not where to lay His head; \u201d\u2014the animal, when He said to him that declared, \u201cI will follow Thee, but suffer me first to bid them farewell that are in my house,\u201d \u201cNo man, putting his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of heaven\u201d\ufeff105 (for this man they declare to be of the intermediate class, even as they do that other who, though he professed to have wrought a large amount of righteousness, yet refused to follow Him, and was so overcome by [the love of] riches, as never to reach perfection)\u2014this one it pleases them to place in the animal class;\u2014the spiritual, again, when He said, \u201cLet the dead bury their dead, but go thou and preach the kingdom of God,\u201d\ufeff106 and when He said to Zaccheus the publican, \u201cMake haste, and come down, for to-day I must abide in thine house\u201d\ufeff107 \u2014for these they declared to have belonged to the spiritual class. Also the parable of the leaven which the woman is described as having hid in three measures of meal, they declare to make manifest the three classes. For, according to their teaching, the woman represented Sophia; the three measures of meal, the three kinds of men\u2014spiritual, animal, and material; while the leaven denoted the Saviour Himself. [Mt.Loc.] 19.16-30; 13.33 [Matthean Text] And someone came to Him and said, \u201cTeacher, what good thing shall I do that I may obtain eternal life?\u201d 17 And He said to him, \u201cWhy are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One who is good; but if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandmedments.\u201d 18 Then he *said to Him, \u201cWhich ones?\u201d And Jesus said, \u201cYOU SHALL NOT COMMIT MURDER; YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY; YOU SHALL NOT STEAL; YOU SHALL NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS; 19 HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER; and YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.\u201d 20 The young man *said to Him, \u201cAll these things I have kept; what am I still lacking?\u201d 21 Jesus said to him, \u201cIf you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.\u201d 22 But when the young man heard this statement, he went away grieving; for he was one who owned much property. 23 And Jesus said to His disciples, \u201cTruly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 \u201cAgain I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.\u201d 25 When the disciples heard this, they were very astonished and said, \u201cThen who can be saved?\u201d 26 And looking at them Jesus said to them, \u201c With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.\u201d ... He spoke another parable to them, \u201c The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three pecks of flour until it was all leavened.\u201d (but also notice the Lukan accounts of Zaccy and the synoptics 'let the dead bury their dead') [Borrowing?] ", "output": "Probable", "options": ["Clear", "Probable"], "pageTitle": "Since an extremely large portion of the Synoptic apocalyptic material is not included in Did", "title": "", "outputColName": "Borrowing?", "url": "http://christianthinktank.com/noquotes1.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00231-ip-10-236-191-2_46945452_1.json"} {"task": "10a5e0be_aterial_is_not_included_in_Did__Borrowing_", "input": "[Source] 1.8.4 [Reference] Moreover, that Achamoth wandered beyond the Pleroma, and received form from Christ, and was sought after by the Saviour, they declare that He indicated when He said, that He had come after that sheep which was gone astray [Mt.Loc.] 18.12-14 [Matthean Text] What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go and search for the one that is straying? 13 \u201cIf it turns out that he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine which have not gone astray. 14 \u201cSo it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones perish [Borrowing?] ", "output": "Probable", "options": ["Clear", "Probable"], "pageTitle": "Since an extremely large portion of the Synoptic apocalyptic material is not included in Did", "title": "", "outputColName": "Borrowing?", "url": "http://christianthinktank.com/noquotes1.html", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00231-ip-10-236-191-2_46945452_1.json"} {"task": "cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7", "input": "[Little Horn of Daniel 8] Is associated with a beast representing the third empire [Little Horn of Daniel 7] ", "output": "Is associated with a beast representing the fourth empire", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844", "title": "", "outputColName": "Little Horn of Daniel 7", "url": "http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json"} {"task": "cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7", "input": "[Little Horn of Daniel 8] It does not come up from the head of the goat, but rises out of an already existing horn [Little Horn of Daniel 7] ", "output": "Rises directly out of the head of the beast", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844", "title": "", "outputColName": "Little Horn of Daniel 7", "url": "http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json"} {"task": "cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7", "input": "[Little Horn of Daniel 8] It rises from one of the four horns of the third empire [Little Horn of Daniel 7] ", "output": "Comes up in the midst of 10 already existing horns (which, according to SDA theology, is after the 4th power has been divided into 10 parts - 476 A.D.)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844", "title": "", "outputColName": "Little Horn of Daniel 7", "url": "http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json"} {"task": "cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7", "input": "[Little Horn of Daniel 8] The imagery is of a small horn growing out from a larger horn, one of the four horns on the goat's head (third empire) [Little Horn of Daniel 7] ", "output": "It is a fresh, new power, rising out of the body of the old fourth empire, becoming the predominant horn among 7 other horns", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844", "title": "", "outputColName": "Little Horn of Daniel 7", "url": "http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json"} {"task": "cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7", "input": "[Little Horn of Daniel 8] Is a horn that comes out of a horn [Little Horn of Daniel 7] ", "output": "Is a horn that comes out of a beast", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844", "title": "", "outputColName": "Little Horn of Daniel 7", "url": "http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json"} {"task": "cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7", "input": "[Little Horn of Daniel 8] Uproots no horns in its rise [Little Horn of Daniel 7] ", "output": "Uproots three horns in its rise", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844", "title": "", "outputColName": "Little Horn of Daniel 7", "url": "http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json"} {"task": "cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7", "input": "[Little Horn of Daniel 8] Nothing indicating this horn is new or different in any way [Little Horn of Daniel 7] ", "output": "Is said to be \"diverse from\" the other 10 horns, conveying that this horn would be a new and different power", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844", "title": "", "outputColName": "Little Horn of Daniel 7", "url": "http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json"} {"task": "cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7", "input": "[Little Horn of Daniel 8] The Hebrew for little horn in 8:9 is strictly translated, \"a horn from littleness\" [Little Horn of Daniel 7] ", "output": "The Aramaic for little horn in 7:8 is strictly translated, \"another horn, a little one\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844", "title": "", "outputColName": "Little Horn of Daniel 7", "url": "http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json"} {"task": "cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7", "input": "[Little Horn of Daniel 8] Is a horn out of a horn, a \"horn of littleness.\" It is insignificant compared to the four \"notable horns\" and the one original Alexandrine horn of the goat. [Little Horn of Daniel 7] ", "output": "Is \"more stout than his fellows\" (v. 20). In other words, it represents a power that is stronger than those symbolized by the 10 other horns.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844", "title": "", "outputColName": "Little Horn of Daniel 7", "url": "http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json"} {"task": "cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7", "input": "[Little Horn of Daniel 8] It pertains to only one of the four divisions of the goat power. Its attention is restricted principally to a minor province of one division of the goat's empire, namely the \"pleasant land\" of verse 9, which is Palestine. [Little Horn of Daniel 7] ", "output": "Its field of influence is the entire 4th empire, since it arises from the head of the beast and becomes the dominant horn among the other 10 horns.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844", "title": "", "outputColName": "Little Horn of Daniel 7", "url": "http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json"} {"task": "cc502432_ist_Truth___2300_days_and_1844__Little_Horn_of_Daniel_7", "input": "[Little Horn of Daniel 8] Malevolence is directed against the Jewish people, their high priest, sacrifices and sanctuary. The atmosphere and coloring of chapter 8 indicate a local and Levitical battle. [Little Horn of Daniel 7] ", "output": "Lifts himself up against \"the Most High\" and the \"saints of the Most High.\" These are the saints of God throughout the entire 4th empire.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible Truth Versus Adventist Truth - 2300 days and 1844", "title": "", "outputColName": "Little Horn of Daniel 7", "url": "http://www.nonsda.org/study6.shtml", "wdcFile": "16/1438042987866.61_20150728002307-00320-ip-10-236-191-2_623879080_7.json"} {"task": "dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_", "input": "[Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.1: The divided self", "output": "For what the flesh desires is opposed to the Spirit, and what the Spirit desires is opposed to the flesh... (St. Paul) The mind is divided in many ways, but the division that really matters is between conscious/reasoned processes and automatic/implicit processes. These two parts are like a rider on the back of an elephant. The rider\u2019s inability to control the elephant by force explains many puzzles about our mental life, particularly why we have such trouble with weakness of will. Learning how to train the elephant is the secret of self-improvement.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt", "title": "", "outputColName": "Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead.", "url": "http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html", "wdcFile": "35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json"} {"task": "dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_", "input": "[Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.2: Changing your mind", "output": "The whole universe is change and life itself is but what you deem it. (Marcus Aurelius) Why are some people optimists and others pessimists? Why do people tend to choose mates, and even professions, whose names resemble their own? The automatic emotional reactions of the elephant guide us throughout our lives. Learn how to change those automatic reactions, using using meditation, cognitive therapy, and Prozac", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt", "title": "", "outputColName": "Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead.", "url": "http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html", "wdcFile": "35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json"} {"task": "dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_", "input": "[Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.3: Reciprocity with a vengeance", "output": "Zigong asked: \u2018Is there any single word that could guide one's entire life?\u2019 The Master said: \u2018Should it not be reciprocity? What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others.\u2019 (Analects of Confucius) Many species have a social life, but among mammals, only humans (and naked mole rats) are ultra-social \u2013 able to live in very large cooperative groups. The golden rule, supplemented with gossip, is the secret of our success. Understanding the deep workings of reciprocity can help you to solve problems in your own social life, and guard against the many ways people try to manipulate you.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt", "title": "", "outputColName": "Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead.", "url": "http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html", "wdcFile": "35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json"} {"task": "dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_", "input": "[Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.4: The faults of others", "output": "Why do you see the speck in your neighbor\u2019s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? (Jesus) Part of our ultra-sociality is that we are constantly trying to manipulate others perceptions of ourselves, without realizing that we are doing so. We see the faults of others clearly, but are blind to our own. Hypocrisy is part of human morality, and it sets us all up for lives of conflict. Learn how to take off the moral glasses and see the world as it really is.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt", "title": "", "outputColName": "Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead.", "url": "http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html", "wdcFile": "35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json"} {"task": "dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_", "input": "[Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.5: The pursuit of happiness", "output": "Do not seek to have events happen as you want them to, but instead want them to happen as they do happen, and your life will go well. (Epictetus) We often hear that happiness comes from within, you can\u2019t seek it in external things. And for a while, in the 1990s, psychologists agreed with the ancient sages that external conditions don\u2019t matter. But now we know that some do. Find out what you can do to improve your happiness, including spending money well. Buddha and Epictetus may have gone too far; the Western emphasis on action and striving is not so bad, when done right.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt", "title": "", "outputColName": "Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead.", "url": "http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html", "wdcFile": "35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json"} {"task": "dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_", "input": "[Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.6: Love and attachments", "output": "No one can live happily who has regard to himself alone and transforms everything into a question of his own utility; you must live for your neighbour, if you would live for yourself. (Seneca) There are so many kinds of love, but they all begin to make sense when you see where love comes from, and what it does. Understanding the different kinds of love can help explain why people make so many mistakes with love, and why philosophers hate love and give us bad advice about it.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt", "title": "", "outputColName": "Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead.", "url": "http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html", "wdcFile": "35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json"} {"task": "dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_", "input": "[Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.7: The uses of adversity", "output": "What doesn\u2019t kill me makes me stronger. (Nietszche) Yes, unless it gives you post-traumatic stress disorder. This chapter explains how and why some people grow from their suffering, and what you can do to improve your odds of finding post-traumatic growth.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt", "title": "", "outputColName": "Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead.", "url": "http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html", "wdcFile": "35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json"} {"task": "dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_", "input": "[Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.8: The felicity of virtue", "output": "It is impossible to live the pleasant life without also living sensibly, nobly and justly, and it is impossible to live sensibly, nobly and justly without living pleasantly (Epicurus) Is virtue its own reward? Yes, but in the modern West we\u2019ve lost the ability to grow most virtues in good soil, and we\u2019ve reduced virtue to just being nice. Where did we go wrong, and how can we forge a common morality in a diverse society?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt", "title": "", "outputColName": "Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead.", "url": "http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html", "wdcFile": "35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json"} {"task": "dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_", "input": "[Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.9: Divinity with or without God", "output": "We must not allow the ignoble to injure the noble, or the smaller to injure the greater. Those who nourish the smaller parts will become small men. Those who nourish the greater parts will become great men. (Meng Tzu) The perception of sacredness and divinity is a basic feature of the human mind. The emotions of disgust, moral elevation, and awe tell us about this dimension, but not everybody listens. The \u201creligious right\u201d can only be understood once you see this dimension, which most liberals and secular thinkers do not understand \u2013 at their peril. Understanding this dimension is also crucial for understanding the meaning of life \u2013 the topic of the last chapter.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt", "title": "", "outputColName": "Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead.", "url": "http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html", "wdcFile": "35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json"} {"task": "dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_", "input": "[Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.10: Happiness comes from between", "output": "Who sees all beings in his own Self, and his own Self in all beings, loses all fear.... (Upanishads) What is the meaning of life? The question is unanswerable in that form, but with a slight rephrasing we can answer it. Part of the answer is to tie yourself down, commit yourself to people and projects, and enter a state of \u201cvital engagement\u201d with them. The other part is to attain a state of \"cross-level coherence\" within yourself, and within your life. Religion is an evolved mechanism for satisfying these needs. We can find meaning and happiness without religion, but we must understand our evolved religious nature before we can find effective substitutes.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt", "title": "", "outputColName": "Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead.", "url": "http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html", "wdcFile": "35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json"} {"task": "dc51ea85_ss_Hypothesis___Jonathan_Haidt__e_chosen__and_what_lies_ahead_", "input": "[Introduction: Too much wisdom] Ch.11: On Balance", "output": "All things come into being by conflict of opposites (Heraclitus) The ancient idea of Yin and Yang turns out to be the wisest idea of all. We need the perspectives of ancient religion and modern science; of east and west; even of liberal and conservative. Words of wisdom really do flood over us, but only by drawing from many sources can we become wise.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haidt", "title": "", "outputColName": "Words of wisdom flood over us. Which ones can transform us? A brief introduction to why this book was written, how the ten ideas were chosen, and what lies ahead.", "url": "http://www.happinesshypothesis.com/chapters.html", "wdcFile": "35/1438042989443.69_20150728002309-00004-ip-10-236-191-2_476108074_3.json"} {"task": "45e076bf_ng_Information___Linson_Daniel__INFORMATION", "input": "[TOPIC] The Edge [INFORMATION] ", "output": "This series is about mobilizing your next generation of world changers through leadership and character development. Take your leadership to \u201cThe Edge\u201d!", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Speaking Information | Linson Daniel", "title": "", "outputColName": "INFORMATION", "url": "http://www.linsondaniel.com/speaking/", "wdcFile": "35/1438042990217.27_20150728002310-00305-ip-10-236-191-2_558061894_0.json"} {"task": "45e076bf_ng_Information___Linson_Daniel__INFORMATION", "input": "[TOPIC] Apostolic Movements [INFORMATION] ", "output": "This talk will teach you how to lead apostolic movements that change the world. Start something new with prayerful, spiritual entrepreneurship!", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Speaking Information | Linson Daniel", "title": "", "outputColName": "INFORMATION", "url": "http://www.linsondaniel.com/speaking/", "wdcFile": "35/1438042990217.27_20150728002310-00305-ip-10-236-191-2_558061894_0.json"} {"task": "45e076bf_ng_Information___Linson_Daniel__INFORMATION", "input": "[TOPIC] Dismantling The Dream [INFORMATION] ", "output": "This talk is about dismantling the American dream and unlocking the potential to be powerful agents of change. Change the trajectory of your life!", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Speaking Information | Linson Daniel", "title": "", "outputColName": "INFORMATION", "url": "http://www.linsondaniel.com/speaking/", "wdcFile": "35/1438042990217.27_20150728002310-00305-ip-10-236-191-2_558061894_0.json"} {"task": "45e076bf_ng_Information___Linson_Daniel__INFORMATION", "input": "[TOPIC] Pure Wonder [INFORMATION] ", "output": "This series is about you becoming the worship leader that God desires. Learn how to cultivate musical excellence, deep character, practical skills, and more.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Speaking Information | Linson Daniel", "title": "", "outputColName": "INFORMATION", "url": "http://www.linsondaniel.com/speaking/", "wdcFile": "35/1438042990217.27_20150728002310-00305-ip-10-236-191-2_558061894_0.json"} {"task": "45e076bf_ng_Information___Linson_Daniel__INFORMATION", "input": "[TOPIC] Define Love [INFORMATION] ", "output": "This talk will teach you how to pursue a Godly romantic relationship. Society says only 50% of marriages will make it \u2014 let\u2019s prove them wrong!", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Speaking Information | Linson Daniel", "title": "", "outputColName": "INFORMATION", "url": "http://www.linsondaniel.com/speaking/", "wdcFile": "35/1438042990217.27_20150728002310-00305-ip-10-236-191-2_558061894_0.json"} {"task": "45e076bf_ng_Information___Linson_Daniel__INFORMATION", "input": "[TOPIC] The Gospel in HD [INFORMATION] ", "output": "This series will teach you how to be an effective evangelist in a world that only knows of a low-resolution Gospel. You need the vivid picture, clear sound, and the full experience of the Gospel.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Speaking Information | Linson Daniel", "title": "", "outputColName": "INFORMATION", "url": "http://www.linsondaniel.com/speaking/", "wdcFile": "35/1438042990217.27_20150728002310-00305-ip-10-236-191-2_558061894_0.json"} {"task": "603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments", "input": "[No.] Aleph [Jewish Ten Commandments] ", "output": "I am the Lord your G-d who has taken you out of the land of Egypt.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible List Of The Ten Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish Ten Commandments", "url": "http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html", "wdcFile": "40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json"} {"task": "603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments", "input": "[No.] Bet [Jewish Ten Commandments] ", "output": "You shall have no other gods but me.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible List Of The Ten Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish Ten Commandments", "url": "http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html", "wdcFile": "40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json"} {"task": "603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments", "input": "[No.] Gimmel [Jewish Ten Commandments] ", "output": "You shall not take the name of the Lord your G-d in vain.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible List Of The Ten Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish Ten Commandments", "url": "http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html", "wdcFile": "40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json"} {"task": "603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments", "input": "[No.] Dalet [Jewish Ten Commandments] ", "output": "You shall remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible List Of The Ten Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish Ten Commandments", "url": "http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html", "wdcFile": "40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json"} {"task": "603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments", "input": "[No.] Hey [Jewish Ten Commandments] ", "output": "Honor your mother and father.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible List Of The Ten Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish Ten Commandments", "url": "http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html", "wdcFile": "40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json"} {"task": "603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments", "input": "[No.] Vav [Jewish Ten Commandments] ", "output": "You shall not murder.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible List Of The Ten Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish Ten Commandments", "url": "http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html", "wdcFile": "40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json"} {"task": "603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments", "input": "[No.] Zayin [Jewish Ten Commandments] ", "output": "You shall not commit adultery.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible List Of The Ten Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish Ten Commandments", "url": "http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html", "wdcFile": "40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json"} {"task": "603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments", "input": "[No.] Chet [Jewish Ten Commandments] ", "output": "You shall not steal.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible List Of The Ten Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish Ten Commandments", "url": "http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html", "wdcFile": "40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json"} {"task": "603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments", "input": "[No.] Tet [Jewish Ten Commandments] ", "output": "You shall not bear false witness.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible List Of The Ten Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish Ten Commandments", "url": "http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html", "wdcFile": "40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json"} {"task": "603cbd3e_e_List_Of_The_Ten_Commandments__Jewish_Ten_Commandments", "input": "[No.] Yod [Jewish Ten Commandments] ", "output": "You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Bible List Of The Ten Commandments", "title": "", "outputColName": "Jewish Ten Commandments", "url": "http://www.the-ten-commandments.org/the-ten-commandments.html", "wdcFile": "40/1438042981921.1_20150728002301-00203-ip-10-236-191-2_736127565_3.json"} {"task": "31276c39__Compared___Thinking_in_Christ___Free_Grace_", "input": "[0] Total Depravity [Calvinism] Man is \u201cdead,\u201d a \u201cslave to sin,\u201d and hence unable to respond to God\u2019s call. Even though man has a choice, he will never choose salvation of his own will or volition, because his will is enslaved to sin. God\u2019s will is the primary mover; God only knows that which He has willed. [Arminianism] Man is \u201cdead,\u201d a \u201cslave to sin,\u201d and hence unable to respond to God\u2019s call. Even though man has a choice, he will never choose salvation of his own will or volition, because his will is corrupted. [\u201cFree Grace\u201d] ", "output": "Man is totally depraved in his actions and thinking, being a slave to sin, but slaves can still desire freedom. Men can, therefore, react to the Gospel through their volition, or will. Faith is not a work. Note the final result here, in practical terms, is the same as a Moderate Calvinistic view of Total Depravity plus prevenient grace given to all men.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Evangelical Systems Compared - Thinking in Christ", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cFree Grace\u201d", "url": "http://www.thinkinginchrist.com/evangelical-systems-compared/", "wdcFile": "36/1438042988308.23_20150728002308-00139-ip-10-236-191-2_747187718_0.json"} {"task": "31276c39__Compared___Thinking_in_Christ___Free_Grace_", "input": "[0] Unconditional Election [Calvinism] Men are elected by God without regard to their merit, will, or volition. Men are elected through God\u2019s will alone, because God only knows that which He has willed. In one school of moderate Calvinism, all men are given the grace to accept salvation, although all men do not. (This is actually similar to the Free Grace view explained to the right, expressed using different terminology). In high Calvinism, only specific men, chosen to be saved, are given grace to be saved. (This view appears to make God capricious.) [Arminianism] Men are elected by God in light of His foreknowledge of their choice. All men are given grace to overcome total depravity and choose salvation. God\u2019s knowledge is the primary mover; God only wills that which He knows. Open Theism is an extreme form saying God doesn\u2019t have foreknowledge of men\u2019s choices, so men\u2019s free will forces God to modify His plan to accommodate man\u2019s will to His will. [\u201cFree Grace\u201d] ", "output": "Men are elected by God\u2019s will and within His knowledge; will and knowledge are intertwined in salvation. God is balanced, using both will and knowledge to shape the future, choosing from among all possible outcomes with perfect middle knowledge. God\u2019s will and knowledge interact, rather than one being dominant over the other.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Evangelical Systems Compared - Thinking in Christ", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cFree Grace\u201d", "url": "http://www.thinkinginchrist.com/evangelical-systems-compared/", "wdcFile": "36/1438042988308.23_20150728002308-00139-ip-10-236-191-2_747187718_0.json"} {"task": "31276c39__Compared___Thinking_in_Christ___Free_Grace_", "input": "[0] Limited Atonement [Calvinism] The atonement of Christ only paid for the sins of the elect; the sins of the \u201cunelect\u201d are not paid for. There are schools of moderate Calvinism that do not believe in limited atonement. [Arminianism] The atonement of Christ paid for all sins, or the atonement paid for the sins of all those who accept salvation through faith. [\u201cFree Grace\u201d] ", "output": "The atonement of Christ paid for all sins; the atonement isn\u2019t applied to an individual sinner until they accept Christ. The \u201cCrossless Gospel\u201d teaches you do not need knowledge to attain salvation, only a will to seek God.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Evangelical Systems Compared - Thinking in Christ", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cFree Grace\u201d", "url": "http://www.thinkinginchrist.com/evangelical-systems-compared/", "wdcFile": "36/1438042988308.23_20150728002308-00139-ip-10-236-191-2_747187718_0.json"} {"task": "31276c39__Compared___Thinking_in_Christ___Free_Grace_", "input": "[0] (Irresistible) Grace [Calvinism] If God elects you, you cannot refuse the election. God\u2019s grace is irresistible. [Arminianism] You can resist God\u2019s grace. Note this interacts with election, above. [\u201cFree Grace\u201d] ", "output": "You can resist God\u2019s grace within the bounds of God\u2019s sovereignty and knowledge. This interacts with election, above, and is similar in its implications and thought process.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Evangelical Systems Compared - Thinking in Christ", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cFree Grace\u201d", "url": "http://www.thinkinginchrist.com/evangelical-systems-compared/", "wdcFile": "36/1438042988308.23_20150728002308-00139-ip-10-236-191-2_747187718_0.json"} {"task": "31276c39__Compared___Thinking_in_Christ___Free_Grace_", "input": "[0] Persistence of the Saints [Calvinism] Once you are saved, you are saved; there is no chance of losing your salvation. If you are saved, you will see signs of salvation (fruit) in your life. If you backslide, fall into persistent sin, or renounce Christ, you were not saved in the first place. Lordship Salvation places an emphasis on the Lordship of Christ here, stating that unless you claim Christ as Lord over your life, you were not saved. [Arminianism] The \u201cclassical\u201d view teaches that if you make an explicit rejection of Christ in this life, then you will lose your salvation. The \u201cWeslyan\u201d view teaches that if you slide into habitual sin, or do not continue on in spiritual growth, then you lose your salvation. [\u201cFree Grace\u201d] ", "output": "Once you are saved, you are saved; there is no chance of losing your salvation.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Evangelical Systems Compared - Thinking in Christ", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cFree Grace\u201d", "url": "http://www.thinkinginchrist.com/evangelical-systems-compared/", "wdcFile": "36/1438042988308.23_20150728002308-00139-ip-10-236-191-2_747187718_0.json"} {"task": "31276c39__Compared___Thinking_in_Christ___Free_Grace_", "input": "[0] Justification and Sanctification [Calvinism] Since regeneration occurs before salvation, justification and sanctification are the same thing. God\u2019s irresistible grace will bring spiritual maturity in spite of your will (since your will is corrupted, and cannot choose God). Some forms state that once you are regenerated you are \u201cfree from sin,\u201d\u00c2 gaining responsibility for your own spiritual growth and maturity. [\u201cFree Grace\u201d] ", "output": "Justification is the first stage of salvation, sanctification (into spiritual maturity) the next, and then finally glorification. Justification guarantees sanctification, but not spiritual maturity; spiritual maturity is attained by walking in the spirit and changing the way we think to align with God\u2019s. Lack of spiritual maturity results in loss of rewards in the Kingdom (not the eternal state).", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Evangelical Systems Compared - Thinking in Christ", "title": "", "outputColName": "\u201cFree Grace\u201d", "url": "http://www.thinkinginchrist.com/evangelical-systems-compared/", "wdcFile": "36/1438042988308.23_20150728002308-00139-ip-10-236-191-2_747187718_0.json"} {"task": "d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose", "input": "[The Text] Isaiah 25:9 [The Phrase] we have waited [the Purpose] ", "output": "that He might save us", "options": [], "pageTitle": "What does the Bible say about waiting upon God?", "title": "", "outputColName": "the Purpose", "url": "http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html", "wdcFile": "36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json"} {"task": "d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose", "input": "[The Text] Psalm 104:27 [The Phrase] They all wait for Thee [the Purpose] ", "output": "To give them their food in due season", "options": [], "pageTitle": "What does the Bible say about waiting upon God?", "title": "", "outputColName": "the Purpose", "url": "http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html", "wdcFile": "36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json"} {"task": "d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose", "input": "[The Text] Psalm 106:13 [The Phrase] They did not wait [the Purpose] ", "output": "for His counsel", "options": [], "pageTitle": "What does the Bible say about waiting upon God?", "title": "", "outputColName": "the Purpose", "url": "http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html", "wdcFile": "36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json"} {"task": "d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose", "input": "[The Text] Psalm 119:43 [The Phrase] For I wait [the Purpose] ", "output": "for Thine ordinances", "options": [], "pageTitle": "What does the Bible say about waiting upon God?", "title": "", "outputColName": "the Purpose", "url": "http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html", "wdcFile": "36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json"} {"task": "d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose", "input": "[The Text] Psalm 119:81 [The Phrase] I wait [the Purpose] ", "output": "for Thy word", "options": [], "pageTitle": "What does the Bible say about waiting upon God?", "title": "", "outputColName": "the Purpose", "url": "http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html", "wdcFile": "36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json"} {"task": "d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose", "input": "[The Text] Isaiah 42:4 [The Phrase] the coastlands will wait [the Purpose] ", "output": "expectantly for His law", "options": [], "pageTitle": "What does the Bible say about waiting upon God?", "title": "", "outputColName": "the Purpose", "url": "http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html", "wdcFile": "36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json"} {"task": "d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose", "input": "[The Text] Lamentation 3:26 [The Phrase] he waits silently [the Purpose] ", "output": "For the salvation of the LORD", "options": [], "pageTitle": "What does the Bible say about waiting upon God?", "title": "", "outputColName": "the Purpose", "url": "http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html", "wdcFile": "36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json"} {"task": "d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose", "input": "[The Text] Genesis 49:18 [The Phrase] I wait ... O LORD [the Purpose] ", "output": "For Thy salvation", "options": [], "pageTitle": "What does the Bible say about waiting upon God?", "title": "", "outputColName": "the Purpose", "url": "http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html", "wdcFile": "36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json"} {"task": "d36f91e0_le_say_about_waiting_upon_God___the_Purpose", "input": "[The Text] Jude 1:21 [The Phrase] waiting anxiously [the Purpose] ", "output": "for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ", "options": [], "pageTitle": "What does the Bible say about waiting upon God?", "title": "", "outputColName": "the Purpose", "url": "http://foundationsforfreedom.net/Topics/WaitingOnGod/WaitUpon013.html", "wdcFile": "36/1438042988598.68_20150728002308-00093-ip-10-236-191-2_102341927_1.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Harmony of mind and Spirit to receive clear Guidance that will help achieve goals and manifest Divinely inspired ideas. Let go of fears that prevent taking action on insights and information rec'd that will in fact change one's reality. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Let go of indecisiveness and fear of making the wrong choice; take action and regain your power. Helps the mind to stay clear and on task. A great tool to use for losing weight or overcoming self-sabotage and procrastination. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Ametrine Clarity of Mind Decisiveness", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Surrender to your oneness with the Divine and embrace your spiritual power. Spiritual union and communication with your Angels and Guides. Facilitates in Meditation to quiet ones thoughts and achieve elevated states of consciousness. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Release addictive behaviors, habits and negative thought patterns. Become aware of your innate power, stop playing the victim and align your physical reality with your spiritual purpose. Great for those who feel disconnected to Earth. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Amethyst Oneness with the Divine", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Connection to the love and guidance of your Angels, Guides and Spirit Friends. Excellent to develop intuitive powers and in interpreting & remembering guidance received in one's dreams. Invokes a sense of inner peace when meditating. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Soothes the emotional body bringing about inner peace and spiritual healing. Relay information peacefully so that others will also receive the frequency of the angelic realm. Communicate with compassion rather than harmful words. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Angelite Talisman to the Angelic Realm", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Achieve a tranquil state of awareness to one's inner wisdom; connect with the realm of Spirit, the subconscious and your deepest emotions. Speak and walk your heart centered truth. Reflect Divine Love & compassion with self and others. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Let go and move past anger, fear, old wounds and emotional patterns. Detach and clear the clutter within oneself and in your home. Accept diverse viewpoints people have in a calm and collected manner. Conquer any fear of speaking. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Aquamarine Walk & Speak Your Highest Truth", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Transmutes negative energy; provides psychic protection and high levels of purification which aid in raising one's awareness. A must for healers and for those with psychic and empathic abilities. Helps ground and attune to the Earth. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Purify and transmute negative thoughts, worry, anxiety and feelings of being unworthy. Especially useful for those whose surrounding environments are stressful and demanding. Leave behind obsessive and compulsive behaviors. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Black Tourmaline Etheric Vacuum Cleaner", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] The path of spiritual awakening and transformation can feel lonely until one realizes the Christ within and follows the hearts truth with courage realizing that we are never alone which strengthens our connection and faith in the Divine. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Brings out one's highest, unselfish qualities. Instills courage thru adversity to make the right choices as obstacles appear without becoming discouraged. Increase physical endurance and a zest for life. Feel independent and capable. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Bloodstone Spiritual Warrior", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Create and direct the life you want as one opens to the channels of Divine will. Lends courage, confidence, passion and power to take action and manifest one's highest goals, dreams and ideas. See & recognize the body as a temple of Spirit. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Awakens vitality and enthusiasm for life brings motivation to take a leap towards a new path. Conquer fear of doing the wrong thing, stop procrastination and take action; embrace change towards the transformation of a fresh new life. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Carnelian Manifest the Life You Desire", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Teaches one to ground and focus energy back to the Earth after being in contact with higher vibrations. Assist with having energetic boundaries and protecting you from psychic attack. Stimulates intuitive & psychic abilities. Dispels bad Dreams. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Reveals our path of service and how to manifest it. Helps you to dive deeply into personal healing and inner work needed to dissolve blockages and assume your power when walking our path. Purge inner negativity and unconscious fears. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Charoite Bring to Light Your Path of Service", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Profound heart connection to Gaia and Nature Spirits. Fosters positive healing thoughts towards the Universe and all beings. Merge our own desires to serve the heart's desire which opens the doors of Divine Love and Abundance. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Stirs up and expands the heart, rising above past resentments and the ability to express and feel more love so one can approach new relationships thru the eyes of a child. Helps to understand the karmic patterns in relationships. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Chrysoprase Heart Connection to Mother Earth & Nature Spirits", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Align with and open fully to Divine will; learn to bring energy into form through intention and action. Unleash the power within that enhances clarity & stimulates deep creativity to manifest one's highest dreams and desires into physical reality. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Dig deep with resolve when blocks in the road appear to make the right choice and keep on the right track. Triumph over feelings of not deserving abundance. Awakens the imagination channel and challenges one to envision a better life. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Citrine Unlock the Gates of Manifestation and Divine Will", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Amplify the healing energies of other gemstones. Only stone that can be programmed to desired intention. Raise spiritual awareness, heighten psychic abilities, enhance meditation & improve communication with your guides. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Able to amplify any energy it resonates with, it can accelerate the realization of one's prayers and bring more intensity to healing work. Eliminate confusion and instill clarity of thought by linking the heart to the mind. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Clear Quartz Amplify the Power of Your Desires", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Strengthens the core of your being while doing intense inner work like Rebirthing as it aids one to keep a positive, practical attitude during transformation. Exposes your Divine blueprint and what areas you have failed to be true to that design. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Enables one to see the truth and forgive past experiences and those who pushed your buttons. Realize the positive lessons of negative experiences. Integrate and accept all aspects of self, good and bad. Sweep away self-destructive emotions. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Dendritic Agate Inner Work & Transformation", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Helps center oneself making it possible for one to focus and think more clearly, elevating the development of mental power. Avoid getting caught up in the future or past and focus on issues in the present. Helps prevent procrastination [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Calms fear and worry caused by thinking too much and being distracted. Attend to everyday details with efficiency and a sense of humor. Quiet the mind from thoughts and an overactive imagination that can cause insomnia. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Fancy Jasper Tranquil Mind", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Perfect antidote for those who float around outside of their bodies escaping life. Aligns the etheric body with the physical body. Open your flow to Divine inspiration and creativity to live your life purpose with passion and enthusiasm. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Facilitates attraction between mates. Awakens sexual and physical energy to boost ones flow and vitality. Can help with fear of sexual intimacy. Dare to take a chance and listen to our hearts calling to live life fully, happily and blissfully. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Fire Agate Passion & Vitality", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Assist in directing the course of one's dream state. Beneficial to use when practicing lucid dreaming. Helps to make sense of the Akashic records and ancient sacred text with ability in interpretation of the translation with much clarity. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] The stone of re-affirmation, re-alignment and re-commitment. Helps one adjust to change, accepting responsibility and stimulating originality and creativity. Lends support in the ability to execute new plans smoothly and effectively. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Firework Jasper Dreamwork Decipher Ancient Text", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] An energetic cleanser; repairs the auric field removing \"astral hangers\" that can cause mischief in one's aura. Attune to higher levels in meditation with rich visions and insight. Increase the ability to receive & interpret intuitive guidance. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Helps clear confusion, cluttered thoughts and negativity from ones domain. Allows clear thinking and discernment as to the kinds of energies you will permit to be in your domain. Can assist with issues of vertigo to feel more physically balanced. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Fluorite Clearing of One's Energetic Field", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Connection with Source that is felt at the core of the heart; enables one to give and receive love more openly. Aligns body, mind and spirit in a recollect one's Soul Contract and the steps needed to fulfill and share those gifts with others. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Strengthens the emotional body making it easier to hear the call of spirit and to walk your spiritual path. Lightens and lifts the burdens of past hurts, guilt and shame. Intensify self-love, gain a sense of self worth and increase self-esteem. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Garnet Expression of Love Emotional Healing", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Connect with, awaken and heal the inner child allowing this neglected part of self to step out of the shadows for healing and releasing the past. Become aware of the small coincidences that come to us as guidance from the Universe. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Feel safe in letting go of past memories that no longer serve you. Helps hoarders release attachment to things. Counter the effects of stress on the body that leads to weight gain. Intuitive eating as to what food the body & soul desires. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Gaspeite Detach & Release", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Effective grounding stone able to draw stray energy down thru the root chakra. Integration and balance in all areas, yin & yang, higher self & shadow self, light, & dark positive & negative, soul, & body. Align & balance the auric field & Chakras. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Can assist to neutralize chaos for those who are absent-minded or confused. Resilience, determination and courage through difficult times, helping one to see the silver lining in every dark cloud and the light at the end of the tunnel. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Hematite Grounding Integration", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Connect with true abundance and the flow of energy into material form; allow the stream of money and endless supply of abundance that is the Universe to come to you. Dispel blockages within the body and increase the flow of energy. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Release yourself from a belief that suffering is holy. Be freed from scarcity thinking, fear of money, fear of poverty, greed and other symptoms of belief in money as a measure of worth. Wear in nature to connect to Earth's life force. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Jade Green Abundance", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Love of our creator is the first and last thing rec'd in one's life. Bumps of life create walls around our heart and mind leading to blocks of resistance. Move into a state of joyous receptivity allowing the love and gifts of Divine to flow to you. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] A powerful healer of the emotional body for those who have blocked their heart and forgotten how to feel as a form of protection. Ignite the urgings of the heart and form an intimate relationship with the mind, benefiting one's life. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Kunzite A Conduit to Love for Self & All of Existence", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Increases telepathy between individuals especially when both wear it. High in its vibration the transmission of energy from healer to client is greatly enhanced. Its frequency betters intuitive guidance with your higher self and higher light beings. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Let go of old recordings we repeat in our mind, emotional patterns and negative thoughts that create blockages in our body and auric field, create new habits and beliefs; allow energy to flow better and open to higher levels of learning. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Kyanite Blue Heighten Telepathy & Intuition", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Establish unity with Mother nature and the never-ending stream of Universal Life Force. Has the ability to help one stay centered in the heart, opening doors to realms of Nature spirits, astral travel, lucid dreaming and one's inner being. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Creates unity with the heart, bringing to light the truth, in support of discerning honesty, integrity and sincerity from the individuals who are in and around our environment without having to look anywhere else but within for answers. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Kyanite Green Discernment", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Stop serving the ego & instead serve the higher self. Offers deeper relaxation for meditation. Clear the spiritual body and bring balance to the chakra and meridian systems. Ideal for nightmares & trouble sleeping caused by stress or worry. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Bring relieve & balance to the emotional body from worry, stress, anxiety, fear, grief and depression. Soothe frazzled nerves; learn to let go, slow down, relax, live in the moment, enjoy the gift of life; take notice of the beauty all around you. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Lepidolite Serenity", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Regulates the energy field from energetic overload of opening up too quickly too higher vibrations triggering spaciness, headaches, uncontrolled psychic flashes or shooting pains. Realigns energy field when it gets drained or de-energized. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Provides a tranquil state of mind to one who has extreme emotional outbursts. Facilitates when you panic and shut down and become numbed by your own emotions. Excellent for healing sports injury when applied to the injured area. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Magnetic Hematite Energetic Regulator", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Offers support in times of stress bringing an overall feeling of peace & wholeness. Diminish distractions to reveal hidden opportunities. Balance and unity between physical and spiritual values. Obstructs negative & unwanted outside influences. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Provides courage and strength in difficult situations. Offers sound decision-making and the ability to see all possibilities so that one can choose wisely. Encourages flexibility to accept change, providing a renewed desire for fresh experiences. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Mookaite Nurturing", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Exude positive energy; create a peaceful, supportive environment. Stop thoughts and center yourself when meditating. Balance and bring alignment to one's entire being; cradle the body and the world as temples of one's soul. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Unmask the unconscious negativity most people hold, once the mask is lifted the positive vibrations within this stone will boost ones mood making it effortless to recognize life's blessings. Impels one to express love in daily actions and words. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Ocean Jasper Total Bliss", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Be patient, go with the flow & trust that all is in Divine and perfect order when walking the spiritual path. Ignite one's inner wisdom & knowledge carried from past lives; embrace the power within and make the shift towards enlightenment. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Learn about, understand and let go of emotional patterns handed down from ancestors that limit one's growth. Make connections and gain power from past life experiences, turn past weakness into new strengths. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Petrified Wood Past Life Recall To Gain Strength & Wisdom", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Union of the higher heart to one's will sending out a radio signal to the entire Universe enabling profound communion to your higher self, guides, angels, all beings on other dimensions, fairies, and to the cores of Nature & Mother Earth [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Connect one's will to the higher heart, instead of ego's mind and enter a place of inner peace. Avoid unhealthy use of the imagination. Release old wounds and allow tiny new hurts to wash over you, instead of becoming emotional sores. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Prehnite Surrender & Connect With All That Is", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Blue - Connect with higher beings as to healing & spiritual growth. Black - Shield purify, ground. Green -Attune to Divine Love & healing energy. Golden - Reclaim one's power to serve the highest good. Pink - Activate the high-heart center [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Blue - Get to the root of emotional trauma. Black - Freedom of obsessive behaviors, worry & anxiety. Green - Release fear of change & control issues. Golden - Gain power, strength & ability. Pink - Emotional balancer & cleanser. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Rainbow Tourmaline Everything In One", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Awaken the rising of Kundalini energy for a powerful spiritual experience; clear and balance the chakras, increase stamina, & strengthen the body which can lead to good health & balanced emotions. Opens creativity to focus on and manifest ideas. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Freedom to express oneself as a sexual being, aiding one to let go of past guilt or shame & bring balance to old beliefs and ideas about sexual expression. Can also activate & counter lack of sexual interest. Heal from unpleasant past experiences. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Red Jasper Flow of Chi Sexuality", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Realize, unleash, develop and share your hidden talents and life purpose with all; help bring about change in others lives in service to Spirit. Awaken compassion and love for self & others. Helps to be given clear insight to ones visions and dreams. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Stir-up passion within one's soul in the knowledge that you are doing what you came to do. Fosters self-esteem, self-respect and self-worth. Develop into a confident, self reliant and independent individual with great love for oneself. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Rhodonite Discover Hidden talents", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Body, mind & spirit are immersed in the unconditional love and Infinite peace of the Universe. Unity of one's heart to the heart of Gaia and the Universal Source; a sense of union with all that is, experience compassionate love for self & all beings. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Wash away fear, mistrust & all emotional wounds from the heart that keep you stuck; resonate with the benevolence of Christ and the love of the Creator. Can create a deep union with ones partner where giving & receiving goes unnoticed. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Rose Quartz A Spiritual Bath of Love", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Provides energy for the rebirth of oneself into the soul, nurturing inner growth and a better sense of oneself and the world. Heightened sense of intuitively knowing. Awaken the heart; surrender to Divine Will and the eternal love of Universe. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Healer of the emotional body. Offers one the energies of happiness, appreciation, abundance, vitality & growth. Harmonize relationships. Stop it playing it safe, see the gift in every breath of life and live life to the fullest with zest and intensity. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Ruby Zoisite Increased Life Force", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Attune to the Angelic Realm, meet and speak with Angels. Communicate with Nature Sprits. Fills the aura of one who wears or beholds it with the vibration of wholeness and well being. Rapids ones evolution. Awareness of Divine Feminine. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Premier healing stone most suited to bring body, mind and Spirit in alignment with Light energy. Let go of emotions that no longer serve bringing joyful energy to the body so that one reacts in a balanced and harmonious way. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Seraphinite Angelic Connection and Wholeness", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Works to ground and bring back into the body even the flightiest of individuals. Can neutralize, absorb and transmute negative energies and bad moods into the Earth. Aids to clear and cleanse the auric field and energetic systems. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Provides focus when learning and offers patience when teaching. Use better common sense. Develop organizational skills. Its grounding abilities assist to engage one in the world with the ability to create your own circumstances. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Smoky Quartz Leading Grounding Stone", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Connect with your inner wisdom and gain great insight. Aids healers in accessing client traits and patterns. Great for deep meditation, shamanic journeys & dream work to discover core lessons of this lifetime and how to best deal with them. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Increase trust in one's intuition; stop second-guessing and self-judgment. See everyday concerns in a whole new light; reducing anxiety, stress and constant worry. Live in the moment without being preoccupied about the past or future. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Sodalite Increased Intuition", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Energetic cleanser capable of dislodging and dispelling negative attachments. Can quicken ones spiritual growth so that one may be a guiding light in the Universe. Increase images and make sense of symbols rec'd in meditation and dreams. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Offers optimism and awakens passion in the pursuit of one's dreams. Release any lack of confidence of your abilities. Ignite deep motivation and positive thinking. Find the path of the souls yearning that leads you to abundance and wholeness. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Sugilite Recall One's Dreams", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Be a model of Christ consciousness in all that you do; allow this light to shine in the world. Maintain balance & recognize the essential harmony needed between opposites, e.g. dark and light. See all duality as an expression of a one Source. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Remain calm and centered regardless of different opinions or approaches to life that could cause conflict; create harmony between all concerned. Learn how to discern and not judge. Helps to stabilize one's emotional responses in daily life. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Tiger Eye Harmony and Balance", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Gain access to Divine light energy that is always available, which restores proper energetic flow to physical and spiritual bodies; removing blockages that create imbalance and disease. Helps to keep one's field clear of negative forces. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Helps one to discover where negative influences and emotional patterns are preventing one from experiencing higher awareness and clarity of mind so further transformation can be achieved and one can continue to walk their spiritual path. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Tourmalined Quartz Cleanser and Purifier", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "fe94f589_for_Energy_Healing_and_Therapy__Gemstone_Crystals", "input": "[Spiritually assist you to\ufffd] Keep centered, grounded and connected during meditation and when working with higher realms. Overcome laziness, gain courage and determination to transform ideas into action and to see projects through to completion. [Emotionally assist you to\ufffd] Stop allowing for failure as an option in life and take action towards attaining your dreams and goals. Escape the perils of over-thinking & experience enjoyment of life as it comes. Balance energy, work and play to see all sides of a situation. [Gemstone Crystals] ", "output": "Zebra Jasper Quiet the Mind Take Action", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Gemstone Crystal Properties for Energy Healing and Therapy", "title": "", "outputColName": "Gemstone Crystals", "url": "http://angelicguidanceandhealing.com/Crystal-Properties.html", "wdcFile": "6/1438042988860.4_20150728002308-00038-ip-10-236-191-2_8323543_3.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 1 [Principle] ATTRACTION [Summary] Whatever we put our attention on is attracted to us and is increased in our world. If we do nothing to curb our destructive desires, life becomes increasingly difficult for us to control. If we develop discernment and self-awareness, then we can distinguish between what is beneficial or destructive that we are attracting into our lives. Finally, we need courage to take the next step toward wholeness by eliminating our negative desires that attract chaos into our lives. [Values] ", "output": "Discernment Self awareness Courage", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 2 [Principle] CAUSE & EFFECT [Summary] According to the law of the universe, for every action there is an equal reaction. When we realize that we are accountable for every thought, word and deed, we recognize the wisdom of restraint and being aware of the intentions of our actions. [Values] ", "output": "Restraint Accountability Good Intentions", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 3 [Principle] DEVOTION [Summary] We can contact Creative Intelligence by taking the time to go within our hearts. We find our true self here, not the ego. This can be done by anyone, through maintaining a feeling of calmness and concentrating on higher thoughts, whether through prayer, song, meditation or a walk in the woods. When we focus our lives on higher thoughts and actions, we connect with the Divine. [Values] ", "output": "Concentration Calmness Focus", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 4 [Principle] FAITH [Summary] There is a Loving Intelligence that pervades all things. All that is necessary is for us to maintain our trust and hope even though we live in the midst of uncertainty. Faith is our willingness to take the next step without fear or looking back and yet have the patience to allow Divine Order to work through our situation without trying to force the results ourselves. [Values] ", "output": "Trust Hope Patience", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 5 [Principle] FORGIVENESS [Summary] Forgiveness is a conscious act that frees us from the damaging image of ourselves as a victim and dissolves the poison of resentment. These act as blocks to the Universal Reality. Because we choose a new understanding of our situation, we are now free to extend mercy and compassion to ourselves and to those who have wronged us. This reconnects us back to our real self. [Values] ", "output": "Compassion Mercy Understanding", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 6 [Principle] GRATITUDE [Summary] The true state of Universal Reality is abundance. When we are grateful and appreciate what life has to offer, it indicates to the Universe that we accept whatever has been given to us and that we lack nothing. If we want to attract more prosperity into our lives, we need to start the process of thinking magnanimously and being generous to all of life. All of this opens up the flow of supply into our world because whatever we give to life returns to us. [Values] ", "output": "Generosity Magnanimity Appreciation", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 7 [Principle] HARMONY [Summary] One of the universal laws is that we can choose what feelings we want to experience. When we choose negative feelings, our lives become infinitely more stressful and complex because we loose the inner connection with the Infinite. When we choose to be optimistic, cooperative and enthusiastic rather than being a victim of our negative emotions, we remain in control of ourselves and maintain inner happiness [Values] ", "output": "Optimism Co-operation Enthusiasm", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 8 [Principle] HUMILITY [Summary] Through an attitude of modesty and unpretentiousness, we realize that we don't have to raise ourselves up with self-importance. God in his own way and time will reward us with whatever we need, as long as we rid ourselves of pride and maintain an attitude of gentleness toward all life. [Values] ", "output": "Modesty Unpretentious Gentleness", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 9 [Principle] INTEGRITY [Summary] Our connection to our inner reality is strengthened when we align our thoughts, words and actions with truth and have the courage act with sincerity and honesty. This is the act of letting go of our own will and honoring the Divine Will instead. [Values] ", "output": "Truthfulness Courage Sincerity Honesty", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 10 [Principle] LOVE [Summary] All living things require love to survive, including ourselves. We must first attend to our own needs for love before we can love others. When we neglect ourselves emotionally, we become emotionally toxic and are not whole enough to give love to others. When we change the inner dialogue from the inner critic to that of the inner companion, we bolster our self-esteem and self-respect. Then we are free to nurture all individuals by being the caring, compassionate, thoughtful and kind beings we truly are. [Values] ", "output": "Self-Esteem Self-Respect Caring Thoughtfulness Kindness Compassion Nurturing", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 11 [Principle] MODERATION [Summary] When we choose moderation in all aspects, we bring balance into our lives. Instead of experiencing 'burn-out' and stress, which actually hinders our productivity and blocks the creative flow of energy, we maintain our connection with our inner peace and true reality. [Values] ", "output": "Balance Moderation Inner Peace", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 12 [Principle] PERSEVERANCE [Summary] Wholeness is not realized in a moment. Throughout a lifetime, there must be constant effort and striving toward self-perfection. In order to accomplish this, we need the confidence to endure all situations in order to reach our goal. [Values] ", "output": "Striving Effort Confidence Endurance", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 13 [Principle] PURITY [Summary] When we choose to see the beauty of the simple things in life and the perfection all around us, instead of complexity and distortion, we retain our innocence. Purity then restores us to the joy of life. It is that which uplifts us and reconnects us to our true inner being. [Values] ", "output": "Perfection Simplicity Innocence", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 14 [Principle] RESPECT for LIFE [Summary] We are all a part of this Creative Intelligence and have a spark of the divine within us. Therefore, even though there is diversity among us, through religion, sex, culture, age and status, we are all part of the Divine Family. Everyone we meet deserves our respect because we honor the divine within them. We show this through courtesy, tolerance and cooperation with all whom we meet. [Values] ", "output": "Tolerance Courtesy Cooperation", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 15 [Principle] SELF DISCIPLINE [Summary] When we have the determination to restrain our lower desires, the door is opened for us to fulfill our highest aspirations. Through obedience to our higher self, we develop an inner control and greater confidence in ourselves. Through this process, we strengthen our connection to the Creative Intelligence and experience greater empowerment. [Values] ", "output": "Determination Obedience Restraint", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 16 [Principle] SERVICE [Summary] We came into this life with a special plan or purpose to help elevate humanity and life on earth through our own unique service. It is our responsibility to be successful in carrying out our plan and to infuse our service with creativity, or our own special God-given talent. [Values] ", "output": "Purpose Responsibility Creativity", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 17 [Principle] SURRENDER [Summary] When we accept what is happening to us at the present moment as part of a grander plan needed for our growth, we experience a new freedom. We welcome whatever comes into our lives, surrendering all wants and desires. With this new awareness comes contentment and peace. [Values] ", "output": "Acceptance Freedom Contentment", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "8f53d400_uotes_for_Universal_Principles__Values", "input": "[0] 18 [Principle] SYNCHRONICITY [Summary] When we are alert to highly significant events that cannot be explained, then we have an opportunity to go beyond the daily occurrences in our lives. We need to be receptive and have the courage to act on our inner promptings. In the process, we find that we are being transformed into the higher self. [Values] ", "output": "Alertness Receptivity Courage", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Spiritual Quotes for Universal Principles", "title": "", "outputColName": "Values", "url": "http://www.teachingvalues.com/quotes.html", "wdcFile": "34/1438044271733.81_20150728004431-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_754970934_13.json"} {"task": "a349e56e_hurch___Rock_Hill___Who_We_Are__vate_and_with_other_believers_", "input": "[Intimate Worship] Spiritual Conversations", "output": "Believers engage people in conversations about God and a personal relationship with him.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "First Baptist Church - Rock Hill > Who We Are", "title": "", "outputColName": "Believers worship God in private and with other believers.", "url": "http://www.fbcrockhill.org/who-we-are", "wdcFile": "34/1438043058631.99_20150728002418-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_449139635_0.json"} {"task": "a349e56e_hurch___Rock_Hill___Who_We_Are__vate_and_with_other_believers_", "input": "[Intimate Worship] Intentional Spiritual Growth", "output": "Believers endeavor to learn about the Christian faith, live out the principles of Jesus' teaching and place their faith at the center of their lives.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "First Baptist Church - Rock Hill > Who We Are", "title": "", "outputColName": "Believers worship God in private and with other believers.", "url": "http://www.fbcrockhill.org/who-we-are", "wdcFile": "34/1438043058631.99_20150728002418-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_449139635_0.json"} {"task": "a349e56e_hurch___Rock_Hill___Who_We_Are__vate_and_with_other_believers_", "input": "[Intimate Worship] Spiritual Friendships", "output": "Believers become friends with each other, providing encouragement and loving accountability.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "First Baptist Church - Rock Hill > Who We Are", "title": "", "outputColName": "Believers worship God in private and with other believers.", "url": "http://www.fbcrockhill.org/who-we-are", "wdcFile": "34/1438043058631.99_20150728002418-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_449139635_0.json"} {"task": "a349e56e_hurch___Rock_Hill___Who_We_Are__vate_and_with_other_believers_", "input": "[Intimate Worship] Prayer", "output": "Believers communicate with their Father who loves them and desires to hear their praises and requests.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "First Baptist Church - Rock Hill > Who We Are", "title": "", "outputColName": "Believers worship God in private and with other believers.", "url": "http://www.fbcrockhill.org/who-we-are", "wdcFile": "34/1438043058631.99_20150728002418-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_449139635_0.json"} {"task": "a349e56e_hurch___Rock_Hill___Who_We_Are__vate_and_with_other_believers_", "input": "[Intimate Worship] Christ Centered Homes", "output": "Believers teach and model the ways of God in their homes.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "First Baptist Church - Rock Hill > Who We Are", "title": "", "outputColName": "Believers worship God in private and with other believers.", "url": "http://www.fbcrockhill.org/who-we-are", "wdcFile": "34/1438043058631.99_20150728002418-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_449139635_0.json"} {"task": "a349e56e_hurch___Rock_Hill___Who_We_Are__vate_and_with_other_believers_", "input": "[Intimate Worship] Servanthood", "output": "Believers serve others in obedience to Jesus' example.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "First Baptist Church - Rock Hill > Who We Are", "title": "", "outputColName": "Believers worship God in private and with other believers.", "url": "http://www.fbcrockhill.org/who-we-are", "wdcFile": "34/1438043058631.99_20150728002418-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_449139635_0.json"} {"task": "a349e56e_hurch___Rock_Hill___Who_We_Are__vate_and_with_other_believers_", "input": "[Intimate Worship] Resource Investment", "output": "Believers utilize all their God-given gifts, including time, talent and money, in ministry and missions locally and around the world.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "First Baptist Church - Rock Hill > Who We Are", "title": "", "outputColName": "Believers worship God in private and with other believers.", "url": "http://www.fbcrockhill.org/who-we-are", "wdcFile": "34/1438043058631.99_20150728002418-00136-ip-10-236-191-2_449139635_0.json"} {"task": "b1795019__Alchemy_and_Astrology__p__4____Astrological_Description", "input": "[Name] Pluto Once every 240 years [Astrological Description] ", "output": "Pluto is the urge to sacrifice oneself to the demands of an evolving structure. When this dynamic is used positively, it eliminates the parasitic growths that would otherwise destroy its host, man.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Claus Furstner - The Anatomy of Self with The Chakras, Hermetic Alchemy and Astrology (p. 4.)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Astrological Description", "url": "http://members.ozemail.com.au/~clauspat/tree2a.htm", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00119-ip-10-236-191-2_163022105_4.json"} {"task": "b1795019__Alchemy_and_Astrology__p__4____Astrological_Description", "input": "[Name] Neptune Once every 170 years [Astrological Description] ", "output": "Neptune is the dynamics by which social obligations are fulfilled in response to spiritual duty. It also reflects appreciation for the highest and most sublime creative manifestations.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Claus Furstner - The Anatomy of Self with The Chakras, Hermetic Alchemy and Astrology (p. 4.)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Astrological Description", "url": "http://members.ozemail.com.au/~clauspat/tree2a.htm", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00119-ip-10-236-191-2_163022105_4.json"} {"task": "b1795019__Alchemy_and_Astrology__p__4____Astrological_Description", "input": "[Name] Uranus Once every 84 years [Astrological Description] ", "output": "Uranus is the individual need to be free from the bonds of responsibility. It expresses great spiritual concern that society enjoy freedom from the shackles of ignorance.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Claus Furstner - The Anatomy of Self with The Chakras, Hermetic Alchemy and Astrology (p. 4.)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Astrological Description", "url": "http://members.ozemail.com.au/~clauspat/tree2a.htm", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00119-ip-10-236-191-2_163022105_4.json"} {"task": "b1795019__Alchemy_and_Astrology__p__4____Astrological_Description", "input": "[Name] Chiron Once every 50 years [Astrological Description] ", "output": "Chiron Represents the aspect of consciousness that eventually developed in the Human condition. It is the search for growth and perfection, personal as well as for the species.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Claus Furstner - The Anatomy of Self with The Chakras, Hermetic Alchemy and Astrology (p. 4.)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Astrological Description", "url": "http://members.ozemail.com.au/~clauspat/tree2a.htm", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00119-ip-10-236-191-2_163022105_4.json"} {"task": "b1795019__Alchemy_and_Astrology__p__4____Astrological_Description", "input": "[Name] Saturn Once every 29 years [Astrological Description] ", "output": "Saturn is the development of personal worth. It is the judgment refined by experience. It is the wisdom that results from the thoughtful application of knowledge.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Claus Furstner - The Anatomy of Self with The Chakras, Hermetic Alchemy and Astrology (p. 4.)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Astrological Description", "url": "http://members.ozemail.com.au/~clauspat/tree2a.htm", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00119-ip-10-236-191-2_163022105_4.json"} {"task": "b1795019__Alchemy_and_Astrology__p__4____Astrological_Description", "input": "[Name] Jupiter Once every 12 years [Astrological Description] ", "output": "Jupiter is the higher mental faculty that seeks meaning in the affairs of life beyond labels. Every process that urges growth and expansion of consciousness is given a spiritual value, and a distinction between right and wrong is established.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Claus Furstner - The Anatomy of Self with The Chakras, Hermetic Alchemy and Astrology (p. 4.)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Astrological Description", "url": "http://members.ozemail.com.au/~clauspat/tree2a.htm", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00119-ip-10-236-191-2_163022105_4.json"} {"task": "b1795019__Alchemy_and_Astrology__p__4____Astrological_Description", "input": "[Name] Mars Once every 2 years [Astrological Description] ", "output": "Mars is the fuel that operates the ego. It represents the residual traces of man's animal nature. It is the force in nature that establishes the survival of the fittest.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Claus Furstner - The Anatomy of Self with The Chakras, Hermetic Alchemy and Astrology (p. 4.)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Astrological Description", "url": "http://members.ozemail.com.au/~clauspat/tree2a.htm", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00119-ip-10-236-191-2_163022105_4.json"} {"task": "b1795019__Alchemy_and_Astrology__p__4____Astrological_Description", "input": "[Name] Venus Once every year [Astrological Description] ", "output": "Venus shows adjustments made to encourage relationships. Venus is tenderness and affection, understanding and compromise, refinement and beauty.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Claus Furstner - The Anatomy of Self with The Chakras, Hermetic Alchemy and Astrology (p. 4.)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Astrological Description", "url": "http://members.ozemail.com.au/~clauspat/tree2a.htm", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00119-ip-10-236-191-2_163022105_4.json"} {"task": "b1795019__Alchemy_and_Astrology__p__4____Astrological_Description", "input": "[Name] Mercury Once every year [Astrological Description] ", "output": "Mercury represents the intellectual faculties, curiosity and wanting to know all there is to know. Mercury interprets and solves problems with deductive logic.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Claus Furstner - The Anatomy of Self with The Chakras, Hermetic Alchemy and Astrology (p. 4.)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Astrological Description", "url": "http://members.ozemail.com.au/~clauspat/tree2a.htm", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00119-ip-10-236-191-2_163022105_4.json"} {"task": "b1795019__Alchemy_and_Astrology__p__4____Astrological_Description", "input": "[Name] Sun Once every year [Astrological Description] ", "output": "The Sun represents the ego, individuality, will, striving for significance and the conscious side of the personality. It is the active life-force aggressively trying to use all potentials and develop all available resources.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Claus Furstner - The Anatomy of Self with The Chakras, Hermetic Alchemy and Astrology (p. 4.)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Astrological Description", "url": "http://members.ozemail.com.au/~clauspat/tree2a.htm", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00119-ip-10-236-191-2_163022105_4.json"} {"task": "b1795019__Alchemy_and_Astrology__p__4____Astrological_Description", "input": "[Name] Moon 12 times a year [Astrological Description] ", "output": "The Moon is the unconscious side of personality, the set of habits and instincts. It is the constantly changing personality that responds and reacts to external stimuli.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Claus Furstner - The Anatomy of Self with The Chakras, Hermetic Alchemy and Astrology (p. 4.)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Astrological Description", "url": "http://members.ozemail.com.au/~clauspat/tree2a.htm", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00119-ip-10-236-191-2_163022105_4.json"} {"task": "b1795019__Alchemy_and_Astrology__p__4____Astrological_Description", "input": "[Name] North Node - [Astrological Description] ", "output": "The North Node shows the experience that allows a person to access aspects of one's psychological awareness. The Nodes of the Moon are not planetary bodies. They are points formed in space by the Moon's orbit around the Earth intersecting with the Earth's path around the Sun. There are two nodes, the North Nodal point located to the Earth's North, the South Node located exactly opposite to the Earth's South.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Claus Furstner - The Anatomy of Self with The Chakras, Hermetic Alchemy and Astrology (p. 4.)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Astrological Description", "url": "http://members.ozemail.com.au/~clauspat/tree2a.htm", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00119-ip-10-236-191-2_163022105_4.json"} {"task": "b1795019__Alchemy_and_Astrology__p__4____Astrological_Description", "input": "[Name] South Node - [Astrological Description] ", "output": "The South Node depicts an aspect in our character that has been over-emphasised in one's past lives.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Claus Furstner - The Anatomy of Self with The Chakras, Hermetic Alchemy and Astrology (p. 4.)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Astrological Description", "url": "http://members.ozemail.com.au/~clauspat/tree2a.htm", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00119-ip-10-236-191-2_163022105_4.json"} {"task": "b1795019__Alchemy_and_Astrology__p__4____Astrological_Description", "input": "[Name] Earth - [Astrological Description] ", "output": "The Earth represents the fundamental presence of the individual. With its own Dailey rotation it creates a 12 House System reflecting the Dailey changes from rest (formation) to activity (expression) .", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Claus Furstner - The Anatomy of Self with The Chakras, Hermetic Alchemy and Astrology (p. 4.)", "title": "", "outputColName": "Astrological Description", "url": "http://members.ozemail.com.au/~clauspat/tree2a.htm", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00119-ip-10-236-191-2_163022105_4.json"} {"task": "b10794a1_Faith__Topics", "input": "[Title] Catechism of the Catholic Church [Author] Magisterium [Topics] ", "output": "The 2nd revision of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. (off-site at the Vatican).", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Faith", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topics", "url": "http://www.ourladyswarriors.org/faith/index.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00193-ip-10-236-191-2_626012492_0.json"} {"task": "b10794a1_Faith__Topics", "input": "[Title] Baltimore Catechism Number 3 [Author] Benzinger Brothers [Topics] ", "output": "A very comprehensive Catechism for learning the Catholic Faith in an undiluted manner. The Faith is presented in a simple question and answer format for ease of understanding.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Faith", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topics", "url": "http://www.ourladyswarriors.org/faith/index.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00193-ip-10-236-191-2_626012492_0.json"} {"task": "b10794a1_Faith__Topics", "input": "[Title] Baltimore Catechism Number 2 [Author] Benzinger Brothers [Topics] ", "output": "A shorter version of the Baltimore Catechism number 3, better for children.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Faith", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topics", "url": "http://www.ourladyswarriors.org/faith/index.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00193-ip-10-236-191-2_626012492_0.json"} {"task": "b10794a1_Faith__Topics", "input": "[Title] The Beatitudes [Author] (compilation) [Topics] ", "output": "Beatitudes embrace whatever pertains to the perfection of Christian life, and they invite us to the practice of the highest Christian virtues.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Faith", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topics", "url": "http://www.ourladyswarriors.org/faith/index.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00193-ip-10-236-191-2_626012492_0.json"} {"task": "b10794a1_Faith__Topics", "input": "[Title] The Corporal Works of Mercy [Author] (compilation) [Topics] ", "output": "Charitable actions by which we come to the aid of our neighbor in bodily necessities.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Faith", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topics", "url": "http://www.ourladyswarriors.org/faith/index.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00193-ip-10-236-191-2_626012492_0.json"} {"task": "b10794a1_Faith__Topics", "input": "[Title] The Spiritual Works of Mercy [Author] (compilation) [Topics] ", "output": "Charitable actions by which we come to the aid of our neighbor in spiritual necessities.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Faith", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topics", "url": "http://www.ourladyswarriors.org/faith/index.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00193-ip-10-236-191-2_626012492_0.json"} {"task": "b10794a1_Faith__Topics", "input": "[Title] The 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit [Author] (compilation) [Topics] ", "output": "Gifts of the Holy Spirit enable us to live a holy Christian life.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Faith", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topics", "url": "http://www.ourladyswarriors.org/faith/index.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00193-ip-10-236-191-2_626012492_0.json"} {"task": "b10794a1_Faith__Topics", "input": "[Title] The 12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit [Author] (compilation) [Topics] ", "output": "The 12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit grow in our souls with our practice of Virtue as enabled by the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Faith", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topics", "url": "http://www.ourladyswarriors.org/faith/index.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00193-ip-10-236-191-2_626012492_0.json"} {"task": "b10794a1_Faith__Topics", "input": "[Title] The Virtues [Author] (compilation) [Topics] ", "output": "A virtue is a habitual and firm disposition to do the good. The virtuous person tends toward the good with all his sensory and spiritual powers; he pursues the good and chooses it in concrete actions.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Faith", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topics", "url": "http://www.ourladyswarriors.org/faith/index.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00193-ip-10-236-191-2_626012492_0.json"} {"task": "b10794a1_Faith__Topics", "input": "[Title] The Vices [Author] (compilation) [Topics] ", "output": "A vice is a habitual and firm disposition to do evil. it is the opposite of virtue. A vice oriented person tends toward selfishness at the expense of others.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Faith", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topics", "url": "http://www.ourladyswarriors.org/faith/index.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00193-ip-10-236-191-2_626012492_0.json"} {"task": "b10794a1_Faith__Topics", "input": "[Title] The 10 Commandments [Author] (compilation) [Topics] ", "output": "The 10 Commandments are God's guard rails for our souls, and tell us what we must do and what we must not do. This article contains a deeper explanation as to what it practically means to live the Commandments.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Faith", "title": "", "outputColName": "Topics", "url": "http://www.ourladyswarriors.org/faith/index.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00193-ip-10-236-191-2_626012492_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 1:2 [NIV] \u201cMeaningless! Meaningless!\u201d says the Teacher. \u201cUtterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.\u201d [The Voice] ", "output": "Teacher: Life is fleeting, like a passing mist. It is like trying to catch hold of a breath; All vanishes like a vapor; everything is a great vanity.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 1:14 [NIV] I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind. [The Voice] ", "output": "I have witnessed all that is done under the sun, and indeed, all is fleeting, like trying to embrace the wind.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 2:1 [NIV] I said to myself, \u201cCome now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good.\u201d But that also proved to be meaningless. [The Voice] ", "output": "I said to myself, \u201cLet me dabble and test you in pleasure and see if there is any good in that.\u201d But look, that, too, was fleeting.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 2:11 [NIV] Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun. [The Voice] ", "output": "As I continued musing over all I had accomplished and the hard work it took, I concluded that all this, too, was fleeting, like trying to embrace the wind. Is there any real gain by all our hard work under the sun?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 2:15 [NIV] Then I said to myself, \u201cThe fate of the fool will overtake me also. What then do I gain by being wise?\u201d I said to myself, \u201cThis too is meaningless.\u201d [The Voice] ", "output": "I said to myself, \u201cWhy do I try to be wise when my fate is the same as that of the fool? This pursuit is fleeting too.\u201d", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 2:17 [NIV] So I hated life, because the work that is done under the sun was grievous to me. All of it is meaningless, a chasing after the wind. [The Voice] ", "output": "So I began to hate life itself because all that is done under the sun is so harsh and difficult. Life\u2014everything about it\u2014is fleeting; it\u2019s like trying to pursue the wind.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 2:19 [NIV] And who knows whether that person will be wise or foolish? Yet they will have control over all the fruit of my toil into which I have poured my effort and skill under the sun. This too is meaningless. [The Voice] ", "output": "And who knows whether my heir will be wise or foolish? Still he will inherit all the things for which I worked so hard here under the sun, the things for which I became wise. This, too, is fleeting like trying to catch hold of a breath.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 2:21 [NIV] For a person may labor with wisdom, knowledge and skill, and then they must leave all they own to another who has not toiled for it. This too is meaningless and a great misfortune. [The Voice] ", "output": "Although someone with wisdom, knowledge, and skill works hard, when he departs this life, he will leave all he has accomplished to another who has done nothing to deserve work\u2019s reward. This, too, is fleeting, and it causes great misery.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 2:23 [NIV] All their days their work is grief and pain; even at night their minds do not rest. This too is meaningless. [The Voice] ", "output": "For every day is filled with pain and every job has its own problems, and there are nights when the mind doesn\u2019t stop and rest. And once again, this is fleeting.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 2:26 [NIV] To the person who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind. [The Voice] ", "output": "To those who seek to please God, He gives wisdom and knowledge and joyfulness; but to those who are wicked, God keeps them busy harvesting and storing up for those in whom He delights. But even this is fleeting; it\u2019s like trying to embrace the wind.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 3:19 [NIV] Surely the fate of human beings is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath; humans have no advantage over animals. Everything is meaningless. [The Voice] ", "output": "The fate of humans and the fate of animals is the same. As one dies, so does the other, for we have the same breath within us. In the end, we have no advantage over the animals. For as I have said, it\u2019s all fleeting.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 4:4 [NIV] And I saw that all toil and all achievement spring from one person\u2019s envy of another. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind. [The Voice] ", "output": "Then I saw yet another thing: envy fuels achievement. All the work and skills people develop come from their desire to be better than their neighbors. Even this is fleeting, like trying to embrace the wind.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 4:7 [NIV] Again I saw something meaningless under the sun: [The Voice] ", "output": "Again I observed another example of how fleeting life is under the sun:", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 4:16 [NIV] There was no end to all the people who were before them. But those who came later were not pleased with the successor. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind. [The Voice] ", "output": "There seemed to be no limit to all the people who were under his authority. Yet those who will come later will not be happy with him and will refuse to follow him. Even this, you see, is fleeting\u2014power and influence do not last\u2014like trying to pursue the wind.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 5:7 [NIV] Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore fear God. [The Voice] ", "output": "Daydreaming and excessive talking are pointless and fleeting things to do, like trying to catch hold of a breath. What good comes from them? It is better to quietly reverence God.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 5:10 [NIV] Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless. [The Voice] ", "output": "As the saying goes: Those who love money will never be satisfied with money, and those who love riches will never be happy with what they have. This, too, is fleeting.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 6:2 [NIV] God gives some people wealth, possessions and honor, so that they lack nothing their hearts desire, but God does not grant them the ability to enjoy them, and strangers enjoy them instead. This is meaningless, a grievous evil. [The Voice] ", "output": "Sometimes God gives money, possessions, and even honor, so that we have everything a person might desire; nothing is lacking. But then, for reasons God only knows, God does not allow him to enjoy the good gifts. Rather, a stranger ends up enjoying them. This, too, is fleeting; it\u2019s a sickening evil.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 6:4 [NIV] It comes without meaning, it departs in darkness, and in darkness its name is shrouded. [The Voice] ", "output": "because the stillborn arrives in a fleeting breath and then goes nameless into the darkness mourned by no one and buried in an unmarked grave.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 6:9 [NIV] Better what the eye sees than the roving of the appetite. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind. [The Voice] ", "output": "It is better to enjoy what our eyes see than to long for what our roving appetites desire. This, too, is fleeting, like trying to embrace the wind.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 7:6 [NIV] Like the crackling of thorns under the pot, so is the laughter of fools. This too is meaningless. [The Voice] ", "output": "For the laughter of fools is like the hiss and crackle of burning thorns beneath a pot. This, too, is fleeting.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 7:15 [NIV] In this meaningless life of mine I have seen both of these: the righteous perishing in their righteousness, and the wicked living long in their wickedness. [The Voice] ", "output": "In the fleeting time I have lived on this earth, I have seen just about everything: the good dying in their goodness and the wicked living to a ripe old age.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 8:10 [NIV] Then too, I saw the wicked buried\u2014those who used to come and go from the holy place and receive praise in the city where they did this. This too is meaningless. [The Voice] ", "output": "I have witnessed the wicked buried with honor because during their lifetimes they would go in and out of the temple, and soon their crimes were forgotten in the very city where they committed them. This, too, is fleeting.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 8:14 [NIV] There is something else meaningless that occurs on earth: the righteous who get what the wicked deserve, and the wicked who get what the righteous deserve. This too, I say, is meaningless. [The Voice] ", "output": "Here is another example of the fleeting nature of our world: there are just people who get what the wicked deserve; there are wicked people who get what the just deserve. I say this, too, is fleeting.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 9:9 [NIV] Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun\u2014all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun. [The Voice] ", "output": "Enjoy life with the woman you love. Cherish every moment of the fleeting life which God has given you under the sun. For this is your lot in life, your great reward for all of your hard work under the sun.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 11:8 [NIV] However many years anyone may live, let them enjoy them all. But let them remember the days of darkness, for there will be many. Everything to come is meaningless. [The Voice] ", "output": "If a person lives many years, then he should learn to enjoy each and every one; but he should not forget the dark days ahead, for there will be plenty of them. All that is to come\u2014whether bright days or dark\u2014is fleeting.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 11:10 [NIV] So then, banish anxiety from your heart and cast off the troubles of your body, for youth and vigor are meaningless. [The Voice] ", "output": "When all is said and done, clear your mind of all its worries. Free your body of all its troubles while you can, for youth and the prime of life will soon vanish.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "579fcb1a_leeting__Hebel_in_Ecclesiastes__The_Voice", "input": "[0] 12:8 [NIV] \u201cMeaningless! Meaningless!\u201d says the Teacher. \u201cEverything is meaningless!\u201d [The Voice] ", "output": "Life is fleeting; it just slips through your fingers. All vanishes like mist.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Experimental Theology: Life is Fleeting: Hebel in Ecclesiastes", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Voice", "url": "http://experimentaltheology.blogspot.com/2014/01/life-is-fleeting-hebel-in-ecclesiastes.html", "wdcFile": "5/1438042987135.9_20150728002307-00137-ip-10-236-191-2_85664851_0.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Act of Dedication to Christ the King (specified prayer) [When] Solemnity of our Lord, Jesus Christ the King [Comment] ", "output": "public recitation", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Act of Family Consecration [When] Day of First Consecration [Comment] ", "output": "requires devout recitation of approved prayer before indicated image [Note: If possible, consecration should be done by priest]", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart (specified prayer) [When] Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus [Comment] ", "output": "public recitation", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament [When] Any time [Comment] ", "output": "for at least a half hour", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Adoration of the Cross [When] Good Friday [Comment] ", "output": "during the liturgy", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Apostolic Blessing (unless priest cannot be present) [When] When in Danger of Death [Comment] ", "output": "a priest who administers the sacraments should impart the apostolic blessing (if a priest is unavailable, the indulgence may nevertheless be received by those properly disposed, if they had the habit of prayer during their lifetime)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Bishop's Jubilee Mass [When] N/A [Comment] ", "output": "for bishops celebrating 25th, 40th, or 50th anniversary of their episcopal ordination who renew promises regarding their office (also available to the faithful who devoutly assist at jubilee Mass celebrations)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Cemetery Visit [When] 11/1-11/8 [Comment] ", "output": "devout visit, requires prayer for the dead (applicable to souls in purgatory)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Eucharistic Congresses [When] N/A [Comment] ", "output": "applicable participation in solemn Eucharistic rite (typically held at the conclusion of a Eucharistic congress)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] First Holy Communion [When] At Your Or Another's First Communion [Comment] ", "output": "one's first Holy Communion, or those devoutly assisting at the first Communion of another", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Papal Blessings [When] N/A [Comment] ", "output": "may even apply to blessings received via radio or television", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Participation in a Mission [When] N/A [Comment] ", "output": "for those who hear some of the sermons and are present at the solemn conclusion", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Participation in Prayers & Devotions Held in Honor of Divine Mercy in a Church or Chapel [When] Divine Mercy Sunday (Sunday After Easter) [Comment] ", "output": "instead of the prescribed work, one may \"in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed or reserved in the tabernacle, recite the Our Father and the Creed, adding a devout prayer to the merciful Lord Jesus (e.g. 'Merciful Jesus, I trust in you!')\" (Apostolic Penitentiary)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Participation in Solemn Eucharistic Procession [When] Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ [Comment] ", "output": "devout participation in procession held inside or outside a church, of greatest importance", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Pastoral Visitation [When] N/A [Comment] ", "output": "requires participation in sacred functions presided over by the visitator", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Prayer before a Crucifix (specified prayer) [When] Fridays in Lent [Comment] ", "output": "devout recitation before a crucifix, after Holy Communion", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Priest's First Mass (with a congregation) [When] First Mass of a Priest (with a congregation) [Comment] ", "output": "for the priest and faithful", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Priest's Jubilee Mass [When] N/A [Comment] ", "output": "for priests celebrating 25th, 50th, 60th, or 70th anniversary of their ordination who renew promises regarding their vocation (also available to the faithful who devoutly assist at jubilee Mass celebrations)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Recitation of Specified Verses (Tantum ergo) [When] Holy Thursday [Comment] ", "output": "after Mass on Holy Thursday, during solemn reposition of Blessed Sacrament", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Recitation of the Rosary [When] Any time [Comment] ", "output": "devout recitation, five uninterrupted decades (including meditation, vocal prayer, and proper annunciation of the mysteries), in a church or oratory or in a family, religious community or other applicable gathering (or in union with the pope via live radio/TV broadcast)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Renewal of Baptismal Vows [When] Easter Vigil or Anniversary of Baptism [Comment] ", "output": "at the celebration of the Easter Vigil or one's own anniversary of Baptism, using approved formula", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Retreats [When] N/A [Comment] ", "output": "a minimum of three full days of spiritual exercises during a retreat", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Scripture Reading [When] Any time [Comment] ", "output": "reverent reading of approved translation for at least a half hour under specified conditions [Note: Those unable to read Scripture \"for some good reason\" may gain the indulgence by listening to another read Scripture or by listening to an audio/video recording.]", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Stations of the Cross (Way of the Cross) [When] Any time (Often during Lent) [Comment] ", "output": "devoutly before lawfully erected stations, including devout meditation and progression from station to station (as applicable) [or in union with the pope via live radio/TV broadcast]", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Te Deum (specified prayer) [When] 12/31 [Comment] ", "output": "devout assistance at recitation or solemn singing in thanksgiving for gifts received throughout the year", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Use of Devotional Object Blessed by the Pope or a Bishop [When] Solemnity of the Holy Apostles, Peter and Paul [Comment] ", "output": "prayerful use, also requires profession of faith", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Veni, Creator (specified prayer) [When] 1/1 & Solemnity of Pentecost [Comment] ", "output": "devout assistance at recitation or solemn singing (on 1/1, to implore divine assistance for the year)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Visit to Church or Altar on its Day of Dedication [When] Church's or Altar's Day of Dedication [Comment] ", "output": "including devout recitation of Lord's Prayer (Our Father) & Creed", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Visit to Church or Oratory [When] 11/2 (All Souls Day) [Or, may be transferred to preceding/following Sunday or 11/1 at judgment of ordinary] [Comment] ", "output": "devout visit, including Lord's Prayer (Our Father) & Creed (applicable to souls in purgatory)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Visiting Church During Diocesan Synod [When] N/A [Comment] ", "output": "requires visiting church where synod is held, recitation of the Lord's Prayer (Our Father) & Creed", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Visiting Church or Oratory of Religious [When] Day Dedicated to Founder [date of liturgical memorial] [Comment] ", "output": "including devout recitation of Lord's Prayer (Our Father) & Creed", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Visiting Parish Church [When] 8/2 or on church's titular feast day [Comment] ", "output": "visit to parish church, including devout recitation of Lord's Prayer (Our Father) & Creed", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Visiting Patriarchal Basilicas in Rome [When] N/A [Comment] ", "output": "visit to basilica, including devout recitation of Lord's Prayer (Our Father) & Creed (under specified conditions)", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "290b2023_tholicSource_com___Indulgences__Comment", "input": "[Item to be Done] Visiting Stational Church [When] Specified Days [Comment] ", "output": "on designated day when also participating in certain services there", "options": [], "pageTitle": "MyCatholicSource.com - Indulgences", "title": "", "outputColName": "Comment", "url": "http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/cg/indulgences.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042992201.62_20150728002312-00061-ip-10-236-191-2_591628871_5.json"} {"task": "2e9b0664_Puritans_______Puritans_Religion_and_Beliefs", "input": "Catholics believed that Church Services and the Bible should be in Latin", "output": "Puritans believed that Church Services and the Bible should be in the language of the people so that the ordinary people could understand them", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Puritans ***", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestants / Puritans Religion and Beliefs", "url": "http://www.landofthebrave.info/puritans.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00300-ip-10-236-191-2_544689066_17.json"} {"task": "2e9b0664_Puritans_______Puritans_Religion_and_Beliefs", "input": "They believed that the Pope was ordained by God", "output": "Puritans did not believe that the Pope was ordained by God or that they should adhere to his office", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Puritans ***", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestants / Puritans Religion and Beliefs", "url": "http://www.landofthebrave.info/puritans.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00300-ip-10-236-191-2_544689066_17.json"} {"task": "2e9b0664_Puritans_______Puritans_Religion_and_Beliefs", "input": "Catholics believed that Priests were the link between God and the people", "output": "Puritans believed their leaders were ordinary people who could find God without a priest or a Pope", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Puritans ***", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestants / Puritans Religion and Beliefs", "url": "http://www.landofthebrave.info/puritans.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00300-ip-10-236-191-2_544689066_17.json"} {"task": "2e9b0664_Puritans_______Puritans_Religion_and_Beliefs", "input": "Priests were expected to devote their lives to God and remain unmarried", "output": "Puritans believed that people their leaders were ordinary people who should lead normal lives", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Puritans ***", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestants / Puritans Religion and Beliefs", "url": "http://www.landofthebrave.info/puritans.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00300-ip-10-236-191-2_544689066_17.json"} {"task": "2e9b0664_Puritans_______Puritans_Religion_and_Beliefs", "input": "Priests were expected to wear elaborate robes", "output": "Puritans did not believe in elaborate clothing", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Puritans ***", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestants / Puritans Religion and Beliefs", "url": "http://www.landofthebrave.info/puritans.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00300-ip-10-236-191-2_544689066_17.json"} {"task": "2e9b0664_Puritans_______Puritans_Religion_and_Beliefs", "input": "Catholics believed that Priests and the Pope were able to forgive sins - at a price. Gifts, or indulgences, were given to the Catholic church in return for absolution", "output": "Puritans believed that only God could forgive sins", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Puritans ***", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestants / Puritans Religion and Beliefs", "url": "http://www.landofthebrave.info/puritans.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00300-ip-10-236-191-2_544689066_17.json"} {"task": "2e9b0664_Puritans_______Puritans_Religion_and_Beliefs", "input": "Catholics believed that Churches celebrated God and should be elaborately decorated with statues and shrines", "output": "Puritans believed in total simplicity, that everything should be plain allowing the congregation to concentrate on the sermons", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Puritans ***", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestants / Puritans Religion and Beliefs", "url": "http://www.landofthebrave.info/puritans.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00300-ip-10-236-191-2_544689066_17.json"} {"task": "2e9b0664_Puritans_______Puritans_Religion_and_Beliefs", "input": "Roman Catholic Religion and Beliefs", "output": "Protestants / Puritans Religion and Beliefs", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Puritans ***", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestants / Puritans Religion and Beliefs", "url": "http://www.landofthebrave.info/puritans.htm", "wdcFile": "10/1438042988065.26_20150728002308-00300-ip-10-236-191-2_544689066_17.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Agate, Crazy Lace", "output": "A Crazy lace agate balances physical energies and can be used to reach high physical levels\u2026 Swirls or yellow, red and brownish black in a lacy pattern.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Agate, Silver Leaf", "output": "Silver Leaf agates are very grounding and balancing, they open the wearer for acceptance, protection and abundance. Brown, gray and creamy white with interesting patterns.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Amazonite", "output": "Eliminates worries and fears. With an energy like taking a deep breath, this stone helps us to speak our personal truth. A soothing and calming stone, it aids us in releasing worries and fears so that we may communicate from the heart and break through our boundaries. Bringing clarity of thought, it helps us to deal with chaos and find a place of centered harmony.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Amber", "output": "Amber is said to be a very strong healing stone allowing the body to heal itself. It takes negative energy and turns it into positive energy and releases the energy giving a bright and sunny feeling. It helps one in the art of manifestation; helping you realize your desires into reality. Amber has said to bring good luck.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Amethyst", "output": "Amethyst helps you attain wisdom. It can help you let go of all that is old and all that holds you back - on every level and in every aspect of life - so that you may fully embrace your spiritual destiny. It stirs the intuition. Amethyst can also help you understand and let go of anything that keeps you attached to a condition. When worn as a necklace of spheres, Amethyst affects all your inner aspects, bringing the perspective needed to let go of attachments.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Aquamarine", "output": "Evokes the sea in both its name and its color. Helps to stabilize unsettled surroundings, reduces fear, aids sensitive & mystical people. The ancients saw this as a stone of courage and felt that carrying it would help them return safe and prosperous from sea voyages. It aids in compassion, and tolerance, and facilitates communication both with others and with the deeper self.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Bloodstone", "output": "Bloodstone is an intense healing stone, the \"Stone of courage\". It revitalizes love, relationships and friendships. It brings purification, orderliness, prosperity, and instills wisdom, enhances creativity, and supports decision making. It is also useful for blood disorders. Translucent or opaque green with blood red splashes. Bloodstone strengthens your immune system and keeps it alert and responsive to your body's needs. Bloodstone also facilitates the removal of toxins from your body and enhances your cells' absorption of nutrients.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Blue Goldstone", "output": "A stone of wisdom and science, teaching us to reach for the stars, and reminding us of the light within darkness. It is infused with copper sparkles, a powerful energy generator.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Carnelian", "output": "Carnelian carries the orange color ray. The orange ray nourishes and vitalizes your entire being, bestowing optimism and enthusiasm for life. At the cellular level, this life energy motivates cells to achieve greater health. On the whole-person level, it inspires you to make the changes that will move you towards your life's goal or dream.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Catseye", "output": "This stone offers a feeling of serene happiness. Cat\u2019s Eye stimulates awareness and intuition, allowing the wearer to gain insight and thus find balance in the evolutions and transformations that life brings.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Citrine", "output": "Citrine prepares your body, emotions, and mind to accept a greater flow of the yellow color ray. The yellow ray is the aspect of the life force that helps us release what no longer serves and to accept what we need in order to move to the next higher state. This aspect of Citrine also has a greater overall purpose - to help you fulfill your spiritual potential by encouraging you to embrace ever-greater states of consciousness.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Coral", "output": "Pink coral increases sensitivity, caring & compassions....Red or orange coral stimulates & energizes emotions, and can be used for fertility, metabolism, thyroid, muscles, & heart.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Fluorite", "output": "Purple- intuition. Green - cleansing. Fluorite brings order from chaos. It is the \"stone of discernment and aptitude\" that acts as a protective, psychic shield and auric cleanser. It also helps relationships and encourages and sustains the flawless ideal of health, intellect and emotional well-being. Both are good balancers, & healers.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Garnet", "output": "Is said to be the \"stone of health\". It helps dissolve negative energy. It is a sacred stone in the Native American Indians and speeds up manifestation by bring your creative energies to the forefront. Garnets have a loving energy and monitors the flow of energy to the psychic centers so that you will be balanced in your physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. Garnets are very cleansing and purifying. Stimulates creativity, passion, & the circulatory system.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Goldstone", "output": "This is a human made stone, comprised of glass infused with flecks of Copper. It is believed to store the energy of those who touch it, making it an excellent gift for loved ones who are far away. It also contains the properties of copper; uplifting, helpful for stomach tension, and for protection of the center of the body. It is said to be a good 'conductor' of energies from the higher realms to our world. Perhaps this is why Copper has long been used as a healing talisman, as in the Copper bracelets worn to treat arthritis.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Hematite", "output": "Is called the \"stone of the mind\". It helps with memory, with intellectual knowledge and the realizations of limitations. It is a calming stone and balances the nervous system or brings balance between the body, mind and spirit. It helps in attaining a meditative state and to feel more grounded - it gets rid of fuzzy-headedness or that light headed feeling. One of the most grounding stones among all.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Howlite", "output": "Absorbs and uplifts tension, anxiety, stress. Is a loving, calming stone.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Iolite", "output": "Spiritual growth, awakens inner knowledge. Good for truth, simplicity, imagery, & peace. Is a good stone for detoxifying from addictions.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Jade", "output": "Aids in remembering dreams, helps in realization of potential. It helps provide confidence and self-sufficiency. In ancient times it was viewed as a sacred stone and aids in attaining a meditation state quickly. Helps balance male and female energies, is a talisman of protection against the visible (illness) and the invisible. In China it is said to bless those who have this stone.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Jasper (Poppy)", "output": "Brings joy and protects. Poppy Jasper enlivens your body by throwing vortices of uplifting energy toward areas where energy flow is blocked. These vortices help to break up the physical impediments, encrusted patterns, and energetic blockages that prevent life force from entering certain parts of your physical body. Poppy Jasper's energy is positive, happy, and joyful. It inspires, invigorates, and energizes your entire being. Poppy Jasper's energy acts somewhat like adrenaline. When your adrenaline flows, you work harder and faster, and you feel a joy that keeps you going. Like adrenaline, Poppy Jasper gives you the motivation, inspiration, and energy to act. Poppy Jasper can give you the extra energy you sometimes need in order to get through challenging situations.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Jasper (Leopard Skin)", "output": "Leopardskin Jasper helps draw into your life whatever you need for physical healing.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Jet", "output": "Is grounding and balancing, and as it also carries a negative electrical charge, is good for drawing power and knowledge to the bearer. It is also helpful in stabilizing finances, and is said to soothe migraines. A very protective stone, feminine, good for mourning.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Labradorite", "output": "Labradorite is said to bring clarity of inner sight and progression. It helps protect the aura keeping it clear, balanced protected and free from energy leaks. It helps transform intuition to the intellect helping you to use inner messages. Labradorite is said to help you realize and achieve your destiny in this life while enhancing faith and reliance in your self.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "d4979976_Meanings_of_Stones__stem_and_the_digestive_system_", "input": "[Agate, Blue Lace] Lapis", "output": "Helps you to access the unknown universal knowledge and have the wisdom to understand it. It helps expand awareness and intellect. When there are emotional issues that cause disease, Lapis helps diminish the external symptoms and release problems related to the disease. This stone eases depression and balances male and female energies. It is also a protective stone. Lapis Lazuli harmonizes your heart and mind as it forges stronger bonds between them. The energy radiated by Lapis can help you experience the energy and power you possess within. A powerful thought amplifyer.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Meanings of Stones", "title": "", "outputColName": "Said to help you reach \"extremely high spiritual spaces\". It has a high inspirational influence. It helps activate the third eye center. Physically it helps the nervous system and the digestive system.", "url": "http://www.leaningtreedesigns.com/meanings_of_stones.htm", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987402.78_20150728002307-00100-ip-10-236-191-2_549923468_3.json"} {"task": "7e41f6d0_brary_of_Economics_and_Liberty__INDIVIDUAL_", "input": "[RACE.] 1. The race at first glance is visible in the sameness of the human frame. [INDIVIDUAL.] ", "output": "1. One's special individuality is, as a peculiar faculty of the mind, concealed in the body.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Lalor, Cyclopaedia of Political Science, V.2, Entry 178, INDIVIDUAL AND THE RACE | Library of Economics and Liberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "INDIVIDUAL.", "url": "http://econlib.org/library/YPDBooks/Lalor/llCy569.html", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987228.91_20150728002307-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_72489429_6.json"} {"task": "7e41f6d0_brary_of_Economics_and_Liberty__INDIVIDUAL_", "input": "[RACE.] 2. The race is, however, not mere corporeal matter; the organs of the body are at the same time psychic organs. There are also universal instincts of the race, as for instance, the instinct for nourishment, the sexual instinct, the universal moral faculties, conscience, the universal intellectual faculties, human intellect; therefore, in a word, in the race there is also a common spirit. [INDIVIDUAL.] ", "output": "2. The hidden nature of the mind of the individual strives to become visible, and becomes most clearly so in words and deeds. In exalted and excited moments it is radiated visibly from the body, and its finer or coarser lines impress lasting traces on the body.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Lalor, Cyclopaedia of Political Science, V.2, Entry 178, INDIVIDUAL AND THE RACE | Library of Economics and Liberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "INDIVIDUAL.", "url": "http://econlib.org/library/YPDBooks/Lalor/llCy569.html", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987228.91_20150728002307-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_72489429_6.json"} {"task": "7e41f6d0_brary_of_Economics_and_Liberty__INDIVIDUAL_", "input": "[RACE.] 3. The human race is originally the work of the creation, but since then has been transmitted from parents to children. The human race rests, therefore, upon propagation through human beings. It preserves its coherence through ancestors and descendants, under the generations, which follow one another. Natural right of inheritance is an effect of race. [INDIVIDUAL.] ", "output": "3. The individual mind is not the continuation of the parents'. Its production is a new act of creation. Talents and the particular spirit are not transmitted, and an individual may have an entirely different disposition from his parents or his family. Individuals create the new in the world.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Lalor, Cyclopaedia of Political Science, V.2, Entry 178, INDIVIDUAL AND THE RACE | Library of Economics and Liberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "INDIVIDUAL.", "url": "http://econlib.org/library/YPDBooks/Lalor/llCy569.html", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987228.91_20150728002307-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_72489429_6.json"} {"task": "7e41f6d0_brary_of_Economics_and_Liberty__INDIVIDUAL_", "input": "[RACE.] 4. Race is necessarily bound to the surface of the earth, which nourishes and supports it. It is essentially earthly. [INDIVIDUAL.] ", "output": "4. The individual mind is not bound to the earth. The whole terrestrial globe is a plaything for it, and it translates itself without trouble to the most distant stars.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Lalor, Cyclopaedia of Political Science, V.2, Entry 178, INDIVIDUAL AND THE RACE | Library of Economics and Liberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "INDIVIDUAL.", "url": "http://econlib.org/library/YPDBooks/Lalor/llCy569.html", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987228.91_20150728002307-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_72489429_6.json"} {"task": "7e41f6d0_brary_of_Economics_and_Liberty__INDIVIDUAL_", "input": "[RACE.] 5. Race undergoes necessarily a series of transformations. In regular order the different steps of age succeed each other. After youth follows old age, as death follows birth. No one, who lives long, can avoid this evolution, which is independent of him as a power of nature. [INDIVIDUAL.] ", "output": "5. The individual mind remains essentially the same from childhood to old age. A youthful individual mind remains young, although the hair may be white; while an oldish mind is old, even in childhood. The individual develops himself by his work. His works are like himself.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Lalor, Cyclopaedia of Political Science, V.2, Entry 178, INDIVIDUAL AND THE RACE | Library of Economics and Liberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "INDIVIDUAL.", "url": "http://econlib.org/library/YPDBooks/Lalor/llCy569.html", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987228.91_20150728002307-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_72489429_6.json"} {"task": "7e41f6d0_brary_of_Economics_and_Liberty__INDIVIDUAL_", "input": "[RACE.] 6. In the external nature of man, in the human race, a complete system of faculties in perfect order is visible. Man is created in relative perfection, a microcosmic picture of the perfection of God. [INDIVIDUAL.] ", "output": "6. Individual minds are endowed, for the most part, only deficiently and incompletely. They are generally only incomplete thoughts of God; single living words, not a complete language. But, with the help of the race, they work themselves up to perfection.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Lalor, Cyclopaedia of Political Science, V.2, Entry 178, INDIVIDUAL AND THE RACE | Library of Economics and Liberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "INDIVIDUAL.", "url": "http://econlib.org/library/YPDBooks/Lalor/llCy569.html", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987228.91_20150728002307-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_72489429_6.json"} {"task": "7e41f6d0_brary_of_Economics_and_Liberty__INDIVIDUAL_", "input": "[RACE.] 7. Race is similarity. In all essential relations the thousands of millions of men, who have already lived or shall yet live, are endowed with the same physical organs in the same order, and the same psychic powers; and all are subject to the same development with age. [INDIVIDUAL.] ", "output": "7. Difference is the characteristic quality of the individual. Talents and all special gifts are distributed unequally. Achilles and Thersites, C\u00e6sar and Lucullus, were infinitely different, although as belonging to the same race of people and living in the same period they were classed together.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Lalor, Cyclopaedia of Political Science, V.2, Entry 178, INDIVIDUAL AND THE RACE | Library of Economics and Liberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "INDIVIDUAL.", "url": "http://econlib.org/library/YPDBooks/Lalor/llCy569.html", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987228.91_20150728002307-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_72489429_6.json"} {"task": "7e41f6d0_brary_of_Economics_and_Liberty__INDIVIDUAL_", "input": "[RACE.] 8. Race unites its members in a necessary community. Whoever tries to withdraw himself from this community revolts against nature and breaks the faith which he owes his kind. [INDIVIDUAL.] ", "output": "8. The individual is first of all interested in himself and has his own life, distinct from other individuals. With free choice he seeks his own companions, and extends his hand of his own free will to them for common work.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Lalor, Cyclopaedia of Political Science, V.2, Entry 178, INDIVIDUAL AND THE RACE | Library of Economics and Liberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "INDIVIDUAL.", "url": "http://econlib.org/library/YPDBooks/Lalor/llCy569.html", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987228.91_20150728002307-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_72489429_6.json"} {"task": "7e41f6d0_brary_of_Economics_and_Liberty__INDIVIDUAL_", "input": "[RACE.] 9. The human race means the unity of the human kind. The history of the world is the record of the fulfillment of its destiny. [INDIVIDUAL.] ", "output": "9. Individuals are multiformity. The tasks of individual life promote, but sometimes impede, the progress of human society.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Lalor, Cyclopaedia of Political Science, V.2, Entry 178, INDIVIDUAL AND THE RACE | Library of Economics and Liberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "INDIVIDUAL.", "url": "http://econlib.org/library/YPDBooks/Lalor/llCy569.html", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987228.91_20150728002307-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_72489429_6.json"} {"task": "7e41f6d0_brary_of_Economics_and_Liberty__INDIVIDUAL_", "input": "[RACE.] 10. The aggregate will has its natural foundation in the community and unity of the race. [INDIVIDUAL.] ", "output": "10. The individual will is the expression of the individual mind.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Lalor, Cyclopaedia of Political Science, V.2, Entry 178, INDIVIDUAL AND THE RACE | Library of Economics and Liberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "INDIVIDUAL.", "url": "http://econlib.org/library/YPDBooks/Lalor/llCy569.html", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987228.91_20150728002307-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_72489429_6.json"} {"task": "7e41f6d0_brary_of_Economics_and_Liberty__INDIVIDUAL_", "input": "[RACE.] 11. When the aggregate will rules one-sidedly, the freedom of the individual is lost, and the despotism of the whole prevails: the reciprocal action between the freedom of the individual and the despotism of the whole is unavoidable. [INDIVIDUAL.] ", "output": "11. When individual will asserts itself, without regard to the aggregate will, then we have anarchy.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Lalor, Cyclopaedia of Political Science, V.2, Entry 178, INDIVIDUAL AND THE RACE | Library of Economics and Liberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "INDIVIDUAL.", "url": "http://econlib.org/library/YPDBooks/Lalor/llCy569.html", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987228.91_20150728002307-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_72489429_6.json"} {"task": "7e41f6d0_brary_of_Economics_and_Liberty__INDIVIDUAL_", "input": "[RACE.] In the repose of man the life of the race predominates. [INDIVIDUAL.] ", "output": "In the work of man the life of the individual is heightened.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Lalor, Cyclopaedia of Political Science, V.2, Entry 178, INDIVIDUAL AND THE RACE | Library of Economics and Liberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "INDIVIDUAL.", "url": "http://econlib.org/library/YPDBooks/Lalor/llCy569.html", "wdcFile": "17/1438042987228.91_20150728002307-00270-ip-10-236-191-2_72489429_6.json"} {"task": "81ee4b67_art_1___from_Reason_to_Freedom__Amendment_Text", "input": "[#] 1 [In Other Words, Notes] The state does not compel any religion, nor does it prohibit any religion. The right of the people to speak, write, and publish is absolute. As is their right to publicly associate with one another and petition without government approval. [Amendment Text] ", "output": "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Freedom: It's the Law, Part 1 | from Reason to Freedom", "title": "", "outputColName": "Amendment Text", "url": "http://www.reasontofreedom.com/Bill_of_Rights.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042990603.54_20150728002310-00091-ip-10-236-191-2_677904902_2.json"} {"task": "81ee4b67_art_1___from_Reason_to_Freedom__Amendment_Text", "input": "[#] 2 [In Other Words, Notes] You have the right of self-protection from criminals and the state, by use of firearms. No federal law. No BATF. [Amendment Text] ", "output": "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Freedom: It's the Law, Part 1 | from Reason to Freedom", "title": "", "outputColName": "Amendment Text", "url": "http://www.reasontofreedom.com/Bill_of_Rights.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042990603.54_20150728002310-00091-ip-10-236-191-2_677904902_2.json"} {"task": "81ee4b67_art_1___from_Reason_to_Freedom__Amendment_Text", "input": "[#] 3 [In Other Words, Notes] Not often an issue yet, but soldiers of the government cannot appropriate private property, nor use it without due process. Might have helped in Waco. [Amendment Text] ", "output": "No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Freedom: It's the Law, Part 1 | from Reason to Freedom", "title": "", "outputColName": "Amendment Text", "url": "http://www.reasontofreedom.com/Bill_of_Rights.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042990603.54_20150728002310-00091-ip-10-236-191-2_677904902_2.json"} {"task": "81ee4b67_art_1___from_Reason_to_Freedom__Amendment_Text", "input": "[#] 4 [In Other Words, Notes] People have absolute dominion over their own property and persons, and these rights cannot be abridged unless they themselves have violated the property or persons of others\u2014committed a crime. Even in that case, due process must be observed. [Amendment Text] ", "output": "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Freedom: It's the Law, Part 1 | from Reason to Freedom", "title": "", "outputColName": "Amendment Text", "url": "http://www.reasontofreedom.com/Bill_of_Rights.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042990603.54_20150728002310-00091-ip-10-236-191-2_677904902_2.json"} {"task": "81ee4b67_art_1___from_Reason_to_Freedom__Amendment_Text", "input": "[#] 5 [In Other Words, Notes] A crime is generally an aggression on the persons or property of others. There are very few crimes against the state: essentially treason and breach of trust. An \"infamous crime\" is what we generally call a felony. The states deal with crimes. This amendment protects those accused of crimes against the state and has later been federalized to protect all citizens against state abuses. Eminent domain requires public use and just compensation. [Amendment Text] ", "output": "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Freedom: It's the Law, Part 1 | from Reason to Freedom", "title": "", "outputColName": "Amendment Text", "url": "http://www.reasontofreedom.com/Bill_of_Rights.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042990603.54_20150728002310-00091-ip-10-236-191-2_677904902_2.json"} {"task": "81ee4b67_art_1___from_Reason_to_Freedom__Amendment_Text", "input": "[#] 6 [In Other Words, Notes] More rights of people accused of crimes, especially jury of one's peers. The intent of the jury is to provide final protection against enforcement of tyrannical laws. Juries have the right to judge law and fact, and can throw out bad law\u2014most statutory law is aggressive bad law. You have the presumption of innocence, the state must prove guilt. See FIJA. [Amendment Text] ", "output": "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Freedom: It's the Law, Part 1 | from Reason to Freedom", "title": "", "outputColName": "Amendment Text", "url": "http://www.reasontofreedom.com/Bill_of_Rights.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042990603.54_20150728002310-00091-ip-10-236-191-2_677904902_2.json"} {"task": "81ee4b67_art_1___from_Reason_to_Freedom__Amendment_Text", "input": "[#] 7 [In Other Words, Notes] Not being a Constitutional scholar (yet), my sense of the 7th amendment is common law outranks statutory law and the nonaggression principle trumps any state rules. You have a right to jury trial for relatively small crimes. [Amendment Text] ", "output": "In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Freedom: It's the Law, Part 1 | from Reason to Freedom", "title": "", "outputColName": "Amendment Text", "url": "http://www.reasontofreedom.com/Bill_of_Rights.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042990603.54_20150728002310-00091-ip-10-236-191-2_677904902_2.json"} {"task": "81ee4b67_art_1___from_Reason_to_Freedom__Amendment_Text", "input": "[#] 8 [In Other Words, Notes] Any felonious punishment for a victimless crime shall be considered a violation of this amendment. [Amendment Text] ", "output": "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Freedom: It's the Law, Part 1 | from Reason to Freedom", "title": "", "outputColName": "Amendment Text", "url": "http://www.reasontofreedom.com/Bill_of_Rights.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042990603.54_20150728002310-00091-ip-10-236-191-2_677904902_2.json"} {"task": "81ee4b67_art_1___from_Reason_to_Freedom__Amendment_Text", "input": "[#] 9 [In Other Words, Notes] Just because we didn't state the right here doesn't mean you don't have the right. You have the unspecified right. [Amendment Text] ", "output": "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Freedom: It's the Law, Part 1 | from Reason to Freedom", "title": "", "outputColName": "Amendment Text", "url": "http://www.reasontofreedom.com/Bill_of_Rights.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042990603.54_20150728002310-00091-ip-10-236-191-2_677904902_2.json"} {"task": "81ee4b67_art_1___from_Reason_to_Freedom__Amendment_Text", "input": "[#] 10 [In Other Words, Notes] The state has no powers not specifically identified in this document. You have every freedom not specifically denied by this document. [Amendment Text] ", "output": "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Freedom: It's the Law, Part 1 | from Reason to Freedom", "title": "", "outputColName": "Amendment Text", "url": "http://www.reasontofreedom.com/Bill_of_Rights.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042990603.54_20150728002310-00091-ip-10-236-191-2_677904902_2.json"} {"task": "14ad44ba_ar_Eclipses_through_the_houses__ar_Eclipse_Activity_Potentials", "input": "[Sun in House] One [Moon in House] Seven", "output": "You are in a position of choosing the outcome, particularly in a relationship situation \u2013 Keep a partner; snag a new partner; or release a partner. Legal matters could also be at issue. This is an excellent time for resolution to your benefit, even if you don\u2019t end up winning the lawsuit. Enemies are likely to leave you alone at this point if you tell them to. Peace is at hand with this transit, if you choose.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Astrology of Lunar Eclipses through the houses", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lunar Eclipse Activity Potentials", "url": "http://www.lunarliving.org/moon/astrology-lunareclipses-zodiachouses.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00228-ip-10-236-191-2_560719013_4.json"} {"task": "14ad44ba_ar_Eclipses_through_the_houses__ar_Eclipse_Activity_Potentials", "input": "[Sun in House] Two [Moon in House] Eight", "output": "An excellent period for matters involving material goods. It tends to be a transformative period involving sex, death, and/or taxes. Sex does not necessarily mean \u201cthe act\u201d but could involve sexual organs or an awareness of a sexual concept. Death also does not necessarily mean \u201cliteral death\u201d but could involve the death of an outdated idea or situation so that you can begin anew. Taxes, on the other hand, mean taxes and tax debt. No pseudonym for that one.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Astrology of Lunar Eclipses through the houses", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lunar Eclipse Activity Potentials", "url": "http://www.lunarliving.org/moon/astrology-lunareclipses-zodiachouses.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00228-ip-10-236-191-2_560719013_4.json"} {"task": "14ad44ba_ar_Eclipses_through_the_houses__ar_Eclipse_Activity_Potentials", "input": "[Sun in House] Three [Moon in House] Nine", "output": "New cultural awareness (or differences) without leaving your neighborhood. Or, in the alternative, traveling a long distance in a very short period of time. Both are possibilities with the Third and Ninth houses are involved. Religion, spiritual philosophies, or education are also possibilities. Using education as an example, this is likely a time to let go of some work obligations so that you can return to school or, in the alternative, a time to finish up the education to return to the work force.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Astrology of Lunar Eclipses through the houses", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lunar Eclipse Activity Potentials", "url": "http://www.lunarliving.org/moon/astrology-lunareclipses-zodiachouses.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00228-ip-10-236-191-2_560719013_4.json"} {"task": "14ad44ba_ar_Eclipses_through_the_houses__ar_Eclipse_Activity_Potentials", "input": "[Sun in House] Four [Moon in House] Ten", "output": "An awakening of the family to public scrutiny because of one\u2019s career is one possibility. Another might involve a new sense of familial power or authority within a family situation that did not exist in the past. The emphasis is on family and career priorities. The home in the form of real estate may also become the issue demanding your attention.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Astrology of Lunar Eclipses through the houses", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lunar Eclipse Activity Potentials", "url": "http://www.lunarliving.org/moon/astrology-lunareclipses-zodiachouses.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00228-ip-10-236-191-2_560719013_4.json"} {"task": "14ad44ba_ar_Eclipses_through_the_houses__ar_Eclipse_Activity_Potentials", "input": "[Sun in House] Five [Moon in House] Eleven", "output": "There may be an emotional need to join an organization as a means to satisfy the feeling of \u201cbelonging.\u201d This is frequently a time when we step up to take on leadership roles within organizations that we already belong to. Another possible focus is children or pleasure derived from your creative side. It is not uncommon for the individual to discover that he/she is soon going to become a parent around the time of this Lunar event occurring in the 5th or 11th houses.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Astrology of Lunar Eclipses through the houses", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lunar Eclipse Activity Potentials", "url": "http://www.lunarliving.org/moon/astrology-lunareclipses-zodiachouses.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00228-ip-10-236-191-2_560719013_4.json"} {"task": "14ad44ba_ar_Eclipses_through_the_houses__ar_Eclipse_Activity_Potentials", "input": "[Sun in House] Six [Moon in House] Twelve", "output": "There is a likely to be an emotional need to turn inward for a period of time to listen to the inner messages. Others may also be drawn to you in an effort to be heard as they may feel your ability to truly understand their current situation. This is a period of heightened empathy. Be careful not to become too worn out in trying to help others solve their problems, lest it become your problem too. It is a time where we need to listen to our body\u2019s physical and emotional needs. Remember to exercise sensibly, get plenty of fresh air, eat with your health in mind and make sure to get plenty of rest.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Astrology of Lunar Eclipses through the houses", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lunar Eclipse Activity Potentials", "url": "http://www.lunarliving.org/moon/astrology-lunareclipses-zodiachouses.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00228-ip-10-236-191-2_560719013_4.json"} {"task": "14ad44ba_ar_Eclipses_through_the_houses__ar_Eclipse_Activity_Potentials", "input": "[Sun in House] Seven [Moon in House] One", "output": "The Lunar event in the first house can be one where you virtually wear your emotions on your sleeve. You may feel unable to contain or constrain your emotions. Everyone and their neighbor will likely know exactly how you are feeling. You may not feel like you have much control within relationships, either. The events may move so quickly that the situation with your partner is \u201csaid and done\u201d before you even had a chance to sort out what you really want.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Astrology of Lunar Eclipses through the houses", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lunar Eclipse Activity Potentials", "url": "http://www.lunarliving.org/moon/astrology-lunareclipses-zodiachouses.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00228-ip-10-236-191-2_560719013_4.json"} {"task": "14ad44ba_ar_Eclipses_through_the_houses__ar_Eclipse_Activity_Potentials", "input": "[Sun in House] Eight [Moon in House] Two", "output": "Discovering a need to receive something from someone else. A sense of self-security may be an issue highlighted at this time. Values based on self-worth and how that relates to others as the most basic level might become an issue. Your code of ethics \u2013 the rules that govern your sense of right and wrong \u2013 may be questioned or validated by others.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Astrology of Lunar Eclipses through the houses", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lunar Eclipse Activity Potentials", "url": "http://www.lunarliving.org/moon/astrology-lunareclipses-zodiachouses.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00228-ip-10-236-191-2_560719013_4.json"} {"task": "14ad44ba_ar_Eclipses_through_the_houses__ar_Eclipse_Activity_Potentials", "input": "[Sun in House] Nine [Moon in House] Three", "output": "Education and belief systems are sometimes at odds at this time. One could call this the eclipse of wisdom and knowledge given and received. Grandparents and grandchildren tend to learn something from each other. A sibling or neighbor may also have an emotional pull. This could be a time of learning the importance of basic and higher education regardless of whether than means actually attending school or graduating from the school of hard knocks.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Astrology of Lunar Eclipses through the houses", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lunar Eclipse Activity Potentials", "url": "http://www.lunarliving.org/moon/astrology-lunareclipses-zodiachouses.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00228-ip-10-236-191-2_560719013_4.json"} {"task": "14ad44ba_ar_Eclipses_through_the_houses__ar_Eclipse_Activity_Potentials", "input": "[Sun in House] Ten [Moon in House] Four", "output": "There might be a change in residence soon as a result of your job. It could indicate a form of retirement from your work or a need/desire to spend more time at home. A common theme is the emotional need redecorate or reconstruct the \u201chome\u201d or the ideal of home. Can be also bring a new awareness of balancing your time between home and career in the most productive manner without sacrificing one for the other. Childhood memories are frequently the underlying emotional base for change or conflict.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Astrology of Lunar Eclipses through the houses", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lunar Eclipse Activity Potentials", "url": "http://www.lunarliving.org/moon/astrology-lunareclipses-zodiachouses.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00228-ip-10-236-191-2_560719013_4.json"} {"task": "14ad44ba_ar_Eclipses_through_the_houses__ar_Eclipse_Activity_Potentials", "input": "[Sun in House] Eleven [Moon in House] Five", "output": "While there is the possibility that you might become more involved in social organizations, it is more likely that you will only do so, if you have the extra time already available to you. More likely, you look for emotional pleasures from creative projects or envision the potentials from taking a risk. Love can blossom or a new baby might be just around the corner. If you have children, you may find that they take center stage by needing you more now, or that you are feeling torn as they grow up and move away so quickly. While this may be a \u201clucky\u201d period for you, do not get drawn into the gambling mode that can ultimately take away all your pleasure in the game.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Astrology of Lunar Eclipses through the houses", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lunar Eclipse Activity Potentials", "url": "http://www.lunarliving.org/moon/astrology-lunareclipses-zodiachouses.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00228-ip-10-236-191-2_560719013_4.json"} {"task": "14ad44ba_ar_Eclipses_through_the_houses__ar_Eclipse_Activity_Potentials", "input": "[Sun in House] Twelve [Moon in House] Six", "output": "The Sun in the 12th house can indicate a time of self-awareness about restrictions. Health could be the subject that we focus on, but the overall outcome is typically positive. It could feel like a release from the chains that were binding you. A new outlet or a new perspective is on the horizon. You may find a new sense of empowerment by helping others in new ways.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Astrology of Lunar Eclipses through the houses", "title": "", "outputColName": "Lunar Eclipse Activity Potentials", "url": "http://www.lunarliving.org/moon/astrology-lunareclipses-zodiachouses.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042989018.48_20150728002309-00228-ip-10-236-191-2_560719013_4.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Apostolic Succession [Orthodox] This is an important part of Orthodox belief and ensures continuity with the church that Christ founded. [Roman Catholic] As in Orthodoxy, this is of vital importance to the church. There is also some degree of mutual recognition of the validity of Orthodox ordinations. [Protestant] ", "output": "With the exception of the Anglicans and some Lutherans, this idea is rejected. Rather it is important to emphasise continuity of teaching with that of the apostles, rather than a direct line of succession.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Bible - Composition of [Orthodox] Accept the 39 Old Testament and 27 New Testament books, but also a collection of books not found in the original Hebrew Bible. These are known as Deuterocanonicals i.e. a second canon of scripture. [Roman Catholic] Agrees with Orthodoxy as to the validity of these books. [Protestant] ", "output": "Protestants reject the deuterocanonicals as not being inspired scripture and term them Apocrypha (Greek: 'Hidden Things').", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Clergy - Qualification for [Orthodox] Priests and Bishops must be male, but deaconesses are permitted, though the order is dormant. Priests and deacons may marry before ordination but not after. Bishops, on the other hand, must be celibate. [Roman Catholic] All clergy are required to be male. Priests and Bishops must also be celibate, with the exception of Eastern Rite Catholics and Anglican married clergy who subsequently convert to Catholicism. These groups are allowed to have married priests. [Protestant] ", "output": "The majority of Protestants do not require celibacy as a condition of election to the clergy. Many churches practice female ordination, including those within the Anglican communion, where the issue of female episcopacy is currently being discussed.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Eucharist - Significance of [Orthodox] Commonly termed the 'Mystic Supper' or 'Divine Liturgy' - This makes present Christ's sacrifice and therefore forgiveness of sins is obtained through it. It is also an encounter with the Risen Christ. [Roman Catholic] The position is similar to the Orthodox. The Eucharist is also known as the 'Holy sacrifice of the Mass'. [Protestant] ", "output": "The Eucharist, like Baptism is only a symbol of grace. The sacrificial nature of the Eucharist is also rejected.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Eucharist - Presence of Christ in [Orthodox] During the Eucharist, the Priest calls down the Holy Spirit (in Greek: epiklesis) upon the gifts (the bread and the wine). They then change into the actual body and blood of Christ. The precise way in which this happens is a divine mystery. [Roman Catholic] As in Orthodoxy, the Priest invokes the Holy Spirit during the Mass. However, the consecration becomes effective through the Priest, who acts in the person of Christ. The gifts change completely into Christ's body and blood and this change is termed 'Transubstantiation' i.e. the outward appearance remains the same, but the substance changes. [Protestant] ", "output": "The bread and wine, being symbols, do not change substance. There are however, a wide variety of views held within Protestantism on this subject (e.g. some Anglicans accept the Catholic view, whereas Baptists deny it).", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Eucharist - Distribution of [Orthodox] The consecrated elements can only be received by members. Orthodox policy is to have communion in both kinds (i.e. both the bread and wine are given to those present). [Roman Catholic] As with Orthodoxy, only members of the church may receive. In some Catholic Churches, the bread alone is given to the congregation, the Priest receiving the wine. However, it is becoming common for churches to have communion in both kinds. [Protestant] ", "output": "The elements are usually offered to all Christians who feel able to partake of them. The vast majority of Protestant churches have communion in both kinds.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Holy Spirit [Orthodox] The third person of the Trinity, proceeding from the Father alone as in the original Nicene Creed. The Father sends the Spirit at the intercession of the Son. The Son is therefore an agent only in the procession of the Spirit. [Roman Catholic] Agrees with the Protestant view. Ambrose of Milan (340-397) wrote: 'When the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, He is not separated from the Father, He is not separated from the Son'. [Protestant] ", "output": "The Holy Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son. The Nicene creed includes the filioque (Latin: 'and the son').", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Marriage and Divorce [Orthodox] Marriage is a mystical union between a man and a woman. Divorce is generally only allowed in cases of adultery, though there are exceptions. [Roman Catholic] Marriage is seen as an unbreakable contract & a type of Christ and the church. Remarriage after divorce is not permitted unless there is some canonical impediment to the marriage. In this situation, an annulment may be granted. [Protestant] ", "output": "Marriage is a contract, but is not unbreakable. Divorce is discouraged, but permitted as evidence of human weakness. Some denominations permit remarriage in church.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Mary - Assumption and Immaculate conception of [Orthodox] The Assumption is accepted and it is agreed that Mary experienced physical death, but the Immaculate conception is rejected. Orthodox belief is that the guilt of original sin is not transmitted from one generation to the next, thus obviating the need for Mary to be sinless. [Roman Catholic] Both are dogmas of the church. The church has not as yet decided whether Mary actually experienced Physical death. The dogma of the Immaculate Conception states that Mary, was at conception 'preserved immaculate from all stain of original sin' and should not be confused with the virgin birth. [Protestant] ", "output": "Both are denied. The claim that Mary was sinless is rejected - only Christ was sinless.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Mary - Position of [Orthodox] Mary is venerated as Theotokos (Greek: 'God-bearer'). By this is meant that the son she bore was God in human form. She is first amongst the saints and 'ever-virgin'. [Roman Catholic] The view is similar to the Orthodox church - the title 'Mother of God' being used more commonly than Theotokos. This title forms one of the 'Marian Dogmas' of the Church. The others are Mary's perpetual virginity, assumption and immaculate conception. [Protestant] ", "output": "Mary was a holy woman who was chosen to bear the Son of God. Her perpetual virginity and intercession are denied.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Pope - Authority of [Orthodox] As the Bishop of Rome, he has a primacy of honour when Orthodox, not of jurisdiction. At present, his primacy is not effective as the papacy needs to be reformed in accordance with Orthodoxy. His authority is thus no greater or lesser than any of his fellow Bishops in the church. [Roman Catholic] The Pope is the 'Vicar of Christ' i.e. the visible head of the church on earth and spiritual successor of St. Peter. He has supreme authority (including that over church councils) within Christendom (The Power of the keys). [Protestant] ", "output": "The Pope is the leader of the Catholic church, having no authority to speak for the church as a whole.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Pope - Infallibility of [Orthodox] Papal Infallibility is rejected. The Holy Spirit acts to guide the church into truth through (for example) ecumenical councils. This Orthodoxy recognises the first seven ecumenical councils (325-787) as being infallible. [Roman Catholic] The Pope is infallible when, through the Holy Spirit, he defines a doctrine on faith and morals that is to be held by the whole church. This is a dogma and is therefore a required belief within Catholicism. [Protestant] ", "output": "Protestants also reject Papal infallibility. The only source of infallible teaching is that found in the Bible.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Purgatory [Orthodox] An intermediate state between earth and heaven is recognised, but cleansing and purification occur in this life, not the next. [Roman Catholic] A place of cleansing and preparation for heaven. Also a place where the punishment due to unremitted venial sins may be expiated. [Protestant] ", "output": "Purgatory is rejected - Christ's death on the cross is sufficient to remove the penalty for all our sins.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Sacraments [Orthodox] There are at least seven Sacraments (known as 'Mysteries' in Orthodoxy): Baptism, Chrismation, Eucharist, Holy Orders, Holy Unction, Marriage (Holy Matrimony) and Penance (Confession). The list is not fixed. [Roman Catholic] The number of Sacraments is fixed at seven and is the same list as that in Orthodoxy, with the exception of Chrismation, which is generally known as 'Confirmation'. [Protestant] ", "output": "Generally, only two sacraments (also known as Ordinances) are recognised: Baptism and the Eucharist (often called 'Holy Communion' or the 'Lord's Supper').", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Sacraments - Effect of [Orthodox] The Mysteries convey grace to those who participate in them worthily. [Roman Catholic] Agrees with the Orthodox position. The Sacraments are signs that effect that which they signify. [Protestant] ", "output": "There is a diverse range of opinions, but many Protestants regard the Sacraments as symbols or reminders of Grace already given.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Saints [Orthodox] A special group of holy people, who are venerated. They may act as intercessors between God and Man and may be invoked in prayer. [Roman Catholic] The position is very similar to Orthodoxy. For sainthood, it is also required that at least two verifiable miracles have occured as a result of the intercession of that person. [Protestant] ", "output": "All Christians are saints, called to imitate Christ. Only Christ may mediate between God and Man.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Salvation [Orthodox] Salvation is \"faith working through love\" and should be seen as a life long process. The Ultimate aim of every Orthodox Christian is to obtain Theosis or union with God. This is done through living a holy life and seeking to draw closer to God. [Roman Catholic] Salvation is by grace, specifically sanctifying grace, which is given initially through Baptismal regeneration and then maintained through the Sacraments, which are 'channels of grace'. [Protestant] ", "output": "Salvation is the free and unmerited gift of God to man. It is obtained by grace through faith in Christ alone. Through Christ's atoning sacrifice, we are rendered acceptable to God and judged righteous (justified) in his sight.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Scripture - Importance of [Orthodox] There is one source of divine revelation: Tradition. Scripture forms the oral part, and the writings of saints, decisions of ecumenical councils etc. are also part of it. [Roman Catholic] Alongside Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition (i.e. teachings handed down from Christ and the apostles to the present) are to be considered sources of divine revelation. Tradition and scripture are interpreted by the magisterium or teaching authority of the church. [Protestant] ", "output": "Scripture alone is the only infallible guide and the final authority on matters of Christian faith and practice (One of the foundational principles of Protestantism).", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Worship and Liturgy [Orthodox] The 'Divine Liturgy' is the centre of Orthodox spirituality. Worship is usually in the vernacular, though Greek is also used. [Roman Catholic] Worship is centred around the Mass. Following the Vatican II council (1962-5), greater emphasis was placed on worship in the vernacular, though the traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass is also used. [Protestant] ", "output": "There are a wide variety of worship styles. Examples include the spontaneity of the Pentecostal churches, and the more traditional worship of the Anglican churches in the Catholic tradition.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "43e0429e_testantism___Roman_Catholicism__Protestant", "input": "[Topic] Topic [Orthodox] Orthodox [Roman Catholic] Roman Catholic [Protestant] ", "output": "Protestant", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Comparison between Orthodoxy, Protestantism & Roman Catholicism", "title": "", "outputColName": "Protestant", "url": "http://christianityinview.com/comparison.html", "wdcFile": "32/1438042988650.53_20150728002308-00008-ip-10-236-191-2_47870925_0.json"} {"task": "f61a6bb6_Me__Me__Me____HAHAHAH_______Who_Demonstrated_Faith", "input": "[Reference] Matthew 8:1-4 [Miracles of the Lord] Leprosy was cured from a man. [Who Demonstrated Faith] ", "output": "The leper. He approached the Savior and requested that He heal him \"If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Me, Me, Me....HAHAHAH!!!!!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Who Demonstrated Faith", "url": "http://nebesville.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "21/1438043062635.98_20150728002422-00030-ip-10-236-191-2_185917345_1.json"} {"task": "f61a6bb6_Me__Me__Me____HAHAHAH_______Who_Demonstrated_Faith", "input": "[Reference] Matthew 8:5-13 [Miracles of the Lord] The centurion's servant was healed from a distance. [Who Demonstrated Faith] ", "output": "The centurion demonstrated compassion for his servant, and he also demonstrated faith. He knew that Jesus did not even had to be present for the servant to be healed. \"...but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Me, Me, Me....HAHAHAH!!!!!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Who Demonstrated Faith", "url": "http://nebesville.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "21/1438043062635.98_20150728002422-00030-ip-10-236-191-2_185917345_1.json"} {"task": "f61a6bb6_Me__Me__Me____HAHAHAH_______Who_Demonstrated_Faith", "input": "[Reference] Matthew 8:14-15 [Miracles of the Lord] Peter's mother-in-law was healed. [Who Demonstrated Faith] ", "output": "The scripture does not mention much detail on this story, but it is safe to say that Peter, his wife, and his mother-in-law showed faith. Matthew does mention that after her fever left her she immediately started to minister to Jesus and those in the house. This to me shows her faith that her fever was cure because of the Savior.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Me, Me, Me....HAHAHAH!!!!!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Who Demonstrated Faith", "url": "http://nebesville.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "21/1438043062635.98_20150728002422-00030-ip-10-236-191-2_185917345_1.json"} {"task": "f61a6bb6_Me__Me__Me____HAHAHAH_______Who_Demonstrated_Faith", "input": "[Reference] Matthew 8:16 [Miracles of the Lord] Devils were cast out, the sick were healed. [Who Demonstrated Faith] ", "output": "The scripture states that those who were healed were brought to the Savior to be healed. It seems that those who brought them exercised great faith by bringing them to Jesus, even if it was late in the day and they could have waited until morning, except that their faith could not let them wait any longer.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Me, Me, Me....HAHAHAH!!!!!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Who Demonstrated Faith", "url": "http://nebesville.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "21/1438043062635.98_20150728002422-00030-ip-10-236-191-2_185917345_1.json"} {"task": "f61a6bb6_Me__Me__Me____HAHAHAH_______Who_Demonstrated_Faith", "input": "[Reference] \u200b\u200bMatthew 8:23-27 [Miracles of the Lord] Jesus calmed the storm. [Who Demonstrated Faith] ", "output": "Jesus had faith that His power was such that he could calm the storm.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Me, Me, Me....HAHAHAH!!!!!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Who Demonstrated Faith", "url": "http://nebesville.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "21/1438043062635.98_20150728002422-00030-ip-10-236-191-2_185917345_1.json"} {"task": "f61a6bb6_Me__Me__Me____HAHAHAH_______Who_Demonstrated_Faith", "input": "[Reference] Matthew 8:28-34 [Miracles of the Lord] More devils are cast out. [Who Demonstrated Faith] ", "output": "The two people possessed with devils.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Me, Me, Me....HAHAHAH!!!!!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Who Demonstrated Faith", "url": "http://nebesville.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "21/1438043062635.98_20150728002422-00030-ip-10-236-191-2_185917345_1.json"} {"task": "f61a6bb6_Me__Me__Me____HAHAHAH_______Who_Demonstrated_Faith", "input": "[Reference] Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34 [Miracles of the Lord] The woman with an issue of blood was healed. [Who Demonstrated Faith] ", "output": "This poor woman had had a health problem for the past 12 years, and when she had heard that Jesus was nearby, knew that by simply touching him that she would be healed. She sought the Savior and did the best that she could to receive the miracle she needed.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Me, Me, Me....HAHAHAH!!!!!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Who Demonstrated Faith", "url": "http://nebesville.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "21/1438043062635.98_20150728002422-00030-ip-10-236-191-2_185917345_1.json"} {"task": "f61a6bb6_Me__Me__Me____HAHAHAH_______Who_Demonstrated_Faith", "input": "[Reference] Matthew 9:27-31 [Miracles of the Lord] Two blind men receive sight. [Who Demonstrated Faith] ", "output": "The blind men sought Jesus out, which demonstrated great faith. Also, after the miracle was performed they could not help but go about and share the wonderful thing that had happened to them.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Me, Me, Me....HAHAHAH!!!!!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Who Demonstrated Faith", "url": "http://nebesville.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "21/1438043062635.98_20150728002422-00030-ip-10-236-191-2_185917345_1.json"} {"task": "f61a6bb6_Me__Me__Me____HAHAHAH_______Who_Demonstrated_Faith", "input": "[Reference] Mark 2:1-12 [Miracles of the Lord] Jesus healed a man sick of palsy [Who Demonstrated Faith] ", "output": "Jesus was in a house preaching, and there were so many people wanting to hear Him that the house was full. So full that two men could not bring their sick friend in, so they climbed to the roof of the house, broke part of the ceiling, and lowered their friend to Jesus. They went to great trouble because they knew in their hearts that the Savior was able to heal their friend.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Me, Me, Me....HAHAHAH!!!!!", "title": "", "outputColName": "Who Demonstrated Faith", "url": "http://nebesville.blogspot.com/", "wdcFile": "21/1438043062635.98_20150728002422-00030-ip-10-236-191-2_185917345_1.json"} {"task": "d33bd0bb_ationships___The_Crooked_Mouth__1", "input": "[0] View of the Poor [2] Key Biblical Texts [3] Expressions [4] Why the Poor are Poor [5] Christian Response [1] ", "output": "Theological Frame", "options": ["Theological Frame", "Creation", "Fall", "Incarnation", "Prophetic Eschatological", "Salvation Soteriological"], "pageTitle": "Shalom and the Poverty of Relationships | The Crooked MouthShalom and the Poverty of Relationships - The Crooked Mouth", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://thecrookedmouth.com/shalom-and-the-poverty-of-relationships/", "wdcFile": "14/1438042988860.88_20150728002308-00179-ip-10-236-191-2_233256333_0.json"} {"task": "d33bd0bb_ationships___The_Crooked_Mouth__1", "input": "[0] Poor made in the image of God [2] Genesis 1-2 [3] Poor as Creative. Poor as work of art. See God\u2019s hidden glory. [4] The poor lack skills, knowledge, and opportunity. [5] Enable the poor to be fruitful and productive. [1] ", "output": "Creation", "options": ["Theological Frame", "Creation", "Fall", "Incarnation", "Prophetic Eschatological", "Salvation Soteriological"], "pageTitle": "Shalom and the Poverty of Relationships | The Crooked MouthShalom and the Poverty of Relationships - The Crooked Mouth", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://thecrookedmouth.com/shalom-and-the-poverty-of-relationships/", "wdcFile": "14/1438042988860.88_20150728002308-00179-ip-10-236-191-2_233256333_0.json"} {"task": "d33bd0bb_ationships___The_Crooked_Mouth__1", "input": "[0] Poor as people in rebellion [2] Genesis 3 Proverbs [3] Poor as lazy. Poor make bad choices. God helps those who help themselves. [4] The poor are in rebellion and their culture keeps them poor. [5] Challenge the poor with the gospel and encourage them to make better choices. [1] ", "output": "Fall", "options": ["Theological Frame", "Creation", "Fall", "Incarnation", "Prophetic Eschatological", "Salvation Soteriological"], "pageTitle": "Shalom and the Poverty of Relationships | The Crooked MouthShalom and the Poverty of Relationships - The Crooked Mouth", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://thecrookedmouth.com/shalom-and-the-poverty-of-relationships/", "wdcFile": "14/1438042988860.88_20150728002308-00179-ip-10-236-191-2_233256333_0.json"} {"task": "d33bd0bb_ationships___The_Crooked_Mouth__1", "input": "[0] Poor as Christ incarnate [2] Gospels [3] Christ in the distressing guise of the poor. What you did for the least of these\u2026 [4] The poor lack love. [5] Accompany the poor and relieve suffering as possible. [1] ", "output": "Incarnation", "options": ["Theological Frame", "Creation", "Fall", "Incarnation", "Prophetic Eschatological", "Salvation Soteriological"], "pageTitle": "Shalom and the Poverty of Relationships | The Crooked MouthShalom and the Poverty of Relationships - The Crooked Mouth", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://thecrookedmouth.com/shalom-and-the-poverty-of-relationships/", "wdcFile": "14/1438042988860.88_20150728002308-00179-ip-10-236-191-2_233256333_0.json"} {"task": "d33bd0bb_ationships___The_Crooked_Mouth__1", "input": "[0] Poor as God\u2019s favorites [2] Exodus Prophets [3] Blessed are the poor for theirs will be the kingdom. Liberation theology [4] The poor are oppressed by the non-poor. Poverty is structural. [5] Work for justice. Help the poor find their voice and place in socio-political-economic system. [1] ", "output": "Prophetic Eschatological", "options": ["Theological Frame", "Creation", "Fall", "Incarnation", "Prophetic Eschatological", "Salvation Soteriological"], "pageTitle": "Shalom and the Poverty of Relationships | The Crooked MouthShalom and the Poverty of Relationships - The Crooked Mouth", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://thecrookedmouth.com/shalom-and-the-poverty-of-relationships/", "wdcFile": "14/1438042988860.88_20150728002308-00179-ip-10-236-191-2_233256333_0.json"} {"task": "d33bd0bb_ationships___The_Crooked_Mouth__1", "input": "[0] Poor as lost souls [2] Matthew 28 Acts [3] The better future lies in eternity. Save as many as we can. The poor will always be with you. [4] The poor are lost from God, and the kingdom if coming soon. [5] Proclaim the gospel and encourage the poor to respond. [1] ", "output": "Salvation Soteriological", "options": ["Theological Frame", "Creation", "Fall", "Incarnation", "Prophetic Eschatological", "Salvation Soteriological"], "pageTitle": "Shalom and the Poverty of Relationships | The Crooked MouthShalom and the Poverty of Relationships - The Crooked Mouth", "title": "", "outputColName": "1", "url": "http://thecrookedmouth.com/shalom-and-the-poverty-of-relationships/", "wdcFile": "14/1438042988860.88_20150728002308-00179-ip-10-236-191-2_233256333_0.json"} {"task": "5cfaf4f7_e__and_the_temple___FairMormon__The_Big_Love_Mormon_", "input": "[The Latter-day Saint] During a stake disciplinary council, there are 16 men. The stake presidency and a clerk are present, in addition to 12 high councilors. Six of the high councilors are assigned to defense and the other six are assigned to present evidence. The Bishop is not part of the council. The only reason that the Bishop would be allowed to be there would be as a witness. He would not be speaking or participating in the running of the proceedings. The \"sister wife\" would only be allowed to be there if she were a witness. Typically, the witnesses would wait outside until they are called. They would not be allowed to take notes. [The Big Love\"Mormon\"] ", "output": "A woman and one of her \"sister wives\" are sitting in a room. The Bishop and Stake President are sitting alone at the head of the table. There are six other men in the room (eight men total), and the two women.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mormonism and popular media/\"Big Love\" and the temple - FairMormon", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Big Love\"Mormon\"", "url": "http://en.fairmormon.org/%22Big_Love%22_and_the_temple", "wdcFile": "14/1438042986646.29_20150728002306-00229-ip-10-236-191-2_80375811_5.json"} {"task": "5cfaf4f7_e__and_the_temple___FairMormon__The_Big_Love_Mormon_", "input": "[The Latter-day Saint] This appears to be simply a plot device to tie in with the mysterious letter that has been driving the plot. [The Big Love\"Mormon\"] ", "output": "The following odd exchange occurs between the woman and the Stake President: Stake President: Well, let's begin. Are you taping this hearing? Woman: No. SP: Let me ask you again, are you taping this hearing. Woman: No, I am not. SP: Nothing in your purse? On your phone? Would you mind if we removed your bag from the room? Following this exchange, both of the women's purses are then taken out of the room.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mormonism and popular media/\"Big Love\" and the temple - FairMormon", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Big Love\"Mormon\"", "url": "http://en.fairmormon.org/%22Big_Love%22_and_the_temple", "wdcFile": "14/1438042986646.29_20150728002306-00229-ip-10-236-191-2_80375811_5.json"} {"task": "5cfaf4f7_e__and_the_temple___FairMormon__The_Big_Love_Mormon_", "input": "[The Latter-day Saint] As mentioned before, the Bishop should not be a participant. He should not be asking questions. [The Big Love\"Mormon\"] ", "output": "The Bishop says \"Have you had some time to pray and reflect upon your situation since we spoke?\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mormonism and popular media/\"Big Love\" and the temple - FairMormon", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Big Love\"Mormon\"", "url": "http://en.fairmormon.org/%22Big_Love%22_and_the_temple", "wdcFile": "14/1438042986646.29_20150728002306-00229-ip-10-236-191-2_80375811_5.json"} {"task": "5cfaf4f7_e__and_the_temple___FairMormon__The_Big_Love_Mormon_", "input": "[The Latter-day Saint] The question about wearing garments is standard in any temple recommend interview. If the woman were actually LDS, she wouldn't even be surprised by the question. Perhaps the answer that the woman gives to this question is how Latter-day Saints ought to respond when they are accused by critics of wearing \"magic underwear.\" It is ironic that this response was given. [The Big Love\"Mormon\"] ", "output": "This exchange occurs between the woman and the Stake President: SP: Are you still upholding your temple covenants? Woman: Yes, but my interpretation might conflict with yours. SP: Well, for example, are you wearing your garments? Woman: President Davis, are you asking me to tell you what kind of underwear I have on?", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mormonism and popular media/\"Big Love\" and the temple - FairMormon", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Big Love\"Mormon\"", "url": "http://en.fairmormon.org/%22Big_Love%22_and_the_temple", "wdcFile": "14/1438042986646.29_20150728002306-00229-ip-10-236-191-2_80375811_5.json"} {"task": "5cfaf4f7_e__and_the_temple___FairMormon__The_Big_Love_Mormon_", "input": "[The Latter-day Saint] Once again, the Bishop is not allowed to speak. He does not have authority in this proceeding. [The Big Love\"Mormon\"] ", "output": "The Bishop speaks up yet again, saying \"there's still an opportunity for you to find your way back to the Church. Will you repent?\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mormonism and popular media/\"Big Love\" and the temple - FairMormon", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Big Love\"Mormon\"", "url": "http://en.fairmormon.org/%22Big_Love%22_and_the_temple", "wdcFile": "14/1438042986646.29_20150728002306-00229-ip-10-236-191-2_80375811_5.json"} {"task": "5cfaf4f7_e__and_the_temple___FairMormon__The_Big_Love_Mormon_", "input": "[The Latter-day Saint] It is highly unlikely that any real LDS Stake President would consider a past practice of the Church that we consider to have been sanctioned by the Lord Himself as a \"misguided abomination.\" Nor would it be regarded as a \"shameful practice.\" The only somewhat accurate part of this statement is that is has no place in the modern Church. [The Big Love\"Mormon\"] ", "output": "The Stake President says: \"You know that polygamy is a misguided abomination. It's a shameful practice that has no place in the modern Church.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mormonism and popular media/\"Big Love\" and the temple - FairMormon", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Big Love\"Mormon\"", "url": "http://en.fairmormon.org/%22Big_Love%22_and_the_temple", "wdcFile": "14/1438042986646.29_20150728002306-00229-ip-10-236-191-2_80375811_5.json"} {"task": "5cfaf4f7_e__and_the_temple___FairMormon__The_Big_Love_Mormon_", "input": "[The Latter-day Saint] This exchange is actually an allusion to what happened with the so-called \"September Six.\" Church critics charge that the excommunication of what the media referred to as \"LDS scholars\" was in reality ordered by President Boyd K. Packer. [The Big Love\"Mormon\"] ", "output": "The following exchange is present simply to advance the plot regarding a mysterious letter which the Church wants. The woman asks the Stake President if \"this hearing [was] requested directly from Church headquarters\" and if he \"receive[d] instruction.\" The Stake President acts guilty and responds that he doesn't see \"how that's relevant\" to the proceeding. The woman then claims that she is being punished because of a \"certain letter\" that her husband helped to purchase for the Church which is claimed to expose that the Church never intended to cease the practice of polygamy. The existence of the letter has been a plot device throughout the entire third season.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mormonism and popular media/\"Big Love\" and the temple - FairMormon", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Big Love\"Mormon\"", "url": "http://en.fairmormon.org/%22Big_Love%22_and_the_temple", "wdcFile": "14/1438042986646.29_20150728002306-00229-ip-10-236-191-2_80375811_5.json"} {"task": "5cfaf4f7_e__and_the_temple___FairMormon__The_Big_Love_Mormon_", "input": "[The Latter-day Saint] This is another allusion to the critics' assertion that the Church disciplines scholars and attempts to hide the truth. The phrase from Elder Packer was taken from a talk called \"The Mantle is Far, Far Greater than the Intellect.\" The phrase \"some thing that are true are not very useful\" is a favorite of critics of the Church. It is used by them to support the idea that the Church excommunicates intellectuals and historians. See: Boyd K. Packer on the truth [The Big Love\"Mormon\"] ", "output": "The Stake President then actually mentions President Packer by name: \"...as our Elder Packer has said before, we all know that there's the temptation to tell everything, whether its worthy, or faith promoting or not. Some things that are true are not very useful.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mormonism and popular media/\"Big Love\" and the temple - FairMormon", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Big Love\"Mormon\"", "url": "http://en.fairmormon.org/%22Big_Love%22_and_the_temple", "wdcFile": "14/1438042986646.29_20150728002306-00229-ip-10-236-191-2_80375811_5.json"} {"task": "5cfaf4f7_e__and_the_temple___FairMormon__The_Big_Love_Mormon_", "input": "[The Latter-day Saint] This is the third time that the Bishop, who is not allowed on the council, has talked of repentance. It seems implied that repentance is simply a matter of admitting that you are wrong. In reality, it is much more complex than that. [The Big Love\"Mormon\"] ", "output": "The Bishop provides yet another appeal to repentance: \"...we sincerely want to help you escape this life. Don't turn against us. Will you repent?\" The Bishop also implies that if the disciplinary council follows through, that her \"eternal salvation\" will be lost.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mormonism and popular media/\"Big Love\" and the temple - FairMormon", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Big Love\"Mormon\"", "url": "http://en.fairmormon.org/%22Big_Love%22_and_the_temple", "wdcFile": "14/1438042986646.29_20150728002306-00229-ip-10-236-191-2_80375811_5.json"} {"task": "5cfaf4f7_e__and_the_temple___FairMormon__The_Big_Love_Mormon_", "input": "[The Latter-day Saint] This formal statement appears to have been added as a bit of Hollywood drama. \"Ancestors\" and \"progenitors\" (literally 'those who were born before you') are the same thing\u2014the expression is redundant. [The Big Love\"Mormon\"] ", "output": "The Stake President portentously declares: \"...henceforth your name shall be removed from the records of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You will not be allowed to partake of the sacrament. The sacred ordinances that bind you to your family, your ancestors, and your progenitors for all eternity are severed.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Mormonism and popular media/\"Big Love\" and the temple - FairMormon", "title": "", "outputColName": "The Big Love\"Mormon\"", "url": "http://en.fairmormon.org/%22Big_Love%22_and_the_temple", "wdcFile": "14/1438042986646.29_20150728002306-00229-ip-10-236-191-2_80375811_5.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 1 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "Having assembled to consult upon the interests of religion within this commonwealth, we would now, as Pastors and Teachers, in accordance with the custom of this Association, address you on some of the subjects which at the present time appear to us to have an important bearing upon the cause of Christ.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 2 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "The first topic upon which we would speak, has respect to the perplexed and agitating subjects which are now common amongst us.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 3 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "All that we would say at present with regard to these subjects, is this: They should not be forced on any church as matters for debate, at the hazard of alienation and division.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 4.1 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "Once it would have seemed strange even to hint that members of churches could wish to force a subject for debate upon their Pastor and their brethren of the same church.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 4.2 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "But we are compelled to mourn over the loss, in a degree, of that deference to the pastoral office, which no minister would arrogate, but which is at once a mark of christian urbanity, and a uniform attendant of the full influence of religion upon individual character.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 4.3 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "If there be a tendency in zeal upon these subjects to violate the principles and rules of christian intercourse, to interfere with the proper pastoral influence, and to make the church into which we flee from a troubled world for peace, a scene of \"doubtful disputations,\" there must be something wrong in that zeal or in the principles which excite it.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 4.4 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "If any are constrained to adopt those principles, and to use that zeal, we would affectionately and solemnly caution them not to disturb the influence of those ministers who think that the promotion of personal religion among their people, and the establishment of Christians in the faith and comfort of the Gospel, is the proper object of their ministry.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 5 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "II. We would call your attention to the importance of maintaining that respect and deference to the Pastoral office which is enjoined in Scripture, and which is essential to the best influence of the ministry on you and your children.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 6 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "One way in which this respect has been in some cases violated, is in encouraging lecturers or preachers on certain topics of reform to present their subjects within the parochial limits of settled pastors without their consent.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 7.1 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "Your minister is ordained of God to be your teacher, and is commanded to feed that flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made him overseer.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 7.2 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "If there are certain topics upon which he does not preach with the frequency, or in the manner that would please you, it is a violation of sacred and important rights to encourage a stranger to present them.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 7.3 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "Deference and subordination are essential to the happiness of society, and peculiarly so in the relation of a people to their pastor.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 7.4 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "Let them despise or slight him, and he ceases to do them good, and they cease to respect those things of which he is at once the minister and the symbol.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 7.5 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "There is great solemnity in those words: \"Obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves; for they watch for your souls as they that must give account.\"", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 7.6 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "It is because we desire the highest influence of the ministry upon you and your children, that we now exhort you to reverence that office which the ascending Redeemer selected from all his gifts as the highest token of his love and care for his people.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 8 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "III. We invite your attention to the dangers which at present seem to threaten the female character with wide spread and permanent injury.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 9.1 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "The appropriate duties and influence of women, are clearly stated in the New Testament. Those duties and that influence are unobtrusive and private, but the sources of mighty power.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 9.2 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "When the mild, dependent, softening influence of woman upon the sternness of man's opinions is fully exercised, society feels the effects of it in a thousand forms.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 9.3 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "The power of woman is in her dependence, flowing from the consciousness of that weakness which God has given her for her protection and which keeps her in those departments of life that form the character of individuals and of the nation.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 9.4 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "There are social influences which females use in promoting piety and the great objects of christian benevolence, which we cannot too highly commend.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 9.5 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "We appreciate the unostentatious prayers and efforts of woman, in advancing the cause of religion at home and abroad:--in Sabbath schools, in leading religious inquirers to their pastor for instruction, and in all such associated effort as becomes the modesty of her sex; and earnestly hope that she may abound more and more in these labours of piety and love.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 9.6 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "But when she assumes the place and tone of a man as a public reformer, our care and protection of her seem unnecessary, we put ourselves in self defence against her, she yields the power which God has given her for protection, and her character becomes unnatural.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 9.7 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "If the vine, whose strength and beauty is to lean upon the trellis work and half conceal its clusters, thinks to assume the independence and the overshadowing nature of the elm, it will not only cease to bear fruit, but fall in shame and dishonour into the dust.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 10 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "We cannot, therefore, but regret the mistaken conduct of those who encourage females to bear an obtrusive and ostentatious part in measures of reform, and countenance any of that sex who so far forget themselves as to itinerate in the character of public lecturers and teachers.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 11.1 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "We especially deplore the intimate acquaintance and promiscuous conversation of females with regard to things \"which ought not to be named;\" by which that modesty and delicacy which is the charm of domestic life, and which constitute the true influence of women in society are consumed, and the way opened, as we apprehend, for degeneracy and ruin.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 11.2 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "We say these things, not to discourage proper influences against sin, but to secure such reformation as we believe is scriptural and will be permanent.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 12 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "IV. We would set before you, as specially important in the present times, the cultivation of private christian character, and private efforts for the spiritual good of individuals.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 13.1 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "If every Christian will faithfully endeavor so to live and act, so to discipline his natural disposition, and to make such attainments in goodness as to receive a testimony like that which Enoch had before his translation, that he pleases God, true piety will be universal, and pure religion will prevent the incursions of doctrinal and practical errors.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 13.2 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "We should remember that while we strive to do good, it is of the first importance that we be good.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 13.3 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "The improvement of his individual christian character, should be the first and great object with every one.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 13.4 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "To exercise the feelings of which the Savior has set us an example, to be like Him in the spirit and temper of our minds, is the surest way to secure the approbation and love of God.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 13.5 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "Without this, our public efforts in the cause of God and man, however extensive and successful, will profit us nothing.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 14.1 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "If Christians will labor privately to form individual minds, especially those of the young, to virtue and religion, they will hasten the universal prevalence of religion by the most effectual means.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 14.2 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "We commend the Sabbath School, and the Bible Class to the members of our churches as opportunities of extensive and enduring influence.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 15.1 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "The regular, uniform discharge of the duties of our stations in the fear of God, the influence of faith, hope, and charity, upon the heart and conduct, a growing acquaintance with the Bible as a means of true and safe zeal, an increasing knowledge of the way of salvation by Christ, as a matter of personal experience and hope, should be the aim and end of every member of our churches.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 15.2 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "That we may be examples to you in these things, pray for us continually.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "c8757e22_Ministers__Massachusetts__1837__Brethren_and_Friends_", "input": "[s] 15.3 [Brethren and Friends,] ", "output": "And may grace, mercy, and peace be upon you and yours, and upon the whole Israel of God, Amen.", "options": [], "pageTitle": "Pastoral Letter of the General Association of Congregational Ministers, Massachusetts, 1837", "title": "", "outputColName": "Brethren and Friends,", "url": "http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/Kansas/abolition/PastoralLetter", "wdcFile": "3/1438042982745.46_20150728002302-00158-ip-10-236-191-2_860156266_0.json"} {"task": "00930a8a_Sparta_vs__Athens___Socyberty__0", "input": "[In Sparta\u2026] The government\u2019s main goal was the protection of the state, and the two kings led the army in war. [\u2026whereas in Athens\u2026] The government was more well-rounded. [0] ", "output": "Government", "options": ["Government", "Education", "Social roles and responsibilities", "Foreigners", "Views on freedom", "Economy", "Military"], "pageTitle": "Sparta vs. Athens | Socyberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://socyberty.com/history/sparta-vs-athens-2/", "wdcFile": "3/1438042988250.59_20150728002308-00052-ip-10-236-191-2_232380049_0.json"} {"task": "00930a8a_Sparta_vs__Athens___Socyberty__0", "input": "[In Sparta\u2026] The government started training boys at a very early age, with emphasis on military training and physical education. [\u2026whereas in Athens\u2026] Boys learned poetry, reading, writing, and music as well as physical education. [0] ", "output": "Education", "options": ["Government", "Education", "Social roles and responsibilities", "Foreigners", "Views on freedom", "Economy", "Military"], "pageTitle": "Sparta vs. Athens | Socyberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://socyberty.com/history/sparta-vs-athens-2/", "wdcFile": "3/1438042988250.59_20150728002308-00052-ip-10-236-191-2_232380049_0.json"} {"task": "00930a8a_Sparta_vs__Athens___Socyberty__0", "input": "[In Sparta\u2026] Things were run very strictly and everyone worked for the good of the state; all citizens had to be soldiers and helots (slaves) worked the land. [\u2026whereas in Athens\u2026] Read more in History \u00ab 10 Forecasts Nostradamus Most Horrendous! Why Do Called Black Friday? \u00bb People were given more freedom and were allowed to pursue any career that they wanted. [0] ", "output": "Social roles and responsibilities", "options": ["Government", "Education", "Social roles and responsibilities", "Foreigners", "Views on freedom", "Economy", "Military"], "pageTitle": "Sparta vs. Athens | Socyberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://socyberty.com/history/sparta-vs-athens-2/", "wdcFile": "3/1438042988250.59_20150728002308-00052-ip-10-236-191-2_232380049_0.json"} {"task": "00930a8a_Sparta_vs__Athens___Socyberty__0", "input": "[In Sparta\u2026] Foreigners were never allowed inside, and only the perioikoi were allowed to make contact with them (for trading). [\u2026whereas in Athens\u2026] Trade and travel were encouraged and foreigners were welcome, although they usually couldn\u2019t become citizens. [0] ", "output": "Foreigners", "options": ["Government", "Education", "Social roles and responsibilities", "Foreigners", "Views on freedom", "Economy", "Military"], "pageTitle": "Sparta vs. Athens | Socyberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://socyberty.com/history/sparta-vs-athens-2/", "wdcFile": "3/1438042988250.59_20150728002308-00052-ip-10-236-191-2_232380049_0.json"} {"task": "00930a8a_Sparta_vs__Athens___Socyberty__0", "input": "[In Sparta\u2026] Slaves called helots greatly outnumbered the Spartans, so they had to be prepared for slave revolts. [\u2026whereas in Athens\u2026] Slaves were treated fairly, could earn their freedom, and could appeal to mistreatment. [0] ", "output": "Views on freedom", "options": ["Government", "Education", "Social roles and responsibilities", "Foreigners", "Views on freedom", "Economy", "Military"], "pageTitle": "Sparta vs. Athens | Socyberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://socyberty.com/history/sparta-vs-athens-2/", "wdcFile": "3/1438042988250.59_20150728002308-00052-ip-10-236-191-2_232380049_0.json"} {"task": "00930a8a_Sparta_vs__Athens___Socyberty__0", "input": "[In Sparta\u2026] During the Archaic period, they traded with other Greek states, and their craftsmen produced high quality products. [\u2026whereas in Athens\u2026] The economy was based on slaves, who ran factories, worked in homes and on farms, and in other professions. Most people wanted to own one or two. [0] ", "output": "Economy", "options": ["Government", "Education", "Social roles and responsibilities", "Foreigners", "Views on freedom", "Economy", "Military"], "pageTitle": "Sparta vs. Athens | Socyberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://socyberty.com/history/sparta-vs-athens-2/", "wdcFile": "3/1438042988250.59_20150728002308-00052-ip-10-236-191-2_232380049_0.json"} {"task": "00930a8a_Sparta_vs__Athens___Socyberty__0", "input": "[In Sparta\u2026] All Spartan citizens were soldiers and spent their lives training and fighting, which made Sparta the strongest Greek military power by the Classical period. Women kept fit, too. [\u2026whereas in Athens\u2026] At the age of 18, all boys went to military school for two years, and serving in the army gave citizens their freedom. [0] ", "output": "Military", "options": ["Government", "Education", "Social roles and responsibilities", "Foreigners", "Views on freedom", "Economy", "Military"], "pageTitle": "Sparta vs. Athens | Socyberty", "title": "", "outputColName": "0", "url": "http://socyberty.com/history/sparta-vs-athens-2/", "wdcFile": "3/1438042988250.59_20150728002308-00052-ip-10-236-191-2_232380049_0.json"}